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Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan 2017 Jilid 18

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Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan 2017 Jilid 18

Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan 2017 Jilid 18

Alias | Dr. Rosli Ismail | Dr. Shamsudin Mohamad | Dr. Maimunah Muda |
r. Ura Pin @ Chum | Nasithah Abd. Hamid | M. Selvarajah A/L Manikam |
Suhara Fadzil | Nuzulharlina Abd. Rahman | Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir

7.8 6.6 6.4 7.2
7.0 6.1 6.2 6.7
7.4 6.2 6.2 6.9
6.9 6.0 6.1 6.6
rafi menunjukkan guru dan murid di sekolah yang
angsaan (SJK), Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
n Kerajaan (SABK), mencapai tahap perpaduan
sifat heterogeneous. Dapatan juga menunjukkan
n Rancangan Integrasi Murid untuk Perpaduan
m, adalah sama.

telah wujud perpaduan pada tahap sederhana
rid sekolah, namun beberapa aspek yang perlu
ah. Program dan tindakan untuk memperkukuh
hasrat yang disasarkan.

apatan kajian ini:
anakan perlu berfokus kepada meningkatkan
zaan. Nilai yang paling yang perlu dipupuk ialah
erjasama serta percaya kepada kaum lain.
negeri yang bersifat homogeneous perlu diberi
sama ada melalui program perpaduan yang
daerah atau peringkat kebangsaan.
erlu dilaksanakan lebih kerap dan secara berkala
etahun. Penglibatan murid dan guru bukan hanya
onsep program perpaduan perlu lebih luas dan

akan bukan hanya berfokus kepada persembahan
Guru dan murid di sekolah beraliran agama
n penglibatan dalam program sedemikian justeru
perlu dilaksanakan. Program juga perlu memberi
untuk terlibat.
KA dan SABK perlu dilibatkan dalam semua
ng dilaksanakan di peringkat kebangsaan atau
reka bertemu dan terdedah dengan kaum yang
yang lebih kerap boleh meningkatkan keupayaan

dan mengurus kepelbagaian budaya, amalan

ibatkan guru dan murid daripada pelbagai kaum
peluang interaksi dan meningkatkan keupayaan
berlainan kaum. Selain mengeratkan perpaduan
kan membantu meningkatkan kecemerlangan

aatkan penggunaan ICT dengan optimum sama
rhadap kepelbagaian kaum, budaya, bahasa atau

Dr. Bity Salwana Alias | Dr. Rosli Ismail | Dr. Shamsudin Mohamad | Dr. M
Dr. Zaini Ahmad,Dr. Ura Pin @ Chum | Nasithah Abd. Hamid | M. Selvar
Datin Kasmah Abu Bakar | Dr. Nor Suhara Fadzil | Nuzulharlina Abd. Ra

amalan agama serta untuk memb
melalui laman web sekolah atau em
viii. Pelaksanaan kurikulum khususnya
sekolah menitikberatkan pengetahu
(menerima, menghormati dan meng
(bersikap terbuka, toleransi, bekerj
prihatin, adil, amanah, dan rasion
mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam d
semua mata pelajaran yang lain. Da
kaum, guru hendaklah menyusun a
kaum. Di sekolah yang homogen
kepelbagaian kaum, budaya, bahas
Aspek kenegaraan perlu ditekanka
dapat mengamalkan prinsip rukun
semangat perpaduan antara kaum.
masa ke semasa.
ix. Selain mewujudkan peluang intera
dan menggunakan alternatif lain se
atau kemudahan dalam talian un
guru dan murid. Strategi Lautan
penglibatan dan jalinan kerjasama a
Kementerian yang lain seperti Ke
agensi yang lain seperti JPNIN, NG
khususnya dalam perancangan dan
x. Kajian susulan dilaksanakan di se
tahap perpaduan bagi mengenal
perpaduan serta bagi mencadangkan
Perpaduan dalam kalangan guru dan
tinggi. Hal ini adalah disebabkan keupayaan gu
budaya, agama, dan bahasa masih pada tahap y
Malaysia dengan kerjasama agensi yang lain per
meningkatkan perpaduan termasuk dengan mela
untuk guru dan murid pelbagai kaum di negeri, lo
mengenali antara satu sama lain. Perpaduan perl
atau agensi yang lain manakala kajian susulan
menyebabkan tahap perpaduan yang tinggi atau


Maimunah Muda |
rajah A/L Manikam |
ahman | Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir

beri peluang murid pelbagai kaum berinteraksi

PdP, aktiviti kokurikulum dan aktiviti sukan di
uan dan amalan perpaduan. Konstruk perpaduan
gurus kepelbagaian) serta subkonstruk perpaduan
jasama, percaya, berhemah tinggi, menghargai,
nal) bukan sahaja ditekankan dalam kurikulum
dan Pendidikan Moral tetapi diserapkan dalam
alam semua aktiviti di sekolah yang ada pelbagai
atur aktiviti yang memerlukan interaksi pelbagai
neous, pengetahuan dan pendedahan terhadap
sa dan amalan agama hendaklah dititikberatkan.
an dalam aktiviti kurikulum (PdP) supaya murid
negara, rasa cintakan negara dan mengamalkan
. Latihan kepada guru perlu dilaksanakan dari
aksi melalui ”pertemuan”, KPM perlu mengkaji
eperti promosi perpaduan melalui media massa
ntuk meningkatkan perpaduan dalam kalangan

Biru Kebangsaan (NBOS) yang memerlukan
antara Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dengan
ementerian Komunikasi dan Multi Media, serta
GO, PIBG dan komuniti luar perlu diwujudkan
n pelaksanaan dan promosi program peningkatan
ekolah yang tinggi tahap perpaduan dan rendah
pasti gap dalam amalan untuk meningkatkan
n amalan terbaik untuk meningkatkan perpaduan.

murid sekolah adalah pada tahap sederhana
uru dan murid untuk menerima perbezaan kaum,
yang sederhana tinggi. Kementerian Pendidikan
rlu mengambil tindakan yang bersesuaian untuk
aksanakan program yang menyediakan peluang
okasi, serta jenis sekolah berbeza berinteraksi dan
lu dipromosikan dengan kerjasama kementerian

perlu dilaksanakan bagi mengkaji faktor yang


Dr. Bity Salwana A
Dr. Zaini Ahmad,Dr.
Datin Kasmah Abu Bakar | Dr. Nor S

Bahagian Perancangan dan Penyelidikan Dasar Pen

Malaysian Educational Statistics 2006. Putraja
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Laporan Pelan Pem

Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia.
Kamus Dewan. (2006). Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa
Krejcie, R.V. & Morgan, D.W. (1970). Determining

Psychological Measurement. 30 (3): 607 – 610
Pallant, J. (2001). A step by step guide to data analysis u

University Press.
Sabitha Marican. (2005). Kaedah penyelidikan Sains sos
Sekaran, U. (2003). Research methods for business: a sk

and Sons.
Tabachnick B.G. & Fidell L.S. (2001). Using multivaria


Alias | Dr. Rosli Ismail | Dr. Shamsudin Mohamad | Dr. Maimunah Muda |
r. Ura Pin @ Chum | Nasithah Abd. Hamid | M. Selvarajah A/L Manikam |
Suhara Fadzil | Nuzulharlina Abd. Rahman | Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir

ndidikan. (2006). Perangkaan pendidikan Malaysia,
aya: Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
mbangunan Pendidikan 2013-2025. (2012). Putrajaya:
a dan Pustaka.
sample size for research activities. Educational and
using spss for windows (version 12). Buckingham: Open
osial. Petaling Jaya: Pearson Prectice Hall (Malaysia).
kill-building approach. Ed. ke-4. New York: John Wiley
ate statistics. Boston, M.A.: Allyn & Bacon.


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali


SK Banggol Kato


Universiti Malay



Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunka
memahami penerimaan murid terhadap pem
Environment (VLE) dalam pembelajaran Ba
bersepadu penerimaan dan penggunaan tekn
digunakan sebagai model utama dengan pe
Pembelajaran adalah tertumpu kepada rama
penggunaan murid terhadap pembelajaran
dilakukan dengan melibatkan bilangan respon
Secara keseluruhan, model yang dibangunk
untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempe
pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris berasaskan
dapat melihat bahawa beberapa faktor yan
murid terhadap gaya pembelajaran berasa
ini bertujuan untuk memahami tingkah lak
pembelajaran mereka.

Kata Kunci : VLE, Partial Least S


Malaysia adalah sebuah negara berbilan
yang terdiri daripada 54.6% Melayu, 24.8%
minoriti lain (Unit Perancang Ekonomi, 2012).
jajahan British, Malaysia mencapai kemerdeka
1957. Selepas penjajahan British berakhir, baha
kebangsaan dan telah digunakan sebagai bahas
beralih daripada bahasa Inggeris ke bahasa M
sekolah-sekolah luar bandar tidak perlu membu
walaupun di bawah pemerintahan penjajah. Sehi
kedua dan diajar sebagai mata pelajaran waji
daripada bahasa Inggeris ke bahasa Melayu seba
lebih luas kepada murid terhadap akses kepada p
juga telah membawa kepada kemerosotan dala
1993; Tan, 2005).

Di Malaysia, bahasa Melayu dan Ingge
yang berbeza. Penggunaan bahasa Inggeris s
rendah, malah kaum melayu lebih rendah pen
kalangan orang Cina dan India (Pillay, 1998;
Suhaimy, 2010). Satu kelemahan utama yang m
dalam mencari pekerjaan adalah ketidakupayaan



ong, Terengganu

ysia Terengganu


an dan memperkenalkan model ujian bagi
mbelajaran menggunakan Virtual Learning
ahasa Inggeris di sekolah menengah. Teori
nologi (UTAUT) dan Model DeLeon-Mclean
enambahan beberapa pemboleh ubah baru.
alan, menerangkan dan meningkatkan minat
Bahasa Inggeris berasaskan VLE. Analisis
nden daripada 981 murid di seluruh Malaysia.
kan menyediakan satu kajian yang lengkap
engaruhi tahap penerimaan murid terhadap

VLE. Daripada analisis yang dijalankan,
ng memberikan murid implikasi penerimaan
askan maya. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian
ku murid ke arah menggunakan VLE untuk

Squares, Pembelajaran maya, Bahasa

ng kaum, budaya, dan agama dengan penduduk
Cina, 7.4% India dan 13.2% daripada etnik
. Sebagai negara yang merupakan bekas tanah
aan daripada pemerintahan British pada tahun
asa Melayu (Bahasa Malaysia) menjadi bahasa
sa pentadbiran. Sekolah dan universiti akhirnya
Melayu sebagai bahasa pengantar. Kebanyakan
uat peralihan kerana mereka digunakan Melayu
ingga kini, bahasa Inggeris kekal sebagai bahasa
ib di sekolah-sekolah (Kim, 2003). Perubahan
agai bahasa pengantar telah memberikan pilihan
pembelajaran harian, tetapi pada masa yang sama
am standard penggunaan bahasa Inggeris (Gill,

eris digunakan kedua-duanya berdasarkan kaum
sekolah terutama Sekolah Kebangsaan adalah
nggunaan bahasa Inggeris berbanding daripada
; Salleh, Esa, Selamat, Othman, Sulaiman, &
menjadi satu halangan bagi ramai graduan baru
n untuk menguasai bahasa Inggeris. Secara tepat,

ketidakcekapan dalam menggunakan bahasa Ing
kepada kadar pengangguran yang tinggi di kala
2005; Maarof, Osman, Yamat, & Yunus, 2003). A
untuk mendapat pekerjaan terutama dalam bidan
sektor perniagaan (Kassim & Ali, 2010; Nadzri,

Menurut Ting (2003), banyak murid
menggunakan bahasa Melayu di sekolah dan bu
kebanyakan individu di kawasan itu lebih suka b
dan tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dalam
Inggeris di kalangan murid terjejas kerana terd
Pada masa ini, mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris
dan kelas bahasa Inggeris secara bersemuka dija
kepada bahasa Inggeris. Walaupun usaha itu tel
bahasa Inggeris dalam kalangan murid sekolah M
wujud [rujukan]. Berdasarkan dari fakta ini, k
sebagai salah satu faktor yang menyumbang ke
Guru perlu mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajara
terhadap isi pelajaran yang hendak disampaikan
terutamanya bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeri

Penggunaan VLE dalam pengajaran
penerimaan VLE dalam kalangan murid. Oleh y
ke atas penerimaan VLE sebagai usaha untuk m
untuk mengukur penerimaan teknologi VLE d
Malaysia. Model ini direka bentuk menjadi alat
aplikasi VLE dan penyebaran teknologi. Penye
dijalankan untuk menjelaskan da menjangkakan
Secara keseluruhannya, Teori Unified Theory of
dan DeLeon-McLean (DM) dijadikan asas ru
penelitian dan pemerhatian mendapati bahawa ke
sebahagian varians dalam tingkah laku di antara
Davis, 2000)

Pelaksanaan program ICTdi sekolah telah m
perisian pendidikan dalam pengajaran dan pembe
(KPM) melalui Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan
sekolah. Keadaan ini menjelaskan bahawa KPM
pembelajaran dalam talian ke atas persekitaran pem
dengan berbantukan perisian kursus boleh beruba
balas secara interaktif daripada hanya berfungsi se
sahaja (Lee, Cheung, & Chen, 2005). Dengan a
wujud sekolah maya dan sekolah global bagi aplik

Walaupun pelbagai usaha telah dilaksan
Inggeris dalam kalangan murid namun isu seja
dapat impak yang dimahukan terutamanya m
menggunakan peralatan dan pengintegrasian IC
penguasaan murid untuk menggunakan ICT mas
and Abdul Rahman (2006) menunjukkan penerim
berada pada tahap yang rendah. Di samping itu, k


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali

ggeris untuk berkomunikasi telah menyumbang
angan murid Melayu. (David & Govindasamy,
Akibat daripada itu, ramai graduan didapati sukar
ng teknologi maklumat, kejuruteraan, sains, dan
, 2005).
d dari kawasan luar bandar lebih dominan
ukan bahasa Inggeris. Ia adalah disebabkan oleh
bercakap bahasa Melayu pada kebanyakan masa
pertuturan mereka. Oleh itu penguasaan bahasa
dapat kekurangan penggunaan bahasa Inggeris.
s telah diajar selama 3-5 jam dalam seminggu
alankan untuk meningkatkan pendedahan murid
lah dilakukan, masalah kekurangan penguasaan
Melayu berbanding kaum lain di Malaysia masih
kekurangan persekitaran Inggeris dikenal pasti
epada penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang rendah.
an di dalam kelas bagi menarik minat murid
n. Namun penggunaan VLE di dalam pengajaran
is masih tiada kajian secara empirik.
perlu di buat kajian terutamanya dari segi
yang demikian, penyelidik akan membuat kajian
memperkembangkan sebuah model reka bentuk
dalam kalangan murid di mata pelajaran dalam
untuk mengetahui penerimaan dan penggunaan
elidikan terhadap perkembangan teknologi VLE
n penerimaan pengguna terhadap teknologi VLE.
f Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
ujukan utama dalam kajian ini. Kebanyakan
edua-dua model ini secara konsisten menjelaskan
sesuatu pemboleh ubah teknologi (Venkatesh &

menggalakkan guru dan murid untuk menggunakan
elajaran (PdP). Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia

telah membekalkan perisian kursus ke sekolah-
M telah mula sedar akan kepentingan penggunaan
mbelajaran dalam bilik darjah. Ini kerana pengajaran

ah menjadi panduan atau mentor dengan maklum
ebagai pembekal maklumat asas dan pemahaman
adanya teknologi multimedia kemungkinan akan
kasi jarak jauh (Saadé & Bahli, 2005).
nakan untuk meningkatkan peningkatan bahasa
auh mana usaha ini memberi kesan masih tidak
murid di luar bandar. Bantuan alat pengajaran
CT masih dipersoalkan. Ini adalah kerana tahap
sih lagi lemah. Kajian-kajian oleh Mokhtar, Alias
maan perisian kursus dalam PdP didapati masih
kajian oleh Hassan, Hassan and Kamisan (2008)

Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali

untuk mengenal pasti halangan yang dihadapi
kalangan guru mendapati tahap penggunaan ko
Menurut Mastura (1997) pengguna Internet ha
peratus sahaja bagi sekolah rendah. Kesannya, m
Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran (PdP) untuk mem
berkesan dan memudahkan pemahaman isi peng

Suatu program yang dilaksanakan oleh
yang sesuai dan menarik minat murid. Kesesuaia
oleh murid. Oleh itu masalah utama kajian ini iala
penerimaan teknologi bagi meningkatkan taha
mereka. Disebabkan sistem ini agak baru dalam
faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap terhadap peng
dari segi sifat sepuluh faktor. Faktor-faktor terseb
VLE (ATT) Pengaruh rakan (PI), Kemudahan
Tanggapan Kepermainan (PP), Kualiti Sistem
(US), Penggunaan Sukarela (WTU).

Penerimaan terhadap pembelajaran dala
faktor. Menurut Stead (2004) kesan teknologi t
penggunaan teknologi dalam penyediaan persek
peluang pembelajaran masih lagi tidak jelas dan
golongan yang boleh menerima teknologi dan ad
memilih untuk menggunakan aplikasi dalam tal
kaedah tradisional masih belum terjawab. Ap
menerima teknologi? Penerimaan teknologi da
Penerimaan dan Penggunaan Model Teknologi
persoalan tersebut. Walaupun begitu, model UT
masalah tersebut. Wang, Wu and Wang (2009) m
penerimaan aplikasi dalam talian dilakukan. Beb
dilaksanakan di luar negara akan tetapi kajian
pendidikan di Malaysia menggunakan model UT

Venkatesh, Morris, Davis and Davis (
untuk mengetahui hubungan antara penerimaan
organisasi dan mengenal pasti dimensi dan d
teknologi adalah satu lagi bidang kajian masa de
penyelidikan dilakukan terhadap pembelajaran d
semua pemboleh ubah bebas UTAUT-DM, peng
kendiri. Ini menunjukkan model UTAUT-DM m
penerimaan sesuatu teknologi di samping model

Berdasarkan cadangan Venkatesh et al.
lanjutan harus dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti
teknologi. Penyelidikan tentang penggunaan
penerimaan terhadap sistem dalam talian (Johns

Oleh itu, pengkaji merasakan perlunya
ubah yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pembelajar
Bahasa Inggeris dan menghasilkan satu model
UTAUT dan DeLone-McLean (DM) sebagai asa


i dalam penggunaan komputer dan ICT dalam
omputer dan ICT berada pada tahap sederhana.
anyalah 11% bagi sekolah menengah dan satu
matlamat penggunaan ICT sebagai alat bantuan
mbolehkan penyampaian sesuatu konsep dengan
gajaran oleh murid tidak tercapai.
KPM tidak akan berkesan tanpa adanya kaedah
an kaedah itu perlu diteliti agar ia dapat diterima
ah untuk melihat tahap kesediaan murid terhadap
ap keberkesanan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris
m PdP di sekolah, kajian ini cuba menganalisis
ggunaan VLE dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris
but ialah Jangkaan Prestasi (PE), Sikap terhadap
n Teknologi (TF), Kemudahan Sumber (RF),
(SQ), Interaksi guru (TI), Kepuasan Pengguna

am talian oleh murid ditentukan oleh beberapa
terhadap pendidikan tinggi, kefahaman tentang
kitaran dalam talian dan kesan terhadap peluang-
juga tidak berkembang. Persoalan mengapa ada
da yang menolak. Mengapa ada murid atau guru
lian dan ada yang memilih untuk menggunakan
pakah faktor menentukan seseorang itu dapat
an teori difusi seperti model Teori Bersepadu
(UTAUT) dan DM boleh membantu menjawab
TAUT-DM tidak sepenuhnya dapat menangani
mencadangkan beberapa kajian lanjutan terhadap
berapa kajian terhadap penerimaan dalam talian
penerimaan aplikasi dalam talian dalam sistem
TAUT-DM juga adalah terhad.
(2003) mencadangkan satu kajian masa depan
n pengguna dan hasil penggunaan individu atau
digunakan untuk meramalkan niat penggunaan
epan. Wang et al. (2009) mencadangkan supaya
dalam talian termasuk tingkah laku penggunaan,
ggunaan sukarela dan pembelajaran pengurusan
merupakan satu alternatif untuk menggambarkan
l-model penerimaan teknologi yang lain.
. (2003) dan (Wang et al., 2009) supaya kajian
i hubungan pengaruh bagi penerimaan sesuatu
sistem dalam talian perlu menumpu kepada
son & Howell, 2005).
ada kajian dengan melihat hubungan pemboleh
ran persekitaran maya (VLE) dalam pembelajaran
baru di mana penyelidik menggunakan model
as kajian ini.



Terdapat tiga objektif dalam kajian ini. O

i. Memodelkan Model Penerimaan M

ii. Menguji model yang dicadangkan
Separa (PLS)

iii. Membandingkan model melalui nil
di antara Kepuasan Pengguna dan K


Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengu
di sekolah menengah dalam pembelajaran Ba
kandungan pembelajaran berdasarkan kokurikulu
menggunakan VLE ini dalam sesi pengajaran m

Persoalan utama kajian ini ialah:

i. Adakah murid boleh menerima pen
ii. Adakah model yang dibangunka

teknologi dalam pembelajaran Bah
iii. Apakah tahap impak konstruk mod

Bagi mengesahkan model kajian, hipot
telah diuji oleh pengkaji dalam kajian terdahul
yang dilakukan adalah seperti di bawah.

Ha1 Terdapat hubungan yang positif ant

Ha2 Terdapat hubungan positif antara s

Ha3 Terdapat hubungan positif di antar

Ha4 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara

Ha5 Terdapat hubungan positif di antar

Ha6 Terdapat hubungan positif di anta
untuk mengguna.

Ha7 Terdapat hubungan positif di antar

Ha8 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara
Ha9 Terdapat hubungan positif di antar

Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan kerangka ko

McLean (D&M) yang mengandungi pemboleh u
VLE dalam kalangan murid sekolah menengah
VLE (ATT) Pengaruh rakan (PI), Kemudahan
Tanggapan Kepermainan (PP), Kualiti Sistem


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali

Objektif tersebut adalah;
Murid terhadap VLE berasaskan Model UTAUT-

menggunakan pendekatan Kuasa Dua Terkecil
lai pengubahsuaian R2 di antara pemboleh ubah
Kesediaan untuk mengguna
ukur tahap penggunaan murid terhadap VLE
ahasa Inggeris. VLE telah disesuaikan dengan
um sekolah menengah dan guru juga dikehendaki

nggunaan teknologi VLE ?
an sesuai untuk mengukur tahap penerimaan
hasa Inggeris di kalangan murid ?
del ke atas penggunaan VLE ?
tesis yang diuji mengguna pakai hipotesis yang
lu (Donaldson, 2012; Moran, 2006). Hipotesis

tara Tanggapan Kepermainan terhadap Kepuasan

sikap terhadap niat untuk penggunaan sukarela.
ra Jangkaan Prestasi dan penggunaan sukarela.
a Kepuasan pengguna dan penggunaan sukarela.
ra rakan sebaya terhadap penggunaan sukarela.
ara Kemudahan Teknologi terhadap Kesediaan

ra Kemudahan sumber terhadap kesediaan untuk

a Interaksi Guru dan Kesediaan untuk mengguna.
ra Kualiti Sistem dan Kepuasan Pengguna.

onsep model gabungan UTAUT-DeLone dan
ubah ramalan bagi mengukur tahap penggunaan
h iaitu Jangkaan Prestasi (PE), Sikap terhadap
n Teknologi (TF), Kemudahan Sumber (RF),
(SQ), Interaksi guru (TI), Kepuasan Pengguna


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali

(US), Penggunaan Sukarela (WTU). dan akhirny
VLE dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris.

Rajah 1: Jangkaan Prestasi (PE), Sikap terhadap
Teknologi (TF), Kemudahan Sumber (RF), Tang

Interaksi guru (TI), Kepuasan Penggun

Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kuan
statistik menggunakan data bernombor dan pengu
bersama hubungan, penyebab dan kesan (Ary, Ja
() kajian kuantitatif mempunyai sorotan penulisa
analisis data dan kesimpulan.

Bagi menjalankan kajian, instrumen
terdahulu. Data yang di peroleh di analisis deng
struktur (PPS). Analisis SEM menggunakan peris
luaran dan model dalaman.

Populasi merupakan sekumpulan yang
sampel dipilih secara rawak dari kalangannya
sebilangan kecil yang dipilih secara pensampela
Dalam kajian ini sampel dipilih daripada muri
dalam pembelajaran mereka. Responden bagi k
menengah tingkatan dalam tingkatan satu hingg
menggunakan VLE adalah dicadangkan oleh Ba

Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 981
harian biasa daripada sekolah yang telah dicad
frekuensi dan peratus digunakan bagi menerang
umur, dan tingkatan. Kesemua maklumat ditunju


ya memberikan keputusan terhadap penggunaan

p VLE (ATT) Pengaruh rakan (PI), Kemudahan
ggapan Kepermainan (PP), Kualiti Sistem (SQ),
na (US), Penggunaan Sukarela (WTU).
ntitatif. Penyelidikan kuantitatif adalah analisis
ukuran objektif bagi menerangkan masalah kajian
acobs, Razavieh, & Sorensen). Menurut Ary et al.
an, pembangunan instrumen, pengumpulan data,
kaji selidik dihasilkan hasil adaptasi kajian
gan menjalankan kaedah pemodelan persamaan
sian SmartPLS bagi menjalankan analisis, model
g mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama yang mana
a (Shuster, 1992) manakala sampel pula ialah
an mudah (Stratified) daripada populasi tersebut.
id sekolah menengah yang menggunakan VLE
kajian ini dipilih dalam kalangan murid sekolah
ga tingkatan lima. Senarai sekolah-sekolah yang
ahagian Teknologi Pendidikan.
1 orang murid dari sekolah menengah kebangsaan
dangkan. Analisis statistik deskriptif berbentuk
gkan profil responden yang merangkumi jantina,
ukkan dalam dari Jadual 1.1.


Jadual 1.1: Kategori
Profil Responden
Pemboleh ubah Perempuan
Jantina 13 tahun
Umur 14 tahun
15 tahun
Tingkatan 16 tahun
17 tahun


Keputusan EFA menunjukkan statistik
dan berada di paras minum seperti yang dicadan
konstruk. Sebagai tambahan lagi, nilai signifik
konstruk menunjukkan korelasi dalam setiap pen
dapatan EFA (Hair et al., 2006). Nilai purata va
setiap konstruk melebihi nilai 0.60 (Hair et al.
dalam semua konstruk menghasilkan nilai mele
(Hair et al., 2006). Bagi dapatan hasilan yang lai
jadual 1.2).

Jadual 1.2:

Nilai Statistik bagi Setiap Konstruk

Faktor Bil Item Cro

Jangkaan Prestasi 5 0
Sikap terhadap VLE 5 0
Pengaruh rakan 7 0
Kepuasan Pengguna 8 0
Kesediaan untuk mengguna 6 0
Tanggapan Kepermainan 5 0
Interaksi Guru 5 0
Kemudahan teknologi 4 0
Teknologi sumber 4 0

Jadual 1.3 pula memaparkan pekali linta
ini dengan nilai t masing-masing dan varian yan
endogen. Keputusan analisis mendapati bahaw
adalah signifikan pada aras keyakinan 5%.


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali

Kekerapan Peratus (%)

642 65.44
339 34.56
141 14.37
230 23.44
105 10.70
323 32.92
182 18.55
141 14.37
230 23.44
105 10.70
323 32.92
182 18.55

Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) adalah mencukupi
ngkan iaitu 0.60 (Kaiser, 1974) bagi kebanyakan
kan Bartlett’s test of sphericity terhadap semua
ngukuran instrumen adalah 0.3 dan sesuai untuk
arian tereskstrak (AVE) bagi soalan kaji selidik
., 2006). Nilai faktor bebasan bagi semua item
ebihi 0.5, Oleh itu, nilai tersebut boleh diterima
in (Proses pengumpulan data skala penuh) (lihat

onbach AVE KMO Ujian Barlett’s
α Sphericity
0.9150 0.679 0.00
0.844 0.588 0.762 0.00
0.694 0.9530 0.891 0.00
0.940 0.9510 0.889 0.00
0.941 0.9480 0.893 0.00
0.925 0.9180 0.835 0.00
0.925 0.8870 0.737 0.00
0.856 0.9320 0.682 0.00
0.733 0.8550 0.715 0.00

asan bagi setiap hubungan bersebab dalam kajian
ng dapat diterangkan oleh setiap pemboleh ubah
wa pekali koefisien yang mempunyai t ≥ 1.645


Saiful Afzan Bin Baru | Azwadi Ali Keputusan uj

Jadual 1.3 :
Nilai Statistik Butstrap


Ha1 Terdapat hubungan yang positif antara Tang
Kepermainan terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna.

Ha2 Terdapat hubungan positif antara sikap terha
terhadap niat untuk mengguna.

Ha3 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Jangkaa
dan kesediaan untuk mengguna.

Ha4 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Kepuasa
pengguna dan Kesediaan untuk mengguna.

Ha5 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara rakan se
terhadap kesediaan untuk mengguna.

Ha6 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Kemuda
Teknologi terhadap Kesediaan untuk mengg

Ha7 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Kemuda
sumber terhadap Kesediaan untuk menggun

Ha8 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Interaks
Kesediaan untuk mengguna.

Ha9 Terdapat hubungan positif di antara Kualiti S
Kepuasan pengguna


Penyelidik berminat untuk mengetahui
VLE di dalam pembelajaran mereka. Seperti ya
terhadap mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggeris adal
kepada penurunan prestasi mereka ke atas mata
ini menggunakan elemen penggunaan Teknologi
talian adalah sesuatu perkara baru dalam sistem

Daripada dapatan analisis yang dipero
melebihi nilai yang dicadangkan iaitu 1.645 mela
VLE dalam pembelajaran mereka memberikan
untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggeris. Menurut da
penggunaan VLE membantu mereka untuk m
menyeronokkan. Ini dibuktikan melalui bacaan n
didik-hibur diselitkan di dalam kandungan VL
menjawab soalan yang diajukan.

Analisis ini juga memberikan petunjuk
masih di tahap sederhana namun ia tidak me
VLE. Selain daripada itu, murid masih juga m
mereka. Mereka masih bergantung pada guru sem
kaedah tradisional di dalam kelas. Penggunaan V
menyelesaikan masalah ini kerana guru dan mu
waktu persekolahan. Kesimpulannya, VLE te
membantu menaikkan minat mereka untuk belaj


jian hipotesis

Pemberat R2 Keputusan
(nilait) 0.7990 (p<0.05)
ggapan 0.490 0.8330 signifikan
. (18.353)

adap VLE 0.108


an Prestasi 0.146

(6.889) signifikan

an 0.268

(6.111) signifikan

ebaya 0.121

(4.077) signifikan

ahan 0.330
(7.207) signifikan

ahan -0.221 signifikan
na. (5.716)

si Guru dan 0.244

(9.372) signifikan

Sistem dan 0.454

(16.499) signifikan

tahap penerimaan murid terhadap penggunaan
ang dinyatakan sebelum ini, tahap minat murid
lah sangat rendah dan ini telah menyumbang
a pelajaran tersebut. Oleh yang demikian kajian
i dalam pendidikan mereka. Pembelajaran di atas
pendidikan Malaysia.
oleh, kesemua pemboleh ubah yang digunakan
alui bacaan nilai t. Ini menunjukkan penggunaan
n impak terhadap minat dan motivasi mereka
apatan yang diperoleh ini juga, murid merasakan
mempelajari isi kandungan dengan cara yang
nilai t bagi tanggapan kepermainan. Unsur-unsur
LE seperti kuiz dan ciri-ciri permainan sambil

bahawa kemudahan yang disediakan di sekolah
embantutkan usaha murid untuk menggunakan
memerlukan interaksi guru dalam pembelajaran
masa pembelajaran mereka sebagaimana dengan
VLE dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris boleh
urid masih boleh berinteraksi walaupun di luar
elah membantu gaya pembelajaran murid dan
jar Bahasa Inggeris pada amnya.


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Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah


SK Kamp


Universiti Tek



Reading habits play important role to enhan
teaching and learning implemented at the
successful in academic performance among
to their children to monitor education progr
relationship between reading attitude and aca
at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato’Sedi
attempted to examine whether reading attitu
and to discover thinking process for generat
A descriptive survey research technique wa
through the use of questionnaire.

Keywords :Academic performance, High
Reading habits, School library


In the new millennium, information c
printed and non-printed materials through readi
more effectively through relevant content of rea
knowledge more effectively. Reading habits mu
fulfill several of type knowledge process. The
center fulfill of equipment of reading material f
fact of reading habits practice, according to Sza
should have passion and “know-how” to read fo

Palani (2012) defined reading habit as a
literate society in this world. It shapes the person
proper thinking methods, and creates new ideas.
had continued to influence interest in reading ha
and journals among others. It other words, all s
integrated their knowledge skills with various s
compulsory because the Ministry of Education in
is platform to develop student process for think
at the school.

Annamalai & Muniandy (2013) mention
of one’s own experiences and it can be an excit
experiences to the individual so that the reade
and intensify his or her interest and gain deepe
simple words, it is a process of interpreting print
process of conscious learning that influences t
beliefs, judgments and action of readers (Panig



pong Batu

knologi MARA


nce student’s academic performance during
e classroom session. In order to achieve
g students, parents must give more attention
ress at home. This research has revealed the
ademic performance among Form 5 students
ia Raja, Rembau. Moreover, the research had
ude correlate to the academic performance
ting new knowledge through reading aspect.
as used in the study, with the data collected

h-order thinking skills, NILAM program,

can be accessed from various sources in both
ing. It is medium for user to locate information
ading material. Reading is most suitable to seek
ust be inculcated from early age to ensure them
user would be satisfied when school resource
for student especially in learning process. So, in
arina (et. al) (1995), they proposed that student
or enhancing knowledge and skills respectively.

an essential and important aspect for creating a
nality of individuals and it helps them to develop
However, the developments in the Mass Media,
ard copy of literatures such as books, magazines
students especially in secondary school must be
source to get new knowledge. It must be made
ntroduced “Higher Thinking Order Skill” which
king and solving problem through reading skills

ned that reading is a way to get better knowledge
ting journey to self-discovery. Reading transfers
er may expand one’s horizons, identify, extend
er understanding of the world (Green, 2002). In
ted and written words. In depth, it is an effective
the accuracy of information, attitudes, morals,
grahib & Panda, 1996; Eyre, 2005). So, student

must be inculcating moral value through readin
of Education as below:

“Education in Malaysia is on-going e
potential of individuals in a holistic an
individuals who are intellectually, sp
balanced and harmonic, based on a fir
an effort is designed to produce Malaysi
competent, who possess high moral st
capable of achieving high level of pers
to contribute to the harmony and better
nation of large”

In order to recognize the appreciation am
had introduced NILAM program to inculcate po
“Nilai Amalan Minat Membaca” to show that re
them to improve reading skills towards High O
session at classroom. It can be done when NILAM
Malay Language and English Language session
has also used for leisure time as well as seeking

According to Covert (2009), leisure read
it is informational or for pleasure (Cullinan, 2000
spending time with a text because they want to.
their own accord, not because their teachers assi
At the same time, they can spend time on read
choice of relevant reading materials during learn
had contributed on academic performance in sc
role to equip various source of reading material
enhancing knowledge through reading among st

2.0 Research Questions

The purpose of this study was to explo
to secondary school students especially Form 5
knowledge. This study attempts to answer the re

RQ 1 : What is the reading habit amo

i. What type of reading material do th
ii. How much time do Form 5 student
iii. Where do they get the reading mate
iv. When do they read?

RQ 2 : Is there any relationship betwee
RQ 3 : Is there any relationship betwe

RQ 4 : Is there any relationship between

among students?
RQ 5 : What are the reading interests to


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

ng consistently through the National Philosophy

efforts towards further developing the
nd integrated manner, so as to produce
piritually, emotionally, and physically
rm belief in and devotion to God. Such
ian citizens who are knowledgeable and
tandards and who are responsible and
sonal well-being as well as being able
rment of the family, the society and the

mong student in school, the Ministry of Education
ositive value through reading. NILAM stands for
eading is very important among students to help
Order Thinking Skills activities during learning
M program held for 30 minutes per week through

by supervising from teacher in library. Reading
knowledge in school.
ding is the reading students do by choice, whether
0). As students engage in leisure reading, they are
Students engage in this act of leisure reading on
igned it to them (Hughes-Hassell & Lutz, 2006).
ding based on what they are read and preferred
ning at the school. In other words, reading habits
chool. The school administrator must play their
l and also create relevant program to student for
tudents in school.

ore common factors that may have contributed
5 students to develop reading as a process to get
esearch questions as below:
ong Form 5 students in terms of the following

hey read?
t spend on reading?

en reading habits and attitude?
een reading hours and reading materials in the

n reliability of reading and academic performance
owards academic performance?

Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah


The research objectives of this research

i. To identify the level of intention r
Dato’ Sedia Raja, Rembau.

ii. To identify the method of reading a
used by Form 5 students.

iii. To examine whether there is a sign
and acquired reading.

iv. To examine whether there is signi
and acquired reading in the school

v. To examine whether there is signifi
acquired reading at school.

vi. To examine whether there is signific
academic performance at school.


Reading habits must inculcate positive v
who love to seek knowledge continuously in d
paradigm shift of knowledge and it will gener
for seeking information with various aspects in
material must be relevant to student especially to
In addition, most Form 5 student has attended Si
year. So, they must have an initiative for looking
searching information by using various reading
review of the previous literature has been made
author about reading habits in their studies. This
reading materials at the school library to achieve

Hollis (2002) stated that through open-e
respondents (84%) shared their thoughts on ho
reading. Perhaps it is time we started listening.
feel engaged with the texts they are reading. Al
texts is one way of ensuring they will choose,
Unfortunately, part of the dilemma that teachers not valued in the curriculum” (Elkins
perspective, Badariah (et al.) (2011) argued th
motivation and strategy among 245 undergradua
in Terengganu campus quantitatively. The study
characterized themselves as motivated readers ha
have a moderate level of self-efficacy. In other
moderately successful in their reading. Thus if
moderate mode, then this would show that their
range or level because they believe partially in th
perseverance in their reading. Thus, when the r
they would still persist doing the task until the e
task. Thus, this would indicate that the students
efficacious at reading. This would result in them
difficult ones. They would also not avoid chall
category, it reflected that the students have some


reading habits among Form 5 students at SMK
activities and choice of reading material that has
nificant relationship between school library use
ificant relationship between home improvement
ficant relationship between reading attitude and
cant relationship between reading habits towards

value not only for students but also for the people
daily life. For reader, it helps them to identify
rate new idea for developing reading as basis
n life. In fact on this matter, content of reading
o improve their academic performance in school.
ijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination at the end of
g a viewpoint and how to generate idea regarding
g materials in the school library respectively. A
to further explore the determinant that influence
s is very important so that the student can utilize
e better performance in their examination.
ended question of the survey, the majority of the
ow adults could get young people interested in
Research has shown that young people need to
llowing young adolescents to choose their own
, and stay with texts that engage their interest.
s face is that “what some adolescent’s find worth
s & Luke, 1999, p. 214). While looking to another
hat research when reported the views reading
ate students at MARA University of Technology
y found that the data indicated that the students
aving moderate scores, which reflected that they
words, respondents thought that they would be
their expectations for the reading tasks is of a
willingness to expend efforts is only of average
heir success in the task. They tend to have some
respondents are faced with difficult texts/ tasks,
end and they would not stop or evade doing the
believe that they are competent enough and are
m being engaged in any reading tasks, even the
lenging reading activities. For Work-avoidance
e desire to try readings that are difficult. It means

the students unable to find an effort for unders
impact to differentiate understanding the conte

A study by Professor Atan Long in 198
that the reading interests and habits of Malaysi
not fully utilized. Among the reasons given are
other more important tasks (11 percent) and diffi
results are also found by Pandian (1997), in a
Malaysia, carried out a survey by Frank Small
respondents, it was reported that the literacy rat
percent in 1996. The most challenging must be
to purchase new reading materials from supplier
be highly achieved in NILAM program with c
quality of reading materials in the school library
promoting reading program at the school more e
influence author intention to foster reading habi
revealed such below:

i. Reading habits and attitude:
Based on the findings, most of them
boring and they also felt that readin
enough and did not consider them
students have good interest in readi
they have read.

ii. School resource center and readi
From the survey, the findings indic
center services from their friends an
NILAM program at the school. NIL
participative actively with positive

Based on the previous study it is clearl
identify the suitable reading materials towards a
school administrator unable to equip fully read
to manage school library more effectively. Acc
indicated that students were not very happy w
reading. There was a discrepancy between what
suggested approach was to periodically borrow t
for teaching and reading needs. This approach
obtain a wider selection of reading materials. Th
material allocation at library because:

i. Few students are able to understand
ii. Most students are concerned to rea
iii. The role of teacher librarian to prom
iv. Most students are preferred to read

According to their studies, Abeyrathna
of students visited the school library every day a
About 32% indicated visiting the school library
male students visited the library ever day but m


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

standing their reading process. It also makes an
ent of reading towards learning process at the

84 taken from Haslinda (et al.) (2012) reported
ians are still considered very low. Libraries are
e: insufficient time (59 percent), the presence of
ficult to get reading material (10 percent). Similar
a study commission by the National Library of
and Associates (1996) with a sample of 60,441
te has slightly decreased to 92 percent from 93
faced by school administrator is limited finance
r. This is a main factor why school student can’t
constraint in allocation money to purchase best
y. It has been contributed to teacher librarian for
effectively. In this study some determinants that
its among secondary school students have been

m enjoyed reading, they did not think reading as
ng was important even though they did not read
mselves as good readers. The authors felt most
ing aspects for looking good understanding what

ing program:
cated most student knew of the school resource
nd teachers and also aware the implementation of
LAM program can be achieved through students
involvement from school administrator support.
ly identified that most students have problem to
attitude at the school library. It happened when
ding sources because lack of allocation money
cording to Abeyrathna and Zainab (2004), they
with the library collection especially for leisure
t was available and what was actually desired. A
thematic book collections from the public library
would help the financially less able students to
he main factor why they not happy with reading

d the library classification
ad for examination purpose
mote reading activities in school curriculum
d newspaper and magazine at the school library

and Zainab (2004) also identified that only 4%
and 35% indicated never using the school library.
regularly 2-3 days a week or once a week. More
more female students visited either between 2-3

Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

days or once per week. Most of the students v
either to look for reference materials (38%) or
library to read magazines and newspapers. Oth
borrow books (23%) and to rest or chat with fri
used the school library to borrow books (2-3 boo
(57%) did not borrow anything from the school
good place to study. More females (34%) than m

According Shaharom & Salasiah (2002
progress of a civilization is through civilizing sc
grow consistently and simultaneously created a g
Ibn Khaldun through his work “Al-Muqaddimah
be a complement to the conditions and physica
and the community at large. Thus, through readi
accordance with the government’s desire to impr
with the National Education Philosophy.

Based on this finding, teacher librarian m
reading program among students at school. It h
their knowledge skill towards academic perform
must have critical thinking to give better opinion
information through reading process. According
Y faced challenge the new evolution through read
factor and reading habits among of them. Based
used newspaper and online magazine as medium
on their academic performance at the higher inst
on stress factor among students and it also con
reading habits is the process for getting knowled

Instead on the studies, student attitude
habits as a way of method to acquire knowledge
Tsai (1985) has taken from Annamalai and Munia
to a positive attitude among students as below:

i. Believing that reading is important
ii. Enjoying reading
iii. Having a high self-concept as a rea
iv. Having a home environment where
In fact of that, reading habits need mor
knowledge more systematically in order for th
apply process of understanding of reading. The
into electronic digital materials. Student must fu
it might help them to locate an information mor
material through electronic material is ease of
Jafre (2013), he stated that the habit of reading i
increase in knowledge but it also builds maturit
awareness in social, economic, political, and e
that is inculcated over nightly; it takes effort an
off handsomely in our lives either directly or ind
study has shown us some of the identified factor t
students and selecting reading material as mediu


visited the school library for learning purposes,
do their homework (28%). Only 27% used the
her purposes the students indicated include, to
iends (13%). A small percentage of the students
oks or 1 book per week). Slightly more than half
l library. Nearly all students found the library a

male (15.6%) borrowed books.
2), they have indicated that prerequisite for the
cience. This is because the cultural knowledge to
glorious society. According to the Islamic scholar
h” he said that the strength of knowledge not only
al strength but also give meaning to the people
ing we can explore more in-depth knowledge in
rove the mastery of individual holistically in line

must be creative and initiate to develop relevant
has been given added value for them to enhance
mance more successfully. In addition, students
n in any issue regarding what they are acquiring
g to Nagaratnam (et al.) (2012), students by Gen
ding habits in higher institution to examine stress
d on their finding, most students have preferred
m to overcome stress factor and it will be affected
titution. However, this research has only focused
ntributed among students attitude to undergone
has inspired positive value to inculcate reading

continuously. It can be done through Walberg &
andy (2013), they stated that factors contributing


e verbal interaction takes place regularly
re patient and sacrifices among student to seek
hem by using “High Order Thinking Skills” to
e medium of reading has changed from printed
ulfill various skills to adapt new technology and
re successfully and widely as long as searching
use and flexible among of them. According to
is an essential life skill. Reading is not limited to
ty and character, sharpens thinking, and widens
environmental issues. Reading is not a process
nd hard work. Inculcating a reading habit pays
directly. In a nutshell, the review of the previous
that will influence reading habits among students,
um towards academic performance. The funding

and article processing charge has become as th
amount of book that they read and also motivati

Libraries have a fundamental role in m
relevant activities for information literacy need
knowledge where there is a wealth of knowledg
about 10,000 libraries with different types of fun

i. Academic library
ii. Special library
iii. Public library
iv. Community library
v. School library

Overall, the library provided appropria
improves the quality of library service. In additi
provided to enable users for obtaining informat
appropriate services through the following meth

i. To provide selected reading materi
basic and acquisition program desig

ii. To organize the library collectio
information more effectively.

iii. To encourage the use of library m
reprographic, the supply publishin
loans and other additional service a

iv. To disseminate the latest informatio
the latest knowledge in science can
Information (SDI) system.

v. To hold orientation sessions for lib
way to get the material resources in

vi. To provide physical facilities amon
based on their fields more systemat


This study adopted a descriptive design
gather the data by distribution of questionnaire to
that studying at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
The numbers of form 5 students were 105. In thi
randomly, completely answered and replied. T
to obtain the respondent’s feedback on the frequ
secondary school. The questionnaire was divide
specific areas. For this study, researcher had dec
because this is the most efficient methods for th
this method is easily understood and the results
addition, the number of sample size is more than
“number validators” is aimed at testing the hyp
complex phenomena through verbal communica
software known as Statistical Package for the So


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

he main barrier for identifying the reading time,
ion among students.
managing the reading materials through engaged
ds. This is because the library is a warehouse of
ge that can be found there. In Malaysia there are
nctions such as:

ate allocation for the purchase of materials and
ion, the ease of access to information should be
tion more effectively. The library must provide
ials appropriate for the needs of readers through
ons and retrieval system provides validity of
materials through library loan service, reference,
ng systems, the Internet, by post or clustering
activities from time to time.
on available at the library to a particular user in
n be explored through Selective Dissemination of
brary users to guide library users about an easy
n the library.
ng readers and researchers to access information
tically. (Shahar Banun Jaafar)

n research. A quantitative approach was used to
o respondents. The samples were form 5 students
n Dato’ Sedia Raja, Rembau, Negeri Sembilan.
is study, 105 questionnaires had been distributed
This study employed a structured questionnaire
uency of reading activity by the students in the
ed into 4 sections in which each section focus on
cided to use the simple random sampling. This is
he probability sampling design. Other than that,
are being projected to the whole population. In
n 100. Quantitative research represented by term
pothesis with numerical value rather explaining
ation. For data analysis, the researcher will use
ocial Sciences (SPSS) version 16.

Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

Information in the 5 sections was focus
A focus on the demographic information of the
and home improvement of the students on readin
among students, Section D focus on the acquired
finally Section E focusing on reading habits tow


6.1 Respondents Demographic

From 105 respondents, 41.9% of respond
that, table also indicates that 26.7% of the resp
73.3% were art stream students. Respondent’s g
guardian occupation has worked in other sector
worked as driver, own worker and also working a
with 19 respondents (18.1%), clerk and officer
unemployed with 10 respondents (9.5%), pensio
7 respondents (6.7%). Meanwhile, most of the
online reading for access information. Then follo
book with 19 respondents (18.1%) and newspap

Table 1:
Demographic Information

No Item
1 Gender

2 Stream
3 Guardian Occupation
4 Reading Material Preferred
Online Reading
5 Frequently Hour Spent
Less than hour
1 – 3 hours
4 – 6 hours
More than 6 hours


s to answer the objectives of the study. Section
students and Section B on the reading attitudes
ng. Whereas, Section C on the school library use
d reading habits and interests by the students and
wards academic performance.

dents are male and 58.1% are female. Other than
pondents were from science stream and another
guardian occupation shows that the majority of

with weightage 35 (33.3%). Most of them have
at industrial area. It has followed by businessman

with same weightage 13 respondents (12.4%),
oner with 8 respondents (7.6%) and officer with
47 respondents (44.8%) were preferred to use
owed by magazine with 21 respondents (20.0%),
per with 18 respondents (17.1%).

Frequency Percent (%)

44 41.9
61 58.1

77 73.3
28 26.7

35 33.3
19 18.1
13 12.1
13 12.1
10 9.5
8 7.6
7 6.7

47 44.8
21 20.0
19 18.1
18 17.1

45 42.9
45 42.9
10 9.5
5 4.8


Based on the findings, it shows that a
respondents (44.8%) were preferred to use onlin
by magazine with 21 respondents (20.0%), boo
with 18 respondents (17.1%). Meanwhile, majo
from 45 respondents (42.9%) and then followed
for reading, 10 respondents (9.5%) were spent
(4.8%) were spent more than 6 hours for reading

6.2 Reading Attitude

The questionnaire consists of questi
performance among students in secondary school
to time spent for reading in a day as illustrated in
they enjoy reading. However, there were studen
The findings also showed that the highest perce
they read daily or almost every day. The findi
agreed that they spend not less than 2 hours da
not less than 2 hours were 21% of respondent
represented 9.5% of respondents and only 1% st
not less than 2 hours reading.

Table 2: Stro
Reading Attitude Ag
No Statement
1 I enjoy reading 2
2 I read every day or almost every day.
3 I will spend not less than 2 hours for (19
reading in a day.
4 I read enough and I am a good reader. (21

5 Reading is important. 3
6 Reading is more for girls than boys.


The above findings show the attitude of
Dato’ Sedia Raja towards reading. They enjoy rea
even though they do not read enough and do not
established that the respondents feels that readin

6.3 Home Improvement

Home improvement plays a very importa
children needs in education. It is important that
for enhancing learning process at the school. F
(42.9%) respondents were agreed that parent had
followed by 37 (35.2%) respondents were stron
agreed and 2 (1.9%) respondents was strongly d


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

among of the 105 respondents, most of the 47
ne reading for access information. Then followed
ok with 19 respondents (18.1%) and newspaper
ority of respondents were spent less than hour
by 45 respondents (42.9%) were spent 1-3 hours
t 4-6 hours reading and another 5 respondents
g activities.

ions on reading attitudes towards academic
l. In this section, questions were asked pertaining
Table 2. Findings shown 59.0% were agreed that
nts (1%) who disagreed about enjoying reading.
entages (49.5%) of the respondents agreed that
ings indicated that (46.7%) of the respondents
aily, whereas, students who had moderate spend
ts. The rest of them were chose disagreed that
trongly disagreed of respondents have not spent

ongly Agree Quite Disagree Strongly
gree Agree Disagree
62 0
29 (59.0%) 13 (0.0%) 1
7.6%) (12.1%) (1.0%)
20 52 8
9.0%) (49.5%) 24 (7.6%) 1
23 (22.9%) (1.0%)
1.9%) 49 10
33 (46.7%) 22 (9.5%) 1
1.4%) (21.0%) (1.0%)
75 42 6
1.4%) (40.0%) 23 (5.7%) 1
59 (21.9%) (1.0%)
6.2%) 26 0
(24.8%) 4 (0.0%) 0
(3.8%) (0.0%)
29 2
(27.6%) 11 (1.9%) 4
(10.5%) (3.8%)

f the students in Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
ading and they also feels that reading is important
t consider themselves as a good reader. It can be
ng is equally important for both girls and boys.

ant role in improving reading habits among their
parents must be given positive support to them
From the survey, it has been indicated that 45
d allocated reading material for learning purpose,
ngly agreed, 21 (20.0%) respondents were quite
disagree to this statement.

Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

Figure 1: Purchase
6.4 School Library Use

Teacher librarian must play their role fo
library more effectively. Based on the findings, it
that library staffs have aware to organized read
(30.5%) respondents were quite agreed, 29 (27.6
respondents were disagree and 3 (2.9%) respond

Figure 2: Awareness
6.5 Acquired Reading Habits and Interes

Reading is important among people es
a part of learning in life. It helps to educate peo
students can be explored many ways to gain t
findings, it shows that 49 (46.7%) respondents w
gaining new knowledge, followed by 44 (41.9%
respondents were quite agreed and 2 (1.9%) resp


e Reading Material
or promoting and guiding the students for using
t shows that 35 (33.3%) respondents were agreed
ding materials more effectively, followed by 32
6%) respondents were strongly agreed, 6 (5.7%)
dents was strongly disagree to this statement.

among Library Staff
specially for student at school. Reading is also
ople in many ways as the saying. From reading
their knowledge respectively. According to the
were agreed that they were preferred to read for
%) respondents were strongly agreed, 10 (9.5%)
pondents were disagree to this statement.

Figure 3: Enhan
6.6 Academic Performance

Reading can be contributed towards acad
success in examination. It also give positive w
among students in examination especially for Fo
Dato’ Sedia Raja, Rembau. Based on the findin
agreed that they are able to improve better quali
(24.8%) respondents were strongly agreed and 2

Figure 4: Quali
Based on the figure, it shows that mos
reading habits can be achieved through participat
and Teachers’ and Parents Association (PIBG) to
in academic performance.


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

nce Knowledge
demic performance among student for enhancing
ways of learning to achieve better performance
orm 5 students at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
ngs, it shows that 57 (54.3%) respondents were
ity performance in examination, followed by 26
21 (21.0%) respondents were quite agreed to this

ity Performance
st respondents have awareness and agreed that
tion from all parties such as school administrator
o create better program to enhance better quality

Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah


The findings revealed that respondents se
of reading habits which had contributed tow
Furthermore, the respondents appeared to have r
teacher librarian to manage and organize reso
also seemed to be little in the way of provisio
competence. While some orientation activities
their school session, these students are still exp
revision and there appear to be no structured a
training by teacher librarian at the school resour
his/ her knowledge about library skills and ne
Students need support in evaluating the resource
resource discovery skills.

Most school resource center provides inf
enhancing knowledge in information searching. T
training program for students. Beginning with th
role to educate students for using all facilities in

i. Tours
ii. Training sessions

• Discovering Library
• Enhancing book review
• Mastering information searchi
iii. Information skills for students

Most school library assist students to lo
links to reading lists through the library catalog
an initiative to provide relevant training to all t
it also contributed towards teacher specialist w
library. Liaison officer are frequently appointed t
of contact and to ensure appropriate communica
Other than that, parents must give their moral sup
is good activity not only for academic purpose
knowledge respectively.

The school library needs to improve th
outlining loan conditions to accessing services
be done when all parties have involved ensuring
responsibility. School library require an easily ac
center for getting knowledge widely.


This section provides several recommen
findings of this study as follows:

• Although this research employed th
quantitative data for statistical gene
to the entire population as other stu
within the study. Therefore, it is ho

eem to have little aware based on the importance
wards academic performance among of them.
relatively lack of reading materials and untrained
ource management more systematically. There
on of training to assist students in information

were provided for students at the beginning of
periencing difficulty finding materials for doing
approach to the provision of information skills
rce center. Teacher librarian should be fulfilling
eeds to engage more programs to the students.
es they locate as well as appropriate search and
formation skills training programs for students to
The school library needs to provide an extensive
he orientation and done by teacher librarian as a
n the library. They include:

ocate and use appropriate materials and provide
gues. The Teachers’ Activity Center should have
teacher librarian regarding job specification and
who conducted and well-organized at the school
to work with particular school to establish points
ation about requirements and resource provision.
pport to inculcate their children makes a reading
but also giving new dimension in the world of
heir service to assist their users that range from
s remotely. Increasingly, the school library can
g library can be managed with relevant task and
ccessible for student closely because library is a

ndations for further research originated from the
he survey approach that is sure of principally on
eralization, the results could not be generalizable
udents who study at the school are not contained
oped that a future research could extend beyond

this range to comprise a wide rang
investigate their interest on readin
• In this research, researcher has chos
a small sample size due to time lim
the researcher. Hence, it is recomm
students on a larger sample for the
• Study on effectiveness of library ac
improve the knowledge skills that h
Center and also participation from E
information needs in reading aspec
• Besides students, teachers and sch
This further research should be carr
usage, effectiveness and perceived i
Finally further research is required on
conducted at the Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan
The study had shown the impact of rea
been conducted at Sekolah Menengah Kebangs
revealed limited library experience usage and
on reading activities. The study has contributed
reading to their children and also the role of teac
to the students.
Lifelong learning and continuing profes
of today’s workplace. Hence, there is a need f
according information discovery through high-
The student must have knowledge to develop inf
evaluate and use information effectively. Wide
of the library’s services and resources to them a
Activity Center and teacher librarians need to a
in developing students’ information skills activi
needs all students and that their information skil
The researchers hope that the findings
excellent for organizing reading activity more
itself to professional librarian. Students must giv
information by using the latest technology as
be accessed by clicking mouse. School library
for locating reading material more successfully
knowledge where people can get material easi


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

ge of students from another schools in order to
ng habits towards academic performance at the
sen Form 5 students to analyze which represented
mitation and resource problems encountered by
mended that a further research could include all
purpose of result generalization.
ctivity in school libraries are needed in order to
had been collaborated between Teachers’Activity
Educational Technology Division to identify the
ct more effectively.
hool staff can also be involved in the research.
ried out to examine the level of reading attitude,
information needs of students as well as teachers.
n reading habits among Form 5 students has
n Dato’ Sedia Raja, Rembau.

ading habits among Form 5 students which has
saan Dato’ Sedia Raja, Rembau. The study has
d awareness among the respondents especially
d to the reading attitude, parent participation on
cher librarian for implementing relevant program
ssional developments are synonymous and a part
for school students to increasing reading level
-order thinking skills learning at the classroom.
formation skills that will enable them to identify,
er awareness needs among students to be made
and school staffs. Liaison officer from Teachers’
acknowledge that they both have a role to play
ity, but also that difference exist in information
lls must be developed properly.
of this study will contribute positively towards
effectively. The school library must transform
ve special program to learn closely how to access
well as people mentioned all information can
should have relevant module to guide students
y. This is because school library is a center of
ily for the purpose on reading activities at the


Mohamad Effendy Bin Rahmat | Wan Ab Kadir Bin Wan Dollah

Abeyrathna, P. H. A. S. & Zainab, A. N. (2004). The S

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Badariah Sani, et al. (2011). The Reading Motivation

University Technology MARA Dungun, Tere
2 (1): 32-39.
Covert, K. A. (2009). An Exploration of the Leisure Rea
York: State University of New York.
Frank Small and Associates (1996). Reading Profile of M
Hollis, H.A. (2002). Reading Habits and Choices of Mid
7 Students. Canada: Mount Saint Vincent Univ
Hughes-Hassell, S., & Lutz, C. (Winter 2006). What do y
and attitudes of urban middle school students
Malaysia National Library (2006). The reading profil
Malaysian National Library, Kuala Lumpur.
Mohamad Jafre Zainol Abidin, et al. (2011). A Survey
Students in Malaysia. Online: http:/ / dx.doi.or
Nagaratnam, S., et al. (2012). The Effect of Stress Fa
International Journal of Interscience Managem
Sangkaeo, S. (1999, August). Reading habit promotion i
and General Council and General Conference,
Shahar Banun Jaafar (1989). Membaca Sebagai Langka
Sekitar Perpustakaan. 130: 16 – 22.
Shaharom TM Sulaiman & Salasiah Abd Wahab (200
Utusan Publication & Distributor Sdn. Bhd.
Szarina Abdullah, et al. (1995). Kaji Selidik Mengena
Pengajian Tinggi di Malaysia. Shah Alam: Ins


Status of Reading Habit and Interests among Secondary
rnal of Library & Information Science. 9 (2): 109-123.
s and Attitude among Malaysian Polytechnic Students.
Sciences. 5 (1): 32-41.
Interests of Malaysian People. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan
n and Reading Strategies Used by Undergraduates in
engganu. Journal of Language Teaching and Research.
ading Habits and Attitude of Eight-Grade Students. New
Malaysians 1996. Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: Kuala
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you want to tell us about Reading? A survey of the habits
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Pejabat Pendidikan Daerah Kulim B



Thinking Maps have been introduced to sc
their ideas and thoughts non-linguitically. T
Thinking Maps on students’ use of higher or
essays and examine the perceptions of stude
process of writing argumentative essays. This
an urban secondary school in Kulim, Kedah.
is significant difference in the application of h
in the control group and students who are ta
found that students feel that Thinking Maps a

Keywords : Argumentative essays, hig
students, Thinking Maps, w


Writing is an integral component in the
reinforces grammatical items, vocabularies and i
the common medium by which students establish
Wan Hamiah Wan Mahmud, Rosseni Din, Aminu
writing students would be able to express thems
others. In this technology-laden era, it is imperat
through writing as there are various modes of lite
and blogging.

Students who are learning the English la
a variety of text types. One of these is the argum
piece of argumentative essay, students should b
must also demonstrate their ability to analyse an

In Malaysia, writing is one of the four
its education system and students are increasing
thinking skills (HOTS) in their essays. This is
a range of important cognitive skills, including
and innovation. The teaching of higher order t
thinking strategies. One of these thinking strate
study seeks to discover the effects of Thinking
skills in writing argumentative essays.


The main objective of any education sys
and skills required to be successful in life. His
others around the world, has emphasised the deve
such as science, mathematics, and language (Min


Muhammad Aiman Bin Ismail


Bandar Baharu, Kedah Darul Aman
chools in Malaysia to help students express
This study aims to investigate the effects of
rder thinking skills in writing argumentative
ents towards utilising Thinking Maps in the
s quasi-experimental study was carried out at
. The findings of the study indicate that there
higher order thinking skills between students
aught Thinking Maps. Moreover, it has been
are beneficial to them.

gher order thinking skills, perception of

e process of learning the English language as it
idioms that students have been learning. It is also
h and present their knowledge (Parilah M. Shah,
uddin Yusof & Khalid Mat Pardi, 2011). Through
selves, explore new ideas and communicate with
tive that one be able to communicate effectively
erary expression which include messaging, email

anguage are required to be able to write essays of
mentative essay. In order to produce an excellent
be imaginative, creative and also critical. They
nd evaluate in their writing.
English language skills taught and evaluated in
gly required to illustrate the use of higher order
s to ensure that students will be able to master
g problem-solving, reasoning, creative thinking,
thinking skills is often associated with various
egies is the use of Thinking Maps. Hence, this

Maps on students’ use of higher order thinking

stem is to equip its students with the knowledge
storically, the Malaysian education system, like
elopment of strong content knowledge in subjects
nistry of Education, 2012, p. 6). However, it is no


Muhammad Aiman Bin Ismail

longer enough for students to leave school havi
Hence, the emphasis is no longer just on the im
higher order thinking skills (Ministry of Educati

To achieve this, Thinking Maps have be
through the i-Think Programme. The Thinking M
to students, allowing them to be lifelong learne
think creatively in and outside the classroom (Li
students will be exposed to eight different Thin
students to think at a different cognitive level.

Thinking Maps allow students to expres
this enables teachers to actually see the graphi
(Holzman, 2004). According to Holzman (2004
Maps differ from graphic organizers because th
and encourage students to focus on the processe

There have been complaints from stake
being exam-oriented. This is said to have greatly
and analyse things (Darshan & Ong, 2003 a
have become accustomed to this exam-oriented
memorising to answer examination questions. T

According to Chitravelu, Sithamparam an
students are less proficient in and they do not
satisfactory ways. The analysis of the Malaysi
Malaysia (SPM) performance by the Examinat
showed that less than twenty percent of the candi
standardized national SPM English 1119 paper (
in Nooreiny Maarof & Mazlin Murat, 2013). In
inability to apply higher order thinking skills in

Realising that the situation is rapidly de
introduce Thinking Maps to schools. However,
higher order thinking skills in writing has not b
study is a good way to start exploring the issue.


This study intends to answer the followi
i. Do students taught using Thinki

application of higher order think
students in the control group?
ii. What are the perceptions of stud
argumentative essays?


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