AP:PENDIX. ' ••• -~-···~ . ' ~· ~ ~ ~:-··.· ll\fPOltTANrr '.fO INVALIIJS .. INGLIS'S "BROWN BREAD is not only easily pervaded by the juice of the Stomach, but performs an important :Mechanical duty on the Alimentary organs. "INGLIS, in NEw STREET, CovENT GARDEN, makes very good BnowN BRE . .\D." See GRAHAM ON DIET AND REGIMEN, 1ast edition, price 9.-i. The most respectable .1\Icdical References to be seen at tlae Shop. INGLIS,1NEW STREET, COVENT GARDEN. ,- - Established nearly Forty Years At No. 4, The Holborn side of Bloomsbury Square. Observe! Parlour Windows no shop front. IRisH SnrRTTNG CLOTH made witi.Jout any admixture from pure flax:, sold in any quantity. Whole pieces at tb~ 'Jo'actor'11 prices, cheaper than any other house, being manufactured from the best materials. The purchase money will be returned 11hould any fault appear. laisH, ENGLISH, ScorcH, and Russu SIIEI!TING, of all widths and prices. Hou~ehold and Table Linen. 'VPlsh and Saxony Flannels. Families furnishing will find it much to their interest to apply at this Establishment. Bank of Ireland Notes taken in payment or diliCounted. Country and Town Orders punctually attended to, by J'OHll DONOVAN, No. 4, BLOOl\iSBURY SQUARE. N.B. No CONNECTION WITH .JI.NY OTHER HOUSE, H. SIL VERLOCK'S EDICAL LABEl· ABEBOUSE, No. 3, WARDROBE TERRA CB, Dottota' ~onttnonfl- U.onbon. H. SILVERLOCK begs to return his best thanks for the very great encouragement he has received from Chemists, Druggists, and Professional Gentlemen, and begs to assure thetn his utmost exertions will still be employed to merit a continuance of their favours. Engraving, Copper Plate, and Letterpress Printing, in all their various branches, executed in the first style. A new set of Gold Labels are now in a forward state for Bottles and Drawers, the mo!it extensive ever published. Specimens may be seen.
AP:PENn:r:x. ...._ummer an inte1~ AT THE TEPID & COLD ;-.;· .. - . , ... j,' 5! ..... ·. ,•./ . . .. , . . ;;.r:· -· . ~5JJley ~re5cent, SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS FIELDS, Near the Eagle Tavern, City Road. niMENSIONS Length, 180 Feet; Breadth, 40 Feet. Depth at the Top, 3 Feet, 10 Inches; Centre, 4 Feet 6 Inches; Bottom, 5 Feet . .. . ---- The increasing patronage afforded to this Establishment by the medical)rofession in London and its Environs, and the beneficial effects of t Now universally admitted, induces the Proprietor earnestly to invite an inspection of the above Baths. They possess advantages as strikingly novel as peculiar to themselves, containing a superficial extent of 5000 Feet; of' the Jllirest Sprill;;' 'Vater, which is constantly flowing and changing at the rate of our. They thus allow the Swimmet: the lengthened enjoyment of his art, and enable the learner to practise in Summer ami Winter, for any length of time, without inconvenience from cold. · The temperature may be varied at pleasure, and that this luxurious recreation may be indulged in till a late hour, they are BRILLIANTLY LIGH1"ED WITII GAS. In fact, all means which capital or science could ensure, have been adopted to render the arrangements complete. • Open from Five in the Morning till Ten in the Evening; and on Sunday Morning from Five till Ten . • ' SINGLE BATHE in botll or either, ls. One :Nio1ttl1 • • 'I,iit·ee N.lontlts • ' Six ].folltlts One Yea1· • Waiting Rooms, &c. on the Premises • • • • WARM AND SHOWER BATHS ON HIRE. 6
APPENDIX. . . ' AT THE CITY REPOSITORY AND MANUFACTORY FOR AGRICULTURAl~, COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC MACHINES, 83, W_EST SMITHFIELD, LONDON, MANUFACTURER OF Thrashing Machines, Dri1ling and Seed l\'lachines, Chaff and Cane-top Cutters, Winnowing and Hay-makir.g Machines, Ploughs and Harrows of all descriptions, Flour Mills and Boulting Machines, Steel Mills for l\faJt, Beans, Peas, OatF«, Barley, Wheat, and other purposes, Machines for Cutting Turnips and Bruising Oil Cakes, Field and Garden Rollers, and every other description of Agricultural Implements - and :Machines. Merchants and Emigrants supplied witlt every article for the West India Plantations und Briti1h Colonies, at the &hortest notice. ALLISTON, a;,~~~~~~N?~~ l.~.tl..~1:1A g{P~~~m ~ w~~ ~~AWvu~f) 7, MUSEUM S'"fllEET, BLOOMSBURY •. Good Wigs, 30s. Fm· the best that can be made, Two Guinea1 and a Half. To ascertain at a glance the sty le of wig most suitable to each countenance, is the result of close observation, and requires the eye of an artist; that ALLISTON has closely observed, the exhibited specimens of his wigs will at once determine; :mll were it not for the seeming egotism of the thing, he might say that no one in London can vie with him in Gentlemen's Wig making; and the success which has attended his efforts, is the result of exclusively attending to this branch of the business; for it has been truly said that "Those persons arrive at the greatest height of perfection in particular attainments, who have given themselves wholly to some single pursuit.,' HALL &:'(Jo. WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, Patentees for tlte Leather Cloth, or Pannus Corium Boot.~ and Shoes, The softest and most comfortable ever invented; they resemble the finest leather, and never tlraw the feet. Persons subject to Corns, Bunions, Rheumatism, Gout, or who suffer from tender feet from any other cause, will find immediate relief in wearing these shoe•. They are well adapted for warm climates, being more flexible and more durable than any other kind of shoes. HALL & Co.'s FATENT INDIA-RUBBER GOLOSHES are the lightest, most useful Rnd economira.l article of the kind e\·er invented for keeping the feet dry. Tlteir 'Va.ter}troof' J)re~ses For Ladies and Gentlemen also deserve particular notice. They are so portable that the whole suit may be carried in the pocket or reticule. GENTLEMAN'S DRESSES, comprising CAPE, OVER-ALLS, and HOOD, !is.; L~DIES' CARDIN~L CLOAKS with HOODS, from 18s. This article for its compactness will be found invaluable to ANGLERS. N.B. Ladies and Gentlemen at a distance, may be fitted with Shoes and Goloshes by sending a shoe, and the dresses by forwarding- the height of the figure. HALL ~ Co., WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON. ~ 7
APPENDIX. T. PROWSE, 13, HANWAY STREET, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, • Musicseller, :Publisher, and Manufacturer of c. Nicholson's Flutes, (FROM CLEMENT! AND CO.'s, 26, CHEAPSIDE), Submits to the attention of the Musical \Vorld, his List of Prices for NrcaoLso::o<'s lMPr.OV£D FLun:s. COCOA OR EBONY, Withe71lUOssedsilver ring tips,silver acorn-top to the button. silver boxes fur keys, and round-headed pins, for the convenience of taking out the keys. 6 Elastic Plug Keys, with double springs £13 13 0 7 Ditto •••••••••.•. :. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 14 0 8 Ditto • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • 15 15 0 COCO.<\ OR EBONY, With very stout silver rin.q tips, boxes to the keys, and round-headed pzns. 6 Elastic Plug Keys, with double springs 13 13 0 7 Ditto • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 14 0 tS Ditto • . • • . . • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 15 0 COCOA OR EBONY, With engine-turned broad silver tips, 4"c. etc. 6 Elastic Plug Keys, with double springs 10 10 0 7 Ditto • • . • • • • . . • • . • • . • .. • . • • • . • • • • . . • ll 11 0 8 Ditto •••••••••••••••••••••••• , • I • • • 12 12 0 COCOA OR EBONY, With chased silver ring tip.r, silver acorn-top to the button, and 1ilve1· socket, 6 Elastic Plug Keys, with double springs £10 10 0 7 Ditto • • . • . • • • . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . 11 11 0 8 Ditto •••• I .... I ............... I.... 1~ 12~0 COCOA OR EBONY, With silver tipll and socket. 6 Elastic Plug Keys, with double springs 7 Ditto .............................. . 8 Ditto •••••••••••••••• I .... I ••••••••• 9 Ditto •• I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Extra for Silver Plate to the Embmchure Ivory screwed Embrochure •••••.••••• 8 8 0 9 9 0 10 10 0 11 11 0 0 10 6 0 50 If with Case, set of Elastic Plugs, Cleaner, for preserving the Bore of the Instrument,&c. £lls. extra. Should any Joint 1plit within Six Months of the time of purchase, it will be replaced free of expense. •.• All Mr. :Nicholson's Flute Works to be had at his Flute Manufactory. T. PaowSE, sole Manufacturer of Flutes for the late Mr. Charles Nicholson, returns his grateful acknowledgments to Flute Profe~sors and Amateurs for the very liberal patronage bestowed on him since his commencement in business. Having, for many years, had the pleasure of consulting with Mr. Nichol~on, on matters connected with the mechanism of the Flute, with a view to insure those indispensable desiderata on the instrument-power, sweetness, and above all, correct intonation, he alone is able to caxry into effect the plans proposed by that celebrated performer, whose tone, expression, and general style were unrivalled. The method of manufacture, suggested by Mr. Nicholson, added to the unceasing endeavours ofT. PRowsE, will, it is hoped, bring this, the most popular of instruments. to a higher degree of excellence than it has hitherto attained. The Flutes will, before sale, !Je subjected to the severest test by eminent professors; be numbered as before, and accompan~d by a certificate from the manufacturer, bearing hi3 signature. N.B. To prevent imposition (as forged imitations are on sale), enquire for the Certificate bearing the signature THos. PROWSE: to counterft:it which is felony. F. S. CLEAVER, s w(l-JYJ[J) ~[J~llfJ ~~~JP Jl.l~Ul!l!J[Bij '1, VINE STREET, DLOOHS.BUBY, REGS the attention of :Merchants, Captains, and the Trade being able to supply all articles, connected with the Perfumery Rusiness, either for exportation or home consumption, on as advantageous terms as any .Manufactory in London; and, moreover, recommends to their notice, that most useful article, OF WHICH HE IS SOLE PROPRIETOR. 8
APPENDIX. ~Dt n.ottboat (f;et~tt•nl aattttY e 147, FENCHURCH STREET, E§T.il.DLISIIED IS33. Supplies Principals in the Professional, 1\'Iercantile, 1\Jlanufacturing, and Trading Departments, with British and Foreign Corresponding Clerks, Book-keepers, and other Clerks ; Agents, Foreign and Domestic; Travellers for Town or Country, on Commission or otherwise; Salesmen and other \Varehousemen; Shopmen, versed in their respective employments, and with Assistants of every description. Partnerships with capital, and Apprenticeships, with or without premium, ne6otiated. l\'loney invested on mortgage, and other unexceptionable securities. Valuations of all kinds of Property and Goods taken; Land surveyed and Plans drawn by men of professional experience. N. B. No person applying for a ~ituation is admitted on the Office Books until b.e has given satisfactory reasons as to character and ability. The Office Fees fot· Partnerships and Apprenticeships negotiated, and Loans procured are paid by the receiver of the money and for the Situations filled by the party obtaining employment but where an advance of money is required, as security or loan, a small per centage on· the amount is payable by the employer. Office Hours 10 to 5. All Letters, &c. must be p~st paid. ROBERT A. EWING, Manager. GEORGE CHURCHILL, Secretary. References J. H. \VEBBER, EsQ., Solicitor, No. 3, Caroline Street, Bedford Square. GEoRGE BELL, EsQ., Forest Hill. MEssRs. ALLAN & SMYTH, 11, Mark Lane. Mr. JoHN D UNN, 52, Great Tower Street. BENJAMIN ROBINSON'S BEPO!JITO:RY, LITTLE BRI'rAIN, near the New General J>ost Office, FOR THE SALE OF ORSES, CARRIAGES, Rttb ~nt'ttt(l~, • BY COMMISSION DAILY, AND BY AUCTION EVERY THURSDAY, AT T\VEL YE O'CLOCK. No. ll, Addle Street, Aldermanbury. TORTOISESHELL, IVORY, AND IIORN CO~IDS, IN EVERY VARIETY AND QUALITY. Merchants and Wholesale Dealers supplied on the most liberal terms. 9
BY APPOINTI?.IENT TO TilE ROYAL FAMILY. it & Co., No. 65, FORE STREET, CRIPPLEGATE, lll®~IID®l\J D 1\IANUFACTUllERS OF • - sv.._ ANGLES, ~®ltla~lfJO 5mrJ~tnif , Table Cloth Press. Wine Press PRESSES OF ALL DES«JDIPTIONS, ctl&lliiiDI.L~ J]J~@IlfSJE~~ CH.A"FF "ENGINES, CJ\NE-rrO"P CTirrTERS, Grain Bruising Machine. BRUISING MILLS, c5ugat jflill£J, WINNOWING lHACHINES, COFFEE FANNERS, IMPROVED BUTTER CHURNS. Patent Churn. Dairy Utensilti an•l A..gricttltttral ImJtleJDeJtts. Chaff Engine. M angle. Garden Engine. ••* NO CONNEXION WITH ANY OTHER. ESTABLISHl\1ENT 10 -
APPENDIX.. I1nportant Notice. Police necorcler Office, • 20, Old Boswell Court, Temple Bar, London. The Public are respectfully apprised that a Register is open at this Office, daily, for the entry of all Property Lost, Found, or Stolen ; as also for Persons Missing, Heirs or Next of Kin Wanted, Offenders Absconded, &c., &c.; and that the charge for each Notice is Half-acrown only, which includes an Advertisement in the Police Recorder, a Weekly Newspaper circulated among the Police in the Metropolis, and generally throughout the Kingdom. THE IS THE Lat•gest, (JJteapest & nest ~~altlily lWelVS)Iaper; IT IS Published in London every Saturday, and may be received in any part of the Kingdom, on Sunday Morning. g>~Jl~~ ~~WBl~~mg~~ POLICE TRIALS REWARDS lVIURDERS Containin.q tltefullest and best Reports of SPORTS FIRES ACCIDENTS RACES STORM:S MEETINGS 1'HEATRES DEATHS • BANKRUPTS FUNDS MARKETS &c. &c, With all the Foreign and General News of the Week. This is the only paper published that guarantees a circulation in EVERY POS'T TO \V N in the United Kingdom. It is, therefore, the best possible medium for all descriptions of Advertisements. OPINIONS OF THE :PD.ESS. THE PoucE RECORDER.-We have received copies of this London Weekly Journal. which is conducted witb great ability, u well as impartiality. Owing to its size, and the extent of its local information, it will be a valuable paper for news rooms and public offices.-CaTlow Sentinel. THE PoLiCE RxcoRD.Ii:B..-A New Journal, containing a vast quantity of interesting matter, it is of gigantic size, and the price (fourpence only) places it within the reach of a1I who wish for a really well-conducted and unexceptionable Family Newspaper.-Lincoln. Gazette. A New Journal, called the PoLICE REcORDER, has just made its appearance, which gives the fullest report of the police proceedings in the metropolis and provinces, as well as the news of the week Politics it ~otally eschews..,- Wilts and Gloucestq1· St:mdard. WE have already noticed in terms of commendation a New \Veekly Journal of large size, called ''THE PoucE rRECORD'En," and it affords us pleasure to say, that that publication continues to be carr~ed on witb much spirit. It is well known that the Weekly Dispatch is indebted for its great circulation to the abundance of :its police news, and we feel no hesitation in saying of the ''PoLICE RECORDER'' that, whilst it may fearlessly <:hallen~e comparison with tlie Dispatch for accuracy and extent of Police Intelligence, its columns are never disgraced with revolutionary tirades nor brutal attacks, such as constantly appear in the pages of its rival. 11oston lierald. •*• See also The Berkshire Chronicle, The Welshman, The Sun, Guernsey Comet, Cheltenham Free Pres1, and many other London and Provincial Contemporaries, in favour of this popular and rapidly rising London Weekly Journal. - TuE PoLICE REcORDER may be had, on order, of all News Agents in Town and Country. OFFICE, ~o, OLD :BOSWELL COURT, T£MPLE BAR, LONDON. 11
A:P:PENDIX. Respectfully submit the following List of Prices of their Jr P Which have all the latest improvements. particularly Wrought Iron String Plates, Wrought Iron Bracings over the Sounding Board, and an additional Iron Bar on and under the front of the Wrest Plank. Also, their NE"W"L Y INVENTED For wlzich tlley obtained Royal Letters Patent, And which has b£:en admitted by the first Professors to be the most important improvement ever applied to Pianofortes, producing a more full and equal quality of tone, and being on a principle somewhat similar to the Violin; warranted not to lose its elasticity, or to yield by the pressure of the Strings, which is invariably the case with Sounding Boards on the old • constructiOn. TWO UNISON GRANDS SIX AND A HALF OCTAVES: l\iahogany Cases from 100 to 1~0 Guineas, Rosewood 110 to 130 GRANDS SIX AND A. HALF OCTAVES: l\Iahogany Cases fron1 120 to 140 Guineas, llosewood 140 to 160 According to the 'Vorkmanship of the Cases, Legs, &c. &c. If similar to the Instrument they had the high honour to manufacture for Her Most Gracious Majesty, 180 Guineas. N.B. ZI.ITTER and Co. engage to keep all Instruments purchased or themj tn Tune for Six Months, free of expense in London, and to exchange them, if retu1'11ed to them free of carriage, within the same time. Nos. 4 & a, NEW CAVENDISf-1 ST., PORTLAN-D PLACE, LONDON. 12
APPENDIX. ARTIST AT THE ROYAL GARDENS, VAUXHALL, ~nl:J to tbt J3robflit!> anil <.9entrJ}'5 ~rann jfett~, THEATRES AND PUBLIC GARDENS. 98, t 1-I. ""\V. DARBY, J:P~m®ra-~w REGENT STREET, q LAMBETH. Exhibitions prepared on any scale (if very extensive a few days notice will be requisitE"). Captains o{ Ships can be provided with eTery description of Firework on the most reasonable terms. Gentlemen instructed in Fortification on Mathematical principles, and the whole Art of Fireworks. Theatres supplied by contract. J. AND J. s '1, SON, • MANUFACTURERS OF btll nttb 1J?ot•tt (leotttll~ ®fbllll i7l1JillJT [J)ffl~~[WI[prf[J(D»~ SHEFFIELD. LONDON WAREHOUSE, 9, CRIPPLEGATE BUILDINGS, "\VOOD STREET. CHEAPSIDE. EST .ll.BLISHED UPWARDS OP :E'IFTY Y E.ll.RS. PLATE GLA&S for Sashes, Conservatories, and all ornamental purposes, is supplied from the above wnrebousf', at prices reduced beyond all precedent,· and which, in a comparative degree, will be found an economical as well as el~gant aubstitute for window-glass in general use. Looking-glas,es of the most magnificent dimensions, and - of a quality that cannot be surpassed, may be obtained at this factory. 93, BISHOPSGATE STllEE'r \VITHIN, LONDON. Enamelled, stained, and fancy Glass in every variety. 13
• APPENDIX. F. JOYCE'S Anti-Corrosive Percussion Powder. The Nobility, Gentry, and Sporting world;at large, are respectfully informed that this well· tried Composition, warranted in every respect, may be had as usual of every respectable Gunmaker in England, Ireland, and Scotland, under the forms of Caps, Patches, &c. in Packets of 2.50 and 500 each, price 2s. 6d. and 5s. Where also may be had Joyce's Improved Chemically prepared Wadding, in bags of 500, price 5s. each. To prevent accident and disappointment to purchas~s from the use of spurious imitations, they are requested to observe the name and address of the original Inventor and Sole Manufacturer on each sealed packet, without which they are not genuine. N .B. As several individuals are hawking Caps, &c. to the Trade, at prices for which a perfect article cannot be manufactured, on the score of their having been in my employ, I beg to state, that the preparation of the Powder was never yet intrusted to any Workman, and that all statements to that effect are destitute of truth . .J Wholesale Warehouse, 55, Bartkolomew Close. :Manufacturer for upwards of SEVEN YEARS to the Hon. Board of Ordnance. ' No. l, EXETEB STREET, STRAND, Near Exeter Hall, • ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER OF Ladz"es' Companz"ons, Needle Cases, Card Cases, ~c. ~c. IN A VARIETY OF FANCY STYLES. ' ILI.UMIN·ATED, MOSAIC, E'LORENTINE, &.c. avern an • an1o e ESTABLISHED 1780, 'A ~ ' ••• ,, . . ...... ::; ·• _, ' -.. ee DBlJBY LANE. ouse, R. J. P. JAQUET (Son-in-law to the late Mr. JoHNSON) respectfully acknowledges the favours conferred on him during the last Twelve Years, and assures his Friends that it will be his constant endeavour to merit a continuance of the patronage which this Old Establishment has so long enjoyed. Open until after tile Theatres. Xo Connection with any otlter House. - 14 CHARLES KING, ~~~~~£~S9 ~~w~~m ~~~w &3 ~~~~m.~~ fflanufacturtr, 22, LOCK LANE, \VEST SlVIITI-IFIELD, LONDON. CAPTAINS AKD l\IERCHANTS SUPPLIED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. WHOLESALE AND FOR EXPORTATION.
APPENDIX. BY THE QUEEN'S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. STOCKER'S PATENT HYDRAULIC MACHINE .. The advantages of this :Machine, upon inspection, are so evident and the improvement on the present mode of raising Beer, Water, and all other Liquids, so great, that very little need be stated to induce the most sceptical to adopt it. The facility with which it may be fixed, anrl the ready access to the valves in case of obstruction, combined with its simplicity of action, render it a desideratum to those requiring such a l\Iacqine. The attention of Architects, Surveyors, Builders, Hotel and Tavern Keepers, Licensed Victuallers, Oilmen, &c.&c. is requested, and an inspection of the .Machine in operation respectfuliy solicited by VARDY eo .. ' PROPRIETORS AND SOLE l\1ANUFACTURERS, 145, HIGH HOLBORK. JOLLY ANGLERS' TAVERN, lliill~ IDill1lWCDmlQ . CLAPTON, NEAI{ IIACKNEY. W. WICKS, the Proprietor of the above Establishment, hegs leave to intimate to his Friends and the Public, that be has, at a. very cousiuerable expense, rebuilt THE JoLLY ANGLERS' 'l'AVERK, and ft!els confident that, from the extent and elegance in the general arrangemeuts, it will be found capable of affording every possible accomniodation and comfort to eitht:'r large or l!m all parties. \\7 • WICKS anxiously trusts, that if civility, and the most 11ednlous attention to his visitors' wishes, aided by the most ecouomical charges, may claim the patronage of the Public, he may dare hope to have a share in their favour and support. The numerous parties who seek air and recreation in the vicinity of London, cannot find a more salubrious spot, or where the beauties of scenery are more diversified and lovely, standing as it does on the very margin of the beautiful river, in the centre of a verdant valley, which seems embosomed in the variegated foliage of Epping Forest. The Fisherman may here have excellent 10port, whilst the lover of aquatic diversion may find fine exercise and endless amusement, W. W. always having in readiness a quantity of sailing yachts, with boats, &c. of every description. To those who are fond of Shooting, the situation will be found, in Summer, admuably adapted for PIGEON SHOOTING MA.TCHES, &c.; and in Winter, plenty of Wild Fowl, Sllipes, &c., may be found in the adjacent Marshes; whilst within, warm rooms, cheerful fires, and good cheer may be relied on. Lea Bridge is four miles and a half from Cornhill; and there are Omnibuses leaving the Flowerpot, Bishopsgate Street, every quarter of an hour. Dinners provided on the shortest Notice. WEI.I,.AIRED BEDS, AND CHOICE WINES AND SPIRITS. 9
APPENDIX BY. SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO • AND THE jiate Duke of ~ottt. Manuf<.~ctured in Machinery lined with pure Silver: being prepared on a New and Philosopbical Principle, he is enabled to make it double the strength of any other. This Water is drunk by hundred'i of gentlemen daily, at dinner; whereas, all other Soda \Vater must be swallowed down the moment it is poured into the Glass, or the Gas escapes, and the water becomes flat and vapid. Also, his newly invented EFFERVESCING LEMONADE, Prepared only by him a most delicious and refreshing beverage. There being many spurious Imitations · of this article, please to observe, None are genuine except signed JOHN WEBB, Colebrooke Cottage, Islington. As the public are not generally aware, that not one Bottle in one dozen sold for Soda Water, contains one grain of that valuable alkali; and that persons who drink th1s water, and many thousands do, for thp purpose of correcting Acidity and other Bilious Affections that such persons cannot derive any benefit from drinking such water, when soda is the antidote, and there is no soda in it, mr~st be evident to every person. I have therefore felt it my duty to put the ymblic on their guard from being thus deceived, and also to point out to them the means by which they can discover whether there is Soda or not in the water which they purchase by that name. Pour the bottle of Soda Water into a glass, let it stand in the glass three or four minutes, take a spoon and stil' it about well, by this means all the Carbonate Acid Gas will be liberated; then take as much Tartaric Acid in powder as will half fill a teaspoon, and put that into the water if there is any Soda in the water, it will immediately produce an effervescence; if it does not, be assured there is no Soda in the water. Every bottle of WEnB's DouBLE SonA WATER contains fifteen grains of pure Carbonated Soda. He is the only Manufacturer of CARBONATE SAL VoLATILE WATER, PoTASH MAGNESIA, SELTZER, and SEIDLITZ W An:Rs; also his celebrated Zesnester this most delicious wine is prepared only by him, and none is genuine unless signed JOHN 'VEBB. !l'o Merchants~ Captains, and Othel"'S. & SO~, "1VJIITE LEAD AND COLOUR 'ftTORI~S, No. 43, MILLBANI{ STREET, · WESTMINSTER, "1\Iost respectfuHy solicits the attention of the above, to their Incomparable GREEN PAINT, Being a very superior Colour for all kinds of Ships, Steam Vessels, Boats, and all sorts of Fancy ''Tork, where beauty combined with durability is required. 1Varranted to retain its Colour in any Climate. PRICE, ls. 6d. per Jb. An allowance made where a quantity is taken. S. F. & Son caution the Pub] ic against the many attempted imitations offered in consequence of the great demand, which may appear well to the eye at first sight; but their early fading will at once prove their deception. Orders executed to any extent, and sent to any part of London free of expense. Country Orders must be Post Paid, with a Remittance or Reference in Town. lti The Manufactory, Vine Street.
APPllliDtA • • YORK FAMILY HOTEL. J. Sl\IITH, BOGNOR . • ••• WARM, tEMPERATlt, AND COLD BATI-tS, FRENCH AND OTHER WINES OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, GOOD STABLING ANn LOCK-UP COACH HOUSES, POST-CHAISES, FLIES, GIGS, &c. MR. JAMES SMITH, the Proprietor of the above splendid Esl:.ablish~ent, begs leave to as~ure the N ability and Gentry that it will ever be his constant study to merit their valued patronage; and trusts, by sedulous attention t6 their general wishes and comforts, lo obtain their support. Wine of approved vintages, and of well-seasoned age~, may be relied on. • l-Iot Baths .............................. •. •.• . . •• • .••• 0 3 0 Ditto (Subscribers for Eight) .................. 1 1 0 Cold Baths~ ........... •, .......................... • .• . . .• 0 2 0 Hot Shower Batl1 e· •• • •• • • • • •• •••• •• • • •• ••• •• • •••• 0 2 0 Cold ditto ..... ,...................................... 0 1 6 A BatlL Chair for Invalids. THE MOST DIRECT ROAD FROM LONDON TO BOGNOR, • Route from London to K.ingston-on-Thames ... Griffin Hotel ••. ht stage 12 :miles Ripley ..................... Talbot Inn ••• 2d 12 Godalming ............... King's Arms ... 3d 10 Petwortil ............... Half Moon ... 4th 16 Bognor .................. York Hotel ••. 5th 18 N". B. Familiell sleeping on the road will find evel)" pro'Vision for their comfort and accommodation. NORFOLK FAMILY HOTEL, BOGNOR, SUSSEX~ WILLIA~l LOCK, WINE AND SPIB.tT M!:l\.CHANT. • • • NEAT POST-CHAISE& AND FLIES, SUPERIOR POST HORSES, EXCELLENT STABLING, AND LOCK-UP COACH· HOUSES. WILLlAM tOCK, in respectfully announcing to the :N ability and Gentry, that he has opened the above House, with every regard to elegance and comfort,.. begs to assure them, that he trusts that the arrangements he has made in his Establishment wir1 secure t& share of the 11atronage of a dis~ criminating public. W. L. would wish to intimate, that whilst every .regard will be paid to domestic benefits, econom)' will be held in view. The salubrity of the air of Bogt 1or is too well known to require comment; and to invalids W. LocK pledges himself that every attentioi n will be paid to their general wishes. Distances from Bognor • Chichester • . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 8 miles. Pelworth , "·-.... .. . . • . • . . .. . .. . • 18 miles. Little Hampton ••.• "'............ B Midhurst. •• - .................... 20 Goodwood ........................ 11 Eillingsb,urst _, ................. 22 Arundel •.•••..••.•.•.....•.......• 11 Portsmouth .. -········-·······•, 26 Pulborough ............. ~~.... •.. • 17 }.,are ham. ... -........................ 26 liava.fit ..........................• 17 Brighto~ .... _-"''' ..... "••••••••••••••••• 29 w orthing I I I I I I et I Ill I I I I I 1•11 &.I. 18 31
APPENDIX. TYZACil.'§ IMPERIAL .JET BLACit INK, Under the Patronage of the Earl of Leicester, In whose Steward's Office it still (after a lapse of more than half a century) retains its Jet Black Lustre. The reputation of TYzAcK's JET BLACK INK, having secured the above distinguished Patronage, in conjunction with the Nobility and Gentry following, the Proprietor of this highly appreciated article feels already called upon to express his most grateful acknowledgements for the reception and patronage its introduction has been honoured with; while to those yet unacquainted with its properties, he begs to state, that the immEmse sale it has obtained has been entirely owing to its own merits, as pleasant to use, and imperishable when committed to paper or parchment. TVZA~Ii.'S RDODOIIA. Sll .. t..VING PASTE, MANUFACTURED AT THE VICTOBIA HOUSE, HIGH STll.EET, WELLS ; And sold in Pots, at Is. 6d., 2s. 6d., and 3s. 6d. each. AT No. 5, NORTHAMPTON SQUARE, WHoLESALE DEPOT FOR LoNDON. J. T. in introducing to a discerning Public the above invaluable article, deems it not necessary to offer· any comment thereon; the same being patronized and approved by nearly all theN ability and Gentry in the United Kingdom. Among whom areH.R.H. DUKE OF SUSSEX EARL OF LICHFIELD SIR RON ALD FERGUSON,M.P. DUKE OF NORFOLK, EARL SPENCER COL. ANSON, M.P. (Earl Marshal of Er:gland) LORD LYNEDOCH HON. AND REV. KEPPEL H.M. KING OF BELGIUM LORD JOHN RUSSELL, M.P. HON. MAJOR KEPPEL EARL OF ROSEBERRY Made solely by J. TvzAcK & Co. Perfumers to Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN; H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, MARCHIO~ESS OF TAVISTOCK, VISCOUNTESS ANDOVER, VISCOUNTESS ANSON, COUNTESS OF LEICESTER, LADY CECILIA UNDERWOOD, LADY CHANTRY, LADY ANSON, HON. MISSES ANSON, MRS. RIDLEY COLBOURN, MISSES BLACKWELL. TYZACX'S IDII:P.ERIAL J"ET BLACK INK A CAN BE OBTAINED At his Wholesale Depot for London,· No. 5, Northampton Square, At all the Patent Medicine Warehouses and respectable Retailers in the Kingdom, and at the Manufactory, WELLS, NORFOLK, in Bottles at 6d,, Is., 2s., and 4s. each. lll URLIN'S I~lD!AN HAIR DYE, . ·FOR CHANGING RED, GREY, OR LIGHT HAIR, TO A BEAUTIFUL AUBUR.Nf, Drl.R.K BRO,VM, OB JET BLACI£, Without staining the Skin, soili11g tlze finest Linen, or being in any way injurious to tlze Roofs of the !lair. The Proprietor of the above invaluable Recipe, Legs to state that it was obtained by him at considerable expense and trouble, during his travels among the different tribes of North American Indians. He now offers it to the British Public as an article of the highest importance to any Lady or Gentleman desirous of obtaining that highly prized desideratum, viz. a FINE HEAD OF HAIR. It is equally efficacious for Eyebrows, Whiskers, and Mustachoes. It is so durable in its colour, that no chemical process can remove it without destroying the l1air. It is so natural in its shade, that even in the rays of the sun, it is impossible for the eye of a stranger to perceive that the hair has any other than its original colour. After the dye is removed, the hair will be found to have assumed a beautiful gloss, and will retain its curl for a considerable period of time. TO BE HAD OF THE PROPRIETOR, F. lT.IlJRLilV, CllEltiiST, 'VELLS, In Bottles, 5s., !Os., and 20s. each; . Of Messrs. Spark, Heald, and Parsons, Brick Hill L~tne, Upper Thames Str~et, sole Agents for London ; Mr. Tyzack, Perfumer, Wells, for Norfolk; and all Wholesale and Retail Patent Medicine Venden and · Perfumers in the Kingdom. 32