OXFORD. d~ON. =================;== Leeson A. 57 Friar 3l •••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••• Milliner Lewin Wm. 35 bottom of Market ............ Butcher Liddell A. 22 Friar st ........................... Millitler LiddeU J. Lit Clnrmdon st ........................ Tailor Lid dell J a8. 23 Higk 'St ............... Tailor & Draper Lid dell John, OiJserrntory la, Jericho, Beer Retailet Liddell R. Iliglt 'Bt, St Clemenls •.• Grocer & Tea Dlr Lillingston William, 40 Corn madcet st ... Boot & Shoemaker Lim;]ey Wm. 22 West range of Market .•.... Butcher 1inzev Thos. 5 Castle st •.............. Bluchers Head Lloyl Jame!!, 24 Castle st ............... Light Horse Lobb Chas. 22 Broad st.. •• . ... •. ........ Stay Maker Lock Sir J os h. & Co. 6 High st ............... Bankers Lodet R. 31 bottom of Market............... Butcher Loder Sarah, 103 High .~t ... China, Glass & Perfumety Warehouse Loder Wm. Hig'!t 'Sl, St Clements ...... Beer Retailer London Richd. 19 Little Gate ............ Shopkeeper London Wm.ll2 High st .................. Hairdresser London Wm. James, Cowley rd ... Grocer &Tea Dlr Long Richd. 7 Frair st ..................... Shopkeeper Long Thos. Walton ter .................. Beer Retailer Looker John, 20 Queen st ... Solicitor and County Clerk, & Perpetual Commissioner for taking the acknowledgment of Deeds by Married Women for City and County of Oxford, & Agent to the Pelican Insurance Company Lord Thos. St Aldatea st ... Straw & Tuscan Bonnet Manufactttrer Lucas John, 111 Hiylist ................ ~. Boot Maker Lucas Wm. 21 St Aldates st .................. : .. Tailor Ludlow J. St Ebbes la.................. BePr Retailer Ludlow J. ditto ............... Marque & Tent Maker Ludlow John, 9 South side qf' Market ...... Butcher LuffThos. 35 New inn hall st ...................... Dyer Luff Wm. Corn 1r1arket ttt ...... Chemist & Druggist Luker Ann, 40 Gearge st ..... ~ ......... Beer Retailer Luker G. L. 21 Rolywellst, Plumber, Painter, and · Glazier Lukyn, Wm. Cowle.'l House {lr at 24 Spring Gardens, Londo1t), Patentee Dentist, & Matriculat~cl Dentist to the University from 1829 Lyne John, Cattle marlcet, Gloucettter green... Beer Retailer Lyster Chas. 29 Queen st.. ............. Eating House Mace Wm. St ThomtJtJ st ............ Witldsor Castle Mackley Thos. Market~ ........................ Tailor Madgett Patrick, Oriel st.... ....... .... ... .. • . Surgeon Magee • Owen, Cattle mtJrlcet, Glaltcester greer?, •• _. . Blue Pig Malin H. London pl, St Clement-B .•. Grocer & Cheesemonger Mallam D. P. St Aldates d ............... Upholsterer Mallam Thos. Turl at ........................ a.Solicitor Mallam Thos. 126 High st, Tobacconist, Auctioneer, & Timbe~· Merchant Mallett M. A. 49 Bt'Otld 'lt.~................. Stationer Maltby Sarah, 6 Q1teen st. ~·· .• ~, ....... Eating House Mansell Mark, Magdalen -st...... W oodstock Arms Mansfield F. 21 Wast r-ange 'Of .Afarket ...... Butcher Mansfield l ohn, Pf.'mbroke st,., ...... ., . • ..... Butcher March Wm. Summer town .•. u ............ Shopkeeper Margetts Fanhy, 140 Higlt 3t ............... Red Lion Marsh Thos. 19 ~ 20 middle of .Mtn·ket ...... Butcher Marshall Wm. 125 High st.h Music Seller & Professor of Music Marshall Wm. 17 Beaumont st...... Music Master Martin John, St Ebbe-s la ......... Boot & Shoemaker Martin W. Orielst ............ Surgeon & ApothPcary Marygold Rich d. Union st, Card(qan st, Jericho ... Shopkeeper & Beer Retailer Maslin R. Ckurck st, Ho/;ywell st, Shower Bath,Keepr Mason 1'urt -'t ... Ironmonger & Tin Plate Worker Matthews John, High st ........................ Solicitor Matthews Mrs. Walton pl.................. Acadetny Matthews Wm. 46 Bear st .•. Engineer & Copper Plate Engraver Matthews Wm. 4 in the Gateway, Quern st ... Turner & Painter Mattingley M. 11 Magdalen st, Grocer & Tea Dealr Maxey Henry, 80 HolyweU st .... Cabinet Maker1 Upholsterer, & Furniture Broker May John, Longwall st...... Livery Stable Keeper Mead John, 31 St Giles st ............ Pheasant Inn M edcrap J ames, Summer town......... Shopkeeper Medwin Thos. 114 Hiah st ... Tea Deal er & Grocer .. Melsham Thos. High si, St Clements, Beer Retailer Mercer Michael, Blackfriars rd..... .... Shopkeeper Merriman Wm. 3 Pembroke st............ Red Lion Midd.leton Mrs. St Giles rd ..................... Baker Midwinter M. A. 1 Corn market Bt ... Jolly Farmer Miles Peter & Co. Graftan house, 1 St Aldates st, Tea Dealers Miller Chas. 9 Queen st ......... Chemist & Druggist Miller David, Parkend .st ........................ Grocer Miller Wm. TredweU st.. ......... , Smith & Farrie11 Miller Wm. St Ebbes la........................ Brewer Mills Robt. St Thomas ~t .................. Shopkeeper Minshul Wm. St Ebbes la ........................ Bake~ Mobley Geo. Union st, Cardigan st, Jericho, Grocer & Butcher Mobley Geo. 7 South side ~J .llfarket...... Butcher Mohley John, High st, St Cl.ements ........ ~ Butcher Mobley John, 9 West mnge of Mat·ket ...... Butcher Moore Henry, 8 Holywell st, Livery Stable Keeper Moore J. V. 1 Parkend st ...... Corn & Flour Dealer Moore Mrs. 21 St Giles rd............ DreSi Maket Mm·gan John, St Ebbes la ........................ Tailor M orison Alexander, 143 High st ... Mercer & Draper .Morl~ & Co. 12 High st ..... Dt·apers and General Ware housemen l\forley Richard, Cardigan st, Jericho......... Tailor Mocrell Baker & Son, 1 St Giln st ... Solicitors, and Commissioners to Paving Act, and Salicitors to University MorreU Jas. & Root. 134 High st ............ Bankers Morrell I. F. 22 Beaumont st ............... Solicitor~ Morrell Rohert, Turl st ..• Solicitor, Chapter Clerk of Christ Church, and Deputy Registrar of the Diocese to Oxford, Steward of the .M:erum College, nnd County Treasurer, and Treasuret to the Oxford Commission Morris G. Summer town ..... a ........... Beer Retailer Morris Mrs. St Giles field ...... Saddle Tree Manuftr Morris Thos. 26 middle of Mar·ket ... Green Groet.'i' Morton Jas. 30 St Giles 1·d ... Boot and Shoemaker Morton Jas. Canal whaif ............•.• Hop Merchant Moss H. 56 ·west range flj Market ....... , .... Butcher Moss Sarah, St 1'homas .u ...................... Butcher M unday J os h. 4 Queen st ... Printer and Publisher of the Oxford University Ciry and Cotlntry Herald Mundy Thos. 88 High st ... Stationer & Bookbinder Murrell Mark & James, Sl Thomfts :;t ...... Brewers Neighbour John, 21 ~ 22 middle of Market, Butcher Neighbour John, lligh st, St Clements ... Land • Snrveyot Neighbour Thos. 23 ~ 24 middle of Market, B11tcher Nevell Wm. 3 George 1/t1 Corn Chandler and Grocer Nevill Wm. 17 George st ..................... Champion New berry Thos. Park .... ·~··· ... Plasterer and Slate!" N ewman Edwd. 22 George st ............ Black Swan Nibbs Sarah, 7 North side of Marlcet .•• Greengrocet Nicholls Edward, Holywell mill .................. Miller Ni.ckols Richard, 5 Alfred st, St Giles-.\ . ..... Tailor Nickols William, 20 Com market Bt ••• Star & Garter 15
o:XoN. OXFORD. ====~====================-============~====~==~~~ Noon Thomas, Clarendon st, Jericho •• • Beer Retailer N orgrove Ann, I8 Corn market st.......... The Bell North John, 8 West range of Market ... Greengrocer North Thomas, I lriagdalen st ......... Linen Draper Noyes John IO King st ..................... Shopkeeper Noyle William, 20 King st ............... Beer Retailer Nunnev Henry, 2 George st ......... Hope & Anchor N unney J ames, Market st............. Basket Maker Nunney Sarah, 42 Holywell st ................ Dolphin Nunney William, 26 Queen st ............ Kings Head N utt & Chillingworth, 53 Holywell st ..... ..... Ladies Seminary Nutt J. High st ............ Dealer in Window Glass Nutt Joseph, IJ!lee ............................ Carpenter Oborne 25 George st ... Saddler & Harness Mkr Oborne Sarah, 2 New Inn Hall st ......... Saddler & Harness Maker Ogle J ames, 63 St Giles st .................. Physician Oliver W. H. Parkend st ........................ Tailor Orpwood Wm. St Thomas st .... ........ White Horse Ortelli Anthony, 113 High st ... J eweller, Silversmith, Cutler, Looking Glass & Barometer Maker, Artificial Flower & Feather Mannfacturer Os born Henry, battom of J.lfarket ............ Butcher Osman 19 St Aldates st...... ... . . .... .. Naturalist Ostler Elizabeth, Lit Clarendon .~t.. ..... Shopkeeper Ovenell Jonathan, IO St Aldates st .... Boot & Shoemaker, & Straw Bonnet Shop Pacey J ames, Canal ~arf ..... .•..... Coal Merchant Pacey Paul, 49 High st ... .... Hosier & Haberdasher Pacey William, Cardigan st, Jericho ... Beer Retailer Pack wood G. 32 Castle st ........................ Brazier Page Rd. Observatory la, Jericho ...... Beer Retailer Palmer A. E. Pembroke st ............ Bonnet Maker Palm er J ames, Littlegate .... .......... ~ Beer Retailer Parker & Foster~ StAldates st, Land &WaterCarriers Parker C. L. I7 St Aldates st .................. Surgeon Parker John, 17 Beaumont st .....•...•..•....• Brewer Parker John, St Clements ......... Brewer, Maltster & Wine & Spirit Merchant Parrott Henry, The Parlc ..................... Carpenter Parsons, Thomson & Co. 92 High st ...... Old Bank Partridge Sarah, 41 H olywell st .. ........ Shopkeeper Pavier J. Gloucester green, Whitesmith & Bellhanger Pavier William, Paradise st .... """"""" Whitcsmith Paxton J ames, 11 Queen st ... "'"'"""""""" Surgeon Payne Thomas, Paradise st ...... Plumber & Glazier Payne William, New inn hall :;t .... .• Livery Stables Payne W. I35 High st. .. Upholsterer & Ca.binet Mkr Peake C. B. 17 West range of Market ...... Butcher Peake John, 3 South side of .Market ....... Dealer in Birmingham Ware Peake Thomas, I7 1-Iigh st ... Mitre Commercial Inn & Posting House Pearcy William, Summer town ......... Beer l{etailer Pearson Henry, 35 St Ebbes st ..••••. ..... Day School Pearson Hawlin, I King st ... Watch & Clock Maker Pen son N at. 61 High st ......... Nursery & Seedsman Perkins J. 47 Broad st •.. Wine & Brandy Merchant Perkins William, 15 George st ......... Druids Head Perrin Thomas, George st ............. Livery Stables Pet her R. 13 East side of Market ............ Butcher Pet her William, St Aldates st.. ........... Gun Maker Petty George, Holly bush I"OW .......... Beer Retailer Petty J. Frederick pl, Castle st ..... ..... Stone Cutter Pfei1, Hunt & Co. 124 High st ...... Wine Merchants Pharaoh J. Jericho ...... Coach & Cart Wheelwright Pbillips M. 7 Holywell st ..................... Laundress Phipps David, Jericho .................. B~er Retailer Pickford & Co. Canal whf . .. Carriers & Wharfingers Pike Charles, 43 Holywell st ..................... Tailor Pike John, Cowley rd .............................. Baker Pike John, St Clements ........................... Baker 16 Pike J. George st ... Hop, & Lead, & Window Glass Mercht, Cut Glass Manuf. & Staffordshire & China Warehouse. Pike Robert, 4 St John st .................. Accountant Pilcher Charles, 5 High st .... Ironmonger & Manuf Pinfold George, 5 Beaumont st ......... Confectioner Pinfold John, 17 & IS Bottom of ..i}farket ... Butcher Pinfold John, I9 Holywell st .................. Butcher Piper John, Friars wharf ........................ Tailor Plowman John, }~{er ton st ...... Architect & Builder Plowman J. 43 Corn Market st.. .. Furnishing Iron• monger, Brush Factor, Oil & Colour Mercht. Bell Hanger, Tin Plate Worker, Whitesmith, Basket Mkr. Cooper, Lthgrphc Draughtsman & Printer Plowman W. 71 High st . .. Irnmngr, Smith, Brazier, & Oil Merchant, & Agent for Harsham & Lonsdale Anticorosive Paint Plum mer J. Red lion sq. Cattle m1·kt ••. Beer Retailer Pound. John, Blackfriars rd ............. Beer Retailer Powelj J. 77 St Giles st ... Grocer and Agent to the Independent West Middlesex Insurance Compy Fire & Life Office Powell Thomas, Parkend st ............ Beer Retailer Pragg Simon, 5! Castle st ............ General Dealer Preedy W. 7 Corn market st .... Wholesale & Retail Groce1·, Cheesemongery & Prov1sion Dealer Preston Richard, 52 Broad st •. .......... White Horse Price Benjamin, Fryers entry, St Gilea ....... Tailor Price E. 27 & 28 West range of lriw1wt ... Butcher Price J ames, 19 Broad st .. .... Tailor & Robe Maker Price John, 13 & 14 middle of Market ...... Butcher Price M. 6 North side of JYiad.:et ...• Green Grocer Prince J. 2 North side of Market .... .. Green Grocer Prior J ames, 41 Corn market st ............ Blue Lion Prior J oseph, 6 Corn mm·ket st .................. Tailor Prior John, 28 H olywell st Pugh E. Pembroke st ..... ..... Hat & Bonnet Maker Pulkcr E. 3 East side of llfarlcet ......... Grecngrocer Pusey S. 12 West range of Market ............ Baker Quartermain T. 25 St Aldates st ... Coal Merchant Quartcrman A bel, 117 Iligh st .... .. Breeches Maker Quarterman J. 11 East side of Market ••• Greengrocer Quarterman P. St Aldates st ... Carpntr & Tmbr Dlr Quarterman Wm. 9 ditto ... Tailor & Breeches Mkr Quartermaine Sam. Alfred st, Livery Stable Keeper Queloh Stephen, St Ebbes st ... Grocer & Tea Dealer Rackstraw Wm. Magdalen st ......... Bell & Crown Rack straw G. 68 St Giles st ..• Solicitor; Agent to the West of England Fire & Life Insurance Camp. Randal & Co. Jericho ..................... Shoemakers Randal Hannah, St Aldates st ............ Wheatsheaf Rand all , 22 High st . .......................... Hatter Rand all Richard, 78 St Giles st ......... Hob in Hood Randall Saml. St Aldates st ... Livery Stable Keeper Rand ell Geo. St Giles st ......... Lamb & Flag Inn Ran dell Richard, 38 Corn llfarket st •.• The Plough Rawbone T.High st, St ClementsCape of GoodHope Redhead Richard, Broad st ...... Builder & Surveyor Redhead Rich. Church st, Holywell ...... Carpenter Reed Louis a, 36 St John st . .. Milliner & Dress Maker Reynolds Henry, 2 Corn Market st ..... . Tobacconist Richards C. 7 Magdalen st . .. Bookseller & Stationer Richardson 1L Wm. 18 High st •.. Grocer & Tea Dlr Richardson W. C. 38 Queen st ... Grocer & Tea Dlr Richings Wm. Jlig!t st, St Clements ............ Glover Ringrose Wm. Christ C!turchHouse, St Aldates st ..• Hosier, Draper, Mercer, & General Outfitter Roberson Charles J. 36 Pembroke st ...... Attorne'V • Roberts Ann, 25 West range of Market ... Poulterer Roberts Hen. High st, St Clernents ... Baker & Corn Chandler Roberts J. 14 in Gatewy, Queen st ... Plmbr & Glzr • Roberts Rich. London pl, St Clements •.• Shopkeeper
OXFORD. OXON. Roberts Thomas, 100 High st •. •. • .• .. . .. • . • Jeweller Roberts Thomas, 61 Corn market st •.• Wellington Roberts Wm. 42 ditto .•. Baker, Corn & Flour Factor Robin son Sarah, 4 7 ditto .•••••••••.•••• General Cutler Rockall Giles, 11 Pembroke st ... Wholesale & Retail Picture Frame Maker Rockall Richard, Tredwell st ... Picture Frame Maker Romanel Moses, 1 St Ebbes st ... General Sale Shop Rose Charles, 39 Queen st ............... Whitesmith Rose George, 37 bottom of Market ............ Butcher Rose John, 6 Magdalen st ••.•.. , ................. Cl,ltler Rose John, 29 Corn Market st ......... Habenlasher Rose Thomas, Newbridge st ••• Boot & Shoe Maker Rose Wm. St Giles st ..................... Truss Maker Round Henry, Canal wharf ...........• Coal Merchant Round Joseph, ditto ..................... Coal Merchant Row ell M. & Son, 36 Broad st ... Watch & Clock Mkrs Rowell G. A. 3 Alfred st, St Giles ... Paper Hanger Rowley Fred. Cardigan st, Jericho ... Beer Retailer Rusher Wm. 48 High st .... .. Surgeon & Apothecary Russel Wm. 2 East side of Market ......... Butcher Ryman J ames, 21 rligh st ............ Printseller, &c. Ryman John, 35 Broad st ......... Dog & Partridge Sabin Wm. 6 Merton st ......... Tennis Court Keeper Sadler C. J. 104 Hi,q!t st ... Fruiterer & Confectioner Sadler John, 3 North side of Market ...... Seedsman Sadler Mrs. New College la . .. Day School for Ladies Salmon C. 7 bottom of Market ............... Butcher Salmon Mark, High st, St Clements ... Barometer & Clock Maker, & Inventor of the Ladder Machine Salter George, 3-4 St Aldates stu ....... Two Brewers Sandall E. Chas. Cla1·endon pl, Jericho ... Surgeon & Apothecary Sanders Rich. Crown yd, Corn market st ... Smith & Farrier Sargent George & John, 56 High st ......... Linen & Woollen Drapers, &c. Saunders John, Bear la ..................... Bookbinder Saunders John, 21 Broad st ... Boot & Shoe Maker Sawell Wm. 25 High st ..................... Perfumer Scars brook George, Bull st .. ...................... Baker Scott A. J. 12 Corn market st ...... Hatter & Furrier Se ales R. Summer town .................. Beer Retailer Sear Thomas, 15 Queen st ...... Boot & Shoe Maker Sear le H .. Park end st ................. ............. Tailor Seary Capel, 22 St Aldates st ............ Lord Nelson Seck ham S. 48 Broad st .. . China & Glass Ware house Seckham Wm. 19 Magdalen st .. , ... Livery Stables Seeley A. 19 West range of Market ......... Butcher Seeley J. Blackfriars rd .. . Boot Maker & Shopkeeper Seeley Job, 1 West range of Afarket ... Shoe Maker Shackh:ford Wm. George st ............ Coach Builder Shaler Chas. 26 & 27 body of Market .... ~.Poulterer Sharp Benj. New College la ...... Music Ware house Shavler Edward, St Ebbes st ............... Whitesmith • Shayler J ane, 17 Broad st .................. Poulterer Sheard R. 31 ditto ...... Wine & Brandy Merchant Sheen R. llO High st ......... Grocer & Tea Dealer Shel4on John, l.fflee ......... Bread & Biscuit Baker Sheldon Wm. Parkend st ..................... Maltster Shelton Wm. King st, Cardigan st, Jericho ... Grocer Shephard George, 49 St Giles st ............... Grocer Shepherd Henry, rligh st, St Clements ......... Tailor Sheard Thos. 21 High st ...... Grocer & Tea Dealer Sbeard Thos. 21 ditto ...... Agent to Pbrenix Fire Co. Insurance Shepherd Step hen, Plantation rd .......... Carpenter Shepherd S. George st, St Clements .... Beer Retailer Sherfield Jas. 25 Broad st .... Tailor & Robe Maker Sherratt John, Folly bridge .... Boat House Tavern Shields Thomas, 50 High st ............... Confectioner Shillingford Charles, 56 Corn market st ... Grocer & Provision Warehouse Oxfordshire.] D Shrimpton H. 13 St Aldates st ........ Milliner & Dress Maker Shrimpton J no. Church st, St Ebbes la .. . Bookbinder · Shrimpton Thos. St Ebbes st ... Locksmith & Bellhngr Shrimpton Thos. 13 St Aldates st ........ Bookbinder Simmonds Ann, St Ebbes la ............... Coal De~ler Simmons J. Union st, Cardigan st, Jericho .. . Coal Dlr Simmons J oseph, 76 High st ... Tailor & Robe Mkr Simmons Wm. 94 Holywell st .................. Tailor Simmons Wm. Friars ............... List Shoe Maker Simms John, 23 Hulywell st ... Boot & Shoe Maker Simms R. 12 bottom of Market ............... Butcher Sims J. London pl, St Clements .................. Tailor Slark William, 2 Magdalen st ............. ..... Saddler Slatter Hy. 2 & 3 High st ... Bookseller, Stationer & Publisher Slatter Jas. Grove st ............. Tailor & Black Lion Slatter John, 65 1/olywell st.. .............. Carpenter Slatler John, 72 ditto ........... Grocer & Cheesemngr Slatter J. W. Turl st ...................... Boot Maker Slatter Richard, Bull st ............... Baker & Grocer Slatter Thos. 107 IIigh st ... Tailor, Draper, Gown & Cap Maker Slatter Wm. High .st, St Clements ...... Black Horse Sly Robert, Afarket st ........ Watch & Clock Maker Small John, 1l1arket st .......... Abingdon Arms Inn Smith , Summer town ..................... Solicitor Smith Ambrose, Canal wharf ......... Coal Merchant Smith George, Jericho .............. Timber Merchant Smith George, Clarendon buildings .... Beer Retailer Smith Henry, 14 bottom of Market ......... Butcher Smith J ames, 5 New Inn, Hall st .... ....... _. Solicitor Smith J. 11 Castle st ... ................ Cabinet Maker Smith J. George st, St Clements .... Chimney Sweep Smith John, New rd ....... Boot Tree & Last Maker Smith Mary, 73 High st ................. Flying Horse Smith Richard, 12 Queen st ............... Shoemaker Smith Richard, 31 St Aldates st ........ Hair Dresser Smith Richard, 22 Friar st ....................... Baker Smith T. High st, St Clements ... Grocer & Tea Dealer Smith William, 44 Castle st .. , ......... Beer Retailer Smith Wm. 70 St Giles st .... Livery Stable Keeper Smith Wm. Beaumont bldgs, Beaumont st .... Tailor Solloway G. 16 West range of Market ...... Butcher Solloway Major, 1 East side of Llfarket ...... Uutcher Solloway Thomas, 5 West range of }1-farket .. Butcher Sorrell George, Blackfriars rd ....... Ancient Briton Sower J. 38 High st.. .. J eweller, Watch & Clock Mkr Sparrow M. A. 10 Walton place ....... Milliner, &c. Spien; & Son, 1 02lligh st .. Stationers & General Dlrs Spiers & Adams, Corn mkt st ... Stationers & Toy Men Spiers J ames, 10 l High st ...... Dispensing Chemist Spiers William, 13 Queen st .................... Draper Spring Samuel, 6 Ca.~tle st ..... Bak~ & Confectioner Standen Ed wd. 28 High st ... Mercer & Shirt Maker Standley Henry, 19 Ship st ............. Beer HHailet· Stanton Elizabeth, Friar st .. .......•........ The :friar States Thomas, 40 St Ebbes st ............ Confectioner Steele J os h. 19 High st .. ... Watchmaker & J ewellcr Steane J oseph, Park end st ... Corn & Coal Merchant Steane J. Canal wharf .... Corn Factor, Coal & Hop Merchant Steane Saml. 33 Corn market st ......... Agent to the Dissenters & General Life & F'ire Office Steane Saml. ditto ...... Wine & Spirit Merchant, & Agent for Guinness's Dublin Stout Stevens William, 30 ditto .......... Orange Merchant Stephens G. M. 2 Pembroke st ... Tailor & Hobe Mkr Stephens Sarah, 133 High st ............ Vine Tavern Step toe William, St Aldates st .................. Baker Stevens & Hawkins, 13 Castle st..Chimney Sweepers Stevens David, Grove st •. .. Ironmonger, Locksmith, Bellhanger, Tinman & Brazier 17
OXON. OXFORlJ. Stone Deadalus, High st, Sl elements .•••••• Surgeon Tubb T. W, 37 Corn mkt st, Grocer & Tallow Chqdlr Stone R. 5 St Aldatei st ..... - ... .............. Surgeon Tub bet Hy. 96 IIigh st .•. Pastry Cook & ConfP.ctioner Stone Thos. ditto ........................... Greengrocer Tuck well William, 64 High st . ............... Surgeon Strange William, Friar st .. ................ Shopkeeper Turner Edward, 51 8t Eblres st ..........•.. Carpenter Street Rose, Cardigan st, J&icltO ......... Shopkeeper Turner Jatnes, St Thomassr. ............ Beer Retailer Stricks John, Holywell 'St •••• W artn Bath Proprietor Turner William, 16 St John st .. ................. Artist Stringer Hannah, 11 & 12 middle of Market .. Butcher Turrell G. 14 & 15 body· of Market ..•.•...• Butch~ Stroud George, Higll st ........................ Chequers Turrell Henry, 35 middltJ of Market .. ....... Butchei' Summerton J. Summer towrt •. ,. ........ Shoemaker Turrell Joseph, 47 & 4B middl~ of Market .•• Butcher Sutton &. Son, 45 Cotn mkt tt ... China & Glass Wrhse Tustin F. 27 middle of .tlfarket ................ Butcher Sutton Edward, Higlt st, St Clements .......... Tailor Tyror Thos. Rich. 23 Friar sl ..••. Painter & Glazier Sutton Sattmel, Ctznal wha":f. ........• Coal Merchant Tyrrell Satn. 11 Ship st ... Tailor, Gown & Cap Maker Sutton Williatn. High st, St Clements .. .. China Shop Underhill E. 11 Beaumont st •• . Gtocer & Cheesemngr Sutton Willian1, 47 Corn mkt st ... Chemist & Uruggist Underhill M. 138 High st .. . Grocer & Tea Dealer: Sweetinburgh R. F. 89 High st ............ Bookseller Agent to the Phrenix Fire & Crown Life Offices Sweetiugburgh Charles, 13 Oriel st ...... Boot Maker Underhill M. High st, St Clements ... Grocer &. Tea Dlr Symonds Chas. 30 Holywell st"" .•.. Horse Dealer & Under wood Henry J ones, 2 Holywetl st ... Architect Livery Stable Keeper Vamey Eliza, 81 High st ......... Hosier & Stationer Sytnonds John, 32 Beau:mont st ............... Surgeon V arney W. Summer town •......••..•... Beer Retailer Symonds Joseph, St John st ............ Livery Stables Vaughan Richard, 71 St Giles ~( •.. Confectioner and Syms & Guy, Corn mkt st.Importers of Wines & Sprts Corn Dealer & Agents to the Norwich Union Fire & Life Office Veal Stephen, 10 New inn hallst .•. Boot & Shoemkr Tagart H. G. 132 lli_qh st ................ Boot l\1 aker V enables A. Turl st, Queen8 Head Commercial Inn Tal boys & Co., 86 ditto ...... Booksellers & Publishers Vena bles Artbur, 8 St Aldates st ..... ,...... Saddler Talmage William, Holywell st .......•.....•..... Tailor Vincent J. Ratclijfe sq ......... Bookseller & Printer Taman W. Hi,r;h st, St Ciements .. Broker & Appraiser Vincent John, 120 High st .. ...• Boot & Shoemakef Taplin Wm. ditto .................... , .... Hair Dresser Waddel Christphr. l 00 Holywell st, Coach Proprietor Tarrant R. Parkend st .•................... Shoemaker Waddle W. Sum~ner town ............... Chair Maker Tarrant Wm. 18 St Aldates st .. .. Boot & Shoemaker W adlow C. II. 9 St Aldates at, Veterinary Surgeon Taunton John, ditto ........................... Solicitor Wadlow John, Wood Bt............... Livery Stables Taylor Wm. & J.l3ell Foundry, Blackfriars rd, Bell Wakelen Ben. St Thomas Bt ............ Beer Retailer Founders, Church & Turret ClDck Manufaeturers Wale Thos. Pembroke Bt........................ Tailot Taylor E. 9 Beaumrmts blds, Beaumont st ... Beer Retlr Wale Wm. 30 St Aldates st . .................... Tailor Taylor Henry, 5 Pembroke st .................. Cooper Wale Wm. Grand front ..................... Weirs Inrt Taylor J. New i1m hall st ..... .•.....•..•.•... Solicitor Walker Chas. 6 West range of Market ...... Butcher Taylor Jas. between 50 ~ 4 9 High st ... Coacb & Horses Walker Ed wd. 60 Black:friars rd......... Dairyman Taylor John, Clarendon st, Jerir:ho .. Plougb & Anchor Walker G. High st, St Clements ...... Plmber, Painter Taylor J oseph, llredwell st .. .................... Cooper & Glazier Taylor Richard, 2 Broad st ................ North Star Walker G. R. I St Aldates st ..• Solicitor, & Agent to Taylor Thomas, jun. 119 High st ..... ..•....... Artist the Atla11 Fjre & Life Office Taylor T., sen. Stamp Office, ll9 High st .. ......... Sub Walker John, 32 ditto ........ • Gtocer & Tea Dealer Distributor of Stamps Walker John, Corn market st ••• White Hart ComTaylor W. 69 St Giles st .. Cauinet Mkr& Upholsterer mercial Inn 'feall J ane, High st.. .. , ...••............... Greyhound Walker J Ojlh. 45 George st.. •. • .• .. .... .. Shopkeeper Teddar Altred, High st ........................ Post Boy Walklett J ohn 1 38 middle of lJfarket •• ....... Butcher Telfer F. Corn market st .. ....... Chemist & Druggist W alklett Thos. High st, Jericho •..•. .......... Butchet Tester Samnel, 27 High st ................ Fishmonger Wall J. Summers town ..................••• Rope .Maker Thomas John, 16 Queen st ...... Plumb-et & Glazier Wall Richd. 52 HolyweU st ••• Plumber, Painter, and Thompson Wm. & Son, 39 Hi!Jh st .. .... Printsellers, Glazier, and Agent to the British Fire Offlce Gilders, Picture Frame Makeu-& House Painters Wall Richd. llolywell st ... Agent to theW €stminster Thompson F. B. 13 St Joh1t st . .. 'Solicitor & Attorney Life and Annuity Office in the Insolvent Court Wallington Wm.. 11 Broad st ...... Tailor & Draper Thompson Oeurge, 2 Cnrn market st ... Fishmonger Wallis J osiah1 Turl st .................. Saddlers Arms Thompson Mary, 90 Holywell st ... Retailer of Beer Walsh Hy. & Jno. New inn hall st ......... Solicitor~ Thorn ton J oseph & J ames, 51 High st .. .•. Booksellers Walsh Wm. 41 Queen st ......... Chemist & Droggist Thorn ton Eliza, 17 King st ............... Nags Head Warburton Geo. 72 lligk ... Grocer & Cheese monger Thorp A. 89 H olywell st .. Seminary for Young Ladies Ward Henry & Co, Canal wharf ... Corn Factors and Thorp John, 44 Broad st ............... Linen Draper Coal Merchants Thorp William, 89 Holywell st .................. Tailor Ward John, 20 George st ............... &er Retailer Thurland Ed. l 0 Ma9dalen .~t .. . Chemist & Druggist Ward Hichard, High st, St Clements, Grocer & Tea Tidmass E. Plantation rd ... ............. Ure~s Maker Dealer, & Registrar of Births and Deaths for St Timns Richard, Hlackfi"iars rd .. ....... Beer Retailer Clements Distrid Tims John, 17 Friar st .. ................ Beer Retailer Ward T. W. 124 High il ••. .................. Solicitor Tome Charles, Alfred st ........................ Solicitor Warm'! Josh. 123 ditl().n Tailor, Mercer, & Hatter Tomkins Thomas, !iO St Giles st .. ............. Broker Wash P. & Son, 9 St Giles st ... Solicitors, Clerks to Tow le John, Weir! mill, Grandpont ... Paper Maker County Magistrates, & Deputy Registrar for OxTownsend J.RedLionsq, Cattlemkt ... Dyer&Scourer ford & Berks Trafford N. M ark et st ................... E11ting House W aterfield Thos. 27 George si... Grocer & Tea Dlr Trash F.lO High"St ... Printer, Publi11her& Stationer Waters John, 21 Magdalen st ... Chemist& Druggist Tread well William, St .Aldatu st ........... Gardener Watkins Cbas. St .Aldate11 st .................. Mealman Tredwell Ann, 31 Corn mkt st;.W aggon & V an Office W atkins H. 14 17 Castle st ............ Coach Maker Tredwell William, 40 l!vttom of Market ..••• Butcher Watkins Henry, 17 St Aldate& lit ............. u Eaket Tromer R. Walton pl ............................. Grocer Watson Geo. Bear la............ Boot & Shoemaker 18 ~
OXFORD. OXON. =============================-============================~ Watts Geo. High rt, St Clements .•• Upholsterer and Paper Hanger Watts Jas. Canal wharf ..• Agent to Pick ford & Co. Watts Jas. 13 Longwall st..................... Painter Way Wm. St .Aldates &t ...... Grocer & Tea Dealer Weatherstone Ed wd. ditto, Bookseller, Stationer, &c. Weaver Ri.chd. 39 St Ebbes la, Tea Dealer & Grocer Weaving John, Parkend &t, ~ Canal wharf ... Corn Factor, Seed & Coal Merchant W ebb Chas. St Giles st ........................ Surgeon Well er Elizabeth, Ship st.. ...... _.............. Ship Wells B. Observatory st, Jericho, Carpenter &Joiner Wells Ed wd. 3 Broad st, Tobacconist & Agent for - Emigration, & House Agent Wells Jas. 42 Castle st .................. Green Grocer \Vest Charles, 1 North aidB of ]lfarket,Green Grocer West John Cha11. Bear at ..... , ......... Bird in Hand West J oseph: 1 Friar st ............ , .... • Shopkeeper West Richard, St A/dates sl ... Livery Stable Keeper West Thomas, High st, St Clements, Watch and Clock Maker West Wm. 11 North side of lVlarket ......... Butcher N eston \V m. 6 Broad st .................. Hair Dresser tVharton Robert, :26 Corn market st . .. Foreign Fruit & Italian "rare house rVheeler J. St Aldate& st ...... Livery Stable Keeper ,Vheeler J. 106 Jiigh st ... Bookseller,. Stationer, and Publisher iVheeler Wm. ParadistJ st ............... Beer Retailer Wheeler Wm. 21 Ship st ..................... Fruiterer \Vheeler Wm. E. New inn hall st .•• Livery Stables • White Thos. Park., ................ Plasterer & Slater Whiteeaves J. 1 ~ 2 middle of 11fm·ket, Bacon Factor Whitefoot Ann, New rd .............. .... Anchor Inn Whitelock Thos. 24 llolywell st ......... Shopkeeper Whiting Richd. 30 St Atdates st, Carrier to Abingdon e\·ery day Whitlock Wm. Summer town ..................... Baker Whitman R. 41 .il'Jarket ...... Gardener & Seedsman Wibler C. 84 West range of .Market ......... Butcher Wiblin C. High st, St Clements, Butcher & Beer Rtlr Wiblin John, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer Wickens Jas. 6:3 Corn market st ....... ,, Sun Vaults Wickens Ja~. lriar·ket 6t............ Umbrella Maker \\ ickens Jas. 78 High st ... Wine & Spirit Merchant \Yickens Martha, Turl st ... Musical Instrument and Music Warehouse Wickens Wm. 43 ~ 44 middle of Afarket ... Butcher \Vicks Jas. 18 Ship st, ........... Boot & Sboemaker Wiggins 13 Castle st ............. , .......... Butcher Wildegose L. London pl, St Clements ... Milliner,&c. W ilk in Rout. 23 & 24 bottom of fl;J ark et... Butchei' Wilkins Wm. & Son, Ijflee, Fellmongers & Timber Merchants Wilkins Jas. Iligh st, St Clements ............ Butcher Wilkins John, l.iflee, Parchment & Vellum Manuftr Williams, Adin, 136 High st .. ,Tailor, Gown & Cap 1\Iaker, & Linen & Woollen Draper Williams Hugh, 20 Pembroke st. ... .. • .. . .. • .. Tailor Williams .John, 5 East side of Market ...... Butcher Williams John, 32 bottom of Market ......... Butcher Williams John, Summer town ............ N orris Arms Willia.ms Thos. 75 George st...... Umbrella Maker Williamson John, 45 llolywell st ......... Shopkeeper Willis Geo. Oriel st .................. Tailor & Draper Wilmot Mary, 20 Broad st, Hair Dresser & Perfmr Wilsen Thos. 14 Castle st.,...................... Dyer Wilson Wm. Jericho..................... Hair Cutter Win field J. Cattle market, Gloucester grn, Whitesmith Wingfield Chas, Kettle hall, Broad st...... Surgeon Wise Wm. 39 Corn market st .. , Boot & Shoemaker Wise man Wm. 1 High st......... Mercer & Dl"aper Wittock B. 15 East side of fo[arket ... Green Grocer Wood J. F. 26 Holywell st, Surgeon & Agent to the Clerical-& Medical Life Office Wood Wm. 16 Geor,ge st ...... Straw Bonnet Maker W oodall E. High st, St Clements.,.... Coach Maker Woodcock Thos. Bull st .................. lleer Retailer W oodford Chas . ..S't Ebbes la.................. Butcher Woodford Geo. 7 & 8 middle of Market .... :.Butcher Woodward Sam, 21 Queen st.,. Boot & Shoemaker Woodward T. St Ebbe1 st...... Bqot & Shoemaker Wooten Dr. John, 40 Broad st.. .......... Physician Woottert, Tubb, & Co. 2 St Aldates st .. , ... Bankers Worth W. H. Park end st ............... , ........ Smith Wren Wm. 36 Queen st ..................... Ctoss Kevs Wright Edwd. J. Little gate .............. , .. , ... Tann-er Wright Jas. 19 Beaumont st.................. Printer W yatt Thos. Higlt st .............................. Baker Wyatt & Son, 115 ditto, Carver & Gilder, Publisher & Print Seller Wyatt Geo. 15 middle of Market ............ Bntcher W yatt Geo. 67 St Giles ~t.. .. ... .... . .. . Ironmonger Wyatt G. R. 3 Corn market st ............... Surgeon Wyatt John, Waterloo pl, St Clements ...... Butcher Wyatt L. St Thomas st .... , .••• Shoulder of M ut ton Wyatt Mrs. St Giles tt ......... ., •• ,.Mason & Builder W yatt R. 19 bottom of 11-farlcet, .............. Butcher Wyatt Richd. High st ................... ,. Wheat Sheaf Wyatt Thos. Fryars wharf ...... , .. Timber Merchant Y l•ung Frederick, 79 High .st •.. Chemist & Druggist Young J ames ........ ............ , ............... Solicitor Young R. High st, St Clements ............ Carpenter Classification of Trades. Account Book Jrfanufacturer :- Emberlin Williarn, St Alclates st Accountants.-Brooks J. Cardigan st, Jericho Caud well J o~eph, 18 Queen st Hawkins Thomas, 2 St John st Hurst Jam~s, 46 Broad st Pike Robert, 1: St John st Agents .-Caud well J oseph, Ill Queen st Plowman Wm. 71 High st Sheave Sam. 33 Corn l\1arket st (Guinness's Dublin Stout) \Vatts Jas. Canal whf, (Pickford & Co.) Wells Edw. 3 }}road st (EmigrFttion) Ale ~ Porter 1l1erchant :- Bolton T. IL Thames w h f, St AI dates st Apotheea1·y. Freeborn J. J. S. 38 Broad st Ap11raisers. Bridb ·Hater W, 33 S~ Giles st Evans James, St Aldates st Faulkner Frederick, 1 George st 'faman Wm. High st, St Clemeuts • Architects. Derick J. M. 14 St Johns st Green shields Thos .. 'l St J phn s~ Plowman John, Merton st Underwood H. Jones, 2 flolyw~ll st Artificial Flower~- Feather 11-farntjacturer ,, .. - Ortelli Anthcny, 113 High st Artisls.-Delamotte W. 4~ 5 High st Taylor Thos. jun. 119 High st Turner Wm. 16 St John llt Auctioneers ~ Apprai.urs. Adams C. J. 90 High st Cooke E. 80 High st Dicks William Andrew, 94 High st Eaton William, 4 in the Gate\\·ay~ Queen st Fisher William, Littlegate Giles & Son, 129 High st Gooch John, High st, St Clements Mallam Thomas, 126 High &t Baby Linen Warehouse. Howsll E. 52 St Giles st BaCLJtl. Factor, Whitereaves J. I & 2 mid of .Mrkt Bakers. Arn~t Edward, ~1arket ~~~ f9
OXON. OXFORD. ==================~=============-================================= OxFoRD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Bakers. Ayres Charles, St Thomas st Ayres John, 32 George st Banting John, Beaumont buildings Bartlett J. Summer town Bass Thomas. 19 Queen st Bayne . High st Best Thomas, St Georges rd ~ Broadwater Henry, Wood st Broadwater John; 40 Queen st Broadwater William, 66 Holywell st Bunting P. Walton pl Butcher William, 25 St Aldates st Castle Richard, 6 St Aldates st Chapman Mary, St Thomas st Chaundry J oseph, St Aldates st Coles Job, 3 St Giles road Collins William, Magdalen st Corbut Charles, Holly bush row Dickeson J olm, St Thomas st Drewitt Robert, 7 St Giles st Faulkner William, 18 Castle st Godfrey, Richard, 8 St Giles road Gould William, 39 Pembroke st Grubb Isaac, 22 Queen st Harper Charles, 18 King st Honour Henry, Fryers entry, St Giles Hosier William, 53 George st Hunt Edward, Blackfriars road J ones J oseph, 38 Holywell st King G. 33 body of Market Law J ames, Pembroke st Middleton Mrs. St Giles road Murshul William, St Ebbes la N evell William, 3 George st Pike John, Cowley road Pike John, St Clements Pusey S. 12 West range of Market Roberts Henry, High st, St Clements Roberts William, 42 Corn market st Scarsbrook George, Bull st Sheldon John, Ifflee Slatter Richard, Bull st Smith Richard, 22 Friars st Spring Samuel, 6 Castle st Steptoe William, St Aldates st Watkins Henry, 17 St Aldates st Whittock William, Summer town Wyatt Thomas, High st Barometer Makers.-Componoro A. Summer town Ortelli Anthony, 113 High st Salmoni Mark, High st1 St Clements Basket ~'W akers, Coo m bs John, New Inn, Hall st . N unney J ames, Market st Plowman J oseph, 43 Corn Market st Bath Proprietor~. Maslin Robert, Church st, Holywell (Shower) Stricks John, Holywell st (Warm) Beer Retailers Allen C. Church st, St Thomas's Arnold Wm. St Thomas st As'bley Thomas, London pi, St Clements Belcher Mary, 13 New st, St Clements Billing Henry, St Thomas st Brooks J ames, George st, St Clements Brownsell John, Iffiee 20 Clarke Bartholomew, Fryers entry Clarke J oseph, St Ebbes la Collis John, Cattle Market, Gloucester gr Cooper J onathan, Fryers entry Couldney J ames, Pembroke st Cox John, 30 George st Dell Fred. King st, Carcligan st, Jericho Dickeson John, St Thomas st OxFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued, Beer Retailers. Dyer Maria, Blackfriars rd Earl Charles, Bull st Ea ton John, Clarendon st, Jericho Ellis Chas. Caroline st, High st, St Clements English Wm. Cowley rd Evans J oel, St Clements Fifield T, W alton ter Giles George, Summer town Godfrey Robert, Blackfriars rd Guise Wm. Blackfriars rd Hall John, King st, Cardigan st, Jericho Hanaway Thomas, St Ebbes la Hanks J ames, Cattle Market, Gloucester gr Hawkins Thomas, Bath st, St Clements Hedges John, 3 Waterloo pl, St Clements Hedges M. Caroline st, High st, St Clements Hemming J oseph, Paradise st Hi ne Wm. Blackfriars rd Howe Wm. Little Clarendon st Jiddell John, Observatory la, Jericho Kear Matthew, Jericho Keen Matthew, Holly bush row Lait Wm. 3 New Inn, Hall st Lee J ames, Blackfriars rd Loder Wm. High st, St Clements Long Thomas, W alton ter Ludlow J. St Ebbes la Luker Ann, 40 George st Lyne John, Cattle Market, Gloucester gr Melsham Thomas, High st, St Clements Morris G. Summer town Noon Thomas, Clarendon ·st, Jericho Noyle Wm. 20 King st Pacey Wm. Cardigan st, Jericho Page Richard, Observatory la, Jericho Pal mer J ames, Littlegate Pearcy Wm. Summer town Petty George, Holly bush row Phipps David, Jericho Plum mer J ames, Red Lion sq, Cattle Market Pound John, Blackfriars rd Powell Thomas, Park end st How ley Frederick, Cardigan st, Jericho Scales R. Summer town Shepherd S. George st, St Clements Smith Gcorge, Clarendon buildings Smith Wm. 44 Castle st Stanilley Henry, 19 Ship st Taylor E. 9 Beaumonts bldgs, Beaumont st Thompson Mary, 90 Holywell st Timns Richard, Blackfriars 1·d Tims John, 17 Friars st Turner J ames, St Thomas st Varney W. Summer town W akelen Benjamin, St Thomas st Ward J olm, 20 George st Wheeler Wm. Paradise st Wiblin Chas. High st, St Clements Wiblin John, High st, St Clements Woodcock Thomas, Bull st Bell Founders. Taylor Wm. & J olm, Bell Foundry, Blackfriars rd Bellllangera. Pavier J onathan, Gloster gr Plowman Joseph, 43 Corn Market · Stevens David, Grove st Billiard Rooms. Betteris John Geo. Ratcliffe sq Retteris Thomas, 45 Broad st Bloxham Stephen, 7 St Aldates st Brockliss John, New College la Gee Charles, .Bear la Bird Stujf'er. Hart J ames, Friar st
OXFORD. OXON. ==~====================-========================~ OxFoRD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Birmingham ~ Sheffield Warehouses.-- Eddlestone E. 4 South side of Market Houghton M. High st, St Clements Peake John, 3 South side of Market Boat Builders. Carter, Sherratt & Hall, Folly bridge Franklin Thomas, Folly bridge King Isaac, Folly bridge Bonnet Manufacturers.-Lord Thos. St Aldates st Pal mer A. E. Pembroke st Pugh E. Pembroke st Bookbinders. Bellamy E. jun. New inn hall st Bellamy Ephraim, Little gate Bunton James, Pembroke st Curtis David, St Aldates st Doe Charlotte, Holywell st Godden E. 23 Pembroke st Mundy Thomas, 88 High st Saunders John, Bear la Shrimpton John, Church st, St Ebbes la Shrimpton Thomas, 13 St Aldates st Booksellers.-Alden Henrv, 34 Corn market st - Blackwell Benjamin, 23 Little gate Bodd!ngton Thomas, 13 Grove st Gardner N. N ewbridge st Godden E. 23 Pembroke st Gooch John, High st, St Clements Graham Wm. 41 High st Haines John, Turl st Slatter Henry, 2 & 3 High st Sweetinburgh R. F. 89 High st Talboys & Co. 86 High st Thornton Joseph & James, 51 High st Vincent J. Ratcliffe sq Booksellers g- Stationers. Dewe J. & R. 16 Broad st Haldon & Lowndes, 6.'1 Corn market st Richards Charles, 7 Magdalen st W eatherstone Edward, 7 St Aldates st Wheeler J. L. 106 High st Boot ~Shoe Factor. Hodgkins Henry, Turl st Boot g- Shoe Makers.-Adams S. 22 St Aldates st Atkins Benjamin, 44 St Giles st · Beale B. 51 S t Giles st Bennett Thomas, Lit Clarendon st Bessant Frederick, 105 High st Boddington Robert, 37 Castle st Bolton Wm. Fryers entry, St Giles Boxall & Harwood, 14 Broad st Bradley Thomas, Market st Cooper B. Frederick pi, Castle st Cox Frederick, 26 High st Davenport Thomas, 5 St Aldates st Dell Henry, Friar ~t Dr,rrick Thomas, 48 Gcorgc st Duke Richard, 7 Castle st Dumbleton Wm. Summer town Dunsley Richard, St Aluates st Elliott L. London pl, St Clements Gaffe Charles, 73 St Giles st Green J ames, Fryers entry, St Giles Hamilton John, Walton ter Harris Thomas, 53 High st Harrison John, Cattle Market, Gloucester gr Hartwright Wm. High st, St Clements Haynes Stephen, 35 Corn market st Higginson J. King st, Cardigan st, Jericho Hooper J oseph, St Aldates st J ames John, Isis row, St Aldates James Wm. High st, St Clements J a me!!! Wm. 20 St AI dates st J ohnson J ames, 16 Castle st J ones Wm. Plantation rd Kensell S. & T. 9 Holywell st.. • OxFoRD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Boot 9" Shoe llfakers. Kerr Archibald, 30 Broad st King Wm. 14 George st Lillingston Wm. 40 Corn market st Lucas John, Ill High st Martin John, St Ebbes la Morton J ames, 30 St Giles st Oven ell J onathan, 10 St Aldates st Randal & Co. Jericho Rose Thomas, Newbridge st Saunders John, 21 Broad st Sear Thomas, 15 Queen st Seeley Job, 1 West range of Market Seeley Job, Blackfriars rd Simms John, 23 Holywell st Slatter J. W. Turl st Smith Richard, 12 Queen st Summerton J. Summer town Sweetinburgh Chas. J. 13 Oriel s.t Tagart H. G. 132 High st Tarrant R. Parkend st Tarrant Wm. 18 St Aldates st Veal Step hen, 10 New inn hall st Vincent J olm, 120 High st W atson George, Bear la Wicks James, 18 Ship st Wise Wm. 39 Corn 1\Iarket st W oadward Thomas, St Ebbes st "\\r oodward Samuel, 21 Queen st Boot 'l'ree g- Last M a leer. Smith John, New rd Brandy Jlllercltants. Badcock T • .54 Corn market st Perkins John, 47 Broad st Sheard Robert, 31 Broad st Braziers. Hoar John, 32 Broad st Packwood G. 32 Castle st Plowman William, 71 High st Breeches JY!aker. Embling John & Jas. 14 High st Quarterman Abel, 117 High st Brewers. Archer John, St Aldates st Blencowe J. Red Lion Inn sq, Cattle market Evans J oel, St Clements Hall Tawley & Co. St Thomas st Humphrey Joseph, St Giles road Miller W illiam, St Ebbes lane Murrell Mark & James, St Thomas st Parker John, St Clements Parker John, 17 Beaumont st Bricklayers. Guise Henry, 33 Queen st Guise William, Blackfriars road Lait William, 3 New inn hall st British Wine Merchant. Bowell T. J. Broad st Brush Factor.-Plowman Jos. 43 Corn Market st Builders.-Bennet George, 37 Hollywell st Bennet William, Clarendon buildings Evans Daniel, Little Clarendon st Fisher William, Littlegate Gardiner J. Magdalen st Hall John, St Giles road Hudson & Matthew, 16 Longwell st J ohnson J ames, \V alton pl Knowles Thomas, Holywe)l st Redhead Richard, Broad st Wyatt Mrs. St Giles st Butchers.-Adams John, 23 West range of Market Alden J_ & T. 3 & 4 Bottom of Market Alder Isaac, 30 Bottom of Market Aley George, 9 & 10 Middle of Market Andrews Andrew, 39 Middle of Market Andrews W. H. 10 East side of Market Andrews Wm. Henry, Blackfriars road Appleton R. 17 & 18 Middle of Market Baker John, 18 West range of Market Ball Thomas, 9 East side of Market 21
.oxo~. OXFORD . ' Ox:v01m CLASSIPICATION, continued. · OxFORD CLASSIPICATioN, coutinued. Butcllers.-Barrett Ri.chd 41 & 42 Middle of Market Butchers. Smith Henry, 14 Bottom of Market Bartlett John, 16 Middle of Market Solloway T. 16 West range of Market Billings Henry, 33 Middle of Market Solloway Major, 1 East side of Market Brain William, St Thomas st Solloway Thos. 5 West range of Market Braine William, 1 13ottom of Market Stringer Hannah, 11 & 12 Middle of Market Carr Henry, 39 Bottom of Market Tredw11ll Wm. 40 Bottom of Market Carr Henry, 15 & 16 Bottom of Market Turrell G. 14 & 15 Body of Market Carter John, 11 West range of Market Turrell Henry, 35 Middle of Market Castle Thomas, I fRee Turrill J oseph, 4 7 & 48 Middle of Market Castle Thomas, 34 Bottom of Market Tuslin T. 27 Middle of Market Chapman George, 6 Bottom of Market Walker Charles, 6 West range of Market Clarke John, 4 East side of Market Walklett John, 38 Middle of Market Claridge Jas. Union st Cardigan st, Jericho Walklett ThomiDl, High st, Jericho Clarridge J. 29 .Bottom of Market West William, 11 North side of Market Collins Edward, Paradise st Wibler C. 24 West range of Market Cortle S. 6 Body of M ark et Wiblin Charle11, High st, St Clements Cowley J ames, 5 South side of Market Wickens William, 4:3 & 44 Middle of Market Cowley James, St Giles st Wiggins , 43 Castle st Cox John, 45 Middle of Market W ilkin Robert, 23 & 24 Bottom of Market Ealey William, 25 Bottom of Market Wilkins J ames, High st, St Clements Ea ton C. 11 Bottom of Market \Villi ams John, 32 Bottom of Market Faulkner Charles, 13 West range of Market Williams John, 5 East side of M ~rket Faulkner J. 33 Bottom of Market W oodford Charles, St Ebbes la Faulkner William, St Thomai et W oodtord George, 7 & 8 Middle of Market French John, lffiee Wyatt George, 15 Middle of Market French John, 8 South aide of Market W yatt John, 2 Waterloo pl, St Clements Furley John, 26 Bottom of Market Wyatt R. 19 Bottom of Market Goade W. 1 Body of Market Cabinet Makers. Atkins John, 4 Castle st Gooday Wm. 5 & 6 Middle or Market Badcock Charles, 16 St Aldates st Greening John, 36 Bottom of Market Cooke Elizabeth, 80 High st Grinning Richard, 38 Bottom of Market Dicks Wm. An drew, 94 High st Greenwood B. 20 West range of Market Eyles Wm. 24 St Aldates st Gullivan John, 40 Middle of Market I<'aulkner Charles, 4 George st Hammond C. P. 31 & 32 Middle of Market Gi1es .James, 129 High st Harris .T. 2 Body of Market Jones & Hard wick, l3 George st Harris Robert, 3 Middle of Market J one11 J. Pembroke st Hedges 8. 5 Bottom ()f Market Lee W itliam, 1 New inn hall st Hobley J ames, I 0 Bottom of .Market Maxey Henry, 80 Holywell st Horn John, 25 Middle of Market Pay ne William, 135 High st Borne M. 10 We~;t range of .Market Sm th J. ll Castle st Humphrey John, 37 Middle of 1\l arket Taylor William, 69 St Giles st Hunt Richard, 8 East side of Market 1 Cap !~-.fakers. All butt William, Pembroke st Butt Richard, 4 Middle of Market Dav.enport J. W. Turl st J essop 1 ohn, 28 Bottom of Market Tyrrell Samuel, 11 Ship st King Joseph, 6 East side of Market Carpenters.-Banbury William, Bull st LakeS. 14 West range of Market .Barrett T. 15 Beaumonts bldgs, Beaumont st Lewin William, 35 Bottom of Market Bartlett William, 18 Magdalen st Linsey Wm. 22 West range of Market Bleay William, Iffiee Loder R. 31 Bottom of Market Crowley Henry, Clarendon buildings Ludlow John, 9 South side of .Market Gilder T. H. Park pl Mansfield John, Pembroke st Goodyer E. Church st, St Ebbes la Mansfield F. 21 West range of Market Green John, High st, St Clements Marsh Thomas, 19 & 20 Middle of .Market Green Thomas, W alton pi Mobley George, 7 South side of Market Hall J olm, Friars st Mobley John, 9 West range of Market Holloway Wm. King fit, Cardigan st, Jericho Mobley John, High st;, St Clernents Janaway W. St Giles rd (Star Public house) 1\lo~s H. 26 West range pf Market King H. Friar st Mos11 Sarab. St Thomas ~;t King Henry, Bear la Neighbour John, 21 & 22 Middle .Market Knight Wm. 2 Castle st N eighbout Thos. 23 & 24 Middle of Market Lane Charles, Parkend st Oshorn Henry, 20 Bottom of Market Lee William, 1 New inn ball st Peake C. B. 17 West range of Market Mills B. Observatory at, Jericho Pether R. 13 East side of Market N utt J oseph, lffiee Pinfold John, 17 & 18 Bottom of M~rket Parrott Henry, the Park Pinfold John, 19 HolyweU st Quarterman Philip, ~J; Aldates st Priee Edward, 27 & 2~ West range of Market Redhead Richarc:{, Church st, Holywell Priee John, 13 & 14 Middle of Market Shepherd Stephen, Plantation rd .Rose George 37 Bottom of Market Slatter John, 65 Holywell st Rm11ell William, 2 East side of Market Turner Edward, 5l St .Ebhes st Salmon C. 7 Bottx>m af Market Young R. High st, St Clernents Seeley A. 19 West range ~r Market Carriers.--Beesley & Gilbert, Brewers st Simma R .. l2 Botroxn of Ma.rket Crowley, HicklinJ Batty, & Co, Canal wharf ~2
OXFOR]). oXON. OxFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Carriers. Hopkins William, Friars wharf Parker & Foster, St Aldates st Pickford & Co. Canal wharf Whiting Richard, 30 St Aldates !!t Carvers ~ Gilders.--Cashen Christr St Aldates st Davis Philip, Turl st Hawks Philip, 12 Broad st Thompson Wm. & Son, 39 High st Wyatt & Son, 115 High st Chair ~Waker.---Waddle W. Summer town Cheese Factor.---Brown George, 19 Corn market st Cheesemrmgers.--Brown Mary, 46 Middle Market Warburton George, 72 High st Chemists~ Druggists. Brazier T. & J. 45 Queen st Chapman John, 3 St Aldates st Gihon William, High st, St Clements Hitchcock Harry, 121 High st Houghton & Son, High st, St Clements J ones Richard, 56 High st Kett Edward Roger, 118 High st Luff William, 24 Corn market st Miller Charles, 9 Queen st Spiers J ames, I 01 High st Sutton Wm. 47 Corn market st Telfer T. Corn market st Thurland Edward, 10 Magdalen st Walsh William, 41 Queen st Waters John, 21 Magdalen st Young Frederick, 79 High st C!timney Sweepers.--Buckland Thomas, 33 Castle st Smith J. Georgl' st, St Clements Stevens & Hawkins, 13 Castle st China g. Glass Dealers.--Ashley T. Park End st Ashley Thomas, l South side of Market Greatbateh Thomas, 59 Corn market st Loder Sarah, 103 High st Pike J ohn 1 George st Seckham Susannah, 48 Broad st Sutton & Son, 45 Corn market st Sutton Wm. High st, St Clements • Clock Makers.--Salmoni Mark, High st, St Clements Taylor W. & J. Blackfriars road Clothes Cleaners.--Crapper Caleb, New Inn Hall st Crapper Charles, the Park Crapper Shem, New inn hall st Clotltiers.--lianiil Levi, 25 Queen st J acobs Aaron, 39 Queen st Coach Makers.-Bartlett J. P. New rd Collins & Co. Magdalen st Cousins Wm. Alfred st Cousins Wm. 4 in the Gateway, Queen st lJuggins Henry, 9 & 76 George st Shackleford Wm. George st Watkins H. 4 Castle st Woodall Edwd. High st, St Clements Coal DealeTs.-Bridgwater J. Summer town Brooks M. Friar st Drewitt John, St Thomas st. Drewitt M. St Thomas st Keene M. Bath st, St Cleml'nts Simmons Ann, St Ebbes la Simmons John, Union st, Cardigan st Coal Merchants. Ashley Thos. Canal wharf Brooks M. 33 Holywell ~t Bull Wm. Bear la Bull Wm. Canal wharf Carter Henry, Canal wharf Castle Ben. St Aldates st Choles J osh. Canal wharf Cox Richd. Canal whMf Davies Tbos. Park~nd wharf, Parkend st Dean EYe, 27 St Aldates st OxFoRD CtAssiPICATioN, continued. Coal J.Werchants. Drewitt John, Canal wharf Higginl! John, Canal wharf Hopkin Wm. Friars wharf King Fred. Canal wharf Pascey J ames Quarterman Thos. 25 St Aldates st Round Henry, Canal wharf Round Josh. Canal wharf Smith Ambro~e, Canal wharf Steane J os h. Canal wharf Steane J os h. Patkend st Sutton Sam. Canal wharf Ward Hy .. & Co. Canal wharf Weaving J. Park end st, & Canal wharf Confectioners. Bigger staff Thos. 4 St Aldates st Brown Wm. 11 Corn market st Couling Robt. 37 Corn market~ Cripps John, 18 Broad st Cripps Thos. 27 Broad st Drewitt Robt. 7 St Giles st Hinton Wm. Oriel st Hoin Richd. 142 High st James Robt.. 74 High st James Wm. 21 St Aldates st King J os h. Geo. High st, Bt Clements Kirby Ann, Park st Lawne Chas. New College la Pinfold Geo. 5 Beaumont st Sadler Chas. Jas. 104 High .st Shields Thos. 50 High st Spring Sam. 6 Castle st States Thos. 40 St Ebbes lit • V aughan Ricl1d. 71 St Giles st Conveyance1·. Hardy 1 olm, 7 Beaumont st Coopers. Ayres Ann, Pembr.oke st, St Clements Carter Thos. High st, St Clements H ughes Jas. Ft-yers ~ntry, .St Giles Plowman J os h. 43 Corn market Kt Tayler Joseph, 'l'redwell st Taylor Hy. 5 Pembroke ~t CoTk JJfanuftrs.-Crcw.ier Mar.ia, 34 Queen .st Lee John, l4 Queen st Corn g. Flour Dealers.. Castle Ben. :St Aldates st Grubb Isaac, 22 Qu€en st Moore J. P. 1 Park end 43t Nevell Wm. 3 George JJt Roberts Hy. High. st, St Ckments Roberts Wm. 42 Com market st V aughan Riehd. 71 St Giles st Corn Factors.-Danby Robt. Iffiee Fowler Thos. Canal wharf Steane 1 osh. Canal wha1f Steane Jos. Canal wharf Ward Hy. & Co. Canal wharf . Weaving John, Park end lit, &Canal whtnf Corn l'rferchants King Fred. Canal wharf Steane 1 oseph, Parkood st Curriers. Arnold Wm. 18 Queen st Coleman John, 4 Magdalen st Hopkin Wm. Friars wharf Cutlers. Bayne John, 99 High st Brook John, Church st Chadwell C. B. 43 High st Ortelli Antony, 113 High st Robinson Sarah, 47 Corn market st Rose John, 6 Magdalen st Dairymen. Brooks M. 33 Holywell st Ca~tle Ben. St Aldates st Gray W. St Aldates st Walker Edwd. 60 Blackfriars zd Dentists.-King E. 18 Merton st [dens, London Lukyn W • .Cowley bouse &aU4Spring gar23
OXON. OXFORD. . -==========================~ OxFoRD CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Druggist. Falkner J. T. St Aldates st Dyers. Brabazon Sarah, 5 Merton st (Silk) Chance Thos. St Aldates st Hicks Edwd. 15 Ship st Luff Thos. 35 New inn hall st Townsend Jas. Red lion inn sq, Cattle mrkt Wilson Tpos. 14 Castle st Eating Houses. Evans Jas. St Aldates st Lyster Chas, 29 Queen st Maltby Sarah, 6 Queen st Trafford N. Market st Engineers-Edward & Hewit, 108 High st Matthews Wm. 4 Bear st Engravers. Fisher J os h. 3 St Giles st Matthews Wm. 4 Bear st Faggot Maker. Dickinson Robt. Park _ Fellmongers. Wilkins Wm. & Son, Iffiee Fencing Master. Angelos W m, 115 High st Fishmongers Carter John, 130 High st Hadley J. Market st Tester Sa m. 27 High st . , Thompson Geo. 2 Corn mar1:et st Florist8jSeedsman. Fah·bairn T. 9 Broad st & Park Flour Dealers. Bartlett W.4 Waterloo pi, St Clmnts Moore J. P, 1 Parkend st .. ,, Foreign Fruit 8j Italian Warehouse:- . Wharton Robt. 26 Corn market st l Fruiterers.-Clarke Hy. 1 Pembroke st Goulding John, 116 High st Kirby Ann, Park st Sadler Chas. Jas. 104 High st Wheeler Wm. 21 Ship st ~ Furniture Brokers. Bridgewater W. 33 St Giles st Ellis Jas. 75 St Giles st · Faulkner Fred. 1 George st Greenfield Alick, St Aldates st House Wm. St Giles rd Maxey Henry, 80 Holywell st Taman Wm. High st, St Clements Tomkins Thos. 50 St Giles st Furrier. Scott A. J. 12 Corn market st Gardeners. Bates J osh. Summer town 'Whiteman R. 41 Market Treadwell Wm. St Aldates st General Sale Shops:- Cheeseman John, High st, St Clements Cohen David, St Ebbes 5t · Gould CLas. High st, St Clements Pragg Simon, 5~ Castle st Romanel Moses, 1 St Ebh€s -st Spiers & Son, 10~ High st - Glass Dealers, Window. N utt I. High st Glass Manufacturer, Cut. Pike John, George st Glass Merchant, Window.-Pike Jno. George st Glass Warehouses Ashley Thos. I.Jarkend st Cashen Chris. St Aldates st (Plate) Greatbatch Thos. 59 Corn market st Glaziers.--Dudley & Bowler, Broad st Glover. Rickings Wm. High st, St Clements Green Grocers.---Ayers A. 4 West range of Market Boddington Thos. 8 North side of Market Bryant Robt. 2 South side of Market Bushby M. 9 North side of Market Claridge Thos. 12 East side of Market Coppock- 14 East side of Market - Cox J olm, 5 North side of Market Day S. 10 North side of Market Dunbarr J. 42 bottom of :Market Gibbs W. 25 body of Market Hall Mary, 7 East side of Market Hillier W. 30 middle of Market Hitchcock Wm. 29 West range of Market -.24 OxFoRD CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Hollis M. 4 North side of Market Kilbye Henry, 43 bottom of Market Morris Thos. 26 Middle of Market Nibbs Sarah, 7 North side of Market North John, 8 West range of Market Prince J ames, 2 North side of Market Prince Martha, 6 North side of Market Pulker E. 3 East side of Market Quarterman John, 11 East side of Market Stone Thos. St Aldates st Wells Jas. 42 Castle st West Chas. 1 North side of Market Wittock B. 15 East side of Market Grocers 8j Cheesemongers. Cross R. 22 Corn mkt .st Dickson A. St Thomas st Dormer J. 69 High st Hastings John, 3 Castle st Hicks Paul, 39 Holywell st Malin H. London pl, St Clements Preedy Wm. 7 Corn market st Slatter John, 72 Holywell st Underhill Edward, 11 Beaumont st Grcrs 8j Tea Dlrs.-Adam W. Clarendon st, Jericho Bald win Elizabeth, Clarendon buildings Belcher Richard, 6 Pembroke st Bennet John, 50 St Ebbes st Birt John, Park end st Bostewick J ames, St Aldates Bowell T. J. 10 Broad st Bridges George, 56 St Giles st Cooke W. G. 23 George st Cooper Richard, High st, St Clements Corbut Charles, Holly bush row Currie J ames, London pl, St Clements Davis Mary Ann, St Aldates st Delamotte L. 82 High st Don nor J ames, 69 High st Dare Edmund, High st, St Clements Dormor Henry, 30 Queen st Dyer Thomas, 7 St Giles rd Everall Elizabeth, Bear st Fanlkner J. T. St Aldates st Faulkner William, 1S Castle st Harper Edwd. Cherwell st, St Clements st Hicks W. S. Friars Higgons William, High st, Jericho Houghton & Son, High st, St Clements Hounslow John, 67 High st Lee James, Blackfriars rd Liddell Robert, High st, St Clements London Wm. Jas. Cow ley road Matturley Mary, 11 Magdalen st May William, St Aldates st Medwin Thomas, 114 High st Miles Peter & Co. Grafton house, St Aldates st Miller David, Parkend st Mobley G. Union st, Cardigan st, Jericho Powell John, 77 St Giles st Queloh Sephen, St Ebbes st Richardson R. W. 18 High st Richardson William, 38 Queen st Sheard Thomas, 21 High st Sheen R. llO High st Shelton Wm. King st, Cardigan st, Jericho Shepherd George, 49 St Giles st Shillingford Charles, 56 Corn market st ~latter Richard, Bull st Smith Thomas, High st, St Clements Tromer R. W alton place Tubb Thos. \Vm. 37 Corn market st Underhill Michael, High st, St Clements Underhill Michael, 138 ,High st
OXFORD. OXON. ============================-=========================== · OxFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Grcrs ~ Tea Dlrs.-Walker John, 32 St Aldates st Warburton George, 72 High st Ward Richard, High st, St Clements W aterfield Thomas, 27 George st Weaver Richard, :~9 St Ebbes !it Gun Makers Brown Richard, 68 High st Field William, Bear st Pether Williarn, St Aldates st Haberdasl1ers-Bower Chas. 10 South side of Mkt Bowley John, l 7 St Giles road Dring John, 5 Magdalen st Pacey Paul, 49 High st . Rose John, 29 Corn market st Hair Dressers-Bellman John, 19 High st BPsl William, 24 Queen st Blagrove FrP.derick, 12 George st Bunting H. New road Chaundy Charle,:, 62 Corn market st Col well M ark, High st, St Clements Hewitt John, 54 High st Hitchcock John, 5 Queen st Rain Cruse, 141 High st Irwin T. 25 Corn market st Kent E. Market st London William, 112 High st Smith Richard, 31 St Aldates st Taplin William, High st, St Clemenls W eston William, 6 Broad st Wilmott Mary, 20 Broad st Wilson William, Jericho • ' Harness Maker-Higgins Henry, 9 & 76 George st Hatters-Batte Richard, High st, St Clements Blyton H. 16 Corn market st Boffin James, 16 Magdalen st Castle Nathaniel, 13 High street Cooke A. C. St Ebbes lane Cooper Francis, 46 High st Davis Thomas, 2 & 3 Queen st Drew J oseph, 4 High st Pugh E. Pembroke st Randall , 22 High st Scott A. J. 12 Corn market st Warne Joseph, 123 High st Hop J1'erchanls-Fowler Thomas, Canal Wharf Morton James, Canal wharf Pike John, Gear ge st Steane J oseph, Canal wharf Horse Dealer-Symomls Charles, 30 Holywell st Hosiers-Boffin James, 16 Magdalen st Castle Nathaniel, 13 High st Davies Thomas, ~ & 3 Queen st Foster junr. & Co. 124 High st Hie key Thorn a~, 4 7 Castle st Par.ey Paul, 49 High st Ringrose W. Ch. Ch. house, St Aldates st V arney Eliza, 8l High st House Agent Wells Edward, 3 Broad st lronfouruler-Grafton C. Eagle Ironfoundry Ironmongers-Browning J. S. 57 Corn market st Carr Henry, 22 W alton pl Eagleston J obe, High st, St Clements Edward & Hewit, fos High st Fassell Austin, 127 High st Hoar John, 32 Broad st . Mason , Turl st Pilcher Charles, 5 High st Plowman .J oseph, 43 Corn market st Plowman William, 71 High st Ste,•ens David, Grove st Wyatt George, 67 St Giles st Jewellers-Hickman Elizabeth, 31 High st Hobdell E. 128 High st Oxfordshire.] E OxFORD CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Jeweller. Hunt James, New rd Ortelli Antbony, 113 High st Roherts Thomas, 100 High st Sowter John, 38 H iah st "' .. Steele Joseph, 19 High st Job Master Bowell Thomas, 33 Gcorge st Ladder lJfac!tine llfanufacturer :- Salmoni M. High st, St Clements Land Agents-Fret well John, .1.'5 Corn market st Hardy.. J olm, 7 Beaumont st Land Sun;eyors-Badcock Bcnjn. Bt~oad st Fidel! J ames, 33 Beamnon t st Neighbour John, High st, Sl Clements Lead Merchant Pike .J olm, Georue st L Leather Cutters-Arnold William, 16 Queen st Darling Thoma~, Friar st Leather Seller-Emberlin W. (late Evans & Sheard,) St Aldates st Libraries-Dewe Jn. & Rd. 16 Broad st Hallett John, High st. St. Clements M undy Thomas, 88 High st Richards C. Mau-dalen st ' Weatherstone Ed ward, St. A !dates st Licensed to Let Horses Arrold T. Friars st Linen Drapers :- Bay lis J. W. 1 Waterloo pl, St Clements Bowen Charles, 64 Corn market st Bunn Henry, St Aldates st Elliston & Cavell, 13 Magdalen st Forster & Bartlett, 9 High st Foster junr & Co. 124 High st Hanley D. Castle st Hatch H. 28 Corn market st J or William, Park st • Last W. C. & J. G. 131 High st .\1orley & Co. 12 High lit Morison Alexander, 143 High st North Thomas, 1 l\lagdalen st Ringrose William, St Aldates st Sargent Geo. & J olm, 56 High st Spiers William, 13 Queen st Thorp John, 44 Broad st Williams Adin, 136 High st Wiseman William, 1 High st List Shoemaker. Simmous 'Villiam, Friars Lithographic Printer q- Draughtsman :- Plowman .T. 43, Corn market st Livery Stable Keepers. Beesley S. Brewers st, St Davis Charles, 14 Ho1ywcll st [Oriel st DaYis Francis, 40 Pembroke st Dolly Robert, Fryers entry J~iggs William, St Aldates st Foster William, St Aldates s~ Gardiner J. Park st Halsey Thomas, 88 Holy'.\'ell :>t Harrison J oseph, 26 Corn market st Lawne Charles, New College la Lt>aYer Alexander, Bear la May John, Longwall st l\1oore Henry, 8 Holywell st Paync William, New inn hall st Pen·ier Thomas, George st Perrin Thomas, George st Quartermaine Samuel, Alfred st Randall Samuel, St Aldates st Seekham William, El !\1agdalen st Smit!I William, 70 St Giles st Symonds Charles, 30 Holywell st Symonds Joseph, St John st W adlow John, W oml st West Richard, St Aldates st Wheeler J. St Aldates st 25
OXON. OXFORD. ===========================-==========================~ OxFoRD CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Lvry Stble Kerper WherlerW. E. New inn hall st Lcksmths et Bellhngrs.-Shrimpton T. St. ELbes st Stevens David, Grove st Looking Glass Manuf. Ortelli A. ~13 High st Machine Jlaker. Lee Jame~, Blackfriars rd Machine Rulers. EmhPrlin William1 (late Ev~n! 4< Sheard) St Aldates st · Godden E. 2:3 Pembroke st Malt~ters. Burrows W. E. 32 St Giles st Chandler D. Summer town Parker John, St Clements Sheldon William, Parkend st Manufacturer. Pilcher Charles, 5 High 11t Marine Store Dealer. Howard J. Summer town Marfjtlee ':t Tent .Maker. Ludlow J. St Ebbes la Masons. Gibbs John, High st, St Clement~ Lait William, 3 New inn hall st Wyatt Mrs. St Giles st Mattress Mkr. Hitchcock T. Bath st St Clements Mealmen.---Latchmore William, 1 Queen st Watkins Charles, St Aldates 11t Mercers. Foster junr. & ~o. 124 High st Morison Alexander, 143 High s~ Standon Edward, 28 High st Warne Joseph, 123 High st Millers. Dan by Robert, 1 ffiee Nicholls Edward, Holywell Mills • Milliners q Dress Mkrs. Betteris M. 43 St John st Brooks S. 15 Castle st Dawling E. 19 New st, St Clement$ Dewe Mrs. 16 Broad st Eaglestone Elizabeth, 37 High st Gibson Sarah, 11 St Aldates st Godfrey J ane, 42 High st Hawkins E. 12 Holywell pl Hemins Ann, High st Howell Elizabeth, 52 St Giles st Johnson Eliza, St Aldates st . Kemp Mrs. Oriel st Kempson Mary, High st, St Clements Knight Mrs. 2 Castle st Leeson A. 57 Friars st Liddell A. 22 Friars st M oore Mrs. 21 St G iles road Reed Louisa, 36 St John st Shrimpton H. 13 St Aldates st Sparrow M. A. 10 Walton pl Tidmass E. Plantation rd Wildegose L. London pl. St Clements Music Master.-Marshall William, 37 Beaumont st Music et Musical Instrument Warehses :- Barratt M. 11 St AI dates st Marshall William, 125 High 1>t Sharp Benjamin, New College la Wickens Martha, Turl st Musicalfnstrument Manufacturer:- Harris Charles, 1 Broad st Naturalist. Osman , 19 St Aldate:!) $t • Needle Work Warehouse :- Chaundy John, 9 Magdalen st Nursery et Seedsmen.-Chaundy R. 10 Queen st Day William, St Giles fields Dunbar John, St Giles rd Penson Nathaniel, 61 High st Oil o/ Colourmen. Hitchcock H. 121 High st Kett Edwd. Roger, 118 High st Oil 4' Colour Mrchnis. Plowman J. 43 Corn mrket Plowman William, 71 High st Orange Merchant. Stevens Wm. 30 Corn mrkt at Organ Builder. Chambers W. 26 New inn ball st Outfitter. Ringrose W. Christ (;much house, in St Aldates 11t 26 Q~fORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. • Painters~ Glazie1·s.-Bliss William, fi, & J allle~ 49 Broad st Buckingham R. Cattle mkt1 Gloycester green Graham Frederick, Worce!jter tennce Hewlett Edgar, St Paul's terrace, Jericho Hill Sarah, 35 High st Hitchings William, 13 Broad st Knight J. C. Gloucester green Thompson Wm. & Son, 39 High st Tyror Thomas Richard, 23 Friar st Watts James, l3 Longwall st Paper Hangers. Fletcher Robert, 6 George st Watts George, High st, St Clements Paper Mkrs.-Emberlin W. (late Evans & Sheard) St Tow le J. Weirs mill, Grandpont [ Aldates st Parchment c\· Vellum Mnfctr.-Wilkins John, lffiee Pastry Cooks.-Cripps Thomas, 37 Broad st Davis Ann, 98 High st Horn C. 15 Corn market st 'rubber Henry, 96 lligh st PatentMedicineWarehouse.-Haldon & Lowndes,65 Perfumers. Bellman J. 95 High st [Corn market st Bridges George, 29 High st Hewitt John, 54 High st Loder Sarah, 103 High st Sawell William, 25 High st Physicians.-Ogle J ames, St G iles at W ooten Dr. John, 40 Eroad st Picture F1·ame Mnfclr$. Rackall G. 1l Pembroke st Rockall Rtchard1 Tredwell st Tbompson Wm. & Son, 39 High st Pig Dealer. Hart Thomas, Fri~r st Plasterers et Slaters. Collier J ames, 22 Littlegate Hanks John, 49 George st N ewbury Thomas, The Park White Thomas, The Park Plumbers,Painters et Glzn Brad field J. 50 Broad st Bliss William, Henry & James, 4f/ Broad st Bliss W. H. 4 Alfred st, St Gile11 • Bryan John, 5 St Ebbes st Cannon , High st1 St Clements Carter J. Caroline st, High st, St Clements Caster Benjamin, 19 St Aldates st Dudley & Bowler, Broad st Edge David, 77 High st Harris William, New bridge st Hedges David, 3 Longwall st Hickman Charles R. 85 High st Knowles Edward, 75 Holywell st Luker G. L. 21 Holywell st Payne Thomas, Paradi~:~e st Roberts J. 4 in the Gateway, Queen st Rowell Geo. A. 3 Alfred st Thomas John, 16 Queen st Walker George, High st, ~t Clements Wall Richard, l>2 Holy well st Poulterers. Roberts Ann, 25 West range ofMa.r~et Shaler Cbas. 26 & 27 body of Market Shay I er J a ne, 1 7 Broad st Turley J olm, S High st Printers.--Alden Hy. 34 Corn market st Bartlett & ·Harbridge, 4 in the Gateway, Queen st Baxter \'V illiam, St A ldate,S st Clarendon Printing Office, Watson pi; (Combe T. &. Arnett J. Inspector.'!} Collingwood 7. 13 Beaumont st Cooke Hy. 107 High st Ham J osh. 14 St Aldates st Holder Henry, 20 St Aldates st King W"n~ High st, St Clement.l Munday Josh. 4 Queen at
OXFORD. OXON. ============================-============================ O;~tron.o CLAssiFICATioN, continued. Printers.-Tash Fred. 10 High st Vincent J. Ratcliff sq Wright Jas. 19 Eeanmont st Printer, Copperplate.--Emberlin Wm. (late Evans & Sheard, St Aldates st Printsellers.-Butler & Margetts, 20 High st Davis Philip, Turl !it Hawks Philip, 12 Broad st Ryman Jas. 24 High st Thompson Wm. & Son, 39 High st Professor of Botany :-- Daubeney Dr.C.G. B. Botanic grdns, High st Prf. o[,Languages. -Cardiel B. London p_l,StClements Prd'tnstdn Dealer~ .--Don nor Jas. 69 High st Dunnor Hy. 30 Queen st Preedy Wm. 7 Corn market st Shillingfo\·d Chas. 36 Corn market st Publishers.---Cooke Hy. 107 High st Haldon & Lowndes, 64 Corn market st Munday Josh. 4 Queen st Slatter Hy. 2 & 3 High st Talb~ys & Co. 86 High st Trash Fted. 10 High st Wheeler J. S. 106 High st Wyatt & Sm1, 115 High st Robe .Makers.--Allbutt Wm. Pembroke st Ben nett John, 16 St Aldates st Carter Francis, 14 St Aldates st Couling Wm. 12 St Aldates st Davenport James Wm. Turl st Evans Sam. High st, St Clements Feldon Chas. 97 High st Giles Richd. 33 Oxford st Howell S. W. 86! High st Price Jas. i 9 Broad st Sherfield Jas. 25 Broad st Simmons J oseph, 76 High st Slatter Thos. 107 High st Stephens G. M. 2 Pembroke st Tyrrell Sam. 11 Ship st Williams Adin, 136 High st Rope~ Twine Manufacturers:--- Day John, Market st Wall J. Summer town. Round Frock ~ Clothes !If anufacturers : Davies Thos. 2 & 3 Queen st Hyde & Salkeld, 31 & 32 Queen st Saddlets.--Blackwell & Evans, 122 High st Braine Robt. 51 Corn market st Brown Geo. 18 Magdalen st Collins Charles, 8 QuP.en st Dancer R. London pl, St Clements J ames Thos. Market st J ones Daniel, High st, St Clements Oborne 25 George st Oborne Sarah, 2 New inn I1a1l st Kent J ames, Pembroke st Slark Wm. 2 Magdalen st V enables Arthur, 8 St Aldates st Saddle Tree lrlanufacturer :-- Morris Mrs. St Giles field OxFoRD CLAssiFICATION, continuetl. Schools for Gentlemen.--Horue Sarah, St John st Matthews Mrs. Watson pl Pearson Henry, 35 St Ebbes st Schools for Ladies. Gardner 49 St John st Gerrard M. 3 Holywell st . N utt & Chillingwvrth, 53 Horywell st Sadler Mrs. New college la Thorp Ann, 89 Holywell st Sculptor. Grinsby Thos. 76 St Giles st . Seedsmen. Chaundy Rd. 30 West range of Market Couldry S. 2 bottom of Market Dunbar John, St Giles rd Griffin Peter, High st1 St Clements Sadler John, 2 North side of Market Weaning 1ohn, Parkend st, & Canal wharf Sheri.ffs O.fficer.--Caudwell Josh. 18 Queen st Shirt Maker.--Standen Edwd. 28 High st Shoemaker.--Ackland Thos. St Ebbes la Shopkeepers.--Arnold Geo. St Thomas at Beesby Geo. Blackfriars rd - Beesley J ames, St Aldates st Billiug Hy. St Thomas st Broadwater Hy. Wood st Burcombe Ann, St Ebbes la Chatlo Ann, St Thomas st Clack R. 26 W alton pl Eddleston Ephraim, Jericho Fowler Robt. 83 H olywell t!t Griffin Richd. Londun pl, St Clements Haines ~'· Summer town Home M. Summer town Hudson Mary, Friar st Kear Matthew, Jericho London Richd. 19 Little gate Long Richd. 7 Friar st March W. Summer town Marygolq R. Union st, Cardigan st, Jericho Medcraf Jas. Summer town t Mercer Michael, Blackfriars rd M ills Robt. St Thomas st Noyes .John, 10 King st O:stler Elizabeth, Lit Clarendon at Partridge Sarah, 41 Holywell st Roberts Richd. London pl, St Clements Seeley Job, Black friars rd ~he et Rose, Cardigan -st, Jericho Strange Wm. Friars st Walker J osh. 45 George st West I osh. 1 Friars st "\\- hitelock Thomas, 24 Holywell st Williamson John, 45 Holywell st Silk 11:fercers.--Last W. C. & J. G. 131 High st Silversmiths.--Hi~kman Eliz. 31 High st Ortelli Anthony, 113 High st Slate Merchant.---Hopkin Wm. Friars wharf Slater.---Buckett Wm. Bull11t Slopseller. Douch Wm. 51 CllStle ilt Smiths.--Dingle R. Blackfriars rd Draper J. High st: St Cl~menta George Jahn. George ~t, St Cle'nle:o.ts Huar JoiHJ>, 32 Broad st Sausage Makers. Hemmings.l. J. 4Corn market st Knibbs J ane, 6 St Aldate st Sc)wof& for Gentlemen.--Andrews J. 50 St J obn at Bampton Miss, New College la North W. H. Parkend st Pavier J on a than, Gloster gr~en Pavier Wm. Paradise st Cheneys W. 25 Walton pl Plowman J osh. 43 Corn market at Plowman Wm. 71 High 'Bt. Rose Chas. 39 Queen )t • Dobney John Thomas, New inn hall st Eldridge Chas. 60 St John st Eldridge Isabella, 34 New inn hall st Sanders Richd. Crown yard, Corn market st Shayler Edwd. St Ebbes st Elliar Mary, Johnsons bldgns-, St Aldattts !i!t Far brother J olm, 55 St John st Hawkins Thos. 12 Holywell s~ Winfred Ja!ii. Cattle market, Gloster green Solicitors Benwell Thomas, High st, St Clemenls .8runner William, 2 St Aldlltel st 27
OXON. OXFORD. ==~~~==~-~===--================~=====-==~~-====-~--==========~==--- OxFORD CLAssiFICATION, continued. Solicifors.-Ceci} George, 2 Beaumont st Davenport John Marriott, I St Aldates st Dudley & Son, 5 Bro:~.d st Rester G. S. 6 St Aldates st Looker John, 20 Queen st Mailam Thomas, 'furl st Mathews John, High st l\forre11 Baker & Son, I St Giles st Morrell J. T. 22 Beaumont st M orreil Robert, Turl st Rackstrow George, 68 St Giles st Robinson Charle!'l, 36 Pembroke st Smith -, Summer~ town Smith J ames, 5 New inn hall st Taunton John, St Aldates st Tavlor John, New inn hall st • Tbompson T. B. 13 St John st Tome Charles, Alft·ed st Walker G. R. 1 St Aldates st Walsh Hy. & John, New inn hall st Walsh P. & Son, 9 St Giles st Ward J. W. 124 High st Young James • Stationers. Alden Henry, 34 Cam market st Bridges George, 29 High st Fry Mary Ann, 49 Corn market st Haines John, Turl st Mallett M. A. 49 Broad st :!\1undy Thomas, 88 High st Slater Henry, 2 & 3 High st Spiers & Adams, Corn market st Spiers & Son, 102 High st Trash Frederick, I 0 High st Varney Eliza, 81 High st Stationers, Law. Betteris John Geo.Ratcliffe sq Betteries J olm George, 15 Magdalen st Statuary 4' Masons. Bossom George, 10 St George st Gibbs John, High st, St Clements Hope Frances, 7 St John st Hounslow G. Holywell st Knowles Thomas, Holywell st Stay .Make1·s.-Holt Fanny, 78 High st Jackson Eenj. High st, St Clements Lobb Char:es, 22 High st Stone Cutter. Petty John, Frederick pl, Castle st 'Stone .11-ferclwnt.- H opkin \Villiam, Friars wharf Straw Bonnet iWakers. Barnes Ann, 35 Queen st Castell Ann, 44 St John st Dancer Su,;an, London pi, St Clements Eagleston Ann, High st, St Clements Goodall C. A. 24 King st Hicks Mary Ann, 7 George st Hodgkins Eliza, High st, St Clements Johnson Catherine, St Aldates st Oven ell J onathan, I 0 St Aldates st Wood William, 16 George 11t Surgeon.v. Alien Thomas, 20 M agdalen st Cleobu'ry \Villiam, 22 St John st Coar Thomas Tl'nnant, New inn hall st Fisher T. R. 58 Corn market st Hill Thomas Harvey, 77 High st Hitchings George, St Aldates st M adgett Patrick, Oriel st Martin William, Oriel st Parker C. L. 17 St Aldates st Paxton J ames, 11 Queen st Rusher William, 48 High st Sandal] Ewd. Chas. Clarendon pl, Jericho Stone Deodalus, High st, St Clements Stone R. 5 St Aldates st 28 Symonds John, 32 Beaumont st Tuckwell William, 64: High st OxFORD CLAssiFICATioN, continued. Surgeo'!ls. Webb Charles, St Giles st Wingfield Charles, Kettle hall, Broad st Wood J. F. 26 Holywell st \Vyatt G. R. 3 Corn market st Surveyor. Redhead Richard, Broad st Tailors.---Allbutt William, Pembroke st Alien William, 37 Castle st Ben nett John, 1 6 St Aldates st Bliss John, Bear st . Bloxam H. 25 Castle st Blyton H. 16 Corn market st Brazier Henry S. 45 Broad st Browno J a ne, 39 Castle st Burchell William, Fryers entry, St Giles Butler R. 5 Worcester terrace Carter Francis, 14 St Aldates at Castell Georg-e, 29 St John st Couling William, 12 St Aldates st Coulling Rohert, 27 Corn market st Cox John, 7 4 St Giles st Davenport J. W. Turl st Embling J olm & .Tames, 14 High st Evans Samuel, High st, St Clements Feldon Charles, 97 High st Fiske J onathan,23 Corn market st Gardiner J. Bath st, St Clements Gibson John, 11 St Aldates st Giles Richard, 33 Oxford st Giles William, 3 Merton st Green Richard, 17 Pembroke 11t Green Richard, 43 Pem bro'ke st Griffin Bar. Beaumont bldgs, Beaumont st Harris & Co. 45 High st Harris Thomas, Bear la Hoakham R. P. 3 Corn market st Hooper .Tames, 92 Holywell st Howdl S. W. 86:! High st Hughes .Tames B. Gloster green J ones William, St Aldates st .Joy William, Park st Kempster J olm, Park end st Law & Son, 51 Broad st Liddell J. Little Clarendon st Lid dell J ames, 23 High st Lucas Wm. 21 St Aldates st Mackley Thomas, Market st M organ J ohu, St Ebbes la M orley Richard, Cardigan st, Jericho Oliver W. H. Parkend st Pike Charle~, 43 Holywell st Piper J olm, Friars wharf Price Benjamin, Fryers Entry, St Giles Price J ames, 19 Broad st Prior J oseph, 6 Corn market st Quarterman William, 9 St Aldates st Searle H. Parkend st Shepherd Henry, High st, St Clements Sherfield J arnes, 2.'5 Broad st Simmons J oseph, 76 High st ' Simmons \Yilliam, 94 Holywell st Sims J. London'pl, St Clements Slatter J ames, Grove st Slatter Thomas, 107 High st Smith W. Beaumont buildinas, Beaumont at <> Stephens G. Micl1ael, 2 Pembroke st Sutton Edward, High st, St Clements ' Talmage Willium, Holywell st Thorp William, 89 Holywell st Tyrrell Samuel, 11 Ship st Wale Thomas, Pembroke st Wale Wm. 30 St Aldates st W allington Wm. 11 Broad st
OXFORD. OXON. OxFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. OxFOHD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tailors.-W arne J oseph, 123 High st Williams Adin, 136 High st Williams Hugh, 20 Pembroke st Willis George, Oriel st Taverns, Inns, ~ Public Houses: ' Tallow C!tandler.-Tubb T. W. 37 Corn market st Tanner.-Wright Edward J. Littlegate Taverns, Inns, ~Public Houses:-- Abingdon House, Carter Rd. St Aldates st Abingdon Arms Inn, Small John, Market st .Air Balloon, Bowell Hannah, 23 Queen st Anchor, Dolley Thomas, St Aldates st Anchor, Hams Anthony, Heffills Hutt Anchor Inn, Whitefoot Ann, New road Aucient Bri.ton. Sorrell Geo. Blackfriars rd Angel Hotel, Griffith S. Y. High st Bear, Dolley James, Bear la, Alfred st Bell, Norgrove Ann, 18 Corn market st Bell 4' Crown, Rackshaw Wm. Magdalen st Bird in. Hand, West John Charles, Bear st Black Drummer, Harris Alfred, Littlegate Black Horse, Slater W. High st, St Clements Black Lion, Slatter J ames, Grove st Black Swan, N ewman Edward, 22 George st Bluchers Head, Linzey Thomas, 5 Castle st Blue Ball, Guy Mary, Church st Blue Lion, Prior J ames, 41 Corn market st Blue,Pig, Magee 0. Cattle mkt, Gloster green Boat House 'l'avern, Sherratt J. Folly bridge Boot, Franklin J ames, 68 Holywell st Britannia, Hall Thomas, St Ebbes la Bull Inn, Leach G. D. Bull st Cape of Good Hope, Rawbone T. High st, St Carpenters Arms, Bolton J. Iffiee [Clements Champion, N evill William, 17 George st Chequers. Davis William, St Thomas st Chequers, Stroud George, High st City Arms, Barton George, Ratcliffe sq Clarendon Arms, Eden J ames, W alton pl Coach q- Horsei, Creed Jas. 44 Holy well st Coaclt ~·Horses, Eddon E. High st, St Clements .. Coaclt ~Horses, Grant Wm, 35 St Giles rd Coach ~Horses, Guise Hy. 33 Queen st Coach ~ Ho1·ses, Hemmins Wm. 22 King st Coach ~ Hor·ses, Taylor J. between 50 & 49 High st Cock Pit, Eaton 1\'T. Church st, Holywell st Cross Keys, Wren William, 36 Queen st Crown Inn, Buggins Barrington, Corn mkt st Crown ~· Thistle, Goundny John, Market st Dickeson Tavern~ Coffee I-Iuuse, Cox Wm. Turl st IJng ~ Partridge, Ryman John, 35 Broad st Dolphin, Handcocks Wm. 17 Queen st Dolphin, N unney Sarah, 42 Holywell st Druids Head, Perkins Wm. 15 George st Eagle 4' Child, Jew Wm. St Giles st Eight Bells, Crampton Joseph, Pembroke st Elm 'l'ree, Bleay Richard, lffiee Feathers, Atkins Susannah, 38 George st Flying Horse, Fisher Wm. St Thomas Flying Horse, Smith Mary, 73 High st Fox, Jelfs John, 137 High st Friar, Stanton Elizabeth, .Friar st George, Grant Edward, 36 George st George q· Dragon, Fom:st M. A. 2 Merton st Globe, Day Stephen, 7 Queen st Golden Ball, Cater James, 70 Holywell st Golden Crosi Commercial Inn, Holland A. A. 5 Corn market st Grapes, Faulkner Charles, 4 George st Green Dragon lnn, Andrews J. St Aldates st Greyhound, Teall J ane, High st Hare ~·Hounds, Archer H. M. 66 St Giles st Holly Buslt, Couling Wm. Parkend st Hop Pole, Grimmitt John, Friar st Hope ~ Anchor, N unney Henry, 2 George st Horse <t Chain, Brain John, St Ebbes st Horse ~ Groom, Davis John, St Ebbcs st Horse o/ Jocke.lf Inn 9" Racing House, Humphrey J. St Giles rd Jericho House, Higgans J. High st, Jericho Jolt!/ Farmer, Curtis Charles, Church st Jolly Farmer, Midwinter M. A. 1 Corn mkt st Ki11gs Arms llotel, Cox Jane, 40 Holywell st Kings Head, Archer Elizabeth, 43 Queen st Kings Head, Howlett Thos. 17 Holywell st Lamb~ Flag, Alien Wm. St Thomas st Lamb ~- Flag Inn, Randell Geo. St Giles st Leden Porch Halt, Clarke J.41 Pembrokest Light Horse, Dee James, 52 High st Light Horse; Lloyd J ames, 24 Castle st Lord Nelson, Leary Cape], 22 St Aldates st ilfarquis of Granby, Castle R. 36 Corn mkt st Mitre Commercial Inn, Peake T. 17 High st Nags Head, Thornton Eliza, 17 King st ]{arigation House, Cox Thomas, .Fish row Noriss Arms, Williams John, Summer town J.lorth Star, Taylor Richard, 2 Broad st Old Cross, Atkins Thos. 9 Corn market st Paviors Arms, Buckland John, 12 Castle st Pheasant Inn, Mead John, 31 St Giles st Plaiterers Arms, Bugbird H. Marstone la, St Plough, Collcutt W. St Aldates st [ClPments Plough, Ran dell R. 38 Corn Market [Jericho Plough 9" Anchor, Taylor John, Clarcndon st, Port l1ahon, Burnhill J. High st, St Clements Post Boy, Teddar Alfred, High st Queens }lead, Nunncy \V. 23 Queen st [st Queens Head Cmrcl Inn, V enables A. Turl Red Lion, Collis C. Red Lion sq, Cattle Market Red Lion, Margetts Fanny, 140 High st Red Lion, .l'vierriman Wm. 3 Pembroke st Red Ox, Hounslow Chas. St. Thornas st Rising Sun, Lee J olm, St Ebbes la Robin llood, Bossom Wm. Holly bush row Rubin Hood, Randall Rich. 78 St Ciile;; st Roe Buck Commercial Inn o/ Posting House, Gurden Richard, 8 Corn .Market st Rm;al Blenheim, Adams V. St Ebbes la Ruyal Oal.:, Handy Saml. 20 St Giles ;rd Royal Vulcan, l-Iadley John, Fryers entry, St Saddlers Arms, Wallis J. Tud st [Giles Seven Stars, Archer John, M ark et st Slzerborne Arms Commercial Inn, Bailey 'V m. Ship, Weller Eliz. Ship st [1 Castle st Shoulder of Mutton, Wyatt L. St Thomas st Star, Janaway Wm. St Gilcs rd [st Star Family Hotel, Griffith S. Y. Corn l\Iarket Star q. Garter, Nickols W. 20 Com Market st Sun Vaults, Wickeus Jas. 63 Corn Market st Swan, Curtis John, St Thomas st Swan ~ Castle, Astey Wm. 51 Castle st Three Cups 9" Commercial Inn, Bmton G. & Co. 44 Queen :st [Corn Market st Three Goats Commercial Inn, Bishop T. 32 ~f'hree Horse Shoes, Davis John, 45 Castle st Three 'l'urts, Hurcomb ~hilip, St Ebbes st Town Hall Tm,ern Commercial Inn, Hall E. 12 St Aldates st Turks Head, Fox J ames, St Thomas st. Two Brewers, Salter G. 34 St Aldates st f.Jninersity Arms, Blencowe John, Hed lion inn sq, CatVe IplJ.rket 29
OXON. OXFORD. OxFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Taverns, Inns, ~Public Houses:-. - f/ine 'l'avern, Stephens Sarah, 133 High st Waggon~ Horses, Andrews T. 16 St Giles rd Weirs Inn, Wale Wm. Grandpont Wellington Inn, Roberts T. 61 Corn market Westn!inster Hall, Andrews T. St Aldates st Wheat Sheaf, Randal Hannah, St Aldates st Wheat Sheaf, W yatt Richard, High st Wheat Sheaf ~ Anchor Commercial Inn, Crozier Wm. St Aldates st [market st White Hart Commercial Inn, Walker J. Corn Wltite Hart Inn, Walker J. 21 Corn market st White Horse, Orpwood Wm. St Thomas st W!tite Horse, Preston Rich. 52 Broad st William the Fourtit, Deny er W. 57 Holywell WoorlstoclcArms, Mansell M. Magdalen st [st Windsor Castle, Mace Wm. St Thomas st Windmill, Hutt Henry! 24 St Giles st Tennis Courts.-Handaway & Russell, Orit\1 st· Sabin Wm. 6 Merton st Timber Merchants. Alld~ar J. 36 Blackfriars rd Hall John, St G iles rd Janaway Wm. The Park King John, Marstone la, St elements Mallam Thomas, l ~6 High st Quarterman Philip, St Aldates st Smith George, J el"icho Wilkins Wm. & Son, Iffiee Wyatt Thomas, Friars wharf Timnen ~ Braziers. ~ason , Turl st Plowman J oseph, 43 Corn market Stevens David, Grove st Tobacconi.~ts. Bryant John, Oriel st Castle Charles, 40 High st Castle J ames, 44 Corn market st Chaundy Richard, 10 Corn market st Evans George, High st, St Clements J ohnson J. F. St Aldates st Laney Edward George, 17 Corn market st Mallam Thom;)s, 12G High st Reynolds Henry, 2 Corn market st Wells Edward, 3 Broad st Tool Manufacturer. Brewer Thos. 40 St Giles rd. 1'oy Warekouses. Fry M. Ann, 49 Corn market st Green Elizabeth, 37 Queen st Green Elizabeth, 42 High st Huckwell ltobert, 18 St Aldates st Spiers & Adams, Corn market st Trunk ~Packing Case 2Uake1·s :- Boswell Francis, jun. 50 Corn market st Truss .Maker. Rose Wm. St Giles st Turners.-Boswe!l F. sen. 18 Corn market at Brocklesby F. 59 Holywell Bunker E. 27 Castle st Higginson Wm. Cattle market, Gloucester gr Mathews Wm. 4 in the Gateway, Queen st UmbreUa Makera.-Anstev J. Parkend st • Wickens J ames, Market st Wiltiams Thomas, 75 George st Upholsterers .j- Cabinet .ilflcrs.-Adams C. J. 90 High Atkins John, 4 Castle st [ st Fletcher Robert, 6 George st Giles James, 129 High st Herbert Wm. Corn market st Mallam D. P. St Aldates st Moxey Henry, 80 Holywell st Payne Wm. 135 High st Taylor Wm. 69 St Giles st Watts George, High st, St Clements Veterinary Surgeon.Y.-Gibbon:!'l & Lymath, M agdaHall Richard, Magdalen st [len st J ones Wm. St Ebbes st 30 OxFoRD CLAssiFICATION, continued. Veterinary Surgeon.--Wadlow C. H. 9 St Aldat~ lit Warehousemen. Morley & Co. 12 Higb at Watch ~ Clock Makers. Auther J. D. St Aldates at Clements John, 44 High st . Hickman Elizabeth, 31 Higli st H obdell E. 128 High st Hunt Ja\nes, New rd Hunt James, High st, St Clements Lawson Charles, Parkend st Pearson Hawlin, 1 King st Rowell M. & Son, 36 Brdad st Slv Robert, Market st • Sowter John, 38 High st Steele Joseph, 19 High st West Thomas, High st, St Cl-ements Wharfingers.-Crow!ey, Hicklin, Batty & Co. Canal Cryer Ed ward, Cnhal wharf office [wharf Hopkin Wm. Friars whai·f Wheelwrights. Berry J. Summers town Dyer Wm. Tredwell st Higglns Charles, Parkend st J ohnson W n'l.. 13 George st Pharaoh .f ohn, Jericho Wine ;f Spirit Imparters. · Uruton G. & Co. 44Queen Syms & Guy, Corn market st [ st Wme ~ Spirit Mercltants.-Badcock Thos. 54 Corn Bishop T. 32 Corn market st [market st Brown Char1es, 9 Beaumont st Bntler Wm. H. 2 St Aldates st Dry R. 37 Pembroke st Eaton Deodatus, 3 St Aldates cgt Eaton Wm. 4 in the Gateway, Queen st Giles J ames, Broad st Harper John, 35· Holywell st Hounslow John, 67 High st J ubber J ames, 14 Oriel st Parker John, St Ciements Perkins John, 47 Broad st Pfeil, Hunt & Co. 124- High st Sheard Robe't-t, 31 Broad st Steane Samuel, 33 Corn market l>t Wickens J ames, 78 High st lVire Worker. Innes J ames, 42 Qut!en st Woollen ~ A!anckester Warehousemen:- H ydc & Salkeld, 31 & 32 Queen st Woollen Drapers. Ben nett John, 16 St Aldates ~t Davies Thomas, 2 & 3 Queen st University Officers. Chncllr-His Grace the Duke of Wellington, D.C.L. Higlt Steward-The Earl of Devon, D.C.L. f/ice Chancellor-A. T. Gilbert, b.D. Public Orator-J. A. Cramer, D.D. Principal of New inn hall Bodleian Librarian B. Bulkley, D.b. New College Keeper of the Arcltives-Uev, Phillp Bliss, D.C.L. St J ohns College Keeper of the Asltmolean Museum B. P. Duncan l\LA. Fellow of New College Ratcliffes Librarian John Kidd, D. M. Christ Ch. Registrar of the Uniz,ersity-Rev Philip Bliss1 D.C.L. St J ohns College HEADS 01!-. COLLEGE~ & HALLS. All Souls College, Rev Lewes Sneyd, M.A. Warden At ban Hall, Ed ward Card well, D. D .....•.. Principal Balliol College, Riclwrd. J en kyns, D. D •...•• Master Brasennose Colle_qe, A. '1'. Gilbert, D.D •.• Principal Christ Church, Thomas Gaisford, D.D .....• ...t"' Dean Corpus Christi, T. E. Bridges, D.b ......... President Exeter College, .J oseph Richards, B.D .•....• Rector Edrmmd Hall,. Anthony Grayson, D.D .••• Principal
OXFORD. OXON .. /e«ru College, Henry FQillkqs, D. D ......... Principal Lincoln Collf'ge, John Radford, D.D......... Rector Jrfagdalen College, M. J. Routh, D.D ...... President J/agdalen Hall, J. D. Macbride, P.C.L.,. Principal !rferton College, Robert l\Iarsham, D.C.L .. , W ardep New College, P. N. Shuttleworth, D.D ...... Warden New Inn Hall, J. A. Cramer, D.D .......... Principal Oriel College, Edward Hawkins, D.D .......•. Provost Pembroke College, G. W. Hall, D.p ......... ~aster Queens College, John Fox, D.D ............... Provost St Johns College, Philip Wynter, D.D ...... President St Mary Hall, R. D. Hampden, D.D ...... Principal Trinity Collegl!, James Ingram, D.D ...... President University College, , Plumptre, D.D ......... Master Wadham Collt'ge, B. P. Symons, U.D ....... Warden }Vurcester College, Rev. R. L. Cotton, D.D. Provost PROFESSORS. Beg. Prof. of Div ... Renn Dickson Hampden, D.D. Canon of Christ Church Reg. Prof. of Civil Law ... Joseph Phillimore, D.C.L. · Christ Church Reg. Prof. of Medicine, John Kidd, D. M. Christ Ch. ]leg. Prof. of Hebrew ...... E. Bouverie Pusey, D.D. , Canon of Christ Church ]leg. Prof. of Greek ... The Very Rev. the Dean of . Christ Church Marg. Prof. of Divinity .... Godfrey Faussett, D.D. Magdalen Colle.ge Prof of Natural Philosophy ••. George Leigh Cooke, B.D. Corpus Christi College Sav. Prof. of Geometry ... Rev. Baden Powell, M.A. Oriel College Prof. oj.Moral Philosoplty ... Rev. Wm. Sewell, M.A. Fellow of Exeter College Camdens Prof. of Ancient History, E. Card well, D.D. · Principal of St Albans Hall Prof of Music ... Wm. Crotch, Doctor of Music. Archbishop Lauds Prof. af Arabic ... W. Knatchbull, D.D. All Souls College Reg.rfSherardian Prof. of Botany,C. G. B. Dau beney, D. M. Magdalen College Prof. nf Poetry ... Re,•. J. Keble, M. A. Oriel College Reg. Prof of ~fdrn. HisiO'r!J ~ Mdrn. Languages ... Edward Nares, D. D. Mrrton College AngkrSazon Prof ... R. M. White, B. D. Fel of Mag- - dalen College. l'inerian Prof of Common Law ... Philip Williarn~, D.C.L. New College Lord Lichjield's Clinical Proj .. Adey J. Ogle, D.M. Trinity College Lord Almoner's Prolector in Arabic ... J. D. Macbi·ide, D.C.L. Principal of Magdalen College 4./dricltian Prof. of Medi~ine ... Adey J ames Ogle, D.M. '!rinity College 4.ldrichian Prof. of Anatomy ...... John Kidd 1 D.l\L Christ College 4ldricltian Prof. of Cltemistry ... G. B. C. Daubeny, D. M. 11agdalen College Drummonds Prof of Political Economy ... Herman Merivall, M.A. Fellow of Balliol College Boden Prof. of Sanscrit ... Horace H. Wilson, M.A. Exeter College Lees Lecturer in Anatomy, J. Kidd ... D.M. Ch. Ch. Jleader in Mineralogy~ Geology ... Wm. Buckland, D.D. Canon of Ch1·ist Church . Corporation, 1839. MAYOR. Richard Sheen, Esq. liiGH STEWARD. The Duke of :Marlborough. ll.ECOltPER.-J ame.s Manning,, Esq. M.\GISTRATES. The Mayor for the time being. J. C. Sadler T. Wyatt W. H. Butler L. Wyatt J. S. Browqing T. Taylor, Esqs ALDERMEN. R. Sheen J. S. Browning T. Wyatt L. Wyatt W. H. Butler C. Tawney C. J. Sadler R. Dry, & T. Mallam W. Fisher, Esqs SHERIFf.-Mr. J. Hastings COUNCILLORS. ~- Waudell \1(. Taman G. H. WarburtP,n D. A. l'alboys W. Thorp W. Cooke T. North W. Dry J. Wyatt W. Floyd T. Sheard T. Randall J. Hastings C. Butler T. Dry W. Walsh R. Spiers G. Hitchipgs S. Stean~ J. Warne T. Alden J. Weaving J. Cox G. Hester J. W. Slatter Wm. Latch more C. Pilcher T. Banlett J. Chaundy J. Turuer ·--- Post Office. W arne J oseph ................................. Postmaster Letters arrive by M ail from Glpster, & forwarded to London at 12 P.lti. ; returns from London through Southall at i to 3 4.M. Arrivals by Mail from Worcester, & forwarded to London at 12 r.M.; returns from London tP.ro' Hounslow at ~ to 3 A.~l. · ArriYals by Mail from N ortharppton, thro' Brackley & Towcester at i p. 8 A.\!!, i departs at ! p. 5 P.M. Arri,·als by Mail from Newhury thro' Whitchurch Winchester & Southampton, at l p. 5 ~.M.; depart~ at i to 9 P.M. Arrivals by Mail from Abingdon thro' Farringdon, Leachdale, Farford, Cirencester, Shalford &. Stroud at 1 A.!rf. ; departs l p. 1 P.M. Arrivals from Banbury & Woodstock thro' Holt, Fox, Deddington & Adderbury, at i p. 8 P.M. i departs 3 A.M. Arrivals by Mail from Bicester twice a-day, the first at i to & P.M.; return 3 A.M; second arrival i to 12 P.M.; return 6 A :,1. Town delivery 7 & 9 p-1orning. Posting House!B. Angel Hotel, High st ... Griffi.th Sam. Y. (Postmaster to the Queen Dowager) Mitre Commercial Inn, 17 Higll.st ... Peake Thomas Roe buck, 8 Corn Market st .... ..... Gurden Richard Star Family Hotel, Corn 21·/arket st .... .. Griffith S. Y Bankers. Davenport, Walker & Co. High st~ .. Draw on Dorrien & Co. Lock ~ir J oseph & Co. 6 High st ... Draw on Willis & Co. 70 Lombard st Morrell James &. Robert, 134 High st ...... Dr;.1w on J one~, Lloyd & Co . Parsons, Thomson & Co. 92 High st (Old Bank) ... Draw on Hammersley & Co. Wootten, Tubb & Co. 2 St Aldates st .. .... Draw on Masterman & Co. ~avings Bank (S. King, Actuary) St Aldales st .... Open Monday & Saturday.
OXON. OXFORD. rire &. Life Assurance Agents. Alliance Company, 5 Broad st •...•.••. ..• Dudley C. Atlas, I St Aldates st.. .• .... ....... .•. Walker G. R. Benevolent Annuity & National Benefit Society, Holywell st...... .... ... . .••. •••• .•• .• Harper John Birmingham Fire, 80 High st .. .•.• Cooke Elizabeth British Fire, 52 llolywell st ............ Hall Richard British Fire & Westminster Life, I8 Queen st ...... Caudwell J o!"eph Clerical & Medical Life, 26 Holywell st ... Wood J. T. Crown Life, I38 High st ......... Uuderhill Michael Eagle Lifr, 21 lValton pl ............... Davies H. W. Economic Life, 23 Corn M ar/.et .~t ... Fi~ke Mar hall General, 118 Hi[Jh st ............ Kett Edward Roger General, 33 Corn lvlarket st .... ........ Steane Samnel Hope, 4 in the Gateway, Queen st •.• Eaton William Imperial, 16I Broad st .... ................. De we John Independent W. Middlesex, 77 St Giles st ... Powell J. Naval & Military East India Company, & General Life Assurance, 118 High st .. ....... Kett E. R. Norwich Union, Corn Market st ...••• Symes & Guy Pelican, 20 Queen st ..................... Looker John Phrenix, 94 High st ............... Dicks Wm. Andrew Phrenix, 21 High st. ... . •• .. .. .. ... . . Sheard Thomas Phreuix, I38 High st ............... Underhill Michael United Kingdom Life, 2 St Joltn st •.. Hawkins Thos. West of England, 68 St Giles :;t... Rackstrow G eo. Westminster Life & Annuity, llolywell st ... Hall R. York & London, 54 Corn Market st ... Bad cock Tho. :Law &. Public Officers. Clerk of the Market. Walsh P. St Giles Clerk of the Peace.-Davenport J. M. I St Aldatesst Clerk to Commissioners for Lighting 9'" Cleansing.- Morrell B. St Giles Clerk to Commissioners of Sewers.--W alsh Henry Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes -Roberson T. Commissioner for Receiving Special Bail for Oxfordshir~, Berkshire, Buck.ingltams!tire, Wiltshire, ~ the City 9" County of Gloucester in all Superior Courts.--Leech George, Bull st Coroner.--Cecil George, Esq. County Clerk.-Looker John, 20 Queen st County Treasurer 9" Treasurer to tlze Oxford Commissioners.--Morrell Robert, Turl st Deputy Regi~·trar of the Diocese of Oxford.--Morrell Rcbert, Turl st District Commissioner in Banlcruptcy, g-c.-Dudley Crews, 5 Broad st Gov?rnor of City Gao/.---Gardiner Thomas Town Clerk c~ Clerk rif the Peace for City~ Borough. --Roberson Thos. Esq. Town Clerk ~· Cle1·k of the Peace for City q· Borough,~ Clerk io Afagistrates.--JacobHenry, Esq. 'l'own ll all yard Law Offices, &.c. Stamp Office, 119 High st Tay I or Thos. sen .. :...................... Distributor Excise Office, Star Inn, Corn market st Smitla J ....................................... Collector Banks Henry, ...........................•.. Snpervisor Hmtiug Court, first Mcnday in every month. Mayors Court, every Frid:ty. At these Courts, persons who are eligible may obtain their freedum. Newspapers. J ackson's Oxford Journal, published on Saturdap, 65 Cornhill, market st Oxford Chronicle, publi~hcd on Sats. 107 lligh st Oxford University, City & County Herald, published on Saturdays, 4 Queen st - 3241 Public Buildings, &c. CHURCHES, With the Names of the lncumbent1. All Saints Thorn pson Rev. J ..................•..•.•.•..•.. Curate l\filler Amsterdam ............................... Clerk Holywell T)'ndall Re,r. G ...•.........•....•........•.....• Vicar Slatter , Il olytvell st . ........................ Clerk St Aldates Berkelay Rev. G. C ............................ Curate H ayes , Gas st, Friars ........................ Clerk St Clements Hnghes Hev. J. W ............................ Rector Sntton -, St Clements ........................ Clerk St Ebbes Churton Rev. H. B. "\V .•....................... Curate Francomb , St Ebbes ........................ _Clerk St Giles Carter Rev. J o l1 n, •..•.•••.•...•..•.•... , •••..... Vicar Gi les Thomas, St Giles ......................... Clerk St Mary Magdalen . I Jail Rev. J. R .••..............•.•...•...•.•••••. Vicar H ughes , Fryers entry ........................ Clerk St Michaels Calcottt Rev. J .................................. Curate 'fyrrell , Ship la .............................. Clerk St Mary the Virgin Newmnn J. H ..•...••••..•..•.....••••..•••••.••• Vicar Green , George st •........................... Clerk St Martins H·!1de l{e''· J ..................................... Rector Green , Pembroke st ......................... Clerk St Pauls Cary Rev. J ... , ................................. Curate Gardner -, Clarendon buildings ••.. .......... Clerk St Peters in the East H ami] ton Rev. W. K .•..............•..•....... , Vicar Pearson , King st .............................. Clerk St Peter-le-Bailey Reay Rev. H ......... , ......•...........•..•.. Minisfer Woodward , Queen st ........................ ~Cletk St Thomas Jones Rev. J .................................. Minister Malt by -, Church la .......................... Cler~ SCHOOLS. Baptist Girls School, St Pauls terrace He\vlett l\1rs ...........•............••.....•.. Mi:itress Blue Coat Boys School, Church st, St Ebbe8 l\1 argctts P .....•..•.....••.•.•.•.....•••..•....• Master Blue Gown Girls School, Beet land Padhung Mrs .................................. Mistress Free School, Town hall yard, Sn1ith Henr,y, ................•........••....... ~faster Infants School, 11ear Paradiiie gm·dens Wood \Vard 1' •...•.......•...••••..•.••..•.•..•.• 1tiaster Mrs. Mac brides School, New inn hall st Eldridge !tfrs ................•.....•........•.. ~Iistress National School, Clarendon st Price W 1lliam, ...•.....••.••.••.•.•.••••...••.. l\I aster Parochial School, St Aldates Davies George, •••...••.•••.•••.•••.••••.....•.. '!\Iast£:-r St Ebbes Parochial ~chool, St Ebbes, Blar:kfriars rd Green 'Villiam, ................................. l\Iaster St Giles Parochial School, St Giles 1 nnes M.iss ••••.•••.•••••••••.•....•••••••••••• Mistress St Peters in the East Parochial School, Long Wall ~..,armcr l\1 rs .••..••.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••• A-Iistress W esleyan School, High st, Jericho Sixsmith Mr •••••.•..•..•...•.•.••.....•.••••... Master
• OXFORD. . OXON . lNFIR~fARIES, I)ISPENSARIES, &c. City of Oxford Reading Society, 50 Corn rm·kt st Lunatic Asylum, Headiugton H.ingrose \V m ................ ~ecretary & Treasurer Ogle Dr ....................................... Physician 1\1argetts D. N ................... 1 ........... Secretary Wintle Mr ......................... Resident Surgeon Gree11 C. A .................................. Librarian Medical Dispensary, 32 Beaumont st Pattison . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. ... Librarian Symonds J ...................... ~ Medical Attendant Gas W arks, Gas st . Lock Sir Joseph ............................ Treasurer Hadland Richd ............................... Manager Ratcliffe Infirmary, St Giles Mechanics Institute, Alfred st, High st Hagley William ........................... Apothecary 'Trash ~Ir . ..................... ~ ........ . _ ...... Secretary Trasl1 F ....................................... Src-retary Police Station, Butter bench, Carfax Self-Supp01·ting Medical Institution, Subscription , Room, Town halt yard Lucas Thos. ..... ......... .......... Superintendent ALMS HOUSES. Bossom Geo .. ~ ............................... Inspector !\Ir. Wm. Stones Alms Houses, High st, St Clements, for eight poor women. Each are allowed the sum of 20[. 10s. and SO cwt of coals per annum. Cra111 Rt ......................................... ltl~pector Savings Bank, St Aldates King 8....................................... Actuary University Printing Office, Walton pl Pu·ouc Establishments. Agricultural Society, Broad st Combe Tb.os .................................. Inspector 11adcock B . ..................•.............. Secretar'' • Arnett John ................................. Inspector 13otanic Gardens, High st Libraries . Daubeney D1·. C. G. B...... Professor of Botany De we J. & R. 16 Broad st .... .... . . .. Librarian Baxter Wm ......................•...... -..••.... Curator Mundy Thos. High st. ... . .. ... ..•.•.... ..... Librarian City Water Works, Isis row, St .Aldates • Richards C. lllagdalen st .... ................. Librarian \V alker John ................................. Chief Clerk VV eatherston Ed wd. St A ldates st. ... .. ... Librarian COACH LIST. =======-========~==========================~============== best£nation. Name of Coach. Time and Place of leaving Oxford. Time of Return. ----~------ -------------~-----------------------------------1------- Bath & Bristol • Bath & Bristol. Birmingham Birmingham • • ,I Bnghton . • Cambridge . . Chipping N orton Cheltenham • ' Cheltenham • Ch 'ltenhwm . Do.& Gloucester Glducester . • Hereford, ChelWhite Hart { 9 a.m. da., Su. ex.-Angel, Mitre, Star, } 6 ' & Roebuck Inns . • • . . . p.m. Y , ~T { 10 a.m. Tu. Th. Sat.--Angel, Mitre, { 5~a.m. M. on;: j .:.ouse • Star, & Roe buck Inns • • • • Wed. Fr. Day Coach. Tantivy. • • 9 a.m. da.-Angel, Mitre, Star, & Roe buck 8 p.m. . 3 p.m. da.-Angel, Mitre, Star, & Roe buck 2i p.m. Hero { 8 a. m. Mo. ·wed. Fr.--Angel, Mitre, { 8 ~p.m. M. • • ' Star, & Roe buck Inns . . . Wed. Fr. Eagle . . . 9 a. m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 6 p.m. Blenheim .. 5p.m. da., Su.ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 9~ a.m. Berkeley Hunt 2 p.m. da.-Angel, Mitre, Star, & Roebuck 1 p.m. Isis • • . , 10a.m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 8! p.m. Magnett . . 2 p.m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 1 p.r:1. Tantivy. . • 2! p.m. da., Su.ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 12 noon Mail • • , . 2! a.m. da.-Angel, Mitre,.Star, & Roe buck 12 night I Principal Places the Coaches pass through. { Faringdon, Cirencester, Fairford. } Faringdn ,Stevnhm.,Swindon, Wttn.Basset,Chipnhm W oodstck.,Shipster,Stratford W oodstck.,Shipster,Stratford } Reading, Farnham, Guildford . Thame, Aylesbury, Beaford. W oodstock, Ens tie, Witney, Bm·ford. Witney, Bmford. Witney, l3urford. Witney, Burford. [ham. Witney, Burford, Cheltenfunham, &: >Champion • { 11! p.m. daily, Su. ex.-Angel, Mitre,} Star, & Roebuck Inns • . . . 11! p-m. Witney, Burford. Sloucester • Ditto, ditto, ditto Lean~ington, Warwick, and Southam . . Ll'ieester- I • • London • • London • London. London . London • • • • • • Lotldon • • • • • • • • Mazeppa • l >Regulator • • 1 p.m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditta, ditto, ditto { 8! a.m daily, Su. ex.--Angel, Mitre,) Star, & Roebuck Inns . . . • f 3 p.m . 5 p.m. Regulator Alert . . 8l a.m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 5 p.m, ~ 10 a.m. daily, Sn. ex.-Angel, Mitre, l 5 ' · · l Star, & Roebuck • . • . . . f p.m. Berkley Hunt. 1 p.m. da.-Angel, Mitre, Star, & Roe buck 2 p.m. Blenheim • • 9 ~a m. da , Su. ex -Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 5 p.m. Champion- . ll!p.m.da,Su.ex.-DiLto,ditto,ditto,ditto ll!P·111 . Courier. . • ~ i bef. 8 a .. m. da., Su. ex.-Angel, Mitre, } 7 pm. l Star, & Roe buck Inns • . . . Defiance { 10~ a. m. daily. -Angel, Mitre, Star, & { 8! p rn., ' • Roebuck Inns . . . • . . Su.Hp.m . London • • • Tollit's "Age" 11 a.m. daily, Su. ex.-Vine Tavern • . 7 p.m. London • • .. ·Gloucester Mail 12 ev. night.-Angel, Mitre, Star,& Roe buck 2! a. m. London , • • Magnett . . l p.m. da., Su ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 2 p.m. London . Mazeppa • • 3 p.m da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 1 p.m. London • • .' Paul Pry • . 12 night, Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 12~ a.m. Lolldon • • Sovereign . • q p.m.da., Su ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto I~ p.m. London • • Tantivy. , , 12noon,da.,Su ex.-Ditto,ditto,ditto,ditto 2 p.m. Lo~don, • Worcester Mail 12ev.night-Angel,Mitre,Star,&Roebnck 2 a.m. Northampton · Rising Sun . 8 a. m. da., Su ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 8 p.m. Re.ding • • • Dart . . . • 3 p m. da., Su. ex.-- Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 12 noon. R~:ding. • • Hero • , • 8 a. m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 8 p.m. Southampton . Coach , • • 8 a. m. da., Su. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 5 p.m. Worcester • • Mail . • • • 2 a. m. da.-Angel, Mitre, Star, & Roe buck 12 night Worcester •• Sovereign •• l!p.m.da.,Su.ex.-Ditto,ditto,ditto,ditto l~p.m. Worcester and } Cheltenham. Paul Pry. • 12! a. m. da., Sat. ex.-Ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto 12 night Oxfordshire. J F Witney, Burford. { - W oodstock, Deddington, Ban bury . [ L utterworth. Banbury, Southam, Rugby, { Henley, Maidenhd., theuce by Hail- road . Ditto, ditto, ditto [bridge • Tetsworth, vVycombe, U .x.- W JCOmbe, U xbridge. j Thane, Aylesbmy, Tri11g, l thence by Rail-1 oad . t Henley, Maidenhead, f Slough. Wycombe, U xbridge. H cnley, Maidenhead, Slough. Henley, Maidenhead, thence Ditto,ditto,ditto [by Rail-road l)itto, ditto, ditto. Wycombe, Uxbridge. Wycombe, U xbridge. W ycombe, U xbridge. [ cester. Bicester, Burkingham, TowW allingford, Streatley, PangIJitto, ditto, ditto. [bourne. Newbury, Whitch., "\\'inchstr. .Moreton,Broadway,Evesham Moreton, Broad way, E vesham Witncy, Buiford, Tewkesbury 33
OXON. OXFORD. Carriers to Abingdon, Eagle, from Three Goats Inn, • aft. ; returns 11 morn. Bath, Bristol, Birmingham, and Worcester, Haines, daily, at noon, (Sun. exc.) through Witney, Burford, N orthleach, Cheltenham, &c. daily, 6 Bath, Exeter, Devizes, Wells, Taunton, Salisbury, Abingdon, Preston, from Crown I'TJ.n, daily1 :1 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Abingdon, Shell er, from White Hart lrJ.n, daily, (Sup. exc.) 5 aft. j returns 11 morn. Abingdon, Tomes, from .f'?s~ 1Joy1 W eq. 8; Sa$. 4 aft.; returns 10 morn. Abingdon, Whiting, from Star 9" G~rter, d~ly, 1 aft. ; returns 9 morn. Abingdon, Whiting, from fOf.& Boy, paily, 2 aft. ; feturns 12 noon. Abingdon & Drayton\ A1d~r, from Star cS" Garter, every Sat. i p. 2 aft. ; returns 9 morn. Abingdon, Farringdon, W ~ntage, and Ware ham, . Humphries, from Star er Garter, Wed. & Fri. 3 aft. ; returns 8 morn. Abingdon, Sutton & Courtn~y, W ood1~y, frorn Crown Inn, Wed. & Fri. 4 aft. ; re: turns 11 morn. · Appleton, Holifield, from Cr~ Inn, every Sat. 3 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Appleton & Fifield, Wenman, from Star ~ (_}'f!t~r;t every Fri. 1 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Ashton, Cote, & Standlake, Gil~s-~ fro~ C~~ljuers,_ Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; returqs 12 noon. Ashton, Highworth, & FaringdQn, Williams, from Cross Keus, We~. & Sat. '! aft.; :~;e_t\J.rn~ ~ 2 noon. Audley, J ackson, from Plough, Wed. & Sat. 4 ~ft.; returns 11 morn. Aylesbury & Brill, ~orcott, from S~a,r q Garter, W. & Fri 1 aft., returns 10 morn. Aylesbury, Crimner, Stanford & Thame, Hawse, from Bell, W. & Sat. 1 aft.; returns 9 morn. Ayntroe, Boddington, from .Abingdon .Arms, daily, 2 aft. through Gozard. Bald on, Fruen, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. ~ aft.; returns 12 noon. Baldon, Johnson, froq1 4bi11.!Jdon .Arnp;1 daily, ~2 noon, through Ne\f~ham. Bampton, Cripps, frorp. S~erborne 4rms, ~'\:ery Sat. 2 aft.; returns 9 morn. Bampton & Witney, Hoafe, from Crown Inn, every Sat. 4 aft. ; return' 12 noon. Bampton & Witney, Par"lee, from (:rown Inn, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 4: aft.; returns ~2 noor~. Bampton & Witney, Sh~pherd, from Star <t Ga.rter, Wed. & Sat .• p. ~ aft. : return~ 1 q moqt. Banbury, Parker & Foster, from Thames J;Vharf, daily, (Sunday exc;.) throug'\1 Woodstock and Deddington. Banbury, Taylor, from Sherbarr.<e Ar'TTUj, ~very S~t. 2 aft. ; return!! 11 111orn. Banbury & Dean, Gard11er, frorn Bell, every. Sat. 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. . Banbury & Deddington, Hemmings, from Orown Inn, Wed. & Sat. 2 aft. j returns 10 morn. Ban bury & Deddington, Nutt, from Three Goats Inn, every Sat. 1 aft. ; returns 10 morn. Banbury & Daventry, 1\la~l Cart, from Busley er Gilberts, Brewer st, every morn. Banbury & Hampton Poyle, Giles, from Marqui11 of Granby, e\'ery Sat. 4 aft.; returns l ~ mqrn. Banbury & Heyford, Boddington, from, SIJ,ip, every Sat. 1 aft. ; returns 1 0 m~rn. Banbury & Kedlington, Lipscombe, from Star ~ Garter, Mon. W. Fri. & Sat. 3 aft.; returns ll morn. Barton, Ward, from Crown 1nn1 every Sat. 4 aft.; returns 12 noon. 34 Glastonbury, Chippenham, W arminster, Fa~ ringdon & Shri,·ingham, Smith, from Star ~ Gart-er, every Sat. 1 aft.; returns 11 morn, Beckley, .Field, from Croum Inn, on Sat. only, at 4 aft.; returns 12 morn. Beckley, Caleman, :from Anc!wr Inn, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft.; retums 11 mom. Beckley, Richards, from Cros~ KPys, Wed. & Sat. only, 3 aft.; returns 11 morn. Bicester, Edmonds, from White Hart Inn, Wed.&Sat. 4 aft.; returns 10~ morn. Bicester, Goble, ~rom Star er Gm·ter, Wed. &S at.3 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Bicester & Brill Thame, Oakley, from Crown, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. ; returns 1 0 morn. Birmingham, Worcester, & North Wales, J ollys, from1'redwells Office, Corn market st, daily, (Sun. excepted); rettuns daily, (Sun. ex· cepted) ; through Witney, Barford, Ban• bury, &c. :alechio.gtQo,, Bartlett, from Crown Inn, Sat.' only, 4 aft. ; returns 11 noon. ~rist()l and all parts of Corn wall, Budd & Co. from Tredwells Office, Corn market s4 daily, (Sun. excepted) ; returns daily, (Su9. excepted); through Farringdon, Cirencester, Farford,&c. Buckingham, Gi!es, from White Hart Inn, Wed. & Sat. l.O! morn.; returns Wed. 8 morn. and Fri. 6 night. Buckland, Wilkins, from Slterborne 4rms, on Sat. onh·, 4 aft.; returns 10 morn. Burcot, Pinnel, from Chequers, Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Burford, Parker & Foster, from T!~ames wharf; daily, (Sun. excepted); through Witney & Bampton. Burford & W itney, Slatter, from Bel~ Tues. Wed. & Sat. 4 aft.; returns 12 noon. Campden, Wards, from Star q Garter, Sun. 12, Tues. 10, Fri. 1~ morn.; returns Sun. Wed. & Fd. 6 evn. ; through Chipfing N orton, Stow, Moreton, and Bourton. '" Cassington, Payne, from Three Goals .{nn, Mon. & Sat. 12 noon; returns 9 morn. Charlbury, Kirby E. & T. from Star q (7-qrter, 3. aft. ; returns 10 morn. Charlbury & Ban bury, Sorrell, {rom Star <t Garter, Sat. OJ;l1y, a ~n. j returns 10 Ulprn. Charlton (upon) Otmoor, Starne, from .Anchor Inn, Sat. only, 1 aft. returns S moro. , Cheltenham, Bury, •rom Star <t Garter, Sat. 10 moru.; returns Fri. 4 aft.; through Moreton, Stow, Bore ton, & N orthle;tch. Cheltenham, Haines, from Van Office, 60 Com market st, daily, (Sun. excepted)..;. through Witney, Burford, & North beach. Cheltenham, Gloucester, & Bristol and Worcester; Beesley & Gilberts V an, f{om Brewer st1 exery night; returns morn. Cbilson, Robinson, from Ship, Sat. o~ly, 3 aft. ; returns Sat. 11 morn. Chipping Norton, Bryon, from White Hart Inn, Tues & Sat. 2 aft.; returns Mon. & Fri. 8 evn. Chipping N orton, Mason, from Star cS" Garter, Sat. only, 1 aft. returns 10 morn. Cirencester, Bur ford, Bridges, from Tkree Goau Inn, J Wed. & Sat. 12 noon; return~ 5 aft.
• OXFORD. OXON. €oketbotpe & Standlake, Souch, from Cross Keys Inn, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. ; returns I I morn. Cowley, Lake, from Chequers, daily, 1 aft. Sun. 10 night. Cox well, Mattingly, from Crown Inn, Sat. only, 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Denchwortb, Rouse, from Anchor Inn, Sat. only, 4 aft. ; returns 12 noon. Dorchester, Cadel, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 12 noon. Dorchester, Wen wood, from Ship, Sat. only, 2 aft. ; returns 10 morn. Ducklington, Brookes, from Three Goats Inn, Sat. only, 3 aft.; return 10 morn. Ensham, Knolding, from Cross Keys, Wed. & Sat. 8 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Ensham, Fin stock, Free land, N orthleigh, & Wilcot, Lineham, from Star ~ Garter, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Ewelme, Brightwell, Henley, & Reading, Bond, from Star ~ Garter, Wed. & Sat. 2 aft. ; returns 10 morn. Farringdon, Heavens, from Crown Inn, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft.; returns 1 1 morn. Farringdon & Highworth, Bee:.ley & Gilberts, from Brewer st, Mon. Wed. & Fri. ; returns Tues. Thurs. & Sat. Forest Hill, Stanton1 Gibbs, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. ; 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Handborougl1, Keen, from White Hart Inn, Wecl. & Sat.~ 4 aft.-; returns 11 morn. Hanny, Hermanj from Crown Inn, Fri. only, 2 aft.; returns I 0 morn. Haseley, Great, Cross, from Balloon, Sat. only, 2 aft.; returns io morn. Heyford, Upper & Lower, & Blechington, Rollings, from Plough, Sat. only, 4 aft.; rtnl!. 12 noon. Highworth & Cirencester, Williams, from Star ~ Garter, Sat. 1 aft. ; returns Fri. 5 aft Hill End, Davies, from Hinds Head-, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Ickford & Shabbington, Radborne, from Balloon, Wed. & Sat. I aft. l returns 9 morn. Kidderminster &. Wale~; from Ilaines Pan Office, 60 Corn market st. daily, 1 aft. Kirtlington, Cox1 from Marquill of Granby, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Leicester, Buckingham, Northampton, & Harborough, Roberts, from Star~ Garter, Wed. 10 morn.~ returns Tues. 6 evn. Long Crendon, Markham, from Chequers, \Ved. & Sat. 3 aft. 1 returns 11 morn. London, Beesley & Gilberts V an, from Brewer st, every night except Fri. London, H aines, from Van O.ffir.e, 60 Corn market sl Tues. Thurs. & Sat. 7 morn. ; returns 5 aft. same days, through Wycombe-, Tetsworth, & Uxbridge. London, Haines1 from Haines Van Office, 60 Corn market st daily (Sun. ex.) 1 aft.; through Dorchester, Benson, Henley, & Maidenhead, thence by Railroad. London, Parker & Foster, from Thames whaif, I aft. daily, (Sun. exceptecl); through Tetsworth, Wickham & Uxbridge. London, Wards, from Star et Garter, Sun. Wed. & Fri. 6 aft. ; returns Sun. 12, Tues. 10, Fri. 12 morn.; through Thame, Wycombe, & Uxbridge. Marchim, Stone, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft.; returns 12 noon. Marsh Bald on, Tame, from Hinds head, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft. ; returns 11 moru. Middleton (Stony) & W £;ston on the Green, Hicks from Plougk, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; ret. 11 morn. Milton, Reading, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft.; returns 12 noon. Milton, Great, Greenhill, from Balloon, Wed.&. Sat. 3 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Moreton, Gregory, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 12 noon. Murcott, Higgs, from Crown Inn, Sat. S aft. ; returns 11 tnorn. Newbury & Southampton, 1\fail cart from Beesley .j- Gilberts, Brewer st, every evening Northampton, Taylor, from Crown Inn, Sat. only; 10! morn.; returns Fri. 5 aft. Northampton & Leicester, Mail cart from Beesley ~ Gilberts, Brewer st., every evening. N orthmoor, Buckingham~ from Balloon, 3 aft. ; returns 11 tnorn., Sat. only. Reading & Wallingforrl, Prestoil, from Bell, Mon. Thurs. Sat. 4 aft.; returns 9 morn. Reading, Wallingford, & Abingdon, W allis, from Jf'"hite Heart Inn, daily, 4 aft. ; ret. 12 noon Sandford, Day, from Star <t Garter, Sat. only, 2 aft.; returns 10 morn. Sandford, Stockford, frotrt Star ~ Garter, Sat. only, 2 aft. ; returns 11 Irtorn. Salisbury, Andover, & Newton, Spreadbury, from Three Goats Inn, Fri. 10 mom. ; & returns Thurs. 5 aft. Southampton, Drayton, 'Vinchester, N ewbury, & Abingdon, Bunce, from Star 4" Garter, Wed. & Sat. 2 aft. ; returns 9 morn. Stadbampton, Moody, from Star~ Garter, Sat. only 2 aft. : retmns 9 morn. Standlake, Long, from Crown Inn, every Sat. 3 aft.; returns 12 morn. Stanton & Harcourt, Wixen, from Abingilon Arms, daily, 2 aft. through Ensham. Steeple As ton, Nelson, from Three Goals Inn, every Sat. 4 aft.; returhs 11 morn. Stenton & Hendred, Bullock, from Plough, every Sat. 4 aft.; returhs 12 morn. Stohesfield, Millerd, from Star et 'Garter, every Sat. 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Stonesfield, Stiles, from White If art Inn, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft:; 11 nwrn. Swinford, Barson, from Hinds Head, Wed. & Sat. 3 aft.; 11 morn. Swinford, Gt. Tew, & Hook Norton, Castle, from Three Goats Inn, evry Sat. 3 aft.; rt~ 10 morn. Tackley & W oodstock, King, from Bell, Wed. & Sat. 2 aft. ; 11 morn. Teddington, Becketts, from Chequers, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; 1 i morn. Thame, Howlett, from Crown Inn, ·wed. & Sat. 1 aft.;. 10 morn. Thame, Price, from AbingJon Arms, daily, 12 noon, through Wheatley. Wales, North & South, Dawes & Tredwelltl, from Tredwells Offices, Corn marlcet st, daily, (Sun. exc) through Birmingham & Worcester. 'Vallingford, Gammon, from Three Goats Inn, Man, & Thur. 3 aft.; returns 10 morn. Wantage & Hanney, Westbrook, from Whi.te Ilart Inn, Wed. & Sat 3 aft.; 11 morn. Warborough, Beesley, from Ship, every Sat. 3 aft.; returns 11 morn. W arborough, Waters, from Chequers, Sat. 4 aft. i returns 12 noon. Water Eaton, Turner, from lrfarquis of Granby, Tu. W. F. & Sat. 12 noon; returns 7 morn. Witney, Buckingham, from Abinfjdon .drms, daily, 3 aft. through Ensham. • 35
OXON. ADDERBURY. Witney, Daniell, from 1f/hite Hart Inn, Mon. 'Ved. & Sat. 4 aft.; returns 12 noon. Witney, .Fisher, from Three Goats Inn, Wed & Sat. 5 aft. ; returns 12 noon. W oodeaton, Illing, from M arqui.s of Gran by, '\V ed. & Sat. 3 aft.; returns 1 I morn. Woodeaton, Tipping, from Chequers, W eel. & Sat. 4 ah.; returns 12 noon. Woodstock, Farrington, from 1-Vhite Hart Inn, Wed. & Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 11 morn. Woodstock, Wilsden ';; Cart, from Star <$- Garter, M. Wed. & Fri. 4 aft.; returns 11 morn. 'Vooten through 'Voodstock, Timms, from Three Goats Inn, every Sat. 3 aft. ; ret. 11 morn. W orton, titroud, from Crown fun, e\"ery Sat. 4 aft. ; returns 11 morn. . Water Conveyance. Crowlcy, Hicklin, Batty & Co.'s Boats from Canal wharf, to & from tl1e following places every other day :-London (30 ~ 31 Albion wharj, Regent canal, City road) Bristol, Banbury, Worcester, Stourport, Shrewsbury, Binningham, Wolverhampton, Manchester, Liverpool, Derby, Shadlow & Gainsborough. Hopkin Wm. Boats from F1·iars Wharf, to & from the following places twice a week: London, ( Queenhithe wharf, Upper Thames st) Bristol, (45 King st, back) by way of Abingdon, Wantage, Longcot, Swindon, Chippenham, Melksham, Bradford & Bath, the Midland Counties, &c. Commercial Inland Carrying and Steam Navigation Company : Parker & .Fosters Fly Boats load daily for all places on the line of Thames and ·severn, and Stroud canals, Thames Navigation, Wilts and Berks, at Thames wharf, to H ambro wharf, London. Fowler Thomas, Market Fly Boat, (from the Canal wharf) to Ban bury on Tuesdays & returns on Saturdays. Pickford & Co.'s Boats from Canal wharf every other day, tu & from the Regents canal basin, City road, London; also to & from Ban bury, Birmingham, Wolverhan1pton, Walsall, Tipton, Shrewsbury, Chester, Oswestry, N ewtown, and all parts of North & South Wales; to the Potteries, Manchester & Liverpool, H uddersfield, Bradford, Halifax and Leeds; also to Leicester, Nottingham & Chesterfield; also Carrier~ by the London and Birmingham Grand Junction Railway. ADDER.BU:RY, EAST AND WEST, WITH BODDICO'l'T. AnnERBURY, on Sorbrook, a branch of the river Cherwelt, 3! miles S. by E. from Banbury, and 72 miles from London, through Uxbridge, Amersham, Aylesbury, Buckingham, and Aynhoe, contained at the census of 1831, 2870 inhabitants, including the township of West Adderbury; the :mnual value of assessed property in 1815, was 7453l. The church, dedicated to St Mary, stands on an elevated ground, it is in the pointed style of architecture, and at the west end is a tower surmounted by a lofty octangular spire. The chancel was built by Wi!Iiam of Wykeham, who, in 1385, g2.ve this vicarage to New Collt>ge, Oxford, of which he was the founder, and in the patronage of which it still remains. His bust is !culprured, with his armorial bearings, on the external wall, over the east window of the chancel. 36 The living, with those of Boddicott, and Little Barford, is of the annual value of 81 8l. The old parsonage house, now occupied by a farmer, retains much of its original character. Henry Wilmot, Esq. was created Lord Wilmot of Adderbury, by King Charles I. in 1644, and Earl of Rochester by Charles I I. in 1652; he was the father of the witty but profligate Earl. The small remaining part of the residence of the Earl of Rochester is at the east end of the village. Sir Thomas Cobb of Adderbury, was created a baronet in 1662. Sir George Cobb, hart. who died in 1762, was the last of the family who resided here; there is a monument of the Cobbs in the chancel of the parish church. The old martor house was bnilt by OTJe of the Bustard family, with whom Sir Thomas Pop~ was connected by marriage; in the south tramept of the church are some curious monuments of this family. The parish of Adderbury, which includes the chapelries of Barford St. J olm, and Boddicott, and the hamlet of Milton, is in Banbury Union. · Name, Residence, & Profession. EAST ADDERBURY. Alcock Itev. Charles ...•...................•.....•... Vicar Armitt J ames ...... Boot & Shoemaker & Shopkeeper Barrett Mary ....................................... 1\1altster Beasley A ......................... Straw Bonnet Maker. Beasley Wm ......................... Boot & Shoemahr Blea 'l'l1omas ••.•••.•..•.. , , •...... .._ ...... , ........... ,Cooper Busby John ................................. Shopkeeper Btttler "\V 1n ••••• I •••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••••••• Butcher Bygrave Wm ............ Plumber, Glazier, & Painter Child To bias ......... Leather Dresser & Fellmonger Eden borough Thomas ... Beer Retailer & Shopkeeper El borough J ames ......... Druggist, Grocer & Draper :Flint Wm ................................... Beer l{etailer Gardncr Elizabeth ........................... Shopkeeper Gardner Wm ............. Maltster & Spirit Merchant Gardner \V m. & J ames ....................... ~ Millers Good J ol1n •••••••••.••••••••.•••••••••.•••.•.• Carpellter Griffi11 J ol111 ••••••..•.••..•••.•.•••.••.••••••••• Surgeon Hawkins Richard •.• ,, •.•..•...•••.••••....•....... Tailor Hayward Kezia ........................ Coach & Horses Hazlewood Daniel .................................. Cooper Hazlewood Eleanor ......... Milliner & Dress Maker Hearding N. Manor lwuse ... Academy for Yng Gents Inns John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Kingston J os .... Knitting & Worsted Manufacturer I,amb Est her .•..•.•.••..•..••.•....•••...•••••..•.. Baker Pottinger George ..................................... S1nirl1 Prentice lsaac ... Grocer, &c. & Dealer in British & Foreign Spirits Spicer John ............... Saddler & Harness Maker S tevens Ed \\rard •..••.•..••••.••...•...••.. "' ..... Butcher Stilgoe Henry ................................. W heatsheaf Taylor George ......... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Tidmarsh Samuel ........................... White Lion Tu stain Thos ... Bee1· Hetailer & Boot & Shoemaker \-Villiams Wm .................. W at eh & Clock Maker "-rilson J oltn • . • . . . . •.• • . . . •. . .. • . • • •• • •• ..•• •• .• Surgeon W yatt George ................................. Red Lion WEST ADDERBURY. Bonnerd Richard .............................. Carpenter Bus well Corbet .............................. Shopkeeper Dagley E .............................. Straw I--I at 1\laker Dumbleton Samuel. ....................... Beer Retailer Pottinger ,,.,.m ••.•....•....•..•.•.•..••..••...•...•.. Snlitll Sto\v Mnry .................................... Shopkeeper Walter Justinian ........................... Beer He tail er
BAMPTON. OX.ON~ Post Office. Gardner John ................................. Postmaster Letters arrive from W oodstock at ! p. 6 morn.; dispatched 5 aft. to Birmingham, &c. Letters arrive from Banbury at 5 aft.; dispatched ! p. 6 morn. Sunday School. Kirby Miss, East Adderbury .................. Mistress Coaches, Carriers, tljc.-See BA~BURY. BODDICOTT. Name, Residence, &. Profession. Bloxham Charles ............................. : 1\faltster Bonner John ............... Carpenter & Wheelwright Brooks Wm ............................ Smith & Farrier Busby Ed ward •..•..•....................•••...... Tailor Cornock J ol111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dyer C.()y Samuel ................................. White Hart Da\'is Thomas ...... Beer Retailer & House Painter Gardner John ...•••..................•........... 1\laltster Good win Thomas ........................... Shopkeeper Jordan Wm ........ J •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l)lottg l1 Nelson Re\r. . ..•..........•...•................. Curate Smith John ..................... Baker & Beer Hetailer Wheeler Thomas, Bodrlicott mill ..... : ......... NI iller Wiggins Wm .................................. Shopkeeper BAMPTON, OR Bampton in the Bush, a market town, 70t miles from London, through Maidenhead, Henley, and Abingdon; 6! miles S.E. from Bm-ford, and 4! miles S. by W. from Witney; contained, in 1831, 2514 inhabitants, including the Township of Weald: the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 7G6ll. It is situated on a branch of the ri,·er bis, which is here navigahle. The market, on Wednesilay, is noted for fellmongers' wares, no town in l~ngland having such a trade for leather jackets, gloves, &c. Fairs are held on March 26 and August 26, for cattle and toys. The Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a spacious and very hand!lome edifice, cruciform in plan, with a fine Norman tower in the centre, surmounted by a lofty spire. It contains many ancient monuments: the organ was erected by private subscription. The living is a vicarage with the chapelry of Shifford, in this parish, and is di,•ided between three portionists, who are presented by the Dean & Chapter of Exeter; the value of the first portion is 465l., of the second, 420l., and the 305[. per nnnnm. The hamlets of Aston, Chimney, and Cote, and part of the hamlet of Brighthampton or Britt~ndon, are in the parish of Bampton, which is in Witney Union. The free grammar school here was founded in the time of King Charles II. by R obert V eysey, of Chimney. A slwrt distance westward from the church are the remains ofth£> Castle, said to have been built in the reign of John, but which does not appear to be of older date than Edward Il.'s reign, when Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, had a licen~e to embattle his mansion at Bampton, in 1314. Before the Conquest this is said to have been a town of some importance. ~ame, Residence, de. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION ojTRADES. Adams l~ev. Dacres.............................. Vicar Andrews Charles ................................. Butcher Andrews J oseph ................................. Butcher Ar1gell J ol1n.......................... ............. Tai:or Baker Thomas.................. Maltster & Victualler Banting John .•••• , •.••..•.•.••••......• , •......• Butcher Banting T ............................ George & DraF!on Baston John.............................. Beer Retailer Bateman John •......•....••••..•.••.•.....•••.... Maltster Bateman J. M ......................... Mercer & Draper Bateman T .... Agent to the Globe Insurance Company, & Ironmonger & Grocer Brooks Robert •..•..••.•..•••••••.•..••.•••. Hair Dresser Brooks Robert..... ..... ... ........ Plnmber & Glazie1· Carter Ann ......•••....•.........•...••••..•.. Shopkeeper Clark Jarnes ...••.••.•.....•......•..........••.•.. Bt1tcher Ciark Richard .........•.......................... Butcher Clifton J ames ...•.••..•..•..•..•.....•..•..•..•..... Draper Cook Lydia.... ...... ...... .... .. ........... Shopkeeper Cooke 1-I. & T ••.••.••••..•..••.•..••••........ Carpenters Cooke ~Iary ................................. Postrnistress Cox Charles.......................................... Bell Cripps J ames .•.•...........•....................... Carrier Cripps John ..................... Baker & Beer Retailer Da\vson William ......•..•....•••.•...........•..... Baker Dutton J oseph ................................. Shoemaker Dutton William ........................ Tallow Chandler Eddeson Rev. 1\J ..........•........•.............. Curate Eldridge Thomas................................. Miller ~,ord John................................. Beer Retailer Gnold Samuel........................... Masons Arms Greenaway ...•..•..•.••.••..•••••..•••.• Shoemaker Higgins William .............................. New Inn H olliday Richard.................. Straw Hat Maker Hollow ay J ane, George, & Co ... Agents to Globe Insurance Company Holloway J. & G ................ Printers & Stationers Hopkins Benjamin .......................... Shoemaker Hudson Geo. Richard ........................... Surgeon Joiner J an1es .•..•••••.•..•.•.....••.•••............ Baker Kearse Robert .............................. Flt>nr de Lis King & Ste\'ens ..................... Plumber & Glazier King Ann ..................... Talbot Commercial Inn Long Zechariab.... .... .. .... . .. ... . .. .. .. Pari~h Clerk l\1ay ,Jolln ••....•....•..••..••••..•••..•...... Blacks111ith Perkins J ames ................................. Black8mith Plaster David .............................. Pari!:>h Clerk Plaster William ............ Wheelwright & Carpenter Preston J ol1n ..•••••.•••••.••••••••..••••..•..•...•. 'fail or PltSe)' William •. .• . .. .. • . .• . .. . . . . . • . .• . .• . . . . .. . . 'fail or Robins N. & J .........•........................... Tailors Robins Le vi........................... 1,ailor & Draper Ita se . . . . . .. . . . . . • . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . Attorney-at- Law Searey William ........................... Beer Retailer Se !lard Richard............... Watch & Clock Maker Smith William ........................ Grocer & Draper Spencer Samuel ...•....••..••....•..•.....•..••.... Bullder Stevens Frederick ..................... Draper & Grocer Taylor Henry ................................••.. Butcl1er T:1ylor Robert .................................. Carpenter Teal John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Townsend Jos ............................... Horse Shoe 'V ard J ames..... .. . •. • . . . •.• . . .••.. .•. . •••. .•• . . 1.\-1 altster Wenmin Thomas ..........•...••...•............• Baker \"\",..heeler '"fhomas •.•.••••.••.••..•.••..•.•.•••.•.• Grccer Wl1itaker •.••••••••••••.••.••••••.•.•.....••• Surgeon Wilkins William ........................ Harne8s Maker \Villiarns Charles ••.•.....•.••..•..•..••....••.... Cooper Williams William.............................. Butcher Classification of Trades. Bakers Cripps J olm Dawson William Joiner James Wen m in Thomas Beer Retailers Baston John Cripps John Ford John Searey William, Blacksmith.-May _John 37
o:xbN .. BANBURY. B.o\ l\1 Pt'ON CLASSIFICATION, continued. Blacksmith-Perkins James Boot ~ Shoemaket's.-Dutton J oseph GreenawayHopkins Benjamin Teal John Builder. Spencer Samuel Butchers. Andrew-s Charles Andrews J oseph Banting John Clark James Clark Richard Taylor Henry Williams William Carpenters.-Corke H. & T. Plaster W illiam Taylor Robert Cooper.-Williams Charles Draper.~, ~c. Bateman J. M. Clifton J ames Smith William StevP.ns Frederick Grocers. Batetnan Thomas Smith William Stevens Frederick Wheeler Thomas Hair Dresser.-Brooks Robert Harness Maker. Wilkins William Inns, ._t Public Houses:- Bell, Cox Charles Flwr de lis, Hearse Robert George ~ Dragon, Banting T. Horse Shoe, Town send J oseph Masons Arms, Goold Samuel New Inn, Higgins Wiliam Talbot Commercial lnn1 King Ann lronm011ger. Bateman Thomas Maltsters. Bateman John Ward James J.ifaTtster ~ Victualler:-Baker Thomas .llfiller-Eldridge Thomas Plumbers, Glaziers, cJ-c. Brooks Robert King & Ste\'ens Printers <t Stationers.-Holloway J. & G. Shopkeepers.-Carter Ann Cook Lydia Solicitor.-Rose - Straw Hat Manufacturer. Holliday Richard Surgeons. Hudson George Robert Whitaker ~ Tailors.-Angell John Preston John Pusey William Robins N. & J. Tailor cJ" Draper. Robins Levi Tallow Chandler. Dutton William Watch~ Clock Maker.-Sellard Richard Wheelwright. Plaster William Fost Office. Corke Mary ................................. Post .Mistres!! Letters from London, arrive 9 morn.; dispatched 5 even. Stamp Office. Dutton William ................................. Distributor Fire &. Life Assurance Agents. Globe .............................. Baternan 'fhos. & Co. Globe .................. Holloway Jane, George & Co. National School. Frost George .. .............. ....................... ~faster Carriers 'to Oxford, Sheppards, Wed. & Sat~; Petnrns same day. Oxford, Cripps J., Wed. & Sat. i returns same day. 38 BANBUB.Y, WITH BLOXHAM &. WB.OXTON. BAN BUR t, a borough and a market town, situated on the river Clterwelt, which here divides thi! county and Northamptonshire, 71 miles from London, through W alford, Berkhamstead, Tring, Aylesbury, Buckingham, & Brackley, and 23 miles N. from Oxford; contained, in 1831, 5906, inhabibants. In 1815, the annual value of assessed property was 5878l. The town consists of several good streets, and although it possesses no manufacture of considerable extent, is a place of great trade, and noted for the ~::xtent of business transacted, in cattle, corn, cheese, and all kinds of provisions, at its weekly market, on Thursday, and the numerous fairs, which are held on Thursday after January 17th, the fir~t Thursday in Lent, second Thursday before Easter, Ascension day, Thursday in Trinity week, old Lammas day, Thursday after October 1st, Old St. Luke's day, and second Thursday before Christmas. Banbury has always been celebrated for the excellence of its cheese, also for its cakes and ale. The prox~ imity of the Oxford Canal is a source of hmch commercial advantage. The corporation consists of a mayor, high steward, recorder, six capital burgesseg, thirty assitJtants, a town cle~k, and two serjeants at mace. Ban bury returns one member to Parliament, I who is at present Henry William Tancred, Esq. The Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a modern erection, not/emarkable for architectural beauty: the living is a vicarage in the patronage of the Bishop of Oxford, hilt of its annual value, no return has been made. The vicarage house is of the T11dor age. There are a charity school and almshonses tor ten widows. Of the ancient castle of Banbury, erected about 1125, by Alexander, bishop of Lino. coin, part of the walls alone remain; it was formerly of great strength, and sustained two severe siege~, in 1642, and in 1644, during the civil war. William 1 Lord Knollys, of Grey's Court, Treasurer of the honsehold to Queen Elizabeth, was created Earl of i Ban_lmr~, by Charles I. in 162~. ATb~ut a quarter of ·. a m1le distant from the town 1s N e1throp, a larg~ hamlet of this parish. Calthorpe, Wickham, and Hardwick, are also hamlets of the parish of Ban~ I bury, parts of which extends into Northamptonshire; it is situated in the union of the same name. Cal· 1 thorpe House, the seat of Thomas Cobb, Esq., contains a collection of portraits of its former possessors, and armorial bearings in the windows connected with the history of the estate. Within the premises is included part of a hospital, dedicated to St. John, consisting of ,a large barn and other ancient buildings. Wickham House is the state of Daniel Stuart, Esq. ; part of the old mansion, erect· ed about the reign of James I., still remains, forming an interesting appendage to the modern structure. BLoXHAM, 3 miles S. W. from Ban bury, and 21 miles N. from Oxford, contains according to the census of 1831, 1573 inhabitants, and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 6879!. It is situated on gently rising ground, and is watered by a brook, a branch of the river Clterwell, which divides the town into two parts. The church, dedicated ro St.Mary, is an exceedingly interesting edifice, and was probably erected as early as the reign of Stephen, but affords examples in architecture of the style of various periods. It was repaired and beautified by Cardinal Wolsey, who added to it the spire, and also erected a stone cross near the east end. The very beautiful tower and spire of this church; are superior to any in the county for design and construction; the spire, remarkable for its fine proportion, rises to
BAN BURY. QXON, ==============================-============================~ Jhe height of 195 feet, and is an object of peculiar admiration to the architectural antiquary. The western entrance is enriched with a sculptured representation of the Last Judgment, the Deity being 1hown seated under a canopy above the point of the arch of the doorcase. Angels are sounding trumpets to awaken the dead, who appear to rise, and in supplicating attitude await their sentence. On one side, widely extended jaws allude to the entrance into hell; and above, are the cross and crown of glory, emblems of redemption. The church contains several monument.<;. The living is a vicarage, with the chapelry of Milcombe in this parish, value 262l. per annum, in the patronage of Eton college. Bloxham is in the union of Ban bury. Northward of Bloxham is Broughton Castle, the seat of Lord Say and Sele; it is surrounded by a moat, and was formerly a place of great strength. The approach to the" castle is highly picturesque, over a stone bridge, through an ancient gatehouse tower. The greater part of the building within the court on the north front, was erected by the Fiennes family in 1544. The south front is covered with ivy, which lends its sombre hue to promote the effect ; w bile the forms of the edifice, disclosed jn various parts, combine to produce a very pleasing scene. The most ancient part, built by the Broughtons, is at the east end. The embattled walls and turrets which surrounded this residence ha,,e been removed, but some buildings on the edge of the moat, coe,·al with the original structure, remain. The hall, 55 feet in length by 26 feet 9 inches in width, has a pendent ceiling; eastward of the hall is a more ancient passage, staircase, chambers, &c. Contiguous to the dining-room and drawing-room, which are westward of the hall, is a gallery, extending along the north front about 90 feet in length; the windows contain the arms & quarterings of the possessors of the castle, and their connexions. Some of the apartments opening upon this ,gallery are also ricl1ly ornamented in their ceilings, chimney pieces, &c., and other specimens of painted glass are likewise here remaining. As Oxfordshire cannot boast of many castellated remains of any .magnitude, Broughton Castle is not only valuable on account of its local interest, but as having been long the abode of characters conspicuous in English history. WRoXTON, 3 miles N. W. from Banbury, contained, in 1831, 780 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 5304l. The church, dedicated to All Saints, stands upon elevated ground, and is in the pointed style of architecture. ln the chancel is a fine monument of Sir Wm. Pope, and the ]ady Anne his wife; the figures are recumbent, and habited in the costume of the early part of the 17th century. The church also contains monuments of several members of the North family. The living is a vicarage, with the curacy uf Balscot in this parish, value IS7l. per annum, in the patronage of Lady Georgiana North. A short distance southward of the church is Wroxton AbbPy, the seat of Lady Georgiana North; it was buiit in 1618 by Sir William Pope, afterwards Earl of Downe, who was n~phew of Sir Thomas Pope, founder of Trinity College, Oxford. The mansion occupies the site of a priory~ founded about 1230 by Michael Belet, and dedicated to the Virgin Mary, for a prior and six canons of the order of St. Augustine; some arches and other remains of this building are incorporated in the present structure. The hall, 45 feet by 25 in dimensions, has a curious screen and gallery at the lower end7 leading to sotp.e of the chambers on the. upper story. The library and chapel, as well as the dining-room, which contains a valuable collection of family portraits, are exceedingly interesting as specimens of the ancient domestic style of building. Balscot is a hamlet of the parish of Wro:x:ton, which is in Banbury Union. BANBURY. Name, :Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, in page 42. Ahbott Thomas, North bar st, Grocer, Tea Dealer, Mealman, Bacon Curer, Tobacco Pipe Maker, & Baker Abraham J ames, Fish st .................••.•...•.. Tailor Allgood Jas. Market pl •. . Ironmonger, Corn, Seed, & Hop Merchant, & Oil & Colour Warehouse Am os Thos. Bridge st south............ Beer Retaile~t Anderson J ames, Parsons st ......... Tailor & Draper Aplin B. W. Bridge st south .... ~ ••.....•..••• SolicitoE Apple tree Fred. South bar st. ..........••.••.• Butche~ Armitt John, High st .•.......................... Butcher Armitt Sa m. Neithrop...... Seeds man &. Gardener Armitt Wm. ditto ...•..•.•••.•..... Plumber & Glazie~ Astell Geo. Parson st1 Buck ~ Bell Commercial Inn Excise Officq Atkins Wm. (:ornhill, Vine Tavern ~ommercial Inn Austin John, High st ..••..•..•.•••••.••••••• Mealman Austin R. North bar st... Brewer & Spirit Mrchnt Bailey Richard, M ark et pl.............. •• • •• •• Tailor Baker Elizabeth, l,ligh st •.... ..•••.••...••••.•.. Glover Baker E. Market pl ...... Grocer & Spirit Merchant Baker Wm. Parsona st •••...••.•..••. Tailor & Draper Ball Joseph, ditto ..••.....•..•..•.• Bpot & Sboemake~ Ball Vincent, ditto.............................. Saddlet Barford John, Mm·ket pl ... Ironmonger, Hop & Seed Merchant, T.inseed & Linseed Cake Dlr, also, Agnt for the Sal~ of Ransomes Agricultural Implements Barrett Thos. Broad st........... •• . . • . .• • •• . • Maltster Barton J. Parsons st •.• 'J;oy Deall!r & Hair Dresq· Batchelor Thos. Bridge st south ••.......•.•.. . Butcher Baughen Brothers4 Nor~ bar st •.. Livery & Fancy Brush Manufactory Baxter Robert, P({rsons. st ...••.•.. Boot & Shoemaker Bayliss Sarah, Fish st ... ...............•.. Eating House Bazeley John, Market pl ......•......•.••...• Bear Inn Be ale J ames, South bar st • .. Baker & Shopkeeper Bee ne Geo. Parsoru; st.. .• . . • . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . .•• . Tailor Beesley Alfred, Cornhill, Agen~ to the N orwicb Union Fire & Life Office Beesley Alfred, ditto......... Distributor of Stamps Beesley Elizabeth, ditto ......... Chemist & Drug gist Beesley J ames, High st •.....•.........•....•.. Solicitor Beesley Henry, ditto ........•..... . Chemist&. Druggist Beesley Samuel, Panonlj s~ ...... Original Cake Shop Beesley Samuel, di~(O ••••.•....•.••..••••• Salt Dealer Ben nett Edward, C().rnllill •• . Grocer, Tallow Chandler, & CheesPmonger Bens H. Iligh st ••• Confectioner & Dealer in Toys Beseley "\Y m. liigh st ••.........•.....•.•...•...... Tal bot Belts Wm. ditta.. .• . ••• . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . Confectioner Bigg Wm. ditto . •.• . •. . . . . . •. . .• . • • . .. • .. . .... Drug gist Bignell Richard, North Bar st.. .. . .. . .• . • . . . Solicitor Black ford Thomas, ditto.................. Dog & Gun Blackwell W.a Neithrop ... Gardener & Nurseryman Blaxley Samuel. Parsons st ..•......•••..• Shopkeeper Blencowe William, Bridge st norllt ..•...•..••• Baker Blew William, North Bar st .•.•.. Hat Manufacturer Blo:x:am William, High st •.. ...•.. Printer, Bookseller, Stationer, & Bookbinder Bolton William, Bridge st north ..••..•..••• Meal man Bonner W. Parsonut •..... Cabinet Mkr & Uphlstrer Brain William, Parsons st ......••.•.•...••• Postmaster Braund George, Fish st ••••••••••••••••• ,.Starch Maker 39
o:xoN. BANBURY. - Bray ne, Morris & Rye, Horse fair .•••.•• h Surgeons Brick well Charles .T ohn, Coruhill .....•••.•.• Snrgeon Bromley John, Parsons st .•••..•.• Plumber & Glazier Broome Franci:'l, Cornhill ... Grocer & Tea Dealer, Tallow Chandler & Hop Merchant Bubier W. North Bar st ... Boys Brdng & Day School Burgess Thomas, Sout!, Bar st .................. Baker Burnham Ann, Bridge st north ......... White Hart Busby Wm. Calthorpe la ........................ Tailor Butler Edward, Parsons st ..................... Butcher Butler Wm. West Bar st......... Slater & Plasterer Bygrave Edward, Parsons st ......... llare & Hound~ Cake bread J a. Horse fair ... Stone & Marble Ma~on Cake'Lread Martha, ditto ...... Straw Bonnet Maker Culess Wm. Old wharf ........... Corn & Coal Dealer Careless Hannah, High st............... Fishmongpr Careless William, Calthorpe la......... Corn Dea.ler Carter W. & Son, Hi!]h st ... China & Glass Warehse Carter Wm. Church passage ............ Basket Maker Carpenter Sam. Calthorpe la ........ ,... Whitesmith Carpenter Wm. Bridge st north, ..... Beer Retailer & Watchmaker Castell Susan, Bridge st north ............... Milliner Cas tell W illiam, ditto ........................... Butcher Castle Thomas, Cornhill ......... Cock & Greyhound Cave Charles, Old wharj: ................. Coal Dealer Cave Thomas, Broad st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Cave Thomas, Parsons st .................. Shoemaker Channon Robert, ditto .................. Brush Manufr Chariot Wm. Calthorpe la ......... Butcher, Brewer & Beer Retailer Cheney E. High st ... Printer, Bookseller & Stationer Cheney John, Castle st ......... Sign Painter & Gilder Chesterman Sherman, Horse fair ............ Surgeon Churchill W. Hi!Jh st ...... Linen & Woollen Draper, Tailor & Hatter, Mercer & Hosier Cl a ridge D. Parsons st ... Confectioner & Cake Maker Claridge John, High st ...... Wine & Brandy Mrcht Claridge Richd. ditto........................... Builder Clarke Caleb, Market pl ...... Hosier & Haberda~her Cleaver Rd. BridgP st north ... Catherine Wheel Inn Cobb Tim. Rhodes & Co. Ban bury...... Woollen & Linen Girth Web Manfrs, Horse Clothing, &c. Cohh T. Rhodes & Cobb Edwd. High st ... Oid Bank Cockerill Rnbert, Parsons st ... Blacking, Harness & Shoe Polishing Paste, & Ink Manufacturer Coles John, .Z'vfarket pl ... Baker, Corn Dealer & Miller Cook Stephen, Bridge st north .................. Cooper Cottam Geo. High st...... Painter & Paper Hanger Craddock Geo. Parsons st ... Boot Maker & Register Office for Sen ants Crosby Essex Fanny, Bridge st north ......... Hatter Crosby Frances E. Bridge st north ...... Old George Crosby George, High st ........................... Baker Croshy Thomas, Bridge st .. ............. Chair Maker Crow H. North Bridge st ......... Professor of Music Crowley, Hicklin, Batty, & Co. Old U'harf ... CarriPr Curtis Edward, North Bar st ............... Windmill Dalby H. A dams, Commercial timber yd, Bridge st •.. Timber & Slate Merchant DanLy Jas. North Bar st ... Surveyor & Builder, & British & Foreign Timber Merchant Davis John. West Bar st ............... Laud Surveyor Davis Richard, South Bar st ... Carpenter & Joiner Dent Robert, Broad st ..................... Shopkeeper Dickason Wm. High st ... Tailor & Woollen Draper Dixon Daniel, High st .. ...................... Meal man Doh~ins l{i~h.ard, Corn hill..................... Plough Duels A. Clw1·ch la ... Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Drinkwater John, High st ... White Lion Commercial Hotel & Posting HousP Drury Mary, North Bar st ... Milliner, Drt>ss & Straw Bonnet Maker -40 Drury W. J. N. Barst--Ncws Agnt & Redng Rooms Drury Wm. John, North Bar st ... Wine Merchant Dumbleton T. Neithrop ... Saddler & Harness Mak.~r Durran J a me~ Hopkins, High st ......... Watchmaker Dutton T. Bridge Mt north ... Watch & Clock Maker Earl Henry, Market pl ............ Boot & Shoemaker Edmunds Richard, Bridge st north ...... lronmonger, Seed, Corn & Hop Mercht, Oil & Colour W arehse Eglinton T. Parsons st ...... Butcher & Beer Retailer Elsworth W. High st ... Painter & House Decor3tor Fair brother William, llfarket pl ... Linen & Woollen Draper, Silk Mercer, Hosier & Hatter Fairfax John, Calthorpe la ... Cooper & Shopkeeper Field Robert & Benj. G1·imsbury mill ...... Mealmen Field R. & B. Grimsbury ruill wharf ... Wharfingen Fisher J a ne, Church la........................ M illiuer Fisher M. Market pl... Woollen Draper & Clothier Fisher Thomas, High st .......... ~. Painter & Glazier Fleet Frederick, North Bar st ......... Brewers Arms Fleet Thomas, Horsefair .................. Shopkeept't" Fletcher John, South Bar st .... .. Boot & Shoemaker Flowers John, ditto ........................... Bricklayer Flowers J. Bridge st north .... Butcher & Stwpkeeper Floyd Wm. High st ..... ... Currier & Leather Cutter Fortman John, Old wharf ... Coal & Corn Merchant Fowler C. F. High st .... Red Lion, :Family & Coa• mercial Hotel, & Posting House Fox Thos. Church la ................ Boot & Soemaker Francillon F. Neithrop ..................... Shopkeeper .French George, Butcher row .................. Butch(!l' French J ames, Fish st ..................... Fishmonger Galsworthy W. SouthBar st. Registrar of Brths & Dtbf Gardner J ames, Fish st ... Ironfounder and Patentee of the Turnip Cutting Machine Gardner J ames, lligh st ................... Ironmonger Gazey J.lligh st ... Spirit & Hop Mrchnt & Cigar Dlr Gazey Wm. Horse fair ............. George & DragoQ Gee Bryun, Market pl ............ Boot & Shoemak~ Gibbs J. Horse fair ...... r'i;;hmonger & Poulterer Gibson Wm. & Chas. Neithrop ......... Wool Staplers Gillett & Tawney, Comltzll ..................... Bankel'll Gillett James, Bridge st ........................ Butcher Gillett Lydia, Market pl ...... Grocer, Fruiterer, & British Wine Maker Gillett Robert, Bridge st north ................. .. Crown Gillingham E. Horse fair ... Milliner & Dress Maker Glaze Samuel, Butcher row ........... Butchers Arlll8. Glaze Wm. Castle st ............. Baker & Meal man Goffe Richard, High st .... .. Tailor, Draper & Hatter Goffe Timothy, High st ............... Tailor & Draper Golby, Munton & Draper, High st ......... Solicitors Golby Thos. Bridge st south ..................... Canier Golby Wm. South Bm· st ............. Jolly Weavers Go h. by .J ames, Calthorpe la ............. Beer Retailer Golsby Wm. North Bar st............... Bookbinder Gould David, Parsons et ............. Carver & Gilder Grant Ann, High st ........................ Cork Cutter Grea,·es Elizabeth, Neithrop .................... Crown Greaves J oseph, Pm·sons st ...... Linen & Woollen Draper, Silk Mercer, Hosier & Glover Green Samuel, M arlcet pl. Baker, Corn Chandler, &c. Green Thomas, Old wharf ... Corn & Coal Merchant Green Thos. Market pl .... Seed, Corn, Malt & Coal Merchant & Flour Dealer f;rei!ory N athaniel, Parsons st ..... ; .......... Carman Griffin Edmund, Broadst ............ Cabinet l\Iaker Grimbly 0. Parsons st ... Tea Dealer, Grocer, Cheese & Butter Factor, British Wine Mrchut & Hop Dlr Grimbly Richard, Parsons st .................. Surgeon Grimbly Rd. High st ..... Grocer, Tea Dealer, Spirit Merchant, Hop & Cheese Factor Gulliver John, South Bar st ............ Beer Retailer Gulli\·er Thomas, Neithrop ................ Shoemakir •
BANBURY. OXON. Gurn Samuel, }Jarket pl.. ...........•......•.... Angel Hadland John, Horsefair ............... Wool Stapler Hall Charles, Market pl .•.••••..•.••.••.. Hair Dresser Hall John, Church la ..................••...•..••. . Baker Ho.ll Sarah, Market pl .••• Milliner & Bonnet Maker Hancock Wm. Fish st . .•..•••••..• Boot & Shoemaker Hands Benjamin, West Bar st .. .•.. Horse & Jockey, " Licensed to let Horses & Gigs liardwick Philip, ll,iarket pl .•.• Chemist & Druggist Harris G. Bridge wltarf ..•. Corn & Coal Merchant, & General Carrier Harris Robert, Church la ....•.... Boot & Shoemaker Harris Thomas, Calthorpe la .............•..• Scowerer Hart & Co. Market pl .•.•.•...... Hat Manufacturers Hartley William, Bridge st .. .. Baker & Cake Maker Hartup Sam. Bridge :,;t south •••. Carpenter & Joiner Haycock Thomas, High st .. ...................... Tailor Haynes R. T. Parson.~ st ...•. ........ Tailor & Draper Hayward Charles, High st ..... ..•....•.• White Horse Head & Cross, Pnrson.s st . .. Haberdashers, Hosiers & Glovers, Cutlery & Toy Wrhse & 'Vorsted Mnfctrs Hearn John, Fish st ..•.......•.......•..• Wheat Sheaf Henson Wm. Bridge st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Herbert M. & E. Parsnns st ... Rein Deer Corn. Inn Hill J. Parsons st .. . Leather Seller, Hatter & Currier Hill S. North st ... Classical & Commercial Academy Hiron John, B1"idge st south .......... Clothes Dealer H obley Samuel, Calthorpe la ..•......... Beer Retailer Hobley Thos. Neithrop .•... .••.... Slater & Plasterer Hobley W. Neithrop ... Shopkpr, Carpenter & Builder llolloway E. Calthorpe la. Cabinet Mkr & Upholsterer Hulmes Wm. Neitltrop ......•.. Fellmonger & Glover Hol~om Mary, North Bar st ...... Ladies Day School Hdpkins J esse, Bridge st .. ................. Blacksmith Hopkins J oseph, Neithrop ......... Slater & Plasterer Horsley Samuel, Bridge st .. . Timber & Slate Dealer Howard Mrs. Calthorpe la .........•..... Dress Maker Ho we J oseph, Fish st ............••. Chimney Sweeper Ho well John, Bridge sl north ............ Boys School !:lug ham Robert, Caltlwrpe la ............ Tea Dealer Hughes Edward, Broad st ... Lock & Jobbing Smith Humphris Mary, South Bar st .•••..••..•.• Swan Inn Hunt Henry, 1.Vorth Bar st ... Plumber, Painter, &c. Hunt John, Market pl •.••. Unicorn, Maltster, Ale & Porter Brewer, Wine & Spirit Merchant Hutchings Wm. Calthorpe la ... Basket & Sieve Mkr H utchings John, North Bar st ......... Basket Maker Hutchins Charles, Fish st ............... Basket Maker Jarvis & Rowell, High st ... Auctioneers & Appraisers J arvis J. Par.wns st ... Auctioneer, Brazier & Tin man, Agent to the County Fire & Provident Life Office J o1mson Rebecca, Bridge st ............. Hair Dresser Judge Charles, Castle wharf .••..• Wharfinger, Corn, Coal, Lime, Slate, &c. Merchant Kallabergo John, M ark et pl ..• Watch & Clock Maker, Jeweller, & Barometer Maker Kennedy Sarah, Parsons st ..................... Milliner Kilby Elizabeth, Bridge st north ......... Shopkeeper Kilby John, Calthorpe la ..••.•.•••.••....•...... Cooper Kimberley F. North Bar st . .. Plough & Machine Mkr Kimberley Wm. Calthorpe la ......... Cabinet Maker Kimble Wm. London st, Parsons st .....• Cork Cutter K.irby J oseph & Am os, High st ...... Grocers & Tea Dealers & Tallow Chandlers Kirby B. M. Calthorpe la .. . Seedsman, Corn Factor, & Hop Merchant Kirby Robert, High st .................. Ware houseman Lampitt Chas. Neithrop ...... Engineer & Millwright Lane John Wells, Church la ...... Beer Retailer, Car- - penter, & Joiner Lawrence Thos. North Bar st .. .... Smith & Farrier Lay Wm. Church la ..................... Bacon Dealer Letherbarrow Ed ward, Neithrop .....•...••• Butcher Oxfordshire.] G Lewis M. & A ... Milliners & Straw Bonnet Makers Line Thomas, Bridge st south ............ Tea Dealer Lock Wm. North Bar st ............... Beer Retailer Long Robert, Neithrop ........................ Surgeon Lovell J oseph, High st ........................ Butcher Mallam Chas. R. ditto ... Auctioneer & Upholsterer Malsbury J oseph, Parsons st .. . Grocer, Tobacconist, Hop Dealer, & Dealer in British Wines Malsbury W. Bridge st north .•• Baker & Shopkeeper M as cord Mary, North Bar st .•••.... ............. Baker Mason Wm. South Bar st .................. Shopkeeper Mauder Charles, Broad st ..•........................ Sun Maudt!r L. ditto ................................. Scourer Merry Matthew, Butchers row .....• Harness Maker Merry Matthew, High st ••. Saddler & Harness Mkr Mold Martin, North Bar st ............ Bacon Dealer Moore Geo. Horse fair ••• Solicitor & Clerk to Banbury Union; Superintendent Registrar of Births, Death~, & Marriages for the District of Banbury V nion, & Clerk to Magistrates for the Ban bury & Bloxham North Petty Session Division M or by George, Calthorpe st .................. Butcher Munton John, West st ••• Agent to the Pelican Life, & Phrenix Fire Office Nasbey Thos. Parsons st ... Wine & Spirit Merchant Nelson John, Fish Market ............ Marble Mason Os born Wm. Nort.h Bar .~t . ..... Lock & Whitesmith Owens Geo. Taylor, Broad st ..•......••. Fishmonger Oxley Jas. Back la ........................ Chair Maker Pad bury John, Parsons st .. .......... Tailor & Draper Page S. & M. High st ... MiUiners & Straw Bon- . net Makers Page Chas. Parsons st ... Flying Horse Commercial Inn, & Wholesale & Retail Wine & Spirit Mrchnt Page Charles, ditto ..• Hop, Corn, & Seed Merchant Page John, High st ........................ Hair Dresser Page Richd. ditto .............................. Perfumer Page Wm. dilto ............ China & Glass Warehouse Paiu Geo.Nm·th Barst, Timber Merchant & Builder, - & Agent to the Law Fire & Life Office Parish J os h. ditto ..••.•...........•.•.•.. Basket Maker Parish Rachel, Market pl ..................... Butcher Parker J. H. Bridge whmf, Bridge st ....••... Carrier Paul E. Miss, High st ..• Seminary for Y ong Ladies Pearson Geo. Parsons st .••..•.•••.••.•••• Hair Dresser Peeble~ Martha, Market pl . .• Hosier & Haberdasher Pembrey John, Fish st ..••.............. Red Lion Tap Perry Thos. High st . .•.••..•... ~ ursery & Seedsman Perry Wm . . Market pl .... .. Linen & Woollen Draper Pettitt J oseph, Neithorp .•..........•••.....• Felmonger Philpots Brothers, High st, ( ~ at Deddington) .• Linen & Woollen Drapers, Silk Mercers, Hosiers, Haberdashers, Hatters, Tailors, & Gnrl W arehsmn Pickford &. Co. Old wharf..................... Carriers Potter John, Smtth Bar st •. ...•..•..•....•....... Tailor Potter Rich d. Parsons st.. •. . •. .•. . . Tailor & Clothier Potts Wm. ditto •.• Printer, Bookseller, Stationer, & Binde1, & Dealer in Paper Hangings, & Publisher of the Guardian, a Monthly Poor Law Regi8trar, or District Advertiser · Prescott & Bloxham, llfarket pl .•• Linen & Woollen Drapers & Hatters Pritcha.rd John, Old wharf .•. Coal & Corn Merchant Railton Edward, High st ... Leather Cutter & Saddier & Harness Maker Rainbow J on as, 1lfarket pl . .••....•.•.•••.•.•....• Fox Rainbow J os h. ]}fill "'···.. .. ... ... .. . .. Beer Retailer Ran die Wm. Bridge st .••.••.••..•. ....••.•... Meal man Rathbone Elizabeth, Parsons st ..• Bacon Dealer and Temperance Coffee Rooms Read Jonathan,· High st •.••••....•••.•.. ~ ...... Broker Rob bins J ames, Parsons st ... Wholesale Confectioner • Roberts John, ditto ......... Wine&. Spirit Merchant 41
OXON. BANBURY. =====================-=========================== Robinson John. Fish st .................. Trunk Maker Rogers John, Btttcherr row...... Waggon & Hon;es Rotbery Wm. Church la .•.•...••••.•• 40 .. Hat Maker Rowell C. High st ... Ironmonger & Oil & Colourman Rowell George, Market pl, I ronmonger1 See<lsman, and Oil and Colour Ware house. and Hop Dealer Rusher John Golby, Cornllill ... Printer, StationPr, Bookseller, Binder, Music Seller, News Agent, and Dealer in P&per Hanging~, and Circulating Library Rymill Ann, llorse .fair ••.••. Butcher & Shopkeeper RymillRichd. Butchers roto.................. Butcher Salmon John. Neithrop ... AgP.IJt to Wintle & Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants Salter M. South Bar ~t, Seminary forYoUIJ~ Ladies Salter Wm. & Co. Old wka~f'. .. Corn & Coal Mrchnt Sanders Richd. Bridge st north, Hay and Straw Dlr Sanders Rich d. ditto., .................. , Qneens Head Sanderson A. R. Horse fair .................... , M. D. Saul Josh. Parsons st..................... Pawnbroker Saul Wm. High st ........................ Hardwareman Scoles Elizabeth, Bridg~ -st north ............ Milliner Scott W.a'itto .. Leathern Bottle & Ha}' & Straw Dealr ScrinevPrT. Cornhill, Grocr &TeaDlr,&TallowChndlr Sedgley Tim. High st .•• Linen a.nd W pcllen Draper Sha)ler Wm. South Bar at ... Wheelwright and Pump Maker ShPpherd Girleon, Neithrop ..... , .... ,. ..... , .... Tailor Skinner J ames, Bri(lf}e st .. ,Licensed to Let Hon;es and CarriagPs for Hire Sloane Wm. High st ........ , Grocer aud Tea Draler Smith F.lizth. ditto............... Preparatory School Smith Robert, Market pl.. ....................... Baker Smith Sam. Broad st ........... ,. ......... Wheelwri{!ht Spooner Alex. dilto ......................... }'leur de Lis Spurrett Lyne, Parsons ~>t ... Hop & Seed Merchant Staley John & Thomas, Mill lit, Corn and Coal Merchants and Millers Stanley Charle11, Calthorpe la ... Shopkeeper & Baker Stanley Edward, North Bar at, Veterinary Surgeon Stanley Richard, Pa1·sons st ... Cabinet Maker, Uphoh;terer, & Carpet Ware house Stevens "\V m. South Bar st ....... ..... Weavers Arms Strange Wm. Higlt st ............... Draper & Mercer Strange Thos. Market pl... Watch & Clock Maker, Silversmith & Jeweller Stutt.ecd & Son, Parsons st ... Ironmongers, Hop Merchants, and Oil and Colour \V are house Stuth~rd John, Higlt st .. ............. Woollen Draper . Styles R. P. High st ... Wholesale & Retail Druggist • «Task er Wm. ditto ............... Silversmith & Jeweller Tavlor F. Parscms st ............ Carpenter & Builder Taylor Fred. ditto._ ..... - ....... China & GlalHl Dealer Taylor Thomas, High st .................... ~ .. Cooper Taylor Thos. Jllarket pl ... Saddler & Harness Maker Taylor William, Neithrop ............... Three Pigeons Thomas Eliza, Parsons st.............. ....... Milliner Thomas George, ditto .............................. Cutler Thomas John, ditto ••. Cutler, Poulterer, & Licensed to Deal in Game Thomas Mary Anne, ditto .... ~.Straw Bonnet Maker Thompson William, Bridge st south ... Chair Maker Thorne Richard, Neithrop ........................ Dyer Timms & Rollst Bridge st north ............ AttorMys Tite H. High st ... Grocer, Tea Dealer & Tobacconist Turbiu J arnes, Mill st ... Beer Retailer & Shopkeeper Turner Jarnes, Bridge st south ..• Boot & ShoEmaker Turner W. Old whwf ... Agent for Oxford Canal Co. W alford John, Church la ......... Boot & Shoemaker Walford John, South Bar .~t. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Baker Walford J. G. High s.t_. Watch & Clock Maker, & Silversmith Walford Wm. ditto -·-·-·-••-•••••··~··uu.Solicitor 42 Walker J ames, High st ............... Harness Maker Walker Thomas, FU!h st ............................ Tailar Wall James, Neithrnp ... Rope & Twine WarehouR Wall in Thos. Fac.tory la ..... ,... Baker & M ealman Ward Wm. & Henry, Old wharf ...... Corn, Coal, & Slate & Salt Merchants, &. Malt~ten W arminl!ton M. JVest Bar st ... Brewer & Beer Retlr Watson Eliza M. Horse fair...... Ladies Seminary W atson George, lVorth Bar st ............ ~hoem~tker W atson J ames, Brood st .... ..... Boot ~ Shoemaker Watson Samuel, ditto ... Hegister Office for Servants Watts Charles, High st ..................... Hat Maker Webb George. Castle wlwrf ......... Smith & Farrier W ebb Henry, South Bar st ............... Blacksmith W ebster Wm. High st •..... A uctioll€er & Appraiser Welch J ame1 B. Butchers row ........... . Gun Maker Wells Thomas, P~,~rsons st .. ·. Clock. & Watchmaker, Jeweller; Engraver, & Bellhan~ Wheeler J ames, Broad st •................. l3lacksmith Wheeler J obn, Nort!t Bart;t ......... , ... ,, Meal man Wheeler John, liorsefa1r ....... , .... Three Pigeons Whetton Robcrt,Butchers row ... Plumber & Glazier Whichello M ary, 1Yeitl1rop,. ............. Beer Retailer White horn & Golby, Parsom st ... MJnr~& Dress Mkl1i \Vhitehorn Joseph, ditto ... ; •. Ho,sier & Haberdasher Wilkinl'l, .1. C. ditto ... Flying Horse Commercial iAu WilliR Wm. ditto.............................. Attorney Willitts Thos. Sharpe, Rig/1 st ......... Hair Dre~Jser W ilson 'V m. Factory st ... Mason, Plasterer & Slater Wi~e John, High st ........... u ................. Sur~eon Wise William, Calthorpe la ..................... Ea'ker Wood ward , Higlt st .................. Coach Builder Wyatt Thos. Bridge st ......... Ale & Porter Bre~~'er Wyatt Thus. IL Old wharf, Bridge st ...... Malt~ltr, Hup & Coal ~erchant Wyatt Tho!!. H. Old wltarf ... Corn & Coal Merchant Wyatt William, Castle st ............... Coach Maker Classification of Trades. Agents. Barford John, l\J arkPt pl, (Ransomes Agriculturlll Implements) Solomon John, Neithrop, (Wintle & Co. Wine & Spirit Merchants) .tluctioneerB ~ Approiser6-J arvis & Row ell, High st J arvis J oseph, Parsons ilt MalJam Charles Richard, High st Wehstcr William, High st Bacon Cur~r Abbot.t ThGmas, North Bar st Bacos Dealers Lay Wijliam, Chutch la 11old Martin, North .Bar st Rathbone Eliz. 'fempennce Coffee Rooms, Parsons st Bakers. Beale J ~Jmes, South Bar st Blencowe Wm. Bridge st north Burgesll Thomas, South Uar .st Col~ John, Market pl Crosby G~or~e, Hig!J. st Glaze Wm. Castle st Green Samuel, Market pl Hall John, Church la Hartley Wm. Bridge st Malsbury Wm. Bridge st north Mascord Mary, North Bar st Smith Robert, Market pl Stanley Charles, Calthorpe la Wallord John, ~outh Bar st "' allin Thomas, Factory la Wise Wm. Calthorpe la Barometer Maker.-Kallabergo John, Market pl Basket Muket·s. Carter Wm. Church passage H utchings Wm. Calthorpe la Hutchings John, North Bar-ii& H~1tchins. Charles, ,Fish ~t
BANBURY. OXON. BANBURY CLAsSIFICATioN, continued. Basket Malcers.-Parish Joseph, North Bar st Beer Retailers. Amos Thos. Bridge st south Carpenter Wm. Bridge ~t north Chariot Wm. Calthorpe la Eglinton Thomas, Parsons st Golsby J ames, Calthorpe la Gulliver John, South Bar st Hobley Samuel, Calthorpe la Lane John Wells, Church la Loch Wm. North Bar st Rainbow Joseph, Mill la Tar bott J ames, M ill st Warmington Mary, West Bar st Whichello Mary, Neithrop Btll Hanger.-Wells Thomas, Parsons st Blacking ~Harness Polish MJ'!fctrs.-Cockerhill R. Buokbi11ders. Bloxham Wm. High st [Parsons st Golsby Wm. North Bar st Pott3 Wm. Parsom st Rusher John Golby, Cornhill Book~ellers ~ Stationers. Blo.xham Wm. High st Cheney Esther, High st Putts Wm. Parson!~ st Rusher John Golby, Corn hill Boot ~ Shoemakers. Ball Joseph, Parson!!! st Baxter Robert, Parsons st Cave Thomas, Broad !'t f:aYe Thomas, Parsons st Crarldock George, Parwns st Earl Henry, Market pl Fll'tchPr John, South Bar st Fox Thoma!'l, Chnrch la Gee & Bryan, Market pl Gullivt>r Thomas, Neilhrop Hancock Wm. Fish ~t Han·is Hnhert, Church la Hemon Wm. Brirlge ~t T1trner Jame~, Bridge 1:1t south Walford John, Church la W at~ on George, Nor! h Bar st Watson J,nnP~, Broad st Braziera ~ Tin Plate Wdcrs -Edrnunds R. Bridg-e J arvi~ .J ost:>ph, Parsons st [ st north Brewers.-Austin Hichard, :North Bar !lt Chariot Wm. Calthorpe la Hunt John, Market pi Warmington Mary, West Bar st Wyatt Thomas Henry, Bridg-e !'t Bricklayer.- Flowers John, Snr1! h Bar st BritiJ;h Wine Merchants ~ Dlrs.-Gillett L. Mkt pl Grimbley Owen, Parsons st Mahbury Joseph, Parsons st Broker.-Read Jonathan, High st Br?.Ulh Maktr. Channon Robert, Parsons st Builders-Ciaridge Riehard, High st Danby James, North Bar st Hobley Wm. Neithrop Pain George, North Bar st Tay!or Fred. Parsons st & North Bar st Butchers. App1etree Frederick, South Bar st Armitt John, High st Batcheior Thomas, Bridge st south Butler Ed ward, Parsons st Castell Wm. Bridge st north Chariot Wm. Calthorpe la Eglinton Thomas, Parsons st Flowers John, Bridge st north French George, Butcher row Gillett James, Bridge st Letherbarrow Ed ward, N eithrop Lovell Joseph, High st Morby George, Calthorpe st BANBURY CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Butchers.-Pari~h Rachel, Market pl Rymill Ann, Horse fair Rymill Richard, Butchers row Cabinet Makers. Griffin Edmund, Broad st Kimberley Wm. Calthorpe la Stanley Richd. PaTsons st Banner Wm. Parsons st Cabinet Makers ~Upholsterers. Dads A. Church la Holloway Edward, Calthrope la Stanley Richd. Parsons st Carman.-Gregory N athaniel, Parsons 11t Carpenters, ~c. Davis Richard, South bar st Hartup Sam. Bridge st south Lane Jno. W. Church la Carriers. Crowley & Co. Old wharf Golby Thos. Bridge st south H arris Geo. Bridge wharf Parker J. H. Bridge wharf, Bridge st Pickford & Co. Old wharf Carver ~ Gilder. Gould David, Parson st Chair Jllakers.-Crosby Thos. Bridge st Oxley James, Back la Thompson Wm. Bridge st south • Cheese ~ Butter Factors -Grimbly 0. Parsons at Grimbly Richd. High st Chemists q Dru,ggists.-Beesley E. Cornhill Beesley Henry, Hi~h st Hardwick Philip, Market pl China g. Glrzs.~ Dealers. Carter W. & Son, High st PagP Wm. High.st Taylor Fred. Par~ons st & North bar st Cigrzr Dea!er.-Gaze_v John, High st Clothiers. -Fi~her Mart!1a, Market pl Hirun .John, Bridge st soutb Potter Richd. Parson~ st Coach frfukers Woodward J aml's, High !lt \\'vat! ·w ul Cast lest . Coal DPtil~1·s.-CalPss Wm. Old wl1arf C;n-e Chas. Old wharf Coal Men:hrmrs.-Fortnnm John. Old \\·barf GrPPI1 Thomas, Old wha·f Green Tho~ Market pl Hanis Geo. Bridge wharf J ndge Ch~ts. Castle wharf Pritchard .John, Old wharf Salter Wm. Olrl wharf Stalpy John & Thoma~, Mill st Ward Wm. & H\·. Old wharf Wyatt Thos. H. 'old wharf, Bridge st Wyatt Thos. H. Old wharf Coopers. Cook Stephen, Bridge st north Fairfax John, Calthorpe la Kilby John, Calthorpe la Taylor Thos. High st Confectioners.-Bays Hannah, High st Beeslev Sam. Parsons st Betts Wm. High st Claridg-e Dan. Parsons st Robins J ames, Parsons st Corn Dealers. Caless Wm. Old wharf Carde~s Wm. (;althorpe la . Cules John, Market pl Corn Factor.-Kirby B. M. Calthrope )a Corn Merchants-Allgood Jas. Market pl Edmunds Richd. Bridge st north . Fortman John, Old wharf Green Sam. Market pl Green Thos. Old wharf Harris George, Bridge wharf Judge Chas. Castle wharf Page Chas. Parsons st Pritchard Llohn, Old wharf 43
QXON. BANBURY. , BANBURY CLASSIFICATION. continued. Corn lrfercltants. Salter Wm. & Co. Old wharf Staley John & Thomas, Mill st · Ward Wm. & Hy. Old wharf Wyatt Thos. H. Old wharf, Bridge st Wyatt Thos. H. Old wharf • Cork Cutters. Grant Ann, High st Kimble Wm. London st, Parsons st Currier. Floyd Wm. High st . Cutlery lVarehouses Head & Cross, Parsons st Thomas Geo. Parsons st Thomas John, Parsons st Druggists. Bigg Wm. High st Styles R. P. High st Dyer. Thorne Richd. Neithrop Eating House. Bayiiss Sarah, Fish st Engineer.-Lampitt Chas. Neithrop Engraver.-Wells Thos. Parsons st Farriers.-Lawrence Thos. North bar st W ebb Geo. Castle wharf Fellmongers. Hoimes Wm. N eithrop Pettitt J oseph, N eithrop Fishmon,gers. Careless Hannah, High st .French J ames, Fish st Gibbs John, Horse fair Owens G. T. Broad st Flour Dealer. Green Thos. Market pi Fruiterers. Gillett Lydia, Market pl Gardeners.-Armitt Sam. Neithrop Blackwell W. Neithrop Gilder.-Cheney John, Castle st Glo·ver. Baker Elizabeth, High st Grocers ~ Tea Dealers. Abbott T. North Bar st Baker Eliz. Market pi Bennett Edwd. Cornhill Broome Francis, Cornhill Gillett Lydia, Market pl Grimbly Owen, Parsons st Grimbly Richd. High st H ughan Robert, Caltborpe la I\ irby J oseph & Amos, High st Line Thos. Bridge st south M alsbury J oseph, Parsons st Scrivener Thos. Cornhill Sloan Wm. High st Tite Hannah, High st Gun Jl.laker. Welsh James B. Butchers row HaberdaslteT's, Hosiers ~ Glovers:- Head & Cross, Parsons st Hair Dressers.--Barton Thomas, Parsons st Hall Charles, Market pl J ohnson Rebecca, Bridge st Page John, High st Pearson Geopge, Parsons st Willetts Thos. Sharpe, High st Hardwareman.---Saul Wm. High st Harness Jl.fakers.--Merry Matt. Butcher.3 row Walker Jas. North Bar s t flatters ~If at Jl-fanujacturers :·- Blew William, North Barr st Churchill William, High st Crosby Essex Fanny, Bridge st south Fairhrother William, Market pl Goffe Richard, High st Hart & Co. Market pl Hill J ames, Parsons st Philpots Brothers, High st, & at Deddington Rothery William, Church la Watts Thomas, High st Hay~ Straw Dealers. Sanders R. Bridge st north Scott William, Bridge st north Hop Dealers.-Grimbly Owen, Parsons st Malsbury J osh. Parsons st 44 BAN BURY C.LASSIFICA noN. continued, ' /lop Dealer.--Rowell George, Market pl Hop Factor.--Grimbly Richard, High st Hop ~ Seed Merchants.--Allgood J. Market pl Barford John, Market pl Broome Francis, Cornhill Gazey John, High st Kirby B. M. Calthorpe la Page Charles, Parsons st Spurrett Lyne, Parsons st Stutterd & Son, Parsons st Wyatt Thos. H. Old whart; Bridge st Hosiers ~ Haberdashers.--Clarke C. Market pl Graves J oseph, Parsons st Peebies Martha, Market pl Philpots Brothers, High st, & at Deddington "\Yhitehorn J oseph, Parsons st Ink Manfctr. Cockerill Robt. Parsons st Inns, Hotels, ~ Public .Houses :-- Angel, Gunn Sam. Market pl Bear Inn, Bazeley John, Market pl Brewers Arms, Fleet F. North Bar st Buck q Bell Commercial Inn, As tell George, Parsons st Butchers Arms, Glaze Sam. Butchers row Catherine Wheel Inn, Cleaver Richard, Bridge st south Cock ~ Greyhound,. Castle Thos. Cornhill Crown, Gillett Robert, Bridge st, south Crown, Graves Eliz. N eithrop Do,q ~ Gun, Blackford T. North Bar st Fleur de Lis, Spooner Alex. Broad st Flying Horse Commercial Inn, Page Chas. J?o.x, Rainbow J. Market pl [Parsons st George ~-Dragon, Gazey Wm. Horse fair Hare ~Hounds, Bygrave E. Parsons st Horse &· Jockey, Hands B. West Bar st Jolly Weavers, Golby W. South Bar st Leathern Bottle, Scott "\Y. Bridge st north Old Geor,qe, Crosby F. E. Bridge st south Plough, Dobbins Rich. Cornhill Queens Head, Sanders R. Bridge st north Red Lion Family ~ Commrcl Hotel, Fo\\'ler Charles White, High st Red Lion Tap, Pembrey John, Fish st Rein Deer Commercial Inn, Herbert Maria & Elizabeth, Parsons st Sun, Mauder Charles, Broad st Sun Rising, Hobley Thos. N eithrop Swan Inn, Humphris M. South Bar st Talbot, Beseley Wm. High st Three Pigeons, Taylor Wm. Neithrop Three Pigeons, Wheeler .John, Horse fair Unicorn, Hunt John, Market pl Vine Tavern 9' Commercial Inn, Atkins W illiam, Corn hill · Waggon ~ .Horses, Rogers J. Butcher row Weavers Arms, Stevrns W. South Bar st TV heatsheaf, Hearn John, Fish st White Hart, Burn ham A. Bridge st south White Horse, Hayward Chas. High st White Lion Commercial Hotel, Drinkwater John, High st Windmill, Curtis Ed ward, North Bar st Ironfounder. Gardner J ames, Fish st Iromnongers.- All good Jas. Market pl Barford John, Market pl Edmunds Richard, Bridge st north Gardner James, High st Howell Charles, High st Rowell George, Market pl Stutterd & Son, Parsons st JewP-ller.--Strange Thomas, Market pl
BANBURY. OXON. BANBURY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Jewellers. Tasker William, High st Wells Thomas, Parsons st .Lanrl Surveyor.--Davis John, West Bar st Leather Cutter.--Railton Edward, High st Leather Sellers.--Floyd William, High st Hill James, Parsons st Library. Rusher John Golby, Cornhill Licensed to Let Horses.--Hands B. West Bar st Skinner James, Bridge st Lime lJferchant.--J udge Charles, Castle wharf Linen Drapers, Mercers, ~c. Churchill W. High st Fairbrother William, Market pl Graves J oseph, Parsons st Perry William, Market pl Philpoti! Brothers, High st, & at Deddington Prescott & Bluxham, Market pl Sedgley Timothy, High st Strange William, High st . [Market pl Linseed ~ Linseed Cake Dealer. Barford John, Locksmiths. Hughes Edw . .Broad st Os born William, North Bar st il:!altsters. Barrett Thomas, Broad st Hunt ,T nhn, Market pl Ward Wm. & Henry, Old wharf Wyatt T. H. Old wharf, Bridge st Masons.-N elson John, Fish st (Marble) Wilson William, Factory st !J1 ealmen. A bbott Thos. North Bar st Austin John, High st Bolton Wm. Bridge st south Dixon Daniel, High st Field Robt. & Benj. Grimsbury mill Glaze William, Castle st Randle William, Bridge st • Wheeler John, North Bar st Millers.--Coles John, Market pl Staley John & Thomas, Mill st .Milliners go Dress Makers.---Castell S. Bridge st Drury Miss M. North Bar st [north Fisher J a ne, Church la Gillingham Elizabeth, Horse fair Hall Sarah, Market pl Howard Mrs. Calthorpe la Kennedv Sarah, Parsons st • Lewis M. & A. Page S. & M. Hi~h st Scales Elizabeth, Bridge st north Thomas Eliza, Parsons st Whitehorn & Golby, Parsons st Millwright.--Lampitt Charles, N cithrop Music SPller. Rusher John Golby, Cornhill News Agents. Drury Wm. John, North Bar st Rusher John Golby, Corn hill Nurserymen. Blackwell W. N eithorp Perry Thomas, High st Oil ~ Colourmen. All good J ames, Market pl Edmunds Richard, Bridge st north Rowell Charles, Hi~ h st Rowell George, Market pl Stutterd & Son, Parsons st Painters 4" Decorators.-Cbeney John, Castle st Cottam George, High st Elsworth William, High st "Fisher Thomas, High st BANBURY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Plasterer.-Wilson William, Factory st Plough~ Machine Make1·. Kimberley F. N. Bar st Plumbers, Glaz.iers, ~c.-Armitt Wm. N eithrop Brontley John, Parsons st Hunt Henry, North Bar st Whetton Robert, Butchers row Plush Manufr.-Baughen Brothers, North Bar st ·Poulterers. Gibbs John, Horse fair Thomas John, Parsons st Printers.-Bloxham William, High st Cheney Esther, High st Potts Wm. Parsons st Professor of Music. Crow Henry, North Bar st Publisher. Potts William, Parsons st (Guardian) Pump Malcer. Shayler William, South Bar st Reading Rooms. Drury Wm. John, North Bar st Register Offices. Craddock Geo. Parsons st W atson Samuel, Broad st Rope ~ Twine Warehouse. Watt J ames, N eithrop Saddlers~· Harness Makers.-Ball Vin. Parsons st Dum bleton Thos. N eithrop Merry Ma\thew, High st Railton Edward, High st Tay lor Thomas, Market pl Salt Dealer.-Beesley Samuel, Parsons st Salt Merchant. Ward Wm. & Henry, Old wharf Schools Gents.-Bubier Wm. North Bar st Hill Samuel, North st Howell John, Bridge st north Schools Ladies. Holtom Mary, N ortb Bar st Paul Emily, High st Salter Maria, South Bar st Smith Elizabeth, High st . Watson Eliza Matilda, Horse fair Scourers.--Harris Thomas, Calthorpe la Mauder L. Broad st Seed, Hop, q MaU 1lferchants :- Edmunds Richard, Bridge st north Green Thomas, Mal"ket pl Seedsmen.--Armitt Samuel, N eithrop Kirby B. M. Calthorpe la Rowell George, Market pl Shopkeepers.--Beale J ames, South Bar st BlaxlPy Samuel, Parsons st Dent Robert, Broad st Fairfax John, Calthorpe la Fleet Thomaa, Horse fair Flowers John, Bridge st north Francillon Frances, N eithrop H obley William, N eithrop Kilby Elizabeth, Bridge st north Malsbury William, Bridge st north Mason William, South Bar st Rymill Ann, Horse fair Stanley Charles, Calthorpe la Turbitt J ames, Mill st Silk Jfe1·cers ~ Hosiers. Fairbrother W. Market pl Graves J oseph, Parsons st Philpots Brothers, High st & at Deddington Strange Wm. High st Silversmiths. Strange Thomas, Market pi Task er Wm. High st W alford Henry, High st Paper Hanger. Cottam George, High st Paper H auging Dealers. Potts William, Parsons st Slate Dealer. Horsey Samuel, Bridge st [.st Slate Mrclds.-Dalby H. A. Cmmrd tmbr yd, Bridge Judge Chas. Castle wharf Rusher John Golby, Corn hill Pawnbroker. Saul J oseph, Parsons st Perfumer. Page Richanl, high st Physician. Sand<!rson A. R. M.D. Horse fair Plasterers. Butler William, West Bar &t Hubley Thomas, N eithrop Ward \Vm. & Henry, Old wharf Slaters. Butler Wm. 'V est Bar st Hopkins Joseph, Neithrop Wilson Wm. Factory st Smiths.-Carpenter Samuel, Calthorpe la Lawrence Thomas, North Bar st . 45
OXON. ·BANBURY. BANBURY CLA!!SIFieATION1 continued. Smiths. Hopkin8 Jesse, Bridge st Osl,JOrn Wm. North bar *t W ebb George, Castle wharf W ebb Henry, South bar st Wheeler J ame8, Broad st Soliciton-Aplin B. W. Bridge st south Beesley James, High st Bignell Richard, North bar st Gulby, Munton, & Draper, High st Moore George, Horse fair Timms & Rolls, Bridge st north Walford Wm. High st Willis Wm. Parsons st Spirit 1Verchants. Austin Richard, North bar st Baker Elizabeth, Market pl Gazey John, High st Grimbly Richard, High st Starch llfulcer.-Braund George, Fish tJt Stationer.-Rusher John Golby, Corn hill Stone ~ ~'Harble Masom. Cukebread J. Horse fair Straw Bonnet Makers.-Cakebread M. Horse fair Drury Mary, North bar st Lewis M. & A. Page S. & M. High st Thomas Mary Ann, Parsons st Snr,qeons.~Brayne, M orris, & Rye, Horse fair Brickwell Charles John, Cornhill Chesterman Sherman, Horse fair Grimbly Richard, PHrsous st Long Robert, Neithrop Wise John, High llt Surveyor.-Dan by J ames, North bar st Tailors.- A braham Jam est Fish at Andenmn J a!l. PatSunil st Haily Richd. Market pl Baker Wm. Parsons st Beere Geu. Parsons t.t · Husby Wm. CaJtl,orpe Ia Churchill Wm. Hi~h st Dicka!<on Wm. High st lioffe Ricbd. High st Goffe Tim. High j;t Haycock Thus. High "t Haynes Ril"hd. Tho!'. Parsons st p,,dbun· John, Parsons st • Philpots Brothers, High llt, & at Deddington Putter John, s,,uth bar st Putter Richd. Parsons st Shepherd Gideon, NeitlJTop WalkerThomas, Fish st Tallow Clwndlcrs.-Bennett Edwd. Cornhill Broome Fras. Corn hill KirbyJosh. & Amo!l, High et Scrivener Thos. Cornhill Timber Dealer.--- Harsey Sa m. Bridge st Timber 1'rferchants. Dalby Hy. A. Bridge st Danhy James, North bar st Pain Geo. N orl h bar st Tobacconi.sts.-Malsburv J os h. Parsons st • Tite Hannah, High st Tobacco Pipe .2~1aker.-Abbott T. North bar st Toy Dealers.-Barton John, Parsons st Bays Hannah, B igh st Head & Cross, Parsons st Trunk Maker.-Robinson John, Fish st Turnip Cutting M a chine Manufacturer :- Gardner J ames, Fish st Upholsterer~.- Banner 'V m. Parsons st Dods Archibald, Church la Mallam Charles Richard1 High 11t Stanley Richard, Parsons st. "JTeterinary Surgeon. Stanley Edwd. North bar st 46 BANBURY CLAsSIPICATtoN, continued. Warehousemen.-Kirby Robert, High st Philpots Brothen~, High st, & at Deddington lV at eh ~ Clock M afters :- Carpenter Wm. Bridge st north Durran Jam!:'~ Hopkins1 High st Dutton Thomas, Bridge st south Strange Thoma!'l, Market pl Walford John George, High st Wells Tho!!. Parson!! st Wltmjin,qers.-Field R. & B. Grimsbury mill wharf Judge Charles, Castle wharf Oxford Canal Company, Old wharf (Turner William, Agent) Wheelwrights. Shayler Wm. ~outb bar st Smith Samuel, Broad st Wine ~Spirit Merchants.--Claridge J. High st Drury Wm. John, North bar st Hunt John, Market pi N a5 bey Thoma~, Parsons st Page Charles, Parsons st Roberts John, Par!lons st Woollen~ Linen Girth We" Manuflrs :- Cobb Timothv Rhode!! & Co. Woollen Drapers ---Fairbrother Wm. Market pl Fisher Martha, Market pl Greaves Joseph, Parson st Perry Wm. Market pl PrPscott & Bloxlwm, Market pl Sedglry Timoth~·, High 11t Stntterd Johrt, Hie-h st Y:Vool Staplers--Gibwn Wm. N eithrop Hadland John, HorRe fair Worsted Manufacturers.---Head & Cross, Parsons st Corporation. RECORDER. James Manning, E~;q., of the Temple JCSTICES. ThomasTims, Lyne Spnrrett, Timothy Rhodes CoLb, & Henry Tawney, Esqrt~ ME:\fBERS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL. ~1~yor .............................. Lyoe Spurrett, E~q. Aldermen ............ Timothy TimR, Lyne Spurrett, Timothy Rhodes Cobb , & J olm N unton COUNCILLORS. James Brale John Haclland J nue~ Stutterd Thomas Golby J ames W. Golby J ames Hill William Bigg Richard Grimbly William Potts William Strange Charles Page John Hunt Auditors ...... Robert Brayne & William Fairbrother A~ses!mrs.r ....... John Davis & Richard Henry Rolls Town Clerk, Coroner, & Clerk to the Magistrates ... William Walford Clerk of the Peace........................ R. H. Rolls Trea.~urer of the Borough............ Thmnu Tayior Commissioners of Taxes •.. R. Bray ne B. M. Kirby C. Brickwell J. G. Rusher& H. 'l'awney Clerk ........................................ J ames Beesley Clerk of the Market........................ The Mayor CHARITABLE TRUSTEES. Lyne Spurrett J abez Stutterd Richard Grimbly John Davis T. R. Cobb Thomas Golby Robert Brayne. Henry Tawney Samuel Beesley
BANBURY. .OXON. (;J~rk~~~··•~•· .. •·••P•• ........................ J ••••• Walford \V. Treasurer ••••• ••A .................. - •••••• ..-•••• Cobb Ed ward COURT OF RECORD, Which has ju,.isdiction £n every kind of action where the debt or damages sou9ht to be recovered shall not excud 40l. -"udge •...•••••........••........•.•.....•.•• The Recorder· Deput)' Judge .........•..........•............... 'l,irns T. Registrar •.•..••••...•••••••... ,,............ Walf(>rd W. Deputy Registrar ......•.•................•.... Beesley J. Attorneys, Aplin B. Bignell R. Moon~ G. Rolls H. H. · & Aplin W. B. Officers for the execution of Process .•. The Serjeantsat-~face SESSIONS. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace & Gaol Delivery ••• Held four times a year Petty Sessions ••. At the Town Hall, every Monday LAW & PUBLIC OFFICERS. Serjean ts-at-M ar..e. Ale-tasters, & I nspPclors of (and appointed al~o to Stamps) Weights & Measures ... Gardn.er Robert & Wise William Deput)' Gaol Keeper .• ,. •••.••.••••.•• Gardner Robert Crver ..........•..•....•.•...•..•..•.•••••.. \\' ise \\' illiam - Billet :\faster •..••.•••..••.••.••.•••••.• Welsh Jabez B. High Constable........................ Tuylor, Cooper Station House, Church la Superintendent of Police ...•.••.••••.•. Thompson W. Surrogates for granting Marriage Licenses for the Peculiar of Hanbury ••. Leonard Rev. R. W. of Charlton, & Rushton Rev J. H. Baobury Surrogate for granting Marriage Licenses for the Diocese of Oxford •.• Rushton Rev. J. lL Ban bury Visitors for the Peculiar Jurisdiction of Ban bury, including King Sutton, Cropredy, W ardington, Cleydon, Hornton, Horley, &c. Apthorp, ll.ev.W. H. Vicar nf Bier ton, Bucks Collector .of Assessed Taxes and Militia Lieutenancy, for the hundreds of Ban bury & Bloxham ... .Munton John, Esq. · Collectors of Assessed Taxes. •.. Taylor Thos. & . w~bster Wm. Clerk to the Magistrates for the Banbury & Bloxham N 01 th Petty Sessions Division, Moore Geo. Esq. (Meetings of .t.be MagiMtrates on the third Thurs:lay in en•ry month, wlt~mately at the Red LioH& White Lion, Wickbam) Sheriff's Officer ...••••.•... H umphreys Sam. ·west st Collector of Stallage and Piccage ..• Hall Charles Receiving InspecOOr of Land & AssesEed Taxes ... · Hyde John, Esq., Great Berkhamstead Surveyor of Land & Assessed Taxes ••• William T. · Chipping N 01·ton Inspector~ of Weight$ & .Measures • . . l\I asot'l B. Deddington CLERKS TO COMMISSIONERS OF TURNPIKE ROADS. Banbury & Edgehill, & Banbury&. Shipston •.. Walford Wm. Esq. l-ower division of the Road from Drayton Handpost to Buckingham •.. R. Bignel, Esq., of Thame Banbury & Daventry Road •.• Burtoa E. S. Esq., Daventry Banbury & Brackley Road .•. Weston Robert, Esq., of Brackley Banbury&Southam Road .•. Rolls R.H.Esq., Banbury Road Surveyors ••• Gould R. Neitbrop, & Cave Mr Boddicott rd Post Office. Brain Wm. Parsons st •••••••••...••.•••••• Post M aster Letters for London, Brackley, Buckingham, Stony Stratford, &c. are dispatched by Mail Coach every morn. at 7, & arri\'e at Banbury from those places at t p. 5 even.-Letters for Brighton, Bath, Bristol, Bromsgrove, Cheltenham, Deddingt.on, Gloucester, .N ewbury, Oxford, Reading, Shipston-on-Stour, Stn.tford-on-Avon, Worcester, Woodstock, &c. are dispatched by Mail Cart to Oxford, every aft. at ~ p. 4, & letters from London & those places arrive by the same conveyaiJI!e every morn. at 7 .-Letters for London, A,v lt·sbury, A shby-de-la-Zouch, Bicester, Birmingham, Coventry, Daventry, Dunchurch, Leamington, Litchfield, Leeds, Lutt.erworth, L~icester, Loughborough, Manchester, Northampton, Southam, Thrapston, Towcester, Warwick, Scotland, & all parts of the North, are dispatched by Mail CRrt to Brackley every night at i p. 6, & arrh·e every morn. from each of those places, except London, at ! p. 7. Office opens every morn. qt ! p. 7, & closes every aft. at 4 for the Oxford Mail, &. at 6 for the Brackley Mail; it also closes at ! p. 6 morn. for the London Day M ail. N. B. The Office is closed from 1 0 till 1, & from 2 till 4 on Sundays. Posting Houses. Red Lion, High st ...........•.....• Chas. W. Fowler White Lion, ditto .............. ....... John Drink water :Sankers. Cobb Timothy Rhodes, & .Cobb Edward, Old bank, High st ... Draw on Jones, Lloyd & Co. London Gillett & 'l'awney, Cornhill ..• Draw on Glyn & Co. London Leamington, Priors, & Warwickshire Banking Company, llfarket pl ... Draw on Williams, Deacon, & Co. Fairbrother Wm ...........................•.. M anage,r Savings Bank & Annuity Society. ParsoTis .~t. Open (Jll Thursdays from 12 ti)l 2 Go1Ly W. Esq .•......•................•..... Treasu1·er lleath Mr. B ......................... _ .......... Actuary Fire & Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life, Parsons ~t . .. J. J arvis Crown Life & Protector Fire, High st ... C. R. Mallam Guardian Fire & Life, Bridge st ..• Rich. Edmunds Norwich U ni.on Fire & Life, CorTihill ... Alf. Beesley Phrenix Fire & Pelican Life, High st ... J. Muntou Royal Exchange, Neithrop ......... Richard Th0rne Sun, North har st .. ....•.................... George Pain Y ark & North of England Fire & Life, ditto ....•. W. J. Drury Public Offices. Stamp Office, Cor'llhill. Beesley Alfred . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Distributor Excise Offic~, Buck ~ Bell, Parsons st. W renford W. Mr ........................••. Supervisor Egg Chas. Mr ..•...... Division Officer & Collector Place Thos. Mr .••...•..•..............•.. Ride Officer :J;Iublic Institutions. Association for the Prosecution of FrlolJS. Hayward C. !vir ... ·-········-········ .. ···-··Treasurer Beesley J. l\I r .•••...•.•. •• •...•......••.•... Secretary Auxiliary Bible Society. Beesley H. Mr. & Husher G. J. Mr •.• Secretaries Strange T. lH r .........••..•.•....•••...•.•• Depository Banbury Agricultural Association. North Lieut CoL J. S ...................... President Kirby B. M. Esq .•.•.....•..••.....•....•... Treasurer Aplin B. Esq. .. ......... , ••••.•• Honorary Secretary 47
OXON. BANBURY. Banbury Borough Conservative Association. Rusher 1\fr. J. G ............................ Treasurer Mall am Mr. C. R ............................ Secretary Banbury Reform Association .. Gazey Mr. John ............................ Treasurer Rolls Mr. R. H. & Munton Mr. W .•.. Secretaries Banbury & Neithrop Clothing Society. Draye Mr. H. R .•..•...................•... Treasurer Blackwell Mr. W~ D ........................ Secretary Ban bury & North Oxfordshire Church Missionary Society Rolls Mr. R. H .............................. Treasurer H eartley Rev. C. A. Wardington, & Jordan Rev. J. Somerton ••. Secretaries Charitable Society. Hill Mr. J .................................... Treasurer W alford Mr. J. G ............................ Secretary Gas Light & Coke Company, Bridge st. Gillett Mr. J. A ............................ Trea~mrer Tin1s T. Esq .•..............•.•.........•..... Solicitor Quartermaine Mr. W ............................ Clerk Labourers Friend Society. Faulkner Mr. C. & ~'l oore Mr. G ....... Secretaries Mechanics Institute, Church passage. Cobb Mr. E .................................. Treasurer Heath Mr. B .•...•.....•....••.•............. Secretary National School Society. - Tawney H. Esq ............................ Treasurer Rusl1er Mr .................................... Secretary Protestaut Conservative Association. Tawney H. Esq ............................ Treasurer Mallmn Mr. C. R ............................ Secretary Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Ta wr1ey H .. E!'q ......................... I I ••• Treasurer Rusher Mr. J. G., Printer ............... Depository Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts Tawney H. Esq .•......................•... Treasurer Barter Rev. C. Sarsden ..................... Secretary Visiting Charitable Society. Rusher Mr. J. G ............................ Treasurer Walford W. Esq. & Heath Mr .......... Secretaries 'Valford Mr ............... ~ ...... Assistant Secretary Public Schools. Blue Coat School. Rushton Rev. J. R ......................... Treasurer Black well Mr. W. D ........................ Secretary National School, Neithrop. Blackwell W. D ............................... Master Gain er E. M .•..............•.•.•..•....•...•. Mistress Infant School. J ohnson ~1 rs ... I •••• I ......................... Mistress Coaches to Birmingham, Regulator, from the White Lion, leaves:! bef. 12 daily, Sun. exc. thro' Southam, Leamington, Warwick, Knowle, & Solihull; arrives 2 P.M. Cheltenham, Novelty from the White Lion, at 2 daily, thro' Chipping-Norton & Stow; arrives at 2. Leamington, Sovereign, from the White Lion & Red Liun inns at 5 dai. Sun. exc.; tluo' Southam ; arrives at 11. Leicester, Regulator, from the White Lion, :! bef. 12 daily, Sun. exc.; thro' Southam, Dunchurch, Rugby, & Lutterworth; arri\•es every aft. at 2. London, Royal Mail, from White Lion & Red Lion inns, leaves at 7 A.M. daily, Sun. exc. by way of Brackley, Buckingh<lm, & Stony Stratford, to the W oh'erton Station at ! p. 10; thence by Railway; atrives at 4 P.M. London, Novelty, h·om White Lion, leaves daily at 3 P.M. to meet Trains at Blissett or Weedon Stations; returns 2 P.M. 48 London, Sovereign, from the Wltite Lion & Red Lion i11ns, leaves at 11, by way of Amersham arrives at 5 P.M. Oxford, Regulator, from Wltite Lion inn, at 2 P.M. thro' Deddington & Woodstock; arrives t bef. 12 A.M. • Northampton, Novelty, from White Lion inn, leavesat 3 daily, thro' Byfield & Daventry, to Angel inn, Northampton, at 7, & arrives at 2 P.M. Cax-riers to Abingdon, Middleton, Plo11gh, Th. Adderbmy, Wyatt, Plough, Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. Adderbury, Stowe, Waygon .Y Horses, Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. Alkerton, Hitchcock, Rein Deer, Mon. ·wed. Th. & Sat. Alkerton, Perkins, Ilare <t Hounds, Th. Aston-le-Walls, Wiggins, Unicorn, Mon. & Th, thro' Wardington, Chipping-Warden, & Boddington. As ton (North & Middle) Haynes, TV aggon ~- Harm, Thursday. Aston (Steeple). Boddington, Queens ltead, Mon.~ Thursday. A strop, Gibbons, Fleur d~ Lis, Wed. Fr. & Sat. Astrop, Aris, Plough, Th. & Sat. thro' Warkworth & Overthorp. Avon Dassett, Cooper, Plough, Mon. & Th. Aylesbury, see Bicester. Aynho, Gregory, Angel, :Mon. Th. Aynho, Spiers, .Hare ~ Hounds, Th. Balscot, Quaterman, Unicorn, Th. Barford (Great) Enock, Bear, Mon. Th. & Sat.; Worton, Tu. Barford, W akefield, Windmill, Th. Barton (Westcot) .Matthews, Plough, thro' Deddington, Th. Barton (Middle) Ward, Flying Horse, Th. Barton Heath, see Whichford. Bicester, Edmunds, White Hart, Mon. Th. · Bicester, Shrowsbury & Welch, Waggon~ HorseJ, Mon. & Th. Birmingham, Brown, Golby's warehouse, Mon. & Fr. returns Th. & Sun. even. Bishop's Itchington, Beesley, Buck cS" Bell, Th. Blakesley, J ones, Talbot, Th. Bloxham, Elfred, Waggon ~ Horses, daily. Bloxham, Dipper, Plough, most days. Bloxham, Heritage, Queen's Head, daily. Boddington (Upper & Lower) Wiggins, Unicorn, Mon. & Th. Boddington, Bradshaw, Plough, Mon. & Th. Buddington, Baseley, Cat/urine Wheel, Th.; all thr6' As ton-le-Wails. Bodicott, Knibbs, Pox, daily, calls at the George ~ Dmgon. Bodicott, Tyrrell, to New inn every day, exc. Sun. Bodicott, Bloxham, & Wykham, N ash, eve. morn. atS. Bourton & Cropredy, W t:lls, Unicorn, Mon. Wed. & Th. & Sat. Brackley, Taylor, Plough cS" White Hart, Mon. & Th. thro' Towcester. Brackley, Wisdom, Catherine Wheel, Mon. Th. Sat. Brackley, Pease, Leather Bottle, daily. Brackley, the Postman (Mail Cart) every aft.! p. 6. Brailes, Godson, Queens Head, MGn. & Th. Broughton, Stanley, & Fortnum, see Swalcliffe. Buckingham, through Croughton, Roberts, Cock, & Windmill, Mon. & Th. Buckingham, Claydon, Buck 9" Bell, Mon. & Tli. through Croughton & Aynho. Buckingham, see Coaches, Brackley, Tingewick, S. Stratford, & Marston.
BANBURY. OXON. .Burford, see Chipping N orton. Bytield, Gardner, Plough, Mon. & Th. Byfield, Wiggins, Queens Head, Mon. & Th. Cherrington, sec Whichford. Bugbrook, H an·is, Queens Head, Thurs. see Northampton Burton Dassett, Letts, Plough, M on. & Thurs. Chalcomb, Wilsdon, Bear, Mon. Thurs. & Sat. Chalcomb, Mary Pratt, Bear, every day Charlbury, 'Vright, Fox, Sat. Charlbury & Witney, Sorrell, Bucl' 9' Bell, Mon. & Thurs. Charlton, Pip kin, Waggon 9' Horses, Mon. & Thurs. through Aynho Charlton, Bowers, lVhite ]!art, Thurs. through Overtborpe Charlton, U pston, Talbot, Thurs.; to Buckingham, Sat Cbarwelton, Gardner, Plough, Mon. & Thurs. Cheltenham, J olm Lawrence, Buck 9' Beil, Mon. & Thurs. through Stow Chipping Warden, Line~, Queens Head, Mon. Thurs. & Sat. through Edgcote Chipping Warden, Gubbins, Bear, Mon. Th. & Sat. Chipping N orton, J. Mace, Fox, Mon. Th. & Sat. Chipping Norton, Haynes, Queens Head, Tu. Th. & Sat. Cleydon, Bennett, Bear, Mon. Th. & Sat. Clifton, Had way, Windmill, Th. Coventry, W. 28, Curtis van, Rein Deer, at 6 o'clock on Fri. morn.: returns on W. even. through South am Cropredy, 0. 4, H. Shirley, Waggon q Horses, Tu. & Sat. Cropredy, Well:>, Unicorn, Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. Cropredy, Tims, Unicorn, Th. & Sat. Croughton, Morris, Flying Horse, Mon. & Th. to Brackley, Wed. Culworth, Hunt, Talbot, Mon. Th. & Sat. through Thorpe & Chalcomb Culworth, Bricknell, Fox, Mon. & Th. Daventry, By field & Charwelton, Billingham, White Ilart, Mon. & Thurs. Daventry, Byfield & Charwelton, Farden, Plough, Th. Rugby, Tu.; Warwick, Southam, & Leamington, Sat. Dean, Fowler, Flying Horse, Th. Deddington, see Coaches, Barton, & Hempton Deddington, Hemmings, Queens Head, Mon. & Th.; Oxf.md, Wed. & Sat. Deddington, French, Buck q Bell, Mon. Th. & Sat. Drayton, Grant, Windmill, Th.; see Wroxton & Shenington Dunstew, N. & M. Astons, & Somerton, Haynes, Waggon ~ Horses, Th. Edgcote, Lines, Queens ~Head, through Williamscot En stone, Taylor, Fox, Th.; to Oxford Sat. Epwell, Marsh, Old George, Mon. & Th. Epwell, Ilarvey, Windmill, Th. Epwell, Taylor, Rein Deer, Mon. & Th. Evesham, see Shipston Eydon, Hunt, Waggon 9' Horses, Mon. & Th. thro' Thorpe, Mandeville, & Culworth Eydon; Brightwell, Talbot, Th. through Edgcote, & Wardington Eydon, see Northampton Farnborough, Hartwell, Plough, Mon. & Th. Farnborough, Hartwel1, Rei1' Deer, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. Farnborough, Goodman, Cock, Th. Farnton, see Hinton & W oodfurd Farthinghoe, Brackley Carriers Farthinghoe, Cook, Fox, Mon. & Th. Fringford, Butler, Plough, .Mon. Oxjordski're.] H Fringford, Mansfield, Fleur-de-Lis, Th . Fritwell, see Souldern Fenny Compton, Edwards, Rein Deer, Mon. & Th. Fenny Compton, Duckett, Flyin,q Horse, Mon. & Th. Fritwell, Boddington, Waggon ~ Horses, Th. Fritwell, W. Timms, Waggon 9' Horses, Th. Great & Little Tew, Mollington, Plough, Th. Great & Little Tew, Wren, Cock, Th. Greatworth, Humphries, Queens Ilead, Mon. & Th. Great worth, Fran klin, Fox, Mon. Th. & Sat. Hampton Poyle, Giles, Bear, Th. Hanwell, John Jarvis, Hare 9' Hounds, Mon. vVed. Th. & Sat. Hanwell, Hazlewood, Windmill, Mon. W. Th. & Sat. Harbury, Prestidge, Bear, Th. Harbury, Horley, Plough, Th. Heath, Carey, Queens Head, Th. Helmdon, Thomason, Unicorn, Mon. & Th. Helmdon, Wright, Unicorn, Mon. & Th. Hempton & Deddington, Evans, Queens Head, Th. Heyford & Steeple As ton, Boddington, Queens Head, Mon. & Th. Heyford & Steeple Aston, Coggins, Plough, Mon. & Th. Hinton & Farnton, Higham, Queens Head, Mon. • & Th. Hooknorton, Somerton, Plough, Mon. Th. & Sat, Hooknorton, Webb, Windmill, Th. Hooknorton, Borsbery, Flying Horse, Mon. Th. & Sat. Horley, Hunt, Windmill, Mon. & Th. Hornton, VPrney, Rein. Deer, Th. H ornton, Gilkes, Flying Horse, Th. & Sat. Hornton, Attwood, Rein Deer, Th. Kidlington & W olvercot, Turner, White Horse, Th. Kineton, Heritage, Fox, Mon. & Th. Kineton, Clary, Windmill, Th. Warwick, Tu. & Sat. Kineton, Wisdom, Catherine Wheel, Mon. & Th.; Stratford, Fri. ; Warwick, Sat. King Sutton, Gibbons, FleU1·-de-Lis, Wed. Fri. & Sun. through Astrop & N ewbottle King Sutton, Blencowe, Talbot, Wed. & Sat. King Sutton, Ring, Talbot, Mon. Th. & Sat. Kislingbury, see Northampton Knightcot, Bloxham, Flying Harse, Th. Leamington & Warwick, see Coaches, Hanwell, Kineton, Pillerton, Priors Marston 1 Soutbam, Tachbrooke, Witnash, Knightcot & Northend Leamington & Warwick, Viggers, Waggon o/ Horses, Mon. & Th. Leamington & Warwick, Timms, Waggon 9' llorses,Th. Leamington & Warwick, Baseley, White Hart, Mon. & Th. Leamington & Warwick, Burman, Catherine Wheel, Mon. & Th. London, Golby's waggon leaves every Sat.; returns Mon. through Brackley, Buckingham, Winslow, Aylesbury, &c. London, John H. Parker, Skinners Office, Bridge st. leaves 5 even. Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat.; returns W e:l. Th. Sat. & Mon. m urns. at 7 Long Compton, Tomkins, Plough, Th. Led well, see Sand ford Leicester, see Coaches, Coventry, Northampton Lichborough, see Northampton Marston St. Lawrence & Greatworth, Humphries, Queens Head, Th. & Sat. Marston St. Lawrence & Greatworth, Russell, TVaggon 9' Horses, Mon. Th. & Sat_ Middleton Cheney, W aterhouse, Talbot, daily Middleton Cheney, Waters, Bear, daily ~1iddleton Cheney, Mold, George 9' Dragon, Mon. Th. & Sat, Middleton Cheney, Seeney, Bear, Mon. Th. & Sat. 49
OXON. BANBURY. Milcomb, Colemau, Cork, Th. Miltcn, Nutt, Ta:bot, Th. through Adderbury Mollington, Osborne, Cock, Mon. & Th. Mollington, Mary Den~ey, Waggon~ Horses, Mon. & Th. Moreton-in-Marsh, see Long Compton & Chipping Norton Morton Pinkney, Hawtin, Fox, Th. Morton Pinkney, J. Fmnklin, Unicorn, Th. M orlon Pinkney, Prestidge, Talbot, Th. New bottle, see King Sutton Newport Pagnell, see Buckingham Northampton, Harris, Queens Head, Th. ; returns · Fri. morn. through Kislinghury, Bugbrook, Lichborough,. Maidford, Arlstone, Canons Ashby, Moreton Pinkney, Eydon, Culworth, Edgcote & W ardington Northampton, Barrett, New~man, Re-in Deer, from the Woo/pack Inn, Mon. morn. at 6 o'clock, and Th. mom. at 5 o'clock; returns Tu. & Fri. morn. at ten o'clock, through Blisworth, Towcesler, Siherstone, Syresham, Whitfield & Brackley N ortharnpton, the Postman, to Brackley, every aft. · at ! p. 6 o'clock; returns at ! p. 7 o'clock.- See Blakesley, Brackley, Daventry, Stony Stratford & W oodend • N orthend & Bm·ton Dassett, Letts, Plough, !\1 on. & Th . Nuneaton, seli Coventry o,·erthorpe, see Charlton & Astrop Oxford, 23, the Mail Cart, daily, at ~ p. 4 aft. See A bingdon, Barton, Heyford, Brack1ey, Milton, Deddington, Enstone, Hampton, Sandford, Souldern & Kidlington Pillerton, Lamb, Rein Deer, Th. Priors Hardwick, Prestidge, .Angel, Th. Priors Marston, DumLleton, Queens Head, Th. Friors Marston, Knibbs, Unicorn, Th. Priors Marston, M ills. Leather BottlP, Th. Radstone, Stanton, Qunms Head, Th. Radstone, Blackwell, White Hart, Th. Rad way & Upton, Powell, Buck 4" Bell, Mon. & Th. Radway & Upton,Palmer, Rei,_ Deer, Th. Ratley, England, Flying Horae, Mon. & Tb. Rollwright (Grea), Bronwing, Flying Horse, Th. through Sweford & Bloxbam Rollwright (Great), Robertson, Cock, Th, Rugby, see Da\'entry Sandford & Ledwell, Day, Windmill, Th. Sar.:.dford & Led well, Rtockford, Waggon cS" Ilorses, Th. ; Oxford, Sat. to Barton & W or ton Shenington, Hitchcox, Rein Deer, M. W. Th. & Sat. Shenington, \\'est, Unicorn, Tu. Tb. & Sat. Shipston, Godson, Queens Head, Mon. & Th. Sl1ipston, H opkins, Plough, Th. Shipston, Enshaw, Rein Deer, Th. Shotteswell, Washbrook, Windmill, Mon. & Th. Shutford, Marsh, Old George, Mon. & Th. Shutford, Job Tavlor, Talbot, Mon. Th. & Sat. Sibford, Tadmart~n & Swalcliffe, Gilkes, Wvggon 4" Horses, and George ~Dragon. M. Th. & Sat. Sibford, Tadrnarton & ~walclifie, Gibbs, Waggon o/ J1 orses, l\1 oo. Th. & Sat. Sibford,Tadmartoll & Swa!cl;ffe, Golden, Windmill, Th Sibford, Tadmarton & Swalc.liffe, Ha.rris~ Flying Jlor.se, Th. Sibford, Tadmarton & Swalcliffe, Barnes, Rein Deer, Th. Souldern, Boddington, Plough, Th. Souldern, Scott, Queenl Head, Mon. & Th.; Bic.ester, Fri.; Fritwell, Ardley & Fewcote Southam, Bradford, Waggon cS" llnes, Mon. & Th. 50 Southam, Rainbow, Queenj ~Head, Th.; Coventry, Tu.; Leamington & Warwick, Sat. Southam, see Coaches, & Coventry Southnewington, Page, Windmill, Mon. Th. & Sat. Stony Stratford, Attkins, Flying Horse, at 7 o'clock Fri. morn. through Buckingham & Brackley Stom:ton, see Whichford Stratford on Avon, see Bruiles, Kineton, Long Compton 1 Tysoe Sulgrave, Brown, Fox, Mon. Tb. & Sat. through Thorpe M andcville Swalcliffe, Fortnurn, Flying Horse, Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. through '3roughton · Swalcliffe, Stanley, Butchers Arms, Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. thrqugh Broughton Swerford, Plumn1er, Leathern Bottle, Mon. Th. & Sat. through Southnewington Syresbam, Thomas, White Hart, Th. Tachbrook, Checkley, Rein Deer, Th. Tachbrook, John Provis, Plough, Th. Tadmarton, Austin, Old George, ~ Horse ~ Jockey, Mon. Th. & Sat. Thenford, BLJtlcr, Leathern Bottle, Mon. Th. & Fri. Thorpe Mandeville, see Culworth, Eydon & Sulgrave Thorpe Mandcville, Garduer, Talbot, M. Th. & Sat. Thorpe Mandeville, ·wall, Fox, Mon. & Th. Tingewick, Durran, Plough, Th. Tingewick, W. Butcher, H'indmil, Th. thro' Brackley Towcester, see Blakesley, Brackley, Helmdon, Mar• ton Pinkney, W oodend Turweston, Dun·an, Unico1·n, Th. Turwest.at}1 \Vatts, Talbot, Th. '"' Tusmere, sP.e Fringford Tysoe, Hirons, Wi11dmill, Th. Tysoe, Holland, .Plying Horse, Mon. & Th. "Tysoe, Geden, U nicoru, aild Bowers, Plough, both Tb. U pton, see Rad way W ardington, Lines, Queens Head, Mon. Th. & Sat. through Williamscot & Chiy>ping Warden Wardington & W illiamscot, John Thorp, Foz, ,Mon. Wed. Th. & Sat. \Varmington, Castle, Unicorn, Mon. Th. & Sat. \V armington, Plummer, Windmill, Mon. & Th. W~rmington, Willis, Rein Deer, Mon. & Th. Warwick, see Bu.rton Dassett, Harbury, Kineton! Lea~ington, Pillerton, Radway, Shipstoii, Southam, Tachbrook, Tysoe, Warmingron,&c. W eston-by-W eedon, Coles, Talbot, Mon. & Th. W eston-on-the-Green, see Souldern Which ford, W. 11, }larvey, Flying Horse, M. & Tb. Wbitfield, Durrant, White Hart. Mon. ~ Ih. Wigginton, Coles, Cor:lc, Mon. & Th. \Vigginton, Powell, Fox, Th. W illiamscot, W ardington, Edgcote & Chipping Warden \Villiamscot, Holloway, (Po~tman) every morn. (exc. Sun.) at 8 o'clock Witnash & Leaming~on, Philpots, Flyiug Ilorse, Tll. Witnash & ,Leamington, ~ummerton, Plying Horse, Th. Wolverhampton, Golbyg Waggons, leave every :\Ion. W. & Th.; returns \\' ed. Fri. & Sat. W oodend & lllakesley, Bliss, Old Gem·ge, Th. Woodford, Marriott, Queens Head, Th. through Hinton & Farnton Woodford, Higham, Queens Read, Mon. & Th.; l'reston Capes, Tu. Woodstock, Hubard, Waggon ~Horses, Th. W ormleighton, ~aker, Plough, M on & Th. W orton, see Barforrl & Sand ford W roxton, Grant, Windmill, Th. Wruxton, Hughe", tfngel, Th. Wroxton, Mary Taylor1 to ~r. /lusher'¥, daily
BENSINGTON, &c. ·~=========================== =====~======================= OXON. Canal Conveyance. CROWLEY, HICKLIN, & COS. Boats from Old Wharf, to & from London, Liverpool, Mat,tchester, Chester, Bristol, berby, Gainsbor()ugh, Worcester, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Warwick, the Potteries, North & South Wales, &c. every Tuesday, Thnrsdav, & Saturday. FOWLER & SLICKLEY,' O:ltford market buats every Friday morning for dxford, Southampton, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth, Newbury, Reading, & all places adjacent, & return on Thursday morning. Turner W •···'··············"····•········ Wharfinger PJCKFORD & COS. Fly Boats, from the Old wharf, Mon. Wed. Fri. & Sat. to Oxford, London, Leicester, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Worcester, Bristol, Sheffield, Derby, Shardlow, Nottingham, Gainsbro, Hull, Boston, Lincoln, New Town in Wales, &c. Bygrave E .................... " ......... ~ ................. Agent Boats to Oxford three times a week. Page T . .......................... .,. ..................... Agent BLOXHAM. Austin John .............................. Elo~ham Mill Barrett William ............ Wheelwtight & Carpenter Baughen Henry ........... Carpenter & Wheelwright Bell Rev. George ·~~·._·,·~~······ ... ············,·· Vicarage Bennett William .............................. Red Lion Rennett William ......... , ...... ;r .... ElPphant & Castle Buckett Thomas .......... ~ ............. Horse & Groom Cake bread George .. ............................... Mason Cherry J el1n ..... ............................. • .... Mal tster Davi~ Rev Hat·ry, ............. .............•...... Ctttat~ Eagles William ........................................ Baker Et1dall J ............................................. 'l,aylor Franklin William ............... _. .............. Carpenter French Nathaniel ........................ Beet Retailer French William ......... Beer Retailer & Shopkeeper Gascoine William ....... -................... Blacksmith Gib bard Daniel........................... Horse DPaler Harris J an1es ... .......................................... Baker Malsbury Joseph ............................... ~.Maltster ~Iarlitl J ol1n ..................................... SttrgPotl Mobbley Thomas ........................... Black~mith Needle Ric:hard .............. Maltster & Beer Retailer o~borne Thomas ....... 1 ....... Watch & Clock Maker Otter William ............ Grocet, Drape!' & Druggi~t Perrin William· .................................... M altster Pricket Thomas, Bloxhatn grove mill ......... Millers Rundle John .............................. Joiners Arms Robins on J ames .................. Baker & Shopkeeper Russell Philip ........................ Grocer & Draper Sandford William ........................... Shopkeeper Southam William ................................. Baker Spicer J ame~ ........... ........................ . Carpenter Stevenson William .............................. Mealman Walker William ........................ Harness .Maker Wheeler Richard .................. Boot & Shoemaker White GPorge ..................... Plumber & Glazier White Thomas ..................... Hawk & Partridge White William ..................... Plumber & Glazier "-illitts J ol1n .................................... Maltster Goodtnan Thomas ........................ White Hors~ Good man Thomas ..................... Baker & Grocer Grant William .................................... Carrier Grllves Elizabeth ................................. l\1 a! tster H ughes J ol1n .. .................................... ·"Carrier Humphries Richard ........................ Blacksmith Mirldleton Rev. ---, .......................•... ~ills John .................................... Shopkeeper Pearson Charles ••• •. • ..................... Beer Retailer Tirn3 \Villiam ............................... ~. Shoemaker Walford J olm ................................. Shopkeeper Webb Henry ................................. Blacksmith BENSINGTON WITH E:.WELME. BENSINGTON, or Benson, on the banks of the ri\'er Thames, which here separates this county from BerkshirE>, 2 miles N. from W alllngford, 12 miles S. E. from Oxford, and 46 from London, through Maidenhttad ~nd Henley, on Thames, contained, in 1831, 1266 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 33~9!. The church is dedicated to St. Helen; and the living, a perpetual curacy, value 180{. per annum, is in the possession of Christchurch, Oxford. Medler's Bank is said to be the site of a Roman toad from Alchester, which crossed the Thames h~re. The parish bf Bensington includes the hamlets of Ctowmarsh Battle and Fiilf'ld, and is in the Wallingford Uhion. Southward is Mon~ewell house, which was long the residence of the Hon. Shute Barringtofl, Bi>.hop of Durham; it is situated on the banks of the Thames, in extensi\·e pleasure groundf'l, eommanding pleasing prospects. · EwELME, a village 4! miles S.~. from Dorchester1 about a mile north of the road to Henley, and 3 miles E. by N. from Wallingford in Be)·kshire, contained, in 1831, 619 inhabitants: and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 31401. The diver~ity of bill and dale in the neighbourhood affording many beautiful progpects, render it one of the most pleasant situations in the coul'ty. The church dedicated to St. Mary was built by William rle la Pole, duke of Suffolk, about the middle of the 15th century, and is an exceedingly inte!'esting edifice; at the eaHt end of the .south aisle is a chapt'l containing two very remnrkable Pnriched mcmuments of Thomas Chancer, "·ho dred in 1434-, and hi~ daughter A lice, duchess. of Suffolk, who died ih 14i5. It is said that this is one ufthe three onlyknowtl examples of female sepulchral effigies decorated with the insignia of the order oft he garter; it is represented tound her left &rm. 0\·er the font is 1.1. peculiar canopy rising to the height of 12 feet. The li\•ing is a rectory, value 5.j6/. per annum, with the patronage annexed to the reg-ius professorship of divinity in the uni\•ersity of Oxford. A free school and hospital were f."lunded here by the duke anrl duchess of ~nffolk. Of the m:msion erected by John duke of Suffiolk about 1424, a part of the uffices only remain. In the immediate neighbourhood is Ewelme park. This parish i!l in Wallingford Union. BENSINGTON. Name, Residence, de. Profession. WROXTON. Ad net J ............. ····· ........................... Cooper . Allnatt Charles ........................... Coal Merchant Carpenter Ambrose ........................ Horse Shoe Arthur Benjamin· .................. ." ..... Coach Maker Carpenter Esau ................................. Carpenter Ashley \Vm ................................. Beer Retailer Doyle Colonel.. ................ ~ ....... Wroxton Abbey Bailey John ••. Agent to the RoJ'al Exchange InsurEndale Robert ............ Carpenter & Wheelwright ance Fire Office Frencl1 Timothy ............... ~ ...•. ~~ ........ Blacksmith Bailey John ......•...................•............ Grocer . 51
OXON. BICE~TER. ============================-=========================== Barnard Thos ..•••...•..•..•..•....•.•...•...•..... Baker Be11nett Robert.. .•. •. . .. . .. ..• . .. ... . .. . .. . .. . .. . • Tailor Bird J os h.................................... Blacksmith Brook er John ...•....•..........•............. Sl1oemaker Brouker Wm •••.••...•..•..............•.......• Butcher Burgess Jas ...•..••••..••.•.• Corn Dealer & Maltster Bnrgis J .•• Grocer, Tallow Chandler, & Soap Boiler Coles Thos ......•.•...•..••....•...•••.•.•.•..•.•... Draper Coster R ... Crown Commercial Inn & Coach Office Cox Humphrey •.•••.........•••.... Plumber & Glazier Crook Ann ...•..•.....•.............•....•• Beer Retailer Green J. & Brown R. M. Cromarsh ........• Mealmen Hoare & Bailey •...•.•...•.•.•••......• Coach Wheelers Hodgkins J no ..•............•••.....•..•... Horse Dealer Hughes J ames, Cromarslt.... ... ..•.•. •.. .••••..• Swan J ones Thos •.••.•...•.•..•......•..••...• Harness Maker Kirby Henry ..•..•••.••....•.•••..•• Three Horse Shoes Page Jas ...............................•.... Beer Retailer Pearce Richd .•••...•...•.•.....•..•••.•.... Beer Retailer Plowma11 •..•.••.••••.•.•••••••.•••.•••••.•••••• Tinntan Saunders Alfred & Henry...... Millers & Seedsmen Shackleford Wm. Jun ..••.••.•..•••.• , •.•. Coach Builer Shrubb Henry ............................... Corn Dealer S1nith J ames .••...•.......•.••.•.....•.•••... Coach Smith Stanning George .•• White Hart Family Hotel, Commercial Inn, & Posting House Tubbs J arnes................ .•••.••.. .• Coal Merchant V ern on Robert ................................... I Draper 'V arner J ames ..••••••.. I I •••••••••••••••••• Corn Dealer Whitchell ...•••.........•.....••••..•.. Beer Retailer Willis Elizabeth .••••...••••.••..•.••.••.•• Bonnet Maker Woodbridge Wm ...•..•..•.................•••...... Baker Pos't Office. Padbury M ary Ann .....•••.•.•......•.•... Postmistress Letters for London arrive at i p. 1 morn. & dispatched ! p- 1 to London. One delivery each . day, 6 morn. Posting House. White Hart ••••••••.•..•.••.•...•.••.. Stanning George Fire &. Life Assurance Company. Royal Exchange •...........•.•..........•• Bailey John Coaches to Cheltenham, Berkeley Hunt, from Crown Inn,! bef. 12 noon, daily, (Sun. exc.); returns ~ p.2 aft. Cheltenham, Magnet, from Crown Inn, ~ p. 12 · noon, daily, (Sun. exc.); returns l p. 2 aft. Gloucester, Mail, from Crown Inn, ~ p. 1 morn. dailv ; returns same time. London, Alert from Crown lnn, l p. 11 morn. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns ! p. 3 aftLondon, Berkeley Hunt, from Crown Inn, i p. 2 aft. dailv, (Sun. exc.); returns t p. 12 noon. London, D~fiance, from Crown Inn, 12 noon, daily; reiurns 7 evn. London, Mag~et, from Crown Inn, :! p. 2 aft. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns i p. 12 IJOon. London, Mail, from Crown Inn,! p. 1 morn. daily; • returns same tune. London, Mazeppa, from Crown Inn, 4 aft. daily; (Sun. exc.) ; returns 11 morn. London, Queen, from Crown lnn, ~ p. 9 morn. daily, (Sun. exc ) ; returns 7 evn. London, Stroud Mail, from Crown Inn, every morn. l p. 1 ; returns same day. London, Stroudwa~r, Coach from Crown Inn,-~ p. 1 morn. daily, (811. exc.) London, Wellington, from Crown Inn,! p. 10 morn. daily, (Sun. exc.) returns l P· 7 evn. Oxford, Alert, from Crown fun, ! p. 3 evn. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns I p. 11 morn. 52 Oxford, Defiance, from Crown Inn, 7 evn. daily; re. turns 12 noon. Oxford, Queen, from Crown Inn, 7 evn. daily, (Sun. exc-); returns ! p. 9 morn. Oxford, Wellington, from Crown Inn, !- p 7 evn.; re. turns! p. 10 morn. Stroudwater, from Crown Inn, ! p. 1 aft. daily, (Sun. exc.) Worcester, Mazeppa, from Crown Inn, 11 morn, daily, (Sun. ex c.) ; returns 4 aft. Carriers 'to I~ondon, Besley's Waggon, from Crown Inn, every Wed. morn; returns Fri. at noon. Oxford, Bond's V an, every Wed. & Sat. ; returns same day. Reading, Bond's V an, every Fri. ; -returns same day. EWELME. Bame, Residence, &. Profession. Ash by Jas .••...•••...•.•..••.....•..... Miller & Farmer Athaway John .•••••.•.••• Wheelwright & Carpenter Garlick James ••••.•...•..••.... Gentlemens Academy Glanville John ..••.•...•••.••......••..•....... Carpenter Green James ...........•...•....• Baker & Shopkeeper Hewitt •.•...••...•.... ~· .•..••..•••.••.•.• Blackstnith Poor .•...••........•...•.•.....•.....•• I ••• Shoemaket Spy er 'V. G ......................... I ••• :.,........ Grocer Wl1ite •.•••.•..•••...•••..•.... I .............. Blacksmith BIC:CSTEB. WITH AMBB.OSD:EN AND LAUNTON. BxcEsTER, a market town 12 miles N. E. from Oxford, and 54! miies from London, through Watford, Berkhamstead, Tring, and Aylesbury; contained, in 1831, 2868 inhabitants. The parish is divided into the two districts of King's End & Market End; a small part of it is in Caversfield, a detached parish of Buckinghamshire. The town consists principally of one irregular street, about a mile and a half long, with two others branching from it, callrd Crockwell and Water Lane. The market, on Friday, is well attended, and annual fairs are held on Friday in Easter week, Whit-::\1onday, the first Friday in June, Augnst 5th, October 10tn, and December 17th, for horses, cows, sheep, pig~, wool, &c. The Market Hill, a small square, contains the shambles and the town ball. There is no manufacture of importance now carried on; the plaiting of straw gives employment to some of the inhabita::Jts, and the town is celebrated for its ale. The church, drdicated to St. Edburgh, is a spacious edifice: the living is a vicarage, value 231!. per annum, in the patronage of Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart. A priory was founded here in 1182, by Gilbert Basset, for a prior and eleven canons of the order of St. Augustine, and was dedicated to St. Edburgh, supposed to have been a holy virgin of Aylesbury, who, together with her sister Editha, having taken the veil, were reputed saints. Near the town is St. Edburgh's well. The mansion at King's End, the seat of , was originally erected in 1682, but has been partly rebuilt within the last thirty years; considerable pleasure grounds are attached, and it was anciently the manor of Nun's Place. Bicester gives its name to the union in which it is situated. A bout three miles and a half ""est of Bicester i8 Middleton Park, the seat of the Earl of Jersey. The manor house was repaired and en· larged by William, the third Earl of J ersPy, and had
BTCESTER. OXON .. ~=========================-============================ not been long completed when it was accidentally destroyed by fire in 1753. The modern mansion originally consisted of a centre and two wings, but has been considerably enlarged by the present noble owner: on the entrance front is an Ionic portico. The pleasure grounds, together with the gardens and consen-atory, which is connected with the house by a corridor, were disposed under the superintendence of the present Countess; from who~e designs, many of the cottages in the village of M iddleton Stoney have been built. Near the east end of the church, which stands within the bounds of the park, are traces of an ancient castle that belonged to the Camvile family. AMBrtOSDEN, or AMERSDEN, on the borders of Buckinghamshire, 2~ miles S. from Bicestcr, contained, in 1831, 914 inhabitants ; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 772l. The church, dedicated to St Mary, was erected about the reign of Edward I.; the li\'ing is a vicarage, value 228l. per annum, in the patronage of Sir G. P. Turner, Bart. This parish includes the chapelries of Arncott and Black thorn, and is in Bicester Union. LA UN TON, 1 ~ miles E. fro111 Bicester, contains 5 iO inhabitants, according to the census of 1831 ; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 amounted to 5294l. The church is dedicated to St Mary, and the living, a rectory, value 618l. per annum, is in the patronage of the Bishop of London. The parish of Launton is in Bicester Union. Name, :Residence, &. Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, in page 54. Aplin John, Market end •.•...•.•••••.....•.. Attorney Baker Samuel, ditto .•.....•........... Woollen Draper Barrett Robert, Sheep st .. ........ Hat Manufacturer Barrett Wm. ditto .... Sack & Rope Maker & Hatter Bartlett John, ditto ............... Tea & Coffee Dealer Bathe J. ditto •.. Grocer, Tea Dlr & Tallow Chandler .Baughan Wm. Kings end ............... Wheelwright Bedford Thomas, ~heep st ..••.. ..••....... White Hart Ben nett \V m. ditto ...•.•.....................•.•... Baker Berrey E1nanuel, ditto ...................... Blacksmith Black well Charles, Market end ...••••..•.....•.... . Dog Blackwell Wm. ditto ••...........•..............•. Baker Blunt John. ditto .................................. Baker . Boffin Elizabeth, ditto ....•..............•......... Swan Bonham Mary, Sheep st ..•.......•.............. Plough Banner Wm. ditto ........ Bell, N urserv Seedsman & . Tim her Dealer Bowerman J. ditto .... Plasterer, Slater & Paper Hngr Bowerrnan S. Market end ...... Straw Bonnet Maker Bowerman Thomas, ditto ......•........•.•... Six Bells Bowerman Williarn, ditto ..................... Plasterer Bradbury Wm. Sheep st ..................•........ Baker .Brittin Harriet, ldarket end ... Grocer & Cheesemngr, British Wine & British & Foreign Spirit Merchnt Butler Sarah, Market end .•.•........•.......• Milliner Camozzi Charles, ditto ....... Jeweller & Ironmonger Cap ell Eleanor, ditto .•.•..............•.... .... Red Lion Capell J uhn, ditto ................................. Cooper Carthew William, ditto ...............•..•.......• Cutler Castle Rich. ditto .......... \\>'hitesmith & Bellhanger Cans by George, Sheep st ..........•........... Bear Inn Claridge ~amuel, "1Uarket end .................. Draper C!aridge Samuel, ditto ...................... Tea Dealer Clements Joseph, Kings rmd ... Auctioneer, Builder, Timber Merchant & Land Agent Coleman Ann, Sheep st .. .......•.....•........... Grocer Colgrove Elizabeth, ditto...................... Butcher Davis Wm . .ftfarket end ................•..•.... Surgeon Dawson Thomas, ditto .............. , .•.•••..•. Surgeon Deakins Ed . .ftfarket end, Kings Arms, Commercial Inn & Posting House East A braham, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker East Henry, Sheep st .•••.•••••. ....••.••....•.• Butcher Easton Elizabeth, :Market end .... ..... Ladies School Edmonds Fanny, Sheep st •..... ....•....•••••.• Carrier Egerton John, Kings end ....•.......•.•..•••.... Ruilder Egerton Thomas, Market end ... Carpenter & Turner Foster George, Sheep st ........................ Butcher Foster John, Market end •••....•..•.......•.. Butcher Foster Samuel, ditto ......... Auctioneer & Appraiser Foster Samuel, ditto ...•..•.. Grocer & Cheesemonger Frowd Henry, ditto . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Cross Keys George John, ditto ...•.••.. Woollen & Linen Draper Gibbs John, ditto .•. Linen & Woollen Draper, & Hat & Shoe Warehouse Gibbs Thos. Edden, Sheep st . .. Agent to the Norwich Union Fire ~ Life Office, Stamp Office, Ironmonger & Maltster Gob le Jas. Market end •.. Seedsman & Greengrocer God win Thomas, ditto ...........••..... Corn Chandler Green wood George, ditto •.................••.•.. Tailor Grimsley Wm. Sheep st •..............•....••.. Builder Gurden J ames, ditto .•• Agent to the Protector Life Office, Auctioneer & Land Surveyor Harper Edward, Market end ... Grocer & Druggist Harris S. Sheep st .......... Milliner & Dress Maker Harris Thomas, ditto .•..........•... .. Wheatsheaf Inn Harrison Wm. ditto ..•••••.....•........•..•.. Seedsman Hazell Wm. Market end ...•....•...•.•...••.•.. Cooper Hicks Elizabeth, ditto ...........••.......... .•.. Milliner Hitchman John, Sheep st ... Wine & Spirit Merchant Hitchman Wm. ditto ..••.• Linen & Woollen Drapd Hodges John, Kings end •.••.•...•......•.••••.•••. Fox Hollis Wm. M ark et end ••.••....••••..•••••.•••••• Tailor Hone George, ditto ......................•. Hairdresser Horwood Wm. Sheep st •....• Gardener & Seedsman House John, Jl-farket end ...•.•.••...•..... Hairdresser Humphries Wm. ditto .•.•.••........••.•.•... Black Boy Hunt George, ditto ............ Gardener & Seedsman J ackson Robert, ditto .........•..............•.. Butcher J ennings Thomas, ditto ......... Surveyor (Buildings) Jones Edw. Woodman, Sl1eep st •.• Clerk to Magistrates, Clerk to Poor Law Union, Registrar of Marriages & Solicitor J ones J a ne, JYiarket end ••• Saddler & Harness Maker J ones Wm. Sheep st .............................. Baker J uffcoat Wm. M ark et end ........................ Smith King HEnry, Sheep st •.....•....••.•••..•• Crown Inn Kirby John, ditto •.....••.................•..••• Maltster Lamb James, Market end •.. Watchmaker, & Glass & China Ware house Layton George, ditto .•.•..•.••........•.•... Upholsterer Line Martha, ditto ..........•..........•.. Kings Head Lit ten J ames, ditto ...... Painter, Glazier & Statuary Maley Richard, Sheep st ... Agent to the Sun Fire & Life Office, &. Solicitor Mr.rtin John, Market end ....•••.....•.. Eating House Maynard Wm. Sheep st ... Rope Twine Manufacturer Miller Robert, !lfarlcet end ......••....••. The Gcorge ~ills F. B. Sheep st ........................... Solicitor Mills 'V m. !If ark et end ....•.•.. Chemist & Druggist M orris Elizabeth, Sheep st ••.•..•...•...•..•..•.•. Ea kPr N ea le W. lVI arl•et end .. . Agent to Phrenix Fire Office Neale Wm. ditto .........•.............. Tailor & Glonr Noxon Wm. ditto •.......••..••.•.••.• Tailor & Draper Oddy J ames, Sheep st ••.•. .••.•.••....•••.•.••.•••. Tailor Oldham George Robert, Kings end •.. SchoolmastPr Osmond Wm. Sheep st •..•..•.•••••.••..•.•• ••••• -currier Parker Re,·. Edward, Market end ............... Vicar Parker John Honor, Sheep st ••.••.••• Waggon Office Pate5 J oseph, !If ark et end ............•..•.••..... Baker Peake John, ditto •••..•••• Woollen & Linen Draper 53
OXON. BTCESTRR~ Phillips Thomas, Market pl •.. Grocer & Tea Dealt>r Ph ill ips Wm. She Pp st ........................... Brewer Pick m John, Kings end ..................... Shopheper Price M. ditto ........................................ Tailor Prior Edward, Sheep st ..................... Shopkeeper Renn Samuel, Kings end ..................... ~ealman Re)'nolds J. Sheep st ... Registrar of Births & Deaths Rolls Samuel, _A;farket end ............... Ironmonger Scrytt John, Sheep st ........................... Butcher Scrivener Arthur, Market eni ...... Milliner & Straw Bonnet Maker Scrivener R. Sheep st ... Saddler & Harness Maker Seals Henry, ditto ........................... Angel Inn Shaw T. Market end ...... Sandler & Harness Maker Shepatd T. ditto ... Farrier & Licensed to Let Horses Shepard Thomas, ditto ..................... Nags Head Shepherd J oseph, Slzeep st ...... Veterinary Surgeon Shirlev John, !vlarket end ......... Butcher & Farmer • Short J oseph, Sheep st ............ Boot & Shoe Maker Sirett J. ditto ... Straw & Tuscan Hat Manufacturer Sirett Richard B. ~farket end ... Chemist & Druggist Sirett Wm. ditto ........................ Smith & Farrier Skinner James, Sheep st ............ Umbrella Maker Slatter Wm. ditto ........................ Coach Maker Smith James, Market md ...... Circulating Library Smith James, ditto . ..... Printer, Bookseller, Binder, & Stationer Soundy Joshna, Sheep it ............ Grocer & Hosier Sparshatt Frederick, ditto ......................... Hatter Stratton Geo. Robert, ditto ......... Tanner & Currier Taylor J. Market end ... Draper & Shoe Warehouse Tebby George, Sheep st.~.~ .. Grocer & Bacon Factor Thomas Ann, Market end............... Ironmonger Thomas Rebecca P. ditto ............ Shoe Warehouse Thorn Samuel, Sheep st ............... General Dealer Tibbette Satah~ .LJ,farket end ...... Straw Hat Maker, Tomlinson J. Sheep st.. ....... Watch & Clock Maker Truby Thomas, ditto ... 4 ..... Dealer in Marine Stores Tubb Wootten & Co . .LJ,farlcet end ... Agents to County Fire & Provident Life Offices, & Bankers Tubb Thomas, ditto ..•..• Grocer & 8pirit Merchant Turner Hev. Sir G. P. ditto ..................... Rector W aite Elizabeth, ditto........................... Baker Wakelin Geo. Sheep st ... Plumber, Painter & Glazier Wakelin Geo. Fred. Market end ... Tinman, Brazier, & House, Sign, Ornamental & Furniture Painter , WalfordJ._T. ditto ... Postmaster, Rope & Sack Mnfr, Stationer & News Agent Ward John, Sheep st ......... Basket & Sieve Maker Wells John, M ark et end ... Grocer & Cheesemonger Whale W. & J. Sheep sL.Machine Mkrs & Whlwrts \\'hale James, ditto ........................ \Vheelwright White John, Market end. •. Agent to the Atlas Fire & Life Office; Attorney; Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Irish Courts; Steward of Manor of Croton Wllliams George, ditto.: .......... Boot & Shoemaker Williams John, Kings end ..................... Maltster Williams W. Market end ...... Tinrnan & Brazier, & Plumber & Glazier Willoughby Daniel, ditto ............... Rose & Crown Woodward George, ditto ........................ Surgeon W armington Robert, Sheep st ............ White Lion Y ates George, Market end...... Boot & Shoemaker Classification o:f Trades. Auctioneers q Appraisers.-Clements J. Kings end Foster Samuel, Market end Gurden .J ames, Sheep st • Bacon Factor.-Tebby George, Sheep st Bakers. Bennett William, Sheep st Blarkwell William, Market end Blunt J uhn, Market end 54 B1 cEsTER CLAss! Fit: A TioN, continued, Bakers.--Bradbury William, ~beep st Jones William, Sheep st Morris Elizabeth, Sheep st Pates J oseph, Market end Waite Elizabeth, Market end Baskpt Maker. Ward John, ShePp st Bookbinder.- Smith J ames, M ark et end Bookseller~ Stationer. Smith J ames, Market end Boot ~ Shoe111akers. East Abraham, Market end Gibbs J olm, Market end Short J oseph, Sheep st Taylor Jonathan, Market end Thomas Rebecca P. Market end Williams Geurge, Market end Yates Georg-r, Market end Brrnver.-Ph ill ip!t W illiam, Sherp st Br'itish Wine Dealer.- Brittin Harriet, Market end Builders. Clements J o~eph, Kings end Egerton John, Kings end Grimsby William, Sheep st Butchers.- Col grove Elizabeth, Sheep st East Henry, Sheep st Foster George, Sheep st Foster John, M ark et end J ackson Robert, Market end Scott John, Sheep st Shirlev J olm, Market end • Carpenter.-~Egerton Thomas, Market end Chemists ~ Druggists.-M ills Wm. Market end Sirett Richard B. Market end Coach ilfalcer.--Siatter Wm. Sheep st Coopers.--Capr.Il John, M ark et end Hazell William, M ark et end Corn Chand/er.---Godwin Thos. Market end Curriers. Osmond William, Sheep st Stratton Geo. Robt. M ark et end Cutlers.-Carthew William, Market end Eating House.-·-Martin John, Market end Farriers.--~Sbepard Thomas, Market end Sirett William, Market end Gardeners ~ Seedsmen.--Horwood W. Sheep Bt Hunt Geo;·ge, Market end Glass ~ China Warehouse--Lamb J. Market end Glol!er.--Neale William, Market end Greengrocn·.-Goble J ames, Market end Grocers cS- Cheesemongers.--~Britten H. Market end Foster Samuel, Market end Grocers cS- Tea Dealers.-Bartlett J. Market end Br.the John, Market end Clarirlge Samuel, Market end Coleman Ann, ShPep st . Harper Edward, Market end Phillips Thomas, Market pl Soundy .T oshua1 Sheep st Tebhy George, Sheep st Tubb Thoma~, Market end Wells John, Market end Hair Dressers --Hone George, Market end Hawse John, Market end flatters.-Barrett Robert, Sheep st Barrett William, Market end Gibbll John, Market end Sparshatt Fred. Sheep st Ilosier.-Soundy Joshua, She£>p st Inns, llotels, cS" Public Houses :-· Angel Inn, Seals Henry, Sheep st Bear Inn, Causby George, Sheep st Bell, Bonner William, Sheep st Black Boy, Humplnies Wm. Market end Cross Keys, Frowd Henry, Market end Crown lnn1 Ki11g Henry, Sheep st Dog, Blackwell Charles, Market end
BICES'TER. OXON. BICi:STER CL!\.SSIFICATION, continued. inns, Hotels, g. Public Houses :-'rT" Fox, II odges John, Kings end George, Miller Robert, Market end Kings Arms Commercial ~ Posti11g Inn, Deakins Edward, Market end Ki11gs Head, Line Martha, Market end Nags Head, Shepard Thos. Market end Plough, Bonbam Mary, Sheep st Red Lion, Casscll Eleanor, Market end Rme ~ Crown, 'Villoughby D. Market end Six Bells, Bowerman Thos. Market end Swan, Boffin Elizabeth, Market end Wheatsheaf Inn, Harris Thos. Sheep st White Hart, Bedford Thos. Sheep ~t White Lion, W ormington Robt. Sheep st lronmongers.--Camozzi Chas. Market end Gibbs. Thos. Edden, Sheep st Halls Samuel, Market end Thomas Ann, Market end Jeweller.-Camozzi Charles, Market end Land Agent.--Clements J oseph, Kings end Land Surveyor.---Gurden J ames, Sheep st Library.--Smith J ames, Market end Licensed to Let .Horses.--Shepard T. Market end Linen Drapers.--Claridge Sam, Market end George John, Market end Gibbs John, Market end Harper Edward, Market end Hitchman Williarn, Sheep st Peake John, Mqrket end Taylor J anathan, Market end Machiue Makers.---Whale Wm. & Jas. Sheep st Maltsters.---Gibbs '.fhos. Edden1 Sheep st K irby John, Sheep s~ Wil)i~ms John, Kings end Marine Store Dealer.--Truby Thos. Sheep st . .tlfealman.---Renn Samuel, Kings end Milliuers ~ Dress Makers.--Butler S. Market end Harris S. Sheep st Hicks Elizabeth, l\1 ark et end Scrivener Arthur, Market end News .Agent.---Walford John T. Market end Nurservtt Seedsman.---Bonner Wm. Sheep st Paper Hanger.---Bowerman John, Sheep st Plasterers.--Bower man John, Sheep st Bowerman Wm. Market end Plumbers, Painters <S- Glaziers :-• Litten James, Market end W akelin George, Sheep st W akelin Geo. Fred. M ark et end Williams William, Market end Printer.-Smith J ames. Market end /lope 9· Twine J',fanufacturers :- Barrett William, Market t'nd Maynard William, Sheep st. Walford John T. Market end Sack Makers.-Walford John T. Market end Saddlers ~ Harness lrfakers. Jones Jane, Market ScriHner Reuben, Sheep st [end Shaw Thomas, Market end School Gents. Oldham G. R. Kings end School Ladies.-Easton Elizabeth, Market end Seedsmen. Gable J ames, Market end Harrison William, Sheep st Horwood William, Sheep st Shopkeepers. ,Pie kin John, Kings end Prior Ed ward, Sheep st Thorn Samuel, Sheep st Sieve /f1aker.- Ward John, Sheep st SLater. Bowerman John, Sheep st Smiths, ~c. Castle Richard, Market end Jutfcoat William, l\farket encl BrcESTER CLASSIFICATioN, coutinued. Smiths, 4"c.--Sirett William, Market end Berry Emanuel, Kings end SolicitQrs, Aplin John, Market eml Jones Edward Woodman, Sheep st 1\fa!ey Richard, Sheep st Mills F. B. Sheep st White John, Market en!! Spirit Merchants.-'J'ubu Thomas, Market end Brittin Harriet, Market end Stationer. Walford John T. Market end Statuary. Litten J ames, Market end Straw Bonnrt Makers.-Bowerman S. Market end Scrivener Arthur, Market end Sirett John, Sheep st Tibbetts Sarah, Market end Surgeons. Davis William, Market end Dawson Thomas, 1\T arket end Wood ward George, Market end Surveyor. Jennings Thomas, Market end Tailors. ·Greenwood George, Market end Hollis William, Market end Neale William, Market end N axon William, Market end Oddy James, Sheep st Price M. Kings end Tallow Chandler. Bathe Jolm, Market end Tanner. Stratton George Robert, Market end I Timber Dealer. Banner William, Sheep st Timber !I'Ierchant. Clements J oseph, Kin~;s end Tinrnen ~ Braziers.-W akelin G .. F. Market end Williams William, Market end Turner.-Egcrton Thomas, Market end. Umbrella lHaker. Skinner J ames, sheep st Vplwlsterer.-Layton George, Market end reterinary Surgeon.-Shepherd J oseph, Sheep st.. Watch 111akers. Lamb James, Market end Tomlinson John, Sheep st Wheelwrights. Baughan William, Kings end • Whale Wm. & .T as. Sheep st Whale J ames, Sheep st Wine~ Spirit Merchants.-Hitchman J. Sheep st Woollen Drapers. Baker Samuel, Market end George John, Market end Gibbs John, Market end Hitchman William, Sheep st Peake John, Market end Post Office. Walford John 1 MMket end ............... Post Master Le~ters from London arrive at 7 morn.; dispatched ! p. 9 aft. Letters from Oxford and the West arrive at 8 morn ; dispatched 6 aft.- Letters from the North arrive at 8 mom. ; dispdtched 6 aft. Posting House. Kings' Arms. Market end ............ Deakins Edward Bankers. Bicester Bank, Llfarket end ... Tubb, Wootten, & Co. Draw on l\1 astermtl.n & Co. London. Excise Office, Kings-Arms. Suuperviser .............................. Barker George Collector .................................... Stnith James Officers ............ Cherrington J ames & Floyd Paul Stamp Office. Gibhs Thos. Edden, Sheep s~. Fire & :Life Assurance Agents. Atlas Fire & Life Office, .Aiarlcet end '\\ 7 hite J ol1n., ...... .....•..................•...... Agent County Fire & Provident Life Office~ ~Market end Tu bb, W ootten, & Co ........... .•..••.• , , . .. Agents 55
OXON. BURFORD. Norwich Union Fire & Lite Office, Sheep st Gibbs Thomas Edden ........................... Agent Phrenix Fire Office, ...lfarket end N eale \\7 m ........................................ AfJ'ent 0 Protector Life Office, Sheep st Gurden Jas ............................. : ......... Agent Sun Fire & Life Office, Sheep st Maley Richd .. .................................. Agent Law &. Public Officers. Jones Edwd. W. Sheep st ...•.. Clerk to Magistrates Jones E. W. ditto •.••.••.. Clerk to Poor Law Union White John, Market end ... Commissioner for taking affidavits in Irish Courts White John, ditto...... Steward of Manor of Croton Public Schools. • Blue Coat School for Boys, Market end W ilso11 Thos .. .................................. Master National School for Girls, Market end Sparshatt Eliza.. .. . ..... ... .•. .••. .•.•.• •••• Mistress Coaches to Leamington, Sovereign, from Kings Arms, ! p. 3 aft. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns l p. 12 noon. London, Sovereign, from Kings- Arms, i p. 12 noon, daily, (Sun. exc.); returns ~ p. 3 aft. Northampton, Rising Snn, from Kings Arms, ! p. 9 morn. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns~ p. 6 cvn. Oxford, Ri:>ing Sun, from Kings Arms, } p. 6 evn. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns! p. 9 morn. W oodstock, Accommodation, from Red Lion, every Fri. Carriers to Abingdon, Middletons, from Bull, Fri. Aylesbury, ParkersVan, from Office, Sheep st,Wed. & Sat. ; returns Sun. & Thurs. Aylesbury, Shrowesberrys, from Sheep st, Sat. Ban bury, Edmunds, from ditto, M on. & Thurs. Banbury, Shrowesberrys, from ditto, Mon. & Thur~. Banbury, Mansfields, from White Hart, Fri. & Banbury, Butlers, from Bell, Fri. [Tues. Banbury, Parkers Van, from Office, Sheep st, Mon. Brackley, Towcester, & Northampton, Taylors, from · Crown, Sat. ; returns Fri. Buckingham, Horwoods, from Sheep st, Sat. Buckingham, Luck & Roberts, from Red Lion, Wed.; returns Tues. Chipping N orton, Black wells, from ditto, Fri. Deddington, Parkers V an, from Office, Sheep st, Tues. London, Frauklins V an, from Bear, Tues.; returns Sat. London, Parkers V an, from 0./fice, Sheep st, Wed. & Sat.; returns Sun. & Thurs. Northampton, Tov.cester, Leicester, & Harborough, Luck & Roberts, from Red Lion, Wed.; returns, Tues. Oxford, Edmunds, from Sheep st, Wed. & Sat. Oxford, V an, from Gables, M ar·ket end, Wed. & Sat. Oxford, Luck &. Roberts, from Red Lion, Tues.; returns Wed. Oxford, Taylor~, from Crown, Fri.; returns Sat. W ood~tock, W oLurns, from White Hart, Tues. & Fri. Al\lBROSDEN. A bbott J ol1n................................. ........ Smith Eldridge John ............... Hake Maker&. Carpenter Griffin Thomas .. ··Cl···............................ Baker King William ................ .................... Maltster Long 1\fary........ ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . Turners Arms Shonler John .............................. Beer Retailer Whale Thomas.................................... Baker 56 LA UN TON. Ancil William .............................. Beer Retailer Chick William. ...................... .... Beer Retailer roles Elizabeth .............................. Shopkeeper Fennimorc Richard........................ Shopkeeper Freeman Samuel. .......................... Beer Retailer Peacock Sarah.. .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . ... .. .. Maltster Smith J ames .. ........................................ Bull Smith Williarn.............................. Blacksmith BURFOB.D, A market town at the western extremity of the county, on the borders of Glou-cestershire, 18 miles W. by N. from the city of Oxford, 72 miles from London, by the road through High Wycomb, and 7G through Henley on Thames; contained 1866 inhabitants in 1831; the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 2007l. The town is situated on an ascent, on the banks of the river Windrush, and had a charter from King Henry II., grantingit all the privileges of tbe city of Oxford. Although it has lost most of them, it still retains the appearance of a corporation, being governed by two bailiffs and other officers. The manufactures here consist chiefly of duffels, rugs, and saddlery; and much business is done at the large corn mark et on Saturday, and at ·the fairs held on the last Saturday in April, July 5th, and September 25th, for horses, cattle, sheep, cheese, and toys. The church, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, is a large and handsome edifice, erected at different periods; it is cruciform in plan, with a Norman tower in the cen· tre, from which rises a lofty spire. The porch on the south side of the church is in the pointed style of architecture; it is highly decorated and enriched with statues, in canopied niches, the whole beiug surmounted by crocketted pinnacles. In the church is a very fine monument, erected to the memory of Sir Lawrence Tanfield, Lord Chief Baron of the Exche• quer, who died 30th April, 1625, and of Dame Eliza~ beth his wife; over the figures, which are represf.'nt~ ed in a recumbent attitude, is a canopy supported by marble pillars. Here are also several ancient tombs without insctiptions; a monument to Edmund Harm an, Esq., 1569; many for the family of Bartholomew; and various others. The font is enriched with a sculptured representation of the crucifixion, &c. The li vir.g is a vicarage, with the curacy of Fnlbrook, value 294!. per annum, in the patronage of the Bishop of Oxford. The free grammar school was founded in 1571, by Simon Wisdsome. Here are three almshouses, and various minor charitable bequests. Burford Priory, long in the possession of the Lenthall family, has been purchased by C. Greenaway, Esq., of Barrington Grove, in Gloucestershire, an adjoining estate : the collection of historical pictures, which was formerly here, has been 1·emoved. The greater part of the mansion was built by the Speaker Lenthall. A festival is annually celebrated on Miusummer eve by the inhabitants of Burford, in which they bear about the figure of a dragon, an ancient custom, said to have commenced' in honour of a battle fought at Battle Edge in the year 752, when Cuthred, King of the West Saxons, defeated Ethelbald, King of the Mercians, and threw off his yoke. The banner of the last bore a golden dragon for a device. The privilege of hunting in the forest of Which wood, has for a long time past been commuted for an annual largesse of venison, which is demanded in August, and with which a feast is made for the inhabitants in the town hall. Dr. Peter Heylin, a writer of some distinction
BURFORD. OXON. ========================±====-============================= in the reign of Charles J., was a native of this town. The parish of Burford, containing the hamlets of Up ton & Signet, is in Witney Union. About a mile south-west from Burford, are St. Christopher's or Kitt's quarries, producing fine stone for building. Whichwood forest is between Burford and Charlbury, and comprises 6720 acres, subject to a right of common for horses and sheep: it includes thirty-four coppices, of which eighteen are the property of the Crown, twelve belong to the Duke of Marlborough, and four to other proprietors. Lord Churchill, the present ranger of the forest, resides at the lodge in Whichwood Park. It was in this forest that King Edward IV. while hunting, chanced to meet with Elizabeth, the widow of Sir John Grey, and was so Capti\'ated with her beauty, that be broke cff an intendPd match with the daughter of the Duke of Savoy, IUld made her his queen on the 1st of May, 1464. Harrison Jolm, High st .................. Hair Dresser Hart Wm. Widford tnill •••••.••.•.•••...• Paper Maker Haynes J ames, High st ....•.•..•...•.•••..••..... Baker Holland Henry, Jun. ditto............... Gun Maker Holland Henry, Sen. ditto............... Ironmonger Hunt J ohn ... Bird in Hand Commercial Inn and Posting House Hunt John, High st ...... Printer & Spirit Merchant HuntlyThos. Witneyst ........................... Miller lvens J os h. High st.... .... .. . .. .. Draper & Drug gist J ones John, ditto........................... Black Bear J ones John, ditto ........................... Builder, &c. Kitchner \tVm. ditto .... J •••••••••••••••• ,. ••••••••••• Swan Lay l\1 rs. ditto .................................... Saddler Leech Mary, Widford mill ........................ Miller M auder Wm. High st ............... Grocer & Draper Maun Robert, d1tto .............................. Saddler Maun Robert, ditto ..................... Three Pigeons Mathews Ren. ditto ... Grocer and Tallow Chandler, :Name, ltesidence, &. Profession. and Postmaster S C ifT r.g Mathews Josh. ditto ............... Plumber & Glazier ee also LASSIFICATION o RADEs, page tJ • T · D Mathews . G. d1tto.............................. raper Akerman , High st ................ ~ .......... Butcher Miller Robt. ditto .............................. Academy Aldridge James, Witney st .................. Carpenter Minchin Thos. ditto .............................. Butchcr Alien James, High st ......... Grocer & Tea Dealer Newman J. ditto ........................... Glass Dealer An sell John Jordan, ditto ..................... Solicitor N unney Charlotte, Witney st ............ W bite Hart Ansell T. Witney st .............................. Currier O'Reillys Thos. High st .................. Chemist, &c. Banbury John, High st ... Eight Bells & Parish Clerk Pearn John B. Sheep st ........................... Baker Barnes Henry, ditto ........................ Black~mith Pitt Robert Henry, Witney st............... Surgeon Baxter , ditto ............................ Basket Maker Preater Wm. Iligh st ......... Plumber and Glazier Bay lis , Shee71 st ........................ Basket Maker Preston Thos. Hi9h st...................... ..... Tailor Baylis Susan, Higlt st .................. General Dealer Price J. S. Sheep st .............................. Bank Beal Charle8, ditto ..................... Rose & Crown Rea Wm. Upper rd .................. Birds Nest Inn Beckley George, ditto ...... Glover & Gaiter Maker Richards John, High st ••• Ironmonger, Brazier, and Bcckley Wm. ditto .. .. .•. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. . Shopkeeper Coal Dealer Bevill Miss, ditto .............................. Serninary 1 Robins ditto ...................................... 1'ailor Bowl John, ditto ............... Licensed Horse Dealer i Rogers John, Tulbrook .................. Beer Retailer Bowl Thomas, ditto .............................. Grocer Rose Stephen, High st...................... Millwright Bridges Samuel, ditto ........................... Carder House Thomas, ditto .............................. Pfough Brown Elizabeth, ditto ......... Straw Bonnet Maker Ryman Richard, Priory la ... Coal & Lath Merchan~ Bullock George, ditto ............... Attorney at Law Sharpe Thos. High st .............................. Tailor Bus well Thomas, ditto ..................... Corn Factor Shepherd Wm. ditto .............................. Baker Cheatle Thus. ditto ... Surgeon & Registrar of Birth3 Smith John, ditto .................. Plumber & Glazier & Deaths Smith William, ditto..................... Kings Head Chesterman Wm. Sheep st .................. Engraver Smith Wm. S. Sheep st .................. Golden Fleece Clarke Thomas, High st ......... ~ ................. Tailor Somerville John, High st ......... Shoemaker & Bell Collier Ann, ditto ............... Bookseller & Stationer Strafford J. ditto .............................. Shoemaker Cook J. ditto ..................... Boot & Shoe Maker Strafford John, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Cooper Rev. ditto .............................. Vicar Streat Thomas, Sheep st... Auctioneer & Appraiser Cox Wm. ditto ......... Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer Sylvester John, High .vt ........................... Grocer Davis W. H. ditto ..................... Grocer & Baker Tanner E. T. ditto ... Linen & Woollen Draper, Silk Dawes , Sheep st .............................. Carrier Mercer, &c. Deene John, High st •............................. Tailor Taylor John, ditto .............................. M er m<~. id Dinnett Henry, ditto ...... Agent to the Lithe Corn- Taylor John, ditto .................. Tinman & Brazier missioners for England & Wales Taylor M. ditto ....... ,.... Straw Hat Manufacturer Dosset Richard, Witney st .................. €arpenter Taylor Samuel, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Dossett Thomas, ditto ..................... Royal Oak Tuckwell H. Signett ..................... Land Surveyor Dunphy John, H.igh st ... Bull Commercial Inn & TE:_;wood J. High st ......... Straw Hat & Umbrella Posting Hose Manufacturer Durham Robert, ditto .............................. Baker Wall J ames, ditto ............................. Rope Maker East Mrs. Church green ... Mistress of Girls N a- Warmington, ditto .............................. Butcher tional School W ilttS Charles, ditto ............ Clock & Watchmaker Faulkner D. High st . .. .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. ...... .. Grocer W estrope W. 0. ditto ........................... Draper Ford Wm. ditto ......... Kings Arms Commercial Inn Wheeler John, Sheep st ........................... Baker Forest John, ditto ................................. Tailor Whiter Arthur, Witney st ..................... Maltster Franklin T. ditto .................. Boot & Shoemaker Whiter l\Iary, Sheep st..................... Lamb Inn Garn Sam Sheep st ........................... Greyhound Wickins William, High st.-............ Wheat Sheaf Green Wm. High st ............ Carpenter & Publican Wiggins J ames, ditto ........................ Shoemaker Gregory Lewis, ur Bwford ............ The Roe buck Wiggins J oseph, Witney st ........................ Baker Grimes John, Hzgh st .................. Red Lion Inn Wiggins Richard, High st .................. Shoemaker Hall John, ditto .............................. Blacksmith Wiggins William, Witney st ......... Leatber Dresser Harris John, ditto........................ Watchmaker Willis John, Westall hill .................. Nurseryman Oxfordshire.] I 57
OXON. BUR FORD. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer q Appraiser.--Streat Thos. Sheep st Bakers.-Davis W. H. High st Durham Robert, High st Haynes James, High st Peam John B. Sheep st Shepperd William, High st Wheel er John, Sheep st Wiggins Joseph, Witney st Basket Jl.fakers.-Baxter --, High st Baylis -, Sheep st Beer RPtailer.-Rogers John, Tnlbrook Blacksmiths.-Barnes Henry, High st Hall John, High st Bonl:seller et Stationer. Collier Ann, High st Boot et Shoemaker.--Cook J. High st Franklin T. High !'!t Somerville John, High st Stratford J. High st Taylor Samuel, High st Wiggins James, High st Wiggins Richard, High st Bra:tier.--Richards John, High st Builder.-Jones John, High st Butchers.-Akerman Will!am, High st M in chin ·Thoma~, High st W armington -, High st Cabinet Jo.faker. Cox William, High st Carpenters. Aldridge J ames, Witney st Do~sett Richard, Witney st Green William, High st Carrit>rs.-Bridges Samuel, High st Chemist.-O'Reillys Thomas, High st Coal Dealer.-Richards John, High st Coal frferchant.-Ryman Richard, Priory b Corn Factor.-Buswell Thomas, High st Cllrriers.-Ansell T. Witney st Drapers. hens J oseph, High st Mathev;s T. G. High st Mauder William, High st Westrope W. G. High st DNLggist. Tvens J oseph, High st Engineer. Chesterman William, Sheep st "Genet-ul Dealer. Baylis Susan, High st GlastJ Dealer,-Newman J. High st Glover ~ Gaiter Jl.faker. Beckley Geo. High st Grocers. Bowl Thomas, High st Davis W. H. High st Faulkner David, High Bt Mauder William, High st Sylvester John, High st Grocer ~ Ta!loUJ Chandle1' Mathews B. High st Grocer~ Tea Deale'r. Alien James, High st Gun Maker.- Holland Henry, jun. High st /lair Dresser. Harrison .John, High st Harse Dealer.~Bowl John, High st Inns, Hotels, ~Public Hou.~es :~ The Bell, Somerville John, High st Bird in !land Commercial Inn, Hunt John Birds Nest Inn, Rea Wm. Upper rd Black Bear, Jones John, High st . Bull Commercialln.n, Dunphy J. High st Eight Bells, Ban bury John, High st Golden F(eece, Smith Wm. S. Sheep st Greyhound, Garn Samnel, Sheep st ' Kings A'l'msCommercial Inn, .Ford W.Highst Kings Head, Smith William, High st 58 Lamb- inn, Wbit.er Mary, Sheep st Mer11Ulid, Tayl<>r John, High st Ne11J ;nn, Holland H. junior, High st Plough, Rouse Thomas, High st Red Lion inn, Grimes John, High st BuRFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued, Inns, Hotels ~Public Houses:- Roebuck, Gregory Lewis Ros~ ~ Crown, Beal Charle~, High st Royal Oalc, Dossett Thomas, Witney st Swan, Kitchner Williarn, High st Three Pigeons, Maun Rubert, High st Wheat Sheaf, Wickins William, High st White Hart, N unney Charlotte, Witney st ImnmongP.rs. Holland Henry, sen. High st Richards John, High st Land Surveyor. Tuck well H nmphrey, Signett Leather Dresser. Wig-gins Wm. Witney st Linen Draper <S" Silk Mercer.-Tanner E. T. High st Maltster·.-Whiter Arthur, Witney st .ftfillers. Huntlt•y Thomas, Witney st Leech M arv, Widford mill • Millwright.-Rose Stephen, High st Nurseryman. Willis John, W esthall hill Paper Maker. Hart Wm. Widford mill Plumbers, Glaziers, ~-c. Mathews J oserh, High st Preater Wm. High st Smith John, High st Printer. Hunt .John, High st Rope Maker. Wall J a me~, High st Saddlers. Lay Mrs. High st Maun Robert, High st Salt .. Merchant.-Ryman Richard, Priory la. Sclwol for Gentlemen.-1\1 iller Robert, High st School for Ladies.-Bevill Mi~, High st Shopkeeper. Beckley Wm. High st Solicitors.---Ansell John JOt"dan, High st Bullock George, High st Spirit Merclwnt.---Hunt John, High st Straw Bmmet Jo.fanufacturers.---Brown Eliz. High ~t Taylor M. High st Tugwood J ames, High st Surgeous.--Cheatle Thomas, High st Pitt Robert Henry, Witr.ey st 1'ailors.--Clarke Thomas, High st Deene John, High st Forest John, ll igh st Preston Thomas, High st Robins , High st Sharpe Thomas, High st Tinman <S" Brazier.-Taylor John, High st Umbrella Jo.faker.-Tugwood J ames, High M Watch ~ Clock 21·fakers.---Harris John, High st \V atts Charlrs, High st Woollen Draper.--Tanner Edward Thos. High st --- :Post Office. M a thews Benjamin, Hi,qh st ............... Postma~ter Letters from London arri,·e morn. ! p. 4; dispatched t p. 9 ; one delivery each day. Posting House. Bird-in-Hand Commercial inn ............ John Hunt Bull Commercial inn, High st ......... Dunphy John Bankers. County of Gloucester l3ank.-Draw upon Robarts & Co. London ...... Mr. James Scarlett Price, Agent. Savings Bank. High street ..................... Williarn Ward, Actuary Public Schools. Free Grammar School. ........ J ames Davis, Mastrr Girls National School, Church gr. Mrs. East, Mistress Coaches to Cheltenham, Berkeley Hunt, Bird in Hand, 4 r.M. daily. Cheltenham, Isis, Bird in Hand, 12 noon daily.
CHARLBURY, &c. OXON. Cheltenham, Magnet, Bird in Hand, 4 P.M. daily. Glouce~ter Mail, Bird in Haud, l p. 10 daily. Gloucester, Tantivy, Bird in Hand,-! p. 4 P.M. daily. Hereford, Champion, Bird in Hand, 2 A.M. daily. Hereford, Mazeppa, Bird in Hand, 3 P.M. daily. London, Berkeley Hunt, Bird in Hand, 11 A.M. daily. London, Champion, Bird in Hand, 10 P.M. daily. London, Magnet, Bird in Hand, 11 A.M. daily. London Mail, Bird in Hand, ~ p. 4 A.M. daily. London, Mazeppa, Bird in Hand, 1 P.M. daily. London, Paul Pry, Bird in Hm1d, i- p. 10 A.M. daily. J,ondon, Tantivy, Bird in Hand, ~ p. 10 A.M. daily. Oxford, Isis, Bird in Hand, 7 P.M. daily. Worcester, Paul Pry, Bird in Hand, 4 A.M. daily. Carriers to London & all parts of England; call at the Bird in lland inn daily. London & Gloucester ......... Dawes, from Lamb inn CHAB.LBURY. CHARLRURY, a market town on the hanks of the ri\·er Evenlode, 73 miles from London, through Henley, Oxford and Wood stock, and 7 miles W. by N. from the last, contained 1433 inhabitants in 1831; the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 2452l. The manufacture of gloves, and leather dressing, form the chief employment of the inhabitants. The market is on Friday, and fairs are held on the 1st of January, second Friday in Lent, second Friday after May 12 and October 10, for cattle of all kinds, and cheese. The church is dedicated to St. Mary, and contains various monuments, among which are several of the J enkinson family, from whom the present Earl of Liverpool is descended. Their ancient seat at Walcot has fallen to decay, a part only being tenable by a farmer. The living is a vicarage, with the curacy of Chadlington in this parish, value soot. per annum, in the patronage of St. John's college, Oxford. The grammar school was founned and endowed by Anne Walker of London, in 1675. Fawler, Finstock and Chilson are hamlets of this parish, which is in Chipping Norton union. The town of Charlbury forms a pleasing feature, when combined in the general view of the surrounding scenery of \Vhichwood forest. In the immediate vicinity is Cornbury Park, the seat of Lord Churchill, brother of the duke of Marlborough. The mansion contains an excellent collection of pictures, disposed in the various apartments, among which are several fine portraits. It is sometimes called Whichwood Park. Lord Churchill is ranger of the extensive forest of Wychwood, and it is described under the account of Burford. Name, Residence & Profession. Albright Arthur .................. Chemist & Druggist Albright .J. M .... Grocer, Linen & Woollen Draper Baskett W alter................................. Butcher Baskett William ........................... Linen Draper Baughan Henry........................... Ironmonger Baughan J ames ............ Carpenter & ·wheelwright Benfield John ............ Plumber, Glazier & Painter Bissell Charles.............................. Shopkeeper. Brookes Thomas ........................... Beer Retailer Bull A bel ......••....•.....•....................... Bull Inn Chapman Thomas.................. Timber Merchant Churchill Lord ........................... Corn bury Park • Clary Job ...........................•... I I •• 11 •••••••• Tailor ~ompton Jan1e::~ ....... l .. l................... Carpenter Compton William .................. Carpenter & Joiner Draper William .............................. Blacksmith Draper William .............................. Wbite Hart Ed wards Robert ...... Glove Maker & Beer Retailer Emmerson Pickering ........................ Exciseman Gardner Thomas ........................... Beer Retailer Godfrey John...... Surgeon, & Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages Grace Francis ... Rose & Crown Commercial Inn, & Excise Office Grimmett William .............................. Butcher Hall John ................................. Beer Retailer Hall Thomas.................................. Grey hound Hall William ......•.................•...........•.• Baker Harris Robert.. ................ Grocer & Beer Retailer Harris Mary ................................. Shopkeeper Harris Mary .................. Milliner & Dress Maker Harrison J ohn .............................. Hair DresBer ll arwood J ames .............•...................... 1\Iason Holtham William ........................... Shopkeeper Horniblow George .............................. Surgeon Hounslow John ........••••......••........•.... Chequers J ones William ..................... Carpenter & Joiner Kerby Edward.................. Bell Commercial Inn Kinch Ben ................ Plumber, Glazier & Painter Kin eh John .................................... Royal Oak Knil.Jbs Henry ............ Saddler & Harness Maker . Lardner Elizabeth ............ Milliner & Dress Maker Lester Thomas.................................... Miller Malins George ...•.........••..................... Cooper Pain tin J oseph.. ......................... Beer Retailer Panting Richard.............................. Carpenter Parrott John ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Rawlins J oseph....... ... .. ......... Slater & Ptasterer Rawlinson Abram Lindow ..................... Solicitor Rouse J ames ........................... Tallow Chandler Scars brook William ............................ ~ .• ,.Tailor Sessions J ames ..................... Maltster & Brewer Sessions Robert.... .... .. ... ••• • • General Shopkeeper Sessions Temperance.................. Leather Seller Silver Rev. Dr ...••.••.•.....•....••.••..•...•. Vicarage Smith Edward .............................. Ram Breeder Sorrell J on a than ........................... Beer Retailer Turner Rev. George ........................... Vicarage Wallden Sarah ... Postmistress, & Straw Bonnet Mkr Whippy Benjamin John ..................... Lee Place W ynne J ames...... .......... .... . Boot & Shoemaker Post Office. Wallden Sarah .............................. Postmistress Letters arrive at 5 morn. and dispatched 10 even. Excise Office. Rose & Crown Inn ............... M r Smith, Collector Carriers to Banbury & Witney, Wright, Oxford, Edward Kerby. Oxford, Thomas Kirby. Oxford, Bc;nbury, Witney & Chipping N orton, Thomas Sorrel!. · Schools. Grammar School, founrled 1675... Hills J. Master. CHIPPING NORTON, WITH ENS'J:'ONE. CHIPPING~oRTON, a market town in the N.W.part of the county, on the borders of Warwickshire, 73 miles from London through !slip, and 77! miles through Oxford, from which city it is distaut 19 miles N.W., contained in 1831, 2637 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 39341. The town is situated on the 1·ise of a steep hill, coQJ.r S9
CHIPPING NORTON~ &c. manding an extensive and diversified prospect; and consists chiefly of one wide street, in which the houses are extremely well built, principally of a soft ~pecies of free stone. It is exposed to the cold winds that sweep across this part of the country, but is clean and salubrious; its name implies a Saxon market town. The manufactures consist of harateens, horsecloths and tilt~. The market, on Wed· nesday, is well attended, much business being done in corn and che_ese; and fairs are held annually on March 7th, May 6th, last Friday in May, July 18th, September 4th, October 3d, November 8th, and last Friday in November, for Horses, Cows, Sheep, Lambs, Cheese and Leather. Chipping Norton formerly sent members to Parliament; it is governed by two bailiffs, twelve burgesses, a town c}erk and other officers, who are empowered to hold a court; the stands petty sessions for the hundred of Cha.dlington are held here. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, stands on a declivity on the north west side of the town; it has two aisles north of the nave, a very uncommon peculiarity; and another remarkable feature of this building, is the sexangularporch leading into the south aisle. Here are some curious monuments~ among which are those of Richard Croft, who died 1502, and Thomas Richards, who died Hi79. The living is a rectory, value 1291. per annum, in the patronage of the dean and chapter of Gloucester. Here are chapels for methodists, baptists, and quakers. The free grammar school, founded by King Edward VI., is not far from the church; a clmrity school for girls has also been established. An alm:.house for eight widows was founded here in 1640, by Henry Cornish, a native of the town. At Chipping Norton were formerly a castle and a monast.ry, which last stood near the entrance of the town from Woodstock. Se,•eral portions. of ancient buildings are to be met with, having dwelling houses attached to them : the most curious of these remains is in the High street, between the two principal inns. Chipping N orton is situated in the union of the same name. OvER NOR ToN, or Cold Norton, 1 mile N. from the above, to which parish it is a hamlet, contained in 1831,375inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 3380{. The living is a vicarage, with the rectory of Chipping N orton. In the reign of Henry 11., a priory of Augustine canons was founded here by William Fitz Alan; the probable site of which is Chapel House, now a large inn, about a mile from Chipping N orton, on the Birmiugham road, where was anciently a chapel frequented by pilgrims. In the neighbourhood are Rock Hill House, Heythorp Park, Cornwall House and Sarsdon House; also the Rollright Stones, so named from their being contiguous to the village of Rollright; they are exceedingly interesting from their acknowledged anliquity, and were called by Bede, the second wonder of Britain. These stones are disposed in a circle, 35 yards in diameter, and are of various heights, the highest above 7 feet, the rest not more than 5 feet from the ground, and seem to have been the materials of either a British temple or a trophy. E:-.sTONE, 15 miles N. W. from Oxford, on the road to Chipping Norton, and 7 miles N.W. from W oodstock, contains, according to the census of 1831, 742 inhabitants, and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 6856l. The church is dedicated to St. Kenelm; and the living is a vicarage, value 35'il per annum, in the patronage of Lord Dillon. Neat Enstone, Cleveley, Gag\nswell, Lidstone, and Radford, are hamlets in this parish, which ia aituated in the union of Chipping Norton. 60 The manor of Enstone formerly belonged to Winchcombe Abbey, in Gloucestershire, and au ancient granary is yet remaining, that, according to a Latin inscription upon it, was founded in 1382, by Waiter Winforton, abbot of Winchcombe, at the petition of Robert Mason, bailiff of this place. At Enstone are some waterworks, that were const,ructed by Thomas Bushel,.who had been servant to Lord Bacon ; they were submitted with much pageantry to Charles I. and his Queen, when they visited this neighbourhood in 1636. Contiguous to the town is Heythrop Park, the property of the Earl of Shrewsbury. The mansion, a handsome edifice of the Corinthian order, erected by Archer in 1705, was destroyed by fire on the 24th of February, 1831. The park is extensive, and the scenery is a.~;reeably diversified by wood, water, hill and dale. Tieythrop House was the hunting residence of the Duke of Beaufort. Northward of Enstone is Tew Park, and to the south are Kiddington House, in the garden of which, is the celebrated font, that Edward the Confessor was baptized in; and Ditchley Park, the seat of Viscount DiJion. Name, ltesidence, &. Profession, See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 61. Allcock John, New st ...... Kings Head, & Plumber, l)ainter. & Glazier Aplin Weston, We.~t .~t ... Solicitor, Town ClPrk, &c. Arkell William, New st ... Grot:er & Tea Dealer, & , Dealer in Briti,h Wiues • Atkins John, 'Lower side, lligh st ... Maltster, Seeds- . man, & Hop Dealer Barnes J. Chipping Norton ... Pimbr, Painter & Glzr Bedford A. New st ...... Seminary for Young Ladies Beechey J ohn 1 West st .................. Coach Builder Belcher H. High st .... ..... Woollen Draper & Tailor Biggerstaff , New st ........................... Baker Bishop Wm. High st ......... Crown Commercial Inn Bliss Wm. New st ...... Manufacturer of Kersey for Horse Cloths, & Webbing Bolton .J oseph, Goddards la ............ Beer Retailer Bond Thomas, West end .................. Beer Retailer Bowen Benjamin, lligh st ...... Glove ManufacturPr Bryan Wm. Middle row ........................ Parrot Buckett Thomas, Fight end .................. Chequers Burman John, West end ........................ .1\lason Bush ell Jas. New st ... Grocer & Foreign Fruiterer Buswell Wm. Goddards la ............... Whitesmith Carter Hannah, Chipping Norton ......... Shopkeeper Cecil Elizabeth, Lower side, High st .... .. Shoemaker Chadband Benj. High st ............ Hat Manufacturer Clary Ann, Chipping Norton ... Straw Bonnet Maker Clarv John, ditto ...........................•........ Tailor Cole.man Henry, Goddards la ............ Fishmonger Coleman T. Corner of Church st ... Baker & Shpkpr Coling Rich. Lower side, High st ... Linen & Woollen Draper, Hatter, &c. Crutchett Saml. West st ............ Dealer in Clothes Deeley Hannah, Red Lion yard ...... Beer Retailer Dring N athaniel, West st ...... Veterinary Surgeon Dun ford Wm. Lower side, High st • .... .. .... • Baker Ea ton John, Middle row ........................ Cooper Eggleston Timothy, West end ... Turner & Trunk Mkr Egglestone Wm. Chipping Norton ...... Confectioner Endall Jas. Lower side~ High st ... Furniture Broker & Appraiser End all J ames, ditto ..................... Borough Arms Endall J. Rack hill ... Coacl1 Maker & Wheelwright End all John, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer End all Thomas, Higlt st ..................... H.ed Lion Etch ells J ames, Chipping Norton ... Grocer & Draper Farwell John, High st ............................ Surgr.on
CHIPPING NORTON, &c. OXON. ===============================-=============================== Fisher Jas. High st ~-·Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Gardener Chas .........•.•....•.....•.. Horse & Groom Gearing Wm. High st . . . •• •. .• Carpenter & Builder Gibbs J ames, New st .. .......••....•••..•... Shopkeeper Goatley Mary, West st •.••••••....•... , ••.. Tea Dealer Goatley Thos. ditto ; .....•...•. , .• Circulating Library Gulliver Thos. Lm{}er side High st ... Ironmonger, Oil & Colour Warehouse, Bar & Sheet Iron Warehouse Hall George, ................................. Blacksmith Hall \V m. West end ......•..• ~.......... Beer Retailer Hand Thomas, New st .................. Ship & Anchor Harris George, High st ......... Chemist & Druggist Hartley Ed ward, Meddle row . .• Baker & Shopkeeper Harwood John, Lower side High st, Shopkeeper and Trunk Maker Hathway J. West end ... Beer Retailer & Shopkeeper Death Bl'n. ditto......... Saddler & Harness Maker Heath Wm. New st.............................. Slater Hemmings Hanah,Lower sideHigh st, Haberdasher, Shoe Warehouse, &c. Herbert Thomas, West end ...... Carpenter and Joiner Heynes Ch~rles, High st ........................ Surgeon Heynes C. R. Lower side High st ............ Snrgeon Hicatt John ........................ Slater and Plasll'rer Hitchman W. S. & Co. West st ... Wine and Spirit Merchants & Maltsters Hodg-kins Elizabeth ......... 1\lilliner & Dress Maker Hodgkins T. High st, Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker Holtsham Thos ........................... Cabinet :\J aker Hood J ol111, ~~rw;;r side Corn ~'t ............... Unicom Hood Wm. tl, do ......... Hair Cutter and Perfumer H opkins Sarah, High st ... Stationary & Toy Warehse Hunt Tims, Lower side I-ligh st, Irunmonger, & Oil & Colour Warehouse Keck Hannah, High st ........................... Grocer Keck Thos. West .~t ............ Rope & Twine Maker K eyte Sa m. Rock hilt ... :\1 aster of V nion Workhouse Kingdon John, Middle row... Wine & Spirit M reht Kirtland Elizabeth, New st ... .•• Boot & Shoemaker Knibbs, Henry, Jl,fiddlerow, Saddler & Harness Mkr Leddiard Sarah, New st...... Straw Bonnet Maker Lo\·eland J acob, Lower side High st ... Grocer and Cheesemonger Luckett James, New st .................. Beer Retailer Luckett Wm. Afiddle row ...... Boot and Shoemaker 11ace John, West st ............................... Carrier Mace John, West end ........................... Carrier Mace Wm. Middle row . .. China & Glass \V are house Makcpeace .J. )}fiddle row ................. _.Stay M~ker M .. tlins E. West st ......... China & (jlass Warehouse • I\Ialins Joseph, High st ... Blue Boar Commercial Inn M a lie tt David, Lower side High st...... Auctioneer Mallett David, Burford 1·d ... Auctioneer & Appraiser Margetts Richard, Lower side High st .. . Shopkeeper Margetts Thos. Goddards la ..................... Baker Mason Henry, Tight end ........................ Carrier l\fastin Wm ....................................... Butcher Mathew Thos. High st........................ Maltster Matthews John & Charles Decimus ... Agents to Banbury Old Bauk Matthews John & Charles Decimus ... Hi,qh st, Grocers & Tallow Chandlers Matthews John Charles D.lligh st ... Grocer, Cheesemonger, & Tallow Chandler Matthews Henry, West st ........................ Cooper Matthews Robt. Tight end ..................... Cooper Mead Henry, Church st .................. Stone Mason Padley Jobn ....................................... l\1ason Padley Thos. West end............ Plasterc>r & Slater Paine Geo ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Palmer Rich. Chipping Norton ........... Three Tuns Parsons & Rolls, Lower side High st.. .. Agent to the Family Endowment Society Parsons & H. oils, Low side, fligh st . ........ Agents for Stourbridge & Kidderminster Bank Parsons Mary, Iligh st ..... Milliner & Dress Maker Phillips Charles, ditto ........................... Surgeon Phillips .J en kin, New st ........................... Tailor Phillips Richard, ditto ........................... George Phillips Tlwmas, Middle row ...... Tinman & Brazier Pickeriug E. New st . ............ Straw Bonnet Maktr Pickering Mary, High st ....... Straw Bonnet Maker Porter Richard, Chipping Norton ............ Butcher Powers John, West st ..................... Kings Arms Pestridge J ames, High st.. ................. Post Office Quatermaine J. Lower side Iligh st, Cu bin et Maker, Upholsterer & Paper Hanger, & Agent to Ph re nix Fire Office, & Bird "Stuffer Rawlinson Abraham Lindaw, Cltalbury ..... Solicitor Rawlinson A. Lindaw, Clay la ... Commis. for taking Affidavits in all the Law Courts, & Agent to the Sun Fire & Life Offices Rawlinson A. Lindaw, Clay la .... Solicitor, Clerk to the Uniou, Clerk to the County Magistrates, ~uper Rrgstr of Births, Marriages & Deaths, for Chipping Norton Union, Corn. for taking Acknowledgments of DeedR by married Women, Mast. Ex. in Chan. Robbius Wm. West. st.. .................. Beer Retailer Rose John, Chipping Nurton .......... Basket Maker Rose M"ry, ditto .... .............. Straw Bonnet Maker ~acller Thus. HigA st .... Ironmngr .&-T-in_ Plate Wkr Scarsbrook 11enry, New st ............... Bel)r H.etailer Shayler .John, Chipping Norton ......... Biue Anchor Simkin E. Lower side High st ... Chemist & Druggist Simkin Edwd. Distance la ...... Clerk of Gas Works Simms Samuel, Iligh st.. ..... Watch & Clock ~1aker Smith James, West st.. .................. Beer Retailer Smith l\1. George, High st ...... Bookseller & Stationer Sumer~by Thomas, Tiyht eud ....... :. Clothes Dealer Sotharn l\1 atilda, Hiyfl st, Seminary for Young Ladies Sparshott Wm. lliyh st ... ..... White Hart Family & Commercial Hotel & Posting House Stanley Thomas, West st . .................. Blacksmith Starch Thomas, Tigld end ............... Beer Retailer Summerton Phebe, New st .................. Blue Lion Summerton Peter, Rack hill ............ Beer Retailer Symonds George, High st.-- ... Fox Commercial Inn Symonds .John, Chipping Norton ......... Royal Oak Tennant Joseph, High st ............... Linen Draper Tilsley & Wilkins, Lower side High st .... Solicitors Tilsley G. Fowler, Chipping Norton .... Commis. for taking Acknowledgments of Deeds by married Women, for the Counties of Oxon, Gloucester & Warwick, Mast. Ex. in Chancery, & Corn. for taking Affidavits in Common Pleas Timms George, High st...................... ... Baker Townsend Robert, iJ,fiddle row ............ Shoemaker \V ard John, Chipping N orlon .... Carrier to London Wells J. Newst .. . Clock& Watchmkr, Hosier & Cutler Were Rev.E. B. Church yd, Vicar of Chipping N orlon Wilkins H. F. Chipping Norton ... Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Queens Bench & Exch. Court Wilks William, Tight end ...................... Butcher Williams Thomas, New st ........ Boot & Shoemaker Wilmot Wm. near Cltipping No-rton ... Chapel House Royal Hotel & Posting House Woodman Edward, Lower side High st . ... Butcher Classification of Trades. Auctioneers g. Appraisers.---Endall J. Lower side, Mallett D. Lower side, High st [High st Mallett David, Burford rd Bakers.·-Biggerstaff Rd. New st Coleman Thos. corner of Church st Dun ford Wm. Lower side, High st Hartley Ed ward, .Middle row .Margetts Thomas, Goddards la 61
OXON. CHIPPING NORTON, &c. CHIPPISG NOR Tos t'LA!'ISIFJCATION, continued. Bakers.-Timms George, High st Baskel Afaker.--Rose John Beer Retailer.--Bolton J oseph, Godclards la Bond Thomas, West end Deeley Hannah, Red Lion yd Endall John, Rock hill Hall William, West end Hathway John, West end 1-uckett J ames, New st Robbins William, West st Sca1sbrook Henry, New st • Smith James, West st Sturch Thomas, Tight end Summerton Peter, Rock hill Bookseller ~ Stationer.-Smi th M an by G. High st Bout~ Slwemakers.~--Cecil E. Lower side, High st Hemmings Hannah, Lower side, High st Kirtland Elizabeth, New st Luckett William, Middle row Paine George Townser..d Robert, Middle row Williams Thomas, New st Brituh Wine Dealer.--Orkill Wm. New st Butchers.--Mastin William Porter Hichard Wilks William, Tight end • W oodman Ed mund, Lower side, High st Cabinet lvlakers q· Upholsterers :--- Holtham Thomas Quntermaine J os. Lower side, High st Carpenters ~ Builders.--Gearing Wm. High st HerbPrt Thomas, West end_ Carriers.--Mace John, West st Mace John, West end Mason Henry, Tight end \V ard John Chemuts ~ Druggi.sts.---Harris George, Iligh st Simkin Edward, Lower side, High 8t China ~ Glass Warelwuse.-Mace Wm. Middle row Mali1:s Elizabeth L. \Vest: st Clothes Dealer.---Crurchett Samuel, West st Somersby Thomas, Tight end Coach Builders.--Beechey John, West st Endall John, Rock hill Confertioner.---Egg1estone William Coopers.-Eaton J olm, Middle row Matthews Henry, \\'est st l\Jatthews Robert, Tight end Cutler.--Wells John, New st fi1hmonger.---Coleman Henry, Goddards la Foreig1' Fruilerer.--Bnshell James, New st i'urniture Bruker.-Endall J. Lower side, High st Glove Manufacturer.-Bower Benj. High st Grocers ~ '1 'ea Dealers.---Arkell Wm. New st Bu:.hell J ames, New st Etchell James. Goatley Mary, West st Keck Ilannah, High st Love land J acob, Lower side, High st Matt hews J olm & Charles Decimus1 High st Matthews John Chas. D. High st Haberdashers. Ilemmings H. Lower side, High st Parsons & Holls, Lower side, High st Hair Cutter.-Houd Wm. Lower side, High st Hat Manufncturer. Chadband Benj. High st liattcr.--Coling Rich. Lower side, High st lfusier.-- Wells John, New st Inns, Hotel.~ ~Public Houses:- 62 Blue Anchor, Shaylor Isaac Blue Boar Comrciallnn, Malins J. High 1St Blue Lion, Summerton Phebe, New st Borough .Arm&, End !Ill J. Lower side High st CHIPPING NonToN CLASS1FICATIO"N, continued. Inns, Hotels, ~ Public Houses :- Chapel House Royal Hotel, \Villmott Wm. Chequers, Burkett Thomas, Tight end Crown Commercial Inn, Bishop W. High st Fox Commercial Inn, Syrnonds G. High st George, Phillips Richard, New st Ilorse o/ Groom, Gardener Charles Kings Arms, Powers John, ·west st Kings Head, Allcock John, New st Parrot, Bryon \Villiam, Middle row Red Lion, Endall Thomas, High st RoJtal Oak, Symonds John Ship ~ Anchor, Hand:; Thomas, New st Three Tuns, Palmer Richard Unicorn, Hood John, Lower side High st White Jl art Family ~ Commercial li otel, ~ Posting House, Sparshott Wm. High st Iron Dealer (Bar ~ Sheet.)-Gulliver Thos. Lower side Ilir;h st Ironmongers. Gul!iver Thos. Lower side High st Hunt Tims, Lower side High st Sadler Thomas, High st Kersey ~ Webbing Jl.fanfctr.-Bliss Wm. New st Library.-Goatley Thomas, West st Linen Drapers.-Coling H.ichd. Lower side High at Etchells J arnes Parsons & Rolls, Lower side High st Tennant Jo8eph, High st k!altsters.-Atkins John, Lower side High st Hitchman W. S. & Co. West st l\1 a thews Tlwmas1 High st Milliners ~ Dress Makers.--Hodgkins Edith Parsons M ary, High st Oil ~ Colour Warelwses.---Gulliver T. Lower side High st Hunt Tirns.---Lower side High st Poper llanger.--Quatermaine J os. Lwr side High st Perfumer.---Hood Wm. Lower side High st Plasterers.---Hicatt John Padiey Thos. West end Plumbers, Painters~ Glaziers. Allcock J. New~ Barnes Jarnes Fisher James, High st Rope ~ Twine Jl.falcer.-Keck Thomas, West st Saddlers~ Harness J1fakers.-Heath Benj. West st .Se/tools Ladies.--Bedford Ann M. New st Sotham M atilda, High st Seedsman ~ Hop Dealer.--- Atkins J. Lower side High st Shopkeepers.---Carter Hannah Coleman Thomas, Corner of Church st Gibbs J ames, New st Hartley Edward, Middle row Harwood John, Lower :side High st Hathway John, West st Margetts Richard, Lower side High st Slaters. Heath William, New st Hicall John Pardley Tbomas, West end Smiths. Buswell Williarn, Goddards la Hall George Stanley Thomas, West st Solicilors.--Aplin W eston, West st Rawlinson Abram Lindaw Til,Jey & Wilkins, Lower side High st Stationer.--·Hopkins Sarah, High st Stay .!1-Iaker. Makepeace John, Middle rpw Stone )l-lasons.--Burmam John, West end Mead Henry, Church st Padley John Straw Bonnet Mahers.-C:lary Ann Liddiard Sarah, New st
CHIPPING NORTON, &c. OXON~ CHIPPING NoRTox CLAss•FICATioN, continued. Straw Bonnet Makers.~-Pickering E. New st Pickering Mrs. High st RoseMary Surgeons.-Farwell John, High st Heynes Charles, High st Heynes Charle:i Rice, Lower side Hi.,.h st Phillips Charles, High st " Tailors.-Ciary J olm Phillips J enkin, New st Tallow Chandler.-Matthews J. & C. D. High st Matthews John Charles D. High st Tinman ~ Bra::ier.--Phipps Thomas, Middle row Toy Warehouse.-Hopkins Sarah, High st Trunlc Makers.-~:Fg-glestone Timothy, West end Harwood John, Lower side High st Turner.--Egglestone Timothy, West end Upholsterer & Cabinet Maker.--Hodgkins T. High st Veterinary Surgeon. Dring N athaniel, \V est st Watch & Clock Makers.-Simms Samuel, High st Wells John, New st Wheelwriyht.- Endall John, Rock hill Wine & Spirit Merchants.-HitcbmanW. S. & Co. \V est st Kingdon John, Middle row Woollen Drapers ~ Tailors. Belcher H. High st Coling Richard, Lower side High st Parson & Rolls, Lower side High st .. Corporation. MAYOR-G. F. Tilsley, Esq. Fowler Wm. Hitchman Wm. ALDERME~. Huckvale Samuel Rolis Thomas TOWN COUNCILLORS. Guy Wm. Guy Samuel Coleing Richard Farwell John .Mathews John Kingdom John Ward Jolm Heyes Charles Heynes Chas. Rice Parsons Robert Wilki11s Henry F . \Voodman Edmund Aplin Mr. W. West st ...... ~ .............. Town Clerk Post Office. Prestidge J ames, High st .................. Postmaster Letiers from Lonrlon, & c. arri\·e by \Yorcester Mail 4 morn., & are rlispatched 10 €VE'n. Letters from Birmingham arrive 9 even. ; dispatched 5 morn. Posting Houses. Chapel 1-Iouse .............................. Wm. Willmot White Hart, Iligh st .................. Wm. Sparshott Bankers. Banbury Old Bank, Messrs. Cobb ...... Draw upon J ones, Lloyd, & Co. Matthews J. & C. D ........................... Agents Slourbridge & Kidderminster Bank, High st ... Draw upon Smith, Payne, & Smith Parsons & Rolls ...........................•. ,. ... -'\.gents I'ire &. Life Assurance Agents. Birmingham Fire, High st ...... Timothy Hodgkins County ]<'ire & Provident Life Office, High st . .. Geo. Manbv Smith • Family Endowment Society, Lower side, High st ... Parsons & Rolls Norwich Union Fire & Life Assurance Office, High st ... J ames Fisher Phrenix Fire, Lower side, High st...J. Quatermaine Sun, Clay la ............... Abram Lindaw Rawlinson Public Establishments. Stamp Office, High st ..................... M. G. Smith Excise Office, Crown 9" Cushion. Mumford E ..•.•.••••.••• ····~· .. ~····I~·~·· I~· I. Officer Almshouses, Church st. TheW ork & Gift of Henry Cornish, Gent. 1640. Union Workhouse, Rock hill. Keyte Samuel ................................. Master Public Schools. Free Grammar School, Church st. Endowed by Edw1:1rd VI. Hart1ey Edward ................................. Ma<>ter Free School fur Girls, New st. Supported by Voluntary Contributions Kencl1 M ary I ••••••••• I I I I·~ I 11 I I I ••• 11 I •• I.. Mistress Infant School, West end. Davis M ary. I I I I~· ••• I I ••••• ~·.~·. I ••• I •••••••• Mistress National School fur Boys, Church yard. White Charles • ·~· .1 ..... ~~~····~I ..... 1 ··~ ··~. ~faster Coaches to Birmingham Mail, from Chapel house, every morn. 6 ; returns 8 even. Birmingham, Oxford Day, from Chapel House, daily, Sun. cxc. 11 morn.; returns 5 aft. Birminghq.m, Tantivy, from Chapel House, daily, Sun. exc. 5 aft.: returns 1 aft. ' Cheltenham, Novelty, from Chapel House ~ White Hart, daily, Sun. exc. 4 aft. London, Blenheim, from Royal Oak, through Oxford, Wycombe, & Uxbridge, daily, Sun. exc . 7 morn. ; returns ~ p. 7 even. London, Mail, from White Hart, through Oxford, Wycombe, & Uxbridge, daily, Sun. exc. i p. 9 even. ; returns 3 morn. London, Oxford Day, from Chapel !louse, 5 aft.; returns 11 mnrn. London, Sovereign, from H7 hite !!art, through Oxford, Wycombe, & Uxbridge, daily, Suu. exc. ~ p. 11 morn.; returns 4 aft. London, Tantivy, from Chapel House, daily, Sunday exc. 1 aft.; returns 5 aft. Northampton, Novelty, from White Hart q Chapel !louse, daily, Sun. exc. 1 aft.; returns 4 aft. Worcester, Royal Mail, from C1·own, ~ p. 4 morn. ; returns 10 even. (iarriers to Banbury, Lawrence, from George, e\·ery Thurs. Banbury, Mace, West end, Mon. Th. & Sat. Ban bury, Hosberry, from George. Burford, J. Mace, (Van) from West end, enry Fri. Hook Nor ton, Castle's Cart, from Unicorn, Wed. London & Worcester, J oily's Vans three time!~ a WPek London, Evesham, Broadway, Campdrn, Blocklc>y, 1\Ioreton in-the-Marsh, Stow-in-the-W old, & Shipston-on-Stour, Ward J olm, from his own house. More~on-in-Marsh, J. Mace's Van, from West end, every Tuesday. Oxford, Wm. Bryon 's V an, from his house, JJfiddle row, Mon. & Fri. Oxford, Mason's Cart, from his house, Tight end., e\'Pry Sat. Stowe-in-thr-W old, W. Bryon's Van, from his house, Middle raw, every Thurs . • Stowe-in-the-W old, H arris's Cart, from George, Wed. W oodstock, Hub bard's Cart, from Unicorn, Wed. CHURCH E~STONE. :Name, Residence, &. Profession. Adkins John ................................. Shopkeeper Aldridge Vines........................ Marsh all Anns Blackwell John .................................... Crown Dowdeswell Isaac ...... Saddler and Harness Maker .63
OXON. -DEDDIN GTON. Draper George •..•.•......••......•...•........... Smith Kin eh Edwin •..•...............•.•..•••...•.. Shopkeeper NEAT ENSTONE. Arthur John......... Talbot Inn and Posting House Baughan Dan .•.•....•...•.. Wheelwright & Carpenter Ben nett John ...•....•...•..... Draper and Shopkeeper Box Thos .•.......••....•...•.•..... .,. . • .. . . . Shopkeeper Cattell Edward ... Litchfield Arms Commercial Inn and Posting House Griffin Ed\vard ....•....•.....•...........•........ Harrow Jefferis ·wm ••....•....•............ Harpess Maker, &c. Jester Wm ..................................... Blacksmith Jollv Jc1l1n •••••••..•.•••••.•••••.••.•••.••••••••.••• Carrier • K11igl1t Wm ••.•.....••.•..••.••.•..••.••....•..••••.. SwarJ Nash Wm ...•••.•....••••.................•.. Sl1opkeeper Wells Wm ..•.........•..•.. Butcher and Beer Retailer 'Vheeler John •........•........•.•............... Bell Inn Wheeler John.................................... l\1ason ' Post Office. Gardner Ann •.....•.•...•............•.•.. Post Mistress Letters from London, &c. arrive p<or Worcester mail, 4 morn.; dispatched ~ p. 10 night Posting House. Litchfield Arms •.••..••.••.•.•...••.•.. Cattell Ed ward :National School. Mills John ......••.•..............•.•............... Master Gregory J ane and Millin Mary ........•... Mistresses Coaches to London, Worcester M ail 1 passes through Neat Ens tone at ~ p. 10 morn. daily Worcester, Mail, passes through Neat En stone at 4 morn. daily • • • The Birmingham and Oxford Coaches pass through daily Carriers to Bimingham, J. J oily's Van, throngh Enstone1 Tu€S. and Sat; returning from Birmingham, Sat. & Wed. night Worcester, J. J oily's V an, from London, through Wycomb, Oxford, Chipping Norton, More-- ton, Easam Penhor, Mon. Wed. and Fri. 4 aft.; leaves \\ orcester on Tues. Fri. and Sun. evn. DEDDINGTO:N, A market town on the borders of Northamptonshire, 16 miles N. from Oxford, and 6! miles S. from Banl.mry, contained, in 1831 1 2078 inhabitants; ~the annual mlue of assessed property in 1815, was 8110/, Tl1e Birmingham and Oxford Canal passes within 2 miles eastward, by which means the trade l1as been great 1 y improved. Oeddingtoh is noted for the superior quality of its ale; the market is on Saturday, and fairs are held on August 21st, Saturday after October lOth, and November 22d, for horses, cows, and swine. The town is governed by a bailiff, who is chosen annually. The church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is a spacious edifice; and the living is a vicarage value 133!. per annum, in the patronage of the Dean and Canons of Windsor. Sir Thomas Pope, the founder of Trinity College, Oxford, was a native of this place, and founded the free grammar School here. At Deddington was formerly a castle, the foundations of which may still be traced. Clifton and Her· pton are townships in this parish; it is in W oodstuck union, and containing two medicinal springs, one of them strongly impregnated with vitriolic salt. 64 Name, :Residence, & :Profession. Austin \Vm ......................................... lJlougb Bed win John •..•••••.•••..•••.•.. Baker and Meal man Bennett Ricl1d .............. ······················~··Bakrr Bennett Thos. Baker, Stamp Office, and Post Office Brotherton Eliz ........• Beer Retailer & Coal Dealer By grave J osh ...•..•...•..•.•........ Boot & Shoemaker Bygrave Wm ••.......•.. Plumber, Glazier, & Painter Calcut "r m .................................. Hair Dresstt Calcut John •........••.•.....•..... l .. eather Ware home Chillingworth Wm ••...•......•...........•..••. Piasteret Churchill , Attorney& Registrar of Births & Deatl13 Clturchill H v ........................................ Grocer • Davi:~ Cornelius........... .••• House & Sign Painter Davis J ames ..•••• Master of Free Gram mer School East \\-"'m .............................................. Tailor F ardon Thos .....•...••..•• Watchmaker & Seed small F'ield Sa m ... Solicitor, Clerk to Magistrates, Clerk to Trustees of Kidlington and Atterbnry, Aynho, & Bicester Turnpike Roads Franklin Ed wd ... Druggist and Grocer, and Dcalfr in Patent Medicine!! Franklin Robert ............... Carpenter and Builder Fren eh Ric l1 d .........••.•...••••.••.•..• ·-• •••• •. Car rid French Thos ........... .,.......... •. •••• .•. .•. ... . . . . . 1'ailor Frer.ch Wm..................... Corn & l'~lour Deal<!r IJale 'rllos ............. ; ............. ~.............. Surgeon J-lemmings Josh ... "··········•·····~·····"'······· Can·iet Heritage Wm .....••.•..................••. Beer Retailer Herring J .... Kings Arms Cmcl Inn & Posting Hse Ilitchcock Wm. Hy ... Attorney, C~Jmmissioner for taking Acknowledgments of Married Women, & Agent to Sun Fire & Life Office Hone 'fhos ...............••................ Hair Dresslr Knibbs Wm ........ 1 ••.••• Saddler&_ Harness Ma~f!T Lymath J o~h ......•.....•.•.•.•.. Farner & Blacksmlt~ Larr1b J. ·p ............................•.•.......• Solicitor I ... ,·otl J. E .................... , .................. St1rgeon .Malins Sam ........................ PlumbPr & Glaziet Margetts Wm ... Grocer & Dealer in British WirH'¥ Mason Ben ...•••........................ Smith & Farrier Mason J. & S •.••..•..•.•... Patent Axletree ·Makers Marlte\vs J ··············~··························· Baker Matthews Wm •............•....... Dtaper and Grocer M ullis Ed wd .•....•..... Saddler and Harness Maked Petty G. £ ..........•... ~ .......... MHltster and Brewer Petty G. E ...•.....•..... Cbina and GL1ss WarehouSt Petty Mrs ••••.•. o •••••••••••• Milliner and Dressma\..er Philpots E. & H. ... Linen Drapers and HaberdashersFoul ton John ...• _....................... Crown & Tun~ Po\\rer Wn1. Jun ................................... Cooper Pullrn T .......•.......•.. -........•... ,.-.....•.. Butcher Risley Rev. Wm. Cot ten ........................... Vicar Robinson John, Liuen & Woollen Draper & Grocer Robin son Wm •.....•........ Grocer & Cheesemonger Rose John...... Ironmonger, & Carpenter & Joiner Smith Richard ... , ........................... ~ •••.• Bmzier Strong Eliz .•.•••••.•..•........... Straw Ronnet Maker Sturch Jolm..................... Maltster and Brewer Sturch John •..••.•. ,....... Unicorn Commercial Inn Sturch '\'m ..•......•...•..... ,. ................... Butcher Sturcl1 ~'m ..................................... .Red Llon 'T'urner 'V ........................................... Surgeon Wells Hy ............... ll'·•••···-····•········ Shopkeeper Whelton W. & J. •.• Manufacturers of Treble Hair Lines, &e. Whelton John ...••••..•.••••••••..•.•.....• Horse Shoes Whelton John............................... ShopkerJWr Whelton Wm .•.••.••••..••.••••..•••••••..•..••• Butcher Williams Mary ............... Cooper & Beer Retailer \V illiams Wm.................................... Cooper W ilsd on Eliz ...•.••.......•...••.•..•....••...•.•.. Carrier W ycherley J as, •• ,............................... Maltster