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Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

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Published by Colin Savage, 2023-08-04 18:15:06


Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

DORCHEsrrER. OXON. Post Office. Bennett T.; ..... : ............................ Post Master Letter!! arrive from London, 6 morn.; dispatched ! p. 5 aft. Arrive from Ban bury f p. 5 aft.; dispatched 6 morn. Posting House. Kings Arms ............................... Herring Jol1n Fire &. Life Assurance Agents. County Fjre and Provident ............ Margetts Wm. Globe ....................................... Field Samuel Guardian .................................... Lamb John Sun ................................. Hitchcock Wm. By. - Stamp Office. Ben nett T\los ... • .•..... 11! •• , •••••••••••••••••••••••• Officer Excise Office. Veal Wm. Kings Arms ........................... Officer . ~ Schools, &.c. Free Grammar School Davis J ames ........ ............................. Master National ::ichool for Boys Clarke Jas ....................................... Master National School for Girls Franklin lsabella ........................ ,.. Mistress Alms Houses Coaches to Leamington, from KingsArms, 11 morn. daily, (Sun. exc.) ; returns 3 aft. Oxford, from Kings Arms, 3 aft. daily, (Sun exc.); returns 11 morn. Carriers to Banbury, French, from Kings Arms, Mon. Thurs. and Sat. Ban bury, Hemmings, Mon. & Thurs. Chipping N orlon, French, from Kings Arms, Wed. London, Parkers Van, Tues. and Sat.; returns same days in following week. Oxford, Hemmings Cart, Wed. and Sat. Woodstock, J ohnsons Van, Mon. and Fri. DORCHESTEB, ON the borders of Berkshire, 49 miles from London tl1rough Maidenhead and Henley on Thames, and Sf miles S. E. from Oxford, contained in 1831, a population of 866 persons; the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 3646l. It is situated on the banks of the Thame, near its confluence with the lsis, whence their united streams form the river Thames. The bridge over the Thame, designed by Sauds, was opened in July 1815; when the old picturesque one, built in the reign of ..Edward 11 I. was demolished. It crossed the river a little below the present bridge, which has a spacious centre arch, and a causeway continued nearly a quarter of a mile, rendered necessary by the inundation of the meadows in the winter season. A fair is held on Easter Tuesday. This town was anciently a place of great importance, having been an epi~copal see of unusual magnitude from the time of St. Birinus until the latter part of the eleventh century, when it was removed to Lincoln by St. Remigius. The present parochial church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is incorporated with that of the suppressed priory of Augustine canon!!, which was founded by Alexander, Bishop of Lincoln, in 1140 ; and is one of the most in tcresting ecclesiastical buildings in the county, containing many beautiful specimens of ancient att in sculpture, painted glass, &c. The general style of ar.:hitecture of this church i& elegant, there being scarcely an arch, window or Oxfordshire.] , K doorway, that is not an example of beautiful proportion and judicious ornament. The edifice is large, and consists of a tower at the west end, which appears to have been erected subsequently to the church; two aisles of equal length, a chapel on the north side, and a chancel. The last i!i a magnifi· cent specimen of the style of pointed architecture prevalent in the reign of Edward Ill., but has suffered irreparable injury by the destruction of the original roof, and the substitution of the present, which is not so lofty. The mullions of the north window are disposed as a genealogical tree, representing the root of J esse, vide Isaiah, chap. ii. 1. Under the south window are four stalls of rich workmanship. The font, of lead, is of very remote antiquity, and exceedingly curious; it stands on a stone pedestal of a circular form, and is enriched with an arcade in has-relief; beneath each arch, eleven in number, is a sitting figure, probably bearing allusion to the history of St. Birinus. Here are many curious monuments, and some sepulchral brasses. The living is a perpetual curacy, value 1 OOl. per annum, in the presr:ntation of the trustees of Fettiplace, Esq. In the churchyard is an ancient cross. The parish of Dorchester is in W allingford Union. Near the town are Dyke Hills, a Roman entrenchment, perhaps thrown up to command the passage of the rivers Thame and Isis. Numerous coins and other Roman remains Lave been found in the neighbourhood. Name, :Residence, & Profession. Bannister George, ............................... Butcher Bennett Geo. General Registrar & Relieving Officer Betteridge Stephen ........................ Beer Retailer Bow ling T ... ..................................... Surgeon Cadel Wm ....................... " ........... Beer Retuiler Cadel 'V m ................... ,. ...................... Cttrrier Cobb Samuel.. ............................. Beer Retailer Cobb Thomas .................................. Blacksmith Cobb 'V m ................................•..... Bricklayer Cobb Wm ................................ 1 •••• Parish Clerk ColJb Wm ................. · .................. Stone Mason Cobbs Ann ................................... Fleur de Lis Coleing George ..................................... Crown Cook Aaron..... ......... ............ ...... ... .... Grocer Cox Wm ........................ Corn Dealer & Maltster Cozens J ames ........... ............... ........... Butcher Durbridge J ames. ·····················~··· ....... George Faulkner Thomas ........ , ......................... Miller Garlick George ............ Baker, Grocer & Druggist Hawes Thomas ..................... Boot & Shoemaker lien wood , .................................... Carrier Howe James ......................... , ........ BJacksmith J emmett 'V m ............................. , ....... Grocer Jordan Wm ................................. ,Vheelwright Latham Thomas ................................ Maltster Lowe J oseph .................................. Old Ca::~tle Moulden Joseph ............................... .,.,. .. Miller Paley Thomas ............................ Basket Maker Ryder Sarah ............................... Linen Draper Saunders George ........................ Cabinet Maker Saunders ~1aria ............... ................... Butcher Simpson S. S. Commercial Inn & Excise Office, (White Hart) TaJ·lor Wm .......................................... Baker Walker Rev. Richard ............................. Curate \Vallis Joseph ............... ·-············· Wheelwright Whichlo\v Wm ..................... .......... , .... Plough Wilkins Thomas ..................... Painter & Glazier Wilmot IJ enr.v ......................•............. Draper Wright J oseph .............................. Watchmaker ' 65

QXON .. ENSHAM, &c. Bo&t Office. Simpson Stepben S. Wltite Hart ... Receiving House Letters arrive at 8 morn.; disp11tche4 6 at ni~ht. :e,ci~~ O:tfice, Whil./,l Jlar~ CoiJJ.mercial Ion. Coache~ to Aqingdon, Defiance, from Crown Inn, qajl;·, -! p, 7 even.; returns 12 noon. Oxford, Wellington, from (:rown [rm1 dq.ily, 8 eveq.; returns 12 tnorn. ~~;rrier.. to .4.-bingdon, Ca.del, from hu vwn house, on Mon. l ft:turnt same day 4biQgQQn, Hen wood, from ll,is own kousB, Oil Mon.; seturna aame day Qxfqrd, C!ldel, from his owrt kouse, Wed. & Sat. ; returns same ~by Oxford, Her)wood, from his aum house Sat. only; rdurna same day WiQ.dsor1 Henwood, frum his pwn house, We~. re~rns same day. • • Oa. BY~Es!l~~. on the bprders pf Berkshire, 5 miles N. W. from .Oxford, on the road tQ Witney, frorn which it is the same di~tJlnc.~ E. ~ontained 1858 inhabitants in 1831, and the annual value of assrssed property i~ ~8l5 Wruj 8,Ql6l, 'fhil$ yill~glt j~ delightfully situated amidst meadows on th~ bqnks of the Isis; and the approach to i~ from Oxford is over two stone bridges, one of them built b~ the Earf of Abingdon. The church is dedicated to St. Leonarcl1 atrd near it i!l an ancient cross; the living is jil vicarage, value 178l. per annum, in the patronage of N. Skillicorne, Esq. Here is a well endowed school founded by John Bartholomew. An abbey of Benedietine monks, was built at Ensham in 1005, by Ailmer, Earl of Cornwall, and the foundations of the building may yet be traced. John Roger~, D.p. a theological writer, a native of this place, ,dieq in 1720 aged 50, and in the church is a monument to his memory. The parish of Ensham is in Witney Union. In the neighbourhood are Ensbam Hall, and W vtham Abbey, the seat of the Eart of A bingdon, er~ered about the rtoign of Henry 6th; the gatehouse, in the centre of the front, and the hall are fine examples of ancien~ architecture. A ::;hart distance southward is the village of 'Cumner1 brought into general notice by Sit W alter Scott's delightful romance of Kenilworth. Cumner Place came into the possession of Anthony Forster, and wa~ enlar~ed by him, and made his residence after the reformation: the pathetic description of the death of the unfortunate Anny Robsart, Countess of Leicester, w bile under confinement here, has doom~d the s~Jot to etemal celebrity. The Hall-hbuse, as it was subsequently termed, wa!l pulled down about 18101 wheq the materials were used to rebuild Wyth~m church. In Cumner church is the rich alter tomb of the notorious Anthony Forster. • Name, :Residence, &. Pro:fessiqn. Bart1ett , .................................... ~··• BJ.ltcher Bartlett J obn ............•...•........•....• ,. .•... Butcl1er Batt , •• .. . •.. .• ••• . . . .. . . . . . •. . .. . .. • .. . .. . . •. • Surgepn Berry Henry .............................. Beer Retailer BoweriJlan John •..•....................•..•.. , .. Butcher l3o'lferman J ames, Mill st ...... Coal Mrcht & Brewer Braine James ...•..••••.••.••..•.......... , •.••.•••. Tailor 66 . r C . Buckingha~ Charles ............................ ,., al'~!lf Buckingh~m Caleb .~ .. ,·~""·;·r·r~;·r .. ~~·n·r· 1 M~,tson BuckinghafU Mr§ ... ~ ..... 1 .... wr· ·.~··"" J3eer Retailer Rurcbell Mrs .................... ~~~··r:r· 1 ..... Jle4 Lion Burden J ames .....•..•..•••.•...•.••.•.•..•••. Blacksmith Bnrton Rob~rt ·······•r'••••·-..·········:: ... Watchmaker • Can tall Charles ................ , .. .. .. •• .. Beer Retaile\' Clarke ~ ~mes i.t .•• r. ".,~ 1 "'""'":..:-: .§I;H~,: A. P}naterey Coqstable Jol}o, lrfill st ... r .. ··r;:w"I'IW'·''""" B~~~ Davis Jlqqert .............................. Beer Ret~Pill Dawson John ........................ Maltster & S}lqy,~ Day WiJHarp. ...... r .. r""""""""""'"'"""Bark Deql~r Druce Samuel, .. "\lilt st ..................... Corn bealer Ford Robert ........................... • H ...... Beer 1 R~:tailer Ford Rob.ert •••••.••••.•••••••••••• ~~~ •.•. , .• , •...... Maltste'f Forster Ann ....... , .. , ••• t, ... ~ .... u.utz·General Dealer Gibbons Jatnes .. : •........•.•• ·.~·.::·r··t~:···A••·fr Tajlpt Goodpll Thomas .............................. Chinaman Goodall Thomas .................................. Chemist Grant R icl1ard ......................................... Swaa Grefll} W illiam,,., ,, ltegi~tr~r pf Births & Ueatbs Harwood John ··············e.• ... _,. ... ,., ............. BakeSHedges I ohn .• ,. , u .,,,. .. ,. .,., ,. , ............... Baker J arvis & M orris .................. ._,.,. Ph.unhe>r 8l Glaz~ Knqlcfjng Jqrne~ •. ,.,.,"'"'""'""·•·n• .. •·•·• Carri~t Lester John ..................................••..• Butaher Lord Peter ......... j\gefH tg MH~ fhrenix Fire Office N ash N ... " .... , .. , .. ,.,., •,f•e ··~,. r. ·r·. •r•·· •..... , ,Cooper Pimm John, Oxjnrd st .... 1,. 1• 1:, 1 C\lr8enter ~Joiner Pl) J aspeF: .•• . 1• 1 • 1 ... ."!" 1 •• ", r-. , .... ·r·r .G,·ocer Sheldon Jonathan ............ lWi!l~~ter ~ ~orp. Dealer Shellingford William ........ : .. ............. W oolstapler Shepp~rd T .......................... : ... Har11ess M<~key Stevens Arthur 8 ..................... Relieving Officer Swadling Thomas··:·· ............... , ... Beer Retaile.t Swan William .................................... Maltster Swann 1 ames, Paper mill ............... raper Maker Symonds Rev. Thomas ................... , ....... Vicar Toner Richard ................. r " I ~ ...... "'1.. Bacon Merchfln~ Twycross William D ..................... ,., ... Surgeop. Viner Gabel .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . Shoemaker Waiste PPter ··:".:"""'"'.!"u.t""~·"~'·" Plasterer, &c. Wall William ..................... Grocer & Tea Dealer :Pos~ ,Ofli,:p, Receiring f-loqse .. , .... , .......... T""'r"' Forst~r AI!» ' Letters /l.l'ffVe 4 aft. arul fir{) d~~pa,tcJled 11 nighll, Fire Insurance Agent. Pl1renix ........ , ..•....• , .... f ... ,. .............. ·Lord Peter Carriers to Oxford & Witney, KnoJding1 frorp ltls own ltouse. Oxford & Witney, Buckingham? from his own house1 H!:.N;,Ey l1~01i' TlJA:ptJ~S, A MARKEr town iry th~ sQuthern part of the county, 35 Jllilq from J:.oudof'J, )Jy the road through Maidenhead, and ~3 miles S.E, from the city of Oxford; contained, in 1831~ ~61 & inhabitants; the annual value pf assess~d proprrty in 1815 was D404l. It is wp:ry ple~santly t'lituateq OIJ the banks of the river 1'bames, over which js a handwme stone bridge vi five arches, erected in P86; .the key--stone of tha centre arch, ;representillg headi Qf Thame and Isi:l, wer~ sculpture4 by the Honourable l}f rs. Dam er. 1\.mong the prpyincial Bridg~ oyer tl:w 1'kaflw, th~t at Henley i11 ~qnSFi,l;u,oqs for i~ llll'Perinr liglJtness ~ncl con~truction. The town consist$ .principGtlly pf two wide l!lreets. and ~he ho~ses are fm: Jhe OHJ$t part :.;pacious and well ~uilt. The tq.wn b141l WIUI er~cud in J 796. Here i,lf #'ls~ ,. ,mnlll tb.#P~n. 'fhe t:<tlpOI'apon !!CB· •

HENLEY UPON THAl\iES" OXON. ==~~========================~-~====~~~====~============= !iist~ of a mayor, ten aldermen; sixteen burgesses, ti shire, dnd an island in thi ri~fr. Stmth ward are high steward) and a r~corder I the petty sessions ar!:f Hedley bridge, the thu~ch; and the grdtfndj at Park held l1ere. A considerable trade i~ carried bn it1 Place; The ridtts through the woods on the emicorn, flonr, maltj and beech wQod; upwards of netttes~llisplay the whole scenery of the vale ih which SOiOOO quarters of malt are ftnr1ually matle here. The the wiridingi of the Thames, from above Henley to marliet 1s on Thursday, anq fairs are held bh March Medrnehham ate exteedingly picthreBque. In the 7th, Holy Thursday, Thursday after Trinity Sun8aj1 neighbourhood are Culham Court, Hambledon add Thursday fortnight after October lOth, for House, Grey's Court, and €rtnvsley Patk. The horses, sheep, and cheese. parish of Henley is situated in the Union of the same The church, dedieated to St. Man1, standl!l near name I p!rates, and a black flint used in tnaking the bridge, and i1as a iofty embatti~d tower, With glass; are found here. turrets at the angles: in _the north aisll! is the' :Na!n.e, ltesldenee; & ProfesMon. monu!llent of Lady Eliza~eth Periam, a benefactress to Balliol College Oxford, the wife, first of Robett See also CLASSIFICAT-ION a} tRADEs, p. 69. Doyley, next of Benry N eville, and last!)• of William Alien Thos. Market pl ... Hatter & Deputy Registrar Periam; she was si:'ter of Lord Chancellor Bacon1 Aliens Misses, Bell st......................... Milliners and died in 1621. Over the south ddor is a tnonu- Alleway \Vm, New st ............ Plumber and Glazier ment to \Vi!liam Hayward, of Shrewsbury, art hi- Andrews Sarah 1 Bell st ...•..... Duke of Cumberland tect; after whose design the bridge Mer the Thames A veny Geo. Bell st" •. ................. , Hair Dr~sser in this town was erected: he died before it was Earckus Mary, Murlcet pl .. ..........•... ~·Three Tuns begunJ in 17S2. Hichard J ennings, the master Bar ford H ugh, Hart s.t ........••. ,, ..••.• , •••• Maltster builder of St. Pauls Cathedral, wM interred in the BatiH!tt Daniel1 ditto •. , ........•.•.. • ....•.••.• Butcher churchyard here. ln the vestry is an excellent li- Bedggeod Chas. Belt !t . .••..... Boot and Shoemaker brary of valuable books, bequeathed to the tottfl. Beesley Thos. New st ..... ............ 1 •• ,, • •• ••••• Ship by Dr. Henry Aldrich, Dean of Christchurch ~ he Belcher Robt. Hart st ...........•.•• Wine Merchant was rector of Henley, and died in 1737. The living, Ben nett Wm. Market pl ... Cooper and Baske~ Makr value 427l. per annum, is in the patronage of the BerridgeT. E. Hart st ... ~ronmonger and Genl Smith hishbp of Rochester. Bin field T. C- Market pl• ... ........ , .....•..... Butcher The grammar school wail foundeq by king J atne§ Bisbley J os h. Bell st .................... ~ ....• , Bear Iun 1. and the Blue Coat School by Lady Elizabeth Bishley Jos. ditto .................••..••.... :·••:., Tailor Periam j i1ere are afso a Green Coat ~chool, and ali Black well Edwd. Market pl ............ i Beer Retailer almshouse, founded by J' ohn Longland, Bishop of Bow ling T. Hart st ... Veterinary Surgeon & Carrier tinco1n, who was a native df this town, and C<>n- Boyers John1 dittu ................................. Carrier fessor to king Henry V 111. Wl.lliam Lenthall, Brakspear & Ben well New st ........... , •• , ... Brewers speaker ol the Long Parliament, was also born here Briant Tho8. Bell st. ... . .. . ......•.••.....••.•... Baker in 1591. Brooks Jas.11iarket pL .............•...... ~ .... Surgeon The prospects from ltenley are in the highest de- Brooks J. H. M ark et pl ........................ Surgeon gree picturesque and beautiful) the country around Brown & Cooke Bell st ....•. Plumbers and Glaziers beiri~ pleasingly diversifieu by lofty wooded hills, Brown Hichard, New st .................. Beer Retailer i}nd klwer gruunds declining to the Thames. Hen- Brown Wm. Friday_ st ......... •.....••.... Black Horse ley hill appears on the east, through the chalky face Burton J onathan, West pl .........•..•.. Beer Ret;d]er of" hi eh the road is cut ; at its base houses are BJ' les H. N. Friday st... .• .. . .. . •. . . Common Brewer intermixed with woody scenery; and towards the , Byles I. B. fVater side ... Coal Merchant, Barge south is Park Place, in BerkshirE', the seat of J. · Ownert and Wharfinger Puller Maitland, .Esq. The mansion ~tands on the · tarter John, ffart st, Carpenter, Broker~ and Straw brow ot a range of hills, nearly 300 feet aboYe the · Hat Manufacturer 1evel of the 'l11ames, and sheltered by extensive ·Carter thos. Bell st., .•.. Grocer & Talfow Chandler plaufations. The groundst comprising 400 acre~ 1 Caterer J. lrfarket pl .. .......•.•..•..••...•. toal Dealer pre dh·ersified with lofty erninences and low va}.:: Caterer Jos. ditto .....•. :~·········•···•······· Grocer 1eys; producing scenes which combine all the Chace John, 11'estst •.•..••••.••..••.•••.•.• Shopkeeper variedes of Englisf1 landscape. On a height is a ChambPrlain -Duke st............ Baker & (jrocer circle of stones, denominated a bruid's Temple, Chapmall C. H. Jamaica et, Bel? st .. ., Clerk to brou~1lt from the island of Jer~ey; a singular Union, & Superintendent Hegistrar, Actuary to relic of anfiquity, de~erving ot preservation. The Savings Ba~k, and Agent to Clerical and .Medical ri\'er Thames, seen in many parts tu great ad~ Assurance Company Yaufage, {l{Jlu;iaerably f1eightens the beauty of the Chartres Jas. Bell st ..................... Linen OrapeP prospect. Christnpherson c.-. ditto...... Printer and BcJokseller About a mile north from H'eniey is Faw1ey Clements Sam. ddt(l ......................... "" Perfumer Court, in Buckinghamshire, the seat of S. Freeman, Collier Sarah, llo.rt st... Saddler and Harness Mkr E~q., erected in 1684, from de~igns by Sir Christo- Cook John, lrfarket pi ................... , .•..•... Farrier plzer W1·en: it stands in tbe centre or an ex- Cooper W. & Son, Bell sl... Builders, Upholsterers; temive lawn, well planted, and. terminated by aud Auctioneers \Judnlating hills, in part clothed ~itb heecl1. the Cooper Chas . . Marl·et pl ......... Painter and Glazier possessor ur this estate in the reign of Charles I. was Cooper Josh. ditto ........... ··········"· China bealer ~ir Jarnes Whitelock, one of the Judges of the Coupe~· Sam. Wfst st ... Soficitor and Tswn Clerk, Common Pleas, whose soh sold it to the ancestor of I and Unaer-Sheriff, Distributor of Stamps for th~ present owner. The lwuse contains many fine Oxford Banks, and Clerk to the Magistrates pictures by t1Je old mas!ers, besides portraits of the Cosey John, Had sl ........................... Butcber lllembers of the families of Whitelock and Free- Co.5ter J ames, ditto ... Watchmaker an~ Silversrnitll lllan i and seven.l antique statues, which formed CoHerell J ames, ditto ...•.••....••••••••••..•.••••. Baker part of the Arundelian collection,. The eastern Cottere!I J uhn. Duke sl ..........•.•... , . Coach Maker front of the mansion comrnah~s a view of . the Cox Richard, Market pl .............. , ..••..•.. Cannoq 1'hames, the ~pposite village of Remeriham in Berk- Crews Mrs. New st ......... Ladies Boarding School 67

OXON. HENIAEY UPON THAMES. Cripps Samuel, Hart .~t .............. !···· ........ Grocer Crouch T. H. Market pl ... Grocer and Agent to Phrenix fire Insurance Company Darvill B. New st .............................. Milliner Dixon George & J ames, Bell st ............ Bell Hotel Dixon T. & G. Hart st ..• Red Lion Family Inn and Posting House Dobson Wm. M ark et pl .•...................... Maltster Earl R. West st . .................... Hat Manufacturer Ells£>r Chas. New mills.................. Paper Maker Fardon Mrs. Bell st •• ....... Baby Linen Warehouse }'ardon Thos. ditto............ Chemist and Druggist Farley John, Water side ........................ Grocer Fletcher William & ~on, Market pl ... Silk Mercers and Drapers Fletcher Wm. Sen. ditto ... Agent for County Fire and Provident Life Insurance Office Fowler Mary, Bell st ...... Ironmonger and Glazier Frankum Mrs. ditto ............... Straw Hat Maker Fuller Thos. ditto................................. Baker Gallop Benjarnin, ditto ........................ Bull Inn Geere Elizabeth, Duke st ...... Plumber and Glazier Gilby J. G. Hart st......... Chemist and Druggist G iles Chas. Friday st ..................... Beer Re tail er Giles John, Market pl ..................... Kings Arms Godfrey Wm. New st •..••••••.•...•. .••.••..•.• Builder Godwin Wm. Bell st ............... Tailor and Draper Goff Sa m. Hart st .... ..... Tailor and Linen Draper Goodey Chas. Friday st.... •.• .•••••• .... White Lion Gray son Wm. Bell st.. ••• •• .•. .••• •. .. Watch Maker Grubb J ames, West pl.................. Beer Retailel' Gum T. Bell st .................................... G roe er Hampton Geo. Hart st ..................... Confectioner Harris W. North la ••• IWheelwright & Machine Mkr Jiart :Susannah, Bell st ..................... Gun Maker Hart Henry, Hart st ..................... Queens Head Hester T. ditto •.. Registrar of Births and Deaths, and Relieving Officer for Henley District Rester Thos. }r[ arket pl ........................... Grocer Hewer Bell st ...•....................... Clock Maker Hiatt Mrs. Hart st ... China Warehouse and Stationer Hickman & Kinch, Market pl •.. Chemists, Booksellers, and Printers Hills Misses, Bell st •.......................... Milliners Hobbs John, Hart st ........................ Angel Inn Holford Mrs. Market pl .................. Confectioner H olsby Bell st .. .••.•.......• Straw Bounet :\1aker Horseley Wm. Market pl ........................ Groce r Hussey Richard, Bell st ••. Breeches Maker & Glover I rving Robert, .1.l-I ark et pl ..• Broad Gates Inn and Timber Merchant Isaac Chas. Water side .. . Coal Merchant, Carrier, & Wharfinger I ve Alfred, ~Market pl ...... Wine & Spirit Merchant J efferis George, Friday st ........................ Tanner J eston T. W. Bell st. ... . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. .• Surgeon Knight Eliz. North la .............................. Baker Knight John, Bell st .............................. Baker Lamb W. North la ... Fair Mill House Brdng School Lamboume John, Bell st.. .. . . .. . . . .. . . Chair Maker I-4eaver Fred. Hart st ............. ... .............. Union Leaver J. If art st .... ........... .' ........... Shoemaker Leaver Wm. ditto ........................... Shoemaker Levingston Duke st .. ................... Shoemaker I.cwes J. Market pl •••..••••••••.•••••••.•. Eight Bells Lewington J obn, Duke st ..................... Butcher I.ittle Charles, Market pl ........................ Swan Lackey John, Belt st ..................... Corn Dealer Long G. W. llart st .............................. Grocer Lovell Charles, ditto ..................•........ Feathers low Ann, Market pl ...••••••...•.. Straw Hat Maker Lydell D. & T. Hart st ........................ Bankers Lynn Wm. :Bell st ...... Nursery Seedsman & Florist 68 Main stone , Grey la ..................... Shoemaker Mancey Henry, lVatcr side ............... White Hart' Marklew Hen. Hart st ... Catherine Wheel Commer.J cial Hotel & Wine & Brandy Mt:rrchant Marlow Thomas, Bell st ......... White Hor~e & Star Marsh all Thomas, ditto .................. Oxford A rma Mathews Wm. Nort/1 la ........................... Hope Mattingley John Thos. Market pl ... Upholsterer, & Agent to York & London Assurance Company Maynard M aria, ditto ........................... Butcher Mellett Thomas, Hart st .................. Vetinarian Mercer Nicholas, New st .. ...................... Solicitor Milward Henry, Hart st ........................ Grocer Moss John, North pl .................. Machine Maker M ummery George, Bell st •••.•..........•....• Currier M urn ford Thomas, 111 arket pl . • • . . .. . . Beer Retailer N ash J arnes, New st ........................... Solicitor N ash Miss, Bell st .................. Ladies Seminary N eville Benj. Market pl .•.............•........... Baker N ewberry George, Bell st •................. Shopkeeper' Norris A. Market pl ............ Straw Bonnet Maker N orris F. Gr~ys la •.• Rope Maker & Beer Retailer N orris Henry, Market pl ............... Beer Retaile::- Oshorne Henry, Dulce st ........................ Baker' Othwaite R. Market pl •••••• Agent to the Royal Ex• change Fire lnsuranc6 Othwaite R. Market pl ... Auctioneer, House Agent, & Upholsterer Paulin G. Bell st ••. Hair Dresser & Fancy Repository Paul in J ames, New st •........ Beer Retailer & Baker Pearce Wm. Greys la • .. • • •• . . • • • • .. . • • • • • Royal Oak Pearman Wm. Market pl .................. Shoemaker Pescud John, Bell Ht ..................... Ironmonger Phillips George, 1.lfarket pl .................. Millwright Pick man Richard, New st ••................... Maltster Plum be & Tagg, Bell st .•.. .. Furnishing Ironmonger Plum be Charles, New mills . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . M illeri Plumbe John S. Market pl ••..•...• Draper & Tailor Potter R. West st ... Sacking & Rope Manufacturer Pratt J. Hart st .................. Boot & Shoe Maker Pratt Wm. M ark et pl ..................... Shoemaker Prior J esse, Duke st •••...••.....••••...• Beer Retailer Prowse Richard, Hart st •.... .. ..... Corn Merchant Rathbone J. W. Bell st .................. Confectioner Re ekes H. W. Bell st ............. Plumber & Glazier Reeves Daniel New st .....•....•••.....•..••• Red Cross Reeves J a mes West st ....•.............. Beer Retail et Rickford Edward, Bell st .. ...................... Grocer Riggs Thomas, ditto ......... Corn Dealer & Maltstet Sandy F. R. ditto ................................ Butcher Sarjeant Wm. New st.... .• . •. . •. . . • . .. . .. . . . . . Builder Scott John, Bell st ... Timber, Coal & Slate M erchnt Scott Richard, ditto.............................. Grocer Sharpe J oseph, ditto ..................... Pork Butcher Shaw Emanuel, ditto ......••....•.•.....• Stone Mason Shelton George, Bell la ................ Silk Throwster Simmonds Mrs. Bell st ..................... Confectioner Simmonds Robert, Hart st .•..•.... .•••... Confectioner Simmons George, D~tke st .................• Blacksmith Sims Wm. Market pl .......................... Merchant Sneyd John, New st .. ...................... Stay Maker Soundy H. North pl .•. Registrar of Marriages for the Henley District Spicer Thomas, West st .......................... Carrier Stevens Mrs. Bell st .. ................ Ladies Academy Stevens Robert, ditto ............................ Saddler Strange Wm. New st ........................ Bricklayer Stroud & Co. Hart st ••••.•.. ..•• Shoe Manufacturers Stubbs Wm. ~Market pl ........................... Grocer Sturdy Charlotte, Duke st . ........ Three Horse Shoes Swallow J obn, West pl •• .•••.•••••••....•.••••••• Baker Talbot Wm. Warket pl.. ..•..... Clothier & Salesman Tame Wm. West pl ...................... Beer Retailer

HENLEY UPON THAMES. OXON. Tanner Wm. H. Market pl .•••••••.•••.••• China Man Thacker Richard, .Friday st .•.••.... .••. Beer Retailer Thackara J. Duke st •.....••••..•.•••.•.• Hair Dresser Theobald J oseph, Bell st ••• Grocer & Porter Dealer Thomas J ames, ditto ......•...••••...••.•••• Fishmonger Towsey F. & C. A. T. ditto .. Wine & Brandy Mrchnts 'r aite M. ditto ...••..••.•.••••.••. Malt & Hop Dealer Waldron Wm. ditto .••.... Saddler & Harness Maker Warner J. ditto ... Whitesmith, Bell Hngr & Irnmngr Watts J oseph, ditto ............................... 'fail or Webb Charles, ditto ..••.•••••..•.•..•....•• Pack Horse Webb R. Water sz"de, Tmbr & Coal Mcht & Whrfngr Weight Miss, Bell st ••.•..••.•.••••••• Ladies Seminary Wells Thomas, Duke st •• •••.••.•••.•••...•..•.•. Brazier Wells Wm. Bell st ..•....••... Iron & Brass Founder What man Wm. Grays la ..•••••.•...•.•... Shopkeeper Y1'heeler Jas. Friday st, Water side ... Barge Master, Coal & Timber Merchant White E. Marlcet pl...Corn Chndlr & Eating Hse Kpr Wick J ames, ditto •.••••.••••••••...•.••.•. Greengrocer Wilder J oseph, Bell st ••.•••.•.• Ironfounder & Smith \Villiams Ann, Henley .•.•••......••••..• Beer Retailer Williams J. Hart st ••• White Hart Commercial Inn Wilson Henry, Duke st •. •••.•••.••••••.• Beer Retailer Win grove John, ditto •.••.••..••....•.•... Wheat Sheaf W oodbridge Mark, ditto .••...••.• Old Bell & Saddler \Yoodbridge Mark, Hart st .•.•.•...•.. Old Blue Bell Woodbridge T. Friday st ... Collar & Harness Maker Young Ed ward, Bell st .•..•.•••••••...••.•••••• Surgeon Young Edward, Hart st .........•.............. Surgeon Young George, ditto ...•••••.••.. Draper, Hatter, &c. Classification of Trades. Auctioneers. Cooper Wm. & Son, Bell st ' Othwaite R. Market pl Baby Linen Warehouse. Fardon Mrs. Bell s~ Bakers. Briant Thomas, Bell st Chamberlain , Duke st Cotterell James, Hart st Fuller Thomas, Bell st Knight Elizabeth, North la Knight John, Bell st Neville Benjamin, Market pl Osborne Henry, Duke st Paul in J ames, New st Swallow John, West pl Bw·ge Owners. By les J. B. Waterside Wheeler J a rues, Waterside, Friday st Basket Maker. Bennett Wm. Market pl Beer Retailers. Blackwell Edmund, Market pi Brown Richard, New st Burton J onathan, West pi Giles Charles, Friday st Grubb J ames, West pl Munford Thomas, Market pl N orris Francis, Grey la Norris Henry, Market pl Paulin J ames, New st Prior Jesse, Duke st Reeves J ames, West st Tame Wm. West pl Thacker Richard, Friday st Webb Wm. North la Williams Ann, Duke st Wilson Henry, Duke st Bellhanger. Warner John, Bell st Booksellers cS" Stationers. Christopherson C. Bell st Hickman & Kinch, Market pl Boot~- Shoe Makers. Bedggood Chas. Bell st Leaver J. Hart st Leaver Wm. Hart st Levingston , Duke st Mainstone , Greys la HENLEY CLASSIFICATioJS, continued. Boot cS" ShoeMakers.-Pearman Wm. Market pl • Pratt J. Hart st Pratt Wm. Market pl Stroud & Co. Hart st Brazier. Wells Thomas, Duke st Breeches Maker. Hussey Richard, Bell st Brewers. Brakspear & Benwell, New st Byles Henry N. Friday st Bricklayer. Strang-e Wm. New st Builders.-Cooper Wm. & Son, Bell st Godfrey Wm. New st Sarjeant Wm. New st Butchers. Barnett Daniel, Hart st Binfield T. C. Market pl Cosey John, Hart st Lewington John, Duke st Maynard Maria, Market pl Sandy F. R. Bell st Carpenter. Carter John, Hart st Carriers. Bowling Thomas, Hart st Isaac Charles, Waterside Spicer Thomas, West st Chair Maker. Lam bourn John, Bell st Chemists cS" Druggists. Fardon Thomas, Bell st Gilby John G. Hart st Hickman & Kinch, Market pl China Dealers. Cooper J oseph, Market pl Hiatt Mrs. Hart st Tanner Wm. H. Market pl Clock Maker. Hewer , Bell st Clothier cS" Salesman. Talbot Wm. Market pl Coach Maker. Cotterell John, Duke st Coal Dealer. Caterer J. Market pl Coal Merchants. Byles J. B. Waterside Isaac Charles, Waterside Scott John, Bell st W ebb Robert, Waterside Wheeler J ames, Waterside, Friday st Collar cS" Harness Maker. W oodbridge T. Friday st Confectioners. Hampton George, Hart st Holford Mrs. Market pl Rathbone J. W. Bell st Simmonds Mrs. Bell st Simmonds Robert, Hart st Cooper. Benuett Wm. Market pl Corn Dealers.-Lockey John, Bell st Riggs Thomas, Bell st White E. Market pl Corn Merchant. Prowse Richard, Hart st Curriers. Buyers John, Hart st Mummery George, Bell st Fancy Repository. Paul in G eorge, Bell st Fishmonger. Thomas J ames, Bell st Furrier. Cook John, Market pl Glazier. Fowler Mary, Bell st Glover.-Hussey Richard, Bell st Greengrocer. Wick James, Market pl Grocers. Carter Thomas, Bell st Caterer J oseph, M ark et pl Chamberlain , Duke st Cripps Samuel, Hart st Crouch T. H. Market pl Farley John, Waterside Gunn T. Bell st Rester Thomas, Market pl Horsley Wm. Market pl Long G. W. Hart st Milward Henry, Hart st Rickford Edward, Bell st Scott Richard, Bell st Stubbs Wm. Market pl Theobald J osepb, Bell st 69

OXrJN1 HENLEY UPON rrHAMES. • =====-~====~======~=========-,=====~=.=========~-=-=-=~=·~========~~ fl.sN,i.>EY C'LAssiFIC.tTion, continued. . HENLEY CLAs~IFH!ATION, t:cmtinued Gurl Malten Hdtt Susannah, Bell st Park Butcker.--Sharpe J pscph, Bdl st ' Hair Dressers. Avery George, Bell st Porter Dealer.--Theohaid Jose Jt, Beil st Paulin George, Bell st Thackara J. Duke st , Hick man & m eh, Market pi Hatters.-Allen Thomas, Market pl Rope M:akers.---Norris Francis, Greys la Earl R. West st Potter Richard, '-Vest st · Young George1 Hart st , Sac!cfng A-Ianufacturer.--PoHer 1t.ichard, West at I House Agent.-Othwait~ RJ Market pl Saddlers & karnesss Makers. Collier S. Hart st Inns, Hotels & Public 8buse§: 5ltevens Robert, :ae11 st Angel lrm, Hobbs John1 Hart st ~Valdron Wiiliam1 Bell st , Bear Inn, Bisley J oseph, Bell st ~ W oodbridge Mark, buke st Bell Hotel, Dixon Geo. & Jane1 Bell st Schools Gents.--Lamb William, :North la Black Horse# Drowrl William1 Friday st; 1 Schools Ladies.---"Crews Mrs. New st Broad Gates lnn.i Irving Ro, Market pl Nash Mis!!, Bell st Bull Inn, Gallop Benjamin1 Bell st Stevens lV1 rs, Bell st Cannon, Cox, Ril!hatd, Market pl Weight Miss, 1;3ell st Catherine Wheel Commercial Ilotel, i Shop~eepers.---Chace J obn, West st Marklew Henry/ Hart st , N ewherry George. Bell st Duke of Cumberla1ld3 Andrews Sarah, Bell sb · \Vhatman William, Greys ia . Eight Bells, Lewes J. Market pl Sillc JJfercers.---Fletcher Wm. & Son, 'Maria~t pt Feathers, Lovell Charles, Hart. st Sillc 1'hrowster.--Shelton (}eorge, Belt la Hope, Mathews W illiam1 N otth la. Silversinit!t.--Coster J ames; Hart st Kings Jlrffl.s, Oiles John, Market pl , Slate Mercltanls.--Scott John, Bell st Olll Bl1~e Bi:ll, Woorlbridge Mark, Hart st 8miths.---13erridge T. E. Hart st Oxford Arms, Marshall Thomas, Bel~ st Simmons George, Duke st Pack Horse, W ebb Charles, Bell st Warner j ohn, Bell s£ Queens Hettd, Hart Henry, Hart st "\Vilder J oseph; Bell st • Red Cross, Reeves Daniel, New st Solicitors. Coo~ er Samuel, ~Vest ilt Red Lion Family Inn, Dixon J. & G. Hart st Mercer N icho1as, New st Jl,oyal Oak, Peal"te w illiam,. Greys la N ash J ames, New st Ship, BeesleJ Thomas, New st Spirit Merchant. Ive Alfred, Market pi Swan, Little Charl~s 1 Market pl Stationer. Hiatt Mr~t Hart st 1'hree Horse Shoes, Sturdy Charlotte, Duke st Stay Maker. Sneyd John, New st Three Tuns, Eatcktls :Mary, Market pl Stone .Mason. ~haw Emanuel, Bell st Union, Leaver Frederick, Hart st Straw Ilat ~.,.,fakers.-Carter Johnl I1art st Wheat Sheaf, Win grove ;John, Duke st Frankum Mrs. Bell st White Ilart Comrcl Inn, Williams J. Hart st ' lloltby , Bell st Whit~ Hartj Mancey Henry, Water side Low Ann, Market pi White Htws'8 ~Star, Marlow Thas. Bell st N orris A. Market pl White Lion1 Goodey Charles, Friday st Surgeons.--Brooks J ames1 Marh•t p~ Iron Pounder.-Wilder Joseph, Bell st Brooks James Henry, Market pl Iron & Brass Pounder. · \Veils \V m. Bell st J eston Thomas Ward, Bell »t Ironmongers. Berridge T. E. Hart st Young Edward, i3ell st Fowler Mary, Bell st Young Ed ward, Hart st , Pescud J ohnf Bell st Tailor & Drapers.---Bisley i oseph, Bell st Plumbe & Tagg, Bell st Godwin Wm. Bell st W a mer John, Bell st Goff Samuel, Hart st . Librarian.--Chri~topherson, Charles, Beli st Plumbe John S. Market p1 Linen Drliper8.-·-Chartres Joseph, Bell st Watts Joseph Be1i st . Fletcher William & Son, Market pl Tallozb Chandler.--Carter Thomas, Belf s£ Goff Samutl1 Hart st Tanuer.---J efferis George; Friday st Young- Georget Hart st Timber Merchants.--Irving Robert, Market pl Machine ~l:laker. Harris William, North la Scott JolJil, Bells£ Moss John, North la W ebb Robert, Water side . 1 Malt 4" Hop Dealer.--W aite M. Bell st Wheeler J ames; Water sicle, Fn~ay Bl Mallsters.--Barford Hugh, Hart st Uplwlsterers.--Couper WHliam & Son, Bell st Dobsoh William, Market pi Mattingley John fhomas, .Market pl Pickman Hichard, New st Ot.hwaite R. Market pi Riggs Thomas, Bell st . Veterinary Surgeons.---Bow fing Tiwmas, f! art st Miller.--Plumbe Charles, New mills Mellett Thomas, Hart st Milliners.-Allens Misses1 Bell st Watclnnaker.---Crn;ter J amh, Hart st Darville B. New st Grayson \Yiiliam, Eell st Hills, Mrs. Bell st Whar.fingers.---Byles J.,B. Wtder S-ide Millwright.--Phillips Georgf', Market pl haac Charles, Water side · Nurseryman, Seed~Hla"R tS" Fiorist. Lynn W. Bell st W ebb Robert, W a£er side Painter <t Glazier.-Cooper Charles, ~arket pi Wheelwright.--Hurris 'Wfiliam, Nortli la. Paper Maker.--Elsee Charles, New Mills Wine .f Brandy Merchants.-Eelcher H.. Hart st Perfumer. Clements Samuel, Bell st I ve Alti·ea, Market pf Plumbers <S' Glazeer&.-rAlleway Yvilliam, Mew st Marklew Henry, Hart st Brown & Cooke, Bell st Sims William, Mar~et pf Geere Elizabeth, Duke st Towsey F. & C. A. t. Bell sf Reekes H. W. Bell st 70 L

HOOK NORTON. QX.ON. :Post Office. m~~PlRD Wm. j'Jarkpt ]Jl.. ........... ,., .. Ppstmaster J..ettf!rS rec~ive4 from Lond,on } rnqrn. i p.i~Ntched 2 mQrn. One delivery ~~eh day1 7 morq, ~mp,­ m~r1 & ~ winter. A Pfo~~ fost tC? ~~ading 7 )JlOrn.; re~~r~s S eye-11. PostiPFi House. Red Lfun, Har:t 6t ..................... J. & G. Dixon r J_.qndpil, W fint~tge .CRilCP, from Cq,thf!rine f~eel daily, -!- p. 12 noon, to meet Train by Rail: way ;:J.t ~ {1ft. ; returns 1 aft, Lonqqn, Wellington,. from ditto, l\!Uly, 1 p. 12; returns 6 aft. P1'ford, Defiance, from ditto, daily, • p. 6 ~ft.; r(ltUrl)~ ~ afh ' Oxford, .Qlleen, from Wllite f!art; qflil~! 10 111orp.; returns 6 aft. Bankers. Pxford, W ~llipgtolf~ from Catherine Wheel1 daily, }3nmc}l Bank of R~fidin,g-1 Marfret pll 6 aft./ }"et.urp~J P· H nopn. J. C. & H, ~irnmpm> Str~lJd, Mai, from Whzte Hart, d~ily, 12 n1ght; Pralf HPfiP Wil~iams & Co. ~o1i4Rn· Open HN'f returns 3 morn. 1'/11-JTSdaJ Stro~t4Wijter, frcm ditto, ~aily, 11 ll}Rl"J),; returps ~ ~ydej) }: ~; ~ 1· !fa.rt ~4 r·· Draw on Qrot~ & ~q. aftt:rnoqp. Lpn4qn W !llltpge, ~oach, from (atherine Whe11l, Jlaily, l aft.1 Fire &. Life AfiSUrance A ents. i r returns i P· 12 aft. T • . • . . . g 1' wcester, Paul Pry, from lfhtte Hart1 da1ly; 10 q4. ~ Clerical & MedrcaJ1 lrWtf/:ICfl fh JJell st ...... Charles J!-'tnrns 4 morn. · . I)enr~ fhaplpaiJ . Fire & ffoy.ident J.Af~ jl(ar/q!.t 11 z,,, W, F~etcp~r. _sen. earners to fhQ;!pix, Jlrf~rl; J?!., ... .,11 w .. :~••u .. ·~ .. T\ fl. f,rou~h Abingdon, Spicer, West st, everf Mpn. retutninp Exchange 'Frre, dztto ..................... h. Qthwmte 11ame day. York & London, (lillo :•·":" /9l1p Thos. Mattingley Londqn, Bowling, Hart st, Mon. & Th. i returnp J?'lol'blip l=£i'li~~lUilJ.m.e:nS;a. Wed. & Sat. Stamp Office, West st. · London, haacs, Waterside, Mon. & 'Th,; retlfTl)JJ Cooper Samuel ........................... Distributor Tu. & Fri. Gas Works 1 f!rmH !!!; Marlow, Spicer, Tflest st1 'f~., returnin~ ~ame day. Usher George ................................. Manager Reading, Spicer, ditto, Sat., returning ame day. Law 4c. J?qblte Olficer!ii. Rt.tiding, Wix'11 Cart, Mon. Tues: Wed. Fri. & Sat.; Chap man Cha$. Hllll!'Y, ,lnmaicp, et, ]Jell 6t ~ •• Clf;'rk returns §l!-m~ !lays. M pnion & A.ctqary to Sa~Ji.ngs f3.auk Watlipgto.n, Isaacs~ Waterside, e.ver¥ W.; ret. Th. 9oOI¥JlT s~, Wesl ft, .. Tqifn (.:l~rk & {Jnder Sl}eri~ WB:ter g;;.Q;nv~;yauc.t'. ~ CJer~ tQ Mq.gistrcij;<:& Drews' A. J. Barges, to Bristol, daily, from Webb's Public Scnools. wharf. Infant School, .Mm·ket pl. BfU'ges, ~o ~ondon, fro~n l./ylef' :u;hwf, ttvery ¥"Eek. Ailen Thomas ................................. Master Drew~ A. J. i3•t·rgesl to Lp,ndoJil, gaily, frqtp Wt:bl/IJ Alien Sarah .................................... Mistress wlfmf. National School, New st. Wheeler's Brrrge t.9 ~pnd.on, w.eekly. Buckingham J olm .............................. M aster Buckingham Matilda ........................ Mistress .Coaches to Chelter#ham, llerkeley Hunt, from Catherine Wlwel daily, ll morn. ~ returns i p. 3 aft. ' Cheltenham, from White Jlart, daily, H morn.; returm; 4 aft. Circenster C.oacb, from White Hart, daily, 12 noon; .r~turn~ 3 aft. Glou.eest~r Mail, fi:om dilta, .daily, 12 night; returns 3 mom. • He;~ford, Mazep~a, from ditto, daily, 10 mom; returns 5 a[t. · LondoJJ, Berkeley Hunt, by Railroad, i p. 3 .aft. return~ } 1 morn. LondolJ, Co~ch from White Hart, daily, 3 aft.; r.eturns 12 noon, L!HJdrm, Defiance, from Catlzerin.e Wheel, daily, J aft.; Jetu~·ns ~ p. 5. Lopdon, Glou.cestrr Mail, from ·white llart, daily, 3 morn.; returns 12 niaht. I.o.Q.d,oQ, MQgl)et, from dittQ, Juily, 4 aft. ; returns Jl Jn.Qrn, London, Mazeppa, from ditto, daily, 5 aft. ; returns 10 morn. London, Paul Pry, from ditto, daily, 4 morn; returns IO aft. London, Queen, from ditto, daily, 6 aft.; returns· 10 morn. London, Stroud Mail, from ditto, daily, 3 morn. ; returns 12 night. London, Stroudwate~, from ditto, daily, 3 aft.; ret. 11 mon~. HOOii. NOB TON, ON the borders of WarwiC"ksbi:r~, 5 miles ~.E. from Chipping N orton, contains, according to the census of 1831, 1506 inhabitant~ i the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 6,~45l. ~_pan r~~ing ground stands the church, ?1? mterest111g edifice, dedicated to 8t. Peter i it 'r;ontai;n!;l a great jortion of the ancient rood loft, between t)1e nave an ehancel, and a very curious font of t1}e twe1ftlf century. The livi~g is a perpet~al curacy, val~e 1§0!. per annum, tn the p1·esentation of the Bisho,r df Qxford. About the yea:r .!H 7, a battle was fought here between the Danes and thP. SaxoT}s'; and a barrow still remains, whieh is said to l1ave bee!) formed by the latter on this occasion. Hook N orton was the barouial seat of tbe D'Oyleys, High Constables of E~gland during the Norman dynast)'; a:nd in the rergn of Henry ilL, the manor was held by Ela, Countess of Warwick, by the sergeanty of carving before the king, and to have the ~arving ~mife for a fee. This pm·i~h includes the hamlet of Southrore1 and is in Banbury Union. Name, Residence, & Professiqn. Ea\vsby John ........................................ Carrier Beale James •••...............•...•.....• , .•.• , ....... ljaker Bloxham Hichard ....... Plumber, Painter & Glazier Brain J ol1n........... .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . •. .. },arrie:r Busby Thomas......................... Mason & Slat~r Cox John ................. , ....•...........•.. Blacksrnyith Cruso Edmund .•.......•..•.•.•...........•.•.•• Surg~on 71

OXON. NETTLEBED-TETSWORTII. Dix Thomas ...••...••.••.•.•.••..•. Grocer & Cha~1dler French Samuel. .••..•.. Postman to Chipping N orton Gilkes John ..•...•..•...........•................. Mal tster Gil kes Susann;h .•.•••.•••••••...•• Druggist & Grocer Gaffe Charlotte •••.......................•......... Draper Grim mitt John ...................................... Tailor Hall Richard~······················ ................. Baker Kench William .•••••••.•••• Wheelwright & Carpenter Kibble William .••••••....••••••.•.... Grocer & Draper Messenger David ......................••....... Sun Inn Pain John ••••••.............•.••. Clock & Watchmaker Phillips J o~iah .•• Boot & Shoemkr & Leather Seller Phipps Thomas •....•••....••.••• Hair Dresser & Tailor Rowles Richard ......••................•............ Baker Rowles Richard .•...•.•..•.•...•....••.. Sheriffs Officer Saunders Rev. George ..••.. Curate of Hook N orton Sturch Thomas ••••••••.•.• Saddler & Harness Maker Tapping John ................................. Blacksmith Tew Richard ...••....•.....••••.....•••••............. Bell Tilsey Henry .........••.•....................... Surgeon Tims John •••••.••••••••••••••.•..•..••...••..••• Red Lion Turner Rev. Mr ............... Vicar of Hook Norton Warming ton Daniel.. ...................... Shopkeeper "\\"ells Edward ••.•••..•......•..•.••.....•.•...•.. Butcher White William ..................... Maltster & Brewer Wilks John .......................... Butcher & Grazier Wilks John •••••••••••••..••....•..•••..•..•...•.. Butcl1er For Post Coaches, &c. See CHIPPING NoRTON. • National School. Gammage Miss................................. Mistress :NETTLE BED, SITUATED on an eminence, 5 miles N.W. from Henley, on the road to Oxford, and 40 miles from London, contained in 1831, 618 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 181.1, was 2,516!. Here is a spring, the water of which stops where it rises, without sending any supplies to lakes or to the sea; it has never been known to fail, even in the driest summer, and always affords plenty of water. The church is dedicated to St. Bartholomew, and the living is a curacy, value 1 0 ll. per annum, in the presentation of T. Stonor, Esq. The parish of N ettlebed is in Henley Union, and it is said to contain some of the highest ground in England. In the immediate vicinity is J oyce Grove, a delightful residence; it was honoured with a visit from King William Ill., and Queen Anne also once dined here. Northward is Ewelme Park, one of the most beautiful situations in the county, owing to the diversity of the surrounding scenery; and not far distant is Stonor Park, the seat of T. Stonor, Esq., a family of great antiquity in Oxfordshire. The mansion was erected in the reign of Elizabeth, or J ames I., but has been much modernised; the park nearly three miles in circumference, is well stocked with deer, and is celebrated for the fine flavour of its venison. At the extremity of one of the wings of the house, is a chapel built by Sir John Stonor, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in the reign of Edward Ill.; over the altar is a painted window by Egginton, representing the Salvator Mundi, after Carlo Dolce. :Name, :Residence, &. Profession,; Betteridge Adam ........................ Harneos Maker Champion J ames ............ Auctioneer, Grocer, &c. Chapple Richd........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . Grocer Fisher Miss ..................... Ladies Boarding School 72 Fisher Robt........................... Buarding School Fox Jas ...•.. ,.. ............•..............••... Black~mith f ... re em an Thos .•.•........•.••..••••••••.•..••.•.. Butcher Garrlner E ••.•............••......•.....•.. Red Lion Inn Gibbons Jas................................. Nags Head Giles H v ........................ Baker and Corn Dealer • Good all Geo................ ...... .. .. .... Beer Retailer Hibbard Wm........................... ... White Hart Hobbs Thos.. .• . .• • .. ... . .•••. ....... .. . . .. .• •. Bltll Inn Little S ........................... Plumber and Glazier Pen lington Wm ..•••••.••..•..•••••••••.•••••..• Surgeon Phillips Stephen.. ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. . . .. .. . ... • Builder Rogers Jas....................................... Butcher Saunders Solomon ........................ Beer Retailer Wheatley Wm ................................. Blacksmith Willis Raldh ......... Timber Dealer & Wheelwright Wood Wm ...•..•.•...•.•............•.....•.. Brickmaker Post Office. Rhodes Wm................................. Postmaster Letters received from London, 2 morn. ; dispatched 2 morn. One delivery each day, 7 morn. Coaches to Oxford & London pass through daily, at 12 noon, 2 and l p. 6 aft. TETSWOltTH,- ON the road from High Wycombe to Oxford, from which city it is 12 miles E. by S., and 42 miles from London, contains, according to the census of 1831, 530 inhabitants: the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 3016!. The church is ancien~ and stands on rising ground, on the eastern side of the village; the living is a curacy to the vicarage of Thame. Here is a chapel for W esleyan Methodists. The parish of Tetsworth is in Thame Union. In the neighbourhood are Wheatfield House, & Haseley House. !fame, :Residence, &. Profession. Butcher Edward ........................... Wheelwright Daniels Edward ............................ Wheelwright Ell is Wm ............................... Tailor & Hatter Franklin John •.••..•..•.•...•......•.•••••••........ Baker Franklin John .............................. Parish Clerk Gaffe Thomas ...••.•..•.•....•..•.•.•••.•..••. Shoemaker Green Thomas .................. Blacksmith & Farrier Griffin John ...............• ,. •.........•........ Red Lion Humphrey John ............... Draper & Haberdasher J ones A11n •..•.•••.••••••...••..•••.••..••.•• Kings Arms J ones T ... Royal Oak Commercial Inn & Postng Hse . ' Lee Rev. T ..•••..••.....•.•••..•.•.•....•••..•..... Curate Linders Wm ....•.....••••••••...•..••..•..••• Shoemaker Meaks Thomas ............................. Wheelwright Nutt John •.••........•.....•••.•.•.........•• Crown Inn Shrimpton J. F .................. Corn Dealer & Baker Slatter John, Swan Commercial Inn & Posting Hse Stanley· John ...•.•....•••.•........••..•••••.. Gentleman Stock well John ................................... Butcher Tomes Richard ............................ Hair Dresser Post Office. J ones Thomas ...•.....•..............•.•..•••. Postmaster Letters received from London 1 morn.; dispatched to London 2 morn. One delivery each day, 7 morn. Posting Houses. Royal Oak Inn ........................... Jones Thomas Swan Inn ........................ , ••.•.•..••••• Slater John

THAME. OXON. Coaches to , Gloucester, Tantivy, from Swan, I P.M. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns 2 r.M. Hereford, Champion, from Swan, 10 P.M. (Sun. exc. ;) returns 2 A.M. London, Age, from Royal Oak, ~ p. 12 noon; returns 6 r.M. London, Blenheim, from Swan, 11 morn. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns 4 P.M. London, Champion, from Swan, 2 A. M. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns 10 n!ght London, Mail, from Swan, 2 A.M. daily, (Sun exc.); returns 1 morn. London, Monarch, from Royal Oak, 2 morn. daily, returns 11 even. London, Tantivy, from Swan, 2 r.:M. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns 1 P.M. London, Sovereign, from Swan, 3 r.M. daily, (Sun. exc.); returns 12 noon Oxford, Age, from Royal Oak, 6 r.M. daily; returns ! p. 12 noon • Stow, Blenheim, from Swan, 4 P.M. daily, (Sun exc.); returns 11 A.M. Worcester, Mail, from Swan, 1 morn. daily, (Sun. ex c.); returns 2 morn. . · Worcester, Monarch, from Royal Oak, 11 even. daily; returns 2 morn. Worcester, Sovereign, from Swan, 12 noon, daily, (Sun. ex c.) ; returns 3 r.M. THAME, Near the church is the Free Grammar School founded and endowed by Lord Williams. The date of its erection, 1569, app,ears on one of the stones in the gaule, and it is a very fine specimen of the architecture of that period ; during his life he erected an almshouse here for five men and one woman. A free school was also established by bequests of the second Earl of Abingdon and others, and there are various charitable benefactions. A short distance to the north-west of the church are the remains of the prebendal house, consisting of nearly three sides of a quadrangle; a large refectory is still visible, and the chapel is also preserved; these remains, evincing considerable former grandeur, are now used as farm buildings. Sir John Halt, Lord Chief Justice in the reign of William Ill., was a native of Thame. This parish is in the Union of the same name. About a mile south from the town is Thame Park, the seat of Miss Wickham ; it formerly contained an abbey of Cistercian monks, originally founded by Sir Robert Gait at Oddington, but which being exposed to inundations, was removed to Thame, in the reign of Stephen. Considerable portions of the abbey which stood at the dissolution, adjoin the present elegant mansion; the tower at the east end contains a chamber, ornamented with carved shields of arms offormer possessors of the estate, built about the time of King Henry VII. In a gallery is preserved a small collection of armour and arms, and the drawing room contains numerous family pictures. Near the house is a chapel, the most ancient part r~maining of the abbey buildings, used as a burial place for the family; among the monuments is one by Westmacott, of the last Viscount Wen man, who died in 1800. The park is extensive, and was laid out by t)1e celebrated Launcelot .Browne. • • At Thame the patriot Hampden died of the wound he received at Chalgrove Field on June 18th, 1643. About two miles westward of the town is Rycot or Reicote Park, the property of the Earl of Abingdon. . Name, :Residence, &. Profession. A MARKET town on the borders of Bucking ham shire, 44 miles from London through High Wycombe, but 50 miles by the road through Aylesbury, and 12 miles east from the city of Oxford, contained 2,885 inhabitants in 1831; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 9,520l. It derives its name from being situated on the river Thame, and consists principally of one long and spacious street, with the market place in the centre, over which is the town hall. The market is on Tuesday, and is well supplied with corn, cattle, poultry, &c.; and fairs are held on Easter Tuesdav and Old Michaelmas day, for horses, cattle, and. swine. Lace- See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 74. making affords employment to many women here, Allnatt Wm. High st ........................... Solicitor and in the neighbourhood, but the inhabitants are Ayres Philip B. ditto ........................... Surgeon chiefly occupied in agricultural pursuits. The church, Barnett Miss, Jlfontpelier house, Friday st ... Ladies Sch dedicated to St. Mary, is a large and ancient edifice, Barton J ames, Friday st ......... Plumber & Glazier cruciform in plan, with a massive central tower: Barton M. ditto ......... Rope & Twine .Manufacturer the north and south transepts were the burial places Batchelor J ames, High st ..................... Butcher of the ancient families of Dormer and Quatremaine, Battin Robert, ditto ... The Nags Head & Bricklayer and contaii'l several curious and interesting monu- Betts Wm. ditto .............................. Shoemaker ments, beginning as early as the fourteenth century. Bignell R. ditto .. Solicitor & Auditor to Thame Union Here are many beautiful specimens of engraved Blackwell Mary, ditto .................. Corn Chandler ~cpulchral brasses, few churches in the county being Banner Charles, Friday st ............... Beer Retailer richer in this kind of monumental decoration. In Bonner Jas. New rd ... Builder, Broker, Appraiser, the centre of the chancel is an altar tomb, on which Timber Dealer, Brick Maker & Chair Maker ~re the recumbent figures of J olm, Lord Williams Bowler Richard, Middle row ............ Beer Retailer uf Thame, who died 1559, and his first wife, in the Bradford H. ditto .. . Agt to Royal Exchange Insurance costume of the period of the reign of Elizabeth, and it Bradford Hen. High st . .• Auctioneer, Printer, Book· is remarkable that their feet are towards the west; seller & Stationer on the south wall of the chancel is a brass rep re- Bradford Miss, Butter market ...... Milliner & Dress senting in a kneelir1g attitude Sir John Clerke, of Maker North Weston, who died in 1539; he took prisoner Brickwell J. Middle row ......... Boot & Shoemaker Louys of Orleans, Duke of Longueville, in the 15th Burnard Mary, High st .. ................ Haberdasher )'ear of Henry VIIlth's reign. The font is singular Castle Nath. ditto .................. Plumber & Glazier in its form and design, and is of great antiquity, as Castle Thomas, ditto .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . Butcher proved by its being 5ufficiently capacious for total Clisby John, Friday st .. ................ Old Blue Mrui immersion. The living is a vicarage, with the cu- • Clisby v.r m. High st .... ....................... Six Bells racies of Tetsworth and Sydenham, and the vicar- Coles John, ditto .............................. Swan Inn age of Towersey, in Buckinghamsnire, value 300l. · Cope Philip, ditto .................. Boot & Shoemaker per annum, in the patronage of W. Long, Esq. j Davis Edward, ditto ........................ Blacksmith Ox fnr_d.~hilf'P._l T.

OXON,. Dell George, High 6t .................. Abingdon Arms Dun kin David, ditto .............................. B tker Edrlen Mary, ditto .......•....... Straw Ronnet ~faker Edden Tho~. ditto ... Beer Re~ailer & Wheelwright Edden Wm. ditto .....•...•.......... , .. , ... Wheelwright E!lson James, ditto ...•...........•........ Seven Stars Ewc;tace J ames, Brickhill la ....•....... Beer Retailer Field Samuel, High st .•... , .................. M(lltster Fi~lding George, ~itto ..................... Ironmonter Flight Edward, dztlo •.....•........•.... , ......... Tailor Forster Wm. ditto .............................. Solicitor Fowler Elizabeth. ditto .................. Haberdasber Fowler Mary, ditto .............................. Milliner Frar. klin Franci", Friday st .................. , .. Tai I or Franklin Mis~, High st ........................ Milliner Griffith J. ditto ............... Fancy Toy Warehouse Hall E. ditto ........................... Glass, &c. Dealer Hawes Thomas, ditto .............................. Baker Hew land Thomas, ditto ........................... Baker Holland Giles1 B•·ickhillla ............ Beer Retailer Holl ier John, ditto .. . Solicitor, & Perpetual Commission er for taking the Acknowledgments of Deeds by Married Women; Clerk to the Thame Union, & Clerk to the Commis~ioners of Taxes & Trustees of the Stokingchurch & Turnpike Roads, &c., & Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, & Mar- • nagcs Holloway Richard, High st ................... , .Solicitor Horton Rich. Brickhillla ...... Carpenter & Builder Horton Wm. High .~t ............ Old Saracen's Head Horton Wm. Brickliillla •.••• ~ ......... Timber Dealer How land Richard, High st ..................... Carrier Howland Robert, ditto ... Auctioneer, Appraiser, & E~tate Agt, & High Constable for Thame Hundred Howland Thomas, ditto ...... I'ishmonger & Fruiterer H urst John, ditto ........................... Hair Dresser Ives T. ditto ........................... Shoe Warehouse Jaeque:o Wm. ditto ... Schoolmaster at Thame Union Workhouse Jarvis Alfred, ditto .............................. Grocer J arvi11 David, ditto .............................. Saddler J ohnson David, Friday st ............... Beer Retailer Johnson John, High st ... Currier & Leather Cutter J ones G. ditto ........................ Tailor & Draper Jordan George, ditto ..................... Horse Dealer Larey Samuel, ditto ............... Plumber & Glazier Lath am & H1ll, ditto ..................... White Horse Ledbeater Edward, ditto .......... , ... , ...... Bull Inn Lee Richard, ditto .............................. Surgeon Rev. T. T ...... Master of Free Grammar School Lee, Rev. Timothy Tripp, High $l ............ Vicar Jjndars W. & R. ditto ... Gre} hound Commercial Inn Looslev Wm. ditto ............ Baker & Confectioner • Lupton & Reynolds, ditto ..................... Surgeons Mead George, A-fiddle row ........................ Baker Mead John, High st ...... Licensed Dealer in Game Mead Thomas, ditto ............. , ................ Baker M ears Jas. Friday st ...... Nurseryman & Seedsman Munday Wm. High st ..................... Confectioner Newitt J. Brickhillla ... Timber Dealer & Brickmkr Pargetter John L. liigh st ... Black Horse, & Smith Parrish Jas. Thos. ditto ............ M ere er & Draper Payne Edw. & John, Sash lake ......... Woolstaplcrs Pcarce Ann, lligh st .............................. Grocer Pearce John, ditto ........................ ·wheelwright Phillips Francis, ditto ........................... Butcher Pinnock Robert, Brickhillla ............ Beer Retailer Pollard WaltPr, High st ............ Painter & Glazier Price J obn, Priestend .... ................. BP er Retailer Prickett HPnry, High st .. ............. Grocer & Baker Reding Richard, Friday st ........................ Tailor Reynolds J. High st ........................... Surgeon Roberts 1 ames, ditto .......................... , Butcher 2'4 Robson Henry, dilto ... Bookseller, Printer, Stationer & frin~seller; Agent to Ph~nix Fire Insurance Company, & Agent to J ckson's Journal, Oxford Herald, Bucks Herald, & Northampton Herald Ryder Wm. High st .. ................ Cooper & Broker Saunders Rich. W. Middle row ..... , ... Parish Clerk Saunclers H.. W. High st ... ~addler & Harness Maker Scadding John, ditto ......... Gents Boardiug Scho1 I !:'lcadd!ng Wm ditto ... Fightint! Coc:k Inn; Hrgistrar of Marriage~ for the Tharne Union, & Secretary to the United Relievin~ Officers & Masters of Workhouses SqpHannuation Society Seamons E. T. & Grace, }fig h. st .. , ......... Brewers Seymour J oseph, di(tQ ............... , ........... Tailor Seymour John, ditto ................. ...... Ironmonger Seyrnour Thos. H. ditto ... Grocer & Tallow Chaiidler, • Spirit Merchant, & Agent to the County Fire & Provident Lif~ Imurance Office Sharman William, High st,., ................... Draper Sheldon Tho!Jlas, ditto .... , ................... One Bell ShHrock Robert, ditto........................... Tailor Shrimpton John. ditto ......... Miller & Corn factor Simmuns Charles, ditto ... Spread EAf:le Commercial Inn & Posting House Simmons "William, ditto ......... Chemist & Dmggist Simons John1 ditto ........................ Hair Dresser Sparks 11 enry, ditto .................. Mercer & Draper Staples 1\Iary, ditto ... Timber Merchnnt & Coopers Steeden Thorn a!', ditto ......... , ..... ,., Beer Retailer Stone & Dip lock, ditto.,<.•· ... .................... Drapers Stone E. ditto ....... ··••c· ..•....................... Btiker Stone Isaac, ditto ..........•.•••.................. Builder Stone Robert, ditto ... Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer Stone Thomas, ditto ..... . Agent to Rickford & Hunt, Bankers, Aylesbury Stone Thomas, ditto ............ , .. Carpenter & Joiner Styles John, Friday st .............. , .. , Beer Retailer Styles Williarn, High st ............... Coall\1erchant Sutton Thomas, ditto ... Grocer, Tallow Chandler & Spirit Merchant Taplin G. H. ditto ................................. Grocer Taplin William, ditto ..... , ...... General Coach Office Tapping Thomas, ditto ........................... Baker Ted well Catherine, ditto.................. Shopkeeper Thorp John, ditto ........................... Apothecary Tomlinson John, ditto ......... Watch & Clock Maker Towersey Henry, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Turner Ann, ditto........................... Bird Cage Turner Penelope, ditto ... , .............. Hardwarernan Turner Wm. Middle row ... China & Gla.~s Manufctr Wainwright , Hi9h st ............ , ........... Butcher Wakeman George, ditto ........... , ............ Surgeon \Valker Stephen, ditto ... Grocer & Tallow Chandler W ebster John, ditto ..................... , •• Anchor Inn W ebster William, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Wheeler Williarn, ditto ........................... Grocer Whichello S. & H. ditto. W oolstapler & fellmonger White Eden, ditto ....... RclieYing Officer & Reg~trar of Births & Deaths for Thane District Whitel1ead Henry, Ffiday st .............. ....... Bakr Winslow John, Sash lake ...... F11rmer & ~fealman Wixon Robert, Friday ~t ........... ......... , ... Grocer 'Vood Thomas1 11 ig!t st .. ........ 1 .Boot & Shoemaker Cla.s~ification of •.rrades. Apothecary. Thorp John, High st Auctioneers~ Appraiser6.-Bonner J. New rd Bradford Hy. High st Howland Robt. High st Bakers Dunkin David, High st Hawes Thos. High st Hewland Thos. High :;t

~HA1V1E. • • OXON. ==~================~~====='================~========= THAME CLASSIFICATION, continued. 1 Bakers.---'Loosley Wm. High st Mead Geo. Middle rQW l\fead Thos. High st Prickett 1-Iy. High st Stone E. High st THHf! CLASSIFICATION; continUell. Stone Edmund, High st 'tapping Thos. High st Whitehead By. Friday st Beer Retailers. Banner Chas. Friday st Bowler Richd. Middle row Edden Thos. High st Ewstace J ames, Brick llii1Ia l:Iolland Giles, Brick hill la J ohnson David, Friday s~ Pinnock Rober,t, Brick hillia Price j olm, Pmst end Steeden Thos. High st Styles J olm, Friday st Towcrsey Henrv, Higb sf Webster Wm. High st Booksellers 9' Slalirmers. Bradrorii I1 High st Robson Henry, High st . l3oot ~ Slwemakers.-Betts Wm. High st Brickwell J. 1\tiddle ro\v Cope Philip, High st Ives T. I-I igh st Wood 'fhos. 1-Iigh st Brewers. Seamons E. T. & ,Grace, Higl1 st .Brickla,yer.-Battin Robert, I1igh st Brick lrfakers. Banner j arnes, New rd Newitt Josh. Brick l1ill la Builders.""-- Banner James, New rd Horton Richd. Brick ltillla Stone Isaac High st Butchers. 1htchelor .t ames1 High st Castle Thos. High st Phillips Francis, High st Roberts J ame3, High st Wainwright Gco. High st Cabinet Makers.-Stone Robt. High st Carptml~rs.-Horton Ricl\.d. Brick hill la Stone Thos. High st Chair Maker.-Bonner Jas. 'N"ew nl Chemists~· Druggists. Simmons Wm. High st China 9' Glass 111 anufacturers :- Hall E. High st Turnet· Wm. Middle row Coal }~f,erchanls.-Styles Wm. I-tigh st Confectioners. Loosley Wm. High st Munday Wm. High st Cooptrs. Ryder Wm. High st . Staples 1\Iary, High st Corn Chandler. Blackwell Mary, High st Corn Factors.-Shrimrton Job, High st Carrier.-J ohnson John, High st Draper5.-Parrish J. T. High st S!tarman \Vm. High ~t Srarks Henry, 1-ligh st Stone & Diplock, High st Estate Agenl.--1'-Iowland Robt. High st Pe/lm{lngers.---Whichello S. & H. Fishmonger.--Howland Thos. High st .Fruiterer.---H owland Thos. High st ~Furniture Erokers.-Bonner Jas. New rd Ryder Wm. High st Grocers. Jarvis Alfred, High !:\t Pearce Aaron, High st Prickett Hy. High st Seymour T. H. High st Sutton T. S. Higft st Taplln G. H. High st Walker Stephen, High st Groce1·s.---Wheeler Wm. High st Wixon Robt. Friday st 1/aberdashers.-Burnard Ma.ry, Hi~h st Fowler Eliz. High st Hair Dressers. H urst J obn1 High st Simon John, High st Hardwareman.-Tutner Penelope. High st Horse Dealer.-·~J ord1111 Geo. High st Inns, Taverns, g-c. Abingdcm Arms, Dell G. High~ .Anchor Inn1 W ebster J obn, High st '-' Bird Cagel Turner Ann, High st Black Horse, Pargetter J. L. High ~t Bull Inn, Ledbeatet Edward; High St Fighting Cock Inn1 Scadding Wm. High et Greyhound Com. Inn, Lindanl W, & R. High st Nags Head, Battin Robt. High st Old Blue 111 an, Ciisby John, Friday st Old Saraceu1 Heltd, Horlon Wm. High st One Bell, Sheldon Thos. lli~h st . Seven Star8, Ellson James, High st Six Bells, Clisby Wtn. High st Spread Eagle Cam. Inn, Simmons C. High st Swan Inn, CfiJes JoM1 High st White Horse, Lathart1 & Hill, High lit Ironmongers.-Fi~lding George, High ~t Seymour John, High st Leather Cutter. Johnson John, High st Licensed Dealer in Game.---Mead John, itigh st 11-faltster.--Field Samuel, High st Mealman.---Winslow John, Sash 1ake 111ercers.-- Parrish Jumes Tboma!t, High !lt Sparks Henry, High st JJ.filler.·-Shrimptorl J oli, High ~t . .Mitliners.-~~Bradford Miss, Butter market Fowler Mary1 High st Franklih Miss, High lit New.~paper Agentj Robson Henry, Higll st Nurseryman ~ Seedsman. Meara Jas. lo~riday st Plumbers ~ Gla:l:iers.--B:uton J ameli, Friday st Castle Nuthani~l, High st !.acey Samuel, High st Pollard W alter, High llt Posting /Iause.--Simmons Chas. 11igh st Printers.---Bradtord. Henry, High sb Robson Henry, High st Print Selter.--llobson Henry1 I{iglz sb Rope~ Twine lrlanujacturer :--- Ruton Michnel, Fl'1dny st Suddlersi--J arvis David1 High st Saundcrs Richard W. High st . Sclwdls, Genis.--Sca.dding John, High it ! School, Ladies. Barnett Miss, Muntpelitir bouse, I S/,oplceeper.--'tted \Veil C. High st [ ~'riday st Smiths.---Da\'is Edward, High st Pargetter John L. High st Solicitur.~.---AI!natt William, High et Bigr\ell Hiclw.r~ High st For~ter Wjlliam, High st Hollier J olm l H olloway l~ichard, Hi,~th st :Spirit illerchants.-Seymour Thm~. H. High st i Sutton Thos. S. High st 1 Straw Bmmet .~faker.~--Edden Mary, High st 1 Surgeons.--Ayres Philip B. High st 1 Lee Richard, H1gh st Lupton & Reynolds, High st Reynolds J. High st Wakeman George, Higb st Tailors.--Flight Edward, High st Franklin Francis, Friday st Jones G. High st Reding Richard, Friday st 7!i.

OXON. WATLINGTON. THAME CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tailors. Seymonr Joseph, High st Sherrork Robert, High st Tallow Chandlers.---Seymour Thos. H. High st Sutton T. S. High st Walker Stephen, High st Timber Dealers.-Bonner James, New rd N orton William, Brickhill la Newitt Joseph, Brickhillla Timber Merchant.---Staples Mary, High st Toy Warehmtse. Griffit hs J. High st Watch q Clock Maker.--Tomlinson Job, High st Wheelwrights.-Edden Thos. High st Edden William, High st Pearce John, High st Woolstaplers.-Payne Edw. & John, Sash lake Whichello Slephen Henry Post Office. Page John .................................... Postmas~er Letters arrive 6 morn. ; dispatched ~ p. 6 even. One delivery each day, f p. 6 morn. ' Bankers. Rickford & Hunt, High st. Stone 1,homas .... .......... ...................... Age11t Fire cL. Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life, Higlt st .. T. H. Seymour Royal Exohang-e ..................... Henry Bradford Phamix Fire, High st .................. Henry Robson Law &. Public Officers~ Bignell Rich. High st ••• Auditor to the Thame Union Hollier John ...... Clerk to the Thame Union, to the Commissioners of Taxes, & to the Trustees of the Stokingchurch Turnpike Roads Howl and Robert, High st ............ High Constable Scadding W. ditto ... Secretary to the United Relieving Officers & Masters of Workhouses Superannuation Society . White Eden, High st ............... Relieving Officer Public Schools. Foreign & British School for Boys & Girls, Brick hill la Butler 'I,l1omas ................................. M aster Bradley Sarah ..... ............................ Mistress Free Grammar School. Lee Rev. 1·. T ...... ............................ Master Coaches. Coaches daily, from Spread Eagle to Aylesbury Railway. Coaches daily, from ditto to Birmingham Railway. Cambridge Eagle, from Spread Eagle, cS" Fighting Cock, daily, (Sun. exc.)! p. 10 morn.; returns l p. 4 aft. Oxford Eagle, from ditto, daily, l p. 4 aft. ; returns lp-lOmom. London Coach, from Taplin's Office, High st, ! bef. 9 morn. Mon. W. & Fri.; returns 3 aft. Tu. Th. & Sat. London Omnibus, from Coles Swan Inn, 9 morn. Mon. Wed. & Fri. ; returns ! bef. 3 aft. Tu. Th. & Sat. Carriers to Bicester, from Rowland's Van Office, Bigh st, Tu. & Sat. ; returns same days. London, Rowland's Van, from Office, High st, 4 aft. Wed. & 8 morn. Fri. & Sun. Oxford, Howlett's Cart, ·w. & Sat.; ret. same day. Oxford, Howse, 'V ed. & Sat.; returns same day. Waggons & Vans to all part:. adjacent, daily, from Row/and'& Van Office, High st. ~"s WATLINGTON, A MARKET town, situated im the Chiltern Hilla, between the two high roads leading from London to Oxford, 15 miles S.E. from that city, and 43 miles from the metropolis, contained in 1831, a population of 1833 persons; the annual value of assessed property in 18 I 5, was 4,069l. It is an irregularly built town, with a curious market house in the centre, at the junction of four ways, which was erected by Thomas Stonor, Esq. in 1644, who in the same year founded the free grammar school here. The marht is· on Saturday, and fairs are • held on April 5th, and Saturday before October lOth. There is no staple manufacture, but lace-making is carried on to some extent. The town is watered by a brook that rises in the vicinity, on which are several corn mills. The petty sessions are held here; also courts leet and baron. The church, dedicated to St. Leonard, contains various monuments of the Horne family: the living is a vicarage, value 17 5l. per annum, in the patronage CJf J. H. Tilson, Esq. Here are also chapels for Baptists, Independents, and Wesleyan Methodists. The manor of Watlington was granted by King Edward Ill., to Sir Nicholas De la Beche, who in l33S obtained a license to convert his house into a castle; it stood near the east end of the church, where indications of the moat that surrounded it may yet be traced. Watlington Park comprises an extent of about 300 acres, in which all the various features of the Chiltern inequalities are blended, and the woods contain some of the finest beech trees in the county. The parish of W atlington includes Green field liberty, aud the hamlet of W armscomb, and is in Henley Union. On Britwell Hill are some remains of trenches, indicating the site of an ancient encampment. A bout a mile northward of Watlington, is Shirburn Castle, the seat of the Earl of M acclesfi~ld, Lord Lieutenant of the county: it is nearly in the form of a parallelogram, with a circular tower at each angle of the edifice, the intervals being occupied by fiat ranges of stone building, and along the whole top is an embattled parapet. The castle is encompassed by a broad and deep moat, the water flowing up to the walls on all sides; it is approached by three drawbridges, and the chief entrance is guarded by a portcullis. In the reign of Ed ward Ill., W arine de Lisle had permission to build a castle at Shir· burn, which was afterwards in the possession of the families of Quatremaine, Fowler, and Chamberlayne: the castle and mar.or of Shirburn were purchased by Thomas Parker, who was created Lord Macclesfield in 1716, afterwards Lord Chancellor; in 1721, he was further advanced to the title of Earl. The old hall of the castle is appropriated as an armoury, and is bung with suits of armour of ancient date, &c. There are two large libraries, and some very excellent pictures, among which is an original portrait of Queen Katherine Parr, who is represented in a costume of the most costly description; in the lower part of the frame under a glass, is a lock of her hair; it is auburn, and matches exactly with that dP.lineated in the picture; also a portrait of the Earl of Mac· clesfield, Lord Chancellor. The park contains about 60 acres. Shirburn Castle was honoured with a visit by Queen Charlotte and the princesses in the summer of 1808. :Name, Residence, & Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, page 77. All en Thomas .................................... Butcl1er Appleby Thomas ..................... White Hart Inn

WArfLINGTON. OXON. Barnes Margare't ............... Baker & Corn Dealer Barnes T. Couchin st •.. Registrar of Births & Deaths Barnes \V m ........................................ Currier Barrett Henry .................................... Surgeon Bartholomew G ... Grcr, & Agt to Phrenix Fire Office Bartlett Wm ................................. Ironfounder Betteridge & Stratton •.. :r ...................... Saddlers .Betteridge Wm. Couchin st ..................... Grocer Birkhead , ditto .............................. Sutgeon Bracey J oseph, High st .................. Clothier, &c. Bracey Joseph, Couchin st ............... Linen Draper Carter Thomas .................................... Grocer Caterer J ames, Couch in st .................. Red Lion Chapman Mary, ditto .. h···· .............. Haberdasher · Churchill Mary Ann ...... Grocer & Tallow Chandler Clift Geo .... Draper, & Agent to British Fire Office Cook J. H. Couchin st .. . Solicitor, Clerk to the Magistrates for the Division of W atlington & to the Commissioners of Taxes, & Deputy Lieutenant Crook .... ~nn ............................................ Baker Ditton Wm. Couchin st .................. Beer lletailer Dre\V John, ditto ........................•........ Grocer Elliott Wm .................................. Parish Clerk Ex ton Robert, Couchin st .................. Ironmonger Gould 'V m. ditto .................................. .. Baker Haldin John ....................................... Tailor Hall Thomas, Couch in st ........................ Cooper HamrJ Will ......................................... Butcl1er Harm an Alfred .............................. Shoemaker Hathaway Richard ........................ Wheelwright Hewitt John, Couchin st .................. Watchmaker Hill Solomon ........................... Tailor & Draper Hive J olm ..................... Barley Mow, & Butcher J ohnson Wm . .............................. Watchmaker Joiner Jonathan ........................... Beer Retailer Lampitt Ed ward ................................. Solicitor Lovelock George .. ................................ Butcher Lovelock J ames ... Hare & Hounds Commercial Inn Lo\-·elock John .................................... ~1altster Lowe ·Thon1as .............................. One Crown Lydall Messrs. & Co ........................... Bankers Marklew John ... Agent for County Fire & Provident Life Office Marklew J. Couchin st ... British Wine & Porter Mrcht Milnes Rev. E . .................................... l{ector N a ish J .............................. Plumber & Glazier N eig~bour Richard ............. ~ ................ Tin man Norris Wtn .......................................... Baker Pearce , Couch in st ..................... Hair Dresser I> eel & Hayward, ditto ..• Brewers, Maltsters, & Wine & Spirit Merchants Quaterman Step hen ........................ Blacksmith Rackstraw Edwin ........................... Greyhound Ring Thomas .............................. Beer Retailer Rose Ann ................................. Beer Retailer Shatn Robert .................................... Butcl1er Slatter Thomas ..................... Plumber & Glazier Spyer W. G ................................. Cl1emist, &c. Spyer Wm. G..................................... Grocer Steptoe Wm ............................... Three Crowns Stapes & Co. Coucltin st ... Milliners & Dressmakers Tranter Richard ........................... Ironmnnger Wheeler 'V m .................................... Plun1ber Y ouens Richard ........................... Beer Retailer Young Thomas ........................ Machine Maker Classification of Trades. Bakers.-Barnes M. Crook Ann Gould Wm. Couchin st Norris Wm. ~ Beer Retailers.-Ditton Wm. Couch in st Joiner J on a than W ATLINGTON CLASSIFICA!ION, continued. Beer RetiZilers.---Ring Thomas Rose Ann Y ouens Richard Blacksmith.-Quaterman Stephen Boot~ Shoemaker.-Harman Alfred Brewe1·s.--Peel & Hayward, Couchin st British Wine ~ Porter Merchant:- Marklew John, Couchin st Butchers.-Allen Thomas Hamp Wm. Hive John Lovelock George Sham Robert Chemist, ~c.--Spyer W. G. Clothier, ~c.---Bracey J ash. High st Cooper. Hall Thomas, Couch in st Corn Dealer.--Barnes Margaret Currier.--Barnes Wm. Grocers. Bartholomew Geo. Betteridge Wm. Couchin st Carter Thomas Churchill Mary Ann Drew John, Couchin st Spyer William G. Couchin st Haberdasher.-Cba;pman Mary, Couchin st llair Dresser.-Pearce Conchin st Inns, Hotels, ~Public Houses:- Barley 11-fow, Hive John Grey Hound, Rackstraw Edwin Hare ~Hounds Commercial Inn, Lovelock J ames, CoucLin st One Crown, Lowe Thomas Red Lion, Caterer J ames, Couch in st Three Crowns, Steptoe William lfhite Hart Inn, Appleby Thomas Iron Founder. Bartlett William Ironmongers.---Exton Robert, Couchin st Franter Richard, Couchin st Linen Drapers.--:-Bracey J os h. Couchin st Clift George Machine Maker.--Young Thomas Maltsters. Lovelock John Peel & Hayward, Couchin st Milliners q Dressmakers.--Stopes & Co. Couchin st Plumbe1·s, Glaziers, ~c.---Naish J. Slatter Thomas Wheeler Wm. Saddlers.--Betteridge & Stratton Solicitors.---Cook J. H. Couchin st Lampitt Edward Surgeons.-Barrett Henry Birkhead - Couchin st Tailors, 4"c.--Haldin John Hill Solomon Tinman. N eighbom· Richd. Watchmakers.---Hewitt John, Couchin st J ohnson Wm. Wheelwright. Hathaway Richard [st Wine~ Spirit 11-ferchnt.--Peel & Hayward, Couchin Post Office. Marklew J ............................. Receiving House Letters from London, 8 morn.; forwarded to London via Tetsworth, 6 even. One delivery each day, 9 morn. Bankers. Branch Bank' of Henley ...... Lydale Messrs. & Co. Fire and Life Assurance Agents. British Fire ............................... J oseph Bracey County Eire and Provident Life ...... John Marklew Phrenix ............. , ............ , George Bartholon1ew 77

OXON. WHEATLEY, &c. :Law &.. :Public Officers .. Cook J. H .... Clerk .to the Magistrates for the Division of Watlington, to the Commiilsi<lners of Taxes and Deputy Lieutenant Coaches to London, f:rom the Hate ~Hounds, Mori. W. & Fri. l p. 8 A.H.; returns T. Th. & Sat. ! p. 2 P.M. Carriers to Abingdon, Burton, from Hare ~ !founds, every Mon.; returns same day. London, V an from Hare et Hounds, every Tu. ; returns on Fri. London, lsaacs Van, from Hare ~ Hounds, Th. 4 returns on wed. Oxford, Munday, from Hate If Hounds, Sat.; returnll same day Reading, Burton, from Hare If Rrnmds, every Sat.; returns same day Thame, Burton, from Hare f llounrls, every Sat.; returns same day W allingford, Burton, from Hare 4' Hounds, Fri. ; returns same day WH:P.ATLEY, A CHAPELRY in the parish of C11ddesden, on the road from High Wycomb to Oxford, 5! miles E. from that city, and 48~ mile!! from London, contained in 1831, 976 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 2295[. It is situated on the banks of the river 1'hame, over which there is a. bridge, about a. mile eastwatd from the village. The church is dedicated to St. Mary; and the living is a curacy1 subordinate to the vical"'- age of CuddeHden, value 120l. per annum, in the presentation of the bishop of Oxford. Cudde6den Palace is the residence of the bishop!! of Oxford. In the neighbourhood are Holton Park, Shotover House, W aterferry House, and 'V aterstock House, Name, Residence, &. Profession. Allsop John (King & Queen) ... Plumber & Glazier Buckland William.... .... ... .. ....... .... Parish Clerk Case more John ............................... Corn Dealer Cooper Joseph .............................. Brickrnaker Cooper Rieharcl .... ..................................... Sutl Davis Hannah .............................. Kings ~lrms Edmonds John................................. Maltster Elderfield baac ...... , .................... Beer Retailer Friday J ames ....... ................ ................ Grocer Gibbens Samtiel .................................... Baker Haynes E .... Crown Commercial Inn & Posting Hse Hughes A.............................. Harness Maker Juggins Ann ..................................... , Chequers Knapp James .............................. Wl1eelwright Lain httrn J ...... ..........••...........•...... , ...... lld.ker Langley W. H ......................... Perpetual Curate Lovelock William ............... Grocer & Postmaster Matt John ............... Beer Retailer & Shoemaker Palmer ?t1ary ....................................... P1ottgh Rirrg- John ..................... lrontnot1ger & .Maltster Robbins J ames ............ Carpenter & Wheelwright Robbins Richard ........................... White Hart Rogers Robert .............................. Wheelwright Rose George .................. ,..... Grocer & Butcher Saunders William (Master) ......... National School Slater Saml1el . ................................. ....... rail or Smith John ... Surgeon & Register of Births & Draths Sacey John .......................................... Baker Stanley Robert. ...... ........ Beer Retaile'l' & Grocer "7 10: Wane William ...... ,j...................... Fellmonger Whiting Richard ........................... Wheelwright Wilkins Robert................................. Bu tchet WilliamS Thomas ................................. Grocer ·---- Post Office. Letters received from Ldndon 7 rnorn. ; dispatched to ditto 9 even. Lovelocl: W illiam ................ ••· w ... ~, Postmaster Posting House. Crown Inn ........................... Haynes Eiizabeth Carriers~ Hawses Cart tram Thame to Oxford e\·ery Saturday, calling at Wheatley. WITNEY, WITH ASTHALL, MINST:CR, LOVELL, &. SWINBROOK .. WITNEY1 a market town, 65 miles from London1 through Uxbridge, High Wycomb, and Oxford, from which last it is distant 11 miles W. by 'N. contains 5336 inhabitants, according to tha census of 1831 ; and the annual value of assessed property iu 1815 was 3204[. It is pleasnntly situated on the river Windrush, oYer which is a stone briclge erected in 1822. The town, consisting chiefly of twd s.treets, tl1~ principal one upwards of a mile in length, has long been celebrated for it3 manufacture of blankets, which trade, though now divided with many other places, gives employment to a large portion of the population. Since the introduction of machinery, blankets have been made at a woollen mill near Bridgend, in Glamorganshire, whence they are sent to Witney for sale. The river Winrlrush is said to possess peculiar qualities, which contribute to thtj whiteness and softness of the unrivalled blankets manufactured here. Other woollen goods are made at Witney, also gloves, paper, malt, &c. The Blanket Hall, for the transaction of business1 was erected in 1721 ; there is also a town hall, the lower part of which is used for t.l1e market, held on Thursday, and well attended by the neighbouring farmers, who sell large quantitie3 of grain by sam· ple; it is plentifully supplied with trout and crayfish of the finest quality, fur which the river Wind· 1·ush is famed. The market cross was built in 1683, by William Blake, Esq., of Coggs. Fairs are held on Thursday in Easler week, Thursday after July llth and 2·4th, Thnrsday following tbe first Sunday after September 8th, Thmsday before October lOth, and Thursday after December 1, fur cattle and cheese. The town is govern(•d by two bailiffs and two constable!1, chosen at the annual court leet; a court baron is also held twice a year. The church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a spacious and beautiful structme, one of the finest in the county; it is situated at the southern extremity of the High stred, and forms a fine object when seen in the general view of the town. In plan it ·is cruciform, with a tower in tl1e cerHre, whence tiscs a lofty spire. The chancd contains a picina, and remains of the stone stalls used by t!Je priests and deacons during the celebration of mass, A chapel on the north side of the builuing is the burial place of the Wenman fa.mily, the ceiling of the chapel is of a carved wood, painted and thickly interspersed with gilt stars. In the north transept is a mural tablet, in mem<l[Y of Henry Box1 a native pf Witney, who

WlTNEY. OXON. fptmded a11d endowed the fn~e grammar ~chool here in 1pq3; it i:1 limited to thir~y boys born in this paris}l. The living is a rectory, valua 1 :woz. per ann~m~ iu th~ patronage of th~ bishop of Winche~ter. A free school for educ~ting, cl"thiug, aqd apprenticing sops of journeymen weavers, was founded and t!lldow~d by John Hqlloway, in l72;3; he al~o founded almshollses for si;x: blan~et weav~rs' ~idows; apd the same number were erected in 1828 by Mr. Town send qf ·London. Here are ahp a school with a small endowmen~ left by William Blake in the year 1693; a natiqn al school, and other charitable institutions. The parish of Witney is in the upion Qf the same name, and ~ontains the hamlets of Crawley, Curbridge, Hailey, and Lew: in allusion to the proximity of these villages, the natives repeat the following lines:- · "Hailey, Crawley, Curbridge and Coggs, )Yitney spinners, and Ducklington dogs." AsTHALL, on the river Windrush, 3 miles E. by S. from Burford, aud about 4! miles W. from Witney, containtld in 1831, 352 inhabitants, including tl1e township of Asthall Leigh ; and the annual value of !lSsessed property in 1815, was 2436l. The chur~h is dedicated to St. Nichola~ and the living is a vicarage, value 100[. per (lnnum, in the patron- ; pf Etorr College. .;'\sthall barrow is the mm;t considerable tumulus on the Akermap, street, a Rornan road which crosse11 the r~\·er at Asthall bridge. Th~ m~Inor house stand11 oear the church, and is now occupied by a farmer. .l\liNSTER LovEL, on the banks pf the Windru~l1, 3 miles W. by N. (rom Witney, contained 355 inhabitants in 1831; and the annufll value of assessed property in 1815, was 2597l. The church, dedicated to St }(enelm, is built in the form of & cross; in the south transept is an interesting ·monument of on~ of th~ Lovdl family, who is represented in complete a_n!lou~, app_arently _that of Edward ~V.'s reign. The hnng IS ~VIcarage m the patronage of Eton College~ hut pf its annuaT value no return has been made, The Church was given by Maude, wife of William Lovell, in the reign of John, to the abbey of St, Mary de I vry, in Normandy~ and became ~ cell af ~hilt monastery, and an alien priory of B~nedictine p10nks. Near the church are the remains of the apr ~ient baronial mansion of the lor4~ Lovel, cqmmonly qlled the Priory. · SwiNBnooK, 2 miles E. from ~urford, on the banks of the river Windrush, contained, in 1831, a popur blion of 222 persons; and the annual value of a8sessed property in 1815, was )583l. 'fhe church stands on a gentle acclivity, and is d~dicated to St. Mary! many of its architectural decqration~ are worthy of the 11.~tention of the antiquary; but the tower, at the west end of the nave, is of modern erection. Stalls wjth ~arved seats are presented in the chancel, which is the burial place of the Fettiplace family, to whom for several generations, are monuments, and sepulchral brasses: two of the monuments erected ii1 the 16th and 17th cel).turies are remarkable for their ~ingularity of design. H ugh Curwen, who exchanged the archbishopric of Dublin for the bbhopric of Oxford, died ~t Swiohrook in 1568, ~nd was buried in this church. The living is a curacy, value 57l. per annum, in the presentation of the chapter of Salisbury cathedral. The mansion at Swinbrqok, the •eat of thr Fettiplace family for at least four centuries, has been pulled down; they founded and endowed several charitable institutions, among which is the free school, built~ 17 ~ 6. Th~ etll~tt1 is now m the posseS$iO~ of -====================~=---~ Lord nedesdale. North ward Qf the p14rish is the royal forest of Wychwoud. Name, Resi«lep.ce, &. Profes~~pn. See als9 CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, ir, pape 81. Anclrews John, Corn .st .......... ,.Three Horse Shoes Aruitt.f. High st ... Groce!,TeaDlr,& Brit Win£> Mrclmt Ash field R1chd. Bridge st ............. , W oc.l Stapler Baker Ed \V d. Corn st ..........•.......•.... ,, ..... Baker BarnesJohn, qittv ....................... , ......... Grqcer Barrett J. G. High st ......... Hat M~~er and Furrier Batt .... -\... W. ditto .•.•.•••••.•• ~················-.·· Surgeon Batt E. A. ditto .. . Surgeon, and Registrar for Births and Deaths Batt Rebecca, ditto ......... Private Lunatic Asylum Rmghan Job, West end ........................ Elm Tree Baylis .lohn, Corn st .................... , ......... B&ker Beckinsale Tho~. Bridge st ....... ... ., ... Black~ Head Ben nett "\V m. lligh st ......... ~oat and Shoemaker Birdseye J os. Bridge st .... ........... Smith & Farrier Bli~s J. T. High st...... Corn Dealer aud Seedsman Bolton Ann, ditto., ......................... Tea Dealer Bolton Geo. ditto..................... Cabinet Maker Bomford E. ditto .................. , ......... ! .... Chemist Bond Thos. Corn st .... ........... , ......... , .... Glazier Bond WIJl. Churc/t green ..... , ... Marlborough Head Boon Wm. Higlt st ........... , ...... , .... 1 Hait Dresser Bowerman & Co. ditto ................ , ......... Carriers Bowertllan Geo. ditto ............ Slater apd Plaster~r Bowerman ,John, Wood green ....... ,. Be~r Retailer Brice Sarah, Corn st ............ Blank~t Manufacturer Brooking John, ditto., ... ~ ............ T ... Shoemaker Brooking J os. llf arke~ pl.. •. .. .. ... .. .. . .. S b oem aker Brooks W rn. Corn ~t .............................. Grocer Broom Wm. Brid_ge st ........... , Boot & Shoemaker Bumpns John, High st ... Tailor, Draper1 and Ha.tter Busby John, New land Coggs .................. Gnffin Bush John, Church green ..................... Sur&"e.on Buswell Wm. Corn st ..................... Coach Smith Calcutt Henry, West end........................ Baker Canning Richd. Corn st .................. E{air Dresser Ca~tle Wm. High st ............ "" Boo~ & Shoemaker Chesham J os. West end .............. , ..... ,... Grocer • Clarl<,e Giles, Corn st ............... Coach and Horses Clqrke H. W. ~farket pl ......... Tailor and Draprr Clarke By. Wm. Com St ..................... Red Lion Cl~rke Josh. 1-Iiglt st ................ , .... Beer Retailer Clarke Thos. Bridge st ......... Tin man and Brazier Clarke Thos. Market pl........................ Cooper ClinchJ. W. & Co . . ltfarket pl ........ r"""{ Bankers Clinch Jas. J un .••• Secretary to Mechanic s Institute Clinch Jas. Hi,gh st .. ....... W oql Stapler and M alter Clinch J. W. Market pl ............... Common Brewer Colegra,·e ·w m. urest end ............... J ally Tucker Collier fl-oratio, Corn st ...... Blankets Manufacturer C(lllier J ames, High st .. ......................... Butcher Collier John, Corn st ........ _ ...... Baot & Shoemaker Collier J os h. High st .. ......................... Dyer, &c. Collier J os h . . Marketpl ..................... Shoemaker Collier Michl. High st ...... Rope & Twipe Manuftr Collier Roht. Crowley ... Felting & Blanket Man~ftr: Collier S. High st ... Agent to British Fire and Westminster Life lnsurace Co. Collier S. ditto ....... .. Coach Builder and Auctioneer Collier Thos. ditto ............................. , ... Plough Collier Thos. ditto .................. Tailor and Draper Collier 'f. /rfarket pl ... DrapeT, Bookseller, Felting, and Blanket Manuftr Collier Wm. High st ............ Boot and Shoemaker Cook W. Bridge se ...... , .. Cabinet Maker & Upholstr Cooper Geo. West end .................... ~ ..... Maltster 79

OXON. WITNEY. Cooper lsaac, High st........... .. ... ..•.. Shoemaker Cox Wm. Corn st..... .. . . . . . . . .. .•. . . . . . Beer Retailer Cripps Thos. High st.. .. . .. . . . . .. . . Biscuit Baker, &c. Crook Geo. Bridge st ... Parchment Maker & Leather Dresser Crump W. R. High st ... Ironmonger & Gun Smith Daly Geo. Corn st .... .......................... Chequers Davies Chas. High st ......................... ..... Glover Da vies Wm. West end.................. Beer Retailer Deacon Cath. Bridge st .................. China Dealer Dix Thos. Corn st. .......... .. ... ... .... ... .. .. Maltster Dolley John, High st...... Currier & Leather Seller Druce J ames, Corn st ........................... Butcher Dutton & Thomas, Market pl.... ... ........ Drapers Early John & Sons, Newland ~ Witney, ~New mill.~, Blanket Manufacturers Early Edwd. West end .. .. . . Woollen Manufacturer Early John, Wood green ...... Blanket Manufacturer Early J oseph, West end........................ Grocer Early Richd. ditto............ Blanket Manufacturer East Henry, High st..................... Kings Head East Thos. Corn st ....... .......................... Baker Edgington W. Church la ... Solicitor & Clerk to Magis Eeles Sa m. High st . .............. Tanner and Currier Eldred H ugh, Bridge st. .... .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. Grocer Ellis John, Pig market.................. Boar's Head Eustace West end ........................ Hairdresser Fisher Chas. Market pl.. .......... George & Dragon Fisher Hannah, High st .................. Stay Maker Flower Wm. ditto ................................. Cooper Fox Thos. Bridge st ..................... Basket Maker Fry Wm. Corn st................ .... .. .. ... Shopkeeper Gardner J os h. West end .................. Beer Retailer Gilbert Richard, Market pl ... Larnb Commercial Inn Gillett J. ditto. Marlborough Arms Commercial Inn Grace W. ditto ... Crown Comrcl Inn & Posting Hse Green J oseph, New land ..................... Surveyor Green Henry, Church gr ... Boot, Shoe, & Machine Card Maker Gregory Thomas, High st...... Veterinary Surgeon Haines Robert, Corn st ............ Boot & Shoemaker Hambridge William, Market pl ............... Butcher Hankin William, West end..................... .Baker Hankins Alfred, High st .... ........... Bonnet Maker Harris Daniel, West end ........................ Hosier Harris J. Bridge st .............................. Saddler Harris J ames, M m·ket pl ...... Watch & Clock Maker Harris J oseph, Corn st ........................... ,Baker Harwood J ohu, ditto...... Straw Hat & Shoemaker Haynes Edward, High st ........................ Tailor Healey John, Corn st ........................ Carpenter Heritage Alfred, IIigh st .... .............. Shoemaker Hitchman Thomas, Bridge st.................. Tailor Hitchman William, West end.................. Tailor Hobbs Mrs. High st............... Ladies Shoemaker Hockey Charles, New land Cog,qs ............. Grocer Holliday Richard, Corn st ..................... Sa~dler Hunt Francis, High st ........................ So~icitor Hunt John, ditto ................................. Butcher Butt William, Corn st .. ................... Black Swan Hyde Edward, West end ........................ Surgeon J ackson John, lligh st •.................... Blacksmith Jeffi'ey J. West end ........................ Clock Maker J errom Charles, Church green .................. Rector Johnson John, New land Co,qgs .................. Baker Jones Charles, High st ...... Wine & Spirit Merchant Judd William, Corn Market ............... Shoemaker Knibbs Sarah, West end ........................ Grocer }~night Mark, ditto........................ Shopkeeper Lam bourn Emanuel, High st ..... .......... Royal Oak Lane Edward, Market pl ........................ Baker Langford W. jun. :Market pl • ... Wholesale & Gnrl Ironmonger Lawrance J. N. High st ...... Bookseller & Stationer Leake C. Church green... Solicitor & Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Court of Chancery and in Ireland, for the counties of Oxford, Berks, & HanbJ. Leake J. Church green .... Solicitor & Commissioner for taking Affidavits in Court of Chancery, and in Ireland, for the counties of Oxford, Berks, & HantJI. Leuke J. Church green ......... Agent to Crown Life Insurance Company Levett J ames, High st ................... Gaiter Maker Lindsey Thomas, High st.. .............. Beer Retailer Lloyd A. West end ........................... Shopkeeper Lock Jo!ln, Corn st ................. : ...... Corn Dealer Long Charles, Bridge st ...... China & Glass Dealer Long Elizabeth, West end ......... China Warehouse Long George, Corn st .... ........ Carpenter & Builder Long J ames, Bridge st ...... Auctioneer, Builder, & Timber Merchant Long Solomon, New land Co!jgs ............... Builder Long William, Bridge st ............ Timber Merchant Low ell B. Corn st. .... .. . .. .... ... ... .. .... . Shopkeeper Luckett Charles, Corn st.... ... .. Plumber & Glazier Luckett J ames, High st ............ Plumber & Glazier Margetts W. High st ...... Wheelwright & Carpenter Marriott Wm. Higlt st ............ Coal Mrcht & Dye.r Martin J oseph, Corn st .................. : ........ Baker Masters J. & Son, Staple hall ... Staple Hall Hotel, Commercial Inn & Posting House Masters J. junr. High st ...... Wine & Spirit Mrcht Masters J. sen. Bridge st ... Agnt to the Sun Fire Off Miles John, Market pl.. ... ...................... Grocer Mills Sarah, High st ............... Plumber & Glazier Morris Hannah, High st ........................ Draper Moss William, Corn st ............ Boot & Shoemaker M our by John, Market pl ........................ Angel Ogier Thomas, High st ............... Ironmonger &~ Parish Charles, ditto ..................... Basket Maker Parish Samuel, ditto ................. Straw Hat Maker Parker J ames, ditto ................ Boot & Shoemaker Parr Thos. ditto.................................. Grocer Paxford J os b. Corn st ..................... Bacon Curer Payne J oan, High st ........................ Kings Arms Perkins Wm. ditto ........................ Twine Spinner Pett Wm. S. ditto ............ Nursery and Seedsman Polden Swanley, New land Cuggs, Carpenters Arms Pomfrey Thos. Corn st.:........ .... .. .. Beer Retailer Pratt Mrs. ditto .............................. Dres~maker Preedy Jas. M adfet pl .. , .. ...................... Grocer Pritcbard Wm. Jtlew land Coggs ............... Glover Purser J os h. High st . ............................. Tailor Pusey Rd. Bridge st .............................. Baker Red gate Rd. Corn st....... ... •. .. .. .. .. . Corn Dealer Rogers Wm. High st ............... Straw Hat Manuftr Rogers Wm. Corn st ........................ Millwright Rose J. T. Market st .............................. Grocer Sage Chas. ditto ... Druggist, Oil and Colourman, & Spirit Merchant Salmon Hy. Sen. High st ............... Wool Stapler Salmon Wm. Wood green ............... Wool Stapler Seymour Thos. High st .. ......................... Draper Shayler Jas. ditto ... Printer, Bookseller, & Stationer Shayler Jas. ditto . .. Agent to Phoenix Fire Office, & Registrar of Marriages Sheppard Robt. Market pl ... Saddler & Harness Mkr Shirley Thos. Church green ..................... Baker Short Wm. West end.............................. Tailor Shuffrey Sa m. Jun. Wood green ............... Currier ShuffreyW.S.lligh st ... Corn Dealer and Coal Mercht Shuffrey Wm. Market pl ..................... Maltster Si! m am J ames, Corn st ........................ The Bell Simms Ben. 1lfarket pl ... Watch & Clock Maker, Jeweller, and Silversmith, and Chief Constable for the East Division of the Hundred of Bampton

WITNEY. OXON. SkinnerJ. Church green ... Cabinet Mkr& Appraiser Skinner Thos. Market pl ... Linen & Woolll'n Draper, & Agent to National Provident Institution Smith Charles, High st .................. Bacon Curer Smith Job, ditto ............... Grocer & Bacon Curer Smith J oseph, Bridge ~t ........................ Butcher Smith Sam. ditto ............... Bacon Curer & Grocer Spittle RoLert, Corn st .... .................... Roe Buck Stafford Joseph, Market pl ........................ Tailor Staples & Lea, High st ...... I ronfounders, Braziers, Ironmongers, & Smiths Stayt Thomas, New land Coggs .................. Baker Steptoe John, High st .................. Cross Keys Inn Ste,vens John, Corn st ........................... Maltster Swinburn Richard, High st ..................... Baker Sylvester Thomas, ditto .................. Beer Retailer Taylor Robert, ditto ..................... Beer Retailer Taylor Robert, West end ........................ Baker Umney Mary & Ann, Higl• st ......... Dress Makers Vine Rich. llfarket pl...Chemist & Druggist, Tea & Spirit Merchant, & Sub-Distributor of Stamps. Walker Joseph, Corn st ............ Slater & Plasterer \V ard Wm. ditto .. .. • .. .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. Shopkeeper Ware Wm. New land Coggs ............... Cordwainer Warrington L . .J.Varket pl ... Grocer & Spirit Mrcht Wells J oseph, High st .... ..... Plumber, Painter, &c. Wells Miss, ditto ........................ Ladies School Wells Thomas, West end ............... Beer Retailer West ell Daniel ... Solicitor, & Steward of tbe Manor . ·of Witney W estell J ames, High st ........................ Coroner Westell Jas. ditto ... Solicitor, & one of the Coroners of the County Westell J ames, ditto ...... Clerk to thE'! Incorporated Corn pany of Blanket Weavers Wheeler George, Corn st ............... Beer Retailer Whitlock Thomas, Church gr .... ................. Baker Willett Richard, Corn st .................. Holly Bush Williams Haddon, West end .................. Butcher Williams John, ditto ...... Horse Hair Manufacturer Williams John, Bridge st ........................ Baker Williams J oseph, High st'. ...... ..... General Dealer Williarns Wm. Market pl ...... Grocer & Carpenter Womack J arnes, Bridge st ... White Hart Hotel Commercial Inn & Posti~g House Woodcock John, Church gr ............... Parish Clerk W oon Thos. High st ... Agent to Union Fire Office, London Woon Thomas, ditto ............ Printer & Bookbinder Classification of Trades. Appraiser. Skinner John, Church green Auctioneers Collier Samuel, High st Long J ames, Bridge st Bacon Curers.-Paxford J oseph, Corn st Smith Charles, High st Smith Job, High st Smith Samuel, Bridge st Balcers.-Baker Edward, Corn st Bay lis John, Corn st Calcutt Henry, West end East Thomas, Corn st Hankin Wm. West end Harris Joseph, Corn st J ohnson J olm, New land Coggs Lane Edward, Market pl Martin J oseph, Corn st Pusey Richard, Bridge st Shirley Thomas, Church green Stayt Thomas, New land Coggs Swinburn Richard, High st Tay lor Robert, West end Oxfordshire.] M WITNEY CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Bakers. Whitlock Thomas, Church green Williams John, Hridge st Basket Makers. Fox Thomas, Bridge st Parish Charles, High st Beer Retailers. Bowerman John, Wood green Clarke J oseph, High st Cox Wm. Corn st Davis Wm. West end Cl ardner J oseph, West end Lindsey Thomas, High st Pomfrey Thomas, Corn st Sylvester Thomas, High st Taylor Robert, High st Wells Thomas, West end Wheeler George, Corn st Biscuit Baker.-Cripps Thomas, High st Blanket Manufacturers.-Brice Sarah, Corn st Collier Horatio, Corn st Collier Robert, Crawley st Collier Thomas, jun. Market pl Early J. & Sons, New land& Witney New Mills Early John, jun. Wood green Early Richard, West end Bookoi11ders.-Woon Thomas, High st Booksellers.---Collier Thomas, jun. Market pl Lawrence Isaac N. High st Shayler James, High st Boot ~ Shoemakers.--Bennet Wm. High st Broom Wm. Bridge st Bt·ooking J oseph, Market pl Brooking J onflthan, Corn st Castle Wm. High st Collier Wm. High st .Collier J oseph, Market pl Cooper lsaac, High st Collier J olm, Corn st Green Henry, Church green Haines Robert, Corn st Harwood John, Corn st Heritage Alfred, High st Hobbs Mrs. High st J udd Wm. Corn st Moss Wm. Corn st Parker J ames, High st Ware Wm. New land Coggs Brewer.--Ciinch J. W. Market pl • British Wine Merchant.--Arnett J ames, High st Builders. Long George, Corn st Long J ames, Bridge st Long Solomon, New land Coggs Butchers. Collier J ames, High st Druce J ames, Corn st Hanbridge Wm. Market pl Hunt John, High st Smith J oseph, Bridge st Williams Haddon, West end Cabinet Makers. Bolton George, High st Cook Wm. Bridge st Skinner John, Church green Carpentcrs.-Healey John, Corn st Long George, Corn st Margetts Wm. High st Williams Wm. Market pl Carrier.---Shepherd J ames, High st Chemists <t Druggists.--Born ford E. High st Sage Charles, Market pl Vine Richard, Market pl China Dealers.--Deacon Catherine, Bridge st Long Elizabeth, West end Long Charles, Bridge st Coach Builders. Collier Samuel, High st H alsey Wm. High st 81

OXON. WlTNEY. ----·--... ·~ ---------- Wqa~EY ( 'Lusii'lC.\TION, continued. Coach Smith.-Bus~A·e!l Wm. Corn it Coal Dealer. Hedgate Richard, Corn st Coal Merchant$.-L\farriott Wm. Churc4 st Shuffrey Thomas, High st Coopen.--Clarku Thomas, Market pl Flower Wm. High st Corn Dealers.-Shuffrey TLos. High st Lock John, Corn st Bliss J. T. fligh st Curriers.--Bowerman Messrs. &. Co. High st Dolley John, High st Eeles Samuel, High st Shuffrey Samuel, jun. Wood green Dmpers.--Collier Thomas, jun, Market pl Dutton & Thomas, Market pl Morris Hannah, High st . Seppour Thomas, High st Skinner Thomas, Market pl Dress Makers.--Pratt Wm. Corn st Umney Mary & Ann, HigQ. st Dyer.s.---Collier J oseph, High st Marriott Wm. High st Farrier.--Budseye J oseph, Bridge st Felting 1lfanujacturers.--Collier Robert1 Crawley Furrier.-Barrett J. G. High llt Collier Thos. Jas. Market pl Gaiter .Maker.-Levett ,J alllcs, Uigh st General Dealer.- William~ Joseph,.. High at Glass Dealer.--Long Charlel!, J3ridge st Glovers.--Davis Charles, High st Pritchard Wm. New l(\nd Coggs Grocers ~ Tea Dealers.--Aruet~ J ~mes, High st Barnes J olm, Corn st Brooks Wm. Corn st Chesham J oseph, W e$• end Early J osPph, West efld Eldred H ugh, Bridge st Hockey Charles, New land Cogga. Knibbs Sarah, West end, Mile~ .T ohn, Market pl Parr Thos. High ilt Preedy J ames, .Market pi Rose John Thos. Market pl Smith Job, High st Smith Samuel, Bridge st "\Varrington Leonard, Market pl Williams Wm. Market pl Gunsmith. Crump W. R. High st Hair Dressers.--Boon Wm. High :;~t Canning Richard, Corn st Eustace , West end llat Makers.-Barrett J. G. High st Bum pus John, High st Horse Hair Manufacturer.~Willia~s J. West end Ho.Yier. Harris Daniel, West end Inns, Taverns,~ Public House~:-c82 Angel.-Mourby John, Market pl Bell.-Silman J ames, Corn st Black Swan. Hutt William, Corn Bt Blacks l{ead. Beckinsale Thps. BrLdge ~~ Boars Head. Ellis John, Pig mrkt Carpenters Arms. Polden 8. New land Coggs Chequers. Daly George1 Corn llt Coach ~Horses. Clarke Giles, Corn s~ Cross Ke_ys.-Steptoe John,_ H~gh at Crown Hotel.-Grace William, Market pi Elm Tree. Baughan Job, West encl. George ~ Dragon. Fisher C. Mar}f.e.t pl Griffin. Busby J ohn1 New land Coggs Holly Bush.~WilleU Richard, Cornst Kings AN(Is. Payne J Clan. 1-lig~ ~~ Kings Head. Eaat lL High st WlTNEY CLA8SHICATION1 continued, IRns, Hotels, ~Public Houses:·- /ally Tucker. Colegrane William, We::;t end Lamb Cum. /nn.-Gilbert R. Marke* pl )Jfarlborou_gh Arms, Corn. Inn. Gi!lett Jas; Market pl Mar/hQroughs Head. Bond W~ Church green Plough.-Col!ier Thomas, High st Red Lion.--Clarke H. Wm. Corn st Roe Buc~.~Spittle Robert, Corn st Royal Oak.-Lambourn E. High st Staple Hall Hotel Com /nn.--M~ters J. & Son, Staple Hall . Th1·ee If or se Shoes.-A ndrewl'\ J. Corn st White Hart Hotel Com.[nn.--Womack Jas. lronfounders.·--Staples & Lea, High st [Bridge st lrvnnecJngf'rs.--Crump W. R. High st . Langford Wm. junr. Market pl Ogier Thomast High st Staples & Lea, High st Jewellers.--Sim'!US Benjamin, Market pl Leather Cu~ters !t Dressers.--Crook G. Bridge st Doll~y Jolu/, High st Linen Draper.--Skinner ThomasJ Market pl MachintJ f;ard JYJan,ufacturer.---Green H, Ch gr~n Maltsters,--Clinch James, High ~;t Cooper George, West end Dix Thomas, Corn st Sbtlffr~y W!lliam, Market pl SteTens John, Corn st Mil~wriyht.--R~ers William1 Corn st Nurseryman.--l'ett Wm. S. lligh st Oi.l ~ ColOOfrman.-Sage Charles, Market p1 Parchmen,t .Ma!cers.--Crook George, Bridge 11t Plasterers.--·Bowerman George, High st Walker J oseph, Corn st Plumbers ~ Glaziers.---Bond T~mas, Co:rn st tuckett Charles, Corn st Luckett .tames, High :;t ~ills Sarah, High st Wells J oseph, High st Printer9.--Shay1ey J ames, High st W oon Thomas, High, st Ropr! Makeri.-Collier Michael, High st ferkins Willi~m, Hi~b st Sa,ddlers ~o ... --Harris J. Bridge ~t H9lliday Richard, Corn ~t Sheppard Robert, Market pl School Ladies. Wells Miss, High st Seedsman.--Bliss J. T. High st Shopkeepers.-Fry William, Corn st Knight Mark, West end Lloyd A. West en~ Lowell B. Corn st Ward WiiTiiam, Corn st Silversmith.--Sirnmll Benjamin, Marke~ pi Slaters.--Bowerman George, High st. Walker J oseph, Corn st Smiths.--Birdseye J oseph, Bridg~ st J ackson John, High st Staples & Lea, High st Solicitors.-Edgint9u William, Church 1~ Hunt .Francis, High st Leake Charles, Church green Leake J ames, Church green W estall Danie~ Esq. W estall J ames, High st Spirit Merchants. Sage Charles, Ma~ltet pl Vine Rir.hard, Market pl · Warringtou Leonard, Market pl Stay Maker.---Fisher Hannah. High st Straw Hat Manufac:tu1'ers.--Hankipi A.-, High Bt Harwood John, Cor~J. st

WITNEY. o'X6N. ================~~====,=· ======================= w l'l'N ET CL.USIFH':ATION, continul!tl. Straw Hat Manufacturers ....... Parish Samuel, High st Rogers William, High st Surgeons.-Batt Augustin Wm. Highs~ Batt Edward Augustin, High st Bm1h J ohn1 Church green Hyde Edward, We:st end Surveyor .• ~Green Joseph, New land Coggs TailCA's ~ Drapets.--BNmpus John, High fit Clarke H. W. Market pl Collier Thomas, High st Haynes Edward, High st Hitchman Thomas, Bridge st Hitch man William, West end Purser J oseph, High st Shorter W illiam, West end Stafford J oseph1 MaTket pl Tanner.--Eales Samuel, High &t Tea Dealer,.i, Bolton Ann, High st Vine Richard, Market pl Timber MerchtJnts ...... Long Jame~>, Bridge st Long William, Bridge st . Tin Men ~· Bral<liers ....... Clarke Thotnaa, Brtdge st Staples & Lea, High st . P'eterinary Surgeo1ts.-Gregory Thomas, H1gh lit Watch ~ Clo~k Mak~rri.-... Harris Jamei, Market pl Simms Benjamin, Market pl J effrey .T. West end lVhe«lwrights.--Margrettll W m, High st • Wine ~ Spirit Merchants.-y~J ones Cha8. High st M a!lters J oseph J. High st Woollen Manufacturer.-~ Early Edward, West end Wool Staplers.--Ashfield R. llridge st Clinch James, High st Salmon Henry, senr. High st Salmon William, Wood green Post Office. Masters J oseph, Staple hall ................. Po!5tma!Jter Letters from London, Oxford, &c. arrive morn. 4; dispatched even. 11 P.M. Letters from Gloucester & Cheltenham arrive 11 P.M. ; dispatched 4 A.M. One delivery each day, 8 morn. J-osting Houses. Grace ·wm. JJfarket pl .. ............... ,_. ....... Crown Masters Joseph & Son ..................... Sta\Jle Hall Womack J ames, ,Bridga st .. ............. ~ Whitll Hart Bankers. Clinoh J. W, & Co . .Market pl ............ Draw on Mastetman & Co. t"ire and Life Assurance Agents. British Fire & Westminster Life, High st, S. Collier Crown Life, Church green ............... James Leake National Provident Institution, Marketpl, 1'. Skinner Phrenix Fire, High st.: ........... • ..... J ames Shayler Sun Fire, Bridge st.. ............ Joseph Masters, sen. Union Fire, High st .... ................. Thomas Woon Public Establishments. Gas-Works, lliyh ~t 'Vhittaker John ............. ,,., ... •· .. , .•.. , ... 1\:fanager Mechanics Institute Clinch James, jun. Esq ................ , ...... ,.Secretary Alms Houses, (Town~ends) New land Public Schools. Blakes Charity School for Boy:~ & Girls, High sl Cripps Elizabeth ................................. Mistress Blue Coat Charity School, We.U &Hd . Br)"an George ......................................... Master N alional School, Bridge n Badcock .... ,, ..... ~ .......................................... Mastar "oaches to Cheltenham, Berke1ey hunt, from Staple hall, daily, 3 Jl>.it.: returns 12 noon Cheltenham, Isis, from White Hart, uaily, ll A.M. j . returns l p. 7 P.M. • Cheltenham, Magnet, from White Hart, daily, 3 P.M.; returns 12 noon Cheltenham, Paul Pry, from White Hart, daily, 3 morn.; returns I I night Gloucester, Mail, from Staple house, daily, 4 morn.; returns 11 P.M. Gloucester, Tantivy, from Staple l1all, daily, i p. 3 P.M.; returns 11 A.M. Hereford, Champion, from Staple hall, daily, 1 ft..M.; returns 11 night . Hereford, Mazeppa, from Staple hali, daily, f p. 2 r.M:.; teturns ! p. 1 P.M. . . London, Berkeley hunt, from Staple hall, 12 noon; returns 3 P.M:. London,. Champion, from Staple hall~ daily, 1.1 lll"'ht; returns l A.M. · London, Magnet, frbm White Hart, 12 noon, daily; retutns 3 t.M:. London, Paul Pry, from White Hart, daily, 11 night i returns 3 morn. . . London, Gloucester, Mail, from Staple hall, da1ly, l t P.M.; returns 4 morn. London, Mazeppa, from Staple hall, daily, i p. 1 \>.M:.; returns! p. 2 P.M. London, Tantivy, from Staple 1/al!, daily, 11 A•M.j returns i p. 3 P.M. Oxford, Jsis, from White Hart, daily, I p. 7 P.M.; returns 11 A.M. Carriers to Cheltenham & Bristol, Haines & Gilberts Vans, daily, i p. 4 P.M. ~ London, Haines & Gilberts V anB, every morn. ! p. 8 London, Sheppards Vans, Tu. Th. & Sat. London 1 Bath, Bri3tol, ExPter, Plymouth, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Worcester, Birmingham, Derby, Manchester & Liverpool, Budd & Co. daily, 10 night London, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Bath, Bristol, Tew kosbury, ·w orcester, Birmingham, Hereford, Led bury, Ross, & to all parts of Wales, daily, Bowerman & Colt. Fly Vans, High st .Monmouth, Hereford & all parts of South Wales, . Haines &. Gilberts V am;, daily,} p. 9 P.u. Worcester & Birmingham, Haines & Gilberts Vans, daily, j p. 9 r.u. ASTHALL., :Residence,&. Profession. Banbury !vfaria ........................... Beer Retailer Bat em an Charles .•. , ................... 1....... l\1 altster Clements Deoimus .......... 1 ............... White Hart Early Edward .................. Worsham Blanket Mill Faulks Wm. Asthall mill ......... , ................. M iller Gregory Rev. Henry •.....•...••••••••.•.••••••..• Vicar S6.llsorn Wm ................... .t ••• ..., ••••••••• Parish Clerk M~NSTER LOVELL. Hudsan Thomas, Mnuter mUl.. ..... Miller & Baker Loc=k John .•...••.••..•. ~···•· ............ ·•······•. Carpenter Lock John ••.•••••••••. , ..................... Parieh Clerk Lock Robert .................... , .......... Beet Retailer Oakley Rev. Thamas .................... , ......... Cur~te Snlidt J ames ...... n~~, ........................ Bla<!ksmtth 83

OXON. WOODSTOCK. r==========================-=========================== SWINBROOK. Beckley J ames., ....... , ............................ Baker Hern Wm ..................... , ......... , ............ Clerk Ho\\'eS John .................................. Blacksmith Ivins Robert .......................................... Swan Moss J ames, Swinbrook mill . ........ u .......... Miller Raine Rev. Wm •..•••. , .............. Perpetual Curate WOODSTOCK., with CHARLTON, ENSLOW BRIDGE, HAMPTON GAY, ISLIP &. K.IDLINGTON. W oonsTocx, a borough and market town, on the river Glyme, a branch of the lsis, 62 miles from London, through High Wycombe and Oxford, and 8 miles N.W. from that city, contained in 1831 a population of I ,380 persons; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 2,265l. It stands on an eminence, and consists of several streets, tl1e houses being chiefly built of stone. The corporation consists of a high steward, who is the Duke of M arl borough, a mayor, recorder, town clerk, four aldermen, and sixteen common councilmen. Sinae the RPform Act, W oodstock sends only one member to parliament, who is at present Henry Peyton, E~q. The town hall was erected about 1766, from designs by Sir Wiltium Chambe1·s, and under it is the market-place. Tuesday is market day, and fairs are held on February 6th, and April .'lth, for cheese, cattle, and sheep; Tuesday in Whitsun week for horses, hardware, &c.; August 2d for cherries, &c.; October 2d, a large fair for cheese ; Tuesday after November lst, for cattle, sheep, and cheese; DecPmber 17th, fer fat hogs and other cattle; and Tuesday after Candlemas day, a very large market for cattle. The trade of the town consists chiefly in gloves, the manufacture of which is carried on to a considerable extent, and cntlery. The church, dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, was chiefly rebuilt in 1785, on the site of a chantry founded by King John: on the south side, which is a portion of the ori~dnal structure, is a circular-headed Norman doorway. The living is a curacy with the rectory of Bladon, value 329/. per annum, in the presentation of the Duke of Marlborough. The free grammar school was founded and endowed by Richard Cornwall, a native of this town., in 1585; and almshouses were erected in 1793 by the Duchess of Marlborough, for six widows : here are also various charitable bequests. The parish of Woodstock is in the Union of the same name. The Anglo-Saxon monarchs had a royal palace at W oodstock; King Henry I. m11de the park, which Rouse the historian tells us was the first enclosed park in England; and in point of natural beauty and elegant embellishments, it still retains the priority. Henry II. resided chiefly at Woodstock, and had a bower erected among the woods, and concealed by means of a curiously contrived labyrinth, for his celebrated mistress, Fair Rosamond, so called for her surpassing beauty. She was the daughter of W alter Lord Clifford, of Clifford Castle in Herefordshire; and though reported by tradition to have been poisoned by Quepn Eleanor through jealousy, that was not the case, as she died a natural death in 1 177, and was buried in the church of Godstow Nunnery, near Oxford, where she had formerly resided: her monument was placed in the choir before the high altar, w ~lence it was removed by order of St. Hngh, Bishop of Lincoln, and she was aftewards buried in the Nuns' Chapter House. King Henry had two sons by her William Long84 !>pee, Earl of Salisbury, and Geofirey Plantagenet, Archbishop of York, and Lord Chancellor. Remain-s of Rosamond's Bower were to be seen in 1622. Edward, surnamed the Black Prince, eldest Eon of King Ed ward Ill., and Queen Philippa, was born at Woodstock in 1330, and is said to ha,·e resided for some time in the manor house of Old Wood~ stock, now belonging to Balliol College, which was a distinct building from the royal manor house or palace, the latter being situated nearly half a mile to the westward of it. On the site of the Prince's residence, is a large structure, apparently of the time of Queen Elizabeth. King Henry VII. added considerably to the buildings of the palace, and on the front of the principal gate was his name, with an English rhyme, importing that he was the founder; it was in a room in this gatehouse that princess, afterwards Queen Elizabeth, was imprisoned during her sister Mary's reign ; and the chamber ever after went by her name. The whole was pulled down in 1723, by Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. Contiguous to the town of Woodstock is Blenheim Park, the seat of the Duke of Marlborough; the mansion, a noble monument of national munificence, was erected from the designs of Sir John Vanburgh~ To perpetuate the memory of the military services of the illustrious J ohu Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, the royal manor of W oodstock, with the demesne, c"omprising the hundred of Wootton, was granted by Queen Anne to him and his heirs for ever, to be held by grand serjeanty; the terms of which tenure are, that annually the Duke, or his successors in title, shall present to the Queen, or her heirs, at the Castle of Windsor, a standard of France, on August 2d, which bv the -change of style now falls on the 13th, being the anniversary of the day on which the battle of Hochstet was fought, near the village of Blenheim, on the banks of the Dapube, in 1704, where a most glorious and complete victory was obtained over the French and Bavarians. This grant was confirmed by Act of Parliament, passerl on the 14th of March, 1705 ; and half a million of money was voted by the House of Commons for the completion of the palace, which took place in 1715. The general plan of the house consists of a grand centre edifice, connected by colonnades to two wings, which on the principal front form the three sides of a great court enclosed by iron pali· sades; the whole building being in extreme length 850 feet, and covering seven acres of ground.• The usual approach to this magnificent residence i~, by the triumphal gate at W oodstock; and the scene presented on entering the park from this gate is one of striking grandeur; the mansion being displayed to the greatest advantage. Sir John Vanburgh, in this, his best work, has succeeded in producing an architectural effect, every way worthy of the object upon which he was employed. The approach from the Ditchley gate to the grand front, is by an extensive avenue more than two miles in length. The garden front presents almost tbe same superb display of architectural grandeur with the carriage front; it extPnds 348 feet, in five divisions, and opens to a beautiful lawn, backed by scenery of the most appropriate description, where nature has been embellished with the utmost success. Near the eastern angle of the mansion is an observatcv-y, erected by the late Duke, and furnished with astronomical apparatus by Ramsden ; another corre~ponding observatory is at the western angle. The contrivance, uniformity, and grand effect of the whole official part of the arrang-ement, is the most admired portion .of the interior of the building; the stairs are many

WOODSTOCK. OXON. and ample; in short, the communications from ynd to every point are ready, free, and unembarra.d. The great ball entered from the portico on the principal front, rises to the height of 67 feet; the ceiling was painted by Sir James Thoruhill, and represents Victory pointing to a plan of the battle of Blenheim, and crowning the Duke of Marlborough, who is in Roman costume. Seyeral of the apartments are hung with tapestry, on which are delineated his principal victories; other~ are adorned with a large and valuable collection of pictures by the old masters; those in the Titian room were presented to John, Duke of Marlborough, by Victor Amadeus, King of Sardinia, and are painted on leather. The library, said to be one of the grandest rooms in Europe, occupies the entire of the south-west front 183 feet in length, and contains 17,000 volumes in various languages; over one of the chimney-pieces is a bust of Charles, Earl of Sunderland, the collector of the books ; and, at the upper end of the room is a marble statue of Queen Annr, in her coronation robes, by Rysbrach. Here are also several wholelength portraits, among which, are those of King William Ill.~ Queen Anne, John Duke of .Marlborough, Sarah his Duchess, &c. In the chapel, situated in the south-west wing, is the ·gigantic monument of the Duke of Marlborough, by Rysbrach, comprising colossal statues of the first Duke and Duchess, and their two sons, attended by Fame and History; on the base is a basso relievo representing the capture of the Marshal Tallard, at the battle of Blenheim: this monument is splendid, but is certainly too much out of proportion to the situation it occupies. His grace died at Windsor, on June 16th, 1722, and on August 9th ensuing, after lying in state at Marlborough house, his corpse was, with very great magnificence, interred in W estminster Abbey, whence, upon the death of his Duchess, it was afterwards removed to the vault under this chapel. The china gallery situated near the home lodge, was erected and adapted for the reception of the antique and curious specimens of porcelain, now deposited here, about 1796. The gardens are very extensive, and are laid O'Jt on a grand scale. Among the artificial ornaments is a fountain, copied from that erected by command of Pope Innocent X., in the Piazza Navona at Rome; river gods finely sculptured in white marble, representing the Danube, the Nile, La Plata, and the Ganges, the four principal rivers of the different quarters of the globe, with their classical attributes, form part of the decoration, and above these rises an obelisk. The lake covers a space of 250 acres, and has its banks most delightfully varied, so as to present an extended aquatic scene, not to be equalled in the kingdom. The bridge over it, forming part of the grand approach from the Ditchley gate, consists of one vast semicircular arch in the centre, 101 feet in diameter, springing from massive piers, besides two small arches; the abutments are curved and rusticated, and the line of parapet horizontal; the effect of this noble design is peculiarly appropriate and grand. The beautiful piece of water which it crosses, i8 principally formed by the river GlymP, which falls into the Evwlode, one of the branches of the lsis. The high lodge, once the residence of the whitty, but profligate Earl of Rochester, who was ranger of Woodstock Park, commands the most extensive prospect, being seated upon an eminence which gradually slopes to the water; and Rosamond's well is situated in the side of the hill, near the edge of the lake. Immediately in front of the mansion is the Column of Victory, 130 feet high, and surmounted by a colossal statue of the Duke of Marlborough : on the pedestal is an inscription of his principal achievements. The park consists of about 2700 acres, and contains a variety of plantations, interspersed with a considerable portion of venerable timber. The prospects are beautiful and numerous : in some directions Beckley Hill is seen over the woods at Witham ; in a fine open country, Ensham tower, backed by the distant White Horse hills; the spire of Handborough church, and the ancient tower of Bladon church, are interesting features in the ~andscape; also the lofty spire of Kidlington, and the distant hills of Buckinghamshire, among which Ashridge, the seat of the Countess of Bridgewater, may be discerned from the eminence on a clear day. CHARLTON UPON OnwoR, 5 miles S. from Bicester, contained 658 inhabitants in 1831; .and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 1436l. The church is dedicated of St. Mary; the remains of the rood loft which separates the nave from the chancel, and was erected about the reign of Henry VI. is the richest specimen of the kind in this country. The living is a rectory in the patronage of Queen's College, Oxford, but of its value no return has been made. Fen cot and M urcot are hamlets of this parish. At Otmoor considerable Roman remains are continually found. Enslow bridge crosses the river Cherwell a short distance west of the Oxford canal, between Bleech- · ingdon and Glympton, on the road to Chipping Norton; and in the neighbourhood are Tackley Park, Blechingdon Park, Kirtlington Park, the seat of Sir George Dasbwood, Bart., and Blenheim, the magnificent mansion of the Duke of Marlborougb. HAMPTON GAY, on the river Cherwell, 3 miles E. from Woodstock, contained in 1831, 86 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815, was 1336[. The chapel, dedicated to St. Giles, used as the parish church, was rebuilt in 1767, by the Rev. Thomas Hinde, who at his diseas;, which took place in the follo\\ ing year, left 20[. per annum for ever unto a minister of the Church of England, as by law established, to be appointed by the possessor of Hampton manor, who is now the Rev. William Wilson. The living is a curacy. The very fine old manor house was erected about the time of Queen Elizabeth. I SLIP, or Gyslepe, 5! miles N. from the city of Oxford, and 56 from London, is pleasantly situated on an elevation northward of the river Ray, near its confluence with the Cherwell, and over the former of these streams is a stone bridge. The population in 1831 consisted of 645 persons; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 3,638[. A palace w~ts erected here by King Ethelred, in which his youngest son Edward the Confessor was born; who subsequently gave this manor to the abbots and monks of Westminster. The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas, and the chancel was rebuilt in 1680 by Dr. Robert South, who was Rector of !slip and Prebendary of Westminster; he also built and endowed a free school here in 1710. At the repara· tion of this church in 1824, some ancient paintings on plaster were discovered in the south aisle, executed about the year 1360, and representing the Nativity. The living, value 398l. per annum, is in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. J obn I slip, abbot of Westminster, in the reign of Henry VII. was born here. KmLINGTON, on the river Cherwell, 4! miles N. frolU, and 4 miles E. by S. from Woodstock, 85

tl'XaN'. WOODSTOCK. =========-=====~=== ·--~· oontain~d 1,21 "! Jnhobitants in 1831; and the JJ.nnual . ..Ytllu~ <>f Mle8lle4 property in 11H5, amounted to 4,944l. The church, a spacious and handsome ~uitding', ts d"dlcated te St. Mary 1 the livin!' is a \ricllmge1 value 2971. per annum1 in the patronagv of Exeter College, Oxford. Herff .is a hospital erected by Sir William Mm·eton in 1671. The ~arish nf Kidlington ia in Woodsfock Union, and lncludeiJ tM towuships nf Go~ford and Watel' Eaton, a'ftd th& hamlet of Tllrup. Name, Jtes•de~c" &, :PrQfe~sjQJJ.. . Se-e also CLASsiFICATION' of Tll.ADes, p. 87. .Banllury J. Gabriel ... u ...................... ~·· T~ilor .Baughan •• .,. ............ ••• ·u •• Bh~ndf9rd Arms, Cooper Baugbn Thomag •• , .. ~·•· ,,.,,, • ., ... , .•• , ~·,.,, •. ,.,,Crown .Banatt Mrs ..... , .•••• ~.~. .• ,. ...... ~. Straw Hat Maker Barrett Mrs. R.., •••• ~ • .-j .......... Strllw Hat< l\hker .Beckley Thoma•·•·, -~~···•· .~ •• ,,... •i." ... ·H. ,.Blaokjlmi th Benn EJt A brw111 .. , ·•, ......... , , . •• ••.•.••• , , ... , Grocer Bannett Ed ward ..... , 1tH•,..,. ..... , ,.Boot & ShflQtll aker Bennet• Edward ....................... ,. .. Parish Clerk Bellnett J. ,, ..... -~~ .... Mallter pf Fre~ School for Boys Hottenll Thomas ... 4. ~o~o;<~•·• ... -..~ •• ; ......... Jolly Farmer Budd William'~ .. ,j • .,. •• ,.,,, ........ ,.j .. , ..... ,., ... 8akr:r Cambray Jobn ............. ~o••••H·•·••••••·~ Kipgs Arrns · Carlyle Rev. J ohn ... Master of FrtJe School fo:r Boys .Ca1te!! &: Moni•· ........ , ... Grocer~ & Cheesemongers · Cattle Georgtt •.•••• ,.,,, ... ,. ............. Carpenter, &e. Ch&pman Sumnnah ......... ~, ,., ••. •41 ...... ,, , • Milli~er Charlwood Martha •••• , ... j~., •• ~, ..... ~~· Bee:r Ret111~r Charlwood l;arah ...... , ... , .... , ... , •• , ..... Dreils Muker Chur~~:hill John ........... ,~·••·•"•••c .. ~CJbinet Maker Churchill J ...... Regbtrar of Marriage~ f~t the Union Churchill Matilda............. ...... ... ........ Maltster Coles Gebrge & Son .• ~ ................... .~ .••• Sur!o!"eons Cohta G. ii·•-Regharar Qf Birthi & Daaths for Union Catllt Joh" ......................... ~ ....... Beer Retailer CoopM Willi"m .... m(~ ••• Breeehf:ij ~hker & Glover Cox Rebeoaa .............. , .• , .... •;t •• u .... ·•~.. J\lillinsr £ox Btapb.eril' ... , ....... •. n. t ••••• , ........... ,, ... Tailw Cto111 Benpmtn llilling., .... , ........... Glove Dawea Josaph .............................. Glove Maker Eeeles W .... Boobeller, Stativner & Cironlating L~br .Eldridge Mlll"y •• ~ ........ ~ .. ·••···. ,, ........ Haberdasher Eldl'idga Thomas .. ••·•••u ~· t• ••• • .l3oot & Shoemaker FMdon John ............. ~ •• ~. w~toh & CJoq~ l\hker Farley Thomas .............................. White Lion Faningdon J.,., ..... , .. "•·~••··•····~~- .. -.".,...... Cfl.t,rier Farrington Milet.u•·•H•••-1••-·.,, .... ,., . ., .... ,., Ghwer Oarrett I ohn ..... • •. l-..t •., .,. ,, ,~ .... ~. ", .,~, .tu• ... _, ...... _.~ CQoper Goadnrd Mrs ........ _-,,;. .• .-~ ..... ,.Ph-!Q'J.her, P~jntet, &g. Green Samuel ... , .................... ~, •• ,., ..... Gl(lve Mak~r -Green Samuel ........... ~ ... ··•~·•~ .. ··•··· Linen Praper Green W illiam .. .._ ••.• ~ ..... .,.,.,~•·. ,., , .• Gl()ver & Grocer .(1reen William •• ~_.,,,. ., .• , • , • .,.. ... .... • Glove :l\1aker Griffin J .•. .-'•• ...... , ••. ~·• ........ ,~~··,., .... , , , • . . .Fi:thman..ger Grimmett Richard .. ,.;,.,.,. •• ,,,. .. ,.., .. Basket l\'la~er Gumm Edward ........ ,~,., .... .,.,,.,, .. ,, ... Shopkeeper Hanni1s J ames-•.••••.. ••~···~ ............. ,. ~······~·· Groeer Hanniss Charles ........ ,., •. w•••···~••·······~•·•• Saddler Hanis Anthony ..................... , u· •• ., • Shopkeeper Hvris Jarnes .......... , .••....•••.. 'illl •• ,,., ••••• ,, •••• Baker Hamaon John V. & John •. , .• ., ...... ,,.. Solicitors Harrii!On 'John Venfield & John, .•..••. ,Solicitors, 8l ~genta to the Nor\'iich Upio~ Fire &; Life Insl.\- ranoo Company Harrison John V .... Solicitor, Maswr Ex~aeroin~ry in Chaneery, & Commi~~Siauer of Assess~d Tll~es Haynes Henry ........ , •• , •• ,...., ..... , .•...• , New Angel Hay ne• Robert .............. , .... ,. Carpenter & Joiner Holloway B .... Solicitor, & Clerk to the Magis~n~tes 86 HQllnway R. .••••. Superintendept Register .,f Binh~ + Deaths & Marriagelll for the Uniot Hoqnlllmf' CharleB •• - ... u .• l••···•• Slater & PI&Jttm!r Howell Willlam....................... Glover & Dtoper Howelll'l William .•••••••••.••• , •• " ......... _ ........ Drap111: Hunt Jam~s ............... -..,. •.•.•. ~·•·•••······ ... ••r Carri~r Hunt J ame!l•"-·••·•••·····•···"""'···•· Beer Retailor Hunt Jamell·4•·· .. "··"'··""''''''"""'"" Rou & Crowt Hunt 'fimothy. ·•• •..•••. , .............. ·•••• •. c.. GlOTat I !ling Williatn ..................................... Carriar llling William .. , ............ ,.1 .... A ........ ~. Kings Head Jardinl! John ............... J ... o.TI!a Dealei & Drap~r J arvis E .••• -.£·•·····--~·····~····· ., .............. Old Angel J ohnson & Farrel.. •• .••• ........ ... Straw Hat Maker J ohnson Riohard .................... ..... ~........ .Miller Johns:on rfhoma.a ••.••• .~ ................................ CarriB"r King William .... , .................... Boot & Shoemakl!r Kirby F ............................. , .•••.••. , ....... Fell monger Kirby Franoi11 ....... ,......... Currier & Chee5e Factor Knibb& John ...... ~ ............ 4 ......... H~rness Maker Laughton Thomas ........................... Royal Oak Lay William ......................... Boot & Shoemaker Leggatt William .... •·'·'"·J ................ Ironmonger M anders John •. ,._, ................. Boot & Shoemaker Margetts John .................. Smith & Whe-elwright Margetts W .••.. , ...••. Beal' Hotol & Posting House Margetts W ... Marlborough Arma Commerciallrm Meears James ••··········•··-•••••·"'·f,•••'•···•·· Glover IVIeea1~ John •••••. , ..•••.•• .,r~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Grocer Miles Thomas ..................... Stationer & Groeer lVIoney Catharine .................... ·--·~··· ·•·••· Glover Money Richard ..................................... Glover M organ W illiam ............ " .••.•.• a •••••••••••••••••• Tailor Morley Thomas ........................... Bird in Hand Morl~y W ..•• ~ ............................... Elacksmith M onis Elizabeth .. •· .......................... Milliner &c M o1ris Thomas .. , .. ._ ..... ,. ............. ~, ........ _ •.••.... Butcher MMris William ..... ~···········~·············~~~····· Grocer Morris William ...................... Painter & Glm~ier Morrison Patrick ........................... Adam & Eve N eal J oaeph ............. , ........... , ....... Wheat.Bhaaf N ewman J ol1n .......... , ................ Carpet Weaver Nichols Sarah ......... Milliner & Straw Hat Ma" North H .•• Solicitor&. Town Clerk, & Agent to the County Fire, & PrO\•ident Life Assurance Compy Pal mer Henry T. P ......... ,, ..... , ........... Surgeon Partridge R ....... , ....... Pastry Cook & Confectioner Payn~ Richard ••..... , .... , .................. Briok Maker Pent ycros-s '"J,ho1nas. ~· ••. •; ..... .._,. ........... ,.., .......... Tailor Peny "Vllliam .• -· tl•jol(• .. , ., .. ~ •• •,. ..... I ••• , ... , ....... Surgeon Pratt Robert ........ , .. .~~~,,_.I,.",.,, ..... I ...... • ..... I •..• Butcher Pratt Thomas ..................... ~ ... ,., ••.•• Whito Hart Presoott Edward .••••...•. , ... , Draper & Undertaker Prior F~ ................. ,."-•. "-, ....... , •• , ... 't."' .. , ...... Poulterer Prior F ... Cheesemonger & Lonsd tQ Let Hrses &e. Pritchett John ........ , ...................... Glove Maker Pritohett John ....... •···~ .. ~·" ....... •.u .. Tea Dealer Pu!'nell J ame:s, •• ~· .::• . .__ .... , ........ _. .. ~ •• , •• , •• "., ... _ ..... Tailor Raggett El i,., •. ,. , ..... , .• , ......... , ... , . • Fellmonger H.ichards Benjamin , .............. C1npentflr & Joiner Rogers J ....... ., ........... , ........... W oodslock A1ms Savage .A. , ... ._. ..... •• ...... , .... . .. Baker & 1\fealman Scarshrook John ......................... Harness Maker Shayler J oseph, ... , ...... , ............... , ... 'Vhitetmith Shuffrey George, .. ,, .................. , ..... Linen Draper Smart E ........ ~""'" .. ~·· Breeohel! Maker & Glover Smith 1,homas ... , ..... , ........... , ..• v. "···., .•••••••.••• Baker Taplin Charlea ..••••.. n• ................... Hair Dre~sH 'faylor J ... A~en\ to the Phreni~ Fir~ & Life Offiee Taylor Jolm ........... , ............ Chemist&. Druggi~t Taylor Riohnrd .. t .. ,.,,.,.,,.,,~ ............ ._ ............ ,,,. Glover Turner Mary ................... tt•·•· .. La.dies Semioary Venableli Ch&dea ................. , ... ~·•<~·JI«Papet' Maker

WOOPSTOCK. Watson StPphen, .. ~,.,,,, ...... ., •.. Ho~t>t & :3hoemaken Watson William ...... ,4 ..•• H • .,~··H··f'•·~····• l3utcher Whicbello S~mu~l .. H· ., .. , •1 H•·. •••~H·.,, Hair Cu\ter White Joseph ························~··•~• Wheetwright Whitlock Sarah, .• , .. ~,,,., , ... H•••·'t·~••H Shopkeeper '\Vilkes Thomas ... , ........ ,, ... , .......... Lin~H Weaver Wilsden Benja111in., •• ,~·•··•H ..... .ijQot & iho~maker Wilsden Thomas .. ·~ ....... ,.~·u··~· • ... , ••..•• -.ti. Tailor Wilsdon -~, H•""''''Ho•·~···•·~•·~···· .. H•····~ Carrie:r; Class:Uioa tion. ~f!l. Bakers.-B4dd W illiam I-I arris J a mes. Savage A.\met Smith 'fl!omas Basket 11-faker!'·.-Gr\mmett llichanl Beer Retailers.-~Cba{wood l'vbr~h~ Cook John Hunt James Bookbinder. Grigg!l Tbornas Bookseller ~ Stali(Jner.-Ecde~ WM. Boot .s- Shoemakers.--Bennett Edward Eldridge Thos. King William Lay William Maunders John W atson Stephen Wilsden :Benjatnfti Breeches M akers.--Coo~er Wm. Smatt E. Brickmaker. Payne Richard Butchers.--Morris 'I'hatna!> W atson William Cabinet Make1'!.~-churchill John Carpenters,--Castle George Castle George Carpenters & Joiners.--HayrteS' Rob~t Rf~hards Benjarnin Ca-rpet Weat~H.-~ N ewml'n'l John Carrier:!.-• Farringdon J. Hunt James 1lling William J ohnson Thomas WitsdonChet!Sf! F(tctor.--Kirby Fntn~ Cneesemongtts.-Cartt!r & Morris Priol' Franc!is f!hemist ~· Drttygist.--ThylOl" J ohrr Coofectioner. Partridge Richard Cttop~ts.---Baughan _ ..... Garrett. John Currier.-Kirby:Franci~ Drapers. Howell Wm. Rowels Williant J ardinE! Jobn Prescott Edward Fel[mong-ers.--~Kirby F. H. aggett Eli Fzshmongers. Griffin J. GlCYVers.--Caope-r Wm. Cross B. B. Dawes Joseph. Farrington Milai Gre~n £amuel Green William Green WillialR Ho well . W illiam Hunt Timothy Meears J aQle~ Money Catherine Money Richard Pritchell John Smart E. Taylor Richard WooDSTo~~ CL+Ss~~~neN, continued. Grocers.-Ben nett A btijlucm • Carter & Morris Green W illiam Hanniss J ames Meears John Miles Thos. Morris Wm. Haberdasher.---EJdridge M ary Hair Dressers.-Taplin Cp'\tlN Whichellu S4lrnuel ·Harness },fakers. Knib~ Jqbn Scars brook John Inns, Hotels q Public Homes~- A dam & Evlt Morri£qn l'aU"ick Bear Hotel"&-Posting Rouse, Margett~ Wm. Bird in Hand, Motley Thomas Blartijotd Arms, Bauglu1t1 - Crown, Baughn Tholtla1 , Jolly Farmbf', Botterell Thomaii Kings Arms~ Oambra.y John Kinos Head Illing Wm. Marlhorougk Arms Commerdal llotr:Z tf Posting House, Margetta Wm. New Angel, Hayne!r B:!!il1j1 Old Angel, J a.rvi~ E.. · Rose~ 0rawR1 Hurtt JameS. RoyaA Oak, Laughton Thoma.t Wheat Shoof~ Naal Joseph White Bart1 Prat& Thomas Wbile· LiO'li.j Farley Thomas Woodaloch Ar~, Rogers J. lronmonger.-kggatt William Library. Eccles Williarti Linen Drapers. Green Samuel Shuffrey Georg& Linen W6fl.Ver. Wilkes Thomas Livery Stable Keepe1t. Prior F:~;apca M altsier. ChuJ:"chiU M atild~ M~almurt. Savage Ab~l' Mzller. J ohnson Ri~hard },f~liners. Chapman Siusannah Charlwood Sarah Cox Rebecca Morris Elizabeth Paper Hanger.---Grfggs Thomu Pap6r M Q/eet. V enables Charle!\ Pastry Co()/£. l'artridge Richard Plasterer. Hounslow Charles Plumbers, Painters ~ Glaziers. Goddard Mrs. Morris Wiltiam Printer. Griggs Thomas Saddle1' .... aHaQniss Char-let School Ladies. Turner Mary 8kopkeepB1's. G11mm Edward H~rris Anthooy Whitlock Sarah Slater. HounslQw Cha.rfeli Smiths.-Beddey 'l'homat Margetts J ohl\ Morley William Shayler Joseph Solicitors. Harrison John V' en~e!d & 1 oh11 Harri11on. John V enfield Holloway Benjamin North Henry J _ Stationer. Miles Thom-as Straw Hat Makers.--Barrett Mrs. Barrett Mrs. R. J ohnson & Farrd Su'T"geons. Coles GeOTge & Son Palmer Henry T. P. Perry Wi!llam 87

OXON. WOODSTOCK. ~==;;==~~=========================================~====== WoonsTocK CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tailor&. Banbury J. Gabriel Cox Stepben Morgan William Pentycross Thomas Purnell J ames Wilsden Thomas Tea Dealers.-J ardine John Pritchett John Undertaker. Prescott Ed ward Watch ~ Clock Maker.-Farden John Wheelwrights. Margetts John White J oseph . Corporation. MAYOR Carter Wm. Esq. · RECORDER-Walesby P. Francis, Esq. ALDERMEN. Coles G. Prescott E. Morris William North H. T. Esq ............................ Town Clerk Hollow ay Benjamin ............ Clerk to Magistrates COUNCIT.MEN. Right Hon. Lord Churchill Most Noble the Marquis of Blandford Bennett Mr. T. Holloway Mr. B. Wilkes R. M orris T. Harrison J. V. Coles G. jun. Palmer H. T. T. Harrison J. jun. Margetts W. Morris W. jun. Pain P. Prescott E. Smallbones B. Taylor J. Cross B. B. Post Office. Ben net Thomas ••.........••..•.....•••••.•.. Postmaster Letters arrive from London, Uxbridge, Wycombe, Oxford, &c. 3 mom. ; dispatched 11 night.- Ditto from Ludlow, Warwick, Birmingham, & all parts of the North, 11 night; dispatched 3 morn. Ditto from Banbury, Deddington, Adderbury, & all parts of theW est, ! bef. 7 even. ; dispatched ! p. 4 morn. Posting Houses. Bear •..•..•••..••..•..••...•••..•..•.•.•... Wm. Margetts Marlborough Arms ..................... Wm. Margetts :Bankers. Morrell J. & R ...... Draw upon Jones, Lloyd & Co. London Fire &. :Life Assurance Agents. County Fire & Provident Life Office ... H. J. North Norwich .................... , ... John V en field Harrison Phcrnix •... ~ •• ·~··~··~·······~················ Jol1n l,aylor Coaches to Birmingham, Day, from Marlborouglt Arms, through Shipston, Stratford-on-Avon, & Henly-inArden, ~ p. 9 morn.; returns ! p. 6 even. Birmingham, Tantivy, from ditto, 4 aft. ; ret. 2 aft. Blenheim, Blenheim, from Bear Inn, 6 even. ; ret. ! p. 8 morn. London, Blenl1eim, from ditto, through Oxford and Wycombe, ! p. 8 morn.; ret. ! p. 6 even. London, Day, from M arlborough Arms, l p. I aft. ; returns ~ p. 2 aft. London, Mail, from ditto, through Oxford & Wycombe, 11 night; returns 3 morn. London, Sovereign, from ditto, through Oxford, ~ p. 1 aft. ; returns ! p. 2 aft. London, Tantivy, from ditto, through Stratford-onAvon & Henly-in-Arden, 2 aft.; ret, 4 aft. 88 London, Telegraph, from ]'vfarlborough Arms_, thro' Oxford & Wycombe, 12 nigbt; ret. 2 morn. Oxford, Day, from ditto, i p. 6 even.; returns i p. 9 morn. Oxford, Regulator, from Adam ~ Eve, l p. 4 aft.; returns ! p. 9 morn. Warwick & Ban bury, Regulator, from ditto, daily, Sun. exc. ! p. 9 morn.; returns ! p. 4 aft. Worcester, Day, from Marlborough Arms, through Chipping N orton, ! p. 2 aft. ; ret. ! p. I aft. Worcester, Royal Mail, from ditto, through Chipping N orton, 3 morn. ; returns 11 night. Worcester, Sovereign, from ditto, through Chipping Nor ton, ~ p. 2 aft. ; returns l p. 1 aft. Worcester, Telegraph, from ditto, through Chipping Norton, 2 morn.; returns 12 night. Carriers to Bicester, Steward, from his own house, Fri. 9 morn. Charlbury, Kirby, from Wkite Hart, noon & even. every Sat. Chipping N orton, Bryan, from A dam ~ Eve, Tu. & Sat. 5 aft. Chipping N orlon, Mason, from White ][art, every . Sat. 5 aft. · Hook N orton, Castle's Cart, from ditto, Fri. ; ret. Sat. London, J ohnson 's V an, from his own house, '\V ed. & Sat. Oxford, Bryan, from Adam & Eve, Mon. Wed. &: Fri. 5 aft. Oxford, Illing, from his own house, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 10 morn. O.x:ford, Steward, from his own house, Mon. Wed. & Sat. 10 morn. Oxford, Whitlock, from his own house, Mon. Wed. & Sat. mornings. Witney, Illing, from his own house, Th. 10 morn. Witney, Steward, from his own house, Th. 9 morn. Witney, Whitlock, from his own house, Thurs. CHARLTON. Name, :Residence, &.. Profession,; Banner 1., ........ ~· ...........•..............•..... Butcher Clements Wm ...................... Boot & Shoemaker Cousins J ol1n .•.••.••.••••••• I ••••• I ••••••••••••• I •• Grocer Cross William ................................. Blacksmith Curtis E. C ............................ Grocer & Draper Deely Thomas ...................... Boot & Shoemaker H iggs Thomas .••••..•••.••...•..••.•••. I ........... Crown Honour John ............... Wheelwright & Carpenter Kirby Ann ........................... George & Dragon Kirby Wm.~·· .............. I •••••••••••••••••••• Maltster Kirtland Thomas ............................ Blacksmith Manu Thomas ...................... Boot & Shoemaker Radford Stephen ............ Wheelwright & Carpenter Savage George .......... ~······~···············~··Brewer Townsend Elizabeth ..................... Linen Draper Turner Rev. J. I ••••• I ••• I ••••••••••••••••••• I •• I. Rectory ENSLOW BRIDGE. l\f arriott Wm .........•..••....•.••..........•••• Gibraltar Marriott Wm ................................. Shopkeeper Turner Job, Agent to Oxford Canal Companys Wf. Ward Thomas ••••. I •••• I ••••• ,~·· ••••• I •••• Stone Quarry West William, Enslow mill ....................... Miller HAMPTON GAY. V enables Charles .................. Paper Manufactory ISLIP. A lam Richard ........... I. I ••••••••••••••••• ~·.... Wheeler Alley George, ........ , •• , , ••••.••.••• I •••••••••• I. Butcher

OXFORD. OXON. ~==========================-==========================~ Badger Edward ........................ Harness Maker Bagot Rev. Charles .............................. Rectory Blick Thos. C ..................................... Surgeon Claridge \Vtn .................................... Rad Li{>n Collingridge Edmund .............................. Baker Covington Edward .••• ~ ............... Tailor & Draper Harbidge J ames .................................... M iller Hillsdon Benjamin ..................... Harness Maker Hutcl1ins John ...................................... Baker Jenkins Daniel.. ......................... Fox & Grapes 1\foody E ........................................... Grocer Pegg Elizabeth ........... , ............. , ......... Grocer Smith R. T ........................................... Smitl1s Ste11l James ... 1 •• , ............................. Shoemnker Timberlake Wm .............................. Shoemaker 'r arney Lawrence .......................•..•...... Tailor Walker Stephen. .... .. .. .. .. . .. .. Surgeon & Chemist Watkins Jcffrey ............................... Swan Inr Wing Thomas ...•.•••. ~ ......... ~orn Dealer & Baken School. Doctor Souths Charity School KIDLINGTON. Alien John...... Classical & Commercial Academy Alien .John ............ Boarding Hnuse fot Gentlemen. Alien Mary Ann ........................ Ladies School Arris John, senior ................................. Smith Artill John, junior ..................... Smith & Farlil'r Arrowsmith Rev. 1-I ........................•...... Curate Burgess Henry .............................. Shopkeeper Carpenter James .................. General Shopkeeper Claridge Elizabeth........................ Black Horse Collins Charles................................. Maltster Collins Charles ..................... Maltster & Farmer Haynes Thomai .............................. Shopkeeper Hitchman Thomas ................. ~··•·•lf.•},~Qid Bull Honor Thomas ......... Pair1tet', Plumber & Glazier King Thomas ........................ Piumber & Glazier King Thomas.............................. Kings Arms Leech Peter....................................... Baker Long John ........................................... Baker Long William ... ~ ........ Beer Retailer & Shopkeepei Purnell Thomas ................... ·•· ....... f" f ... i Tailofl Richards Dr ...... Vicar, ~ Rector of Exeter College;.. Rouse J ohn ........................... Butcher & Farmer Scroggt Willia.m ................................. Maltster ~tringer Samuel ................................. Butcher Watts Ann .............................. Dog & Anchor Wren Thom<lo8 ••••• _ .... .,. 1• 10 ,, •• , ......... ~BoCu~. Retailer • • ... .;; Public Establishments. E~cise Office, Kin~s Arm~. Banks If enry... •. .... .... .. .• • .. . .. . .. .. . . .. •• Supervisor Sn1itl1 J ............................................ Collector ' Public Schools. National School. Nutt David....................................... Master Cox Mary .••.•.•. , ••.••.•• --.......... , ................... Mi.itr~s'} Infant School. ' Fyfield Hannah ... .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. •• .. .. ... .... . :Mistress THE END. Oxjord1hire.] N • 81

NOW PUBLISHING, ' ROBSON'S DIRECJl'ORY · FOR ARRANGED ' IN THREE PARTS, EXHIBITING THE MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, AND TRADERS OF BIR IN GBAlt~, AND ITS ENVIRONS, COMPRISING Coventry, Dudley, 1\edditch, Stourbridge, Walsall, Wednesbury, and Wolverhampton, with S H E F F 'I E L D. LONDON and BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY, Subscriber!J, 25s.; Non-Subscribers, 301. BIRMINGHAM DIRECTORY, Subscribers, 12s. 6d.; Non-Subscribers, 15s. - SPECIMEN Ol" S'l'RE:CT K:CY OF BIRMINGHAM. Dartmouth st. 'Villiams J, bedstead maker Wildbore T, butcher Newton Geo, gun barrel maker Morgan Hen, steel toy manuf Grove W, bricklayer Sims, Tildasley & Co. iron fndrs Whittall G, coal dealer Greenshill T P, malt~ter Sheldon J, corn dealer Osborn S, beer retailer VIcTORIA GLASS AND BoTTLE WORKS, W allis & Richardson Thomas R & G, edge tool manufs Higgins Josh, iron plate worker & frying-pan maker Comforth John, iron and steel wire manufacturer Butler W, beer retailer Lane T N, cement and plaster manufacturer Smith Wm, beer retailer Coleman J, maltster Ashmore H, beer retailer Williams S D, brick and coal wharf W allis John, gun and pistol manf Herbert R & M, maltsters Wallis Wm, timber merch E.vans T, corn dealer & miller UNION GLAss WoRKs, Bacchus and Green Hallout T, smith Smallwood W, shopkeeper Peters E VY, "Dartmouth Arms" Bannister F, butcher Wright ,V, rope maker J ones J, stirrup maker Stringer Wm, shopkeeper Bishop John, cooper Bunn G, pawnbroker and coal dlr Yardley G, beer retailer Harrison R, shopkeeper Cockerhill B, hinge maker Smallwood T, boot & shoemaker Hughes Ed, beer retailer Green house J s, beer retailer Taylor Thos, beer retailer Lewis Edw, blash dirt washer Ghilton Wm, machinist Proudman T, gun maker Harrison J, gilt & steel toy mkr Allport C, gun maker Butchard J, iron founder Ward Wm, beer retailer Whitfield Thos, brazier & iron. worker Dartmouth st, New. 'V arrlow J, shopkeeper Keogan J, shopkeeper and beer retailer Fowler Wm, "Hen & Chickem1" Pountney C, brickmaker Dartmouth place. Jackson -,"Sailor's Return" Darwin st. Padmore Thos, ivory, bone and wood turner, tooth, nail and shaving brush maker Hill Edward, maltster Ferrar E, shopkeeper Farrall T, tailor Lakins Wm, butcher Lakins W, provision dealer. Faulconbridge M, beer retailer Fisher H, tailor Smith H, pump maker Garner John, baker Rhodes E, shopkeeper Lavst G, builder • RICH.t.RD CLAY, l'RINTER, BREAD STREET UU.L, LONDON.

Appendix. ALBION JNSUR.!liVCE COAIP./JNY, NEW BRIDGE STREET, BLACI{FRIARS, Instituted 1805, and empowered by Act of Parliament. CAPITAL, ONE ~fiLLION. DIRECTORS. Chairman.-MATTHEW HARRISON, Esq., Holland St., Gt. Surrey St. Deputy Chairman.-J. HAMPDEN GLEDSTANES, Esq. Regent Street. rHOS. S. BENSON, Esq. New Broad Street. S. H. ,TEUSH HECKER, Esq. Trafalgar Square. :RED. BURMESTER, Esq. Upper Wimpole St. JOHN HICKS, Esq. High Street, Southwark. JHN CALVERT CLARKE, Esq. " Cowarth Al\lBROSE HUMPHRYS, Esq. Up. Wimpo eSt. House," Sunning Wells. I CHAS.RUSSELL, Esq. Charles SI. St.James's. (lEDERICK DAWES DANVERS, Esq., Lancaster I KENNARD SMITH, Esq Chapel St. Portland . Place, Waterloo Bridge DAN. RICH.WARINGTON, Esq.Waddon, Surry. ecretary.-EDWIN CHARLTON, Esq. New Bridge Str. I Solicitor-JOHN TEESDALE,Esq. Fenchurch§tr. Physici~n-RICHARD BRIGHT, Esq. M. D. Saville Street. . .. Insurances are undertaken by the Albion Company at Reduced rates. The annual payment charged at the age "25, for an insurance of £1000, by Companies holding out the prospect of a bonus derivable from profits, would sure£ 1200 with the Albion Company, free from the risk of partnership, and payable whenever the death might 1ppen For securing prospective bonuses from the "Equitable/' or other Companies, and in all cases requiring insullCe for limited periods only, therates ofthe AlbionCompany will be fmmd to be peculiarly advantageous. Persons whose lives at·e insured with the Albion Company, not being engaged in any military, naval, or mariue service, may, during peace, proceed to, and reside in, any part of Europe, without extra charge, and thout licence from the I :ompany. Policies granted by the Albion Company to persons on their own lives, and legally assigned to other persona r valuable eonsiderations,. will not, so far as the bona .fide interest of the assignees may extend, be invalidated, the persons whose lives are insured should die by suicide, by duelling, or by the hands of justice. Claims are paid ib thirty days after sufficient proof of death. ALLIANCE BRITISH and FOREIGN LIFE and 111/RE .ASSURANCE COMPAlV·Y. Establi6hed h!l. Act of Parliament. · BARTHOLOME\'V LANE, LONDON. Capital, £5,000,000 Sterling. PRESIDENTS. lOHN lRVING, ESq. M P. SAMUEL GURNEY, Esq. I SIR MOSES MONTEFIORE, F R. S. ' .. DIRECTORS. ~MES ALEXANDER, Esq. W. CRAWFORD, Esq.M.P 'VILLIAM IIow ARn,Esq • . H. BARNETT, Esq. T. A. CuRTIS, Esq. JoHN lNNES, Esq. DWARD BLoUNT, Esq. Rt.IIon.G.R.DAWSON. L.N.DERoTHSCHILDEsq JHN BownEN, Esq. EnWARD FLETCHER,'Esq II. 1\f. THORNTON, Esq. , F. llu-xToN, Esq. Sir G. IIARRISpN,K.C.H. l\1ELV1.L WILSON, Esq. ENJAMrN ConEN, Esq. AUDITORS. Sir RoBERT CAMPBELL, Bart. JoHN GURNEY, Esq. ANDREW JoaNSToN, Esq. _ BANKERS. Messrs. BARNETTS, HoARES, and Co. AcTUARY. BENJAMIN GoMPERTZ, Esq., F. R. S. _ SEcRETARY. ANDREW IIAMH .. ToN, Esq. PHYHICIAN. JonN R. IIuME, 1\I. D. Curzon Street. OLICITOR. JonN 1\f. PEARcE, Esq. SuRVEYOR. THOMAS ALLASON, Esq. LIFE ASSURANCE. Life Assurances are effected by the Company upon moderate terms while the Assured participate in thelfits which are declared at the expiration of every successive period of Five Year:~. . At the two quinnnial divisions of profit in the Life department in 1829 and 1834, the sum appropriated to the holders of .cies for the wholt! term was equivalent on an average, to 20 per Cent. of the premium~ which had been l. . . · I'IRE ASSURANCE. 'ire Assurances are accepted by the Company, at the following reduced rates viz lst Class 1 s. 6d. per Cent. 2nd Class 2s. 6d. do. 3rd Class 4s. 6d. do. I

Appendix ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1808. DIRECTORS. Sir T. TURTON, Bart. Chairman. I J. D. HUME, Esq. Deputy Chazrman. The Hon. Sir COURTENEY BOYLE, EMANUEL PACIFICO, M. D. JOHN OLIVER HANSON, Esq. W. G. PRESCOTT, Esq. WlLLIAM LAFOREST, Esq. : JOSEPH PULLEY Esq. MOSES MOCATTA, Esq. JOHN PETER RASCH, Esq. JAMES WILLIAM OGLE, Esq. JOHN WOOLLEY, Esq. Actuary. CHARLES ANSELL, Esq. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Per5om assured for the whole term of Life in Great Britain or Ireland m spectively, will have an ADDITION made to their Policies every seventh year, or an equivalent REDUCTION will be made in the future payments of Premium, at the option of the Assured. THE THIRD SEPTENNIAL VALUATION up to Christmas 1837, is now completed, and the Directors havE great satisfaction in :stating its result. The following TABLE shews the 'fOTAL ADDITIONS made to Policiesfor £1,000, e.ffected in Londo~ or through rzn Agent in Great Britain, which had been ill foreefor the 21 Years ending 1837 • .. BONUS. ' Age at Annu11.l Premium. Equivalent to the following commence- Gross Additions to Per Centage on the Prement. the Sum Assured. miums paid to the Company. 30 £26 14 2 £354 £63 2 3 40 33 19 2 4l6 58 6 8 50 45 6 8 5% . 55 5 0 60 63 13 4 78g 59 0 3 • • • AssuRANCES FOR SHORT PERIODs may now be effected in this Office at considerably reduced ra[es of Premium FIRE DEPARTMENT .-In addition to the benefit of the late Reduction in the Rates of Premiums, thi Company offers to Assurers the advantage of an allowance for the loss of Rent of Buildings rendered untenantab\1 by Fire. The Company's Rates and PropoSals may be had at the Office in London or of any of the Agents in the Coun try, who are authorized to report on the appearance of Lives proposed for Assurance. 92, Cheapside, 15th Octr., 1838. HENRY DESBOROUGH Secretary. BRITISI-1 Al\IERICAN LAND CO~IPANY, Office, No~ 4, Barge Yard, Bucklersbury. Incorporated and Establish ell by Royal Charter and Act of Pal"liament, 1834, for the sale and settlement t laads in Her Majesty's Province~ and Colonie8 of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunsv;ici Prince Edward's Island, and the Island of Newfoundland and their dependencies, the first operations of tb Company being in THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS OF LOWER CANADA, Where they are Proprietors of upwards of MILLION OF ACRES, which they offer for sale to EMIGRANTS AND !!ETTLERii, in farms, from 100 acres upward: in extent. Capital ofthe Company, £300,000, in 6,000 Shares of £50 each, with power to the Proprietors to increa! it to £600,000. G. R. ROBINSON, Esq. Governor. SIR JoHN PETER BoiLI:AU, B&.RT. 'VILLIAM PETRIE CRAUYURD, EsQ. RussELL ELLICE, EsQ. ALEX. GILLESPIE, JuNR. EsQ. Directors. I NATHANIEL GOULD, Esq. Deputy Governor. SIR JoHN KIRKLAND, KNT. PATR.lVLST:twART,EsQ. EDw. WHELER MILLs, EsQ. JoHN SHUTER, EsQ W1LLIAM PEMBER'IoN, EsQ. LEWIS STRIDE, EsQ. AUDITORS. Robert Carter, Esq. I James J. Cummins, Esq. I Thomas H. Brooking, E~q. Cot:NsEL _ - - - - - • - - Henry Bliss, Esq. I SoLICITORS - - - Messrs. Haslam and llischotf. BANKERS. Messrs. Glyn, Halifax, Mills and Co. I SEeR ETAR Y. Henry P. Bruyere!!, Esq. CoMMISSIONERS IN CANADA, 0 John Fraser, Esq., } f · Ea T h" A th C ' " b t J;" 0 Sherbrooke, m the ' stern owns 1ps. r ur .• e ser,~sq., There are also Agents at all the Outports ~f England, Scotland and Ireland. N. B. Prospectuses and Papers descriptive of the Lands, and the prices and terms of Sale, together with infw m:1.tion respecting tht! operations of the Company, may be obtained on application at the Company's Office. 2

Appendix• CORPORATION OF THE , I FOR A PERPETUAL ASSURANCE OPFICE. INCORPORATED BY CHARTER OF QUEEN ANNE, A. D. 1706; SERJEANTS' INN_, FLEET STREET, LONDON. DIRECTORS. FRANCIS BOOTT, 1\'I.D. JOHN BOSTOCK, M.D. WILLIAM FULLER BOTELER, Esq. Q.C. Rev. JAMES BROGDEN \ WE LBORE E LLIS, Esq. WILLIAM EVERETT, E~q-. ROBERT GATTY, Esq. WILLIAM JACOB, Esq. ~he Hon. FREDERICK BYNG. WALKER SKIRROW, Esq. Q.C. llCHARD HOLMES COOTE, Esq-. General Sir BENJAMIN CHAS. STEPHENSON. • The Amicable Society is the oldest Institution in existence for granting Assurances on Lives. The principle on which it was originally formed, and has always been conducted, is that of Nlutual Assurance, without Individual Lia6ility. Its legal privileges as a Eody Corporate exclude ~ inuividual responsibility or risk. There is no distinct Proprietary Body; every Person on whose ·,ife an Assurance is effected for One or more Shares becomes a Member of the Corporation, and ~rticipates in the JVhole of the Projit.r of the Society, which are distributed equally, Share for Share, unong the Representatives or Nominees of the deceased Members, without any {eference to the length of une during which the Policy may have been in force. No Commission is allowed to Agents; the Profit& are therefore the utmost the Premiums can afford. No Entrance Money is ~quired. A Bonus of £50 per Share. or 25 per Cent. on the Sum assured, i5 guaranteed to every Claim that rises by the death of a Member during the five years commencing with the 5th of April 1836. Assurances for terms of Years, or on joint lives or ~urvivorships, may be effected with the Society, either specified sums witnout participation iu the annual-profits, or for Shares with participation, at the option of the parties. Persons assured with this Society may traver to or from, or reside in any part of Europe, without paying n y additional prcmi:um . • Parties may arrange to pay their premiums either. by single payment by annual payments during the wholt' ontinuance of the Assurance, or by annual payments during a limited number of years only. T. G.ALLOWAY. RcgiJtrar. 3

Appendix. BBZ'PA:ltTNZA. LIFE A S S u. R A N C E C 0 l\1 P A N Y No. I, Princes Street, Bank, London. Capital, One Million. D-irectors. WILLIAM BARDGETT, Esq. ROEERT EGLINTON, Esq. SAMUEL BEVINGTON, Esq. ERASMUS ROBERT FOSTER, Esq. WILLIAM FECHNEY BLACK, Esq. ALEX. ROBERT IRVINE, Esq. JOHN BRIGHTMAN, Esq. PETER MORRISON, Esq. GEORGE COHEN, Esq. WILLIAM SHAND, Junr. Esq. MILLIS COVENTRY, Esq. HENRY LEWIS SMALE, Esq. JOHN DREWETT, Esq. THOMAS TEED, Esq. Auditors EDW ARD BEVAN, Esq. ANDREW JOPP, Esq. Medical Officers. WILLIAM STROUD, M. D., Great Coram Street, Russell Square. EB~NEZER SMITH, Esq. SuRGEON, Billiter Square. Standing Counsel. The Hon. JOHN ASHLEY,.. New Square, Lincoln's Inn. - Solicitor. WILLIAM BEVAN, Esq. Old Jewry. Bankers.-Messrs. DREWETT & FOWLER, Princes Street, Bank. This Institution is so constituted as to afford the benefits of Life Assurance in their fullest extent to Policy holders, and to present greater facilities and accommodation than can be obtained in any similar establishment. Among others, the following improvements on the sy~tem usuaily adopted, are recommended to the attention of the Public. An ample subscnbed capital, invested in such a manner as always to be immediately available when the claims by deaths arise. Amost economical set of Tables computed expressly for the use of this Institution, from authentic and complete data, and presenting the lowest rates of Assurance that can be offered without compromi1ing the safd!J oftlle l1zstitzdion. · A Table of increasing rates of Premium on a new and remarkable plan, peculiarly advantageous in ca!eS "Where Assurances are effected, by way of securing loans or debts, a less immediate payment being requiml on a policy for the whole term of life th11.n in any other office; and the holder having the option f!.fpayinga periodically increasing' rate, or of having the sum assured diminished according to an equihtble scale ol reduction. A Board of Directors and Medical Officers in attendance daily at the office a.t 2 o'Clock. Assurance: completed and policies delivered within a few hours. References to medical attendants not required when the state of health is unexceptionable; but whenever references are required, the medical attendant of the party consulted on behalf, and at the expense of the Company. Ladies and others, to whom it may be inconvenient to appear at the office, vi~ited at their own houses by one of the medical officers. l 1 olicies effected by persons on their own lives not rendered void in case of death by duelling or the hand1 of justice. In the ewmt of suicide, if the policy be assigned to a bona fide creditor, the sum assured paid without deduction if not so assigned, the full amount of premiums returned to the family of the ru.sured. Policies revived without the exaction of a fine within twelve months, on the production of satisfactory evidenc.e as to health, and payment of interest on the premiums due. · Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy. All claims payable within one month after proof of death. A liberal commission allowed to solicitors and agents!. Extract from lncrea$ing Rates of Premium for an Assurance of£ l 00 for Whole Term of Lzfe . ' Annual Premium payable during - - Age. First five Second five Third five Fourth five Remainder years. • years. years. years. of life. £ 8. d. £ 8. d. £ a. d. .£ s. d. £ 8, d. 20 1 1 4 1 5 IO l lOll I 16 9 2 3 8 30 I 6 4 l 12 2 I 19 I 2 7 4 2 17 6 40 l 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 16 7 3 9 4 4 5 5 5 6 3 6 13 7 4 PETER MORRlSON, Re:~ident Director.

Appendix. Britisl~ Com1nercial Insllrance Co1n]Jafty, PATRoN, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. :Established ln 182.0, and Incorporated by Act of :Parliament. TOR THE Insurance of Lives, the Purchase and Sale f!f Annuities, the Purchase of Reversions, the Endowment of ChildTen, Ssc. No. 35, CORNHILL, corner of BIRCIIIN LANE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. Sir R. ALEXANDER, Bart, JOHN COX, Esq. THOMAS BENSON, Esq. GEORGE GREEN, Esq. JOHN CATTLEY, Esq. SEBASTIAN~· MARTINEZ, Esq. WM. HENRY PORTER, Esq. DENZIL I. THOMSON, Esq. GEO.H. WEATHERHEAD,M.D WILLIAM CAWTHORN, Esq. ARCHIBALD F. PAXTON, Esq. ]fana{!ing Director EBENEZER FERNIE, Esq. Auditors THOMAS GORTON, Esq. DAVID GROVE, Esq, R. W. SILVESTER, Esq. Standin7 Counsel JOHN TYRH.ELL, Esq. Lincolns lnn. Physician-SEPTIMUS WRAY, M. D. Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. Solicitors-Messrs. LOCK, SMITH and ALLISTONS, Freeman's Court, Cornhill. Bankers-Sir R. CARR GLYN, Bart. & Co. London C!l~ffiillrnlffi(g.J&lli W®!JU~ ct;®li"dLPJ1!ll~Q FENC.JIURCH STREET. CHAIHMAN • BENJAMIN SHAW, Esq. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN : R. H. MARTEN, Esq. JOSEPH DOWSON, Esq. NATHANIEL GOULD, Esq. DIRECTORS. RICHARD P. HARRIS, Esq. DAVID MORGAN, Esq. WM. MANFIELD, Esq. HENRY J. PRESCOTT, Esq. JOHN MASTERMAN, Esq. ROBERT CARTER, Esq. TREASURER . . . . . . BENJAMIN SHAW, Esq. AuDITORs, WM. G. PRESCOTT, Esq. W. A. HANKEY, Esq. and SAMUEL GURNEY, Esq. CHIEF CLERK • H. K. SMITHERS, Jun., I ENGINEERS . WALKER & BURGES. 106, Fenchurch Street. DAVID WATERS, SuPERINTENDENT. ,_,ro\un S!lurance ompan~ No. 33, BRIDGE STREET, BLACKFRIARS, LONDON. DIRECTORS. George H. Hoopcr, Esq., Chairman. J Lieut.-Colonel Moody, R. E. Deputy Chairman. Charles Chippindale, Esq. Thomas Harri!!On, Esq. Richard Norman, Esct. Wm. Wbitmore, Esq. James Colquhoun, Esq. Sir John Kirkland. Sir Francis Ommanney John \Vilson, Esq. James Colvin, Esq. William Peat Litt, Esq. Alexander Stcwart, Esq. ·wm. 'Vilson, Esq. Capt. J. W. D. Dundas, R,N. Auditors.-John Chapman, Esq. B. D. Colvin, fuq. Jameson Hunter, Esq. \ Physicians.-Dr. James John5on, 8, Suffolk-pl, Pall Mall Ea!!t Dr. Chas. F. Forbcs, F.L.S.K. H. 23, Argyll-p;tr. Surgeon.-Samuel Solly, Esq., F.R.S., 1, St. Helen'S-place. Standing Counsel.-Charles Ellis, Esq. I Solicitor.-J. H. Forbesj Esq. Banken.-i\'Iessrs. Whitmore, Wells and Whitmore, Lombard Street. Actuary.-J. M. Rainbow, Esq. THE ADVANTAGES OF THIS OFFICE, AMONG OTHERS, ARE, I. A participation ileptennially in two-thirds of the Profits, which may be applied either in reduction of the Premium, or to augment the sum assured. On a division of profits for the seven years termination on the 25th of 1\farcb, 1832 ; Bonuses, amounting from IBs. to 2l. 12s. per cent. per annum on the sums assured, varying with the age, were assigned to alll>olicies for the whole continuance of life effected previously to the 16th of :May, 1829. 2. Premiums may be paid in a limited number of annual sums instead of by Annual Payments for the whole of life; the Policy continuing to participate in profits after the payment of such premiums has ceased. 3. The Assurance or Premium Fundi!:' not subject to any charge tor Interest to Proprietors. 4. Permission to pass to Continental Ports between Brest and the Elbc inclusive. . 5. Parties (including Officers of the Army, Navy, East India Company, aud Merchant Service) may be assured to reside in or proceed to all parts of the World, at premiums calculated on real data. 6. Claims to be paid within Three Months. 7. Tbe Assured may dispose of their Policies to the Company. ~. No Charge but for Policy Stamps. The Prospectus, Tables of Rates, &c. to be had at the Office in London, or of the Company's Agents. T, G. CONYERS, Secretary. 5

A ppendi:x:• CLERICAL, MEDICAL, and GENERAL LIFE A S S U It A N C E S 0 C I E T Y. ~-- ---- --- --------- - ~- - ----=-=--- • -- - -- -~ --~------~ -- ---:,;;o:::;:. :::?~~-= ____ ,__ ------ No. 78, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, BLOOMSBURY SQUARE, LONDON. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, £.500,000. PRESIDENT .•••••.• His Grace the DUKE of RICHMOND, K. G. VICE-PRESIDEl'-\TS. The Lord Bishop of Lichfield and Lord Viscount Clive Lord Skelmersdale Lord Bateman The very Rev. the Dean of Salisbury. Sir Hy .Halford, Bart. F .R.S. K.C.H. Sir Astley Cooper, Bart, F. R. S. Lieut.-General Sir T. Hislop, Bart Coventry. The Lord Bishop of Ripon. 'fl1e Lord Bislwp of Down & Connor The Earl of Fife, K.T. The Earl of Galloway The Earl of Courtown Lord Crofton The Hon. and very Rev:. the Dean of Windsor G.C. B. Thomas Wilson, Esq. HONORARY DIRECTORS, oR VISITERS. The Venerable Joseph Holden Pott, l\LA. Archdeacon I The Rev. C. Benson, l\T. A., Master of the Terrple. of London, and Chancellor of Exeter ~ and Prebendary of \Yorcester. DIRECl"ORS. JAMES KIBBLEWHITE, Esq., Langham Place, CuAIRMAN George G. Babington, Esq., Golden Square I Joseph H. Green, Esq., Hadley, Barnet Sir W. Beatty, l\I.D. F.R.S. Greenwich Hospital Clement Hue, M. D. Guildford Street, Russell Square Rev. G. Beresford, l\1. A., Hal~tead, Leicester Rev. J.l\Iacdonald, M. A., Chesterfield Street George Birkbeck, M. D., Finsbury Square I S. Merriman, M.D. Brook Street Rev. Thomas Dale, M. A., Lincoln'S-inn Fields ' Joseph Moore, M.D., Lincoln's Inn Fields T. Davis, Esq., George Street, Hanover Square F. J. Per·ceval, Esq , Upper Phillimore Place Sir Charles Des Vreux, Bart., Harley Street Richard Pinckard, l\I. D., Bloomsbury Square John Dixon, Esq. ~5, Chancery Lane Sir George Pocock, York Street, Portman Square TRUSTEES. John Dixon, Esq. 25, Chancery Lane S. 1\lerriman, M .D., Lower Brook Street Andrew A. Mieville, Esq. Russell Square Rev. George Shepherd, D.D.~ Russell Square. Lord M arcus Hill, M.P., Eaton Place, Belgrave Square James Kibblewhite, Esq., Langham Place. Andrew Spottiswoode, Esq. Bedford Square. AUDITORS. Chosen by the Prapridors. Chosen b?J tlt11 Assured. John Daw8<m, .E8q., Albemarle Street ,. Charles Fowler Esq., Gordon Square Rev. Dr. l'age, Gilling-ham, Kent Edmund K. Stone, Esq. Gray's Inn Place BANKERS ...••..... Messrs. Dixons, Brooks, and Dixon, Chancery Lane. SOLICITORS.-1\lessrs. Stone and Turner, Jermyn Street; and W. Gilmore Bolton, Esq., AustiR Friar!!!; The advantages of this Institution, among others are: ].-Dividing the Profits among Persons assured, every Fire Years; which, at their option, may be added to the Policy, or applied in reducing the future Payments of Premium. The Bonuses declared on Policies entitted, at the last two Divisions, amounted on an average to £22 per Cent, on the Premiums paid. 2.-Granting Assurances at a lnwer Rate than at most other Offices in which the Assured are allowed to share the Profits. 3.-Purchasing at a fair price, the Policie.i of those, who, from any cause, may wish to di~pose of them. 4.-Extending the Advantag-e of Life Assurance to all Classes of Pei"SOns. JOSEPH PJNCKARD, Resident Secretar!J and Actuary. 6

Appendix• I t 1111urance anp, 3, Crescent, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, CLYDE STREET, EDINBURGH, & COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN. ----------- -- Established by Act of Parliament, 1807. His Excellency Count I\'lum1ter Rt. Hon. Earl of Elgin &Kincardine Rt. Hon. Lord George Seymour HONORARY DIRECTORS. Rt. Hon. Lord Huntingfield Sir Edward Colebrooke, Bart. General Sir F. A. Wetherall DIRECTORS. John Richards, Esq., Chairman. Lieut-Gen. Sir John Wilson, K.C. B. Capt. SirW. A. Montagu, G.C.H.C.B. Major l\1oor, F. R. S. Lieutenant-Colonel M. Shawe, Deputy Chairman. Rt. Hon. Sir Gore Ousely, Bt. Sir Jame!'l Macg1·igor, Bart. F.R.S. Charles Barry Bald win, Esq. Samuel Birch, Esq. and Alderman C. J. Camp bell, Esq. Charles Thomas Holcombe, Esq. Peter Skipper, Esq. John Kingston, Esq. Richard \Vhiteaves, Esq. Walter Anderson Peacock, Esq. William \Vybrow, Esq. AUDITORS. I J. G. Lynde, Esq. I· John Newton, Eiiq. PHYSICIAN, John Spurgin, M.D .. Guildford Street. CONSULTING SURGEON. James Saner, Esq., Finsbury Square. The Directors have caused new Tables to be calculated, in . which the Values of Male and Female Life are for the first time distinguished. In consequence of this Improvement, the following Reductions obtain, Annual Premium required for the Assurance if £ l 00, to be receivable on tlte death of .. 1 A MALE. A FEMALE. - A ged. For 1 Year. For 7 Years ForwholeLife. Aged. For I Year. For 7 Years. ForwholeLife. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ ·'. d. 20 I 2 I 1 6 3 2 2 6 20 1 I u 1 5 0 I I5 1 30 I 10 9 1 I2 2 2 9 IO 30 1 7 0 1 8 9 2 3 2 40 I IS 4 I 17 4 3 4 4 40 1 13 1 I 13 9 2 15 0 50 2 3 5 2 12 3 4 12 4 50 I 15 11 1 17 3 3 15 0 60 3 I7 l 4 7 11 6 I8 2 60 2 15 2 3 7 0 5 14 7 • -" • CoLoNIAL, ORIENTAL, and MARITIME AssuRANCES may be made for any period, or for the whole term of life; for any particular Voyage, Country, or Service, or generally to include all the common dangers of sea or climate. The Assured, whether abroad or at home, are alike entitled to their proportion of the periodical Bonus. The Board' assembles on \VeJnesday, at Two o'Clock; a Medical Officer attends at the Office regularly at Two o'Clock on every day before whom appearances can be made. The Names of the .Medical Referees who are appointed in all parts of the Kingdom and Colonies; the particular Rates of Premium for Survivorships, Endowments, Joint Lives, Contingencies, Forms of Proposal, Declaration, Prospectus, &c. may be immediately obtained b_v personal application or hy letter addressed to the Actuary. HENRY P. S~liTH, AcTUARY. 7

A ppendix• EQ V.Z 7' A. B.£ lE1 REVERSION AllY IN'l.,ER.ES'.r SOCIETY, 10, Lancaster Place, -IVaterloo Bridge, Strand. DIRECTORS. SAMUEL ARBOUIN, Esq. STEPHEN CANNON, Esq. JOHN CHIPPENDALE, Esq. CHARLES H. CLAY, Esq. JOHN COLE, Esq. MARMADUKE R. LANGDALE~ Esq. EDWARD LEGH, Esq. CAPT. SIR A. P. GREEN, RN. THO.\IAS POYNTER, Esq. FRANCIS S~IEDLEY, Esq. JOSEPH WOODHEAD, Esq. JAMESON HU~TER, Esq. . TRUSTEES. W. S. BLACKSTONE, Esq. l\LP. JAMES HARWICK OUGHTON, Esq. JAMESON HUNTER, Esq. JONATHAN PEEL, Esq. Audilors. WILLIAl\1 HICHENS, Esq. FREDERICK 1-IUTII, Esq. HENRY PIGEON, Esq. Solicitor. JOHN CLAYTON, Esq. Actuary. PETER ,HARDY, Esq. Bankers. MESSRS. COUTTS AND Co. This Society has been formed for the purchase of Reversionary Property, Life Interests, Annuities, and Life Policies of Insurance. Forms of proposal may be obtained at the office, and every facility will be given by the Society to a speedy completion of its purchases. It is expected that all communications will be post paid. JOHN CLAYTON, .Secretary. FeAST INDIA COMPANY DIRECTORS. Major Gen. SirJ. Law Lushington, G. C.B. York st. Port- Henry Alexander, Esq. 4 Cumberland-terrace Sir R. Jeukins, G. C. B. M.P., 7Mansfield-st [man sq Sir Jamcs Rivett Carnac, Bart. M.P.S!I, Upper Harley 11! \Villiam Astell, Esq. Everton \Sir William Young, Bait. 24 Upper Wimpole-street Campbell Marjoribanks, &q. 3, Upper\Vimpole-street George Lyall, Esq. 17, Park Crescent William Wigram, Esq. 56, Upper Harley street John Forbes, Esq. 15, Harley st William Stanley Clarke, ESIJ. Elm Bank, Leatherhead Henry Shank, Esq. 62, Gloucester pi John Thornhill, E.<;q. Blackheath Russell Ellice, Esq. 5, Portman-square ' John Loch, Esq. 18, Up Bedford pi, Russell sq John Cotton, Esq. 30, Upper Barley street Charles Mills, Esq. Camelford House, Oxford st Patrick Vans Agnew, Esq. C. B. 32, T~ower Brook st. John Masterman, Esq. Nicholas-lane, Lombard-street W. Butterworth Bayley, Esq. 28,Albemarle-street John Petty Muspratt, Esq. 9, New Broad street John Shepherd, Esq. 44, Gloucester-place Henry St. George Tucker, Esq. 3, Upper Portland pl 1 Francis ·warden, Bsq. 28, Bryanstone-sq EAS'"f INDI,\ DOCK COlVIPANY. Chairman···· ··Archibald Hastie, Esq. M.P. Deputy····· ·lames Walkinshaw, Esq. Thomas Baring. Esq, M. P. John Cryder, Esq. Director a. Abraham- George Robarts, Esq. John Pirie, Esq., & Alderman. John Scott, Esq. I William Lyall, Esq. Robert Small, Esq. William E. Ferrers, Esq, William Routh, Esq. Charles E. Mangles, Esq. Secretary, .... Thomas Baker, Esq. EAS1., COUN'.fR~~ DOCI{ C(l~IPANY. 16, BJSHOPSGA.TE STREET. Robert Grant, Chairman. I B. A. M'Ghie, Deputy. Haskett Smith. I Joseph Smith. I Wm. Bcale. I JGhn Ward. I Richard Price. I John Mitchell. I T. Benson. P. MALIN, Secretary. COMMISSIONERS OF EXCISE, BROAD STREET. John ·wood, Esq. Chairman. Sir John C. Mortlock, Knt. I \Vm. Henry Percy, Esq. Hon. Berkeley Paget Thomas Harrison, Esq. 8 Hart Davis, E.<;q. Deputy. t Henry F. Stephensoo, Esq. J .. c. Freeling, Secretary.

AND COLONIAL -urattte otttl tilt OFFICE, No. 444, '\VEST STRAND. C A P I T A J. £ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0, With power to increase it, in Shares of £,10 each ; £5 per Share Deposit. PATRON. HIS llOYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF SUSSEX. ~t'ufittt~. rnE aT. noN. THE EARL oF THAN ET 1 THR nT. HoN. LoRD LovAT IJ'HERT.HON. THE EARL OP LOVEL.&CE THE HON CIIAIIJ. THO:\US CLIFPORD fHB RIGHT HON. J.ORD VAUX I THE CHIEF RE:\IF.i\IBRANCER OP IRELAND JOHN WRIGHT, ESQ. JAS. KIERNAN, ESQ. CHAS. WELD, ESQ. p, H. ~BBOTT, ESQ. H· R. BAGBIIAWE, ESQ. M J. BLOUNT, E8Q. E. H. DARELL, ESQ· J, R. 00\VEN, EsQ. lJft'tCtlTt'S. w. HUTT, ESQ., II.LP., Chairman. ROWLAND HILL, ESQ. JACOBl\lONTEFIORE,ESQ. WILLIAJU HOOD, ESQ. R S. PALIUER, ESQ. .JA!\'If.A JRYING, ESQ. JAMES KJJ.;RNAN, ESQ. J, F. PALIIIER, ESQ. H. E. SHARPE, ESQ. CHART,ES WELD, nsQ. FRANCIS WITHAM, ESQ. JOHN \\'RIGHT, ESQ • HENRY YOU~G, ESQ. .Actuary and Secre/ar!J. ALEXANDER JAI\IIESON, I..L.D. Bankers, iUESSils. WRIGIIl' & eo., Henrietta street, Covent garden . .Solicitor, '"ILLIAl\J WlTHAM, ESQ, 8, Gray's In11 ~quare. This Company proposes to avail itself of the valuable experience of the American Trust Companies. anrl to combine the administration of Trusts on the Guarantee of the CompJ.ny's Capital, with the business of Life .Assurance in all its branches. The Company will undertake the execution of every species of Trust; and the inducements which it holds out are, among others First: The impossibility oi loss, since the whole property must be made good out of the Cap1tal of the Company and its Members. Secondly: The diligent and fa;thful performanl!e of tl1e Trust. which will Le imured by the respons1bllily incurred, but still more by the corr.merc:ictl character and cred1t of the Company with the publi '. Thirdly: The avoiding of all dt!ay and expc:nse incideat to the appointment of new Trmtees under the existing system. In e\·ery respect a Company is preferable to an Individual for managing onerous bequests, because no irldividual, however competent or trustworthy, can pretend to the same perpetuity of exi~tence, nor ran the mme entire confidence be placed in any Individual that would he i'eposed in a Public Body, in whom, by vesting a trust every testator must lmow that his legatee;; will avoid those haz:1rds and inconveniences, those contingencies and annoyance~, a~ainst which no solitary executor, howevc:r honorable no 1wlated trustee, however wealthy-can offer an effectual _guarantee. Thus a parent by his will, or on his daughter's mnrriage, appointing this Company Trustees for his children anrl descendants, may be morally certain that the principle of th.:ir fortunes w1ll be forthcoming years. after he may he dead, and thJ.t all income will be duly applied or invested; there heing the guarantee, not of two or three Trustees or Executors, or possibly of one on I y, but of the Capital and Propel ty of the Company and its Members. The Company will undertake at the option of the settler, the due investment of funds according to any prescribed mode, or will guarantee a specific income and adopt its own mode ot investment, The Assurance Department holds out every advantage which experience alllllil;erality have imported into the modern Offices, together with the additional benefit of allowing the Assured a participation on equal terms with the Shareholders of the profits of the Trust Business. The Scales of Premiums for L1fe Iusurances and Deferred Annuities have been calculated on th9 most moderate terms compatable with safety. And in order to give every facility to the Assured of visiting Foreign countries, the extra premiums in such cases will not be arbitrarily imposed, but Tables will from t!ine to time be prepared, graduating, as far a~ pl'acticable, the risks according to the length of voyage, climate of the country to be visited, and othc1 circumstances. In ca~e of accidental furfeitur.e on non-payment of premium, if satisfactory explanation be grven within three calendar months, the Comp:my will renew the policy on payment of a moderate fine, without regard to the present health of the Assured. The Company are enabled to bold out peculiarly great advantages to its Stockholder and the Assured, b} reason of the comparatively high rate of interest which they are satisfied can be obtained by the invest men of funds. as well in Great Eritain as in het Colonies, on those unexceptionable securities, of which manf ol tlw established Companies are now precluded from availing themselves. For Prospectuses, Forms if Application, for Share~ and information, app~IJ by letter, add'reasct/ to the Secretary, at the Office oft he Company, 44-1, JVest Strand. TABLES 01" PREMIUMS, To be paid for Assuring £100 on a Single Lif~ . • Age next F<Jr Lllc W ll<~k .L11c. I ::>llUo t pe;wd"" wllhtHIL I" utas. . -- Birthday. Without profit-. ' With protit•. One Year. Seven Ycar8, £ ~. d. .e s. d. £ 8. d- £ 5. d. 20 J l-t 4 ] 17 4 0 16 4 0 17 3 30 2 411 2 810 I 2 10 l 4 9 40 2 19 9 3 5 0 I 10 4 1 u 7 50 4 3 4 4 10 7 I 15 2 I 18 9 60 6 13 2 7 4 B I 3 10 4 4 12 I ' I I 9

Appendix .. 1."1HE :BRITiSI-1 LOAN AND DISCOUNT EN :;2,n Z T 'UT' EON. CAPITAL £500,000 .. 1-. 20,000 Share.r; of £25 t~ac!t, to be issued in five Series, each consistin.IJ of 4000 Shares. D!H?OSIT £z l.Os. :PER SI-IARE, To be p:1id to l\IEssJEURs. TWINING, of 215, STRAl\"p. /{a furtlter calls to be made without the consent cif the Shareholder~. This Institution has bem established for the purpose of affording to Capita1ists, by virtue of the Act ht Victoria, c. 80, an investllli·ot for tbeir money at a rate of Interest cDmmeosurate with its real value and un. restricted by the usury laws, and at the ~ame time of supplying to the Public, and particularly to those tradesmen and pusons of repute who may not keep a bankmg account, facilities in obtaining Discounts and temporary Loans, which they cannot find elsewhere. To the Capitalist benevolently disposed, the Direc!ors of the Institution in addition to the ordinary inducement for [nvestments, can bear testimony to the great benefits resulting to the Public from the adoption nf the plan ot the lastl!ullOn in permitting Loans of money, on approved sureties, payable by weekly in. stalments . . The bu-iness of the Institution being conducted under the pErsonal superintendance of all the n;rectors, whose unremitted attention is secured by the amount of capital embarked by them in the concern, a guarantee from loss is thereby assuretl to the Shareholders. The very s::~t1sfactory result of the busine~s tramacted since the formation of the Institution, has enabled fl1e Directors to resolve tlnt the following advantages shall be allowed to Shareholders: lst. The p:>.yment of half-ye:uly Divioend~ of !5 Per Cent. Per Annum on the subscribed capital, with the cption of permilling such half-yearly Dividends to accurnuL.ttc at compound Intere~t. 2nd. Tl1e participation in the Profi:s of tile Inst1tution. 3rd. The 1Imitat10n of liab1lity to the extent only of the Shares taken. 4th. The assurance th'it no further call will be t:1ade upon the Shares subscribed for, without the previous con~ent of the majority of Shareholders pre5ent at a meeting to be convened for such purpose, and of which one notice shall t;e givea by public advertisements. ' . 6th. The pt·riodical exammation and rep01t of tl1e accounts of the Institution by the Auditor to be appointed for that pl.lrpose by the Shareholders. A pplwations for S !:arcs to be made by Letter (pmt paid) to the Managing Director, at the Offices of the Institution, No. 1, Skinner Street, Snow Hill, where detailed Prospectuses, &c., &c., may be obtained from 10 until 5 o'Clock. By Order, FREDERICK J. l\IANNING, Nlanaging Director. OFFICE, AT BASJNGSTOI{E. COl\JlUITTEE OF l\IA NAG Ei\1 ENT .-John Slopcr, Esq., Chai1·mau. 'rhe 1\faror of B;u;ingstoke. 'Villiam Esdaile, Esq. Ed1vard Richards Adams, E~q., Senr. 1 Thomas Hasker, Esq. Ed"·ard Richards Adams, Esq., Junr. \ Samuel Mills, Esq. William Blew, Esq. John .Martin, E~q. Richard Booth, Esq. Arcl1ihald Frederick Paxton, Esq. Edward Bai1e~·, E~q. Rohert Piper, Esq. Lancclot Bathurst, Esq. Robcrt !-'ntton, Esq. Hobert D,lrie~, E~q. Thomas Edward ~cott, Esq. John Shute Duncan, Esq. Lewen Scott. Sntith, E~q. Clerk to the Company.-Mr. Charles Headcach, Basingstoke. Engineer.-Mr. Francis Giles, No. 4, Salisbury Street, Strand. Sclicitors. :Messrs. Sweet and Sutton, No. 6, Basinghall Street. 10

Ap?en dix ... --~ FIRE OFFICE, .tND PROVIDENT LIFE Eslabl ished 1806. Capitals A MILL I 0 N S T ER L 1 N G AND UP W A R D S. PRESIDENT. The Right Hon. EARL GREY. Trustees and His Grace the Duke of Rutland. The Most Noble the Marquess of Northampton. The Right Hon. Lord King. The Right Hon. Lord Northwick. Sir W. E.Welby, Bart. Sir John Osborn, Bart. Directors. Sir Frederick A. Roe, Bart. G E. Welby, Esq., l\1 P. George Pryme, Esq., l\l.P. Francis Const, Esq. J. E. Conant, Esq. Barber Beaumont. Esq., &c. &c. &c. The CouNTY is the only Fire Office which has constantly made Returns to its Members, nnd for a long series of years. These Returns have varied from 10 to 25 per cent. and have amounted to upwards of £100,000. In the LlF& OFFICE nearly the whole of the profits Rre di'"ided among the parties insured. Their effect may be judged of from a Policy taken out by His late .Majesty on his own life for £3000, which additions increased to £3963. " Upwards of thirty Insurance Offices have broken up wi hin a few year!l, and nea:-1y as many new ones have been projected within the last t\vo or three years, it may be uece~sary to observe, that all the substantial advantages promt"sed by such new Offices ha' e been long realised under the plans ancl management of the Provident L1fe Office. J. A. BEAUMO~T. Secretary. Empowered by Act of Parliament, 3 \VILLIAI\1 IV. Society, No. 34, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London, EST ABLI~HED 1823. DIRECTORS. The Right Hon. THo'\tAs :FRANKLAND HENRY FREDERICK STEPHE~SON, Esq. Lauueelot Baugh Alien, &q. Robert Davies, Esq. Stephen Nicholson Bart>rr E:>q. Adam Gordon, E.."q. RobeJ t Biddulph, Esq. William Grant, Esq. Y\'illium Routh, K-'"Q. AUDITORS. LEWis, Chairman. Dt-puty Chairman. John Knowles,Esq. F.R.S. .John Mendham, Esq. Thomas lHeux, Esq. Henry Barnett. Esq. l 11. l\-1. Boodle, Est; I Edward Know!~, Esq. l Charles Morris, Esq. PtlYSICIAN •••••• John A. Paris, 1\'I.D. F.R.S . .No. 27 Dover Street. CEON •••••••••••••••• Benjamin Travers, Esq. F.R.S. No. 12 Bruton Street. I!OLICITOR •• Henry Young, Esq. 12, Essex Street, Strand. I ACTUAltY •••••• J. J. Downcs, Esq., F.R.A.S. The following are among the adva<itages of this Society:- lst. The security of an ample Assurance Fund, be:;;ides the subscribed Capital of £200,000. 2d y. For youn~ and midd,e-aged liYcs the LOWEsT RATES OF PREl\liUMS that entitle the assured to parti.- cipaie in the pro.fits. 3rdly. Three-fourths of the llrofit!:'. divided every five years among tho~_;e who have been As!'-ured full four yt>ars on the equaLscale of premiums. The bonus declared in I 833, averaged £16 per cent ou the premiums then paid. 4thly. Policie;< gr~nted ·without any charge to the A~-sured beyond the stamp duty. :;thly. An option given to Assu~r~, on the iucrea-.;ing scale of Rates, after the lapse of any number of years, to · tommute the future inc1·easing premium by an equiv11-leut equal annual one for the remainder oflife, and thereafter ' to participate in the p1·ofits. . 6thly. No extra charg·e for re-.;idence in any part of Europe, nor for proceeding to any port (in a decl<ed 5ailing, or steam vessel) between Bret>t and the Elbe. Licenses are granted to go to most }JUrts of the ,-.orld upon terms proportionate to the 1-isks. · _ . 7thly. Whole-life Policies on the equal scale of premium purchaseab!e after four year:>. Larl".cd Policies revived within twelve months on favourable terms to the Assured. • .• To the expectants of bonru;es in the EQUITABLE 0FFICEt the Plan~~ and Terms of the Economic Society. are peculiarly favourable, to realize the additions expected up to the end of the y~ar 1839. ; ' - JOHN KNOWLES, llesidcnt Director. ll

Appendix. Ettrope~l1l Co11t]Jllny ror Life Insurances, the Sale and Purchase of Annuities, and Endowments for Children and Others. 10, CHATHAM PLACE, BLAnKFRIARS, Established January, 1819. President. Sir CHARLES FORBES, Bart. I Via President. Sir JAS. RIVETT CAHN AC, Bart.M.P. TRUSTEES JOHN BENT, Esq. J. G. HARRI~, Esq. GEORGE J. SULIVA~, Esq. ' Sir WM. P. CALL, Bart. JOHN STE"WART, Esq. CHAS. HOPKINSON, Esq. DIRECTORS. JOHN BENT, E~q. W. PAXTON JERVIS, Esq. JOHN STEW ART, Esq. THOMAS H. CALL, Esq. Rev. PH. LE BRETON G. J. SULIV AN, Esq. THOi\IAS HARDI.NG, Esq. WILLlAM SARGENT, Esq. JOHN THOYTS, Esq. J. G. HARHIS, Esq. FREDERICK SlLVEB, Esq. EDWARD WRIGHT, Esq:. Audita1's.-THO:M"AS BENT, Esq.; GlDEON COLQUHOUN, Esq.; CHARLES HOPKINSON, Esq. Secretar!J. DAVID FOGGO, Esq. I Banlers.-Messrs. BOSANQUET, ANDERDON and Co. Lam. b1rd Street; Str WM. P. CALL, Bart., MARTEN, and Co. Old Bond Street. Ph!Jsicians. THOS. THOMSON, M. D.; HY. DAVIES, M. D. 18, Saville Row, Burlington Gardens. Solicitor. WILLIAM SPIKE, Esq. 15, Clifford's Inn. The objects of the European Company are, The Insurance of Lives, The Sale and Purchase of Annuities, and effecting Endowments for Children, and others. The Sums thus received by the Company are invested In Annuities, secured on Land, or the Funds of Government, which enable the Company to afford to its Insurers, Annui. tants, and others, gTeater advantages than any hitherto offered to the Public Th~ PI'Ofits derived by this Company are distributed amongst the several persons connected wifh the Establishment according tu the amount of their respective interests. Shareholders at p1 esent, receive a Dividend on the Sums invested, at the rate of5~ per et. per Ann. with an increase thereto according to the aug·mentation oftheirStock,derived by a division oft he profit of the concern from time to time Life Insurets will derive an immediate benefit by the reduction on the premiums generally taken, with thepi'OB· pect of a liberal addition to their policies, at the end of every seven years. Claims are paid within three months after proof of the death has been given. Pen:.ons wishing to borrow money on Annuity will not only be able to obtain it at a moderate rate, but will also be E;ntitl2d to a Policy of Insurance on the life or lives involved in the Deed, chargeable only at the same rate ofpre. mit:m, a:1d admissible to the same amount of Bonus, as would have been apportioned had tbo life or lives been iJI. sured at the time the Deed was executed. No charge is made for Entrance or fm· the Policy beyond the actual cost oft he stamp. The assured are permitted to pass by sea i11 Ste:1m or Decked vessels, to or from any part oft he IT nited Kingdom ; and, in time of peace, to or from any port of the Continent situate between the Elbe and Brest, without being required to pay any additional premit·m, or to procut·e a Licence from the Directors. lu cmserJU"11ce of numerous rep1 esentatirJrtS, th.eBoard of Directors hav~ t·esolverl to admit the documerds, -,~pou the.f.dt!L 11' u·hich anyl'vliry shall be {!ranted, as concrusive evidence ofl!Le age and slate of heal: h of th" Life Insured. except in cases of gros sfraud or wilful miiTeJ,resentutimz. 1'/tis J'B911lution will f'.Dt:ctu ul(IJ prutBct muoren t Jlm•tie s a?'linst e ve1:'1J ~·isk, and pre L'en t the poss ibi'ity of delf.,!J in setllin g claimt . ... -...... ,. . ......... -·· ·~ ...... ·-····~ ... ...... .·-~ ... . . . .. . - . . HEYERSIONARY CO.t\1PANY, OFFICES No. 25, CHARLES STREET, ST. JAIJ1ESS SQUARE. The GE~J.ERAL AND I~VEST~1ENT Capital £500,000, in 5,000 Shares of £100 each. DIRECTORS. Cliazrmnn.-JOHN RICHARDS, Esq. Depuf!J Chairmnn.-The Right Honorable SIR GORE OUSELEY, Bart. G. C. H. F. R. S. The Right Hon. T. PEREGRINE COURTENAY. 1 SAMUEL. BIRCH, Esq. and Alderman. S:rROB. HARRY INGLIS,Rat.l\i.P. F.RS. COLONEL SIR R. J. HARVEY, C. B. K. T. S S.r JA.l\IES MAC GRIGOH., Bdrt. F. R. S. CHAHLES THOMAS HOLCOMBE, Esq. WILLIAM DACRES ADA~lS, E~q. JOHN KINGSTON, Esq. CH..lRLES Bi\RllY BALDWL~. Esq. WJLLIAM WYBROW, Esq. Aurhlors.-MICHl\EL LAMBTON ESTE, E~q.; ROBERT HAZELL, Esq.; THOMAS GODFREY SAMBROOKE, E~q. Banlcrs. The Mm;rs. DRUl\11\lOND, Charing Cross; The Mt:ssrs. HANKEY Fenchurcb Street1 Sir CLA UDE SCOTT and Co. Cavenr:lish Square. Sa!icitors.-Mcsm. DEAVAN and ANDERSON, 2, Royal Tmace, Adelphi. ' . 'J.his office is e~tahli~ht:d f<Jr the pmpose of enabling persons entitled to deferred or contingent intere&lt to rencltr th··nJ available. upon fair and eqmtable tums for p re~ent convenience. Proposals for the Sale of Reversions and Polic1es for loans upon Lif~ Interesf! whether in possession Cl e': per lotion, for grants (Jf prrst'n t Annuities to be crmpensated for by Reversionary Payments, and generally for the investme-nt of capital in all s.€curitie8, the continuance or realisation of which is dependent upon hL:man tx,~tence wilt rEceive immediate attenhon from the Directors. Prc,~pec.tu.·t·s and forms of propos."tl may be obtained from the Secretary, to wl1om all communications llhould be addre,«ed.,( rcc. of postage. By. Order of th.: Board of Director'3. \V. B. HODGE, Secreta".'!· 12

Appendix. LIFE .llSSUR.JlNCE Cf)JJ:IP ANY, ESTABLTSI-IED TN 1823, And Constituted by Act of Parliament. CAPITAL, £500.,000. 11, KING W1LLIAM STREET CITY. L 0 1\T D 0 N B 0 A R D. RIGHT HON. LORD REAY. HENRY BARKLY, Esq. W. A. EADE. Esq. EVAN BAILLIE, Esq. JOHN RICH ARDSON, Esq. HON. ROBERT DUNDAS. JOHN ABEL SMITH, Esq. M. P. RICHARD HART DAVIS Esq. GEORGE MACKINTOSH, Esq. JAMES BONAR, Esq. FRANCIS WHITMARSH, Esq., Q. C. R. W. DALLAS, Esq. CHAS. STANIFORTH, Esq., Resident Bankers. Messrs. S M IT H, P A Y N E, A N D S M I T H S • Physician. J. H 0 P ~ M. D., F. R. S. Solicitors. Mesm. R 0 W L AN D A N D Y 0 UN G. This Company combines the advantages of the Mutual Asmrance system, with the security and inBuence of a Proprietary.J?ody, who must themselves be assured with the Company. 1. The Assured may (Table l) secure a precise sum at rates which challenge competition with. thostt of any otlur Company. 2. They may participate (Table II.) without the liability of partnership, or mutual guarantee, to the extent of four-fiths in the whole prufits of the Company, the largest proportion that any proprietary offil:e has hitherto divided~ and much more than can safely he given by any mere Mutual Assurance Society, where at least one third of the profits must be laid a'side to form a guaranteee fund. The first division of profits ( 1835), varied from 20 to 38 per cent on the Premiums paid, according to the age of tho Policies. Assurances may be effected on an increasing and decrea5ing scale, on joint lives or survivonhips, or i" ang wrzy that partit:s may require. No entry money or other charge, beyond the Policy Stamp. Liberty to pass to any part of Europe, without extra. Premium. Annuities and reversio:1s, present and contingent, to survivor:;, &e. Claims paid within three months after proof. Money advanced to any amount on Redeemable Annuity, &c. The usual commission allowed to Solicitors and Agents. The Prospectus, with every information, may be had at the Office. SPECIMEN OF RATES TABLE I. FOR ASSURI:SG £ JQQ. TABLE II. • • WITHOUT PARTI-CIPATION. WIT !I ' PARTICIP .. TlOJII:. - - I Age. - One Year. Seven Years. For Life. Age. For:. Life. - 2(). £0 17 3 £()- 19 11 £1 14 2 20 .£1 17 3(). 1 I 3 1 4 8 2 3 . 7 30 2 7 - 4() 1 . 6 10 I 11 10 2 17 11 40 3 2 w I 16 1 2 4 6 4 1 7 50 4 9 60 3 1 8 3 18 11 6 4 4 60 6 15. - . ' • . 4 1'' 2 0· 8 ' 13

Appendix:. ENDOWMENT BRANCH. FA~1IL Y ENDOWME~~1, SOCIE7,Y, Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, FOR ENDOWING FUTURE AND EXISTING CHILDREN, No. 1 2, C Il A T JI A M P LA C E, B L A C K F R I A R S. CAPITAL, £500,000. ------ TRUSTEES. Pascoe St. Leger Grenfell, Esq. I Martin Tucker Smith, Esq. I Henry Porcher, Esq. DIRECTORS. George Alfred M uskett, Esq. M. P., Clwirman. I Wm. Butterworth Bayley, Esq. Deputy Chairman. Henry Eowden, Esq. Edward Lee, Esq. Major Willock, K. L. S. Sir Robert Colquhoun, Bart. Colonel Luard. H. G. Ward, Esq., M.P. John Fuller, Esq. Thomas Willis Muskett, Esq. AUDITORs. Samuel Arbouin, Esq. l W elbore Ell is, Esq. I Riversdale William Grenfell, Esq. BANKERS. M::;ssrs. Smith, Payne, and Smith. STANDING CouNsEL.-W. T. S. Daniel, Esq. I PHYSICIAN. Dr. Roget, F. R.S. SoLICITORs. Messrs. Lacy and Bridges. I SuRGEON. Edward Coek, Esq. AcTUARY. Mr. W. Lewis. l SEcHETARY. Mr. John Cazenove. The peculiar advantages of the Endowments to FUTURE Children are the following:- 1st. For a comparati\'ely small payment, or annual premium, a fixed sum of money is thereby secured to each child at any given age, from 14 to 21. 2nd. The Society takes upon itself the risk of the numbers of such children, the premium being· the same, whether there be one child or many. ;3rd. The amount of each child's endowment is made payable to the parent or guardian, thereby securing to him a lawful and proper control over the application of the money. 4th. These endowments come in aid of the parent's means of educating and fitting out his children, at a perl.od when the demands upon him are usually the greatest. lith. Exi.;ting children may be made to participate in the beuefits of such endowments, by having their names inserted in the contracts. Separate Endowments are likewise granted to existing children, upon a returnable or non-returnable scale. LIFE ASSURANCE AND Life Assurance Branch. fnrlodes A"'nra11ce• for the whole term of Life, for short term•, for Joint 1ives 1 for~udvorships, and also on au ascending or descending- "'(.·a.Je. T"o seto of Tables have been constructed, admittin!l' the parties to participate in the profit• (juur·jiflhs) or not, alllleir option. Anaual Premiu,. for aunriug £100, fn the wbole term of life.~ • ~ - ' --· lt.g~ With profit&. With 0 proft I nt Age. With profit•. Without •· profit;. £ •• d. £ •· d. ' £ •· d. £ •• d, 21 1 18 8 1 I.'S 1 4~ 3 .'S 9 3 0 ~ 2.'S 2 3 1 J l!) 30 ~ 9 7 " 4 - 1 50 4 10 6 4 4 9 7 6o 6 7Jl 6 2 ~ ~ 2 16 ,. I! 11 - 1 - - -- -- - ---- An11toal p,..,,;,.,,. for au"rl"r £100, for slort ter'lllt, without prnjlt1. ;! ... I I • 11 " ' A t"rt' 1 111 t r I" ar A nu '"'Pill. fnr .5 vr.,.. Ann. prpm. fnr 7 yrH £ •• a. £ •· a. £ , . d. ~· 0 l'T 0 0 J T 6 0 IB .'S ' ~ 0 18 11 0 1 g. 7 1 0 6 30 I 1 4 l 3.5 1 :. 4 1 40 1 6 g l ] 4.1 1 13 4 1 1 ~ I 1!) 1 !! M 'Z IS 0 5! 1 tio - !I JT 0 r -- - 3 1 (I..S • 18 \) ' 2 0 1 2 1 4r 6 1 4 10 ~ s 1 1o 10 ~ 8 1 19 2 ~4 '280 2 6 3 l ti 0 0 4 ~ 6 5 1 6 5 T o . 14 ANNUITY BRANCHES. Annuity Branch. fnclude& thefranrlnll' of immediate Annnitie• on Sinl!'le or Jninllin•• the ~t·curing- o Annuilles to Wives after t 1 .:e dt·c~a .. e of rhrir Husband• 1 and all oth~r Deferred, Revcrsiouary, or Coutingt:!nt AmtuitieM. lmmediat• Aomuilirs granted fur every £100 paid lhe Soc."ety, ----·---- Age. I Yearly· Hair Yearly.~ Age. Yearly. I H"lf Yl'arlr· £ •• a. £ • • a. £ •• a. £ •· d. '25 5 4 11 .'S 3 7 55 H 9 0 8 5 tl 30 .'S 1 0 -lo 3 8 10 60 9 18 H 9 13 11 35 5 16 6 5 14 10 6'2 JO 10 7 11) 5 3 40 6 14 7 6 0 !l 6l 10 17 4 10 ll ' - 45 6 3 JO 611 7 64. 1 1 4 6 10 18 4 5(J 7 7 6 7 4 10 65 llll! 6 11 6 0 A1wual P J enz.irt'191- pay~rnte during th P Joint Live.\· of tAr Pa1tin, #ur run• ri111fa" Ariii1Lilt/ r1(£100(]Jnyahl~ llal('!JIT1rlu; tu 1J alt•r 1/iptfprp,,,or.AI - Age of A !A~e of B. Annl.prt•mium I Age ot A. Age of B. Annl.premilllll I I £ 6· "· I I £ 6. a. :lO 2:l ~.5 17 u 4.~ 4.5 27 l1 8 ' 30 23 1'2 10 ~ 4.'J gJ 1 0 3.1 30 £7 12 3' .'SO 29 14 8 3j 2 .. 17 8 5;) t)J ' 41 6 8 40 35 30 0 8 - 5.5 34!13 4.'SJ ' 41} 26U 0 ~0 I 55 - 49 I 0 40 31 t5 2 6J 41 0 1 - . Thi• Sodery alao pun·ha-e• Rtiveroinnary P•·operty, lldvanru MonfJ on !llorrgage or other Securltie;;..t and trdns;JctB [Pnerally all busiA~ appertainiua to a Life A!JSur&nce co.npany

Appendix. <D~®Wr:t] U~J~WUl&~!(!}!!it ~®IDJ:PA~~9 PALL l\1ALL & CORNHILL, LONDON. ESTABLISHED ]803. FIRE ' LIVES, AND ANNUITIES. CAPITAL 0;\i E MILLION STERLING. The whole paid up and z"nvested; thereby affording to the Assured an Immediate available Fund for the Payment of t!te most extensive Losses, and 101.lhout liabiltty of Partnership. DIRECTORS.-EDWARD GOLDSMID, Esq., Chairman. I HENRY ROWLES, Esq., Deputy Chairman. Henry Alexander, Esq. Isaac L. Goldsrnid, Esq. F. R. S. Richard Alsager, Esq. M. P. Robert Hawthorn, Esq. Jonathan Birch, Esq. John Hodg-son, Esq. John S. Brownrigg-, Esq. M. P. 1 Sheffield Neave, Esq. Jonatban Chapman, Esq. Fowler Ncwsam, Esq. 'fhomas Collier, Esq. Wil!iam Phillimore, Esq. Boyce Combe, Esq. William Henry C. Plowden, Esq. George Carr Glyn, Esq. John Poyndet·, Esq. Robert Saunders, Esq. Enmnuel Silva, E~q. Sir Walter G. Stirling, Bart. Wm. Thompson, Esq., Aldn. M.P, William Tite, Esq. F. R. S. Edward Vaux, Esq. B. Godfrey Windus, Esq. John Ridout, F. L. S. & G. S., Medical Rcf'erel'. f John Charles Den ham, Secretant. The Company purchases Redeemable Life Annuities and Reversions, secured on Landed Property or Money in the Funds, in sums from Two to Ten Thousand Pounds. ------------------ LIFE INSURANCE. The Directors recommend attention to the fact, that this Company has ne,·er deviated from tho!!e permanent principles on which it was originally established, guaranteed by a large real, and acces.<>ible, Capital. They are not unmindful of the different modes of Life lnsurance that have been adopted of late yeaNl, in order to attract the favour and attpntion of the pu hlic, on the principle of appropriating a share of future profits to all persons assured. Such Societies, howevet·, being as,;ociations for mutual benefit, arc necessarily attended with all the disadvantages of mutual risk aud liability incirlental to their formation; and however desirable it may be for individuals insuring their lives for the benefit of their own families, or immediate nominees, to speculate on the advantag·es of Mutual Assurance and Partnersh1p, those who effect Life Insurances in the capacity of Trustees, or otherwise, in the performance of a specific duty, for the consequences of which, they a1·e, or may hereafter be hPid re!lponsible, may find that an uncertain and indefinite engagement is not only unsuited, but repugnant, to the object they have in view As many Persons have b2en deterred from offering themselves for InsUI'ance, considering that on account of some Ailment or o1he1· peculiarity of Health or Constitution, their Lives would not be accepted, the Directors give notice, that they receive Propo!'a]s on Lives so affected, upon an unreserved and faithful statement of the particula!' circumstances of the case, and under the pr·ofessional advice of their Medical Office;·. Special Insurances of this Class, if appmved, will be subject to such Extra Premium as may appear to the Directors app01·tioned to the Risk to be undertaken by the Oflic~>. Policies for the whole term of Life, will be purchased oa term'l to be agreed on with the Parties interested should they be desirous at a future time of surrendering them to the Company-or a Loan may be obtained !hereon in proportion to the value of the Policy. LlFE l~SURANCES, for SHORT AND LIMITED PERIODS may be effected AT REDUCED RATES, and with the least practicable delay. PIRE N SURA N CE. FARMING STOCK INSURED GENERAI,LY ON THE FAR'I. Rates and Conditions of Fire and Life Insurance, &c. may be obtaine i at the Offices in London, and ~f the Company's Agents in the Country. UWP~!JW~lll.Bl ~1U' TIIO~fAS . ©~ Celllfl~;J Ginns <-t Co., Take the liberty of introducing to the notice of the Agricultural Public, the fo1lowing list of Natural and other Grass Seeds~ for laying land to permanent grass, and for improving old meadows and pastures; and beg to state, that in selecting· the kinds, attention has been paid to. early growth, produce, nutriti\'C qualities, re-productiveness, and permanency. Agrostis caninum. Agrostis stolonifern. Alopecurus pratensis. Anthoxanthum odoratum. Avena tlavescens. Cow-grass. Cynosurus cristatus. Dactylis glornerata. Festuca c:1m. brica. Festuca duriusL:u!a. Festuca fluitans. Festuca glabra. Festuca heteropbylla. Festuca hordeiformis. Festuca ovina. Festuca pmtemis. Festuca rubra. Festuca sylvatica. Festuca tenuifo]ia. Holcus avenaceus. Lolium perenne. Lolium italicum. Phleum pratensis. Poa annua. Poa crerulea. Poa fertilis. Poa nemoralis. Poa r.ervata. Poa pratensis. Poa trivialis. Red suckling. Trefoil. Yanow. White Clover. Address. THoMAS GIEBS & Co, Seedsmen, ~c., to the Honorable Boards of Agriculture of England and Sweden: Corner of Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, London. 15

Appendix. THE • GUARDIAN ASSURANCE For INSUR.ANCE AGAINS'/1 AND COMPANY, FIRE, ON LIVES IMMEDIATE, DEFERRI;D AND SURVIVORSHIP ANNUITIES f AND SURVIVORSHIPS, ENDOWMENTS, AND. FOR FOR CHILDREN, TI-IE PURCIIASE .AND SALE. Of RE,7ERSIONS and ANNUITIES, No. 11, LoMBARD STREET, AND ST. JAMEs's SrREET, London. ESTABLISHED DECEMBER, 1821. DIRECTORS. John Shore, Esq. CnAIRMA.N. Rowland 1\fitchell, Esq. DEPUl'Y CnAIRMAW. W.C.Brandram,E!!<J. IThom~onHankey,Jun.Esq. JohnMartin, Esq. 1\l.P. A.H.P.Thomsou, El!q. J. W. Buckle, Esq. John Labouchere, Esq. Robert Mitlord, Esq. John Thornton, E,;q. Jolm Dixon, Esq. John Loch, Esq. James Morris, Esq. John Tul\och, Esq. '':illiam D. Dowson, Esq. Georg: ~yall, Esq. I John G. Ravenshaw, Esq. I James Tulloch, Esq. Nicholas Garry, Esq. S.l\'IarJonbanks, Esq. AUDITORS. A. W. Robartfl, Esq I Sir Waiter R. Farquhar, Bart. I H. S. Thornton, Esq. I Samuel Jones Loycl, R~. ACTUARY, Griffith Davies, Esq. F.R.S. SUPERINTENDENT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, 1\Ir.Jas. Sumner. PHYSICIAN, Gcorge Darling, M.D. Russell Square. I SoLICITOR, Thos. Metcalfe,Esq. New Square, Lincoln'slnn, SURVEYOR, George Basevi, Jun. Jo:sq. Saville Street. :HAWKERS, Messrs. Stone. Martins, and Stones, 6S, Lombard Street; Messrs Coutts & Co. 59, Strand. The Directors have determined! with certain exceptions, to make the following Reduction on the three ordinary classes of Fire lnsurances; and Insurances hitherto charged at 2s will be reduced to ls 6d per Cent. per Annum; 31 to 2s 6 I do.; and 5s to 4s 6d.; but no Policy will be entitled to a reduction which will bring the Premium below Ill. The limits for passing and rcpassing, in time of Peace, in decked Ve~sels or Steam Boats, from British to Foreign Ports, have been extended-and the passage may now be made from the Elbe to Brcst, both inclm•ive, without extra charge. In the LIFE DEPARTMENT, tl1e Bonuses or Policies which bad been Seven Years in force at Christmas 1828 exceeded 1 per Cent. per Ann. upon the Sums insured, on an average of the different AgCR, and a second division of profit was made to Christmas 1835, when bonuses of nearly similar amounts were allotted among the assured. At each period of division the reversionary bonuses added to the several Policies averaged rather more than £8 per cent. on the amounts of Premiums paid tbereon during the preceding seven years. GEORGE KEYS, SECRETAR't'. LONDON, NEWCASTLE, AND SOUTH SHIELDS GENERAL SHIPPING COMPANY, 159, Fenchurch Street, London~ and 1\'ewcastle-upon- Tyne. CAPITAL, £100,000. ---------------~-- -- ---- Trustees and Managers t'n London. GEORGE FAITH, Esq. CHAS. E. HOPPE, Esq. GEORGE 1\1ACKAY, Esq . • Trustee• and .. lfanagers in Newcastle. THOMAS CUMMINGS GIBSON, Esq. GEORGE \V ALTERS, Esq. Auditors. JAMES LINDARS, Esq. THOMAS W. PERRY, Esq. 8olioator • J Secretary. 16 HENRY HOPPE, Esq. I THOS. GEO. EDGLEY.

Appendix. ======================= n9'ttranc~ ompan.._ .. Sun Court, Cornhlll, and St. James's Street, London. ESTABLISHED 1820. SUBSCRIBED CA PIT 1\L £750,000. In addition to the accumulating C;}pital aris:ng from inve~ted- Premmm11. DIRECTORS. Chairman · .\NDREW COLVlLE, E>q. GRANT ALLAN, E-:;q. I· Deputy Chairmrzn WILLIAM R. ROBINSON, Ei<J.~ JAMES G. MURDOCH, £,q, GEOHGE H EKR.Y CUTI.ER, E~q. CHARLES DANVERS, Esq. JOHN HORSLEY P.-\LMER, Esq .. JOHN HENRY DEFFELL, Esq. GEORGE HIBBERT, Esq. SAMUEL HIBBERT, Esq. DANIEL l\HLDRED, Esq. JAMES PATTISON, Esq., M.P. Sir CHARLES PRfCE, Bart. GEORGE REID, Esq. JOSEPH REID, Es1. Sir JAMES SHAW, Bart . .AUDIToRs. CHARLES FRANClS COBB, Esq. f HENRY PEARSE, Esq, I NEWMAY SMlTH, Eaq. CONSULTING FHYSICIAN.-ARCHIBALD BILLING, Esq. M. D., 5, Bedford Place, Russell Square. PERSONS WHO NOW EFFECT IXSURANCES with this Cor~pany for the whole Term of Life will participate in the Profits, after having paid FlVE ANKUAL PREMIUMS, without incurring the responsibilit~ attached to Societies for mutual Insurance. The BO~US of £1 Ws. per Cent. per Annum, declared on Policies in the year 1831, was added to the Sums insured, and the present value of such Bonus may either be receiv€d by the parties, or applied 1~ reduction of their. future Premiums. The BONUS on Policies now in force, including the Prospective Addition recently declared, amounts in manv cases to more than TWENTY PER CE~T ON THE SUMS INSURED. and will increa~e an-, • nually, until the next general appropriation of Profits, in the year 1841. Every description of Insurance may be effected with this Cumpany, at REDUCED PREMIUMS, whe~ persons do not participate in Profit~. vVhen persons wish to discontinue their Insuranc€s from any cause, the Company will· purchase their Policies upon equitable terms. Pro~pcctuses containing Tables of Premiums, and Examples of the different modes in which the Profits can be applied, may Le h tcl at either of the Company's Office~, or of any of the Agents in the pnncrpal Towns throughout the Kiugdom. .By order. of the Court of Directors, SAMUEL IN GALL, Actuary .onbott anb ~irming OFFICES OF THE COMPANY, LONDON STATION, ( Euston. Square). B_IRMINGHAM STATION, CAP.ITAL, £4:,500,000. A LIST OF DIRECTORS. GEOH.GE CARR GLYN, Esq., Chairman. JOSEPH FREDERICK LEDSAL\J, Esq. Deputy Chairman .. GEGRGE PEARKES BARCLAY, Estl_: THOl.\IAS LOWE, Esq. JA:\IES UROWNELL BOOTBY, Esq. WILLIAM PHIPSON, Esq. EDMOND CALVERT, Esq. JOH~ LEWIS PREVOST, Esq. THOMAS COOKE, Esq. THEODORE WOOLMAN RATHBONE, Esq. EDW ARD CROPPER, Esq. JOHN STURGE, Esq. ROBERT GARNETT, Esq. THOMAS TOOKE, Esq. PASCOE ST. LEGER GREKFELL, Esq. .JOSEPH WALKER, Esq. DAVlD HODGSO:\", Esq. . EDWARD WILSON, Esq. HENRY HOULDSWOR'l'H, E~. THOMAS YOUNG,. Esq. SRCRET.ARI ES. lUCUARD CREED. CONSTAXTI:\E. RIQHARI) l\IOORSOM. BANKEHB. Me11sri. GLY:i, HALL1FAX, MILLS, Messrs. J. L. MOILLET aud Son. aud cl), • Tho Birmingii:Im BAnking Company. SOLICITORS, CHARLES PARKER, Esq. Princes Street, :Messrs. BARKER and Son, Bedford Row, London·. ., CORRIE, and CARTER, EXGINEER IN CHIEF.-ROBERT STEPHENSON, Esq * c 1 Birmina-4 ham. 17

Appendix. --================~============================= 10, Fleet Street, London, near Temple Bar. LORD LYNDHURST. The VICE CHANCELLOR. ADAMS, l\J~. S...:rjt. BAKER. a: LEEKE, E~. BIGG. E. S\HTH, Es::t. CHlCHESTEH, J. H. R. Esq. CLALU\E, CHARLES, ~l:'q. CU RH lE, JA~'IES, Esq. UOl\IVILLE, Sir WM., Bart. GOULEUTI.~, Mr. Serjt. ~ru.etusf. The EARL OF DEVOY. Sir HERBERT JENN ER. .~ \VILLIAl\1 W INGFIELD, E~q. Dinct&n-5. 1 HORNE, Sir WM., Q.C. JENINGS, CHARLES, Esq. IGGULDEN, JOH~. E~q. KEENE, W. C. L. E~q. LYON, JA1\IES W., Eoq. MO~TAGU, BASIL, Esq., QC. PARKER, KENYO~ S., Esli. PEMBERTON, E. LEIGH, Esq. ~u'lritut5. P. B. BRODIE, Esq 1 BENJAMIN CURREY, Esq. 1 PLATT, THOS. J. Esq., Q.C. I > ROSE, Hon. Sir GEOH.GE. I SIMPKINSON, J. A. F. Ef;q. Q.C. SW ANSTON, C. T., Esq, Q.C. TATHAM, MEABURN, Esq. TYRRELL, JOHN, Esq. WHITE, EDWARD, Esq. WING, THOMAS, Esq. AUSTIN, CHARLES, E:,q. LEMAN, JAMES, Esq. CLAYTOX, MICHAEL, .Esq. WIGRAM, LOFTUS, Esq. S&!icitots. Messrs. KINDERLEY, DENTON & KJNDERLEY, 6, Lincoln's Inn. Ph_ysit·ian. H. S. ROOTS, Esq., M. D., 2, Russell-sq· I Surgem F. TYRRELL, Esq., 17, New Bridge-si. PRE::\BUMS FOR A.SSURI~G £100 O'N A SIXGLE LIFE. --~-. .~ .... G.E. \V Jtn l'L I --~- lht· W Jthout Participalton in Profits. ~GE . WIth Profits W1tho ~--,--,--·-- ut ParltcipatlOUIIl Prntits. -r-- ~~~ -- - I 1-"n.l. l'rem lUll \l;l]f'S L•i' "h111 ul l.ife 4nl.l'remium j\nl. rr~111ium 1 Premium Ani, PrPmium Atii.Premi Lllll Ani. Preminn. 1 l'remium e for whole fur Se' eu fut lldle for whole for who! c f11r Seven for ~-- I £ !'. I 20 l 2 0 25 2 5 • of Life. Year.:i. j Outl Y~~~- of Ltt'e • I flf I.1fe • d. 1 • £ s. d. I £ s. d. '£ s. d. £ !1. d. I £ s. ' ' 4 I 16 4 1 3 1 ) 1 7 16 ' 45 a 7 3 12 f J 2 1 1 1 5 11 •I 4 3 50 4 10 9 I 4 6 ' I • Years. Onc\"ear. • I ' d. 1 £ s. d. £ s. d. I 7 I 2 2 7 I 19 7 9 1 2 9 0 2 411 30 l 2 JO 9 2 6 g 1 9 3 j 1 7 4 55 5 11 0 I 5 7 ' 0 3 4 0 2 12 4 • 35 f 2 17 40 l 3 5 ' . 7 I 2 13 7 l 13 1 i} 10 9 60 6 19 5 I 6 15 I I • ll I 3 1 11 1 17 5 IJ 14 10 65 8 17 2 I 8 13 ' I 5 4 10 8 3 14 1 2 ' ' 6 8 8 5 5 6 I Tbis Soci\tly ~ants. As~mrances upon the Lives of Persons ill every rank or prof~ssion, wheresuever resident, tlpon favorab!e ternl$. At ages under 45 years, the Premiums are lower than those commo!1ly required. 1'vur-./i}ths uf thil entira Profits of the Society.~Ie di\'ided among those aS$qred on the Participating Scale. 'fhe Pro1it~ n::.pecrively allotted may be received in prt:sent money, or in reversion dry sums, or by way of annuity, at the option of the parties assured. The Sums due on Policies will be paid \Yithin Three Months aft~r proof vf the requisite facts. Pen;ous assured for the space of Two Years in £1000 or upwards for the whole period of Life, will have the power of ekcting Two of the Four Auditor:. of the Society. Assurauces may be effected upon the Live$ of Persons residing ut a distance from London, by their appearing Lefore any respectable Solicitor. Thr. Tables of Rates of Assurances on Single and Joint Lives, on Males and Females, may be obtaiued oo application at the Office, where also may be obtained Forn11'! of Proposal, and any information respecting the Terms on which Assurances may be etfer:.~ed. T. R. EDMONDS, Actuary. THE WTlflrRin~ A lliil~~ ~§~1J1Ul~1il1J~ CD DffiLP !\ ~r~~ KING WILLIAM STREET, MANSION HOUSE, LONDOS. CArJ:TA:L £1,000,000. TRUSTEES • .1\.RCIIIBALD HAhTIF., E.sq. M.P. THO:.IAs HALLIFAX, Jun. Esq. FRA.NCIS 1\IILLS, E~q. CL..>\UDE EnwA.RD ScOTT, r~q. :fRA~Cls ~iJLl.s, Esq., H. C. BowLEs, Esq. THoMAS BHuoK, Esq. \VJLUA:'Iol CmPPii'\DALE, Er.q. 'VILLIA:\•I l'II. CJIRISTV, Esq. EnwAnD SEPTJ.MUs Coou, Esq. HEXRY T. D.\i'\VERs, Esq. DIRECTORS. Cllairman. \VM. VEN.\BLT!:s, Esq. hMES Gn..LESPIE GOHDON, Esq. JoHN HARVEY, Esq. THoMAS HEATH, Esq. WILLIAM HUNTER, Eiq. ls.u.c LAwnE~CE, Esq. Euw1~ LEAF, Esq. AVDITOBS. Aid. Dtpu.tyChairman. WJLLIAM LvALL, E~q. TaoMAS MoRGAN, Esq. JOHN STEWART, Esq. JAMES WALKINSHAW, Esq. G. B. WtiiTTAKER, Esq. J. J. ZoRNLIN, Jun. Esq . • Jou:-o LFACl{ 13E:-tNETT, E~q. r H. R. l\JoRTDJER, Esq. I \VuLIAM ~COTT, fuq. TLe di~tingui:>hing features Df thi~ Coillpa.ny are, Subscnbed Capital-1\, but safe Rate~ of Pte· mium-larg€ ptopO!llo!l ofPr.ofitll k> tht As~ur.etl, and short intcrval5 of div~ion. _18

Appendix• ' CORPOHATION O:P TfiE LONI>ON ASSURA NCI~, E"taulished by Royaf Charter, A. D. l'T20, FOR FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE ASSURArlCES, Of!icn 19, Bircht'n. Lr-t:nl', Cornlu'll, and 10~ Reg~nt Str~et . Robert Alien, Esq. ( ;eorge Barnes, Esq. Henry Blanshard, Esq. I • John Clark Powell, Esq. G01JeT11M. Abel Chapman, E!WJ. Sub-Gm·f!T'nor. John Hillersdor., Esq. Deputy Gorernor. DIRECTORS. Joh:I belfell, E~. Richard Drew, I:sq. John Furze, Esq. I John Ord, &.q. John Plummer, Eeq. John Rees, Esq. John Watson Borradaile, Esq. Edward Burmester, Esq. Henry Cayley, Esq. Aaron Chapman, Esq. M. P. Robert Coteswortb, Esq. Geotge Henry Gibbs, Esq. Edwin Gower, Esq. . Edward Hamage, Esq. Uobert King, E~. 'William King, Esq. Daniel Stephenson, Esq. Thomas Weeding, Esq. James Williams, Esq . Lestock Peaeh Wilson, F~. Henry Woodfall, fuq. BankeT"s.-The Bank of Eng·Iand. l\Tessrs WILLIS & Co. 1\Iessrs. DORRII:N & Co. JIIanagm· of the JJim·ine Department TIMOTHY GH.EATED, Esq. Sup<n"intendent o.filt!! Pin Office ALEXANDER BOETEFEUR, E~q. Superintendent of tluJ L~(fJ Officc-JOHN LAURET\CE, Eaq. Underwriter-JOHN RUTHERFOP..D, E,;;q. Superintendant ofthe O.ffice, 10, Regent 8treet-ABEL PEYTON PHELFS, Esq. Solicitor-JOSEPH LOWLESS, Esq. Secretary JOHN LAURENCE, Esq. Persons effecling Life Assurances with this Corporation haYe the choice oftwo plans. The one entitling them to an annual Abatement of Premium after five years' payment. The other at a lower fixed rate without abatement. The leading features which distinguish the first of these plans from thoss of ail other Lift! Assurance Offices, are, that the- business is carried on by the Corporation without any charge for management being aeducted from the profits, and that the assured are exempt from all liability of partnership. . Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of £I 00. fol' the whole period of any single Life, under the Plan entitling the .Assured to an Abatement of Premium . • Age. I Premium. Age. Premium. Age. Premium. I Age. I Premium. I Hi 2 0 3 31 I 2 13 1 46 4 1 9 61 710 0 17 2 ] 5 3~ . I 2 14 3 47 4 ~ 0 62 7 17 l j I 18 2 2 I) 33 2 to 6 48 I 4 8 6 63 8 4 10 I 19 2 3 5 I 34 2 16 11 49 I 12 :3 8 13 I ' 4 64 I I 20 2 4 3 35 2 IS 4 I 50 I ' ' 4 16 1 65 9 1 11 I I . I ' • • 21 2 f> 0 . 36 ~ 19 11 r 51 I :; 0 a 66 911 3 ' 2-2 ~ i) 8 I 37 3 I 7 b2 ~ 4 6 07 10 8 9 23 2 6 3 38 3 3 3 I 1)3 f) 8 9 68 10 10 9 24 2 6 10 39 3 :> 1 I M :> ]J 3 69 11 1 .. ~ !l 7 6 40 3 1 0 I 5('J 5 17 {) '70 11 ti 8 ' I I I ! I I I ' 26 2 8 2 41 . a 9 0 I M I ' 6 2 6 I 27 2 9 0 42 311 :J :>7 6 7 4 I ' 28 2 911 43 3 J3 7 ' I 08 6 12 6 29 2 hJ 11 44 3 16 1 r 59 6 17 JO I . 30 2 11 ll 4a 3 18 9 l 60 7 3 8 I • i ~ - • • The Abatement of Premium for the year 1838, on Policies of five years• Btanding, undet dt~ fir~t of the abuve plans was £5 t. 12s. 3d. per cent. The future annual Abatemant must vary a~·cnrding to -the success of this branch of the Cor• · poration's busine~s. In the Fire Department, Ass-urances are effected at the lowest rates. Attendance daily, from ten till four, at both Offices, where Prospectuses and every informE tion may be obtained. . JOHN I..AURENCE, SECRrrr~Rf JY

.A.I!UJilANCM A.RE (;R .. UiTED UPON THB LIVES OF PERSON!!, WHETHI!Jt IN THE ARMY'll THE NAVY' THK CHURCH, THE LAw"' OR ANY OTHER 5TATIO!!f OF LIFF, 7'o ths extent of £5000., upon the same Life or Lit•es, by the LA LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI~~'Y Established 182.3. Subscribed Capital, ONE f!.III .. Tml0It1. OFFICE-FLEET STREET, LONDON, NEXT ST. DUJ\TSTilJ\"S CliiUllCEI. TRUSTEES. 'Thf! Right Honorable The Lord Chancellor. The Right Hon. The Lord Denman. F.1rrer, J a rues \Yilliam U.q. John Street Bet ke1ey Squar11 Law, Georr;c, Esq. Lincoln's Inn. The Right. Honorable Lord A binger. Sir Johl.L Campbell, M .P. j WilJi,lm~, \Vil11am, Esq. Portland riact: DIRECTOR!!. Bateman, J. Jones, l'.sq., Lincoln's Inn. Harrison, Tiichanl, Esq., Grays Inn Squure. Brougham, 'Villiam, E.'lq., Southampton Buildings. Law,The 11on. C. Ewan, Q. C., J\l.P.Rel·ordcr of L·ndJII. Brown, Anthony, Esq., Alderman, Mincing Lane. Lowe, \Yillium, Esq, Temple. Brundrett, Jonathan, Esq., Temple. Parkinson, Jultn, Esq., Liut;o]n's Inn fields. CLuk.e, Thomas, Esq., Craven Street, Strand. Pre~ton, H.ichard, [sq , QC., New Square, Lin( oln '<i la a Colt man, Si• Thomas, Temple. S•txon, Nathaniel, Esq., Temple. CoUttenay, Philip, Esq., Q.C.l.\'J.P., Temple. Stork~", Mr. Se•jeant. Serjeant's Inn, Chancery l-ane. Dealtry, Peregrine, Esq., Crown Office. Thesig;er, Frederic, £..,q, Q.C., Inner Temple. Farrt'T, Oliver, Esq, Lincoln's Inn Fields. Tinney, W. H. L~q., Q.C. Old Square, Lincoln's Inn Fos..,, Eel ward. Esq., Essex Str£et. Vizard, \Vil!ican, Csq, Lincoln',. l.m fields. Frere, George, Esq., New SquarP, Lincoln's Inn. I \\bite, Richard, Esq., ~~~sex Street. Grey, Sir Leorge, Bart., M.P., Eaton l 1L, llelgrave Sq.\ '\Villiams, Sir C. F., Esq., QC, Upper Bedford Place CHOSEN BY THE PRilPRIETORS. At.;OJTORS. CBO'iFN P.Y THE ASSURFD. Hoare, Ht'nry, Esq., Fleet Street. Chisholmc, '\Yilliam, Esq., Liucolu',..lun Ficld!l. Turner, Charles Robert, E~q., Inner Temple. Elli~on, Nathaniel, E!;q., Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. BAl'\KERs-1\'Iessrs. Hom·c, Fleet Street. Four fifths of the Profits made by this Society will be apprcpri,tted to the persons as-;nrcd for the who! PI er m of life On the 31st doy of lJecPmber, l 840, and at the end of C'iery Se yen Ye..1rs from that period, the profits divi~ible amoug~t the Assured will be apportioned amongst such of the Assured for the \\hole term of l ifc·, a- shall ha Ye been @0 a86ured for the space of three years or upwards, previorsly to those periorls n''pcctin'l.v, subject only to the reservation of such a sum of money as the Lirectors ~:;hall deem nPce-sary to be carried forward, to the p~riod of the next septennial divisiun for the benefit of the Assurc::l. For the amounts which shall be so apportioned, equi\- alent reverswnary sums will be added to the l'o!~cies rpspcctively of those entitled. ']he subjoined is a ~pecimen Tab1e of Bonus{"s, in even pounds, added to Policies of£ I 000 each, which had been in force during- the fint ten of the exit>tence of the Society, and declared up tu the 3l~t December, 18331 comt>ared with the amounts of Premiums that had been received and improved at iiltcrest. Bonu&es added to Policies . A"e AlllOUllltll . aL Eot;u~ .. t\...!t' at I A.111Ul1!1t ut E111111:o. ,., Conln,encPnlent. Prt:'llliUill. I C nm men c· r-n1, 11 t. PrTnlitlll1. ! -- - ~u ;{. '257 £17.~ I 4:i .t 4t1n I ..;t_'!l(j !.'5 ~!H !77 I bO [>.15 I ~ .'1 j ! 30 .1] ~ l&l !I,, ti~>l !;03 I ' 35 I 353 lHB tio 751: ' ~·q.~ I 40 4111 I l)~ 01 0'~ r; ~~I Note.-Du~ al.owance n.u-t bl' 111ade for exlreme nnd intermPdiHte :~g-es. llll•l the diffeH'IlCe of yFnr' rlunng which tl!e Assurances have tJeen 111 force; Lut the genl·ral distnbulloll has I.H~eu made on u,e pnnc1ple ;;nd accord in; to tile ~c>de abovt" g1vt:n. If any person should wish to discontinue the payment ofhio; annual Premium, the Directors have pc wN eithrr to purchase his Policy for a sum of l\Ioney pay;;.ble immcdi:li.Piy, or, in consideration of its "nrre1:der, to g·nmt a new Policy, without any further annual Premium, for a Furn to be agreed upon, payable at the decease of the Life assured: and the person to whom such new Policy is grantcu, ~ill be entitled, in re~pect thereof, to participate in the period· ical divisions of the profits. Persons who l'lhall have been assured for the Fpace of Two Ye:!rs, in £1000 or llpwards, for the whole contin· uance oflife have the power of electing, either ii·om amor.g the Proprietors or from among lht:mselra, two of the four Auditors of the Society. As!;urances may be etlected upon the Lives of Fen:on~ residing at a distance from London, by their appearing before a Solicitor in the country; and the payment of a I'ine for non-appearance at this Offic~ is then dispensed with. Assurances made hy per!:'ons on their own lives who !-hall die by duelling, or by their own hands, or by the hands of justice, will becon1e void r:o far as rc,pects such persons; 6ui ,,·halln main in force su far M any CJ!htr persou or persons ~hail l!trtt havt: a lum9.fide inhre.•l th•niu, a(quiHd ly aJSigumelli orb:; lrgal or f'fjllitab!e Lie11, upo1' due pnof of the e.t·tod of~uch interf'!lt hnng modt: to the JJi,.,·ctus. And if any per!lon as~med upon his own life, and who shall have been so for at lPa!'t five years, sh 1ll die by his own han1h;, and notfr:lo de se, the Lirectors shall be at liberty, if thry !'hall think propet·, to pay f-or the benefit of his farnily any sum, not excreding VI hat the Society would ha\'e paid for the pnr.::haf'e cf his int2re~t in the Policy, ir' it had been ~;urrendered to the ~ociety the day previous to hisdecea .. ••e; provided that the intere'-1 in !iUch Ar: .. urance slmll he in the A:--.sured, (11" in any Trustee or Trustees, for him or for his"' itf' ur ChiiC:rea, at the time of his decease. The Sums due on the Policies ""ill be paid within Three :\lonth& after prm,f of the reqni~i tc facto;;. A.1.1·urance$ 1;wy In: cffr·cttd tlirou![h Gll_117"npcctall,, Allornry or ~ol1rzlor i11 /<.?tgla11d, of ""horn P1·ospectnscs may be bar!: a Plirty may himself ctfect an AssuraLce, by writi..Jg to the Achl"tly, or utte!.diug 1 enon:dly at the Society's Office, in fleet Stl·eet. The Assured are requested to take notice, that no renewal Prem!ums are ever received wilfw,et prinlrd Reccipt!'l,.,igned by tW<J Directors and th~ Actuary, bein~ issued from this Office. Attendance is ghen, daily, from i'\ine o'Clock in the morning till Four in the nfternoon, at the Office, where the Term!; of A--surance may be had, Proposals fo1' eifecting Assurances received, and every information respectmg ti.Je ~oC;iety obtdiued. GEORGE KIRKPATRICK, AcTUARY. Tl e General Bonrd dBl' i10 every W•dnesday at 2 o'Clock> but A~urauces may be laken on Mondays and Flidays belween

HOPE 1\.SSURANCE 6, BRIDGE STREET, BLACKFRIAHS, I.ONDON, 5, SL'. ANDREW'S SQUARE, EDI~BURGH; And 18, \VESfMORELA~D STREE.T, DUl3Ll~. DinECTORS. y, RrJbert l\"illiams, Esq.- Chairman. 1 John Ramsbottom, Esq. M. P. Deputy Chairman. John Bmnell, Esq. Tho~. Helps, E~q. Tbos. Pritchard, Esq. Nevile Reid, Esq. rohn Capel, E>'q. J. Hinxman, Esq. Jos Hanking, Esq. G. Scholey, Esq. Aid. lno. R. Durrant, Esq. SirS.J. B.Pechell, Bart. William Recce, Esq. J, 'Varming·ton, Esq. Wm. rord, Esq . . Assurers with this Company will be allowed to participate in its Profits, without incurring any of the Liabilities attaching to Societies founded upon the Principle of l\1 utual Insurance. The distinguishing Characteristic of this £~.;tablishmeut, and the Advantages which it has to offer, are more particularly enumerated below. Capital One 1\Iillion. I. A Bonus, consisting of Two-thirds, the Profit of Life Assurance, will be di\·ided septennially amongs.t Assurers for the whole period of Life, in proportion to the Amount of their Policy, and the term of its Existence. 2 The Bonus is either added to the Policy, to be paid when the Policy becomes a Claim; or will be applied in the Reduction of future Pt·erniums, at the option of the Party assured. 3. Persons assuring, who are desirous of paying the Annual Premium upon their Policy, for a limited number of Yea1·s only, rather than during the whole Continuance of Life, may be so accommodated-the Directors having caused a table of Rates to be calculated expt·ess\y for that purpose. 4. Persons, whose Llves are assured by this Company, are permitted to pass by Sea from one Part of the United Kingdom to another, iu Decked Vessels or Steam Boats; and are also allowed, during Peace, to pass from British to any Foreign Ports, bet" een the Texel and Brest, (both in cl ush·c) in V esse Is as before described, without additional Charge. 1'>. A guarantee Capital of One Million Sterling having been Subscribed, A.-8uret·s with this Company enjoy a participation in profit, without incurring the liability of Loss, . G. Disputed Claims may be referred to Arbitmtion. 'l. No EJtranc~ ;\loney, Admis3ioa F~e, or other official c':nr6e, exacted. \VILLlAM BURY, Secretary· MARINE INSURANCE COMP .~4.NY. 27, CORNHILL. Capital One Million, in 10,000 Shares £100 each. DIRECTORS. JOHN STEWART, Esq. Chairman. I HE~RY DAVID BLYTH, Esq. SAMUEL JAMES CAPPEH., Esq. WM TAYLOR COPELAND, Esq., Ald. M.P. DUNCA~ DUNBAR., Esq. GEORGE FORBES, ESfl. DENJAMIN GREENE, Esq. FREDERICK GREEN, Esq. DAVID SAL01\IONS, E~g., Drprdy Chairman. CAPT. ALEXANDER, NAIRN E. . JOHN PIRIE, Esq. Alderman. WILLTAM SCOTT, Esq. CAPT. JOHN SHEPHERD. JAMES BOGLE SMITH, Esq. PATRICK .MAXWELL STEW ART, Esq. With power to add to their numl:er. Superinte11dent of the Underv:ritin{! Department: Mr. JOSEPH PRENDERGRASS. S:ecrrtar7J: Mr. WlLLIAM THORNBORROW. Banlar.~: Messrs. GLYN, IIALLlFAX, MLLLS, & Co. The LONDON AND "WESTMINSTER BANK. Complete indemnity to the As.~ured is the express and peculiar object on which the-MARINE hsuRAt\CE CoMPA:\Y has been estnbli11hed: with this view the following clauses are introduced into their Policies:- Firsl(IJ. Upon taking the Insurance on Sailing Vessels and Cargo, to aJmit the sea-worthiuess of the Ship .. ~econdty. To indemnify the Owne1· in the event of his Vessel doing Damage. Third<IJ· Upon all Rritish built Ships, the Owner not to be liable for one-third of the repairs umil tlw Vessel exceeds eighteen months old. Fourthly. The risk upon the Ship to continue till the Cargo is discharged; provided such time does not exceed tPn dnys. . Fijlltl!J· Upon all time Policies to give the assured the benefit uf ten days upon the month last commenced. The Directors have authority to refer all cases of Dispute to Arbitration. The terms for doing busine~'! with the Company (subject to such alterations and amendments ls the Direetors may from time to time think fit,) will be as follows; viz.- Upon Effecting Imurances all parties are allowed £5. per Cent. Brokerage and d?JO. per rent. Discount for Cash. Current cr~it accounts may be opened "·ith the consent of a Board of Directors, the same to close on the 31st December in ('arh year, and the Balance to be paid on or before the 5th of April following, when £12. Per cent. Discount will be allowed upon the Balance; such Discount to be forfeited if the Balance be not then paid. ·wM. THORNBORROW, Secretary. 21. Cornhiil, London. 21

Appehdlx .. !\IETROPOLIT .AN LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, PRINCl:S STREET, BANK. JoHN ALLrAnn, Esq. RICHARD Low BFcK, Esq. JOJIN BURGFSS, E~q. WILLIAM (LA\', Esq. M.P. JAMES DAWSO:'<I, Esq. TnO:.\IA.S FowLrR, Esq. ~rust us. -. . . ' . ~. . . - . . . . n.J i uc tar~. FRA'I1cts Fox, Esq. W. STORRS FHV, Esq. 'ffiOMAS H. IIALL, Esq. B. 1-IAWES, Jun. E~q. 1\f. P. CIIARLES HENnEY, Esq. JosErn IloARE, Esq. Jons LAURESCE, Esq. 'Vli.LIAM J. LEsCUEil, Esq. J. FRANCIS MAUBF.RT, Esq. J,lSBPA PEi\SP., Esq. M P. J. ScnoLFu·:Lo, Esq. 1\l.P. JoHN 'fRAVERs, Esq. iflull it lTl' FJ, TtiO:\JAS FowLER, Ei'q. I H. SYKEs TIIORNTON, Esq. J. FRANCJS MAUBERT, Esq. JonN \VBJTMOHE, Esq. · · J. JAcKSON LISTER, Esq., Jon~ TAYLOR, Esq. GEoRGP. PE\RCE, Esq. JosEPII TRAVERS, Esq ~uptrinttn'lftnt.-RicHARD HEAHtFIELD, Esc1. jgiudtn·s.-l\Jessrs. WILLIAMS, DEACoN, LAnoucuF.RF. & Co., Birchin-lanc. !eur.ntarc.-JnHN ScenT, Esq. No. 10, New J1road-strect. ~t.Tlicitars.-Messrs. A:\WRY & Cou~s, No. 25, 'fhrogmorton-slreet. This Society was established at the commencement of the year 1835, having been planned, not for any prin.te purpose, but with a view of extending the knowledge and diffusing the advantages of Life Assurance, upon the pure mutual principle. The benefit and security of this principle had heen long understood and appreciated by a limited portion of the community; but the increased demand for Life Al:'surance evidently called for its more general introduction. The Directors have accordingly endeavoured to arrange this mutual contract in ~uch a manner as should be fully calculated to combinE! security with economy, and which they submit is best accomplished by applying all the profits of the Society to the reduction of the annual premium. To attain this object a taule of premmms has been adopted appli~able to those who effect Assurances on their own lives for the whole Lrm thereof, and to continue in force until fi,re annual premiums shall have been paid ;-experi~nce showing that the subsequent payments will admit of a considerable annual reduction for the remaining term of life. To render that reduction as large as may be possible, every effort. of the Society is directed. It is however, contended, on the part of Assurance Companies established on the basis of a proprietary, wilh a subscribed capit<d, that the guarantee of such a body is necessary to the security of the Assured. This being the only point at issue between the l\1utual and the Proprietary Companies, some further exposition of the merits of the question may he useful, and it is to be recollected that the Public an:.l not the respective Companie~, are the parties chiefly interested; the question beiug, how an ir:dividual mlly most advantageously and desirably protect himself and family, in contracting for a reversion, payable on the contingency of his death. The experience of the Equitab~e and other Life Societils, founded on the mutual principle, fully establishe~ the sufficiency of the ordinary tabular rates of premium, not only to constitute an adequate fund for the payment in full of the sums as.<:urecl, but to produce a very large surplus for division amor.gst the Assured; and it is for those who set apa1t their funds for the assurance of their lives, to determine between the two classes of Offices; Offices which divert t~e whole or some part of the profits to a body of Proprietors, as the price of their guarantee, and Offices which appropriate the entire funds to tl1e use nf those u:ho contribute ther11. The calculations of the risk of hu~an life are founded on a great range ot experience, and the Directors of the METROPOLITAN LIFR AssURANCE SociF.T'Y look forward, with entire confidence, to the announcement to its Memher~ of a large abatement of the stipulatt>d premium upon the sixth and following annual paymen!J bcccming dnP. This expectation rtsts on the broad foundation of the experience of all the other establish~ Offices, and which, so far as time admit~, is !.'-anctioned by the actual accumulations of this Office. The rate of the abatement will be deduced from accurate data, the results of whiC'h will be stated anntlllllJ and laid before the Members in a clear and jntelligible form, placing b(!yond doubt the solidity of the Society, and at the same time, yielding to the Assured all the advantages to be derived from the ca1 eful and attentive management of their funds, no part of which is expended in commission to Agents or other parties introducing business. The Directors re~t their claim to public confidencP, in carrying out the leading principle of the Society, I'll the following grounds:- 1. Un the careful selection of the lives Assured. 2. The extent of the business of the Society. 3. The advantageous invc~lment of its accumulating funJs; 4. Economy of management. Having adopted the principle of mutuality as the basis of the Socie~y, they are desirous of supporting aod illustrating that principle to the utmost extent of the adv:mtage it tan he brought to afford to the Assured. They are not aware that any improvement can be made in the plan upon which they are acting for that p~· pose; and they trust to the merits of the Society tor the increase of its business, confining their efforts, in tbjS iast respect, to the sing le object of making the lnstitutioo more general! y known, under the persuasion that, in communicating a knowledge of its plan. they are performing an acceptable social service ; particularly as regards familie~ in the upper and middle classes of life. Tables of the rates may b~ had on applicat10n at the Office, where attendance is given from 10 to 4 daily, and where proposals of Assurances are received for any sum from £50 to £5000. A Court of DirectorS il held e\·ery Wednesday from 1 lo 2 o'clock; but Assurances may be effeded at any other tirm: ihequired. ~~ - ---

Appendix • .llRJNE SOCIETY. FOR THJIJ }:qufpment, Maintenance and Instruction of l'oor Boys for the Royal Navy, the Hon. East India Company and Merchant's Service, and the !'isheries. Instituted I 756 lncorpora.ted J 772. OFFICE, 55, BISHOPSGATE STREET. The Marine Society's Ship the IPHEG EN lA, is moored off GREENWICH. PRESIDENT-The Right Hon. The Earl of Romncy. VJCE PRESIDENTs-The Right Hon. Vice Admiral Sir George Cockburn, G. C. B.; the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Meh·ille, K. T.; Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas l\lasterman Hardy, Bart. 1\l.P. G.C.B.; the Right Hon. Earl de Grey; and Sir Fmncis l\1. Ommanney. TREASURER, William Astell, Esq. I HoNORARY CHAPLAIN, The Hon.& Rev.Dr. Marsham. :Mr. Thomas King, SECU.ET.\RT. SHIPWIIECKED AND DIS"fRESSED Q A a~ ® lB ~~ A~~~wmQ UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY, HER ROYAL IIIGJJNESS TilE DUCIIESS OF KE/tl1'. fhe Lord Bishop of Durham. The l.ord Bishop of Llandflf[ Admiral Sn' P. C. H. Dm·ham. G. C. B. Admiral Sir Ross Donnelly, K. C. B. fhe Right Hon. the Vice-Chancellor. President, Achniral Sir ,E. Codrington, G. C. B., G. C., M • .G. M. P. Treasurer. George Grote, Esq., M.P. ~ Honowry. Choplaill.- Rev. J. \Villiams, .\1 ,.[\. Honorary S(Jlicitor. 0. P: Holmes, Esq. llonorary Secretary. Captain Henry Masterman l\Iarshall, R, N. Q! .Q m nt t t t ~ f : President. Admiral Sir E. Codrington, G. C. 6, G. C., l\1. G. l\f. P. Vice Admiral Sir Charles Adam, K. C. B., ~1. P. LorJs ofthe Capt. Sir E. T. Troubridge, Bart, R. N .• l\1. P. Admiralty. Capt. R. L Baynes, C B. R. N. CapL H. M. MarshaiJ. R. N. Chuirman. Capt. AlsDger, H. C. S. l\1. P. Rev. J. Williams, 1\1. A. Capt. James Barber, H. C. S. Lieut. Lean, R. N. G. Grate, Esq., l\1. P .. Treasurer. 1\fr. Cannon. Sir John Rae Reid, Bart., M. P. Fraser. George Palmer, Esq., l\1. P. Nicholsoo. Capt. Saumarez, · R· N. K. L. Baker, Ast. Hon. Sec. J. Marsh, Esq. Superintendent.- ·NA'"riONAL BRAZILIAN INING ASSOCIATION. (MOCAUBAS and COCAES,) No. 26, THROGl\10RTON STREErr. Pre8ident-Johu lrving, Esq., M.P. lJirtcttm-William Morg:tn, ES!J. r Edward Oxenford, Esq. I Georgc Reid, Esq. I William HamiltoJ;J, E11q • .Auditors Henry Oxenford, Esq. I Sccretury-Mr. "\Villiam Mariner. W 1lliam Laforest, Esq. 1•-Measl'll. Jones, Loyd IUl£1 Co. I Messrs. Ran110m and Co. I Messrs. V ere, Sapte, Banbut'I and Co. Solicitor~-MetiSrs. Willis, Watso.n, Bmrcr and Co. 1 James Bourdillou, Estt • • 1gcatf t1t mfl de Janeir~-)fe¥z:J.. Wm. You11g and Son 1\le..' Freeland, Ker, Collings aud Co. (:-ommiuillller i" /, Gt:orie G9ouaiT, E:s'l· 23

Appendix. U"l"UAL ~U)]']l ~~SJUlUl&~l(f}~ ~ ®CDLtW~1lQ 37, OLD JEFP"Rl~ ~----------~----- JAMES EURCHELL, Eso. CH.<\S. HENRY CLAY, Eso.. JOHN CLAYTON, EsQ. SOLO:\'ION COHE~. EsQ. TH0:\1AS DAX. Eso. RICHARD GODSON, Eso. M. P. Directors. 1. EDMUND HALSWELL, EsQ. l\J.A. F.R.S. I JONATHAN HAYN].<:, EsQ. COLONEL DAl\IEL ROBINSO~. SA~iUEL \VILLIAl\I ROWSELL, E"q. FOLLIOT SCOTT STOKES, Eso. JAMES WHlSKIN, EsQ. CAPT. SJR ANllREW PELLET GREEN, R.N. HEXRY THOMAS WINDSOR, E:;Q, JOHN CLARKE, EsQ. RlCHARD GROOM, EsQ. JOHN COLE, EsQ. Trusttes. Auditors. GEORGE KILGOUR, Eso FRANCIS ROUGHTON, EsQ. l WM. PRITCHARD, Er,Q. Bankers. THE BANK OF ENG1.AND, Al\'D LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK. Physician. ALGERNON FRAl\:IPTON Ju:-.n. l\I. D., 29, New Broad Street. Sollcitor.-WILLIAM BURCHELL, EsQ., 24, Red Lion Square. Surgeon. 'MATTHIAS RO\VE, Eso., 24, Woburn Place, Russell Square. Actuary.-PETER HARDY, Esq. bt1blished 1820, and Empowered by Act of Parliament. MUTUA.L INSURANCE BEN;:riT INSTITUTION, 51, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Patrons.-Ilis Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, the Right Hon. Lord Denman, and a number of Noblemen and Gentlemen. Combines all the Benefits of the Old Friendly Society with those hitherto only attainable by means of the Assurance Companies, upon a secure and equitable system, and extends these advantages to all classes of wciety, particularly to Ckrks; Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, Domestics in respectable Establishn}ents, and Parents and Guardians. ANNUITIES, either 11\i.l\'IEDIATE or DEFERRED. By the payment of a sum of money, according to the age of the party, an Annuity of £15 to £50 a year for life may be obtained. Or, by the transfer of Money m the Funds; or, by a Quarterly or Annual contribution, payable for a given number of years, the like advantages may be secured, with or without Medical and Surgical attendance whenever affiic:ted, and with or without a like sum of money payable at the Death of the Member, at whatever period that event may take place. Should a suhscriber for an Annuity at any period require pecuniary assi~tance, he can deposit his c~rtificate with the Society, who will advance thereon (repayable at 5 per cent. interest) any sum not exceeding one-half the total amount paid in. Should the suLscriber, at any period after the expiration of three years, find it inconvenient to continue his subscription, the Directors will repurchase his interest at a equivalent value. ENDOWMENTS, or SuMs of MoNEY for CHILDREN, of from £10 to £100 payable at their attainin the Age of 14 or 21 years of Age. By -the payment of 3s. per month, or 12s. per quarter, a child unJer 2 years will bs entitled to £25 on its becoming 14 years of age; and a child of the iike age, by the payment of 1 s. 7 ~d. per month, or 4s, IOid. per quarter, will be entitled to £25 at 21 years of age. Thus affording the certain means of furthering their prospects in life at either of the above ages. Other ages and sums in proportiOn. In no case can an Endowment Le forfeited, or incur any ri:.k, nor is it affected either by the Death of the Member or the Child ;-In the latter case, all the money paid on account of the same is returned; and in the former, the Child will still be entitled to the benefit in proportion to the amount paid in, or the same may be continued by the Child, or by any person on its behalf. Being Enrolled prior to 1828, this Institution has the privilege of investing its funds in GO\·ernment Securities, a:::1d thereby realising a higher rate of interest than is now attainable by any similar Society,-by this means. the ce.tain repayment of the Benefits insured is guaranteed. Full particular~ and prospectuses, with Tables of paymenf5, may be obtained at the Office, 5 J, Thread· neEdle-~treet; or of any of the Agents. Office hour;, from 10 in the morning till 8 in the evening. J. BISHOP, SECflEfARY.

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