ST. NEOTS, &c. HUNTS." Dennis John, Churclt end ...••••••••••.••••••• Carpenter Dew J ames, Russells row •..•..••.•..••• Beer Retailer Dixey John, nr Market sq ........................ Smith Dunkley John, Market sq ••.••.•••••• Cabinet Maker Ebbutt George, High st .•••••••••••••••••••• Painter &c. Edwards Robt. Market sq............... Corn Factor Ekins John, High st ••................ Tailor & Draper Ekins M. ditto.................. Straw Bonnet Maker Eiger John, ditto.............................. Perfumer Emery Mary, ditto ••••.••••••• China & Glass Dealer Emery W. l'rlarket sq •.• Bookseller, Stationer, Music Seller, & Stamp Office ; Agent to Rust & V easeys Bank (Hnntingdon ),&Agt to Guardian Fire & Life Evans John J. St Mary., st •••••••••••••........ Surgeon Fairy Ann, Church eud ••••••••••••••••••••• Fellmonget· Fisher C. St M arys st .............................. Swan Fountain J. Market sq ••• Bear Inn; Licensed to let Post Horses Fountain John, ditto..................... Hair Dresser Fox C. J. ditto ..................... Chemist & Druggist Franklin & Son, Huntingdon st .•••••••• Nurserymen Franklin James, Market sq ••••.•..••.. Cabinet Maker Franklin S. High st ... Straw & Tuscan Manufacturer Franklin W. Russells row ...... Gardener & Seedsman Gall Louisa, Cambridge st ............ Ladies Seminary Geard E . .JJtlarlcet sq ...............••.......•..... Draper Gibson Robt. St Marys st ... Master of the Workhouse Gibson Sarah, ditto ...... Mistress of the Workhouse Gray C. Windmill row ..................... Rope Maker Hall J. Huntingdon st ... Shopkeeper & Beer Retailer Hare Mary, Market sq........................... Baker Harkness Thos. Cambridge st........ ... • Tea Dealer Hill N. W. Higlt st ...... Painter, Plumber, & Glazier Hilson George, New la ......... Carrier & Old Cannon Ilsley J oseph, High st.... ... .... ..... .. • • • Three Tuns Inkersole Joseph, Market sq ...... Hop Merchant, & · Grocer & Cheesemonger Islip Wm. Market sq ••• Draper & Agent to County Fire & Provident Life Offices Jackson John, Windmill row ............ Beer Retailer Jordan William, Market sq ............... Golden Ball Joyce M. High st ... Builder, Auctioneer, & Smveyor Joyce U. ditto ........................... Beer Retailer Kirby S. ditto ...................................... Milliner Knight John, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Lee Wm. 1lfarlcet sq ... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Lewis Thomas, High st ••................... Blacksmith Little George, Russells row .......... t.... Shopkeeper Lovell Thomas, Market sq ..................... Currier Lucas Mary, Iluntingdon st ... Shopkeeper, & Sun Inn Lucas Wm. ditto • .. .. .. .... .. ...... .... . .. • Shopkeeper Maekaness E. Market sq ... Plnmber, Painter,Glazier Mad ox F. l/igh st ..................... Ladies School Maile George, "Market sq ........................ Angel Marshall J osh. High st ........................... Baker Medland Wm. Mm·ket sq ...... Auctioneer, Surveyor, Agent toW ells & Co. Biggleswade Bank, & Agent to Sun Fire Office Medlock Jg}m, High st ... Steam Flour & Seed Mills Mees S. ditto .............................. Hair Dresser Mees S...... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Shopkeeper ~foss J. Russells row ............................... Baker Murrell George, New la ... Minister of Baptist C!Japel Muscut E. Higlt st ... Minister oflndepl'ndent Chapel Kewman Jane, Market sq ..................... Milliner Newman Samuel, ditto ........................... Grocer Newman Wm. ditto ... ~ ........ Cooper & Ironmonger Nightingale W. Near Market sq ...... Beer Retailer :Norman Wm. Higl~ st . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bake1· Nottingham John, ditto ............ Tailor & Draper O!iver J osh. jun. ditto • .... ••••• ... • .• ... • .. . • Butcher Oliver Josh. sen. ditto ......... Draper & Upholsterer Otridge E. ditto •• ,.,. I ........ , oil ....... 1, •••• Shopkeeper Hunts.] E Paine James, Mm·ket sq ...... Brewer & Maltst~r, & Corn, Coal, & Timber Merchant Paine Wm. Mm·ket sq ... Agt. to Phrenix Fire Office Palmer H. Market sq ..................... Half l\1oon Paxton John, JJfarket sq ... Postmaster, & Wa\ch & Clock Maker, & Agent to Savings Bank Paxton Josh. Higlt st ... Clock Maker & Gun Maker Peach George, Cambridge st ............... Blacksmith Peppercorn, Wilkinson, & Co. Church end, Solicitors Pettifor J. ditto ........................... Beer Retailer Plum John, Higlt st ..................... Confectioner Pye Wm ...................................... : .... Carrier Rawlings C. Huntingdon:st, Min. of W esleyan Chapel Raynes Ann, Market sq ............ Ladies Seminary Reeve Anthonv, ditto .................. Beer Retailer • Reynolds Sarah, High st ..................... Milliner Rich Robt. Church end ... Bricklayer & Parish Clerk Rix & Darnell, Market sq .................. Merchants Rix John, ditto . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Surgeon Roberts J. Runtingdon st .. . Min. of W esleyan Chapel Sale J os h. Cambridge st .................. Two Brewers Savage J ames, Huntingdon st ............ Wheatsheaf Savill J. Market sq ... Wool Factor, Woollen & Linen Draper, & Hatter, & Agt. to Globe Fire & Life Off. Selby Samuel, Cambridge st ..................... Tailor Sharpe Wm. Hig!t st ............ Chemist & Drnggist Shephard Wm. HuRtingdon st .................. Baker Shrives J. Near Mary st ........................ Glo,·er Slade George, High st . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . Beer Retailer Slade Rich, Market sq ..................... Shopkeeper Sly Samuel, Hunting don st ............ Beer Retailer Smith F. High st .............................. Milliner Smith James, St.1lfarys st ............ Beer Retailer Smith J ames, Higlz st ........................... Butcher Smith John, ditto ................................. Tailor Snitch Thomas, Huntingdon .~t......... Beer Retuiler Sole Wm. Higlt st .............................. Surgeon Sprigg Samuel, Market sq ...... Chemist & Druggist Squire J. B. & Son, Chu1·ch end ... Corn, Coal, Porter, & Timber Merchants Squire G.eorge, Green end • ... .. • .. • .. Beer Retailer Squire J ames, ditto . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Grocer Stafford James, Market sq •.. Glass & China Dealer Staines Abm. Higlt st ... Leather Cutter & Shoemaker Stead J. & M. Market sq ......... Grocers & Drapers Stevens John, High st • .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Butcher Stoton W. Iluntingdon st .................. Mealman Stoton W. Hunting don st ........................ Tailor Stott D. & J. 111arket sq ... Booksellers & Stationers Thorn ton M. ditto ... Falcon Corn. Inn & Posting Ho Tomblin S. Cambridge st ... Beer Retailer, & Plough & Wheelwright Tow good E. & F. St Neots mill .. .. .. Paper Makers Truin W. A. High st .............................. Tailor Wainwright Thomas, JJfarket sq ............... Cooper Ward George, ditto ...... Sad] er & Harness Maker Warner Charles, Higlt st .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. . Royal Oak Wells & Co. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . Bankers Wells Thomas, Hunting don st .. ... .. .. Beer Retailer W estley Elizabeth, Russells row .. .. .. Beer Retailer Weslley Robert, Huntingdon st ......... WheeMright Wilcox J os h. Higlt st .. .. . .. .... .. .. 'fail or & Draper Wiles Stephen, .Market sq ... Brewer, Maltster, Corn & Coal Merchant Wiles William, High st • ... .... . Boot & Shoemaker Wood F. G. ditto ..................... Waggon Office Wood Wm. Market sq ... Draper, & Agent to West of England Fire & Life Office • Post Office. Paxton John, Market sq .................. Postmaster Letters from London arrive at 5 morn. ; & dispatched at 10 night. Letters from the North - 25
HUNTS. ST. NEOTS, &c. -- arrive & are dispatched the same time as abo\'e. Letters from Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, and Lincoln arrive, per Huntingdon Cross Mail, at 10 min. -p. 5 morn.; & are dispatched at 4Q min. p. 8 night. Letter.s from Bedford & Kirnbolton arrive, per Cmss Mail, at l p. 8 night; & are dispatched at l p. 5 morn. Posting House. Falcon Inn, Market sq ··············t ... Thornton M. Bankers. Rust & Veaseys, Huntingdon. Draw on Mastermaus ~mery W illiam, }rf arket sq • . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . •• Agent Branch of Wells & Co. Biggleswade. Draw on Barnet.t & Co. Medlattd W .•......•............•.....••.••.••.• Agent Branch of Huntingdon Savings Bank opens !;!Very Thurs. 9 to 3. Paxto11 J ol1n • . . . • • • • • . . .•• •• • .•••• ••• • •••••••••• Agent !"ire 4 :Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life, Higl~ st .•. Islip Wm. Guardian Fire & Life, Market $q ... Emery William Globe Fire & Life, Mm·ket sq ............ Sa\·ill John Phrenix Fire, ditto ..................... Paine William Sqn Fire, ditto ...................... u ...... Med)and W. West of England Fire & Life, ditto ...... Wood Wm. Law &. Public Officers. Addington Leonard .................. J:telieving Officer Pay }S .... Clerk to Buckden Petty Sessions, Clerk of the Peace for H untingdon, & Clerk to Boar<l of Guardians St. N eots Public Establishments. Assembly Rooms. High st Auction Rooms, New za· Excise Office, Cross Keys, Mm·ket sq All en G. . ..•..........................•.••.. Supervisor S y kes J.. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . .• ... Collector Freeman J ....................................... Officer Stamp Office, Market sq ............ Emery William Coaches. · Boston, Perse\·erance, calls at Cross Keys, every day, (Sun. exc.) 1 aft.; arrives from London ! p 1 aft. • Leids, Rocking ham, calls at Cross Keys, every morn. at 2 ; al-rives from London 1 ~ night. Lincoln, Express, calls at Cro$s Keys, every morn. except Mon. at ! p. 7; arrives from London I 1 night. Oundle7 Express, calls at Ct·oss Keys, Mon. Wed. & Fri 10 morn.; arrives from London, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 2 aft. Stamford, Express, calls at Cross Keys, e\'ery day, 11 morn.; arrives from London 2 aft. Birmingham to Cambridge, calls at Cross f{eys, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. ! p. 5 aft. ' Cambridge to Oxford, calls at Cross Key$, Tues. 'lhurs. & Sat. ~ p. 10 morn. Cambridge to Birmingham, calls at Cross Keys, !\lon. Wed. & Fri. 9 morn. Oxford to Cambridge, calls at Cross Keys, Mon. Wed. & Fri. 5 aft. In addition to the above, Coaches from the North pass through Bqckden and Eat on Socon almost hourly. Carriers. Bedford~ G. Hilson's Cart, alternate Tues. Bedford, S. Wood's Cart, Wed. l3edford, John Douglas's Cart, Wed. Cambridge, Geo. Hilson'$ Cart, Tues. & Sat. Cambridge, J. Wood's Cart, Tues. & Sat. Huntington, Pye's Cart, Sat. Kimbolton, C. lbbs's Cart, Thurs. aft. Kimbolton, Wood's (late Salt's) Cart, Tues. & Thurs. Northampton & Wellingborough, John Douglas's Cart, from Half Moo'JJ, 'J'pes. morn. · 26 ~ London, Allison & Jordan's Waggon, Tues. Thu11. & Sat. even. ; arrives ~at. Mon. ~ W ~ early in the morn. London, Wood's (late Salt's) Waggon, Thurs. I!Vell.i arrives Mon. morn. C:Iassification of Trades. Auctioneers, ~c. Joyce Medway, High st Medland William, Market sq Baket·s. Abraham J. Huntin~don st Allen Dauiel, High st Barringer J oseph, St Marys st Hare Mary, Market sq Marshall J oseph, High st Moss J. Russells row Norman William, High st Shephard William, Huntingdon st Beer Retailer.~. Cole W. Green end Dew J ames, Russells row Hall Jobn, Hunting-don st J ackson John, ·windmill row J oyce M. High st Nightingale W. Near Market st P~ttifor J. Ch11rch end Ree\'e Anthony, Market ~'1 Slade George, High st Sly Samuel, Huntingdon st Smith J ames, St Marys st Snitch Thomas, Huntingdon st Squire George1 Green end Tomblin S. Cambridge st 'Wells Thomas, Huntingdon st Blacksmiths.--Lewis Thomas, High st Peach George, Cambridge st Booksellers g. Stationers. Emery Wm. Market ~! Stott D. & J. Market sq Boot ~ Shoemakers. Barker John Britten Thomas, S~ Marys st Bull hmes, High st J eaves John, Russells row Knight John, High st Staines Abraham, High st Wiles William, High st ]Jrewers.-Day J. H. Priory Paine J ames, Market sq Wiles Stephen, P'Jarket sq Brickla11er. Rich Robert, Chur~ll1 end Builders.-Burford James, New la Charlton Samuel, Windmill row Joyce Medway, High st Butclwn Bartlett William, Church end Beale N. 1-.1 untjngdon st Brown J olm, Market sq Oliver Joseph, jun. High 11t Smith James1 High st Ste,·ens John, High st Cabinet 111akers.-Banks ThomasJ HqntingJon Jt Bm·gin Richard, :Near Marke~ ~q Dunkley J ohu, Market ~q Franklin James, Market sq Carpenters. Bm·gin Richard, Near Market sq Dennis John, Church end Carriers. Alii: on & Jordan, 1\larket sq Jlilson George, New la Pye William Chemists go Druggists.-Fox C. J. Market ~q Sharpe W illiam, High st Sprigg Samuel, Market sq China cJ' Gla.~s Dealer. Emery M2ry, Jligh st Clock .Maker. Pax ton J oseph, High st C011jec/ioner. Plum J olm High st Con:pe1·s. Bingham John G. Windmill row Newman WilliamJ 1\Iarket sq
ST. NEOTS1 &c. HUNTS. =========================== St N EOTS CLASSIFICATION, continutd. Cooper.-Wainwright Tlwmas, Market sq Corn~ Coal Merchant$.-Paine James, 1\Iarket sq Squire J. B. & Son, Church end Wiles Stephen, Market sq Corn Factor. Edwards Robcrt, Market sq Currier. Lovell Thomas, Market sq Drapers. Cook William, High st Geard E . .Market sq Goodgames & Shrosbery, Market sq Islip William. Market ~>q OJi,•er Joseph, sen. High st Wood William, Market sq Fellmonger. Fairy Ann, Church end Flour~ Corn Dealer.-Carr Ann, High st Gm·deners, .tc. Alien Daniel High st Franklin W. Russells row Glass 4" China Dealer. Stafford J ames, Market i!q Glover. Shrives J. near St Marys st Grocers ~ Drapers. Baily Adam, High st Barker John t~edells Samuel, High st Carpenter William, High st Dalzell John, High st Inkersole Joseph, Market sq Newman Samuel, Market sq Squire James, Green end Stead J'. & M. Market sq Gmt Jlrfaker. Pax ton J oseph, High st Hair Dressers.-Bartlett E. Near Market l!q Fountain John, Marke~ sq Mees S. High st Hatter·s.-Goodgames & Shrosbury, Market sq Savill John, Market 11q HfJpMerchant. Inker!!ole J. Market !!q Ironmong~rs. Carrington John, Market sq Claxton John, High st Newman Wm. Market sq Lact Dealer.-Chandler Sarah, Cambridge st Land Surveyor. Brown W. Russells row leather Cutters.-Staines Abraham, High st Livery Stable Keeper.~ Fountain J. Market sq Maltsters. Chapman Thomas, Cambridge st Day J, H. Priory Paine J a me~, Market sq Wile~ Stepben, Market sq .11-Iealmen.-Chessum J esse, High st Stoton W. Hnntingdon st Mercltarlts,-4-Rix & Darnell, Market sq .Miller. Medlock John, High st Milliners, ~.c. Kirby S. High st Newman Jane, Market sq Reynolds Sm·ah, High st Smith F. High st W estley Elizabeth, Russells ro\v Music Seller, · Emm·y William, Market sq Nurserymen. Franklin & Son, Huntingdon st Painters, ~-c. Ebhutt George, High st Hill N. W. High st Lee William, Market sq Mackiness Edward, Market sq Paper flfakers. Towgood E. & F, St Neots mill Perfumer. Eiger John, High st Porter .~.l'Ic1·cltants. Squire J. B. & Son Rope _ll,faker. Gray C. Windmill row Sadlers, ~·c.-Cook John, High st Ward George, Market sq Sclwols, Ladies. Gale Louisa, Cambridge st Madox F. High st Raynes Ann, Market sq Shopkeepers.--Banks Thomas, Huntingdon st Hall John, Huntingdon st Little George, Russ~lls rQw ST. N EuTs CLASSIFICATION, continued. Shopkeeper&. Lucas Mary, Huntingdon st Lucas William, Huntingdon st Mees S. Otridge E. High st Slade R. Market sq Smith.-- Dixey J olm, near Market sq Solicitors.-Day W. & N. Peppercorn, Wilkinson, & Co. Church end Spirit Merchant.--Day John Hill, Priory Stay Maker. Crick James, High st Stra-w Bonnet 11-Iakers.--Butler Mary, High st Ekins M. Bi~h st · · Franklin S. High st Szergeons. -.Evan11 John .T. St 1\Iarys st Rix John, Market sq Sole William, High st Surveyor.--Joyce Medway, High st 1'ailors er Drapers. Cook William, High st Cooper Thomas, High st Ekins John, High st Nottingham John, High st Selby Samuel, Cambridge st Smith John, High st Stoton W. Huntingdon st Truin W. A. High st Wilcox J. High st Taverns, Inna, 4" Public Houses :-- Angel, Maile G. Market sq Bear, Fountain J. Market sq lsq Cross Keys Coml. ltm, Arnold Ann, Market Falcon Corn!. Inn ~ Pstng Hse, Thorn ton W. Foz et Hounds, Cox C. High se [Market sq Golden Ball, Jordan W. Market sq Half Moon1 Palmer H. Market sq Kings Head Inn, Bnrgin R. near .Market sq New Inn, Atkins John, High st Old Cannon, Hilsoh G. New la Pigeon, Chapman T. High st Plough et Wlzeelw1·igM, Tomblin S. Cambri.1~e Queens Head, Bartlett E. 11ear Market sq [ !'oq Rose~ Crown, Andrew J. Cambridge st Royal OaJc, Warner Char le!', High st Sun, Lueas Mary, Hunlingdon st Swan1 Fisher C. St Marys st Thre~ Tuns, llsley J. High st Tu·o Brewers, Sale J. Cambridge st Wlteal$heaf, Savage J. Huntingdon st Tea Dealers.---Butler Thomas, High st Harkness Thomas, Cambridge st 1'lmber Mercltants.--· Paine James, Market sq Sqttire J. B. & Son, Church end Turner.--Atkins John, High st Upllolsterer,*4 -0ii\'er J. sen. High st Veterinary Surgeon. Candwell T. L. High st Waggon Ojfice.--Wood F. J. High st Watclt 4" Gock 11-faker.--Paxton J.l\Iarket sq Wheelwright.---W estley Robert, Hun tingdon st Wllitesmith.--Bingham l\1. Windmill row Wire Worker.--Cowen Jacob, Cambridge st Wool Factor.--Savi!l John, Market sq Woollen Draper.--Sa\'ill John, 1\Iarket sq EYNESBURY. Ahbott Wm ..................... Auctioneer & Surveyor Broughton Betsy ..................... Straw Hat Maker Broughton John ........................ Tailor & Draper Cl ark S • ........................................ Nags 1-:J end Day Jol1n 1-Iill .................................... Maltster Dixie George ... Comb & Lautern Leaf Manufacturer Dixie Robert ....................................... Stnith Dumbleton R .............................. Wheelwright 1 Emery J ames , .............. , ................. Carpenter - . . 27
JIUNTS. SOMERSHAM. ======================================================== Green William ....... 1 ••••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Hard,vick John ................................. Blue Ball Harvey William .................. Tobacco Pipe Maker Hollis John ................................. Parisl1 Clerk Hubbard T .......... Beer Retailer & Matting Maker J ackson Thomas ........................... Beer Retailer King George ........................... Old Golden Ball Latl1am Rev. F ............................. , ...... Curate Ligl1tfoot William ... .............................. Grocer 1\1ays J ol1n •........................•.....•. Beer Retailer Melle\V J .............................................. 13aker M ehew S .... ................................... Sl1opl<eeper N eedl1am M ................ ! •••••••••••••••••••••• Draper N eedhan1 1\f.... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grocer N ortnan H . ....................................... Butcher J>almer Rev. W. Rectory ltouse ............... Rector Radwell John ............ Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Rennals William ........................... Beer Retailer Shepherd John ........................... Beer Retailer 'Van·en George ..................... Boot & Shoemaker 'V ebb William .............................. Ueer Retailer Woodcock William .............................. Butcher Woods S ............................................. Carrier I • SOMEBSHAM. SoMERSHAM, on the road to Lynn, in the Hundred of Hurstingstone, distant 68! miles north from London, 5l from St. Ives, and 12! north-east from Huntingdon, is a tolerably extensive village, containing 1402 inhabitants, situated in a fertile country, on a little stream called Cranbrook, and is additionally supplied by springs, with plenty of pure water. The village consists principally of one street, disposed along the high road, and crossed at right angles, near the upper end, by a shorter street. An aspect of cheerfulness and cleanliness is diffused over it by the general whitewashing of the houses. The church of St. John the Baptist stands on a fine gravelly eminence; its interior is remarkable for a curious triple seat of stone, canopied in the Gothic style, and ascended by steps placed near the altar. The market is on Friday ; and there are two small fairs annually, on the 22d of June, and Friday before the 12th of November. Some of the inhabitants find employment in preparing rushes for candle 'vicks. The b£'Defice is a rectory, including the chaJlehies of Colne and PicUey, annexed to the Regius Professorship of Divinity in Cam bridge University, and producing an income of 17701. The parish is comprehended by the Poor Law Commissioners in the Union of St. Ives, and has a free-school for fm-ty children. A mineral spring was discovered here in 1759, and a volume published upon its medicinal virtues, but it has never received much attention. Two Roman urns containing coins, have been found in the contiguous fens. The Soke or Liberty of Somersham comprises Pidley, Colne, Bluntisham, and Earith. Its manor belonged before the Conquest to the monastery of Ely, and the Bishop of Ely had a palace here, but it was afterwards exchanged with the crown, and formed part of Queen Henrietta M aria's jointure: since which it has passed through a variety of hands. :Name, :Residence, and Profession. Asltley Robert . ............................. Hair Dresser Aspinall William........................ Beer Retailer Balls Thomas ................................. Shoemaker Behague William ........................... Boot Maker Care J ottn........ ...... ...... .. . .. .... .. . . Beer Retailer Cas burn Charles.............................. Gardener Castie Edw ......... Surgeon, & Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Somersham District Colingwood Thos.... .......... .......... Beer Retailer Darby Charles .................................... Butcher Darwood John........................... Beer Retailer East on .Tames..................... Red Cow & Butcher Eiger Daniel. ............................. Beer Retailer Freeman Samuel .................................... Baker Gissburne Phil.... ..... Gents Commercial Academy Goggs John..................... Baker & Confectioner Ground Thomas ......... Plumber, Painter & Glazier Hempstead Ed ward .............................. Butcher Hempstead William.................. Corn Merchant Hennesy Thomas............ Crown Commercial Inn Hobbs Sarah ........................... Grocer & Draper Ibbott Francis................ ... .... .. .... • Upholsterer lhbott J ames. ....... ..... ....... ...... ....... Bricklayer Ibbott William.. .............•. ... .. ... ........... 1\filler Jackson William ........................... Beer Retailer Kimpton William ........................ Beer Retailer King Thos ... Grocer & Draper, & Agent to the Royal Exchange Insurance Office Leeds Robt. & Dare John..................... Millers Marsh rTohn .•....•..•..•.••...•....•..••• Harness Maker l\Iartin George........... .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . . Tailor Metcalf Robert......... Plumber, Painter & Glazier . Miles J ames.. .... Grocer & Draper, & Registrar of Marriages for the Somersham District l\Jitcl1ell Henry .................................... Tailor Oldfield John .............................. Beer Retailer Palm er Langford................................. Cooper Pap\vorth John................................. Butcher Papworth William ........................ Beer Retailer Papworth William .............................. Butcher Pettitt William .................. Baker & Confectioner Pocock Misses ... Ladies Seminary & Boarding Schl Royston William ................................. Butcher Serjeint J os h ................................. Whitesn1ith Smith J oseph. ... . .. . .. . .. . . • . .. . . . .. • • .. .. Wheelwright Spalding Anthony ........................... Whitesmith Spriggs Thomas ........................... Beer Retailer Sutton Robert .. ......................•........... Surgeon Tinkler J ames .............................. Beer Retailer Turton Rev. Dr .............................. Incumbent W atson Daniel. ................................ Carpenter W ebb 1\fartha ............... Milliner & Bonnet Maker Willson John .............................. Basket Maker Willson Wm. P ..................... Grocer & Draper Wilson Thon1as ... ..•............•...•............• Baker Woodruff Thomas ........................... Shopkeeper Post Office. Cox Dinah................................. Postmistress I,etters by foot post f•·om St. Ives every mom. at 9; dispatched by Mail 10 min. bef. 10 night. Coaches. The Mail, from London to Wisbeach, calls at the Crown at 4 morn; returns at 10 night. The Day, from London to Wisbeach, cails at the Crown, Tu. Th. & Sat.; returns M on. Wed. & Fri. The Defiance. from London to Wisbeach, calls on Mon. Wed. & Fri. : returns Tu. Th. & Sat. • Carrier. St. Ives, 'rhos. Woodruff, M on. Wed. & Fri. Bodger John .................. George Commercial Inn Public School. BriJ!gs J osh.................. Land Surveyor & Tailor Free School, Bullard Jame.s ........................... Basket 1\'laker Orbell Thos .................................... 11faster 28 •
STILTON-W ARBOYS. HUNTS. == ==============-================- STJ:LTON. TnE village of Stilton, well known as giving name to the :finest English cheese, is in Norman Cross Hundred, 7 5 miles from London, on the great north road, and the supposed British Ermine street, afterwards a Roman road, of which some remains, paved with stone, may yet be traced. It is distant 12! miles from Huntingdon, north-west, and is a rectory of the annual value of 355l. ; in the patronage of the Bishop of Lincoln. Its population in I 831 was 793. This place stands on the side of a hill, and is well accommodated with inns; but the surrounding country offers little attraction beyond its agreeable verdure. The Fens are immediately contiguous, on the east; and an extent of about three miles, terminating at Whittlesea Mere, is called Stilton Fen. Stilton is a polling-place for the county, and is in the Poor-law Union of St. Ives. The quality of Stilton cheese depends more on the mode of manufacturing, than on any thing indigenous in the pasturage; since it was not an origina] production of this neighbourhood, but was :first sold at the Bell Inn here, when kept by the celebrated rider, CooperThornhill, who received it from a friend at Wymondham, near Melton Mowbray. In the villages around that place it long continued to be a principal article of trade; but much is now made at Stilton. Name, :Residence, & Profession. Bee ton John •.••..•••..•••.•.•••.••.•••••• W atcl1 Maker Broad Mary ••••..•••••• Ladies Boarding & Day School Broad Susan & Mary •..••. Milliners & Dress Makers Chambers John ••.•..•...••••.•.••.•••••..••. Shoemaker Chapman Stepben ..••...•••..•..•..•.••.. Beer Retailer Chapman Wm............................... Sl1oemaker Charles Mrs. & Miss ...•..•.• Boarding & Day School Collier Wm. • .••••••••••••.•..••••.•••...••.• Shoemaker Crew Ed ward • • • • . . • • • . . . . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . . • • Cooper Drage John ......... Grocer, & Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Stilton District Fletcher John •• ••• • • • •• • ••• • • • . • • • • • . • • . • •••••••• Grocer Fletc her W. • ••••••.•••••••••.••.••••••••.•.•••••.• 1"ailor Gamein John E.................................. Solicitor Gregory George.: •••••••.••...•.•...••...••• Boot & Shoe Gregory W ••••• •• . ••..• •• • . • • . • .. • .• . . • • •• •• . . •• . • Butcher Gregory \Vn1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WI1eatsheaf Habart Jol1n •••••.•.•••....•.•••••.•..••••••.•••••. Baker Habart J ol1n. ••r••···· ...•.••.••••.•••••••.•• Talbot Arms Harker Joltn ...••......•......•...••............... Baker Hewardine J olm •..•.•....••••. Grocer & Collar Maker H ewardine George ...••.•••••.••••••• , ...• Watchmaker Lenton George • • • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • Wheel \\'rigl1t Mitchell Henry .............................. Bricklayer Muckling Richard ••......••.•••••.•.....•••• Bricklayer Neal Richard .................................. Shoemaker Odum W tn •••••••••.•••••.•.••••••••••••••• Parish Clerk Parker Luke •.••.•..•••• Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Parson 'fho1nas..... •• • •• . •• • .•• • • • . • . •• •• Beer Betailer Pashley John •••••.••.•.•••••.••••••.••••••••. \Vhitesmitl1 Sea ton .T ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Sl1oemaker Sticksan 'Vm •••••••••••.••.••.•.....•.• Harness Maker Smith Wm •••••••••.•••••••••••...•••. Plumber & Glazier Spriggs J oltn •••••.•••••••••••••••••••.••••••. Confectioner Tarry J os h .•.••••..••••••.••• ,. •.••••••••.•••••• Blacksmith 'resloff J ol1n ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••.•••••••••.•• Baker 'row Richard •.•..•...•..•.•....•.•.••..•..•••..•... I\tliller Wilson Isaiah •.•• : .••••.••••••••..•••••.•••...•..... Baker Wincopp F............................ Coach Proprietor Wood Chas. • •••••••••••••••••••••.••••••.•..•....••.• Bell Woods Hen ••••.••••••••.••.••..••.••••..•••••••..•.. Baker Worthington W ••• Angel Comcllnn & Pstng House Y arrow Wm................................. Shoemaker Post Office. Stokes Charles ••••.••..••.•..•..••••••••.••• Postmaster Letters arrive from London and all parts, by way of Alconbury Hill, :! p. 4 morn.; dispatched i p. 9 night. Coaches. Peterborough, Defiance, from the Angel Inn, 9 morn. ; returns 6 even. Glasgow, Edinburgh, Lincoln, and Boston M ails, and the Rockingham, Newcastle and York Express, and Union, change horses at the Angel, and pass through Stilton night and morn. Carriers. Peterborough, Gregory Geo. Tues. & Sat. ; returns same day. Peterborough, Habert John, to and from, daily. WAKBOYS. W ARBoYs, a considerable village in Hurstingstone Hundred, is 66 miles north from London, aud 7:1 north-east from Huntingdon. It is a rectorial benefice, with an income of 1250l.; patron 'f. Daniel, Esq. : the population being 1550. It is situated at the foot of a hill on the road to Spalding ; and consists of detached cottages, arranged in a straggling street northwards from the church, on the Lynn road, and a smaller one eastward branching into a triangular green. The church spire has a singular and rather clumsy appearance, owing to its rising directly from the battlements of the tower, instead of from the square within. The parish is included, like the last, in the St. Ives Poor Law Union. In 1593, a whole family of this village-father, mother, and daughter-were condemned for witchcraft, practised upon the :five daughters of Robert Throckmorton, Esq.; and upon the Lady Cromwell, whose death was imputed to their sorceries. Their property, confiscated to Sir Henry Cromwell, as lord of the manor, he bequeathed for an annual sermon against witchcraft, which was not discontinued till 1828. Its effect would seem to have been, tl1at of confirming the superstitious prejudices of the peasantry. :Name, :Residence, &. Profession. Alfred Robert • •• • ••••• •• •• . •• • ••• .• • • • • • • • • Shoemaker All price George ...................................... Tailor Ashley Elizabeth........................... George Inn Bedford Charles •• • • •• • • . •• • . . . • . •• . . • . . . • .• . • • • • Butcher Bedford John •• •• • •• .• • • • . . •• ••. • • • ••• ••• . •• •••• •• . • Cock Campion John ••• Surgeon, & Registrar of Births, Deaths, & Marriages for W arboys District Child Francis ••••••...•..•..•••..•••. Grocer & Draper Child l\1ar)' ·······················~········· Shopkeeper Clifton Charles •.••...••.•..••••.••....••.•.. Shopkeeper Clifton James ••••.••.••..•.•......••.••...• Shoemaker Clifton J ol1n •••••••••.•••.••••••••••••••••••• Shoemaker Cox David ...........................•........ Sl1oetnaker Day John • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . • . • . •• • • • • . . . .. . • Sl1oen1aker Decks Thomas ............................. \V atchmakcr Twining Rev. V\Tm ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Incumbent Dockrill John .................................... Butchrr 'Vice Cleave & Son ••••••••••••••••••••••..•.• Surgeons Dring Oli\·er .•••••.........•••............... Carpentrr '\V ells Charles •••....•....•..•......•.......•..... Butcher Dring Thomas ...•..............•..... Hal'!!es;; Maker '\Vhitaker Geo ................... Plait & Straw Buyer Ekins John •••• •.•••.•••. .. . . Grocer & Collar Maker Whitehead J ames.............. .• • .. • •• . • Beer Retailer El more John .... . • • • . . . . • . .. . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . Tailor '\Villson Agnes •••.•••••.•..• , •••....•.•••.•. George Inn 1 Feary Rob. • .•..••...•.•..•••..•.••..••..... Shopkeeper 29
ilUNrS. YAXLEY. ==============================:============================= Finch Rev. M ••..•...•.•....••..........••.. Incumbent Bell Thomas ·····'·········••.,.••••••·········Shoemaker Fletcher George ............................ Beer Retailer Bell William •••••••••• ··••"••·•·••••·d··••·Shoemaker Fletcher John ........................... Beer Retailer Bellamy Joshua ................... .- .••••••••••••••••• Mason Fletcher Joseph ........................... Bee1· Retailer Blackman B. A ........ , .................. 4 ...... Butcher Harvey Thomas ........................... Shopkeeper Blackman John ................................. Butcher Hodson Martin ........................... Beer Retailer Blackman Robert ..................... Hatcbett & Bill Hodson Thomas ................... , .... Beer Retailer Blackwell Robert .................. , .............. Grocer Hodson Willia1n • • • • • •• • •• ••• . • • • . • . . • ••• • . Shoemaker Bowel John ••••.•••••••••• , ••• ·•· .......... •·., .A uctionter How Susanna ••••••••••••••••••• ~ ••.••..••• Beer Retailer Ho we Robert ..................... Ship, & Whitesmith King Thomas .............................. Wheelwright Lawrence George ........................ Beer Retailer Longland Lavender .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. Beer Retailer M ann George ..................... Veterinary Surgeon Meadows Harvey ... Grocer & Draper, Timber Mcht, & Agent to the Royal Exchange Office Middle ton J ames .................. Smith & Shopkeeper Moulds John .............................. Beer Retailer Pope J ames • • •• • • • • . • • • • • •• . . • • • • • • • • •• . . • . .. . . • • • Tailor Rignold Philip .............. .w......... ... .. Blacksmith Rodgers Sarah............ Pelican Inn, & Post Office Salmon William ........................... Parish Clerk Stratton Matthew • • •• ••• . •• • ••• •••••• ••. . • . ••• •• •• Baker Upcl1urch 'Villiam .•.•••••.•.•••••.•..•••....•.•... Miller V ester William ........................... Beer Retailer Whitehead Augustine, Gents Day & Boarding School Post Office. Rodgers Saral1, Pelican /nn ............... Postmistress Letters arrive l p. 9 tnorn.; and dispatched 3 aft. YAXLEY. Bradford Trice ................... , .......... Wheelwright Broughtoh Thomas ........................ Beet Retailer Chamberlayne J oseph ................ , •• ,.Fellmonget Chapel Rev. John ..................... Uuitarian Chapel Coles Joseph ........................... Reed Merchant Coles William ........................... Reed Merchant Cooke Samuel •••••••••••.••.••••••• i·' ............ Grocer De boo J acob ••••••••.•••••••••••• '' ··•····•••••••. Grocer Derriss Benjamin ................... Rectuitirig Serjeant Drake J oh11 ..................................... Chequers F atn G. . ............... , ..... I •••••••••• -. z ••••••••• , I Cooper Fox James ........................... Groeer & Druggi•• Glithero Thomas ..... ; ..................... Blacksmith Glithero William .................. Three Horse Shoes Green George ........................... ~..Wheelwright Green J ames ............................... William IV 1 Gurham John• ................. ,. ........... Beer Retailer Hatfield Hudson ... ~ .............. Free & Day School Henson T. & C. • .......................... Whitesmitbs Lee Rev. George ........................... Incumbent Lo\veth Robert ·••········~·····•···········,······Baker Loweth Robert ........................... Miller & Baker Mackley Jol1n ••••••••••••••• r •••••••••••••••••••• Butcher Mackley Sarah •.•.......•............•..•...... Milliner Mankell Frederick ......•......•....•.....•..•..... Baker Y AXLEY, inN orman Cross Hundred, is a neat bnt irregular town, 78 miles distant from London, and N ewcombe Jolm ........................... Beer Rt!tailer 15! from Huntingdon, on the great north road. Newcomb John ................... : ....... Kings Arms The benefice, a vicarage, in the gift of the Crown, Oliver M orrice ................................. Gardener valued at 177l. annually. It is situated on the verge Parker Jeremiah ..................... George & Dragon of the fens, and on the eastern side of a ridge of l1ills, Pinckeney & W eston .................. Coal Merchants upon the face of which its church is elevated, displaying Raymond John ................ • ........... Beer Retailer to advantage an elegant spire. This parish, for the Rest John ....................................... Gardener purposes of the Poor Law Amendment Act, belongs Rice William ................................. Mason, ~c. to the Peterborough Union in Northamptonshire. Richardson Michael ........................... Carpenter It possesses an endowed school, both for girls and Rowell Benjamin ..................... n .......... Tailor boys. The town greatly increased in importance Rukby J ames ....................................... Tailor during the last war, in consequence of its vicinity to Setchell Thomas ..................... Grocer & Butcher Norman Cross barracks, then used as a depot for Sparman George ........................... Parish Clerk. French prisoners, whose ingenuity in the construe- Speechley Ann .................................... Butcber tion of light fancy articles furnished a source of Speechley Tbomason .... • • .................. Gardener trade, while the necessary provision for their con- Strickson Robert ........................ Harness Maker sumption advanced its prosperity, and revived its Tibbert Eliz. .. ............. · ......... ·· ... Beer Retailer market, which had been previously lOllg discon- Triars Frederick ....................................... Beil tinued. The preparation for various manufactures, Waite Thomas ............ :Maltster, Brewer & Miller of the rushes abundantly protlnced by th~ adjacent Wise John ....................................... Plumber fens, employs many of the iuhauhants. . . :Post Office. :Name B.es1dence, de. Professs1on. Sl G p t . ~ 1arman ecrge ••••••••••••••••• ,. ••• • •• •• • ••••• os man Askew William ........................ Brewer & Grocer I Letters arrive from London at 10 morn. j & disBitrley Thomas .................................... Baker I patched 8 o'clock even. 30
N 0 R F 0 L 1{. THIS county is bounded on the north and east by the German Ocean, on the south by Suffolk, and on the west by Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire; in length it is about 70 miles, and in breadth 45 miles, the circumference being about 150 miles. It contains 1,288,320 statute acre~ of land, and 390,054 inhabitants. It is in the diocese of Norwich and province of Canterbury, is divided into 3-J hundreds, and contains one city, Norwich, 32 market towns, and 660 parishes. By the Reform B1ll of 1832 the representation in Parliament of this countv was changed ; the borough disfranchised was Castle Rising, and two members are now sent for each of the di\'isions of the courlly. The members for the eastern di\·ision are Edrnond Wodehouse, Esq. and Henry Negus Bmroughs, Esq.; and those for the western are William Bagge, Esq. and William Lyde Wiggett Chute, Esq. Lord Wodehouse is Lord Lieutenant of the coumtv, where he has lwo seats, Kimberly Hall and Witton Park. The surface of Norfolk presents more uniformity of appearance than any other part of England equalling it in extent: not a single hill of more than moderate height is to be seen, but the land is in many parts broken into gentle undulations. The chief eminences are Athill, near Swaffham; Docking, near Burnham; Hunstanton Cliffs, and Marurn Hills. At the western extremity is a considerable tract of flat fenny land, and on the east, near Yarmouth, a narrow tract of marshes extends from the sea for some distance up the country; the northern coast, near Cley, is also marsh land. In these parts great quantities of butter are made, which is sent to London under the name of Cambridge butter. The whole county exhibits a great variety of soil ; towards the north alluvial sand predominating, intermixed in the middle and southern parts with clay and marl on a. basis of chalk, being geologically situated within the London Chalk Basin. King Charles the Second is reported to have said of this county, that'" it was only fit to be cut into roads for the rest of the kingdom," considering it to be flat, stony, and infenile; but, by the patriotic exertions and laudable example of the present Earl of Leicester, the desert has been com·erted to a granary. In the northern parts of the county, where wheat was almost unknown, the most abundant crops wave 0\'er the district between Holkham and Lvnu; - but the basis of Norfolk farming is the turnip, and it is mainly to its extensive cu1ture that the nalurally barren soil has been fertilizl:'d. This usefu I vegetable was introduced from Hanover, in the reign. of George the First, hy Lord Towrrshend, and is more generally raised here, and in higher perfection, than probably in any other part of the kingdom. Saffron is produced in several parts of Norfolk, flax around Downham, hemp in the neighbourhood of Old Buckenham, and mustard is cultivated as a regular crop on the western bonier oflhe county. The li?:hter arable lands afford good crops of barley, much of which is made into malt and exportPd. Poultry of all kinds is very plentiful; the Norfolk turkey is held ip especial estimation for the whiteness of its flf'sh, (le delicacy of its flavour, and the largeness of its size; immense quantities are annually sent to VE'IY distant parts of the kingdom. Game of,arJous kinds is abundant throughout the county, and great numbers of rabbits are found on the sandy heaths. In the marshes, Scottish and other cattle are fattened for the supply of Nor~~. B • the metropolitan and nearer markets. The sea-coast. is almost uniformly low; Hunstanton Cliff, or St. Ed mund's Point, where King Edmund is said to have landed wheu he took possession of East Anglia, beint§ the only rocky eminence of any importance in the county. On the northern side of Norfolk, the coast is indented by various small creeks and inlets, which can only admit vessels of an inconsiderable size, and thcl'e harbours are liable to be injured or de!troyed from the sand brought into them by the influx of the sea. Shoals and saud-bauks off the coa&t render the navigalion here extremely hazardous. Of these the most remarkable are the sands extending on a line with the coast of Yarmouth, and forming the Yarmouth Roads; where, though the entrance is difficult, large flrets "'·•Y ride sc1fely. The principal lakes are Braydnn, llirf,/i,.g, and Rockland Broad.t, Diu, Ringham, North Jralslwm, and Quid:lenlunn lakes; others abound in the souther-n parts of the county, and are nurseries of innumerable wild fowl of various species, but principally ducks; they are taken in great numbers on the margin of these waters. l\Jackerel and herrings are taken in abundance on the coast, the first in sprin~, and the last in autumn. Yarmouth is famed for c1.irin~ its herrings, which are exported to the sontherrr parts of the continent, particularly Italy, The ri\'ers of l\'orfolk are the Great Ouse, the Nene, the Little Ouse, the Nar, the Wenswn, tl=le Waveneg, the Yare, the Bure, and the A11t. These rivers in general rise in marshy lands, and, running through a level country, diffuse themselves o\·er the lower tracts, in their course forming shallow pools, which are plen• tifully stocked with fish and water-fowl, and on some of them are decoys for wild ducks. The Great Ouse crosses the western side of the county and falls into the Wash below Lynn. The Nene forms the western boundary from Lincolnshire, and empties itself into the sea at Cross Ke!JS TVash. The Little Ouse rises near Lopham, in the southern part of the county, and separating Norfolk and Suffolk, falls into the Great Ouse. The Nar rises at Litcham, and fl.owing westward by Narborough, unites with the Great Ouse. The Wensum takes its rise at West Rudham, thirty miles from the city, and being augmented by several rivulets, pas~es through Norwich, and joins the Yare below Trowse, not far from the city. The source of the Waveneg is separated from that of the Little Ouse by a cau<:eway only, and, running in a direction, forms the rt>st of the Suffc>lk boundary, and joins the .Yt1re a lrttle above Braydon. The Yare, rising near Shipdam, is. augmented by another stream at .M.trlingford, which has its source near Hingharn. The river Yare joms the Wmsum at Trowse Eye, near the city of Norwich, and flows to Yarmouth, where, havin~ aho received the waters of the Wavenrq and the Bure, it falls into the Gernwn Octan be.low that port. The BurP, risrng beyond Blickling, becomes navigable at Aylsham. After passir'g Wroxham bridgt>, and being joined by the Ant and Thirne, it passes Acle bl"idge, and joins the Yare at Yarmouth. The Ant ri~es at Antingham, and, flowing on th::- east of North Wahham, is made navigable near Stalham, whence it pas!!es to Ludham;- and, below that villa~e, falls into the Bure. The inland navigation is by the Thirne, Bure, and 1Visbech canals. The Eastern Counties lttti!road, from London to Yarmouth, is now in progress, and will be carried through Breutwood, 1
NORFOLK. Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, and Norwich, to tensive, indeed, were the temporal possessions of the Yarmouth. The Northern and Eastern Railroad, religious institutions, that there were few, or probably connecting London and York, will have a branch none, of the parishes in this county, numerous as from Cambridge to Norwich and Yarmouth. The they are, which were not in part claimed by the regustap]e articles of manufacture in this county are Jar orders, or in which the religious had not an inworsted, an appellation derived from a village of that terest. Norfolk still contains numerous early speci .. name; Norwich stuffs, which were introduced here mens of ecclesiastical architecture, with which the by Flemings, who settled in the city in the year 1336; antiquary will be highly gratified. Stone crosses, inborn basins, introduced by Dutch and Walloons, who dicating the routes of pilgrims, abound in this county, fled to Norwich for refuge from the Duke of Alva, and the sites of more than eighty have been ascerthe Spanish governor of the Netherlands in 1566; tained. The castles of the ancient lords were at Nordarnasks, shawls, crapes, and fine camlets, the last wich, Castle Acre, Castle Rising, New Buckenham, in great request for the East India trade. To these Caistor, and W eeting. Blickling Hall and Melton articles have been added cotton shawls and fanl"Y Constable are ancient residences. · There are remains goods; and Canada is one of the principal markets of encampments at South Creak, the Foss, near for Norwich goods. Norfolk is remarkable for having Weeting. Narbury, and Wareham. Norfolk gives the been more abundantly endowed with religious houses, title of Duke to the bead of the Howard family, who from the earliest introduction ofChristianity, than any is premier Duke and Earl Marshal of England. ·other county of equal size in the kingdom. So exNOBI'OLK., ·As subdivided into PAROCHIAl. UNIONS under the Poor Law Amendment Act of 4&5 WILLIAM IV.1834, showing the Number of Parishes, the Number of Guardians appointed thereto; also a STATEMENT showing the Days on which the several Parochial Unions in the County of Norfolk hold their Meetings, the Places at which they meet, and the Clerks to each re!'pective Board; as ananged in the order in which they ·have been lettered on the accompanying Map of the County. --------.---------------- ~· --- ---------~-----------------------·--------~~------ • Letter of ... .... ., • Reference on 0 • 0 = "' ... q) .. as ' Map, the red UNIONS. ~-ffi ,8=8 Clerks to the Days on which the Boards meet weekly •. Places at which the Boards meet. • line showing . e·.: the diferent ::sas z;J.. A a CJ Unions. - 1. Aylsham .• , ••••••. , • • ... • • 46 2. BlofieJd .............. , .• , 32 3. Depwade ........... ,,, . 43 4. Dooking .. .. . ............. 136 5. Down ham .... .... ... ... . 34 6. Erpingham .. • .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 G 7. Saint Faith's .. .. .. .. .. • . 30 H 8. Fre{)briclge Lynn .. .. .. 32 • J 9. Guiltcross ••• •••·•· ••• ••• 21 :S 10. Henstead •••••··•· •••••• 37 K. 11. Kibg's Lynn •·· ••• •••••• 4 Z. 12. Loddon and Clavering 42 M 13. Mitford and Launditch 60 · N 14. Swaffham ••• •••••• •••••• 33 • 0 15. Thetforcl .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. 34 P 16. Walsingham ............ 50 Q 11. Wayland ..•••••...••....•• 25 :0. 18. Great Yarmouth......... 1 2 • s.tu Boards. ~ :! ze!:! --~--------~---------------~------~------------- 47 W. Hill, Marsham, near Norwich ...... Tuesday, 11 ... Black Boy, Aylsham. 41 W.IJ.Codling,Blofield Tuesday, 10 ... Board Roo10 Workhouse, Lin!?wood. 51 J. Hotson, Solicitor, New Union Workhouse, Long Stratton, Norfik. Monday, 10 ... Pulham, St. Mary l\1agdalen. 52 Fras. Oakes, Burnham 'Vestgate ............ Wednesday, 10 Docking. 35 Ed w. Hett, Down ham Market, Nor folk ... Thursday, 11 ... Union Workhouse, Downham :Market, Norfolk. 53 J. Ctowe Antingham, near Walsham ...... Monday, 10 ••• New Inn, Cr~mer. 31 Fras. J. Blake, Kiug Street, Norwich ...... Wednesday, 11 St. Faith's \York house. 34 BoL~n~~.~~~~-· .. ~~i.~~:~ Fri<lay, 11 ,~~··· Gayton. 25 S. Caley, Attleborough Wednesday, 10 Union Workhouse, Henninghall. 34 Thos. Watf!rs, Solicitor, . Work house, SwainsNorwich ............... Tuesda.y, 10 .. . thorpe, neat' Norwich. 23 J. J. Coulton, Solicitor, Lynn •••••••••••• , .•••• Fridav, 10 ...... St. James·~ Workhouse. 44 J. Copeman, Solicitor, · Workhouse, Hecking· Loddon, near Norwich !Uonday, 11 ..• ham. 6! S. King, Jun. Solicitor, Litcham., ••••••••..•.• i.\londay, 10 ••• Gressenhall Workhouse 47 R. Sewell, Swafi'ham, Norfolk ............... Monday, 11 •.. Union Workhous~, Swaffham. · 43 \i\l. Clarke, ThetforJ ••• Saturday, 11 ... Union \Vorkhouse. ~ 54 J. 0\·erton, Fakenham, Union 'Vorkhouse, (}t. Norfolk ............... \V ednesday, 10 Snoring. 30 S. Caler, Attleborough Monday, 10 .•. Union Workhouse, 16 J. L. Cutautle, Solictr., Itockl<!nd, All Saint~. Rgt. !>t. Gt. Yarmouth Thursdav, 10 ••• Board Room Workhouse •
NORFOLK, SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRARS, REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS, &c. NORFOLK. As subdivided into DISTRICTS under the Registration Act or William IV., of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, showing the several Parochial Unions, with the REGISTRARs' DisTRICTS, the Name and Address of Superintendent Registrars, Registrars of Births and Deaths, and the Registrars of Marriages, in the several Parochial Unions in the County. "'tl The letter A, B, 9·c. refers to several Divisions if Unions on the accompanying Maps of Norfolk, and the .figure rifers to the Table if Unions. ----------------------------------------------~·--------------------------------- UNIONS. Name and Address of Superintend. Registrar Registrars' Districts. Name and Address of Re!!,'istrars of Births and Deaths. Name and Address of Marriage Registrars. ----~~~------=----------- ~~---------------------- ----------------------~ A 1. Aylsltam. · Eynsford ........ :G. Taylor, H.eepham, near NorwichW. Hill, Marsham, > Buxton ......... G. Legg, Buxton, near Coltishall. G • .M. Bayne, Aylsham. near Norwich. Oulton ......... J. Saunders, Aylsham. B 2. Blofie~d. ( Blofield ......... P: Eade, Blofield, Norwich ......... Peter Eade, Blofield, Norwich. W. H. Codhng, ( Walsham ......... \\'. H. Cufaude, Acle, Norrolk. Blofield, Norwich. ) 0 3. Depwade. ~ Diss ............... T. Cotman, Diss ..................... Thos. Cotman, Diss. John Hot~on, Harleston ......... B. J. Crisp, Harleston ............... B. J. Crisp, Harleston. Stratton, St Mary, > Stratton ......... J. Aldis, Stratton St. Mary. Norfolk. 1 Forncet ......... R. Holmes, Aslacton, Stratton St. J Mary. · D 4. Docking. • Burnham ......... J. H. Church, Burnham, Westgate F. H. Church, Burnham, WestPrances Oakes, Docking ., ........ E. Wells, East Rudham, Rougham gate. Burnham Westgate, > Snettishant ...... T. Davies, Snettisham, near Lynn. Norfolk. . E 5. Downham. -. Downham ...... T. G. Wales, Downham Market ••• C. Mumford, Downham Market. Edward Helt, >- Fincham ......... W. Johnson, Wattington. · Downham Market. Wiggenhall ...... H. Steele, Stoke Ferry. r 6. Erpingliam. ~ Holt ............ J. Banks, Halt ........................ H. T. Murrall, Cromer. Joseph Covell, ( Walsham ...... J. Coleby, North Walsham. _ - Runton, Cromer. ) Cromer ......... T. Murrall, Sustead, Cromer. G 7. St. Faith's. ) St Faith's ......... R. Richards, St. Faith's, Norwich John Scamett, jun., sqFaith•8, S. L, Carman, > Sprowston ...... W. Durrant, Catton, Norwich. Norwich. St. Faith's, Nrwch. H 8. Freebridge .- Lynn. Boys Aldham, King's Lynn. I 9. Guiltcross. Thos. Turner, Kenninghall, East Harling. 3 10. llenstead. Thos. Faulkner, Swainsthorpe, Norwich. B. ll.King's Lynn. ~ King':; Lynn G. Bainbridge, King's Lynn. John Jas. Coulton, North ......... J. W. Chadwick, Brd-st, Kngs Lyn. 33 Austin street, King's Lyun J. Murlin, All Saints-st, Kings Lyn. King's Lynn. > Middle ......... King's Lyon South .......••... • Z. 12. Loddon and~ Loddon ......... John bawson, Burgh, Apton by Wm. Hoddy, jun. Loddon. Clavering. Aldeby ..... .... Brooke, near Norwich............ Norwich, Jas. Copeman, i> Woodton ......... J. H. Woolte~ton, Haddeseve,Lod~ Loddon, Norwich. 1 . don, Nol'Wich. J . R. B?yd.en, ~home, Bungay. 11 13. Mi~ford ~ L~tcham ......... C. Walhs, L1tc~am, Swaffham. W. M. Warcup, East Dereham, Launditch. E.mham, North T. ll. Dent, N F.lmham, E Derehm Samuel King, jun., 1 M~ttishall ......... H. Daveney, Mittishall, near East Litcham, near ~ Sh1pdham . . . . . . De re ham . Swaftbam. East Del'eham, .. H. Hopson, Slnpoham, near East Bawdeswell ... ,. Dereham. . M. Warcup, East Dereham. C. Barker, Lyng, near E Dereham. 3
NORFOLK. UNIONS. Name and Address of Superintend. Registrar • Registrars' Districts. Name and Address of Registrars of Births and Deaths. Name llnd Address of .1\iarl'iagc Registrars. • N 14. ::;wajfham -Swaft'ham ......... C. U. Hose, Swart ham .............. :Jas . .Philo, Swatfham, Robert Sewell, Swatfnam. ~ Soham Toney ... G. Whitley, Swaffham. 0 15. Thetford. = Wm. Clark, > Thetford. Thetford ......... Denny Smith, Thctford ............. G. Gm·diner, Thetford. ~IethwolJ ...... J. Sharp, 1\Iethwold, Braudon. P 16. 1Val.~i1lghnm. = Wells ............ J. Youn~, Wells ..................... G. Damant, Fakenham. John Overton, > Walsingham ... Adcock, Walsin~ham ............. J. Young, Wells. Fakenham. Fakenham ...... G. Darnant, Fakenham ............... C. Adcock, Little Walsingham. Q 17. JITo.lJland. = Attleborough ... (j. Kent, Atllebot"ough ............... J. Polley, Attleborough. Saml. Cayley, > Watten ......... H. Stebbings, Carbrooke, Watten H. Stebbings, Carbrooke, NorAttleborough. folk. :Rl8. Gt. Yarmth. · Northern ......... H. Worship, Great Yarm()uth ... Charles Bell, Great Yarmouth. Henry Pi!lrner, ~ Southern ......... Jos. Bayly, Great \':.~•mouth. Great Yannouth. · LIST OF PARISHES l1.ND Al)JACENT POST TOWNS, }~OIC\fiNG THE \'ARIOUS PAWlClllAL UNIONS OF TilE COUNTY OF NORFOLK. '*'** 'l'he lfllt'r (A) rifers to tl1e Counlg illap. AYLSI~AM-(A.) PARISHES, POST TOWNS• PAR£SHES. POST TowNs. \!Vood Norlon ........... ~ ......................... Dereham Aylsha111 •••.....•....•••........... ~ •••.......•.. AJI .. vhant Wolrerton .......................................... Aulsham Alby ........................................................ ditto Banningham ............................................ ditto :BLOFillLD-(B.) Barningharn P~""·a ..................................... llitlo 1 Acle ................................................. ., !{o1'u,·ifh B I . }\l • . f . e augh ............•••••........................••• .L,o1~1vtcll' ~eag·fllotl............... ......••• • ............••....... ditto Blickli11g ........................................... Ayl.~ltrLnl Blatield ......................... ••••.•.•• .•••.. .•••.. .••• ditto Bramr1ton •••...•••......•.•....•••••••••••••••• ' •••...••• ditto Bradestone .. , ...............•..•.....•••...•••....... ,. dilln llt1rgl1 ................................................... dii/t) BrtindalJ ....••.......................................... ditto BuKton •••.••.•...•.............•................•... Nvr'loic/1. l~uckenham ••••••...••.•••................... ...•....••• ditto Calthorpe ......................................... A!Jisham Bmlin!!ton, St. AndrE:w ................. ............. ditto Cawstnu .................................................. ditto Ditto, -St. Edmuud's ................................. dilto Col by ..................................................... ditto Ditto, St .. Peter ...•••••••....•..•......••.••••••... dill'' Coltish all ............................................. Nor•vil·h Car-1tley .................................................. ditto Corpustye ....••.........•••........................ Aybil1an1 FrePthorpe ............................................. diltu Erp•r•~ltam ............................................... clitto I Ilal\rer~te •.........•••.............•.......•••......... ditto },oulsharn ........................................... l)crc/ut111 1 Ifasinuham ... ~ ....••••..•......•••..•.••.•. ........••• ditto Gnestwick .......................................... ]\forwirll li.lckfurd ......•••......•••...........................••• ditto Hautbois 1\tlaJZna .•.......••••.•....•......•••......... ditto Hevingham •.• -••••••.•.............••••. , .........•••••• dittu Heydo11, ........ , ..................................... Aylsllanl Hindolvestone .................................... Dereharn I ngwo rth ................................. ~· ..•.•.••• ..11 ylsllam Irmingland .•..•.••........•...........•.•............•. ditto 1 tterin gl1am •••.........•••.•••••....•.•••.•............. ditto Lamas, with Hautbois Pawa ................ .... Norwich Mannington ...•••..•.....••.. , • . • •• . . . . • . . . • . . • . . • Aylsham Marsh am ................••...........•••••.....••• Norwich Oultotl ............................................... AylsiJtlm Ornead ................................................... ditlo Peepham, with Herdiston ...................... Norwich Sall ......................................... .•••......... ditto Saxthorpe .•.•••.. : .................................. Aylsilllm Scottow .............................................. Norzviclt Skeyton ................................................... dilto Stratton Straw less .................................. ditto Swatton Ab bott ........................................ ditto Themelthorpe ........................................... ditto Thurning ..••••.•.•••...•••.............••........• Dereham Thwaite ••..................•.•.••••••..........••• A.1Jlsl1am Tuttington... ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . •••••............... ditto '\\"hit well ..•.•..•.....................•.... , ....... Norwich Wick mere ...........•••....•••..................••• Aglshtlm Wood Dalling ............................... , •.•• , Norwich 4 Hen1bli ugton •••......••••••.......•••..•••..•..•..••• ditto Li 111 pPnlloe .............................................. ditto Lirl~\VOrJd ·········~·····················~··········~~· ditto l\Ioultor• ......•••.....•.••...•••.•..•••......••••••••••. dilto Pln m ps t~ad, Great .................................... ditto l)itto, Little ................................. ........... ditlu Post\vick ................................................ ditto Ranworth, with Panxworth ................ , ....... dltto l{eed ham ..•...•.••••.....•.•••••.•.•••.•.....•.••••...• , ditto Soutl1 wood .............................................. ditto Strumpshaw .•.....••....•......•..•....•...•.•••.•. .,, ditto Thorpe ................••..•••••••.•. " ..•••.•.•.•..•..• ditto 'l.,unstall .................................................. ditto U pton, with Fishley ............................... ~ ditto Walsham Somh, St. Mary ........................... ditto Ditto, St. Lawrence ............................... ditto Wickhampton .........•••...•• ....•• , ......••.•••••••• ditto Wi tton ................................................... ditto \Voodbastwick ................................. ~-.·--· •• ditto D:CPW AD:C-( C.) Ashwellthorpe ............................. W!Jmondhanr Aslacton .................................... Long Stralton Bun well ••••••.......•.....•........•..••.•.....•. Attleburgb Carleton Rode ........................................ ditto Forncett, St. 1\lary ....................... . Long Strat~orl Ditto, St. Peter ••••••.••.•.••••••..•...•••...•.....•.• d1tlo FrittOn ••••••• , ••..•••......••....•••.•.••••.•••••••••• ditto •
NOllFOLK. PARISHES, Jiuatdettllall •••.••..••••.•••••••••••.•••••... POST TOW /'>S. Long Strutton Ilapton • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ilardwick .............................................. u~mpnall ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1\lorniugt horpe ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ::Unulton, St. Michael ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 •• Sht:ltou ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Stratton, St. Mary •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ditto, St • .lVJichael ..•.••.••..•.••.••....•.•••.••..••.• Tacolnestone •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tasburgh Tharston .•. Tilbeuham Wacton Magna ····································~········ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·······6········································ Bwiston lJ1ck le bur!!h ············I····························· - ditto ditlo rll/10 ditlo dit '" ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Diss ditto PARISHJ:.:S, POST TOWNS. ••• Lynn Fakenham Titchwell Waterden. .•......•.•.•••... , ...........••••••...• ..................................... ' .. DOW:NHAM:-(1:.) Bar ton B re11d is l1 ................................. ••• B1'llndon Bex"~etl ...•••.........•••.......................• Down/tarn Boughto11 .••.••.•••••••••.••••.•.•...••.••••••••••• Branclon. Crimplesham •••....•.•••..•.••..•..•..........•• Down/Jam Dea1ver .•••.•.••.••.•.•••.••.•..••••.•.••..•••..••••••... ditl(l Derel1am, West ..•.••........••••••...•••..•...... Braudon Down ham Market .............................. Downlwm Finchatn •..•••...•••.•.••..•....•.............. •" ....••• Ford ham .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hilgay .........••••••....•..................•...••.••.•.. llolnne •••....••.........•...• ~ .•..•........•....•••.•.••• 1\iark ltam ......•••......•••.•.••••...•••.•.•.•..••.••..•. dittu ~~~(;,;i.l1an1 ···•••·········••••••··························· Gissing ..•.... -······ .........•....................•.. ditt(J lltttnctnn, South ......................................... . Diss ••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dilto ditto dilto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Scale... • ............................................ : .•. cii.t to j ~,tyston ......••••••.........••••......•.•.............•... Shimpling .•..••.•. ,. •.••••••....•........••............ d1f.ltJi Shoul(ll1am ••••••••••.•••..••.••.•••••••..•.••••••.•..•. Thelveton ............................................ ditto 1 J)itto Thorpe 'l'ivetshall, St . .!Vlargaret .................. Long Strutton Soothery .......................................... ditto •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ditto, St. Mary ....................................... ditioiStokeFerry ••••..•••••••.•••••... ~ ••••..•••••••• Brandon .l\lburgh ...•••....••.••....•••••••.••••••..••••... Harle . .,lon 1 Stow Bardolph •••..••••••••...••••.... , .•.••• Downliam llillingford ••••••••••••.....•...•••......•••...••••••••• cl1lto: Stradsett ...••••••..........•....•••....•.......••...... ditto Brockdisl1 ••.......................................... tl1tlo 1,c)ttenl1111 ..•••..••••••••.•.•••••••••••.••••••..•••••••.•• ditlo Denton ............................................... ditto \Vallington, with 'l'horpland ....................... ditto Ears ham ...••.................................•...... Bunga_y Needl1am ....••.••.•.....•..••.••..•.•.•••.....•..• 1/arle ... tolt Pulham Virgin ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto \V at I i11gton ••••••••••••••••.••.••••.•••.•••••••••• Downham ''; erel1am ...•••.•......•..•.•..•..•••••.••••...•... Bran dol& Wimbotsham • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• •• Downham Ditto Magdalen •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Redenhall, with Harleston .... tlit/(J \\' .. orn1egay .•....•••.........•••....••••.•.•.••.•.••.••. ditto ti.ttoj \\'""retton ...•••...•••.•..•.•••.••..•.••...••..•.... Brartdon •••••••••••••••••••••••• Rushall d flo! \V iugenhall. St. German's .. ................... ... Lynn ·····&·········································· Starston •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thorpe Abbotts \'Vortivell ditto i Ditto, St. Mary Magdalen .................. Downham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• llit to 1 Di tlo, St. Mary ................................... L,ynn cJittCJ; ))itto, St. Peter •••. ~ .................................. ditto I Welney, Norfolk ................................. Wisheach .............................................. DOCK.ING-(D.) An1ner ................................................ L:;nn j ' 11agthorpe~ •••.•....... •••..• .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ••• Rough am ~ Bartner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • Ft,kenlifliTI Barwick ........ , ••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• .... Ru·u!.!,-il.tTit ' BraiJcaster .....•.... : .•••..........•.•••.•............. I~t111n ~ \V elney, Cambridge ................................. rlitlu EKP!NGHAM-(r.) Aid borough Aylmerton ......•......•..••••.•••..•...••.....•. Aylsha1n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baconstl1orpe .......................................... . diito Jiolt Burnham Westgate ...................... .,. ........... diUu Barningham, North .................................. ,.ditto Ditto Deepdale, ..................................... diUu 1 Ditto, \V est •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Birchan1 Newton .............................. Ruug"am Beckhan1, East .•••• · ............................... .Aylsham Ditto. Toft!l .•••••••••.•.••.•••.••.•••••..••...•...•.•..• ditto Ditto, \Vest •••••••••••.•••••••..••••.•••••••••••••••• Holt Ditto ~iagna........... .. . . . . . . ........................ ditto Bees ton Regis. I.................... . . . .. . ..... . Llylsham Broomsthorpe ........................................ ditto Bessingham •••......••..••.•.•••.••.•.••••••..••••.•.••• ditto Burn ham N orton ...................................... L1}nn Cromer ...•••....•..... , ...•....•..••.•••.•..•.••••••..••. ditto • Ditto Sutton •••..••••.••••••••••...•..••••.•••••.••••• ditto I~elbrigg ................................................. dilto Ditto Overy •....•.•...••.........•.•...•.••....••..• ditto Gresham ....•........•....•••.•.....•..••.•..•••••.••••• ditto Ditto Tl1orpe ...••••••.•.••.•••..•...•••.....•.••.....• ditto Hanworth .•••...•••••.•...... ............................. ditto Creake, North ..........•••••...•••.•.....•... ..•..•.... l .. yntl Matlask ..............•.... ·········~······ .............. ditto Ditto, South .•.••••••..•.......•... , .......•....•••• ,. ditto Metton .•.......•...••..•...••.... I •••••••••••••••••••• ditto Dersingham: ..••••••...•............................... .~ ditto Overstrand .•.....•....••••••.••.••....••.....•••••...•• ditto Docking .•....•••......•••......•••.........•••••• Rougham Plumpstead ...•••.........•••................•..•••..... Holt Fring ................•••................••••••...•••..•••• ditto Rough ton ........................................... .A.ylsham Heachan1 ............................................... Lynn ltunton .. .. . ... ... ... .. . . .. ... ......•.•.••••••. ••..•.• ditto IIoltne by the Sea •••.•••••..••••.•....••....••.•.••• IV ells Sherringham ····~ ..........•••...•••....••.•..•....••• ditto Hough ton in the Break ........................ Rougham Sustead ••••••..•...•••..•.....••••..•..........•......• ditto llunsta11ton ......••••.•..••.••....•.••...•......•••..• _Lynn Thurgarton ••....•.........•....•....•••....••.....••• ditto lngoldisthorpe •••••••..••••..•.•.••••••.•....•........• ditto Antingham •.•••....•••.•••.••••.••.•..•. ... Vorth WalshaTn Kingstedd .................... · .•.....•.•••••.•••...•••... Ditto Gimingham ..•.....•••.• ......•.......•.....•.••.. .• ditto Rudham, East ......•.••••...•....•.•••... , ...... Rougltam Gunton •••.. ....•..••••••.•..•.....••.•.......•••... Norwich Ditto, West . . . . . . . . . . • .. . . • • • • •. • ••• • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • ditto Knapton ......•••......•••....•.••••••...•••..........•. ditto Sedgeford •••.•.•••........•.•••.....•.•........•...•••• L!Jnn Mundsley •..••••••......•••...•••..•••....•••......... ditto Shernboume ..••.•.....•.••.••......•....•.•••••••.••... ditto Northrepps •••..•.••.•..•..•......•••.•••..•.••••• Aylsham Strettisham .•.•••..•.•.••••••••.•...••.••••••••••.•••.•• ditto Sidestrand .....•••••••...•••.......••..•.•••••••....... ditto Stanhoe .•..•••...•••••..••• ••••• ...••••••.••..••••• Rougham Southrepps •••.••...••••••......•••.•••..••••••.•• Norwich Syderstone ..•.........•••.•...................... Faken/1am Suffield ..................................••.•..•....••• ditto Thoroham,!,!'•!!':!''''~!'''':•········~···"•••••••• Lynn Thorpe 1\larket •..... ,, .. , •. , ........... , •....•....••• ditto 6 • t- ).
NORFOLK. .PARISHES. POST TOWNS. PARIStiES. POST TOWNs Trimingham ........... . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Norwich Trunch ......•••....•......................•••...•••... ditto I · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · • •••• • • • • · L.?.Jnn Newton West • •••••••••• Pentney •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto North Walsham ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bodl1am ...•••....................................... , .. Briston , ........••••••...•••............••••••......••• Cley near the Sea Edgefield ......•••..........•......................... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hempstead·································~··········· Holt •••••••••••••a•••••••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••••• Hun worth ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kelling •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Letheringsett •••..............................•••...... Sal tl1ouse .••.••..•..•.••.••••.....•.....•................ Stody ........•..•.•..••.•..•....•••..•••••••••• · .... · · · · 'l.,hornage: ......................... · · ·• •• · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · SAINT rAITH'S-( G.) DIVISION. ditto Roydon I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Holt North Runcton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Sandringham ditto Setchey •••..................•••...... , ..•........ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ditto Walton East ·················~························ ditto ditto ditto ditto dittfJ ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ~est llcre .....................•••..........••... East Wipch Winch West W ooton North Ditto, South Swqffham •••...•••..... ',. . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . Lynn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WooJferton ...•••............•••......•••...•••......•.. ditto ditto ditto ditta GUILTCB.OSS-(1.) Banham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thetjord Bressingham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Disr !!ASTERN Beeston, St. Andrew ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Norwich Bridgham .........•••.............................. Theiford B I o 11 o rto n . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Catton ...........................•••..................... -ditto Buckengham, New •••••••••••••••••••••••• Attleborougk Crostwich Dray ton Frettingham • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dztto Ditto, Old ......••••••..........••......•••......•..... ditto ···································-············ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Harnford .........••••••...•............................. ditto Eccles ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Thetjord ditto ditto F ersfield....... . . • •• . . . . . . . . . • •• .. . . • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diss Garbold is ham .................................... . Hellesdon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............................................. ditto Gasthorpe Horitead, with Sta.nninghall ........................ ditto Harling, East ........................................ . Thetford ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto Rack heath ............................................. ditto Ditto, West •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sa.lhot1se ...••.•••.•..........•••..••••••.•••....•••••... ditto Heminghall •••..........................•... Spixworth ...............••••••......••••••............ ditto Lopham, North ...•••...•••...............••• ••••••••• ••••••••• Sprowston ............................................ ditto Ditto, South •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• St. Mary in the Marsh .............................. ditto Quiddenham ........................................... Wroxbam .............................................. ditto Riddlesworth ...•••.......................•...•........ WESTERN DIVISION. Alderford ...••••••......••••.•....•.•••......•...•• Attlebridge ......•••.......•••••............••••••...... Norwiclt ditto ditto ditto Boa ton ................... --· ......................... . Brand is tone •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Roydon •••.........•••............................. ·.... Dis! Shelfanger ••••••.•....•••..................••••••...... ditto Wilby • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• •• ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Theiford 'VVinfarthing ........•.....•..•..•••••...•..•.........•..• Diss HENSTEAD.--(3.) Felthorpe ................................................ . Hal'eritlgland .................•............•••......... Honingham ...........•....•..........••••••....•....... ~ Hersford .........•••.............•.....• "'' •.......•••... ditto Arminghall ...................................... . ditto ditto ditto Bixley ....•................•••.......•....•••...•••.•.••• BrammerlOn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Caister, St. Edmund's •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Horsham, St. Faith ..........•••••........•.•••••... ditto Fram ingham, Norwich ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto ditto East ............•••...•••••••••......... Morton •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Newton, St. Faith ....••.......•.•••......•••......... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ringland Swanington Taverham Weston ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Ditto, Pigot ditto Holverstone ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Kirby Bed on ............. . ditto Great or East Poringland, with Little or ~ ........ : ................. . ditto ditto West Poringland ........................... J ditto Rock land ......................•............... , . . . ••• ditto Witchingham, Great .......................... . ..... ditto Saxlingham Neithergate ........................... ditto ditto Saxlingham Thorpe .. . ••• ••• .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . • .. . .... ditto Sholesham, All Saints .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. • .. .. .. .. .. ... ditto Ditto, Little •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • J'BEEBBJDGE Z.YN:N-,(H.) Ditto, St. Mary & St. Martin . .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... •••• ditto Ashwicken ..... · .......•••.............•............ Lynn Stoke Holy Cross ....... a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Balingley ......•••.......................... ~ ..•..••• ditto Sttrlinghalll ....•.•••.•..•..•......•...••.•••••.•••••• ditto Bawsey .....................•••......•••............••• ditto Trowse, with Newton •••...••••••....•..•.•..•••.•• ditto Bilney West . a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Whitlingham ........................................ ditto Castle Acre .................................•••... Swaffham Bracon Aslt .•...... a, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Castle Rising •••.................................... Lynn East Carlton""......... ••• . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . ••• . . . . . .. . • ditto Congbam ...... -. ••••••......•••...•••...•••...••••...•. ditto Co1ney .....................•••...••....•.....•.. , . . . • • ditto Feitcham ......•••. _ .........................•••...... ditto Cringleford ......•••.......•.............•••....•..•• ditto Gay wood .........•••.........•••............•••...... ditto Dunston ........ , . . . . . . ••• ••• . . . . . . . . .•••... ••• . . . . • • ditto Gay ton ............. a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Horden . . . . . . . . . . . • •• . . . . . . . . . • •• • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ditto Ditto, Thorpe .....................•••......•••...... ditto Ilethel •.••••........•••..................•••••• Wymondham Grim!' tone ..................... , ....................••• ditto Hethersett . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . ••• ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brandon Harpley ..................•••............•••...... Rougham Intwood •........•••.......................•••... Norwich llillingtotl •.........................................••• Lynn Keswick ................................................. ditto Leziate ...•••............•••.........•........••••••... ditto Ke~teringham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wymoodham Great Massingham .............................. Rougham Markshall, or Martishall Heath ............... N01"Wich Litt1e Ditto ...............•••..•....................•... ditto Great Melton •..............••••... , ....•..... Wymondlzam Middleton ...•••............•••...••••.............. Lynn Little ditto .............................................. ditto Mintlyn ..... , , •l•••• •• , ••••••• ", •••••• ......... ,,, ••• , • ditto l\fulbarton , , , , , '''-''' ,, ,,,, ,, , ••••••••••••••••••• Noncl'"ch· 6 '
NORFOLK. PARISHES, POST TOWNS. Newton lfotman .................................. . Norwich ditto ditto Wymor~dham Swainsthorpe .•..• I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I I •• Swardeston .••......••..••..•••••..•.••••.............•• W re11ingham .•.••........•....•••...•••••..•• KING'S LYNN-(K.) St. Margaret ····~··········~······-···: .......•..•• Lynn South Lynn, All Saints .............................. ditto West Lynn, St. Peter .............................. ditto North Lynn, St. Edmund's ........................ ditto PARISHES. J>OST TOWNS. Fransham, Little ............ , .......... , ..• , .. Swa.ffham FoxJey •..••••...••••.•••.••.• ·~ ................ I ··•• Dereham ·············-···························· Gat·vestone Gately Gressenhall e e I ' e e I I I e e e' e e e' e ' I e e e e I' I e e e I' e I I I fl ,t e I I • I • e I e. •.........•....••.•••...... , ..•••......... ditto ditto ditto Guist ........••••.••.•••.•.•••......••.•..•• , . . • • • • • . • • • ditto Hardingham •••••..•.•.•.••..........•.....•••••••••• , ditto Hockering ............................................... ditto Hoe· .......................................•••......... ditto Horningloft •••.•••••.•••••.••••..•..••......•• , Fakenham Kernpstone •.•••.••..•..••.........•••.•....... Swaffham LODDON and: CLAV:E:BJNG-L.) Letton .......................................... Dereham Aide by .......••••••••..•.• ,............... Beccles, Suffolk Lexharn, East ....••.•••.•... . , ........ , •• , . , ..• Swoffltam Alpington .............................................. Norwich Ditto, West ............................ ~· -~·~···~~···I ditto Ashby ~~·~·············~············~··~······~~··~··· ditto Litcl1am ·····•~·~··~··~··~······~··~····~~·····~·~··· ditto Bedingham~ I •••••••• I I. I •••• I ••••••• ~· •• Bungay, SZfffolk Longham ......•........................... I •••••••••• ditto Bergh Apton . • • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Norwich -Lyng •••.•.•••••••••••••.••••.••••.••••••• , .•••••. Dereham Brooke .......••..... , ......................•........ I. ditto Mattisl•all ••••••.....•...•••.•.••• I ••••••••• ,.,." •••••• ditto Broome .•...•.....•.......... \.......... Bungay, SuffOlk Ditto Bergh •.................................•....... ditto Burgh, SL. Peter ........................... Beccles, ditto .IVJileham ....................................... Swaffltam Chedgrave .•.....•...........••..•............... Norwich Oxw~ck ...•••........•.........•••.....•.•..•. Fakenhatn Carleton .. , .............••......•••••••.•..••••......... ditto Reymerston •••...•••.•••••...•..•..••..•• •••••• Dereham Claxton ···············••••········~····~•············~· ditto Rot1gl1an1 •••..•.••••••••.••.••.••.••...••••••••• Swaffham Ditchingharn ........................... Bun gay, Suffolk Shipdham .•...••..•••••..•..•••••.•••••.•••..•.• Dereham l~llingham .....•.......•... I........................... ditto South Bergh •..........................••... I......... ditto Geldestonr .................. I................. Beccles, ditto Scarning ................................. I ....... I ...... ditto GillinF:ham, All Saints ............. .-................ ditto Stanfield ....................................... Swa.ifham Ditto, St. Mary ....................................... ditto Swanton Morley ............................ , Derehllm Haddiscoe I ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• I •••••• ~ ••••••••• ditto Sparhan1 .....•.•.....•....•••.. I •••••••• ,, •• I •••••••• ditto Hales ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Norwich Tuddenham, East .................................... ditto Hardiey ············~····~························~····· ditto Ditto, North·························~·····.,·········· ditto Heckingham .•..••.••• , ••••.••.•..•.••....•••..•...... ditto Thuxton ··~···············••• ······················"'··· ditto Hedenham ..•.••......•. ,.1 ., .......... , Bungay, Suffolk Tittleshall • ... . .. .... ..... ........ .. . . . .. • .. . .••• Sawjj'ham Hellington ....• , ................................. Norwich Twyf<,rd ......................................... ~···.. .••• ditto IIowe ................ , .••.. , ...... , . . . . . • . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ditto W eslfield............ ••• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . Dereham Kirby Cane . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .... . Bun gay, Slfffolk Whin bergh ............................................. ditto Kirstcad .................. ,."'•••········•······•·· Norwich \Voodristng ....................................... , ••... ditto Langley ·················•····················'········· ditto \\r"'easenham, All Saints ..........•...... , ...... Swa/fllam Loddon .................................................. ditto Ditto, St. Peter's ..................................... ditto Mundham ........ ···················'···•············ ditto Well1ngham .......................................... ditto Norton Sttbcorse ·-···••··•"···•''·················· ditto \i\7 endling ............................................ Dereham Ravening ham ........................... Becdes, Suffolk Whisom;elt ....... ~ ............................ Fakenharn Seething I· ....................... •••-.. ~. ~ ,, . . . . . ... Nonviclt Worthing............................................ Dereham Sisland ................................................ ditto [ Yoxham •••. ., ....... , . , ........•••..................... ditto Stock ton ...........................•••............... ditto Thorpe, next Haddiscoe .. . .. . ... . . • Beccles, S11;ffolk Thurlto\v Nu1' I I I ••• I I I I I I I I • • I I I • • I I I I I I I I I I I e e I I I I e I I I Thui·Lon I I I I I I I I I I I • I I e I I I e I I I • I I • I • I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I de'tto Thwal"te • I. e ••• I • I I I I I I • ••• I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I o I I • I • o I I I • • r/z'tto (.o Toftmonks .. .. . .... . . . . .. .. .. .. .. ....... Beccif·s; Sujfi1lk Topcroft ................................. Bun gay, ditto Wheat Acre, All Saints ............... Beccle.~, Sujfolk lV ood 1 on .................................... Bunga_lf, ditto Y el\'erton .............................. : ........ . 1Vo7'"1.oicll MtTFOBD au4 LA"g"JiJ)JTOH-(M.) Bees ton I I I I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I I I I o • I I I I ••• I I •• I I I I I •• I B€etley Bilney, East ... ,~ ...................................... . • ···-·············••to•···-················· Swajfhum Derelwm ditto Brifley .....•••••.•.... ., ... , ..•..• , •. , ••............... ditto Bawdes\vell • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I • I I • a I I e I I I I J.Vm·wich Billingford ~.I ......................................... : ditto Bin tree .................................••...... Derehtznl Bylaugh .......•.............................•.•••.•...• ditto C ran wurth ......................... ".............. J)ereltam (~olkirk . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . ••• • . • FalcenliarJl Dunham9 Great . .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . Swajflzarn Ditto, Litt1e .......................................... ditto Dereham, East ............................... , Dere!tam • Elmhatn, North' ........ , .... ·'························ ditto El . ' t s.10g •••......•••.••........•.......•.•••.....•.....• ditto Fr.msham, Great ............................ Swafflwm SWAFFHAM-(N.) Ashill •••............•....... ,. ..•... ~···~~·~·•••••• The{{ord Beach am well ..................................... Swa.Jj-'ham Bodney ...•••.........................•.•.. , ........... ditto Bradenham, East ··············~····.,·~······•····~·· ditto Ditto, West .......•••.•.......••.........•........... ditto Buckenham Tofts ........................... .Attleborough Caldfcot ..................... ~· ..................... l3randon Cockley Cley ···············-················ Attlehurough Cressingham, Great ........................... Swlf/fh(tm Colveston ············•••···~···--············· Ditto, Little ···························~·············· ditto Didliogton ........................ ~· ..•••......•.. Brando11 Fot1ldet1 . , .•••.•...•..••...•.•••...••• I I •••••••••••••••• ditto Gooderstone e I e I e I I e e I I e e."' I. e e e e e e • I I I I"' I I ,f I I I I • • I • I e Hi 11 borough • I Ieee I I I I I e I I e e I I I e • I I I I • I I e •• I I I e I ditto Swqffham ditto ditto Holme Hall Houghton on the Hill I I I I I I e •• I e. I • e I e • e I e e I I • I. e ••• e e • I I • e I I I e I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e e • e e I e • I • I gburgh ....................................... Attlel·orough Langford ..........• , .• , .•............................... ditto l\t1arlburgh ...........•.••.............•••......... SuJaff ham N arford ......•••...•••........... I..................... d;tto N ecton . . . • . . • • • . . . • • • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . • •• . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Newton by Ca!!tle Acre ..................... Swaffham o,;.borough •.•••• e 1 1 I I I. I e 1 I I 1 1 111 I I I 1 1 1 1 e e I I I If e e Brand011, Pickenham, NorLh .............................. Swafflwm Ditto, South •••........ , ~· .... I............. . . . . ... ditto 7
NORFOLK • ATTLEBOROUGH. • PARISHES. POST TOWNS. Sa ham Toney • • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . • . . •. . . . . •. . . . . . Thetford Shinghall) ...••••......•.•••.•.••..•.••.••.•..••• Szvaffharn Soutbacre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . d. ;tlo Spode, with Palgrcl\'C ................................ ditto Stanford .............. A. ....................... Attleborough S\vaffbam ••• , •••......•.• ·-.. •• . . • . . • .•• . • . . • • . Sw'!ffhtJm Threxton • • . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . Theiford 'l'H:ETroBD-( 0.) Barn ham .,. ••.••••••••... ~ ........................... . Earning ham Brand on •...•.....• , ....•................••••••... The{ford llitto Brandon Tlzeiford •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Brettenham ........................................ . Coney W eston ...........••..•••.•...••••••••••.••... Bury {_;ranwich ......•• , .......•.•••.....•..........•...• Bran don Croxton Euston ········~································· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The {lord .... ditto Faker1han1 •••........•...••••••.••••.•••.•.......•.•.. clitto Feltwf'll ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• Bran don Hep,vortll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .... • . • . . . . . • . . . .•••...... Bury Hockwold Wilton .............................. Brandon •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PARISHES. POST TOW;>;s, Holkham ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l.,1J1111 Iloughton ........................................ ~ltkenlutll& KetLlestone .....•.••....•.•..•.. ·····~·············· Langhand ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Morston ..........•..............•.....••.. I •••••••••••• tlilto 1-lolt ditto ················I··················· Pensthorpe Pudding Norton Rainham, East Dittq, South Ditto, West Ityburgh, Great Ditto, J .. iule ········-··,···,···················· Fukenlwm qittoJ Rouglwm ditto dillo }'ukenlwm ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • " ••• ' • ' •• , • t ' ' ' •• ' ••••••• 'I ••••••••••• ~ • • •••• , ............................... lll! •••••• ••••••••••••••• 0 •••••••••••••• •••...•.•....•.... , ..•••..•..•.....•.....• diitr1 Saxlingl!am .•.••••..•••....••.• .,, ....••• ,,., ...... ,, .... Holt " . :Sharr1ngton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,, ••••.•..•• dtlto :Scuhhorpe ....................................... }''akcnham Sttt!'reford ..••..•• , .• ,.,.,., •• ,, ••• ,, .••• , •..•.•.•.•... I •• ditlo St•fl'key •••...•••................•............•.••...... W,ffs Sn(1ring, Great,: ................................. P'ak.t:n/u1111 Ditto, Ltttle .................... _ ..........• , •......... titflo Stel)lJarc.l •...•••.••••..••••••••••.•.•...•..•••.•.•.•••... ditta Swauton \Yovcr.s ............................... ".lJ,re/~t"n Houington 1"atterford ....•..•...................•••......... } ukc11hmn Hopton Kilverstone •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bur!J Thetford Tattersetl., .•••••••••.•••••••• ,, ..•.•. , •••••• • • • •.••• , dilln • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ditto .... di.llo Brandon Thetford Brandon l(nettisl1all ...............•..•••.........••••••.•.• Lynford •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Market Weston 1\Iethwold Mundford Northwold ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••• ...•••.........•••...••••••••••••........... ditto ·····················~··~·············· Bran don Rustiford ..•..••..•••. · ...........•••...•••......... 1~1le!f0rd Santoa1 •••.••.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. ditto San ton Down ham ..•.••.•..••.•••••••.••••••••••.••• d£tto Bury T4eljord ditto ditto ..... u ditto Sapiston Sturston Thelnetham •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............... ··-· ...................... . 'rhetford, St. Cuthbert ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ditto, St. Mary ...•••..........•.•••...•••.... Ditto, St. Peter's ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditto Tofts, West ....... ~ •....•......•....•.........•.•• Brandon Weeting ..........•....................•........•...... . ditto Wr~tham,. East .•...........••.•••..•.......... Thetford Ditto, \Vest ....••..•...••.••..••••.••••..••.•••.•..•.•. . ditto W ALSJNGBA:DI-(:P.) Egmere ...............•••....................•...•..... Fakenhan1 ..•...•••.•.•••••••••.••.•.......•...••.•...• Fulmodes.ton ...•..................•..•......•.•....••• Field Dalling .. ,. ...............•••............•••...... Helhot1gh ton ••••........•..............•..•••..• Hempton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hendringham .........••......•.••..•...•.•.••......... ATTLEBUBGH, or A_ market town, 94 miles from London, through Eppmg, Newmarket, and Thetford, and 14! miles S. W. from Norwich, contained, in 1831, 1939 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed propeny, in 1815, was 95771. Here is a good market every fortnight, be8 Testerton ...... , ••...............•••.....••••.••.••... Toftrees Thun;ford •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Wal~ingharn, Great. •.....•.•••...•••...............••• Ditto, Little • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••• Warham ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ditttJ diilo ditto ditto di!fo Wells \Veils ... ,, .. ,, ... , ..... , .....• ,. ...•••...... , .•... ,, ..•• diit,, ~\· igh ton. .. • • • . .. • •• . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . • . . .. . • n1 \Viveton .........•••••••• , •••.•.• , •...•••..•..••••.•...• Holt WAYLAHD-(Q•) A tile borough................................. Atlleborough Uesthorpe .............................................. ditto Breckles •...•.....•...........•......•...•••.•.••• TJ,etjord Carbrooke • • . . . . . . .••• ••• . . • . • •. . • . • . . . • . . • . . . . • . . • .. . . ditto <Jastoa1 .••..••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••..•• ditto Ellingham, Great ........................... Altleborough Ditto, Little . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•••.•...... .••• ditto Greston .•..•.•••..•••••••.•.•••.•..•..•..•.•••••...• Thelji.1rd l-Iargbam .................................... .Atlu'honmgft Ilockham •••......•..••••••••••........••••••...••• 1'hftj(,rd Illington •...••...•••.••.••.••.•.•••.•.••••••••••••.....• dttlo Larling .................................................... ditto l\1.ertOII ....•.•.••.••••••••.•••.••••••••••.••••••...••• ditto Ovir1~ton ....... · .......................................... ditto - HockLmd, All Saints ........................ .Aliltboroup.!& l)itto, St. Andrew .................................... ditto Ditto, St. Peter ......•••........................•••... ditto Round ham ...•..•••..•..•.•.. , ..••............... Snelterton ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tlielj'ord ditto ditto dillo ditto ditto ditto dilto Scou l ton ..•....•..• , ....•....•••...••••••..•........••.• Shropham ............................................... Stowebodon Tompson Tottmglon - Watton • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• GBEAT YABMOUTH-(B.) Great Yarmouth ••••••••••••••••••• Guat Y{/rmouth A 'l'TLEBOBOUGH, sides a small weekly one every Friday. Annual fairs are held on Apnl 11th, on Thursday after Holy Thursd,,y, and August 15th, for cattle and toys. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, is cruciform in plan. The living is a l~Clory, value 12~6t. per an·
AT1,LEBOROUGH. NORFOLK. nutn, in the patronage of Sir T. Smyth, Bart. The Potter, -. ......................................... Surgeon college of the Holy Cross for secular canons was en- Precious, John .............................. Beer Retailer dowed by will in 1387, by Sir Robert Mortimer. It Seeker, Samuel.. ........................... Basket Maker stood near the north-west corner of the churchyard; Sewell, Robert ................................. The Griffin and a house built on its site is still called the College. Shardelow, James .......................... Beer Retailer The road to Attleburgh is said to have been the first Smith, Christophet·... ... .. . ... .. . ... Boot & Shoemaker turnpike road in England. The act passed for this Span ton, Christopher ........................... Attorney purpose was in 1707. Attleburgh Hall is the seat of Summons, H ................................. Day School Sir T. Smyth, Bart. Attleburgh is in Wayland Turner, John ................................. Blacksmith Union. The Norwich branch of the Northern and Vince, Benj .......................................... Baker Eastern Railway will pass to the south of the town. Warren, John .............................. Watchmaker Warren, Nath ................................ Shopkeeper lfame, B.esidence, & Profession. w e b t J Gl & H · s er, ames .. ............. ... over au·cutter Adamson, William ........................... Day School Wilson, William .................................... Farrier Ayton, Charles ................................. Carpenter Wright, John .................. Straw Hat Manufacturer Barker, Thomas .............................. Beer Ret~iler Post Office. Barker, Thomas .................................... Tatlor Johnsotl Henry Po t aster fl k W . B k "' ' ... • ••• • •...... • •• • ••• ••. •• . . . s m ar er, m · .................................. · ootrna er Letters arrive at ~ past 7 morn.; despatched 7 in Barnard, Rob ................................. Crown Inn the even. for London. I3ird, Chas ......................•.•••.........••... Cooper Bonthill, C. H .................................... Chemist Posting House. Bowden, \Vm ................................. Wheelwright Cock Inn. ···•••••••••·························Peck, James Britt, Isaac .................................... Bootmaker Bankers. Burrow~, Benjamin .............................. Carpenter Gurney's Norwich Bank ...... Drawn upon Barclay & Caley, Sam. Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Mar- Co. London .................. Muskett, J ames, .Agent riages for the Wayland Division Carter, James ....................... Boot & Shoemaker Fire .SC. Life ~.ssurance Agent. Chaston, Benjamin, Agent to the Norwich Fire & Norwich Union ...................... Chaston, Benjamin , Life Office :Registrar of Births, Deaths, & ~ock.ell, ~. S .................................... Attorney Marriages. ~oldmg, ... ames ..................... Boot & Shoema~er Caley, Sam ................... For the Way land District Cook, John ................................. Beer Retailer Crow, Sarn ..................... Beer Retailer & Carrier Coaches. J)aws, Wrn ................................. Watchmaker To London Mail from Grijfl'n, daily, l past 8 morn. Dt::few, George ....................................... Sadler returns t past 5 even. Dodd, Thomas ....................................... Miller Ditto. ..... Telegraph from the Cock, daily,. f past 6 ] lr· " Ja e. p · te even. returns ~ past 7 morn. , tlll", m :-;.. .•••... ••• . . . ••• . . • . . . • • ••••••• •• • . • . a1n r ' "3! l:bba~e, Rohert ................................. Blacksmith pitto ...... Magnet from Cock Inn, daily, l past 7 Tonlsham, James ........................... Beer Retailer even., returns 6 morn. }'owl, Robt>t t. ...................................... Cooper Carriers. Fraucis, Jane .................................... Druggist To London--Deacon, Mack & Co., from Griffin, Tromow, .lohn ................................. Shopkeeper daily, e\·en. Gay ford, .Tames .............................. White Ho.rse To Norwich -Crow, Samuel, 4 morn. Sat., through (.o1r.lspink, S ....................................... Butcher Wymondham & Hetherset, and returns the same Green, Vf illiam .............................. Beer Retailer day, Harby, John ....................................... Painter Ditto ......... J ohnson, H. 4 morn. \V ed. & Saturday, Ilarris, William .................................... Miller through Wymondham and Hetherset, and returns Hazelwood, Robert. ................................ Painter the same days. Hewelt, 'Villiam ................................. Butcher Ditto ......... Wells,-, from the Griffin, every Sat., Johnson, Henry ............................. , ...... Carrier and returns same day. Johnson, Henry .............................. Postmaster J o I t J F. h Classification of Trades. 1ns on, ames.. ..... .. .... . ... ......... .... 1s monger K. H l < 11 e, W C G & D Auctioneer. Leath Thomas . .. ... .. .... ....... ......... rocer raper Killg, Sam ....................................... Blacksmith Bakers. Littleproud W. L W e Ce 'V m Bl •k 'th Vi nee BenJ· am in a r 11 , • • • • • • ••• • •• • • • • •• ••• ••• ••• •••••• ac smt Layton, John ....................................... Butcher Basket Maker. Seeker Samuel 1 th _ea 'fh A · Beer Retailers. Barker Thomas , omas..... ..... . . .. .. . .. ... . .... . . . ... uct1oneer · tindo, Thos ............................... The Bear Inn Cook John Lindo, Thos ........................... Painter & Glazier Crow Saml. Littleproud, Wm .................................... Baker Fouls ham James Lo vtc · k , J a me s •••••• ••• ••• . . . ••• . . .••• ••••...•. A 1 nge I nn Green William M::.ce, Ilobt .............................. Grocer & Draper Precious John l\1ann, John .......................................... Miller Shardelow James Marner, John ....................................... Surgeon Blacksmith.~. Ebbage Robert Miles, William ................................. Sadler King Samuel Moss, J oseph ....................................... Carrier Lawrence \Villiam Muskett, James ... Agent for Gurney's Norwich Bank Turner John Muskett, .JanH'S ........................ Draper & Grocer Boot~ Shoe ll1akers.-Barker Wm. Parsley, Samuel .................................... Tailor Britt lsaac Peck, James ............... Cock Inn & Posting House Carter James Pirrnock, John ........................... Bricklayer, &c. Colding James Plumpton, Hannah ........................... Day School Smith Christopher Ponder, 'l1 homas ..................................... Tailor Bricklayer. Pinnock John Norfolk.] C 9
NORFOLK. AYLSI{AM. ~===================== AtTLE50ilOUGH Ct.ASSIF lCATION c~ntinued. Butchers. Goldspink S. Hewett Wm. Layton Job11 Carpenters. Ayton Charles Burrows Benjamin Carriers. Crow Samuel Johnson Henry Moss Josh. Chemists 4· Druggists .. -Bonthill C. H. Frances J a ne Coopers. Bird Charles Fowl Robert Drapers. Kiddle \V. C. Muskett J ames Farrio·. Wilson Williarn Fishmonger.-Johnston James Glover.-Webster J ames G1'ocers q Shopkeepers. :Fro mow John Kiddle W. C. Mace Robert Muskett .lames Warren Natb~niel Hair Cutter. Webster James Millers. Dodd Thomas Hanis W iiliam Mann John Painters. Drane James Harby John Hazelwood Hobert Lindo Thomas Saddlers.- Defew George Miles William Schools (Gents.) Adamson W illiam Summons II. School (Ladies.)~Plumpton Hannah Solicitor.~. Cockell W. S. Spanton Christopher Straw Hat Mamifacturer. Wright John k~'wgeons.-Marner Johll PotterTailors.-Barker Thomas Parsley Samud Ponder Thomas • Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses •. -Lovick James, Angel Inn Tbomas Lindo, Bear Inn Peck James, Cock Inn & .rosting house Barnard Robert, C{own Inn Sewell Robert, Griffin Gayford James, White Horse Watchmakers. Daws William Warren John Wheelwright. Bowden William ' ing 150 children. The county Bridewell is at Aylsham. The church, dedicated to St. Michael, was built by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, the court of which duchy was once held in this town. In the south window is a painting of the Salutation. This window was presented, in 1516, by J oan, "ife of Robert Bell, citizen of Norwich. The font has over h an architectural elevation of some consequence, with bas reliefs of the four emblems of the Evangelists, the instruments of the Passion, and the arms of Gaunt, with other armorial insignia. The screens and roof of the church were painted with saints, martyrs, and confessors, in 1507, principaHy at the cost ofThomas Wymer, who, on his monument, is represented in a winding sheet. Here are monuments to the memory of the Howards, of whom Richard, sheriff of Norwich iq 1488, built the church porch. In a recess in the churchyard, in a piece oflawn enclosed with iron rails, planted with roses, heart's-ease, and other flowers, is the grave of Humphrey Repton, the celebrated landscape gardener, who died March 24th, 1818. The living is a vicarage, value 425l., in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury. At a shortdistancefrom the town is a mineral spring. Aylshan) is in the union of the same name. Eastward is Stowheath, on which are some barrows, one being the boundary mark of the parishes of Aylsham, Burgh, ~nd Tuttington. About 2l miles N. W. from Aylsham, is Blickling Hall, the seat of Lord Suffield. In the latter end of the fifteenlh century, this manor belonged to Sir William Boleyn, whose son, Sif Thomas Boleyn, was, in 1526, advanced to the title of Viscount Rochford, and in 1529 was created Earl of Wiltshire; honours ·to which he had certain hereditary pretensions, but which were most likely so rapidly (!onferred, by reason of the King's facination with the beautiful :Anne, his daughter, whom Henry the Eighth ma1Tied from here. Its connexion with the hi~tory of tha~ unfortunate Queen, contributes to give an air of interest to the spot. The honours of the Boleyq family terminated upon the death of the old earl, who, wprn out with sorrow aud melancholy reflections, departed this life in 1538; soon after which event, the esta,te wa.$ purchast!d by Sir Henry Hobart, Bart., Lqrd Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, who bQHt thl! present stately mansion, which, as to ~xternal appe<,trance and general arrangement, is still preserve~ i~ its original character, and presents a perfectjl,nc\ ipteresting specimen of the architectural ~aste of that period. Sir John Hobart, third baronet, was kqight of the shire for Norfolk, in the three last parliament~ Cqlled by King Charles the Second, and had the honom of a visit from that King, together•with his Queen, at this seat, in 1671, when his Majesty knighted Henry, his eldest son. In old A YLSHAM, poetry, the foUowing distich is extant: A market town, 118 miles from London hy the road •• BUckling two monarchs and two queens has seen, through Newmarket, Bran don, \Vatton, East De re- One king fet{:hed thence, another brought, a queen." ham, and Heepham, and 12 miles N. from Norwich, Blickling Hall, in its ground plan, is quadrangular, contained, in 1831, 2334 inhabitants. The annual with two open courts in the centre, having a square value of assessed property, in l 815_, was 7283l. It turret at each angle of the building, terminated by a stands on the banks of the river Bure, which is navi- vane ; the clock-towe.r over the entrance is of more gable hence to Yarmouth. The chief employment of modern erection, but contributes to the importance the inhabitants is that of weaving and knitting stock- of the building. The entranct= from the :court in iugs. The markets on Tuesday and. Saturday are very front, formed by the offices and Stqbles, is by a bridge considerable for the sale of corn, and annual fairs are of two arches crossing a llloat; on either side the held on l\1arch 23d, and the last Tuesday in Septem- bridge, upon a pedestal, is represented a bull bearing her. A free school was founded here in 1517, by a shield. The general view of the noble pile from Robert Jannys, mayor of Norwich in that year. It this court, the bridge, the moat, the turrets, the cu· is at present conducted upon Mr. Bell's system. The riously formed gables, all serve to give a very good house and school-rocm were built by Mr. Clement idea of the grandeur and regularity of the dorpestic Overton, and the school-room was enlarged by sub- building oC former days. In the various rooms are scription about 1814, and is now capable of contain- numerous family paltraits and other pictures, alsQ 10
AYLSHAM. :NORFOLK • • statues of Anne Boleyh and Queen Elizabeth. The park and gardens comprise about one thousahd acres, and surround the house on three sides. The park is nearly divided by a wood of old forest trees, consist· ing of about one hundred and eighty acres ; on one side is a two-mile race-course, where annual races are held. The conduit and statues which formerlv adorned the)latform of the gatdens at Oxnead Hali, are preserYed here; also a pyramid, upon a base forty-five feet square, in which are the remains of John Earl of Buckinghamshire, and his two wi\·es. Here is one of the finest pieces of water in thP kingdom : its form is that of a crescent, extending about a mile in its greatest length, and about four hundred yards in breadth. The pleasure-garden, about a mile in circumference, is surrounded on three sides by a terrace, commanding a pleasing though confined landscape, of which the adjacent to\vn of Aylsham forms a principal feature. Frany, John .................... Tailor & Leather Seller Free School. Freeman, John .................................. Stonemason Glister, Thos .............................. , ... Wheelwright God frey, Chas ....................................... Brazier Grimpsen, John ................................. Carpenter Had den, Jas .............................. Tailor & Glover Hall, Elizabeth ........................ Straw Hatmaker Harrod, Jas. Agent to the Norwich Fire and Life Office, & Secretary to the Savings' Bank Hate her, Samuel. ......................... Grocer & Draper Hayer, Robert .............................. Beer Retailer Haywood, Hannah .............................. Clothier Hopkins, John .................................... The Bull Hopkins, John •........••••••........................ Tailor Hopkins, Samuel ................................. Builder Housfield, Edward ..................... Harness Maker HoweS', Robert ...... Veterinary SurgPon & WhitesmiLh Jarvis, Robert ........................... Grocer & Draper Jaxen, Henry .............................. Harness Maker Name, B.esidence, &. :Profession. Johnson, George .................................... Draper Ab bott, Peter ..•••.................................. Baker Lacy, Benjarnin •...........•••................. Plasterer Bain, Rev. John ......•••...••............................... Laxen, Richard ......•••...............•••............ Baker Balls, John .................. Master ofthe Free School Lazarus, David ........................... Dealer In Plate Bane, Wm .....••...•••.........•••............... Druggist Legood, Ann .........•••.....................•.• The Lion Barney, Jas. Boot & Shoemaker, and Licensed to Lemon, George ........................... Harness Maker let Horses Mash, William .................................... Anchor Barham) \Vm .................................... Carpenter Maystone, John ......................... Dealer in Coals Barnes, Sarnl. ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Maystonl:', Samuel. ............................. Sboernak~r Barnes, F·iddey ..............................•••...... Baker Morris, Mary ...••••...•.•........•........... Confectioner Batson, Dyball Potter ........................... Butcher Mileham, William ................................ Artist Becklam, Benj .................................. Netmaker Morton, Richard K ............................... Surgeon Boughey, Robt ..................................... Carrier Muttens, Richard ........................... Coachmaker Breese, Step hen ........................ Draper & Tailor Newstead, William ........................ Cattle Dealer Bull, Wrn .................................... Plumber, &c. Newstead, William .............................. Unicorn Bur~·ell, Geo ............. Auctioneer & Cabinet Maker N obbs, Elizabeth ............ Stationer & Postmistress Burrell, Geo ..................................... Carpenter Pall, Henry ..................... Brewer & Beer Retailer Burton, John ................................ Blacksmith Parmeter, Samuel, Corn & Coal Merchant, Millet· & Butler, Marsh ....................................... Grocer Maltster, & Treasurer to the Navigation Butler, John .............................. Harness Maker Peacham, George ........................... Coal Dealer Butler, Wm ......•••......•••...•••............• , •••• Farrier Pearson, John .................................. lrot1monger Carman, Robt .................................. Shoemaker Pert, William ........................ Painter & Glazier Chapman, J. . ...................................... Carrier Pike, William ......•••.••...•••....••.......•. Blacksmith Chapman, Thos .................................... Butcher Plotter, Edward .............................. Ironmonger Clack, Richd ........................................ Currier Police Station, Market Place. Clarke, Geo .• , ............. Tbe Star, & Dealer in Coals Parrett, Jolm ........................... Fox & Sboemaker Clarke, James .................................... Butcher Powell, Benjamin ..................... Groeer & Draper Clements, Chas. Stationer, Bookseller, & Toy Powell, Benjamin, Agent to the East of .England \'raret1ouse Branch Bank Clovet·, John .......................................... Baker Pratt, Robert ........................ Plumber & Painter Clover, John ... Draper & Grocer, & Stamp Office, & Pratt, William .................................... Plumber Sub-distributor of Stamps Pratt, William ........................... Retailer of Beer Connold, Thos ............................... Watchmaker Priest, Charles ................................. Tea Dealer Cook, Wm .................................... Ironmonger Proudfoot, James ............................. Carpenter Copeman & Parmeter ......•••...•••............ Solicitors Purdy, James .......................... _ ..•....•••... Carrier Copeman, Messrs .... Bankers, draw on Hankay & Co. Pl\rker, John ....................................... Cooper Copeman, Robt .••• Clerk oft he Peace for the County Ran ford, John .............................. Patten Maker Craske, Chas ......................... · ................... Dyer Rep ton, Wm •••..••••••••••.••.........••.•••...••• Solicitor Cutting, Wm ..................................... Dog lnn Roe, F. K ••• Clerk to Lieut. of County& Magistrates Dadley, Jas .................................. Beer Retailer Rush, John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Dale, Wm. . ..••••••••••••.•.••••••...•••...... Hairdresser Rush, William ................................. I .Shoemaker Davy, John ................................. Beer Retailer Saunders, Wm. Surgeon,& Registr. of Deaths& Births East of England Branch Bank. Savings' Bank ............................................... . Edward, John ..................... China & Glass Dealer Sands, J ames ....................................... Butcher Elder, Wm ............................ Boot & Shoemaker Scatter, Samuel. ........... ~ .................... New Inn Evans, David •••...••••••......•••••••••.........••• Currier Sexton, J osh •••....•....•••• I ••• ,.,, •••••••••••••••••••• Baket· Excise Ofnce ................................. Black Boys Skidmore, Arthur .................. China & Glass Dealer Fell stead, Thos. • ............................. Soot Dealer Skipper, Charles .................................... Weaver Fett, Jas ........................................... Gardener Smith, Edward ............ Register Office for Servants Feu, John .................................... Watchmaker Smith, Rich ••• Dealerin Horses & Veterinary Surgeon Firmage, Thos ............................ ~ ...... Shoetnaker Smith, F. P~·········•••••••••· ••••••............... Surgeon Flaxman, John .•.....•••••...•••..•.• ~· .•..........•. Tailor Soame, Geo ....•••••••••.••••.••...•....•.•...•.•••... Miller Frankland, Jas,,,,,,,,,, ••.•••••....•.•••.•. Collar Maker Spearman1 F, •..••••••• ~ •••• ,.,,,,, .................... Tailor 11
NORFOLK. AYLSHA.M. Spink, J os ........ , ••• ... ••• ... ••• ...••• ••• •••••• Shoemaker AYLSHAM CLASSIFICATION continued. Spooner, Henry .............•••............••••••... Clothier Davy John. Slearman, John ....•••...•••..................... Gardener Hayer Robert. ~torm; E ............................ Stmw Bonnet Maker Pall Henrv. Symonds, John ••••••... Operative Chemist & Druggist Pratt Will1am. Thirtel, Robert. ..............................••• Shoemaker Blacksmiths. Burton John. Tattam, Charles ... Black Boys Commercial & Posting Pike William. Inn & Excise Office Boot ~ Shoemakers. Barnes Edward. Turner, Benj ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Barniy James~( and Licensed to Let Hor~es.) Turner, Harnett. ..•••...•••••••••.........••• Dressmaker Carman Thomas. Ulph, Ann ...•...........................••... Dressmaker Elden William. Ulph, James ................................. Wheelwright Firmage Thomas. Ulph, Lucy ................................... Cross Keys Maystone Samuel. 'Vade, Rice .................................. Watchmaker Rush John. Watley, Samuel .................................... Butchet· Rush William. Watson, James .............................. Basket Maker Spink Joseph. White, Geo .................................... Parish Clerk Thirtel Roben. Wicks, Rice ........................................ Tanner Turner Benjamin. Williams, Phrebe .................................. Grocer Rra-zier. Godfrey Charles. \Vithers, Wm. Woodcock ........................ Solicitor Builder. Hopkins Samuel. Witted, James ...................................... Hatter Butchers. Batson Dyball Potter. '-''right, J ......................................... Carpenter Chapman Thomas. \V right, J ........................................ Supervisor Clarke James. Wright, William .................. Commercial Academy Sands James. Watley Samuel. Post Office. Nobbs, Eliz .................................. Postmistress Mail arrives at 11 o'clock morn., and despatched from Aylsham, 3 o'clock aftern. Posting House. Black Boys Inn ........................ Tattarn, Charles Bankers. Carpenters.-Barham William. Burrell George. Grimpson John.: Proudfoot James. Wright J. Carriers. Boughey Robert. Chapman J. Purdy Joseph. Cattle Dealer. Newstead William. Copeman, Mes&rs ............... Draw on IIankey & Co. China~ Glass Dealers. Edwards John. Eait of England Branch Bauk, B. Powell, Agent, Skidmore Arthur. Draw on London & Westmim;ter Bank. Clothi~rs. Haywood Hannah. Savin~s' Bank, Churchyard ...••• Harrod James, Sec. Spooner Henry. ::E'lre & Life Assurance Agent. Coachmaker. Muttens Richard. Norwich Union ........................... Harrod, James Coal Dealer. Maystone John. '!!!!~ bli s h 1 Peacham George. ~u c c 00 • Collar ..lfaker. Frankland Jamus. Free School.. ......................... Balls, John, l\1:aster C .1: . 1\l. . 1\·'~" O'!J ectwner. orns :~.ary. Law Officers. Cooper. Purker John. Registr. of Births, Deaths&. Marriages, Saundet·s, 'V. Corn~ Coal Merchant, .1\filler ~- Malster, ~ Trea· Clerk to the Lieutenant of ~he County ...••• Roe, Fred. sw·er t() the Navigation. Parmeter Samuel. Distributor of ~tamps ........................ ~Clover, J. Curriers. Clark Richard. Excise Office Evans David. . . Draper. Johnson George. Black Boys lnn .................. Wr1ght, J., Supervisor Druggist. Bane William. Coach List. Dyer. Craske Charles. To London the Norwich mail from the Black Boys, Farrier. Butler William. daily, at 3 o'clock. Gardeners. Fett James. '.ro Holt a coach on Mondays, Wednesdays & Satur- Stearman John days, from the Black Boys. Grocers, o/c. Butler Marsh To Norwich a coacQ. daily (except Sunday), at 3 Clover John o'clock afternoon Hatcher Samuel • Powell Benjamin Carrier's List. Jarvis Robert To Norwich Boughey,Wednesdays & Saturdayt, and . Williams Phrebe returns the same days. Hairdresser.-Dale William Ditto •••...... Chapman, Wednesdays & Saturdays, and Harness Makers. Butler John returns the same days. Housefield Edward Classification of Trades. Artist. Mileham William. Auctioneer. Burrell George. Bakers. Abbott Peter. Barnes Fiddey. Clover John. Laxen Richard. Sexton J oseph. Basket Maker. Watson James. Beer Retail~rs. Dadley J ames. I2 Lemon John Jaxen Henry _ Hatte1·. Wilted James Ironmongers. Cock William Pearson John Platter Edward Maltster. Parmeter Samuel Millers.-Parmeter Samuel Soame George Milliners and Dressmakers. Turner Harriet Ulph Ann - -·
BLAKENEY. NORFOLK. AYLSHAM CLASSIFICATION continued. Netmaker. Becklam Benjamin Oper·ative Chemist. Symonds John Patten Maker. Ranford John Plasterer. Lacy Benjamin Plumbers, Painters, ~-c. Bull William Pen William Pratt Robert Pratt William Register O.fficefor Servants. Smith Edward Sclwol, Gents. Wright William Silversmith.-Lazar us David Solicitors. Copeman &. Parmeter Repton William Withers William Woodcock SJot Dealer. Felstead Thomas Stationers.-Clements Charles Nobbs Elizabeth Stonemason. Freeman John Straw Bomzet Makers. Hall Elizabeth Storm E. Surgeons. M01·ton Richard K. Smith F. P. Saunders \Villiam Tftnner.-Wicks Rice Tailors q· Drapers.-Brees<Stephen Baxham John Frany John IJaddon James Hopkins John · Spearman F. Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses. Anchor, Marsh William Black Boys Inn, Tatham Charles Bull, Hopkins John 'l'he Cross Keys, Ulph Lucey Dog Inn, Cutting William Po,-c g. S!wemaker, Pm·rett John The Lion, Legood Ann New Inn, Scolter Samuel 'l'he Star, Clarke George Unicorn, Newstead William Teadealer. Priest Charles 'l'oydealer. Clements Charles Vete1·inar,1J Surgeons. Howes_ Robert Smith H.icbard lVatchma!.e1 s.--Con~old Thomas Fett John Wade Rice Weaver. Skipper Charles Wheclwright.~.-Giister Thomas Uiph James Whitesmith. Howes Robert BLAK.:GNBY. Billing, John .................................... Shoemaker Bond, Henry ....................... Plumber & Glazier Brereton, Robert & Randall ... Corn & Coal Merchants Burt, \Villiam ....................... ;, ........... Academy Butler, Robert ...... Oyster Dredger & Smack Owner Butter, John .................. Wheelwright and Joiner Buttock, Richard ............ Baker and Confectioner Carroway, R. .. .. . .. • .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Calthorpe Arms Coln1an, James ......•..................... ,. ....... Baker Chad wick, John ............ Saddler & Harness Maker Cotterill, Rev. J oseph, 1\l.A. .. ............... Rectory Curl, William ............... Gardener & Greengrocer Doughty, Janres .................. Boot&. Shoemaker Easton, John ................................ King's Arms Fitt, Bennington .. ·-................... ...... .. . . . . . Ship Frank ling, Felix ..................................... Baker Girdlestone, J. • ....................•••• :.... Shoemakea· Grimes, Robert ........................... Beer Retailer Johnson, T. &_G .... Smack Owners & Oyster Dredgers Johnson, Martha ........................... Shopkeeper Kennedy, William ........................... Bricklayer Leatherdale, William . . • • • . • • • . • • • • • . • • Grocer Lincoln, Robert ... Oyster Dredger & Smack Owner Loads, Thomas .. . Oyster Dredger & Smack Owner Loads, William ... Oyster Dredger & Smack Owner Mallet, I-Ienry . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ............... .. . . . Tailor Massingham, John ............................. Butcher Miller, Charles ...••• Smack Owner & Oyster Dredger Mitchell, James ... Oyster Dredger & Smack Owner Mountain, William ........................... Shoemaker 1\'Ioyes, Robert .. . ••• .. . .... . .. .... .. . .... . .• Shoemaker Newland, William ................................. Joiner Newton, Daniel . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . . ... . Grocer Newton, John . . .. ........ .. . ... ........... .••.... Brewer Newton, Richard .............................. Academy Pertrey, George ........................... Smack Owner Pertray, William ..• Smack Owner & Oyster Dredger Pond, William .................. Brazier & Ironmonger Porter, Robert ..... ............... ....... •• Shopkeeper Flatten, George ........................ Church Clerk Sands, John: ....................................... Butcher Sands, Richard • . . . • . . . . . • . • . • . • . • . • . . . Tailor Sterling, John . . • . . . • . . . . . • . Merchant & Miller Storey, \V. S. • . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . White Horse Temple, T. W. & C ••. Merchants & Ship Owners Tyrell, Henry • . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . Grocer & Drapea· U lton, Charles • . Oyster Dredger & Smack Ownet· \Tince, Robert • • . . . . • . . . Licensed to Let Horses Vince,- Robert ..•.•. Shopkeeper & Smack Owner Wailer, Edward •.•••.•.•.•.•••.•••. Bricklayer Wisker, T. . . • . . . • . . . • . • . • • • • • • • • Beer Retailer Post Oftice. Mrs. Ann Wells .............................. Postmistreis Letters arrive at i past 12 ;ldespatchcd at ! past 1. National Schools. Established 1824 by Lord Calthorpe,for tile edttcation f!f Boys ~ Girls, number unlimited. 1 Mr. ~i m. Be art .................................... Master Mrs. E. Storey .. ................................... Mistress A· small port on the sea-coast, 4 miles N .W. from Holt, and one mile W. from Cley, contained, in 1831, 929 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 1468[. It was formerly called Snitterley, and was frequented by merchants from Germany. The Custom-house is uow at Cley. The Vessel List. church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, has a lofty tower To London-the Prudent, R. & R. Brereton, Capt. J. well-known as a sea-mark; the living is a rectory, May The London Tradet·, T. W. Temple & Co. with Cockthorp, Little Langham, and Glandford, Capt. W. Hearn. value 5061. per annum, in the patronage of Lord To Hull the Hull Packet, R. & R. Brereton, Capt. Calshorpe. Here was formerly a monastery of Car- R. Kitwood The Blakeney, T. W. Temple & Co., melite friars. On the coast are Blakeney Meals im- Captain, S. Daniell. • mense sand-banks. Name, Residence, & Profession. BUCK.ENHAM, HEW &. OLD. Alcock, James •••.....•.•. Joiner & Wheelwright NEw BucKENHAM, a market town, 15! miles S.W. Bames Sophia .............................. Hairdresser from Norwich, and 93~ miles from London, by the road Bell, John ................................... , Blacksmith through Chelmsford, Brain tree, Sudbury, Stowmar- . 13 -
NORFOLI{. BUCKENHAM. ket, Diss, and Winfarthing, and by that through Botesdale and Lopham, 94~ miles; contained, in 1831, 795 inhabitants. The annual value of property assessed in 1815 was 15251. The market is on Saturday, and there are annual fairs on May 29, and the last Saturday in November. The church is dedicated to St. Martin, and in the windows are remains of stained glass. The font is curious. The living is a curacy, value 115l. per annum, in~the presentation of the inhabitants. The lord of the manor is cupbearer to the sovereign on the coronation. 0Ln BucKENHAM, 1~ mile N. W., contains )201 inhabitants, and in 1815 the annual value of assessed property was 97381. The church is dedicated to All Saints ; the living is a curacy, value 102l. per annum, in the presentation of the inhabitants. The castle, which was granted by William the Conqueror toW illiam de Albini, was situated ou a hill ; but the ruins of the gatehouse and keep only remain. A priory was founded here in 114:6, the site of which now belongs to the Earl of Albemarle. The chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, on the south side of Buckenham Castle, -was suppressed at the same time as the priory, and has ever since belonged to the owner of the castle, who at present is Samuel Taylor. St. Andl'ew's Hall is the seat of the Hon. and R.ev. George Herbert. Old Buckenham is in Guiltcross union. To the S. W. is Quiddenham Hall, a large and noble mansion, the seat of the Earl of Albemarle, Master of the Horse to the Queen. Name, Residence, &. Profession. Andrews, Thomas, New B ...... Watch & Clockmaker Arms, I sa as, ditlo ....•••.........•.•••............. Baker Austen, Edward, ditto •••.............•... Saddler, &c. Beales, John, Old B ............................... Butcher Bowles, Thomas, ditto •••............•••........... . Miller Bryant, Richard, New B. .................. Shopkeeper Buddery, J. ditto, Shopkeeper, Tanner, & Leather. Cttr Burlingham John, Old B ... Miller & Cprn Merchant Burroughs, Charles, New B. ........ Currier & Tanner Cary, William, ditto ......•••..................... Buthcer Cbapman, Thomas, Old B ............•••... Blacksmith Chapmao, William, New B ...............••• Carpenter Cl owes, E. N., ditto .............................. Solicitor Dains, John, Old B .•.............•••... Retailer of Beer Davy, Anthony, New B ............ ..........•.... Cooper Davy, Samuel, ditto ............ Chemist & Shopkeeper Dodd, Edward;ditto ...• , •• Mealman & Flour Dealer Duffield, James, Old B ...... Retailer of Beer & Tailo E1y, Henry, New B ......•••...•••••..... . King's Head Fake, Samuel, ditto ..........••........ . Retailer of Beer Fison, James, ditto ...•••.................. Chemist, c Foulger, Samuel, ditto .........•••................. . Glm·er Garnham, W., ditto ...••• Hairdresser& Basket Maker Gunton, Samuel, ditto, Wine & Brandy Merchant, · & Tallow Melter Hall, George, Old B ........................ White Horse Harvey, T. B., New B ............•••............ Plumber Hay lett, John, ditto •••••••••.................. Shopkeeper Hinsby, R.obert, ditto ....•.•••...... Clothes Salesman Holl, George, ditto ...............•••........•...... . George Holl, Samuel, ditto ...............•••.....• " ...•••... Broker Hollis, Daniel, ditto .................•••..... .••• Carpenter Hollis, }'rancis, ditto •.......................... . Carpenter Hollis, Robert, ditto ...•••......•••............ Carpenter Houchen, G., Old B ... Retailer of Beer & Shoemaker Howard, Horris, New B ......•......••••......... Surgeon Hunt, John, Old B ..••••.....•...•••... Retailer of Beer Jessup, John, New B ......•••••••...•••••• White Horse John son, Samuel, ditto .•....•••....•............. Carrier Kybird, Thomas, Old B •••...••••........ Wheelwright Lighton, James, New B •.. Baker & Retailer of Beer 14 Lock, William, Old B . ." ............•••... Wheelwright Long, David, ditto ............••••••............ ...... Baker Loveday, John, ditto ...•••......•••......... Blacksmith Mordey, John, ditto ••••••......... Boot & Shoemaker Moses, Charles, New B ........................... Butcher Palm er, John, Old B. ................. Grocer & Draper Palmer, Robert, New B. ...•...................... Miller Penman, Henry, ditto ............•••...••... Shopkeeper Petley, William, Old B .........••• Velerinary Surgeon Potter, Am os, ditto .............. .•••••• Grocer & Draper Potter, John, ditto ••••••............................. . Tailor Rayson, W. F., New B .••.............••••... .... Mason Rotherham, J oseph, ditto .................. Day School Stnith, John, Old B ..................••... .... Shoemaker Stebbings, Elvin, New B ............•••••••••...... Tailor Stebbings, John, Old B . .: .............•..... Blacksmith Steggles, John, ditto ...•••. .....•.•.•....... Miller Stevens, Thomas, New B .. ........•.•. Bricklayer Turner, J ames, ditto ..•••..... Boot & Shoemaker Townshend, John, ditto • .....•....••. Saddler, &c. Turner, Joseph, ditto •.•.....•.•. Grocer & Draper Wallis, John, ditto ....•. Whitesmith & Bellhanger Warne, George, ditto •.......•. Boot & Shoemaker Woodcow, Henry, ditto ................... Baker Wright, J abez, ditto . .......•.•.•..... Blacksmith 'Post Office. Ely, Henry; .. . .. . .. ... .. . . . . ... .. . . . . . .. .. . . Postmaster Letters arrive from Attleborough mom. 10, and despatched aft. 4. Excise Office. King's Head. Brown, John ••••••.••••..••••..••• , •.•••••••••.. <Jollector Hart, Frances ................................• Supervisor Public School. Free School for 36 Girls, 1820. Mistress ................................. Matilda Hinsby Alms houses, Founded 1681, by W. Barbe1·, Esq., for Widows of decayed Tradesmen. St. Margaret'e Church. Fairfax, Rev. J no. Francklin ...... Perpetual Curate Incumbent Hinsbey, Robert, New Bucken""-m ......•... Clerk Carriers' List. To Bury Nudick's van, for passengers and parcels, from King's He~td. Wednesday & Saturday, 5 morn.; and returns Monday & Thursday, 6 even. To Hopton-Fisk, from King's Head, Saturday 1 even., and returns Friday 2 aft. To Kenninghall Bowen, from King's Head Wednesday & Saturday, 8 even., and returns Tuesday & Friday, 12 noon. To Norwich Johnson, from King's Head, Wednesday & Saturday, 3 rnorn.; returns same days, even. 8. ToJDitto.-Chilver, Thomas, Old:Buckenham, twice a week. BUltNHA.M MAB.K.ET,·; or BVBN• HAM WESTGA. TE, with Burnbam Norton, Overy, Sutton,: Thorpe, Brancaster, and Thornbam. A market town, 118 miles from London, through Ware~ Cambridge, Ely, I. .. ynn, Castle Rising, Snetw tisham, and Docking, 22-k miles N. E. from Lynn, and 6 W. from Wells, contained 1022 inhabitants in 1831; and the annual ,.aJue of assessed property in 1815 was 4033l. It stands near the sea, and carries on a good trade in corn, having the advantage of a
BURNHAM MARKET. l\iORFOLK. ~==========================- harbour in the river Burn. The market is on Sa-- Matthews, (S .••••••.. , •••.•••••••• Dressmak/ turday, and fairs are held on Easter Monday, and Mayston, Thomas, lUarket pl •••• Grocer & Draper August "1, for cheese, horses, &c. The church is Miles, William, ditto •.•. , • • . . . • . • . . • • . . • Baker dedicated to the Virgin Mary; the steeple is at the Nash, Henry, ditto .••••.•.• • Chemist and Druggist western end, and embattled ; under the battlemPnts Norman, Thomas ..•••.••••.••••• Cabinet Maker is the old cipher of the Virgin, and several small Norman, Thomas W .................. Engraver figures in niches. The living is a rectory, value 669l. Norman, William, Market pl •.•••. Cabinet Maker per annum, in the patronage of the Crown. On the Roy, William ••..........•..••. Tailor & Draper shore many mounds are still observed, supposed to Oakes, Francis, Marketplace • . Clerk to the Docking have been Saxon or Danish tombs. Burnham Market Union, and Superintendant Registrar of Births, is in Dorking Union. Burnham Tnorpe, !t miles to Deaths, and Marriages, for the district of the the south east, was the birthplace of the heroic and Docking Union immortal Nelson, whose father was many years rector Oakes, Francis, ditto . • Auctioneer and Appraiser, of this place; he was born on the 29th September, Tea Dealer, Bookseller, Stationer, and Public 17 58. Eastward is Holkham Hall, the seat of the Library Earl of Leicester. Peace, John .•.••••• Preparatory School for Gents. Name, Besidence, &. Profession. Place, William • • • . • • . • • . • • • • • . . . . • Stonemason BURNHAM MARKET. Porritt, David, Burnham Sutton • . Maltster, Corn and Alien, Henry ..................... Bricklayer & Plasterer Seed Merchant, and Hemp and Shirting ManufacAnderson, William, Market place ...... Leather Cutter turer Barnes, Robert ........................ Boarding School Poweii, William •..•••••..•••....... Beer Retailer Bartram, Charles ......... Draper & Shoe Warehouse Powell, William •.•...•.••.•.•.•.••• Blacksmith Beevon, Ben ................................. Stonemason Priest, Francis •...•.....•.....••...••. Surgeon Beevon, Elizabeth ................................. Milliner Read win, Elizabeth •.••.•.. Milliner & Dressmaker Beverley, George W illiam ........................ Baker Read win, Robert ..••••....•.•••.•..••. Carpenter Beverley, l\1. A .............................. Dressmaker Sanctuary, J ames . . • . • • • . • . . . • . • • • • . . Carpenter Beverley, William, Market pl ... ............ Bricklayer Savary, A............................ Milliner · Blunt, Charles, ditto ........................... Exciseman Sayer, John, Market pl .. Butcher & Dealer in Game Blyth, W. BurnlwmSutton,Curate of Burn ham Norton Scott, John •.•.•.•.•••••.•..... Grocer & Draper Boon, William .............................. Parish Clerk Sedgewick, Miss An nett •... Ladies' Boarding School Boon, William .................... _ .............. Gardener Sparke, Robert, Market place . . Hoste Arms CornBrown & Rix ................. Wine & Spirit Merchants mercial Inn, & Excise Office Buck, John ............... Baker, Brewer & Shopkeeper Sporne, John •.•••••••••.•••••.•••••••••• Carrier Cable, William, Market pl .... 1 ................... Brazier Taylor, Robert •••••.•••••.•.•••....••••• Broker Claxton, James, ditto • , . , .•......•.•••... Tailor Thomas, , Market pl •••..•.. Supervisor of Excise Claxton, John, ditto, Smith in General, & Licensed to Tinker, Ann ..•.....••...•.. Straw Bonnet Maker let Horses Tucker, Alfred Cooke, Market place . . Grocer and Claxton, Richard ....•.•.••....•.•.•. Shoemaker Draper Claxton, Robert ....•..•..•.•. Boot & Shoemaker Tweedy, George, ditttJ .••••.••••••.••••. Butcher Condram, Edward .....•....•...•... Hairdresser Tweedy,Robert ••.........••••.•...•. Shoemaker Creak, M. A. Straw & Tuscan Hat & Bonnet Maker Tweedy, William, Market pl ....•.•.•...•. Tailor Creak, William ........ , .....•....... Blacksmith Ward, Lydia ............•...•.....••.. Huckster Davy, William, Market pl ............ Watchmaker Warner, William, Market place • • Hairdresser & PerDennis, Augustine ......•............. Surgeon fumer Draycott, Samuel ... , .•........•..• Watchmaker Weatherhead, William, ditto • . Solicitor, & Clerk to Evetts, Robert, Market pl .• Baker, & Licensed to let the Magistrates, Deputy-Lieutenant, & the CornHorse & Gig missioners of Taxes Fisher, John . . . . . . . . . . . • Butcher & Beer Retailer Williamson, John •• , ••.•••.....•..•...••. Tailor Folker, John, M(lrket pl ..•.•..... Tailor & Draper Williamson, Sarah •.•.•••. Milliner & Dressmaker Foster, William ..........•.....•...•.•. Butcher Williamson, W illiam •.•.•••.•. Builder & Carpenter Frankling, William ..........•......... Bricklayer Williamson, William .•.•.••.•...•. Organ Builder Gilpin, Rev. Barnard,. Incumbent of Burnham Mar- Wilson,Jolm ..•..•.•••.....•.• ; .•.....•. Tailor ket, Burnham Sutton, & Ulph Woodbine, P •••••••••••••••••.•••• Blacksmith Habberton, William, Market pl •... Harness Maker Habberton, William, ditto ....•......• Black Horse Hamond, Thomas William, ditto ......•... Butcher Hamond, William, ditto .. Grocer, Draper & Tallow Chandler, and Agent to the Norwich Fire and Life Office Hancock, John ....• , ................•... Baker Helsdon, Henry ......•..••..•.... Harness Maker Hendry, John ....•.•.•.•..•.. Brazier & Tir:~man Howard, William .•........•............. Carrier Hubbard, William ..•....... Grocer & Tea Dealer Hudson, William, Market pl ..•..•• . Rose & Crown Post Office. At the Hoste Arms Inn, Market place. Sparke, Robert ................................. Postmaster Letters arrive from London by mail at t ,past 10 morn. despatched ! to 4 aft. Public Offieer. Superintend. Registr of Births, Marriages and Deaths, for the Docking Union, Oakes, Francis, Market pl. llxctse Office. Jary, John ...•.............•..•... Beer Retailer Thomas, ..•.................................... Supervisor Juler, William ........ Watchmaker & Ironmonger Fire&. Life Assurance Agent. Leeds, Charles ....•. ~ ...•........•...... Carrier d livington, Susannah ..............•. Beer Retailer Haroon 'Wm ........................ · ..... Norwich Union Loose, Henry ....•..... Plumber, Painter & Glazier Public Schools. loose, Thomas • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheelwright Love, William, Market place .. Plumber, Painter and Glazier lrifant School, Bird, Martha ..................... Mistress National School, established 1838, Furnham, James, Master 16
NORFOLK. BURNHAM MARKET. - :List. :Public Officer. To London-Royal Mail, from the Hoste arms, 5 min. Church, Francis H ....... Registrar of Births, Marto 4 aft. daily, through Snethsham & Lynn ; arrives riages, and Deaths, for the Burn ham district of . morn. 10. the Docking Union To '\Veils Royal Mail, from the Hoste arms, 10 BURNHAM THORPE, min. to 10 morn., through Holt & Lynn; arrives Near Burnham Market. 10 min. to 4 aft. daily. Brett, James •......... Wheelwright,&. Lord Nelson <:arriers' List. ' Buck, John ..•.•.•.....• , ...... Grocer &. Baker To Lynn Howat·d, Wm., Monday & Thursday Curtis, Robt ..•..•.....•.••...•..... Blacksmith through I~letcham &. Hillington. Sporne, Jno., Everard, Rev. Daniel, Incumbent of Bumham Thorpe Friday, through Fletcham & Hillington. Greenwood, Erasmus, Master of the Fr Schl for Boys To Norwich Spome J., Friday, through Fletcham Hancock, John ........ ~ ............ Shopkeeper & HilJington. Leeds John, Monday & Thursday, Tuck, Charles ........•........... Beer Relailer through Fakenharn. For Post, Coaches, &c., see Burnham l\larket, To Wells Howard Wm. daily. BRANCASTER, To Fakenham Sporne J., Monday & Thursday, Near Burnham 1\farket. through New Walsingham. B s B St ·' F · • amstone, . rancaster atlfl. • • • • . • • • • • • arner BURNHAM NORTON, Bell, Benjamin, ditto .............. BPe1· Hetailer Near Burnham Market. Bennell, Robert ......•.•. Parish Clerk & Postman 1 Bowen, Robt. Burnham Ulph . ••.•.•••••. Bricklayer Bennell, Nicholas ........•.•...•...•. Blacksmith Bro,vn, J oh~ ......•.•...•• , .....••...... Joiner Bocking, Tl1os ........................... Grocer J ohnson, R1chard ................•... Blacksmith Bolton, Rev. William ..•............. In cum bent Loose, W illiam •.................•. Wheelwright Bunting, William .................. Corn ~filln Priest, Robert ..•.............•..... Coal Dealer Case, Henry •.•.....•......... Uardt~ner & Fiorist For Post, Coaches, &c., see Burnham Market. Coker, Cph .............•. Grocer & Beer Retailer BURN HAM OVERY, Cutting, Thos. . ............... Glazier & Painter Near Burnltam Market. Edwards, John, & Bennett, George .... Shoemakers Beldry, George •... , .•.•...•.........•... Joiner F~ddiman. John ....•.•.•. Butcher & Beer Reta_ilcr Bond John · Par1'sh Clert- G1ll, John .............................. Jomer ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Dawson, John, Burnham Overy Staith .. Jolly Sailor Har~Iey, William ......•..... Baker & Heer Sel.ter Dewing, R. & Co. ditto, Corn Merchants&. Maltsters Hamson, John ..•...•. :. : . .. : . .... Blac~snuth Edge, Francis ..•.•.•.•.•..•..•.•.•... Bricklayer Nurse, Jo~n .... 1\la>ter of hee School ~or 2.) ~oys Groom, John ..............•....... Stonemason Peachey, Edward .................. \\ heelwnght Holding, A lice, Burn ham Overy Staith ....•. Ship P~tcher, W~ll !•un ................ Grocer & Draper Holtham, Hon. & Hev. Fred., Incumbent of Burn ham P1tcher, W tlh<un ~ ........... ,. ...... ·,.:Butcher · Overy and Staith "R:odwell, George, JJurnha:u peepclo~~ .. Bnckmaker Hull, James &. Henry, Bur11harn Overy Stait!t •. Coal St_ddle, Rose, Brancaster Stmth .... ( .. rorrr & ~raper & Coke Merchant!> T1ddaman, John ...................... bu1chrr hes, John ............... ~ ...•........ Ostrich Whi~tler, James ......•................. \"icn1ry Jackson, Lieut. Hobt. R.N. Burnham Overy Staillz, Whistler, John, Brancaster Staith . . . . ..lolly Sado1 Preventive Service Whistler, Johu, dilio , , . , •.• , ..•......... t:re11~r ]\endall, John ....................•... Bricklaye1· Woods, Lydia, ditto ............ G tot er ~-- Drapet J k Job ·u:rh 1 · ht Wright, Wm. Merchant.'~> Clerk to Messr~. Shar.n & Co • • ea ·, n ..•.•.•.•. , ..• , .•...•••• n ee wng I.ewis, Mary ..•...•...•.•.•.•........... Groyer BRANCASTER TBOlL\HA:\J, 1\liddleton, Marg. Burnham Ot•ergStaith, Sho.pkeeper Neat· Burn!l({m TVcsrgale. Nelson, Nathaniel, ditto ........•......... Miller Bull, Charles ..•..................... , ... Baker Piclnell, John ... , ..•. Relie\ling Officer for the Poor Dowday, Samuel ..•............... White Horse Pegg, John •........••.•.•......... Brick maker IIarrison, John, Branca.~ter Staith . . Grocer & Drap~r Priest, Samuel, Burnharn Overy Staitft .. Shoemaker Hopkin, Francis, ditto ............•...•. Cooper Read, J ames ..•...•..................... Miller Mays, W illiam ...........•....•. Royal Sovereign Savoty, John .................. Miller & Maltster Powell, Charlt>s ...........•........ nlacksmilh Smith, Wm. Burnham Overg Staith .... Blacksmith Sharpe ,James & Co. Brancaslt:r Staillt, Corn & Coal Stapleton, Ann, ditto •.....•..... Grocer&. Draper ~lercb.mts & Malbters Tooley, Henry ...• , •••••....•...•... Bricklayer Simmond~, J ames, ditto ....•.....•... Blacksmith Wiseman, T. Thurlow, Burnharn Overy Staitlt, and Post (}f:':icc. Peterstone House, Corn aVnd Coal Merchant BenneH, It .......................... Postmaster Wright, William.: ..• • • · · · • · · · eterinary Surgeon Letters arrive fromLondou al 9 nwrtL; dcspatcheJ 1 For Post, Coaches, &c., see Burnham Market f 5 a t. • DURNHAM SUTTON, • ~arriers. . . .. Near Burnlwm Market. To Burnham Market •.•.•.•..... Dennell~ Rober4 ~tlhng, M. A. • ...••.•..•.....•... Dressmaker To Lynn, Mon. & Thurs. morn. 8, T. & A. l~iddim:lll Curson, Samuel • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • ·······Draper To Wells, Saturday morn. 9 •... H.ippendale, Tholl Carr., George •.•.•....• Beer Retailer & Blacksmith 'D bli 5 h l Cl • l' (I-I S ...- u c c oo • 1urcn, ranc1s • '•••.... •• .... .. . . .. . .. . .. .. urgeon ~ h 1 r. B N J M Ell is, William ........................ Butcher Free ...,c oo 10r 25 oys.. • .. . • .. . urse, ., aster Gan t, J ames ............•......... Confectioner :i\'lanning, .Heny ....•.•.....•... Tallow Chandler TIIORNIIAM1 I' ~.a yd o , n I) · "n Sh et ke Ntar Burnlwrn .J.llarket. .>enJamt . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . o na · r Strutt, Samud ..•.•••.... , •.•.••.. Lord Nelson Bayfield, John ................ Grocer&. Draper Ward, Lydia .................... Pork Butcher Blyth, Rev. Edward G., Bum/'w" Dcepdale, Incum· For Post, Coaches, &c., see Burnham :Market. bent 16
CAWSTON. NORFOLK. Boulter, Josh ••.•.•...••..•.•• Painter & Glazier Some Roman remains have been fouud at Castle Brooks, Elizabeth •...•...•...•.•.••...... Baker Acre. This parish is in Freebridge Lynn V nion. Brown, John, Burnham Nor·lon •••.•.•.•.• . Joiner West Acre High Hollse, tht> seat of Anthony HamBunting, Thomas •••••.•.•••.•••.•.•.•. Butcher mend, Esq., is to the N. W.; and on the banks of the Crane, John •.•.•.•••.•.•.•.•.•. Miller & Baker Naris Narford Hall, the seat of Andrew Fountaine, Dodman, Martin •.•.•.•••. Corn & Coal Merchant Esq. Edwards, William •.•.•.••.••.•.•••. Shoemaker Name, B.esidence, ds. Profession. Eh;don, William •.•.••....•........... Butcher Bit ton, Wm ........................................... Baker Flogg, Fred. • ..••.•••.•..••.•.•. Harness Maker Rev. T. H. Bloom ......... Incumbent of Castle Acre Fox, George, Burnham Deepdale ......••.. Plough Burton, Chas ................................. Wheelwright Grice, John •.•••.•.•••••••.•...••..•. Chequers Bu~h, F ................................. Painter & Glazier Ho"'g, George .••.•••.•.•••.•.....•... Merchant Butter, Edw .................................... Bairdre~ser Holmes, Jt'rancis •.•••.•.•• Cooper & Beer Reta i I er Comor, Isaac .................. Rising Snn, & Brick maker Hooks, Robert •.•.•••••••.•.•••. Cabinet Maker Cook, Jas .................................... Dealer in Tea Hough, Thomas •••.•.•••.•.••.••. Wheelwright Dye, Sam ........................ Licensed to let Horses Howard, James •••.•.•••.•...•.•.•....... Joiner Edwards, Jas .................. Grocer & Chee):emonger Hull, Mary •...•.•.•.•••. Board in~ &. Day School Elvin, B .......................................... Blacksmith James, William •.•.•.•.•••••.•• Tailor&. Draper Floyd, W m ..................... G10cer & Cheeseml'lnger Jarvis, George •.•••..•..•••.•.•.••.• Shoemaker Forby, R .................................... Miller & Baker John son, R.ichard •.•.•...........•...•... Sm1th ( jaiJd"ay .. Chas ............••....•••......•••......... 1-arri~r Loose. 'V1lli:.~m •..•.... Wheelwright & Bt"er Sl·ller Goat, Jrw ......... Boot & Shoeuaa-kt.-r, & Parish Cle,k Plalten, William •...•.•.•.•.•• : ••. King's lh•ad Go:ootlinl!, John ................................. Butchf'r Pomter, Francis •...•.......•.•.•. Beer Retailcor Greeu, Thos ................................. bet-r Ht-t;toler Priest, Robert, Bur11ham Norlon •.•.•. Coal Dealer l:lal'\ey, Jacob ........................... Grm:er & Drupt·t Renaut, Thomas •..••.•.••.••••.•.•.•.•. Groc..,r lJencfry, C •••........•.........................••.... Baker Sharpe & Co ..•.•.•••.•.•...•.•.•... Merchant~ Holdin~, Thos ............................... Couft"ctionn Sharpin, William •.••..•••••.•.•.•.•••••• Tailor Lf'~;t~att, Jas ............................... Macluue l\h~er Sutton, Rev. Charles •••••••••••••••• Incumbent Love, J ol-hua ....................................... Su rg-f'on 'faylor, George ...•••..•••••..••.••....... School Manning, Wm ........•......................... Cart en1er Townsend, Robert •.•••••.•.•.•••••... Bnckla)er Ma_vs, H.obt ........................ Boys & G11·ls Schor l Yaxley & West ••••..•••••••.•••• , .Blacksmilhs Miller, Jno ....................................... Carpenter Post Office. Nicholas, Wm ................................... ,Red L10n Sharpin, Wm ••••.••.••.•.••••..•.•. Postmaster London mail arrives 9 morn.; despatched 5 aft. Carriers. To Lynn-Sharpin, W ., Tuesday and Friday, 8 morn. To Norwich Corstan, Nath., Monday, 6 morn. Rump, Barn ........................ Cht'mist & Drugl;(i~t Run1p, Jno ••••••...•••...............•••............ () Richardson, Jas .............................. Hairdr(' l{ose, Samuel •••..•......••....•••.....•..•..•......... SC:JdJ~ Savage, \\'m .............................. Clothes Dealer !-\hilling, \Vtn .......•......•...•••..... -......••• Shoemaker c Swan, Robt ........................ Tanner & Fellmon)I!H CASTLE AOAE, or EAST AC.E, Taylor, Robt. ......................................... bnker Situated on the river Nar, 97 m1les from London, T~undlt>, C. S ....................................... (;rort'r th I E · N k t B d d S ffh \\ales, Ed w •.•.•.•.•.•. Butcher & Beer Rt•ta1ler roug 1 ppmg, ewmar e, ran on, an wa am, n· I J M 1 from which last place it is .4 miles .1'1., contained, in Wn ah~<k, ndo · 1 ; · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · ·B· · · ·&· 's·h· a tster 1831 1333 · h b't t • d tl I 1 f JS er , :~.eury. • • . • . • . • • • • • • oot oeruak er , m a 1 an s; an 1e annua va ue o w· kfi ld J SI k assessed property in 1815 was 39541. The church is w1 .n ·kfie Id' 0· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 10 8 emal er dedicated to St. James; at the west end is a lofty w·m Ge ' ................•.•.•.. ·B·I· kUIC ~ehr d · tl · d d d'ffi t t IX, PO.,""""""·" .... • .... • ac smit sqfuahre bto~lde~, an mh le wm fowWs an I Tehr~n I par hs For Post, Coaches, &c., see Swaffham. o t e Ul mg are t e arms o arren. IS c 1urc possesses some curious specimens of ancient architecture. No return has been made of the value of the living, which is a vicarage in the patronage of the Earl of Leicester. The castle was erected by William, first Earl of Warren, in the reign of VV illiam the Conqueror, and became a seat of the Earls of Warren, from whom it descended to the Fitz-Alans, Earls of Arundel. King Edward I. was entertained here in January, 1297, by the Earl of Warren. The remains are of circular form, and the site occupies about eighteen acres of ground ; through the whole is the Bailey-street, at the entrance of which is a gate-house ; on the west is the Barbican, and under the walls, Aear the river Nar, is a terrace, whence is a pleasant prospect over the country. The first Earl of ·warren founded also a Cluniac priory here in 1085 ; and \\ illiam, the second earl, founded a new and noble church, the remains of which, particularly the western front, form the finest and most interesting ruin in the • county. The present possessor is the Earl of Leicester. Besides the ruins of the church, a consider. able part of the prior's lodgings is still standing, havmg two fronts, north and west. This very curiou~ portion of the convent is built round a small court, tlnd is principally of the period of 1\.ing Henry VU. Norfolk.] D · CAWSTO:N. A market town, 114 miles from London, by the road through Epping, Newmarket, Brandon, Watton, East Dereham, and Reepham, and 11 miles north-west from Norwich, containc:d, in 1H31, 1110 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3698/. The market is on Tuesday,. and fairs are held on February lst, April 14th, and August 28th, for sheep and pedlary. The church, dedicated to St. Agnes, is cruciform in plan, and the whole, with the exception of the norlh aisle, was built by Michael de la Pole and Katherine his wife. In a window in the north transept is the figure of St. Edmund. The living is a rectory value 808l. per annum, in the patronage of Pembroke Hall,· Cambridge. Cawston is in Aylsham V nion. Boo ton Hall, Sall House, and Haveringland Hall, are seats in the neighbourhood. Name, Besidence, &. Pro:fession. Austin, Matthew •••••.•••...•.•••. Beer Retailer Austin, Thomas •••.•...•.•...•••.•.•.•. 13u tc:her Ben nett, Robert. .•••••.•••.•.•.•.•••••.•. Baket Bond, .John ••.••.•••••.•.•••••.•••.•.•. Butcher Brett, Benjamin •••••••••••••••••••• Wheelwright Hev. R. Bulwer • , •• , , • , ! • , •• , , • , , •• Incumbent 17
NORFOLK. CREAKE. - --..~, I +-·• Burgess, Robert .••••.•. , ••.•••••. Harness Maker Jarvis, 'Villiam •........... Carpentt>r &. JQ.ncr Denny, Richard ••••• , ••.••.•. , ••••.•. Carpenter J ackson, John ll., Brewer, Malts fer & Coal Merchant Dewing, Robert •••••.•••.•.•••.••••.. Carpenter .lary, Mary Ann ..•.•••.••.• , ••... Beer Retailer Douglass, William ••.••.••..•.•••••. Shoemaker Lee, John • . • . . • Corn & Coal Merchant & Miller Drake, Samuel ••••••••••.••.•.••• , •. Shoemaker Lee, John •• , • . . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . • . Whitesmith Dy ball, Sa m ue] .••.••.•.....•.......... The Bell Mason, William • , • . • . • . . . • . . . . . • . • . • . Cooper Easton, Edward •••.• , ••• , ••••.• The White Horse Moo re, John ..•.....•.........•... , . . . Grocer Easton, Samuel. ••.•••. , .•.••••.• ,. Beer Retailer Moore, Marp;aret, Brewer, Maltster & Coal Merchant Fisher, Matthew ••••••• , ... , ....•••.•. , . Grocer Muskett, J. & W. . . . . • . . . . . Grocers & Drapers Fox, Thomas ..• , ..•.........•......••... Tailor Noltorth, Elizabeth , • , .• , •. , • • . • . . . • . . . Grocer Hurrell, Dennis •••.•...•. , . , ... The King's Head Pitcher, J osiah .....•......... , ..... , . . Baker Inson, Watts •. , . , • , .•.•.•...•...•...•. Butcher Hamm, H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . Baker Ireland, Samuel •.••••..............•.•. Grocer Rouse, Richard •• , ••. , ..... Corn & Flour Dealer Kidd, John ............................. Glazier Sadler, Charles .................. Beer Reta1ler Massingham, William, ••.............•.•. Cooper Sadler, William •.•.......•.•.•...•. Shoe m• ker Matthews, John, .•••••• The Rat Catcher's Arms Serjeint, Thomas ....•.•... , •....••.... Tailor Mays, Stephen •.•••.•••••••••...•.•. Blacksmith Shore, George •••••.••••......•...•.•. Butcher Otway, Thomas ••••••..•.••.••.•.•. Blacksmith Stangroom. J oseph • . • . • . • . . . . . Ta1lor & Draper Pye, Matthew ..•• , ••••.•••...•.....•. Carpenter Sturges, D. E. & J. • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . • Brick 1 ayers Pye,Samuel, .•••.•• , ••.•••.•••.•.•••... Builder Thurston, John ...•....•......... , . Blacksmith Robins, Joseph •••••• ~ ..•.•..•• , .••..•.•. Baker '\\'all er, John •• , , ••.•.. , .•.•.•..... Auctioneer Russell, John •..••.••....•.•.•... Watchmaker Wailer, John • • • . . . • . . . • . • . • . George & Dragon Sary, Thomas •..•••...••...•.•.••...••.•. Tailor Scottow, Richard , ••••.....•.•.•••. Beer Retailer Watts, William •. , ••.•.•............. Bricklayer Watts, William ...••.•...•.•.....•. lronmonQ;er Wi\!get, William •.•.•...•.......•... Shoemaker Woods, James ....•.......•.•..... , , Shoemaker Wonhmgton, J a cob ..•...•.•......•••..•. &lker For Post, Coaches, &c., see Aylsham. · C:LEV, or CLAY, with WE.YBOVE.NE and WIVEBTON. A market and sea·port town, on the river Glaven, which forms the harbour, 123 milt's from London, through Newmarket, Brandon, East Dereham, and Holt, and 4! mile~ N. fi"Om the last named place, contained in 1831, 827 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 1846l. The market is on Saturday, and a fair is held on the last Friday in July, for horse!!, &c. This town possesses a fore1go and coasting trade, supported by the corn and malt of the adjacent country, and by the salt works here, whence salt is sent to Holland and the Baltic. The Custom-house for the port of Blakeney and Cley is here. The church is dedicated to SL Marg:ut't : the tower was erected in the reign of Henr}' VI. ; and in the chancel are several curious ancient monumental brasses. The living is a rectory, value :.=~38[. per annum. Cley is frequented as a bathing pl.lce; the sea-shore is flat, and divided from the cultiVated .. country by salt marshes, extending westward. Name, :IBt esidence, &. :Profession. Post O:ftice. Eleys, Mr. J oseph ..........•.•... , ... Postmaster Letters arrive at 12 noon, & despatched at A pa~l 1. "us toms. Bellimore, Mr •.••••••••••••..•..••• Comptroller Bacon, Rob en •••••.•.•••.•••••••••... Collector Jary,Jacob" .................................. Tide Waiter Reem, John •••••••••••••••••••••.•• Tide Waiter Public School. Lancastrian, for 7 5 Boys & 35 Gir]s .• By various Teachers WEYBOURNE. Bolding, John ..••••.••••.•••.•.•••.•... Brewer Hammond, Robert •.••• , ••••.••••••... Bricklayer Bunn, Edward ..•...•...•.•.•.•...•. Blacksmith Cop I ing, Richard . . • . • . . . • . • • • • Grocer & Draper Dady, D. . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . . • . . . • . . . Wheelwright Dawson, John •....•.••••.••..••..•.•... Miller Gun ton, Uev. J ••.•.•.•••.•.•.••..•. lncumbPnt Nurse, Cook •.•••.•••••••.•••••.•.•••..... Ship Painter, James •.....•.•..••.•••.•... Shormaker Pilch, John .•...................•..•... Tailor Row land, W illiam ..•••••.•••.•. Crown & Anchor WIVERTON. Grimes, Step hen •••.•••••••••••. , ••.•. Gardener Knights, J ohu J ........................ Miller Lee, W illiam • • • . • . • . .. • • • • . • . Bell & Blacksmith Nash, Samuel • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • . • . • . Beer Retailer Proudfoot, John: •••.•••••.•••••.•••• Shopkeeper W illiams, Rev. J ..................... Incumbent Brett, John ••••.•.•.••••••••••.•. , . Carpenter Carriers Buck, Charles • • • • • • • · · · • • • • • • • · • · · • • • Sur.geon To Blakeney, Cley & Cromer Hardy, John, TuesBurcham, Robert and Mrs. • • • • • • • •. • . . • • • • School cl &. F · d 6 t Barnard, William •• , . • • . • • . . . . • • . King's Head T aNys . hn apys, d:,nofrnJ., reh ur ~hevedn. t 5 Cl · J h C o orw1c l'OU 100 , o n, urs ay, a moru. 1nstmas, osep • . • . • . • . • • • . • • • • • • ·arpen ter Clack,fJ ohn ••••.•••.•.••••.•••••..••••• Tailor Codd, Rev. Mr. .. • . • • • • . . • . • • . . • • • . Incumbent Coe, Robert •.•••••.•••••• Joiner & Parish Clerk CB.:E:AKE, XOB.TH de. SOUTH, Cooper, William ••••.• : ••••.•••.•••.•• Brazier with WYVEBTO:N'. Copeman, John • • . • . . • • • • • • . . . . • • . • • • Butcher NORTH CREAKE, or Creyk, 117! miles from London, Dew, Thomas ........................... Joiner through Ware, Cambridge, Ely, Downham Market, Digby, John • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • . • • Shoemaker Lynn, and Rudham, and 3 miles S. fa·om Burnham Doyle, Thomas ••.•.••.•.•.•... Grocer & Baker Westgate, contained in 1831, 651 inhabitants; the Eley, Joseph . • . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . Hairdresser annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3816/. Farthin~, Robert .••.....•••. · ....••.. Shoemaker The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the Gibbs, William .••.•.•••••... Fishmonger's Arms living is a rectory, value 1.077/. per annnm. Sir Gogle, Henry •••••.•••••.•••...•...•... Joiner Robert de Nereford, constable of Dover Castle, Gogle, Henry • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • Three Swallows founded a church to the honour of the Virgin Mary lS
CROMER. NORFOLK. Young, John, ditto •. _.Plumber, Painter & Glazier Youngs, Jame:~, North Creake •.•• Tailor & Grocer For Post, Coaches, &c., see Burnham Ma rket. A. D. 1206, in Lingerscrdft, a meadow lying between this village and Burnham, containing 400 acres. P1·eviously, in the reign of Henry the Second, Sir Robert, and Alice his wife, had founded a hospital, dedicated to St. Bartholomew, for a master, four Public Schoools. chaplains, and thirteen lay brethren. William de National School for the education of Eighty Boys and Geyst. the first master, soon after, with the,consent of Girls, supported by voluntary contributions. the Lady Alice, exchanged the secular for the cano- Reeve, William, North Creake •••. .......... Master nical habit of the order of St. Austin, and was called Reeve, Elizabeth ................................. Mistrese the prior of St. Mary de Pratis by Creake. In 1230, Almshouses. the said lady having granted the patronage of the In North Creak, there are four Alms houses, foun~ed priory to King Henry the Third, he made it an in 1500 by the l\lonsuer family; also, the value of abbey, and confirmed its privileges; the walls of the a barrel of white herring.:;, which Richard Mon~uer abbey church are st.ill remaining. • endowed in 1572, for the purpo$e of clothiug the SouTH CREAK£• about half a mileS. from North inmates of the above, yearly. Creake, contains 831 inhabitants ; and in J 815 the l!.nnual value of assessed property was 3587/. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the living is a vicarage, value 325l. per annum. Ihlf a mile southward from the church, on. the road to Syderstone, are the remains of a very extensive encampmer.t; the way to it is called Bloodgate, and around the field is great plenty of the herb called Daneblood, or Ebulum. Towards the sea side in all the neighbouring villages are tumuli ot little h1lls, whic.h were burial places of Danes and Anglo Saxons after the en~agements in these places. To the northeast is Holkham Hall, the seat of th~:: Earl of Leicester. ~B.OMER. On the sea coa~t, 129 miles from London, by the toad through Newma1 ket, Brandon, Watton, East Dereham, Heepham, and Aylsham, and, through Newu'larket, Thetford, Wymondham, Norwich, and North Walsham, 132 miles, is d1stan110t rnlles N. from Ayl2>ham, a11d contained \n 1831, 1232 inhabitants. The annual ,·alue of asiE'ssed property ih 1815 was 16731. This town, situated on a cliff of considerable height, has become a well frequented wateting place of the nei~hboming gentry, in conse .. quence of the pi<!turesque beauty of the adjacent country, and the grandt>ur of the sea view, enli,•ened Hame, B•sidence, &. Profession. with ''essels. The shore is a fine firm sand, and pte~ Bambridge, Martin. North Creake ••• , •• Blacksmith sents a ·Jevel Surface for several m1les. Although Bathurst, Rev. V en Henry, ditto ••••.... lncqmbent there is no ha1'bour, a ronsiderable trade is carried on, Billing, J ames, ditto ..•.•.•......... Be~~r Retailer aud great t}\falltities of coal, tiles, oil cake, porter, &c., Brett, j ohn F. ditto ....•.•.........•..... Baker are imported in vessels carrying from sbtty to one Bunting, An ton, South Creake •••. Grocer & Draper hundred tons burden; corn is also exported. The Colli!.on, George, North Creake ..•.... , •• Butcher market, famous for crabs and lobsters, is on SaturCuthbert, James, ditto ..•.•. Baker & Flour Oraler day, and an annual fair on Whitmonday is held on Dayless, William, & Bumbridge, George, ditto 1\la- the margin of the sea. The church, dedicated to St. chine Maker> Peter and St. Paul'" was erected about the time of Durrant, Robert, & Fitt, George, ditto .. Shoemakers Henry IV. and is built of flint and stone; the tower, Durrent, Robert, sen. dittu •••.•••.•. Pari~h Clerk which is embattled, i& one hundred and fifty-nine Gogy;s, Rev. Henry, South Creake ..•.• • Incumbent feet in height. The living is a vicarage, value 99/. Goodman, Mark, ditto ....•. Joiner & Wheelwright per annum, in the patronage of the Bishop of Ely. Goshawk, James, North Creake •... Tailor & Grocer Here is a free-school, founded by the will cf Sir Bar~ Hastings, J ame!i, South Ct·eake •.•••.•••••. Tailor tholomew Reed, a. native of this place, who was Holmes, John, ditto •••.•••.•.....•••. Bricklayer Lord Mayor of London in 1502. Cromer Bay has Hopson, Henry, ditto . , •••.•.•. Grocf't & Draper also the appellation of the.Devil's Throat; shipping Lunness, John, ditto •••.•••• Joiner & Wheelwright ha,·ing no roadstead are in much danger during Lunness, Newby, ditto •••... Tailor & Parish Clerk stonny weather. Life-boats are established here to Lunness, W! & Harpley, John, ditto •.••••.. Bakers succour the ·distressed. The lighthouse, on an Mays, H .. ditto ••....•.....••..••.. Beer Retailer eminence eastward of the town, commands an extenMorley, Samuel, ditto ....•. Joiner & Wheelwright sive sea view, but the inland prospect is confined by Morris, Pilgrim, dttto ....•.••••••.•..•••. Smith a range of hills. The sea in this neighbourhood, Mott, Charles, North Creake •••••••• Beer Retailer and on the whole of the Norfolk shore, is particularly Mott, Robert, ditto •.•........•••... Wheelwright dangerous. Between Flamborough and Spurm Heads, Oliver, John, South Cre11ke Chequers, Brwr & Sddlr and Winterton Ness, the most eastel'ly points of land Rix, Thomas, North Creake ••.•••.••. Blacksmith on this side of the island excepting the North ForeRolling, William, South Creake ••••.••. Blacksmith land, the land retreats inwards, forming a large bay, Sexton, Robert, ditto •.....•••...•.•••.•. Cooper the bottom of which is the lUetaris estuarium. If Sbackcloth, W11liam, ditto ...••.•... Beer Retailer vessels leaving Flamborough Head proceed south. Sims, RobP.rt, ditto . , . , ..••••..•••. Schoolmaster ward, and meet with a hard gale from any point beSmalls, William, North Creake •• Basket l\Idker & tween N. E. and S. E., or if leavini Yarmouth Roads, Bee1· Retailer proceeding northward, tht>y are retarded by the wind Softly, Thomas, South Creake •.•••.•••• Blacksmith blowing hard from the N. E., so that they cannot Spoouer, Edward, ditto ..•.......• , , •.... Joine1· weather Winterton Ness, they become embayed, and Stibbard , & Todd, Samuel, North Creake, Joiners the only chance of safety is to run for Lynn Deeps; Tuck, Robert, ditto .......•.•..•.•.•. Shoemaker in attempling which, they are in danger of foundering Tudtlenham J ames, Soul!~ Creake ....•. Shoemaker on the rocks hear this town, or stranding upon the Wasey, Thotnas, ditto ....•.•.•... , .•. Shoemaker flat shores between Cromer and Wells Every year Wh1sker, John, ditto ....•.•.•..••.•. Blacksmith the sea makes rapid enci'Oachments on the cliffs: the Wo1dingham, James, ditto ..•.•...•. Basket Maker village of Shipden, whit::h lay between Cromer and Youug, John, ditt<J •••••••••••••••• Black Swan the sea, together with its church, dedicated to St. . 19
NORl'OLK. DISS. Peter, has wholly disappeared; and at very low tides Newman, William .•••...•.......•.. Bricklayer are still to be seen large masses of wall, which sailors Newstead, Ellis •.....•... Wine & Spirit Merchant denominate the Church rock. Cromer Hall, the seat Pank, George .. Auctioneer & Lodging House Keeper of George Wind ham, Esq., is an old mansion; the Pank, Mary ..•....••...•. Lodging House Keeper sequestered walks in the wood m~ar it are delightful, Pank, Thomas .........•..••....••••.... Cooper and the ~rounds are ornamented by plantations. Be- Plumbly, Robert, Licensed to let Po~t Horses, & yond is Skeat's Hill, an eminence commanding a fine Lodgin~ House Keeper view of variegated country. About three miles to the Porter, M .....•.•...•.•.•. Lodging House Keeper west of Cromer are the remains Of Bees ton Regis Pull, J oseph ..•...•.....•.•......•..•. Butcher p1·iory; they are on the sea-shore, and are extremely Handall, Thomas, Dealer in Curiosities, & Keeper of picturesque. At Sal1house, a coast town about ten Baths miles to the west of Cromer, is a grand re5ort for the Ransom, Richard ..........•. Amber & Jet Cutter duck, the goose, the coot, the curlew, and the guli, Ransom, Tahitha, Garden street~ ... The Wellmgton clouds of which blacken the surface in various direc- Ra)'ner, Francis .............. The New Inn Tap t1ons. Among the creeks of these mar-.hes is caught Rust, Benjamin, & John Wm. High street, Drapers & the Salthouse eel, famous for a peculiar delicious fla- Grocers, Agents to the Norwich Union Fire Uffice vour. Cromer is in Erpingham Union. Rust, John •.....•.•.•.•......••. Lodging House Name, Besidence, &. Profession, Sand ford, Henry ..........•...••.. Coal Merchant .Abel Gcorge Bootmaker Sharp, Re\'. Mr •...............••.•••. Incumbent A lie; Jam~s ..•.•.•.....•.........• B. oat Owner Sidle, James ..•...•.••..•.•.•........... rfa1lor , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . Bavc.eld John Ta1·Jor S1mons, Sam ..................................... Carpenter • ,J 11 ' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - Hayfield, ~latthew, West street •...•.• , •.•. Tailor S~mons, S~rah ........................ Straw ~atmaker Bayfield, S •...•..•.•.•.•• Brewer & Beer Retailer Sm~ons, S1meon, Jetty street ..... .'!he Mar me ,Baths Bl"asy, John ....•.•.......•. Fishmonger & Carrier Sm~th, Thomas .................. Lodgwg House Keep~r Bill ham, J ................ Greengro( er & Basket Maker Stmth, 'Y. m ........ · ............. Lodgmg Ho~se Keeper Breese-, John, High street •.•. Baker&. Confectioner ~wan, \\ 1lham .......................... ,. ...... F1shmonger Brooks, .John ..........•.• , •...•••. Beer Retailer femple, .Mary .................. Lodgmg House Keeper Brown, J ohu ..•.......••..... , ..•..... Maltster Thirkettle, T ............................ Working Jeweller Burnett, Mr ... , .Boarding School for Young Gents. Tucker, George Cook, H1gh street, New Inn Corn· B ton I a. ll B · t k rnercial & Postin~>" House ur , s ac ••.•. "'. 11 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 00 013 er n Bur ton, Sewel Any. Howes , ...•.•.....•... Baker ~ebb, Thomas ................................. Red Lion Bllrlon Sewel Blacksm1'th \\ih1tten, John .................................... Carpenter ' ..................... . Chadwiek, James ..•••.•.•.....•.•..... Fruiterer Wyld, David ............... Parish Clerk & Carpenter Chadwick, J ames •.•...•. Saddler & Harness Maker Chad wick, William ............ Grocer & Cheesemonger Christmas, Mary A ••••.•... Lodging House Keeper Clark, Robert •.•...•.•.•.•...•....• Hairdresser Collison, S. Postmistress, &. Lodging House Keeper Covall, Samuel, Runton, nem· Cromer, Superintendent H\ gistrar of Births, Deaths, & Marriages Cross, J ;~mes ........•.•......... Coal Merchant Post Office. Collison, S. .. ............................... Postmistress .!\Jail arrives at f past 1:2, and returns ! past 2. Posting House, New Inn, High strut, Tucker, G. C. Public Officer. Curtis, Elizabeth •...•...•• , .•.•.•.•. Blacksmith Preventive Station. Curtis, James, High street ..•.••••..•..... Grocer Ross, Lieutenant ........................... Chief Officer Curt~s • .T oseph • · • · • · • · • · • · · · • : • · · · · · · · 1 • • Farr.ier l'ire &. Life Assurance Agents. Curt1s, Joseph • · • • ·······.Fruiterer&. B.acksnuth Norwich Union, High st1·eet ......... Hust, B. & J. W. Eart, Charles ...•..........•.....•.•.•. Surgeon }'ield, N •..•...............•. Boot & Shoemaker T H 1 & A CarrierJ. S Field, Thomas Wm. High street .. Draper & Grocer 0 0 t • ylsham Beasy, · on Wed. & at. at F A D I · C · · · 10 morn & 3 aft ox, nne. • . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ea er m u rws1 t1es • • Gray, Thomas ....•...•.........•. Livery Stables :Public Schools. Green, J ames • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Grocer & Draper Free School, founded by Sir B. Read, Knt., and Hard_ingham; John, High street ., .. The King's_Head endowed by the Goldsmiths' Company. Ilarr~s, Geor oe • · · : · · · · · · · · Lod~mg H?us~ Keeper Girll School founded by Mrs. Buxton Sidle, Sarah Harnson, Mary, Htgh street, Hamson'~ Family Ho!el ' ' Mistres~ Heath, F;~ ·.· · · • · · · · · · ·······Chemist & Druggist Infant School .. ................... Bishop, Miss, Mistress Jacob, \\1lham •.....•....... Shoemaker & Bather Jar\'is~ lJenry •••••.•.•.•••.••..•••.•••• Butcher Jar,, is, ,T •••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• Painter J arvis, J ames ......................•... Glazier D J S S. Jarvis, Joseph •.•.........•....... Ropernaket· A market town on the borders of Suffolk, 21 miles Jarvis, William •.....•.•. Lodging House Keeper S. by W. from Norwich, 36 miles from London by Johuson, Herbert .......•..........•... Soli~:itor the road through Romford, Chelmsford, Brainttee, Leak, Mary .. Circulatin~ Library & Toy Warehouse Sudbury, and Stowmarket, and 91 through Bury St. Le Francois, Monsr ............... Hotel de Pm·is Edmunds and Ixworth, containec.l in 1831, 2934 in· Loines, C. Garden street, Brewe1· & Retailer of Beer habitants. The annual \'alue of assessed property in Mack, James •............... Boot & Shoemaker 1815 was 6999/. The town is situated on a rising Mack, J. T ............... W~tch & Clockmaker hill on the banks of the river Waveney; towards the May:!!, Frederick ............•....... }<'ish monger south is a large meer or lake, abounding in fish, par· Middleton, John ................ The White Horse ticularly eels. The market is on Friday, and is sup· Milam, Betsy .............. Lodging House Keeper plied with large quantities of linen cloth; and an Murrell. Timothy, Suxted, near Cromer, Registrar of annual fair is held on November 8, for cattle and Deaths, Bir1hs, & Marriages toys. ThE' greater part of the inhabitants are em·
DISS. NORFOLK ~~===========================================· ployed in the manufacture of hempen cloth and stockin;,?;s. The eh urch, dedicated to the Virgm Mary, is remarkable for its clerestory tier of windows, d isposed in pairs, five of which are on each side of the 11ave, having a plain pilaster between every double window. The heads of the windows are rather of an unique kind, with the arch f()rmed of a wavinl? line. At the end of the north aisle is a chapel formerly belonging to Corpus Christi guild ; opposite is another, belonging to the brothers of St. Nicholas' guild. Between the nave and chancel hangs a saint's bell. In an upper north window of the nave is a man in a blue robe, with a red mantle, kneeling on a cushion telling his beads, and a label, " Jesu Christi Dei mi~;erere mei ;''opposite is a woman in the same attitude, with " Mater sanctc& Dei, ora pro . ... ,'' without armorial bearings, or any other inscription. The Jiving is a rectory, value 7151. per annum. Here is a grammar-school, and near the churchyard is an almshouse. Diss is in Depwade Union. Scole Inn, 2 ~ miles east from Diss, the sign of the White Hart, was built in 1655, by John Peck, merchant of Norwich, whose arms are over the porch. The sign-post was formerly remarkable for its armorial and emblematical decoratious, carved by l'airchild, but it has long been removed. Here was also a large round bed, made, it was supposed, in imitation of the great bed at Ware. Cattermole, Isaac, Church st •.•...•...•... Broker Chaplyn, W1lliam, Common .... Miller & Merchant Cobb, Samuel, Merest, Carpenter&. Toy Warehouse Coe, J. & J. Chapel st Plumbers, Painters & Glaziers Comwell, William, ditto .•.. Gardener & Seedsman Cotman, Thos. Cock st, Grocer, & Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages Crisp, Elijah, Market pl ............ Fi~ohmonger Cupiss, Francis, Jlrlere st, Chemist & Druggist, Oil & Colourman, & Patent Medicine Vender Cupiss, Francis, ditto •...•... Veterinary Surgeon DeLenham, Edward, Crown st ........•... Draper Dove, John, Cock st •.•. Watch & Umbrella Maker Do,·e, Miss, Mere s! •••••••• Straw Bonnet Make1· Dysoo, Thomas, Square .. Sub-distributor of Stamps Edgington, Solomon, Mount st ..•. Tailor & Draper Ed wards, Franc is, ditto •......... Saracen's Head Eldridge, James Upton, Market pl, Oil & Colourman Farrow, J. & J. Cock st, Tim her Merchants, Builders, & Sur\'eyors Fincham, Robert, Agent to Pelican Fire & Life Assurance Company Freeman, Ed ward, .11-fer·e st •.......•. Shoemaker Frere, Ternple, Rev. Ro!Jdon hall, Magistrate for the County of Norfolk Frost, John, Cock st ..•...••....•.•.••..•. Baker Garrard, Robert, ditto ..............•. Brick layer Garrard, Timothy, ditto •.•.••....•.•..... Cock Name, B.esidence, &. Profession. G tt N tha ,·el arra 111 t st Bl k mi-th , a n , Jt oun . . . . . . . . . . ac s Abbou, Edward, Pere st •.•.•. Printer & Stationer Garrett, Nath. Churcltat,The Dolphin, & Coach Buildr Aldrich, John, Mount st, Plumber, Painter & Glazier Gooderham, Edward, Cock st .. Gardener & Seedsman Aldrich, Robert, Crown st ..•.•.•. Grocer & Draper Goold, Philip, J.lfere st •.•.• • Blacksmith & Publican Alclrich, Robert, jun. Crown st ••...• Brush maker Gostling, Thos. ditto .. Bookseller, Stationer, & Glass Alger, Charles, Crown st •...•.•.•.....•. G1 ocer and China Ware house A\ger, James, Merest ..•.•...•.......•. Grocer Hague, William, Bridge st •.............•. Tailor Alger, John, Chu1'clz st, Corn, Seed, M;1lt, Wool & Hall, William, A1arket pl •.•.•. Draper & Mercer, General .Merchant Wholesale & Retail Andrews, William, Cock st •.....•.....•... Tailor Hammond. William, 'Market hill .. Boot & Shoemaker .Atkins, George, Chapel st •...•..•..•... Carpenter Harrison, Pbillip, Crown st •.........•... Surgeon Banen,- .J.'W.arkrt pl •.•....•....•...•. Coal dealer llarrison, W m, ditto •.•. Cabinet Maker & Appraiser Baldwin,John, ditto •••... Grocer & Confectioner Hamton, Robert,Market pl ....•...•.• • Hairdresser Bald win, William, Mount st ••••....•. Clogmaker Hayward, Henry, Cherry tree la •.. ..... Blacksmith Balls, H., Crown st •...........•.•.•...•. Broker Hay wood, Thomas, Bridge st . .•. Boot & Shoemaker Barkham, Thomas & Sons, lt!arket pl, Brush Manu- Holmes, John, J.lfere st •............•..•... Dyer facturers Howe, J. M. Market pl ..•. Draper & Mercer, Agent Barkway, John, Mount st •.....•...•. Clogmaker for the West Middlesex Insurance Office Battell, William, ditto •.•••••.•.•. Cabinet Maker Hubbard, George, Mount .~t ...•........ Bricklayer Baxter, N., Merest •.••••.••.•••.•• Confectioner Jarman, Willam, Bridge st •.•.•...• . Basket Maker Berrett, Benjamin, ditto •.•• Cross Keys, & Cooper Jay, Thomas, Common ......•.......•..... M iller Berrett, The Misses, Crown st •.•••.•... Seminary Jeffrey, John, Merest ....•...•.•. Umbrella Maker Bearham, Edward, Cock st ..•...•....• Shoemaker Juby, Thomas, Market hill •.•.•.....•...•. Baker Birch, Thomas, Bridge st •.•.....•....... Cooper Kerry, Jonathan, Mount st •••...•..• Wheelwright Birch, Thomas, Crown st •.•••.•.•....... Cooper Knowles, Samuel, Cock st ......•...•. Shoemaker Bird, John, Cock st, Agent to the Norwich Equitable Leech, Mrs. Market pl •...•...•.....•... .l\1 illiner Assurance Company, Broker & Auctioneer Leech, Thomas, Crown st ..••............ Hosier Blomfield, James, Church st ••••...... Shoemaker Le Good, Elizabeth, ditto ..•.•.• . Ladies Shoemaker Bobby, William, Crown st, Linen & Woollen Draper Leit, T. & Son, ditto ..•.•.•.•.•.•.•. Coachmakers Bond, William, Cock st •••.•...•..•.. Shoemaker Long, John, Market hilt .. Music & Dancing Master Brane, Samuel, Market pl •.•.•..... White Horse Lucock, J ames, Church sl .... ............... Butcher Brood bank, H., Mount st •.•... Straw Hatmaker Lucock, James, Market pl •.•...•...•... Butcher Bronk, S., Merest •.•.•••...•.•...•. Ironmonger Mallott, John, Merest •....... Gun maker & Smith Brown, Philip, Chapel st, Pdrish Clerk & News- Manning, Rev. Wm. Rector & Magistrate for County paper Agent Mapletone, Jane, Merest, King's Head Commer. Inn Browne & \V a llace, Mount st ..•.•....... Solicitors .Meadows, Robt. Crown st ...........•..•. Turner Bryant, Daniel, Merest •...•••.....•..... Tailor Mimes, William, ditto •.•...•........... Surgeon Buckingham, Timothy, Crown st •...•. Half Moon Morris, T. B . . Mount st •.... .... Rector of Sluffinger Burch, Mrs. Cock st •.•...••..•...•... Seminary Moyce, Robert, Market pl ..•.•.•••.•...•... Star Burrows, Arthur, Bridge st ....••..•. Hairdresser M urton, Jemima, .Mount st •. Milliner & Dressmaker Burrows, Bentley, Market pl •...•..... Hairdresser Muskett, John, ditto .. Solicitor, Clrrk to Magistrates Burrows, William, Mere st •.•.•.....•..... Hosier and Coronet· Carver, Enoch, Market pl ..•.......•... Bell Inn Nice, James, Crown st .........•.... Glovemaker Catchpole, James, Mount st, Agent for Foyster & Co. Nurse, Thomas, .J..Vla.rket !lilt . ......... Cornchandler Carriers Oakes, Fincham, Bevan, & Moor, J.lfarket pl, Bankers 21
NORFOLK. DISS. =========~~============:====================~-~--= Parker, John, Cock .Yt, Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Pell ican Life , •••..•.•••.•.• , • , Finch;J m, Robert Parker, Richard, ditto .••••. Gardener & Seedsmar1 Suffolk & Gen~ral County Amicable .••. , R1x, B. J. Parker, Richard, Cherrytree la ....•..••. Cherry tree Sun, Crown st .. ,............. Sparrow, Wil11am Parr, Robert, Cl10pel st ......... Organist & Sexton West Middlesex, Market pt .. •., ••. , ,llowe, J. M. Paynt, Nun, ditto ................................. Carrier Peake, Robert, Cock st.. .. .................... Shoemaker F' h B :Bankers. Pike, Mrs., ditto .... .......................... Dressmaker TOak 1 es, 1Dnc am, evan & Moor ......... 1.lfarket pl Plum mer Merest Blit~her ay or & yson • · · , . · •..•••..•.•••..... Sqtlare ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ Ready, Richard, Church st •.•••. Boot & Shoemaker Coach List. R~ad, Tl,omas, Crown st • • • • • · • • · · • · Shopkeep~r To London-the Phenomena, from the King's Head R1x, B. J ... Agent to Suffolk & General County Am•· daily, morn, 9, aud returns at 6 even. cable Insurance Com. Rose, John, Crown st ...••.•.•.•.•••••. Surgeon Oarrlers' Liat. Rudd, VYilliam, Cock st •••.•.•.•.•.•• Shoemaker To Bottlesdale, lxworth & Bury Mothersole, every Rush, Thomas, Common ••..•••..••.....•. Miller Tuesday and Friday, from Saracen's Head. Saud y, Stephen, Cock st •••••••••....• Hairdresser To Bungay M other.,ole, every .1\londay. Saunders, Solomon, Crown st •...•. Greyhound Intt To lpswich-Cutting's Waggon, every Monday and Scrivener, Edward, Markt.t pl..Watch & Clockmaker Thursday even. Scrivener, J Clhn, C1·own st . .................. Baker To Kenninghall and Tbetford Clarke's Cart, from the Shaw, John, ditto ..•.•..•..•.•.•.•• Two Brewers Stm·, and returns &ame day. Shearing, William, Merest •.•.•...•.•.•.•... Sun To London Bull's Waggon, every Thursday, andreSheppard, J. ditto ..•.......•....... Confectioner turns on Monday. Sheriffe, Robert, Cock st . .. Brewer, Mabter & Spirit To Ditto Cook's Waggon, from the Star, through Merchant Bury, Sudbnry, and Chelmsford, every TuesSmith, l\1., Providence place. . . Proprietor of Botanical day, atld returns Friday morn. Medicine for the Cure of Scrofula, or King's Evil, To New Bue;kenhall1 & Attleborough-Johneon, from Cancers, Scurvy, Leprosy, White Swellin~s, &c. Two Br£•wrrs, every Tuesday. Sootman, William, Mount st •. Irotl & Brassfounder To Norwich-Payne's Van, e\'erv Tuesday and Friday Sparrow, William, Crown st .. Plumber & Glazier, & morn. • Agent to the Sun Fire & Life Insurance Office To New Buckenham-He'A'ett, from the Bell, e\'tty Spelman, George, Crown st .....•..•••• Grocer, &c. Thursday. Sterling, John, Cock st •.•.•••...•••... Shoemaker . Taylor, Den is, Mere &t ...... Watchmaker & J ewel!er Class:a.fication o~ Trades. Taylor & Dyson, Crown st •. Brewers & Spirit .Agent. C~tc~pole, James (tor foyster &. Co's. Merchants Camers,) Mount st Taylor & Dyson, Square • . . . • • • • . . • . • • • • Bankers Auctiorzeet-.-Bird John, Cock st Taylor, Heffill & Nortou, Mount si ••..•. Solicitors Bakers. Cattermole lsaac, Church st Taylor, Richard, Crown st .. Saddler & Harness M.1ker Frost John, Cock st . Tipple, John, Cherryfree la ••••..•....... Turner Ju~y Thomas, Market h11l Towell, William, Mount si •••••.••••.. Blacksmith Scnvener John, Cro-._v~ st . Turner, Ann, Church. st ••• , •••..••• Beer Retailer Basket M~ker. Jarman Wllham, Bndle st Tyrryl, Georgt>, Market pl .••• ..•. , .•.•.•. Butcher Beer Re~atler. Turner Ann, ~hurch st Vyse, Edward, Church st •• Currier & Leather Cutter Blacksmtths. Ga!~att Nathamel, Mount st Walue, William, CrowTJ st ..•.•••. Harness Maker Goold Ph1ltp, Merest Wallers~ George, Cock st •••.• • •. • • • • Beehive Inn Hayward ~J~nry, Cberrytree la Ward, Henry, Bridge st •. , ••. ,, ..••.... Surgeon Tow~ll WIIlmm, 1\Jount st Warne, Charles, ... Were st •••.•.•. Boot & Shoemaker WhaitE" J · .& T .• Mark~t pi Warne, Henry, ditto •• Flax, Hemp & Tow Spinner Bookseller~· Statwner. Gostlmg Thomas, Mere at & Manufacturer Boot 4· Shoemakers. Bearbam EdwanJ, Cock 1t Whaite, J. & T. M(l,rket pl.. Iron founders, Smiths, Blomfiel~ ~ames~ Church st & Ironmongers l!ond Wilham, Cock st Whitby, Samuel, Mount st ••• , ••.. , •• , Day School Freeman Edwar~ 1 Mere st . Whitehead, Robert, ditto ..•• , •.. , ...•• Hairdresser Hammond W 1lharn, Market h1ll WiiJiams, -, Crown st ..................... Postmaster ~ay wood Thomas, Bridge st Win~up, Robt. Bryam, ditto, Crown Commercial Inn Knowles SaJ_IJUel. Cock st Wittmg, Charles .............................. Teadealer Le Good Ehzabeth, Crown st Yowels, H., Mount st ........ ......... Straw Hatmaker Peake Robe1t, Cock ~ot - Ready Richard, Church at Rudd William, Cock st Post Office. Sterling John, Cock st Warne Charles, Mere st Williams, , Crown st. • • • · • · • • • · • • • • Postmaster Brewer~. Sheriffe Robert, Cock st Letters from London received morn. at 7; de- Taylor & Dyson, Crown st &patched even. at 8. Qne delivery each day. Bricklayers.-Garrard Robert, Cock at Law Officer,: Hubbard George, Mount st Muskett, John, lJ{ount si •• Clerk to the Magistrates, Broken Balls H., Crown st & Coroner for the Duke of Norfolk's divi~ion Bird John, Cock st Brushmakers. Aldrich Robert, junior, Crown st Stamp Office. Dyson, Thomas, Square .•.••.•.•. Sub. Distributor rlre &. Life Assurance Agents. Norwich Equitable, Cock u., ... •, •• , .• Bird, John 22 Bark ham Thomas & Son, Market pl Builders, Farrow J. & J., Cock st Butchers. Lucock James, Church st Lucock J~mes, Market pl Plummet 1 Merest
DOCI(JNG. NORFOLI\.. D1ss CLilSSU"IC:ATION fontinued. Tyrryl George, Market pl Cabinet Makers. Battell William, Mount st Harrison William, Crown st Carpent~rs. Atkins George, Chapel st · Cobb Samuel, (and Toy Warehouse,) Merest Car·rier. Payne Nun Chemists~ Druggists. Cupiss Fra.n. ( & Oil & Calorman, & Patent Medir.ine Vet1der,) Merest Eldridge Ja. Upton (& Oil & Colourman) Market pl Clogmaktrs.-Baldwin \Villiam, Mount st Barkway John, Mount st Coafh Builders.-Garrett Nathaniel, Church st Leit T. & Son2 Crown st Coaldealer, Banen J Market pl Co7!fectioners.-Baldwin John, Mal'ket pi Baxter N., Merest Sheppard J ., Mere st Coopers. Berrett Benjamin, Merest Birch Thomas, Bridge st Birch Thomas, Cro.m st Cornchandler. Nurse Thomas, Market hill Cor1l, Seed~· Malt Merchant. Al~er John, Church st Currier 4· Leath~r Culler.--V yse Ed ward, Church st Drapers. Aldrich Robert, senior, Crown st Bobby William, Cww11 st Debenham Edward, Crown st Hall William, (Wholesale & Retail) Market p1 Ho we J. :\I., Market pl Dyer. Holmes John, Met·e st Fishmonger. Crisp Elijah, Market pl Flax, Hemp, 4" Tow Spinner, o/ Manrifactrr. Warne Henry, Mere st Gardeners q· Seedsmen. Cornwell William, Chapel st Gooderham Edward, Cock st Parker Richard, Cock st Gutss o/ China Dealer. Gostling Thom~s, Merest Glover. Nice James, Crown st Grocers. Aldrich Robert, senior, Crown st .A lger Charles, Crown st Alger James, Mere st Bald win John, Market pl Cotman Thomas, Cock st Read Thomas, Crown st Spelman George, Crown st Gunmal\er. Mallott John, Merest HairdreiStrs. Burrows Arthur, Bridge s~ Burrows Bentley, Market pl Haunton Robert, Markel pl Sandy Stephen, Cock st Whitehead H.obert 7 Mount st Harness Makrr. Wa\ne 'v\ illiam, Crown st Hosiers. Burrows William, (and Grocer) Mere at Leech Thomas, Crown st Ironfounders. Sootman Wi\liam, Mount at Whaite J. & T. Market pl Ironmongers.-Brook L. Mere st Whaite J. &. 'l'. Markt!t pl Jeweller. Taylor Denis, Mere st Malster. Sherifl"e Robert, Cock st Merchants. AlgerJohn1 Church st Chaplyn William, Common Millers.-Chaplyn William, Common Jay Thomas, <:;:ommon Rush Thomas, Common Milliners ~· Dressmaket·s.-Leech 1\Irs. Market pl Murton Jemima, 1\Iount st Pike .Mrs. Cock st Music 4 Dancing Master. Long John, Market hill Newspaper .Agent. Brown Phiilp, Chapel st OiJmen ~· Colow·men. Cupiss Frat~cis1 Mer~ st Eldridge} as. U ., Mar}\et pl D!SS CLASSIFICATION continued, Painters, Plumber.~, q·c.-:\ldrich J olm, Mount :>t Coe J. & J. Chapel st Spanow Williarn, Crown st Patent 1Uedicine Venders. Cupiss Francis, Mere st Smith, M. Providence pl, Proprietor of Botanical Medicine for Cure of Scrofula or King's Evil, Cancers, Scurvy, Leprosy, White Swelling, &c. Pri11ier, ~-c. Abbott Edward, Mere st Saddler q llarness Maker. Taylor Richard,Crown st School (Gents.) Whitby Samuel, Mouut st School (Ladies.)-Berretts, the M1sses, Crown st Burch Mrs. Cock st Solicitors. Browne & Wallace, Mount st Muskett John, Mount ~t Taylor, Heffill & Norton, Mount st Spirit Merchants. Sheriffe Robt. Cock st Taylor & Dyson, Crown st StratlJ Hatmakers. Broodbank H. Mount st Dove Miss, l\lere st Youels H. Mount st Surgeons. Harrison Philip, Crown st Mines W illiam, Crown st Rose John, Crown st Ward Henry, Bridge st Tailors.- Andrews Wm. Cock st Bryant Daniel, Mere st Cooper David, Mere st Echdngton Solomon, (and Draper) Mount st Hague Wm. Brid!le st Taverns, Inns, and Public H9uses. Beehive Inn, WaiLers George, Cock st Bell Tnn, Carver Enoch, Market pi Cherry Tree, Parker Rich. Cherry tree la Cock, Garrard Timothy, Cock st Cross Keys, Berrett Benjarnm, Mere st Crown Commercial lnn, Winkup Robert Byram, Crown st Dolphin, Garrett Nath. Church st Gre!Jhound Inn, Saunders Solomon, Crown st Ha!f Moon, Buckinham Timothy, Crown st Ki11l[s Head Commerciallnr~, Mapletone Jane, Merest Saracens Head, Edwards :Francis, Mount st Star, Moyce Hobt. Market pl Sun, Shearing Wm. Mare st Two Brewers, Shaw John, Crown st White Horse, Brane Samuel, Market pl Teadealer. Witting Chs. (& J. Cock st Timber Mercliants, Builders, -5" Surveyors. Farrow J. Toy Warehouse.-Cobb Samuel, Merest TurnPrs.- -Mearlows Robert, Crown st Tipple Geo. Cherrytree la Veterinary Surgeon. Cupiss Francis, Merest Umbrella 1lfukers. Do\'e John, Cock st Jt!fferey John, Mere st Upltolslerers. Barkham Thomas and Son, (and Brush Manufacturers), Market place Parker John, Cock st Watch and Clockmakers. Dove John, Cock st Scrivener Edward, Market pl Taylor Denis, Merest Wheelwright. Kerry Jonathan, Mount st Wool Merchant. Alger John, Church st DOCK.!:NG, Situated on a rising ground, 5 ~ miles S. W. from Burnham Market, comained, in 1831, 1406 in habitants, and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 6088[. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and has a square tower; the living is a vicarage, Yalue 459l. per annum, in the presentation 2~
NORFOLK.. DOWNHA:M MARKET. of Et~m College, at the nomination of the Bishop of NorwiCh. Southward of the town is Dockin(J' Hall. Docking is in the Uuion of the same name. (:)Frin(J' or Frenge~Hall, Barwick House, and Stanhoe Hall a;~ seats in the neighbourhood. ' Name, B.esidence, &. Profession. • Union Workhouse, For 37 Parishes, is at this place. \Vilson, John .........................•........•.... Master Wailer, Robert ...............................•....... Porter Senkler, Rev. Mr ............................... Chaplain Groom, William & Pickeretl, John Relieving Officers Anderson, Robt ....•... Shoemaker & Haberdasher Bartram, Wm .................. Grocer &. Draper DOWN HAM MARKET. Ben nett, John •..••...•. Shoeing & General Smith Eighty-four miles and a half from London, through Ben nett, Wm ........•.......•...•....... Baker Ware, Cambridge, and Ely, 11 milE-s S. from Lynn, Bolton, Rev. Horace ....................... Incumbent and 13 miles S. E. from Wisbech, contained in 1831, Bunting, Wm ..........•...•.•.•......... Baker 2198 inhabitants; the annual value of a11sessed proBurgis, Rich ............•...••.. Miller & Butcher perty in 1815 was 5234l. The town is situated on Clack son, J no ...•..........•....... Parish Clerk an .emi~ence eastward of the Great Ouse river, over Clark, Thos ............. Wheelwright & Carpente1· wh1ch Jt has a stone br1dge, _and comman,ls a view Cook, Wm ......................... Blacksmith ove1· the fens. Th~ market IS on Saturday, and is Crisp, Edw ....•.....•.•...•.•...•. Blacksmith well supphed with fish and wild fowl. Downham Curl, Thos ......•.....•.•.•.• 1 •••••• Farmer, &c. was long celebrated for its butter market; in the Curtis, Robt ..•...•.•.•...•.•.....•. Brit:klayer srrmg and su~mer ~reat quantitieS were sent up the Dearns, Edw ....•.........•.•. Brazier & Tmman ~1ver t~ Cambndge, and thence to London, by wh1ch Drew, J ames ..........•....•••.......••. Glover Jt ob tamed the name of Cambridge butter; but this Franks, Robt. ...•.•.•....••...•.•..... Butcher market has been removed to Swatfham. Anrm,tl fairs Goodwin, William ..•......••.•.•.....•. Joiner are held on February 3, May 8, and November 13. Hacon, Thos ....•.........•.•.•.......•. Joiner The church, ded1cated to St. EJ mund, stands on rising Hare, Rev. Humphries John •....... Dorking Hall ground, ~nd is ascended by a flight of steps; in the Holland, David ....•••...•••.•. Grocer & Draper chanc~l1s a ~onument of Ralph Hare, obit 1702; Humphrey, Wm •...•.•...•...•.•.•...•. Tailor and tile font IS sculptured With emblems of sat11ts, J ohnson, J ames ...••.•. Plumber, Painter & Glazier and martyrs of the church. The living is a rectory, J ohnson, Joshua ..........•••.•......... Saddler value 403/. per annum. Down ham gives its name to Kemp, Wm •.•.............•... Brewer & Farmer the Union in which it is situated. In the neighLack, Jas .................... Carpenter & Joiner bourhood are Ryston Hall, the seat of Edwat·d Roger Lake, John ........•. ." .....•... William the IVth Pratt, Esq.; Dereham Abbey, the seat of Thomas Lubbock, Jacob ......•...•.•. Veterinary Surgeon Kett, Esq.; Crow Hall; Stradsett Hall, the seat of Marsters, ~d~ ....................•. Farmer, &c. ~~omas Philip Bagge, Esq.; Stow Hal.l, the. seat of Mason, W1lham •.•...•.•...•. Grocet· &. Draper S1r Thomas Hare, Bart., a stately mans10n, ~1th garNeale, John •.•...........•.•..... Shoemaker d~ns .famed for early melons! and an ex.tenstve park; Pashley William •..... Plumber, Painter&. Glazier Walhngton Hall a large anc1ent house, commandiug Paul, Thomas Thompson •...•.•....... Smgeon a.n extensive prospect over Mar:>hland; aud Wat• Pickerell, Thomas • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . Farmer, &c. hngton Hall. Pitts, William •............. ! . . . . . . . . . . . Bell Name Be id de. p £ 1 Prentice, William . . . . . . . . . . Chemist & Druggist ' s ence, ro ess OD •. Renant, James . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . • . Farrier, &c. Adams, B. Lynn rd . ........................ Beer Retaller Sharpe, Samuel, Esq., Sunderland House, near Andrews, J~hn, Bnd~e st ......... Boot & Shoemaker . Docking An.drews, R1chard, Hzgh st ........................ Draper Shaul, Robert •...................•... Surgeon Ba•!ey, T. ~~ell rd .............................. Tat~Ol' Slegg, John ......•..• Hare Inn (Posting House) Baker, P. Hzl{h st ................................. Chemts' Smith, William ............•.•..... Shoemaker Baker, R Bndge st ........................ Wheelwright Spurgin, George ......•...•....... Farmer, &c. Baldmg, John, Lynn rd ........................ Chequers S,turley, Thomas ....•......... Grocer & Draper Baldwm, Wtlham, Denver rd ..................... Ba~er 1hompson, James & John ..•...•....... Tailors Beets, Thomas, ~ynn rd .................. Beer Retatler Thompson, William ..........•..... Hairdresser Bell & Hett, JJ_rtdge st ........................ Attorn~y• Tungate, William • . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . Shoemaker Ben nett A. Htgh st ................................. Ta1lor Wag~, William ........ Miller, Maltster, &, Baker Bennelt, Th?n_•as, L~nn rd ..................... Carpenter W~!it, George, Plough (Commercial) Inn, Licensed Bennett, Wtlllam,.dztto ..................... Brickmaker to Let Horses Bo.lton, Henr~, H1gh st ........................... Butcher Whistler, J ames . . • . . • . . . . . . . . • . • . • . . . Farmer Br~dge P. 7Jr1dge st ........................ Beer Retailer Wiseman, Vincent . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . Shoemaker Bnghton, fhoma~, Regent st .................. AIIorney Woods, William ................................... Joiner Brown, John, Brtclge st .................. Coal Dealer Wright, Rev. Joseph ............... , .............. Curate Brown, John, ditto .................. Baker & Shopkeeper Brown, J. C. ditto ........................ Bridge House Post Office. • Bunkall, B. High st ..................... Tailor & Hatter Bunkall, J. Lynn rd ................ , ................ Tailor At W1lliam Sparham's, Letters arrive from London, per Horse Post, morn. and despatched at 2 aft. at 11 Buukall, Witliarn, Bridge st ..................... Butcher Burman, H. ditto ........................ Basket Maker Posting House. Slegg, John ....................................... Hare Inn Burnham, Jame!.l, High st ............ Grocer&. Draper Burnham, James, dttto ... Agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Offices Carrier. To Lynn Dicks Sunley, Mondays & Thursday!, from the Plough Inn. ' School. Cambridge, Charles, Lynn rd ......... Baker & Miller Carley, John, Be:r:well r·d ............... Beer Retailer Cartar, \\<illiam, Bridge 8t ........................ Carrier Cartar, William, CastLe lane ............ Beer RPtailer Supported by Voluntary Subscriptions. J obnson, Thomas . , .. , •.• , • , . , , •. , .•........ Schoolmaster Casebow, WJtltam, Rig!' st ............... Auctioneer Clark 1 Edward 1 Bridge lt ~ , ... , ......... ~ ..... ,,. Sh op k r eepe 24
DOWNHAM MARKET. Clarke, Sarah, Bridge it ............................ Baker Oakes, Wtlliam, Bridge st ......................... Grocer Coe, James, High st ........................... Bull Inn Orton, William, Lynn rd .................. Beer Retailer Cole, J. Bridge st .................................... Dyer Page, Thomas, Denver rd ................... Pi pemaker Coulsher, M. Lynn rd •.•••• , ••••••••••. Solicitor Palmer, John, High st .......... Boot & Shoemaker & Crisp, William, High st .•..••..•••• , • Hairdresser Leather Cutter Crowley, M. Bridge st •.•.....•.••.•.• Shoemaker Parfrey, R: ~ridge st ........................... Meal man Daines, William, ditto ............. . Basket Maker Parker, Wtlham, Lynn rd .......... Boot & Shoemaker East of England Branch Bank, ditto .. Draw on Lon- Patterson,, T., M.D. Bridge rd don & Westminster Bank Pine, M. A ............. Mistress of Union Work house Edison, Samuel, sen., High st •••••. The Coffee Pot Pine, T •.......•. Master of the U niou Workhouse Edison, Saml. jun. ditto •.•.•••.•••.•••• Meal man Poll, Chas. Bridge slt .. .......•..... Confectioner Edwards, , Castle la •••.••••..•...•.•. Cooper Poll, Chas. Denver rd •.•...•.........•... Baker Ed wards, Wm. ditto •.•.•.•... Boot & Shoemake•· Powell, John, Bridge st • . Crown Commercial Inn tk, :Flower, J onathan, Regent st • • Carpenter & Builder Posting House Gamble, Robert, Bridge st • ..••..••••.••.. Butcher Raw1in, S. ditto ..•.•.•.•.•.•••.....•... Potter Garman, G. ditto ...••.•.•.•• , .•. ,. Queen's Head Roberts, John, 1-ligh st ..•.•...•.•.•..... Carrier Garner, John, ditto •.•.•..••...•.•. Beer Retailer Roper, L. Regent st ..........•.•....•.. Milliner Garnett & Casehow, ditto •.•.•...•.•. Auctioneers Rose, M. Den'L1 er rd . .......•.•....• Beer Retailer Giscard, William, Regent st •• Watch & Clock maker Rose, Thos. Bridge st •. •..••.•.....•. Brickmaker Glasscock, Henry, Market pl ....... Hat & Feathers Savage, D. Lynn rd ....•.•...•....... Cow keeper Glasscock, Henry, ditto .....•••.•••• \Vhipmaker Savage, W. Bridge st ..• ...•... Boot & Shoemaker Glasscock,\ Wm. Rig/, st ............... Harness Maker Scarnell, Geo. Regent st • ...•. Stationer, Post Office Good en, S. ditto ......................... Basket Maker Scott, Geo. Bridge st ... ...•..... Grocer & Draper Goodrich, Isaac, Denver rd ................... Academy Scott, Wm. ditto •...•...•.•.....•.•... Butcher Gurney's & Co., Branch Bank, High st ...... Wright T. Smart, E. L..'lfnn rd ..................•... Butcher · Agent Smart, W. Bridge st . .•.•.•...•.....•... Bute het· Hall, Thomas, Bridge sl .................. Beer Retailer Smith, Chas. High st •.•.•.•.• .•. Rampant Horse Hardley, Josh. Denver rd ..................... Carpenter Smith, Mary, Bridge st •.........•... White Hart Harker, Miss, ditto .................. , .. Straw Hatmaker Smith, Thos. Lyma rd ..•.......•...•.•. Carpenter Harpley, William, Parsonage la ............ Carpenter Snasdell, Joel, High st ..•...•.•. Grocer & Draper Harrison, Josh. Lynn rd ......... Nursery & Seedsman Snelling, J. Bridge rd ..•.•.•.•...•. Beer Retailer Harriss, Thomas, High st, Castle Inn & Postino- House Snelling, Thos. Lynn rd •. • •..•.•.•• Pork Butcher Hening, Thomas, Lynn rd ............... Coach 0 Builder Snelling Wm. ditto •.•.•.•.•.....•••. Shopkeeper Hett Edward, Bridge sl ... Sup. Registrar of Births, Stebbing, T. Bridge st ..• ..... Nursery & Seedsman Marriages & Deaths Steggles, Wm. ditto ................... Harness Maker Hourston, T. & J. High st.. .......... Tailors& Drapers Stevens, John, Lynn rd .................. Beer Retailer Howes, Benj. ditto ............... Watch & Clockmaker Stevens, J. F. Bexwell rd ..................... Bricklayer Hudson, T. Bridge st .............................. Smith Stevens, Thos. Bridge st ........................ Carpenter Hunter, Cbristopher, High st .................. Surgeon Taylor, S. Bexwell rd ........................ Wheelwright Jeffreys, John, Denver rd ...................... Academy Terrington, Wm. Lynn rd ............... Tallow Chandler Johnson, D. Bridge rd ............ Earthenware Dealer Thorogood, R. Regent st ..... ....... Printer &: Stationer Johnson, Edward, Lynn rd .................. Acade 111y Tooley, Jas. High st ................................. Currier Johnson, Ellen, ditto .......................... ~ ...... Baker Townley, Wm. ditto ...... Clerk ,to Commissioners of J_uler, By. ditt_o ................................. Bricklayer . . . Taxes Kemp, M. Brzdge rd ............... Brick &. Tile Maker True, Fred. dzlto •. ... Furmshmg Ironmonger, Agent Lancaster, Thomas, Denver rd .................. Carrier for Ransom's Patent Ploughs & Shares Langman, John, High st ..................... Upholsterer True, Fred. ditto •••... Agt. to Sun Fire & Life Office Lemon, Ann, ditto ... Grocer & Draper & NewsAgent T~bbs, T. K. ditto ..... Stationer, Chem. & Druggist Long, Edmund, Lynn rd .................. Stonemason Vmce, Robt. Regent st ........ ...................... Smith Long, William, Bridge st .......... Boot & Shoemaker Wales, T. & G. ditto •... ... Surgeons, Reg. of Births Mace, Francis, ditto ........................ B€er Retailer & Deaths for Down ham Union Mallett, Sarah, Market pl ...................... Plumber Wallis, Ambrose, High sl .................. Ironmonger Mann, Benjamin, Bridge st.. .. u ......... Beer Retailer Ward, G. A. jun. & Co. Downlwm Steam Mills, Mann, John, ditto .. ......................... Beer Retailer Bridge rd ...... Millers, Brewers, & Maltsters, LinMann, George, ditto .................... .... Beer Retailer seed Cake & Mu::;tard Manufacturers, Corn, Seed, Melton, R. Lynn rd ........................ Beer Retailer & General Merchants Mendham, T. Bridge st .................. Beer Retailer Warners, T. Castle la .............................. Tailor Merrington, C. ditto ........................... Shoemaker Watson, E. Brirlge st .. ................... Beer Retailer Miller, John, High st ...... l\iiller .. Maltster & Liquor Weinn, W. Bridge rd ......................... Coaldealer .Merchant Weston, T. High st ........................ Plumber, &c. Minton, Thomas, ditto, White Swan Commercial Inn Weston, Wm. Regent st ..................... Ironmonger Moody, Mrs. & Miss, Lynn rd ............... Seminary Wh~tham, L.1Jn"! rd ..................... Machine Maker Mumford, Charles ....... Registrar of Marriages for the Wh1gall, T. Brtdge st ........................ Shopkeeper Down ham District Wilkin, Ann, Lynn rd ..... ................... Shopkeeper Mumford, George, Bridge st ........ Manager of East of Willimot, John Bridge st ..................... Hairdresser En~land Branch Bank Wilson, F. ditto ............................ ..... Hairdresser Mum ford, G. ditto ...... Agent to the Royal Exchange Wr~ght, J. Highs~ .................................. .. Baker Fue &. Life Office Wr~ght, It. S. Brzdge st ........................... Brewer Mumford, George, ditto .•. Woolstapler & Fellmonger Wright, 'fho11. High st ...... Agent to Gurney & Co . .Mum ford, George, ditto .. .... Corn & Seed Merchant & Bankers; draw on Barcl<~y & Co.; Agent to Nor· .1\ttltster wich Union Fire & Life Office; Stamp Office Ne\'\·ell, P. High st ................................. Brazier Newton, Rt. Bridge at .............................. Carrier Norfolk.] E
NORFOLK. DOWNHAM MARKET. Post Office. To Wisbeach-Hobert's cart, on Saturday, from his Scarnel1, G. Regent st •.•.•••.•••••••• Postmaster own house, returns same day. Letters arrive at 9 morn., and are despatched at To Ditto W .Cartar's cart, on Wednesday, and returns 5 aftrn. l!ame day. Posting Houses. Castle Inn, High st ..................... Harriss, Thomas Crown, Bridge st ........................... Powell, John Law Officer. Townley, William, High st, Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes. • To Ditto W. Cartar's waggon, on Saturday, and returns same day. Classification of Trades. Agentfor Ransom'l Patent Ploughs~ Shares.-True Frederick, High st Auctioneers. Case bone Wm. High tit Garnett & Casebone, Bridge rd Excise Office. Bakers.-Baldwin Wm. Denver rd Crow1l Inn. G · G B ·~ S · Brown John, Bridge st alls, ., rzuge st •.........•.••• , • . uperVlsor C b 'd Ch L d . am n ge as. ynn r Stamp Office. Clarke Sarah, Bridge st Wright, Thomas, High it .................. Distributor Johnson Ellen, Lynn rd Poll Cla. Denver rd Bankers. vVright J. High st Mumford, George, Bridge st, Branch of the East of Basket Makers. Burman H. Bridge at England Bank; draw on the London and Daines Wm. Bridge st Westminster Bank. Gooden S. High st - Wright, Thomas, High st, Agent to Gurney & Co's. Beer RetaiLers. Adams B. Lynn rd Bank; draw on Barclay & Co's. Beets Thos. Lynn rd l'ire & :t.ife Assurance Agents. County Fire, High st .. ................ Bownham, James Norwich V nion, ditto ..............•... W right, Thomas Provident Life, ditto .................. Burnham, James Royal Exchange, Bridge st .. ............. Mumford, G. Sun, Hig/, st .............................. True, Frederick Coach List. To London-T(Ie Mail, from the Swan, 8 even. from Lynn, through Dowuham, March, & Chalteris, and arrives at 5 morn. To Ditto-The Union, from the Swan, 8 morn., Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, through Down ham, March, Chatteris, St. Ives, and Ware, and returt?S .Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, l past 6 even. To Ditto The Nel~on, from the Castle & Swan Inns, 8 morn., Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, through St. Ives, Cambridge, and Royslon, and returns Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, l past 6 even Bridge Pbilip, Bridge st Carley Jno. Bexwell rd Car tar Wm. Castle la Garner Jno. Bridge st Hall Thos. Bridge st Mace Francis, Bridge st Mann Benjamin, Bridge st 1.\'l:lnn J no. Bridge st Mann George, Bridge st Mehon H.. Lynn rd Mendham T. Bridge st Orlon W. Lvnn rd Rose Alexan-der, Deuver rd Snelling I. Bridge rd Stevens John, Lynn rd Watson E. Bridge st Boot~ Shoemakers. Andrews John, Bridge st Crowley l\1. Bridge st Edwards Wm. Castle la Long W. Bridge st Palmer John, High st Carriers' List. Parker Wm. Lynn rd To Chatteris William Cartar's cart on, Monday, and Savage W. Bridge st returns on Tuesday night. Brazier.-Newell P. High st To Ely Robert's cart, on Thur~day, from his own Brewers. Ward G. A. jun. & Co. Downham Steam house, and returns same day. Mills, Bridge rd To llilgay Dasley':~~ cart, calls at the Rampen Horu, Wright R. S. Bridge st on Tuesday and Saturday, and leaves same clay. Brickmakers. Bennett Wm. Lyon rd To Lynn-1-Villiam Cartar's cart, on Tuesday, and Kemp M. Bridge rd returns the same day. Rose Thos. Bridge st To Ditto-William Cartar's cart, on Saturday, and Brickla.yers. Juler Henry, Lynn rd return same day. Stevens J. F. Bexwell rd To Ditto W. Cartar's cart, on Thursday, and returns Butcher1. Bolton Henry, High st same day. Bunkall Wm. Bridge st To Ditto Thomas Lancastar's cart, on Tuesday, Gamble Robt. Bridge st Thut·sday, and Saturday, from his own house, Scott Wm. Bridge st and returns the same day. Smart E. Lynn rd To Ditto-R. Newton's cart, on Tuesday, Thursday, Smart Wm. Bridge st and Saturday, from his own house, and. returns Snelling Thos. Lynn rd same day. Carpenters. Bennelt Thos. Lynn rd To Ditto-Hobert's cart, on Tuesday, from his own Flower Jonathan, Regent st house, and returns same evening. IIardley Joseph, Denver rd To Norwich William Cartar's waggon, on Tue!lday Harpley Wm. Parsonage la mornipg from his own houst!, and returns on Smith Thos. Lynn rd Friday. Stevens Thos. Bridge st : To Sudrey W. Rodgers's cart, calls at the Bull on Carriers. Cartar Wm. Bridge st Saturday, and lea,·es same day. Lancaster Thos. Denver rd To D1tto-J. Starr's cart, calls at the Bull on Satur- Newton Robt. Bridge st day, and leaves same day. Roberts Jno. High st ~
' EAR.SHAM. NORFOLK. DowNHAl'tf l\1aRitET CLASSIFICATION, continued. Chemist.~ 4' Drugp,ists. Bake1· P. High st Tubbs Thos .. K. High st Co(lcil Builder.- Herring Thos. Lynn rd C(}(ll Dealers. Brown John, Bridge st Weinn W. Bridge rd CoT?fcctioner. Poll Chas. Bridge st Cooper. Edwards , Castle la Cor·n o/ Seed ll!erclwnts. M umpoid Geo. J. Bridge st Wa1d G . .A. jun. & Co. Downham Steam Mills, Bridge rd Cowkeeper,-Savage D. Lynn rd Currier.-Tooley Jas. High st' Drapers. Andrews Richard, High st Burnham Jas. High st Ilourston T. & J. High st Lemon Ann, High st Scott J no. Bridge st Snasdell Joel, High st Dyer. Cole J. Bridge s.t Earthenware Dealer.-Johnson David, Bridge rd Fellmonger. Mumford Geo. Bridge st Grocers~ Shopkeepers. Brown John, Bridge st Burnham James, Hi~h st Clark Edward, Brirlge st Lemon Ann, High st Merrington C. Bridge st Oakes \Villiam, Bridge st Scott John, Bridge st Snasdell J oel, High st~ SneJling W illiam, Lynn rd Wignall T. Bridge st Wilkin:Ann,:Lynn rd Hairdressers.-Crisp William, High st Willimott John, Bridge st Wilson F. Bridge st Harness ~fakers. Glasscock William, High st Stegg1es William, Bridge st Batter. Bunckall B. High st Ironmongers. True Frederick, (Agent for Ransom's Patent Ploughs~· Shares) High st Wallis Ambrose, High st Weston William, Regent st Leather Cutter. Palmer John, High st Linseed Cake Mamifacturers.-Ward G.:A. jun. & Co., Downham Steam Mills, Bridge rd DowNHAM MARKET CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Scltools ( Gents.)-Jeffreys John, Denver rd Johnson Edward, Lynn rd Goodrick Isaac, Denver rd School (Ladies.) Moody Mrs. & Miss, Lynn rd Smitlls.-Hudson T. Bridge st Vince Robert, Reg-ent st Solicitors. Bell & Hett, Bridge st Brighton Thomas, Hegent st Coubher M. Lynn rrl 'l'ownley William, High st Stationers.-Scarnell George, Regent st Tubbs T. K. High st Stonemason. Long Edmund, Lynn rd Straw Hatmaker. Harker l\liss, D~nver rd Surgeons. Hunter Chnstopher, High st Wales T. & G. Regent st Tailors. Bailey T. Rexwell rd Bennett A. Hig-h st - Bunkall H. High st Bunkall J. Lynn rd Hourston T. & J. High st Warners T. Castle la Tallow C/wnd/er.-Terrington '\rilliam, Lynn rd Taverns, Inns q· Public. Houses. Bridge House, Brown J. C. Bridge st Bull Inn, Coe James, High st Castle Inn q· Posting House, Harris T. High Et Chequers, Baldin~ John, Lynn rd The Cqffee Pot, Edison Samuel Jno. High st Crown, q. Posting House, Povo.'ell J. Bridge st Hat q Feath{!r.~, Glasscock Henry, Market pl Queen'.~ Head, Garman G. Bridge st Rampant Horse, Smith Charles, lligh st White Hart, Smith Mary, Bridge sl White Swan, Minton Thomas, High st Upholsterer. Langman John, High st Watch 4' Clockmakers. Giscard William, Regent st Howes Beujamin, H1gh st Wheelwrights. Baker Rebecca, Bridge st Tay1or T. Bexwell rd Whipmaker.-Glasscock H. Market pl Woolstapler. .Mumford George, Bridge st Liq11or M"chant. Miller John, High st :GABS HAM, Machine Maker. Whitham. Lynn rd On the banks of the Waveney and borders of SufMaliters. Miller John, High st folk, 1 mile west from Bungay and 105-} miles from Mumford George, Bridge st London, contained in 1831, 759 inhabitants ; the Ward G. A. jun. & Co. Do~nham. Steam annnal value of assessed property in 1815 was , . . . Mills, Bndge rd 4139!. The church, dedicated to All Saints, stands Mealmen.,-Edison S~muel,Jun. Htgh st within an ancient encampment; the lil'ing is a - Parfrey R. Bndge st . rectory, value 505l. per annum, in the patronage of Merchants. Ward G. A. JUn. & Co. Downham Sir William Windham Dalling- Bart. Earsham Hall . . Steam Mills. Bridge 1·d the seat of the abovenamed g~ntleman, is a spaciou; M1llers. .Cambndge Charles, Lynn rd mansion, sitated in a pleasant park. Jos. Wind ham, Mtller John, ~I1gh st " Esq., F.S.A., who possesed great taste and talent, died Ward G. A. JUn. & Co. Do":nham .Neam here in 1810. To the south-west is Gawdy Hall. Mills, Bndge rd On the opposite bank of the Waverney, and in the Milliner. Roper L. Regent st . county of Suffolk, is Flixton Hall, th'e seat of Alex. Mustard Mautifacturers. Ward G. A: JUn .. & Co. ander Adair, Esq.; a remarkably curious edifice, Down ham S~eam M1lls, Bndge rd standing in a large park, adomed with fine old timber, News Agent. Lemon Ann, High st and containin<Y many head of deer Nur~er9men ~ Seedsmen. Harrison Josh. Lynn rd 0 • Stebbing T. Bridge st Physician. Patterson T., M.D., Bridge rd Pipemaker. Page Thomas, Denver rd Baker, Jonathao .................................... Tailor Plumbers, Painters, ~c. Mallett Sarah, Market pl Ban ham, Robert ..................... Bootmaker, &c. Weston T. High st Capon, Edward .............................. Duke's Head Potter. Rawlin S. Bridge rd Cantley, Rev. W, G .............................. Rector !'rinter 4" Stationer. Thoro~ood Robert, Regent st Chaston, Everett ............ Bootmaker, & Parish Clerk Chaston, Robert .. . • • • . .. • •• ............ • • • Bootmaker Name, B.esidence, 4c. Pro:fession. ~7 "
NORFOLK. EAST DEREHAM. Chittleburgh, James ....... , •...•••••..•.•••... Bootmaker niches, angels, and symbols of the Evangelists; it Giro in\!, Ph1lip •••.•...•......••••••...•••...... Blacksmith was erected in 1468,and the whole height is seven feet. Gudfrey, Geo ...... Shopkeeper, Porkbutcher & Cooper Ann a, king of the Ea~t Angles, founded a nunnery Halesworth, Robert ........................... Bricklayer at East Dereham for Withburga, his daughter, who Hogg, 'Villiam .................................... Brewer was the superior of a community of Benedictine Jay, George ......... ~ ....................... Wheelwright nuns, established at this place previous to the year Jordan, Charles ................................ The Buck 645. This house being totally destroyed by the Danes-, Leo-ood, Robert .............................. Blacksmith the conventual church was made parochial in 798. M:rtin, Rohert ...................................... Tailor In 974 the monks of Ely carried off the body of the Narburgh, Richard ................................. Miller princess,~ which had remained in the earth uncorrupted, Pulford, George ....................................... Miller and enshrined it at their own monastery, before the Richmond, James .............................. Carpenter men of Dereham could take any steps for the reco. Ilope, Charles ................................. Bricklayer very of so precious a relic. In after times a society Scarnell, J. E ................................. Shopkeeper or guild of St. Withburga was formed here. In the Scarnell, J. E ................................. Day School conventual church, a spring is said to have arisen, Smith, Thomas ............ Shopkeeper & Porkbutcher and passed through the tomb of St. Withburga; this Smith, Thomas ................................. Carpenter spring, which is covered with a curious arch, now Spelman, William, Norfolk distillery ... Distiller and exists in the churchyard. Another spring at some Wine & Brandy Merchant distance from the former is called St. Withburga's Spink, Thomas ...................................... Baker Well. Ea3t Derebam is in Mitford and Launditch Spink, Thomas ........................... Retailer of Beer Union. The large gardens and orchards in the vici .. nity of the town are highly productive. Northward Post Office. is Quebec House, which, from its situation, commands See Buugay. a view of a great extent of country; it is the seat of (;oaches. W. W. Lee Warner, Esq. Elsing Hall, Gresser. To Bungay The Hope, Monday, Wed. & Friday, Hall, and East Tuddenham, are seats in the neigh. even. 6. 1'he Star, daily, even. 8. bourhood. To Bury and Cambridge The Hope, Tuesday, Thurs. & Saturday, morn. 9. :Name, Besidence, cSc. Profession. To London The Star, daily, morning i past 6. Abrams, Joseph, Market pl ••.. Chemist & Druggist (iarriers. Akers, Ed ward Ashness, ditto ......... Printer, BookTo London Reeves' waggon, every 'Wednesday & seller, Statio~er, & Music Seller Saturday night, returns Monday & Thursday night. Arms, lsaac, Cherry la , .•••. Mlller & Flour Dealer To Ditto- }'oyster's waggon, every Wednesday & Arms, John, Baxter rw •••.....•.•.•.•... Miller Saturday, returns Tuesday & Saturday. Ayers, Thomas, ditto ........... ·watch & Clockmaker Baker, John, ditto .......... .•....•.... Beer Re~ailer lJAST DEBEHAM, with Bilney, Bris- Balls, Henry, Hull la •••••••.•••.•••••.•• Grocer ley,Garveston,Hockering, Mattishall, Balls, James, Back ~t .................... Tailor North Tuddenham, B.ymerstone, Banyaru, M. & C. Ba..1:ter rw •..... , .•... Ba~er Shereford, Swanton, Worthing, and Barham, George, Cl&urch st •.•••...•. Beer Retmler 'Yaxham. Barker, Charles, ditto ..... , •.....•..... Shoemaker A market town, nearly in the centre of the county, Barker, H. JJiarket pl, Bookseller, Stationer & Printer, 16 miles W. from Norwich, and lOO~ miles from Lon- & Stamp Office don, through Epping, Newmarket, Brandon, and. Barkway, James, Barter rw •. Nursery & Seedsman Watton, contained in 1831, 3946 inhabitants. The [ Barton, Lewis, Mm·ket pl ..•. China & Glassdealer annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 9184!., Barton, Lewis, ditto ............ Boot & Shoemaker lt is situated on a branch of the Wensum, over which Baxter, Francis, ditto •••............. Beer Retailer there is a brid~e. The market is on Friday, and an- Bates, Samuel. ditto ......... Tailor & Woollen Draper nual fairs are held on the Thursday and Fnday before Bayfield, \V11liam, Baxter rw •.....•..••. Butcher Old Midsummer, and Thun,day and Friday before Bennett, John, Market pi ................ Grocer New Michaelmas day, for cattle, sheep, and toys. Bed well, Sam. Soutlt green, Spirit Merchant, Brewer The market-place is convenient; at the north end of & Malster it is an obel1sk, on which are marked the distances to Blade, Mary, Ba.xter rw ....•.••...•.. Hairdresser most of the principal towns and seats in Norfolk. Bottomley, Ann, Hall/a .•..•...•...•. Shopkeeper On the site of the old market-cross, an assembly-room Bottomley, George, Ba:t·ter rw •. Statuary & Mason was erected in 1756. The living is a vicarage, value Bottomley, Henry, Ht1llla •.•......•... . Academy 704!. per annum. The church, dedicated to St. Ni- Boyce, Samuel, Back st • .•••...•• , ... Watchmaker cholas> is cruciform in plan. The tower in the centre Bowen, Paul, Church st . .•.•... Earthenware Dealer not being deemed sufficienqy strong for the bells, Brock, Robert, Barter rw •.•...•......... Brazier another tower was buiit in the reign of Henry VII. Broom , Back st •.•••.•.•...•.....•• Halfmoon on the south side of the churchyard; it contains a Buck, Jo,eph, Baxter rw •....... Boardmg School clock and eight bells. In the transepts were formerly Bullen & Mumford, Theatre rd, Carpentrs & Buildrs the chapels of the Holy Cross, St. Mary, St. With- Bullemore, W. M. Duke's Head st .. G10cer & Drapr burga, &c. The south porch was built by Roger and Burch, Rtehard, TILeatre rd . . Auctioneer & Appraiser Margaret Boton, whose names are in the stonework. Ca1·r, Samuel, Barter rw •...•.•........... Tailor In the south transept are mural monuments of William Carr, William, Brtck st .. ........ Boot & Shoemaker Cowper, the poet, who died in 1800, aged 68, and of Carter, Richard, Norwich 1·d •.•• Veterinary Surgeon ·his friends, Margaret Perowneand Mrs. Unwin. In Catten, Henry, Ba:t:ter rw .................... Duilder the north transept is a very curious and richly carved Catton, William, Market pl ....... ................ Baker oak chest, said to be llpwards of 400 years old; the Chaplin, 1-Villiam, Millll' ........................ Miller lock is l\ curious piece of workmanship. The font is Claxton, Robert, Baxter rw, Grocer & Cheesemonger exceedingly handsome ; it is octangular, and very Cobb, John, ditto ...............••• Straw Bonnet Maker richly {sculptured, with figQres of the Apostles in Coleman, Nathan, Church st ............... Blacksmitb 28
. EAST DEREHAl\1. NORFOLK. ~~~===========-==========================~ Cooper, E. & G. Churclt 8t .................. Soliciton Mann, James ... George Commercial Inn & Posting Cooper, James, Baxter rw ..................... Butche1 House Cooper, Thomas, Theatre rd ............... Ironfounde1 Ma1·gotts, George, Pounrl st .... .. Plumber & Painter Cooper, William, Market pl .................. Eagle Inn Mavis, James, ~D,Lke's Head st ......... Duke's Head, Cooper, William, Raxter 7W ...... Brewer & Maltster Common Brewer & Mahster Dack, Paul, Norwich rd ... Grocer & CheiOlsemonger Marriott, J. D. Hall la .................. Malting Offices Davis, Catherine, Theatre st, Milliner & Dressmkr Martin, Ann,Baxttr-rw, China & Earthenware Dealer Drake, William, Church st ..................... Solicitor Mayes, E., ditto .................................... Tailor Dunn, Henry, Hall la ........................ Blacksmith Mayes, George, Duke's Head st ............... Painter Dunn, J. Baxter rw ........................ Shoemaker Minn, John, ]l!Jarket pl.. ....... Haidresser & Perfumer Du nn, J. ditto ....................................... Tailor Miles, Martha, Pound st ............ Straw Hatmaker Dunn, Terra, ditto ........................... Blacksmith Moor, William, Norwich rd ............... Nurseryman Durham, Harman, Market pl.. ............ Hairdresser Newell, William, Pound st ......... Statuary & Mason Eastoe, John, Baxter rw ........................ Baker Nicholson, Edward, Market pl...Chemist & Druggist Eastoe, William, ditto .................. Cabinet Maker Nicholson, l~'rancis, Baxter rw ............... Gunmaker Edwards, Jarneil, Marketpl .................... Painter Nicholson, George & John, ditto ............... Butchers Elsden, Benjamin, Norwich rd ............ Ropemaker Nicholson, Goddard, ditto ........................ Saddler Elsy, William, Clturch st ........................ Brazier Norton, Matthew, Norwich rd ......... Cabinet Maker Eh•in, Jarnes, Norwich rd ............... Coachbuilder Norton, Neherniah, Market pl.. .... Wine & Brandy Fox, Mary, Church st .................. Boarding School Merchant Francis, John, Jl.farket pl, Grocer, Draper, Wine & Nuthall, Elizabeth, Baxter rw ...... Milliner & DressSpirit Merchant, & Corn & Coal Merchant maker Gas Works, Quebec rd Ofield, John, ditto ..................... Tailor & Draper Gibson, William, Rack st ........... ................ Tailor Page, Thomas, Market pl ......... Grocer&. Draper, Gidney, J. W. Market pl ... lronfounder, lronmngr, Agent to the Phcenix Fire Office Brazier, Tinrnan, Oil & Colourrnan, & Agent to Palmer/John, Baxter rw .................. Shopkeeper the Norwich Union Fire & Life Office, & Agent Parke, James, Norwich rd ......... King's Head Inn, to the East of England Bank, draw on Barclay Maltster and Brewer & Co. Parkenson, B. Mill la ........................... Surgeon Gill, John, Norwich 1·d, Solicitor, Agent to the Royal Parker, Henry, Church st- ........................ Builder Exchange Office Parker, Jolm, Norwich rd ...... Agent for the County Gill, Robert, ditto ........................... Beer Retailer Fire Office and Provident Life Office Girling John, Market pl ................ Harness Maker Parker, John, ditto .............................. Bricklayer Girling, George, Baxter rw ..... Boot & Shoemaker Parker, Thomas, Churclt st .................. Bricklayer Goldson, James, Duke's Head st ........ ...... Solicitor Perkins, Samuel, ditto ........................ Bricklayer Goshawk, Thomas, ditto ..................... Gunmaker Philo, Charles ................................. Parish Clerk Grant, Grigson, Theatre rd .................. Cherry Tree Philo, Charles, Church st ..................... Shoemaker Green, J. Baxter rw .............................. Tailor Philo, George, Baxter 1·w .•.... Master of the National Green, John, ditto ................................. Cooper School Grcenacre, James, Norwich rd ......... Sheriff's Officer Pleasants, , Norwiclt rd .. ................... Shoemaker Grecmacre.., R. ditto ......... Beer Retailer, Gardener, Plumbly, Charles, Hall/a .................. Beer Retailer Nursery & Seedsman Pryor, William, Ba.rter rw ..................... Tbe Ro!'e Gregson, Misses, Sltrubland Lodge, Norwich rd, Pulford, John London rd ..................... Supervisor Boarding School Rack ham, William Bartell, Pound st ......... Sot:citor Hambling, T. & R. Norwich rd ......... Whitesmiths Rarnsdale, Thomas, Duke's Head st ...... Currier and Harvey, Charlotte, Market pl ..................... Grocer Leather Cutter Harvey, Mary A. Church st, Boarding & Day School Read, Burrows, Pound st ............... Leather Cutter Harvey, Stephen, Norwich rd ......... Coal Merchant Reeve & Cooper, Market pl ...... Hop, Seed, & 'Vool Hart, T. Ground, Bax!er rw ......... Grocer & Draper Merchants Hastings J. ]l!Jarkt:t pl, Bookbinder, Bookseller & Reeve & Cooper, ditto ...... Wine & Spirit Merchants Printer Revel, Sarah, Dumpling green .•. .•. Milliner & Dress .. Hill, William, Dumpling green ..... . Wheelwright and maker Blaclsmith Riches, J os h. Market pl .................. V pholsterer Hill, William, ditto ........................ Jolly Farmer Rix, Edward, Back st .............................. Baker Hipkins, James, Norwich rd ........................ Baker Rix, Henry, Baxter rw ..................... Pastrycook Holley, James, Church st ............... Beer Retailer Rix, Thomas, Market pl ..................... Shoemaker Horstead, Jane Ann, .Market pl ......... Confectioner R1x, Thomas, Church st ..................... Fly Master Hough ton, Hev. H .................................. Curate Rump, Geo. Jas. Theatre rd ..... Veterinary Surgeon Howard, Abraham, Red Lion hill ......... Haircutter Rust, Elizabeth, Market pl · ............... Confectioner Hudson, John, Back st .................... Blacksmith Rust, John, ditto ....... • ....................... Blacksmith Humphries, John, Baxter ·rw .. ............. Shopkeeper Sands, Sarah, Baxter rw ......... Chemist & Druggist James.., John, Market pl ........................... Tailor Scholes, Jacob, ditto .................... ............. Hatter Jenkins, John, Rus.~ell pl .................. Excise Office Seeker, Charles, Back st .................. Basket Maker Johnson, Francis, .'l-1arket pl ..................... Saddler Seeker, Edward, B(l.tcter rw ............... Beer Retailer J uby, Wm. Duke st ............ Eating House Keeper Selfe, T. J. ditto ........................... Cabinet Maker Kent, John, Norwich rd .................. Honoeureaker Sheman, James, ditto ........................... The Bull Kirbell, .Miss E. ditto ............... Boarding School Skerritt, William, ditto ..................... Green Man Lacy, John, Baxter rw ............ Grocer, Draper, and Skerritt, James William, ditto ..................... Tailor General Shopkeeper Sninner, Jonathan, ditto ..................... Fishmonger Lawn, John, ditto ..................... Coach Propr etor Slater, Susan, ditto ..................... Sausage l\Iaker laws, James, Hull la ........................... Butcher Smith, Edgar, Ttiflwood common .................. Miller Laws, Robe.t"t, Norwiclt rd .................. BeN Retailer Smith, Susan, Ba.rler rw ..................... Ironmonger Leggatt, James, Pound st ..................... The Cock Smith, William, ditto: ........................ Hairdresser 29
NORFOLK. EAST DEREHAM. ~==================================================~ Smith, William, 1.1/It~dut pl .... , .... Tailor & Drape Coach List. Street, Mary, ditto ................................. Clothie The Mail, by Lynn to Birmingham, from King'• Stanford, Phrebe, 1\Toru•irh rd .................. Butcht:l Arms, l!'!aves at 9 o'clock even., and returns at 4 Taberer, Benjamin, Ba.rter 1'W •••••••••••••••••• Swan o'clock morn. to Norwich. Taylor, Susan, Duke's llead st ...... ............ Clothier The Day Coach, from Lyon to Norwich, from Ki11g's Townsend, George, No1·wich rd .................. Baker Arms, calls at the King's Arms t past 11 o'clock Trollop, John, ditto ................................. Tailor morn., and returns to Lyon 6 o'clock even. Trollop, John B. Red Lion bill ... Boot & ShoP.make1 The Union, from Norwich to Newark by LynH, call.! Tungate, , ditto .............. ................ Bootmaker at the King's Arms ! past 8 morn., ~nd returns Tungate, Stepben, Market pl ............ Basket Maker j past 7 even. Va&sar, '".illiam, Churc/1 st ... ............... White Lion The Regulator, to Lcndon through \Vatton, leaves \Varcup, William Mark, Baxter rw ...... Surgeon and the King's Arms Mon. Wed. and Fri. at i past Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages 7 room,, and returus Tues. Thurs. & Sat, at l Ward, Daniel, .Mill la ........................ Auctioneer past 7 o'clock e,·en. Ward, Thomas, Baxter r·w ... Plumber, Painter, &c. The Red Rover, from Swaffham to Norwich, Mon. Warner, Thomas, ditto .............................. Baker Wed. and· Sat., calls at the King's Head at Welch, Francis, Marketpl ............ Drape•· & Grocer 8 o'clock morn., and returns same day at .7 Welch, Frances, ditto .......................... Milliner even. Wells, Ayres, Pound st ..................... Blacksmith The Self Defence, from Dereham to Norwich, calls at '\Vells, E. Baxter rw .................. Dyer & Dresser the King's Head, Mon. Wed. & Sat. at a o'clock \Veils, Elijah, ditto ........ ; .............. Beer Retailer morn., and returns 7 o'clock same ttven, "':ells, H. Norwich rd .............•......... Beer Retailer ~arriers' List. Wells, John, Baxter t·w .................. Lord Nelson Green & Archer's Van to London from Holt from W 7 enham, David, Ma~ket pl ._. .......... \Vatchmake~ Green Man, Mon.'&Thurs., and retums'Tues. ~en ham, John, Dukes Head si .. , .... ..... Shoemake1 and Fri. White, Elizabeth, Pound st ............... Leather Seller Edwards Castle Acre to Norwich from Engl.e 'Vigg, J. G. Baxter's rw ............ Groc~r & Draper Inn' W~d and returns Thurs. ' Wigg, H. C. ditto .................. Printer & Bookseller Carter ' Do;,nham to Norwich from Eagle Inn Wigg, J. G. ditto ........... Agent for Gurney's Bank Wed: morn. and returns Thur~. ' W~~g, Wright, ditto, 1\laltster, Corn Miller, & Bre.wer Sapey, Thomas: Heacham to Norwich, from Lord W1_le~, Robert, Pound st ................... Wheelwnght Nelson, Friday. ~.~l~Iams, R:ev. John,Nor~otc/1 rd ......... Day School Betts, Thomas, Lynn & Norwich, from King's Head, W~ll~ams, 1\.uby, Chur~h st ........................ Baker Wed. and Fri., and return& Thurs. and Sat. W1_lhmont, llowl~tt, dttto ••• Grocer & Cheesemonger Lawn's Post Cart, to Norwich daily (except Sun.) Wdson, .Tames, Theatre rd ............... Beer Retailer Ostler John Morphew to Norwich from his house Wi_lson~ Thomas, Hall la ..................... ~· .. ·.Baker Back lane, Tues. a~d Sat. 4 mo:n. ' ~1lher1ck, Sarah, Baxter rw ............... F1shmonger Carter, Abram, to Norwich, from Church .~treet, Tues. '\o.olastone, Rev. Charles H~de .................. Rector and Fri. even. "\\nght, Cook & Thomas, Baxter rw ......... Drapers Farrow, George, to Norwich, from Battler row, Tues. and Fri. even. Post Office. Good, William, Swaffham to ~.orwich, from Lord B S 1 eh 1 M" Nelson, "'ed., and returns En. one, ara 1, urcrl st.. ..... .. . ... .... . .. ... .... !Stress Th r d & W l\ 1 . 1 G' c. R d L · d ·1 Letters arrive· from London ! past 8 morn. ; etaor atton aJ Jg, JfOm e zon,. 31 r· despatched at 9 to Holt Cley and Blakeney. re- Woolsey, Abraham, Thetton & Watton Ma1l G1g1 turn at l past 4 . lcav:s for London at 5 o'cl~ck from Red Lion, Tues. and Fri. morn. through Grantha~. ' Wells, !. F_akenham, from Lord Nelson. Yarmouth Mail arri,·es 9 o'clock even.; returns at Raven, \\· 1lham, Fakenham, from Lord Nelson, Fri. 4 morn. to Nnrwich and Yarmouth. · morn. 11 o'clock. Nettmann, --, Wymoudham & Hurgbam, from Lord J-ost!ng IJ:ouses. Nelson, Friday. Mann, James ................................... George Inn Barn~s, Edward, Norwich, from King's Head, Tues. James, Parke, Norwicl& rd .... ........ King's Head Inn and Fri. even. Ho ward, Charles, Market pl .•. ....... King's Arms Inn Stringer, J ., fi·om Hough ton to Lynn and Norwich, Public Offieer, from King's Head, Tues., and returns Wed. Pulford, John, London rd ........ . Supervisor of Excise Twite, , TJttleshall and Norwich, fro,m King's .B kers Head, Wed., and returns Thnrs. East of England Ban~n dra~ on Batclay & Co. Ames, James, Norwich,, from King's Head, Tues. Jeremiah w. Gidney, Agent. and ~at. morn. at 5o clock. Gurney & Co.- draw on Barclay & Co. J. G. Classification of Trades. Wigg, Agent. E"ire &.:!,;ife As•urance Agents. County, Norwich rd ........................... Parker, J. Norwich, Market pl ..................... Gidney, J. W, Phrenix, ditto .................................... Page, T. Ropl Exchange, Norwich rd ................... Gill, J, Public Establishments. ~ational School, for 120 Boys &. Girls, founded by Lady feem. Philo, Ceorge, l\laste1·. a!S Works, Quebec rd. Mal am, George, Esq., Pro- • pnetor eatre, Theatre st 30 Auctioneers, ~c. Burch Richard, Theatre rd Ward Daniel, Mill la Bukers. Banyard M. & C. Baxter rw Catton W illiam, Market pi Eastoe John, Baxter rw Hipkins James, Norwich rd Rix Edward, Back st Townsend George, Norwich rd Warner Thomas, Baxter rw Willimont Kirby J. Church st Wilson Thomas, Hall la Basket Makrrs.-Seeker Charles, Back st
EAST DEREHAM. NORFOLK. EAST DEREHAM CLASSIFICATiow, continued. Tungate Stephen, Market pl Tungate , Red Lion hl Bur Retailers. Baker John~ Ba'l'ter rw Barl1am George, Church st Baxter Francis, Market pl Gill Robert, Norwich rd Green acre Robert, Norwich rd ~ Holley J ames, Church st Laws Robert, Norwich rd Plumbly Charles, Hall la Seeker Edward, Baxter rw Wells Elijah, Baxter rw Wells H. Norwich rd Wilson James, Theatre rd Bookbinder. Hastings John, Market pl Booksellers, qc. 'Ashness Edw. A. Market pl Barker H .. Market pl (Stamp Office) Hastings John,:Market pl Boot 9· Shoemakers. Barker Charles, Church st Barton Lewis, Market pl Carr William, Back st Dunn :F. Baxter rw Girling George, Baxter rw Philo Charles, Church st Pleasants , Norwich rd Rix Thomas, Market pl Trollop John B. Red Lion hl Wenham John, Duke's Head st Bta~iers. Buck Robert, Baxter rw Elsy William, Church st Brewer.,, Bidwell Samuel, South grn Cooper William, Baxter rw Maris James, Duke's Head st Parke James, Norwich rd Wigg Wright, Baxter rw Br·icklayer$. Parker John, Norwich rd Parker Thomas, Church st Perkins James, Church st Builders. Catton Henry, Baxter rw Parker Henry, Church st Butchers. Bayfield William, Baxter rw Cooper James, Baxtcr rw Laws James, ,Hall la Nicholson George & John, Baxter rw Stanford Phrebe, Norwich rd CabindMakers. Eastoe Wm. Baxter rw Norton Matthew, Norwich rd Selfe T. J. Baxter rw Carpenters. Button & Rumford, Theatre rd Chemists q Druggists. Ab ram J oserh, Market pl Nicholson Edward, Market p Sands Sarah, Baxter rw . China q Glass Dealers. Barton Lewis, Market pl Bowen Paul, Church st Martin Ann, Baxter rw Clothiers. Street Mary, Market pl Taylor Susan, Duke's Head st Coach Builder. Elvin James, Norwich rd Coach Proprietor. Lawn John, Baxter rw Coal Merchants.--Francis John, Market pl Harvey Stephen, Norwich rd Corifectioners. Horstead Jane Ann, Market pl Rix Henry, Baxter rw Rust Elizabeth, Market pl Cooper.-Green John, Baxter rw Corn Merchant. Francis John, Market pi Currier ~ ~ Leatltcr Cutter. Ramsdale Thomas, Duke's Head st Drapers. Bullimore William, Duke's Head st Wright Cook & Thomas, Baxter rw Dyer 4' Dresser. Wells E. Ba.xterrw Eating Ilouse. J uby William, Duke st EAsT DEREHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Fishmongers. Skinner Jonathan, Baxter rw W itherich Sarah, Baxter rw Gardener q· Seedsman.-Greenacre Robt, Norwich rd , Grocers q Cheesemongers. Balls Bt:nry, Hall la Bennett John, Market pl Bottomley Ann, Hall la Bullimore W. M. Duke's Head at Claxton Robert, Baxter rw Dack Paul, Norwich rd Francis J ohu, Market pl Harvey Charlotte, Market pl Hart T. Grounds, Baxter rw Humphries Johu, Baxter rw • Lacey John, (&Gen. Shopkeeper) Baxter rw Page Thomas, Market pl Palmer John, Baxter rw Welch Francis, Market pl Wigg J. G. Baxter rw Willimout Howlett, Church st Gunmakers. Goshawk Thomas, Duke'~ Head st Nicholson Francis, Baxter rw Hairdressers.-Blade Mary, Baxter rw Dunham Harman, Market pl Howard Abraham, Red Lion hl MinnJohn, Market pl Smith William, Baxter rw Harness 1\faker.-Girling John, Market pl Hatter. Scholes Jacob, Ba.xter rw Hop C)· Seed Merchants. Reeve & Cooper, Markt pl Horsebreaker. Kent John, ~orwich rd Irorifounders. Cooper Thomas, Theatre l"d Giduey J. W. Theatre rd Ironmongers.-Gidney J. W. Market pl Smith Susan, Baxter rw Leather Cutters o/ Sellers. Read Burrows, Pound Sl - White E. Pound st Maltsters -Bed well Samuel, South green .. Cooper, William, Baxter rw Maris James, Duke's Head st Marl'iott J. D. ( & Mailing Offices) Hall la Parke James, Not·wich rd Wigg Wright, Baxter rw Millers. Arms I. (& Retailer of Flour,) Cherry la Arms John, Baxter rw Chaplin William, Mill la Smith Edgar, Tuftwood common~ ]!Iilliners 9· Dressmaker1. Davis C. Theatre st Nuthall E. Baxter rw Revel Sarah, Dumpling gn w· elch Frances, Market pl Music Seller. Ashness E. A. Market pl Nurserymen g. Seedsmen. Bark. way James, Baxter rw Moor William, Norwich rd Oil ~· Colourman.-Gidney J. W. Market pl ]!ainte1·s, Plumbers q Gla;iers. Edwards J. 1\Ikt pl Margotts G. Pound st Mayes, George, Duke's lfead st Ward Thomas, Baxter nv Printers, q·c. Ashness Ed \Vard Akers, :Market pl Barker -, Market pl Hastings John, Market pl Wigg H. C. Baxter rw Ropemaker. Elsden Benjamin, Norwich rd Saddlers, ~·c.-J ohnson Francis, Market pl_ Nicholson GodJard, Baxter rw Sausage lJ:laker. Slater Susan, Baxter rw Schools ( Gents.)--Bottomley Henry, Ha.ll_la Buck Joseph, Baxter rw Williams Rev. John, Norwich rd SehaolsJ(Ladies). Fox Mary, Church st Grigsou Misses, Shrubland lodge, Norwich rd Harvey Mary A. Ohurch st · 31
NORFOLK, EASt l)ERE1IAM. EAsT DrREHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued Paine, William ................................. Shopkeeper Kirbell.Miss E. Norwich rd Si m mons, George .............................. Shoemaker Sheri.fl's Officer. Greenacre James, Norwich rd Tye, Phillis ....................................... The Swan Smiths. Coleman Nathan, Church st For Post, Coaches, &c., see East Dereham. Dunn Henry, Hall la Public Establishments. Dunn Terra, Baxter rw Almshouses for three poor aged couple, erected by Hamhling T. & R. Norwich rd Rebecca Pearce, and endowed byWilliam Pearce, Hudson John, Back st 1838. Rust John, Market pi BRISLEY, Wells Ayrei, Pound st Near Dereham. Solicitors.-Cooper E. & G. Church st Bass, Thomas .................................... The Lion · Drake William, Church st Butler, George ............... Wine & Spirit Merchant Gill John, Norwich rd lnglebird, .......................................... Miller Goldson James, Duke's Head st Morely, Henry .................................... The BtU Rackham Wm. Bartell, Pound st Spencer, E ..................................... Golden Ball Slatuaries ~ llfasotzJ. Botttomly Geo. Baxter rw Temple & Wood, Grocers, Drapers & Tallow Chndlrs Newell Wm. Pound st For Post, Coaches, &c., see East Dereham. Straw Bonnet Makers.-Cobb John,Baxter rw GARVESTON, Miles Martha, Pound st Near Dereham. Surgeons. W Parkenson W M B. Mill la B dfi Id G G &'D ra e , eorge .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . rocer . raper ~ . 1 qarcup m. a~t' laxter rw Fox, George .................................... Blacksmith a·& ors B DSapers.1 :a ~ ames, Back st Jarvi~, Ann .................................... White Horse C ates S amue ' ar et pl M ann, Richard ................................. Blacksmith ~rr a 1 muel, Baxter rw Spark, James ................................. King's Arms 1mm • Baxterrw s k d W 11· C Gibson William, Back st Ctlac wooR, Ai mm .... P ..h ... l.:................. arRpenter G J ay ton, ev. ugustus 1 Ip . :.. .... .. .... .. .. ector reen • Baxter rw s · h R G \x1 1· C J J l m1t , ev. eorge 'il mm .. .. . .. ... .... ... ... . urate M ames ohn, Market p Daines, John ................................. Parish Clerk ayes E. Baxter rw For Post Office, Coaches, &c. see East Dereham. Ofield John, Baxter rw Skenitt James & William. Baxter rw HOCKERING, Smith William, Market pl Near Dereham. Trollop James, Norwich rd Barnard, James ............ Saddler & Harness Maker Taverns, Inns, Hott:ls, and Public Houses. Bayes, James. · ·· · ·•· · ·· ··· ·· · ··•······ ······ .... Shoemaker Bull, Sheman Jas. Baxter rw Bush, John ....................................... Bricklayer Cherry Tree, Grant Grigson, Theatre rd Hatlay, William ....................................... Baker Cock, Leggatt James, Pound st Hay let, Samuel ................................. Shopkeeper Duke's Head, Maris Jas. Duk£:'s Head st How~an, Rev. E. J ............................... Rector Eagle Inn, Cooper Wm. Market pl Huggms, Henry ( ......... Wheelwright & Blacksmith George Commercial Inn and Posting House, I shell, Charles .............................. Beer Retailer Mann James Isbell, Charles .................................... Butcher Green Man, Skerritt Wm. Baxter rw ' Mack, Emilius .................................... Butcher Half Moon Broom Back st Masters, George ................................. The Cock Joli!J Farrder, Hill w:O. Dumpling gr 1\lendham, William ........................... The Grapes King's Arms Family Hotel, Posting House~ Nelson, Leonard ............................... :.Carpe~.ter Commercial Inn,Howard Charles, Market pi Ram~, John ................................. ~_he~lwnght King's Head Inn, Parke J ames, Norwich rd Watkms, J acob ........ · ............... The Kmg s Head Lard Nelson, Wells John, Baxter rw Coaches, Mail Carts, &c. Red Lion, Howard Samuel, Red Lion hill From Norwich to Dereham, Swaffham, Lynn, and The Rose, Pryor Wm. Baxterrw pass through Hockering daily. Swan, Taberer Benj. Baxter rw For Post, Coaches,&c. see East Dereham. White Lion, Vassar Wm. Church st . MATTISHALL Tinman ~ Braz~er. GidneyJer. Wm. Market pl ' Near Dereham.' Upholsterer. R1ches Joseph, Market pl A k' W'll' C V: 1 · S C R h N . h d t ms, 1 wm.......................... ....... arpenter e ermKary u~~eo1lsJ. arteTrh Ic • dorw1c r Browne, Robert ........................ Grocer & Draper W ump ueo. ames, eatre r c R' h d Th s t h ~Cl k k A Th B arter, IC ar ................................. e wan a c B.., ocSma erls. B kyers os. axter rw Clarke, Francis .............................. Wheelwright oyce amue , ac st c 1 s 1 Sh k Wen ham David, 1\faJ ket pl Do ffie, )damJuhe ................................. B... oRema.ler Wheelwrights. Hill Wm. Dumpling gr F'.uh e w' ? 11 . 0 .............................. He~r betalker \\'ills Robt. Pound st Gis k~r, Chi Jlam ........................... B orseRrea.ler rx_.- .t. S · 't 11,r h B'd ll S 1 S h as In, ar es........................... ... eer etaJ er rr me..., J-lrl. J.r.1.erc ants.- 1 we amue' out gr Gilbird, John ... Postman to & from Dereham daily Francis John, Market pl G df Cl C Norton Nehemiah, Market pl :~ 0 rey, W ement "·· ....................... "s"h" ooper Reeve&. Cooper, Market pi Hlarl mer, R:·h .... d ............ B ...... R ...... _.I .... & ... SI 0emakke~ TJT l M h t R & C M k 1 o mes, JC ar .. .. .. .. . eer etai er 1oema er woo ere an s.--- eeve ooper, ar et p Il orne, \XI')]' T ·1 .,. 1 I am....................................... a1 or BU .. NEY, Howes, Raynes .................................... CatTier Near Derelwm. Howlett, 1\lary ................................. Blacksmith Baker, George ........................... The Horsesho Iloy, Dunham John ........................ Watchmaker Baker, George ................................ ,Blacksmith Hoy, John ..................... Grocer & Cheesemonger Collinson, Rf·V. H .................................... R~ctor Hubbard, Sarah ................................. Plumber Cork, Joh11 ••••••.•.••••••.••••.•••...•..•••.•• Wheelwright Jary ' Wl'lll·am ...................................... . Ta'1lor 32
ELLINGHA~f. NORFOLK, Keeler, John & RobPrt ............ Grocers & Drapers Ru!llp, James ......••••••.......•.••••••...... Paper Mills Kittle, John ............................. Boarding School S,mJth, John .................................... Grocer, &c. La\vn, ' ....••.........•••...•••.................. Carrier 1arey, ltev. H •••......•••......••••••.•.•••......... Hector Leamon, John ....................................... Baker Fol' Post Office, Coaches,&c. see East Dereham. · Leamon, John ....................................... Miller WORTHING, Lewin, Francis .................................... Maltster Near East Dereham. Newman, Thomas ............... Beer Retailer & Baker Allsebrook, James ................................ Tanner N orton, Robert, Mattishall burgh ...... Beer Retailer Dad man, John ............... ·· ............. General Shop Philo, Francis ....................................... Carrier Hall, Ann, Beetleg ............ Grocer & Cheesemonger Pointer, George ......... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier _IIolman, James ....................... \ ...... The Tanner Randall, Robert .............................. Brick maker foplar, Wm. Beelley ............... 1 he Punch Bowl Randall, Thomas ................................ Butcher Ward,. Wm. Beetley ............... The Gravel Pit Inn Thynne, Robert .............................. Saddler, &c. Wells,)ohn ................. : ..................... The Swan W a I pole, John David .................. Grocer & Draper For Post, Coaches, &c. see East Oereham. ' '' 1 W"ll" 1·t (' Y AXHAM ,, a ton, 1 1am.. ... .•••..• .. .. . . ••• . . . . . .•. . •le .1eorge ' White, William .................. Gardener & Seedsmim I" Near East De1·eham. Post Office. Badeley, Samuel ............................... Shoemaker S n D h Bowden, George, Wtnbwgh ...... Three Horse Shnes ee .r .... ast ere am. B 11 d D · 1 B R 'J u ar , atne ......••••••...•••......•••... eer etat er Coaches. Deighton, the Rev. Mr ............ Rector of Winburgh See East Dereham. Hudson, John ................................. Blacksmith Carriers. Hudson, Thomas, Winburgh ............... Blacksmith To No1·wich-Howes, Haynes, Wed, & Sat. at 4 I shell, James ........................ General Shopkeeper o'clock in the morning. Is bell, \V illiam .............................. Beer Retailer To Ditto Lawn's Post cart, at~ past 9 morn., and Johmon, Rev .Mr .................................... Hector to Dereham, at! past 6 even. daily. Machan CharlP.s ........................... Wheelwriaht NORTH TUDDENHAM Spilman, Charles ........................... Schoolma~ter Near East Dereham. . ' Spring hall, Robert .................................... Miller Day, Rev. Mr ....................................... Rector Wyatt, David ..................................... ~ ... oolpack Firtnan, Bartholomew ... General Shopkeeper&. Miller For Post, Coaches, &c. see East Dereham. Howard, J ............................ Geueral Shopkeeper ELLING A Jenney, Henry ........................ The Fox & Goose G t Ell Hh M2, G_Rl ENAWT &.f LIATTI bLE.h Jenny He Sh k rea · mg am, m1 es . • rom tt e urg , Legga~t R~6er.t .... · .... · " .. " ........ " .. · .. · Bl oekma · etlr contains 882 inhabitants, according to the census of . :................................ ac s~I 1 1831. The annual valueofassessed property in 1815 Engledow, Wilham ........................ Beer Retailer 44021 Th h h · d d. d s J was • e c urc IS e 1cate to t. ames, Post Office. and has a square tower, surmounted by a spire ; upon See East Dereham. the seats and screen in the chancel are numerous Coaches. arms, and the emblems of St. James, the pilgrim's Newark coach runs through North Tuddenham staff and ring, his bag, pouch, and escallop shells. In every morning to Newark, by Lynn, and returns this church are the chapels of St. Peter and Mortimer. through to Norwich every evening. The living is a vicarage with Little Ellingham, value Mail runs through from Yarmouth to Birmingham, 735l. per annum. daily. Little Ellingham, 4 miles N.W. from Attleburgh, Lyon day coach to Norwich, every morning, and contains 240 inhabitants, and the value of assessed returns in the evening. property in 1815 was 2405l. per annum. 'l'he church RYMERSTONE, ts dedicated to St. P~ter; the tower, which is square, Near East Dereham. stands on the south stde, and serves for a porch. Beckett, William .............................. Shoemaker Name, :Residence, &. Profession. Garding, Rev. P .................................... Rector Barnard, Lydia, Great Eilingham ......... Crown Inn Good, John .................................... Bricklayer Brooks, W illiam, ditto ..................... Wheelwright Hood, James .................................... Carpenter Buck, William, ditto ............................. .... Baker Howard, Samuel.. ............................ Shopkeeper Chaplin, E. & W. ditlo .................. Wheelwrights Jessup, William ............................. Black Horse Coleby, Rev. Stephen ........................ Incumbent Lasher,John ................................... Blacksmith Barman, James, Little E • .................. Crown Inn Middleton, William , ..................... Wheelwright Hooke, John, Great E . ......... Currier & Shoemaker Moore, Abraham .............................. Blacksmith Hurst, Robert, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer Watson, Ro)al .......................... Shoemaker Lebbell, Robert, dztto ........................ Blacksmith White, John ............................... Beer Retailer Lebbell, Robert, ditto ..................... Chequers Inn For Post, Coaches, &c., see East Dereham. Leeder, William, sen. & jun., ditto ............ Farriers SW ANTON Poll, Hobert, ditto .............................. Gardener Near East Derelam. Rose, Jane, ditto .................................... Grocer Baley, Wm ..................... Grocet· & ChE"esemonger ~awyer, John_, ditto .. : .............................. Miller Brunton, J no .... , ............................... Blacksmith S,t_ebbmgs, ~Jchael,_ d1tto ........................ Bu tcl~er Canham, Jno ........................ Paper Makers' Arms \wee, W•!ham, L.zttle E . .................. Blacksmnh Child, Stephen ..................... The Cherry Ground Warde, Wtllmm, dtlto ........................ Carpenter Day, Thomas ................................. Beer Helailer \V~r~en,JeiTe~·y, Great _E • .................... : ...... B~ker Daynes, Francis ........................... Miller &. Baker Wtlhmere, R1chard, ditto .................. \\ heelwn~ht Lucas, Peter ....................................... The Dial Ye?mans, Roger, Great E . ............. :·~ .. Bla~ksm11h 1\Iiddleton. Jno .............................. General Shop Co eby, Re~~ ~tephen ...... Rector of Ltttle E:lhngham M1 Jiett Rev W C 1 Brunton, " 1lham ........................... Pansh Cl~rk ' • "' ...... · ...... · .... " .... · · .... ·" ura e For Post, Coaches, &c. see Attleborough. Pond, John ................................. The Angel Inn Pond, John . ._ .• ,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,., .....••• Shoemaker Norfolk.] F 33
NORFOLK. FAKENHAM. :E:LMHAM, or NOBTH :CLMHAM, Coaches. Five miles and a half N. from East Dereham, and The Regulator, every day, to London. Carrier. Norwich-Spooner, Robert, Friday morn. 9; returns Saturday even. at 9. - Fire & Life Assurance Agent. 106 miles from London, through Newmarket, Brandon, and Watton, contained in 1831, 1153 inha- To bitants, and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 4401/. It is situated on the banks of the river Wensum, 'and has an annnal fair on April 6, Norwich Union .............................. Godfery, M. :Public Officer. Registrar of Births & Deaths ... Dent, Thomas Henry fot· horses and cattle. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary; the living is a vicarage, value 3161. per annum, in the patronage or G. J. Milles, Esq. At the time of the conversion of the East Angles, Elm ham was granted by King Sigebert to Felix, the first I'AKE:NHAM, or FAK.:SNHAM LA:N'· bishop, previously to the year 647. In the year 673, CASTEB., with Hempton, Shereford when the diocese was divided, this town became the and Sculthorpe •. residence of the bish_ops of Elmham, and so remained A market town, 109 m1les from London, thro~gh until Bishop Herbert removed the see to Thetford, Newmat·ket, Brando.n and Swaffham, and. nu!e A. D. 1075; but the bishops of Norwich continued and three q~arter. m1les S, from Wells; contamed m occasionally to reside in their palace here. Henry 1831, 2085 mhab1tants. The annual value of asSpencer, Bishop of Norwich in the reign of Richard sessed property in 1815 was 56771. It is situated the Second, rebuilt the castle on an artificial hill sur- on the acclivity of a hill, on the northern banks of rounded with a deep entrenchment, to which be- the river Wensum, and has a weekly market on longed a noble demesne. The remains of the '{lalace Thursday, at which large quantities of corn, chiefly are now overgrown with briars· and the park, which barley and wheat, are sold by samples ; and annual is we~l stocked with deer, is th~ property of the Earl fai_rs on A~h-~ed?esday and No\:e~ber 11th. On a of Letcester. Elmham Hall, the seat of G. J. Milles, ne1ghbourmg btU 1s kept the Sheriffs term and court Esq., stands on an eminence in a fine park, enriched for the whole county. The church is df'dicated to with wood and water, and aommanding a most pleas- St. Peter; on the south side of the chancel are three ing view. In the neighbourhood several urns, Roman canopied stalls, and the font is sculptured with the coins, and other antiquities have been discovered. emblems of the Evangelists, the T1 inity, and. the Elmham is in Mitford and Launditch Union. Passion. The tower at the west end of the church is a fine object in the distant views of the town. The Name, Besidence, & Profession. living is a rectory, value 862/. per annum, in the paBell, Philip .. : .................................... Saddler tronage of1'rinity College,Cambridge. Fakenham is in Bradfield, Charles ........................ Plumber, &c. Walsingham Union. To the south-west is Rain ham Brad field, Robert ........................... King's Head Hall, the seat of Lord Charles Townshend. :Brunton, Benjamin , ........... Plumber, Painter, &c. Name, Residence, & Profession. Chapling, C ........................................... Tailor Ad cock, Andrew, Norwich st ..•...•.... Blacksmith Cook, Jeremiah •............•....•••.•......•...... Cooper Ansell, William, ditto .. . Auctioneer & Appraiser,: & Cooper, J .............................................. Tailor Agent to the Norwich Union Fire & Life Office Cushing, F. . ................................... Bricklayer Baker, Mrs. Rampant Horse st, Ladies Boardg School Dent, Thomas Henry ...•........ Grocer, Drape•·, &c. Baker, William, Norwidt st ..................... Baker Dewing, Augustin, Worthing Mill ............... Miller Bald win, George, sen., ditto ...... Veterinary Surgeon Doy, Robert .................................... Blacksmith Bald win, George, jun ., ditto ...... Veterinary Surgeon Eastoe, John ................................. Blacksmith Barn bridge, Martin, JJ-Iarket pi ...... Accountant & Eastoe, John .•. , ............................. Wheelwright Dealer in Glass Farrow, John ........................... Grocer & Draper Barrett, Robert, Oak st .•.............•...•.... Star Inn Gilding, Thomas ................................. Butcher Barrett, William, ditto .....................•••.•. Butcher Godfery, Masters ••................ Grocer, Draper, &c. Beverley, Richard, ditto ...........•............ Bricklayer Goshawk, .J~hn .............................. Watchmaker Bircham, \\"illiam, Higlut ............ Land Surveyor Hawes, W Jl!Jam ............•••............... Shopkeeper Breet, Samuel, Swan sl • • . • • . • • • • • • • • . . . . . • . . .. .. . Baker Kerrison, Ann ..................... General Shopkeeper Brett, W•lliam, Nmwich st ......... Tailor & Draper Knatchbull, Rev. H. E. . ......•....••••.••••••... Vicar Bull, Maria, Tunn st ••..•..•..••••••••....•....... Baker Mayston, J on a than ................................. Miller Burrell, Daniel, Oak st ..................... Hairdresser Monument, John ...................... ~ ...... Blacksmith Burrell, El iza, BT'idge st ..................... Hairdresser N ~al, J ames ........... , .............. . ..... Beer Retailer Burrell, William and Son, Market pl ..... Iron m on• Ntcholson, George ................................. Butcher gers and General Shopkeepers Sparkes, Sutton ......••••......•••... George & Dragon Bushel, Samuel, ditto ......... Saddler & Harness Maker Spo~ner, Robert .................................... Carrier Campbell, Robert, Highfields ••• Solictor and Master Sussms, Edward ..•........................... Carpenter Extraordinary in Chancery Tombling, Robert ........................... Beer Retailer Carr, Dl. Nvrwicl1 rd, Boardg. & Day School (Gents.) Tu~k, Thomas ...••••••.........•••......•••...•••... Baker Carter, William, Oak st ..................... Shopkeeper Tw1ddy, George ................................. Shoemaker Cates, Robert, While's hall, Tunn st ... ... Solicitor, Upton, Rohert ................................... Druggist and Agent to Norwich New }:quitable AssuWhitrick, Richard ........................ Beer Retailer ranee Office Willby, James ....................................... Tailor Chapman Sayer, Norwich st .................. Butcher Webb, John ........................ Basket & Sievemaker Clark, J. Hay's la .............................. Shoemaker \Vebh, John ........................... Grocer & Draper Clarke, James, Oak st ........................... Tailor \\:~ll?y, William ...•••......... , ........ Harness Maker Clipperton, Richard, Market pl •. . Saddler & Harness \Vllhmont, Howlett ................................. Baker Maker Collett, Jonas, J.lfrzrket pl ...... Watch & Clockmaker Coils, Thomas, Norwich st ...... Baker & Confectioner Cooper, Ann, ditto ........................... Confectioner Cornish, John, Tunn 11t ........................... BrazierPost Office. Dtnt, "T. II ....... , ...........•.•............... Postmaster .Letters arrive at a~ past 9-despatched at! past 4. 34
FAKENHAM. NORFOLK .. Cory, James, lJfarket pl .. .......... Chemist & Druggist Damant, Guybon, Norwich rd ... Surgeon, and Registrar of Births and Deaths for the Fakenham District of the Walsingham Union, also Registrar of Marriages for the Walsingham Union Danham, D. Oak st ...... Artocrearist & Dealer in Molendinary Articles Danham, David, ditto ~ ............................. Baker Davy, John, .J.lfarketpl .. Watchmaker & Silversmith Davy, Robert, White Horse st ............ Boys School Digins, Henry, Oak st ...... Royal Oak (Market and Family Tavern) Druery, John, Market pl ...... Tailor & Woollen Draper, Glover, Hosier & Hatter Dunham, William, Oak st .................. Bootmaker East of England Branch Bank, Market ·pl .......... .. Edgar, Thomas, Oak st .. , ..................... Surgeon Fidgett, John, ditto ......... Currier & Leather Cutter Flegg, Thomas, Swan st ........................... Tailor Forster, John, Mitlll' ............... Tailor & Draper Gant, Richard, Hay's la ........................... Baker Gillham, William, Oak st ...... Marble and Stonemason & Builder Goggs, William, ditto ..... .. , ...... Grocer & Draper Goggs, \Villiam, Tunn st,Plumber, Painter, &Glazier Goulson, Robert, Bridge st ........................ Bull Green, Henry, ditto ... Solicitor, Agent to the Clerical and Medical Life Office G1·een, William,~ditto, Miller, Maltster, and Cornfactor Gricks, William, Hay's la .................. Lord Nelson Gridley, Henry, Holt rd ... Solicitor, Agent to the Im- . perial Life Office Gunlon, Geo. Brewery lane, Old staith .•. Tanner & Fellmonger Gurney, llirkbeck &Compy. Market st ... Bankers; draw on Barclay & Co. London ... Foster, P. Agent Herring, James, Hay'sla ........................ Gardener Higman, Rev. John P ........................ Incumbent Horsley, Richard .. N. Oak st ............... Gunsmith Horsley, William, Norwich rd ..................... Bell Howarth, Edmond, High st, Grocer, Teadealer, Corn & Seed Merchant, & Stamp Distributor Howlett, John, Market pl ..................... Butcher Humphrey, James, ditto ..... , ......... Tailor & Draper Johnson, Henry, Oak st ............ Plumber & Glazier Johnson, Isaac, ditto ..................... Confectioner Kent, Edmund, & Watson, G. J.Uarkel pl ... Solicitors King, J. ,V. ditto ................................. Plumber Lambert, Thomas, Nm-wich st ......... Basket Maker Langley, Vincent, Oak st ........................ Builder Leeder, Annt Market pl .................. Bonnet Maker Leeder, Besome, ditto .................. Cabinet Maker Margetts, Job, Wells rd .................. Coach Painter Mitchell, John, Market pl, Saddler & Harness Makr Moo re, M. M. Wells rd ............... Grocer & Draper Mortimer, Thursly John, Oak st, ......... Grocer, Tea Dealer, Tallow Chandler, Cheese & Bacon Factr Myatt, William, Bridge st ........................ Baker Neal, William, Wells rd .. ............. Builder & Baker Newby, William, High st .................. Linendraper Olley, Robert, SwariSt .............................. Tailor Overt on, John J. Oak st ............ Solicitor, Master iu Chancery, Clerk lo the Magistrates, a Commissioner of Taxes, Clerk to the Board of Guardians of the 'Valsingham Union, & Superintendant Registrar of Marriages for the Walsingham Union Parry, W. B. Quaker ht ... ....................... Surgeon Pawley, Robert, Holt rd ..................... Beer Seller Potters, R. & W. Market st ...... Grocers &, Drapers Read win, Joseph, Church la .. .... Builder & Surveyor Read win, W. 'l'unn st .............................. Builder Reed, Daniel, Breweryltt, Old Staith ......... Brewer Riches, Robert, High st .. .......... Boot & Shoemaker Riches, Robert, ditto ......... Red Lion Commrcl Inn ltudye, Edmond, Bridge st ..................... Surgeon Rutland, Mrs. Markd pl ........................ Butcher Savings Bank, Bridge st Scott, John, Oak st ........................ Beer Retailer Scott, Richard, Norwich st ............ Draper & Mercer Seeker, Robert, Oak st ...... Basket Maket, Furniture Broker & Appraiser Seppings, Thomas, Quaker la ............... Blacksmith Seppings, William, ditto ............... Brewers' Arms Sherringham, William, Market place, Wool, Wine & Seed Merchant Sillet, Robert, Dial sq ......... Wool, Wine & Spirit, Seed &. Hop Merchant Skipper, Thomas, Oak st .. ................... Bootmaker Smith, Thomas, ditto ........................ Shoemaker Smith, William, Norwich st ............... Stonemason Soame, H. T. Oak st ... Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Southgate, William ditto .................. Coach maker Spic", R. P. Market pl, Brazier & Frnishing Irnmngr Stewardson, Chadley, ditto ......... Printer & Stationer Steward son, Ed ward, ditto ........ . Chemist & Druggst Stokes, Henry, Bridge st ...... Solicitor, Agent to the Exchange Fire Office Stoue;hton,James, (late Ward,) Mm·ket pl ... Crown Commercial Inn & Posting Establishment, Fly's, Chaises, & Black work, (Excise Office.) Syder, John, Bridge st, Draper, Hosier, & General Shopkeeper Thompson, Robert, Oak st .u. , ............. Shoemaker Tinkle1·, Charlotte, ditto, Straw & Tuscan Bonnet Manufacturer Tinkler, Maria, Higll st ...... Milliner & Dressmaker 'futhill, Samuel, Rampant Horse st, Auctioneer & Appraiser, & Agent to the Suffolk Fire Office Tuthill, Samuel, ditto, Rampant Horse, Market house Tuthill, W. & S. Oak st, Wine & Spirit Merchts, Agents to the Guardian Fire & Life Office, Lndn Tye, John, Norwich rd ........................... Grocer Ulting, George, Bridge st .... ....................... Tailor Utting, Samuel, Market pl .................. Bootmaker Varley, Thomas, Bridge st, Watch & Clock Manfctr Warr, Robert, Norwich st.. ................ Beer Retailer Waters, John, Bridgest,Coachmaker& Wheelwright Waters, William, Church la .................. Carpenter Wells, John, White Horse st ..................... Butcher Winter, George, Tunn st ............... Cabinet Maker Wright, John, Bridge st ...... Inspector of Weights & Measures Wrighl, John, dillo, Teadeale1·, & Agent to the Sun Fire & Life Insurance Office Wright, John, Tunn st.. ...................... Shoemaker Wright, Jonas ............................. Parish Clerk Post Office. Warren, W. L .................................. Postmaster Letters arrive from London, through Lyon, by Cross Mail from Wells, at ! past 10 morn. ·and are despatched to London at f past 7 even. Arrivals from Norwich daily. A Horse Post to Walsingham, at i past 10 morn. Posting House. Staughton, James ............... Crown Inn, Market pl Fublic Officers. Corn m issioner of Ta,~es ...... Overton, John J. Oak st Clerk to the Magistrates ...... Overton, John J. Oak st Clerk to the Board of Guardians of the WalsinghRm Union .. ...... ......... ..Overton, John J. ditto 31)
NORFOLK. FAKENHAM. Distributor of Stamps ••. Haworth, Edmond, High st ~lassification of Trades. Inspector of Weights and Measures ... Wright, John, , t t B b 'd 1\lf t' M k t 1 B 'd 1 nccoun an . am r1 ge ,~ar m, ar e p . rz g_e s • ,. h J k Auctio11eers ~-Appraisers. Ansell Wm. Norwich st Exctse Office ............ :Staug ton, ames, Mar et P[ Tuthill Samuel, Rampant Horse st Bankers. Bakers. Baker William, Norwich st Gurney & Co. draw on Barclay & Co.,Agent, P. Foster. Breet Samuel, Swan _st East of England draw on London & Westminster Calls Thomas, Norwich st Bank ......... ' ..................... Agent, W. Banyer Danham_ David, Oak st Savings' Bank open on Thursdays from 12 to 1 Grant Rtchard, Hay's la Bridge st.' ' Myatt William, Bridge st N Pal William, Wells rd riro &. :Life Ass;urance Agents. Basket Maker.-Secker Robert, Oak st Clerical & Medical ......... Green, Henry, Bridge st. Beer Retailers. Pawley Robert, Ho1t rd Exchange ........................... Stokes, Henry, ditto. Scott John, Oak rat. Guardian ............ Tuthill, William Samuel, Oak st. Warr·Robert, Norwich st Jmperial ........................ Gridley, Henry, Holt rd. Blacksmiths .. Ad~ock Andrew, Norwich st Norwich New Equitable ... Cates, Robert, While's Seppmgs 'Ihomas, Quaker st hall, Tunn st. Boot ~ Shoemakers. Clark J. Hay's la Norwich Union ......... Ansell, William, Norwich st. Riches Robert, High st Suffolk ......... Tuthill, Samuel, Rampant Horse st. Skipper Tbomas, Oak st Sun .............................. Wright, John, Bridge st. Smith Thomas, Oak :;t Thompson Robert, Oak st Public lns;titution. Utting Samuel, Market pl The Fakenham Provident Society, of which Messrs· Braziers.-Cornish John, Tunn st Gurney & Co. are the Treasurers and Mr. Raven. Spice Robert P. Market pi of Whissonsett, is Secretary. The funds of the Brewer. Reed Daniel, Brewery la Society is about 36,000[., and the widows of Bricklayer.-Beverley Richard, Oak st deceased members are entitled to a very excellent Builders. Gillham William, Oak st annuity. Thei1· annual payment~ amount to Langlt>y Vincent, Oak st about 4000/. The pensioners are in number N eal 'Yillian~, \~ells rd about 280 widows, and 50 orphans. Readwm J os h. <.:hurch la Butchers. Barrett William, Oak st ~oach List. Chapman Sayer, Norwich st To London The Norfolk Hero, from the Crown, Howlett John, Market pl through Swafiham, Lvnn, and Cambridge Rutland Mrs.l\larket pl Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at l past 7 'Wells John, 'Vhite Horse st morn., returns at ! past 8 evn., on Monday, Cabinet .i.Uaker.-LPeder Besome, l\Iarket pl Wednesday, and Friday. Carpenter. Waters William,Church la To Wells The Norfolk Hero, from the Crown, Cheese ~- Bacon Faclol'. Mortimer Thursby John, through New Walsingham, Monday, Wednesday, · Oak st and 1-'riday, at ~ past 8 evn., returns at i past 7 Clternists ~- Druggists.-Cary James, Market pl morn., Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Stewardson Edward, Markt-t pi Coachmaker. Waters John, Bridge st ~arriers' List. Coach~· Hor.~e Letter. Ward Josh. Market pl To London Green & Archer's Van Office, 7 morn., Coaclt Painter. Margetts John, Wells rd Monday and Thursday, returns Tuesday and Corifectioners. Colls Thomas, Norwich st Friday, at 12 noon, through Swaffham, Lynn, Cooper Ann, Norwich st Brandon, and Cambridge. Corn Factor. Green Wm. Bridge st To Wells-Green and Archer's Van Office, 1 aft., Corn~· Seed Merchant. Howarth Edmond, High st Tuesday and Friday, and returns on .Monday and Currier g. Leather Cutter. Fidgett Jno. Oak st Thursday, at l past 6 morn., through New Wal- Fly g. Mourning Coach Propr·ietor. Staughton singham. James, Crown Inn, Market pl To Norwich-Causton, -, from the Star, 12 noon, Gardener. Herring Jas. Hay's la Tue:;day and Friday, returns_Thutsday and Satur- Glassdealer.-Barnbridge Martin, Market pl day, through Guist. Glovtr ~·Hosier. Druery John, Market pl To Ditto-Smith,-, from the Oak, 11 morn., Mon- Grocers, ~·c. Potters R. & W. Market st day and Thursday, returns 6 em., Tuesday and Burrell William & Son (& General Shop .. Friday, through Guist. keepers) l\Iarket pi To Ditto-Spornes, from the Oak, 10 morn., Mon- Howarth Edmond, High st day and Thursday, retums on Tuesday and Fri- Carter Wm. (&Shopkeeper) Oak st day, through Guist. Goggs Wm. Oak st To Ditto Fiderleman , from the Oak, 11 morn., Moore M. M. Wells rd Monday and Thursday, returns on Wednesday '.Mortimer Thursby John, Oak st Saturday. Tye John, Norwich rd To Burnham Market-Spornes, frpm the Oak, 12 Lyden Jno. Bridge st noon, Wednesday, returns at 12 noon, Thursday. Gunsmith. Horsley Rich. W. Oak st To Lynn , Mason from the Oak, 11 morn., Mon- Hairdressers. Burrell Daniel, Oak st day, Wednesday, and Friday, retums 6 evn., Burrell Eliza, Bridge st Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Hatter.-Druery John, Market pl To Holt and Cromer Mason , from the Oak, 11 lronmongers.-Burrell \Villiam & Son, .Market pl morn., Monday, Wednesday, and :Friday, returns Land Surveyor. Bircham Wm. High st 8 evn., Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday . . 36
FOULSHAM & GUIST. NORFOLK. ~==========~=============== FAKENHAM CLAssrFICATION, co"tinued. Linendrapers. Newhy Wm. High st Syder John, Bridge st Maltster. Green William, Bridge st Marhle ~ Stonemason. Gillham Wm. Oak. st Masters Extraordi.nary in Chancery. Campbell RoOverton, J no. J. Oak st Miller. Green William, Bridge st bert, Highfields Milliner q Dressmaker. Tinkler l\:laria, High st Plu~nbers,. Painters 4· Gla~iers. Goggs Wm. Tunn st King Jas. Wm. Market pl Johnson Hy. Oak st Printer~· Stationer. Stewardson Chadley, Market pl Saddler 13) Harness Makers. Mitchell John, l\larket pl Clipperton Ri~hard, Market pi Schools (Gents.) Davy Rt. Whitehorse st Carr Daniel, Norwich rd School ( Ladies.)-Baket· Mrs. Rampant Horse st Seed ~- Hop :Alerchants. Sillet Robert, Dial sq, Market pl Sherringham 'Vm. Market pl Silversmith. Davy John, Market pl Solicitors. Overton John J. Oak st Campbell Itobt. Highfields Cates Robt. While's hall, Tunn st Kent Edmd. & Watson Geo. Market pi Stokes Hy. Bridge st Gridley Henry, Bolt rd Green Henry, Bridge st Stunemason. Smith Wm. Norwich st Straw Bonnet Makers. Leeder Ann, Market pl Tinkler Char. Oak st Surgeons. Parry W. B. Quaker la Damant Guyton, Norwich rd Edgar Thos. Oak st Rudge Edmond, Bridge st Surveyor.-Readwin Josh. Church la Tailors~~ Drapers. Brett Wm. Norwich st Clarke Jas. Oak st Druery John, .Market pl Flegg Thos. Swan st Forster John, Mill la Humphrey James, Market pl Oiley Robt. Swan st Utting Geo. Bridge st Tallow Chandler. MottimerThursby John, Oak st Tanner ~- fellmonger. Gunton Geo. Brewery la, Old Staith Taverns, Inns, ~ Puf.lic Houses.,- Bt>ll, Horsley Wm. Norwich rd Br~wers Arms, Seppings 'V m. Quaker la Bull, Goulson Robt. Bridge st Crow11 Commercial Inn & Pusli11g Establishment, Staughton Jas. (late Ward), Market pl Lord Nels:m, Gricks Wm. Hays la Rampant Horse, Market House, Tuthill Saml. Pwmpant Horse st Red Lion, Riches Robt. Hi~h st Royal Oak (Market ~· Family Tavern), Digins Hy. Oak st Star Inn, I~arrett Robt. Oak st Teadealer. Wright John, Bridge st Upholsterer ~ Cabinet ]}faker. Soame H. T., Oak st Watch ~ Clockmakers. Davy John, Market pl Collett J on as, Market pl Varley Thos. Bridge st Wine~- Spirit Merch,ts. Sillett R. Dial sq, Market pl Sherringham Wm. Market pi Tuthill Wm. & Saml. Oak st Wool Merchants. Sillett Robt. Dial sq, Market pl Sherringham Wm. Market pl • HEMPTON, Near Fakenham, Baker, William •••.................................... Bell Fuller, Thomas ........................... Machine Maker Gates, George ................................. Shoemaker Grange, George ........................... Machine Maker H uggins, Charles .............................. Blacksmith Kia1g, Robert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••. . . . . . .••• Baker Lane, Francis ................................. King's Head Leverington, J ames ................................. Baker Loads, Edmund .........•••........................ Cooper Lynn, Robert .......................... Grocer & Draper Norman, J ohtl ....................................... Buck 05bistcln, S ........................•••............... MilleL' Penn, James, Norwich rd ......... ~Veterinary Surgeon Salmon, Richard .................. Miller & Corn factor Sippiugs, John .................................... Butcher Wright, 'l' .............................. Boot & Shoemaker For Post, Coaches, &c., see Fakenham. SHEREFORD, Near Fakenham. Digins, J ennis ................. Corn Dealer & Farmer Riches, George ................. Corn Dealer & Farmer For Post, Coaches, &c., see Fakenharu. SCULTHORPE, N eat• 1/akenlwm. Basham, R ...•••............... , .................. Carpenter Beldin, Matthew .................................... Baker Billin!l, Robert .................................. Butcher Bird & Horsley .............................. Blacksmiths Blacket, P. & R . . . .. .... .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. • •• Bricklayers Fox & Hill ............................. , .... Beer Retailers Focole, J ames .................... ,. ........... Wheelwright Fuller, B ........................•••............... Carpenter I\endall, William ........................... Beer Retailer Marsl1am, Rev. . .....•••......•••......•••...... Rector Pleasants, J ................................ Schoolmaster Price, Edward ............ Shoemaker & Beer Retailer Rumblelow, E ........................ Grocer & Draper Santy, William ................................. Corndealer Thompson, J .................................... Shoemaker Thompson, William ........................... Carpenter \Villiamson, John ........................ Miller& Baker For Post, Coaches, &c., see Fakenham. I'OULSHAM, with GtrlST. A market town, 9 miles N. by E. from East Dereham, and 111 miles from London; containPd, in 1831, 958 inhabitauts. The annual value of assessed property, in 1815, was 4026l. The market is on Tuesday ; and fa1rs are held on Easter Tuesday and the first Tuesday in May. The church, dedicated to the Holy Innocents, was erected by Lord Morley, about the year 1490 : it was considerably dama~ed by fire, in 1770, but was afterwards restored. On the north side of the chancel is a monument of Sir Thomas Hunt and his three wi\·es: he died in 1616. In the chtuchvard is an altar-tomb in memory of Robert Colles, ·and Cicely his wife, in the reign of Henry the Eighth. The living is a rectory, value 6021. per annum. John Foulsham, who died in 1348, and Richard Foulsham, who fiourished about 1410, y,rere celebrated natives of this town. Name, :Residence, &. Profession. Alsa brook, J. Foulsham .. .......................... C urrier Archer, Robert, ditto ...................... Cattle Dealer Archer, William, ditto ............... Painter & Glazier Astley, Rev. Hy. B. ditto ...........•..... .... Incumben Austin, John & Thomas, ditto .................• Butchers Barslcad, Jolin, ditto ........................ Hairdresser ~7
NORFOLK· HARLESTON. Bircham, Robert & Wil!iam, Foulsham ... Shoemakers borders of Suffolk, and banks of the rive1· Waveney, Bird, Josh. ditto ...... Blacksmith & Machine Maker is 17 miles S. from Nonvich, and 99 from Lo~tdon, Carrison, Charles, ditto ...... , •••••......•••...... Grocer through Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, IpswiCh, Cheastney, Francis, ditto ................... Wh~elwright & Scole Inn. The market is on Wedne~day, and Chaprnan, Thomas, ditto ...................... Carpenter annual fairs are held on July 5th and September 9th, Chapham1 William, ditto ................... Shopkeeper on one of which, immense drov<7s of Scotch cattle Clarke, Robert, ditto .................. • Joiner & Builder are sold. The market-cross was lmilt in 1726, at Dawson, William, Guist .................. Blacksmith which time the chapel, dedicated to St. John the Dawson, W. Robert, Foul~ham ... Brick & Tilemaker Baptist, was repaired; it was also enlarged in 1821: Dench, Robert, ditto .............................. Solicitor the chaplain is nominated by the master aud fellows of Eake, Josh. ditto ........ : ..................... Blacksmith Emanuel CC~llege, Cambridge. The living is of the ~ggett, Edward, Guist .... ........ Hatter (Post Office) yearly value of 803/. including the rectory of R&dden. Emms, Hy. Foulsham ........... .... Veterinary Surgeon ball. Northward is Gawdy Hall, the seat of 1he Francis, William, Guist .. . Shoemaker & Beer Retailer Rev. John Holmes. Frost, Edward, Foulslwm .. ......................... Tailor REDDEN HALL or RED EN HALL, on the borders of Gant, Robert, ditto .. ..................... Basket Maker Suffolk, and banks of the river Waveneq, 100! miles Gilham, William, ditto ... .................... Shokpeeper from London, through Romford, Chelmsford,ColchesGirling, Charles, ditto ........................... Surgeon ter, Ipswich, and Scole Inn, and 19 miles S. from NorGirling, John, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer wich; contained in 1831, 1784 inhabitants, induding Graver, Luke, ditto ................................. Baker Harleston; and in 1815 the annual value of assessed Handy, Joshua, ditto ............................... Tailor property, in the two places, was 5677l. The church, Jacobs, J. ditto .............................. King's Arms dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was re-built by ThoKemp, J oseph, ditto ........................... , ...... Ship mas Brotherton, Earl of Norfolk"; but the very fine Knight~ Francis, ditto ...................... Schoolmaster tower was founded in 1460, and not completed till Lambert, P. ditto ........................... Shoemaker 1520. Here are monuments of the Gawdv, Bacon, Leaman, Edward, ditto ..................... Ironmonger and D'Oyley families. The living is a rectory, wiih Lea man, Richard, ditto ............................. . Baker the curacy of Harleston, value 8031. per raFJnum, in Leaman, Charles, ditto ........................... Saddler the patronage of the Duke of Norfolk, at the nomiManning, Charles, ditttt ........................ Druggist nation of the Bishop of Norwich. Gawdy Hall, the Mornement William, Guist .................... Joiner seat of the Rev. John Holmes, is 'situated in a valley :Munton, John, Foulsham ........................ Grocer watered by Holebrook. Reddenhall is in Depwade Murray, Richard, Guist ....................... Butcher Union. Naih, Henry, Foulsham ...................... Druggist Name, B.esidence, &. Profession. N eale, George, ditto ................................. Bull Ab bott, ]{odah .................. Coppersmith & Brazie1· Nelson, Edward, Guist ........................ Joiner Adams, Thomas, Broad st ......... Machine Maker & Nicholas, John, Foulsham ...... Glass & China Dealer Wireworker Powell, R. ditto .......•.•••.........•••............ ~Tailor Aldis, J. L ...•••••••••......•••...•••...•.....••.••. Draper Pratt, Samuel, ditto .................... . Grocer & Draper Aldis, Thomas ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Purdy, Thomas, ditto ............... Brewer & Maltster Aldous, -, TllOrouglifarB 't ...... Brewer, & Wine & Russell, Edward, ditto ..................... Watchmaket· Spirit Merchant Rust, Robert, ditto ........................... Greyhound Allured, George .................................... Tailor Saunders, James,ditto ........................... Surgeon Allured, John ........................... Tailor & Draper Sawyer, Thomas, ditto .. . Blacksmith & 'Wheelwright Arnold, Thomas, Market pi •••... Grocer&. Teadealer Scott, -William, ditto ........................ Corn Miller As ten, J ohr., Broad st ........................... Mealman Smith, Robert, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer As ten, Robert ....................................... Miller Spraggs, , ditto .............................. Shoemaker Barber, Samuel.. ............. Miller & Flour Merchant Stringer, Thomas, ditto ................ ....... Bricklayer Barber, Thomas, :Market pl ..... .... Boot & Shoemaker Strutt, Robert. ditto ........................ Schoolmaster Barber, William ....................................... l\liller Teeles, Robert, ditto ........................... Shoemaker Bard well, Everett ................................. Solicitor Waller, Henry, ditto ... Wool Merchant, & Agent to Barham, Mary ... Boarding Establish. for Yng. Ladies the Norwich Union Bank Barley Jas. & J no. Market pl ......... Cabinet .Makers Ward, George, Guist ........................ Shopkeeper Barley, John ............................. Green Dragon West, C. Foulsham ........................ Cabinet Maker Barnaby,James ... Solicitor, Actuary to the Sav. Bank, Williamson, John, ditto ........................... Glover Agent to the Suffolk Fire Office Wright, John, datto .............................. Surveyor Barwick, James ........................... Duke William Yoxley, V. Guist ........................... Shoemaker Baxter, William ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Post Office. Eggett, Edward .............•••...•••.............. , Guist Letters arrive at ! past .2 afternoon, and are despatched at ! past 10. Berry, Elizabeth ............................. Shopkeeper Blomfield, James ........................... Shoopkeeper Blumfield, John, Thorouglifare st ... Tailor & Draper Brooke, Thomas ........................... Patten l\Iaker Brown & Clowes, 1'horouglifare st ••• ...... Iror.mongers Brown, John, ditto .................. Watch, &c . .r.1aker Bankers. East of England Branch Bank Draw on don and Westminster Bank. the Lon- Buck, William .................. Boarding & ]lay School Bu11, Jabez .........•••••••••.........•••...••• Shopkeeper Bunn, William •••...••••••...•••...••••••......••• Surgeon Burford & Crowe, Market pl .. .... Grocers & Drapers Cann, Robert, Chapel hill ...... Bookseller & Printer Norwich Union Bank • .-......... Wailer, Henry, Agent Carriers. To Norwich-Occasionally from the Ship. Cann, William .•. Agent to the East of England Bank -Draw upon London & Westmr. Bk. Throgmtn st HAB.::L:ESTON, with Brockdish, Den- Carman, George .................................. Grocer ton, Needham, Pulham, Beddenhall, Carman, Sam. Broad st ... Stationer, Watch & Clock· and Wortnell. maker; Agent to the Norwich Union Fire & Life A market town, in the parish of Reddenhall, on the Office; Corn Inspector & Bailiff of the Mkt. Tolls 38
HARLES'fON. NORFOLK ~========================~========================· Cathew & Son .. Solicitors, & Agents to the Norwich · Union Fire & Life Office Chapel of .Ease. Thoroughfare st Chappell, Samuel, ditto ..................... Gun maker Chapple, James ..................... Plumber & Glazier Chilver, Samuel, Broad st ........................ Glover Clarke, Nathaniel ..................... Horse & Groom Clowes, Thos. Thoroughfare sl ••. Brwr & Coal Mrchnt Col by, Willium ............................... Hairdresser Coleby, William ............................... Royal Oak Coils, C hristopher ........................ Schoolmaste1· Cook, Jam es, Broad st .................. Retailer of Beer Corbould, Pelham ......... Spirit Merchant & Maltster Crisp, Ben. J no. Tlwrougqfare st ... Surgeon, & Re~istrar of Births, Deaths, and Maniages, for the Harleston District Davy, Rebecca ........•..•........................... Tailor Debnan1, Thornas ................................. . Carrier Drake, Charles, Market pl ..................... Solicitor Donaldson, Rev. . .............. Curate of St. John's Dunham, John •.•................................. Butcher Edwards, Sampson ........................ Wheelwright Edwards, Thos. Mm·ket pl ...... Magpie Commercial Inn and Posting House Elliott, George, Broad st .................. Hairdresser Elliott, William, ditto ........................ Bookbinder Emms, David ................................. Blacksmith Feltham, Wiiliam, Broad st ...... Pastrycook and Confectioner, Watch and Clockmaker Freston, Charles ........................ Harness Maker Freston, George, Market pl ............... Coachmaker Freston, Henrv ..................... Boot and Shoemaker Freston, Isaac, Thoroughfare st ...... Retailer of Beer Francis, James .................. Teadealer and Grocer Gilbert, Gillett, Market pl ..................... Surgeon Gilbert, ·rhomas ................ , ............. Coach maker Godbould, John ..................... Clerk of St. John's Goggs, Charles, Thoroughfare d ......... Saddler, &c. Grim wade, Edward, ditto ...... Chemist and Stationer, Agent to the Atlas Fire and Life Office Habbertson, Sarah, ditto ......... Boot and Shoemaker Hart, Henry, ditto ......... Swan Commercial [nn and Posting House Hart, J onathan, dillo .............................. Cooper Harvey, R, B. Broad st .•. Corn Chandler & Seedsman Harvey, Robert .................................... 1\iiller Hazard, William, Market pl ... Solicitor, and Agent to Gurney's, Tumet·, Brightwen, and Lloyd, Bankers, ' Halesworth Hugman, Joseph, Thoroughfare st ... Cnrrier & Tanner Humphrey, Charles ............ China and Glassdealer Hurrv, James, Broad st ........................ , .. Butcher • Independent Chapel Laud, J oseph ...................................... . Glover Lee, John ............................................. Grocer Lillystone, William, Thorouglifare st '· ........... Baker Lowes, James ........................ Colleetor of Excise Mallon, Cornelius, J.Irkt pl .. . Currier & Leathercutter Mason, Robert, Broad st ............... Two Brewers, and Tinmau and Brazier Mason, William .................. Three Jolly Butchers Moth, ........................... Supervisor of Excise Muskett, JamesJ Chapel hill .. . Chemist and Druggist, Agent to the Equitable Fire Office Oldershaw, Archdeacon ........ , ... Rector of St. John's Page, George, Broad st ........................ Red Lion Palm er, Robert, ditto .................. Retailer of Beer Palmer, S. Thoroughfare .st ..................... Milliner Parker, John, Market pl ...... Crown Commercial Inn Parker, J ol1 n ....................................... Cooper Pedgraft, James .............................. Stonemason Priest, Sar. Tlwroug!ifare st, Semny for Young Ladies Pritty~ Robert ,,.,,.,,.,.,.,., ..... Boot and Shoemaker Rayner, Robert ..................... Three Horse Shoes Redgrave, Charles ...... , ..•.. Auctioneer and App1aiser Rodwell, Samuel, Tborouglifare st ... Boot & Shoemkr Rolfe, Richard ........................ Veterinary Surgeon Scruton, John ................................. Cherry Tree Sewell, Ann ... Agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life Office, Stamp Office Shipson, James, Market pl ..................... Butcher Simmonds, Charles .................. Veterinary Surgeon Smith & Bnck, Market pl ... Linen & Woollen Drpri Smith, Francis, Thoroughfare st ............ Blacksmith Smith, Samuel ............ Linen and Woollen Draper Stodhart, Miss ......... Mistress of the National School Swallow, Thomas .................. Draper and Tailor Thirkettle, Charlotte, Market pl China & Glass Dlr Ward, Henry, 'l'horoughfare st ......... Colonel's Cap Ward, Hobert ........................... Market Gardener Welton, Charles .. , .............. , ......... Wheelwright Westleyan Chapel, erected 1837. Whatson J ames, Thoroughfare st ... , ...... , .... Butcher Wilson, Eleanor, J.Harket pl ..................... Bake•· \Vilsotl, John .................................•........ Baker Woolnough, Mark .· ................................. Cooper Wright, John ............................ Harness Maker· Post Office. Caley; James ..... ....•........................ , . Postmaster Letters arrive from London and the north, morn. ~ past 8, and despatched even. ! before 6, Letters arrive from Bungay and Beccles, even. ;f before 6, and de!!patched morn. t past 8. Box clm;es fan hour before each despatch, but may be sent up to the time of departure on payment of 1d. Posting Houses. Crown Commercial Inn ... Edwards, Thos. Market pl Swan Inn ..................... Hart, H. Thoroughfare st Bankers. East of England Bank ......... Cann,:William, Agenf Draw upon the London and Westminster Bank, Throgmorton st, London. Hazard, William, .... Varlcet pl ... Agent to Gurney's, Turne•·, Brightwen, & Llllyd, Bankers, Balesworth ••• Draw upon Barclay & Co. Savings' Bank. Actuary .............•........•.. , . . , ....... Barnaby, J ames Treasurer ...................... , ..•....... W, Hazard, Esq. rire & Life Assurance Agents. Grimwade, Edw ................ Atlas, Thoroughfare 111t Muskett, James ........................... Equitable Fire Cathew & Son ............... Norwich Union, Broad st Carman, Samuel ............ Norwich Union, Broad st Se well, Ann .............................. Norwich Union Barnaby, Jarnes .............................. Suffolk Fire Law & Public Officer. Carman, Samuel ... Corn Inspector and Bailiff of the Market Tolls, Broad st Sxcise Office. Lowes, J ames ... I •• I ••••• , I I •••• , ••• I •••• ,.,.,. I. Collector Moth, , ...... I ••••• , ••••••••••• I •••••••••••••• Supervisor Stamp Office. Se well, Ann .............................. Sub-distributor National School. Stod hart, Miss ........................ , ... I, .•. ,.. 1\Iistress Coach List. To Bungay and Ipswich The Star, frorn Swan Inn, daily~ morn. 7; returns 7 e\'ening. 39
NORFOLK. HARLESTON. ============================~========================~ To Norwich The Union, from Sujfillk Hotel, Wed. and Friday, ! before 2, after.; returns Tues. and Thursday,! before 3, afternoon. To Yarmouth-The Hope, from Magpie, Monday. \Ved. and Friday, at 5, afternoon; retums Tues. Thursday, and Saturday, 11 morning. To Norwich Omnibus, from Crown Inn, ·wed. and Satn~day,O! past 6, morning ; returns same evenmg:> at 6. ~arriers' List. To_ London Reeve's waggon, from Colonel's Cap, to the Blue Boar, Aid gate, through Bungay,I pswich, Colchester, and Chelmsford, Tuesday and Saturday evenings; relurns Monday and Thursday. To Stradbrook and Norwich--Minn, from Su:an Inn, every Wednesday, and returns the following day. To Norwich-Debnam, T. from his own house, to the City qf Norwich Inn, Norwich, every Tue!'iday and Friday, and returns Wednesday and Saturday. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer q· Appraiser. Redgrave Charles Bakn·s.-Lillystone Wm. Thoroughfare st Wilson Eleanor, Market pl Wilson John Beer Retailers.-Cook Jas. Broad st I<'reston Isaac, Thoroughfare st Palmer Robt. Broad st Blacksmitlls.-Emms David Smith Francis, Thoroughfare st Bookbinder. Elliott Wm. Broad st Bookselle1· ~- Priuter. Cann Robt. Chapel hill Boot~- Shoemakers. Aldis Thomas Barber· Thomas, Market pl Baxter William Freston Henry · Habbertson Sarah, Thoroughfare st Pritty Robt. Rodwell Sam. Thoroughfare f;t Buwer·s. Aldous, , Thoroughfare st Clowes Thos. Thoroughfare st Butchers. Dunham John - Hurry Jas. Broad st Shipson Jas. Market pl Whatson Jas. Thoroughfare st Cabinet Makers.-Barley Jas. & Jno. Market pl Chemists~- Druggists. Grim wade E. Thoroughfare st l\luskett James, Chapel hill China q· Glassdealers. Humphrey Chs. Thirkettle Charlotte, Market pi Coacl1makers. Freston George, Market pl Gilbert Thomas Coal .llferc!taut.-Ciowes Thos. Thoroughfare st Coopers. Hart Jonathan, Thoroughfare st Parkea· John Woolnough Mark Coppersmith ~ Brazier. Abbott Rodah Corn Clwndler.-Harvey R. B. Broad st Curriers, q·c. Hugman Joseph, Th(Jroughfare st Mason Cornelius, Market pi Drapers, Linen q 1Voollen.-Aldis J. L. Burford & Crowe, Market pl Smith & Buck, 1\Iarket pl Smith Samuel Glovers. Chilver Samuel, Broad st Land Joseph Grocers. Arnold Thomas, Market pl Burford & Crowe, Market pl Carman George Francis J ame1 Lee John 40 HA RLESTON CLASSHICATION, continued. Gunmaker. Chappell Sam. Thoroughfare st Hairdresse1·s.-Colby W illiam Elliott Geo. Broad st Harness Makers.-Freston Charles Wrioht John 0 Ironmonger.~. Brown & Clowes, Thoroughfare st 1Hacltine Maker. Adams Thos. Broad st Maltster.-Corbould Pelham MarketGardener. Ward H.obert Meal q. Flour Merchant. Barber Samuel Mea/man. Asten John, Broad st M.ille1·s. Asten H.obt. Barber Samuel Barber William Harvey Robert Milliner. Palmer S. Thoroughfare st Pastrycook. Feltham William, Br<>ad st Patten Maker. Brooke Thos. Plumber~- Glazier.-Chapple James Saddler. Goggs Chas. Thoroughfare st Schools (Gents). Buck William Coils Christopher Schools (Ladies). Barham Mary Priest Sarah, Thoroughfare st Shopkeepers. Berry Elizabeth Blomfield James Bull Jabez Solicitors. Bardwell Everett Barnaby James Cathew &Son Drake Chas. Market pi Hazard William, Market pl Stationers. Carman, Samuel, Broad st Grimwade Edw. Thoroughfare st Stonemason. Pedgraft James Surgeons. Bunn W illiam Crisp Benjamin John, Thoroughfare st Gilbert Gillelt, :Market pi Tailors q. Drapers. Allured George Allured John Blumfield John, Thoroughfare at Davy Rebecca Swallow Thomas Taverns, Inns, q. Public Houses. Clterry Tree, Scruton John Colonel's Cap, Ward Henry, Thoroughfare st Crown Commercial Inn, Parker John, Mkt. pl D~ke T¥illiam, Barwick James Green Dragon, Barley John Horse l:)· Groom, Clarke Nathaniei Magpie Commercial Inn q· Posting House, Edwards Thomas, Market pl Red Lion, Page Geo. Broad st Royal Oak, Coleby William Swan Posting q. Commercial Inn, Hart Henry, . Thoroughfare st Three Horse Shoes, Rayner Robt Three Jolly Butchers, Mason William 'l'wo Brewe1·s, Mason Robt. Broad st Tinman Mason Robt. Broad st Veterinary SurgPons. Simmonds Charles Rolfe Rachard TFatcltmakers, ~-c. Brown John, Thoroughfare st Carman Samuel, Broad st Feltham William, Broad st Wlleelwrigllts Edwards Sdmpson '\\' elton, Cha1les Wine ~- Spirit Merchants. Aldous , Thoroufare il Corbould Pelharn Wirewo1·ker,-Adams Thos. Broad st
HARLESTON. NORFOLK. BROCKDISH, Near Harleston. . Aldis, John .................................... Biacksn1ith Alecock, Satnuel ...........................•.. Greyhound Ball, Thomas ...................................... . Cooper Barkaway, Charles ........................... Fellmon~er Bezant, James ................................. Blacksmith Booty, ~Villiam ........................................ Tailor Brooks, Robert ............ Carpente~ and Wheelwright Burgess, John .............................. Wheelwright Butterfield, Rev. H. .. ............................ Rector Cook, J. .. .............. , ............. Boot, &c. Maker Evans, James ............ Shopkeeper and Shoemaker Fearman, Ben jam in .................. Boot, &c. Maker Fox, Charles ........................... Grocer and Draper Hart, Gt?orge ............•............................. Tailor High, John .............. ...................... Day School Ke1np, Charlea ................................. Bricklayer Kettle, Samuel .............................. King's Head Reeve, J ames .. ·~ ................................... Carrier }teeve, James ........................... Retailer of Beer Stigles, Robert .....•.................................. Carrier Taylor, 'Villi am .............................. Saddler, &c. Wilby, William .................................... . Baker For Post, Coaches, &c. see Harleston. Carriers. 'l'o London-Reeves's Waggon, on Wednesday and , Saturday evn. t past 6, to the Blue Boar, Aidgate, and returns on Monday and Thursday evn. at 7. To Ipswich Stigle's Cart, on Tuesday and Friday morn. at 4, and returns Wednesday and Saturday evn, at 7. 'DENTON - ' Near Harleston. Brown, Charles ................................. Shoemaker Buck, James ........ , ........................ King's 1-Iead Button, Ed ward .................................... Miller Chester, Rev. W .............•....................... Rector Pallant William ......... .............................. Clerk Delf, DaQiel. ................................... Blackstnith Alien, Richard ................................. Carpenter Allured, John ..............................••....... Tailor Barnes, Samuel ....................................... Baker Boyce, Robert ...••• Bricklayer & Composition Figure Maker Brown, l\'Iary ................................. Shopkeeper Bullen, James .............................. Organ Builder Churchett, J esabel ........................... Shopkeeper Churchyard, Sydney ........................ Shopkeeper Crick more, William .............................. Solicitor Crisp, Willia1n .................................... Butcher Dunn, Charles .............................. Beer Retailer Dunn, J ames ..................... Plumber and Glazier Dutton, John ....•........................... . Hairdresser Elrnar, James ..................••.•........ , ........ f..,alcon Goff, William ........................ Tailor and Draper Goodrham, Mary .............................. Shopkeeper Hardock, Rev. William ........................... Curate Harrison, Samuel ............................. Bricklayer 1-lazell, Thomas ........... ............................ Baker Howlett, Joseph ... Machine Maker and Wireworker 1\.ing J. . ............................... . Boot, &c. Maker King, Mary Ann ........................ Retailer of Beer Leigh, Rev. W illiam .............................. Rector Loveless, Thomas ........................... Blacksmith Loveless, Thomas ........................... Shopkeeper M ills, Charles .. , ................................. . Surgeo11 Mills, Henry .................................. I-Iairdresser Mullenge1·, Oeorge ........................ Wheelwright Mullenger, James ...... Blacksmith and Wheelwright N eave, William ............... , .................... Crown Os borne, William ................................. Saddler Palmer, John ................................. "\'Vheelwright Pritty, James ........................ Boot and Shoemaker Rayson, Robert ................................ Blacksmith. Reeve, Thomas ................................ Bricklayer Richards, J ames .... ...........•..................... Baker Rudling, John ••................................... . Glover Saunders, William ................................. Baker Self, J oseph ................................. Maid's I-Iead Stain ton, l\lary ...................................... . Baker Stanton, Eliz ........................................... Miller Stanton, Robert ................................... Miller Delf, Rose .................................... Shopkeeper Vi pond, Joseph .............. , ....... Boor, &c. Maker Delf, Thomas ................................. Blacksmith 'Vade, Robert .. · .................................. Butcher Doe, John .................................... Shopkeeper J'lll'am<~ Tl1omas K1'na's Head . yy o.;' ••••••••••••.• .,. • • • • •••••.• 0 G~bbs, Sa~?el ................................. Shoemaker Wrason, George ........................... Schoolmaster G1bhs, Wilham ... ~···oo•• ....................... Shoemaker Wright, William .............................. Saddler, &.c. Woolterton, W1lham .............................. Butcher Youell, John .................................... Carpenter Wollton, James ................................. Carpenter For Post, Coaches, &c. see Harleston. For Post, Coaches, &c., see Harleston. NEED HAM, Near Harleslon. Beqt, W nt .•••........ .•••..................•.•.. . Brick)ayer Black more, Mark ......... Hemp Linen Manufacturer Black more, Mark ........................... Fishmonger Public Schools. Free School .................... Page, Thomas, 1\Iaster National School.- Stanton, John ....................... .......•..... 1\iaster Stanton, Hannah .............................. Mistress Chilver, Henry ................................. Blacksmith REDDENHAT...L, Etheridge, Harriett ..................... Boot, &c, Makel' Near J-l.arleston. Preston, James ....................... Boot, &c. :Maker Aldous, John ...................................... Farmer Gooch, William ................................. Red Lion Allen, Samuel ........................... Retailer of Beer Gobbett, J ames ..... ................................... Baker Fisher. J a1nes ............................. ..•....... Farmer • Matthews, James ......... Hemp Linen Manufacturer Gedney, John ....................................... Farmer Matthews, James ........................ Retailer of Beer Murrell, J ........................................... Farmer Nivett, Rev. John .............................. Incumbenl Nichols, William ............ Bombasine Manufacturer Smith, Joshua ........................ Fishmongers' Arms Parker, J ames ....................................... Farmer Starr, Samuel ........................... Boot, &c. 1\'Iaker Parker, Nathaniel ................................. Farmer Starr, William .............................. Cider Maker Robinson, T.Villiam ............ Academy for Gentlemen For Post, Coaches, &c., see Harleston. Tillet, Thomas ................................. Yew Tree PULHAM, ST. MARY, Near Harleston. ' -Aldrich, Mary ................ , ..... , . , ....... . Shopkeeper Algar, Robert ... I ..... ,. I .. ., .. , .. ,. .. ,, Retailel' of Beer Norfolk.] G For Post, Coaches, &c., see Harleston. Burgess, Samuel WORTWELL, Near Harleston. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. , ............ Bell 41
NORFOLK.. .. IIARLING, EAST.' Burwood, Thomas ................................. Baker Lanchester, \Villiam ........................ Fatten Maker Butcher, Thomas ........................ Retailer of Beer Le Gryse, Thomas ........................... Wheelwright Burton, Richard .............................. Blacksmith Maitland, lVlrs ..................................... The Bull Church, Samuel .......••...............•••... Blacksmith i\liller, John ....................................... Saddler Church, Samuel .......•................. , ............. Dove Minet, Jan1es •••...........•••••.••••••••.•.•••.••••. Tailor Donaldson, Rev. J. P. . .....•••.................. Curate Must, Robert .........•••......•••.••.......•.••••••... Tailor F ellingham, John ...............••••••••••••... Shoemaker N ewell, Robert •....•....••....•...•..••••.•.•••••• Butcher Fuller, George .......................... Retailer of Peake, G. & S ................................ Blacksmiths Green, John ·\·•••······••••••··················Shoemaker Pearle, John ............•••.......•..•......•••• Blacksmith Harvey, Robert ...... ,., .............................. Miller Postle, Tolver .•.•••.•...........•..•. ,. , ..•.••.•..•. Surgeon Hill, Ed"vard ........................................ Miller Potter, J .............................................. Tailor Jefferys, Joseph .............................. Wheelwright Pull, Robert ....................... , ... Boot & Shoemaker Jordan, Jamcs ................................. Carpenter Rain bird, Robert ........................... Queen's Head Markland, John ............... Basket and Sievemaker Rush, Henry ........................ Veterinary Surgeon Oldershaw, Archdeacon ........................... Re_ctor Sayer, Thomas ....................................... Miller Osborn, William ..•.........•••............... Shopkeeper Smith, John ....•..•.. , ........•....•••...•.....•••••• Baker Hayner, Robert ................................ Butcher Smith, Richard ............... Gardener & Beer Retailer Reed, Charles ...••••••............•••...•••... Bricklayer Spink, John ·······~·········•·•·····················Tailor VVrayner, James .............................. Shoemaker Squire, James ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Wright, Simon ................................. Shopkeeper Watson, Daniel.. ................ Swan Commercial Inn Wyldes, John ............................. Wheelwright Watson, William ... Nag's Heacl, & Painter & Glazier For Post, Coaches, &c., see Harleston. West, Robert ...... Farmer & Lime & Coal Merchant HAB.Ia!NG, EAST, with Barnham & North&. South Lopham. Whitrod, J ................ Watchmaker & Ironmonger Wilkinson, Rev. T. B •••.•.....•.....•.....••...... Rector \Voodcock,' George ............................... Butcher Youles, William ...................... Grocer & Draper Post Office. Receiving House ..................... Kerrison,Charles Mail arrives 8 morn., returns -! past 5 even, One delivery each day. A market town, 89 miles fwm London through Epping, Newmarket, and Thetford; from which last it is distant 9i miles E. by N.,contained in 1831, 1031 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 37 48!. The market is on Tuesday ; and fairs are held on May 4th and October 24th, for cattle, sheep, and toys ; and in September is one of the largest cattle fairs in the county. The church, To dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is a fine edifice, with a quadrangular tower, surmounted by aspire. In the chancel are monuments of Sir Robert and Sir John Carrier. Norwich-Newdick's Waggon, every Thursday, and to Bury every Saturday. ~ Classification of Trades. Harling, and also of Sir William Chamberlain, K.G., Baker. Smith John who rebuilt the church about the year 1449, and of Beer Retailers. Eagling John Anne, his wife, who was the daughter of Sir Robert Smith Richard Harling. The living is a rectory, value 523l. per ann. Blacksmiths. Chapman B. : This parish is in Guiltcross Union. At West Harding, Peake G. & S. two miles distant, is the seat of Nicholas William Pearle John Ridley Colborne, Esq. Ridd!esworth Hall, the seat Boot 9' Shoemakers. Gregory William of Thomas Thorn hill, Esq.; Garboldisham Hall, the Knights John seat of the Marquess of Blandford; Shadwell Lodge, Pull Robert the seat of Sir Robert John Buxton, Bart.; and Quid- Squire James denham Hall, the seat of the Earl of Albemarle, Bricklayers. Kerrison Charles Master of the Horse to the Queen, are in the neigh- Kerrison S. bourhood of East Harling. Brickmakers. Clarke John Kerrison George :Wame, .il.esidence, &. :Profession. Butchers. Newell Robert Alien, Amos ............................. Glazier & Painter Woodcock George Atmore, Richard ...................... Grocer & Draper Cabitzet Maker. Bailey William ~ Barrett, J os h ......................................... Tailor Cka11dlers.-Everett Atmore Bailey, William ........................... Cabinet Maker Coal Merchant. West Robert Cbapman, B .................................. Blacksmith l;ooper. Daynes Thomas Clarke, J no ..................................... Brickmaker Draper11. At more Richard . 1 Culham, Herbert ... Wine, Spirit & Wool Merchant Drake Elizabeth Cullum, Herbert ... Agent to the Norwich Fire & Life Youels William Assurance Company Farmer. \Vest Robert Cull urn, Robert ...................................... GloYer Gardener. Smith Richard Daynes, Thomas ............................ Cooper, &c. Glass Dealers. Everett & Atmore Drake, Elizabeth ........................ Grocer& Draper Glover. Cullum Robert Eagling, John ................................ Beer Retailer Grocers. Atmore Richard Everett & Atmore ......... Chandlers & G:ass Dealers Drake Elizabeth Gant, William ........................................ Tailor Youels 'Villiam Gregory, William .................. Boot & Shoemaker Ironmonger. Whitrod J. Jary, Thomas ........................................ Miller Lime .J.lferchant. West Robert' Kerrison, Ctlarles ............................... Bricklayer M illers.-Jary Thomas Kerrison, George .............................. White Hart Sager Thomas Kerrison, George .............................. Brickmakctr Painters Sf Glaziers. Alien Amos Kerrison, S ...................................... Bncklayer Watson William Knights, John ........... n ....... , ... ,Boot & Shoemaker Patten Maker, Lanchester William 4.2