rsiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
rsiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
rbezaan kefahaman, kemahiran, dan kreativiti
dukan kepada jantina, umur dan kekerapan
i menggunakan soal selidik yang ditadbirkan
rah Gombak. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan
kefahaman menggunakan TMK antara guru
perbezaan yang signifikan juga dikenal pasti
ggunakan TMK mengikut umur guru. Dalam
a, perbezaan yang signifikan dikenal pasti
u menggunakan TMK. Kesimpulannya, pihak
faktor demografi guru dalam merangka jenis
belakang guru dalam menggunakan TMK.
man, Kemahiran, Kreativiti
rkembangan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi
as kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP).
jadi alat pemangkin utama untuk menyebar dan
ntu murid membina pengetahuan baru (Lechner
ar dan polisi pembangunan negara menunjukkan
pendidikan. Justeru, Kementerian Pendidikan
Bestari pada awal tahun 1999 bertujuan untuk
daya sekolah dengan menggunakan teknologi
MK yang berkesan adalah dipengaruhi oleh teknik
aranya ialah melalui sistem rangkaian, perisian
rcado & Reynoso, 2008). Menurut Khir Jauhari
ernatif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar kerana
h untuk menjadikan murid bersifat ‘thoughtful
f. Dalam konteks PdP Sejarah, TMK menjadikan
hkan kefahaman murid serta mampu meningkat
ektif pembelajaran seperti yang dirancangkan.
kelas secara terancang mampu meningkatkan
n. Hal ini kerana guru dapat membuat persiapan
s PdP dijalankan. Melalui teknik ini guru dapat
mencari maklumat berkenaan dengan pengajara
menyampaikan kepada murid dengan lebih ber
(2007) seseorang guru perlu berpengetahuan dan
dapat menyebarkan ilmu pengetahuan dan kem
menggunakan pendekatan, strategi, kaedah dan t
penggunaan TMK, proses PdP menjadi lebih m
TMK yang sering digunakan oleh guru di sek
power point, flash, frog VLE dan sebagainya. Gu
semasa proses PdP dijalankan dalam kelas.
Keberkesanan penggunaan TMK dalam
dalam pencapaian murid terhadap mata pel
dan Shabariah (2011), PdP secara perbincang
meningkatkan gaya dan teknik pembelajaran m
kepada pencapaian murid kesan daripada pengaja
mereka. Oleh itu, penggunaan TMK mampu un
mata pelajaran Sejarah.
Penggunaan TMK bukanlah untuk me
pengajar tetapi adalah sebagai pemudah cara dalam
daripada pembelajaran yang hanya berpusatkan
mampu mengubah PdP tradisional kepada PdP be
suasana pembelajaran dan bahan bantu mengajar
multimedia interaktif. Menurut Abdul Razaq d
menjadikan pengajaran subjek Sejarah lebih m
penglibatan menyeluruh di dalam kelas. Perisia
grafik, rajah, animasi dan gambar berwarna-w
psikomotor, minat dan perilaku murid. Dengan
untuk mencapai objektif pengajaran di sampin
2.1 Kefahaman TMK
Kefahaman dalam penggunaan TMK be
yang merangkumi aspek perisian dan perkakas
boleh menggunakan TMK bagi mencapai sesu
(Watson, 2006). Hal ini adalah kerana TMK bole
lebih canggih, futuristik dan sesuai dengan per
2010). Selain itu, ia juga menjadikan pengaja
meningkatkan keberkesanan dalam PdP (Safuan
Dari aspek murid pula, mereka yang mengikuti Pd
memahami konsep yang diajar oleh guru (Rozha
untuk meningkatkan kualiti persekitaran pembe
dan meningkatkan pencapaian murid dalam pepe
telah dijalankan menunjukkan bahawa guru yang
TMK dalam PdP mampu untuk menarik minat mu
(2010) guru lelaki dilihat lebih memahami pengg
perempuan. Perkara ini mungkin disebabkan ol
yang bercorak teknikal. Selain itu pula, guru m
kerana mereka lebih terdedah dengan kepesatan
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
an Sejarah dengan lebih baik seterusnya dapat
rkesan. Menurut Kamarul Azmi dan Ab Halim
n mempunyai kemahiran mengajar dengan tujuan
mahiran kepada murid dengan lebih berkesan
teknik mengajar berlandaskan teori PdP. Melalui
menarik serta menghiburkan. Antara kemudahan
kolah ialah laman-laman web, you tube, video,
uru hanya perlu mengaplikasikan alatan tersebut
m bilik darjah juga memainkan peranan penting
lajaran sejarah. Menerusi pendapat Rossafri
gan dengan menggunakan laman sosial boleh
mata pelajaran Sejarah. Hal ini boleh dirujuk
aran yang bersesuaian dengan mod pembelajaran
ntuk meningkatkan penguasaan murid terhadap
enggantikan terus peranan guru sebagai tenaga
m sesi PdP. Penggunaan TMK akan mengelakkan
n guru semata-mata. (Lee Bih Ni, 2013). TMK
erpusatkan murid dengan cara guru menyediakan
berteraskan TMK, terutamanya yang melibatkan
dan Isjoni (2009) penggunaan multimedia akan
menarik, meningkatkan kefahaman murid dan
an multimedia yang mengandungi elemen audio
warni dapat meningkatkan pencapaian kognitif,
kecanggihan kemudahan ini memudahkan guru
ng merealisasikan objektif pembelajaran seperti
ermaksud guru boleh menggunakan alatan TMK
san. Selain itu, ia juga bermaksud bahawa guru
uatu tujuan yang spesifik dalam konteks PdP
eh mewujudkan persekitaran pembelajaran yang
rubahan zaman (Syed Ismail & Ahmad Subkhi,
aran guru menjadi lebih menarik serta mampu
n & Fong, 2003; Jamaludin & Hashimah, 2009).
dP menggunakan TMK dilihat lebih mudah untuk
an, 2009). Selain itu, penggunaan TMK mampu
elajaran (Roblyer, Edwards, & Havriluk, 2004)
eriksaan (Soon, 2003). Berdasarkan kajian yang
g mempunyai sikap positif terhadap penggunaan
urid mengikuti subjek yang diajar. Menurut Tezci
gunaan TMK dalam PdP berbanding dengan guru
leh guru lelaki lebih cenderung kepada aktiviti
muda dilihat lebih memahami penggunaan TMK
TMK dalam aktiviti seharian.
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
2.2 Kemahiran TMK
Menurut Watson (2006), kemahiran T
dalam menggunakan teknologi tersebut bagi m
keberkesanan penggunaan TMK dalam PdP bany
oleh guru. Selain itu, ia juga berkait dengan sikap
PdP. Sikap guru memainkan peranan yang pen
efektif dan juga mempengaruhi tahap keyakina
bilik darjah (Ertmer, Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Sadik,
mengalami perasaan gelisah apabila mereka perlu
2008). Sikap negatif seperti kurang keyakinan d
komputer merupakan halangan serius kepada p
guru tidak rasa cemas menggunakan kompu
mengintegrasikan komputer dalam kurikulum (
Justeru, guru harus mempunyai sikap positif dala
mempengaruhi kesediaan mereka untuk memah
Rumusan kajian terdahulu menunjukkan bahaw
PDP mempunyai pelbagai sebab dan alasan. An
komputer dalam meningkatkan hasil pembelaj
usaha yang diperlukan untuk belajar teknologi da
dan takut kehilangan kuasa mereka di kelas
Berpandukan DSKP Sejarah Tahun 5 (KPM, 201
terlebih dahulu sebelum mengintegrasikan TMK
perkembangan dan perubahan TMK dalam pend
menentukan keberkesanan penggunaan TMK d
pengajaran tercapai.
2.3 Kreativiti TMK
Menurut Kersting (2003), kreativiti didefi
kefungsian. Kedua-dua aspek tersebut harus saling
atau hasil yang kreatif. Craft (2005) menyataka
pembinaan pengetahuan baharu. Dalam konteks P
TMK bagi mencipta suasana pembelajaran yang kr
pembelajaran. Namun begitu, situasi pembelajara
oleh pengetahuan TMK yang dimiliki oleh guru.
adalah elemen penting dalam penghasilan PdP ya
Kajian yang dijalankan oleh Chacia d
guru percaya bahawa TMK mampu meningk
malangnya elemen kreativiti ini tidak diberi pe
kursus perguruan. Keadaan ini juga dilihat ko
oleh Hussain et al (2011) yang mendapati guru t
namun begitu mereka hanya menggunakannya
slaid powerpoint dan tidak mengaplikasikan TM
pendidikan, animasi dan multimedia. Rumusa
inovasi teknologi yang telah diperkenalkan teta
(Nor Izzah, 2010 ; Hani Meryliena 2012). Seba
pengajaran secara tradisional (Noraini, 2012). H
mengaku tidak memanfaatkan kelebihan TMK d
yang telah mengikuti Kursus Sekolah Bestari d
melaksanakan PdP berbantukan komputer (Im
faktor demografi seperti jantina, pengalaman d
TMK adalah merujuk kepada kebolehan guru
meningkatkan keberkesanan PdP. Hal ini kerana
yak bergantung kepada kemahiran yang dimiliki
p guru terhadap penggunaan TMK dalam proses
nting bagi memastikan TMK digunakan secara
an guru terhadap penggunaan komputer dalam
, Sendurur & Sendurur, 2012). Ramai guru yang
u menggunakan komputer dalam kurikulum (Teo,
diri dan kekurangan berkemahiran menggunakan
pengintegrasian komputer dalam PdP. Sekiranya
uter, maka semakin besar kemungkinan guru
(Sang, Valcke, van Braak, & Tondeur, (2010).
am menggunakan TMK dalam PdP kerana ia akan
hirkan diri dalam meningkatkan keberkesan PdP.
wa keengganan guru menggunakan TMK dalam
ntaranya ialah skeptisme tentang keberkesanan
jaran, kurang sokongan pentadbiran, masa dan
an bagaimana menggunakannya untuk mengajar
kerana PdP berpusatkan murid (Qing, 2007).
15), guru perlu mempunyai kemahiran komputer
K dalam PdP. Malah, mereka juga perlu mengikuti
didikan. Guru memainkan peranan penting dalam
dalam PdP dan seterusnya memastikan objektif
finisikan sebagai ketulenan idea yang baharu dan
g wujud dan melengkapi bagi menghasilkan produk
an bahawa kreativiti merupakan medium kepada
PdP berasaskan TMK, guru harus mengaplikasikan
reatif dan juga meningkatkan keberkesanan dalam
an yang kreatif ini hanya mampu disumbangkan
Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa pengetahuan TMK
ang kreatif (Burke, 2007).
dan Ferrari (2010) mendapati sebahagian besar
katkan kreativiti dan keberkesanan PdP, tetapi
erhatian yang sewajarnya di dalam latihan atau
onsisten dengan dapatan kajian yang dilakukan
tidak menghadapi masalah menggunakan TMK,
dalam kerja-kerja pentadbiran dan pembinaan
MK dengan lebih kreatif seperti membina perisian
an kajian terdahulu mendapati bahawa banyak
api tidak digunakan secara kereatif dan efektif
aliknya guru dilihat lebih selesa dengan amalan
Hal ini jelas apabila didapati sebanyak 81% guru
dalam aktiviti PdP, bahkan dalam kalangan guru
didapati hanya 50% daripada guru tersebut yang
mran, 2000). Kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa
dan umur mempengaruhi kreativiti guru dalam
mengaplikasikan TMK (Tezci, 2010; Mwalong
kelebihan menggunakan TMK berbanding guru
penggunaan TMK serta mempunyai kemahiran
mungkin menghadapi kesukaran dalam kontek
pengalaman yang rendah. Hal ini konsisten den
berpengalaman boleh menghasilkan PdP yang k
yang betul dan bersesuaian berdasarkan pengala
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal
kreativiti TMK guru Sejarah berpandukan kepa
kekerapan guru menggunakan TMK dalam semi
Kajian ini menggunakan reka bentuk
Menurut Mohd Majid (2001), reka bentuk tinj
terhadap sesuatu perkara dan mendapatkan ma
relevan dengan masyarakat. Justeru, reka bentuk
kajian yang menumpukan kepada persepsi mur
yang mempengaruhi minat mereka dalam memp
Seramai 50 orang guru Sejarah di s
menggunakan persampelan rawak bebas. Pemil
rendah dalam soal selidik yang dijalankan.
diadaptasikan daripada kajian yang dijalankan o
Soal selidik ini mengandungi dua bahag
B. Bahagian A bertujuan untuk mengumpul m
jantina, umur, pengalaman menggunakan kom
Bahagian B pula mengandungi empat bahagian
kemahiran guru menggunakan TMK, kekerapan
dalam penggunaan TMK. Dalam bahagian B
mereka terhadap item-item soal selidik yang b
selidik ini telah melalui proses kesahan pakar
guru cemerlang Sejarah dan pensyarah yang me
Kajian rintis melibatkan seramai dua puluh ora
nilai kebolehpercayaan alpha bagi kefahama
menggunakan TMK (α=0.95), kekerapan guru m
dalam TMK (α=0.96). Merujuk kepada panduan
kebolehpercayaaan bagi pemboleh ubah kajian a
Dapatan kajian dianalisis secara diskript
dan peratusan. Ujian inferensi adalah melibatka
Proses analisis menggunakan program SPSS for
4.1 Profil Responden
Jadual 1 menunjukkan perincian latar b
Sebahagian besar guru merupakan guru perempu
orang merupakan guru lelaki (34.%).
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
go, 2011). Guru muda dikenal pasti mempunyai
u senior kerana mereka lebih terdedah kepada
n TMK yang lebih baik. Namun begitu, mereka
ks PdP yang kreatif kerana mereka mempunyai
ngan kajian Msila (2015) yang mendapati guru
kreatif sekiranya mereka diberikan latihan TMK
aman yang mereka miliki.
l pasti perbezaan kefahaman, kemahiran dan
ada tiga aspek demografi iaitu jantina, umur dan
k tinjauan dengan menggunakan soal selidik.
jauan sesuai untuk meneroka persepsi individu
aklumat awal berkenaan isu dan masalah yang
k kajian ini adalah bertepatan dengan persoalan
rid terhadap PdP Sejarah dan juga aspek-aspek
pelajari subjek Sejarah.
sekitar Daerah Gombak yang dipilih dengan
lihan ini melibatkan sebanyak 10 buah sekolah
Kajian ini menggunakan soal selidik yang
oleh Abd Razak dan Hafizah Akmal (2011).
gian yang utama iaitu bahagian A dan bahagian
maklumat demografi guru yang terdiri daripada
mputer dan kekerapan menggunakan komputer.
yang mengukur aspek kefahaman asas Sejarah,
n guru menggunakan TMK dan kreativiti guru
ini, guru diminta untuk menandakan persepsi
berpandukan skala likert lima pemarkatan. Soal
r yang melibatkan guru pakar Bahasa Melayu,
empunyai kepakaran dalam pendidikan Sejarah.
ang guru. Hasil daripada kajian rintis tersebut,
an terhadap TMK (α=0.83), kemahiran guru
menggunakan TMK (α=0.87) dan kreativiti guru
n nilai kebolehpercayaan DeVellis (1991), nilai
adalah baik.
tif dengan menumpukan kepada nilai kekerapan
an ujian t sampel bebas dan ujian Anova Sehala.
r windows (Versi 22.0).
belakang guru yang terlibat di dalam kajian ini.
uan iaitu seramai 33 orang (66.0%) dan hanya 17
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
Latar belakang guru yang seterusnya me
soal selidik. Guru yang berumur di antara 30 hing
iaitu seramai 31 orang (62%). Seterusnya, guru y
45 tahun bilangan kekerapan ialah 7 orang (14%
29 tahun seramai 6 orang (12%) dan 46 tahun ke
Akhir sekali, kekerapan guru menggun
kekerapan tertinggi iaitu seramai 20 orang (40%
komputer 10-15 jam seminggu yang mewakili 12
guru (16%) daripada soalan selidik yang dijalan
jam seminggu. Seramai 10 orang guru pula yang
menggunakan komputer dalam seminggu.
Jadual 1 :
Latar Belakang Diri Guru
Ciri Demografi
24 - 29 tahun
30 - 35 tahun
36 - 40 tahun
41- 45 tahun
46 tahun ke atas
Kekerapan Guna Komputer
Kurang daripada 5 jam
5 – 10 jam
10 – 15 jam
15 – 20 jam
Lebih daripada 20 jam
5.1 Perbezaan Kefahaman, Kemahiran, d
Bagi menunjukkan perbezaan kefahama
perempuan, analisis ujian-t sampel bebas (Jad
perbezaan kefahaman TMK antara guru lelaki
= 2.27, p =.03). Dapatan ini menyebabkan hipo
signifikan dalam kefahaman TMK dalam kalang
dengan guru perempuan (min=3.74, sisipan pia
guru lelaki lebih memahami TMK berbanding g
Hasil analisis ujian-t sampel bebas (Jadu
jantina menunjukkan bahawa perbezaan kem
perempuan adalah tidak signifikan (t (48) = 1.6
HTMO2Kgaagnatlardaitgoularuk yang bermaksud tidak terdap
lelaki dengan guru perempuan
enunjukkan umur bagi guru yang terlibat dalam
gga 40 tahun merupakan guru yang paling ramai
yang berumur dalam lingkungan umur 41 hingga
%) dan seterusnya guru yang berumur 24 hingga
e atas diwakili oleh 6 orang (12%).
nakan komputer 5-10 jam seminggu merupakan
%). Ini diikuti oleh kekerapan guru menggunakan
2 orang guru (24%). Seterusnya seramai 8 orang
nkan menggunakan komputer kurang daripada 5
g mewakili 20% daripada soal selidik lebih kerap
Kekerapan (f) Peratus (%)
17 34.0
33 66.0
6 12.0
16 32.0
15 30.0
7 14.0
6 12.0
8 16.0
20 40.0
12 24.0
7 14.0
3 6.0
50 100
dan Kreativiti TMK mengikut jantina guru
an terhadap TMK antara guru lelaki dengan guru
dual 2) telah dijalankan. Kajian ini mendapati,
dan guru perempuan adalah signifikan (t (48)
goatensgisuHruOl1edlaitkoil(amk,inia=i4tu.1t3e,rdsiaspipaat npepribawezaaia=n yang
awai = 0.56). Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa
guru perempuan.
ual 2) bagi perbezaan kemahiran TMK mengikut
mahiran tersebut antara guru lelaki dan guru
65, p =.10). Dapatan ini menyebabkan hipotesis
pat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam kemahiran
Akhir sekali, kreativiti dalam TMK juga
Ini disebabkan oleh hasil analisis sampel bebas (t
Ho4 gagal ditolak iaitu tidak terdapat perbezaa
guru perempuan.
Perbezaan yang signifikan di dalam kef
perempuan yang dikenal pasti melalui kajian ini a
mendapati guru lelaki lebih memahami bagaima
mereka lebih kerap menggunakannya. Hal ini
(2006) yang menyatakan bahawa aspek teknikal m
guru lelaki dengan guru perempuan. Situasi in
mempunyai kemahiran teknikal yang lebih baik
kajian ini sejajar dengan kajian Volman dan va
kurang menggunakan TMK disebabkan oleh k
dilihat tidak berminat untuk menggunakan TMK
Namun begitu, kajian ini juga mendap
dan guru perempuan adalah hampir sama. Hal
semasa menuntut di pusat pengajian. Selain itu,
Situasi ini bertepatan dengan hasil kajian Yuksek
jurang penguasaan TMK antara lelaki dan pere
aspek penggunaan internet.
Jadual 2:
Ujian t Sampel Berpandukan kepada Jantina Guru
Pembolehubah Jantina M
Kefahaman Lelaki 4.
Perempuan 3.
Kemahiran Lelaki 3.
Perempuan 3.
Kreativiti Lelaki
Petunjuk:, * signifikan pada p < 0.05
5.2 Perbezaan Kefahaman, Kemahiran,
Jadual 3 menunjukkan dapatan ujian
antara lima kategori umur guru. Nilai signifikan u
adalah lebih besar daripada nilai signifikan (p >
daripada lima kategori umur guru adalah mem
terdapat keseragaman varians diantara lima kate
Jadual 3: Nilai
Ujian Levene Keragaman Varians
Petunjuk; dk = (4,45)
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
a menunjukkan perbezaan yang tidak signifikan.
(48) = 1.77, p = 0.36). Dapatan ini membolehkan
an kreativiti dalam TMK antara guru lelaki dan
fahaman guna TMK antara guru lelaki dan guru
adalah bersamaan dengan kajian Kay (2006) yang
ana menggunakan TMK dengan berkesan kerana
juga konsisten dengan pendapat Markauskalte
merupakan faktor yang membezakan kefahaman
ni bermaksud bahawa guru lelaki dikenal pasti
k berbanding dengan guru perempuan. Dapatan
an Eck (2001) yang mendapati guru perempuan
kurang mahir, kurang akses kepada TMK dan
K di dalam PdP.
pati aspek kemahiran, dan kreativiti guru lelaki
ini disebabkan oleh pendedahan kepada TMK
akses TMK adalah semakin mudah dan murah.
kturk dan Bulut (2010) yang mendapati bahawa
empuan semakin mengecil, terutamanya dalam
Min Sp Dk Nilai t P
.13 0.60 48 2.27 0.03*
.74 0.56
48 1.65 0.10
.84 0.63 48 1.77 0.36
.54 0.57
.10 0.73
.74 0.65
Kekerapan dan Kreativiti Mengikut Umur
levene bagi menentukan keseragaman varians
ujian levene bagi keempat-empat pembolehubah
> 0.05). Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa data
matuhi syarat ujian levene. Hal ini bermaksud
egori umur guru.
i Levene P
0.15 0.37
0.63 0.96
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
Kajian ini menjalankan analisis anova
kemahiran, dan kreativiti (Jadual 4) diantara lima
terdapat perbezaan signifikan dalam kefahaman
Dapatan ini TmMenKyeabnatabrkaanlimhiapoktaetseigsoHriO1udmituorlagku,
anova sehala bagi menentukan kemahiran TMK
Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat perbezaan si
3.51, p = 0.01). Dapatan ini menyebabkan hipo
signifikan dalam kemahiran TMK antara lima k
anova sehala bagi menentukan perbezaan krea
umur guru (Jadual 4). Dapatan kajian mendapat
guru menggunakan TMK. (F (4,45) = 3.18, p =
ditolak, iaitu tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signi
umur guru.
Jadual 4:
Ujian Anova Sehala untuk Kefahaman, Kemahiran
Umur Guru
Pembolehubah Umur Min
Kefahaman 24 - 29 tahun 3.95
30 - 35 tahun 4.13
36 - 40 tahun 3.83
41- 45 tahun 3.96
46 tahun ke atas 3.14
Kemahiran 24 - 29 tahun 3.83
30 - 35 tahun 3.89
36 - 40 tahun 3.60
41- 45 tahun 3.63
46 tahun ke atas 2.93
Kreativiti 24 - 29 tahun 3.29
30 - 35 tahun 3.16
36 - 40 tahun 2.75
41- 45 tahun 2.53
46 tahun ke atas 2.33
Petunjuk: dk = (4, 45), * signifikan pada p < 0.05
Bagi mengenal pasti perbezaan kefaham
signifikan, kajian ini menjalankan ujian post h
terdapat empat perbandingan kumpulan yang s
antara 30 - 35 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas,
tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas dan 36 - 40 tah
nilai perbezaan min terbesar, kajian ini merumu
keatas menunjukkan kefahaman TMK yang tere
Sementara itu, guru yang berumur di antara 30 h
mempunyai kefahaman TMK yang paling tinggi
sehala bagi menentukan perbezaan kefahaman,
a kategori umur guru. Dapatan kajian mendapati
n guru terhadap TMK (F (4,45) = 3.56, p =.01).
, iaitu terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam
uru. Seterusnya, kajian ini menjalankan analisis
K diantara lima kategori umur guru (Jadual 4).
ignifikan kemahiran terhadap TMK. (F (4,45) =
okteasteisgoHrOi 2udmituorlagku,riua.itAuktherirdaspeaktalpi,erhbaeszial aannaylaisnigs
ativiti guru dalam TMK diantara lima kategori
ti terdapat perbezaan signifikan dalam kreativiti
= 0.02). Dapatan ini menyebabkan hliimpoatkesaitsegHoOr3i
ifikan dalam kreativiti TMK antara
n, Kekerapan dan Kreativiti dalam TMK Mengikut
n Sp Nilai F P
5 0.47 3.56 0.01*
3 0.67
3 0.51
6 0.47
4 0.42
3 0.46 3.51 0.01*
9 0.60
0 0.56
3 0.49
3 0.56
9 0.37 3.18 0.02*
6 0.73
5 0.52
3 0.71
3 0.72
man TMK antara lima kategori umur guru yang
hoc LSD (Jadual 5). Dapatan kajian mendapati
signifikan iaitu diantara guru yang berumur di
41- 45 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas, 24 - 29
hun dengan 46 tahun ke atas. Merujuk kepada
uskan bahawa guru yang berumur 46 tahun dan
endah berbanding tiga kategori umur yang lain.
hingga 35 tahun dikenal pasti sebagai guru yang
Jadual 5:
Ujian Post Hoc LSD Perbandingan Kumpulan Umu
Perbandingan Kumpulan
30 - 35 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
41- 45 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
24 - 29 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
36 - 40 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
Petunjuk:* signifikan pada p < 0.05
Perbezaan kefahaman mengikut umur g
bersamaan dengan pendapat Schiller (2003) yan
sikap mereka dalam menggunakan TMK sema
dijalankan oleh Bordbar (2010) yang menyataka
yang bersikap negatif atau berkecuali dalam in
dalam memahami kemahiran TMK dalam kelas.
Tondeur dan Valcke, (2004) yang menyatakan si
akan meningkatkan penggunaan TMK di dalam
Bagi mengenal pasti perbezaan kemah
ini menjalankan ujian post hoc LSD (Jadual
perbandingan kumpulan yang signifikan iaitu dia
dengan 46 tahun ke atas, 24- 29 tahun dengan 4
ke atas dan 36 - 40 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke ata
kajian ini merumuskan bahawa guru yang be
menggunakan TMK berbanding dengan guru ya
antara 30 – 35 tahun dikenal pasti lebih mahir m
Jadual 6:
Ujian Post Hoc LSD Perbandingan Kumpulan Umu
Perbandingan Kumpulan
30 - 35 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
24 - 29 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
41- 45 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
36 - 40 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
Petunjuk:* signifikan pada p < 0.05
Hasil kajian ini disokong oleh Costa (20
merupakan faktor utama guru menggunakan TM
dilihat menghadapi kesukaran dalam aspek te
menggunakan TMK di dalam kelas. Keadaan in
bahawa kemahiran TMK mempengaruhi keya
melaporkan bahawa keresahan menggunakan ko
mempengaruhi kemahiran guru dalam TMK m
yang lebih berusia lebih selesa dengan cara peng
Bagi mengenal pasti perbezaan kreat
ini menjalankan ujian post hoc LSD (Jadual
perbandingan kumpulan yang signifikan iaitu dia
dengan 46 tahun ke atas, 30 - 35 tahun dengan
dan 30 - 35 tahun dengan 36 - 40 tahun. Merujuk
merumuskan bahawa guru yang berumur 46 tahu
menggunakan TMK berbanding dengan guru ya
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
ur bagi Kefahaman Menggunakan TMK
Perbezaan Min P
0.98 0.00*
0.82 0.01*
0.81 0.02*
0.69 0.01*
guru yang dikenalpasti dalam kajian ini adalah
ng menyatakan faktor umur guru mempengaruhi
asa PdP. Hal ini bertepatan dengan kajian yang
an terdapat bukti yang menyokong majoriti guru
ntegrasi TMK akan kurang menunjukkan minat
. Situasi ini sejajar dengan pendapat Van Braak,
ikap yang positif terhadap penggunaan komputer
hiran antara lima kategori umur guru, kajian
6). Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat empat
antara guru yang berumur di antara 30 - 35 tahun
46 tahun ke atas, 41 - 45 tahun dengan 46 tahun
as. Merujuk kepada nilai perbezaan min terbesar,
erumur 46 tahun ke atas adalah kurang mahir
ang lebih muda. Selain itu, guru yang berusia di
menggunakan TMK dalam PdP Sejarah.
ur bagi Kemahiran Menggunakan TMK
Perbezaan Min P
0.96 0.00*
0.90 0.01*
0.70 0.03*
0.67 0.02*
007) yang mendapati bahawa kemahiran teknikal
MK. Dalam konteks kajian ini guru yang berusia
eknikal. Justeru, mereka dilihat kurang mahir
n dijelaskan oleh Jones (2007) yang berpendapat
akinan guru menggunakan TMK. Teo (2008)
omputer, kurang yakin serta perasaan takut akan
menggunakan komputer. Ini menyebabkan guru
gajaran secara tradisional.
tiviti antara lima kategori umur guru, kajian
7). Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat empat
antara guru yang berumur di antara 24 - 29 tahun
46 tahun ke atas, 24 - 29 tahun dengan 36 - 40
k kepada nilai perbezaan min terbesar, kajian ini
un ke atas dan 36 – 40 tahun adalah kurang kreatif
ang lebih muda. Selain itu, guru yang berusia di
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
antara 24 – 29 tahun dikenal pasti lebih kreatif m
Jadual 7:
Ujian Post Hoc LSD Perbandingan Kumpulan Umu
Perbandingan Kumpulan
24 - 29 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
30 - 35 tahun dengan 46 tahun ke atas
24 - 29 tahun dengan 36 – 40 tahun
30 - 35 tahun dengan 36 – 40 tahun
Petunjuk:* signifikan pada p < 0.05
Dapatan kajian ini konsisten dengan dap
dan O’Connor (2003) yang berpendapat bahawa g
kerana mereka lebih terdedah kepada penggunaa
ini menyebabkan mereka lebih kreatif berbanding
Jong dan Kim (2008) guru berpengalaman dan
TMK di dalam kelas. Namun begitu, kajian Lau
berpengalaman khususnya dalam PdP dilihat lebi
kemahiran sedia ada yang mereka miliki dalam
bahawa guru yang berpengalaman dan berusia bo
TMK secara kreatif.
5.3 Perbezaan Kefahaman, Kemahiran,
Menggunakan TMK
Jadual 8 menunjukkan dapatan ujian
antara lima kategori kekerapan guru menggun
keempat-empat pembolehubah adalah lebih bes
ini menunjukkan bahawa data daripada lima kate
mematuhi syarat ujian levene. Hal ini bermaks
kumpulan tersebut.
Jadual 8 :
Ujian Levene Keragaman Varians Lima Kategori Ke
Nilai L
Kefahaman 0.
Kemahiran 0.
Kreativiti 1.
Petunjuk; dk = (4,45)
Kajian ini menjalankan analisis anova
kemahiran, dan kreativiti (Jadual 9) diantara lim
dalam seminggu. Dapatan kajian mendapati ti
terhadap TMK. (F (4,45) = 1.82, p = 0.14). D
ditolak, iaitu tidak terdapat perbezaan yang s
kategori kekerapan guru menggunakan TMK.
Seterusnya, kajian ini menjalankan ana
diantara lima kategori umur guru (Jadual 9).
signifikan kefahaman terhadap TMK. (F (4,45)
hkiepmoatehsiirsanHTOM5 Kdiatonltaakra. Ini menunjukkan bahaw
lima kategori kekerapan
menggunakan TMK dalam PdP Sejarah.
ur bagi Kreativiti Menggunakan TMK
Perbezaan Min P
0.95 0.01*
0.83 0.01*
0.75 0.04*
0.63 0.03*
patan daripada kajian Russell, Bebell, O’Dwyer
guru muda adalah lebih mahir menggunakan TMK
an aplikasi dan teknologi TMK yang terkini. Hal
g dengan guru yang lebih berusia. Menurut Baek,
berusia tidak bersedia untuk mengintegrasikan
u dan Sim (2008) mendapati bahawa guru yang
ih bersedia untuk mengaplikasikan TMK dengan
m pengajaran mereka. Situasi ini menunjukkan
oleh didedahkan bagaimana untuk menggunakan
dan Kreativiti Mengikut Kekerapan Guru
levene bagi menentukan keseragaman varians
nakan TMK. Nilai signifikan ujian levene bagi
sar daripada nilai signifikan (p > 0.05). Dapatan
egori kekerapan guru menggunakan TMK adalah
sud terdapat keseragaman varians diantara lima
ekerapan P
Levene 0.67
.27 0.29
sehala bagi menentukan perbezaan kefahaman,
ma kategori kekerapan guru menggunakan TMK
idak terdapat perbezaan signifikan kefahaman
sDiganpiafitkananindiamlamenykeebfaabhkaamnanhipToMteKsisanHtOar4a gagal
alisis anova sehala bagi menentukan kemahiran
Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat perbezaan
) = 3.99, p = 0.01). Dapatan ini menyebabkan
wa terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam
n guru menggunakan TMK.
Akhir sekali, hasil analisis anova sehala
lima kategori umur guru (Jadual 9). Dapatan k
kekerapan terhadap TMK. (F (4,45) = 2.88, p =
ditolak, iaitu tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signi
kekerapan guru menggunakan TMK.
Jadual 9:
Ujian Anova Sehala Kefahaman, Kekerapan, Kemah
Pembolehubah Kekerapan
Kefahaman Kurang daripada 5 jam
5-10 jam
10-15 jam
15-20 jam
Lebih daripada 20 jam
Kemahiran Kurang daripada 5 jam
5-10 jam
10-15 jam
15-20 jam
Lebih daripada 20 jam
Kreativiti Kurang daripada 5 jam
5-10 jam
10-15 jam
15-20 jam
Lebih daripada 20 jam
Petunjuk:, dk = (4,45), * signifikan pada p < 0.05
Bagi mengenal pasti perbezaan kemahir
ini menjalankan ujian post hoc LSD (Jadual
perbandingan kumpulan yang signifikan iaitu dia
dengan 24 - 29 tahun, 41- 45 tahun dengan 30 - 3
Berpandukan kepada nilai perbezaan mi
yang berumur 41 - 45 tahun adalah lebih mahir m
Jadual 10:
Ujian Post Hoc LSD Perbandingan Kumpulan Umu
Perbandingan Kumpulan
41- 45 tahun dengan 24 - 29 tahun
41- 45 tahun dengan 30 - 35 tahun
41- 45 tahun dengan 36 - 40 tahun
Petunjuk:* signifikan pada p < 0.05
Dapatan kajian ini konsisten dengan pe
bahawa semakin kerap individu menggunakan
dimiliki. Justeru, guru yang berusia 41- 45 tah
disebabkan oleh pengalaman mengajar yang me
kajian Lau dan Sim (2008) yang mendapati b
bersedia menggunakan TMK berbanding guru
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
a bagi menentukan perbezaan kreativiti di antara
kajian mendapati terdapat perbezaan signifikan
=if0ik.0a3n)d. aDlaampaktarneaitnivi imtieTnMyeKbaabnktaarnahliimpoateksaitseHgoOr6i
hiran dan Kreativiti Berpandukan kepada Kekerapan
Min Sp Nilai F P
3.80 0.58 1.82 0.14
3.69 0.62
3.87 0.60
4.29 0.44
4.33 0.59
3.45 0.43 3.99 0.01*
3.51 0.60
3.51 0.58
4.35 0.44
4.00 0.38
2.64 0.71 2.88 0.03*
2.84 0.57
2.61 0.77
3.57 0.59
3.00 0.25
ran antara lima kategori kekerapan guru, kajian
10). Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat tiga
antara guru yang berumur di antara 41 - 45 tahun
35 tahun dan 41 - 45 tahun dengan 36 - 40 tahun.
in terbesar, kajian ini merumuskan bahawa guru
menggunakan TMK dalam PdP.
ur bagi Kemahiran Menggunakan TMK
Perbezaan Min P
0.90 0.00*
0.84 0.00*
0.83 0.00*
endapat Ertmer et. al (2012) yang menyatakan
n TMK maka semakin tinggi kemahiran yang
hun dilihat mempunyai kemahiran dalam TMK
ereka miliki. Keadaan ini juga konsisten dengan
bahawa guru yang berpengalaman adalah lebih
u muda. Keadaan ini berlaku disebabkan oleh
Azhar Ahmad | Mohd Mahzan Awang
guru muda kurang mempunyai pengalaman me
kajian Wong dan Li (2008) yang menegaskan
penggunaan TMK di dalam kelas.
Bagi mengenal pasti perbezaan kreativ
ini menjalankan ujian post hoc LSD (Jadual
perbandingan kumpulan yang signifikan iaitu dia
dengan 36 - 40 tahun, 41- 45 tahun dengan 24 – 2
Berpandukan kepada nilai perbezaan min terbe
berumur 41 – 45 tahun adalah lebih kreatif meng
guru yang lebih muda.
Jadual 11
Ujian Post Hoc LSD Perbandingan Kumpulan Umu
Perbandingan Kumpulan
41- 45 tahun dengan 36 - 40 tahun
41- 45 tahun dengan 24 - 29 tahun
41- 45 tahun dengan 30 - 35 tahun
Petunjuk:* signifikan pada p < 0.05
Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahaw
kreatif menggunakan TMK berbanding guru ya
pengalaman mengajar yang dimiliki serta kema
konsisten dengan kajian Lau dan Sim (2008) dim
untuk menggunakan aplikasi TMK di dalam kelas
mempunyai sikap yang lebih positif didalam pe
dikenal pasti oleh Van Braak, Tondeur dan Valc
(2003) yang merumuskan bahawa sikap positif t
penggunaan TMK.
Aplikasi TMK diyakini dapat mening
ini sejajar dengan matlamat KPM untuk mengg
dinyatakan dalam PPPM. Namun begitu matlam
objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Hal ini boleh dik
perbezaan dalam penggunaan TMK mengikut d
dapatlah dirumuskan bahawa guru senior kuran
Guru lelaki pula dilihat lebih kerap menggun
perempuan. Selain itu, guru muda lebih kreatif
TMK bebanding guru berpengalaman. Perbeza
persepsi dan pendedahan kepada TMK. Dalam m
peranan dalam meningkatkan penguasaan gur
kajian ini hanya melibatkan bilangan sampel gu
sebenar yang berlaku di Malaysia. Justeru, kajia
besar adalah dialu-alukan. Kajian ini juga menca
banyak latihan dan kursus untuk meningkatkan t
kemudahan TMK di sekolah juga perlu diperting
TMK dan sekaligus menarik minat murid mengi
engajar. Dapatan kajian ini juga sejajar dengan
bahawa pengalaman mengajar mempengaruhi
viti antara lima kategori kekerapan guru, kajian
11). Dapatan kajian mendapati terdapat tiga
antara guru yang berumur di antara 41 - 45 tahun
29 tahun dan 41 - 45 tahun dengan 30 - 35 tahun.
esar, kajian ini merumuskan bahawa guru yang
ggunakan TMK dalam PdP berbandingan dengan
ur bagi Kreativiti Guru Menggunakan TMK
Perbezaan Min P
0.96 0.00*
0.92 0.00*
0.73 0.01*
wa guru yang berusia 41- 45 tahun adalah lebih
ang lebih muda. Hal ini disebabkan oleh faktor
ahiran PdP guru tersebut. Hasil kajian ini adalah
mana guru berpengalaman adalah lebih bersedia
s. Hal ini menyebabkan guru yang berpengalaman
engintegrasian TMK di dalam kelas seperti yang
cke (2014). Pendapat ini disokong oleh Schiller
terhadap penggunaan TMK akan mempengaruhi
gkatkan keberkesanan dalam proses PdP. Hal
galakan guru menggunakan TMK seperti yang
mat yang diinginkan oleh KPM tidak mencapai
kenal pasti pada dapatan kajian ini iaitu terdapat
demografi guru. Merujuk kepada dapatan kajian,
ng menggunakan TMK berbanding guru muda.
nakan TMK dlm PdP berbanding dengan guru
dan inovatif serta berkemahiran menggunakan
aan tersebut dilihat mungkin disebabkan oleh
masa yang sama prasarana TMK juga memainkan
ru menggunakan TMK. Walau bagaimanapun,
uru yang kecil dan tidak menggambarkan situasi
an lanjutan yang melibatkan sampel yang lebih
adangkan agar guru yang berusia diberikan lebih
tahap kemahiran menggunakan TMK. Selain itu,
gkatkan bagi menarik minat guru menggunakan
ikuti subjek Sejarah.
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SMK Orkid De
The current research looks at the reasons wh
adults are still weak in vocabulary acquisiti
a dilemma for all stakeholders. English is in
young generations’ ability to speak English
found to be the source of this phenomenon in
Finally, an implication and future recomme
further improve what is lacking in our langua
Keywords : 21st century, vocabulary, lea
The Ministry of Education of Malaysia
21st century skills with focus on thinking skills l
schools need to adapt and develop new ways o
world. Given the widespread availability of inf
find, interpret, and use information. These skills
at the global level. However, not having the adeq
makes our young generations fail to master the n
Vocabulary plays an indispensable role
However, according to Nation (2001), one o
language learners is acquiring an adequate voca
Malaysian ESL learners are still having an avera
limited vocabulary inventory. Asgari and Musta
and proficiency in the English language, learne
A frequent issue that is raised in a seco
the number of words that L2 learners need. Schm
one needed certain amount of vocabulary knowle
necessary for oral communication, 3000-5000 wo
for speech and 8000-9000 word families for a l
families is needed to attain school success and to
learners needs 15000-20000 words. In short, by
to meet the demand of language skills and comm
Similarly, Nation (2001) stated that vo
fundamental to tap language skills among lea
difficulties to understand the target language (A
(2000) estimated that word families around 3,
communication and to achieve comprehension o
vocabulary of most ESL learners is inadequately
vocabulary used in textbooks, materials or p
themselves orally and in writing. Kaur’s (2013
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
esa, Cheras, KL
hy Malaysian ESL learners especially young
ion despite being in the 21st century. This is
n demand in this era of globalization yet our
h is alarming. Many issues and matters are
n which this article will elaborate thoroughly.
endations for ESL teachers are proposed to
age classrooms.
arners, weak
a is assertive in developing students who have
living and career skills; and to make this happen
of teaching and learning that reflect a changing
formation today, students should know how to
are essential for Malaysian students to compete
quate language proficiency especially in English
necessary skills.
e in learning any languages, especially English.
of the biggest obstacles facing many English
abulary size. Ng and Ng (2013) stated that most
age knowledge in English language due to their
apha (2011) assert that to achieve competency
ers have to know words not in hundreds but in
ond language (L2) vocabulary acquisition is that
mitt (2008) asserts that to be an efficient learner,
edge. Schmitt claimed that 2000 word families is
ords for print materials, 5000-7000 word families
learner to read. Meanwhile, around 10000 word
o attain as L1 speakers of English proficiency, a
knowing adequate vocabulary, students are able
munication (Schmitt, 2008).
ocabulary size around 3,000 word families is
arners. Devoid of this threshold, students face
Alderson & Banerjee, 2002). Likewise, Schmitt
,000 is essential to achieve 96% of every day
of 83% while reading texts. However, the English
y wide enough to deal with the many particular
presentations. Many are incapable to express
3) finding revealed that learners’ word mastery
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
level is only between 1,000 and 3,000 words, wh
their tertiary education. According to Kaur (201
at least the knowledge of 20,000 word families
yearly if they are aspired to have native-like vo
second language learners acquire vocabulary th
in school, they are still incapable to seize adequa
knowledge across disciplines. Thornbury (2002
deficiency in vocabulary knowledge pointed out
very responsive to such problems” (p.13).
Various researches carried out in secon
the second language settings like Malaysia demo
state. Schools are facing constant problems in f
secondary and tertiary learners because learnin
the acquisition of thousands of words. Studies
Noor and Yunus (2008) and Norzanita Othman
have far below than the required vocabulary thr
Malek (2000) showed that Form Six students wh
(MUET) did not perform well in their speaking t
same words due to their insufficient knowledge o
(2004) on writing, Baftim (2005) on speaking a
skills, demonstrated low performances among
amongst other reasons such as poor reading habi
According to Ponnudurai and De Ryc
tertiary education lack vocabulary suitable for ac
(2007), Nambiar (2007) and Shaari (2008) prov
unable to comprehend lengthy sentences with co
knowledge. Further finding indicated that many
science at public as well as private colleges and
their technical words and explanation when the
Mustapha, 2011). According to Isa (2012), the co
settings because students who take technolo
minimum qualifications, especially in English l
and they experience low level of confidence wh
in English medium. Their deficiency in English
can gravely influence the students’ overall acade
that majority of Malaysian university students fa
passive vocabulary and active vocabulary. Mean
high-frequency words. This finding is further su
who mentioned that most Malaysian students w
knowledge that is crucial for academic writing
explanations on why secondary and tertiary s
adequate at their age and proficiency levels.
hich are far below the minimum level required for
13), a student going for tertiary education needs
and an ESL needs to cover 1,000 word families
ocabulary. Kaur too mentioned that even though
hrough explicit and implicit learning techniques
ate word knowledge to master literacy skills and
2) affirmed that learners who are in the state of
t that “vocabulary teaching has not always been
ndary schools and higher learning institutions in
onstrated that lack of vocabulary is in an alarming
fostering English vocabulary knowledge among
ng the language at any of these levels involves
s by Mathai, Jamian and Nair (2004), Sharif,
n (2009) revealed that Malaysian ESL students
reshold at their age and proficiency. A study by
ho sat for pre-Malaysian University English Test
test because they paused, hesitated and repeated
of vocabulary. Additionally, studies by Abdullah
as well as Kaur and Abdullah (2007) on reading
learners due to lack of vocabulary knowledge
its and lack of grammar knowledge.
cker (2012), Malaysian students who undergo
cademic writing purposes. Likewise Muhammad
ved that students in universities in Malaysia are
omplex words due to their insufficient vocabulary
y Malaysian students learning subjects related to
d universities encounter problems understanding
ey are delivered in English language (Asgari and
ondition is worse in the technical and vocational
ogical and vocational courses basically have
language. Students found it further complicated
hen they come across resources that are mostly
h language due to lack of vocabulary knowledge
emic success (Isa, 2012). Mokhtar (2010) found
ail to achieve passing levels on tests that measure
nwhile, their free essay-writing tasks were full of
upported by Ponnudurai and De Rycker (2012)
who enroll for tertiary education lack vocabulary
g purposes. Thus, it is necessary to probe for
students are lacking in vocabulary knowledge
This article presents why Malaysian E
knowledge even though they have been learning
tertiary education.
There are many reasons that lead to the d
and its mastery by ESL learners at their age an
out at secondary schools and higher learning in
Abdullah, 2008) showed that vocabulary deficie
to cope with listening, speaking, reading and writ
favoured activities by the educators as well as th
vocabulary exercises ranked fourth from the nin
classroom. Similarly, students listed vocabulary
preferred in their language classrooms (Kaur et.
‘vocabulary deficit’ in the language class” (Kaur
Secondly, according to Croft (1980) as
teaching becomes the main focus in many langu
vocabulary on their own with some or no guidan
(1998) that instructions on vocabulary have not be
the English language classrooms. In a traditional
grammar and vocabulary was only treated as a se
the 1970s with a shift towards a more communic
in the Malaysian classrooms today, where the c
in teaching and learning, the teaching of gram
teaching; thus, hindering students’ ability to exp
activities (Ibadurrahman, 2012). In spite of know
approach, explicit vocabulary instruction has no
students are given sole responsibility for learn
fact, the attitudes of teachers and students towar
second language have been found to be almost
that words are easy to learn and can be learnt ind
are difficult to learn and need to be taught explic
of vocabulary was regarded by many teachers a
unworthy of their full attention” (p. 274). For
found irrelevant and not given priority.
In Malaysian classrooms, students ar
vocabulary (Deni, Zainal & Mohamed, 2007). In
use indirect or implicit ways to teach vocabulary
able to acquire vocabulary automatically. Accor
to study vocabulary on their own, they use dicti
words. This finding is further supported by Asga
among Malaysian teachers to promote the use
new vocabulary on their own. However, both re
guessing strategy and discourage the use of the
learners actually do when they turn to a dictionar
tools to find the meaning of unknown words bu
Songhao (1997) advocated that learners lookin
read the text did not generate positive outcom
dictionary every time when a learner comes acr
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
ESL learners are not able to master vocabulary
g the language since early elementary up to their
disadvantages of not having adequate vocabulary
nd proficiency levels. Many researches carried
nstitutions in the ESL settings (Kaur, Othman &
ency mainly contributes to the learners’ inability
ting skills because vocabulary exercises are least
he learners. Hassan and Fauzee (2002) assert that
ne frequently used language activities in the ESL
y learning exercises as one of the last activities
.al, 2008). Therefore, “students are in a state of
r et al., 2008, p.92).
s well as Crookall and Oxford (1990) grammar
uage classrooms and students are left to acquire
nce. This finding is further supported by Nation
een steady and thorough as grammar teachings in
l ESL classroom, teaching focused on the rules of
econdary concern, but things began to change in
cative, learner-centered classroom. Nevertheless,
communicative approach has a central position
mmar is still given priority than the vocabulary
press what they intend to say in communicative
wing the underlying principle of communicative
ot been included in second language classes and
ning new vocabulary (Ibadurrahman, 2012). In
rds the teaching and learning of vocabulary in a
opposite (Coady 1997) where teachers believe
dependently meanwhile students think that words
citly. Coady (1997) emphasized that the teaching
and scholars as a “low level intellectual activity
this reason, explicit teaching of vocabulary is
re not directly taught ways to improve their
nstead, it is a common practice among teachers to
y in their classrooms as they assume students are
rding to Songhao (1997), when learners are left
ionary skills and contextual clues to acquire the
ari and Mustapha (2011), it is a common practice
of dictionaries so that their students can learn
esearchers and educators tend to encourage the
e dictionary because little is known about what
ry. The dictionary skills are taught to students as
ut unfortunately not utilized to learn new words.
ng up for unknown words before attempting to
mes. Songhao (1997) claims that rushing for a
ross a difficult word would not give permanent
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
impact on the learner’s skills or resources. Min
learners’ perspective who use bilingual dictionar
for learners from different language background
writing in English however Min advocates that
learners back from acquiring a sense or insight
for vocabulary they hardly know. Min (2013)
can be a hindrance to learners’ writing skills wh
vocabulary. This is because the focus of a biling
the use of the concerned words; and that vocab
also productively (Nation, 2008). Thus, vocabu
mastered by the learners in the ESL settings.
According Varatharajoo et al. (2015) a
the conduciveness of English language environm
students are not exposed to a productive Englis
opportunities to utilize English language not o
also of their schools. Generally, the students onl
lessons which is limited to 200 minutes per we
any better, with only six periods a week (30 m
activities in the target language. Meanwhile out
multilingual students do not use English langua
socialize. These Malay, Chinese and Indian stud
tongue to interact among them. Only a handful
even that is only among the high proficient stude
home, or outside the school vicinity. Especially, i
income groups, they neither use English languag
lack of knowledge and cultural dilemma.
Additionally, translation method has fu
knowledge among Malaysian ESL learners. M
languages such as Bahasa Malaysia generousl
common practice for many ESL teachers to use
through translation technique in their lessons. A
first languages are being used as much as 70%
high proficiency classes. Nevertheless, it is also
tongues in the last classes. There are many reas
ESL teachers in schools has resulted in deploy
Secondly, even some trained ESL teachers are
knowledge as well as confidence to teach the la
to comprehend the content or tasks completely w
lesson; and this in return will affect their exam
(Ali, 2003).
On top of these reasons, in a bigger pict
which of these approaches of learning vocabul
analysis of literature shows that vocabulary lear
two methods: vocabulary is either learned impl
intentionally (Varatharajoo, Asmawi & Abedal
vocabulary implicitly through indirect exposu
instruction in specific words and word-learning
learners are able to receive both types of learni
n (2013) on the other hand looked at bilingual
ry to learn and understand words. It is a practice
ds to use bilingual dictionaries while reading or
constant use of a bilingual dictionary may hold
t for words and paraphrasing skills to make up
further argues that when bilingual dictionaries
hen they are used as the only reference source to
gual dictionary is on the word translation and not
bulary should be learnt not only receptively but
ulary still remains as a skill that cannot be fully
and Ali (2003), what is lacking in Malaysia is
ment to promote the language itself. Malaysian
sh language environment where they are lack of
only inside and outside of their classrooms but
ly use the language during the English language
eek in secondary settings. For primary it is not
minutes each) to carry out teaching and learning
tside the classrooms, Malaysian multiracial and
age as their main language to communicate and
dents amongst others prefer to use their mother
l number of students use English to interact but
ents. Likewise, English is not extensively used at
if the parents are from the lower educational and
ge with their children nor teach them due to their
urther deprived the development of vocabulary
Most schools especially in rural areas use first
ly during English lessons (Ali, 2003). It is a
e Bahasa Malaysia or any other first languages
According to Ali (2003), it is evident that these
in the low proficiency classes, and 30% in the
o a common sight to see 100% usage of mother
sons for this practice. Firstly, the lack of trained
ying non-trained ESL teachers to teach English.
not proficient enough and lack of pedagogical
anguage. Third, low proficient students struggle
when English is used thoroughly throughout the
mination results, formative and summative alike
ture, there has been a long-running debate about
lary is more important, implicit or explicit. An
rning and teaching research basically talks about
licitly and incidentally, or taught explicitly and
laziz, 2014). Learners are expected to acquire
ure to words or intentionally through explicit
g strategies. Nevertheless, it is a fact that not all
ing strategies because they have different levels
of proficiency ranging from low to intermediate
argues that only first language learners learn voca
they read and listen extensively in their everyd
learn the same because they have fewer exposur
and Kucan (2002) pointed out that even learnin
contextual clues will not be effective as informa
or misleading due to their language inability.
Deni, Zainal and Mohamed (2007) caut
of meaning of unknown words through contextua
are unable to deduce the correct meaning of the v
vocabulary (Varatharajoo et al., 2014). Guessi
an essential strategy to vocabulary acquisition
benefits to the students (Deni et al., 2007). This
necessarily for L2 learners who have an inadequ
immerse in a rich-input learning context (Bintz
(2003) who asserts that due to an inadequate gra
less effective incidental learners of English voc
of proficiencies; especially low proficiency learn
learning vocabulary implicitly. Hu and Nation (
could only be guessed from the context if a stude
in the text.
On the other hand, several studies have
explicit vocabulary instruction is an effective wa
2014). Sokmen (1997) as well as Marzban and
teaching in a communicative approach emphasize
The National Reading Panel (2000) highlighted
for teaching vocabulary and recommended usi
vocabulary instruction. Thus, Baumann, Kame
instruction must therefore also include indirect
lots of new words and having them read a lot.
appreciation for words and experience enjoyme
2003). Kile (2013) maintained that exposing lear
them with a lifelong skill that can be used to incr
leave school (p. 5).
Kitchakarn and Choocheepwattana (201
approach in language teaching; and they suggest
the context; they also should teach vocabulary di
because it will help with the contextualization.
(2007) held the view that explicit instruction is c
and Choocheepwattana (2012) maintained that
to develop their word knowledge because learn
infer words meanings. Graves (2006) as well a
vocabulary instruction that combines explicit in
words and vocabulary learning strategies can cr
independently. Likewise, Kieffer and Lesaux (
learning to take place teachers need to know wh
be used to teach to learners so that in the end the
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
to high (Varatharajoo et al., 2014). Nagy (1997)
abulary best through incidental learning because
day life. L2 learners on the other hand may not
res to the language. Moreover, Beck, McKeown
ng vocabulary through implicit learning such as
ation retrieved by L2 learners is often too limited
tioned teachers who use the strategy of guessing
al clues. This is because majority of ESL students
vocabulary from context due to their very limited
ing meaning from context, though considered
(Nation, 1990) it brought more confusion than
strategy may be relevant for L1 learners but not
uate vocabulary size at their age and not able to
z 2011). This finding is further supported by Gu
asp of the target language skills, ESL learners are
cabulary and this applies to learners of all levels
ners who would experience twice the trouble in
(2000) argue that meaning of an unknown word
ent knows about 98% or more of the other words
e revealed that the combination of implicit and
ay for acquiring vocabulary (Varatharajoo, et al.,
Kamalian (2013) demonstrated that vocabulary
es implicit and incidental learning of vocabulary.
d that there is no single research-based method
ing a variety of direct and indirect methods of
e’enui and Ash (2003) propose that vocabulary
learning methods, such as exposing learners to
. Indirect learning helps learners to develop an
ent and satisfaction in their use (Baumann et al.,
rners vocabulary acquisition strategies “provides
rease their vocabulary repertoire” even after they
12) argued that it is not enough to employ single
t that ESL teachers, besides teaching words form
irectly and in sentences rather than a single item
. Thus, researchers such as Kieffer and Lesaux
crucial for vocabulary learning while Kitchakarn
teaching vocabulary directly helps L2 learners
ners can learn the strategy to decode words and
as Stahl and Nagy (2006) made a point that a
nstruction with a limited number of well-chosen
reate opportunities for learners to acquire words
(2007) stressed that for successful vocabulary
hich is the most efficient and effective strategy to
ey can learn words independently.
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
Current studies by the researcher on sec
that there is an issue that needed urgent attention
an extensive awareness of morphology and thei
their age level and proficiency especially in the s
This is because secondary school students in M
decode nor create complex vocabulary that are
and writing skills. Below are the summary findin
among secondary schools students from 2013 to
The study in 2013 investigated the effec
vocabulary development among ESL low profic
Asmawi & Abedalaziz, 2013). The students’ m
analytic word formation. The results of this study
the Morpheme Identification Test during the prete
analysis instruction the students performed relat
be an instruction of morphological analysis; so
analysis instruction to be more analytical.
In 2014, morphemic analysis awareness
setting was investigated (Varatharajoo, Asmawi
analysis awareness was assessed based on analy
tasks i.e. to measure their ability to reflect and ma
Results indicated that these students have lim
aspects. In fact, these students performed poorly
task. This finding implicates that there is a nee
create morphemic analysis awareness to improv
Another study was also done in 2014 (V
morphological knowledge among 110 mixed ab
male and female secondary school students. Mor
the students’ ability to decode morphological
Survey questionnaire was used to identify whe
strategy that can aid them in learning morphologi
indicated that these students have limited know
analyze morphologically complex words. Howev
the proposed strategy to learn morphological u
analysis strategy for students to acquire vocabul
In 2015, three studies were done on mo
study explored the awareness of morphemic k
ESL context. Two tests were used to measure
morphologically complex derived words in Eng
learners have modest ability in both tasks i.e. to r
derived words. In fact, students’ performance w
reflective task. The study suggests that explicit in
as a strategy to develop morphemic knowledge
adult learners (Varatharajoo, Asmawi & Abedala
The second study in 2015 examined the im
analysis awareness on 140 male and female low
condary schools students conclusively revealed
n, that is, secondary school students do not have
ir morphemic analysis abilities are not up to the
synthetic abilities compared to analytic abilities.
Malaysia are still lacking the ability to neither
extremely crucial for their text comprehension
ngs of seven studies on vocabulary development
o 2016.
ct of explicit teaching of morphemic analysis on
ciency secondary school students (Varatharajoo,
morphemic knowledge was assessed based on
y indicated that the learners’ performed poorly in
est. However, after an intervention of morphemic
tively significant. This implies that there should
o that students can benefit from the morphemic
s among secondary school students in an urban
& Abedalaziz, 2014). The students’ morphemic
ytic and synthetic aspects of morphemic analysis
anipulate morphemic units in English vocabulary.
mited awareness in both analytic and synthetic
y on the synthetic task compared to the analytical
ed for explicit teaching of morphology units to
ve their vocabulary acquisition.
Varatharajoo et al., 2014) which investigated the
bility (low, mediocre and advanced proficiency)
rphemic Analysis Test was employed to measure
units in English complex vocabulary. Opinion
ether the students are interested to learn a new
ical units to develop their vocabulary. The results
wledge of morphology as they lack the ability to
ver, the students expressed their interest to learn
units. The study thus recommended morphemic
lary effectively.
orphology and vocabulary acquisition. The first
knowledge among young adult learners in the
the students’ ability to reflect and manipulate
glish. The results demonstrated that young adult
reflect and manipulate morphologically complex
was poorer in manipulation task compared to the
nstruction on morphology units can be introduced
as well as vocabulary among Malaysian young
aziz, 2015).
mpact of inflectional and derivational morphemic
w achieving students. The students’ vocabulary
acquisition was assessed through two measure
Morphemic Test in the pretest and posttest before
ANCOVA revealed that both the experimental gr
Analysis Test and Vocabulary-Morphemic Test. H
higher score than the derivational group. Thus,
secondary school students performed better on
to derivatives. The results also showed that the aw
more on the vocabulary acquisition. Importantl
seen as a unique predictor for both morphemic a
proficiency secondary school students (Varathar
The third investigated whether Morph
bane on ESL students’ vocabulary learning st
experimental study was conducted with 106 low
experimental groups (inflectional and derivation
that ESL low proficiency secondary school stud
analysis awareness; however students’ inflection
awareness. Therefore, they could not achieve a
major pedagogical implication of the study is th
definite boon for ESL secondary school students
student’s derivational knowledge so that they ca
Varatharajoo (2016) mentioned that lea
ineffective especially among weak learners. He
students were not very successful in acquirin
through derivational morphemes.
The findings of all the morphological st
matching the right prefixes to appropriate root
parts of speech and ended up producing other new
of ESL learners can be attributed to the notion
transfer does take place between languages but
considered to bring negative effects. The reason
that the interference effects from the native or firs
language (L2). Ellis (1994) pointed out that acco
context; it is difficult to learn a second language
acquire the target language pattern. Ellis furthe
the target language depends on the condition or
to or dissimilar from the learner’s first language
language share some identical characteristics lea
and if they are of contradict then interference or
According to Carroll et al. (2003), phil
languages according to their morphology in the
languages are isolating, and have little to no morp
tend to have lots of easily separable morpheme
because their inflectional morphemes are fused
conveying multiple pieces of information (Carr
example of isolating language is Chinese; agg
English is of fusional language. Malaysia’s mult
diverse languages including various Malay, Chin
These language speakers (Malays, Chinese an
fourth and so on (Kachru, 2005). Naturally, the m
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
es: Morphemic Analysis Test and Vocabulary-
e and after an intervention programme. Results of
roups achieved a significant score in Morphemic
However, the inflectional group obtained a fairly
, the results indicated that ESL low proficiency
inflectional morphemic awareness as compared
wareness of inflectional morphology contributed
ly, inflectional morphemic knowledge could be
awareness and vocabulary gain among ESL low
rajoo et al., 2015).
hemic Analysis Awareness can be a boon or
trategy (Varatharajoo et al., 2015). The quasi-
w proficiency secondary school students in two
nal) and one control group. The results indicated
dents have improved these students’ morphemic
nal awareness improved more than derivational
significant score in the vocabulary test. Thus, a
hat morphemic analysis awareness strategy is a
s; and urgent attention must be given to improve
an acquire more vocabulary.
arning vocabulary through morphology seemed
er research revealed that weak upper secondary
ng vocabulary through morphology especially
tudies indicate that students often had problems
words. Some had problems differentiating the
w words by changing the suffixes. This disability
of language transfer. According to Nair (2013)
t in second language learning transfer has been
n behind this phenomenon of negative transfer is
st language (L1) of a learner who learns a second
ording to Behaviorist theories in second language
e because learners need to put in a lot of effort to
er demonstrated that the difficulty level to learn
r to the extent to which the language is similar
e. Ellis concluded that when the first and second
arning takes place easily through positive transfer
negative transfer ensues.
lologists devised a now classic classification of
e 19th century. According to this typology, some
phology; others are agglutinative, and their words
es; while others yet are inflectional or fusional,
d together. This leads to one bound morpheme
roll et al., 2003). In the context of this study an
glutinative languages are Tamil and Malay and
tiracial and multilingual nature offers a range of
nese and Tamil among other minority languages.
nd Indians) use English as their second, third,
morphology of Chinese, Malay and Tamil differs
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
substantially both from one other and also from E
are regarded as the first and second language, res
script; however English has a deep orthography
have a one to one correspondence) while Mala
one to one correspondence between graphemes a
only grapheme in Malay that has two different p
‘emak’ while English has many, for example, the
‘tough’. Secondly, Malay has little inflectional
and richer in derivational affixes however they a
be questioned whether or not learners who has a
this knowledge to help them learn a second lang
Lai (2005) claimed that most second la
that paid insufficient attention to vocabulary a
vocabulary teaching in their classrooms. Accor
(1990), most of language teachers have an idea t
of itself” (p.1); thus reflecting that vocabulary tea
the second language setting (Zimmerman, 1997).
are not favoured in many language classrooms a
themselves grew up in the grammar-mediated c
hanging on to conventional methods whereby st
rather than the teachers putting emphasis on wor
Vocabulary development was approached as som
memorizing decontextualized word lists (Jue X
locally; albeit vocabulary teaching was introduce
but still little emphasis is given to the teaching
(Deni et al., 2007). It is a reality that students in t
English for about a decade or more cannot even
views, ideas, thoughts and feelings. They have h
memorization from their teacher’s note or comm
would totally be authoritative and the exposure
purposes, not on practical and real life situations
According to Deni et.al (2007), vocabu
Malaysian students since it does not focus on ex
result in an increase of vocabulary knowledge
requirements that must be met with appropriate s
taught (Hansen, 2006). Similarly, there is a contra
and practice in ESL settings (Ali, 2003). As a res
bored, discouraged, becoming inattentive and pe
It is also imperative to understand nume
learning environment, educational and socioeco
an instruction that is successful for some and un
(1994) argued that the effectiveness of any lang
factors. Ellis made a distinction between the foll
i. individual learner differences, inclu
ii. situational and social factors, such
and gender.
English. For example, Malay and English which
spectively, in Malaysia have the same alphabetic
(where graphemes and phonemes do not always
ay has a transparent orthography (has almost a
and phonemes) (Nair, 2013). The letter ‘e’ is the
pronunciations namely /∂/ and /e/ like ‘ekor’ and
e phoneme /f/ has two realizations like ‘fish’ and
morphology compared to the English language
are generally polysyllabic in nature. Thus, it can
a good grounding in their first language can use
anguage learners have been taught by methods
and most teachers chose to continually neglect
rding to Elley and Mangubhai (1981) in Nation
that “vocabulary learning can be left to take care
aching and learning is gravely underestimated in
. According to Lai (2005) vocabulary instructions
and further neglected because in the past teacher
classrooms. Lai too noted that teachers are still
tudents are left to learn vocabulary on their own
rkable vocabulary learning strategies instruction.
me kind of auxiliary activity and, often through
Xia, 2010). This scenario is very much mirrored
ed since the first English syllabus was revamped
g of vocabulary in Malaysian classrooms today
the local education institutions who have studied
n produce a simple narrative or put across their
hard time when writing essays and resort to rote-
mercial guide-books. Most of the time the classes
of the target language is based on examination
ulary learning becomes a frustrating process for
xposing the students to workable ways that may
e. This is because ESL students have different
strategies so that they can understand what being
adiction between policy, pedagogical knowledge
sult of these mismatches, students are becoming
erforming rather poorly in tests and assessments.
erous variables such as learners’ characteristics,
onomic backgrounds to avoid the occurrence of
nsuccessful for other learners (Zare, 2012). Ellis
guage instruction is practically reflected in many
lowing two broad categories of factors (pp. 540-
uding age and ability level, learning styles;
h as the learning setting, social economic status,
As mentioned by Vygotsky (1978), it is c
learning situation. First, gender differences have
learning strategy. Gu (2002) found gender is ofte
vocabulary learning strategies. Males and femal
of vocabulary strategies used with females bein
males. In addition, female learners use vocabu
their language learning in comparison with male
studies also have produced inconsistent results
predictor of variation in the knowledge and use
by educators in their classrooms.
Second, the difference in teaching le
educational implications because teaching low
consequences (Marttinen, 2008). Vygotsky argu
their competency in language, as evidenced by
alphabet, words, listening, speaking, and writing
(1978), in the concept of ZPD, neither the task d
should be too far in advance of their current lev
tasks that are not challenging enough, or that ar
then only they will learn. This is important for
teaching heterogeneous groups and gain insight
Third, socio-economic status (SES) fo
flexible, adaptive approach in order to support le
that families of the low and high income provid
children that lead to different pace in individ
Marchman & Weisleder, 2012). Parents in high
stimulation and parents of low-income families
that before they entered kindergarten, children in
were 60% above those in the lowest group in re
learners’ cognitive performance at kindergarten
were significantly greater than those associat
Therefore it is important for teachers to underst
many factors. It is critical to consider what the i
offer hope for solutions through appropriate lear
As a final point, adolescents and adults
they have passed the age where they can pick up la
(Subramaniam, 2015). Learners are not able to
when they reach at a certain age (Subramaniam, 2
ones need conscious learning strategy where the
present so that an effective language acquisition
Due to the less effectiveness of the v
vocabulary and practices in previous Malaysian
teachers must recognize ESL students’ requirem
nature; and they should embark on an alternat
The new strategy should enable Malaysian ESL
to improve their vocabulary that would empow
language. It also should aim at making students
learnt words and use these words productively w
in the second language. As Kaur, Othman and
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
critical to consider what the learners bring to the
e been found in the way in which learners use the
en seen as one of the major factors that influence
les differ significantly with regard to the number
ng the ones using more different strategies than
ulary learning strategies more often to promote
e learners (Marttinen, 2008). However, empirical
s on this factor (Gu, 2002). Thus, gender as a
of learning strategies deserves a great attention
earners with different abilities has important
w and high proficiency learners has different
ued that children’s learning is most affected by
y their competence of sign systems such as the
(Gauvain & Cole, 1997). According to Vygotsky
difficulty nor the guidance given to the learners
vel of ability. Learners should be presented with
re too complicated according to their ability and
English teachers to overcome the challenge of
into the effect of language proficiency (Nemati,
orms a rather heterogeneous class, requiring a
earners optimally (Vygotsky, 1978). It is argued
de different support, care and education for their
dual learners’ language development (Fernald,
h-income families provided the most language
s provided the least. Fernald et al. (2012) stated
n the highest SES-quintile group had scores that
eading achievement. Moreover, the disparities in
n entry that were attributable to SES differences
ted with race/ethnicity (Fernald et al., 2012).
tand how to assist learners who are different in
individual brings to the learning situation and to
rning strategy.
are no more natural language acquirers because
anguage without conscious learning like children
o use their innate language-learning strategies
2015). These learners especially low proficiency
e right context, support and opportunity must be
n can take place (Subramaniam, 2015).
various approaches to the teaching of English
classrooms and ESL setting as a whole, English
ments; discover the problems and perceive their
tive vocabulary teaching and learning strategy.
L students who grow up in multilingual settings
wer them to be more autonomous in learning the
s to be aware of skill that they can store newly
which are necessary for effective communication
d Abdullah (2008) asserted, it is necessary for
Dr. Chandrakala Varatharajoo
learners to adopt strategies that work and have a
knowledge. This is important because learners m
of their learning processes so that they can beco
Thus, this research proposes that in fut
best for learners who comprise of different bac
tremendous need for more vocabulary instruction
that learners need to learn on average around 2,0
reading vocabularies (Beck, McKeown & Kucan
the best kinds of teaching and learning strategi
(Morin, 2003):
Nation (2006) emphasized that vocabul
able to take control of their learning and be re
and actions can have an impact on the learners’
recommended five principles of vocabulary learn
i. vocabulary learning should shift
purposes vocabulary to low frequen
ii. high frequency vocabulary and sp
across all the fields of teaching a
given to their meaning-focused inp
learning, and fluency improvement
iii. teachers should focus on low freque
words from context, using word pa
iv. learning activities are designed to
which can be done through retrie
devices where appropriate.
v. guidance is given to learners to take
It is hoped that the present research ca
learners’ language learning and serve as a tool for
in the field of vocabulary learning and teaching
a positive attitude in developing their vocabulary
must assume more responsibility and be in control
ome autonomous learners.
ture, there should be awareness on what is the
ckgrounds. Nation (2001) stated that there is a
n at all grade levels by teachers. He further noted
000 to 3,000 new words a year to improve their
n, 2002). Consequently, teachers need to engage
ies to promote learners’ vocabulary acquisition
lary learning is most effective when learners are
esponsible towards it. Therefore teachers’ roles
approach towards their learning. Nation (2006)
ning and teaching which include:
from high frequency vocabulary and special
ncy vocabulary.
pecial purposes vocabulary should be a focus
and learning vocabulary where the attention is
put, meaning-focused output, language-focused
ency vocabulary with strategies such as guessing
arts, and/or dictionary.
o promote thoughtful processing of vocabulary
eval, generative use, and the use of mnemonic
e responsibility for their own vocabulary learning.
an offer a helpful insight into the world of ESL
r the teachers to develop their teaching especially
in the ESL context in this 21st century.
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