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Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

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Published by Colin Savage, 2023-08-04 18:15:06


Robson's Commercial Directory - Bedfordshire - Buckinghamshire - Cambridgeshire - Huntingdonshire - Norfolk - Suffolk - Oxfordshire - 1839

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. AYLESBURY-CB). PARISHES. :POST TOWNS PARISHES. POST TOWNS. Tingewich ...••• •, •••••.• • •. • •• • Buckingham Aylesbury, with Walton .•••••••••.. Aylesbury Twyford ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • d~tto As ton Clinton .••••••••••••••••••••••. Tring W.ater Stratford •••..•.•••..•••••••••.. -·· dztto Brierton, with Broughton •.•.••.•..• Aylesbury M;t~dle Claydon ••. • . • • • . • • • . • • • • • . • 1f!znslow Bucldand ............ , ................ ditto L1llmgstone Lovell .............. Buckzngham Cuddington ................... , ....... ditto Boycott .......................... ..... ditto Dinton ..... • ........ , ................. ditto ETON-CD). Haddenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . Thame Boveney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Windsor Halton ........................... Wendover Burnham ....................... MaidenhPad Hartwell •.•• • • ••••••••••••••..••. Aylesbury Datchett • • . • • • • . • . . • • . . . • • . • • . • • • • Windsor H ullcott ............................•. ditto Den ham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . Uxbridge Stone . ................................ ditto Dorney . ..................... , • . . . . Wz"ndsor W eston Turville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Eton .................. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ditto Ashendon . ....................... :. . Thame Farnham Royal . ....................... ditto Aston Sandford ........................ ditto Fulmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colnbrook Chearsley ••.••.•••••.••.••...••...•••• ditto Hedgerley • . . • • . • . . • • . • • • . • • • Gerrards Cross Kingswood .••• , ..•..•.••••••...•. Aylesbury Hedgerley Dean .•..•.•..•••.••••••.••. ditto J,udgershall ...•••••......•... High Wycombe Hitcham •.•..••..•.•.•..•.•.••. Maidenhead Fleet 1\'Iarston ...•.••••..•...•.••. Aylesbury Horton ..••..••....••..•••..•.•••• Colnbrook Oving ................................ ditto I ver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uxhr·idge Pitcheott ••.•••••••••.•••••.•.•.•.•.•• ditto Langley Marish •..•••..•.••••.•••• Colnbrook Quainton ............................. ditto Stoke Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wi11dsor Quarrendon ........................... ditto Taplow . ........................ Maidenhead Shipton See •••.•.•...•.••••.•.•...•..• ditto Upton, cum Chalvey ••••.•••.••..•.• Windsor W addesdon ............ , .............. ditto W ex ham ..........• Cl ••••••••••••••••• ditto W estcott ..••.•..•••.•••.••••••.•••.•• ditto Wyrardis bury . • • • • . • • • . . • . . . . • • • • Colnbrook Nether Winchendon .•••.••.••••.•••..•• ditto NEWPORT PAGNELL-{E). Upper Winchendon ••.•••••..•.•....••. ditto Wood ham ••••••••••••••.•.•.••..•.••• ditto Attwood ••••.•••.•••..•...• Newport Pagnell Wotton Underwood .................... ditto Bletchley ................... Fenny Stratford Aston Abbotts . ' ..................... . dz'tto Brafield •......•..••••••...•.•.•••• ~ewport Cholesbury .. • .. • .. . .. .. .. • • . • .. .. • . . Tring Bow Bri~khil.l. .............. Fenny Stratf?1"d Cubll.nufon Aylesbu~·y Great BriCkhill •.••..••.•.••••.•••••••• dttto ~ • • • • • • • e • e • • • • • • e e • • • • • I Drayton Beaucharnp .................. Tring Little Ditto ................ , • , ......... ditto Hardwick ........................ A~lesbu ·y Broughton ................. Newport Pagnell Hawridge ........................... Tr'ing Castle Thorpe ... 6'1• •••••••••••••••••••• dz"tto Wl.nurave Aylesbury Chichley ... ...................... , . . . ditto M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • W eedon . .............................. ditto Clifton Reynes . •... ., ........•.. , ...... ditto Creslow . .............................. ditto North Cra w ley ........................ ditto Whitchurch ........................... ditto Emberton ................ ' .... •. . . . . . ditto Grendon Underwood ••..•••.••.••...• Bicester Gayhurst ..•.•...•..•. • · .•.•.•..•.•..• ditto Hanslope ................... Stony Stratford BUCKINGHAM (C). Hardmead ...••••..••••.•.. Newport Pagnell Buckingham (Borough) .•.•••••.• Buckingham Haversham •.•.•.•.••..•...•..•.•••••. ditto Bourton .............................. ditto Lathhury ............................. ditto Bourtonhold ••••••••••••.•..•..•••.•.• ditto Great Linford · •••..• · •.•••••••••••••••• ditto Gawcott .............................. ditto Little Ditto . ....................•...... d~itto Lenborough •..••.•••••••••..•.•••.••.• ditto Loughton ..•.•••••.. .-•.••.••. Stony Stratford Ire bend End •...•.•.•..•.•...•••...•... ditto Lavendon .••.•.••...•.•••••• Newport Pagnell Addin~ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wi"nslow Milt on Keynes . .......................• ditto Adstock .............................. ditto Moulsoe .............................. d'itto Akeley •.•.........•••..•..•... Buckingham Newport Pagnell .•.•.•.•..•••.•.••.•••• ditto Barton Hart shorn ...................... ditto Newton Blosornedle .................... ditto Beachampton .•••..••....••.. Stony Stratford Newton Longville •.•••...••.• Fenny Stratford Charndon . ..................... Buckingham Olney . ........................•... Newport Chetwode ................. , ........... ditto Ravenstone ........................... ditto Edgcott ••.•••.•.•...•••.•.....••.•. Bicester Shenley Church End .•..•••.. Stony Stratford Foscott ..•..•..•..•.••...•....• Buckingham Sherington ••.•....••.•.••.• Newport Pagnell Hillesden •.•••.•..•••....•..•..•.....• ditto Sirnpson .•••.•...••.••••.•.• Fenny Stratford Leckharnstead .......................... ditto Stanton Bury ...••.•..••••.• .Newport Pagnell Lillingstone Dayrell .................... ditto Stoke Goldington ......... , ............ ditto Maidsmorton ••••.••.•...•.••.•..•.•••• ditto Fenny Stratford ..•••....••.• Fenny Stratford Marsh Gibbon ••••••••...•••.••..••• Bicester Tyringham, cum Filgrave .••.• Newport Pagnell Padbury ••••.••...••.........•• Buckingham Walton ....••...••.•.•.••..• Fenny Stratford Po11nden . ............................. ditto W arrington . ....................... N ettJport Preston Bissett ........ , ............... ditto Water Ea ton ................ Fenny Stratford Radclive, cum Chackrnore ...•.•.•....••. ditto Wa vend on . • • • • • ..•••••..••••••..• Woburn S halstone ...•.•.••.••.•••.•.••••.....• ditto West on U nderwood .••.••••.• .:.Yewport Pagnell Steeple Claydon ••.•••..•..••.•.•.•• WZ'nslow Will en .••...••••.•..••...••••..•.••••• ditto Stowe ••••••.•••••.•••.•••..•.. Buckingham Great Woolstone .•••.•••••.••••.• , ••••• ditto Thornborough ......................... ditio Litt1e Ditto ........................... ditto Thornton •• , •••• , ••••••••••• Stony Stratford vVoughton , •. , .• , •• , , , . , •••• Fenny Stratford 5

BUCKS. AMERSHAM. WINSLOW-(1'). PARISHES. POST TOWNS. PARISHES. POST TOWNs. Great Jlempden •.• • •••• ·.,. •. • ••• Amersham, Claydon East •••••••••••••••••••••• Winstow Great Kemble ••••••••• , •• , , , ••••• Wendover Drayton Parslow •••••••••••. Fenny Stratford Grellt Marlow •••• ,. • •• •.,,. •. • Great Marlow Danton •••••••..• , • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • Winslow Hambledon •.•.•.• , •• , •• , • Henley on Tltame~ Grandbol'ough • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~·tto et lledson •••••••••.••• , •••••••••• Beaconsjiel,~ Lt Hogs haw, with Fullbrooke •••• , • , , •••••• ditto Hor!:lendon • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •, • Tring HOO'ston , d•tto Hughendon •••••••••••••••.•.••••• Wlycomb" b •••••••••••••• , ••• ,, •••• , •••• " • . '1 Horwood, Great, with SingleboroQgh ••.• , ditto lllmue • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • , • • • • , , • Trmg llo .. wood Tt'ttlo · , a~·tto lpstone • 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Stokenchurc4 • ,,JJ ..., •••••••••••••••••••• ," " • M11rstoll North .• , • , ••••.••••••.•••.••• d#to L~ttle l!~mpden • 7 •••• , •• , • , , •• , •• Amersha'm Murslj!y~ with Salden ' ••. t r' I •• ' •• I Wendover L~ttle Ktmble •••••••.• , ' ••••••.••• Wendover N ash •••••••.•.••••••••.••.••••••••..• ditto L1ttle Mar low .•••••• , , , ••. 1 ••• Great llfarlaw Shenley lJrook End •• : • • • • . • • . Stonv Stratford Little Miss en den • • • • • • • • • • • • Great Mi~sondett Stewkley , ••• , •.• , , •• , , . , , Leighton Buzzard Meclmen~am •.•.••.. , •• , •.•••• Great Mar~ow Sw~nbourne .•..•••••••••• , . • • . . • • • Winslow M<?nks Rt~borou~h ••.•••.••.••• , , , •••• 'J' Tattenlroe,, , •••• •. ' ' ' ••.• • • ' Stony Stratford Prmces Risborough .•• • • '' • t' .. • .. •' • • • dzlto W haddon Aylesbury Radnage •••••••••••.•••• , • • • • • Stok(Jnchurck 4l ••••••••••••••••••• , • • • • s 'h W\mlow, cum Shipton., .... , ... ,., Winslozp a\lnde!iton • ·: .. • • • • • .. • • • • • .. • ·, • ~ • T. am~ Stoke Mandevtlle • , •••.••••••••• , , Aylesbury WYCOMBE-(G), Stokenchurch •••••••••••••••••• Stokenchurc!J Towersey •••••••••.•••• , ••.•••••••• , Tkam~ Bradenham •••••••.•••••••••••.•• • Wycombe Turville •••••••••••.••.••• Henle!/ on Thames Bledlow • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • Tring W ~ndover • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • . • Wen.daver Chinnor •••.•••••••••••••••••••••••• Thame West Wycombe ••••••••.• , ••••••• ': Wycombe Ellesborough • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • 'fVendover Woburn, Bucks ••.••••••••.••.•• • /3eaconsfield Fawley ••••••••••••••••••• Henley on Thames Wycombe (Borough) •..•••••••.•.•• Wycomhe Fingest ••••• , •••.••••••••••.•• Great Marlow Wycombe (Parish) or Chipping Wycolllbe, ditto AMEltSHAM. THE v~rish of AMERSHAM contains 5,420 acres; Drake family, comprising one of the knolls of the assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 at 7,305l., hill south of the road west of the town, is a beauexclusive of the hamlet of Coleshill, I! mile south tiful spot. There is a school and almshouses in of Amersham, returned as an insulated part of the town, endowed by this family, The Soci~ty lfertfordshire, containing 2,810 acres; assessed of Friends and Baptists have each places of wor· to the Property Tax in 1815 at 1,983l The po- ship at Amersham, which is seven m1les Qf pulation of Amersham was returned in 1831 at Wycombe, and five north of Beaconsfielct. 2,816. The population of Coleshill in l801 was • • returned at only 184, and in 1831 at 497. The Name, Res1dence, & Profess1on. benefice was in 1834 returned as a rectory, of the Adams Catherine .••.•.•••••••••••• , • Butcher annual value of 1,33Il.; in the presentation of the Ainsworth George •••••••• , •••• , •••• , , • Baker family of the present rector, the Rev. J. T. Drake. Andrews John •••••••.•••••••..•..••.. Tailor Amersham is 2& miles from Oxford-street, on the Aries Edward •••••••••••• , •••• Corn Chandler road thence by U xbridge and Chalfont~ to Ay les- Aris N athaniel. .••••••••• , , •.••• Chair Make~: 'burr and Buckingham. It is most agreeably lo- Atkins George ..•••••.••••••••.•.••• Weaver cated in a valley, where the range of ch~lk hills Atkins Thomas .••..•.•.•••••••••.• , , •• Dyer that bound the north of Hertfordshire, preak into Atkins Thomas Grant ..•••.••••• Beer Retailer knolls, between which runs a stream of water Axten Charles ••••••.•.••.•.•..•••.••.• Tailqr from Missenden, past Amersham and the Chal- l3arker J ames .••.••••..•...•..•.•••••• Baker fonts into the Col ne at Denham, a short distance Beeso11 J oseph ..••. V et Srgn, Smith and Farrier north of Uxbridge. The stream called the Mis- Berry Wm •.••••.••.•••••.•...•. Kings Arms born, works several paper mills in its course, and Birch John ........... Grocer and Cheesemonger' a silk mill at Chalfont St. Peter's. Amersham Birch John •• Agt to the County Chronicle Otlice ~ent two members to parliament until its disfran- BQddy Henry •.•.•.•.•••.• Boot and Shoemaker chisement under act of parliament in 1832-3. It Bovingdon Wm .•••..•••.••..••. Linen Draper has a market on Tuesdays, and two annual fairs Briant John •••••....•.••.••••. Corn Ch2.ndler on Whit·Monday and the 19th of September. He- Brick well Thomas ................... Surgeon tween 1413-22, several of its inhabitants were Bright Wm •••.•••..•••..•....••. Wheatsheaf burnt at the stake for professing the tenets of the Butcher Charles ••..... Baker and Cornchandler J. .. ollards ; and again from 1553-8, many suffered Card well Coope1· •....•..•••... Saracens Head in like manner. Beech-wood chairs and other a:r- Chaddock J as ••..••.•. Clerk to Messr$. W eller ticles ofthat material are made here. Black lace Child Charles .•.•....•••••.•••• Linen Draper and straw plait also afford employment; the town Chi m son E .•••••••••..•••••.••• Chair Maker is entitled to but little consideration for its manu- Climpson and Son ..••••••••••••• Ironmongerr facturing operations. There is a brewery of some Crockett William ..••••..•..•. London Carries extent. In March, 1835, it was united with eight Crouch ,V, Chaiford St Peters •• Guardian ofthe adjoini_ng ;parishe~, containin~ together 40,:l50. . Union ofthe Amersham District acres, m a parochml umon. The real property pf Day Ahce .••••.•..•••••••..••••••• Swan Inn the same in 1815 was assessed to the J>roperty Dolling Joseph .••• Plumber, Painter and Glazier Tax at 47,072l. The population in 1831 amounted Dolling Thomas ..•••.••..•.••••.••• ~· ~T~ilol' to 15,331. Shardloe's Park, the dom~in of the Dorrell J ames .•••••. , •••• Boot a.n~ Shoep1a.ket 6

AMERSHAM. BUCK5· Drake Colonel ••• Chairman and Guardian of the Union ofthe Amersham District Drake Rev J ••• Magistrate and Guardian of the Union of the Amersham District Drake Thos Esq .••.••••••••...•.. Magistrate El bourn A. , .•• , ••.• ; •••• , .•. , • Hair Dresser El bourn Henry •••••• , ••.••..•...••.••• Tailor El burn H ......•.•••. Watch and Clock Maker El burn Henry ........ P •••••••••••• Gunsmith Field Daniel. .•••••..••.•.•.•..• Beer Retailer Field Daniel .• Grocer, Tea Dealer and Linen Dpr Fund ell John ••.•••••••••• Boot and Shoemaker Garratt John ..••.••••••...•..•.••••• Tanner Goddard Philip Esq •. Guardian of the Union of the Amersham District Gray T N .•••.••••••.•.••.•••••••.. Surgeon Gregory William, Upper Mill . ..••.••••. Miller Griffin Richard Esq, Coleshill, Herts • • Guardian of the Union of the Amersham District Grossmith Frederick .•••.• Master of Workhouse Grossmith Sylvia .••.•••. Matron of Workhouse Grove Edmund .••.•...• Grocer and Tea Dealer Bailey Thomas •••••••••••••••••. Plumber, &c Hatch J ames. . •.••.•.•.•••.•..••••.. Builder Hatch J ames. . • ••••••.•••••••• Carpenter, &c Hobbs William .••••••••.•...• Harness Maker Hollis J ames ...••.••••••.•••••. Beer Retailer How, E ........ , ........... Smith and Farrier Impey John .•••••.•••..•••••••.•.••.• Miller lngram Fred •.••••••••••.•....... Hairdresser Jarvis W ..•••••••• , ................... Baker Jarvis William .••••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Jennings Joseph •••••.••.••.••.• Crape Factor J ones Ann. • • . • . • . • • • ..•.••••.... Griffin Inn Keen John ..................... Beer Retailer Keen William •••..•.•...• Boot and Shoemaker Line Weller ..•••••••••••• Chair Manufacturer Line William .•...•.••••.•••..... Wheelwright Marsh all Thomas. Solicitor, Clerk to the Magistrates, and Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths, and Marriages Miles A .••••.•.• Plumber, Painter and Glazier Mills A .•••..••..•••..•.•.....•.•.. B utcl1er Mont ague Thomas ••••• , •••••••• Linen Draper Morten Thomas •••••••.•• Boot and Shoemaker Morten Thomas .•••••..•.••••.••..... Brewer M orten Thomas .•.•.••••.• , •••••. Corn Dealer Mort en Thomas ......••....•••.•.••• Maltster N orwood S and E.· ... , .....•..... Grocers, &c Phillips Thos •.•.••. Grocer and Cheesemon~er Plester John ..•..•••.•... Boot and Shoe maker Potter Samuel .•••. Grocer and Tallow Chandler Priest F .•.• ,. • • • • . . • . .•......•••.•.•.. Tailor Priest Francis .••••.•••••. Boot and Shoemaker Priest George ••..••..••••.. Hare and Hounds Putnam H ••••.•••...•••.•.•••. Coal Dealer Putnam Henry •..••. Grocer and Cheesemonger Putnarn Henry •. Leather Breeches & Gaiter Mkr Putnam Thos ••••••••••••••.••.• Checkers Inn Rackley J ames ...•..••••••.••.•.• Coal Dealer Randall Wm. . ••• Guardian of the Union of the Amersham District Rumsey J MD Ravment Thos, Lower Mill •. ••••••••••• Miller - Redrup Henry •••.•• Hair Dresser and J>erfumer Itogers J ames ••.••.••.•••••••••••••• Butcher Ro~ers Joshua ••.••.•.••••••••..• Ironmon~er Rogers Martha ••..... Grocer and Cheesemonger H.olfe J olm •• Vice Chairman and Guardian of the Union of the Amer..;ham Division Salter • • • • • . • • • • . • . • • • • • • • Tim bt'r Dealer Salter Edward., •••.. Grocer and Chcesemonger Salter J ames •••••••.••••• Boot and Shoemaker Scott Harry ••••••• Grocer and Tallow Chandler Selby Charles ••.• , , ••. , •••• , , •• Coacp Bqilder Silvest~f Samuel. • , •••••••••• , •• Beer Retailer Sims R .••• , •••• Registrar of Births and Deaths Sims Richard, • , • , •• , • Watch and Clock Maker Spratley W ••••.•••••••••••• , •. Beer Retailer Spratley William •••••••••••• , •••• , •• Butcher Statham John ..• , , , •••••••••• , .•• , •• , • Baker Statham T M •••••.•••••.•.••• , ••. Auctioneer Statham T M. • • • . • • • , •• Furniture Warehouse Statham T, Near Mkt pl ••• Sec to Savings Bank Stops Henry. , , •••••.•••••••• , • Carpenter, &c Stratford James.,, •• Auctioneer and Appraiser Stratford James •• , •••• ,Land and Estate Agent Stratford J ames. • . . • • •.••••••• Coal Merchant Swannell C .•• Milliner and Straw Bonnet Maker Tallent Edward •.•••••• , • , • , ••• , • , • , Surgeon Tay lor Rev. • ••• , •••••• , , ••••••••• Curate Thompson E ••• , ••••• Grocerand Cheesemonger Toms John •.••••••••••• , •.•••••••••• Brazier Toms Mary •.• , ••. , •• Grocer and Cheesemonger Toms M ••••••••••••••••••••.••• Stamp Office Toovey S amps on •••.•••••• Chair Manufacturer Tucker W ••••••••••.• , .•.• , •••• Chair Maker Weller John and Wm and Co, ••.•••. Maltsters West E benezer •••••••• , , Commercial Academy Wilson John ••••••• Saddle and Harness Maker Wilson M E ....• · .•.•.. Chemist and Drug gist Wilson W ro •• , •.•• , , •• Crown. Commercial Inn W oodbridge Thomas. , ••••.••••••• , •••• Tailor Post Office. Priest Franois .••••.•.•..•••• Receiving House Letters irom London arrive morn at 7, and are dispatched evening at 9 Cross Post from Rickmansworth arrives morn at 10, and dispatched afternoon at 5 Fire and Life Assurance Agent. British Fire .•..••.••.•• , •••..•. T M Statham Phrenix •••.••••••••..••..•••• Marshall Thos Public Establishments. Association ror Protection of Property and Prosecution of Offenders •. Thos Marsh all, Secretary Excise Office •.•••. , ••••. , ••.. , •••. Crown Inn. Savings Bank., •• , .• Charles Statharn, Actuary W orl\house .• , .••• Frederick Grossmith, Mastet· Sylvia Grossmith, Matron Almshouses. , ••••••••..•. Sir William Drake's . Chapels. . Baphst. ••••.• , •.•.•..•..••.••• Meetzng ym·d Baptist Meeting House, ..••••.• , .Harbourjield Friends' do .• , •....• , ••.••••••••• fVhielden st Independent, ••••..••.• , •.••..• Meeting yard W esleyan •..•••.•. , .••• , , .•••••••• Berry end Posting Houses. Crown Inn ................... William Wilsan Griffin Inn ..•...•..•...••..••••...• Ann Jone . Coaches. From Amersham to London. Banbury, Old Union, Gnflin, to London, aft. ~ p. 1 ; Mon. ·wed. and Fri. ; from London, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. ! p 11. I~eamington, Sovereign, Griffin, to London aft. i p. 3 daily, and returns at 12 noon. W endover, Tolh:tts, Crown Inn, to Lndn, morn. ~p. 8 daily, Sun. exc.; from London, even. ibef 6 Carriers Crocl~ett, to London, Mon. and 1'h. morn. 12 Racldcss J as, to London, Mon. and 'fhqrs. 7

.BUCKS. AYLESBURY, &c . Lord Chancellor, of the. present value of 6ll· AYLESBURY & WHITCHURCH. yearly. By a recent bequest, the interest of soot AYLESBURY in the hundred of the same name, is is annually applied to the purchase of clothing situated in the centre of the county, upon the for its poor inhabitants. high road from London to Birmingham, distant from London 38! miles nortlr-west, 5 north-west Name, Residence, & Profession. from Wendover, 17 south·east from Buckingham, See also CLASSIFICATION (if TRADES, page 11. 23 north-east from Oxford, 6 south-west from Dunstable, 16 south-east from Bicester, 17 north Adcock Samuel, Market pl .••.•.•.•••• . Grocer from High W ycomb~;, 7 west from Tring. Streets Alien J as, O:rford st •.•..••..... Beer Retailer leading to all these places meet in the market- Ames Thos, Kingsbury •.• Boot and Shoe Maker place, in the middle of which stands the town- Ames Thos, ilfm·ket sq .•• ••.•.••• Hair Dresser hall, a handsome modern structure. A railroad Ames Thos, Silver st . .•• , •••••.• Hair Dresser is in contemplation from hence to the Tring sta- Anthony Jno, Whitehallst ••.••• • Beer Retailer tion of the London and Birmingham Railroad, Arnold J no, Kingsbury . .•••••• Clothes Dealer A canal from the town, joins the Grand Junction Aston W, G, Market pl •.••.••••• Haberdasher at Mars worth, about 7 miles di~tant, carrying the Atkins W m, Cambridge st . •.••••• Haberdasher hay, with which the neighbourhood abounds, to A very Michl, 1f7alton st ••. .••.•••• Shoe Maker the London market, and bringing coal into the Bald win J acob, Back st . . Beer Retr & Boot Mk Vale for the use of its inhabitants. The town con- Bald win J acoh, Cambridge st ••.• Beer Retailer tained, in 1831,4907 iP.habitants; it is beautifully Bald win Wm, Temple st ........... Boot Maker ·situated, on an eminence, in the midstoftha.t fer- Ball James, Buckingham road •...•• .• Surveyor tile vale, which has been already described, on Barnes John, Back st .•..••••••••. Harrow Inn the river Thame, which separates it from the Barnett Isaac, Cambridge st .. Clothes Salesman hamlet of vValton. The county gaol and house Bartlett Mrs, Church st •••••. J ... auies Board Scl of correction is in this town, where the Lent Barton Richard, Market sq.· •.• , .• White Horse assizes for the county are held. This was a strong Be ales John, Cambridge st •• ••••••••• Fruiterer hold of the ancient Britons, and maintained its Ben nett Helen, Market sq •••••. George HI Corn independence till subdued by the West Saxons Inn & Post Hs in 571. During the period of superstition that Benson Rich, Chu1·ch st .•••• . Mast in Chancery followed, Aylesbury derived some consequence as Berry J T, Market sq •••••• Green Man and Still the burial-place of certain female saints. The Berry Thos, Walton st •.••••••• Cabinet Maker town was garrisoned for the parliament in the Biggs Samuel, Castle st •••••••••• Black Horse great civil war. Its only manufacture is of bone Bird Hemy, Walton st •. Sgn& Reg of Births & ace, and that on .a very limited scale. It is the Dths for Aylesbury Dis. & Reg of Mar for centre of a poor law union, consisting of 40 pa- the Aylesbury Union rishes ; a pollin~-place for the county, and sends, Bishop Thos, Kingsbury .••••••••.•.••.. Baker in conjunction with the hundred, two members to Bonsor Richd, Oxford st .••.•.• Mast of Union parliament. It has a well-supplied weekly market, Bowler Thos, Oxford st ..••••..•.• Risin~ Sun held on Saturday, and six fairs annually: viz. on Bradford Thos, New roacl ..•. Saddler & Br Rtlr the Friday after the 18th of January, Saturday be- Branscomb and Ben son, Chu1·ch st . .• Solicitors fore Palm Sunday, 8th of May, 14th of June, 25th Bridger Samuel, Buckingham t•oad . • Iron founder of September, and 12th of October. They are Briant John, Bou1'bon st •.•••.•.. Beer Retailer chiefly for cattle and sheep, but the two last are Brooks J no, Walton st •. Solr & Clk to Ma~isb also for hiring servants. The very ancient church Bull Edmund, Temple sq .•.•••. • Queen's Head (St. Mary's) is a hanusome cruciform structure, Bull Edwin, Temple sq •. Solicitor and Agent for visible for miles every way, in consequence of its the Atlas Fire & Life Insurance Office situation on the summit of a central hill; but Bunce James, Cambridge st ...••• Beer Retailer though its exterior has been carefully preserved, Burrows Ro bt, New road . •.••.•.•. Shopkeeper the interior presents some sad tokens of decay; Butcher Thos & Sons, Banll •• • at Crn Inn every all its pillars have declined from the perpendicu- Wed & Sat & Fair dys, dr on Drewett & Co Jar, though the arches they support retain their Camp bell Henry, Hall Layes •••.• Beer Retailet· position, except the eastern arch of the tower, Castle Wm B, Cambridge st ••••• ,. Pastry Cook which is cramped with iron. The churchyard is Cato Mrs, Temple st • .•.•.••..••• , ••. Milliner very large, and agreeably disposed into several Ceely R & I H, Market sq .••••• .•••. Surgeons walks, planted with double rows of trees. It is a Chapman T & T S, Market sq .•••• , ••• Bankers discharged vicarage, and its present income 3I8l. Chapman Geo, Kingsbury .•••...••••. . Grocer A free grammar school, with a writing school an- Chapman T S, Market sq •. Suprntnt Regr of Bhs nexed, has a fine endowment: there are alms- Deaths and Marria~es houses, and the poor enjoy the benefit of several Cheese Wm, Walton st ••••• .• Hemp Manufacr large charitable bequests. The town gives the Cheney Holmes, ~Market sq •• Chemist and Dgst title of Marquis to the family of Brudenell Bruce. Chilton Geo, Walton st .•.••••••.•• Shoemaker Distant two miles from it, is Hart well, a seat of Chilton Wm, Buclliugharn road .• Buckgm Arms the Duke of Buckingham, and once the residence Churchill J no. Marlwt sq . . Gcr and Tlw Chdlr & of I-ouis XVIII, during his exile in England. Agt to Sun Fire and Life Insure Corn WHITCHURCH, a parish, and formerly a market Clark James, Temple st .•••••.•• • China Dealer town in the hundred of Cottesloe, is situated on Clark Wm, Buckingham road., •• :Beer Retailer the road to Birmingham, distant from London Clarke I, w·alton st ••. , •..•.•••• Beer Retailer 45! miles, north-We!!t, 4~ north from Aylesbury, Cole Geo, Cltu1·ch st .• .•...•••.• Land Surveyor and 12-!sout h-east from Buckingham. It con- Collett Thos, Market st .• ••.••••••• Fishmonger tains 9 2! inhabitants, and bt:>longs to the Ayles- Collings .J ames, Castle st . •••••••• Beer Hetailer bury Union. The church of St. John the Evan- Collings Thos Geo,Kingsbury .•..•• •••• Grocer gelist, is a discharged vicarage, in the gift of the Collings Thos Geo, New rd., The Chandos Arms 8

AYLESBURY, &c. BUCKS. Collins Wm, New road •.••••.••••••.•.. Tailor Gurney John, Walton st ...••••••.•• •• Bell Inn Connor Dr. Buckingham road .••.••••••••• • Gurney John, Market sq .••••••.•••.• . Bell Inn Con nor Michael, Kingsbury . ••••••...••• Tailor Gurney William, Castle st •• .•••••. Shoe Maker Copcut Frances, Back st .• .•••..••• Boot Maker Hanney Thomas; Back st ••..••.•••• Blacksmith Curtis Elizabeth & Son, Silver st ..••. Plumbers Harrison Edward, M~arket sq •• Chemist and Dgst Painters and Glaziers Hatton Henry, New Road ... Solicitor, and Agent Curtis Miss, Silver st •••••••••••• •••.. Milliner for the Globe Fire & Life Insrnce Office Davis Jno, Market sq ..•••.• ,, .•• .. Tobacconist Hayward Henry, Buckingham road •••• Surgeon Dawney Elizabeth, Kingsbury. • . • . •.•.. Bali:er Hedges J ames, Market st......... Boot Maker De Fraine, Market sq •. , ..•.••.•• Hair Dresser Hest er William, Church Gate ••.•• Beer Retailer De Fraine, Walton st ••••••••••• •••. Slop Seller Hewitt Margaret,Back st .•• , •••.••••••. Grocer De Fraine Geo, Cambridge st . ••.• Beer Retail ex Higgins Thomas, Church Row .•• •••• Pig Dealer De Fraine J oseph .••.•••. , ••••.. , Hair Dresser Hill Alfred, Temple st •.•.••.•.••.•••. Butcher Dell John, Bourbon st . .• Brewer & 'Vine Merch Hill Robert, Cambridge st .• ••••••.• Shopkeeper Deverill Thos, Kingsbury ••••••••• • Ironmonger Hill Susannah, Kingsbury .•.•..•••• • Cock Inn Dickins W m, Back st . .••..••.•.•.•..•. Currier Hill William, Silver- st , •..••.•••...•. Butcher Dixon J ames, Gambrzdge st . .•...• Hair Dresser Hi ndes W m Henry, Market st . ..•• Watchmaker Dudley Wm, Walton •• , .•. • Clothes Warehouse Hinton Edward, Bom·bon st .•...••.•...• Tailor Dukes Wm, Mm·ketpl ..... China and Glass Dlr Hobley T, Kingsbury ..••....•.•.• • Fellmonger Edmonds Wm, MD, Cambridge st .• . Physician Hodgl;:ins ·wm, New road . .. Ornamental Painter Edwin ,John, Kingsbury ••.....•... Shopkeeper Holland Benjn, Silmer st .. . , ...• Dark Lanthorn Elmes Frances, Temple st .. • Hat Mkr & Clothes Holland Benjn, Walton st .•. . Coal and Corn Dr Dealer Holland John, Oxford st .. ........ Beer Retailer Elmes Mrs, Cambridge st ..... Straw Hat Maker Hollyman J ames w-alton .... Bricklayer's Arms England Rebecca, Walton st . •••••• Coal Dealer Hollyman J ames, 11/alton • •.•••.••.••. Butcher England Rebecca,Market sq .•. , .. Oxford Arms Homeyer W m, Walton •.••.•••••.•• , •.. Grocer England Thos, Walton st .•. . Coal and Corn Dlr Howard Joseph, Walton st .• . Coal and Salt Met Evans Henry, Castle st .••• , •..•• Beer Retailer Husband William, New road .•.... Post Master Evans John, Kings bury •• , •• Red Lion Corn Inn Hyde Thos, Market sq, •.... Groce1·, Tea Dealer, Evett J, Market pl .••..•..••••.• Beer Retailer Cheese Factor and Hop Merchant Eustace Wm, Walton st .•.•••• • Cabinet Maker Impey Mrs, Kingsbury ...... • Straw Hat Maker Farm borough H, Castle st •.••...•••••.. Baker I vatts, Chas, K ingsbury ••....•••.. Boot Maker Farmborough Wm, Castle st .....••... Maltster Ivatts, Josh, Market sq .. • Boot and Shoe Maker :Farr W B, Temple st .•.••••••...•. Boot Maker and Greyhound Inn Field Thos, Ma,·ketsq, Wchmkr, Svrsmth & Engr Jackson Frances, Buckingham 1·oad .•.• Upholsr, and Agt to Lon Fire and Life In Corn Cabinet Maker, Auctioneer and Appraiser Fisher Francis, Kingsbury, ••.•••..••.• Butcher J ackson Samuel .•.•••.•...•.... Corn Chandler Ford Henry, Market sq ••• •• , •.•••.•.•• Grocer J ames J ames, Temple sq .••. Solicitor and Agent Fountain John, Walton st .•....•.••.•..• . Sh1p for the Roy Ex Fire and Life Ins Office Fowler John Kersley, Market sq ••.. White Hart J arvis Thos, Cambrid!!.e st ••.•••....•••. Baker Corn Inn and Posting House Johnson Chs, Green End .... .. Livery Stable Kr Fraser Margaret, Templest •• Nursery & Sd Line Jolly Joseph, New Road .•..•.••• , •••• . Cooper · Fry Francis, Temple st .••.•.••..•• Boot Maker Judge August us, Kingsbury ..•.•.• Black Swan Gale Market sq ... .••••••.• , ... Baker Judkins \V m, Cambridge st .•••.•.••••.. Baker Garner J osh, Market sq •• Pastry Cook & Confer Kersey W m, Camb1·idge st . ••.•.• Beer Retailer Garner Thos, Walton st . ••. Grocer and Confectr King John, Back st . ..•.••••..••. Beer Retailer Gates J oseph, Castle st .•.•..•.•••. Shopkeeper King Samuel and Sons, New Rd •. Coach Builders Gent W m Henry, Oxford st .• •... Beer Retailer Kirby William, Temple st . ••••••.•..••. Draper George Jno, Walton st •.••••....••..••. Glover Knight John, Bourbon st . ...••.•. Wheelwright Gibbons James, Green End . • Plumber & Glazier Landon Wand I, Walton st .•... Canal Carriers Gibbs and Sons, Market pl . .• Auctrs, Bksrs, and Lawrence Geo. 1Valton st, . .•.•.•....•• Anchor Pwnbks, and Agts to Brit Fire and Life In Lawrence Henry, Buckingham Rd .•. Beer Retlr Gibbs I R, Walton st .• Editor' and Proprietor of Layt J oseph, Walton st .. Stone and Mble Mason the "Aylesbury News'' Lazarus Samuel Cambridge st .•. Umbrella Mkr Gibbs Samuel, Market pl .• Uphstr and Cabt Mr Leone John Market sq ..• . Jeweller and Weather Gilbert John, Cambridge st . •.•.••. Boot Maker Glass Manufacturer Gilbert Edward Silver st ..• ••. Tailor and Draper Lepper Henry, Walton st .•• Veterinary Surgeon Goodey Mary, New 'road .•••••••••. Shopkeeper Lest er Thomas, Silver st ..• ...••••. Boot Maker Goss Thomas, Kingsbury . • Plumber and Glazier Lines E D, Kings bury . .• Chemist and Druggist Gough James, Buckingham road •••••. . Butcher Lines William, Walton st .••....•. • Hay Dealer Gould John, Temple st, •.••••••••••••••. Tailor Lock Mrs, Castle st ...••.•..• Straw Hat Maker Grace Jeremiah, Silver st . •••••.••••.••. Baker Lock vV S, Castle st .•.••.....•.••••• Butcher Gray Richard, Watton st •. ••••••.•.•••• Farrier Loggin Fredk, Mm·ket sq •..• Chemist and Dgst Green Mary and Son, Walton st •• • Coal Dealers Lovegrove Thos, Walton .•.•••••.•••• Unicorn Green J ames, Cambridge st ••• ••••••.• :Butcher Lud~ate W m, Oxford st .. •.•••••. Beer Retailer Green Thomas, Kingsbury, .•.••.• , •••• Builder March W m, Market sq .•.•.• ..•.•.•••.• Draper Green William, Temple st . •.••.••••••• Builder Margesson Ann, Market Place .• . Crn Coml Inn Green William, New road ••.••.•••. Toy Dealer Mark ham Benjm, Market sq •••••••• Cross Keys Gregory George, Camb1·idge st •••• Nag's Head Marks John, Kingsbury •••••••••.•••••. Baker Gulliver Henry, Kiugsbu1·y ••. .•.••• Royal Oak Marlin Samuel, ~Market sq, .• .•.• Bl\sr and Statr Gunn, John, Market pl .•••••••••••••• . Grocer Marshall J A, Temple sq ...•.•.••••. . Surgeon Gunn, William Castle st .• • Independent Minister Marshall Jas Henry, Templest .•• . Printer, Bksr Gurney James, Walton st,, •• Timber Merchant and Sub-distributor of Stamps 9

BUCKS. AYLESBURY, &c. Mavor Ale~r, Ma,rket Pt •• • •••• Nurseryman and Terry Erlw. PValton ~ ••• , ~ ••••••••••••• Brewer G!lrden a.nd Agricultural Seedsman Terry Thos, Market sq, •• Bull's head Comml inn May James, Market sq .•••• Printer and Jeweller . and Brewer Mayne Samuel, Back st, ••.••••••• Two Brewers Thompson W m, Kings&ury ••• , ••• Stone Mason Mead John, Buckingham road •• , , Coach Maker Thorp Ann, Kingsbury ••• , •••••••••.• Butcher Mead Michael, Buckingham road . •• Plough Inn Thorp Robert, Temple sq . •.•• , ..••..••. Grocer Medhurst Chs, Kingsbury .• • Milliner and Hbdsr Thorp Henry, Cambridge st •.•• o o •••• Gardener Miller Ca..rpline, Market sq •• Milliner and Ds Mr Tomes Wm, Hog lane ••••••••••• • Stone Mason Mitchell T, PVa~tpn # ... , o , , , , •••• , •• Butcher Tooley Georgc, Walton st .••.. , .• Watch Maker Morley Revd John, •••••• , .•••••• , •••••• Vicar Turner Mrs & Miss~ Pm·son' s Fee •• Boarding sch Muddiman Josh, Market sq •••••• • Hair' Dresser Turpin Thos, Aylesbury mill ••.••••••••• Miller Nash John, S,ilver lane .• , ••••••• , ••• . Butcher Verey Wm, Silver st ••••.•••••.••••• • Butcher N eale Robert,, Temple 8.t •• , , , , , ••.. Whitesmith Vincent John, fValton , ••.• , •..•..••••. Baker Norris Charles, Kinsbury .•••••• , .Hair Dresser Walker Josh, Temple st ••••••.• ·working Cutler N unn J ames, PVaifo1·d . •.•• , • , •••. Shoe Maker Ward J osh, Castle st . .••••••.••..•• Wh1te Lion Owen John, W(l{ton st, ..........• Coal Dealer Ward John.Kin~rsbury ........• Basket Maker Parker J H, Cambridge st •••• Coach Proprietor Ward John, Kingsbury •••••••••• Beer Retailer and Carrier Ward Robert, O.xford st •••••.•• , .• Shoe Maker :Parrott Josh, Walton st ••••••••••• , ••• , Baker Ward Thomas, Ma1•ket sq • , • Plpmber & Glazier :Payne Philip Sen, Temple st •• •. , , , •• , . Currier Webb Thomas, :Market pl ••• •••. Corn Chandler Payne John, New Road ••••.••••• , ••.• Currier Wells Geo, Walton st •. Clerk to Canl Co & Whfr Payne Philip, Market st. , •.. L1nen and Woollen Weston J ames, Green end •••.•. Saracen's Head Draper, and agent for the Protestant Life Wheeler Chas, Temple st •• , •..••..••••. Bake,. J nsurance Compy Wheeler J ames, Kings bury ••••• , •.••.••• Baker Pearce John, Waltan •••••• ,., .Breechea Maker Wheeler Robert, Bourbon st •••.•••• • Grocer &c Pearce W m Cambridge st ••••••.••• , .•• Glover White John, Market sq Draper & Agent to Oo Plater Rich, Market sq . , •••. Coach and Horses Fire & Provident Lift: Insurance Office Pollard Josh, Buckingham rd ••.• • Beer Retailer White Thomos, Castle st •.••• , ••••. Carpenter Pollden Rich, Market 8.q • , •.•• , •.•••••. Draper White W m, Kingsbury, .• , •• , •••• , •••• Draper :Prettyman Rev, John, ..•.• Rector White W m, Buckingham rd . ••••••.•• Red Cow Prockett Edwd, Walton st . . Solicitor and Regis· Whitehouse J osh, lfalton •••••• Coal Merchant trar of Archdeaconry of Bucks Williamson Geo, Silver st ••••••••••.•••. Baker Read J osh, Cambridge st •••••••• .• l3rickmaker ·willison John, fValton st ••.•••• Cabinet Maker· Redhead Edw, Church st ••.• Professor of Music Wood N athaniel, BoUtrbon ~t .•... , ...... Tailor Reid David, Market sq •.•. , ......... , ••• Draper Wood ford Thomas, Back st ••.••• , ••••• Butcher Rickford and Hunt, Market sq ••••••••• Bankers W oodman Geo, Castle st •••.•••••• Plumber &c Rodwe11 John, Castle st •••.••••. Beer Retailer Woodman Robert, Green end •.••.•• ••.•. Baker Rod well W m, Church 'row ••••••• Watch Maker W oodman W m, Bacll st., Printer & Beer Rei ail er Rose J oseph, Church st •. Solicitor and Agent to Wootton J am~s, Mar het sq ••. Sad & Har Maker the Phumi~ Fire and Pelican Life Office vVootton Thomas, Watton st .•.•• , .•• • Bear Inn Ryde Henry T Esq, •••••• • Buck's HtJrald Office Wyatt Chas, Silver st •• , •. Pastry Cook & Conf Sandfonl Wm. Cambridge st •••. Clothes Dealer Scraggs Edw, Cambridge st •••.••. , •••. Cooper Post O:ftice Sear Mrs, Temple st .•..•••.• Straw Hat Maker Husband William, New road ••••••• •..• Master Seymour Silvanny, Kingsbury • • Ironmonger and Letters received from London, l p 5 morn, Brazier &Agent for the Eagle- Life As&u Office and dispatched i bef. 9 even. Two deliveries Sharp Geo, Silver st .•.••• , ••• , , .•••• Solicitor each day, ! p, 7. morn. and 10 morn. Sharp Wm, Buckingham rd .• ,, •••• • Bricklayer p . H Sh n TA"T. lt t T" osbn~ ouses. arpe vyrus, rr a on s • • • • • • • • • • • . • • m man 1:' Shaw J oseph, Walton st .•• Slater and Coal Mer Geor~e Hotel .•. , •... , .•.•••••• Bennet Helen Shewen John, Walton st., •••••• o, .Fellmonger White Hart, JJ!arket square, •••• , .John Fowler Simons B, Walton st ••••••••••.•••.•••• Baker B k Simons Josh T, Market st ••• , •.•. Hair Dresser an ers. S~mpson J ames, Castle st •.••••• W at eh Maker Butcher Thos & Son. Crown Inn, every Wed. and S1ms W m, New rd .••••.••..•••••.••••. Baker Sat. and Fair day~ .• Draw on Drew it & Slark James, Temple st •.••...•.. Beer Retailer Chapman T. & T. S., Market sq [Fowler Smith Matthew, Kingsbury . ••••• , , • , •• Saddler Rickford & Hunt, Market sq Smith Thomas, Walton st ••• , ••••. Coal Dealer • • Smith Thomas, Walton st •...••••• White Swan Fue &L1fe .1\.ssurance Agents. Smith Wm, Buckingham rd .•• , .• , Wheelwright Atlas, Temple sq ..•...• , • ...• ,.,, Edwin Bull Soames Richard, Walton ••. , ••••• Beer Retailer British, Market pl .•••.•.••.•.• Gibbs & Sons Spraggs Thomas, C(lmbridge st ••• , .Blacksmith County Fire & Prov~Life, Market sq . . Jno White Stevens David Walton st •••• , •••• , •••• Butcher Eagle Life, KingsbU7·y .•.•.•.•....• 8 Seymour Stevens Thomas, Mqrket sq ••• , ••••••• Saddler Globe, New rd •••.....••. , , .•. Henry Hatton Stevens W m, Walton s.t ••••••••.••. Glazier &c London, Market sq ....• "' ..••.•..• Thos Field Stokes Joseph, Cflmbridge st , •••• Beer Retailer Phrenix Fire, & Pt>lican Life, Cluu·ch st •. J H.ose Stone A C, Buckingham rd , •• , •.• , ••. Solicitor Protestant Dis'lenters, Market st •. Philip Pay ne StoneJo~m,.LW~rketpl •. WatchMaker &Gun sill Royal Exchange, Temple sq ,, .•.. James Jam~s Stone WIJl, Kzngsbury, •••••.• , ..•• . Angel Inn Sun, Marlwt sq •......•...••. • John Churclull Syrad James, New rd ••••• ,, •. , • • Beer Retailer Taylor J or-e pp, Mr;Lrkf;!t st ••.•••• , •.•••.• Baker Stamp Office Taylor S, 11/7titehall # •••.•••.• , .• Milliner &c • Terry ChasM. Chut·ch st, ••••.••••••. Surgeon Marshall Jas Hy, Tem1Jle st •••• Sub Distributol' 10 -

AYLESBURY, &c. BUCKS. P bl. Ofli & To Stoke,~(Baker), every Sat., from Bull's Head. u lC cers, ~· To Tring, Mail Cart, every even., from Market pl. M~ster of U ni~n, Oxford st . •••• R1chard Bonsor To Tring (Beal), every Fri. 7 morn. Mistress of Umon, Oxford st. ..... , Mrs Bonsor To Windsor (Pope), from the Cock, every Sat. aft. Clerk to Magistrates • , , , •••.••• , .John Brooks · Newspapers. Canal Carriers. Aylesbury News • , •• , ••• published on Saturday Landon W. & J. Boab!, load every Sat. for London, Bucks Gazette • , •••• , ••. published on Saturday and return every Tues. Bucks Herald ••• , •• ,, ••• published on Saturday Classification of Trades. Coaches, Auctioneers, <8-c,-Gibbs and Sons, Market pl To Cambridge every Mon. Wed. & Fri. at 10 Jackson Frances, Buckingham rd morn., goes through Leighton, Woburn, & Bakers. Bishop Thos, Kingsbury Bedford ; calls at the Bull's Head Inn. Dawney Eliz, do To High Wycombe (Cbapman), from the Angel Farmbrough H, Castle st every Wed. & Sat. - Gale , Market sq To London (Couriel'), from the Crown,! p. 2 aft. Grace Jeremiah, Silver st every day, Sun. excepted, and returns same J arvis Thos, Cambridge s~ day, l bef. 8 even. Judkins Wm, do To London (The Railway Coach), to Pendle sta- Marks John, Kings bury tion, every day, ! p. 6 morn., 1 p. 3 aft., Parrott J osh, Walton st from the Crown Commercial Inr1. Simons B, do To London (Hedges), from the Crown, every Tu, Sims '\V m, New rd To London (Jennings), every Wed. and (Crook). Taylor Joseph, Market st every Wed. & Sun., both from the Crown. Vincent John, Walton st To London, the Dispatch leaves the George, every 'Vheeler Chas, Temple st morn. at 8, goes through Tring, vVatford, Wheeler J ames, Kings bury' &c. Sundays excepted. Williamson Geo, Silver st To London, the Ban bury Coach calls at the W oodman Robert, Green End George, at! p, 1 every aft., and returns at Basket Maker. Ward John, Kingsbury ! p. 3 every aft., Sundays excepted. Beer Retailer.-Allen Jas Oxford st · To London, the Bicester & I .. eamington Coach Anthony John, Whitehall st calls at the George, at l p, 2 every aft., & Baldwin J acob Back st returns at 2 every aft. to Leamington, Baldwin Jacob: Cambridge st Sundays excepted. Bradford Thos New l'd To London, the Courier, from Oxford, calls at the - Bria.nt John, Bourbon st Geo1·ge, at 10 every morn., Sun. excepted. Bunce Jas Cambrid()'e st To Oxford, a Coach from Ca~bridge, every Tues. Camp bell Hen, Hall Layes Th~rs. and Sat., at 4 m the aft., and re- Clark Wm, Buckingham rd turns. Clarke J, Walton st Car:riers. To Amersham (Chapman), from the Bull's Head, every Wed. & Sat. To Ashendon (Figg), from the Black Horse, every Sat. To Banbury (Golby's) Waggons, calls at the Cocl1., every Tues. & Fri. Collings J as, Castle st De Fraine Geo, Cambridge st Evans Hen, Castle st Evett J, Market pl Gent Wm Hen, Oxford st Rester Wm, Church gate Holland John, Oxford st Kersey W m, Cambridge st To London (same), every Sun., calling at the Cock. King John, Back st To Berkhampstead (Dale), from the Bult's,Head, every Sat. & Wed. To Brill (W yatt & Southam), from the Angel Inn, every Wed. & Sat. Lawrence Hen, Buckingham gate J ... udgate Wm, Oxford st To Buckingham, Mail Cart, every morn. at 5, from Marketpl. To Chesham, Mail Cart, from the Cock, every:evn and (Rose), from the Angel, every Wed. & Sat. To Chinnor (Wm Stevens), from the Bull's Head. every Wed. & Sat. · To Granborough· (Drinkwater), from the Black Swan, every Sat.; and (Wilson & Lea ver, from the Angel, every Tues. & Fri. To Hempstead (Axtel), every Sat. from the Bull's Head. To I .. ondon, (Hed~e·s waggon), Tues. & Fri., and returns Mon. & Fri. from the Crown Inn. To London, (Crook's wa2'gon), Sun. & Wed., and returns Tues. & Fri., from the Crown Commercial Inn. To Princes Risborough, (Jas. Foster), from the Bull's Head, every ·wed.&; Sat, Pollard Joseph, Buckingham road Rodwell John, Castle st Slark J as, Temple st Soanes Rich, VValton st Stokes Josh, Cambridge st Syrad J as, New rd Ward John, Kingsbury Woodman Wm, Back st Blacksmiths. Hanney Thos, do Spraggs Thos, Cambridge st Boollsellers and Stationers.- Gibbs and Sons, Market pl Martin Saml, l\Iarket sq Marsh all J as Hen, Temple st Boot and Shoe Makers. Ames Thos, Kingsbury Avery Michl, Walton st Bald win J acob, Back st Baldwin Wm, Temple st Chilton Geo, Walton st Copcut Frances, Back ~t Farr W B, Temple st 11

BUCKS. AYLESBURY, &c. AYLESBUEY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Boot and Shoe Makers.-Fry Frances, Temple st Gilbert John, Cambridge st Gurney W m, Castle st Hedges J as, Market st Ivatts Chas, Kingsbury st Ivatts Josh, Market sq Lester Thos, Silver st Nnnn Jas, Walton st Ward Robt, Oxford st Brazier. Seymour Silvanus, Kingsbnry Breeches Maker. Pearce John, Walton Brewers.-Dell John, Bourbon st Terry Edw, ':Valton st Terry Thos, Mark~t sq Bricklayer.-Sharp Wm, Buckingham rd Brickmaker. Read Joseph, Cambridge st Builders. Green Thos, Kingsbury Green ':V m, Temple st Butchers. Fisher Francis, Kingsbury Gough J ames, Bnckinghan rd Green Jas, Cambrid~e st Hill Alfred, Temple st Hill Wm, Silver st Hollyman Jas, Walton st Lock VV S, Castle st Mitchell T, ·walton st Nash John, Silver lane Stevens David, Walton st Thorp Ann, Kingsbnry V erey ':V m, Silver st W oodford Thos, Back st Cabinet Makers. Berry Thos, Walton st Eustace Wm, Walton st Willison J no, ·w alton st Canal, o/c, Carriers. Landon W & I, Walton st Parker J H, Cambridge st Ga1'[Jenter.-'Vhite Thos, Castle st Cheese Factor. Hyde Thos, Market sq Chemists and Dr~sts. Cheney Holmes, Mkt sq Harrison Edward, Market sq Lines E D, Kin!!sbury Loggin Fredk, Market sq China, <S-e, Dealers, Clad~ James' Temple st Dukes "\Vm, Market pi Clothes Dealers. Arnold J olm, Kingsbury Barnett Isaac, Cambridge st Dudley Wm, Walton st Elmes Frances, Temple st Sandford Wm, C~mbridg-e st Coaclt Builders. King Saml and Sons, New rd Mead John, Buckingham rd Coach Proprietor.-Parker J H, Cambridge st Coal Dealers. England Rebecca Walton st England Thos, Walton st Green Mary and Son, vValton st Holland Benjn, Walton st Owen J no, W alton st Smith Thos, Vl alton st Coal Mercltants.-Howard Joseph, \Valton st Shaw Josh, vValton st Whitehouse Josh, Walton st Coopct·s.-Jolly J oseph, New rd Scraggs Edward, Cambridge st Corn Dealers. England Thos, Walton st Holland Benjamin,Walton st Jackson Samuel, vV ebh, Thos, Market pl Curriers. Dickins W m, Back st Payne Phillips Senr, Temple st Payne John, New rd . Cutler. Walker Joseph, Temple st Drapers. Kirby Wm, Temples~ 12 ' Avr.ESBURY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Dmpe1·s. March Wm, Market sq Pollden Richard, Market sq Reid David, Market sq White John, Market sq White W m, Kings bury Engraver.-Field Thos, Market sq Farrier. Gray Richard, W alton Fellmongers. Hobley T9 Kingsbury Shewen John, Walton st Fishmonger. Collett, Thos, Market st Fruiterer- Beales John, Cambridge st Gm·dener. Thorpe Henry Cambridge st Glover. George John, Wait on st Pearce Wm, Camb1·id~e street Gt·ocers <S- Tea Dealers. Adcock S, Market pi Chapman George, Kingsbury Churchill John, Market sq Collings Thomas Geo, Kings bury Ford Henry, Market sq Garner Thos, W alton st Gunn John, Market pl Hewitt Margaret, Back st Homeyer W m, Walton st Hyde Thos, Market sq Thorp Robert, Temple sq Wheeler Robert, Bourbon st Gunsmith.-Stone John, Market pl Haberdashet·s. Aston W G, Market pi Atkins William, Cambridge st Hair Dressers. Ames Thos, Ma.rket sq Ames Thomas, Silver st De Fraine Market sq De Fraine J oseph, Dixon J ames, Cambridge st l\Iuddiman Joseph, Market sq N orris Chas, Kin~sbury Simons Joseph T, Market st Hatter. Elmes Francis, Temple st Hay Dealer. Lines Wm, Walton st Hemp Manufacturer. Cheese Wm, "\Valfon st Hop Merchant Hyde Thos, Market sq Iron Foundet·.-Bridger Sam, Buckingham rd lronmongers.-Deve1·ell Thos, Kin~sbury "' Seymour Sylvanus, Kingsbury Jewellers. Leoney John, Market sq May J ames, Market sq Land Surveyor.-Cole George, Church st Linen Draper. Payne Philip, Market st Livet·y Stables.-,Johnson Charles Green end Malster. Farmbrough W m, Castle st .llfiller.-Turpin Thos, Aylesbury Mill Milliners ~ D1·ess Makers.-Cato Mrs, Temple ~t Cnrtis Miss, Silver st Medhurst Charles, Kingsbnry Miller Caroline, Market sq 1'aylor S, Whitehall st Nursery <S- Seedsmen. Fraser Margt, Temple st Mavor Alex, Market pl Painter Omamental. Hodgkins W{ll, New rd Pastt·y Cooks <S-e. Castle Wm B, Cambridge st Garner J osh, Market sq Wyatt Charles, Silver st Pawnbrokers. Gibbs & Sons, M a1·ket pl Physician Edmonds W m, M D Cambridge st Pig Dealer.-Hig-gins Thos, Church row Plumbers~ Glaziers. Curtis Eliz &Son, Silver st Gibbons J ames, Green end Goss Thos, Kingsbury Stevens Wm, \Valton st 'V ard Thos, Market sq W oodman George, Castle st Printers. Marsball Ja~ Hen, Temple st •

·AYLESBURY, &c. BUCKS. AYLESBURY CLASSIFICA.TION, continued. 1 AYLESBURY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Printers.-May James, Market sq Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses •. - Woodman Wm, Back st Nag's Head, Gregory Geo, Cambridge st Prq(ess01· of Music. Redhead Ed wd, Church st Oxford .A1·ms, England Rebecca, Mrkt sq Saddlers~Harness Makers. Plough Inn, Mead Mich, Buckingham rd Bradford Thos, New rd Queen's Head, Bull Edmund, Temple sq Smith Matthew, Kingsbury Red Cow, ·white William, Buckingham rd Stevens Thos, Market sq Red Lion Coml Inn, Evans J no, Kings bury Wootton Lawrence, Market sq Rising Sun, Bowler Thos, Oxford st Salt Merchant. Howard J oseph, Walton st Royal Oak, Gulliver Henry, Kings bury Schools, Ladies. Bartlett Mrs, Church st Saracen's Head, Weston Jas, Green End Turner Mrs & Miss, Parsons Fee Skip, Fountain Jno, "\V;1lton st Slwpkeepers.-Burrows Robert, New rd Two Brewers. Mayne Samuel, Back st Carter Elizabeth, Whitehall st Unicorn, Lovegrove Thos. Walton st De Frane, Walton st White Hart Comcial Inn~ Royal Posting Edwin .John, Kingsbury House, Fowler J. Kearsley, Market sq Gates Joseph, Castle st White Horse, Barton Richd, Market sq Goodey Mary, New rd White Lion, Ward Jesse, Castle st Hill Robert, Cambridge st White Swan, Sniith Thos, Walton st Silversmith. Field Thos, Market sq Timber Merchant.-Gurney Jas, Walton st Slater. Shaw Jas. Walton st Tinman. Sharpe Cyrus, Vvalton st Soliciturs. Branscomb & Benson, Church st Tobaccon-ist. Davis Jno, Market sq Brooks Jno. Wntton st. Toy Dealer. Green William, New rd Bull Edwin, Temple sq Upholsteret·s ~ Cabinet Makers.- Hatton Henry, New rd GiLbs Samuel, Market pl James James, Temple sq .Jackson Frances, Buckingham rd Prickett Edwd., Walton st Umbrella Maker. Lazarus Saml, Camh1·idge st Rose Joseph, Church st Veterinary Surgeon. Lepper Henry, Walton ~t Sharp George, Silver st T¥atch 1l1akers. Field Thomas, Market sq Stone A. Buckingham d Hindes Wm. Henry, Market st St(me and Marble Masons.--Layt J os. W alton st. Rod well William, Church row Thompson Wm, Kingsbury Simpson James, Castle st Tomes Wm, Hog la Stone John, Market pl Straw Hat Makers.-Elmes Mrs, Cambridge st Tooley Geo. Walton st Impey Mrs, Kingsbury Weatlter-glass Manufacturer.-Leone J. Mrkt sq Lock Mrs, Castle st Wharfinger. Wells Geo, Vv alton st Sear Mrs, Temple st Wheelwrights. Knight John, Bourbon st Surgeons. Bird Henry, Walton st Smith William, Buekingham rd Ceely R. & J. H, Market sq Wllitesmiths. Neale Robert, Temple st Hayward Henry. Buckingham rd Wine Merchant. Dell John, Bourbon st Marshall J. A. Temple sq Woollen Draper. Payne Philip, Market sq Terry Chas. M, Church st Surveyor. Ball J ames, Buckingham rd Tailors. Collins W m, New rd Connor Michael, Kingsbury Gilbert Edwd, Silver st Gould John, Temple st Hinton Edward, BoUt'bon st Wood N athaniel, Bourbon st Tallow Chandler.-Chnrchill John, Market sq Taverns, Inns, and Public H ouset :·- Anchor, Lawrence Geo, Watton st Angel Inn, Stone W m, Kings bury Bean Inn, W ootton Thomas, W atton st Bell Inn, Gurney J no. Market sq Bell Inn, Gm·ney J no. Walton st Black Horse, Biggs, Samuel, Castle st Black Swan, Judge August us, Kings bury Bricklayers' Arms, Holly man J, Walton st Bucking/tt.J,m Arms, Chilton Wm, Buckingham rd Bull's Head Coml Inn, Terry T, Market sq Chandos Arms, Collings Thos G, New rd Coach and Horses, Plater Rd, Market sq Cock Inn, Hill Susannah, Kingsbury Cross Keys, Markham Benj. Market sq Crown Comllnn, Margesson A, Market pi Dark Lanthorn, Holland Benj, Silver st George Ilotel Commercial Inn ~ Posting House, Bennett Helen, Market sq Green Man~ Still, Berry J. T, Market sq Greyhound Inn, Ivatts J os, Mat ket pl Ilarrow Inn, Barnes John, Back st WHITCHURCH, Abrahall, Edward •••••.••••.•••••.•.• Grocer Alderman William .........•..•..•••. Cooper Archer Rev. Thomas ...•••.••••..••.... Vicar Barnard S .•.....•. , •.••... Grocer and Dt·aper Bates John .•.....••..•..•••...•••. Carpenter Beasley Ant hony ...•..••..••..•....•. Cooper Blowfield William. . . . . . . • . . ..•.•. Blacksmith Bond Thomas . ......................... Baker Brooks Honor ......•.........•... Dressmaker Cheshire George ........... , .... White Swan Chilton George. . . . • . . . . • ••...•..• Shoemaker Cleaver J ames .•.....•..•••..•• , .••••• Grocer Clarke John ....................... , .. Baker Collins J olm, •..••...•...•..•••..•.•.. Tailor Cook Step hen .••.......•••. Crown and Thistle Dorman Henry .......••.•••..•... Shoemaker Durley Mary .............•.. Ladies' Seminary Foscut Mary ...•.•.... Grocer and Ironmonger Fowler Mary ..••••.•.. Grocer and Flour Dealer Grace William ••••••.•..•.•.•••••• Bricklayer Harding John .................... Blacksmith Hawkins William .....••.•....•.•.•••. Grocer Haw kins William .••••••. Plumber and Glazier Hedges J ames .••..•••.•••.•• , ••••.. Butcher Hill J oseph ...................... Shopkeeper Holloway R. White Horse Inn, & Comml-House . Holloway Robert •.•..••.•.••.••• Wheelwright Horwood George .••.•••••••••••••••••• Baker H~lt John ... , . ....................... J3aker Keinch Daniel, ••••.•••••••••..•••.•. Butcher l!l

Bl1CkS. BEACONSFIELD. I(einch Thomas. • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• Butcher Keinch William ••••••••• Butcher and Mealman Kennings John ••.••••••••••..•• Collar Maker Mat hews Thomas •••.•• , ••••••• · ••. Shoemaker Nixon • • • , ••.•.••••.••••••••• Silk Thrower Osborn Benjamin •..•••...•••.•.•.•. Cock Inn Priest D . .•..... , •... ,. .....•...•...•. Draper Rickard Ann ••••••.• , •••..••• , • •••••• Grocer Rickard J oseph •••. , •.•••••••••••.• Carpenter Rose John .•••••• , •.••••.•• , •••••••• Butcher Spencer Charles •••.•.••••••••••••••• Surg-eon Tattam Henry. • . • • • • • • • ••••••• , •••••• Tailor Welch Frederick. , ••••••••••••.•••.• Butcher Welch Richard. . . . • • • • • • •••••••••. Carpenter Welch Thomas .••.•.••.. , •••....•• Bricklayer Wilson Jo~iah •.••• Plasterer and Beer Retailer W oodman Thomas, .••••••••.••• Schoolmaster Woods J ames .••••.•••••. • ••• , •••••••• Miller Post-Office. Holloway Robert, Receiving House J ... etters received from Aylesbury, 9 morning Ditto dispatched to Aylesbury, 4 afternoon Coaches and Carriers. SEE AYLESBURY LIST BEACONSPIELD. THE parish of Beaconsfield contains 3,710 acres; assessed to the Property Tax, in 1815, at 5,924l. The population was returned in 1831 at 1,763. The benefice was, in 183 4~ returned as of the yearly value of 855l. ; in the presentatiort of Magdale n College, Oxford. The benefice formerly belon~ed to an Augustine monastery, at Burnham, founded in 1165; the revenue cf which, at its dissolution, amounted to 9ll. 6s. lld. per annum. The church is 231 miles from Oxford-street, on the road from Uxbridge, through Wycombe to Oxford; &c. The town is on high ground, and probably derived its name from a beacon erected in its vicinity. It has a market on Thursdays, and annual fairs on the 13th of February, and Holy Thursday. Beaconsfield has notoriety from Gregories in its vicinity, having been the residence of Edmund Burke. He was buried in the church at Bea.: consfield, which contains a mural tablet to his memory. The town has a very cheerful and agreeable appearance. It is included in the parochial union of Amersham. Name, Residence, & Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION ofTRADES in page 15. Ainsworth J ames, London end •..••..... Baker Beckett Richard, do •..••••••.. Retailer of Beer Birch G, Aylesbury st .•••..••.••. Shoemaker Blackwell John, Aylesbury end ••. Beer Retailer Black well Sarah, do .••.•••.....• Beer Retailer B\ake D, Windsor st . . Greyhound Inn&; Tr Dlr Blake S, Wycombe end . • Btchr, Grcr, and Chsmr Blinko Wm •..•.•...... Salesman and Butcher Bodd:Y J ~mes, London end •••••.••. Corn Chdlr Boddy Mrs Eliz, do •••••••••.• Boarding School Box W m, do ........................ Clothier 'Bradford Rev Wm •••..•.. Academy, Magistrate Brooks Thos, Market pl •••••.•••••••••• Baker Burrows Wm, Wycombe end .••••••••.••. Tailor Butler W T .•..••.•.•.•• Stationer and Chemist Carrad H, Wycombe end . .• Grcr and Cheesemgr Carrad Henry, do •.•••.••••••••. Plumber, &c. Chaptnan Wm, Windsar$t, .• Straw BonnetMkr Chapman Ts, Windsor st •• Bricklyr & Br Retlr Charsley and Parton, London end • Solicitors and Commissioners for administering Affidavits Child W, fVindsor st ~· Wycombe end ••• Timber Dealer and Builder Clements A, Windsor st . , •. Grocer and Chsmg;r Clifford and Williams, do • Brewers and Maltsters Clifford J ames, Aylesbury st ••••. Beer Retailer Clifford W, London end.Sadler and Harness Mkr Constable Thos, do . •.•••••.••.•• Linen Draper Cox Ann, do ..••.•• , •••. , •••.••••••• Milliner Cox S, Aylesbury end • . , , ..••••.. Beet Retailer Crick J, London end . . Grocer and Cheesemonger Dormer John, do . •••. , ••. Boot and Shoemaker Dulley F, Wycombe end . . Grocer and Cheesemgr Dupre J, Esq, Wilton pk •••• Acting Magistrate Everett Thos,London end .• Ironmongr and Coopr Everett W m, do . .•••••••.• Tin man and Brazier Fowler Wm, Aylesbury end .. Gros and Tlw Chnr Frank! in S, Wycorhbe end • . China and Glass Dlr Green field Thos, do . ••••.••••• ' •••• George Inn Gregoty George; Windsor $t ••••• , . •..• Bute het Grimmett Josh, London end .•••••• , .. Old Swan Grove George, Aylesbury st ••• , •.• Wheelwright Grove Edmd, London end . •••• , • Coal Merchant Hailey Thos~ IYindsor st •.• .•••.• Wheelwright Hall Wm .•.•••••• , ••.•••• Saracens Head Inn Harding S, London end . • Grocer and Cheesemgr Hardin~ Wm, do •• ,., •.••••••••.• ,., • • Baker Hare Mary, do .••••• , Grocer and Cheesemonger Hatton G, Market pl •• Stationer and Hair Dresr Herbert Richd, Wycombe end •• • Cross Keys Inn Hervey W m, do .•••. Grocer and Corn Chandler Hirst Jame~, do , ••.•• Watch and Clock Makel' Hitchcock J, do . ••••••••• , , ••••• Beer Retailer Hitchcock J W, London end ••••••••• • Plumber H utcheson Mary, do ••••••••••••• White Horse Hutchinson J. Surgeon, & Registr of Births and Marriages Jackson J, London end •• Ironmongerand Watchr Joseph John, Aylesbury end ••••• Weavers Arms Lacey J, Windsor st •••••• Boot and Shoemaker Le win W :tn, Aylesbury st ••••••••• Beer Retailer Lipscombe J, Aylesbury end •••• , ...... . Butcher Lipscombe J oseph, do •••• , ••••.• Old Elm Tree Lipscombe Wm, do., •. , •••. • Butcher and Hare Lovell J, fVycombe end ••• Boot and Shoemaker Lovett David, do •• , ••.•••••• Smith and Farrier Mead William, London end •••••••• , •• Butcher Millett Mad, do . , •..•••••••• Ladies'·seminary • • Mills J, Aylesbury end . .•••.••• White Hart Inn N eale Rev E, Taplow ••.•••• Acting Ma~istrate Neighbour Edmund ............ , .•• Tailor, &c. Neighbour J, Market pl • . Grocer& Cheesemngr Price John, London end • .••••.••.••.•.• Miller Ranee J oseph, do •••••.•••••••• Bricklayer, &c. Rumsey & Son, do,., •• •••••.••••••• Surgeons Spting John, Aylesbury end.,., .Carpent(>r, &c. Stanley , Wycombe end •••• , ••• Linen Draper Streeting Mary, London end •••••••••.•. Baker Tredway S, Wi'ndsor st .•••••••••••••••• Baker Tredway W, London end. , Linen Draper & Shoe Warehouse Tripp Wm, Wycombeend •• , ••••• • Beer Retailer Wade D and C .•. , .•••.•••••••••••• Milliners Wade M ••••••..••••• Grocer and Cheesemonger W W m, Windsor st •.•••••••• Patten Maker Wells John, London end • ••••••••..•••.• Tailor West Tho~. Aylesbury end •• , .•••• Beer Retailer Willianls J, W"'indtwr st •• Agt for County Herald and Chronicle Office, and Corn Dealer Williamson C •••• V oterinary Surgeon and Smith Wright Chas •• ,., .•• Grocer and Cheesemonger

BEACONSFIELD. BUCKS. Post Office, BEACONSFIELD CLASSIFICATION, continued. E tt Th R • · h Beer Retailers. Tripp W, Wycombe end vere os •• ~.............. eceiVIng onse W Letters arriVe trotn Lontlon, night 11 ; dis- ells T, Aylesbury end patched morn.! bef. 4. Boot Makers.-Birch G, Aylesbury st Cross post from Amersham, r Aylesbury, Ches- Dormer J, London end ham, and Missenden, arrives night 1 o; IAl.cey J. Wmdsor st dispatched morn. 6, Lovett J, Wyco.mbe end A fi t f W · Tredway W, Wmdsor st oof pos h)m obtun arrl"'es night l p. 9 ; Brazier. Everett w, London end dispatched morn. 7. • Brewers.---Clifford and Williams, Windsor st Pubbc Officers. Bricklayers. Chapman T, Windsor st Bradford Rev. W M .......•.•...•• Magistrate Ranee J, London end Draper J Esq, and Neale Rev E ••. Actin!J' ditto Builder. Child W, Wycombe end Law Officers. o Butchers. Blinke w. . . Gregory G, Wmdsor st Charsley and Par low .••• CoJ?~ussi.oners for 3:d~ Lipscombe J, Aylesbury end . mimstermg affidavits Lipscombe W, do Charsley John. Coroner for the County an~ Clerk Mead w. London end . to Magistrates Carpenter. Spring J, Ay le~ bury E'nd Hutchmson John ••.••• Registrar of Births, &c. Cheesemongers. Blake S, Wycombe end Fire and Life Assurance Agents. Carrad H, do . . Clements Ann, Wmdsor st County. London end •••••••...• John Charsley Crick J London end York and North of England, ditto. Thos Everett Dalley F, Wycombe end Coach List. Harding S, London end With Time of Departure.from Beaconsfield to Ha;e Mary, do London, and Arrival from London. Neighbour J, Market pl Oxford, Age, White Hart, to London, daily, aft c:z . Wade M1 W T 3, Sun. ~xc.; from London, t bef. 4. ,z~mzst.-But er . Ditto, Blenheim, Saracen's Head, to London, aft. Chma. Dealer. Franklm S, Wycombe end i p. 1, daily, Sun. exc .• from London, aft. Clothzer.-Box W, London end ! p. I. . ' Coal Merchant.-Grove E, London end Thame, Taplins, White Hart, to London, Mon. Cooper.-Everett T, do Wed.-and Fri. motn~ i p. 11 ; from Lon- Cornchandlers. Boddy J, do don, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. morn. :1 p. 12. H~r':ey W, Wy.combe end bitto, Omnibus, ditto, to London, morn. 12, Mon. . Wilhams J. Wmdsor st Wed. and Fri.; from London, morn. 12, Farrzer Lovett D, Wycombe end Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Grocers.-Blake S, do Worcester, Royal Mail, Sm·acen's Head, to Lon- Carrad H, do . don, morn. 4, daily; from London, night Cl~ments Ann, Wmdsor st f bet: 11. Cnck J, Londoh end Ditto, Telegraph, ditto, to London, morn. 4, Dulley F, Wycombe end daily, Sun. exc. ; from London, night 8. Fowl~r W, Aylesbury end Wycombe, Harts, ditto, to .London, morn. ~ p. 9, Hardmg S, London end daily; from I. .. ondon, even. t p. 6. Hare Mary, Mary, do Ditto, To11ets, White Hart, to London, t p. 9, He~vey W, Wycombe end daily; from London, even. t p. 6. Neighbour J, Market pl Carriers. Wade M . Greenfield, George Inn, to London, Mon. and Gr~cer and Cheesemonger.--Wnght C Fri. aft. 5; from London, Wed. and Sun. Hazr Dresser. Hatton G, Market pi morn. 4. lronmonge1·s.-Everett T, London ellcl Grove, J. to London, Mon. and Thurs. aft. 5; re- J ackson J, do · turns Wed. and Sat. morn. 6. Linen Drapers.-Constable T, London end Johnson, Woodstock, George Inn, to J. .. ondon, Fox Ann, London end Wed. and Sun. aft. 5; from London, Tues. Stanley Wyc~mbe end and Fri. morn. 5. Tredway W, Wmdsor st Sheldon, W atlington, Cross Keys, to London, M~ltsters.-:Clifford & Williams, Windsor st Fri. morn. 4; from London, Tu. aj't. 4. Mzller. Price J, London end • • Milline1·s. Wade D and C Classdicatlon of Trades. Fatten Maker. Wade W, Windsor st Attorneys.-Cha1:sley and Pal'ton, London end Plumbe1·s, c8·c. Carrad H, Wycombe end Bakers. Ainsworth J, do Hitchcock J W, London end Brooks T, Market pl Saddler o/ Ha,rness Maker. Clifford W, J..ndn enll Harding W, London end Salesman. Blinke W Stl·eeting Mary, do School Gents. Bradford Rev W M Tredway S, Windsor st Schools Ladies.-Boddy Mrs E, London end Beer Retailers. Beckett R, J...ondon end Millet Mad, London end Blackwell J, Aylesbury end Smiths. I.ovett D, "\'Vycottibe end Chapman T, Windsor st Williarnson C Clifl'ord J, Aylesbury st Stationers. Butler W T Cox J, Aylesbury end Hatton G, Market pl Hitchcock J, Wycombe end Straw Bonnet Maker. Chapman M, Windsot st Lewin W, Aylesbury st Surgeon. Hutchinson J 1 t)

BUCKS. BUCKINGHAM, &c. BEACONSFIELD CLASSIFICATION, continued. Chew Thomas •••••.••••••••.••••• Shoemaker Surveyors. Rumsey and Son, London end Chew William .••••••••••••.•••• Parish Clerk Tailors. Burrows W, Wycombe end Clements Joseph .••••••••.•••••. Beer Retailer Neighbour E De lap, Col. LieutBow BJ"icknill. Ld of the Manor Wells J, London end Duncomb P. D .••.••.••••• ~.Lord of the Manor Tallow Chandler. Fowler W, Aylesbury end Fowles Rev ......................... Vicar Taverns & Public Houses: Garratt William, Bow Brickhill ••. Wheat Sheaf Cross Keys Inn, Herbert R, Wycombe end Gray William •••••...•••••..••.••.•••• Baker George Inn, Greenfield T, Wycombe end Groves William, Bow Brickhilt • •.•.••• Butcher Greyhound Inn, Blake D, Windsor st Harris John .•.••••••..•..•••••••. Shoe maker Hare, Lipscombe W, Aylesbury end Holton John, Bow Brickhill .•••••• Parish Clerk Old Elm 'free, Lipscombe J, Aylsbry end Linnell, John ...•••••••..••.••.••••. Butcher Old Swan, Grimmett J, London end Sanders Barnard .•••••••••. Dt·aper and Grocer Saracen's Head Inn, Hall Wm Smith Henry ...•...••.•..•. Duncomb'~ Arms Weaver's Arms, J oseph J, Aylesbury end Tansey John, Bow Brickhill •• ..•.. Shopkeeper Wnite Hart Inn, Mills J, do Thornton vVilliam........ . ...•••.•••. Miller White Horse, Hutcheson Mary, Lndn end Yates William, Bow Brickhill .•••.••••• Plough T~mber Dealer . . Child W, Windsor st LITTLE BRICKHILL Tmman.-Everett W, London end · ' Veterinary Surgeon-Williams C Arnold Hannah .•.•••••.•••••••. King's Arms Watch Makers.-Hirst J, ·wycombe end Bates-•.••.•...•.•.•.••••.••.....•. Saddlet· J ackson J, London end Bigg John. .. . . . • • • • . .. • . • • • •....• Green Man Wheelwrights.-Grove G, Aylesbury st Bird John •.•..•.. , Wheelwright and Red Lion Hailey T, Windsor st Bradshaw Anthony .••.•..••.•... Beer Retailer Gardner Richard ................. Shopheper Hitchcock John .••. White Lion Commercial Inn BRICK·HILL, GREAT & LITTLE, Jones Rev. Edward .•..••••.••••••...... Vicar & BOW BRICKHILL. J udkins Samuel,, .•.••.•.. Boot and Shoemaker GREAT BRICKHlLL, 3 miles S.E. from Fenny- King- Samuel. •.•.• ! ................. Maltster Stratford, stands on an eminence near the Lambert William ..••••••.••.• , ••.• Carpenter Birmingham road, on the south side, and still Parrott W"illiam .•••...••.•••.•••••••.•.. Bull nearer to the rail-road, from which it is seen to Peaks, John. . . • . . • • • • .••.••••.••.•.•. Baker ad vantage, crowning a wooded bdge. 0 n the Peaks W illiam .•.•.•..•.•••...•.•.... Grocer verge of the hill, westward, is Great Brick hill Peasnell ....•.....•.•••• Blacksmith and Swan house, the seat of P. P. Duncombe, Esq. patron Penrose Charles •..•••••••.•••..••.• Surgeon of the rectorial benefice, worth 125l. a year, the Perry John ...... , •••.••.••...•. Parish Clerk population in 1831 being 77 0. Pickering vVilliam .••.. , ...••....••. Academy Little Brickhill, on the Waning Street and Ratcliff\Vm. George Com.Inn &Posting-House great Birmingham road, is 43 miles north-west Read Ann ..•.•. , •• , ••.••...••• Queen's Head from London, 2 south-east from Fenny-Stratford, Sinfield J ames ...................... , . Grocer and 6 from the railroad station at I~eighton Stevenson,William ..••...•• Shoulder of Mutton Buzzard, and contains a population of 514. It is Tumey George .••.•••..•..•. , •..•••••. Baker a perpetual curacy in the peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury, annual value 119[. It ii'. Coach List. seated on another hill, a litHe in the rear of those SEE DuNSTABLE on which Great and Bow Brickhill stand, and BUCKINGHAM~ WITH MAID's-MORETON. obtaining between them a view of the well watered valley. In the reign ol Elizabeth this was a market and assize town of considerable importance, but the only remaining memorial of its former greatness is the adjacent Gallows Heath. BucKINGHAM, in the hundred of Buckingham Lace and straw are manufactmed here, and there is on the I~onrlon road to Birmingham, distant is a cattle fair on the 12th of May, and another 55-! miles N:W. from the Metropolis; from for cattle, hops, and cheese on the 29th of Winslow 61 N.W. from Bracldey 7i E, from October. Bicester, 12 N.E. from Stony-Stratford, 8! S.W. Bow Brickhill, 2 miles East from Fenny-Strat- from the Wolverton Station of the London and ford, and 8 north-we~t from Woburn, is a rectory Birmingham Railway 10 S.W. The town is worth 370l. a year, patron, Mrs. Davis; the nearly encompassed by a deep curve of the River population is 450. This village lies on the side Ouse, over w hi eh it has three stone bridges ; the of a steep elevation, and the church standing half houses, chiefly of brick, are irregularly scattered a mile above, is conspicuous at many miles dis- over a large extent of ground on the declivity tance. Lace and straw-plait are made here also, and foot of a hill. It contains no buildings of and the earth produces hat·d iron-stone used for any importance, except its church and bridges, building. These places are all in Newport the town-hall, and a house called Lambard's, hundred, and in the poor-law union of Newport- noted as having once been the residence of Ca· Pagnell. therine of Arragon, the first (~ueen of Henry VII I. and occupted fot• a few days by Charles I. Name, Residence, and Profession. when he e~tablished his head quarters here in GREAT BRICKHILL. 1644; the room in which his Majesty slept is still A dams, John. • • . • . . • • . • . . • • ..••.•. Red Lion called the king's chamber. The town is of con· Britten William, Bow Brickhill . .• , .•••.• Baker siderable antiquity, and is noted in the chmch Cherry, W •••••••••••.••.. Grocer and Draper history of the Saxon era, as the burial-place of an Chew T. Reg. ofBh~. & Dhs. for dist. of Newport infant saint, (Rum bold) who though he died lf\

BUCKINGHAM, &c. BUCKS. three days after his birth lived long enough, says a disfance displays a luxuriant mRss of foliage, the legend, to profess himself christian, perform interspersed with columns, obelisks and towers. miracles, and bequeath his body to the church at The grounds contain about four hundred acres, Buckingham. It was fortified by King Edward enclosed within a sunk fence, 'I(Vhich extends to a the elder, in 918, but nevertheless twice ravs.ged circumference of' nearly four miles, and are decoby the Danes within a century from that date. rated in the highest style of landscape gardening. It was made a mart for wool in the: reign of The entrance is very noble, the road passing Edward Ill but had so much declined in that of under a Corinthian arch~ sixty feet high, and as Henry VIII. as, amon~st other decayed cities many wide, affording a fine view of the house; and towns, to require rehef from Parliament. A the striking architectural and natural features of dreadful conflagration consumed R third part of the park, and the ornamental waters which form the town in 1724, and did considerable damage a considerable lake near the park· gate, then to its manufactures and trade, which have since, divide into two branches, and farther in the in some degree, revived; the sorting of wool, the interior, after falling over some artificial ruins, tanning of leather, and manufacture of lace, are again stretch into a broad expanse in front of the the chief employments of a population, which in mansion. The numerous objects of interest con1831 amounted to 3610 : there are three corn gregated within these bounds would far exceed mills on the Ouse, and several limestone quarries our limits even to notice: amon~st them are six m the vicinity of the town. A branch canal, 9 temples and five ornamental buildings called the miles in length, was carried from hence in 1801, rotunda, hermitage, castellated lodge, pebble to join the grand junction at Stony-Stratford. alcove, and Queen Charlotte's buildings; the The market is held on Saturdays. and there are latter erected in commemoration of the recovery eight fairs annually for the sale of cattle, sheep, of King George Ill. in 1789, and the conjugal arid horses; namely, on the 12th and 30th of virtues of his consort. But a peculiar feature of January, 6th of March, 6tl} of Mav, Thursday in these grounds is the portion denominated the Whitsun week, lOth of July, 4th of September, Elysian fields, where several of the ornamental and 2nd of October ; and 2 more on the Satur- temples are situated, peopled with innumerable day after Old Michaelmas Day, and on the 8th statues of heroes, poets, and philosophers, ancient of November, which are also for cattle, but the and modern. A Doric arch forms the entrance former is besides a statute, and the latter a from the parterre to this valley, which is watered cheese fair. The town is incorporated, and has by a sparkling rivulet, that takes its rise in an 17 councillors ; it possesses the county gaol, and artificial grotto composed of fossils, petrefactions, the summer assizes are held here. It is the pebbles~ flints and spars, and concealing in its centre of a poor law union, consisting of 28 bosom two marble basons from whence the water parishes within the county, and two in Oxford- flows, under the shade of a number of fine old shire. It returns two members to parliament, but trees, to the lake. A pillar 115 feet high, surthe limits of the borough have been considerably mounted by a fine statue of Lord Cobham, must increased by the Refm·m Act, and now include not be passed over, neither must the extreme several neighbouring villages; it is also a polling beauty of the parterres, groves of magnificent trees, place for the county. The living is a discharged undulating lawns, and extensive prospects. The vicarage, its income 230l., patron, the Duke of house is situated on an eminence, rising gradually Buckingham and Chandos. The old church of from the lake to the -south front, which measures St. Ptter and St. Paul having become entirely from east to west, including the offices in the dilapidated, was rebuilt in 1781, on an artificial wings, 916 feet, of which 454 feet in the centre mound, the site of the ancient castle. It is a include the principal apartments. These are prohandsome structure, erected chiefly by the libe- fusely ornamented, not only with sculpture and rality of the late Earl Temple, uncle to the Duke paintings by the first masters, valuable family of Buckingham. It is embellished by a tolerably and historical portraits, which are very numerous, good copy of Raphael's celebrated picture of the but by a great assemblage of objects of taste and transfiguration, presented for the altar-piece by interest of every description. ln the midst of the late Marquis of Buckingham, and the finest these luxnrit.!s of art and nature, 1he most distoned organ in the county. The area surround- tinguished poets and literati of the day were the ing the church is laid out in a pleasant walk, constant companions of Lord Cobham; and the planted with trees, and commands a good view names of Lyttelton, Chesterfield, Pope, with of the Ouse, and the fertile district around the Horace Walpole, and a multitude oflater worthies, burial-ground, lies about two hundred yards are closely associated with and commemorated south-west of the church, no interments being in its picturesque scenery. permitted within the church, nor nearer to it than M .uns'-MoRETON, also included by the Reform this ground. A free grammar school once ex- Act within the electoral borough of Buckingham isted here, endowed with some small legacies and &c., belonging to the same poor-law union, is donations, to which a good house and garden distant 1 mile N.E. from Buckingham. In 1831 was attached, but the office of schoolmaster in it contained 47 4 inhabitants. The living is a the gift of the corporation has become a sinecure. rectory, its present value is 2901.: patron, the There are also an endowed green-coat school for Rev. J. Long J.-ong, the Rector. The church, twenty-five boys, a. national school supported by St. Edmund's, a handsome structure of mixed subscription, in a handsome stone building, and Gothic and Norman architecture, was built in the two alms-houses, which maintain each six poor middle of the fifteenth century, by two maiden women. daughters of Lord Peover, from whom the village The chief attraction of this neighbourhood is the derives its cognomen. The River Ouse, and the magnificent mansion of the Duke of Bucking- Grand Junction Canal pass through the parish .. ham at Stowe, two miles distant, which has been the seat of the Temple family from the middle of •, ,, 3 ' , ' ' 3 the sixteenth century, The park seen from 17 Bucks.] · C

~pCJ(IN(1HAM1 &e. . ========================================~=================== Harrison James, Market sq . . White Ht Corn Inn Harrison James, JrJarket sq •• • Actnr, ~st Agent and Srvyr 11nd Agt to Roy Exch lnsrce Abbey Henry, Butcher rofO •••••••• Georg-e Inn Harrison Wm, North end •• Stone and Mble Msn Adams Martha, Well st •...•••••.•.. . Bull Inn Hatton and RaboJl The Misse~, Wed st •• Ladies Ad cock N, Red Lion Lane . . Boot and Shoe Mkr Boarding School Adcock Richd, Market sq .• • Boot and Shoe Mkr Hawkins, ,'fefferx, Well st •••••••• , •.•• • Grocer AlienS M, Castle st ••• Linen and Woln Draper Hawksley, Carohne, Well st •• , •• • Dress Maker Anderson Robt, Market Hill .•. Wine and Sp_1rit Hayne Richd, Brid~e st •••••••••••••••• Tailor . Merchant and Ta.1lor Hayward JaJlles ••••••••••••• • •••••••• Baker Na:p1eJ ~esid~n.ce, & frofessjop, See CLASSIFIJi"A'J'ION of TRADES, page 19. Andrews Rev W m, West st •. Chpln to the Duke Hayward Wm •.••••.••••• , •••• , • The Trooper ·of Buckin~ham, Vicar of Stow &; Magistrate Hearn and Nelson, West ~t . •••••.••• Solicitors Atkins Thos, North End .•••••••• • Boot Maker HearnThps, West st ••••• •••••••••••. Solicitor Barge Francis, Market sq .•. Grcr and Twl Chdlr Hedges Thos, Red Lion lane •••.•• Shoe Maker Barratt W m, Market sq . • Sdlr and Harness Mkr Herring ;r on as, North en(l •••••••• Beer Retailer Bartlett, Parrott and Hearn, Mkt pl .... Bankers Hill Samuel, North end ...••• Horse and Groom Bartlett and Co, New Wharf ..• Coal Merchants Hillier Josh1 Churcl, st ...••••.••••••• . Grocer Bartlett Thos, Prebend End •.••••. Woolstapler Holden Samuel, Church end ••••••. Brick Maker Bason Miss, Castle st . ...•.•• Straw Hat Maker Hollier Sophia, Market sq ••••••.• Post MistreSj Bason Richd, B1·istol hill . •.• Boot and Spoe Mr Holt John, Church st •.••.•.•.••••.• Plaisterer Batchelor George, Prebend end ..•• Painter and Hopkins Miss, Well st .•.•••.••• • Dress Maker Tomb Stone Cutter Hughes Robt, West st ... ••.••.•••.•••• Baker Bayliss Robt, Market sq •••• Grocer and Tea Dlr Humphreys Hum~hrey, Prebend end ••• Tanner, Ben nett C D, 1Vest st . •••.•. Grocer and Tea Dr Fell monger and Leather Seller Bennett James, 1Vell st ............... Farrier Jenkins John, Bristle hill .•..•..••••.• Brazier Brnnett Sophia, West st ••. Plumber and Glazi~r Jones J oseph, Church end .••••. .•.•••.• Tailor Biss Mary, Well st . ••.••••••••••••.••. Grocer King John, 1Vell st ••• Solctr and Clerk to Mg"sts Blackwell James, Market hill •••••. • Old Fleece and A~ent to Globe Insurance Office Blencoe Benjn Robt, Market sq ••• Wine and Spt Kirby John, Castle Mill .••.•••••••.•..• Miller Merchant Kirby John, Red Lion lane .•••.•..••.• • Millt'r Bt ad ford Henry, Market sq . . Ironmr and Sdsmn Kirhy Joseph, Market sq .. Linen and Woln Dpr .Brt:w~rton Elias, North end .. • Beer Retailt>r and Kirby Mary, Market ~·q •. Milliner and Dress Mr Mealman Ki1 by Wm, Market sq .... Baker and Confectinr Brittin Edwd, St John's Chapel ••. Schoolmaster Kirby Wm, Market hill .•• • Baker and Cornchdlr Burbidge Wm, North end ...••• Coal Merchant Lad, Wm, Well st •...•••.•..•.• , •••••• Ta1lor Burnett George, Church end .•..•• Beer Retailer Layton Mrs, Bristle kill ••.•.••.•.••.. 1\Iillin~:r Carter Richard, Market pi ..• . Agent to Clerical Lee Wm, Bristle hill .••.••.•••..•• Shopkeeper and Med;cal Life Insurce Company Liddington Ann, Bachelor"& row •.•••. Butcher Castle Wm, North end ••.....•.•••... . Cooper Long Rev. Market hill. ••...•.•••.. • Rector Chandler Richd, Market sq .• Prntr, Stainr, Bksr Long land Edw. Well st . .. Baker & Confectioner & Binder, and Ae:t to Cnty Fr &; Lf I nse l..averidge - Esq, Well st ••.•••.•. . Magistrate Chanbrill Hannah, Red Lion lane ••.••.. Baker Lloyd Miss ..•....•• Mistress of Infa.nt School Chaplin and King, PVest st .. Drapers and Mrcrs Markham Shem, North end .• Kin~'s Head Inn Clark T, Castle si .•..••.••..•..•••.•. . Tailor Martin W, West st .. . Dealer in Game & Farrier Clarke Susanna, North end . .•••.••••.. Grocer Matthew Ann, Red Lion la .. •••. Red Lion Inn Clqydon Susannah, North end •••.•.•• . Carrier Miles Wm, Bristle hill.· ..••.••. . Wheelwright Coutes, Nathl, North end •• • Grand Junction Inn M old J, & Stuchbery W, Wesl street .• Maltsters Coles Richd, Castle st .••.•.•.• •.. Watchmal{er M old John, West st .. ...•.•••..••...•• Builder Coles Samuel .•••••••.•••..•••••.••.•. Baker Mold Thomas, Red Lion la ..•• ~.Cabinet Makttr Compto~. Robt, Marke~ kill .• ..••. Hair Dresser N eal Chas, Bristle hill • ..•••••••.••.••• 'l:'a.ilor Comey :->tmon, Bankers row •..•• . Pump Maker Nelson Geo, Castle st ••.•••. , .•••.••. Sohmtor Oowley J no W, Well st •••.••••.••••. Solicitor Nelson Geo, Church st . •••••..•• Beer Retailer Cox Henry, Bris#e kill . ••••••• · . o Stay Maker N ewbery John •..•.. Master of National School Cross lVm, Bri.Ytle hill •••••••• Firework Maker Newman Wm, North end .•••••••.••••• Grocer Deeley Thos, Bristle hill •.•••.••..• The Nelson N orris John, Bridge st •••••• Grocer and Gilder Denne John; Welt st ................. Surgeon North Robert, Brzdge st ............. Butcher East Samuel, North end .•• Umbrla and Glv Mr Ovitts Chat, Castle st .• . Grocer & Spir~t Dealer Elkington Richd, Market hill •• Wne and Sp Met Packer Wm. Weslst .. Watch and Clock Maker Fellowes Capt John Paine Joc;eph, Bridg1 st •••••• ... , • Hair Dresser Field John, Banker's row •.••••••••••••. . Dyer Painter Timothy, Bridge st ••• ••.••••••••. Bell Fi~h Matthew, M(lrket hill .••.•••• • Slop Seller Parker J, Well st ••••. ••..••••• , •.••• Carrier Fountain Henry, North end .••••.•••. Gardener Parrott Geo, Es~, Castle farm, Agent to the Duke Franklin John, Red Lion lane •••..•. . Mealman uf Buckingham Franklin Thos, Red Lion lane .•• . Butchers Arms Prad John, Butcher's row ••..••.• Shop Keeper French Samuel, Bridge st •••••• Toy Warehouse Pittam H, Castle st •.• Woollen & J.inen Draper French Samuel Wm, Market hill .•• • Brazier and Pizzi and Cetti, Market sq, Silversmiths, Jewel~ Agent to the Phamix Life Office lers, and General Ironmongers French Wm, Market sq •• • Iro:qmonger and Hop Priest Richard, North end •.••••••••• • Old FoJ~: and Seed :Factor Proctor J, Wellst •••. ••••.••••• Wool pack Inn Garrett Frances,Nortk end ••••••.•••••• • Baker Radburn Wm, North end .• • Earthenware Dealer Gilkes Thorn~ Butcher's row .••••• Upholsterer Richard son Ann, Bridge 81 ••••••••• Two Swans Hadland J ames, Church st • ••••••••••.• Baker Richard son J no, Bridge 81 ••• •• ~ •••••. Saddler Harris John, Markel kill •••• Boot and Shoe Mr Richard son W m, North end, •••• , , , , , , M altster 18

BUffS. Ridgway Ann, Castle st •• Grocer and Te~ Dealer Royal Exchange, Market sq •••••• Jas Harrison Robert W m, School la ••.•••.•••••••••• Carrier Yorkshire, 1f?est st .•••••••••• W l1l Stallworthy Roberts ,John, West st •.•••••••••• King's Arms E • Ofli Rodnight Richard,Castle st •• Plumber & Glazier l!'c1se ce. Row ell J ames, Well sr: . ••••••••••.••• Organist Cob ha~ Arms, West st . Salmon W m, Wellst, •••••••••••••.•.• Saddler Pub he Officer, Well st .••••••••••• J no Kmg Sear John, Market hill ••..•••. The Royal Oak. fublic Schools. Sea ton John, Wellst • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • Baker Latin & Grammar School, St. Jokn'~ (Jhapel. Seaton John, West ~t ••• ·:Boot and Shoemaker Brittin Edwd •• ~ ........... , •••.• , •• Master Sheppard John. Bnstle ktll •.•... .•. The Crown National School S~illingford Esther, North end .•••.•• Poulterer N ewbery J no· ••••••• , •••••• , •••••• , Master S~lvester Rev Thos •.••.•..•.• : ••.••.• Cur~te Infant School. Suett Geo, Market sq . ••. Chemist and Druggist 11 d M" M" t Th T D 1 oy 1ss • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IS res~ Sloane omas, 1Vell st. • . • . • • . • • . . ea ea er • Smith Geo, 111m·ket sq, . .. China & Glass Dealer Coach List. Sm~th Geo, Market sq. Woollen Draper & :S:a!ter Union Railway coach, from Banbqr¥, calls at the Sm1th Henry, West st . .....•......... Sohmtor Cobham Arms every morq., and returns Smith Mary, Bristle st .••..••..... Shopkeeper the same even. Sun. exc~{:lted Smith Samuel, Mm·ket hill, Grocer & Tea Dealer To London (Old U11ion), every Mon. Wed. and South am and Has lop, West st • ..•.••• Surgeons Fri. morn., anci Shalworthy Wm, West st, Druggist& Bookseller, To Banbury, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. even., Sun· and Agent for the Yorkshire Fire and Life days excpt.; calls at the Cobham Arms Insurance Company To Northampton (Rising Sun} from 0-l:'ford,every Stanton W, Market sq. Watch and Clock Maker day, ll morn., and returns at 5 even., Stowe W m, and Srott, Castle st .• ..•. Surgeons Sun. excpt., calls at the Cobham Arms Stuchbery J & J, North end, Brewers & Maltstrs StQchbery M, E, and H., Market hill ... . Grocers Carriers List. Summerfield Josh, North end ...••••. . Butcher To London (Yolbys) Vlaggon, from the Swan and Summerfield Thos, Well st ••••••.•. Tailor and Castle, M on. Tues. Thurs. and Fri. morn., Draper at 8, and Sat. even. at 8 Swain Thos, West st . . Cob ham Arms Corn Inn, To Stony Stratford (S. Claydon) cart, from her Posting House, and Excise Office house, Tues. & Fri.; returns same day, & Tibb~tls W. H, ":ellst ... . Plumber and Gla~ier To Banbury, Mon. & ThQrs., return~ same day, & Toppmg Geo, Bndge st •... , ..••..•.•.. Tailor To Newport PagnJilll, Tue~. & Fn.! amf return Town Thomas, North end ....•......•. Cooper same days Treacher J, Castle st •. Swan & Castle Corn Inn To Stony Stratford (Wm Roberts), from his Turn ham John, Prebend end . .•.•.• Shopkeeper house, Tu. & Fri., & return same days, and U pstone John •..•.•••••.•••••.•••.••. Draper To Ban bury, Mon. & Th., and return same days Walker )V m, School la . ••...•••••.•.•. Currier Webb John, North encj .•..• ..••.•• Shoemaker Webb Josh, Market sq, Boot & Shoemaker, and MAID'S-MORETON, with BUCKINGHAM. Leather Seller Cherry Thomas ..•••.••..••.. , .. Beer Retailer Webh Isaac, West st .••• .. Boot and Shoemaker George Henry .•..••.•••..••••..• Wheatsheaf Webb Stephn, Red Lion la ........ • Shoemaker George Joqn. •t ................. Parish Clerk Webb Stephn, St Rimlet's la ••••••• Shoemaker Goode John .•.•..•••.•..•• .Buckingham Arms Wells Eliz, North end ...... ........ Old Angel Hotworth Rev .................. , .. Curate Wells Wm, North end ............ • Blacksmith Newman Job, .................... Shoemaker W estley E C, Not·th end •......•.••..• Builder Page J oseph. . • • • • • • • . • • • • . . . . • Wheelwright Wht>eler Abraham, Bristle hill .• . Basket Maker Roper Robert, Registrar of B'irths and Deaths Wheeler James, North end ••••.. Basket Maker for the Leckhampstead District White John, Bridge st . •••.••.•. Cabinet Maker Salmon Robert .•.••..•• , •••.••••.••. Butcher White John, Wellst •.••..••.. Upholsterer,&c. Warner John •. , ..••• , .............. Carrier White W m, "if'"ell st . •....•....•.•. Three Cups W ebb Robert. , ••. , .•••.••.•••••• Blacksmith Willmore E, Market sq, Builder & Cabinet Maker C h L' t Winmen Wm, B'l'istle hill ..•••••.. Farrier &c., oac IS • . Wooding A.nn, Prebend end., •••• • Dress Maker The Oxford Coach to Northampton daily, at Post Ofti.ce. Hollier Sophia, Market pl •••••••••••• Mistress Letters received from 6 morn.'and despatcheq to ditto, ~ p. 8 even. One delivery each day, 8 morn. about half-past 11, and back about 5 in the evening, through the village Carriers. SE¥ BuqnNGHAM. Classification of Trades. BUCKING }lAM. P t • H Agent to the Duke of Buckingham. Parrot Geo o~ 1ng ouse. . Esq, Castle farm Cobham Arms, West st ••••••••••• Thos Swam Auctioneer <S- Estate Agent.-Harrison J, Mkt sq Bankers. Bartlett, Parrott & Heath Bakers.-Chantrill Itannah, Red Lion la Fire & Life Asstf.rance Agents. · Clerical & Medical, Marker pl •..• Richd Carter County, Market pl •.•• , .•..••• ltichd Chandler Globe! Well st •..•••• , ••••..••.•.•. Jno King Phcemx, Market pl ••• 1 1 1 , • , Saml Wm Frencq C2 Coles Samuel Banett Frances, North end Hadland .r ames, Church st Hayward James Jlughes Robert, West st Kirby William, Market sq

BUCKS. BUCKINGHAM, &c. ============================-============================~ BucKINGHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Bakers.-Kirby William, Market hill Lon~Iand Edward, Well st Sea ton John, Well st Basket Makers.-Wheeler Abraham, Bristle hill 'Vheeler J ames, North end Beer Retailers.-Brewerton Elias, North end Burnett George, Church end Herring Jonas, North end Nelson- George, Church st Blacksmith, Wells William, Nm·th end Bookseller. Stallworthy William, West st Boot and Shoemakers. Ad~ock N, Red Lion lr Adcock Richard, Market sq Attkins, Thomas, North end Bason Richard, Bristle hill Harris John, Market hill Hedges Thomas, Red Lion la Seat on John, West st Webb John, North end Webb Joshua, Market sq Webb Isaac, West st 'V ebb Stephen, Red Lion ]a Webb Stephen, St Runlet's la Braziers.-French S W, Market hill J enkins John, Bristle hill Brewers. Stuchbery James and Josh, Nodh end Brick Maker.-Holden Samuel, Church end Builde1·s. Mold John, 'Vest st Westly E C, North end ·wmmore Elizabeth, Market sq Butchers.-Piddington Ann, Butcher's row North Robert, Bridge st Summerfield Joshua, North end Cabinet Makers. Mold Thomas, Red Lion la White John, Bridge st Willmore Elizabeth, Market sq Cm·riers. Clay don Susannah, N orfh end Parker J, Well st Robert William, School la. Chemists o/ Druggists. Sirett Geo, Market sq Stallworthy William, 'Vest st China~ Glass Dealer.- Smith George, Markt sq Coal Merchants.-Bartlett and Co, New whf Burbridge Wm, North end Coopers.-Castle Wm, North end Town Thomas, North end Cun-ier. Walker William, School la • Drapers, Mercers, ~c. Chaplin & King, W st st U pstone John " Dyer .. -Field John, Banl<ers row Barthenware Dealer. Radburn Wm, Nol'th end Farriers.-Bennett James, Well st Markham Shem, No1'1h end Winmen William, Bristle hill FireworkMaker. Cross William, Bristle hill Game Dealer. Martin, William, West st Gardener. Fountain Henry, North end Glove Manufacturer. East Samuel, North end Grocers ~ Tea Dealers.-Barge F, Market sq Hiss Mary, \V ell st Bayliss Robert, Market sq Bennett C D, West st Clarke Susannah, North end Hawkins J effery, Well st Hillier Joshua, Church st N ewman William, North end Norris John, Bridge st Ovitts Charlotte, Castle st Ridgway Ann, Castle st Smith Samuel, Market hili Stuchbury M E and R, Market hill Hair Dresse?·s.-Compton Robert, Market hill 20 BucKINGHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued, Paine Joshua, Bridge st Hatter, Smith Geo, Market sq Hop~ Seed Factor. French William, Market sq Iromnongers.-Bradford Henry, Market sq :French William, Market sq Pizzi and Cetti, Market square Jewellers. Pizzi and Cetti, Market sq Leather Sellers. H & H, Prebend end Webb, Joshua,~arketsq Linen and Woollen Drapers. Alien S M Cstl st Kirby Joseph, Market sq Pittman Henry, Castle st Maltsters.-Mold J and Stuchbery\V, West st Richardson William, North end Stuchbery James and Joshua, North end Mealmen. Brewerton Elias, North t:nd Frank! in John, Red Lion la ]~fillers. Kirby John, Castle Mill Kirby John, Red Lion la. Milliners~ Dress Makers. Hawkes C, \V ell st Hopkins Miss, Well st Kh·by Mary, Market sq Layton Mrs, Bristle hill Wooding Ann, Prebend end Organist. Rowell Ja.mes, Well st Painters, Plumbers, o/ Glaziers. Ba.tchel01· Geo, Prebend end Bennett Sophia, ·west st Rodnight Richard, Castle st Tibbetts W H, Well st Plasterer. Holt John, Church st Poulterer. Shillingford Esther, North end Printer.-Chandler Richard, Market sq Pump Maker. Corney Simon, Bankers ro\V Saddlers et Harness Makers. Barratt W, Mkt sq Richardson John, Bridge st Salmon William, 'V est st School, Ladies. Hatton and Ra.bon, the Mstrs Ladies' Boarding School, West st Seedsman.-Bradford Henry, Market sq Shopkeepet·s. Lee William, Bristle hill Pead John, Butcher's row Smith Mary, Bristle hill Turn ham J olm, Prebend end Silversmiths.-Pizzi and Cetti, Market sq Slop Seller.-Fish Matthew, Market hill Solicz'tor8.-Cowley, J. W, Well st Hearn and Nelson, West st Hea.rn Thos, West st King John, W eli st Nelson George, Castle st Smith Henry, West st Stationer, Bookseller and Binder, Chandler Richard, Market sq Stay Maker. Cox Henry, Bristle hill . . Stone und ~warble Mason. Harrison Wilham North end Straw Hat Maker.-Bason Miss, Castle st Surgeons. Del). ne John, Well st Southam and Haslop, West st Stowe Wm and Scott, Castle st Tailors and Drapers. Anderson Robert, Mkt hi Clark T, Castle st Haynes Richard, Bl'idge st Jones Joseph, Church end J .. ad Wn1, Well st N eal Charles, Bristle hill Summerfield Thos, Well st Topping George, Bridge st Tallow Cltandler.-'-Barge Francis, Market sq Tan11er ~ Fellmonget·. Humphreys llumphl·f, Prebend end

CHENIES. BUCKS. BucKINGHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Orkney, and the most southern of that pictuTaverns, Inns and Public Houses.- resque chain of parks which crown the hills above Bell, Painter Timothy, Bridge st the Thames from Woburn to Maidenhead. Bull Inn, A dams Martha, Well st • • Butcher's Arms, Franklin T Red Ln lane Name, Res1dence, and Profess1on. Cobham Arms Coml Inn and P8tg House Ash ton Chas ••.•••••••.•••••••••••••• Tailor and Excise Office, Swain Tho:;, West st Austin Sarah .•••••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Crown, Sheppard John, Bristle hill Bald win Benjn .•• Iron Founder & Agricultural George, Abhey Henry, Butcher's row Implement Manufacturer Grand Junction, Coates N athl, North end Ball John •••.•••••••••••••••••••.••• Saddler Horse ~ Groom, Hill Samue!, North end Barnett Richard ••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer King's Arms, Roberts John, West st Bennett Wm .•••••••••••••••••••••••.• Baker Kin~·s Head, Markham Shem, North end Braid Robert .•••••••••••••••••• CrispinArms Nelson, Deeley Thos, Bristle hill Briginshaw John •••.•••••••••••••••••. Baker Old Angel, Wells Elizabtth, North end Carter Rev Mr ••••••••• , ••••••••••••• Rector Old Fleece, Blackwel! Jas, Market hill Castle Laurence ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baker Old Fox,Priest I{ichard, North end Cleare Richard ....................... Butcher Red Lion, Matthews Ann, Red Lion lane Clover \V m .••••••••••••••••••.• Beer Retailer Royal Oak, Sear John, Market hill Cole Wm ..••.••••••••••..••••••• Blacksmith Swan and Castle, Treacher John, Castle st Cooper Thos •••••••.••••••••••••. George Inn Three Cups, White Wm, Well st Corderey J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Smith Trooper, Hayward William Crisp G W A ••••••••••• Chemist and Druggist Two Swans, Richardson Ann, Bridge st Gale J a cob ••••••••.•• • •••••••••••.••• Tailor 1-Vhite Ha1't, Harrison J ames, Market sq Goddard Geo .•••••••••••••••••• The Old Bells Wool pack, Proctor I, \V ell st Higgins Jas .•••••••••••••••.•••. Hair Cutter Tea Dealer.-Sloane Thos, 'V ell st , Hitch cock Maria ................. Plumber, &c Tomb Stone Cutter. Batchelor Geo.Prebd end Hood Thos .••••.•••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Toy Warehouse.- French Samuel, Bridge st Stoward Mary .••••.•.•••••••••••••••• Brewer Umbrella 1l1aker. East Samuel, North end Lane Joseph ••••.••••••••••••••• Wheelwright Upholstere1'. Gilkes Thos, Butcher's Row Lee Henry •••••••••.•••••••••••.•••. Butcher White John, Wells st Lee W m· .•••••••••.•••••••••••••• Bricklayer Watch Makers. Coles Richard, Castle st Long Daniel. •••••••••••••••••••••• Swan Inn Packer W m, West st Lovett Thos ••••••••••••••••••••.•• Carpenter Stanton W m, Market sq Lynch John ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carpenter Wheelwright. Mills Wm, Bristle hill Martin John ..•••••••••.•••••••• Beer Retailer Wine and Spirit !lferchants. Anderson Robert., Mackie • • • • • • ••.•.•••••••••••••• Saddler Market hill Medes Jas .•••• ~ ••••••••••••.••••••••. Smith Blencowe Benjn Robt, Market sq Moreton Jas •••••••••.•••••. Iron Founder, &c Elkington Richard, Market hill N ewsom Jas ••.•••..••••••••••••••. Plumber Ovitts Charlotte, Castle st Poole Geo •.••••.•••••••••..••.•••.••• Tailor TPoollen Draper.-Smith George, Market sq Pulbrook W .•••.•••••••.••••••••. Shoemaker Woo/stapler. Bartlett Thos, Prebend end Pulbrook Lot .•••••.•••••.•..•••.. Shoemaker Roberts Edward •••••••.••• Grocer and Draper Robarts Wm .. .......•............. Surgeon BURNI-IAM AND NEIGHBOUR- Stevens Henry •••.•••••••••••••. Beer Retailer HOOD Stratton Henry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Baker . • . . Style Henry . .................•....... Grocer BuRNHAH, m the Hundred ofBurnham, lies 1 m1le Till Henry ••••••••••••••••••••••. Shoemaker to the north of the Bath road, 2! north-east from Walker J oseph •••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer the Maidenhead, and 3 north-west from the SlotTgh Webb Jas ••.••••••••••••••••••••• Bricklayer station of the Great Western Railroad, 24 miles Webster John ............ Grass Seedsman, &c wes~ from London, 21 north-west from Eton, and Williams John .•• Registrar of Births and Deaths 5 miles south from Beaconsfield, and belongs to for 3rd District of the Eton Union the Eton poor law union. The village is large, Winch James •••••••• Grocer and cheesemonger and beautifully situated in the fertile neighbourhood of the Thames. It has 3 annual fairs, on Post. the 23rd of February, 1st of May, and 2nd of Oc- Swabey J •••••••••••.•.•••••••••••• Postman tober. St. Peter's church contains several monu- Letters are received from, and dispatched to ments deserving of notice. The parish is extensive Maidenhead, daily and contains 1,930 inhabitants, including the hamlets of .East Burn ham, Bright well, Cippenham and Boveney; the latter of which has a chapel of ease. It is a vicarage in the gift of Eton college, and its present annual value is 5051. An ancient moat is supposed to indicate the site of a Carriers. To Lof!don, (Austin & Toombs) from the Ge01·~e Inn, to 17 Old Change, Monday & Friday palace of the Mercian kings at Cippenham. King CHENIES lienry Ill. there signed the charter of Burnham abbey, of which there are still some remains a little Is a parish, containing 2,290 acres, assessed to the to the south of the Bath road. Near it stands Hun- Property Tax in 1815 at 2,400!. The population tercombe house, and this flourishing and beautiful was returned in 1831 at 649. The benefice was neighbourhood abounds with charmingly-situated in 1834 returned, under the head of Istchampstead \'illas, amonJ?:st them are Britwell Court, Burnham Chenies, as a rectory, of the annual value of 3801.; Grove, and Taplow Court, the seat of the earl o( in the presentation of the Duke of Bedford. Lord 21

BUCKS. CHESHAM. Wriothesley Russell is rector of Chenies, and also Chartridge, and Ash bridge, W. and N. W.; and of Streatham in Sttrrey. Chenies is a delight- Billington and Ashley-greeh, N. arid N.E., are fully secluded village, 3 miles west of Rick mans- hamlets of Cheshani. The town is agreeably seworth, on the road to Amersham, from which it eluded, in a valley, 3 miles N. of Amersham, or is distant 5 miles; it is bounded on the north by about 8 miles W.N.W. of Rickntansworth. Some the Cheshatn water, which separates it from the copidus springs near the town form a fine expanse chapelry of Flaurtden. It has been the place of or water, and aflerwards a stream running into interment bf the Russells for 250 years; the the Gade near Rickmansworth, workin~ several family were first created peers in 1538-9, by the paper and other mills on its course. Chesham title of Baton Russell of Cheyneys. Anne, has long been distinguished for its produce of Countess of Warwick, daughter of the second articles of beech-wood, such as malt-shovels, Earl of Bedtbtd, founded and endowed 10 alms- butchers' trays, bowls, &c. It formerly produced houses here in 1603 a lar!?.'e quantity of bobbin lace-a process of production now become extinct, consequent on the Name, Resident~, & Profession. introduction of the frame-lace. Straw plait and shoes are at present made; and a silk mill, Beeson George. • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • ··Baker worked by steam gives employment to about 200 · Beesot1 Henry· • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · lronmon~er and persons. It has 'a corn market on Wednesdays, . . . Underta~er and a general market, and for straw plait on SaBeesQn Wtlham .•• • ••• •. • • •• Smtth and Farner turdays, and annual fairs on the 21st April, 22nd Breed J a'!les • • • · • • • • • • • • • · • • • • • • • • • · Butc~er July, and 28th Sept ; the latter a statute fair. A Brown Ehzlh · • • • • · · • • · • • • · • • • • • • • • · • • Carrier national school is liberally supported· almshouses Brown T ... • • • · • • • • • • . • .. • • • • • • · · • · • · • • Gr?cer for four a~ed persons are endowed ~ith 35l. per Bryant Samuel ........... Carpenter and Jo1.nd· annum. The church is stately, and ther~ are four Clar.k Samuel.. · •• •. • •••. ··.···Beer Retailer or five dissenting- places of worship. The town Colhns John ••••••.••••• .'Boot and Shoemaker not being on any high road, occasions it to pos'less Dod~ George, .••••••• ~Iller and Paper Maker a quietude of character; it has nevertheless, a Glemster John ••• , ••• Bncklayer and Tea De~lt:r business-like and respectable country-town apHughes John •.•..•. • • .••. · • • · • • • • • · • • • T~1lor pearance. It is included in the parochial union Lancaster J ............... Carpenter and J omer of Amersham Markharrl Samuel .•••••••••••••• Beer Retailer ' Pope Eiizabeth ............. ~ ....... Poulterel· N R . d & i Pratt Thomas ••• , ••••.••••••..• Bedford Arms ame, es1 ence, Profess on. Sto~e Simeon •.•••.•. Grocer and Cheesemonger See CLASSIFICATION of TRADES, page 25. Whtte Mark ..•.•••• Groeer and Cheesemonger Worrall George •••.•••••••..•.•••• Millwright Adams J ames •••• Leather Cutter & Pawnbroker Adams Thomas ..••.•••. Grocer and 1'ea Dealer Adams T, Blucher st •••. ; •...•.••• . Shoemaker Post Office. Adarns T, Sen. High st .••• •••••. , • Shoemaker Pratt Thomas •.••••••.••...•• Receiving-house Allan .Geor~re, ditto ••.••• Chemist a~d Dru~gist Letters arrive from Watford, morn. at 8, and Allwright Henry·············· Retade~ of Beer are dispatched even. at 6• Andrews T, Church st. Surveyor, Appraiser and Broker ,..; • Andrews W, High st •. •.•• Surveyor and broker Coaches & ""'arr1ers. A re h er A G • • • • • d Ch . • • • • . rocer an eesemonger C . Archer William .••.•••••• ,.. , •••• , •• , Green Man See HESHAM. Archer H, Clturch st ••• Horse and Catllt! Dealer Aries George, Church st .• • Hairdresser & Broker Arnott J ames .•••••.••••• Boot and Shoemaker Arnott G, Church st .•..••.•••.•• , .Hairdresser CHESHAM. Asprey Thomas .••.• ~ •••••• Rope Manufacturer . Bald win Mary •••••••••••.•.. , .••••• Fruiterer TaE parish of CaEsHAM contains 11,880 acres; Baldwin William, Botley st • • Hen and Chickens assessed to the Property Tax in 18l5, at 15,656l. Ball Robert, Common mill •• ••••••.••••• Miller The population in 180 l was returned at 3,96 9, and Barnes A, Chartridge •• •••••••••• Beer Retailer in 1831 at 5,388. The benefice, rated in two me- Barnes F, ditto .•••• Carpenter and Beer Retailer dieties, Chesham Leicester and Chesham Owburn Ba.rnes J, Ashridge •••••. Blue Boar and Builder was in 1834 returned as vicarages, jointly, of the Barnes Mary .•••..••••••••••••• Queens Head yearly value of 462l.; in the presentation of the Barnes W •••.•••••••.•••••.••••• Seven Stars Duke of Bedford, who is impropriator of the great Barnes William,Market sq •••••••••••• Chequers tithes. CuEs HAM Bms, a mile south of the town Barney John, Ashridge .•••• .••••. Wheelwright of Chesham, contains 810 acres; assessed in 1815 Barratt C, Highat.Lea.ther Glove & Gaiter Maker at 1,186l. It has a donative chapel, returned in Batchellor, Ashley Green ••••• •.•• Rake Maker 1834 as of the yearly value of 125l.; in the pre- Batchellor W, Waterside ••••••••••••• Unicorrt ~entation also of t~e Duke of Bedford. LA TIMERs Beckley Ann, Botle'f! st . ••.•••••••••••.. Cro.wn 1s a cnapelry, I! mile S.E. of Chesham; returned Beckley W, Waterszde •••.•••••••• Beer Retader in 1834 also as a donative of the annual value of Bethtelt Henry ••••• , ••• Baker and Confectioner JOll.; in the presentation of the Earl of Bur- Birch Edwin ••••• Fly and Livery Stable Keeper lington, who, jointly with the Duke of Bedford, is Birdseye W, High st . • Royal Oak.& Corn Dealer returned as imprt>priator of this part of the parish. Brown J ames .•••••••••••••••••• Brush Maker W .ATERSIDE and BoT LET are hamlets within the Bruce William, High at. . • • • • ••••••••••• Cock limits of the chapelry of Latimers. Hundridge Busby Thomas,., •• , ••••• Boot and Shoemakef 22

~HE SHAM. BUCKS. ===========================:=====~======~=r========~ Btttcher W, High st . • Currier and teather Seller Glenister W, High st Saddle and Harness Maker Buttfield J. G, ditto: •••••••••••.•• Grocer and Gonun John ••••••• , • , , .••• , •••••••• Red Lion Cheesemonger Gomm John, High st ••• ,, •••••••• , •• • 13utcher CatlingThomas .•• , •••• 1 •••••• London Carrier Gomm T, Carpenter and Joiner and Vat and Cavendish Henry, High st. Furniture Warehouse . Coole:r; Maker Chester , do .• .•••••••••••• ~ 1 •• , • , • Solicitor Go mm William, High st •••••••••••••• Bqtcher Chilton H, Blucher st. Carpenter &Beer Retailer Gomme J. R, ditto~.Auctioneer & Estate Agent Chilton J •....• hP •••• , ............. Builder Grove G, Waterside. •, •• , ....... Fancy Turner Christmas W, High st . . Crown Commercial Inn Hall J, ditto ..•••• • ••.••••••• • 1.Gents. School .. and Licensed. to let Post Horses Hall Mrs •••.••..•.••• , • • •••• Ladies S~minary Climpson Thomas .. • ................. 'Butcher Harding J, High st ••••••• ~ •• Grocer and Baker CollierFrancis, High st .•• . Plumber and Glazier Harding Johl,l, Amy lane .•• •• 1 ••• Basket Maker Collins T, Straw Plait Dealer, and Manufacturer Hartnell , Townjieldyd.1 ••••.• Schoolmaster of Tuscan Straw Ha ward J, Church st . ..•.••..• ~ •••• C!l-rpenter Cook J, Market sq, ••.•.•••••.•• , .•••• , Ba~er Haw kes G, ditto •• B~ush Maker & Beer Reta1Jer Cook T. L ........... "i ................ Baker Hawk~s Edwi~, High st ... ......... ,. •.• Carrier Coughtrey Charles Htgn st1 1 Boot & Shoemaker Hawkms E, dltto .••.• •••••••••.• M1llmer, &c. Coughtrey George, Church st .•.••...•. Currier Hawkins S, ditto •..••. Watch and Clock Makel Coughtrey John. • . . . • . • • . • • • . .••.•. Academy Hawkins S, ditto •.•.••.••• ~: • ••••••• Gunsmith Cou~htrey J oseph •.••••.••• , •.•• Chair Turner Haycock M, ditto .••..••• • ~ ~ •.•• Licensed to let Cox Caleb, High st . .•••.•• chair Manufacturer Post Horses Cox William. j ••••••••• , ••• '.Retailer of Beer Hearn R, Market sq • • ) •.. Boot and Shot-maker Darvell Geor~e •.•••.•••••.••. Retailer of Beer Hepburn G,. t •••• One of Guardians of Chesham Darvell J, High st .•..•••.• ~ ••••..• ·• .Grocer District Darvell T, Church st. • • • • • . ••.••.••... Carrier Hepburn G, Hi'gh st. • • . • • • •• ; •••••• .,. • Tanner Darvell Thos, High st. Grocer and Cheesemonger Hepburn W, ditto .••••••. Printer and Stationer Darvell W, Church 8t .•• ••• ~ •.••••••••• Baker Hewett G, ditto •.••.. .•.•••.. ltl• ••• Shopkeeper Darvell William, High st •.••.• Manufacturer of Hewett Rev. T, Parsonage _hous8 ••..•••• Curate Tuscan Plait, Brewer, China and Glass Hibbert MissPs, High st . •••••. Ladies Seminary Dealer, and Grocer and Cheese monger Hill W, Waterside •• •..•••• Plait M11nufacturer Darvell W, Town field yd. Windsor Chair Manfc. Hodgson I B, .•.•..•••..•••••••••••• Surgeou Deeley B, ditto .••••• . Grocer and Cheesemonger Holloway J, Ashridge .•••• •...•••••••• Grocer Dell J 1 ditto . ..•••..•.•..•••.•..•••. Fruiterer Horn J. Hz't;h st ••• , •••• , •. Boot and Shoemaker Dwight Hannah, Portobello ••. ~,. ~. Grocer and Horne H, Botley st . .••• Brass and Iron Founder Publican Horwood Benj, Church st ••••••• • Beer Retailer East Ann ..... ................... Three Tuns Horwood C ..•.••.•..••.•..••••.•.. , Butcher East and Son, White hill •. Turners and Woocten Horwood Henry, High st •.• Waggon and Horses Ware Dealers Ho ward C .••.•.•. Bricklayer and Beer Retailer East E, High st ••••• Grocer, Cheesemonger, and Howard J .•••••.••••••••••.•. Cabinet Maker Beer Retailer Howard J .......••..••.•••.• Undertaker, &c. East Job •.•....•.•.• , •.•.•• ~ .•.•...•. Turner Ho ward P, Church st .•.••••••••• Beer Retailer, East Nath, High st • • General Wooden Ware D~aler in Tea, and Wgoden Ware Mnfr. Manufacturer, Beer Retailer, and Baker Ho ward W ..•.••..•••••• " ... Carver and Turner Edwards 'M, ditto, Grocer, Cheesemon~er and Ho ward W. J ..•..•.•••••••.••.•. Pawnbroker Tallow Chandler Howard W. sen .•.••..•••••••• .-..,. • •• Turner Elliott J. jun, London rd. oo~, ••••• Paper Maker Howe Jame~, Esq, Highst. Elliott Richard, Lower mill •• ••••. Paper Maker Humphres John, ditto •••••• ~ •••••• • Smith, &c. Elliott R. Germin st ••.•• •••••• Old Kings Arms Innes J, Superintendent of Chesham Dispensary Fane Thomas, Church st •.... Farrier and S~ith J anes W, Church st . .••••• Shovel Manufacturer Fassnidge Benjamin .•.• Carpenter and Agent to Jennings G, ditto .• • Gen. Wooden Ware Mnfctr the Imperial Insurance and Sub-distributor J ennings T .•••.•.••••••• Butchers' Tray Maker of Stamps, and Stationer . Johnson William .••••••••••••••• Linen Draper Fassnidge Thomas ••••••. ~ ••• ! ..•.• Carpenter Jones Daniel, do .• ••.••••••••• , ••••••• Tailor Field J, Chesham vale •. • Guardian of Chesham J ones D, High st •• ••••••••••••••••• . 1 • Tailor District Jordan T, do. . • • ••••••• Watch & Clock Maker Filby Freeman, Blucher st ••• Carpenter and Beer Kemp W m, Waterside ••••••••••• Beer Retailer Retailer King Francis, Blucher st ••• •••••• Wheelwright Flexman J oseph, Getmih ~t .• : ••••• Corn Dealer King W m, Botley st • •••••••• • ••• Wheelwright Flexman W, Chartridge .••••••••• . Corn Dealer King Wm, High st •••••••••••••••••• . Butcher Ford John, Waterside •• Builder and Black Horse Knight J, High st ••••• , ••••••••• Linen Draper Ford ~ Son, Auctioneers, Appraisers, Timber Knox W, do .••••.••• i •••• Grocer and Chemist Surveyors, Estate Agents, and General tacey W, do ••. •••• SaJdler and Harness Maker Accountants Lasenby Robert, do, •••••••• . George Coml. Inn Ford William. . • • • • • .. . • • • • •••. , ••• , . Builder Lewis G W, Church st . • • •••••••• Schoolmaster Ford W. Sen, Blucher st. Agt. for Norwich Union Loader Frederick, Church st •••••• Beer Retailer Ford W.jun, Highst ....... Registrar ofbirths towndes W A Esq ................ Magistrate and deaths for the Chesham district Marshall and Heath ••.•••••••••••••• Solicitors Fox Charlotte, Lords Mill, Chesham bois •• Miller Mayo Daniel. ••••••.•• • ............... TQrner Freeman Mary, Church st. • • • • . • . • • • . • Grocer Mayo J esse ••••••••.••••••.••••••••.• Turner Fuller Benjamin ••• , •• , • , ••• Acting Magistrate Mayo J, High st •.•• • Turner & Wdn Ware Mnf Fuller John ••• • •••• Chalybeate Mineral Springs Mayo M •.•••••.••••••••••••••• Beer Ret&iler Garratt John, High st •••••••.••••.•••• Tanner 'Mayo N, Church at •• • Beer Refailer and Butcher 23

BUCKS. CHESHAM ~========================-========================~ Michael A & Son, Germin st ••••.•• Watch and Clock :Makers Mills , Hi!(k st •••••••• , •••• Umbrella Maker Miller J as, do •••• ••••••••.• Hat Manufacturer Mills J .•.........•............ Tripe Dresser Morgan Jas, do .•....•...••••.••. . Shopkeeper Nash Fand Pater G, do •• Groc andTlow Chndlrs N ash Thos jun, and J ames, do .•• ...••• Brewers Nash Thos, do . . Linen Draper and Haberhasher '.N ash T, do . . One of the Gurdns of Chesham Dis Nash T G, Blucherst .••..• •...•• Brush Maker N eale S, •.•.•.• Veterinary Surgeon and Farrier N oah J as, Church st _ •• Gardener and Seedsman Old field Robert, High st . •••••••••• _ .. Butcher Old field Robert •.•.•.•••••••••.••. Nags Head Page Edmund, Blucher st •••.•••. • •• Blue Ball and Grocer and Cheesemonger Pope J oseph .•••••...•••••.•.••.••••• Turner Parminter Chas, London rd .•• Chalybeate Baths Parrot Francis, Blucher st . ••••..... Shoemaker Payne Benjn sen, Blucher &t •••. Linen Draper, & Undertaker Payne C. High st •••••. Grocer & Cheesemonger Leather Cutter and Boot and Shoemaker Payne G ••...••.•....•••..••••• Beer Retailer Payne George, High st . ••...•.•••..... Brewer Payne J, •..... ditto Tuscan and Straw Bonnet Mnfcturer Payne S, Church st • ••••••.•••••.••••• Butcher Payne William •••••.•.•••.••...•..•. Mermaid Payne W .......••••.••.. Boot and Shoemaker Pearsons John ••• , ••••••..•••••. Beer Retailer Philby Freeman. . • • • • . •..••••••. Beer Retailer Plato Philip ....•.... Grocer and Cheesemonger Plested Robert, .. IIJ:arket sq ... , • .... Beer Retailer Poole J ••. General Wooden Ware Manufacturer Pope J ames ....••..••••.••........•... Tailor PotterJ, Htde heath .. . Auctioneer and Appraiser Potter William, Blucher st .. ...•.. Plumber, &c. Priest D, Hit;h st ..... • Linen Draper and Hosier Pritchard , Botley st • •••••.•..•..•..•. Swan Pry or S, Esq, Hi'gh st . •..•••.•. Land Proprietor Putnam John •....•..•.•••..••. Corn Chandler Puddyfoot W, Ley kill . ••.•••.••.... Carpenter Quinnell M ...................... Pawnbroker Reading C, High st, Plait Dealer and Job Master Readmg E, Blucher st • ••••••.•.•.. Plait Dealer Reading George, dtito ••••..•..•• Retail Brewer and Boot and Shoemaker Reynolds N athaniel .•••.••..•..•..•... Turner Rt>ynolds W, Church st .Grocer & Cheesemonger Rt!ynoids W •...••.•••.•••••.•••••..• Turner Richards William .•••••.•.••••.•••.•••. Baker Rockshute T, London rd •• •••. , ••.•.. Silk Mills Rodgers M ...••..•••••••••. Smith and Farrier Rogers T, High st •••• ••.• Straw Bonnet Maker Rogers Wilham .•..••••••... Smith and Farrier Rose G .•••.••.•• ~ ••••• Ironmonger and Baker Rowles Frederick .•.•••.•••.•......•. Butcher Rumsey Henry, H1'gh st .• •••.• t ••••••• Surgeon Russt'll J oseph ........................ Tailor Saunders & Cavendish, H1'gh st.Auctioneers and Appraisers Saunders R, ditto . ••••• Tai!or and Beer Retailer Saunders W, Church st . ... Livery Stable Keeper Saunders William, High st . .•••.•..•.. Surgeon Saunders William, Botley st ••• Wheelwright and Blacksmith Saunders Eliz, High st . •••.••••... Ironmonger 'Sear Joseph, ditto .•••••.•.•.•••••.. •... Baker Sear Wi\11am, ditto •.••.. Glass and China Dealer Sedgwick E., •••• , •• Straw and Leg horn Maker 24 Seed wick G, Botley st • ••••••••••••••••• Baker Seedgwick J, Blucher st • ••••••••.•• Shoemaker Shrimpton Ann, High st •• • Straw Bonnet Maker Shute, Rock ....................... Silk Mills Sills, Benjamin •••••. Grocer and Cheesemonget Sills W, Church st •••••. Grocer and Poultryman Slipper, John, H1'gh st ••••••••••••••••• Tailor Smith, James, H1'gh st •••••••••••••••• Turner Smith, Michael.. Baker, Grocer & Cheesemonger Smith, R. Church st .• ••••.•••••• Basket. Maker Smith, Wm. Hideheath . •. Grocer & Beer Retailer Smith, Wm. Jun. Hideheath .••••••. Grocer and Beer Retailer Spicer, Robert, Germin st • ~ •••••• Beer Retailer Spicer, Wm. H1'gh st ••••• ••••.••• Beer Retailer Spratley, J. Higlt st ••••••..•••••. Chair Maker Spratley, Richd, High st •••••••••.•••. Butcher Spratley, William, ditto • ••••.•••. Beer Retailer Staple, Thomas, ditto ••.••••••••• Bricklayer & Tea Dealer Stevens, R.,Blackwell hall mill •• •. Paper MP.ker Stone, George, •••.••••••••...• , •••. Slopseller Stone, Steven, Blucher st .• •. Boot & Shoemaker Stone, Thomas, ditto . .•..••..••.••.. One Star Statford, Edmd, Church st . • Wooden Ware Manf Stratford, W ••.• General 'Vooden Ware Manufac Suthery, William, High st ...••••••.•• Sur~eon Tomlin, Nathan, Chesham Vale ••• • Black Horse Tomkins, London rd •... Corn & Seed Merchant Towers, H. High st . . Plumber, Painter & Glazier Tucker Wm. Chartridge, •.••.•••.•. Hat Maker Turner, Wm. Blucher st ..• ••.••...•• Bricklayer Treacher, J, Lattimer .• Cavendish Arms, Grocer and Cooper Ware, Charle.~,H1'gh st . •••••••••.••.•.. Baker Ware, Charles, Blucher st . •••.•.••..•• Butcher W ebb, Benjamin ....••.•.•••.....••••. Turner Webb, George, High st •. . Boot and Shoe Maker Webb, Robert •..•••••.•.• , ••... Brush Maker Webb, Thomas .....••.••••••..• Beer Retailer Webb, Treacher .................. Beer Retailer Weedon, Edward, High st . •.•••.. Wheelwright W eedon Francis .•.•••..•••••... Carpenter, &c White and Son .••.•••.•.•••.• Blacking Mal{ers White, J oseph, High st . ..••...•••• Pastrycook White hart, Wm. ditto • •.•.••.••••••.• Butcher Whit mall, John, ditto ..•••••. Tinman & Brazier Williams, John, ditto .•.••••...•• • Beer Retailer Win grove, Danid ..•..•••• Marine Store Dealer Wood hams, Wick ens, Cowcrojt ••.. Brickmaker Wright, George Baker, Grocer & Cheesemonger W right, Thomas •.•..•.. Carpenter and Builder W right, Thomas, Amy mill, Cltesham bois . . Miller Wyatt, Benj. Church st ••••••••••. Poultryman Wyatt, William. • ..••.•..••. Coach Proprietor and Posting House Post Office. Birch, Est her •.•.•.•.•.•••... Receiving House Letters from London arrive per mail cart, from Beaconsfield, morn. 8; d1spatcht>d even. s. Cross P' st from Amersham at 8, noon 12; dispatched aft. 4. Two deliveries daily 8, and l past 10 morning. Posting House. Wyatt Wm •••.••••••...•.•• Coach Proprietor Law Officers. Heath Josh .••..• Sec. to Inspectors for Li~hting Marshall,W. H .. Steward to the Chesham Manors

CHESHAM. BUCKS. Fire & Life Assurance Agents. CHESHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Crown .•• · •••••••••••••••••••••• J. R. Gomme Imperial. .•...••••••••••••.•... B. Fassnidge Norwich Union .•••••••••••• William Ford, sen Public Establishments. Excise Office, CltUrch st ••••••••.• W. Saunders Self-Supporting and Parochial Dispensary. Innes,John ••.•.•••••.•••••••. Superintendent Workhouse for Females, nr. Town bridge. Almshouses ..••••••.•••••••• Thomas Weedons Chalybeate Baths •••••••.••....• London Road Chalybeate Springs •••••.•• Fuller J, Proprieto1· Chapels. Dissenting. • • •...•.•••••••••••.••.•• High st Friends Meeting House .•••. , .••.••••..•. ditto General Baptist •.••.•..•.•••••• Burial ground Lower ditto ••.•.•.••.•••.••••••••• Town .field Upper ditto .••.•••••••.••.• ,. •••••••..•• ditto W esleyan. • • • • • . • • • . • • • • .. • • . • • • • • • Church st Public School. Chesham School for Boys, Town field yard. Hartnell, Mr ••••••.••••..•••••.••.••. 1\iaster Coach. Chesham, Accommodation, George Inn. To London, morn. ! p. 7, daily, Sun. exc. To London Villiager, from George Inn daily, t bef. 7 morn., and returns 8 even. Sunday excepted. Beer Retailers. Cox: Wm Barnes F, do Darwell Geo East E, High st East Nath, do Filby Freeman, Blucher st Hawkes G, Church st Horwood Benj, do Howard C Haw11rd P. do Loader Fred, do Mayo N, do Kemp Wm, Waterside Maye M Payne Geo, High st Pearsons John Philby Freeman Plested Robert, Market sq Saunders R, Hi~h st Smith Wm, Hide heath Smith W m jun, do Spicer Robt, -Germin st Spicer Wm, High st Spratley Wm, do vVebb Thos 'V ebb Treacher Williams John, High st Blacking Make1·. White and Son Boot and Sltoe Makers. Adams T, Blucher st Adams T sen, High st Carriers. Arnott J ames From Chesham to London. Bushby Thos Catling .••• 9 ••••••••••••••• M. vV. & Fr. aft. 2 ~oughtr:y Jhts, tHigh st Coughtrey ................... M. & Th. aft. 2. H earnJ ir ~ ~ sq Sils .•.••..•••••.••.•••..• M. & Th. morn. 12. p orn ·F Ig Bsl h t From Chesham to the unde1·mentioned places. arrott ras, uc er 8 Hemel Hempstead, Pope, Old Cltequers,Th. morn. Payne C, High st Payne W To He!el!l~mpstead & Tring Darvill T. Tues. Reading Geo, Blucher st and Fri. return same day. Seedgwick J, do I · h C d. h d. T 5 Stone Steven, do ,eJg ton, aven 1s , ztto .•.•.•••• u. morn. ·1 W bb G H" h t Wyc~om be, Cheese, Crown Inn . . W. & Sat. even. 6 • B v. e d eo,H Ig sH B tl t D"tt c ht 8 rass .1:oun er. orne , o ey s 1 u, oug rey •.•••.•••••.••••• • •• morn. . B D 11 W Ch h t rewers.- arwe m, urc s Classification of Trades. Nash Thos jun, and James, High st CHESHAM. Payne Geo, do Accountants.-Ford and Son Reading Geo, Blucher st Auctionee-rs, Appraisers,~ Estate Agents.- Brick Maker. Woodhams Wickens, Cowcroft Andrews T, Church st Bricklayers.-Howard C Andrews W, High st Staple Thos, High st Ford and Son Turner Wm, Blucher st Gomrne J R Brush Make1·s. Brown James • Pope J, Hide heath Hawkes G. Church st Saunders and Cavendish, High 5t Nash T G, Blucher st Bakers.-Bennett Hen Webb Robt Cook .J, Market sq Builders. Barnes J, Ashridge Cook T I.. Chilton J Darwell W, Church st Ford John, Waterside East Nath,High st Ford Wm Harding J, do Butchers.-Climpson Thomas Richards W Gomm John. High st Rose G Go mm W m, do Sear Jos, Botley st Horwood C Sedgwick G, do Kmg Wm, High st Smith Michael Mayo N, Church st Ware Chas, High st Oldfield Robt Wrhrht Geo Payne S, Church st Basket Make1·s. Harding John, Amy la Rowles Fred Smith R, Church st Spratley Rich, High st Beer Retailers. Allwright Hen, do Whiteheart Wm, do Barnes A, Chartridge Butchers' Tray Manf. Jennings T Chilton H, Bluchl!r st Cabinet Maker.--Howard J 25

BUCKS. CHESitAM. CHESBAM CLASSIFrCATION, continued. Carpenters, Barnes F, Chartridge Chilton H, Blucher st Fassnidge Benj Fassnidge Thos Filby Freeman, Blucher st Gomm T · Haward J, Church st Puddyfoot W, Ley hill W eedon Franc is Wright Thos Carriers, Catling Thos Coughtrey Geo, Church st Darvell T. do Hawkes Edwin, High st Carver.-Haward W Chair Manufacturers.-Cox Caleb, High st Darvell W, Town field yu Spratley J,, High st Chemists and D1-uggists.-Alfan Geo, do Knox W, do China and Glass Dealers.- Darvell Wm, Church st Sears Wm, Botley st Coach Proprietor. Wyatt Wm Confectioner. Bennett Hen Coopers.-Gomm T Treacher J Lattimer CM'n Dealer. J3irdseye , High st Flexman J osh, Germin st Flexman W, Chartridge Putman John Corn ~ Seed Merchant. Tomkins , london rd Cu,rrier o/ Leather Seller. Butcher W, High st Farriers and Smiths.-Fane T, Church st Humphres J ~High st Neale S, Rodgers M Ply Proprietor.-Birch Edwin Fruiterers.- Bald win Mary Dell J, High st Furniture Brokers,-Anclrews T, Church st Aries G, Church st Furniture Warehouse.-Cavendish R, High st Gardener and Seedsman. N oah J, Church st Glover and Leather Gaiter Manujadurer.- Barratt C, High st Grocers and Cheesemongers, Archer A. Buttfield J. G, H1gh st Darvell Thomas, do Darvell W, Church st Deeley B, High st East E, High st Edwards M, do. Payne C, High st Page E, Blucher st Plato Phillip Reynolds W, Church st SillsB Smith Michael Wright George Grocers and Tea Dealers. Adams Thomas Darvell J, High st Dwight Hannah, Portobello Harding J, High st Freeman Mary, Church st llolloway J, Ashridge Knox W, High st Nash F, & Pater G, do Sills W, Church st 1 Smith W, Hide Heath Smith W, jun, do Trea.cher and La.ttimer 26 CHESHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued. Gun Smith.-Hawkins S, Hi!!h st Haberdasher. Nash Thomas do Hair Dressers. Aries J C, Church st Arnott George, do Hat Manufacturers. Miller J, High st Tucker W, Charttidge Horse and C..,ttle Dealer.-Archer Henry, Church sq. Hosier.-Priest D, Hie:h st lronfounder. Horne H, Bosley st Ironmonger. Rose G Saunders Eliza, High st Job Master. Reading C, do Leather Cutter. Payne C, do LettPr Cutter. Adams J Licensed to let Post Horses .. -.. Christmas W, High st Haycock M, do Linen Drapers. Johnson W N ash T., High st Payne B, sen. Blucher st Priest D, High st Knight J, do Livery Stable Keepers. Birch Edwin Saunders W, Church st Mm·ine Store Dealer. Wingrove Daniel Millers. Ball Robert, Commoh Mill Fox Charlotte, Lord's Mill, Chesharn Bois Wright T, Amy Mill, do Milliner and Dress Maker. Hawkins E, High st Paper Makers. El1wtt J ~ jun, London rd Elliott J jun, London rd Elliott R, Lower Mill • Stevens R, B:ackwell Hall Mill Pastr'!}cook. White Joseph, H1gh st Pawnbrokers. A dams J atlles Howard W J Quinnell M Plumbers, Painters and Glaziers.- Colher F. High st Potter W. Blucher st Towers H, High st Poulteters.-Sills W. Church st Wyatt Benj, do Printer. Hepburn W, High st Rake Maker. Batchellor , Ashley green Rope Maker. Asprey Thomas Saddlers and Harness Makers.- Lacey W, High st Glenister W, High si Schools, Gent's. Coughtrey John I.ewis G W, Church st Hartnell, Townfield yard Hall J, Waterside Schools Ladies. Hibbert Misses, High st Hall Mrs. Watetside Seedsman. Noah J, Church st Snopkeepers. Morgan J, High st Hewett G, do Shovel Manufacturers. James W, Church st Silk Mills. Shute Rock Rockshute T, London rd Slopseller, Stone G Smith.- Saunders W, Botley st Solicitors.-Chester , High st Marshall and Heath Stationers. Hepburn W, High st Fassnidge Benjamin Straw and Tuscan Bonnet Makers Shrimpton Ann, High st Sedgwick E Payne J, H1gh st

cotN"nitobK. =============================================~ CHESHAM' CLASSIFICATION, continued. CHESHAM CLASSIFICATION, cofitinueJ. Straw and Tuscan Plait Man,ufacturers .. - 1Pheelwrights.-Saunders W, Botley st Darvell W, High st Weedon Edward, Hi~h st Collins T Wooden Ware Manufacturers .. - Reading C, High st East & Son; Whitehill Readipg E, Blucher st East N, High st Hill W, Waterside Howard P, Church st Su,rgeons. Suthrey W, High st Jennings G, do Saunders W, do Mayo J, High st Rumsey H, do Poole J Hodgson J B Stafford E, Church st Surveyors. Andrews w. High st Stratford W. Andrews T, Church st 1'imber Surveyors. Ford and Son Tailors. Slipper John, High st Pope James Russell J oseph Saunders H., High st Jones D, dd • J ones Daniel . Tallow Chandlers. Edwards M, High st Nash F, and Pater G, do Tanners. Garratt John, do Hepburn G, do Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses .. - Black Horse, Ford J, Watei-side Black Horse, 'l'omlin N, Chesham Vale Blue Ball, Page E, Blucher st Blue Boar, Barnes J, Ashbridge Cavendish Arms, Treachet J. Lattimer Chequers, Barnes ·w, Market sq Cock, Brnce W, High st Crown, Beckley Ann, Bot1ey st 'Crown Coml. Inn, Christmas W, High st George Commercial Inn, La.senby R, do Green Man, Archer 'V Hen and Chickens, Baldwin W, Botley st Mermaid, Payne William Old King's Arms, Elliott R, Gcrmin st One Star, Stone T, Blucher st Q:ueen'B Head, Ba.mes Mary Red Lion, Go mm J ohrt Royal Oak, Birdseye W, High st Seven Stars, Barnes W Swan, Pritchard , Botley st Three Tuns, East Ann Unicorn, Batchellor W, Wa.tetside Waggon and Horses, Horwood H,High st Tea Dealer. Staple T, do Tinman and Brazier. Whitmall J, do Tripe Dresser.Mills J, do Turners. Coughtrey J oseph East and Son, Whitehill East Job Grove G, Waterside Howard W, sen. Howard W Mayo D. Mayo J, High st Mayo Jesse Pope Joseph Reynolds N. 'Smith James, High st Webh Benja.min Umbrella Maker. Mills , High st Undertakers. Howard J Payne B. sen. Blucher st Watch and Clock Makers. Hawkins S. High st Jordan T. do Michael A. & Son, Germin st Wheelwrights. Barney J, Ashridge King Francis, Blucher st COLNBROOK Is a town on the line of road to Bath 16i miles from Hyde Park Corner; it derives its name from the ri verColne, which, from U xbridge to the ThameB at Staines, runs in two branches ; the most ea~terly divides the county of_Middlesex, from_Bucldngha!Ilshire. A small porhon of tbe town IS on the Middlesex side of the main stream, but the greater part is in Buckinghamshire, in the parishes of Horton, Iver, and Langley. The total population of these three parishes was, in 1831, 4,471 ; they contain together 10,570 acres : assessed t? the Property Tax in 1815 at 24,2921. Horton IS south of the road and I ver and Langley north of it. Colnhrook was 'formerly a market town, and has still two annual fairs, on the 5th of April and 3d of May; the street, extending for· a considerable distance along the road, is narrow. It has a chapel, re_.. turned in 1834 as a perpetual curacy, of the annual value of 1 03l.; in the presentation of trustees. At Wyrardisbury, or Wraysbury, a parish of 1610 acres, at the extreme south point ot Buckinghamshire, and on the north bank oft~eThames, opposite to Runnymede, are some extens1ve copper mtlls. Population ofWraysbury. 682. The village 9f Iver is 2& miles north of Colnbrook, on the bank of the western branch ofthe Colne, on which are extensive paper-mills ; it had formerly a. market, and has still an annual fair on the J Oth July. Queen Elizabeth and Oliver Cromwtll were both residents at Iver. The parish contains 5,140 acres; assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 at 13,1821. The benefice in 1834 was returned as a perpetual curacy, of the annual of J l5l.; in the presentation of the Right Hon. J. Sullivan, who 1s impropriator Qf the great tithes. Name, Residence, & Profession. Andrews, George ••••••..•••••••..••.•. Baker Andrews, Henry .•••••. Grocer & Cheesemon~er Angstone, Thomas •.••. ~ ••••..••• Beer Retailer Ash ton, John. , ..... , ........... Schoolmaster Bailey, W H .•.•••••••.••••• Tallow Chan~ler Bailey, WilUam ..••••.••••••.••• Beer Hetaller Barratt, E .•.....•.• , •....•.... Bricklayer, &c Barrow, Elizabeth •••••••••.••••.•.•. Stationer Bates, Richard ••••..••••• Catherine Wheel Inn Brown, George ••••••••••••.•••••••.•• Farrier Burridge, W A .•..• ~ •••• ~ ••••••••••• Surg:eon Cane, Isaa.c, Mill lane •••••••• , •••••.••• Miller Carr, J ames ••••••.•••.••••••..•••.•• Butcher Carter, Mrs ••••••••.•••••••••••••••. Midwife Chittle, Thomas .••••• • •••• Chemist & Druggist Cob bins, A W •••••.••••.•••••••••••••. Tailor Cooper, Thomas •••.••.•••••••• Harness MakeiCordrey, William •••••• • •••••• Smith & Farrier Cranswick, William ••••• • •••.••••••• Stationer Dalton, Riley •••••••••••••.•••••••• Chequers Domoney, T ' •••• ~ •••••••••• Straw Hat Maker 27

BUCKS. COLNBROOK. Duley,Robert., ••••••••••••••••. Kings Arm se Duley, William , .••••••••• , •••• , •. Millwright Earl, Robert ••••••••••••••••••.••• Hat Maker Earl, Robert .••••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Edwards, John •••••••••••••••.•••• Bricklayer Francis, William ~ •••••••••••• Smith & Farrier Gqddard, William .•••••••••••••••••••. Ostrich Goclling, William .••••.•.••.•••••. Punch Bow 1 Green, William, Mill lane •••••••• • Beer Retailer Gurney, M ~· •••••••••••••••••••• Stay 1\laker Gurney, Richard •••.••••••••.•••• Ironmonger Harris, J ames •.•••••••••.•••.••••• Black Boy Hibbert, E •.•••••••••••••.••• Harness l\Iaker Holderness, Alexander •.•••••••..• Ironmonger Holderness, John •••••••.•••••.••.•... Grocer Houlton, J •••••..••••.. Boot and Shoe Maker H urditch, Thomas .............. White Hart Inn Ibotson, R. & P. Poyle Mills, nr Colnb1·ook, Papermks. J ones, H ••.•.•••••••• Grocer & Cheesemonger Jones, Henry, •.•••.•••• Chemist and Druggist Kimber, Peter •••••••.•••..••.•••• Ironmonger Lawrence, J ••••••••••••••.•.•••. Corn Dealer J_,a\vrence, J ames •••••.•••.•••••••.. , . Brewer Marsh, Thomas •••..••.•.••••••••... Butcher Messer, Henry •••.••••••••.••..• Watchmaker Mole, Wm .................... Bricklayer, &c Moore, M ••.•.••••••••••... Straw Hat Maker Neale, Sarah ........................ Red Jjon Oak, Samuel. •••••.•••••..•.•.•. Hair Dresser Ogil wy, Thomas •••.•••.•.•.•••.•.••. Plumber Passingham, John .................... Butcher 'Passingham, William •••••.••••••• Wheelwright Plumridge, J ames •••••.•••.•••••.• , Carpenter Pond Francis ..•••••.•••••.•.•.•..•..• Baker Ratcliff, J. & R ..................... Butchers Rayner, Joseph ••••••••••••••••.. Corn Dealer Richardson J, •••••••. Grocer & Cheesemonger Richard son, J ames ••••...•. Corn & Coal Dealer Richardson J obn •••••••••••.•.••••.•.• Baker Roach, Robert ••••••••.•••••••.• Beer Retailer Roper, .John .•....••..•..•••...... Green Man Ruff', James ••.•..•••••.••••••••• Fishmonger Rycroft Charles •••.•••..•••.•••• Linen Draper Sanders, William ••••••••••••..••• George Inn Saun ders, J oseph •••..• Grocer & Cheesemonger Savage, Elizabeth •••.•••.•••.. Star and Garter Seward, E •....•..•....••.•..••• Hair Dresser Sherwin, William .•••••••.••••••••.•••• Baker Small, David ••.••••••.• Nursery and Seedsman Softley, Edward •.••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Steeden, William •••••••.•••••••••• Crown Inn Stransom, John •.••..•...••••••••.•..• Tailor Stretton, Jane ............... Golden Cross lnn Stringer & Co ...................... Clothiers Tatnell, J onathan .••..• , •.•.•.•.••••••• Tailor Teulon, Ehenezer •. Master of the British School Teulon, Eliza ..... Mistress of the British School Tripp, William •••••.•••••.••.•. Leather Seller Tucker, Robert ••••••••••• Boot and Shoemaker Turner, William ••.••••• , ••••••• Linen Draper Weston, Samuel •.•••••••••••.••• Plumber, &c Wiggins, J oseph ................ Whip 1\f aker Wiggins, M .•. , .•••.• Grocer and Cheesemonger Post Office. Bailey W H ........................ Post Office Letters from London arrive night, 10 min. p. 10; dispatched 29 min. p. 4 morn.; delivered morn. 8. Penny Post to Slough, Salt-hill, Farnham, Stoke, and West End, leaves ! p. 6 morn; arrives ! p, 8 even, .29 ' . ' . Fire and Life Assurance Agents. · Protector .••••••••.••••••••• John Holderness Son •••.•••••••••••••••••.•.•••. John Ash ton Public Establishment. Excise Office .••••••••••••••• White Hart Inn Public Schools. British School. Teulon Ji~benezer •••.••••.••.•••••••••• Master Teulon Eliza .•..••••...•••. , •••• , ••• Mistress Posting House. White Hart Inn •• , .••••••••.••• Thos H urditch Coach List. 1Fitk Time of Departure from Colnhrook to London, and An·i'lJalfrom London. Bath and Bristol, Regulator, George Inn, fo London, even. ! p. 6 daily; from London, morn. 8. Ditto, Old Company, Catherine Wheel, to J_,ondon, morn. ! p. 5 ; even. i p. 7; from London, morn. ~ p. 9, even. aft. ! p. 1. Ditto, Royal Mails, George Inn, to London, morn. ~ p. 4, daily ; from London, night, I 0. Cheltenham, Berkley Hunt, White Hart, to London. even. 6, daily; from London, morn. ! p. 1 0. Gloucester, Royal Mail, George Inn, to London, morn.! p. 4, daily; from London, ngt. 10. Henley, Dixon, 'fVhite Hart, to London, mom.l p. 10; from London, aft. 4, and i p. 5. Marlow, Original, ditto, to London, morn. 10, Sun. exc.; from London, aft.l p. 4. N ewbnry, Original,fVhite Hart to London, Mon. Wed. & Fri. Sun. exc.; from London, aft. 2, Ditto, Zephyr, Catherine w-heel and George Inn to London, even. 6; from London, aft. I. Ditto, Defiance, White Hart, to London, aft. 3. daily ; from London, f bef. 4. Ditto, Omnibus, George Inn, to J ... ondon, aft. 1, Sun. exc.; from London. aft. 1. Stroud, Mail, Cathe1ine Wheel and George Inn, to London, morn. ! p. 4; from J .. ondon, nigbt. 10. Wantage, William's, George Inn, to London, aft. ! p. 3, Sun. exc. ~ from London, Rft. I. Windsor, Coaches and Omnibuses, ditto, to London, morn. 9, ! p. 9, and 11 ; from Lon· don, aft. ! p. 5, even. 'l to 8. See also MAIDENHEAD. Waggons, Vans, &c. Passing through Colnbrook to andf1·om London, and the undermentioned places. Bath and Bristol, Tanne's and Mitchell's Wa~­ gons, Crown Inn, to London every night, Sat. exc. ; from London, every night, Sun ex c. Hungerford, Harris, Golden Cross, to J .. ondon, Mon. even. 5; from London, Wed. night 7. Marlow, Wyatt, WMte Hart, to London, Mon, and Fri. aft. 3 ; from London, Tu. and Sat. night 10. Marlborough, Hillier and M ay, Catkerine w-heel to London, even. 8, daily, Sat. exc.; from London, even. 8, daily, Sun. exc. New bury, Machin, ditto, to London, M. W. & F. even. 8 ; from London, Tu. Th. and Sat even. 8, Ditto, Basing, ditto, to London, M. W. & F. even.; from Londo~. Tu. T~~ l'ond Sat. even .

ETON. BUCKS. Reading, George. ditto, to London, M, W. and Fr. even. 8 ; from London, 'l'u. Th. and Sat. even. 8. Ditto, J osey, Golden Cross, to London, M. and W. even. 7; from London, Tu. and Tb. night 10. Ditto, Palmer, Crown Inn, to London, even. daily, Sat. exc.; from London, even. daily, Sun. ex c. Wantage, Cooper, Golden Crnss, to London, M. and T~. even. 8 ; from .London, Tu. and Sat. mght. Windsor, Maidenhead, Henley, &c. waggons pass through Colnbrook, to and from London, daily. their presence) which tended to give it an in-l creased popularity; and the amount collected has exceeded l,OOOl, which is appropriated to the se .. nior scholar. or " captain of the school,'' on his proceeding to Cambridge. There is at Eton a charity school for 60 boys and 30 girls; alms~ houses for 10 widows; an income of 1201. per annum for apprentice fees, and other bequests for charitable purposes. In March, 1835, Eton, with 18 other parishes in Bucks, comprising 41,680 acres, assessed to the Property Tax in 1815, at 70,2901., were constituted a parochial union. Eton is 1! mile south of the Bath road, diverging from Slough. It has an annual fair on Ash· Wednesday. Name, Residence, & Profession. ETON Alland H, High st •••••••••••••• Beer Retailer MAY be regarded as a suburb of Windsor, being Atkins J, ditto ••••.••.•••.••••••••••. Grocer united therewith by a. bridge, of recent construe- Bacheldor. T, •••••••••.••• Registrar of College tion over the Thames. The parish contains only Bacon N at, High st ••••••.••••••••.••• Baker 690 acres; but was assessed to the Property Tax Barker Thos, ditto ••. China & Glass Warehouse in 1815 at 9,095!. The population in 1 SOl was Barnes W, ditto •••••.•••.•••••••••••. Grocer returned at 2,026; and in 1831 at 3,232. The Barrett C. P, ditto •• • Genl Agent & Accountant college, which constitutes so prominent a feature Barton C. ditto ••••••.•••••••••••• Upholsterer of interest in Eton, was founded in 1440, under the Bargent R., ditto .•.••.••••••••.•••••• Butcher title of" The Colle~e Roialle of our Ladie of Eton, Bowen W, ditto ••.•.••••.••••••••••.• Currier beside Windesor,'' for a provost, 10 priests, 6 Brant T; ditto •••••..•••• • Boot and Shoemaker clerks, 6 choristers, and 25 poor grammar scho- Brown G, ditto •••••••.••••••••••••••• Grocer lars, with a master to instruct them, and 25 alms- Brown T, ditto •.•...••••••.•••.•••••.• Tailor men. In the following reign of Edward IV .• the Burgiss G, ditto •• _ •. Currier and Leather Seller college was deprived of part of its endowment; but Burgiss R, ditto •••.••••••••••••.•••• Butcher it was especially exempted in the Act of Dissolu- Burrett J, 14 ditto ••••••••.•••••••••••• Broker tion of Henry VIII.; at which time its revenue Butcher J, ditto ...................... Grocer was returned as amounting to I, lOll. 13s. 7d, per By1es J. 0 ........... Brush and Basket Manuf. annum. At the present time the establishment Cartland E, Hz"gh st •• Milliner and Dress Maker consists or a provost, vice-provost, 6 fellows, 2 Cast ell G, ditto . .•.•.•••••••••••••••. Butcher masters with assistants, 7 clerks, 70 King's scho- Church J, ditto •...••••••••.•••••• Bootmaker lars, 10 choristers, and inferior officers. The re- Clack W. G. S, ditto •.••.••••••..•••• Surgeon venue consists, in part, of the preferment to 22 Cla1·k Wm, College •••••••••• . Christopher Jnn benefices in different parts of the country, and im- Clark Wm, Hz"gh st •••.•••••••.•••••. Butcher propriation of the great ·tithes of 32 parishes, Cobden Ben. ditto •••••••••.••••••.•.•• Tailor containing upwards of 80,000 acres; a~sessed to Cook John R, ditto ••••••••.•••••.•. Perfumer the Property Tax in 1815 at upwards of 115,0001. Crook R. & H, ditto •.• Plmbrs, Painters, & Glaz per annum. The income from this source may be Davids C, ditto •••.•••.••••• Carver and Gilder estimated at about 15,0001. per annum, and from Davids Joseph, ditto •.••••••• Tin Plate Worker tuition as much more. The King's scholars are Dell T. A, ditto .•••••••••••• ••.•• Confectioner entitled to fellowships and scholarships in King's Footman Rich, ditto •••.•••••.••.•••.•• Baker College, Cambridge; tow hich there is an election Francis Ed w, ditto . •.•••••••.• , •• Haberdasher annually, to move to Cambridge, as vacancies oc- Frazer W m, ditto . ••.•.•••••••.•.• Tobacconist cur, when the elected succeed according to seni- Gibbons John Thos, ditto ••••.•••.•••.• Grocer ority, or on three years' residence at the College Gilbert R, ditto .•••••.••••••.••• Milliner, &c. are entitled to a fellowship. There are about 15 Goddard \V m, ditto ••••••.. Plumber and Glaz. scholarships and exhibitions at other colleges in Goodchild E, ditto • •••••••••••• Royal Adelaide Oxford and Cambridge, for those who do not sue- Goodchild E, ditto ••••••••••••.••.••. Butcher ceed in obtaining admission to King's College. Gould Eliz, ditto •••..• , •• Boot and Shoemaker The buildings of Eton College are composed of Gray John, ditto .• .••••••••. Agent for Alliance two spacious quadrangles; the chapel is a beau- Gl'oves Joseph, ditto ••.••.•..•.•.• Tea Dealer tiful structure, with a parapet richly ornamented Hall H, High st .• •••••.••••••••.•••.•. Tailor with pinnacles. The library ranks among the rich- Hammond Thos, ditto ••••••••.•••••• • Surgeon est ; and the College of Eton, with its gardens, Harding H, ditto •••. , •••••. Crown & Cushion play-grounds, and richly verdant groves, forms a Harris Rich, ditto ••••••••••• ·• •••• Tea Dealer very interesting appenda~e to the castle of Wind· HaiTis W m, ditto ••.••• Watch and Clock maker sor, on the opposite banks of the Thames. A tri- Hatton S. A, College ••••• , , ••••• Confectioner ennial custom prevails among the students of Haw kins A. Higlt st ••••• , ••••.•••.••.• Tailor Eton, on Whit-Tuesday, of a gay diversion to Hawkins Geo, ditto .••••• , •••• Turk's Head Inn Salt Hill; when the hoys fantastically bedeck Hemmens John, ditto •••••••••••••• Bookseller theii\Sel ves, and levy contributions. under the Hesten J as, ditto •.••••••••.••.•••••••• Tailor cliim of" Salt-money," on the numerous visiters Hetherington John, ditto •• Tea Dealer & Grocer who usually assemble on the occasion. George Hewitt Wm, ditto, •••••••••••• • General Dealer Ill. and his queen, during their long reign, al- Hoare J os, ditto •••••••••••••••• Linen Draper rnost invariably sanctioned the ceremony with Hughes Eliza,beth, ditto •••• ,. 1.,,, ... I. Baker 29

BUCKS. FENNY S'f]:lATFORD. H ughes Thos, Hz"gh st •••.••••.•••••••. Baker 1 Fellow • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bet hell Hunt Charles, ditto •••••••••••.•••••• • Grocer Ditto....................... Wnght Hunt Thomas, ditto ••••••••••••••••..• Tailor Ditto. . • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • . Briggs Hyde William, ditto •••.••••••.•••.•••• Tailor Ditto....................... Plumptree lngalton H, ditto •••.••••••.•.•.•.•••. Builder Ditto. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Carter Ingalton S, ditto ••.•...•. Boot and Shoemaker Ditto.. • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • Greene In~alton T, ditto •• Bookseller, Statnr, & Bookbdr Steward of the Courts ••••.•• J. G. Harris, Esq. J a cobs M, ditto .••••••••.•. ~. . • . . • Carpenter Head Master ••••••••••.• ReY. Doctor Hawtrey Jefferys Wm, ditto ••. Straw Hat Manufacturer Lower Master ••.••..•..••••• Rev. Mr. Dupuis Jerome Wm, ditto ••.•••••••••••••..•• Tailor Assistant Masters, Upper Sehool, Rev. Mr. Okes Joel Saml, ditto •••••••.•• . Boot and Shoemaker Ditto Ditta Coleridge King J ames, ditto ••.•••.••• Clothes Warehouse Ditto Ditto Wilder Knight J, l 05, ditto . . Livery Stables & Greengrcr Ditto Ditto Cookesley J(nock Wm, ditto .•••.•..•.•..•.• Confectioner Ditto Ditto Pickering LaneAmelia,ditto ............ r ... Three Tuns Ditto Ditto 1!. Dupuis Lane J ames, CollPge .••••..•••••••• Surveryor Ditto Ditto C, W1lder Levy Alexander, ditto .••. ..•...•• Watchmaker Ditto Ditto Good ford Lewis Drake, 30 ditto ..•.. . ChPmist & Drug-gist Ditto Lower School Luxmore Lewis Ricd, ditto ••••..••••. Hat Mannfacturer Ditto Ditto Eliot Macinn Jane, ditto ••.•.. 4 ••••••• Haberdasher Mathematical Master.... • • Hawtrey Martin W. H, ditto •••.••.•.•.•••.. Bookseller Registrar of Eton College, Thames st T. Bacheldor Masters A, ditto .••••••.••.• ...•. Confectioner Merrick R, College .•.•••••• Boot & Shoemaker Mi tchell John, ditto . ...•....•.•..•.... Grocer Milward W m, High st •.•••. Boot & Shoemaker Mellett Ann, ditto ..................... Baker Montgomery J. & Sons, ditto ..• Timber Merchts Mprris Stephen •.••••.••.•••.•••. King's Arms N ason Thomas W m, 46 High st •••. Fishmonger Needha.m James Wm. dz"tlo ••••••• • Corn Dealer N eedham 'l'ltus }3, ditto ••.••• , •• , . Ironmon~er N ~w John, ditto ...•. ~ •.....••••..•• Fruiterer Norwood Wm, Broen st .•••...•• Coach Builder Parker J as, Hi{;h st .................. Turner :PniHips C,. Ki'flg Stable st ••. .•.•.•• Smith, &c. Railey Samuel, High st .•.•••••• Adam and Eve Rogerson & Andrews, ditto ••....••.•• Cullers Sanders Wm, ditto ••••••.••.• Hatter & Glover Sedding M aria, do •.................... Baker Solomon B .••.••.••••.•• Fruiterer and Oilman Smith E W, do •••.•.•.•. Fishing Tackle Maker ~with John, College .••••.••••••..•• Perfumer Sneath M A, High st . ••••••.••••••.•. Milliner Stacey Wm, do ...••••••••.••••••.. Brieklayer Stephenson William. do ••.••••• . Auctioner, &c. Stevens S, do ..•.••..•••••••••.••.•..• Baker Swain Henry, do ..• • Perfumer and Hair Dresser Tolliday Roger, Broen st .••••.•..• Boat Builder Towers J oseph, High st •.••••••.••. Repository Turnock Robert, do •.•••..•...•.....•. Tailor V ~ughan jl.nd Sop, do ..•..••..•. . Builders, &c. Weight E, College .•. , •.•••••••.•..••• Groce1· Weston William, High st •• ••..•••. Corn Dealer Wiggenton John, 52 do •••• Boot and Shoemake1· Wilkinson J, do •• Book .. eller, Stationer, & Bookbr Williams E P, College •• • Bookseller & Stationer Wilson William Henry, High st ••••••• . George Post Ofiice. Lewis Drake, High st . .••.•... Receiving house Letters arrive from Windsor, morn. at ~; dispatched e~n. 7l and ! p. 9. Fire and Life Assurance ~gent. Alliance, High st . ••.••••..•..•••. J oJm Gray ~orwich Union, do •.••.••• William Stephenson Public Establishm~nts. ETON COI~LEGE. Provost ••••••••.••••• Rev. Doctor Goodall Vice Provost •••••••••••• Rev. Mr. Grover 30 EXTRA MASTERS. Dancing Master •.•.••.•••••• Mr. V en ua Drawing •.••.....••.• Mr. W. Evans Fencing ...•......••. M1·. H. Angelo French & Italian ••.••.•••.• Mr. Tra.ver German ••.•.•...•••• Mr. Schonerstedt W dting, Arithmetic, and M a the· m a tics .....•.•.••••..• Mr. Hexter Sup. ~Pgi~r ofEton Union,H(gkstC.P. Barrett Clerk to Eton Union, do .....•.••. C. P. Barrett St'c. to Roval South Bucks A!!Ticultural Association, do .•••••. C. P. Barrett Coaches. From Eton to London. Moodys, Ckristopker Inn, morn. 7 ; aft. 3 and 5 See aJso W lNDSOR, Carriers. See WINDSOR. FENNY-STRAjFORDFENNY STRATFORD is 45 miles N.W. from London, on the Birmingham road anrl Roman Watling Street, 6 South of Newport-Pagnell and 7 North of the station at Leighton Buzzard, on the London and Birmingham Railroad. lts population in :831 was 635. The town is situ· ated on the side of a hill, but de1·ives its name from the nature of the surrounding country, watered by the Ouzel, over which there is a stone bridge, and by anothe.11 sfl·eam running into the Ouzel. It is composed of two streets meeting diagonally, one on tlre W atling Street. the other on the cross-road from N ewport-Pagnell to Aylesbury. The Swan Inn here has been a house of public entertainment, bearing the same sign for nearly four centuries. It had a market which is discontinued, and is still privileged with fairs on the 19th of April, 18th of July, 11th of October, and 28th of November; that in October is chiefly for the hire of servants. Lace is made here, and the Grand Junction Canal passing close to the town, has produced some trade, but as of Little Brick hill, the principal depend8llce of this place is on the 1·oad. Fenny-Stratford is divided between the parishes of Bletchley and Simpson, but is a chapelry in itself, in the gift of the Willis family, the chapel having been rebuilt

HAPPE~IiAM, &c. BUCKS. and endowed by the celeurate<l antiquary, west, from the latter I6t east. It is a vicarage Browne Willis and his friends. which goes in preseptation with Cuddington, • Patrons the Dean and Chapter of Rocheste~ ; inName, Residence, & Profession. come 3701. The large and ancient chnrch 1s deAbbey John ••.•.••••••.•. Saracen 's Head lnp dicate~ to the V:irgin Mar_y. The parish contains Andrews T. P. General Merchant & Wharfinger tw~ m1~eral sprmgs, and Is w.atered by a stream Bambury Henry 1 •• Grocer ancl Tallow Chandler falhng mto the Tham~s.. It 1s c.omprehended by Barne!l William .••. , •• Draper and Confectioner V}e. Poor Law Comnnsswners, 1p the Aylesbury Bird J ames ..••••..•••••..•••.•• Wheelwright m on. 1 . 1 f H Bristow, Edward •••••••••.•••.••••••• Draper LoNG CRENDON, 3:y m1 es rom adde~ham, Butcher John •••••••••.••.••••••• Shoemaker and 2 no!th fropt '_fham~, stands on. an emmence Clarke G. 0. Svm:psont Coal, Timber, Corn, overlookmg th~ rtver 'Ihames .. It Js a. perpetual Slates. Salt, Iron, and General Merchant, curacy, producmg I34l. a y_ear 1~ the g1ft of ~~r4 Canal Carrier, {!.nd Wharfinger Church~ll, and has 1382 m.hab1tants. lt .Is JQDay John ••••••• • .Agent to County Fire-Office cludeQ. m the Poor Lavy "f!mon.of Th.ame, m th~ Day John ••••••.•.•••••••. Grocer and Draper ~ounty .of <;>xford. W1thm t_hts par1sh are the East William .•••••••..•..••.•••• New Crown mterestmg 1vr-rpantled rem ams· Clf N etley Abbey Forster William •••.• , ..•••.•••••. Postmaster Gent Linch Name, Residence, & Profession" ... ....................... Surgeon HADDENHAM. Gjbbs J ames, ••••.•••.•.•.••.•••• Blacksmith Gurney James, Bull ....•..•.•.•.•.. Carpenter Harris W. D. for the Protestant Dissen- Bates John ••..•..•••.••.•.•.••••.• , •. Bal<~r ters' Assuranc~ Company Betts Elizabeth •..•.•...•••.••••. Shopke~pe~ H arris William P ..... , .......... Ironmonger Betts William ...•..•......•.•••.. S)lQema~er Herbert William .•.••....•.•••...• Blacksmith Buckingham Alice .•...... Earthenware Dealer King Wi1liam ......••.••.•.. Bull and Butcher Chapman & Veary ... Stone and Mdrble M~sons Kirby Fr~nces, ••.•• ~... • .•••. Harness maker Chapman John •.•.•...•.•• Lace MantJ.fij.Cturer Kirby Willi11-m ...••••...•••••• Navigation Inn Clarke Charles ....•••••.•...••••••••• Miller Linnell William, ...................... Baker CJarke Ed ward •• , ................ Crown Jnll Loe John .......................... Chequers Clarke Joseph .................. Collar Maker Lucas Benjamiq.,., ••• , •.•.•.•.•..•. Butcher Cl arson William •..........•..•. Boys' School Malpas Eli?:abeth ....... ~ •. Swan and C,)w Inn Collins Ph1lip ....................... t .'failor M affey N 1cholas •• , ••••....••.•• Eeer Retailer Dorset John .....• , , ................ Carpentef Morris John, Sympson., •.••••• White Hart Inn Dun ken James •••....•.••.•• , .•• Beer Retailer N orlTian William •...••.••.••..••.•.•.• Crown Franklyn Thomas ••....•...• , ••• Wpe~lwright P~xtpn T. Potsgrove, near Fenny-Strat .• Grazier Grant Thomas ..........•..... , ..• r ••• l\illler Pickermg J ames ••...•. , .•••.. ·~ .•••• Butcher Gurney William .•• , .•...• , .••.. Green Dragoq Riddiford •. , •.••....•.•.. , .•.•• , ••.•.• Tailor Gurney William .••••..••.• Carpenter & Joiner Risley Thomas. • • • • . ••••. ~.Baker and Gpooet Hill David ••..••.•••.••••..•.••. Pf!inter, &c. Rogers James .•..•• , •.•.•.••••••• Blacksmith Hitch~ock James •••••••••••••••••..•• Baker Scriven George, Esq. J arvis Thomas ....••••.•..•.•.•.• White Hart Sipt horp & Attwoo4, Sympson Wllfgs.& Gl. Mhts Kim ble .•.•..••.••..•.....• Grocer & Draper Smith Rev. C. ij ..................... Curate L~ver Wi)liam ....................... Carrier Souster Robert. ••..••.••. Plumber and G azier Lines William ..•••... Auctioneer and Ma.ltster Stephens T. Tailor, Parish Clk. Reg of Bhs. &Dhs. Little Kezia .....•.... Straw llat Manufacturer Tattam J ames ••••••••••. ' . Grocer and n~aper Montagne Thomas .••.••••.•...•• Wheelwright V arney \V1lliam .•••...•••••.•••• King's Head Moorcroft John •.. ~ •.•..••..•••••.• , Butcher Warr ijenjamin ............ , ..• , ••••• Butcher Nash James ••••••.•••...•.••••.•••• Butcher W Jlrreq C. Sympson, . Surveyor and Brickmaker Oliver John ••••••• , ••••.•••••••.••.• _Baker Warren Francis .••••• , , •••.••• , •.•.. Butcher Parish J oseph., .• r •••• •• , •••••• Queens Head Whichellq Fer~jnand .. , . , •• , ••••• Hair Dresser Plater Benjamin ..•.•...•. Boot and Shoemaker Whitlock George. ~ • • • •••••••••••• Shoemaker Roberts Thomas •.••.....•..•.•... Blacksmith Wilco:¥: J a ne ........................ Butcher Roberts William . _ • ·~ •••.•.•.••. Iron Founder Wooton ~iss, •••..••••.•••••••. Dress Maker Rohinson William ••••••..•.•.•••. Blacksmith Rose John .. . , . : . ....... , .•.... , .... Butcher 'fost-Ofti.ce. Rose Rohert •.••.••.•••• Carpenter and Joiner Forster William. • • • • • • • • • • , . , • , • , ••.. Master Rose T. B ••••••••••.•.•••••••.••••• Maltster L~tter~ received early ip the morn. and in the aftn. Saunders Thomas •••.••••••••••••••••• miller for London, dispatched Q.t 2 in the morning Shurrock William ••••••••••••••••••••• Tailor Carrier. Simmon M ........ ~ .................... Baker T . Tack J ames ••••••••••••••••••••• Shopkeeper att~m James, Cart to Le1ghton every Tuesday, Wall Thomas ••.•••••••• , • Lace Manufacturer and returns the same ~ay W arr Benjamin •••••••••••••• ; ••• Shopkeeper Cart tp Northampton, on Fnday, return$ on Sat. Welford Richard •••• , •••• Boot and Shoemaker HADDENHAM & LONGCRENDON. HADDBNHAM, a village in the hunqred Jl,nd wal~ of Aylesbury, on .the borders of Oxfordshire, contains a population of 1,484, and is 47 miles norj:il·west from London, on the road from AylesOxford, distant from the formeP 6! so ut h .. Wilsofl Thomas ......................... Baker Post, Lett~rs from all part~ are received frolll1 and di~vatched to, Thame, daily. ;31

BUCKS. HORTON, &c. Coach List. The Oxford Coach passes near Haddenham, on its way to London, about 9 morn. and also 2 aft., ;and returns to Oxford about 4 aft,, and also about ! p. 8 even. Carriers List. To London, (Wm Lever) waggon. every Sun. LONG CRENDON. • A dams Ely •••••••••••.••.•••••. N ectell Mill Briscoe Thomas •••••.••••••.••.••••••.• Star Bruce John •••••.•..••.. , •••••.•. Bootmaker Carter W m ..•••.•••.••.•••.•.•• Corn Dealer Cog hill J ames •••••..••••.••••. Land Surveyor Cordwell Thomas ••••••••••••• Churchill Arms Cozens Thomas •••.••.••••••••.••• Blacksmith Dodwell Charles .•.••••••.•.•.••.• Shopkeeper Dodwell Emanuel ................. Shopkeeper Dodwell Thomas ..••••.•••••••.••••••. Baker Dun kin William ....................... Baker Gibson William .•••••••••.•....• Col1ar Maker Hanson William o ••••••• , ••••••••• Shopkeeper Hearn Thon1as ••...••••.• c. ••••••••••• Cro,vn Ho per aft John •••••••••...•..••••.••.. Tailor Ing George ...................... Eight Bells Kimber Richard ••••••••.•..•...•• , • Butcher Lovell J ames ••••.••.•••• Carpenter and Joiner Pearce J oseph , •••••.•.••..•.•.. Wheel wrighr Shrimpton Edward .•• , ••.•..••. Needle Maket Shrimpton Elizabeth •.•••.•• Straw Hat Maker Shrimpton Emanuel •.••••••.•.• Needle Maker Shrimpton Ephraim ••••.••••••• Needle MakeJ Shrimpton Henry •••••••.••.••.... Bootmaker Shrimpton John.· ••••.•••••.• Baker and Miller Shrimpton Mart ha .••••••••.•.• Needle M a l{cr Shrimpton Matthew • , •..••• , •.• Needle Maker Shrimpton Simon ••.••.•.•••...... Bootmaker Shrim}Jton Solomon .•••• • .•••.•. Wheelwright Shrimpton Solomon ••••••.•.•... Needle Maker Shrimpton Timothy •••••••••••.• Needle Maker Syms Thomas •.••••••••• , .••..••. BootmakeJ To"!ersey Thomas •.•••••••. , .•.•. Shopkeeper Wamwright George .•••••••••..••••.• Butcher White George .... , .. , •••••.•••...• Angel Inn Wilson W m, jun •.• o. o ••• Carpenter and Joiner . Coaches & Carriers. See HADDENHAM. HORTON LIEs out of the high road a mile and a half to the south-west of Colnbrook, and belongs to the Eton poor law union. It is remarkable as havin~ been the residence of the immortal Milton in his juvenile years, under the roof of his parents. It is a rectory of the annual value of 385l.; patron, T. P. Williams, esq. Name, Residence, & Profession. Allen John •••••••••• o •••••••••••• Bricklayer Ben nett Thomas ••••••. Gent.'s Boarding School Bridges Henry •.••.•.••••••••••••••••. Crown Brown W m Rev •••••••••••••.••••.••• Rector Field M ••••••.•••••...•••.•....• · •.. Carrier Fletcher John .•••••••• Clock and W at eh maker Ford Thomas •••••••••••••••••••.•. Poulterer King Francis. o ••••• o • Tailor and Beer Retailer J.inegar John ••••••••••••••••••••. Bricklayer Line~ai Richard ••••••••••••••••••• Bricklayer Marsh George, •• ,Beer Retailer and Shopkeeper 32 Plumridge J oseph ••••••••••••••. Parish Clerk Rackliff Thomas •••..••••..••.••• Blacksmith Sharp Thomas ••••••••••••.•••.•• Shoemaker Taylor George •••••••..••••.•••••• Five Bells Tipper and Co •.• o •••••••• Paper Manufacturer Post Office, &c. See CoLNRROOK. Carrier. • To London, Field M, every Fri.; returns on Sat. IVER, IN the hundred of Stoke, 4 miles north of Coinbrook, and as many south of Uxbridge, belongs to the Eton poor law union. Its church, St. Peters, is a perpetual curacy in the gift of the Right Honorable J. Sullivan, present net income 1151., the present incumbent is the Rev. W. Ward. The parish is extensive, including the hamlets er Thorney, Ritchin~s, Sutton, Shredding, Green, crist, Bengers, Delaford, and Huntsmore, and ontains a population of 1870 inhabitants. Name, Residence, and Profession, Andrews John, Shreedding green •• Beer Retailer Ash lee Thomas ••••••..•••• ., ••••••••.•. Baker Ashlee Thomas Wm •. Grocer and Cheesemonger Ashlee W jun, Shreedding green .• Beer Retailer Bates R •••••.••••••••••••••• Harness Maker Burton William ..................... Maltster Caster Thomas, Shreedding green . ••• Carpenter Chadwell J ames •.•••••••••••.•.••. Carpenter Collins William ....................... Tailor Croxford C .••.••..• Saddler and Coal Merchanl Dabey Henry ..................... The George Farr Edward •••••.••.••••.•. Boarding School Gigg Henry ......................... Plun1her Grace J ames .••.•.•••.••.••••.•• Wheel wri~ht Hall John ..•••••••.••.•••••••••.•.••• Baker Hare Thomas •••••••.•••••••••• Beer Retailer Harrett J ........................ Bricldayer Hemmings J, Shreedding green •. Beer Retailer Hemmings T ••••.••••.•..•..••. Beer Retailer Hewett Thomas ••••.• Grocer and Cheesemonger Hone G ........................... Shoemaker Honnor Joseph, Shredding green •• Beer Retailer House Thomas ....•••..•••.••••.• , • o •• Smith lveJ ............................... Swan Inn Lane Thomas A ••••.•.••••..• Boarding School Moores William •••. o ••••••••••• The Chequers N ewland John .••.•••.••••••.•••••• Carpenter N ordbald Ed ward ••.. , , ••.•••••••••. Surgeon N ordbald Edw .• Regis of Births and Deaths 2nd district of the Eton Union Poulton Thomas ••••. Grocer and Cheesemonger Riddington David •.••••••••••• o. Bacon dealer Simpson Sarah.... • Grocer and Cheese monger Skelton Thomas, Shreedding green Red Lion Smith William, Sltreedding green Beer Retailer Springall J ames ....................... Tailor Stanborough R .•..••••••••••••.•.• Bricklayer Stephenson Stephen .•••.••.••••• Beer Retailer Thomson Thomas •••••••••.•••.•••.••• Grocer West N •. , ••••••••••••••••• , ••• , . , , Butcher Westall Thomas ••••••••••••.•••••.. Plumber Woodruff P •.•••••••••••••••••••••• The Bull W right Charles o o ••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Carriers. To London, the Stoke and Burnha.m carriers pasS through twice a week, See SoLE·

LANGLEY. BUCKS. Public Schools. Post Office. Free School for Boys Cross Charles ...••.••••••••• Receiving House Parker J ames ••••••••••••••• , •••• , ••• Master Letters arri-ve 12, morn.; dispatched aft. 3, on Free School for Girls Sund., Wed., and Fri. Davis Misses., ••••.••••••••••••••. Mistresses IVINGHO~. Carrier. To London, Charles Sears, to Ram Inn, Smithfield, every Thurs., 1 0, morn. Excise Office. • At the King Charles the Second. Hopkins F ••••••.•.•••.••• , •••••• Supervisor Chapels. Baptist Chapel Wesleyan Chapel, erected 1837. LANGLEY. THE small market town of Ivin~hoe in Cottesloe hundred, 33 miles north-west from London, is seated near the Roman Ikeneld street, in an unfruitful soil, beside a barren chalk hill, one of the northern division of the Chilterns, distinguished by scenery .of a very opposite character from that of their more favoured brethren southwards. Some compensation for its natural disadvantages is, however, afforded by the close vicinity of the Grand Junction CanaJ, and of the London and Birmingham Railroad, from the station of which at Tring, it is hut three miles distant. It chiefly LANGLEY MARSH, or Mary's in the Hundred consists of two streets, neither paved nor lighted, of Stoke, and poor-law union of Eton, 2 miles has a Saturday's market, and fairs on the 6th of north-west from Colnbrook, is a curacy, with a May and 17th of October. The platting of straw church, (St. Mary's) annexed to the parish of affords some employment to the working classes. Wyrardsbury, It contains a population of 1646 The church is a vicarag-e, of the annual value of inhabitants. Of the numerous villas scattered in 220l. in the gift of the Countess of Bridgewater; this delightful neighbourhood, the most remarkthe population 1648, including-the hamlets of As- able, are Lord 1\::Iontagu·s at Ditton, situated ton, Wardhurst, Ring~holl, Clippensdon, and St. between the Bath road, immediately to the south Margarers, at which last a benediction priory of Langley and the road to \:Vindsor, by Datchet; was founded in the rei~n of Hemy I .• and at the and Langley Park, the mansion of which was end of the last century had suffered little from built by the Duke of Marlborongh in 17 -!0: the the injuries of time. Ashridge park in the ad- grounds are extensive, beautifully wooded, and joinin~ parish of Piglesthorne, once a royal palace, commanding fine views, especially of 'Windsor is still one of the most considerable demesnes in Castle and Forest. Separated from it by the the pounty; the grounds taste'ul y lad out an J road e:1' m~ t1 nn \V n .., 1 to U\.bJ d,;e, is another varied with h1ll, dale and grove. Two noble ave- extt>mive p•H t10 1 o. t.l.<; deme~ne, called Black nues lead to the mansion, which contams nu me- Park, eont ,\lllll1J much p1eturesque scenery and an rous portraits of the Egestons, and some modern expansive lake of .the c1ear~st water •. occupying a historical paintings. sequestered dell m the nudst of thiCk woods of • • noble forest trees. Name, Residence, & Profession. Andrews Wtlliam ..•.•..•....•• C1vil Engmeer llame, Residence & Profession. Bates Wil11am .••••.•••••••••.•.. Shoe 1\Iaker All am J ............. Grocer and Beer Retailer Bates \Villiam .•••••••••••.••.•• Beer Retailer Atkins Rev, HT ••...••••.••• Boardina School Capcutt William .•••••••..••.•••. Shoe Maker Bettle Thomas .•.•..•.•••••.••..•• Sh~emaker Collyer Wm •• Registrar of Births and Deaths for Blincoe J vV •••••••••••••••••••••••• Fruiterer Leigbton Buzzard Union Bli ncoe 1,Y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baker Cook William: ••••.•••••••••.••.• Coal Dealer Bowler W ....................... Beer Retailer Closs Charles •••. , ••.•.•.•.••••••••. Butcher Bowler W .•.•.••..•.•.•••••.•.. Broom Maker Dimock William .••••..••••••.•.•.•. Surgeon Champness Rev. C •..•••.•••.••.....•.• Vicar Dorimore George ••.•.•. ~ • , .•.•.••.••.• Gl'Ocer Collins J, .......•......•....•.• Beer Retailer Gatehouse William .................. , . Officer Cope Philip ....................... Shoemaker Groom George ••••.••..•.••.•••• Wheelwright Deverell .J .•••••••.••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Heley George •.•• , ••......•...••...• Plumber Deverell W ...•..•••.•..••.••.•.•.•••. Tailor Heley James ....... Plumber and Beer Retailer Dove J ............................... Smith Hughes Fras ••••••••..••...••.••.•.• Surgeon Dt--al\e S .••.•••••••.•.••.••.•.. , •••. Dolphin H umphreys John .•••••.••..•.•••. Fishmonger Finch Mary •••••••.. Grocer and Cheese monger Meapher and Rackstraw. l\Ialtsters and Brewers Finch T ••••••••..•••.•.••.••••••.. Carpenter Moo res William ..•.••..•.••.•..•. , ••••• Smith Fry J ............................ , C'Brpenter N orris Arthur .•.••••.. Grocer and Corn Dealer Gould Mary ...••.•••.••.•••••••• The Plough N orris David ................. King Charles 11 Gould Mary .......... , ••• , .......... Red Lion Parsons J osh ••.••••.••..•••.••••••.•• Tailor Gough Thomas. . . . . . . •.•••••.... The Harrow Price Richard •••••••••.•••••••.••••.•. Tailor Hanvell \Villiam •••.••••.••...•• CrookeJ Billett Proctor J ames ................ Coal Merchant Haw kins H ............................ Baker Rich Rev, John •••••.••.•••••..••••.•. Rector Independent Chapel Short Edward ••.•••••.•.•. Grocer and Butcher Matham M .•.••••.•.•.•.•••• 1\Iontague Arms Short Thomas .•••••••••••.•••••.•••••• Baker Montague T •.•••..••...•••.•... '\Vheelwright Short William •.•.•••.•.• , •••• Harness Maker Pedder G ....................... Beer Retailer Simons John ••.•.•.•• , •..•• ~ .••••• Carpenter Perrv T .••••.•.••••.. , , •..••••.• Beer Retailer Strauks John •.•••.•••••.••.••• Linen Draper Reddington Da vid .••. Groce r and Cheeeemonger Towser Thomas .•..•••.••••••••..•• Carpenter Robinson H. • • • . . • • • . • • • • • ...••. Wheelwright Ruby R ••• 1 1 , ••••• , 1. 1 •• 1, I, 1 Market Gat·dene~ Bucks. D 33

BUCKS. GREAT MARLOW, &c.· • beautiful. Marlow is included in the parochial union of Wycombe. Name, Residence, & Profession. Sam·pson Rev. , •••••.•••••.•..•....••. Curate Seymour B ••• ., •••• • • • ~ \ •••••..•.. Shoe maker S.eymour R •• • • , •• ' •••••••••• Market Gardener '.falbot Richard ••••••••••••• Whip Maker, &c, Ward Hannah .•••.••••••••••...•. The George See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADES, page 36. White George ••••••. Grocer and Cheesemonger Aid 'd J B t d Sh k r1 ge ames. • . • • .. • . . . • • oo an oema e , Carriers' List. The Burnham Carriers pass through twice a week Allum J ames, West st ••••.••••••.•••.•• Tailor Allum William, Hi'gh st . ••••.••.••••••. Tailor Angel Caroline, Bore end • • Pasteboard Manufacr Almsbo·nses. A veling Richard, Htgh st. ~ •••••••••••• Grocer New Alms-houses under the management Lord Carrington for 6 women Parish Alms-houses, for 2 men and 2 women of Badger Henry .••••.•.••••••••••• Parish Clerk Badgl'r John, Chapelst ••...•••••• Beer Retailer Baines B, High st . ••• Confectioner & Pastry cook Bates W m, Bone end • .•.• Grocer & Beer Retail et Batting Alfred, West st . • Brazier & Tin plate Wkr, GREAT AND LI'l"l'LE MARLOW. Beckett J ames, Whitehead pl Carpenter & J oinet Ben nett S, West st •• Wheelwright ~ Beer Retlr, THE Parish of GREAT MARLo'w contains 6,640 Bird J, Chapelst .••.• . Grocer & Cheesemonger acres; assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 at Bird T,do • •••••••••••••• Boot and Shoemaket 8,1811.: the population in 1801 was returned d Blake Giles, do., .......... J •• • Portrait Painter 3,236; and in 1831 at 4,237. The benefice was Blake Richard, do ••••• • •••• • Carver and Gilder in 1834 of the yearly value of I72l.; BoddyH, LittleMarlow .•. • ~ursery&Seedsmart in the presentation of the dean and chapter of Bond William High st .•• Carpenter and Builder Gloucester, who are the impropria.tors of the great Boulton J, Oxford lane ••••••••••• Beer Retailer tithes. The town is on the north bank of the Bowdrey H, Little Mar •• • Grocer & Cheesmngr. Thames, 31: miles from Hyde Park Corner, di- Bowdrey William, do •••••••••••• . Old Red Lion verging from the Bath road at Salt Hill ; or it is Bow en Thomas, West st • .•••.•• , •••••••• • Lion 31 miles by crossing the Thames at Maidenhead, Bowles Ann, Spital st. • • • • • • • • •• Beer Retail et and recrossin~ into Marlow; but a steep hill in- Bowles Thomas, do •••••• •••••••• Beer Retailer tervening, the more distant line is the easiest; Brighton Benjamin, High st ••••• ...... ~. \Baket the road distance from the metropolis is also Brinsden Thomas Evans, do ........ w ••• Surgeon about the same by way of Woburn into the Brooks James Bird, High st.Baker and Corn Dlr Uxbridge road at Beaconsfield. Marlow returned Brown J, Chapel st . ._. •, •• Boot and Shoemaker 2 tnembers to Parliament in 130 o, but from 1309 Brown John, West st •••••.••.•. , ••. Seedsman ceased to make a return, until the privilege was Brown vV, Ltttle Marlow. Gro and Cheesentongr resumed on petition to the House of Commons in Burnham J W, West st, Bookslr, Statnr, and Prli 1624, since when it has continued without inter- Bursell T, do. Smith and Farrier, Ironmonger, &e ruption. The limits of the borough did not Butler T, do •••••.•• Grocer and Cheesemonger exceed 150 acres, and contained about two-thirds Butler W T, St. Thomas st. Chemist and Druggs of the population as returned in 1831. Under the Camden Steadman, High st ••••• Leather Seller Act of 1832-3, for the better constitution of Parlia- Cannon George, Market pl. Bookseller, Stationer, ment. the parishes of Little Marlow,Medm~nham Printer, Librarian, and Stamp Distributor in Bucks, and Bisham in Berks, were, with the Carr George, Dean st .•. •...•...• Beer Retailer entire parish of Gt·eat Marlow, constituted an Carter Samuel, High st •.. :Boot and Shoemaker electoral district, to return, as the borough of Clark C, do •..•..•. Locksmith and Bellhanger Great Marlow had previously done, 2 members. Cl ark George, Dean st . .•.••••.•• Beer Retailer The district COmprises upwards of 15,000 acres. Clark Josiah, High st .• . Grocer, I~ace and Child (nearly 24 square miles), and a total population Bed Linen Manufacturer in 1831 of 6,155. The number of registered Clark Samuel, do .••••••..••••.•••••••• Tailor electors, being householders, rated at 10/. per Clifford TheophiluS'. do . .•. Statuary and Mason annum and upwards, amounted, at the first elec- Cock William, Market pl •• Boot and Shoemaker tion, to about 450. The market, on Saturdays, Colbourne R, H~gh st .•••• .••••...•.. Surgeon is not considerable. A holidax fair on the first of Coleshill William, Dean st •• , •••• Beet Retailer May, races in July, and a tradmg fair on the 29th Collins John, High st .•.•. Boot and Shoemaker of October, enliven the town, which, from its situ- Collins John, do . .............. , •• Beer Retailer ation on the banks of the Thames, is not altogether Cor by Thomas, do • ••.. Bricklayer and Plasterer void of business. Its appearance has been much Corwell Rev. Thomas T •••.••.•••••••• Rec!or ~mproved si~ce 18~3, by the comtructiot:t of an Cox Thomas, Market pl •..••••••• • Fishmonger Iron suspensiOn J:>ndge over the Thames, m sub- Crake Robert .••.••••.••..••.••••••.•• Broker stitution for the previous one of wood. The Cress well C, Dean st .• ••..••••••.•••••. Baker approach to the hridge on the town side has been Cresswell George, Caus-eway •• •••••..•••. Swan made subservient to displaying to the best ad- Cresswell J ames, St. Thomas st •.••••••• Baker vantage, a new eh urch, built on the site of the Cresswell J ames, Spital st ..••••.•.•.• Butcher old one. Here ar,~ bequests for education, ap- Cress well J ames, High st •• Carpenter and Joiner prentice fees, and support of almshouses for six Cresswell J ames, do • •••••••.•••• Beer Retailer poor widows. A J'lational school for children of Cresswell James, do •••..••. George and Dragon both sexes is liberal'ly supported by subscriptions. Cresswell William, Bridge ..•. Complete Angler In 1802 a military college, established at Wycom be Crowd en J ames, Chapel st ••..•••• Chair Maker in I 799, was moved ·,to Mar low, and thence trans- Croxon James, Dean st ••.• •.•••• General Shop ferred in 1812 to Satldhurst in Berkshire. The Davis David, Htgh st ..•..•••.•• , ...• Chequers bills rise from both s. ides of the river at Mar low; Dewey William, Chapel st •. Boot and Shoemaker and being richly WOOl led and luxuriantly verdant, Dorell George, Dean st .• .•••••••• Beer Retailel' the approach to the town from Maidenhead is Dukes Thos, E, West st. China and Glass Dealer 34

GREAT MAR.LOW, &c. Bl.TCKS. Eagle Joseph, Chapel st •••••••••• . Grocer, &c. Moss Maria, West st ••• '\Millinerand Dress Mak East Step hen, SpitaJ st. • . . . . • .•. Beer Retailer M uspratt John, do •• ............... Three Tuns East William, Chapel st .•• ••••••••••.• Butcher Muspratt Richard, do . ••••••••••• Basket Maker Field J, High st . ••••••• Post and Schoolmaster N ewell Matilda, High st •••• Straw Hat Ma.nufac Field J, do •••••••.. •. , .••••• Agent to Phrenix Oxlade Richd, Thames side .• Grocer and Cheesetn. Fletcher Thomas, Duck lane ••••••••. Black Boy Pearce G, Spitalst .• • Hair Dresse-r and Gaiter Mak Fletcher T 0, Chape~ st .• ••.• ~ " .•• White Hart Phillips J esse, Little Marlow ••• Old Kings liead Ford Elizabeth, West st.Baby Linen Warehouse Plucknett James, We8tst ••••• •••• Flour Deal~r Franklyn J, High st. Crown Inn:& Posting House Plumridge William, Chapel st ••••• Beer Retailer Gibbons Charles, Dean st. \ • ....... Beer Retailer PI umridge and Son, Spitalst ••• Bricklayers, &c. Gibbons J, West st ••••• Grocer, Tallow Chandler Povey J as on, do • •••••••.•••.••.••••• Butcher and Spirit Dealer Pusey Wm, West st •••• Straw Hat Manufacturer Gibbons R, Duck lane .•• Brewer and Wharfinger Pusey Wm, do .••••••.•••••.•••••••••• Baker Gibbons Thomas, Thames bank . •. Coal Merchant Quartetman William •••••.•••••••.••••• Carrier Glover J a ne, Spital st •• ••• Drapery and Sundries Reading Geotge, 117est st ••• Bricklayer & builder Grant William, West st. Linen & Woollen Draper Reeves Thomas, do • •••••••••••••• Cooper, &c. Gray J oseph, High st. • • • • • • . • .. • • •••••• Tailor Reeves W m, Little Mar low • . Grocer & Cheesem. Gray Thomas, do .•.•.•••• ~ Boot & Shoemaker Rolls John and Sons, Mar low bridge • •• Coal and Green Joseph, Chapelst . •. •~J ...... Wheelwright Timber Merchants and Rope Makers Green M A, do • •.•..•••..•.•• ~ ••• Dressmaker Rolls Joshua and Thos, High -st ••••••• Drapers Greenwood George, West st •• Veterinary Surgeon Rolls Susan, .da .••••••••• Ladies Establishment Grinsted R, High st . . Grocer and Cheesemonger Rose E, West st . •••••• Milliner and Dress Mkr Groom H, do . • Lin.Drap. & Agt. to Norwich U n. Rose W m, Spilalst ••••••••••••••••.•• Cooper Hacksha.w J,IWest st ••. Saddler and Harness Mk Saddler John, West st ............. ~ •• Butcher Haines Chas Common slough •• Boot& Shoemaker Salier John, do ••.••.••. Stationer and Toy Dlr Hall , West st . •. , ................... Butcher Salmon H, H1gh st. Gen and Furnish Ironmongr Harding William, High st ... Boot and Shoemaker Sawyer J as, West st • •••••• ~ ••••••••.••• Baker Harding W m, do, .••.•••••••••.•• Beer Retailer Sawyer Robt, do •................ Pork Butcher Hawkins Richard, do ................... • Butcher Sawyer Wm, do .••••••••••••••••••• • Old Ship Haynes Jas .•••.•••••. ••· ..• ,. •••••. Carpenter Sharp John, do. •••·• •••••• Boot and Shoe Mkr Hearn Joseph, Little Ma1'low ..... . Beer Retailer Sharp Johh, do •.•••••••••••••• • Schoolmaster Hewitt Thomas, High st •• •••••••••••• Butcher Smith Richd, do .••••• ••••••••••• Hairdresser HICkman and Brinsden, do .•• •••••••• Surgeons Smith Richd, do • • ~ ••••• Boot and Shoe Maker Hickman T, West st ••• . Grocer&; Timber Dealer Smith Robt, do .................. • Hairdresser Hick man William, do .... • -.. ............. Surgeon Smith John, High st •• •. China and Glass Dealer Hirst James, High st .•• • Watch & Clock Maker Smith Wm. do .•••••.• /Tailor and Habit Maker HitchcoxM, Spitalst ... Harness & Collar Maker Southey Wm, Little Marlow ••• • ••• Blacksmith Hobbs Samuel. ••.••••• -. ........... Two Brewers Sparks Thos, Duck la .• •• o'i • ••• The Barge Pol~ Hobbs William, Hz"gh st ....... ••.•• Grocer, &c. Spicer Ralph, West st ••••.••• , ••. • ••• Solicitor Hobson Charlotte, do ••••••• • Straw Hat Maker Stallwood Wm, do ••••••• Boot and Shoe Maker Hone Francis, West st •• ••••••••..••• -~Baker Stockbridge Wm, Common slough ........... Tailor Humphreys Jeremiah, Spitalst., •• Beer Retailer Stratford Wm, West st •••••••••• • Beer Retailer H umphreys W, West st . • Saddler & Harness Mak Stroud Hen, Dean st ••.•.•••••... Beer Retailer Hunt James Rogerson, High st •.•...••• • Tailor Susan C, St Thomas st .Grocer and Pawnbroker Hussey J, Little Marlow • . Grocer & Cheesemong Truss J, Spitalst ••••.••.• Boot and Shoemaker Hyatt Henry, St Thomas 8t, •••..•• • Greyhound Turner Jos, Bone end. Grocer and Cheesemonger Janaway James, Spitalst .•••.••••.••••• Baker Tyler J, Quoiting pl •.•.••...••. • Clayton Arms J arvis John, Little Mar low •••••••••.•.• Baker Walker Thos, Market pl . .•••••••••...• Broker J ohnson William, do . ••••••••••••••• Carpenter War.hbourn Annt West st •. Cambric Cap Maker Johnson William, fVestst .••••.• GeneralDealer \Vashbourn Saml, do ••••••••••••• Watchmaker Jones David, do ••.••••••.•••••.•••••• • Tailor Watson Thos, do ••.••••••.••••• • Beer Retailer Lane Jane, Bone end .•• • Grocer & Cheesemong Way John, High st ••••••••••.••.•. • Poulterer Lane Lydia, West st ••••••••••••••• Irontnong~r Wellcorne J, Spital st .• • Painter, Plum, and Gla Lee J ames, Spital st •.•. Grocer & Cheesemonger West brook W m, St Thomas st ••• •••••• Butcher Livings Thomas, Chapelst . . Boot&; Shoe Maker Wethered Thos and Sons ••.•.••••••••• Brewers Lord Eleanor. West st .• .......... tadies School White levy, Oxford st •.•• Boot and Shoemaker Lovegrove J ames T, do . ........ < •• Plumber &c Wigginton W m, Spital st . .•••.• General Dealer Mac lean J ames, High st •••.• Tin Plate Worker W oott en Wand H, High st Boot and Sheomakrs Maddocks Robert, do .•.•• Cart>enter and Builder Wright and Ward, do .••• ••••••••••• Attorneys Mason K and E, do • •• Milliners and Dress Makers Vvright vV and J oseph •••••••• Paper Manufacs Meadows John, do . .•• Linen and Woollen Draper Wright Thos, West st . • Grocer and Pawnbroker Meakes Hand J, Chapel st •••••••. Blacksmiths Wyatt Frederick, High st. Original Coach Office Meakes Henry Thos, do .••••.•••••• Cross Keys Wyatt Thos, Chapel st ••••••••••••••••• Horns Meakes Joseph, Little Marlow . •••••.••. Smith Wyatt Thos, do •••••••••••••••••••••• • Carrier Mealing Edmund, Highst •. Upholsterer, Cabinet • Post-O:flice • Maker and Auctioneer Meeks J, Spi talst. V et.S urgeon,S mi th,Farrier ,&c Menday Henry, West st •••••••••• .•.••• Baker Field W m ••••••••.•••••••••••••• Postmaster Mogford Henry, do • •••••••• Veterinary Surgeon Letters from London arrive room. 5 ; and are Morris J & Son, High st •• • Linen Drapers and dispatched even. 10. Slop Sellers Moss John, do., •••. •• Millwright a.nd Engineer Bankers. Moss Lydia, do.,, ..•• .••••.•.• , , • Clothier, &c Grover and Smith, High ~~ Draw on Doriens. D2 35

BUCKS, GREAT MARLOW, &c. MARLOW, &c. CLASSIFICATION, continued. Public Officers. Beer Retailers. Stroud Hen, Dean st MAGISTRATES. Ward Wm, Quoiting pl Sir George N ugent Dr. Schobell. W at son Thos, West st Sir William Clayton William Wyndham, Esq. Bellhanger.-Clark Chac:, High st • _ • Booksellers.-Bumham J "'-N, West st l'ire·and Life Insurance Agents. Cannon Geo, Market pl Pl](enix, High st.. • • ••••••••• , .• J ames Field Boot and Shoe Makers. Aid ridge J a mes Bird Thos, Chapel st Public Establishments. Gas Works, Bury Mill End, High st. J os Craston .•••••••••.•...••.••••.. Manager Union House, Redbourn rd. .J ames Leeds ham •.••••..•.••.••••••.• 1\'Iaster Eliza Leeds ham ••••••.••••••••••• , •• Mist re ss Public-Schools. National, Bury Mill end. Guy Guppy •..••..••..••••••••••••••. 1\faster Infant School, Queen st. Miss Blake ••••••.•••.•..••.••••..•• Mistress I Posting House. Crown Inn, Ht'gh st •.•••.•••• J ames Franklyn Coaches. To London, Wyatts, Crown Inn, morn. 7, and even. 7. Also to and from railroad, Maidenhead, three times a day. See also MAIDE:NHEAD. Carriers. From Great Marlow. Quartermain, Mon. and Tues. 12; returns Tues. and Fri. morn. 6. Wyatt Mon. and Fri. morn. 7; returns Tues. and Sat. morn. 8. Platts, T, Three Tuns, to Wycombe, Henley, and Reading, twice a week. Classification of Trades. Attorneys.-Spicer Ralph, West st \Vright and Ward, High st Auctioneer. Mealin~ Edm, High st Baket·s. Brighton B, do Brooks J ames B, do Cresswell Chas, Dean st Cresswell Jas, St. Thomas st Hone Fras, vVest st J ana way J as, Spital st Menday Hen, West st Pussey Vv m, do Sawyer J as, do Basket Maker.-Muspratt R, do Beer Retailers. Badger John, Chapel st Bennett Saml, West st Boulton John, Oxford la Bowles Ann, Spital st Bowles Thos, do Carr Geo, Dean st Clark Geo, do Coleshill W m, do Collins John, High st Cresswell J as, do Dorell Geo, Dean st ~ East Stephen, Spital st Gibbons Chas, Dean st Harding Wm, High st Humphreys J, Spital st Plumridge vV m, Chapel st Reading Geo, West st Stratford W m, do 36 Brown J as, do Carter Saml, High st Cock Wm, Market pl Collins John, High st Dewey Wm, Chapel st Gray Thos, High st Hames Chas, Common slough Harding W Hig-h st Livings Thos, Chapel st Sharp John, W~st st Smith Richd, do Stall wood W m, do Truss J, Spital st 'White Levy, Oxford ter vVooten W and H, High st Brazier. Batting Alfred, \Vest st Brewers.-Gibbons R, Duck la ·wethered Thos and Sons Bricklayers.-Corby Thos, High st Plumridge and Son, Spital st · Reading Geo, \Vest st Builders. Bond W m, High st Reading Geo, West st Butchers. Cresswell Jas, Spital st East W m, Chapel st Hall , West st Hawkins Rich, High st .~ Hewitt Thos, do Povey J a son, Spital st Saddler John, West st \V est brook W m, St Thomas st Cabinet Maker. Mealing Edm, High st Cambric Cap Manf.-Washbourn A, West st . Ca1penters.-Bond Wm, High st Beckett J as, \Vhitehead pl Cress well J as, High st Haynes Jas Maddocks Robt, High st Carriers.-Quarterman W Wyatt Thos, Chapel st Carver and Gilder. Blake Rich, do Chair Manufacturm-.-Crowder J as, do Chemist and Drugg£st.- Butler \V T, St Thomas st Cltild-bed Linen Warehouses.- Clark J osiah, High st Fot·d Eliz, West st China and glass Dealers. Dukes T E, West st Smith John, High st Clothier. Moss Lydia, do Coach Office. W yatt Fred, do _ Coal Merchant.-Gibbons Thos, Thames bank Confectioner.-Baines B, High st Coopers. Reeves Thos, West st Rose W m, Spital st Corn Dealer. Brooks J ames Bird, High st Engineer. Moss John, do Farriers. Burrell T, West st Meeks Joshua, Spital st Fishmonger. Cox Thos, Market pl Flour Deale1·. Plucknett J as, West st Furniture Brokers. Crake Robt Walker Thos, Market pl Gaiter Maker. Pearce G, Spital st ·

NEWPORT P AGNELL, &c. BUCKS. MARLOW, &c. CLASSIFICATION, continued. General Shops.-Croxon J as, Dean st Johnson Wm, Spital st "\Vigginton 1N m, do Grocers.-Aveling Rich, High st Cl ark J osiah. do Eagle J os, Chapel st Gibbons .John, West st Hickman T, do Hobbs W m, High st Susan C, St Thomas st Wright Thos, West st Grocers 9- Cheesemongers.-Bird J as, Chapel st Butler Thos, West st _ Grinsted R, High st Lee Jas, Spital st Oxlade Richard, Thames side Hair D1·essers. Pearce G, Spital st Smith Richd,W est st Smith Robt, vVest st Harness :Maker. Hitchcox M, Spital st . Ironmono-ers.--Burrell T, West st L~ne Lydia, 'V est st Salmon H, High st Lace ..i'Jfan.f.-Clark Josiah, High st Leather Selle1·. Camden Steadman, do Librarian.-Cannon Geo, Market pl Linen Drapers. Glover Jane, Spital st Grant vV m, \Vest st Groom Hezekiah, do Meadow John ,High st Morris John and Son, do Rolls Joshua, and Thos, do Locksmith. Clark Chas, High st Milliners.-Green M A, Chapel st Mason K and E, High st Moss Maria, vVest st Rose E, West st Jlfillwrigltt. Moss John, High st Paper Makers. "\Vright Wand Joseph Pastrycook.-Baines Benjamin, High st Pawnbrokers. Susan C, St Thomas st Wright Thos, vVest st Plumbers. Lovegrove James T, do "'\N ellcorne J, Spital st Pork Butclter.-Sawyer Robt, West st P01·trait Painter. Blake Giles, Chapel st Poulterer. Way John, High st Printers. Burnham J W, "\Vest st Cannon Geo, Marl<et pl Saddlers.-Hackshaw J, 'Vest st Humphreys Wm, West st Schools, Gents. Field Jas, High st Sharp John, vV est st Schools, Ladies.-Lord Eleanor, do Rolls Susan, High st Seedsman. Brown John, vVest st Slopsellers Morris John and Son, High st Smiths. Burrell T, vVest st Meaks Hen and J, Chapel st Meel{s Joshua, Spital st Spirit Dealer.- Gibbons John, West st Stationers. Burnham J ,V, do Cannon Geo, Market pl Salier John, 'Vest st Stonemason. Clifford Theophilus, High st · Straw Hat Makers. Hobson Charlotte, do N ewell Matilda, do . Pusey Wm, do Surgeons. Brinsden Thos Evans do ] Colbourne Robt, do Hickman and Brinsden, do Hick man W, West st MARLOW, &c. CLASSIFICATION, continued Tailors. Allum James Clark Saml, High st Gray Joseph, do Hunt J as Rogerson, do J ones David, West st Smith Wm, High st Stockbridge 'V, Common slough Tallow Chandler.-Gibbons John, West st Taverns and Public Houses .. - The Bm·ge Pole, Sparks Thos, Duck la Black Boy, Fletcher Thos, do Chequers, Davis David, High st Clayton Arms, Tyler J, Quoi1ing pl Complete An!{ler, Cresswell Wm, Bridge Oross Keys, Meakes Hen Thos, Chapel st Crown Inn, Franklyn J, High st George and Dragon, Cress well W m, do Greyhound, Hyatt Hen, St Thomas st Horns, Wyatt Thos, Chapel st Lion, Bowen Thos, We!>t st Old Ship, Sawyer vV m, do Swan, Cresswell Geo, Causeway Three Tuns, Muspratt John, vVest st Two Brewers. Hobbs Saml White Hart, Fletcher T 0, Chapel st Timber Dealer.-Hickman T, West st Tin-plate 1Vorkers. Batting Alfred, do Maclean Jas, High st Toy Dealer.-Salier John, "\Vest st Upholsterer. Mealing Edmund, High st Veterinary Surgeons.-Greenwood Geo, West st Meeks Joshua, Spital st Mogford Hen, West st Watch Jl,fakers. Hirst...T as, High st \Vashbourn Saml, West st Wha':finger.-Gibbons R, Duck la Wheelwrigltts- Bennell Saml, West st Green Joseph. Chapel st Woollen Drape1·s. Grant Wm, West st Meadows John, High st NEWPORT P .. ~GNELL~ SHERRINGTOl\T AND NEIGHBOU~- HOOD. . NEWPORT PAGNELL is an ancient market town and one of the largest in the county, containing according to the last returns, 3385 inhabitants. It is pleasantly situated on a gentle elevation from the south bank of the Ouse, at the junction of the level or Ouzel which runs through the town ; fifty miles north-west from London, and 8! from Woburn. on the Liverpool road; 141 north-east from Buckingham, and 4 from the London and Birmingham Railroad station at Wolverton. The living is a vicarage in the crown patronage, of the annual value of 230l. The spacious church, a fine and venerable edifice with a square tower, stands high, and commands a large expanse of agricultural country, varied by game preserves. At the western entrance to the town is a light iron bridge over the Ouzel, and on the north a handsome stone one, with a long causeway crosses the The buildings are good, and supplied with water front the rivers by hydraulic machinery, and with Staffordshire coal through the medium of the Grand Junction canal. The town, which is a polling place for the county, has a Saturday's market and fairs on the 22d day of the months of February, April, June, October and December, and on the29thof August; and was in the more prosperous days of the lace trade, the principal seat of its manufacture. It 37

NEWPORT PAGNELL, &c. now contains a paper manufactory. The institu- Burn W m, lligh st ••••• , ••••• Boarding School tions for the benefit of the poorer classes, bear a Capon Mrs, High st •••••••••••• • Dress Mak~r very insigniticant proportion to the extent of the Castledine J osh, West end., •••• .' ..•••• Butcher place. It is in Newport Hundred, the petty Castledine Robt, March end •••. •. Beer Retailer sessions for which are held here; and is the centre Chantler W m, St John st ••••. Chemist & Drug of a poor lawunion~ontaining forty-five parishes. Chapman Hen, High st .• Drap Habdas & Cloth The name derives its adjunct from the family of Chap man W m, High st . •. Linen & Wool Draper Paganel, anciently the possessors of the Manor, Checkley Geo, High st • ~ •.•.• ~ •••••••• Butcher whose castle here continued a place of strength Checkley Thos, St John st ••••• ~ •. Baker & Conf till the civil wars, when it was garrisoned for the Clare Wm, Marsh end ••• •••••• ~The Sportsman parliament army by Sir Samuel Luke, supposed Clark John, High st. • •••••.••• , .. White Hart to be Butler's Hudibras. Hill close near the Coales W P & D, High st .. Watch & Clock Mk church appears to be the probable site of the Coe W m, St John st . •..•••.•••••• flair Dresser castle. TheAkeman street is said to have passed Coles John, Tickfordend .••.•.. , •••.• • Maltster from Linford through Newport to Bedford. Collison Robert, High st .•.•••••••••• • Surgeon SHERRINGTON, in the same hundred and poor Compton & Brown, West end .•••.• , ••.• Tailors Jaw union, is distant 2 ~iles north-east. It is Cooch Geo, St John st. • • Solicitor & Agent for 52 north-west from Londun, and 3 south from the Atlas Fire & Life Insur Office Olney, on the road to 1\larket Harborough. The Cooper John, Kickles " .••••••.•••••••• Glazier valuable benefice is a rectory w~th an income of Cooper W m, High st . ..••..••••••••. Ram Inn 6311. The population in 1831, amounted to 804. Cowley John, West end •••••••..••• Whitesmith In the church is a handsome octangular font Cox , St John st .• , ..••.••• ~ .•••.•••• Tailor enriched with niches and figures. Cram Hen, Silve1· st . •.•.••••••• ., .• Shopkeeper Tb.e neighbourhood possesses attractions from Crowley Wm, West end .••••. , •••• Wheelwright the annual August races at Benyfield, and from a Daniell E, High .r;t •••••• •..•••••••.•• Surgeon remarkable nuii\ber of gentlemen's seats, and its Dawkes Wm, ditto •••.• , •..•••••• • PloTigh Inn proximity to a railroad station renders it very Deacon Wm. 'J'ickjord end .•.••••• Wheelwright easy of access. R)ckford abbey stands on the Dell A, West end, . ••..•.. Milliner & Dress Mak site of an ancient pJ,"iory. The lawn at Tripping- Dewsbury , Silver st ••••••••• , •• Boot Maker ham House slopes to the Ouse, over which is thrown Durham Geo, High st .•••••.•• , •.••••. Butcher a handsome modern stone bridge of a single arch. Durham T, Silver st ..•••.••••.•••..•• Butcher On Wavendon Heath, about a mile and half Eames T, Ticlifordend~ .•• • Carpenter & Builder south of Newport, are fullers-earth pits. This Elmes T, High st •• ................. Brazier &c extent of waste land, the soil of which is too poor Eve Chas, Mill end ............. , ••••••• Miller to afford nourishment to the more wide-spreading Featherstonaugh Josh, Marshend., ••• • Rope and tenants of the forest, has recently been greatly Twine Maker improved by planting with Scotch firs, the loftiest Fountain John, St John st ••...•••• Two Brewers of European trees, which undeJ,' the tasteful Fountain W m, High d ......•... , ...... Butcher direction of the DtUre of Bedford.. are very pie- Fox Thos, Bridge st ~ •.•• ., ••••••• The Neptune turesquely grouped. Freers M & E High st •....... Straw Hat Makers Name, Residence, Profession. Frost Robert, Hi'ghst •• •• Saddler &Har Maker (For CLASSIFICATION of T.RADES, seep. 40) Gamble Thos, 8_t John st .. •. • · • ••••••..• Tailor Adams John, High at • ~ .•••..••• Green Grocer Gawthorn E, Hz~h st •••••• Boot & Shoe Maker . A dams Miss, High st.-., •.••.••. Toy Warehou~e Godfrey Mrs, J!zgh st ••.•••..••.•• Dress Maker Allbright T, Saint John st ••••••.•.• Pig Dealer Good man D, Tz~kford end .• Bnck Mk & Cor~ deal Arrowsmith Jas. High st •...••••.•..• Solicitor Goodman , TwR.(ord end . . Butcher cf Auctzoneer Ashby Robert, Mill end ••..••• .• BeerRetailer Goodm!ln Wm,Sz~ver# •• .•••...•.•••• Butcher Ashby Wm, High st ..• • J •• Cutler & Gun Maker Goodwm Josh, Hzgh st .•.•. Coffee House lnn& Ayes J D, St Johnst ..•••.• • Lace Manufacturer . Wine & Brandy Merch Barker Jas, Titchford end., .••••. . Kings Arms Greav~s John, Hzg~ st •.••.• Sa,racens Head Inn Barker Wm, Silver st .•••.•.• March of Intellect Greenmg Sarah, Tzckj01-·d end •• Straw Hat :Mauf Barratt Miss, High st ••••••••.••. Dress Maker Had wen , ~t John st •.•.•• ~ ••.•.••••• Draper Barratt Sus an, High st.., ••. Ladies Board School Hanlor B, st •• ·: ••••.•.••.•.••••• Ta1lor Bassatt & Grant, High st •• • lhanch of Leighton Harvey A & Son, Brzdge st .••• , •• Stay Makers ~Bank, draw on Barclay & Co Lond Hayllar R, St John st ••• , •.•••..••• •.•• Grocer Bavington -, Tickford end •••••• Basket Maker Heley Geo, ~igh st ... ••.••.••••••• Sh,opkeeper Bliss Waiter, Tickford end •• Brewr & Spirit Mer Heley M, Tzckford end ••••.•••• ~ •• Shopkeeper :Bone J osh,High st ••• , ••. China & Glass Dealer H~rb~rt W m, West end ••• o o •• \ •• Beer ~eta1~er Bosworth Wm, Tickford end •.•••••...•.• Tailor H1ggms T, Dungeon la ............ Whitesmith Bradley Re bee, St John st •. Marquis of Chandos H~lton W m, Silver st •............ Wheat Sheaf 'Broderick Geo, Tickford t;nd . .••..• Vet Sur<Yeon H1pwell W m, High st, Anchor Maker,_ and Corn· Brow head Geo, Hi~h st •.•.•••..•• Shopke~per mercial lnn, ~nd Wine and Brandy Merchant Bromwick M, High s~ . .• Tailor Draper & Hatter Hoot on W m, Szlv~r st •................... Ha~ er Brooks John, North end ••••••••.• Beer Retailer J ackman Thos, 'l)ckford end . .•..•• Blacksmith Brooks Wm, Tickjord end •••.••••••.•.. Baker J oyce Edward, St John st, frinte~ & Pawnbroker Brown Thos, High st ••• Swan Hotel Comllnn and Keep Labrum. & Keep, Newport wf, Wharfingers Postin<Y House Keep Wm, H1gh st ...•.•••••.•.....•. Grocer :Bull Jos Rev, Dungeon la •• Min of the Indep chap ~eig.htley Matthew, High st ..••••. Fishmonger Bull T P Rev, #igh st, .•••• • Dissenting Minster Kiplmg Cha~, St John st ..•.••..•.•..• ~urgeon Bull W B~ Dungeon la . • Solicitor & Ageht for the Ladds C, Hzg~ st . ••• Grocer and Dealer m L~ce · Protest D1ssent & Gen Fire & Lite Insu Office Law Aaron, Szlver st ••.•••. ., •.••. Beer Retailer Bunting W m, High st •• , .••.•••••. o •• Butcher Lawman T, Br_idge st •• , • . . . • • • • • . ..•. Baker Bunyan M, Tickford end., .Grave Stone Cutter Leak John, Szlver st •... ~ .......... .,Shopkeepe . 38

NEWPORT P AGNELL, &c. .auc~s Litcnfield Thos1 High at .•••• ~ .... The Chequers Taylor W m, High st ..... •• , ••••• , •••• Chemist Littlebury Josh, Tickford end •••• , ....... • Grocer Todd Josh, Silver st .•••• , ••• ,, •••••.• Butcher Lock wood Thos, West end •••• ~ •••••••• Carrier Todd Robt, Tickford end, .. ~ • •.•••••• Wrestlers Loxley Chas, Tickford end • .•••••••••• Builder Tole Thos, Bridge st., ••••••••••• Watchmaker Lucas and Powell, High st, Solicitors, and Clerks Tomkins W J and Son, High st, Plmbrs & Glzrs to Magistrates and to Guardians for the Dis- Truelove Hy, Dungeon la •• , •••••.• , .•. Baker trict of Newport Hundreds, and Clerks to the Truelove Mrs, .••• Straw Hat Maker Commissioners of Taxes Truelove Thos, High st ••.•• ...••• Confectioner Lucas Job, St John st •.••. , •..••• . Shopkeeper Vines David, Tickford House, Gents' Brdng Schl Marr Matthew, St John st •. , ••..•.• •••. T9.ilor Walker J, North end. Bricklayer & Beer Retailer Marshall Geo, High st ... , ••• , ..... Boot Ma~er Ward John, Marsh end ••• ,, ••.•• • Beer Retailer Mars hall J as, Silver st • , , •••••.•• Shop keeper Ward Mrs, High st ••.• Ladies' Boarding School MashallW m, Silver st . ................. Currier W ebb \V m, High st . •.••••••••••• Boot Maker Mason W m, High st., ........ ,,, ••. Bricklayer WebstE>r Samuel, Ticliford end.,,, .• ••. Cooper Meadows E & A, High st , • , ••• Dealer in Shoes Wells John, Du'flgeon la . .•.•••••.• Blacksmith Millard Eliz, High st ..... ••••••••••••. Dolphin West John, St John st • ••.••••. Cabinet Maker Miller Wm, High st ••••••••. ., •. Cabinet Maker West Thos, High st ••• • Baker and Confectioner Mills Geo, High st •••••••. • •.••••••.• Butcher White W m, Silver st .•. . Agent for the Sun Fire Mills Thos, Tiakford end ............ Bookbinder lnsnrance Q,fice Mills Wm, Tickford end .............. • Bull Inn Whtte Wm, Tickford end ••• Plumber & Glazier M organ E A, High st . . Stationer and Bookseller Whithe W m, Silver st .. Registrar of Births and Morley Geo, Rev, St John st . ............ Rector Deaths tor Newport District Munday EM, Accomodation whf, Coal Merchant W~~~ows Wm, .st John st . , •. Three Cranes Ion N ash Robt, Tickford end ............. Maltster W ~tdmg R, Brtdge st . .......••.•... Shoemaker Neal J oseph, High st •••••••• "' .• , • Haberdasher W ~lford C J and W, Szlver st •. Plmbrs & G~zrs Neal Wm, High st .......•• , .•• ~·· ... Saddler W~lford Chas, West end; •••.• , .• • Beer Retailer Newport Infant School, Dungeon la, Smith M, W 1lford J onah, West end .•••••.•.. Shopkeeper Mistress Woodley Geo, West end .•••••••• , The Tankard Nichol A, Marsh end ........ , .... Gardener, &c. Yates W, Tic~ford end, Auctneer Survr. & Bldr N icholls Charlotte, Higlt st ••• • •••• " •• Butcher Yeats W m, Tickford end ••••••••• , .George Inn Olivers and York, Highst, Branch of Stony Strat· ford Bank (Draw upon Praed & Co, I.ondon Post Office. Osborn Geo e.ndS.on, High st •••.• Woolstaplers Staines Thos Edwd. High st ••••••••••• Masier Parsons J esse, Hzgh st ••• Maltster~ ~rewer, and Letters a.rrive morn. between I and 2, and are . Spmt ~erchant · dispatched 1 morn. Perry Hannah IJ.zgh st , • , ..... ~ ... l{au Dresser Pettit John, West end •• " ~ • "', ••••••.•• Butcher Posting House. Pethith Wm. High !lt •. •• • • • • •., ··.·.Butcher Swan Hotel, High st .............. Thos Brown Peths W m, Silver st ....... \ .... ~ .••••• Butcher Pipe Hannah, High st ••••• ~ ••••••..••• Baker Bankers. Placket ~obt, Silmer sth,tn ••.•••• ""Shopkee~er Bassett & Grant, (Branch or Leighton Bank) Porter Richard, ~t. John s st lronmogr & Brazier High it ... Draw on Barclay & Co.,London Poynt~r Thos~ Tzcliford end ........ Shoemaker Olivers & York, (Branch of Stony Stratford Bk), Read fhos, Szlver st ••••••••••• o •• Boot Maker High st •• Draw on Praeds & Co., London Redden C and Son, High st, Linen and Woollell Drapers, Silk Mercers, Haberdashers& Hatters Fire & Life Assurance Agents. Redden Chas, H~gh st. Maltsteu and Merchants Atlas, St John st ........ • •• , •••• George Gooch Redden J osh, Hzgh st ..... • ~ • • • • • • • •• • Grocer Clerical and Medical Life lligh st ••••• Charles Richardson Geo, St John's s.t •••• • Admiral Hood Redden and Son ' Richardson, R, B:idge st ••• ..••••• Shopkeeper Phoonix, High st ......... ~ •••••• T. E. Staines Roberts John, Hzgh st •••••• • • ~ ••• Shoemaker Protestant Dissenters & General, Dungeon la •• Roberts M, Mile end .............. . Hat Maker Wm B Bull Rogers G, Silver s!J ........ • • ... • •• •• • . Sureon Sun Fire, Sil~er st •.••••••• , •••••• W m White Rogers .J, High st . • ._ •••. p .... , •• , ••• Surge on Rose John, High st , ••• , ............ Carpenter Public O:flice;fs. Lucas &; Powell, High s.t •• Clerk to Magistrates, and Clerk to G11ardian~ tor the District of Newport Hundreds, and Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes Rose Wm, High st •••.•.• Printer and. Stationer Royal British School fol' Boys~ High st. T P, Mstr Russell Jas, Higk st ••••• -••••• ••••••• Carrier Salmon Josh, Tickford end ..•.•• Coach Builder Sapwell Geo, Marsh end •. Fishmngr & Shopkpr Sheppard Rich, Tickford end . ••••••• Bricklayer Public Schools. Sheppard Rich, Marsh end , •••.••••••. Builder Royal British School for Boys, High st Sheppard W m, Rigk st •........... Gun Maker Poole T. P, •..••••••••••• '" ........ Master Smith J as, North end ............... Shopkeeper Newport Infant School, Dungeon lane Smith John St John si . . Sad ],er & Harness Maker Smith M, •.••••.••••••• , , •• ., .• ., •• Mistress Sm~th Thos •.•• : ••..•••..•.••.. Lathbury Inn Coach List. Sta.mes J osh, Hzgh st . •..•..•..•.. Ironmonger L d D . d Staines T E, High st, Postmaster, Agent to th~ To on on, erby Mall, every ay, I morn., ~nd Phoonix Insurance., Grocer & Tallow Chandler1 returns same time Sutton Baily, Silver st . ......... Cow and Castle Ditto, Halifax Mail. 1 morn., returns sa m& time Sykes Isaac, Silver st • . ~ •..•..•........ Tailor Ditto, Leeds Courier, 9 morn., returns 9 even. Sykes Thos, Silver st .•••.••.... . Green Grocer Ditto, Northampton, l p. 10 morn .• returns 6 ev. Tame John, Silver st .... • , ~. • •••••• Shopkeeper Ditto, Manchester Defiance, ll mo.rn •• retns I mo 39

.BUCKS. NEWPORT P AGNELL, &c . To London, Leicester Union, 2 aft., returns same NEWPORT PAGNELL CLASSIFICATION, continued. time; the whole calling at the Swan Hotel Builders. Loxley Chas, Tickford end T<;> Wolverton Railway Station, Coaches, &c., Sheppard Richard, Marsh end hourly, from the Swan Hotel Yates W m, Tiekford end • • • Butchers.-Bunting Wm, High st Carner~' List. Castledine Joseph, West end From Northampton to Dunstable, Jos Pol1ard, Checkley George, High st every Mon. & Thurs., and returns every Durham George, do Tues. & Fri.; and Durham Thos, Silver st To Newport, and back to Northampton, every Fountain Wm, High st Sat. ; calls at the Ram Inn Goodman, Tickford end To Bedford, Jas. Russell's cart, every Mon.,! bef. Good man vVm, Silver st 8 morn., and returns 7 even, Mills George, High st To Buckingham, Ditto, every Tues., 7 morn, and N icholls Charlotte, do returns at 8 even. Pettit John, West end To Stony Stratford, Ditto, every Fri, 9 morn., Pettit Wm, High st and returns at 6 even. Petts Wm, Silver st To Northampton, Ditto, every Sat., l bef. 7 morn. Todd J oseph, do and returns at 8 even. Cabinet Makers. Miller Wm, High st From his ozcn house, High st 'Vest John, St Joims st Carpenters, ~c.-Eames Thos, Tickford end Rose John, High st Carrier.-Russell James, do SHERRINGTON. Attwood 'V"illiam ..................... Tailor Cripps George ..••.••.•••••••••. Beer Retailer Davies Mark .••••• • .•.••••••••• Beer Retailer Goodman Thomas •••.•••••• Crown and Castle Greggs Sarah •••••..••••••••.•• Beer Retailer J oyce J ames ~ ....... ; •.••••••..• , ~hop keeper J oyce William •.••••..••••••••.. Parish Clerk Middleton J ames •••. , •••••••. , ... , .••. Swan Norman Mark .•••••.••• , •.•••.. Beer Retailer· Rose Mart ha .•••..•....•• , ••.•..•. Carpenter Tandy Richard ••.•••••••. ~ .••..• Shopkeeper Classification of Trades. NEWPORT PAGNELL. Auctioneeu. Goodman, Tickford end Yates Wm, do Bakers.-Brooks Wm, do Checkley Thos, St John st Hootton Wm, Silver st Lawman Thos, Bridge st Pipe Hannah, High st Truelove Henry, Dungeon lane Vvest Thos, High st Basket Maker. Bavington, Tickford end Beer Retailers. Ashby Robert, Mill end Brooks John; North end Castledine Robert, Marsh end Herbert Wm, 'Vest end Law Aaron, Silver st Walker John, North end Ward John Marsh end Wilford Chas, 'Vest end Blacksmitlts J ackman Thos, Tickford end 'V ells John, Dungeon lane Bookbinder. Mills Thos, Tickford end Boot and Shoe Makers.-Dewsbury John, Slvr st Gawthorn Edward, High st Marshall George, High st Meadows Eliza and Ann, High st Poynter Thos, Tickford end Read Thos, Silver st Roberts John, High st \-Vehb Wm, do Wilding Robert, Bridge st Bmzie1·. Elmes Thos, High st Chemists and Druf(gists. Chantler William, St John's st Taylor W m, High st China and Glass Dealer. Bone J oseph, do Clot/tier. Chapman HeiJry, do Coach Builder. Salmon .Joseph, Tickford end ConfectiontJr. Checkley Thos, St John's st Truelove Thos, High st Coopers. W ebster Samuel, Tickford end Corn Dealer. Goodman Daniel, do Corn Merchant. Munday Ed Mlr, Acmdtion wf Currier. Lockwood Thomas, West End Marshal! William, Silver Street Cutler. Ashby William, High Street Drapers. Chapman Henry, High Street Hadwin, St. John's ~t Fishmongers.-Keightly Matthew, High st Lapwell George, Marsh End Gardener. Nichol Ann, Marsh End Grave Stone Cutter. Bunyan M. Tickford End Grazier.-Cooper John, Kickles Greengrocers. Adams John, High st Sykes Thomas, Silver st Grocers. Hay liar Robert, St John st Keep Wm. High st Ladds Christopher, do I .. ittlebury J oseph, Tickford End Redden J oseph, High st Staines T, E. do Gunmakers. Ash by \-Villiam, do Sheppard ·william, do Haberdashers. Chapman Henry, do Neall Joseph, do Redden Charles & Son, do Hair Dressers.-Coe William, St John st Painc Mrs. High st Perry Hannah, do Hatters. Bromwich M. do Redden Charles and Son, do Ironmongers. Porter Richard, St John st Staines J oseph, High st Lace .. Manufacturers. Ayres. J. D. St. John st J Ladds Christopher, High st Linen~ Woollen Dmpers. Chapman w·m. do Brewers. Bliss W alter, Tickford end Redden Charles & Son, do Parsons J esse, High st I Maltsters. Coles John, Tickford End Bricklayers. Goodman D, Tickford end Mason W m, High st Sheppard Richard. Ticliford end W acker John N ~rth ~d 40 N ash Robert, do · Parsoas Jesse1 High st Redden Charles, do Met·chant.-Redden Charles, do

OLNEY, &c. BUCKS. NEWPORT PAGNELL CLASSIFICATION, continued Miller. Eve Charles, Mill End Milliners o/ Dress Makers. Barratt Miss, High st Capon Mrs. do Dell A. West End Godfrey Mrs. High st Painters, Plumbe1·s ~Glaziers.­ Tomkins W. J. and Son, High st 'White William, Tickford End Wilford C. J, and \V. Silver st Pawnbroker.-Joyce Edward, St John st Pig Dealer.-Allbright Thomas, do Pdnters and Joyce E. do Rose vVilliam, High st Rope and Twz'ne Make1'.- Featherstonaugh J. Marsh End Saddlers arzd Harness Makers. Fl'OstR. High st N eall 'William, do. • Smith John, St. John st Schools, Gents. Burn '\Villiam, High st Vines David, Tickford House Schools Ladies. Barratt Susan, High st \Vard Mrs. do Shopkeepers. Bromhead George, High st Crann Henry, Silver st Heley George, Hi!!h st Heley Mary, Tickford End Leak John, Silver st Lucas Job, St. John st Marsh all J ames, Silver st Placket Robert, do Richardson Robert. Bridge st Sapwell George, Marsh End Smith James, North End Tame .John, Silver st Wilford J osiah, West End Silk Z.1ercers. Redden Charles & Son, High st Solicitors. Arrowsmith James, do Bull William Bateman, Dungeon lane Coach George, St. John st Lucas and Powell, High st Statz'oner and Bookseller.-M organ, E. A. do Stay }!fakers. Harvey A.& Son, Bridge st Straw Hat Makers. FrePrs M. and E. High st Greening Sarah, Tickford End Roberts Maria, lVIlll End Freelove Mrs. Dungeon lane Surgeons.-Collison H.obert, High st Daniell Edward, do Kipling Charles, St.John st · Rogers Georg~', Silvet· st Rogers John, High st . veyo1·.-Y ates W illiam, Ticford end Tazlot·s. Bosworth '\Villiam, do Bromwick Martin, High st Compton & Brown, vv'est End Cox, St •• Tohn st Gamble Thomas, do Hanlor Barbara, High st MatT Matthew, St. John st Sykes Isaac, Silver st Tallow Chandler.-Staines Thomas E. High st Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses.- Adm1'ml Hood, G. Richardson, St. John st Anchor Market o/ Com. Inn, Hipwell W. High st · Bull Inn, Mills \V m. Tickford End Checquers, Litchfield Thomas, High st Coffee House Inn, Goodwin J. do Cow and Castle, Sutton Bailev, Silver st Dolphin, Millard Elizabeth, High st George Inn, Yeats Wm. Tickford End King's Arms, Barker James, do NEWPORT PAGNELL CLASSIFICATION, continued. Taverns, Inns, and Public Hnuses.- Latltbury Inn, Smtth Thomll.S March of Intellect, Barker Wm. Silver st Marqttis of Chandos, Bradley Rebecca, St John street Neptune. Fox Thomas, Bridge st Plough Inn, Dawl\es \V. High st Ram Inn, Cooper William, do Saracen's Head Inn, Greaves J. do Sp01·tsman, Clare William, Marsh End Swan Hotel o/ Com. Inn, Brown Thomas, High st Tankard, Woodley Geor~e. vVest End Three Cranes Inn, vViddows '\Villiam, St. John st Two Brewers, Fountain John) do Wheat Sheaf, Hilton vVilliam, Silver st W7tite Hart, Clark John, High st Wrestlers, Todd Robert, Tickford End Toy Warehouse.-Adams Miss, High st Veterinary Sm·geon.-Brodcrick G. Tiddord End Watch and Clock Makers. Coales \V. P. and D. High st Tole, Thomas, Bridge st Wnarjingers. Keep, Labrum and Keep, Newport Wharf Wheelwright.-Crowley '\Vm. West End Deacon, \Villiam, Tickford End WhitesmitM.-Cowley John, vV est End Higgins Thomas, Dungeon lane Wtne and Spirit 211erchants.-Bliss Waiter Tickford End Goodwin J. H1gh st Hipwell vvilliam, do. Parsons J esse, do Woolstapler. Osborne George and Son OLNEY, with WESTON UNDERWOOD. · OLNEY, the most northerly town in Bedfordshire, is situated on the Ouse, in Newport Hundred, 55 miles north-west from London on the road to Market Harborough, 5 north of Newport Pagnell, and 9 north-east from the Wolverton station of the London and Birmingham Railroad. It is a Vicarage, valued at I 08l. yearly income, in the Earl of Dartmouth's patronage, and contained in 1831, a population of 2418. It has a Monday's Market, and is included in the Poor Law Union of Newport Pagnell. This little place, Camden observes, •• is remarkable for it~ goodly Church with a beautiful spire steeple, the only one in the whole county. It has acquired an additional recommendation to notice by the habitation of the poet, Cowper, who occupied a. substantial brick house in the centre of the town, and has in this Task, rendered the surrounding scenery familiar to all English readers." It consists of one long paved street, the houses generally of stone and tiled, since the thatch with which they werE1 formerly covered was exposed to a disastrous fire. The church spire is 185 feet in height. The Lace manufacture has declined, and Silk weaving and the making of worsted hose are substituted. At Lavedon, ~3 miles north-east, is a Fair on the Tuesday before Easter. Lavendon Grange and Gravhurst House are seats on the borders of the • Ouse, the ]atter an Elizabethan edifice containing portraits of the Digby family, with pleasant grounds and walks through the woods. 41

BUCKS. OLNEY~ &c. W ESTON U NDERWOOD, 2 miles sonth-west Of Olney, and 6 north-west from Newport Pagnell is a perpetual curacy, valued at 5ll. per annum, in the presentation of R. Throckmorton. Esq., withla population of 44l. Here also Cowper lo!lg resided in retirement, and was a frequenter of Its manor house the seat of the 'fhrockmortons. Name, Residence, & Profession. Lovell T, Back lane •• • Mstr of Lancasterian Scl Mabley Mary, Marketpl .• • Day and Bdg School Mars hall Sarah, Higk st ••• • Lace Manufacturer Mason Sarah, Market pl ••••••••.• Watchmaker M ayes John, Market pt •••.••••.•••.•••• Tailor Mead John, High st ••••••.•••.•••..• • Cooper Mead John, High st • .••••.•• The Two Coopers Millward John, High st •• ••• Lace Manufacturer M organ M aria, Higll, st • •••• Lace Manufacturer Morris Anthy, High st • .•.••••••••• Boot maker Morris Revd John, High st ••••••••• ••••.•.•• A spray Chas, High stJ ••.. • • ~ · • · · • • · • Surgeon Muskett Thos, High st ••.•••.•. Corn Chandler Aspray Ebenzr, Higkst. · •• • • · · ·······Grocer Muskett Thos. Market pl ••• •••••••. Mealman Aspra y Thos, High st . •.••• Rope and Twine Mr N egus J osh, High st . ................ Carpenter Baker Samuel, Market pl . • Bull Coml Inn, Pstg Nicholl W m, High st . ••••••.••••••••• Draper House and Excise Office Nunneley Samuel, High st • • Grcr and Tlw Chnlr Bannister Ann. High st ••.••. Straw Hat Maker Odd ell Isaac, High st .. .••.•.••••••••• Butcher Barker Chas, Hil{h st .• ...••..••.. Boot Maker Os born John; High st •• ................. Baker Bass Henry, High st .• Ln and Win Dpr and Agt Os born John, Clijton Reynes ••• Prsh Clk & Sxt~ for the County Fire and Life I nsce Office Os born W m, Bridge st ••.•••.••••.•.••. Baker Bass Sarah, Higlt st •••••.•••.•••• Milliner, &o Palmer J oseph, Market pl •• • Irnmngr & Farmer Berrill Thos, Market pl .. .•••••...•.•• Butcher Pay body Thomas. Dagnelt lane .•.• . Blacksmith Berrill Thos, High st •••..••••••. Wheelwright Penney Jacob, Mrkt pl •••••• New Cock Inn & Billing W m, Hi15h st . •.••..•...••. Shopkeeper Carpent~r Brown J abez, Market pl. • • .•. Rose and Crown Pitts George, High st •• •••••••••••••• r• Grocer Bull W B, Bridge st ••• Solctr, atdnce Thursdays Pitts George, Bridge st • •••• Lace Manufacturer Burman Thos, High st •..•....•. Corn Chandler Plaisted Hannah. Clifton Reynes • • Robin Hood Clarabut Danl, Market pl •. Linen and Wln Dpr Raban Elizabeth, Market pl •••••••••• • Milliner Clarke Thos, Bridge st •• • Mstr of National Schl Raban Sarah, Market pl •. ••••••••••••.. Baker Clifton Robt, High st •.••.•••••••.• . Bricklayer Raban Wm Jun, High st •••••• • Auctioneer, &c Cobb J oseph, High st .••• Carpenter and Joiner Revis Thos, High st .•• , ................ Baker Cobb .John and Son, High st .••••.•.•. Builders Revis Thos, Market pl •••••• Fellmngr & Agent Coles Benjm, High st . .• Grocer and Tlw Chndlr for the Roy~l Exchange Insurance Office Collingridge Sarah, Market pl ••.•• Milliner, &o Robinson Chas,. High st • • Saddler and Hrns Mr Collingridge Thos, Market pl •• ~ooksr and Stnr, Robinson John, High st •.•••••••.•• Bootmaker and Agent for the Brtsh F1re Insrce Office Smith Thos, Bridge st •••••••••• • Basket Maker Davison John, Market pl •...•.••..•••. Butcher Soul John~ High st • •..••••••••••.••••• Baker Davison John, Market p& •••••.•..•••• ·Cooper Soul John J unr, High st •• •••••••••.•••• Baker Dav~son ~aria, High s~ •••••. .•••.••.• Grocer Spencer W m, Emberton • ........... Pa~ish Clerk Dav1son RIChd Saul, Hzgh st ••••••••• . Boot Mr Styles Eliza, Market pl •••••••••• • Hair Dresser Dum vile, M aria; Market pl. ,.-. Straw Hat Maker Swain J oseph, High st • •••.•••.•••••••• Baker Farr John, High st •• .............. Two Brewers Todd John., Bridge st., •••• _ ••.••••.. Bell Inn Field Geo, High st . ••.•••••.•.• Corn Chandler Todd John, Bridge st . •.•••••••••• Brick maker Foskett Richd, Bridge st ••••••••••• • Swan Inn Toon John, High st ••• H ••••••••••• Grocer, &c Gauntlett S, Bridge st . .•••••••.••••• Surgeon Travil J ames, High st •.•••••.••••...• Butcher Gibbons Joseph, High st •.••.••••••. . Maltster Tunn Wm, High st •••••••••••.••• . Blacksmith Grindon Geo Horace, High st ..•....• . Surgeon Ward Henry, High st • •••••••• Baker and Beer Gross W m, High st . •••.••••..••••.• \ • Grocer Retailer Gross Wm, Market pl •.. •..•..•...•.•• Grocer Ward Henry, Marketpl .. •••••••• King's Head Harris Thos, High st . . l • •••••••••• Bootmaker Whitlock J ames. Dagnelt lane • •••••••. Timb~r Harris Thos, High st . .•••.•. Sdler and Hrs M:r Merchant Hinde Hannah, High st • •. Plumbe:r and Glazier Whitlock J osh, High st • • Linen and Wln Draper Hipwell Mary .••...•....•.•...•.• Shopkeeper Whitmee, Samuel, High st .•• ••.••. Castle Inn Hollingshead Jas, Market pt •• Wtch and Clk Mr Whitmee, Wm, High st ••••••••••...•• . Baker Hubbard Joh~, High st ..••••. • Mat_ting Mnfctr Woodroffe Josh, Market pt .... Chemist and Dgst Hull, W m, Hzgk st • •. Pntr and Gazter and Ant W orley Thos~ High st • ••• 6 ........ Duke of York for the Norwich Union Fr and Lf Office Wykes John, High st • .............. Whitesmith Hurst Henry, Market pl . ••.•..•••.•... Broker lliffe and Garrard, High .vt . .•.•..•... Solicitors James J ames, Bridge st •. . Master of the Baptist Free School Jones W m, Bridge st . •.•••••.•..••••... Boot Posting House. Killingworth John, High sb •••••• Watch Maker Bull Commercial Inn~ •••••••••• Samuel Baker Kitchener Thos, Market pl .•. , .• • Hair Dresser Langley Revd J no .•••. , ............... Vicar Litchfield M, Market pl .••.•...•• Pork Butcher Litchfield Saml, High st •. Saddler and Hrns Mr Lord David, High st . ..•..• : .• , ...... Dolphin Fire and Life Assurance Agents. Rritish Fire, Market pl •.•••. Thos Collingridge County, High st .. ••••••••••.•••. Henry Bass Norwich Union, High st. • •.•...• · •• W m H n_ll Royal Exchange, Market pl . ••.•••• Thos Revts Excise Office .. Lord George, High st .•.•.••..•.•. Boor ~a:ker Lord George, High st . .••.••.... Duke Wilham Lord George, Dagnelllane . •..•••••....•. Sun Lord J oseph, High st • ••••••••••• , , •• Maltster Lo L d JIA': k t l The c k Bt1lllnn . •..••.••• •••••· ....... , .-•..• ~ .... . rp eonar • e p • • • • • • • • • • • • oc 42

OLNEY, &c. BUCKS. ~=======================-======================== OLNEY CLASSIFICATION, continued. Public Schools. Groc.ers.-Gross Wm, Marcet pl Baptist Free School, Bridge st,j' Nunneley Saml, High st J ames J ames .•••.••••.•••••••• ~ • ~ •• M;aster Pi tts Geo, ditto Lancasterian School, Back lane, Toon John, ditto Lovell T .•..•••.•...•.••..•••.••••• Master Hair Dressers.-Kitchener Thos, Market pi National School, Bridge st, Styles Eliz, Market pl Clarke Thos .... • •••••..• .' .••.•• , ••• Master Ironmonger. Pal me~ J oseph, Market pl Coach List Lace Manufacturers. Marshall Sarah, High st . • Millward John, High st A Coach from Wellmgborough to Wolverton calls Morgan Maria ditto at th~ BuU e_very morning at 9 and returns Pitts Geo, Bridge st at 6 ~n evemn~ • Linen o/ Woollen Drapers.-Bass Henry High st Carr1ers' L1st. Clarabut Daniel, Market place To LondoB, through Newport Pagnell, Woburn, Whitlock Joseph, High st &c, (Hy Thos Allerbury) from the Swan, Maltsters. Gibbon!! J oseph, High st every Monday and Thursday afternoon Lord Joseph~ ditto WE_8TON UNDERWOOD. Matting Manufac. Hubbard John, High st Mealman, Muskett Thomas, Market pi Milliners, o/c, Bass Sarah, High st Bliss Step hen •••.•••••...•.•••.• ~ •.• Butcher Collingridge Sarah, Seggins Isaac, Catholic School • •.•.•• ., • ¥aster Raban Elizabeth, Market pi Constable Charles ••••••••..••.. Co~per.s _O~r Painters, Plumb o/ Glaz. llinde Hannh, High st Eccles Seth Rev ...••••• : •.• Catholic Mimster Hull Wm, High st Higgins Thos •••••••••••.••••••. ·Fell monger Pork Butcher. Litchfield M, Market pi H_ipwell Mary •••••••••• Shopkeeper and Baker Rope ~ Twine Maker. Aspray Thos, High st RIChardson Reuben •••••.•.•. ·, •.•. , Carpenter Saddle1·s o/ Harness Mk Harris Tbos. l!igh st Litchfield Samuel, High st Classification of Trades. Robinson Chas, ditto OLNEY. Auctioneer. Revis Thomas, Hig-h st . '-' Bakers. Os born John, H1gh st Osborn William, Bridge st Raban Sarah, Market place Raban William jun, High st Soul John jun, High st Soul John, High st Swan John, High st Ward Henry, ditto Whitmee Wm, ditto Basket Maker. Smith Thos, Brrdge st Blacksmiths. Pay body Thos, Da.gnell lane Tunn, William, High st Bookset o/ Stat.-Collingridge Thos, Market pl .Boot ~ Shoe Mkrs. Barker Chas, High st Davison Rich Soul, l-Iigh st Han·is Thos, High st Lord Geo, High st Morris Anthony, High st Robinson John, ditto Bricklayers. Clifton Robert, ditto Brickmaker.-Todd John, Bridge st Eroker.-Hurst Henry. Market place Builders. Cobb John & Son, High st Butchers. Berrill Thos, Market place Davison J oh1;1, ditto Oddell lsaac, High st Travil J ames, ditto Carpenters ~c.-Cobb J oseph, High st N egus J oseph, ditto Penney Jacobj 1\'laiket pl Chemist o/ Drug gist. Woodroffe J os, Market pl Coopers. Davison John, Market pi Mead John, High st Corn Cltandlers. Burman Thos, High st Field Geor~e, ditto Muskett Thos, ditto Draper. Nicholls Win, Hi~b st Fellmonger. Revis Thos, Market pi Grocers cS-c. Aspray Ebenezer, H1gh st 4 Coles Benj, High st Davison Maria, ditto Gross W m, ditto School, Ladies-Mabley Mary, Market '{>lace Shopkeepers. Billing William, High st Hipwell Mary, Marshall Sarah, High st Solicitors. Bull W B, Bridge st Iliffe & Garrard, High st Straw Hat Makers Bannister Ann, High st Dnmvile Maria, Market place Surgeons. Aspray Charles, High st Gauntlett S, Bridge st Grindon Geo Horace, High st Tailor. Mayes John, Market pl Tallow Chandler. Coles Benj, High st N unnely Samuel, ditto Tanners. falmer Joseph, Market pl Taverns, Inns, Public Houses.- Todd .John, Brid~e st Jones William, ditto Baker Samuel, Market pl \Vhitmee Samuel, High st Lord Leonard, Market pi Lord David, ditto Worley Thos, High st Lord George, ditto Ward Henry, Market pl Penney J acob. ditto Plaisted·Hannah, Clifton Rynes Smith J: High st Brown J abez, Market pl Lord George, Dagnelllane Foskett Rich, Bridge st Farr John, High st Mead John, High st Timber Mercht.-Whitlock J ames, Dagnelllane Watch Makers. Hollingshead Jas, Market pl Killingwortb John, High st Mason Sarah, Market pl Wheelwright.-Berrill Thos, High st Whitesmith:. _yVykes Jqhn~ High st • 43

BUCKS. PRINCE'S RISBOROUGH, &c. Gilbert J a me:. • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Mill wright PRirlCE'S RISBOROUGH AND Gilbert James •• [St. Geo &Dragon Commercial NEIGHBOURHOOD. . Inn, and Exci~e O~ce , - ·1 N W f Gilbert John •••••••••••••••••••• Mtllwr1ght PRINCE s RISBOROUGH,. 3 7 m1 es · • rom Gilbert John •• , •••••••••••••••• White Hart London, 8 north from H1gh "\Vycombe, 11 so~tth Gomm John • • . • • • • • . • • . • • . • • • • • • . . . Grocer fro~ Ayles~.mry, and 13! S.-yv •. from th~ 7r~ng Gregory William •.•••••••.•••••• Shoemaker ~tabon of tile Lon?on and B1rmmgham J a1hoad, Rester Mary ••••••••••••••••••••• Academy Is a market town m the hundred of Aylesbury, Hoperof Job .••••••••.•••••••.•••••• Tailor for which borough its 1 Ol. householders have con- How land Misses • • • • • • • • • . • • • • Dress Makers seq uently the privilege of vot The poor-law J acob "\Villiam • • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • • . Blacksmith Commissioners have attachEd 1t to the 'Vycombe Kempster John ••••••.•••• Baker and Butcher union. It is a perpet~al curacy valued at 14.5l. Lacey Samuel ••..•.•••••..•••• Beer Retailer a year, in t~e presentat~on ~f J. Gruhb, es~., w1th. Langton William ••••••••••••.•..•. Butc~1er 2122 inhabitants. It 1s sJtuated at the toot of Little Thomas .•••.•••..•.••.•• Beer Retailer the Chilterns, near the lkeneld, or, as corruptly Loosley Ann • • . • • • • . . • • • . • • • • • Dress Maker called by the rnsties, the Acknell Way. The manor Low Abraham •.••••••••••..••..••• Maltster was ()'ranted to Richard Tring, of the Ro~ans, Lowe Abraham . • • . • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . . • • Baker and ~fterwards conferred on the J;3lack. Prmce, Ludgate William •.••..•••.• , • . . Lace De~ler from whom the prefix to the name Is denved; as Meade Rev Richard ••..••••••.••••••• VIcar that of the village of Monk's Risborough is frorn Nash and Hutt .••.•.••......••••••• Millers the monastic possessors of its manor. This was Norris John •••••••••••••.•••••.••• Surgeon subsequently the dower of Henry V,.'s Queen, Parsons Thomas • , .••••.•••••.••.••• Bre~er and was visited by Que.e~ ~l1zabeth m her pr()- Payne "\Villiam •.•••••••.••.••••••••• M1~ler gresses. In a field adJommg the churchyard IS Pen·in John ••••.•••.••.....•. ~ .••.•• Ta1lor a dry moat, supposed to surround the site of the Porker John •.•.•..•..•••...•••. Shoemaker manor-house, Prince Edward's palace. Horsen- Powell Williarn •••......•••.• Cross Keys Inn den HousP, 1-! mile distant, was garrisoned for Rmsell John • • • . • • • • • • • . • . • . . . . . • • Butcher 1he King during the parliamentary war .. On a Scott Alfred •••.•••••• Postmaster and Grocer steep declivity on the west side of ~he <?hilt erns, Senior John . • • • . • • • • • • • Boot and Shoemaker visible from great part of Oxfordslure, 1s a cro~s Senior Robert •.•••••••• Boot and Shoemaker cut in chalk, named white-leaf cross, .100 feet m Simmons Jacob ..•••••••••••••...•••• Baker length and 50 wide at the base, narrowmg to 20 at Simmons vVilliam •.•..•.•.• ~ •• Beer Retailer the top; the transverse line 50 long and 12 broad; Slaughter Richard •••••••••• , • • • Chairrnaker a trench two or three feet deep 1s cut all round Steel John • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Miller to determine the limits of the figure .• The cross Stevens Daniel ••••••••••..•.••••• Carpenter was last cleared from grass and weeas by a sub- Stevens Daniel • . • • • . • . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . • Bell "cription among the neighbouring gentry .. Accord- Stevens George.. • • . • • Tailor and Beer Retailer ing to tradition it commemorates a VICto:y of Stratton Cha~les .• Agent to County Insur Corn Edward the elder over the Danes; and the VI~lag.e Stratton John • . • . • . • • • • • . . • • . . • . . • Butcher of Bled low is said to have obtained its name, SJgm- Stratton John • • . • . • • • • . • • • • • • . • Boys School f\·ing bloody-hill, as the scene of the battle. The Stratton William • • . . • . • . • . • • • . • • w·hite Lion church of Bledlow. stands on the edge of a p~e- Syred Thomas •• The Crown, & Boot & Shoemkr cipitous rock, and m a deep woody glen; at Its Tapping John •••..••••.. Butcher and Grocer foot is a small tran~parent lake, called the ~yde, Tappin!! John •.•••••.•••.. o •••• Lace Dealer formed from th~ '-!mted waters of seve~al sp:mgs, Terry Thomas ••••••.•.•••••..•• :Boys Sch~ol which, undermmmg the rock, have g1ven nse to Tilbury John • • . • • . • • . • • • • • • • . • • Blacksm.Ith the followin!{ local prophecy : West J ames . . . • • • . • • . • • . • • • • • • Bee1· Reta1~er They who live and do abi~e, West "\Villi am • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • Blacks~Jth Shall see the church fall mto the Lyde. Winslow Robert • • • . • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • Miller Name, Residence; and Profession. See also CLASSIFICATION of TRADES, page 45. Allen Mary ..•.•••.••..•...•... · Dr~ssmaker Ayres John .••••.•.• Draper and Pansh Clerk Barley John • • • • • . • • • . . . • . • . • • . • Glazier, .&c Barley Robert •..•.•.••..••..••.•..• : Tailor Bamard Wm ••..•.•...•.•......• Bricklayer Bishop Ruth • . . . . . . • • • . • Straw Bonnet maker Post Office. Scott Alfred ••..••.•••..••..••. Post-master Letters received from London in the mornin~ at 2 ; dispatched to London in the afternoon at 4. One delivery eac:h day, at half-past 8 in the morning. Bowler Richard ••••.••.•• · · ·: • · · • Carpen~er Fire and Life Assurance Agent Busby 'Villiam . • . • . . . • • . Pamter and Glaz1er Charge William •• , • • . . • . • . . . . • . • • Bricklayer Stratton Charles,· • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • County Clarke E and Sons • . . • . • • • • . • . . • • • • Drapers Clarke Elizabeth • • • • • • . • . • . . . • • . • • • • Draper Clarke John •.•.••••.•• Boot and Shoe maker Clarke John ••••••••..•••••••••.•.. Maltster Crooks Joseph •••••..•••.•••.••• Chairmaker Darvill J oseph • • . • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • Shoemaker Excise Office, St George and Dragon Inn Carriers' List. Darvill Richard ••• , •.•••••• -: ••.•••.•• Baker Forster J ames, waggon to Wycombe, Monday and Darvell John •••••••.•.•••••••.••.••• Miller Friday; and to Aylesbury, Wednesday and East John •••••••• , ••••••••••• Wheat Sheaf Saturday; and to Thame on Tuesday .. Garland Edward ••••••••••••••••• Carpenter Stratton James, waggon to London every Fnday, 44

SLOUGH & SALT HILL, BUCKS. Classification of Trades. PRINCE'S RISBOROUGH. Bakers.-Darvill Richard Kempster John J,owe Abraham Simmons Jacob Beer Retailers. Lacey Samuel I.itt1e Thomas Simmons "Villiam Stevens Geor~re \Vest James ~ Blacksmiths, J acob William Tilbury John West "\Villiam Boot and Shoemakers. Clarke John, Darville .T osep h Greg"ory William Porter John Senior John Senior Robert Syred Thomas Brewer. Parsons Thomas Bricklayers. Barnard '\Villiam Charge 'Villiam Butchers. Kempster John Laughton William Hussell John Stratton John Tapping John Carpenters. Bowler Richard Garland Edward Stephens Daniel Chair Makers. Crook Joseph Slaughter Richard Drape1·s. Ayres John Clarke E and Sons Clarke Elizabeth DressJl1akers. Allen Mary Howland Misses J,oosley Ann Grocers.-Gomm John Scot t Alfred Tapping John Lace Dealers. Ludgate 'Villiam Tapping John Maltsters. Clad: John Low Abraham Millers. Darwell John N ash and Hutt Payne 'William Steel John 'Vinslow Robert Millw1'ights. Gilbert J ames Gilbert .John . Painters and Glaziers.-Bailey John Busby William Schools, Gents. Stratton John Terry Thomas School, Girls. Rester Mary Straw Bonnet Maker. Bishop Ruth Surgeon. Norris John 1'aitors. Bailey Robert Hopcroft Job Perrin John Stephens George Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses .. - Bell~ Stephens Daniel Oross Keys Inn, Powell 'William Crown, Syred Thomas St George and Dragon, Comllnn, Gilbert ~ James ' BucKINGHAM CLASSIFICATION, continp,ed. Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses.- TFheat Sheaf, East John White Hart, Gilbert John TVllite Lion, Stratton 'Villiam SLOUGH & SALT HILL, ARE on the road to Bath, the former20!miles from Hyde ParkCorn~r, a~d the latter 21f. partly in the par1sh of Stoke Poges, and partly m that of Upton. SALT Hu.L is partly in Up!on. and partly in Farnham Royal. Slough denves importance from it.s contiguitf to Et?n and Wmd~ sor which are 2 m1les south; 1t consists of anumber' o.f inns and post-houses, and has celebrity as the residence of 1\Ir. Herschell, a diligent astronomical observer. Mr. Herschell constl'ucted a reflecting telescope, of wider visual range than any previously existing : it was mounted in framework, visible from the road on the so ut h. A new church, on the same side the road, has recently been completed, and the population in the vicinity of Slough has been increasing since .)831. A cattle market is held on Tuesdays. The parish of U pton, south of the road, contains 1950 acres; assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 at 5974!. The population was returned in 1 831 3;t l 502. The benefice in 1834 was returned as a VIcarage, of the annual value of 2201.; in the presentation of the Crown; W. Bonsey, Esq. being impropriator of the great tithes. The vicar, the Rev. T. W. Champnes, is a minor canon of the collegiate churches of both Windsor and ·Westminster, and rector of Cottesford Oxon, and Fulmer, Bucks. The parish of STOKE PoGEs contains 3380 acres; assessed to the Property Tax in 1815 at 26131. The population in 1801 was returned at o~ly 288; increased in 1831 to 1252. The ben~fice m 1834, returned as a vicarage, of the annual value of 3271. · in the presentation and impropriatwn of F. G.' Osborne, Lord Godolphin, whose relation is vicar. Stoke PoO'es holds a fair on '\Vhit-Tuesd~y. It has a school ~nd hospital, and celebrity as the scene of an elegiac poem by Gray, to whose memory a sarcoplugus has been erected. SALT HILL derives celebrity from the exquisite beauty of the surrounding scenery, and for two of the most agreeable and commodious inns and post-houses on the road from London to Bath. The Great Western Railway runs parallel, on the north, with the turnpike road from Colnbrook, and is carried over it between Salt Hill and Maidenhead. \Vindsor Castle, with its luxuriant wooded hills and groves, presents itself in imposing aspect to the traveller from Colnbrook to Salt Hill. Name, Residence, and Profession. At kins John .•••••••••••••••.. Corn Merchant Bacon J ames •••••••••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Barns John .••.••.•••••..• Boot & Shoemaker Baxter & Deveril •• Plumbers, Painters & Glazrs, Bray John ••.•••••. Grocer & Dealer in Sundries Bray John ••••••••••••••.••••••• Beer Retailer Brown Thos. & Edward .•• Nursery & Seedsmen Champness Rev. Mr .•••.•..••••••.. : •• : ••••• Cordner Ralph •••. Crown Inn & Poshng House Creffield John ••• Coach Builder & Harness 1\'Tkr DawsonStanhope ••• Chemist, Druggist & Statnr Deane Henry ..••••••••.••••. • .•••••.• Baker Dodd Edward ••••••••••••. Crown and Anchor Finch George , , •• , • , , •• t, , , ••••••••••• Baker 45

BUCKS. STONY STRATFORD, &c. Froud Henry ••.•••••••.••.•.••..•••... Baker Gale ·william. •••••.• , •••••••••. Rein Deer Inn Gall Wm •.••••••• Coach and Cart "Wheelwright Garraway W m •••••••••...••••••• Three Tuns Grantham Charles •••••••••• , •••••••.• Grocer ' Grove Edward .............................. Swa'n Gundrey Thomas ••••••.••••••••• Bacon Factor Harris •• ~ , •••••••••• Cheese a.nd Bacon Factor Hawker John ............... Grocer and Baker Hawkes J .•...• " .•...•...... , .. Beer Retailer Hoskins George ••.•••.. Coal and Brick Dealer J ennings Barnard .•...•.. , ~" .... Red. Lion Inn Judd John ... Saddler, Collar and Harness Maker Kive John •..••.•.•. Hair Dresser and Perfumer Liddiard Thomas ••.••.••..•••••• Beer Retailer Lovegrove H •• Garden & Windsor Chair Manfctr Luff Henry .. • •.•••••••••• , • ~ •••.• Pied Horse Luff M aria ••• , ••••• , •••••.•• ~ ••••. -.Stag Inn M as on Robert ............... • •••••••• Surgeon Mountford Charles •••• ~ ................ Butcher Nicholls Thomas ••••• "• .............. Butcher Nixey J oseph •••••••••• ,. ............... Tailo:r N ixey Thomas ...................... , • Grocer Ockenden H ••••• ~" .•.•••.•••••.• Fishmonger Os born Thomas ........................ Tailor Painter Mary •••.•••••••••• , ..•••• Blacksmith Park en George .............. , •.• " •. Crown Tap Poole Matthew.,. . • ••••• , •••. • ••••• Black Boy Sargeant William ............ Buildin~ Surveyor Tilley James Henry •••• Grocer and Corn Dealer Wallin William ...................... Carpenter W eston Thomas •.••••..••••••••••••••. Baker W oodcroft William- ••••••••• ~ \ ••.. Tea Dealer Woods Nicholas •••••••••••••• •. ~ .. ~ .•• Grocer Wright Mark •••••••••••• Boot and Shoemaker Post Office. tuff M aria, Stag Inn, Sloug ••••. Postmistress Letters received i before 8 morn.; dispatched 7 even. , Posting House. Crown Inn ....... ~........... • •• Ralph Cordnel Castle, Salt hill •.••.•.•• , , .•.•.. Mrs. Deverell Windmill, ditto ••••••... , .•.•• William Botham Coaches & Carriers. !See CoNBROOK. STOKE: POGES, IN Stoke hundred, 5! miles north-west of Coinbrook and 2 north from Slough, contains a population of 1252, and is attached to the Eton poor law union. It is a vicarage, with a yearly income of 3191., in the patronage of Lord Godolphm. A fair is held here on Whit Tuesday. This beautiful village is a combination of fine villas, cottages ornees, and lhe habitations of the lower classes, which nearly all partake in some degree of the taste by which they are surrounded. Stoke farm and Stoke place are specimens of t.he higher class of mansions; but the great ornament of the parish is Stoke park, in which stands the curious little church of St, Giles, with its churchyard, rendered famous by Grats Elegy, and containing the remains of the poet, to whose memory Mr. Penn erected a fine monument immediately within one of the inclosures to the park, commanding a beautiful view of Wirtdsor CasUe and Eton College, and also a sight of the ivy-lnant.ed tower 46 of U pton eh urch. The grounds are tastefully laid out, and the mansion itself, with a tall column in the park surmOl\nted by a statue of Sir Edward Coke, form prominent objects in the foreground of the panorama visib1e tfrom Windsor terrace. The parish has a well endowed hospital or almshouse for three brethren and two sisters, who have each an allowance in money, besides being boarded and clothed. Ditton is a hamlet of this parish and has a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, of proportionate size to its mother-church, that is of very diminutive dimensions~ situ&.ted in Lord Montagu's park. Baylies, the seat of Lord Godolphin, is also in this parish. Name, Residence, and Profession. Banyrd Martin, Stoke gTeen, Grocer & Cheesmgr Brent Thomas •...•..•.••.••• • •••••.•• Smith Buckland Fredk, Stoke green ••••• , ••••. Smith Buckland Thomas ...................... Smith Bumby John .•.•.••....•••••••••• Grocer, &c Cliveerd John .................... Shoemaker Cooper Robert, Stoke green ••••••••••••• Swan Corderoy John ••••••••••.•.•• ,. ••• Grocer, &c Darvell William .•••.•...••••••• Beer Retailer Edgson Ed ward ••..•.•••.•••••••• The Plou~h Hares William ........................ Millet· Harris John .•.•.•.•...•..••••••.• Shoemaker Lack Thomas ••• , ••. Grocer and Cheesemonger Mason Samuel .•. , ........••.••• Beer Retailer Os borne Rev Mr •.•.•••••••••••••••••• Rector Payne George .•.••..••••.••• ~ •• Beer Retailer Powel Elizabeth .•.•• Grocer and Cheese monger Read John ......................... Bricklayer Redrup William ..••.•.••••• • •••.. Grocer, &c Robins J ••...••.••••..•••.••••• The One Pin Robinson Richard ••.••••••••• , •• S"efton Arms Scotton John ...••..••.•..•••••.•••••• Tailor Sharp William •••..••. , \ •••• ~ .•• Dog and Pot Sower by William ..•..••.••.••.••••• Carpenter Thompson Thomas •.....••.•.•.••••. Butcher Turner George .•.....••.•.••••••• Grocer, &c Turner Thomas, Stoke green .•••• Beer Retailer Turner Thomas .••....••••.•.••• Beer Retailer Walden Thomas, Stoke green . •••• Beer H.etailer Walden Thomas ..••.... , •• • •..• Beer Retailet~ Williamson William, Stoke green ••••. Red tion Witney and Sowerby, Stoke green ••• Carpenters Carrier, To London, Webb James, Tues. and Fri~ STONY STRATFOkD,WITH OLD STRATFORD. STONEY STRATFORD, on the high road to Birmingham, lies on the east bank of the Ouse, where it separates this county from N orthamptonshire, and is 52 miles N. "\V. from London, 7! S.E. from Towcester, 14 south of N orthampton, 8! N. E. from Buckin~ham, 6.S.W. from Newport Pagnell, and 2 from theW olverton Station on the London and Birmingham Railway. It was formerly two parishes, St. Giles's on the west side, and St. Mary Magdalen's on the east, said not to contain between them 20 acres beyond thd limits of the buildings; but the body of St.Mary's church was destroyed, in 1742, by a fire, frorn which the town suffered materially, and has never been re-built, St. Giles's bt>ing found snf-

STONY STRATFORD, &c. BUCKS; :ficiently capaciGUS for the inhabitants, The two Bates Thomas, High st .........••. on .Butcher parishes have since been united, and now con- Baxter E, Market pl.Ladies' Day Boarding Schl stitute a perpetualauracy worth 130l. per annum. Bell Robt, Market pluDay and Boarding School with a. population of 1619. It is in the hundred Ben nett John, High st ...... Veterinary Surgeon of Newport, and the poor law union of Potters- Berrill Geo, High st ••• , , •• Brazier and Tin man bmy, in Northamptonshire. A petty sessions Blabery Thos, High ~t ••••••••••• White Horse for this and the last named county is held here Boyes W m, Market sq. , Linen and Woollen Drpr on the first Friday of every month. The town Brooks Saml, High st ... ••• H •••• lo •• ~ ••• Tailor consists of one street, lying along the road, the Broth well Chas. Church st •••••••• Hair Dresser same with the Roman Watling street; for about a Brown John, High st ............... ~ ••.• Angel mile, and recently M'Adamized, with a good Buckingham Bank (branch of) High 8t, open on market square, and two back streeb, the house Friday, Draw upon Praed and Co built of free§tone. A bridge of five arches Calladine John, High st.. • • • ••••• Boot Maker over the Ouse, supposed to have been built Copes Arthur .• Saracen's Head, & Wine & Spirit by the Romans. An act was obtained in 1834 Merchant for the building of the present, a handsome stone Cancutt Mark, High st •••••• - ......... Chemist structure, from the proceeds of an estate of 240l. Charlton Henry, High st ......... ~ •.••. Butcher a-year, belongin~ to the town, for the repair of Chibnal Rich, High st •• Ree-istrar 'Of Births and the bridge and highways. The women here are Deaths for the Pottersbury District much employed in lace-making, and there is a Claridge John~ High st. ... ~Master of National considerable trade in corn; yet, like other small School, and Parish Clerk places on the main post roads, this derives its Clarke Thos, High8t. r .Grocer & Tallow Chndlr principal support from the passage of travellers. Collin~ridge Ed, Church st •• Painter and Glazier It has a large corn market on Friday, and fairs Congreve J F, High st • ~.Solicitor and Clerk to on the 2nd of August, Friday after the lOth of Magistrates October, and November the 12th, the first and Corbett John, High st •••• ............ • • Baker ]ast for cattle. the second for hiring of servants. Curtis J oel, Church at •................. Carrier The grand junction canal passes about two miles Curtis Mrs, Church st • • Milliner and Dress Mkr north-east of the town, and is carried over the Day Thomas, High st • . Builder and Ironmonger Ouse by a cast iron aqueduct. The Birming- Day \Vm, High st, Auctioneer and Apptaiser, & ham railroad also, at the same spot, is conducted Agt to the County Fire and Life I nsrnce Office over the largest viaduct in its entire course. The Dockery Sarah, ilfarket pl • ., • • ...... Milliner, &c. town possesses, besides the above estate, a small Downing John, Church st •• ......... Blacksmith free school, a fund for apprentice fees, and ano- Downing Thos, Calverton end •• -••. Black~mith ther of 60l. for providing~ the poor with work, Elston John, High st •..................... Tailor clothing, bread, &c. Stoney Stratford is sup- Everett W m, Highst ......... • ••.•• George Inn posed by some antiquaries to have been a Roman Fancutt Frances, High st . ........... Shopkeeper station, and the Lactodorum of the Itineraries. Farren Wm, High st .... \ ~ •• ~ ....... Rising- Sun Here Richard Ill. opened to himself the way to Fookes J oseph, High st ~ ............... ~ . Baker the crown, by seizing the pets on of his young Foulkes J oseph, High st ........... Shopkeeper nephew, Edward V., whom he conducted to Lon· Foxley Wm, High st •••• • Boot and ShoeMaker don, there to be the victim of his ambition. Freeman Robt, High st ............... Surgeon Here also stood one of the numerous stone cros-1 Freeman Sarah, High st •• ••••• · ......... Milliner ses, erected by Edward I. to the memory of his Freeman Thos, Big/, st.~ •• • Carpenter & Joiner beloved queen, demolished by the fanatic in the French Thos, High st • ..... ., ........ Boot Maker civil war. French Wm, High st .••• ~ ••.•••. Coach Horses OLD STRATFORDl a hamlet standing in four Freshwater T, Highst •• Linen and Woollen Drpt· different parishes of the county of Northampton, Frost W m, High st ...........••••••.••• Glover is a mere suburb to the town of Stoney Stratford Galloway John, Market pl ... Crown Inn and Exon the other side of the Ouse. A branch canal, cise Office from Buckingham, passing through it, unites Ganterton John, Wolverton end. • • Wheelwright with the main line at Cosgrove, about half a mile Gent J S, Calverton end •••• \ •••.••.•. Sur(J'eon distant from the aqueduct mentioned above. Gilling Geo, High 81 •••••••• ~ •. \.. • • Butcher • • Godirey Geo, Market pl, • , •• Painter and Glazier Name, Residence, and Profess1on. Godfrey Geo, sen, Highst •• • Painter and Glazier (For CLASSIFICATION of TRADEs, seep. 49.) Godfrey Thos, Church st. ~. • ............. Cooper Godfrey Thos, St Giles' s st . ........... \ . , Tailor STONY STRATFORD. Golby Wm. H£gh st ..•..••••• , •.•••• Maltster Anderson Daniel, Higlt st •••••••••.• , ••• Tailor Golby Wm. jun.:Highst. ,Agent to the Norwich Arnold Georf!e, High st •••• Carpenter & Joiner Union F1re Insurance Office Atterbury W illiam •.••••••••••••• Black Horse Gootlman Benj, Wolverton mill ._ ••••••.. Miller Attkins Henry, High st ••••••• , •••••• • .Carrier Goodman Eliz, High st.Rope and Twine maker Attkins James, High st, .Linen and Woolln Drpr Goodridge W m, Market pt .•.•••• ,. Blacksmith Attkins Mrs, High st .••• , •• . Straw Hat Maker Hailey Alfred, Church st •. • Plmba, Pntr, & Gzr Aveline F, High st. Upholster and Cabinet Mkrs Hambliri J, Market pl.Day a.nd Boarding School Barnes Francis, Market pl .••. Boarding School Hancock S and C, High st, China and Glass Dls Barter and Son, Wolvertonend . • Coal Merchants Harman G, High st.Cock Corn Inn & Pstg Hse Barter Rich, High st ••.•..•••••••••.•. Grocer Henderson "\V m, Higk st . ••.• • •. Clothes Dealer Barter Wm, CalV£rrton end •••••••• . Plough Inn Henson Thos, Highst .• • •••••.•. Basket Maker Bartlett Nelson, and Co, High st, Buckingham Hickson W m, High st ............ Hail' Dresser Branch Bank of, open on .Fridays, draw upon Higgins Earth, Calverton end. •. Old Royal Oak Praeds and Co. Hollam J oseph, Righ st • • Eating House Keeper' 47-

DUCKS. S'rONY STRATFORD, &c. Holloway Thos, High st •••• o ••••• Hair Dresser Hooton J ames, Church st •••• o ••••••••• Tailor Howc J oseph, Hi'gh st •• Chemist and Druggist, Animal Medicine Repository Hurst Thos Market pl .• o •• ~ ••••••• Shoemaker H ntton John, St Gites's st . •• 0. , , . Stone Mason Jnwood John, High st ••. , .• , •• Cabinet Maker Inwood Wm, High st • . Gardener and Seedsman Jarvis Richard, High st ••••. ..••••••. Butcher J efcoate Edward, Bull yd ••••••••• , Blacksmith J effries George, High st ..•••...••. Cross Keys J obson Rebecca, High st ••• •. Straw Hat Maker .J udkins John •.•••.•.•••.•• Surveyor of Roads Kightly Geo, High st ••. Baker .and Confectioner K1ghtly George, Hi~?h st ••...••.•• Wheelwright Kightly Hy, Church st ...•••••••.• Confectioner Kipling Rev Chas, High st ••••. ••••••••. Vicar Kr.ighton Thos, High st, Grcr and Tallow Chandler, and Agt for the Phamix Lfe Insrnce Office J..ever J ames, High sti ••••.•••••••. . Pin Maker Lewis T Harris,,Harket pl •••.•••...•. Surgeon I.oe John, High st .•• ·~ •... Lace Manufacturer Lum "V m, High st • .•..••••.••••••.. "Windmill Marriott Joseph, High st •.•..••.•. • Swan Inn M yers W m, lvf arket pl ...••..••••••.• Jeweller N ixon Saml~ High st ••.•.••.•••..••. Surgeon Nixon \V m, High st .... Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, and Sub-Distributor of Stamps Odell Robt, Market pl .••.•••.•..•. Bricklayer Olivers and York, High st, Bankers, Draw upon J ones, Llovd and Co. • Paine Susannah, Market pl ••..••••••••. Baker Parsons Wm, High st, •• • China & Glass Dealer Patev John, Church st . ................. Tailor Partridge W m, Church st •. Boot and Shoemaker Peason Edmd, Church st ..•••.••. \V atchmaker Percival Hon and Rev .•..•• , Calverton Rectory Pierce R, Hi"gh Bt ••• Upholsterer & Cabinet Mkr Poulter Sus, Hi"gh st .Grocer & Tallow Chandler Powell Thos, CaJverton end • .••••.•••.• Farrier Prue J ames, lvlarket pl .••.••.•. Corn Chandler Ratlidge Jaml.'s, High st •.••..••.• . Shopkeeper Hev1ll Ed win, High st ••••. , •.•.••• lronmon~er Richd, Samuel, H1/5h st .• • Bull Commercial Inn Richardson Eliz, Hi'gh st . •. e . ..••. Postmistress Richardson Joshua, High st ..•••. Stone Mason Robins John, Marketpl .. .•••••.•. King's Head Rogers J oseph, High st .•••••••••. Barley Mow Rolfe John, High st .•.••••..•.•••.••.•. Baker Rust Benj, High st ••..••.••.. . ,. \Vatch Maker Salter W m, Market pl ..••••...••.. Mat M a er Scaldivell Thos,High st .. Beer Rtlr and Boot Mkr Scaldivell, Wm, Market pl . . Grcr and Tllw Chdr Seabrook Robt, Stratford mill •.••••••• • Miller Sheppard John. St Giles·s st •••..•• "Whitesmith S1rett 'V m, High st. Saddler _and Harness Maker Sleath John •••••••••••• Printer and Bookseller Smith George, St G£les's street .••••••••• Tailor Smith J ames, St Giles's st .••...• Basket Ma1\er Smith J M, Hi"gh st .• Wine and Spirit Merchant South W m, Market pl .••••••••••.• ·white Hart Storton John, Market pl . ••..•••...•••• Cooper Stow Thos, Market pl .•.• • Eating-house Keeper Sunderland \V m, St Giles's st .•••..•. ..•. Dyer Thorne Geo, Hi"gh st, • Linen and Woollen Draper Valentine J T, High st .• ••.•••.•.•... Butcher \V allis Geo, High st. , Linen and Woollen Draper Warr T, Horsefair g1·een .Auctioneer, Maltster, & Land Surveyor, and Agent for the Sun Fire Office, and for the Family Endowment Office Warren J os, Jfarket pl •• Cnrrier and Leather Ctr Watts W m, High st , , , ••••• , , , ••• :Boot Maker 48 Wattson J W, Church st •••••••••• • Shoemaker West Geo, High st •••••••••••• Cabinet Maker West Mrs, Hi"gh st . •••• , •••.••.••• , •• Milliner \Vest Thos, Hi"gh st ••••.•••••••••••••• Baker \V est W m, High st •••••••••••.•• ConfectionP.r Whiting Wm, Mm·ket pl •.•••••••••••• Butcher \Vilford J N, High st • ••.••.•••.•••••• Butcher Wilkinson, Beasant, and Wilkinson, Wolverton wf Coal Merchants Will mer Geo, High st ••• •••• Painter and Glazier vVillmer Mrs. St Giles's st. Milliner & Dress Mkr W"i!es Geo, if'olverton end • ~ •••••• Stone Mason Wilson Geo, High st ..... .............. Tailor Werley E Augustine, Hi'gh st •.•••.•. Solicitor W erley T, High st ••.•••.•••••• Solicitor, Secy to Gas Company Post Office. Richardson Elizabeth, High st .• Post-mistress Letters 11rrive quarter past 3 morn., and are delivered at 7 in summer and 8 in winter, second del1very at 3 afternoon, aud dispatched 10 evening. Posting House. Harman G • • • • • . • • • . • • • . • . • • • . • • • Cock Inn Bankers. Bartlett, Nelson & Co,High st, (Branch of Buckingham Bank), open on Fridays, draw upon Praeds & Co. London • Oliv~rs and York, High st, draw upon James Loyd & Co, London. Fire and Life Assurance Agents. County, Hi"gh st, ••..•.•......•. Day William Family Endowment, Horse Fair Green, \Yard T. Norwich, High st, • • • • • • • • • • • Golby W m, jun. Phcenix Fire, High st, • • • • . Knig-hton Thomas Sun, Horse Fair green, ••••.••• Ward Thomas Stamp Office. Nixon Wjlliam, High st •••••• Sub-distributor Excise Office. Crown Inn. Public School. National School, High st, C1aridge John, Master Coach List. The Star coach to IJondon calls at Mr. Parrot's High st, daily. To London from Birmingham. The Greyhound coach calls at the George at 3 morn., and returns 2 morn., daily To London from Birmingham. The Swallow coach passes through Stony Stratford at 12 night, and returns ~ past 2 mornin!!. To London from Banbury. The Banbury Railway Mail calls at the Post-office at 10 morn., and returns at 2 afternoon on its way to Banbury. To London from Holyhead. The Old Union coach calls at the Cock at 10 morn., and returns at 5 evening to Banbury. Carriers' List. To Buckingham. J as Russell's cart every TnesdaJ'• Richardson's waggons to London every Tuesday and Saturday evening from White Horse.

STONY STRATFORD, &c. BUCKS. To Newport PagneU. James Russell's cart every Tuesday. STONY STRATFORD CLASSFICATION, continued. To Towcester, Thomas Eel's cart calls at Crown every Friday, and returns same day. Corn Chandler. Prue Jas, Market pl Currier o/ Leather Cutter. Warren J os, do Dyer.-Sunderland W m, St Gileo; st Eating Houses.-Holland Jos, High st Stow Thos, Market pl Comptori James •••..•••••••••.• Blacksmith Farrier. Powell Thos, Calverton end OLD STRATFORD. Dickins George ••••••.•••••..••.••••• Baker Gardener and Salesman.-lnwood Wm. High st Durham John ••.••••• Auctioneer and Surveyor Glover. Frest \V m, do Hillyer Mary • .•••••••••••••••••••.•• Swan Grocers, o/c. Barter Richd, do Jefcoate Richard •••••••.• Veterinary Surgeon Clarke Thos, do Johnson Edward •••••••••.••• Coal.Merchant Knighton Thos, do Smith Benjamin ••••• Gardener and Seedsman Poulter Susannah, do Stockley Elizabeth • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Falcon Scald well W m, Market pi Timbs Martha ••••••.•••.•..•••• Shopkeeper Hair Dressers. Brothwell Chas, Church st Willjson Matthew •• Saddler & Harness Maker Hickson W m, High st Holloway Thos, do Classification of Trades. Ironmonger. Revill Edwin, do STONY STRATFORD. Jeweller.-Myers Wm, Market pl Auctioneers 4- Appraisers. Day W m, High st Lace Manufacturer. Loe John, High st Ward Thos, Horse Fair green Land Surueyor. Ward Thos, Horse Fair green Bakers.-Corbett John, High st Linen and Woollen Drapers.- Fookes Jos, High st Attkins Jas, Hi~h st Kightly Geo, High st Boyes W m, Market sq Paine Susannah, Market pi Freshwater Thos, High st Rolfe John, High st Thorne Geo, do West Thos, High st W allis Gee, do Basketmakers. Henson Thos, High st Maltsters Golby Wm, do Smith J as, St Giles st Ward Thos, Horse Fair green Beer Retailers. Scaldwell Thos, High st Mat Maker. Salter Wm, Market pl Blacksmiths. Downing J no, Church st Millers.-Goodman Benj, Wolverton mill Downing Thos, Calverton end Seabrook Robt, Stratford mill Goodridge Wm, Market pl Milliners and Dress Makers.- J efecoate Edwd, Bull yd Curtis Mrs, Church st Bookaellers o/ Stationers. Nixon Wm. High st Dockery Sarah, Market pl: Sleath John Freeman Sarah, High st Boot o/ Shoe ]l,fakers. Calladine John, High st West Mrs, do . Foxley Wm, High st Willmer Mrs, St Giles st French Thos, High st Painters, Plumbers, and Glaziers.- Hurst Thos, Market pl Collingridge Edwd, Church st. Partridge W m, Church st Godfrey Geo, Market pl Scaldwell Thos, High st Godfrcy Geo, sen, High st Watts Wm, High st Hailey Alfred, Church st Vvattson Jchn W, Church st Willmer Geo, High st Brazier o/ Tinman.-Berrill Geo, High st Pin ~71Jaker. Lever J as, do BricklJlyer.-Odell Robert, Market pl Printers. Nixon W m, do Builder. Day Thos, High st Sleath John Butchers.-Bates Thos, do Rope and Twine Manujacturer.- Charlton Hen, do Goodman Elizh, H•gh st Gilling Geo, do Saddler, ~·c. Sirett W m, do J arvis Richd, do Schools, Gents. Barnes Francis, Market pl Valentine J T, do Bell Robt, do Whiting Wm, do .l:lamblin Joseph, do Wilford John N, do School, Ladies.-Baxter Elizh, do Cabinet Makers. Inwood J no, do Slwpkeepers. Fancutt Frances, High st West Geo, do Foulkes Joseph, do Carpenters o/ Joiners. Arnold Geo, do Ratlidge J as, do l!..,reeman Thos, do Solicito1·s.-Congreve John Freer, do Carriers. Attkins Hen, do Worley Edwd Augustine, do Curtis Joel, Church st WorXey Thos, do Chemists o/ Druggists.-Caucutt Mark, High st Stone J.lfasons. Hutton John, St Giles st Howe Jos, do Richardson Joshua, High st China~ Glass Dealers, Hancock S & C, do Wilffi Geo, Wolverton end Parsons Wm, do Straw Hat Makers. Attkins Mrs, High st Clothes Dealer. Henderson Wm, do J obson Rebecca, do Coal-merchants.-Barter & Son, W olverton end Surgeons. Freema11 Robt, do Wilkinson,Beasan1, & Wilkinson,Wolver- Gent J S, Calverton end ton whf Lewis Thos Harris, Market pl Confectioners. Kightly Hen, Church st Nixon Samuel, Hig~ st West Wm High st Surveyor of Roads.-Judkm John Coopers.-Godfr;y Thos, Church st Tailors. Anderson Daniel, High st Storton John, Marktt pl Brooks Samuel, do Bucks.l E 49

BUCKS WENDOVER, &c. SToNY STRATFORD CLASSIFICATION, continued. WENDOVER, GREAT MISSEN .. Elston John, do Godfrey Thos, St Giles st DEN an" NEIGHBOURHOOD, Hooton J as, Church st WENDOVER is a market-town, for.merly an un. Pater John, do incorporated borough, 35-&- miles north-west from Smith Geo, St Giles st London, 9! from Amersham, 5 south-east from Wiltiion Geo, High st Aylesbury. and 7! south-west from the Trin~ Tallow Chandlers. -Clarke Thos, do Station on the London and Birmingham Railroad. Knighton Thos, do It is a vicarage, valued at 27ll. in the gift of the Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses. crown, in Aylesbury Hundred, and in the WyAngel, Brown J no, High st combe Union ; the population is 2008. It lies Barley Mow, Rogers Jos, do very lowp and its brick houses have a mean Black Horse, Atterbnry W, Old Stratford appearance. A short canal running from hence Bull Comet Inn, Rich Saml. High st through the neighbouring villages to join the Coach and Horses, French Wm, do Grand Junction, and called the Navie"able Feeder, Cock Commercial Inn and Posting House, supplies this place with coal from Staffordshire, Harman G, do and has opened to it a new source of traffic and Cross Keys, .T effres Geo, do prosperity. A reservoir for the supply of the Crown Inn and Excise Office, Galloway J, canal covers 79 acres. Lace is the principal · Market pl manufacture. Under the new municipal law Ge3rge Inn, Everett \V m, High st Wend over is governed by 35 town councillors. King's Head, Robins John, M~rket pl It has a market on Thursday and two annual Old Royal Oak, Higgins B, Calverton end fairs, on the 13th of May and 2nd of October. Plough Inn, Barter W m, do The borough sent two memben to parliament Rising Sun, Farren Wm, High st as early as 1300, but afterwards suffered its priSaracen's Head, Capes Art, Old Stratford vileges to lapse for 300 years, till the reign of Swan Inn, Marriott J os. High st J ames II. when upon petition it was recognised White Hart, South Wm, Market pi in defiance of the Sovereign's wishes. By the White Horse Inn, Blabey Thos, High st Reform Act Wendover was finally disfranchised. Windmill, Lunn Wm, do Roger de Wendo'fer the Chronicler wa8 born Upholsterers and Cabinet Makers. here. The town is seated at the foot of BotAveline Fred, High st tendown Hill, at the northern entrance of a Pierce Richd~ do narrow pass or cleugh, as it would be termed in Veterinary Surgeon.-Bennett John, do Scotland, between two continuous ridges of hill, Watchmakers. Pearson Edmd, Church st above six miles in length ; and lies upon a road Rust Benj. High st which runs through the gorge from Uxbridge Wheelwrights, GandertonJno, Wolverton end and Amersham, to Aylesbury and Buckingham; Kightly Geo, High st and here commences the Chiltern range, an enWhitesmith. Sheppard W m, St Giles st tirely new district, elevated, healthy and pleasant, Wine and Spirit Merchant. the slopes broken into romantic and thickly Smith Josiah Mich, High st wooded dells, with a number of elegant mansions interspersed; but differing from the rest of the T APLOW, county in soil, agricultural products, and building THE pari~th of TAPLOW contains 1920 acres; as- materials, which are here chiefly flints, or a mixsessed to the property tax in 1815 at 368ll.; the ture of flint and brick. population in 1801 was returnedat422,andin 1831 GREAT MissENDEN, a vicarage valued at 1901 at 647. The benefice was in 1834 returned as a with a population of 1827, 31 miles north-west rectory, of the annual value of 3691.; in the pre- from J~ondon, and 5 from Amersham, 4! southsentation of the Crown. The village is on the east from Wendover, lies in the passage, and on north side of the Bath road, at the foot of the the road described above, as does Little Missenbridge over the Thames into Berkshire, at Maiden- den, a still smaller village, 2! miles farther southhead, 25 miles from Hyde Park corner. Taplow east, at the opposite entrance. Near the latter contains a number of beautiful residences; the the western ridge terminates abruptly in Great most prominent is Cliefden, the residence of King's Hill, a high and bold promontory, conGeorge Ill. in his infancy, now the property of spi~uous from Windsor ~errace, and co~manding the Countess of Orkney. Taplow is also dis- a VI~w over an extensive and beautiful valley, tinguished as the residence of the mother of Mil- slopmg to t.he Thame~, and bounded by the royal ton who was interred in the chancel of the church. castle and Its forest hills. Th;re is an extensive paper mill in the parish, The village~ of G~eat and Little Kimble, and which is included in the parochial union of Eton. Ellesborough, he contiguous to Wendover, along ..._... • • the northern foot of the same ridge. The name, J.\lame, Res1dance, and Profess1on. written in early records Kynobel, is derived frolll Austin R •••••••••••••••••••••. Beer Retailer the British King Kunobelin or Cymbeline. Some Bouid R •••••••••••••••••••••. General Shop ancient fortifications in the adjacent heights, are Dancer Miss ........... Ladies .Boarding School pointed out by tradition as marking the scene of H ughes T •••••••••••••••••••.•••••••. Baker battle between the Romans and the brave sons Ranee W ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•• Butcher of that monarch; and one in particular, on a. Sarto F .•••••.••••••••.•••••••• Plumber, &c round hill near Ellesborough church, still bearing" Smith M ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer the name ofBelines Castle, as the palace in which Snith J ••.•••••••• Carpenter and Beer Retailer he resided. Another prominent hill is called V enables George, Tflplow mills ••• Paper Maker Belinesbury. Wright E ................. ~ •••• Queen's Head Great and Little Hampden are situated upon 50

WENDOVER, &c. BUCKS, the hills; as are, amongst many other seats and Whitchurch Caroline •• ~ ••• • ••• , ••••••• Draper the small remains of Missenden Abbey, Chequers, W oodroffe J ames ••• , • • • • •••••••••••• Butcher in a peculiarly secluded and lovely spot, long the seat of the Russel family, descended from Oliver Cromwell; Wivelsgate, the residence of . Post-Oflice. Dean Collet's family, known by the munificent Semor James_. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• • ~Postmaster foundation of St. Paul's School; and Hampden Letters delivered 9 morn. and dispatched halfHouse, for many ~enerations the seat of the past 5 even. North Letters at 6 .. Hampdens, no_w the property of t_he Earl of Fire and Life Assurance Agents. Buckmghamshue. Here Queen Elizabeth was . . entertained, and an avenue cut in the wood for Bntanma ••••••••••••••••• ., •••• Hoare Jose-ph her more convenient access, still called the Royal Exchange.· • • • • • ~ • • • • • • • • .Jones Damel Queen's gap. South of the avenue is shewn the Excise Office identical spot of land for which twenty shillings Red Lion Inn • ship-money was assessed on the celebrated John Hampden, whose resistance to the assessment originated the great civil war. Name, Residence, & Profession. Stamp Office. Jones Daniel, Sub-Distributor Coach List. See CLASSIFICATION ojTRAbES, below. The Wend over Coach to London 7 morn returns half-past 7 even. (Sundays excepted) WEN DOVER, BUCKS. The Leamington Coach to London, daily at halfAyckbourn Augustus •• • ,., •••••••• , ••• Surgeon past 2 (Sundays excepted) Bishop John ••• : •, •• , • ••• , • •., ••••••.• Baker The Banbury Coach to London, Monday, Wed Carter John •••••••••••••.••.••••• Blacksmith nesday and Friday at 1 afternoon Christie Sophia •••••••••••••••.•••.• New Inn The Coach to I~eamington daily, 1 afternoon Cosier Charles • •••••••••••• •. • ••• Grocer, &c. The Coach to Barns bury, Tuesday, Thursday and Cox Henry ••• ~ •••••••••• ~ •••••••.•• Saddler Saturday at haif-past 2 afternoon Cox J. Reg. of Bhs. & Dhs. for theW endover dist C . , L' Croxford Wllliam. ~ ....... ., ..... Cabinetmaker arr1ers 1st. Dancer Thomas •••• ,. •• • •••••• ~ • Corn Chandler Dixon Thomas ••••••••••••.• 1 ~ •••• • •• Draper Baker's Waggon to London every other day Classification of Trades. WENbOVER. Fantham Jose ph ••••••• • ~.~ ••• Coal Merchant Floyd J ames ••••••• • • •••••••• King and Queen Floyd Thomas. ..... ~ •• • ••• it.. • ~ •• • •• Shoemaker Franklyn James •••••••••••••••••• George Inn Bakers. Bishop John Franklyn John ••• ; •••••••• Shoulder of Mutton Fundell John Franklyn J oseph •• , •• •. • ••• · •••••• Shoemaker Mead W m Ft·anklyn Mary ........ •••· ...... Beer Retailer Tybby Hen Franklyn William ........ • ............... Tailor Beer Retailers. Franklyn Mary Fundell John ........................... Baker Mead Wm Fundell Joseph ••• , •••••••••••• • ••••• Saddler Putman Giles Hill James 9 ,. ••· .............. ~ ••• Grocer, &c. Sims Wm Hoare J. Mealman and Agent for the Brittannia Blacksmith. Carter John I..ife Assurance Office Boot and Shoe Maker~ Floyd Thos Holland Richard •••••••••• , ••••• Two Brewers Franklyn Jos . How MichaeJ. ......... , ••••••• • •••••. Butcher Poulton Robt How Thomas • ., ••• " ............. King's Head Terry Geo Jennings Henry •••••••••••••••••• White Swan Butchers. How Michael Jones D. Grocer & Tea Dealer, and Distributor of Upcraft Richd Stamps, and Agent for the Royal Exchange Woodroffe Jas Life Insurance Office Cabinet Maker . ......Coxford "\Vm King J ames ............... • ••••••••••• Farrier Carpenters. Reading W m Mead William •••••••• Baker and Beer Retailer Senior John Mitchell Thomas ••••••• , •••••••••••••• Tailor Coal J.lfercht. Fa.ntham Joseph Poulton John .................... Shopkeeper Corn Chandlers . ....-Dancer Thos Poulton Robert ••••••••••••••••.•• Shoemaker Prickett W m Prickett William ............... Corn Chandler Drapers.-Dixou Thos Put man Giles ••• , •••• Farrier and Beer Retailer Whitchurch Caroline Reading William. ~ ••.••• Carpenter and Ruilder Farriers. King Jas Rose J oseph ••• Red Lion Inn and Excise Office Putman Giles Sa.vory Thomas, ........................ Surgeon Gardner. Taylor Jos Senior J ames ••• , ....................... Post-master Grooers and Tea Dealers .-Cosier Chas Senior John •• "- ....................... Carpenter Hill J ames Sims Willia.m ......... , , • , •••••• Beer Retailer J ones, Daniel Sturch Elizabeth •••• , ••••••••••• Haberdasher Haberdasher. Sturch Eliz 'raylor Joseph ••• , ................ , •• Gardener Mealman. Hoare Joseph Terry George •••••••• , ~ .............. Bootmaker Painter and Glazier. Trott Geo i'rhomai John ••••• Gentlemen's Boarding School Saddters,-Cox Hen Trott George ••••• ~ , ••••• , • fainter and Glazier Fundell J os Tybby Henry •••••••• • ••• " ............. Baker School, Gents'. Thotnas John Upcraft Richar<J,. ~,., • ~"," ••••••••• Butcher Shopkeeper.-Poulton John E2 51

BUCKS. WING. WENDOVER CLASSIFICATION, continued. Surgeons. Ayckbourn Augustus Savory Thos Tailors. Franklyn Wm Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses.- George Inn, Franklyn .Jas Kin.~ and Queen, Floyd J as King's Head, How Thos New Inn, Christie Sophia Red Lion Inn and Excise Office, Rose J Shoulder of Mutton, Franklyn John Two Brewers, Holland Richd White Swan, Jennings Henry Name, Residence, & Profession. GREAT MISSENDEN. Ba.rrett Thos •••••••••••••••..•• Basket Maker Barton Chas ••••••••••••••• Grocer and Draper Barton John •••••••••••••••••••••• Shoemaker Bentall An thy •••••••.•••••• Draper and Grocer Bough Thos •••••••••.•••••••••••• Shoemaker Bovington Edward •••••••••••••.••..• Bu1cher Cam bray Jas ••••••• Saddler and Harness Maker Cannon Thos •• • •••.•••••••••.....•.• Draper Cat·twright Chas; ••••••.••••••••.•.•. Tin man Chester I B ••••••••••.•.•.••••••.... Solicitor Child Benjn ••••.•••.• Watch and Clock Maker Clarl<.e R P. • •••••••..••.••.•.•••••• Builder Clark Solomon .••...•••.••.•••.•.••• Butcher Clark Wm ....... , • .-••••••••••••••.•••• Baker Clarke Thos ••••••••••••••••••• Beer Retailer Climp.,on Chas •••.••.•.••••••.•••• Shoemaker Climpson Susan ••.••••••••.••••••••. Plough Cock Samuel •••••.•••••••••••••••••.•. Tailor Co k Wm .•.••..•.•••••••••••••••... Satldler CoughtrE>y John. • ••••••••••••.• School master Craker Jas ..................... Wheelwright Douglass Robt ••••••.•••.•• Grocer and Draper Durley J ames ••••••••••.••..•• , . Shopkeeper Edle Samuel ••••••••••. Shoemaker and Crown Eldridge J osh •.•.•••...••••••••••••.•. Tailor Evans Chas ...................... Blacksmith Farsnid ge Wm .....•.•...••...•.••... Builder Fassnidge Frances .••••••••.•••••••••. Grocer Fountain John ••••••••••••.••••.. Shoemaker Franklin John .••..•••••.••••••. Beer Retailer Frankling Mrs .•••••••••. Straw Bonnet Maker Harley Thos ••••••••••••• Plumber and Glazier Ho are Wm ••••••.•••••••••••.•.••••.• Baker Howland Thos ••••••••••••••••••• George Inn Ives J osh ••••.••••••••.•.••..••••••. Butcher Lacey Wm .••.•.••••••••••••••••.. Bricklayer Martin W n1. • •••••••••••••••••••••••• Grocer Monday J ames •••••••.••••••••• Beer Retailer N ash J ames ••••.•••••••••••••••..••. Car·rier N ash Thos, ••••••.•••.•••••••••.. Blacksmith Payne Benjn ••••••.•••••• Straw Manufacturer Pedder John •••••••••.••••••••••• Shoemaker Potter Jas •••••. Auctioneer; Aprsr and Est Agt Price Martha ••••••••••••••••••. Dress Maker Price Simon ••••••••• Grocer, Draper and Tailor Raine Jas. • • ••••••••.•••••••••• , •• Red Lion Smeathman L ........................ Surgeon Stevens Isaac •.•••••••••••••••••••• Poulterer Stone I ................................ 'Baker Taylor J ames •••••••••••••••••••• White Lion Taylor John ................ ._ ••••••• Meal man Tilbury J ames ••.••••••••••••.••••• Carpenter White Arc hi bald ••••••••••••.••• Conveyancer Willmore John ••••••••••••••••••••••• Draper Wootton John ..... Bt1ckingham Arms Coml Inn and Posting House 52 Post Office. Barton Chas: •.••••.•••••..• Receiving House Letters received from London -! past 8 morng · dispatched every evening 7. Two deliverie~ each day, 9 morning and 8 evening Posting House. Buckingham Arms ••••••••••.•••• J H Wootton Fire and Life Assurance Agent. J ... ondon Union .••••••••••••••• Archibald West, Yorkshire •••••••••••••.••••••••• Si m on Price Coach List. The Banbury Coach to London, Monday, Wed. nesday and Friday, ! before 2 afternoon, and returns the alternate day at I ; from Buckingham Arms. Coach from W endover to London every day, Sunday excepted,! past 7 morning; returns 7 evening ; from Buckingham Amls Leamington Coach to London, every <.lay at 3 afternoon; and returns l past 12 noon~ from Buckingham Arms Waggon List. To London ; (N ash) waggon, Monday & Thurs· day, and returns Wednesday & Saturday ----(Pedder) waggon, Monday and Thursday, and returns Wednesday-and Saturday. ---(Golby) waggon, on·Sunday and returns on Tuesday To Wycomh; (Chapman) cart, every Wednesday returns same day; & to Aylesbury Saturday, and returns same day WING,. OR. WENGE, 3 miles south-west of the London and Birmingham Railroad station at Leighton Buzzard, is a vicarage valued at 338l., and contaimng 1152 inhabitants; the Earl of Chesterfield being the pF.tron: the present incumbent is the Rev. Philip Strong. 'Ving Park is still enclosed, but its mansion, Ascot House, for many years the seat of the Dormers and inheFited from them by the Earls of Chesterfield, has been pulled down. The hamlets of this paFish are Ascot, Burcot, Crofton, and Cotslow, no.w, depopulated, which gave name to the Hundred. Here is a free-school for boys and girls, 1 erected in 1815 ; a] so almshouses called Dormer's Hospital, founded in 1516, by D<ime Dorothy Pelham, for 8 men and women, under the trusteeship and in the gift of the Earl of Chesterfield, endowed by land and money pay· ments. • • Name, Residence, &. Profession. Attwood Richard •••••••••••• u ••••• The Cock Beckett J onathan .•••• Grocer and Beer Retailer Bedford J oseph •.• , , ••••.••••••.•• Shoemaker Biggs James •••••••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Bone Barnard •••••••••••••••••. Beer Retailer Bone George •••• , ••••••• , ......... Royal Oak Bone John ••.•••••• , • , •••••••••••••.• Baker Bone Joseph ••••••••• ~ \ •••••••• Beer Retailer Brandom Thomas ••••••• Smith and Grocer, &c Capp Stephen ••••••• -, •••••••••••. Carpenter Capp Thomas •••• , •••••••••••••••• Shoemaker Coles Richard .••.•• - • Grocer and Beer Retailer Denchfield George •••••• • •••• , ••••• Carpenter Denchfield Thomas , , , , , • • • • , • • , • 1 1 , ~iX )Jell'

WINSLOW. BUCKS. Dimock William ••.•••••••••••••••• Carpenter Foster John ••••.••••.•••••••.••.•• , •.• Smith Franks J oseph ..•••• o •••• o • o, o • o • , • Carpenter Hard wick J oseph o o ••••••••••• o •••• Carpenter Harris Richard • o ........ , •••• o ....... Miller Harper J oseph • o ••••• o •• o • o ••• o •• Plat Dealer Heley Thomas .• o o ••••• o •••••••••••• Butcher Heley William •.••.• Maltster and Corn Dealer Hickinbottom John .• o •••••••• o •••• Bricklaver • J ennings William • o ••• o ••••••••••••••• Tailor ~ Mallett Emanuel ..•••..•.•••....•.•... Baker Mortimer Wm ..• Registrar of Births and Deaths for the Wing district in the Leighton Buzzard Union Rand ell Benjamin • o o •••• o • o •• o ••• Plat Dealer Sear J oseph ...................... Bricklayer Simons Michael. 0 o. o •• o ••••• o o ••• Shoemaker Smith John .. o • o .. o ••• o •••••••• Horse Dealer Staples J oseph •.•••• o •• o •• o. o •• Beer Retailer Stevens J ames ..•..••.••• o •••••••• Plat Dealer Waiters Robert 0 o 0 ••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Winmill John ••• o ••••• o. o •••••• Queen's Head Winmill Thomas •••.•.••.•••.... Wheelwright Wippem Wllliam •••• Grocer and Cheesemonger Young John ...•.•....•..•.•..•....... Tailor Coach & Carriers' List. Oxford & Aylesbury Coach passes through daily. Hounslow Richard, carrier to Aylesbury every Saturday, and to Leighton every Tuesday. WINSLOW. A small market town in Cottesloe:H undred, 48! miles north-west from l,ondon,, on the same rood last mentioned. from Uxbridge to Buckingham, IO!north-west from Aylesbury, and 6~ south-east of Buckingham, is also 18! from the Tring Station of the Birmingham Railroad. It is a vicarage, valued at 185l. a year, in the presentation of the Crown; containing 1290 inhabitants. By the Poor Law Commissioners, it is constituted the centre of a union, comprising 17 parishes. It has a Thursday's market, and five fairs annually, the 20th of March, Holy Thursday, 21st of Aug-ust, 22nd of September, and Thursday before the ll th of October. The town stands on the brow of a hill, overlooking a fertile vale, and is of very remote antiquity, said to have been given by King Offa to St. Alban's Abbey. The houses are of brick, .&c., neat, disposed in three principal streets. The church, dedicated to St. Lawrence, is a large and venerable edifice, with a square embrasured tower. The inhabitants are chiefly agriculturists and lacemakers; opium has been recently cultivated. There is a small freeschool. Middle Claydon house is in the valley, about four miles distant. Name, Residence, & Profession. (For CLASSIFICATION ojTRADES, seep. 54.) Abbott John •••••• o. o ........... Parish Clerk All en Richard . , ••.••••••••••••••. Bricklayer Bald win Richard ... , ..... oo o .......... Baker Barton Alfred, .George Commcl Inn & Maltster 'Bathe John ..•...•...•.•.••••.....••. Tailot· Brace & Curtis, The Misses o o o •• Ladies' School Rrownett John ••• oo .............. Shoemaker Rudd Mary ••••• o ••••• o •••• o • o • Post Mistress Bull Samuel ••••• o •••••••••• o ••• , Royal Oak Bunce Mark • o ••• o ••••••• Boot & Shoe Maker Chaney Henry • o •••• , ••• o , •• o •• Beer Retailer Corbett Ro bert ••..•• o ••••••••• o ••• o ••• Baker Cow ley John & Son .•••••. , ........... Surgeons Cowley John •• o•• .Solicitor, residence at Buckingham, atends every Thursday Cox John .•••••••• Painter, Plumber, & Glazier Cox ill Richard •.• o ••• , ••••••••••••••• Cooper Coxill William ................... Toy Dealer Craker John ..•..•.....•..••.•.••.•.••. Tailor Cross George & King •• Linen Drapers, &c., and Stamp Distributors Cross Geo . o Maltster and AgeRt for the Norwich Union Fire and Life Ins. Office Dickins Giles •.•.••.• , ••• Groc-er & Tea Dealer Dudley Samuel & Son ••.••• o. ~ ..• Auctioneers Foster William •••.••••• o •••••• o. o. Bricklayer French William ••• o •••••• o •• o •• o ••• o •• Grocer Gibbs Elizabeth . o ••• o o • Milliner & Dressmaker Grace Daniel • o ••• o ••• o Gents :ijoarding School Grace George ••• , . o ••• 0 •••••••• o • Black~mith Gray Edward .................... Blacksmith Harrup George ••.. Painter, Plumber, & Glazier Hawley J ames ••••• 0. 0 •••••••••••• o •• Grocer Hazzard J ames ••••••. o • o ••••••• Confectioner Hinton William ..•••• 0 •••••• o •••••••• Grocet Jackeman Edward .••..• , .•.•...•• Blacksmith J ackman Williaru ••••••..•.••• o • o •••• o Tailor J ennin!!'s Henry •• o o o. o • o •••••••• Punch Bowl Jones Willi~\m ......................... Baket: J ones William ••••••••••. o • o •• Three Pig-eons J ones W m, jun .••.•.• o. 0 •••••• Crooked Billet Keys Stacey •••. o •• o •••••••• o ~ ••• o •• Butcher King George. o •••••••••• Grocer & Tea Dealer King John ......... o .......... Land Su1veyor King J oseph •.• 1 •••••••••••••••• Wheelwright King J oseph ••••••••••••••••.• o The Windmill King Miss .• o ••••• o ••••••••• Straw Hat Maker - Lee Jose ph ••••••••••• o ••••• o ••• Saddler, &c. Lines Miss •••••• o o •••••••••• Boarding School Lomath George .••• o o ••••• Boot & Shoe Maker Lomath Thomas •••••.•••• Boot & Shoe Maksr Lowndes Wm Selby, jnn. esq .•. 0 •• Manor House Mars}) Mary .•••• o ••••• Stamp Sub-Distributor Matthews William ••••••. Carpenter and Joiner Maydon George ................. o ... Butcher M a} don George ••• o ••••••••••• o ••••• Maltster Mayne George ••.•••••••• Carpenter and Joiner Mayne George .•••• o o •• o ••• o ••• 0 •• o 0 Maltster Mayne John •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tailor Mayne Sarah .................... Day School May ne Thomas o •••• Saddler & Harness Maker Moorcroft J ames ••.•••••.•••.•.. o •• o Butcher Moorcroft John ••.••••••• o ••••••••• o Butcher Moore Thomas •..•••••. 0 .Boot & Shoe Maker N eale J os ••. Bell Inn, Postg ho. & Excise officr Payne John ••••••••.•••••.•••. Rose & Crown· Punn William •.••••••••.•••••••••••••• Tailor Rivett Thomas •• o ••••••••••• o ••• Watchmaker Roads Emanuel. o •••••••••• o •••• o. Shoemaker Samboume Miss ••• o ••• o ••••••••• Dressmaker Seaton William •••. o o ••••• Boot & Shoe Maker Sharp Richard o •••••••••••••••• o •••• o • Crown Si mons John •••• o .............. Hair Dresser Todd J ames ••• o • o •• Carpenter & Cabinetmaker Tomes Rosamond ••• o ••••• o • o 0 ••• Plough Inn Tuckey oT ames ••••.••• o o •• o •••• Beer Retailer Vickers Thomas •••••••• o Plumber, Painter, &c. Wade Hannah o ........... o .. o ••••• Bull Inn Walpole, Rev. T. H .................... Vicar West George •• o •••••• Currier and Leathersellet Wigley Henry •••• o o o 1 1 1 Stationer, Printer, &c 53

BUCKS. WOO BURN. Wigley Mrs ••••••••• Milliner and Dress Maker Willis Charles & Son •••••••••.••••. Solicitors Willis Chas •••• Agent for the Royal Exchange Fire & Life Insurance Office Winter John St. Thos ................. Surgeon WINSLOW CLASSIFICATION, continued, Grocers and Tea Dealers. Dickins Giles French Wm Hawley Jas Hinton Wm King Geo . Hairdresser. Si mons John Post O:flice. Land Surveyor.-King John Budd :Mary •••••••••.••••••••••••••• Mistress Linen JJ_rapers. Cross George and King Letters arrive at % bef. 8 morn,, and are dis- Maltstms. Barton Alfred patched t bef. 7 even. Cross Geo Maydon Geo Posting House. Mayne Geo Milliners and Dress Makers. Gibbs Eliz Bell Inn •• '. • ••••• •. • • • • • •••• • .Joseph Neale Sambourne Miss . • & . Wigley Mrs l'lre Life Assurance Agents. Painters Plumbers and Glaziers.-cox John Norwich Union .••••••••.••••••• George C~o~s Harrup Geo;ge Royal Exchange ••• ,, •••••••••• Charles Wilhs Vickers Thos • 0 Printer. Wigley Hen Exc1se :flice. Saddler, ~c. Lee Jos Bell Inn Stamp Office. Cross & King, Marsh Mary ••••••• Distributors Mayne Thos School, Gents'. Grace Daniel Schools, Ladies'. Brace and Curtis, The Misses Lines Miss Solicitors. Cowley John Coach List. Willis Chas and Son To Banbury, Old Union, every Tues. Thurs. & Stationer. Wigley H~n . Sat., i p. 4 Straw Hat Maker. Kmg M1ss To l.ondon, Old Union, every Mon. Wed. & Fri. Surgeons: Cowley {ohn and Sons 11 morn Wmter John t..Jt Thos · Tailors.-Bathe, John . Carriers' List. Craker John To Aylesbury, Richd Goodwin's cart} every Wed. &; Sat. morn. ; and To Leighton, every Tues. morn. To Buckingham* Geo Yeulett's waggon, daily To London, Hedge's waggon, four times a week. Classification of Trades. WINSLOW. .Auctioneers. Dudley Saml and Son Bakers. Baldwin Rich Oorbett Robt Jones Wm Beer Retailers. Chaney Henry Tuckey Jas Blacksmiths~ Grace Joseph GrayEdw J ackeman Ed w Boot and Shoe Makers.-Brownett John Bunce Mark Lomath George Lomath Thos Moore Thos Roads Emanuel Seaton Wm Bricklayers. Alien Rich Foster Wm ButcherB. Keys Stacey Maydan Geo Mool'croft J as Moorcroft John Cabinet Maker. Todd J as Carpenters, <tc. Matthews W m Mayne Geo Todd Jas Confectioner L Hazzard J as Cooper . .,.....Coxill Richd Carrier, ~c. West Geo 54 Jackman Wm Mayne John Punn Wm Taverns, Inns, and Public Houses.- Bell Inn and Excise Office, N eale J os Bull inn, Vf ade Hannah Crooked Billet, Jones Wm, jun Crown, Sharp Richd George Commercial Inn, Barton Alfred · Plough Inn, Tomes Rosamond Punch Bowl, Jennings Hen Rose and Crown, Payne John Royal Oak, Bull Saml Three Pigeons, Jones Wm The Windmill, King J os · Toy Dealer.-Coxill Wm Watch Maker. Rivett Thos Wheelwright. King J os WOO BURN. THE parish of WooBURN contains 2850 acres; asses~ed to the Property Tax in 1815 at 4923l.; the population was returned in 1831 at i972. The benefice was returned in 1834 as a vicarage, ofthe annual value of 138l., in the presentation and impropriation of J. Dupre, Esq. The village is three miles S. W. or Beaconsfield, on the banks of the Wycombe stream, about a mile above its entrance into the Thames. Several mills at W ycombe, on the stream, are in this parish. There are two annual fairs, on the 4th of May and 12th of Nov. The Bishops of Lincoln had formerly a palace here. Wooburn is included in the parochial union ofWycombe. Name, Residence, and Profession, See CLASSIFICA;riON ofl'~4DES,page 55. Andrew John ••••• , • , • , •••• , • Mother Red Cap

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