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Published by anabintiwalid, 2022-04-05 01:44:28

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 - [email protected]

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 -

Appl ication Gu idel i n es (Conti n ued)

Vita Flex/Auricular/ Vaginal: Tampon: Mix a 40160 ratio (4
Lymphatic Pump parts essential oil to 6 parts \'-(r Vegetable
Oil Complex), put 1-2 tablespoons on
Apph' I--3 drops ncrt to thc Vira Flcx a tampon, and insert into the vagina for
poirrrs orr rhe iccr as clircctcr'I. (-hilclrcn ]ovc it. internal inlection. Pur oil on a sanitarv pad
For external lesions. Retain up to 8 hours
\,r ( .lrrrl'tr'r (, lor tttore inl.rliri(rn. or otcrnighr. U:c onl.' rarnpons or sanirrrl
pads made with non-pcrfumed, non-scent-
Raindrop Technique ed, organic cotton.
llrvc a I{ainrlrolr'lcchniquc I -l tinrcs

u.,Llr. \,, ( lr:tl,t.'rt, t,rt'rtot. ini,,lnt.lti,,n.

. Rectal: Mix a 40160 ratio (4 parts csscntial

oil to (r parts \L(r Vegetable Oil Complcx),
insert I -2 tablespoons in the rectum wirh
a bulb svringe, and rctain up to 8 hours or





Quick Usage Guide

Body Defense: Antiviral, Bones, Joints, and Muscles

Anti bacterial, Anti-inf Iammatory, Singles: Basil, Basil Vitaliry Black Pepper, (
and Disease Black Pepper Vitaliry Copaiba, Copaiba
Vitalirv, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry, t
Singles: Northern l,ighrs Black Spruce, Carror Helichrysum, Idaho Balsam Fir, Idaho Blue
Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry Cinnamon Bark, Spruce, Lemonqrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry, (
Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry, Frankincense, N{arjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry Roman
Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fiq Chamomile, Norrhern Lights Black Spruce, L
Idaho Blue Spruce, Cistus, Clove, Clove Black Spruce, Wintergreen
Vitaliry, Dalmatia Sage, Dorado Azul,

Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitality, Laurus Blends: Aroma Siez, Cool Azul, Deep Relief (
Nobilis, Laurus Nobilis Vitaliry Lemon, Roll-On, M-Grain, PanArvar,, Relieve Ir
Lemon Vitality, Lime, Lime Vitaliry
Oregano, Oregano Vitality, Sage, Sage Nutritionals: PowerGize, BLM, AgilEase,
Vitality, Ocotea, Palo Santo, Spearmint, Balance Cornplete, Master Formula,
MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Power
Spearmint Vitality, Tangerine, Thngerine N{eal, Slique Shake, Slique Bars, Slique
Vitaliry -Ihyme, Thyme Vitaliry Eucalyptus CitraSlim, Sulfurzyrne
Blue, Hinoki, Yuzu

Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitality, Breathe Body Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Creanr.
Again Roll-On, SniffleEase, Melrose,
Puri6cation, R.C., Raven, Sacred Mountain, Cool Azul Sports Gel, C)rtho Ease l\lirssage
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil

ImmuPower, The Gift Digestive Dysfunction,

Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, ImmuPro, lnner Constipation, BIoating, Gas,

Defense, NingXia Red, NingXia Zyng, and Cleansing


Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitalirv,

) Body Cre: Thieves AromaBright Toothpasre, Coriander, Coriander Vitaliq,, Dill, Dill
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves Vitaliry, Eucalyptus Radiata, Fennel,

Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fennel Vitalitv, Sage, Sage Vitalitv, Ginger, \

Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, Thieves Cinger Vitaliry, Grapefruit, Crapelruit

Spray, Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard Vitalitl,, Ledum, Lemon, Lemon Vitalio,,

Lozenges Lime, Lime Vitalitv, Tea'l'ree, Peppermint,

Pepperminr Vitalio,, Idaho Blue Spruce,

trragon, trragon Vitalirv, Hinoki, Basil,

Basil Vitalir;,, Dalmaria Juniper, Juniper


Quick Usage Guide (Continued)

Blends: DiGiz.e, DiGize Vitalin,, TummyGize, RutaVaLa, SARA, SclarEssencc. .Sclar-
EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitalitx GLF, GLF Esscncc Vitalin', Scnsation. Surrenclcr, The
Vitalirv, JuvaCleanse, luvaCleansc Vitalin,, Gifi, Tiansformarion, Trauma Life. Valor.
Valor II, Whitc Angelica. V/hite Light
lrrvaFlex. .lrrvrFlex Vitalil. Lonqevirr.
Nutritionals; CortiStop, L,ndoG ize,
Longeyin' VitaliW FemiCen, PD 80/20

Nutritionals: Alkalime, ComlorTone, Disesr Body Care: Drason Time Massage C)il,
& Cleanse, ICI JuvaPower, Juvaspicc, Prcnolone Plus Bodl, Cre:rnr, I)roqessence
JuvaTone, Life 9,, Essential- Plus, Regenolone lt4oisturizing Creanr
zvmes-4, AIlerzyme, Detoxzyme, KidScents
Mighn,Zvme Fortifying and Maintaining the
Body Care: Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
Singles: Cinnarnon Bark, Cinnamon B,rrk
Emotional and Spiritual Viralin,. Clovc, Clovc Vitrlirr, Idaho
Blue Spruce, iuniper, Jade Lenron, _lade
Singles: Bergamot, Bergamor Vitalitv, Lemon Vitalio'. Lemon, Lemon Viralin,
Clary Sage, Frankincense, Frankincense Lime, Lime Viralitr,, Nutmeg, Nurnres
Vitalitr,, Lavender, Lavender Viraliq,, Jade Vitaliry, Oranse, Oranse Viralin., C)resano.
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitalin, Lernon, Oregano Vitalin,, Peppermint, Peppermint
Lemon Vitaliq', Orange, Orange Vitaliry Vitalin', Rosemar),, Rosemar)' Vitalirv,
Sage, Sage Vitaliry Patchouli, Pine, Thvme, Th1'me Vitalitv
Sacred Frankincense, Tsusa, Ylang Ylane,
Idaho Blue Spruce, Hinoki, Spearmint, Blends: Citrus Fresh, Clitrus Frcsh Vitaliry
Spearmint Vitaliw En-R-Cee, Lonsevin'. Hope, lmnruPorver,
Joi,, Motivation
Blends: 3 Wise Men, Amoressence, Abun-
dance, Acceptance, Australian Blue, Nuritionals: Balancc Cornplete, Endo(i izc.
AromaEase, AromaSleep, Believe, Chivalry,,
Divine Release, Egyptian Gold, Evergreen Essentialzyme. Essentialzynres-,t, Inner
Essence, Freedom, Forgiveness, Gather- Delense, Juvalbne, l\4aster Fornrula.
ing, Gentle Baby, German Chamomile, MegaCal, KidScents Miehn'Vites.
Gratitude, Grounding, Harmonr,, Hope, KidSccnts MighryZvme, Mind$Iise,
Humiliry lnner Child, lnner Harmonv, Mineral Essence, MultiGreens, NineXa
lnspiration, Into the Furure, lnTouch, Red. NingXia Zvng, C)megaCize', Power
Reconnect, Jor,. Ladv Sclareol, Live with Meal, Slique Shake, I'rostate Health. Pure
Passion, Live Your Passion, Light the Firc,
Prorein Complete, Super B. Supcr (i, Supcr
Motivation, Peace & Calmine, Peace & (l (lhcrvable, Thvromin, JuvaPorver
Calmine Il, Present Time, Rclease.


Quick Usage Guide (Continued) \

Memory, Confusion, Lack of Protection-Antioxidants L
Menta! Clarity, Brain Fog
Singles: Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Bark (
Singles: Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry, Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry Copaiba,
Hinoki, Lavender, Lavender Vitality, Copaiba Vitaliry Dorado Azul, Eucalyptus \
Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality, Rosemary, Blue, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry
Rosemary Vitaliry, Sacred Frankincense Sacred Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, L
Helichrysum, Tea Tree, Melissa, Mountain L
Blends: Awaken, Brain Power, (leneYus, Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry Ocotea,
Citrus Fresh, Citms Fresh Vitaliry, Clariry, Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Palo Santo, L
Common Sense, Dream Carcher, Envision, Ravintsara, Roman Chamomile, Thyme, L
Cathering, Into the Future, Jov Thyme Vitaliry L

Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Blends: Aroma Life, TummyGize, DiGize, \
Detoxzyme, Master Formula, MegaCal, DiGize Vitaliry Exodus II, Melrose,
MindWise, NingXia Red, NingXia Zyng, PanAway, Purification, R.C., Raven, The \
Thyromin, Ultra Young Cift, Thieves, Thieves Vitality L
Overweight, Metabolism Nutritionals: Longeviry Softgels, Master L
Formula, Super C, Super C Chewable
Singles: Fennel, Fennel Vitality, GrapeFruit, \
Grapefruit Vitality, Jade Lemon, Jade Body Care: LavaDerm Cooling Mist, Protec
Lemon Vitaliry, Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry L
Nutmeg, Nutmeg Viraliry Ocotea, Skin Care L
Patchouli, Spearmint, Spearminr Vitaliry
Note: After applying essential oils on the t
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TummyGize, skin, use a skin cream to sooth the natural
EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitality, GLF, GLF drying effect of some oils: ART (Age L
Vitaliry, Joy, JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Virality, Re6ning Technology) Beaury Masque, L
Motivation, SclarEssence, SclarEssence ART Creme Masque, ART Gende
Vitaliry Cleanser, ART Lighr Moisturizer, ART \
Refreshing Toner, ART Renewal Serum, (
Nuritionals: Balance Complete, Allerzyme, ART Sheerlumd Brightening Cream,
ComforTone, Detoxzyme, Digest & Boswellia \Wrinkle Cream, Genesis Hand

Cleanse, EndoGize, Essenrialzyme, & Body Lotion, Lavender Hand & Body
Essentialzymes-4, ICB JuvaPower, JuvaTone,
NingXia Red, NingXia Zyng,PD 80120, Lotion, Sandalwood Moisture Cream,
Pure Prorein Complere, Power Meal, Slique
Shake, Slique Bars, Slique CitraSlim, Sensarion Hand & Body Lorion
Thyromin, JuvaSpice, Ultra Young


Quick Usage Guide (Continued)

Singles: Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Yuzu, Rosemary, Rosemary Vitality,
Sacred Frankincense, ldaho Blue Spruce, Valerian, Vetiver, Hinoki, Dalmaria Sage,
German Chamomile, German Chamomile Sage, Sage Vitaliry
Vitaliry Helichrysum, Jasmine, Lavender,
Lavender Vitaliry Myrrh, Myrtle, Roman Blends: AromaSleep, Divine Release,
Chamomile, Rose, Royal Hawaiian Evergreen Essence, Freedom, InTouch,

Sandalwood, Vetiver, Western Red Cedar, Reconnect, Harmony, Joy, Peace &
Ylang Ylang, Dalmatia Bay Laurel, Laurus Calming, Peace & Calming I1, Release,
Nobilis, Laurus Nobilis Vitaliry RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Sacred
Mountain, Stress Away Roll-On, Tranquil
Blends: 3 Vise Men, Gende Baby, Highest
Potential, Owie, Sensation, Valor, Valor II Roll-On, Trauma Life, T.R. Care, Valor,
Valor II, Vhite Angelica, White Light
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, Master Formula,
Mineral Essence, MultiGreens Nutritionals: ImmuPro (at bedtime), \lasrer
Formula, MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Slcep
Body Care: ClaraDerm, Progessence Essence, Super B, Th,vromin
Plus, Regenolone Moisturizing Cream,
Prenolone Plus Body Cream, Rose Body Cre: Reluation Massage Oil,
Ointment, Essential Beaury Serum Sensation Massage Oil


Singles: Dill, Dill Vitaliry Lavender,
Lavender Vitality, Roman Chamomile,
Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitality, Lemon,
Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Sage,
Sage Vitality, Orange, Orange Vitaliry,


Personal Usage

ABUSE, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL Specific Types of Ab.use:
The trauma from mental and physical abuse Physical Abuse Apply 2-3 drops of SARA and

can result in self-defeating behaviors that can Forgiveness over the abuse area and around
the navel. Follow with l-2 drops ofRelease
undermine success later in life. Tiaumatic memo- over the Vita Flex points on the Feet, espe-
ries can be imprinted in DNA. Researchers from cially the liver point of the right foot, under
Mount Sinai hospital in New York showed epi- the nose, and directly over the liver Then
genetic alterations from Holocaust trauma caused apply Tiauma Life.
modified genes in the offspring ofsurvivors. Can- Parental, Suual, or Ritual Abuse Apply 1-3
dace Pert believed powerful memories are also drops ofSARA over the area where abuse took
srored in rhe body. This is why trauma imprint- place, then Forgiveness, tauma Life, Release,
ing can be passed from generation ro generation. Joy, Present Time.
Through their powerful effect on the limbic sys- Spousal Abuse Apply SARA, Forgiveness,
tem of rhe brain (rhe center of stored memories Trauma Life, Release, Valor, Joy, Amoressence,
and emotions), essenrial oils can help release pent- Envision, Hope.
up trauma, emotions, or memories. Always srart Feelings ofRerienge: Apply 1-2 drops ofSurrender
with Frankincense-
on the srernum over the heart, 2-3 drops of
Recommendations Present Time on the thymus, and 2-3 drops of
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Forgiveness over the navel.
Frankincense Vitality, Idaho Balsam Fir, Suicidal: Apply 2 drops ofHope on the rim
Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandal-
wood, Melissa, Sage, Sage Vitaliry of the ears. Melissa, Brain Power, Surrender,
Blends: Divine Release, Freedom, Tiauma Life, RutaVala, Common Sense, or Presenr Time
SARA, Release, Acceptance, Forgiveness, may also be beneffcial.
Amoressence, Surrendet Humiliry InTouch,
Reconnect, Journey On, Vhite Angelica, In- Protection and Balance: Apply 1-2 drops of
ner Child, Harmony, Hope, Inner Harmony,
Tianquil Roll-On, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Peace \Vhite Angelica on each shoulder and 1-2
& Calming, Peace & Calming II, The Gift, drops oFHarmony on energy points or
chakras. Finish with Valor followed by Sacred
) Faith, Family, Friends, Oola Grow, Common Frankincense or Frankincense to set the DNA
Sense, Abundance, 3 \Wise Men, Present Time, blueprint.
Brain Power
Nutritionals: OmegaGizei, NingXa Red, ACIDOSIS (See also Heartburn, Fungu)
EndoGize, Mineral Essence, Master Formula, Acidosis is a condition where the pH of the
blood serum becomes excessively acidic. This
Application and Usage condition should not be confused with an acid
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidelines. stomach. Acidic blood can stress rhe liver and
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. eventually lead to many forms of chronic and
degenerative diseases. Dietary and oral changes
will help in raising the serum pH (making it more


irlkaline). Cleansing is an esscnti:rl clietlry lnd orll ADDICTIONS
step in balancing pH.
i\{:ru,fbocls ancl pl,rnts-such rs tob,rcco,

Recommendations c,rffeine, clmgs. alcohol, brcecls, sug,rr,,rntl other

Singles: Pepperminr, Peppernr i n r Viral irv, Fen- sweeteners crcirte chcmicrl depcnclcncics.

nel, Fennel Viteliw, Tirrrlgon, Trrrason Viral- Clelnsing end clctoxifi'ing the liver is ir cruciirl

ir1,, Jade Lenron, J:rde Lemon Vitrlin,, Lcmon, first step rorvarcl breaking fr-ce of thcse lclclictions.
[.emon Vitaliry Alkelinc crlcium can help bind bile acicls and pre-

Blends: DiCize, DiCize Vitalirr,, EndoFlex, vent fatn'liver. A coion ancl tissuc clcansc is llso

EndoFlex Vitalin, TbmmyCize. JuvaCleanse, important.
JuvaCleansc Vitaliw
Nutritionals: Alkelime, Digesc & Cle;rnse, A lrotlr lr.liirrg irr 'rrlfieicrtt (rtz\rnLs. \'ilr-

mins, minerirls, ,rnd othcr nutrients mav rlso plrv

Essentialzyme, Multi(lreens, JuvaPorver, r pilrt in some rrddictions. Yacon Syrup, mrple
McgaCal, Essentialz.ymes-4, Mineral Essence,
svrup, honer,, molilsses, irncl orher natural srveet-

Allerzvme eners are good substirures firr strgar. rvhich shoulcl

Application and Usage be resrricred in r clier.
The -fhio'es oil blenrl hrs lrecn vcrr hcllrlirl in
Dietary md Oralz Reter ro Applicttion Guitlelines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Virrlitv or dieterv curbing rn riddiction. OIre or trrrr clrop.,rr thr
oil I times clailv totlgu(.lrc.ttti'iti<rrt I() \r,,1) llr( r)rr\(t r,t ., \r'.r\-
. 'lhke l-3 drops of e Vitelin,or dictrry oil in
a spoonfirl of svrup or smirll rrnount of milk,
JuvlTirnc, JuvrtPo* er. rrnd .luvir(ilcr nst tr l i.c
juice, or lvater trsecl long-ternr to hclp deroxiA rhc iivcr. l-hcv

. Take an Essentialz-vmes-4 r,elloru capsule supprcss the addiction irncl eYcnturllY changc rhc
atldiction blueprinr in rhe cells of the bodr,.
rvith Pcppcrminr Viclliry until acid level is

ballncecl, rhen ldd Essentialzynre. Recommendations
. 'l-o recluce acid indigestion lnd pro,cnt fcr- Singles: Orange, Oranse Vitalitr,, l-edunr,

mentation that can contribute to b,rcl clrelms Fen nel, I-en nel Vital i rr,, Tarragon, Tarragon
rnd interrupted sleep, take I teaspoon of

AlkaLime in rvltcr bef-orc bedrime. Blends: (iLF, CI-F Vitelitr, Brrin l)orver,
-fhio,es,'l'hieves \/itrrlin'. H:rrnrorrr'. ln-lirrrch,
C . -lb r:rise pH, rake 2-6 capsules of Multi-
Greens -J times d:rilv ancl take 1 teaspoon of Reconnect. l'circr c\ (ialminq, I)crrce li
Alkalime in rvater 'l hour befbre or f hours
(ialnrinq II, Juva(llcansc. luu(-lcrnsc Vit.rl irr.

aficr mells each clarr For maintenance, take JuvaFlex, luveFlcx Vitrlin
Nutritionals: L)eroxzynre. (lomlirr Iirnc.
I teirspoon olAlkelimc once per rvcek at

bedrime. Digest & (lle,rnse, JuvaPorver. \ I i ncl\\'isc.
lCP, JuvaTbne, Sliclue Shekc, Sliqur Brrs.
. To srimulate enzvm.rtic action in the diges-
Sliclue CirraSlini, IUege(iel. Esserrrirlzlmc.
(ivc trltt. rrrix toqctlrcr rrrv crrrot jrricc.

NineXia Red, alf.ilfi juice, rncl papil\,il iuicc Essrntillzvmes-4, Birlance Conrplete, \'ircon
rvith I clropper ofillineral Essencc lncl I Svrup, Omee:r(iize'. Sliclue Ter, Sliquc Bars,

clrop of Di(iize Vitalirv. I)rrre Protein (iomplcte

_ Topical: Reter to Applicatiott Guirlalitrcs.


Application and Usage Adrenal glands \ L
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidelines.
Dietary and Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines. I Kidrey

. Take I capsule of desired Viraliry or dietary Kidney L

oil 2 times daily. L

. Take2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amounr of milk,
juice, or water
Topical: Refer to Applicarion Guidelines.

. Apply 1-2 drops neat (undiluted) on temples

and back of neck 4 times daily or as desired.

. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of

chosen oil over rhe liver.

The adrenal glands consist ofrwo sections: an
immune diseases, including lupus, arthritis, and \
inner part called rhe medulla, which produces fibromyalgia. \
stress hormones, and an outer part called the Symptoms associated with Addison's disease (
cortex, which secretes critical hormones called
glucocorticoids and aldosterone. Because of these . Severe fatigue L
hormones, rhe cortex has a far greater impacr on . Lightheadedness when standing
overall heahh rhan the medulla. . Nausea
. Depression/irritabiliry
Aldosterone and glucocorticoids are very im- . Craving salry foods
portant because rhey direcdy affect blood pressure . Loss ofappetite
and minerals that help regulate the conversion of . Muscle sprms
carbohydrates into energy. . Dark, tan-colored skin

In cases like Addisont disease, adrenal cortex Some essential oils have chemical components
hormones fail to produce sufficient amounts of
or any of the critical hormones, which can lead or structures that have adrenallike action, en-
to life-threatening fluid and mineral loss, unless abling them to give support to the bodyt own
) these hormones are replaced.
system, which may help correct those deficiencies
On the other hand, Cushing's disease, or syn- by strengthening adrenal cortex function. The
drome, occurs when the body has too much of EndoFlex oil blend promotes adrenalJike activity
the hormone cortisol or orher steroid hormones. that raises energy levels.

Addison's Disease Recommendations
Addisonb disease is an autoimmune disease Si.gles: Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitality, Fennel,

in which the bodyt own immune cells begin to Fennel Vitaliry German Chamomile,
destroy the adrenal glands. SulFurzyme, an im- German Chamomile Vitaliry Clove, Clove
portant source oforganic sulfur, is known to have Vitaliry Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
positive effects in fighting many rypes of auto- Frankincense Vitaliry, Bergamot, Bergamot


Blends: EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliq,, En-R- Support the Adrenal Glands
Cee, CeneYus, Brain Power, Common Sense,
Clariry Add the following amounts of essential oils
to 7a teaspoon ofmassage oil and apply as a
Nutritionals: Thyromin, Sulfurzyme, EndoCize, warm compress over the adrenal glands
M ind\)/ke, MultiGreens, Balance Complete, (locered on rop oFthe kidneys):
MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Super B, Life 9,
NingXia Red . 3 drops Clove
. 3 drops Nutmeg
Application and Usage . 7 drops Rosemary
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guiclelines.
Dietary md OralzRefer to Application Guidrlines. Blends: EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry Exodus
II, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II,
. Take 1 capsule with Vitality or desired Acceptance, Release, Grounding, Harmony,
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TummyGize
dietary oil 2 times daily.
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Inner Defense, PD
. Thke 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliry or dietary oil in
80/20, Mineral Essence, CortiStop, Digest &
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. Cleanse, JuvaPower, OmegaGizer, MindW'ise

Topical: ReFer n Application Guidelines. Application and Usage
Aromatic Refer o Application Gaidtlines.
Cushing's Syndrome (Disease) Dieury and Oral:Refer to Application Gaidzlines.

Adrenal gland imbalance is characterized by . Take 2 capsules with EndoFlex Vitaliry or

the overproduction of adrenal cortex hormones other desired dietary oil 2 times daily.
such as cortisol. tJThile these hormones are crucial
to sound health in normal amounts, their un- . Teke 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

checked overproduction can cause as much harm a spoonfrrl of syrup or smdl amount of milk,
juice, or warer.
as their underproduction. This results in the fol- Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.

lowing symptoms: . Moon-shaped face . Apply warm compress over adrenal area
. Easily bruised skin
. Slow wound . Osteoporosis (on back, over kidneys) with 1-2 drops of
. Weak or wasted recommended oil.
. Obesity muscles AGITATION
. Low resistance Agitation is caused by a weakened nervous svs-
. Acne
. Infection tem, lack ofsleep, Frustration, and is olten a result
ofa congested Iiver or over-stimulation ofthe sym-
Although Cushingi disease can be caused by a pathetic neflous system.

malfunction in rhe pituitary, it is usually triggered Recommendations
Singles: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Hinoki,
by excessive use of immune-suppressing corrico-
Vetiver, Valerian, Idaho Balsam Fir, Myrrh,
steroid rnedications, such as those used for asthma Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Melissa,
Helichrysum, Marjoram, Sage
and arthritis. Once these are stopped, the disease Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Tranquil

often abates. The key to reducing excess cortisol is 187

often reducing stress.

Singles: Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry Dorado

Azul, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir

Roll-On, Stress Away Roll-On, Forgiveness, Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, Peppermint L
Amoressence, Peace & Calming, Peace & Vitaliry Cistus L
Calming II, AromaSleep, Surrender, Humiliry Blends: Exodus II, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry L
lnTouch, Reconnect, \flhite Angelica InTouch, Reconnecr, Release, Acceptance
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Super B, JuvaTone, Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Inner Defense, L
MegaCal, EndoGize, SleepEssence Slique Shake, ImmuPro, Longeviry Softgels,
Essentialzyme, EssentiaIzymes-4, EndoGize, \
Application and Usage Pure Prorein Complete
Aromatie Refer to Application Guifulinel Personal Care: Raindrop Technique application \
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Application and Usage
. Apply l-2 drops neat or undiluted on Aromatiq Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oral: Refer to insrructions ar the
temples and back of neck as desired.
beginning of this chapter.
. You may also apply 1-2 drops on the Vita
. Take 2 capsules with 50:50 Cistus and
Flex brain and heart points on the bottoms
of the feet. Cypress 2 times daily.

. Applying a single drop under the nose is . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

helpful and refreshing. a spoonfi:l of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
. Place a warm compress with 3-4 drops o[ Topical: Reler to Application Guidtlines.

chosen oil over the back. ALCOHOLISM (See nlso Addioions)
Alcoholism, also known as alcohol clcpen-
DEFTCIENCY SYNDROME) dence, includes alcohol craving and corrtinuec{
drinking. lt includes Four svmptonrs:
The AIDS virus attacks and infecrs immune
cells that are essential for life. Frankincense and l. Craving: A strong conrpulsion. or neccl. to
Myrrh have immune-building properries. Orher
oils like Cumin have an inhibitory effecr on viral drink alcohol
2. Impaired control: The inabilin'ro linrit
ln May 1994, Dr. Radwan Farag of Cairo Uni-
versirv demonstrared that cumin seed oil had an drinking
88 to 92 percenr inhibirion effecr in vitro againsr
HIV the virus responsible for AIDS. Other an- 3. Phvsical dependence: The inabiliw to stop
tiviral essenrial oils include Melissa, Oregano,
Sacred Sandalwood, and Tea Tiee. A study in rhe drinking without experiencine withdrawal
jotrnal Retrouirohgt showed exrracts from pep- svmptoms such as nausea, shakiness,
permint, sage, and lemon balm (melissa) also dis- sweating, and anxiery
play potent anri-HIV-l acriviry.
4. Tolerance: Thy nced for increasirrg anrounrs
Singles: Cumin, Cypress, Melissa, Oregano, of alcohol

Oregano Vitaliry Sacred Sandalwood, Roval Recommendations
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Tea Tree, Myrrh, Singls: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin-
cense Vitaliry Saee, Sage Vitaliry, Northern Frankincense Vitalig,, lavender, Lavender
Vitaliry Roman Chamomile, Ledum,
188 Helichrvsum, Orange, Orange Vitaliw
Blends: JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitalirv, GLF,
CLF Vitality, Forgiveness, Amoressence,
Release, Acceprance, Valor, Valor Roll-On,

Motivation,'i(/hite Argelica, The Gift, Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Common Sense, InTouch, Reconnect
Nutritionals: JuvaTone, ICB ComforTone, ICP, Allezyme, ComforTone, Digest &
Super B, Slique Shake, Detoxzyme, Master
Formula, Mineral Essence, Allerzyme Cleanse, Pure Protein Complete, Slique
Shake, Life 9
Application and Usage
Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidtlines. Application and Usage
Dieta-q1 and Oralt Refer to Application Guidzlines. Aromatic Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Applhation Guidzlines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitality or dietary
. Take I capsule of desiredVitality or dietary
oil 2 times daily.
oil 2 times daily.
. Ttke 2-3 drops of a Vtality or dietary oil in
. -lake 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk,
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
juice, or water.
. Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back
Topical Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
of neck several times daily.
. Place a warm compress with 6-8 drops of Allergies are a result of the response to manv dit-
ferent situations. They can be triggerecl bv fbod.
chosen oil over the liver. pollen, environmental chemicals, dander. dust.
insect bires, to name just a Ferv, and can altect
ALKALOSIS the following:
Alkalosis is a condition where rhe pH of the
. Respiration-wheezing, Iabored breathing
intestinal tract and the blood become excessively . Mouth-swelling of the lips or tongue,
alkaline. While moderate alkalinity is essential for
good health, excessive alkalinity can cause prob- itching lips
lems and result in fatigue, depression, irritabiliry
and sickness. . Digestive 1p261-di311hs2. vomiring. cramps
. Skin-rashes, dermatitis
The best way to lower the internal pH of the . Nose-sneezing, congestion, bloody nose
body from being excessively alkaline is to eat a
high protein diet (meat, eggs, dairy seeds, nuts, Food Allergies
Food allergies are different from food intoler-
legumes, etc.).
ances. Food allergies involve an immune system
Recommendations reaction, whereu food intolerances involve gm-
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Jade trointestinal reactions and are far more common.

Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon For example, peanuts often produce a lifelong
Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Orange, Orange allergy due to peanut proteins being targeted by
Vitaliry Tarragon, Tarragon Vitality, Fennel, immune system antibodies as foreign invaders.
Fennel Vitaliry Ginger, Ginger Vitaliry In contrxt, intolerance of pasteurized cowt milk
Patchouli, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry that causes cramping and diarrhea is due to the
Bergamot, Bergamot Vitaliry
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry GLF, GLF inability to digest lactose (milk sugar) because of
Vitaliry EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry
TummyGize a lack of the enzyme lactme.

Food allergies are often associated with the
consumption of peanuts, shellffsh, nuts, wheat,
cowt milk, eggs, and soy. Infants and children are


- a spoonful of svrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
ltr nrore prone ro havc food allergies than adulrs. Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

duc ro the imrnaruritv of their immune and digcs- ANALGESIC
ti\.c sYstems. An analgesic is defined as a compound that

A thorough inresrinal cleansing is one of rhe binds with a number of closely related, specific
lrest rvays to combar mosr allergies. Starr with receprors in the central neruous system ro block
ICP, Comlor-lbne. Essentialzyme, Esscntial- the perception ofpain or affect the emotional re-
sponse to pain. A number of essential oils have
zvmes-4, JuvaTone, and Life 9.
analgesic properties.
Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)
Hay fever is an allergic reacrion rriggered by Recommendations
Singla: Clove, Helichrysum, Dorado Azul, Palo
airborne allergens (pollen, animal hair, feathers,
dust mites, etc.) that cause the release of hista- Santo, Elemi, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Kunzea
mines and subsequenr inflammation of nasal pas- Blends: PanAway, Aroma Siez, Deep Relief Roll-
sages and sinus-related areas. A more serious form
o[ respiratory allergy is asthma, which manifests On, Thieves, Inner Defense, Brain Power,
in the chest and lungs. Relieve It, Cool Azul
Symptoms: Inflammation of the nasal passages, Nutritionals: PowerGize
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
sinuses, and eyelids rhat causes sneezing, runny Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
nose, wheezing, and watery and red, itchy eyes, Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil

Recommendations Application and Usage
Singles: Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Eucalyptus Aromatie Refer ro Application Guidzlines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
Blue, Lavender, Lavender Viraliry Roman
Chamomile, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry . Pain Relief Blend: Mix equal parts of
Cerman Chamomile, German Chamomile
Vitaliry Marjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry Sacred lVintergreen, Northern Lights Black Spruce,
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense and Black Pepper and massage with V-6
Vitaliry Vegetable Oil Complex.
Blends: DiGize Vitaliry DiGize, Harmony,
JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Valor, Valor . You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita
Roll-On, R.C., Raven, TummyGize
Nutritionals: Allerzyme, Mineral Essence, Flex liver point ofthe righr foot.
ComforTone, Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme,
ICII JuvaPowea JuvaTone, MultiGreens, ANTHRAX
Sulfurzyme, Essentialzymes-4 yellow capsule, The anthra;i bacrerium (Bncillus nntltracis) is
Alkalime, Life 9
one of rhe oldest and deadliesr diseases knou,n.
Application and Usage There are rhree predominant rypes:
Aromatie Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oralt Refer o Application Guidzlinel . External. acquired From conracr wirh

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary inFected anirnal carcasses

oil 2 times daily. . Inrernal, obtained ltrom brearhins airborne
anthru spores
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. Battlefield, developed for biolosical rvarfarc
tlrer is a [ar nrorc lethal varierr

'i7hen the airborne variery of anthru invades ANTIBIOTIC REAGTIONS
the lungs, it is 90 percent fatal unless anribiorics Synthetic antibiotic drugs indiscriminately kill
are administered at the very beginning of the in-
fection, but anthrax often goes undiagnosed unril both beneficial and harmful bacteria. This can
it is too late for antibiotics.
result in yeast infections, including candida, di
External varieties ofanthrax may be contracted
by exposure to animal hides and wool. S7hile vac- arrhea, poor nutrient assimilation, fatigue, sulfur
cinations and antibiotics have stemmed anthrax toxiciry degenerative diseases, and many other
infection in recent years, new strains have devel-
oped that are resistant to all countermeasures. conditions.
Reducing harmful symptoms of antibiotic use
According to Jean Valnet, MD, Thyme oil may
be effective for killing the anthrax bacillus. Two wirh probiotics was the focus of a study in the
highly antimicrobial phenols in Thyme, caruacrol jowna) Vaccine. A four-strain probiotic was tested
and thymol, are responsible for this action. in a hospiral setring and found to reduce adult
patient diarrhea from antibiotic-associated diar-
Recommendations rhea (AAD) and C. dfficile-associated diarrhea
Singlo: Ravintsara, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry (CDAD).

Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vital- The average adult has 3-4 pounds ofbeneficial
iry Cinnamon Brk, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry, bacteria or flora constantly in the intestinal tract
Citronella, Lemongrass, kmongrass Vitality
Blends: Raven, Exodus II, Thieves, Thieves that support the body in healthy digestion and
Vitaliry, The Gift, lmmuPower, Melrose,
Longeviry Longevity Vitaliry immune function as follows:
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, NingXia
Red, Super C, Super C Chewable, Life 9 . Constitutes the ffrst line ofdefense against
Homehold Cre: Thieves Household Cleaner,
Thieves'Waterless Hand Purifier, Thieves bacrerial and viral infections
Foaming Hand Soap, Thieves Automatic
Dishwasher Powder, Thieves Cleansing Soap, . Produces B vitamins
Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Fruit & Veggie . Maintains pH balance
Soak (and Spray), Thieves Laundry Soap, . Combats yeast and fungus overgrowth
Thieves Spray, Thieves rVipes . Aids in the digestive process

Application and Usage Recommendations I
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidzlines. Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines.
Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry Jade Lemon,
. Take 1 capsule 4 times daily, alternating Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry
Lime, Lime Vitaliry
dietary or Vitality oils. Blends: JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Purifi cation,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry GLF, GLF Vitaliry
EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry MighryPro,
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. TirmmyGize
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Nutritionals: Life 9, Essentialzyme, Essential-
. Use oils neat or dilute 50:50 for hands and
zymes-4, Detoxzyme, MightyPro, Balance
other exposed skin areas.
Complete, Slique Shake, Mineral Essence,

Inner Defense, Digest & Cleanse

Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidzlines.
Dietary and OralzReFer to Application Guidrlines.


. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary bial. However, they are also unique in rhe way \
that beneficial probiotic bacteria can harmlessly
oil 2 times daily.
metabolize them.
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliqv or dietary oil in

a spoonftrl of syrup or small amount of milk, Recommendations (
Singls: Thyme, Clove, Dorado Azul, Oregano,
luice, or water. t
Rosemary, Mountain Savory, Eucalyptus Ra-
. Life 9: Take 2-3 capsules on an empw diata, Eucalyptus Globulus, Cinnamon Bark, L
Cassia, Ravintsara, TeaTiee, Sage
stomach before meals during anribioric Blends: Thieves, Raven, Puriffcation, Melrose, \
R.C., ImmuPower
treatment. Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Thieves L
Cough Drops, Thieves Hard Lozenges
. After completing antibiotic rrearmenr, Oral Cue Thieves fuomaBright Toothpsre, \
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves L
continue using Life 9 for l0-15 days. Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh

. After a child (2 years ofage and older) fin-
ishes antibiotic rrearment, give 1 packer of

MighryPro (a children's pre- and probiotics
supplement) daily rvith food for seven days.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

Horcehold Care: Thieves Foaming Hand Soap,
Thieves \Taterless Hand Purifier, Thieves
Antiseptics prevent the growth of parhogenic Household Cleaner, Thieves Cleansing Soap, (
microorganisms. Many essenrial oils have Thieves Automatic Dishwasher Powder,
powerful, antiseptic properties. Clove and Thyme Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Fruit & Veggie L
essential oils have been documented to kill over Soak (and Spray), Thieves Laundry Soap,
50 rypes of bacteria and I 0 types of fungi. Thieves Spray, Thieves \7ipes

Orher potent antisepric essenrial oils include Application and Usage
Cinnamon Bark, Cassia, Tea Tiee, Oregano, Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidrlines.
Mountain Savory, and Dorado Azul. Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

A September 2018 Canadian study found a . Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 and gently

connecrion berween household cleaning disinfec- rub over affecred areas.
tants and a higher body mass index (BMI) when

the children were rhree years of age from altering

rhe childrent gut microbiota in infancy affected APNEA, SLEEP

) by exposure to those cleaning disinfectants. How- Apnea is a temporary cessarion of breathing

ever, the use o[eco-friendly products was associ- during sleep. It can lessen the qualiry ofsleep, re-

ated with fureased odds o[ ovemeight or obesiry sulting in chronic fatigue, lowered immune func-

(Kozymkyj AL, 2018). Thieves essential oil blend tion, and lack ofenergy.

or Thieves household cleaning products will not Recommendations
Singles: Northern Lights Black Spruce, Idaho
cause rhis change in childrent gut microbiota. Es-
sential oil expert Kurr Schnaubelt has written that Balsam Fir, Cedaruood, Yang Ymg, Laven-

essential oils do not kill beneficial bacteria. He der, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Royal
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood,
explains thar phenylpropanoids such as cinnamic
aldehyde, eugenol, and carvacrol are anrimicro- Juniper


Blends: Clario, \,hlor. \alor Roll-()n. (lom- Chamazulene, the blue sesquiterpene in Ger-
mon Scnsc, Srress Au,al Roll-C)n. RutrVrrla,
Rutr\jaLa Roll-On, V/hite Anselica, Sacred man Chamomile, also shows strong anti-inflam-
lVlourrtlin, Prrscnt Timc. AronraSleep. lnr- marory activiry when used both topically and
orally. Methyl salicylate is the major compound in
nrtrl)orvcr \Wintergreen, similar ro the active agent in aspirin
Nutritionals: l'hvromin, Mulri(,rcens. Supcr B (salirylic acid). PanAway contains naturet natu-
ral analgesics from'Wintergreen and Clove and is
lnner Delense, lmmul)ro, SlccpEsscncc strongly anti-inflammatory. Cool Azul Pain Relief
Cream and Cool Azul Sports Gel are also srrongly
Application and Usage anti-inflammarory.
Aromatic: Refer to Applic,ttion ()tidtlires.
Topical: Reler o Applicnriott Guidclitcs. Type II collagen and hyaluronic acid are rhe
rwo most powerful natural compounds for re-
. Massaqc 2-4 cirops of oil near on rhc bor-
ronrs ol-the fiet just bcfirrc bedtine. building cartilage and are the key ingredients in
the supplement AgilEase.
More than 100 different kinds ofarthritis have Recommendations
Singles: Wintergreen, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry
been identified. Two of the most common kinds
are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arrhriris. Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry, l-emongrass,
kmongrass Vitaliry, Vetiver, Valerian, Palo
Osteoarthritis involves rhe breakdown of the Sanro, Idaho Ba.lsam Fir, Kuna, Eucaiyptu

carrilage that lorms a cushion berween rwo joinrs. Globulus, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
As rhis cartilage is eaten away, the wo bones of the Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho Ponderosa Pine,
joint start rubbing together and wearing down.
German Chamomile, German Chamomile
In contrast, rheumatoid arrhritis is caused Vitaliry, Helichrysum, Dorado Azul, Nonhern
Lights Black Spruce, Pine
from a swelling and inflammation of the synovial Blends: Cool Azul, PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma
membrane. rhe lining of rhe joint. Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On

Natural anti-inflammatories such il German Nuritionals: BLM, AgilEase, PowerGize, Es-
Chamomile and \Wintergreen when combined
with cartilage builders (boswellic acid, undena- sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Sulfurzyme,
ImmuPro, ICB JuvaPower, JuvaTone,
tured collagen, and hyaluronic acid) are powerful, Detoxzyme, MegaCal, Longeviry Softgels,
natural cures for arthritis. Rehemogen, OmegaGizer, Estro, EndoGize
Personal Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
The best natural anti-inflammarories include Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
fats rich in omega-3s and essential oils such as
Nutmeg, Wintergreen, German Chamomile, and Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil
ldaho Balsam Fir.
Application and Usage
Lemongrass oil is a well-known anti-inflam- Aromatic Refer to Application Guiddines.
Dietary and OralzRefer rc Application Gaidzlines.
matory that can be safely ingested.
Nutmeg, a source of myristicin, has been re- . Detoxiffcation ofthe body and srrengthen-

searched for its anti-inflammatory effects in several ing the joints is important. Cleanse the
colon and liver.
studies. It works by inhibiting pro-inflammatory
prostaglandins when taken internally or applied . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

topically. Clove exhibirs similar action. oil 2 times daily.


. Take 2-3 drops ofa Viraliry or dietary oil in own immune system attacking the joints.
Inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis has
a spoonful of syrup or small amounr of milk,
juice, or water. been ameliorated by the boswellic acids found in
BLM, AgilEase: -lake 2 capsules daily. most frankincense species.

MegaCal: Mix I teaspoon in water before Other facrors can aggravare arthritis such as:

going to bed. . Deficiencies of minerals and other nutrienrs
ImmuPro: Take 1-2 chewable tablets daily as . Microbes and roxins
. Lack ofwater intake
needed, in the evening. Do not exceed 2 . Eating bread

tablets per day. Essential oils are effective in helping to com-
bat pain and infection. In cases where arthritis is
ComforTone: Take 3 capsules 2 times daily; caused by infectious organisms, such as Lyme dis-
increase if needed. ease (Borrelia burgdorfer), chlamydia, and salmo-
nella, essential oils may counteracr and prevent
ICP: Thke 2 scoops in water or juice in rhe infection.
Highly antimicrobial essential oils include
JuvaPower: Take 2 scoops in water or juice
before going to bed. Mountain Savory Rosemary, Tea Tiee, and Oreg-
ano. Essential oils easily pass into the bloodstream
Rehemogen: Cleans and purifies the blood, when applied topically.
which may have toxins blocking nurrienr
and oxygen absorption into cells (See Blood MSM, the main ingredient in the supplement
Circulation, Poor). Sulfurzyme, has been doiumented to be one of
the most effective, natural supplements for re-
OmegaGizes: Thke 1-3 capsules daily. ducing the pain associated with rheumatism and
Topical: Refer o Application Gaidelines.
. Dilute 5-10 drops oFoil in I reaspoon V-6 MSM has been a subject of a number of
Vegetable Oil Complex and apply on loca- clinical studies and was used extensively bv
tion. Essential oils can also be applied neat Ronald Lawrence, MD, in his clinical pracrice to
and then followed by application ofV-6
Vegetable Oil Complex. successfully treat rheumatism and arthritis.
. Applying a single drop ofoil under the nose
Type II collagen and hyaluronic acid are also
is helpful and refreshing.
powerfirl, natural compounds for reducing inflam-
. Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, Cool Azul mation, halting the progression of arthritis, and
rebuilding cartilage. These are the key ingredients
Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, or in the supplements BLM and AgilEase.
Ortho Ease Massage Oil offer tremendous
relief. Recommendations
Singls: Wintergreen, Peppermint, Peppermint
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Vitaliry, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful, inflamma- Frankincense Vitaliry Palo Santo, Vetiver,
tory condition of the joints marked by swelling, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano
Vitality, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Mountain
thickening, and inflammation of the synovial Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry Rosemary,
Rosemary Vitality, Tea Tiee, Helichrysum,
membrane lining the joint. In contrast, osreoar-
thritis is characterized by a breakdown ofrhe joint
artilage, without any sweiling or inflammarion.

Rheumatoid arthritis is classified as an autoim-

mune disease because it is caused by the bodyt


Kunzea, Idaho Balsam Fic Pine, Eucalyptus ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER
Globulus, Copaiba, Myrrh, Valerian, Dorado (ADD AND ADHD)
Azul, Northern Lights Black Spruce
Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma Siez, Cool In 2001 Terry Friedmann, MD, completed
Azul, Deep Relief Roll-On
Nutitionals: PowerGize, BLM, AgilEase, pioneering studies using essential oils to combat
Detoxzyme, Sulfurzyme, MegaCal, Master ADD and ADHD. Using wice-a-day inhalation
Formula, Mineral Essence, Essentialryme, Es- of essential oils, including Vetiver, Cedamood,
sentialzymes-4, Longeviry Softgels, lmmuPro, and Lavender, Dr. Friedmann was able to achieve
Rehemogen, EndoGize clinically significant results in 60 days.
Personal Care: Coo[Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Exe Massage Researchers postulate that essential oils miti-
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil gate ADD and ADHD through their stimulation
of the limbic system of the brain.
- Application and Usage
__' Aromaticz Refer to Application Guidzlines. Because attention deficit disorder may be
caused by mineral deficiencies in the diet, increas-
Dieary and OralzRefer to Application Guidtlines.
ing nutrient intake and absorption ofmagnesium,
_ . Take 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary
potassium, and other trace minerals can also have
oil 2 times daily. a significant, beneficial effect in resolving ADD.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Mtaliry or dietary oil in Recommendations I
Singls: Vetiver, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
Cedamood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,
- .Topicat Refer to Applbation Guifulines. Sacred Sandalwood, Cardamom, Cardamom
Vitaliry Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry,
Dilute 5-10 drops ofessential oils in 1 Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin-
tsrspoon of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and cense Vitaliry
apply on location. Essential oils an also
be applied neat and then followed byV-6 Blends: Brain Power, GeneYus, Peace & Cdm-
Vegetable Oil Complex. ing, Peace & Calming II, Clariry InTouch,

-- . Masse1e2-4 drops of oil neat on the bot- Reconnect
Nutritionals: Life 9, MighryPro, OmegaGize3,
toms of the feet just before bedtime.
MindWise, Mineral Essence, NingXia Red,
. Place a warm compress once daily with oils Slique Shake, Balance Complete, Essen-
tialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme,
ofyour choice on the back. MultiGreens, Master Formula, Pure Protein
. Massage with oils of your choice mixed wirh
_ V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, Reluation Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Massage Oil, Sensation Mmsage Oil, Ortho Dietary and OraI r Refer to Application Guidtlines.

_ Ease Massage Oil, or Ortho Sport Massage . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

oil. oil 2 times daily.

- . Apply Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream or Cool . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

Azul Sports Gel. a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.

. Drink 3-6 ounces of NingXia Red daily.


Topical: Refer ro Application Guide/ines. sulted through mercury detoxiffcation along with
nutritional supplementation.
. Apply l-2 drops ofrhe oil ofyour choice

near or diluted 4-8 times daily on the neck, A recent study reports: "There is promising
brain stem, and even on the head.
evidence to suggesr rhat probiotic therapy may
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
improve gastroinresrinal dysfuncrion, benefi cially
helpful and retleshing.
alter fecal microbiota, and reduce the severity of
o Massage 2-4 drops of oil ne:rr on rhe
ASD symptoms in children with ASD." Gastroin- L
bottoms of the f'eet jusr beFore bcdrirne. testinal disorders may be linked to the brain dys- L
Children love ir. €uncrions rhat cause aurism in children. In fact, L
there have been several cases of successfirl treat-
AUTISM (AUTISM SPECTRUM menr ofaurism using pancrearic enzymes.
Stimulation of the limbic region ol the brain
Improving diet can be the key to reducing the
may also help with symptoms of autism. The aro-
problems associared with aurism. Eliminating
mas from essenrial oils have a powerful abiliry to
refined and syntheric sugars and replacing them
Lstimulare this part of rhe brain, since the sense of
with natural sweereners such as Yacon Syrup,
natural fruit sweereners, maple syrup, etc., has smell (olfaction) is tied directly to rhe emotional
produced outsranding resulrs in numerous cases
centers. As a result, rhe aroma of an essential oil
of aurism.
has the potential to exert a powerful influence on

disorders such as ADD and aurism.

Autism is a neurologicaily based developmental Recommendations L
disorder that is four times more common in boys
than girls. It is characterized by the following: Singles: Vetiver, Patchouli, Lavender, Lavender

. Challenged in social interaction and partici- Vitaliry Eucalyptus Globulus, Melissa, Myrrh,
Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Cedamood,

pation Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandal-
wood, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
. Nonverbal and verbal communication dif-

ficulties Frankincense Vitaliry, Idaho Balsam Fir
Blen&: GeneYus, Brain Power, Divine Release,
. Repetitive behavior (rocking, hair twirling)
. Self-injurious behavior (head banging) GLF, GLF Vitaliry Inner Harmony, Valor,
. Unconventional or repetitive responses to Valor Rol[-On, Clariry Peace & Calming,

sensual stimuli Peace & Calming II, Common Sense, The
Gift, InTouch, Reconnect, Sleepylze
. Reduced or abnormal responses ro pain,

) noises, or other outside srimuli Nutritionals: MighryPro, Essendalzyme, Es-

Although controversial, autism is being in- senrialzymes-4, MindWise, NingXia Red, t/z

creasingly linked to cerrain vaccinations; and Super B for children, Sulfuzyme, Detoxzyme,

MMR, the one-shot combination for measles, Slique Shake, Balance Complete, Pure Protein

mumps, and rubella, is most often cited by re- Complete, Alkalime

searchers, Application and Usage
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines.
At one time, children were receiving, through Dietary and Oral: Refer o Application Guidelines.
vaccination, large doses of thimerosal, a vaccine
preseruative rhat conrains 49.6 percenr mercury, . Take 1 capsule o[desired Vitaliry or dietary
which is well above the limit recommended by
the EPA. Some success in reversing autism has re- oil 2 times daily.


. Take 2-.1 drops of a Vitaliw or dierarv oil in oils hrve a po*'erfirl rbilitv ro kill on contrcr. -l-hc

a spoonful of svrup or small :rmount of milk, rhoughr ofslccpins rvith rhose litrlc. hungry crir

iuice, or wrtcr. rcrs is not,r pleasrnr thought, :rrd ro sonr!'. ir's rc-

Topical; Reter ro Applicttiott Guidelircs. prrlsile; brrt knorving rhe bugs rrc clcrd is r positivc
. Appll, l-2 drops neat (undilutecl) on temples

and back ofneck, as desirccl. Ifrrru suspcct bcclbugs. sesh all ofvour bcrlcling

. Applving a single tlrop undcr rhe nose is in hor srtcr end rdd l0 ro l5 tlrops of-l-hievcs,
I)rrlo Srnto. Oreqeno, -fhvnrc. (litrtrs Frcsh, \Iel-
helplul and refieshing.
rosc, ctc.. rncl sec rvhrrt rvorks bcst firr rou. Afier
. M:rssrge 2-4 clrops of oil near on rhc

bottoms of the fcet iusr belore berltime. rrru rrlke rhc bccl. sprl'ri,ith a sinqlc oil or u,irh

Children love it. onc ofrhc blcncls morning lncl nighr ro ensurc rhrr

Autism Topical Blend rhct'.kr nor rcttrrn.

. I 5 clrops Sacred Frankinccnse or Frankin- Ifxru livc in r u,irnr or hot. hLLnricl cnviron-

cense nrenr, thcn vorr will probrblv hrr e rr sprrv rr Icrsr

. '12 drops Mvrrh oncc cverv cl,rr' ,rr lrcrlrrlrs rrvicc. Ii \oLr \cc rnv
. l0 drops Itlaho Balsani Fir
. I 0 drops litrlc specks. nr,rkc sLLrc rher irrc nor l.irinq huS'
. 4 drops Peppermint Vitality or Peppermint
th.rr hlyc conrc ro r isir.
Use this blend Fcrr Raindrop -ltchniquc 2 rines
clailv: nrorning ancl night. -fhesc blcncls rrrrrk tirr nrosr Irrrgr hLLr h.rr.

Using this regimen, a 7-year-old boy with cerc- bcen triccl ancl testccl * irh bcclbugs.

brel palsv and autism, after one month, was:rble Bedbug Killer Blend No. I
. J0 drops l)rrlo Srrnto
to walk f.lar-foored rvithout his walker, his tesr . l0 drcps Iclaho linsy

scores in school inproved by 28 percent, ancl his N4ix togcthcr lncl sprar. [)ilurc rvirh rvater irs
much as yotr thinli rcu can lntl still hrve resrrlts.
.rttention spirn increased 30 percent, his ntother \bu rvill hl'e ro expcritrcnr ro detcrminc opri-


BEDBUGS nrunr riltio of *'atcr to blcnd. Sprav shects lncl
clorhing ro kill rnv insccrs rhrr nrighr be cnrbcd-

Having bedbugs is a very miserable experi- dcd in thc cloth or rnvl lrclc clsc rh.rr lou rrighr

ence. Some bedbugs are so small they just look strspcct rlrcir prescncc.

like specks of dirt rhat you brush off the sheets. Bedbug Killer Blend No. 2
You cannot tell they are alive unless you look at . 20 clrops Prlo Srrnto

_ them with a microscope. They thrive in a moist, ' 30 clrops lchho'l',rnsy
. I 0 clrops Eucelvptus Bluc
warm enyironment, and when you wake up in the

morning, you are astounded at all rhe bires you Appl1, orr bites as neecletl.

have in the most unexpected places. Bedbug Killer Blend No. 3

The itching is horrible and lasts for about one . Mix 20 clrops Thicvcs rvirh 2-.3 cups water,

week. It is amzing rhar a riny, almost microscopic shekc rvell. lncl sptu'shects lncl pillorvs.

bug can give such an intense bire. Essential oils

are rhe answer ro rrea(ing those bires and killing

rhe bugs without dreaded chemicals. Some of the


BLADDER/URINARY TRACT strengthen and tone weak bladder, kidneys, t
TNFECTTON (CYSTIT|S) and urinary tract.
Bladder infections and the inflammation . Take Yz teaspoon of Alkalime daily, in water
known as cystitis are caused by bacteria that travel only, t hour before or after a meal. L
up rhe urerhra. This disorder is more common in L
women than men because of the womant shorter . Drink unsweetened cranberry juice and
urethra. If the infection rravels up the ureters and L
reaches the kidneys, kidney infection can result. sweeten with honey, Yacon Syrup, or maple
Symptoms of infection syrup. \

. Frequent urge to urinate with only a small . Drink 4 liters of puriffed water daily. \

amount ofurine passing Topical Reler o Apphcation Guidelinel L

. Strong smelling urine . Dilute 50:50 and apply a few drops on loca- L
. Blood in urine
. Burning or sringing during urination tion 3-6 times daily.
. Tenderness or chronic pain in bladder and
. Diltte2-4 drops of Melrose, Puriffcation, or
pelvic area
other oil and use in a warm compress over
. Pain intensiry fluctuates as bladder fills or bladder 1-2 times daily.

empdes . Receive a Raindrop Technique 3 times

. Symproms worsen during mensrruation weekly.

Recommendations . First Ii?'eek Use Myrrh, Thyme, Mountain
Singles: Myrrh, Tea Tiee, Juniper, Oregano,
Savory Palo Santo, and Inspiration and fol-
Oregano Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon low with a hot compress.
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime
Vitaliry Mountain Savory Mountain Savory BLOATI NG/SWELLING (SEE ALSO
Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Cistus, MENSTBUAL AND FEMALEHORMONE
Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Clove, Clove coNDrTroNs)
Vitaliry Palo Santo
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Bloating is caused by many imbalances in the
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry EndoFlex, EndoFlex body. Bloating during the menstrual cycle or
Vitaliry, R.C., Purifi cation, Inspiration swelling in the lower extremities is caused bv pH
Nutritionals: K&B, ImmuPro, Inner Defense, imbalance and low estrogen. Bloating can also be
AlkaLime caused by enzyme deffciencies, resulring in poor
digestion and allergies. Swelling in the legs can be
Application and Usage from low potassium and poor circulation, which
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Applicaion Guidzlines. will cause fluid retention.

. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary It is important to determine whether it is

oil 2 times daily. bloating or fluid retention; there is a very signifi-
canr difference.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Singles: Juniper, tngerine, Tangerine Vitaliry
juice, or water.
Clary Sage, Sage, Sage Vitaliry Cypress, Pep-
. Use K&B tincture (2-3 droppers in permint, Peppermint Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel
Vitaliry trragon, Thrragon Vitaliry Nutmeg,
distilled water) 3-6 times daily. K&B helps Nutmeg Vitality
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitalirv, GLF, GLF

Vitality, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitality, Nutritionals: PowerGize, BLM, AgilEase,
Ti-rmmyGize MegaCal, PD 80/20, Super Cal Plus, Mineral
Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Mineral Essence, Aikalime, Detoxzyme, Essence, OmegaGizel
Allerzyme, ICP, ComForTone, JuvaPower,
Super B Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Personal Cre: Progessence PIus Cool Azul Sports Ge[, Ortho Ease Massage
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Regenolone,
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Reler rc Applicntion Guidelines. Progessence Plus
Dietary md Oralt Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines.
The following blends can also help relieve pain
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
and speed the bone-mending process:
oil 2 times daily.
Application and Usage
. Take 2-3 drops ofaVitaliryordietaryoil in Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

a spoonFul oFsyrup or small amounr of milk, . Dilute 50:50 and apply a few drops on loca-
juice, or water.
tion 3-6 times daily.
. Take 2 capsules of DiCize Vitality 3 times
. Prior to casting a broken bone, mix one of
the above blends and very gently apply 5-'l 0
. Take I capsule of Peppermint Vitalitl. 3 drops (depending on size) neat to break
area. Ifthere are anv signs ofskin sensitivin'
times daily. or irritation, apply a srlall amounr ol\/-(r
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Vegetable Oil Complex.
Note: Apply oils extremely gently iFbone break
is suspected.
Symptoms of bone problems include pain,
brittleness, and lumps. teatment depends on the Broken Bone Blend No. I
nature and cause of the problems; unexplained ' 8 drops [daho Balsam Fir
. 6 drops Helichrysum
symptoms can be serious and should always re- . ) drop Myrrh. Sacred Frankincense. or
ceive medical attention.
Broken Bones
. I drop lVintergreen
A health professional should always be in- Broken Bone Blend No.2
volved in the diagnosis and setting of a broken
. 10 drops Wintergreen
bone or a suspected broken bone. . 4 drops Palo Santo
. 4 drops Vetiver
Singles: Thyme, Helichrysum, lVintergreen, ' 3 drops Pine
. 3 drops Helichrysum
Peppermint, Northern Lights Black Spruce, . 2 drops Lemongrass
Idaho Balsam Fir, Sacred Frankincense,
Frankincense, Pine, Copaiba, Palo Santo, Bone Pain
Myrrh, Lemongrass, Ginger, Vetiver
Blends: Cool Azul, Aroma Siez, PanAway, Bone pain can be caused from injuries, arthri-
Relieve It, Deep Relief Roll-On tis, or other more serious reasons. See your health
care professional for the correct diagnosis and
proper treatment.

Recommendations Calcium and magnesium may not be ad-
Singles: rVintergreen, Northern Lights Black
equately metabolized when consumed because
Spruce, Copaiba, Pine, Idaho Balsam Fir, of poor intestinal flora and excess phytares in rhe
Helichrysum diet (a problem with vegetarians). Phytates occur
Blends: PanAway, Cool Azu[, Aroma Siez, in many nuts, grains, and seeds, including rice.
Relieve It, Deep Relief Roll-On Enzymes like phytase are essenrial for increasing
Nutritionals: MegaCal, BLM, AgilEase, Master calcium absorprion by liberating calcium from
Formula, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4 insoluble phytate complexes.
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Orrho Ease Massage Lack ofvitamin D (cholecalciferol) has become
Oil, Orrho Sporr Massage Oil, Regenolone, epidemic among older people and has contribut-
Progessence Plus ed to a lack olabsorption ofcalcium in the diet.

Application and Usage MegaCal, Alkalime, and Mineral Essence are
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. all excellent sources of calcium and magnesium,
which are essenrial for strong bones. Mineral Es-
. Dilure 50:50 and apply a few drops on loca- sence is an excellent source of magnesium and
other trace minerals.
tion 3-6 rimes daily as needed.
Avoid drinking anything that is carbonated be-
. Poor bone and muscle developmenr can cause it can leach calcium from the bones due to
its phosphoric acid content.
indicate HGH (human growth hormone),
potassium, and/or mineral defi ciency. Studies show that the majority of women who
do resistance trilning3-4 times a week do not de-
Osteoporosis (Bone Density Loss) veIop osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is primarily caused by six main
factors: Singles: W'intergreen, Idaho Balsam Fir, Palo

. Progesteronedeficiency Santo, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
. Esrradiol deliciency Thyme, Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram,
. Testosteronedeffcienry Rosemary Basil, Elemi, Northern Lights
. Lack ofmagnesium and boron in diet Black Spruce, Pine
. Lack of vitamin D in diet Blends: SclarEssence, PanAway, Aroma Siez,
. Lack ofdietary and oral calcium Purification, Melrose, Sacred Mountain,

Natural progesrerone is the single most effec- Relieve It
tive way to increase bone densiry in women over Nutritionals: Estro, FemiGen, EndoGize,
age 40. Clinical studies byJohn Lee, MD, showed
dramatic increases in bone density using just 20 BLM, AgilEase, MegaCal, Essentialzyme,
mg of daily, topically applied progesterone. Detoxzyme, Alkalime, Mineral Essence,
Essentialzymes-4, Super Cal Plus, Sulfurzyme,
Calcium, magnesium, and boron are a few Thyromin, PowerGize
of the mosr importanr minerals for bone health Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
and are usually lacking or deffcient in mosr mod- Progessence Plus
ern diets. Magnesium is especially important for
Application and Usage
bone strength, but most Americans consume only Topical: ReFer o Application Guidtlines.
a fraction of rhe 400 mg daily va.lue needed for
bone health. . Massage 6-10 drops diluted 50:50 on spine

200 (or area affected) 2-3 times daily.

BRAIN DISORDERS AND PROBLEMS concluded that the primary cause of Alzheimert
As the control center ofthe body, the brain disease is probably not aluminum, although it
could be a contributing factor in patients who
. controls speech, movement, thoughts, and
memory and regulates the function of many were already at risk of developing the disease. In
organs. When problems occur, the results can be spite of this, people are unfortunately still being
urged to get yearly flu shots, which contain alu-
minum as an adjuvant.
a Absentmindedness Pepper, Grapefruit, and Fennel oils have been

Clinical studies on Ningxia wolfberry (Lycium found to srimulate brain activity. Peppermint oil
barbarum) have shown that it has an anti-seniliry has been helpful in protecting against stresses and
effect. Clinical studies at Tufts Universiry and the toxins in brain ce[s.
Dr. fuchard Restick, a leading neurologist in
Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
Denver, Colorado, and Boston, Massachusetts, 'i(ashington, DC, stated that maintaining norma.l
synaptic firing would forestall many types ofneu-
a found that high antioxidant foods such as spinach rological deterioration in the body.
found in JuvaPower and blueberry found in
NingXia Red dramatically improved learning and Essendal oils high in sesquiterpenes such m Ce-

cognition. damood, Vetiver, Patchouli, German Chamomile,

German Chamomile Vitaliry Myrrh, Melissa,

Recommendations Sacred Sandalwood, and Royal Hawaiian Sandal-

Singles: Peppermint, Sacred Frankincense, wood are known to c-ross the blood-brain barrier.

Frankincense, Rosemary Cardamom, Sacred Frankincense, Frmkincense, and Frmkin-

Blends: Clariry M-Grain, Brain Poweq GeneYus, cense Vitality are general cerebral stimulants.

Common Sense, Oola Balance, Oola Grow, Recommendations
InTouch, Reconnect
Nutritionals: MindVise, NingXia Red, PD Singles: Cedarwood, Melissa, Sacred Sandalwood,
80/20, OmegaGizer, NingXia Nitro, NingXia Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Helichrysum,
Zyng, Ningxia \Wolfberries (Organic, Dried), Ginger, Ginger Vitality, Nutmeg, Nutmeg
Vitaliry German Chamomile, German
Master Formula, JuvaPower, Essentialzyme, Chamomile Vitality, Eucalyptus Globulus, Sa-
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9 cred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense

Application and Usage Vitaliry Patchouli, Myrrh, Black Pepper, Black
Aromatis Refer to Application Guidrlines. Pepper Vitaliry Grapefruit, Grapefruit Vimliry,
Topical: Refer o Application Guilzlines. Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry

. Apply 1-2 drops neat (undiluted) on temples Helichrysum supports neurotransmit-

and back of neck, as desired. ter activity and has shown the possibiliry of

Alzheimer's Disease chelating aluminum. Nutmeg is a general
Over 5.7 million Americans suffer from Al-
cerebral stimulant and has adrenal cortexJike
zheimer\ disease, according to the Alzheimert As- activity.
sociation. Alzheimert was found to nearly double Blends: Brain Power, Common Sense, GeneYus,
in subjects with high levels of homorysteine in the Valor, Valor Roll-On, Clariry Oola Balance,
Framingham Study. rhe longest running prospec- Faith, Oola Grow, Harmony, RutaVala,
tive study ofchronic disease in a population. The RutaVala Roll-On, InTouch, Reconnect
Center for Disease Control and Prevention has Nutritionals: MindW'ise, MultiGreens, Slique


Shakc, Sulfurzvme, Essentialzyme, Essen- Vitalirv, Bergamot. Bergamot Vitalin,. Rose-
tialzrmes-4, Mineral Essence. NineXia Red, marr', Rosemarr' \/italirv, Sacred Frirnkincense.
NingXia Nirro, NineXia Zvng, Ninexia Frankincense, Frankincense \/italin,. Dorado
\il/ollberries (Organic, Dried), Masrer For- Azul
mula, Super C. Super C Cheu,ablc. MeeaCal. Blends: Brain Power. Clarin', GeneYus. Ru-
OmesaCize ' taV:ila, RutrVirla Roll-On, Harmonr,, V:rlor.
Valor Roll-On. Oola Balance, ()ola Grorv.
Application and Usage Common Scnsc, 3 V/ise l\4en. lnTouch.
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oral: Rcfbr rc Applicttiorr Guidclitrcs. Recon nect

. Take I capsulc ofdesircd Viralirv or dier:rrr Nutritionals; MindV/isc, N4esaCal, Super B,
C)mcgaGize'. ImmunPro, Digesr & Clcanse,
oil 2 timcs dailr,. Miner:rl Esscnce, NineXia Rcd, NineXia
Nitro. NineXia Zyns, Ningxia Wblfberries
. Tikc l-3 clrops of a Vitalin,or dietarv oil in (Oreanic. L)riccl)

a spoonlrul of svrup or smirll amount of milk, Application and Usage
juice, or u':rter. Aromatic: Refer rc Applicntiott Ouidalirru.
Topical; Rcfcr ro Applicntion Guidilinrs. Dietary md Oral: Reler rc Applimriott Gtridalitr:.

. Applt' 1 -2 clrops dircctly onro the brain . Take I capsulc of'dcsired Vitalitv or clietarv

rcflex centers. These points incluclc the oil 2 rimes daih:
forehcad. remplcs, and mastoids (rhe boncs
iust bchind rhe ears). Applv oils and milcl, . Takc l-3 drops ofa \/italin or dietan,oil in
direcr prcssure ro the brainsrem area (center
top ofneck at base ofsl<ull) and rvork dou,n a spoonlirJ olsr.rup or snrirll anrounr of milk,
rhc spine. juice. or rvatcr.
Topical: Refer to Applimtiott Grriddinc:.
. Appll, 1-2 drops neat to Vita Flex brain
. Applf I -2 drops ncat direcrll onro thc brain
points on leer 1 -2 tinres dailr'.
reflcx ccnters 2-4 rimes ckilr'. as needrd.
. Receive a Raindrop Techniquc once everr. 2 These poinrs include rhe forcheacl. renrpl.,s.
and mastoicls (thc bones just bchind thc
wceks. cars). Applv oils ancl milcl. clirecr pressurc
to thc brainsrem :rrea (center top of neck :rr
Concentration, lmpaired base ofskull) ;rnd rvork doun thc spinc.
Impaired concenrration is very common and
. Appll' l-2 clrops near ro Vita Flex hrain
may not always lead to a debilitating condition.
Some common reasons why people can't concen- poinrs on fe er 1-2 tines dailr,.
trate are lack of sleep. lack of exercise, improper
diet, and too much rechnology. A study in Rr- . Rcccivc a Raindrop Tcchnique once er.crr' 2
searclt in Higher Education showed rhat students
who texted the professor during a lecrure scored rveeks.
42.81 on a resr following the lecture while non-
texting studenrs had a higher score of 58.67. Confusion

Recommendations Confusion is when a person is not able to
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Basil, rhink with his or her usual level of clariry. De-
cision-making ability is reduced, and a feeling of
Basil Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon disorientation is common. Confusion may devel-
Vitality, Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime op gradually or arise suddenly and has mulriple
causes, including medical condirions, medica-

tions, injurics. cnvironmcntal Lrctors. su[rst,tncc Application and Usage
atrusc, stress. lou'hormoncs. or lou, thvroid. Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
Singles: Peppe rnrint..lade [.emon. Lcmon, . Apply 2-4 drops near at base ofskull, across

Roscnlrr'. Basil, Sacred Frankinccnse. Frank- the neck, top of spine (C1-C6 r,ertebrae),
inccnsc. (llrdamonr and bottom offeet.
Blends: lr4-Cirein, (lrthcring. Brrin Porvcr, Clar-
itr, Ge neYus. C)ola Balancc, Common Se nsc. . Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back
Harnrorr'. I n'lbuch. Reconne'ct
Nutritionals: Mindwise, MegaCal, Super B, ofneck as desired.
OmesaCize'. I)iqesr & Clcansc, Mine ral F-s-
scncc. Thvronrin, NingXia Rcd, EndoCiz-c . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of

Application and Usage chosen oil on the back.
Aromaticr Refer rc Applicntiot Guidclitrs.
Topical: Rcler rc Applicdtiort Guidditrcs. Memory, lmpaired
Mirnv areas of the brain hclp crcatc and re-
. Appivine a sinelc drop unclcr thc nosc is
trieve memories. Malfunction of or damage to
hclpful ancl rcfrcshing.
anr. of these areas can lead to memory Ioss.
. [)ilute 50:50 ancl applv on location 3-(r
Recommendations I
timcs daih. Singles: Rosemarl,, Rosemlrr' \'itllin. I)eppcr-

. Mlssasc 1-4 drops of oil near orr rhe bor- m int. Pepperm int \/ital i n', C:rrdirnrom. (lirr-
toms of thc lrct just bcfirrc bccltime. damonr Vitalitr,. Basil, Basil Yiralirr. \trive r.
Rosc, Lcmon, Lemon Viralirv. Lcmongntss.
Convulsions Lemongrass Viralirr'. Hclichrvsum. Lavender.
Lavender Viralin, Tirnscrine, Tangerine Vitirl-
Convulsions, also called seizures, are involun- itr,, Spearmint, Spearmint Vitalirv, Palo Santo,
tary contractions of the voluntary muscles. Moni-
tor diet and discontinue sugar, dairy products, Note: Pcppcrmint improves mental concentra-
and fried and processed foods. A 2018 UCLA
study is the first to show a link berween lower tion and memor\'. Dr. \William N. Dember
conducred a studv lrt the Universin,ol'
seizure susceptibiliry and certain helpful gut bac- Cincinnati in 1994 shou,ing thar inhalins
teria. These gut bacteria play a role in the anti-sei- peppermint increased mental accurecv br'28
zure effect of a high-fat, low-carb ketogenic diet percen t.'l-he fi'agranccs of diffirscd oils. suclr
for children who do not respond to anti-epileptic as lemon, h;rvc also bcen rcported to incrcase
medications. mernorr rcrclrrion and recall.

Recommendations Blends: Brain Power, Clarin', N4-Grain,
Singls: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Palo
Ge neYus. E.n-R-Cee, Oola Balance, C)ola
Santo, Eucalyptus Blue, Copaiba, $(intergreen
Blends: Brain Power, GeneYus, Valor, Valor Roll- Grorv, lnTouch. Rcconnect
Nutritionals: MindWise , Longeviw SoFtgels.
On, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Tranquil
Roll-On, Clariry, Common Sense MultiGreens, Mineral Essence, Thyromin,
Nutritionals: Mind\Wise, Detoxzyme, Alkalime,
Mineral Essence, MighryPro Nin.eXia Red

Application and Usage
Aromatic: R.efer rc Applicdtion Guidclincs.
Clemsing: \'ascular clcarrsing n:rr irtrprort


mental funcrion by supporting improved Valor Roll-On, Journey On, RutaVala,
blood flow, boosting distribution ofoxygen RutaVala Roll-On, Tranquil Roll-On, Oola
and nutrients (see Vascular Cleansing). Balance, Fitness, C)ola Grow, lnTouch, Re-
connect, Aroma Sleep, Sleepylze
.Dietary and Oralt Reler rc Application Guidelines. Nutritionals: MindVise, Thyromin, Super B,
EndoGize, MultiGreens, ImmuPro, NingXia
Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary Red, NingXia Zyng, NingXia Nitro, Ningxia
oil 3 times daily. 'Wolfberries (Organic, Dried), Master For-
mula, ImmuPro
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Application and Usage
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Clemsing: Vascular cleansing may improve
.juice, or water.
mental lrunction by supporting improved
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. blood flow boosting distribution oloxygen
and nutrienrs (see Vascular Cleansing).
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Dietary md Oralz ReFer o App/ication Grtidelittes.
helpful and refreshing.
. Take I capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietarv
. Dilute 50:50 and apply 2-3 drops on
oil 3 times daily.
temples, forehead, mastoids (bone behind
ears), and/or brainstem (back ofneck) as . Thke 2-3 drops ofaVitaliw ordietaryoil in
needed 3-6 times daily.
a spoon{irl oFsyrup orsmall amount of milk,
. Massage 2-4 d,rops of oil neat on the bot- juice, or water.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
toms of the feet just before bedtime.
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Memory Blend No. I
. 5 drops Basil or Basil Viraliry helpful and refreshing.
. l0 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry
. 4 drops Helichrysum . Dilute 50:50 and apply 2,3 drops on
. 2 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Vitaliry
. 2 drops Cardamom or Cardamom Vitaliry temples, forehead, mastoids (bone behind
cars), and/or brainstem (back ofneck) as
Memory Blend No. 2 needed 3-6 times daily

. 4 drops Lavender or Lavender Vitalicy . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot,
. 3 drops Geranium
. 3 drops Palo Sanro roms of the feet just before bedrime.
. 3 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry
. 2 drops Tangerine or Tangerine Vitality
. I drop Spearmint or Spearmint Vitality


Some of the causes of mental fatigue are being

overworked, having poor sleep patterns, lacking Dry, Cracked Nipples

exercise, and having a poor diet. The most common causes of sore or cracked

Recommendations nipples are poor breastfeeding technique, dehy-
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, dration, or infection.

f'-rankincense Vitaliry, Rosemary, Rosemary Recommendations

Vitaliry Vetiver, (ledarwood, Peppermint, Singles: Myrrh, Vetiver, Royal Hawaiian Sandal-

Peppermint Vitality wood. Sacred Sandalwood

Blends: Brain Power, Clarit1,, CeneYus, Valor, Blends: Valor, Valor Roll-on, Harmony, The

Gift, Owie


Nutritionals;MultiGrccns,MasterFormula. Brerot Blend No. 3
NingXia Red
' 3 drops Lemon
Personal Care: Rose Ointnrent, KidScents . 4 drops Thvme
Tcnder Tish, Essenrial Beaury Serum . 2 drops Melissa
. I teaspoon V-6 Veeetable C)il Complex
Application and Usage
Topical: Refir ro Applicatiort Guidtlinas. Bremt Blend No.4

. Dilure 50:50 and massage oycr breast and on . 4 drops Melissa
. 10 drops Mvrrlr
Vita Flex points ofthe feet. . 1 drop Thvrne
. I drop Mountain Savorv
. Wash/(lleansc breasrs before breast-feeding.
Mastitis (lnfected Breast)
Mastitis is an inlection olr the breast tissue Bursitis is an inflammation of rhe bursa,

that results in pain, srvellinq, redness, and warmth which are small, fluid-filled sacs located near the
joints. Bursa act as shock absorbers rvhcn muscles
of the breast. lt most commonlv aflecrs women or rendons cclmc into contlct rvith bone. The
srvelling ofthe bursa results in pain. parricularlv
who are breasrleeding. rvhen rhe allected joinr is used.

Recommendations Bursitis can be caused bv injun. inflction, or
Single: Mvrrh, Melissa, Tea llce, Thvme, arrhritis, and usuallv inr,ohes the joints oi thr
knees, clborvs, shoulders, and Achillc's rendon.
I)atchouli, Roman Chamomile, Rosemarl,, Occasionallv, bursitis can occur in rlie base of
Lavender, Lemon. Vetiver, Copaiba, ldaho the big toe. Bursitis mav sisnal rhe besinning of
Blue Spruce, Mountain Savory
Blendsr PanAwa1,, lmmuPower arth ritis.
Nutritionals: Lonqgviq, Softgels, ImmuPro,
Inner Dcfcnsc Recommendations
Singles: $i/intergreen, Idaho Blue Spruce,
Massage anv of thcse blends on the breasts
and under arrnpirs 2 times d:ril1,. Wash/Cleansc Peppernrint, Peppermint Vitalitv, Copaiba,
breasts beforc brcast-fceding. Copaiba Vitalin,, Dorado Azul, Palo Sirnto,
Sacred Frankincense. Frankincense. Frank-
Application and Usage incense Vitalin,, Idaho Balsanr Fir, Basil,
Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines. Basil Viralitv Lavender. Lavenclcr \/jtrlitr',
Black Pcpper, Black Pepper \/italirr', L-lemi.
. Dilutr' 20:80 and massage over breast and on Orcgano, Oregano Vitalitl', Marjoram. \,ler-
joram Vitaliq,
Vira Flex ptrinrs of thc leer. Blends: PanAwar.', Relieve It, Sacred Mountain,
Cool Azul, Deep Relief Roll-C)n, Aroma Siez
Breast Blend No. I Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MegaCal, BLM,
' 3 drops Thyme AgilEase
' 7 drops PanArvay Persona.l Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream.
. I teaspoon V-6 Vegetable C)il Conplex Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil
Breast Blend No. 2

' 3 drops Myrrh
' 3 drops Vetiver
. 2 drops Copaiba
. 'l drop ldaho Blue Spruce
. 1/2 teaspoon V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex


Application and Usage The Foundation ofNatural Cancer Tieatment L
Aromatic Refer o Application Guidzlines. Natural treatment of cancer or any illness is a L
Dietary and Oral:.Refer to Application Gilidrlines. L
highly debated topic, but when you are faced with L
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary cancer, finding solutions becomes imporranr.
oil 2 times daily. Emotions md Cancer ' L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Cancer should always be treated first by dis-
covering the underlying emotions that contrib- L
a spoonfrrl of syrup or small amount of milk, uted to the onset of the disease. In many cases,
juice, or water. negative emorions and trauma not only trigger L
Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines. the beginning ofcancer but can furaher its metas- L
tasis. Any kind of negarive emotion-anget fear, L
. Apply 2-4 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on rage, helplessness, abandonment-can cause the
cancer to spread faster. L
affected area or joint 3-5 times daily or as L
needed to soothe pain ril/hen essential oils are used as the basis of an L
emotional care program, they can have power-
. Apply a cold compress around affected joint fully positive effects in improving the attitude, \
emotional well-being, and potential outcome of (
1-3 times daily. the disease. Essential oil blends such as \ff/hite An-
gelica, Release, Grounding, Inner Child, tauma L
CANCER Life, Forgiveness, Joy, Common Sense, Hope, L

Cancer is among the most complex and difficult Believe, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming
ofany human disease to rreat. A patienr diagnosed
with cancer should always defer to his or her health II, Valor, and SARA can form the center of any
care professional for primary care. Keeping this
in mind, a number of individuals have achieved emotional care regimen (See the Chapter 16 on
successful remission by following a natural regimen emotional support).
and some ofthe principles oudined in rhis secrion.
Cleansing and Removing Toxins
It is important to note rhar many natural Industrial pollutants such as benzene and
therapies-especially those using essential oi[s-
work best in the early stages of cancer In fact, lead, along with lifesryle toxins such as cigarette
smoke, chemicals, heteroryclic amines from
clinical trials are showing that Frankincense is the overcooked meat, and many others contribute to
number one inhibitor of many cancers. Citrus oils, a vast majoriry of cancers. Even daily radiation
high in dJimonene, including Orange, Grapefruit, from computers, cell phones, and a vast number
Lemon, and Thngerine, work better as cancer of electrical appliances may contribute to a toxic
preventives than cancer trearments, although they overload within the body.

have been tested to have powerful, anticancer Todays fmt-food industry is a major culprit in
selling so much nutririonally deffcient food that
properries in all stages ofcancer. we eat. Processed food is fast and convenient, but
A study at Charing Cross Hospital in London, is it worth rhe threat to our health? A popular
childrent oat cereal was found in 2018 to have
England, published in 1998 achieved close to a I 5 toxic amounts ofthe RoundUp" chemical glypho-
percent remission rate in patients with advanced sate by the Environmental Working Group.
colon and breasr cancer using doses from 1 ro 1 5
grams of d-limonene from Orange oil as their
only treatmenr. In patients with only weeks or

months to live, limonene trearment extended

patients' lives by up to 18 months in some cases.r8


Cosmetics, hair sprays, dyes, soaps, paints, fuce bran is a good chelator of metals and
and household cleaners add to an endless list of contains anticancer phytonutrients such as
pollutants in our environment and toxicity to gamma oryzanol and other compounds. It is also
which we are subjected. rich in immune-stimulating arabinoxylans that

To help lower rhe risk of cancer. ir is imporranr increase cancer cell

to reduce the exposure to these chemicals and The Ningxiawolfberry is rich in polysaccharides
change our diet and the products that we use
in our environment. The chemicals should be that similarly ampliS, immunity. A number of
avoided at all cost, as they can damage DNA,
decrease immunity, promote oncogenes (genes clinical research trials have shown that wolfberry
that can turn normal cells into cancer cells), and compounds can dramatically improve cancer

accelerate cancer development. remission, particularly when combined with

Cleansing and Chelation immune-stimulating therapies.r'
The foundation ofany cancer program should
Cleansing Products Suitable for Most Cancers
begin with a period of cleansing. Cleansing and
chelation can help remove some ofthe toxin- and Many products support the body in its
petrochemical-buildup that may have triggered cleansing process. You will not be able to rake all
the cancer initially.
rhe cleansing producrs, so decide which ones you
Fasting can be one ofthe single, most powerfirl, want to take and how much you want to take of
anticancer too[s available, particularly in the early each product. Write down your program so lou

stages. Anyone who is in advanced stages of can follow it consistenrll'. Start slorvl,v so vour
cancer must cleanse very slowly to see how the
body can adjust and begin ro cleanse.
body responds. Going without food and drinking Clemsing: Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme, Essenrial-
only juices immediately could be detrimental to
a sick body. Common sense needs to be used in zymes-4, JuvaPower, JuvaTone, ComforTone,
all situations. TirmmyGize, DiGize, DiGize Vitality, GLF,
GLF Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vital-
Essential oils that improve liver function and iry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry NingXia Red
promote glutathione can Form the center of any Emotional Support: Release, Divine Release,
Freedom, InTouch, Reconnect, My Destiny,
detoxification program. I.emon and orange oils,
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frank-
in studies at Johns Hopkins Universiry have
incense Vitaliry Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry
shown to substantially increase glutathione levels
Palo Santo, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Acceptance,
in the liver and colon, which have beneficial Believe, Brain Power, Common Sense, Dream
Catcher, Gathering, Envision, Forgiveness,
effects in detoxifi cation. Gratitude, Harmony, Hope, Inner Harmonr,,
Chelation can be particularly important in Joy, Live with Passion, Live Your Passion,
Light the Fire, Journey On, Motivation, Pres-
removing carcinogenic metals from the body.
Studies in Germany have shown that ffansidon ent Time, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calm-
metals such as iron, mercury lead, zinc, nickel, ing II, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, The
and cadmium can accumulate to high levels in Gift, Tiansformation, Valor, \7hite Angelica

rumors, particularly in breast cancer tissue. A series Enrymes Ramping Regimen
ofchelations ro eliminate these metals can produce
Essentialzyme was formulated in 1984 with
tremendous benefits in the earliest stage
this regimen for someone suffering from a degen-

erative disease.


Phase l: Thke 3 caplets 3 times daily. Increase by differentiated cells. Similarly, because cancer cells

1 caplet every day unril you become nauseared are fast-growing, they require far more glucose

and then discontinue Essentialzyme for 24 to (blood sugar) rhan normal cells.

36 hours. The most effective way of lowering both insulin (
and blood glucose levels is with a fast. Bernard
Phase 2: Take 4 caplets 3 times daily. Increase
Jensen, ND, used a 180-day fast, made initially
daily by I caplet unril you become nauseated. of only barley grass juice, to fight and eliminate

Rest (discontinue) again for 24-36 hours.

Phase 3: Thke 5 caplets 3 times daily. Increase metastatic prostate cancer. Even a partial fast in

daily by I caplet until you become nauseared. which refined carbohydrates are eliminated and

Rest for 24-36 hours. caloric intake is reduced to 500-1,000 calories can

Phase 4: Start again with the amounr rhat you be potentially very therapeuric.

were taking before the nausea occurred the Determining Hormone Sensitivity \
Vomen dealing wirh breasr. ovarian. uterine, (
third time. For example: If you were raking l8
and ceruical cancer in most cases can be estrogen
caplets, you would have been taking 6 caplets
3 times daily when you became nauseated. receptor sensitive, yer doctors will conrinue to give

Therefore, start Phase 4 again with 6 caplets 3 and recommend HRI (hormone replacement
times daily and continue wirh this amount for therapy) made from xenoestrogens that come
6 weels.
from petrochemicals, compounds that are known
Phme 5: ln the 7th week, starr the enzyme-
ramping program all over again. This means to promote and cause cancer, before determining
to begin phase 1 again and increase the
if a patient has cancer .in the early stages of

amount by 1 each day unril nausea or vomir- development. L
ing starts again. Repeat and continue for 6 Premarin' is an estrogen-rherapy drug created
from the urine ofpregnant horses. Besides animal
weeks as previously described.
cruelry issues, rhis hormone rreatment is not
If your docror determines that you are in
natural to the human body and increases the risks
remission, you can maintain with 5-10 tablets
for stroke, heart attack, and breast cancer.
daily for one year, 6 days a week. 'W'e must understand the mechanism of how
Maintenance: Thke 5-10 Essentialzyme caplets
natural hormones are synrhesized in the body.
3 times daily.
Caution: This is a very rigorous program, so you First, cholesterol cascades down to pregnenolone,
to progestogens, and then to androgens that divide
should consult with your doctor or health
and go to the ovaries and testes.
In the ovaries, rhe androgen called androstene-

dione, crosses the basal membrane, where it is
care professional before starting and have
that person monitor your progress during the

) Lprogram.
Lconverted to the estradiol sex hormones such as
estradiol, estrone, and estriol. The ovaries produce
New research has uncovered that numerous Lprimari[y estradiol. Most free-circularing esrrone
insulin receptors make cancer cells different
stems from a conversion of estradiol in the liver,
from normal cells. Cancer cells have over 10 even though the ovaries produce small amounrs

\times the number of receprors for insulin as a of estrone.

normal cell. Excess insulin can stimulate cancer The liver plays a major role as the chemis- \_
try laboratory of the body. Because the liver is
cells disproponionately compared to well- the body's largest fat-storing organ, it will hold (


petrochemicals known as xenoestrogens that are The hormones that naturally occur in milk
require metabolic hormones to ensure they are
cancer-causing agents. Xenoestrogens disrupt the
conversion ofesrradiol and cause a division of the converted to 2-hydroxyestrone. W'hen the milk

estrone. goes through the pasteurization process, it kills

This division will be eirher negative or positive. the enzymes necessary for the 2-hydroryestrone
If estradiol converts to l6-alpha-hydroxyestrone, conversion and converts to the cancer-causing
I 6-alpha-hydroryestrone.
a cancer-causing agent, this estrone will then
bind to the estrogen receprors in female and Essentialzyme is the metabolic enzyme, which
male reproducrive organs. If estradiol converrs
to 2-hydroxyestrone, a c ncerpreuenting sreroid. makes it so important for daily prevention and
hormone, it will bind or srick ro the receptors,
good health.
protecting them from the harmful estrone. This Pasteurized milk is also a concern because milk
has caused a lot olcontroversy among the natural
health and allopathic practitioners for years. contains steroid hormones fed to cows. \fhen
milk products are pasteurized and homogenized,
Natural hormones produced in the body are whether ir is milk, cheese, butter, cottage cheese,
referred to as steroid hormones. Synthetic hor- or any other product containing steroid hor-
mones are called nonsteroid hormones. Most mones, the pasteurization destroys the natural
people do not understand that plant hormones enzymes, thus preventing the production of2-hy-
are neither steroid nor nonsteroid hormones.
droxyestrone, the cancer-preventing steroid, and
They are natural phytohormones that encourage
the production of 2-hydroryestrone, the cancer instead converts it to 16-alpha-hydroryestrone,
preventive hormone that does not bind or stick
to the receptor sites contrary to the nonsteroid the cancer-causing hormone.
hormones that cause inflammation and cysts on This is where the controversy begins, and the

the ovaries. misundersranding of estrogen-sensitive cancers
There is no evidence that phytohormones will
becomes a problem. It is easy to see how processed
stimulate estrogen-sensitive cancer. Phytohor- and non-processed foods affect the outcome of
mones are rhe same as rhe hormone-supporting our health.
chemical compounds found in rhe essential oils o[
This does not apply only to women but applies
Fennel, Clary Sage, Melissa, Lemongrass, Sage, etc. to men as well. Men have estrogen also and will
There is also no reason to be concerned about respond the same way to both phytoestrogens and
mycoestrogens (estrogens produced by fungi found
food unless it is a GMO food like soy. Herbs like in stored grain) that stimulate the production of
black cohosh do not srimulare esrrogen-sensirive 16-aipha-hydroryestrone. If there were more focus
on eating unprocessed foods; cleansing the liver of
cancer. Quite simply they are neither steroid- nor toxins, petrochemicals, and undigested pollutants;
nonsteroid-stimulating hormones. and improving and building a reserve of metabolic
enzymes, there would be much less cancer.
Another concern is to understand that meta-
bolic enzymes are required to help facilitate ste- Cmcer and Antioxidants
roid hormone conversion. \(hen the body and It is recommended to seek the advice from a
Iiver are toxic, this becomes a serious problem,
creating a metabolic enzyme deficiency. In the ab- health care professional before embarking on any
sence of metabolic enzymes and a toxic liver, es- antioxidant program. Some studies have reported
tradiol is converted to 16-alpha-hydroxyestrone, that certain antioxidants can reduce the effective-
the cancer-causing hormone. ness of some types of chemotherapy such as cis-


A large number ofother studies have found the an anti-inflammatory. Lemongrass essenrial oil t
opposite, showing that antioxidants can improve has shown efficacy against a number of different
patient remissions and prognosis. In the case of cancers, particularly lung cancer (Gaonkar R, t
radiation rrearments, a number of well-controlled 2018; Marovka I 2018; Jiang J, 2017; Sharma
studies have similarly found that antioxidants can PR,2009). \
improve patient outcomes dramatically and coun-
ter the injury and immune suppression caused by Clove has been researched as a potential che- L
these therapies.
mopreventive agenr for lung cancer because of L
In fact, a 2010 human study by A. Pace and L
colleagues at the Regina Elena National Cancer its powerful anti-inflammatory effects.I The bio-
Institute in Rome, Italy, found that vitamin E chemical alpha-humulene in the oil, also found in (
had a neuroprorective effect against the serious, Idaho Balsam Fir and Copaiba, has been shown
adverse effects oI cisplatin.r] to have significanr cancer prevenrion properries
through its anti-infl ammatory action.ra
Similar to DNA-prorecrive essenrial oils, antiox-
idants produce their best results as cancer preven- Frankincense and conifer oils like Idaho Bal-
tives and in the earliest stages of cancer. As cancer sam Fir containing l-limonene are coming to the
progresses, the likelihood of meaningful remissions forefront ofattention in cancer research in various
using only antioxidants declines rapidly. cancer-treatmenr study programs at Oldahoma
State Universiry lWake Forest Universiry and
Research conducted at Brigham Young Uni- Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veteri-
versity in Provo, Utah, and the UNLV Cancer nary Medicine.
Research Institute identified some of the most
inhibitory essential oils against a variery of cancer The l-limonene found in Frankincense, Idaho
cell lines. The oils were also tested for their lack of Blue Spruce, and Idaho Balsam Fir shows a re-
toxicity to normal cells. markable abiliry to suppress tumor growth, par-
ticularly in melanoma. Boswellic acids found in
Inflmmation md Cancer frankincense gum resin have also been shown to
The link between cancer and infammation has have powerful, anti-infammatory effects. Myrrh
gum has been studied for its abiliry to combat
become stronger in recent years. It is well known various cancers, including breast cancer.
that the salicylates in aspirin have high anti-in-
flammatory effects and reduce the risk of colon Anti-inflammatory Essential Oils Suitable for
Most Cancers: Sacred Frankincense, Frank-
cancer dramatically. incense, Frankincense Vitaliry Clove, Clove
Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir, Palo Santo, Ledum,
I The natural salicylates found in the essential oil Myrrh, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry
of wintergreen are very close in structure to the Vintergreen (topically only)

aceryl salicylic acid found in aspirin. According to Immunity and Cancer
Erica Leibert of Harvard Universiry. winrergreen Enhancing immune function is a vital com-
oil is 40 percent srronger than an aspirin equiva-
lent with very similar anri-inflammatory proper- ponent o[ both traditional and complementary
ties. However, it should be ingested only in very approaches to cancer. Typically, chemotherapy
small numbers of drops.
and radiation can drastically break down popula-
Lemongrass oil is a well-known anri-inflam- tions ofT-cells and NK (natural killer) cells that
matory (Han X,2017; Ganjewala D, 2010) that are responsible for fighting rumor growth. Cer-
can be salely ingested. Bur Lemongrass is notjusr tain natural compounds can restore levels of these
critical immune components.

Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essential-
Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho BIue Spruce, zyme, Essentialzymes-4, Alkalime
Idaho Balsam Fir, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Palo Santo, Hyssop, Lung Cancer
Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry
Tea Tiee, Blue Cypress Recommendatioris

Blends: Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliry Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exodus II, Melrose,
GLF, GLF Vitaliry ImmuPower, 3 Vise Men, Frankincense Vitaliry Lemongrass, Lemon-
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TirmmyGize grass Vitaliry Idaho Blue Spruce, Palo Santo,
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandal-
Immune-Enhancing Supplements Suitable for wood, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme
Most Cmcers: ImmuPro, Super C, Super C Vitaliry Hyssop
Chewable, Master Formula, Essentialzyme, Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essential-
Detoxzyme, Essentialzymes-4, MultiGreens, zyme, Essentialzymes-4, Alkalime
NingXia Red
Prostate Cancer
Breast Cancer
Recommeirdations Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,

Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry, Sage, Sage Vitalitv,
Frankincense Vitaliry Lemongrass, Lemongrass Thyme, Thyme Vitality, Sacred Sandalrvood,
Vitaliry Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Myrtle, Dill,
Sandalwood, Myrde, Tsuga, Sage, Sage Vitality Dill Vitality, Idaho Blue Spruce
Nutritionals: Prostate Health, Protec, NingXia
Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essential- Red, Super C, Essentialzyme, Essential-
zyme, Essenstialzymes-4, Alkalime zymes-4, AlkaLime

Cervical Cancer Skin Cancer (Melanoma)

Recommendations Recommendations
Singles: Patchouli, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,

Sacred Sandalwood, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Frankincense Vitaliry Lemongrass, Lemon-
Vitaliry Valerian, Sacred Frankincense, Frank- grass Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitality, Sacred
incense, Frankincense Vitality, Tsuga, Hyssop, Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,
Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Tarragon, Thrragon Grapefruit, Grapefruit Vitaliry Hyssop, Tar-
ragon, Tarragon Vitaliry
Vitaliry Sage, Sage Vitaliry Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essen-
Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essential- tialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Alkalime

zyme, Essentialzvmes-4, AlkaLime ir,nor"'

Leukemia Recommendations
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitalitv, Hyssop, Idaho Frankincense Vitalitl,, Sage, Sage Vitality,
Sacred Sande[vood. Roval Harvaiian Srnd;rl-
Blue Spruce, Sacred Frankincense, Frankin-
cense, Frankincense Vitaliry, Palo Sanro 2't1

wood, Grapefruir, Grapefruit Vitaliry Hyssop, ' Genrlv apply I drop of oil neat wirh finger- L
Myrtle, ldaho Blue Spruce
Nutritionals: NingXia Red, Super C, Essential- tip to canker sore 4-8 times dail1,. L
zyme, Essentialzymes-4, Alkalime L
Uterine Cancer AND PROBLEMS L
Recommendations Cardiovascular conditions are those thar affect
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, the heart and other circularon/ organs. L
Frankincense Vitaliw. Sage, Sase Viralitr,, Anemia
Th1,me, Thvme Vitalitv, Sacred Sandahvood, Anemia is a condirion caused from insufficient \
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Mvrdc, Dill,
Dill Vitalig,, Idaho Blue Spruce red blood cells. There can be many different causes \
Nutritionals: Prorec of anemia, which would suggest that you should
see your health care professional for proper diag- (
CANKER SORES nosis. Nutritional deficiencies of iron or vitamin (
(SEE ALSO MOUTH ULCERS) B12 can conrribure ro rhis disorder as well as to
improper liver funcrion. A liver cleanse and nurri- L
These are technically known as aphthous ul- tional support will certainly help in rebuilding red
cers, are not regarded as an infectious disease, and blood cell counts. L
are not caused by the herpes virus. L
Canker sores tend to occur because of stress, Single: German Chmomile, German Chmo- t
illness, rveakened immune system, and injury
caused by such things as hot food, rough brush- mile Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Sacred \
ing of teeth, or dentures. They appear under the Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vital-
tongue more commonly than cold sores. iry Helichrysum, kmon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, \
Lime Vitaliry Mountain Savory Mountain
Recommendations Savory Vitaliry Cistus, Rosemary Rosemary
Singla: Melissa, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Lavender, Mtaliry
Blends: JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry
Lavender Vitaliry Sacred Sandalwood, Royal DiGize, DiGize Vitalirv, EndoFlex, EndoFlex
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Cypress, Thyme, Vitaliry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry
Thyme Vita.liry Nutritionals: JuvaPower, JuvaTone, Multi-
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry, Melrose Greens, Super B, Rehemogen, NingXia Red,
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Alkalime Master Formula, Mineral Essence
Oral Carq Thieves Spray, Thieves Fresh Essence
Mouthwash Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidelines.
Application and Usage Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
Dietary and Oral:Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take 2 capsules 2 times daily filled with half
. Gargle with Thieves mouthwash 2-4 times
Helichrysum and hall Cistus.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
. Take maple syrup 2-4 rimes daily.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.

Aneurysm Dilute essential oils with V-6 Vegetable Oil
Complex 50:50 and massage on back of
Aneurysms are weak spots on the blood ves- neck and head 3-5 times daily.
sel walls that balloon out and may eventually
rupture. In cases of brain aneurysms, a bursting Angina
blood vessel can cause a stroke, which can result Angina is a severe and crushing chest pain
in death or paralysis. (The fataliry rate is over 50
percent in the U.S.) Symptoms of a brain aneu- caused from an inadequate supply of oxygen to
rysm include a painFul headache, nausea. vomir- the heart muscle. It is a symptom oFan underly-
ing, confusion. ing heart condirion. Conract a health care profes-
sional for diagnosis.
Note: Seek medical care immediately if you
suspect you have an aneurysm. Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Marjoram,
Some essential oils and nutritional supple-
Marjoram Vitaliry Helichrysum, Coldenrod,
ments support the cardiovascular system and help Orange, Orange Vitaliry Jade Lernon, Jade
with blood regulation. Cypress strengthens cap- Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitalitl,, Lav-
illary and vascular walls. Helichrysum helps dis- ender, Lavender Vitaliq,, Vintergreen
Blends: Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Peace &
solve blood clots. Calming ll, Stress Arvay Roll-On, \'irlor, Valor
Roll-On, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On,
Recommendations Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry
Singles: Cistus, Helichrysum, Cypress, Jade Nutritionals: CardioGize, NingXia Red, Ningx-
ia Volfberries (Organic, Dried), OmegaGizei,
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon MegaCal, Longeviry Softgels,"Essentialzyme,
Vitality Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, MindVise
Blends: Aroma Life, JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse (also supports cardiovascular health)
Vitality, Purification
Nutritionals: CardioGize, NingXia Red, Es- Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Pure Protein Dietary and Ora[ Refer rc Application Gtidelines.
Complete, Ningxia \Wolfberries (Organic,
. Thke 1-2 capsules with desired Vit;rlirv or
Dried), Digest & Cleanse, Detoxzyme, Mind-
dietary oil 2 times dailv.
'Wise (also supports cardiovascular health)
Aneurysm Blend . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaligv or dietarv oil in

. 5 drops Cistus a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. 1 drop Helichrysum juice, or water
. I drop Cypress Topical: Refer rc Application Guidrlines.

Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines. . Massage l-3 drops neat over the heart area
Dietry md Oralt Refer to Application Guidelines.
I -3 times daily.
. Take 1 capsule with Cistus or Cypress or
' Apply on left side ofchest, left shoulder, and
other desired oil 2 times daily.
back of neck.
. Take 2 capsules 2 times daily 50:50 with
. Massage 1 drop each of 2 or 3 of the recom-
Cistus and Cypress.
mended oils on the heart Vita Flex poinrs on
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in foot, hand, and arm, as needed.

a spoonFul of syrup or small amount oF milk,
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.


Arteriosclerosis Recommendations
(Hardening of the Arteries) Singles: Helichn,sum, Cleran ium, Cistus, (lv-

This condition is defined as any one ofa group press, Lavender, Mvrrh
ofdiseases thar causes a thickening and a loss ol Blends: Purificarion, Trauma Life, f)cep Relicf
elasticiw of arterial walls. lt can be caused bv in-
flammation and is frequenrlv an underlving cause Roll-On
ofa heart artack or stroke. Nutritionals: Juval)orver, N4asrer Fonrulr

Recommendations Application and Usage
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry, Helichrysum, Topical: Refcr to Applicntiort (iuidclinci.

Ceranium, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Viral- . Applf I -1 drops neat (unclilured) on rhc
iq,, Lavendel Lavender Vitaliry, German
Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry. location o1- snr:rll rvounds.
Dorado Azul
Blends: Longeviw, Longevity Vitaliry Aroma . \'rru mal also epplr, 2-3 drcps on the Vita
Nutritionals: CardioC ize, Longeviw Sofrgels. FIex poinrs of thc fcer.
C)megaGize', MegaCal, Ningiia \Wolfberries
(Organic, Dried), NingXia Red, Master For- . [)l:rcc l cold conrpress dilured rvith I -2 drops
mula. MindWise (also supports cardiovascular
health) of He Iichrysunr. l\4vrrh, crc.

Application and Usage Blood Circulation, Poor
Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidalines. Essenrial oils, when used regularly, can im-
Dietary and OraI: Refer o Applimtion Guidelines.
prove circulation as much as 20 percent.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliw or dierarv
oil 2 times dail1,. Singles: Helichrysum, Cypr'ess, Clove, Clove

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitalin or dierary oil in Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir, Cistus, Idaho Blue

a spoonful of svrup or small amount of milk, Spruce
juice, or water. Blends: Aroma Life, EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vital-
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
iry En-R-Gee, Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry
. Massage l -3 drops near over the heart area Valor, Valor Roll-On
Nutritionals: CardioGize, NingXia Red, Lon-
2-3 times weeklv gevity Softgels, Ningxia Wolfberries (Organic,
Dried), Mineral Essence, Mind'Wise (also .
. Apply on left side ofchest, left shoulder, and
supporrs cardiovascular health)
back of neck.
Application and Usage
. Massage I drop each of 2 or 3 of the recom- Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidelines.

mended oils on rhe heart Vita Flex points on . Take I capsule with Helichrysum, Cypress,
foot, hand, and arm, as needed.
or other desired oil 2 times daily.
Bleeding (Hemorrhaging)
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Some essential oils, when ropically applied or
used on pressure bandages, are excelient for slow- a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
ing bleeding and iniriering healing. juice, or water.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.

. Appty neat 2-3 drops on Vita Flex poinm of

feet or on inside of wrists 2-3 times daily.


Blood Clots (Embolism, Hematoma, Oral Care: 'ltievcs roorhpirstcs irnd mouthrvash
Thrombus) contrin Clove. rvhich hes naturel blood-
thinnins propcrrics.
A blood clot, or hematoma, is a tumorlike
Application and Usage
mass of coagulated blood, caused by a break in
the blood vessel or capillary wall. Aromatic: Refer rc Applicntiott Guidclitrs.

Essenrial oils such as Helichrysum, Geranium, Dietary md Oralr Refir rc Applicariort Guiltlittet.
and Cistus are excellent for balancing blood vis- -lake
cosity and dissolving clots. Clove oil and citrus . 1 capsule ofdcsircd Vitelity or clietarv
rind oils, such as Lemon and Grapefruit, exert a
blood-thinning effect that can help speed the dis- oil I times dailr'.
solution of the clot. . 'lake 2 capsulcs diluted 50:50 with Hclichrv-

These oils are also some of rhe most powerfirl sum lncl (lisrus I times daih,benveen nrcirls.
antioxidan$ known and can slow the formation . lakc l-l clrops ofa Vitalin'or dietarv oil in
ofoxidized cholesterol in cells, which contributes
to atherosclerosis. Helichrysum is effective in pre- a spoonfirl of srr-up or smrll lmounr o1' milk.
venting blood clot formation and promoting the
dissolution of clots. iuicc, or \\,irtcr.

As people age, the viscosiry or thickness of Topical: Reler rc ATplicnrion (iuiltlitrc'.
the blood increases and so does the tendenry of
the blood to clot excessively. ' N4assagc equal plrts Lcnron, l.rrt'cnclcr. rncl

If blood clots, known as embolisms, occur in Hclichrysunr orr locarion rvirh or u irhout
the brain, they can cause strokes; ifthey obstruct a
coronary artery they can cause ischemic heart at- hot packs.
tacls; ifin the lungs, they can cause cardiac arrest.
. l\4assagc cqurrl parts C-isttts. [-arcn.lcr. .rn.1
People with diabetes or high blood pressure are
far more likely to die from blood clots. Helichn'sunr on locrrtion.

Foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, and ome- . Placc r \\'ilnl conrprcss l'ith I -l clrrp: qr1-
ga-3 fats are vital for proper blood viscosity.
chosen oil orr rhc blcli firr 'l 5 trinutcs l
Singles: Helichrysum, Cistus, Clove, Clove tinres dailr'.

Viraliry Geranium, Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Blood Detoxification
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Grapefruit, '$7hen there are fewer toxins in the blood, it is
Grapefruit Vitaliry, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitality,
Cypress, \Tintergreen easier for the blood to firnction properly and to
Blends: Aroma Life, PanAway, Relieve It, Lon- continually carry rhe needed nutrients through-
geviry Longeviry Vitaliry out the body and the digested waste and toxins
Nutritionals: CardioGize, OmegaGizer, Super
C, Super C Chewable, Mineral Essence, out of the body, which is the key foi staying
Longeviry Softgels, Thieves, lnner Defense,
NingXia Red, MindlVise (also supports healthy, being able to fight disease, and expelling
chemicals and other pollutants.
cardiovascular health)
Singles: Helichrysum, Goldenrod, Geranium,

German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry Idaho Balsam
Fir, Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory Vital-
ity, Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, Juva-
Cleanse Viraliry DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry
Nutritionals: MultiGreens, Rehemogen, ICB
JuvaPower, JuvaTone, Sulfurzyme, Balance


Complete, Slique Tea Recommendations
MSM (found in Sulfurzyme) purifies rhe Singles: Helichrysum, Rosemary, Rosemary
body and blood.
Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitality, Lavender,

Application and Usage Lavender Viraliry Marjoram, Marjoram Vital-
Dietary md Oral: Refer o Application Guidelines. iry Ylang Vang, Cypress, Cinnamon Bark,
Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry
. Look up the specific acrion of rhese products
Blends: Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Peace &
and decide whar best targets your desired Calming II, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Viral-
iry Humiliry, Slique Essence
Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme,
. 'lake I capsule of GLF Vitaliry or Juva-
OmegaGizer, ImmuPro, Super B, Mineral
Cleanse Vitality, plus Rosemary Vitaliry or
other desired oil 2 times daily. Essence, Balance Complete, Essentialzymes-4,
MegaCal, Ningxia Volfberries (Organic,
. Thke 2-3 drops of a Vitaliv or dietarv oil in Dried), Slique Tea, MindVise

a spoonful of syrup or small amount oFmilk,
juice, or water.

Topical: Refer to Appliation Guidelines. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer o Applicntizn Guidelines.
. Massage 2-3 drops neat (undilured) on the Dietary md Oral: Reler rc Application Guidelircs.

Vira Flex points oFthe leet and on the inside . Take I capsule ofdesired Virality or dietarv
oFthe wrists 2-3 times daily.

Blood Platelets (Low) oil 2 times daily.
Blood platelets (thrombocyres) are necessary
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitality or dietary oil in
for fighting infections and for blood clotting. To
avoid a drastic drop in the plateler level, consume a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
leafy vegetables, lruits like bananas and oranges, juice, or water.
and dairy products. Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

Recommendations . Apply 1-3 drops oil diluted 20:80 for a full

body massage daily.

. Rub l-2 drops ofoil on the temples and

Singles: Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliq,, back of neck several times dailr,.
Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vital-
ity, Tea Tree, Geranium, Cyprcss . Place a warm compress with l-2 drops of

Blends: Aroma Life chosen oil on the back.

Nutritionals: JuvaTone, Rehemogen, JuvaPower . For 3 minutes, massage 1-2 drops each of

) To enhance the effects of Rehemogen, use it Aroma Life and Ylang Vang on rhe heart Vita
with JuvaTone or JuvaPower. Flex point and over rhe heart and carotid arter-
ies along rhe neck.

. Notice how the blood pressure will begin

Blood Pressure, High (Hypertension) ro drop wirhin 5-20 minutes. Monitor the

One way to help normalize blood pressure is pressure and reapply as desired.
to cleanse the liver and colon for better circula-
. Increase the intake of magnesium, which

tion. Cleansing the colon will help rid the body acts as a smooth-muscle relaxant and as a
of wastes and toxins that could be clogging the natural calcium channel blocker For the
normal process ofdigestion. Cleansing and diges- heart, lowering blood pressure and dilating
tion are critical to normal body function. the heart blood vessels.


. Take I reaspoon of MegaCal before going to . Take 2-3 capsules of MultiGreens 3 times

bed. daily.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelinas.
- . 'lake 1-2 droppers oFMineral Essence 2

times daily. ' Apply 2-3 drops neat 2-3 times daih" depencl-

. Take I Super B dailv with vour meal. Vita- ing on which oil you choose. Helichrysum is

min 83 (niacin) 20 mg dailv is an excellenr especiallv beneEcial in liealing bruiscs when

vasodilator found in Super B. applied neat on location.
Bruising (See also Bruised Muscles)
. Dilute the oil you choose 50:50 with V-6

Vegerable Oil Complex and applv l-3 drops

Some people bruise easily because the capillary on bruised arca 2-5 times dailr,.

walls are weak and break easily, particularly in the ' Applt'a cold compress on location 2-4 timcs
skin. Those who bruise easily may be deficient in
dailv or as needed.

vitamin C. Bruise Blend No. I
Essential oils can help speed the healing of . 5drops
Hclichrvsum .'3d3rdorposp(si(lplisrteusss
bruises and reduce the risk of blood clot forma- . 4 drops Lavender . 3 drops Ccrlniunr
tion. Oils like Cypress help to strengthen capillary
walls, while oils like Helichrysum help speed the

reabsorption ofthe blood that has collected in the Bruise Blend No. 2 . 2 drops Marjoram
6 drops Clove . 2 drops Geranium
tissue. 4 drops Black . 2 drops Cypress
Recommendations 3 drops
Singles: Helichrysum, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Peppermint

Cistus, Geranium, Lavender, Lavender Vital-
iry Cypress, Roman Chamomile, Idaho BIue

Spruce, Dorado Azul, Peppermint, Pepper- Cholesterol, High
mint Vitaliry Marjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry \When fatry cholesterol deposits accumulate in

- Black Pepper, Black Pepper Vitaliry the arteries, physical symptoms like chest pains
Blends: Deep Relief Roll-On, PanAway, Relieve
Ir, Cool Azul, Owie and heart attacks may take place.

- Nutritionals: MultiGreens, JuvaTone, JuvaPow- Recommendations

er, Super C, Super C Chewable, NingXia Red, Singles: Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry

Slique Tea Helichrysum, Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry

Personal Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, Clove, Clove Vitaliry German Chamo-

_ Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage mile, German Chamomile Vitaliry Roman

Oil, Ortho Eme Massage Oil Chamomile
- Blends: Aroma Life, Longeviry Longevity Vital-
Application and Usage iry Slique Essence

- Dietary and OraltRefer ro Application Guifulines. Nutritionals: OmegaGizd, Essentialzyme, De-

. Thke I capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary toxzyme, Mineral Essence, MegaCal, JuvaPower,
MultiGreens, Super C, Super C Chmable,
oil 2 times daily.
Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or diemry oil in Super Cal Plus, Longevity Softgels, ICB Es-
a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk, sendalzymesl, Balmce Complete, Slique Tea,

- . juice, or water. Slique Shake, Slique CitraSlim, Slique Bars
Take 1-4 tablets ofSuper C Chewable daily.

- 2't7

Application and Usage men, need to urinare at night, weight gain, and
Dietary and Oralt Refer to Application Guidelines.
swollen feet and ankles.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
Gary Young formulated CardioGize with the
oil 2 times daily. proper synergistic ratio of CoQl0 and selenium,
while deodorized garlic and CoQ10 provide
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliry or dietary oil in antioxidanr properries and vitamin K supports
healthy vascular system funcrion. Garyt formula
a spoonfirl of syrup or small mount of milk,
also includes heart-healthy herbs astragalus, dong
,uice, or water. quai, motherworr, and hawthorn berry along
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. with natural folic acid.

. Apply neat or dilute 50:50, if need,ed,, 2-4 Knowing that coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is one
of the most effective supplements for support-
drops at pulse points, where arteries are close ing the heart muscle, Young Living also created

to the surface (wrists, inside elbows, base of Mind!7ise nutritional supplement. It contains

throat), 2-3 times daily. bio-identical CoQ10, as well as other valuable
nutrients that also support cardiovascular health.
. Also rub 6- 1 0 drops along spine 3 times daily.
. Have a body massage 2 times weekly. Recommendations
Singls: Helichrysum, Goldenrod, Clove, Clove
Cholesterol Reducing Blend
Vitality, Marjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry, Cypress
. 5 drops Roman Chamomile Blends: fuoma Life, Longeviry Longeviry
. 5 drops Lemongrass or Lemongrass Vitaliry
. 4 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry Vitaliry
.. 3 drops Helichrysum
Nutritionals: CardioGize, Mind$7ise, MegaCal,
Supplementation regimens Mineral Essence
1. Do a colon and liver cleanse using ICII Com-
Application and Usage
forTone, Essentialzyme, Digest & Cleanse, Dietary and OraltRefer rc Application Guirlelirtcs.
JuvaTone, JuvaPower, JuvaFlex Vitaliry or
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietarv
JuvaCleanse Vitality. JuvaTone is particularly
useful for reducing high cholesterol. oil 2 times daily.
2. Mineral Essence and MegaCal are good
sources of magnesium, which acts as a smoorh . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
muscle reluant and supports the cardiovascu-
lar system. It acts as a narural calcium channel a spoonfui of syrup or small amount oFmilk,
blocker for the heart, lowering blood pressure juice, or water.
and dilating the heart blood vessels (Dr. T.
Friedmann). Topical: Refer rc Application Gttidelines.

Congestive Heart Failure . Apply l-2 drops neat to hearr Vita Flex
(See also Heart Attack)
points on foot, hand, and arm, as described
Congestive heart failure is the inability of the under the "Heart Vita Flex" section under
heart to supply enough blood to meet the demands the topic Heart Health.
of rhe body. The mosr common cause is coronary
artery disease, a narrowing of the small blood ves- . Apply near or dilure 50:50, ifneeded, 2-4
sels that supply oxygen and blood to rhe heart.
drops at pulse points, where arteries are close
Symptoms include shortness of breath, loss of
ro the surface (wrists, inside elbows, base of
appetite, cough, fatigue, weakness, swollen abdo- throat), 2-3 times daily.
. Also rub 6-10 drops along spine 3 times

. Have a body massage 2 times weekly.

Fibrillation . Also rub 6-10 drops alongspine 3 times

This is a specific form of heart arrhy'thmia that daily.
occurs when the upper heart chambers contract
at a rate of over 300 pulsations per minute. The . Have a body massage 2 times weekly.
lower chambers cannot keep this pace, so efficien-
ry is reduced, and not enough blood is pumped. Heart Attack (Myocardial lnfarction)
Palpitations, a feeling that the heart is beating A heart atack is a circulation blockage resulting
irregularly, more strongly, or more rapidly than
normal, is the most common symptom. in an interruption ofblood supply to an rea of the
heart. Depending on the size of the rea affected, it
Recommendations can be mild or severe.
Singles: Ylang Ylang, Valerian, Valerian Vitaliry
Notq Seek medical care immediately if you
Goldenrod, Marjoram, Mar.joram Vital-
iry Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Rosemary suspect a heart attack.
Rosemary Vitality Many people do not understand how someone

Blends: Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Peace & who is relatively healthy, with low cholesterol lev-
Calming II els, suffers a heart attack with no explanation. The
explanation is actually inflammation, the funda-
Nutritionals: CardioGize, OmegaGize3, Mineral mental cause of heart disease.
Essence, MegaCal, Sulfurzyme, Ningxia
'Wolfberries (Organic, Dried), Master For- Inflammation ofthe heart is caused when blood
mula, MindlVise (also supports cardiovascular vessels leading to the heart are clogged and dam-
health) aged. This releases a protein into the bloodstream
called C-reactive protein. The level olthis protein
Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidrlines. indicates the degree of infammation in the lin-
Dietary and Oral:Refer to Application Guidzlines. ings ofthe arteries. Certain essential oils have been
documented to be excellent for reducing infam-
. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliry ordietary mation. German Chmomile contains zulene, a
blue compound with highly anti-infammatory
oil 2 times daily.
properties. Peppermint is also highly anti-inflam-
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in matory. Other oils also have anti-inflmmatory
properties such as Helichrysum, Northern Lights
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Black Spruce, lVintergreen, and Valerian. Clove,
juice, or water. Nutmeg, and tVintergreen are natural blood thin-
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. ners and help reduce blood clorring.

. Apply 1-3 drops neat 1-3 times daily oF Magnesium, the most important mineral for
the heart, acts as a smooth muscle relaxant and
2-3 of the recommended oils on the heart supports the cardiovascular system. Magnesium
Vita Flex points on foot, hand, and arm as will act as a natural calcium channel blocker for
described in the "Heart Vita Flex" section the heart, lowering blood pressure and dilating
under the topic Heart Health. the heart blood vessels (according to Terry Fried-
mann, MD).
. Apply neat or dilute 50:50, ifneeded, 2-4
drops at pulse points, where arteries are close
Singles: Wintergreen, Peppermint, Peppermint
to the surface (wrists, inside elbows, bme of
Vitaliry Lemongrms, I-emongrass Vitaliry lav-
throat), 2-3 times daily. ender, LavenderVitality, German Chamomile,

. AJso apply to left chest, left shoulder, and

back of neck.


(lcrnr:rn (lhanrorrilc Vitalio., Hclichrysunr, Heart Health

Norrherrr l-ights Black Sprrrce, Valerirn, Heart disease is the leading cause of death in
[)orrc]o Azul, (llove. Clove Viteli6i Nutnreg, the United Srates. Keys ro prevention include
NLrtmcs Viralini (bpaiba. Copeiba Virrlin,, quitting smoking, controlling high blood pres-
Prlo Santo sure, lowering cholesteiol, exercising, and main-
taining a healthy weight.
Blends: Aroma [-ifi, PrnAri,ar,, Lonsevitr,,
[-onscvity Viralin,, Peace & (]alnring, Pcace &

Calnrine II, Relievc Ir, Valor, \'alor Roil,On Heart Vita Flex
Nutritionals: CerdioGizc, N,lece(lal. [-onqs,iry
The foot Vita Flex point related to rhe heart
Softcels, M i ncrel Llsscncr, ()nrcsr(l izc', Sul- is on the sole of the left foot, below the ring roe
flrzyme, Rche rnoscn, NineXia Rccl, Mind-
\il/ise (also supporrs cirrtl iovascLLlirr hcll rh ) (fourth toe) and approximately I inch below the

Application and Usage base of the roe. Massaging this point is as effective

as massaging the hand and arm poinrs together

Aromatic: Refer rc Applimtiott Orrirlrlitrcs. (see charts in Application).

Dietary md Oral: Refcr ro Applicrtiotr (itirlclittts. The hand Vita Flex point related to the heart is
. -lakc I clpsule ofclesirerl Vitalirv or clierarl in the palm of the left hand, 1 inch below the ring
oil I tinies clailr,. 6nger.joint at the lifeline. A secondary heart point
. 'lakc 2--3 clrops of a Vitelin,or clictary oil in is on the inside of the lower end of the upper lefr

a spoonfirl of svrup or small irrrounr of mill<, arm, approximately 2 inches up rhe arm from the

juice, or rvarer. elbow, not on the muscle but up under the mus-

Topical: Retcr rc Applimilott Guidditrcs. cle. Have another person use his or her thumbs

. Ifrhere is not enough tinre to renrove shoes to firmly press these rwo points alternately for 3
minutes in a kind of pumping action. \W'ork all
to gct at the fi'er, applv rhe 'punrpinr"

nction to lefi hencl lncl arnr poinrs. Using three points when possible. Start with rhe foot

l-2 clrops ofArorrr [-ife on each poinr rvill first; then go to rhe hand and arm.

irterr.t'c cHi,rtivcllc:\,ln(l ntit! crcrt

inclivicluel having rr hcarr irtrrck rvhilc rvrrir, Heart Stimulant

ine fbr nredical rrrenrion. The effects of heart stimulants include in-

. Appll, l-.3 drops ncrr l-.1 timcs clailv ol creased hearr rate and blood pressure.

l-.1 of the rccor:r rrcnclccl oils on the lrcrrr Recommendations

Vite Flex poinrs on firor, hrrncl, ancl irrm ls Singles: Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Pep-
permint, Peppermint Vitaliry Yang Ylang,
) describecl in thc "Heirrt Virr Flex" secrion Goldenrod, Mandarin, Thyme, Thyme Vital-
tunder thc ropic Hclrr Herrlrh. iry Marjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry
. Appll, nerrt or clilute 50:50, if nceded. 2-4

clrops ar pulse points, irrreries are close Blends: Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Peace &
Calming II, Release, Joy, Sacred Mountain,
to thc surflrce (rvrists, inside elborvs, base of
RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Valor, Valor
rhroat), 2-.3 rimcs clailr,.
Roll-On, Stress Away Roll-On
. Also applv ro lefi chesr, left shoulder, ancl Nutritionals: Master Formula

back of neck.

. Also rub (r- I 0 clrops irlong spine 3 rimes

dailv. Application and Usage

. Hl,e a bocly massaqe 2 rimes rveeklr,. Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines.


Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines. . You may apply single oils or blencls neat or

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary diluted, depending on the oils that are used.

oil 2 times daily. . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot-

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in torns of the lreet just before bedtime.

a spoonfi:l of syrup or small amount of milk, . Apply 2-4 drops nerr on locarion

I .juice, or water. 2-4 times daily.

Ibpical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. . Apply a cold compress on locarion

' . Apply 1-3 drops neat over the heart area 1-3 2-4 times daily.
times daily. Phlebitis Blend

. . Massage the Vita Flex points with one drop . 10 drops Tangerine
. 7 drops Lemon
a each of the 2-3 recommended oils on the . 5 drops Cypress
heart Vita Flex points along the foot, hand, . 4 drops Juniper

a and arm as needed.
. Phlebitis (lnflammation of Veins)
(See also Edema) Plaque
Plaque is a cholesterol build up along the walls

Phlebitis refers to inflammation of a blood oFthe arreries, which causes the aneries ro narrow.

a vein, usually due ro a thrombus or blood clot. This is often when the physical symptoms of high
Symptoms include pain and tenderness along the cholesterol are no(iced.
course of the vein, discoloration of the skin, in-
flammatory swelling, joint pain, and acute edema Recommendations:
below the infamed sire. Narural progesterone is Singles: Rosemary Helichrysum, Cistus, Dorado

an effective anti-infammatory. Azul
Blends: Aroma Life, DiGize, DiGize Vita.lity

Recommendations Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, Digest & Cleanse,

Singles: Juniper, Helichrysum, Cistus, Cypress, JuvaPower, Life 9
\(intergreen, Thngerine, tngerine Vital-
iry Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry German Application and Usage
Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidrlines,
Geranium, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Dietary and Oral: lVhether putting the Vitality
Clove, Clove Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Viral-
iry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, or dietary in a capsule or drinking them in a
Lemon Vimliry Lemongrass, Lemongrass liquid, please refer to Application Guidelines.
Vitaliry Juniper
. Take 1 capsule wirh Helichrysum or other
Blends: Aroma Life, Longeviry Longeviry
Vitaliry desired oil 2 times daily.

Nutritionals: Longeviry Soft gels . Ttke L-2 capsules 50:50 with Helichrysum
Personal Care: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus
and Cistus 2 times daily.
Body Cream
. Take 2-3 drops of a Virality or dietary oil in
Application and Usage
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

. Apply 1-3 drops, diluted 50:50, on temples,

Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines. forehead, mastoids, back ofneck, and at
base ofthroat just above clavicle notch.
. The essenrial oil of Cypress may help

strengthen vascular walls.


Applying a single drop under the nose is . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
helpful and refreshing.
Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on Vita Flex a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
brain points on the bottoms of the feetjust juice, or water.
before bedtime. Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.

Strokes . Apply 1-3 drops, diluted 50:50, on temples,
Two principal kinds ofstrokes can damage the
forehead, mastoids, back ofneck, and at
brain: hemorrhagic strokes md thrombotic strokes. base ofthroat just above clavicle notch.
Some essential oils can be used topically to help
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
strengthen the integrity of mpillary wa.lls. In par-
ticular, the essenrial oils of Helichrysum, Cistus, helpful and refreshing.
and Nutmeg are known to have anticlotting prop-
erties and can be used m a prevenrive measure lo . Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on Vita Flex
reduce the risk of thrombotic stroke.
brain points on the bottoms ofthe feet just
Hemorrhagic Strokes before bedtime.
A hemorrhagic stroke is caused by an aneu-
Thrombotic Strokes
rysm or a weakness in the blood vessel wall that
balloons out and ruptures, spilling blood into the Thrombotic strokes are caused by a blood clot
surrounding brain rissue. Srrokes are very serious
events, and ifyou suspect that you may be suscep- Iodging in a cerebral blood vessel and cutting
tible, immediately see a health care professional.
blood supply ro a part ofthe brain.
Singles: Cypress, Cistus, Helichrysum, Nutmeg, Recommendations
Singles: Helichrysum, Cistus, Nutmeg, Cypress,
Nutmeg Vitaliry Royal Hawaiian Sandal-
wood, Sacred Sandalwood Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandal-
Blends: Brain Power, Common Sense, Clariry, wood, Juniper, Grapefruit, Orange, Clove
GeneYus, Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry, Stress Blends: Longevity, Arorna Life, JuvaCleanse
Away Roll-On, Peace & Calming, Peace & Nutritionals: Sulfuzyme, MegaCal, Omega-
Calming II Gizer, MindWise, Essentialzyme, Pure Protein
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MindWise, MegaCal, Complete, Master Formula, Mineral Essence,
Mineral Essence, Essentialzyme, Rehemogen, Essentialzymes-4, Slique Shake, Slique Bars,
Master Formula, NingXia Red Slique CitraSlim, NingXia Red

Application and Usage These supplements are rich in essential
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidelines. minerals. flarry acids, and nutrients necessary
Dietary and OraltRefer to Application Guidrlines. for regenerating and rebuilding damaged
nerve tissues.
. Thke 1 capsule with Helichrysum or other
Application and Usage
desired Vitaliry or dietary oil 2 times daily. Aromatie Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take l-2 capsules 50:50 with Helichrysum
. Applying the essential oil of Cypress may
and Cistus 2 times daily.
help strengthen vascular walls.
. You may apply single oils or blends neat or

diluted, depending on the oils that are used.

. Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back

of neck as desired.

. Applying a single drop under the nose is

helpful and refreshing.

. Massage 2-4 d,rops of oil neat on the bot- to be dissolved and re-absorbed. Helichrysum
helps dissolve the coagulated blood in the sur-
toms o[ the feet just before bedtime.
rounding tissue.
Tachycardia is another form of heart arrhvth- Recommendations
Singles: Helichrysum, Cypress, Cistus, Elemi,
mia in which the heart rate suddenly increases to
160 beats per minute or faster. See your health Geranium, Clove, Peppermint, Jade Lemon,
care professional ifyou experience this condition. Lemon, Lavender, Tlngerine
Iffainting, difficulry breathing, or chest pain also Blends: Aroma Life, Citrus Fresh, Aroma Siez
occur, seek emergency care. Nutritionals: MultiGreens, Super B, Longeviry
Softgels, PowerGize, Essentialzyme, Essential-
Recommendations zymes-4, Life 9
Singles: Ylang Yang, Rosemary, Rosemary
Personal Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Vitaliry Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho Sport Mas-
Sandalwood, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Mar- sage Oil
joram Vitaliry German Chamomile, German
Chamomile Vitaliry Lavender, Lavender Application and Usage
Vitaliry Goldenrod Topical; Refer rc Application Guidrlines.
Blends: Aroma Life, Peace & Calming, Peace & Varicose Vein Blend
Calming II, Acceptance
Nutritionals: CardioGize, Sulfurzyme, NingXia . 3-4 drops Geranium
Red, MindWise (also supports cardiovascular . I drop Cistus
. 1 drop Cypress
health) . I drop Helichrysum

Application and Usage Apply 2-4 drops on locarion. massaging to-
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidclines. ward the heart, 3-6 times daily.
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines. Nighdy Vricose Vein Regimen (kgs)
1. Apply 1-3 drops varicose vein blend, neat, on
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary location. Rub very gently toward heart with
smooth strokes along the vein, then up and
oil 3 times daily. over the vein unril rhe oil is absorbed.
2. Apply 6 drops Tangerine and 6 drops Cypress
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in to rhe area. Gently massage until absorbed.
3. Do the lymphatic pump procedure as de-
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, scribed in Chapter 15.
juice, or water. 4. Follow with a soft massage of the whole leg
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. using 10-15 drops ofAroma Life diluted
. Massage 1-3 drops over heart area 1-3 times 5. Wrap and elevate the leg. It is best to do this at
night before retiring and to gradually elevate
daily. Also apply to left chest, left shoulder, the foot offthe bed, an inch more each night,
and back o[neck. until it is 4 inches higher than the head.
6. Vear support hose during the daytime. It may
. Massage 1 drop each of 2 or 3 of the recom- take up to a year ro achieve desired results.

mended oils on heart Vita Flex points on 223
foot, hand, and arm as needed.

Varicose Veins (Spider Veins)
The blue color ofvaricose veins is coagulated

blood in the surrounding tissue from hemorrhag-
ing ofcapillaries around the veins. This blood has

Vascular Cleansing, Need for CELLULITE L
Keeping your blood clean will help you stav Cellulite is one of the harder rypes of fats to L

healthy. dissolve in the body. Itt an accumulation of old t

l. Drink plentv of water. fat cell clusters that solidifies and hardens as the L
surrounding tissue loses its elasriciry. L
2. Cleanse the blood by taking blood-cleansing Excess fat is undesirable for two reasons: L
herbs and essential oils. 1. The extra weight puts an extra load on all L
3. Cleanse the kidneys. body systems, particularly the heart and
4. Consider hsring for one ro rhree days. cardiovascular system, as well as the joints L
5. Take enzymes. (knees, hips, spine, etc.). L
2. Toxins and petrochemicals (pesticides, herbi- L
Recommendations cides, and metals) tend to accumulate in fatry L
Singles: Helichrysum, Cistus, Clove, Clove tissue. This can contribute to hormone imbal-
ance, neurological problems, and a higher risk L
Vitaliry Idaho Blue Spruce, Sacred Frankin- of cancer. L
cense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Essential oils such as Ledum, tngerine, and L
Dorado Azul Grapefruit may help reduce the fat in fat cells. Cy- L
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry DiGize, DiGize press enhances circulation to suppom rhe elimina- L
Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitality tion offatty deposits. The essential oils ofLemon-
Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, grass and Spearmint also may help fat metabolism. L
Life 9, JuvaPower, NingXia Red L
Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil contains many of L
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applimtion Guidrlines. these oils and may help reduce cellulite deposits. \
Dietary md Oral Refer to Application Guidelines.
Cellulite is slow to dissolve, so targer areas
. Take I capsule with Helichrysum or orher should be worked for a month or more in con-
junction with weight training, a weightJoss pro-
desired dietary oil 2 times daily. gram, and drinking purified water-one-and-a-
half times the body weight in ounces each day.
. Take 1-2 capsules 2 rimes daily 50:50 with Be patient. You should begin to see results in 4-6
weeks when using the oils in combination with a
Helichrysum and Cistus.
muscle-building and weighr-loss regimen.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
a spoon{irl of syrup or small amount of milk, Singls: Grapefruit, Spearmint, Ledum, Laven-
.juice, or water
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidrlines. der, Rosemary, Helichrysum, Jade Lemon,
Patchouli, Lemon, Ta.ngerine, Cypress, Fen-
. Apply 1-3 drops, diluted 50:50, on remples,
nel, Juniper, Orange, Lemongrass
forehead, mastoids, back ofneck, and at
base of throat just above the clavicle notch. Blends: EndoFlex, Digest & Cleanse
Nutritionds: Thyromin, Slique Shake, SIique
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Bars, Slique CitraSlim, OmegaGizer, Es-
helpful and refreshing. sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Balance
. Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on Vita Flex Thyromin balances and boosts metabolism.
Personal Care: Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
brain points on the bottoms of the feet just
before bedtime.


Application and Usage involuntary movements
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
. Slow development of motor skills such as
. Dilute 50:50 and massage 3-6 drops vigor-
pushing with arms, sitting up, or crawling
ously on cellu[ite Iocations at least 3 times
daily, especially belore exercising. . Reaching with only one hand or dragging a

Cellulite Blend No. I Ieg while crawling
. 10 drops GrapeFruit
. Difficulry eating and swallowing, excessive
.5 drops Lavender
-3 drops Helichrysum drooling
.3 drops Patchouli
.4 drops Cypress . Slow speech development or difficulry

Use as bath salt 2-4 times weekly. speaking
Cellulite Blend No. 2 (Bath)
. Difficulry in picking up toys, spoons, erc.
. 5 dropsJuniper
. 3 drops Orange Medical researchers have not found an answer
. 3 drops Cypress
. 3 drops Rosemary to the question of specific causes but offer differ-
ent therapies and medications in an effort to help.
Mix the above blend together with 2 table- Natural medicine offers help with the same de-
spoons Epsom salts or Bath Gel Base md sire of seeing improvement. Because essential oils
dissolve in warm bath water. Massage with cross the blood-brain barriei they can stimulate
Cel-Lite Magic after bath. brain activity in a nontoxic way, and one can hope
and wait to see what possible benefits will appear.
. Apply 3-5 drops ofGrapefruit neat 1-2
Different people have tried different rhings
times daily to increase fat-reducing action in that have resulted in the information below. By
areas offat rolls, puckers, and dimples. investigating further with supplements and natu-
ral remedies, many new things will be discovered.
CEREBRAL PALSY The risk is minimal and the gain could be slight
The effects of cerebral palsy vary greatly, caus- to immense.

ing impaired movement associated with exagger- Recommendations
ated reflexes or rigidiry of the Iimbs and trunk, Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
abnormal posture, involuntary movements, un-
steadiness ofwalking, or a combination ofthese. Frankincense Vitaliry Myrrh, Idaho Balsam
Fir, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
It is caused most often by abnormal develop- Blends: PanAway, Aroma Siez, Relieve It, Cool
ment in the brain before birth or injury during Azul, Deep Relief Roll-On
Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, Sulfurzyme,
delivery. Individuals stricken with cerebral palsy of-
ten have other conditions related to developmental Essentialzymes-4, Slique Shake, Pure Protein

brain abnormalities such x intellectual disabilities, Complete, MultiGreens, Mineral Essence,
Essentialzyme, Super B, NingXia Red,
vision and hearing problems, or seizures.
Signs and Symptoms PowerGize

. Stiffmuscles and exaggerated reflexes (spas- Personal Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage
. ticiry) Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil
Stiffmuscles with normal reflexes (rigidiry)
Application and Usage
. Lack of muscle coordination, rremors, or Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oralt Refer rc Application Guidrlines.


. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliryor dietary Blends: PanAway, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vi- L
taliry Inner Child, Christmas Spirit, M-Grain L
oil 2 times daily. L
Resins: Frankincense Gum Resin L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, JuvaPower, JuvaTone, L
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, Balance Complete, ICI ComforTone, Essen- L
.juice, or water. L
Topical: Refer to Application Guiddines. ialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Allerzyme
. Use blend for Raindrop Technique 2 times Application and Usage L
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidrlines.
daily: morning and night. Dietary and Oralt Refer to Application Guidclines. L
Cerebral Palsy Blend L
. Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary L
Thke 3 capsules daily: morning, noon, and night: L
oil 2 times daily. L
. 15 drops Frankincense Mtaliry L
. 12 drops Myrrh . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in L
. 10 drops Idaho Balsm Fir L
. 10 drops Canadian Fleabane (Confza) a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, L
. 4 drops Peppermint Vitality juice, or water L
Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines. L
Using this regimen, a 7-year-old boy with L
cerebral palsy and aurism, after one month, . Dilute oil 50:50 and apply on affected areas
was able to walk fat footed without his
walker, test scores in school improved by 28 2-4 times daily.
percenr, and his attention span increased 30 Headache Relief Regimen:
percent, his mother reported.
. 4 Essentialzyme
CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY REACTION . 1/8 teaspoon M-Grain diluted 50:50 in
Environmental poisoning and chemical sensi-
vegetable oil
tiviry are becoming a major cause of discomfort Drink 2-3 large glasses of water immediately
and disease. Strong chemical compounds, such as afrer taking rhese producrs.
insecticides, herbicides, and formaldehyde found
in paints, glues, cosmetics, and finger nail polish, cHrcKEN POX (VARTCELLA ZOSTER)
enter the body easily. Symproms include indiges- (SEE ALSO COLD SORES, BLISTERS)
tion, upper and lower gas, poor assimilation, poor
electrolyte balance, rashes, hypoglycemia, and The varicella zoster virus causes rwo distinct
allergic reaction to foods and other substances, syndromes: varicella zoster (chicken pox) and
along with emotional mood swings, fatigue, irri- subsequent reactivation of latent varicella zoster
tabiliry lack of morivation, and lack of discipline in dorsal-root ganglia resulting in "herpes zoster"
and creativiry. or "shingles."

Recommendations rVhat happens is a childhood bout with
Singles: Wintergreen, Sacred Frankincense,
chicken pox leaves rhe virus dormant in the gan-
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Jade glia alongside rhe spine. If rhe immune system is
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitality, Lemon, Lemon tued by severe emotional stress, illness, or long-
Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Sacred Sandal- term use of cortico-steroids, the dormanr viruses
wood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Copaiba, may become active and starr ro infect the pathway
Copaiba Vitaliry Eucalyptus Globulus o[the skin nerues, causing shingles (See Shingles).

226 Recommendations
Singles: Melissa, Lemongrass. Lemongrass

Vitaliry Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Tea
Tiee, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian

Sandalwood, Clove, Clove Vitality, Cypress, erae, and is, therefore, an efficient decontaminant,

_ Blue Cypress, Geranium, rVintergreen harmless to humans."2t

Blen&: Thieves, Thieves Mtaliry Australian Blue, Recommendations

Melrose Singles: Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry,
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Balance Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime Mtaliry,

Complete, Slique Shake, Super Cal Plus, PD Clove, Clove Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vital-

80120 iry Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry, Oregano,

Personal Care: Thieves Spray, Ortho Ease Oregano Vitaliry

Massage Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Lava- Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Citrus Fresh,
Derm Cooling Mist Citrus Fresh Vitaliry ImmuPower

Application and Usage Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Digest & Clemse,
Aromatiq Refer o Application Guiddinel ImmuPro
Dieary and Oral: Refer to Application Guidzlines.
Application and Usage
. Thke 1 capsule of desiredVitality or dietary Aromatie Re{er o Application Guidtlines.

oil 2 times daily. Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Mtaliry or dietary oil in . Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary

a.spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk, oil 2 times daily.

juice, or water. . Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliry or dietary oil in

Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines. a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
. Add 20 drops of essential oils (using any of
Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.
the above oils) to 1 tablespoon ofcalamine

lotion or V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and

lighdy dab on spots (lesions). CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME

CHOLERA The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is some-

what of a mysrery bur scientists believe it may

Cholera is an acure diarrheal disease caused be caused by a combination of factors, including

by an enteroroxin produced by a gram-negarive immune system problems, hormone imbalances,
bacterium called Vibrio cltolerae. Seyere cases are generic facrors, psychiatric or emorional condi-

marked by vomiting, muscle cramps, and con- tions, brain abnormalities, and viruses, including

stanr warery diarrhea, which can result in serious Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme disease, human herpes
fluid loss, saline depletion, acidosis, and shock. virus 6, and mouse leukemia viruses. However, no

The disease is typically found in India and South- primary cause has been established.

east Asia and is spread by feces-contaminated wa- Recommendations

ter and food. If you suspect cholera, you should Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality, Jade
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon
immediarely seek professional medical advice. Vitaliry, Lime, Lime Vitaliry Orange, Orange
A study done in 2000 shows that "concentrat- Vitaliry

ed lemon and [emon peel] essential oils inhibited Blends: Awaken, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Joy,
V. cholerae completely ar all studied dilutions InTouch, Reconnect, Sleepylze, Citrus Fresh,
and exposure times." The study stated: "It can be Citrus Fresh Vitaliry TummyGize
concluded that lemon, a natural producr which is
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, EndoGize, ImmuPro,
easily obtained, acts as a biocide against V. chol-


Inner Defense, PD 80/20, Super B, Thyro- Application and Usage (
min, NingXia Red, NingXia Nitro, NingXia Topical: ReFer rc Application Guidelines.
zyng L
Personal Care: Progessence Plus ' Apply single oils or blends neat or diluted, L
Application and Usage depending on the oils being used.
Aromatiq Refer to Application Guidtlines. \
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines. . Apply 1 drop neat as soon as the cold sore
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary appears. Repeat 5-10 times daily.
oil 2 times daily. . If needed, dilute 50:50 with V-6 Vegetable L

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Oil Complex or Rose Ointment to reduce L
discomfort of drying skin after applying
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, essential oils to an open sore.
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guifulines. COLDS (SEE ALSO LUNG INFECTIONS,
Cold sores are also known as Herpes kbialis.
-fhe best treatment for a cold or flu is preven-
Diets high in the amino acid lysine can reduce rhe tion. Because many essential oils have strong an-
incidence of herpes. Conversely, the amino acid timicrobial properties, they can be diffirsed to
arginine can worsen herpes outbreaks. prevent the spread ofairborne bacteria and viruses.
Antiviral and antibacterial essential oils, blends,
Studies have shown neat applications of Me- and supplemenrs are very effective as preventive
lissa to be effective against herpes simplex rype I aids in avoiding colds as well as in helping the
and rype II. The healing period wm shortened, the body's defenses fight colds once an infection has
spread of infection was prevented, and symptoms started. ImmuPro is a powerfi.rl immune stimulant
such as itching, tingling, and burning were lessened. that can also increase infection resistance and is
best when taken in the evening at bedtime.
Also, when lemon balm was used to treat the
infection in the very early stages, (by day nvo) the Recommendations
treatment was the most effective (Wtilbting, 1994). Singls: Ravintsara, Cypress, Blue Cypress,

Peppermint and Tea Tiee oils have also been 'Wintergreen, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry,
studied for positive effecrs on the pain ofherpes. Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Laurus Nobilis, laurus
Nobilis Vitaliry Hyssop, Oregano, Oregano
Recommendations Vitaliry, Eucalyptus Blue, Northern Lights
Singlesr Melissa, Peppermint, Ravintsara, Tea Black Spruce, Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tiee,
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin-
Tiee, Lavender, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal cense Vitaliry, Rosemary Rosemary Vitdiry
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Mountain Savory, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry
Oregano, Thyme, Clove Mountain Savory, Mounrain Savory Vitaliry
Blends: Thieves, Melrose, Purification Blends: Raven, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super Melrose, Australian Blue, Purification, Im-
C, Super C Chewable, MultiGreens, ICP, muPower, Sacred Mountain, R.C., Exodus II,
ComforTone, Essentialzyme, JuvaTone, Es- Breathe Again Roll-On, SniffieEase
sentialzymes-4, JuvaPower Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Thieves
Personal Care: Thieves Spray, Rose Ointment


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