LOWESTOFT. SlTFFOLK. ===========================·============================== Beccles, by way of Lowestoft. Saral1, Sloop ...........•.......... •··· .......... J. Y allop Sally, Schooner .........................•..•. Geo. Fisher Lowestoft, Merchant Schooner ••.•••••• Wm. Parker Squire, Sloop •••••••••••.••••••••••••••• Samuel Lindsey Ocean, Sloop .............................. Wm. Stebbens Beccles every Wed., Lowestoft every Thurs., for London. Classification of Trades. Aoents.-(To the London & Lowestoft Shipping Company), Barnard William V. ' (To Lloyds), Gowing G. S. (To all the Northern Shipping Associations), Gowing G, S. Artist.---Hogg John Auctioneer 4' Appraiser.---Balls Thomas Bakers.-Cook Samuel Ebbs Samuel Feek Joseph Kersev Aldis N eve'i J ames Scarle H. Basket Maker.--Shuckford Isaac Bathin9 Establishmts.--(Bathing Machines) Cooke B. (Hot Cold, & Sea Baths), Jones W. Beer Retailers. Albrow William Allerton Samuel Barber Samuel Dann WHiiam Dowson H. George Christopher Goffin Francis Hall Robert Hall William Howlett John Hub bard John Hutton Thomas Leabon J ames I ngate I saac Blacksmitl1s.---Baines Robert Durant J. Mills Francis Boat Builders. Burwood & Sparham Burwood H. Bookbinder. Taylor J. Bookseller. Gowing S. Boot~ Shoemakers. .Burgess John Cook William · Colby Samuel Cords Mary Cork John Carnaby Thomas Durant John Edmonds John Fulcher William Ling Job N obbs Robert Outon William Porter Thomas Winyard Robert Braziers.--Bishop John Clarke Samuel Foreman J. Precious Robert .Brewers.--Everett George & Willinm Hubbard John Thornton R. Butchers. Beecroft William Branch John Ruff11am Pryer Chiperfield Thomas lane Robert Rackham William • LowF.sTOFT CLASSIFICATION, continur.d. Cabinet Makers. Brewster Robert Gill Henry Goose William Titlow William Carpenters. Brown H.obert Callow J ames Skeet James Carrier.--Balls John Chemists ~ Druggists.--- Balls E. Robinson M ary Ann Smith R. Snell F. J. H. Cltina 4' Earthenware Dealer.--Hill E. Civil Enoineer.-·-Ed wards George Coal Merchants.---Albrow Charles Eastoe & Woodthorpe Hursthouse Charles Confectioners.---A dams George Allum E. J. Barber J ames Ebbs Samuel Scarle R. Conveyancer. Bamard William V. Coopers. Barber John I.eabon J ames Redgrave J. Stannard E. Tripp Robert Corn Chandlers.·-Green James Smith George Corn Merchants.--Eastoe & Woodthorpe Hursthouse Charles Drapers, ~c.--Coker John Emms J. R. J ones W alter Salter Robert & William Dyer, ~c.--Wright William Fish Curers.---Alterton Joseph Balls William Brown B. W. Burwood Henry Capps Samuel Chamberlin E. Cleveland William Cooke J. Cooke William Cox George Day John Ellis Charles & Co. Freeman John Gall J olm, jun. Gall John, sen. Gowing G. S. Hammersley Josh. Hott John J ohnson Samuel Lincoln William MasterRon W illiam, sen. Porter Thomas Redgrave J. Roberts John Shuckford J. Simmons Richard Sparham J. Stannard E. Sterry John Sterry James Sterry J. G. Sterry R. Taylor James Taylor William Tripp Robert . ' 75
SUFFOLK. MELTON. ==========================-========================= LowESTOFT CLASSIFICATION, continued. Fish Curers.--Ward S. L. Woods W. J. Fish Dealers.--Coppin William Nash S. Fish Merchants.---Barber John French Thomas Leabon J ames Masterson William Nicker S. Thirtle J. WardS. L. Flour~ Corn Dealer.--Ives Sophia Fruiterers. Balling John Butcher M. Clarke Thomas Howlett John Game ,Dealer. Balls E. Grocers, ~c. Abbott S. T. Armis William Blaxhill John Brown Robert Butcher M. Capps William Cornaby Thomas Cowling John Curtis J ames Dann William Devet·eux J. Fisher J ames Hill E. Oldring Benjamin ' Parr W illiam Sammonds A. Skeet James Smith John Warner Thomas Hair Dressers. Chambers Samuel Emms J. R. Fisher Edward . Salter Roger Hatter, ~c. Felstead E. lronmongers.-Blaxhill John Precious Robert Jeweller. Gowing S. Leather Seller.-Sillis F. (late Wright) Linen ~ Woollen Drapers.---Chaston J. B. Fuller Robert Pratt Thomas Maltster. Cox George Mercer q Draper.--Bond J. G. Millers.- Dent Arthur Green James Milliner. Adams Sarah • Organist ~ Teacher of Music. Brown Robert, jun. Paper Hanger.-Brewster Robert Pawnbroker. Scarll William Pipe :Maker. Armis William Plumbers, Painters, ~ Glaziers .. -Barber William Barrett Patience Barrett R. Collier George Hicks William Johnson S. Ling John Rackham George Winter William Potato Salesman.-Clarke Thomas Pump Maker.-Brown Robert Rope Merchant. Gowing G. S. Sadlers & Harness Makers. Martin John Prior F. Sail Maker. Tihnou•h Charles 76 LowEsTOFT CLASSIFICATION, continued, Sieve Mal•er. Shuckford Isaac Ship Bread Bakers. Adams George CookS. Smith James Ship Builder.-Huntle.y E. B. Shoeing Smitlt.~-·Cooper J ames Smith.---Aldiss Robert Solicitor.--Seago William R. Stationers ~ Pdnter.~.--Crisp G. S. Salmon R. H. Stone~ MarUe Mason.---Balls James Straw Hat Makers.--Cornaby Elizabeth Jones Waiter Ling M. . Surgeons.---Brame S. S. Francis Bransby Hodgkin J. Hole J. Scott William Worthington William Tailors.--· Ceiley Robert, Mariner la Corbyn J. K. & Son Freeman Thomas Golder M. Hogg Henry Mitchell --- Nickols Charles Punchard Charles Titlow Thomas Tallow C!tandlers.---Abhott S. T. Woods William Taverns, Inns, ~ Public !louses:- - Blue Anchor Inn, Smith William Canteen, J ervis Thomas, Bell la Commercial Inn, Cox G. Compasses, J ervis Susan Crown Hotel, Ball~;~ Susanna Crown c$' Anchor, Balls Thomas Dutch Hoy Inn, Allerton J oseph Ferry Boat, Lane Elizabeth Fox~ Hounds.-·-Stanton John Geor·ge ~Dragon Inn, Nobbs William Globe Inn, J auncey Edward Herrzng Fishery Inn, Porter Thomas Kings Head, Holbrook Robert Mariners, Everett William Queens Head, Ansdell Carnaby Ship Inn, Day John Suffolk Hotel, W elchman J olm Three Herrings, Utting Robert Tea Dealer.---Crisp G. S. Timber J11erchant.---Hursthouse Charles Tin Plate Worker.---Foreman J. Toy Dealer.--Chambers Samuel Twine Spinners.---Balls Henry Gall John, sen. Undertaker.~·-Titlow William Uplwlsterer.--Scarll William Veterinary Surgeon.--- H arveys George Watch g. Clock Malcers.---Crake Edmund Dye John R. N aylor Thomas Sharman George Wheelwright.-Cox Edward Whitesmith.---Precious Robert Wine ~ Spirit Merchant. Balls Thomas MELTON. ON the river Deben, ll- miles north-east from Wood bridge, and 78! miles from London; contained, in 1831, 707 inhabitants; and the annual \'alue of assessed property in 1815 was 2649l. Here is a large
l'viENDI .. ESHAM-MII.JDENHALL.- SUFFOLK. iron foundry ; and the house of industry for the hundreds of Loes and Wilford is in this parish. 'l'he church is dedicated to St. Andrew; and the living is a rectory, value 3471. per annum, in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Ely. Londham Hall and Ufford Place are seats in the neighbourhood. Name, Residence, and Profession. Bilby Sarah •••••••••.•.•..••.••••••••••.•••••..... Draper Bilby William •..•••••••••....•.•..••••.••....•..• B11ilder Booth G. • • . • • • • . . • • . • • • • ... . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . . • • • ... • . 'failor Button Sarah, Ujford • . • . .• • . •. . . • • .• . • . . •. . . .. • Grocer Capon Francis .. . .. . • . • . . . . • • . . •• . • Butcher & Grocer Collins Henry •••.•••••.•••••••.••••...•.•....• Mill \\·right Cook Joseph, Thorofare ......... Plumber & Glazier Cooper George, Ujford ••••••...••....•..... Crown Inn Culham Willam ............ Nurseryman & Seedsman Dawling George ........................... Brickmaker Dykes, Thompson, & Bennington ...... Corn & Coal Merchant & Maltster Elvis George Turner ......... Auctioneer & Appraiser El vis William ................ Horse & Groom Tavern Fisher Henry .................. u ....... ~.. Hay Dealer Gall J ames •.••.••.•••••.••.••••.••••••.••.•.•.•..•.• Tailor God bold Charles .............. ... • Boot & Shoemaker God bold Lydia ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Hayward J ol1n R .••...••..•.•••••••••.••...••••.•• Miller Hayward Rebecca, Ujford ........................ Lion Kerridge Charles •••••••••...••••••••••••••• Coacl1maker Kile Harriet, Ujford •••••••.••••••••••••••••••.••• Grocer Lester George •.••.••••••••.••••••..•.••.•.• Wheelwriglo~t Lester Isaac ••••••••.••.••••••.••••••.••••..• Blacksmith Levett William Richard .................. Hay Dealer Moore William • . •• • . . . • • . .• . •. • • • • • . . . • . . . . . • . • Surgeon Orsbon J .•........•.....•........... Hoot & Shoemaker Pulham A ................... Sadler & Harness .Maker Riches Martha ..................................... Baker Sawyer Edward ........................ Baker & Brewer Seammen & Bryant, Iron Founders&Machine Mnfcts Seammen William ............ Grocer & Tea Dealer Silem;burgh Susan, Ujford .................... , Grocer Skoulding William • ... . . .. ... • Grocer & Tea Dealer Smith B. • • ....... •• •••• •• • .• • •• . . •• •• . . Coach & Horses Stearn Joseph ............... ~ ..... Boot & Shoamaker Post Office. Receiving House, Horse ~ Groom •.. William Elvis Mail arrives 7 morn.; letters delivered ! p. 7. Coaches. Aldborough, Pilot, from Horse~ Groom, daily, 5 aft. Colchester, Gleaner, from the Horse ~ Groom, l p. 2 Mon. Wed. & Fri.; & retums Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at2. Ipswich, Pilot, from Horse~ Groom, daily, at t p. 2. Ipswich, Omnibus, from Horae o/ Groom, 6 morn. Mon. &Tues.; & returns Tues. & Thurs. even. London, Blue Coach, from Horse cS- Groom, daily, ! p. 7 morn. London, Shannon, from Horse 4· G1·oom, daily, 4 p. 8 morn.; & returns 5 afternoon. London, Star, from Horse ~ Groom, daily, ! p. 11 morn. ; & returns 4 afternoon. London, Telegraph Mail, from Horse~ Groom, ! p. 10 morn.; & returns 5 morn. :MENDLESHAM, SEvENTY-SIX miles from London, through Chelmsford, Brain tree, Sudbury, and Stow Market: from the last it is distant 6! miles north-east, and 10 miles south from Diss in Norfolk; contained, in 1831, 1233 inhabitants: the annual value of assesssed property in 1815 was 5747t. It was formerly a market town; and a fair is still held on Holy Thursday for cattle. The church, dedieated to the Virgin Mary, is a I handsome structure; the living is a vicorage, value 400l. per annum. Here are six endowed almshouses, and a fund of 350l. per annum arising from land, bequeathed in 1573 by Robert Lake for education and charitable purposes. The land in the neighbourhood of this town produces heavy crops of beans, wheat, and oats; and the inhabitants are mostly employed in agt·iculture. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, an ancient silver crown was dug up here, weighing about sixty ounces, and supposed to have belonged to one of the kings of the East Angles. The parish of Mendlesham is in Hartismere Union. About two miles south-west is Gipping Hall. Name, Residence, & Profession. Barker J ames • . •••••. •• . . • • .• . . . . . • . . • . . • . . Fishmonger Barnham Thomas ••••••••••••••••.••.•.•...• Shoen1aker Batley Benjamin ........................... Beer Retailer Birch John •..••.••••.•.•..••••••..•• ·~..... Sl1opkeeper Birch John ................................. -. Sl1oemaker Bloomfield J osiah ....................... ., Beer Retailer Brett Bristo • . . • . • . • •• •• • . .• • . • • . • . . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . . Baker Brimmish William ........................... Shoemaker Clarke Alfred .................................. Sltoemaker Clarke Mary Ann ........................... Shoemaker Codd J an e ..•••.••••••••••••••.•••••..••••...• Sl1opkeeper Edwards Robert ...................................... Bale er Foster J ohn •.•••••••••••••••••••••.••..........•..•.• l\iiller Garrod Charles •.....•...•... .•. .... .. . ... ... . Roval Oak ~ Garrod Henry •.•.• , • . . • • • • • • . • • • . . • • . . . . • . .• . . • • . Tailor Gissing Fred. Dutton •.. Grocer & Draper, & Agent to Suffolk & Essex Equitable Fire & Life Ins. Office Haxell Owen .•••.••.•.•.•••..••• · .•.•.....•..• Day School Haxell Owen ••• Agent to Roy. Exchange Fire & Life J acob Edmond •••.•.•.•.••....•....•.••.•..• Ironmonger Ling John ............................................ Miller Moo1·e Edmond •••••••••••••.••..••••.•••.•••••• Btttcher Percy Zeph. • .. .. .. • .• .... •• . . Watch & Clock Maker Pizey Thomas ••..•.•.••••••••.•...••..•.•.•...••• Butcher Potter Robert .......................................... Tailor Reynolds George ... ~ .............. Boot & Shoemaker Reynolds George .. ... ......... ... •• • • • . . Kings Head Rose John ••••.••••••••••••.•.••.•..•••••.• Beer Retailer Sheppard Edward .................... A ........ Maltster Stevens J oseph ••••.••.••••••.•••.•.•.••...•.•••••• Miller Wilson Thomas ..................... Relieving Officer Wix Robert ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl1oemaker Post Office. Letters arrive at 9 morn. ; dispatched at 4. M:ILDE:NHALL &. :BAB.TON MILLS. MILDENHALL, -a. market town on the borders of Cambridgeshire, 70 miles from London through Epping and Newmarket, and from the latter place 9! miles N.E., contained in 1831, 3267 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 12,2001. It is situated on the river Larke, which being navigable to the Ouse, this town possesses a considerable inland trade. The market is on Friday, and a fair is held on October lOth, for wool. The petty sessions for the hundred are held here. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is a large and handsome structure, with a tower 120 feet in height; the roof is ornamented with carved work in wood, and in the chancel are several monuments of the North family. The living is a vicarage, value 369l. per annum, in the patronage of Sir H. E. Bunbury, Bart. The parish of Mildenhall is in the union of the same name. 77
SUFFOLK. MILDENHAI~L. BARTON MILLS, or Little Barton, one mile S.E. from Mildenhall, contains 591 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 2995l. The clmrch is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the living, a rectory, value 550l. per annum, is in the patronage of the crown. At Bartouj is the seat of Sir Henry Edw. Bunbury, Bart., and in the vicinity is Barton Hall. Name, B.esidence, &. Profession. 'See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADES. Abbott Jan1es., ....••.•....••• ~············"'' Shoemaker Aldridge Pelham ....................... , ........... Surgeon Aves J .............................. Plumber & Glazier Barrett Edw ............................................ Baker Bell Thos. Bigh st............ Distributor of Stamps Blade Robt ......•....... . :. . .. . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . Tl1e Rarn Bond Thos. Wm ............... Geuts Boarding School Bright well John, Market pl ...................... Tailor Brown Chas. llzgh s.t.. .... Linen & Woollen Draper Chifney J a cob Tbos . . ditto ... Linen & Woollen Draper & Grocer, & Agent for Oakes & Co.'s Bank Clarke G. Market pl ......... Brazier & Ironmonger Clark Wm. Kiln s,t ........................ Maids Head Doughty Wm. Co.clr la........................... Baker Dye N athaniel, Market pl.... ... ........ .. ... .. Cooper Dyson John, ditto............ Brazier & Ironmonger Elliston Wm. Kiln st ............ Brick& Tile Maker Fletcher George. .• .. .. . .. .... .. . . Chemi11t & Drug gist Fletcher WJn .... '"'"'"'"'" ........... Basket Maker Ford 1-Ienry.i>'••······•-···••••••••••••••·•·"'···Blacksmith Frost Robt. MiU b:t..................... ... .... The Ship Gadge Arthur ..................................... Surgeon Gooch Geo. Higlt st....... ... .. Bell Commercial Inn Goodrick J ohnt MiU u, .. _. ............................. Cooper Graham Robt. Market pl.. ..... ... .... . Hair Dresser Hammond Francis, High .st. ............. m •••• Tigers Head Harris John, 1lfilJ st ..... ·> ..... ........... ........ 'Vatchmaker Hill Rich. High st.............................. Butcher Hills Wm. Cock la ......... , .............. Hair Dresser Isaacson E. D. MiU st Manager of E. of En g. Bank Isaacson W otton & SoJHt, ditto • .. • .... ... . Solicitors Marter Chas. Kiln st ............ ~ ........... Blacksmith . ' . Morley James, Higk st ............... Corn Merchant Large Fras. ditto ... Grooer, Draper & China Dealer Norman John, tCock la ..................... Fishmonger Oakes & Co. High st.. .................. ... .. .. .. • Bankers Owers Samuel, Milt st ....... ~................. Maltster Peachey Rich. Market pl. ... • • • • • • •• •• • • .. • • • .. • Sadler Peachey Wm. Mill st.,. ...... Gardener & Seedsman Petley John, ditto............... Veterinary Surgeon Pettil John, Market pl.. •• . •• • ••• •• ... .. • .... .... • Baker Phillips Rev. Henry Geo ........................ Rector Phillips Rich. High st .•• Carpenter & Wheelwright Playford Samuel, Market pl ..................... Printer Primrose Benjamin, Kiln st.. ..... ... ........ Surgeon Purkis John, Church yard............... Parish Clerk Read J ames, Hi.qh st .•.••...................... _ Solicitor Rolfe John, Mill st.. .•.• .• .. ••. . .•. .••• .• .•. .• .• Sadler Rolfe Samuel, Mill st ........................ Auctioneer Scates C. Market pl. .••••••.•.••.•• .••.•••.••.. .. Tailor Simpson Lionel, High st .................. White Hart Smith Wm. ditto .................. Chemist & Druggist Sparke J ames, Millst ..................... Watchmaker Starling John, Cock la .............. : ...... Blacksmith Stebbings Chas.. .... • ..... ... .. ... .. ... ... .. Shoemaker Tayler Henry ....•....•........•.•..••...••.....• Butcher Towler J olin..................................... Butcl1er W ebb C. Cock la ... Brick & Tile Mkr & Lime Brnr Wilde G. R. Mill st ................. ~ .... ~ ....... Surgeon Wing Wm. & J ohu, ditto..................... Grocers Winner John, Market pl.. ................... Bookseller Young Wm. MiU st •• ••.••.••..•..••••..••.••••.• Builder 78 Post Office. Brown Charles, Mill st ..................... Postmaster Letters from London, through Lynn & Newmarket, & from 'fhetford, arrive e\·ery morn. at 4; & dispatched every even. at l p. 10. Bankers. East of England Bank ... Draw on London &Westm. E. D. lsaacson, Esq. Mill st, ............... Manager· Oakes & Co. • ••• ., .................. Draw on Barclays Jacob Thomas Chifney, High st ............ Agent Fire &. Life Assurance Agents. Norwich Union, Mill st ... , .. Messrs. Isaacson & Son Phrenix. Millst .............................. John Rolfe Suffolk, High st .............................. J amea Rea~ Law and Public 01ficers. Isaacson Wotton, Mill st ... Clerk to Magistrates, to the Comms of Taxes, Snprtdt Regtr of Births, Deaths & Marrgs, & Clk to Mildenhall Union Read J ames, High st ... Clk to the Trustees of the Mildenhall, Burnt Fen, Laken Heath & Hockwold 'fumpike Roads Public Establishments. Excise Office, Bell Inn: Iliglt st. John Bucking hatn,. •••••••• ,. ,. , ••• , ••••.••••••••. Officer Stamp Office, High ,st. 1'homas Bell ••• ,.~~ ..••••••. , •••••••••••.•. Distributor Workhouse, Clturchyard. Tltomas Crop ............. , ............ : ••••••..••. M aster Mary Crop •••••• , ••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mistress Coaches. Hero, from the Bell, Higlt st, Tues. Thur~. & Sat. 12, daily; ret. Mon. Wed. & Fri. l p. 3 aft. Regulator, from the Bell, Jliglz st, Tues. Thurs. Sat. 12. daily; ret. Mon. Wed. & Fri. i p. 3. Carl'i.ers. Bury St. Edmunds, Joseph Folks, from Kiln st, every Wed. & Sat. Bury St. Edmunds, William Powell, every Sat. morn. London, Hacon & Ball's Vans, from Newmarket, Tues. & Fri. ; ret. Mon. & Thurs. Water Conveyance. Lynn, Charles & John Chapman, from illildenhall, occasionally. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer.--Rolfe Samuel, Mill st Bakers.--Barrett Edward, Market pi Doughty William, Cock la Pettit John, Market pl Baslret Malcer.--Fletcher William, Mill st Blacksmiths.---Ford Henry Marter Charles, Kiln st Starling John, Cock la Bookseller.---Winner John, Market pi Boot ~ Shoemalcers.--Abbott J ames, Market pl Stebbings Charles Brick ~· Tile Makers. Elliston William, Kiln st W ebb Charles, Cock la Braziers ~ Ironmongers :-- Clarke Gardiner, Market pi Dyson John, Market pi Buildet·. Young William, Mill st Butchet·s.--Hill Richard, High st Tayler Henry, Mill st Towler John, High st Carpenter.-Phillips Richard, High st Chemists ~ Dru,qgists.-Fletcher George, Market pl Smith William, High st China Dealers.--Large Francis, High st Coopers.---Dye N athaniel, Market pi
NAYLAND. SUFFOLK. ~==============================-================================ :1\hLDENH.~LL CLASSIFICATION, continued. Coopers.-Goodrjch John, Mill st Corn Merchant.--Morley J.ames, High st .Fishmonger. Norman John, Cock la Gardener 1$- Seedsman.---Peachcy Wil1iam, Mill st Grocers ~ Drapers.--Chitney Jacob T. High st Large Frauds, High st Wing William & John, Mill st Hair Dressers.--Graham Robert, Market pl Hills Wllliam, Cock la Lime Burner.---W ebb Charles Linen ~ Woollttn Drapers. Brown Charles, High st Chifney J acob Thomas, High st Miller 4· Maltster.--Owers Samuel, Mill st Plumber~ Glazier.-Aves J. Market pl Printer.--Playford Samuel, Market pl Sadlers.--Peachey Richard, Market pl Rolfe J.ohn, Mill st School, Gents.--Bond Thomas William Solicitors.---Isaacson Wotton & Son, Mill st Read James, High st Surgeons.---.Aldridge Pelham, Kiln s.t Gadge Arthnr, Mill st Primrose Benjamin, Kiln st Wilde G. R. Mill st Tailors.--Brightwell John, Market pl Scates C. Market pl Taverns, Inns~ Public Houses:- Bell, Gooch George, High st Maids Head, Clark William, Kiln st Ram, Blade Robert Ship, Frost Robert, Mill st Tigers Head, Hammods Francis, High at White .Hart, Simpson Lionel, High st Veterinary Surgeon.--Petley John, Mill st Watchmakers. Harris John, Mill st Sparke James, Mill st Wheelwrights.- Phillips Richard, High st Worsted .llf anzifacturer.-MatthewsAbraham, Kiln st BARTON MILLS. Bailey Maria .................. Ladies Boarding School Bridgman J oseph .. ............................ Carpenter Clarke George Daniel ........................... Grocer Ellington, Smith & Sons ............ Corn Merchants Folkes J atnes .................................. Shoemaker Folkes John ................................ Corn Merchant Folkes Robert .... ............................. Shoemaker Fox Rev. John .............................•...... Rector Fuller Philip ........ t .................. Maltster & Mlller Jolly J ohnson ................................. Bricklayer Kendal Robert .............................. Wheelwright Reeve 1"homas .................................. Bull lt1n !toper J ames ........ .......................... Parisl1 Clerk Seeker William........... .................... Carpenter Sparks Richard & J ohu .................. Blacksmiths NAYLAND. NAYLAND, or NEYLA.ND, on the river Stom·, and borders of Essex, 57 miles from London, through Romfo,rd, Chelmsfotd, and Colchester, and from the last 6 miles north; contained in 1831, 1,047 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 2,1341. The river is navigable from Sudbury to Harwich; by which means corn and flour are carried to Mistley, for the Port of London, whence coal is brought back. The manufactures consist of fine woollen yarn, for crape and bombasin, and)t i:i sent to Norwich. The market is on Friday, and a fair is held on October 2d for horses and cattle. The living is a curacy to the vicarage of Stoke, value 139l. per annum; in the patronage of Sir Joshua • Rowley, Bart. The church, dedicated to St. J ames, is a handsome edifice, and stands in the centre of the town. Abel, a clothworker, is said to have built the porch, which bears the rebus of his name. There are several ancient monuments in memory of eminent clothiers, for which thiil town was once famous. Here are some charitable institutions. The parish of Nayland is in Sndbury Union. North-eastward of the village is Tendring Hall, the seat of Sir Joshua R. Rowley, Bart.; and more distant is Giffard's Hall, erected in the reign of Henry VIII. by Peter Giffard, a relative of Queen Anue Boleyn; it surrounds a quadrangular court, and is entered by a noble gatehouse: the whole is of brick; even the mouldings of the windows and doors, and other architectural enrichments, are of the same material. Polstead Park is also in the neighbourhood. Name, B.esidence, & Profession. Ails ton Samuel ................................. Solicitor Bacon James ........ ., .................. tt••········ Butcher Barber William ..... ... .. .... .. ... . .. .. Corn Chandler Barker William . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Painter, &c. Basket William ........................... Queens Head Blyth Thomas ........................ Grocer & Draper Backing Charles Kirby ...................... Anchor Inn Borrett Henry .................................. Bootmaker Bro\vn J ol1n ........................ ·~· .............. Maltster Carrington Samuel ................................. Baker Carter Samuel ..................... Plumber & Glazier Cleghorn Ralph Willowby , .................... Surgeon Cole Nathaniel ........... , .................. Brazier, &c. Cudden J ames .. ................................... Maltster Daniel J. D. . ................................... Sttrgeon Davey George .......................... , ....... Vine Inn Elliott William ..................... , . , ............ 'railor Fairs Ro.bt. & Hen ........ ···········"········· .. Coopers Goodrich George • .. . . .. . ... . •. .. ••. . .... Ct>llar Maker Hammond Samuel ......... Carpenter & Beer Retailer Hill John ......................................... Carpenter Hills Thomas ........... , ..................... Shoemaker Holton Ed ward ................................... Butcher Living Rev. E ...................... Jl,ector of Polstead Marshall Thomas .............. , ............ Postmaster Malyn Thomas ......................... , .... Shopkeeper Mills W illiam ........... , ......... Veterinary Surgeon Mite hell Dagnett .. ~· ............ , ................... . Currier Mortimer Henry .................. Carpenter & Builder Mortimer John C ....... White Hart & Excise Office Parker Samuel .............................. , ........... Carrier Pott 'l'homas ...................... , ,. , .... Corn Chandler Roberts George ~· .............................. Shopkeeper Roberts William ................. .Shopkeeper & Baker Sarjent J oseph ................ ,.4 ........... Wheelwright Scott John ... _ .•.........•.... ~· .••.... ~ .. Shot!ing Smith Siggers J ol1n ............................. ,_ .... , .•. Fellmouger Sims Rev. Fred .... ·-··••···········~··•···,_ ....•... Curate Smith Alexander .............................. Academy Smith John·····-·.,·····-···· ................ , ..... Carpenter Smith R. C. '"" .............. Carrier & Beer Retailer Stammers Wm. . .......................................... . Mil1er Stow Abraham ............ ~····•••411••·•·······Hair Dresser Stow J\.1 . ............. ·-·················· ................. Scl1Glol Vinces ••• u."""'"""''' .. "" Veterinary Surgeon Wilby J ol1n-....................... ............. .. Sl1oemak.er Wilson William .. - .... ,. ............................ .... 1 ... ailor Winny John ..... - .......... - .... ~ ........... Soap Boiler Winny 'l'holllas ..................................... .. Grocer Post Office. Marshall Thomas .................•......... Postrnastet· Letters delivered i bef. 8 Jr.orn. ; dispatched ~ P· 6 even. 7'9
SUFFOLK. NEEDHAM MARKE'r. ~=============================-·============================== Coaches. Hadleigh, W ell.ington, ! p. 4 aft. London, through Colchester, Wellington, 8 morn. (Sun. exc.) Carriers. Colchester, Parker, Mon. Thurs. Fri. & Sat.; returns same days. Ipswich, Parker, enry Tues.; returns Wed. NEEDHAM MABK.ET. A HAMLET to the parish of Barking, situated on tl1e river Orwell, 74k miles from London through Romwrd, Chelmsford, and Colchester: 8 miles north fr<r.n Ipswich, and 3 miles south-east from Stow Market; contained, in 1831, 1466 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 2134!. It formerly had a considerable woollen trade, which has declined; and at present, the only manufacture is that of glue; but the town is improving, and the trade in corn has greatly increased. The market on Wednesday has not been held fur some years ; and it is expected to be re-established on Saturday. A fair is held on October the 12th and 13th. The petty sessions are held here. The church is dedicated to St. John tbe Baptist; and the living is a curacy to the rectory of Barking, value 91l. per annum, in the patronage of the Earl of Ashburnham. Here are a free grammar school, almshouses, and various charities. Near the town is Bosmere, a lake between thirty and forty acres in extent. N eedh~m is in Bosmere and Claydon Union. In the neighbourhood are Barking Hall, Bosmere House, Shrubland Hall, Crowfield Hall, the s£>at of Sir William Fowle Middleton, Bart., and Helmingham Hall, the seat of the Countess of D ysart, a stately mansion erected in the reign of Henry VIII., and standing in a beautiful park comprising 400 acres, containing some of the finest oak trees in thP- county, and abundantly stocked with deer. l:~·ame, :Residence, & Profession. Ab bott Freeman & J on. Auctioneers & Estate Agents Abbott Jonathan ••. Crown Glue, Neatsfoot Oil & Carriage Grease Manufacturer, Ironmonger & Brazier, Agenf to Royal Exchange Insurance Office Adams W ebster ••.•.••..•..••••.••••••.•••••• George J nn Alexander & Co .•..••.•.....•....••••••••••••.•.• Bankers Badl£>y S. Badley mill ........................... Miller Beal John ........................................... Grocer Beal Samuel • • • • • . . . • . . . • • .• . . • • . •• • •• •• • . •• • . • . Druggist Beard Philip •••••.••.•••••••.....••••.•••• Watchn1aker Beck Edward ••••.....•••••••..•••••.•••••••••••• Surgeon l3eck Henry ••••.•...•.•••.•..••••••••.•••..•••• St1rgeon Ben nett Thon1as ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• Butcher Blottlfield J. . ...................................... Buker Brown Edward ..................... Veterinary Surgeon Brooke Richard ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Bumstead Mary ........................ Grocer & Baker Cane William ........................... Dancing Master Chapn1an Robert ...•.....•.••••.•••••••••..•.• Carpenter Clarkson Edward ........................... Blacksmith Clabon William ........................... Wheelwright Coates William ..................... Plumber & Glazier . Codd Williatn • . • . • . • • • . . . • • .• . •• ........ •• • . • . • Liott Inn Colchester Thotnas ••••••••••• ~~····················· Baker Coletnan N ed ............................... Boot Maker Collins Jonathan ........................... Millwright Col man l~eujamin ............................ Grocer, &c. Cooper f:·m1Uel. .................... Plumber & Glazier J)avey Jt1 1 1n •.•••.•.••.•••••.•••••••••.•..••. Watchmaker • Dearing .J ames ........................... Collar Mal( er Dearing Thomas ............ Sadler & Harness Make1· Dicki nson Sophia . . . . . •• . .. . .. . . Earthenware Dealer so . Diggins Miss ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Boarding Schoo Elliston Ed '.vard ••.••.••••••••.••.•••••• •·....... Grocer Elsden Ed ward •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••..•••.••• Grocer Farthing 1\tloses •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Shoemaker F ayers Elizabeth • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • . • . • Miller Flatt William ........................ Tailor & Draper Garnam Step hen ............. , .. ... . .. • .. . • Shopkeeper Godfrcy Henry .................. Carpenter & Builder Gray W alter ... Free Grammar & Boarding School Green John •.•..••••...•••••••..•.••••••.••••..•.•••. Tailor Grim wood Lazarus ............................... Carrier Groom Robert ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Habberton T. W ...................... Tailor &·Draper Bagger Joseph ........ ~ .................. Hurdle Maker llaggar Samuel .................................. Swan Inn Hayward Edward, Creetin,q ..................... Miller Hayward Frederick •••••••.••..•• ,, •.•••••••••... Solicitor Hayward George .................................. Butcher Hearn J..... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . Bootmaker Halton Thomas ..................... Plumber & Glazier Lambert E .••••••••.....•••.••.••.•.••.. 1,ailor & Grocer Lucas Thomas •••.•••••••.••.•.•.•....•••.•.•.. Shoemaker Knight T ............ Kings Head Inn & Excise Office Manistre George ..................... Grocer & Draper Man T ...... Agent to Sfflk. Amicable Insur-ance Co. M oore John ..••••••..•.••..•••••••.•.••.••.• ~.~ •.• Butcher Mount John ............ Rampant Horse, & Maltster l\1 udd Robert ....................................... Bull Inn Nunn Jaffies ............................... Beer Retailer Oram Edward •.•••••••.•.••••.•.•.•••••.•••••• Shoemaker Overton Benjamin ..................... Baker & Grocer Page Thomas ...••••.•• " •••••.••.••••••••...•• Shoemaker Pennington J ames ............................... Surgeon Quinton John .................. Druggist & Bookseller Race Martin .................. Fruiterer & Confectioner Read Mrs ...•....••••.••••.•••••••••••• Straw Hat Maker Read Robert ........................ Boot & Shnemaker Read William ••.•.•••••..•..•.•.•.•••••.•.•.•• Shoemaker Reed Robert •..•.••.•••.••••..•••••••••••• Beer Retailer l~eeve William •••••.•.••••.•••.••••••••••••••.• Carpenter Ruffell Benjamin ........................... Beer Retailer Sage Richard, Hawk mill st ............ Queens Head Scope ~~dward .........•........•..•••••......... , ... Baker ~cope George •••••.•.••••.•••..••....••••.••.••.. Builder Scopes George •••...••.•..••.••••.•••••••••.... Bricklayer Sheedrake Wm. Greeting ........................ Miller Sheming William ............... Brazier & Ironmonger Simpson J ames •••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••• Cooper, &c. Smitll Ezekiel •.•••.••••••••••.••.••..•••••••.••.• Bntche\" Sn1itl1 John ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••••. Shoemaker Soundy Mary ........................ Grocer & Drape1· South gate Abraham ............ Miller & Corn Chandler Studd George .......................... ~··· flair Dre~srr Stt1dd John ••••..•..••••.•••.•.•••....••.•.••..••.••. Tailor 'faylor An1brose •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• Bootmaker 'faylor Ann •..•••••••..•.....•.••..•..•.. Boarding School 'r'aylor R. R •••• , •••••••••.•• , •.•••••••••••••••••..... 1'ailor Taylors Miss •..•..•..••.•.••...•.••.•••••.••.•.• Sen1inary Tydeman John ............ Blacksmith & Post Office Tvdeman W. Hawk mill st ............... Three Tun~ " Thurston John ............ Maltster & Coal Merchant \Vard Samuel .•••••.•.•••• ~ .•••••.•.•••.••. Lime JJurner Woodward John ..................... Draper & Grocer Vincent George ........... ... .... Veterinary Surgeon Post Office. Tydeman J, ................................... Postmaslc;! Letters received from London & North ofEngland, l bef. 8 morn.; despatched in the even. to London, 20 minutes p. 6, & to the North at 6 . Posting 1-Iouse. s,van ..........................•.••.....• Samuel lluggar •
ORFORD. SUFFOLK. :Bankers. Alexander & Co ••..•• ! .................. Needham Bank Fire & Life Assurance Agents. Royal Exchange ••.•.....•...•.•••••• J onathan Ab bott Suffolk Amicable .•..•••..•........•..... Thomas Maw Excise Office. Kings Head. Inn ..................•........ John Knight Coaches. Regulator, from Bury to Ipswich, through Stow and W oolpit, calls at the Swan Inn every morn. at 11 ; returns aft. at 5. · Coach from Ipswich to Cambridge, calls at the George Inn QVery morn. at 11 ; returns aft. at i p. 4. Shannon, from London to Stow Market, calls at the Kings Head e•cry eYen. at 5; returns mom. 8. Carl'iers. Broom's Waggon from Stow Market to London every Thurs.; returns on Mon. through N eedham M ark et. A cart to Ipswich & Stow Market daily. Classification of Trades .. Auctioneers.-Abbott Freeman & J on a than Bakers.-Blomfield Joseph Bun stead M ary Colchester Thomas Overton Benjamin . Scope Edwanl Beer Retailers.-Nnnn James, Hawkmill st Reed Robert Ruffell Beniamin " Blacksmiths.-Clarkson Edward Tydeman J on a than Bookseller.-Quinton ,John Boot ~ Shoemalcers.---Brooke Richanl Coleman Ned Farthing Moses. Groom Rohert Hearn J. Lucas Th.emas Oram Edward Page Themas Read Robert Read William Smith John Taylor Ambrose Bra:a:iets.--Abbott J onathan Sherning William. 13ricklayer.---Scope George Builder.---Scope George Butchers.---Bennett Thomas Hayward George MooreJohn Smith Ezekiel Catpenters, ~c.---Chapman Robert Godfrey Henrl Heeve William Carriage 4· Cart G1·ease Makn·.--Ahott J on a than Carriet. Grimwood Lazarns Coal ll-Ierchantr-Thurston John Collar 111 aker-.--Dearing J ames Confectioner.--Race Martin Cooper, ~c --Simpson J ames Com Chandler.---Sonthgate Abraham Dancing Master.--~ane William Druggists.--Beal Samuel Quinton ,John Earthenware Dealer.--Dickimon Sophia. Farmer.--Snell Henry Fruiterer.-Race :'vlartin ' Glue, ~c. Mamifactuter.-Abbott John Suffolk.] 11 NEEDHA1r MARKET CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Grocers~ Drapets.-Beal John Bumstead Mary Colman Benjamin Elliston Edward Elsden Edward Lambert E. Manistre George Overton Benjamin Soundy Mary Woodward John Hair Dresser. Studd George Hu1·dle Maker.-Hagger Joseph Ironmongers.-Abbott J onathan Sheruing William Lime Butner .-Ward Sa m ue 1 Maltsters.~Mount John Thun.ton John Millers.-Badley S. J. Badley mill F'ayers Elizabeth Hayward Edward, Creeting Sheldrake William. Creeting Soutbgate Abraham Millwrigltt.- Collins J on a than Plumbers ~ Glaziers.-Coates William Cooper Samuel Holton Thomas Saddler~- Harness Maker.-Dearing Thomas School, Uents.-Gray W alter Schools, Ladies.-Diggius Miss Taylor Ann Taylor Misses Shopkeeper.-Garnam Stevhen Solicitor.-Hayward Frederick Straw Hat Manufactuter.-Read Mrs. Surge<ms.-Beck Edward Beck Henry Pennington J ames Tailors ~ Drapers.--Flatt William Green John Green John Habberton Thomas William Lambert E. Studd John Taylo1· R. R. Taverns, Inns, 4' Public Houses:·- Bull Inn, Mudd Robert George Inn, Adams W ebster Kings Head Inn, Knight John Lion Inn, Codd William Queen's Head, Sage Richard, Hawkmill st Rampant Horse, Mount John Swan Inn, Haggar Samuel Three Tuns, Tydeman William, Hawkmill st Veterinary Surgeons. Brown Edward Vincent George · Watdlmakers.--Beard Philip Davey John Wheelwri,qht.-Clabon William. OB.E"OB.D, SITUATED near the confluence of the Ore and the Alde rivers, 90 mi:es from LondoH, through Colchester, Ipswich, and W oodbridge, and ll miles E. from the last; contained in 1831, 1302 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3906l. It was formerly a considerable port, till the sea threw up a beach, by which the channel of the river Ore was turned towards the oouth. Here is a large oyster fishery. The market is on Monday, and a fair is held on June 24. The town is governed by a mayor, recorder, town clerk, 18 portmen, 12 capital burgesseJ,l,. and 2 sergeants at mace. It has a town· 81
SUFFOLK. SAXMUNDHAl\11. ================================·============================== hall and assembly house. The church is dedicated to St. Bartholomew; the ch.mcel, a very fine specimen of Anglo-N orman architeeture, is in ruins; the living, a cnracy to the rectory of Sudbourn, value 577l. per annum, is in the patronage of the Crown. Orford Castle, situated on rising ground, said to have been at one time the centre of the town, and of which the keep only is remaining, serves as a sea mark. A light-house on the south-east oT this parish, and another in that of Sudbourn, are known as the Orfordness lights. Orford is in Plomesgate Union. Sudbourn Hall is the 8eat of the Marquess of Hertford; the park and neighbourhood abound with game. Name, Residence, &. Profession. · Ablett William .............................. Boat Builder Barber Jeremiah ........................ u.Beer Retailer Barber J .... ·~······· .................... Har11ess Maker Baxter William.............................. Bricklayer Billing Robert ..................•........•..... Sadler, &c. Borrett J oseph.. .... .. .. .. • .. .. ... .. ... •• Beer Retailer Cooper Robt. Crown & Castle Corn. Inn & Pstng Ho Cull1am William .. .................................. Baker Da)7 Robert .. ................................... . Sl1oemaker Dowsing Samuel .............................. Blacksmith Field William.. ............... .... Merchant & Miller Fuller Elizabeth ........................... Jolly Sailors Gardener J ..................... Watch & Clock Maker Golding Robert .............................. Hair Cutter Gooding Benjamin..................... Horse Dealer Grin1 wood Thomas ................................. Tailor Hammond Jolln ........................... Queef1s Head Kindred Matthew............................... Butcher Lincoln Benjamin C..................... Watchmaker Ling J ames.... •.. . . . . . . . .. ... .... ....... .. .. . ... . Glover l\1arychurch Rev. Wm. T ........................ Rector l\.1ingay George .................................. Merchant Nickells William ........................... Beer Retailer Os borne W alter .............................. Blacksmith Pead Henry....................................... Carrier Rartdall George, Esq ........................ Magistrate Rand all Samuel................................. Surgeon Read George .. ............................... Builder, &c. Rope Samuel.. ......................... Grocer & Draper Sew ell Charles..................... Plumber & Glazier Shave Thomas ................................. Sadler, &c. S1nitl1 William ....................................... Tailor Till Joseph........................... Grocer & Draper Turner John .... ,......................... Hair Dresser 1"urner Robert ....................................... Tailor Wade John ....................................... Butcl1er Wigg Richard......... Registrar of Birth!! & Deaths Worn J ames . ................................ White If art Youell James ........................ Horse Breaker, &c. Post Office. Letters received from W oodbridge by foot post. Corporation. MAYOR. George Mingay, Esq. RECORDER.-George Capron, Esq. DEPUTY RECORDER. John Woodjun. Esq. ASSISTANT JUSTICE.---Wm. Grady, Esq. PORTMEN. Marq. of Hertford Sir H. B. S. Seymour Rt. Hon. J. W. Croker George Randall, Esq. Henry Meynell, Esq. William Grady, Esq. Samuel Randall, Esq. Christopher Churchill CAPIT.t\t BURGESSES. Earl of Y l\rmouth Peter B. Long, Esq. L.ynden F.velyn, Esq. George CalJron Esq. S1r G. li. Seymour [-1 M 1 'u Robt. Freeman, E9q. enry. U er, r.sq. Benj. llunnis3, Es£1· Fredenck Steel~ 82 LAW OFFICERS. Town Clerk......... Peter Bartholomew Long, Esq. Coroner ........................... Wi1liam Grady, Esq. Chamberlain ..................... Samuel Randall, Esq. Water Bailiffs... John Dowsing & George I.ucock Constables ............ James Ling & Jeremiah Ward Serjeants at Mace & Aleconners ... Wm. Nicholls & John Smith Clavigers............... Geo. Randall & Wm. Grady Gaoler....................................... J ames Ling Harbour Master........................ John Burwood Pindar ..... , . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. J ol1n Smith Posting House. Crown & Castle ................... v...... Robt. Cooper Coach. The Mail, i p. 5 even. summer, and f p. 4 even winter. Carriers. Ipswich, (Henry Pead) from Crown~ Castle, Mon. Wed. Thurs. & Sat. Ipswich, (Wm. Mann) from Croum ~ Castle, Mon. & Wed. Saxmundham, (Wm. Culham) Cart, every Mon. SAXMUNDHAM, A MARKET town, 89! miles from London through Colchester, Ipswich, and Woodbridge, and 121 miles N. E. from the last : contained in 1831, 1048 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in HH5 was 2,580l. It is situated in a valley, on a small stream that flows into the river Alde, and consists of one street intersected by smaller ones. The only manufacture is that of malt. Large quantities of iron are shipped for London; and salt is a chief article of trade. The market on Thursday is very considerable for grain, and is well supplied with pro,·isions, especially fish. Fairs are held on Holy ThiJrsday and September 23d. Here is an assemblyroom, in which concerts and balls are occasionally given. The church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, contains monuments of the family of the Longs; that of Charles Long, Esq., who died in 1812, is by Nollekens. The living is a rectory, value 2751. per annum. Harts Hall, Benhall House, Benhall Lodge, Yoxford GrovP, Sans Souci, and Cockfield Hall are in the neighbourhood. The parish of Saxmundham is in Plomesgate Union. Name, B.esidence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, p. 83. Alderidge W 1n • ................................. Gardener Aldred John ............ .' ........... Boot & Shoemaker Andrews P. ........ ........ .............. Watchmaker Back house E. . ...................................... Smith Back house Wm . .............................. Gunrnaker Barnes Robert ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Barrett Robt ... .................................... . Cooper Baxter J oseph .................................... Butcher Beard John ........................ Plumber & Glazier Berrett John ....................................... Butcher Berrett Hen ............. China & Earthenware Dealer Berrett Robt ...................... Cooper & Carpenter Blake J. B. .. . .. .. . .. • .. .. .. . . .. Baker & Confectioner Bland en J ........ .............. Brewer & BeL>r Retailer Bloomfield Hen ............ Sadler & Harness Maker B1ight J. D ... Cabinet Mkr & Wtcb & Clock Manufac Bright Jerome ............... Agent to Norwich Union Brightly Lewis ..................... Stationer & Printer Bri ggs Wm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carrier Bucksthorpe Benj. .................. Tinman & Brazier Carew Robt. . ................................... St1rgeon Chandlr.r Jonathan ..................... Coach & Ht>rse~>
SAX1\1UN DHAM. SUFFOLK. Cooper Thomas ........................... Queens Head Cousins Charles ••.••.•.••.•.•• Basket & Sieve Maker Cousins Charles •....•.•.•..•.....•.••.•..•... Shoen1aker Cramp ion J. C •••....•...••.••••. Silk Mercer & Draper Crane John ..•••....••...•..•••• Baker & Confectioner Crowe Wm. . ..•.....••••.•..••.•• , •........•...... Currier Dale J. H •......••••.•...•.•••.•.••••... Dyer & Scourer Daniels Ricl1. • • . • • • • . . • . . • . . • • . . • . • • • . . . • . . . . • • . • Farrier Day Dan .•....••..•••...••.••.••• Baker & Confectioner Dunn George •..•.•••.••.••....••• Chemist & Druggist Fen ton W 01. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher Flatt W. & J ... Drapers & Grocers; Agents to Balesworth and Suffolk Bank, & to the Suffolk and General Country Amicable Insurance Office Foulsham John ............ Maltster & Brandy Dealer Freeman Het~-". L ....... Registrar of Births & Deaths Garrett Rich ..••••.•.•....•....••••.••.•...•.. Iron monger Garrod Edwd .......... Watch & Clock Manufacturer Hilling John ...•..••.•..•.....•.•...•.........•.... Tailor Howes Jas ....................... ,... Tin Plate Worker Hurren George ••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••.• Angel Inn King Jas ••.••••••.••.•..•.•..•••.•••••••••••• Hair Cutter Long Wm. Esq .•••••..••••.••••••••••••••••.• Magistral~ Mayhew Thos ....... Solicitor; Agent to the East of England Bank & to the Atlas Insurance Company Moore Geo .•••••••••••••.••••••••••••• Blacking Maker N ewman Geo. • .................... Boot & Shoemaker Nielson Wm ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• Tea Dealer Pack hard Jas ...................................... Brazier Pack hard Henry .................. Chemist & Druggist Pallant John .................. Bookseller & Stationer PaltnerJ ohn ••••••••••.•••••••••.••••••••.••••••••• Glover Paxman Robt .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Carpenter Ree\"e W. J. . .•........................... Hair Dresser Robinson Wm .••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Carpenter Rouse Wm •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Blacksmith Sampson Geo .••••••••••••••••••..••••••••••.•. Shoemaker Sawyer Charles .......... ...... .... .... Cabinet Maker Seaman J on a than ••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• Grocer, & c. Smith J onathan •••••••••••••.••••••••.•••.•••••••.. Farrier Smy J ames •••••••••••••••••••••..•••..•• Land Surveyor 'South well H. & J ••• Solicitors, & Clerk to Magistrate Stop her Wm ................................... Postmaster Taylor J ol1n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Butcl1er Thompson John ........................... Bell Tavern Thurlow John ............... Marble & Stone Mason Wade Eliza ........................... Straw Hat Maker Waller Jabez ••• Porter Merchant & Agent to Royal Exchange Assurance Company Watson Wm .•••••••••.•••.•••.•.••••••••••••. Blackstnith Wells J ames .................. Miller & Corn Merchant Wells Wm. • ••.••••••.••.••..•..•..•••••••.. Irortmonger Wilso11 Robt. • • •• .•. • .•. .• . .• • •. .••. .. .•• •••. .••• Farrier Whaley Sam ......................... Plumber & Glazier White house Jas ••••••••••••.•••.••••••••••.•. 'Vhite Hart Whiting Wm ••••••• .-••••••••.•••••••••.••.. Hair Dresser Woods John .................. Sadler & Harness Maker Woods Robt .•.••••••••••••••••••••.••...•.••• Grocer, &c. 1V oods Wm ................. , ....... Builder & Carpenter 'Wright John ........................... Cabinet Maker Wright Eliza ............... Straw Hat Manufacturer Post Office. Stopher William ••••••••••••••••.•••••..•••••• Postmaster Mail to London, every night at 9; and returns at l p. 6 morn. Box closes at ! p. 7; but Letters are taken in until ! p. 8 by paying I d. Mail cart t.o Halesworth, Aid borough, & Leiston every day. Posting House. Bell •••••.••••••••••.•• , . • • • . • . . • . • . . • . • Thompson John Bankers. East of England Bank. Draw on I .. ondon & W estm. Mayhew Thomas •••••••.••••..•••••••••..••••• Agent Halesworth & Suffolk Bank. Draw on Barclay & Co. Flatt W. & J ....... ~ ........................... Agents Public Establishment. Excise Office ••..•.••...••..••••••...••.••••• ;Bell Tavern . rire &. Life Assurance Agents. Atlas ••••••.••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• 1\'lay hew Thomas Norwich Union • • .. ....... •• .. • • .... • • • Bright .T erome Royal Exchange ........................... W alter J abez Suffolk & General County Amicable ••• Flatt W. & J. Coaches. London, Shannon, from the Bell, daily, 7 mom.; & returns 7 afternoon. London, Star, from the Bell, daily, ~ p. I 0 morn.; & returns 5 afternoon. London, Telegraph, daily 9 even. Yarmouth, Telegraph, :l p. 6 morn. Carriers. . Bungay (Hogg), from the Bell, Mon. & Fri.; & returns same days. Ipswich (Sawyer), Cart, from the Angel, every Tues. & Fri. . Ipswich (Baldry), from the Coach ~Horses, every Tues. ; & returns Wed. · Ipswich (Rouse), from the White Hart, Mon. & Fri.; & returns Tues. & Sat. London (Smith), Waggon, from the Bell, Thurs. & Sat.; & returns Mon. & Fri. London (Noller), Mon. Wed. & Sat. Orford (Collam ), Cart, from the Queens Head, Mon.; & returns tl1e same day. Orford (Man), Cart, from the Queens Head, on Thurs.; returns the same day. Yarmouth (Martin) Waggon, from the Bell, through Southwold, every Fri. Classification of Trades. Bakers ~ Confectioners. Blake J. B. Crane John Day Daniel Basket~ Sieve Maker. Cousins William Beer Retailer.-Blanden J. Blacking Maker. Moore George Blacksmiths. Rouse William W atson William Bookseller~ Stationer.-Pallant John Boot ~ Shoemakers. Aldred .T ohn Barnes Robert Cousins Charles N ewman George Sampson George Brandy Dealer. Foulsham John Brazier.-Packhard J ames Brewers. Blanden Thomas Blanden J. Builder ~ Carpenter. Woods William Butchers. Baxter J oseph Berrett John Fenton William Taylor John Cabinet Makers. Bright J. D. Sawyer Charles Wright John Carpenters. Berrett Robert Paxman Robert Robinson William Carrier. Briggs William Chemists ~ Druggists.-Dunn George Packhard Henry China~ Earthenware Dealer. Berrett Henry 83
SUFFOLK. SOUTHWOLD, &c. SAXMUNDHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Coopers. Barrett Robert Berrett Robert Currier. Crowe William Drapers~ Grocers.-Flatt W, & J. Dyer~ Scourer. Dale J. H. Farriers.-Daniels Richard Smith J on a than Welton Robert · Oardener. Alderidge William Glover.-Palmer William Groce1·s, ~c.-Seaman Jonathan Woods Robert Gun Malcer. Backhouse William Hair Dressers. King James Reeve W. J. Whiting W illiam Ironmongers. Garrett Richard Wells Williarn Land Surveyor. Smy J ames Maltster. l~oulsham John Marble ~ Stone ll1 ason.-Thnrlow John Miller ~ Corn Merchant. Wells J ames Plumbers~ Glaziers.-Beard John Whaley Samuel Pprter .JYiercltant. W aller J ahez Sadlers ~Harness llfakers.-Bloomfield Henry Woods John Silk Mercer~ Draper. Crampion J. C. Smith. Backhouse E. Solicitors. Mayhew Thomai Southwell H. & J. Stationer ~ Printer. Brightley Lewis Straw Hat Makers.-Wade Eliza Wright Eli,za Surgeons.-Carew Robert Freeman Henry L. Tailor. Hilling John Taverns, Inns, ~ Public Houses:- .Angel Inn, Hurren George Bell Tavern, Thompson John Coach~ Horses, Chandler Jonatban Queens Head, Cooper Thomas White Hart, Wbitehouse J am,es Tea Dealer. N ielson W illiam Tinmen ~ Braziers. Bu{!kthorpe Benja~11i11 Hawes James Watchmakers.-Andrews P. Bright J. D. Garrod Edward. SOUTHWOLD & WA.NG:E'ORD. SouTHWOLD, a market town on the sea coast, near the mouth of the river Blytlz, W5 miles from London, through Colchester, Ipswich, Woodbridge and Saxmundham, 4 miles N.E. from Dunwich, and 8 miles E. from Halesworth; contained in 1831, 1875 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 1849l. The town, situated on a hill, occupies an island formed by a creek on the north and the river Blyth on the south, and is disposed nearly in form of a triangle. It is a member of the port of Yarmouth, and has a considerable maritime trade, which derived great advantage, during the middle of the last century, from the construction of two piers tending greatly to the improvement of the harbour. At Gun Hill Cliff is a break water to prevent the ill consequences of the encroachments of the sea. Large quantities of herrings and sprats are cured here, and salt is manufactmed and exported; malt is also an article of commerce. The market on Thursday is well supplied with fish; and fairs are held on the Monday after Trinity Sunday, and on August 24th. "84 The corporation consists of two bailift~ and burgesses. A court of admiralty, of which the bailiffs are the judges, and a weekly court of record for the recovery of debts, are held hete. The church, dedicated to St. Edmund, is .a very large and handsome edifice, with a tower surmounted by a steeplo lOO feet ln height; tbe whole is a fine specimen of architecture. The living is a curacy to the vicarage of Reydon, value 60l. p~r annum, in the patronage of the Earl of Stradbroke. The town is now much frequented in the bathing season, the bea~h being well adapted for that purpose: on the cliffs are two batteries. Tbe bay, commonly called Solebay, was formerly confined by Easton Ness, nnd a point south of Dunwich; but the sea having washed away the point, together with much land within it, it may now more properly be called Dunwich bay, made by Cove Hithe Ness and 'fhorp Ness; it has a very commodious anchorage, and is memorable for an engagemeut between the English and the Putch on the 28th of May, 1672, between the Duke of York and Admiral De Ruyter, in which the Earl of Sandwich lost his life. This part of the coast is remarkable for the arrival and departure of swallows. Name, Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADES, p. 85. Abbott W ... Drape1·, Gr{)cer, & Chandler; Agent to the Suffolk Fire Offlce & Suffolk Chronicle Alien Robert .................. Marble & Stone Mason Allger Wm ........................ Confectioner & Baker Arthy Joseph ................................. Chemist &c. Backhouse N............ Gun Maket· and Bellhanger Balls G. T ............................. --··-••·· .. ····· Tailor Balls T. G ..................... lo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'l'ailor Balls Samuel.. ...................... Boot & Shoemaker Bard well Mary .................. Grocer & Tea Dealer Rardwell S ... Circulating Library & Dealer in Stamps Beales Sarah ................................. Confectionrr Beales Johu ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Bird Ed \Vard •••••••••••••••••• ~ ....................... Surgeon Blowers J ......................................... Blacksmith Bokenham Thomas ... Swan Hotel, Wine & Sprt Mcht Boniwell R. R ...................... Carpenter & Builder Boyce .& Fulcher ............... Carp€nters & Builders Boyce James ........... r ............ Plumber & Glazier Bryant Phcebe ........................ Grocer & Draper Burcl1am J ....................................... Grocer, &c. Burwood Benjamin ........ , .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. Lapidary Burgess John ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Burwood Henry, Esq ............ Collector of Customs Btttton J ................................. ~ ... Joiners Arms Bye ,John........................ Printer & Po~tmaster Calver Thomas ............................. .,.~ .. Beer Retailer Candler B. S .................. Comptroller of Customs Cartet B. H ................................. Bee1· Retailer Chap man Richard.................. Ship Bread Baker Cooper Ann .................. Milliner & Dress Maket• Child Edmund.... .... .. .... .. .. .. .. .... ... • Iron founder Crips W. Brewer, Corn & CGal Merchant, & Maltster Cris-p B .................................. Cooper & Turner Crow ford J .............................. Kings Head Inn Debney R. J ............ Grocer~. Draper & Bookseller Po\vning G .........•.••••........•..••..•...•. Coal Dealer Downing William ........................... Blacksmith Everett C. A .•.•.• ~··••••• .. •••·••••4••· ... ··········Butcb.er Everett J. H ........................ Draper & Stationer Feltham J ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Field ::\fichael.. ............................ China Dealer Fish J onathan .....•••...••.•.•...•• , •••••... ,:..... 'furncr Foyster Josrph ........................... Public Can-ier Garrod H ... Crown Hotel Coml lm) & Posting House Gayfer Henry ........................ Draper & Grocer Goldsmith E ... , .......................... Coal Merchant •
SOUTHWOLD, &c. SUFFOLK. Goldsmith John .•••.•......•...... :.......... Grocer &c. Gooding J .............. , . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tewn Clerk Goodwin J ........................ Rope & Twine Maker Grayston B ... Chemist & Druggist & Stationer; Agt to the West Middlesex Fire & Life Assurance Co. · Greenerd M ........................ Grocer & Fruiterer Hawken Henry.~ ......... Sadler & Harness Maker Harvey & Hudsons Bank, (Managers, Thompson & Edwards,) Draw on Hankey & Co. Haws Adam ......•............................. Bear Inn Haylett R .................................... Schoolmaster Hay lock Robert.. ..... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Greengrocer Hay lock J ........................... Veterinary Surgeon Hotson Jane .............................. Ladies School Lincoln J ames.. .. . .. .... ... .. . ... . Boot & Shoemaker Lloyd J ......................... Brewer & Beer Retailer Afartin J ............•.....•....................... Red Lion May hew George .............................. Hair Cutter Money William............... Basket & Sieve Maker N aunton Charles ........... ·................... Fruiterer N ewson Richard .................. ~ ..... Tailor & Draper Oldring H ...................... ;. Rope & Twine Maker Oldring J ames .•.••...................•.....•..•.. Butcher Oldring S ....••.........•.•................... .,. Baker &c. Os born George. ••. .... . Chief Officer of Coast Guard Palmer Benjamin •.•••.•..•.. Appraiser & Auctioneer Palm er Elizabeth ................................. Butcher Palm er Peter .............................. Appraiser, &c. Palm er Sarah..... ... ........ .... ...... ....... Pilot Boat Peck. N athaniel.................. Boot and Shoemaker Peirson Robert.. .• . .• ... ... . ... .. . .•. . Dealer in Game Penny Thomas .............................. Lord Nelson Reeve Isaac ~ ................................ Beer Retailer Robson J ...................... Brewer & Beer Retailer Rodgers J an e ..................... Straw Bonnet Maker Rounce Thomas ..................... Plumber & Glazier Rouse William .............................. Beer Retailer Sampson C ........................ Meal & Flour Dealer Sawyer Charles ........................... Cabinet Maker Sawyer John ........................ Carpenter & Builder Sigg~rs Richard ...................... , ............• 'l'ailor Smith Henry ........................... Draper & Grocer Smith R. .... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Boot & Shoe Maker Sones J ........................... Confectioner & Baker Stern Daniel................................. Fishmonger Strange Samuel. ............................. Confectioner Stork ev M........................ Lapidary & Jeweller Sutton' William .................. Bricklayer & Plasterer Sutherland John ................................. Surgeon Wake Robert.............. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . Surgeon Wells Francis ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Welt on J .................................... Horse Dealer Post Office. J obn Bve ........................................ Postmaster • The Mail arrives at 8 morn.; & leaves i p. 6 even. Posting ;louse. Crown Hotel •.••..••••.••.••.•••.••••••••• Henry Garrod Bankers. Harveys & Hudson. Draw on Hankey & Co. Thompson & Edwards ..................... Managers Fire &. :Life Assurance Agents. New Equitable (Fire) ......... Thompson & Edwm·ds Suffolk (Fire) ........................... William Abbott West Middlesex .................. Benjamin Grayston Law &. Public Officer. GoOOing J ........................................ Town Clerk ~ J»ublic :establishment. Custom House. Bnrwood IJ enry .............................. Collector C.andler B. S .............................. Comptroller Os born Geo .......... Chief Officer of Coast Guard Coaches. Norwich, Eclipse, Mon. Wed. & Sat. :! p. 6 morn., Sat. ! p. 5; returns same day. Carriers. Foyster's V an to Norwich Tues. & Fri.; returns Wed.~.. & Sat. Martin's Waggon lo Yarmouth Wed. & Sat. ; returns Thurs. & Mon. To Saxmundham Fri. ; returns same day. On Tues. to Halesworth; t·eturns same days. Newson's Cart to Yarmouth on Mon. & Thurs.; returns Tues. & Fri. To Halesworth Wed. & Sat. ; returns same days. Bedingfield's Cart to Halesworth Wed. & Sat.; returns same day. Classification of Trades. Appraisers, ~c. Palmcr Benjamin Palmer Peter Baker. Oldring S. Basket ilfaker.-Money \Yilliam Beer Retailers. Calver Thomas Carter B. H. Reeve Isaac Robson J. Rous William Bellhanger .-Backhouse N. Bookseller. Debney Robert .T. Boot ~ Slwemake1·s. Beales John Balls Samuel Burgess John Feltham J. Lincoln J ames Peck N athaniel Smith R. Wells Francis Blacksmiths. Blowers J. Downing William Brewers. Crips William Lloyd .;. Robson J. Builders, ~c.-Boniwell R. R. Boyce & Fulcher Sa~vyer John Sutton William Butchers. Everrett Charles A. Oldring J ames Palmer Elizabeth Cabinet Maker. Sawyer Charles Carrier.-Foyster J oseph Chemists, ~c.-Arthy Joseph Grayston Benjamin China Dealer. Field Micbael Coal Dealer.-Do,ming G. Coal Merchants. Crips William Goldsmith E. Confectio'ders 9" Bakers .. -Allger William Beales Sarah Sones J. Strange Samuel Cooper ~ Turner. Crisp B. Corn Merchant. Crips William Draper~ Stationer.-Everrett J. H. Fishmonger. Stern Daniel Fruiterers. Greenerd M. · Naunton Charles Game Dealer. Peirson Robert Greengrocer.·-·Haylock Robert Grocers 9' Drapers.·-Abbott William Bryant Phrebe Bardwell Mary Burcham J. Debney Robert J. Gayfer Henry 85
SUFFOLK. STONHAM-STOW MARI{E'r. ================================================================ SouTHWOLD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Goldsmith John Greenerd M. Smith Henry Gun Maker. Backhouse N. Hair Cutter.--Mayhew George Horse Dealer. W elton J. Irmifounder.-Child Edmund Jeweller.--Storkey M. Lapidaries.--Burwood Benjamin Storkey M. Library. Bard well Sarah Maltster. Crips William .Marble ~Stone Mason.--Allen Robert Meal ~ Flour Dealer.--Sampson C. .Milliner :S" Dress Maker.---Cooper Ann News Agent.--Abbott William Plumbers, ~c.--Boyce J ames Rounce Thomas Printer.--Bye John Rope~ Twine Makers.--Goodwin J. Oldring H. Solicitor.---Gooding J. Stationer --Grayston Benjamin Sadler, ~c.--Hanken Henry School, Gents.--Haylett R. School, Ladies. Hotson Jane ~·hip Bread Baker.--Chapman Richard Straw Bonnet Maker.--Rodgers Jnne Surgeons.---Bird Edward Sutherland John Wake Robert Tailors.--Balls G. T. Balls 'f. G. N ewson Richard Siggers Richard Tallow Chandler.--Abbott William Taverns, Inns,~ Public Houses:- Bear Inn, Haws Adam Crown Hotel, Coml. Inn ~ Pstng. House, Joiners Arms, Button J. [Garrod Henry Kings Head Inn, Crawford J. Lord Nelson, Pennv Thomas Pilot Boat, Palmer Sarah Red Lion, Martin J ames Swan Hole!, Bokenham Thomas .1urner.--Fish J. Veterinary Surgeon.--Haylock J. Wine 4· Spirit Merchant. Bokenham Thomas STONHAM. THERE are three villages of this name contiguous to ea~h other, and situated about midway between Stow Market and Debenham: the largest, Earl Stonllam, is 2! miles N. by E. from Needham Market, 4 miles E. from Stow Market, and 11 miles N. from Ipswich; it contained in 1831, 757 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3,5721. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the living is a rectory, value 5151. per annum, in the patronage of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. Here J an endowed free school. Stonham Aspall, 2 miles E. from the above, contains 612 inhabitants, and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3,229[. The church is dedicated to St. Lambert, and the living is a rectory, value 504l. per annum, in the patronage of Sir Wm. Middleton, Bart. Little Stonham, or J emegan's Stonham, one mile N.E. from Earl Stonham, contains 329 inhabitants, and the annual nlue of asse1sed property in 1815 was 1 ,:>64l. The church is dedicated to tM Virgin Mary, and the living is a rectory, value 360l. per ann. Qr• u.) The principal inn in the neighbourhood, Stonhatn Pie, is 011e of the oldest posting houses in the county. There are some large malt houses, and an extensive ale and porter brewery, helonging to Mr. Cuthbert. Crowfield Hall, the seat of Sir William F. Middleton, Bart., and Hilmingham Hall, the seat of the Countess of Dysart, are in the vicinity. · Name, :aesidence, and Profession. Ager J onathan ........................ Grocer & Draper Bend all Thomas .............................. Blacksmith Berdoe Wilkinson, Esq ...... Wine Merchant; Agrnt to Anti-DI'y-Rot Company Buck Robert ...••.••••..•.•........••.•...•.• Angel Inn Buxton H •......•.•••...•....•...••...• Bricklayer, &. c. Clark .Tesse ............ Agricultural Machine Maker Cook John •.....•.•.•••.••..••••.•.••..•..••..••.••• ~filler Crowe Thus .•..•..•.•..••..••....•..•.. Grocer & Draper Cnthbert J. H ...................... Brewer & Maltster Duningl1am Richard .•••••...•..•.••.•••...•••••• ~ Miller Frost Edward ••..•.•••...... : •.••.••.•..•..••• Shoemaker Gall J a1nes • ; ......................... Grocer & Draper Goading John ............ Linen Draper & Tea Dealer Gustling Wm ...................... Miller & Merchaut Gurr Jas ...... Stonham Pie Comm. & Posting Hou~ Marriott Wm .......................... Grocer & Drapl'r Nelson Horatio ............ Rector of Stonham Parva N unn Cornelins ••.•••...•..••..•.•.•••.••• Cattle Dea]er Ofi'ord Robert ..••••••.•••••••••••.•••.••••.••• Blat~kstnith Pepper John .............................. Ten Bells I nil Ph ear John .... .... .. .... .. .. Rector of Earl Stonham Shorting Charles • .... .. .. Rector of Stonham Aspall Sirnpson Henry ............ Butcher & Cattle Dealer Tayler Henry ........................... Corn Merchant Ta)7 1or \V m. • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • . .• • • • • •• • • • . • • • . Blacksmith Thurlo,,· Henry • • •• • . . • . • . •• • •• ••• ••. ••. . ••••••• Build et· 'I'bursto11 Geo .•.•••••.••••••.•••...••••••••••••••• Grocer Tydaman J es~e •....••.•.••......•.•....••... Carpentrr Warren Charles ......... Coachmaker & Wheelwright Post Office. Bevan J ames •.•••......••••••.•..••.•..•..•.. Postmaster Letters received 6 morn. i dispatched 9 even. One delivery each day, 7 morn. Posting House. Stonham Pie •.•..••.••..•••..••..•••••••••••• James Gurr Coaches. London, Norwich Mail '& .Star Coach call at the Stonlwm Pie, daily. STOW MABK.ET. A MA!lKET town on the banks of the river Orwell, 69~ miles fi·om London, through Chelmsford, Braintree, and Sudbury, 12 miles N. by W. from Ipswich, and 3! miles N. W. from N eedham Market; contained in 1831, 2672 inhabitants. The annua] value of assessed property in 1815 was 6043l. It stands nearly in the centre of the county, and consists priu,- cipally of one street, disposed on the sides of the road from Bury to Ipswich. Being well situated for the barley trade, the market on Thursday is much frequented by farmers from a considerable distanee; much business is also done in malting. Fairs are held on June 29 and August 1, for horses, cattle, sheep, lambs, and hops, which are grown in tl1e environs of the town ; and in September is a cheese fair. There is a manufacture of sacking, cordage, &c. The petty sessions, a manorial court, and also the principal county meetings, are held here. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and St. Peter, is a beautiful structure, with a tower surmounted by a steeple 120 feet in height. Th~ living is a vicar- •
SrfOW MARKE'r. SUFFOLK. age, with Stow Upland, value 28ll. per ann. Here are several schools and other charitable institutions. About a mile westward, situated on an emiuence, is the house of industry for the hundred of Stow. Stow Market parish is in Stow Union. The village of Stow Upland, containing 826 inhabitants, and having in 1815 assessed property to the amount of 3, 7751. per annum, adjoins Stow Market. Thorney Hall, Fimborough Hall, Haughley Park, Haughley Place, Wetherden Hall, and Gipping Hall, are seats in the neigh hour hood. Name, :Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TaADEs, p. 88. Ab bott F. A. Ipswich st ........................ B'1tcher A bbott J onathan, Bw·y st • . . • .. . • . . .. • . . . . . . .. Broker Ablet Wm. .. . • ... • •• • •• ... • . • . • Master of Work house Ablet Mrs ...................... .Matron of Workhouse A dams Robert, Ipswich st ............... Watchmaker Aldred Mrs. Crow st ..................... Dress Maker Aldl'ich Robert, Ipswich st ....... ........ Royal Oak Aid ridge John, Stow Upland st.. .. ••• .. Confectioner Andrews James, Tavern st ............ Bricklayer, &c. Andrews Joseph, ditto ......... Oatmeal Manufacturer Archer E. Bury st •........••.•...•.•.•.....•... Solicitv r Ayliff Hichard, Yiolet hill ... Baker & Beer Retailer Bailey Wm. Bury st .................. Cabinet Maker Barnard Ed. Stow Upland st ..................... Baker Barnard Henry, Churchyd ........................ Dyer Barnard N. Bury st ...... Nurseryman & Seedsman Beard Isaac, Market pl ........................ Butcher Bedingfield James, Bury st ................ ,. Surgeon Bethell John Ward, Ipswicl} st •.. Saddler & Harness Maker Bethel John Wm. Bury st ... Saddler & Harness Mkr. Bewley Uunter, Crow st ............ Tailor & Draper Bewley Thus. Ipswich st ............... Beer Retailer Bewley Thos. Crow st ... hon & Brass Founder, and Machine Manufacturer Bird Mrs. Bury st •. .. .•. .•••••.••..••••.••..•.. Glover BloomfiPld Hamwl1, ditto ..... : ............ Shopkeeper Bloomfield Thus. ditto ...... Baker & Corn Chandler lkyan J ames 13edingfield, ditto .................. M. D. Byles J. & Co. ...... Corn, Coal, & Seed Merchants Cl ark J ames, Bury st ...... Beer Retailer & Brazier CJi.rke E. ditto • .... .• .. .. ... . .. •• • ... • .. • Coach Maker Cob bold John, Stow Upland ltamlet ... Corn, Coal, & Seed Wharf Codd Geo. Stow Upland st .................. Barge Inn Codd N. T. Ipswich st ... King's Head Commercial & Posting House, and Excise Office Codd Wm. ditto .................. Boot & Shoemaker Cole Thos. Crow st • ...... ..... Auctioneer & Broker Collins Wm. Tavern st ... '"""" ........ Basket Maker Colson Chas. & Wilding ........................ Farriers Colson Wm. Stow Upland st •........... Beer Hetailer Cowell & Son, Stow Upland hamlet ... Corn, Coal & . Seed Wharf Cornell Wm. Geo ...... Corn, Coal, & Seed Merchant Crabb Habakkuk, Ipswich st ... Sack & Hemp Manfr. Crack well Saml. ditto • .... ... .. ...... ••• • • Ironmonger Creasy John, Bury st •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tailor Cross Henry1 Ipswich st .................. Kings Arms Cuthbert Lewis, Bury st ..... ...... .... Beer Retailer Cuthbert Thos. ditto ......... Butcher & Cattle Dealer Cuttincr J. B. Market pl ...... Chemist & Druggist; 0 Agent to the Atlas Fire & Life Insurance Dermis Elisha, Bury st ... -. ..... Carpt.:nter & Builder Diaper Geo. Tavern st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Downing H. S. Crow st ........................ Broker Downing H. S. 1\lar!cet pl ............... Toy Dealer Downing J ames, ditto ..................... Hair Dresser Drake Chas. Ipsu.:ic!t st ..................... Pawnbroker East of England Bank, Market pl. Draw on London & Westminster Bank Farrow Wm. Bury st ...................... Beer Retailer Felgate John, ditto ... Nursery, Seedsman, & Florist Felgate Wm. ditto ........................... Shopkeeper Feltham Wm. Tavern st .................. Watchmaker Fenton Harriet, IpS'wich st ......... Straw Hat Maker Fenton Miss, ditto ............... Stay & Corset Maker Fison - •• • • ••• • • . . • . • • . . . • • •. . • • • • Miller & Mercl1an t Francis Harriet, Churchyd ........................ Dyer Francis Jas. Buryst .................. Umbrella Maker Francis John, ditto ..................... Hatter& Dyer Freeman Miss, Ipswich st ... Milliner & Dress Maker Freeman Spencer, Market pl ••. Surgeon, & Registrar of Births & Deaths for Stow Market District Frewer John, Market pl ................ uo ..... Sadler Garrod John, Ipswich st ........................... Tailor GarrCid Mrs. Bury st ..................... Dress Maker Girdlestone James, Crow st ..................... Tailor Girliug S. Dane Crcifl nursery ... Fiorist & Nursrymn Green Jacob, Market pl ••• Agent to Alliance Fire & Life Insurance Greengrass George, Bury st ... Baker & Confectioner Gross J.Market pl ... Agent to Suffolk Fire Insurance Gross Thotnas, ditto ........................ Ironmonger Gudgeon J ames, Bury st ..................... Solicitor Gyford Samuel, ditto ............ Boot & Shoemaker Hagger John, Ipswich st .................. Dukes Head Halls , ditto ..................... Plumber & Glazier Hart J. G. Marlcet pl •.• Agent to Guardian Fire & Life Insurance, & Postmaster Hayward George, Bury st ..................... Butcher Hewitt William, Tavem st ............ Coach Builder Hollingsworth Rev. Arthur, Ipswich st ......... Vicar Hudgell Jonathan, Market pl ............ Greyhound Hunt John, Bury st ..................... Fox & Hounds lsaacs J ames, Ipswich st ••• Gents Boarding School Kealey Samuel, Bury st .................. Fishmonger Keen Richard, Market pl ... Agent to County Fire : & Provident Life; Grocer, Draper & Tailor Langham C. Bury st ... Clothes Dealer & Hair Dresser Langham S. ditto ...... Beer Retailer & Hair Dres.ser Langham W. H. Stow Upland st ............... Tailor Laukester J. A. Market pl, Grocer, Drpr & Wine Mch Laurence J. H. Butter market .................. Currier Leathers John, Ipswich st ............ Corn Chandler Lingley lsaac, Bury st ..................... Tea Dealer Lock wood John, Ipswich st .................. Fox Inn Lyas William, Ipswich st ............... Carpenter, &c. Lyus George, Tavf}rn st ........................ Solicitor M ann John. Ipswich st ... Hair Dresser & Stationer Marriottt John, Market pl ..................... Attorney Mills William, Stow Upland st ............ White Lion Mothersole Henry, Bury st ............... Whitesmith Oakes, Bevan, Moor & Hevan, Market pl ... Bankers Offord J ames, Ipswich st ............ Working Cutler Oratns , Crow st ......................... Shoemaker Orams Edward, Ipswiclt st ... Ironmonger & Brazier Orams Thomas, ditto .................. Corn Chandler Orams Thomas, ditto ........................ Whitesmith Palm er Robert, Stow Upland st •.. Boot & Shoemaker Parmenter Isaac, Butter market ......... Hair Dresser Parsons John, Ipswich st ......... Plumber & Glazier Paul Miss, Bury st .................. Boarding School Payne James, Butter marlcet .... Auctioneer & Apprsr Peck Miss, Ipswich st ...... Day and Boarding School Pollard Edmond, ditto ............ Boot & Shoemaker Prentice T. & Co. StowUplandst ... Corn, Coal & Seed Merchants Prentice& Hewitt, ditto, Timbr, Iron & Slate Mrchts Pnrr John, B'UTg st •....•••....••••••..••••••.••. Farrier Quilter J ames, Stow Upland st ......... Queens Head Race J ames, ditto ........................... Shoemaker . . . 87
SUFFOLK. STOW MARKE'I'. Raffe Henry, 1'avern st ........................... Tailor Fire & :Life Assurance Agents. Raffe Jam es, Bury st •.•.••.•.•........•.. Boot Maker Alliance, Market pl ..................... Green Jacob Raffe .lames, Tavern st •.....•..... Boot & Shoemaker Raffe John, Stowupland st •• ••••••••• ,, .•••• Shopkeeper Atlas, ditto ..........••••.•..••....•..•...•. Cutting J. 13. County Fire & Provident Life, ditto ... Keen Ri1:hard Raffe J oseph, Bury st ..................... Net Maker Guardian, ditto • . . . . •. . •. . .• • •. . . • . • • ••• . . . . . Hart J. G. Itaffe William, Ipswich st ........................ Glover Raffe William, ditto •....•........................ Baker Ransom William, Tavern st ••....•...•.•.•... Solicitor Read John P. Ipswich st .........•••.•. Cabinet Maker Reddish Edward, Market pl .•••.....•..... Shoemaker Red nail Ephraim, Ipswiclt st ... Carpenter & Builder Reeve John, Market pl ......... Earthenware Dealer Revett Daniel, Bury st ......... Carpenter & Builder Robimon Ann, Stowupland st ............ The Pickerill Rout Frederick, Bury st .................. Gun 1\Iaker Rout J ames, Market pl ............ Plumber & Glazier RunE:kles Robert, Bury st .................. Shoemaker H ust Thomas, ditto ................................. Tailor Scrivener Philip, ]Jfarket pl... Watch & Clock Maker Sheldrake T. lpswick st ... Grocet· & Draper; & Agnt to Ph re nix Fire Insurance Sheldrake T. & Co. ditto ... Agents to Norwich Union Fir~ & Life ; Grocers, Hop & Provision Mrchnts Simpson E. Ipswiclt .~t ...... Stone & Marble Ma~on Simpson Susan, ditto ...................... Shopkeeper Simpson Thomas ............... Chemist & Druggist Simpson Thomas, Bury st ... Agent to Sun Fire & Life Insurance Smith , Stowupland st .................. White House Smith Ellzabeth, ditto ........................... Butcher Smith Mary Ann, Bury st ......... Straw Hat Maker Smith RoLert, Crow st ... .................. White Hart Smith William, Ipswich st •................. Blacksmith Smith William, Bury st .................. Tyre lis Arms Smyth Frands, Tm,ern st .................. Whitesmith Squirrell John, ditto .............................. Tailor Squirrell Robert, /)utter market ......... Upholsterer Stevens & Co. Stowupland st ... Common Brewers & Wine & Spirit Merchants Ste\·ens William, ditto ......... Basket & Sieve Maker Stevenson James, Market pl ............ Confectioner Thing Thomas, St owupland st ......... Yeast Dealer Thorns Robert, Butter market ... Rose Comml. Inn Trick er Robert, Ipswich st ........................ Baker Tricker William, Bury st ........................ Cooper Tydeman George, Stow upland st ...... Schoolmaster 'Vard Samuel, Butter market .................. Surgeon Ward W. E. Stowupland st ......... Grocer & Draper Webb Miss, Ipswich st ........................ Milliner W ebb Richard, Bury st ......... B~~klayer & Builder Wells John, ditto ................ .1~: ..... Beer Retailer \<Yhayman Owen, Ipswich st ... V etednary Surgeon Whitmore William, Tavern st ............ Linendraper Will bey Robert, Stowupland st ...... Basket Maker Williams James, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Williams Robert, ditto ........................... Grocer Wilson George, ditto ............... Plumber & Glazier Wood J ames, Bury st .................. Iron Foundry Woolby T. Ipswich st ••. Stationer, Booksellr & Prntr Wright Sam. 1'avern 1t ... Sadler & Harness Maker Youngman Thomas, Ipswich st ..• Greengrocer, &c. Post Office. I I art J. G ..•••••.•••..••.•..•.•...•...•.••.••. Posttna.ster Letters from all parts arrive 7 morn.; & are dispatched ! p. 6. Delh•ery 8 morn. Posting House. Kings Head, Ipswicl~ st ................. ; Codd N. T. , Bankers. East of England Bank, l'rlarket pl ... Draw on London & ·w estminsler Bank Oakes, Bevan, Moore, &. Bevan, Market pl 88 Norwich Union, Ipswiclt st ...... Sheldrake Thomas Phrenix Fire, ditto .................. Sheldrake Thomas Suffolk Fire, Market pl ............... Gross Thomas Sun, Bury st ........................... Simpson Thomas Public Establishments. Excise Office, Ipswich st ............ Kings Head Inn Stow Market Workhouse Ab let William ••••.•..••...••.•..••••••••.••... Master Public School. National School, Church yard Coaches. Bury, Regulator, from Codd's Coach Office, daily, i p. 5 afternoon. Cambridge, from Codd's Coach Office, daily, 4 aft. Ipswich, Regulator, from Codd's Coaclt Office, daily, 11 morn. Ipswich, from Codd's Coach Office, daily, ~ p. 11 morn. London, Shannon, from Fox ~ Hounds, daily, ~ p. 7 morn. through Needham Market, Colchester, &c. Carriers. Bacton (Raker William), from the Fox ~'Hounds, every Tues. & Fri. afternoon. Bad well Ash, through Wivastone (Page), every Mon. Thurs. & Sat. Bottesdale (Barham, from Ipswich), caHs at Tyrells .Arms, Bury st, every Wed. morn. at 9. Bury St Edmunds, a waggon from Dukes Head, daily, 9 morn. Bury St Edmunds (Mail cart, from Ipswich), sh,ps at Queens Head, ~ p. 6 even.; from Bury to Ipswich 7 morn. Cockfield (Osborn, from Ipswich), calls :at White Horse, every Tues. & Fri. afternoon. Haugbley (John Firman), from Queens Head, Mon. Thurs. & Sat. Ipswich (Robert Baker, from Bottesdale), calls at Tyrells .Arms, every Tues. morn. Ipswich, a waggon from Dukes Head, daily, 9 moflll. Ipswich (George Firman), from Queens Head, every Thurs. morn. Ipswich (Wm. Baker), from the Greyhound, every Mon. Tues. Fri. & Sat. morn. Ipswich (Os born, from Cockfield), calls at JV!tite Horse, every Mon. & Thurs. mom. Ipswich (Geo. Firman, from Walsham), calls at the Queens Head, every Thurs. morn. Ipswich (Edmond Garrod), every Mon. & Thurs. London (Broom), fi'Om his own house, Cats la, goes through Bildesdon, Hadleigh, Needham Market, 1 pswich, Colchester, &c. Thetford (John Read, from Ipswich), calls at King, .Arms, every Sat. Moro. Walsham (Geo, F'irman), from Queens Head, every Fri. morn. Wivastone, a carrier from the Fox ~ Hounds, everj Tues. & Fri. afternoon. Classification of Trades. Auctioners ~· Brokers.-Cole Thos. Crow st Payne .J ames, Butter market Balcers.·---Ayiiff Richard, Violet hill Barnard Edward, Stowupland st Bloomfield Thos. Dury st Greengrass George, Bury st Raffc William, Ipswich st Tricker Robcrt, Ipswich st
STOW MARI(ET. SUFFOLK. ===============================-================================ STow MARKET CLASSIFICATION, continued. Basket Malcers.--Collins William, Tavern st Stevens William, Stowupland st Willbey Robert, Stowupland st Beer Retailers --Ayliff Richard, Violet hill Bewley Thomas, Ipswich st Cl ark J ames, Bury st Colson William, Stowupland st Cuthbert Lewis, Bury st Farrow William, Bury st Langham Samuel, Bury st Wells John, Bury st Williams J ames, Stowupland st Blacksmith.--Smith William, Ipswich st Boot g· Shoemakers.--Codd William, Ipswich st Diaper George, Tavem st Gyford Samuel, Bury st Orams , Crow st Palmer Robert, Stowupland st }>ollard Edmond, Ipswich st Race J ame,;;, Stowupland st Raffe J ames, Bury st Raffe J ames, Tavern st Reddish Ed ward, M ark et pl Runekles Robert, Bury st Brazier .---Clark J ames, Bury st Brewers.--Ste\·ens & Co. Stow upland st Bricklayers.--Andrews J oseph, Tavern st W ebb Richard, Bury st Brokers.---Abbott Jonathan, Bury st Downing H. S. Crow st Builder.---W ebb Richard. Bury st Butchers.--Abbott F. A. Ipswich st Beard lsaac, Market pl Cuthbert Thomas, Bury st Hayward George, Bury st Smith Elizabeth, Stowupland st Cabinet Jlfakers.--Bailey William, Bury st King ·w illiam, Ipswich st Head John Parish, Ipswich st Carpent(frs <S- Builders.---Bloomfield Wm. Bury st Dennis Eti~ha, Bury st Lyas William, Ipswich st Rednall Ephraim, Ipswich st Re\'ett Daniel, Bury st Cattle Dealer.--Cuthbert Thomas, Bury st Chemists ~ Druggists.--Cutting .T. B. Market pl Simpson Thomas Clothes Dealer8.~~Langham Charles, Bury st Coach Makers.---Clarke Edward, Bury st ~ Hewitt William, Tavern st Coal Merclwmts.--Byles J. & Co. Cob bold John, Stowupland hamlet Comell & Son, Stowuplaud st Cornell W. G. Prentice Thos. & Co. Stowupland hamlet Confectioners.---Aidridgc J olm, Stowupland st Steveuson J ames, Market pl Cooper.--Tricker William, Bury st Corn Clwndlers.--Bloomfield ---, Bury st . Leathers John, Ipswich st Orams Thomas, Ipswich st Corn ~Seed Merchants.--Bylos J. & Co. Cobbold John, Stowupland hamlet C0well & Son, Stowupland hamlet Cornell William George Prentice Thomas & Co. Stowupland hamlet Currier.--Lawrence J. H. Butter market Cutler.--Offord J ames, Ipswich st Dyer.~.-Bamard Henry, Cburchyard Francis Harriet, Churchyard .Francis J. Burv st • Earthenwm·e Dcaler.---Rre\'e John, i\Iarket pl Suffolk.] N ·- STow MARKET CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Fishmonger.---Kealey Samuel, Bury st Florist~ Nurseryman.-Girling S. DaneCroft nursery Glovers.--·Bil d Mrs. Bury st Raffe William, Ipswich st Greengrocer.---Y onngman Thomas, Ipswich st Grocers~ Drapers.---K.een Richard, Market pl Lankester J oseph A. Market pl Sheldrake Thomas, Ipswich st Sheldrake T. & Co. Ipswich st Ward W. E. Stowupland st Williams Robert, Stowupland st Gun Maker.--Rout Frederick, Bury st Hair D1·essers.--Downing James, Market pl Langham Charles, Bury st Langham Samuel, Bury st Mann John, Ipswich st Parmenter Isaac, Butter market Hatter.-Francis Joshua, Bury st Hemp Manujacturer.---C1·abb Habakkuk Hop Merchant.--Sheldrake T. & Co. Ipswich st Iron Founders.--Bewley Thom11s, Crow st Wood J ames, Bury st Iron Merchants.--Prentice & Hewitt, Stowupland st Ironmongers.---Cracknell Samuel, Ipswich st Gross Thomas, Market pl Orams Edward, Ipswich st Linen Drapers. Whitmore William, Tavern st Machine Manufacturer. Bewley Thomas, Crow st M iller,.. ~c.--- Fison - Milliners ~ Dress Makers. Aldred Mrs. Crow st :Freeman Miss, Ipswich st Garrod Mrs. Bury st Webb Miss, Ipswich st Net Maker.---Raffe Joseph, Bury st Nursery~ Seedsmen.--Barnard N. Bury st Felgate John, Bury st OalmealManufacturer. Andrews Jos. Tavern st Pawnbrolcet·.---Drake Charles, Ipswich st Physician.--Bryan James Bedingfield, Bury st Plumbers ~ Glaziers,--Halls ---, Ipswich st Pearsons J obn, Ipswich st Rout J ames, Market pl Wilson George, Stowupland st Provision Merchant.--Sbeldrake Thomas & Co. Ipswich st Sack Malcer.-Crabb H. Ipswich sl Sadlers ~ Harnes~t JYfakers. Bethell John Ward, Bethell John Wm. Bury st [Ipswich st Frewer John, Market pl Wright Samuel, Ta\'ern st Schools, Gents.---Isaacs James, Ipswich st Tydeman George, Stowupland st Schools, Ladies. Paul Miss, Bury st Peck Mi!!s, Ipswich st Shoeing Smit!ts.--Colson & Wilding, Stowupland st Purr John, Bury st Slwpkeepers.--Bloomfield Hannah, Bury st Felgate William, Bury st Raffe John, Stowupland st Simpson Susan~ Ipswich st Slate Mrchnts.--Prentice & Hewitt, Stowup1and st Solicitors.--Archer E. Bury st Gudgeon J ames, Bury st Lyus George, Tavern st Marriott John, Market pl Ransom William, Tavern st Stationer.,~ Booksellers.--Mann John, Ipswich st Woolby Thomas B Ipswich et Staymaker.-Fenton Miss, Ipswich st Stone ~.Warble Mason.---Simpson Edm. Ipswich st Straw Hat Makers.--Fenton Harriett, Ips\dch st gmith Mary ;\ nn, Bury st 89
SUFFOLK. SUDBURY, &~~. ===============================· STow M ARK ET CLASSIFICATION, continued. Sw·,qeons.--Bedingfield J ames, Bury st Freeman Spencer, Market pl Ward Samuel, Butter market Tailors ~ Drapers.---Rewley Hunter, Crow st Creasy John, Bury st Garrod John, Ipswich st Girdlestone J ames, Crow st Keen Richard, Market pl Langham William Henry, Stowupland st Raffe Henry, Tavern st Rust Thomas, Bury st Squirrell John, Tavern st Taverns, Inns~ P1tblic Houses:·- Barge Inn, Codcl George, Stowupland st Dukes Head, H agger John, Ipswich llt Fox Inn, Lockwood John, Ipswich st Fox q Hounds, Hunt John, Bury st GreJJhound, Hudgell Jonathan, Market pl . KingsJArmN, Cross Henry, Ipswich st Kings Head Commerc. Inn~ Posting House, Codd N. T. Ipswich st Pickerill, Robinson Ann, Stowupland st Queens Head, Quilter J amett, Stowupland st Rme Com. Inn, Thorns Robt. Butter market Royal Oak, Aldrich Robert, Ipswich st Tyrells Arms, Smith William, Bury st White Hart, Smith Robert, Crow st White Horse, Smith • -, Stowupland st White Lion, Mills William, Stowupland st Tea Dealer.--Lingley Isaac, Bury st Timber Mrclmts.--Prentice & Hewitt, Stowupland st Toy Dealer. Downing Hen. Shuckforth, Market pl Umbrella Maker.--Francis James, Bury st Upholsterer.--Squirrell Robert, Butter market Yeterinary Surgeon.--Whayman Owen, Ipswich st Watchmaker.~, ~c. Adams Robert, Ipswich st Feltham William, Tavern st Scrivent>r Philip, Market pl Wine ~ Spirit Mrclmts.---Lankester J. A. Market pl Stevt>ns & Co. Stownpland st JVhitesmiths. Mothersole Henry, Bury st Orams Thomas, Ipswich st Smyth Francis, Tavern st Yeast Dealer.---Thing Thomas, Stowupland st S11DB11B.Y &. BALLINGDON. SuoBURY, a borough and marke:t town on the borders of Essex, 54~ miles from London, through Chelmsford and Braintree, and 16i miles flouth from Bury St. Edmunds; contained 4677 inhabitants in 1831: and the annual value of asses~ed property in 1815, was 3471l. It is situated on the rh·er Stour, which is navigable for barges to this place, and is crossed by a stone bridge. The market is on Saturday, and fairs are held on March 12th, July lOth, and December 12th, for earthenware, glass, and toys. Sudbury was one of the first towns inhabited by the Flemings, who were invited to this country by King Ed ward Ill. and by its extensive clothing manufacture became very opulent. This trade is now diverted into other channels, but there is still a manufactory of crape, says, &c., and an extensive one of silk. The town is governed by a mayor, recorder, seven aldermen including the mayor, a bailiff, town-clerk, twentyfour common-councilmen, and two sergeants at mace. It returns two members to Parliament, who are at present Sir Edward Barnes and Sir Jas. John Hamilton, Bart. Sudbury consists of three parishes:- All Saints, a vicarage value 119l. per annum; St. Gregory and St. Peter, both curacies, value 160/. per annum, in the patronage of Sir L. Maclean. The church of St. Gregory is large, and comprises a na\'e 90 with its north and south aisles, and a chancel, having an embattled tower at the west end. St. Anne's chapt>l on the south side, contains monumtmts of the Carter family. Against the westernmost pillar on the north side of the nave, is the very curious and ancient baptismal font, octangular in form, and having a cover of rich workmanship heightened by colour and gilding, and rising in arches and pinnacles to a canopy : the lower compartment cf the cover opens like the door of a closet when the ceremony is performed. Against the uorth wall in the aisle is a monument by Bacon, of the Re\'. John Newman, Rector of Little Corneath, who died in 1814. In the same aisle are ·monuments of the Warner family. Simon of Sudbury, a native of this town, and Archbishop of Canterbury in 1375, built the east end of the church ofSt.Gregory when he was Bishop of London; and where his father's house stood he founded and endowed a college of secular priests, part of which is still standing. He was barbarously beheaded upon Tower Hill during the rebellion of W at Tyler, and was buried in St. Gregory's dmrch, his head being preserved in a grated recess of the \'estry : the mom&- ment in Canterbury Cathedral is only a cenotaph. Here are an endo\ved grammar sc8ool, and se\·eral charitable instiLutions. Of the ancient priory of Benedictines, and convent of Black Friars, there are now no remains. Thomas Gainsborough, R. A. one of the founders of the English school of painting, was a native of this place. Sudbury gives its name to the Union in which it is situated. Chilton Park, Acton Hall, Acton Place, Melford Hall, KenhYell Hall, and Boxted Hall, are in the neighbourhood. BALLINGDON,on the opposite bank of the riverStour, in the county of Essex, and connected with Sudbury by the bridge, contained in 1831, 283 inha.bitauts; and the annual value of assessed property m 1815 was 1547/. Since the destruction of the ancient church, the inhabitants attend that of All Saints Sudbry. Name, :Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, p. 93. Ab bott J amt>s, Church st ............... Waggon Office AdamsW.C.King st ... Mltstr,Wine, Sprt & Hop Mcht Alexander & Co. Friar st ..................... Banker~ Ambrose J ames, North st ... Watch & Clock Maker Anderson, M urray & Bates, Sepulchre st ... Surgeons Anderson Robt. Friar st ........................ Surgeon Anderson Charles, King st ......... Plumber & Glazier Andrews G. W. Friar st ........................ Snlicitor Andrews Thomas, Gregor!J st.... .... .. . • • • ... • Tailor Angier J ames, Friar st. ... .... •• .. .. •• .... .... Surgeon Baker J ames, Sepulchre lit............... Shopkeeper Bacon John, Plough la .................. Beer Retailet' Baker W. King st ... Rose & Crown Commercial Inn & Posting Hou~e Baker W. ditto ..................... Veterinary Surgeon BaH J ames, Friar st ..•••..•....•..••.....••..••.• Angel Barker J oseph, Old Market place ... Grocer & Draper Barker Martha, Friar st..... ... .. . •• .... •• .. ... Grocl'r Barley J. Stour st ............... Livery Stable Keeprt· Bass W . .:Market hill ..................... Corn Chandler Bear J. ditto •.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••.•••••.•. . Buttht'r Beard J. Friar st.. .• • . . • •• . • . . . . . . • . . . . .. . • Ironmonger Berry S. North st..... .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . Fruiterer Baggis E. ditto ... Draper; Agent to Sun Fire Office Boulter J. Old Market place ..................... George Bowers E. Market hill ... Glass & China Warehouse. • Branch Bank, .:Friar st ...... King J. & H. D. Agents Brand .J. Church st .................. Timber Merchant Bridgman J. & Co. Old llfarket plact:...... Lint>n & Woollen Drapers
SUDBURY, &c. -.~====================~- SUFFOLK. Brook W. North st.... ••.•••••• ••. ..•••• •• Fishmonger Brown J. Friar st ... Agent for the Sun Fire & Life Insurance Office BrownS. Old Market place ..................... Butcher Brown S. North st ...................... " ....... Butcher Brown W. Church st............ Veterinary Surgeon Browning E. Frinr st ........................ Grocer &c. Buck G . .... lfarket kill .............................. Draper Bultner C. North st ........................ Hair Dresser Bulmer J. Church st..................... Hair Dresser Burrows J. North st............... Hatter & Clothier Burton J. Friar st •• , ............... Boot & Shoemaker Byford J. G1·egory st ............... Painter & Glazier Byford W. Stour st .................. Brewer & Maltster Cl ark G. North at.................................. Baker CJark J. P. Sehoalla •. ,. ........•.......... .., ...... Baker Clark J. North st ..................... White Horse Inn Clark .. r. Church walk., .......•.••................. Baker Collins J os. Cross st ......... no ............ Pork Butcher Collins Samuel, ditto ..................... Lath Render Collis Samuel, JUarket kill ..................... Butcher Cook Wm. North st .................. Grocer & Draper Cooper C. Sepulchre Bt..................... Shopkeeper Crane Alex. Church st. •• .. ... •• • . • • •• • . Coach Builder Cross Nicholas, Cross st .................. Beer Retailer Cross Wm .. ditto ............ " ....................... Baker Dansie M. Friar st .................. Straw Plat Maker Davis J. Old Market place ............... Hair Dresser Dawson G. King st ........................ Watchmaker Debenham W. Market llill ••• Watch & Clock Maker Dixey T. North st .................. , •• u, Wheelwright Double Johnson, North st ............... Golden Lion Dowman W. Friar st ••• Agent to the Royal Exchange Fire & Life Insurance, & Solicitor Duff & Alston, Sudbury Mills .................. Millers Edey C. Stour st.,.,.... .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rose Inn Edmonds J. Cross st ............... Silk Manufacturer Edwards J, Ma't'ket hill ........................... Grocer Ell is ton J. Friar at .• , ............................... Baker Elliott Thos. Church st ,......... ... •••• ••• ... • Carrier Ely Geo. Friar st ..... ,......... Chemist & Druggist Fawx Benj. ditto .................... Boot & Shoemaker Fisher W. & Eliza ...... Master & Mistress of Union French J. Church walk ..................... Boot Maker Frost A. Borehamgate st ......... Plumber & Glazier Frost A. sen. Friar st ........................ Postmaster Frost A. & Sons, ditto ...... Grocers & Ironmongers Frost J acob, Sepulchre st .................... , Butcher Fulcher G. W. Market hill ... ,Bookseller, Stationer, & Printer Ginn T. jun. Chilton ... Malt, Corn, & General Mrcht Ginn Thos. sen. Borehamgute st ............... Builder Goddard Jas. ditto ........ ,.................. Royal Oak Goldsmith Thos. Friar st ... Agent to the York Life & Fire Insurance Office Goldsmith T. ditto ... I.inen& Woollen Draper & Tailor Gooch Oliver, ditto ........................ Whitesmith Gooday John, North st ........................ Solicitor Goody Baker, difto ........... , ............ Beer Retailer Goody J osh. Cross st ........... , ....•. , .... , ,. -· ... Baker Goody Robt. North st ........ ~ .................. Baker Harcourt Henry, King st .................. Gun Maker Harding Hen. Old Market pl •.• Chemist & Druggist; ' Agt for Clerical & Medical & Gnrl Life Assur Office Hart John, North st .............................. Tailor Hasell Jas. Stour st ......... Day & Boarding School Head Jo<>h. Friar st ..................... Hop Merchant Herbert Jam. Nortlt 1t .............. "'f ..... Shopkeeper Hills Benj. Friar st ........................ Watchmaker Hindes Mrs. Church walk ............... Ladies School Hiscock & Peacock, North st .............. u •• Drapers Hitchcock Geo. Sepulchre st .................. Cooper Hitchcock John, North st ........................ Tailor Howlett Robt. Sepulch1·e st ............... Boot Maker Humphry W. W. Stour st ... Barrister & Distrlbutor of Stamps for the County Jocelyne S. Market hill ...... Appraiser & Auctioneer J ones Hen. North st ............................... Broker Jones H. T. Quay ...... ..... ,Corn & Coal Merchant J ones J acob, Cross st ........ .... . . •• .. .. • Shopkeeper Jones John, North st .................. Hardwareman J ones Mrs. Cross st .............................. Baker Jones & Son, Friar st ............ Plumbers & Glaziers Jones Wm. North st ........................ Carpenter King & Fenn, Quay .................. Coal Merchants King & Sons, King st ....................... ., .. Sadlers King & Smith, Friar st .................. Upholsterers King J. & W. D. ditto ... Afents toAlexander's Bank, & to Suffolk & Genera County Insurance Offices King Thos. North st .............................. Baker King Wm. Friar st ............... Draper & Clothier Large Jas. Market kill ... Artist, Bookseller, Printer, & Stationer Lawrence Edwd. Church wallc ...... The Compasses Lawrence G. W. North st ... Currier & Leather Cutter Learning John, Cro.~s st ...... Marble & Stone Mason Ling Wm. Friarst ............... Nunery & Seedsman Ling Wm. North st ........................ Shopkeeper Long Chas. Friar st ............ Boot & Shoe Maker Martin Jas. King st ............... Chemist & Druggist Maulden J. Friar st ... Pawnbroker & Gen. Salesman May W. 0. Market hill ...... Ironmonger & Brazier Mears Mrs. North st ............... Straw Hat Maker Mears Robt. ditto ...................... , ....... Butcher Mic hell Geo. King st ........................... Brewer Mills Robt. Market hill ............... Draper & Tailor Mills T. Borehamgate st ... Timber Mrcht & Builder l\fills T. ditto .................................... Bear Inn Mountain Robt. Old Mm·ket pl ......... Fishmonger M urrell Ambrose, Sepulchre st ...... Cabinet Maker Musgrave Thos. Stour st ...... Bunting Manufacturer Must Alice, Friar st .............. , ......... Anchor Inn Must Eliz. Market kill.. ................ Black Boy Inn Oakes, Bevan & Co. Market pl ............ Bankers Oliver & Sikes, King st •.• Wine, Spirit,& Hop Mrchts Overhall Isaac, Cross st .................. Fell monger Oxley J. R. Market !till ......... Chemist &. Druggist Parsson John, Gregory st ........................ Tailor Parsson M. R. Sepulchre st ..... ~··· Christopher Inn Pemberton J. ditto ..................... Draper & Tailor Pettitt Wm. Cross st ..................... Kings Arms Pleasants Jas. Market pl ...... Swan Commercial Inn Ponder Hen. Curd la ......... Worsted Manufacturer Purr John, Sepulchre st .................. Ironmonger Rand Rig by, Church st ......... Plumber & Glazier Ransom & Teffen, Friar .st ..................... Solicitors Ransom Robt. ditto ...... Agent to Atlas Insurance Co Ray & Hibble, Quay ............. : .... coal Merchants Ray J. Market !till ........................ China Dealer Raynham John, Burgots la ............ Beer Retailer Read Mrs. Friar st ........................ Stay Maker Ready Edwd. North st ............... Harness Maker Ready Geo. Market pl ............... Tailor & Clothier Ready P. Friar st ...... , .......... , ...... Dress Maker Rolfe Wm. Market pl , .......................... Draper Rudd E. North st •................................ Cooper Sax by Jas. Cross st .................. Dyer & Scourer Scott Jas. Hen. Gregory st ......... Grocer & Draper Seagrave Jas. Cross st .. ...... ... .. • .. .. Hair Dresser Shelley Jas. Wigan end • ................ •• ... .. Farrier Shelley P. Gregory st ........................... Farrier Shelley Robt. Chequer la ........................ Farrier Siggers A. J. Cross .st ........ ~ .. Boot & Shoemaker Siggers Geo. Friar st .................. Coffeehouie Inn Siggs Wm. Cross st •.•. , ........•...........•.. .. Butcl1er Sillitoe Ambrose, North at •• ; ............... The Horn 91
SUFFOLK. SUDBURY, &c. Sillitoe Frances, Friar st ........................ Baker Sillitoe J. Croft ••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••. Bootmaker Sillitoe Jas. Friar st ••••••••••••••• Carpenter & Joiner Simkin S. North st ••• Hardwareman & Haberda11her Simkin Wm. Market hill .................. Toy Dealer Smith John, Sepulchre st ............ Draper & Tailor Smith Robt. ditto ........................ Clothes Dealer Smith W. B. King st ... Surgeon, & Magistrate for the Borough Sparks Mary, Friar st ........................ Milliner Sparks Wm. Cross st ........................ Bootmaker Spooner W1n. Friar st ..••.......•..••...••..••.. Draper Spurgin Step hen, Church st .................. Bull Inn Spur gin Step hen, ditto ............ Cement Ware house Stedman E. Borehamgate st •.. Solicitor & Town Clerk Stedman E. & R. F. ditto ... Solicitors, & Clerks to Magistrates; Agents to Law Life Assurance Co. Steed H. T. Market hill ••• Agent to Provident Fire & Life Insurance Company Steed H. T. ditto ........................... Bootmaker Stow Sa m. Church st •................. , ..... Shopkeeper Strutt J. G1·egory st •.•••••••••••••••••••••.••••.• Baker Strutt Geo. Wig an end ........................... Baker Strutt Wm. North st ........................ Shoemaker Syer, Fenn, & Welham, J(ing st ... Grocers & SubDistributors of Stamps ; Agents toGlobe Insurance Taylor Josh. Church st ............ Plumber & Glazier Thorn John, Sepulchre st ... Day & Boarding School Tonrner Mons .... Professor of the French Language Turkentine Sam. Cross st ........................ :Farrier Walpole Wm. Church walk ............... Shopkeeper Walsh Fras .......... ····r.• ......................... Solicitor Ward Thos. Sepulchre st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Warwick John, King st ............ Timber Merchant Webb Wm. Cross st ........................... Bricklayer W ebster Geo. ditto •.••.....•..•••..••••..••.••.•••• Baker Wells Thos. Market hill .................. Confectioner Westrop H. W. North st ........................ Grocer 'Vharlow G. Ch1"·ch st ........................... Carrier Wilkinson Rev. , Friar st ...... Perpetual Curate Wilmshurst Thos. North st ..................... Grocer Woods Jas. Gregory st ..................... Shopkeeper Woolby Wm. Friar st ... Tailor & Shoe Warehouse W orts Bannister, Sepulchre st ............... Tin man Wright E. Mrkt pl..Groret; Agt to Provident Institn W right Jas. M ark et pl .................. China Dealer Post Office. Frost A. sen. Friar st ........................ Postmaster Letters delivered at 8 morn., & dispatched at 8 even, except Bury, and those at ~ p. 6. Corporation. MAYOR.-·-Robert Ransom, E~q. ALDERMEN. Alexander Duff Thomas Fox George Wm. Andrews John Purr RECORDER. Ja\nes Manning, Esq, Temple. COUNCILLORS. Smith, William Bestoe Hebble, Thomas Spooner, William Peacock, Andrew Ginn, Thomas Ransom, Robert Harding, Charles Barker, J oseph J ames, John Gooday, John Frans. Sikes Hill, William Syer, Abrnham Stevens TOWN CLERK-Edmund Stedman, Esq. AUDITORS. J oseph Garnl1am Bcnjamin Pl'att ASSESSORS. William Dowman Henry Thomae J ones 92 LAW OFf'ICERS. William Dowman ...... Clerk of tile Peace & CoronE.'r William Warner ••.....•.••.•...•••.•••.•..•.. Treasurer John Colson ..................... Gaoler & Hall Keeper John Mays ••.••.•.••.•••.••••..•• • } •r s · t Th (, d own erJean s omas :roo y ......•.••........... William Mear~ ... Ranger & Conservator of the.Rivl'r William Brock •..•........•........•..•.••.• To\vn Crier • The Mayor, Messrs. Wm. B. Smith, Wm. Spooner, .Joseph Watch Committee Baker, J olm Francis Sikes Gooday, and Thomas Fox ... Posting House. • Rose & Crown, King st ............... William Baker Bankers. Alexander & Co. Priar st J. & "\V. D. King •..•...••.••.....•••.•••••.... Agent.3 Oakes, Bevan & Co. M ark et pt Fire and Life .Assurance Agents. Atlas Insurance Co. Friar st ......... Ransom Rohert Clerical, Medical & General Assurance Office, Old J."\fm·lcet pl ... Hardin~ Henry Globe, King st .................. Syer1 Fenn & Welham Law Life, Horehnmgate st ...... Stedman'E. & R. F. National Provident, Market pl ...... Wright Edward Pro\'ident, Market hill ............... Steed Henry 'f. Royal Exchange, Friar st ......... Dowman William Suffolk & General County, Friar st ... KingJ. &W.D. Sun, Friar st ......................... , ..... Brown James Sun, North st ........................... Bogges Edmond York, Friar .~t ..................... Goldsmith Thomas Law &. Public Officers. S tedmanE.& R. F .B oreltamgate st, Clerk to Magi3trates Stedman Edmnd, Borehamgate st ...... Town Clerk Stamp Office, Stour st. Humphry W. W ....... Distributor for the County Syer, Fenn & Welham, King st ••• Sub-Distributors Coaches. Bury, from the Rose ~ Crown, 4 aft. daily, London, from the Rose ~ Crown, daily, 10 morn.; & returns at 7 even. London, Bury Coach, from the Rose ~ Crown, daily, l p. 1 1 morJt. ; and returns 4 aft. London, Times, from the Rose ~ Crown, Mon. Wed. & f'ri. ! p. 1 aft. ; & returns Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at i p. 12 noon. London, Phenomenon, from Swan Inn, daily, l p. 1. Norwich, Phenomena, from Swan Inn, daily, t p. I. Carriers. Bury, Syke's Waggon, from Steelyard, daily. Bury, Elliott's Cart, from Steelyard, Wed. & Sat.; & returns the same day. Bury, Rugles's Van, Tues. Wed. & Sat.; & returns Wed. & Sat. Colchester, Campion's Cart, from Blaclc Boy, Tues. Thurs. & Sat.; returns Mon. Wed. & Fri. Ipswich, Rugles's Vans, every Mon. ; returns Tues. London, Rugles's V am, Wed. & Fri. London, Newdick & Co.'s Waggon, from Ablitt's Waggon Office, Tues. Wed. Thurs. & Sat. London, Syke's Waggon, from the Steelyard. London, Wharlow's Waggon, Tues. & Fri. morn.; & returns Thurs. & Mon. Norwich, Newdick & Co., from Ablilt's Waggon Office, four times a week.
SUDBURY, &c. SUFFOLK. Classification of Trades. Appraiser~ Auctioneer. J ocelyne Sam. Market hill Artist.-Large James, Market hill Bakers.-Clark George, North st Clark J. P. School la Clark Thomas, Church walk Cross William, Cross st Elliston John, Friar st Goody J os h. Cross st Goody Robert, North st J ones M1·s. Cross st King Thomas, North st Sillitoe Frances, Friar st Strutt J. Gregory st Strutt Geor~e, Wigan end W ebster George, Cross st Barrister. Ilumphry W. W. Stour st Bee't Retaile1's. Bacon John, Plough la CrosR Nicholas, Cross st Goody Baker, North st Raynham John, Burgots la Booksellers~ Stationers. Fulcher G. W. Market hill Large J ames, Market hill Boot ~ Shoemafce1's. Burton J os h. Friar st Fawx Benjamio, Friar st French J. Church walk Howlett Robert, Sepulchre st Long Charle~, Friar st Siggers A. J. Cross st Sparks William, Cross st Sillitoe J. The Croft Steed Henry T. Market hill Strutt William, North st W arcl Thomas, Sepulchre st W oolby William, Friar st Braziers.---May W. 0. Market hill Brewers.--Byford William, Stom st Michell George, King st Bricklayer.--W ebb William, Cross st Builders.---Ginn Thomas, sen. Borehamgate st Mills T. Borehamgate st Bunting Manujacturer.---Musgrave Thos. Stour st Butchers.--Bear John, Market hill Brown Samuel, Old Market pl Brown Samuel, North st Collins J osh. Cross st Collis Samuel, Market hill Frost J acob, Sepulchre st Jones Henry, North st Mears Robert, North st Siggs William, Cross st Cabinet Maker.--Murrell Ambrose, Sepulchre st Carpenters.---] ones William, North st Sillitoe J ames, Friar st r Carriers.--Elliott Thomas, Church st Wharlow George, Church st Cement Warehouse.--Spurgin Stephen, Church st Clwnists ~ Druggists. Ely George, Friar st Harding Henry, Old Market pl Martin J ames, King st Oxley J. R. Market hill Cltina q- Glass Warehouse.~.---Bowers E. Market hiU Ray J. Market hill Wright James, Market hill Clothiers.--Burrows James, North st Smith Robert, Sepulchre st Coach Builder.~-Crane Alexander, Church st Coal.~.lferchants. Jones H. T. Quay King & Fenn, Quay Ray & Hibble, Quay Confectioner.--Wells Thomas, Market hill Codpers. Hitchcock George, Sapulchre st Rudd E. North st • SuosuRY CLASSJFICATION, continued. Corn Chandler.--Bass William, Market hill Corn .Merchants.---Ginn Thomas, jun. Chilton J ones H. T. Quay Currier q- Leather Seller.--Lawrence G. W. North st Drapers.--Boggis Edmond, North st Buck George, Market hill Hiscock & Peacock, North st King William, Friar st Rolte William, Market pi Spooner William, Friar st Dyer ~ Scourer.--Saxby J ames, Cross st Fellmonger.---Overhall Isaac, Cross st Fishmongers.--Brock William, North st Mountain Robert, Old Market pl Fruiterer.--Berry Samuel, North st Grocers~ Grocers ~Drapers.--Barker J oseph, Old Barker Martha, Friar st [Market pl Browning Edward, Friar st Cook William, North st Edwards John, Market hill Frost Attons, Friar st Syer, Fenn, & W elham, King st Westrop H. W. North st Wilmshurst Thomas, North st Wright Edward, Market pl Gun Maker.---Harcourt Henry, King st Haberdasher.---Simpkin S. North st Hair Dressers. Bu!mer Charles, North st Bulmer John, Church st Davis John, Old Market pi Seagrave J os. Cross st Hardwaremen.---Jones John, North st Simkin Sparks, North st Harness .Maker.--Ready Edmond, North st Hatter.---Burrows James, North st Hop 1l1erchants.--Adams W. C. King st Head J os h. Friar st Oliver & Sikes, King st Ironmongers. B'eard J oseph, Friar st Frost A. & Sons, Friar st May W. 0. Market hill Purr John, Sepulchre st Lath Render. Collins Samuel, Cross st Linen~ Woollen Drapers.---Bridgman J. & Co. Old Goldsmith Thos. Friar st [Market pl Livery Stable Keeper. Barley John, Stour st Malt JY!erchant. Ginn Thomas, jun. Maltsters. A dams W. ·c. King st Byford William, Stour st Marble~ Stone Mason. Leaning John, Cross st 1lferchant.-Ginn T. jun. Millers.-Duff & Alston, Sudbury Mills Milliners ~Dress Makers. Ready P. Friar st Sparks Mary, .Frim· st Nurseryman ~ Seedsman. Ling Wm. Friar st Pawnbroker.-Mauldon J ames, Friar st Plumbe1·s, Painters, ~Glaziers. Anderton C. King st. Byford J ames, Gregory st Frost A. Borehamgate st Jones & Son, Friar st Rand Rigby, Chmch st Taylor Joseph, Church st PriHters.-Fulcher G. W. Market hill Large J ames, Market hill Professor of the French Language.-Toumer Mons. Sadlers. King & Son, King st Schools, Gents. Hasell James, Stour st Thorn John, Sepulchre st School, Ladies.-Hindes Mrs. Church walk Shoeing Smitlts.-Shelley James, Wi~au end Shelley Robert, Cheque1· ]a Shelley P. Gregory st 93
SUFFOLK. vVICKf-IAM 1\fARKET. ==~~~-=· =====================·============================= SuDBURY CJ,ASSIFIC.&.TION, continued. Shoeing Smith. Turkentine Samuel1 Cross st Shopkeepers. Bacon J ames, Sepulchre st Cooper Charles~ Sepulchre st Herbert Samuel, North st J ones J acob~ Cross st Ling William, North st Scott J ames Henry, Gregory &t Stow Samuel, Church s.t Walpole William, Church walk Woods J ames, Gregory st Silk Manufacturer. Edmonds John, Cross st Solicitors. ,Andrews G. W. Friar st Dowman William, Friar st Gooday John, North st Ransom & Tiffen., Friar st Stedman Edmund, Borebamgate st Stedman E. & ;R. F. Borehmugate M W alsh Francis Stay Maker. Read Mrs. Friar st Straw Rat Malcer.-Mears Mrs. North st Straw Plait Maker. Dansie l\1. Friar st Surgeons.~--Anderson, M 1,.1rray & Bates, Sepulchre st Ande;rsou Robert, Friar st Angier James, .Friar st Smith William Bestoe, King st Tailors g. Drapers. ,Andrews Thos. Greg.ory st Goldsmith Thos. Friar st Hart J ohr., North st Hitchcock John, North st Parsson John, Gregtll"y st Mills Robert, Market hill Pemberton J. Sepulchre st Ready George, Market place Smith John, Sepulchre st Woolby William, Friar st Tavet·ns, Inns, ~ Public Houses:- Anclwr~ Must Alice, Friar s.t Angel, Ball James, Friar st Bear, Mills T. Borehamgate st Black Boy, Must Elizabeth, Market hiH Bull Inn, Spnrgin Stephen, Church st Christopber, Parsson M. R. Sepulchre st Coffee House, Siggers George, Friar st Compasses, Lawrence Edward, Church walk George, Boulter I ohn, Old Market place Golden Lion, Double J ohnson, :North st H urn, Sillitoe A mbrose, North st Kings Arms, Petti.tt William, Cross st Rose, Ecley Charles, Stour st Rose~ Crown Comml Inn~ Posting H<J.us,e, Baker William, King st Royal Oak, Goddard J as,. Barehamgate st Swan, Pleasants James, Market place White Horse, Clark John, North st Timber Merchants.-Brand John, Church st Mills T. Borehamgate st Warwick John, King st Tinman. W ()rts Bannister, Sepulchre st Toy Dealer.-Simkin William, M a,rket ·hill Upholsterers. King & Sm~h, Friar st Yeterinary Surgeoru. ;Baker W~lliam, King S;t Brown William~ .Church st · Waggon Office.-Ablitt James, .Church st Wateh ~Clock Makers.--Ambrose James, North~ 1 Dawson George, King st 1 Debenham William, Market hill Hills Benjamin, Friar st Wheelwrigltt.-Dixey Thomas, North st Whitesmith. Gooch Oliver, Friar st Wine <t Spirit Merchants A dams W. C. King st Oliver & Sikes, King st Worsted Manufacturer.---Ponder Henry, Curd la 94 . BALLfNGDON. 1\llen ---............................ jtl ••••• ,. •••• ~·-·· Brickmaker A prile J ............................... Silversmith & Jeweller Batterham Robert,. .... ., ................ , .. , . . • .. . . . Sadler Carter J ·~ ................................... Beer ltetailer Constable G. N . ., ...•.•.••... ,., ......... ·~ .......•.•.. Tailor Cro\V B. ,. .....•..•.....•..•...•.•........ , • . Wltite Horse Darley William ...... , ...................... Beer Retailer Easterford W illiam .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . • Blacksmith I~~ I y Thomas ........................... ~ .,. ..... ·Shoemaker ;Farrow Benjamin .•.. ,. ..••.•.. .,. •.............. Wheelwright .Fox Thomas ...... Brewer, Currier, & Leather Cutter Goddard Di~vid ......... , ..................... Greengrocer Hale J ames ... ,. ................................ Blacksmith Hale Samue] ........................................ Grocer Harding C ... Agr,. toN orwich Utlion Fire & Life Office Harding Charles ............ Stone & Marble Mason Hart William .............. u ..... Boot & Shoemaker ' . Hart W. D . ................ : ........... Tailor & Draper Hassell James ·······~·············_,. ............... Baker Hawkins Mary ........ , ...... Milliner & Dress Maker Hill William ......... Printer, Bookseller, & Stationer H owe~ llenry ....... , ...................... Watchmaker Lee Henry .......... , ........... ,. ......... , . Coach ~1 aker Mills & Green .............................. Brickrnahrs Ne"~ton William ····~······················,..····· Cooper Orbell Jol1n .•..••.......•..•.....••...• , ....• .# •••• , Miller Parson son George .................... , •.. Basket Maker Parsson J ames M. jun ................ , . , Kings Head Plumb Satnllel ..........•..•.• ",. ....•..•..•.•.••.•.. Butcher Rash brook Robert •. . , ....................... , .. , .. Baker Robinson Ling ............... , .................... Millwright Ruggles John ......... ~ ............ , . Grocer & Carrier Ruggles William .................................. Cutcher Sadler Rebecca ... , .. ,. .... ,.. ........... , ...... Sadler, &c. Spring John .............................. Cabinet Maker Steggles W m ... Reg. BirtlHl & Deaths, Sudbury District Strouts John ............ Plu)llber, Glazier, & Painter Todd Charles ...... , ............................ , .... Tailo1· 'l.,ovell Rcbert ......... ·~ ..•.... . ~~' .•••••• ·~·· ." .. .-_, Grocer Ward Benjamin ..................... Surveyor of Taxes Post, Coaches, &c. See Sunmmv. WICK.H.AM MABK_ET, ON the river Deben, 81! miles from London tl1rough Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, and W oodbridge, 4i miles no.rth from the last, and I 2! miles north-east from Ipswich; contained, in 1831, 1202 inhabitants: the annual \<Jlue of assessed property in 1815 was j3014l. It was formerly a place of some importance, and had a market on Saturday, no\v disused. The churchf .dedicated to All Saints, stands upon a hill, commanding a very ex ten si ve prospect; and from the steeple may be seen nearly ,fifty churches. The living is a vica,rage, value 208l. per annu,m., in the patronage .of the Crown. Here is an endowed school, and a chapel for In~ dependeJ}t Methodists. Londham Hal~ Asl1 House, Glenham .Hall, ,and Easto,l) White House, are seats in the neighb~rhood. The parish of Wickham Market is in l'lomesgate Ucion. Name, Residence, and Profession. Adams Edward~ ..... , .. , ......... , .. Boot & Shoemaker Barclay J ames Pringle ,. .... ·~ ................. Solicitor' Bird John ....... , .•...•..•.....•...........•.....•.. Brazier Blakes Miss . . . • . .. . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . .• . .• . . . • . • • . Seminary Cattermull J on a than ..... : ......... Draper & Grocer Catton John ........................ Plumber & Glazier Churchyard Charles .............................. Grocer Churchyard J ...................... Veterinary Surgeon Cochrane George .......•..........•.........•.•..... M.D.
WOODBRIDGR, &c. ~==================== SUFFOLK. Coleman John ........................ Grocer & Draper Coleman William .....•.......................•..• Builder Dale Geo .... Stone & Marble Masen, Carpenter. &c. Day Edward •.............••.................... Carpenter Den ham William • . •. • .. ... . .. .•. . . . . .• .•. . . • .. Surgeon Downs George ••••.....••.••• Boarding & Day School Edwards Benjamin .............................. Cooper Fish George ••.•......••..•...•.......• Grocer & Draper Flory Jonathan ............................... - ........ Baker Foremau William •••••.•••.........•.•... Chaise & Pair Garrod .{Jenjatnin •. . . ••. .. • . . . . .• . •• • . • . . . . . . . •• • . Tailor G arrod J~rederick ............................. ~·..... Tailor Girling J ames • • . . • .• .... .. . •. . . .. •. . •. . • Chequers Inn Good Saral1 •• •• • . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... George Inn Hammond J acob • • ••. •. . . . . . . • . • . . Boot & Shoemaker Hawke Charles "' .......................... Watchmaker Hill J esse ............................................ Black"\n ... ith Kemp Emma ........................... ·-· .......... ·~ ...... Stati Jner Lay David .............................................. Hair Cutter Leek Stephen .•.•.• Basket Manufacturer and Osier Merchant, & Dealer in Game l.egett George ·····-·-···M······-· ..····· ..... Blacksm:th Lewin John ...................................... _ .• Miller Licence J. . ... . . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Tailor Marjoram Robert .... ·-·~............. .... .• . . Gun Maker Mat•shall William ,_u .................... ., Millwright ~finter Charles C ..•. Auctioneer & Land Surveyor, & · Registrar to the Plomesgate Union Minter Roht. SpiritMerchant, Stamp Seller, & Agent to the Suffolk Fire Office Muril William ................ ~~ ....................... Surgeon N ursey J oseph ...... -·· Ironmonger & Beer Retailer Olding Spurling ...... ~ ..•.. Glover & Breeches Maker Ox borrow Robert .......................... Coa-ch Builder Oxborrow Willam ... ~•r•• .. ··········"· Beer Retailer Paternoster Jonathan_ ................. Blacksmith, &c. Peck Susan ..................................................... Baker Rackham John ............ u ••• Sadler & Harness Maker Reeve Thomas ..................................... Btttcher Rouse William •..••.•.•..•.•......•.....• Cabinet Maker Row J ames ••••.•.•••..•..•.• Sadler & Harness Maker Sha\'e N ancy ........................ Draper & Grocer Sherwood William . ·~~ ·~· ...................•... Bntcher Smith Ann ············-·············· Straw Hat Maker Smith William ...................... Plumber & Glazier Starling Henry ............................ Beer Retailer Thurston James ····················' Groce:r & Draper Tice Edward ... White Hart Tavern & Posting House Tricker G. P ..... ·-·--··~········ ...•.•.• Coach Builder Turrall Henry, Petistree ........... ~ .••..... Tuns Inn Tyler John ......... -···················~···· Confectioner Tyler Samuel.. ....................... Boot & Shoemaker W atkins John ... Straw Hat Manufacturer & Draper Welton Cornelius...u ... ~ ~···~ ..•. ···~. ···u•• Merchant W elton Miss .. ···~~~ .. ·~·-··........... Boarding School Welton Wiaiam .•••. _ ....................... ~ :Millwright White J ames • ·~·-· ................. ··~· .•.• '\Vatchmaker White M ary . . ... ...•. ........... .. . ... ...... .••.• •.. ..... . ... Dyer Whitmore John ................. ~·LO Grocer & Draper W oldiug "\Villian1 ................................. ···~· ....... Glover Woods James •..... Grocer, Draper, Butcher, & Miller, Agent to t:he Norwich Union Wood::~ Jeremiah ••.•.•• ···~ ............ ·~·~ Crown Inn Post Office. Tice Edward, White Hart Tavern ...•.••.• Postmaster Mail arrives 7 morn. ; & returns 7 even. Letters deli\'ered 8 morn. Posting House. White Hart ................................. Tice Edward ~oaches. Aldborough, Jlilot,:f'rom White Hart, daily, at! p.l2. Colchester, Gleaner, from Wllite Hart, Mon. Wed. & Fri. 2 aft. ; & returns Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 2. Ipswich, Pilot,. from White- Hart, daily, ! p. 5 even. London, Blue Coach, from White Hart, daily, 7 morn.; & returns 10 even. London, Telegraph, from White Hart, daily, 1 be£ 10. even. ; & returns 5 morn. London, Star,. from White Hart, daily. U morn.; & returns 4 even. The W oodbridge Mail calls at the Chaif>e ~ Pair, every morn~ 7; also the Ipswich Mail,. afi 5 every morn. Carriers. Ipswich, James Smith, from the Crown, Mon. Wed. & Fri. ; and returns through to Aldborough, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. Ipswich, J. Rouse's Cart, from the George Inn; Mon. & Fri. ; returns Tues. & Sat. Ipswich, Sawyer's cart, every Mon. & Frl.; & returns Tues. & Sat. Ipswich, Holmes' waggon, from the Crown, Mon. & Thurs. London, Smith's waggon.:Thurs. & Sun.~ & returns Mon. & Fri.. to Norwich,. through Malesworth & Yarmouth. WOODBB.IDGD~ WITH GD.VNDIS· BVB.GH;. WooDBRIDGE, a market town, on the river Deben, 77 miles frgm London, through Romford, Chelmaford, Colchester and Ipswich, and 8' miles E. from the last,. contain-ed in 1831, 4 769 inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 10,819l: It is. pleasantly situated on the slope of a hill, commanding a fine view down the river to its influx with the sea, a~ the distance of about 9 miles; and consists principaUy of two streets, forming the roads to ~benham aud Ipswich. The town is a member of the port of Yarmouth, and has an extensive coasting trade, as well as a trade to Holland and other places on the eontinent. The exports are corn, flour, and malt; and the imports, coal, timber, wine, spirits, gr..ocery, dra:ret·y and ironmongery. The shipping is on the inarease, and consists of nearly 50 vessels. Here are several docks for building shipsJ with commodious wh-al'fs and quays; fine salt is the principal manufactuFe. The market· is on W ednesday; and fairs are held on April 5th, St. Matthew's Day, and the day following. The petty and quarter sessions sre held here; the- sessions house stauds in the centro- of Market IJill, and under it is the corn market. A small theatre was erected in 1813, and a concert is held annually. The church,.dedicated to the Virgin Marv, is !.'aid to. have been founded in the reign-. of Edward Ill. by John,. Lord Segrave, and his wife Margaret de Brotherton ,· its large and beautifully ornamented quadrangular tower, 180 feet in height, .fortns a conspicuous object at- sea. A chapel, on the north side of the chaucel, w: s erected in the reign of Elizabeth, by Thomas Seckford. Esq. Masten·of RequestA, a-ruJ a great benefactor, of this town. The living is a curacy~ value 439l. per annum. There is a free grammar school, founded and endowed in 1662; also NationalJ Lancasterian, and Sunday scheols. A well endowed almshouse was founded in 1587, by Thomas Seckford, Esq.; the inmates of which wear a silver badge with his arms. It was under the patronage of that gentleman that the first English Atlas was published by Christopher Saxton, a nativP nf thi" town, ill' 1579, and dedicated to Qpeen .Eli:tabet h. Here was formerly 95
SUFFOLK. WOODBRIDGE, &c. priory of Austin Canons. W oodhridge gives its name to the Union in which it is situated. Melton Lodge,· Uffin·d Place, Londham Hall, Ash High House, and Stavender Park, are seats in the neighbourhood. Name, Residence, & Profession. See CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 98. Able John, Seclcfvrd st ............ Boot & Shoemaker A dams Charles, Common quay ........ ., ..... Boat Inn Alexander & Co. CJtu,·ch st .................. Bankers Alien John, Seckford st ............ Boot & Shoe~aker Allen L. Church st ............. ,.Plumber & Glazier Armstrong Samuel, Tlwrofare ............... Surgeon Arnold William, llfadcet hill ... Boot & Shoemaker Ashford Eliza,·Tlwrofare ... Pawnbroker & Clothier A Yis John, Theatre st .................. u .... Shoemaker Baker John, Church st .................. Cabinet Maker Banyard & Batchelor, Market hill ...... Tea Dealers Bardwell Elmer, Dry bridge !till ............... Grocer Barker Edward, Cumberland st ... Half Moon & Star Barnard P. Church st ............... Draper & Grocer Batnes Charles, Market hill ......... Draper & Grocer Barnes George, Cumberland st ............... Fruiterer Barnes John P. New st •........... Boot & Shoemaker Barnes Robert, Seckford st ... Offlcer to the Sheriff of Suffolk; & County Peace Officer BarnesStephen, Cumber! and st, ThreeHorseShoeslnn Barritt Cornelius, Church st ............ Confectio11er Baxter William, Brook st .......... "'"'"'""' Whitesmith Beales J.'rancis, Suffolk HousP-1 New st ... Wholesale & Retail Linendraper, Silk .Mercet·} &c. Tiedwell Charles, Seckford lit ..................... Grocer Beecroft William, Theatre st ............... Angel Iun Bendall & Brothers, New st ........ , ... lron Fpunders .Bendel James, Dry bridge hill ................... Miller Bett~ John, 1'horofare ........................ Sun Inn Iletts William, ditto ........................... Naturalist Blaivers Robert, Bred.fteld st ............ Horse Dealer Blairers Robert, Quay za: ............ Whiting Maker Blandon J on as, Castle st ............... Beer Retailer Bodgener Henry, New st ........................ Tailor Bolton J. S. Clwrclt st ........................... Butcher Boud John, Brewe1·y st ............................ Tanner Brewer Sarah, Tlwrofare ... Milliner & Dress Maker Brown Sarah, ditto ........................... Shoemaker Brickels l\1argaret, Castl.e .~t .......... ., .• : ....... Grocer Brighton James, Market !tilt ............... Gardener Brook A. & Son, Church st ... Wine & Spirit Mrchts Brown James, Tlwrofare ............ Hatter & Draper Bruwn John, Cumberlarul st ...... Clothes Salesman Bruce Thorn11s, Market hill ..................... Grocer Button George, Cumber land st ............... Butcher Buttram' Susan, 1'/wrofare ...................... Milliner Buttrum William, Tlwatre st ............... Black£mith Can a Robert, Tlwrofare ... Auctioneer & Appraiser Ca.rr J ames, ditio .................. Boot & Sooemaker Carridge S .. ditto ............................... Fruiterer Carthew Thomas, ditto ... Solicitor; Suprntndt Regtr of Wood bridge Union; & Agt to Atlas Office Catchole John, Bred.fteld st .................. Brieklayer Catchpol John, Thorofare ............... Hardwareman Chappell William G. Clwrclt st ... Tailor, Draper & Padsh Clerk Christopher Wm. Cumbedand st ... Tailor & Draper Churchyard, Meadows & Everitt, M1·kt !till ... Slctrs Clarke Benjarnin, Castle sl ......... Butcher & Grocer ( olby Lydia, Dry b1·idge !till., .......... Beer H.etailer Colchester W. & Co. Water mill quay, Timber Merchants. &c. Col('mau n ustir:gs, Seckford st ............ Tea Dealer Collett He,·. W. ditto ............... Citammar School .96 Comyn Thos. Cumberland st ... Grocer & Tea Dealer Cook Henry, Churclt st ..................... Cross Inn Crouch William, New st ............... Beer Retailer Culham S. Cumberlarzd st ...... Grocer & Tea Dealer Culham William, New st ........................ Butcher Cundy Charles, ditto .............................. Farrier Cundy Michael, Tltorofare ............ Crown Tavern Cutting Jas. Brook st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Dallenger J. Cumberland st ... Auctioneer & A pprsr Darnant Daniel, Theatre st ..................... Brazier Daniels J ames, New st .................. Coach Maker Daniels William, Cumberland st ............... Baker Devereux J. ditto ........................... Supervisor Downing Edward, Tlwrofare ......... Coach Builder Dowsing Jas. Quay la ... Ship Agent:& Wharfinger Dowsing John, .Angel la .................. Whitesmith Easter Abraham, Castle st ... Baker & Beer Retailer Edwards H. 'J'horofare ... Wine & Spirit Merchant & Maltster Ellis Benjamin, Market pl ... Watch & Clock Maker Emrnerson Joseph, Seckford st ......... Beer Retailer Everitt Edward, Cumberland st ............... SoUcitor Fenn John, Cumberland st ... Tea Dlr & Schoolmaster Fisher John, Thorofare ......................... ~Baker .Fisher William, .New st .................. Confectioner Fisk John, Bredfield ........................ Bdcklayer Fisk S. Market hill ... Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Fisk William, sen ................ Governor of the Gaol Flaxman Henry, Thorofare ......... Kings Arms Inn Flaxman William, ditto ..................... Carpenter Foster & Clarke, Church Et ............ Music Sellets Frances Geo. Marlret pf. ... Chemist & Druggist; Agt to Clerical, Medical & General Life Assurance Society, and to Phrenix Fire Insurance Company Freeman C. Tlwrofare ...... Linen & Woollen Draper Gall Benj. ditto ... Chemist & Druggist; Manager to the Savings Bank; Agent to Norwich Equitable Office & GasWorks ; Chief Constablr, & Proprietor of Gall's Antibilious Pills Gammage Benj. Thorofore ... Confectioner & Baker Gnmmttge J ames, Cumberland st ............... Baker Gatnmage John, ditto ...•.•.•.•.•...•••...•...••••. Baker Gamrnage John, Brewery la ............... Wharfinger Gant R. D. Thorofare ......... Silversmith & Jeweller Gardener William, ditto ...... Watch & Clock Maker Garrard William, Brook st ... Grocer & Boat Builder Gennills William, New st ............ Cabinet)\1aker Gcnnills Mrs. ditto ......... Straw Hat Manufacturer Giles George, Theatre st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Giles John, New st ........................ Rope Maker Gillingham Wm. Seclcford st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Gissing J. ditto ....... - ...... Carpenter & Tea Dealer Gissing Samuel, Market /till .................. Surgeon• Gissing Samuel N. ditto ........................ Solicitor Glandfield Wm. B1·edjield st ............ Beer Retailer Goche Thos. Cumbedand st ..................... Tailor Goldacre Robl Tlwrofare ........................ Hatter Good all Roht. Market !till ............... Kings Head . Goodwin Wm. B. Thorofare ... Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer Goodwyn E. Church st .... Currier & Leather Cutter Gosling Aldis, Thorofare ........... .......... Butcher Grayston Tbos. ditto .. .. ....... ............. Carpenter Green Robt. ditto •..••....••.•..•..•••••••••.•.•.. Carrier Grimwood Thos. ditto ... Timber Merchant & Brick Makrr Gross Catherine, ditto ........................ Lion Inn Gross Geo. Church at • .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. Linen Draper Gross Jafl. 1'/wrofare ......... Basket & Sieve Maker Gross & Thompson, ditto ... Wine & Spirit Merchants & Tea Dealers; Agents to East of Eng. Bank fLn-t Eliza, ditto .............................. Tea Dealer Hartri<lge Wm. New st .................. Horse Dealer
"\YOObBRlDGE, &c. SUFFOLK ... ====================================================~~---~~~~~- Hartridge 'V m. New st ............................ Grocer • Hawke D. B. Church st •• .••• Watch & Clock Maker Hayward Henry, Thorofare •••••• Cooper & Turner Hayward Miles, New st .....................•.. Broker Hayward & Son, Market hill •.••••••• Cabinet Make1·s Head Saml. New st ••• Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Hunt James, Thorofare ••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Issett J. W. ditto ..• Hardwareman & Jeweller; Rag1 Paper, & Horse Hair Merchant; Agent to County Agent 'Fire & Provident Life Office Jeffree John, Market pl ............ White Horse Inn J effries John, Castle st ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Grocer Jesup Alex. Quay la ••.•••••• Corn & Coal Merchant J ones Richard, Church st ••••••••••••••••••••• Surgeon Keeble John, Thorofare •••••• Grocer & Tea Dealer Keeble Wm. Quay la •••••••••••• Deputy Vice Consul Kell Wm. New l;t ••••• ••••••••••••••••••.............. Dyer Kemp Misses, Market pl .•....••.•..•.. Milliners, &c. Kemp Wm. ditto ••• Ironmonger, Registrar of Marriages for the Union, Collector of Poor Rates, & Agent to the Sun Fire Office Kerridge Jas. Thorofare ........................ Grocer King John, Theatre st •••••••. ................... Grocer King Thos. Seckford st •.......................... Baker Kirby Robt. M ark et hill ••• Saddler & Harness Maker Lambeth :Mary, Cumber land sf. •••••••••••• Pork Shop Lancaster Snsan, Thorofm·e ••••••••• Royal Oak Inn Lawrance Wm. Theatre rt ••••••••••••••••••••• .F'arrier J,eek Timothy, Thorofare ... Confectr & Basket Mkr Letch Wm. Common quay ...... Boot & Shoemaker Lockwood Wm. jun. Castle Brewery, Castle st ••• Brewer & Porter Merchant Lock wood Wm. sen. & Son, Castle sl ••••.• Builders, Surveyors & Cement Manufacturers Loder Chas. Church st ••••••••• Grocer & Tea Dealer Loder John, Tlzorofare ......... Printer & Stationer Loft Geo. Common quay ..................... Merchant London John, MarkBt pl .................. Hat Maker I.ynn G. D. Chltrc4 .~t .••.•.•••••••••••••.•••. Physician Mallett Henry, Market hill •••••••••••• Watch Maker Mallett John, Seckford st ......... Plumber & Glazier Mallett J onathan, ChU1·ch st ••................... Tailor Mallett Wm. M ark et l1ill .••••. , •• Plum her & Glazier Manby John, Water Mill quay ••• Mercht & Miller; Agent to Royal Exch Assur Jl'ire & Life Office Manning S. S. Thorofare • • • Chemist & Druggist ; Agent to York & North of England Office Marsh Wm. Market pl .................. Hair Dresser Martin Wm. Seckford st ............... Leather Cutter M a thews Wm. New st ........................ Tankard Matthew Fred. Church st •••••• Grocer & Tea Dealer Mayhew James, JIIarket hill •••••••.••••..••.•••• Baker Mayhew Mrs. ditto ......... Straw Hat Manufacturer Mickleburgh Robt. ditto ••••••••.••••.• General Dealer MicklebQrgh Wm. Seclrford st ••• Boot & Shoemaker Miles Rd. TJwrofare •.• Vpholsterer & Cabinet Maker Miller .Tohn, ditto ••• Linen Draper, Straw Hat Manfr & Tea Dealer Moor Chas. & Son, Cumberland st ... Solicitors; Agts to Suffolk & General County Amicable Office Moore Edward, Seckfurd st •••••••••••• Beer Rekiiler lrfoore Geo. New st ........................... Butcher Moore Mills, ditto ............... Straw Hat Maker, &c. Moore N. & Son, Church st ••••••••..•.••.••• Surgeons Moore Wm. C. New st ...••.••.•.. Plumber & Glazier Morgan John, Dry Bridge hill .••••• Cabinet Maker Morley Wm. Tlwrofare •...•. China & Glass Dealer Moulten Benj. ditto .•• Land Surveyor & Auctioneer; Clerk to the Union M ullett Jas. New st ••• Cock & Pye Commercial Inn Munro John, flfarket pl •••••.•.• Printer & Stationer M nrrill Chas. Tlwrofare ..•••••••••• Painter & Glazier N eale Horace, ditto •....••..•.. Grocer & Tea Dealer Suffol/,;.] 0 N eeve John, ditto ...... Brazier & Tin Plate Worker N ewson John, Cumber! and st • • .. • •• • •• • • • • •• •• Tailor Ne\vson Thos. New st •·•••4•····"•·············· Carrier Nichols John, Chapel la •• ..... ... • •• •• ... Sail Maker N obb Jas. Cumber/and st ••••••••••••••••••••• Dp•r, &c. Norman A. Castle st ........................... Milliner Nunn Jasper, Cumberlandst ••.••••.• Wellington Inn Oldring M. A. Thorcifare ••• ~1illiner & Dress Maker Orsborn Samuel, Theatre st ..................... Miller Owles Charles, New st ••• , •••••••.••••••••• \Vhite'!mith Oxbarrow Edward, l'riarket hill ••••••••• Gun Maker Ox barrow John, Cumbedttnd st ••••.•••••••••• Butcher Oxbarrow Samuel, New st ..................... The Fox Oxx Sarah, 1'horofare •••••• Grocer & Corn Chandlet" Palmer John, ditto •••••• Sadler & Harness Maker Panefer C. Bredfield st ........................ Midwife Peake Thos. Cumber{ and st •••••• Builder & Surveyor Perry Thos. Tlw·rofure •••••.••••••••• Clothes Salesman Philpot Frances, Quay la •••••••.••.••••••• Anchor Inn Pipe Edward, Church st •••.•• China & Glass Dealer Pipe Wm. Tlwrofare •.•••••••••.••. Boot & Shoemaket• Pizey Henry, Cumberlaud .~t ... Boarding Academy Pooley Henry, Market hill .............. ••••• .• Baket· Pooley Samuel, Angel la ••.••••..••• Umbrella Maket• Rice Jas. Chnrch st •••••• Sadler & Harness Maker Richardson ThO!t. Tlwrofare ••• Confectioner & Baker Hiches Jas. Castle st ••••••••••••••••••••• Betr Retailer Rings & Murrells, Theatre ~t ............... Bricklayers Rent Hannah, Bredjield st ••••••••• Coach & Horses Ro\V "\V m . .......•..........••.••....•........ J>f)Stma.ster Salmon John, ll£arket pi •..... Bull Commercial Inn Salmon Rev. Thos. Wm. Cumbfrland st. Sawyer Chas. Angella •• , .••••.................... Grocer· Sa~'er \V m. New st .............................. Groc-er Scott ~Irs. Castle st ........................ Boot Maker Self Saml. Seckford st ... Butcher, & Queens Head Inn Shribbs J ame!l, Castle st •.••. ; ••••••••••••••• Carpenter Shribbs Wm. Cumberland st ••••.••••..••.•••• Builder Siggers Richard, Market hill •..•.......•.•.•.• Glover Silver T. T. Church st ••••••••••••••••.•••• Ironmonger Skeet John, Thorofare ••••••••••••••••.• Linen Draper Smith Henry, Sec/,ford sf .••.•••• ; ••••.•••• Whitesmith Smith John, Castle st ....•••.•••.•••••.•..••.••• Surgeon Smith Mrs. J.l:farket pl ...•..••• Stay & Bonnet Maker Smith Thos. Church st .••••••••••••..•..•.• Ironmonger Smith Thos. 1'/wrofare ••• Cm·rier & Leather Cutter_ Smyth Daniel, New st •••••••••••••••••.••• Tea Dealer Smyth J. P. 1'horofare •••••• Watch & Clock Maker Smfth J ames, ditto • ... . •• • • Stone & Marble Mason. Stananought John, .New sl •• •••••••••••••••••••••• Smith Stanford & Freeman, Thorofm·e ••• Milliners & Dress Makers Stanford Henry, lUarlcet pl ......... Tallow Chandler Stanton Robt. Chrerc!t st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Stevenson Uobt. Seckfurd st •••••.••••••••. Tea Dealer StewartElizabeth, Thorofare .•• Milliner & Dress Mkr. Syer Wm. Cumberland st •..•••••• Boot & Shoemaker Syred John, l'rJ ark et hill •••••••••••..•••..•.• The Swan Tailor J. B. Clmrck st ......... Maltster & Merchant Taylor Alfred, Church st •••••• Perfumer, & Agent to Suffolk & British Fire Office Tay I or John, New st.. •••••• •• • • • • • • • •• • • Watchmaker Taylor Lydia, ditto.............................. Grocer Taylor Wm. Limekiln quay •••••••.••.•••• Ship Builder Thompson Geo. TJwrofare •••••• Builder & Surveyor Thread kill John, Brook st •. .•••••.••••••••.•••••• Baker Thurton John, Seclcjord st •..••. Registrar of Births & Deaths, & Relieving Officer Tills Wm. Tlwrofare .•. Agnt to the Alliance Marine AssrnceOffice, & Limekiln Quay Corn & Coal Co. Topple S. ditto .•.•.•••••••.••••••••••.•.•••. Fishmonger 'fo\vler John, New st........................... Furrier Trott Pierce, Burlrett 1·d.. •• •.•• .• ••• • .••.• •.•.. Miller 97
SUFFOLK, WOODBRIDGE, &c. Turne11 Edw. Thorofare •••••••••••• Tinman & Brazier Turner Geo. ditto.................... Brazier & Tin man Turner John, ditta •• , ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••• Butcher Tu mer Samuel, Bredfield st ..................... Grocer Turner Wm. Church st.... ..... .... .... ....... Butcher Upson Amy, Seckford st ........................ Grocer Vesey M. J. Thorofare, Straw Bonnet Manufacturer V esey Thos. ditto ........................... Cooper, &c. Virtue Thos. Church st ......... Maltster & Merchant Wade Geo. Tlwrofare ..................... Hair Dresser Wade M. ditto ............... Straw Hat Manufacturer Wade & M organ, ditto ...... Grocers & Tea Dealers Wnlton Wm. ditto •.• ,."························ Surgeon Wells Geo. Market hill.. ......................... Tailor W esthorpe Jas. Church st ...... Grocer & Tea Dealer Whayman Matthias, New st. ... . ... .. . • Confectioner Whisstock Wm. Thorofare ......... Tailor & Draper Williams J. Castle st,. .............. Boot & Shoemaker Wilson Thos. Common quay ..................... Ship Wilson Wm. Angel la ...... , ............... Town Crier Wood J. & Son, Church. st ..................... Solicitors Wood J. ditto... Coroner, Clerk to the Magistrates, Clerk to Corn. of Taxes, & Agnt to Guardian Off Woods J. New .~t .. , ..... ,.... Sieve & Basket Maker Woods John, Cumbedand Bt, Nursrymn & Seedsmn Woods Robt. Bredfield st ............... Beer Retailer W right Eliz. Brook st ...... Straw Hat Manufacturer Wright Jeremiah, Churclt st ......... Tailor & Draper Wright Wm. ditto ... , ....... n ... ,. Boot & Shoemaker Young L. 'l'horofare .. f., ......... , ........... , .... Tailor • :Post Offi.ce. • Row W m ••••••••••••• , ••• ,."1......... ..... .. Postmaster Mail arrives from London I p. 4 morn., & from Yarmouth:! p.lO even. to London, To Orford, through Framlingham, Wickham, & Melton, at 6 morn. & arrives i p. 8 even, Letters delivered from London at 7 o'clock. The North Mail arrives at 10 morn., & leaves i p. 3 aft. Letter Box closes at 9 even .• but letters are taken in up to 1 0 by paying 2d. each. There is also a Penny Delivery to Earl Soham, W orlingworth, Stradbroke, Fr~mlingham, &c. Bankers. Alexanders & Co. Church st. Draw on Barnett & Co. East of England, Tlaorofare, Gross & 'fhompson ........................... Agents National Provincial Bank of England, Woodbridge Branch, M a~·ket pl Law Officers~ Clerk to the Union ............ Moulton B. Thorofare Collector of Customs ....... ~ .... H. J. F. Moore, Esq. Comptroller ............... ~................... Wm. Gross Supervisor of Excise .................. Mr. J. Devereux Registrars of Marriages, &c. Kemp Wm. ; Miles Th. ; Sheppard J.; Thurton J. Superintendent ........................ J. Carthew, Esq. Coroner for Liberty of St. Etheldred ... J. Wood, Esq. Fire &. Life Assurance Agents. Alliance Marine, Tlwrofare .................. Wm. Tills Atlas, ditto.............................. 1nos. Carthew Clerical, Medical, & General, !lfarketpl, G. Francis County, Th.orojare ........................ J. W. Issett Guardian, Clturclt st .................. J. Wood & Son Norwich Equitable, Thorofare ............ Benj. Gall Royal Exchange, Water mill quay ...... John Man by Suffolk & Bristol, b!turch st.... ... .... ... • A If. Tay I or York & London, Thorofare ............ S. S. Manning Public School. Grammar School, Seclcford st Rev. \V. Collett .................................. l\Iaster 98 Coaches. London, the Shannon, from the Crown Tavern, every morn. 9 ; returns 5 aft., through Sax .. mundham. Y oxford, to H ales worth. London, the Star, from ditto, l p. 11 every morn.; returns every aft. at l p. 3, through Wick· ham, Y oxford, Lowestoft, to Yarmouth. London, the Blue Coach, from the Bull Inn, every morn. nt 8. Norwich, Coach every Mon. Wed. & Fri., & returns the following days. ~pswich, Steam Packet Company's Omnibus, leaves Melton, calling at the Kings Arms, 6 morn. Mon. & Thurs. ; returns Tues. & Fri. Carriers. Aldborough, J. Smith, from ditto, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 3 aft. Bawdsey, A. Hill~ from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. Bawdsey, P. Cutting, Cart, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Fri. BloxhaU, T. Cooper, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. Bloxhall & Tnnstall, E. Ty1er's Cart from King[; Arms Inn, every Wed. & Sat. Boyton, W. Arnold & B. Florry, Carts, from ditto-, every Wed. & Sat. Eyke, M. Fordyke, from ditto, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. Framlingham, R. Wightman, from ditto, daily. Framlingham, J. Roxby, from ditto, Mon. & Thurs. 3 aft • Grundsburgh, J. Ramsay, from ditto, Mon. Wed. Thun. & Fri. 3 aft. Hollesley, Wm. Bridge, from ditto, Wed. Ipswich, J. Rouse, from ditto, every even. Ipswich, J. Rouse, from ditto, Mon. & Fri. Ipswich, C. Stephenson, from ditto, every Sat. Ipswich, Michl. Mayhew, from Lion Inn, daily, i p. 3 aft. Ipswich, R. Wightman, from ditto, every Fri. London, Smith, Waggon, from Crown Inn, Sun. & Thurs. 9 morn. London, Thorogood & Coles, Vans, from ditto, Wed. & Sat. 5 even.; returns Mon. & Thurs. London, Smith, from Royal Oak Inn, Sun. & Thurs. 9 morn. Norwich & Ipswich, J. Sawyer, from ditto, Mon. & Fri. 1 I morn. Orford, W. Mann, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. Orford, B. Nickell, Cart, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & F , • r1. Shotsham, B. Kemp, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. · Shotsham, J. Brady, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. Saxmundham, J. ltonse, from ditto, Tues. & Sat. Tunstall, Bloxhall & Snape, C. Ste1)henson, from ditto, Mon. Wed. & Sat. Classification of Trades. Auctioneers ~Appraisers. Cana R. Thorofare DallPnger John, Cumberland st Moulton Benj. Thorofare Bakers. Daniels W illiam, Cumberland st Ea~ter Abraham, Castle st Fisher John, Thorofare Gammage James, Cumherland st Gammage John, Cumberland st King Thomas, Seckford st Mayhew James, Market hill Pooley Henry, Market hill Thread kill John, Brook. st
WOODBRIDGE, &c. SUFFOLI{. WoooBRIDOE CLASSIFICATION, oontinued. Beer Retailers. Bland en J on as, Castle st Colby Lydia, Dry bridge hill Crouch William, New st Emmerson J ames, Seckford st Glandfield William, Bredfield st Moore Edmund, Seckford st Riches J ames, Castle st Woods Robert, Bred field st Boot et Sltoemakers. Able John, Seckford st Alien John, Seckford st Arnold William, Market hill A vis John, Theatre st Bames- John P. New st Brown Sarah, Thorofare Carr J ames, Thorofare Cutting J ames, Brook st Giles George, Theatre st - Gillingham William, Seckford st Hunt James, Thorofare Letch William, Common quay Mickleburgh William, Seckford st Pipe William, Thorofare Scott Mrs-. Castle st Stanton Robert, Church st Syer William, Cumberland st Williams J. Castle st Wright William, Church st Braziers ~ Tinmen. Damant Daniel, Theatre st N eeve John, Thorofare Turner George, Thorofare Turner Edward, Thorofaro Brewer.---Lockwood William, jun. Castle st Bricklayers. Catchole John, Bredfield st Fisk John, Bredfield st Rings & MurreHs, Theatre st Bricl.:maker.-Grimwood T. Thorofare Builders ~Surveyors. Lockwood W. sen. & Son, Peake Thos. Cumberland st CCastle st Shribbs William, Cumberland st Tbompson George, Thorofare Butcltet·s.--Bolton J. S. Church st Button George,. Cumherland st Clarke Benjamin, Castle st Culham William, New st Gosling Aldis, Thorofare . Lambeth Mary, Cumherland st Moore George, New st Oxborrow John, Cumberland st Self Samuel, Seckford st Turner John, Thorofare Turner William, Church st Cabinet Makers. Baker John, Church st Gennills John, New st Goodwin William B. Thorofare Hayward & Son, Market hill M organ John, Dry bridge hill Carpenters.--Fiaxman William, Thorofare Gissing J ames, Seckford st Grayston Thomas, Thorofare Shribbs J ames, Castle st · · · Carriers.--Green Robert, Thorofare Newson Thomas, New st [Castle st Cement Manufacturers. Lockwood W. sen. & Son, Chemists ~ Dru,qgists. Francis G. Market pl Gall Benjamin, Thorofare Manning S. S. Tl1orofare China~ Glass Dealers. Morley Wm. Thorofare Pite Edmund, Church st Clothes Salesmen.-'-Bro\vn John, Cumberland st Perry F. Thorofare Coac'k Makers.-Daniels James, New st Downing Edward1 Th~rofare WoonnRIDG.E CLASSIFICATION, continued. Confectioners.--Barritt Cornelius, Church st Fisher William, New st Gammage Benjamin, Thorofare Leek Timothy, Thorofare Richardson Thomas, Thorofare Whayman Matthias, New st Coopers.--Hayward Henry, Thorofara V esey Thomas, 'l'horofare Corn ~ Coal Merchant.--J esup A lex. Quay la Tills William, Thorofare Curriers ~ Leather Sellers.-Good wyn E. Church st Smith Thomas, Thorofare Dyers.--Kell William, New st Noble James, Cumberland st Farriers.--Cundy Charles, New st Lawrance William, Theatre st Fisltmonger.--Topple S. Thorofare Fruiterers. Barnes George, Cumherland st Carridge S. Thorofare Furniture Broker.--Hayward Mills, New-M Furrier:---Towler John, New st Gardener. Brighten J ames, Market hill Glover. Siggers Rich. Market hill Grocers. Bardwell Elmer, Dry bridge bill Barnard P. Church st Barnes Charles, Market hill Bedwell Charles, Seckford st Brickels Marg. Castle st Bruce Thomas, Market hill Garrard William, Brook st Hartridge William, New st J effries John, Castle st Kerridge J ames, Thorofare King John, Theatre st Mickleburgh Robt. Matket hill Oxx Sarah, Thorofare · Sawyer Charles, Angel Ia Sayer William, New st Taylor Lydia, New st Turner Samuel, Bredfield st Upson Amy, Seckford st Gun Maker. Oxborrow Edward, Market hill Hair Dresser.Y. Marsh Wm. Market pl Wade George, Thorofare Hardwaremen.-Catchpol John, Thorofare Issett J. W. Thorofare Hatters. Brown James, Tborofare Goldacre Robert, Thorofare London John, Market pi Horse Dealers.-Blowers Robert, Bredfield st Hartridge William,. New st Horsehair Me~;cllant. lssett J. W. Thorofare Iron founder~. Bendall & Brothers, New st lronmonger1. Kemp William, Market pl Silver T. T. Church at Smith Thomas, Church st . Leather Cutter.-Martin William, Seckford st Linen Drapers.--Be ales Francis, New .at Freeman Charles, Thorofare Cross George, Church st Miller John, Thorofare Skeet John, Thorofare Maltsters.--Tailor John Bailey, Church st Virtue Thomas, Church st Merclwnts.--Loft George, Common quay Manby John, Water mill quay Millers.--Bendel James, Dry bridge hill Manby John, Water mill quay Orsborn Samuel, Theatre st Trott Peirce, Burkett rd Milliners ~Dress Makers. Brewer_ ~ar. Thorofare Buttram Susan, Thorofare 99
SUFFOLK. WOODBRlDGE, &c. =-~========================= W OODBRIDGE CLASSIFICATION 1 continued. .. Milliners, 4·c.--Kemp Misses, Market pi Norman A. Castle st Oldring M. A. Thorofare Stanford & Freeman, Thorofare Stewart Elizabeth, Thorofare Music Sellers.---Foster & Clarke, Church st Natumlist.--.. Betts William, Thorofare Nltrse1·y <S" Scedsmen.-·-Woods John, Cumber! and st Painters, Plumbers, 4" Gluziers. Alleu L. Church st Loder John, Thorofare Mallett John, Seckford st Mallett William, Market hill Moore William C. New st Murrill Charles, Thorofare Pawnbroker.--Ashford Eiiza, Thorofare Pet;[umer.--'l'aylor Alfred, Church st P!tysician.--Lynn G. D. Church st Porter Mer·chant.---Lockwood Wm. jnn. Castle st P1·inter q· Sta!ioner.---Munroe John, Market pi Rag 9· Paper Jl;ferchant.--Issett J. W. Thorofare Rope Maker.---Giles John, New st Sadlers ~Harness .Makers.---Durrant I. Thorofare Kirbv Robert, Market hill • J>almer John, Thorofare Uice James, Chmch st Sailllfakcr.---Nichols John, Chapel la School, Gent.~.-- Pizey Henry, Cnmberlaud st Sieve M alcers, o/c.---Woods J. New ~>t Gross J ames, Thoro fare Sheriffs C?flicer.--Barnes Robert, Seckford st Ship Builder.--Taylor William, Limekilu quay Silversmith o/ Jeweller.- Gant R. D. 'fhorofare Smit!ts.--Baxter William, Brook st Buttrum William, Theatre st Dowsing John, Angel la Owles Charles, New st Smith Henrr, Seckford st • Stananought John, New st So 'iciio1·s.--~Carthew Thomas, Thorofare Churchvard, Meadows, & Everitt, Market hill • E\•eritt .Edward, Cumberland st ~ Gissing Samuel N. Market hill Moor Charles & Son, Cumberland st Wood J .. & Son, Church st Stay Maker.--Smith Mrs. Market pl Stone .llfason.---Smyth J ames, Tborofare Straw Hat ~~fanufacturers.--Gennills Mrs. New st Mavhew Mrs. Market hill • Moore Miss, New st V esey M. S. Thorofare Wade M. 'fhorofare Wright Elizabeth, Brook st Surgeons .Armstrong Samuel, Thorofare Gissing Samuel, Market hill J ones Richard, Church st Mom·e N. & Son, Church st Smith John, Castle st W elton Wmiam, Thorofare Tallow Chandler.--StaRford Henry, Market bill Tailors.---Bodgener Henr)'; New st Chappell William G. Church st Christopber William, Cumberland st Gocbe Thomas, Cumberland st Mallett J onathan, Church st N ewson John, Cumbnland st. Whisstock William, Thorofare Wright Jeremiah, Church st Young L. Thorofare Wells Geo. Market hill Tanner.-Bond John, Brewery st Tavents, Inns, o/ Pt1-blic Houses:- .Anchor, PhiliJOt Frances, Quay la 100 WoonnRIDGE: CLASSIFICATION, coutinuetl. Taverns, o/c.--~Angel, Beecroft Wm. Theatre st Boat, Adams Charles, Common quay Bull, Salmon:J olm, Market pl Coach g. Horses, Rout H. Brf'dfield st Cock q Pye, Mullett James, New st Cross, Cork Henry, Church st Crown, Cundy Michael, Thorofare · Po.r:, Oxborrow Samuel, New st Ilalfmoon o/ Star, Barker E. Cumberland st Kings Arms, Flaxman Henry, Thorofare Kings Head, Goodall Bobert, Market hill Lion, Gross Catherine, Thorofare Queens Head, Self Samuel, Seckford st Royal Oalc, Lancaster Susan, Thorofare S!tip, W ilson Thomas, Common quay Sun, Betts John, Thorofare Swan, Syred John, Market hill Tankard, Mathews William, New st Three JJ'orseshoes, Bams S. Cumberland st Wellington, N unn J osepb, Cumberland st Wllite JI or se, J effi·ee John, M ark et pl Tea Dlrs g. Grocers.--Ban yard & Batchelor, Mkt bill Coleman Hustings, Seckford st Comyn Thomas, Cumberland st Culham Samliel, Cumberland st Fenn John, Cumberland st Gross & Thompson, Thorofare Hart Eliza, Thorofare Keeble J olm, 'l'horofare Loder Charles, Church st Mathew Fred. Church st Miller John, Thoro fare N eale Horace, Thorofare Smyth Daniel, New st Stevenson Robert, Seckford st W esthorpe J ames, Church st Ward & Morga.n, Thorofare Timber Jlferchants.---Colchester W. & Co. Water mill Grim wood Thos. Thorofare (quay . Umbrella Mukers.--Pooley Samuel, Angel la Uplwlste1·ers.--Fisk Samuel, Market hill Head Samuel, New st Miles Richard, Thorofare Waiclt ~· Clock Malcers.---Ellis Benj. Market pi Gardener William, Thorofare HawkeD. n. Church st Mallett Henry, Market hill Smvth J. P. Thorofare Ta.)~lor John, New st Wltarfingers. Dowsing J ames, Quay la Gammage John, Brewery la Whitin,q Maker.--Blowers Robert, Quay la Wine o/ Spirit A-lrchts.·-Brook A. & Son, Church st Edwards Henry, Thorofare Gross & Thompson, Thorofare GRUNDISBURGH. Acton Edward •.•••••••••••••••••••.•••..••••••••• Surgeon Bran1e Geo .•..••••••••••.••••...••••.• Grocer & Draper Collings Samuel ........................ BaptistMinister Cres\\·elll\1.rs. ·······························•··~····Tailor Davey J ames ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Forsdike J ol1n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ........... Miller Franks J ol1n •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• Whitesmith Frost Sam •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••.•• ,.Horse Dealer Groom J on a than ...................... , •••• Whitesmith Groom J osepl1 ............................... ~ ••••• Butcher Kn igbt William ......................... ,.Corn Chandler North Charles •••••••••••...•••••••...•• • ~, ...-•• ,. 't.Dog Inn Parker 1\f •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,., •• ~.Builder Parker William ··························~······ Maltster Pipe Jol1n M ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ........ CQoper
YOXFORD. SUFFOLK', --=================================================~=-~==-- Ratllsay Jas ........................................ Carrier Smith .John •••••..••••.•.•.•.••..•• Boot & Shoemaker Steggall John ••.•. , •..•..••.•..•.•.•.....•.•..... Surgeon Taylor Robt ......................... Piumher & Glazier 'l.,illett lien .•................•...... , ........•.. Carpenter Valley Richard •..•...........•..•..•.....••.•.. Carpenter Warren J a1nes •..•••••••••••••••••••••• , ............ Butcher 'Vebster Rev. Geo ................................. Itector Crisp William ... Griffin Commercial Inn & Posting House, & A__gent to the Norwich Union Dale Charles ....•...............••..•••.•.••. Coal Dealer Dale J ol1n ............................................ Tailor Dennison William ......••.••.•.. , •.•..•.• Greengrocer · Ellis Henry ...•.•....•....... Corn & Seed Merchant Elmy John ............... Carpenter & Wheelwright Fisher Robert .................. Confectioner & Baker Woolnought John .................. Boot & Shoemaker Fisk H. & L ...................... Plumbers & Glaziers Wooluought Willian1 ........................ Bricklayer Gallond Mr .•..•.• Civil Engineer & Land Surveyor Garrett & Son ........................... Iron Founders YOXFORD, Harrison Mrs ....... .Mi:>tress of the National School ON a small stream w hi eh falls into the sea about two Hignett John • . • • . .. .. . . .. . .. • .• .... •• • ... •• •• Attorney miles south from Dunwich, and pleasantly situated on Hignett J. H ..................................... Solicitor the road from Ipswich to Yarmouth, 4f miles north Kitton Mary .................. Millinet & Dress Maker from Saxmundham, and 94 miles from London ; King Robert ........................... Hair Dresser &c. contained, 'in 1831, 1149 inhabitants: the annual Lanchester J. W .•..• &0 ........................ Surgecn value of assessed property in 1815 was 3616l •. This Lunniss William ........................ Carpenter, &c. village, in the midst of a beautiful and interesting Masterson John .................................... Tailor cdUlltry, generally considered the garden of Suffolk, Nunn William ........................ Grocer & Draper consists of one street containing several handsllme Oflord John ....................................... Tailor modern houses. The petty sessions are held here. Pain Thomas .............................. Beer Retailer The church, dedicated to St. Peter, has been enlarged Paire Thomas .................... , ............ Shoemaker by the care and under the superintendence oft he pre- Phillips John ••• : .......................... Wheelwright sent much respected vicar, the Rev. Dr. S. Roberts ; Pritty Thomas ......................... , .......... Butcher and contains several curious monuments. The· Ralph John ..................... :Basket & Sieve Maker living is a vicarage, value 16ll. per annum, in the Ransome Brothers ..................... Iron Merchants patronage of the Earl of Stradbroke. Here is a Revans & Smith .... ~ .............. Grocers & Drapers free school, built by suqscription on land given by Rickards Mr .......... Master of the National School the vicar. Y oxford Grove, Sans Souci, Cockfield Roberts Robert ... Wine & Spirit Merchant & Currier Hall, the seat of Sir Charles Blois, Bart.; Westleton Roberts Rev. Samuel, D.D ...................... Vicar Hall, and Heve11ingham Hall, the seat of Lord Row John & George ••• Sadlers & Harness Makers Huntingfield, are in the neighbourhood. Hevening- Scrivener Rev. A ................................... Curate barn Hall, one of the finest mansions in the county, Se well P. •• .. .... .• . ... ...... .............. .... Grocer, &c. and about tlll'ee miles distant from Y oxford, was Shearington Ann ........................... Stay Maker erected in 1777 from designs by Sir Robert Taylor, Short J oseph .. ••• ... .••• W hitesmith & Bell Hanger and under the superintendence of James Wyatt. It Sillett L ........................................... Butcher presents a front two hundred feet in length, con- Smyth Luke ................................. Watchmaker sisting of a centre and wings of the Corinthian Smyth Robert ................................. ~ .. Butcher order; all the apartments are of no!lle dimensions, Spalding William .................. Boot & Shoemaker and are adorned by an extensive and valuable col- Spall J oseph. ...... ... .............. Boot & Shoemaker lection of pictures, chiefly of the Dutch and Flemish StapJeton William .................. Plumber & Glazier schools of painting. The park is very large and Thurrell John .......... ; ................... Grocer, &c. well wooded : an avenue leading to the house is of W ebber Am os ........ ............... ........ ..... Tailor great length and uncommon beauty. The river Welton John ............................ , ....... New Inn Blytk, which takes its course eastward through the Wen dew Daniel.. ............................... Butcher valley, forms in front of the mansion a broad lake Wilson C. • .......................................... M.D. that adds very considerably to the effect in the view. Wright George ..................... Boot & Shoemaker The house stands on an eminence, and is seen to W rjght W illiam, Littlest .... .... .. ...... ••• •• Farrier great advantage from various parts of the park, particularly from the opposite side of the river. Near Heveningham is Thorington Hall, the seat of Colonel Bence. Name, Residence, &. Profession. Bailey J oseph.. •• . . •• .. . . . . .• . . Watch & Clock Maker Balls George •..•..•••••.•..••.••.•.••••..•••• Blacksmith Balls Henry ...•.....•........... ,. ...•..........•.. Farrier Barnes- J an e ...... Three Tuns Inn & Posting House Bird J ames ...... Chemist, Bookseller, & Postmaster Bissell J ol1n • • •• • •• • • • • •• • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • Tea Dealer Bloomfield John.............................. Bricklayer Borrett John ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Brereton & W ardley Elizabeth ............... Milliners Brown Charles • ... .. . . . • ... . • • . . .. .• • .• • • Beer Retailer Burrows Robert • . .• . .• . •. . .• • .• . ... . .•• . . . .. • . • . . Brazier Cable Thomas ........................... Coach Builder Carver William •..•.••....•...•••......•.....•..... Builder Clayton Alderman ............... Builder & Carpenter Cla)rton John • . .. • • • • •• • . • .•• • . . . . . . . • . . • • • Cooper, &c. Cooper John •..........•••..•.•...........••• Shoemaker Cotton Ezra..... .. . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . • . . . Builder Crane John .. •• • .. • ...... •• • • ...... Boot & Shoemaker Creighton William ..................... Draper & Tailor ---- ' Post Office. Bird J ames • • • • • •• . . • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • . • • . . • . • Postmaster Mail leaves ! p. 7 even.: & arrives i p. 7 morn.; :Fire & Life Assurance Agent. Norwich Union ........................... W illiam Crisp Posting Houses. Griffin Commercial Inn ............... William Crisp Three Tuns Inn ........................... J ane Barnes Public School. National School Rickards Mr .•.. , ..••.••••..••.• ,. ••••••••••••• Master H arrison Mrs. • ..••.••..•.••.•• , • • • • • • • . • • • • Mistress Coache~ .. London, Mail, calls at Tltree ;runs, ! p. 8 even.; returns i p. 6 morn. London, Shannon, from Tltree Tuns and Griffin, f p. 6 morn.; arrives 7 even. London, Star, from Gr~ffin and Three Tuns, 10 morn; arrives l p. 5 even. London, Telegraph, from Grijfin, 8 even. ; arrives i p. 6 morn. · 101
• SUFFOLK. YOXFORD. ==========~==========~====~=============================~ ~arriers. Huntingfield, Clayton 'k Catt, from Three Tuns, daily. Ipswich, Snwyer, from Grijfin1 Mon. & Fri.; returns Tues. & Sat. ' Ipswich, Baldry's Waggon. Ipswich, Rous's Waggon. London, N olloth's Waggon, Tues. ; returns Thurs. London, N oller~s Waggon, Tues. ; returns Wed. London, Smith's Waggon~, Mon. & Wed. London, Smith's Waggons, from Three Tuns, Wed. Thurs. & Sat.; returns Mon. Tues. & Fri. Norwich, Hogg's W·aggons, from Three Tuns, Mon. & Fri.; returns same days. Yarmouth & Southwold, Martin's Waggon, from Three 'l'un1, Fri.; returns same day. Classification of Trades. Baker. Fisher Robert Basket cS' Sieve Maker. Ralph John Beer Retailers. Brown Charles Pain Thomas Bellhanger. Short J oseph Boolrseller, ~c.---Bird J oseph Boot ~ Slwemakers. Borrett John Coopel' John Crane John Paire Thomas Spalding William Spall J oseph Wright George Brazie'l'. Burrows H.obert Brickiayer.--Bloomfield John Builder-a.--Carver- William - ClaytoH Alderman Cotton Ezra · ButcherF. Pritty Thomas Sillett L. Smyth Rohert Wen dew Daniel Carpenters.--El my John Lunniss William Chemist.--Bird J ames Civil Engineer. Galkmd M. Coach Builder. Cable Thomas Coal Dealer.-Dale Charles 102 Y O'Xtortn CLASSIFICATION, continued. Confectioner. Fish('r Robert Cooper .---Clayton John Corn~ Seed Merchant.-Ellis Henry Currier.--Roberts Robert Drapen.--Nunn William Revans & Smith Farriers~ Blacksmiths. Balls George Balls Henry W right William, Little st Greengrocer. Dennison William Grocers, ~c.--Bissell John Menn William Revans & Smith Sewell P. Thurrell John Hair Dresser, ~c. King Robert Inns ~ Public Houses:- Griffin Com. Inn~ Pstng Hse, Crisp Wm. New Inn, Welton John Three Tuns Inn, Barnes Jane Iron Founders.-Garrett & Son Iron Merchants.-Ransome Brothers Lvnd Surveyor. Gallond Mr. Mzlliners.-Brereton & W ardley Elizabeth· Kitton Mary Physician. Wilson Dr. C., M.D. Plumbers q Glaziers. Fisk H. & I • .' .. Stapleton William Sadlers ~ ll arness Makers. Row J olm & George Stay Makers. Shearington Ann Solicitor~; 9' .Attorneys. Hignett John Hignett ·J. H. Surgeon. Lauchester J. W. Tailors .S· Drapers. Creighton William Dale John . Masterson John . Offord John Webber Amos Watch~ Clock Makers. 13ailey Joseph Smyth Luke Wheelwrights. Elmy John Phillips John Whitesmith. Short J oseph • Wine ~Spirit lJfercltant.--Roberts Robert
0 X F 0 R D S H I R E. Tms county is bounded on the north by Warwickshire aud N orthamptoushire ; on the east by Buckinghamshire; on the south by Berkshire; and on the west by Gloucestershire. Its extreme length is ab(JUt 50 miles, the greatest breadth 35 miles, and the circumference of the county about 130 m1les. It is in the pn>\'ince of Cant ea bnry, and d;ocese of Oxtin·d, Pxcepting .5even pari:-hes in that of Lu~coln. Oxfo1d.-hire cont •ins one city and universitr, twelve m·1rket towns, fourteen hundred~, and two hundred nn 1 ei!;("hty pari~hes; the poputation at the ceusus of JS,il, consi'iting of 151,7~6 persons. It retnrll'lninf' IIH'mbers to Parlictnwnt, viz. two for tl1e city of Ozfor_d; two for the University, one for Woodstock, one for Bar.bury, and three for the County, who at present are, George Granville Harcourt, .E~q., eldest son of the Archbishop of York; Thomas Augm.tus W olstenholme Parker, Esq. ; and the Right Hon. Montagu Lord Norreys, D.C.L., eldest son of the Earl of Abingdon. The soil of this county, taken generally, is extremely fertile, furnishing abundant crops of corn and grass: it is naturally dry, being exempt from bogs, fens, and stagnant waters, and the air is considered as salubrious as that of any other part of England. The northern division is chiefly strong deep sand, partly arable, and partly pasture, and the enclosures are formed by stone walls; the central district is rich meadow land, with a subsoil of gravel, in which a variety of fossil remains are embedded. The southwe~tern part of the county includes the Royal Forest of Whichwood, comprising 6720 acres, a great portion of which is woodland, -the timber grown consisting principally of oak, ash, beech, and some elm. The Chiltern hills form a wide tract of chalk, slightly mixed with loam and clay, but very full of flints; much of this is covered with beech wood. Besides the Chiltern, there are not any hills in this county of considerable height, although gentle eminences vary the landscape without obstructing tillage. On the grass farms, ch,efly on the banks of rivers, or near the centre of the county, much cheese is made, of a good quality, though in general thin, also considerable quantities of butter; the cows are priucipally of the old Gloucestershire kind, and cahes are fattened for the London market. Numerous sheep are kept, the South down breed being preferred ; and many boars are fed for the pm-po!te of making brawn, a considerable article of trade at Oxford and other parts, and sausages. The produce is that which is cont'lnon to the midland counties; also artificial grasses, particularly sainfoin. The mineral products include limestone, freestone, ragstone, slate for the roofs of buildings, pipe-clay fuller's earth and ochre which is found of a peculiarly fine quahty near Shotover. The chief manuf'actures of Oxfo1 dshire are those of blankets, for which \Vitney has long been noted., worsted plush at Banbury and Bloxham, gloves and various articles of polished steel at W oodstock, and malt at Henley. The employment of women in the neighbourhood of Thame is lace making, and in the northern part of the county spinning wool. The rivers are, the Bm·e, Cherwell, Evenlodj!, Glyme, lsis, Ray, Thame, Thames, and IVindrush. The Bure is a branch of the Ray, which it joins near Bicester. The CherOxfordskire.] A well rises in N orlhamptonshire, and paasing Banbmy, flows in a southward direction and unites with t)1e Isis below Oxford. The E1-•enlode rises in a detached part of Worcestershire adjoining this county, which it enters near the Shire-stone, and after a serpentine conrse through Which wood forest, and passing Blenheim, it falls into the Isis near Cassington~ a few miles abo,·e Oxford. The Glyme falls into the Even/ode. The lsis rise~ in the northern angle of Wi tshire, and enters this county near Lcchldde, where it becomes navigable; after passi1>g Ensham, it receivt>s the Evenlolie, and below the city of Oxford unite~ with the Cherwell; flowing southward it passes Ahingdon, and below Dorchester is joined by the Tltame, whence their united streams form the river Thames. The Thame, rising near Tring in Hertfordshire, flows through the vale of Aylesbury, and enters Oxfordshire, near the town of Thame, whence taking a circuitous direction, it joins the lsis at Dorchester. The Windrush has its source among the-Coltswold hills, in Gloucestershire, enters this county between Taynton and Burford, and passing Witney, falls into the Isis at New B1·idge, about eight miles belo'v· that town. By means of the Thames and the Oxford canal communicating with it, this county amply enjoys the benefit of inland navigation. The Oxford canal commences at Longford in Warwickshire, enters Oxfordshire near Claydon, passes Banbury, Adder bury, Somerton, Heyford W arine, Heyford Purcell, Ship ton on Cherwell, Be~ brook and W olvercott, and joins the Isis at Oxford. A Railway has been proposed from Worcester to Oxford, which, entering the county on the western side, would pass between Charlbury and Witney; and after leaving Oxford, would pass Abingdon,· and unite with the great Western Railway to the south of that town: a very small portion of the last-named rail way, crosses the southern part of the county. There were formerly abbeys at Dorchester, Ensham, Oseney, and Thame; priories at Bicester, Brightwell, Burford and Minster Lovel, and nunneries at Godstow and Goring. Broug_hton Castle is a remarkable structure, and the remains of the ancient mansions at Stanton Harcourt and Minster Lovel are particularly interesting. The, Akeman street, a Roman military way, enters Oxfordshire near Alchester, and passes through the county in a westerl.t direction; the sonthcrn part is intersected by the lcknield way. The most memorable of the military transactions in Oxfordshire, were the battle bPtween the English and the Danes, in the year 914, at Hook Norton, in which the former were entirely defeated; the battle of Banbury1 between the Y orkists and Lancasterians in 1469, 'When King Edward IV. was made prisoner by the Earl of Warwick ; and the skirmish at Chalgrove field, August 15th, 1642, which is rendered memorable by the death of the patriot Hampden. There are numerous parks and gentlemen's seats in this county; the magnificent mansion and park at Blenheim, were the grant of the British Parliament to t)le great Duke of Marlborougb, on account of his signal victory over the French at Blenheim in Germany. Shirburue Castle is the seat of the Earl of Macclesfield, Lord Lieutenant of the county.
oxronDSH!:R.E, As subdivided into PAROCHIAL UNIONS under tl1e Poor Law Amendment Act of 4 and 5 WILLIAM IV. 1834, showing the Number of Parishes, the number of Guardians appointed thereto; also a STATEMENT showing the Days on which ~he several Pprochia~ Pnif>ps jn the Coppty of Oxfortl hold their Meetings, the Places at which they meet1 and thf qefks tq e~l1 n~~pecti•·e .l}oaJ~ ;_ a~ -.rranged in the order in which they have been lettered on tbe accompanying Map of the County. -------------------.---.--~----------------------.--------------------------- Letter of Reference on Map, ~hR red li~e showing the di1ferent UpionJ. - UNIONS. Cll!rk; to the Bo~rds. D~n of :1'4~epng. Places of Meeting. ----------~T----- ~--~!------~----~--~~--·~---- • ~~---------------- A I. Banbury •..•••••. 51 :S 2. Biceiter •••.. .. .• 38 0 3. Chipping Nrtn. 33 D 4. Headington ..... 22 B 5. Henley ••••.•••.. 21 :P 6. Thame •.•••.. .• . . 35 G 7. Witney •••..•.•.• 42 H 8. W oodstock • • . • • . 81 :E O#ord,uot in Union 'u (. ' J ' 58 Moore G. Solipitor, Banbury Thurs. 9 Workhouse, Banbury 39 .Jones Edward W., Bicester Fri. 10 Union House, Bicester 36 Robinson A. L. Chippg. Nrtn. Wed. Il Uuion Hse. Chippg. N orton 25 W alsh Percival, jun. OK ford 'Phurs. 10 Workhouse, Headington 27 Chapman Cl1a~. H., Henley Tues. 10 Workhouse, Henley 38 Hollier John, 'fhame .•....... Wed. 10 Workhouse, Thame tH Whitaker Frederic, Bampton Thurs. 10 Workhouse, Witney 37 Hollo"·ay Benj., W oodstock Tues. I I Workhouse, W oodstock Tptal County Qf 0.¥-ford ••• 1273 304 \ ' SUPERI~l'E~DEN'f 11-~Gl~TJl.(\.J\S, JtEGJ~Tfi-4RS QF BJRTfJS. DE~~TH~, &~;. OXFORD. As subdivided into DisTRICTs undPr the Registration Act 6 and 7 WILLUH IV. chap. S5, 86~ of Births, Deaths, ~nd Marriages, shpwing tbe several Parochial Unions, with the REGISTRARs' DisTRICTS, the Name anq Address of Superip/endent Registrars\ Registrar~ of Birth5 and Deaths, and the Registrars of Marriage~, itf the severa farochial Unipns 1q the County . • fit. Th:e lttterp .,.., ~. ftc. T(Jfer eo thfl srver(l/ Dip¥~ns of UrJiollf 014 t~e (l.CC:()?npanying 11-hp of Qxjo.rd, qnt/ th~ figure refers to t/le '.Fable ()j Ut~ipnt, qf;vue, 4 (4 :; 4 "~! I j H '0 ' f I j -"' ......... -t--.,.,..,,_.. _ __...___ __ .-,-.,,;---.....----------~-------~ ,...._ UNION. ])Tame and A.lldress of BuJ?erintend. Registrars . Registrars' Districts. Name ij.Dd Ad<j.re.ss of Registran of Births and Deaths. Name and Address of :Marriage Registrars. • l B b r Banbury •..••. N. Golsworthy, Ban'QQry ... ~r~1 .. J. Hr W~lforq, Ba~lmry. G Ol1i- 'lt;{' 'Swalcliffe .• , .•. E. Cbarlton, Swalclifff! eorg~ ~orf!, 'i Cropedy ••••.• T. Pearce, Cror.redy •. ...... w,·· ... \filliam W ~lforq, :§~nb\Jry, "n u.ry, ( Blo~hau1 •..••. J. aonner, Boi:ldicott JS ~- Bicllfitr, ) Bicester •.••.. J. Revnolds Bicest~r :e. WB •. J one$, )~ J}lechingdoq . J a~. H or~, Somerto~, Dedpin O'ton lCester, ~t· C ~ Cti'[in~_Nrtn, I Chipping Nrtn S. Vokins, Chipping Nerton _. .•.. J. Liddlard Chlppin~ Norton. eh·. ·. ct-:/nson, ~ Ch_6rlpllry ••. jJ. Godfr.ey, Charlbury •.••.••••••. W. Hood, Chipning Norton. 'fP111f" ~.,or ton. / t i ~ 4p Ifwa'ffgt.on, I 'lt. Clements ~ R. Wood, St. Cle.ments, Oxfqrd~·· fit~'\. M.ayhHry, ~t. O~l~s1 Oxford~ c;: 0 • . 1 .a Os 1 ' }u~. '> Wheatley •..••• John Smith, Wbeatley, Ox on 1-'t, 1 es, JlPfAJ· ~C ·Hflec;n~lfU, ·j fho1ey,, •• , •••• T. Hestet>, Market pl, Henley ••. Jos. Soundy, Fair Mill apman, > t:u 1· 1' B W }" · · H 1 "' at 1pgton • • . • arm~s, a~ mgton .......... ~, ~n ~r1" Q. 1'kame, ) Thame ......... E. Wlrite, Tl.!ame ................... W. Soudding, Thame. J. H ollier, ~ Brill ....••.•.•.. S. Capron, Long £:umdon, !J'hame l'!ll,l.Ql.e,) Ltlwknor •••••• V. Flelfher, Lit. Melto:n, T~tswortb (to 7. Wi.trwy, : "Witn~y ••. , •• E. A. Ba~ Witney •..•.••.• , .....••• 11. Shayler., Wit11ey. f. Wbitak~r, JQU· Bampton •••••. E. F. Wlutaker, Bampton •.•••••.• J. Dutton, Bamt>toiL. J.lamptop, t)xon.: ~urford •..•.. T. Cheatle, Bm:ford ~ En~hpm ~ ..... W. Green, Ensham H ~- Woods/4C~ ') ,B, .floll(:lway, >- W oodstock ••. G. Coles, jun. Woodstock ......... 1 . .ChurebiU, Deddington. Woodstoc)t. , D~dpingtoo •.. J. Cburclilill, Dfddin_gton ' • I 9. Oxford, • ) J. T. Dobney, 0"-ford ••••••••• R, Green1 O~ford ., .... , ••••• , .... ,. 1 J~ G~ W ~lt.op fl#Jpj!'_~ Pxford.- Oxford.' • N~ jn Union. ..... llill!f:flll 1Tl fttiVfhl<9h* an is':H:tu 1 ¥ ' 0 ) t I
OXFORDSHIRE. LlST OF PARISHES ANI) ADJACENT POST TOWNS FORMING THE VARIOUS PA-ROCHIAL UNIONS OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD. •.• Tlze letter (A) refers to lhe l'rfap. BAHBUBYa (A} PABISHE&. tb!ii fo'\VNS. Adderbury1 Eastuuuuu ::a:.: 1: : .. ::::: ... :. : .Bailbitf'g Addetburvr Westauuauuuu ...... : .. :: ... ~ ....... ditlfJ Alk~tton~1 .. ,,,,,, ,, ,,, a:.: •• ,:.::: •• : •• :.:::.: ••• : ••.• dittlJ Appletree ,,,,,,, ... ~,~,~ .• :.J ••• • •••••••••••• • •• !~ ••••••• Aston lE!' Wall ,,,,,,ll'~i ... ·.-., ..... ~ .. ~.: ....... ~.: .... . Avon Dasset ,,,,,,,,,,l:lll::.::: ••• ::.:.: ••••••••• ditto aittb diff() Ban bury ... , .. •l• '"',. •••• a a a • r:: tl::::::: :. :::::: •.••.••• ditto Barford St John ..• ~·································· tlitto Barford St Michael .......................... Deddington Eloxham ...•. ·: ..•..•..•.•. , ,, ''" ., •• ,. , .• , • , .,, .• Bflnbury Buddington, Upper ................... H.,,".-•1 Duventry Boddington, Lower ......... , .............. ;"''""" di.tto Boddicott •..•••. , ... , •.... .,, .............. ila.,.4~JI •• Banbut·1) Bourton ........................................ ~, ......... , .. , clittr:J Broughton Chacombe ••••••• , .... ' •••• \' ... , •• ~ ••• 11. ,.,, ••• ~~· ~,. .r'" Ill'~ tiittd .......................... ,.~,~~,····•······ Cl1ippit1g •.••••• ·~ ••• , .•• ~ ...... ~· .••• "' ................ 4, ... Clattercote ......................................... ~. • .-..,.~. Claydon ........................... _,.~ .... , •••• ~._.,., ..• Croprrd y ...••..........................•...•.. ., ....••• Drayton ........................................... ~ ... ~p\vell ··································~············· Farnborougl1 ......................................... . Han\vell .................... l'········~>·············i•·• ditto ditto dittrJ dittd ditttJ ditto dittd ditto tllttd Hook Norton ...................... , .. Chipping Norton Horlel'P -~t ••••••••••• , •••••• , ••••••• • , • • , •••••••••• , .Ban bury Hor11ton .••.••••••••..••.•••..••.••••••••. , ••...• , ... ,. ditta Middleton Cheney ...... , ....... , ...... , .... ,., .... ditto M ilcombe ..•••.•.....•.••..•••...•.•••••••••.•...•.•.. dlttd l\1ilton ••• ~ •..•.•.•••.•••••..•.••.••..•.•......•.••• ~.," llittd ~i ollington .•........••.•...•....•.....•.....•.... J ••• dittd Neithr{1p .••••••.••.•••••• , ••• , •.•••.•..• ,,.,,~ •• ,., • .tJ dilto N ortb N e\vington , ................................. 4 ditto Prescote - ................................................ . (./t.lto Rad\Yay •.•.••••• , .• ,., ••••••• ~e·······••••••••••• ]{eintoii Ratley .•••••.•...• J1l.,.,..~, ............................. ~.i ditto Shennington ............. ,. ................ , •... , .•.• Banbury Shotteswell .•••••••••...• , .•• , , .•••••• , ••••••••• , ........ ditto Sl1utford, East ..•......•....••...... , .•..•. ,,.~, .. ,. .• Shutford, ~est ••..••••••..••••.••••••. , ..•• , ••••..•.• Sibford Ferris ....•..•........•..•..•.••.....•...• J •• 4 Sibford Gower ,.,,,., •.•• ,,, ••••••.••• ,.,.,.~~ •••. , ••• S(jutl1 Newington ...•..••....•.••..••• " ••• , •••.•• , •. , s,valcliffe ··········································~·· Tadmarton .....•• ,. .. ,.,., ••• ,,_ .••..•.•.....••..••.. ,. Warditlgton ••.••. , ..•.••••••••..••••.• , ............... . Wark,,·orth ....•...•...•...•.•••.••..........•..... , .... Wartnington •.....•••••.•.••.•••.••••.•••.•.••.•.•.•• ,. w· . Jggtnton ..•.• ,,, •• ,, .... ,., 11 .,, ..................... . 'Vroxton •.•..•. , •••• ~.,,., ..•••••••.••••••.•..•..•••... BICEST:EB.. (:S) ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditld ditto ditto ditto dill& ditto Ambrosden .......................................... Bicester Ardley • . • • . •• • . • . . • • .. . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. . . • . • . . . ••• ditto Arncott •.........•.•........•..•......•.••.......•. , ditto Bicester, King'g End ••.••..•.•.....•.......•...••• cfitto Bicester; Market End .............................. ditto Boafstail • • •• • • • . • • • • . . • • . . • • • • . . . . •• . . . . • . . • • . .. . . • • • dltlo Blacksf1otn . . . . . . • . . • • •• . ••• •• • . • • • . . •• • •• . •• . .• . . . . • ditto Blachingdotr •.....•.....•...........•..••............. ditto Buckhetl ••• · ...••••••...•.... ~... .• . . • • . • • • • . • • . . • • .• • . ditto Caversfield ••• ; •• ; ..••.• ~., ~......................... ditto • PARISHES. POST TOWNS, Charlton on Otmore • ..•••••••••••.•..•..•••••• 11icestet Chesterton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. il;tlo u Cottesford.............. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .• . .. . . . . . Braclcley Bicesier ditto Jitio .Fencot & Fringford Fritwt>ll 1\'lttrcot •.••.••.•••••••••.•••••••••••• .•...•...•................••••.•.• ~ ....... ~ .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••• J •••• c;addington •.....•..•..•....••..•.....•..•.....••.••• ditlo Hatd\vick ......•..•.............•..........•• ,~····-·· ditto H eth e ............................................ ·;.. ditt~ Havford, Lo\\·er.... ... . .. . .. . .. . .•. .. . • .. •. • • U oodstock Ha}f'ordJ Vpper ...•......•.......•...•..........•..••. ilitto I s!ip,.. j ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ···.J., Oxford Kirtlington.... .•• ••• . . • • •. . . • • .. . . • •• • . ••••• .• lYood~,tock L1a ltnton.......................................... .1Jice$ler . ' 1\tt erton............................. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . dzlt& !v1iddleton Stony ••••..•..•.••..•.•.•.•••..•......•.. ditto Newton Purcell • '•n• .. • ... ,n ,. ... •••n•vr .......•... ditto N oke ................................................. Oxford dddingtot1 .•.......•...••...•.....•..•••...•..•.• • Bicestef' Iji(ldihgtoh. •..........•...•.••..•••..•...•••.•...••. , dittli slJels\v!!ll ................................... . .B'Iickingha:TTt S'ohiertdfl •...••......••.•••••••••••.•••••••••••• W ootlslu~k Sottldetfl •..•.•.••••••..••.•• : •..••••••• :: •.•••.•••••• ditto StoKe Ly~~ ............................... : ......... Bices,te+ Stratton Al..fllley •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dzttd Tusmbre •.••..•.•••••.••...••••..•..•.•.•.••••.•••••• dittiJ W endlebri1'j •.•.....•.•....•.•••••.•• ··"~· .• •• ••• • . .• .• dittti 'V' eston on the G:reetl.............................. ilittO' • Ascott .............................................. Bttifm-ft Brt1ern ••....•.....•..•..••.•••••••.•••••...••••.•• '... ditto Barton on th~ Heatli ............... Jt1riY~tonitt Mar$h Chipping Nortoh ..................... Cltippirrg Norlh"b Charlbbty .....................•..•..............•.. £1/stont! Comptofi, Long ........................ C!tippittg Nttrt'On Compton, I~ittle ..................... Mdtetun m Marsh Chadiing ton........................... Clztpptng N-orton Cl1ilson ...•....••.•.•••..•••••.••••.••••••••...••..• Enstone Chastleton ..••.••.•••. •·"· ,;~ .... ,.c-~ ...... Chipping Norlon Churchill Corn well ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T.' L r ... 11Stone •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto ditto E ril>1o'll e }'a\\ler .........•........••••..•••......••••...•..•• WitMtJ Finstoc'k . •.•...•.•.....••.•..•.....•....••.....•..... ·Ditto Fifield ................................. MorUonin Mari!t Heytlnop .............................. Cflfppinq Ndrtm ldbury ................................. MbretiJit m. Mat'Sit Kingham.. .. . ... .. . .. .. .. .. .... ....... Chfppi'lt!J Na1-tbh Lnt1glej. •• . . .•. •.••.. .. . .•••. ... . ... •. . . . ... •..••. lJUtfotri Lyneham ......... ~ .................... Cltippir1y No·rltJh l~eafiela ......•.................•..............•. . , ... Witn~y Milton •..•....••••...•••...••.••••.•••••••••..••.••• Burfot~ Over Norton ........................... Cllippi11.f/ Norton Rollright, Great ···"···•·········.,tt.•.-.•·············· ditto l\ollr1ght, Little •..••....•......•.•.....•........• ,_ ditto Sal ford . ... • •• . . • . . . . .. .. • . . • ... • .. • . ... .. • • .... .. ... . • ilitto Sarsden ...•.....••..........••....••••.•..••...•••...•• ditto 'sl1ipton .••••.•..•..•••.•..••••.•••••.••••••••••••••. Burfard Spelsbury .•••..•...••......•••....... :: ......••.• ;. EnstO'n~ Swerford ................................. C!tipping N'arfbn Tew, Great •.•.........•......•................•.. Ensto'l'l.e Tew, Little •.. ~ .••.•.....••........••.••••••• ,.. , • •• .• llilt-o 3
OXFORDSHIRE. ====~~====================-==================:;;;~~~ HS.A.DIHGTON. (D) PARISHES. POST TOWNS. Beckle)' .............................................. Oxford Cow ley............................. .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Cuddesdon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••• Wheatley Cl1ippinghurst.. •• . . • • . • . . . • • • . •. •• . . . • • . . . . • • •• • . . . • ditto Den ton................................................. ditto Elsfield ............................ , ••.•••••••••••••.. Oxford Forest Hill ......................................... Wlteatley Garsi11gton ••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..••••••••. ditto Headington ...................................... -. Oxford H orsepath................................ .. . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Holton •. .•••.. .•• .•••• .•••••••• ••• . .. . .•••••.••. Wheatfey H or ton & Studley ••••••.•.••••.•••••..•••..••.••••... ditto I ffiey & Hoc km ore.............................. Oxford Mars ton ....... ·-···· ...................................... ditto Stanton St John .................................. Wheatley Shotover ................................................. ditto S to\vood ...•..•............................•......... Oxford Studley ...................................... .-.•• , WheaFley St Cletnents.. .• . . • • . • . . . . . . . .• . .• . •. . . • . .. . . •. .• • . Oxford St Giles ..•...••...•..••.•.•....•••.•....•..•.••.•••.•.. ditto Wheatley ...••••..•........•••••...••.•••......• Woodeaton Wheatley ••.•.•••.•..••..••••••• ,.. ...... , ,, 'u. ~. •..J--• ••••• ditto HENLEY. (E) 13ix ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l5renle3f Brightwell ••••••••••.•••••• •••.••••••••••••• .• 1"etsworth Britwell l>rior .......................................••••• dittQ Britwell Salome ........................................ ditto Caversham ••••••••• ·• •• •• . • •• • •• • ...... •• . • • ••••.• Reading Cl1ickendon........................................ Henley Cuxbam ..... ., ...................................... Tetsworth Eye & Dunsden ..................................... Reading Grays ( Rotherfield). ~····•. ••••••••.• •• ••••• ••••• Henley Harpsden .................. , ...................... "······ ditto Henley ........................................... .,....... ditto I psden .............. -t.... .• ... . . . . .. .. . . .. . ..• .. . .. . . Ben.yon N ettlebed. •• •• •• •.• • •• • •• • •• • .... •• . • •• •• • .• • • •• • N ettlebed ~t1fifield ••.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••• ditto Peppard { Rotherfield) ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• Henley Pis hill .................. J ...................................• Benson Pyrton .............................................. Tetsworlh Retnen ham ................................. ·-•••• ~ Henley Sl) iplake ............. " ......................... '""·" •.• ~ •.••• ditto S win corn be ........................................ . Nettlebed 'Vatli.ogton ....... •••"-~••· .••. ~ ••••.•••••.•••...•.• Tetsworth • THAME. (:E') North District. ··············~--~························ Wheatley ................................................. Albury Brill Chilton Dorton 1'hame ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto •.........•.......•........•••..........•..... ~. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ickford •• !••··· ..·····•••·······•······················- I ... on g Crendon ........................................ . OakleJ'" ................................................ . ······~··································· SJ)ablington Tiddingtou Waterperry Waterstock Wo.-minghall ··~········,························ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wlteatley ditto ditto Tllame •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~·-······~························· Thame District. As ton Row ant ••.•..••.•.••.•...•..•••••••••••• Tetsworth ditto Thame ditto ditto Tetsworth Thame Crowell ................................................ , . Emington ••••••.•.•••.. ..-••••••••••••••••••••.•••••• Kingsey ......................................... ~--··-·-·- Sydenham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tetsworth ...•..••••••••••.•.•.•....••.•••...•••. Thame ·····························~··············· 4 • South District. PAHISHES, • POST-- TOWNS, Ad well ••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tetswortll ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Ascott ··············~··········~····~················ Cl1ilwCJrth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chalg-rove ••• ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Easit1gton ............................................. . Great Haseley Great Milton Little Milton Lewknor Lewknor Shirburn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dit. to Uphill ..••••.••...•.....••.. ,.... Stokenchurch ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~estetoorck ditto 'l'etsworth ditto ditto South W eston Stoke Talmage Warpsgrove Wheatfield ····················~·················· ··················~······'···· ····································-··~·· •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WITNEY. (G) A vescot ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• Burford Witney Bampton ditto ditto Asthall & Asthally •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• As ton & Coate ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bampton & W eald ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Blackbourton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brighthampton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. Witney Brise N orton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Burford Broad well............................................. ditto Broughton Poggs ..••.••..•..••••••..•••••..•.....•.. Bttrford .•••.••..••••• -·· <~• .... ·~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto ditto Cl1imt1ey .......................................•••• Bampton Clan field .-. •• . • . . . • • •• • . . . •• • •• • .• •• . . .• . •• . .• •• . . ... . . ditto Coggs .•.••.••••........•••••.•...•... J ••.............. Wilney Crawley ....... ., ....•••••..•.••...•••••••••.••••••••.• ditto Cttrbridge .............................................. ditto Ducklin~t<ln •• : •.••.• ~ ................................. dit:Jo En sham ••••..•.••••••. -. ............ •···. •• ••• • •• . . Enshttm Filkins ·-·······•···· .. ····•······~·········"•·······Burford Fulbrook ••..•• -.. •• ..................................... ditto Bailey ·-"······················· .................... lf'itney Handboroogh ••••••••• ,... •••••••• •'-•••••••••••• Woodstoc!c 1-fardwick ..••.•••••• ., •••••••..•••••••..•••••••••••• H"'itney Holwell •••.•• , •.....•.•..•.•••.•••••.••••.••..••• Burf(Jrd Ken cot • • . • . . . . . . . . • . . • . •. . . . . • • ••• • • •• .• • • . ••• • .• . •• • . dift() ~evv ••.••.•... ~ ..................................... . Wit11ey Minster .................................................. ditto Northleigh Northmoor •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ram~den .............................................. . Sl•iffc>rd ••••• •lt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto ditto ditJo ditto Sl1 ilton ...••.•••.•••..••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Burford Soutl1leigl1 ...••••••••••••••••••..•••••.••••••••••..• lf!itney Stand lake .••.. , •••••.•..•••.•••••••••..•.•.•••..••.•.• ditto ~tan ton Harcourt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••..• ditto Swiubrook Taynton Upton & W Pstwell Wedford . •....••••••...••.•••••••••••••.••.•..• ~urjford ···················~························· Signet ..................................... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .....•....••.••.. , •.••.•...•.••.•.•...•.....• ditto ditto ditto ditto Wilcot ............................................. . U'itrwy ditto ditto Witney Yelford •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WOODSTOCK.. (H) As ton, Midrlle •.••••..•...•.••..•.•.••••••.. Deddingfotl Astou, N ortl1 ....................... ~ ••••••••••••••••••• ditto Aston, StePJ>le ........................................ . Barton, Steeple ...................................... . Barton W estcott .................................... . ditto ditto dirto Begbrok.e. Bla<lon ................................................. . WooiBtet:k ditto ditto ditto ········································~ Cassington Coomba •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
OXFORD. PARISHES, POST TOWNS. Deddington .........•.......................... Woodstock Durts Tew . . . . •... ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .... ..... ... . . ditto Glympton .........•................................ ditto Gosford . . .•. .. . ... .. .. . ... . .. . .. . . . . .. .... .. . . . . . O:r;ford Hampton Gay .. .. . .... • ... ... .. • • • • ... • •• • • TVoodstock Hampton Poy le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ditto Hensington .......................................... ditto Kiddington . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . ... . . ... .. . .•.•.. .. . .. . .. . . ditto Kidlington ....................................... Oxford Rous ham . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . W oodstock Sandford ....... ................................... En stone Sbipton . . ............... ..... ....... .......... Woodstock Stonesfield .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . ditto Tackley ................................................ ditto 'I.'hrupp..... .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . •. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Water Ea ton .. ··············~··· .........•....... Oxford " 1 oodstock .... ... ............ ..... .... .. ... .. Wood stock Wool vercott.......................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . Oxford W otton . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .••.... .. . . Waodstock OX:E'OB.D. THis city, the capital of the county, is situated in the midst of fertile meadows, at the confluence of the river Cllerwelt with the 1'/zames, or Isis as it is here called; it is 54 miles N.W. from London, and 87-f miles from Cambridge, the road to which is through Thame, Aylesbury, Leighton Buzzard, Ampthill and Bedford. The population of Oxford, according to the -census of 1831, including the members of the University, 1634 in number, was 22,896. The annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 37,8531. The architectural views of the city of Oxford in every direction, are singularly interesting. From Borley hill, on the north-west, the prospect resemblE's tt1at from the hi!ls above Cologne. There are various lofty edifices happily grouped, which exhibit the Radcliffe Library to the greatest advantage as a central object; here is no monotonou~ break of the horizontal line, as in the views of Rome from a similar eminence, where are domes infinitely repeated, from the immensity of St. Peter's to the diminutive cupola of a convent. From the second hill in Bagl~y wood tht' landscape is foreshortened, with the hall of Christchurch as the principal object, and Magdalen tower to th~ east. From Headington hill, Iffiey, and N uneham, the great features change their position without losing their beauty; and as most of the grand buildings of Oxford approach nearly to each other, the accidental grouping of them from different }Joints of view, affords surprise and pleasure. These buildings, singly considered, have sufficient merit to detain the artist, as they are rich examples, both of the Gothic and the Palladian style, and are worthy monuments of the skill and taste of the most eminent artists England has produced. It has been observed by an elegant cl"itic, that the architectural beauties of Oxford as a whole, exceed those of any city in the British empire. With the exception of Rome, .Florence, Venice and Genoa, Oxford will find few rivals on the continent: so grand and varied a group of towers, turrets, spires and cupolas, must strike every traveller on his approach, with admiration .{)f a city where learning rea.~ ~e~ head amid surrounding splendour. ' PARISHES. POST TOWNS. W or ton Nether . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woods toe!& W or ton Over •................•..................... Yarnton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OXFORD, CITY. (T) Not in Union. ' ditto ditto St. Aldates .......................................... O~Jord All Sai11ts ..............••..•.....•.••..••.•••••.••• ditto St. Cletnents ... . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ditto St. Ebbe . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ......... ... . ditto St. Giles ............................................. ditto St. John the Baptist .................... , • •• • • ...... ditto St. Martins . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. .. .. •. . . . . .. ... . ditto Sl Mary Magdalen ................................. ditto St. M ary . . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. .• ..•..... ditrto St. Micl1ael ··················•tt•····················· tlitto St. Peter le Bailey . . . ....... ... . . .. . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . ditto St. Peter in the East ......................•... ·r... ditto St. Thomas . . ... .. . .. . . ... ... ... . .. ... . •...•.. •. ....•. ditto The City of Oxford, including its suburbs, comprises an area of at least three miles in circumfer·· ence, extending a mile and a. quarter from the eastern side to the western, and nearly as far from north to south. The city is in form an ellipsis, and was formerly environed by a wall, with bastions about 150 feet distant from each other, but of these works few traces remain. Three principal entrances to Oxford, out of four, are over bridges. Magdalen bridge over the Cherwell, on the eastern side, 526 feet in length, was erected in 1779; hence the High street, one of the noblest in Europe, stretches westward under various appellations through the whole city. On the south, at Folly bridge, over the lsis, on the Abingdon road, formerly stood Friar Bacon's study: this tower was taken down on the erection of the new bridge. Other bridges are on 'the west, over the Oxford caual and the hrauches of the Isis. The High street, Oxford, is admired not only for its extent, but for the graceful curvatnr<' which it exhibits, and the numlwr of public buildings, by the front of which, in various styles of architecture, it is adorned; at Carfax this grand avenue is crossed by Saint Giles's, another priLcipal street, and from these others diverge in ~everal directions. Saint Aldate's contains the Town Hall and Christchurch, and in this street and St. Giles 's the best nJOdern houses are situated. The Town Hall was erected in 1752, chitfly at the expense of Thomas Rowney, formerly High Steward and M.P. for the City of Oxford. The officers of the city and borough are the Mayor, High Steward, Recorder, nine Aldermen, six of whom, with the Mayor, are magistrates, thirty Councillors, a Town Clerk and Clerk of the Peace, and other officers. A charter was granted to Oxford by King Henry II. who gave the Mayor the right of sharing with the Lord Mavor of London, the office of chief • butler at the coronation, but the charter under which the City of Oxford was governed before the late municipal act of parliament, was granted by King Janws in 1605. At present the city is governed by magistrates and subordinate officer!l, who exercise control over the citizens, hut the general superintendence of the streets and I!Uh!-Jrbjj, and of all the 5
OXON. == == === -=="""""'============- avenues leading into them, is committed during the night to 1\ii effective body of policemen 11ppdinted by the University, and acting under the directldn t>fthe vice-chancellor and proctors. A body of policemen has been also established by the cqrporation of the city, to act during tfte day~ The MetrlBers of Parliament for the City of OXfora, are Donald Maclean, Esq. and William Erie, Esq. Set·eral meetings of Parliament are recorded to have taken place at Oxrod, the last of which was in the reign of Charles I I. in l6S 1. After the battle of Hastings, dxf'orcl was granted by Williani the Conqueror to Robcrt n·Oyley, who built tlu~ caslle. The empress Maud having obtained possession of the castle, it was so closely besieged by ldng Sfepl1en, that 1\IauJ escaped, being made a prisoner only by passing the Thames, which wa~ frozen, and ha veiling to AbingJon, six miles distance, . on foot, HuougTt a~ep snow, whence she took horse for Wallingford Castle. The County Gaoi and House d Correction now occupies part of the site of Oxford Castle, of which there is an ancient tower remaining. On the northern side oftl1e High Street is a commodious Market Place, designed b~· Gwynn. The market days are Wednesday and Saturday, and all regulations are made by twelve commissioners of the market. Here are annual fairs on May 3d, Monday after St. Giles's day, Ser.tember 1st, and on Thursday before Michaelmas, for toys, &c. Rac~ hre held annually at Pott Meado\t. By rtle"ahs of the rltet Thames and the Oxftlh} canal, a cdnsidet.Ibleinland trade is t!arried on, chiefly in ctJtfi at1d coals, for which convet1ient whatfs and qnays are pt·ovided. Brawn is here made in large qtuttJtitielj, both fot immediatE! consumptiotl, ltttd for the London market. 1'he Post Office, opposite the Mitre Inn, in High Street, is t~pen from seven o'clock in the morning, till twelve at night. Letters for the northern courtties, for Scotland, Irelnnd, and Wale!!, must be put in by a quatter past sevell o'clock in the evening. Letters for the Isle of Wight, Southampton, and the whole -of the west of Engfahd; at a quarter past eight o'clock; but lettets to all other parts are r~ceh·~d till ele,•en at night. A t!harge of ene penny is made from nine o'clock till half an hour past ten, and one shilling from that time till eleven. There is no post to London on Saturday night. Near Ma~da1E!n Bridge ate warm llnd told bath~. · Three newspapers ate publishE:id e\·ery Saturday; the Oxford Journal, the' Oxford Chronicle, and tire Oxford University and City Herald. Quttrterly courts of session are l11~ld 1 and there are twtJ tourts foi' the pl'osecution of eivil causes 1 the mayor's eour~, and the court of tlia maydr and baliffli: the latt1:r is held weekly oti MondaJis, the former on Fridilys. lrt thiA city are also held the assizes for the county, and the- election af the county members of Parliament. The see of Oxfotd constituted part of the diecese of Lincoln, until the year 1542, when King Henry VIIl. erected a bishopric, which he endowed with the estates of the dissolved monasterit>s of O~eney and A\>ingdon 1 llssigning at the llame time, the abbey church of Osehey as a cathedral to the diocese. The abbey situated in the suburbs of the present city of Oxford, or OnsE>neyford, was founded by Robert D'Oyley, Lord High Constable of England in the tefgn of Hentj I., and the last abbot of Oseney& '1ra'!1 flppoitttecl bishop of the new see. The king, irt the year IM6, translated the episcopal see to the cathedral church of Christ, iu Oxford, and gtanted ibmES of the estates to the dean and 6 chllpter, which had been appropriated 1>)1 cardinal Wolsey to the maintenance of his college. Th!! litms of the bishoprick, an Ox passing a ford, and havih~ in cbief~ three demi ladie:t erowned; seems to be a punning allusion to the name of the city, and t(t some circumstanee in the legend of St. Frideswide the founder of the priory. The value of the !lee-, as reported by the comtiiissiotlers for inquiring into the ecelesiastical tevenue91 i~ 165St. per annum~ The present bishop, t!oiW!erhted in 1829, is the Honourable Richa-rd Ba-got, D.D., brother of Lord Ba·~ot1 de-an of Can terbuty, and chancellor of lha crd~r Qt the garter, who residl!s &t Cuddesden Palace, near Wheatley~ in this t!bUnty. The cathedral of Oxfm·d it~- a large un}foFm building, partly united in the Norman and partly ltt th~ !jointed style of a1·chitecture, wilh a central towet1 1 surmounted by a spire; the eciling of the chdir is otnamented with tracery and pentlarlt§. Th& shrine of St. Frideswide, who died in A. D. 739, enriched \vith tabernacle work, is highly interesting. On the northern side of the cathedral are chapels in a later sty le of architecture than other parts of the building : some of the windows coritairi stained gtass, chiefly armorial subjects; but in the great window of the northern transept is an ancient representation of the murder of St. Thomas a Becket. In the western window are figures of St. Frideswide, St. Katherine, &c.; and in the east window is representf::'d th(J" hMfvity of Christ, designed by Sir Jam~s 1'hornlzi!!. Atnot)gst the monumeh~s in th!:! cathedral is tha~ of Rober~ Burton, author of "tb~ Anatorny t.f 1';1elarldwly, 1 ' and a fine statue bf Dr. Cyrii J acbon, by Sir. F. Cliahtrey. The chapter home is a noble specimen of early pointed architectme, ahd a pdttiort of the conventual cloisters yet reinai11. The city of' Oxford with its suburbs cohsists of thirteen parh;b!s, ,vf1ich, with the exceptiori of St. Giles's add SL Jnhn's, were consolidated by Act of ParlUment in 1771. St. Aldatejs church, or St. Old's, hear Fish stl'det, is of great antiquity, and is said to hate been dtiginally founded about' 1004. At the west end is a tower, surmounted by an octangular spire. l'he living is a rectory, value 13il. per annum, irt tl1e pa!tunagc ot Pembroke college, to which it wa~ granted by I\ing Charlei I. in i636. This parish inchtdes the hamlet of Grampound, locally situated irf Berkshire. All Saints church is in the High 8tre~t; the old church of Allhallows, as it was formerly frequEC'htly called, fell dowll from decay in 1699, when ti1e present buildihg, one of th~ principal chlirche~ in Oxrord1 was erected in li081 from designs by Ik Henry Aldril~h, the accomplishe'd deart of Christchurch. It has often and justly been praised by ctitics ln architecture : being eotlstructed of perishable stone, many of the projecting tfarts have lost their sT1arp· ness, and the admirable detaiis hfl\·!! b~en Impaired: by this however~ its pictorial effect is incteased, the mouldering stone blending 1nore happiiy with the venerable structures by which it i~ surrtounded. The order is Cotinthian, and the enta'bidtur~, \\·h!ch is remarkably bolcl, is carried coinpfl>telj tound the building, and is Sll pported by Coupled COfUmll~l ll mode purely Italian: tile columns llte ndt flutE!d, and the frieze is perfectly plain. Aft Its ~randetti' of appearance is therefore deri,ed frotn the breadth and jnstness of its ptoportlons. le i~ stWm6untecl by an attic and balustrade ~ 1t. ~ery -fiot! towet at the west end supports a heaufifuF peri's~j·t~ bf Co'rfrtthian columns, above which P.f an obcli:{k tetmination. In the chancel are seats f(}'r tTJe rector and fellows of Lincoln college, it being' tbt>ir .Colleghl.te'
OXFORD. • OXON. c1iapel, and to ~hicq it 'Va~ 11nne}fed at tlte fm.Jppation of the college. The lidng is a fUH~crLv~lue '651. per apnurq. St. Ebb~'$ clll}TGh, in ~t, .Ebbe',S -stre~r, i3 f1 modern eqiflce, openeq for divin~ ~ervice February 9t}1, 1817, and Wfli\ erected from des\gns by Fisher1 in th-r poiqted ~tyl~ qf ar~lntcc~ure, corresponding with the tower of the o~d ~h4rch, which has been preserved. A curious N qpn&ll dporway has ~een adapted tP the vestry. 'f\1is ~h4rcq formerly beionged to the abbey j:lt' :J!:nsham, and was dedicated to St. Ebbe, dau-?hter of .f.thelfrid, ]\ing of N orthpmber.and; who became abbess of Coldjnghmn, and died in the yeqr 683. The living is a rectory, value llll. per annum, in the patronage of the crown. ST. GILEs's CnuRcH, in the street of the same name, on the road to \Voodstock 1 is a very ancient structure, and well proportioned. The living is a vicarage, value 160/. per anpum, in the patronage of St. John's collegf. At Summer Town1 in this parish, is a di(}- senting chapel. Holywell church, iq the strf)et of the same name1 at the north-eastern extremity pf the city1 wa& dedicated to the Holy Crosst and the parish is named from an ancient welJ near the church. The embattied tower was erected about the year 1461-, but the church is more aucient: on the south side of the chancel is a small chapel, dedicated to the Virgin Mar~. The living is a curacy1 value sot. per annum. ST. JoHN THE BAPTIST CnuRCHt used as Merbm College Chapel, has the service performed by th~ collegq chaplains. It odginally belonged to Reading Abbey, the monks of which ~ave it to Waiter de Merton; but the present edifice was built in 1421:, from designs by Williarn Rede, one of the fellows of the cpllege, and bislwp of Chichester, one of the ~ost able architects of his age. The tower of the church was built by Thomas Rodbourne 1 hisqop of St. David's, and warden of Merton college. The ~xternal panelling of the tower and the pinnacles were probably then added, and show a later style of ~rchitecture than the rest of the chapel; the corbels on the northern side of the church, exhiqit sculpturf of better design and execution th~n any of the same k\nd in Oxford, and the wlwle elevation of the porthern tramept towards the stre(jt, with the window and recesses, presents a very beautif11l arl-! l,itectural composition. The great east window of this church, is perhaps the most perfect instance of spreading the mullions with so rich an effect, now in e¥-istence. The interior of the church was repat1·ed in l823, and the chancel is hung wi~h tapestry represE:nting the history of Ahnsuerus and Esther; the side windowf are filled with ancient stained ~l<tss, exquisitrly beautiful and perf~ct i aufl in the east windowS six compartment!> contain the principal events m the life of Christ, executed i1~ staineq g1a&s, by W. Pri.cet in 1700. The altar piece is ~ pictur~ of ~he crucifixion, by 1'intoretto. On the north si~e of the al~ar is a monument in memory of Sir Thomas Bodley, foundet: of the Bodleian library i near tt ili the monument of Bishop Earle~ author ot "Microcosmography." 111 the ante-chapel is the monument of Antony Wood, the celebrated Oxtord a~tiq,uary, who died in 1(395. ST. MARY's CuuRcJI, one of the principal ornam~nts pf th~ High street~ is a vicarage~ valuf 38l. per annum, m the- patronage of Oriel Coileg{\. The present edifice was erected in 1498, by the contribution of several bishops, and other wealth X persons. It consists of a nave with it.."> aisles\ a towflr crowned witl1 a sRire on the north side, anp a large chancel, its eqtire len~th bein& ~bout 250 feet, apq its preadth -~=;==~~====================~ about 50 i the p~igh$ of thE! TQQf is 70 f~ttt, ~he whole of ligh~ q.nfl el~g~nt !lr.chjtt9turf), 'l'hft ~outhern pq1•th in the Uig4 strf!et, )Vas built in 1637, 11t the ~xpepse of 1\Iorgan Owen:, p. D., olutp.l&in to llrchpii:ihop f.a·ud; over the tHltllblaturQ Qf ~h~ porch is a statue of the Virgin Mary, which Wl\8 dtJfaced $oon after its erection ; ~nd ~he pl~cing i~ ~lu~re mad@ one of the articles of impeqphment ~gainr;t the ~rchbishop, who was ~hen f.!lwncellor of the J.\Qirersity. Th11 spire of this chqrch j~ op~ Af th~ wo&t striking objects in eYery distant view of O~ford; frqm the basement of the tower to the 1·ane is 180 feet, the exa{:t altitude of the spir~ alouEJ 9f Sali~bury cathedral. In 1828 a great alteratiqn )Vas made in the jnterior of the chnrch, when thu vicj!~phanJ!ellors' and doctors' seats were reconstrncteq upon a tasteful m9dej, and all the mon4ments wer~ remoyeq from the pillars of the naYe. St. Mary's being the uni,·ersity ~h4rch, sermons jlre pre~tched h~r~ every ~u:1day IflOfnipg f\lld afternpon during terrq. On the nQrtlJern ~ide of the chancel is ~h~ common Jaw spl~ool, wh~~e the Yinerlan Professor )."eads his lectures. ST. MA.I}TIN'§ ~HUHH1 commonly {:l.l}leq Carfax church, from its sH»ation at tht:: J.ll~eting ofthe four main streets of the city 1 the (JU(ltre vpis, i~ f1 re,::tory in th~ patronjlge of the crown, Villue 62l, per annum. The churcq )vas r~uui!t iq I 8~2, but the nncient tower remains; it is the city church whet"e the m I\)' <If and corpor1).tioJJ. atteqd fli vine ~ervice, Carfax s:onduit, w hiq\l fqrmerly ~toofl in thl'! pentre of the four streets1 was pr~s~nteQ. to ~h~ _J::arl of HarCO\lrt jn 1771~ whp immedirtely rtlcopstJuc*~d it in Nupeham park, )Vhere (t now reml\hu; ~s-a llharneful reproach tQ the ta~teless Fotporathm fqr ~uff~•·ing a highly owamental structure tp be c~rried entirely out of ~h~ c;ity. , . Sr. M All. X N4GDALEN's CHVR~H l!i sitpate!l near Baliol college, between the corn warket ~nq St.Giles's street. '.fhe parish is thE! largest iq the \!ity of Oxford, &nd the living is a vicarftge, yalqe 145l. per annum, in thl'l patronage of the dean ~'1P ~anons of Christ church. The southern aisle of this church is said ~o havl'l btJen originqlly founded in I UH, as a chapel to the palfl!!e of Beaumonlit, which was erected by king H~nry I .• Qll the lJite, IJOW Be!lumont street~ thi~ part of the church W<j.~ \"eh»ilt in 1337. 'fhe font in this church i~ hig\1ly enriched. ST. MicaA~L·~ CHuRcH, near the Cprn mHr~et, is a perpetual curflcy, value lOQl. pe:.; annum1 iq the presentation of the rectpr l}nd felJpw~ pf Lincoln College. ST. :PErEa u BaiLEY ~uu~tqJ, near the Castle, 01~ t:1c we~t\':·n side of tl1~ city, w~s built ~n l740, and is a rectorr, value 104l. per a!lq1un2 iu the pat ronage of the ~;rown. ST. PETER's fN 'l'HE ~A,ST, one oftqe olqest chqrch· es in the kingdom, i~ near q.ueen's College. lt was formerly the University .1:;l1urcl11 and lhe aftePnoon sermon during lent is yet preached pertJ, Thtt living is a Cllracy, value 147l. per annum, in the presentatiop. of Ml;'rton ~allege. 'fhe chl!-I)cel of this church is worthy of notic~ fol· two bea4t~ful epriched winqows, and for the verx cudou~ iqter~sting tibs of the ceiling; many per&ons pf \Q~al distinctiqn aud of eminence in thf) literary world, are buried within this church1 and i11 the <1hurchyard i~ the torpb o~ the ~elebrated antiquary, Thomas Warne, who died in 1735. The vaulted crypt -underne~th t)l.~ chancel is scarcely inferior to that of ~qnterqqry Ct1thedral; in dimension it is 36 feet by nearly 21 feet, being di \'ided into a centr~ and aisles by eigQ$ ~as .. sive pillars1 which Sllpport the roo~ 7
OXON. OXFORD. Sr. THoMAs's CHuRcH, situated a little southward of the Witney road, at the western extremity of the city, is a perpetual curacy in the presentation of the Dean and Canons of Christchurch. Oseney Abbey and New ley Abbey were both situated in the parish of St. Thomas. In the suburbs of Oxford are also St. Clement's, Holywell, and Binsey Churches. BINSEY, on the western banks of tl1e river Isis, half a mile southward from Godstow, is a distinct parish within the LibE>rty of Oxford, and the living is a curacy, value 90l. per annnrn, in the presentation of the Dean and Canous of Christchurch. Medley adjoins Binsey on the south. HoLYWEl L, on the banks of the Cheru·ell on the nm"thern side of Oxfi1rd, is a p('rperual curacy in the presentation of l\lerton College, ,·alue SOl. per annum. Sr. CLEMENT's is a suburb at the ea~;terh end of the cit.r, contl-lining a population whi('h in 1831 amounted to 1836 persons. Het e the church has been rebuilt in the Norman ~tyle of architecture with low semicircular arches, and massive pillars, hadng small and varied capitals : the tower is low and totally without ornament, such buildings are found to be less costly than the more florid style of pointed architecture, and the general effect is pleasing. It is a rectory, value 92l. per annum, in the gift of the crown. Here are Baths for the accommodation of visitors and in,·alids. Although the spirit of improvement is not actively at work in Oxford, something is still going bn to attract the notice of the observer. The public buildings in Oxford belong to the University, and consist of a Public Library, Schools, Theatre, Museum, Pl'inting house, Physic Garden, &c. The Bodlean Library, founded in 1595, originally contained in three large roome, and to these have been added several others. Below the Library is the Auctarium, appropriated to choice manu!>cripts, and early printed books. In the Library are busts of King Charles I. and Sir Thomas Bodley, and portraits of learned men. The Divinity Schools, eastward of the Bodleian library, is a quadrangular building, three sides of 'the upper story, fm·ming the Picture Gallery which contains numerous portraits and subjects, as well as models of celebrated buildings. The Gatehouse of the Schools displays each of the five orders of architecture, from the Tuscan to the composite; this tower is the repository of the public acts of the University. The Arunddian Marbles are preserved on the northern side uf the Divinity Schools, as are also the antique marbles given to the U11iversity by the executors of Selden. In the Moral Philosophy school are the statues, busts, &c. presented to the Utii- \'ersity by the countess of Pomfr et, in 1755. The Parian Chronicle, one of the most interesting marbles now to be found in any museum, was purchased in Anatolia. The Sheldonian Theatre, one of the principal lmiluiugs of Oxford, waiil erected by Sir Christopher Wren. and wa8 opetled in 1669. The souther)l front is dispo!>ed in two stories of the Corinthian order. Over the entrance are the urms of archbishop Sheldon, the founder; and in niches at :he extremites are statues of the archbishop and the Duke ofOrmond. Within the theatre are portraits of the fouuder, of king George I V., the empt ror of Rus~:-oia and king of P1 nssia, of J ames Duke of Ormond, Sir Christopher W1·en: and Lord Crewe. Here public meetings of the University are held for the annual commemoration of benefactors, and for the recitation of prize compositions. Meetings are also held here occasion• ally for conferring degrees on distinguished personaj!es, and sometimes concerts are performed here. The Ashmolcan Museum, westward of the Theatre, \Vat completed in 1682. The collection is rich in manu~ script9 connected with heraldry and genealogy, and the geolc,gical collection is said to be one of the best in the kingdon. The CLARENDON PRINTING OFFICE was erected in 171 I, from the profit~ of the sale of Lord Claren.l. don 's History of the Rebellion; over the entrance is a fine statue of Lord Claren,d.m. The Uuiversity Printing Office, northward of 'Worcester College, was ere('ted in 1826. It i~ of the Corinthian o1der, with a front 252 fef't in extent. The RADCLIFFE lIBRARY was founded in 1737 It is 1 00 fl'et in diameter, with a ru~t1c ba-;ement, and flUperstructnre of the Corinthiau oruer, hRvm~ a balustrade over the entablature at the hei~ht nf 80 feet, above which is a cupola 60 feet in height. Over the door of the entrance to the Library ft om the stain·ase, is a portrait of the foundf'r by Kneller, and within the Library is a statue of Dr. Radcldfe, by Rysbrach. In the area are casts of the most celebrated of the antique statues, and marble busts of Greek and Roman physicians. On the 14th of June, IS 14. a dinner was provided by the University in this Library, for the Prince Regent, the Emperor of Russia, the King of Prussia, the Duke of York, the Duchess of Olden burgh, many othE:'r royal personages, greaf officers of state, nobility, &c., to the number of nearly two hundred. The Library contains books in medicine and natural history, some oriental manuscripts, and all the books and drawinga of Gibbs, the architect of the Library. The RADCLIFFE INFIRMARY, beyond St. Giles's Church, in the W oodstock road, was opened in 1770, for the reception of patients, and is supported b1 annual subscriptions. The PHYsiC GARDEN, on the banks of the Cher• well, nearly opposite Magdalen College, was founded. in I6:32, when the ground was raised to prevent itll being overflowed, and the walls were erected. Thlt gateway is said to have been designed by lnigo Jones. In 1728, D. W. Shuard bequeathed to the University1 his library and valuable herbarium, and endowed a professorship of Botany, which is in the gift of the College of Physicians : the professor's assistant, Mr. Baxter, is appointed to show the gar.i den and greenhbuses. The 0BSERVATOR Y, founded in 1772, is ampty supplied with astronomical instruments and apartments for observation. Oxford became a very flourishing University it\ the reign of Henry II., or at least of Richard I.; the opinion which ascribes its foundation to Alfred the Great, if it cannot be maintained as a truth, cou• tains no intrinsic marks of error; but the earliest charters were granted by King John. The Univer" sity of Oxford is a corporate body; styled the Chan .. cellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University nf Oxford, who form two distinct assemblies; the house of Congregation, and the house of Convocation. The chancellor is elected by the votes of all mem .. • hers of convocation; the office is now held by the Duke of Wellington, K.G.: he is t10t required td attend the meetings of the University, except at his installation, and in case of royal visits. The vie~ chancellor is always the head of a college, and is nominated by the chancellor, and approved by convocation : he is the highest resident officer of the University. The high steward, the Earl of Devon, is appointed by the chancellor, and approved by
OXFORD. OXON. ======================== convocation. The proctors are two masters of arts, of at least four years standing, chosen annually out of the several colle~es in turn. They each nominate two pl'O-proctors, two masters of arts of any college or hall, to be their respective deputies. The public orator is chosen by convocation, and retains the office for life. The University sends two members to parliament, a privilege granted by James I., when the elective right was conferred on the doctors and actual masters, amounting to about 450; the present members are, Thomas Grimston Bucknall Estcourt, E~q., and Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart. There are nineteen colleges and five halls; the latter are not incorporated bodie~, but enjoy the same privileges as the colleges. Each college has a resident governor under one of the various titles of dean, rector, provost, warden, president, master, or principal; the heads of halls are styled principals. Th~ head of a college is chosen by the fellows, excepting in the instance of Christchurch, the dean of which is nominated by the crown, and Worcester College, where the provost is appointed by the chancellor of the university. The qualification for fellowships vary in almost every college; in some it is confined to the natives of particular counties, or the fellows are elected fron the scholars ; in others the kindred f!f the Jounder are preferred. The fPllows, in conjunction with the head of the college, are in all c~es the directors· of internal regulation, and managers of the property and estates of the society. :From this body the church preferment, which is attached to every college, is distributed according to seniority, as a vacancy occurs.. Other members of the several colleges in the university~ are scholars consisting of noblemen, gentlemencommoners, ('ommoners, and students of Chri~tchttrch, chaplains, bible clerk:~, and exhibitioners "ho receive support during their residence at college, and servitors; many of the London trading companies have t>xhibitions in their presentation. TLere are also tutors, who direct the studies of the junior members, and prepare them for the public examinations, and bursars, or treasurers. In the colleges that have choirs, there are singing clerks, choristt>rs,and organi!,t.q, amongthe me m hers. The collt>ge servants are the butler, the manciple or steward, the cook, and the porter. Thc.>re are four terms in the year ; viz. M ichaelmas term, from October I 0 to D~cember 17: Hilary term, from January 14 to the day before Palm Sunday, except that day should be :>. fe!ltival, then the term ends the l\lmiday following; Easter term, from the ten1h day after Easter Suncay to the day before Whit Sunday; and Triuity term, which begins on the Wednesday after Whit Sunday. and ~nds on the first Saturday in July. E\·ery memb('r of tlw uninr:-.ity mu~t be matriculated; and for thi~ purpose he appears bl'fore the Vice Chancellor, and describt>s his rank in life, suhscnbt>s to the thirty-nine articles uf the Church of England, takes the oath~ of allegiance and snprem ,cy, and swears to ob!'rei·ve all the statutes, privileges, and customs of the university. The degrees taken, are in arts, law, divinity, medicine, and music. The members of the university, previous to obtaining- ~ degree, are styled undergraduates. For a Bachelor of Arts, a re.-idence of sixteen terms is necessary ; and previously to a9missiora to this degree, it is necessary to undergo responsions, and a public exarnination. The examination& take place in the schools twice a year, and no .one can be examined who has not previously responded before the ma&ters of the schools. fi Bachelor is entitled to his degree of Master of Arts, twclva terms after taking his first Oxfords/tire.] B degree, without any further examination ; one term of intermediate residence comprising twenty-one days, being all that is requisite. A student in Civil Law undergoes the same examination as that for Bachelor of Arts; and the number of terms to be kept for the degree of Bacbelor of Civil Law, is twenty-eight, reduced by dispensation to seventeen. A Bachelor in Divinity receives his degree seven years from the time of his regency, which is taken out the first act after his master's degree; a Doctor in Divinity four years after his degree of Bachelor in Divinity; a Doctor in Civil Law five years after his Bachelor's degree; a Bachelor in Medicine one year from his regency; a Doctor in ~1edicinP. three years after his degree of Bachelor. For the dPgrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Music, the candidates prt>pare a composition, which, being approved of by the Professor of Mul.'lic, is performed in the music school before the Vice Chancellor and other officers of the University. The dresses of the members vary according to their rank and degree; those in gent>ral use, for a master of arts, a black gown, with long pendant sleeves, having a circular cut at the bottom, and a hood of black silk, lined with crimson; for a doctor in divinity, who is generally governor of a college, the same dress, with cassock, sash, and scarf; for a bachelor of arts, gown, with full sleeves looped at the elbow, and terminating in a point; for a proctor, black gown with facings and sleeves of black veh•et, and a small tippet altached to the left shoulder; and for a pro-proctor, a master of arts' gown, faced with velvet, and a tippet on the left shoulder. The dress of a nobleman is a black silk gown, and square velvet cap, with gold tassel; of a gentleman commoner, silk gown with plaits at the slee,·es, and square black velvet cap, with siik tasst:>l; that of a commoner, a gown without sleevf's, . with a broad•strip from each shoulder hanging behind to the bottom of the dress, ar;d gathered into plaits near the top, and a square black cloth cap, with ~ilk tassel; the dress of a servitor is the same, except that it has no plaits, and no tassel on the cap. Members on any foundation, who have not tah.en a degree, wear a black gown. with full sleeves half the length of the gown, and a square cloth cap, with silk tassel. CHRIST CHuacu ~oLLEGE, the largest in the University, wa~ originally founded by Cardinal Wolsey, Archbishop of York, on the site of the priory of St .. Frideswidt>, but after considerable progress was made in the building, the cardinal haviug falleu into disgrace with his royal nrastPr, wa..; not permitted to complete an undt>rtaking which reftt'cts the brightest lustre upon his pru:;perity. King He my V I U. ~eized upon and suspended the f mndatinn, w hkh he re-Pstablished in 1532, under the name of Ht>nry the Eighth's College: this was suppressed in_ 15:>5, and in the year following the epis· copal Sf'e was retuowd from O ... eney, and Lhe church of St. F1·ideswide was constitutPd a cathedral by the name of Christ Church. The principal front of the college in .Fish Street, is about 400 feet in extent. \V olsey haviug ]eft the very rich and elegant gatehouse tower uufinhhed, it was completed by Sir Christopher W1·en, in 1682. The arms of benefac· tors are upon the groined ceiling of the arch of en· tran~; and O\'er it i~ hung the great Tom, one of the largest be1ls in En\:land, weighing 17,000 lbs. ; it is inscribed MAGNVS. THOMAS. CLVSIVS. OXONJENSIS • RENATVS • APR. 8. 1680. Evt>ry night, at ten minutes past nine, it tolls 101 times, (the number of students) at which time the gates of most of the colleges are shut. The great ,9
OXON. .OXFORD. ~uadrangle is abou' 263 feet square1 with a wide terrace walk round it, and in the centre 11 fountain; Jmpplied with water from 11 spring at Hinksey! it contains the hall, the lodgings of the Dean, and five of the canons. In thE! north•east corner of the quadrangle is a statue of Bi!ihop Fell, and over the entrance to the hall one of Cardinal Wolsey, by Francis Bird. The hall, 115 feet in length, by 40 feet widet and 50 feet high, was built by the founder, and strikes every eye by the grandeur of its proportions, and propriety of ornament: the lofty and highly enriched timber roof, and the beatttiful oriel window at the upper end excite general admiration. A fine collection of JIOrtraits forms an appropriate deeoration to the hall; among them are those of King- Henry VIII. by Halbein; Cardinal Wolsey, by Holbein; Queen Elizabeth, hy Zucchero; Dr. AI• drich, by Kneller; Lord Orenville, Chancellor of the University, by Owen; the Hight Hon. George Canning, by Lawrence, &c., and numerous celebrated divines:. at the upper end of the hall is a bust of King George IV. by Chantrey. Very near the hall is the kitchen, said to be the first part of the college that was completed, ~tnd retaining its original appearance. lt contains the large gridiron 4 feet 6 inr.hes by 4 feet 1 inch, and supported by four wheels. The common room under the ball contains portraits of king Henry VIII. archbishop 1\1 ark ham, dean Aldrick, and doctors Busby, Friend, Nicholl, and Frewin. Jn the court near this part 'of the quadrangle is the grammar school, where the choristers are educated ; and opposite to it is the anatomical theatre. The Peckwater quadrangle derins its name from an ancient hall, which stood on the south-west corner of the present court, the property of Richard Peck-water. It was rebuilt from designs by Dr. Aldrich, in 1705, excepting the ~outhern side containing the library. • In the lower rooms t>f this building are the pictures, busts, &c. presented by General Guise to the college in 1765, and some curious paintings of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; presented by the Hon. W. T. H. F. Strangways. On the staircase is a statue of Locke, by Roubillac. Canterbury Quadrangle is on the site of Canter bury Hall, granted to the college by Henry VIII.; the north and east sides were rebuilt by Hyatt, in 1775, and the soulh side in 1783. The gateway of this court is of the Doric order, and much admired for its graceful simplicity. The cathedral of the diocese, is also the chapel of this college, and has Leen described. Christchurch Meadow, a walk belonging to this college, is bounded on the east by the river Cherwell, on the south by the Isis, on the west by a branch of the same river, and on the north by the broad walk j it is adorned by ()rnamental trees, and commands a delightful and extensive prbspect. UNIVERSITY CoLLEGE, said to have been founded by Alfred the Great in 872, was restored by William of Durham, Archbishop of Rouen, who died in 1249. This college, situate in the high street, extends 260 feet in length, and is divided into two courts. The chapel and hall are on the south side of the great quadrangle, which is lOO feet square. Above the principal gate is a statue of queen Anne, and upon the inner side, a statue of J ames Ii., remarkable as only two statues of this king are supposed to exist in England; the other is at Whitehall. Above the other gate on the exterior is a statue of queen Mary, . daughter of J ames 11.; and on the side within the court, a statue of Dr. John Radcliffe. In the common room is a bust of king Alfred, by Wilton; and 10 in tha ante~chapel is a cenotaph, by Fla~man, in memory of Sir William Jones, who died at Bengal in 1704. BALLIOL CoLLEGE was founded by John Balliol, of Barnard castle, Durham, who died in 1269. lt consists principally of one court, enterad by a gale house, erected in the reign of Henry VII. The hall contains portraits of Wycliffe the reformer, who was master of this college; Shute Barrington, bishop of Durham, &c. The north side of the quadrangle is occupied by the chapel alld libraty, in which is a collection of manuscripts, some of them illuminated; many early printed English Bibles, and several cu· rious volumes of tracts, besides a good collection of books on general literature. In the chf:lpel, erected in 1529, are some stained glass windows of early date ; the east window represents the Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ; the north window shows Philip baptizing the eunuch; and the south window contains the story of Hezekiah's sickness and recovery. . MERTON CoLLEGE was originally fouuded at Maiden, in Surrey, in 1264~ by W alter de Merton, bishop of Roch~ster, and lord chancellor of England; and ten years afterwards was transferred tb Oxford. It is pleasantly situated in the south east part of the city, and consists of three quadrangle~ erected at different periods ; the first, or outer cne, is as attractive as any in the university, as it con~ tains, with other fine specimens of architecture, the east end of St. John's church, the college chapel. The hall, on the south side of this quadrangle, was built in the early part of the 15th century, and contains, among other portraits, one of the founder. The inner or principal quadrangle is 110 feet by 100; and in the garden quadrangle is a terrace formed on the city wall, commanding a remarkably pleasant prospect over the meadows, on the banks of the Cherwell. The emperor of Russia and his sistet resided at this college in the warden's lodgings, when they visited the university in 1814. The gate house was erected by Thomas Rodeborne, bishop of St. David's and warden of the college in 1416; the .sculpture over the entrance refers to the history of St. John the baptist, and is a relic of the old church; the statues in canopied niches on the sides, are those of Waiter de Merton and king Henry Ill. ExETER CoLLEGE was founded by Waiter Stapledon, bishop of Exeter, in 1314, and was originally called Stapledon Hall. It is situated in 'rurl street, and has a frontage of 220 feet, with a gate house in the centre, of Grecian architecture, opening upon a spacious quadrangle contaihing the hall, chapel, rector's lodgings, and chambers of the fellows and scholars.· The hall, built in 1620, by Sir John A eland, . contains a portrait of W alter Stapledon, the founder, painted and presented in 1789, by tbe Rev. W. Peters, R.A., an old portrait of the same person, others of Charles I.. Sir John Acland, Sir William Petre, Mra. Shiers, and those of other benefactors. The chapel, built in 1624, has eight windows, all bearing thi~t inscription, DOMVS. MEA. DOMVS. ORATIONIS. The library con~ tains a valuable collection of the classics. The garden is pleasantly laid out, and although in a central part of the city, is open to the east, where a terrace commands a view of some of the principal buildings of the university, ORIEL CoLLEGE, founded by king Edward IJ., in 1325, at the suggestion of Adam de Brome his almoner, is situated in St. Mary's hall lane, and consists of one quadrangle, on the north side of which is the provost's lodgings, .on th~ east th•
OXFORD, O~QN, ======~================== lutll and entrance to the chapel, and on the south and west are the chambers of the fellows and stnclents. Opposite to the gate house, bearing the •rms of Charles 1., is the porch of the hall, ascended l>y a flight of steps; over the porch are statues of the virgin Mary, and of kings Edward II. and III. in canopied niches. In the hall are portraits of Jdng Edward JI. on his throne, by Huilson; queen .Anne~ by Dqhl; the duke of Beaufort, by Soldt ;and l:Jishop Butler. Two very _s:urious ancient cups belong to this hall, one given by the founder, and the other lly ,John Carpenter, bishop of Worcester, in 1476. 'l'he east window of th~ chapel contains the pre ... sentation of Christ in the terpple, bY. Peclcitt of York. :Northward of the quadrangle i~ the garden court, at the end of which is the libra.ry1 built by Wyatt, in 17881 one oithe best examples of the Ionic order in Oxford. Under the library is the common room. QuEEN's CoLLEGE was foundeq in 13401 by Robert de :Egglesfield1 confessor to Philippa, queen ot Edward HI., from whom the name of it is derived. 1.'his edifice is situated opposite to Univer .. sity college, And its soutT1ern front adds greatly to the fine effect of the High steeti it i~a chiefly admired as contributing to th!'l pleasing variety of style which is so conspicuous in the architecture of the bui1dings of thi~a university. It was completed in 17~9, from designs by Hawksmoor. Over the entrance in the c~utre of this front is a statue of queen Caroline under ~ cupola supported by columns; her majesty having contributed iq 1733~ 1000!. towards the erection of the southern quadrangle, which is 140 feet by 130. The chapel and hall are on the northern side. The chapel is of the Corinthiaq order, and the ceiling, paintep by Sir James Thornhill, represents the Ascension; the altar piece is a copy by J.Vengs, of La Notte7 (the night) Cm·regio's celebrated picture in the Dresden ~allery. The hall, 60 feet by 30, contains portraits of the founder, queen Philippa, Edward the black prince, Henry V., king Charles I. and his queen, queen Anne, queen Caroline7 queen Charlotte, Addison, and various others : in the gallery at the west end of the ball are portraits of six queens, given to the college b~ George Clark, D.C.L.; also portraits of Edward Ill.~ Henry V., &c. The library, 123 feet py 30, contains a large orrery, a cast of the Florentine Boar, two ancient portraits on g~ass, of Henry V. and cardinal Beaufort, portraits of 'Charle¥ I., queen Charlotte, &c. In the buttery of this college is lJ. drinking horn, said to have been presented to the society by queen Phillippa; it is remarkable, both for its antiquity and beauty. It holds tw9 quarts, and the elegance of its form is increased by the rtch silver gilt mounting, with the word Wasseylinscribed three times on each hoop. The memLers of this college- are called to dinner and supper erery da,r by the sound of a trumpet: and another custom l.S that of serving a boar's head on Christmas-day, ushered into the hall very solemnly, with an old monkish caroll. A custom of this college, of the bursar giving to each member on New year's day, a needle and thread, saying, " Take tltis and be thrifty/' as a memorial of their founder, is merely a l'ebus on his name, .Aiguille a needle, andjil a thread, Egglesfield. NEW Coj:.LEGE was founded in 1386, by Willjam of Wykeham, Bishop of Wincl1ester, and Lor4 Chancellor in the reign of Richard II., who also ,founded a college at Winchester, in 1387, -whence the vacancies in this are filled up. It is situated in New College 1ane,· eastward of All Soul~:~" Collese : in the 9,uadran&le are the hall, chapel, A Jibrl\ry, an~ ward!!n's apartJOents. The chapel is one of those objects which are more particql~~orly presented to the notice of the strangers in visiting o,.ford; the choir is lOO feet in length by 3-5 in wic}.th1 11nd 65 feet high, appronched by an antechapcl, 80 feet in lepgth. ',fhe painted wmdows are of four different e:ras: the great west window contain~ the Nativity, with the four Cardinal and three Christian virtues1 by Jervas, from desig11s by Sir Joshua Rf!yno[(ls. The altar-piece consists of fifty niche~, dispos~d in four courses O\'er thEt whole east end of the chapel, and ornl\menteq with tabernacle work of the p1.1rest character. Over the altar are five cqmpartmenti of marble seu}pture, in alto-relievq, by Westmacott i repres~nting the Salutation, the Nativity, the Descent from the Cross, the Resurrection, a1'~ the Ascension, One of the most curio1.1s objecta in this cha~el is the f!rozi~r of Wjlliam of Wykeham, the foundeq it is of !lilver1 gilt, nod enamelled, and nearly s13ven feet high. Adjacent to the chapel are the cloisters, surrounding an area pf 175 f{let by 85 feet, which was con&ec:rated llS a burial vla~e for ~he 9oJlege ill 1400. The. garden court, built after th~ mann~r o( V ~rsailles, is termin&tecl by an iron palisade, Jtn4 gates, said to have been brought froJU Cqnons, the one~ splendia seat of the Pu~e pf <;;handqs. The garden is beautifully laid out1 &nd cmnm11nds striking views of the venerable buildmgs in its vi<;inity: in the squtheastern part is a spacioqs la\fn pear the qldcity vva,ll, which is still in perfect repair, and at the end of the lawn or bowling green is an Jonic temple. LINCOLN CoLI.EGEi was founded by Richarcl Flemmyng, Bishop of Lincoln, in 14~7 i put in l4 791 Thomas Scot, better known )ly hia surname Rotherham, arshbishop of York, beeaJOe so comidcrable a benefactor as to be denorni.Q.ated a j)econd founder, It is .situatcq in LincohJ, College-!luu~, in the ,~>pace betweeq All ~aint11' cburph and Exeter Co1lege, and preserves more than most pf the collegiqte edifices its original char4cte:r. It coq~ sists of two quadrangles; the northern 80 feet square, contains the hall, in vvhicl} are several portraits and busts, the Library, rector's lodgings, ~nd the colpnwn room. In the inner court, seventy feet square, is the chapel wl1kh was erected jn 16;31, at ~he expense of Dr. Willlams, bishop of Lincoht, and aftenvards archbishop of r ork: the ceiling is of cedar, embellished with the flnns of ~he founders~ . anp principal benefactors. The screen, afso of cedar~ is richly carve~. The windows Jlre entirely of ancient painted glass, said to have been brought (Iom Italy by archbi1>hop Williams in 16~9; they an~ :remarkable for the superior brillianey of the colours, and are perhaps the finest in the llDiversity. 'J.'h4l four windows op the northerp side qf the chapel contain the Twelve Prophets, and the four soutll· ern ones the Twelve Apostles, The eastern window is divided into six compartments, in which ar~ represented subjects from the Old and ~ ew Testaments; viz. 1, The Creati.J)p pf mfln, an<;! th~ Nativity of Christ. 2. The Israelites p\lssing the Red Sea, and the Bapti"m of J epus Chrjst. 3. Th!it Pa~ .. sover, and lnstitution ofthe Lord's Supper. 4. Th~t Brazen Serpent in the WilderneSl?1 aud C)ujst on the Cross, 4. Jonah issuing from tlJe Whale, and the Resurrec;tion, 6. Elijaq in th~ Fiery Chariot, ·and the j\.scension, ALL SouLs' CoLLEGE was founded by Hepry thichell, ,Archbishop pf Ca.Qterbury, in 1437 i lih his ,rredecessor W y kebam, he }lad amassed cQnsiqerable wealth, an<J dew,rmjn.ed tQ .expend it in fa.cili.- tatin~ the p111pPI~.S J>f echu:atjoy. l qh~ Pruel~~ ' ll
OXON. OXFORD. archdeacon of Exeter, and Roger Keyes, both afterwards fellows of the college, were the architects. It is situated in the High street, westward of Queen'& College, and consists chiefly of two courts. Over the gateway are statues of the founder and of King Henry VI. The old quadrangle, 124 feet by 72 containR a curious dial, designed by Sir Christopher Wren: the new or grand quadrangle behind the former, erected by Hawksmoor, is 172 feet by 155 in dimension, and contains the library on the north, the chapel and ball on the south, the cloister on the wP~t, and the common room and towers on the East. The chapel, about 70 feet by 30, is separated from the ante-chapel of the same dimen!'ions, by a ~creen constructed by Sir Christopl1er Wren. The altar-p1ece by Raplzael Mer~gs, represents Christ appearir.g to M ary Magdaleu: above it is the assumption of the founder, a fresco painting by Sir James '17wrnlzill. Beneath th~ western window is a marble statue of Sir William Blackstone, by Bacon. The ball contains a larl!e picture of the Finding of the Law, by Sir James Tho1·nllill, and numerous portraits, among which are those of the founder, and king Heury VI. archbishop Sheldon, archbishop V ernon. Colonel Codrington, founder of the Library, SirWilliam Blackstone, Sir Christopher Wren, Young the poet, &c. Adjoining the hall are the buttery and kitchen; in the former is a bust of Giles Bennet, manciple, and another of Hawksmoor, architect; here is also a very curiou~ ancient saltcellar of silver gilt, supported by an armed figure, given to the college by a descendant of the Cbichele family. A cmtom is obsen·ed on January 14th, of keeping the Mallard night, when a merry old song, " The swopping swopping mallard,'' is always sung. The library, about 200 feet long, by 33 wide, contains upwards of 60,000 volumes; a gallery is carried round three sides of the room, and over the cases are twenty-four busts, in bronze, of some of the most eminent fellows of tl1e College, cast by Sir H. Cheere. In the centre is a planetarium, kept in motion by machinery, &nd a statue of Colonel Cbristopher Codliu1!ton, governor of the Leeward Island. MAGDALEN CoLLEGE was founded in 1457, by William of Wayuflete, bishop of Winchester, to whom the buildings of the suppressed hospital of St. John the Baptist, were granted, but these being too small for the reception of the Society, he resolved te eularge them, and the foundation stone of the new college was laid in 1474l and it was completed in about seven years. Next to Christchurch, t-his· is the largest college in the university, and it is most beautifully situated at the eastern extremity of the city, its outer side being terminated by a branch of tl1e river Cherwell, which is crossed by Magdalen bridge at the entrance of the high street. The extreme length of the college, from north to south, is 570 feet, and from east to west, 330 feet; it comprises three quadrangles, the principal one being cloistered and surrounded by double sets of apartments, which give it an unusual character of loftiness and magnificence. The en· trance to the first court is by a modern Doric porch, but near the president's lodgings is the old gate house, one of the most beautiful features of the college. Above the gate are two stories, having on the front four niche!!, two on each side of the oriel window, containing ~tatues of Waynfiete and St. Mary Magdalen, and of King Henry Ill. and St. John the Baptist, well sculptured and in fine preservation. In the south-western angle of this court is an ancient stone pulvit, from whioh a sermon was J.2 annually preached on the festival of St . .J ohn,..._a custom long discontinued. The chapel, in plan, rewc sembles the Roman letter T; the ante-chapel being a transverse building of considerable dimensions. The altar piece is a wry fine picture of Christ bear.. ing the cross, by Moralez, a Spanish artist; and over it is a sculptured representation of Christ appearing to Mary in the garden, by Sir Francis Cltanfrey, R.A. The principal window represents the Last Judgment; after a design by C. Schwartz. The altar tomhr tlf alabaster, of Richard Patten, father of the founder, has been lately brought to this chapel from the church of Waynflete, in Lincolnshire, the birthplace of the founder. The hall is a grand and wellproportioned room, having an oriel window on the nor1h side, near the high pace; its extreme length, including the gallery and screen is 73 feet, 1md width 30! feet, the passage under the screen be-ing 8 feet wide. Here is a fine picture of St. Mary Magdalen, by Guercirw; and portraits of the founder~ prince Rupert, Henry, prince of Wales, archbishop Boulter, Dr. Sacheverell, a fellow of this college-, Addison, and numerous others. Ou the southern side of the chaplain's court is a very magnificent tower, 145 feet in l1eight, and consisting of four storie:'l; at each angle is an octangular turret, slen· der, and of equal size, excepting that towards the north-west, which encloses the staircase. This tower, completed in 1498, is a bold and striking feature of the college, and little inferior to any1n the kingdom for beautiful proportion, admirable sim· plicity, and picturesque effect. It is situated flear the eastern extremity of the south fhmt in tl1e high street, and is the first grand object that meets the eye in the entrance to the uninrsity from the Lon• don road. The great quadrangle, with its fine clois• ter, is formed by the chapel, hall, and library, the ancient part of the president's lodgings, and the chambers of the fellows and demies. Some of t'he side buttresses are surmounted by curious emblematical figures, :which as works of art possess little merit. The new building, 300 feet in Jength, north~ ward of the great quadrangle, was founded in 1733, and erected after a de8ign by Edward Holds· worth, M. A. The Water Walk on the banks t1f the Cherwell is kept in excellent order, and commands a variety of interesting objects; part of it is called Addison's Walk. The gro,·e, supposed to have bet!ll formed in the reign of Elizabeth, contains some of the largest elms in Oxford; here is also a number of deer. BRASENNOSE CoLLEGE was founded in 1509, "by Willam Smyth, bishop of Lincoln, and Sir Richard Sutton, of Prestbury, in Cheshire; its appellatinn was derived from the circumstance of its standing on the ground formerly occupied by BrasennDSe hall. This college is situated on the western side of Ratcliffe square, and comists of two quadrangles. The gate l10use is worthy of notice, for tl1e exceeding purity of the style, and elegance of the enrichments, Over the entrance to the hall, are two very ancit'tJt busts of king Alfred, and John Scotus Erigina, the former discovered when the foundation of the college was made. The hall has a fine bay window at the upper end, filled with painted glass; and contains portraits of the founders, king Alfi-ed) Sarah dud,1ess of Somerset, lord chancellor Ellesmere1 Dr. Burton, (author of Anatomy of Melancholy,) several of the principals of the college, and others. In the lesser quadrangle are tl1e library and chapel: the library, rebuilt in 1780, contains a fine bust of the Right Hon. Lord Grenville, lat~ chancellor of the university by Notleken1. The chapel has been lately repaired
' OXFORD. OXON. iP the east window is a representation of Christ and the four evangelists, executed by Pearson, in 1776, from a painting by Morfimer. In the ante-chapel are monuments of Dr. Shippen, of bishop Cleaver, by Bacon; of Dr. Hodson, by Manning; and of the Rev. H. Cholmondeley, dean of Chester, by Sir Frtmcis Chantrey. CoRPUs CHRJSTI CoLLEGE was founded in 1516, by Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and Lord Privy Seal, in the reign of Henry VJ II., and is situated on the western side of Oriel College. The quadrangle, 101 feet by 80 in dimension, has in the centre a curious cylindrical dial, desig-ned by Chades Turnbull, a fellow of this collPge in 1605. The gatehouse is enriched with a very fine bay window and three canopied niches, A statue of the founder is on the south side of the 4uadrangle, and on the same side is the library, containing a remarkably fine collection of curious printed books, and manuscripts. ln the chapel are se\'cral monuments to distinguished members of the college; the screen is of cedar, on which are carved figures of the Evangelists, and the altar-piece is a fine picture by Rubens, representing thE! adoration. The hall, on the eastern side of the quadrangle, is 50 feet by 25, and contains various portraits, among which are those of Lord Tenterden, and of Thomas Burgess, Bishop of Salisbury, both scholars .of this college. The Fellows' building was erected in 1706, on the site of the old cloisters ; the front 119 feet in extent, is of the Ionic order, and much admired for its chaste style of architecture: it is opposite to Christ Church Walk. A very curious cup of silver gilt, and enamelled, is pi·eserved here; it bears the initials of the founder, and the pelican, his badge, frequently repeated; his crozier about six feet in height, of silver gilt, and other articles of gteat rarity are also preserved here. When the allied JSo\'ereigns visited this univt:rl!ity in 1814, the King of Prussia resided in the lodgings of the president. Sr. JoaN's CoLLEGE, founded in 1557, fronts to· watds St. Giles's-slreet, and stands on the site of St. Bernard's College of Cistercian Monks, which had been founded }>y Arcl1bishop Chicheley in 1437. In a niche of the gatehouse the statue of St. Bernard yet remains. The front and southern side of the ti.rst court are parts of the original structure : the eastern' side of this quadrangle, built in 1597, is partly occupied by the president's lodgings. The ehapel on the northern side of the fitst court was erected in 1530, hut repaired by the founder of St. Johri's, Sir Thomas White, Alderman, and Merchant-tailor of London. The college consists of a . president, fifty fellows, and two chaplains, an organist, choristers, &c. All the fellows, excepting six of the founder's, are elected from Merchant Tailors' School in London; besides two from Coventry, two from Bristol, two from H.eading, and one from Tunbridge school. The visitor of the college is the Bishop of Winchester. The principal part of the inner quadrangle was built at the expense of Archbishop Laud, and completed in 1635, after a design by lnigo Jones. In the central compartment of each of the eastern and r western sides, is the statue of King Charles I., and .his Queen Henrietta Maria, by Fanilli. The library on the southern Aide of this quadrangle has a bust of King Charles I., over the entrance of the first room, the large window at the end of which is. enriched with the arms of Merchant Tailors' company, and various benefactors of the college, and in a window near it are the arms of the Archbishop of Canterbury. In this room is allio a fine portrait of Archbishop Laud, by V andyck, The Hall of St. John's CollPge, contains portraits cf the founder• Archbishops Laud and Juxon, of several learned members of the college, and of King George Ill., by Ramsay. The garden of St. John's College is the best specimen of modern gardening in the city of Oxford, and presents a great contrast to the formal taste which preceded thtl present style; the southern walks of the garden are bounded by. the buildings of Trinity CollPge. JEsus CoLLEGE, founded in 1571, is situated opposite to Exeter CoJiege, and coAsists of two quadrangles; the first contains the chapel on the northern side, and the hall on tl1e western. In the hall are portraits of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles 1., many benefactors, and of John Na:,;h the architect. The college was founded hy Dr. Hugh Price, to wl10m Queen Elizabeth granted a cl1arter in 1.571 ; the endowment has since been increased by other hPnefactors, amongst whom was King Charles I. The college consists of a vrincipal, 19 fellows, 18 scholars, and several exhibitioners. The Earls of Pembroke are the hereditary visitors. WADHAM CoLLEGE, founded in 1613, is in the northern suburbs of the city, near the parks. The entrance to the quadrangle is by a gatehouse, opposite to which is a porch embellished with statues of King J ames I. and ofNicholas Wadham, the founder, and his lady, who was the daughter of Sir William Petre, Secretary of State. The College consists of a Warden, 16 Fellows, and 30 Scholars. The hall and chapel are on the eastern side of the quadrangle; in the great window of the hall are the arms and badges of King J ames I., and the arms of the principal benefactors of the college, beautifully and skilfully executed in stained glass by Willement. In the oriel window are the arms of eminent persons educated at W adham college, and in tbe side windows of the hall are the arms of the present fellows tastefully arranged, also by Willement. In the hall are preserved several very fine portraits. The chapel contains a fine eastern window of stained glass, representing subjects from the Old and New Testament, by Bernard Van Lin,qe. ln the ,northern windows are figures of t~e pwphets, and in the southern figures of Jesus Chnst and his apostles. The garden of this college is on the northern side of the chapel, and beyond are the parks, fine open walks, kept up by the university. PEMRROKE CoLLEGE was founded in 1620 by Thomas Teasdale and Richard Wightwick, and consists of a master, 14 fellows, and 26 scholars and exhibitioners. The college obtained its name from the Earl of Pembroke, Chancellor of the University at the foundation. It is situated near St. Aldates church, and contains two quadrangles, which have lately been rebuilt. WoRcEsTER CoLLEGE, founded in 1714, stands nrar the' river and canal at the western extremity of the city; the foundation con~ists of a provost, 21 fellows, 16 scholars, and three exhibitioners. The eastern front of the principal buildings comprises the hall, library, and cl1apel. There are five l1alls in the university which are not endowed with estates as colleges are, although some of them have exhibitions for the maintenance of students. Alban Hall, adjoining Merton College, St. Edmund Hall, in Green College lane, St. Mary Hall, northward of Oriel college, New Inn Hall, on the west side of the north Bailey, and St. Mary Magdalt!n Hall, on the site of Hertford College, northward of All Souls College. Near Oxford is Blenheim, the sent of the Duke of Marlborough, a description of which is given under the account of W OODSTOCK. 13
RELIEVING OFFICERS & MASTERS OF WORKHOUSES :::r:::: u tir4U1tuatiou oititt ) • EsTABLISHED 1837~ ENROLLED AGREEABLY TO ACT OF PARLIAMENT. THAM:E:, OXE'OB.DSHJB.E. PATRONIZED BY A NU'MBE.lt OF CHAIRMEN, VICE-CJIAIRMEN, .t\.ND GU,ARJ)IAN$ OJ!, AND CLERKS TO POOR-LAW UNIONS. THE Benents secured to the Members of this Society in Sickness 12s. per \Veek for life1 or Qnly till 65; £30 per Annum to a Member for Life, on attaining tbe age of 65; £20 per . Annum to a Member's Widow for Life; £20 on a Member's Death, to his 'Vife, Child, Qf Children~ Member's Funeral £20; Member'$ 'Vife'~ .funt:rai, £lO. Members may subscribe for all or either of the benefits. The Tables of Subscriptions have been calculated by an eminent and ~xperienced Actuary, expressi.r for the Society_ Printed copies of the Rule.s, with the Tables annexed, may be procured of Messrs. LoNG .. M4N & Cu., London; and, by order, from all Booksellers in the United KingdomWILLIAM SCADDING, Seeretary. N. B. Tht Mutings an: held (huzrterly 'I'd Thame. It ise~ntemplated to hold them q,t jtJur dijfert:nt places. London will be o1Je. IMPROVED DOMESTIC LAVEMENT MACHINE, BY WHICH COSTIVENESS MAY BE INSTANTLY REMOVED, AND ITS CONSEQUENCES PREVENTED BY THE APPLICATION OF WARM WATER ONLY. ED"\V~RD ElliiSLE, MANUFACTURER OF ENEMAS., STOMACH PUMPS, • And every description of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS upon te most improtVed prigciplcs, Wholesalf and Retai1, Ho. 3, Milton Street, !:uston Square; J:.ondon. E. ~MISLE, being himself the lfanufacturer, will ensure every article furnished by him to be of the best material and superior workmanship.
OXFORD. OXON. ~~~========================-============================= Name, Residence, & Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, p.l9. Ackland Thoma&, St Ebbs la ..............• Shoemaker Adams C. J. 90 High st ••• Upholsterer & Auctioneer A dams John, 23 West range of Market .••••• Butcher Adams Sarah, 22 St Atdates st •••••• Boot Ware house Adams V. St Ebbes la ... "' ....... The Royal Blenheim Adams William, Clarendon st, Jericlw ••.•••••• Grocer Albutt W. Pembroke st, Tailor, Gown & Cap Maker Aldear John, 36 Blackfriars rd ...... Timber Dealer Alden J. & T. 3 o/ 4 bottom of Market ..• Butchers Alden H. 34 Corn market st •. . Bookseller, Stationer, Printer, Patent Medicine Warehouse Alder Isaac, 30 bottom of Market ............ Butcher Aley George, 9 q 10 middle of Market ...... Butcher Alien Charles, ChU1·ch st, St Thomas ••• Beer Retailer Alien Thomas, 20 Magdalen st ............... Surgeon Alien W illiam, St Thomas st ............ Lamb & Flag All en William, 39 Castle st ..................... Tailor Andrews Andrew, 39 middle of Market ...... Butcher Andrews J. 50 St John st ... Boarding & Day School Andrews J. 8 St Aldates st ....•• Green Dragon Inn Andrews Thos. 16 St Giles rd ..• Waggon & Horses Andrews Thomas, St Aldates st •.. Westminster Hall Andrews W. H. 10 East side of Market .•• Butchers Andrews Wm. Henry, Blackfriars rd ••.••• Butcher Angelos William, 115 High st ...... Fencing. Master Anstey J. Parkend st ... Umbrella Mkr & Gnrl Dlr Appleton R. 17 o/ 18 middle of ..lliarket ..••.• Butcher Archer Elizabeth, 43 Queen st ...•........ Kings Head Archer A. M aria, 66 St Giles st ..• Hare & Hounds Archer John, M ark et st ............. ;. . . • Seven Stars Archer John, St Aldates st ..................... Brewer Arn!ltt Edward, Market st ........................ Baker Arnold George, St Thomas st •••••••••••• Shopkeeper Arnold W illiam, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Arnold W. 16 Queen st .•• Currier & Leather Cutter Arrow T. Friar st ...... Licensed to Let Horses &c. Ashley T. Londo1apl. St Clements •..••. Beer Retailer Ashley T. Pw·kend st ..• China & Glas&J Warehouse Ashley Thomas, Canal wharf ......... Coal Merchant Ashley T. 1 South side of .ftfarket ...... Earthenware, China & Glass Dealer Astey William, 48 Castle st ............ Swan & Castle Atkins Ben. 44 St Giles st ......... Shoe Ware house Atkins J. Castle st ... Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer Atkins Susannah, 38 George st ............... Feathers Atkins Thomas, 9 Corn mat·ket st ...•..•.• Old Cross Auther John D. St Aldates st .......... Watchmaker Ayers A. 4 West range of frlarket .... Green Grocer Ayers Charles, St Thomas st ••.. ................. Baker Ayers John, 32 George st ........................ Baker Ayres Ann, Pembroke st •....................... Cooper Bad cock Benjamin Broad st...... .•. Land Surveyor Bad cock B. ditto ...... Secretary Agricultural Society Badcock C. 16 St Aldates st, Cabinet Mkr & Apprsr Badcock T. 54 Corn market st ...... Wine & Brandy Merchant & Agent to the York & London Fire & Life Office. Bailey William, 1 Castle st ......... Sherborne Arms Commercial Inn Baker J. 18 West range of .~.11arket ......... Butcher Baldwin Elizabeth, Clarendon Buildings ...... Grocer Ball Thomas, East side of Market ............ Butcher Bamptou Miss, New College la ......... Seminary for Young Ladies Banbury William, Bull st .................. Carpenter Banting John, Beaumont bridge .................. Baker Barnes Ann, 35 Queen st ..••.• Straw bonnet Maker Barratt M. 11 St A/dates st ...... Musical Repository Barrett Rd. 41 o/ 42 middle of Market ...... Butcher Barrett Thomas, 15 Beaumunt bridge, Beaumont st ... Oxfords/tire.] C Carpenter Bartlett & Harbridge, 4 in the Gtwy, Queen st, Prntrs Bartlett J. Summer town ........................ Baker Bartlett John, 16 middle of Marlcet ......... Butcher Bartlett J. P. New rd ..................... Coach Maker Bartlett William, 18 Magdalen st ......... Carpenter Bartlett William, 4 Waterloo pl, St Clements ... Flour , Dealer & Mealman Barton George, Ratclijfe sq .......... ,..... City Arms Bass Thomas, 19 Queen st ........................ Baker Bates J oseph, Summer town ............... Gardener BatheR. High st, St Clements ... Hat Manufacturer Baxter William, St Aldates st .................. Printer Baylis J. W. 1 Waterloopl, St Clements ...... Draper Bayne John, 99 High st ........................... Cutler Bayne , ditto • . •• . • • • •• . • • • ••• • •.• . • • • •• • •• . •• • • Baker Beale B. 51St Giles st ............ Boot & Shoe Maker Beesley & Gilbert, Brewers st ......... Land Carriers Beesley George, Black friars rd ............ Shopkeeper Beesley J ames, St A/dates st ............... Shopkeeper Beesley S. Brewers st o/ Oriel st ...... Livery Stables Belcher M. 13 New st, St Clements ... Beer Retailer Belcher Richard, 6 Pembroke st ............... Grocer Bellamy E. jun. New inn hall st ......... Bookbinder Bellamy Ephm. Littlegate .................. Bookbinder Bellman J. 95 High st ... Perfumer & Hair Dresser Ben nett George, 37 Holywell st ...........•••• Builder Bennett John, 16 St Aldates st ...... Tailor, Woollen Draper & University Robe Maker Bennett J n. 50 St. Ebbes st ... Tea Dealer & Grocer Bennett T. Little Ctarendon st, Boot & Shoe Maker Bennett William, Clarendon buildings ......... Builder Ben well Thomas, High st, St Clements ...... Solicitor Berry J. Summer town .................. Wheelwright Bessant Frederick, 105 Highst ............ Boot Maker Best Thomas, St Georges rd ..................... Baker Best William, 24 Queen st ..•••.......... Hair Dresser Betteris John, Ratclfd'e sq ... Law Stationer & Public Billiard Rooms Betteris J. George, 15 Magdalen st •.• Law Stationer Betteris M. 43 St John st •.• Milliner & Dress Maker Betteris Thomas, 45 Broad st ......... Billiard Rooms Biggerstaff Thomas, 4 St Aldates st... Confectioner Billing H. St Thomas st ••• Beer Retlr & Shopkeeper · Billings Henry, 33 middle of Market ......... Butcher Birt John, Parkend st ............ Grocer & Salt Dealer Bishop Thomas, 32 Corn market st ...... Three Goats Commercial Inn & Wine & Brandy Merchant Black well & Evans, 122 High st ............... Saddler Black well Ann, St Ebbes st ..• Straw Bonnet Maker Blackwell Benjamin, 23 Littlegate ••••••••• Bookseller Blagrove Frederick, 12 George st ...... Hair Dresser Bleay Richard, lfflee .................. The Helm Tree Bleay William, IJ!lee ......................... Carpenter Blencowe John, Red Lion sq, Cattle m.rkt ••• Brewer & University Arms Bliss W. H. & J. 49 Broad st ... Plumbers, Painters & Glaziers Bliss John, Bear st .••.•.••.....•••••••••••.•••••• Taylor Bliss W. H. 4 Alfred st, St Giles ••• Plumber, Painter & Glazier Bloxham H. 25 Castle st.......... ... • • ... •• .... • Tailor Bloxham Stephen, 7 St Aldates st •.• Billiard Rooms Blyton H. 16 Corn market st ....... Tailor & Hatter Boddington Robert, 37 Castle st ......... Shoe Maker Boddington Thomas, 13 Grove st ......... Bookseller Boddington T. 8 North side of Mrlct ... Greengrocer Boffin James, 16 .ft.fagdalen st ...... Hatter & Hosier Bolter J. l.fflee ........................ Carpenters Arms Bolton T. R. Thames wlwrj; St Aldates st ...... Ale & Porter Merchant Bolton W. Fryers entry, St. Giles, Boot & Shoe Mkr Borthwick James, St Aldates st .......... Tea Dealer Bossom G. 10 St Georges st ••• , •• Statuary & Mason 9
oXONJ O:XFORD. ============================================================= Bossom W. Holly bu~h row .•..........•.. Robin Hood Boswell F, J.\ 50 C6rn market sl ••• Truhk & Packing Case Maker Boswell trancis S. 48 Corn market st ••.••.•.• Turner Bow ell Hannah; 23 Queen st .....•••.•••• Air Balloon BoweU Thomas, 33 Georg-e st . ............ Job Master Bowell T. J. 10 Broad st ••• Grocer & British Wine Merchant Bow en Charles, 64 Corn markel st.... Linen Draper Bower Charles, 10 South side of Market ..• Dealer in Haberdashery, &c. Bowley J. 17 St. Giles rt! .•.............. Haberdasher Bmt.all & Harwood, 14 Broad st ... Boot & Shoemkr Brabazon Sarah, 5 JYierton st •........... Silk Dver, &c Bradfield 1. 50 Broadst, Plumber, Pait1ter & Glazier Bradley Thomas, Market st ......... Boot & Shoemaker Brain John, St Ebbes st ............... Horse & Chair Brain William,. St Thomas st •....••..••....... Butcher Br&ine Robert;, 51 Corn market st'. ......... Saddler & Harness Maker Braine William, l botlom of Market ......... Butcher Brazier Henry Sidney, 45 Broad Kt ............ Tailor Brazier T. J. 45 Queen st ....... Chemist & Drug-gist Brewer T. 40 St Giles rd ... Carpenters Tool Matmftr Bridges G. 56 St Giles st ...... Grocer & Tea Dealer Bridges G. 29 High sl ......... Perfumery & Stationer BridgwaterJ. Summer town ............... Coal Dealer Bridgewater W. 33 St Giles sl ... Broker & Appraiser Broad water Henry, Wood st ••. Baker & Shopkeeper Broad water John, 40 Queen ~t .................. Baker Broad water William, 66 Holywell st ............ Baker Brocklesby F. 59 Ho(lfwelt st ................... Turner Brockliss John, New College la ...... Billiard Rooms Bromhilt J. High st, St Clements ... Tbe Port Mahon Brooks .T. George st, St Clemertts ...... Beer Retailer Brook John, Church st ........................... Cutler Brooks John, Cardigan st, Jericho ....... Accountant Brooks M. Friar st ......................... Coal Dealer Brooks M. 33 Hvlywellst, Coal Mrchnt & Dairyman Brooks S. 15 Castle st ........................... Milliner Brown Charles, 9 Beaumont st ...... Wine Merchant Brown Georg~ 19 Corn market st ... Cheese Factor Brown George, 18 Magdalen st ............... Saddler Brown Mary, 46 middle of Market ... Cbeesemonger Brown Richard, 68 Higll st ............... Gun Maker Brown William, 11 Corn market st ...... Confectioner Browne lane, 39 Castle st ........................ Tailor Browni~~g J. S. 57 Corn marlcet st ......... lronmonger Brownsell j ohn, ljflee.............. ... . . Beer Retailer Brunner WiUiam, 2 St Aldates st . ........... Solicitor Bn1ton G. & Co. 44 Queen st ..• Three Cups & Commercial Inn & Importers and Dealers in Foreign Wines & Spirits Bt·yan J. 5 St Ebbes st ... Plumber, Painter & Glazier Bryant John, Oriel st ...................... Tobacconist Bryant R. 2 South side of Market ....... Green Grocer Buckett William, Bull st.. ... .. .... .... • ........ Slater Buckingham R. Cattle mrkt, Glostr grn, Pntr & Glzr Buckland John, 12 Castle st ............ .Paviors Arms Buckland Thomas, 33 Castle st ... Chimney Sweeper Bugbird H. Marstone la, StClements, PlasterersAnns Buggins Barrington, Con• market st ...... Crown Inn Bull William, Bear la .................. Coal Merchant Bull WiJliam, Canal wharf ............ Coal Merchant Bunker E. 27 C(J$tle st ........................... Turner Bunn Henry, St Aldates st ......... Draper & Mercer Bunting H. New rd ........................ Hair Dresser Bunting P. Walton pl .............................. Baker Bun ton James, Pembroke st ••............. Bookbinder BurcheU Wm. Fryers entry, St Giles ......... Tailor Burcotnb Aim, .Bt E'bbes la............... Shopkeeper Burkett Wm .. J3:ull& •.......................... , .. .. Slater Burrow a Wm. E. a2 St Giles at............ Malsterer 10 Bushby M. 9 Nvrfh 3ide of Mark-et... Greengrocet Butcher Wm. 25 ~ Aldates st.... ... .... . .. ... . Baker Butler & Margetts, 20 High st.. .......... Prtnt Selle\t Butler R. 5 Worcester ter ........................ Tailor Butler W. H. 2 StAldatessl.. ....... Wine Merchant Cannon Jligh st, St Clements ... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Car die J. B. London pl, St Clements Professor of French & Italian Languag~ Carr Henry, 39 bottom C!f Market ............ Butcher Carr Henry, 15 ~ 16 ditto ..................... Butcher Carr Henry, 22 Walton pl. .... .. ... ..... Ironmonger Carter, Sberratt, & Hall, Folly bridge, Boat Builders Carter F. 14 St Aldate., st ...... Tailor & Robe Maker Carter Henry, Canal wharf......... Coal Merchants Carter John, 11 West range of Aiarket ...... Butchef Carter John, 130 Hi,qh st .................. Fishmonger Carter John, Caroline st, High st, St Clements ... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Carter Rich d. St Aldates st ......... Abingdon House Carter Thos. High st, St Clements ............ Cooper Cash en Christopher, St Aldates st ... Carver & Gilder, & Plate Glass W arehou~ Castell Ann, 44 St John st ..... . Straw Bonnet Maket Cas tell Geo. 29 ditto .............................. Tailor Castle Benjamin, St Aldates st ... Dairyman, & Hay, Corn, Wood, & Coal Merchant Castle Chas. 40 lligh st........ ... ... .. .. Tobacconist Castle Jas. 4 4 Cor'lt mar le et st......... .. .. Tobacconist Castle Nathaniel, 13 High .~t...... Hatter & Hosier Cai!itle Rich d. 6 St Aldates st ..................... Baker Ca~tle Robt. 26 Corn market st ... MarquisofGranhy Castle Thos-. liflee. ... ....... ................... Butcher Castle Thos 34 bott'Om of Market ............ Butcher Cater Jas. 70 Holywelt st .................. Golde11 Ball Caudwell J os h. 18 Queen st ... Accountant, Sheriff's Officer & Commission Agent, & Agent to Bl"itish Fire & \V estminster Life Instn1mce Company Cauling Wm. Parkend st .................. H()lly BusK Cecil Geo. 2 Beaumont st ...... Coroner for the City & County of Oxfflrd, & Solicitor Chadwell C. B. 43 High ~t, Working & Retail CutletChambers Wm. 26 New inn hall st, Organ Builder Chance Thomas, St Aldates st,~ •. ................. Dyer Chandler D. Summer town ..................... Maltstet Chapman Geo. 6 bottom of Market ......... Bulchet Chapman Jno. 3 St Aldates st ... Chemist& Druggist Chapman Mary, St Thomas st .................. Baket Chatto Ann, ditto ........................... Shopkeepet Chaundey J os h. 82 Aldates st ..................... Baket Chaundey R. 30 West range tJj .i'Jfarket ... Seedsman Chaundy C. 62 C01'1tMarlr:et st Hair Dresser & Pl'fmi' Chaundy Richd. 10 Quee-n st, Nursery & Seedsman Chaundy Richd. 19 Corn market it ...... Tobacconist Chaundy Jno. 9 Magdalen vt ... Fancy Needle-work Warehou~ Cheesman J. High st, St Clements ... Genl. Sale Shop Cheneys Wm. 25 JV alton pl .................. Academy Choules J osh. Canal wh(rrj: ........... Coal Mel'chant Clack R. 26 Walton pl ..................... Shopkeeper Claridge J. Union st, Cardigan st, Jericho, Butcher Claridge Thos. 12 East side of Market, Green Grocer Clarke Bai'tholomew, Fryers entry ...... Deer Retailer Clarke Henry, I Pembroke st............... Fruiterer Clarke J. 28 middle of Market ............... Butcher Clurke John, 4 East side of JUarket ......... Butcher Clarke John) 41 Pembrolce st ...... Le den Porch Hall Clarke Josh. St Ebbes la............... Beer Retailer Clarridge J. 29 bottom of Market ............ Butcher Clements John, 44 High st ...... Watch & Clock Mkr Cleoburey William, 22 St John st ............ Surgeon Coar Thomas Tennant, New inn hallst ...... Surgeon Cohen David1 St Ebbes st ......... General Sale Shop
OXFORD. OXON. ' ============================= Coleman John, 4 Jl;lagdalen st.,.Curdcr ~ Agent to the C~unty Fire Office CPI!:)~ Job, 3 St Giles rd •.••....•..•••.••.•••••••.. Baker Collc"tt Wm. St Aldate& st., •. , ••••. ~ •.• ,, .•. ,. Plough Cvll~er Jam est 22 luittle gatt? •• P •••••••••• , ••• Plas~erer Calhngwooq John, 13 Beaumont st ......... , •. Prmt~r Collins & Co. Mqadalen st ••• Cpach B4ilderfl & Har· ness Makers .Collins C. 2 Que~n st .........•••.••••••.•• ,.... Saddler Coll\ns Edward, Paradise st ........... , •.• , .. Butcher C11llins Wm. Mqodalen st ......... , .............. Baker Call\s Cbas. Red Lion sq, Cattle market, Red Lio11 ((ollis l ohn1 Cattle 1(larket, Gloucester rp•ecn .•• Beer Retailer Colwell M&rk, High st, St Clementst Hair Dreser Compona\·o .Angelo3 Summer town •.. Weather Glass Manufacturer Cooke A. C. St Ebbes la........................ Hatter Cooke Eliza\>eth, 80 lligk st •• • Cabinet Maker & Vp'Qolsterer, Auctioneer & Appraiser, & Ageqt for the Birmingham Fire Office C~qke H.l07 Hi[Jh st1 Publisher of the Oxford Chron Cooke W. G. 23 George st ..• Grocer & Tea Dealer Cooq:~ !Js John, New inn hall st •..• , ... , Baske~ Maker Cooper B. Fr~dericlt pl, Castle st •• •· .••... Boot Closer Cooper Franc1s, 4q High st, ...... •to··········· Hatter Cooper Jonathan1 Fryers entry ......... Beer Retaler Cpoper Richard, lli[Jh st, St Clements •.. Grocer & 'fea Dealer Coppock 14 East side of Market, .. Grren Grocer Corbut Chas. Hply bush row •. , •..••. Baker & Grocer Cm·tle S. 6 body of Market ..................... Butcher Co&ter &. Waddell~ 53 Carn market st, ~ 17 High st, Srar Coach Office Coster Benjamin, 19 St .dldates st, •• Plumber, Painter & Glazier Couldney J ames, Pembroke st ...... , •• Beer Retailer Couldry S. 2 bottom of Market .. ,......... Seeds man Couling Wm. 12 St Aldates ~(.,.Tailor & Robe Mkr Coulling :t:lobert, 27 Corn market at ... Tailor & • Confectioner Cou~ins William, 4 in the G(lteway, Queen st . .. Coach Maker ~qusins Wm. Alfred st ........... , ...... Coach }taker J:'owley J ames, St Giles st. .•. .... .. . .. • ... .... Butcher ~owley James, 5 South side of kfm·ket ...... Butcher Cox Frederick, 26 High st . .. ,.. Ladies Shoe Maker Cox J ane 40 Holywell st .. , ..• , .• King's Arms Hotel Cox John, 30 George st ............. ,. ... Beer Retailer Cox John, 45 middle of Market ............... Butcher Cox John, 5 North side of ]}farket.'" Green Grocer Cox John, 20 Walton pl ...... Registrar of Marriages ~o~ John, 74 St Giles st .............. , .... , ....... Tailor Cox Richard, Canal wharf, ........... Coal Merchant Cox Tnomas, Fish row ............ N a\'igation House Cnx WJU. 1'url ~t, Dickeson Tavern & Coffee House Cn1mpton Joseph, Pembroke st .. , . ., .•••.• Eight Bells Cr11pper Caleb, New inn hall st •• , ... Clothes Cleaner Crapper Chas. Park .................. Clothes Cleaner Crapper J osiah, Brewer st ... Boarding & Day Sclwol .Crapper Shem, New inn hall st ...... Clothes Cleaner Creed J ~melf, 44 llolywellst .••• ,.".Coach & Horses Cripps John, 18 Broad st .• ,.r ............. Confectioner .Cripps T. 37 ditto ..• Pastry Cook & Confectioner ~ross Richard, 22 Corn market st •. , Grocer & Cheessmonger Crowley, Hicklin, Batty, & Co. Canal whmf ••• Wharfingers & Carriers Crowley H. Clarendon buildinps, Carpenter&Builder Crozier M aria, 34 Queen st ...... Cork Manufacturer Crozier Wm. St 4-ldates st ••• Wheatsheaf & Anchor Commercial Inn Cry-er Edward, Canal wharf office...... Wharfinger Currie Jas. London p{l ~& Cl~1mmtsw, •• l'~a Deal!lr Curtis Chas. Church ,s~'"'"m"•"H"•• ol oily farmer Curti~ David, SI .dldqte~ s~.·~··•··· .. ···• Boo'kbiqder Curtis John, St '['lwma~ ft, .. ,.,.n .... , .• , .. , ... S~an Dancer R. London pi, St Clements ..... , ...... Saddler D!lnby ltobert, ~ee., ...... ., .• MUler & Corn factor Daxwer Susan, London pl, St Cl(Jments.,, Straw Bopnet Maker Darling Thos. Friar st .................. Leather Cutter Davenppr~ Wl!lker &- CQ. J/ighst .. , •. , ...... Bankers Davenport Jas. Wm, 1'url st,.,Tailor, & Gowq & Cap Maker Davenport J ohu Mardott, l St Aldates st, •. Solicitqr & Clerk of the Peace Davenport Tho_s. Q St Aldatt?s st.,., ... ,.Shoe Maker Davies 'fhos. ~ ~ 3 Qijeen st.,.Woollen Draper, Hosier, & :ijatt~r, ~ 1'4en's Clot'h~s & Round frock MllnUf(j.ct"rer Davies l\ Parkend wharf, Parkend st, Coal Mrchnt Davis Ann, 98 .fligh st ... ,.,............ Pastry Cuok Davis Chqs. H f/olywell ~t.,. Livery Stable Keeper Davi~ Fran~. 40 Pembroke ~t .... ,., .. Livery Stables Davis H. W. 21 Wqftop p~ f\.gent to Eagle Life Offi~~ Davis John, StEbb(!s st ... 11 .... , ..... Horse lt Groopt Davi~ John, 45 ((a,stle {lt., ...... , 'fhree HPrse Spoe~J Davis Mary A11n, St Aldates st ....... , •••• ,. Grocer Davis Philip, Turl st ... Printseller, Carver & ~ilder Davis Wm. St Thomas {lt., .... ,. ............ (;hequers Dawling E. 19 Ne'IQ st, St Clements ... Dress Maker Day John, Market st ......... Rope~ Twine Maker Day S. H> North side of Market,, •• ., Green Gro,::er Day Stt>phen, 7 Qijeen st .......... ,............. Globe Day Wm. St Giles .fleld........ ... • Victoria Nursery Dean Eve, 27 St Aldates §t ..••••• , •••• Coal Merchant Dee J ames, 52 High st .. ..... , •• :....... Light I-lors~ Delamotte L. 82 High .9t ........... , .... ,. Te~ Dealer Delamotte W . .f\.. 5 lligh st, St Clements .••••• Artiilt Dell F. King st, Cardigan st, Jericho .. . Beer Retailer Dell H. Friar, st ........... , .. ,., .... Boot & Shoemaker DenyerWq1.,57 .lJol,IJWellst., .... Willia.m the fourt}l Derick J. ~1. J4 St Joh'fl. st.,. Arcl1itect & Surveyor Derrick Thomas, 48 George st. •• .. ... • . • . Shoemaker Dewe John & Richard, 16 Broad st ••• StaHon~rs ~ l3ooksellers, & Public Library Dewe John, 16 Broad st ... Agent tp the Imperial fire & Lif~ Insurance Cpmpany Dewe Mrs. ditto ....... ,. .• Milliner & D1·ess Maker Dicker~ol). A. St_ Thomas st, Grocer & Cheesemonger Dicke~:~on John, St Thomas st ••. Baker & Beer Retlr Dickinson :{lobert, far!{............... Faggot Maker Dicks Wm. A. 94 lligh st ... Cabinet Maker, Auctioneer, & Appraiser, & Agep~ to the Phreni~ Fire & Life Office Dingle R. Blac~friars rd ••....•.••• r ...... Whitesmitp Dobney John Thomas, New in hall st .. . Boarding & Day School, & Superintendent Registrar of Marriages, Births, & Peaths Doe Charlo~te, llolywell st •..•..••••••• ,. Bookbinder Dolley J ames, Bear la, Alfred st... ... • . • • . .••• Bear Dolley Robert, Bear la ......... pvery Stable K13eper Doliey Thomas, St Aldates at .................. Anchor Don nor J. 69 High st ... Grocer & Provision Dealer Dore E. High st, St Clements, Groc~r & Te$ Dealr Dormer J. 69 lligh st ...... Procer & Cheesemonger Dormor Henry, 30 Queen st... Grocer, Tea Dealer, & frovision Dealer Douch Wm. 51 Castle st•••ro···• .. ••• .. •••••Slopseller Draper J. High st, St Clements •••. ........ , ••••• Smith Drew Josh. 4 High st ........ , ...... Hat Manufqcturer Drewitt John, St Thomas st ........ ~······ Coal Dealer Drewitt John, Canal wharf ••••••• ., ••• Coal Mert;hant Drewitt M. St Thomas st •••••••••••••••••• Coal Dealer Drewitt Robert, 7 St Giles st7 Baker & Confectioner 11
.OXON. OXFORD . ==================================================================== Dring John 5 Magdalen st ••.•••••.••••.• Haberdasher Dry R. 37 Pemb1·oke st ••• Wine & Spirit Merchant Dudley & Bowle1·, Broad st ••• Plumbers & Glaziers Dudley & Son, 5 Broad st ••................... Solicitors Dudley Crews, ditto... District Commissioner in Bankruptcy, & has a Commission for taking Affidavits in the Courts of the County Palatine of Lancaster, & Agent to Alliance Insurance Company Duke Richard, 7 Castle st .................. (Shoemaker Dunbar John, St Giles rd ...... Nursery & Seedsman Dunbarr J. 42 bottom of Market ...... Green Grocer Dunbleton W. Summer town .. .......... Shoemaker Dunsley Robert, St Aldates st ..• Boot & Shoemaker Dyer M aria Black friars rd.. .... .. .. .. Beer Retailer Dver Thos. 7 St Giles rd ........................ Grocer Dyer Wm. Tredwell st .................. Wheelwright Eagleston Ann, High st, St Clements ... Straw Bonnet Maker Eaglestone E:37 Higlt st ... Milliner & Dress Maker Eagleston Job, High st, St Clements... Ironmonger Ealey Wm. 25 bottom of Market............ Butcher Earl Charles, Bull st ..................... Beer Retailer Ea ton C. 11 bottom of Market............... Butcher Eaton Derodatus, 3 St Aldates st ... 'fine Merchant Ea ton John, Clarendon st, Jericho... Beer Retailer Eaton Mary, Church st, Holywell, The Cock Pit Ea ton Wm. 4 in the Gateway, Queen st.,"Auctioneer, Wine Merchant, & Agent to the Hope Insurance Company Eddies ton Ephraim, Jericho ............... Shopkeeper Eddlestone Ephraim, 4 South side of Market, Dealer in Birmingham Ware Eddon E. High st, St Clements ... Coach & Horses Eden James,~ Walton pl ............... Clarendon Arms Edge David, 77 High st ......... Plumber & Glazier Edwards & Hewit, 108 ~ 109 High st, Ironmongers and Engineers Eldridge Chas. 60 St John st. ........... Day School Eldridge I sa bell a, 34 New inn hall st... Day School Elliar Mary 25 JohnsotUJ Buildings, St Aldates st ... . Seminary Elliott L. London p"l, St Clements ......... Shoemaker Ellis C. Caroline st, High st, St Clements, Beer Retlr Ellis James, 75 St Giles st..................... Broker Elliston & Cavell, 13 Magdalen st, c$' 1, 2, c$' 31 .Friars ... Linen & Woollen Draper Elvey Stephen, 29 Holywell st ...... Doctor of Music Emberlen William, (late Evans & Sheard) St .Aldates st . .. Leather Seller & Patent Machine Ruler, Paper Maker, Stationer, & Account Book Manufacturer, & Copper Plate & Letter Press Printer [&Tailors Embling Jno. & Jas. 14 High st ••• Breeches Makers English Wm. Cowley rd .................. Beer Retailer Evans Daniel, Lit Clarendon st............... Builder Evaus George, H~qh st, St Clements ... Tobacconist Evans J ames, 19 St illdates st, Eating House Keeper & Appraiser Evans Joel, St Clements ... Brewer & Beer Retailer Evans Samuel, High st, St Clements ... Tailor & Robe Maker Everall Elizabeth, Bear st, Dealer in Tea & Coffee Eyles Wm. 24 St Aldates st ......... Cabinet Maker Fairbairn Thos. 9 Broad st, c$' Park ... F.Iuurist & Seedsmau, & late Gardener to their Royal Highnesses, the Princess Charlotte & Prince Leopold [School Fairbrother John, 55 St John st ... Boarding & Day Fassell Austin, 127 High st ... Furnishing Ironmngr Faulkner Charles, 13 West range of Market, Butcher Fulkner Chas. 4 George st, Cabinet Maker & Joiner, & the Grapes 12 Faulkner Fred. 1 George st ...... Broker & Appraiser Faulkner J. 33 bottom of Market ~ St Thomas st) Butcher Faulkner James J. StAldatesst ... Grocer&Druggist Faulkner Wm. St Thomas st .................. Butcher Faulkner Wm. 18 Castle st ......... Grocer & Baker Feldon Charles, 97 High st .... Tailor & Robe Maker Fidell J ames, 33 Beaumont st.. ..... Land Surveyor Field William, Bear st ..................... Gun Maker Fifield T. Walton terrace ............... Beer Retailer Figgs Wm. St Aldates st ...... Livery Stable KeE>per Fisher J sh. 3 St G iles st ..................... Engraver Fisher T. R. 58 Corn market st ............. Surgeon Fisher Wm. Little gate ......... Builder & Auctioneer Fisher William, St Thomas ............ Flying Horse Fiske Jnthn. 23 Corn market st ... Tailor, Draper, &c. Fiske Marshall, 23 Corn .lW.arket st ... Agent for the Economic Life Office Fletcher R. 6 George st .. Upholsterer & Paper Hauger Forster & Bartlett 9 High st ...........• Linen Draper Forrest M. A. 2 Mer ton st ......... George & Dragon Foster, junr. & Co. 124 High st ... Drapers, Hosiers, & Mercers Foster Wm. St Aldates st •..... Livery Stable Keeper Fowler Robert, 83 Holywell st ............ Shopkeeper Fowler Thos. Canalwharf. ..... Corn Fctr & Hop Mcht Fox J ames, St Thomas st ................ Turk's Head Franklin James, 68 Holywellst .................. Boot Franklin Thomas, Folly bridge ........... Boat Builder Freeborn J. J. S. 38 Broad st ............ Apothecary French John, 8 South side of Market ......... Butcher French John, Ijflee .............................. Butcher Fretwell John, 55 Corn market st ....... Land Agent Fry M. A. 49 Corn market st .. Stationer & Toy Wbse Furley John, 26 bottom of Market ........... Butcher Furley John, 8 High st ........................ Poulterer Gardiner J. Magdalen st ........................ Builder Gardiner J. Bath st, St Clements ................ Tailor Gardner , 49 St John st ............. Ladies School Gardner J. Park st ..................... Livery Stable!! Gardner N. New bridge st .................. Bookseller Gee Charles, Bear la......... Billiard Table Keeper George John, George st, St Clements. • ...... Smith Gerrard M. 3 Holywell st ............... Ladies School Gibbons & Lymath, Magdalen st ... Veterinary Forge Gibbs Jno. High st, St Clements ... Statuary & Mason Gibbs W. 25 body of Market ............ Greengrocer Gibson John, 11 St Aldates st .................. Tail!lr Gibs on Sarah, ditto ......... Milliner & Dt·ess Maker Gihon Wm. High st, St Clements.Chemist & Druggist Gilder T. H. Park pl.. ....................... Carpenter Giles & Son, 129 High st ... Auctioneers & Appraisers Giles George, Summer town .......... Beer Retailer Giles Jas. 129 High st ... Upholsterer & Cabinet Mkr Giles J ames, Broad st ................ Wine Merchant Giles Richard, 33 Higlt st ...... Tailor & Rope Maker Giles Thos. 36 St Giles 1·d .. Parish Clerk to St Giles Giles William, 3 Merton st ...................... Tailor Goade W. 1 body of 2Jfarket .................. Butcher God den E. 23 Pembroke st ..... Bookseller & Binder, Machine Ruler Godfrey Robert, Blaclifriars rd' ......... Beer Retailer Godfrey J ane, 42 High &t ... Milliner & Dress Maker Godfrey Richard, 8 St Giles rd •................. Baker Goffe Charles, 73 St Gile$ st ............. Boot Maker Gooch John, High st, St Clements ...... Auctioneer & Bookseller Goodall C. A. 24 King st ...... Straw Bonnet Maker Goodey Wm. 5 & 6 middle of JJfarket ...... Butcher Goodwin Ewd, 8 St illdates st ..... Deputy Treasurer of Christs Church Goody ear Ezra, C!turch st, St Ebbes la ... Carpenter Gould C. Hig4 st, St Clcments ... General Sale Shop
OXFORD. OX. ON'. ===================-============================ Gould William, 39 Pembroke st .•................ Baker Goulding J. 116 High st •.• Fruiterer & Confectioner Goundny John, Market st •••.•••••• Crown & Thistle Grafton Charles .................. Eagle Iron Foundry uraham Fred. 7 Worcester ter ••• Painter & Glaizer Grabarn William, 41 High st ..•••.••..•••.. Bookseller Grant Edward, 36 George st ............ The George Grant William, 35 St Giles rd •••••• Coach & Horses Gray William, 29 St Aldates. st .•.•••..•••• Dairyman Greatbatch T. 59 Corn Market st,China & Glass Whse Green Elizabeth, 37 Queen st •••.••• Toy Warehouse Green Elizabeth, 42 High st •••••.••• Toy Ware house Green J. Fryers entry, St Giles ••• Boot & Shoemaker Green .T ohn, High .9t, St Clements .......... Carpenter Green Richard, 43 Pembroke st ................ Tailor Green Rd. 17 Pembroke st .... Tailor, & Register of Births & Deaths for the Oxford District Green Thomas, Walton pl.. ................. Carpenter Greenfield Alick, StAlilates st, Dealer in oldlashioned Furniture Greening John, 36 bottom of :Market ....... Butcher Greenshields Thomas, 7 St John st ......... Architect Greenwood B. 20 West range of Market ... Butcher Griffin Bamard, Beaumont bldng, Beaumont st.Tailor Griffin Peter, High st, St Clements ......... Seedsman Griffin Rd. ~on don pl, St Clements ...... Shopkeeper Griffith Sam. Y. High st ... Angel Hotel and Posting House, Postmaster to the Queen D~wager Griffith S. Y. Corn market st ..... Star, Family Hotel & Posting House Grimmett John, Friar st ...................... Hop Pole Grimming Richard, 38 bottom of Market ... Butcher Grimsley Thomas, 76 St Giles st ............ Sculptor Gruhb Isaac, 22 Queen st ...... Baker & Corn Dealer Guise H. 33 Queen st ... Coach & Horses, & Bricklayer Guise W. Blackfriars ril ... Beer Retailer & Bricklayer Gullivan John, 40 middle of Market ......... Butcher Gurden Rd. 8 Corn Market st ... Roe buck Commercial Inn & Posting House, Coach Office Guy Mary, Church-st ......................... Blue Ball Hadley J. Market st ........ : ............... Fishmonger Hadley John, Fryers entry, St Giles ... Royal Vulcan Haines J. Summer town .................. bhopkeeper Haines John, Turl st ......... Bookseller & Stationer .Haiues Thomas, 60 Corn market st ...... V an Office Haldon & Lowndes, 65 Corn market st ... Stationers, Booksellers, Publishers & Patent Medicine Wrhse Hall, Tawley & Co, St Thomas st ............ Brewers Hall Ewd. 12 St Aldates st ...... Town Hall Tavern, ' Commercial Inn Hall .T ameli, Brewer st ......... Tailor & Robe Maker Hall J no. King st, Cardigan st. Jericho .. Beer Retailer Hall John, St Giles rd ... Builder & Timber Merchant Hall J ehu, Friar st ........................... Carpenter Hall Mary, 7 East side of Market ...... Greengrocer Hall Richard, Magdalen st ...... Veterinary Surgeon Hall Thomas, St Ebbes la .................... Britannia Hallett Jno. Iligh st, St Clements .. Circulating Library Halsey Thos. 88 Holywellst .......... Livery Stables Ham John, 14 St Aldates st, .................. Printer Hamilton John, Walton ter ...... Boot & Shoemaker Hammond C. P. 31 & 32 middle of Market .. Butcher Hanaway Thomas. St Ebb ea la ......... Beer Retailer Handaway & Russell, Oriel st .... Proprietors of the Tennis Court Hand cocks William, 17 Queen st ............ Dolphin Handy Samuel, 20 St Giles rd . ........... Royal Oak Hanks J s. Cattle market, Gloucester green ... Beer Rtlr Hanks John, 49 George st, ................... Plasterer Hanley D. 10 Castle st ........................... Draper Hardy J no. 7 Beaumont st .. Conveyancer & Lnd Agnt Harper Charles, 18 King st...................... Baker Harper Ewd. Cherwellst, St Clements .... Tea Dealer Harper John, 35 H olywell st ......... Wine Merchant Harper John, Holywellst .. Agent for the Benevolent Insurance Annuity & National Benefit Society Harris & Co. 45 High st ..................... : ... Tailors Harris Alfred, Little gate ............ Black Drummer Harris Anthony, Heifills Hutt ................ Anchor Harris Chas. 1 Broad st ... Musical Instrument Mkr Harris J. 2 body of Market ................... Butcher Harris Le vi, 25 Queen st........ .... .. . ... .. • • Clothier Harris Robert, 3 middle of Market .......... Butcher Harris Thomas, 53 High st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Harris Thomas, Bear la .......................... Tailor Harris W. New bridge st .. Plumber, Painter & Glazier Harrison J. Cattle marltet, Gloucester green .. Shoemkr Harrison J. 26 Corn marlcet st .•• Livery Stable Keeper Hart J ames, Friar st ........................ Bird Stuffer Hart Thoma!l, Friar st.......... .... • .. ••• • Pig Dealer Hartwright W. High st, St Clements .. Boot & Shoemkr Hastings John, 3 Castle st .. Grocer & Cheesemonger Hatch Hy. 28 Corn market st ... Draper & Silk Mercer Hawkes P.l2 Broad st ... Carver, Gilder & Printseller Hawkins E. 12 Holywell st .................... Milliner Hawkins Thos. 2 St John st ... Accountant & Agent for the United Kingdom Life Office Hawkins Thos. Bath st, St Clements ... Beer Retailer Hawkins Thos.12 Holywellst .. Commercial Academy Haynes Stpn. 35 Corn market st ... Boot & Shoemaker Hedges David, 3 Longwallst ... Plumber, Painter, &c. Hedges J. 3 Waterloo pl, St Clements ... Beer Retailer Hedges My. Caroline st, High st, St Clements ... Beer Retailer Hedgtls S. 5 bottom of Market ............... Butcher Hemins A. High st, St Clements .. Milliner & Dress Mk Heming J oseph, Paradise st ......... Retailer of Beer Hemmings J. J. 4 Corn marketst ... Sausage Maker Hemmins William, 22 King st ...... Coach & Horses Herbert W. Corn mktst ... Upholsterer&CabinetMkr Hester J. P. 6 St Aldates st ................... Solicitor Hewitt John 54 High st ... Hair Dresser & Perfumer Hewlett Edgar, St Paul's terrace, Jericho .... Painter Hickey Thomas, 47 Castle st ............... Hosier, &c Hickman C. R. 85 High st ...... Plumber & Glazier Hickman Eliz. 31 High st ... Jewellers, Watch Maker & Silversmith Hicks Edwardt 15 Ship st ..........•• Dyer in general Hicks My. Ann, 7 Gem·ge st ... Straw Bonnet Maker Hicks Paul, 39 Holywell st ... Crocer & Cheesemngr Hicks W. S. ·i'riars ............. Grocer & Tea Dealer Higgans J oseph, High st, Jericho .... Jericho House Higgins Charles, Parkend st ............ Wheelwright Higgins John, Canal wharf ............ Coal Merchant Higginson Jno. King st, C:.erdigan st, Jericho ... Boot & Shoemaker Higginson Wm. Cattle mkt, Gloucester green .. Turner Higgons William, High st, Jericho ............. Grocer Hill Sarah, 35 High st .................. House Painter Hill Thomas Harvey, 77 High st ............ Surgeon Hillier M. 30 middle of Market ......... Greengrocer Hi ne )Villiam, Blackfriars rd .......... Bt::er Retailer Hinton William, Oriel st .................. Confectioner Hitchcock Harry, 121 High st ... Chemist, Druggist, Oil & Colourman Hitchcock Jno. 5 Queen st ............... Hair Dresser Hitchcock Thos. Bath st, St Clements.Mattress Mkr Hitchcock Wm. West range of Mm·ket ... Greengrocer Hitchings George, St Aldates st .............. Surgeon Hitchings William, 13 Broad st ................ Painter Hoakam R. 3 Corn mkt st. Woollen Draper & Tailor Hoar J no. 32 Broad st .... Ironmonger, Whitesmitb, Tin Plate Worker & Brazier Hobdell E. 128 High st .... Watchmaker & Jeweller Hobley James, 10 bottom of Market ......... Butcher Hodgkins E. High st, St Clements .. Straw Bonnet Mkr 13
OXON. OXFORD. ==========~.~============~-i================~~==~=== Hodgkins Henry, 'l'url st, ••• ~. l}oot & Shoe factor Johnson E. St .Aldates .# •• ,Milliner & Dress Maker Holder Henry, St .Aldates st .•••••.••••. ,, •• ,. :Printer Johnson Jas. 16 Castle st .... u_.,, . .,.. ..... Slloemaker Jiolland A. A. 5 Corn mkt st ••• Golden Cross Corn- Jobnson James, Walton pl ..... - •• ~ .. ····-··' Builder mercial Inn Johnson S. F. St .Aldates st .••••••••••• ,~ Tobacconist Hollis M. 4 North side of Market .•..•. Greengrocer Johnson Wm. l!l Geo:rge st ••••••• r..... Wheelwright Holloway Wm. King st, Cardigan st, Jericho, •. Car- Jones & Hard wick, 63 ditto .. Cabinet Mkrs &Uphlstrs penter & Coffin Maker J ones D. High st, St Clements, Saddler& Harness Mkr Bolt Fanny, 78 High st ••..•.•..•••.•.••• ~ Stay Maker Jones J. Pembroke st •••••••••••••. , ••• C11hine* Maker Honour Henry, Fryers entry, St Giles ...••••.• Baker Jones Joseph, 38 Holywell st, .• ,,............. Baker Hooper James, 92 Holywelt st .................. Tailor Jones Ricpard, 56 High st, ••• ,. Chemist & Dluggist Hooper J oseph, St .Aldates st ••... Boot & Shoemaker J on~s W, Plantation rd •• ,...... Boo~ & Shpemaker Hope Francis, 7 St John st, •.• , ••.•..••• Stone Mason Jones Wm. St .Aldates st ......... ~ .... , ••••••••• Tailor Hopkin Wm. Friars wharf ••••.• Coal, Stone & Slate Jones Wm. StEbbes stw ... , ••••• V~terin11ry Forges l\1erchant, Wharfinger & Carrier Joy Wm. Park st •• , ... , ••• , ... , •••• r• Tailor & Draper Horn C,l5 Cornmktst .. fastryCook&Cai\fectioner JubberJames, 14 Oriel#, ••••• , ..••• Wine Merchant Horn CruiSe, 141 High st ... Hair Dres:>er ~ ferfumer Kear Matthew, Jericho ... 13eer Ret{liler & Shopkpr Horn J~o, ~5 middle of Market., .• , ..•.•••• Bu~cher Keen Matthew, Holly bush row •.••• , ••. Beer Retailer Horn Richard, 142 lbgh st ••••••.••••••• ,Confectwner Keene M. Bath st1 St Clement& ............ Coal Yard Horne M. Summers Town, ................ ,Shopkeeper Kelvie Jas. Jericho ter ............ r ... , .... Tea Hllwker Horne l\1:. 10 West range of Market •• ,, •••.. Butcher Kemp ~rs. Oriel st .............................. Milliner H9rne Sarah1 St John st, .•••• Preparatoy School for Ke~Upson Mary, High f!t, St Cle'l(lents.. .••• Milliner Young Gentlemen Kempster John, Parkeni/ st ••••••••• ,., •.. .,., •• Tailor Hosi.er Wm. 53 George st ...• p··· .. ············· Baker Kensell S. & T, 9 Holywellst ••• Bpot & Shoemakers Houghton & Son, High st, St Clements ... Chemists, Kent E. Jlfarket st .••••• '" ................ Hair Dresser Druggists, Grocers & Tea Dealers Kent Jas. Pembroke at •.••• , •.••••••• w·· .. ···'"~addler 1-Ioughton M. /Iiglt st~ St Clements ..•••• Sheffield & Kerr 4rchibald, 30 Broadst •••••. Boot & Sqoemaker Birmingham Warehouse Kett Edward Roger, 118 High st. Chemist & DrugHounslow Charles, St Thomas st .•.••. , ...... Red Ox gist, Oil & Colourman, & Agent to lhe Naval & Hounslow G. Holywell st ...••.•... ,. .... Stone Mason Military East India Company, & Geqeral Life Hounslow Jno. 67 Highst .•. Grocer & Wine Merchnt Assurance Company · House W'illiam, Lit Clarendon st ..•... Beer Retailer Kilbye Henry, 43 bottom cif Market, Green Grocer Ho ward .Jas. Summer tnwn •.. Dealer in Ma1·ine_Stores King Edwd. 18 Merton st..................... Dentist How eH Eliz. 52 St Giles st •.• Baby Linen Warehuse King Frederick, Canal wharf, Corn & Coal Mrchnt & Dress Maker King G. 33 body of J.lf arket .• ,.. •• • . • • •• • • • • • • • • Baker Howell S. W. 86~ High st ...• Tailor & Robe Maker King H. Friar st •••.••• , ...................... Carpenter Howlett Thmpas, 17 Holywell st ••.•..• J(ing's Head King Henry, Beurla ........................ Carpenter Howse William, St Giles rd ..................... Broker King Jsaac, Folly bridge •.••..••••••••.••. Boat Builder Huckwell Robert, 18 St Aldates st ..• Toy Warehouse King John, Marstone la, St Clements ••• Timber Hudson & 1\latthew, 16 Long wall st .•...... Builders Merchant Hudson Mary, .Priar st ••.•..••.• , ••.•.••••. Shopkeeper Kipg J osh. 6 East side uf lviarket •••••.••.•.• Butcher H uggins H. 9 & 76 George st .. Coach & Harness M.kr King J asl1. Geo. Iligh st, St Clernents, Confectio\H~r Hughes James, Frye1·s entry, St Giles •... , .... Cooper King Sam. St Ebbes st •.• , ..... Grocer & Tea DealH Hughe!) James B. Gloucester green ... , ...... ,. Tailor King Wm. 14 George st ...••••• , Boot & Shoemaker Humphr~y Jno. 37 middle of Market .•..... Butcher King Wm. High st, St Clements, ..• , .......... PrjrJter Humphrey Jph. St Giles rd .•• Horse & Jockey Inn, Kirby Ann, Park st...... Fruiterer & Confectioner Racing House & Common Brewer Knibbs Jane, 6 St dldates st., ••••.•. Sausage Maker Hunt Ed ward, Blacl.friars rd .•............. ,... Baker Knight J. C. Gloucester green ••.•.••....••..• ~Grainer Hunt James, 46 Broad st .................. Accouutant Knight Mrs. 2 Castle t;t ................ , . .Milliner, &Q. li unt J ames, High st, St Clements .. , •.. Watchmaster Knight Wm. d~tto •..•. .••.••.••••. ,. . •• •.••• Catpente~ Hunt. James, New rd .. , ... Watchmaker & Jeweller Knowles Edwd. 75 Holywell st .•. Plumher& Glazier IIunt Richard, 8 East side of l'tfarket., ... ,. Butcher Knowles T. Holywell st, Mason, Statuary &Builder Hmcomb Philip, St Ebbes st .• , ..•. , •.•.. Three Tuns Ll\it Wm. a New inn haft ~t ..• MasonJ Bricklayer, & Hutt Henry, 24 St Giles st .................. Windmill Beer Retailer Hutt Richard, 4 middle of 11-farket, ..•.••••••. Butcher Lake S. H West range of Market, .•••••••••• Butcher Hyde & Salkeld, 31 & 32 Queen st.,.Round Frock & I.11ne Chas. Parkend st, .... .•• ,............ Carpenter Clothes Mnfctrs, Woollen & Manchester Wrhsemen Laney Edward George, 17 Corn mrsrket st, •• WholeIrwin F. 25 Corn mkt st ... Hair Dresser & Perlumer sale & Retail Tobaccopist & Importer of Cigars Jackson Benjamin, High st, St Ctements •.. Stay Mkr Last W. C. & J. G. 131 High 6i •• ,Sik Mercers & Jacobs Aaron, 39 Queen st •••... ,., ••• Clo~he~,Dealer Linen Drapers James James, 42 Queen st ...• , .•..•..•. ,W1re "W:9rker Latchmore Wm. I Queen 6t, •• p•············MP~llmau James Jno. lsis row, St .Aldates.,.Boot & Shoemaker Law & Son, 51 /3r()ad st ••• , ... , Tailors & Drapers J ames Robert, 74 High st ....••.•.....•.• Confectioner Law J ames, Pembroke lit •.•••• ., •••••••••••••• ,. Baker James Thos. Market st .. , Saddler & Harness Maker Lawne Chas. New college la, •• Pastry Cook, Confea• J ames Wm. 20 St .Aldatea st.~ •••. Boot & Shoemaker tioner, & Livery Stables James Wm. lligh st, St Clements, Boot & Shoemkr Lawson Chas. Parkend st............ Watch Maker James Wm. 21 St .A/dates st ............ Confectioner Leach G. D. Bull st., • ., •• , ••• , ••• Bull Inn & Builder Janaway Wm. Park •.••••••••• ,'fimber & Wood Yard Leaver 4\lex. Bear lrs .. , .... ,. Livery Stable Keeper J ana way Wm. St Gilea rd •• •••• Star, & Carpenter Lee J ames, Blac/cfriar~ rd. ... Grocer, Beer Retaler, Jelfs John, 137 lliglt st ............................ ,.Fox & Machine Maker Jessop John, 28 bottom of Market •.....•••... Butcher Lee Jno. 14 Queen st ........... , Cork 1\ianufacturer Jew Wm. St Giles st .•.••••.•..•••• ~·· Eagle & Child Lee John, se Ebbes la •..••••.•• , •••••••••• Rising Sun J ohnson Catherine, St Aldates st ... Straw & Tuscan Lee William, 1 New inn /zall Bt •• , Carr.epte:r & Ca· · Bonnet M~nufacturer . }line~ Maker 14 •