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Published by anabintiwalid, 2022-04-05 01:44:28

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 - [email protected]

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 -

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Lavandin Lavender

Medical Properties: Antibacterial, anti[ungal Lavender ftavand u ta ang ustifat ia)
Uses: Lavandin is a stronger antiseptic than
The French scientist Rend Gattefossd was the
lavender (Lauandula angustifolia). lts greater 6rsr to discover lavenderi abiliry ro promore rissue
penetrating qualities make it well suited regeneration and speed wound healing when he
to help with respiratory, circulatory, and severely burned his arm in a laboratory explosion.
muscular conditions. Howeveq its camphor Today, lavender is one ofthe few essential oils to
content invalidates its use to soothe burns. srill be listed in the British Pharmacopoeia.
Fragrant lnfluence: Similar calming effects as Medical Properties: Anriseptic, antifungal, an-

lavender algesic, antitumoral, anticonvulsant, vaodilat-
ing, reluant, anti-infammatory reduces blood
Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up to t hour 3 latlcholesterol, combats excess sebum on skin
Uses: Respiratory infections, high blood
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply pressure, arteriosclerosis, menstrual problems/
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita PMS, skin conditions (perineal repair, acne,
Flex points. Dilution not required except for eczema, psoriasis, scarring, stretch marks),
the mosr sensitive skin. burns, hair loss, insomnia, nervous tension
Caution: Avoid using for burns; instead, use Fragrant lnfluence: Calming, reluing, and
pure lavender (Lauandula anguxifo lia). balancing, both physically and emotionally.
Lavender has been documented to improve
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae; concentration and mental acuiry
Plmt Origin: France; Extraction Method: Universiry of Miami researchers found that
Steam distilled from the flowering top; Key inhalation of lavender oil increased beta waves
Constituents: Linalyl acetate (25-18o/o), in the brain, suggesting heightened relaxation.
Linalol (24-)f o/o), Camphor (6-8.50/o), It also reduced depression and improved
cognitive performance A 2001 Osaka Kyoiku
1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (4-8%), Borneol University study found that lavender reduced
(1.5-3.5o/o), Terpinen-4-ol (1.5-5o/o), mental stress and increased alertness.
Lavandulyl Acetare (1 .5 -3. 5o/o)


Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 I

times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply ,O
2-4 d,rops on location, chakras, and/or Vira
Flex poinrs. Dilution nor required excepr for t- C
the most sensitive skin. I
Caution: Tiue lavender is often adulterated with o
hybrid lavender (lavandin), syntheric linalol I o
and linalyl acetate, or synrhetic fragrance o
chemicals like ethyl vanillin. *
Lavender VitalityrM t,

( Lavan d u Ia ang u st ifo I i a ) ,
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
Take 3 times daily.
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae;
Plant Origin: Urah, Idaho, France; Take as a dietary supplement. Topical:
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
fowering top; Key Constituents: Linalyl Dilute 1 drop essenrial oil wirh I drop V-6 or
Acetate (21-47o/o), Linalol (2J-46o/o), Cis-
other pure carrier oil and applv on location,
Beta-Ocimene ( 1 -8olo), TlanrBeta-Ocimene chakras. and/or Vira Flex points.
(1-50lo), Terpinen-4-ol (1-8o7o); ORAC: 360 Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Ericaceae;
pTE/100g Plmt Origin: North America (Canada);
Extraction Method: Steam disrilled from
Ledum ( R hocl odend ru m g roenl and icu m ) flowering tops; Key Constituents: Limonene
(l 0-40o/o), Cis-Para-Mentha- 1 (7),8-dien-8-ol
Known colloquially as "Labrador tea," Iedum (l - 1 2o/o), Tians-Para-Menrha- 1 (7),8-dien-8-ol
has been reclassified from the genus Ledum and (2-80lo), Alpha-Selinene (4-20o/o), Trans-Para-
is now classified as Rhododendrum groenlandicum. Mentha- 1,3,8-Tiiene (2-7 o/o)
It is a strongly aromatic herb that has been used
for centuries in folk medicine. The native people Lemon (Citrus limon)
ofEastern Canada used this herb for tea, as a
general tonic, and to treat a variery ofkidney- Lemon oil has been widely used in skin care to
related problems. Ledum has helped protect the cleanse skin, reduce wrinkles, and combat acne.
narive people of Norrh America againsr scuruy Lemon peel was used as an antiseptic, carminarive,
for more than 5,000 years. The Cree used it for diuretic, eupeptic, a vrocular stimulant and pro-
fevers and colds. tector, and as a vitaminic (Arias, et al., 2005). It is
Medica! Properties: Anti-infl ammatory, also used as a flavorant for cleaning, cooking, and
treating scutry and a variery ofother ailments.
antitumoral, antibacterial, diuretic, liver- Medical Properties:Antitumoral, anriseptic,
Uses: Liver problems/hepatitis/fatry liver, improves microcirculation, immune stimulant
obesiry water retention (may increme white blood cells), improves mem-
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes ory reluation; rich in limonene, which hm been
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for
its abiliry to combar rumor growth
80 Uses: Circulatory problems, arteriosclerosis,

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obesiry parasites, urinary tract infections, Lemong rass I Cym bopogon f/exuosr/s/

varicose veins, anxiery hypertension, digestive Lemongrass is used for purification and diges-

problems, acne tion. Historically it was used for hypertension,

Fragrant lnfluence: It promotes clariry of inflammation, as a sedative, and for treatment of

thought and purpose with a fragrance that is fevers and digestion. In a 2008 study, 91 single

invigoraring, enhancing, and warming. essential oils were tested against MRSA (Methicil-

A Mie Universiry study found that citrus ltn-resistant Stap lrylococcus aureus) and lemongrass.

fragrances boosted immuniry induced The study found that "Remarkably, lemongrass es-

reluation, and reduced depression (Komori, sential oi[ completely inhibited all MRSA growth

. et al., 1995). on the plate" (Chao S, et al., 2008).

Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour 3 Medical Properties: Antifungal, antibacterial,

times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 antiparasitic, anti-infl ammatory regenerates

drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or orher pure connecrive tissues and ligaments, dilates blood

carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, vessels, improves circulation, promotes lymph

chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs. flow, anticancerous. Several research articles

Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry document strong antifungal and antibacterial

Lemon VitalityrM (Citrus lmon) properties of lemongrass.
Uses: Bladder infecrion, respiratory/sinus
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
Tlke 3 times daily or as needed. infecrion, digestive problems, parasites. torn
ligamenrs/muscles, fl uid rerenr ion, varicose
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Rutaceae; veins, salmonella, candida
Plant Origin: California, Italy; Extraction Fragrant lnfluence: Promotes psychic
Method: Cold pressed from rind. It takes awareness and puri6cation
3,000 lemons to produce 1 kilo of oil; Key
Constituents: Limonene (59 -7 3o/o), Gamma- Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3
Terpinene (6-120/o), Beta-Pinene (7 - 1 60/o), times daily or directly inhaie. Topical Dilute

Alpha-Pinene (1.5 -3o/o), Sabi nene (1 .5 - 3o/o) ; 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or other
ORAC:660 pTE/100g pure carrier oil and apply l-2 drops on loetion,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.


\ ,_ I- o

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Lemon [,4yrtle Lime

Lemongrass VitalityrM Medical Properties: Antiseptic, antimicrobial, L
antifirngal, anti-infl ammarory central neruous L
(Cymbopogon flexuosus) system stimulant
Directions: Dietarr4 Dilute I drop wirh I drop \
Uses: Weight loss, respiratory/sinus inFection,
ofcarrier oil. Put in a capsule and take up to 3 treatmenr ol MCV (nrolltrscum conragiosun: L
virus) in children
I times daily.
Technica! Data: Botmical Family: Poaceae; Fragrant lnfluences: Uplifring and
Plant Origin: India, Guatemala; Extraction invigorating, lemon myrtle's lresh and sweer
Method: Steam distilled from herb/grass; Key lemon scent encourages follow-through wirh
Constituents: Geranial (35 -42 Vo), Geraniol
(1.5-8Vo), Neral (25-35olo), Geranyl Acetate goals.
(1-60lo); ORAC: 1,780 pTE/100g
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Lemon Myrtle (Backhausia citriadora) 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilure
I drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or other
The aboriginal people ofAustralia valued pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras,
Iemon myrtlet flavor in cooking, calling it "bush and/or Vita Flex points.

food." It is also known u the "queen of lemon Technical Data: Botmical Family: Myrtaceae;
herbs." Lemon myrtle can replace lemon in milk- Plmt Origin: Ausrralia; Exraction Method:
Steam distilled from leaves; Key Constituents:
based foods, as it does not have lemon's curdling Ceranial (4J-60o/o), Neral (30-45%); ORAC:
problems. Lemon myrtle was also widely used as 2368 pmoleTE/gram

a healing plant. It is the highest natural source ol Lime lCitrus tatifotia or C. aurantifolia)
the constituent citral. Since cirral, consisting of
Primarily used in skin care and in supporting
isomers geranial and nera1, has a srrong and sweet and strengthening the respiratory and immune
lemon scent, lemon myrtle continues ro be valued
in perfumery It is used in health care and cleaning systems.
products such as soaps, shampoos, and lotions.
Lemon myrtle is cultivated in Queensland and the Medical Properties: Antirheumatic, anriviral,
north coast ofNew South'Wales, Australia. antibacterial


Uses: Skin conditions (acne, herpes), insect \-
bites, respiratory problems, decongests the
lymphatic system, weight loss i)

Directions:Aromatic Dilfuse up to 30 minutes tl l
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilure
1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras,
and/or Vita Flex points.

Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.

Lime VitalityaM lCitrus aurantifotia) Ff

Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with I drop l\,4andarin

oFV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a capsule Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro 'l hour 3
and take up to 3 times daily. times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take as
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Rutaceae; a dietary supplernent. Topical: Dilutc 1 drop
essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure
PlmtOrigin: C. latifolia: Mexico, C carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on locarion,
chakras. and/or Vira Flex points.
aarantifo lid Swingle: Southeast Asia;
Extraction Method: Cold expression Caution: Possible sun sensiriviry.
from the rind ofthe unripe fruit; Key Technical Data: Botmical Family: Rutaceae;
Constituents: Limonene (42-50o/o), Gamma-
Terpinene (8- 1 I o/o), Beta-Pinene (1 8 -24o/o) ; Plmt Origin: Madagascar, Italy; Extraction
ORAC: 26,200 ;rTE/ 100g Method: Cold pressed from rind; Key
Constituents: Limonene (65-7 5o/o), Gamma-
Mandarin ( Citrus reticu lata ) Terpinene (1 6-220/o), Alpha-Pinene (2-3%),
Beta-Pinene (1.2-2o/o), Myrcene (1.5 -2ok) ;
This fruit was traditionally given to Imperial ORAC:26,500 pTE/100g
Chinese olficials named the Mandarins.
Medical Properties: Lighr anrispasmodic, diges- Manuka ( Leptospermu m scopan u m )

tive tonic (digestoid), antifungal, and srimu- Similar to tea tree oil but warmer, richer,
lates the gallbladder; rich in limonene, which and milder, manuka oil ha long been used in
has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical the treatment ofskin, foot, and hair problems.
studies for its abiliry to combat rumor srowrh Like rea tree oil, it is antibacterial, antiviral, and
Uses: Digesrive problems, fluid retention, antifungal, so it can help in eliminating a wide
insomnia, anxiery intestinal problems, skin variery ofproblems. Some research suggests
problems (congested and oily skin, scars, that Manuka essential oil may be more potent
acne), stretch marks (when combined with in fighting bacteria and fungi than tea tree oil.
either Jasmine, Lavender, Sandalwood, and/or "Manuka' is the Maori name for the bushy tree
Frankincense) from which the oil is produced.
Fragrant lnfluence: Appeasing, gentle, Medical Properties: Antibacrerial, antifungal,
promotes happiness. A Mie Universiry
study found that citrus fragrances boosted anti-inf ammatory, anti-acne. Although
immuniry, induced relaxation, and reduced
depression (Komori, et al., 1995). 83

\-l t



LI I o


Manuka Marjoram

research is ongoing, many believe Manuka Marjoram (O rigan u m majoran a) L
has potential in fighting antibioric-resisranr L
organisms, such as MRSA. A leading German Marjoram was known as the "herb of L
aromatherapist reporrs rhat the Manuka happiness" to the Romans and "joy ofthe L
aroma is psychologically very beneficial for mountains" to the Greeks. It was believed
people who suffer from stress and anxiery. Its to increase longeviry Listed in Dioscorides'
skin-healing properties are exceprional. De Materia Medica (AD 78), Europe's 6rst
Uses: Skin infections, acne, bedsores, mild aurhoritative guide to medicines, which became
sunburn, fungal infections, itching, respiratory the standard reference work for herbal treatmenrs
infections, sore rhroats, pain relief in muscles for over 1,700 years. It was listed in Hildegard's
and ioinrs. arhleres loot and ringworm, Medicine, a compilarion of early German
dandruff, body odor, cold sores, dermatitis, medicines by highly regarded Benedictine
rhinitis, tonsillitis, stress relieI sleep aid herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1 179).
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes Medical Properties: Its muscle-soothing
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Apply 2-4 drops on desired area 1-3 times properties help relieve body and joint
daily or direcdy inhale. Dilution not required
except for the most sensitive skin. discomfort. May also help soothe the digestive
Technical Data: Botmicd Family: Myrtaceae; tract and is a general relaxant. Antibacterial,
Plant Origin: New Zealand and Australia; anrifungal, vasodilaror, lowers blood pressure,
Extraction Method: Srem distillation promotes intestinal perisralsis, expectorant,
ofchopped leaves and small stems; Key mucolytic.
Constituents: Leptospermone ( 1 6- I 9olo), Tiany Uses: Arthritis/rheumatism, muscle/nerve pain,
Calamenene (12- I 60/o), Flavesone (2-8%), headaches, circulatory disorders, respirarory
Isoleptospermone (4-7 o/o), Npha-Copaene (3- infections, menstrual problems/PMS, fungal
60/o), Cadena- 3,5 -diene (3-7olo), Al p ha-Seli nene infections, ringworm, shingles, sores, spasms,
(2-5%); ORAC: 106,200 pTE/l00g and fluid retention
Fragrant lnfluence: Assists in calming the
84 nerves

Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro 30 minutes
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take

as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute 1
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on
location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.

Marjoram VitalityrM (origanu m (r

malorana) Mastrante

Directions: Dietary: Dilute I drop with 1 drop Directions:Aromatic: Difiuse up to .30 rrinutes
3 times daily or direcrlv inhale. Topical: Dilute
ofcarrier oil. Put in a capsule and rake up to 3 I drop essential oil with 1 drop V-(r or other
times daily or as needed. pure carrier oil and appll, on location. chakrirs,
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae; and/or Vita Flex points.
Plant Origin: France, Egypt; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key Technical Data: Botanical Family:
Constituents: Terpinen-4-ol (20-33o/o), Verbenaceae; Plant Origin: Ecuador;
Gamma-Terpinene (10-17%), Linalol + Extaction Method: Steam distilled From
Cis-4-Thujanol (4-260/o), Alpha-Terpinene leaves; Key Constituents: Carvone (35 -50o/o),
(6-100/o), Alpha-Terpineol (2-70lo), Sabinene Limonene (20-30o/o), Cermacrene D (10-
(4-90lo); ORAC: 130,900 pTE/100g 17%), Alpha-Bourbonene (1-30,/o), Camphor

Mastrante ( Lippia atba) (O.J-2o/o)

The plant Mastrante (Lippia alba) was given Melaleuca Alternifolia
its botanical name by the Scottish boranist
Philip Miller (1691-1771) and the British plant (See Tea Tiree)
tuonomist N.E. Brown (1849-1934). As a
result, in scienrific literature ftislistedas: "Lippia Melaleuca Ericifolia

alba (Miller or Mill.) N.E. Brown." In Brazil, it ( 4,4 el al e u ca eric ifo Ii a )
The Aboriginal people ofAustralia used the
is called "sua cidreira do campo,"which means
"lemon balm of the field." The aromatic shrub bark of Melaleuca Ericifolia as roofing for their
grows in southern Texas, Mexico, the Caribbean, shelters and for blankets and paintings. Oil from
and Central and Sourh America. the leaves was used for medicine .
Medical Properties: Powerful antibacterial,
The leaves ofMastrante are used to flavor
foods, most notably mo[6 sauces from Ouaca, antifu ngal, antiviral, antiparasitic. anri-
Mexico. In folk medicine it is known as a inflammatory
sedative, an antidepressanr, and a pain-reliever. Uses: Herpes virus, respiratory/sinus infections
Medical Properties: Anti-endida agent,
Directions: Aromatic! Diffuse up to I hour 3
antioxidant, analgesic, antibacterial, anriviral,
antifungal, antispasmodic
Uses: Coughs, bronchitis, migraine headaches in
women, vasorelaxant for hearr disetre
Fragrant lnfluence: This earthy aroma is
grounding and calming.


- I

times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Tlke as Melissa
a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Dilute 1 drop
essential oil with I drop V-6 or orher pure
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
temples, wrists, throat, face, chesr, chakras,
and/or Vita Flex points.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Myrraceae;
Plant Origin: Australia; Extraction Method:
Steam distilled from leaves and branches;
Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (5- 100/o),
1,S-Cineole + Beta-Phellandrene (l 8-28%),
Alpha-Terpineol (l-5%), Para-Cymene (1-
60lo), Linalol (34-45o/o), Aromadendrene (2-
6%); ORAC: 61, I 00 pTE/100g

Melaleuca Quinquenervia Melissa ( 1,4 e I issa off ici nat is ) L
(Niaouli) ( t\,4e tateuca vi rid iftara) L
(Ako known as lemon balm)
A brew from the bruised leaves of Mekleuca Anciently, melissa was used for nervous L
quinqueneruia was used by Aboriginal people
in Australia for colds, headaches, and other disorders and many different ailments dealing L
with the heart or the emotions. It was also L
sicknesses. used ro promote ferriliry Melissa was the main L
ingredient in Carmelite water, distilled in France
Medical Properties: Male hormonelike, L
anti-inf ammatory, anribacterial, antiviral, since l61l by the Carmelite monks.
and antiparasiric (amoeba and parasites in \
the blood), vasodilating, skin penerration The Universiry of Maryland Medical Center
enhancer (hormones) writes that Melissa "was used as far back as
the Middle Ages ro reduce stress and anxiery
Uses: Hyperrension, urinary tract/bladder promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain
infections, respiratory/sinus infections, and discom[orr from indigestion."

allergies An old Arabian proverb states, "Balm makes
the heart merry and.joyful," which mav be why
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up ro I hour Avicenna advocated the use oflemon balm in
treating depression and anxiery.
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop essenrial oil with 1 drop V-6 or Recent studies document its antiviral acriviries
other pure carrier oil and apply on location, and memory and learning benefits.
chakras. and/or Vira Flex poinrs. Medica! Properties: Anti-infl ammatory,
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Myrtaceae;
Plmt Origin: Australia, New Caledonia; antiviral, reluant, hypotensive, anti-oxidarive,
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from antitumoral
leaves and wigs; Key Constituents: Uses: Viral infections (herpes, etc.), depression,
1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (55 -7 5o/o), Npha- anxiery insomnia
Pinene (5-l2olo), Limonene (1-9olo), Beta- Fragrant lnfluence: Brings out gentle character-
Pinene (1-5%), Viridiforol (2-60lo); ORAC: istics within people. Ir is calming and uplifting
18,600 gTE/100g and balances emotions. It removes emotional
blocks and instills a positive oudook on life.

Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 T1

times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put 2 lvlountain Savory
drops in a capsule and take 3 times daily or as
needed. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directly to Medical Properties: Strong antibacrerial,
affected area as needed or on chakras and/or anrilungal. antiviral, antiparasitic. immurre
Vita Flex points. Dilution not required except stimulant. anti-inflammatory action
for extremely sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botanicd Family: Uses:Viral infections (herpes, HIV etc.),
Lamiaceae; Plmt Origin: Utah, Idaho,
France; Extraction Method: Steam distilled scoliosis/lumbago/back problems
from aerial parts before fowering; Key
Constituents: Geranial (25-35o/o), Neral ( 1 8- Fragrant lnfluence: Revitalizes and stimulates
28o/o), Beta-Caryophyllene ( I 2- 1 9%) ; ORAC: the nervous system. It is a powerful energizer
134,300 pTE/100g and motivator.

Micromeria ( A,4 ic ro me ri a f ruticosa) Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up to 10 minutes
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Micromeria is found in Israel and in the Dilute I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or
eastern Mediterranean. It is known in folk other pure carrier oil and apply on location,
medicine as having anti-infl ammarory properries chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs.
and for digestive support.
Medical Properties: Anti-inf ammatory, Mountain Savory VitalityrM

gastroProrecrive (Satureja montana)
Uses: Stomach upsets Directions: Dietary: Dilure 1 drop with 4

Fragrant lnfluence: Revitalizes and refreshes drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a
the mind capsule and take 1 daily or as needed.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae;
Directions: Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil Plant Origin: France; Extraction Method:
with 4 drops V-6 or other pure carrier oil and Steam distilled from fowering plant; Key
apply 2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Constituents: Carvacrol (22-35o/o), Thymol
Vita Flex points. (1 4-24o/o), Gamma-Terpinene (8- 1 5%),
Caruacrol Methyl Ether (4-)o/o), Betr-
Caution: Contains high levels ofpulegone. Do Caryophyllene (3-7olo); ORAC: 1 1,300
not use ifpregnant or trying to conceive. pTE/100g

Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae;
Plant Origin: Israel; Extraction Method:

Steam distilled from leaf, stem, and flower;
Key Constituents: Pulegone (50-65Vo),
Menthol (7 - l2o/o), Beta-Caryophyllene (3-
9olo), Isopulegol (3-6%), Menthone (1-5o/o),
Neomenthol (1-Jolo)

Mountain Savory gatureja montana)
Mountain Savory has been used historically a

a general tonic for the body.




l\,4yrrh Myrtle

Myrrh ( Cammi phara myrrha) DirectionslAromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3

It is mentioned in one of the oldesr known times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Applv
medical records, the Ebers Papyrus (daring from 2-4 drops on loc;rtion, chakrrrs, ;rnd/or Vitir
16th century BC), an ancient Egyptian list of Flex poinrs. Dilurion not required except fbr
877 prescriptions and recipes. The Arabian the most sensirive skin.
people used myrrh for many skin conditions, Technical Data: Botanical Family:
such as chapped and cracked skin and Burseraceae; Plmt Origin: Somalia;
wrinkles. Ir was iisted in Hildegard's Medicine, Extraction Method: Steam distilled From
a compilation of early German medicines by gum/resin; Key Constituents: Lindestrene (7,
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard 'I 670), Curzerene (9 -32o/o\, Furanoendesma-
ofBingen (1098-l 179).
Medical Properties: Powerful anrioxidanr, 1,3-diene (25 -50o/o), 2-Methoxv
Furanogermacrene (1-l 0%), Beta-Elemene
antitumoral, anti-infl ammarory, antibacrerial, (1-9%); ORAC: 379,800 pTE/100g
antiviral, antiparasitic, analgesic/anesthetic
Uses: Diabetes, cancer, hepatitis, firngal Myrtle ( lv4yrtus co m mu n is) L
infecrions (candida, ringworm), tooth/gum L
infections, skin conditions (eczema, chapped, Myrtle has been researched by Dr. Daniel
cracked, wrinkles, stretch marks) Pdnodl for normalizing hormonal imbalances of (
Fragrant lnfl uence: Promores spirirual the thyroid and ovaries, as well as balancing out
awareness and is uplifting. lr conrains hypothyroidism. It has also been researched for its L
sesquiterpenes, which stimulare the limbic soothing effects on the respiratory sysrem.
system of rhe brain (the center of memory Medical Properties: Antimuragenic, liver stim- L
and emotions) and the hypothalamus, pineal,
and piruitary glands. The hypothalamus is the ulant, prostate and rhyroid stimulant, sinus/ L
master gland of the human body, producing lung decongestanr, anrispasmodic, antihyper- L
many vital hormones, including rhyroid and glycem ic, anr i-infl ammarory. anti nociceptive
grolvth hormone. Uses: Thyroid problems, throat/lung/sinus
inlections, prostate problems, skin irritations
88 (acne, blemishes, bruises, oily skin, psoriasis,
etc.), muscle spasms

Neroli Northern Lights Black Spruce

Fragrant lnfluence: Elevating and euphoric the hopeless, encouraging confidence. courage,
Directions:Aromatic Dilfuse up to 30 minutes 3
joy, peace, and sensualiw. lt brings evervthins
times daily or put in humidifier Directly inhale. into Focus at the momenr.
Dietary: Take as a dietaw supplement. Topical: Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro t hour -3
Dilute I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or times daily or directlv inhale. Dietary: L)ilute
other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on 1 drop essenrial oil with I drop V-6 or other
location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. pure carrier oil, put in a capsule, and rake up
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Mvrtaceae; ro 3 times daily or as needed. Topical: Apply
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita
Plmt Origin: Tunisia, Morocco; Extraction Flex points. Dilution not required except for
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key the most sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Rutaceae;
Constituents: AIpha-Pinene (1 5 -60ok), Plant Origin: Tirnisia; Extraction Method:
1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (15-40%), Steam distilled From fowers ofthe bitter
Limonene (4- 1 8o/o), Myrtenyl Acetate orange treei Key Constituents: Linalol
(trace-20%); ORAC: 25,400 pTE/l 00g (28-44o/o). Limonene (9- I 8olo), Beta-Pinene
(7 -17 o/o), Linalyl Acetate (3- 1 5olo), Trans-
Neroli (Bitter Orange) Ocimene (3-8%), Alpha-Terpineol (2-5.50lo),
Trans-Nerolidol ( 1 -50lo), Myrcene ( 1 -4%)
(Citrus au ranti um amara)
Highly regarded by the ancient Egyptians for Northern Lights Black Spruce

its abiliry to heal the mind, body, and spirit. (Picea mariana)
Medical Properties: Anriparasitic, digestive The Lakota Indians used black spruce to

tonic, antidepressive, hypotensive (lowers strengthen their abiliry to communicate with
blood pressure) the Great Spirit. Tiaditionally, it was believed to
Uses: Hyperrension, anxiery, depression, possess rhe frequency of prosperiry.
hysteria, insomnia, skin conditions (scars, Medical Properties: Anrispasmodic,
stretch marks, thread veins, wrinkles)
Fragrant lnfluence: A natural relaxant used to antiparasitic, antiseptic, anti-infl ammatory
treat depression and anxiery. It strengthens and
stabilizes the emotions and uplifts and inspires 89

a L xxFxx
hF r-t
hormone-like, cortisone-like, immune H
srimulanr, anridiabetic Nutmeg
Uses: Arthritis/rheumatism, fungal infections L
(candida), sinus/respiratory infections, Nutmeg VitalityrM ( A,tyristica fragrans)
sciatica/lumbago L
Fragrant lnfluence: Releases emotional blocks, Directions:Dietary: Dilute I drop with I
bringing about a feeling ofbalance and drop ofV-6 or orher pure carrier oil. Put in \
a capsule and take up to 3 times a day or as (
Directions: Aromatis Diffuse I hour up ro 3 needed.
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute I Technical Data: Botmicd Family:
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure Myristicaceae; Plant Origin: Tirnisia,
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, Indonesia; Extraction Method: Steam
distilled from fruits and seeds; Key
chalcas, and/or Vita Flex points. Constituents: Sabinene (l 4-29o/o), Beta-
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Pinaceae; Pinene (11-1 8%), Alpha-Pinene (15-28o/o),
Limonene (2-7 o/o), Gamma-Terpinene (2-
Plant Origin: Canada; Extraction Method: 6%), Terpinene-4 -ol (2-60/o), Myristicine (J-
Steam distilled from entire tree; Key l2olo); ORAC: 1 58, 100 pTE/100g
Constituents: Bornyl Acetate (24-35o/o),
Camphene (14-260/o), Alpha-Pinene ( I 2- Ocotea (Ocotea quixos)
1 9%), Beta-Pinen e (2-10o/o), Delta-3-Carene
(4-l0o/o), Limonene (3-60lo), Myrcene (1- Ocotea is distilled from a tree found in the
570), Santene ( I -5%), ticyclen e (1-4o/o) Amzon wilderness, on rhe ranges of the west side
of the Andes Mountains. It is commonly referred
N utmeg ( l,l yristica frag rans)
to by the native people throughout Ecuador a
Nutmeg was listed in Hildegard's Medicine,
a compilation of early German medicines by Ishpingo and is considered to be a false canilla or
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard false cinnmon. The tree grows to a very Iarge size,
ofBingen (l 098-1 179). reaching up ro 48 inches in diameter and over 60
Medical Properties: Anti-inf ammatory, feet tall, making a large mnopy top. Historical
usage ofocotea dates back more rhan 500 years,
anricoagulant, anriseptic, antiparasiric, when it was used to aromatize sweers and cakes-
analgesic, liver protectant, stomach Medical Properties: Anrifungal, disinfectant,
protectant (ulcers), circulatory stimulant,
adrenal stimulant, muscle reluing, increases anti-inflammarory
producrion of growth hormone/melatonin
Uses: Rheumatism/arthritis, cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, hepatitis, ulcers,
digesrive disorders, anriparasitic, nerve pain,
fatigue/exhaustion, neuropathy

Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topicalr
Dilure i drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or
other pure carrier oil and apply on location,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.





U Orange



Uses: Hypertension, high blood pressure, Orange (Cltrus srnensis)
anxiery internal irritation, may lower insulin
needs for diabetics and reduce blood sugar Beloved for its clean, fresh scent, Orange
fl uctuarions, infecrion. digesr ive supporr essential oil was also shown to reduce anxiery
in children awaiting dental treatment. Salivary
Flagrant lnfluence: Has a complex aroma, cortisol levels were lowered as were pulse rates
which may increase Feelings oFfullness; related (lafarzadeh, 2013).
to the cinnamon species but has an aroma Medical Properties: Antitumoral, reluant,
rhar is differenr from any common cinnamon
anticoagulant, circulatory stimulant. fuch in
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour limonene, which has been extensively studied
in over 50 clinical studies for its abiliry to
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary; combat tumor growth.
Dilute I drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 Uses: Arreriosclerosis, hyperrension. cancer,
or other pure carrier oil, put in a capsule, insomnia, and complexion (dult and oity),
and take I daily or as directed by a health f uid retention, wrinkles
care professional. Topical: Dilute I drop Fragrant lnfluence: Uplifting and
essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or other pure antidepressant. A Mie Universiry study lound
carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on location, that citrus fragrances boosted immuniry
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. Test on a
small, inconspicuous area ofskin to observe induced relaxation, and reduced depression
(Komori, et al., 1995).
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae; Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3

Plmt Origin: Ecuador, Central and South times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute 1
America; Extraction Method: Steam distilled drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
from the leaves; Key Constituents: Beta- carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
Caryophyllene (10-35o/o), Cinnamyl Acetate chakrx, and/or Vira Flex poinrs.
(l-24o/o), Methyl Cinnamate (4-24o/o), Npha- Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.
Humulene (1 -17 o/o), Trans-Cinnamaldehyde



Oregano Palmarosa

Oran ge VitalityrM (Cttrus stnensis) and/or Vita Flex points. May use near in L
Raindrop Technique.
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule. Caution: High in phenols, Oregano mal.irrirare L
Thke 3 times daily. the nasal membranes or skin ilrinhaled directly (
Technical Data: Botmical Family Rutaceae; from diffuser or bottle or applied neat.
Plmt Origin: USA, Sourh Afriq, Italy, China; Oregano VitalityrM
Extraction Method: Cold pressed from rind; \
Key Constituents: Limonene (85 -960/o), (Origanum vulgare) (Syn. O. malorana)
Myrcene (0.5-3o/o); ORAC: 1,890 pTE/100g L
Directions:Dietary: Dilute 1 with 1 drop of \
Oregano (Origanum vutgare) V-6 or other carrier oil. Put in a capsule and L
(Syn. O. majorana) take up to 3 times daily.
Listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation Technical Data: Botmical Family: Lamiaceae; L
of early German medicines by highly regarded Plmt Origin: USA, France, Germany, L
Benedictine herbalist Hildegard oI Bingen Turkey; Exraction Method: Steam distilled
(1098-1 179). from leaves; Key Constituents: Carvacrol \
Medical Properties: Antiaging, powerful
(60-7 5o/o), Gamma-Terpine ne (3.5 -8.5o/o), t
antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, Para-Cymene (5.5 -9%o), Beta-Caryophyllene (
antiparasiric, anti-infammatory, antioxidant, (2- 5o/o), My r cene ( I -3olo), Thymol (0- 5olo) ;
immune stimulant. antinociceprive, ORAC: 15,300 ;rTE/ I00g L
radioprotective, liver protectant
Uses: Arthriris, rheumarism, respiratory Palmarosa ( Cym bopogo n rnarti ni ) \
infectious diseases, infecrions, tuberculosis,
digestive problems A relative of lemongrass, palmarosa was used L
Fragrant lnfluence: Creates a feeling ofsecurity in temple incense by the ancient Egyptians.
Medical Properties: Antibacterial, antifungal,
Directions: Topical: Dilute I drop essential oil
with 4 drops V-6 or other pure carrier oil and antiviral, supports heart and nervous system,
tesr on a small area ofskin on the underside reduces blood sugar fuctuations, stimulates
ofarm. Apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, new skin cell growth, regulates sebum
production in skin

Uses: Fungal infections/candida, Palo Santo
neuroprotective, cardiovascular/circulatory
Uses: Inflammation, regrowth of knee cartilage,
diseases, digestive problems, skin problems joinrs. arrhriris. rheumarism. gour. respirrrorv
(acne, eczema) problems. reduces airborne conraminants
when diffused
Fragrant lnfluence: Creates a feeling of
security. lt also helps to reduce stress and Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put l0-
tension and promotes recovery from nervous I 5 drops in a capsule and take I or 2 times a
day. Can also put 1-6 drops under the tongue
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 or in a glass of water. Topical: Dilute 1 drop
essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Dilute carrier oil and apply on location, chakras,
I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other and/or Vita Flex points.
pure carrier oil, put in a capsule, and take up Cautions: Ifpregnant or under a doctor's care,
to 3 times daily. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on consult your physician. Should not be used on
location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. children under 18 months old.
Dilution not required excepr for the most Technical Data: Botanical Family:
sensirive skin. Burseraceae; Plant Origin: Ecuador;
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
Poaceae; Plmt Origin: India; Extraction the sawdust of the dead bark, wood, and
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key branches; Key Constituents: Limonene
Constituents: Geraniol (70-85olo), Geranyl (45-8oo/o), Alpha-trpineol (4- I 8%), Para-
Acetate (6-100/o), Linalol (3-7olo); ORAC: Cymene (l-6%), Carvone (0.5-6%), Beta-
127,800 pTE/100g Bisabolene (0.5-7), Fonenol (0.5-4o/o)

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens)

Palo Santo comes from the same botanical
family as Frankincense, although it is found in
South America. Like Frankincense, Palo Santo
is known as a spiritual oil, with a deep-rooted
tradition in which ir was used by the Incas to
puri$, and cleanse rhe air of negative energies
and for good luck. It is used in South America
to repel mosquitoes, for fevers, infecrions, and
skin diseases. It is currently used by shamans of
the Andes in curing ceremonies. Even its Spanish
name refects how highly this oil was regarded:
pall santo means "holy or sacred wood."
Note: Constituents can vary depending on

whether the wood is haruested from coastal or
inland areas and ifthe trunk is red or white.
Medical Properties: Anticancerous, antiblasric,
anti-infl ammatory, antibacterial, antifungal,


-, LY

r# t


Patchouli Peppermint

Patchouli ( Pog ostemo n cabt i n ) Beta-Caryophyllene (2-5o/o), Pogostol ( I -
2.5olo), Norpatchoulenol (0.35-1 %), Copaene
\X/hile Patchouli oil is known as an all-purpose (trace- 1 o/o) ; ORAC: 49,400 ;rTE/ 1 00g
insect repellent, it is also highly prized in the
perfirmery industry Patchouli has many benefits Peppermint ( N4entl)a pi pe rita)
lor chapped and wrinkled skin.
Medical Properties: Reluant, antitumoral, Peppermint is one of the oldest and most
highly regarded herbs For soothing digestion.
digestive aid that combars rrausea, anti- Jean Valnet, MD, studied peppermintt effecr on
infl ammatory, anrimicrobial, antifungal, the liver and respiratory systems. Alan Hirsch,
insecticidal, prevents wrinkles and chapped MD, studied peppermint's ability to directlv
skin, relieves irching affect the brain's satiery center (the ventromedial
Uses: Hypertension, inflammatory bowel nucleus ofthe hypothalamus), which triggers
disease, skin conditions (eczema, acne), fluid a sensation of fullness after meals. A highly
retention, Listeria infection, insecr repellent regarded digesrive stimulant.
Medical Properties: Anri-infl ammatory,
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3
antitumoral, antiparasitic (worms),
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take antibacrerial, antiviral, antiFungal, gallbladder/
as a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Apply 2-4 digestive srimulanr, pain relieving, curbs
drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex aPpetite
points. Dilution not required excepr for rhe Uses: Rheumarism/arrhritis. respiratory
most sensitive skin. infections (pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.),
Fragrant lnfluence: A reluant thar clarifies obesiry viral infections (herpes simplex, herpes
thoughts, allowing the discarding of zoster, cold sores, human papilloma virus, erc.),
jealousies. obsessions. and insecuriries fungal infections/candida, digestive problems,
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Lamiaceae; headaches, nausea, skin conditions (itchv skin,
Plant Origin: Indonesia; Extraction varicose veins, eczema, psoriasis, dermaritis),
Method: Sream disrilled from leaves and scoliosis/lumbago/back problems
stems; Key Constituents: Patchoulol (27-
3 5%), Bulnesene (1 3 -21o/o), Alpha-Guaiene
( 1 1- 1 60lo), Beta-Patchoulene (1.8-3.5o/o),


Fragrant lnfluence: Puri$.ing and stimularing ,'l -d
to the conscious mind. Research indicates that
peppermint aroma, inhaled during mental Petitgrain
tasls, may help attention, performance, and
focus (Barker, et al.. 200J). Peppermint may Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium amara)
also be an effective appetite suppressant when
inhaled (Hirsch and Gomez, 1995). Universiry (Syn. Citrus slnensls,
of Kiel researchers lound rhar pepperminr Petitgrain derives its name from the extraction
lessened headache pain in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled, cross-over study. of the oil, which at one time was from the green,
unripe oranges when they were still about the
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour size ofa cherry.
Medical Properties: Anrispasmodic, anti-
3 times daily or directly inhale. Inhale 5- I 0
times a day to curb appetite. Topical: Dilute infl ammatory, relaxant, reestablishes nerve
i drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or Uses: Insomnia, anxiery muscle spasms, skin
condirions, anritumoral
other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on Fragrant lnfluence: Uplifting and refreshing
location, abdomen, temples, chakras, and/or to the senses; clears confusion, reduces mental
Vita Flex poinrs. To improve concentration, fatigue and depression; stimulates the mind
alertness, and memory place 1-2 drops on the and improves memory
tongue. Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Cautions: Avoid contact with eyes, mucous up to 3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary:
membranes, sensitive skin, or fresh wounds or Take as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply
burns. Do not apply on infants younger than 2 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex
18 months ofage. points. Dilution not required except for the
most sensitive skin.
Peppermint VitalityrM Technical Data: Botanical Family: Rutaceae;
Plant Origin: Paraguay; Extraction Method:
(lrlentha piperita) Steam distilled from leaves and twigs; Key
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule. Constituents: Linalyl Acetate (40-55o/o),
Thke 3 times daily. Linalol (1!-30%), Alpha-Terpineol (3.5-
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae; 7.5o/o), Geranyl Acerate (2-Jo/o), Geraniol (2-
4.5olo); ORAC: 73,600 pTE/100g
Plmt Origin: North America, Mediterranean
area, Great Britain; Extraction Method: 95
Steam distilled from leaves and stems;
Key Constituents: Menthol (25-50o/o),
Menthone (12-44o/o), Menthofuran (0. 5-
5olo), 1.8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) ( 1 -80lo),
Isomenthone ( l -7%), Neomenthol (1.5-7o/o),
Pulegone (0.5-3o/o), Menthyl Acetate (1-
180/o); ORAC: 37,300 pTE/100g


Pine Plectranthus Oregano

Pine lPinus sy/yeslrls, Caution: Beware ofpine oils adulterated L
with turpentine, a low-cost, but potentially L
Pine was first investigated by Hippocrates, the hazardous, filler. \
father ofW'estern medicine, for its benefits to \
the respiratory system. In 1990, Dr. Pdnodl and Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Pinaceae L
(pine); Plmt Origin: Austria, USA, Canada;
Dr Franchomme described pine oil's antiseptic (
properties in their medical textbook. Pine is also Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
used in massage for stressed muscles and joints. It needles; Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene L
shares many ofthe same properties as Eucalyptus (55-70o/o), Beta-Pinene (3-8%), Limonene (5- \
globulu, and the action ofboth oils is enhanced I 0%), Delta-3-C arene (6- | 2o/o)
when blended. Native Americans stuffed mat- Plectranthus Oregano L

tresses with pine needles to repel lice and fleas. It ( P I ect ranth u s a m bo t n t c u s ) L
The leaves ofthis plant have been used in L
was used ro rrear lung infections and even added
to baths to revitalize those suffering from mental traditional medicine for coughs, sore throats, and t
or emotional fatigue. nasal congestion. Also used for infections and
Medical Properties: Hormone-like, rheumatism, Plecranthus Oregano's favor makes L
ir popular for cooking. especially in soups.
anridiaberic. cortisone-like, anr iseptic. Medical Properties: Antitumoral, (
lymphatic stimulant
Uses: Throat/lung/sinus infections, rheumatism/ antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-
arthritis, skin parasites, urinary tract infection, inf ammatory, antihyperlipodemic, liver
anticancer protectant
Fragrant lnfluence: Relieves anxiety and Uses: Infections, cancer, arthritis, diabetes,
revitalizes mind, body, and spirit. It also has rheumatism
an empowering, yet grounding fragrance.
Directions:Aromatic: Diff.rse up to 30 minutes Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other Dilute l drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or
other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on
pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras, location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
and/or Vira Flex poinm.


Ravintsara Foman Chamomile

Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae; and leaves; Key Constituents: 1,S-Cineole
Plant Origin: Ecuador; Extraction (Eucalyptol) (50-650/o),Sabinene (9- I 6%).
Alpha-Terpineol (5-10%), Alpha-Pinenc (4-
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key 6%); ORAC:890 pTE/100g
Constituents: Para-Cymene (1 4-27 o/o),
Gamma-Terpinene (7 6-240/o), Carvacrol (25- Roman Chamomile
45o/o), Beta-Caryophyllene (4- 1 1%), Alpha-
Bergamotene (2-6%) (Anthemis nabilis) (Syn. Chamaemelum nobrle)
Used in Europe for skin regenerarion. For
Ravintsara (Ct n namomu m cam phora)
centuries, mothers have used chamomile to
Ravintsara is referred to by the people calm crying children, combat digestive and liver
of Madagascar as "the oil that heals." It is ailments, and relieve toothaches.
antimicrobial and supporting ro rhe nerues and Medical Properties: Relaxant, antispasmodic,
respiratory sysrem and is known to be clari$,ing,
stimulating, and puri$,ing. It also helps to clear anti-infammatory antiparasitic, antibacterial,
brain fog and srrengrhen motivation. anesthetic
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, antiviral, Uses: Relieves restlessness, anxiery ADHD,
depression, insomnia, skin conditions (acne,
antibacterial dermatitis, eczema)
Uses: Herpes virus/viral infections (including Fragrant lnfluence: Because it is calming and
reluing, it can combat depression. insomnia,
colds, respiratory infections), throat/lung and stress. It minimizes anxiery irritabiliry
infections. hepatitis, shingles, pneumonia and neruousness. It may also dispel anger,
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 stabilize the emotions, and help to release
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. emotions that are linked to the past.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 1 Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 minutes
drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply
on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. 2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae; Flex points. Dilution not required except for
Plmt Origin: Madagascar; Extraction the most sensirive skin.
Method: Steam distilled from branches

Zn\ anriulcer, immunomodularing, cancer
chemoprevenrive, DNA damage prevention
Rose Uses: Hyperrension, hearr srrengthening,
anxiery viral infections (herpes simplex), skin
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Asteraceae; conditions (scarring, wrinkles, acne), ulcers
Plant Origin: Utah, France; Extraction Fragrant lnfluence: Its beauriful fragrance is
Method: Steam distilled from flowering top; intoxicating and aphrodisiac-like. It helps
bring balance and harmony, allowing one to
Key Constituents: Isobutyl Angelate t Isamyl overcome insecurities. The effect of rose on
the heart brings good cheer with calming and
Methacrylate (30 -45o/o), Isoamyl Angelate a lightness ofspirit.
(12-22o/o), Methyl Allyl Angelate (6-1Oo/o),
Isoburyl n-buryrarc (2-9o/o), 2-Methyl Buryl Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
Angelate (3-70lo); ORAC: 240 ;rTE/100g
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take
Rose lBosa damascena) as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4
drops on locarion, chakras, and/or Vira Flex
Rose has been used for the skin for thousands points. Dilurion not required excepr For rhe
ofyears. The Arab physician. Avicenna. was most sensitive skin.
responsible for first distilling rose oil, eventually Technical Data: Botanical Family: Rosaceael
authoring an entire book on rhe healing attributes Plmt Otigin: Bulgaria, Turkey; Extraction
Method: Therapeutic-grade oil is steam
of the rose water derived from the distillation of disrilled from fowers (a rwo-part process);
Key Constituents: Citronellol (24 -5Oo/o),
rose. Throughour much ofancient history the oil Ceraniol (10-22Vo), Nerol (5-12%), Beta-
was produced by enfleurage, a process ofpressing Phenylethyl Alcohol (0.5-5%); ORAC:
the petals along with a vegetable oil to extract the 160,400 gTE/100g
essence. Today, however, almost all rose oils are
solvent-extracted. Rose of Sharon (Cistus tadaniferus)
Note: The Bulgarian Rosa damascena (high in
(See Cistus)
citronellol) is very different from Moroccan
Rosa centifolia (high in phenyl ethanol). They Rosemary ( Rosmari n us offici nal is)
have different co[ors, aromas, and therapeutic
actions. Rosemary was part of the "Marseilles Vinegar"
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory, or "Four Thieves Vinegar" that bandits who
anti-HIV antioxidant, anxiolytic, robbed the dead and dying used to protecr
hepatoprotective, reluant, reduces scarring, themselves during the 1 5th century plague. The
name of the oil is derived from the Latin words
98 for dew ofthe sea (ros + marinus). According to
folklore history rosemary originally had whire
fowers; however, they turned red after the Virgin
Mary laid her cloak on the bush.

At the time of ancient Greece (about 1,000
BC), rosemary was burned as incense. Later
cultures believed that it warded offdevils, a


Rosemary Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood

practice that eventually became adopted by location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
the sick, who then burned rosemary to protect Cautions: Do not use on children under 4
against infection.
years ofage. Do not use Rosemary for high
It was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a blood pressure if already taking ACE inhibitor
compilation of early German medicines by prescription drugs.
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard
ofBingen (1098-l 179). Rosemary VitalityrM

Until recently, French hospitals used rosemary ( R os m ari n u s off i ci n al i s )
to disinfect the air. Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 4
Medical Properties: Liver-prorecr ing. anri-
drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a
infl ammatory antitumoral, antifungal,
capsule and take 1 daily.
antibacterial, anticancer, antidepressant,
hypertension moderator (high blood Technica! Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae;
pressure), enhances mental clariry/ Plant Origin: Tirnisia, Morocco, Spain;
concentration Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
Uses: Infectious disease, liver conditions/ leaves; Key Constituentsr 1,8-Cineole
hepatitis, throat/lung infections, hair loss
(alopecia areata), acne, impaired memory/ (Eucalyptol) (38-55o/o), Camphor (5-15Vo),
Alzheimert, weight loss Alpha-Pinene (9-14ok), Beta-Pinene (4-9olo),
Camphene (2.5 -6Vo), Borneol ( 1.5-50lo),
Fragrant lnfluence: Helps overcome mental Limonene (1-4%); ORAC: 330 ;"tTE/100g
fatigue and improves mental clariry and focus.
University of Miami scientists found that in- Royal Hawaiian SandalwoodrM*
haling rosemary boosted alertness, eased anxi-
ery and amplified analytic and mental abiliry (Santalu m panicu latu m )
Used for centuries in Ayuruedic medicine for
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro I hour
skin revitalization, yoga, and medirarion. Listed
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or in Dioscorides' De Mawia Medica (AD 78),
other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on Europet 6rst authoritative guide to medicines,
which became the standard reference work for

herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.



Research at Brigham Young Universiry in F
Provo, Utah, documented the oil's abiliry to
inhibit several types ofcancerous cells (Stevens). Rue
Medical Properties: Antitumoral,
Medical Properties: Arti-inf ammatory anti-
antibacterial, antiviral, immune stimulanr diaberic, antirnicrobial, hypotensive, anxiolytic,
Uses: Canceq viral infections (herpes simplex, sleep promoting

herpes zoster, cold sores, human papilloma Uses: Hysreria, srress, nervousness, digestion
virus, etc.), skin conditions (acne, wrinkles, Ftagrant lnfluence: Calming and reluing
scars, etc.)
Fragrant lnfluence: Enhances deep sleep and Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro I hour 3
may help remove negarive programming times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute I
lrom rhe cells. lr is high in sesquirerpenes drop essential oil u,ith 1 drop V-6 or other pure
that srimulate the pineal gland and the limbic carrier oil and, apply 2-4 drops on location,
region of the brain, the center of emotions.
The pineal gland is responsible for releasing chakras, and/or Vira Flex poinrs.
melatonin, a powerful immune stimulant and Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry
antitumoral agent. Can be grounding and Technical Data: Botanical Family: Rutaceae;
Plmt Origin: Ecuador; Extraction Method:
Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to I hour 3 Steam distilled from aerial parts ofthe herb;
Key Constituents: 2-Nonanone (40-53o/o),
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Thke 2-Undecanone (35 -48o/o), 2-Nonyl Acetate
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4
(0.5-2o/o), Geiierene ( 1 -3olo), 2-Decanone
) drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex (l-3o/o)
points. Dilution not required except for the
most sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Santalaceae;
Plant Origin: Hawaii; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from wood; Key
Constituents: Alpha-Santalol (41 -5 5o/o),
Beta-Santalol (1 6-240/o) ; ORAC: 1 60
pTE/ I 00g

*Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood is a trademark of

Jawmin, LLC.

Rue fRuta graveolens) Sacred Frankincense

In traditional medicine, rue was used as a (Boswellia sacra)
magic herb and a protection against evil. It
was used ro rreat neruous afflictions, digestive Young Living's Sacred Frankincense essential
problems, hysterics, and as an abortifacient. oil is rhe first Omani Frankincense oil to be
Formerly used to treat menstrual disorders and available to those oumide ofSaudi royals or the
hysteria. Anecdotal reports suggest ir has sleep- privileged of Oman. It is regarded the world
inducing properties. over as the rarest, most sought-after aromatic in
After 15 years of research, 15 rrips to Oman

and numerous meetings and negotiations with

Omani officials, D. Gary Young was granred

the first export permit in the modern history of

Oman for the release and export o[the oil and

permission to build a Young Living distillery in

the country and to export the resulting essential

oil out of Oman. Cary Young was on-site to +

supervise the building of Young Living\ Omani " t -
rlisrillerr'. and Younq Living has conrrrcrctl rvith '

local harvesrers to secure our supplv ofC)mani

resin. This marks rhe 6rst time anv Westerners

have been able to experience the unique spiritual

properties of Sacred Frankincense essenrial oil. Sacred Frankincense ( Boswel Iia sac ra)
Omani Frankincense is highly regarded as the

Frankincense of rhe ancients and the traditional Complement tol. B osuellia carteril, traditional
spiritual oil of biblical times. Historically, it is frankincense
believed that this beauriful, white hojari resin
produced the Frankincense that was taken to the Technical Data: Botanical Family: Burseraceae;
Chrisr Child. Plant Origin: Oman; Extraction Method:
Steam distilled from gum/resin; Key
Science continues to document the oilt Constituents: Alpha-pinene (53-90o/o),
Camphene ( 1 -4%), Sabinene (l -7 o/o), Para-
immense healing properties, which users of this cymene (0.4-4o/o), Limonene (2-7 .5o/o)
oil already know.
Medical Properties: Frankincense has been Sacred Sandalwood (santalurn alDLnt )

tested as an anticancer agent (Ni, et al., Used for centuries in Ayuredic medicine for
2012; Suhail, et al., 201 1). Therapeutic-grade skin revitaliation, yoga, and meditation. Listed
Frankincense oil contains boswellic acids, in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica (AD 78),
which are potenr anri-inflammatory agents Europe's first authoritative guide to medicines,
against rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis. which became the standard reference work for
USeS: It supports skin health and treats stomach herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.
disorders, ulcers, cancer, dental and gum
diseases, bad blood, infections, mental A 2017 study showed a powdered mixture of
disorders, and insect bites. Arniq montana, Calendula olficinalis, Mentha
Fragrant lnfluence: h is calming, meditative,
reluing, and promotes higher states of aruensis, and Santalum album was effective
spiritual awareness and higher levels of in palliative (end-oflife) wound care. At the
consciousness and sensitiviry. conclusion ofthe study, 95 percenr of caregivers
recommended the mixture for this population.
Directions:Aronatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 Also, research at Brigham Young Universiry
documented the ability ofsandalwood essential oil
times daily or directly inhale. Dietaryr Put 2 to inhibit several rypes ofcancerous cells (Stevens).
drops in a capsule and take 3 times daily or as Medical Properties: Antitumoral,
needed or put 1-2 drops in water and drink.
Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on location, chakras, antibacterial, antiviral, immune stimulant
and/or Vita Flex points. Dilurion is not Uses: Cancer, viral infections (herpes simplex,
required except for the most sensitive skin.


Sacred Sandalwood Sage

herpes zoster, cold sores, human papilloma Sage lsalvia officinalis) L
virus, etc.), skin conditions (acne, wrinkles,
scars, etc,) Known as "herba sacri' or sacred herb by (
Fragrant lnfluence: Enhances deep sleep and the ancient Romans, saget name, Saluia, is
may help remove negative programming derived from the word for "salvation." Sage has L
From rhe cells. lr is high in sesquiterpenes been used in Europe for oral infections and skin L
that stimulate the pineal gland and the limbic conditions. It has been recognized for its benefits L
region of the brain, the center of emotions. ofstrengthening the vital centers and supporting (
The pineal gland is responsible for releasing
melatonin, a powerful immune stimulant and metabolism. (
antitumoral agent. Can be grounding and Medical Properties: Antibacrerial, antifungal,
stabilizing. L
antioxidant, antitumoral, anti-infl ammatorr,,
Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 anxiolytic, hormone regulating, estrogen-like, t
antiviral, circulatory stimulant, gallbladder
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take stimulant L
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4 Uses: Menstrual problems/PMS, estrogen, L
drops on location, chakras, and/or Vira Flex progesterone, and testosterone deficiencies, L
points. Dilution not required except for the liver problems L
most sensitive skin. Fragrant lnfl uence: Mentally stimularing,
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Santalaceae; anxiery-reducing, and helps combat despair
Plant Origin: Australia; Extraction Method: and mental fatigue. Sage strengthens the
Steam distilled from wood; Key Constituents: vital centers of the body, balancing the pelvic
Alpha-Santalol (41-55o/o), Beta-Santalol (16- chakra, where negative emotions from denial
24o/o); ORAC: 160 pTE/ 1009
and abuse are stored.
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary:
Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6

or other pure carrier oil. Put in a capsule and

take I dai{y or as directed by a health ore

professional. Topicaft Dilute 1 drop essential

oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil
and apply 2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/
or Vita Flex points.
Cautions: Avoid if epileptic. Avoid use on
persons with high blood pressure.

Sage VitalityrM (Satvia officinatis) Spanish Sage

Directions: Dietary: Dilute 2 drops with 4 sugar levels without affecting insulin levels,
drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a acts as a tonic to improve general health
capsule and take I daily. Uses:Age-related memory loss, curs, acne, ar-
thritis, dandruff, colds, flu, eczema, hair Ioss,
Cautions: Avoid ifepileptic. Avoid use by sweating, anxiery, headaches, asthma, laryngitis,
persons with high blood pressure. coughs, muscular aches and pains, depression,
epilepsy, soothing agent, menstrual disorders,
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Lamiaceae; digestive disorders. In food it is used as a spice;
Plmt Origin: Spain, Croatia, France; in manufacturing it is used as a fragrance com-
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from ponent in soaps and cosmetics.
Fragrant lnfl uence: Camphoraceous,
leaves; Key Constituents: A.lpha-Thujone herbaceous, similar to rosemary
(18-43o/o), Beta-Thujone (3-8.5o/o),
1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (5.5 -1 3o/o), Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3
Camphor (4.5-24.5o/o), Camphene (1.5-7o/o),
Alpha-Pinene (1 -6.5o/o), Alpha-Humulene times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take as
(trace- l2o/o) ; ORAC: 1 4,800 pTE/ 1 00g a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Dilute I drop
essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure
Spanish Sage lsalvia lavandutifdia) carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on locarion,
chakras. and/or Vira Flex points.
(Also referred to as Sage Lavender) Cautions: Avoid ifepileptic. Avoid use on
The sage plant has been highly praised persons with high blood pressure.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae;
throughout history for its powers oflongevity Plant Origin: Central Europe and Asia
and healing. Pliny the Elder said that sage (called Minor, esp. Spain; Extraction Method: Steam
"salvia' by the Romans) was used as a local anes- distilled from the leaves; Key Constituents:
thetic for the skin and as a diuretic, in addition to 1,8-cineole (Eucalyptol) (10-300/o), Alpha-
other uses. It was considered a sacred herb to the Pinene (4-11olo), Limonene (2-6%), Camphor
Romans and was harvested by a person wearing a (l l-360/o), Linalol (0.1-4olo), Alpha-Terpinyl
white tunic who had well-washed, bare feet. Acetate (0.5-9%), Linalyl Acetate (0.1-5olo)

During the Middle Ages, the plant was prized 103
throughout Europe because of its exceptional
healing effects and was used in a mixture with
other herbs designed to ward off the plague.

ln Spain, Sparish sage is used in cooking. It hx

a stronger aroma and flavor than common sage (S.
Medical Properties: Anrisepric. astringent.

chemopreventive, expecrorant, reduces
mucous, reduces fevers, purifies the blood,
e[iminates toxins, aids digestion, Iowers blood

Spear..nint Spikenard L
Spearmint L4entha spicata) ( 1 0-30olo), Cis-Dihydrocarvone (1 -80lo);
ORAC: 540 gTE/100g t
Spearminr is gentler than pepperminr yer is
beneficial for headaches and migraines, farigue, Spikenard ( Nardostachys j ataman si ) L
nervous disorders, and digestive problems.
Medical Properties: Increases metabolism, an- Highly regarded in India u a medicinal herb. L
tibacterial, anrispasmodic, anri-infl ammarory It was the one of the most precious oils in ancient L
antiseptic, mucolytic, gallbladder stimulant, times, used only by priests, kings, or high initiates.
digestive aid, antirumor References in the New Testament describe how L
Uses: Obesiry, intestinal/digestive disorders, Mary of Bethany used spikenard oil to anoint the L
nausea, hepatitis feet ofJesus before t1le last Supper (John 12:3). L
Fragrant lnfluence: Opens and releases Medical Properties: Antibacterial, antifungal, L
emotional blocl<s and brings about a feeling of L
balance and a lasting sense ofwell-being anti-infammatory, antioxidanr, reluant, im- L
mune stimulant L
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour Uses: Insomnia, menstrual problems/PMS, L
heart arrhythmias, neryous rension L
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Fragrant lnfluence: Relaxing, soothing, helps L
Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or nourish and regenerate the skin
other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4
Spearmint VitalityrM ( A,4enth a spicata) drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex
Directions: Dietary: Dilure I drop with 1 points. Dilution not required except for the
most sensitive skin.
drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a
capsule and take up to 3 times daily. Technical Data: Botanical Fmily:
Technical Data: Botmical Family Lamiaceae; Valerianaceae; Plmt Origin: India;
Plant Origin: Utah, China; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
Constituents: Caruone (45 -80o/o), Limonene roots; Key Constituents: Calarene (1 0 -3 5o/o),
Beta-Maaliene (4-13o/o), Alpha-Copaene (5-


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14%), Aristolene (2-9%), Seychellene (1-50lo), Tangerine VitalityrM (CitrLts reticLttata)
Patchouli Alcohol (2-7 o/o), 9-Aristolen-1 -ol Diredions: Dietry: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
(1-5%); ORAC: 54,800 pTE/100g
Thke 3 times daily.
Tangerine ( Cit rus reti cu I ata) Technical Data: Botanical Family: Rutaceae;

Because ofTangerine essential oilt high Plant Origin: Brazil; Extraction Method:
limonene content, it is a grear booster for the Cold pressed from rind; Key Constituents:
Limonene (90-97o/o), Gamma-Terpinene
immune system. (0.3-3oh), Myrcene ( I -3%)
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, reluant,
Tafragon (Arte misia dracu ncu t us)
antispasmodic, digesrive aid, and circulatory
enhancer; rich in limonene, which has been Tarragont botanical name is from the Greek
extensively studied in over 50 clinical studies for and Latin. Artemisia is for the Greek goddess
its ability to combat tumor growth. Artemis, and dracunculus is derived from the
Uses: Obesiry anxiery insomnia, irritabiliry Latin [or "little dragon." However intimidating
lung health, learning and memory support, the name, tarragon was recommended by the
Alzheimer's, liver problems, digestive problems, Arab healer Avicenna for bad digestion. Tarragon
parasites, f uid retention may have been introduced to Europe by the
Fragrant lnfluence: Promores happiness, Crusaders returning from rhe Middle East.
calming, helps with anxiery and nervousness. Medical Properties: Antispasmodic,
A Mie Universiry study found that citrus
fragrances boosted immunity, induced relu- anribacrerial, anti-inf ammarory, anr iparasiric,
ation, and reduced depression. digestive aid, anticonvulsant, enhances insulin
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 Uses: Intestinal disorders, urinary tract
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 infection, nausea, menstrual problems/PMS
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure Fragrant lnfluence: May help alleviate deep
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, depression
Directions: Aromatie Diffi:se up to 30 minutes
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry

_ 105

Tea Tree Thyme

1 drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other water retention/hvpertension, skin condirions \
pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, (acne, sores)
Fragrant lnfluence: Promotes cleansing and L
chalaas, and/or Vita Flex poinrs. puriry
Caution: Avoid use if epilepric. Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes L
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Tarragon VitalityrM t
Dilute 1 drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or
(Artem isia d racu ncu I Lt s ) (
Directions: Dietary: Dilure 1 drop with 4 other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on
location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. L
drops ofcarrier oil. Put in a capsule and take Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Mvnaceae;
I daily or as needed. Plant Origin: Ausrralia, France; Extraction
Caution: Avoid use if epilepric. Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key
Technical Data: Botanical Family Asteraceae; Constituents: Terpinen-4-ol (30-45o/o),
Plant Origin: Italy; Extraction Method: Camma-Grpinene ( 1 0-28olo), Atpha-Terpinene
Steam distilled from leaves; Key Comtituents: (5 - | 3o/o), 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (0- | 5o/o),
Methyl Chavicol (Estragole) (68-800/o), Tians- AJpha-Grpineol (1.i-8%), Para-Cymene (0.5-
Beta-Ocimene (6- 12o/o), Cis-Beta-Ocimene 120lo), Limonene (0.5-4o/o), Aromadendrene
(6-120/o), Limonene (2-60/o); ORLC: 37,900 (tace-7 o/o), Delta-Cadinene (trace-80/o), Alpha-
pTE/100g Pinene (1-6%)

Tea Tree ( A,4elaleuca alternifotia) Thyme fhymus vutgaris)

Highly regarded as an antimicrobial and Also known as Red Thyme. It is mentioned
antiseptic essential oil. It has high levels of in one ofthe oldest known medical records, the
terpinen-4-o[. Ebers Papyrus (daring from 16th century BC),
Medical Properties: Powerful antibacterial, an ancient Egyprian Iist of877 prescriprions
and recipes. The Egyptians used thyme for
anrifungal. anriviral, antiparasiric, anti- embalming. Listed in Dioscorides' De Materia
inflammatory action Medica (AD 78), Europe's first authoritative
Uses: Fungal infections (candida, ringworm),
sinus/lung infections, tooth/gum disease,


guide to medicines, which became the srandard r
reference work for herbal treatments for over
1,700 years. \

Thyme was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, L
a compilation of earlv German medicines by
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard Tsuga
ofBingen (1098-1 179).
Medical Properties: Antiaging, antioxidant, Tsuga (Isuga canadensisl

anri-infl ammatory, antispasmodic, highly Several North American Indian tribes used
anrimicrobial, antifungal, anriviral, Tluga for a number of complaints. To this dar', it
antiparasitic. A solution of thyme's most is used in modern herbalism for its antiseptic and
active ingredient, rhymol, is used in many astringent properties. Diarrhea, colitis, ct'stitis,
over-the-counter products such as mouthwash and diverticuliris are rreated b1 a tsuga tea: ir cal
and vapor rubs because ofits puri$,ing agents. also be used as a poultice to cleanse wounds.
Uses: Infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease, Medical Properties: Aralgesic, anrirheumatic,
Alzheimer's disease, hepariris
Fragrant lnfluence: It may be beneficial in blood cleanser, stimulant, cell regenerating
helping ro overcome fatigue and exhaustion Uses: Respiratory conditions, kidney/urinary
after illness.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minures infections, skin conditions, venereal diseases
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Directions: Aromatic Dilfuse up ro 30 minutes

Dilute I drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute
I drop essential oil with 1 drop \'-6 or other
or other pure carrier oil. Test on small area pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras,
on the underside of arm. Apply on location, and/or Vita Flex points.
chakras, and/or Vira Flex points. Technical Data: Botanical Family: Pinaceae;
Caution: May iritate the nasal membranes or Plmt Origin: Canada; Extraction Method:
skin ifinhaled direcdy from diffuser or bortle Steam distilled from needles and rwigs ofthe
or applied neat. conifer tree commercially known as eastern
hemlock; Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene
Thyme VitalityrM (Thymus vutgals) (18-25o/o), Beta-Pinene (1 -30lo), Camphene
(13-17o/o), Limonene (3-5%), Bornyl Acetate
Directions: Dietaryr Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop (27 -40o/o), Tric,lclene (5-7 o/o), Myrcene (2-
ofV-6 or other pure carrier oi[. Put in a capsule 5olo); ORAC: 7, 100 prTE/100g
and take up to 3 times daily.
Technical Data: Botmicd Family: Lamiaceae;

Plmt Origin: Mediterranean area; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from leaves, stems,

fowers; Key Constituents: tymol (37-

55olo), Para-rymene (14-28o/o), Gamma-

trpinene (4-1 1o/o), Linalol (3-6.50/o),

Carvacrol (0.5 -5.5Vo), Myrcene (1 -2.8o/o) ;
ORAC: 15,960 pTE/1009





Valerian Vanilla

Valerian (Vateriana off icinat is ) 60lo), Limonene (1-3%), Valerenal (2-8o/o), L
Myrtenyl Acetate (2-5%); ORAC: 6,200
During the lasr three decades, valerian has pTE/100g L

- been clinically invesrigated for irs rranquilizing Vanilla (Van i Ita ptan ifot ia) L
f p,op..ti.r. Res.rr.h.L have pinpointed the
] sesquiterpenes valerenic acid and valerone as the Vanilla essential oil, created for the first time L
! active constituenrs rhar exert a calming elTect by Young Living Essential Oils, is the highest
known oil in vanillin, which is similar in chemical
on the central neruous sysrem. The Cerman structure to the aromatic compound eugenol,
found in cloves. Recent tests conducted at
JJ Commission E has pronounced valerian ro be an independent laboratories found that the vanilla
content of this vanilla oil is over 10 times higher
effective treatment for restlessness and for sleep than commercially available super-concenrrated
disturbances resulting from neruous conditions. vanilla extracts. The same way that eugenol in
Medical Properties: Sedative and tranquilizing clove oil numbs dental tissue, vanillin numbs
stress and food cravings.
to the central nervous system, antispasmodic
Uses: Insomnia, anxiery dysmenorrhea The importance ofvanillin is now being
Fragrant lnfluence: Calming, relaxing, investigated by scientists who are researching the
ways in which activating vanilloid-rype brain
grounding, emotionally balancing receptors can enhance well-being and combat

Directions: Aromatic Diffirse up ro t hour 3 depression.
Medical Properties: Mood elevating; weakens
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put 2
drops in a capsule and take 3 times daily or as or numbs stress and food cravings
needed. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on location, Uses: Apper ire control. depression
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. Dilution not Fragrant lnfluence: Uplifts mood through
required except lor the most sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: vanilloid receptor acrion in brain
Valerianaceae; Plmt Origin: Belgium, Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to I hour 3
Croatia; Extraction Method: Steam distilled
from root; Key Constituents: Bornyl times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Thke
Acerate (35-43o/o), Camphene (22-3lo/o),
Alpha-Pinene (5-8olo), Beta-Pinene (3-


a Western Bed Cedar


as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4 Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex
rimes daily or directly inhale. Dietary: 'lake

points. Dilution not required except For the as a dietary supplement. Topical: Applv 2-4

most sensitive skin. drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex
points. Dilution not required except for
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily:

Orchidaceae; Plmt Origin: Brazil; the mosr sensitive skin. Oral: Gargle with

Extraction Method: Proprietary vacuum mouthwash.

distillation; Key Constituents: Vanillin (85- Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Poaceae;

95o/o) Plmt Origin: Haiti, Ecuador; Extraction

Vetiver (Vettveria zizanotdes) Method: Steam distilled lrom root; Key
Constituents: Isovalencenol (l -l60/o),

(Syn. V. zizanioides) Khusimol (7 -21o/o), Alpha-Vetivone (2-70lo).

It is well known for its anti-inflammatory Beta-Vetivone (4-l4o/o), Beta-Vetivenene (1 -

properties and is traditionally used for arthritic 8olo); ORAC: 74,300 p,TEl1009


Medical Properties: Antiseptic, antispasmodic, Western Red Cedar ffhuia plcata)

reluant, circulatory stimulant This oil is different from Canadian Red

Uses: ADHD, anxiery rheumatism/arthritis, Cedar, which is distilled from the bark of the

depression (including postpartum), insomnia, same plant, Thujaplicata. This oil is not red in

skin care (oily, aging, acne, wrinkles) color, because it is derived from needles and

Fragrant lnfl uence: Psychologically grounding, branches.

- calming, and stabilizing. It helps us cope with Medical Properties: Antiseptic, antimicrobial
stress and recover from emotional trauma. Uses: Throat/lung infecrions, urinary tracr

Terry Friedmann, MD, found in preliminary infections

clinical tests that vetiver may be successful in Fragrant lnfluences: Recognized for its

the treatment of ADD and ADHD (attention calming, purifying properties and helping

deficit disorders) in children a person cope with stress and emotional









White Fir White Lotus

Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up to I hour Technical Data: Botmical Family: Pinaceae; t
Plmt Origin: Idaho; Exraction Method:
3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical: Steam disrilled from wood/bark/ovigs/needlest \
Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (8- 1 2o/o),
Dilute I drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 Beta-Pinene (20-30Vo), Camphene (7 -l 5o/o), L
Bornyl Acetate (l 1 -160/o), Delta-Cadinene (2-
or other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops 7olo); ORAC: 47,900 y^fEll00g t
on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs.
Other: Add to woodchips and place in closets White Lotus lrvympl)aea tatLts) L
and dressers to repel insects.
Technical Data: Botmical Family: In ancient Egypt the lotus was used widely as \
Cupressaceae; Plant Origin: Utah, Idaho, a religious and ceremonial icon. In 400 AD, the
Canada; Exraction Method: Sream distilled Christian church of Ephesus designared Marv as L
from needles and branches; Key Constituents: "The Bearer ofGod." The numerous churches
Alpha-Thujone (60-80%), Beta-Thujone (4- dedicated to Mary that were built thereafter
7%), Alpha-Pinen e (2-20o/o),Sabinene (2-4olo) incorporated the image ofthe lotus, including
one image of lotus leaves, flowers, and fruits
White Fir (aaies cancator) surrounding a golden cross.
Medical Properties: Anticancerous, anri-
A white fir infusion ofthe needles was used as
a bath by the Acoma and Laguna Indians ro help infl ammatory. immune supporring
with rheumatism. The Tewa Indians used the sap Traditional Uses: Vhite lotus was traditionally
from the main stem and larger branches lor cuts.
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, used by the Egyptians for spiritual, emotional,
and physical application. Research in China
anticancerous, antioxidant, pain relieving found that whire lorus conrains anticancerous
Uses: Respiratory infections, anrifungal and strong immune supporring properties.
Other Uses: Infamed eyes, jaundice, kidneys,
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 liver spots, menstruation (promotes),
palpitarions. rheumatism. sciatica, sprains,
times daily or direcdy inhale. Dietary: Put 2 sunburn, toothaches, tuberculosis, vomiting
drops in a capsule. Take 3 times daily or as
needed. Topical Apply 2-4 drops on loation,
chalnas, and/or Vita Flex points. Dilution not
required except for the most sensitive skin.


Fragrant lnfluence: Stimulates a positive r,
attitude and a general feeling ofwell-being
Directions: Topical: Dilute I drop essential oil
with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and rl

apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or Wintergreen
Vita Flex points.
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Nympha- Cautions: Avoid use if epileptic. Anticoagulant
eaceae; Plmt Origin: Egypt; Extraction
properties can be enhanced when used with
Method: Steam distilled from the flowers; lVarfarin or aspirin.
Key Constituents: Tetradecene (7 -9o/o), Pen- Technical Data: Botmical Family: Ericaceae;
tadecane (8-1 l0lo), Heptadecadiene (9-l 1olo), Plant Origin: China, North America; Extrac-
Pentadecene (6-9%), Octadecene (7-10%), tion Method; Steam distilled from leaves and
Ethyl-9-Hexadecenoate (!-12%), Ethyl Hexa- bark; Key Constituent: Methyl Salicylate
decanoate (17-22o/o), Ethyl Linoleate (8-1 1%) (90t%); ORAC: 101,800 pTE/100g

Wintergreen ( Gau ltheria pracu m be ns) Xiang Mao (Cymoopogon citratus)

Leaves have been chewed to increase respiratory This aromatic grms is sometimes called red
capaciry by Native Americans when running long lemongrass and has been used in folk medicine as
distances and performing difficult labor Settlers in a calming agent. It was also used to keep air in the
early America had their children chew the leaves home fresh.
for several weels each spring to prevent tooth Medical Properties: Chemopreventive.
decay. S?intergreen was used as a substitute for
black tea during the Revolutionary'War. antimicrobial, anxiolytic, renal protective,
Medical Properties: Anticoagulant, gasrroprotective, anrifungal, antiparasiric.
cholesterol reducer
antispasmodic, highly anti-inflammatory Uses: Bladder infection, respiratory/sinu infec-
vasodilator, analgesic/anesthetic, reduces blood tion, digestive problems, parasites, torn [iga-
pressure and all types of pain. Methyl saiirylate, ments/muscles, fuid retention, varicose veins,
the principal constituent ofwintergreen oil, has Saimonella, Andidz albicans
been incorporated into numerous liniments Fragrant lnfluence: Like its close cousin,
and ointments for musculoskeletal problems. Cymbopogon flexuoszr, this lemongrass species
The oil is also used as a favoring agent in sharpens awareness and is a purifier.
candies and chewing gums.
Uses: Arrhriris/rheumarism, muscle/nerue pain, Directions: Aromatic Diffirse up to I hour 3
hypertension, arteriosclerosis, hepatitis/fatry
liver times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply
Fraglant lnfluence: It stimulates and increases
awareness in all levels of the sensory system.
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 10 minures
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Thke
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute 1
drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or other
pure carrier oil. Apply 1-2 drops on location,


Yarrow Ylang Ylang

l-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita simultaneously inspires and grounds us. L
Flex points. Dilution not required excepr on Useful during meditation and supporrive to t
intuitive energies. Reduces confusion and
rhe most sensitive skin. ambivalence. \

Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Poaceae; Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro I hour 3 \
Plmt Origin: tiwan; Extraction
Method: Sream distilled from grasses; Key times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put 2 t
Constituents: Limonene (3-7%), Citronellal drops in a capsule and take 3 times daily or as
(40-50o/o), Citronellol ( 1 I - I 6%), Geraniol needed. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on locarion,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. Dilution nor
(1 5-1 8%), Germacrene-D (1-3%), Alpha- required except for the most sensirive skin.
Elemol (l-20lo) Technical Data: Botmical Family: Asreraceae;
Plant Origin: North America, Europe,
Yarrow ( Ach i I tea nt t I lefol r u nt ) Asia; Extaction Method: Steam distilled
from flowers, leaves, and stems; Key
The Greek Achilles, hero of the Tlojan War, Constituents: Chamazulene (5-1 8%),'lrany
was said to have used the yarrow herb to help Beta-Caryophylle ne (5 -1 3o/o), Germacrene
cure the injury to his Achilles tendon. Yarrow was D (8-25o/o), Sabinene (5-l5o/o), Beta-Pinene
considered sacred by the Chinese, who recognized (4 - 1 0o/o), 1, 8-Cineole ( Eucalyptol) (2 - 1 0o/o) ;
the harmony of the Yin and Yang energies within ORAC:55,900 pTE/100g
it. It has been said that the fragrance ofyarrow
makes possible the meeting ofheaven and earth. YIang Ylang (Cananga odorata)
Yarrow was used by Germanic tribes for the
treatment of battle wounds. Ylang ylang means "flower of flowers." The
Medical Properties: Anti-inf ammatory
fowers have been used to coyer the beds of
hormone-like. combars scarring, supporrs
newlywed couples on their wedding night.
Prostate Tiaditionally used in hair formulas to promore
Uses: Prostate problems, menstrual problems/ thick, shiny, lustrous hair.

PMS, varicose veins Flowers are picked early in the morning to
muimize oil yield. The highest quality oil is
Fragrant lnfluence: Balancing highs and
lows, both external and internal, yarrow


drawn from the first distillation and is known as \ II \it \ 'l
ylang ylang complete.
Medical Properties: Antispasmodic, ./ tI b

vasodilating, anridiabetic, anti-infl ammatory, l-1
antiparasitic, regulates heartbeat
Uses: Cardiac arrhl.thmia, cardiac problems, Ylang Ylang

anxiery hypertension, depression, hair loss, Yuzu lClti-Lrs TLinos;
intestinal problems
Thought to be a hl,brid benveen lchens
Fragrant lnfluence: Balances male-female papeda and Satsuma mandarin. Commonlv
energies, enhances spiritual attunement, com- used in cooking and for enhancing llar.ors due
bats anger, combets low self-esteem. increases to the fragrant rind. There are a few reports on
locus of rhorrghts. 6lters oLrt rregative energy, the use ofyuzu essential oil for cosmetics and
restores confidence and peace Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammaron,

Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3 anricancer, antidiabetic, asthma
Uses: Flavorant, inflammation, brain protection,
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take as
a dietary supplemenr. Topical; Dilute 1 drop stress
essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, Fragrant lnfluence: High levels of limonene
chakras. and/or Vira Flex poinrs. positively affect mood and heighten senses.
Caution: Use sparingly ifyou have low blood
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put 2
Technical Data: Botanical Family: drops in a capsule. Take 3 times daily or as
Annonaceae; Plant Origin: Madagascar, needed. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on location,
Ecuador; Extraction Method: Steam distilled chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. Dilution not
from flowers; Key Constituents: Germacrene required except on the most sensitive skin.
D (14-27 o/o), (E,E)-Alpha-Farn esene (5-23o/o), Caution: Possible sun sensiriviry.
Benzyl Acetate (1-15o/o), Geranyl Acetate Technical Data: Botanicd Family: Rutaceae;
(2- \ lo/o), Beta-Caryophylle ne (2-l9o/o), Plmt Origin: China; Extaction Met'hod:
Benzyl Benzoate (4-8olo), Linalol (2-\60/o), Cold-pressed from rind; Key Constituents:
Para-Cresyl Methyl Ether (0.5-9%), Methyl Limonene (60-8 5olo), Beta-Phellandrene ( 1 -
Benzoate (l - 5o/o), Benzyl Salicyclate ( 1 - 5 %) ; 50lo), Gamma-Terpinene (5-1 5olo), Linalool
ORAC: 130,000 pTE/1009 (0.5-3o/o); ORAC: 620 pmole TE/gram


Siti Nor Asyikin 0189180554 : EOPR#18 - [email protected] \


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o Chapter 5

o Oil Blends

Formulating Essential Oil Blends

This section describes specific blends that Guidelines
were formulated after years of research on both
phvsical and emotional health. Each of these Please see Chapter 3 for additional details
blends is formulated to muimize the synergistic on how to use essential oils and follos, the
effect between various oil chemistries and directions on the product labels,
harmonic frequencies. When chemistry and
Common uses: Almosr all blends can
frequency coincide, noticeable physical, spiritual, be diffused, directly inhaled, and/or
applied topically.
and emotional benefits can be attained.
Full body massage: Dilute I drop essential
Remember that some essential oils may oil blend with 15 drops of V-6 or other
be irritating to those with sensitive skin and
remember ro avoid getring them in your eyes. pure carrier oil.
In case you accidentally do get oil in your eyes,
Possible skin sensitivity: Tesr for
dilute it quickly with a few drops ofV-6 Vegetable sensitiviry on small location of skin on
Oil Complex, olive oil, or anv other vegetable oil underside of arm.

that is readily available, and call your doctor if Possible sun sensitivity: Avoid direct
necessary. Do not use water to rinse the eye, as sunlight or UV rays [or up to I 2 hours
water drives the oil into the tissues and creates after applying product.

more burning and pain. Dietary and/or culinary use: Vitaliq,'''
dietary essential oil blends can be added
AII essential oils should be stored in a cool, to food for delicious, concentrated flavor
dark place to preserve their fragile constituents, or used in capsules for rheir supporring
properties. Follow the directions on the
which may dissipate over time or be damaged by
harmful sunlight.
Found-in list: A list of the single oils
contained in each blend can also be
found in Appendix C.


Essential Oil Blend Application Codes o
(Please see box at bottom ofpage for explanation ofcodes)

3 \Wise Men 5o,50 DivineRelease... . Neat Gratitude. . Neat
Abundance. 5O\5O 50€o Grounding...... 5o.50
. [eat Dream Catcher . . 5Oa5O Harrlony....... . Neat
Egvptian Cold. . .
Amoresse nce . Neat EndoFlex 2G80 Highest Potenrial . 50€o
AromaEase. 5G50 En-R-Gee. 5o.Ito
20€o Hope. . . . Neat
Aronra Life. . Neat . Neat

Arcma Siez. 5(>50 Envision . 5O"5O ImnruPower. 2G80

Aroma Sleep. . Neat EvergrecnEssence.... 5O-5O InnerChild..... 5G50

Australian Blue. . . . . . . . ileat Exodusll....... 20€o InnerHarmony....,, . Neat
AustralianKuranya... Faith...........
5G50 Family......... . Neat Inspiration...... . Neat
Awaken . ....... Field...........
. [eat Finance........ . Neat Into the Future . . 2GaO

Believe . . 5OE5O . ileat InTouch........ . ileat

Brain Power . . Neat . Neat Journev On 2(lAO
. Neat
Breathe Again Roll-On . Neat Fitness.. . Neat Joy............
BuildYourDream.... 5G50
Forgiveness. . . . . . Neat JuvaCleanse 5O\5O
Christrnas Spirit. . 2()tAO Freedom. .l{eat . Neat
5O\5O JuvaFlex
CitrusFresh .... 5G,50 Friends.. . Neat . ileat
Clariw......... LadySclareol....

Fun........... . Neat Light the Fire. . . . 2GAO

CommonSense...... . Neat Fulfill Your Destiny . . . 20€o Live with Passion . 5O-5O

Cool fuul....... . Neat Gathering. Neat LiveYourPassion..... 50€o

Deep Relief GeneYus........ . Neat Longeviw....... 2GaO
Roll-On........ . Neat Gende Baby. 2G.aO Loyaltv . Neat
DiGize......... 5O-5O
GLF........... Magni6. Your Purpose . 5O.5O

Oil Blend Application Codes

Neat = Straight, undiluted 20-80 = Dilute 20-80
Dilution usually NOT required; suirable for ail Always dilute 20-80 (1 part essential oils
but the most sensitive skin. Safe for children over to 4 parts V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex)
before applying ro the skin or taking
2 years old. internally. Keep out ofreach ofchildren.

50-50 = Dilute 50-50 Avoid using on skin exposed to direct
Dilution recommended at 50-50 (1 pan essential oils to 1
pan V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) for topical and internal Wsunlight or rays (i.e., sunlamps,
use, especially when used on sensitive arex face, ne&,
tanning beds, etc.)
-genital area, underarms, etc. Keep out ofreach ofchildren.


o Essential Oil Blend Application Codes (continued)
f (Please see box on previous page for explanatio.n o[codes)

Melrose. 5G50 R.C.. . . . 5()*50 Stress Away Roll-OnPH. . Neat
5G50 - Neat
M-Crain . Neat Rcconnect...... - Neat Surrender....... PH...l{eat
Mister . . 50.50 Release......... TheGift. ....5G5O
Motivation. Relicvelt....... 5O'5O Thieves.... ..... Pll..2GAO
2(}.AO RutaVala....... 5(},50
MyDestin1,..... 5O'5O RuraValaRoll-On.... . Neat Tianquil Roll-On. PH. . .l{eat
OolaBalance....... . Neat Sacred Mountain. 5G50
OolaCrow...... . Neat 2GAO Tiansformation . . PH. . 5O€O
2GAO sAR4. ....... . . sG's0
C)wie . . . 5O"5O . Neat TiaumaLi[e..........5O,5O
PanAway 5O'5O . [eat T.R Care....... PH...Neat
. Neat Sensation
Peace & Calming. . Neat . Neat Treasure of rhe Season . . 5G5O
Peace & 50.50 Shutran........ . Neat
Calmingll ...... . Neat TirmmyGize. . . .. PH. . . Neat
PresentTime.... Sleepylze . Neat
Valor... .....Neat
Purification SliqueEssence.......
ValorRoll-On ......... ileat
Raven. . . SniffieEase
\'WThhiteitAenLgigelhicta........P..H...5.G. N5Oeat
StressAway .....

Essential Oil Blends AbundancerM
This blend exemplifies the true power of

3 Wise MenrM synergy. Togetheq all of its component oils
are magnified in vibration, creating the law
This blend promotes feelings of reverence
ofattraction and the energy and frequenry of
and spiritual awareness based on the power of
prosperiry and plentitude.
therapeutic-grade essential oils that open the
lngredients: Orange, Frankincense, Patchouli,
subconscious. It enhances emotional equilibrium
Clove, Ginger, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Black
as it soothes and uplifts the heart.
lngredients: sweet almond oil, Royal Hawaiian
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse ry ro 30-45
- Sandalwood,* Juniper, Frankincense, Black
minutes daily or direcdy inhale. Avoid contact
Spruce, Myrrh
with eyes. Topical: Dilute I drop with 1
a Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour
drop V-6 or other pure carrier oi[. Apply l-2
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
drops over heart or on wrists, neck, temples,
Dilute I drop with 1 drop of V-6 or other
or desired Iocation as needed. Use Release
pure carrier oil. Add 2 drops on crown of
6rsr to release emorions that prevent recipient
head, behind ears, over eyebrows, on chesr,
from receiving abundance. Follow with one
- over thymus, at back ofneck, or on desired or several blends such as Acceptance, Believe,

location as needed. Envision, Into the Future, The Gift, Joy,

Magnifr Your Purpose, Motivation, or Valor.


AcceptancerM AromaEasetM

Acceptance stimulates the mind, compel- This comforting blend has a cool, minty
ling us to open and accept new things, people, aroma that contains powerful essential oil
or relationships in life, allowing one to reach a constituents. Use AromaEase to reduce the
higher potential. It also helps us ro overcome effects ofnausea and other sensations ofdigestive
procrastination and denial. discomfort.
lngredients: sweet almond oil, Coriander, lngredients: Peppermint, Spearmint, Ginger,

Geranium, Bergamot, Frankincense, Royal Cardamom, Fennel
Hawaiian Sandalwood," Bitter Orange Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
(Neroli), Grapefruit, Ta.ngerine, Spearmint,
Lemon, Blue Cypress, Davana, Kafir Lime, minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Ocotea, Jasmine, Marricaria (German
Chamomile) Topical: Dilute 1 drop with I drop of V-6

Directions:Aromatic Diffirse up to t hour 3 or other pure carrier oil and apply on desired
times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilution location as needed.

not required, except for the most sensitive skin. Aroma LiferM
Apply 2-4 drops over heart and thymus, on
wrists, behind ears, on neck and temples, or on Aroma Life improves cardiovascular,
desired location as needed. lymphatic, and circulatory systems; lowers high
blood pressure; and reduces stress.
AmoressencerM lngredients: sesame seed oil, Cypress,

A limited-edition blend available only at a Marjoram, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum
Young Living Beaury School event.
lngredients: Vetiver, Idaho BIue Spruce, Jas- Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour

mine, Davana, Ocotea, Ylang Ylang, Roman 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Chamomile, Vanilla, Ceranium Dilution not required, except for the mosr
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on the
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3 abdomen, in conjunction with Raindrop
Technique, or on desired location as needed.
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute Apply 1-2 drops over heart and along spine
as needed and apply to desired area. from 6rst to fourth thoracic vertebrae (which
Caution: Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For correspond to the cardiopulmonary nerues).
external use only. Keep away from eyes and
mucous membranes. Ifyou are pregnant, Aroma SiezrM
nursing, taking medication, or have a medical
condition, consult a health care professional Aroma Siez is an advanced complex of anti-
prior to use. inflammatory muscle-reluing essential oils that
promote circulation and relieve headaches and
118 tight, inflamed, aching muscles resulting from
injury fatigue, or stress.
lngredients: Basil, Marjoram, Lavender,

Peppermint, Cypress
Directions:Topical: Dilute 1 drop wirh 1 drop

ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply on
sore muscles, ligaments, locations of poor
circulation, or desired location as needed.
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry.

AromaSleeprM Cypress, Sacred Sandalwood, Fennel, Melaleuca
Ericifolia, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Tea Tree
AromaSleep provides a relaxing aroma to essential oils is now available, called Kuranya.
re-establish a positive energy flow to the body, This is an Australian Aboriginal word meaning
helping calm your mind and feelings prior to "rainbow." Kuranya is truly the treasure at
bedtime. rainbowt end.
tngredientst Lavender, Geranium, Roman
lngredients: Lemon Myrtle, Kunzea, Blue Cy-
Chamomile, Bergamot, Tangerine, Sacred
Frankincense, Valerian, Rue press, Sacred Sandalwood, Fennel, Melaleuca
Ericifolia, Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tiee
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30
minutes, 3 times daily. Topical: To use
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilution not required, except for the most topically, dilute 1 drop of Kuranya with 1
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on drop olV-6 or other pure vegetable oil and
desired location as needed. apply to desired area.
Cautions: Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For
Australian BluerM external use only. Avoid contact with eyes
and mucous membranes. Ifyou are pregnant,
This blend includes a rare Australian aromatic nursing, taking medication, or have a medical
called Blue Cypress, a part of the aboriginal phar- condition, consult a health care professional
macopoeia for thousands ofyears. It is produced prior to use.
from the distillation of the wood of Calli*is
inta*opica, the northern cypress pine, which has AwakenrM
antiviral properties. Its aromatic infuence uplifts
and inspires while simultaneously grounds and Five specific blends combine to awaken and
enhance inner self-awareness that strengthens
the desire to reach one's highest potential. It
lngredients: Blue Cypress, Ylang Ylang, Ce- stimulates right brain creativiry amplifring the
damood, \7hite Fir, Geranium, Grapefruit, function ofthe pineal and pituitary glands in
Tangerine, Spearmint, Davana, Kaffir Lime,
Lemon, Ocotea, Jasmine, Matricaria (German balancing the energy centers of the body and
Chamomile), Blue Tansy, Rose helps us identifr our true desires and how best to
pursue them.
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour lngredients: Joy, Forgiveness, Present Time,

3-4 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dream Catcher, Harmony
Dilution not required, except for the most
sensitive skin. Apply I -2 drops on wrists, Directions:Arornatic Diffuse up to t hour
neck, remples, Foor Vita Flex poinrs, or
desired location as needed. 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilution not required, except for rhe most
Australian KuranyarM sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops over heart,
on wrists, neck, temples, forehead, foot Vita
The legend ofa treasure held in a golden Flex points, or desired location as needed. For
pot at the end o[ the rainbow just came true! clearing allergies, rub over sternum.
Australia is the home to many of the world's Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry
most beloved and powerful essential oils. A new
blend of Australian Lemon Myrtle, Kunzea, Blue


BelievetM Breathe AgainrM RolhOn

Believe helps release the unlimited potential This superchargedversion of the R.C. blend is
everyone possesses. It restores feelings ofhope, packaged in a convenient dispenser for easy use
making ir possible ro more Fully experience when air pollution makes it difficult to breathe,
health, happiness, and vitaliry. or throat and nasal congestion strike. Contains
lngredients: Balsam Canada (ldaho Balsam four different eucalyptus oils and 6ve additional
essential oils, all known for their ability to relax
Fir), Coriander, Bergamot, Frankincense, airways, make breathing easier, and reduce
Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, Geranium coughing. In addition, these oils have anti-
inf ammatory characteristics.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Eucalyptus Staigeriana, Euca.lyptus Globulus,
Dilution not required, except for rhe mosr laurus Nobilis (Bay Laurel), Rose Hip Seed
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops over heart, on Oil, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata, Copaiba,
wrists, neck, temples, forehead, foot Vita Flex Myrtle, Blue Cypress, Eucalyptus Blue
points, or desired location as needed. Directions: Topical: Apply generously to
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry.
throat, neck, or chest as desired for reliefof
Brain PowerrM symptoms related to colds, coughs, or sinus/
lung congestion.
Brain Power promotes deep concentration
and channels physical energy into menral energy. Build Your DreamrM
It also increases mental potential and clariry
and long-term use may retard the aging process. A unique blend, Build Your Dream is
Many of the oils in this blend are high in designed to empower and give clariry to your
sesquiterpene compounds thar increase activiry thoughts and purpose when used aromarically.
in the pineal, pituirary, and hypothalamus glands lngredients: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Blue
and thereby increase outpur ofgrowrh hormone
and melatonin. Cypress, Sacred Frankincense, Hong Kuai,
Melissa, Idaho Blue Spruce, Balsam Canada
The oils also help dissolve petrochemicals that (ldaho Balsam Fir), Sacred Sandalwood, Co-
congest the receptor sites, clearing the "brain riander, Thngerine, Black Pepper, Bergamot,
fog" that people experience due to exposure to Frankincense, Juniper, Anise, Blue Tlnsy,
syntheric petrochemicals in food, skin, hair care Geranium, Blue Lotus
products, and air. Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 min-
tngredients: Sacred Sandalwood, Cedarwood, utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop V-6 or orher pure
Frankincense, Melissa, Blue Cypress, carrier oil and apply on desired location as
Lavender, Helichrysum needed.

Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour Ghristmas SpiritrM

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Christmas Spirit is a purif,ing blend of
Dilution not required, except for the mosr evergreen, citrus, and spice, reminiscent of

sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on back of winter holidays, and brings joy, peace, happiness,
and security.
neck, throat, temples, under nose, or on

desired location as needed. Apply I or 2 drops
with a finger on insides ofcheeks in mouth.
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry.


lngredients: Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Black Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3

Spruce times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical: Dilute

Directions: Aromatiq Diffuse up to 30 I drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6 oil and apply 1-2 drops on edge ofears, wrists,
or other pure carrier oil. Apply 1-2 drops over neck, forehead, temples, foot VitaFlex points
heart, on wrists, neck, temples, foot Vita Flex (brain and large toe), or desired location as
points, or desired location as needed. needed. Clariry worl<s well with Brain Power,
Palo Santo, Lemon, or Peppermint, as they
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitivity. enhance its effects.
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry.
Citrus FreshrM
Gommon SenserM
Cirrus Fresh stimulates the right brain to
amplifr creativiry and well-being, eradicates Common Sense is a proprietary blend
of pure Young Living essential oils specially
anxiery and works well as an air purifier. \[hen formulated by D. Gary Young to increase mental
diffused, it adds a clean, fresh scent to any acuiry improve decision-making abilities, and
strengthen everyday thinking skills.
environment. tngredients: Frankincense, Ylang Ylang,
lngredients: Orange, Tangerine, Grapefruit,
Ocotea, Goldenrod, Rue, Dorado Azul, Lime
Lemon, Mandarin, Spearmint
Directions:Aronatic Diffuse up to 30
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute minutes 3 times daily, directly inhale, or u,ear
1 part to I part V-6 or other pure carrier oil
as a fragrance. Topical: Dilute I drop with 4
and apply 1-2 drops on edge ofears, wrists, drops ofV-6 or other carrier oil and apply to
neck, temples, foot VitaFlex points, or desired
location as needed. desired area as needed.
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.

Citrus Fresh VitalityrM Gool AzulrM

lngredients: Orange, Tangerine, GrapeFruit, Cool Azul may be applied topically after
Lemon, Mandarin, Spearmint
physical activities to relieve sore or stressed
Directions: Dietary: Pur 2 drops in a capsule
and take 3 times daily. Great for culinary use. muscles or [or a cooling, aromatic sensation.
lngredients: \Wintergreen, Peppermint, Sage,
Copaiba, Oregano, Melaleuca Quinquenervia
Clarity promotes a clear mind and amplifies (Niaouli), Plectranthus Oregano, Lavender,
menral alertness and vitality. [r increases energy Blue Cypress, Elemi, Vetiver, Caraway, Do-
when overly tired and brings greater focus to the rado Azul, Matricaria (German Chamomile)
spirit and mind. Directions: Topical Dilute with V-6 or other
lngredients: Basil, Cardamom, Rosemary pure carrier oil as needed and apply topically.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry
Peppermint, Coriander, Geranium, Bergamot,
Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Roman
Chmomile, Palmarosa


Deep Relief RolhOnrM DiGize VitalityrM L
This convenient roll-on relieves muscle lngredients: Thrragon, Ginger, Peppermint, L
soreness and tension, soothes sore joints and L
ligaments, helps calm stressed nerves, and reduces Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, Patchouli L
inflammation. This powerful blend contains L
nine essenrial oi[s, most of which are known Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 4 L
for their anti-infammatory and pain-relieving drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a L
characteristics. capsule and take I daily.
This highly portable rol[-on with its no-mess Divine Releaseril
application is easy to carry in your pocket, purse, \
briefcase, etc. It also passes through airport Divine Release is an elevating blend that
security for "easy breathing" while flying high. helps release feelings ofanger and promotes for- L
lngredients: Peppermint, caprylic/capric giveness to encourage the gentle characteristics L
within oneself for a positive outlook on life.
triglyceride, Lemon, Balsam Canada (ldaho lngredients: Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,* t
Balsam Fir), Clove, Copaiba, coconut oil,
Vintergreen, Helichrysum, Vetiver, Dorado Roman Chamomile, Frankincense, Melissa, (
Azul Geranium, Grapefruit, Blue Cypress, Hinoki,
Directions: Topical: Apply generously on Helichrysum, Bergamot, Rose, Ledum, L
location. For head tension, apply on temples, Angelica
back of neck, and forehead. t
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up to t hour
DiGizerM 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: L
Dilution not required, except for the most L
This blend relieves digestive problems, sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on
including indigestion, heartburn, gas, and desired location as needed. L
bloating. It helps fight candida as it kills and Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.
digests parasite infestation. L
lngredients: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Dragon TimerM

Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, Patchouli This blend relieves PMS symptoms and
menstrual discomforts, including cramping and
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 irregular periods. Ir helps balance emotions,
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. alleviating mood swings and headaches caused by
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6 hormonal imbalance.
or other pure carrier oil and apply to Vita lngredients: Fennel, Clary Sage, Marjoram,
Flex points on feet and ankles for stomach
and intestinal relief or on desired location as Lavendet Yarrow, Jasmine
needed. Massage or use as a compress on the Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30

stomach. minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop V-6 or
other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on
122 wrists, neck, temples, foot Vita Flex poinrs,
or desired location as needed. Applv with a
hot compress or directly over lower abdomen,
across lower back, or on location of pain. Use
on both sides ofankles and feet.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.

Dream CatcherrM Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
This blend stimulates the emotional centers Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6
of the brain, awakening creative thoughts and or other pure carrier oil and put in a capsule;
enhancing dreams and visualizations, promoting take 1 capsule before each meal or as desired.
greater potential for realizing your dreams and
staying on your path. It also protects from Topical: Dilute i drop with 4 drops of V-6 or
negative thoughts and dreams that might cloud
your vision. other pure carrier oil and apply I-2 drops over
lngredients: Sacred Sandalwood, tngerine, heart, on wrists, neck, temples, foot Vita Flex
points, or desired location as needed.
Ylang Yang, Black Pepper, Bergamot, Anise, Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.
Juniper, Geranium, Blue Cypress, Davana,
Citrus Hystrix, Jasmine, Matricaria (German EndoFlexrM
Chamomile), Blue Tansy, Rose, Grapefruit,
Spearmint This blend amplifies metabolism and vitalicy
and creates hormonal balance.
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 lngredients: Spearminr, sesame seed oil, Sage,

times daily (most effective before and during Geranium, Myrtle, Matricaria (German
sleep) or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 Chamomile), Nutmeg
drop with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil Directions:Aromatic: Diffirse up to 30 minutes
and apply on forehead, ears, throat, eyebrows, 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute
base ofneck, under nose, or on desired loca- I drop wirh 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier
tion as needed. Use during meditation, in oil and apply over lower back, thyroid, kidneys,
saunas, or just before sleeping. liver, feet, glandular locations, foot Vita Flex
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitivity. points, or desired location as needed.
Note: If unpleasant dreams occur, continue
to use, since subconscious memories and EndoFlex VitalityrM
thoughts will still need to be resolved. Hold
on to your dreams and visualize the problems lngredients: Spearmint, sesame seed oil, Sage,
being solved. It may be helpful to write down Geranium, Myrtle, Matricaria (German
the dreams upon arising. Chamomile), Nutmeg

Egyptian Goldril Directions:Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 1
drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a
This is a very unique blend that combines capsule and take up to 3 times daily.
the most valuable essences of the Middle East
and Central Europe. It offers a truly enchanting En-R-GeerM
aromatic effect that stimulates the central
nervous system and the immune and respiratory This blend increases vitaliry circulation, and

systems. alertness.

lngredients: Frankincense, Balsam Canada lngredients: Rosemary, Juniper, Lemongrass,
(ldaho Balsam Fir), Lavender, Myrrh, Hyssop, Nutmeg, Baisam Canada (Idaho Balsam Fir),
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Cedarwood, Clove, Black Pepper
Vetiver, Rose, Cinnamon Bark
Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to 30
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6
or other pure carrier oil. Apply on temples,


back of neck, forehead, chakras, foot Vita Flex temples, Foot Vita Flex points, or desired

points, or desired location as needed. It may location as needed.

also be used with Raindrop Technique. Rub Caution: Possible skin sensiriviry.

En-R-Gee on feet and Awaken on temples for Exodus llrM
intensi6ed effect.

Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry. Avoid contact Some researchers believe that some ofthese
with mucous membranes or sensitive skin. aromatic were used by Aaron, the brother of

EnvisionrM Moses, to prorefi rhe Israelites from a plague.
Modern science shows that these oils contain

This blend renews focus and stimulates immune-stimulating and antimicrobial

creative and intuitive abilities needed to achieve compounds. Because of the complex chemisrry
goals and dreams. It helps to reawaken internal ofessential oi[s, it is very difficult for viruses and

drive and independence and to overcome fears bacteria to mutate and acquire resistance to them.

and emotional blocks. lngredients: olive oil, Myrrh, Cassia,
lngredients: Black Spruce, Geranium, Orange, Cinnamon Bark, Calamus, Northern Lights

Lavender, Sage, Rose Black Spruce, Hyssop, Vetiver, Frankincense

Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 minures Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up ro 10

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
1 drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6
oil and apply l-2 drops on forehead, edge or other pure carrier oil. Apply 1-2 drops on

of ears, wrists, neck, temples, foot Vita Flex ears, wrists, foot Vita Flex points, along spine

) points, or desired location as needed. as in Raindrop Technique, or desired location
as needed.
Evergreen EssencerM Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviry Nor

Evergreen Essence essential oil blend has a intended for children under 12 years ofage,

refreshing, crisp scent that is invigorating and unless directed by a health care professional.
emotionally strengthening. lWith an arrmgemenr
ofpopular evergreen trees, the scents ofpine, fir,

and spruce complement one another and may This blend can awaken feelings ofspirituality

assist in the release ofoccasional emotional blocls. and humiliry. Inhaling the aroma may promote

Refreshing to the senses, Evergreen Essence brings deeper meditation and create a greater sense of

a feeling ofbalance, peace, and security. The connection -

relaxing scent may also help cler the mind for a lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Sacred

calming sense of meditation and reflection. Frankincense, Balsam Canada (ldaho Balsam
lngredients: Idaho Blue Spruce, Ponderosa Fir), Myrrh, Juniper, Hyssop, Cedarwood,
Sage, Rose, Geranium, Palo Santo, Coriander,
Pine, Scotch Pine, Red Fir, Western Red
Cedar, \il/hite Fir, Black Pine, Pinyon Pine, Bergamot, Lemon, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine, Ro-
man Chamomile, PaJmarosa
Lodgepole Pine
Directions: Aromatie Diffirse up to 30 minures
Directions:Aromatie Diffirse up to I hour 3 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilute Apply on desired lootion as needed.
1 part to I part V-6 or other pure carrier oil.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.
Apply 1-2 drops over heart, on wrists, neck,


FamilyrM Canada (Idaho Balsam Fir), Royal Hawaiian
Sandalwood,* Basil, Geranium, Lavender,
This is a powerful blend that is formulated Cardamom, Coriander, Ylang Ylang, North-
to support feelings ofuncondirional love, pa- ern Lights Black Spruce, Rosemary, Citronella
tience, and respect. It may help uplift emotions (nardus), Citronella (winterianus), Bergamot
and release negarive feelings to provide balance (Furocoumarin-free), Vetiver, Peppermint,
and clariry Melissa, Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon,
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Bit-
ter Orange (Neroli), Rose
Ylang Yang, Lavendel Orange, Geranium, Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 min-
Cardamom, Tangerine, Frankincense, Ce- utes 3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical:
daruood, Coriander, Pine, Royal Hawaiian Apply on desired location as needed.
Sandalwood,* Lemongrass, Bergamor, Xiang Caution: Possible sun sensitiviLy.
Mao, Lemon, Black Spruce, Lime, Roman
Chamomile, Palmarosa FitnessrM
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 min-
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: This energizing blend is formulated to
Apply on desired location as needed. empower and promote discipline and inspiration
Caution: Possible sun sensitivity. to set and achieve fitness goals.
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,
Cypress, Copaiba, Basil, Cistus, Marjoram,
This blend encourages feelings ofself-worth Peppermint, Clary Sage, Idaho Blue Spruce,
and strength to help you overcome barriers and Balsam Canada (Idaho Balsam Fir), Nutmeg,
reach your true, unlimited potential. Black Pepper
tngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 min-
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Cardamom, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, sweet Apply on desired location as needed.
almond oil, Nutmeg, Ginger, Bitter Orange
(Neroli), Balsam Canada (ldaho Balsam Fir), ForgivenessrM
Coriander, Black Spruce, Bergamot, Idaho
Blue Spruce, Geranium This blend helps to release hurt feelings and
Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 min- negative emotions. It also helps release negative
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: memories, allowing one to move past emotional
Apply on desired location as needed. barriers and attain higher awareness, assisting the
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry person to forgive and let go.
Ingredients: sesame seed oil, Melissa, Geranium,
Frankincense, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*
This blend is designed to encourage positive Coriander, Angelica, Lavender, Bergamot,
emotions and increased feelings ofabundance. Lemon, Ylang Yang, Jsmine, Helichrysum,
Its uplifting aroma promores a sense of clarity Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose
and alertness to help you focus on and realize
financial objecrives. Directions:Aromatic: Diffi:se up to t hour
lngredients: caprylic/capric rriglyceride,
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Frankincense, Orange, Ocotea, Balsam Dilution not required, except for the most


sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops behind ears, I ngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,
on wrists, neck, temples, navel, solar plexus, Spearmint, Cedarwood, Myrtle, Lemon,
heart, or desired location as needed. Grapefruit, Tangerine, Jasmine, Nutmeg
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviw.
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
FreedomrM minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Topical: Apply on desired location as needed.
This liberating blend was created to help re-
establish a positive energy flow through the body Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry
to promote a sense ofbalance. It is part ofthe
Freedom Collection Bundle. Fulfill Your DestinyrM
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,
Do your drems seem impossible? Is your
Copaiba, Lavender, Sacred Frankincense, destiny predetermined? Gary Young's life*tory
Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce, Peppermint, Palo example says otherwise! His 2017 Convention
Santo, Valerian, Rue blend, Fulfill Your Destiny, supports your power
and agenry to claim the destiny ofyour choice.
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour Use this blend created by Gary to choose the
course ofevents that wifl lead to your true destin1,.
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: lngredients: Tangerine, Frankincense, Nutmeg,
Dilution not required, except for the most
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on Cassia, Cardamom, Clary Sage, Black Pepper,
desired location as needed. Idaho Blue Spruce, Neroli (Biner Orange)
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 min-
FriendsrM utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6 Vegetable
A welcoming blend, Friends helps bring har- Oil Complex or other pure carrier oil. Test on
monic balance to the energy centers of the body a small area ofskin on the underside ofarm
to encourage feelings olself-worth, confidence, and apply to desired area as needed.
and awareness.
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Lav- GatheringrM

ender, Frankincense, Blue Cypress, Orange, This blend is created to help us overcome the
Palo Santo, Xiang Mao, Ylang Ylang, Sacred bombardment ofchaotic energy that alters our
Sandalwood, Mandarin, Angelica, Geranium, focus and takes us offour path toward higher
Black Spruce, Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Lem- achievements. Northern Lights Black Spruce and
ongrass, Bitter Orange (Neroli), Coriander, Vetiver have a strong effect when blended with
Bergamot (Furocoumarin-free), Lemon, Ro- Frankincense and Sandalwood in gathering our
man Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose emotional and spiritual thoughts, helping us to
achieve our potential. These oils help increase the
Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 min- orygen around the pineal and pituitary glands,
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: bringing greater harmonic frequency to receive
Apply on desired location as needed. the communication we desire.

Fun rM This blend helps bring people together on a
physical, emotional, and spiritual level for greater
This uplifting and revitalizing essential oil focus and clariry. It helps one stay focused,
blend promotes euphoric emotions. The cheerful grounded, and clear in gathering motivation for
aroma boosts self-confidence and encourages the self-improvement.
mind to enjoy lifet simple pleasures.


lngredients: Lavender, Northern Lights Gentle BabyrM
Black Spruce, Geranium, Royal Hawaiian
This blend is comforting, soothing, reluing,
Sandalwood,* Ylang Ylang, Vetiver, and beneficial for reducing stress during
Cinnamon Bark, Rose pregnancy. It helps reduce stretch marks and scar
tissue, rejuvenates the skin, improves elasticiry
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to I hour and helps to reduce wrinkles.

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: It is particularly soothing to babies with dry
Dilution not required, except lor the most chapped skin and diaper rmh. Skin issues improve
sensitive skin. Apply l-2 drops on edge of when using Gentle Baby with Rose Ointment on
ears, wrists, neck, temples, or along the spine the top of it. Gende Baby is calming and brings a
as in Raindrop Technique. Use Forgiveness feeling ofpeace for tiny babies, children, and adults.
on the navel; fhe Gift and Sacred Mountain lngredients: Coriander, Geranium, Palmarosa,
on the crown (to clear negative attitudes);
Valor on the crown or Feer; 3 'Wise Men Lavendet Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile,
on the crown; Clariry on the temples; and Bergamot (furocoumarin-free), Lemon,
Dream Catcher on the forehead, ears, throar,
eyebrows, base of neck, and under the nose. Jasmine, Rose
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviw.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30
GeneYusrm (KidScents and minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Reconnect GollectionsI
Topical: Dilute 1 part essential oil to I part
Diffuse GeneYus to help minds focus and
concentrate on projects. V-6 or other pure carrier oil for body massage
lngredients: cocos nucifera oil, Sacred and for applying on baby's skin. Apply over
mother's abdomen, on feet, lower back,
Frankincense, Blue Cypress, Cedarwood, face, and neck locations; apply on location
Idaho Blue Spruce, Melissa, Palo Santo, For dry, chapped skin or diaper rash. Use as
Northern Lights Black Spruce, almond oi[, needed. For Pregnancy md Delivery: Use
Vetiver, Bergamot, Myrrh, Geranium, Sacred for musage throughout entire pregnancy for
Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang, Coriander, Black relieving srress and anxiery, crearing sereniry
and preventing scarring. Massage on the
Spruce, Hyssop, Rose perineum to help it stretch for easier birthing.
Caution: Possible sun sensirivity.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffirse up to t hour
3 times daily. Topical: Recommended The initials ofthis essential oil blend stand
application is for children ages 2-12. To be
applied only by a trusted adult or under adult for Gallbladder and Liver Flush. It is formulated
supervision. Dilution not required, except with oils that help ro cleanse and restore liver
for the most sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops and gallbladder function when taken in capsules
directly on desired location as needed. as a dietary supplement.
Caution: Keep away from eyes and mucous !ngredients: Grapefruit, Ledum, Helichrysum,
membranes. Possible sun sensitiviry
Celery Seed, Hyssop, Spearminr

Directions: Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop
ofV-6 or orher pure carrier oil and apply on
desired location as needed.

Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.


GLFrtr VitalityrM utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
!ngredients: Grapefruit, Ledum, Helichrysum, carrier oil and apply l -2 drops behind ears, on
Celery Seed, Hyssop, Spearmint wrists, base ofneck, temples, base ofspine, or
desired location as needed.
Directions: Dietaryr Dilute 1 drop with 4 Caution: Possible sun/skin sensir iviry.
drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Pur in
a capsule and take 1 before each meal or as HarmonyrM

desired. This blend promotes physical and emotional
healing by creating a harmonic balance for the
GratituderM energy centers ofthe body. It brings us inro
harmony with all things, people, and rycles of
This delightful blend is designed to elevate, life. It is beneficial in reducing stress, amplifring
soothe, and bring relief to the body while well-being, and dissipating feelings of discord.
helping to foster a grateful attitude. Ir is also It is also uplifting and elevating to the mind,
nourishing and supporrive to the skin. The New creating a positive attitude.
Testament tells us that on one occasion, Christ lngredients: Sacred Sandalwood, Lavender,
healed l0 lepers (Luke 17:12-19), but only
one returned to express his thanks. This blend Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Orange, Angelica,
embodies the spirit ofthat grateful leper. Geranium, Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Black
lngredients: Balsam Canada (Idaho Balsam Spruce, Coriander, Bergamor, Lemon,
Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose
Fir), Frankincense, Coriandeq Myrrh, Ylang
Yang, Bergamot (furocoumarin-free), Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Vetiver,
Geranium times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilu-
tion not required, except for the most sensi-
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour tive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on edge ofears,
wrists, neck, temples, over heart, on chakras,
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: on foot Vita Flex points, or desired location
Dilution not required, except for the most
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops behind ears, as needed.
over heart, on wrists, base of neck, temples,
base ofspine, or desired location as needed. Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry.

GroundingrM Highest PotentialrM

This blend creates a feeling ofsolidariry and This blend elevates the mind as you gather
balance. It srabilizes and grounds us so we can your thoughm and mental energy to achieve
cope constructively with realiry 'When we're your highest porential. It harmonizes several
hurting emotionally, we resort to avoidance. grounding, calming, inspiring, and empowering
rVhen this happens, it is easy to make poor essential oils into one intoxicating blend.
choices that lead to unhealthy relationships and
unwise business decisions. 'We seek to escape Biochemist R. V. Moncrieffwrote that
because we do not have anchoring or awareness Ylang Ylang "soothes and inhibits anger born
to know how to deal wirh our emorions. offrustration," which removes roadblocks and
lngredients: lWhite Fir, Black Spruce, Ylang opens new vistas. The uplifting fragrance of

Ylang, Pine, Cedarwood, Angelica, Juniper Jasmine spurs creativity, while Lavender clears
Directions:Aromaticr Diffuse up to 30 min- the thought processes for focused intentions.


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