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Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

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Published by Colin Savage, 2023-08-04 18:15:06


Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

BURY ST. EDlVIUNDS. SUFFOLK. How J ames, 7 Risbygate st.. ••• ••• ••• • Coach Maker Howe John, Southgate st .......••••••••••••••••• Cooper Hubbard George, Risbygate st............... Surgeon Hughes M, Long Bracklartd., •••• Boot & Shoemaker Hunter & Son, ~1.bbeygate st, Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, & Auctioneers Hunter John, ditto ......... Wine & Spirit Merchant Hunter William, Risbygale st. ...... ..... Tea Dealer Huscroft M. A. Abbeygate st ... Straw Bonnet Maker Hyam L. Butter market ............ Tailor & Clothier Jmage Wm. Edw. School/tall st ............... Surgeon Irons Charles, Jlfeat market ............ Leather Cutter J ackson Charles, Spar hawk st.. ..... ........... Baker James William, Butter mm·ket ............... Fruiterer Jannings & Son, Abbeygate st ......... Linendrapers Jarman Isaac, Southgate st ...... u ............. Butcher Jarrold Francis, Risbygate st .................. Builder Jeffes Robert,.Brenlgovel st ............ William IVth Keeling Samuel, Northgate st.................. Tailor Kemp I. Long Bracklood ........................ Turner Kemp Rev. R. Northgate st ... Gent~ Boarding Schl Kent Thomas, Brentgovel st.... .... .... Kings Arms Kinage George, Angel hill ............. , ............• Bull Kinage George, Churchgate st..... ..... .... • Builder Kinage George, ditto..................... Confectioner Kin age J. J .. ditto ............................. Linendraper King Henry, Mustow st ..................... Bricklayer King John, Lang Bmckland ............... The Bushel King Thos. Butter market ... Grocer & Porter Mcht King Thomas, Hatter st ........................ Butcher Kitson George, Market hill ............ ~ ..... Plumber Kits on Sarah, Honey hill..................... Plumber Lanham George, Risbygate st ............ Corn Dealer Lankester F. Abbeygate st ...... Printer & Bookseller Last J. South gate st. ... ....... .• . .. . .. . .. . . . . ... . Tailor Last James, 2 Traverse.................. Music Seller Last Sarah, Risbygate st ..................... Rising Sun Last Thomas, Guildhall st............... Pawnbroker Last W. Nelson, 2 Abbeygate st ...... Watch & Clock Maker, & Jeweller Lawrence E. M. Brentgovel st .................. Grocer Lease E. E. Long Brackland ... Coal & Malt Dealer Le Blanc Charles, Northgate st ............... Solicitor Lee James, Risbygate st ... Timber & Coal Merchant J ... ee Jas. ditto ...... Measure, Shovel, & Hoop Maker Leech Miss, Angel hill ...... Ladies Boarding School Leecl1 C. D. Crourn st ...........••....•......... Solicitor Leech Thomas, 26 Hatter st ..................... Hosier Legge Thos. Churchgate st... Six Bells Commercial & Posting House Le Grice Henry, Butter marlcet ............... ~olicitor Lenny & Croft, Angel hill ............ Land Surveyors Levett E. Must on st........................ Blacksmith I~immer James, Field la ............... Miller & Baker Limmer J. D. Risbygate st ........................ Baker Limmer William, ditto ......................... - Baker Lock Nathan, B1·e11tgovet .Yt.... ........... Auctioneer Lock William, Risbygate st ............ Hop Merchant Lock wood Rev. C. D. U]J Baxter st ... Boarding Schl Lockwood Henry, Guild/tall st, Three Goats Heads Lock wood H. Long Brackland ... Boot & Shoemkr Lockwood James, Church walk .................. Baker I~ockwood W. B. L. & J. W. Whiting .~t ...... Wine, Spirit, & Hop Merchants Lofts John, Churchyard ........................ Magpie' Lofts T. Guildhall st ........................... Fruiterer Lofts Thomas, Field la..................... Cricketers Lomax George1 Long Brackland. .... .. .. Bricklayer Lomax John, ditt.Q.\ .......... Gardener & Seedsman Lord Wm. Northgate st......... Gardener & Florist Lowes Wm. Jloney hill ............ Tin Plate Worker Lowrie M. & H. Whiting st .................. Milliners Lusher M. Butte1· ma1"ket .................. Staymaker Suffolk.] E Maddison John, Soutlt mill..................... Miller Major Wm. Traverse......... China & Glass Dealer Manning John, Northgate st ............ Wheelwright Matthews E. J. Angel hill ...... Upholsterer, Cabinet Maker, Paperhanger, & Carver & Gilder Maulkin Robert, St Marys sq ............... Maltster Mayhew Joseph, Westgate st ............ Beer Retailer McCann H. Garland st.. ... . .. • Dealer in Groceries McLeroth T. M. Guildhall st, Maltster & Coal Mcht McLeroth T. M. ditto ... Bmndy & Porter Merchant M eggs Thomas, We/1, st .................. Beer Retailer Middleditnh Charles, Eastgafe st ...... Beer Retailer Middledith Samuel, Risbygate st ... Hare & Hounds Millinger Henry, Meat market............... Butcher Miller Ann, Cotton la ........................... Nursery Miller James, Low Baxter st ............... Carpenter Miller Philip, Guildhall st ............... Beer Retailer Miller Wm. Angel hill ...... Sadler & Harness Maker Mitchell John, Churchgate st ............ Whitesmith Moorin John, Long Bracklund ............. Tea Dealer Mortlock Henry, St Andrews st......... Blacksmith Mountain & Pickering, Abbeygate st •.. Linen Drapers & Silk Mercers Moyse Henry, Long Brackland .................. Baker Moyse James, JVestgate st .................. Biacksmith MullisJohn, 21 Hatter st ..................... Surgeon M unro Alex. Mustow st .................... ~· .• Brazier Naylor John, Meat market, Coal, Corn & Seed Mchts N eale Elizabetl1, Abbeygate st............ ~Haymaker Neave Thomas, Church walk.................. Farrier N ewby T. C. Angell1ill ......... Printer & Bookseller Newdick & Co. IS Long Brackland ... Spring Van & Waggon Office Newman Misses, Looms la ... .,. Gents Prep. School Nice, Abbeygate st ••• Perfumer & Ha~r Drssr Norman R. B. Churchgate st ... Brush & Patten Mkr Norman Samue], Northgate st......... White Swan Nunn & Sams, Meat market .................. Solicitors Nun Guildhallst ........................ Shoemaker N unn Frederick, Meat market............... Butcher Nunn J. Southgate st ..................... Corn Dealer Nunn J. V. Abbeygate st ......... Chemist & Druggist N unn Robert, Churchyard ..... •• . .. .. Music Master Oakes, Bevan, Moore & Bevan, Butter mkt, Bankers Offord Joseph, .Long Brackland............... Cutler Oliver Geo. John, Abbeygate st ......... Tea :Oealer, Grocer, & Oil & Italian Wat·ehouse Pace John, Abbey gate st ... W atchmkr & Silversmith Paine William, Meat market.~. Chemist & Druggist Pammeut J ames, College st....... ..... Beer Retailer Parish William, Eastgate. st .................. Unicorn Parker Benjamin, Churchgate st ...... ~ .. Gun Maker Parker Benjamin, Butter market ......... Linendraper Parr D. St Andrews st ..................... Ropemaker Partridge Rd. Southgate st ... Sadler & Harness Mkr Pattle Thos. 1 Traverse .......... Grocer, Tea Dealer, . Provision & Hop Merchant Paul Geo. & Son, Abbeygate &t ... Ironmongers, Bar Iron Merchants, Braziers, & Tin Plate Workers Paul ThoP. Butter marlcet ... Cutler & Hardwareman Pawsey J ames, ditto ................... Tailor & Draper PawseS William, Churchgate &t .................. Baker Payne Richard, Guildhall sl......... Land Surveyor Peachey E. Long Brackltmd, Gas Fitter & Bell Hngr Pearson E. Guildhall st •....................... Milliner Pearson Henry, Meot market ............ Three Kings Peachey J. Brentgovel st...... Bookseller & Binder Perfect Eptont South gate st •..... Boot & Shoemaker Perkins Henry, Slwrt Brackland ......... Whitesmith Pettit E. Whiting st •.......................... Carpenter Pettit J. Ckurchgate st ........................... 'l'urner Plumb J-eremiah, Soutltgate mill ............... Miller Plumpton John, St Andrews st ............ Carpenter 25

SUFFOLK. BURY ST. EDlVIUNDS. Pope J ames, Risbygate st ••••.•••••••.•• Beer Retailer Portway G. jun. Abbeygate st ...........• Linendraper Potter A. Meat market • . .. • • .. • • • . ... .. .. .... • Butcher Priest John, Churchgate st .... • •• • • • . ••. .• . .• .. Hosier Prigg Edwd. ditto •. ~·····--4······················ Currier Prigg Henry~ Abbeygate st ........... .',fail or & Draper Prigg John, Churclzgate st •••••••.. Boot & Shoemaker Probart F. G. Churchyal'd .................. Physician Pryke John, Southgate st ........................ Butcher Pryke Thoa. Jlrfeat market ............ ~ ..... The George Pyman J. Guildhall st ........................... Grocer QuantHenry, Abbeygate .~t ...... .-.. Boot & Shoemaker Rack ham H. Long Brackland., •......... Corn Dealer Rue John, Risbygate st ..................... Tea Dealer Ramsey & Son ... Guildhall st, Grocrs & Oatml Mkrs Ra1nsey R. W. ditto ............................... Hatter Ransom J ames, Trat,erse .. ... • .. ..... • . •• . .. • Butcher Ransom Thos. Meat market ..................... Butcher Ranson J. Eqstgate st ........................... Glover Ran son J anles, Whiting st ..................... Grocer Ranson Wtn. Westgate st ............... Beer Retailer Raven J ames, Cfiunh walks ........... •H •• • • Builder Ray D. Butter market ••..•.•.• Watch & Clockmaker Ray Wm. Brentgavel st ................. , Watchmaker Ray Wm. Westgate st ..................... Tea Dealer Raynham Sa m. Long Brackland •. ............. Butcher Reach Thos. 4 Abbeygate st ... Bookseller to the So· ciety for promoting Christian Knowledge, & Clerk to the Savings Bank Reetl, Henry, Northgate st ..................... Builder Reeve John, AbbeJfgate st ............... Music Seller R eeye Richard, Risbygate. st ............. The Waggon Reeve Sarah, Guildhall st •.................... Milliner Reffell Sam. High Baxter st ... Tobacco Pipe Maker Richardson Geo. Butter market ......... Linendraper Ridley Thos. & Son, .4bbeygate st ..• Grocers & Soap & Candle Manufacturers Ridley John, ju.n. Eastgate st ...... Bar Iron & Coal Merchant & Tanner Ridley Sa).ll.. Low Baxter st, ~ Abbeygate st ... Iron Founder Risbrook M. A. Crown st ........•.•. Dog & Partridge Rist John, Mulitow st ............... Ladies Shoemaker Robinson John, Market hill ... Printer & Bookseller Robinson T. H. 17 Westgate st ............... Solicitor Ilobinson W m, College st ................ , ....... .Baker Rolfe James, St Andrews st ............... Corn Dealer Rolfe Richard, Southgate st ................ White Hart Rolfe Seth, Brentgovel st ................... White Lion Rose John, Long Brackland ...... , .............. Grocer Rudland John, Northgate .................. Toll Gate Rumley N. B. A.bbeygate st ••• Chemist, Druggist, & Colour Mauufactul'er Sabioe John, Corn market ...... Chemist & Druggist Sale Wm. Guildhall st ••• Cabinet Mkr & Upholsterer Salmon Wm. 24 Hatter st ........................ Tailor Sergeant , Guildhall at ..................... Fruiterer Sawer E. Corn market·············~············· Hosier Scholes John, Butter market ........ , ...... Hat Maker Scotch mer J. Risbygate st ••....... Boot & Shoemaker Scott Step hen, Abbey gate st...... Boot & Shoemaker Sexton W. W. Crown st •••••••••.•.•• , •••• , ........ Dye1• Sharpe I<'. Northgate st." ......... Plumber & Glazier Simper Robt. Guildhall st ............ Cabinet Maker Simpson W. K, .8utter mar/cet •••••• Wine & Brandy · Merchant Smith Chas. & King Hen. Guildhall st ... Surgeons. Smith John, Hatter st .................. , .. Shoemaker Smith John, West gate st ........................ Grocer 'SmithS. Butter market ...... Milliner & Dress Maker Smith Thomas, Westgate st ••................ Physician Sore Sa1n. St And1·ews st ............. , ..... , .... Cooper Spall Edwd. Hog la ........................ Coach maker 26 Spanton Wm. Crown st ............ Plumber & Glazier Sparke Jame~, Hatter st .•. Clerk to Board of Guardians of the Thingoe Union Spencer C. Churchgate st .1 ................ Bookbinder Stebbing John, Northgate st ..................... Baker Steel John, Butter market ..•••. Grocer & Sub-Distributor of Stamps Steel John, Risbygate st ... Maltster & Coal Merchant Steel L. Church gate st ..................... Confectioner Steele Thos. RisbJJgate st ........................ Builder Steggles & Sons, Whiting st, ~ Brentgovelst, Builders, Surveyors, & Stone & Marble Merchants Steggles Miss, Chequers sq n• Ladies Boarding Scbl Steggles H umphrey •••••• Maltster & Coal Merchallt Steggles H. Sm,thgate st ............... Three Crowns Sterur Ann, ditto ... u ...................... The Plougb. Stocking Miss, AbbfJygate st ... Milliner & Drellt\rnkr · Storey H.obt. Church gate st ..................... Fleece Sturgeon J. Guildhallst ........... ~ .............. Baker Stutter A. M. Abbeygate st ............... Confectioner Suttle Geo. Guildhall st .................. Beer Retailer Sykes Wm. Risbygate st ........................ Carrier Syrett Abraham, Guildhallst ............... Shoemakel Syrett Wm. ditto .••••.•.•••.•..••••••••••••••. Shoemaker Thirtle J amec;, Abbeygate st .•................... Hatter Thompson & Sm1, Meat market ......... Silversmiths Thompson Geo. Abbeygaie st ... Bookseller, Stationer, Print & Music Seller, & Patent Medicine Vender Thompson J. Brentgovel st ............... Painter, &c. Tomson E. Colleoe st .•...................... Coal Dealer V Tomson W. Mustow st ..................... Whitesmith Trevethan John, Guildhall st •.• Brickmkr & Builder Tricker Edmd. Brentgovel st ..................... Grocer Tricker M ary, Risbygate st ..................... Grocer Tricker \V m. Northgaie st ...... Dealer in Groceries Utting J. St Andrews st ... Sheriffs Officer for County Vale J. Meat market •.. Sitversmith & Umbrella Mkr Veres Robt. Abbeygate st ............... Hair Dresser Vine Jas. School hall la ........... ~ ..... Stone Mason Vismara John, Long Brackland ... Barometer Maker Wailer R. P., B. A. 15 Risbygatest, Gents BdngSchl W alliker Geo. West gate st ......... Furniture Broker W alliker Sa m. Corn market ......... Furniture Broker Ward Edmund, West gate st ............... Cork Dealer Ward John, Risbygate st .... • .. • .. ........ Tea Dealer Ward Thos. Northgate st ............... Beer Retailer Ward Wm. Angel hill ......... Grocer & Tea Dealer Warren Wm. St .Andrew.q st ............. n Bricklayer W atliug Richard, Southgate st ••.••............. 6ractr W atson Geo. M ark et !till .................. The Castle W atson John, 27 Churchgate st ......... Grocer, Tea Dealer, Tallow Chandler & Melter W atson J. Long Bmckland ••• Sadler & Harness Mkr W atson Wm. School hall la ..................... Baker Watts J. Eastgate st • . • • . ••• • • • .• . •• ••• • •• .... .... .• Baker Way man H. Churchyard ...... Coroner for Liberty & Town of Bury W ebb Mary, St .Andrews st ..................... Baker W eldhen Robt. Southgate st ..................... Farrier Wells Sa m. Long Brackland ..................... Baker W elton Chas. Westgate st ................ ~· Blacksmith W eston Geo. Mayne water la ............ Corn Dealer Weston Robt. Long Brackland ......... Pawnbroker W estrup C. Angel hill ...................... Confectioner Wheeler J os h. Brentgovel st ........... ~······ Bute he~ Whittaker G. Low Baxter st ... Tea Dealer & Clothes Cleaner White E. Westgate st ......... Ladies Boarding School Whitehead Ben. Loog Brackland ............... Tailor Whiting J ames, Angel/till ......... Furniture Broker Whiting Wm. School !tall st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Whittaker T. Whiting .\t ••• House & Ornamental Pntr Wicks Geo. Risbygate sf ..••••.••••. Plumber & Glazier

BURY S'r. EDMUNDS. SUFFOLK. Williams J. & T. 'Corn market •••••• Silk Mercers & Linendrapers Wing F.K.Hatter st ••• Solicitor; Sprntndnt Regist. of Brthst Dths, & Marr. & Clrk to Borough Mgstrts Wink up Jas. Brentgovel st •.• ,. .................... Tailor Winkup Thos, Corn market .. • • ... ••• •• Hair Dresser Winn Geo • .Eastgate st •........................... Grocer Worledge /. & Le Blanc Chas •••. ,. ........... Bankers W right David, Long Brackland •••. .............. Miller Wrigl1t J. dittu ·················-'·················· Baker W right R. Field la ........................... Carpenter Wright R. Risbygate st ........................... Baker Wright Wm. Field la ....... u •••••• Boot & Shoemaker Young H. S. Butter market ............... Tobacconist Young P. Northgate ~t ........................ Physician Y ouug Wm. Churchgate st ........ -,. Grocery Dealer Young Wm. Meat market .................. Gun Maker Post Office. Deck John, Crown st •....................... Postmaster Post closes for London, Ipswich, Norwich, & Cambridge, at ! p. 8 even., & for Colchester, Sudbury, W oodbridge, and Essex, i to 5 nft. Letters are delivered at 7 morn. in summer, & 8 morn. winter. Corporation. MAYOR Henry Le Grice, Esq. RECORDER Sir R. M. Rolfe, Knt. ALDERMEN. Braddock, Henry Leech, Charles Denton Creed, George Pace, John Eagle, Francis King Portway, George TOWN COUNCILLORS. Adams, Samuel Limmer, James Fentou1 William McLcroth, Thos. Moore Gedge, Johnson Newby, Thos, Cautley Golding, Thomas Ridley, John Greene, John Ridley, Samuel Harvey, Robert Robinson, Thomas Harrington, J. F. P. Smith, John Hunter, John Watson, John Le Grice, Henry Young WiUiam l LAW OFFICERS. Holmes, Timothy Richard .. ;............ Town Clerk Way man, John Harry ••.•.•••.••.•..••••.••••.•• Coroner Battley, J ol1n........ •• • • • ... . .... .. • • • • • • • • ... • •• •• Treastirer :Posting Houses. Angel Hotel, Angel hill ............... Thos. Bridgman Bell Hotel, Corn market ............... John Bridgman Six Bells, Churchgate st ............... ~·· Thos. Legga Suffolk Hotel, Butter market ............ John Beckett Bankers. East of England Joint Stock Bank, Meat market Draw on the London & Westminster Bank Hamilton Francis Geo. Esq.u ... , ... n •• :Manag-er ~ational Provincial Bank of England, Mm·ket hill. Draw on llanburys Fairweather - Esq ......................... Manager Oakes, Be,·au, Moore & Bevan, Butter marlret. Draw on Barclay & Co. Worledge J no. & Le Blanc: Chas. Draw on Barclays Savings Bank, 4 Abbeygate st. Established 1816. Reach Tl1os. • . •• . •• • •••••• •• • • • • • • •• • . • • • • • ••••• Clerk Newspapers. Bury & Suffolk Herald Office, 4 Bridewellla. 'fublished on Wed. by Sa m. Donaldson Bury Post, 2 Hatter et. Published on Wed. by Gedge & Barker Fire &. :Life Insurance Agents. British Fire, & Westminster I.ife, 14 Abbeygate st ... George Gudgeon, jun. Norwich Union, Mustow et •••••• Edward Lockwood Pelican Life, & Phoonix Fire, Butter market ........ ; Thomas George Bullen Phoonix Fire, ditto ......... wo ............. Thoma8 King Royal Exchange, Whiting st ...... J ames Woodward Suffolk & General Country, 2 Hiitter st Gedge & Barker .................... ~ ...... Secretaries Sun Fire & Life, Crown st .. ~ ................ John Dick Law & :Public Officers .. Blake Francis, Risbygate st, Surveyor of Taxes Borton J ames, Hatter st, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Suffolk Case & Son, Whiting st, Deputy RegistraYB of the Archdeaconry of Sudbury Durrant Rich. Hatter st, Clerk to Magistrates Hinnell Chas. Brentgovel st, Vestry Clk of St James Holmes Tim. Rich. Hatter st, Town Clerk, Clerk of the Pe; ce for the Borough, Registrar of the Court of Record, Deputy Steward for the Liberty of Bury, Clerk to Commissioners for Paving- the Borough, to the Trustees of the Guildhall Feoffment, & to Trustees of the Newmarket Turnpike Roads Sparke J ames, ditto, C1erk to the Board of Guardians of the (fhingoe Union Wayman Harry, Clmrchpard, Coroner for the Liberty {£ Town of Bury :f'ublic Establishments. - --- Assembly Rooms, Angel hill ..•••• Mills John, Keeper Botanic Garden, dilto ... Hodgson Nath. Superintndt Bridgewell (Borough) Butte'F mkt~ Leech R. Keeper Bury & Suffolk General Hospital, Westgate G. F. Pro hart ••.•..••.•..•..•. ·······l Ph .. w. J. Bayne ···············~···········S y·s1c1ans Charles Smith ••••.••. ., ................. -'i•• George Creed •••..•••. •Ill! •• •• • • •• •• •• • • • • Surgeons John Dalton, jun ........................... . W. Ward ................................. House Surgeon John Battley Warren..................... Secretary Ann Woodruffe.. ....... •.••• •••.• ••.•. .. . .• •. Matron Bury St Edmunds Gas Company, Tay Fen Wm. Gross................................. Secretary Clofton's Hospital, Churchyard Smitl1 & Wing.·............................. Surgeons Edward Case .•..••..•.••.•••...•.•.•••••...•• Secretary Mrs. Pirt .•..•.•..••...••.•...•.••••.•••.. Housekeeper Excise Office, Butter market Gaol (for the Liberty & Borough) Southgate Rev. Thomas West........................ Chaplain George Hubbard .....•..••....•.•..•.•..•..•.. Surgeon J ol1n Orridge •.••.••...••.••...•••...•.....•.. Governor Gas Company, 1'ay Fen............... W. Gross, Sec. Guildhall, Guildhall st . · J ames Ward, 73 Whiting st .................. Keeper Guildhall Feoffment Receivers Office, Whiting st Library, Abbeygate .,t...... M. A Cronin, Librarian Police Station, Mat·ket hill Shire Hall, Churchyard...... John Orridge, Keeper Society for Promoting Christian Knwldge (Branch of) Abbeygate st Rev. Geo. John Haggitt .................. Treasurer 1,homas Reach .••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••.. Bookseller Stamp Office1 Butter market... J. Stee1, Distributor Theatre, Westgate st Thingoe Union Workhouse, WestgateJ ames Burbidge..... .. . . • •• • . . . . . . •.. .•. . .• . • Master W orkhouser, College st Thomas Bruce.......... ... •...... ...... ...• Governor Mrs. Bruce ••• , •.••.••..•••••••••••..•...••• Governess 27

SUFFOLK. BUR·y· ST. EDMUNDS. ===========================-========================= Public School .. Free Grammar School, Northgate st Rev. John Ed \Vards ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mastei' . Coaches. London, Old Bury, from the Angel Inn, every morn. at i p. 9, (Sun. exc.); returns every even. at6. London, Marquess Cornwallis, from the Suffolk Hotel, daily, at ! p. 9 (Sun. exc.) ; returns every even. at 5. London, Phenomenon, from the One Bell and Six Bells lnns, every day at II ; returns at 3 to :,:Jury, and from thence to Norwich. London, Norwich Times, Mon. Wed. & Fri. 12 morn. ; returns Tiles. Thurs. & Sat. i p. 2. Lynn, Lynn Hope, from the Suffolk Hotel, on Tues. Thurs. & Sat. morn. at 6; retljrns the same evens. Yarmouth, Yarmouth Hope, from the Angel Inn, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. at I ; retums every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 2. Cambridge Times, from the One Bell Inn, every morn. at! bef. 11 (Sun. exc.); returns every even. at 6. Cambridge, from the Angel Inn, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. at ! p. 2 ; Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 2 ; returns every morn. at 1. Ipswich, Regulator, every day at 9, (Sun. exc.) from the One Bell and Angel Inns ; returns every even. at~ p. 7. Ipswich, from the Augel Inn, every day (Sun. exc.) at 2; returns every morn. at l P- 1. Norwich & Bury Mail, from the Suffolk Hotel, at a ! : bef. 10, and for Norwich, the following morn. at l p. 4. Mail Carts. Yarmouth Mail Cart, from the White Lion, morn. at :>, through Botesdale, Scole, Bungay, &c.; returns even at 9. - Ipswich Mail Cart, morn. at 5, from Syrett's, Guildhall street ; returns even-. at 8. Suduury Mail Cart, even. at 5, from Syrett's, Guildhall street; returns morn. at 9. Vans cL. Waggons. Ipswich, Burrows's Waggons, every Mon. & Thurs. morn ; return the following day. Ipswich, Simpson's Waggons, from Whiting street, every Mon. Tues. Thurs. & Fri. morn. at 2 ; return the following day. Cambridge, Stamford, Leicester, Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Halifax, Huddersfield, &c., Durrant'A Light Vans, every Mon. & Thurs. morn. at 9, from his Ware house, Well Street. London, Cook's Waggons, from the White Lion Inn, through Cambridge, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 6 even. ; return every Mon. Wed. & Fri. afternoon. London, N ewdick & Co.'s Vans and Waggons from 5 Long Brackland, every Tues. Wed. Thurs. & Sat. aft., by way of Melford, Sudbury, Halstead, Braintree, & Chelmsford; arrive on Mon. Wed. Thurs. & Sat. Norwich, Newdick & Co.'s Vans leave 15 Long Brackland, every Mon. & Thurs. morn. at 9, by way of Ixworth, Stanton, Barningham, Hopton, Garboldishamt Lophams, Harling, Kenninghall, Banham, Buckenham, Carlton, Bunwell, Forncett, Ashwell, Thorpe, Wymondham, & Mulbarton; arrive Wed. & Sat, proceeding direct to London. Botesdale & Redgrave, N ewdick & Co.'s Vans, every Mon. & Wed. at 11 ; retum every Tues. & Thurs. mom. 28 Bury, Diss, Norwich, & London, 'Sykes's Waggons, through Sudbury, Halstead, Braintree, & Chelmsford, from Risbygate street, ev{ll'y morn. at 9; return every day at 12. Norwich V an leaves on Mon. Wed. & }'ri. by way or Thetford & Attleborough, and on Tues. & Sun. by way of Diss & Scole, at 12. Vans from Norwich every even. at 6, proceeding direct to London. Bury & Ipswich, Garrod's Stage Waggons every Mon. Tues. Thurs. & }'ri. morn., passing through W oolpit, Haughley, Stow-Ma;ket1 & Needham; arrive at Bury, Wed. Fri. & Sat. even. Carriers. Badwell,. Hunston, Ashfield, Wyverstone, Bacton, from Half Moon, Wed. & Sat. at 2, by Lock, Barrow, every day exc. Mon., from the Kings Head, by Rosbrook. Barrow, &c. from Three Kings, Wed. & Sat~ at 3, by Bird. Brandon, Elden, Swaffham, &c. from 11tree Kings, Wed. & Sat. at 2, by Ash man. Brahdon, from Half Moon, Wed. at 2, by Malt. Cambridge & Newmarket, from Woolpack, Mon. & Wed. at 2, by Osborne. Chedburgh, Chevington, Wickhambrook, Denston, Depden, from Black Bo!J, \V ed. & Sat. at 2, by Murrell. Clare & Cavendish, from ll' oopack, Wed. at l, by Elmer. Clare, from Castle, Wed. at 1, by Golding. Cavenham, Fordham, & Lackford, from Gri.fflnJ Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Marshall. Cockfield, from Castle, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Osbornl'. Colchester & Lavenham, from Woolpack, Wed. at 3. by Southgate. Cowlinge, from Half ]Jfoon, Wed. at I, by Kates. Depden, from Black Boy, Wed. & Sat. Ely, Soham, Fordham, & Cambridge, from Griffin, Wed. at 2, by And us. Fornham, Ampton, & Livermere, from JVaggon, Wed. & Sat. at a, by Fordham. Gazely, from Woolpack, Wed. at 3, by Osbome. Hartest, Brockley, Whepstead, &c. from Griffin, Mon. Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Knopp. Hartest, from Bridewell Lane, every morn. exc. Mon. at 7, by Gill. Hawkedon, from Saracens Head, Wed. at 3, by Tnylor. Hepworth, from Waggon, Wed. at 2, by Beales. Hargrave & Wickhambrook, from Waggon, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Pettit. lcklingham, from Grijfin, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Level. Ixworth, Botesdale, Norwich, &c. from White Lion, Wed. at 4, by Bid well. Ixworth, Botesdale, &c. from Griffin, Wed, & Sat. at 3, by Nunn. Ixwortb & Stanton, from White Horse, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Motbersole. Kenninghall, from Castle, Wed. at I, by Fiske. Lavenham, from White Lion, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Springett. I ... angham, from Kings .Arms, Wed. at 4, by Langham· Lakenheath & Icklingham, from Griffin, Wed. at 3, by Tuff. Lynn & Thetford, from Woolpack, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Steward. Lynn & Brandon, from Grijfin, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Wood. Mildenhall, Lackford, Icklingham, & Barton Mills, from Three Kings, Wed. & Sat. at 4, by Folkes.

BURY ST. EDMUNDS. SUFFOLK. Mildenl1all, Cavenham, & Tuddenham, from Half Moon, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Powell. Mildenhall, &c. from Woolpack, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Morley. N orton & Pakenham, from Castle, Wed. at 3, by Stiff. Newmarket, from Castle, Wed. at 3, by Smith. Ousden & Dalham, from Waggon, Wed. at 3, by Jarmau. Sudbury, from Suffolk Hotel, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Elliot. Sudbury, from Half Moo11, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Ruggles. Stowlangtoft, from Cock, Wed. & Sat. at 3, by Lambert. 'Soham & Ely, from Woo~pack, Wed. at 3, by Staples. Thetford, from Castle, Wed. & Sat. at 6, by Stone. Thetford, Watton, & East Dereham, from Waggon, Wed. at 3, by W olsey. Thurlow, &c., from Castle, Wed. at ~ p. 1, by Fitch. Tostock, Bayton, & Rougham, from Castle, Wed. at 4, by Flatt. W alsham, from Cock, Wed. & Sat. at 4, by Finch. W alsham, from Kings Arms, Wed. & Sat. at 2, by Fenn. • Westl10rpe & Finningham, from Castle, Wed. at 3, by Hails. . Wickhambrook, Half Moon, Mon. \V ed. & Sat. at 3, by Simpkin. Whepstead & Hartest, from Woolpack, Wed. at 4, by Snazel. Classification of Trades. Agricultural Implement Maker:- Catton Chas. W ~I ton, St Andt·ews st Auctioneers, cS"c. Buller T, G. Butter market Deck John, 1 Crown st Gudgeon Robt. Brentgovel st Hunter & Son, Abbeygate st Lock Nathan, Brentgovel st Bakers. Ballam Chas. Hatter st Billinghurst Wm. Eastgate st Bacon Sam. Brentgovel st Baker Robt. Whiting st Botwright John, Angel hill Candlell Wm. Southgate st Caney John, Brentgovel st· Chapman Robt. Guildhall st : Clark John, Crown st • Clarke W. P. Churchgate st Death Dan. Soutl1gate st Death Mary, Long Brackland Feek J. Raingate st Fordham Wm. Eastgate st Grange Wm. Guildhall st Harvey Robt. Guildhall st Head Charles, Northgate st Jackson Chas, Sparhawk st Limmer James, .Field la Limmer J. D. Risbygate st Limmer Wm. Risbygate st Lock wood J ames, Church walks Moyse Hen. Long Brackland Pawsey Wm. Churchgate st Pryke John, Southgate st Robin son Wm. College st Stebbing John, N orthgate st Sturgeon J. Guildhall st W atson Wm. School hall la W alts J. EastgatE! st , W ebb Mary, St Andrews st Wells Sam. Long Brackland W right J. Long Brackland BuRY CtAssiFICATioN, continued. Baker. W right Richard, Risbygate st Barometer Malcer.-Vismara J. Long Brackland Basket~ Sieve Makers. Brabrook J. Risbygate st Cook J acob, Long Brackland Harrold Wm. Whiting st Baths. Botwright J. Angel hill Beer Retailers. May hew J os. W estgate st Meggs Thos. Well st Middleditch Chas. Eastgate st Miller Philip, Guildhall st Pamment J ames, College st Pope J ames, Risbygate st Ranson Wm. W estgate st Suttle Geo. Guildhall st Ward Thos. N orthgate st Birmingham cS" Sheffield Warehouse:...._ Hine Thos. & Co. Abbeygate st Bookbinders.-Deck John & Co. 1 Crown st Spencer Chas. Churchgate st Boot cS" Shoe ]~fakers. Barton J. Churchgate st Briton John, Long Brackland Browne F. E. Abbeygate st Clark Francis, Northgate st Clarke & Syrett, Abbeygate st Clarke Wm. Butter market Crane John, Northgate st Curry J ames, Guildhall st • Gobbing J ames, Abbeygat'e st Goodwin J. Eastgate st Graves J ames, Abbeygate st Head Richard, 27 Hatter st Head Sam. College st Houghton Wm. Butter market How J. W estgate st Hughes Mary, Long Brackland I .. ockwood Hen. Long Brackland N unn , Guildhall st Perfect Epton, Southgate st Prigg John, Churchgate st Quant Hen. Abbeygate st Rist John, Mustow st Scotch mer J. Risbygate st Scott Stephen, Abbeygate st Smith John, Hatter st Syrett Abraham, Guildhall st Syrett William, Guildhall st Whiting Wm. School hall st Wright Wm. Field la Bra~iers. Brabrook John, Long Brackland Bradbrook T. St Andrews s.t • Munro Alex. Mustow st Paul Geo. & Son, Abbeygate st Brewers. Braddock Hen. Southgate st Everard Hen. W estgate st Greene Edwd. W estgate st Bricklayers. Deasley John, Sparhawk st Harvey Ben. Hog la King Hen. Mustow st Lomax Geo. Long Brackland Trevethan John, Guildhall st Warren Wm. St Andrews st Brush Maker, ~c. Norman R. B. Churchgate st .Builders.--Billinghurst Wm. Garland st BultBen. Mustow st Carliell Chas. Crown st Emerson & Son, Well st J arrold :Francis, Risbygate st Kirrage Geo. Churcllgate st Raven J ames, Church walks Reed Hen. Northgate st Steele 'l'hos. Risbygat.e st Steggles & Sons, Whiting st, & :Brentgovel st 29

SUFFOLK. BURY ST. EDl\'IUNDS. ~====~·======~===============~============================~ BuRY CLASSIFICA'riON, continued. Butchers.--Betts S. Churchg~te st :Bird Jas. Meat market Bird l. St Andrews st Clark W. J. St .Andrews st Clarke Isaac, Meat market Cowlin ArthW", Guildhall st Farrow Isaac, Meat market Flock Abraham, Brackland Frewer Thos. St Andrews st . Goeher Thos. Angel bill Green J. E~stgate s.t Head J. N orthgate ~ J arm an lsaac, _Southgate st King Thomas., Hatter st Millinger Henry, Meat market N unn FPedel'ick, Meat market Potter A . .Meat market Ransom 1 ames, Traverse Ransom ThomasJ Meat market Raynhant Samuel, Long Bracklan.d Wheeler J oseph, Brentgo.vel st Cabinet Makers.--Sale Wm. Guildhall s.t Simper Robert, Guildhall st Carpenters.-}i'rost .Edward, College s.t Golding Samuel., Field la Miller .J ames, Low Baxter st Petit E. Whiting at Plumpton John, St ,Andrews st Wright R. Field la Carriers~--Garrod J ames, Risbygate st N ewdick & Co. 1.5 Long Brackla.n.d Sykes William, Risbygate st Carver~ Gilder.--Matthews E. J. Angel hill Chemists 4" ,D:r,uggist.s.---Pakin Wm. Abbey gate st Dalton ,Charles, Meat market Galls & Cubitt, 52 Abbeygate st Harvey Charles~ Butter market Nunn J. V. Abbeygate st Paine William, Meat market Rumley N. B. Abbeygate st .John, Corn market China ~ Glass D,eale,-s. Bowers Wm. Butter mkt Grayston Elizabeth, Butter Major William, Traverse Clothes Dealers_. Chapman J.ohn_, Long Brack1and Cream on John,, N orthgate .st Whitaker ,George, Low Baxter st Coach Make_rs. Beeton Joseph, W~ll at Browne Joh.n P·hilip, ,Crown .:>t Crane Alexander, M ustow st De ~arle Thomas, Sp.arhawlc. ~t Frost & Clark, Whiting st Ho we J ames, 7 Risbygate zt Spall Edward, Hog la Coal Dealers. Lease E. E. Long Brackland Tomson E. College st Coal Merckanls.-r Braddock Heury, Southgate st Harmer Thomas, W estgate ~t Lee J ames, Risbygate st McLeroth Thomas M9w.e, Guil~l) st N ayler John, market · · · Ridley Jolm, jun. Eastgate st SteelS ohn, Risbygate st Steggles Humphrey Colour jlfanufacturer. Rumley N. R Abbeygate st Confectioner.-Armes Benjamin, Meat market, Cariey S. G. Abbeygate st Debenham & Son, Market bill Kirrage George, Churchgate st Steel L. Cburchgate st Stutter A. M. A b\>eygate st Westrup E. Angel hill 30 Buay CLASSIFICATioN, continued. .Cuo,Pers.---Cooper J, Guildhall st H,owe John, South gate st Sore Samuel, St Andrews st Cork Gutf,ers. Baxter Wm. Whiting st Ward Edmund, W estgat.e st Cor(l. Dealers. East William, St Marys SCJ .Gooch Robert, Short Braokland I,.anha~ George., Risbygate st Nunn .J. Southgate st Rackham }1. Long Bracldand Rolfe J ames.., St Andrews st Weston George, Mayne water la Cqrn ~ Seed Merchants. Cooper & Son, Long Naylor John., Meat market [Brackland !J.urriers .4- Leather Cutters • ....-Adarns & Ridley, .St Brett John, Whiting st [Andrews st El~in Cornelius, Whiting st Frost J obn, Crown st .Graves J ames, Abbeygate st Jrons Charles, Meat market P.rigg Edward, Churchgate st C.utlers.-Baxter Samuel, llr.entgovel st Offord J oseph, Long Brackland Paul Thomas, B.utter 1;narket Driller. Wright David, Long Brackland !Jyers. . Clodd & Cobb, Crown st Sexton W. W. Crown st Engraver. Last W. Nelson, 2 Abbefgate si ;Fa,-riers. N cave Thomas, Church walks W esthen Robert, Southgate st ;Fishmongers. Clarke J.ohn, Abbeygat.e st Clarke 1 ohn William, Butter market Daniell Brett, Ahbeygate st ,Fruiterers.-] ames W illiam, Butter market J..ofts T. GuildhaH st Sarjeant Isaac, Guildhall st Fur Manufacturer.-...-Hagreen James, Abbeygate Bt Ft~rniture Br.okeTs.-Butler William, Mustow st _ Doe John, Angel hill Fen ton J oseph, N orthgate st Fenton Thomas, Meat market W alliker George, West gate st W alliker Samuel, Corn market Whiting J ames, Angel hill, ~c .. Lomax John, Long Bra.oklabd Lord William, Northgate .st Miller Ann, Cotton la Gas Fitter.---Peachey E. Long Brack1aud ;Glovers.--Brown :F, Abbeygate st Chapman John, Long Brackland Frost Richard, Whiting st Harrald William Henry, Abbeygate 8t Ran son J. Eastgat.tJ st Greengrocer.--Clark Thomas, Guildhall st Grocers~ Tea Dealers.---,A.dams Jobn41 Butter mkt A dams M. 3 Hatter st Barfield Ash er, W estgate st Childs G. Westgate st Cooper George, Co.rn market Dare William, Butter market High James, 4hbeygate st Ki11g 'fhomas, )3utter market Lawren,ce E. M. Brentgovel st Mt<:Canp H. Garland st Pyman J. Guildhall st Ramsey & Son, Guildhall Bt Ridley Thomas & Son, Abbeygate ft Ran son J ames, Whiting st Rose John, Long Bt·ackland , Smith John, Westgate st Steel John, Butter market Tricker Edmund, Brentgovel st

BURY 81' .. EDMUNDS. SUFFOLK. BuaY CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Grocers, 4'c. Tricker Mary, Risbygate st Trieker William, Northgate st Ward William, Angel hill W atling Richard, Southgate st l Watson John, 27 Churchgate st Winn George, Eastgate st Young William, Church gate st Gun Makers.--Bilson William, Abbeygate st Parker Benjamin, Churchgate st Young William, M eat market Haberdashers.--Bullen J. Abbeygate st Harrald S. Guildhall st Hair Cutters.--Channing Peter, Butter market Clark John, Churchgate st Nice George, Abbeygate st V eres Robert, Abbeygate st Winkup Thomas, Corn market llatters.--Armstrong Matthew, Meat ma~ket Channing Peter, Butter market Cutter Henry, Abbeygate st Ramsey R. W. Guildhall st Scholes John, Butter market Thirtle James, Abbeygate st H()p Dealer. Adams John, Butter market Hop lllerchants.--Lock William, Risbygate st Lockwood W. B. L. & J. W. Whiting st Pattle Thomas, 1 Traverse Hosiers.--Cook Benjamin, Butter markefi Thomas, 26 Hatter st Priest J obn, Church gate st Sawer Everard, Corn market Iron Founders.-Ridley Samuel, Abbeygate st R.idley Samuel, Low Baxter st Iron Merchants. Paul Geo. & Son, Abbeygate &t Ridley John, jun. Eastgate st Ironmongers.--Beard Charles, Corn market Goldsmith David,. Market hill Groom William,. M eat market Paul George & Son, Abbeygate st Land Surveyo1·s. Lenny & Croft, Angel hill l'ayne Richard, Guildhall st Linen Drapers.-Annis Celia, Butter market Burrell J. B. Butter mar~et & Abbeygate st Edgar Robert, Field la Fyson George, Abbeygate st Harvey James, Abbeygate st Hilder Alfred, Abbeygate st Jannings & Son, Abbeygate st Kirrage J. J. Churchgate st Mountain & Pickering,. Abbeygate st Parker Benjamin, Butter market Portway George, jun. Abbeygat.e st Richardson George, Butter market Williams J. & T. Corn market Maltsfe1"s.-Braddock Henry, Southgate st Clarke John, Risbygate st Deuton Henry, Risbygate st Fen ton William,. Southgate st Golding Thomas, Southgat;e st Harmer Thomas, Westgate st Lease E. E. Long Brackland Maulkin Robert, St Marys sq McLeroth Thos. Moore, Guildhall sl Steel .John, Risbygate st . ., Steggles Humphrey .l!eamt·e ~ Sk()'ll'l Manufacture'l!s. Lee J. RisbyMiUers. Cockerell Wm. Westgate rd. [gate st Cook J. Southgate st Golding J olm, Field la I.immer James, Field la Maddison John, South mill Plumb J eJ.Iemiah,. Southgate mill • • Buay CLASSIFICATION, continued. JJ:filliners 4' Dress .Makers. Barwick M;rs. Butter Bird H. Abbey gate st [market Chaloner E. Crown st Dickerson F. Abbey gate st Drew Miss, Abbeygate st Lowrie M. & H. Whiting st Pearson E. Guildhall st Reeve Sarah, Guildhall st Smith S. Butter market Stocking Miss, Abbeygate st Music Sellers. Last James, 2 Traverse Nunn Robert, Churchyard Reeve John, Abheygate st Thompson George, Abbeygate st Net Maker. Cook J. Honey hill Notary. Case P. I. Whiting st Oilmen, 4'o. Goldsmith David, Market hill Oliver George John, Abbeygate st Painters, Plumbers, ~e. Buckle Edwd. Whiting st Coppiug R. H. Southgate st J. Brentgovel st Frewer & Son, Meat market Goodwin George, Northgate st Kitson George, Market hill Kitson Sarah, Honey hill Sharp F. Northgate st Spanton William, Crown st Thompson J. Brentgovel st Whittaker Thomas, Whiting st Wicks George~ Risbygatc st Parchment JJ:fanufact-urer. Hobbs E. St Andre\vs st Patent Medicine Warehouse. Thompson G. AbbeyPatten Maker. Betson J. Guildhall st [gate st Pawnbroke1·s.-Haddock Jolmt Guildhall st Last Thomas, Guildhall st W eston Robert, Long Brackland Physicians. Bayne W. J. N ortbgate st Probart F. G. Churchvard ~ Smith Thomas, W estgate st Young P. Northgate st Plastet·er. Earl Samuel, Guildhall st Polisher~ Varnisher. Heyward J. 25 Hatter st Print SelleP. Thompson Gevrge, Abbeygate st Printers, ~c. Birchiuall Ed ward) Churchgate st "" Cole Alfred~ Abbeygate st Deck John & Co. I Crown st Frost W. B. 19 Hatter st Gedge & Barker, 2 Hatter st Lankester Fred. Abbeygate st Newby T. C. Angel hill Robinson John, Market hilt Provision IJ;fercha,.t. Pattle- Thos. I Tl'averse Rope Maker.~ Parr D. St Andrews st Sadlers ~·Harness Maker.s.-Brown J. Abbeygate st Goodrich Thomas,. Abbeygate st Haslop Thomas, Corn market Hasted William, Chnrehgate st I\ I iller W illiam, Augel hill Partridge Richard, Southgate st W atson J. Long Brackland School~, Gents. Armstro11g 'Jlhmnas, Waiting st Burrougrs Charles, Hatter st Kemp Rev. R. Northgate st Lock wood Rev. C. D.. l.Jpper Baxter st Wall er R. P. 15 Risbygate- st Schools, Li.tdies. Bevil Miss, Mustow st Chapman David, Risbygate st De Carle Miss, Sparhawk st Leech Miss, Angel hill N ewman Misses, Looms la Steggles Mi~s, Chequers sq White Eliz. West gate st 31

SUFFOLK. BURY ST. EDMUND&. ============================-=========================== BuRY CLASSIFICATION, continued. BuRY CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Seed Merchant. Grayson Matthew, Corn market Sherijfs Q{ficer. Utting John, St Andrews st Silversmiths. Glew Ann, Abbeygate st Tailors, ~c. Wink up J os. Brentgovel st Tallow Chandler~ Melter.-~~Watson J. 27 ChurchTanners. Head & Everard, Southgate st [~ate st Thompson & Son, Meat market Ridley John, jun. Eastgate st < Vale John, Meat market Taverns, Inns,~ Public Houses:·- Smiths, ~c. Bowles Hen. N orthgate st Child J oseph, College st Crowe James, Butter market Downs Benjamin, High Baxter st Levett E. Mustow st M itch ell John, Church gate st Mortlock Henry, St Andrews st Moyse J ames, W estgate st Pcrkins Henry, Short Brackland Tomson William, Mustow st W elton Charles, W estgate st Soap Maker. Ridley Thos. & Son, Abbeygate st Soda Water Manufacturers. Dakin W.Abbeygate st Gall & Cubitt, 52 Abbeygate st · Solicitors. Bacon J. E. Crown st Borton J. & J, H. Angel hill & Hatter st Cambridge John, Brentgovel st Case & Son, Whiting st Case Philip J ames, Whiting st Durrant Richard, Hatter st Green John & Wayman Harry, Guildhall st Hinnell Charles, Brentgovel st Holmes, Jackson, Sparke,& Holmcs,Hatter st Le Blanc Charles, N orthgate st Leech C. D. Crown st Le Grice Henry, Butter market Nunn & Sams, Meat market Robinson T. H. 17 W estgate st Wing Frederick, Hatter st Stationers ~Booksellers. Deck J. & Co. 1 Crown st Peechey J. :Rrentgovel st Reach Thomas, Abbeygate st Thompson George, Abbeygate st Stay Makers. Lusher M. Butter market Neale Elizabeth, Abbeygate st · Stone Masons. De Carle Benjamin, School hall st Emerson & Son, Well end ~ Vine J ames, School hall la [govel st Stone Mrchts. Steggles & Sons, Whiting st & BrentStraw Bonnet Jvfakers. Cooper Sam. Abbeygate st Hagreen J ames, Abbey gate st Huscroft M. A. Abbeygate st Surgeons. Creed Geo. Guildhall st Dalton Row ]and, 20 Hatter st Day Robert, Chequers sq Hubbard George, B.isbygate st Image Wm. Edward1 School hall st Mnllis John, 21 Hatter st Smith Chas. & Wing Hen. Guildhall st Surveyors.~-Steggles & Sons, Whiting st, & Brentgovel st Tailors ~ Drapers.--Andrews & Son, Abbcygate st Best John, Church gate st 32 .Betts John, Churchgate st Brown Fred. Abbeygate it Byford George, Churchgate st Clark James William, Market hill Clarke John, Sparhawk st Coe William, Hatter st Graves Robert, Abbeygate st Hyam L. Butter market ~eeling Sam. N orthgate st Last J. Soathgate st Pawsey J ames, Butter market Prigg Henry, Abbeygate st Salmon Wm. 24 Hatter st Whitehead Benj. Ltmg Brackland Angel Hotel~ Pstng Hse, Bridgman T.Angt>l .Angel ~ Crown, Double G. College st [hill Bell Comcl ~Posing House, Bridgman John, Corn market Black Boy, Holden J. Guildhall st Bull, Kirrage George, Angel hill Bushel, King John, Long Brackland Castle, W atson Geo. Market hill Chequers, Drew Thos. Risbygate st Coach~ Horses, De Carle J. School hall st Cock, Chinnery George, Brentgovelst Cricketers, Lofts Thos. Field la Dog Inn, Clark Fred. Churchgate st Dog~ Partridge, Risbrook M. A. Crown st Fleece, Storey Robt. Churchgate st Fo:t, Burroughs W. Eastgate st Geo:rge, Pryke Thos. Meat market Globe Family Hotel ~ Cornmrcl House, Clark Fras. jun. Angel hill & Northgate st Griffin, Andrews Geo. Corn market [mkt Half J\Ioon Commcl Inn, Gardiner H. Butter Hare~ Hounds, Middleditch S. Risbygate st King of Prussia, Foreman J. Southgate st Kings Arms, Kent Thos. Brentgo,·el st Magpie, Lofts John, Churchyard Marquis Cornwallis, Brand J. Long Brackland Masons Arms, Banett Robt. Whiting st Plough, Sterne Ann, Southgate st QueensHead Inn, Cocksedge J. Churchgatest Rising Sun, Last Sarah, Risbygate st Saracens Head, Gardiner Thos. Guildhall st Seve.ft Stars, Downs Chas. Long Bracklaad Six Bells Comet~ Pstng Hous~, Legge Thos. Churchgate st Spread Eagle, Bishop Thos. W cstgate rd Star, Baldero D. & Son, Mustow st Suffolk Hotel Commercial ~ Posting House, Beckett Jqseph, Butter mal'ket Sword in Hand, Gooch Wm. Southgate st Toll Gate, Rudland John, N orthgate Three Bulls, Brewster Henry, Meat market Three Crotvns, Steggles H. Southgate st Three Goats Heads, Lockwood Henry, Guildhall st Tl1ree Horseshoes, Downs G. & P. Nortbgate Three Kings, Pearson Henry, Meat market Th.ree Tuns, Clemen~ Samuel, Crown st Two Brewers, Green John, West gate 11t Unicorn, Parish William, Eastgate st Waggon, Reeve Richard, Risbygate st ' White Hart, Helfe Richard, Southgate st White Horse, Bradbrook Ann, Butter mkt White Lion, Rolfe Seth, Brentgovel st Wltite Swan, Norman·Samuel, Northgate st William I Vtlt, J efles Robt. Brentgovel st Woolpack Inn, Clarke Robt. Meat market Tea Dealers. Bowen George, Well st Brooks Stephen, 20 Meat market Donovan John & Co. Abbeygate st Edgar Robert, Field la Hunter William, Risbygate st :Morrin John, Long Brackland Oliver George John, Abbeygate st Pattle Thomas, 1 Traverse - Rae John, Risbygate st Ray William, W estgate st Ward J obn,. Risbygate st

CLARE. SUFFOLK. Huay CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tea Dealer.-Whitaker George, Low Baxter st Timber Merchants. Brown & Co. Sparhawk st Burrows B. Bridgewellla Causton George, Eastgate Lee J ames, Risbygate st Tin Plate Workers.--Ashen Charles, Southgate st Lowes William, Honey hill Tobacconists.--Battley John, Crown st Brooks Stephen, 20 Meat market Young H. S. Butter market Tobacco Pipe Maker.--Reffell S. High Baxter st Turners.-Bentley T. High Baxter st Cox William, Guildhall st Kemp J. Long Brackland Pettit J. Churchgate st Umbrella Maker.--V ale John, Meat market Upholsterers~ Cabinet :Makers:- Bradbury JDhn, Risbygate st Bullen Thomas George, Butter market Huuter & Son, Abbeygate st Matthews E. J. Angel hill T'ete,·ina1'.1f Surgeon.--Cotton Richard, Crown st 1fatchmakers.--Adam& G. B. Corn market :Fuller Thomag, Churchgate st Garrard Robert, St Andrews st Grishaber Andrew, Long Brackland Gudgeon George, Abbeygate st Last Wm. Nelson, 2 Abbeygate st Pace John, Abbeygate st Ray D. Butter market Ray William, Brentgovel st Wheelwri,qhts.--Clarke Robert, Risbygate st Ellis George, Southgate st • Manning John, Northgate st Wine ~Spirit Mrchnts.- Baddock H. Southgate st Brooks Stephen, 20 Meat market Clay & Baldero, W estgate st Cocksedge & Son, Church gate st Cooper Jonathan, Northgate st Hunter John, Abbeygate st Lockwood W. B. L. &. J. W. Whiting st McLeroth Thos Moore, Guildhall st Simpson W. K. Butter market Wool Staplet. Head Edward, Southgate st • CLAB.E, with CAVEHDXSH. A MARKET town on the river Stour, and borders of Essex, 56 miles from London through Romford, Chelmsford, and Braintree, and 16 miles south-west from Bury St. Edmuncls; contained in 1831, 1619 inhabitants ; the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3417l. The market is on Monday, and fairs are held on Easter Tuesday and July 26th. A new corn exchange is building in the market-place, a manifest proof of the increasing importance of the town; and a manufactory of baize is carried on. The petty sessions are held here. A bazaar, to which are attached a garden, greenhouse, rockwork, fountain, and a collection of rare plauts, fossils, shells, aud minerals, conduces to the amusement of the inhabitants and visitors. The church is dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul; and the living, a \'icarage, value 195l, per annum, is in the patronage of the QueenJ being part of the Duchy of Lancaster. Betweeu the to\vn and the river are the remains of Clare Castle, said to have been rebuilt by one of the ancient Earls of Clare ; it occupied an angle formed by the junction of a rivulet with the Stour, which situation, when improved hy art, ren- ,l,'l'etl it a military po<;ition of con"iderable importance. From the site of th(' ca~tle a very fine view may be obtained, The foundation {lf the priory of Atatin 1 Snffolk.] F Friars is ascribed to Richard de Clare, Earl of Gloucester, who introduced this order of friars into England in 1248, and established them here in their priory and conventual church, wlucb had afterwards several noble benefactors. Clare priory is one of the most interesting and best preserved specimens of a monastic institution to be seen in the whole diocese of Norwich: the appearance of the building is in excellent accordance with its original deiitination. On the north-eastern side of the priory is the conventual church, in which many persons of distinction were interred; and now appropaiated to the purpose of a barn ; near it, the remains of a bt·idge show the former communication between the adjoining castle and the priory. Clare is in Risbridge Union, Name, Besidence, & Profession. See also CLAssiFICATION of TRADEs, page 34. Alston S ............................ Hatter & Slopseller Ambrose Josh .•. , ••••••.•• ,., ..••• , •••••. ~···•••tt• Builder Ambrose Matthew •••..••.•••••.•••••.••....•••. Butcher Andrews J. B .••. Chemist & Dru~gist & Stamp Office A1·mstead William •• , ••••.••.•...•.• Plumber & Glazier Barnes J oltn •.••• ,. • • • • ••• . • • . . • ... . . • . . . .•• . . . . • Surgeon Bloom field William •.••••..••••....•• Tailor & Draper Bowyer Santuel •..••••••.•.••.••...•••••..•.. White Hart Bridgman J ames •• , •... , ......•...•.•... .Bear & Crown Brown Edward •••.. , .•••.••..•••.....• Tallow Chandler Brown Sarah ••••••••••.•..•••• Ladies Boarding School Brnwn 'I'homas • . .• • . • . .. . ••• . . • •••.•. .• • . • • . Soapmaker Burleigh & Erratt •.• Solicitors, Agent to the Atlas · Fire & Life Office Candler Francis • ..... .. .. . .• . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . Bricklaver - Deeks Eliz ................................... Dress ]\faker Decks John ........................ Hoot & Shoemaker Dyson John "' ............................... ~.. .• .• Baker Elgar J antes.. •• • •• • •• • •• ••• • • •• •• • . • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• Coo}Jer Ellengham W illiam • . .• . . • . •• • •. . . . . •• . . • .. Blacksmith Farrand J. H ...• Bazaar, Chemi~t & Druggi!.t, Agent to Essex Economic Fire Office Fenn R. J .•..•..•.•......••..••.......•.•..•.••.. Grocer Fe11ner J ames ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.••••••••• Farrier Foulger B. ••••••••.•••••.••• Sadler & Harness Maker Fulcher & Pratt ••. Booksellers, Stationers, & Printers Fuller H. • .................... Gents Boarding School Gayfer Thomas •• • • ... .... ... •• ... •• Miller & Maltster Goodchild 'fhomas................. .• • .. . . . . . . . . Butcher Goodey S. • • .• . •• . ... • •••••• •. . ... ••• . • Grocer & Draper Gray Wm .••• Half Moon Comrcl Inn, & Excise Office Gunn Robert ••••••••••••••.•.••..••••••..• Corn Factor Hammond Ann ••.•••••.•••••• Watch & Clock Maker Hammond George •••.•••.••••••.••••.• Basket Maker Hamn1ond J ames ••••••••••••••••..••.•.•.•.•.• Butcher He ward Mrs. • •.•••••••••••. Ladies Boarding School Hew son Thomas •••••••. , ••• Sadler & Harness Maker Hills George ••.• , •• • •• ••• •• • ••• •••• .• ••• •• 1Vheel wright Ho\v J oh11 • • • • • • •• •• ••• • ••• • •• •• • •• ••• • ••• ••• • Bricklayer lsaacson &Tattersall ••• Auctioneers, Apprsrs, Srvyrs, & Estate Agents, Agts. to Roy. Exch. Insur. Office I ve Robert •.••..•. ..•....••.•.•...•. •.•..•. .•• Carpenter J an· is John • • ••• ••• •• . •• • •• •••••..• Carrier to London J oily T ...• Relieving Officer; Re g. of Births & Deaths Linton J ol111 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Parisl1 Clerk Martin George ....••••.•••••....•••••••••••..•• Surgeon Martin Josl1 .••••••.••••.•••••.•••••..•.••••••.••• Builder Mellor Micah .................... Bell Commercial Inn Mortlock Charles ........................ Cabinet Maker Mortlock William •..••.•.••.• Watch & Clock .Maker Oakes, Bevan, Moore, & Hanbury ............ Bankers P11in .T. H ............................... C'abin('t l\111krr Palmrr \Yi.liam ............... Watch & Clock l\Jakrt· l)eo· .. sou~ (Tror!!C .................................... J;akPr ,_ t>e1·ry George.. .. . .. . . . . .•. . . . . . . •. ... . .. . . I lair J)rPsscr 33

SUFFOLK. CLARE. Perry William ...................... Builder & Surveyor Pearsons Richard • •••••• •••••••• Nursery & Seedsman Pratt Benjamim •••••••.••••••• Master of Free School Ray J. R. & Son ••• Grocers & Drapers, Agents to the Norwich Union Fir~ & Life Office . Ray Charles .. ••• • ...... ...... ••••• •• Miller & Maltster Robinson Come]iUi-•• ............ ••• • • • • ........ •• • Carrier Robinson William ...................... Glover & Tailor Sadler John Henry ••• Furnishing & General Ironmonger, Oil & Colour Merchant Shelly J ames • • • • • • . • .. • • •••• •• Cock Commercial Inn Srnitl1 J os b. • • •• • . • ••• • • • • • • • • • • •• • .• • • .... •• • • • • • Surgeon Smoothy John ......... Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Sparks Thomas .............................. Blacksmith Spicer L .......................................... Linendraper Spurge Richard .................. , .. • .. • .. Hair Dresser Star Ed ward • • • • • •• • • • • • • • . . • . • • • • •• . . • • • •• . • The S\van Steed John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Stevens Samuel ........ •• ... • .. • .. •• • • • • • ••• ... • Solicitor Suttle Samuel • ... • •• ••• • . • ... • ... .... • • •• • • Coachmaker W alliker John •• •• .. ••••• •• • • .. •• • • Boot & Shoemaker W ebb William • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . . • ... • • • • Bricklayer Wightman Rev. G. ••••••••.••••••..••. .. . . • ••• • • Vicar Wilding J ames ·-~··"··~······•···················· Baker Post Office .. Hammond George •••••••••••••••••••.•••••.• Postmaster Letters from all parts arrh·e from Sudbury every mom. at 9 ; dispatched every even. at 6. Bankers. Oakes, Bevan, Moore & Bevan. Draw on Barclay, Tritton & Co. E'ire and Life Assurance Agents. Atlas :Fire & Life.................. Burleigh & Erratt Essex Economic Fire .................. J. H. Farrand Norwich Union Fire & Life ...... Jas. R. Ray & Son Royal Exchange............... Isaacson & Tattersall Public Officers. Thorn as Jolly........................ Relieving Officer Samuel Stevens ... Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes in the Hundred of Risbridge Samuel Stevens .................. Clerk to Magistrates Public Establishments. Excise Office, Half Moon Commercial Inn Stamp Office •..•••.•.•.•••••..•.•••••••••• J. B. Andrews • E'ree School. Benjamin Pratt ....................................... Master Coach. London, the Times, from the Half Moon, every mom. Sunday excepted, at 9. CaTriers. Bury St. Edmunds, (John Golding & Wm. Elmer) every Tues. morn. Colchester & Nayland, (Ditto) every Fri. morn. Haverhill, (John Golding) every Mon. morn. Ditto, (Wm. Elmer) every Mon. & Thurs. morn. Ditto, (John Jal'Vis) every Wed. & Sat. Ipswich, (Wm. Elmet•) every Tues. & Sat. morn. London, (John Jarvis) every Thurs. & Sat. evens. Ditto, (John Potts) every Tues. even. Sudbury, (J. Oolding & W .• Elrner) every Sat:morn. Classification of Trades. Auctioneers ~ Appraisers. lsaacson & Tattersall Bakers.-Dyson John Pearson George . Wilding J ames Basket Maker. Hamtnond George Bazaar.---Farrand J. H. Blacksmiflls.-Ellingham William Sparks Thomas 34,. CLARB CLASSIFICATION, continued, Booksellers ~ Stationers.--Fnlcher & Pratt Boot ~ Shoemakers. Deeks John Steed John W alliker John Bricklayen.--Candler Francis How John W ebb William Builders.--Ambrose Joseph Martin J oseph Perry William Butchers.--Ambrose Matthew Goodchild Thomas Hammond J ames Cabinet Makers.-Mortlock Charles Pain J. H. Carpenter. I ve Robert Carrier. Janis John Chemists q Druggists, Andrews J. B. Farrand J. H. Coach Maker.---Suttle Samuel Cooper.--Eigar James Corn Factor. Gunn Robert Currier.-Robinson Cornelim1 Dress Maker.- Deeks Elizabeth Farrier.---Fenner J ames Glover.--Robinson William Grocers.--FenR R. J. Goodey Samuel Ray J. R. & Son Hair Dressers.---Perry George Spurge Richard Hatter.--Alston Stephen Ironmonger.--Sadler John Henry Linen Drapers.-Goodey S. Ray J. R. & Son Spicer L. Malsters.-Gayfer Thomas Ray Charles Millers.-Gayfer Thomas Ray Charles • Nurser!l ~ Seedsman. Pearsons Richard Oil~ Colo-ur Merchant.--Sadler John Henry Plumber ~ Glazier.--Armstead William Sadlers ~Harness Makers.--.Foulger B. Hewson Thomas • School, Gents. Fuller Henry Schools, Ladies.-Brown Sarah Heward Mrs. Slopseller. Alston S. Soap Maker. Brown Thomas Solicitors.---Burleigh & Erratt Stevens Samuel Surgeons.--Barnes John Martin George Smith J oseph Surveyors.---Isaacson & TattersaJl Perry William Tailors ~ Dropers.---Bioomfieid William Robineon W illiam . Tallow Chandler.--,.. Brown Ed ward Taverns, Inns,~ Public Ilou6es ;--- Bear ~ Crown, Bridgman J ames Bell Comm. Inn, Melior Micah Cock Comm. Inn, Shelly James Half Moon Comm. Inn, Gray William Swan, Sta.- Edward White Hart, Bol\·yer Samuel Upholstere1·. Smoothy John Watch~ Clock Makers.--Hammond Ann Mortlock WHiiam Palmer William Wheelwright.---HiiJ1 George

DEBENHAIVI. SUFFOLK., CAVENDISH. Ambrose R. & T.. .• . . • •••. ••••• •• ••••.. .. ••• . Butchers Ambrose Miss ... _.......... tadies Boarding School Bocock George ........................ Grocer & Drape-r Brockwell J ................................... Parisl1 Clerk Byford J oseph.. •• • . ••••••• ••• • ••• • • . •• • •• • . • •• • . . Carrie-r Castley Rev. Thomas........................... Rector Churchyard William............. ........ White Horse Clark Frederick ..................... Plumber & Glazier Cud by J oseph....... ... ... ... .... ... ... • Basket Maker Deeks Edward .................................. _. ••.•••• Bull Deeks Isaac ••••••••••••••••• ,............... Blacksmith Ely J obn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•••• Fi,·e Bells Evans Thomas.................................... Baker Garrett J. S ........................... Miller & Maltster Gonlding Frederick.... .... • •••••• Boot & Shoemaker Hale John •.•••.••••..••••.••..•.•••.••. Grocer & Draper Hammond Edward........................ Blacksmith Hardy Edward ........................... Wheelwrigllt Jay Miss ................. u.. Ladies Boarding School Lancaster Robert.. .•.••.•••.•.••.•••.•...•.• ..•.. Miller Mott Charles •••••••.••••••••••••.••••••••.••• Blacksmith Offord John .................. George Commercial Inn Page Thomas •••• , .•••••.•••••.••.•••••.•....••.•••. Baker Pledger James ........................ Breeches Maker Rice Stephen ........................ Plumber & Glazier Rolton John .............................. Basket l\'laker Simpson Robt ...... Gram. & Coml. Scl10ol for Gent'S Spencer William ........................... Wheelwright Stammers Henry •.•••••••.••..••••••..•...•...•.. Builder Thompson William ......... Sadler & Harness Maker Waring Thomas •••••.•.••.•••.•.•..... ._ •..••.... Surgeon Woods Thomas ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Woods William •••••••••••••..•••.•.••••..•..••. Carpente1· Post, C:oaches, &c.-See CLARE. Carrier. London, {Joseph Byford) to the Kings .Arms, Leadenhallst, M on. & Thurs. evens.; returns Fri. & Mon. evens. DEBENHAM. DEBENHAM, situated on the side of a hill, near the ' source of the river Deben, 83 miles from London through Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, and Ipswich, from which last it is distant 13 miles N., contained, in 1831, 1,629 inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property, in 1815, was 4,5121. Here is a market hou11e, and the market was formerly on Friday ; a fair is held on J nne 24, for braziers and toys. The church is dedicated to the Virgin M ary, and the living, a vicarage value 1541. per annum, is in the patronage of Lord Henniker. A free-school was founded here by Sir Robert Hitcham. In this parish are two manors Ulverston Hall, & Sackvyls, held for charitable purposes under the will of Henry Tooley, Esq., who died in 1552. The Eastern Counties Railway, from London to Norwich, will pasa westward of the town. Debenham is in Bosmere and Claydon Union. About 4! miles to the north-east, is W orlingworth Hall, the seat of Lord IIenniker, M.P. for the eastern division of this county. Kame, Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION ofTaAnEs, page 36. Abbott Henry ....... Grocer, Draper, & Glass Dealer .A..bbott Josh •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Auctioneer Amass George •••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher A. mass Samuel •••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Tailor A..mass William •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher .A.ndrews Robert ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• Shopkeeper . . ' Arnold Francis.... ... ......... ... .. Boot & Shoemaker Barrett William ............... Gardener & Seedsman Bed well Robert ........................... Hair Dresser Bedwell Thomas •• ~ ....................... Kings Head Beecroft William ........................... Hah Dresser Bendell E •........•..•..•...••....•.••..•.... Wl1eelwright Ben nett Thomas ................................ Seedsman Ben nett William .................. Gun & Whitesmith Bras by Samuel •..•..•...•.••.•.•••.•••••.•.•••• Bricklayer Carrett J. F ••••..••••••...•.•••.•..•••••..•••.•••• S11rgeon Carter Thomas ..................................... Glo\'er Chevellier John, Aspallllall .. ........ .... • ...... M.D. Corner Wm ................ Maltster & Corn Merchant Crapnell J osh.............. ..... ••••.••....•.• Boottnaker Cunnell John ......................... Clremist & Tailor Curtis George .........•.••...••••••••••.••.•..••••.• Tailor Curtis Sarah ........................... Tailor & Draper Dave S ...... Grocer & Draper; Agnt Sfflk Fire Office Etches James ............ Grocer, Clothier, & Druggist Field Edward.. .•• . • . .• . .•. .......................... Baker Fisk William .••....••••..•••••••.••••••••. Cabinet Maker Frost Ambrose ...................... ,. •••••••••••• ,. Miller Fulcher Charles ••••••••.•••••••••.•••••••••.••••••• Sadler Gardner Samuel. .......... -. ......... Boot & Shoemaker Gooding John •••••••..••.•.••••••••••••.•••••• Bricklayer Gooding Thomas ............................... B1icklayer Gooding William ............................... Bricklayer Gutln Fenn •.....•.....•..•••••••••••••••••• Plttmber, &c. Hall J ............. ., ................•.•....••... Shopkeeper Harvey Samuel .....••••.•.•• , ..•.........•...•.... Tailor Hough ton Mrs ...................... Draper & Mi~liner Howes Robert .............................. Wheelwright Hurn C .............................................. Glo, .. er Hyde Henry ........................ Boot & Shoemaker J acob John .••.........•..•..•.••••.••••••.. l>arisb Clerk J essop J ................•.........•.......... Beer Retailer Knight Henry ..................... , ........... Millwright Last J acob ..................................... Shopkeeper Last San1uel •..•..•..••.•.....•..• , ••...•.••• Blacksmitl1 Last William ..•.•.••.•.••...•••••.•.•.•• "' •••.•••••• Cooper Lock Edward .............. ~ ........................... Surgeon Ludbrook John ..................... Boot & Shoemaker M ann John . . . • . .. • . . . .. . . . . .• • .. . .•• . • . • Basket Make1· M orton John •.•...•.•••.•..••••• ,.. ••• ., •••••••••••••• Miller N oiler Samuel • • • • • . • . . • • • . . • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CarrieF N orris J ames ............ Solicitor; Agent to Norwich Equitable Fire Assurance Oules Samuel ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Palmer John ..................... Master of Free School Percy John •••••.••••.••••••••..•••••••••••• Watchmaker Poole J... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Sadler Powell Arthnr •..•.••..•••••.••••••••••••••••.•••. Solicitor Rands Israel ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Boys School Smalley Rev. George. ••• ••••••• •• ••••••• •• • • •• •••• Vicar Smith J ames •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.• Eight Bells Summers John • • •••••• •••••••••••••• •••• ..... •• • •••• ....&\.ngel Tydeman E ••. Cherry Tree Comml. Inn& Excise Office W ythe & Palm er ........................... Auctioneers Wythe John ...... Plumber, Painter, & Stone Mason Post Office. Roberts John .. _. ..................... Receiving House Letters received 7 morn. ; dispatched 6 even. ; delivery l p. 7 morn Public :establishment. Excise Office, Cherry T1·ee ............... E. Tydeman Fire & Life Assurance Agents • Norwich Equitable (Fire) ............... James Norris Suffolk (Fire) .............................. Samuel Dove Free-School. Palm er J ol111 ........................................ Master 35

SUFFOLK. EYE. ==----~=============================================== Carriers. Fresingfield, Nolleril's Waggon, Tues. & Sat. through Skedbrook, Eye, Stonham, & Ipswich. Ipswich, Alexander's Waggon, Mon. Wed. & Fri. Ipswich, H. Page, Tues. & Sat. London, Nollers's Waggon from Yarmouth, tl1rough Y oxford, Peasenhall, Framlingham, Earl Soham, Ipswich, & Colchester, every Thurs.~ & returns on Sat. Classification of Trades. .Auctioneers.-Abbott Joseph Wythe & Palmer Baker. Field Edward Basket Maker. Mann John Beer Retailer. Jessop J. Blacksmith. Last Samuel Bout ~ Shoemakers. Arnold Francis Crapnell J oseph Gardner S'lmuel Hyde Henry Ludhrook John Oules Samuel Bricklayers. Brasby Samuel Gooding John Gooding Thomas Gooding William Butchers. Amass George Amass William Cabinet Maker. Fisk William Carrier.~. Noller Samuel Page Hannah Chemist.-Cunnell John Clothiet·.-Etches J ames Cooper.-Last William Corn 11-ferchant.-Corner William Drapers. Abbott Henry Dove Samuel Houghton Mrs. Druggist. Etches J ames • Gardenm· & Seedsman. Tlarrett William Glass Dealer. Abbott Henry Glovers. Carter Thomas Huru Chenery Groce1'S. Abbott Henry: Dove Samuel Etches J ames Gunsmith. Bennett William Hair Dressers.--Bedwell Robert Deecroft William Maltster.-Corner William Millers.--Frost Ambrose Morton John Jlrlillwright. Knight 11 enry Physician.-Chevellier John, M.D. Aspall hall Plumbers, ~c.--Gunn Fenn Wythe John Sadlers, .tc.---Fulcher Charles Poole J. School, Gents.-Rands Israel Seedsman.--Ben nett Thomas Shopkeepers.---Andrews Robert HaUJ. Last Jacob Solicitors.--N orris Jarnes Powell Arthur Stone Mason.---W vthe John • Surgeons.--Carrett J. F. Lock Ed'" ard Tailors.--Amass Samuel Cunnell John Curtis George Curtis Sarah 36 D EBEN" Allf CLASSIFICATION, continue cl. Tailor. Harvey Samuel Tat~erns, Inns, & Public HmtSes :-- Angel, S11mmers John Cherry Tree Comml. Inn, Tydeman E. Eight Bells, Smith J ames Kings Head, Bedwell Thomas Watchmaker.---Percy John Wheelwrights.-Bendell E. Howes Robert Whitesmith. Bennett William EYE. A MARKET town on a branch of the river Waveney, 20 miles north from Ipswich, 23 miles south from Norwich, and 89! from London through Chelmsford, Colchester, and Ipswich; contained in 1831, 2313 inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 6474!. The principal manufacture is that of bone lace. Tbe market is on :saturday, and a fair is held on Whit-Monday for cattle and toys. The town is governed by two bailiff's, a town clerk, recorder, ten capital burgesses, and twenty-four common councilrnen : it returns one member to . Parliament, who at present is Sir Edward Kerrison, Bart. The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, contains several ancient monuments: the living is a vicarage, value 33ll. per annum, in the patronage of Sir Edward Kerrison,·Bart. Here was formerly a castle belonging to Robert Malet, aN orman baron, who obtained from King William the honor of Eye, compl'ising one hundred and twenty manors of which Eye was the chief: l1e afterwards held the office of Great Chamberlain of England to King Henry I. This nobleman founded a Benedictine priory on the east side of the town,· part of which still remains. Several gold Roman coins and medals were found in a neighbouring field in 1781. Yaxley Hall, Broome Hall, and Hoxne Hall are in the vicinity. The parish of Eye is in the Hartismere Union. Name, Residence, & Profession. · See als.o CLASSH'ICATION of TRADEs, page 3i. Alders Charles, Loggetts ........................ CurrieJ Aldous Robert, Church st ............... Leatherseller All en W. Broad st, White Lion Comml. & Posting Inn Ash ford S. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • . Surgeon Barber Wm. Broad st ... Brazier & Ironmonger, Fire & Life Insurance Agent Bishop John, Grocer & Tea Dealer, Agent to Alliance & Norwich Insurance Companies Bishop John, Broad st, Agt. to Gurney & Co. Bankers Bishop Robert ... Chemist & Druggist, Printer, Stationer, Agent to Crown Lite Assurance Company Borrett John, Castle st ........................... Tailor Brooks & Stainard, ditto ..................... Builders Brown Richard, Church st ..................... Butcher Button \V illiam, Castle st ........................ Stal' Carnbell Rev. , CltUrch st .. 6 ............................ ., Carver Susan, Marlcet pl ....... ... ... •• Watchmakor Casson William, diUo , ........................... Dra}>fr Catt John, Church st .. .. .... • • .. .... Grocer & Draper Chase Robert, Broad st. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. . • ... Butcher Chenery Edgar, Lamsey st ... Solicitor & Town Clerk · Church John, Market pl ...... China & Glass Dealer Churchyard John, Castle st ............... Kings Arms Collins John, Church st ............ Grocer & Draper Cooper J ames, Church st .. .. .. .. .. • .. ... .. .• •••• Miller Day Josh. Back la ........................ Wheelwright Deed Rollert, Magdalen st .................... t Baker Denny John, Church st ........................ .Baker Edwards George, Lamsey st ......... , ........ Surgeon

RYE. SUFFOLK. ===========================-==================~======== Fairman John, Churclt st ........ Boot & Shoemaker Fisher John ......... Land Surveyor & Estate Agent Flowerdew, Ethridge, & Co .... Brewers & Maltsters Foyster Henry, Castle st ........................ Carrier French T. ditto ... Solicitor & Agt. to East of En g. Bank Garrood William ........................ Iron Founder Gissing John, Castle st ............ Baker & Butcher Girling D. ditto ........................... Wheelwright Gurnish Miss, Castle st ...... Ladies Boarding School Harber Daniel, Church st .. .. .. .... .. • .. • .. .... Tailor Harvey Daniel ........................... Beer Retailer Haynes Henry, jun. Scole .................. Scole Inn Herbert Daniel, Church st .. .. • .. .. • .. Retail Brewer Hinds J an1es . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Carpenter Horsham John, Lamsey st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Knivett Rev. John, Church st ........................... . La it Robert ................................. Coach maker Lake William, Butchery ... Victoria Arms, &jButcher Lake William, Back st .................. Black Swan I.awrence Robert ........................ Beer Retailer Lawrence William, Church st ............ Bricklayer Leathers , ditto ................................. Baker I.owthers Thomas, Church st... .. • • .. .. .. .... • Baker Marsh William, Castle st ...... Sadler & Fellmonger More John, Clmrch st- ........................ Surgeon Moss William, Magdalen st ..................... Crown Mountain Clement, Broad st .................. Baker Mudd George, Clturch st Brewer & Spirit Merchant Mm·dock Thomas, ditto ..................... Bricklayer Nayler John, Market pl ... Linen & Woollen Draper& Hatter Neale Robt>rt ............... H .... Plumber & Glazier Nurse R. Market st, Bookseller, Stationer, & Dmggist Oaks Abraham, JJ:farket pl ...... Boot & Shoemaker Offord Edmond, Mill hill ... Miller & Beer Retailer Page Edward, Castle .vt ......... Boot & Shoemaker Penning Daniel, Lamsey si..................... Builder J>ettitt Robert, Buckslwrn la ..................... Baker Prentice David, Lamsey st .................. Gunsmith Pretty Robert, Castle st ........................... Tailor Pretty Saral1, Lamsey st ...... Ladies Boarding School Pretyman Robert, Church st.................. Surgeon Ramplinge I. Back st .............................. Baker Ray son William, Clturch st ............... Kings Head Rayson William, ditto ........................... Carrier Reeve Francis, Castle st ............... Ladies School lleeve Robert, Lamsey .............................. Bull Remington Richard, J\!Iarket pl ............... Sadler Robinson John, Castle st ... Glover & Breeches Maker Roper James, Church st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Rush John, Castle st • .... .. . . .. • Veterinary Surgeon Sadd George, ditto................................. Baker Seville George Lamsey st ........................ Cooper Se well George, Lamsey st • .... .. .. Grocer & Draper Sewell Henry, ditto ... Classisal & Commercial School Short George, Clturclt st ... Retail Brewer, Maltster, & Beer Retailer Smith Thomas & J os h. ditto .. • .. .. ... • • Blacksmiths Stokes Charles • .. .. •. .. .. .. .. • . . .. .. .. .. . Beer Retailer Stow Samuel, Magdalen st ......... Gents. Academy Sturgeon Daniel, Castle st ......... Painter & Glazier Syel' & Cream, Lamsey st ... Solicitors, & Clerk to the County Magistrates Tacon Rd. & Chas. ditto •.• Brewers & Spirit Met·chrnts Thurlow Wm. Cross st ... Blacksmith, Agent to Royal Exchange Insurance Company Trick er William, Castle st ..................... Sad] er Twitchet George, Church st ..................... Baker Tye Mark, diito ............ Red Lion, & Bricklayer Ward Lydia, Castle st ............ Three Horse Shoes Waterman John, ditto ..................... Blacksmith Wheyman Isaac, Church st ...... Veterinary Surgeon Post Office. : . Clouting F . ................................. Post Master Letters arrive every morn. at 7, and are dispatched at l p. 6 even. Corporation. MAYOR. Seaman Ashford, Esq. ALDERMEN. Ashford Seaman Chenery Thomas jun. Bishop Robert Gooch Henry • TOWN COUNCIL. Mr. Todd Mr. Nayler Mr. Edward Gowing Mr. l\Judd Mr. Lake, sen. Mr. French Mr. Wythe Mr. George Edwards Mr. BeaUs Mr. Parke Mr. George Sewell Mr. Reeve Law Officers. Chenery Edgar, Lamsey st ••• &0 .......... Town Clerk Syer & Cream, ditto ... Clerks to County Magistrates Posting House. White Lion, Broad st .................. All en William Bankers. East of England Bank, Castle st,' French Thomas, Manager ... Draw on London & Westminster Bank Gurnilys & Co. Branch Bank, Broad st, Bishop John, Agent ... Draw on Barclay & Co. - Savings Bank. Bishop John, Broad st • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • .. .. • Secretary rire & Life Assurance Agents.~ Alliance, Broad st ........................ Bishop John Crown Life, ditto ........................ Bishop Robert N-orwich V nion, ditto..................... Bishop John Royal Exchange, Cross st ......... Thurlow William Coaches. A Coach from Norwich & Bungay to Ipswich .::very morn. at 9 ; and returns 5 aft. from White Lion Inn Carriers. Diss, Bungay, Beccles, & Southwold, every Mon.; returns on Wed. Ipswich (Rayson's Cart), every Sun. &:Thurs. morn. London (Foyster's Waggon), every Thms. even.; and returns every Mon. aft, Norwich (Rayson's;Cart), every Tues. & Fri. morn. Classification of Trades. Bakers. Deed Robert, Magdalen st Denny John, Church ~t Gissing John, Castle st Leathers -, Church st I.owthers Thomas, Church st Mountseer Clement, Broad st Petitt Robert, Buckshorn la Ramplinge I. Back st Sadd George, Castle st Twitchet George, Church st Beer Retailers. Harvey Daniel Lawrence Robert Offord Edmund, Mill hill Short George Stokes Charles Blacksmiths. Smith Thomas & Josh. Church st Thurlow William, Cross st W aterman John, Castle st Bookseller~ Stationer. Nurse Robert, Market pl Boot~ Shoemakers.-Fairman John, Church st Horsham John, J,amsey st Oaks Abraham, Market pi Page Edward, Castle st Roper J ames, Church st 37

SUFFOLK. FRAMLINGHAM. =============================-============================= EYE CLASSIFICATION, continued. Brazier. Barber William, Broad st Brewers. Flowerdew, Ethridg<.>, & Co. Herbert Daniel, Church st Mudd George, Church st Short George, Church st Tacon Richard & Charles, Lamsey st Bricklayers.-Lawrence William, Church st M urdock Thomas, Church st Tye Mark, Church st Builder~. Brooks & Stainard, Castle st Penning Daniel, Lamsey st Butchers. Brown Richard, Church st Chase Robert, Broad st Gissing John, Castle st Lake William, Butchery Carpenter. Hinds J ames. Carriers. Foy~ter Henry, Castle st Rayson William, Church st Chemists ~ Druggists. Bishop Robert, Broad st China~ GlaS8 Dealer.-Church John, Market pi Coach Builder.-Lait Roberl · Cooper.-Seville George, Lamsey st Currier.-Alders Charles, Loggetts Drapers.-Casson William, Market pi Cutt John, Church st Collins John. Church st Sewell George, Lamsey st Druggist. Nurse Robert, Market pl Fellmonger.--Marsh William, Castle st Glover 4" Breeches Make.r.--Robinson Jno. Castle st Grocers.~--Bishop John, Broad st Catt John, Church st Collins John, Church st Sewell George, Lamsey st Grocer 4- Teadealer. Bishop John, ..Broad st Gunsmith.--Prentice David, Lamsey st Hatter. Nayler John, Market pl lronfounderr-Garrood William Ironmonger.-Barber William, Broad st Land Surveyor ~Estate Agent.--Fisher John Leather Seller.--Aldous Rohert, Church st LineN~ Woollen Draper.--Nayler John, Market pl Maltsters.---Flowerdew, Ethridge, & Co. Short George, Church st Millers. Cooper J ames, Church st Offord Edmond, Mill hill Plumbers, Painters, ~ Glaziers. N eale Rohert Sturgeon Daniel, Castle st Printer~ Stationer.--Bishop Robert, Broad st Sadlers, ~c.--Marsh William, Castle st Remington Richard, Market pl Tricker William, Castle st Schools, Gents.--Sew_!ll Henry, Lamsey st Stow Samuel, Magdalen st Schools, Ladies.--Gurnish Miss, Castle st Pretty Sarah, Lamsey IU Reeve Frances, Castle st Solicitors.--Chenery Edgar, Lamsey st French Thomas, Castle st Syer & Cream, Lamsey st Spirit Merchants.---Mudd George, Church st · Tacon Richard & Charles, Lamsey st Surgeons.--Ashford Seaman, Lamsey st Edwards George, Lamsey st Mor~ John, Church st Pretyman Robert, Church st Tailors.-Borrett John, Castle st Harber Daniel, Church st Pretty Robert, ·Castle st Taverns, Inns, ~Public Houses:- 38 Black Swan, Lake William, Back at Bull, Reeve Robert, Lamsey st • EYE Cr.ASSIPICATION, contimted. Taverns, Inns,~ Public Houses:·- Crown, Moss William, Magdalen st Kings .Arms, Churchyard John, Castle st Kings Head, Rayson William, Church st Red Lion, Tye Mark, Church st Scole Inn, Haynes Henry,jun. Star, Button William, Castle st Three Horse Shoes, Ward Lydia, Castle st J7ictoria .Arms, Lake William, Butchery Wllite Lion Inn, Commercial~ Posting Hou.te, Allen William, Broad st JTete1·inary Surgeons. Rush John, Castle st Wheyman Isaac, Church st Watchmaker.--Carver Susan, Market pl Wheelwrights.--Day J osh. Back la Girling Daniel, Castle st I':RAMLINGHAM, A MARKET town, 87 miles from London, through Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, and W oodbtidge, from which last it is distant 10 miles north, contained in 1831, 2445 inhabitants: the annual valu~ of assessed property in 1815, was 86961. It is pleasantly situated on an eminence, near the source of the river Ore, which flows through the town; and has a spacious market place. The market is on Saturday, and fain are heM on Whit Monday, and October lOth, for cattle, sheep, and cloths. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, is a stately edifice, constructed chiefly with black flints, and supposed to have been built by the Mowbrays, Earls of Norfolk: the tower at the west end is nearly 100 feet in height. At the . eastern end of the north aisle, are monuments of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond and Earl of Nottingham, K.G. (he was the son of King Henry VIII., by Lady Talbois, and married Mary, daughter of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; he died at St. J ames's Palace, London, on July 24th, 1536, aged 16); of Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, who was beheaded January 19th, 1546, and his countess; and Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, who died in 1554. In the chancel, is the monument of Sir Robert Hitcham, who died in 1636: he founded an almshouse and a free-school in the town, In the church is also a monument by Roubiliac, of Mrs. J ane Kerridge, of She11y Hall, ob. 17 44. ~ The living is a rec.tory, with the curacy of Saxtead, value 120 ll. per annum, in the patronage of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. An almshouse wa~;~ founded by the trustees of Thomas Mills, of this town, who died in 1703, and left his property for that purpose. On a hill northward of the town, are very considerable remains of Framlingham Castle, supposed to have been erected by the Anglo Saxons : it was effectually defended on the west side by the lake, and on the others by two broad and deep ditches communicating with it. This castle is said to have been one of th~ residences of St. Edmund the King, but much ofthestructure is of more modern date: the outer wall is nearly circular in plan, and eight feet in thickness; it is flanked by thirteen square turrets higher than the ramparts, and is in fine preservation. The principal gate-house is in the south side of the castle: part of the area is now occupied by a workhouse. On the death of King Edward Vlth., his sister Mary having asserted her claim to the tbrone1 in opposition to the partisans of Lady Jane Grey, repaired to Framlingham Castle for the security of her person: where she remained until her rem?val to London, to take possession of the crown. One apartment is still called Queen Marv's room. This parish • is in Plomesgate Union.

FRAMLINGHA~f. SUFFOLK. ~==========================·============================= Name, B.esldence, &. Profession. Kindred John ................................. J\filler, &c. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, p. 40. Kinnenn John, D01~ble st •.••. ~ •••• •••••. ••• •• Surgeon Barker E. Church st ••• Milliner & Straw Hat Manftr Lambert' Edw. Alarket pl ••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Barker Jos. Double st ...................... Whitesmith Lam~ert Edw ...• Wine & Spirit Merchant & Maltster BarkerS. K. }.;farketllill ••• Silversmith, Jeweller, & Lankester Edw •.• Wine & Spirit Mrchnt & Maltster Watchmaker Lee J. G.................................... Whitesmith Barnes Fred. ditto...... Watchmaker & Ironmonger Leech Wm. Castle st.................. Cabinet Maker Baxter Jos. Back la .................. Tallow Chandler Leek Ann D. Wellclose sq ••• Straw Hat Manufactr Bilney F .............................. Waggon & Horses Leek Spencer, ditto ..•..•..••.• Conf~ctioner & Baker Bloss R. J. Double st ............................ Butcher Leek Stephen, sen. ditto •.•..• Basket & Sieve Maker Bloss Saml. Church st ••• Crown & Anchor Tavern & Leggett John, Double st ................... Wheelwright Posting House Mannang Sarah, ditto .••.••..•••• Chemist & Druggist Blumfield Geo. Wellclose sq ••• Sadler & Harness Mkr Markham Samuel, Market pl .•• Boot & Shoemaker Blumfield Step h. JJ:fill bt •• • . • • ••• • . •• • •••• Fell monger Mars hall Jas. Double st ........................... Hosier Bolt R. DoZtble st, Young Ladies Boarding Estahmt . Measure John, ditto.............................. Tailor Bridges Edw. Castle st •••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Meen Wm....................................... Carrier Bridges J. F. Back la..................... Middleton Edw. Double st ..•..•.••..•.•• Greengrocer Bridges Job, Market hill ••• Sadler & Straw HatMkr Middleton Josiah, Castlest •••••••••••• General Dealer Bridges John, Castle st .•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tailor Middleton Robt. B. Market hilt ••• Confctnr & Baker Bridges S. Double st ......................... Blacksmith Moo re John ................................. Wheelwright Bruce Thomas................................. Attorney N ewson Chas. Hermitage pl ..•.•••••.•...••••.•• Baker Brunning J ames .•••••••••••••••••••• White Horse Inn N ewson J ames, Wellclose sq .••••••••••• Beer Retailer Capon Jonathan, Market hill •••••• ~ •••••.•..•••• Tailor Newson Stephen, Market pl .•••.••••.••••••••..• Tailor Capon Mary •••••••••••••••••• Milliner & Dress Maker Nichols Jas. Double st .•••••••••••••••••..••.• Toy Shop Cavo Robt. Castle st ••••••••••••••••.••••••• Greengrocer Nichols Wm. ditto.................. Mercer & Drapet Carthew A ••• Solicitor & Agt Norwich lnsur. Office Oakley Wm.............................. Horse Dealer Chandler Henry ••••••.•••••••••••••• Brewer & Maltster Priest Wm. Castle St •.•.••..•..•.••..•.••.•. Hair Cutter Clarke Jas. Wellclose sq .•••••.•• Carpenter & Builder Rivers E. Double st ....••..• Milliner & Dress Maker Clodd Geo. ditto ••••••.•••.• Tailor, Draper & Hatter Rowland J. B. Double st ..• Tailor& Earthenwaremn Clubb Chas. Market hill..................... Attorney Thurlow Charlotte ........................ Upholstererer Clutton Henry, Market pf •••••• Chemist & Druggist Rackham Peter, Castle st ..•.••..•..••••••• Shopkeeper Clutten Henry, ditto ••••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••• Mason Read J onathan, Back la .••..••.•....••.....•..• Currier Coots James, Churcl£ .~t ••••••.•• New White Hart Inn Revett Chas. Market pl .................. Queens Head Dale Saml. Market pl •••••••••••••••••••••••••• -.. Brazier Row John, Castle st .••.••••••••••••..•••••••••••• Glover Dalleston Daniel, lrlount pleasant .•• General Dealer Sawyer J oseph •.•••••••.•••••••••.•.•••..•••••••.• Carrier Dalleston Henry ••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••• Carpenter Smith Henry, Cm;tle st ••••.••••••••••..•.•• Fishmonger Dixon Eliz. Double st •••••••••••••••.••••••••••• Butcher Smith J oseph, Castle st ..••.•.•••••.••..••••..••.• Farrier Edwards Chas. Market pl ••.••• Grocer & Draper, & Taylor Wm. Market hill ..• Crown Commercial Inn Agt Suffolk & General County Amicable Insurance · & Posting House Edwards Chas. ditto, Agent to Gurneys & Co. Bukrs Thompson Abm. Hermitage pl .•• Timber Merchant Edwards George ••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.• Maltster Thompson Henry, Market hill... Grocer & Draper Edwards Wm ••• Solicitor & Agt to Essex Fire Office Vire Mary, ditto ••• Dlr in Ne"· & Secnd Hnd Clths Engledew S.... ••••••.•••••••••• Flour & Bean Dealer Vice Geo. ditto ..••••••••••• .w ...... Boot & Shoemaker Farmer J os. Wellclose sq .•• Hatter, Tailor & Shoemkr Walker Robt. Double st.. •• • • Confectioner & Baker Field Jas. Castle st .••••••••••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Fish Wm. ditto. ·······~····•······ Plumber & Glazier Freeman Edw. Double st ••••.••••••• Grocer & Ds·aper Freeman Jas. Castle st ••••••.••••• Boot & Shoemaker Freeman Wm. D. DoZtble .~t ... Printer & Stationer & Agent to Norwich & Equitable Fire Office Fruer Samuel..................... Builder & Architect Fulcher Robt ................................... Bricklayer Gale Mary, Mount plea.mnl .••••••.••••••• Shopkeeper Gardiner Wm. ditto........................ Shoemaker Garlett John, Double st ••••••••••.• Boot & Shoema~er Garlett Wm. Castle st.. •• ••••••••• ••• •.•. •• • • •• • • Tailor Garlett Wm. Market pl ••• ~ •••••••••••••••.••••••• Tailor Goodwyn Jos............... Leather Seller & Farmer Green Rich. C!turch st ••• Printer, Bookseller, Binder, Stationer, Print & Music Seller, & Agent to the_ Norwich Union Fire Office Gurneys & Co....... .• Branch- Bank of Halesworth Harding Wm. Back la ...................... LO Brazier Hart Saml. Wellclose sq .••• Coach Builder & Maker of Patent Springs I! earn Wm.................................... Fruiterer Ilepper George .••••.•.••.••••.•• Smith & Drill Maker Ilolmes Nicholas, Mount pleasant... Beer Retailer J eaffreson Wm. Market hill.................. Surgeon Keer G. B ........................... Maltster & Brewer Keer Manning .•••.•••• Registrar of Births.~& Deaths Kerridge Fras. Back la..................... Dyer, &c. I\.erridge John ............................... , .... Butcher Wall er Daniel .................. --' .................... Builder Waters Chas. Castle st •................ Grocer & Cooper W elham Robt. ·M oant pleasant ••• Registrar of Mar·· riages for the Plomesgate Union, & Agent to the Independent West Middlesex As&Urance Compr.y Wells M. & C. Hermitage pl. .. . . . .. ... .• Shopkt'epers W ell11 Thos. Double st.. •• ... ••• ••• • • Dy~r & Scourer Whayman David, Back la--·····-·······~··· Cooper Wightma.n J esse, Wellclose-sq...... Chrna, Glass, & . Staffordshire Warehouse Wightman J onathan,. •• ...... ..... •••• ... ••••••.• l\faltster Wightman Saml. Wellelose sq............ Grocer, &c. Willson J. Mount pleasant ....................... Surgeon Woods Saml. ditto ....... ~,, ... i'a ....••••• _ .......••••• Miller W oolnough Constantine.......... Plumber & Glazier W oolnough Wm. Jlrfount pleasant............ Farrier Wright Rich. Dot4bk st. ........... Hare & Hounds. Inn Post Office. Bloss Saml. Crown cS' Anchor tav •••••...• Postmaster Letters are delivered at 8 morn. ; dispatched l p. 6 even. Posting Houses. Crown Inn, Market hiil .................. Wm. Taylor Crown & Anchor Tavern •••..•.••..•..• Samuel Bloss :Bankers. Gurneys & Co. Market pl. Draw on Barclay & Co. C. Ed wards ...............•... , .................... Agent 39

SUFFOLK. FRAMLINGI-JAM. Fire &. Life Assurance .Agents. Essex Fire .................................. Wm. Ed\Vards Independent West Middlesex, Mount pleasant •••••• · Robt. W elham Norwich & Equitable, Double st ••. W. D. Freeman Norwich Union .••.•••••.•• ••• •••••••.•..•••• A. Carthew Ditto, Church st. ••. . . • ••••••••••••••• .•••• Rich. Green Suffolk & General, Market pl .•.• ." •••• Chas. Edwards Law and Public Officers. Keer M .•. Relieving Officer to the Plumstead Union Edward Chas. Market pl •.. Sub Distributor of Stamps Excise Office, Crown <S" Anchor tavern ~ · Halls J. H................................. Supervisor Coaches. Ipswich, Union, from Crown ~· Anchor1 Tues. & Thurs. 5 aft., & Sat. 7 even. J,ondon, Mail, from ditto, daily ~ p. 6 even., arrives ! bef. 8 morn. Norwich, Union, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Fri., i p. 11 morn. Carriers. Ipswich, (Smith Wm.) from Wltite Horse, Tues. & Fri. ; & returns Wed. & Sat. aft. Ditto, (Hart R.) from White Hm·t, Tues.; & returns Wed. Ditto, (Sawyer Jos.) from Crown Inn, Mon. &.Fri. 4 .aft. ; returns Tues. & Sat. aft. Ditto~ (Meen Wm.) from New White Hart, Mon. & Fri. i p. 1 aft.; & returns Tues. & Sat. i p. 7 evep. · London, (Noller) from Waggon ~ Horses, every Thurs. Ditto, (Holmes) from his own house, every Mon. & Thurs. mom. Norwich, (Meen Wm.) from New White Hart, every Tues. Stradbrook, (Meen Wm.) from New TVhite Hart, every Sat. Classification of Trades. Arcltitect.--Fruer Samuel Bakers.--Leek Spencer, Wellclose sq Middleton Robert B. Spencer hill N ewson Charles, Hermitage pl Walker .Robert, Double st Basket ~ Sieve Maker.---Leek Stephen, sen. Well close sq Beer Retailers.--Bridges Edward, Castle st Holmes Michael, Mount pleasant N ewson J ames, Well close sq Blacksmith.---Bridges S. Double st Bookseller, ~c.---Green Rich. Church st Boot~· Shoemakers.---Farrow Joseph, Wellcloae sq Field J ames, Castle st Freeman J ames, Castle st Gardener William, Mount pleasant Garlen John, Double st Lambert Edward, Market pl · Markum Samuel, Market pi · Vice George, Market hill Brazie1·s.--Dale Samuel, Market pl Harding William, Back la Brewers.--Chandler Henry Keer G. B. Bricklayer. Fulcher Robert Builders.---Fruer Samuel Wall er Daniel Butchers. Bloss R. F. Double st Dixon Elizabeth, Double st Kerridge .T olm FRAMLINGHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Chemists~ Druggists.--Clutton Henry, Market pl Mannang Sarah, Double st China ~· Glass Dlr. Wightman J esse, Wellclose sq Clothes Dealer.--Vice Mary, Market hlll Coach Builder.--Hart Samuel, Well close sq Coach Sprin,q Maker.---Hart Samuel, Wellclose sq Coopers.---Waters Charles, Castle st Whayman David, Back la Currier.---Read J onathan, Back la Dyers, <S-c.--Kerridge Francis~ Back la Wells Thomas, Double st Earthenware Dealer.---Rowland J. B. Double st Farrier.,.--Smith J oseph, Castle st Woolnought William, Mount pleasant Pellmonger.--Blumfield Stephen, Mill bridge Fishmonger.--Smith Henry, Castle st Flmer <S' Bran Dealer.-·-Engledew S. Fruiterer.---Hearn William General Dealers. Dalleston Dan. Mount pleasant :Middleton Josiah, Castle st Glover.--Row John, Castle st Green Grocers. -Can- Robert, Castle st Middleton Edward, Double st Grocers~ Drapers.--Edwards Charles, Market pl Freeman Edward, Double st Thompson Henry, Market hill Waters Charles, Castle st Wightman SamuPl, Wellclose sq Hair Cutters.-Priest William, Castle st CJodd G. W ellclose sq Hatter.---Farrow .J oseph, Well close sq Horse Dealer. Oakley William Hosier. Marsbull James, Double st lronmonger.·-Barnes F. Market hill Leather Seller.- -Goodwyn J nsper Maltsters.--Chandler H. Cast1e brewery Ed wards George Keer G. B: Lankester Edward Wightman Jonathan Mason .• --Clutten Henry, Market pl .Mercer <S" Draper. N ickols William Millers.--Kindred John Woods Samuel, Mount pleasant Milliners <S" Dre:;s Makers:- Barker E. Church st Capon Mary Rivers E. Double st Plumbers ~ Glaziers.--.Fisk Willlam, Castle st Woolnough Constantine Print~ Music Seller.---Green Richard, Church st Printer. Green Richard, Church st Printer <S" Stationer.---Freeman W. D. Double st Sadlersti(Harness/Jfakers. Blumfield G. Wellclose sq Bridges Job, Market hill School, Ladies.--Bolt R. Double st Shopkeepers.--Gale Mary, Mount pleasant R.ackham Peter, Castle st Wells M. & C. Hermitage pl Silversmith <S" Jeweller. Barker S. K. Market hill Smith ~ D1·ill1Jfaker.-Heffer George Solicitors.--Bruce Thomas Carthew A. · Clubb Charles, Market hill Edwards Wm. Straw Hat Manufaclurers.--Barker E Bridges Job, Market hill Leek Ann D. W ellclose sq Sur~rnn.~.---.T enffrpson 'V. M n rkPt hill 1\innenn John, Douhll" st Will~on .J. l\lonnt plrnsant ('ul1inet Jfaker.--Leech Willimn, ('astlr ~t Cmprntrrs ~ Bui1der.~.---C1nrk<> .l n~. Well close "11 Dalleston Henry 40 /1'ailors art cl Drapers.--- Bridge~ John, Castle st

HADLEIGH .. SUFFOLK. =========================-============================ FRAMLINGHAM CLAssiFICATION, continued. Tailors ~ Drapers. Capon .T. Market hill Cl odd George, Well close sq Farrow J oseph, Well close sq Garlett William, Castle st Garlett William, Market pl Measure John, Double st N ewson Stephen, Market pl Row land J. B. Double st Tallow Chandler.--Baxter Joseph, Back la Taverns, Inns~ Public Houses:-- Crown Com. Inn~ Posting House, TaylorW. Market hill Crown ~ Ancltor Tavern ~ Posting House, Bloss Samuel, Church st Hare~ Hounds Inn, Wright R. Double st New White Hart Inn, Coots J. Church st Queens Head, Revett Charles, Market pl Waggon~ Horses, Biln~y F. White Horse Inn, Brunning James Timber Merchcmts.--ThompsonA. Hermitage pi Toy Dealer.--Nichols J ames, Double st Upholsterer. Thurlow Charlotte Watch Makers. Barker S. K. Market hill Barnes Frederick, Market hill Wl1eelwrights.--Leggett John, Double st Moore John Whitesmitlls. Barker J oseph, Double st Lee T, G. · Wine~ Spirit Merchant.--Lankester Edward HADLEIGH, A MARKET town on the river Bret, 64! miles from London, through Romford, Chelmsford, and Colchester, and 9 miles W. from Ipswich, contained in 1831, 3425 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 7605l. The woollen trade, which once flourished here, has long been reduced to the spinning of yarn for the manufacturers of Norwich. The markets are on Monday and Saturday; and fairs are held on Whit Monday and October 10, for butter, cheese and toys. The Petty Sessions are held here. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is a handsome structure, with a fine steeple, and stands in the centre of the town : Guthrum, or Gormo, the Danish chieftain, who embraced Christianity, and died in 889, was~buried in this church. The living is a rectory, value 929l. per annum, in the patronage of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Dr. Rowland Taylor, rector of Hadleigh, was burnt here in 1555, for his adherence to the Protestan(religion; and a stone was erected upon the spot of his exf'cution, to commemorate the event. The gate-house of Hadleigh rectory was built about 1490, by Dr. Pykenham, archdeacon of Suffolk, and rector of this Jllace ; it is flanked by two hcxangular towers, and is entirely constructed of brick: he also founded twelve almshouses, and a chapel in Magdalen Street, about 1497. Hadleigh, like many old towns, affords some curious specimens of ancient architecture; the beams of the lath and plaster houses are ornamented with rude and grotesque carving, the different stories projecting one over the other. Semer Lodge, Hintlesham Hall, Chattisham Place, and Wenham Hall are in the neighbourhood. Name, Besidence, and Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, p. 42. _ Ansell Robert & Co ................ Grocers & Drapers Baker Henry, Topsel mill ........................ Miller Beatock John ................................. Carpenter Bare Benjamin ........ ........... ...... , .... flair Dresser. Suffolk.] G Bars tow T. W ................ ~ ..........••...•..•.... Solicitor Botton J ............................... Grocer & Clothier Branch Robert .................................. •• ... Boot Maker Brook Robert ........................................ Bricklayer Brown & May ........................... Silk Throwsters Brown J ames ............................................ Baker Bunn Edward ...................................... Solicitor Carrington Rev. Henry ........................... Curate Chisnell Richard .............................. Shopkeeper Chisnell T. . ........................................ Sl1oemaker Cbisnell Thomas ...................................... Maltster Clark Richard ................................ Hair Dresser Clarke Joseph ........................... Cabinet Maker Clarke J oseph ...............................•.... Maltstcr Cocksedge Henry ............................... Gunsmith Cod bold John ....................... ·~·· ........ Blacksmith Coleman Thomas ................... ,.. ••••••• White Horse Cook Thomas ............. , ..••.....•...•..•.• Boot Maker Corder J oseph ................................... Carpenter Day George .................... ··~·····,, ........... Butcher Death E . ......... - .......................... -.... ~ ................ Baker Death J osepb ...........•••.•...•........• , .•. , .•... Baker Death Matthew ........................... Leather Seller Decks James •.........•.. , ................ Hait Dresser Decks Robert ............................................ Miller Decks William ••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• Bellhanger Demick J. & W. • ....................... Iron Founders Downs Edward ............... Stone & Marble Mason Dunning ham J oseph .................. ,.,.Coach Smith Dunning ham lsaac .................. ,,,., .... ~~~ ..... , .. Baker Edmonds William ........ , ...... ,, •• ,., ••••• Kings Arms Elliott John ............•.............. , ..... Boot Maker Ellesdon John •••••• Boot & Shoemaker & Postmaster Elsden Isaac .............. ,.~·~····~··,.··,···~··· .. Mal~ter Faires J ames ........................................... Cooper Faires Robert ................ ,. ··~ ... .• ,. ·--··~~, ....... Coopet Frost Henry ...................................... ,. ... Butcher Frost Henry ..................... Hop & Corn Merchant Frost S ......................... .Beer Retailer & Maltster Gardiner T ......•.••..••... ,..~,., .... , .......... Shopkeeper Gardiner Thmnas ........................ , •• Wheelwright Gardner Benjamin ....... ~u ......... PJumber & Glazier Gardner Henry ••••••••••••••••••• ,.,.., .. Wheelwright Goodrich J osQph .................... Sadler ~ l:larness Maker Green William .••...••..•.•. ·~· ·~~ ,., .. ~· ................ Baker Gre .. !I.Prl .N.. • ............................................... Baker Grimwa~e John ........................ Boarding School Grim wade William ._. ••• Wine~ Brandy Merchant Growse John ·········••I•••~···•·•,,,, ............ Surgeon Gulling John ········•···~··-·•,. .. , .. ,,, .. , ......... Glover Gurdon George ................. ,.,, •• ,,.Watchmaker Hardacre H ... Printer, Bookselh:r, Stationer, & SubStamp Distributor Hart William u ..... '" ........................ {..eather Cutter Hasels Mrs. ···············.:·•••••·••···,., ...•. Seminary Hawkins Joseph ............... .,., •. Painter & Glazier H azell Benj am in ............................. ., , .•... Butcher Hearvey D. H. -.a ........................ GrQcer & Draper Herbert Peter ................... ,. ••• , ••••.• Wheelwright Howard John ········••4•• .. ··~~·············~·~······Tailor Howchin William ............... , ••••• Grocer & Draper HurrellWilliam .... , .......................................... Cock Jolly Robert ....................... , • .,.,Coach Maker J ones George ........ ~ .... ·~ ..... ·~ .... .~~ .... ~ ........ Shoemaker Kersey Robert ....••.. ·-··~······,·~·, ... , ...••. Sadler, &c. Lait Thomas ••• Grocer & Draper & Agent to Norwich Union Fire & Lif~ Insurance Office Lamb Williant ........................... , •• Upholsterer Larter Ed ward .................................. Ratn Inn Last & W allace .............•................... Solicitors Lewis Thomas .............. ,., ................... Clothier Lingley J obn ................................ . Blacksmith Lloyd Edward .................... , ... Painter & Glazier 41

SUFFOLK. HADLEIGH"' ============================-=========================== & Groom •••••••••••• Milliners & Dress Makers Long Robert.n••••••••••••••••••Kings Head & Farril'r Lovely William ••••u•n•••u•-Nursery & Seedsman Makin J. W ................ - ........................... ~ ...... Butcber Maskall Edward •••••••••••••••••••••••. Corn Merchant May ..................................... Boot & Shoemaker Miles, Bow tree, Turner & Errington •••••••• ..Bankers Mills J. F. Esq .••.••••..••• Treasurer of Savings Bank Mott John ........................... Shoulder of Mutfon Mott Thomas-................................................. White Hart Mott William .. ~ ................................... Butcher N unn Samuel ....................................................... Millwright OWord ....................................... .i. .......... Cutler Or ford Henry • •••• •• • •• • • •• • • • ••• •• •••• ........ Solicitor Orford William .................................................... 1,own Crier Oxford 1'bomaa. ................................ ._ ......... _ ... _ ••• J ... Glol"er Palmer Saral1 ........ n ................... Straw Bonnet Maker Parsons Misses ........................... Dress l'rlakers Paven John ................ Mini&ter of Independent Chapel I>ayne John ............................................................... Farrier Pay ne W. 1._ ........................ ...-...................... - ••••• _ 'Vatchmaker Pettit Jol1n •••·••••••••••••••••••••••·······Beer Retailer Pettit John ............. ,.. ................................... Shopkeeper Piper-- J ................................ Printer & Stationer Powell ReY. \V • .,.,. .............. ..wse~retal"y to. sa,·ings Bank Pmtt David •••··-···••••••••••··············Wheatsheaf Pretty & Clayden •••••• Ironmongers & Glass Dealers Ray John ......................... , •• , •••••••••.••• Hair Dresser Reeve Sare.b • , , • , ............................... Upholsterer Robin son J. S.. #~~~~--···-~~·•••••••······ ...... Merchant Robinson T. S. , , •• , •••••• ••••• ............... Auctioneer Sage Ed ward •• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Tailor Sallows Robert .......................... Grocer & Draper Salmons Henry •• ,._.,. ............................... Shoemaker Scri\'ener Charles ~~"·"~"'""'~"'"········ .. ••••• .. ••• •• Currier Scrivener J. .._ ........ ~-.................. ,. ........................ Bat·ley Mow Sexton 1'hotnas- .......................................................... Sadler Simpson Caleb ............... Watchmaker & Jeweller Simpson T. jun .......... ~ ...... ..COppersmith & Brazier Simpson Thomas ••••••••••········· ..••• ... Ironmonger Stnith Brown • ~ •••••••• •••••• ................... Blacksmith Smith James ............ '" ....................... Cabinet l\Iaker Spooner Jobn ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Spoon er Williarn ........................... Ill' ............. ._ •••• Baker Sprigg William uu ....................... Glov!l Maker Staines John ............ .: ...................... uGrocer ~ D\"-@:per Staines Matthew. • •••••••••••••••••••••• Woollen' Draper Stevens J oseph, White Lion Com. Inn & Posting Hse Steward Samuel ............... Currier & Beer Retailer Story H. ·" ..... .," ~ .. , ·~ ., .... ···-·· .................... Chemist Stow I~d\vard ••• ~ .............................. Shoemaker Stow Thoma11 .................... ~ •••• Plumber & Glazier S)'er A. • ••••••..••.••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••.•• Miller Syer Abrahnm t~-••• .., ...... .-..r. .......................... _ ••••••• Maltster Tovell E. R. -·~••~t•••···~···•···················Seminary Towns Geo. ••••••••~t••••••·••••••••••••••Corn Chandler Tozer Riehard ••• George Corn. Inn.& Posting House Turner John ......... ....-............................. Beer Retailer Underwood • , ... \;._ .................................. Carpenter Venn Mrs. •···••••••••••••••••··•·Straw Bonnet Maker Wallace Rev. Arthur ............. • ............ u.Curate Warren J. ·····""ri""""·"-····,········ .. ·············Cooper Warren John ••• , •••••••• , ••• , ...................... Carrier W ebb John ............................................. Draper & Tailor W ellls Godfrer ...... ~ .................................... Baker Wells John .............................................. Sadler Wbelham John ................... GaTdener & Seedsman Whe1ham R .••••• ~ ................. __ .__ ...................... Butcher White John .............................................. Maltster White Thomas •..•....•.. f(fl'•••fl'•• ...................... ,.Baker Wick J ames .......... , ............. Chemist & Druggist 'Vilkinson Henry ......................................... ~ ••• f.,armer Wilkinson Robet·t B .•••••••.••••••••••••••.••• ~ .... Builder \Vittle Jan1es .............................. Corn Chandler 42 Post O:fli.ce. Ellisdon John ................................... Postmaster Letter8 received fwm Londonj mom. 7; dispatched even. 8. One delivery each day, 8 morn. Post!ng Houses. George •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••. Ricl1ard Tozer \Vhite I~ion ••...••••••••.•.....••..••.••. J oseph Stevens Bankers. Branch of Ipswich Bank ... Alexander & Co. Bankera Mills, Bowtree, Turner & Errrington. Savings Bank for Hundred of Cosford. J. F. Mills, Esq. . ........•..••.......•.•••. Treasurer Rev. W. Powell ~ .••..•••.•.••••..•••••.•.••.. Secretarv • :E"ire and Life Assurance Agent. Norwich ••••••••••••••••• ,. •••••••••••••••••• '"fhotnas Lait Public Establishment. Stamp Office ....... Hardacre Henry, Sub-Distributor Coaches. London, from White Lion, daily, (Sun. e»e.) ~ p. 6 morn.; returns 6 even. 1_ London Mail, from George Inn, daily, 7 even, ; anti returns 7 morn. Carriers. Colchester, Warren's Van, Tues. & Thurs. ; and returns same days. Ipswich, Warren's Van, daily. London, Warren's Van, every Thurs. aft.; and returns Mon. morn. London, Stewarrl's Waggon, every Thurs. ; and returns Mon. morn. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer.-Robinson T. S. Balcers.---Brown J ames Death E. Death J osE.'ph Dunningham lsaac Green William Gregory N. Spooner William Wells Godfrey White Thomas Beer Retailers.--Frost S. Pettit John Steward Samuel Turner John Bellhanger.---Decks William Blacksmith.-Cod bold J olm Lingley John Smith Brown Bookseller ~· Stationer.--Hardacre Henry Boot~ Shoemakers.·-Branch Robert Cbisnell 'f. Cook Thomas Elliott John Ellesdon J olm J ones George May . Salmons Henry Spooner John Stow Edward Bricklayer. Brook Robert Builder. Wilkinson ltobert Butcher1,---Day George Frost Henry Hazell Benjamin Makiu J. W. Mott Willinm Whelham R. Cabi11et Makers.--Clarke Joseph Smith J ames Carpenters.-Bantock John

HALESWORTH. SUFFOLK. HADLEWH, CLASSIFICATION, eontinued. C.arpenters. Cord er .T oseph Pnderwood -- Carriet·s.--Steward Samuel Warren John Cllemists .s- Druggista.--· Story H. Wick James Clotlliers.--Bot ton J. Lewis Thomas Coach JJfaker.-~-J oily Robert Coacl1 Smith. Dunningham J oseph Coopers.---Faires J ames Faires Robert Warren J. . • Coppersmith .s- Brazier.--Simpson T. jun. Corn Chandlers.·-Towns George Wittle J ames Corn JJferclwnts.--Frost Henry Maskall Edward Currier.-.. -Scdvener Charles Cutler,~OtfordFarmer.-W ilkinson Henry Farrier, Payne J olnr Gardener ~ Seedsman.---Whelham :r ohn Glass Dealers.--Pretty & Clayden Glovers. Gulling John · Oxford Thomas Sprigg William Grocers et Drapers.--Ansell Robert & Co. Botton J. Hearvey D. H. Howchin William Lait Thomas Sallows Robert Staines John Gzmsmith.--Cocksedge Henry Hair ,Dressers.--Bare Benjamin Clark Richard Decks James Ray John Hop Merchant.--Frost Henry Ironfounders.--Demick I. & H. Ironmongers.--Pretty & Clayden Simpson Thomas Jeweller.-Simpson Caleb Leather Cuttet·.~-Hart William Leather Seller.--Death Matthew MaltsteJ·s.--Chisnell Thomas Elsden Isaac Frost S. Syer Abraham White John .llferchant.--Robinsoe J. S. Millers.-Baker Henry, Topsel Mill Clarke J os h. Decks Robert Syer A. Milliners~ Dressmakers.--Long & Groom Parsons Misseftl MiUwright.--Nunn Samuel Nur~erymcm c5" Seedsman.--Lovely William Plumbers, Painter~, ~ Glaiiers -~-Gardner Benjamin .llawkins Josh. Lloyd Edward Stow Thomas Printers. Hardacre Henry Piper-- $adlers q. Harness Makers.-Goodrich Joah. Kersey Robert Sexton Thomas. Wells John Schools, Gents. Grimwade John Tove.l E. R. HADLEIGH CLASSIFICATio:o, continved. School, Ladies.-.. Hasels Mrs. Shoeing Smith.-· Cock Joshua Shopkeepers. Chisnell Rishard Gat·diner T. Pettit John Silk Tltrowster.~Brown & May. Solicitors.-Barstow T. W. Bunn · Ed ward Last & W allace Orford Henry Stationer.--Piper - Stone et }Jfa,rbl~ 1\llason.---Downs Edward Straw Bonnet Makers.--Palmer Sarah Venn Mrs. Surgeon.--Growse John Tailors, etc.-Ho ward John Sage Edward Webb John ' • Taverns, Inns, et Public Houses:-- Barley Mow. Scrivener John Cock, Hurrell William George lnn, Commercial cS" Posting House, Tozer Richard Kings Arms, Edmonds William Kings HeadJ Long Robert Ram Inn, Larter Ed. Shoulder of Mutton, Mott John Wheatsheaf, Pratt David White Hart., Mott Thomas White Horse, Coleman Thomas White Lion, Commercial and Posting House, Stevens J os h. Upholsterers.--Lamb William Reeve Sarah Watchmalcers.--Gurdon George Payne W~ J. Simpson Caleb TVheelwright,.-Gardiner Thomas Gardner Henry Herber~ Peter Wine ~ Brandy Merchant.--Grimwade William Woollen Draper.---Staines Matthew HAL:ESWOBTH, · A MAUET town on the .river Blyth, which is navigable hence to Southwold, where it falls into the German Ocean, 1 00 miles from London, through Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, Woodbridge, and Saxmundham ; and 9 miles S. from Bu.ngay: con,- tained in 1831, 2,473 inhabitant!!!. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3,8941. The chief manufacture is spinning yaw, great quantities of hemp being grown in the neighbourhood ~ here are also a sail-cloth manufactory, and an iron founda·y. The principal trade consista in corn, malt and beer, cheese, butter, lime, and hemp. Th~ market is on Thur11day, and an annual fair is held on Easter Tuesday, and Octobel' 18th, for Scotch cattle. The church, dedi.cated to the Virgin Mary, is a handsome edifice; the Jiving is~ rectory, with the vicarage of Chediston-value 4501. per annum . Westward is Chediston Hall. and to the east is Henham Hall, the seat of the Earl of Stradbrooke, Jtanding in & park .of .about 800 acres, abounding with game of every description, and ~oromanding beautiful views of the sea, as well as an extent ef con .. tiguous property. :Name, B.esidence, & :Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRAD£s, page 45. A damson Sarah ...........................•... ,.Fruiterer Aldis John & Son ..................... , •• ~ ..... Prapers 43

SUFFOLK. HALESWORTH. Aldred John ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Draper & Grocer Atmer Wm .••• Angel Inn, &. Posting House; Wine & Spirit Merchant and Maltster Baker Wm. . ............................. Miller & Baker Baker Wm. . ................................ Confectioner Barber Robt .................................. Corn Dealer Bayfield J. A ......................... Draper & Grocer Bea1es John . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Surgeon Bed well John ••••..•.•••••.••••••••••.•• Tailor & Draper Bird Wm . ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Bloomfield Jas ............................... White Hart Blowers E. ............... Milliners & Dress Makers Bonewt>ll Wm. • .................... Boot & Shoemaker Both am Wm . ....................................... Tailor Branch Thos. ·······················-······ Stone Mason Bryant J ol1n ..............................••..•. Wherry Bull er B. . ................................ Basket Maker Bull er Jas ............................ Well Pump Maker Butler Rose .................................... }'ruiterer Butler Sam. . ......................... ~····~··~···· TaiJor Burnpstead E. . ... I I. I •••• I I •••••••••••••••• Grocer, &c. Cable Chas. . . I. I •••••••••••• I •••• I •••••• I ••••••••• Butcher . Cable Fras . ... I ••••••••••••••••••• ·~ ••• I I ••••••••• Builder Cattermole Jas. .. •• ... . •• ..... Confectioner & Baker CarlieJl Wm. . ......................... ~· ..... Shoemaker Carver Geo. . ................ _. ......•........ Gun l\{aker Chandler Mrs ••••...•••.• Yohng Ladies Establishment Chapple Wm ...................... Plumber & Glazier Chapman John .............................. Shoen1aker Chilvers Ambrose ..................... Gracer & Draper Chipperfield Wm ................... Boot & Shoemaker Clark Misses ........................•........... Seminary Cl ark Wm. • .................... Glass & China Dealer Clarke Misses •••.••••••••• Milliners & Dress Makerli Collett Jas . ................................ , ...... Butcher Cook Mary ........... ~···· ................. Dress Maker Cook Sarah •••••.••••.••.•••.•.•••••.. Kings Arms Inn Corbyn H. & Son • • . . •• Woollen Drapers & Tailors Cowles Wm. • .••••••.•..•••••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Crab tree Messrs ..............................•... Solicitors Croft Dan ............................ Boot & Shoemaker Croft Geo. . ................................ Hair Dr~sser Cullingford A. ........ ... ........ .• Straw Hat Maker Culling ford Titus .................. Boot & Shoemaker Cul1ingford Wm •••• Gun & Machine Manufacturer Dale R. N . ....•...... , .......................... Gunmaker Davy John ........................ Builder & Carpenter Dennant John ••• Ironmonger & Tinman; Agent to the Norwich Union Fire Office Dowsing Wm ................... Watch & Clock Maker Dunnett P. . ................ ~................ Hair Dresser Easterson Thos. . ............ -.............. I ronfounder Emery Jas. . ..... ,. .............. ~ ..•........ Draper, &c. Farr R. & Leman W. ••• Wine & Spirit Merchants Farrow J oseph ••••••• , ............. n. Tim her Merchant Farrow Rich ......................... Coach Proprietor Fenn John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Fenn P ............................ Straw Bonnet Maker Fisk David ............................................ Baker Foreman Jas. . ............ " ......•. ····••··· ..... Butchor Foreman J. • • • Grocer, Draper & Assessor of Taxes George Martin ............ Maltster & Corn Merchant Girling Mary ........................ Draper & Grocer Gobbett D. & Son ... 4 .............. Tailors & Drapers Godbo1d Geo~ . •... .. . ... .. . .. .... •••.. ...... Upholsterer Goddard John ..............................•..... Grocer Goodenbam Mary ............... Glass & China Dealer Goodwin Wm. . .......................• w •••••••••• Glover Green Sarah ·~·· ................. ·•· ........ Beer Retailer Gunter Robt. ············••••41:••••••············· Currier Ha ward Charles ........................... Beer Retailer Ha ward E . ....................................... Surgeon Hopson Hen. • ................. Basket & Sieve Maker 44 H opson Hen. . .......................... Sheriffs Officer Hopson Wm. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. Sadler Hugman Benj ................................. ~ ... Currier J army John ..................... Smith & Ironmonger J efferson Chas. • ....................... Tailor & Dl'aper J ohnson John .................. Watch & Clock Maker J ohnsoi\ S. • ............. u........ Root & Shoemaker Johnson Sarah ............... Milliner & Dress Maker Kemp Mary .................................... Fruiterer Kent Thos. • ................. Cooper & Beer Retailer Kindred F. H ...................... Boot & Shoemaker Kindred Geo. ···························~···········Tailor Kindred T . ................................. Boot Maker King Chas. . ................... · ............. Builder, &c. King John ..................... Watch & Clock Maker Land Wm . .............................. Corn Chandler Lincolne,Wm •.. Grocer, Draper,:& Tallow Chandler; Agent to Yorkshire Fire & Life Insurance Office London J ol1n ....................................... Hatter Long Thos. .. ......................... Draper & Grocer Mallett Jas . ................................. White Lion Markham Wm .••.•..•..••••••...••. Boot & Shoemaker Marsh all J ... Carpenter & Builder, Draper & Grocer Marsh all Wm. . ................................... Tailor' M ettett Wm . ................................. Tea Dealer I\! iller Jas........................................... BaketM udd Wm. . . .. ... . ...... .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . ... BJacksmith Mark E. H .•.••.••••••••..••• Sadler & Harness Maker Neeve T ... Swan Inn; Vetrnry Surgeon & Horse Dlr N ewson Robt. . ............................. Blackstnith N ewson Sa m. • • • .. •• • .. • .. ... • .. .. Last & Shoemaker N ewson Step hen ........................... Builder, &c. N icholson Ro bt. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GroCer, &c. Page Thos .............................. ,. ... Corn Dealer Palm er Wm .•••••••••••••••••.•••••• Rose & Crown Inn Peachey Robt ............................... Rope Maket Pedgrift H . ........................................ Surgeon Pinkney lsaac ..................... Duke of Wellington Prime Ed . ........................... M altster & Brewer Rayner Chas ....•.....•....... , ............ Hair Dresser Read John ....................................... Attorney Reeves & Crackne11, Wine & Spirit Mchts & BrewersReynolds Wm ...................... Chemist & Druggist Riches J. A ••• Agent to the National & Provincial Bank of England Ringwood, Hammond & Co ••• Coal & Wine .Mrchts Robin son Wm. . ............................• Tailor,!&c. Roper S ••• Bookseller, Stationer, & Glass WarehouseRose J aP-. . .....•.•......•................. Coach Builder Rounce Tho11 ............................ Carver & Glider Rudland Geo ...................... Chemist & Druggist Sawing John ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Scar le Hen ...................... Brewer & Beer Retailer Scraggs E. . . . . . .. . ... . . . .•. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Dyer, &c. Seamans John .................. Butcher & Innkeeper Self Eliz ........................................... Sun Inn Self Sam ............................ Maltster & Brewer Shade N ............................ Boot & Shoemaker Shade N. sen .•.• Manager to Anti-Dry Rot Company Silverstone & Mortimer •••••• Builders & Carpenters Simonds Robt. •••••••••••• Beer Retailer & Blacksmith Smith Geo. • • ... • • . ••• •• .. • • ... • • . • Plumber & Glazier Smith Hen. Robt. & John ..................... Carriers Smith Nelson .............................. Wheelwright Smith Sidney ..................... Veterinary Surgeon Stni th Thos. . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blacksmith Smith W tn. . ..............•.............. Clothes Dealer Sones Z ............................ Confectioner & Baket Spalding Mary ....................................... Ship Spall JL .••••••••••.•••••••..••••.••..•... Straw Hat Maker Spore Jas ...................... Grocer & Beer Retailer Stead P ............................ Maltster & Machinist Stock Wm ............. Grocer & Earthenware Dealer

Suggate Geo. . ................. Watch & Clock Maker Taylor Joseph ••••.•••••.••••••• Coppersmith & Brazier Taylor J os h . .................................. Hair Cutter Taylor Sa m ...................... Watch & Clock Maker Thurlow 'rhos. • .................... Statuary & Mason 'fhwaites Mary .................. Straw Bonnet Maker Tilney Hen . ............................... Beer Retailer Tilney Hen. . ................................ Blacksmith Tipple Thos ••. Bookseller & Stationer; Agent to the Norwich Union Took A dam ..................... Basket & Sieve Maker Took ltobt.. .. . •.. .. .... .. . . . ........ .. . .. . . Cbnfectioner Wade Aldous ••••• u ..... Three Tuns Commercial Inn Wade D. . .................................... Cooper, &c. Wade Tbos. . ................................. Fisl1monger Waters J osl1 .•. ................................ Kings Head Watson Wm .••••.••••••••••••• Corn & Flour Merchant Webb C .••••.••••••. Straw Bonnet Maker & Fruiterer White & Baas .......................... -······ Solicitors White Mr ••• Superintndnt Registrar ;:Clk to Blything Union, & to the Commissioners of Southwold Harbour & River Blyth White Rachael •••.•••••••••..•..•••••.•.. Beer Retailer Wigg Wm. • •••••••••••••••••••• Watch & Clock Maker Winter Dan. . ................................... ~ Butcher W oodgate Wm. . ............................. Bricklayer W oolnough Thos. • .......................... Hawk Inn Wright John ....................................... Tailor Wright Jas ••• , ...................... Plumber & Gla~ier Post Office. · W atson Wm ..................................... Postmaste Letters arrive at i p. 9 morn. and are dispatched even. at 5. . Posting House. Angel ......••.•• ~······························ 'V m. Atmer Bankers. East of England Bank. Draw on London & West m Baas Robt .................................... Manager National Provincial Bank of England. Draw on London Joint Stock Bank Riches J. A ..................................... Agent Fire &. Life Assurance Agents. (;ro1Vll ~ife •................................... 1YI. ~llite Norwich Union ....... John Dennant & Thos. Tipple Y orksbire ....•............................... Wm. Linceln Law&. Public Officers. Aldis J. sen ••••••••• High Constable for the Hundred White Mr .•.. Clerk to the Commissioners of Southwold Harbour & River Blyth Coaches. London (Shannon), from the Angel, daily, 9 morn.; returns 9 even. I.ondon (Shannon), from the Three Tuns, every alternate morn. 9; returns 9 even. Norwich (Eclipse), from the Three Tuns, Mon. Wed. Thurs. & Sat. and during summer months to Southwold. Carriers. Bungny (Hogg) Cart, calls at the Kings A1·ms, Mon. & Fri. London (Smith) Waggon, Wed. & Sat. through Y oxford, Saxmundham, Wickham Market, Woodbridge. Ipswich, Colchester, & Chelms. ford Saxmundham (Hogg) Cart, calls at the Kings Arms, Mon.&! Fri. Southwold (Beddingfield) Cart, from the Kings Arms, Wed. & Sat. Southwold & Yarmouth (Martin) Van, from the Kings Head, Tues. Ya,mouth (Newsan) Cart, from the Kings Arms,. Wed. & Sat. SUFFOLK. Classification of Trades. Anti-Dry-Rot Comp. Shade N. sen., Managel' Bakers. Baker William Fisk David Miller J ames Basket~ Sieve Afalcers. Bulle! B. Hopson Henry Took Adam BeeT Retailers. Green Sarah Ha ward: Charles Kent Thomas Simonds Robert Tilney Henry White Rachael Blacksmiths. Mudd William Newson Robert SimondsjRobert Smith Thomas Tilney Henry Booksellers ~ Stationers. Roper Samuel Tipple Thomas > Boot~ Shoemakers.--Bird William Bonewell William £ Carliell William Chapman John Chipperfield William Cowles Willian'l Croft Daniel Cullingford Titus. Fenn John Johnson S. Kindred F. W· Kindred P. Markham William N ewson Samuel Sawing John Shade N. Brewers.-Prime E. Reeves & Cracknell Scarle Henry Self Samuel Bricklayer.--W oodgate William ' Builders ~ Carpenters.---Cable Francis Davv John - King Charles , Marshal] John N ewson Stephen Silverstone & Mortimer Butchers. Cable Charles Collett J ames Foreman James Seamans John Winter Daniel Carriers. Smith H. R. & J. Carver ~ Gilder. Rounce Thomas Chemists ~ Druggists.--Reynolds William Rudland George Clothes Dealer.--Smith William Coach Builder.--Rose James Coach Proptietor. Farrow Thomas Coal Merchant. Ringwood Hammond & Co. Confectioners ~ Bakers. Baker William, Cattermole J ames Sones Z. Took Robert Coopers.--Kent T. Wade D. Coppersmith~ Brazier.--Taylol" Joseph Corn Dealers.---Barber Robert Land William Page Thamas W atson William Corn Mercleant.---Martin George 45

I-I A VERI-IILL. ~==================~==- SUFFOLK. H AL EswoRTH CLASSIFICATION, continued.. Curriers. Guntar Robert Hugman Benjamin , Drapers ~ Grocers. Aldis John & Son Aid red J ames Bayfield J • .A. · Chilvers Ambrose Emery James Foreman John Girling Mary Lincoln William Long Thomas Dyer. Scrag{!s E. Earthenware Dealer.---Stock William Fish Dealer.---Wade Thomas Fruite1·ers.---A damson Sarah Butler Rose Kemp Mary Glass~ China Dealers. Clar~ Willial'l Gooderham Mary • Glover.---Goodwin William Grocers, ~c.---Bumpstead Ed. Goddard John Nicholson Robert Spore J ames Stock William Gzm Makers.-Carver George Cullingford William Dale R. N. Hair Dresser·s. Croft George Dunnett P. Rayner C. Taylor Joseph Hatter.--London John Horse Dealer. N eeve Thomas, Swan Inn Ironfounder.---Easterson Thomas 11-onmonger ~ Tinman.-·Dennant John Last Maker.---Newson Samuel Machine Maker.---Cullingford Wjlliam Maltsters.--George Martin Prime E. Self Samuel Stead Patrick Merchant. Stead Patrick Miller.---Baker William ~Iilliners ~Dressmakers.--Blowers E. Clark Misses Cook Mary J olmson Sarah Plumbers <t Glazier.~.--Chapple William Smith George Wright James Pump Maker.---Buller James Ropemakm·s. Peachey Hobert Satllers, ~c. Hopson William Musk E. H. School, Ladies.-Chandler Mrs. Clark Misses Sheriffs Officer.·--Hopson Henry Silversmith er Jeweller.---Suggate G-eorge Smith~ lronmonger.~--Jarmy John Solicitors.-Crabtree Messrs. Read John Statuary~· Mason.-Thurlow Thomas Stone Mason.--Branch Thomas Straw Bonnet Makers.-Cullingford A. Fenn P. Spall E. Thwaites Mary Webb C. Surgeon.~.-Beales John Haward E. Pedgrift H. 46 • • HALEswoRTH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Tailors ~ Drape1·s. Bed well John Boiham B. Butler Sam. Gohbett,_D. & Son J efferson Charles Kindred George Marshall William H.obinson William Wright John 'l'allow Chctndler.--Lincoln William Tat,erns, Inns, ~ Public lfouses :-- .Angel, Atmer William Duke of Wellin,qton, Pinkney Isaac Hawk Inn, Woolnough Thomas Kings Arm.~ Inn, Cook Sarah Kings Head, Waters Joseph Rose~ Crown Inn, Pahuer William Ship, Spalding Mary Sun Inn, Self Eliza Three Tu11s, Wade Aldous Wherry, Bryant John White Hart, Bloom field J ames White Lion, Mallett James Tea De•zler.--Mettett William Timber Merchant.--Farrow J oseph Uphol3terer.--Godbo1d George Yeterinary Surgeons.---Neeve Thomas Smith Sidney Watch~ Clock Mal.:ers. Dowsing William Johnson John King John Suggate George Taylor Samuel Wigg W illiam Wheelwright.- Smith Nelson Wine~ Spirit Merclwnts.---Atmer William Farr Richard & I.eman William Reeves & Cracknell Ringwood H. F. Woollen Drapers~ Tailors.--Corbyn H. & Son ;HAVEBHILL, A MARKET town situated on a branch of tll6 rinr Stour, and partly in the county of Essex, 15 miles N.W. from Halstead, 6 miles W. from Clare, and 59 from London through Chelmsford and Braintree, conta-ined, in 1831, 2,025 inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property, in 1815, \vas 2,485l. It consists l'rincipally of one long and wide street; and has manufactures in checks, cottons, and fustians. The mnrket is on W eduesday1 and fairg are held 9n • May 12, and August 26. The cbut'ch, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, i'i a large and ~noient struc~\J,te. A bout 1665, a :tire destroyed great part of the town, and consmned the woodwork of the chmch, bt-giuning jn the chancel; and towards its repair, Lord Allington pf Horseheath Hall furni~hed the timber. The living is a Yicarage, Yalue 125l. per annum, iu the patronage of Sir George H. W. Beaumont, Bart. Here are the remains of an ancient castle. The parish of Haverhill is iu Risbridge Union. 1n the neighbomhood are W ratting Park, the seat of Sir Charles W atron, Bart.; Thurlow Hall, Sturmer Hall, and Baythorn Park. Name, :Residence, & Profession. .See also CLASSIFIC~TION of TRADEs, page 48, A dams Thon1as ............................... Bootmaker Albon Leonard ............... ~ .............. Black$mith ,-\ lbon William ......•.••..•• ~, •.• "••···.. ••• Bootmaker Arch John ................ ~ ....... , ... Plumber & Glauer Backlcy J an1es ........................... Weavers Arms

SUFFOLK. =============================-============================== Bankes J a ne •.••••..•...•. j ...................... Shopkeeper Basham \V1n .......................... ~ .......... Fellmonger Bigmore Samuel. ........................... Beer Retailer Doram John • • • . . .• • • • • • . • • • • . . • • • • • • .... . • • Collar Maker Boreham J os ......................... Brewer & Maltster Brand Thotnas •.••• , ................................. Carrier Bridge Robert ••.•••....••...•..•.•...•.... , •.. Carpenter Brook Thomas ......... Registtar of Births & De11ths Bro\vn Ambrose •.•••.....•••.••..••••...•• Beel\ Retailer Brown J ames ........................................ Melter Brown William ••••••••.•••••••.•••••••••.•.• , ••••• Baker Burleigh Wm ...... Solicitor; Agent to the Atlas Fire & Life Insurance Office Byford Joseph .............................. Wheelwright Casidy Saral1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• G~ngrocer Chater John •••••••••••.•.......•••••.••••••• N urserytnan Clears William ............ Millwright & Beer Retailer Cornell James .................. Carrier & Coal Dealer Cousens M ••...•..•••...•...•..••••..• ·····-·····•Carpenter Crick J ol1n ••.••••••••••.•••.•••••••• ~ •••••• .., •••••••• Cooper Crick J ol1n •••••••••••••••••••••••••• \ ................... Farrier Crick Elijal1 ............................................ Baker Crick 1"'llotnas •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••• ~ •.•••••••• Baker Dearsley M •..•.•• -.................................. Stationer Dennis Wm ............................ Grocer & Draper Dix Charles ............... Sub-Distributor of Stamps Dix Charles ••••.•......•••..•.•.•••.•••.•••. Grocer, &c. Eagle Sann1el .............................. Queens Head Eastcott S. S. G ..................................... Surgeon Eldred J ames.-•............•...•....••.•.• ,, . .- ....... Tailor Elles Elias ... Bell Commercial Inn, Posting House, · & Excise Office Ellis Mrs ............................... Straw Hat Maker Ellis Thomas ........................................ 1"'ailor Ellis William ......................................... 'l.,ailor Fairweather Wm ...................... DrRp-ell & Tailor Finch Elijah ........................ Plumber & Glazier F1·cestone Susanna ................................... ~Butcher Gurteen Dan. jun. ... Agent to the Norwich Union Fire & Life Insurance Office Gurteen Dan. & Son ...... Drabbett & Flock Mnfctrs Guy .James, Esq •.....•••••••..•.. ,~ ...................... . Haggar Josiah ........................... f.Iarness Maker Hales John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Hall Charles ........................... Timber Merchant Hall William ............... - ......................... BuildPr lia,rers John Col e •••• ·•· .............................. Butcher H awes G ............................... Clothes Salesman Heckford John ...................... ~ .•••• Hair Dresser Hepher Edward .................. Carpenter & Builder Jaeki!Ou H. W •••. Agent for the Sun Life Insurance Office, & Agent fo1· the Sudbury Bank Jackson H. W ...... Wine, Spirit, & Wool Merchant Jelles J ames ....................................... , ....... 'l"'ailor Jolly Henry •••••. ,,_ .................... - ....... U pholstere1· Keddell Henry Edward ............. ~ .... Hair Dresser Killingback Mrs .•••••••••...•.• "'··········~···· Milliner I\.itching Charles.~··"····················· .. ···· .. · Chemist Lawrence John ....................... , •• Draper & Grocer Lee Joseph .................. Cooper & Measure Maker Lock George .J ........................................ 1.,ailor Majnr Cornelius ........................................ Miller Martin Henry •••••••••••••.•••••.••.••.••••.••••• Surgeon Mat10n Thomas ........ , ... Carpenter & Beer Retailer Mills Williatll • • .... .... •• • ••• •• • • ........ ••••••• .... • Brazier Mison John ....... _. ............................. Greengrocer NQrris Rgbert ....... n ......... Drabhett Manufacturer Nottll J osl'ph ................... Drabbett Manufacturer Palm er Harriett ............... Watchmaker & Jeweller Parry 1\f argaret •.••.....••.••••....••••.•••.•.•• Millinet· Peck .T atnes ........................... G rocl'l' & Draper Perry J oseph ..................................... Bull Inn Purkis John .•• ~ .................... ,.~ ... ---· •.••. .--~1\~I altster Roberts Richard ..................... Silk Manufacturer Roberts Rev. ltobert ............................... Vicar Robinson Samuel George .......... , .......... Surgeon Robinson 1'homas ............................... Surgeot} Ruffle Iticl1ard .•••.•..••....••..••••.••..•.••••.••... Miller Scotcher James ••••.••.. , ..••..••••••..••...• Bricklayer Scotcher John ..................... Plumber & Glazier Scotcher Martha .............................. Greyhoun1 Scott lsaac ........... ... .. ... ... ..... Clothe& Salesman Sizer Thomas .... ~ ............. Drabbett Manufacturer Stnitli 'fhomas ...•..•••....•••.••.•••••.•••.•.••..... Tailor Snape Char]es ........••••......••••..•••... llose & Crow11 Spicer Elizabeth .............................. Blacksmith Spicer J atnes ••••..••.•..... •••• •••.•••.••••.• Blacksmith Spicer Mrs ....•..•..•..••.•.......... , ••••••..• Blacksmith St:trns Henry ............................ ~···· Boottnaker Suck!and Jtunea .............................. l{opemaker Suckling Satnnel ............................... Bootmaker Turner John .................................. Bootmuker Turner John ................................. Postmaster Turnel· Thotnas ............................... Sl1oe1naker Walaker William ........................ Beer Retailer Webb H .................. Hemp Manufacturer & Dyer Webb Nathaniel ........................... Beer Retailer Webb Stephen .................. Drabbett Manufacturer Wham William .... . .... . •• .... .. ... Grocer & Draper Wool lard Thomas ..........•.....•.•••. ~···· ....... Baker Woollard William ............ Drabbett Manufacturer Woollard William .............................. Ham Inn . Wright Ellington .................. Ale & Porter Brewer Wright lsaac ...... Agent for the Suff-olk & General Insurance Office Vine Thomas ........................ Grocer & Drat-er Post Office. Turn er John ·•••........ •. • . • • . • • • • • • . • •• . •• . . Postmaster Letters delh·ered at 9 morn. j dispatched i p. p. From North, second delivery at ! p. 11 ; dispatched 4 even. Posting House. Bell Inn •.••••••••..•••. ~ ....................... Eiias Elles - • Bankers. Oakes, Bevan, & Co. Draw upon Barclay & Co. Jackson H. \V .................................. "'., .... 4gent Savings' Bank, held at Post Office between 12 & 2, every Friday. Public :E:stablishments .. Excise Office. Belt Commercial Inn. Stamp Office. Dix Charles ........................... Sub-Distributor !'ire de. Life Assurance Agents. Atlas ..................................... Willian1 Burleiglt Norwich Union .................. Daniel Gurteen, jun. Suffolk & General ......................... lsaac Wright Su11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H. ,V. Jackso11 Public School. National & Jubilee School for Girls. Coaches. Cambridge, Accommodation, from Colchester, caBsat the Grrylwund, Mon. Wed. & Fri through Linton. · Colchester, Accommodation, calls at the Grey!tound, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. London, Telegraph, from the Bell, Mon. Wed. & Fri. through Saffron W alden & Bishops Stortford. Carriers. Bury, (W. Elmer,) every Wed. & Tlum. Cambridge, (J. Cornell,) Wed. & Fri.; Thurs. & Sat. returns 47

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. Clare, (W. Elmer,) from the Bell, Mon. &Thurs. Clare, (J. Jervis,) from fhe Bell, every Tues. & Sat. Colchester, (W. Elmer,) every Mon. & Thurs. London, (Brand,) from the Greyhound, Sun.& Tues. Lmdonl.... Chalk's Waggon, from Linton, calls at the J(,ose & Crown, every Thurs. London, Cocketer's Waggon, from Thurlow, every Thurs. through Saffron W alden, Bishops Stortford, &c. London, J ervis' s Waggon, from Clare, every Wed. & Sat. • Classification. of Trades • Balcers. Brown William Crick Elijah Crick Thomas " · W oollard Thomas Beer Retailers. Bigmore Samuel Brown Ambrose Walaker William W ebb N athaniel Blacksmiths. Albon Leonard Spicer Elizabeth Spicer J ames Spicer Mrs. Boot & Shoemakers. Adams Thomas Albon W illiam Hales John Starns Henry Suckling Samuel Turner John Turner Thomas Brazier. Mills William Brewers.~Boreham J oseph Wright Ellington 'Bricklayer. Scotch er J ames Builder. Hall William Butchers. Freestone Susannah Havers John Cole Carpenters, ~c.-Bridge Robert Cousens M. Hepher Edward Mason Thomas Carriers. Brand Thomas ·Corn ell J ames Chemist. Kitching Charles Clothes & General Salesmen .. -Hawes Georg~ Scott lsaac Coal Dealer. Corn ell J ames Collar Maker.-Boram John Coopers.--'Crick J olm Lee Joseph Drabbett Manufacturers.·--Gurteen Dan. & Son N orris Robert · · N otts J oseph SizE!r Thomas · · W ebb Step hen W oollard W-m. Dyer. W ebb H. Farrier.---Crick John Fellmonger.--Basham William Greengrocers.---Casidy Sarah Mison John Grocers ~Drapers. -Dennis William Dix Charles Lawrence John Peck .Tames Vine Thomas Wham William Hair Dresser.~Heckford Jolm Keddell Henry Edward Hemp ftfanufacturcr.-W €bb Henry Harness Maker. Haggar Josiah 48 • HAVERHILL CLASSIFICATioN, cvntinu.eq, Maltsters.-Boreham Joseph Purkis John Millers.--Brown J ames Major Cornelius Ruflle Richard Milliners.---Killingback Mrs. Parry Margaret Millwright. Clears William Nurseryman.--Chater J o}m Plumbers 4" Glaziers.--Arch John Finch Elijah Scotch er J ohtl Ropemaker.-Suckland James Shoplceeper. Bankes Jane Silk Manufacturer.·-Roberts Richard Solicitor. Burleigh William Stationer.- -Dearsley M. . Straw Hat Maker. Ellis Mrs. Surgeons.-Eastcott S. S. G. Martin Henry Robinson Samuel George Robinson Thomas Tailors ~ Drapers.-Eldred J ames Ellis Thomas Ell is W illiam Fairweather William J elles J ames Lock George Smith Thomas Taverns, Inns, ~Public Houses:--- . Bell Comml. Inn~ Posting Honse, Elles E. Bull Inn, Perry J oseph Greyhound, Scotcher Martha Queens Head, Eagle Samuel Ram Inn, Woollard William Rose ~ Crown, Snape Charles Weavers Arms, Backler J ames Timber Merchant.-Hall Charles Upholsterer. Jolly Henry Watchmaker ~ Jeweller .• -Palmer Harriett Wheelwright. Byford J oseph Wine o/ Spi1·it Merchant.---Jackson H. W. Wool Merchant.--Jackson Henry William • IPSWICH, THE county town, situated at the confluence of the rivers Gipping and Orwell, 69 miles from London through Romfard, Chelmsford, and Colclwster, contained 20,454 inhabitants in 1831. It stands on a gentle declivity, forming part of a circle roond a reach of the river, and over which there is a stone bridge leading to the suburb of Stoke. The public buildings are the town-hall, the custom-house situated on the quay, the corn exchange, the county gaol, the house of correction, and the borough gaol. The principal commerce of the town arises from the exportation of corn, malt, cheese, and. butter; and the neighbouring country being rema1·kably productive! of fine wheat and other grain, quantities areannuaUy shipped for the London market~. The Greenland fishery is here prosecuted with suooesst th" same wind serving to take vessels out of the harbour' and to the Greenland sea : ship building is carried on, and a trade in timber, chiefly for the use t>f the royal dockyards. Vessels sail every tide hence to Harwich; the Orwell is noted for the beauty ofiiti adjacent scenery: in the passage, tht> \•iew is termi .. nated in front by the ocean, on the right "!>y a pr~ spect of Harwich and the hlgh coast of Essex, and on the left with Landguard Fort, the high land of Walton, and Felix Stow cliffs. A goQd barbonr for light vessels is formed by the estuary of the Orwell,

IPSWICH. SUFFOLK. which is navigable at high water up to the bridge, except for ships of considerable burden, that pass no further than Downham Reach, three or four miles nearer the sea. The number of vessels belonging to the port of Ipswich ten years ago, was 138, and their collective burden 8,532 tons. The manufactures are the spinning of woollen yarn, sail making, &c. The markets are on Tuesday and Saturday; and annual fairs are held on May 4 and 18 for cattle, July 25 for toys, August 8 for horses, August 22 for lambs, and September 25 for butter and cheese. The corporation consists of two bailiffS, a recorder, high steward, twelve portmen of whom the bailiff8 are two, two coroners, a town clerk, twenty-four common councilmen, and other officers : the bailiffs and four of the portmen are justices of the peace. The borough of Ipswich returns two member& to Parliament, who at present are Thomas Gibson, Esq. and Henry Tuffnell, Esq. The petty sessions are held here, and here is a court both for civil and criminal causes. No freeman can be compelled to setve on juries out of the town, or to discharge the duties of county offices, excepting that of sheriff. The corporation has an admiralty jurisdiction,. and is entitled to all waifs, strays, and goods cast on shore within its liberty, which extends beyond Harwich on the Essex coast, and on both sides of the Suffolk coast beyond Landguard Fort. The town of Ipswich contains the following parishes :-St. Clement's, with the rectory ofSt, Helen, value 326l. per annum~ St. Lawrence, ~ curacy, value 1751. per annum, in the patronage of the parishioners; St. Margaret, a curacy, value 1151. per annum; St. Mary at Elms, a curacy, value SOl. per annum, in the patronage of the parishioners ; St. Mary at the Quay, a curacy, value 103l •. per annum, in the patronage of the parishioners ; St. Mary at St~ke, a rectory, value 3371. per annum, in the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Ely; St. Mary at the Tower, .a curacy, value 1 03l. per annum, in the patronage of the parishioners ; St. Matthew, a rectory, in the patronage of the crown, but of the value of the living no return has been made) St. Nicholas, a curacy, value 150t. per annum, in the patronage of the parishioners ; ~t. Peter, a curacy, value 1381. per annum i and St. Stephen, a rectory, value 821. per annum,: all these parishes are in Ipswich Union. The church of St. Lawrence was commenced building by John Bottold~ who died in l431; and the chancel was built by John Baldwyn, draper, who died in 1449; and at the same time several legacies were given towards erecting the steeple. In the parish of St. Margaret, a spacious mansion called Christchurch standi on the site of a priory of Austin canons, originally founded before the year 1177, and rebuilt about 1200; it was suppressed at the request of Cardinal W olsey, and the revenues applied towards founding his two intended colleges at Oxford and Ipswich. At the latter end of the ~eign of Henry Ill., the Dominican or Black J.t'riare settled here; in !307 they had a patent from King Edward II. to enlarge the precincts of their house: great part of the original edifice still remains, applied to the purposes of a hospital, (called Christ's llospital,) a grammar school, tbe corporation library, a bridew~ll, &c. ; the cloisters, refectory, and other conventual buildings are entire. Here were also priories of Franciscans and Carmelites. A noble college. and grammar-school was founded here by Cardinal Wolsey, to serve as a nursery to his great college at the University of Oxford. That distinguished man was born at Ipswich in 1471; his father is generally supposed to have been a butcher, hut there is no positive authority for the statement. Suffolk.] H It is ·sufficient to know that W olsey had the merit of rising from an obscure stati~n ; and being desirous of erecting a lasting monument of his greatness, and of bestowing some mark of his regard for the place of his nativity, obtained bulls from the pope, and letters patent from King Henry VIII., in 1527, for suppressing the priory of St. Peter. and St. Paul, and for erecting upon its site l1is intended college. The circumstance of its erection affords a pleasing proof of Wolsey's attachment to the scene of his childhood, and shows that he was superior to the littleness of remembering his origin with shame. This institution, however, was scarcely perfected, and its endowments and regulations settled, before the disgrace of its patron, the cardinal, led to ·the dissolution of this college. No part of it now remains excepting the gatehouse, which adjoins the east end of St. Peter's churchyard, and is entirely constructed of brick, but enriched with the royal arms over the arch of entrance, in a compartment of stone. The foundation-stone of this college was laid by John Longland, Bishop of Lincoln, 15th June, 1528, and is preserved at Christ Church, Oxford. Henry VIII. renewed the grammar-school by royal charter, which was confirmed and enlarged by Queen Elizabeth in 1565. Cardinal W olsey died on 28th November, 1530, and was buried in the Abbey Church of Lei~ cester. The town of Ipswich contains several charity schools, almshouses, and other charitable institutions. In the parish of St. Stephen is a house, now known by the sign of the Tankard, which belonged to Sir Anthony Wingfield, K.G. Vice-Chamberlain to King Henry VIII. The great parlour, a room on the ground floor, 27 feet by 16 feet 9 inches, remains nearly in its original state: it is only 9! feet in height, with a pendant ceiling: over the chimneypiece is carved the Judgment of Paris. The paneling and other decorations are very curious examples of domestic building, and well worth attention. The environs of Ipswich abound with a variety of pleasing views : the beautiful scenery of the river Orwell arises chiefly from its being bounded by high land on both sides, possessing almost every object that can mab a landscape agreeable. The Eastem Counties Railway, from London to Norwich, will pass Ipswich, where there will he a station : it is approaching towards completion. About a mile westward from the town, on the banks of the Orwell, is Sproughton Chantry. The mansion, from its elevated situation, conmands an extensive and picturesque view of the adjacent country, enriched and adorned with a variety of objects: it formerly be· longed to Peter Collinson, Esq., naturalist, v. hose collection of shells, fossils, minerals, ores, &c. is preserved in the library. It derives its name from being built on lands given towards t11e endowment of a chantry in the church of St. Lawrence, Ipswich. Other seats in the neighbourhood are Birkfield Lodge, Holy Wells, and the Red House. Woolverston Hall, 4 miles S. from Ipswich, js most delightfully situated on the western bank of the Orwell, and commands a fine view of N acton, on the opposite shore : the park is extensive, abounding with game of every description, and well stocked with deer. To the south of the village of N acton is Broke Hall, the seat of Sir Philip Bowes V ere Broke, Bart. : the estate was pmchased in the reign of Henry VIII., by Sir Richard Broke, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer: the mansion has been rebuilt in modern times, and is approached by an avenue of trees. About a milll northward of N acton are the Seven Hills, elevations which have the appearance of barrows, and more in numb~r than the name implies. Orwell Park,. 49.

SUFFOLK .. IPSWICH. - ~·--- - adjoining the grounds of Broke Hall, is the seat of Sir Barber Samuel, Union st............... Beer Retailer Robert Harland, Bart. The banks of the river Barber Samuel, ditto ........................ Shopkeeper Orwell are in general picturesque, but more particu- Bare Fred. Brook st ......... Tailor, Draper & Hatter larly so below I pawich; they are here steep, beanti- BarkPr John, Eagle st ........................... Broker fully fringed with wood, and adorned with se\'eral Barker John, St Ciements l!'m·e st...... ...... Broker seats. Barker John, West_gate st........ .•• •• ........ Surgt>on Name, Residence, 4 Profession.. Barker John, Corn/till ........................... Surgeon v C if T Barker Mr. Rope walk............ Straw Hat Maker .6:or LASSIFICATION o RAPEs, aee p. 60. Ba k W"ll" Tr 0 ll B · r er 1 Jam, vp rwe st.. ••• .... ......... raz1er Ahbott Chas. Westgate st ......... Solicitor & Notary Barnard William, Salt Office la ............... Brazier Abbott James, Tavern st............... Hair Dresser Barnes John, Westgate 1t ........................ Cooper Abbott S. Co·rn!till ............ Cheese & Butter Factor Barney Henry, Mount St Peters ............ Seedsmau Ablitt .Toh~ Tavern st ................... 'Vatchmaker Dames J. Tanners la .. m ................ Watchmaker Adams -, Low Orwell st ............. .., •• OrweU Inn Barnes John, Friart rd ............ Cooper & Turner Aclams W ebster. Curriers arms la...... Pipeltlaker Barns J olm, St Peters st ... Cooper & Basket Maker A dams W ebster. Elm d ............. ~ .......... Surgeon Bartlett A l~xander, Low IJrook st ............ Surgeon Adkin Miss, Northgate st................... Seminary Burtlett Henry, ditto•n•••u ................... Surgeon Alders J ames. Crown st ..................... Carper.ter Bat· Ion Charles, Cliff ...................... Beer Retailer Alderson F. King st ..... , ........ ~ ....... .., .. Chemist Barton J. G. Brook .t .•• China & Glass Warehouse Alderton Thomas, Crown st ............ Coach Maker Bass ~ Ben nett, Quay st............... Corn Deale~ Aldrich Alfred, Quay st ... Sbip & Insurance Broker Batchelor S. St Niclwlas si... Yng Ladies Estbmnt Aldrick Fred. Low Brook st •••• u ............ Solicitor Batley Dan. St Clemenl6 Fore st •• , ............... Dyer .A ldridge Henry, CoUege st •• n. .. u••• .......... 1\laltster Batley John, Queen st.. •• ... ... .... ••• .• ... ... .. Ha tier AlefoundQr R. S. Tanners la ......... Coal Mer.chant Batley Wm. Wherstead rd ................... Life Boat Alexauders & Co. Fo~tndation st ............... Bankers Baxter John, Regent st .................. Beer Retailer Alexandet· & <.:o. Quay ~t ... Coal & Corn 1\lt>rchants Baxter Mary, Curriers ta ............... Uetail Brewer Alexanders & Co. St iJlary at the Quay... Ipswich Haxter Murphy, Rope walk ............... Greengroeer Provident Savings Bank Ba.yley Wm. & Co, Duke st ............ Ship Builders Alexander Edwanl, Currier1la.., ....... Bay)ey Edw. Silent u ............................ Grocer Alexander Henry. St Helens st............... Cooper Beard M. A. Tavern st ........................ Butcher Alt:xander Jas. St Cletaents Forest ......... Neptune Board Wm. StPeltmJ st ........ , ............... Butcher Alien John, Fmu;ul«.Li£nJ st .................. Half Moon Beart Cenj. St ill~~rgaret st ..................... Currier Alldrich Henry~ ... Maltster & Coal Mrchnt Beaumont Wm. St Clemenfs }'ore st ••• Coal Mrchnt Allston George. Ela st ........... .,. .. Confectioner & Baker Beck E. Norlltgnte st, ............................. M. D. Andrews: , Whip .. ~t............ ............ ... Corn Dealer Bed well J ohn1 Luw Ot-u·ell st, M iller & Com Factor Andrews Charles, S.O/.lne st............... Buck Brewet·y Benham Samuel, Vp Orwell st, Tea & Coffee Healer Andrews J acob, St Peters at ............ Pork Butcher Bennett Hen. St Clemenls Pore st... Coach Builder Andrews J ames, Friar .st ............................. Grocet• Bennett John, Albion st.... ....... ... .. ........ Grocer A ndr~ws John, Old &Uer .mw.ket •••......... Butclu!r Beunett J oseph, Fore lwmlet... Boot & Shoemaker Andrew11 John1 Mount St Peters ................ Grocer Bentley John, Falcon st ......... Bntsh Manufacrurer, Ankin William, Fore hamlet .. ,_._ ...... Herring Dealer General Turner & Putten Maker Archer Robert, Woodhridge rd. .................... .Miller Berryman Thos. Brook st ... Law Stationer, & Agrnt Archer Thomas, Tavern it .................... Ironmonger United Kingdom Life Assurance Office Archer Wll). St Clements F~r.e st .... Coal Merchant Betts, Wutgate Mt .................. Jl'eathers Inn & Maltster Bevan Edward, CIJrr st ........................ Butcher Archer W m, Tower milJ1 1F ®dbridge rd ...... Miller Bianchi & Son, Tave1·1t st ... Hart> & Piano Sellers, & Ashford C. West gate at ...... ...,,. ............. Grocer, &c. OpticiansAshfqrd Hen. St elements FQre st ......... Engraver Bianchi G. H. Tave-rn st......... Professor of Music Ashford Wm. ditto .. , Watch & Clock Mkr & Jeweller Hianchi M aria, ditto ...... Professor of 1J urp & Pian1> Aston Joseph, Old Butter .market ......... Tea Dealer Billings Samuel, ditto ..................... Hair Dresser Atthill Robt. St Clements F,ore at ............ Surgeon Bit·ch Rohert, Cornhill ........................... Sadler Bacon, Cob bold, Rod well, Duningham & Cobbold, Birch Robert, Low Orwellst ............... Tea DealerTavern st .. .Bankers Bird Charles, Carr st ............... Painter & Glazier Bacon John, St Matthews st ............ Queens Head Bird Eliz. & Caroline, Cm·r st ••• Preparatory Scbool Bacon Susan Read, St Margarets plain ...... Farrier Bird J ames, St Nicholas st ...... Gun Smith & Cutltr Bailey Robt. St Nicholas st ...... Boot & Shoemaker. Bird John, IVoodbridge rd ............... Beer Hetailer Baird A. Low Brook st ......................... _. ..• M.D. Bird John, ditto ..................................... Grocer Baker Chas. St Clements Fore d............ Grocer Bird John, Silent st ............... Twine Manufacturer Baker Gosnell, Old Butter market... Perfumer, &c. Bird John, N ortllgate st •........ Smith & Bellhat~get' Baker Isaac, Fore hamlet ........................ Gr.ocer Bird Samuel, Silent st ........ ~ ......... Blue Coat Bof Baker lsaac, ditto .................. Tallow Melt er, &c. Bird Willia.m, White Elm hill ..................... Miller Baker John, Queen st •.......................... Butcher Black Edmond, St Niolwlas st.... ••• ... ... ..... Baker Baker Richard, Silent &t ........................ Butcher Blagrove William, Brook .st ..................... Draper' Baker Thomas, Bridge st..................... Butcher Blake Henry, 8t Clements Forest, Boot & Shoemkf Baldock Stephen, Boro rd...... Coal & Ship Agent Blasby B. St Mattllews t.t ................. : Sadler, &e. Baldry William, St Mattltews .st ............ Globe Inn Blasby William, Croum st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Dales G. ,V, Tavern st ..................... Gun Maker Block Mrs. Northgate st .................. Dress Maker llalfour E. Brook st ........................ Silk Mercer Blomfield Wm. L. St Lawrence st ... Tailor & Draper Ball E. & Son, Old Butter n1arket •••••• Music Seller Bloomfit>ld Daniel, Barclay Ill ............ Shopkeeper Ball JaLez. Tm•ern st ........................ Cordwniner Bloomfield Jacob, Up OrweU st ...... Toy Warehouse Balls Edward, Queen st ............... Tailor & Draper Bloomfield James, Dukest ........................ Haker Bantoft John, St. Matthews st... Half Moon & Star Bloomfielcl Thomas, Cox la ......... Pointer & Grazier Bm·ber Robert, St Jllargarels plain ...... Shopkeeper Boar .Edward, Friars rd .................... Job Master 50

JPSWICH. SUFFOLK. ~===========================-============================== l3orul & Shuttleworth, St 1}/argflrets ......... Curriers Uon_d, Turner & Harwood, Cutlege st ••• Engineers & Iron Founders :Borrett William, Currier., la............... Bricklayer Eoston John, Carr at ••. Tuscan & Straw Hat Maker Eowman Uobert, C(Yfner of Queen st.. ....... Falcon Brewery & Coal Merchant Bowman J. Wet doclc, Wherstead rd ••• Beer Retailer Eowman Simon, Mour.t St Peters, Elephant & Castle Braddock Samuel, Wflip st. ....•.•..•• lleer Retailer Erakenridge Thomas, Carr st..................... Tailor Bra me George, St Helens st •••••.••••••••••••••• Grocer Erandon Wm. St Mattlte'N'ut ••• Grocer & Brush Mkr Eransby Spencer L. Norlllgate st ••• I~and Surveyor Bray P. J. Fric4rst ••• Clk to Bosmere & Claydon Un Breckles Anthony, Grem yard............ New Inn Brett M. G. Tavern st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Brewer John, Silent st .......................... "'. Grocer Brewster Richard, St lJiargnret~ st ...... Tea Dealet· Rrighten Widow, St Clemenls, Fore st, Green~roeer Bristo & Son, Tack et st • ........... Spirit Merchants Bristo Isaac, Elm st .......... ••'lt•-··••J········· Grocer Bristo James, Carr st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Bristo Jeremiah, Crown st ............ Coal Merchant :Bristo Mrs. Carr st •••••••••••••••• • ••••••• Dress Maker Brook. E. King st ............... Tea Dealer & Grocer J3rooker I~ 8t lllary Elms on tlte Mount ~ •• Licensed Dealer in Horses Brooks M. Common quay ••••••••• •.• ........... ~ Bull Inn Brooks W. Tarern st ... Great White Horse Family Hotel, Comme-rcial & Posting House Brothers Gilbert, 1'a·vern st ...... Hat Manufacturer Brown Jeremiah, Queen •t ...... Cord Manufacturer Brown John H.obert, Carr st.... ••••• Wellington Inn Brown Samuel, Queen .~t ............... Pattep Maker Brow I} Wm. & Co. St Nic),olas st ... Timber & Slate Merchants Brownfield Nimro~, St l'rlargaret st ....... Blacksmith Brownsmitb T. St Clements Forest •.• Son·ell Horse Bruce W esthorpe Coping, Dogs head la •••• •• Baker Bruce Mrs. Stllfarga1·ets st ......... Umb1·ella Maker Bruce Stephen,. St Marga1·ets green ...... Shopkeeper Bmce William, Cox la •••••••• •• •• •• ... • Beer Retailer Buck & Frazer, Old Butter market .... Woollen & Man~ chester Ware housemen Buckingham Jonathan, Taver11 st ....... Boot Maker Buckingham Samuel, St Helens st ••••••••.••• Grocer Bngg Mrs. SJ l'r'Iargarets green, Dlr. in W caring A ppl Bullar Wm. Fmmdation st ••• Scc. to Suffolk Fire Office Bnllen George, Carr st ••••• ., ................... Surgeon Bunn Henry, Tavern st....... •••• •• •••• ....... Solicitor Burbage Elizabeth, St Stepltens la ••••••••• Hosier &<". Burch I. College st ••••.••••••••••••••••• ~ .... Shoemaker Burns Charles, Duke st . ••••• •• ... ••• • •• •• Steam Boat Burrage Mrs. Falcon. st ••• Straw Hat Manufacturer Burrows & Son, Old Butter market, Woollen Drapers Burrows R. & Son, Sil.ent st ••••.•••••••••• Pawnbrokers Burrows B. BNlllnn, Common quay ••• Waggon Office llurton Charles, '1'aver/i st ......... Wholesale Grocer Bul'ton John, St Clements Forest ...... Galliot Hoy B11rton J. M. Tavern st ... Printer, Bookseller, & Stationer, Agent to National Provident Institution Blli!l~ George, Tavern sf •........................ Butcher Butcher John, jun. Old Butter market ••• Hat Mntctr Butcher Jehn, sen. Tavern st ................ Hat Maker Buxton Heney, Carr st • , ....... Boarding Academy Byles ~ Co. College st .•. Coal, Gen. M rchts. & Mltstrs. Byless N., Doclc st .............. "' ... Timber Merchant Calver Thomas, Bell la ...... Grocer & Beer Retailer Canbam Noah Clark, Back lwmlet, Brick&TileMkr. Canham lVilliam, lJruok .~! ..................... Butcher Cansdale Solomon, Brook st ... Watch & Clock Maker Caniugtou Benja~iu, LrYWer Oru.·elt st .... , .... Gun Carter J. Tavern st ••• Glover & Stock Manufactu.-er Carter Jonathan, St Peters ..................... Baker Cat] in John, Old Butter market • .... •• .. Job Master Catt Benjamin, Duke lt ••• Coal & Timber Merchant, & Agent to the Anti-Dry-Rot Company Catt Samuel, St Matthews st ............ Coach Maker Cattermole Chas. St Clements Fore st ••• Confectioner Cattermole J ames, Cox la .. •• • • • • .. • • • • • • ••• • • • Grocer Caston Richard, St Margarets st ••• Admirals Head Chalkley S. St Helens st .................. Dress Maker Channing Maria, Little Coleman st ......... Milliner Chaplain William, Crown la ............... Cork Cutter Chaplin , St Matthews st ............ u ....... Baker Chaplin W. Wtstgate st • .. • • .. • •• . .. .. .. .. . . • • • Brewer Chaplin W. I. CrowJJ st, St Mattlteu;s ... Cork Mnfctr Chuplin W. I. Westgatest, Wim·, Spirit,& PorlerMcht Chuprnan John, Corn hill ................•• Kings Arms Chapman Joseph, Church st ............... Blacksmith Chapman Samuel, Market la .................. Broker Chap111an S. B. Tavern sl ... Chemi~t & Druggist, & Agt. to Clerical, Medical, & Gen. Life lnsur. Office Chappell Sophia, Duke sl ........................ Grocer Chenery J ames, Wherstead road ... Shipwright Arms Chenery John, Westgate st ................... Butcher Chenery Josh. Tavern st ............... Linen Draper Chcselden W. Neptune inn yard, St Clcments Forest, Maltster Chilver Robt. Queen at ••• Cabinet Maker & Upholstr Choat Jno. Bt1tler market ••• Agt. to Mutual Insurance Choat John, Old Butter marlcet ••. Boot & Shoemaker Choat Lucy, Carr •t ...... Childhed Linen Warehouse Christie Amy, St Clements Forest •••••• Pawnbroker Christie George, Angel la •.••••••.•••••• Pawnbroker Christie John, 8t Clemenls Forest ... Clothes Salesman Christies, Salt ojfice quay ............ Coal Merchants Christopherson G. St Clement& Forest, Canvas Factor-- Christopherson R. D. ditto ............... Ironmonger Church John, St Helens st ••••.•.•••••••••••••••• Baker Church Mrs. ditto •• •• • • ........ •• ........ Dress Maker Churchman John & Co. StMatthew st •••••• Wine & Brandy Merchants Churchman W. ditto, Tobacco, Snuff, &Cigar Mnfctr Clamp Miss, Elm st ................... Ladies Seminary Clarke Henry, King st ... Boot & Shoe Manufacturer Clarke Henry, SI Clement& Forest •••••• Bull & Dog Clarke Henry, New market st ......... Hair Dresser Clarke J ames, Eagle st .. •• ..... • •.•• ... • Confectioner Clarke .John, Upper Orwell st ... Boot & Shoemaker Clarke John, St Clemenls Fore st, Boot & Shoemaker Clarke John, Lower Orwell st ·······~····Boot Maker Clarke John, Eagle st ·-······· ........ Sheriffs Officer Clarke John, StStephens la ..• Draper, Tailor, & Hatter Clarke J oshHa, Friars road ••••••••• Tallow Chandler Clarke Mary Ann, St Stephens la •.• Clothier & Hatter Clarke Miss, St Nichulas st •••••• Stay Manufacturer Clarke Thomas, 8t Helem st •........... Music Master Clarke William, Tacket $1 -•or• Boot & Shoemaker Clarke W. & Falcon st ............... -····.. .... ... ... .. M.D. Clements Mary Ann~ Pound corner ...... Stay Maker Clements Thomas, Carr st-.. •.• . .. . . . . . Confectioner Cobbold & Son, Lower Brook st ··~··.Spirit Merchant Cobbold John, Halywell ········-·-· .. •• Brickmaker Cobbold John, St Cletnents Pore st ···~ Maltster, Coal & Corn Merchant Cobbold J. C. Tower la ................ _ ....... Solicitor Coes George, Salt qffh:e quay • • • ... Coal Warehouse Col borne Chariest St MattheuJs st .....••.•.•••••• Grocer Colchester W. &Co. Collegest, Timber & Slate Merchta Colchester & Co. Fr-iars road ... Soap Manufacturers Colchester Benjamin, Westgate st ... Auctioneer, &c. Cole A. Bare/ay st ...... ~ ... ~ .... St r,m Hat Blocker Cole J ames, Rope ll'alk .. .......... lJoot & Shoemaker Cole R. S. Kiug :rt.A4 ..... ......... u ......... Silversmith 51

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. Coleby Kincey, Soa11e st •.......•....•••.••..... Miller Coleman l-1. il. Brook st ............ Draper & Mercer Coleman John, Nortllgate st ...... Painter & Glazier Collier Eliz. J.Vestgate st ... Crown &Anchor Coml. Inn Collins Jas. Quee11 st ... Cabiriet Maker & Upholsterer Collins John, Woodbridg~ roa_d ............ Millwright Collyer J ames, Cornhill ............... Tailor & Draper Colthorpc D. St Clemenfs Forest ......... Ship Baker Conder John Garwood, Brook st ... Carver & Gilder Conder J ames, Old Butter market .•. Haberdasher & Tea Dealer Conder Thomas, ditto ...... Currier & Leather Cutter Cook A. B. Brook st ............ Chemist & Druggist Cook E. St Helens st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Cook Geo. St Clemenls Fo·re st •.. Boot & Shoemaker Cook George, Albion st ........................... Grocer Cook J aspe1·, Thorofare .................. Pork Butcher Cook J. Cox la ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Cook J onathan, Rope walk ...... Boot & Shoemaker Cook Samuel, Church ~t ...... Rope & Twine Maker Cook Samuel, Corn hill ...... Brazier & Ironmonger Cook Mu. St Matthew st .................. Staymaker Cooper John, Carr st ........................ Shoemaker Cooper John, St M~rgarets green ......... Blacksmith Cooper R. Woodbrzdge rd ......... Boot & Shoemaker Cord er Ed \Vard, Tavern st ............... Draper, &c. Cork Daniel, Rose yard ..................... Day School ·Cornell Benjamin, St Nicholas st ............ Academy Cow ell Geo. Kersey, St Niclwlas st ......... Surgeon Cow ell Alexander & Charles St Clements Fore st, ... Maltsters & Corn Merchants Cowell S. H. Old Butler market ... Printer, Book· seller & Stationer Cox William, St Clementk Back st ... Beer Retailer Cox William, St Clements Back st ............ Grocer Crawley Thos. St Peters st ... Wine & Spirit 1\:fercht Creasy Elisha, Cornhill ............ Golden Lion Inn Crick John, King st ........................ Greengrocer Crisp Thos. Old Butter market ......... Bee Hive Inn Crow J ames, Dial la ..................... Linendraper Cuckoo John, Whip st .................. Beer Retailer Cudding Wi\Ham, King st ........... ~Tailor & Draper Cullum John, Crown st ......... Livery Stable Keeper Cnndy George, ditto ..................... Horse Shoer Cunnold Gcorge, Old Butter market ............ Tailer Curtis William, Thorofare ..................... Butcher Cuthbert William, Stoke st ..................... Painter Cuthbert John, Carr st ......... Ornamental Painter Cuthbert J. H. St Mary at quay, Corn & Coal Mrcht Daking George, St Peters st .................. Grocer Dale James, St,':A-fary Elms ..................... Broker Dale Thomas, King st ........................ Swan Inn Dallinger W. H. Sile11t st ...... Engraver & Stationer Dam ant J ames, Westgate st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Daniels W oodruffee, St Nicholas ........... ,'.Solicitor Darling Edw. Brook st ... Hardwareman & Jeweller Davie & Pilcher, St Clement a Frwe st ...... Surgeons Davie J ol1n, ditto ..................... .......... Surgeon Davy Henry, Carr st ...... Carpenter & Undertaker Dawson J. Woodbridge rd ... Sadler & Harness Mkr Day George, 8t Clements Back st ...... Shopkeeper Day Henry, Rope walk .................. Beer Retailer Day J. Woodbridge rd ........................... Grocer Day John, St Clements Forest ...... Coal Mercl1ant Day Joseph, Falcon st ............ Plumber & Glazier Day T. Elm st ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Day Thomas, St Margarets green ......... Carpenter Death John, Curriers Arms la ......... Hair Dresser Death William, Market la ..................... Buteher Debenham,T. St Margarets g1·, Sadlr& Harms Mkr Deck Robert, Corn hill ......... Bookseller & Printer Delf John, St lllattltetv& st ........ , ............... Grocer D.emuth J .. ditto •.......................... Hair Dresser 52 Denham Robert, Crawn st ..................... Builder Denny J. St Matthew st ................. , ... Grocer, &c Denney T. W. Upper Orwell st, Tea & Coffee Dealer Dennis A. St Nicholas st, Milliner & Straw Hat Mkr Deward & Cook, Brook st ••• Milliners, Straw Hat & Fur Manufacturers Dickerson Thomas, Brook Rt • ., ... Hosier & Draper Dimes Solomon, Wood bridge rd ... The Case is Altered Doole William, Whip st ............... Boars Head Inn Dorkin Anthony, Brook st .................. Stationer Doust George, Carr st ... Ladies Boot & Shoemaker Dowsing J. Lower Barclay st, Chair & Sofa Manfctr Drew Franc is, St Helens st ............ Beer Retailer Dunnett T. St Clements Fore st ...... Corn Chandler Dunningham John, Lower B1·ook st ......... Attorney Dunningham T. Tower st ..• Agent to Globe Insrance Duningham T. St Peters dock ...... Coal Merchant Durant & Hammond Brook st, Umbrella & Parasol Manufacturer Edwards Elizabeth, Crown st ............ Stay Maker Edwards 1\:f. Brook st ........................... Draper Edwards Mrs. Silent st ..................... Stay Maker Edwards Mrs. Northgnte st .................. Seminary Edwards Sarah, Brook st ......... Stay Manufacturer Ebbage Elizabeth, St Margarets st ......... Toy Shop Edgley George, St Stephen& la ...... Draper & Tailor Ellis J. St Clements Back st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Elliston William, St Peters st ............... Surgeon Elliston Wm. St Nicholas st ••• Wine & Spirit Mrcht Emerson Thomas, St Matthew st ......... Sadler, &c. English J ames, Long la ....•................•••... Grocer En new & Porter, Queen st ......... Tallow Chandlers En son Miss, Corn !till ...................•• Dress Maker Eyre & Rumley, Tacket st .................. Chemists Faiers S. H. Tavern st .................. Hair Dresser Fairweather Mrs. Union st ............... Dress Maker Farman Robert, St Helens st .................. Builder Farritt Samuel, Friar st .................. Beer Retailer Farro•N John, Soane st ........................... Baker Farthing J ames, Carr st ........................ Butcher Feek William, Tavern st .................. Confectioner Finch M. A. Rope walk ............ Straw Hat Maker Fh;her Benjamin, Curriers la ......... Corn Chandler Fisher John, St Margarets plain ............ Butcher Fisher Miss, Old Butter market, M illnr & Dress Mkr Fisher T. St Clements Fore st .................. Tailor Fisk F. St Helens st ... White & Red Brick Manfctr Fisk Henry, Rope walk ............... Whiting Maker Fisk Robert, Quay st ... Beer Retailer, Maltster, &c. Fisk W. St Margarets green:, Registrar for Ser\'ants Fisk William, ditto .................. Cooper & Broker Fisk William, Colman st ..................... Bricklayer Fisk William, Cox la ........................ Bricklayer Fitch W. S. Butter market ••. Agent to the Clerical, Medical & General Life Assurance Fit eh W. S. Old Butter market •• . Chemist & Druggist Fitlow Robert, St Margarets st .................. Tailor Fletcher Robert, St Stephens [a ...... Tailor & Hatter Flory William, Duke st ........................ onBaker Footman John, Corn hill ......... \ ........ Draper, &c. Foreman Samuel, Upper Orwell st ...... Bucks Head Foulger William, Friars rd ......... Lord Chanceller Fox M. St Stephensla .................. Corn Chandler Fox Mary Ann, Thorofare ............... Dress Maker Fox Salter, St Margar·ets st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Frankland Richard, Tat,ern st ............ Drapor, &c. Fraser R. D. Elm st ........................ Pawnbroker Freeman William, Westgate st ... Boot & Shoemaker Frewer lsaac, Tavern st ... Sadler & Harness Maker Friston James, Albion st ............... Beer Retail~ Frith J ames, Rope walk ................ Whiting Maker Frost John, Carr st ........................ Hair Dresser Frost J. W. St Margarets st ............... Shopkeeper

IPSWICH. SUFFOLK. ===============================-================================ Frost John Winter, ditto ........................ Tailor Fruer John, St M atthews st ••••••••••••••.•.•... Draper Fulcher Robert, Fore hamlet •••••••.••..•.•...•.. Baker Fu tier George, Rope walk •••.•••••••.••....••••.. Tailor Fuller George, ditto •••••••.••••••••.•.•• Pork Butcher Fuller J ames, ditto ••••••••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Fuller William, King st ••••...•••••••••.. Confectioner Funnell John, Lower Orwell st .•••••••••••..•... Baker Gardener J ames, ditto •••..•...•..•••••••••••. M altster Garlett W. G. Woodbridge 1·d,Ladies Boot & Shoemkr Garlic J. S. Tavern st ••••...•• Patten &. Last Maker Garrnrd William, St Margarets st ...... Boot Maker Garrett. G. St Margarets green ...••• Iron Warehouse Garretts J. Salt office la ............... Iron Found ere Garrod Gem ge, King st ......... Kings Head Tavern Garrod R. Old Butter mkt, Auctioneer & Estate Agt Garrod Robert, Butter market ••• Agent to Protector Garrod William, Union st ........................ Tailor Gm-wood Samuel, St Margarets plain •••••••.. Caorier Gaul R. St Clements, Fore st ..••••••••••••• Gas Fitter General Steam Navigation, Quay st, Hen. Aldrich, Agent & Wharfinger Gibbons John, Woodbridge rd ............ Shopkeeper Giles Abraham, Long la •.•••••••.••••.••.•••.•• Grocer Giles Edward, Tavern st .................. TobacconistGill William, Queen st ••••••••.••••••••••••••• Academy Girling .Tames, Upper Orwell st ••••••••• Army Baker Girling John, Crown st ..................... Tea Agent Girling John, ditto •••••••.••••••.•••••• Corn Chandler Girling John, Friar st •••••••....••••••.•.•••• Carpenter Girling Robert, Regent st ........................ Baker Git-lin~ Thomas~ Corn hill ••.•.••••••••••••••.• Bell Inn Glading George, Rope u•alk •••••••••••••••••• Butcher Glading James, Fore hamlet .................. Butcher Glading J amJs, ditto ••••...•.•..••••••••. Beer Retailer Glide John, Eagle st •.••••••....•.•••..•• Hair Dresser Godball William, St Margarets green •.•.•. Musician Goding Jame!l,· StPeters st ............... Shoemaker Goddard D. P. Duke .rt ••• Agent & Clerk to Ipswich Gas Company Goddard D. P. St Clemet~ts, Agt to Essex Economic Goldsby William, Newmarket la •••••..•..•. Clothier Goodchild Amos, St Stephens la •••••• Glo,·e Maker Gooderhatn" Lydia, Elm st ..................... Grocer Gouding G. St Clernents, Forest •.• Bout & Shoemkr Goodiug Miss, Woodbrid,qe rd ••• Preparatory School Gooding W. R. Upper Orwell st •.• Boot & Shoemkr Goodwin Edward, St Clements Fore st •.•••• Grocer Goodwin Edward, Tavern st ..................... Grocer Goodwin Geo. Carr st ••.••.•.•..••••••• Cabinet Maker Goodwin Mrs. Rope wallc .. Earthenware Manufactory Goreham George, New st ........................ Baker Gosling John & Son, St. Nicholas st ••• Whitesmith Gosling J os. St. Helens st. ..••• Boot & Shoe Maker Goss Jos. St . .J.lfargarets plain ••....•.. Cabinet Maker Gould Wm. St l'rfargarels green .•••.•••• Beer Retailer Gower Thos. 'l'rafalgar buildings, Shire hall yd ••. Hop & Spirit Merchant Gray Waiter, St Margarets ditches... Beer Retailer Greaves Wm. Old Butter market...... China Dealer · Green , Tacket st •. ........................ , Rrickla yer Green Daniel, Bell la • .. • .. . . .. ... ••• . . • . • • ..• . • Grocer Green Henry, W herstead rd ..••••••••••••••..••• Grocer Greenleaf R. St. Clements Forest .•• Cabinet Maker Gregory A. ditto.................. Plumber & Glazier Grimsey T. St. Nicholas st ...••• Solicitor; Agent to Sun Fire Office Groom Samuel, Cox la ..••••••••••.•• Timber Merchant Groom S. G. jun. St. Peters st ••• Builder & SurYeyor Gross & Spur ling, Westgate st ............... Grocers Gross & Spurling, St. Step hens la............ Grocers Gross Charles, St. ]}far,qarets pla;n ............ Grocer Grass John, St. Nicholas st ..................... Solicitor Gross Rich. Fore hamlet •••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Hacker Wm. St. Matthews st ••.•••••.••••••••• Grocer Hadgraft C. Eagle st ••• Register Office for Servants Hagger Edw. King st •••••••••••• Plumber & Glazier Haill Geo. St Matthews st •••••••••••••••••• Shoemaker Haill Jas. ditto ••••.• Agent to Phamix Fire Office; Auctioneer & Estate Agent Ha ken Henry, Broolc st •.••••••.••••••••••••••• Fox Inn Hall Wm. College st ••..••••••••••••••••••.• Shoemaker Hamblin Hannah, Duke st............... The Albion Hamblin N oah, Bridge st •••••.••••••••••.• White Lion Hamblin Benj. Quay st ..••••••••••••• Crown & Sceptre Hamilton Andrew, Whip st..... ••• •• • •• • •• • ..... Sadler Hamilton Benj. Quay st. ••.. .•••••• Crown & Sceptre Hamilton Wm. St Matthew st.. ••• •• • .• ••••• Surgeon Hamilton Wm. Westgate st •.• Chemist and Druggist Hammond C. C. Foundation st •.•••••.••••••• Surgeon Hammond Wm. Tack et st.. ••• •• • • • •.• • ••••••• Broker Hammond Wm. Tavern st .•••••••••.•••••••••• Solicitor Hammond Wm. Tacket st ••..••••••••••••••••• Tankard Hancock Chas. Carr st ..•••••••••••••••••••••• Fruiterer Hancock Chas. ditto ................ : .••..••• Confectioner Harbur C. A. Quay st ••• Agent to Suffolk & Norfolk Shipping Company Harcourt F. Old Bttr mrkt ••• Furnishing Ironmonger Harcourt John, Brook st. ••• ••• • •• • •• ••• •• Gun Maker Hardee J ames, Quay st ••••••••••••••••••••• Smack Inn Hare J abez, ditto •••••..•••••••••.•••••••••• Public Baths Harmer Geo. J os. Back st, St Clements... Registrar of Births & Deaths Harmer Robt. JVestgate st ..................... Grocer Hart , Quay 1t.. ......... ...... ...... .. ... . .. .. Cooper Hart John, Upper Orwell st ••••..••.•••••. Greengrocer Harvey Daniel, Lower Orwell st ••••••••• Tea Dealer Harvey Fred. Carr st ••••••••• Surveyor & Architect Harvey Jos. Rope walk ••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer & Licensed to let Horses Harvey W. St llfary Elms on the Mount .•• Grey HorEe Havell W. G. St Clements Fore at... Hat Manufctr Hawkins John, Black Horse la .•..•..•. Beer Retailer H axell J ames, Brook st ••.•••••. General Coach Office Haxell Wm. Carr st ........................... Silk Dyer Havward Jame8, St Clements Fore .!t ••• Corn Dealer Hayward R. Upper Orwell st ••• Broker & Appraiser Hayward Stephen, St Nicholas st.. •• • . • • •• • •• •• Dyer Hayward Wm. St Matthews st •.•••••••••••••••• Grocer Hazell Jos. Duke st •••••••••••••••••••.•••• Hair Cutter He arson John, Crown st •.••••••• Builder & Surveyor Henes J ames. St Matthews st... .........•....• Baker Hewitt Wm. New st ••••••••••••••• Boot & Shoe Maker Hignett Hignett, St Nicholas ••••••••••••••••.• Solicitor Hill Arnold, Carr st •.•••••••••••••••••••••• Last Maker Hill John, Lower Orwell st ••.••.••••••• "'" Ship Owner Hill J. St Matthews st ••••••••• Wire & Brass Worker Hills Francis, Carr st •• •• ••• • • Grocer & Tea Dealer Hillyard Jon. St f?lements Fore st ...•.....••.•.• Tailor Hines Henry, Silent st .•.••••••••••••••••••••• Fruiterer Hines Robert, Qrwy st.. •• . •• • •• • .•• •• •• Beer Retailer Hobart John, St Stephens la ••••••••.•••••••••••• Plough Holder Wm. Curriers la ...••••••••••••••••••••. Butcher Holder Wm. ditto ...••.•••••••••••••••••• Cnrriers Arms Holme Wm. Woodbridge rd ••••••••••.•••••..••• Miller Hood J ames, Friar st ••.. ................. Coach Maker Hooker J. F. Old Butter market ••. Chemist & Drugst Horn , Carpenters quay .•.•••••.••••••••• Sail Maker Horne , St Margarets ditch .................. Cooper Horrobin H. Cornhill... Corn Exchange Coffee Hse Ho ward Chas. Kin,q st ......•..••.•..••••.. Shoe Maker Howe Wm. Upper Orwell st ............ Joiners Arms Howes .Ann, Quay st.. •••.••••••.. ••••••• Cow & Gate Howes John, St llfattltews st ..................... Sadler Howes Thos. Salt office la ..................... Butcher Howes Wm. Fore hamlet ........................ Tailor 53

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. ==~========================================================= Howgego Jeremiah, St Margarets g1·ee11 ...... Baker How land Sarah, St Clements Fore st .......•• Butcher Hudson Wm. Woodbridge rd ... Bricklayer & Plastr Ilughan Jas. St Margaret st .................. Grocer Humfress Jas. St Stephens /a .................. Musician Humphreys Jas. St Clements Fore st .•• Tailor & Drpr Hunnibell Timothy, White Elm hill ... Coach Maker Hunt E. Taverrt st •.• Printer, Bookseller & Stationer Hunt Geo. St Margarets plain............ Carpenter Hunt Saml. St Margarets st ... Carpenter & Builder I-1 un t Wright, Carr st .................. The Salutation Ingelow Wm. Esq. King st ... Managcr to the East of England Bank Iron M. 0. Old Butter market ............ Upholsterer Jackson P. ditto ... Publisher of the Ipswich Jourual J ackaman S. B. Silent st •....................... Solicitor J ackson Harriett, Rope walk ••• Tea & Coffee Dealer J arman Abigail, St Margftrets $~ ............ Toy Shop Jay Daniel, Lower Orwell st ............... Gun Maker Jay J ane, ditto........................... Watch Maker J effery J o!l. Queen st ... Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer Jennings Benj. Queen st ............... Seed Merchant J ennings Thos. Tacket st ............ Carver & Gilder Jennings Wm. 1'avem st ........................ Hatter Jenny Susanna, Silent st •• ; ...... Ladies Establisment J obson J emima, St Clemerds Fore st ••• Lord N cl son J obson J os. Fore hamlet .............. ~ Water Bailitf .Tohnson J ames, Orwell pl ......••• Clothier & Draper J ohnson Robt. Tacket st ......... Boot & Shoe Maker J olmson W. St Clements Fore Rt •.. Boot & Shoe .Maker Jones Wm. St !tfargarets green ...... Carver & Gilder J osselyn Geo. Lower Brook st ............... Solicitor Juby William, Old Butter market ......... Straw Hat Manufacturer & Milliner Kead D. Westgate 1t ......... Watchmakcr & Jeweller Keeble GE.'o. Quay 1t............... Painter & Glazier Keeble J. Old Butter market ............ Wire Worker Ken in gale Robt. ditto..................... Upholsterer Kent Absalom, Lower Brook st .................. Tailor Kent John, Tanners la .................. Coach Builder Kent Mrs. Silent st.~ ...................... Dress Maker Kerr J ames, Carr st............. .... ••• .... Tea Agent Kerridge George Curtis, H1 oodbridye rd ... Garden & Pleasure-ground Worker Kerridge Wm. Pound corner ............... Carpenter Kimble Benj. Bridge st .................. CheeSl!monger Kimble Tbos. ditto ................. ~ ...... Brush Maker King Cl1arles, Fore hamlet .......... White Elm Inn King F. Quay st........................ Ship Chandler J(ing Geo. Queen st ............................... Butcher King Henry, Rope walk........................ Sawyer King John, Tavern st ............ Agent ~o Protestant DissentPrs Insurance Company King John, ditto ... Publisher of the Suffolk Chronicle KingJ. H. Old Butter mrkt ... Waggon & Horses Inn King Robt. Broolc st ........ H ..... Plumber & Glazier J(ing Stephen, Tacket st ........................ Butcher King Stephen, St Clemenfs l'ore st ............ Butcher Knight J amcs, Salt fr/ftce la ..................... Smith Knight John, St Clements Pore st ... China & Glass Warehouse Knock John, Elm st ................................ .. Bell Lawrence E. Colman .~t, Clerk to Justices & Coroner Lawrence Hen. Brook st ............ Tailor & Draper Lawrence , Lower Orwell st ............ Bricklayer Lawrence Chas. St Clemeuts Fore st ••.•.. Carpenter, Builder, & Joiner Last Alf. Dial la ...................... ,.Organ Builder Last Hen. Fore hamlet ........................... Grocer Leach John, Crown st ........................... Butcher Lee Wm. Woodbridge 1·d ........................ Grocer Leeks John Thos. Carr st ............ Tailor & Draper Leavold T. Tavern st ..................... Linen Draper 54 Leggett Philip, Jlope walk •.••.•••. Dealer in TobaccoLeigh Geo. Cornhill ......... Sadler & Harness Maker Levcrett H. Westgate sl, Cabinet Mkr & Upholstere~:­ Leverett J. Elm st on the Mount, Cbinet & Chair Mkr Leverett R. St Matthews st •••. ........ Cabinet Maker Levett Mary, Green yd ..................... 'fea Dealer Levy Moses, Carr st •••••••.• Watch & Clock Maker Licence Paul, Quay r.t ••• •••••••••••••••••• Hair Cutter Lirnmer G. Albion st ... ........................ Grocer Limmer J. Brook st, Tea Dealer & Tallow Chandler Ling Wm. & Goodwin .Edgar, Brook st, Tea Dealer Ling J. Tacket st ................ Patten & Clog Maker Linsey Anna, New st ..................... Beer Retailer Little Jas. Union st ........................... 1·ea Agent. Lock M. St Clements }'ore st ............ Milliner, &er London John, Borough rd •........ The Safe Harbour Long Dan. St Helens st ••• Day & Evening Sclwol Long John, Westgate st ...... Griflin Commercial Inn Lord John, Fore hamlet .................. Queens Head. Lord Mrs. Upper Orwell st ............... Dress Maker T.ovewell Hen. Carr st ............... Tailor & Draper Lowthroup Mary, Brook sf ............... Dress Maker Lucas Obadiah, St If elens st ............... Dove lun Lyons Sarr1. El1n st .....•. ,. ...............•...... Grocer McCredie Wm. Westgate st .................. Fruitere•· McDonald Alex. Woodbridge rd, Boot & Shoemaker Madder David, Uld Butter market ........••.• :Butcl1er Mallett Fras. Brook st ................ Tailer & Draper Manistre R. St Clements Forest ............... Grocer Manning Benj. Corn/till ................... Fishmong('r Manning Geo. St Peters st ..................... Tailor Manning J. S. Cornhill ...... Wine & Hop Merchant Manning R. College at ..................... Shoemaker Maple J. Elm st on the Mount ......... Beer Retailer MavW.&Co.Old Butter mrkt, Cheese& HutterMrcllt& May J. Common quqy, Cheese & Butter Warehouse May Wm. St Peters st ........................... Sadler Mayes Edwd. St Matthews st ......... Cabinet Maker Mayhew James, Borough rd ..................... Baker Mayhew Wm. St Helens st ...... Boot & Shoemakm· Marsh C. Upper Orwell st ............ Clothes Dealer Marsh 0. ditto ........................... Eating Hous6 Marshall Edward, Taclcet st .................. Butchet• Marshall John, Newmarket st ............... Fruiterer Martin Robt. Fore kamlet ......... Chimney Sweeper Mason Geo. Lower Brook st .................. Architect Mason Rev. Thomas, Carr st ... Curate of Culpho, ~ Chaplain of Bar ham Workhouse Mason Wm. St Stephens la ............ Cheesemonger Mathams Robt. Rope wa!Tc •....................... Baker Mathews 1\1. Queen st ........................... Tailor Matt Jonathan, King st ........................ Coopel'> Matt Mr~>. Upper Orwell st ..................... Milliner Meadows Chas. St Clement a Fore st ...... Ironmonger Meadows Chas. Tavem st ... Ironmonger & Brazier Mecklenburgh , St JJfargarets st, .. Corn Chandler Middleditch Thos. Bridge st ..................... Crown Miller Hen. Old Butter market ......... Silk Merler Miller Hen. Butter market ...... Agent to Guardian. Miller John, Old Butter market ............... Broker Miller John, Market la ........................... Brokrr Miller J. St Clements Forest ..• Tobacco Pipe Makel'> Miller Matthias, Cox la ......................... Turner MillE.'r R. Old Butter market ••• Tea Dealer & Grocer M ills Jas. St Peters ...........................•....• Be]\ Mills Walter, Duke st ..................... Heart of Oak. M inter Robt. Carr st ............ Ornamental Painter :\1ixer Robt. Westgale st ...... Baker & Confectionel' Moo re John, Queen st ............ Boot & Shoem~ker Morley David, ditto ..... , ••• Stationer & Bookbiudrr Mortimer William, Upper Orwell st ... l'm·to llellt~ Moss Wm. H~m. St /le/ens .~t .................. Broker l\IIoss Wm. l-Ien. ditto .....................•...•. Grocer

• Moyse Margaret, Tacket st ............... Confectioner Mulley C. C. ditto •• : ..................... Hair Dresser Mulley Geo. St Clements Back st ............ Builder Mulley Gregory, Duke st .................. Ship Agent Mulley John, Tavern st ........ 4 ......... Upholsterer Mulley W. R. St Clements Fore st ••• Ship Chandler Mumford Wm. Cornllill ........................ Surgeon Neal E. St Clements Pore st ............ Dress Maker Neeves Thos. Nicholas st ...... Confectioner & Baker N ewry John, Rope walk ..................... Milkman Newson John, Dogs head la ......... Cabinet Maker Newson R. R. Church st, Carpenter & Pump Maker Nicholas Edwd. Crown st .................. Whitesmith Nicholls lsaac, Carr st .................. Eating House Noble Jas. Woodb1·idge ,.d ............... Basket Maker Noble Thos. Foundation st ......... Carver & Gilder Norbrook Jas. St Clements Forest ............ Sadler Norton & Buff'ham, IVestgate st, Silk Mrcrs & Millnrs Notcutt S. A. Westgate st ..................... Solicit{ir Notcutt S. A. jun. ditto .. , ••• Solicitor & Town Clerk Nunn J. St Clements Forest ...... Straw Hat Maker Nunn Wm. Tavernst ............... Draper & Tailor Nunn Wm. St Clements l!ore st .................. Tailor O'Malley Peter Fred. Colman st ............ Barrister Orford , Church st ............................ · .. Dyer Orman R. H. Friars rd ......... Builder & Surveyor Orriss John, Carr st ........................ Day School Osboldstone John, St Peters st ... Plumber & Glazier Osborn R. St Lawrence Mt, Ladies Boot & Shoemaker Os born Robt. Upper Orwell st •........... Ironmonger Os born Sa m. St Clements Forest .....• Basket Maker Ottywell Z. St Mary Elms on the ]}fount, Coach Bldr Oxborrow Edm. St Margarets st ............... Baker Owen Jas. liJ'estgate st ........................... M. D. Page J. A. St Clemenis Forest, Printer, Bookseller, · & Stationer Page Robt. Quay st •......... ,. ................... Baker Paglar Chas. Elm st ......... Prh•ate Gmmmar School Paine Sarah Page, Borou,qh rd .................. Grocer Palm er Peter, Fore hamlet ............... Beer Retailer Palm er Samuel, Colman st ...................... Builder Parker J. St Clements Fm·e st ... Boot & Shoemaker Parker Jos. St.hfargarets st ............ Coach Maker Parker Wm. Church st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Parkes & N ottagt>, Old Butter market ... Land Surveyors & Auctioneers Parkes J. jnn. St Margarets st, Coach & Harness Mkr Parkes Sa m. W. Queen st ••• Surveyor & Land Agent Par!lons Benjamin, Carr st ............... Greengrocer Parsons C. Brook st ............... Boot & Shoemaker Paterson Rich. Friar st ..................... Seedsman Patrick 0. St Nicholas st ........ Painter & Glazier Paternoster H. St Matthews st ............... Cooper Paul Uobt. & Co. Foundatim& brewery •.• Brewers, & Wine, Spirit, & Hop Merchants Paul Robt. Crown st ...... Sadler & Harness Maker Pawsey Fred. Old Butter market ... Bookseller & Stationer; Agent to Royal Exchange Payne David, Upper Orwell st.... ..... Harr Dresser Payne Miss, St Peters st .............. :., .... Seminary Pearce Joseph, Tacket st ........................ Furrier Pearce Josh. Tavernst, Furrier & Straw Hat Maker Peacock Thos. Lower Brook st ............ H. Surgeon Peurson· J. Upper Orwell st,_Tailor & Clothes Dealer Peck Shadrach, Dial la ......... Cork Manufacturer Pells John, Borough rd ............... Bricklayer, &c. Perry John, Carr st .................. Tailor & Draper Perryma&Cornelius, Fore hamlet ... Welcome Sailor Perryman Thos. St Matthew st ............ Baker, &c. Pettit J. A. Star la·····························- Builder Phillips John, Silent st .................. Cabinet Maker Pickress J. St Cleme7lts Fore st ............ Sail Maker Pipe Wm. Tavern st ............... Boot & Shoemaker • • SUFFOLK • Piper Steph. Old Butter market .......... , .... Printer Pitch Mary, Northgale st ............... The Halberd Pite Thos. St Niclwla., st ..... , ............... Meal man Pizey Harriett, Crown st ............... Dress Maker Pizey Wm. St MargarefM green ...... Dealer in Yeast Pizey Wm. St Clements Fcrre st ......... Beer Retailer Plantiu Edw~ New market ............ u .... Seedsmau Plantin Wm. Church st .................. Wheelwright Pollard W. St Clements lore st, Malt&Coal Mrchnt Pollard Wm. Woodbridge rd ..................... Millet Pollard W. Old Butter market ... :Flour Dlr & Miller Poole Wm. St Peters st ..................... Shoemaker Pooley Wm. Up Orwell st ..................... Fruiterer Potter J. St Lawrence st ...... Confectioner & Baker Powell Charlotte, Brook st ......... Cock & Pye Inn Powling B. St Helens st .................. Greengroeer Pownall John, Blackhorse la .................. Solicitor Pratt Charles, Queen st .................. Pork Butcher Prentice J. Old Butter madcet, Silk Mercer & Draper Prentice Stepben, Elm st ........................ Butcher Prentice Thos. St Clements Pore st ••• Corn Merchant Prettyman Chas. Silent st ..................... Solicitor Primer Jas. Salt office la .................. The Wherry Randall Wm. St Mm·garet st, Auctioneer& Appraiser Randall Wm. Mount St Peters ... Copperplate Printer Rands Edw. Quay st ........................ Ropemaker Rauds E. St Clements l?ore st •........ Birmiugham & Sheffield Ware house Rainbow Thos. Union st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Ramplen S. St Nicholas st; Grocer & Tallow Chandler Ransomes J. R. & A. Green yd ... Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, the Orwell Iron Works Ransom R. G. St Clements Back st, Tobacco Mnfctr Ranson M. A. St Clements Baclc st ... Dress Maker Ray S. & Son, Tavern st ........................ Drapers Haymonds , Quay st, Salt, Coal, & Butter Mrchnts Ray nor , .F'ore hamlet ............ Boot & Shoemaker Read E. St Clements Fore hamlet ............... Tailor Read Ed ward, 1'ore lwmlet ............... Hair Dresser Read Harriet, Colman st .................. Dress Maker Read James, Cornhill ......... Bookseller & Stationer Read T. St Clements Pore st ... ........... Shoemaker Read Wm. Wherstead rd .................. Ship Builder Red grave J os. Elm st ............................... Sadler Reynolds John, Quay st .................. Beer Retailer Ribbans John, St Matthews st ... PJumber&Glazier Rice Mrs. St Peters st ......... Straw Bonnet Maker Richardson Sam. St Matt hews st ... Plumber & Glzr Richmond Jas. Up Orwellst ...... Boot & Shoemaker Ridley H. G. & W, St Clements Forest ... Wine & Spirit Merchants, & Brewers, & Agents to the Norwich Union Fire Office Ridley Henry, ditto .............................. Chemist Ridley H. Salt office la ............ Oil & Colourman Ridley John, jun. Cornhill ............... lronmong er Ringe Mrs. Carr st .................. Straw Hat Maker Ringe Wm. ditto ............ Sadler & Harness Maker Ringhams Wm. ditto ..................... Eating House Rivers R. St Helens st ... Pork Butcher & Greengrocer Rivers W. St Pete1·1 st ... Pork Butcher & Beer Retlr Roberat J. St Clements Fore st ............ Linendraper Roberts J. Newmarket ...... Miner & Corn Chandler Roberts J. St Helens st ... Dlr in Flour, Pollard, &c. Roberts Thos. ~J'avern st ............... Perfumer, &c. Roberts Wm. New st ..................... Beer Retailer Robertson A lex. St Stephens la ............ Silversmitq Robertson E. St Clements Fm·e st, W atch&Clock Mkr Robertson Ebenezer, Low Brook st, 'Vrkng Jeweller Robertson M. ditto .................. Working Jeweller Robinson Charles, Carr st ..................... Butcher Robinson Charles, ditto ..................... Cross Keys Robins on Eliza & Co. Foundry corner ...... Dress & Bonnet Maker 55

SUFFOLK: IPSWICH.~ Robinson .John, Northgate st ......... Royal Oak Inn Robinson Thos. Rope walk ...... Boot & Shoemaker Robinson S. Lady la ............... Boot & Shoemaker Rodwell Wm. Providence st .................. Solicitor Roe J oseph, Brook st .................. General Broker Roe Owen, ditto .................. Engraver & Printer U.ogers S. St Clements Fore st •........ Coal Merchant Root R. West gate st ..• Prntr, Statnr,&N wspaper Agnt Root W. Low Brook st ............ Plumber & Glazier Roper James, Carr st ..................... Corn Dealer Roper John, Low Orwellst .................. Tbe Castle Roper Richard, Dialla ..................... Fishmonger Roper T. E. St Clements Forest, Carpntr & Builder Rose George, Friar st ...........................•.. Baker Rose Geo. Up Orwell st ..................... Grocer, &c. Rose Sam. Westgate st ..................... Ironmonger Ross Dan. St Peters st , ......... , ....... Beer Retailer Ross T. B. St Clements Forest ......... Estate Agent Rouse Wm. Bridge st .............................. M iller Rouse W. C. College st ........................ Maltster llow J oseph, Tarket st ........................... Broker Row ell J ames, Crown st ........................ Brewer Rowell J. Westgate st ... Suffolk Hotel & Pstng House Rowen T. H. Barclay st ...... Day & Evening ~chool Rudd Henry, St Helens st ........................ Grocer • Rudland J. St Stephens la, Beer Ret. & Eating House Runnacles J. M. College Jt ............ , ........ Mariner Ruming J. Rope walk ............ Sack Manufacturer Rush Wm. Brook st ...... Tailor & Woollen Draper Sage John, Stoke ...•............................. Grocer Sallow Robert. Cornhill ........................... Miller Sallows George, Tack et st ........................ Grocer Sallows Miss, Tavern st .................. Dress Maker Salmon Mrs. St Matthews st .................. Seminary Sampson George, ditto ........................ Surgeon Samuel !\1oses. Brook st ............... General Broker Saunders Samuel, St Helens st ................ Butcher Saunders Samuel, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Samuel Sam. St Clements Fore st ... General Clothier SandP.rson Wm. Westgate st .................. Surgeon Savage Charles, St Matthews st ............... Chemist Saw er S. St Margm·ets st ............ Post Chaise Inn Scarlet Wm. Dial la ............... Plumber & Glazier Scarlett Charles, Up Orwell st .................. Baker Schulen Charles, Tacket st .... , .......... Watchmaker Schulen John Caspar, Rope walk ......... Cow & Pail Schulen William John, Eagle st ............... Grocer Schulens M. A. Rope walk ••• Earthenwat·e Mnfctry Scopes Wm. St Niclwlas st ................... Fruiterer Scotsmer Hen. St Cleme~tts Baclc st ... Beer Hetailer Scott D. G. Old Butter mkt ... Manager of National · Provincial Bank of England Seott John, St Clemenls Forest ............... Butcher Scott William, ditto ............... Plumber & Glazier Scrivener Jas. King st ... Furnishing Ironmonger & Bar Iron W ar£:house Scrivener Samuel, Up Orm!ll st .............. ~ Brazier Scrivener Wm, Woodbridge rd •.. Carpenter & Joiner Scroggins John, Up Orwell st .................. Printer Seager Chas. Silent at ................... P ....... Butcher Seager Eliz. Friar st ..................... Pork Butcher Seaman John, Can· st .... Naturalist & Dlr in Game Seccull Arthur, Silent st ... Woollen Draper & Tailor Seekamps , Quay st ... lpswich Steam Packet Whf Senton James, Carr st ........................... Turner Setterfield John, St Clements Fore st... Eating Hse Setterfield Thos. Falcon st.... .... .. .. Eating House Se well J ames, St Clemenis Fore st ... Boot & Shmkt· Sewell J ames, Northgate st...... Hat Manufacturer Sewell Sarah, Wherstead rd ............... The Ostrich Shalders E. Old Butter mlct ... China & Glass Wrhse Shalders Hen. Westgate st ... Prntr, Satur & Booksllr Sharman Wm. Low Orwellst ............... Sail Maker 56 . Sha\'e PhiliR, St Nicholas .~t .................. Fruiterer Shearman Wm. St Clements Forest ......... Chemist Sheldrake John, Carr st......... Boot & Shoemaker Shepherd M. A. St Lawrence st ... Wnite Hart Iuu Shewell Thos. Tavern st ... Woollen Draper & Tailor Ship Chas. Black horse la............ Baker & Miller Shorten J ane St Stephens la ......................... Suu Shorten T. St lYiattheu:s st .................. l<'leece hm Shreeve Thos. St Clement& Fore st...... ...... Baker Skeet E. St Niclwlas st ........................ Carpenter Skoulding J oseph, Tavern st ............ Confectioner Silburn Chas. Tavern st..... ............. Grocer, &c. Silverston Wm. St Nicholas st ... Chemist & Druggist Simp:.on ,J ames, St Lawrence st ... Boot & Shoemaker Simpson Mary, StMar,qarets plain ...... Greengrocer Simpson Samuel, Elm st................... ..... Tailor Singleton G£:o. St Margarets ,qree1l ...... Shopkerper Singleton John, Old Butter mkt ... Tinman & Brazier Singleton Thos. Brook st ............... General Broker Singleton Wm. ditto ............. ~. Tinman & Brazier Small Lucy, Bm·clolJ .~t .......... , ....... Beer Retailer Smart Wm. Currier.~ la .................. • .. Shopkeeper Smith Ed w. Up Orwell st ............... fork Butcher Smith Hen. Robt. & John, Carr Jt......... Carriefli Smith Henry, St Mattlwurs st ............ Hair Dresser Smith James, Albion st .................. lleer Retailer Smith Jeremiah, Up Orwell st .................. Butcher, Smith Jeremiah, ditto ..................... Beer Retailer Smith John, Crown la ... ~................. Shoemaker Smith John, St Matthews st ............ Horse Dealer Smith John, Jlllarket la ••• Breeches & Truss Maker Smith Joseph, St Clements Forest .. , ......... ~ Tailqr Smith Mrs. Up Orwell st ............... Dress Maker Smith Mrs. Soane st ............... Preparatory School Smith l\hs. St Clements Fore st ... Preparatory Scbl Smith Robt. Colman st ............ V ettriuary Surgeon Smith Sarah, Tavern st .............. , ......... Milliner Smith Wm. St Afatt!tews st .............. Baske~ Maker Smith Wm. ditto .................. ,.., .......•..•.•... Cut1t-r Smith Wm. Reyent st......................... 13utther Smith Wm. Angel/a ..................... Hair Dresser Smyth Geo. St Peters st ...... Baker & Confectioner Smyth Geo. St Mary Elms ...... Drill Manqfacturer Snell D. Mount St Peters .................. """'' Baker Snell John, Fore lwmlet ........................... Baker Snell J ol1n, ditto ...........................•....• Butcl1er Snell Robert, Barclay st ......................... Baker Snell Wm. St Helens st ..................... Fi11hmonger Snowling Wm. Low Orwell st......... Beer Retailer Solomens J. St Clemcuts, Forest .. .., Cotton Manuftr Spall Chas. Dial la............................ Fruiterer Spalding Rachel, St Peters st.. ..... ........ Rose Inn Sparrow Eliz. TVoodbridge rd............ Sho11keeper Sparrowe John Eddowe:s, Old Butter mkt ... Solicitor & Coroner for Co1lnty Spearman Jas. St Jlfatthews st ...... A ........ Dyer, &e; Spink11 Edw. Friar st ..................... Brush Maker Sporle Jas. Rope wallc..... .• . .. .. Boot & Shoemaker Sporle Joseph, Wlterstead rd ............... Shoemaker Sprigg Rev. Jas. St lvlargarets green ... Clergyman of St Margareb Spurgin Eliz. St Helens st ............... Dress Maker Squires John, Carr st.. ... • .. .. • ..... ... • .. • .. Fruiten~r Squirrell Lydia, Silent Jt ... SLraw Hat Manufacturer Squirrell Obadiah, ditto ......... ,..... Corn Chandler Stannard George, Angel la .................• Angel Inn Stannard John, St Nicholas st.... ..... Hair Dresser Stannard Mrs. St Nic/wlas st... Preparatory School Stearn John, East st ............ P ........ Beer Retailer Stearn Thos. Barclay st .................. Beer Retailer Steggali Samuel, Old lJutter mkt ...... Fancy Bazaar Stcphens Philip, Low Bt·ool.: st ......... Ipswich A1·ms Stephens Wm. Woodbridge rd ...... l!orse & Groom

IPS,VICH. SUFFOI .. K. ==============================================================~ Stevens Edw. Thorofare .................. Hair Dresser Stevens John, St Margaretsgreen, Marq. Cornwallis Stevens R. New st ............ Dealer in Hay & Straw Stevens Wm. Bridge st......................... Grocer Steward Chas. Crown st., ................ Beer Retailer Steward Chas. Bank st......... .... .. ... . .. .. .. Solicitor Stockings Benj. Dock st ........................... Sadler Stollery David, King st ............ Plumber & Glazier Stollery David, Westgate st ...... Plumber & Glazier Stow Francis, St Matthews st ............ Beer Retailer Sturgeon Robt. Barclay st ..................... Butcher Suthers Wm. Old Butter mkt ...... Fancy .Repository Swan Edw. Quay st ........................... Ram Inn Swerer Geo. Up Orwell st. ..... Dutch Clock Dealer Sytnosds Robt. Low Orwell st....... ........ Butcher Taylor & Son, St Clements Fore at...... Grocer, &c. Taylor Chas. Up Orwell st ......... Working Jeweller Taylor J osepb, Old Butter market............ Grocer Taylor Samuel, Quay st ........................ Butcher Taylor Samuel, St Margarets green ... W oolpack Inn Taylor Thomas, Regent st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Teague Eliz. Regent st. ..... Tea & Tobacco Dealer Tebenham Wm. Up Orwell st............... Butcher Terry William, Bridge st ... Sadler & Harness Maker Theobald Robert ... St Clements Fore .~t, Greengrocer Thomas Rebecca, New madret st ... Copper Plt Prntr Thompson Robert, Tavern st ............ ConfectioHer Thorn dike , W/terstead road ......... Brick maker Thorndikes James, Common quay ... Cheese, Butter, Salt & Coal Merchants Threadgill George, Low Orwell st .. .. .. . .. ... Grocer Thrower Hen. Foundation st ... Grocer & Tea Daaler Thurlow J ames, Fore hamlet .. . • .... • .. . Tea Dealer Thurston Joseph, Queen st ............ Cabinet Maker Tognola J ames, Rope walk ............ Cane Worker Tovell George, Carr st ...... Stone & Marble Mason Tovell George, Orwell mill ...... Cement, Plaster, & Bone Dust Manufacturer Tovell Robt. Low Brook st ... Marble & Stone Mason Townsend William, New marlcet ......... Fishmonger Tracy John, Brook st ............... Dentist & Surgeon Trent Charle3, Crown st .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. •. . .. .. Turner Tunmer G. & Son, Tacl.·et st ... Woollen Drapr & Tlr Tunmer James Robt. Orwell pl ...... Cabinet Maker Tun mer Geo. Tavern st ... Woollen Draper & Tailor Turner J ames, Soane st ........................ Butcher Turner John, Colman. st ............ Spirit Merchant Turner W alton, Elm st ...... Currier & Leather Seller Turner William, Crown st ............ Whiting Maker Tydeman William, Bell la ....... .... .. .. Blacksmith Ungles Robert C. Orwell pl ............... Bulls Head Upsmith Hen. Eagle st ... Whitesmith & Bell Hanger Valentine Elizabeth, Up Orwell st ... Clear Starch er Vesey William, St Matthew st .................. Tailor Vincent W. Lit Coleman st ... Licensed to Let Horses Wade Samuel, Cornhill ... Sadler & Harness Maker Wade Wm. St Clements Fore st ......... Hair Dresser Walker Charles W illiam, Cornhill.. •• .. Music Seller Wall er W. W. Brook st •. . Coach & Horses Coml. Hotel Ward John, Cornhill ..................... Confectioner Warner Isaac, St Clements Forest ......... ,. .. Cooper Warner J. St M ary Elms on tlte Jltiount, V et. Surgeon Warner Wm. St Clemenfs Fore st .. .. .. .. .. .. Cooper Warren J. Queen st, Working Goldsmith & Jeweller Wasp J onathan, Bridge st ... Maltster & Coal Mercht Waspe Mrs. Crown st ..................... Stay Maker Watcham John, Peter st .................. Grocer &c. W aterhouse John, 1'avern st ............ Coach Office Watts J ames, St Margarets plain ......... Carpenter Webb John Davey, Up Orwell st ...... Beer Retailer Webb J ohu Davey, ditto ..................... Carpenter Webb Robert, St Clements Fore st ............ Grocer W ebb Samuel, Fore hamlet ......... Gardeners Arms . Suffolk.] I W ebber Samuel, Crown If Sceptre wharf, Quay st ... Corn, Seed, & Coal Merchant Websdale Wm. St Matthews st ....... n .... Shoemaker Webster Wm. St Mary Stoke ......... Coal Merchant Webster Wm. Carr st ............................ Surgeon Welham John, Westgate st ........................ Tailor Wellington Thomas, Up Orwell at ...... Greengrocer W eston J ameli, ditto ............... Dutch Clock D~aler Whaymond Mrs. Whip st ..................... Garde,er Whight John, St Step hens la ...... Carpenter&. Joiner Whimper N. Carr st ...... Brewer & Spirit Merchant Whistle John, Elm sf. .. .. .... .. . .. .. • .. .. .• .. ... Tailor White J ames, Market la .. .. . .. • ........ .• Shoemaker White Samuel, Church st. .... .......... Beer Retailer Whitehead J oseph, Quay st .. ............. Green Man Whitehead William, Rope tvallc ... Baker & Grocer Whiting John, Crown st ..................... Architect Whitman John, St Margarets green ... Fishmonger Whybrew William, Brook st .... .. .. • • • .. • ... . Cooper Wild Thomas, Tavern st ..................... Fruiterer Wiles Samuel, Duke st ..................... Shoemaker Wilson John, Dialla ............... Boot & Shoemaker Wilson John, St Clements Fore st ......... Shopkeeper Wilson Samuel, Woodbridge road ... Chaise & Pair Inn Wisby Edward·, St Clements Fore st ... Greengrocer W olsey Abraham, ditto .................. Spread Eagle Wood J. D. St Margarets green ... Plumber&. Glazier Wood Thomas, St Stepllens la .................. Grocer W oodard Eph. St M ar,qarets plain, Boot & Shoemaker Woods J ames, Woodbri.dgo road ............... Baker W oolbert Mrs. ditto ..................... Dress Maker Woolhert M. R. ditto" ........................ Academy W oollard John, Curriers la • .. .... .. ... • .. .. • Maltster Woolmer Christophet·, StMargarets gr •.. Coal Dealer W ooltorton Robert, St Matthews st ... Corn Chandler Wootner John, Bridge st •................. Hair Cutter Worby David, College st •.............. Sea Horse Inn Worth J ames, Green yard ............... The Shannon Worthy Alfred, St Margarets st .................. Baker Wretts & Hannah, Salt office quay ... Cheese Factor~ W retts John, Quay st .........••• Grocery Ware house Wrigbt , St Helens st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Wright David, Falcon st ............... Shot Founder Wright Jabez, Barclay st .................. Shopkeeper Wright John, Up Orwell st ........ ,Edge Tool Maker W right Miss, St Clements Forest .•. Straw Hat Maker Wright M. Fore hamlet ............ Edge Tool Maker Wright Samuel, St Helens st ............. :. Millwright Wright William, Albion st ......... Edge Tool Maker Wright William, Rope walk ......... General Dealer Yelloley S. T. Tavern st ........................ Solicitor :Post Office. Fitch William S. . . ...... .. ... . ... .. . . . ... . . Postmaster Mail,arrives every morning from London at ~ p. ~~ and leaves for London every evening :1 p. 11; arrives from the North every morning at 9, and leaves for the North afternoans at 5. Letters delivered at 1 morn. from 6th March to 6th Nov.; from Nov. to March at 8. Corporation. MAYOR.-George Green Sampson, Esq. ALDERMEN. Benjamin Brame John Carter Jeremiah Head Peter Bartholomew Long Fred. Francis Seekamp John Dalton Harmer \Villiam May William Bullar Nathaniel Byles Byles Samuel Abbott COUNCILLORS. FIRST, OR ST. CLEMENTS WARD. John Cohbold Samuel Finch Charles Cobbold Charles Cowell Thomas Baldock Ross- Henry Ridley, jun. 51

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. =============================================================== . SECOND, OR ST. MARGARETS WARD. Thomas T. Milliner Neale James Robert Tunmer W. H. Bailey Webster John May Francis Fisk George Tunmer · THIRD1 Olt MIDDLE WARD. Samuel Harrison Cowell Charles Meadows Henry Gallant Bristo Henry Ridley, sen. Robert Burrows John Prentice FOURTH, OR BRIDGE WARD. Jolm Ridley Simon Payne Thomas Lucock Robert Bowman Thomas Conder William Read FIFTH1 OR WESTGATE WARD. G. G. Sampson (Mayor) James Haill William Churchman John Chevallier Cob bold Robert Den ham John Or ford AUDITORS. Robert Garrod J ames Thorn dike ASSESSORS FOR THE BOROUGH. FIRST WARD. Thomas Christie Robert Manistre SECOND WARD. John Gross James White • THIRD WARD. George Henry Bianchi Thomas Conder, jun. FOURTH WARD. Stephen Hayward Robert Alefounder FIFTH WARD. Robcrt Deck Rohert Root ASSESSORS FOR REVISING BURGESS LISTS. George Christopherson Richard William Porter JUSTICES. Fred. Francis Seek amp Wm. Bamard Clarke Robert Newton Shawe Rohert Ransom Thomas Green John Ridley B,.njamin Brame Thomas 'f. Milliner Neale John Carter Shepherd Ray Law Officers• Stephen Abbott N otcutt, juu •••••• Town Clerk & Clerk of the Peace Eleazar Lawrance.. ••• • • . •• . •• • •• • •• • •• • • Justices Clerk Sparrowe J. E. • . •• . .• • • •• . • . • Coroner for the County Lawrence E .•••••••••••••••••• Clerk to the Magistrates Harmer G. J. Back st ••. Registrar of Births & Deaths Posting Houses. Great White Horse, Tavern st •••••• WHiiam Brookes Suffolk Hotel, Westgate st •••••••.•••• James RowelJ Bankers. Alexander & Co. Foundation st •.• Draw on Barnett, Hoare, & Co. Bacon, Cobbold, Rodwell, Dunningham, & Cobbold, Tavern st ••• Draw on Glynn & Co. J:ast of England Bank, IGng st, Wm. Ingelow, Manager ••• Draw on London and Westminster Bank N ationul Bank of England, Old Butter market, D. G. Scott, Manager ••• Draw on London Joint StockBk. Provident, St llfarys at tpe Quay ••• Alexander & Co. Newspapers. Ipswich Journal, publish~d on Sat. by P. Jackson, Old Butter mm·ket Suffolk Chronicle, published on Sat. by J. King, Tavern st rire &. Life Assurance ·Agents. Clerical, Medical, & GeJ}eral Life, Butter market Fetcl1 W. S ••.••.••••••••••••.•••••• , •.•••••••••••• Agent County Fire, Westgate st............. Shalders Edward Essex Economic Fire, Bridge st •••••• Goddard D. P. Guardian Fire, Butter .llfarlcet •.••.••.• Miller Henry Globe Insurance, Tower rt ••••••••• Dunning ham T. London Economic Life, JJridge s( ..• Goddard D. P. 58 Mutual Insurance, Butter marlcet ••••.• Choat John Norwich Union Fire, St Clement..q Forest ••• Ridlcy H. G. & Wm. Phrenix Fire, St M atth~;w st • • • •• • • • •• • • llaill J ames Protector, Butter market ............. Garrod Robert Protestant Dissenters, Tavern st ••••••••• King J olnt Royal Exchange, Butter market ••• Pawsey Frederick Suffolk Fire, }'oundation st ••• Bullar Wm. Secretary Sun Fire, St Nicholas st • • • • •• • • • • • • Grimsey Thomaa United Kingdom Life, Brook st .•• Berryman Thomas Public Establishments. Custom House, Common quay , Lain William ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , • • ... Collector Cook Ahraham ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• Cornptroller Christopherson Samuel •• •• • • • • •• . . • • •• • • • •• . . • Clerk Excise Office, Cox la Card en J. . . .. . .• . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. Collector Wild T. • ••• -. ... ••• • • ••• •• • • • • • • • • • . • • ••••••• Supervisor Stamp Office, Tavern st Archer Thomas ••••••••••••••••.•••• Sub-Distributor Public Buildings. Baths, Quay st • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Hare J abez Dock Office, Quay st Dobson H. P •••.•.•...•.•......•.....••..•• Engineer Ipswich Union Survey & Valuation Office, St Clements Fot·e sl Mechanics lnlltitution, Tavern st Carver John ••.••••• .,.. • •• •• • • ••• • • • • • • . • •• . . • Secretaty National Provident Institution, 'l'avern st But .. bon I. M. .. .••.••..••..•••.•••.•..••.•..... River Office, Quay st Town Hall, Corn hill Public Schools. Lancasterian School, Crown st Agent St Margarets Infant School~ St Margarets green Public Companies. Anti-Dry-Rot Company, Duke st Catt Benjumin ......•.•...•..•.••..•.. , ........ ,.. General Steam N avigatiou Wharf, Quay st Aldrich Henr}' .................................. Agent Ipswich Gas Works, Duke st Goddard D. P .•..•..•..••• Clerk & Superintendent Suffolk & Norfolk Shipping Company Harbur C. A. Smarts wharf, Quay st • • ••• • Agent Coaches. Aldborough, from the Crown o/ Anchor, Mon. W eel & Fri. at! b. 5 aft. through Colchester. Halcsworth, from llaxell's Coach Office, at 4 .aft. through W oodbridge & Y oxford; London, Norwich Mail, from Waterhouse's Coach Office, i p. 11 even. London, Tel£graph, from Waterlwzue's Coach O.fficti i p. 11, with mail bags. London, Blue Coach, from l/a:rell's Coach O.fftcet 9 morn • .through Colchester, Kive1den, Witham & Chelmsford. London,Shannon,fromHaxell'sCoacltOffice,10morn. London, Star, from Haxell's Coach Office, ! p. 12. London, Star, from llaxell's Coach Office through W oodbridge, Saxmundham, Leofstaff, and Beccles, ~ p. 2. Needham &. Stow Market, from Haxell's Coacl~ Office, at 4 aft. Norwich, Mail, from Water house's Coach Office, l p. 8 morn. Yarmouth, Telegraph, from Water house's Coach Office, with mail bags, l p. 3 morn. Carriers. Aldborough,from the Halberd Inn,Northgafe st,every Tues. & Sat. noon. Arwarton, Smith, from the Rose, St. Peters st, every, Tues. & Sat. noon.

IPSWICI-I. SUFFOLK. Ashfield, William Osborn, from the Halberd Inn, Norlhgate st, every Sat. noon. Beccles & Bungay, Messrs. Smith, every Mon. & Thurs. aft. Bentley, Harsham, from the Plough, St. Stephens la, every Sat. aft. Bildeston, Jeremiah Gosling, from the Sea Horse College st, Mon. Tues. & Fri. noon. Botesdale, Robert Baker, from the Cow 9" Gate, every Tues. & Sat. morn. Boxford, Atterton, from the Waggon ~ Horses, Butter market, every Fri. night. Braisworth, Hayward, from the Bull's quay, every Tues. & Sat. Brundish, Chiner, from the Cow~ Gate, every Tues. & Sat. mom. Bucklesham, John Syer, from the .Angel, St. Clements, every Sat. aft. Bury & Cambridge, William Garrod, from the Sea Horse, Tues. Thurs. & Fri. Bury St. Edmunds, the Mail Cart for parcels, from the Bell Inn, Cornhill, every morn. at i b. 5 ; every aft. at i p. 4. Chelmondeston, Ruffies, from the Rose, St. Peters st, every Mon. Tues. & Sat. aft. Clacton, Townsends V an, from the Bull, Common quay, every Sat. morn. · Cockfield, Robert Osborn, from the Cow ~ Gate, every TueR. & Fri. morn. Coddenham, Wells, from the Feathers, TVestgate st, every Mon. & Thurs. aft. Colchester, J ames Rous, from St. Margarets ditches, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. noon. Colchester, John Sheppard's Van, from the Halberd, Northgate st, every Mon. Tues. & Fri. noon. Colcheste~, Hooker's Caravan, from St. Margarets plain, e\'ery Mon. Tues. & Fri. noon. for passengers & luggage. Cretingham, Kittle, from the Waggon ~ Horses, Butter market, every Sat. aft. Cretingham, J ames Durrant, from the Ipswich ,1rrt1s, Lmver Brook st, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Cretingham, Samuel Lockwood, from the Waggon 9' Horses, Butter market, every Fri. night. Cretingham, Burrows, fi·om the Bull, Common quay, e\'ery Mon. & Thurs. aft. Debenl1am, Page, from the Bull, Common quay, every Tues. & Sat. morn. Debenl1am, John Ringe's Van, from the Halberd, N ortllgate st, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Debenham, Samuel Noller, from the Queens Head, St. Matthew~ st, every Mon. morn. Debenam, Page, from the Sun, St. Stephens la, every Tues. & Sat. Debenham, Anthony Alexander, from· the Cow ~· Gate, St M ar!J at the quay, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. morn. Diss, Cutting's Waggon, from Sea Horse, Wed. & Sat. Elm set, Daniel Podd, from the Plough, St. Steplwus la, & the Waggon cS" Horses, Butter market, every Tues. & Sat. noon. Eye, Beart's Waggon, from the Rose Inn, every Mon. even. throngh Claydon & Stoneham. Eye) Robert Gosling, from the Cow cS" Gate, St. .1.'Jtlary at tlte quay, every Tues. & Sat. morn. Eye, Rayston, from the Bull, Common quay, every Fri. & Tues. morn. Fakenham, J onathan Pru·ker, from the Sorre~ Horse, St. Clements, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Flowton, Podd, from the Plouylt, St. Stepltens la, every Sat. aft. Framlingham, Samuel Whiteman, from the Halberd, Northgate st, every :Fri. noon. - Framlingham, Oxbonow's Cart, from the Sea 1/on;e, Mon. & Thurs. Freshingfield, Hart's Cart, from Sea Il'orse, on Wed. Grundisburg, Ramsey, from the Halberd, Northgt~le st, every Sat. aft. Grundisburg, John Baxter, from Waggon ~~Horses, Butter market, every Tues. & Sat. afL• Hadleigh, a carrier from the Gun, Lowe1· Orwell st, every Mon. Tues. & Fri. aft. Iladlcigh, John Steward, every aft. Hadlcigh, John Warren, from the TV aggon. ~· 1/orses, Old Butter market, every Mon. Tues. & I<'rid. aft. HalPsworth, Deacon & Belt!,!, from Carr st, every Mon. & Thurs. aft. Ila~csworth, Joseph Sawyer, from the Post Clwise, St. Margaret.v, evt•ry Sat. forenoon. Helmly,Page, from S!tip, St. Clements, every Sat. aft. Holurook, Holden, from the Rose Inn, daily. Holbrook, Michael Holden, from the Bell, St. Petet.~, every Tues. Thnrs. & Sat. aft. Holbrook, J ames Aldcrton, from the Wa,r~,qon ~'1 Horses, Butter mrlct, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. nf1. Hoxne, John Hawes, from the Cow ~ Gate. St, Mary at the quay, e\'ery Tues. & Sat. murn, Hirton, Henry Wright, from the Sorrel Rorse, St,. Clements, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Lavenham, Rushbrook, from the Cow ~ Gate, St. Mary at the qua,1J,. every Tues. & Sat. morn. Lavenham, Springitt, from. the Cow ~ Gate, St. Mary at tlte quay, every Tues.&. Fri. morn. Lavenham & Clare, Rmhbrook's Cart, from the Sea Horse, Tues. & Fri. Letheringham, Beaumont, from the Ipswich Arms, Lower Brook st, every Sat. noon. London, Smith's Waggon, from the Rose Inn, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. Manningtree, William Blyth, from the Rose, St. Peters st, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. aft. Manningtree, Salter, from the Wa;(]gon ~· Il'orses, Butter mm·lcet, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. aft. Nacton, Chapman, from the Sorrel Jlorsc, daily. Nayland, Parker, from the Waggon cS' Horses, :Fri. Needham, Lazarus Grimwood, ti:om the Gun, Lower Orwell st, every aft. (Sun. & Fri. excepted.) Norwich, B.Beart, from St.llfargarets every Mon. aft. Norwich & Colchester, Beart's Waggon, froiJl the Rose Inn, every Sat. 5 morn. Orford, Maun, from the Post Chaiu, St. 1Wargarels, every morn. Raydon, Hadleigh, & Lay ham, J olm M ann, from the Bull, Common quay, Fri. Raydon, Hadleigh, & Layham, Warren, ·waggon 4' Horses, daily. Saxmundham,Joseph Rous, from theHalberd, Northgate st, e\•ery Tues. & Sat. noon. Shotley, Samuel Grimwood, from the Rose, St. Peters st, every Mon. Tues. & Sat. noon. Somersham, Ford, from the Plough., St. Stephens la, every W.ed. & Sat. noon. Stonham, Cob, daily from the Rose Inn. Stonham, Fuller, from the Waggon ~ llorses, Butter market. e\·cry Sat. aft Stonham, John lliggins, from Common quay, every Tues. & Sat. noon. Stow Market, Melior, from the Grem .Man, St . Clements, every Mon. Tues. & Sat. aft. Stow Market, Robinson, from the Cow o/ Gate, St. Mary at tlte quay, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Stradbrook, Smith, from the Cow ~· Gate, St. Ma,.y at tltc quay, every Tues. & Sat. morn. Strutton, J ames, dailv from the Ro.~e Inn . • Strutton, John Askew, fn>m the Waggon~· 1/orses, Butter market, every Tues. &. :Sat. aft. 59

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. Sudbury, William Mann, from the Bull, Common quay, every M on. & Fri. aft. Sudbury, Ruggles, from the Waggon~ Horses, Butter market, every Tues. morn. Sudbury, Eling's Cart, from the Waggon l~ Horses, Butter market, Tues. & Sat. noon. Thetford, Lambert's Van, from the Sea 1/orse,College st, every Fri. Thorpe le Soken, Tye's Waggon, from the Sea Horse, every Wed. Thwaite, ltobinson, from the Green Man, St.Ciements, every Tues. & Sat. morn. Thwaite, Richard Annis, from the Half Moon~ Star, St. M atthews, e\'ery Sat. aft. Trimley, John Sherrington, from the Sorrel Horse, St. Clements, every Mon. Thurs. & Sat. aft. Trimley, Jennings, from the Plough, St. Stephens la, every Tues. & Sat. noon. W allingworth, Steward, from the Cow and Gate, St. Mary at the quay, every Sat. morn. Wa1sham, Firmin's Catt, ftom the Sea Horse, on Fri. Walton, William Paine & George Chaplain, from the Sorrel Horse, St. Clements, every Mon. Thurs. & Sat. aft. Wenham, William Montle, from the White Swan, King st, every Tues. & Sat. aft. Wiek.ham Skeit.h, Lincoln's Cart, from the Sea Horse, on Tues. & Sat. Wickham Market, Michael Mahew,fromPorto Bello, Upper Orwell st, every Sat. aft. Winston, Thomas Mark, from the Bull, Common quay, every Tues. Thurs. & Sat. morn. Witnesham, Mortimer, from the Halberd, Northgale st, every noon (Sun. excepted). Wood bridge, John N ewson, from the Admirals Head, St. Margarets st, every aft. Woodbridge, William Green, from the Oalc, St, Margarets, every aft. W oodbridge, Ed ward Gibson, from the Black Horse, every Tues. morn. Woolpit, Abrnham Wilden, from the Cow~ Gate, every Tues. & Fri. morn. Yarmouth & Norwich, William Smith, from the Po.~t Chaise Inn, St. :Jfargarets, every Mon. & Thurs. noon. Water Conveyance. London. the Suffolk an!l Norfolk Shipping Company's , y essels from St. MarzJ Quay Wharf, three t1mes a week. London, Constant weekly trades from Common Quay (Mr. Wm. King, Agent.) London, from Seekamp's, Quay st, (Steam) every Mon. & Thurs. at l past 7 morn. Also the Albion from Mr. Aldrick's during the summer. Harwich, daily, to and from the Crown ~Sceptre. Classification of Trades. Agricultural Implement Malcers :·- Ransomes J. R. & A. Green yd Appraiser. Hayward Robert, Upper Orwell st Architects. Mason George, Lower Brook st Whiting John, Crown st Auctioneers, cS-c. Colchester Benjamin, Westgate st Garrod Robert, Old Butter mkt Haill J ames. St Matthew st Parkes & N ottage, Old Butter mkt Randall Wm. St Margaret st Bakers. (Marked thus t are Confectioners also)::- t Allston Gecrge, Elm st Black Edmnnd, St Nicholas st Bloom field J ames, Duke st 60 Brucc 'V csthropc C. Dogs head la Carter J onat.han, St Peters Chaplin , St Matthew st IPswicH CLASSIFlCATmN, continued Bakers. Church John, St Helens st ' Colthorpe D. St Clements Fore st Farrow John, Soane st Flory Wm. Duke st Fulcher Robert, Fore hamlet Funnel John, Lower Or well st Girling J ames, Upper Orwell st Girling Robert, Regent st Gore ham George, New st Hewes J ames, St Matthews st Howgego Jeremiah, St M argarets green Mathams Robert, Rope walk Mayhew James, Borough rd tMixer Robert, Westgate st Oxborrow Edmund, St Margarets st Page Robert, Quay st Perryman Thomas, St Matthew st Rose George, Friar st Scarlett Charles, Upper Orwell st Ship Charles, Black horse la Shrieve Thomas, St Clements Fore st tSmyth George, St Peters st Snell D. Mount St Peters Snell John, Fore hamlet Snell R. Barclay st . Whitehead Wm. Rope-walk Woods J ames, W oodbridge rd Worthy A. St Margarets st Barrister.-O'Mally P. F. Colman st Basket Makers. Barns John, St Peters st Noble James, Woodbridge rd Osborn Samuel, St Clements .Forest Smith Wm. St Matthews st Beer Retailers.-Barber Samuel, Union st Barton Charles, Cliff st Baxter John, Regent st Bird John, W oodbridge rd Bowman J. Wet dock, Wherstead rd Braddock Samuel, Whip st Bruce Wm. Cox la Calver Thomas, Bell la Cox Wm. St Clements Back st Cuckoo John, Whip st Day Henry, Rope-walk Drew Francis, St Helens st Farritt Samuel, Friar st Fisk Robert, Quay st Frislow James, Albion st Glading J ames, Fore hamlet Gould Wm. St Margarets green Gray Waiter, St Margarets ditches Gross Richard, Fore hamlet Harvey Joseph, Rope walk Hawkins John, Black horse la Stearn John, East st Stearn Thomas, Barclay st Steward Charles, Crown st Hines Robert, Quay st Linsey A una, New st Maple John, Elm st on the Mount .,Palmer Peter, Fore hamlet Pizey William, St Clements Fore st Reynolds John, Quay st Ri,·ers William, St Peters st Roberts William, New st Robiuson Thomas, Rope walk Ross Daniel, St Peters st Rudland J ames, St Stephens la Saunders Samuel, St Helens st Scotsmer Henry, St Clements Back st Small Lucy, llarclay st Smith Jamcs, AlLion st Smith Jeremiah, Up Orwell st

.IPSWICH. SUFFOL~. ~========================-=========================== IPsWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Beer Retailers. Snowling William, Low Orwdl st Stewart Charles, Crown st Stow Francis, St Matthews st Webb John Davey, Up Orwell st White Samuel, Church st Birmingham ~ S/ie.ffield Warehouse :- Rands Edwd. St Clements, Fore st Blacksmiths. Brownfield Nimrod, St Margarets st Chapman Joseph, Church st Cooper John, St Margarli'ts green Tydeman William, Ball la Bone Dust Grinder. Tovell George, Orwell mill Boot~ Shoemakers. Bailey Robt. St Nicholas st Ball J abez, Tavern st Ben nett J oseph, Fore hamlet Blake Henry, St Clements Fore st Blusby William, Crown st Brett M. G. Tavern st Bristo J ames, Carr st Buckingham J. Tavern st Burch J. Colleg-e st Choat John, Old Butter market Clarke Henry, King st Clarke John, Low Orwell st Clarke John, Up Orwell st Clarke John, St Clements Fore st Clarke William, Tacket st Cole J ames, Rope walk Cook E. St Helens st Cook George, St Clements Forest Cook J. Cox la Cook Jonathan, Rope walk Cooper John, Carr st Cooper R. W oodbridge rd Dam ant .Tames, W estgate st Day T. Elm st Doust George, Carr st Ellis J arvis, St Clements Back st Fox Salter, St Margarets st Freeman William, W estgate st Fuller J ames, Rope walk Garlett W. G. Woodbridge rd Garrard William, St Margarets st Goading George, St Clements Fore st Goding J ames, St Peters st Goading W. R. Up Orwell st Gosling Joseph, St Helens st Hall William, College st Haill George, St Matthews st Hewitt William, New st Howard Charles, King st HurrellJohnson Robert, Tacket st J ohnson William, St Clemeuts Fore st McDonald Alexander, W oodbridge rd Manning R. College st Mayhew William, St Helens st Moore John, Queen st Osborne Roger, St Lawrence st Parker J ames, St Clements Pore st Parker William, Church st Parsons C. Brook st Pipe William, Tavern st Poole William, St Peters st Rainbow Thomas, Union st Raynor , Fore hamlet Read Thomas, St Clements Fore st Richmond James, Up Orwell st Robinson S. Lady la Robinson Thomas, Rope walk Sewell Jame~, St elements Forest Sheldrake John, Carr st Simpson James, St Lawrence st IPswicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Boot~ Shoemakers. Smith John, Crown la Sporle J ames, Rope walk Sporle J oseph, Wherstead rd Taylor Thomas, Regent st Websdale William, St M atthews st White .J ames, Market la Wiles Samuel, Duke st Wilson John, Dial la W oodard Ephraim, St Margarets plain Wright , St Helens st Brass Worker. Hill J. St Matthews st Braziers. Barker William, Up Orwell st Baynard William, Salt office la Cook Samuel, Cornhill Scrivener Samuel, Up Orwell st Breeche.o;; Maker. Smith John, Market la Brewers. Andrews Chas. Buck brewery, Soane st Baxter Mary, Curriers la Bowman Robert, corner of Queen st Chaplin W. R. W estgate st Paul Robert & Co. Ridley H. G. & Wm. St Clements Forest Rowell James, Crown st Whimper N. Carr st Brick q Tile Makers.-Canham N. C. Back hamlet Cobbold John, Holy well Fisk Francis, St Helens st Thorndike -, Wherstead rd Bricklayers.-Borrett William, Curriers la Fisk William, Colman st Fisk William, Cox la Green , Tacket st Hudson William, W oodbridge rd Lawrence --, Low Orwell st Pells John, Borough rd Brush Makers.--Brandon William, St Matthews st Bentley John, Falcon st Kimble Thomas, Bridge st Spinks Ed ward, Friar st • Builders. Denham Robert, Crown !t Farman Robert, St Helens st Groom S. G. jun. St Peters 11t Hearson John, Crown st Lawrence Charles, St Clements Fore st Mully George, St Clements Back st Orman R. H. :Friars rd Palmer Samuel, Colman st Pet tit J. A. Star la Butchers. (Marked thus • are Pork Butchers :JAndrew! John, Old Butter market • Andrews J acob, St Peters st Baker John, Queen st Baker Richard, Silent st Baker Thomas, Bridge st Beard M. A. Tavern st Beard William, St Peters st Bevan Edward, Carr st Bush George, Tavern st Canham William, Brook st Chennery John, W estgate st •Cook Jasper, 'fhorofare Curtis William, Thorofare Death William, Market la Farthing J ames, Carr st Fisher John, St Margarets plain *Fuller George, Rope walk Glading George, Rope walk Glading J ames, Fore hamlet Holder William, Curriers la Howes Thomas H. Salt office la How}and Sarah, St Clements Fore st King Gem·ge, Queen st King S. Tacket st 61

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. IPswxcn CLAStHFICATION, continued. Butchers.-King Stephen, St Clements .ForestLeach J olm, Crown st Madder David, Old Butter market Marsh all E. Tacket st • Pratt Charles, Queen st Prentice Stephen, Elm st •Rivers Itobert, St Helens st •Rivers William, St Peters st Robinson Charles, Carr st Saunders Samuel~ St Helens st Scott John, St Clements, Fore st Seager Charles, Silent st •Seager Elizabeth, Friar st •Smith Edward, Up Orwell st Smith Jeremial1, Up Orwell s.t Smith William, Regent st Snell John, Fore hamlet Sturgeon Robert, Barclay st Symonds Robert, Low Orwell st Taylor Samuel, Quay st T~benham Wlllia% Up Orwell st Turner J ames, Soane st Butter Merchants. Raymonds , Quay st Cabinet Makers. Chilver R~ Queen st Collins Jas. Queen st Goodwin George, Carr st Goss Joseph, St Margarets plain Greenleaf R. St Clements Fore st J effery J oseph, Queen st Leverett Henry, W estgate st Leverett J. Elm st on the Mount Leverett R. St M atthews st Mayes Edw. St Matthews st Newson John, Dogs head la Phillips John, Silent st , Thurston J oseph, Queen st Tunmer J. R. Orwell pl Cane Worker.- Toynola James, Rope walk Canvass Factor. Ghristopherson R. D. St Clements Carpenters. Alders Jas. ·Crown st [Fore st Davey Henry, Carr st Day Thos. St Margarets green Girling John, Friar st Hunt Geo. St Margarets plain Hunt Samuel, St Margarets st Kerridge Wm. Pound corner Lawrence C. St Ciements Fore st Newson R. R. Church st Roper T. E. St Clements Forest.; Scrivener Wm. Woodbridge rd Skeet E. St Nicholas st Watts J. St Margarets plain W ebb J. Davey, Up Orwell st Whight John, St Step hens la ·Carvers ~ Gilders. Conder J. G. Brook st Jennings Thos. Tacket st Jones Wm. St Margarets green Noble Thos. Foundation st Cement ~Plaster frlanufacturers. Lake J. St MarTovell G. OrweU mill (garets g1·een Chair cS" Sofa Maker. Dowsing J. Low Barclay st Cheese Factors. Abbott S. Cornhill Wretts & Hannah, Salt office quay Cheese ~Butter Mercllants. May W. & Co. Old May J. Common quay (Butter market Thorndikes J. Common quay Cheesernongers. Kimble Benj. Bridge st Mason Wm. St Stephens la Chemists ~ Druggists. Alderson F. King st Chapman S. B. Tavern st '62 Cook A. B. Brook st I~yre & Rumley, Tacket st Fitch W. S. Old Butter market IPswiCH CLAssrptcATION, continued. Chemists Hamilton W. Westgate st Hooker J. R. Old Butter market Ridley H. St Clements Fore st Savage Chas. St Matthews st Shearman W. St Clements Fore st Silverstoo Wm. St Nicholas st • Child Bed Linen Warehouse. Choal Lucy, Carr st China ~ Glass Dealers. Greaves W.Old Butter rnkt Knight J. St Clements Fore st Shalders Edw. Old Butter market Clothes Dealers. Bugg Mrs. St Margarets green Christie J. St Clements Fore st Clarke Mary Ann, St Stepheus la Goldsby Wm. New market la J ohnson J ames, Orwell pl Marsh C. UpDrwell st Samuel S. St Clements }'ore st Coach Jl,fakers. -Alderton Thos. Crown st BenneLt H. St Clements Fore st Catt Samuel, St Matthews st Hood Jas. Friar st Hunnibell Timothy, White Ehn hill Kent John, Tannei'a la Ottywill Z. St Mm·y Elms on the Mount Parker J osepl1, St Margarets st Parkes J. jun. St Margarets st ' Coal .Agent. Baldock Stephen,. Borough r-d Coal Dealers. Coes G. Salt office quay W oolner Christ. St Margarets green Coal111ercllants. Alefounder It, S. Tannecs la Alexander & Co. Quay st Archer Wm. St Clements }?ore ltt Beaumont W. St Clements Fore lilt Bowman R. corner of Queen st .Bristo Jeremiah, Crown st Byles & Co. College st Catt 13enj. Duke st Cob bold J. St Clements Fore st Christees , Salt office quay Cuthbert J. H. St Mary at Quay Day J. St Clements Forest Duningham Thos. St Peters dock Pollard Wm. St Clements Fore st Raymonds • Quay st Rogers Sam. St Cletnents Fore it 'fhorndikes James, Common quay Wasp J on. Bridge st Webber S. Crown & Sceptre wllf~ Quay st Webster Wm. St Mary Stoke Confectioners. Cattermole C. St Clements Fore st Clarke J ames, Eagle st Clements Thos. Carr st Feek ·w m. Tavern st Fuller Wm. King st Hancock Chas. Carr st Moyse M. Tacket st N eeves Thos. Nicholas st Potter John, St Lawrence st Skoulding Joseph, Tavern st 'fhompson Robert, Tavern st Ward J olm, Corn hill · • Coopers. Alexander Hen. St Helens st Barnes John, }'riars rd Barns John, St Peters st B:1ms J olm, 'V estgate st Fisk William, St Margarets green Howe William, St Margarets ditch Matt Jonathan, King st Paternoster H. St Mattbews st 'Wamct· Isaac, St Clements Forest Warner William, St Clements Forest Whybrew Williarn, Drook st Cork }1,-f anufaclu1'et's. Chaplain William, Crown la

IPSWICH. SUFFOLK. ~~~===========================-============================= IPswicH CLASSIFICA'l'ION, continued. Cork Manufacturers. Chaplin W. J. Crown st, St Peck Shadrach, Dial la [Matthews Corn Factor. Bedwell John, Lower Orwell st Corn•Chandlers. Andrews , Whip st Bass & Barnett, Quay st Dunnett Thontas, St Clements Fore st Fisher Benjamin, Curriers la Fox M. St Stephens la Gir1ing J. Crown st Hayward James, St Clements Fore-st Mecklenburgh , St Margaret11 st Roberts J. New market Roper· J ames, Carr st Squirrell Obadiah, Silent st W ooltorton Robert, St Matthews st Corn Merch11nts. Alexander & Co. Quay st Cob bold John, St Clements l.<'ore :st Cowell Alex. & Co. St Clements Fore st Cuthbert J. H. St Mary at Quay Prentice Thomas, St Clements l<~ore st Webber Samuel, Crown & Sceptre wharf Cotton Manufacturer. Solomons Jas. St Clements Cutler. Smith Wm. St Matthews st [Fore st Curriers. Beart Benjamin, St Margarets st Bond & Shuttleworth, St Margarets Conder Thomas, Old Butter market Smith Hen. Robt. & John, Carr st Turner W alton, Elm st Dentist. Tracy John, Brook st Drapers. Blagrove William, Brook st Coleman H. B. Brook st Conder Edward, Tavern st Edwards M. Brook st Footman John, Cornhill Frankland Richard, Tavern st Fruer John, St Matthews st J ohnson J ames, On· ell pl Ray S. & Son, Tavern st Drill Manufacturer. Smyth Geo. St Mary Elms Dutclt Clock Makers.--Swerer G. Upper Orwell st Weston James, Upper Ot·well st Dyers.-Ratly Daniel, St Clements Fore st Haxell William, Carr st Hayward Stepben, St Nicholas st Orford , Church st Spearman J ames, St Matthews st Engineers. Bond, Turner, & Harwood, College st Earthenware ltlanufacturers. Goodwin Mrs. Hope Scbulens M. A. Rope walk l walk Eating House.Y.--Marsh 0. Upper Orwe11 st Nicholls Isaac, Carr st Ringhams William Rudland James, St Stephens la Setterfield John, St Clements Fore st Setterfield Thomas, Falcon st Engrat,ers.---Ashford Henry, St Clements Fore st Dallinger W. H. Silent st Roe Owen, Brook s.t Estate .Agent. Boss T. B. St Clcments Fore st Fancy Repositories. Steggall S. Old Butter market Snthers William, Old Butter market Farriers. Bacon S. R. St Margarets plain Cundy George, Crown st Fiskmongers.---Manning Benjamin, Cornhill Roper Richard, Dial la Snell William, St Helens st Townsend William, New market Whitman John, St Margarets green Flour Dealers.--Pollard Wm. Old Butter Inarket Roberts John, St Helens st Pruiterers.---Hancock Charles, Carr st Hines Hemy, Silent st McCredie William, Westgate st IPswicH Cx.AsslFICATION, continued, Fruiterers. Marshall John, Newmarket st Pooley William, Upper Orwell st Scopes William, St Nicholas st Shave Phillis, St Nicholas st Spall Charles, Dial la Squires John, Carr st Wild Thomas, Tavern st Furriers.--Deward & Cook, Brook st Pearce Joseph, Tavern st Furnitm·e Brokers.-Barker J. St Clements Forest Barker John, Eagle st Chapman Samuel, Market la Dale J ames, St l\1ary Elms }'isk William, St Margarets green Hammond William, Tacket st Hayward Robert, Upper Orwell st Miller John, Old Butter market Miller John, Market la Moss William Henry, St Helens st Roe J oseph, Brook st Row J oseph, Tacket st Samuel Moses, Brook st Singleton Thomas, Brook st Game Dealer. Seaman John, Carr st Gardeners. Kerridge G. C. Woodbridge r<l Whaymand M. Whip st Gas Fitter.-Ga.ul R. St Clements, Fore st Glovers. Carter J. Tavern st Goodchild Amos, St Stephens ia Goldsmith. Warren John, Queen st Greengrocers. Baxter Murphy, Rope 'valk Brighten Widow, St Clements Fore st Crick John, King st Hart John, Up Orw·en st Parsons Benjamin, Carr st Powling B. St Helens st Rivers Robert, St Helens st Simpson Mary, St Mm·garets plain Theobald Robert, St Clements Fore st Wellington Thomas, Up Orwell st Wisby Edward, St Clements Fore st Grocers. Andrews J ames, Friar st Andrews John, Mount St Peters Ashford C. W estgate st Baker Charles, St Clemcnts Fore st Baker Isaac, Fore hamlet Barber Samuel, Union st Barber Robert, St Margarets plain Bayley Edward, Silent st Ben nett John, Albion st Bird John, W oodbridge rd Bloomfield Daniel, Barclay st Brame George, St Helens st Brandon William, St Matthews st Brewer John, Silent st Bristo Isaac, Elm st . Bruce Stephen, St 1\Iargarets green Buckingham Samuel, St Helens st Calved Thomas, Bell la Cattermole James, Cox la Chappel Sophia, Duke st Colborne Charles, St Mattla•ws st Cooke George, A lbion st Cox William, St Clements Back stJ Daking George, St Peters st Day George, St. Clements Back st Day John, W oodhridge rd Delf John, St Matthews st Denny J. St .Matthews st English J ames, Long la Frost J. W. St M argarets st Giles Abraham, Long la Gibbons John, W oodbridge rd 63

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. IPswicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Grocers. Gooderham Lydia, Elm st Goodwin Edward, Tavern st Goodwin Edward, St Clements Fore st Green Daniel, Bell la Green Henry, Wherstead rd Gross & Spurling, St Stephens la Gross & Spurling, W estgate st Gross Cha1·les, St Margarets plain Hacker William, St Matthews st Harman Robert, Westgate st Hayward William, St Matthews st Hills Francis, Carr st Hughan James, St Margarets st Last Henry, Fore hamlet William, Woodbridge rd Limmer G. Albion st Lyons Samuel, Elm st Manishe R. St Clements Fore st Moss William Henryl St Helens st Paine Sarah Page, Borough rd Ramplen Stephen, St Nicholas st Rose George, Up Orwell st Rudd Henry, St Helens st Sage John, Stoke Schulen William John, Eagle st Sallows George, Tacket st Silburn Charles, Tavern st Singleton George, St Margarets green Smart William, Curriers la Sparrow Elizabeth, W oodbridge rd Stevens William, Bridge st Taylor & Son, St Clements Fore st Taylor Joseph, Old Butter market Threadgill George, Low Orwell st Thrower Henry, Foundation st W ate ham John, Peter st Webb Robert, St Clements Fore st Whitehead William, Rope walk Wilson John, St Clements Fore st Wood Thomas, St Stephens la W right J abez, Barclay st Grocers, Wholesale. Burton Charles, Tavern st Wretts John, Quay st Gun Makers. Bales G. W. Tavern st Bird J ames, St Nicholas st Harcourt J olm, Brook st Jay Daniel, Low Orwell st Haberdashers. Conder J ames, Old Butter market Paine Sarah Page, Borough rd Hair Dressers. Abbott James, Tavern st Billings Samuel, Tavern st Clarke Henry, Newmarket st Death John, Curriers arms la Dennet'h J. St Matthews st Faiers S. H. Tavern st Frost John, Carr st Glide John, Eagle st Hazell J oseph, Duke st Licence Paul, Quay st Muley C. C. Tacket st Payne David, Up Orwell st Read Ed ward, Fore hamlet Smith Henry, St Matthews st Smith William, Angel la Stannard John, St Nicholas st Stevena Edward, Thorofare Wade William, St Clements Fore st W oolner John, Bridge st Hardwareman. Darling Edward, Brook st Harness Maker.-Parkes Jos. jun. St 1\fargarets st Hatters. Bare Frede!'ick, Brook st 64 - Batley John, Queen st Brothera Gilbert, Tavern st IPsWICH CLAssiFICATION, continued. Hatters. Butcher John, jun. Old Butter market Butcher John, sen. Tavern st Clarke John, St Stephens la Clarke Mary Ann, St Stephena la Fletcher Robert, St Stephens la Havell W. G. St Clements Fore st Jennings Wm. Tavern st Se well ,J ames, N orthgate st Hay & Straw Dealer. Stevens R. New st Herring Dealer. Ankin Wm. Fore hamlet Hop Merchants.--Gower Thos. Trafalgar buildings, Manning J. S. Corn hill [Shire Hall yd Paul Robert & Co. 1-'oundation Brewery Hosiers Burbage Elizabeth, St Stephens la :9ickerson Thomas, Brook st Hor.~e Dealers. Brooker J. St Mary Elms on the Mt Smith John, St Matthew st Ironfounders.-·Bond,Turner & Harwood, Co11ege st Garretts I. Salt office la Ironmongers. Archer Thomas, Tavern st Christopherson R. D. St Clements Forest Cook Samuel, Cornhill Harcourt Frederick, Old Butter market Meadow Charles, St Clements Forest Meadow Charles, Ta,•ern st Osborn Robert, Upper Orwell st Ridlcy John, jun. Comhill Rose Samuel, W estgate st Scrivener James, King ~;~t Iron Warelwuses.--Garrett Garrett, St Margarets gr Scrivener J ames King st _ Jewelle1·s.--Ashford William, St Clemenis Forest Daling Edward, Brook st Read Daniel, W estgate st Rohertson Elwnezer, Lower Brook st Rohertson M. Lower Brook st Tailor Charles, Upper Orwell st Job Masters.---Boar J<:dward, Friars rd Catlin John, Old Butter market Harvey J oseph, Rope walk Vincent Wiiliam, Little Coleman st Last Hill Arnold, Carr st Law Stationer.---Berryman Thomas, Brook st Linendrapers.-Chencry J oseph, Tavern st Crow J ames, Dial la Leavold T. Tavern st Roberts John, St Clements Fore st Livery Stablekeeper.---Cullum John, Crown st lJfaltsters. Aldridge Henry, College st Alldrich Henry, Quay st Archer William, St Clements Fore st Byles & Co. College st Cheselden William, St Clements Fore st Cobbold John, St Clements Fore st Cowell Alex. & Chas. St Clements Fore st Fisk Robert, Quay st Gardener J os. Lower Orw.ell st Pollard William, St Clements Fore st Rouse W. C. College st Wasp J onatlmn, Bridge st W oolard John, Curriers la .Jfarine Store Dealer.--Cook Samuel, Church st Mealman.--Pite Thomas, St Nicholas st Merchants.--Byles & Co. College st Millers.--Archer Rohert Woodbridge rd Archer William, Tower mill, Woodbridge rd Bedwell John, Lower Orwell st Bird William, White Elm hill Coleby K incey, Soane st Ilolme William, Woodbridge rd Pollard William, Old Butter market Pollard William, Woodbridge rd Roberts J. N cw market

IPSWICH. SUFFOLK. IPsWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued· ];fillers. Rouse William, Bridge st Sallow Robert, Cornhill Ship Charles, Black horse la :Milliners~ Dress liiakers. Block Mrs. Nerthgate st Bristo Mrs. Can· st Chalkley S. St Helens st Channing Maria, Little Colman st> Church M1·s. St Helens st;. Dennis Ann, St. Nicholas st;. Deward & Cook, Brook st;. Ensor Miss, CornhiU Fait·weather Mrs. Union sbo Fisher Miss, Old Butter market Fox Mary Ann, Thorotiue Juty William, Old Butter marketKent Mrs. Silent st Lock M. St Clements Fore st Lord Mrs. Upper. Orwell st Louthroup Mary, Brogk st Matt Mrs. T:Jpper Orwell st N eal E. St. Clements Fore st Norton & Butfham Mesdames., ·westgate sb Pizey H arriet, Crown st Ranson, M. A. St Clements Back st Read Harriett, Colman st Robinson Eliza & Co. Foundry corner Sallows Miss~ Ta¥ern. st Smith Sarah, Tavern st Smith Mrs. Upper Orwell st Spurgin Elizabeth, St. Helens st W oolbert Mrs. W oodbridge rd .Millwri,qlds.-Collins John, Wood bridge rd Wright Samuel, St Helens st .Music Sellers et Musical Instrument Dealers:~­ Ball E. & Son, Old Butter market Bianchi & Son, Tavern st Walker Charles Wiiliam, Cornhill .Afusic Prqfessors et Teachers :- Bianchi G. H. Tavern st Bianchi Maria, Tavern st. Clarke Thomas, St Helens st> Godball William, St Margarets green Humfress J ames, St Stephens la .~.Vtwspaper Agent.-Root Robert, Westgate st Oil & Colourman.-Ridley Henry, Salt office la Opticians. Bianchi & Son, Tavern st Organ Builder. Last Alfred, Dial la Painters, Plumbers q- Glaziers.. Bird C. Carr st Bloomfield Thomas, Cox la Coleman John, N orthgate st Cuth bert John, Carr st Cuthbett William, Stoke st Day Joseph, Falcon st. Gregory Alfred, St Clements Fore si> Bagger Edward, King st Keeble George, Quay: :st King Robert, Brook st. ~!inter Robert, C~rr st Osboldstone John, St Pet-ers st> }Jatrick OrJando, St Nicholas st. Rib bans John,. St .Matthews st.. Richardson Samuel, St Matthews st Hoot William,. Lower Brook st S"Carlet William, Dial la Scott William, St Clements Fore st Stollery David, W estgate st Stollery David, King st "\Vood J ames Deverix, St Margarets green Patten Make1·s. Bentley John. Falcon st Brown Samuel, Queen st Garlic J. S. Tavernst Ling John, Tacket st ; Suffolk.] K IPsWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. PawnbrokeT.~.-BHrrows R. & Son-, Silent st Christie Amy, St Clements Fore st Christie George, Angel la Fraser R. D. Elm st Perfumers. Baker. Gosnell, Old Butter market Roberts Thomas, Tavern st Physicians. Baird A., M.D. Lower Brook st Beck E. N orthgate st Clarke W. B., M.D. Falcon st Owen J ames, W estgate st Pipe Maker. A dams W ebster, Curriers Arms la Porter Merchant. Chaplin W. J. W estgate st Printers. Bnrton J. M. Tavern st Dick Robert, Cornhill Hunt Edward, Tavern st" Page John A. St Clements Forest Piper Stephen, Old Butter market Rand all William, Mount St Peters Roe Owen, Brook st Root Robert, W estgate st Scroggins John, Upper Orwell st Shalders Henry, West gate st Thomas Rebecca, New market st Pump Maker. Newson R. Rivett, Church st Register· Offices for Servants :·'-- Fisk William, St Margarets green Hadgraft Caroline, Eagle st Rope cS" Twine .lJfakers.--Bird John, Silent st Brown .T eremiah, Queen st Cook Samuel, Church st Rands E. C • .Quay st Sack Maker.-Runting J. Rope walk Sadlers ~Harness Makers.-Birch Robert, Cornhill Blasby B. St. Matthews st Dawson John, W aodbridge rd Debenham Thomas, St Margarets green Emerson Thomas, St Matthews st Frewer Isaac, Tavern st Hamilton Andrew, Whip st Howes John, St Mattbews st Leigh George, Cornhill May William, St Peters st Norbrook James, St Clements Forest Pau! Robert, Grown st Redgrave J oseph, Elm st Ringe William, Carr st Stockings Benjamin, Dock stTerry William, Bridge st Wade Samuel, Cornhill Sail Makers. Horn , Carpenters quay Pickess Jonathan, St Clements Fore st Sharman W illiam, Lower Orwell st Salt Merchants .. -Raymonds , Quay st. Thorndikes J an1es, Common quay Sawyer. King Henry, Rope walk Schools, Gents. Buxton Henry, Carr st· Cork Daniel, Rose yard Cornell Benjamin, St Nicholas st Gill William, Queen st Long Daniel, St Helens st Orris John, Carr st Paglar Charles, Elm st Howen T. H. Barclay st Woolbert M. R. Woodbridge rd Schools, Ladies. Adkin Miss, N ortl1gate st. · Batchelor Sm·ah, St Nicholas st · Bird Elizabeth & Caroline, Carr st Clamp Miss, Elm st Edwards Mrs. Northgate st' Gooding Miss, Woodbridge rd Jenny Susanna, Silent st Payne Miss, St Pt:ters st 65

SUFFOLK. IPSWICH. ============================================================ IPswicH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. School, Ladies.---Salmon Mrs. St Matthews st Smith Mrs. St Clements Fore st Smith Mrs. Soane st Stannard !\1 rs. St Nicholas st Seed Merc!tant.-J ennings Benjamin, Queen st Seedsmen. Barney Henry, Mount St Peters Paterson Hichard, Friar st Plantin Edward, New market Sheriffs Officer. Clarke John, Eagle st Ship .Agents.-Baldock Stephen, Borough rd Mnlley Gregory, Duke st Ship Builders. Bailey W. & Co. Duke st Read. W Jll. Wherstead rd Slzip Chandlers. King F. Quay st Mulley W. R. St Clements Forest Sllip Owner.-Hill John, Low Orwell st Ship ~ Insurance Broker. Aldrich Alfred, Quay st Shot Founder.-Wrigbt David, Falcon st Silk Mercers. Balfour E. Brook st Miller Henry# Old Butter market N orton & Buffham1 W estgate st Prentice J olm, Old Butter market Silversmiths. Cole R. S. King st Robertson Alex. St Stephens la Slate Merchants. Colchester & Co. College st Brown W. &. Co. St Nicholas st Smiths ~ Belllzangers.-Bird John, Northgate st Knight J ames, Salt office la Soap Manufacturers. Colchester & Co. Friars rd Solicitors 4' .Attorneys. Ab bott C. W estgate st Aldrick F. Low Brook st Bunn Henry, Tavern st Cobbold J. C. Tower la Daniels W oodrutfee, St Nichola11 Dunningham J. Low Brook st Grim~ey Thos. St Nicholas st Gross John, St Nicholas st Hammond Wm. Tavern st Hignett Hignett, St Nicholas Jackaman S. B. Silent st J osselyn George, Low Brook st Lawrance E. N orthgate st N otcutt S. A. West gate st • N otcutt S. A. jun. W estgate st Pownall J. Black horse la Prettyman Charles, Silent st Rodwell Wm. Providence st Sparrowe J. E. Old Butter market Steward Charles, Bank st Y elloley S. T. Tavern st Stationers .Y Booksellers. Burton J: M. Tavern st Cowell S. H. Old Butter marke~ Dallinger W. H. Silent st Dick Robert, Cornhill Dorkin Anthony, Brook st Hunt Edward, Tavern st Morley David, Queen st Pawsey .Fr Old Butte1· market Page John A. St Clements Fore st Read J ames, Corn hill Root Robert, W estgate st Shalders Henry, W estgate st Stay JI!Jakers.-{.;larke Miss, St Nicholas st Clements M. A. Pound corner Cook Mrs. St Matthews st Edwards Elizabeth, Crown st Edwards .Mrs. Silent st Edwards Sarah, .Brook st : W aspe Mrs. Crown st Stone <5· .Marble JJ:fasons. Tovell R. Low Brook st Tovell George, Carr st Straw Bonnet JYiakers. Barker Mrs. Rope walk 66 IPswicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Straw Bonnet Makers. Boston John, Carr st Burrage Mrs. Falcon st Deward & Cook, Brook st Finch M. A. Rope walk Juty Wm. Old Butter market Nunn J. St Clements Forest Pearce J oseph, Tavern st Rice Mrs. St Peters st Ringe Mrs. Carr st Squirrell Lydia, Silent st Wright Miss, St Clements Fore st Straw Bonnet Blocker.-Cole A. Barclay st Surgeons. Adams Webster, Elm st Atthill Robert, St Clements Fore st Barker John, W estgate st BArker John, Corn hill Bartlett Alexander, Low Brook st Bartlett Henry, Low Brook st Bullen George, Carr st Cowell G. Kersey, St Nicholas st Davie John, St Clements Fore sf Davis & Pilcher, St Clements Fore st Elliston William, St Peters st Hamilton William, St Matthcws st Hammond C. C. Foundation st M umfotd Wil1iam, Corn hill Peacock Thomas, Low Brook st Sampson George, St Matthews st Sanderson William, West gate st W ebster WiJliam, Carr st Surveyors. Bransby Spencer L. N orthgate st Groom S. G. jun. St Peters st Harvey Froderick, Carr st Hears on John, Crown st Orman R. H. Friars rd Parkes & N ottage, Old Butter market Parkes S. W. Queen st Tailors 4· Drapers. Balls Edward, Queen st Bare Frederick, Brook st Blomfield William L. St Lawrence st Brackenridge Thomas, Carr st Clarke John, St Stephens la Collyer J ames, Corn hill Cudding William, King st Cunnold George, Old Butter market Edgley George, St Stephens st Fisher T. St Clements Forest .F'itlow Robert, St Margarets st Fletcher Robert, St Stephens la Frost John Winter, St Margaret st Fuller George, Rope walk Garrod William, Union st Hillyard John, St Clements Forest Howes William, Fore hamlet Humphreys James, St Clements Forest Kent Absalom, Lower Brook st Lawrence Henry, Brook st Le£'ks John Thomas, Carr st Lovewell Henry, Carr st Mallett Francis, Brook st Manning George, St Peters st Matthews M. Queen st N unn William, Ta\'ern st Nunn William, St Clements Forest Perry John, Carr st Read E. ~t Clements Fore st Rush William, Brook st Seccull Artbur, Silent st Shewell Thomas, Tavern st Simpson Samuel, Elm st Smith Joseph, St Clements Fore st Tuumer Georgc1 Tavern st

IPSWICH. SUFFOLK. IPSWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tailors~ Drapers.-Tunmer G. & Son, Tacket st V esey Willlam, St Matthews st W elham John, W estgate st Whistle John, Elm st '}'allow Chandlers. Baker Isaac, Fore hamlet Clarke J os h. Friars rd Ennew & Porter, Queen st Limmer John, Brook st Ramplen Stephen, St Nicholas st Taverns, Inns, ~ Public Houses :·- .Admirals Head, Caston R. St Margarets st Albion, Hamblin Hannah, Duke st Angel Inn, Stannard George, Angel la Bee Hive Inn, Crisp Thos. Old Butter market Bell, Knock John, Elm st Bell, Mills J ames, St Peters Bell Inn, Girling Thomas, Cornhill Blue Coat Boy, Bird Samuel, Silent st Boars Head Inn, Doole William, Whip st Bucks Head, Foreman S. Upper Orwell st Bull Inn, Brooks M. Common quay Bull ~ Dog, Clarke H. St Clements Fore st Bulls Head, Ungles R. C. Orwell pl Case is Altered, Dines Sol. W oodbridge rd Castle, Roper John, Lower Orwell st Chaise ~ Pair Inn, Wilson S. W oodbridge 1·d Coack ~ Horses Com. Hotel, Wall er W. W. Brook st Cock ~ Pie Inn, Powell Charlotte, Brook st CornExchange Cqifeehouse, Harrowbin Hen. Cow 4" Gate, Howes A. Quay st [Cornhill Cow ~ Pail, Schulen John C. Rope walk Cross Keys, Robin son Charles, Carr st Crown, Middleditch Thomas, Bridge st Crown ~ Anchor Comclinn, Collier E. Westgate st Crown ~Sceptre, Hamblin B. Quay st Curriers Arms, Holder Wm. Cnrriers la Dove Inn, Lucas Obadiah, St Helens st Elephant ~Castle, Bowman S. Mount St Peters Feathers, Betts Lott, W estgate st Fleece Inn, Shorten T. St Matthews st Fo:r Inn, Haken Henry. Brook st GalliotHoy, Burton J. St Clements Forest Gardeners Arms, W ebb Sam. Fore hamlet Globe Inn, Baldry Mrs. St Matthews st Golden Lion Inn, Creas-y Elisha, CorBhill Great White Horse Family Commercial 4" Posting Houu, Brooks Wm. Tavern st Green Ill an, Whitehead J olm, Quay st Grey Horse, Harvey Wm. St Mary Elms on the Mount Griffin Comml. Inn, Long J. Westgate st Gun, Carrington Benj. Lower Orwell st Halberd, Pitch Mary, Northgate st Half Moon, Alien John, J:.'oundation st Half Moon~ Star, Bantoft J. St Matthews st Heart of Oak, Mills Waiter, Duke st Horse andGroom, Ste~~1ensW.Woodbridge rd Ipswich Arms, Stephens P. Lower Brook st Joiners Arms, Howe Wm. Upper Orwell st Kings Arms, Chapman .John, Cornhill Kings Head, Garrod Geo. King st Life Boat, Batley Wm. Wherstead rd Lord Chancellor, Foulger Wm. Friars rd Lord Nelson, Jobson J. St Clements Forest Marine, Runnacles J. M. College st Jl,farquisCornwalli.s,Stevens J. St Margarets gr New Inn, Breckles Anthony, Green yd Neptune, Alexander Jas. St Clements Forest Orwellinn, Adams , Lower Orwell st Ostrich, Sewell Sarah, Wherstead rd IPSWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Taverns,~c.-Plough, Hobart Jon. St Stephens la PortoBello, MortimerW. Up Orwell st Post Chaise Inn, Sawet• S. St Margarets st Queem Head, Bacon J. St Matthews st Queens Head, Lord J. Fore hamlet Ram Inn, Swan Edward, Quay st Rose Inn, Spalding Rachel, St Peter st Royal Oak, Robin son J. N orthgate st Safe Harbour, London J olm, Borough rd Salutation, Hunt Wright, Carr st Sea Horse, Worby David, College st Shannon, Worth J ames, Green yd Shipwright Arms, Chenery Jas. Wherstead rd Smack Inn, Hardie J ames, Quay st Sorrell Horse, Brownsmith Tampion, St Clements Fore st Spread Eagle, Wolsey A. St Clements Fore st Steam Boat, Burns Charles, Duke st Suffolk Hotel ~ Posting House, Rowell J. Sun, Shorter J. St Stephens la [W estgate st Swan Inn, Dale Thomas, King st Tankard, Hammond William, 'racket st Waggon ~ Horses Inn, King J. H. Old Butter market Welcome Sailor, Perryman C. Fore hamlet Wellington Inn, Brawn J olm Robt. Carr st Wherry, Primer James, Salt office la White Elm, King Charles, Fore hamlet White Hart, Shepherd M. A. St Lawrence st White Lion, Hamblin N oah, Bridge st Woolpack, Taylor S. St Margarets green Tea Apents. Girling J olm, Crown st Kerr J ames, Carr st Little James, Union st Tea Dealers, ~c. Aston J. Old Butter market Benham Samuel, Upper Orwell st Birch Robert, Lower Orwell st Brewster Richard, St Margarets st Brook E. King st Conder J ames, Old Butter market Denny Thos. Wm. Upper Orwell st Harvey Daniel, Lower Orwell st J ackson Harriett, Rope walk Levett M. Green yd Limmer John, Brook st Ling W. & Goodwin E. Brook st Miller Robert, Old Butter marke Pearson James, Upper Orwell st Teagne Elizabeth, Regent st Thurlow J ames, Fore hamlet Timber Merchants. Brown W. & Co. St Niclwlas st Byless N. Dock st Catt Benjamin, Duke st Colche!'lter & Co. College st Groom Samuel, 'Cox la Tinmen ~ Braziers.--Singleton J. Old Butter mkt Singleton William, Brook st Tobacconists. Churchman William, St Matthews st Giles Edward, Tavern st Leggett Philip, Rope walk Ransom Rt. Gill, St Clements Back st Teague Elizabeth, Regent st Tobacco Pipe Maker. Miller J. St Clements Forest 1'oo! Makers. Wright John, Up Orwell st Wright M. Fore hamlet Wright William, Albion st Toy Dealers. Bloom field J acob, Up Orwell st Ebbage Elizabeth, St Margarets st Jarman Abigail, St Margarets st Truss Maker. Smith John, Market la Turners. Bentlev J olm, Falcon st • • M1ller Mattl1ias, Cox la 67

SUFFOLK. IXWOH.TH. IPswicH CLASSIFICATION, continued· Turners.-Senton J ames,~. Carr st Trent Charles, Crown st , Umbrella~ Parasol J.~fanufactut·ers :- Bruce Mrs: St Margarets st Durant & Harnmond, Brook st Upholsterers. Iron Mark,Oliver, Old Butt€rmarket Keningale Robert, Old Butter mm:ket Mulley John, Tavern st Veterinary Surgeons. Smith Robert, Colman st Warner John, St Mary Elms on the Mount Watch~· Clock Malum. Ablitt John, Tavern st Ashford Wm. St Clements Fore st Barnes I. Tanners la Cansdale Solomon, Brook st Jay J ane, Low Orwell st Levy Moses, Carr st Name, :Residence, and Profession. See also CLASSll'JCATION if TRADEs, p. 69. Bailey Wm ........... ~ ................ Blacksmith Blake Henry •••••.. Solicitor & Agent to Sun .Fire & l.ife Assurance Office Blake Thomas .••••••.•.•• , ......... Schoolmaster Boggis W m . • • . ,. • • • • • • .... • • • • • • • Parish Clerk Botwrio-ht J ames .••••.••.••••• Grocer & Draper Boyce Wm ••••..•••• rlum bel·, Painter, & Glazier Brooks Benj. • ............................ Tailor Brows W 111. • ••••••• ._ .............. I-I air Dresser Candwell Edward .••••.•••••••••. Beer Retailer Canter Wm .••••... , ••••..•.•••• Cabinet Maker Cartwright R. N. Esq ..•. Magistrate for the County of Suffolk Clarke J ames ..••••..•..••••••••..••• Carpenter Read Daniel, West gate st Cook Mrs •••••..••••. Sen1inary flir Young Ladies Robertson E. St Clements Fore .st Schulen Charles, Tacket st · Cracknell Charles • 4 •••••••••••••••••••• Tailor Wheelwright. Plantin II. L. Church st Wllitesmit!ts. Gosling John & Son, StN.icholas st Nicholas Edward, Crown st Upsmith Henry, Eagle st Whiting Makers. Fisk Henry, Rope walk Frith J ames, Rope walk Turner William, Crown st Wine ~ Spirit Mer·chants. Bristo & Son, Tacket st Chaplin W. J. West gate st Churchman & Co. St Matthews st Cobbold & SQil, Low BroQk st Crawley Thomas, StPeters st Elliston Wm. St Ni-cholas st Gower T. Trafalgar buildings, Shirehall yard Manning I. S .. Cornhill Paul Robext & Co .. Foundation Brewery Ridley H. G. & Wm. St Cl.emt\nts Forest Turner John, Colma.n at Whimper N. Cl\r.r s.t Wire Workers. Hill J. :St Malthews st Keeble Jeremiah, .Old Butter market TVoolstapler.-Alexander Edward, Curriers la Woollen 9" Manchester Warehousemen:- Buck & Frazer, Old Butter market Woollen Drapers. Burrows & Son, Old Butter mrkt Yeast Dealer. Pizey Wm. St Margarets,green JXWO!tTH, PLEASANTLY situated in a valley, .on a bran eh of the Little Ouse, 77! miles from London through Chelmsford, Braintree, Sudbury, and Bury St. Edmunds, from which last it is distant 6k miles N.E., contain8d in 1831, 1061 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property, in 1815, was 2,495l. It has a market on Friday, and a fair on Whit Mond41y. The petty sessions are held her.e. The .church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary; in the chancel is an altar tomb of Richard Codington, Esq., Lord of tl1e manor of Ixworth, who died in 1568, and Elizabeth his wife, who died in 1571; also a monument of John Norton, ·ob. 1597, The living is a curacy, value lOll. per annum. Ixworth Hall stands on the site of a priory of Austin canons, founded here in llOO by Gilbert de Blount, or Blund, who came over with the Conqueror. This p~&rish is in Thingoe union. Troston Hall, about two miles north-west, was the seat of Capel Loffi:, a writer in defence of liberty, and the principal patron of Bloomfield the poet. In tl1e same direction is Livermere Hall, situated in a large and beautiful park. Eastward from Ixworth is Langham Hall, the seat of Sir Henry Charles Blake, Bart.; and in the neigLbourlwod is Stow Langtoft Hall. 68 Daynes Henry •••••••.•••.•••••••.•... Cooper Dm·er Mary.,... •.• • • • • • . • • . • • ••.. Greyhound Inn Dring John. . • • • • • . • • • . Sadler & Harness Maker Durrant J ames . . • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • Hair Dresser Farrow 1\ W.,. • • ••••••••••••••••. A •• • Butcber Goldsmith Frances.,. •••••••.••• Gr.ocer & Draper Goldsmith J •• Wine, Spirit, Corn, & Seed Merchant Goldsmith Mrs. • • • • .•.••.•.•• Straw Hat Maker Green Wm. • • • • . . . • • . . .• • . • . . . . . .. • • • Surgeon Had don S •. Pickerel Family Corn! II1n&Excise0ffice Haddon Sam ••••••.••• , •. Wine & Spirit Merchant Haunton Thos ................. A ...... Shoemaker Heffer J ames ............................ Baker Ho ward John ...................... Wheelwright Hull Charles • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • .. • • Shoemaker Leman S .. Auctioneer, .Appraiser, & Estate Agent Lowe J. J. Esq ..................... Cross House Meadows William. • • • . . • • • . . . • • .•.•••. Cooper Miller Rohert ......... Plutnhel:, Painter, & Glazier Mothersole ,Wm •••••••••••••.•. Boarding School Moyse Robert. • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • .. . . . Baker N unn & Sams..... Solicitors, & Cle.~·ks to the Magistrates for the Hundred of Blackbourn, & Clerks to Commssnrs of Land & Assessed Taxes fo1· Hundreds of Blackbour.n and Thedwastre. N unn S ... Superintndnt Regist for DistrictofThingoe Potter Cl1arles .............. ~ ••.•••••••••. 'fail or Potter J olm . • . • • . • • • • ••••• l\liller & Merchant Read J olm .•••••.•. '" ••••••• Builder & Surveyor Reeve J an1es ••••••••••••••.•• " ••••••• Carrier Richer Mrs. . • • • • . • .. . • • . . • . • • • • • • • . • . • . Baker Rye Z •......••.......•.•... Boot & Shoemaker Sharpe Henry ............. Bricklayer & Plasterer Smith G eorge .••••.•••...•••••••••• Blacksmith Sutton Stepheu •.•• , •..•••••.•• ~ .••.. Bricklayer W an·en J ••• , Watch, Cluck, & Turret Clock Maker,· & Postmaster Wells Rev. E. Cornish •••••.•.•• Perpetual Curate Wiseman J ames , .•. Grocer & Draper, & Agent to East of Englaud Bra11ch Bank .. --- Post Office. Warren J oseph •.••••••..••....•••. Post Masler Letters arrive 6 morn. ; dispatched ! p. 8 e\'en. One delivery each day, 7 morn. Bankers. Branch of East of England Bank. don & Westminster Bank. Draw on Low Wise man Jas ................ ._ ••••••••. Agent Fire & Life Assurance Agent. Sun. . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . J-1 enry llh,kc Excise Office. Pickerel/nu.

LAVENHA}l. SUFFOLK. Coaches. Cambridge & Bury, from the Pickerel, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 2. London, Royal Mail, from the Pickerel, daily, 6 morn.; returns f p. 8 even. London, Phenomena, from the Pickerel and Greyhound Inns, daily, 10 morn.; returns 4 aft. London, Times, from the Pickerel, Mon. Wed. & Fri. lO morn. Norwich, Times, from the Pickerel, Tues.Thrs. & Sat. Yarmouth, from the Piclce1·el, Mon. Wed. & Fri. 12 noon. Carriers. Ipswich, Reeve, Mon. & Thurs. London, Sykes's Waggon, calls at the Pickerel, Mon. & Thurs. morn. London, Bryant's V an, from the Greyhound, Tues. & Fri. 5 morn.; through Bury. London, Groom's Waggon, eYery 'Ved. morn. Norwich, Croom's, every Tues. Thetford, Reeve, Wed. & Sat. Thetford, Talbut, Wed. & Sat. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer, Appraiser, ~ Estate Agent.--Leman S. Bakers.--Hefier James Moyse Robert Richer Mrs. Beer Retailer.---Candwell Edward Blacksmiths.--Bailey William Smith George Boot ~ Shoemakers.---Haunton Thomas Hull Charles • Rye Z. Briclclagers, ~c.---Sharp Henry Sutton Stephen Builder~ Surveyor.--Read John Butcher.--Farrow T. W. Cahinet Maker.---Canter William Carpenter.---Clarke J ames Carrier. Reeve J ames Coopers.---Daynes Henry Meadows William Corn~ Seed Merchant. Goldsmith John Grocers g· Drapers.--Botwright J ames Goldsmith Frances Wiseman J ames Hair Dressers.--Brows William Durrant J ames Miller~ Merchant.--Potter John Plumbers, Painters,~ Glaziers.---Boyce William Miller Robert Sadler ~Harness Maker. Dring John Schools, Gents. Blake Thomas Mothersole William School, Ladies.--Cook Mrs. Solicitors.-Blake Henry Nunn & Sams Straw Httt Maker.-Goldsmith Mrs. Surgeon.---Green William Tailors.--Brooks Benjamin Cracknell Charles Potter Charles • Taverns, Inns ~Public Houses:--- Greyhound Inn, Dover Mary Pickerel Family~ Commrcl Inn, Haddon S. Watch ~ Turret Clock Maker.--- Warren J oseph Wlteelwri.r;ht.--Howard John Wine ~Spirit Merc!tants.---Goldsmith John Haddon Samuel -========================~ LAVENHAM, Oa Laneham, 62 miles from London, throuah Chelmsford, Braintree, and Sudbury, and 7 miles N.E. from the last-mentioned place, contained in 1831, 2107 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815, \Vas 37551. The town is situated on a branch of the river Brett, in a valley encompassed by hills on every side, excepting towards the south. In the centre of the spaciou~ market-place is a stone cross; the market is on Tuesday, but it has almost fallen into disuse. Fairs are held on Shrove Tuesday and October lOth, for butter, cheese, and horses. Lavenham was formerly noted for the manufacture of blue cloth, and afterwards of woollen yarns, says, and calimancoes, but the only manufacture at present is that of worsted yarn. The town is governed by six capital burgesses, who are chosen for life. The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is generally considered the handsomest in the county; the architecture of this beautiful fabric is not entirely of one period, the chancel being probably as old as the reign of Edward Ill.; -Qut the magnificent tower and body of the church are known to have been erected in the reign of Henry VII. The building, like many others of the same period, is enriched upon the sur· face of the exterior with the armorial cognizances of the V eres, earls of Oxford, and lords ot' the manor; and of the Springs, opulent clothiers of the town, who erected the principal part of the church. The tower, 141 feet in height, is very imposing in its appearance, and is much admired for the design, as well as for the excellence of t11e workmanship: it was erected by Thomas Spring, called the rich clothier of Laneham, who also built a chapel on the south side. The south porch is OtJe of those elaborate specimens of architectural ornament not unc'~mmon in the reign of Henry VII. At the east end of the north aisle is an ancient pew, belonging to the family of Spring; it is entirely of oak, not painted, and of workmanship so elaborate that it could not require the additional enrichment of colour and gilding; a similar pew in the south aisle was erected for the Earl of Oxford's family, the ornamental parts of which have suffered from want of care. There are no galleries to disfigure the beautiful symmetry of the building. In the chancel are monuments of the Coppingers, and in other parts are several interesting memorials of former inhabitants of the town and its vicinity. The living is a rectory, value 658[. per annum, in the patronage of Caius College, Cambridge. Here are a free-school, almshouses,] and several charitable institutions; also chapels for W esleyan Methodists and Independents. The rivulet upon which Lavenham is si'tnated, rises near Bradfield Combust, about five miles nortltWard, and unites with the Brett below Chelsworth bridge. Name, B.esidence and Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 70.; Ahbott Wm ........................... ~Painter & Glazie1· Alexander & Co ................................... Bankers Baker John ....................................... Maltster Barber \V m ....................................... Surgeon Birch Joseph ........................................ Baker Bra~ white John ......................... .• Shopket>per Bulhvant Thos ............................ Harness Maker Burch l'hos .................... •il·., . .•.••. ,. .•• ~~.Surgeon Clemence Chas ..................... Plumber & Glazier Clover Chas ........................................... Baker Coote W rn .. ................•....••.•............ Carpenter Death 1-Ienry .............................•...... Cock ln11 East l\1ary Ann ........................... Post Mistress 69

SUFFOLK. LA \i"ENHAM. ~==========================·=================~====~ Gillingham Benjamin..................... Currier, &c. Fire and Life Assurance Agents. Ginn John .................................. Hair Dresser Suffolk Amicable .................. Price Benjamiu Pool Good Timothy .............................. Rope Maker Public :establishment. Gould Wm .••• ·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Carpenter E~cise Office, Black Lion Inn ... Mattham Elizabeth Green John ........................................ Butcher Griss Henry........................................ Baker Carriers. Hayw, rd 1'1Ios Sh k Bury (Spingett), Wed. & Sat.,· returns same days. a • • • • • ••• •• • •• •• •• • • • • • • ••• .. • • op eeper Hills Wm .......................................... Butcher Ipswich (Springett), every Mon. & Thurs.; retmus H . S l Sh k Tues. & Fri. 1nes an1ue . ••••••.••••• .•••••••• .. . .•• . • op eeper H 'tclico k Th w 1 M i' t Classification of Trades. 1 c os.................. oo 1 anu1ac urer Hoggar Thos •••.••••.••••••••••• h •••••••• Wheelwright Bakers. Birch Joseph J o h nson R R . h R t & M · t t Clover Charles ev. Ic ............... ec or agts ra e J ohnson Robt ........................... The Blackbirds Griss Henry Keable John ••••••••••.•••••.••••••••..••..•••....• Farrier Knight J onathan King Chas ....................................... Carpenter Meeking Samuel King Wm....................................... Maltster Blacksmilh.-Stribling Jolm Knight Jonathan................................. Baker Boot~ Slwemakers.-.Mills JQhn Lee Robt •.••.••.••..•.•••....••.•••..••..••••.•..•... Miller Pettey John Ll. ng le y G e eorg F · Smith John • • • • • •• • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • . • • • . . • • . • •• • • arr1er Making M .••••••••••••••••• Sadler & Harness Maker Snell John Makl'ng W t W 'I' 'I Steward Thomas .L es rop In......................... . . . . . a1 or M nl an . g P t n e er................................. G unsmt 'th Brazier. Watts Charles Mattbam Eliza •••••• Black Lion Inn & Excise Office Bricklayers.-Mills Tbomas • Mattham Eliza... .••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• •• Butcher Turner Samuel Meeking Samuel .................................... Baker Butclters. Green John Meekl'ng Wm • • •• ••• ••• • • • •.• ••• • • Y arn M anu f: ac t urer Hills William Miles 'Chas •••••••••••••••••.••••.••••••• ,. •••.•••• Chemist Mattl1am Eliza MKls John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Siggamorc John Mills Thos.................................... Bricklayer Suckamore John l)artridge Robt ..................... Plumber & Glazier Carpenters. Coote William Peck nrm G & D Gould WiliJ"am "' ••••• ••• ••• •• ••• • ••• •• ••• • •• ... racer raJ>er Pettey John ................................. Boot Maker King Charles Poulton J oseph ........................... Silk Throwster Ray A braham Price Benj. Pool. •• Grocer & Draper, & Agent to the Chemist~ Druggist. Miles Charles Suffolk Amicable Fire Insurance Office Coopers.-Ransom Edward Pye Ricl1. Geo.. •• • •• ••• • •• • ••••• ••• •• • ••• •. • . • Solicitor W alby J ames · Rampling l ohn........................... White Horse Currier, ~c. Gillingham Benjamin Ransom Edward ................................. Cooper Draper. Stribling Hubbard Ray Abraham ............... Carpenter & Ironmonger Farriers. Keable J ol.n Scarffe Daniel. .......................... Tailor & Draper Lingley Roger Siggamore John................................. Butcher Wilton Will iam Srnith John ................................. Boot .Maker I Gig Malcer.-Sparke James Smith Wm ....................................... Bell Inn Grocers~ Drapers.-Peck William Smith Wm •••••••••••••• : ..................... Shopkeeper I :rice Benj~min Pool Snell John ••••••••.•.•••••••••••••••••.••••••• Boot Maker Gunsrmth. Mannmg Peter Sparke J ames ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gig Maker Hair Dresser.-Ginn J olm Steward Thos ••••..•..•••••••••••.•.•.•••••••• Boot Maker Harness Llfaker. Bullivant Thomas Stribling John............................... Blacksmith lronmonger.-Ray Abraham Stribling Hubbard .......... ~ ...................... Dl'aper Maltsters. Baker John Stutter Wm ..................................... Swan Inn King William Suckamore John ................................. Butcher Miller. Lee Robert Tu mer Samuel.............................. Bricklayer Painters, Plumbers, cS' Glaziers.-Abbott \Yilliam Turner & Son .............................. Woolstaplers Clemence Charles W abe Susan ••• Greyhound Corn. Inn & Pstng House Partridge Robert Walby J ames ••••••••••..••.. , ...................... Cooper Rope Maker. Good Timothy Watts Chas ....................................... Brazier Sadlers ~]farness Makers. Making M. W ebber Wm............................... \\' atchmaker Whiting Henry · Whiting Henry .................................... Sadler Shopkeepers. Bran white J olm Willis John ........................................... Tailor Hayward Thomas Wilson Wm ......................................... Farrier Hines Samuel W oollard Thos........... •• . • Angel Commercial Inn Smith William Vincent Patric~.. ... • . . . • •. • • .•• . • ••• • •• .• • • . • .. Surgeon Sil~ !hrowster. ~oulter J oseph Young Rev. Rtch ................................. Curate Solzcztor.- Pye R1ehard George Surqeons.-Barber William Burch Thomas Post Office. East Mary Ann • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • Postmistress Letters delh•ered 9 moro. ; and dispatched ~ p. 6. Second delivery from North, i p. 6 even. Posting House. Greyl10und Commercial J nn •••••••••••• Wabe .Susan Banker&. Alexander & Co .. -open on Tuesdays 70 Vincent Patrick Tailors ~ Drapers. Making Westrop William Scarffe Daniel Willis John Taverns, Inns, ~Public /louses:- Angel Commercial Inn, Woollard Tl10mas Bell Inn, Smith William Blnclchirds, J olmson H.obert

LONG lVIELFORD. SUFFOLK. LAVENHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. 1(Jverns, ~· Black Lion Inn, Mattbam Eliza OJck Inn, Death Henry Greyhound Commercial Inn, W abe Susan Swan Inn, Stutter William White Horse, Rampling John Watchmaker. Webber William Wheelwright. Hoggar Thomas Wool Manufacturer. Hitchcock Thomas Woolstaplers. Turner & Son Yarn Manufacturer. Meeking William LONG MELFOBD, ON the river Stour, and borders of Essex, 58 miles from London through Chelmsford, Braintree, & Sudbury, from which last it is distant 2! miles N., contained, in 1831, 2,514 inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property, in 1815, was 7,724. It is one of the largest and most beautiful villages in England. Silk weaving is carried on, and a fair is lteld on Whit Tuesday. The petty sessions are held here. The church, dedicated to the Holy Trinity, stands upon rising ground at the northern extremity of the village, and is a most exquisite specimen of architecture of the reign of Edward IV. In the chancel is a large aud curious monument of Sir William Cordell of Melford Hall, Speaker of the House of Commons in the reigns of Mary and Elizabeth. The Clopton chapel, upon the north side of the chancel, is one of the most interesting portions of the building; it contains the monument of John Clopton of Kentwell Hall, sheriff of the county in 1451 and who died in 1497; and is extremely curio~1s as a specimen of the magnificent decoration aneiently applied to sepulchral chapels. In the north aisle of the church is inserted a tablet of alabaster, representing the Offering of the Magi, beaut!fully sculptured in has-relief. The windows are enriched with stained glass. The living is a rectory, but of its annual value no return ha§ been madl'. On the green i& a hospital, founded and endowed by Sir William Cordell in 1572; there are also several other charitable institutions. The parish of Long Melford is in Sudbury Union. Melford Hall, the seat of Sir Hyde Parker, Bart., stands upon the eastern side of the green, and is a spacious building of brick, the principal part of which was evidently constructed in the reign of Elizabeth. The mansion environs three sides of a quadrangle, and is of uniform plan ; the principal architectural feature being four octangular towers, which rise above the roof, and terminate in cupolas and vanes. It was long the seat of the Cordell family, of which there arc some portraits preserved here. About a mile and a half northward from the village is Kentwell Hall, belonging to Colonel Bence : this structure was erected in the latter end of the reign of Elizabeth, by Sir William Clopton, and is a fine example of the peculiar style of architecture of that period: in plan it consists of a centre division and two projecting wings. The court in front is approached by a bridge over a moat, and the road leading to it is adorned by a fine avenue of trees. Most of the windows in this ancient mansion are enriched with stained glass, exhibiting the armorial escutcheons of the family alliances of the Cloptons, its former proprietors. Acton Place, Acton Hall, Chilton Hall, and Boxted Hall, are in the neighbourhood. Name, :Residence, & Profe~sion. Abbron J ames ........................... Rose & Cro~n Abery William ................................. Carpenter AJgar J ol1n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baker Alien Williaru ...................................... Butcher Almack Richard ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Solicitor Almack H. ... Commissioner under th£- Dower Act, & for taking Affidavits in all the Courts; Clerk to Mgstrts & CommissnrsofTaxes for Babery Hundred An1brose ............................ Shoemaker Ardley Thos. jun ...................... Miller & Maltster A tki11s J oseph •• .-••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Glover Atkins Peter ......................................... Gardener Bickmore Peter ........................ Grocer & Draper Bigg JOseph ............................................. Cutler Bird Mary Ann ............... Lad1es Boardmg School Bixby R ...••.•.••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. Baker Blandon Robert .............................. Blacksmith Bligh Frederick ........................ ., •••• Shoen1aker Blunden & Rolfe •• , ••••••••• Auctioneers & Builders Bolin,.brooke John ........................ Wheelwright b B . Bradbrook l'homas •••••••••••••••••• ,........... raz1er Bransby H. K .................. Gents Boarding School Brooke A •..•••••••.••.••..•••.•.••• Dealer in Groceries Bullock John ........................ Dealer in Groceries Bulmer J ames ••••• -......... ., •••• -........... 1-I air Dresser Burton John .............................. Corn Chandler Butcher John .............................. Wheelwright Cater George .•••••••••••••••.••••••••.••.•••••••••• Tailor Churcher John ............ Horse Hair Manufacturer Coates Thos., ....................... Plumber & Glazier Cob bold Rev. Satn ••••.••.•••.•••••.•••••••••••••.• Rector Codliu Edward •••••••.••..••••.•••••••••••••••. Blacksmith Constable Timothy ........................ Nurseryman Copsey J oseph .............................. The George Cord er Robert ••••.•.••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••• Maltster Cowey ••.•••••••.•••.••••.•••••••••••••••• Ta~lor Crask John & Thos •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Carriers Cream Robert •.•••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••• Surgeon Crisel J ames • • •• • • • . • • • •• ... • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • . • Sltoemaker Faires W. B ..................... Gents Boarding School Fake J. C ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••••.•• Carrier Farrow William ........................... Wheelwright Fordham William ........................... Bricklayer Fre\ver Frances ................................... Milliner Games J .•................•......•.......• Leather Cutter Gardiner W illiam ••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••• Milliner Girt James • .- .••••••••••••••• .-•••••••••.•••••.• Shoemaker Gooch Daniel • . •• ••• . .• ••• • .• • •• • •• • • • . •• • • • • • The Ram Green George • • ••• •• • •• • •••••• ••• •• • •• ••• • • Free School Groom •••••••.••••••••••••.••..•••••••• Hair Dresser Hall J oseph •..••••••...••••••••••••..•••••••.•••. Maltster Hammond John ........................... Retail Brewer Hammond Thomas ........................... Blacksmith Harris J ames . • • • . .•• • • . . • • . • • • • • •• • •• • • • • •• . • The Hare Hildyard Chris ... Grocer & Draper, & Agent to Gen. Suffi)lk & Amicable Fire & Life Office Hockley J ol1n •.••..•.••..••.••••••••••••..••.••••..• Baker Hunt Sam ..••••••••.•••.•••••••.••.•••• Grocer & Draper J arvis Robert •••••••.•.•••••••••.••••••..••..• Bricklayer Jay H. M ... Poplin, Yarn, & Bunting Manufacturer, & Agent to the Atlas Fire & Life J ohnson Charles ........................... Beer Retailer J ones J ol1n ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher J o11es Robert ••••..••••.•••••.••••••••.••••..•.•• Surgeon King A •..••••.•••••••••••.•••.•••••.••.•.•••• Cock & Bell King John •.••..••.•....•••••.•••.••••••••••••.. ··:·· Baker King J oseph .........•....••..••.•..••••.••.• White Hart Lee Robert Hall mill .....•••••••..••.••..•.••••... Miller , . & s . Lorking Thomas .................. Prmter ~ tatwner LJ7ng William ••••.••.•••••..•••...•.••..••.••• _Carpenter Manning William ............... Rope & Twme Maker Mayhew Charlotte .......... : ................. :. Butcher Milam J .... Bull Commercial Inn & Postmg House ~ash George .............................. Beer Retailer Ostler Aaron •.....•.......................... Black1mith Ostler 'fhomas •••. , .•..•••......•...•....•....• Blacksmitl\- 71

SUFFOLK. LOWESTOFT. Ostler Patrick ........ ............................. Butcher Pa)"ne William .............................. Sl1oemaker Poulter Charles ....................................... Swan Prigg Robert ........•.............................. Cooper Richold Peter .......................... jf•••• Coach Maker Rltffell George ......................................... Miller Rumley C ........................................... Milliner Scott .. \. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .• .. . .. . .. .............. Baker Spilling Charles ••.••• , .................... Collar Maker Stanton H ............................ Dealer in Groceries Steed Jolm •••••••••••••••..•••••••••• Plurnber & Glazier Steed Joshua .................................... Shoemaker Steed R ...................... Shoemaker & Parish Clerk Ste,vart Ann .. _. ... , .................................... Baker Stow A .................................................... Baker W ebb Stephen ....•... ..........•...•.......... Bricklayer \Vellum J ........................................ Carpenter \Voodgate 'fhomas ................................. Cooper W orters Robert .........••• , •..•..•....•........ l\1altster Post Office. Charlotte Catchpole LO .......... '""""""' Post Mistress Letters arrive 8 morn ; dispatched 7 even. 'Posting House. • Tl1e Bull .................................... J atnes !\filum Coaches. Bury, Old Bury, from Cock~ Bell daily, ! p. 4 aft. London, Old Bury, from Cock ~Belt daily, ! p. 10 morn. . london, Phenomenon, from Swan daily, I aft. London, Times, from Cock ~ Bell, Mon. Wed. & Fri. } p. I aft. Norwich, Phenomenon, from Swan daily, ~ p. 1. Norwich, Times, from Cock ~·Bell, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 1 aft. Carl'iers. Sykes, up & down daily, calls at the Ram. J. C. Fake's Waggons from the following places every Tues. & Fri morn. viz. Rose Inn, Stanton, at 5~ through lxworth; from Hildestone & Felsham, at 6, through Chelsworth, Monks'-Eleif{h, Brent-Eleigh, & Lavenham; return following afternoons at 4. LOWESTOFT. A MARKET town, 114 miles from London, through Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, •woodbridge, and Saxmundham, and 10 miles S. from Yarmouth : contained 4,238 inhabitants in 1831 : the annual value of asse5sed property in 181.5 was 7,45ll. It stands upon the most easterly point of land in England, on a lofty eminence, commanding an extensive view of the German Ocean; and when beheld from the sea, has the noblest and most beautiful appearance of any town on the coast, between Newcastle and London. The principal street, running nearly N. and S., and intersected by several smaller ones, occupies the very summit of the cliff: at the northern extremity of the town, which is the entrance from the Yarmouth road, are many handsome modern houses. The declivity of the cliff is unperceived through hanging gardens or terraces covered with plantations; and between these and the sea is a tract of land, locally denominated the Denes, on which is an extensive line of buildings, appropriated to the curing of fish. On account of the salubrity of its air, Lowestoft is much frequented as a sea-bathing place, and for this purpose it possesses every requisite accommodation, having commodious bathing machines, and warm baths on the beach, south of the town : the shore being corn· posed of a hard, firm sand, intermixed with shingle, 72 is particularly favourable for walking and bathing. Amoug the pnblic buildings and institutions are a theatre, an assembly room, a public library, and a general dispensary. The market is on Wednesday i and annual fairs are held on May 1st and Sept. 29th. The chief source of commerce is the herring fishery, which begins about a fortnight before Michaelmas, and lasts till Martinmas: the quantity of fish caught and cured annually for home consumption and exportation is very great, and of excellent quality, as it is said that the Lowestoft herrings are considered by the London fishmongers superior to those cured at Yarmouth. Before the commencement of the herring season, many of the fishermen are employed in the mackerel fishery. The manufactures cousist of china ware, rope, twine, sail-making and boatbuilding. This town being part of the ancient demesne of the crown, the inhabitants are exempted from serving on juries, either at the assizes or sessions. The church, dedicated to St. Margaret, is situated westward of the town ; the height of the tower, including tha.t of the steeple, is 120 feet. The living, a vicarage value 3291. per annum, is in the patronage of the Bishop of Norwich. The grammar school was founded by Thomas An not, a merchant of Lowestoft, in the latter end of the sixteenth century: l1ere are also a free-school and other charitable institution~, with chapels for the Independents, Baptists, and WeslevanMethodists. Southwestward of the town is • Lake Lotlting, containing 160 acres, which now forms a harbour, and part of the ship canal, commenced in 1827, by means of which Norwich has become a sea-port. The entrance of the harbour from the sea was opened on 3d June, 1831, by the Ruby yacht of 50 tons passing through the lock. Over this lock , is a swing bridge extending in the line of the Lou8on road; it is of cast iron, 50 feet in span, with a roadway 15 feet within the raili11g; it opens in the middlr, affording a clear passage for vessels .50 wide. At the west end of the lake, forming a barrier between the ~:~ea water of the harbour and the rivers and inland waters of the eonntry, a ship lock has been erected,' with two pair of gates, pointing either way, so tlmt vessels may pass at all times. The commerce of Lowestoft has been highly benefited by these im· provements. Ou a point ofland a little to the north of the town, is the Upper Lighthouse, a eirculur tower, erected in 1676, and partly rebuilt by order d the brethren of the Trinity House in 1778; and on the beach b~low is another lighthouse. A sanguinary battle was fought oft' Lowestoft on the 3d tJf June 1665, between the English and Dutch : the fleet nf the former being commanded by the Duke of York, afterwards King J ames I I.; and tl1at of the latter by Admiral Opdam, who was killed in the engagement. Thomas N ash, a popular writer in the reign of Elizabeth, was a native of this place. High Housl', Gun ton Hall, and Somerleyton Hall, are seats in the neighbourhood. Name, :Residence &. Profession. See al.w CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 75~ Abbott S. T .................. Grocer & Tallow Chandl'<'r Adams G ......... Ship Bread Baker and Confectiont'r Adams 8 ..................................... Milliner,. &c. Albrow Charles ........................... Coal Mr.rehaHt Albrow William ........................... Beer Retaile)· Aldis Robert ........................... Smith in Genen1l Allerton J oseph •........ Dutch Hoy Inn & Fish Curer Allerton SamueL .... , ..................... Beer Retailer Allum E. J .......•.......................... Confectioner Annis \\' illiam..... .. . . . . .. . . . . . Grocer & Pipe Makt r Ansdell C ...... Qucens IIead Coml Inn & Pstng lhe

I .. OWESTOF'f. SUFFOLK. 13aines Robert • • . •. •. •. . . . . . .... . • •• • • . . • . . . • Blacksmitl1 Balls E... Chemist & Druggist; &. Deale1· in Game Balls Henry •..•••••••..•••••••.••••••.•.• Twine Spinner Balls James ••••••••••.•••••••••• Stone & Marble Mason ..Balls J ohtl •.••••••.•..•.•••••..•.••••••••••.•.•••••. Carrier Balls S ••• Crown Hotel Coml Inn & Posting House Balls T •.• Crown & Anchor Wine & Spirit Merchant Balls T... •••••••. •• •• • •. • • •• •• Auctioneer & Appraiser :Balls Wn1, •.••.••.•••••.•.•••••••.•••..•••••••.. Fish Curer .Barber J ame3.... .•• .••.•• .................. Confectioner Barber John ..••••••••.••••••. Cooper & Fish Merchant Barber Samuel. •.•• , ••.•••.•••......••••.••• Beer Retailer Barber William..... .••.••.•••..• Plumber and Glazier Barnard W. V .•.. Conveyancer & Agt to London & Lowestoft Shipping Co., & Cnty Fire Office Barrett Patience ••••••••••.••.••••••• Plumber & Glazier Barrett R ••......•.•.•••..•...••••..••.••••.. Plumber, &c Beecroft William .................................. Butcher Bishop J ol1n.. •• • •• ••• • ••• ••• •• •• •• •••••• ••• •• ••••• Brazier lllaxill John ..•••.•..•••••••.•••• Grocer & Ironmonger Bond J. G........................... Mercer & J)raper Branch John •••••.•••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Butclter Bratne S. S....................................... Surgeon Brewster Robert ... Cabinet Maker & Paper Hanger Bro\vn B. W......... •• • • • • • • . • . • •• • • • • • . • . . . • Fislt Curer Brown R. •.. Grocer, &c; Agent to the British Fire & W estminstcr Life Assurance Brow~ Robt. jun .....• Organist & Professor of Music Brown R ..•••••••••.••.•••••• Carpenter & Pump Maker Buffhatil Pryer •••••.••.••••••••.••••.•••••••••.•.• Butcher Bulling John ...................................... Fruiterer Burgess John .•....•..•..•..•••••••.• Boot & Shoemaker Burwood & Spnrham....... •••.•••••. .••• Boatbuilders Burwood H .................................... Boatbuilder Burwood flenrv ••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• }i .. islt Curer • Butcher M ...••...•...•.••••......••• Grocer & Fruiterer Butcher S •••••••.••.••••••••.• Deputy Harbour Master Callow J ames .•••.••••••••••••.••• Carpenter & Builder Capps Samuel .•.•••••••...•••••••.•..••....••• Fish Curer Capps William.................. Grocer & Tea Dealer Ceiley Robert .........•.••..•••••.••••..••.••••.•••• 1,ailor Chambers Samuel. .. Uair Dressser & Dealer in Tovs Chamberlain 1-i:................................. Fjsh Cur~r Chastow J. B ••• Linen & Woollendraper; Agent to Gurneys Yarmouth & Suffolk Bank, and to the Guardian Fire & Life Office Chiperfield Thomas ••...••••.••••.•..•.••••••. Butcher Clarke Sar11Uel •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brazier Clarke Thomas •......•. Potato Salesman & Fruiterer Cleveland William •.••••••••.•••..•.•••••.••. Fish Curer Coker John •..••••.••.•••••...••••.•••.••••. Draper, &c. Collier George ••••.•••.•.•••.••.••. Plumber & Glazier Colby Samuel •..••.•..••.......•.. Boot & Shoemaker Cook S. • .....•.•••••.••.•...••••.••.• Ship Biscuit Baker Cook San1uel ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Baker Cook William .•.••.•.••..•.••.••..••. Boot & Shoemaker Cook B ..........•..... Proprietor of Bathing Machine~ Cooke J ........................................ }i.,ish Curer Cooke William •.••••...•.•...••..•••••••••.. Fish Curer Cooper J ames •.••••••..•••••••.•.••.•••. Shoeing Smith Coppin William •.•••••.••..••.•.•••••.. Fi:;h Dealer, &c. Corbyn & Son J. K. . .....•........ Drapers & Tailors Cords Marv •..•.....•..••••.•...•.. Boot & Shoemaker • Cork John •••..•...••••.••••••••••..• Boot & Shoemaker Cornaby Elizabeth •••...••••.•.•.•.. Straw Hat Maker Cornaby Tho1nas •.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Grocer Corn a by" Thomas ••••..•...•••..••• Boot & Shoemaker Co\\·Jing John ..................................... Grocer Cux Ji:d\vard ................................. '\Vheel\vright Cox Gco. M altster; Commercial lun ; & Fish CurE:r Crake Edward .........•........ Watch & Clock .1\laker Crisp G. S .... Statiouer & Tea Dealer; Registrar of Marriages for Mutiord & Lolhingham District Sujjol!c.] L Curtis J ames •.••••••.••••••••••••••..•.•••••. Grocer, &c. Dann William •••••.•.•••••.. Grocer & Beer Retailer Day John ••••••••.•.•.•••••••• Ship 1 nn & Fish Curer Dertt Artht1r •.••••..••..•••••••••..••••••••..•••••• Miller Devereux J. . .................... Grocer & Tea Dealer Dowson H •••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• Beer Retailer Durant John •.•••••••••••••••.••••.. Boot & Shoemaker Du rant J. . ................................... Blacksmitl1 Dye John R .••••..•.•.••.•.•.• Watch & Clock Maker Eastoe & Woodthorpe •••.•. Coal & Corn Merchants Ebbs Samuel ••.••••••••••••••••.. Confectioner & Baker Edmon(\s John •.••..••....••.••.••.••••.•••• Boot Maker Edwards George •..••• Civil Engineer to the Harbour Ellis Charles & Co .••..•.•........•.•••••••.•• Fish Curer Emms J. R. • •••..••.•..••••.. Draper & Hair Dresser Everett George & William ••.•...••••••.• Brewers, &c. Everett William •.•••••.••••••••.•..••.•••• The Mariners Feek J oseph ........................................ Baker Felstead ~ •••••..•••••••..•.••...•.•..•....•... Hatter, &c. Fisher J ames ••••..•.•..••.. Grocer & Checsemonger Fisher Edward ••••••••.••.•.••••••...•••. Hair Dresser Foreman J. . ........... Brazier & Tin ,Plate Worker Francis Bransly ••.•••...••.•.•..••••..•.•.•••••• Surgeon Freeman John •••••••••••..•••••••.••••••••• : •• Fish Curer Freeman Thotnas ............................ Tailor, &c. French Thomas ••••.....•...•••••••...• Fish Merchant Fuller Robert •...•.•..••••.. Linen & Woollen Draper Futcher William •.•••••••••••••••• Boot & Shoemakt:r Gall John, sen •••••.••.• Fish Curer & Twine Spinner Gall John, jun. • .•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Fish Curer George Christopher ••••••••.••.•••••••..••. Beer Retailer Gill Henrv •..•••.•.••.•..•..•..••..•.••. Cabinet Maker • Goose William ••••.•••..•.••••...•...••.. Cabinet Maker Goffin Francis ...••.•..•.••• · •••.•...•...•••. Beer Retailer Godder M .••••...•••..•.••..•.••..•.• Tailor, Draper, &c. Gowing G. S .••• Agent to Lloyds, and all Northern Shipping Associations ; Depty Receiver Gen. of the Droits of the Admiralty; Rope, Chain & Anchor Merchant; & Fish Curer Go wing S., Bookseller & Jeweller; Agent to Suffolk Fire Office. Green James .•••.••..•••••..•• Miller & Corn Chandler G reathead J. T. • •...•.••......•..•••...•.. Schoolmaster Hall Robert .•••••..•••....•..•..•.••..••.•.. Beer Retailer Hall William •.••••••.•••••••••••.••••.••.. Beer Retailer Hammersly J oseph ..•.•••.••...........••.... Fish Curer Harveys George •.••...••......... Veterinary Surgeon Hickling J. W .•. ._.Manager to the National Provincl Bank, Agent to the Norwich Union Fire Office, & Notary Public Hicks William ••••.••.....•.••.••.. Plumber & Glazier Hill E ..•.•••.•. Grocer, China & Earthenware Dealer Hodgkin J ........................................ Surgeon Hogg Henry •.•...••.......••..•••.••..••••.• Tailor, &c. Hogg John •..•......•••..••.•..•..•..•.••..••. Artist, &c. H olbrook Robert •.••....••..•.....•...•.... Kings Head flole J .............................................. Surgeon I-Iott John ......•.....................•....... Fish Curer Howlett John •••......•.....••.•.•...••••.. Beer Retailer Howlett John •••••••••.•.•••••••.••••••••••••.••• Fruiterer Hubbard John •••••.••••••••• Brewer & Beer Retailer H untley E. B ••.................•.....•..... Ship Builder Hnrsthouse Charles •.. Timber, Coal & Corn Mercht Hut ton 1'homas· •........•..••....•..••.•.. Beer Retailer Ives Sophia .••....•.•..•........... Flour & Corn Dealer J auncey Edward ••....•.•••.•...••...••.••.• ,..Globe Inn J ervis Susan .•.•..•..•..•....•...•..•.•.•.•..••. Compasses J ervis Thomas •.•..•...•..•.••.....•..•.....•..... Canteen J ohnson Samuel •..•.•.....••..••..••.......•• Fish Curer J ohnson S .••....•.....•.............. Painter & Glazier J ones Waiter •.. Proprietor of the Hot & Cold Sea B:tths, Reading & Assembly Rooms Joues \Valter ••. Straw Bonnet Manufacturer & Drapr 73

SUFFOLK. LOWESTOFf. Kersey Aldis ....................................... Baker La cons, Y owell & Co ......... •· ................. Bankers Lane Elizabeth ........................ , ..... Ferry Boat Lane Robert •..•....•.....................•........ Butcher Leabon J ames •..•••••••..•.••.•.•••..... Beer RetaiJer Leabon James ............... Fish Merchant & Cooper Lincoln William ............ Fish Curer & Merchant Job ... w ....................... Boot & Shoemaker Ling John .. w ........................ Glazier & Painter Ling M .............•...... ~ .......... Straw Hat ~aker Martin John ............... Sadler & Harness Maker Masterson William, sen ...................... Fish Curer Mast.erson William! jun ................ Fish Merchant Mathews R. B. • ....................... Harbour Master M ills Francis ................................. Blacksmith l\fitcl1ell ••.••..•..•................................ Tailor N a~l1 S •...•.....•..•.•........................ Fisltmonger National PrO\·incial Bank ... Hickling J.W. Manager N aylor Thomas ............... Watch & Clock Maker Nevell James .•....•........................... , .... Baker Nicker S ..•••..•....•...•.....•........... Fish Merchant Nickols Charles .................................... 'failor N obbs Robert ........................ Boot & Shoemaker N obbs William ............... George & Dragon Inn Oldring Benjamin •••••••••••.•.••.•.•... I •••• I •••• Grocer Outon William ................................. Shoemaker Parr William ···-·········~············· .• Grocer, &c. Porter Thomas., ....... , ........... Boot & Shoemaker Porter Thomas ... Herring Fishery Inn & Fish Curer }Jorter Thorn a~ •..••.••••....•.. I. I.......... Fish Cttrer Pratt Thomas ............... Linen & Woollen Draper Precious Robt ... Ironmonger, Whitesmith & Brazier Prior F ...................... Sadler & Harness Maker Pun chard Charles .•....•.••.•.•.......•.•....•.... Tailor Rack ham George .................. Plumber & Glazier Rack ham William •••••••••.••••••.••••••.•.••.• Butcher Redgrave J ...................... Fish Curer & Cooper Roberts John................................. Fish Curer Robinson Mary Ann ..................... Chemist, &c. Salmon R. H. ..................... Stationer & Printer Salter Roger ...... I........................ Hair Dresser Salter Robert & William .................. Draper, &c. Sammonds A. ···················~···~······ Grocer, &c. Scar le R ......................... Baker & Confectioner ~carll William ............ Upholsterer & Pawnbroker Scott Wm ... Surgeon; Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Lowestoft Di~trict Scott W alter ... Surgeon to the General Dispensary Sea go Wm. R ....... Solicitor; Agent to the East of England Bank Sharman George ............... Watch & Clock Maker Isaac ............... Basket & Sieve Maker Shuckford J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fisl1 Curer Sillis F. (late J. W right) ............... Leather Seller Siaumons Richard ........................... Fish Curer Skeet J ames ••.•. ~· ...........•................. Carpenter Skeet J ;imes ............... ············~···· ..... ··~ Grocer Smith George .............................. Corn Dealer Smith James ........................ Ship Bread Baker Smitlt John ....................... I I ••••••••••••••• Grocer Smith R ............................ Chemist & Druggist Smith Wm ............................ Blue Anchor Inn Sn~:ll F. J. H .......... Chemist, Druggist & Cup per Spark ham J. . .......................... .. . . . . . Fish Curer Stannard E. • .................... F'ish Curer & Cooper Stanton John ........................... Fox & Hounds Sterry John •....••.•.....•..•....••..•......... Fish Curer Sterry J ames •.....•.•..•.••...........•...... Fish Curer Sterrv J. G. • .••.•.•••....•.... I •• I •••••••••• Fislt Curer ~ Sterry R .•••.....••.••..•..•.............. I ••••• Fish Curer "J'a~ylor J. . ................................... Bookbinder 'faylor J atnes ·········~ .•........... I ••••••••• F'ish Curer Taylor W tn. . .••.•.••.••.•••.•••............. Fish Curer 74 Thirtle J .... ~ ........... Postmaster & Fish Merchant 1'hortoJt R .•••.•.•..•.......• I •••••••••••••• Brewer, &c. Tilmouth Charle3 ........................... Sail Maker Titlow Thos. • I ••••••••• ~· ••• I •••••••• I •••••••• I •••• Tailor Titlow Wm ............. Undertaker & Cabinet Maker Tripp Robert ..................... Fish Curer & Cooper Tungate lsaac ••••••••••.•••.•.•••.•..••.••• Beer Retailer Utting Robert ........................... Three Herrings Ward S. L .••.•..•..••.•.••..•......•.... Fish Merchant Ward S. L .••••••••.••••.••.••••••••..••.•..••. Fisl1 Curer Warner Thos ...................... Grocer & Tea Dealer Welchman Johu ........................... Suffolk Hotel Winter Wm ............. Plumber, Painter & Glazier Winyard Robert .................. Boot & Shoemaker Woods Wm ............................ Tallow Chandler Woods W. J .................................. Fish Curer W orthington Wm ................................ Surgeon Worthington W. C ... Surgeon to the Gen. Dispemary Wrigllt Wm •••.•••••••••••.••••.••••.••.••.•••. Dj'er, &l\ --··-- Post Office. Thirtle J .•....•••... I........................ Postn1aster Mail arrives l p. 8 morn. ; box doses 6 even.; North Country letters arrive 6 even. Posting Houses. Crown Hotel ••.••••..••.•••••.••.••••• I ••• Susanna Balls Queen's Head ........................ Carnabv Ansdell • Bankers. • East of England Bank. Draw on London & Westm. Sea go Wm. R. • ••• • • • ••• • •• •• • . ••• •• • •• . • • . • . . • Agent Gurneys Yarmouth & Suffolk Bauk. Draw ou Barclay & Co. Chaston .J I B. • . . • • •• . .• • . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . Agent Lacons, Y ouell & Co. Draw on Sir R. C. Glynn & Co. National Provincial Bank. Draw on London J uiut Stock Bank Hickli11g ,J. W. • . . •• • ...... •• ••••. •• .• . . •• • Manager Fire de. Life Assurance Agents. British Fire ••.•.••••..••.••••••••••••••. ~··· Robt. Brown County ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• W tn. V. Barnard Gttardian ••••..••....••.••••••.•.•.•..•. I. J. B. Chastoll Norwich Union ........................ J. W. Hickling Suffolk •••..••••••.••••••..•...• I............. S. Gowi11g Westminster Life .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. • .. • •• Robt. Brown Public Officers. Mathews R. B ......................... Harbour Master Butcher· S. ....... ... ... ..... Deputy Harbour Master Gowing G. S ... Deputy Receiver General oftheDroito of the Admiralty Public Establishments. Excise Office. Crown Hotel. General Dispensary, supported by voluntary contributions, W orthington W. C .•.•••••.•.•••• I ••••••••• } S • S W l urgeon:~ cott a ter ••••••..••••••.•••••.•••••••.. Reading & Assembly Rooms ............ Waiter J ones Coaches. London, Telegraph Mail, from the Queen's Head, daily, 6 even. London, Star, fn1m the Queen'sllead, daily, 8 mon1. Norwich, Pilot, from the Queen's Head, Mon. Wed. & Sat. through Beccles & Loddon, and ret<..rns same days. Carriers. Norwich, R. Manu's Cart, from Crown llotel, every Thurs. through Beccles. Norwich, Smith's Van, from Blue Anchor Inn, every Tues. & Fri. through Becales & Loddon, aud returns Wed. & Sat. Traders. N m·wiclt, by way of Lowestoft. Norwich Trader ................ , . .. . .. • George Yallor Sarah, Schooner ........................... Samuel Pre:;;;

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