NORWICH. NOltFOLlt • .Medical Officers ... Dr. Evans, Hull, R. & Norgate, To Ipswich Mail, by way of Ipswich and Colche!:.• B. H. Esqrs. ter, arrives here every morn. ! before 8 morn. Secretary ............•••...••...... Goodwin, T • ..l:sq. and leaves for London at 7 evn. from the Angel St. G1lcs's Hospital, Bishopsgate st, (commonly called Inn, Market Place. the Great Hospital,) founded by Bishop Suffield, a To Litcham-Coach arrives at 10 morn. at 4 aft. (on part of which is now converted into Almshouses, Saturdays only), from the Pope's Head, Market by the benefactions of Bishop Spencer and others. Place. Master ........................... Lohr, William Lewis To London-Magnet, through Thetford and NewBoys' Charity School, founded by J. Wise brow, St. market, every evn. at 6, from the Swan 9" [RamPeter's Mancrojt. pant Horse Hotel1. Master ....................................... Hales, John To Ditto-The Phenomena leaves every morn."at t past Bovs' Charity School, St. Peter's Hungate. 6 from the Norfolk Hotel, through Stratford and ~1aster .......................................... Line, H. Scale (branch at Scole to Ipswich) Diss, BolesCatholic Day and Sunday School, supported by dale, Ixworth, Bury, Sudbury, Halstead, arrive& Voluntary Contributions, Ten Bells la, St. Swithins. in Norwich at 8 evn.: Master ..................................... Rising, James To Ditto Telegraph, leaves every morn. at 7, arrivei Charity School, St. Julian's. even. 7, at Rampant Horse. Master ................................. Thouless, James To Ditto Times Coach, leaves the Angel Inn, MarChariLy School, St. Paul's. ' ket Place, Mon. Wed. and Fri. tat ! before 7 1\'laster •. .••• ••• .••.. .. . . . . •. . •. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ••••••••• .• . morn. arrives here Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 8 evn Free Grammar School, at the Charnel House, west To Lowestoff. The Pilot, every Mon. Wed. and Sat. end of the Cathedral, founded by Bishop Salmon, from the Norfolk Hotel at 5 aft. through Loddon 1325. and Beccles, to the Queen's Head Inn, Lowestoft: Free School, St. Martin's la. To Lynn Th~ Day, every aft. (except Sunday) from Master ...... L ........................... Took, William the Norfolk Hotel at 4, through Hockering, Boys' & Girls' Hospital School, Fisllergate st, St. Dereham, Necton, Swaffham, and Narborough, Edmund'i, founded by Thomas Anguish, in 1617. to the Crown Tavern, Lynn. Master ................................. Gidney, :Franci& To Newark The Union Coach, every morn. from the King's Street Sunday School, King's st N01folk Ilotel (except Sunday) at 6 in summer, New District School, St. Augusti11e, is divided into and 7 in winter, through Dereham, Swafi'hamt three !Upported by voluntary contributions. Lynn, Long Sutton, Holbeach, Boston, ReekingMaster of Boys ... n ............. Goodenham, Samuel ton, and Sl(laford, to Giltrap's Hotel, and the Mistress of Girls .................... Atkins, Amelia Clinton A1·ms, Newark. Master & Mistress of Infants ......... Jordan, Robert To Swaffham and Dereham, Coach starts from the and Sarah Black Hot·se, St. Giles, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at Norfolk aud Norwich Infant School, St. Peter's 5 evn. Hungate . To Watton-The~George Market Coach, from the Norman's Charity School, Fisher la, establi11hed 1786. Norfolk Hotel every Sat. at 5 aft. through WyFounder ................................. Norman, John mondham and Hingham. Norwich National School Elm hill. To Wells The Nelson, from the Norfolk Hotel, on .Master ................................... ,. •• Line, Henry Wed. and Sat. at l past 4 aft. through Lenwade, Old Charity School. Haymarket, St. Peter Mancrqft, Bawdeswell, Guist, Fakenham, and Walsingham, established 1708 ; endowed by Alderman Rise- to the Ostrich Inn, WeUs. brow, 1721. ' To Yarmouth The Royal Mail, from the Norfolk Master ....................................... Hales, John Hotel, every morn. at:! past 9. Almshouaes. To IDitto, Norwich and Birmingham-New Royal ' Cooke's Hospital & Almshouses, Rose la. Mail, from the Norfolk Hotel every evn. at T to F r R Birmingham direct, through Dereham, Swaffham, ounders ............... Cooke, • • & Cooke, • 1701 L L S H lb h S ld' D Pye's Almshouses, West Pottergate st. T. Pye, ynn, org utton, 0 eac ' pa mg, onfounder, 1612. Enlarged 1825. nington, Falkingham, Grantham (branch at GranThe Nine Almshouses, St. George's Colegate. Pre- tham to Manchester, Liverpool, and all the priusented by Alice Crome, in 15! 6, for poor Widows. cipal towns in the North) through Melton Mowbray, Leicester, Hinkley, and Coventry; and Coach :List. arrives at the Swar& Hotel, Birmingham, the next To Dereham--from Swar& Inn, Wed. arrives'at l past aft. at 5, in time for the Manchester and I .. iver11 morn. and leaves at 1 past 4 aft. and on Sat. pool Railway Trains the same evn. direct.- arrives at l past 10. and returns 5 evn. calls at Leaves Birmingham every morn. at 8, and pas3es the Black BuU. through Norwich for Yarmouth next morn. at 6. To Ditto The Defence, from the Noifolk. Hotel, To Yarmouth-The Dart, every aft. from the Norfolk every Mon. Wed. & Sat. at 5 evn. and arrives Hotel at! before 5, through Blofield, Acle Burgh, the same days at ; past 10 morn. and Filby, to the Angc·l Inn, Market Place, To Ditto Po::.t Cart, on Mon. Tues. Thurs. & Fri. Yarmouth. • a.rrives at 12 noon, and leaves at 4 aft. from To Ditto-Coach at 8 ancl i past 9 morn. and 5 evn. Swan Inn. daily from the Bell Inn, Oxford hill. 'ro Ditto and Swaffham Red Rover, from the Black Horse, St. Giles, on 'V ed. and Sat. aft. at 5. Carriers' :List. 'ro Elsam Little Magnet, leaves every morn. at 9, To Alborough-Emery, , from !the Black Horse, and returns 5 even. to the Swan Inn. Tombland, Sat. at 12. To Harleston Omnibus, on Wed. and Sat. at 5 aft. To Ashwell Thorpe Moore, 1\Iorris, from the Lamb frotn the Bell Inn, Orford hill. Inn, Market pi, Sat. at 3. 'ro Holt Tuck, on Mon. and \Ved. at 3, and on To Attleborough Crowe, , through Hethersett & Sat. at 4, and arrives same days at 7 morn. from Wymondham, from the Wheatsherif, St. Stethe D~ke's Palace Inn,, phens, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 2. _ 93
NORFOLK. NORWICH. --To Attleborough-Johnson, , through Eton, Hether .. To Cromer Plumley, , from the Pope'' Head, St: sett, and Wymondham, from the Greyhound, St. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 1. Stephens, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 2. To Dalling Field-Gagen, 1 from the Labour in. To Aylsham Boughey, , from the Labour in Vain, Pain~ St. Peters, Fri. at 2. St. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 3. To Dereham Amis, , from the Waterman, St. To Ditto Chapman, John, from the Black Swan, Margarets, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at 2. St. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 3. To Ditto-Carter, -·, from the Pope'¥ Head, St. To Ditto Purdy, -, from the KinK's Head, Davey Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 3, pi, Wed. at 2. To Ditto Farrell, George, from the Prince of Walep, To Bacton-Watts, , from the Bull Inn, St. Mag- St. Lawrence, Wed. and Sat. at 3. dalen st, Sat. at 12. To Ditto Lawn's Post Cart, from the Swan, St. To Barney Riches, , from the Pope'$ Head, St. Pf;ters, daily, at 2. Peters, Sat. 11. To Ditto Ostler, , from the Bee Hive, St. BeneTo Barningham and Matlask Tyrell, , through diet, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at 3. Elsu m, Etteringham, and Beacon Thorpe, from To Dick le bury White, , from the Castle g· Lion, the Tltree Tuns, King st, Sat. at 1. Timber hill, Tu~s. and Sat. at 1.. To Barningham-Frosdick, J arnes, through Aylsham, To Down ham Carter, , froll\ tht; Coach ~ Jiorse~ · Tuttington, and Buxton, from the White Borse, Bethel st, Thurs. and Sat. at 5 rnorn. St. Magdalen st, S;ttt. at 2. To East Brad en ham Williams, John, frOlq the 'l'o Bawburgh Candler'a Mill Waggons, daily, from Prince of Wales, St. Lawrence, Fri. at 11. the Fountain, St. Benedict, at 9 morn. and To East Dereham Barnes, , from the ,A.dam 4' 5 aft. Eve, St. Benedict, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at 3. To Bawdeswell Sizland, , from the Prince o To Edgefield Green, Joseph, from the lVoolpack, St. Wales, St. Lawrence, Sat. at 2. Georges, Sat. at 12. To Beecles Buck, , from the White Hart, St. To Ely Coates's Van, from the White Hart, St. P~ters, Tues. and Sat. at 2. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 12. To Bircham Newton and Birch am Tofts, Marsh am, To Eye , Rayson, , from the Black Jior$e, St. Giles, -, from the Labour in Vain, St. Peters, Wed. Tues. 3. at 2. To Fakenham-Smith, • from the Golde" Lion, To Great Bircham-Shilling, John, through Docking Madder mkt, Tues. at 1, ancl Fri. at a. and Hudham, from the Black Swan, St. Peters, To Fakenham, Burnham Creek, and Lynn,-Sporne, Tues, at 4 aft. , from the }3lack IIorse, St. Giles, Tues. and To Blackney Slater, James, through Cley Holt and Fri. at 4. Ayisham, from the White Horse, St. Magdalen To Foulsham-Smith, , from the Golden Lion, st, Wed. and Sat. at 2. Madder mkt, Tues. at 1, and Fri. at 3. To Blakeney Carreson, William, through Thurn To Fawnset, St. Marys, and Fawniet, St. Peter.,_.. Cley next Sea, from the LoL$ter, Lobster la, Kemp, , from the Shoulder cif MuttoR, St. . Sat. at 12, Stephens, Wed. and Sat. at 4. To Blofield Waters, , from the Jolly Farmers, To Framlingham, from Yarmouth, Bridge Inn; Bt. , St . .Martin's ]ll, Sat. at ~- Stephen, Sat, at 12. To Briston Barton, , through Cawston, from the 1'o Gresham Gotts, , from ~he Golden Lion, Golden Lion, St. John's, Madder mkt, Wed. Madder mkt, Sat, at 1. and Sat. at 3. • To Guestwick l3olton, John, from thet Whit~ Hor1e, To Ditto Berrisford, William, from the Wqolpack, Madder mkt, Sat. at 12. St. Georges, Wed. and Sat. at 2. 'fo Hack ford W oodhou!!e, ,. through Corner .Mel· •ro Ditto · Burtou, , from the Elepltant, St. Mag- ton, Barford, Kemberler, and Hingham, from the dalen st, Wed. and Sat. at tO. Bee Hive, St. Benedict, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. • To Brook Mickleborough, , through Trowse and at 12. Porringland, from the Greyhound, St. Stephens, To Halvergate Bean, , from fhe York Tavern. Wed. and Sat. at 3. Orford hill, Wed. and Sat. at 3. To Buckingham Johnson, , from the Crown g. To Hamford Wright, , from the Three Tuns, Anget, St. Stephens, Wed. and Sat. at 1. Kit1g st, Sat. at 3. To Burham Gagen, , from the Labour in Yain, To Hempnall Leggett, , from the City qf'Norwich, St. Peters, Fri. at 2. St. Stephens, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 4. To Bungay-Hogg, Robert, from the Lamb Inn, To Hatdingham Tingay & Taylor's Waggon, daily, l\larket pi, Tues. Wed. Thurs. and Sat. at 4. from the Fountain, St. Benedict, at J aft. To Burn ham W estgate Leeds, , from the Labour 'l'o Harleston Debenham, , from th~ City qf in Vain, St. Peters, Tues. and Fri. at 4. Norwich, St. Stephens, Wed. end Sat. at 12. To Calthorpe and Aldborough Newstead, , from To Heacham-Towler, , leaves ,the Currier4' arms, the Anchor, Scoles green, Sat, at 2. St. Giles, every Fri. at 3 aft. ToCorpusty Utton, , from the Crown, St.Georges, To Hempstead-Pells, · ·•, from the Hen:~ Chickens, Bridge st, Sat. at 12. • St. MargareU, Sat.. at 12. Tq Castle Acre Edwards, , from the White Hart, To·Hickling-Goose, • , from tha Herseahoe, TombSt. Peters, Thurs. at 2. land, Sat. at 2. To Cawston Tuddenham, William, from the Eight To Hindolvestort-Austin, John, from the Woolpac:k, Ringers, St. Giles, Wed. and Sat, at 3. St. Oeotge~, Wed. and Sat. at 1.1. To Costlessey Neville, , from the Fountain, St. To Ditto G~rdiner, , from the Golden Lion, MadBenedict, Mon. Wed. Frr. and Sat. at 5. der market, Sat. at 1. 'l'o Cottishall Barnard, John, from Lhe Black Swan, To Hingham Adoock~ • , froll'l the Queen'1 ]lead, St. Pet~rs, Mon. Wed. Fri. and Sat at l past 3. St. Giles, Tues .. Wed. Fri. and Sat. at 1. To Ditto....,-Rice, , from the Cellar House, Dukes To Ditto Fulsher, thtough Barper, Kinnerler1 Palace, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 3. Barford, and Kimley, from the Fountt~il'i; St. 94 . Benedicts, Tues. Thur.s. and Sat. at a.
NORWICH. NORFOLK. rro Hingham ancl Watton Layt, , from the Black To Repps (South)-Jarvis, -,from the Bull Inn. Horse, St. Giles, Mon. and Thurs. at 4. St. Magdalen st, Sat. at 2. To Hockham-Edwards, , from the George, Hay- To Reymerstone Jessep, John, from Black (Swan, market, Sat. at 1. St. Peters, Sat. l past 2. To Holt Barton, from the Pope's Head, Sat. at 1. To Rockland All Saints Brown, , from the To Ditto-Crowe, , from the Golden Lion, Mad- Thatched House, St. Stephens, Fri. at 1. der market, Wed. and Sat. at 1. To Sahamtoney Payne, , leaves the Curriers' To Homing Elgood, , from the White Lion MaO"- Arms, St. Giles, Wed. and Sat. at 2. dalen st, Wed. and Sat. at 3. ' 0 To Scottow-Reynolds, , leaves the Cu1·riers' Arms, To Ditto-Palmer, , from the White Lion, Macrda- St. Giles, Sat. at 3. . fen st, Sat. at 3. • To Shipdham-Clatke, Thomas, from the Prince of To Horsford-Woodcock, William, from the Wool- Wales, St. Lawrence, Wed. and Sat. at 1. ' pack, St. Marys, Sat. at 12. To Shipdham, Bradenham, & Lynn Mendham, -, To Ingham-Lack, William, through Stalham, Les- from the Black Horse, St. Giles, Sat. morn. 9. singham, and PallinO', from White Horse, Mag- To Shipdham Trollop, , through Hardingham, dalen st, Wed. and S~t. at 4:. Runnnerstone, and Letton, from the Fountain, To Ipswich Bert, , from tl1e Greyhound,: St. St. Benedict, Tues. Thurs. & Sat. at 2. Stephens, Wed. at 6. To Smallburgh-Rivan, , from the Bull Inn, St. To Kenninghall Bowen, John, from the Lamb Inn, Magdalen st, Wed. and Sat. at 2. Market pi, Wed. and Sat. at 12. To South Wabham-Browne, , from the White To Ditto Fiske, , through Mulbarton, St. Lion, St. Mary's palace, Sat. at 4. Peters, New Buckenham, and Barham, from the To Southwall Foyster, Joseph, from Lamb: Inn, Greyhound, St. Stephens, Sat. at 12. Market pi, Wed. and Sat. at 2. To Laxfield-Nunn, , from the Curriers' Arms, To Statham Wilkin, James, through Walcot, BlackSt. Giles, Thurs. 1 noon.. ton, and East Ruston, from the Wltile Horse, St. To Loddon Beard, , through Trowse, Fram- Magdalen st, Sat. at 2. lin~ham, and Thurston, from theGreyhound, St. To Stiffkey Brown, Thomas, from .the Woolpack, Stephens, Wed. and Sat. at 2. St. Marys, Wed. and Sat. at 2. To Ditto Woolner, , from the White Lion, St. To Stradbrook Smith, William, from Lamb Inn, Stephens, Tues. Wed. Fri. and Sat. at 3. · Market pl, Sat. at 2. To Ditto Woolmer, Samuel, from the White Lion, To Straw Marktt Barham, Robert, from Lamb Inn, White Lion st, Tues. Wed. Fri. and Sat. at 4 aft. Market pi, Thuri. at 5. To London Mack, Deacon, & Co. 73 St. Giles's st To Stratton St. Mary Aldis, , from the Peacock, To Ditto Syke's Van leaves the Greyhound, St. St. Stephem, Wed. & Sat. at 3. Stephens, at 1•every even. through Bury and To Stratton St. Michaels-Barrett, , from the Cambridge. Thatched House, St. Stephens, Wed. and Sat. To Ludham Fairhead, , from Labour in Yain, St. at 3. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 2. To Sutton1-Whall, , from the Waggon ~ Horses11 To tynn Burton, , from the Cellar House, Duke's Tombland, Moo. W€d. & Sat. at 3. palace, Sat. at 3. To Swanton Abbott Spooner, Robert, through To Mattishall Howes, Robert, from Black Swan, St. Coulton, from the Cross Keys, St. Magdalen st, Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 3 aft. Sat. at 3. To Mellin~ford-Browh, Mills, Waggons daily from To Tittleshali-Thwaites, Thomas, through Gresthe Fountain, St. Benedict, at 9 m~m. and 5 aft. senhall, Litcham, Gayton, and Lynn, from the To Mundesley Flint,-, from LaboU1' in Vain, St. Lobster, Lobiter le:., Thurs. 5~morn. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at 1. To Watton-Harvey, , from Labour in Yain, St. To Ditto-Mack, Robert, Van, from Black Swan, Peters, Tues. and Fri. at 2. St. Peters, Wed. and Sat. at :l before 4. To Ditto Hubbard, , from the W!teatsheaf, To Nateshead Smith, W. from Lamb Inn, Market Bethel st, Tuei. and Fri. at 12. pi, Wed. and Sat. at 3. To Wells Stearman, , through Bawdeswell, Guest, To North.Elmham Spooner, Robert, from the lVhite and Wallingham, from the Black Horse, St. Horse, Madder mkt, Sat. at 12. Giles, Thurs. rnorn. 6. To North Walsham Broome, , Post Cart, from To Wells next the Sea Belsham, , from the Cur- .~ Hole in the \Valllane, daily," at 9 morn. riers' Arms, St. Giles, Sat. at 6 morn. To Ditto Laycock, , from the Cellar House, To Ditto-Gagen, • from the Lal·our in Vain, St. Duke's palace, Sat. at 2. Peters, Fri. at 3. To Old Buckenham Chilvers, , through Hether- To Ditto-Raven, , from the Wounded Hart, St. sett, Attleborough, and Wymondham, from the Peters, Tues. at 11. -=-02< Two Necked Swan, St. Stephens, Sat. :at 2. To Winfarthing Jessup, -, from the Wheatsheaf, To Pulham (St. Mary Virgin) Boughton,J , fromJthe occasionally. Peacock, St. Stephens, Wed. and Sat. at 2. 'l'o Wood. Norton-Smith, John, from the White To Ditto Poppy, Jon. from Lamb Inn, Market pl, Horse, Madder mkt, Wed. and Sat. at 12. Wed. and Sat. at 3. To Wrosted Watts, Henry, through Tunstead, from To Ditto (St. Mary Mag.) Reeve, , from the White Horse, St. Magdalen st, Sat. at 2. Thatched House, St. Stephens,Wed. and Sat. at 3. To 'Vymondham-Betts, , from the Golden Lior41 To Ranworth Catton, , from the White Lion, St. Madder mkt, Mon. Wed. and Sat. at 4. Mary at Palace, Sat. at 2. To Ditto Tickling, , from the 'l'wo Necked Swan, 'To Reepham Leeds's Post Cart, through Drayton, St. Stephens, Wed. & Sat. 5. Taverham, Attlebridge, Alderford, Witchingham, Swanington, Booton, and Kerdiston, from the ... 'Jloon ~· Stars, St. Michaels Coslany, Wed. and To Sat. at 3, and Tues. Thurs. Fri. and Sat. at 2. 'TG Repps (South)-Summ~ns, Robert1 from the Woolpack, St. Georges, Sat, at 12, Water Conv•yanee. Hull & Goole The Albatrass steamer, every Tues. morn, and retnms on Friday; Boardman and Harme.J:,:Agents, Duke's Palace, a-nd Kiog st wharfs. ~5
NORFOLK. NORWICH. To London The Ailsa Craig Steam vessel, to St. Katherine's Wharf, every Friday; Board m~ and Harmer, Agents, Duk'e's Palace, and King st Wharfs. To Ditto The Original Weekly Traders, to the Custom House and Wool Quays, from Harrison's Wharf, King st, Norwich. A vessel regularly sails to London, and from Norwich every Saturday; Cook W right, Agent. To Ditto-Sailing vessel every Saturday ; Boardman and Harmer, Agents, Duke's Palace, and King st Wharfs. · To Ditto The London & ;LowestoffTraders ·sail to ' IronF:ate Wharf, London, every Sat., and from London every Thurs. Agent1 R. & S. Rudrum, King st, Norwich, and Alexander I\emps, Irongate Wharf, London. To Ditto-From Jays Wharf, St. Margaret!l, & King st, Norwich. A vessel sails every week to Symon's Wharf,Tooley st; H.. Pope, Agent. To Ditto The Norwich, Lowestoff',;&. London Shipving Company's Vessels, the Sarah, J. Vallop; Trader, G. Yallop; Ex-Sarah, S. Press; sail from the Foundry Bridge Wharf, every Sun., and fl'om Griffin's 'Vharf, Tooley st, every Thurs. Clare Bowles, Agent, Norwich; Thoma~ Farncomb, London Agent. To Ditto and all Parts of Eng-la.nd-Goods, &c. received at William Bell's, St. Swithins, and at the Steam Company'& Wharf, King st. To Newcastle-Every week, from Boardman & Harmer's Wharfs. · To Yarmouth Daily, from Boardman and Harmer's Wharfs; To Ditto-The Emperor Steamer leav~s Norwich every Mon. Wed. and Fri. at 9, from Watt's Wharf, and returns Tues. Thurs. and Sat. and on Sun. at 7, returning same day. To Ditto The Victmy Steamer starts from\Stamm's Staith, King st, eTery Mon. Wed. & Fri. at 9 motn. and returns every Tues. Thurs. and Sat., and on Sunday from Norwich to Yarmouth at 7 in the morn, returning same day. To Ditto The Tickler Steamer starts from the Company's Wharf, Foundry Bridge Wharf, every Tues. Thurs. and Sat, returning eTery Mon. Wed. and Fri. To Ditto The~ Sovereign Steamer~ starts from the Foundry Bridge Wharf, e\·ery Tues. Thurs. Sat., and returns every Mon. Wed. and Fri. CUassification of Trades. Accountants.-Mallett J. H. Wymer st, St. Andrew's hill, St. Andrews vVilson William George, Pottergate st, St. Margarets Agents. Bell vVilliam, St. Margaret's pl Pegg Robt. & Son, London st, St. Andrews Pope R. W. Jay's wharf, St. Margarets Potter Robert, Day's court, Upper market ,~~right Cook, Harrison's wharf, King st .Ale q· Porte1· Merchants. Dowson Hy. G. Duke's pi Arcititect.-Hinsby Wm. Upper King st . Army Tailor. Davis Geo. London st, St. Andrews Artists. Barlow John, Gregory Churchyard, St. Georges Colkett Sam, Dav. Prince's st, St. M ichael's pl Auctioneers~- Appraisers. Butcher William, Theatre plain, St. Peter's, Mancroft Cory E. Castle meadows Harper J. Pottergate st, St. Andrew& Ives Geo. Castle meadows Manning, Thomas, Pottersgate &t1 St. Gxegory 96 NORWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued, Mason H. J. St. Andrews Broad st, St. Johna Madder market Mason Henry J no. Chating cross, St Johns Madder market Pigg Robt. & Wm. London st, St. Andrews Spelman \'Villiam, Duke's pl Wilde William, Post office st, St. Johns Madder market Bakers. AI cock J. Cowgate st Algar Robert, Princes st, St. Michaels at Plea Appleton Charles, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Artis Francis, Castle mea.dow Atkins M. Upper Westwick st, St. Margaret's Bacon J ames, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Bayfield Ann, Ber st Bennett James, Wellington st, St. Giles's Bensley William B. St. Stephen's st Bone Thos. Upper West wick st, St. Benedict Boulton F. St. Catharine plam Broch J ames, New rd Brock S. Middle st, St. George's Colegate Brown Ezekiah, Botolph st, St. Augustines Bunage Edward, Colegate st, St. Clements Durrage Edwin, Botolph st, St. Augustin~s Bushel Charles, St. John's Timber hill Calton D. Rising Sun la Cannell M. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Cannell Richard, hing st Clarke William, Philadelphia, St. Clements Cogman Benjamin, Ber st Collett Robert, Pitt st, St. Augustines Cook Geo. Charing cross, St. John's Madder market Cott William, Bethel st, $t. Peter's Mancroft Culyer Jno. St. Andrew's step, St. Andrews · Daplyn John Edward, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine's Dolman W. Upper Westwick st, St Lawrence Dyball J no. Magdalen st Ellis Samuel, Cockey la, St. Andrew's Ell is Samuel, Middle st, St. George's Colegate Feltham G. Silver rd, Pockthorpe ~ Folk Charles, St. Stephen's rd Fox William, Catht>dral close Fox William, Cowgate st Freeman James, St. Gile~'s st Freestone A. St. Augustine st, St. Augustine& Gent Geo. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Gill Jas. Lower \'Vestwick st, St. Lawrence Goring G. Wensum st, St. Beuedict Gravlin Thos. St. Martin's la, St. George's Hall Wm. Bull close, St. Paul's Barrison J. Hy. Bishopsgate st Ilarrison l\Iary, Crook's pi, St. Stephens Haughton Richard, Be1· st llerbert Wm. St. Benedict st, St. Gregorys IJewitt Thos. Butr Coat la Hill John, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Hill Samuel, St. Giles st How P. H. Magdalen st Huddon Uobert, Rose la . Hugham Wm. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours: Hunter J. W. Common Pump st J ackson J. Fish gate st Knevett Henry, St. Magdalen st . Knevett C. St. Benedict st, St. Grcgorys Land John. St. Peter's Mancroft Larkman William, King st Le Neve Charles, Fishgate st, St. Edmtwd~ Lincoln John, King st Lincoln J. M. Thorn la Lock John, Ber st
NOR.lflCH. NORFOLK. NORWICH CLASSlFICATION, continued. Long J. P. St. J ames's st, St. J a mess Love Frederick, St. George s Colegate Manning It. Muspole st, St. George's Colegate Manning S. St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls Marshall Robert, Bridge st, St. Marys Marshall Robert, Regent st, St. Stephens Mayston Jno. St. Stephen's st Mirrell Robert, King st Mitcbell F. G. Tombland Myhill B. St. Martin's Palace st Nelson William, .Magdalen st Page Mary, St. John'5, Madder market Pinching W. Bothel st. St. Peter's Mancroft Pinching Wm. Queen st, St. Stephens Pitcher T. Bull close, St. Pauls Platt Francis, King st Pooley Richard, 3 Charing cross, St. John's Madder market Poulterer W. St. George's bridge, St. George's Colegate Reeves John, St. Mary st, St. Mary Coslany Richards W. Wens urn st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Riches James, Wensum st, St. Benedict's Sadler Wm. St. Giles's st Silvey R. Ber st Smith James, St. Mary's plain, St. Mary Staff John, St. Giles's ~>t Stafford William, Elm hill Steward John, Ber st Stockings J onathan, Gregory st, St. Gregorys Story J ames, St. Augustine st Tann John, Cow hill, St. Swithins Thompson J. West Pottergate st, St. Giless Thurston Carnaby, New Catton, St. Clements Timgate William, Golden Ball st, St. John's, Timber hill Tuck James, St. Giles's st Wall Sarah, Bear yd, Market pl, St. Peter's Man croft Ward Geo. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Watson J. Orford hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Watts John, Pottergate st, St. Lawrences Webster G. Barrack st, Pock thorpe 'Velton W. Upper Westwick st, St. Bennetts West Edward, New Catten, St. Clements Wharstall W. Coslany st, St. Michael Coslany Whitehead Philip, Upper market, St. Peter's Man croft Wilch James, King st Winter Ambrose, Timber hill Winter John, St. Margaret's plain ' Winter Samuel, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak . ' Youngs John, St. Stephen's st Barrister.-Cooper, Wm. White Lion st, St. Peter's Mancroft Ratlls Pentney Richal'd, Castle meadow Basket makers. Gray Mary, Uppr 1\Iarket, St. Peter's 1\lancroft Greene Wm. St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Horrell William, Chacing cross, St. John's lYliddlemarket Gay Elizabeth, Tombland Kent Henry, Cowgate st Kettle J ames, King st Mason Samuel, Ber st l3ed Sacking maker. Bidwell Benj. St. Augustines Beer Retailers. Alden W. Botolph st, St. Augustincs Arminger William, Thorn la Bacon William1 Jlotolph st, St. Saviours Norfolk.] 0 NoRwicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Banham Nathaniel, All Saints green Barker Joshua, Barrack st, Pock thorpe Barrett G. Howard st, Grove pl~ Bell John, Botolph st, St. Saviours Berry James, St. Andrew's plain Betts Samuel, St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Bett.; Samuel, St. Martin's Palace plain Blyth Norman, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Brad berry J. King st Bl'ay R. Be1· st Brett Thomas, Cowgate st Briggs John, Her st Brittain Anthony, St. Martin's Palace plain Brown Jo~n, Charing cross, St. John's Mad· der market Browne William, Tooley st, St. Mary Buckenham Wm. Barrack st, Pockthorpe Bush John, Castle st, St. Pet-er Mancroft Bush Thomas, Mousehold heath Campling George, Magdalen st Camplin Jacob, St. Magdalcn st, St. Pauls Capes William, Cowgate st Carey Mich. Orford hill, St. Peter Mancroft Cattermoul Jos. Botolph st, St. Augustines Cold ham John, Bishop's brid?:e Cooper Thomas, St. James's St. James's Crotch William, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Cullem John, St. Lawrence steps Curtis Robert, Magdalen st Daniels William, Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Dean Thomas, Castle ditches Digby William, Silver rd, Pockthorpe Dover John, St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls Drewell Robert, St. Martin's Palace st Dunch Denmenk, Cowgate st Earl John, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours En gall J os. St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls English Mark, St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls Eve George, Cowgate st Fair Thomas, Bishop's bridge Fairhead James, Back la, SL. Benedict Fisher Da,•id, King st Ford Thos. Cowgate st Fuller Robert, King st l~urnish James, Ber st Gale Benjamin, St. Martin's Palace plain Gedge George, St. Swithin's plain Gesling \Villiam, King st gate Gifford Thomas, St. l\1agdalen st, St. Pauls Gooch Augustus, Peacock st, St. Edmunds Goodman George, St. Stephen Back st Guok David, Bishopsgate st Gravc:n Abraham, Ber st Green John, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Green John, Bishopsgate st Griston L. Bull close, St. Pauls Hall John, Sussex st, St. Clements Ilarbord Elizabeth, St. Giles st Havers Mary Ann, St. Stephens Herbard James, Coslany st, St. Mary's Coslany Ilerth Edward, Barrack st, Pockthorpe IIewittJas. UpperWestwick st,St. Benedict llolmes Christ. Philadelphia, St. Clerr:ents Ilolmes Edrr..und, \Vensum st, St. Swithin Holsworth Thomas, Bishop's bridge Ilowes James, \Vellington st, St. Giles Hughes Thomas, King st Humes Robert, St. Martin's oak Jackson J. Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Lacy Elizabeth, St. j ames's st, St. J ames 97
NORFOLK. NORWICH. • NoRWICH CLassiFICATION, continued. Lake John, Bridge st St. George Colegate Lambert Robert, World's End Lancaster Jas. Up W estwick st, St. Gregory's Lifford Thomas, King st Maltster William, Wens urn st, St. Ben edict Mann James, Castle meadow Mars hall John, Bank st, St. Michael at Plea Mason John, Orfor~ hill Middleton Jer. Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Milnes C. St. Margaret' s plain, St. Margarets M inns John, Magdalen st Moore John, Rising Sun la Moo re J os. Wen sum st, St. Simon & St. J ude Muffett S. Bishopsgate st Nelson Thomas, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Newman William, Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Nicholla William, Botolph la, St. Augustines Page Henry, St .. Martin's ]a ' Pank M. A, Ber st, St. John's Timber hill Parish Samuel, Ber st Parr James, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Peekover Hill, Church st, St. Michael Coslany Piller Mary, Lower Westwick st, St. Margarets Pinching Mary, Pottergate st, St. Margarets Playford Armr. King st Pudnum Job, St. Magdalen st, St. Clements Ramm John, King st :Read Joseph, Chapel Field rd, St. Giles Riches Thomas, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Russell Wil1iam, .Golden Ball st, St. Michaei at Thorn Ryall Henry, St. Margaret st Scott William, St. Magdelen st, St. Panls Seeley Samuel, All Saints st Short Henry, Duke's Palace st Slater John, Botolph st, St Augustine's Smith James, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Smith William, New Catton, St. Clements Spinks John, Cowgate st Stewardson Nathaniel, Cow~ate st Stratford J. Upper W estwick st, St. Lawrence Storey James, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Surflin William, Cowgate st Taylor John, St. Martin's Palace st Taylor John, St. James's st, St. James's Taylor William, New Catton, St. Clements Tench Wm. King st, Crooks pl, St. Stephens Thorpe William, Heighland st, St. Benedict Thrower Noah, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Thwaites John, King st Turner Abel, J ulian pl. St. Stepens Tye Robert,. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Ulting Charles, Pitt st. St. Georges Warnes Rohert, St. Ann's la Warren George, Philadelphia, St. Clements Watts Elizabeth, Castle st, St. Peter Mancroft Watts Jane, King sl Webb Rich. Bridge st, St. Michael Coslany Westgate R. Coslany st, St. Michael Coslany Wilson Thomas, Wensum st, St. Benedict Woodward Robert, St. Benedict st, St. Swithin Woodcock John, Crook's pi - Woods John, Wensum st, St. Swithins Woollard John, Elm hill Yallop Jeremiah, Lower Westwick st Belt Hangers. Boswell John, St. Andrew•s hill Land William, Graham et, Upper market, St. Peter•s Mancroft Rogers John, Pottergate st, St. John's Madder market Sel~ Thomas, Lobster la, St. John's, Madder · market 98 NoRWICH CLASSIFICA.Tio'N', continuel Birmingham q Sheffield Wharehouse. Hatch Chr~ top her, Post Office st Blacking Wharelwuses ~ Manufacturers.-Godfrey John, Rampant Horse st, St. Stephen's Warner William, Rose la Blindmakers. Browne William; St. Stephen's st, St. Stephen'& Jackson John, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephen's Westfield James, Timber hill Boarding House.-Knights William, Castle ditches Boat Builders. Freeman J. St. Ann's la Mar1n Chris. King st Bombasine Mamifacturers. Bolingbrooke, Enfield, & Co. (and Shawl and General), Colegate, St. Clements Clare Francis, (and Crapedresser) St. Mary's Daynes John, St. Augustine's Gunton Thomas, sen. Pitt st, St. Augustine Massey and Lambert, Pitt st, St. Augustine Middleton Charles, St. George's, Colegate Shickle, Towler, Camplin, and Matthews, Elm hill, and 57 Friday st, Cheapside Bone Merchants and Dealers. Bagshaw Ab. Quay side, St. Martin at palace Bray J. M. St. Martin•s palace plain Budd John, King st Taylor William, King st Bonnet Makers. Blofield M. (and Milliners), Rose la Culyer Maria, Gregory st, St. Gregory's Book Binders. Bush George, Bridge st, St. Andrew's Coote George, Hay hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Davy John, Pottergate st, St. Andrew's Grinter E. Charles, Middle st, St. George's Cole~ate Jungus, Joseph, Gregory st Muskett Charles, Bridewell al, St. Andrew's Quinton Wm. and George; Pottergate st, St. Gregory's U pcroft W. St. Magdalen st Booksellers. Bacon, Kinnebrook & Bacon, londonst Bowles J. S. London st, St. An drew'~ Charlwood Arthur, Bridewell al Craske Thomas, London st Cupper Jas. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephen's Denley William, Southergate st, St. Mary's Fletcher J osiah, Upper Haymarket, St. Peter's Man croft Gooch R. White Lion st, St. Peter~s Mancroft J arrold & Sons, 8 London st, St. Peter's Man· croft Johnson William, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Kitton George, 42 London st, St. Andrew's Lemmon, -, Pottergate st, St. John's, Madder market M uskett Charles, Bri.<Jewell al, St. Andrew'& Nash Spooner, Charing cross, St. Gregory's Price R. Castle Meadows Rose John, CasL]e st, St. Peter's Mancroft Shalders John, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Smilh J. St. Giles's st Stacy John, 5 Gentlemen's walk, Old Hay market, St. Peter's Mancroft Woodrow W. Bank plain, St. Michael at Plea Boot o/ Shoemakers. Abbs Zechariah, Bridge st, St. Mary's Agar William, Barrack st Anthony W. Bridge st, St. Micbaef, Coslany Baker John, Princes st, St. Michael at Plea Banes James, St. James's st, St. James'S Base William, Bridge st, St, Michael, Coslany Basey Richard, Bull close, St. Paul's
NORWICH. NORFOLK. ~==~~===============:========~~============ NoRWICH ~LASSIFICATION, continued. NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. ' Batchelder Stepben, Quay side, Sts. Simeon Palmer J. Middle st, St. George's, Colegatcr and J ude Parker Samuel, Middle st, St. Augustine Batterbee Josh. Ber st Phillips J. St. Catherine's plain Benns Henry, 4 Gnnn la, St. Stephen's · Riches J. Bridge st, St. George's, Colegate Blyth Butts William, Bethel st, St. Peter's Robert J ustus, Charing cross Man croft Rogers J. 17 Exchange st, St. Peter's Mancroft Boast William, St. Gregory's churchyard, St. Sampson Will!am, Pottergate st, St. Giles , Gregory's Stapleton Robert, St. John's, Madder market Borrell Robert, 5 Exchange st, St. Peter's Starling T. Botolph st, St. Augustine Mancroft Syder S. Lobster la, St. John's Madder mrkt Boult Henry, St. Giles's hill Tenta William, St. Stephen's st Bowtell, T. Dav~y pl, St. Peter's, Mancroft Tennington E. Golden Ball st, St. John's, TimBroadfield George, New Catton, St. Clements ber hill Brown & Son, Davey pl, St. Peter"s Mancroft Thistle James, Pottergate st, St. Margarets Brown William, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory's Tillyard A. C. St. Magdalen st Bull Isaac, Back of the Inns, S • Peter's Till yard Robt. Prince's st, St. Peter's Hungate Burrell lames, St. Magdalen st Tillyard Robert, Elm hill Calver Josh. Elm hill Tillyard William, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mane Cann John, Middle st, St. George's, Colegate Tinkley Sam. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Cannell John, St. John st Tompson William, Bethel st, St. Giles Caulk, Francis, All Saints Toyster Thomas, Angel st, St. Peters Challis John, 43 London st, St. Andrew's Turner E. Orford hill, St. George's Tombland Clark Isaac, Botolph st, St. Augustine's Turner Stephen, New Catton, St. Clements Clarkes J ames, St. Gregory's churchyard, St. Turner Thomas, St. Martin's, Palace st · Gregory's Twogood William, Duke st, St. Marys Collins James, Daveypl, St. Peter's Mancroft Walpole Robert, St. Gile's gate, St. Giles Cox John, St. Magdalen st Wiggett John, Upper King st Cox Robert, Red Lion st, St. Stephen's Wilkin Henry, Pottergate st, St. Swithins Cox Robert, Bridewell al, St. Andrew'll Williams James, Wastle Gate st Cullington Mary, Elm hill Winter C. 9 Upper mkt st, St. Peter's Mane Duffield John, Timber hill Woolmer C. A. Bridge st, St. George's Colegt Durrent Robert, Opposite the Guildhall, Mar- Wright Eliz. Cattle Market hill, St. John's Eagleton John, St. Catherine's plain English Robert, Wastlegate st ket pl Timber hill Wright Robt. London st, St. Andrews Ford W. Davey p1, St. Peter's Man croft Franklin William and Charles, 11 London st, St. Peter's Mancroft Frary Robert, St. Magdalen st Frost John, St. Gregory's churchyard, St. Gregory's Gook David, Bishopsgate st Gordon John, Gregory st 'Hall Samuel, Lobster la, St.: John's, Madder market Hammond William, St. Stephen Back st Harrison Charles, St. Marv's plain, St. Mary's Harrison C. Cross la, St. George's, Colegate Harrison R. Elm hill Harrison William, Elm hill Hewett G. C. Wastlegate st Hip pens W. Bridge st, St. George's, Colegate Holliday James, Botolph st, St. Saviour's Holoday J ames, Botolph st, St. Augustine Homes John, Surrey st, St. Stephens Horne R. 3 & 12 Cockey la, St. Peter's Mancroft Howes Ab. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Kemp Isaac, 67 St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Kent Henry, 22 White Lion st, St. Peter's lMancroft Lanbam G. Hern~s la Lubback W. Pitt st, St. Augustine Mann, Samuel, St. Magdalen st :Martin G. St. Gregory's chyd, St. Gregorys Miller S. P. Peacock st, St. Edmunds Mingay C. 7 Hay mrket, St. Peter's Mancroft Minus W. Back of the Inns, St. Peters Nortonholl G. Castle st, St. Peter's Mancroft Nott J ames, Middle st, St. Gebrge's Colegate Ormsby John, St. Stephen's st Palmer J. Sussex st, St. Clements Brass Founders. Dixon Thomas & Son, St. Andrew's ' Broad st Foster & Waite, No. 2 St. Giles st Francis J. & Blyth T. Buff Coat la Holmes John, Rising Sun la . Howlett & Baeon, All Saint's green Spark A. Thorn la , Watts J"arnes, Rose la • Bra~iers. Alden Arther, Crook's Place, St. Stepben's Bedford Charles, Rampant Horse st, St. Step hens Bedford Philip, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Gilham Rbt. St. Martin's la, St. Martin's oak Marrison, William, Church st, St. Michael Merton Robert, St. Lawrence Coslany Scott Samuel, Charing cross, St. John's Madderrd Stubbs Edward, jun. St. Andrew's Broad st, St. John's Madder mrkt Swann David, St. Magdelen st Vincent Henry, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Waite William, London st, St. Andrews Brewers. Bullard & Watts, St. Mile's Bridge. Clarke Hannah, Coslany st, St. Michael Crawshay Richard, St. Stephen's st Davy J. Calvert st, St. Saviours Dean William, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Heigham Richard, Magdalen st Howell William, Goat la, St. Gregorys Kidd Archibald, St. Benedict Maltman J ames, S. Ben edict st, St. Swithins Massey Thomas, St. Stephen's rd Mollett Rising, Cowgate st Steward, Paterson,~ Finch &J Co. :Barrack st, l Pockthorpo Tompson, C. K. & H. K. Kin~ st W estod Charles, Bridge st, St. George Colega,te 99
• NORFOLK. NORWICH . NonwicH CLASSIFICATION", continued. Whitehead Wm, Bridge st, St. George's Colegt Y oungs & Burt, King st Brickloye,·s. Barber William, St. Martin's Palace st lhsey J. Cowgate Bell John, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Blake William, St. Jamc's st · Chapman S. Cowgate sl Calm~n G. & .T. Castle meailow . Fairhead Charles Lawrene.e, Cow hill, St. Giles Hopson John, Castle ditches J_acey John, St. Gregorys G. All Saint's green Ling William, St, Stephen Back st Rowe William, Ber· st Smith William, St. Stephen Back st Thompson John, 'Fishgate ~t, St. Edmunds Wiseman Richard, Bull close, St. Pauls Wiseman Uobert, St. Magdalens Brick Merchants. Coakes Richard, Kingsgate British ffTine Dealer.~. Diver 0. A. Up Market pl Mann Ann, Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Broad Hoop 9' Rim Maker. Hardy William, Middle st, St. George's, Colegate Broke1·s.-Abel T. Pitt st, St. Augustiue's Campling John, St. Magdalen st Hart Philip, Botolph st, St. Sa,·iour's Hudbard J. Bishopsgate st Jeffer Benjamin, Bridewell al, St. Andrew's Mason S:uah, St. Gregory's Churchyard, St. Gregory Sutton Richard, St. Magdalen st · Vincent Henry, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Brusl1makers. Bradfield James, Cockey la Brown John, St. Magdalen st • Deacon John, St.Augustine'sst, St. Augustine's Edgar Francis, Crook's pi, St. Stephen's Gay Mary, Up Market, St. Peter's l\lancroft Hutchin John, Bridewell al, St. Andrew's Knight Samuel, St. Andrew's hill, St. Andrew's Leeds Thos. London st, St. Andrew's Long Wm. St. Stephen's st Page S. D. & Son, 23 Old Haymarket, & Market pi Robinson R. 6 Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Rogers Henry, Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Scott John, St. Step hen's Scott Peter Thomas, lVhite Lion st, St. Peter's Man croft Builders. Bell J. S. Peacock st, St. Edmund Brown Edward, King st BwwnE.' Agus, Theatre st, St. Stepheu's Darkin & Son, St. Magdalen st, St. Clement's Darkins & .Blake, St. Gcorge's plain, St. George's Colegate Fisher Thos. St. John Madder mkt .Fisher T. St. Andrew's Broad st Fox William, Coslany st, Sr. Michael Coslany Gaze M. King st Hood Robert, Sussex st, St. Clement's Mandall John, Princes st, St. Peter's Hungate Ollett Wm. Lower Close, Life's green Pentry Richard, Castle meadow Pigg J. Peacock st, St. Edmund Uobinson John, Cowgate st Romp James, Colegate st, St. Clement's :Stannard John, St. George's plain, St. George's Colegate Stout Samuel, Pottergate st, St. Gregory's Tillett Abel, Princes st, St. Michael at Plea Tinkler John, St. Magdalen st White Jeremiah,. N~w rd, Horns la Butchers. Archer Jc.-sse, Tooley st, St. Marys ']00 • NoRwiCII CLASSIFICATION, continued. Bell Sarah, V pper Vr est wick st, St. Laurence Bowles R. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Burroughs J. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Ch<.~pman Samuel, St. Gile's ~ate, St. Giles Christmas Thos. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Corden William, Magdalen st, St. Mary~ Davis Bartholomew, King st Davy William, Bridge st, St. George's ~olegate Dawson John, Magdalen st . Day & Stockings St. Gile's st English Richard, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens George Thomas, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak George William, Lakenbam Hall rd Goodson G. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Hall Charles, King st · Hallows J. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Harrison F. Elm hill Head John, Ber st Howard J. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Baker John, Tombland Aylett L. Tomblancl Lamb C. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Lamb James, Market pl, St. Peter's Manc1·oft Leggett Cobbs, St. Augustin's Tiotolph st LinJtead S. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Lowden James & John, Marketpl, St. Peter's Man croft 1\larshall A. Distillery st, West Pottergate st Moore, Josh. Magdalen st Parr Thomas, Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Powell Robert, St. Martin's Palace pl Pycroft Ann, St. James's st, St. James Pycroft N. St. Magdalen st, St. Pauli 1 Pycroft Thomas, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Ralphs Geo. Botolph st, St. Augustine lludd Noak, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Scarlett Edward Michael, St. Gile's st Walker J. Church alley, St. Michael's Coslany 'Vard Randall, Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Watts Thos. Bridge st, St. George's Colegate Wiseman Mary, St. Magdalen st, St.:Saviours Wood Henry E. Timber hill Butter ~· Egg Dealer. Woodrow William, Lower W estwick st. St. Lawrence Cabinet Makers. Bell E. Peacock st, St .. Edmunds Bell John, Gregory st, St. Gregory Blazeby John, Norgate court Chamberlain C. Bridge st, St. George's Colegate Claxton T. Back of the Inns, St. Peter's Mane. Clements John, St. Giles's st Crow J. Lower St. Lawrence st, St. Gregorys Currey William, St. Stephen's gate Gray Joseph, Dove st, St. Peter's Mancroft Hales J. St. Gregory's Churchyd, St. Gregorys Kerry John, Lower Westwick st, St. Lawrence Miller Ruth, St. Michael at Plea Ringer Eliz. Rampant Horse st, St. Stepbens Ringer J. Ber st Scott, S. Lower Westwick st, St. Lawrence Scott William, Ber st Smith Benjamin, St. Martin's, Palace st Wooltorton James, Bethel st, St. Giles Cane Worker. Dyer W. E. Ber st Carpenlers.-Allen Rice, St. Magdalen st Bailey Robt. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Brewster Edmund, Orford st • Brooks William, St. Martin's Palace st Ell is John, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Fish John, Surrey road Grimmer Thos. St. Martin's la, St. Clements Havers Chas. Chatham pl, St. Stephens Hill Samuel, Rose yd, St. Augustine
NORWICII. NORFOLJ{, NoRwicH CLASSIFICATioN, wntinued. Joy Thomas;, Pottergate st, St. Margarets King Thomas, Cow hill, St. Giles Leech Wm. St. Martin's la, St. Martin's oak Matthews James, St. Magdalen st Moore Jas. Middle st, St. George's Coiegate Quintan S.iChurch alley, St Michael's Coslany Stone William, 1\ing st Wales William, Wellington yd, St. Stephen's st Walker James, St. Benedict st, St. Gregorys Woodrow J. Cowgate Carpenters ~· Builders. Aldertotf Mrs. Calvert st, St. George's Colegate Bensley John, All Saint's green Brook Thomas, Bridge st, St. Andrews Hall Henry, Bethel st, St. Giles Mear William, Horn's la, King :st, St. Juli:m Munns G. W. Castle meadows Pearce R. Pottergate st, St. John's Maddermkt Rollings William, All Saint's green Soul William, Pottergate st, St. Giles Stearman Francis, St. Andrew's st Underwood John, King st Worm an John, Castle meadow Carpet Warhse. Ling & Son, Brdwl al, & Pottrgte st Carriers. Adcock, St, Giles's st Aldis, St. Stephens Armis, St. Margarets Austin John, St. Gregorys Barham Robert, Market pl Barnard John, St. Peters Barnes, St. Benedict Barrett, St. Stephens Barton, St. John's Madder mkt Bean, Orford hill Beard, St. Stephens Belsham, St. Giles Berrisford, St. Georges Bert. St. Stephens Betts, Madder mkt Bolton John, Madder mkt Boughey, St. Peters Broughton, St. Stephens Boult Henry, St. Giles hill Bowen John, Market pl Broome, Hole in the "\\'~all la Brown, St. Mary's palace Brown, St. Benedict Brown, St. Stephens Brown Thomas, St. Marys Buck, St. Peters Burton, St. Magdalen st Burton, from the Pope's Head, Burton, Duke's palace Candler, St. Benedict Carreson, William, Lobster la Carter, St. Peters Carter, Betbel st Chaprnan, St. Peters Chilvers, St. Stephens Clarke, Thomas, St. Lawrence Coates, St. Peters Crowe, St. Stephens Crowe, Madder mkt Cutton, St. Mary at palace Debenham, St. Stephens Edwards, St. Peters Edwards, Haymarket Elgood, St. Magdalen st Emery, Tombland Fairbead, St. Peters Farrell George, St. Lawrence Fickling, G. St. Stephens . • NoRwicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Fiske,FSt. Stephens :Flint, St. Peters Foyster J oseph, Market pl Framlingham, St. Stephens Fmsdick James, St. Magdalcn st Fulsher, St. Benedict Gagpn, St. Peters Gardiner, Maddet· mkt Goose, Tombland Gotts, Madder mkt Green J osh. St. Gregorys Ilarvey, St. Peters Hogg Robert, Market pl Howes Robert, St. Pelers Hubbard, Bethel st Jarvis, St. Magdalen st Jessup, St. Stephens Jessep John, St. Peters J ohnson, St. Stephens , Kemp, St. Stephens Lack William, St. Magdalen st Lawn, St. Peters Laycock, Dukes palace Layt, St. Giles Leeds, St. Peters Leeds, St. Michaels Leggett, St. Stephens, Mack, Deacon & Co. 73 St. Giles st Mack Robert, St. Peters Marsharn, St. Peters Mendham, St. Giles Mickleborough, St. Stephens Neville, St. Benedict Newstead, Scale green N unn, St. Giles Ostler, St. Benedict Palmer, St. Magdalen st Payne, St. Giles Pells, St.l\Iargarets Plumley, St. Peters Poppy J onathan, Market pl Purdy, Davey pl Raver, St. Peters Rayston, St. Giles Reeve, St. Stephens Reynolds, St. Giles Rice, Duke•s palace Riches, St. Peters Ri,·an, St. Magdalen st Shilling John, St. Peters Sizland, St. Lawrence Slater James, St. Magdalen st • Smith John, Madder market Smith William, Market pl Spooner Robert, St. Magdalen st Spooner Robert, Madder mkt Spome, St. Giles Stearman, St. Giles Summons Robert, St. Georges Sykes, St. Stephens Tingay & Taylor, St. Benedict Towler, St. Giles Trollop, St. Benedict Tuddenham, William, St. Miles Tyrrell, King st Utton, Bridge st, St. Georges Waters, St. Martin's palace Watts, St. Magdalen st Whatt, Tombland st White, Timber hill Wilkins Jarnes, St. Magdalen st Willi~ms John, St.Lawl·ence 101
N011FOLK. NORWICH. NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Woodcock William, St. Marys W oodham, St. Ben edict Woolmer-Samuel, White Lion st Woolmer, St. Stephens Wright, King st Carvers er Gilders.-Cushing Charles, Lawrence' la, St. Lawrence Ladbrooke Robert~ Whiti Lion st, St. Peter's .Man croft Tarte F. J. L. St. An drew's hill Thurtle Thomas, St. Magdalen st Townsend Samuel, 77 St. Stephen's st, St. Stepben's Chairmakers. Currey William, St. Stephen's gate Gilman John, Back of the Inns Kerry John, Lower \Vestwick st Cheesemongers.- Slater William, Old Haymarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Winter R. Wen sum st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Chemists, qc. Alldred Charles, 70 St. Stephen's st, St. Stephen's Boutell George Henry, Market pl, St. Peter's Man croft Coldwell & Co. Colegate st, St. G;eorge's Colegate Coulman J. S. St. Step hen Cross Charles, Bridge st, St. Michael Coslany Cross Charles, King st Cubitt Geo. Up Market,' St. Peter's Mancroft Dixon A. Exchange st, St. Peter's Mancroft Drosier Fred. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephen's Fitch& Chambers, Mkt pi, St. Petr, Mancroft Fro mow Wm. St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Giddens John, Up Westwick st, St. Lawrence Grant Thomas, Ber st Greeves J. W. St. J ames st, St. J ames's Hart Edward, 14 London st, St. Andrews Johnson George, St. Giles st Lowns Benjamin Thom13son, Post-Office !it, St J ohns, Madder mkt Moore Jas. Brett, Haymkt, St. Petr, Mancroft N otley Henry, Crooks pl, St. Step hens Priest Robert Raven, 1 St. Giles st Roope J osiah, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Rudd John, Bridge st, St. Michael's, Coslany Smith & Son, St. Magdalen st. Sothern Ge. 13 Gentlemen's wk, St. Ptrs Man Spatchett James, St. Johns, Madder mkt Squires Paul, London st, St. Andrews Stacey Wm. Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & Jude Stacy Geo. White Lion st, St. Peter Mancroft Thompson Hen. 78 St. Stephens st, St. Stphns Watson Edward, King st \Voolner John, St. Andrews plain . NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued' Murry Rebecca, Post-Office st, St. J obns Peacock Abraham, St. J ohns Seal S. 37 London st, St. Andrews Y ates William, Davey place, St. Peters Clockmaker.-Wittman G. Pottergate st, St. Andrew Clothiers. Bayes & Son, Orford hill Bennett Wm. Wensum .st, Sts. Simeon & Jude Blyth John, Davey pl Chaplin Moon, St. Lawrence steps, St. Bendict Claxton Robt. Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Claxton Thomas, 5 & 8 Orford hill Cocks Thomas, W estwick st, St. Benedict Cox Mary, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Cristen Friday, Botolph st, St. Saviours Davis George, London st Draper Mary, Orford hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Fro mow John, St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls Hardeman Rob. St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Hare John; W t!Stick st, St. Benedict Lake James, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Medler Edw. Princes st. St. Michael at Plea Pank James, St. John's Madder mkt Proome J ames J oseph, Pitt st, St. Mary Steward James, Elm hill Coachmakers. Adams Hooper & Jolly, St. Stephen's gate Hart Philip, Red Lion st Howes Jos. & Jas. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Nobbs William, Castle ditches, St. Stephens Peirson W illiam, St. Stephen's st, St. Peters Scott F. G. Ber st Stanhaw Geo. St. Magdalen st, St, Pauls Woodcock Charles, Orford hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Coal Dealers.-Ar~uss Thos. Barrack st, Pockthorpe Crane Fras. King st Crawe Mary, Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Cupper J. Rampant Horse st Fiddyman Samuel, King st Juby Thomas, King st Orsborn R. Winsum st, St. Swithins Suffolk William, Crook's rw, St. Stephens W at son Thomas, King st · ~ Wheekham William, King st Wickham William, King st Y eamei S. King st Coal Merchants.-Bell Wm. St. Margaret's plain Bessy J ames, Bridge st Brown Frederick, King st Cross John, St. Benedicts Dowson & Son, Duke's palace Dowson B. A. & Sons, King st Dunn J. Quay side, Sts. Simeon & J ude~ Hall Robt. St. Botolph's st, St. Augustines Chimney Sweepers. Blake W. St. J ames st, St. J as's. Hankes Wm. & Son, Church st. Bougen John Hart, (and Nightman) Lr Westwick st " WooffWm. (and Fire Extinguisher) Charing cross, St. John's, Madder mkt China, Glass, ~c. Dealers Carver John, 72 St. Step hens st, St. Stephens Cooke Edward, St. Magdalen st Ho ward J. P. Fishgate Kett Ann, King st Kett Henry, King st Kilburn Wm. St. Stephen's st .. St. Stepbens Mealing & Mills, King st Merry Robert, King st,-honse, Wilderness Cope Thomas, Market pl, St. Peter's Mancrft Eastaugh Nathanl. 6 White Lion st, St. Peter's Man croft Forrester John, St. Martins's Palace st Gill John, St. Giles's st Heap Wm. Charing cross, St. John's Madder market Howard Hen. RamEant Horse st, St. Stephens J arvis Francis, Timber Hill st Meadows Geo, St. Magdalen st~ St. Saviours 102· . Newrd Mtles George, Bishopsgate st . Pope Robert, St. J ames's pi, St. J amess ReadS. G. Quay side . Read Thos. Cathedral close Riches R. S. King st Sexton & Co. Bridge st, St. George'~t Colegate Spanton F. Timber hill Tiddiman Samuel, King st Watson Edward~ King st
NORWICH. NORFOLK. NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Colourmen.-Brady Gosker, St. Andrew's hill, St. Coppen E. Tombland Combmakers. Harvey John, Timber hill Andrews Shepherd John, King st Corifectioners. Black T. & Raynes, Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Mancroft Greenfield Harriet, St. Michael's Coslany Harris Wm. Magdalen st Harrison J. Middle st, St. George's Colegate Lock C. 7 Exchange st, St. John's Madder market Lownd John, Gregory st, St. Gregorj's Myhill Ann, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Nichols Edward, King st - NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Spratt William, Hay hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Tiddiman Samuel, King st , Cotton winder. Geary Wm. Botolp st, St. Augustine Cowkeepers. George William, Horn's lane, King st Sharman Richard, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Curiosity Dealer. Dunning Ths. St. Benedicts gates Curriers. Angel, John, Golden Ball st, St. Johns Archer Samuel, Rampant Hrse st, St. Stephns Bere Samuel, Bridge st, St. George's Colgate Boult Henry, St. Giles st, St. Giles Cousins, J. G. Up Mrkt, St. Peter's Mancroft Culyer Rd. Burford, Charing cross, St. Georges Elliot, Robert, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Hanworth George, 16 White Lion st, St. Peter's Mancroft Raynes M. I. Gentlemen's walk, St. Peter's Howell John, Castle ditches Mancroft Skippon Joseph, Orford hill Silvey W. White Lion st, St. Peter's Mancroft Cutlers. Allison David Francis, Market pl, St. Stockings Jonathan, Gregory st, St. Greg0ry Peter's Mancroft Thurston Henry, St. Stephen's st Critchfield Sam. Marketpl1 St. Peter's Mancft Tuck James, St. Giles's st Whitlam Wm. Up West wick st, St. Lawrence Turner lsabella, Swan la, St. Andrews Dancing Masters. Lambert F. Queen st, St. George Wilson & Sons, Queen st, Bank pi, St. George's Tom bland Tombland Sizela.nd Adam, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancft Conveyancer. Cuddon James, St. Giles's st Dentists. J ones Wm. 25 London st, St. Andrews Coopers. Amy Thomas, Magdalen st Neel>, St. Andrew's hill, St. Andrews Ban ham George, King st. Sulhvan Charles, Post Ofiice st, St. John's Calthorpe C. London st, St. Andrews Madder mkt Calthorpe James St. Ann's la, St. Julia Drawing Master. Labrooke, J •. B. Bridge st, St. Collier Wm. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Andrew Dunn John, Ber st gate Dressing Machine Maker. Lamb D. T. Golden Leeds C. Kingsgate st, St. Edmunds Ball st, St. John's Timber hill Mason E. Colegate st, St. George's Colegate Drysalters. Judson & Wi]son, Colegate st, St. Merry R .Lobster la, St. John's Madder market George's Colegate Monsey J. Ber st Dyers <S" Dressers. Aid borough J ames, Calvert st, Monsey T. Upper Westwick st, St. Margarets St. Saviours Smith Francis, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Alder William, Botolph st, St. Augustines Tidman James, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak , Breeze Charles, St. Gregories Copperplate Printer. Dallinger Joseph, Davy pl, Brown Sarah, Tombland ~t. Peter's Mancroft Brown Wm. Duke st, St. George's Colegate Coppersmitl&$.-Foster & Waite, 2 St. Giles's st Bullen Samuel, Wensum st, St. Swithins Corkcutlers. Robinson Ann, Bridge st, St. George's Bush Francis, Prince's st, St. Peter's Hungate Colegate Carter J. Ber st ~Rose George, 68 St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Fletcher A. Quay side, St. Martin's at Palace J ames J. Bishop's bridge Gedge George, St, Swithins Corndealers. Bird J. St. Magdalen st . Hill Richard, Cow hill, St. Giles Boulton F. St. Catherine plain Horton T. & Son, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Gaze Jno. Golden Bali :st, St. Johns, Timbr hi Honghton David, St. Margarets Grand J. Golden Ball st, St. Michael at Thorn Howlett B. Lady's la, St. Pete1·'s Mancroft ·. King John, St. Augustine st, St. Augustines Hubard Robert, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Legwood Samuel, Ber st Jarrett T. Pitt st, St. Augustines Prentice Samuel, Gun la, St. Peter's .Mancroft Jary Joshua, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Howard J ames, St. Benedict J ohnson J. St. Augustine's st, St. Augustines· Rose Wm. Upper Westwick st, St. Benedict Kidd J.& R. Coslanyst, St. Michael's Coslany Cornmerclwnts. Barnard John, Bridge st} St Micbael Lane Harris, Elm st Coslany Metcalf Francis, Colegate st, St. Clement:> Batnard John, St. Michael Colegate .Mills S. Whitefriars, St. Martin's at Palace Bessey James, Bridge st, St. Lawrence Ramm Lee, St. Swithin's plain Brown Frank, King st Steward J. Bridge st, St. George's Co]egate Cross John, Dukt:!'s palace Tillett J. Quay side, Sts. Simeon & J ude Dowson & Son, Duke's palace, ·St. John's Yarington W. & Son, Wensum st, Sts. Simeon Madder market & J ude Dowson B. U ., & Sons, King st Earthenware Manufacturers o/ Dealers. Carr Wm. Hankes Wm. & Son, Church st, St. Michael · St. Benedicts Coslany Foulsham T. Bridge st, St. George's Colegate Ha$lewood C. J. & Co. Weaver's lane, St. Smith & Co. King st Peters Man croft Eating Houses. Burden J. Bridewell al, St. Andrews Kell Henry, King st Howman Sam. Pottergate st, St. Andrews Mealing & Mills, King st Merry Robert, King st, & Wilderness, New rd Miles George, Bishopsgate st Riches_ R. S. Kin~ st • Noble H. Weaver's la, Market. pl, St. Peter's Man croft Ostler C. Pudding 1a1 Market pl, St. Peter's Man croft 103
NORFOLK. NORWICH. NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued· NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, conti,lued. Worby R. Bridewell al, St. Andrews Savary Eliza, Timber hill Engineers. Francis J. & Blythe T. Buff coat la Steward Robt. Up Westwick !;t, St. Lawrence Jordan Edward, St. Giles's gate, St. Giles Stratford Wm. Up Westwick st, St. Lawrence ·watts James, Rose la Wilson & Sons, Queen st, Bank pl 'Wiseman John, 1\'Iuspole st, St. Mary's Furniture Broker~.-Able G. Ecr st Engravers. Bid well J oseph, Brigg's st, St. Stephens Blazely, Timber hiil Cushing Samuel, Surrey st, St. Stephens Brutf Robert, Elm hill Hall WiUiam, All Saiut's green Crawfoot William, Ber st Estate Agents Brown Thomas John, Bethel st, St. l~rceman William, St. Andrews Petds Mancroft Gurney Robert, St. Benedicts Hall James, Ten Bell's Ja, St. Switbins Howes T. S. Golden Ball st, St. J olm's Tmhrhl Newton & Woodrow, Tombland King Joseph, St. Magdaleu st, St. Saviours Norton J. W. Fishgate st Norris William, St. John's Madder mkt Spalding Francis, Little Orford st, St. Peter's Palrner George, St. John's Madder mkt Mancrofl Pooley Richard, 1 Charing cro~s, St. John's Fancy Repositories. Buttifant T. S. 1 Exchange st, Madder mkt St. Peter's .Mancroft Skoyles William, Up West wick st, St. Lwrnce Riches W. D. 46 London st, St. Andrews Watson Edward C. St. John':s Madder mkt Steel Geo. Queen st, lllank pl, St. George's Wornack George, Charing cross, St. John's Tom bland I Madder mkt Farriers. Batnes James Robert, Hay hill, St. Peter's Furriers. Bailey Eliz. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Mancroft Boardman Jas. 5 London st, St. Peter's Man. Coleman Jno. Wastlegate st Oakley Robt. Close, Tombland Shaldeis Thomas, Bank st, St. Stephen's Span ton S. Lobster la, St. John's madd~r Fellmongers. Haw kes R. W. Bethel st, St. Giles Hawkes Robert '\Villiam, Bethel st Fishmongers. Bagshaw Joseph, Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Bagshaw Joseph, St. Stephen's st Bagshaw Phrebe, Wensum st, St. Simeo,n & Jude Baldwin J. Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Barber James, St. Stephen's st Dunn Joseph, St.l,\Iagdalen st, St. Clements Dye A. Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Field Wm. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Gurney Samuel, Orford hill Jay Charles Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Jay Joshua, Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Pratt Wm. St. Peter's Mancroft Purding & Warnes, Fishmarket, St. Peter's l\1ancroft Purdy Simon, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Smith T. Fishmarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Weavers Wm. & Son, Fishmarket, St. Peter's Man croft Florist. Dover G. Cowgate st Flouifactors. Howe Ph. St. l\lagdalen st Robberds Henry, St. Andrew Broad st, St. John's Madder mkt Foundry. Sparke Mrs. Cattle Market hill, St. John's Timber hill Fountain Pump Patentee.-Sha1ders 'Villiam, Bauk pl, St. Michael at Plea French Teachn·. 1\Ions.Vieland, St. Ar1drew's Broad Fox J. 1 Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Potter Thomas & Co. 5 Geutleman's walk Game Dealers. Bagshawe Geo. Bridge st, St. Mary Bagshaw .T os h. St. Step hens st Bagshaw Phrebe,iWensnm st Smith Mary, Castle st, St. Peter's Mancroft Gardeners.-Butler Robert, Ber st El mer· J. Lower close . Frost G. Lower close Gore J. Lower close Massingham Luke, St. 1\fagdalen st,~St. Pauls Moore R. Lower close Wellbred .William, Lower close Gas Works. Bishopsgate st General Dealers. Able Robert, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak AJlen John, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Banting James, Bridge st, St. Mary Cocker W. J. Pottergate st, St. Andrews Eastough Henry, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Lacey & Co. Wensum st, St. Swithins · Page S. D. & Son, 23 Old Ilaymarket & Market pl Rivett, Harmer & Son, Old Post Office et, Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Gigmakers. Larke William, Surrey rd Meadows J onathan, St. Andrew·s plain Thurst J ames, Castle meadow Glass Mamff'actuurs 9· Dealers. Lovick Ann, Bridewell al, St. Andrews 1\liddieton John, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Swan George, 12 Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Ma.ncroft Wiseman Ann, 4 White Lion st. St. Pete1's Man croft st, St. John's Madder mkt Glovers.-Cullum Richard, King st Fruiterers. Bexfield William, Golden Ball st, St. Swan Thos. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Michael at Thorn Theobald Thos. St. Stephen's sq, St. Stephens Bradbrook Robt. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Theobald Thomas, London st, St. Peters Man. Bradbury Mrs. Swan lane, St. Andrews Tomlinson R. S. Castle st Buddy Richard, St . .Magdalen st, St. Pauls Goldsmiths. Etheridge G. & W. E. Market pl, Bullard Samuel, St. Stephen'i st St. Peter's .Mancroft Cousins James, St. Ben netts Rose Wiliiam Hay let, Theatre plain, St. Ernes William, St. Stephen's gate Peter's Mancroft }'ett John, Botolph st, St. Saviours Granery Keepers. Nokes Edward, Duke's palace Frost John, Red Lion st : Groat lllam.!facturers. De Caux William, St. Ste-o Gazely Jas. Lower Westwick st, St. Margarets phen"s gate llowell William, Coslany st, St. Martin's Oak Porter Robert, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Newton William, Swan lane, St. Andrews~ Groce1·s q Cheesemongers.-Blandon William, Ber st Roe J • Freeman, 44 London st Blyth S, A. Cos) any st, St. Michael's Coslany 104
NORWICH. NORFOLK. NoRwicH Cr.ASSIFICATioN, contjnued. Booty Esther, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Brittain Anthony, World's end Brock James, New rd, King st Burrowes Ann, St. Mag~alen st, St. Pauls Coe Charles, Coslany st, St. Martin''" oak Couzens B. St. Jame'l.'s st, St. James Eglington S. Barrack st, Pockthorpe Hamlet Ellis Ed w. Coslany st, St. Michaels Coslany Elsey W. Barrack st, Pockthorpe Evans George, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Frost Josh. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Gedge John, Bishopsgate st Gcneard John, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Goat William, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Goodown J. St. Martin's Palace plain Gray Richard, Ber st Hall Robert, St. Magdalen st Hannant Richard, King st Hart Angel, St. Peter's Mancroft Hodds Richard, Ber st A. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Kemp E. St. Margaret's plain, St. Margarets Kippin Josh, Ber st gate Mayhew James, St. Catherine's plain Miller Nath. St. Martin's Palace st Orford George, Ber st Owen Thomas, King st Patterson James, Heigham st, St. Benedict Peel E. Lower West wick st, St. Margarets Porter Samuel, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Pratt & Ringer, W ensum st, Sts. Simeon and Jude Roberts John, St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Skiles Samuel, St. James's st, St. James Spooner Christian, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Spurden M. A. Duke st, St. Michaels Coslany Sussanus Maria, W ~nsum st, St. Ben edict Tooke E. Ber st Turner E. Ber st Ward John, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Watts Samuel, Pottet·gate st, St. Giles Webster J. Golden Ball st, St. John's, Timber hill Weed Richard, Bishop•s bridge, Thorp Wilson George, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Wolsey Cardinal, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Grocers ~ Teildealers. Abbott Charles, 42 London st, St. Peter's Mancroft Alien J. H. Bank plain, St. Michael at Plea Amison Robert, Regent st Andrews C. St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Andrews R. Charing cross, St. John's Madder market Back Edward, Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's .Man croft Baker John. Crooks pl, St. Stcphens Balding William, St. Martin's oak Banks R & 1'. opposite the Guildhall & New Library opening, Market pl Bar bar John, 11 Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Mancroft Barkes R. & T. Bridge st, St. George's Colgate Bennett & Bream, Upper market, St. Peter's Mancroft Betts B. Coslany st, St. Michael's Coslany Brittel J. St. Stephen's st, St. Step hens Brown, Hall & Co. Ber st Bugden Thomas, Tooley st, St. Marys Bunting J. H. St. Mary's plain, St. Marys Burgess James, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Butcher J. & Son, St. Michael's at Plea Butterfant Yv. G. St. Magdal~n st, St. Saviours Nor[olk.J P NoRWlCH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Cannell James, St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Catchpole Jeremiah, Common Pump st Chamber Adw. Duke st, St. Michael'i Coslany Chandler M aria, Middle st, St. Georges Colegt Clarke James, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Copeman & Son, 14 Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's, Mancroft Coxford John, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Crawford Jno. Up Westwick st, St. Margarets Culyer Charles, St. Marys Curtis Charles, John Mann, White Lion st, St. Peter's, Mancroft Death Ann, London st, St. Andrews De Carle James, St. John's, Madder mrkt Diver Owen Albert, Upper Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Du rant J onas, Back Cotton rd, St. Clements Durant ltobert, Church st, St. Michael Coslany Dye Samuel, St. Stephen•s st Easter John, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Easto John, Up Westwick st, St. Lawrence Flight Charles, Orford hill Freeman Charles R. Cowgate st Freeman Charles & Robert, Upper mkt }'reeman Cha. & Robt. Upper mkt, St. Peler Man croft Giles Henry, Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Man croft Grant John, 9 London st Green Elizabeth, Botolph st, St. Augustines Hardesty John, Bridge st, St. George Colegate Hardisty William, St. Stephen's st Hardy James, Rampant Horse st, St. Step hens High George, New Catton, St. Clements Hill Hezekiah, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Holmes Charles, Philadelphia, St. Clements Howes John, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys _ Howlett Thos. Lr Westwick st, St. Margarets Ivory William, Queen st, Bank pl, St. George Tombland Jones Jane S. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Kerrison Simeon, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Kit ton John, Ber st ]~amb Charles Henry, 63 St. Giles's st Lee Thomas) Middle st, St. George's Colegate I~essey Samuel, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviour Lockett W. Pottergate st, St. Andrews Lott Wm. Charing er, St. John's Madder mkt Mann Edward Scott, St. John's Timber hill Marshall W. All Samts Mason H. St. George's ~olegate Mayston John, St. Lawrence steps Meadows Jon. Bridge st, St. Michael's Coslany Metcalf Jon. Church al, St. Michael's Coslany Millet Wm. St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls l\Iinns Isaac, King st, Crook's pi, St. Stephens Neve Eliza, Duke st Newman & Co. 7 Davey pl, St. Peter's Mncft N orgate J. & Co. St. Stephen's st, St. Stevens Norton J. W. rishgate st, St. Edmunds Norton Robert, St. Magdalen st, St. Clements Paston Chas. Church st, St. Micbael's Coslany Pye E. Bull close Pye W. M. St. Augustine's st, St. Augustine Rainer Frances, Botolph st, St. Augustine Ribbands Sarah, St. Benedict st Ringer J. M. St. Martins Palace st - Roe J. Freeman, 14, London st. St. Andrews Rudd Robt. St. Marys st, St. Mary's, Coslany Russell James, Tombland Saddler Willjam, St. Giles st Seelby Job, Middle st7 St .• George's, Colegate 10[)
;NORFOLK.. NORWICH. NoRwicH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Sharman James, Upper market, St. Peter's, Man croft Sheppard Thomas, Crooks pl, St. Stephen Shields D. Golden Ball st, St. Michael at Thorn • NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Lovett William, Golden Ball st, St. John's, Timber hill Marrin William, Duke st, St. Mary's · Middleton Edw. Pottergate st, St. Gregory's Mills William, Golden Ball st, St. John's TimSmith,.John, St. Stephen's st ber hill Smith John, Bethel st, St. Peter's, Mancroft Moore John, Ber st Smith William, New Catton, St. Clements Pearson William, Bull close, St. Pauls Spalders Edward,. Charing cross, St. John's, Plumstead R. Wensum st, Sts.Simeon & Jude Madder market Ray J. l.ower West wick st, St. Lawrence Sparkhall Alexander, Market pi, St. Peter's, Riches Edward, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Mancroft Ringer M. St. Ben edict st, St. Swithins Steel Henry, Bridge st, St. Marys Rolfe John, 27 Londoh st, St. Andrews Stubbs Edward, New Catton, St. Clements Rose R. Elm hill Sussums Wm. St. John's, Madder market Scatter J. Market pi, St. Peler's Mancroft Tailor Hill John, Pottergate st, St. Giles Smith John, St. Stephen's st Taylor H. Bridge st, St. George's, Colegate Stacey J. R. St. Augustine st, St. Augustines Tell Thomas, St. Marys plain, Sf. Marys Stingles D. St. Catherine's plain Tuck Nathaniel Henry, Church alley, St. Thorpe J. St. Mary's st, St. Mary's CosJany Michael's, Coslany Turner John, St. Benedict st, St .. Gregorys Warman W. Exchange st, St. John's, Madder Tyzack William Valentine, 2 White Lion st, market St. Peter's M~ncroft Watts Thomas, Crooks pl, St. Stephens Wade Robert, St. Michael at Plea Weyer Wm. Rose yard, St. Augustine Webb Richard, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Woods Samuel, Crooks pi, St. Stephens Wilson George, Kingsgate, St. Edmonds Woodstern Maria,Crooks pi, St. Stephens Hardwaremen.-Bray J. N. 12 London st Wright Wm. King st Knights G. Dove pl, St. John's Madder mkt Grmmakers. Dyball John, Brigg1 s st, St. Stephens Le•ine M. 6 Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Mayes Charles, Cockey la, St. John's Madder 'fuxford Ann, Castle st, :St. Peter's Mancroft market Harness Makers. Adams, Hooper & Jolly, .St. Ste· Morrison S .. Great Otford st, St. John Baptist phens gate Haherdaiheri~ . Bray J .. M. 12 London st, St. Gowan Charles, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Andrews Hart Pbilip, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Camp ling Abraham, London st, St. Andrews Howes J os. & Jas. Red Lion st, St. Step hens English Mary 8 Haymarket, St. Peter's, Hatters. Baker Wm. Davey pi, St. PetersMancroft Mancroft Barnard M. H. King st Hol'shead Thomas, Rigby court, St. Giles Beatley George, London st, St. Andre-ws Jennings, C. London st, St. Andrews Blyth J Davey pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Powell Hannah, 35 London st, St. Andrews Bwwn Thomas Coldwel1, 2 & 3 Exchange st Ransome James, 18 Gentleman's walk, St. St. Peter's Mancroft Peter's, Mancroft Bro~ne & Barker, 10 London st, St. Peter's Smith John, St. Giles. st Mancroft Whiting Susail, St. Andrews plain Claxton Robert, Davey pi, St. Peters Mancroft Hairdressers. Barnatd Wm. Upper market, St. Felstead E. Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Peter's, Mancroft Jennings Wm. Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Barnes John, Bethel st, St. Giles Mancroft Betts Thomas, Cockey la, "St. Johns, Madder Knight T. 9 London st, St. Andrews market Metealf J. Quay side, St. Martin at Palace • Bilby William, Pitt st, St. Georges Orton James, 1 Briggs la, St. Stephens Boughton Sam. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Potter T. & Co. 5 Gentleman's walk, St. PeButterfant Joshua, Golden Ball st, St. Jehn's, ter's Mancroft Timber hill Simpson W. Davey pi, St. Peter'» Mancroft Castle William, St. Peter's, Mancroft Tomlinson, R. S. Castle st, St. Andrews Craske Henry, St. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Tuxford William, Ber st Dearing Geo. Rampart Horse st, St. Stephens Hay Salesmen.-Cross John, Duke's palace Dew Brittiffe, King st Howard James, St. Benedicts Dixon Wm. Cattle Market hill, St. John's, Herald Chaser.--Herbert John; 31 Pottergate st, St. Timber hill Gregorys Edwards Edw. 40 London st, St. Andrews Horsedealer. Miller John, Rose la Fairman William, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Horsehair Manzifacturen Cockes William, Middle Gaze S. St. Mary's st, St. Mary's Coslany st, St. George's, Colgate Gidoey Benjamin, Red Lion st Howlett Peter, Botolph st Girdlestone H.euben, St. Giles's st Hosiers. Bidwell & Son, ·11 Market pl, St. Peter's Grint James, Middle st, St. Augustines Mancroft Hallows .Toseph, Angel st, St. Peters Fowlet John, London st, St. Andrews Hill Robert, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Laws C. Botolph st, St. Augustioes Hinds M. Upper Weslwick st, St. Margarets Littell C. Market pi, St. Peter'~ Mancroft Holmes John, Quay side, Sts. Simeon & Jude Orton James, 1 Briggs la Kerrison James, Castle ditches RingerS. S. 7 London st, St. Peter's Maocroft Lofty J. Coslany st, St. Martins oak Smith John, St. Giles's .st Lovett, H. St. Magdalen st Snowdon J. St. George's bridge, St. George's 106 . Colgate
NORWICH. NORFOLlt. NoRwiCH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. NoRwicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tomlinson R. S, Castle st Leather Sellers.-Shalders William, Bank plain .. St. Hotpreuers, Barker & Son, Rosemary la, St. Mary Michael at Plea Crotch B. Bridge st, St. Marys Archer Samuel, Rampant Horse st, St, Stephll House Jamel!! & Co. Clarkelt yard, Coslany st, Boult Henry, St. Giles's hill St. Michael's, Coslany · Hanworth. George, 16 White Lion st, St. Irorifounders. Dixon Thomas & Son, Norwich Peter's Mancroft Foundry, St. Andrew's Broad st Theobald Thos. London st, St. Peter's Mancrft Francis J. & Blyth J. Buff Coat la Libraries. Bird Mary, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Holmes John, Rising Son la Church Mary, Cockey la, St. Andrews Howlett & Bacon, All Saints green Lain Edward, Elm hill Spark A. Thorn la Public Library, Library Opening, Market pi, 'Vatts James, Rose la (Librarian, Mr. Langton4) Ironmerchants. Ray Reynolds James, Gregory st, Linen Drapers. Betts John, Exchange st, St. Peter's St. Gregorys Mancroft " Thompson Robert, Castle st, St. Andrews Bid well & Son, 17 Market pl, St. Peter's lronmongers. Alden Robert, Red Lion st Mancroft Barnard &Joy, Market pl, St. Peter's Mancrft Bid well, Keymer & Hook, Gentleman's walk Bayfield Ann, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Campling Abraham, Magdalen st Brown Jno. & Sons, Upr Market, St. Peter's · Campling William, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Mao croft Chamberlin H. & Son, Market pl Colman Rt. & J. & J. B. Glenderring, Ram- Coleman & Son, 8 London st, St. Peter's pant Horse st Mancroft Coppen E. Tombland Coleman George Lorich, Market pi Hotblack J. Orford hill, St. George, Tombland Copeman , 14, 15, & 16 St. Peter's Mncrft HowleU & Bacon, 6 Old Haymarket, St. Cruso Ann, 6 Briggs st, St. Stephens Peter's Mancroft Denny Sarah, 13 Briggs st, St. Stephens Moore & Bamard, London st, St. Andrews English J. B. London st, St. Andrews Olden Robert, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Fairweather Lydia, 5 London st, St. Peter's Parlour & Sons, London st, St. Andrews Mancroft Plum mer W. Bank plain, St. Michael at Plea Frost Mary, White Lion st, St. Peter's Mncrft Scott Robert, Charing cross, St. Gregory's Gooderson & Moll, Upper .Market, St. Peter's Scott Samuel, Charing cross, St. John's Mad- Mancroft der market Gowan Thos. St. Mary's Church al, St. Marys Thompson Robert, St. Andrew's plain Gowan Jeremiah, St. Mary'a plain, St. Mary1 Trivett J. B. Pottergate st, St. Audrews Higgons Henry, Middle st, St. George Colegt Jewellers. Aaron Simeon, Elm hill More Richard, Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Bargeman A.brm, St. Mary's plain, St. Marys Nostead Wm. Upper Westwick st, St. Lawrnc Casper G. Coekey la, St. John's Maddel· mkt Page & Sons, St. Andrew's plain, St. Andrew Clark Wm. Roches et, Fisher la, St. Giles Piggott John, Bridge st, St. George's Colegate Cooper John, London st, St.. Peter's Man croft P owell J. & Robt. 36 London st, St. Andrews Woods Robert, Timber hill Smith J. & S. Tombland Rossi George, Market pl, ISt. Peter's Mancroft Snowden John, St. George's bridge, St. Geo· Job Masters. Barber William, White Lion, St. Colegate .., Martin's pi V in se J osh. W ensum st, St. Simeon & St. J ude Howell Edward, Wensum st Watering John, 69 St. Stephen's st, St. Steph Minns B. St. Swithin's plain Wheeler Wm. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Lace Manufacturers, Gooch Thomas, Middle st, White Robert, Back of the Inns, St. Peter's St. George's Colegate Mancroft Priest Richard-" 79 St. Giles st , Livery Stables. Barber William, St. Mary at Palace Land SurtJeyors. Berdwell George, Pottergate st, Beddingfield Nelson, Wastlegate st St. Lawrence Corners J ash. Wastlegate st Lenny Isaac, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Frost G. All Saints green Last~ Booltree Makers. Alden James, Ber st Le Nave Francis, St. Magdalen st Barker Thos. St. An drew's steps, St. An drew Padgett John, St. Stephen Back st Palmer William, Rampant Horse Back st, Powley William, Golden Ball st, St. Michael St. Stephens ' at Thorn Steward Robert, Elm hill · Pudgelt John, Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens law Ststionet". Stevens Thomas, St. Stephen's plain Kerridge John, St. Giles's st Leather Cutters. Culyer Richard Burford, Charing Thirties Thomas, Golden Ball st, St. John's cross, St. Gregorys Timber hill Duffield John, Timber hill Locksmith. Self Thomas, Lobster lane, St. John's Howell John, Castle ditches ~ Madder market Howell John, Golden Ball st, St ... John's Looking Glass Manufacturer De Caux, St. John's Ti:tnber hill Madder market Howell William, Gregory st, St. Gregory Machine Makers. Cadband, Theatre plain, Skippon J osh. Orford hill - St. Peter's Mancroft 'Tillyard Robert, Elm hill Francis J. & Blyth T. Buff Coat la. Ltat'ht'r' Merchants. Beeme Samuel, Pitt st, St. Mahogan9 Merchant. St. Quintin P. Queen st, Augustines Bank plain Bere Samuel, Bridge st, St. George Colegate Maltsters. Barclay A. K. King st Hawkes Rober' William, Bethel st, St. Giles Branford Benjamin, St. Magdalen st Hawkes Robert William, Bethel st Bullard & Watts> St. Mites's bridge 107
.,NORFO.Lt{. NORWlCif . ================~~~~~~~~====================~·~·~··~,·~·,~·~u~u~~>~~n·•~·,~-·~··~,s·~·~,·~·n~,~r~m·~·r~·~'O'~t,f~A~-~~ NoRwicH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Geldert Thomas, Wen sum st, St. Simeon & St. J ude, and Thorp hamlet Howard J. P. Fisbgate, St. Edmunds Martineau Richard, King st l\Iealing & Mills, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Morse George, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Wet~ton Charles, Bridge st, St. George's Colgt Mancltester Warelwu.~emn. Pigg Samuel, Bank plain Mathematical lnstrume11t Jtiaker.- Dixey John, .Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Mattrass Maker. Leeder Mary, St. Margarets _ lHeasure JJ!laker. Turner John, New Catton, St Clements :Merchants. Blake WilliJm Spinner, Colegate st, St. Clements Coalman G. & Is. Castle meadow Culley Samuel, Duke's Palace st, St. John's Madder market Cozens James & Son, St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Day I. S. 'V est ern court, · Upper l\1 ark et, St. Peter"s Mancroft Geldhart Josh, Post Office st Noke~; Francis, 3 Gun lane, St. Stephens Robberds J. W. & Co. St. Saviour's Church la Youngman Anth. &S.lTombland & St. Andrew Broad st Miller.~. Bird Elizabeth, Philadelphia, St. Clements Capon James, New Cattou, St. Clements Crane & Co. New Mill, St. Swithins Vassar James, St. l\lagtlalen st Milliners.-Bal\s C. Ber st Cousins Elizabeth, Rising Sun la Curtis Eliza, Red Lion st, St Stephens De V ear Emma, St. Swit11in's la, St. SwiLhins Dickenson Clarke Sarah, Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Mancroft Dnnn Mrs. Duke st, St. Geor~e's CoJegate Eglington Ann, Barrack st, Pockthorpe Favour & Page Messdames, Livingstone's court, Market pi Garnham Sar. & Mary, King st Gay Elizabeth, Philadelphia, St. Stcphens -Green C!ara, St. Andrew st, Broad st, St. John's Madder market Hagan & Hayes, Wastlegate st Hall Mrs. T1mber hill Henney Charty, Red Lion st Henry J a ne, White Lion la, :st. Mrtn at Palce Howell Amelia, King st Huson Mary, London st, St. Andrews King Harriett, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Langton Mary Ann, St. Stephen's st Ling Elizabeth, 48 London st, St. Andrews Linsey Sarah, Elm hill l\iallett T. W ymer st, St. Andrew's hill, St. Andrews Moore Fanny, St. Stephen's st More Rd. Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Man. Meale Mrs. All Saints green Norton Philliss St. Magdalen st, St. Clements Quizley Susannah, Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Roberts Maria, Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Salter Ellen. St. John's Madder market ' Sendall M. Gentleman's walk, St. Peter's Man. Shalders Charlotte, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mau. Smith M. Castle meadow Spalding 1\:Iisses, Old Haymarket,:st. Peter's Mancroft Spring hall J ulia, St. J ohns Tim her hill Stacey M. Ann, Orford pl, St. Peter's Mancft Teasdale F. St. ,Mart,n's Palace st 1 IOS NoawicH CLASSIPICA'l'IoN, continued. Townsend Sarah, Botolph st, St. Saviour!il Vyall Mrs. Princes st, St. Michael at Plea. Ward M. St. Magda]en st Winn M. St. Catherine's plain Wright A. King st "-r urr E. Ber st • Y ouughusband Mary, Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Millwrigllls, q·c. Buttefant Francis & Son, King st J'oulsher William, Mousehold heath Iloward, Gaze, & Southgate, Peacock st, St. Edmunds Modeller. Mazzotti Pellegrino, Goat la, St. Gregorys Mu.~ic Masters. Clarke Frederick 0. Edward, Duke st, St. Michaels Coslany Warne Geo. 4 Prince's st, St. Peter's Hungate Warne Reuben, Calvert st, St. George's Cole. ltiusic Sellers. Fish Wm. London st. St. Andrews Howlett William, London st, St. Peter's .Man. Musical 1R.st1'Ument JJ1akers. Coleman Thomas, Bank st, St •. Michael at Plea Ivory J. Elm hill Naturalist. Knight Thomas, jun. 9 London st, St. Andrews Newspaper Agents.-Darken James, Cockey lane, St. John's Madder market Watling James, Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Newspaper Offices. Bacon, Kinnebrook & Bacon (Norwich Mercury), London st 1\Iatchett, Stephenson & Matchett (Norfolk Chronicle) Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Notary Public.-Steward Edward, King st Nurserymen, ~-c. Beaney Barnard, King st lv.Iackie :Frederick, 10 Exchange st, St. John's Madder market Oil ~· Colourmen. Brady Gosker, St. Andrew's hill Howlett & Bacon, 6 Old Haymarket Opticians. Dixey John, Market pl Martin Edward, Roche's et, St. Giles Rossi George, Market pl Painters (Decorative. )-Beaty Henry, Bethel st, St, Peter's .Mancroft Hall James, Timber hill Smith & Ramsey, Wellington st, St. Stephens Wood J. Martin, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Paperhangers. Ling & Son, Bridewell alley, & Pot• tergate st, St. Andrews Papermaker. Robberds Hen. St. Andrew Broad st Paperstainer. Gilman John, Backo f the Inns, St. Peters Pastrycooks. Chettleburgh Henry, Rampant Horse st, St, Stephens Clabbum Sarah, Wensum !;t, St. Simeon & Jude Gill, William, St. Stephen's st Thurston Henry, St. Stephen's st Patten ~· Clogmakers. Brad field J ames, Cockey lane, St. John's Maddermarket Hardy Charles, Timber hill Hutchin John, Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Knevett Henry, St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Ling William, St. Stephen's st Page S. D. & Son, 23 Old Haymarket, & Market pi Pawnbrokers. Hall William, Middle st, St. George's Colegate Harris J oseph, Crook's pi, St. Stepehns Knight James, Up Westwick st, St. Lawrence Morgan John, St. Saviour's Churchyd, St. Saviours Owen Thomas, King st
NORWICH. NORFOLK. NoRwicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Pitcher Henry, Lobster la, St. John's Madder market Shalders N oah, W astlegate st Spratt & Brundell, St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Stone Rebecca, Crook's pi, St. Stephens Thetford Mary, St. Paul's plain, St. Pauls Woodrow Benjamin, Coslany st, St. Michael Coslany Woodrow John, St. John's Timber hill Peifumerl. Asker Geo. Bethel st, St. Petea's Mancrft Kew Flora, 19 White Lion st, St. Peter's Man. Physicians. Evans Lewis. Surrey st, St. Stephens Hutchinson S. M.D., Back of the Inns, St. Peters Johnson James, Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Lubbuck Edw. Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Tomson Miller Alien, Briggs st, St. Stephens Pianoforte Makers. White James Henry, PostOffice st, St. John's Madder market Piciure Dealers.-Colkett Samuel David, Princes st, St. Michael at Plea Wiggen Jno. Hen. Augustus, Gun la, St. Stphn Piece Broker. Frary Uichard, Swan la, St. Andrews Plane Makers. Clarke Wm. Pottergate st, St. Greg. Griffiths John, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Plasterer,·.--Andrews Thos. Upper Westwick st, St. Lawrence Berry William, Peacock st, St. Edmunds Hardy Jas. Bethel st, St. Peter's 1\Iancroft Lacey John, St. Gregorys Lacey John, Excise Office court, Pottergat(st, St. Gregorys Lord James, Bridge st, St. Marys Lord Thomas, St. Mary'A plain, St. Marys Parker Clear, St. Martin's oak Pearson Edward, St. Bennetts Read J. Eln~ hill Sexton Robert, Calvet·t st, St. George's Colgte Wright Henry Jno. Lawrence la, St. Lawrence Plumhers, qc. Arninger William, Thorn la Barker Robert, Orford hill Belson Robert, King it Ben11ley Daniel, Timber hill Boyce E. St. Andrew's hill, St. Andrews Boyce James Sperford, Bridge st, St. Michael's Cos! any Bunting J. Up Market, St. Peter's Mancroft Camplin W. St. Mary's st, St. Mary Coslany Candler John, Peacock st, St. Edmunds Crowe Spicer, St. Benedict's st, St. Gregorys Dalph W. St. Augustine's st, St. Augustines Devereaux Edward & William, Middle st, St. George's Colegate Dixon John, Bethel st, St. Peter's Maocroft Drake Robert, Bank st, St. Michael at Plea Drane J. St. Miles's st bridge, St. Andrews Hardy J. Dove st, St. John's Madder market Harvey R. Hay hill, St. Peter's MancrofL Hurny Geo. Barwell et Brady Thomas, Close, Tombland Jones Peter, St. Margaret's plain Jones Peter, St. Margaret's Churchyard Kerr John, Gregory st, St. Gregorys King James & Son, St. Andrew's Broad plain Ling N athaniel, M agdalen st, St. Saviours Lovick J. Ber st M inns W. St. Mary's st Mollet George, Cook's place, St. Stephens Moo re J obn George, Calvert st, St. Georges Ninham J. N. King st St. Quintin, Upper Westwick st, St. Bendicts Parsons Thomas, Rising Sun la NonwrcK CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Quadling Henry, King st Ramsey William, Graham et, Upper market Robin son J. C. St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Salmon Richard, Bridge st, St. Andrews Salmon Samwell, St. Giles'~ hill, St. Giles Say Thomas, St. Giles's st Stantand John, Surrey st, St. Stephens Taylor John, St. Martin's palace st Weeks William, Botolph st, St. Augustines Wilson William, Elm hill \V right John, Kin~ st Y arington S. C. Upper King st Poulterer. Kent Thomas, Goat la, St. Gregorys Printers (Letter Prm). Bacon, Kinnebrook & Bacon, London st, St. Andrews Crauefield , Timber hill Davy John, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Dawson R. Church st, St. Michael's Coslany Fletcher Josiah, Upper Haymarket, St. Peter's • Mancroft Groome John, 2 Cocky la, St. Peter's Man croft Jungus Joseph, Gregory st, St. Gregorys Lacy Robert, Timber hill Lemmon , Pottergate st, St. John's Madder market Mayers Eliz. Red Lion st Muskett Charles, Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Stacey John, 5 Gentleman's_ walk, St. Peter's Mancroft Stevenson William, Surrey st, St. Stephens Sherpe Sudd John, Colegate st, St. George's Colegate U pcroft H. St. Magdalen st 'Valker Robert, Timber hill Webster Thomas, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Proctor. Steward Edward, King st Provision Merchant. Thompson J oseph, White Lion st, St. Peter's Mancroft Pump ltlaker. Hudson George, St. Catherine's place Rag Merclwnt. Bagshaw Abraham, Quay side Rectifiers. Hills Sons & U nderwood, St. Faith's la, & at Eastcheap, London Reed q Slaymaker. Hart Robert, Magdalen st Register Offices for Stroants-. Beddingfiecl John, Gun la, St. Stephens Bells John, Castle meadow Downes S. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Gorden John, Gregory st, St. Gregorys Kent H. White Lion st, St. Peter's Mancroft Lay George, St. Martin's Palace st Morris Robert William, Cow hill, St. Gilea Neve Eliza, Duke st, St. Michael's Coslany Tidman Samuel, Timber hill st Rope ~ SackinK Manufacturers. Hindes Henry, Cowgate st Hindes Henry, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Hinds W. Upper Westwick st, St. Margarets Hurn Isaac, Dove st, St. John's Madder mkt Little J. Cattle market hill, St. John's Timber hill Webb William, St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls W urr S. B. & Co. St. Martin's palace plain, & Corn Exchange Sacking Man~f'aclurers. Bacon Edmund, 11 Davy pi, St. Peter's l\1ancroft Bidewell John, Botolph st, St. Augustines Saddlers, 4·c. Cahert G. W. Ber st Cannell John G. Ane;el st, St. Peters Cannell William, St.-John st Chettleburgh Robert, Upper King st Coleman Robert & James, & J. B. Glende· ring1 Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens 10~
NORFOLK,. NORWICH. NoRwicH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Dickinson John, Castle ditches Drewell Robert, St, Martin's Palace st :Fuller Jas. Market pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Greenwood John, St. Stephen st Hall Robert, All Saints green Hallows Geo. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Harrison Thomas Thurlow, St. Giles's st Oliver John, Cattle Market hill; St. John's Timber hill Reynolds Wm. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Webb Thos. Castle st, St. Peter's Mancroft We~tley E. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Wilkinson J oseph, St. Giles's st • Y oungs Peter, St. Stephen st · &dillers' Ironmonger. Wilkinson J os h. St. Giles's st Sailmaker. Anderson T. St. Martin's Palace plain NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Classes, for ages from 2 to 7, Cathedral close Priest Harriet, Pottergate st, St. Giles Proctor Mrs. St. Augustine Rivetts Miss, Princes st, St. Peter's, Hungate St. James's Parish, Cowgate st Shawls Miss, Middle st, St. George, Colegate Seedmen ~ Seed Merchants. Hamment Robert John, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Haslewood C. J. & Co. Weavers la, St. Peter's Mancroft Nokes Edw. Bridge st, St. George's, Colegate Reeve James, Old Post Office yd, Market pl St. Peter's Mancroft Segar Warehouses. Scott J. C. 6 Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Schools (Gent&.) Bloggs Mr. King st ' Boys Charity School, St. Martin's at Oak, Shawl (Ben nett , Master) Broadhurst Wm. St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Wiles S. H. 4 Exchange st, St. Peter Mancroft Manufacturers. Etheredge Philip and Co. Colegate st, St. Clements Gunton Thomas, Pitt st, St. Georges Burrage J. J. St. Andrew's, Broad st Burrage W. A. Cattle Market hill, St. John's Lad ell Wm. & Robert, Calvert st, St. Saviours Massey & Lambert, Pitt st, St. Augustine Timber Hill Sheckle, Towler, Camplin and Matthews, Farrell Wm. Keeling, Theatre st, St. Stephens Free Grammar School, at the Charnel House, Willett & Co. Magdalen st Elm hill West End of the Cathedral Sheriff's Officer. Martil'l Robt, St. Peter's Mancroft Free School, St. Martin's la, (Took William, Ship Agent. Bell William, St. Margaret plain ' Master) Shuttle Maker. Boswell Thomas, St. John's Madder Harman George, Colegate st, St. Clements · market Hubbard Arminger, St. George's st, St. Georg Dobson Robert, St. Magdalen l!t, St. Saviours Johnion Samuel, St. Augustines · Silk Dyers. Cooke Ann, Botolph st, St. Augustine Lancasterian School, Prospect pJ, (supported Jackson Benjamin, Wastlegate st • by the Society of Friends) Starks :william & Co. Duke st, St. Michael Lancastenan School, Surrey mews, (supported · . Coslany by the Gurney family) Silk Manufacturers. Churton & Clarke, Calvert st, Lawter Ely, Ber st St. George Colegate National School, Elm hill Grout & Co. St. Swithins and St. Benedict Ling Henry, St. George's plain, St. George's, Gunton Thomas, Pitt st, St. Augustine Colegate Francis John, Calvert st, St. George Colegate Littleboy John, St. Gregory Hinde Ephraim and Francis, BotQJph st, Middletotl Jacob, Golden Dog la, St. Saviours St. Augustine National School for Boys, Princes st, (Line Ladley Francis, St. Mary's st, St. Mary's Henry, Master) Coslany Phillips, Wm. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Langton Robert, Pitt st, St. George5 Pigg J. W. W ensum st Sts. Simeon & J ude Middleton Charles, St. George Colegate Plummer John, Ber st Pegg Sam. Bank plain, St. Michael at Plea: Roches School, Roches et, Fisher la, (sup- Snelling Wm. London st, St. Andrews · }?orted by Contributions, Roche Samuel, Stannard Cubitt, Pitt st, St. Augnstines Master) Torris & Gayford, Gentleman's walk, St. Peters Lancasterian School, Palace st, (established Mancroft 1811, Teasdal M. R. Master) Torris & Gayford, Market pl, St. Peter's ManThouless James, Pottergate st, St. Giles croft Tilney Mr. Tilney et, Ber st WillettlHenry & Edward, Pottergate st Turner Charles, Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Wright John, Elm hill Weeks Wm. jun. Dukes Palace, St. John's, Silk Mercers. Bidwell,Keywer& Hook, Gentleman's Madder marke~ walk Schools (L.adies.) Annison Maria, Bull Close, St. Blakely Edw. London st, St. Andrews Pauls Clarke M. & J. 6 London st~ St. Peter's Bailey Mary Ann, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Mancroft Breeze Harriett, Elm hill Coleman &; Son, 8 London st1 St. Peter's Broak Ann, Pottergate st, St. Swithens Mancroft Codling John, Palace st Coleman Geo. Lorick, Market pl Copeman Mrs. & Miss, Bridge st, St. Clements Cooper John, London st Curtis Elizabeth, Pottergate st, St. Benedicts Copeman, 14, 15, & 16 St. Peter's Mancroft Daniells Mrs. & Miss, Colegate st, St. George's Cotman Edmund & .Co. 38 London st, St. Colegate Andrews Duckett Mrs, Shoulder of Mutton et, St. Eaton Thos. Damant, 3 Gentleman's walk, Stephen st St. Peter's Mancroft Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Great Orford st, St. John English J. B. London st, St. Andrews the Baptist Habberton. William1 Gentleman's walk, St. Lambert Mrs. Queen st, St. George, Tombland Peter'$ Mancrofl Pegg Sarah1 the Infant School of the Higher Monteith Geo. Tovell, London st, St. Andrews ·110
NORW.ICH. NORFOLK. • • NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Woodhouse G. F. London st, St. Andrews Silk Merchants. Bidwell & Son, 17 Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft · Darey Thos. & Son, Pitt st, St. Augustines Springfield & Filkling, St. Martin's la, St. Martin's oak Silversmiths. Aaron Simeon, Elm hill Dodson W. R. 41 London st,. St. Andrews Etheridge G. & _W. E. Market pi, St. Peters Man croft Herbert John, 31 Pottergate st Piggin Jno. Gentlemans wlk, St. Peters Mcrft Slater. Morris John, King st Slup &llers. Creak Sarah, St. Andrew's plain Esam William, St. Andrew's, Broad st Smiths. Boswell Jno. St. Andrew's hill, ~t. Andrews Brooks John, Golden Ball st, St. Michael at Thorn Clark Robert, Fishgate st, St Edmunds Huggins J. Chapelfield rd, St. Giles Land Wm. Graham close, Upper Market, St. Moore D. Ber st gate Moore W. St. Magdalen st Peter's Mancroft Newsted Philip, St. Martin's la, St. Martin oak Norman Charles, King st Rogers John, Potterga,te st, St. John's, Madder road Sexton J. St. Augustine Sexton John, Wall's buildings, St. Augustine Silcock H. St.Saviout's Church la, St. Saviours Smith Charles, Fishgate st, SL Edmunds Soap .~.lfanzifacturers. Andrews & French, Fishgate . . st, St. Edmunds Staff & Co. St. Martin's Palace plain Soda Water Maker. Denny D. St. Stephen's rd Solicitors. Atkinson J. G. )ledwell st, St. Michael NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued Simpson G. E. Tombland Skipper John, Bank st Staff John Rising, St. An drew Bl'oad s1. Steward E. & C. Upper King st Sydney Isaac Sydney, White Lion st, St. Peter Mancroft Taylor fredk. Chas. Western's court, Upper Market, St. Peter Mancroft Taylor W. H. Castle Meadow Taylor John Oddin, St. Giles•s st Tuck Charles Edward, St. Giles's st Watson & Barnham, Castle st, St. Andrews 'Vhaites , Samson & Hercules court Winter James, St. Giles st Woodcook Thomas, Surrey rd Woolbright , Tombland Woolright William Key, King st Wortley Robert, Tombland Spinner. Thurlow Thos. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Stationers ( Wholesale.)-Chandlel' John, 5 Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Page S. & Son, 23 Old Haymarket & Mkt pl Staymakers. Colsey C. Red Lion st, St. Stephens Colsey J a ne, St. An drew's plain Curtis Eliza, Red Lion st., St. Stephens Frost Mary, Dave7 pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Kidd & Aldis, Pnnces st, St. Michael at Plea Wyer Mary, Timber hill Stonemasons, Allen Wm. Back st, St. Stephen's Athow John, Castle st, St. Andrews De Carle & Soo, Dukes palace, St. John's, Madder market Hardy Wm. St. Step ben's gate High & Crabtree, Middle st, St Georges Pooley Richard, 2 Charing cros11, St. John's, Madder market Watson , St. Faith's la · at plea W atson J ames, Castle meadow Bard well Everett., St. Andrew's Broad st, St. Stout Andrews Agents o/ Mercht{nts.. Moline Sparks, 21 Gentlemans walk, St. Peter'ii Mancroft Moline Sparks, Cockey la, Madder market Sparks & Moline, St. Andrew'a Broad st Stra'iJl Hat Mamifacturers. Bambridge Esther, Bard well Everett, Castle Meadow Barnham , St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Beck with, Dye, & Kitten, St. Martin's palace st Bignola, Pulley, & Mawe, Surrey st, and 4 New Bridge st, London Blake F. J. Upper King st Blake Thomas, King st Brightwell Tbos. & Son, Surrey st, St. Stephens Coakes John Richard, King st Cole J obn, St. Giles's st Coleman Jos. St. Andrew's plain, St. Andrews Daveney Burton C. Bethel st, St. Peter Mncft Dowson J. W. Bank st Fiekling Robt. Princes st~ St. Peter's Hungate Fost~r & Unthank, Upper King st Freestone Ed. Lit Orford st, St. Peter'sMancft Gihna11 Suckling Chas •. Bethel st, St Peter's Man croft Goodwin Jas. & John, Willow lane, St. Giles Jay G. Toll's court Kerrison R. Queen st, Bank pl~in Ltoyd R. Hastings, Tombland Miller Henry, Surrey st Munday John, 10 Gun lane Newton Edmund, Surrey st, St. Stepheos Nobbs Robert Henry, Excise-Office court, Pot1ergate st, St. Gregory Norton Henry, St. Gile:.'s st Rackham & Cooke, St. Giles's st Rob herds J ~ W. King st Sewell, Blake, .Keith, & Blake, Chantry, St. Stephens ., Dnke st, St. George's Colegate Barney Chadotte, Post Office st, St. John's, Madder market Brown R. Davey pl, St. Peter'• Mancroft Chaplin Wm. Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Clarke J ames, St. Gregory's Churchyard, St. Gregorys Dickenson Chas. Gentleman's walk Downes John, Duke st, St .• Mary Farrow Wm. St. Magdelen st Felstead Elizabeth, 10 Orford hill, St. Peter's Man croft Harvey John, 10 Upper market, St. Peter's Man croft Hub bard Ebenezar, White Lion st, St. Peter's Man croft Killington Mary, Cow hill, St. Giles Langton Mary Ann, St. Stephen st Lincoln , Thorn la Pratt Sarah, Gregory st, St. Gregorys Riches Susannah, London st, St. Andrews Rump Thomas, Ber st Seach Mrs. All Saint's green Swan Sarah, London st, St. Andrews Stuff Mamifacturer. Wiles S. H. 4 Exchange st, St. Peter's Mancroft Sugar Boilers. Borrett John, Charing cross Rice Jloratio Nelson, St. Augustine st, St. Augustine 111
NORFOLK. NORWICH. NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION continued. Surgeons. Bell J. Crawford, Rampart Horse st, St. Stephens Brownfield J. St. 1\I;~gdalen st, St. Saviours Cross J. D.,l\'l.D.,Orford pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Dashwood Lancelot, St. Andrew's plain, St. Andrews Drake Charles, King st Garthon J. S. Pitt st, St. Augustine Gedge John, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Gibson Charles, Pottergate st, St. Giles Gowing Mr. St. Stephens st Henney Weller, Red Lion st Hull Robert, St. Michael's at Plea Firth G. W. W. Tombland Mills F. All Saints green Nicholls P. W. Surrey st Norgate B. H. Bank st, St. Michael's at Plea Philips Mathias, Bridge st, St. Clements Rand W. T. Samson and Hercules court Roper T. W. Colegate st Spencer Mr. King st Taylor, H. 'N. Castle meadows Wiles Chas. Bersham, Willow la, St. Giles Woodcock Henry, 70 St. Giles's st Surgical Instrument JI.Jkr. Allison D. F. Market pi Surveyors. Brown William, Davey pi, St. Peter's Man croft Clarke William, Philadelphia, St. Clements Drane, Wm. Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Evans Benjamin, St. Faith's la Hensley \Villiam, Upper King st Ives George, Castle meadows Tailors. Baker T. Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Baker Wm. Davey pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Barking Thomas, Willow la, St. Giles Bayes & Son, Orford hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Bond J. D. Davey pl, St. PeteJ's Mancroft Boon J. 2 Princes st, St. Peter's, H ungate Bray J. & Son, Bridge st, St. Andrews Bray Richard, 83 St. Giles's st Browne John, St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Burrage John, Golden Ball st, St. John's, Timber hill Butler Henry, 44 London st, St. Andrews Cadman J. Coslany st, St. Michael's Coslany Chapman William, Bridge st, St. Andrews Chittock William, Surrey rd Cullington Charles, Elm hill Dann Robert, Duke st, St. Marys Dawes J. G. Castle meadows l>awson Richard, St. Giles's st Dawson Robert, Pitt st, St. AtJgustine Day James, St. Lawrence steps, St. Benedict Edwards Thomas, Orford hill Edwards W. R Surrey st, St. Stephens Elliot Charles, Hed Lion st, St. Stephens Esam William, St. Andrew's Broad st Foulger W. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Fuller Edward, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Goldsmith Thomas, All Saints Green J effrey, St. Giles's st Greenwood Paul, Westwick st, St. Benedict Griggs W. Upper Westwick st, St. Lawrence Hanton Hy. Pitt st, St. Augustine Hanton Robert, Ca11tle ditches Hill James, Bridge st, St. Marys Hill John, Ber st Horton J. Ladies Ja, St. Peter's Mancroft Howlett R. Bridge st, St. George's; Colgate Deyns R. Bank st, St. Georges, Tombland 112 NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued, Kemp J. Golden Ball st, St.Johns,Timber hill Larkman Wm. St. Benedict st, St. Gregorys Lence S. St. Lawrence steps, St. Benedicts I~ing W. S. Princes st, St. Michael at Plea Mackley J. E. Wastlegate st, Wastlegate Mack ley J. E. St. Stephen'5 plain 1\Iackley William, St. Peter's Mancroft 1\lacro Jacob, London st, St. Andrews Mason R St. Gre~ory's chyd, St. Gregorys Meens William, New rd, Berns la M ions Benjamin, St. Swithin's plain Murrell J. Bridge st, St. Michael's, Coslany New by J. 3 Cockt'y la, St. Peter's Mancroft Phillips J. Orford hill, St. George's_, Tomb!. Puncher Robert, St. Giles's st Quinton R. Pottergate st, St. Lawrence Rogers W. G. Orford hill, St. Peters Royal Daniel, St. Martin's Palace st Sharpe H. J ulian pl, St. Stephens Skelten George, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Slater James, Tomblanu Smith J. Gt. Orford st, St. John Baptist Sparkes John, Colegate st, St. Clements Steward James, Elm hill Steward S. St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Taylor William, London st, St. Andrews Thirkettle Robert, St. Giles's st Tipple Thomas, Charing cross, St. John's, 1\1 adder market Tipple John, Orford hill Todd John, Queen st, Bank pi, St. George's, Tom bland Tovell J. Davey pl, St. Peter's Mancroft Tuck J. S. St. Gregory's st, St. Gregory's Wailer James, St. Stephen's Back st Wells J ames, Calvert st, St. Saviours Wicks Robert, St. Catherine's plain Wilkin Henry, Pottergate st, St. Swithins Wilkin J. Bethel st, St. Peters Mancroft W oolsey Samuel, St. Andrews Broad st Wright J. Ber st 1'allow Chandlers.-Grant John, 9 ·London st, St. Peters Mancroft Hardy J Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Freeman C. & R. Upper market Saunders B. Large John, White friars, St. Martins at palace Steel Ht!nry, Coslany st, St. Marys Taverns, Inns, and Public /louses. A dam '~ Eve, figgin R. Upper Westwick 111, St. Margarets Adam ~ Eve, Turner Thomas, St. Martin's :Palace plain Alhion Tavern, Cuahing , Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft All Saint1 Tave1·n, Birch G. All Saints green Anchor Tavern, Howard Martha, Ten Bells la, St. Swithins Anchor ditto, Thompson J. Silver rd, Pocktho1·pe Hamlet Anchor Inn, Turner J. Surrey st, St, Step hens Angel, How let D. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Angel Inn, Sadler Wm. Market pl. St. Peter's Mancroft Angel Inn, Watering George, New Catton, St. Clements Arabian Horse, Coe J onas, Coslany st, St. Michael's Coslany Baker's Arms, Clapham S. Ber st Baker·s Arm1! Woods Robert, Lower Westwick st, St. Lawrence
• NORWICH. NORFOLK • ~~======================:=========================== NORWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Balloon, Brewer R. Wensum st, St. Swithin~ Barley Mow, Lovewell lsaac, Hay hill, St. lleter's f\lancrof1 Barracks, Make peace Major, Barrack st, Commanding Officer Ballt House, Willis Abraham, Coslany st, St. Martih's oak Bee Hive, Buck L. St. Benedict st, St. Swithin Tile Bear,~Potter George, Bear yard, .1\Ltrket pi, St. Peter's Mancrofi: Bear 4· Staff, Holmes Susan, Jt,oches et, Fisher la Bess if Bedlam, Bacon Hannah, Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Bdl, Havers J emima, Gregory st, St. Gregory Bell Commercial Inn, Leggatt Samuel, Orford hill, St. George's Tombland Black Boy, Boddy N. Colegate st,St. Clements Black Horse, Aylmer John, Tombl and 1'1te Black Swan, Barnard John, Upper mkt, St. Peter's Mancroft Black Horse lnn, and Booking Office for Car- - riers, Moll Robert, St Giles's st Black Horse, Scales S. St. Catherine's plain Black Horse, Yearnes Thomas, King st Black Prince, Bridges Turner Wm. Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Black Prince, Turner William, Market pl Bowling Green Tap, Tattam R. Theatre st, St. Peter's Mancroft Bowling Green Family Hotel, Taylor Charles, Chapel fields, St. Peter's Mancroft BoyS,· Cup, Lemon James, Pottergate st, St. Andrews 1."'he Bricklayer's Arms, Coe Mark, Cattle Market hill, St. John's, Timber hill Bricklayer's Arms, Pye Edward, Bull cluse, St. Pauls Briton's Arms, Carr Chades, Elm hi ll Bu.fl Coat, Wymer John, Buff Coat la Builder's Arms, August John, Lawrence la, St. Lawrence Bull, Caston Joseph, St. Stephen's st, St. Bull, Engall T. B. Ber st Stephens Butt·.~ Head, Robinson Gregory, Ber st The Bull, Smith Edw. Crook's pi, St. Stephens Bullock ~ Butcher, Colby Sam. St. Giles lull, St. G1les Bundle if Miscl,iif, Turner John, Peacock st, St. Edmund The Cardinal's Cap, Sparrow Wilham, Upper West wick st, St. Margarets Carpenter's Arms, Bullock, J ames, Thorn la Curperder's Arms, Dale John, Fishgate st, St. • Edmund's Castle Commercial Inn, Shingles J. Castle meadowi, St. George's Tombland Cat~ Fiddle, Le Neve Francis, St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Tl1e Cattle Market Inn, Gidney James, CaHle Market hill, St. John's, Timber lull ·Cellar House, Palmer Edw. Barrack st, Pockthorp Champion, Price John, St. Stephen'~ rd Checkers, Bowton John, Common Purr.p at Cherry 1'ree, Hardy William, Middle st, S:. George's, Colegate 1'/,e Church Toil, Francis Thos. St. Benedicr st, St. Gregor: The Cl,w·ch Stile, Fox Rohert, Upper Marke1 pl, St. Peter's l\lancroft .Norfolk.] Q NoRWICH CL SSIFICATION, continued· Cinder Ovens, Linstead Jas. Riug's st ~ate City of Norwich Inn, Harrison H.. All Saints Coach q Horses, Andrews Thomas, Thorpe rd Coach~- Horses, Daml:'s Robert, Bethel st Coacf, .Makers' .A.rms, Sheldrake William, St. Stephen's gate Coach Makers' Arms, Stone John, Be1hel st, St. Peter Mancroft Coachman, Seaman Nat. Goat la, St. Gregorys Cock, .Miller John, 1\ing st Cock Famil!J ~- Commercial Inn, Leggatt Wm. St. Giles's st Cock &· House, Record Jas. Duke st, St. Mary Cock Pheasant, Elhs Benjarnin, Coslany st, St. Michael's Coslany Cooptrs' Arms, Hurry Thomas, Princes fit, St. Michael at Plea Corn Exchange Tavern, Watts Wm. Cockey lane, St. John's Madder market The Crispin, Bell Jas. Church st, St. Michael's Coslany 1.'/te Crocodile, Thayne Thomas, Wensum st, St. Benedict, Cross KPys, Crowe William, St. Magdalen st Crown, B1rch Ann, Bdge st, St. George's Cole. Crown, Harrison }{. Elm hill Cruwn Inn, Petchell Willmm, St. Benedict st;o St. SwiLhm Crow" ~ Anchor, Mills Simon, Midcll~ st, St. Augustine Crown 4· Angel, Spratt John, St. Step hen's st, St. Stephens The Currier:s' Arm.~, Webster Allen, St. Giles's 5lt, St. Peter's Mancroft Tlte Dog, Roll Robt. l\iuspole st, St. George's, Coleuate 0 Dolphin, Emms Wm. Coslany st, St. Marys The Dove Tavern, Clark Robert, Low~r West- . wick st, St. La\\rence The Dove, .1\~onsey Robt. Dove st, St. John's Madder market The Dove fVine Vaults, Steele Henry, Market place, St. Peter's Mancroft Duke if Su1sex, Dunn Wm. Botolph st, St. Augustines Duke Wellington, Drown Cornelius, Wellington st, S:. Giles Duke cif Wellington, Haystead Thomas, Pottergate st, St. Andrews Duke rif York, Bald win Thomas, Lower Westwick sr, St. Lawrence Dukeo(York, Laws Jas. Cow Hill st, St. G1les • The Duke's Palace,Culyer Wil!lam, St. Johu's .1\'lac..ldel' market Dun Cow, Ilumfries William, Coslany st, St. Marun's oak Duncan's Arms, Reeve Wm. St. Magdalen st, St. SaviOur!~ D!Jers' Arms, Platten James, \Vensum st, St. Swnhms Eagle Tavern, Dunnant l\licl. Newmarket rd Eight Ringers, Cunnmgham Thos. Brid~e sr, St. Michael Elephant, Watt James, St. Magdalen st Ea:muuth Tavern, Hart haac, Sl. Stephen's st, St. Stephens Farriers' Arms, Cooper Samm•l, Pottergate st, St. J olm's Madder market Fellmongers' Arms, Church)ard (3eorge, Coslanv st, St. Marun':; Odk Fleece, Jame!l William,'i'umbland Fteece, Walkley T. Brideweil al, St. Andrews 113
NOR-FOLK. NORWICH. ~~==~~~==================================~~ NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Tlte Flower g. Hand, Furse William, Pitt st, St. Marys Flower Pot, Shipman James7 Coslany st, St. · Martin's oak Fortune cif War1 Carey William, St. George Colegate Fountain, Debbage James, St. Benedict st, St. Swithins Fountain, Lamb Wm. Briggs st, St. Stephens Fox o/ Hounds, Cook John, Ber st French Horn Tavern, Barnes Thomas, Pottergate st, St. Andrews George Inn, Porrett Rober:t, St. Stephens st George q Dragon Inn, Calton Joho Dixon, Hay hill George tlte Fourth, Carter 'f, M. Ber st Goldbeaters' Arms, Taylor J no. Ed w. Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Golden Bull, Gurling Wm. Cattle Market hill, St. John's Timber hill Golden Can, Cullow Hannah, Middle st, St. · George's Colegate Golden Can Wine Vaults, Kalliere Jno. Rd. St. Andrew'M. Broad st, St. John's Madder mkt Golden Cross, Holl Samuel, St. Gregorys Golden Fleece, Smith Robert, Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Golden Key, Goodwin Stephen, Market pl, St. Peters Mancroft Golden Lion, Onley Daniel, All Saints Golden Lion, Pilch W. St. Johns Maddet· mkt Goose 9" Gridiron, Clear Jas, St. Stephens st, St. Stephens Grapes Tavern, Johnson Geo. St. Giles gate, St. Giles Grapes, Rickwood Robert, Church st, St. Michael Coslany Grapes, Rushmore James2 Red Lion st, Sr. · Stephens Green Dragon, Riches Thomas, Cockey lane, St. Andrews Green Man~ Smith J. H. King st Greenland Fishery, Cannell Aq uilla, Bridge st, St. Marys Greyhound o/ Bowling Greeu, Page Frs. Ber st Gre:lfhound, Span ton J s. Surrey st, St. Stephens Gr~ffiu, Vince Samu~I, King st GuiLdhall Inn, Cooper Robert, Market pl Ha[{ Moon, Buttle Henry. Rer st Ha{f JJlofJn Tavern, Mars hall James Hollett, Market pi, St. Peters Mancroft Hatchet 9· Gat(!, Lines Mary Ann, Gregory st, St. Gregorys White Horse, Leath Geo. Hay hill, St. Peter~ l\1.ancroft Hen q· Cllickens, Fenn Thos. St. Marys plain, St. Mar'Ys Ilenry t!,e Eighth, Fisk Henry, Cow_gate st Holklwm .Arms, .Matthe~ Geo. Castle ditches Hope, Dawson Geo. St. Saviours Churchyd Horse g. Groom, Barnes J. Edward, Castle st, St. Peter's Mancroft Horse Barracks, "\Voolner J olm, Barrack st, Pockthotpe Iiou.~e Steu;ard, Cossey John, Botolph st, St. Saviours Imperial Arms, Boast John, Kiug st Jolly Dressers, Burrows John, St. George's Colegate Jollg Dyers, Freeman William, Fisht;ate · st. St. Edmund~ • NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. Jolly Farmer., Broad. John, St. Martin's Pala?e . • plam The Jollg Farmers, Flood John, Charingcross, St. John's Madder market The Jolly FarmB-rs, Moore Robert, Cattle Market hill, St. John's Timber hill The Jolly Gardeners, Skippar William, New Catton, St. Clements Jolly Hatters, Russell William, ·cowgate st Jolly Maltsler,:Lombe William, Cowgate st Jubilee, Newman Charles, Ber st Keel 4" Wherry, Hawes Jeremiah, King st King's Arms, Bridges Nicholas,:st. Martin's st, St. Martin's oak King's A1·ms, Hinchley Samuel, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft King's .Arms, Shore D .. Bishop's bridge, Thurp King's Arms Inn, Span ton Francis, Timber:hill Kini$ Arms, Yaxley Henry, Botolph st, St. Augustines King'~ Head, Bowing Chas. Common Pump st King's Head, Feek William, St. Giles's st King's llead, Humphrey Charlte. St. George's lane, St. Saviours King's Head, King James, :st. Stephen's st King's Head, Pearce William, Davey pi, St. Peter'!! Mancroft King's Head Coffee o/ Chophouse, Snow Wm. .Market pi, St. Peter"s Mancroft The Labour in Vain, Postle Elizabeth, Gaol hill, St. Peter's Mancroft Lamb, Crow William, Ber st I~amb Inn, Websdale John, Old Haymarket, St. Peter's Mancroft Lamb, Nobbs 'V m. Coslany st, St. Michael • Coslany Land Steward, Osborn Samuel) Coslany st, St. Martin's oak Light Dragoon, Bunn George, Wastlegate st Light Horseman, Dale Sam. Barrack st, Pock. Lock 9" Keg, Woods Peter, Ber st London Coffee House, Lapfy Thomas, Ram· pant Horse st, St. Stephens London Steam Packet, Myers Wilh~m, St. Catherine plain Lord Brougllam, Edwards Robert, Coslany st, St. Marlin's oak Lord Camden, Hodgson Wm. Charing cross ftfagpie, Dunthorne John, St. Augustine Maid's Heati, Howell Edward, Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & Jude Malt q· Hop Tavern, Gooch Noah, Charing cross, St. John's Madder market The Mm& in the Moon, King Henry, Duke st, St. Marys llfarquis Granl·y, Knott Wm. Bishopsgate st .1.1lar·quis Granhy, W oodrow J ames, Barrack ~t, Pockthorpe ]l.fasonic Tavern, Felt Ann, Elm hill .Mitre Tavern, Bells Charles, 7 Briggs st, St. Stephens I Jl..1oon 4" Stars, Brittian William, Duke st, St. Michael Coslany The Nelson Tavern, Daniels Thomas, Market pi, St. Petds Mancroft Nelson Tavern, Young George, St. Johns Timber hill Nehon Monummt, Rose James, King st New City, Orsborn Thos, Brook's pi, St. Stpbn The Ne.w Cvopers' Arms, Arnold Willialll' • Gregory st, St. Gregory5
NORWICH. N()RFOttt. ~~~==~~~~===============~==~==::======== • NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION, continued. New Factory, Mills Charles Fishgate st, St. Edmunds New Goat, Bond D. Jos. Goat la, St. Gregys New Inn, Rumball WiViam, St. Augustines New Star, Bygrave Robert, Quay side, Sts. Simeon & J ude New Star, Read S. G. Quay side, Sts. Simeon &Jude Noifolk Hotel, Durrant William, St. Giles st_ Norwich Trader, Self Thomas, King st Old Crown, Sadler James, Coslany st, Sr. Martin's oak Old Goat Inn, Cowan David, Goat la, St. Gregorys Old Lion er Ca&tle, Warne Geo. Timber hill Oak1 Itowlet Jas. Coslany st, St. Martin's oak The Olil Lobster, Swan Hanhah, Lobster la, • ' St. J ohn.'s Madder market Old lVIusic Iiouse, Dunham Harman, King st Paul Pry, Parton Wm. St.Giles hill, St.Giles Peacock, Taylor Chas. St. Stephen's plain .Pheasant, Bunting Jas. Ber st gate Pickwick Tavern, Smirke J. E. St. Gregory .Pine Apple, Bees ton John, St. Martin's la, · St. Clements The Planemakers Arms, Durrant Robert, St. Gregorys The Plough, Gray John, Upper Weshtick st, St. Lawrence The Plough, Thompson Jas. Cattle markt hill, St. John's Timber hil1 Plum~ers Arms, Hook Edw. Cowgate st Plumbers Arms, Widows Reubeo, Princes st, St. Peter's Hungate Popes Head Inn, Coldham \Vm. Up. market The Prince Regent, Rackham Robt. Weavers la, St. Peter's Mancroft Prince of Wales, Gidney Sa!Jl. St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Prince if Wales, Pritchard G. Common pump The Prince if Wales, Raven Stephen, Upper Westwick st, St. Lawr~mce The Punch~ Chop House, Thirkettle Thomas, Market pi, St. Peter's Mancroft Queen Adelaide, Britcher Charles, Pitt st, St. Augustine The Queen Anne, Green Josepl1, Church st, St. Michael Coslany Queen Caroline, Austin Charles, Coslany st, St. Martin's nak Queen of Hungary, Thorpe Thos. St. Benedict st, St. Gregory Queen Victoria, Dye Ann, St. Stephen Bk st Queen Victoria, Kerrison , St. Magdalen st, St. Savi•ours Queen fTictoria~ Ketchpole John, Queen st, St. Stephens Queen frictoria, Ulph William, Pottergate st, St. Lawnmce Quee11s Head, Fox haac, St. Giles st Rampant Horse, Sweatman Henry, Fishgate st, St. Edmunds Rampant Horse Hotel, Twiss Christopher, Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens The Recruiting Sergeant, Dawson George, Southgate st, St. Mfarys Recruiting Sergeant, Sands Henry, Ber st. Red Cow, Bates Thos. Cow hill, St. Giles The Yarmouth Bridge Inn, Brown John, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Red House, Fish Thomas, Orford st Red Liou, Brown Tho~. London st, St.Andrews NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Red Lion, Mayers Eliz. Red Lion st Red Lion, Weyer Jesse, Bridge st, St. Mich. · Coslany Rifleman, Carnpling J ames, St. Georges la, St. Saviours Ril·s r:f Beef, Ben ton John, Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Rose, Brooks John, Ber st Rost Commercial Inn ~· Farnily Hotel, Cobb Legget, Botolph st, St. Augustine Rose Tavern, Lack W. Back of the Inn:>, St. . Peter's Rose Tavern, Pumm~ll Thomas, Market place, St. Peter's Mancroft Royal Oak, Futter J ames, St. Augustine's st, St. Augustines St. Paul's Tavern, Cooper Thomas, Cowgate st Sedan Chairman,Slaugh ter W. Waggon Horse la Shalcspeare Tavern, Kemp William, Theatre st, St. Peter's Mancwft Ship, Scales Samuel, King st gate Sliip, Varnish Richard, King st Shi1·e Hall Tavern, Clark John Francis, Caitle ditches The Shoulder l!f ... lfutton, Carlton Ann, St. Stephen's st Shoulder qf J.Hutton; Swann H. Botolph st, St. Augustines The Star Commercial Inn 9· Posting House, Puxley T. Mrkt place, St. Peter's Mncrft Strzr 9· Crown, Andrews Wm. Timber hill Steam Packet, Gidner James, King st Steam Packet, Hilling Richard, King st Steltm Packet, Thompson Wm. King st Stump o/ Cross, Newson Mary, Magdalen st Tile Sun, Sparkes Wm. St. Giles's st The Sun, Vincent W. Bridgest, St. Michael's Coslany The Sun Inn, Whiten G. Catton rd, St. Clemts Sun 4· Anchor, Walsea Isaac, Colegate st, St. Clements Swan Posting House, Ask er Jas. St. Ptt1s Man. Swan, Gaffer Samuel, Swan la, St. Andrews Swan, l\1anthorpe J os. King st Swan & Two Necks, Gibson James, St. . Martin's, St. Martin's oak Sword Bearer, Day Wm. Samson & Hercules et, St. George's Tombland The Tert Bells, Brown Edmund, Upper We!twick st, St. Margarets Thatched House, J ohnson Isaac, Rampant Hor~e st; St. Stephens Theatre Tavern, Stannard Richard, Bethel st, St. Peter's Mancroft Thom Tavern, Holland William, Ber tit Three Compass~s, Rix William, Up Kiog st Three Horseshoe.~, Goffin R. Close, Tombland Three Jolly Dealers, Durranl Samuel, Coslany st, St. Michael's Coslany Three Jolly Dyers, West Benjamin, Wensum st, Sts. Simeon & Jude Three Maltsle1·s, Outlaw Noah, King st Three Tu11s, Cbiverton J no. All Saints green Three Tuns, Livock E. King st Three Tuns Tavern, Laccohee Jacob, Wbitef, iars, St. Martin at Palace Tiger, Symonds D. Kingsgate st, St. Edmunds Tornpsons Cellar, Fountain l\Iartin, King st Trowel 9· Hammer, Powley Robert, St. Stephen:. gate The Trumpet, Palmer Robert, St. Stephen:S st 115
NORFOLK. NORWICH. NoRWICH CLA5SIFICATioN, continued. Turkey Cock, Fish Samuel, Elm htll The Turners, Alien Robert, St. Andrews hill, St. Andrews The Two Brewers, Plummer Henry, St. Johm Madder market Two Brewers, Smith William, Coslany st, St. l\lichaels Coslany Two Necked Swan, Scott John, St. Stephens The Two Nl'cked Swan, Phillips :Thomas, Market place, St. Peter's Mancroft Two Quarts, Bureham William, Bridge st, St. Gem·ges Colegate Two Quarts, Riches Charles, Pottergate st, St Giles Unicorn, Goodend Thomas, St. Mary st, St. Mary's Coslany Victory, Cudden Ann, Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Victualler, Liddlelow Robt. St. Andrews step!!, St. Andrews Waggon q Horse Inn, Bus hell J no. Tomblnd Waggon 4· Hones, Press John, St. Giles Wellington Inn, Thorpe John, White Lion st, St. Peters Mancroft 'Wheatsheaf, Malster Stephen, Castle ditches Wheat sheaf Inn, Sainty John, Bethel st, St. Peters Mancroft White Clleckers, Kingdom Richard, Coslany st, St. Michaels Coslany White Friars, Scatter Robert, Whitefriars, St. Martin at Palace TF!Iite Hart, Fuller Robert, St. Stephens White Hart, Kemp Henry, Bridge st, St Micl. Coslany White Hart Commercial Inn, Just James, St. Peters .Mancroft "White Horse, Howard Jamf's, Castle ditches White Horse, Thurless Dve Michael, St. Marys Churchyd, St • .Marys White Horse, Mason Wm. St. Magdalen st White Horse, Stubbs Edward Henry, St. Andrew Broad st, St. Johns Madder market Wltite Lion, Butcher James, Coslany st, St. Martins oak 1Vlzite Lion, Howard James, St. Benedict T¥hite Lion, Howes J ames, St . .1\lagdalen st, St. Pauls White Lion Inn, Davey Thomas Crabtree, 'White Lion st, St. Peters Mancroft White Lion, Ring George, Princes st, St. Michael at Plea TVhite Lion, (Lict>nsed to let Horses for Hire), Barber Wm. St. Martins Palace st White Rose· Tavern, Brook hall Henry, Back of the Inns, St. Peters Mancrvft Wild JUan, Taney J ames, Pottergate st, St. Andrew's William Tell, Rudd Charles, Castle ditches Witliam the Fourth, Arnold George, Middle st, St. Augustines William the Fourth Tea Gardens, ~· Tavern, Fouls"am Jamt>s, Mousehold heath Windmill, Hewit Bt. Catton rd, St. Clements Wine 'l'm•ern, Snffidd Edward, St. Giles st Wine Tavern, WoodsJames, UpperWestwick st, St. Gregorys Wine Vaults, Willett Eagle, Crooks pl /'Vine Vuults, W1llett .Eagle, Queen st, St. Stepht•ns W(lolpacker, Alden William, Botolph st, St. Sav10urs Woolpack, Barnes Mary, St. George's Colegate 116 .. ~--·--· -- NoRWICH CLASSIFICATION ,continued. Woolpack, Howard John, Coslany st, St. Mary Coslany Woolpack, Thurling James, Golden Ball st, St.Johns Timber hill World's End, Bacon Thomas, St. Martins Palace plain The JVounded Hart, Johnson James, Upper market, St. Peters Mancroft Yarmoutlt Arms, Wood John, Pudding la, Market pi, St. Peters Mancroft Throwslers. Havers William, St. Pauls plain Turtle F. G. Botolph st, St. Augustine Tile merchant . ....-Coatus Richard, Kingse,ate Timber Merchants. Browne E. Fishgate, St. Edmunds Coakes R. Kingsgate, St. Edmunds ~ eeks William, & Charles, St. Georges plain, St. Georges Colgate Mayhew .Tames, Surrey rd Newsham Josh. King st Steward James, King st Tinmen. Alden Robert, Red Lion st, St. Stephens · Hayward C. Ber st Hayward E. St. 1\lagdalen st, St. Pauls Hayward J. Elm hill Helsden Henry, St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls Merton Robert, St. Lawrence Tinplate Workers. Olley B. Upper Westwick st, St. Margarets Tobacconists. Lore S. Market pl, St. Peters Mancroft .Miller Robert, London st, St. Andrews Newbegin Jas. Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Rudd J. Coslany st, St. Michaels Coslany Scott J. C. 6 Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Smith Jno. & S. Gentlemans walk, St. Peters Man croft Waite & Cousins, opposite the hall, Market pl Wigham R. Market pi, St. Peters Mancroft Tobacco Pipemakers. Brown Josh. Wellington yd, St. Stephens st Footer John, Ber st Lincoln John, Common Pump 1\letcalf J. Bridge st, St. Michaels, Coslany Pitts R. B. & J. Ber st To!Jmakt1·s.-Boswell Thos. St. Johns, Madder mkt Burnell Jame!ll, St. 1\Iagdalen st, St. Saviours Tripedresser.-Ganod T. Ber st Trunkmnkers.-Atkins T. Back of the Inns, St. Peters Tuxford \Villiam, Ber st Tru.~smaker.-Taylor George, St. Giles st Tw·ners.-·Chilvers W tlliam, Ber st Perry Paul, St. Gre~orys chyd, St. Gregorys Umbrella lWakcrs. Forster John, London st, St. Andrews Gidney Ben. Red Lion st, St. Stephens King Tyrrel, Botolph st, St. Saviours Mattin T. L. 39 London st, St. Andrews Meens John, St. Stephens st, St. Stephens Peck John, All Saints green Uplwlsterer1. Bennelt Thos. :St. Giles st. St. Peters Man croft Bexfield Joseph, Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Cox John, Queen st, Bank pi, St. Georges Tom bland • James Gill C. Pottergate st, St. Gregorys Gilman John, Back of the Inns, St. Peters Huggms Maria, St. Andrew's Broad st, St. J ohns Madder market Ling & Son, Bridewell a!, & Pottergate st, St. Andrews Lord Aron, St. J ohns Madder market
NORWICH. NORFOLK ~~====~~~~========·======================== NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Mason & Norris, Charing cross, St. Johns Madder market Mills J. Castle ditches lVIoore Mary, Goat la, St. Gregory Mounsear R. Princes st, St. Peters Hungale "':. St. Quintan Perry, Queen st, Bank place, St. Georges Tombland Scott Robert & Son, Charing cross, St. John s Madder market Smith Christoph~r Henry, St. Giles st Tomlinson Wm. Bank st, St. Michael at Plea Veterinarg Surgeons.- Pirawne George,Wastlegate st S1bel T. S. Pottergate st, St. Gregory Smith Wm. Rampant Horse st, St. Stephens Wells J. B. Castle meadow Warehousemen. Bidwell, Keyme1· & Hook, Gentlemens walk, St. Peters Mancroft Dickenson Bidwell Richard, 22 Gentlemans walk, Market pl, St. Peters Mancroft Mitchell & Banks, Market pl, St. Peters Man croft Shepherd Robert, Upper market, St. Peters Man croft Squires Wil1iam, King st Starling Edmund, Pottergate st, St. Giles Torris Gayford, Gentlemans walk Woodgate Philip sen, Market place Watcf, 4· Clockmakers. Bell John, St. Andrews plain Casper G. Cockey la Clark Robert, Up \Vestwick st, St. Margarets Davy Edward, Queen st, Bank place, St. Georges Tombland Deeks John, Ber st Gidney R. 73 St. Stephens st, St. Stephens Gunton Henry, 15 Briggs st, St. Stephens Buckenham J. C. Tom bland Lipfel Thomas, Ber st Merrison J ames, Cross la, St. Georges Colegate Moore John, Coslaney st, St. Marys Morrison James, Red Lion st, St. Stephens Piggin John, Gentleman's walk, St. Peters Man croft Priest George, 2 Briggs st, St. Stephens Ransome Henry, Bridewell al, St. Andrews Hussell B. Magdalen st RusseU Henry, Post office st, St. J ohns Madder market Saint Samuel, Up West wick st, St. Benedicts Shildrake William, London st, St. Andrews Sly S. White Lion st, St. Peters .1\lancroft Springall I. Wen sum st, Sts. Simeon & J ude Tipper J no. St. Magdalen st, St. Saviours Teppel C. St. Magdalen st, St. Pauls 'Wax Figure Maker.- Smith Lu(;y, Exchange st, St. Peters Mancroft Weavers. Allison George, St. Martins palace place Mallett W. Barrack st, Pockthorpe Welch. Fire Good:; Dealers.-Colman G. & J. Castle mE'adow Whm:fingers. Boardman & Harmer, King st Harrison Robert, King st Jay J. & Co. King st Rudrum R. & S. (from Norwich to London), W right Cook, King st Wheelwrights. Ashden Richard, Ber st Holden William, King st Moore J. Ber st gate Scolt F. G. Ber st . King st Whipmaker. Hardy Charles, Timber hill Whitesmiths.-Barker George, St. Peters .Mancroft Cook Robert, Coslany st, St. Michael Coslany NoRWICH CLASSIFICATioN, continued Golding J. Cathedral close Jarvis Francis, Timber hill st l\'lollett Thomas, Rose la Stammers Richan;l, Rampant Horse Back "st, St. Stephens T¥hiting Manufacturer. Clements Joseph, BH st Wine Cooper.-King C. G. Gregory st, St. Gregory Wine Importers.-Norwich Company, Yallop Sir J. H., Bolingbroke H. Upper st, St. Giles lVine Merchants.-Anthony Wm. Upper market, St. Peters .l\1ancroft Arnold M aria, Lower W estwick st, St. MarBach Edward, Gentlemans walk Benwell & Bacon, St. Stephens st Bolingbroke H. & Co., St. Giles st Bultard & Watts, St. Miles bridge Chase William, Willow la, St. Gil~s garets Cubett Wm.&. John, Bndge st, St. Clements Culley John, St. Andrews hill Dady Sarah Ann, Old Post Office yd, Mkt pl Filby W. E . .M.uspole st, St. Georges Colegate Geldert Josh. Wensum st, Sts.Simeon &Jude Martineau & Co. St. Magdalen st Morrison & Co. St. Anns la Plummer ,V. Bridewell alley, St. Andrews Powley, W. Princes st, St . .Michaels at Plea Priest & Co. St. Giles st Roper Reuben, Dukes palace H.obinson T. Coslany st, St. Michaels Coslany Rose P. & R. St. Andrews hill, St. Andrews Seppings W. & G. Tornbland Skilton M. A. St. Augustine st, St. Augustine Steward, Patterson, Finch & Co., Barrack st Tooke Geo. Bridge st, St. Georges Colegate Ward & Fisher, St Johns Madder market Webb Wm. Bridge st, St. Georges Colegate Wiseman Isaac, 13 Exchange st Wiseman Isaac, Corn Exchange, Exchange st Youngman A. & S. Tombland & Broad st ' Wood Merchants. Applegate James, Pottergate st, St. Giles Rodgers H. Quay side, St. Martins Palace st Youngman A. & S. Tombland & Broad st Woolcomber. Tuck Harvey Isaac, Church alley, St. Michaels Coslany Woolfactors. Webb & Newbegin, Bridge st, St. .M.ichaels Woohtaplers. Bateman C. & Son, Middle st, St. Georges Colegale Gardiner Geo. Golden Dog la, St. Saviours Hawkes R. W. Bethel st, St. Giles Hawkes R. W. Bethel st Pyman John, Calvert -st, St. Saviours Sheppard R. Upper market, St. Peter's Mancroft Woollen Drapers. Alien T. House, 21 London st, St. M ichaels at Plea Barker B. Londoti st, St. Andrews Betts J. Exchange st, St. Peter's Mancroft Bid well, Keymer & Hook, Gentlemans walk Boardman B. 11 & 12 Briggs st, St. Stephens Chamberlin H. & Son, Market pl Copeman -, 14, 15, & 16 St •. Peters Mancroft Lovick & J ohnson, London st, St. Andrews Wade John, 18 London st, St. Andrews Turtle F. E. Botolph 11t, St. Augustine Woollen ~Ian'l!facturers ~ T¥arehoumnen. Blunder- , field Robert & Page, Pitt st, St. Marys Hawkes R. W. Bethel lit, St. Giles Middleton Charles, St. George's Colegate 117
• ' NOR}""OLK. NORWICH. N'onwiCH CLASSIFICATION, continued. BURGHAPTON, Pigg Samuel, Bank plain Near Norwich. Robberds J. W. & Co. Churc!) la, St. Saviours. Coleman, Stephen .............................. Bricl<layer Woollen ]}ferchants. De V ear & Phillips, Davry pi, Forder, William .................................... T~ilor St. Peters Hall, Robert ......................................... JI'hller Hawkes R. & H. Coslany st, St. Martins oak Harvey,,Harriett ................... : .. ; ....... Shopkeeper Hawkes R. Wm. Bethel st, St. Giles Hazd, :F~ ......................... M1llmer& Dressmaker Hawkes Robert Wm. Bethel st Hubbard, Mary Ann ........................ Day School Parr Wm. Burrell. St. Giles !'t IIunton, Daniel ................................. Red Lion Pyman John, Calvert st, St. George.;; Colegate Lane, Robert ................................. Shopkeeper Worsted Manufacturers. Churton & Clarke, Calvert 5t :\lo01·e, Richard ....................................... Tailor Francis John, Calvert st, St. Georges Colegate Scarlet, William ................................. Gardener Gun ton Thomas, Pitt st, St. Augustine Seago, Williarn .............................. Shopkeeper Hinde E. & F. Botolph st, St. Augustine Waterson, James .............................. Blacksmith Jay Geo. King st, & Tolls et, Briggs la Y ellop, Robert .............................. Shopkeeper Ladley F. St. Mary's st, St. Mary5 causeway For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. Langton Robert, Pitt st, St. Georges CARROWt Wright John, Elm hill t Near Norwich. Yarn Agents. Priestly Edward, Duke st, St.l\:larys Birch, Isaac ....... ~ ................... Dealer in Tea, &c. Webb & Newbegin, Bridge st, St. Michaels Birch, James .................................. Schoolmaster Coslany I Girling, \V .................................. Beer Retailer Wiley & Turner, Muspole st, St. Georges I Leat h~r~al_e, J oseph, Carrow gardens. Colegate l\Ian, W1lham ................................. Shoemaker Yarn Spinners 9· Manufacturers. Norw.ich Yarn Puxley, Francis, New Carrow ......... ... Beer Retailer Company, D. BJake manager, F1shgate st, Young, J ........................................... Maltster St. Edmunds For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. Yeast Dealer. Dybel Robt. Back st, St. Stephens HEIGHTON, J.Vear Norwich. ALPINGTON, Near Norwich. Abel, John ................................... Horsedealer B J h B R t . 1 Abel, John' ................................. Rising-Sun Inn aeon, o n .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. .. eer e a1 er Ab 1 Ed d J: r l p · t Barrett, Benjamin .................................. Butcher -Aldsho om, St whar ' pt ·J·'"z'.'"'"z''~;;h· ... l n? hert F J Bl k . h ouse, ep en, u wn s , u tan p , n ee wng reeston, as ................................ , . ac 5.tnlt All · 1 J h TJT t p tt t t G H t S I P · h Cl k c ne 1, o n, rr es o erg a e s .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . rocer u ton, amue ••• . ............... ........... ans er A ··v·11. ur t Th C P t .I R R R rmes, " 1 Jam, rrensum s .................. e ow os 1 e, ev. . ••• . .... .••• ••• .. .. ................. ector B Id · J T. 1. l B k ,... 'll J h SI k a win, ames, JU tan p .. . .. .... .. ... .... ...... a er ..., ovi ' o n ...... .............. ... ... .. .... .. .. lop eeper n 'l I ru· t P tt t l B k Wh.t G Pl b & Gl · oa1 ey, saac, res u erga e .s .. .. • . .. . ootma er 1 more, eo. ... .. .. ...... . • ..... urn er az1er B .1 I d'tt B 'ld Wh't w Sh k a1 ey, S"l>c, t o .............................. u1 er 1 more, m. ... . ....................... ... oema ·er B .1 J J z· l M'll' .,;xr J h C t a1 ey, at ., u tan p .. .. .. • •• . .. .. . ••• .. . .. .. .. 1 mer "' orman, o n ..... .. . .... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. arpen er B I:> h b h Ch l L~ . l d 182 For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. 'aptlst ·"e 0 ot ape • mon P ' erecte 3. Barker, Edward, West Pottergate st ......... Grocer BROOKE, Barnes, Richard, Chapel st ••• The Horse & Dolphin Near Norwich. Bay field, Arthur, Crook's pl ........................ Baker Barlow, Isaac ....................................... Tailor Betts, John, West Pottergate, Cross st .. .......... Baker Brigham, John ........................ Boarding School Big~:s, James, West Pottergate st ......... Corndealer Browne, William ........................... Beer Retailer Blogg, Maria, St. Giles gate ••• Register Office for Butcher, Edward .................................... Grocer Servants Castle, Williaip ......•......•......................... IVIiller Boalt & Son .•................•••.........•••...... Tanners Clarke, W. & D. R ............................... Smiths Bradbury, Thomas, Wensum st .. .......... General Shop Downing, James ........................... Beer Retailer Brittain, William, West Pottergate :;t ...... Saracen's Everett, John ................................. Saddler, &.c. Head Inn Forder, Robert ................................. Shoemaker Browne, James, Julian pl ............... Beer Retailer Harvey, 1\::I aria ................................. Shopkeeper Bryant, Euoch, ditto ....................... Boot maker Hoggith, William ........................ Drapers Tailor Bunn, John, Chapel.fieldJ ........................ Builder Jones, Edward ................................. Postmaster Burdett, Nalhaniel, West Pottergate st ...... The Dis .. Jones, Edward ................. u. .................. Gwcer tillery Gate Inn Johnston, James .................. Plumber, Painter, &.c. Burrell, Samuel, Union pl .................. Bootmaker Johnson,J. A .................................. Grocer, &c. Callaghan, John, Julian pl ...... General Shopkeeper I.arke, John .......................................... Tailor Carr,- Edmund, ditto ........................... Scrivener Larke, R. N ........................................ Surgeon Clark, R. West Potte1gate st ......... Dealer in Coals 1\::Iarston,.Alfred .............................. Saddler, &c. Clarke, Ann, Union pl ...... Grocer & Cheesemonger 1\::Iimmacks, George ........................... Kings Head Clarke, J. Crook's pl .............................. Butcher Newson, John .............................. Wheelwright Clayton, Alexander, ditto ............... Beer Retailer Plough, Robert ................................ Shoemaker Clements, \V m. Juliar~ pl ...... The Vauxhall Gardens Seag, William .................. Plumber, Painter, &c. Cook, John .................... Gardener and Seedsman Steward, John ...................... Plumber, Painter, &c. Cooper, R. Wensum st ....................... Haircutter Tidman, John ................................. Shopkeeper Crawford, Charles, Julian pl ............ Cabinet Maker Jones, Edward ................................. Postmaster Crawford, Mary Ann, djtto ............... Beer Retailer Fost O:flice. , Curtis, F. West Pottergate 1t •:.; ........... Bricklayer Letters arrive from Norwich at 11 morn. and are Dakins, Samuel, Julianpl . ................ Bricklayer despatched at ! past .3 afternoon. Day, ................................ , ............ Brewer .Carrier. Dennant, Michael, Crook'' pl ............... John Bull To Norwich Mickleborough, Edw. leavei Brooke Dod, William, Castle st, Crook's pl ............ Grocer every Sat. morn. and returns same day. Douglas, Henry, Unionpl '"'""' ........... Optician 11S
NORWICH. NOJtFOLK. Dyson, William, Julian pl ............... Spring Maker Thompson, Jame~, Union pl ..................... Grocer Eade, Thomas, West Pottergate st ............... Taile>r Thor~by, Robert, TVest Pottergate st ............ Baker El win, Robert, Julian pl .................. Upholsterer Tihbenham, vVilliam, Union pl ............... Butcher Emnlis, Charles, West Pottergate st ............ Wiue Tiukler, Gcorge, Julian pl ............... Law Stationer Coopers' Arms Turner, John, C1'0ok' s pt ........................... Tailor Emms .. Sarah, Wensum st ............ , .. Beer Retailer Turner, VVilliam, West Pottergale st ... Plumber, &c. Fit, Benjamin, Castle st, Crook's pl ...... Beer Retailer Ulph, William, St. Gilesgate ... Cotton Manufacturer Forster, James, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Utton, Thomas, Castle st, Crook's pt ., .... Shoemaker Freeman, John, Heigham hill ......... Coal Merchant Watling, John, Julianpl ....... , .......... Coachmaker Freeman, William, Chapel st ..................... Baker "raylett, William, ditto ..................... Blacksmith Freeman, William, Julian pl ............ Cabinet :l\Iaker \".'est, William, ditto ............................. ,Tailor Godbold, Henry, ditto ..................... Coachmaker \\'igg, Ephraim, Union pl ..•••. , ................ Tailor Golding, Thomas, ditto ........................... Bntcher \\ igham, R. Distillery st, Wholesale Tobacco & Snuff Goose, Robert Union pl ......... Builder & Bricklayer Manufacturer Graham, Nathaniel, ditto ........................... Baker Wigham, Robert, ditto, & 18 Old Haymarket, 8t, Grin ling, William, Julian pl ............ Woollen Draper Peter's JJJancrqft ............ Tobacco Manufacturer Gubbard, John, Castle st, Crook's pl ...... Roval Oak Wood ward, James Hillesdon ............ The Windmill Gurney, William, Cross st ...................... .".Grocer \Voods, William, Union ter ............... Beer Retailer Hand, John, Union pl ..................... Beer Retailer Wood ward, George, Julian pl ..................... Baker Harcourt, Anthony, Julian pl ........... Co~hmaker Wurr, William, ditto ........................ Shoemaker Hardrman, Robet·t, ditto ..................... Shoemaker For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. Hill, Henry, West Potter gate st ............ Tf'adealer HILLESDON, Hood, John, Globe st ..................... Beer Retailer Near Norwich. Hubbard, Thomas, Julian pl ............... Carpenter B t Ed d M"ll Hudson, Geo. West Pottergate, Crosut ... Shoemaker Ga sonfi, Id wSar .I .. M .. ··:1 ·t· .................. B ...... R ..t 1 • 1 er I I d J h T. z· z C h p . reen e , amue , t cross .... .... . eer e a1 er re an , o n, o~u zanp ............... oac amter l"' Id J h H"ll d 11.1'11 I Ed ....... d U · z B k .\.eyno s, osep . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. 1 es on .Ll 1 verson, vYc .. r , man p • • .. .. . . . • . . . . . . . • .. .. . a er F p 1 C h & N · h Jary, John, St. Giles gate ............... Tunns Tavern or os ' oac es, c. see orwlc • J fl·. · n e 7 1 L d J t· l S LAKENHAM r1es, n a ter . oun , u tan p .... . .. . . .. . ales man , Johnson, Thomas, ditto ..................... Shopkeeper . Near Norwich. Jolly, Henry, Heigham !till ............... Horse Dealer Aldndge, John, Church lane ..................... Grocer J uller, William Fox, Union pl .................. Chemist Alexander, W. New Lakenham ......... Schoolmaster Kemp, Daniel, Julian pl .................. Parish Clerk Bain, William ....................................... Miller Kerridge, John, Portland pl, Grocer & Cheesemonger Baskaway, Fr:mcis, New Lakenham, Duke of Norfolk Kidd, Robert, Julian pl , .............. Dyer & Dresser Bay lis, A ........................................ Cowkeeper Kin.2;aby, Samuel, Union pl ......... Bricklayers' Arms Blake, Robert ................................. Lime Burner Lake, J obn, Wensum st .................. Beer Retailer Braxter, Esther ....................................... Baker Land, Charles, Julian pl ......... Boot & Shoemaker Brooks, Henry, Lakenham Hall lane ...... Bricklayer Large . John d;tto Shopkeeper· Bro\vn. Ann ............•............................. Grocer ' ._ ........................... - ' . Laws, Robert, Union pl .................. Beer Retailer Browne, Ann, Lakenham Hall lane ...... : .. Drugg1st Laws, Robert ................................. \Vhitesmith I Bumm, John ................................. Lime Burne,: Leavins, Bayley, Julian pl ........................ Printer Car~ey, J. Grove r_l ........................ House Age!1t Le men, Robert, ditto .............................. Miller Clare, Charles, J}'llll st .. ................... Payfield Mill Leweski, William, Union pl .. ................... Jeweller Cocks, Eliz. New Lakenlwm .. .... Dealer in Tea, &c. Me Claskey, Samuel, Globe st ................. , ... Grocer· Collier, Robert .............................. White Horse Marjoram, Charles, Union pl ............... The Globe Darley, W .. Hall. rd, New Lakenhanz ... General Shop Mason, Jarvis, Julian pl .................. Yarn Spinner Dean, Damel, dz~to .. ................ Freemasons' Arms Mether, William, ditto .... · ....................... Printer Evans, Henry, Rtcltmond pl ...•••... Agency Bookseller N eale, ................................. Coach Builder Folk, Robert, Portland pt •••.... .. Portland House Inn Neale, ,V. V. St. Giles bill ..................... Builder Fn:e~tone, Anthony, Freestone row .. . Miller & Baker Nobbs, Edward~ 'rook's pl .............. Beer Retailer Freestone, Francis, New Lakenham ............... Baker Norman, Aldhouse, TVemum st ......... Deer Retailer Fulcher, Matthew, Mill st .. ~ ...... : ..... Beer Retailer Notley, WiJliam, Julianpl ........................ Builder Fuller, S. City rd .............................. Shoemaker Outlaw, Thomas, ClwpFl st ..................... Grocer Barman, R. Mary, Church lane ............... Roebuck Parreman, Robert, St. Giles gate ...... Gardener, &c. Harper, James .................... , ........... Cherry Tree Pegg, William, Castle st, Crook's pl ... Estate Agent Ili~h, lsaac, Freestone row ............... Beer Retailer Powell, Edward, Union pl ...... Duke of Wellington Hill, John, Trotm:e st ......•••...••••••••••••.. , ... Grocer Parish, John, West Pottergate st ......... Beer Retailer Horn, Mary, ditto ................................. Grocer Rainger, George Henry, Chapel .fields ......... Solicitor Hudson,\"\ illiam, JUi!l st .............. Dealer in Te~ Head, (:harles, Crook's pl ............... Curriers' Arms Hnmfray, Thos. Hall rd, New Lakenham ... Surgeon Reed, Charles, Globe st ..................... , .. Bricklayer J efferies, Israel, Lakenharn Hall lane ... King's Arms Riches, D. E. West Pottergate st ......... Brushmaker J enkinson, William, New Lakenham ............ Grocer Rix, Joseph ................... ,., .............. Bricklayer Johnson, ~'loss, Lakenlwm Halllane ......... Carpenter Rouse, Thomas, Union pl ........................ Grocer J ohnson, l\Ioss, ditto ....................... . Parish Cieri( Rump. James Smith .............................. Tanner Kett, Sarah, Hall rd, New Lakenllarn .. ;B~er Retailer Stone, John, Wensum st .................. Beer Retailet King, E. A. ditto .......................... H ..... Butcher Sadler, John, Julian pl ... , .... , .................. Grocer King~bury, G. Richmond pl ............... Corn Dealer Scott, Israel, Crook'i pl .... ~ ................ Whitesmith Leech, C. Hall rd, New Lakenham, Coffin Maker & .Slater, },rancis, Juliatlpl ... Grocer~& Cheesemonger Carpenter Slater, John, ditto ........ , ......... , ........ Brushmaker Leggett, Daniel, Chapel st ........................ Baker Stewardson, J. W~t ......... Haircutter Moore, Wllliam ........................... The Omnibus Stringer, M. Crook's pl ............... Market Gardener Moore, William ........................ Timber Merchant Thomas, Thomas, West Pottergate st ......... Grocer .Murrell, William, Trafalgar st ............. Lord Nelsoa 119 0 '
NORFOLK:. .REEPHAM & HACKFORD. Pinchon, Ann, Trowse st ........................... Baker Ed wards, J ames ............ Pumpmaker & Wellsinker Purdy, P. H. Halt rd, New Lakenham, Plumber, &c. Hitchen, Wi\liam ........................... Shop Keeper Purdy, R. H. ditto ........................ Plumber, &c. Lanes, Richard .............................. Beer Retailer Roe & Bell, Bracondale .................. Horticulturists Legood, James ....................................... Dove Rope, C. City rd ....................... Sign Painter, &c. Serrell, J osiah ......... , .......................... Solicitor Sadler, John, Grove pl .. ........................ Butcher• Sewell, Rev. Thomas ............................ :.Curale Sarles, n.. Hawe's pl, Hall rd, New Lakm, L!nendrpr Thetford, Robert .............................. White Hart Shickle, Robert, New Lakenham ............... Butcher W orman, Geo .............................. Beer Retailer Smith, Robert, Trowse st.. ................... Shoemaker Wright, JohR ....................................... Baker Thompson, J oseph, ditto ........................... Grocer Wright, William ........ -........................ Carpenter Turn ay, George ................................. Ram Inn For Post, Coaches, &c., see Norwich._ Watering, J. Hall road ..................... Shoemaker Webster, J . .......................... .......... Shoemaker Wilkin, Robert, Lakenham Hall lane ...... Shoemaker Wilkings, R. Halt road ..................... Shoemaker Wordin2:ham, William ........................ Rose Inn Wordingham, William, Lakenham Hall lane, Builder Worman, J. Richmond pl ..................... Carpenter Wright, Samuel ................................. Bricklayer Wyer, Samuel, Trowse st ..................... Shoemaker Wyeth, Nathaniel ........................... Brick maker ·Young, .M. A ............................... General Shop Y oungs, William, Richmond hill, Richmond hill Gardens Inn Post Office. Twiss, Robert ............................. . New Lakenham For Coaches, &c. see Norwich. ~IULBARTON, Near Norwich. Barrel}, S . ..... ........................................ Miller 'Blake, Robert .................................... Butcl1er Creamer, Charles ............................ , ....... Miller Dye, John .......................•........... .•.. Bootmaker Fulcher, William ........................... World's End Mann~ H.obert .................................... Maltster Ollett, Samuel ................................. Carpenter Pearce, Charles ....................................... Smith Petchell, Mark Bean ........................ Day School Porrett, D. . ......................................... Baker Rice, Uobert ............ '\Vheelwright & Beer Retailer Rutledge, Thomas ................................. Tailor Spratt, William .................................... Baker Spurgeon, Rev. Richard ........................... Rector Todd, John .................................... Shopkeeper For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. Public Officer. Registrar of Births & Deaths for Humbleyard District .............................. Pechell, Mark Bean NEW CATTON, Near Norwich. Sexton, Richard, ~t. Clements ............... Whalebone Pritchard, John, ditto .............................. Baker Powley, Eliza, Chapel st, Crooks pl ...... Dressmaker Munday, Thomas, St. Clements .................. Grocer Fake, William, ditto ........................ Pump Maker Pegg, Thomas, ditto ................................. Baker Pegg·, Thomas, dillo .................. Baker's Arms Inn For Post, Coaches, &c. see Norwich. POCKTHORPE, Near Norwich. Nelson, Thomas, Silver rd .............. .'~eer Retailer Hayfield, Arthur .................. '\\"at er & Steam Mills For Post, &c., see Norwich. THORPE, Near Norwich. Bracey, Robert ............... Grocer & Cheesemonger Bracey, Robert .............................. Lime Burner Brinded, 3' ames .............................. Beer Retailer Brinded, John ........................... Dealer in Coals Brown, John .............................. Clarence Arms Dale, Robert ........................... ......... Carpenter Elgood, James .............................. Beer Retailer Everett, J. Bishops bridge .................. Fellmon~er Franc Is, Robert ........................... Kings Head Inn Grant, George ....................•.........•.. The Gritlin Hardy, John ...................•.............•.. Bricklayer ::1\loll, Isaac ... ........................•.............. Butcher Read, Robert, Bishops bridge, Corn & Coal Merchant Rope, Miss ................................. Ladies School Salmon, Thomas .............................. Blacksmith Shardelow, Benjamin ... Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Smith, Joseph .................................... The Buck Ward, John .............................. The Three Tuns Weeds, Wm ...................... Gtocer & Tea Dealer For Post, Coaches, &c., see Norwich. THURTON, Nwr Norwich. Carver, James ........................ Boot&. Shoemaker Barber, Thomas .................. George & Dragon Inn Hobson, Rev. \Vm ............................ Incumbent Hunting, John .............................. Red Lion Inn H u tting, Wm. . .................................. . Attorney Ministm·, Wm ...................... Plumber & Glazier \Varner, Richard .............................. Shoemaker Waterson, Richard ........................... Blacksmith For Post, Coaches, &c., see Norwich. 'l'ROWSE, Near Norwich. Digby, Robert ........................... Anchor of Hope Uarris, Mary .................................... The Angel J arvis, Richard ............ The Drovers & Pine Apple Read, T. 'Vm. & Co .... Trowse & Bracondall Mills Skipper, Wm ............................... Rose & Crown Skipper, W ln .................................. Blacksmith Ulph, James ........................... Brewer & ltetailer For Post, Coaches, &c., see Norwich. B::E::E:PHAM & HACK.I'OBD, with Whitwell. A small market town, on the banks of the river Eym, a branch of the Wensum,·111 i m1les from London, through Newmarket, Brandon, Watton, and East Dereham, and 12 miles NW .from Norwich; contained, in 1831, 452 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 2936l. The chief trade of this town is in malt, the adjacent country being PORINGLAND, well adapted for the gmwth of barley. The market Near Norwich. is on Saturday, and a fair is held on June 29th, for Beverley, Tobias ........................ Miller & Baker horses, &c. The church is dedicated to 1he Virgin Coleman, E ................................. Shop Keeper ... Vlary; in the chancel is a monument, inlaid with Col man, Samuel .................................... Miller brass, for William cie 1\erediston, ob. 1391, and his Dracket, F .............................. 1., ... Blacksmith lady, who is represented in the reticulated head..<Jress 120 ~ f • - -·
REEPHAM & IlACKFORD. NOltFOLK. ====================== ===~== of the period. U ncler an arch in the north wall of the chancel is a crusader, of the Kerdiston famtly, which has been engraved tor "Stothard's Monumental Effigies." The living is a rectory, value 328l. per annum, with Kerdiston. Reepham is remarkable for three churches being erected in one cemetry, viz., its own church, and those of Whitwell and Hackford, but the last has long since been burnt. Richard Westall, R. A., was a native of this town ; he died jn 1836. Booton Hall, the seat of S. Bircham, Esq. ; Sail Hall, the seat of Sir Richard Paul J odrell, Bart.; Wood Dalling Hall; lleydon Hall, the seat of W. E. L. Bulwer, Esq.; Bawdeswell Hall, the seat of Mrs. Lloyd; Weston Hall, 1\1e seat of Hambleton T. Custance, Esq.; and Haveringland Ball, the seat of William J.<'ellowes, Esq., are in the neighbourhood. :Name, Besidence, & :Profession. Amiss, John, Reeph(Jm .. ...................... Shopkeeper Amiss, Robert, ditto ................................ Tailor Austin, Watts, Hacliford .....................•.• Butcher Bald win, Daniel, ditto ......... ...... Boot & Shoemaker Barnes, Samuel Berwick, ditto ..... . Grocer & Draper Barratt, Martin, ditto ........................ Blacksmith Barratt, Robert, ditto .............................. Miller Barton, J ost'ph, ditto .............................. Butcher Bircham & Son, dillo ............... Brewers & Maltsters Bishop, Henry, ditto, Plumber, Painter & Glazier, & Parish Cl et k Blyth, Elizabeth, Reepham .............. : .. The Georgt: Blyth, Josiah, Hacliford ............ Boot & Shoemaker Brady, Sarah & M aria, ditto .... ..... Grocers & Drapers Brel'se, James Wil\iam, Reeplwm ............ Gardener8 Brett, Mark,Haclfford .............................. Brewer Briggs, James, ditto ..................... H<~rness Maker Burcham, John, ditto .............................. Tdilor Burrell, John, dillo ........................... Coal Dt'aler Burton, John, ditto .................. Boot & Shoemaker Burton, Thorns, ditto .............................. Butcher Clarke, William, Reepham ........................ Glaziet· Cossen, Richard, Hackford .... .................... Grocer Davidson, James, ditto .............................. Baker Dobson, William, ditto ........................... Currier Drake, John, ditto .............................. Bootmaker Dunham, John, ditto ............................. .... Tailor Eglit~ton, William, ditto ............ .•. Grocer & Draper El\ is, James, ditto ........................ Harnel'.s Maker English, John, ditto .................. Boot & Shoemaker Fox, Mary Ann, ditto ........................... .M tllmer Frank land, Robert, ditto ........................... Brazier Franklin, Robert, ditto ........ .... Boot & Shoemaker George Mary, ditto, Ironmonger, & Sub-distr1butor of Stamps Gladden, R. P., ditto ............... Carpenter & Joiner Mace, Steven, Hacliford ............... Grocer & Draper Matthews, Rev. J ................... Reclor of Reepham Olley, Thomas, Haclgord ................. ....... Cooper Page, Francis, ditto ........... -.Ladies Boarding School Peck, Thomas, ditto ........................ Schoolmaster Pickring, Thomas, ditto ........................... Bra~ier Prims, Peter, ditto ........................ Harness Maker Robins, William, Ret'pl,am ............ Farming Baihff Rudd, James, Haclflord ..................... Hair Dresser Sands, Alexander, dillo ..... . Tailor, & Land Survryor Scurll, Brettmgham, ditto ....................... Baker Seeker, John, ditto ............... Basket & Sieve Maker Se well, Samuel, ditto ....... ................ Wheelwright Se well, W. P. ditto ...•••...............••......... . Joiner Smith, Charles Boulton, Reepham ............ Surgeon Springall, Thomas & Son, Hacliford ...... Bncklayers Springall, Thomas, Reepham ............... Black Lion St. John, George, Haclifard ... Grocer & Draper, and Agent to the Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Office Staples, Thomas, ditto ........................... Druggist Taylor, George, Reepham ... Relieving Officer to the Board of Guardians of Aylsham, & Registt·ar of Births, Deaths & Marriages of the Eyresford District Tuddenham, Richard, Hackjord ............... Cooper Ward, Elizabeth, ditto .... ~. Milliner & Dressmaker Whur, Thomas, Hacliford ~ Reepham ...... Grncer & Draper Will son, John, Hucliford .•.•.................... Hatter Wilson, Sarah, ditto .............................. Millmt>r Woolmer, James, ditto ... Watchmaker & Auctioneer Wording ham, James & Charles, ditto .... ..... Surgeou:J • • Wymer,.George, Reepham ..................... Sollcitor Wymer, J. V. ditto .............................. Solic1tor Y ounge, Robert, Hllckford ......... Grocf'r & Draper Y oxley, J. ditto .............................. Black~muh Poat Office, Leeds, William, Greyhound ......... Receiving House Ma1l Cart from Norwich arrives at 5 aft. and lea\·es 8 morn., delivery ! past 5. !»ublic Officers. Relieving Officer to the Board of Guardians of Aylsham ...................................... "l.,aylor, George Sta-mp Office. George, Mary ........................... Sub-Distributor .Excise Office, Held at the King's Arms. Pulford, John ................................. Superviso1 'Fire & :Life Assurance .A.gents. Grand, Thomas, ditto ••• Beer Retailer & Blacksmith Norwich Equitable Ftre ...... Keeler, John & Robert Harry, Charles, ditto ........................ Lord Nelson Norwich Union ........................ St. John, George Harriss, Sarah, ditto ........................ King's Arms . Hawes, J ames, ditto Coach List. ................................. Tatlor .l:lolley, Rev. E. Rector of Hackford_, and \'icar of Whit well IIoward, Elizabeth, Hacliford, Milliner & Dressmaker Boward, Thomas, ditto ........................ Carpenter How, Francis, K-t.rdister, near Reeplzam ... Blacksmith lsaac, Nathaniel, Hackford ......... Grocer & Draper Jewel!, Seymour, ditto ......... : ..... Veterinary Surgeon Keeler, John & Robert, ditto, Grocers & Drapt!rs, & Agents to the Norwich Equitable Fire Insurance Office kilburn, William, Halt rd, near Reepharn, Boarding & Day School leeds, Ann, Hackjord .... .................... Gray hound Leeds, William, ditto ............................. .... Sun Norfolk.] R To Norwich Mail Cart from the Sun, Reepham, every day at 8 morn. except 1\'Ion. and returns same evening, delivery at 5 even. by Wm. Leeds, earner. Carriers' List. To Norwich Burcham, W11liam, every Wed.&. Sat. at 10 morn. and returns same even. To Ditto Every Wed. and Sat. at 12 morn. and returns same day. Classification of Trades. Auctioneer. W oolmer James, Hackford Baker.-Davidson James, dilto Scurll Brettingham, ditto Basket o/ Sieve Maker. Seeker John, ditto 121
NORFOLK SNETTISHAM. ·~====~==========================~================================= REEPHAM & HACKFORD CLA.SSIFICATION, continued. Beer Retailer. Grand Thomas, Hackford Blacksmiths. Ba•·ratt Martin, ditto Grand Thomas, ditto Howe Francis, Kerdister, near Reepham Y oxley J. Hackford Boot q- Shoemakers. Bald win Daniel, ditto Blyth Josiah, ditto Benton John, ditto Drake John, ditto English John, ditto Franklin Robert, ditto Bra:ziers. Frankland Robt, ditto Pick ring Thomas, ditto Brewers. Bircham & Son, ditto Brett Mark, ditto Bricklayers. Springall Thomas & Son, ditto Butchers. Austin V\r atts, ditto Burton Joseph, ditto Burton Thomas, ditto Carpenters lf Joiners. Gladden R. P. ditto Howard Thomas, ditto Sewell W. P. ditto Coal Dealer.-Burneil John, ditto REEPHAM & HAc~FOJtD CLASSIFICATioN, continued· Sun, Leeds William, Hackford Veterinary Surgeon. Jewell Seymour, ditto Watchmaker. , Woolmer James, ditto W/teelwright. Sewell Samuel, ditto WHITWELL, Near Reepham. Barrett, Martin ................................... Blacksmith Bilham, John ........................... Machine Maker Brett, Mark .••••••••.••.••••••••••••••.•••••.•••••.•• Brewer Burrell, John .........•••.•..••••..••.•..•.••• Coal Dealer Howard, John .........•••••••••.........•••.•. Shoetnaker Leamon, Robertt Esq ........ , ................... Tanner Leeds, Stephen, Esq ..•••••••••••.••.•••••..•.....• Tanner Neal, William .............................. Beer Retailer N ea le, Robert ....•...........••.....•....••.•• Shoemaker Rayner, John •.•••••••.••••••••.••••••••.••••••.•...... Cock Rayner, John ....•.•.••••...••••••..•••...• Excise Officer Rodham, William ........................... Farmer, &c. Rudd, Henry ....................................... Hawker West, John .................. Victualler & Shopkeeper For Post, Coaches, &c. see Reepham. . Coopers.-Olley Thomas, ditto SN:C'l''l'JSHAM, with Great Tuddenham Richard, dttto & Sedgeford. Currier. DobsonJWm. ditto Near the coast, 107! miles from London, through Druggist. Staples Thomas, ditto Cambridge, Ely, and Lynn, from which last it il Gardeners. Bree~e James & William, Reepham 11! miles N.; contained in 1831, 926:inhabitantll; the Grocers o/ Drapers.-Earnes Sml. Berwick, Hackford annual value of a~sessed property in 1815 was 6783L Bradv S1nah & Maria, ditto The church, dedicated to the V1rgin Mary, stands on C'ossen Richard, ditto a hill, and. has a lofty octangular spire, which serves Eglington William, ditto for a sea-mark; at the east end of the north aisle is lsaac Nathaniel, ditto the monument of Sir Wymond Carge, 1612; here i1 Keeler John & Robert, ditto abo a brass of John Cremer and family, 1610; being Mace Stephen, ditto a good specimen of the costume of the period. The St. John George, d1tt0 font is curious. The living is a vicarage, value 1101. WhurThomas, dttto per annum. Here is a free school. At Snettisham Younge Robert, d1tt0 various brass instruments have been dug up, as celts Hairdresser. Rudd James, ditto with handles to them, &c. Between the town and Harness .... lfakers. Briggs James, ditto the sea are marshes for feeding cattle. Snettisham Ellis James, ditto Hall is the seat of Mrs. Styleman. The little river Priors Peter, ditto lngol rises from the sprin~s at Shernborne, falls Hatter. Willson John, ditto into the carrs of lngoldesthorp, and, traversing the Ircmmong·er.-George Mary, ditto meadows at Snetti~ham, forms a cascade at New. Land Surveyor.-Sands Alexander, ditto bndge, and winding round a grotto there, falls into Malt.~lers. Bircham & Sons, ditto the sea below the marshes, forming a small creek Miller.-Bal'ratt Rohert, ditto called Snettisham Harbour. A gale from the north Milliners lf Dressrrmkers. Fox Mary Ann, ditto west is always dreadful on this shore, as the marshes Howard Elizabeth, ditto are overflowed, and vessels forced on the sands with Ward Elizabeth, ditto wh~ch 1he channel to Lynn abounds. This channel is Wilhon Sarah, ditto indeed at all times dangerous. Mount Amelia, the Plumbers, Painie'I'S, ~·c. Bishop Henry, ditto seat of the Rev. William Davy, commands a view Clarke W .Ilia m, Reepham of the sea, the hills of Snettisham to the north, and , Sclwols( Gents.) Kilburn Mr. Holt rd, near Reepham Sand ring ham to the south, which, with the country Peek Thomas, Hack ford nsing in a gradual ascent behind the house, form a School (Ladies) Pages Frances. ditto beautiful semicircle. The hills are crqwned by the Shopkeeper. Amiss John, Reepham lodge at Snettisham on the one side, and the lodge Solicitors. Wymer George, d1tto of Sandringham on the other, both sea-marks; and Wymer J. V. ditto to tht! north-west the high tower of Boston church, Su.rgeons -Smith Chades Boulter, ditto across the channel, bounds the pro~;pect. Wordin~ham James & Charles, Hackford Tuilors.- Amiss Rnbf'rt, Heepham Burcham John, Hackford Dunham John, d1tto Hawes James, d1tto Sands Alexander, ditto Tuvrrns,·lnns, &- Public HomPS.- Biack Lion, Springall Thomas, Reepham Thr Georw, Blyth Elizahr-1h, dit1o Grryhound, Leeds Ann, Hackford Kings Arms Inn, Haniis Sarah, ditto Lord Nebicm, Harry Cbarles, ditto 12~ Name, Besidence, &. ~rofess1on. Baney, Will•am ........................... Harness Maker Belson, \Villtam .............................. Shoemaker B•~hop, Lyas ........................... Baker & Plasterer Bowtnan, Rohel't .............................. Bricklayer Cart, John .............. , ............•••......... Gardener Chap man John, Southgate, near Snrltisham ... Miller Coe, John .... ,: ..................... Boot & Shoemabr ( 'oldham, Re\', John ....................... .Incumbent Curson, Robert, Norw~ch HouJe, Draper, Hatter, Shoe & 'Patten Warehouse
STOKE FERRY. NORFOLK. Davis, Thomas, Sur~eon and Registrar of Births and Ooach :List. Deaths for the Snettisham D1strict of the Dock- To London Mail, through Lynn and Cambridie, ing Union, & Agent to the Crown Life Office i past 5 aft., from the Compasses Daw, Celia .......................................... Butcher To Wells Mail, through Heacha.m, Thomham, and Daw, Daniel ............. , .... Butcher & Beer Retailer Brancaster, l past 5 morn., from the Compasse•. Desborough, William ...... Farmer & Coal Merchant Carriers' Lilit~ Digguns, James .... , .... , .. Hairdresser & Colt Breaker To Brancaster Fiddaman, William and Armine,• Durrant, Charles ........................ Tailor & Draper from the Compasses daily. . El yard Zachariah ............ , ........ Boot ~ Shoemaker To Docking Dix, from the Compasses daily. Flocton, Rowl. Southg,ate, near Snfttisham ... Surgeon To Heacham Robinson, and Ro)thorn, H. from the Frost, George ........................ Surveyor of Excise Compau~• daily. Gates, George .................... Supervisor of Excise To Hunstanton-Wales, Thomas, from the Compassu Harmar, James .............................. Stonemason daily. Headley, Edward ................................. Farmer To Lynn-Smith, Thomas, 1 morn., and 8 even., from Heath, Robert ....................... ·••• ...... Shoemaker the Compasses daily. Hipkin, Samuel, Rose & Crown Commer~ial Inn & To Thornham Sharpin, from the Compasses daily. Postmg House Lambert, John ............ Brandy & Porter Merchant lambert, John ........... , ............ Grocer & Draper GREAT RINGSTEAD, Law, Fortunatus .................................... Tailor Near Snettisham. Lee, Absolam ..•.••••••••. , ••..•••... ,., .•.... Blacksmith Bartram, William ...•••••....•..•••••.••••••••••. Grocer lee, William ...•••..•.•..•..•....•.•......... Blacksmith Bunn, Frederick ....••.••.•.•••..••...•• , •.......... Joiner Margetts,:Stephen ......... Plumber, Painter & 'Hazier Cadaman, Thomas ........................... Compa~ses Mitchell, Edward .............................. Bootmaker Cattaby, William .............................. Shoemaker Mott, John .................................... Parish Clerk Chapman, Thomas ... Wheelwright and Beer Retailer Norton, Daniel.. ............. Farmer & Corn Merchant Goodmad, Robert ..................... , .............. Miller Nurse, Richard ......... Watchmaker, Grocer & Draper Goulty, William .............................. Shoemaker Petrie, Alexander ............... Farmer &. Estate Agent Habberton, John ............................... w.~ •• Saddler Petrie, Eliz. Jane ... Ladies Day & Boarding Academy Hall, Elijah ........... , ........................ Blacksmith Purdy, William ... Surgeon, and Deputy Registrar of Herring, Robert .................................... Miller Births and Deaths for the Snetttsham District of Holmes, Will iam,Schoolmaster of a Boys Day School the Docking Union K1tton, Everard ........................... High Constable Russell, Henry ............................. Colt Breaker Miller, William ................................. Bricklayer Sadler, George, J ............................ Beer Retailer North, Rev. Henry ........................... Incun'lhent Sadler, Jeremiah G ...................... Cabinet Maket· Phillipo, John .............................. Watchmaker Smith, Thomas ...... Blacksmith & Veterinary Surgeon Rumbold, Claxton .......................... Shopkeeper Smith, Thomas .................................... Carrier ~outhgate, W tlliam ........................ Partsh Clerk Smith, Thomas ...... Grocer, & Commission Agent for Walker, Abel ................................. Blacksmith John Lambett Willabv. James .................................... Butcher Smithbone, William ...... Glover & Breeches Maker For Post, Coaches, &c., see Snettisham. Snell, Charles ................................... Surgeon Stanton, Richard ............ :Farmer&. Corn Merchant SEDGEFORD, T J h C C urner, osep · 1 I Near Snettisham. ......... ompa,ses ommercta nn, Licensed to let Horses and Gigs. Magistrates Blyth, George ............ · .......................... Glazier hold their Petty Session here ev~ry second M on- Catton, J o~ n: ......................................... Baker day in the month C'o.oper, \_\'1_lltam ............... : ....... : .. :· ........ Grocer Turner, Joseph ........................... Coal Merchant Cnsp.' Wtlham ............... Km~ Wilham the Fou.rth Turner, Robert ... Tailor, Draper, & Dealer in Tea Jenmngs, Samuel ...... Blacksmith and Beer Retatler &. Coffee Jones, Uweil ...............................•..•.... Surgeon Wakefield, William ........................ Wheelwright Kendle, William .............................. Blacksmith Ward, Hum phrey •••... ·r· ...•••..................•.. Tailor Leggett, Paul ................................ ,, ......•. Baker Williamson, Benjamin ..................... Wheelwright Millard, Rev. C. F ............................ Incumbent WinloYe, John .................. Bread & Btscuit Baker Neve, Ann ............................................ Buck 'l'ost Office. Baney, William .............................. Postmaster Letters from London by way of Lynn, per Wells Mail, at l past 8 morn., despatched at f past 5 even. Postln.r House. Rose & Crown ........................... Hipkin, Samuel Excise Office. Rose o/ Crown. Frost, George ••.•...•.......•••...............•.. Surveyor Gatis, George .................................... Supervisor Public Schools. Free School for Girls, supported by voluntary contributions-sSinclair, Frances .............................. Mi'ltress Grammar School, established under the will of Anthony Hall, 1708, for teaching 20 scholars whose parents are not worth 400l. Whitty, Samuel -··••• ...•..• , •. , ..••.•. , ........ Master Neve, Mary ...•.....•••......••••••••..•.•.. Schoolmistress Reed, William •••.•..••.•....••.•...•..••...••. , ••..• Tailor Richardson, William ..................... Wheelwri~ht Rix, Benjamin .•........•..•...•......•••...••• Shoemaker Turner, William , •.••.••.••..•.•••...•••..•......•.. Grocer Wise man, Elizabeth ........................... Dressmaker Wiseman, William ............... Boot and Shoemaker Wright, Peter ............................ , .... Wheelwright Wright, William ...... Wheelwright, and Parish Clerk Yaxley, William ............ Miller, Grocer, and Draper :For Post, Coaches, &c., see Snettisham. Carriers. To Bran caster and Lynn-FidJaman, V'l. & A. from the Buck, 1wice a week. • STOK.S I'EARV. On the river Stoke or Wis.~e.lf. 88i m des from London, th1ough Ne"'market <md Brarulon, aod 14 milt>• S .• by E. f10m Lynn; coutained m 1831, 706 m123
NORFOLK. STOKE FERRY. ===============·~=========~===== habitants; the annual value of assessed property in :Po!iting House. 1815 was 3115l. There is a market on Friday ; and Crown ......................••••••••..•...•.. Plumb, Henry a fair is he~d on Decen~ber ~th, for horses and ped- rire &. Life Assurance Agent. lary; considerable busmess Is done here. An exten- Norwich Union Fire & Life •••••• Mucklefield, Roger sive malt establishment in this town belongs to Whitbread's brewery. The river is navigable to the Ou!it:. The church is d ed tcated to All Saints; the ~iving is a curacy value 71!. per annum. At Stoke Ft'rry is the seat of Charles Sanders, Esq.; and Malham, the seat of H. Villebois, Esq. Name, Residence, &. Profession. Coaches. To Bury and Lynn The Hope Coach from the Crown, Tues. Thurs. and Sat., and returns the same days. The Mail Gig, from Brandon, at 1 morn.; returns f past 6 even. Carriers. Bell, John .................................... Basket Maker To Downham BaQlham, Henry, from Kings' .Arms Bennett, James ................................ Carpenter every Monday. Brad field, J. n. S. Esq. Magistrate for the County of To London-Green & Archer, from King's Arms Norfolk every Mon. Brown, John .................................... Bull Inn Carley, Robert .........•..... ~ ....................... Tailor Ct1irley, T ...............•............................ Tailor Clarke, James .............................. Beer Retailer Etheridge, Anthony and Sons, Wine, Spirit, Hop To Lynn and London Swan's \Vaggon, from the Crown, every Tues. Thurs. and Sat. To Thetford-Steward, Stephen, from King's Arms, every Mon. & Thurs. Classification of Trades. and Seed Merchants, and Maltsters Etheridge, Anthony .............................. Farmer Bakers, Mortlock William Flatt, Robert ....................................... Farmer Pollard William Goate, John ........................... Boot & Shoemaker Sly Samuel Goose, Robert ........................... Painter & Gla:~ier Basket Maker. Bell John Hartl & Hart,Messrs.,Drapers, Grocers, Mercers, &c. Beer Ratailers. Clarke James Hawes, John ........................ Brewer & Maltster Hewson Thomas Hewson, Thomas ........................... Beer Betailer Blacksmiths. Larner Young Hewson, John ............... Saddler & Harness Maker Robertson Robert Hewson, Thomas ............ Saddler & Harness Maker West Richard Hill, John ....................................... Academy Boot 4· Shoemakers. Goate John Jaggard, William ...... , ................. Ta1lor &. Draper Nurse James Jary, George, Northwold ............ Draper & Grocer Brewer. Hawes John King, Robert .................. Saddler & Harness Maker Butcher.-Mayes John Land, Robert ............ ~ ........... Tailor, Grocer, &c. Carpenters. Bennett James Larner, Young ................................. Blacksm1th Tokeiove W 1lliam Lock, John .......................................... Miller China Dealer. \Vhatnell Richard Mayes, John ....................................... Butcht>r Coal Merchants. Win field Frederick Micklefield, Roger, Solicitor, Agent to the Norwich Winfield Henry William Union Fire & Life Insurance Office Winfield William Miller, Martha .................................... Bell Inn Corn Merchants Wintie]d Frederick Morley, Henry ........................... Lime Merchant Winfield Henry William Mortlock, Wm ........................................ Baker Winfield William Nurse, James ........................ Boot & Shoemaker Drapers, qc. Jary George Page, George, Stoke Ferrygate ...... Collector of• Tolls Hart & Hartt, Messrs. Pigott, Richard ................................. Druggist Druggist. Pigott Richard Plumb, Henry ......... The Crown Commercial Inn & Farmers Winfield Henry Posting House Flatt Robert Pollard, William ........................ Miller & Baker Etheridge Anthony Roberts, Henry .............................. Duke's Head Grocers.- Hart & Hartt Robertson, Robert ........................... Blacksmith Jary George Sly, Samuel .......................................... Baker Land Robert Spencer, Haughton ................................ Curate Hop q Seed Merchants. Etheridge Anthony & Sons Springfield, Henry William ............... Painter, &c. Lime Me1·chant. Morley Henry Steal, Henry ....................................... Surgeon ... lfaltsters.-Etheridge, Anthony, & Sons Tedder, William ... King's Arms Inn, & Wheelwright Hawes John Tokelove, William ........................... Carpenter Whitbread & Co. Whittington, near Stke Ferry West, Riehard ................................. Blacksmith "'infield Henry William Whatwell, Richard ............ Dealer in Earthenware Millers. Lock John Whitbredd & Cc.'s Malting Houses, Whitti11gton, Pollard William near Stoke Ferry Painters q· Gla~iers. Goose Robert Williams, Henry ........................... Wheelwright Springfield Henry William Wingfield, Henry William ... Corn & Coal Merchant, Saddlert-/r HarnPss Makers. Hewson John & Maltster Hewson Thomas Winfielil, 'Frederick ............ Corn & Coal Merchant King RoLert Wing fiPld, Henry ................................. Farmer School (Gents.) Hill John Wingfield, William ............ Corn & Coal .Merchant Solicitor.-Micklefield Roger Post Office. Cawthorne, Sarah ........................... Postmistress Mail Gig from Brandou arrives 1 morn., leave11 l past 6 even. - • 124 Surgeon. Steel Henry Tailors. Carley Robert Chirley T. Jaggard William Laod Robert
STRATTON. NORFOLK. ~===================================================~ STOKE FERRY CLASSIFICATION, co"tinued. Taverns, lnns, q Public Houses.- Belllnn, Miller M. Bull Inn, Brown John Crown Corn. Inn~ Posting House, Plumb H. Dukes Head, Roberts Henry Kings Arms Inn, Tedder William JVheelwrights.-Tedder William W illiams Henry Wine q· Spirit Merchants. EtheridgeAnthony &Sons STBA.TTON, or STBATTON ST. Thrower, John .....................•........... Blacksmith V tting, John ....................................... . Surgeon Walford, Rev. William •••••••••.••.•.....•....... Rector Walpole, James ........................... Harness Maker Y oungrnan, \Villiam ...•.•..... ..........••. ......... 'l,ailor Zipfel, Charles ..................... Watch &. Clockmaker Post Office. Brown, William .............................. Postmaster Letters arrive from London and all parts, moru. 6 o'clock, despatched even. 8 o'clock ; box closes at l past 7 o'clock even ·• but letters are received, by paying one penny, up to 8 MABY, o'clock even. with Hempnall, Stotisham, &. Stoke Holy Cross. A PARISH in the hundred of Depwade, county of Posting House. Norfolk, and diocese of Norwich rated in the king's Swan Inn ................................ Libbis, Samuel books at 10l: in the patronage o~ the Master and fe_l- Fire Assurance Agents. )ows of .Catus College, Cambndge. The church m Norwich Union ........................ Calver & Hodson old records is called Stratton-cum-Turri, bv which it appears that the other two Strattons had churches Coac~es. , without steeples. The Roman road leading to Ad To Bury and London T_tmes, from Queens Head, Tuam, or Tasburgh, passes through the parish. Se- leadveS!l t8 dmor 8 n, . ahrnves Tuesday, Thursday, 1 R f h · 1 d an a ur ay, mg t. vera oman urns, one o t e~ cunous y orna•_nente , T H ·I t -H . , O ·b f Q • were found in 1773, on openmg a gravel pll, near 0 at es on aney s mm us, rom ueens which a sepulchral hearth has since been discovered H~ad, leaves Wednesday and Saturday 6 even., · h · f h d b 1 · ' arnves Wednesday and Saturday, 8 morn. Wit a mixture o as es an urnt eart 1 upon It, T L d M ·1 f S d Q ' TI d o on on at , rom wan an ueen s .u.ea , Kame, Besidence, c.fc. Profession. Albrow, George ........................... Queen's Head T Ald is, J an1es ................................. Schoohnaster 0 leaves daily, eveu. 8, through Ipswich, arrives 7 morn. Norwich Union, from Swan, leaves Monday, Aldons, Wednesday, and Friday aft. 3, leavas Tuesday, Ed ward .................................... Carrier Alpe, William ........................... Grocer & Draper Thursday, and Saturday night 8. • Baker, George ....................................... Angel Carriers. Barber, Robert .................................... Carpenter To Botesdale and Norwich Minter, from the Angel, Barnes, George ....................................... Baker leaves Saturday aft. 3, arri'les Friday aft. 1. Barnes, John ................................. Shopkeeper To Bury and Norwich Sykes' Yan, from the Swan, Barnes, John ........................... China Warehouse leaves Monday and Wednesday night l past 11, Barrett, Sarah ....................................... Carrier arrives Sunday and Tuesday even~. 7. Brewster, James .............................. Gunmaker To Diss and Norwich Pain, from Queen's Head, Brown, William ..................... Chemist & Druggist leaves Wednesday and Saturday aft. 5, arrives Browne, Richard ..................... Boot & Shoemaker Tuesday and Friday aft. 3. Browne, William .................. Chemist & Druggist To Eye and Norwich-Rayson, from Queen's Head, Bunn, Henry .................................... Blacksmith leaves Wednesday and Saturday aft. 5, arri\'eS Calver &. Hod son, Solicitors & Agents to theN orwich Tuesday and Friday aft. i. Union Fire Office To Harleston and Norwich De ben ham, from the Claxton, James ........................ Boot, &c. Maker Angel, leaves Wednesday and Saturday aft. 4, Coles, Sarah ...... Boarding & Day School for Ladies arrives Tuesday and Friday aft. 2. Cunningham, John .................. Watch, &c. Maker To Ipswich, Colchester, and Norwich Burt,from the Field, Robert .............................. Cabinet Maker Queen's Head, leaves Thursday moro. 2, arrives Fisher, Edward .................................... Butcher Tuesday noon. Gibson, Benjamin .................................... Miller To Norwich Barrett, from the Queen's Read, leaves Godfrey, Robert ............... Basket & Sieve Maker Wednesday and Saturday morn. 2, arrives Godfrey, Robert ........................... Basket Maker Wednesday and Saturday morn. 8. Hook, William .............................. Confectioner To Ditto A1dous, from the Queen's Head, leaves Howell, George ................................. Bricklayer Wednesday and Saturday morn. 2, arrives Humphrys, James .................................... Baker Wednesday and Saturday even. 8. Kennell, Henry .............................. Wheelwright To RickE'nhall and Norwich Barham, from the Libbis, Samuel ... Swan Inn (Commercial & Posting) Queen's Head1 leaves Friday morn. 7, arrives Long, Richard ....................................... Tailor Wednesday night 10. Long, William ........................... Draper & Grocer To Shadbrook & Norwich-Smith, from the Queen'& Mear, Richard ......... : ................. Tailor & Draper Head, leaves Saturday aft. 5, arrives Friday aft. 2. Mears1 W ............................ Glover & Hairdresser To Tuite and Norwich-Robinson, from the Angel, Os borne, James ........................... Harness Maker leaves Thursday morn. 9, arrives Wednesday Peck, Edmund ................................ Hairdresser morn. 7. Perfitt, James, Bricklayer, & Registrar for Births & · Deaths for the Stratton District HEMPNALL, Perfitt, RobE.>rt .................. Auctioneer & Appraiser Near Stratton. Reeve, John .......................................... Farrier Barham, Elizabeth ........................... Shopkeeper Reeve, Samuel ........................ Plumber & Glazier Barnes, John ....................................... Cooper Scott, Moses ...................•..•............. Gunmaker Barter, John .......................................... 1\'liller Sheldrick, Daniel .............................. Carpenter Beale, William .......................... Harnt•ss Maker Springale, Benjamin .................. Boot & Shoemaker Bowtell, Thomas ••• ,u •• , ............ , ..... Shop Keeper 12.5
NORFOLK.. SWAFFHA:M; Briggs, W 1n •••••••..•.•••••...•••••....•••...... Shoemaker Buck, James ..................................... Shoemaker Buck, J ames ................................. Shopkeeper Bullen, James .............................. Watchmaker Capon, Charles ........................ Grocer & Draper Cockrell, I-Ienry .•..............••.................. Grocer Cock rE-Il, Sarah .............................. King's Head Dunn, Henry ........................ Plumber & Glazier El'iley, John ................................. VYheelwright Ewell, Daniel ........................... Retailer of Beer Flegg, " 7 illiam .......................... , ............ Miller Freston, John ....... , ......................... Shoemaker ' STOKE HOLY CRUSS, Near Stratton, Bayley, Rev. William ........................... , .. Rector 8urrowes, William ...•• , ........................ Attorney Colman, J. & I. ..... , .......... \.Oil & Mustard M1lls Otx, William ······-......•••.••.. , .......•••••• Carpenter lluggin, Charles ....... , ............ , .... Rummer Inn Lincoln, Rohert ............................. , .Bricklayer Peatce, Robert ........................ , .... Beer Retailer Wtlgress, John .............................. \\'heelwright For Post, Coaches, &c. see Stratton. Garrod, William .............................. Blacksmith Goldspink, William .............................. Butcher SW.A.FFHAM, with NABBOJlOVGH. Goost', Thomas ................................. Shoemaker A market town, 93 miles fmm J .. or1don, through EpGrooch, John ....................... ., ........ Biachmith ping, Newmarket,and Brand on, 14i miles S. E. from Hewson, Robert ................................. Shoemaker Lynn, and 12 m1les W. from East Dereham; conHilton, Richard ............................. Shopkeeper tained in 1831, 3285 inhabitants. Tht' annual valut Hubbard, Thos ........................................ Swan of assessed property in 1815 was 11,218l. This town, Jeremy, John .......................................... Tailor one of the most beautiful in the county, is pleasantly Johnson, M<-nia ........................ Plumber&. Glazier situated on a rising ground, in a fine open champaign Kennedy, John ....................................... Tailor country It has a good market every Saturday, which Kin~, Samuel .............................. Basket Maker is well supplied, and is famed for its great butter Lansley, Richard .............................. Blacksmith market, removed here from Dereham, The crosa on Laske, Henry ................................. Shoemaker the Market Hill was rebuilt in 1783, by the Earl of Laske, Robert ................................. Shoemaker Orford. Annual fairs are held on May 1st, July lOth, Leggatt, Henry .............................. Queen's Head and November 3d, for cattle and sheep. An assem~ Leggatt, William .................................... Carrier bly room was erected in 1817,and assemblies by subMash, John .................................... Shoemaker scription are held every month in the year. Here is Morley, William ................................. Gardener also a theatre. The general quarter sessions of the peace Mott, Rev. J ........................................ Rector are held here by adjournment from the city of Nor1 N athan, Daniel .............................. Blacksmith wich, and the inhabitants enjoy peculiar privileges, N eave, William .............................. Hairdresser the town being an ancient demesne. A free-school in Palmer, P ........................................ Carpenter the Camping -Land, was founded by Nicholas HamPalmer, Robert ......................... , ....... Carpenter mond ; there is also a national school, and other Pinch am, Henry .•. , •.. , ...................... Shoemaker charitable institutions. The church, dedicated to St, Read, William ................................. Bricklayer Peter and St. Paul, is said to have been erected in Red~rave, William ........................ Schoolmaster 1474, and is cruciform in plan, with an embattled Reed, John ....................................... Carpenter tower, bearing two shields, charged with the emblems Richards, William ................................. Butcher of its patron saints; the tower was completed in the Roberls, James .......... , ...... , ............ Wheelwright year 1510. The north isle of the church is reported Roberts, John ....... : ......................... Shopkeeper to have been built by John Chapman, of whom a very Roberts, John ........................... Retailer of Beer doubtful tradition, as to his mode of acquiring wealth, Roherts, William ........................ Retailer of Beer exists; he was churchwarden in 1462, and his de• ltobinson, Abraham ................................. Miller vice, carved in certain parts of the building, pro· Sharp, John .................................... Auctioneer bably. gave rise to the tale of his being a pedlar, In Shildrick, James .............................. Parish Clerk several of the windows are the remains of stained Smith, Robert ................................. Shoemaker glass. Among the monuments are those of John Theckle, John ........................................ Baker Botwright, D.D., se\·enth master of Corpus Christi Tibbs, John .................................... Bricklayer College, or Ben nett's College, Cambridgo, who was a Trower, James .................................... Butcher native of this town, proctor of the university, and Turner, Thomas .................................... Butcher chaplain to King Henry the Sixth; and pf Katherine Wade, Robert .................................... Carpentet· Steward, daughter and heir of Thoma11 Paine, of Walesby, Lucy ................................. Shopkeeper Castle Acre, and wife of William Steward, of Ely' Walker, John ....................................... Tatlor she d1ed in 1590. Here are also several monumental Wayne, Rev. T ..................................... Curate brasses, and many stones from which the brasses have For Post and Coaches, see Stratton. been taken away. The li\·ing is a vicarage, -value (:arrier. 738l .. per annum, in the patron~ge pf the Bjshop of To Norwich-Leggatt, from his own house, Wednes- Norwtc~. The Qua~ers, Baptists, and "esleyan day and Saturday, at 7 o'clock morn., 'returns MethodJs_ts, have meetmg~houses ~ere. On the nor~h .. same days at 8 o'clock even western stde of the town IS a spacious hfath,on wh1ch ~ · races are annually held in September; besides which SHOTISHAM, are coursing matches for greyhounds, in the months of Neltr Stratton. November and March, this heath being much admir~d Cutts, John .................................... Blacksmith for coursing. Good luck's Clo!le, north-westward of Fellows, Rev. John ................................. Rector the town, is a corruption of Guthlac's Stow, a chapel, Larke, Henry ... Registrar for Births & Deaths for founded by Allen, son of Godfrey de Swaffham, ia Henstead District the reign of Henry the Second, and dedicated to St. Lee, J. W .... Day School, & Reu;istrar for Marriages Guthlac; it was a cell to the priory of Ca~tle Acre. for the Humbleyard & Henstead Distric:s SwafTham is in the union of the same name. In the Spaldin~, F ........................................ Maltster neighbourhood are Cley Hall, the seat of Thomas White, Thomas ..................... Joiner & Carpenter Buckworth, Esq.; Pick en ham Hall, the seat of W, For Post, Coaches, &c. see Stratton. J. Chute, :Esq.; Necton Hall, the ~eat of William 121
SWAFFHAM .. NORFOLK.. MasonJ Esq.; and Narford Hall, the seat of Andrew Fountaine, E!!q.; containing a large and valuable collection of pictures, coins, antiques, and the largest cabinet in. England of earthenware, pamted from Italian designs. Much of this ware was executed for the Duke of Urbino. Grant, Thomas, Market pl ............ Dealer in Coals Greaves, Thomas, London st ..................... Currier Green, Robert, ditto ..................... Basket Maker Gurney, Birkbeck & Co. Bankers; draw on Barclay, Bevan & Co. London Hacon, James, Camping ground, Boarding and Day · School lfame, Beaidence, cL. Profestiion. Hacon, John George ...... Master of the Free School (For CLASsiFICAfiON o*'TRADES, ~ seep. 129.) ~ II 11 S l C tl A t B h a , amue , a£ e ere s ..... .... . ... ... .... . utc er Abrahams, Robert, White Hart la ... Blacking Maker Hardy, John, Dereham rd ......... Brick and Tilemaker Alexander, James; Market pl, Grocer and Draper, Hardy, Isaac, London st, Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Hatter and Hosier Hart, Josh. L!Jnn st ................................. Baker Alien, John, ditto ••••• -. .................... Fishmonger Harvey, James, Market pl, Perfumer and Hairdresser Alien, Joseph, London st •••••••••.. ........ , ....... Carrier Hawes, Charles, ditto ............... Draper and Hosier Alpe, James, ditto ............ Corn and Coal Merchant Heavit, Rev. J. White Cross la, Minister of the Baptist Arnold, William, Lynn st .................. Shoemaker Chapel Assembly Rooms, Market pl Hewitt, Rev. J. London st ..................... School Baker, John & William, ditto ... Grocers and Drapers Heyhoe, John James, Market pl ... Bricklayer, Slater, Baker & Skipper, dilto ............ Drapers and Grocers & Stonemason Balders, Wilham, Lynnst ............... House Painter Hopkins, William Henry, ditto .................. Hatter Barker, J. W. ditto ........................... Bricklayer Horne, Enoch, London st ............ Cabinet Maker Barker, Rebecca, Market pl ........................ Lion Howard, Alien, Lynn st .................. Beer Retailer Bayfield, Benjamin, London .tt .................. Butcher Howard, William, Market pl ......... Clothes Broker Beswick, William, ditto ..................... Linendraper Howarth, William, LondoH st ••• Wine&. Spirit MerBoxall, William, ditto ............................. Baker chant, and Agent to the Norwich Equitable Fire Boyce, William, Castle Acre st, George Commercial Office and Family Inn and Posting House Flys and Hunter & Cornish, I.!Jnn st •· .. Iron & Brassfounders, Chaises and Machme Makers Bret, Job, Market pl .............................. Angel Ingram, William, Castle Acre st .................. Hosier Brown, Mr. • ........... Preacher at Wesleyan Chapel Jakes, Lazarus, Mangate st ........................ Tailor Brown, William, London st ..................... Cooper J arvis, John, Church pl .............................. Tailor Brundell, Henry, Market pl, Gardener and Seedsman Jeffery & Co. London st ... Corn, Coal, Cake, Seed, Carman, A. Lynn st ................................. Tailor Wool, Wine &. Spirit Merchants, & Maltsters Carman, N. ditto ........................... Shoeing Smith Jpffrey, C. & C. ditlo ........................ Merchants Carr, John, Market pl ..................... Watchmaker Jeffrey &. Rust, ditto ........................... Maltsters Child, Chrhstopher, London st ............... Blacksmith Johnson, Ed. ditto ...... Governor to the County Goal Child, John, ditto .................. Veterinary Surgeon Johnson, James, Market pl ............ Tailor & Draper Clark, James, ditto ........................ Spread Eagle Johnson, James sen. ditto ............ Tailor & Draper Clarke, S. Churclt pl, Bonnet, Stay and Corset Maker J ohnson, William, Castle Acre st ......... White L10n Clarke, William, ditto ............ Boot and Shoemaker Josh, Isaac, Mangate st ..................... Blacksmith Ctaxton, John, Market pl, Kings Arms Inn, and Fa- Josh, Isaac, White Hart lane ............... Blacksmith. mily Tavern Josh, Thomas jun., ditto ..................... Blacksmith Claxton, Robert, White Hart la ..... .... Coach Builder Kemble, William Henry, Market pl ... Bookseller & Ciements, Thomas, Market st ..................... Bctker Printer, & Agent to the Suffolk Amicable Fire Godling Phoebe, Lyn11. st, Grocer and Cheese monger Office, & Secretary to the Savings' Bank Coe, William, Lyt~N sl ........................... Carrier Kidall, William, Market pl ........................ Baker Cooper, Miss, C!turch!Jard, Ladies Day and Boarding Kiddle, George, Castle Acre st ......... Cabinet Maker School Larwood, John, London st ................. : .. .... Baker Coy., C. London st ............... Boot and Shoemaker Lassick, Mary, Market pl, Saddler & Harness Maker Cross, Miss, ditto ...... Ladie~ Day & Boarding School Lack & Son, ditto ...... Saddlers, Harness Makers, & Ddvey, William, Mm·ket pl.. ................ Hairdn~sser Ironmongers, & Agent to the Royal Exchange Day, F. H. ditto, Manager to East of England Branch • Fire Office Bank Maddeson, George, Castle Acrest ... Grocer &Tallow Day, John, Lynn st ........................... Coaldealer Chandler Dewhurst, James, Cock yard ...... Joiner and Builder Marcon, George, Churchyd ..................... Solicitor Dewhurst, James, Castle A.,re st ......... White Swan Marsh, Edward, Market pl ...... Boot&. Shoemaker Dickerson, J. LoNdon st ......... Chair Bottom Maker Mays, Thomas, London st .................. Blacksmith Drinkwaklr) F. White Hart la .•. Surveyor of Excise Mindham, James, Market pl ... Plumber, Painter, Dye, Valentine, London st .................. Shopkeeper & Glazier Ellis, Samuel, Lymc st ........................ Shoemaker Morse, James, London rd ............ Spirit Merchant Ellis, Samuel, :klarket pl ...... Patten and Shoemaker Morse, John, ditto ................................. Brewer Ellis, Thomas, Castle Acre st ..................... Cutler l\1uffett, Samuel, London st .................. Carpenter Finch, Jacob, Market pl ......... Chemist and Druggist Newman, Mary Ann, Mangate st ... Ladies Boarding Fox, James, London st ..................... Beer Retailer & Day School Gage, Rev. Go. ltlarket pl, Chaplain to the Bridewell Newman, Thomas, ditto ........................ Painter Gainsbury, Daniel, London st ... Joiner and Build{'r Nurse, Ann, Castle Acre st ..................... Milliner Gobbe, Authony, Castle Acre st ...... Picture Dealer Overton, J. London st ..................... Beer Retailer Goggs, Mathias, Ash close ......... Joiner and Builder Page, William, Market pl ... Crown Commercittl Inn Goodrick, Robert, London st ..................... Baker & Posting House Goold, T. L!Jnn st ..................... Dealer in Horses Parfrey, Edward, Castle Acre st .................. Mmer Goose, Maurice, London sl ..................... Painter Parsons, William, Market pl ............ Gunmaker & Gowing, John T. Market pl, Printer, Bookseller and Whitesmith - Stationer Perry, William, Mangate 1& , ,. ••• Veterinary Surgeon 127
NORFOLK. SWAFFiiAM. Petch, 1\Iatilda, Market pl, S1lk Hat & Bonnet Manfr J-os't Office, Petch, Robert, ditto ........................... Tallor, &c. Market place. Philo, George, Churchyd ...... Joiner & Builder, & Pymar, William ................ · .............. Postmaster Parish Clerk Mail to Lynn, Birmingham, &c. at i past 10 even.; Philo, James, Market pl ..................... Bootmaker to Norwich and Yarmouth, S morn.; Mail Cart from Philo, James, London st, Leathercutter & Shoemaker, Newmarket, at 7 morn.; departs 6 even. Post from and Dealer in China and Glas~ Litcham, 7 morn. ; to Litcham, ! past 1 even. Pillaus, William Pott, Market pl ... Solicitor, & Agent Letters delivered, 8 morn. to the Atlas Fire & Life Insurance Office :Posting Houae&. P~tch, P. :f:ondon st ........................... Shoemaker Crown, Mark~t pl ........................ Page, William Pitch~r, Ehza, Lynn st ............ · .. H~rse & Gr~om George Inn, Castle ..4.cre st ............ Boyce, William Plownght & Son, .;.l1.arket pl, Coppersmiths, Braziers, and Ironmongers Bankers. Porter, J. Mangatest ......... Razor & Scissor Grinder East of England (Br~nch Bank), draw on the Lon. Porter, James, Castle Acre st ............... Shoemaker ~n tnd l Westmmster. Manager, Day, F. H. Powley, Benjamin, Market pl ..... ................ Tailor ar et P • Powley Mrs d;lto Conr.ecti"oner Gurney, Birkbeck & Co., draw on Barclay, BevanJ • • ., • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •••• • • • • • • ••• 1 ' d C A Sk. R b Powley, Robert, London st ........................ Tailor . an, 0 • gent, 1 PPKer, 0 ert. Pratt, John, Market pl.. ................... Schoolmaster Savmgs Bank, Mark6t st, emble, WmHenry, Sec. Pratt, Matthew, ditto ........................ Watchmaker rire& Life Assurance Agents. Pnmitive Methodist Chapel ......... Local Preaching Atlas Firf' & Life, Market pl ... Pillans, Wm. Pott Pulford, John ..................... Supervisor of Excise Norwich Equitable Fire, London st ... Howarth, Wm. Randall, Thomas, pl .................. Butcher Norwich Union Fire & Life, Mangate st ...... Sewell, Raven, James, London st ......... Brick & Tilemaker Robert Reeve, Thomas, Lynn st ...... Baker & Flour Dealer Suffolk Amicable Fire, Market pl ... Kemble1 William Rix, William, ditto ........................ Corn Dealer Henry Rose, Caleb, Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Sun Fire, Market st ......... Yarrington, William S. Swaffham District, & Surgeon tG the Bridewell :Excise Office. Rudd, Green, Castle Acre st ............... Greengrocer D · k t F d · k S R dd W .ll" L d t B R .1 nn wa er, re enc ........................ urveyor u , 1 1arn, on on s .. ....... ...... eer eta1 er p 1 r d J h w.1. ·t H t S · R t J 'liK k t l Oh . & D . u 10r , o n, n2 e ar .. .. . .. .. .... .. ... uperv1sor us , ames, J.r.Lar e p ......... em1st rug~pst Rust, Mary Ann, London st ..................... Builder Public Schools. Rust, Michael, Marketpl .................. Greyhound Free School, for the Education of 20 poor Boys, Sands, William, Lynn st ......... Carpenter & Builder founded by N. Hammond, Esq. 1736 Savage, William, London st ...... Coach & Gig Builder Hacon, John George ........................... Master Sear, Maria, Lynn st ........................ Beer Retailer National Schools, at the Assembly Ro~ms. Sewell, Robert, Mangate st ..................... Solicitor B~ys ........................... Wells, W Ilham, ~aster Smith,Abel, London st ........................... Baker Gals ...................... Wells, Susannah., Mistress Smith, John, Market pl ........................ Butcher Coach Lis't. Sm~th, Th_o1~1as, Castle Acre st .......... ·: ......... <yto~er To Birmingham Mail, from the Crown, 10 night, Smith, Wilham, Market pl ......... Pamter & Glazier through Lynn Newark and Stamford arrim Smith, Wright, ditto, White Hart Commercial Inn & 3 morn. ' ' ' Family Hotel, & Excise Office; Licemed to let To Fakenham Norfolk Hero from the White Hart . Horses & Gigs Mon. Wed. and Fri. ; 'past 6 even. through Spmks, John, London st ..................... Shopkeeper Castle Acre, arrives Tues. Thurs. and Sat. 8 Stroulger, Martha, ditto .................... Shopkeeper morn. Sutton, Edward, Man~:ate st ..................... Tailor To London Norfolk Hero, from the Wllite Hart, Sutton, James, Market pl ..................... Gunmaker Tues. Thurs. and Sat. 9 morn. through New· Sword, William, Mangate st ...... Grocer & Teadealer market and Cambridge, arrives Mon. Wed. and Taylor, Brock, ~Market pl ..................... Solicitor Sat. 6 even. Tooley, James, Castle Acre st ............ Leathercutter To Newark-Union, from the Crown, leave$ j pa!t Vince, Alien, White Hart lane ............. :.Gardener 10 morn. through Lynn, arrives 6 even. Vince, John, London st ........................ Gardener To Norwich Day, from the Croton, 1() morn. Utting, Ann, Mkt pl, Hat, Bonnet, Stay, & Corset through East Dereham and Easton, arrives 1 Maker even. Utting, John, ditto ... Beer Retailer & Leathercutter To Ditto-Red Rover from the George Wed.! past Watling, Thomas, London st ......... Cabine.t Maker 7 morn. Sat. f p~st 6 morn. thro~gb Dereham Watts, John, Ma;ket pl ..................... H~I~dresser and Easton, arrives g night. Watson, Jo~n, dztto ........................ _MaJd 5 Head To Yarmouth-Mail, from the Crown, leav,~s 3 morn. Wells, W1lham ...... ~aster of the Nat~onal Schools through Dereham and Norwich arrives 10 night. Wells, Susannah ...... M1stress of the NatiOnal Schools ' Wesleyan Chapel, Mkt pl, Brown Mr., Local Preachr Carriers' List. White & Son, ditto ................. ................ Bakers To Brand on-Malt, Wm. from Red Lion, leaves Sat. Whitby, Geo. Castle Acre st, Surgeon, & RE>gistrar 3 aft. through Watton, arrives Fri. 6 even. of Births, Deaths, & Marriages To London Archer & Green's Waggon, from GnyWigg, Thomas, Market pl ...... Chemist & Druggist hound, leaves Mon. Wed. and :Fri. 6 even. "Wilkinson, George, Castle Acre st ............... Cooper through Brandon and Burnham, arrives Tues. Woolnough, Joseph, Lynn st ......... Baker & Grocer Thurs. and Sat. 12 noon. Wright, J. London st ............... Boot & Shoemaker To Lynn Allen, J. from Market pl, leaves daily,. Yarrington_, William S. JJlkt st, Accountant & Agent through Narborough, arrives same even. to the Sun Fire Offict· To D1tlo Coe, Wm. from Lynn st, leaves Tues-. Yong, R. ~:· A.M ......................... lncumbenl Thurs. and Sat. 6 morn. through N~rborough, Young, W1lham, ~!arketpl ............ ,.,Watchmaker arrives same even. 8. 128
SWAFFHAM. NOltFOLit .. To Lynn-Goode, Wm. from London st, Tues. and Sat. arrives same evens. To Norwich Alien, J. from Market pl, leaves Tues. and Fri. through Dereham, arrives .Wed. and Sat. night. To Ditto Carter, James, leaves King's .Arms, Tues. at 2 aft. through Dereham, arrives same day 11 morn. To Ditto-Hubbard, , from Red Lion, Tues. and Fri. 6 even. through Dereham, arrives Wed. and Sat. 12 night. To Ditto-Payne, , from Greyhound, Mon. and Wed. 2 aft. through Dereham, arrives Thurs. and Sat. 12 noon. To Wisbeach Carter, James, from Kini's Arms, Fri. a;through Downham, arrives Thurs. 8. • Classification of Trades. .Accountant. Yarrington William S. Market st Bakers. Boxall William, London st Clements Thomas, Market st Goodrick Robert, London st Hart Josep, Lynn st Kiddall William, Market pl Larwood J (Jhn, London st Reeve Thomas, Lynn st Smith Abel, London st White & Son, Market pt Woolnough J osh. Lynn st Basket Maker. Green Robert, London:st Beer Retailers. Fox James, London st Howard Alien, Lynn st Overton J. London st Rudd William, London st Seer Maria, Lynn st Utting John, Market pl Blacking Maker. Abrahams Robert, White Hart la Black smiths. Child Christopher, London st • Josh Isaac, Mangate st Josh Isaac, White Hart la Josh Thomas,jun. White Hart la Mays Thomas, London st Bonnet Makers. Clarke Sarah, Church pl Petch Matilda, Market!pl • Utting Ann, Market pl Booksellers.-Gowing John Thomas, Market pl Kemble William Henry, ~Iarket pl Boot o/ Shoemakers. Arnold William, Lynn st Clarke William, Church pl Cory C. London st Ellis Samuel, Lynn st Ellis Samuel, Market pi Marsh Edward, Market pl Philo James, Market pl Philo J ames, London st Pitch P. London st Porter J ames, Castle Acre st Weight J. London st lJrasifounders. Hunten & Cornish, Lynn st Brewer. Morse John, (Executors of) London rd Bricklayers. Barker J. W. Lynn st Heyhoe John James, Market pi Brick o/ Tilemakers.,-Hardy John, Dereham rd Raven James, London st Builders.-Dewhurst J ames, Cock yd Gainsbury Daniel, London st Goggs Mathias, Ash close Philo George, Church st Rust Mary Ann, London st Butchers. Bayfield Benjamin, London st Hall Samuel, Castle Acre st Randall Thomas, Market pl Smith John, 1\larket pl Norfolk.] S SwE:tFHAM CLASSIFICATION, continued .. Cabinet Makers. Home Enoch, London st Riddle George, Castle Acre st Watlin~ Thomas, London st Caryenters.-Muffett Samuel, London st Sands William, Lynn st Carriers. All en J oseph, London st Coe William, Lynn st Chairhottom Maker. Dickenson J. London st Chemists g. Druggists.-Finch Jacob, Market pl Rust James, Market pl Wigg Thomas, Market pl China o/ Glass Dealer. Philo James, London st Clothes Salesman. Howard William, Market pi Coach Builders. Claxton lRobert, White Hart fa',. Savage Wm. London st Coal Dealers. Day John. Lynn st Grant Thoma~J, Market pl Coal Merchants. Alpe James, London st Jeffery & Co. London st Corifectioner.-Powley Mrs. Market pl Cooptrs. Brown Wm. London st Wilkinson Geo. Castle acre Coppersmiths~- Bra~iers. Plowright & Son,Mkt pi Corn Dealer. Rix Wm. Lynn st Corn Merchants. Alpe Jas. London st J efferey & Co. London st Currier. Greaves Thos. London st Cutler. Ellis Thos. Castle Acre st Drapers.-Alexander Jas. Market pl Baker E. & W. Market pl Baker & Slipper, Market pl Hawes Charles, Market pl Farrier. Carman N. Lynn st Fishmong,. Alien John, Market pl GardenerB g. Seedsmen. Brundell Henry, Market p Vince Alien, White Hart la Vince John, London st Glover. Smith Thos. Castle Acre st Greengrocer. Rudd Green, Castle Acre st Grinder. Porter J. Man gate st Grocers, g.c. Alexander Jas. Market pl Baker E. & W. Market pl Baker & Skipper, Market pl Codling Phrebe, Lynn st Maddeson Geo. Castle Acre st Sword Wm. Margate st Woolnough J oseph, Lynn st Gunmakers. Parsons Wm. Market pl Sutton J ames, Market pl Hairdressers 4" Perfumers. Davey W. Market pi Harvey James, Market pl Watts John, Market pl Hatters. Alexander James, Market pl Hopkins W. H. Market pl Horsedealer. Goold T. Lynn st Hosiers. Alexander James, Market pl Ingram Wm. Castle Acre st. lronfounder. Hunton & Cornish, Lynn st Ironmongers. Lack & Son, Market pl Plowright & Son, Market pl Joiners. Dewhurst James, Cock yd Gainsbury Daniel, London st Goggs Malthias, Ash close Philo George, Church st Leathercutters. BeswickiWm. London st Philo James, London st Smith Wright, Market pl Tooley James, Castle Acre st Utting John, Market pl l.Uacltine Makers. Hnuton & Cornish, Lynn st Maltster1. Jeffrey & Rush, London st Merchants. Jeffrey C. & C. London st.
NORFOLlt~ THETFORD. =============::::=:=:::::::=:======~========::~ S w AFFHAlll CLASSIFICATION, continued· Miller. Parfrey Edward, Castle Acre st Milliner. Nurse Ann, Castle Acre st All en, NARBO ROUGH, Near Swajf7tam. Rev. W. . ...............•...•...••.. ,.Incumbent Oilcake Merchants. Jeffrey & Co. London st Painters, Plumbers, o/c. Balders William, Lynn st Goose Maurice, London st Hardy Isaac, London st Mindbam James, Market pl Newman Thomas, Mangate st Smith William, Market pi Coe, Jol1n .................•••..•. .............. Blacksmith Everett, R . ....................... .......•........... Miller J empson, J . ............................. ....... Blacksmith King, Henry .................................. Shopkeeper Maniott, Messrs. J. & R .... Corn & Coal Merchants and Maltsters Parker, James ... Ship Commercial Inn, and Carrier Patten Maker. Ellis Samuel, Market pl Picture Dealer.-Gobbe Anthony, Castle Acre st Printers. Kemble William Henry, Market pl Watson, Edmund ........................... Parish Clerk For Post, &c. see Swaffham. Coaches &. Carriers. Gowing John Thomas, Market pl Saddlers q Harness Makers. Lack & Son, Market pi Lassock Mary, M ark et pl To and from Lynn, Swaflham, and Dereham-call at the Ship daily. Water Conveyance. Schools ( Gents.)-Hacon James, Camping ground Hewitt Rev. J. London st To Lynn ........................... Parker, J osh. weekly · Pratt John, Market pl Schools ( Ladies.)-Cooper Miss, Churchyd · THETI'OBD. Cross Miss. London st. A. borough and market town, on the borders of SufNewman Mary Ann, Mangate st folk, 80 miles from London, through Epping and Seed Merchants.-Jeffrey & Co. London st Newmarket, 83 through Bury St. Edmunds, and 28l Shopkeepers. Spinks John, London st miles S. W. from Norwich ; contained in 1831, 3462 Stroulger Martha, London st inhabitants; the annual value of assessed property Dye valentine, London st in 1815 was 5946[. It is situated at the junction of Slater.-Heyhoe John James, Market pl the river Thet, with the Ouse, or Brandon river, and Solicitors. Marcon George, Churchyd by means of the last, which is navigable to the Great Pillans William Pott, Market pl Ouse, carries on a considerable trade in corn and Sewell Robert, Mangate st coals, by way of Lynn. The princtpal streets are Taylor Brock, Market pi disposed on the line of road from Newrnarket to Nor• Stay 4· Corset Makers. Clarke Sarah, Church pl wich, and from Botesdale to Lynn, and the town is Utting Ann, Market pl connected with the houses on the Suffolk side of the Stonemason.-Heyhoe John James, Market pl river by an iron bridge, erected in 1829. The market Surgeons. Rose Caleb is on Saturday, and annual fairs are held on May Whitby George, Castle Acre stl 14th, August 2d and 17th, for sheep, and September Tailors g. Drapers. Carmon A. Lynn st 251~ for cattle, cheese, and toys. There is also a Jakes Lazarus, Mangate st wool fair, for which the day is fixed by the Earl of Jarvis John, Church pl Leicester, and is generally in the month of July. Johnson James, Market pl There are three breweries, several malting establishJohnson James, sen. Market pl ments, an extensive paper-mill, a large iron (oundery1 Petch Robert, Market pl and an agricultural machine manufactory. The Powley Benjamin, Market pl theatre is open during the lent assizes. The corpo- • Powley Robert, London !lt ration, according to the charter of Queen Elizabeth, Sutton Edward, Mangate st consists of a mayor, recorder, town clerk, ten capital Tallow Chandler. Maddeson Geor~e, Castle Acre st burgesses, twenty common council men, a coroner, Taverns, Inns, q Public Houses. and other officers. The guildhall was rebuilt by Sir .Angel, Brett John, Market pl Joseph Williamson, in 1680: in the grand jury Crown Commercial Inn and Posting House, chamber is a portrait of the Duke of Grafton. Thet· Page William, Market pi ford returns two members to Parliament, who are at George Commercial q Family Inn q Posting present the Earl of Euston, eldest son of the Duke Establishment, Boyce Wm. Castle of Gra.fton, and the Hon. Francis Baring, second son Greyhound, Rust Michael, Market pl of Lord Ashburton. The assizes in the summer circuit Horse q Groom, Pitcher Ely, Lynn st are held here, and in some cases the county magisKing's Arms Inn and Family Tavern, Claxton trates have concurrent jurisdiction in the town. Thet· John, Market pl ford is divided into three parishes: St. Mary. a rectory Lion, Barker Rebecca, Market pl value 83l. per annum; St. Cuthbert, a rectory value ~Maid's Head, Watson John, Market pl 50/. per annum ; and St. Peter, a rectory \'alue 591. per Spread Eagle. Clark James, London st annum. In St. Mary's church is the monument or White Hart Commercial ln,n q Family Hotel, Sir Richard Fulmerston. St. Peter's church is of Smith Wright, Market pl freestone and flint, and the tower was rebuilt in 1189. White Lion, Johnson William, Castle Acre st An ancient school in this town was revived or reWhite Swan, Dewhurst James, Castle Acre st founded l:ly Sir Richard Fulmerston, in 1566; and a Veterinary Surgeons. Child John, London st free-school, built upon the site of the Trinity ehurch, Perry W illiam, Man gate st and of the Black Friars church, formerly the cathedral; Watchmakers. Carr John, Market pl and by the assistance of Lord Chief Justice Cek.e, in Pratt Matthew, Market pi 1610, a corporate body was founded, who are the Young W illiam, Market pl patrons and governors of the school . A priory of Be· Wine~ Spirit Merchants. Howarth Wm. London st nedictine nuns was founded at Thetford, but within Jeffrey & Co. London st the limits of Suffolk, by Uvius, the first abbot of Morse Jarnes, London rd Bury. about the year 1020, to commemorate the great Wool Merchants. Jetfrey & Co. London st batlle that was fought between St. Edmund and the Danc:s, in the neighbourhood ; it was dedicated to 130 •
THETFORD. NORFOLK. St. George, and the conventual church is now used aa Battle, John, Earles la ........................ Carpenter a barn. Roger Bigod, Eal'l of the East Angles, and Best, Henry, King st ........................... Sur!?:eon ,AI ice his wife, in 1104, commenced the foundation Bid well, L. S ................... Wine & Spirit Merchant ()f a monastery, dt>dicated to the Blessed Virgin Bond, William, Market pl .................. Gunmaker and St. A ndrew, making it dependent on the foreign Booth, George, Raymond st ............... Whitesmith p,bbey of Cluni; the gatehouse, constructed with free- Booth, Richard, Back st ...... Blacksmith & Publican stone and black flints, with parts of the church, still Branford, J. W. Chapel ll .•. Brewer, Maltster and remain. In the pari~h of St. Mary, a monastery, de- Generdl Merchant dicated to the honour of God, the Holy Sepulchre, Breeze, Thomas, King st ......... Chemist & Druggist and the Holy Cross, was founded in 1139, by William. Brett, John, Bridge st .................. Tailor & Draper third Earl of Warren and Surrey; the •ite is called Brooks, J. B. White Hart st •.• Grocer, Draper and Canons, and part of the conventual church is still Tailor r;tanding, but converted into a barn; the gate of the Brown, Henry, Bridge st ... Ironmonger, & Agent to port~r's lodge and some other parts yet remain. On the Suffolk Amicable Fire Insurance Company the site of the freeschool, John Plantagenet, Earl of Brown, Peter, Old Market ~t ...... Plumber & Glazier Warren and Surrey, placed the preaching friars, be- Brown, William, Guildhall st ............ Dressmaker tween 1325 and 1345, in the ancient cathedral of the Burrell, James, King $l ••• Iron & Brass Founder, and 1ee. The nave of the conventual church ofthe Black- A~ricultural Machine Maker Friars is now occupied, and cultivated as a garden be- Curley, Jonathan, King st ••• Watchmaker & Jeweller longing to the freeschool; the precinct extends over Curley, Robert, Market pl ••• Printer, Bookseller and part of a rope walk, and a meadow adjoining. Of the Stationer monastery founded by John of Ghent, Duke of Lan- Carr, Isaac, King st ............... Boot & Shoemaker caster .. in 1386, none of the conventual buildings can Cash, Roper, OLd Market st .................. Dolphin now be traced. At the north-west end of the town Catton, 1\lary Ann, King st ... China & Glass Warehs is an almshouse, founded by William the second son Catton, Wm.Bridge st ••• Saddler & Harness Maker, p{ Sir C. Harbord, in 1680; and near St.l\'Iary's church & Agent to Nojwich Fire & Life Insurance Office is an almshouse, erected by Sir Richard Fulmerston. Chambers, Richard, King st ............... Postmaster The sum of 2000l. was bequeathed by Sir J. Wil- Chilvers, Elizabeth, Raymond sl ......... White Horse liamson, for apprenticing a certain number of Christopher, Benjamin, White Hart st ••• Hairdresser children; and Mr. P. Sterne, a native of this town, Christopher,W m. ditto ... Tailor & Draper, Auctioneer who died in 1818, left 10001. for the benefit of the & Appraiser poor; there are also several other charities. Thetford Clarke1 J ames, ditto ....... , ...................... Brazier is in the union of the same name. At the eastern Clarke, James, Great Masdalen ..... 1 ......... Carrier extremity of the town is the Castle Hill, a large arti- Clarke, William, ditlo ........................... Brazier ficial mount, with considerable remains of fortifica- Clarke, Wm .•.. Solicitor and Clerk to Magistrates tions; on the top of the hill are many tumuli, the for Borough of Guiltcross & Shropham, & Clerk most remarkable of which is callf'd Tut Hill. The to Commissioners of Taxes for the Borough of general face of the country round Thetford consists Guiltcross & Shropham, and Agent to Guardian chiefly of corn land, almost wholly open aud unin- Fire & Life Insurance Office closed. A chalybeate spring was opened in the year Crask, Edmund, Raymond st ..................... Baker 1818; and a promenade from the Nun's bridge to the Crisp, , While Hart st ............ King's Head Inn Spa has been since made. When the manor-house Crusha, Samuel, Little Magdalen ... Shopkeeper and and manor came with the duchy to the crown, the Beer Retailer ancient seat of the Earls of 'Varren became the royal Cobb, J. While Hart st ...••. Master of the National palace ; it was the only one in Norfolk, and was re- School built during the reign of Elizabeth, and was given Cock, John, Little Magdalen ... String Manufacturer l>y King James I. to Sir Philip Wodehouse: it has Codling, John, White Horse st ...... Harness Maker since been modernised, and partly rebuilt. Near the Cole, Stephen, ditto ............... White Hart Corntown are the seats of G. Beauchamp Esq., and S. mercial Inn & Posting House Vipan. Esq.; Linford Hall, the seat of Sir Richard Collett, Rev. Wm ....... Perpetual Curate of St. Marys Sutton, Bart.; Snare hill House, the seat cf F. Redhead, Cook, John, Little Magdalen ..................... Dyer Esq.; and West Tofts Hall, the seat of John Mawley, Cooper, Frederick, King st ............... Checkera Inn Esq. ; Euston Hall, the seat of the Duke of Grafton ; Cooper, John, J.Vell st .................. Coach Painter 8hadwell Lodge, the seat of Sir Robert John Buxton, Coots, J. Great Magdaten st ............... Carpenter Bart.; Rushford Lodge, and Riddlesworth Hall. On Daniels, Josh. White Hart st ............... Fishmonger the opposite bank of the Ouse is New Place, the !!eat Da,·y, d' ohn, Guildhallst ........................ Cooper of Mrs. Marsham. The northern and eastern railway Driver, John, ditto ............................ Brazier from London to York, now in progress will have a Dun bar, James, Great Magdalen st ...... Tea Dealer branch from Cambridge to Norwich, which will pass Edwards, Robt. White Hart 1t ...... Toy Warehouse Thetford on the northern side of the town. Edwards, Robt. Bridge 1t ... Bell Commercial Inn & :Name, Residence, & Profession. (For CLASSIFICATION q.fTRADEs, seep. 133.) Arbon, Edward, White }Iart st ............ Blacksmith Austin, William, Little Magdalen st ••• Beer Retailer Bailey, H. B. Marks pl ........................ Surgeon Baker, Thomas, White Hart $t , ...... , .... Gunmaker Barnard, John, Earles la ............... Harness Maker Barker, Richard, Bridge st ••. Manager of the Branch of .East of England Bank, and Agent to the Palladium Life Assurance Basham, George, Earles la ............... Retail Brewer Basham, Suaan, St, M<V'!j'I, ......... ,.~ .. , .. "''"'"Star • Posting House Faux, Gregory, White Hart st ... Solicitor, & Agent to Family Endowment Society Faux, J. B. Well 1t ••• Grocer & Draper, and Agent to the Norwich Fire & Life Insurance Office Fison, James & Sons, Bridged .•. Wool, Coal and Seed Merchants Fitch, Peter, Guildhall st ............ Dog & Partridge Fleet, James, Earles la ......... Bookseller & Binder Fowell, William, Yipan la ..................... Carrier Free Grammar School, Ward, Rev. Robert ... Master Frost & West, Tanners la ... Tanners, Fellmongers & Curriers, and Boot & Shoemakers 181
NORFOLK. THETFORD. :Frost, Edward, White Hart st ••• Currier and Leather Reynolds, John, White Hart st •..... Basket Maker . Cutter Reynolds, John, Croxt01' rd ..• Basket & Sieve Maker :Fuller, George Market pl •••..........•....... Butcher Rudland, Thomas, White Hart st ...... Beer Retailer Garner, Mrs. White Hart st ... Straw Bonnet Maker Scale, Thomas, Great Magdalen, Earthenware Manfr Gates, John, Guildhall st ............. ,.Schoolmaster Sewell, William, Raymond st ............ Beer Retailer Gill, Thomas, & Garner ...... Millers, Coal, \Vine, & Smith, J ames, Back st ........................ Carpenter General Merchants Smith, W illiam, Guildhall st ..................... Tailor Gill, William, Old .J.lfarket st .........••• Fishmonger Snare, Roberl k Son, White Hart st ...... Lime and Gifford, Edward, Great Magdalen ...... Auctioneer & Brickmakers, Builders, and Stonemasons Estate Agent $parrow, Thomas, Bury rd ... Nursery and Seedsman Gifford, Josh. London .,.d ... Wine & Spirit Merchant Spendlove, J. S. Bridge st ••• Watch and Clockmaket Godfrey, S. & G. Water lane ............ Boatbuilders Spurgeon, Simeon, White Hart st ... Grocer & Draper Golding, John, White Horse st ... Fleece Comcllnn Steward, Stephen, Back st ••• Carrier, & Beer Retailer Green George, King st ... Grocer & Draper, & Agent Stokes, J oseph, Guildhall st ...... Cork Manufacturer to Norwich Fire and Life Assurance Office Stone, William, (Tiles lane .~ ...................... Carrier Green, Mary Ann, King st ... Agent to Equitable Fire Sword, Reverend Thomas, Rector of St. Cuthbert Insurance Office and St. Peter Gun stone, David, St. Marys ............... Shopkeeper Thompson, Caroline, Earles lane ... Mistress of the Rambling, James, Kingst ..................... Carpenter Infant School Hammond, John, Guildhall st ............ Beer Retailer Tompson, George, Little Magdalen •••••• Cooper and Hammond, Sophia, Great Magdalen Grocer & Draper Timber Merchant Handcock, Mary, White Hart r.t .................. Baker Towell, George, ditto .............................. Tailor Harvey, Henry, Guildhall st ............... Brush maker Turner, Harrison, King 1t .................. King's Arms Hill, Charles, Little Magdalen .................. Grocer Tyler, Frances, Marlcet pl ............... Red Lion Inn Hill, Mary, Guildhall st ............... Groce1· & Draper Tyler, Mary, White Hart st ... Straw Bonnet Maker Hollingsworth, Mrs. White Hart st ............ Miller Tyrrell, Geo. ditto ... Builder and Timber Merchant Howard, Charles, Great Jfagdalen st ... Blacksmith Tyrrell, Henry Jlobert ... Wl1ite Harlst, Malt!'ter and Ho ward, Jacob, Market pl ... Boot and Shoemaker, Brick maker and Currier Tyrell, Mary, Great Magdalen ...... Black Horse Inn Howard, John, King st ..................... Coachmaker Webster, John, St. Marys ...... Hammer and Trowel Ho ward, William, ditto ......... A ........ Shoeing Smith W ebster, Thomas, Market pl .................. Butcher Huggins, Geo. St. Marys ... Gigmaker & Wheelwright \'Vest, Michael, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Jarvis, William, King st ............ Tailor and Draper Whistler, John, King st ............... Dealer in Game Jay, William, Little Magdalen ......... Beer Retailer Whistler, Mrs. ditto ........................ Dressmaker Johnson, Wm. Bridge st ... Anchor Commercial Inn Whistler, Thomas, Great Magdalen ............ Butcher Juler, John, ditto ... Grocer and Draper, and Agent Whistler, William, ditto .................. Beer Retailer to Oakes, Bevan, and Cos. Bury Bank, and Agent Wicks, , Old Market pl, Brewer & Spirit Merchant to Royal Exchange Insurance Company Woolsey, Abm. White Hart st .................. Carrier King, Thomas, Back st ..................... Wheelwri~ht W right, ,William, ditto ........................... Butcher Kingdon, George, Old Market st ... Grocer & Dr~per Langham, Williarn, White Hart st ... Grocer, Draper, and Tallow Chandler Lovick, John, Guildhall st ............... Beer Retailer Meadows, Josh. King llt ............ Tailor and Draper Merrell, Jno. Market pl ... Green Dragon Comrcl Inn Meslin, Mrs. Back st .................. Rose and Crown Met hold, Reverend Thomas, King st Mills, Sarah, Guildhall st ........................... Angel M unn, Richard & Co., Paper mills ... Papel' Manfctry Norman, Mrs. Great lUagdalen st ........ _ ....... Baker Norman, Sarah, King st ......... Plumber and Glazier Old man, John, ditto ... Upholsterer &. Cabinet Maker Old man, Stephen, White Hart st .................. Baker Old man, William ..................... Miller and Baker Poat Office. Chambers Richard, King st ............... Postmaster Letters received from London 6 morn. despatched · 8 even. One delivery each day, 7 morn. Posting Houses. Bell Inn, Bridge st .... ................. Edwards, Robert White Hart, White Hart st ............... Cole, Step hen Bankers. Bury Bank (branch of), Oakes, Bevan, & Co .... Juler John, Agent, Bridge st. East of England Bank (branch of) •.. Barker, Richard, Manager, Bridge st Onley, Han·ey, & Hudson's Bank ... Fa11X, J. B. Agnt. Well st Onley, Harvey & Hudson, Well st ... Bankers Faux, J. B. Agent l' &. Life .a.saurance Agents. Page, Charles, St. ]}farys .................. Bootmaker Equitable Fire, King st .. ............. Green, Mary A~:~n Pal mer, Alfred, London rd ............... Coachmaker Family Endowment, White Hart st ... Faux, Gregory Pal mer, Edward, ditto ........................ Blacksmith Guardian .................... ; ........... Clarke, William Palmer, James, St. Mary!, Dealer in Bread & Flour Norwich, Bridge st ..................... Catton, William Palmer, Josh. Great Magdalen st ......... Bricklayer Norwich, Well st .............................. Faux, J. B. Palmer, Jno. ditto ................................. Builder Norwich, IGng st ........................... Green, George Parlett, Frances, St. Marys ............... Beer Retailer Palladium Life, Bridge st ............ Barker, Richard Parry, Thomas, ditto ............... Veterinary Surgeon Royal Exchange, Bridge st ... ............... J uler, John Penteney, Thomas, Old Market pl ...... Spread Eagle Suffolk Amicable Fire, Bridge st ...... Brown, Henry Pratt, Sarah, King st ........................ Confectioner Sun Fire, St Marys ........................ Rogers, Henry Pretty, John, Guildhall st ......... Plumber and Glazier Public Scllools. Priest, Thomas, King st ••....... Printer and Bookseller Free Grammar SchoolRogers, Henry, St. Marys ... Solicitor, and Agent to Master .............................. Ward, Rev. Robert Sun Fire Office Infant School, Earles laneRorrers, Wallis, Market pl ......... Grocer and Hatter Mistress ........................... Thornpson, Caroline Reynolds, J. & R. Earles (ane , .. Preservers of Birds National School, lVhite Hart •t·- and Beasts Master ,,,,,,.,,,,, ... ,,,,,,,,,.,,,, ............. Cobb, J.
THETFOllD. NORFOLK:, Coach List. To Dereham Mail Cart, from the Checker•, every morn. at 6, and returns in the even. at 8. To London The Newmarket Mail, from the White Hart Commercial Inn, every night at a, and returns 6 morn, 'l'o London and Norwich The Magnet, from the Bell Inn, at 9 even. and returns 5 morn.; the Telegraph, Norwich to London, 10 morn. and returns 4 aft. To Lynn and Bury from the White Hart, Tues. Thurs. and Sat. morn. at :1 pt 7, and returns t bef. a. To Mildenhall Mail Cart, from the White Horse Commercial Inn, every even. at a, and returns l past 5 morn. To Larkingford and Harling Mail Cart, from the Green Dragon Inn, arrives l past 6 morn. and returns 7 even. Carrier•' :List. To Bury Ashman, from the Green Dragon Inn, every Sat. and returns same day. To Ditto Stone's Cart, from Thetftud, Wed. and Sat. and returns same day To Dereham Woolsey's Cart, Mon. and Thurs. and returns Tues. and Fri. To Ipswich Lamberts, George, from Green Dragon Commercial Inn, every Thurs. morn. at 7, and returns every Sat. even. at 4. To London Fowell's Waggon, every Mon. and returns on Sat. To Lyon Steward's Cart, Mon. and Thurs. and returns Tues. and Fri.; and to: Bury, Wed. and Sat. and returns same day. Classification of Trades. Auctioneers. Christopher William, White Hart st Gifford Edward, Great Magdalen Bakers. Crask EdRlUnd, Raymond st Handcock Mary, White Hart st Norman Mrs. Great Magdalen st Oldman Stephen, White Hart st Oldman William Palmer James, St. Marys Basket ]fakers. Reynolds John, White Hart st Reynolds John, Croxton rd Beer .Retailers. Austin William, Lit Magdalen st Crusha Samuel, Little Magdalen Hammond John, Guildhall st Jay William, Little Magdalen st Lovick John, Guildhall st Parlett Frances, St. Marys Rudland Thomas, White Hart st Sewell William, Raymond st Steward Stephen, Back st Whistler William, Great Magdalen st Blacksmiths. Arbon Edward, White Hart st Booth Richard, Back st Howard Charles, Great Magdalen st Palmer Edward, London rd Boat Builders. Godfrey S. & G. Water la Booksellers, ~c. Carley Robert, Market pl Fleet J ames, Earles la Priest Thomas, King st Boot 4- Shoemakers. Carr Isaac, King st Frost & West, Tanners la Ho ward J acob, Market pl Page Charles, St. Marys West Michael, Market place :Brassfounders. Burrell Charles, St. Nicholas place Burrell J ames, King st :Braziers. Clarke James, White Hart st Clarke William, Great Magdalen Driver John, Guildhall ~t THETFORD CLASSIFICATION continued. Breu1er.f. Basham George, Earles la Bidwell L. S. Bromford J. W. Chapel st Wicks , Old Market pl Bricklayer. Pal mer J. Great Magdalen st Brickmakers. Snare Robert & Son, White Hart st Tyrrell Henry Robert, White Hart st Brushmaker. Harvey Henry, Guildhall st Builders. Palmer John, Great Magdalen st Snare Robert & Son, White Hart st Tyrrell George, \\rhite Hart st Butcher1. Fuller George, Market place Webster Thomas, Market place Whistler Thomas, Great Magdalen Wright 'Villiam, White Hart st Cahinelmaker.-Oldman John, King st Carpenters. Battle John, Earles la Coots J. Great Magdalen st. Rambling James, King st Smith James, Back st Carriers. Clarke J ames, Great Magdalen st Powell William, Vipan la Steward Stephen, Back st Stone William, Giles la Woolsey Abraham, White Hart st Chemist ~ Druggist. Bree1e Thomas, King st China c_t Glass Dealers. Catton Mary & Ann~ King st Coach Makers. Howard John, King st Huggins George, St. Marys Palmer Alfred, London rd Coach Painter. Cooper John, Well st Coal Dealers. Bidwell L. S. Fison James & Son, Bridge st Gill Thomas & Garner Corn Merchant. Bidwell L. S. Corifectioner. Pratt Sarah, King st Coopers.-Davy John, Guildhall st Tompson George, Little Magdalen Cork Mamifacturer. Stokes Joseph, Guildhall st Curriers ~ Leat/,e-rcutters. Frost & West, Tanners la Frost Ed ward, White Hart st Ho ward J acob, Market pl Dressmakers. Brown Mrs. Guildhall st Whistler Mrs. King st Dr11.pers. Faux J. B. Well st Green George, King st Hammond Sophia, Great Magdalen Hill Mary, Guildhall sL J uler John, Bridge st Kingdom George, Old Market pl Langham William, White Hart •t Spurgeon Simeon, ditto Dyer.-Cook John, Little Magdalen Earthenware lUamifacturer. Scale T. Gt Magdalen Farriers. Chamberlin James, Back st Howard William, King st Fishmongers. Daniels Joseph, White Hart st Gill William, Old Market st Gllme Dealer. Whistler John, King st Grocers. Brooks J. B. White Hart st Faux J. B. Well st Green George, King st Hammond Sophia, Great Magdalen Hill Charles, Little Magdalen Hill Mary, Guildhall st Juler John, Bridge st Langham William, White Hart st Kingdom George, Old Market st Rogers W alii:~, .Market pl Spurgeon Simeou, White Hart st Gunmakers. Baker Thomas, ditto Bond William, Market pl 133
THETFoRD CLASSIFICA.TION, contitzued Hairdresser.-Christopher Benjamin, White Hart st Harnessmakers ~·Saddlers. Barnard John, Earles la Catton William, Bridge st Codling John, White Horse st Hatter. Ro~ers Wallis, Market pl lrorifounders. Bur reil James, King st Burrell Charles, St. Nicholas pl Ironmonger.-Brown Henry, Bridge st Jeweller. Carley Jonathan, King st . Limemakers. Snare Robert & Son, White Hart st Machine Makers Burrell Charles, St. Nicholas pi Burrell James, King st Maltsters. Bid wPll L. S. Brandford J. W. Chapel st Tyrrell Henry Robert, White Hart st Merchants. Brandford J. W. Chapel st Gill Thomas &. Garner Millers.- Gill Thomas & Garner Hollingworth Mrs. White Hart st Oldham William Nursery q &edsman. Sparrow Thomas, Bury rd Paper Manufarturers.-Munn Rd & Co. Paper Mills Plumbers, Painters, ~ Glaziers, Brown Peter, Old Market st THETFORD CLAsSIFICATioN, continued· White Hart Commercial Inn~ PostinglloJUe, Cole Step hen, White Hart st White Horse, Chilvers Elizabeth, Raymond at Teadealer.-Dunbar James, Gt Magdalen st Timber Merchants. Tompson G. Little Magda1en Tyrrell George,. White Hart st Toy Warehouse. Edward Rt. White Hart st Twinem(lker.-Cock John, Little Magdalen Upholsterer. -Old man John, King st Veterinary Surgeo'f. Parry Thomas, St. Marys Watchmaker•. Carley Jon. King st Spend love J. S. Bridge st Wheelwrights.-Huggins George, St. Marys King Thomas, Back st Whitesrnith. Booth George, Raymond st lfin~ 4' Spirit Merchants. Bid well L. S. Gdl Thomas & Garner Gifford Josh. London rd Wicks , Old Market pl Woolltlerchants. Fisatl J. & Sons, :Sridge st WAJ,SINGHAM2 OLD & KBW. Little or New Walsingham, 113l mile~J from Lon· Pretty John, Guildhall st . don, through Newrnarket, Brandon, Swaffham, and Norman Sarah, King st • Fakenham, and 5 miles S. from Wells, contained in Pre~ertJers cif Birfls et Beasts.-Reynolds J. & R. 1831, 1004 inhabitants; the annual value of-assessed Earles la property in 1815 wa11 2553l. It is delightfully Printers. Carley Robert, Market pl situated on the banks of the Stiffkey; the grounds Priest Thomas, King st on each side of the dale, rising in 1\ bolq manner, exSchool (Gents.) Gates John, Guildhall st hibit rather unusual features for this county; am! the Seed Merchants. Fison James & Sons, Bridge st plantations of Mr. Warner, enriched with the ruins Shopkeepers. Crusha Samuel, Little Magdal~n of the abbey, and the small spire of the church, pre. Gunstone David, St. Marys sent a picturesque ~;cene on entering the town. The Solicitors. Clark William market is on .f'riday; and an annual fair is held on Faux Gregory, White Hart st · the Monday fortnight after Whit-Sunday. The Rogers Henry, St. Marys quarter sessions of the peace are held here by adStonemasons. Snare Robert & Son, White Hart st journment from the city of Norwich. Here is a free Straw Bonnet MakerJ. Garner Mrs. White llart st school. The living is a curacy, value 168l. ptr annum. Tyler Mary, White Hart st The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary; tile Surgeons. Bailey H. B. Market pl font, one of the finest specimens of the kind in Eng· Best Henry, King st land, is decorated with -all the charms of sculpture Tailors ~ Drapers. Brett John, Bridge •t and of architecture; it is octangular in form, and Brooks J. B. White Hart st consists of three portions or divisions in height, a base Christopher William, White Hart at or steps, a shaft, and a capital or basin. In the first Jarvis William, King st are two tiers of steps, raised above the pavement; Meadows Josh. King st both are ornamented on the exterior face with various Smith William, Guildhall st panels and tracery. At the angles of the shaft are Towell George, Little Magdalen eight small statues, standing on pedestals, and a series Tallow Chandler. Langham Wm. White Hart st of trefoil leaves extend round the upper member of Tanners ~ Fellmongers. Frost & West, Tanners la the shaft, which is surmounted by the basin. This Tavertll, Inns, 4' Puhlic ]louses. consists, like all the other parts, of eight faces ; eacn Anchor Com. Inn, Johnson Wm. Bridge st displays a canopied recess, filled with figures in has .Angel, Mills Sarah, Guildhall st relief, representing the seven sacraments, with the Bell Commercial Inn 4' Posting House, Ed- crucifixion. In the chancel is a curious brass stand, wards Robert, Bridge st supported by four lions; and here are monuments of Black Horse Inn, Tyrrell Mary, Gt. Magdalen the families of Gresham, Weston, lve, and De Fother· Checkers Inn, Cooper Frederick, King st bie; on the south side of the church is a mural monu· Dog 4- Partridge, Fitch Peter, Gl.lildhall st ment to Robert Anguish, 1590. Here is also themonu• Dolphin, Cash Roper, Old Market st ment of Sir Henry Sidney, Kt., who died iu 16121 Fleece Commercial Inn, Golding John, White and Dame Jane, his wife, with their effigies. Wal· Horse st siniham Priory is indebted for its origin to the widow Green Dragon Commercial Inn, Merrells John, of Ricoldie de Faverches, who, about the year 10611 Market pl founded at this place a chapel to the honour of the Hammer~ Trowel~ Webster John, St, Marys Virgin Mary, similar to the Sancta Casa at Nazareth. Kings .Arm1, Turner Harrison, King st Sir Geoffrey de Faverches, her son, afterwards Earl of Kings Head Inn, Crisp , White Hart st the Marches, endowed it soon after the Conquest, Red Lion Inn, Tyler Frances, Marke\ pl with lands, tithes, rents, and services, and foundt:d a Rose~ Crown, Meslin Mrs. Back st priory of Augustine Canons, for whose use be iave Spread Eagle, Penteney Thos. Old Market st the above-mentioned chapel of St . .Mary, besides a Star, Basham Susan, St • .j.\1arys priory church which he erected for' them. The gifu ] 24 of this knight were confirmed by his successors, and
W ALSINGHAM. NORFOLK. by several kings, popes, and bishops. The shrine of Frary, Edward .•. u ......................... Shopkeeper Our Lady of Walsingham was so celebrated, that Gamble, Henry, High st ••• King's Head Commercial many of the kings and queens of England, and an Inn & Family Hotel, and licensed to let Horses innumerable multitude of their subjects of all ranks, Gamble, John, High st ................ Sheriff's Officer besides foreigners from every nation in Christendom, Hawk ins, John, Bridewell st ........ Leather Cutter crowded to it to make their vows and lay their offer- Hewett, William, ..................... Exchanfl;e Inn ings on the altar. The oblations ofthe numerous pil- Humphries, Ely, High st ............... Linen Draper grims were a source of great wealth to the priory. It Independent Chapel, Rev. Mr. Bray ...... Preacher is said that King Henry VIII. walked barefoot from Jackson, W. S. High st ............... Grocer & Draper the town of Barsham to the chapel of Our Lady, and Jarrett, T. Bridewell st ............................. Dyer presented her with 9. necklace of considerable value. Jarrett, T. sen ............................. Harness Maker lt was believed that the galaxy, or milky way, had Johgson, W. S. Common pl ........................ Bull been placed in the heavens by Providence to point Lambert, Hannah, High st ............... Green Grocer out the particular residence of the Virgin ; hence this Leeder, Robert, Exchange at .............. Whitesmith starry course was generally, in ancient times, called Leverett, Maria, High st ........................... Baker the Walsingham Way. In the year 1538, the image Leverett, John, ditto ..... , .................. Blacksmith of Our Lady of Walsingham was removed to Chelsea, Lewis, Henry, Mill Pond st ........................ Baker and their publicly burnt. Nearly the whole of the Lewis, William, Old Walsingllam ... Three Tuns and spacious and once-elegant buildings of this priory, Blacksmith have been levelled to the earth, and on the site is a Methodist Chapel, ReT. M. Rayner ......... Preacher mansion erecten by Henry Lee Warner, Esq., with Minns, George, Exchange st ................ ~ .... Crown plantations. The ruins comist of a portal, or west Parker, John R. Br-idewell it ............ Watchmaker entrance gateway; a richly ornamented arch that Parker, N. Exchange st .................. Wheelwright formed the east end of the church ; the wall with the Pawley, J ames, High .rt ..................... Shoemaker windows and arches of the refectory, which was Piggott, John, Hip,'{, st ..................... White Lion seventy-eight feet long, and twenty-s~ven broad; a Playford, Henry, Common pl ............... Carpenter Norman arch, part of the original chapel; a stone P()o\ey, Robert, High st ........................ Glover bath, and two uncovered wells, called the Wishing Powell, Thomas, Bridewell st ............... Shoemaker Wells. These remains present a highly picturesque Priest, William, High st ..................... Bricklayer appearance. Purdy, Robert, ditto ..................... Cabinet Maker Great or Old Walsingham, one mile N. E. from Rawston, William, Bridewell sl ...... Bricklayer and Little Walsingham, contains 434 inhabitants; and Plasterer - the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was Reeve, John, Common pl .................. Auctioneer 2728l. Here are two consolidated parishes All Ringstead, Edward, Market pl ............ Shoemaker S.tints, and St. Peters; the living is a curacy, but of its Robinson, George, High st ........................ Tailor yearly value no retum has been made. Walsingham Sands, Robert, Common pl ..................... Cooper gives its name to the union in which it stands. Holk- Scott, Thomas ............ The Robin Hood, & Farrier ham Park, the ~at of the Earl of Leicester, ii north- Seaman, , High st .... , • Grocer, Draper & Drug gist westward of the town. Gunthorp Hall, the seat of Seaman, William, ditto ..................... Linendraper '- the Rev. Charles Collyer; Thursford Hall, the seat Shire Hall, Common pl of Sir Charle3 Chad, Bart.; and Barsham Hall, are Shirling, Thomas, OLd Walsingham ...... Half Moon in the neighbourhood. Smith, John, High st .............. _ ......... Shoemaker Smith, William, ditto ..................... Linendraper Name,, cL. Profession. s fi d s 1 M'll p d t T ·1 tam or , an1ue , ..1.. 1 on s ... .. ...... ... • at or ~ (For CLASSIFICATION cif TRADEs, seep. 136) Stevens, George, Market pl ... Black Lion Inn BowAdcock, Christopher, Common pl ...... Surgeon, and ling Green, Pleasure Grounds, and Posting House Regiitrar of Births & Deaths for the Walsingham Stringer, Charles, OLd Walsingham ...... Blacksmith District Tilney, William, Market pl .................. Carpenter Adcock, Hadden, Market pl ... Solicitor, and Clerk Tilney, Wm. High st ...... Clerk & Relieving Officer . to the Magistrates Todd, Charles, Bridcwell st ............... Blacksmith Anderson, Edward, High st ... Druggist& Veterinary Todd, Crispin, High st ..................... Blacksmith Surgeon Toffts, Mary, Church st ..................... Confectioner Anderson, John, High st ........................... Tailor Tweedy, James, High st ........................ Butcher Anderson, Robert .................. Veterinary Surgeon 'fyzack, James, ditto ... Perfumer & Fancy Toy WareBeazer, James, High st ........................ Butcher house Beazer, Wtn. Church st ... Butcher & Dealer in Game Ulph, James, ditto ........................ Beer Retailer Bobbett, Samuel, Bridewell st ............... Carpenter Wamel', Rev J. Lee ... Incumbent of New \Valsing• · Brett, Henry, ditto .............................. Academy ham Buddle, ~· Chu~h st .............................. Tailor Waters, Samuel, High 1t ••• Solicitor and Agenr to the Bull, J osmh, Jbgh st .................. Miller & Baker Atlas Insurance Cod man, Rober.t, ditto ............................ Broker Woodcock, John, Edgmere rd ..... ............. Maltster Codman, ~V~lliam, .ditto ... n ............. Painter, &c. Woodcock, Robert, High st ............ Basket Maker Coker, Wtlham, dttto ............... Grocer & Draper Wright, James, ditto ..... ~ ......... Brazier & Tinman Cornish, Henry, .............................. Wiieelw•·igh£ Wright, John, .Old Walsingham ... Bakel' and Flour CurMon, S. High st ................................. Grocer Dealer Cnrson, Thomas, Bridewell st ...... Grocer & Draper Dent, Thomas, High st ............... Grocer & Draper Dolton, Robert, Common pl ............... Shoemaker Drakecroft, Rev. G. Bridewell st ... Chaplain of Goal Fenn & ~on, High st ......... Painters & Paperhangers Penn, Z1chariah, Market pl ......... Grocer & Draper Fenn, Zachariah, Higlt st ......... Painter & Plumber Foriter vr·uiam, Dlm·kd pl .... •H ............. Saddler Post O:ffice. At the Black Lim1. Stevens, George, ... ,, ........................... Postmaster Letters arrive by a Mail Cart from Swaffham, moro 10, and despatched aft. 3. •
NOttFOtk. WATTON. Posting House. WALSINGH.AM CLAssiPICATION, continued. Black Lion, Market pl .. ................ Stevens, George Fenn Zech, Market pi, ditto New W. l'ire de. X.ife Assurance Agent. Jackson W. S. High st, ditto Atlas ........................... Waters, Samuel, High lt Seaman George, High st, ditto Law &. Public Officers. Harne11 Maker. Jarrett T. sen., Bridewell st, ditto Clerk to the Magistrates, Adcock H ....... Market pl Leather Cutter. Hawkins John, Bridewell st, ditto Clerk & Relieving Officer, Tilney Wm. High st, New Licensed to Let Horses Gamble Henry, High st Walsingham Linen Drapers. Humphries Eliz. High st, ditto Public :E:stabllshmenta. Seaman Wm. High st, ditto The Goal, Bridewell st Smith Wm. High st, ditto Curtis, Money; Governor, New Walsingl1am Maltster. Woodcock John, Edgmere rd, ditto Shire Hall, Common pl, New Walsirtgham Miller. Bull Josiah, High st, ditto Free Grammar School, founded 1639, by Richard Painters, Plumber,,, qc. Codman W. High st, ditto Bon~, who endowed it with 10401., which was laid Fenn & Son, High st, ditto out m the purchase. of land and houses, n?w let at Fenn Zechariah, High st, ditto 75!. per annu~. 'I he ~hove has for some t1me been Per:fumer. Tyzack James, High st ~useless chanty, but 1s now re-opened as an Eng- Saddler. Foster Wm. Market pi, ditto l1sh school. School (Gents.) Brett H. Bridewell st, ditto Coach Liat. Sheriffs Officer. Gamble John, High st, ditto To London The Hero, from the Black Lion, on Shopkeeper. Frary Edward, Old W. Tues. Thurs. and Sat. at~ past 6 ~orn. Solicitors.-Adcock Hadden, Market pl, New W. To Wells-The.Hero, from the Black Lzon, on Mon. Waters Sam. High st, ditto Wid. & Fr1. at 9 eve~. Surgeon. Adcock R. Common pl C::arriera' :List. Tailors. Anderson John, High st, ditto To London Green & Archer's Waggons, High st, Buddle L. Church st, ditto Tues. & Fri. at 3 aft. Robinson, G. High st, ditto To Wells Green & Archer's Waggons, Mon. & Stanford Sam. Mill Bridge st, ditto Thurs. at 5 aft. Taverns, Inns,~ Public Houses.,- To Wells & N orwich-from the Kings Head. Black Lion Commercial Inn, (occasional Post.) Classification of Trades. Bowling Green & Pleasure Grds, Stevens. G . .Auctioneers. Reeve J a Common pi, N. Walaingham · Mk_t pi, ditto Bakers. Bull Josiah, High st Bull, John.son W. S. Common pi! ditto Leverett Maria, High st, New w. Crown, Mmns G. ~xchange s~, ditto _ Lewis Henry, Mill Bridge st, ditto Exchange Inn, ~~witt Wm. ditto Wright John, 01<! ditto H?Y Moon, Shulmg Thoma~, Old W. Basket Maker. Woodcock Robert, High st, New W. Km~s Head, Gamble Hy. Hig~ st, New W. Beer Retailer. Ulph James, High st, ditto Robm Hood, Scat~ Thomas, ditto Blacksmiths. Leverett John, High st, dittQ Thr~e T~ns, L~wis Wm. 01~ W. Lewis William, Old W. 1Vhtle Laon, P1ggott John, ~Igh st, ~ew W. Stringer Charles, ditto Toy ~arehouse, Tyzack James, H1gh ~t, ditto . Todd Charles, Bridewell st, New w. Vetennary Surgeons. .Ar:tderson, E. High st, d1tto Todd Crispin, High st, ditto Anderson Robt. ditto . . Boot ~ Shoemakers. Dolton Rt. Common pi, ditto Watchm~ker. Parke.r J. R. Bndewell st, d1tto Pawley James, High st, ditto Wheelwr'l(hts.-~ormsh Henry, Old W •. Powell Thomas, Bride well st, ditto . P!lrker N 1eholas, Exchange st, ditto. Ringstead Edward, Market pi, ditto Whatesmzth. Leeder Robt. Exchange st, d1tto Smith John, High st, ditto Bra~ier ~ Tinman. W right James, High st, ditto Bricklayers. Priest William, High st, ditto Rawston William, Bridewell st, ditto Broker.-Cadman Robert, High st, ditto Butchers. Beazer J awes, High st, ditto Beazer William, Church st, ditto Tweedy Thomas, High st, ditto Cabinet Maker. Purdy Robert, High st, ditto Carpenters. Bobbett Samuel, Bridewell st, ditto Playford Henry, Common pi, ditto Tilney William, Market pi, ditto Co1!ftctioner. Tofl'Ls Mary, Church st, ditto Coopers. Sands Robert, Common pi, ditto Druggists. Anderson Edward, High st Seaman George, ditto Dyer.-,Jarrett T. Bridewell st, New N. Farrier. Scott Thomas Flour Dealer. Wright John, Old W. Game Dealer. Beazer William, Church st Glover. Pooley Robert, High st, New W. Gree11grocer. Lambert Hannah, lligh st, ditt<J Grocer• q Drapers. Coker Wm. High st, ditto Curson J. High st, ditto Curson Thos, Bridewell ~t, ditto Dent Thos. High st, ditto 136 WATTOX. A market town 91 miles from London, through Newmarket and Brandon, and 21 miles W. by S. from Norwich, contained in 1831, 1027 inhabitants; and the annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 51321. The neighbourhood is noted for supplying the metropolis with large quantities of butter, called Cambridge butter. The market day is Wednesday; and fairs are held on July 10th, October 11th, November 3d, first Wednesday in July and first Wednesday after Old Michaelmas day, for cattle, sheep,&c. A memorial court is held annually, and petty sessions for the hundred of Wayland every month. An alms .. house was founded here by Edward Gofie, ofThrexton, who died in 1612 ; and a national school was erected in 1819. The church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, was built in the reign of Henry I. ; its tower is circular at the base, and octangular above : in the front of the north porch are the remains of a curious crucifix carved in stone. The living is a vicarage value 187l. per annum. Watton is in Wayland Union. Between this town and Merton is Wayland Wood, commonly called Wailing Wood, from its being the very spot where the circumstance is said to have taken place, which gave rise to the popular tradition of'' The Two
WATTON. NORFOLK. Children in the Wood; or, the Norfolk Genlleman's Plutford, Charlotte ................................. Baker last Will and Testament." In the neighbourhood are Rack ham, William ................•..•.... Leather Seller Clermont Lodge, the seat of Lord Clermont; Merton R~eve, B. .. ................................ Basket Maket· Hall, the seat of Lord Walsingham, erected about R1ce, Robert ....................................... Brewer 1610; Thompson Hall; Carbrooke Hall, the seat of Rice, Sam':le~ .................................... Carpenter James Barker, Esq.; and Caston Hall. Rooke, Wllham ..................... Grocer. and Draper Scott, 1\1. . ..................................•......... Tailor Name, Besidence, &. Profession. Scott, Walter ................................. Confectioner (For CLAssrFrcA TION if Tu. DEs, seep. 138.) Seeker, Simon ................... ; .......... Basket Maker Ad cock, Si m on .................. Watch & C1ockmaker Short, J. .. ..................................... Day School Alder ton, M. A ....•••.••......•••.....•....•. Dressmaker Siggins, Henry .....•.............•..•........•.... Plumber Aldis, Ephraim ................................. Bricklayer Smith, Thomas ..................... Veterinary Surgeon Alexander, Thomas ........................ Draper, &c. Steel, Susan .................. Straw Hat Manufacturet· Amas, Charles ....................................... Glover Stevens, Edward ..................... Brewer & 1\laltster Amas, George •.•....•.••••••..................•..••• Tailor Sturgeon, John •............ ; ...........•.... Blacksnlith Balls, James .................................... Shoemaker Thompson, John .............................. Carpenter Barnard, Robert ............... , .................... Butcher Tooke, Elizabeth ... Mistress of the National School Barron, Robert ••••......•..••.•......•.•..•....... Glover Twaites, B. . ...•............................... Shoemaker Bayly, R. . ..•••.•.•.....•.......•.•.•••...•••••. Auctioneet Vi nee, William .....................•.....••• Coachtnaker Blade, E. H ........................ Tailor, & Poittmaster Walke11, Amos ....................................... Baker Blades, Maria .................. Boarding & Day School Warns, R ......................................... Grocer Borehouse, John .............................. Shoemaker Warren, John ......... Green Man Inn, & Wheelwright Burton, \\'· ....................•.•..•.............. Gunsmith Watson, B ......................................... llairdresser Buskill, Robert .............................. King's Arms Watson, John ........ u ........... Straw Bonnet Maker Buxton, Charle~ .............................. Upholsterer Wenharn, William ........................ Watchmaker Can ham, J no. Bull Inn, Licensed to let Horses & Gigs Whiskerd, Benjamin ........................... Carpentet· Clv!ster, B. . .........•..••..............•......... Chern ist 'V or1n, J arr1es ...•••...•••••••••••..•.......••••••... t arrier Claxton, George .. , ............ ,. .•.....•....•••...... Turner \V right, Robert .............••...•••.•.•••...•••...... Baker Clements, Thomas ........................... Confectioner Wright, Smith ........... H ........... Draper and Grocer Coe, Robert, George & Dragon Inn & Posting House Y oungs, J. .. ...... ~ .......................... Shoemaker . Cornwall, R .... Collar & Harnessmkr, & Parish Clerk Youngs, Robert ........................... Beer Hetailer Daniel:~, George ................................. Shoemaker East of Engla!ld Bank, draw upon London & VVest- Post Office. minster Joint Stock Banking Company, Hastings, Blade, E. H .................................... Postmaster • Smith, Agent Letters arrive at ! past 7 moPn., and despatched 6 Eaystick, Thomas ............... Collar & Harnessmaker even., for London. Excise Office ................................. Crown lnn Posting :P:ouses. Fakes, Charles .................................... Butcher Crown Inn ................................. Lusher, Robert Fendick, Williarn ................................. Surveyor George & Dragon .................... ~ ...... Coe, Robert Fox, ~illiam .. , ................. Collar & Harnessmaker Bankers. Frankhn, ~e.v . .faufax ........................... Rector East of England Bank, Hastings, Smith, AgentFrench, Wilham .................................. Surgeon draw on London and Westminster Joint Stock Fulcher, Jos. Shzpdown, near Watton ... Cattle De~ler Banking Company. Gathergood, James ................................ Ta1lor c. A A G dd d W .ll. s rlre &. :Li&e ssurance gent. o ar , 1 1am . . . . . . . ... . .••••.. .. ........ tonemason . ll . . Gricxton, Edward .............................. Attorney Suffolk and General Fue . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . asungs, Smah Hargrave, George ................................. Surgeon Excise Office. Hargreave, John ................................. Surgeon Crown Inn Posting House ............ Lushet·, Robert Hart, James .................................... Day School National School. Hastings, Edward ............ Wine & Spirit Merchant Master .............................. Legood, Edward Hastings, Thomas .............................. Bricklayer Mistress ........................... Tooke, Elizaseth Hastings, John ................................. Bookseller Coaches. Hastings, Smith ... Agent to the Suffolk and General To London-Regulator, 9 morn., from George ~ Dra- . County Fire Officn gon, Monday, 'Vednesday, and :Friday, through Hendry, Thomas .•..• , ............ Plumber and Glazier Newmarket, Brandon, Swaffham, and Dereham, Independent Chapel and returns Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Jacobs, George ................................. Blacksmith at 6 even. Jackson, Reverend Stephen ..................... Rector To Norwich George, 7 morn., from George o/ DraKiddle, Samuel .................................... Brewer gon, Monday, returns Saturday, 8 e\·en. Land, Edmund .................................... Tailor Carriers. Legood, Edward ...... Master of the National School To London Green and Archer, from Crown, on Lusher, Robert ... Crown Inn Posting House and Monday and Thursday, and returns Tuesday Excise Office and Friday. Manners, John .................................... Butcher To Ditto Hacon and Balls, from Gr~en Dragon, Mannings, George ................................. Tailor on Tuesday and Friday, 2 morn., and returns Marsh, M. . ................................... Dressmaker Monday and Thursday, 8 even. Mal!sey, William .............................. Attorney To Norwich-Layton, R. from Bull, Wednesday and Methodist Chapel Friday morn., and returns same days. ~ational School To Ditto Harvey, James, :rrom the George o/ Park er, Jarnes .................................... Butcher Dragon, Monday and Thursday, 11 morn., and P ayne, Edward .............................. Beer Retailer returns Tuesday and Friday, eveB. P~yne, Josh ........................................ Currier To Ditto-Payne, James, Tuesday and Friday, nts, James ........................... , ........... Plumber and returns Wednesday and Saturday. Nirfolk.] T 137
NORFOLK.. WELLS. Classification of Trades. .Auctioneer. Bayly R. Bakers. Plutford Charlotte w·alker Amos Wright Robert Basket Maker1. Reeve B. Seeker Simon Beer Retailers. Payne Edward Y oungs Robert Blacksmiths. J acobs Georgc Sturgeon John Bookseller. Hastings John Boot~ Shoemakers. Balls James Borehouse John Daniels George Twaites B. Youngs J. Brewers. Kiddle Samuel Rice Robert Stevens Edward Bricklayers. Aldis Ephraim Hastings Thomas Butchers. Barnard Robert Fakes Charles Manners John Parker J ames Carpenters. Riee Samuel Thompson John Whiskerd Benjamin Cattle Dealer. Fulcher Josh~Shipdown near Watton Chemist. Chester B. Coachmaker. Vince Wm. Collar 9· Harness Maker. Cornwall R. Eaystick Thomas Fox William Corifectioners. Clements Thomas Scott W alter Currier. Payne J osh. Drapers. Alexander Thomas Wright Smith Farrier. 'Norm James Glovers.-Amos Charles Barron Robert Grocers, q·c. Rooke William Warns R. Gunsmith. Burton W. Hairdresser.-Wat!'lon B. Leather Cutter. Rackham William Licenced to let Horses~ Gigs.-Canham John MiLliners 9" Dressmakers. Aldert{)n M .. A-. Marsh M. . Plumbers, Glaziers, ~-c. Hendry Thomas Pitts James Siggins Henry Schools (Gents.)-Hart James Shprt J. Scltool (Ladies). Blades M aria Solicitors. Gricxton Edward Massey WilJiam Slonemason. Goddard William Straw Rat Makers. Steele Susan Watson John Surgeons. French William Hargrave 'George Hargreave John Surve_yor.-Fendick William Tailors. Amos George Blade E. H. Gathergood J ames l.and Edmund Manning George ScQtt l\1. 138 • W A1'TON CLASSIFICATioN, continued. Taverns, Inns, 4" Public Houses .. - The Bull, Can ham John · Crown In" Posting House ~ Excise O.ffice, Lusher Robert George 4- Dragon Inn t Post. House, Coe R. Green Man Inn, Warren John King's Arms, Busk ill Robe1·t Tu'f'1ler. Claxton George Upholsterer. Buxton Charles Veterinary Surgeon. Smith Thomas Watch 4" Clockmakers. Adcock Simon Wenham William Wheelwright. Warren John Wine ~· Spirit Merchant. Hastings Ed ward W:GLLS, or W:GLLS :N:GXT THB S!:A, with Holkham, Sti1fhey, & Wareham. One bundred and seventeen and a half miles from London, through Newmarket, Brandon, Swaffham, and Fakenham, and 31 miles N. W. from Norwich; contained in 1831, 3624 inhabitants. The annual value of assessed property in 1815 was 44711. It ia a large town, h:1ving the appointment of a seaport, and a custom and excise office; and is situated on a rising ground at the upper end of a spacious harbour, which runs through the salt marshes into the Germim. Ocean, one mile below the town. The harbour is ex· tremely difficult of access, and a north or north-east wind often proves fatal to the shipping off its mouth. The chief traffic is the exportation of grain and malt, and the importation of coals, deals, tiles, bark, linseed and rapeseed cakes, tar, and wine; and an oyster fishery also gives employment to many persons. An annual fair is held on Shrove Tuesday. In the town isatheatl'e, and subscription library. The petty sessions for the hundred of North Greenhoe are held here once a fortnight; and courts leet and baron are held an .. nually, by the lord of the manor, and at which the steward presides. The church is dedicated to All Saints; over the south door in the church is painted the history of the Flood, and over the north door, that of Jonas. The font is octangular, and very curious. The living is a rectory, value 738l. per annum. Wells is in Walsingham Union. Here are free S<:hools, and meeting houses for the Independents, Quakers, and W esleyan Methodists. Westward is Holkham Hal~ the seat of the Earl of Leicester. This magnincent mansion, the abode of splendour and hospitality, was built from designs by the Earls of Leicester & Bur· lington, assisted by Kent. It was commenced in 1734, and completed in 1764; and consists of a centre and four wings, one at each angle; the extent, including the wings, is 345 feet, and the depth 180. On the south front is a fine portico, supported by six Corin• thian columns, and is of light, airy, and elegant appearance. The grand or principal entrance is on the north front. Each wing has its respective destination:. one is allotted to the use of the kitchen and 1ts offices, &c.; another is the chapel wing, containing the dairy, laundry, &c. ; at opposite angles, on the western quarter, are the two other wings; one containing the family apartments, the other is wholly calcnlated to accomnmdate company. The ~ hall, 46 feet by 70, and 43 feet high, is surrounded by a colonade of Ionic columns, supporting a g-allery of communication; in niches under the colonnade are statues. Over the entrance door into the hall is the following inscription : THIS SEAT, ON AN" OPEN BARREN ESTATE, WAS PLANNED, PLANTED, BUILT, DECORATED, AND IN· HABITED, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, BY TM,OMAS
WELLS. • NORFOLK. COKE, EARL OF LEICESTER. In the various apartments is a very fine and extensive collection of pictures by the most celebrated ancient and modem masters: here is also a statue gallery. The patk, containing about 3500 acres, is upwards of 10 miles in circumference. The view is very pleasing s clumps of flourishing trees, laid out with taste ; gentle hills and corn-waving vales ; the extensive lake, with its finely-wooded shore; the church, and other objects, combine to heighten the scene. One of the principal ornaments of the park is an obelisk 80 feet high, which stands on an eminence; it was the first mark erected at Holkham, and was completed in 1729. Near this stands the temple. A little to the 1 north of the obelisk is a very grand view of the house, and of the lake, which from this situation appears to be only separated from the sea by the beauti .. ful wood that intervenes. The Earl of Leicester has long been distinguished as an agriculturaliat the first indeed in the kingdom ; and his exertions to promote that most useful of all sciences, agriculture, afford a noble example to the country. At the annnal Holkham sheep-shearing and agricultural meeting, this nobleman entertains for several successive days not fewer than three hundred individuals of his neighbours, of strangers, and of foreigner!!. :Name, Residence, cr.. Jlrofession. (For CLASSIFICATION tj"TRADES, seep. 141.) Able, John, Black Horse yd ....•••........ Black Horse Ackroyd, Rev. Jno. Butt lands •.. Vicar of Holkham Aid us, Henry, Shambles ..................... Hairdresser Allison, J. Dogger lane • , ......•.•................ Tailor Alsabrook, East end ............ Timber Merchant Anders;on, James, Stait11 st ••.... Boot & Shoemaker Andrews, George, High st .•••.•...... Grocer & Draper Ashmead, Ann, Staith st .............. , ........... :Hatter Baines, Thomas, Mill lane .•.••..•..••.•.•.......• Miller Baker, Robert, High st •.•.••... Baker & Confectioner Bakt>r, Robert, ditto ... Ironmonger, and Agent to the Suffolk Equitable Office Baker, Josh. ditto ................................. Glover Bainbridge, James, ditto ........................... Baker Bainb(idge, John ............................ , ........ Baker Barnes, Berry, Ranters row ......... Boot & Shoemaker Barwick, John, High st ..................... Shopkeeper Beates, Charlotte, Ackworth yd •••.•....... Shopkeeper Bdl, Benjamin, Staith st ............... Harness Maker Bergman, George, Freeman st ..•... Grocer & Draper Betts, Edward, Butt lands ... Chair & Cabinet Maker Bottomley, Jos. Glebe yd .................. Stonemason Bouch, Thomas, Freeman st ............... Ironmonger Boutch, Thomas, Staith st ........................ Grocer Bowditch, John, Freeman at ....................... Ship Bower, William, East end ..................... Tidewaiter Brereton, R. & R. Quay ..................... Merchants Brett, R. . ...................................... Mill wright Buck, George, High st .............................. Tailor Cawfield, William, Chu""ch se ••••••••• Basket Maker Carey, Wll1am, Freeman st •••••••• Boot & Shoemaker Carter, Robert, Church st .. , ...... , .. Grocer & Draper Caselton, John, Stailh st .•.• , ... .,.Boot lit Shoemaker Cawston, Thomas, FreemQn st .. , ............... Brazier Chapman, Jarnes, Club lane ... Merchant & Maltster Chapman, S. Quay ...•• , •. ,,..Corn & Coal Merchant Chester, l\iartha, Staith st .•. Straw & Tu scan Bonnet t Manufacturer Clarke, Robert, East end •••••• Bread & Biscuit Baker Cock, Hannah, Staith st ...... , ••... Straw Hatmaker Cocket, Maria, Freeman st .... , .•••... General Dealer Cooper, Osbome, Church st, Turner & Cabinet Makr Casterton, Hinry, East end ... Collector of Customs CrisJ?, Thomas, Freeman st ............ Holkharn Arnu Crofts, George, Quay ......... Corn & Coal Merchant Crofts, George, Star yd ........................... Brewer Curson, M. Staith st ........................ ,Valchmaker Curson, Thomali, Glebe ........................... Tailor Daw11on, E. East end .................. Bonnet Maker Dawson, Wm. Butt land& ••• Comptroller of Customs Dennis, Alien, Star yd .............................. Star Dunn, A. Quay ... Agent to Messrs. R. & R. Brereton Elgar, William, Staith st ••....•••... Grocer & Draper Ellis, Samuel, Butt lands ... Crown Commercial Inn and Posting House Embling, Robert, Burnt lit .................. Whitesmith Emerson, R. Pleasant pl ...... Builder & Limebumer Emms, Matthew, Church lt ...... Tobacco Pipemaker Bvans, George, Staith st ............... Harness Maker Eyre, Elija. & Chester, John ...... Quay,~· at Lynn, Maltsters & Merchants Farrow, Thomas, Staith st ............. Fighting Cocks Fingey, G. W. Quay ....... Agent to Messrs. Eyre & Chester, Merchants Fitt, J ames, Butt lands ••••••.............•.... Gardener Flaxmar, Lee, Church 11 ••••••..••••..•..•..•. Ropemaker Foakes, John, Freeman st ........................ Tailor Fox, H. East end •••.•.••••••............ Beet· Retailer Ftiends' Meeting House, Church st Frost, Thomas, ditto .................. Waggon & Horses Fryer, John, ditto ........................ Wood Turner Gagon, John, Freeman st ........................ Carrier Gales, Joshua, Quay ......... Ship Chandler & Brewer Garrett, William, Church st ................•. Blacksmith Garwood, Thomas, Butt lands ............... Solicitor Gibbons, Thomas, ditto ......... Merchant & Maltster Gibbs, William, Burnt st .................. Ostrich Inn Godfrey, Ad am .................................... Brazier Gregory, Augustus, High st ...............••• Shoemaker Gregory, George, ditto ...............•••...... Bootmaker Green & Archer's Van Office, Church st Hadley, Robert, East end ..........•.... Patten Maker Hall, Robert, High st .................. Warehouseman Hall, Thomas, ditto ........................ White smith Hall, William, ditto ............... Boot & Shoemaker Hammond, Henry, Shambles ...•••.............. . Butcher Hammond, Henry, Club lane ...••• Butcher & Farmer Hammond, J. Butt lands, Capt. in the Trinity Service Barman, William, East end ......... Coal Merchant Barman, William, Ackworth yd ........... ....... Lugget· Harvey, N. High st ......•..•••.................. Butcher Hawkins, Thomas, Church st ............ Eight Ringers Haycock, Joseph, Quay ... Corn, Coal, & Iron Mercht Hayhow, Thomas, Staith st ......... Crown & Anchor Hill, Rev. William, M.A. Freeman st ......••• Rector Holmes, James, Tinkers corner ......•••...... Bricklayer Houghton, Edward, Church st ......•••••••••... Butcher Houghton1 Edward, Shambles ....•............. Butcher Houghton, Edward, jun. High st, Auctioneer & Appt·aiser, Estate Agent & Land Surveyor, & Agent to the Phrenix Fire Office Hough ton, Robert, East end •..•••............ Butcher Howard, Robert, Quay •••....•............. Hairdresser Howard, Thos. Butt lands ... Bookseller & Stationer Howard, W. Shambles .......................•... Butcher Hudson, John, Mill lane ......•••............ ..••• Miller Humphrey, George, Freeman st •••.. .... Exchange Inn Humphrey, William B. Staith st .•................ Tailor lndependant Chapel, Butt lands Jarratt, Samuel, High st ........................ Butcher Jickling, Oeorge, Quay .•..........•••••••••.. . Sail maker Jonas, C. P. High st, Gents Boarding & Day School Johnson, Jos. Freeman st, Shopkeepr & Beer Retailer J udd, M. A. Burnt st, Ladies' Boarding & Day School Kendle, John, East end ..................... J oily Sailor King, Robert, Freeman &t •• •••••••.•..••••• Boat Builder Lake~ John, East end ........................... Standard . ' 139
NORFOLK. WELLS. Leeder, R. jun. Quay •••....•..•... . Sun, & Ship Owner Smith, Isaac, Strmdard yd •••......•••...••• Blacksmith Leeder, Thomas, 8/wmbles ....•................ Carpenter Smith, James, High st .................. Green Dragon Leggett, Robert, High st ........................... Tailor Smith, John, Star yd Leggett, Robert, Butt lands ........................ Tailor Smith, John, Shambles ..................... Fishmonger Leslie, John, Clturch st ... •••••• ......... Cabinet Maker Smith, Thomas, Quay ..................... Three Tuns Leslie, John, ditto .................. Chemist & Druggist Smith, Thomas, East end ..................... Shoemaker Lord, Charles, East eud ..................... Shopkeeper Smith, William, High st ............ Bo.ys' Day School Lord, William, Freeman st ......... Grocer & Draper Southgate, John, East end .... Queen's Head,&. Coal Loose, Francis, ditto .... .. Plumber, Painter, & Glazier Merchant Lovell, Robert, Quag .............................. Fleece Southgate, Joseph S. Butt lands ............ Shipowner Lawn, .Toseph, Freeman st .. ................ The Dagger Sparks, Peter, Church st ................. Cabinet Maker Lown, William, Burnt st .................. CattJe Dealer Spink, Thomas, East end ......................... Joiner Loynes, Rt. Thurstone, Butt lands, Solicitor, Master Steel, Edward, Church st ..................... Brick layer Extraordinary in Chancery, Commissioner in the Thomas, Richard, High st .................... Supervisor Court of Queen's Bench, Pleas, & Exchequer Thurston, Robert, ditto ................ Dealer in Glass Lubbock, Charles, East end .................. Sailmaker Thur~ur, William, Church st .. . Rope & Twine Spinner I.ubbock, James, Staith st .................. Ship Builder Tinker, Robert, High st ..................... Shoemaker Lubbock, John, East end ...... ........... Ship Builder Todd, Thomas, Staith st .................. Pork Butcher Massey, Williarn, High st .... - ............ Ropemaker Towler, Hubbard, High sl ........... Furrier & Hatter Massingham, John, ditto ........................ Butcher Turner, William, Staith st ........................ Tailor Massingham, John, Staith st, Cooper & Brushmaker Two, P. B. Dogger la ............... Grocer & Draper Massingham, J. R. Butt lands .................. Butcher 1yrell, Henry, High st ........................... Draper Matthews, William, Quay .................. Shoemaker Tyzack, Charles, 'l'inker's corner ... Patten and Clog Matsell, Thomas, Staith st .. ... Baker & Confectioner maker Medwell, William, Ranter's row, Boot & Shoemaker Tyzack, James, (Victoria House) High. st ... Silver· Methodist Chapel, Tinker's corner smith, Dealer in Music, Fancy Toy Warehouse, Miller, William, Freeman st ... Baker & Flour Factor Snuffs & Cigars, Hairdresser & Perfumer to Her Mitchell, .Tames, High st ............... Basket Maker Majesty, the Duke of Suffolk, and the Earl of l\1 itchell, 1\laria, ditto ......... Bonnet & Stay Maker Leicester • More house, George, ditto ....................... .... Baker Tyzack, J. HiKk st ••• Ink & Blacking Manufacturer M urlin, Frederick, Staith st, Chemist & Dru~?;~ist, Vincent, William, Burnt st ...... Boot & Shoemaker Oil & Colourman Walker, Thomas, Dogger la ..................... Baker National Schools, Churclt st . Walker, William, Staith st ....................... Cooper Newsam, James, ditto .................. Bowling Greeu Ward, Robert, ditto ... Tobacconist & Tea Dealer, and Newson, [saac, H·eeman st ... Confectioner & Butcher Dealer in China&. Glass; Agent to the Guardian Neville, H. High st ......... Wine & Spirit Merchant Fire and Life Office; Stamp Office Neville, Hen. ditl", Printer. Stationer, & Bookbinder, Warner, William, Glehe yd ...... Boot & Shoemaker Agent to the Norwich Fire & Life Office Watson, John, East end ................... Tide Waiter Outlaw, Charles, Church st .................. Ropemake1· Wayte, C. Quay .............................. Shopkeeper Palmer, 1\I. East end ........................ Shopkeeper Whisson, Henry ............. , ............. Coach Builder Parker, J. H. ditto ........................... Ship Builder Whisson, William .................................. Smith Parker, R. ditto, Merchant & Gen. Commission Agnt White, V\t"illiam, Freemans st ................ Carpenter Parker, Robinson, Qua.1J, Agent to Lloyd's, and Williamson, H. Ranters row .............. Pawnbroker Surveyor to Lloyd's Foreign & British Shipping; Wilson, John, Qua.1f ........................ Lord Nelson also, Agent to the North Country Shipping Clubs" Woods, John, Glebe ..... Jron & Hrassfounder, Ma-- Peace, George, Staith, st ..................... Bootmaker chine Maker and Farrier Peace, John, Quay ........................ Schoolmaster Woods, R. B. Butt lands ...... Plumber, Painter and Pennington, Ann, Red Lion yd ............ Red Lion Glazier Pigg, Valentine, Freeman st ............ Queen Victoria W right, Charles, East end ............... Coal Merchant Plowman Thomas, Churclt st .:.Broker & Sievemaker Wrigbt, John, Doggerla ........................... Tailor Piowman, Wm. Hi'glt st, Plumber, Glazier, & Painter Young, James, Bu1·nt st .... Surgeon, and Agent to Powditch, Emily, Glebe ........................... Grocer the Crown Life Assurance Company, and Re• Powditch, Samuel, Staith st ............... Beer Retailer gistrar of Births & Deaths Powditch, Samuel, ................ Boot & Shoemaker Priest, Thomas, Butt lands ............... Globe Tavern Pro\•ost, Abraham, Qua:y ... Grocer, Draper & Mt-rcer Race, Ha rriett, Staith st •••........................ G roe er Ramm, Henry, High.~t .................. Kin~ William Randall, William, Burnt st ............... Blacksmith Ransome, William, Dogger la ............ Wheelwright Haven, William, East md ... Beer Retailer &. Grocer Ringer, William S. Freeman st ... Grocer and Tallow Chandler Rump, Huf;h, Quay .......... ................... Surgeon Russell, John, Standard yd .......•••.... China Dealer Rust, Martha, Qua.1J ............... Brewer&. Maltster Sandley, Thomas, High st ............ Coal Merchant Samlleny, T. D. ditto ............ Miller&. Merchant Sava~e, J. Staillt st ........................... Carpenter Seulfer, Robert, Church sl ............ Ship Carpenter Shawl, J. Qumt ...............•••............ Shopkeeper Shaw, John, Church st ......•••.................. Tailor Slieet, Robert, High st ......... T<\ilor, & Church Clerk 140 Post Office, lligh Street. South gate, Hannah, ........................ Postmistress Letters from London and all parts by way of Lynn, arrive every morn. at 48 min. past 10, despatched at 5 min. past 3 aft. Posting House. Crown Inn, Butt lands .................. Ell is, Samuel Bankers. Gurney & Co. draw on Barclay & Co.; !"ire & Life Assurance Agents. Crown Life, Young, James ................... Bm·nt st Guardian, Ward, Robert ........................ Staith sl Norwich Union, Neville, Henry .................. Ht"gh st Phrenix Fire, Hough ton, E. jun ................... ditto Suffolk Equitable, Baker, Robert ............... .... ditto Excise Office. Thomas, Richard, High st ................. ,Supervisor
WELLS. NotttoLK. Customs. Classification of Trades. Dawson, William, East end ............... ComptroHer Auctioneer, .Appraiser, q Estate Agent. Hough ton, Costet·ton, Henry, ditto ................••...... Collector Edward, jun. High st Bower, William, ditto ........................ Tidewaiter Agents. Dunn A. (to Messrs. R. & R. Brereton ), Watson, John, ditto ........................... Tidewaiter Quay Coas't Guard Parker Robinson (to Lloyd's, & Surveyor to • Lloyd's Foreign & British Shipping, also to Near Dagger la, west of Wells. the North Country Shipping Clubs), Quay Captain ................................. Frederick, Charles Race Wm. (to Trinity House), Quay Liep.tenant ................................. Westbroke, Fingey G. W. (to Messrs. Eyre & Chester, Mounting Guard ........................... Samson, J. B. Merchants), Quay Stamp Office. Bakers. Baker Robert ( & Confectioner), High st W d R bet St "t' t n· t ·b t Barnbridge James, High st ar , o r , a' '' s .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. . IS n u or Bambridge, John Public Schools. Cbtrke Robert, East end National Schools, (Boys and Girls), supported by the Matsell Thomas, :Staith st Clergy, (and voluntary contributions, established Miller William (& Flourfactor) Freeman st 1836. Morehouse George, High st Rausome, James, Church st ............... Master Walker Thomas, Dogger la Ransome, F. M. ditto ..................... Mistress Basket Makers. Cawfield William, Church st British Schools, for Boys and Girls, with Infants at- • Mitchell James, High st tached, (to he conducted upon the principle of the Beer Retailers. Fox Henry, East end London British and Forei~n Schools,) established Powditch Samuel, Staith st 183R, by subscription (voluntary), to which Lady Raven William, East end Leicester, of Holkham, very liberally contributed, Blacksmiths.-Garrett W1lliam, Church st and under whose patronage they are built. Randall William, Burnt st Coach Liat. Smith Isaac, Standard ydJ Whisson William Bnatbuilder. King Robert, Freeman st To London-Mail, at 3 aftn. daily, from the Crown, through Burnh~, W estage, Brancaster, Snettisham, and Lynn, arriYes at l past 10. Toj Ditto Norfolk Hero, at 6 morn., from the Crown, Tuesday, Thursday, & Saturday, through Swaffham,Brandon, and Newmarket, and returns Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at j past 9 even. Bookseller q. Stationer. Howard Thos. Butt lands Boot & Shoemakers.-Anderson J ames, Staith IL To Norwich Nelson, 6 morn., from the Crown, Saturday, through Fakenham and Guise, returns same day, 10 even: Carriers' List. To London-Green & Archer's Val'l, 3 morn., 1\Ionday and Thursday, through Fakenham, Swaffharn, and Lynn, and returns Wednesday and Saturday at noon To Lynn-Belcham, R. Freeman st, 7 morn., Monday, through Fakenham and Swaffham, and returns Tuesday, 8 even. To Ditto Cocks, W. Freeman si, 6 morn., Monday and Thursday, through Burnham, Westgate, and North and South Creake, and returns Tuesday and ·Friday, 8 even. To Ditto-Rhodes, J. Freeman lt, 6 morn., Monday and Thursday, through Burnham, Westgate, North and South Creake, and Snettisham, and returns Tuesday and Friday, 8 even. To East Dereham-Raven, William, Freeman st, G morn., Thursday, through Easthorpe, returns Friday, 8 even. To Norwich-Raven, \'Villiam, Freeman st, 6 morn., Monday, through Guise and Foulsham, and returns Tuesday, 8 even. To Ditto-Gagan, J. Freeman st, 6 morn., Thursday, through Guise and Foulsham, and returns Friday, 8 even. To Ditto Shearman, G. Freeman at, 7 morn., Thursday, through Guise and Foulsham, lmd returns Fr1day, 8 even. Vessel :List. To Hull-TheT•·ial, from Quay, G. Mison, to Holden and Sampson, Hull time unr.ertain. To London-The \Yells Traders from the Quaytime uncerti\in. • · Barnes Berry, Ranters row Carey Wm. Freeman st Caselton John, Staith st Gregory Augustus, High st Gregory George, High st Hall William, High st Matthews William, Quay Medwell William, Ranters row Peace George, Staith st Powditch Samuel Smith Thomas, East end Tinker Robert, High st Vincent Wi\liam, Burnt st Warner William, Glebe yard Brasifounder.--Woods John, Glebe Braziers. Cawston Thomas, Freemans st Godfrey Adam Brewers. Crofts George, Star yard Rust Martha (& Maltster), Quay Bricklayers. Holmes J ames, Tinkers corner • Steel Edward, Church st Bruslmwker. Massingham John, Staith sl Bu.ildrr. Emerson R. Pleasant place Butchers.-Hammond Henry, Club la Harvey N. High st Houghton Edward, Church st Houghton Edward, Shambles Hough ton Hohert, East end Howard W. Shambles Jarratt Samuel, High st Massingham John, High st 1\'lassingham John Rising, Butt lands Todd Thomas, Staith st Cabinet Makers. Belts Edw. Butt lands Leslie John, Church st Sparks Peter, Church st Carpenters. I~eedcr Thomas, Shambles Savage Joseph, Staith st Spink Thos. East end White Wm. Freemans st Carrier. Gagon John, Freemans st Cattle Dealer. Lown Wm. Burnt st 141
NORlfOLK. WELLS. ~~~~-~ WELLi CLASSIFICATION, continued. Chairmaker. Betts E. Butt lands WELLS CLA.SSU'ICATION, continued. Chtmists er Druggists. Leslie John, Church st Murlin F. Staith st Sand ling T. D. High st . Millwrighl. Brelt R. Oil~ Colourman. Murlin Frederick, Staith st Painters, Plumbers, ~ Glaziers. Loose francis, Freeman at China~ Glass Dealers.-Russell John, Standard yd Thurston Robt. High st Ward Robert, Staith at Coachbuilder. Whisson H. Coal Merchants. Chapman J. Quay Crofts George, Quay Barman Wm. East end Haycock, Joseph, Quay Sandley Thomas, High st Wright Chas. East end Confectioner. Newson lsaac, Freemans st Coupers. Massingham John, Staith at Walker William, Staith st Plowman William, High st Woods Robert B. Butt lands Patten Makers. Tyzack Charles, Tinkers corner Hadley Robert, East end Pawnbroker. Williamson H. Ranters row Printer, ~c. Neville Henry, High st Ropemakers. Massey William, High st Flaxmar Lee, Church st Outlaw Charles, Church st Thurgur William, Church st Sailmaker8. Jickling George, Quay Corn Merchants. Chap man J. Quay Lubbock Charles, East end Crofts George, Quay Haycock Jos. Quay Drapers. Provost Abraham, Quay · Sievemaker. Plowman Thomas, Church st School1 (Gents. )-J on as Charles P. High st P~ace John, Quay Tyrell H. High st Far'l'ier. Woods John, Glebe Fishmonger.-Smith John, Shambles Flouifactor.-Miller Wm. Freemans st Furrier. Towler Hubbard, High st Gardener. Fitt Jame~, Butt Jands Glover. Baker Joseph, High 11t Grocers~ Shopkeepers. Berwick John, High at Andrews George, High st Beates Charlotte, Ackworth yd Bergman George, Freeman st Boutch Thomas, Staith st Carter Robert, Church st Cocket Maria, Freeman st E1gar Wm. Staith st Johuson Joshua, (and Retailer o£ Beer,) Freeman st Lord Chas. East end Lord Wm. Freeman st Palmer M. East end Powditch Emily, Glebe Provost A. Quay Race Harriet, Staith st Ringer W. S. Freeman st Shawl John, Quay Two P. B. Dogger la Wayte C. Quay Hairdressers. Aldus Hy. Shambles Howard Robt. Quay Tyzack James, (to Her Majesty, the Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Suffolk, and the Earl of Leicester) Victoria House, High st Rarnessmakers. Bell Benjamin, Staith st Evans Geo. Staith st Hatter. Ashmead Ann, Staith st Ink q Blacking Maker. Tyzack J. High st Ironfounder. Woods John, Glebe Ironmongers.-Baker Robert, High sL Bouch Thomas, Freeman st Land Surve!}Qr. Houghton Edward,jun. High st Lime Burner. Emerson R. Pleasant pl Machine Maker. Woods John, Glebe Maltslers. Chapman James, Club la Eyre & Chester, Quay G1bbons Thomas, Butt lands lUerchants. Brereton R. & R. Quay Chapman James, Club ]a • Eyre Elijah, & Chester John, Quay & at Lynn Gibbons Thomas, Butt lands Parker R. East end l.Hiller.r. Baines Thomas, Mill la Hudson John, Mill la 142 Smith William, High st School (Ladies.) J udd Mary Ann, Burnt st Shipbuilders. Lubbock James, Staith st Lubbock John, East end Parker J. H. East end Ship Carpenter. Sculfer Robert, Church st Ship Chandler. Gales Joshua, Quay Ship Owners.·-Southgate Josh. S. Butt lands Crofts George, Quay Silversmith. Tyzack James, Victoria House, HiP"h st Snuff q· Cigar Warehouse. Tyzack J ames, High st Solicitors. Garwood Thomas, Butt Jands Loynes Robert Thurstone, Butt lands Stationer. Neville Henry, High st Staymaker. Mitchell Maria, High sf1 Stonemason. Bottomley J oseph, Glebe yd Straw Bonnet Makers. Chester Martha, Staith st Cock Hannah, Staith &t Dawson E. East end Surgeons. Rump Hugh, Quay Young James, Burnt st T4ilors. Allison J. Dogger Jane Buck George, High st Curson Thomas, Glebe Foakes John, Freeman st Humphrey William B. Staith st Leggett:Robert, High st Leggett Robert, Butt lands Shaw John, Church st Skeet Robert, High st Turner William, Staitb st Wright John, Dogger la • Taverns, IRns, ~ Public Houses. 1 • Black Horse, Abbe John, Black Horse yd Bowling Green, Newsam James, Church st CrowJ& Commercial Inn~ Posting House, Ellis Samuel, Butt lands Crown ~.Anchor, Hayhow Thomas, Staith st Dogger, Lown Joseph, Freeman st Eigltt Ringers, Hawkins Joseph, Church st Exchange Inn, Humphrey George, Freemn ,t Fighting Cocks, Farrow Thomas, Staith st Fleece, Lovall Robert, Quay Globe Tavern, Priest Thomas, Butt lands Green Dragon, Smith James, High st Holkltam Arms, Crisp Thomas, Freeman st Jolly Sailor, Kendle John, East end King William, Ramm Henry, High st Lord Nelson, Wilsun John, Quay Lugger, Harman William,Ackworth yd Ostrich Inn, Gibbs William, Burnt st Queens Iiead, Southgate John, East end