EfD~~!Yl&~em~ amm eB!t!lmimm&EU LIFE ASSURANCE, LOAN, ANNUITY AND REVERSIONARY INTEREST COMPANY, No. 11, 'WATERLOO PLAC:SJI PALl. MALL, LONDON. CAFITAL £500,000 IN ZS,OOO SHARES O::E' ;t,ZO EACH. DEPOSIT, £1 PER SHARE. • One-tenth of the Profits of each District will be annually applied to such Benevolent Purposes, connected with Freemasonry, as the Provincial Grand Lodge of such District shall approu:. The Tenth eft he Profits of the -'-~Ietropotitan District to be appl~·ed by the United Grand Lodge if Eugtand. The Rt. Hon. the Earl Digby. TheRt.Hon.theEarl ofMexborough, · P.G.M., West Riding of Yorkshire The Rt. Hon. Lord Reay. Pati·ons. The Rt. Hon. Lord Saltoun.- The Rt. Hon. C. Tennyson D'Eyncourt, M.P.,P.G.M. ofLincoln~hire Directors. Gen. SirJoseph~O'Halloran, K.C B. Sir GeorgeMagrq.th, K. H.P G.S. W. Colonel Henry Dundas Campbell, Chairman. Frederick Dodsworth, Esq. James Jephson, Esq. William King, Esq. I George Goldsmith Kirby, Esq. James Stephenson, Esq. Richard Alexander Price, E~q. Captain William Spencer Webb. I A d"i {Joshua King, L. L.D, F.C. P. S., etc. etc. etc. President of Qll€en's College, Cambridge. u l ors. Rev. Hamnett Holditch, F. C. P.S. etc. etc. etc. President of Caius College, Cambridge. · Bankers. The London and Westminster Bank. Medical Advisers. H. U. Thomson, Esq., M. D. I Thomas King, Esq., Maddox Street. Legal Advisers. Sir Frederick Pollock, M. P. j William Hayes, Esq. Managing Director. G. G. Kirby, Esq. BOARD E'OR SCOTLAND. Patrons. I Extraordinary Right Hon. the Earl of Dalhousie, G.M.M. Right Hon. the Earl of Rothes Right Hon. Lord Elcho Sir J. Forrest, Bart. Directors. Hon. Colonel Abercromby, M.P. Sir Wm. Jardine. Bart., F.R.S. W. D. Gillun, Esq., M.P. ' John Raimes, Esq. William Bonar, Esq. Robert Robertson, Esq. Wm. Alexander Lawrie, Esq. ·w. H. Dunbar, Esq. Alex. Aitkin, Esq. Alien McDougall, Esq. Waiter Cockburn, Esq. Ordinan; Directors. James Stuart, Esq. · J. L. Woodman, Esq. Jno. RichardsOJJ., Esq. Alex. M'Niell. Esq. Auditor. James Dooaldson, Esq. William Anderson, Esq. A. Robertson, Esq.,1 W.S. lt1edical .Advisers. Sir George Ballingall I Dr. J. A. Robertson, F.R.S. Bankers. The Royal Bank and its Branches in Scotland. • }r!anagmg Director for Scotland. Alexander Robertson, Esq., 1N .S. The Advantages of this Compan,y are a.Y follow: I. To the As~ured requiriug profits. The whole of the profits of their own class, will, after deducting all the expenses of the Establishment and their share of the Charity, at the end of the first five years, and Jrom that time triennially, be divided amongst themselves. II. The option of taking those profits in cash-adding to the Policy-diminishing the Premium-or effecting an Annuity for the remainder of life at a certain age. 111. To the Assured not partlcipatiug in profits. Premiums much below those of most other Offices, for all k.inds of Assurances, includmg those for short periods of one month, two months, aud upwards, to meet RiskJ on Bills of Exchange, and Promissory Notes, &c. &c. IV. To both Classes.-Facilities foc effecting Loans ou security of the Policies. V. Increasing or decreasing Premiums at their option. VI. Half the amount of Premiums m a~ remain unpaid, at £5 per cent. interest, on the security of the Policies for the fir~t five years. Vli. Policies not forfeited if Premiums unpaid at the stipulated period, but may be revived if health the same. V1II. No error, but only fraud, to vitiate a Policy. IX. Policies and Premiums '111ay be reduced if circumstances require it, and the overplus paid, be considered as paid in advance upon the reduced Policy. X. All claims to be settled within three months, after satisfactorily proved, or earlier1 on an allowance of discount. XI. The adv11-ntages to Shareholders are, a dividend of 5 per cent. interest on their Shares. The whole of the profits arising from the Proprietary Class, deducting its share of the Charity. Profits arising from the purchase of Reversions. Profits arising fwm the purchase and granting of AnnuitieS. XII. The Bonuses at the Equitable and other Societies, which divide profits at long intervals, may be assured at this Office. For the details, the Public are referred to the printed Prospectuses, to be had (gratis) at the Company's Office where attendance is given daily from Ten till Five o'Clock. District Boards formetl from the Brethren of Lodges, will superintend the business for the benefit of Masonry and the Institution. Joseph Derridge, Secretar;h 11, JVaterloo Place, Pall Jtf all. * D 25
Appendix .. - ==========~~======= LIF , 2, KING TVILLIAM STREET, LoNDON. Joseph Barber. Esq. Robert Bell, Esq. George Borradaile, Esq. George Burnand, Esq. ESTABLISHED 1830. President. George Thomas Nicholson, Esq. DIRECTORS. Samuel James Capper, Esq. Patrick Cruikshank, Esq. John Gore, Esq James Norris, Esq. ' RaJ ph Ricardo, E!«J. Herman Sillem, Esq. I James Bogie Smith, Esq. Francis Wilson, Esq. Audztor8. Charles Kerr, Esq. I Thomas Styan, Esq. I Charles Stephens, Esrt· Phy.tician.-Frederick Cobb, Esq., M. D. l Surgeon. William Kingdon, Esq. Bankers.-Sir J. ,V, Lubbock, Bart. and Co. Solicitors. Messrs. Wilde, Rees, Humphry, and Wilde. Actuary. Mr. C. B. Smith. ' Indivi<!aals who contemplate Life Assurance. ~hould, in order to avoid the too common mistake of rashly adopting the lowest scale of rates to be paid annually. first make a careful comparison of principles and their results, as variously adopted by different offices. That plan is evidently the most favourable to the Assured. which divides the profits annu.allg in reduction of future premiums. since by this means. the advantages are distributed with much more regularity and justice than any other. The National Life Assurance Society. proceeding on this prmciple, was the first to combine with it a Guarantee fund. to make, at the smallest possible expense, a provision for Widows, Offspring, or other Survivors. After the first five yearii' experience, when five full Premiums had been paid, the National Life A~urance Society, reduced the Sixth Year's Premium one-third, with the advantages to the Assured of participating in the profits every year afterwards. , A person assuring at the age of thirty, when the Society was formed in the year 1830, paid £2 J 3s. for the first five years, to secure £100 at his death; but for the sixth year, he had only to pay £1 l5s. 4d. while the lowest annual payment at any other Society, is £1 l9s. 7 d. at the same age, without eiiher addition to Policy, or reduction of Premium ;~thu:; shewing the advantages of the National Life Assurance Society i n principle. _ • Assurances can be effected in this Society, from £50 to £4,000, upon single or joint Lires, or sun·h·ing Life or Li\·es. The Profits of the Society, are ascertained at'the end of every year, and Ouc-fifth of the whole nppropriated in manner following:- Two thirds of this One-fifth are divided amongst the Assured, for the whole time of Life, who bave been w Assured 1 for the full period of Five Years; and the remaining One-third to the Proprietors of the Subscribed Capital. The Court of Directors meet every Wednesday, at One o'Clock; but parties desirous of effecting Assurnncttl without delay, can appear at the Office, any Morning bf'tween the hours of Ten and Twelve, where a Director i.s D attendllllce to afford every facility. . N. B. Commission allowed to Solicitors, bringing Assurances to this Office 26
Appendix NORTH INSURANCE BRITISH COMPANY. LIFE No.4, NE\V BANii BUILDINGS, LOTIIBURY, LONDON & No. 1, HANOVER STREET, EDINBURGH, For Assurance on Lives and Survivorshzps, and likewise for the Purchase of RePJersitJnland Annuities. ESTABLISI--IEO IN 1809. ~nrorporatrll bu :noual '-'Lbartcr~ Capital One Million. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF SUTLfERLAND, PRESIDENT. LONDON BOARD. EDINBURGH BOARD. \3t:t5i'lftnt, 11/auagcrs 1Hct43t:t.Silfrnt5, Ordinary Dirutors. Earl of Camperdown. Sir Peter Lauric, t\.ld. Marquess of Huntlt>y Thomas Richardson, Esq. Chairman. Lord Mclville. Chairman. trancis \Varden, Esq. Lord Viscount Strathallan. Deputy Chairman. I Ilonorary ;Jfanagers. Archibald Cocklmrn, Esq. I John Connell, Esq. • J. Evan Baillie, Esq. M.P. W. IJetrie Craufnrd, Esq. Lieu.-Gen. Robert Bell. John Gardiner, Esq. Vice-Admiral SirJ .P. Beres- ,John Irvine Glennie, Esq. ford, Bart. M P. Charles Hertslet, Esq. The Right Hon. Henry Ellis John Piric, Esq. Ald. Hon. Archibald Macdonald, Isaac Sewell, Esq. Right Hon. Jas. A. Stewart \Valter A. Urquhart, Esq. Mackenzie, Geor()'e Wllster, Esq .Tames Mackillop, Esq.M.P. . 0 . W.A.Mackinnon Esq.M.P. BenJn.Boyd, Esq} Rcsrlnt. George Trail, Esq. Mark Boyd, Esq. Bankers, Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Hart & Co. Physician, John Webster, M.D. 56, Gros\·enor St. Solicitors, 1\Jessrs Parken ani! 'Vebster, 13, New Boswell Court, London. Hngh Brougbton, Esq. E H. Dundas, Esq. xtraordinary Dirrctors. J al.. Gillespie Davidson, Esq. Lortll\'Ioncreiff. Jas. :Farqubar Gurdon, Esq. Sir Thos. Dick Lauder Bart James Hay, ~sq. Sir Robt. Dnndas, Bart. Robert l\'Ienz1cs, Esq . Vice-Ad. Sir P.C. Durham, Alex.l\1o~ypenny, Esq. G c B James Nmrne, Esq. C : c' • Peter Ramsay, Esq. • olm ampbell, Esq. R b t Wh' h E J h C . 1'i E o er 1g am, sq. G o .,['-1 unbmg lamGe, •tsq.E Robert Wright, Esq. . ri acp erson ran , !'q · ,.,. 11• y E I-I H Id ·th E, n 1 1am oung, • sq. • OU SWOl , ~:sq. , Henry Monteith, Esq. James Borthw1ck, Esq. RichardA.Oswald, Esq.M.P. Manager. William Trotter, Esq. John Brash, Esq. Thos. Guthric \V right, Esq Secretary. Solicitors, 1\fessrs. Jas. & Chas. ~airne, Writers to the Signet, 22, Albany St. Edinburgll THE ad't'antages offered to the public by this Corporation arc:- 1. Ample Security from their large capital. 2. Rates of Premium nearly 5 per cent lower than most other offices acting on the. System of participation of profits. ' 3. Premmms may be made payable either in a ring le payment, or by annual, half yearly, or quarterly payments 4. The assured may either participate in the profits secured against all responsibility by the capital of the Corporation, or may pay a less premium for securing a specific sum without periodical additions. 5. When policies effected by parties on their own lives are assigned to others for onerous causes, the holden; are a88ured against the risk of the original as.~ured dying by suicide or duelling. 6.- Every facility given on moderate terms to persons going beyond the prescribed limits oftte policy. 7. Advances made on security of policies of more than three years' standing to the extent of their 'l'alull. 8. A liberal price given for policies to parties U.'ishzng to surrender them. 9. Persons ,·esideut in the country can effect lnsuranc~s by corresponding with the resident 1\Iembers of the Board, Messrs. Benj .and Mark Boyd. EXAMPLE.-A person, aged 30, may, by an Annual Payment of £'J 6s. 6. (btmg a little mo1·e than lOd. a w~ek (secure to hi& Wife 11.nd Family £100 whenever his death may occur; thus showing that, on the same prinriple, persons possessed of v-ery moderate incoml.'s, may insure sonwtl1ing; and those in thi receipt of large present ~molumcnts, may insure a considcrai.Jle Property to their 'Yitlows and Children 27
Appendix. NOR ICH UNIOl-1 SOCIETIES, OFFICE, NE'V BRIDGE STREET, B1f_.tACK1FRIAR§CI PIRE SOCIET sr. CAPITAL, £550,000. DfRECfORS. President-E. T. BooTH, Esq., Norwich. I Vice President-LIEVT. CoL. HARVEY. Anthon:y Hudson, Esq. George Mo1-se, Esq. William Herring Esq. Col. Sir R. J. Harvey, C.B. George Seppings, E!!q. Isaac Jermy, Esq, Recorder of Norwich. Charles Evans, Esq . . Samuel Bignold, Esq., s ECRETAR v. Edward Steward, Esq. Lewis Evans, Esq. M. D. T. Blackiston, Esq. R.N. Insurances are granted hy thiR Society, on buildings, goods, merchandize. and effects, ships in pol't, harbour, or dock, from loss or damage by Fire, in any part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland. Returns are periodically made to the parties- insuring. LONDON BOARD. C. Savill Onley, Esq. F.R.S. Chirman. John "\Vright, Esq. Robert John Bunyon, Esq. Secretary. Thomas Amyot, Esq. LIFE SOCIETY. Accumulated Capital, £1,600,000. 11Hrector~. · Ilresident-Lt. Col. HARVEY. I Vice President-E. T. BooTH, Esq. T. S. Day, Esq. Charles Turner, Esq. William Hankes, .&q. F. Noverre, Esq. Peter Finch, Esq. George Durrant, Esq. J. Crowe, Esq. Isaac Jermy, Esq., Recorder of William Cooper, Esq., Barrister. 'Villiam lHoore, Esq. J Norwich. James ·winter, Esq. SECRETARY-Samuel Bignold, Esq. Norwich. ACTUARY.-Ricbard Morgan, Esq. :Norwich. LONDON BOARD. C. Savil Onley, Esq. F. R. S. C!tair,pzan. John 'V right, Esq. Banker, Henrietta-street. T. Amyot, Esq., James-street. Edward Wen man Martin, Esq., Seymou•·-street. Charles Summers, Esq., Euston-square, Surgeon. Robert John Bunyon, Esq. Secretarp. This Society is founded on the equitableprinciple of mutual guarantee. The rates of Premium (for lives under 45) are considerably below those of other offices, thus yielding an immediate advantage to parties insuring, besides which the members enjoy the benefit of periodical bonuses, which have already amounted to £44fl, 798. By this plan, the Norwich Union Office affords a certain and immediate advantage in the reduction of the rates, besides the future benefits arising from the divisions of the surplus Capital. Since the lst of January last 440 new Policies have been issued, a number probably not exceeded by any other Office, and affording the most conclusive evidence of the public confidence in this establishment. REVERSIONARY INrfEREST SOCIETY. DIRECTORS. Sir Robert Price, Bart, M.P., Chairman. Sir Wm. De Bathe, Bart Col. Sir William. Gossett, C. B. Sir J. De Courcey Laffan, Bart. Charles Savill Onley, Esq. I I Thomas Amyot, Esq. Jos. Boulcott, Esq. "\Villiam Evans, Esq. This Company was established in the year 1838. I I Charles Summers, Esq. Robert John Bunyon, Esq.· J. l\1. Rainbow, Esq., AcTUARY. Its objects are to purchase Reversions, Life Interests, and Property iu any way depending upon Life. A Dividend of £5 per cent. on the sums subscribed will be paid out of reai:zed profits on the 1st September, 1839. The expenses of management up to that period being previously deducted. Applications for the remaining shares and proposals for the sale of Reversionary property, Life Interests,. &c., may be addressed toR. J. Bunyon, Esq., at the Office, No. 6, Crescent, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars. 28
ll&~U®ll&~ ~®~~ ~UJ~W Ula~lll A~~OJlliA~CfJ!h No. 26, CORNI~ILL, LONDOlV. T. LAM lE .MURRA Y, Esq., Chairman. Col. Sir B. Camac, K.C.S. H. Gordon, Esq. l{enneth Mackenzie. Esq. J. Elliotson, 1\f.D. F.RS. Robt. Holland, Esq. M.P.. John Rawson, Esq. C. l"arebrother, Esq. Ald. George LungJey, Esq. Joseph Thompson, Esq Auditors, Dr. Olinthus Gregory, F .R.A.S. Professor Wheatstone, F.R.S. P!tysician-J Elliotson, M.D., F.R.S., 37, Conduit-street. Surgeon. E. S. Symes, Esq., 38, Hill-street, Berkeley-square. Actuary. W. S. B. Woolhouse, Esq., I<', R. A. S. Ry the new Principles of Life Assurance in this Society, many essential advantages, besides that of securing a. provision for a family, or for old age, are gained by the Assured, and thereby a vastly increased value iS given to each Policy effected with the Society. Specimens cif Annual Premiums to insure £100. t\ge 20 1 £1 1:3 1 1 25 1 £1 18 o 1 30 1 £2 4 4 1 35 1 £2 1 o 11 1 40 1 £2 18 8 I 4.S 1 £3 ~ 4 I 5o 1. £.t. 4 ~· Specimens of Deferred Annuities . • • • ' BENEFITS. PREMIUMS. To secure, on attaining- Annuity 10 0 0 Options secured on attaining the age of Sixty- the age of Sixty-five, ;.. Cash •• 82 :10 0 five, by an Annual Premium of £2 12s. the option of . Policy • ~7 8 6 Age, Annuity. Cash. Policy. Age. Payable Payable in Payable for annually. One Sum. Disparity. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 20 47 16 6 394 JI 0 466 0 0 20 0 10 11 lO 010 0 0 0 25 26 15 10 221 0 0 261 0 0 0 0 19 6 16 7 I 7 311 30 13 19 9 115 8 0 136 6 0 40 ] 17 3 27 3 J] 19 4 JO • • Aiso Annuities commencing at any other Age. Prospectuses, detailing the objects of the ~ociety at length, with every variety of Tables, may be bad by .pplication at the Office, and any of the Branches which are established in most of the principal Towns. F. FERGUSON CAMROUX, Secretary. LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY COMPANY, 9, CHATHAl\1 PLACE, BLACKFRIARS, LONDON. E S TAB LIS H E D 1 8 2 6. Guaranteed and Subscribed Capital, £240,000. DIRECTORS, r~J. GOODENOUGH HAYTER, Esq. M.P. ROBERT PALK, Esq. HARLES JOHNSfON, Esq. WILLI,;.M UNWIN SIMS, Esq. JHN TOWGOOD KEMBLE, Esq. SAMUEL S:.\'IITH, Esq mN G. SHAW LEFEVRE, Esq. F.R.S. Le MARCHANT THOMAS, Esq. TRusTEEs-John Deacon, Esq.; J. G. Shaw Lefevre, E~q. F.R.S.; Wm. Unwin Sims, Esq. MEDICAL On·IcERs-VV. Back, M.D. St. Thomas's Stt·eet, Southwark; G. H. Roe, M.D. Hanover Square; C. Aston Key, Esq. St. Helen's Place; John Scott, Esq. New Broad Street. SoLICITORs Mes.o;;rs Crowder and lUaynard, Mansion House Place. In this Office Assurers for the whole term of life hav€ the option, as most accords with their views and ~cumstances, either of securing a certain sum at death at a low r.ate of Premium; or of participating in three- ~rths of the nett profits of the Company on paying an increased rate of Premium. The following are the annual Premiums for the assurance of £100 on a healthy life in either case:- WITHOUT PltOFITS. re 20 I £1 J ls. Bd. I 3'1 I £2 2s. 2d. I 4o 1 £~ 17:~. Od. I so I £4 os. 8d. WITH • PRO:t'ITS. --~z~o~l-.£~l-1~6~j-. ~ll~d~.--,f~3~o~,--£=·~~~-.-2~d~.----.,~4~o~'l~£3-6~,j-.~6~d.----~t--so--1~-£-.4--l4-s-.-2-d. A division of the nett profits will lake place quinquennially. Bonuses accrue on all beneficial policks on lich three annual premiums shall have been paid, at the time a division occurs; and the holders of such PQlicies 1e the option either of receiving their bonuses in a present sum, or of having them applied in augmentation of !ir Policies, or in reduction of their future Premiums. Assurers on the non-bonus system may contract to pay their Premiums either in one sum, in a given number payments, in annual, half-yearly, or quarterly payments, or in any other way most suitable to their convenience. Officers in the Army and Navy when in active service, Persons afflicted with chronic and other diseases, and ~as arP going beyond the limits of Europe, are also Assured at moderate rates. Prospectuses and all necessary information may be obtained at the Offices. Proposals can be passed daily. 1\IICHAEL SAW ARD, Secretary. 29
Appendix. I t ggurance octetp, WATERLOO PLACE, LONDON. DIRECTORS. GEORGE ARBUTHNOT, Esq. JOSEPH ESDAILE, Esq. Sir JOHN BARRO\V, Bart. F.R.S. SAMUEL BOSANQUET, Esq. F.R.S. Col. WILLfAl\I BODYCOTT DAVIS. Sir T. F. FREMANTLE, Bart. 1\f.P. Lord \V. R. KEITH DOUGLAS, F.R.S. Rt. Hon. Sir ED\VARD HYDE EAST, Bart, F.R.S. JAMES HALFORD, Esq. PETER REIERSON, Esq. SAMUEL SKINNER, Esq. P.MAX\VELL STEWART, Esq. Sir \\7 ILLIAl\I YOUNG, Bart. NEIL BENJ.EDMONSTONE, Esq.F.R.S. AUDlTORS. JAMES \V. BOSANQUET, E"q., l SAMUEL GREGSON, Esq. BANKERs. MEssRs. BOSANQUET AND Co. TnE LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK. PHYSICIAN ••••• TAMES BARTLET, M. D. REsiDENT SECRETARY AND AcTUARY, NICHOLAS GRU.T, Esq. All persons assured in litis 0./flce, m·e pennitted to pnss and 1·epnss, in time nf peace,f1·om any part of Europe to anot!ter, by sea or land, wit/tout payment of additional pJ·emium, m· forfeiture of Policy. The Assured participate in Four-fifths, or 80 per Cent. of the estimated Profits, which arc added every Seventh Year, by way of Bonus, to Policies effected for the whole of life, on li'\"es not exceeding the age of 50 when assured. Or, the addition may be applied in reduction of future annual premiums, at the option of the assured. Every holder of a Policy of£ l 000, or upwards, for the whole term of life, may (after two annual payments) attend and vote at all General Meetings. Cla1ms are paid within Three Months after proof of the death of the party. SEPTENNIAL BONUS. The following Table shows the Additions made to Policies for £5000, wktch ltad hun in force for seven complete years, to the 31st DecemlHr, 1831, vtz . • • • , Date of Policy. Age when Assured. Additions to Sums Assut·ed. 31st December 1824 • • 10 • • £281 0 10 • • Ditto • • • • 15 •• 338 19 ~ • • Ditto • • • • 20 • • 414 ]] 8 •• Ditto • • • • 25 • • 424 15 ]0 •• Ditto • • •• 30 • • 433 15 0 • • Ditto •• • • 35 • • 447 10 0 •• Ditto • • • • 40 • • 477 18 4 • • Ditto • • •• 45 •• 512 10 0 • • Ditto • • • • 50 •• 571 5 0 - • • Proportionate sums were also appropriated to Policies which have subsisted for less tlr11n seven years, and will be payable in the event of death, after seven annual payments. The above additions, on nn average of all ages, exceed 44 per cent. on the Premiums paid Persons Assured, at any period before the next Valuation in IS38, will also have sums appropriated to their Policies, in proporiion to the profits then declared. Assurances for a lirmted number of payments only, may be effected at this Office; the Policies participating in profits, although the annual payments may have ceased. (Office Hours from Ten to Four.) 30
A ppendi:x:. PROTESTANT DISSENTERS' AND GENERAL n~l~ ~~~tlt~ca~t-tf ~lOlll~~n~~ No, 62, KING WILLIAIJI STill~E~I', LONDON BRIDGE, LOrJDON. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. Trustees. [With a scat at the Board.] THOMAS CHALLIS, Esq. THOMAS PIPER, Esq. THOMAS WILSON, Esq. WILLIAM T. BEEBY, Esq. GEORGE BOUSFIELD, Esq. ANDREW CALDECOTT, Esq. JOHN EASTHOPE, E!lq., M. P. JOHN EDGER, Esq. JOSEPH FLETCIIER, Esq. JACOB GEORGE COPE, Esq. Directors. RICHARD HOLLIER, Esq. CHARLES HINDLEY, Esq., M.P. J')HN PIRIE, Esq., Alderman. THOMAS B. SIMPSON, Esq. CHARLES P. VILLIERS, Esq., M. P. JOHN WILKS, E5q. EDW ARD WILSON, Esq. Auditors. PETER ELLIS, Esq. ROWLAND HILL, Esq. F. R. A. S. Bankers. THE BANK OF ENGLA.ND, AND MEssns. LADBROKE, KIKGSCOTE, AND Co . • Physician. Surgeon. THOMAS BULL, Esq., 1\I.D. C. AS'l'ON KEY, Esq. JOHN DA VIES, Esq. Surveyors. JAMES HARRISON, Esq. Secretary. DR. THOMAS PRICE. Solicitors. MESSRS. CHARLES PEARSON AND WILKINSON. - The Protestant Dissenters' and General Life and Fire Assurance Company has been established with a view -<>f calling the aft~ntion of a numerous and influential section of the community to the importance of providing, by means of Life Assurances, for the future interests of their families. It was thought by the projectors of the present Company, th:}t an Institution bearing their name and conducted principally by members of their own body, would be more likely to awaken the attention and command the confidence of Dissenters, than_ the several Offices previously existing. Another object contemplated by the Company is an appropriation of a tentl1 part ofthe profits of the general business, to the benefit of the families of Dissenting Ministers. By this feature of their plan, the Directors hope to be enabled, from time to time, to effect such reductions in the Premiums of Ministers assured in this Office, as will induce them, or their congregations on their behalf, extensively to avail themselves of the advantages of the Institution. w ~~ wa~m~~~~ ~~~ID @®Wlll~~lr~ 55, OLD_ BROAD STREET. Estaf.lisbed 1825, by Act of Parliament, 6 GeQ. iv, C 39, and Incorporated by Royal Charter. JOSEPH CRIPPS, Esq. M. P., 6.Jovernor. 1 WILLIAM BURNIE, Esq. Deput!J Governor JOSEPH BOND, Esq. WM. BORRADAILE, Esq. JOHN CA TTLEY, Esq. Sir F. HASTINGS DOYLE, Bt. ED'V ARD FLETCHER, Esq. THOMAS HARRISON, Esq. :tJinctani, BARTHOLOMEW JEFFERY,Esq WM. GILL PAXTON, &q. FELIX CAL. LADBROKE, Esq. BRICE PEARCE, Esq. Gen. Sir R. M•FARLANE, K.C.B. JOHN PEARSE, Esq., HARRY MACKENZIE, Esq. I GEORGE RAlKES, Esq. EDWARD MARSHALL, Esq. GEORGE ROUGEMONT, Esq. JOHN MITCHELL, Jun. Esq. T. SHEPPARD, Esq. M.P. 'llu'lfitlTt"5, JAMES ALEX.ANDER1 Esq. I SAMUEL MILLS, Esq. I 'VILLTAM WILKI~SON, Esq. SAMUEL R. EWEN, Esq., Secretary. _ 31
Appendix~ THE REVERSIONARY IN '_f E R E S T S 0 C I E "r Y . I 'liKing's Arms Yard,Coleman-Street, London. ESTABLISHED IN THE YEAR 18.23. INVESTED CAPITAL, £400,000, AND UP\VARDS. CHAIRMAN, JA!.\IES c. c. BELL, Esq. DEPUTY CHAIRMAN, JOH~ CHAPMAN, Esq. ROBERT DAVIES, Esq. THOMAS GREG, Esq. DIRECTORS. Sir WILLIA \f HEYGATE, BART. GEORGE HENRY HOOPER, Esq. HENRY HUGHES, Esq. THOMAS STOOKS, Esq. JOHN THOMAS, Esq. THOMAS VIGNE, Esq. JOHN WELLS,!Esq. WILLIAM WHITMORE, Esq. THOMAS PRICE, Esq. JACOB G. WRENCH, Esq. JOHN P. HASCH, Esq. AUDIToRs. FRED .. READE, Esq. RICHARD NORMAN, Esq. BANKERS. Me!lsrs. WHITMORE, WELLS, AND WHJTMORE. AcTUARY. GRIFFITH DAYIES, Esq. F.R.S. SoLICITOR. Sir GEORGE STEPBEN. SECRETARY. CHARLES G. CHRISTMAS, Esq. Proposals continue to be received for the Sale of Reversionary Property, either absolute or contin~:ent, and also for Policies of Assurance effected upon Lives, to any amount. Daily attendance is given at the Office from Ten till Four o'Clock, where any information which may be required by parties desirous of treating for the Sale of Property of the above description will be afforded, and every facility rendered for the earliest completion of purchsaes It is requested that all communications by letter may be post paid, to which answers will be immediately returned. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, Por D'la.king Assurances against Loss or Damage by FIRE, for Assuring LIV .ES, and. for effecting MARINE Assurances. AT THEIR OFFICES No. 21 Lombard Street, and at No. 29, Pall Mall. ' Sir Jobn 1Vm. Lubbock, Bart., Governor. J Thomas Tooke, Esq., Sub-Governor. Bartholomew Jeffery, Esq., Deputy Governor. Henry Bainbridge, Esq. George Pearkes Barclay, Esq. William Brown Esq. Edmond Sexten Pery Calvert, Esq. John Deacon, Esq. John Ede, Esq. James Gibson, Esq. William Tetlow Hibbert,Esq. DIRECTORS. Lancelot Holland, Esq. G. G. de Hochepied Larpent, Esq. John Christopher Locbner, Esq. Charles John Manning, Esq. The Hon. J. T. L. Melville Edward Howley Palmer, Esq. ThomaS Poynder, Esq. Abraham George Robarts, Esq. SECRETARY Samuel Fenning. Charles Robinson, Esq. William Sampson, Esq. l'iir Samuel Scott, Bart. William Soltau, Esq. Robert Thorley, Esq. John Fam Timins, Esq. Octavius Wigram, Esq. Henry Nelson, Esq. PRINCIPAL OF THE MARINE DEPARTMENT-Aiexander Green CASHIER-Henry Bowra. LIFE AccoMPTANT-John D. Bayley. • SuPERINTENDENT OF FIRE O.FncE-Edward Bird. 32 SUPERINTENDENT OF THE OFFICE IN P A.LL M AI.L-Jasper De St. Croix.
Appendix. Sl'ANDA_ll.D OF ENGl.JAND J_jiFf~ .. ASSUilANCE, REVERSIONA.RY INTEREST AND ANNUiTY CO~IPANY, 8, KING WILLIAM STREET, CITY, Al\"D 25, REGENT STREET, LO~DON. CAPITAL, ONE MILLION. Directors. The night Hon. The EARL OF CAVAN. WJLJ,U.c\1 CORY, Esq, Major-Gen. CHRIST HonGsON1 E.l.C. I 'WILLIHl JoHN RtcHARDsos, E<q. WILLIAl\1 DAVIS, Esq. J. CUTHBERT JoY!'IIER, Esq. Fr..EDERICK Tuo~IA!! \VEsT, Esq. LAwRENCE DoRGAN, Esq. HENR \ LAwsoN, Esq. GEORGF. 1VHITEHEAD, Esq. WILLIAM GuNsToN, Esq. I JonN EARRETT LENNARD, E"q. Auditors.-GEORGE BARCL.AY, Esq. RosERT l\lE.uocK, E.;q. WM. AYscoUGH WILKINBoN, Esq. Advantages of this Institution. Lower Rates of Premium than thoRe of any other Office; hence an immediate and certain Bonus it!! given to the Assured, (as may be seen l!ly reference to the annexed Scale) instead of the remote and contingent advantage offered by some Companies, of a participation in their profits. increasing Rates of Premium, peculiarly advantageous in cases where Assurances are effected by way of Becuring Loans or Debts. Age ofthe Assured in every case admitted in the Policy. Premiums may be paid half-yearly or quarterly. LlBF.ItAL CO!\t:\1ISSIONS ARE ALLOWED TO SOLICITORS ANn AGENTS. Equal Rates of Premium. ,'able of Premium .. required for tlie Ati'!lurauce of £100 for the "hole term of any ~ingle lift•, in Annual, Hair Yearlv, or Quarterly l'ayn•c•.t<. rh e p 1 an of l h f8 in •titntion gna ran teP< to the '15'U red aCE RT A 1 N BO NU !I nf gr<"ater am<>ulll than any other Lift' OfliPe in the TJnitecl Kingdom. Scale of Premiums usually required by Oflice" dividi11g Profit.• unwn~: the A5-ured; bhewin~ the cert,,in and inmHcrll~te Bonu,es granted 11.t different Ages hy the Standard of England Company. • Annual I Sums Assured for this Premium.:Certain and iru - Age IJalfYearl~"~ Quarterly Premium. Premium. Premium. mediate bonus Annual - - I - £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. 15 1 7 0 0 13 11 0 7 2 20 1 10 11 0 l;") 8 0 711 25 1 14 10 0 17 8 0 811 30 1 19 7 1 0 1 0 10 1 35 2 5 6 I 3 1 011 8 40 2 13 5 l 7 1 0 13 8 45 3 4 1 1 12 7 I 0 16 5 50 3 18 8 2 0 1 l 0 3 EXAI\1PL" :-A Pt·rs•Jn a!ied ~o(next birth day) may oecurt' £1000 a1 bis death, b) payiug £19 15 10 Anllllrdiy: nr ~ durwg- the 10 0 JO llalf Yt•arly; or rem•ind•r of s 0 10 QuartLrly life. Age. granted by Premium. In Offices Di- Standard of the Standard viding Profits. Eng1and. cf England. • £ d. ~ I s. £ £ 15 \ 19 5 10 1000 I 1417 417 20 32 13 9 1500 2113 613 25 48 1 8 2000 2761 761 30 66 15 5 2500 3:374 874 35 89 15 0 3000 3946 945 40 1 rs 17 l 3500 4450 950 45 155 16 8 4000 486-1 8134 50 226 13 41 5000 5763 763 Dy Order of the Board. W. WRIGHT, Secretary. Governor--The QUEEN,S Most Excellent r,·Iajesty. Charles Franks, Esq. SUR-GOVERNOR. 1 Thomas Vigm·, Esq.DEPUTY-GOVERNOit. Chz.rles John Baker, Esq. Henry I.annoy Hunter, E!!!q. Henry Berens, Esq Heury Kingscote, F.sq. Hon. Phillip Pleydell Bouverie. William Phillimore, Esq. Sir Richard Plumptre Glyn, Bart Abraham Pole, Esq. Matthew Harri~on, Esq. ~ohn Thornton, Esq. Sir William Heygate, Bart. Edward Vaux, Esq. Charles Holford, Esq. John Willing- Warren, Esq. Johu Beauclerk, Esq. James \Vhatman Bosauquet, E'lq. Ebenezer Fuller Maitland, Esct. Charles John .(\Ianning, Esq. Erice Pearse, jun., EEq. George \Vhitmore, Esq. CASHIER-J, T Viner. I ACCOUNTANT-\V. R. Arno1d, Esq. I couNSEL-1\Tr. C. H. Bosanquet. SOLJCITOR-Ralph Dunn, Esq. r SECR!':TARY-Nath. Simpson, Esq. LONDON DOCK CO P ANY, DOCK OFFICE,NE\V BANJ( BUILDl~GS,LO.TllBURY Chai1·man-John Cattley, Esq. I Deputy Chairman-William King Esq. DIRECTORS. Joshua Bates, Esq. 1 John Christophers, Esq. John Blunt, Esq_ Timothy Abraham Curtis, Esq. Robert Brooks, E!;q. lsaac Lyon Goldsmid, Esq. Henry Browning, Esq. John Gore, Esq Edward Burmester, Esq. l Henry Gauger, Esq. John Cattley, Esq. John Groves, &q. Charles Cave, Esq. I William King, E:.q. Aaron Chapman, Esq. 1\f. P. George Lyall, Esq. I Sebastian G. l\Jnrlinez, Esq. I Charh'S John 1\Janniug, Esq. Hoi!ble .John T. L. l\lelvill0 Joscph Thcophilus l\I itchell, Esq. H.obert Thurburn, Esq. James Pattison, Esq. l\l.P. Waiter Alexander Uq,ubart, F..sq. Thomas Ward, Esq. Treasurer-lsaac J .. yon Gold~mid, Esq. * E .SecrefCiry-John Diston Fowle~, Esq. • 33
Appendix. LIFE UNIVERSAl~ ASSURANCE SOC No. 1, l{JNG vVILLIAl\f STREET, LONDON. Conlil'med by Act of Parliament. FOR THE ASSVRANCE OF LIVES AT 1-I 0 rv.r E A 1\T D ABROAD, l~CLUDI:'IiG GE~TLEJHE~ Ei\GAGED IN TH~ l\liLITARY AND NAVAL SERVICES. ~------------------------- DIRECTORS. Sir H.CNRY WILLOCK, K. L. S .• Clwirmall. I JOH~ STEW ART, Esq. 1\i. P. Depttf!J Chairman. Col. Sir RICHARD ARMSTRONG, C. B. RAIKES CURRIE, Esq. M. P. JOHN BAGSHAW, Esq. WILLlAM KlLBURN, Esq. 1\I.EXANDER BAILLTE, Esq. C. OTWAY MAYNE, Esq. AUGUSTUS BOSANQUET, Esq. JOHK H.OGERS, jun. Esq C. DASHWOOD BRUCE, Esq. J. DUNCAN THOMSON, Esq. E. W ATKIN CUNLIFFE, Esq. Capt. SAMUEL THORNTON, R.N AUDITORS.-RORERT HICIIENS, E.:q. J CRAWFORD DA.VISON KERR, Esq. ~OHN ARNOLD 1\IELLO, Esq. BANKERS.-BANK OF ENGLAND and Messrs. CURRIES & Co. PHYSICIAN. G. BURROWS, Esq M.D. · I SOLlCITOR. W. H. COTTERILL, Esq. Rate-s of Premium as moderate as arc consistent with perfect security, an Annual divis;on of three-fourths of the Society's profit<> amongst the Assured, and a prompt adjustment of all claims, are among the advantages of this Society. The attention of GE:-ITLEMEN CO:"<NECTF.D WITH IsmA is particularly requested to the Regulations of this Society, as, on compariso01 with other Offices, its Rates will be found \'Cry advantageous, having been accurately calculated from cxtensin~ data and Tablt>s, showing the true risk of Life during residence in India, and a 1tct· retirement from am• Foreign Sen·ice, exclusively in tl1e pm;session of this Society. Policies taken out in England may be continued in India, or those taken out in Inrlia may be continued in England, on definite and equitable terms; while Premiums and Claims may be paid in either Couutry, at the entire option of the Parties interested. Terms and full Particulars may be ohtained at the Office as abm·e, or of the AGENTS IN INDIA. Messrs. BAGSHAW AND Co., CALCUTTA. Messrs. HALL, BAINBRIDGE & Co., lVIADRAS. Messrs. LECIOE A~D Co., Bol\IBAY. By Order of tl1e BoarJ, ROBERT CHRISTIE, Actuary. THE ilonllon ~d.1trstonar11 ~ntrrtst ~octtt!2, FOR THE PURCH;\SE OF REVERSIONARY PROPERTY, POLICES OF INSURANCE, LIFE I:'iTERESTS, AN:SUITIES, ETC~ No. 4, !few Bank Buildings, Lothbury. DI:R.ECTORS. SIR PETER LAURIE, Alderman Chairman. I FRANCIS WARDEN, Esq.Deputy Chairman. ARCHII3LD. CocKBURN, EsQ. JoHN J. Gr.ENNCE EsQ. \V. A. URQUBART, Esq. JoHN CoNNEL, EsQ, CHARLES HERTSLET, EsQ. . GEoRGE WEBsTER EsQ· \V. P. CRAUFVRD. EsQ. FRAl\'Cis MILLS, EsQ, MARK Bovn, EsQ. BE!UAl'YIIN BoYD, EsQ. JoHN PmiE, EsQ, Alderman. Bankers. Messrs. GLYN, HALIFAX, MILLS, and Co. Solicitors. Messrs. HALL, TH0~1PSON and SEWELL, Salters' 1/a!l, 5t. Swithin'a Lane, All communications to be addressed to Messrs. B. and M. Boyd, the Managing Directors. 34
Appendix. No. lLIFE AND LOAN COMPAIJY, KING TV 1 L L I A ~u STREET~ -cITY, CAPITAL, .£50 0, 0 0 0. DIRECT·ORS. M r., Chairma''· BENJAl\IIN HAwr:s, Esg, Deputy Chairmaa. TuoMAS NEsBrrT, EsQ. MAJOR GEN. RoBERTSON DA"II'.L SUTTO~ JuN. EsQ. Sm JAM£s DuKE, 'WJLLIAl'll AtLEN, EsQ. BENJAMIN BARIIIARD, EsQ. CuARLES BALDWIN, EsQ. JAMEs CocKBURN, Esg. BRYAN DoNKIN, EsQ. AARON GoLDsMID, EsQ. JAME5. LAw Joi"Es, EsQ. JoiJN KNILL, EsQ. BENJAMrN LANCASTER, EsQ. O'B. BELLI!'\Ll!Alll \VooLSEI',EsQ. Auditors.-JoHS B.o\RNARD, EsQ. \VJLLIUJ HAWEs, EsQ. EowAnn GRENAWAY, EsQ. RoBERT PEARSON, EsQ. Bankcrs.-MEsSRS. BARNARD, D!l\ISDALE, BARNARD, AND Co. Phys£cirws. - AHCHIBALD BILLING, l\LD. T. "\V. JONES, M.p. Sw·gcrms.-JHlES FARlSH, E~Q. JoHN DALHYMPLf:, EsQ. Standing Couusel.-Ru~sELL GURNEY, EsQ. So!icitm·s.-MESSHS. LAKE AND CURTIS'. Actuary.-EDWA!l.D BAYLlS, EsQ. The \'alue and importance of Life Assurence are proved by the bcr.etits it disseminates among all classes of the comlT'nnity. 'ft,is Company is e~tablisherl, to extend universally the importaut benefits resulting from a well regulated system of Life A~surance, and to cornbint~ all the ad,·antages peculiar to cn•ry !>imilar Institution. It is impossible to appreciate too highly the utility and vnlue of such a system. It is beneticial in an eminent degree to every indi,·idual wLo is depenclnnt upon l1is own exertions for an iccome, or who has only a Life-interest in his property, by obviating, with unerring certainty, pt>cuniary difficulties anrl inconveniences to his sun·ivors. To persons solicitous to pro,·ide for their families or rela!i,•es after death ;-to intJ.i,•idnnls with fixed incomes deri,•able from Government or other situations, frorn peusions, or anuuitics on their lin~s ;-to possessors of Life-interests in landed property, desirous of seeming the ndue to th~· h~irs ;-to tradesmen and others ;-to creditors, who by assnring the )i,·es of their dt>btoJs, may render the reCO\'t'fY of their debts certain ;-the system of Life Assurance is especially ad,·antilgeous, as hy a snrall annual outlay every necessary provision may be realisfd, and every pecuniary diiliculty an•rted, as the Directors will grant Poliries \·arying from .£50 and upwards As a peculiar advantage offered by this .Society, the Director~ will advaucemoney in amull7tts, vm',l}Wg (ram £200 and upwards} eithl'r by way of Loan, or on Annuitr, subje~t to the borrowers' effecting Policies with the Company to the amount of such ad,·ances, and guaranteeing the payment of th~ l\ remiums, and also of the principal and interest, or annuities, uy npprm·erl security. At the expiration of every seven years, 0!'-E IIALF OP 'I HE l'H'Of!TS WILL BE APPHOPRIATFD TO TilE AssuRED FOR THE WuoLE TERM o~· LIFE, 11nd Policy-holders who shall ha,·e bt'en so a8~ured for three yenrs, nnd upwards, will participate in such division, at a rate proportionate to the date of their respecti,·e Assurances. This Company offers: Ample Security to tl1e Assured-the Greall'St Economy by !lfodeJ"ale PremiumJ. TABLE OF RATES. SINGLE LIVES. • • l A T01b:e of l're.11inms for assuring the sum of £lOll t1pun tile I.ife of any Ileal thy Person,fJOm the age of 15 tu 6o. - WITHOIJ r I'fUH'ITS. I WITH PROFITS. • Age next - -~---- For ~even Year .;, at an For the whole of Life, at Fur the whole: L1fe, ll.t Bir.h Day. F<>r One Year. t\nllnHI Payment of I an Annual Payment os an Ann1·al Prlyment of 15 0 15 6 () 10 6 I I g 0 I, 1 12 8 . o- - _;1 l 1 9 I 3 0 1 lB 8 2 2 6 .. :l5 1 9 0 l 10 fJ ~ ll 7 • " ~ Hi B 43 1 17 ~ l lg 3 10 H 3 !7 8 • 9 55 ~ H 0 3 0 0 3 3 :> I :> 13 9 " 60 4 I J I 10 ~ I!! 1 6 11 8 6 1·) 0 • - Pren1iums may be pH id Yearly, Half-yenrly, or Q11artcrly, at the option of the Assurers. Applications for Pro~pectnses and Agenci<>s, to be made at the Offices of the Company, 18 King ·william st., Cit.- r:,,ery uct,ommodatiun <ILIU facility will uc afi01 ded to the JlUblic for the transact inn "f Ullfilll('S'. het•n·en the hours of 10 & 4 EO WARD BA YLIS, ACTUARY. INSTITUTED IN 1821. INCORPORATED IN 183-3. ------ ------- -----· --- ---- For the Relief of Sick and Diseased Se2.men of all 1\"ations, in the Port of Lo:1don, who arc immediately received on board the DREADNOUGHT, 104 Gun Ship, lying ofl' Greenwich, without the ncccs:-ity of any recommendatory letter. On'ICE 14, KING WILI.IAM STREET, Two DOORs WE5T OF CLEMENTS L\.NE. Patron---The Queen. Vice Patror..s~--Emperor of Rn•sia, King of Pru5sia, Kin.g of Denmark, King cf the Bel5ians. The Dul:te of Su~:.e:..t:. President---L~rd Viscount Melville. Eighteen Vice Pt·esidents and a Committee of 1\Iauagem!:'nt, consisting of Thirty l\Iembers. CH~Ilt?IIAN-Capt. Bowle:o, R.N. 1 CoNsui.TIKG SuRGEONs-Sir Richard Dobson and TREAsURER-John Laboucherl'" Esq. 1 · John Lawson , Esq. CONSULTING PuvsiCIANs-Dr. Seymour, Dr. Roupell \ RESIDENT SuRGEON-Mr. George Busk VISITING PHYSICIAN-Dr. Burld I SuPERINH~NnENT-Lieut. John Sander<;, R.N. S~~:cRETARY AND COLLF.CTOR.-1\Ir. Rd. Harley, 34, Trin:ty Square, Boro. 35
TilE «mtr~ttninstrr anb f8rnrral ittfr 2ls~uratttt £Insorfatfou, At the fVestminster Fire Office, Iiing Street, Covent Garden, For granting A!l!lurances on Lives and Survivor5hips, or for any Term of Years, and for Endowments. Trustees.-Thomns Goding r Esq. George Mercer, E,q, Colonel W. H. Meyriek, George Wigg, Esq. Directors Lieut. Col. G. E. Pratt Barlow tuke T. Flood, Esq. H. S. Cafe, Esq. William B. France, Esq. George Cornell, Esq. Col. E. Boscawen Fredef.ck William Crake, Esq. Stephen G~Hrard, Esq. George Dodd, Esq. Thumas Ha1liwell, Esq. H. J. Dixon, Esq. John Hamilton, E:;q. Thomas Fielder, Esq. Richard l\Iott, Esq. Charles Finch, Esq. W. G. Mucklow, Esq . .Auditors. Frederick Pra1t Barlow, Esq. Thomas John Burgoyne, Esq. Benjamin Edward Hall, Esq. W. M. Nurse, Esq. Thomas Parkinson, Esq. George P1tt, Esq. Ja!J1es Seaton, Esq. John Simp~on, Esq. '\V. Smith, Esq. J. W. Thrupp, Esq. John White, Esq. Thomas Edward Fielder, Esq. Physician.-Char1es J. Robe1ts, M. D. 31 ,_New Bridge Street, Blackfriars. Surgeon. John Sweatman, Esq. 68, Berners Street. Actuary.-Mr. W. M. Browne. Bankers. Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph & Co. 43, Cbaring Cross. Solicitor. Mr. Thomas Burgcyne, 160, Oxford Strt:et. Thi!l Society has been instituted by Members of the "\Vc~;tminster Fire Office (e~1ablished 1717) with a !!ub. ~cri bed capital, to f.SUarantee the performance of its engagements, but such subscribed capital is ultimately to be paid otf, and the Society to be on the principle of Mutual Assurance. All ptrsons assured for the whole term of life, will participate .at the end of each fifth year, in four fifths or 80 per cent. of the total profits. The amount of bonus appropriated to each policy will be applied at the option of the Assured, by the payment of a sum of money, or by reduction of the annual premium, or by adding to the policy an equivalent reversionary sum. • The tablts of rates which have been calculated from recent observations on the duration of human lift•, are as low as is consisl.ent with the ~ecurity or the assured. vV. l\1. BROWNE, Actuary. YO AND FOREIGN ON DON BRITISH COMPANY, King IYt'lliam Street, London, and High Ousegate, l7 orll, AND ASSURAr.JCE DIRECTORS. LONDON. Y 0 R K. GEORGE FRED. YOUNG, EFq. Chairman. THOMAS GREGORY, Esq. Chairman . . MATTHEW FORSTER, Esq. Deputy Chnirman. W. MATTERSO~, Esq. Dtputy Chairman. ALEXANDER BANNERMA~. Esq.l\1. P. JAMES AUDUS, Esq. I~ORD ER NEST BRUCE, l\1. P. EDl\IUND BARLOW, Esq. JOHN W ALBANKE CHILDERS, Esq. M. P. H. S. BELCOMBE, Esq. M.D. SIR JAMES EYRE, 1\1. D. MATTHEW CARR, Esq. WILLIAM ·HAIGH, Esq. HENRY COOPEH, Esq. JOSEPH BULI\ELEY JOHNSON, Esq. ROBEH.T DAVJES, Esq. THOMAS HENRY KERFOOT, Esq. JAMES GADSDEN, Esq. JOHN NORBL'H.Y, Esq. CHARLES JAMES HANSON, Esq. JOHN PARKER, Esq. 1\I.P. SIR JOHN SIMPSON EDWARD TI10}1AS WI-IlTi\KER, E~q, GEORGE WOODALL, Esq. Banker. Messrs. COUTTS & Co. THE LONDON and WESTMI~STER BANK, and the YORK UNION BANKING CO:\JP~'\NY. Solicitors. T. G. ACTON, Esq. Tt:rr.ple, Lonclon, <Jnd Me5m:. ORD, & NEWTON, Pctergate, York. Surreyor.-T. M. NELSON, Esq. Charles st. St. James's sq. Valucr.-Mr. J . .JURY, 6:3, Coltman st. EDi\IUND BART.UW, Managing Direc!or. LIFE DEP:\RTl\JENT-The plain and intdrgihle principle of sccnring wbaten'r sum an A~surrr may considrr sufficient for his ohJrct, on the lowest terms, comistent w1tlJ security is that w!Jich this Compar.y bave sekcted. Thry have avqi(l~d the intrcduction of ''arying scales of Rate!, the system of giviPg ncdit upon a portion of the Premiums, or the practice of accepting quarterly or half-yearly payments, with ma1:y other novel pl.ms presented a~ advantages to A~surers; but which are usually the r~verse ancl frequently lead to s~rious disappo:ntments. h1 PAIHED Hr.ALT.ft.-The lives of pt•rsons sui,ject to any disease not attended with immediate danger, will 011 full proof of the nature anLf extent of tbc a;lment, be ussured on equitable terms. Pnsons assurd witll this Company ar~ entitled to proceed to any part of Europe, citllet by sea or land, witLont extra charge, or license from the Directors. Slwuld 11n Assurer of more than two years standing-, desire to discontinue the payment of the 11nnnal Premium, the Company will either purciJase l1is interest in the PoLcy, con1·rrt the same into an Annuity for the remainda of his lilt-, or undertake the paymvnt of a reduced sum Rt the time of death. FlRE DEPARTMENT.-Assmanccs whetLcr in Grl'at Britain or abroad, a!c dl"t·ctetl on the lowest terms. Mill ancl Manufacturing risks arc t"ktcn at rates duly propo1 tinned to prob<ibb increased hazard. Pro!iipectuSt>s, containing full particulars, and Tables of Rates, may Le had 11t the Offices in London and York, and of anv of the Agents JOHN REDDISH, Sec:re~ary. an
A ppendi:x:. LIFE AND OP ENQLA.ND.~ FIHI!~ INSURANCE CO~lPANY, ESTABLISHED I .S EXETER 1807, Office for tlze .Aletropulis. 20, Bridge Street, CAPITAL £600,000. Blaclifriars. CHIEF OFFICES .EXETER. CHARLES LEWIS, Esq. Secretary. EDINBURGH. FRANCIS CAMERON, LONDON. J. AN DERTON", Esq. Resident Agent. Esq. Agent. DUBLIN. SAMU~L P.\GE, Esq. Agent. :P AB.IS. G. G. BENNIS, Esq. Agent. Agents are also appointed in the pt·incipal Cities and Towns in the United Kingdom, through whom, or through any respectable Solicitor, Assurances for Life may be effected without any extras. TRUSTEES.-Right Hon. Earl Fortescue: Right Hon. Lord Clifford; Right Hon. Earl Morley; Sir Thomas D Ackland, Bart. l\1. P.; Edward Divett, Esq. l\I. P. Samuel Frederick Milford, Esq. THE ADVANTAGES OFFERED UPON LIFE INSURANCES, BY THIS OFFICE, ARE \. A reduced scale of Premiums. S. No paid Directors, and a strict economy in every Department of the Company. 3. An equal Participation of the Profits which (at the option of the A'lsured) may be applied in reduction of the Annual Pt·emium, or added to the Sum assured, and this every fifth year, commencing at Christmas, 1827. t Policies asBigned for a valuable consideration are not void, although the Party assured dies by duelling·, by their own hands, or by the hands of Justice. 5. The Directors have power to pay to the Families of the Assured the value of Policies of five y2ars' duration,. where the Assured die by their own bands, and notfelo de se. &. License is not required in the time of Peace, for Persons (not being Sea-faring Persons in the course of their occupation), g-oing by Sea, in decked Vessels, from any part of Europefo any other part of Europ2. 7. All Claims are receivable at the end of Three i\1 onths after the usual proofs. B. To avo1d Litigation, a Committee of respectable Insurers resident in London is appointed, to any of whom disputed claims may (at the option of the claimauts) be referred, an advantage exclusively confined to this. Office. :FIRE I~SURANCES. Besides a reduced rate of Premiums, Persons insuring against Fire, to the amount of£300, are entitled to half the Profits arising from this department. The above advantages, combined with the reduction of Premiums, will give the terms offered to the Public by this Institution a manifest superiority, and entitle it to a preference. • .• Prospectuses may be had (gratis) either at the Otfices of the Company in Exeter, Dublin, Edinburgh or London, or of any of the Agents; and of G. G. Bennis, Esq. 13, Rue Saint Florentin, Paris, through whom Life Assurances in Paris may be effected. Annuities granted and purclw.sed, and Endowments for Children effected. INCORPORATED LA -,y SOCIETY. Chairman.-Mr. Adlington. I Dtputy Chairman.-Mr. Ilted Nicholls. Secretary. Mr. Robert l\1augham. I Librarian.-Mr. H. Dobson. • '\-VEST INDIA DOCit COMPANY. DIRECTORS. George 1-libbert, E5q. CHAIRMAN Thomas Baring, Esq. Bishopsgate Street William Beckt'ord, Esq. Finsbury Circus I Archibald Hastie, Esq. M.P. DEPUTY CHAIRMA!\'". Robert Cotesworth, Esq. St. Helens place John Cryder, Esq. Broad Street, Euddings C,awford Davison, Esq. New Broad Street Henry Davidson, Esq. Lim2 Street Squ<ue John Henry Deffell, Esq. Bill iter Court Thomas Dent, Esq. King's Arms Yard W1lliam Edmund Ferrers, Esq. Bucklersbury Charle5 l\Ic Garel, E~q. Fenchurch Street Benjamin Greene, Esq Mincing Lane Samuel Gregson, Esq. Austin Friars Rubert Hawthorn, Esq. Lime Street Square Archibald Hastie, Esq. MP. West Street, Finsbury-pl. George Hibhert, E'q. BillitL>r Court Samuel Htbhert, Esq. B1lliter Court TREASURER. Johr1 Abel Smith, Esq. M.P. [ Alfred Latham, Esq Great St. Helen's Passage William Lyall, Esq. St. Helen's PlacP. Rowland l\litchell, Esq. Lime Street Claud Neilson, Esq. Leadenhall Street John Pirie, Eo;q., Aid Freeman's Court, Cornhill ' Gcorge Reid, Esq. Broad Street Buildings Rohert Foster Reynolds, Esq. Austin Friar~ W1lliam Routh, E~q. George-yard, Up. Thames-st. Abraham George Robarts, Esq. Lombard Street John Sanderson, Esq. Old Jewry John Scott, Esq. New Broad Street Robert Small, Esq. Old Jewry John Smith, Esq, Lombard Street John Thacker, Esq. Austin Friars James Walkinshaw, Esq. l.eadenhall Street Benjamin Holme Wiggin, Esq. Token House Yard ( SECRETARY. !lenry Longlands, Esq. 37
~-~~~~m~""~~ ~ Y!t_ U'L~W~J~Y!Ji?)mJD}t~~~ ~~~~~~~-- ~ ~~ ~ W~\;)~~~~~ AND GENERAL tllfl}:ta~lt~~lf ~gfl~t~ • X"lo. 26, BUCitL~Ta.SBURY, IN THE CITY OF LONDON . • The Proprietary respectfully submit the extensive arrangements of this Establishment for transacting the following branches of Agency, leeling confident that all Partie!' availing themselves of its instrumentality, will find their object accomplished with peculiar expedition and advantage, and in the most confidential and private mannerpossible. The completion of the Railway communication between London and Liverpool having, as it were unite~ the interests of these great mercantile cities, and rendered their Markets and resources mutually available). it ,is intended to exhibit at this Establishment, samples and patterns of American and other Foreign (as well as British produce, and conduct a General London Agency for 1\lerchants, Manufacturers, and ~thers, with the use, whe•• necessary, of Clerks, Travellers, Collectors, Messengers, a Pl"ivate Office and Warehouse Room. Partuerships, Apprenticeship!", and the disposal of Mercantile and Manufacturing bnsinesses, negotiated~ short notice Public Companies, and Principals of Establishments, of every denomination, provided with Treasurers, Confi dcntial Superintendents, Secretaries, English and Foreign Clerks, correo:ponding, ledger, and general Agents foreign and domestic; Travellers, town and country, on commission or !'alaried; Salesmen, and other Warehouse men, duly qualified; Shopmen, experienced in the different trades; Canvassers, and every other description o Assistants. Office Fees paid by Assistants. No charge made against Principals, except money be required as Security or Loan, when a small percentage is payable No persons, applying for situations, are admitted on the Books of this Establishment until they have given in. the names and addresses oft he parties they refer to, as to ability, and general character, which are entered in a book kept for that purpose. Money advanced on approved securities, reversions, and life policies purchased, Valuations made of E;.tates, Reversionary Interests, Stock in Trade, and effects generally. Office hours Ten to Five. Le*rs and packages must be addressed to the ~ecretary, 1\lr. G, King, and nonf are received unless thf'y come free. All commnnications deemed strictly confidential. ationa robibettt nntitutton, 13, NICI-IOLAS LANE, I\JNG WILLIAM STREET, LONDON. For Assurance of Lives,' Endowments, and Annuities, ON THE PRINCIPLE OF MUTUAL ASSURANCE. Directors. Treasurer-JOSEPH JANSON, ESQ. Chairman R. INGRAM, EsQ. M.P. Acting Chairman JAMES CROFTS, EsQ. CHARLES PRITCHETT BOUSFIELD, ESQ. THOMAS HODGKIN, 1\I.D. JOHN BRADBURY, ESQ. SAMUEL HAYHUHST LUCAS, ESQ. WlLLIAM CASH, ESQ. CHARLES LUSHI~GTON, ESQ., M. P. THOMAS CASTLE, ESQ. JOHN ST. BARBE, ESQ. JOHN FELTHAM, ESQ. HICHARD SHORTRIDGE, ESQ. JOSEPH HARGRAVE, ESQ. SAMUEL SMITH, ESQ. Medical Directors I. T. CONQUEST, M. D. F. L.S. THOMAS BEVA,N, ESQ., F.L.S. Solicitors :MESSRS. HARDWICK AND DAVIDSON. The steadily increasing business of this Institution affords the most .,;atisfactory evid,ence, that the more the peculiar advantages secured to its members become known, the n;ore they are justly appreciated and approved. The Directors therefore feel it to be their duty to endeavour to extend the Ephere of its usefulness as widely as possible, by keeping the public attention directed to its important benefits. The distinguishing characteristic of thi,; establishment is ENTIRE MUTUALITY. The 'YHOLE PROFITS will be equitably apportioned amongst all the As!mrers, who have the OPTION to apply them either to the RE· DUCTION OF THE PREMIUMS 01' to INCREASE THE AMOUNT ASSt:RED. The Acts of Parliament relating to Friendly Societies, under which it is enrolled, confer the important privileges of ENTIRE EXE~PTION FR0:\1 STAMP DUTIES, and permission td invest its funds with the Corn. missioners of the National Debt, at a liberal rate of interest, secure from loss by the fluctuation in value to which other Glvernment Securities are liable. These privileges, it is obvious, must be most valuable in aid of the accumulation of profits. Amongst other advantages it may be stated that EVERY ASSURER 1S A ME:\'IBER, entitled to attend and vote at- the Gene:al Me<:tings of the Society, and free from individual reo:ponsibility. NO MEMBER can be involved in Legal Expense, as, should any dispute arise, it muo;t Eettled by Arbitrators, appointed agreeabl,Y with the aforesaid Act of Parliament. ASSURERS may secure the benefit of their Policies to Nominees, FREE OF EXPENsE. Attendance at the office in London, daily from Ten to Four, and for the conveJience of Assurers in the country, Agents and Medical Referees are appointed in most of the principal towns. JOSEPH MARSH,Secrclary. 38
sCOTISH UNION FIRE &LIPE INSURANCRCOMPANY. 47, George Street, Edinburgh .. · Dame Street, Dublin: 4 49, \VEST STRAND, & 78, KING \VILLIAM STREET, MANSION HOUSE, LONDON LO~DON BOARD. PRESIDENT-His Grace the Duke of Hamilton and Brandon. VICE-PRESIDE~n-The 1\lost Noble the Marquis of Queensberry, Right Hon. Lord Viscount Stormont. HONORARY. DIRECTORS. ORDINARY. Right Hon. Sir GEORGE 1\TURRAY, G. C. B. CHARLES BALFOUR, Esq. Right Hon. J. A. S. l\IACKENZIE. JOHN DEANS CAMPBELL, Esq. Hon. Col. F. W GRANT of Grant, l\I.P. WILLIAM FANE DE SALlS, Esq. ;1r F. L. H. GOODRICKE, Bart. 1\I.P. J. GORDO~ DU7F, Esq. ~ir GEORGE SINCLAlR, Bart. M. P. JAMES GOODEN, E~q. f{OBERT FERGUSSO~, Esq. M. P. JOHN KINGSTON, Esq. THOMAS GLADSTONE, Esq. 1\I. P. WALTER LEARMONTH, Esq fHOMAS HAWKES, Esq. l\1. P. RICHARD OLIVERSON, Esq a. MACLEOD, Esq. M.P. DIVIE ROBERTSON, Esq. JAMES OSW ALD, Esq. M. P. HUGH F. SANDEMAN, Esq. ENEAS MACKINTOSH, Esq. JOHN SMALL, Esq. lAMES TRAILL, Esq. DANIEL STODDARTJ Esq. SUTH. MACKENZIE, Esq., Manager. Mr. F. G. Si.VIITI-1, Resident Secretary. Messrs. COUTTS and Co. Bankers. Dr. MACLEOD, Physician. E. W. DUFFIN, Esq. Surgeon. Messn:. OLIVERSON, DENBY, and LA VIE, Solicitors. · SAMUEL BEAZLEY, Esq. Surveyor. This Incorporation is composed of a numerous, wealthy, and .influential body of Proprietors, and affords Jllquestionable security to the Public, from the magnitude of its Capital a large proportion of which is in- ;ested in Government and real securities. By conducting it8 operations on an extensive scale, and over the .vhole Empire, ti is enabled to equalise those vicissitudes which may arise from influence oflocal causes; and "rom the success which has hitherto at !.ended this Establishment, it is tly placed on a secure basis~ Fire Department. Property of almost every description may be secured against accidents arising from Fire. by payment of a very small annual sum. No charge made for Policies, or for alterations or removals. Insurances effected for Seven Years charged Sir Years oniy. Life Department. The dishnguishmg features of the Life Department of this Company are, UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY. LOW RATES OF PREMIUM, and a combination of all the important advantages hitherto offered to the Public, Life lnsurances are effected either at REDUCED RATES WITHOUT PROFITs, or with Participation in ~rofits, of which Two THIRDS are returned at regular periods, without being subject to any deduction ~r char{feS of .l\1anagonent. . . Additions are made to Policies, or corresponding reductions of premium, at the optio~ of the iusured. The Premiums may be paid at an Increasing or Decreasing rate, in a single payment, or for a limited .umber of years only. The Stamp Duty by a recent Act of Parliament ha~ been considerably reduced on Insurances effected for m!lls not exceeding £I 00. Specimen of the Rates ' with and without participation in profits. - PREMIUM FOR THE ASSURANCE OF £100 ON A SINGLE LIFE. JVzthout pmticipr.tlion in the Profit.~. With Projit11. - Age next For One Annual Annual Annual Annual Pre- Annual Pre Premium for Pemium for Premium for miumfor the' miumfor the Birth day. :Year. Jour Years. Set'en YellTS. Ten Years. whole of Life. whole of Life. - - - - £ s d £ s d £ s d £ s d £ s d £ s d 20 0 15 0 0 17 2 OlD 3 1 0 8 1 11) 8 l 18 5 25 1 2 8 1 3 9 1 4 7 l 5 5 2 0 10 2 4 3 20 1 5 IO 1 610 I 7 10 1 B 10 2 6 1 2 911 35 I 9 5 1 10 8 1 1111 1 13 4 2 12 5 2 16 9 40 1 14 0 1 15 7 1 17 3 1 19 0 3 0 2 3 5 0 45 1 19 11 2 2 0 2 4 2 2 6 5 3 9 8 3 15 1 50 2 7 8 2 10 4 2 13 2 2 16 l 4 1 7 4 7 9 55 3 0 6 3 4 2 8 2 3 12 4 5 011 A bot·e the age 60 3 18 11 4 4 5 4 10 3 4 I6 3 6 7 10 of 50 do not participafP. • • • • • I :Moderate rates are demanded for insurance against the contingencies of foreign climates, military or naval ervice, and voyages to distant countries; also for healthy persons above the age of Sixty, and for persons of ~I ages, afflicted with gout, asthma, rupture, or other serious maladies. • •* The Directors, for the com·enicnce of t\Jeir city connexion, have opened a branch office at No. 78, King IVilliam Street, near the Mansion House, where every facility will be given for effecting Insurances either in th~ Pire or Life Department. · 449, \Vest StraRrl & 78, King William Street~ F. G. SMITH, Secretary.· 39
' Commissioners of Customs, Lower Thames Street. -- Richard Betenson Dean, Esq. Chairman.-Hon Edward Richard Stewart, Deputy Chairman . • Henry Richmond, Esq. S. G. Ulsbington, Esq. Hon. William Cust Hon. Heneag·e Legge Culling Charles Smith, Esq. Sir Henry Freeling, Bart: Stepben Spring Rice, Esq. Charle~ A. Scovcll, Esq. Secretary. I John Ker, Esq. Assistant Secretary. - COMMISSIONERS OF STAr4PS Ar-iD TAXES. John Wood, Esq. Chairman. I John Thornton, Esq. Deputy Chairman. C. P. Rushworth. I H. S. Montag·ue, Esq. C. Pressly, Esq. Sec1·etary. I J. W. Bowden, Esq. I Capt. E. Sauria. I J. Timm, Esq. Solicitor. Railway Companies. Bristol and Exeter Railway Office, C A Saunders, 1 London and Southampton Railway Transfer Office, Esq, Secretary, 2 Prince!! street, Bank 39 Lothbury Birmingham, Bristol, and Thames Junction Railway London and Brighton Railway Company, Wood Company's Office, John Thomp:mn, Secretary, Thos, Secretary, 10 Angel Court, Throgmorton st 1 Robert street, Adelphi London and Southampton Railway Station, Nine Croydon Rail-road Company, Young R S Secretary, Elms, Vauxhall Bank Buildings, Corn hill London and Birmingham Rail way Terminus, Euston Cheltenham and Great Western Union Railway Grove, Euston Square Office, CA Saunders, Esq, Secretary, 2 Princes Manchester and Birminglmm Railway Company, street, Bank Agents in London, Ross and Ash, 6 Great WinCommercial Railway Company, London and Black- chester street wall, 62 l\'Ioorgate street, City Northern and Eastern Rail way Company, London Great Leinster and Munster Railway Company, Dub- and Cambridge, 61 Moorgate street, City lin and Kilkenny, Patrick Ja Hart, Secretary, Patent New Railway Company's Office, N Holmes, 62 Moorgate street, City Secretary, 62 Cbaring cross Great Western Railway Offices, C A Saunders, Esq, South Eastern Railway Company, J S Yeats, SecreSecretary, 2 Princes street, Bank taryJ 10 Coleman street, City Mining Companies. St John d'el Rey Mining Company, Geo D Kecgh, Secretary, 8 Tokenhouse yard Swedish Mining Company, Adolphus Lindgren, Manager, 1 Crown court, Old Broad street United Mexican Mining Association, Mather John, Secretary, 34 Old Broad street Bolanos Mining Company, Fossett Geo, £ecretary, 2 Duke street, Adelphi Boringdon Park Mining Company, 2 \Vhite Lion court, Cornhill Brazilian Company, Wm March, Esq, Secretary, 6 Broad street buildings Landonga Mining Association, 9 Nicholas lane, Lombard street Cornubian Mining Company~ 12 George yard, Lambard street .Coruwall and Devon Mining Office:5, 12 George yard, Lombard street Crown Irish Mining Company, J Lowe, Secretary, 3 Copthall buildiugs Mines Geraes Mining Company, George D 1\eogh, Secretary, 8 Token house yard . Real Del Monte Mining Company, Philips John, Secretary, 2 Duke street, Adelphi Reeth Consols Mining Company, 19 Austin Friars Royal Santiago Mining Company, 38 Broad street buildings South Polgooth Tin and Copper Mining Company, 19 BiliJter street Tregolan Mining Company, "Trefoil Mining Company," 6 St lVI.ildred's court, Cornhill Treleigh Consolidated Mining Company, 23 Thread· needle street West Cork Mining Company, T M Shad well, Secretary, New Broad street court Zacatecas Mining Company, 5 Broad street buildings Steam Navigation Companies. Australasian Friars Steam Navigati0n Company, 9 Austin ! London and Havre Steam Company, 2 Arthur street Eahia Steam Navigation Company. Lombard street chambers, Clements lane .British and American Steam Navigation Company, Macgregor Laird', S.:cr'etary, 2 Billiter court East India Inland Steam Navigation Company, 57 Old Broad street east, London bridge Peninsular Steam Ship Navigation Company's Wh:uf Cold Harbor, Blackwall Symington Towing Company, Hermitage, 353 Wapping High street The Ship Owners Towing Company, Caulfield W B, Secretary, 102 Leadeuhall street East India Steam Navigation Company, Winchester street 6 Great Thames and Oxford Steam Trow Company, 10 Austin Great Western Steam Ship Company, 2 street, Bank Friars [street within Princes Thames Steam Towing Company, 1 Bishopsgate India Steam Ship Compan.y, by lhe Cape of Good HopP, Office, 61 King Willi~m st London brid6e 40 West Indian and Mexican Steam Navigation Corn• pany, Taylor Richard and Co, Agents, 6 Freeman's court, Cornhill
APPENDIX. BY APPOINT:!\1ENT TO AND MANUFACTURERS OF Agricultural, Comnzercial and DoJnestic I~IP LE:NIENTS ~t\_ND r.I1flCIIINES, FOR HOl\1E USE AND FOR EXPORTATION. 309, , NEAR NEW BOND STREET, LONDON. Nephew of the late lVIr. BAKER, , Respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he has succeeded .Messrs. BAKER and Co., in the above-mentioned l3usiness, w hi eh his deceased Relative establish~d at 309, OxFORD STREET, and which has been carried on there during the last Thirty years ; and also, that the Old _Established Business of .JJir. E Y, late Oxen.ILa1Jt Eclcly, which was purcl1aseo, together with his entire Stock and Patterns, by 1\'Iessrs. n.-\KER and Co., and removed to their Establishment, 309, OxFORD STREET, is now carried on there by tbeir Successor, THOMAS 'NILltiNSON, 809, Oxford Street !I near New Bond Street, LONDON. -~·- --------- Chaff Engines, Thrashing, Winnowing, and Haymaking Machines, Bruising and other ~fills, Ploughs of variou.~ Sorts, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. 52
APPENDIX. TBO AS FOX Respectfully announces to Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Families, connected with or returning from the East Indian and Colonial Possessions, that he has a 1arge and splendid assortment of every article iu the Upholstery, Decorative, and Furnishing Department, and has Pt1deavoured to combine in his Stock elegance of Style and Fashion and Superiority of Manufacture, adapted for Tropical Climates as well as for domestic use, and at prices commanding attention. To enable his patrons, the Public, to judge how far he has succeeded in these objects, he solicits an inspec- \1; tion of his Stock at 93, DISI-IOPSG·ATE §Til.EET "1VITIIIN, The oldest :Plate Glass Establishment in London. In the Agency Department will be found a variety of Houses and Properties for Letting or Disposal, connected with the Valuation and Sale of Effects and Estates by public or private channels. Life Saved and Health Preserved, BY THE USE OF ""\V ARll.l 'ltV ATE:R Ol'WL Y, lVITHOUT THE AID OF MEDICINE. It is a well known fact that the human species are subject to upwanls of twelve hundred varieties of disease, out of which above one th01tsand are more or less caused by wme derangement of the digestive organs, let this warn all persons of the danger of neglecting their condition, and at the same time lead them to a consideration of the most efficient means of preventing as well as curing disease, which may be done by using T. IIA.RCOUilT'§ CLY§~J:ADUCT, Or self-acting Lavement Apparatus. Also, read E. Jukes's Work on Indigestion and Costiveness, both are sold at T. H.'s Establishment, 4;4:, SouthamptonBuildings, Chancery Lane. The superiority of the above instrument is attested by the following eminent persons: We, the undersigned, having carefully examined the Enema Apparatus, are of opinion that it possesses all those advantages which are calculated to render it superior to any other offered to the Public; we not only recommend it to our professional brethren, but also to private families.. PHYSICIANS. Sir J. M'Gregor, J. Merryman, George Pinkard, H. J. Cholmeley, H. S. Roots, John Ramsbotham, J. Vetcb, R. Markod, James Copelanrl, H. U. Thompson, John Spurgin, Francis Hawkins, A. R. Sutherland, Thomas Key, V. Makinnon, Henry Davis, B. G. Babington, H. Clutterbuck, J. Elliston, Robert Lee, S. Miller, F. Ramsbotham. CONSULTING SURGEONS. F. Salmon, C. Wheeler, Sir Wm. Blizard, Sir Anthony Carlisle, Sir Ashley Cooper, B. B. Cooper, James Wardrop G. Macmurdo, Henry Earle, H. L. Thoma~, Titm Berry, T. Calloway, A Hamilton, R. D. Grainger, E. A. Loyd, W. Coulson, Joseph H. Green, J. G. Anrlrews, James Luke, Hcrbcrt Mayo, George Vance, Anthony White, John Howship, W. Money. A most unwarrantable attack having been made on the authenticity of the above certificate, for the sake of puffing off an instrument originally invented only for the use of the garden, and which has 10 frequently been the cause of most serious consequences, T. HARCOUR T invites the Public to favour him with an oprortunity of satisfying themselves, not only of the above high recommendation of his Instrument, but also of the propriety of every family hitherto using the Syringe, immediately discontinuing it, and adopting his safe Apparatus, called the q7Jsmadact for Injections. C.A.UTION Not a Syringe or Pump of any kind. 51
Al':PENDIX. ., PROFESSED JACit MAKER, No. 26_, HARP ALLEY, FARRINGDON gTREET. BY HER »IAJ.ESli'Y'S R'OYAL LETTERS • PATENT. Wm. Fox's Patent Metallic Feather-weight Peruke, Having been pronounced the perfection of human art, is now confidently recommended to every gentleman wishing to improve his personal appearance or 1·oncealing the effects of advancing age. The adoption of this valuable article would be found an efficient remedy against colds in the head, as recommended by the faculty. Fox's penetrating unbleached Hair Brushes. Fox's celebrated Circassian Cream for the Hair. Fox's warranted Tooth Brushes, For effectually cleaning the Teeth, without loosening the Hair<> of the Brush, a fault so generally complained of. lliQ.)Jii) ~ rJJmJJ1Jrl1 IDII.l!JJ !P.r51 m!IPru£1;71 m ir w ~m~ f!:NJ rosJlBS) 2, FINCII LANE, CORNlliLL. AGEJNT TOR MANCHESTER. :Mr. J. l-IOLMES, HAIR CUTTER, &c., 63, .MAUKET STREET. 1\IURLIN'S INDIAN HAIR DYE . ' .FOR CHANGING RED, GltEY, OR LIGHT HAIR, TO A BEAUTiFUL AUDUitS, DA..Rii. DRO'V~, OR JET DLACii:, Without staining the Shin, soiling the finest Liuen,or beiug i1& any way injurious to theRoots oftheHail·. The Proprietor of the above invaluable Recipe, begs to state that it was obtained by him at con11iderable ex• pense anrl trouble, during his travels among- the different tribes of North American Indians. He now offers it to the British Public a~; an article of the highest importance to any Lady or Gentleman desiroU!I of obtaining that highly prized desideratum, viz., a FINE HEAD OF HAlfi.. It is equally efficacious for Eyebrows, Whi~kers, and M ustachoes. It is so durable in its colour, that no chemical process can remove it without destroying the hair. It is so natural in its shade, that even in the rays of the sun, it is impossible for the eye of a stranger to perceive that the hair has any other than its original colour. After the dye i~ removed, the hair will be found to have assumed a beautiful gloss, and will retain its curl for a con!!iderable period of time. · TO BE HAD OF TilE PROPRIETOR F. ~tURLIN, CHEI\iiST, WELLS, ln Bottles, 5s., 10.~., and 20s. each. Of ~lessrs. Spark, Heald, and Parsons, Bdck Hill Lane, Upper Thames Street, sole agents for Londou; Mr· Ty:ack, Perfumer, Wells, for Norfolk; and all Wholesale and Retail Patent Medicine Venders and Perfumen in the Kingdom. · · 50
Al'PENDI'X • .. ·------- AL BIN 0 I~O' S For the Cure of Cancers, Scrofula, Eruptions of the Skin, Contageous Diseases, Cholera, Plague, Burns, Wounds of every description, Pains or Aches of any kind, Lues, Chilblains, and various other Diseases. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Mr. FELIX ALBINOLO (from Turin) 2:3, Earl Street, Blackfriars, London, sole Proprietor and compounder of the Ointment called A LBINOLO'S OINTl\1 ENT, warns the public that the testimonials of Sir Benj11min C. BI"Odie, Bart., H~rbert 1-layo. E<>q., D1·. Wagner, J. Malyn, Esq., and W. C. Dendy Esq. (from which Mr. Thamas Holloway, of l3, Broad Street Buildings, City, gives garbled extracts in favour of a medicine of his own) referred to Albinolo's Ointment, and not to any discovery of l\Ir. Thomas Holloway, who never knew, nor was et-er made acquainted with the ingredients of which Albinolo's Ointment is composed, or the secret of manufacturing the same. Extract of a Letter from Sir Benjamin Brodie, Bart., Sur_qeon to the Queen, directed to lJ'Jr. 7'homas Holloway,for F. A lbinolo. London, 14, Saville Row, June J!J, 1837. Sir,-1 have made several trials of the Ointment which you sent me. I have fl'und- it useful in some instances; I am more:inclined to employ those of which I know the composition, than I sm to employ Signor Albinolo's Ointment, the comp011ition of which you have not informed me. I am Sir, )OUr obedient servant, (Signed) B. C. BRODIE By l£erberf Mayo, Esq , F.R.S., senior surgeon to'h'Jiddlese:r Hospital, Professor of Anatomy and Pathology, to the King'11 College, London, ere., directed to Mr. 7'homas Holloway,for F. A lbinolo. Middlesex Hospital, April 9, IS37. Sir,-Will you have the goodness to excuse this informal answer. The oinftpent has been-of use in ;~11 the cases in which I have used it. Send me, if you please, some more in a few days. I have enough for the present. (Signed) H. 1\IAYO. By Herbert Jlayo, Esq., F. R.S., <S-e. Hanover Sq11are, 19, George Street, August 29, 1837. ~ Sir,-1 am much obliged to you for your polite offer to send me more of the ointment, which I tried at Mr. Hulloway's request. 1 really have kept no note of its effects beyond what my communication to Mr. Holloway contained. In a few cases of skin dise:llle it was •erviceable. The best case 1 had of its efficacy, was one of scrofulous tubercles on the face of a child, which mended rapidly with it. I am, &c. Dr. Felix Albinolo, 5, Paul's Chain. (Signed) H ERBERT MAYO. Preparecl only by FELIX ALBINOL0,23,Earl ~treet,Brid~e Stl-eet, Blackfriar~ by whom the Country dealer:i are supplied on the usual terms. And sold Wholesale and Retail in London by BARCLA Y and SoNs, 05,Farringcon Street; EnWARns, 67, lilt. Paul's Churchyard; Su·rroN and Co., Bow Churchyard; Nt:WBEilRY1 4:J, St. PaursChurcbyard; Wn.LoUGHBY, 61. Bishopsgate Street, Without; T. BuTLER, 4, Cheapside, and Waterloo Place, F.dinburgb; J- S'NGER, 150, Oxford Street; JunNSTON, 68, Cornhill ; BATEMAN, 8, Castle Street, Leicester Square ; T. PROUT, 229, Strand ; DoRDoY, Stone's End, ALBINOLO'S 01\ TIIB Borough, and 42,High Street, Shadwell; HANNAY & Co., 63, Oxford Stl·eet; LowEand HoRN BLOWER, 47, Blarkfriars Road, & 5, Paul'!i Chain. Agents for SCOTLAND . .BuTLER, 20, Waterloo Place. & [. & R. RABIES, Leith Walk, Edinhm'2"h. For IRELAND, at the Medical Hall, M, Lower Sackville Street, Dublin. And sold hy all other Venders of . Patent Medicines, in every Town throughout the Kingdom. Any r;hop in the Country which may not have them, will be supplied (if they are ordered) without any extra charge. Ask for ALBINOLO'S OINTMENT. A PHYSICIAN ATTENDS DAILY BETWEEN ELEVEN AND ONE O'CLOCK. In Pots, at 2.r. 9d., 4.r. 6d., 118., 22.r., 33.r. Duty included. N.B.-Also dealer in Leeches, wbo\esale and retail. 49
APPENDIX. T ~Z~"-Cil_'S IIJXPBRI.IJ.L JB'I' BLACJX INBJ Under the F atronage of the Earl of Leicester, In whose Steward's Office it still (after a lapse of more than half a century) retains its Jet Black Lustre. The reputation of TYZACK's JET Br.ACK INK, having secured the above distinguished Patronage, in conjunction with theN obility and Gentry following, the Proprietor of this bigilly appreciated article, feels already called upon to exprt>ss hi~ most grateful acknowledgements for the reception and patronage its introuuction has been honoured with; while to those Jet unacquainted with itil properties, he begs to state, that the immense sale it has obtained has been entirely owing to its own merits, as pleasant to use, and imperishable when committed to paper or parchment • • TYZSl C.li.'s RIIODOJI,A §JI ... <l._ 'Tl.JWG PASTE MANUFACTURED AT THE VICTORIA HOUSE, HIGH STREET, WELLS; And sold in Pots, at ]s. 6d., 2s. 6d., and 3s. 6d. each, AT No 5, NORTHAMPTON SQUARE, 'VHOLESALE DEPOT FOR LoNDON. J. T. in introducing to a discerning Public tlte above invaluable nrticle, deems it not necpssary to offer any comment thereon, the same being patronized and appru'l"t'd by nearly all the Nobility and Gentry in the Ut,ited Kingdom. Among whom nre, H.R.H. THE DCKE OF SUSSEX Tll E DUKE OF l'\ORFOLK, (Earl 1\brshal of Eo gland.) H.l\1. THE 10 t\G OF BELGIUM EAHL OF ROSEBERRY EARL OF LICHFIELD EARL SPENCER LORD LYI.\" EDOCH LORD JOHN RUSSELL, :\I.P. SIR RONALD FERGUSON, M.P COL. ANSON", M. P. HON. AND REV. KEPPEI. HON. l\L4JOR KEPPEL. l\Jade solely by J. TYZACK & Co., Perfumers to Her Most Gracious Majesty, THE QUEEN, H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF KENT, l\1ARCHlON ESS OF TAVISTOCK, VTSCOU~TESS AN DOVER, V1SCUUt\TESS Al\SON, CUUNTE~SOF LEICESTER, LADY CECIUA UNDER WOOD, LADY CHANTRY, LADY Al'\SON, HON. l\IISSES ANSON, 1\il{S. JUDLEY COLUOURN, ~1ISSES BLACKWELL. TYZ1l..«Jil.'§ IID)terial Jet Dl~"lcli. Iltli, CAN BE OBTAINED At his VJholesale Depot for London, No. S, Northampton Square, At all the Patent Medicine Warehouses, and respectable Retailet·s in the Kingdom, and at the Manufactory, WELLS, NORFOLK, in Bottles at 6d., Is .. 2s., and 4s each. 'VI-JOLESALE BUYERS OF FllENCH & ~~NGLISI-I FLOWERS, • FeatlteJ•§, ~Iilliltet·y, aJttl Cltiltl-l•etl Line11. llALL & Co., \Varehouses, 7 & B, Foster• lane, Cheapside, London BACK OF THE NEW POST OFFICE. MANUFACTORY,-LIVERPOOL ROAD. JJfanufacturers and Importers of the FOLLoWING ARTICLES: French Flowers, from 4ti 6d. pr gross 08trich }'eatbers M ar<lbout do. Esprey do. .Fancy uo. Military do. Birds of Paradise }'eather Boas FeatlH·r Fring:e Childrt·n's Plumes and RosettEs Military Plumes and Rosettes English Flowtrs from 2s.6d.,prgross Gold, Silver, & Beaded, equaily low Black and White Crape Flowf:rs Chenille and Satin }'lowers Stlks, Cotton, Worsted, Chenill~, nnd Gimp Fringes, Trimmings, Satin Stitch Baby Linen in all itl! bram hea W idow'IS Fronts and Cap11 A GREAT VARIETY OF Worked and Brnided Shirts and Collars 1Houming do. Honeycomb Hats and Bonnets Cambric do Ladies' Improvers Gentlemen's Shirt Fronts Do. Collars Bo)s' do. Millinery, Willow Shapes, Squares, Doll's Heads, Whalebone, Cane1 Ih·acelets, Fancy Articles of every description. BALL & Co. beg to state that they are constantly receiving from their establishment in Paris a fresh suppl v of the most novel fashions, as they appear, in French Feathers, Flowers, · Head Dresses, Garlands, Wreaths, Millinery, Child-Bed Linen, and Fancy Articles, at such low prices as will defy competition from any House in London. F.VEUY DESCRIPTION 01<' F.-\NCY GOODS 1\IADE OR IMPORTED TO ORDER. Feathers <t Funeral Plumes Dressed ~· altered tu the prevailing Fu.sl&ion. Forei9n Ordtrs e.ucuted. 48
APPENDIX. To Ironmongers, Otl and Colourmen, lVholesale IIouses, and others. OAI~ E Y'S I~IPBOVED CA.BINET-:JIAii.EDS' GLA._§§ PAPER, 3-1, FRANCIS STREET, NE,VINGTON BUTTS. This article is worthy the attention of the above parties, being the most durable ever invented, and manufactured on an entire new principle, and only reqmres one trial to prove it the best and cheapest ever made for mechanical purposes, every sheet being warranted for the glass not to rnb off, a thing so generally complained of in Glass Paper. Orders, per post, punctually attended to. Samples may be had, gratis, on application, or on reception of a letter (post paid) will be forwarded. Newington B~ttts, London. MOS'T' Ii\1PORTANT AND WONDEDFlTL DISCOVERY!,,!! WOOLLEN CLOTHS, :PILOTS & H.ERSEYS of all KINDS, WARRA.NTED WATERPROOF, And completely impervious to the most severe weather; also to admit of a free Perspiration: it totally supersedes all other description of water-proofing, particulal'ly the unbealtdy article at present in use, being perfectly porous, and free from any disagreeable smell: the most serious evils attached to the India Rubber garments are in these articles entirely got rid of, as they imbibe no water, yet allow the heat and imperceptible perspiration of the body to pass off without obstruction. The process is applica]jle to any uescription of material or garment. Manufactured and Sold, for Cash only, at the very lowest Prices, by the Manufacturers, ' §. ~IOOIIE &; (Jo. 34, KING \VILLI AM: STREET, Eight .Doors jrom London Bridge, Cit!J Side. N. B. The above articles are most admirably adapted to the comfort of Captains, Pilots, Sea-faring Individuals, and all Persons much exposed to wet. \\TARNE'S PA"fENT AN"l'IGROPELOS, FOR PRESERVING THE VIII. BOOTS AND TROUSERS FROl\1 \VET AND DIRT. LONDON. Ill. IV. VI. VII. Nos. I. n. V. No Sole or Heel. Sole only. Heel aod Sole. Heel and Sole. 15s. £1. £ 110~·- .£1 15s. £1 18s. £'2 2s. £2 7s. £3 3s. The above are the Retail Prices, and if with Spurs or Caps 3!>. extra. In tak.ing orders for the above, m~asure from heel to toe, as figure 1, across the joints as figure 2, across the instep as fig11re 3, from heel to instep as figure 4, across the calf as figure 5, undPr knee as figure 6, from knee to heel as figure 7, and across the thi~;h, as figures 8 and 9, according to the plain lines, a01l deocribe the patterns required by the number marked above the engravings. The Dotted lines ( .....• ) show where the Antigropelns open to admit the Boots. '1'11 OMAS WARN E, Patentee of the Antigropelo:i (a complete waterproof leather covering for the leg\ beg3 leave tfj ~nlicit the attention of the Trade generally, lo his unrivalled invention, by the use of wLicb, Noblemen, Gentlemen, and the Puhlic are enabled to walk or _ride in the dirtiest weather without splashing their Hoots or Trousers. They are put on and taken off without trouble or soiling the h'lnds, worn without the Rlightest inconvenience, and cleaned in a minute with a wet sponge, while the elegance of their appearance renders them an ornamental appendage to thi out doorcostume. TheligL.tnes11 and neatness of this invention is finished in 'l varil:ty of ways, as e)<emplitiedin the above engravings. T. W. cautiuos the Trade and the Public that none are the Patent Antigropelos nnless stamped with hi! Name and the Royal Arms, Any one infringing on the said Patent will be liable to an action. THE TRADE SUPPLIED AT THE \VHOLESALE MANUFACTORY, 9, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN1 To whom a liberal Discount will be allowed. ~A singl1 pair, or tJ.IlY quantity, wilt be immediately forwarded on the reception of a letter, enclu~iJij a Remittance. 47
APPENDIX. ONLY SON TO THE LATE IJIVf!JttoJ• "'''' ~IaJttifttct••••et• OF THE P .. 4'"fEN1" AXI~E-TREE, SUG1\R ~JII~L, SPHERICAL HINGE, &c. 64:, BRIDGE ROAD, Jteat• ~IARSII GATE, l.!Jd:J.Jll[!Jll!J rf!IJ~ These AXLE-TREES are universally known, and require little comment; are far superior to any other, both in construction and workmanship; they are supplied with a quantity of oil in a cylindrical box and reservoir, which diffuses itself over the parts in action, materially lessens the friction, and once oiling has been found sufficient for twelve months. Their durability and j'acility of ease in motion surpass all other inventions. Several persons have undertaken to make them, but they are in every respect much inferior to those manufactured by tlJe ]afe.Patentee's Son, CHARLES CoLLINGE, whose long experience and extensive practice mnst be a decided proof of the immense inequality the one must bear to the other. The Public are therefore informed, that should they wish to have a saje ~nd pe~j'ect Axle-tree, which will be "dfective, agreeably to the Patent, the above mentioned is the only person they can apply to. The unexampled Patronage which he ll'ls received is exemplified by the fact, that more than ~~ iue Thousand Sets have been supplied to ller llfa}esty, the Royal Family, Nobility, and other disting-uished characters in the British Empire, as well as a considerable quantity annually exported to the East lnd ies and other Countries. IMPORTAN1-. INVENTION. ~o :arcbttctt9t JSuflllcr5, ann otbtrs5. COLLINGE'S Ptt-.tent §JIIte:.•ical .IIin~·es fot•Gates, Doot·s; &c. This important lnvention haviug· receivetl the most zealous patronag·e and support from every professional man, under whose auspices they have been applied, the Inventor solicits its inspection by the Public for an extension of its utility. Samples may be viewed (and a very extensive reference given of the Noblemen and Gentleman~s residences, the King,s new Palace, Public 'V urks anti Buildings, where they have been adopted) at the manufactory as above. 'Vhere also may be seen other Important Improvements in Sugar Mills and West India Plantation concerns:~~ N.B. PATENT STEPS and CAPOOSES, that have been in use Thirty Years without repair or renewal; Cart and Waggon Iron work, Cane-top choppers, ~c. 46
Ar':PENDIX. To Architects, Builders, and Others. JAMES FINDON'S ~Bl'!ll~NJ-'!J)'IJ f!J QJY~.:~Qm 'lJ BXNJl!J [[);E:J~:g; 41 gr;g:ENJ~ £aattt• etlo(jtt~, HAVE advantages over others for simplicity, c1panliness, and economy, only requiring a pipe from a head of water, which pipe may be used for all other purposes. They are well adapted for public and private buildings, and warranted for durability. To be seen at the Manufactory, No. lQOi, HIGH HOLBORN, AND AT Mr. STEEL's, 2, Spring Gardens, Charing Cross, Where Rfj'erences will be yiven tu rnan_lj Establishments which have them notv in use NE Published this day, by 'Vhiltaker and Co. London, MICROSCOPIC ILLUSTRATIONS or LIVING OBJ'EC;TS; Their Natural History, &c. &c.; Descriptions of the Achromatic Microscope; the Polarizing Micros~ cope; their Apparatus, &c. ;-the most eligible modes of constructing these instruments; the latest improvements upon them; and ample instructions for using them. By C R. GoRING, M.D. A new edition, amenJed and enlarged, by AN DREW PniTCHARD, 1\l.R l.A.; Honorary :Member of the Society of Arts, Edinburgh; Author of" Natural History of Animalcules,· &c. 8vo, 10s. 6d. cloth, . ''The consideration bestowed upon the first edition by men the most distinguished in science, wbo l1ad turned their attention to the snbject, and the interest now so generally felt in microscopie researches, induce me to hope that the present volume-a large portion of which has been re-written, expressly that it should contain all the latest improvements-will be fa\·ourably received.''-Prlif!lce. Also, '7HE NATURAL I.IJ:STORY or ANIMALCULES; r~ Containing Descriptions of all the known species of Infusoria, with instructions for procuring and viewing them. Illustrated by upwards .of 300 magnified l~igures on Steel. To which is prefixed, Dr. Ehrenberg's Classitication. By ANDREW PRITCHA.RD, Esq. 8vo, 8s. 6d, boards. , r • r 1 I . , i ' , , , I ' " ' ' ! ! . . . . . ' ' WOOD and BARRETT beg to recommend their PATENT SELF-ACTING OVEN and BOILER KITCHEN-RANGES, witho11t a Flne, eqnally sniterl fur the Cottage or Pahce. h•vin~ sold 5000 by recommendation only. Also, to their IMPROVED BROILING STOVE, HOT I> LATE aud HOT CLOSET, heated by one small !he; suited for large }<'amiliPs a'ld Hotels, by the use of w~ich that unpleasant smell in kitchens is entirely preYenterl. Kitchens completely titteci up with every attl!ution to use. economy,llndcomfort. An elegant as<ortmeut of STOVt:~GRATES, on their mnch-approYed radiating principle, with Fenders an<i }<'ire-lrons en suite. E'l"ery description of Baths fixPrl ;-Drawiug-< s,·nt fr.,e of e.rpen111- W. and B. being Ironfounders, Manufacturers, and Retailers, are able to execute all Order;;, which in wta. quality, economy, Rnd despatch, cannot fail of gh·ing satisfaction . • B.A.I'IGE and StOYiii ld4:::ii11'4CTORY, 247, To-r-rEI'IHAJII-C:YURT-RoA.o, near_ OXFOIII>-STRLtT, LoMDOK._, . - - 45
APPENDIX. Patent Fire-proof Boxes & Sa:fes, FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY AGAINST FIRE. The following Affidavits are confidently submitted to the Public as the most satisfactory and convincing proofs of the great protection that would be afforded to Property by using the Patent Fire-proof Boxes and Safes, invented and manufactured by • ARR . ' ClteajJSitle, LOJitlOII. "JAMES BRAID WOOD, Superintendent of the London Fire Engine Establishment, Watling Street, in the City of London, maketh oath and saith, that one of the Patent Fire-proof Boxes was delivered to him by Mr. MARR, of No. :.-33, Bread Street, Cheapside, the Patentee, on Thursday, the 13th instant, with a request to throw it into the first fire to which this Deponent might be called upon to render assistance, in order that it might be clearly and fairly ascertained if the Box, when exposed to great heat, would preserve property contained therein from destruction. The Box, when delivered to this Drponent, contained some parchment and paper with this Deponent's name written thereon, and was carefully locked. On the morning of Friday the 14th instant, this Deponent was called upon to render assistance at a fire which occurred on the premises of Mr. Waiter Brooks, of Rotherhithe, near the Thames Tunnel. This Deponent got on the top of the next house, and desired one of the firemen to throw the before mentioned Box into the centre of the house, which was completely on fire, and the flames were sufficiently stroug to destroy almost any thing within their reach. 'fbe Box was accordingly thrown into the flames, and disappeared from view. The Box remained in the ruins till Monday evening, the 17th instant, when it was dug out, and opened in Deponent's presence, and it was then discovered that the parchment and paper contained in it were not in the smallest degree discoloured or injured. " Sworn at Guildhall, in the City of London, this} 20th day of November, 1834, before me, "JAMES BRAIDWOOD, SuPERINTENDENT. P. LAURIE." "EDWARD HAMBLETON, Fireman of tlte London Fire Engine Establishment, maketh oath and 1;aith, that he was at the fire of Mr. Brooks' premises, at Rotherhithe, on the 14th instant, and threw the Box into the flames, by the direction of Mr. Braidwood, when it was exposed to the full beat and action of the fire. The premises, which were four stories high, were entirely destroyed. " EDW ARD HAMBLETO~. - "Sworn at Guildhall, in the City of London, this l JOHN ANSLEY." 19th day of November, 1834, before me, ~ 1.\..l ''RICHARD HENDERSON, JAMES EDINGTON, SAMUEL HITCHIN, HENRY BLACKWELL, and JOHN KITCHING, firemen to the London Fire Engine Establishment, severally made oath and say, that they were present when the Box was opened after it had been dug out of the ruins of Mr. Brooks' rremises, and most satisfactorily ascertained that the parchment and paper, whicll were contained in the Box, had not sustained the slightrst injury. R. HEl\"DERSON. J. EDI!\GTON. S. HITCHIN. H. BLACKWELL. JOHN KITCHING _ "'Sworn at Guildhall, in the City of London, this 19th day of November, 1B34, before me, JOH~ ANSLEY." THE RECENT CALAMITOUS FIRE AT THE ROYAL EXCHANGE. \V. MARR, Patent Fire-proof Chest and Safe Manufacturer, No. 33, Bread Street, Cheapside, begs to direct the attention of Corporation~, Bankers, Solicitors, Commercial House~, and all persons having the custody of valuable property, to the following rlor:umeut, in evidence of the perfect safety against fire afforded by his PATE:'\T FIRE-PROOF BOXES and SA I<' ES. The Safe alluG.ed to by Mr. Brand on, in the accompan-ying letter, was in the midst of the late fire at the Royal Exchange for twelve hours. \V. Marr leaves this fact and the testimony to ~peak for themselves. "Sir,-lt is with much pleasure that l here bear testimony to the fact which has already been communicated to the public through the columns uf the 1'ime.r, the Morning rferald, and other journals. that the Patent !<'ire-proof Box, fur- ni~hed to me from your Manufactory, was taken 'red hut' from the ruins of the recent calamitous fire at the Royal Exchange, aurl that the whole of the documents therein deposited Wt're found to be in a pt-rfect state of preservation. I feel this testimony due to an inyemion which must prove of such incalcnlable benefit in the preservation of property. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, "(Signed) W. BRAN DON, Lord Mayor's Court Oftice. "To Mr. Marr, Patent Fire-proof Safe and Chest Manufacturer, No. 33, Bread Street, Cheapside." ".The undersigned also feel much pleusure in adding their testimony to the fact communicated in the above letter of Mr. Bnmdon, being present when the same was opened:- " :::,igned) THUS. N. W I LLIAMS, G. T. R. REYNAL,} Attomeys of the Lord Mayor's Court JOHN CARTER, G. ASHLI-:Y, Office, late at the Royal Exchange.'' W. MA RR would also submit, with the greateet confidence of its affording the utmost satisfaction, his IMPROVED J'RO'I ECTOR LUCK, forth! doors of strong rooms, iron s11fes, plate chests, jewel cases, &c. &e. The increased safety afforded by the Improvecl })etector Lock, consists in the security which it affords against the cutting ins,ruments uf the "Douse breaker, for such is its construction, tbat, if the whole of the tumblers should be cut away by the burglar, he would 11till be unable to throw back. tbe bolts, 44
• APPENDIX. RHEUMATISM. ROYAL Letters Patent has recently been ~rapted to Mr. CoLE!il for a M EniCATED BAND, which pllssitively cures RnEUM.\TBM, LUMBi\Go, CRAMP, PAINS IN THE KIDNEYs, &c. &c. The Band is worn near the part affected, and may be removed at pleasure. A great public functionary connecterl with one of our London Hospitals, whose case, to use his own expression, had baffied every Medicine that was quack, and every medicine that was not quack, has sent 1\h CoLEs his written testimonial, which may be seen a~ 3. Charin~ Cross; wherein he admit" that Mr. CoLEs's RHEU'liATIC BANDs have completely subdued bis disease, and he declared there was not a man npon the face of the earth who had more reason to be grateful to another than he had to l\'Ir. CoLEs. Jo~eph Clay, Esf!., of Arden Mills, Dcnton, near Manchester, in a Letter dated 2d July, 1835, says:- "I have received the Rheumatic Bands, the whole of which 1 have worn since May last, and I have tbe plea~ure to state that tuey have relieved my sufferings in my shoulders, wrists, knfes, and hip, I still feel weak in my ankles, but on the whole I think, by persevering with them, they will make me young again. The Rev. l\lr. Wilder, of Car! ton Rectory, near Newmarket, in a note dated ;20th October, 1835, says, that he has suffererl very severely from Sciatica, for more than two years, and about tht·ee we~ks since, he obtained one ofColes's Medicated Band~, and the pain has, during- the short time he has worn it, neai'ly, if not entirely left him, he had tried many supposed remedies without receiving any benefit. Sir,-1 am in ju~tice bound to state that in consequence of a virulent attack of Yellow Fever, I returned from the \Vest lnrlies with Paraly~is in my left hand, and a severe Rheumatic Aff"ection in my right thigh. That by the me of the Waters of Weisbaden, I got rid of the Pantlysis; but the acute p'tin in my limb still continuin~, I applied and wore for a considerable time, with the most happy result, yom· Medicated Band, which afforded me immediate relief. I am, Sir, your obliged Servant, Boulogne, 17th May, 1837, A. M. l\JAXWELL, Lient, Col. 30th Regiment. Lieutenant-Sti~ted, of the 3d Regiment of Light Dragoons, informs those who have Rheumatism, that he has worn Coles's Medicated Bands four months, that they have relieved him from a state of suffering scarcely to be deo;cribed; the Colonel to evince his gratitude to Mr. Coles, has authorised him to make use of his name in any way he thinks proper No. 4, Craven-Sheet, Strand, London, 22d April, 1837. Colonel Francklin acrtnaints Mr. Coles that the Medicated Bands furnished to him have entirely removed the pain in hi~ shoul1iet· and ann, in which pad.s he has been for many months a great sufferer from Rheumatism, althou~h employing various remedies in hopes of obtaining relief; the pain continued, and he was unable to pull ofl" his coat or 1lress himself without assistance. Colonel Francklin sends .Mr. Coles this testimony to make what u~e be pleases. Black heath, 22d M arch, 1838. I ht>reby certify that I had a severe attack of Rheumatism in my hand and wrist, and could neither button my coat nor dre~s or undress my;:;elfwithout assistance, that l applied Coles's Medicated Band, which removed the pain in six hours; and in two days 1 wa-; perfectly free from the complaint. 19, Gloucester Street, Queen Square, March 3, 1838. ROBERT SMITH. ~Sir,-During the la"t eight-months I have been severely afflicted with Sciatica, Lumbago, and Rheumatism, for which I could get no relief, even under the best medical advice. Your Medicated Bands were f'ecommended to me by persons who had been relieved, and I am happy to say that they afforded me, during t!Je most acute sufl'ct·ir.gs, almo,:,t instantaneou!! relief, and at less than one"twentieth part of the ex pence that I had previously incurred. You are at full liberty to make what use you please of this letter, for !J() invaluable a discovery cannot be too widely circulated. 13, Cecil Street, Strand, Lonrlon, 21st May, 1838. I am, Sir, your's, greatly obliged. R. TYAS. Sir,-A patient of mine, who from repeated attacks of fever and long continue<l illness, became paralyzed ia both hands, and the fle~h of his arms much reduced from his elbows downwards; I recommended your l\1 edicated Bands, which he wore for several weeks, and to my surprise his flesh heca Le tirm aud hi!< strength wonderfully restored; I then advised him to try the hot waters at Bath, where he experienced a still further change, and he is now a useful membet· of society, and that he never would have been, in my opinion, had he not employed your Banrls. William Coles,Charing Cross. I am Sir, your obedient Servant, June 2, 1838, Park Street, Cam den Town. JOSEPH CLARK, Surgeon. On the day of her l\Iajesty's Coronation, Mr. Coles was himse)f seized with Sciatica, in Hyde-park, where be had. gone to s~ the fire-works, but wa'l obliged to quit the scene and apply the usual remedy to prevent the complaint: but in !ipite of his remedy he ~ot worse the whole niQ"ht, and the next day was scarcely able to move; but in less than twenty-four hours he was again perfectly free from the complaint, and has had no return. He applierl a much greater quantity of Bands thJ.n he ever employed at any time previously to tbiil attack. Persons s.uhject to attacks of Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, or Sciatica, lVeak Knees, Bruis•~s, Face-ache, Tooth"ache, Ear-ache, or Shooting Pains in fany part of the Body or Limbs, arising from want of free circulation of tue blood, or obstructed perspiration, should keep these Bands by them, as they will preserve their virtue-. for years in any climate, and when th.ey feel symptoms ofits approach, meet the disease half-way, put them on. "Coles on Rheumati~m," price one penny, is a single post letter, which will be forwat·ded (gratis) to any part of the kingdom. The Bands may be procured through any Londou Coachman or Guard. All letters must be post paid. N.B. Mr. Coles has recently Invented a Carriage for Railways, which is, with two wheels on the rail,. as capable .of working a curve as four wheels are to work on a straight line; and the friction is reduced to less tbm one-sixth part of tho~e working on common wheels, the wheels which carries the load having only a sixtieth part of the motion~ and capable of being- propelled 100 miles in ~ne hour1 without producing a heated Axletree. · 43
AP NDIX S1,RONG 'VIN.DO\V GLASS. ~ .. _ ... .For Conservatories ,Fir st·rateBuilding s, Bee:. CRO\VN AND SHEET WINDOW GLASS \V AREHOUSE, §9, HIGII JIOLDOH:N. CLAUDET and HOUGHTON beg· to direct the attention of Noblemen, Gentlemen, and the Public, to their Sheet Window Glass, which, although very little higher in price than Crown Glass, possesses more than double its strength, and is perfectly flat, and of superior colour and quality. The inferior qualities, suitable for Conservatories, &c., may be used in long lengths (so desirable for appearance and beneficial to vegetation) without the liability of being broken by Hail, Strong Winds, &c. . , Crown Window Glass of the best Manufacture. :Fluted Glass, w Lich answers the purpose of a blinu, & admits more light thm any other description of glau .JO N LTES, ·. , IVORY AND HARD\VOOD TURNER, AND PEARL WORKER, Dealer in Zvory & Foreign Hardwoods, Wholesale & for Exportation, 1.0~, IIA.TTON GARDEN, LONDON. JJianufactory, 65, Leather Lane, Holborn. Billiat:!l and Pool Balls, to size or weight Bagatelle and Balloting Balls Bagatelle Tables, 1\Iaces, and Cues Backgammon Tables, Leather and \Vood Chessmen and Boards of every description Counters, Mother-o'pearl, Ivory, and Bone Dressing Cases, Portable Desks, and Tra,,ellers Door Nobs and Finger Plate.,, l vory and Wood Hat, Hair, and Clotbes Brushes Ivory and Bone Tooth, Nail, and Shavinp,- Brushes Ivory and Pearl Tablet;; of every desc1iption Ivory Miniature Leaves, prepat-ed Ivory, Pearl, and Bone Paper Knives, Folders, and Reading Hooks, Carved, Pierced, and Plain Inkstand~ iu Ebony anu Rosewood Pope Joan an1l Cribbage Boarris and Boxes Screen Handles, Ivory, Japanned, and Gilt Tea Chests and Caduies, various Wafer Seals, Sti·ing, and Sand Boxes Work Boxes, Plain and Inlaid DENTISTS SUPPLlED WITH SEA HORSE TEETH. Every description of Fancy Pearl Articles. ! ' ' 1 I I ' I I 1 . : I • ! OFFICE PRESS, SlRIKING PRESS. PIERCING PRESS. BOX & SCREW FOR BOOKBINDERS' PRESS. DAVID DAVIES, 41 & 42, COLLING\VOOD STREET, BLACKFRIARS' ROAD, S:tiiTII A.XD EXGINEEB, Manufacturer of all kinds of Presses and Stamps, for Coining, Piercing, Embossing, ~c. Office Press, DIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, :FOR DIE SINKERS, SILVERSMITHS, &c. Kept ready for use. ROLING MACHINES FOR :BOOKBINDERS OF Tli.i:: :BEST CONSTRUCTION, 42
APPENDIX. TITHE COMMUTATION. ~lbittt 1\'o. I4, CAJ~fi.,LE §TIIEET .. IIOI~BOBN, LOXDON. B. G. ROSSITER begs respectfully to call the attention of Solicitors, Agents, Surveyors, and Valuers, acting under the Commission for the Commutation of Tithes, to the above Estab1ishment; where they can have MAPs, PL,\NS, and SuRVEYS, CoPIED or LITnoGRAPHED to any scale req~ired, reduced or enlarged; and executed in a superior tnanner, with the GREATEST AcCURACY .-\ND DISPATCH upon the most REASONABLE TERMS. Every description of Maps, Charts, Railway and Estate :Plans, ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, AND MECHANICAL DUAWINGS EXECUTED IN THE FIRST STYLE. LITHOGRAPHY in all its branches EJV"GRAVI.N'G on Copper and Steel. Copper-plate, Letter-press, Lithographic, and ZincDgraphic :Printing. CIRCUI,A.RS, ARMS, CRESTS, BHASS AND ZINC DooR-PLATES, &c. ALE, CIDER, rERB, Y &. STOUT • • ROBE.R'_f MILLI~l{, No. 6, Cl{OSS S':rREE1\ l~INSBUltY SQUAltE, Has constantly on hand an extensivt- stock of various Edinburgh, Burton, Welch, and other Ales, Cider, Perry, and Stout, iu quart and pint bottles, fit for immediate use. Sole Agent to Messrs. ARCHIBALD CAI\'IPBELL & Co., BRE,VERS TO HER .l\IAJESTY, :fll!J~MllJ Wl~JJ @lE I!) Also Agent for the Sale of Messrs. GUINNESS and Co.'s ID , IDllil!Jil ~ltl'® , 'U'Q YOBHSIIIRE 52, JUDJ) STltEE'l', B~fli~EIIOUSE, BRUNS\VICI{ SQUARE. WILLIAM \V ALKER GILBERTSON respectfully begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and other customers and friends of his Father and Mr. Bourne, that he has succeeded to that portion of the business carried on by them as Bread and Biscuit Bakers, at the Y orkshir Bakel10use, 52, J udd Street, and united with it his business carried on by him at 32, Speld-, burst Street. W. 'V. G ILB ERTSO N as3u res his friends that it is his detel'mination to continue the sameplan as was adopted by his Father, when he commenced business in 18 I 3, by given his personat attention to the commands of his customers and friends, and by making his Bread of the.. Best Hertfordshire Flour, Brewers' Yeast, Culinary Salt, and pure Wate1· only. ,V, W. GILBERTSON as well as his Father, has long enjoyed the support of many eminent Physicians and other medical practitioners, who have analysed the Bread, and recom· mend it as being the most wholesome and nutriLious that can be made. W. W. Gl LBERTSOl{ 'will deliver Bread and Biscuits in the City, Weltend and its vicinity. 41 <
APIIJ:NDIX. JOSEPH BBO 31, :NIINORIES, INVENTOR, MANUFACTURER, AND PATENTEE OF THE IMPROVED TRAVELLING AND OTHER FURNITURE, Consisting of PORTABLE SWINGING SOFAS, SAFETY SWINGING COTTS, CHAIRS, &c., which for use in Ships are most admirably constructed, requiring no lee-way or swinging room, as required for Cotts or Hammocks upon the old principle, but yiPiding gently to the motion of the vessel, though ever 110 trifling or 1'iolent, thEreby noiding sea sickm:ss so frequently prejudicial to the health and comfort of the traveller. The PatPntee assurin~ them that had he not the practical knowledge he would not recommend the above with such confidl"nre, 'ft"hich emboldens him to solicit the attention of all shipowners, captains, and travellers, as there requires no more room for the Patent Swinging Cott than for a fixed Birth ; the price being little more than what is usually charged for similar article:~ upon the old principle, as it is only by the extent of patronage whereby the Patt>ntee expects remunera1ion. Next to the Sofa, is the Pat!'ut swinging, or self-acting recumbent ChRir, which, for 11implicity, durability, and ease, stands unrivalled, yielding to the slightest motion, thereby ensuring a. perpendicular or recumbent position, equally adapted for use at Sea or Land. Specimens of the above may be viewed at tltellianufactm·y, where Contracts may- be hadfor the .fitting up of Vessels or Cabins of all descriptions on the Patent principle. N.D. Ship cabin furniture and solid cabinet work for exportation, manufactured on the :Premises. • POTTS'S Intproved Artificial Legs, WITH GRA Y,S I MPROVE~IENTS. PATRONISED by the first NoBILITY, GENTRY, and the most EmNENT SuRGEONS throughout EuuoPE, and allowed by all to be the most complete description of Artificial Leg hitherto produced. Tbey are made soLELY by 'VILLIAll'I GilAY, only Apprentice, and now Successor, to the Inventor, the late celebrated Mn. PoTTs, OF CHELSEA. 10, Clt:.-.rles St•·eet, Gros"t'yen_or §q•t.are, LoJttloJt. A Female of great experience is provided to attend Ladies. :All Letters must lJe post paid. STEPHENS'S 'VRITING FLUIDS, Comprising tbe most splt·ndid and durable colours, and the most indelible composition which art can produce, The merchant, banker, and commercial public are provided with the meant~ of making siilnatures and figures, which can neithf,r be altered or erased, and the writer of public records may render his manuscripts os durable M those of our ancestors, which coutiuue to be the reproach of later periods. They contain the fullest proportion of colouring materials, and those to whom ecor.omy is more an object than powerful contrast to the paper, or great durability in the record, may dilute them with rain water to the extent of colour they may require, and thus affect a real t'conomy, without paying for the cost and incumbrance of large bottle11, :PHEPARED !;OLELY BY THE INVENTOR AND PATENTEE, HENRY STEPIIENS, No. M, STAl\IFORD, STREET, BLACKFRIARS ROAD, LONDON; 40 "nd aold by StatU,ners nnd Bookseller!, in bottles at 6d, ls. and 3a. each,
- BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT . ~tr ;Alatr~t!}, ALE AND PORTER BRE ERS, - BEADING. GREEN AND DURI-IA ... ' lPclllP llJ mQ£1rP ~1a u lll m~ ~ IDIA-.(f}®!B&J rP®m~~ 28, COVENTRY STREET, PICCADILLY, AND 88, ST. JOHN STREET, CLEHKEN"\VE LL; Manufactory-4:2., Little Sutton Street~ Goswell Street.· The n•ost liberal allo,vnn.ce to Dtiiltlers & t1te Tra~J~. ' SPLENDID NOVELTY: CHINA BED POSTS. - - ------·-- Snller tbe .Spectnl patronage of tbe Queen. I4essrs. BRAMELD Respectfully invite the Nobility, Gentry, and Public to their intere~ting J;JROMENADE SHOVV' ROO!liS, Where a constaut succession of the most eiPgant new patterns in China, Glass" .1\iason's Ironstone China (Rocking·haru's) and Earthenware, are displayed: all marked at reasonable prices. The beautiful ~et~ of CHINA BED-POSTS AND CURTAIN POLES may Le seen, which 1\Iessrs. B. had the lwnour of exhibiting to Jier lf..lnjesty, •~t "'t~Tiu.ti:lso•·; ROCK INGHAl\1 WAREHOUSE, -_alE GRlFFlN, P"fCCADI(LY,~ TOP OF THE HAYl\IARKET.
APPENDIX. PAINTED GLASS FOR INDO Every description of Painted and Ornameuted Glass for \Vindows, From the l!limplest to the most ~~~~~m~ ~m ~n~~~m f; Executed in the best Style, and at :Moderate Prices, by CLA-U E'l, -AND 1-IO 'rO 89, HIGH HOLBORN. Ruby and other Coloured Glass, equal in all respects to the Ancient. -~ ~" - IMPERIAL 1-'.lUNTll'IG .PRESS. IMPERIAL ARMING PRESS. J!nbtntr'tJ ant:J .tllanufacturr'tJ lJ!] lllliiillll~ I~Jt;;-iJtee•·s •••••I :N.Iill,vri;;-ltts, ' No. 5, CUMBERLAND STHEET, SHOREDITCH, LONDON. Extract from Dr. Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopadia.--" The Imperial Printing Press of SnERWIN and CoPE, for speed, ease, and evenness of impression, has obtained considerable celebrity. In this beautiful and compact machine, the works upon which the power depends are almost wholly con· cealed within the head of the Press, and are in themselves extremely few and simple.'' Extract from the ll'lechanics' .J.l:lagazine. '· To the Bookbinder For working off extensive letter. ings, large toolings, or embossments, the Imperial Arming Press is invaluable; and there are many other purposes to which they may also be applied with equal advantage and success." August, 1832. S. C. and Co. also manufactured Imperial Printing Machines; Hydraulic Presses to arty extent of power; Screw Presses of any size; Cylindrical Inking Tables, with turned Surfaces; Copperplate Presses, upon the most improved principles ; Rolling .Machines for Bookbinders, Card-make1 s, and Embossers; Chases, Roller Moulds, &c. Steam Engines to any extent of Power, and upon the best principles; Sugar Mills and Machinery of every description for home use and for exportation. The most respectable Testimonials will be given, and for Terms apply at the :\1anufactory. N.B. Commissions faithfully executed. PATENTS. G. RIDDLE:S UNIVERSAL PENHOLDER. "A vast improvement over all others, and unquestionably the best we have e..-er seen.'' G. RIDDLE'S REVOLVING-TOP INKSTAND. ''A really good portable or Desk Inkst!lnd, at a II1oderate cost,'' and G. RIDDLE'S CORONET & DIADEM FOUNTAIN INI\:STANDS, 'Vir.h Silver or Silver-gilt Garniture. "The richest and most elegant now in use.'' May each be bad of the usual vendors of G. RmnLE's(oRIGTNAT. PATE'N'T) Ever-pointed Pencils and ua~ Points; G. Riddle's Pure Cumber land Lead Writing and Drawing Pencils; Patent Hemispherical Stoppered Bottles, Scents, &c.; Patent Five and Seven-guarded Locks, &c. in Town and Country. ~IaJtttf"actory, I7~, Blackf"riars ~tontl, Lotttloli. 38
APPENDIX. BY HER MAJESTY'S LETTERS PATENT. BLUNDELL'S nltlt ax ttattblt£' n••b 'nttttt Oil. SOLD BY THE PATENTEES, BLUN:J)ELL, SPENCE, ~ eo., Xo. 3) Queen Street, C!teapside, London, AND AT THEIR PAINT, COLOUR, &c. WORKS, HULL; ALSO BY THE DEALERS IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. These New andEconomical Candles are superior in illuminating Powet:. and equal in durability to either Sper. maceti or Be.e'swax Candles, and are only Half thf' Price. They are pertectly free from ARSEN JC or any other deleterious m:ltte1·, and DO NOT REQUIRE ANY SNU FFI t'-JG; they are of a Firm Texture, and susceptible of a high polish. They maintain their Solidity at a very high temperatnre : hence, are admirably adapted for burning in crowded Apa1·trnents, and for Exportation to Hot Climates. Palm Wax is easily removed from Table Cloths, Carpet~, or the finest fabric, by the use of a Sponge and any Spirit, or even with Hot Water. The Patent Oil is enti1·ely free from acid and all glutinom matter, and ha~ no tendency whatever to become dry on exposure to the atmosphere, hence it is ad111irably adapted for all lubricating purposes, e~pecially for Steam Engines, Machinery of all kinds, the axles of Locomotive Cardages, and all metallic bearings subjected to great speed and friction, the bright work of metals, and all purposes for which a superior lubricating- oil is required. This Oil has already been extensively used for the above purposes, and has been proved to keep the machinery in much better condition, and at little more than half the expense of sperm oil. Testimonials may be seen at their Establishments, as above, where a supply is constantly on Ttancl. LUCY FROS1~ AND THOl1IAS AlliOR, LATE JAMES FROST, 195, BRICK LANE, WHlTECHAPEL, PATENTEES OF THE l\1 UCH-APPROVED SPRI G LOC COC For safety, of all sizes; and improved SELF-ACTING FEED APPARATus, for supplying ' STEAM BoiLERS, of high or low pressure, with Float Stone and Balance 'V eights, STEAM SAFETY VALVES aud CocKs of all descriptions for Steam. KITCHEN RAI\GE CocKs, B.-iTH CocKs, &c. Brewers and Distillers supplied v:ith Cocks of all sizes,from 1 to 16 Waterways in each. ::Jiali.ei· of" tJte P~•te11.t :n-.·ass Sat·e to•· Di~tille•·s, 'Vith Instruments for ascertaming the Strength, &c., without taking Sampies, !lame R4 fitted up at Messrs. NICUOLSONS, EAGLE Rnd BAcK, BowErHlANKS, CHIT.DS and VIcKEns, BunNETT, &c. Su!JUf" RPjiners supplied with all ki11ds of Brass Worl~ on t!ta old and new systems, and t"e f't~euJ i111·ented Filte1·, combining .~implicitu witlt Expedition, *F 37
APPENDIX His Royal Highness the DUKE OF YORK'S LoNDON GAzETTES are kep at t~1i5 Office; ll 'S ORIGINAL BANI(RUPT AND INSOLVEN1~ REGISTRY OF.tlOICE, FOR PROTECTION AGAINST FRAUD, SWINDLERS, &c. ESTABLISHED 1810, 76, CORNHILL, LOIWDOX. At this Office information may be obtained by Subscribers of the failure of any indiviJual as Bankrupt, Insolvent, Suspending Payment, Compromisin~ with Creditors by A~signmPnts, Trust Deeds, Warrant of Attorney or Bonds, Accommodation Bills, Swindling and Fictitious Firms, Frauciulent and Gambliug Transactions, Emhezzlements, Police Reports, Advertising 1\foney Lenders, Giving False References, obtaining Goods or Houses by Fraud, offering Worthless Bail, and every species of information, calculated to protect Bankers, ~Merchants, Solicitors, Companies, Institutions, Assurance Offices, Landlords, Auctioneers, Sheriffs, &c Subllcribers ruay be preserved from losses thruugh fraud or all kinds by previous application at this Office:- they are also requested to make every communication that may tend to protect the members, which will be confidentially preserved. Terms of Subscription, including the delivery of the Monthly Publication, £1: lis. : 6d. per annum; or for the delivery of the Weekly Publication, £2: 12s.: 6d. Containing a Register of English, Scotch, and Irish Bankrupts-the Dates of the Commissions or Fiatss-- lhe Petitioning Creditors, Solicitors, the Times and Places of Meeting for the Current :Month, alii far aa Gazetted; Assignees, Dividends, Certificates, &c.; Insolvents applying to b91 di~:~charged-1\l~etings, Dividends, and Particulars under their Estates; Assignments, Dissolution of Partnenhips, &c. T!te followi11g Registers, ~c., are kept at this Office for tlte Use of Subscribe1·s. 1. A Register of every BANKRUPT IN ENG LA "\'"D, from the year 1665, to the present time; the Number of Dividends declared; Certificates; tbe Names and Residences of Solicitors, Asoignees, &c. 2. A Register of Sequestrations in Scotland, 1\Ieet!ngs, &c. 3. A Register of Irish Bankrupts, Insolvents, Meetings, Dividends, Certificates, Dissolution of Partnerships, &c. 4. A Register of every Insolvent who ha:i petitioned for the Benefit of the Act-the Imprisonment or DiEcharge of the Insolv~nt-N aml's of the Assignees-Amount of Dividends declared, &c. 5. A Register of Assignments, l'rust Deeds, Stoppages, Offers, and Compositions-the Dividends madeNames of tlae Trustees, &c. 6. A Register of general Information, calculated to protect Subscribers from becoming victims o£ fraud and imposition. 7. A Register of Swindlers, fraudull'nt Debtors, and unprincipled Insolvents, throughout England, for the protection of the Honest TradPr. 8. A Register of Heirs at Law, next of Kin, &c. • • • The London Gazettes from their commencement, also Town and Country Directories, and Books of H.derence in general, from a 1't>ry early datE", are preserved at the Of!ic£J. Subscribers may frequently obtain confiJential information concerning Swindling Transactions, on application at this Office, previously to the parties becoming publicly mown. SOCIETY OF GUAUDIANS FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1776. RICHARD CLARK, Esq., Chamberlain of London, PHESIDE~T. C. F. FA H.EBROTHElt, Esq., Alderman, VIcE PRESIDENT, Messrs. PRAED & Co., Bankers, TREASL'RERS. At a Quartarly Generall\Ieeting held this day (23;h Ju'le, 1830), at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, London. It was unanimously Resolved, "That the Thanks of this Society be offered to Mr. THOl\IAS PERRY, ofCornhill, the proprietor of • The B.mkrupt Registry Office,' for his frequent and useful Communications to thi~ Society; and for his effec• tive exertiom; on behalf of the ComnJercial World in g-eneral." ~c 53
A'P'PENDI'X. RE ltiOVAL. 1-I. A DAWI S, OPTICI.AN & SPF.CTACLE MANUFACTURER, 58, BAKER STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE, Ha!! the honour to inform the nobility, gentry, his friends, and the public, that he has removed from Cr'lwford Street, to the above eligible premises, where, by th'lt l}nremitting attention to bu~incss, and a continuance of those principles which have hitherto given the greatest satisfaction, he hopes to receive an increased share of public Mnpport. To those Ladies aud Gentlemen who have already honoured him with their patronage, he now has the pleaaure to return hill most oincere thanks, and to solicit a continuance of their kind favours and recommendation. The Btcadily increasing sale of AD A MS'S SPECTACLES, is sufficient evidence of their superiority; the greatest attention being pairl, not only to the excellence of the Pebbles or Glasses, but by his plan the frames are so adapted to the face of the wearer, that tl1e centre ol each glass is brought exactly opposite the pupil of the eye, which is pf great importance, although entirely neglected by many Opticians. Telescopes. Opera Glasses, and all kinds of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments ofthe most superi!lr description, made to order. Electrical, Chemical, and other Apparatus. CHARGES VERY lUODERATE. Adjoining tlte B.n.ZAAR, BAKER STREET, PoRT MAN SQU.!l.RE. Leaf, F1ower, ana a 1:1it of the Cocca, with the Pod Op6D. DUNN'S SOLUBLE CHOCOLATE REQUIRES NO BOILING. This most agreeable Beve1·age is now brought into a convenient form, and wit/tin the reach of every individual, being Cheaper than Tea or Coffee. This new Preparation oft be Cocoa Nut, by simply slicing half an ounce into a breakfast cuf, and pouring boiling water upon it, quickly produces a cup o fine flavoured Chocolate. Manufactured and Sold by D. DUNN, originall\laker of Cocoa Paste, Essence of Coffee, &c. 9, KING'S R01V, PENTONVILLE, LONDON, At Is. 6d. per Pound; Superfine at 2s. per Pound. N.B. An allowance to the Trade. 0Tal « otltet· Ba1· Casks, Bt·e1ving "Utensils. OLD VATS BOUGHT AND SOLD. CJOOPER & VAT lfiAI~ER, . BREWEHS' & DISTILLERS' CASI{S, \ 7 ATS, BACKS, &c. Ti~:ht ~ Dry Casks; Ships' ll'"ater Casks, 107, UPPER EAST SMITHFIELD, OPPOSITE kTHE LONDON DOCK ENTRANCE, (late of Worship Street, Shoreditch.) Merchants and Captains supplied •. -Orders punctually attended to. 54
APPENDIX AS. IN CHESTER, THE ONLY 1\IANUFACTURER OF THE RECENTLY IMPROVED "" t IRONMONCER, BRAZIER, &c. No. I, UPPER EAST S'2~1ITHFIELD, .AND LONDON DOCI~ ElWTRANCE. ~~ es> Q\ ri--1 H o.. ~ o- • ' C. WINCHESTER respectfully solicits the attention of Ship Owners, Captains, Housekeeper~, and Emigrators, to an inspection of his recent! v improved SHIP's SAFETY PATENT CooKING HEARTHS, most admirably adapted for Steam Vessels, Merchantmen, and Sailing yachts, of ·which the above is a correct drawinl!, showing a front and side view, and by a very simple process they perform the various culinary operation~. such as Boiling, Baking, and Stewing on the Hot Plate, as well as H.oa .. ting-, which can be effected in a York Meat Roaster, w1th spit, &c. as the above drawing shows, all of-., hich can be accomplished with one fire, and will not require to consume more than from one to two buckets of coals per nay, or, in proportion, any other description of fuel, and by using tbis He:.1.rth the fires can be diverttd by means of d:1mpers from the coppers when they are not wanted, by which means it prevents an additional consumption of coals, and preserves the durability of the Hearth for a very ]on~ period-an advantage not to be found in otber &hip's hearth:i, So stmple, in fact, is the principle and operation of these Hearths, that they can be managed by the most inexperienced cook. The encouragement C. WINCHESTER has met with in the great numbe1· of Hearths already sold to Ships and St~am Vessels destined to all parts of the world, since his commencement in business, induces him respectfully and urgently to request the favour of gentlemen i11tere8ted, calling as above, where an inspection of the Hearths may be seen, and also every article of General Ironmongery, in tin, copper, iron, and japan ware, for the use of shipping, may be examined and the highest testimonials shown, at prices lower than any other House in the Trade, equal in quality.
A:PPENDIX. A. SPI~ING,VEILER & eo. MEDICINE CHEST AND PORTABLE DESK .!lattttfartttt•tt• ~ 2, DUKE STREET, WES1"' SJJIITHFIELD. Chemical Chests, Dressing Cases, 'Vork Boxes, Tea Caddies, Liquor, Toilet, Knife and Bottle Cases, Wholesale and for E:.~.:portation. 1VARRANTED TO STAND ANY CLil\1ATE. GLASS SHADES. For the preservation of Clocks, Artificial Flowers., Busts, Alabaster Ornaments, Birds, Minerals, Surgical Models, &c. &c. The above named useful article being now manufactured in this Country, by which the importation from the Continent, at great expense, is superseded, may be o~tained (either round, oval, or square) _at very moderate pnces; FROM CLA.UDET & HOUGHTON'S ~laf)~ ~babe ~attfJOUf)e, S9, HIGII 1-IOI.JBOBN. Lamp Slzades of every description. ' l\1:\NUFACTURER OF 'VHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 82, ST. JOHN'S STREET, CLERKE1\7TVELL, 56 LONDON.
AP:PENDIX. DISTORTION OF THE SPINE. WLa~o !llAlliU' (THE LATE WIDOW AND SUCCESIOOOR OF MR. CALLAl\I) Re!;pectfully begs to announce that she continues the application of het· much-approved Support for the Assistance and Cure of DISTORTED SPINES, which has received the patronage of her Majesty the Queen Dowager, and is recommended by Sir Astlcy Cooper, l\Ir. Keate, Dr. Davies, Dr. Ashwdl, and several gentlemen of the Faculty. Mrs. HART manufactures a new and pecu1ia1· description of La1lies' Stays to improve the Figure and conceal Deformity in Adults; Leg lwns of every desct·iption; Tntsses for Hernia; Back Boards and Collars; Laced Stockings; Knee Caps; every de~cription of Bandage; Reclining Boards; Crutches; Dumb Bells; Belts for Corpulency and Pregnancy; Lunatic Belts, &c. Address, MRs. HART, 57, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn, four doors from the f'reemasons' Tavern. GENUINE P.1fLTEXT :JIEDICINES, 6;c. Sold Wholesale and Retail by THOEIIAS BUTLER, Chemist, 4, Cheapshle, .London; ~ 20, ·water loo Place, opposite the Post Office, Edinburglt. Braithwaite's Black Drop Gowland's Lotion Cayenne Lozenges Gt·egory's Stomacltic Powder Cooling Aperient Powders Henry's Magnesia and Vinegar Dalby's Carminative James's Fever Powder Dixon's Antihilious Pills Analeptic Pills Eau de Cologne Lignum's Antiscorbutic Dl'Op!i Farinaceous Food (Hard's) l\Iarshall's Universal Cerate Fluid Extract, m· Concentrated Norton's Camomile Pills Decoction of Sarsaparilla Opodeldoc-Stcet'!!' and Cajeput Franks's Specific Solution O:dey's Essence Ginger German Corn Plaister Pommade Divine (Butler's) Powcll's Balsam of Anis~ed Robinson's G.-oats and Barley Rowlanrl's Macassar Oil, &c. Ru~pini's Dentifrice Seidlit.ll: and Soda Powder Singleton's Gnlden Ointment Solomon's Balm ofGilead Solution ofCamphor Vegetable Tooth Po)Vder Whitehead's Essence of Mustard And every other Genuine Patent Medicine of repute. • 4 • Druggists. &c. will be furnished with a Catalogue containing- the Trade Prices, upon making a post paid or other application. INDLE'S PATENT AND OTHER T"ne estimation in which thes~ Pens have long been held, and the daily increasing dell1and for them, are the best proofs of their real usefulness for every kind of \Vriting. To the various sorts hitherto made by C. & H. C. \VINDLE, the PATENT CO:\IPENSATING PEN has recently been added, us well as the PATENT MANUFLEXER, or CALATHESIAN PENHOLDER, which they beg to offer to the Public, through the medium of Messrs. G. and I. DEANE, Opening to the lJfonument, No. 46, KING 'VILLIAl\I STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, Wholesale Agents for London and the South of England; and of the respectable Stationers and Iron- 'tnongers throughout the Kingdom. Patents have also been obtained, and Agents appointed in France, America, &c. 57
A:P:PENDJ:X. attttt. THE PATENT CORRUGATED IRON, MANUFACTURED BY BUILDER, <tc. FORT-PLACE, GRANGE-ROAD, BERMONDSEY, LONDON. Corrugated Iron.-Economy, durability, lightness,anrl strength are combined in this mode of preparing Sheet Iron, insomuch that a single Sheet of Iron so thin that it will not continue in a · perpendicular position, will, after undergoing the process of Corrugation, bear upwards of 700 lbs. weight, without bending in the least degree; its durability will be proved by its sustaining no injury from the weather, when covered with a slight coat of Paint; and its cheapness is obvious from the saving which it effects in other materials generally used in buildins;-, it requiring no heavy Timbers, or expensive Brick-work or Masonry, to form every variety of erection. Therefore it is quite certain that no art~c!e ean be_ applied _to the purposes fo; which it is intended, possessing so eminently the above qualities. This result Is produced by g1vmg to Sheet Iron the form of continued Arches as indicated in fig. 3 of the Sketch. ' 3 ' ""' • I ' 4 Roofs. Sheds, &.c.-The Conugated Iron may be seen, on an extensive scale, in the Lcndon Docks, where it has been applieu to the erection of Sheds for protecting Goods from the effect of the weather. The Drawing represents one of them in the Entrance Basin, the length of which is 225 feet, its width 40 feet, and the height of the columns on which the roof is supported, 12 feet. The columns are of cast iron, a Gutter of which metal is continued from column to column, the whole length of the roof, and in the gutter rests the edge of tte roof. The arch is formed of several sheets of iron curved in the transverse direction to the corrugated arcl1cs, as described fig. 2, and rivetteu together longitudinally, a continuation of similar arches connected to each other by rivets, compose the roof; every corrugated arch forms a watercourse ending in the gutters at the side, thereby renderinp.- it quite waterproof. To give stability to the whole, a Tie Hod, fig. 4, is carried across the shed from each column to its opposite. Between this shed and the brick-wall is a Leanto Corrugated Roof, forming a half arch, springing from the gutter, and resting against the wall, as represented on the right of the sketch. Enclosed Warehouses may be constructed by using the Corrugated Iron, either as fixed partitions at the sides, or on the sliding principle described in the following paragraph. 58
- APPENDIX;~ " ,, · , ,, , . Sliding Gates. - The London Dock -;;~~~ ~~~~gf~j 1:[2_ · 1 ~~~!__j~~ 'f~~ Company have had a Gate on this principle • :;:;: r priTfJ """''JV3"2 ,._._...-.E ~.~ erected as an entrance from 'Vest Gardens to i /! t [i the Eastern or New Dock. The frame is on , j 1 1 1 l ~ ·t~'' ~he us~al construc,tion of timber,. and inserted I I : I I 11 I. rr· '~ m a bnck-wall. The enclosure IS effected by 11 1 i I' i 1 !! i / ~ ~ sheets of Corrugated lr~u rivetted toge.ther, to , I . ·11 l .I , 1 1 i IL ~ ~~ form one sheet of the srze of the openmg: on • ·. ,,.,._.,.,.,""."":::~:-~ 8 the upper edge are two grooved wheels, w hi eh z. work on an iron ledge groove, fig. 1 ; the lower edge rests in a groove, fig. 2, formed of tim her or stone, and im bedded in the earth, to keep the level with the roadway. This gate is given in the Drawing a~ nearly open: figs. 1 and 2 compose an end view of the gate. rr 11 TI. ~ . ~ ' I I I r: .. ·o ' Q . I - ;>111 ' . ;JJ ' ? l Doors, !)butters., &c.-It is also applied to the formation of Doors, Window Shutters to houses of brick or other materials, where particular security is desirable,- its great hardness preventing its being cut through. The Door on the left hand is a representation of one composed of tbe Corrugated Iron only: the other has the addition of mouldings, formed of wood, attached to the Iron, which:is continued entirely through the back, so that it will be perceiv~d that the Iron supplies the strength, the wood being merely designed for ornament; when decoratively painted, it is capable of displaying the neatest t.1ste. Agricultural lluildings, Barns, Granaries, U..c. may be formed of it, without any timber or brick-work being used: and as it will relieve the Farmer from all dread of Nocturnal Incendiaries, who a few yrars since committed such alarming rava~es in many parts of the country, its adaptation for these purposes is cJnsidered by the Patentee ~s being of great benefit to the Agriculturist and the Public. Fire-proof Rooms, Safe§, Chests, &c.-Corrugation is an improvement of the properties of Iron, for re.;;isting Fire, applicable to Strong Rooms, Safes, Chests, Fire-proof Buildings, and Apartments used for the prcEenation of Records an1l Valuables; a double lining, with an:air space between, being an effective barrier to the greatest intensity of fl.arne. 1 :Portable Buildin•"'S for Exportation.- The facility with which Buildings corn .. posed of this material m~y be erected, or removed, and the small space occupied in stowing them, when the respective parts are separated, renllers their conveyance easy and cheap, and particularly adapts them for new settlements. The South Australi~n Company have exported several. Doors, Skylights, and 'Vindows arc introduced in the manner shown in the Engravmg. lbD]lf' @f? lP~~~~~. Roofs to any size ..•••• per 100Ft s~pPr£ 6 0 0 Verandas, witb Hip~ .•.. per 100 .Ft Superc£8 0 0 Ditto with Cast Iron Columns d' t 10 0 0 Ornamented Doors .•.••••••••• t<:ch, from 2 10 0 d G 1 1 t 0 an utters camp ete • • • • SI Hitters •••••••••••••••••••. pair . " 3 10 0 Ditto with one tier of Columns 9 0 0 Saf...ty ChPsts, with patent Locks, each " 8 10 0 and Gutters fcJr Leanto Roof ditto. • ·' Safety Poors ..•••••••••••••. ditto " 5 10 0 1Yerandas ••••••••.• , ••••••• ditto.... 6 10 0 Do. double, with airspace between ditto " 10 JO 0 -------------------------------------- The Patentee begs to specify afeu: of the Places at u·hich he has erected JVork~ in Con·ugated Iron. 1fhe London Docks G 3S Works, City of York A moveable Roof or Awning, at Saddlers' Hall, Watn \V orks, Brighton Cheapside Distillery and Brewery, Brentford Jh.mbro' Wharf, Thames Street, near Southwark Br. Distillery, Inverkeithing, Scotland The Iron Yard cf Mess. Daniels & Payne, 29, Upper The Cognac Brandy Works, Alba~y Street, Rf'g-ent's Thames StreEt; also of 1\lessr!!, Thompson and Park }'orman, Dyers' Hall, Upper Thaml'S Street The ~tations of the Birmingham Railroad at Watford, The St. Katherine Docks Trmg, &c. The Metropolitan Gas Works, Kent Road Hawarden Iron Works, Flintshire: London Gas Works, Vauxhall 59
. .A:PPEN:D%X. F EE~ 1l 0 ' t~lttmleft+, kc. CAlf.IBER"'tVELlL, .Ll.ND No. 69, STRAND, PATENTEE OF THE Patertt Self-supplying Water-closet Basin~ WHICH ONLY REQUIRES A PIPE FROM ANY HE'D OF WATER, lt is impossible to show, in a single advertisement, ~n the advantag·es gained Ly using the above basin, upon the Valve or Pan 'Vater Closets, which Closets (when properly fixed) are better tha!l any of the patented ones of the day. \Vith the Patent Basin, all the intricate apparatns are removed, can he easily fixed, and possesses every ad vantage of all closets in use. F. R. has taken premises at 69, STRAND, where a stock io; kept of Portable and other Closets, and a Depot is opened tor the sale of all kinds of Closet Basins. In sending Orders, be particular in stating whether the Closet is to be supplied by a charg-ed or an empty pipe. To he ser;n as af;ove, at the G.llLLERY oF Pn.A.CTICAL ScrE.VCF, STRAND, and at the PoLYTEC.N'IC iNSTITUTION, REGE.llr'T-STREET. Agent-DEAN, London Bridge. p,·ospecluses sent, and reje1·ences given iu some of the most respectable Architect.~, upon post paid application.. IVIORI§ON'S RITING INKS. THESE art: made of every variety suited for MercantiiP. or Professional purpo!>e~, and maunfactured on princi· ple'i which have stood twenty year~ test in the manufacturing di~tricts. The Public may be assured, that while the Proprietor has been, and will be ready to adopt every improvement which is justifierl by the test of experience-those materials and principles will not be departed from, which have gained the confidence in the qualities and permanence of these Inks, both at home and abroad. OFFICE INK, la bottle~ at 6d. Is. and 2s. Fluid, strong and not liable to thicken. RECORD INK, In bottles at ls. ls. Gd. and 3s. Of a greater body and well adapted for engrossing. COPYING I~lK, In bottle!~ at Is. 1s. 6d. and 3s For Machines. Give9 off a shong copy, and both copy and original go very·' dark. Not being liable to smear and vny fluid, it may be used for all purpose!! in an office. RED INK, In bottles at 6d. ls. and upwards BLUE INK, TURNS BLACK, In bottles at 6d. Is. and 2s. 6d. A beautiful Fluid for Steel Pens. PERl\fANEI~T BLUE FLUID, In bottles at 6d. Is. and upwards. Remains a bright blue. All INKS wanante1lof )1onisoN's l\lanufactm e bear a facsimile of the Signature of the Original and Sold' PropriEtor aml 1\]anufacturer, DAVID l'fiORI§OlW. COTTAGE I"XKS, 2s. each, offuur fa-;t colours. INK POWDERS of all kinds, wholesale & for exportation' Princes Eauarc; 12, \t;11ilson St. Finsbury, London· 311 DlJKE STREET, LIVERPOOL. 60
APPEN:DIX ltiS & Co. INVENTORS AND MANUFACTURERS OF IMPROVED PATENT ... BLOWING MACI-!INES, Fo·r Iron Founders, Ancltor Smitl1s, and Smitl1s in Geueral. '- Grove Foundry, Guildford Street, Southwark, London. JOHN JEFFERIS & Co.'s Improve1l Patent Blowing- Machines, patronized by the Society of Art11, theHon. the Commissioners ofHct·l\Iaje;;ty's Navy, and the Hon. the East India Company. These Machine~ are applicable to all purpose~ were Blast is required from Bellows or BJaqt Cylinders; and from thci1· portability are particularly adapted for forming a circulation of fresh ai1· in Coal and other .Mine Works, and for Venti Iating Ships, Hospitals, Prisons, &c. -Their superiority, deduced from actual experiments, is as follows:- lst, They are quite portable and applicable tl} all Situations, take up little room, of !-limple construction,. are not liable to be out of repair, nor do they require particular attention whl?n working. 2dly, They pi'Oduce a much greater quantity uf Blast than any other method of Blowing, in the same time. with considerably less power. '3dly, From the superior quality of the Blast, much fuel is save1l in heating and smelting, and less waste in the materials. 4th ly, The quality of the body heated or smelted is retained, or improved, in a much greate1· degree than by any former method of Blowing-. 5th ly, Great advantages arise in welding or faggoting oflron, ag the whole ma~s, if ever so large, receives a reg-ular soaking- of heat, in much less time, without endan(jiCring a burning and waste on the surface, which, with the greatest attention, i~ well known to take place m the common methods of Blowing. The qualities of cast-iron in smelting, and steel in heating, are retained in a most wonderful manner, even when worked many times over. 6thly, Any pillar of Blast can be produced from these 1\far.hine;;, which are admirably adapted for smelting from the ore, hollow fires, and all purpu;;es where strong and soft blasts are re<J. uired, JOHN JEF.FERIS & Co.'s ~ntproutil ~nttnt mmttt nnn arv maeatbtr Plougb~ (See Engraving above.) The following Letter, received from SIR HENRY MARTIN, BAR1'., is a proof that this Plough i3 superior to all others hitherto used in the \Vest In dies:- [COPY] Lockinge Park, Wantage, Berks, lJiarch 3,1820. "Upon referring to my Letter from the West Indies, respecting the single-breasted Ploughs which you sent out last year for my Estate.; at Antigua, I have great pleasure in stating the rcp01·t of my Attorney and :Manager to be most favourable: he (l\lr Barnard) says, that till he tried your Plou!rh, he had considered it almost impossible to equal those of Cooke, hut n pon a fair trial he prefers yours, and considers them to pass more easily through the ground. He concludes his letter by requesting me to send out two more of your Ploughs, a., expeditiously as possible. These having now been sent, with iron-work complete f01·two mere~ by the Cato, Mm·ton, I have further to request you ·will make for me a double-breasted Plough, with duplicate :parts similar to that which you sent out last yt>ar. "You are quite welcome to show this Letter to any Gentleman, if it may be like! y to prove useful to you, or to copy ofl' any part of it for that ob.iect, a.; I am f!uite satisfied of their decided superiority to eve1·y other Plough hitherto tried in Antigua, and .wallowed there. Your's, &c. H. W. MARTIN." ~nttnt qtoacu ann ~art lSOJ:t~. J. JEFFERIS & Co. further solicit the attention of Farmers, Common Stage Carrierg, and others, who have beavy carriages on the road, to the decided preference g-iven to their Patent Cart Boxes, with cap~ to contain oil, which are found to work several months without oiling, by which means much labour is saved in workingof heavy carriage,;, The Patent Cart Box can be fitted to common Cart Arms now in use, at a very triflmg expense, and will be found on trial fat· superior to any Box ever offered to the puhlic at a 'tery moderate price. N.B. Cast-Iron and other Plon~rhshares of every description, Common Cart and Waggon Boxe~, Smiths' Troughs, Back, and Tue Irons, Rain-Water, Drain, and Steam-Piping.-lmproved Cast Iron Bucks;with Points and Broad Shares to fit Tumwre<>t Ploughs,-Septale Ploughs of every description, with stocks to fit the same. 61
APl'ENDIX. HENRY HEWETSON, Manufactztrer rif tlze Inzperial ZI.l\7 /{, or White Metal. DOOII A:XD -wiNDO-ur PLA.TE§ Of an improved quality, and Engraved by Artists of th~ first ability; also of ZINK WARE OF ALL ItiNDS, Viz. Roofing, Chimney Funnels, Chimney Cowls, Water Pipes and Heads, Guttering, Baths, Meat Safes, Garden Hand Frames, Cream Apparatus, Milk Pans, &c. &c.; many of these Articles are well adapted fo'r Emigrants to the British Colonies of South Australia, Sydney, &c.; also MANUYACTURER of Perforated l\fETALLIC 'VINDOW BLINDS, which, for beauty of appearance and effect are not equalled by any other Blinds. Warehouse, 57, Cannon Street, near King William Street, London. N.B. Sheet and Perfomted Zink. GENTI~Ertll~N'S llllESS. GREAT COATS, FROCK and DRESS COATS, and every other article of Gentlcmen':i Dress, for the present season, cut to fit in the most approved style of fashion, and made in the best manner, at the undermentioned moderate prices, for cash, at ~Q ~illlDWW{P~~~ TAILOR 11~ DRAPER, fi2, Ii.i11~ .. 'Villf~1lill §tireet, lLomaG:iOI! JIJ•:itl~e. Superfine coloured Cloth Dress Coats, from ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••. £2 10 0 to £3 0 0 Ditto the finest Saxony, Black or Blue ..................................... • 3 7 0 Frock Coats, with silk facing~ and velvet collar.................................... 2 15 0 to 3 1~ 0 A good Petersham Great Coat, line cl throughout .. .. . • • .. . .. . . . • • • .. • .. .. .. • .. .. .. 2 10 0 to 3 3 0 Various excellent new Material~ fc•r Trousers .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . • . • . • . . .. .. .. 0 16 0 to 1 8 0 The largest stock of any house in the trade of the most t:tshionahlc Wai~tcoats, from 0 10 Q to 1 1'1 0 Young Gentlemen's Suits, l'lervant~' Liveries, &c., made on the shortest nutice, and upon ~uch terms as will ensure future favours.-52, King William Street, City. -----~-~--------- -----.----- --------------- -----------~~-- Sugar Re ners, Capillaire !Ylakers, and Rectjj£ers, INVENTORS AND PROPRIETORS OF TIIE GE~UINE ~E'IDUB ACJ[J), And the other Compositions for making- Superior Compounds and Cordials; also Flavonring and Colouring for :5pirits, (!)r!l!J) ~:JJ!WJ)~ cYilL'o!l!B l!JJJ~'47~ (late of Bleeding-lleart Yard, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London). J ]f ' 150, BLACiiFRIARS ROl1D, Opposite the Jll.!lGD.IlLEN liOSPIT .11 L. Pheasantries, Aviaries, Garden Arches, Light Fences, for l'arl's and · - Pleasure Grounds. Flower Stands, Trainers, 'Bordering, :Meat Safes, Sieves and Screens fot· Corn, Coal1 Seed, Lime, Gravel, &c. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. 62
ZACHAR AH STEEL ' 1 ' ' 1 -~ . ' -~ I f 1 J ~ ' ' I ' • ~ ~ -.~ .-~- _-=, ,. ___ --~--'"-' '·~-~· ~---=-~~~~~ ~- ----- ' IJZ~~~~~-(;t~~~~ PARKESS ILL. --- l~STABLISIIED liAl.J~" A CENTURY. fJIALT 1\rliLLS, For Corn Dealers, Brewers, Maltsters, Publicans, and private Families. I{IBLir'iG MILLS, Adapted to grind Oats and Barley, and Split Beans for Horses and Cattle, and tg grind J\'lalt occasionally. BE Ait'1 IVIILLS, For the sole purpose of Splittin ~ Beans, used by lnnkeepen;, Coach Proprietors, and Livery-stable-keepers. COFFEE Af"lD PEPPER MILLS, For the use of Grocers, whoo;e atteutioa is called to ZAcH. PARKEs's newly-invented PORTABLE STAND MILLS AND COUNTER MILLS, mounted on very neat and compact cast-frames, requiring only four screws to fasten them to the floor or counter. WifEA"r IYIILLS, For the utility of which, vide '' Cobbett's Cottage Economy." To Emigrants to new Settlements and Countries where Water and Windmills are scarce, a little tnill at !tome is an exceedingly useful thing, if not absolutely indispensable. Cocoa, Cocltirteal, _ln•ligo, Silice, altll Drttg :NI ill§. .63
A'P:P:CNDIX. A ... ~ :>- ~ ~ ... u ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0... ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ en 23, 1\'"E,VHALL STJl:EET, DID:JJ:IXGIIA..~I:, lVJANUFACTURER OF llrass and iron Ship Thilllbles, OF IMPROVED l\fETALLIC LACE-HOLESit C. RO\VLEY having discovered a method of making a LAC£-liOLE OF METAL, has great pleasure in introducing it to the notice of the Public. It is a great desideratum in the annals of improvement, and deserving the approval of all ranks in society-its yast utility being felt by every individual, more or less, on the face of the globe. C. R. has made it his principal study for two years to bring the article to perfection, and is now proud to say be has been able to accomplish the desired end. The improved Circlet or Metallic Lace-Hole has already met with the approbation of some of the larges American Shipping Companies, most of the proprietors of Trading Vessels, all the largest Stay-Makers, and most of the Wholesale Brace and Belt Manufacturers in the kingdom, The improved Metallic Lace-Hole is applicable for LADIES STAYS, BRACRS, BOOTS, WAISTCOA1'- SPRI:\'GS, SHIP SAILS, WINDMILL SAILS, l\1ARQUEES, TENTS, BEDSACKING, TARPAUL· JNGS, RlCK-CLOTHS, AWNINGS, SID~ CLOTHS .FOR CANAL BOATS, and all other purposes where the friction of tile Lace or Cord has a tendency to DESTROY the LACE-HOLE. For LRdies Stays, the Improved Metallic Lace-Hole is a desirable acquisition, as the tedious process of working the holes with silk is rendered entirely unnecessary; and the process of fastening them in the staysis so simple, that a child can do it with ease and facility; and the price too is another consideration, being much lower than working with silk can possibly be. And for Bed-Sackiugs, the Metallic Lace-Hole is found to be a great improvement : it has hitl1erto been a matter of complaint, that the cord, in lacing the sacking, has so cut and worn it out, as to render it useless in a very little time. By using the Metallic Eyelet; or Lace-Hole, tbe sacking willla~t for generations. The facility and advantages are equally felt with regard to the larger sizes, such as for Sails of Vessels, &c. &c. The Metallic Lace-Hole consists of two parts; bnt when fastened in, forms one entire and perfect eyelet.- Proper directions for using them will be sent with each order. C. R. begs leave to return hi:~ sincere thanks to those of his FrienJs nnd the Public who have nlready bononred them with their commands, nnd w!Jile he hopes, by unremitting attention and perseverance, to merit a continuance of their favours, be begs to assure them that be fears_no competition from any other House. 64
APPENDIX. L r-r ' s STEEL PEN ])IANUF ACTURER, AND OF THE vVHOLESA LE AND FOR EXPORTATION, VIC~~ORIA 1VORI{S, GRAHAl\1 STREET, 59, NEWHALL STREET, BIRMINGHA!tl'. J. G. has for the last fifteen years been engaged in the manufacture of" STEEL PENS," and during that time has devoted his unceasing attention to the improvement and perfecting of this useful and necessary article. The result of his perseve.ring efforts, aided by numerous Experim~nts upon the properties of the metal used, and the various modes of construction, is now before the Public in CILLOTT'S NEW. PATENT STEEL PEN, w hicb, being constructed upon a principle perfectly new, combines all tl1e advantages of the Elasticity and fineness of the Quill with the Durability of the .Metallic Pen, and thus obviates all the objections hitherto existing against the use of Steel Pens. The Patentee is proud to acknowledg-e that a discerning Public has paid the n1ost gratifying tribute to the value of his humble, though useful labours, by a demand for the NEW PATENT STEEL PEN, beyond his means of supply, in the premises he now occupies; he has therefore, in addition, erected the above extensive and most commodious \Vorks, which will enable him to meet the in~reasing- demand with punctuality and dispatch. 65
A J9:PE:ND!X. J.& • ' i/,ffl WlB!lJ::I.J[!jJ lllSJ V Q!olourtll ~oltJ, ~earl, C!tnttraln, nutlp, ~ g:tgntt lltng 1\IANUFACTURERS, 44, NEWHALL STREET, BIRMINGHAlVI. 1\l:Qurning Rings & Brooches. *:~~:* ORDERS EXECUTED ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. WHOtESALE & RETAIL stablislz1nent or Umbt~ellas Parasols, 37, UNION STREET, Manzifactory 6, NEWHALL STREET, ll;~~m1~~~~~~~~ JOIIN _ttAB(D · E, 1\JANUFACTURER OF • IT70RY AND BOX RULES, BAROMETERS, THERMOD'IETERS, HYDROl\1ETEl{S, LEVELS, &c. 61, ST. PAUL'S SQU.ARE_, BIRlVIINGI-IAl\1'- . BAROMETERS, THERMOMETERS, &c., ACCURATELY REPAIRED. JOS"· AND EDl\1n. RATCLIFF. 66 S 1"'. PAUL '8 SQUARE, :SZB.UIINGBA.M. •
A:P:PENDIX. , • ' IMPORTER OF FOREIGN CIGARS, TOBACCO, AND FANCY SNUJ.1~FS, 71, NEW STREET, CORNER OF CHRIST CHURCH PASSAGE, ~~m~~Nl~,!~~~~ Dea1er in Snuff-Boxes, Cigar-Cases, Tubes, &.c. N. B. PUBLICANS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED ON THE LOWEST TERMS. I{ING·S & HOLL~t\ND, (Late .lJ'lARY B. CHENEY), Casti1tg ot attd e anu acturers, 28, I~ICllFIELD STll.EET, ~~ml.~~:g}J~1E./A~o Casting Pots of all Sizes, made to Order on the shortest Notice, for all the different branches of Trade ; also M uffies of all Sizes. A constant supply of best Stourbridge Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, and Ore for an Healing Malleable Iron. J. 00 MANUFACTURERS OF ' SILVER PLATED WARES, COMPRISING Tea Urns, Tea and Cofiee Setts, Meat and Vegetable Dishes, \Vaiters, Dish Covers, \Vine Coolers, Cruet and Liquor l~rames, Bottle Stands, Epergnes, Bread and Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, Branches, &c. &c. 76; LI():IIlFIELD STREET, BIRMINGliAr'iJ:. (Successor to J. 9- T. CHIRM), PUMP DIAK.ER AND REPAIER, 52, NEWHALL STREET, ~~~~~~~!-lS.t!d.~~ Orders punctnally attended to and executed with the best Materials, by Workmen of tried ability, on very liberal Terms. N. B. The Trade supplied, and experienced Men sent to any part of the Kingdom. 67
A:P:PENDIX NEED HAM'S JNIPROVED PATENT l\IILITARY AND PORTABLE BO SPURS. These Spurs are particularly recommended to Professional Gentlemen, for their portability, neatness, and the facility with which they are put on and taken off. The Boxes are made with a self.acting plug, which closes on the instant of the Spurs being withdrawn, and the whole are so correctly made that every Spur will fit every Box, so that a gentleman may have these boxes introduced into all his Boots, and one pair of Spurs to fit them. The Portable Sp•1rs are put up in small morocco cases, and,when not in use, may he carried in the waistcoat pocket. They are the best and cheapest that ha,•e been made. Observe! "NEEDIIAM" on the Spurs and Boxes, as none other will fit. N .B. Press the Spur down to take it out of tb.e Box. Sold by all respectable Saddlers, Bootmakers, and Ironmongers. SPUR§, 01F EVERY DE§CGIPTIOW, FOR THE HOME AND FOREIGN TRADE. MANUFACTORY; 16, COLESHILL STREl:.:T' &a mm a nvrtlr£lm~ SINGER'S HILL, SUFFOLK STREET, 25, IIENRIETT A STREET, And 103 & 104, Constitution Hill, l!JlrYdJ~gM-~m~~~ MANUFACTURER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF P A. TEXT P A-PIER lVIACIIEE A.JWD IBOX T.IlA YS, lVAITERS AND CLOCK DIALS, Papier Machee and "\\rood Cruet and Liquor Frames, Paper Pannels, Watch Stands, Wax Tapers, Quadrille Pools, Time Pieces, Ink Stands, Paper \V eights_, Chimney Ornaments, Tea Cltests, Catlclies, S1tnft" Boxes, Cigar Cases, MINIATURE AND PICTURE FRAMES, \!nble tr!op5, ~abtntts, i!.allit.5' i3rt.9.5tng ~otltt, vVORK AND CARD BOXES, "POL"FA ~'lND 1:1.1\.ND SCREENS, &c. &c . .dnd General Iron and 'I'in Plate Worker. 68
ArPENDIX ®~Willmllli®ll.illli il~ll~ BELL STREET, BIRMINGHAM9 RICHARD PICKERING Has the bonour of announcing to l1is Friends aud the Public, that having corn .. pleted the alterations and improvements in the above Establishment, and it being entirely fitted up with new furniture, is, in every respect, ready for the reception of Visitors. The CoRN :MARKET INN, from its peculiar accommodation, is particularly convenient for Visitors to the Birmingham .Market. An Ordinary every Thursda.lJ at half-past Two. Good Stabling, ~·c. R. P. trusts that Travellers and Families visiting Birmingham, will find the above Inn worthy of their support. Strict attention will be paid both to economy and comfort. COMI\-1ERCIAL INN, 'VORCESTE:G STBEET, MJ~m~~NJ~m~~~ MARTIN ROGERS, The Proprietor of the above Establishment, begs leave to assure Commercial Gentlemen, and others, that it has and will continue to be his study to tnerit their patronage by the most economical Charges, and general attention to their comfurts. Choice Old Wines, and Spirits of the first Quality. Well-aired Beds. An Ordinary every Day at halj'-past One o'Cloclt:. J MANUFACTURER OF Cct'lzrllesticll~·, L1~tstJ~es, Ca11delab1~a, INI(-STANDS, VA_SES, ~NCENSE-DURIWEBS, T.IIERl'IO.l'IETEilS, AND OTHER ORNAMENTAL WORK ur1 mm®~l~rm ~!:'liD corn~w(IDLL,-y~ ,83, COLESHILL S1~REET, BIRMINGI-IAl\1. MANUFACTURER OF THE 'PATE~T CANDLE LAniPS • • *H 69
• A~I'B!l:DIX. mQ &JLusrnm~~ ANTI-CORROSIVE AND PERCUSSION CAP MANUFACTORY, Formedy of 12, Leg_ge Street, but nozv of 69, GRAHA~I STREET, NE\VIIALL HILL, BIRMINGHAM. It. w. (late of London,) Percussion Cap Maker to the Honourable Board of Ordnance. The Manufacturer, in consequence of more commodious Premises, and extensive improv~menu i~ hia Machinery, which is just complt'ted, and in full work, can defr all competition; he therefore in 11gain bringing the above article before the notice of the Sporting world and the Public in general, most confidently recommends his prel!ent maue Caps as far superior to any ever yet made. He is aware that certain parties have counterfeited his Caps, and sold them as his make ; but none are genuine unless they bear the seals and labels of •• R. WALKER, (late of London,'') and a copy of this advertisement inside the wrapper.-At the wellknown price of .'ls. per Box of 500 each. R. W. returns his most sincere thanks to his friends for the very liberal support already eon(erred upon him, and earne~tly solicits a continuance of the same ; assuring them, every exertion shall be made on Lis part, to merit their favours; and respectfully solicits that those who have not made use of his present Caps, will give them a trial. He feels satisfied that his superior knowledge of the business, He being the Qldest M a nufa~turer i~ the Trade in England, together with the quality of lus late Manufacttlred Arttcles, they w11l need no other recommendation. Ahm at the abo,·e Manufactory may be bad R. W .'s P A. TENT and CHEMICALLY PREPARED GuN W ADD· INGS. Sold in Bags of 500 each, price 3s., formerly 5s.; both strongly recommended for removing the lead as quick as deposited. Caps made expressly to !'hape, quality, thickness of copper, with Initials or not ; also Tubes, Patches, Ball!'!, &c. Messrs. I. H. & I. PERRY' & Co. Sole Agents in Ireland, 21, Pill Lane, Dublin. ll. \flr. lVI.NFIELD, CAIJIBRIDGE STREE'll~ BIRJJIINGHAJJf, PROPRIE}'OR OF THE ORIGINAL PATENT FOR etallic Military Bedsteads, Patentee and l\1anufacturer of others upon an Improved Principle; ALSO 1\IANUF ACTURER OF Erass Desk, Pew, Organ, and other Railing; Cornice Poles and Rings: Pulley, Curtain, and Stair Uous ; Hooks, &c. Balustrades ; Astrig-als and Headings Window Guards; Plates and .Mouldings; Commode ltings; .Fire Brasses; Brackets and Grate Knobs; Fire Screens; Hat and Um brei la Stands; Gas Chandeliers, Pillars, Rranches, and Fittings; Tubeing of every descrjptiou, rough &. finished. Show Rooms, Cambridge Street, Birmingha,n, AND IN LONDON, l.I, DELLE SAUVAG-E YARD, LUDGA.TE HILL, AND No. 26, NE\V BOND STREET, REsiDENCE THE HAwTHoRNS, LADY,vooD, EnGBASTON. R. W. T¥INFIELD, CO ... "-.I~ AND COKE MEBCJIA.lWT, CA.l\IBRIDGE STREET AND BASKEU.VILLE WHARFS, 70