Insomnia Blend Recommendations
Singles: Tarragon, Tlrragon Vitaliry Pepper-
. 12 drops Orange or Orange Vitality
. 8 drops Lavender or LavenderVitality mint, Peppermint Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel
. 4 drops DoradoAzul Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Juniper
. 3 drops Valerian Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry, JuvaFlex,
. 2 drops Roman Chamomile JuvaFlex Vitaliry TirmmyGize
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, OmegaGizer, Digest
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. & Cleanse, Life 9, MighryPro, Alkalime,
JuvaPower. After symptoms stop, then srarr
. Apply 1-3 drops neat to shoulders, stomach, Essentialzymes-4, Essentialzyme, and ICP
and on bottoms offeet. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidrlines.
. Mix 6-8 drops of oils with /r cup Epsom Dietary md Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines.
salt or baking soda in hot water and add to . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
hot bath water while tub is filling. Soak in
bathtub for 20 to 30 minutes or unril warer oil 3 times daily.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietarv oil in
. Rub 1-2 drops ofoil on the temples and
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
back ofneck several times daily. .juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
-. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
chosen oil on the back. Joint stiffness is caused by infammation in
IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME the lining of the joint. Specific causes may be
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common rheumaroid arthritis, osreoarrhriris, bone diseas-
es, cancer, joint trauma, or overuse of the joint.
disorder of the intestines marked by the following However, no matter what causes it, joint pain and
symptoms: sriffness can be very bothersome.
. Cramps Recommendations
. Gas and bloating Singles: !/intergreen, Lemongrass, Palo Sanro,
. Constipation
. Diarrhea and loose stools Idaho Blue Spruce, Elemi, Idaho Balsam Fir,
It may be caused by a combination of stress German Chamomile, Peppermint, Pine, Veti-
ver, Black Pepper, Mar.joram, Rosemary
and a high-fat diet. Fatry foods increase the in- Blends: PanAwal', Aroma Siez, Cool Azul,
tensiry of the contractions in the colon, thereby Relieve It, Deep Relief Roll-On
increasing symptoms. Chocolate and milk prod- Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, PowerGize, Mega-
ucts, in particular, seem to have the most negative Cal, Sulfurzyme, OmegaGizer, MultiGreens
Resins: Myrrh or Frankincense Gum Resin
effects on those suffering. (ingest 2 crystals 2 times daily)
Irritable bowel syndrome is not the same as Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moistur-
colitis, mucus colitis, spastic colon, and spastic izing Cream, Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho
bowel. Unlike coliris, it does not involve any Sport Massage Oil
inflammation and is actually called "functional 27g
disorder" because it presents no obvious, outward
signs of disease.
A number of medical studies have documented
that peppermint oil, in capsules, is beneficial in
treating irritable bowel syndrome and decreasing
Application and Usage Blood with
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Co(ex to the bladder Codex Medula
. Massage 3-6 drops dilured 50:50 on location
Repeat as needed to conrrol pain.
Vialiry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitality, Citrus
. Apply ro appropriate Vita Flex points on thr Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliry
Feet. Repeat as needed. Nutritionals: K&B, Digest & Cleanse
.Joint Pain Blend No. I
10 drops Black Pepper
' 5 clrops Marjoram
. 5 drops ldaho Blue Spruce
. 2 drops Rosemarv
.Joint Pain Blend No. 2
7 drops Idaho Balsam Fir
. 4 drops rVinrergrcen
. 3 drops Vetiver
. 2 drops Gerrnan Ch:rmomile
KIDNEY DISORDERS Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
The kidneys remove waste producrs from rhe Dieury and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines.
blood and help control blood pressure. They
filter over 200 quarts of blood each day and re- . Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
move over 2 quarts of waste products and water
that llow into the bladder as urine through tubes oil 2 rimes daily.
called ureters. . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Strong kidneys are essential for good health. a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
Ineltrcient or damaged kidneys can result in wasre juice, or water.
accumulating in the blood and causing serious Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
damage. . Apply 6-8 drops diluted 50:50 on the back
High blood pressure can be a cause and a result over the kidney area as needed.
ofchronic kidney failure, since kidneys are cenrral
to blood regulation (See Blood Pressure, High). . Applying a single drop under rhe nose is
Symptoms oFpoor kidney funcrion: helpful and refreshing.
. Infrequenr or inelficienr urinations . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bor-
. Swelling, especially around the ankles
. Labored breathing due to fluid accumulation toms of the feetjust before bedtime. Chil-
dren with kidney disorders may especially
in the chest benefit from this application.
. Place a warm compress with l-2 drops of
chosen oil on the back 1-2 times dail*
Recommendations Kidney lnf lammation/lnfection (Nephritis)
Singles: Grapefruit, GrapeFruit Vitaliry Jade Kidney inflammation can be caused by struc-
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon
Vitaliry Geranium, Juniper tural defects, poor diet, or bacterial infection,
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitality, GLF, GLF including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus tltffeus,
Enterobacter, and Klebsiella bacteria. Abnormal
proteins trapped in the glomeruli (tiny filtering dietary oil 2 times daily for 10 days.
units in rhe kidneys), called glomerulonephritis,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
can also cause inflammation and damage ro these
tiny 6ltering units. a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
This disease can be acute (flaring up in a few Topical: Refer to Application Guiddines.
days) or chronic (taking months or years to de-
velop). The mildest forms may nor show any . Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on the bot-
symptoms except through a urine test. At more
advanced stages, urine appears smoky as small toms olthe feet Vita Flex points just before
amounts ofblood are passed and eventually turn
red as more blood is excreted-rhe signs of im- bedtime.
pending kidney failure.
. Place a cold compress with 1-2 drops of cho-
As with all serious conditions, you should im-
mediately consult a health care professional ifyou sen oil over the kidney area 1-2 times daily.
suspect a kidney infection ofany kind.
Symptoms may include the following: /Kidney Stones (See also Bladder
.. Feeling of discomfort in lower back Urinary Tract lnfection)
. Drowsiness Kidney stones can create intense pain and
. Nausea
. Smokey or red-colored urine dangerous infection. You should always consult
a qualified health care professional before begin-
Damage to the glomeruli caused by bacre- ning any treatment for kidney stones.
rial infections is called pyelonephritis. To reduce A kidney stone is a solid piece of material that
infection, drink a gallon of water mixed with 8
ounces of unsweetened cranberry juice daily and forms in the kidney from mineral or protein-
breakdown products in the urine. Occasionally,
use the producrs listed below. larger stones can become trapped in the ureter,
Recommendations bladder, or urethra, which can block urine flow,
Singls: Cumin, Cistus, Sacred Frankincense, causing intense Pain.
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitality, Juniper, . There are four rypes of kidney stones:
Myrrh, Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Lemon-
grass Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Stones made from calcium (the most
Geranium, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry common type)
Blends: Melrose, Purification, Longeviry
Longeviry Vitaliry Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry, . Stones made from magnesium and ammonia
3 Wise Men
Nutritionals: K&B, Mineral Essence, ICB (struvite stones)
JuvaPower, Inner Defense, Super C, Super C
. Stones made from uric acid
Chewable, Life 9, Digest & Cleanse . Stones made from rystine (the raresr)
Application and Usage Symptoms may include the following:
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oral: Refer to Application Gnidelines. . Persistent, penetrating pain in side or lower
. Take 2 capsules with desired Vitality or back
. Blood in the urine
. Fainting
It is imponant to drink plenry ofwater (at least
six 8-ounce glasses daily) to help pass a kidney
stone. A.[so, the high acidiry ofapple cider vinegar
helps break down the tissues of a kidney stone,
even dissolving smaller kidney stones.
Detoxifying the Kidneys Application and Usage L
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidtlines. L
The Chinese wolfberry has been used in Dietary and Oralz Refer ro Application Guidelines. L
China for centuries as a kidney tonic and L
detoxifier. Essential oils can also assist in the . Take 2 capsules with desired Vitality or L
detoxification due to various chemical con- L
stituents and unique, lipid-soluble properties. dietary oil 2 times daily. L
Kidney Detoxifr ing Recipe: L
. Take 2-3 drops of aVitaliry or dietary oil in L
. 6 drops German Chamomile L
. 6 drops Juniper a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, L
. 2 drops Fennel juice, or water. L
Topical: ReFer rc Application Guidelines. L
Put 5 drops ofthe recipe in a gel capsule
and then fill the capsule with V-6 Veg- . Massage 2-4 drops neat to the kidney Vita L
etable Oil Complex; take 2 times daily. L
You may also appl, rhe recipe near in a Flex points ofthe feet just before bedtime.
compress over the kidneys.
Supplements: K&B, MultiGreens, Sul- . Apply 6-10 drops of recommended oils neat
lurzyme, Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme, ICP,
over kidney area 1-2 times daily.
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
A Simple Way to
Strengthen the Kidneys chosen oil over the back.
. Take 3 droppers of K&B in 4 oz. distilled LICE
The most commonly recommended remedy
water 3 times daily.
for lice (pediculosis) and their eggs (nits) is lin-
. Drink 8 oz. water with abour l0 percent dane (gamma benzene hexachloride), a highly
toxic polychlorinated chemical that is structurally
unsweetened cranberry juice and rhe fresh very similar to hazardous banned pesticides such
juice of /z lemon.
as DDT and chlordane. It is so dangerous rhat
. Drink plenry ofother liquids, preferably Dr. Guy Sansfacon, head of the Quebec Poison
distilled water Control Centre in Canada, requested that lindane
be banned.
Singls: Carrot Seed, Carror Seed Vitaliry He- Essential oils offer a safe, effective alternative.
lichrysum, Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry A 1996 study by researchers in Iceland showed
Lemon, Lemon Vitaliq Sacred Frankincense,
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Geranium, the effectiveness against head lice of rhe essential
Juniper, Orange, Orange Vitaliry oils of anise seed, cinnamon leaf, thyme, tea tree,
Blends: Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliw, peppermint, and nutmeg in shampoo and rinse
Nuttitionals: K&B, Essentialzymes-4,
Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme
Singles; Tea Tiee, Anise, Palo Santo, Lavender,
Peppermint, Thyme, Geranium, Nutmeg,
Rosemary Cinnamon Bark
Blends: Purifi cation, Thieves
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
. You may apply single oils or blends neat
or diluted, depending on the oils rhar are
used. Add I teaspoon ofoil diluted 50:50 to t
shampoo and massage onto entire scalp. Liver
. Cover with a disposable shower cap and
leave on for at least % hour.
. Rinse well using 1 cup ofThieves Fresh
Essence Plus Mouthwash massaged into hair
and scalp. Leave on for l0 minutes before
rinsing out.
Head Lice Blend
. 4 drops Thyme
. 2 drops Lavender
. 2 drops Geranium
The liver is one of the mosr importanr organs. There are several different kinds of hepatitis:
Hepatitis A (spread by contaminated food, water,
plaving a major role in detoxi$,ing the body. or feces) and Hepatitis B and C (spread bv con-
taminated blood or semen).
When the liver is damaged, frequenrly due to ex-
cess alcohol consumption, viral hepatitis, or poor An unpublished 2003 study conducted by
Roger Lewis, MD, at the Young Life Research
diet, an excess oftoxins can build up in the blood Clinic in Springville, Utah, evaluated the effi-
and tissues that can result in degenerative disease cacy of Helichrysum, Ledum, and Celery Seed
and death. in treating cases ofadvanced Hepatitis C. In one
case, a 20-year-old male diagnosed with Hepati-
Jaundice (abnormal yellow color of the skin),
may be the only visible sign ofliver disease. tis C had a viral count of 13,200. After taking
2 capsules (approximately 750 milligrams each)
Symptoms of a stressed or diseased liver:
of CLF, a blend of Helichrysum, Ledum, Celery
. Nausea Seed, and JuvaCleanse daily for one month with
. Loss ofappetite no other intervention, the patient's viral count
. Dark-colored urine dropped more than 80 percent to 2,580.
. Yellowish or gray-colored bowel movements
. Abdominal pain or ascites, an unusual swell- Hepatitis symptoms include jaundice, weak-
ness, Ioss of appetite, nausea, brownish or tea
ing ofthe abdomen caused by an accumula- colored urine, abdominal discomfort, fever, and
whitish bowel movemenrs.
tion of fluid, itching, dermatitis, or hives
. Disturbed sleep caused by the buildup of Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry
unfiltered toxins in the blood German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Vitaliry Helichrysum, Ledum, Celery Seed,
. General fatigue and loss ofenergy Celery Seed Vitaliry Ravintsara, Peppermint,
. Lack ofsex drive Peppermint Vitaliry Myrrh
Viral hepatitis is a serious, life-threatening dis-
ease of the liver that can result in scarring (cir-
rhosis) and eventual organ destruction and death.
A qualiffed health professional should be seen im-
mediately if you suspecr hepatitis.
Protecting Your Liver Topical: ReQer to Application Guid.elines.
. Avoid alcoholic beverages. . Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 on carotid ar-
. Avoid unnecessary use ofprescriprion
teries on the right and left side ofthe throat
drugs. Even over-rhe-counter pain just under thejaw bone on either side 2-5
relievers can have toxic effects on the liver times daily. Carotid arteries are an excellent
in moderately high doses. place to apply oils for fast absorption.
. Consume a diet high in selenium found . Apply 1-3 drops on the Vita Flex liver point
in plant food, Brazil nuts, runa, mear, of the right foot 1-3 times daily.
eggs, etc. Selenium helps proteins make
importanr antioxidant enzymes that . Receive a Raindrop Technique 2-3 times
prevent cellular damage from free radicals.
. Avoid mixing pharmaceutical drugs,
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
especially with alcohol.
chosen oil over the liver 1-2 times daily.
. Avoid exposure ro industrial chemicals Daily hepatitis regimen
whenever possible. . Begin with a colon cleanse using ICf; Com-
. Eat a healthy diet ofvegetables and fruits; forTone, and Essentialzyme.
fruits are naturally cleansing. . After 3 days, add 1-2 tablets ofJuvaTone 3
. Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme, times daily.
and Ningxia wolfberry, which is widely . ImmuPro: Thke 1-2 tablets before going to
used in China as a liver tonic and
detoxifier. bed. Do not exceed 2 daily.
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, Juva- . MultiGreens: Thke 1-3 capsuies 3 times daily.
Cleanse Vitality, JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, MultiGreens, JuvaPow- Jaundice is the yellowish staining of the skin
er, JuvaTone, Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme,
Life 9, ICP, ComforTone, Essentialzyme, and the whites of the eyes that is caused by too
Master Formula much bilirubin being produced for the liver to
remove it from rhe blood.
Nots Avoid grapefruit juice and any medica-
tions that srress rhe liver- Recommendations
Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applicrttion Guidelinas. German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Dietary md Oralr ReFer to Application Guidelinas. Vitaliry Ledum, Celery Seed, Celery Seed
Vitaliry Ravintsara, Peppermint, Peppermint
. Take 2 capsules wirh desircd Vitaliry or Vitaliry Myrrh
Blends: JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Ju-
dietary oil 3 tirnes daily. vaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry GLF, GLF Vitality
Nutritionals: JuvaPower, MultiGreens,
. Takc 2-3 drops of a Vitaliw or dietary oil in JuvaTone, ImmuPro, Essentialzymes-4,
Detoxzyme, LiFe 9, ICR ComforTone, Es-
a spoonftrl of svrup or small amount of milk, sentialzyme, Master Formula
juice, or water. Note Avoid grapefruit juice and any medica-
tions that stress the liver.
Application and Usage
Aromatis Reler rc Applicntion Guidelines.
Dietar,, md Oralt Refer rc Application Guidrlines. Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines,
. Take 2 capsules with desired Vitaliry or . Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
dietary oil 3 times daily. oil 2 times daily.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Viraliry or dietary oil in . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. Liver Support Blend
. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 on carotid ar- . 10 drops Orange or Orange Vitaliry
. 5 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry
teries on the righr and left side of the throat . 3 drops Celery Seed or Celery Seed Vitality
just under the jaw bone on either side 2-5 . 2 drops German Chamomile or German
times daily. Carotid arteries are an excellent
place to apply oils for fast absorprion. Chamomile Vitaliry
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. Apply 1-3 drops on the Vita Flex liver point
. Apply 1-3 drops on the liver Vita Flex point
of the right foot 1-3 times daily.
ofthe right foot.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2-3 rirnes
. Massage 2-4 drops ofoil near on the bot-
toms of the feet just before bedtime.
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
chosen oil over the liver 1-2 times dailv.
chosen oil over the Iiver I -2 times dail,v.
Toxic Liver
. Have Raindrop Technique 1-2 times weekly.
The liver is important in transforming and
eliminating chemicals and is susceptible to be- LUNG INFECTIONS AND PROBLEMS
The lungs provide us with orygen and remove
coming toxic from these substances.
carbon dioxide through respiration. Breathing
Recommendations brings irritants and contaminants into the lungs,
Singls: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry, making them susceptible to damage and infection.
Orange, Orange Vitaliry Ledum, Celery Seed, Asthma (See also Allergies)
Celery Seed Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon During an asthma attack, the bronchial air
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime
Vitaliry Cardamom, Cardamom Vitaliry tubes in the lungs become swollen and clogged
Geranium, Cerman Chamomile, German with thick, sticky mucus. The muscles of the air
Chamomile Vitaliry Rosemary Rosemary tubes wiil also begin to constrict or tighten.
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex This results in very difficult or labored breath-
Vitaliry Release, JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse ing. If an attack is severe, it can be life-threaten-
Vitaliry Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliry ing, so seek medical attention immediately.
Nutritionals: JuvaTone, JuvaPower, Longeviry
Softgels, Sulfurzyme, Digest & Cleanse, ICB Many asthma attacks are triggered by an aller-
ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Life 9, K&B gic reaction to pollen, skin particles, dandruff, cat
and dog dander, dust mites, as well as from foods
Application and Usage such as eggs, milk, flavorings, dyes, preservatives,
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidelines. and other chemicals. Asthma can also be triggered
by respiratory infection, exercise, stress, and psy-
chological factors.
Recommendations . Mucus discharge from the lungs t
Singles: Dorado Azul, Eucalyptus Radiata, Sacred . Difficulry breathing L
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vi- Avoiding air pollution is an easy way to re- L
taliry Eucalyptus BIue, Ravintsara, Palo Santo duce bronchitis symptoms. In cases where bron- L
Blends: R.C., Breathe Again Roll-On, Valor, Ra- chiris is caused by a bacteria or virus, the aroma of L
ven, Inspiration, Sacred Mountain, SniffieEase high antimicrobial essential oils may help combat L
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, ICP, JuvaPower, the infection. Healy mucus may increase after
MultiGreens, ImmuPro, Essentialzyme, Es- eating Foods containing processed sugar or flour (
sentialzymes-4, KidScents MighryZyme or high levels offat.
Personal Care: Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho l
Sport Massage Oil, Relaxation Massage Oil, Recommendations (
Sensation Massage Oil Singles: Northern Lights Black Spruce, Dorado (
Application and Usage Azul, Myrtle, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Blue, L
Aromatic Refer o Application Guidtlines. Palo Santo, Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry
Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Application Guidelines. Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Globulus, (
Lavender, Lavender Vitality, Myrrh, Thyme,
. Thke 1-2 capsules of Dorado Azul, Palo Thyme Vitaliry 'Wintergreen, Pine, Oregano, L
Oregano Vitaliry Tea Tree, Idaho Balsam L
Sanro, or other Vitaliry or dietary oil 2 times Fir, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry Clove, Clove
daily. Vitaliry Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry (
Laurus Nobilis, Laurus Nobilis Vitality (
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Blends: Raven, R.C., Melrose, Purification, (
PanAway, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Breathe
a spoon{irl of syrup or small amount of milk, Again Roll-On, SniffieEase, Exodus II L
juice, or water. Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Life
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. 9, Longevity Softgels, Digest & Cleanse,
Inner Defense
. Apply 1-2 drops mixed with Ortho Ease, Oral Cate: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard
Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth-
Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Relaxation, or
Sensation massage oils on remples and back wash, Thieves Spray
of neck as desired.
Application and Usage
. You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita Aromatic Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
Flex points on the feet.
. Take 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary
Bronchitis (See also Asthma)
Bronchitis is characterized by inflammation oil 2 times daily.
of the bronchial tube lining accompanied by a . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
healy mucus discharge. Bronchitis can be caused
by an infection or exposure to dust, chemicals, air a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
pollution, or cigarette smoke. juice, or water
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
\fhen bronchitis occurs regularly over long
. Apply 2-6 drops neat or diluted 50:50 to the
periods (i.e., 3 months out of the year for seyeral
neck and chest as needed.
iears), it is known as chronic bronchitis. It can
eventually lead to emphysema.
Symptoms may include rhe lollowing:
. Persistent, hacking cough
. Massage 2-3 drops on the lung Vita Flex Cedamood, Marjoram, Marjoram Vitaliry
Hyssop, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry Idaho
points of the feet 2-4 times daily. Balsam Fir, Cypress, Melissa,'Wintergreen
Blends: Raven, R.C., Breathe Again Roll-On,
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of SniffieEase, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose,
Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II,
chosen oil on the neck, chest, and upper Exodus II
back areas 1-3 times daily. Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Life 9, ImmuPro,
Super C, Super C Chewable,
. Rectal: Using any of the recommended Oral Care Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Fresh
Essence Mouthwash, Thieves Hard Lozenges,
blends, combine 20 drops with 1 tablespoon Thieves Mints, Thieves Spray
olive oil. Insert into rectum with bulb
syringe and retain throughout the night. Application and Usage
Repeat nightly for 2-3 days. Aromatic: Reter to Application Guidtlines.
Dietary and OmIt Refer o Application Guidzlines.
. Gargle a mixture oFessential oils and water
. Thke 1 capsule with Vitaliry or desired oil 2
4-8 times daily.
times daily.
Bronchitis Topical Blend No. I
. 6 drops Ravintsara . -take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. 5 drops Clove or Clove Vitaliry
. 4 drops Myrrh a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. 2 drops Palo Santo juice, or water.
Bro.nchitis Topical Blend No. 2 . Gargle with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus
. 10 drops DoradoAzul Mouthwash throughout the day as desired.
. 6 drops Eucalyptus Blue
. 5 drops lavender or Lavender Vitaliry . Use Thieves Spray as desired.
. 3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus . Dissolve Thieves Cough Drops in your
Notq Essential oil blends work especially well mouth as desired.
in respiratory applications.
Dry Coughta Blend
Coughs, Congestive and Dry
Coughs are classified inro mo categories: acure . 3 drops Marjoram Vimliry
. 2 drops Lemon Vitality
and chronic. An acute cough is one that has been . I teaspoon Yacon or maple syrup
present for less than three weeks and is divided . 4 ounces heated distilled or purified water
into infectious and noninfectious causes.
Sip siowly. Repeat as often as needed for
Chronic coughs are those that have been pres- relief.
ent for more than three weeks and are categorized Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
as conditions within the lungs, conditions within
the chest caviry but ourside ofthe lungs, and con- . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
ditions along the passages that transmit air from
the lungs to the environment. chosen oil on the chest, throat, and upper
back 2 times daily.
Singles: Eucalyprus Blue, Eucalyprus Globulus, . Apply 1-3 drops to lungVita Flex points 1-3
Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Tea Tree, times daily.
Eucalyptus Radiata, Myrrh, Goldenrod,
Ledum, Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Mastrante, . Receive a Raindrop Technique 1-2 times
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Ravinrsara,
Cough Blend Pneumonia \
Pneumonia is a lung infection caused by bac-
. 10 drops Eucalyptus Globulus
. I drop lWinrergreen reria or viruses. It starts when you breathe germs
. 1 drop Peppermint Vitaliry into your lungs and is likely to occur after having
a cold or the flu.
The Cough Blend may be applied topically
and/or diffused as you wish. Recommendations
Singles: Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Ravinrsara,
This is an infammarion of the pleura, the out- Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Globulus,
Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry
er'membranes covering the lungs and the thoracic Clove, Clove Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano
caviry. Vitaliry Tea Tree, Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado
Azul, Peppermint, Pepperminr Vitaliry,
Recommendations Northern Lights Black Spruce
Singls: Ravintsara, Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Blends: Raven, Melrose, R.C., Thieves, Thieves
Vitaliry Breathe Again Roll-On, SniffieEase
Azul, Eucalyptus Radiata, \Wintergreen, Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Super C, Super C
Myrrh, German Chamomile Chewable, Longeviry Softgels, MultiGreens,
Blends: PanAway, Raven, Exodus II, Thieves
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, Super C, Super C ImmuPro, Digest & Cleanse, Life 9
Chewable, OmegaGize3, Mineral Essence, OraI Cre: Thieves Spray, Thieves Cough Drops,
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Digest & Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence
Plus Mouthwash
Cleanse, ICP, JuvaPower
Application and Usage
Oral Cre: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard Aromatiq Refer to Application Guidelines.
Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth- Dietary md Oralz Refer o Application Guidelines.
wash, Thieves Spray . Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
Application and Usage oil 2 times daily.
Aromatie Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. Massage 5-7 drops of oil diluted 20:80 on a spoonful ofsyrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or waten
neck and chest 2-3 times daily.
. Gargle a mixture of essential oils and water
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
4-8 times daily.
oil on the neck, chest, and upper back areas Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
. Apply 2-6 drops near or diluted 50:50 to the
. Apply 1-3 drops on the lung Vita Flex
neck and chest as needed.
points on rhe feet daily.
. Massage 2-3 drops on the lung Vita Flex
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 1-2 rimes
points ofthe feet 2-4 times daily.
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
chosen oil on the neck, chest, and upper
back areas 1-3 times daily.
Rectal: Using any of the recommended Recommendations
blends, combine 20 drops with 1 tablespoon Singls: Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Oregano,
olive oil. Insert into recrum with bulb
syringe and retain throughout the night. Oregano Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry
Repeat nightly for 5-6 days. Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul, Sacred Frank-
Pneumonia Topical Blend incense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry,
10 drops Eucalyptus Globulus
8 drops Ravinmara Palo Santo, Ravintsara, Rosemary Rosemary
2 drops Oregano Vitaliry Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Bark
2 drops Dorado Azul Vitaliry Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus
Globulus, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Mountain
Tuberculosis Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry Peppermint,
Tirberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious lung Peppermint Vitaliry, Spearmint, Spearmint
Vitaliry Myrde, Idaho Balsam Fir, Myrrh
disease caused 6y Mlcobacterium tuberulosis. The
germs are spread via coughs, sneezes, and physi- Blends: Exodus II, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Ra-
cal contact. A 2014 studyrr at rhe Universiry of ven, Melrose, R.C., lmmuPower, Purification,
Illinois found that a mixture ofconstituents from Sacred Mountain, Breathe Again Roll-On,
Eucalyptus c itriodoz, including citronellol, mono-
terpenes, and eugenol, showed efficacy against air- SniffieEase
borne multi- and extremely drug-resistant tuber- Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super
culosis, with inhibition greater than 90 percent.
C, Super C Chewable, Longevity Softgels,
The most worrisome aspect of this disease is MultiGreens, ICB ComlorTone, Essential-
its latency. Those infected may harbor rhe germ zyme, Essentialzymes-4, NingXia Red
for years yet display no ourward or visible signs of
infection. Howevet when rhe immune system be- OraI Cre Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard
comes challenged or weakened due to stress, can-
dida, diaberes, corricosteroid use, or orher factors, Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth-
the bacteria can become activated and develop wash, Thieves Spray
into full-blown TB.
Application and Usage
Because many essential oils have broad-spec- Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
trum, antimicrobial properties, they can be dif- Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidrlines.
fused to prevent the spread of airborne bacreria
like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Essential oils and . Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
blends like Thieves, Purification, Raven, R.C.,
and Sacred Mountain are extremely effecrive for oil 2 times daily.
killing these bacteria.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Many essential oils have also been shown to
a spoonfi-rl of syrup or small amount of milk,
stimulate rhe immune sysrem. Lemon oil has juice, or water.
been shown to increase lymphocyte production- Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
a pivotal part of the immune system. ' Apply 6-10 drops ofoil, diluted 50:50, on
chest and upper back 1-3 times dail1,.
. Apply a warm compress with chosen oils on
chest and upper back 2 times daily.
Tirberculosis-Specifi c Regimen
. Alternate diffusing Raven and R.C. com-
bined with Eucalyptus Globulus as often as
possible during the day.
Retention Blend No, I trations until response is observed. Diffuse inter-
. I 5 drops Frankincense or Sacred mittently and observe reaction.
Frankincense Recommendations
Singles: Rosemary, Lavender, Basil, Wintergreen,
.' 5 drops Clove L
4 drops Myrrh Thyme, Oregano, Mastrante, Tea Tiee, North- L
. 2 drops Oregano ern Lights Black Spruce, Nutmeg, Pepper- L
mint, Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul L
Retention Blend No. 2 Blends: Thieves, Melrose, Raven, R.C., Brearhe L
Again Rol[-On, SniffieEase
. 10 drops Dorado Azul Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, L
. 5 drops Eucalyptus Blue Longevity Softgels, Essentialzyme, Essential-
' 5 drops Myrrh zymes-4, Detoxzyme, MultiGreens, ImmuPro, (
. 2 drops Oregano Sulfurzyme, Digest & Cleanse, Inner Defense,
Master Formula \
Mix blend with 2 tablespoons oFV-6 Vegetable Oral Cue Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Spray,
Oil Complex. Using a bulb syringe, inserr into Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash, (
Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Mints
rectum and retain overnight. Do this nightly for 7 L
nights, rest for 4 nights, and then repeat. Application and Usage L
Aromatiq Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take 2 Inner Defense 3 times daily for 10 Topical: Reier rc Application Guidelines. (
days. . Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on neck and \
. Rub 4-6 drops Thieves on the bottoms of chest as needed.
the feet nightly. . Masage 2-4 drops of oil neat on the bottoms
. Massage Melrose (15 drops) up the spine ofthe feet and on Vita Flex points just before
bedtime. Children may especially benefit from
daily. Apply compress on back and chest 2 this application.
times daily. . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
. Receive a Raindrop tchnique weekly. chosen oil on the neck, chest, and upper
. Forcough; Mix 10 drops Myrrh and I drop back area 1-3 times daily.
Peppermint Vitaliry in warer and gargle; LUPUS (SEE ALSO MIXED CONNECTIVE
dissolve Thieves Cough Drops in mouth as
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that has sev-
needed. eral different varieties:
Whooping Cough Lupus uulgaris is characterized by brownish le-
\i(/hooping cough is a contagious disease affect- sions that may form on the skin and/or face and
become ulcerous and form scars.
ing the respiratory system, particularly in children.
The lungs become infected as rhe air passages be- Discoid Lupus erytltematosus is characterized by
come clogged with thick mucus. Over the course scaly, red patches on rhe skin or butterfly-shaped
Iesions on the face. It is milder than the svsremic
ofseveral days, the condition worsens, resulting in rype.
long coughing bouts (up to I minute). The con-
tinual coughing makes breathing difficult and la-
bored. \Watch carefully and seek medical attention
\{4rooping cough usually affects children, so
always dilute the essential oils in V-6 Vegetable
Oil Complex or other cold-pressed vegetable oil
before topically applying. Start with low concen-
Systemic Lupus erythematoszs is more seri- Lupus Daily Regimen
ous-and more common-than discoid lupus. It 1. Bath Salts: Using lupus blend above, add 30
inflames the connective tissue in any part of the drops to % cup Epsom salt or baking soda
and add to hot bath. Soak for 20-30 minutes
body, including the joints, muscles, skin, blood or until water cools.
vessels, membranes surrounding the lungs and 2. Vita FIex: Mmsage PanAway on bottoms of
heart, and occasionally the kidneys and brain. the feet and follow 2 hours later with a foot
massage using Thieves.
Because lupus is an autoimmune disease, it has 3. Topical: Massage 10-15 drops Basil over liver
been successfully treated using MSM, a form of and on feet 2-3 times daily.
organic sulfur, which can be found in Sulfirrzyme. 4. Sulfurzyme: Thke 1-2 tablespoons ofpowder
or 5 capsules 1-2 times daily.
Recommendations 5. Essentialzyme: Take 2-6 caplets 2 times daily.
Singles: Myrrh, Wintergreen, Lavendet Laven- 6. MultiGreens: Thke 2-4 capsules 2 times daily.
der Vitaliry Basil, Basil Vitaliry Eucalyptus LYME DISEASE / ROCKY MOUNTAIN
GIobulus, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Nutmeg,
Nutmeg Vitaliry SPOTTED FEVER
Blends: ValoE Valor Rol[-On, PanAway, R.C., Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused
Breathe Again Roll-On, EndoFlex, EndoFlex
Vitaliry by the bite of an infected tick. It is caused b1,
Nutritionals: AminoVise, Thyromin, Sul- the microorganism Botelia burgdorferi. This
furzyme, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, microorganism is neirher gram-positive or nega-
MultiGreens, Master Formula :jve bu diderm (a double-membrane) bacteria,
which makes it difficult to kill. Some researchers
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. believe that "stealth viruses" may also be involved
Dietary md OralzRefer to Application Guidelines.
in Lyme disease. \{&ile the suggested oils of Eu-
. Take 1 capsule with 5 drops of desired Vital-
calyptus Blue and Dorado Azul are antibacterial,
iry or dietary oil 2 times daily. except for Melissa (antiviral), all other oils listed
are both antibacterial and antiviral, which will
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in fight either rype ofinfection.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by
juice, or water. the bacterium Ricbettsia ricketxii and is also trans-
Topical; Refer to Application Guidelines. mitted to humans by the bite of an infected tick.
. Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back Typical symptoms are headache, fever, mus-
ofneck as desired. cle pain, abdominal pain, and vomiting. A rash
may develop after a few days. Both illnesses can
. Have Raindrop Technique 1-2 times weekly. be severe or even fatal ifnot treated in the first few
. Have body massage using desired essential
days of symptoms. Seek medical amention as soon
oils once every other day.
Lupus Blend as possible after being biten by a tick.
. 10 drops Lavender Recommendations
. 4 drops Eucalyptus Globulus Singles: Melissa, Oregano, Oregano Vital-
. 3 drops Myrrh
' 3 drops Nutmeg iry Myrrh, Eucalyptus BIue, Dorado Azul,
Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry Personal Care Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil, I
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Melaleuca Regenolone Moisturizing Cream
Quinquenervia Application and Usage L
Blends: PanAway, Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Aromatie Refer o Application Guidclines.
Dieury and Oralz Refer'to Application Guidelines.
Vitaliry Exodus II
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Slique Shake, . Take 1 capsule with 5 drops of Lymphatic
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, System Blend 2 times daily.
. Take 2-3 drops ola Vitality or dietary oil in
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidzlines. a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
Dieary and Oral:Refer to Application Guidtlines. juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Gilidrlines.
. Thke 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliryordietary
. Apply 2-4 drops of lympharic system blend
oil 3 times daily.
below or orher recommended oils diluted
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in 50:50 on sore lymph glands and under arms
2-3 times daily.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. . Have Raindrop Technique weekly or as
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
. Apply 1-2 drops ofoil neat on temples and
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
back ofneck, as desired.
chosen oil over affecred areas 1-2 times daily.
. Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on bottoms of
. Massage lymphatic system blend above over
the feet just before bedtime.
lymph gland areas and then apply Cel-Lite
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM Magic Massage Oil and Grapefruit or Cy-
Essential oils have long been known ro aid press oil that help detoxily chemicals srored
in body fat.
in stimulating and detoxi$,ing the lymphatic Lymphatic System Blend
system, which filters lymph, fights infection, re- . 3 drops Cypress
cycles plasma proteins, and drains fluid back into . 2 drops Grapefruit
the circulatory system from the tissues in order . I drop Orange
to prevenr dehydration. It plays a crucial role in
maintaining good health. MCT (MTXED CONNECTTVE TTSSUE
Singles: Myrtle, Grapefruit, Grapefruit Vitaliry MCT is an autoimmune disease similar to
lupus in which the connective tissue in the body
Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitality, Tangerine, becomes inflamed and painful. This condition is
Tangerine Viraliry Orange, Orange Vitality, usually due to poor assimilation of protein and
Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Cypress, Hys-
soP, Myrrh mineral deEciencies.
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry, Aroma Life,
En-R-Gee, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitality Recommendations
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Super C, Super C Singles: Rosemary, Nutmeg, Clove, Basil, Mtrr-
Chewable, Longeviry Softgels, MultiGreens,
joram, Peppermint, Cypress, lVintergreen
Digest & Cleanse, Life 9 Blends: Relieve It, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Im-
292 nuPowel PanAwal', Cool Azul, Deep Rclief
Nutritionals: .Sulfurzyme, Essenrialzyme, one of the few natural aids to healing it is natural
quinine. Essential oils such as Melaleuca Quin-
L)etoxzvme, Pure Protein Complere, Mineral quenervia (Niaouli) can help ampli$, immune
Esse nce, Jur,:rPower, ICI MultiGrcens, Mcga- response,
Cal, OnregaGize' Recommendations
Singles: Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli),
Personal Care: Cool Az-ul l)ain RelieFCream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, C)rrho F)ase Massage Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon,
Oil, C)rtho Sport Massaee Oil Lemon Vitaliry, Lime, Lime Vitaliry Thyme,
Thyme Vitaliry Sacred Frankincense, Frankin-
Application and Usage cense, Frankincense Vitaliry Rosemary,
Aromatic: Reler rc Application Guidelines. Rosemary Vitaliry Sage, Sage Vitaliry Fennel,
Topical: Refcr rc Applicatiot Guidelirrcs. Fennel Vitaliry Geranium
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose, Im-
. Massagc 4-8 clrops dilured 50:50 on affecterl
locirtions 2-3 tirncs claily.
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Digesr & Cleanse,
. Apply 1-3 drops on the Vita FIex poinrs of
MultiGreens, JuvaPower
the feet. Personal Care: YL Insect Repellent, Prenolone
. Have Raindrop Technique weekly or as Plus Body Cream, Thieves Spray (for protec-
tion from nerve damage)
Application and Usage
MCT Blend for Aches and Discomfort Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. 10 clrops Basil Dietary and OraltRefer o Application Guidelines.
. 8 drops Wintergreen
. 6 drops Cypress . Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
. 3 drops Peppermint
oil 2 times daily.
MCT/Lupus Regimen
, Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. Rub 2-4 clrops of ImmuPower over the liver
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
and on the liver Vita Flex Points on rhe bor- juice, or water.
tom of the right loot 2-3 times dailv. This
has been reported to help fight lupus, which . Mix 3-6 drops Lemon Vitaliry in 1 teaspoon
is similar to MCT.
Yacon Syrup and 8 ounces ofwater, shake,
MALARIA and sip regularly to build the immune
Malaria is a serious disease contracted from
several species of Anopheles mosquitoes. 'While
malaria is largely confined to the continents of Topical Refer to Application Guidelines.
Asia and Africa, an increasing number of cases
have arisen in North and South America. If not . Apply 1-2 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on
treated, malaria can be fatal. If malaria is suspect-
ed, seek medical attention. Symptoms are fever, temples and back of neck, as desired.
chills, and anemia.
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
The best defense againsr malaria is to use insecr
repellents effective against Anopheles mosqui- helpful and refreshing.
toes. Once a person has contracted the disease, . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot-
toms of the feet just before bedtime.
As men age, their DHEA and testosterone levels Measles, also called rubella, is a highly conta- (
gious respiratory infection caused by a virus. The
decline. Conversely, levels of dihydrotestosterone U.S. had 100 cases develop in 21 states in 2018.
(DHT) increase, contributing to prostare enlarge-
ment and hair loss. It causes a total-body skin rash and fu-like symp- \
Because pregnenolone is rhe master hormone toms, including a fever, cough, and runny nose.
from which all hormones are created, men can Since measles is caused by a virus, symptoms
directly benefir from transdermal pregnenolone rypically go away on their own without medical
creams as a way of jump-starting sagging DHEA treatment once the virus has run its course. A per- t
son with measles should get plenty of fluids and
levels. rest and avoid spreading rhe infecrion to others. L
Herbs such as saw palmetto and Pygeum nfi- The first symptoms of the infection are some-
times a hacking cough, runny nose, high fever, (
cLilum can prevent the conversion of testosterone and watery, red eyes. Another indicator is Koplik's
spots, small red spots with blue-white centers in-
into DHT (dihydrotestosterone, rhe male hor-
mone thought ro contribute to male-pattern hair
loss), thereby reducing prosrate enlargemenr and
slowing hair loss. side the mouth.
Recommendations The measles rash rypically has a red or reddish L
Singles: ldaho Blue Spruce, Rosemary, Rosemary brown, blotchy appearance and firsr usually shows
up on the forehead, then spreads downward over I
Vitaliry Sage, Sage Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel the face, neck, and body and then down to the feet.
Vitaliry Geranium, Clary Sage, Yarrow,
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin- Singles: Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry, Roman
cense Vitaliry
Blends: Shurran, Misrer, SclarEssence, Chamomile, Tea Tiee, Clove, Clove Vital- t
SclarEssence Vitaliry iry Northern Lights Black Spruce, Thyme,
Nutritionals: Prostate Health, EndoGize, Protec Thyme Vitaliry German Chamomile, Ger-
Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream man Chamomile Vitaliry Ravintsara, Laurus
Application and Usage Nobilis, Laurus Nobilis Vitaliry
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Gnidelines. Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Gnidelines. Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Super C, Super C
. Thke I capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary LChewable, Longeviry Softgels, Life 9, Mighty-
oil 1 time daily only. Pro, Digest & Cleanse, Inner Defense
) . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Application and Usage t
a spoonfiil of syrup or small amount of milk, Aromatic: Refer to Application Gaidelines. L
juice, or water. Dietary md Oral:Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. t
. Take I capsule with 5 drops of desired Vital-
. Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6
iry or dietary oil 2-3 times daily.
. ^take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
times daily. L
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on rhe bor-
toms of the feet just before bedtime. juice, or water.
Topical: Reler to Application Guidrlines. (
. Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 on location
3-5 rimes daily or as needed. or pain rhat often increases after the period is over.
Other symptoms may include healy periods and
. Mix 6-9 drops of any of the recommended pain during intercourse.
oils in bath salts and soak at least 30 minutes Recommendations
daily. Singles: Fennel, Feniel Vitaliry Clary Sage,
. Mix 6-9 drops of any of the recommended Sage, Sage Vitaliry Helichrysum
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose, Scla-
oils in 8 ounces water, shake well, and use to
sponge down rhe patient 1-2 times daily. rEssence, SclarEssence Vitaliry Lady Sclareol
Meroles Topical Blend Nutritionals: ImmuPro, EndoGize, FemiGen,
. l0 drops Lavender Super C, Super C Chewable, PD 80/20,
. 10 drops German Chamomile ICB Estro, ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Es-
. 5 drops Ravintsara sentialzymes-4
. 5 drops Tea Tree Personal Carq Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
Progessence Plus
OVARIAN AND UTERINE CYSTS) Aromatie Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidelines.
Natural hormones such as natural progester-
one and pregnenolone are the most effective treat- . Take i capsule with Vitaliry or dietary
ment for menstrual difficulties and irregularities.
The most effective method o[ administration is desired oil 2 times daily.
transdermal delivery in a cream. Just 20 mg ap-
plied to the skin twice daily is equivalent to 1,000 . Til<e 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
mg taken internally.
a spoonfiJ of syrup or small amount of milk,
As women reach menopause, progesterone
. .juice, or water
production declines, and a state ofestrogen domi-
nance often arises. The most commonly prescribed Colon and liver cleanse: ICB ComforTone,
drugs are con.jugated estrogens (from horse urine) Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme, JuvaPower
or synthetic medroryprogesterone. The molecules Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
in these animal and synthetic hormones are foreign
to the human body and can dramatically increase . Apply a hot compress containing Melrose on
the risk for ovarian and breast cancer with time.
the stomach.
. Massage 2-4 drops ofThieves blend neat on
Endometriosis occurs when the uterine lining
develops on the outer wall of the uterus, ovaries, rhe hottoms ofthe feer.
fallopian tubes, vagina, intestines, or on the ab-
dominal wall. These fragmenrs cannor escape Excessive Bleeding
like the normal uterine lining that is shed during The most common causes of healy menstrual
bleeding are hormonal imbalances, urerine fi-
Because of this, fibrous rysts often form around broids or polyps, lack ofovulation, use ofan in-
the misplaced uterine tissue. Symproms can in- trauterine device, miscarriage, use of anticoagu-
clude abdominal or back pain during mensrruarion lants, or endometriosis.
Singles: Helichrysum, Cypress, Cistus
Blends: PanAway, Deep Relief Roll-On, Relieve
It, Cool Azul
Nuritionals: OmegaCize', JuvaTone, Rehemo- Personal Cre: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus L
gerl Body Cream L
Personal Care: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus Application and Usage t
Body Cream, Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Topical: Refer rc Appliciztion Guidelines. L
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer o Appliration Guidelines. . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on rhe bor-
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Applimtion Guidelines.
toms of the feer just before bedtime.
. Take I capsule ofdcsired Vitalitv or dietary
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
oil 2 times dail1,.
chosen oil over the lower back and abdomen.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
a spoonful of svrup or small arnount oFmilk, A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of a
iuicc, or lvater
woman's uterus and may also include removal of
. Drink 1/10 teaspoon cayenne in 8 ounces
ovaries and fallopian tubes.
warm water to help regulate bleeding during
periods. Recommendations
Topical: Refer rc Applit'ntion Guidelitns. Singles: Sage, Clary Sage
Blends: Dragon Time, Lady Sclareol,
. Applv 4-(r drops dilutcd 50:50 to thc
forehead. crown ofrhe head. bortoms ofrhc
fcct, lorver abclomen, and lower back 1 -3 Nutritionals: PD 80/20, EndoGize, FemiGen
times dailr,. Personal Care: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus
. Pl:rce a warm comprcss ivirh l -2 drops oF Body Cream
chosen oil on lorver back and abdomen. Application and Usage
Excessive Bleeding Blend Aromatic: Refer to Application Guifulines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. l0 drops Cvpress
. 5 drops Helichrysunr . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on rhe bor-
' 5 drops Cistus toms of the feet jusr before bedtime.
Hormonal Edema (Cyclic) . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
This type ofedema usually fluctuates with the chosen oil over the lower back and abdo-
female menstrual rycle. A good progesterone hor- men.
mone cream might be the way to begin; however,
before starting any hormone rherapy, you should lrregular Periods
see your doctor or health care professional and ask
for a hormone blood panel to evaluare your needs. Menstrual cycles that vary more than a few
days in length from month to month are consid-
Recommendations ered to be irregular. Al[ women have variations
$inglgs3 Qlaly $xge, Sage, Sage Vitaliry, Gera- occasionally, but true irregulariry persists over
several months.
nium, Tangerine, Thngerine Vitaliry
Blends: SclarEssence, SclarEssence Vitaliry Lady Recommendations
$ingl6s3 peppssmint, Clary Sage, Sage, Roman
Sclareol, Dragon Time, EndoFlex, EndoFlex
Vitality Chamomile, Fennel, Jasmine
Nutritionals: Thyromin, PD 80/20, FemiGen, Blends: EndoFlex, SclarEssence, Inner Child,
Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II
Personal Care Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus Blends: Dragon Time, Lady Sclareol, Tiansfor-
Body Cream mation, SclarEssence
Nutritionals: PD 80/20, EndoGize
Personal Cre: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus
Application and Usage
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines. Body Cream
Topicaft Refer rc Applitation Guidclines.
Application and Usage
, . Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead,
. crown ofthe head, bottoms ofthe feet, Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidzlines.
lower abdomen, and lower back l-3 times
Topical: Refer rc Application Gridelines.
daily. . Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead,
. Massage 3-6 drops on the reproductive Vita crown ofthe head, bottoms ofthe feet, lower
Flex points ofthe feet 2-3 times daily. abdomen, and lower back l-3 times daily.
. Massage 3-6 drops on the reproductive Vita
. Place a warm compress on the lower back
and lower abdomen daily. Flex points of the feet.
Period Regulator Blend No. I . Place a warm compress on the lower back
. 16 drops Clary Sage
. 11 dropsSage and lower abdomen daily.
. 9 drops Canadian Fleabane (Conyza)
. 5 drops Peppermint Menstrual Cramps
. 5 drops Jasmine Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) are throb-
' Period Regulator Blend No. 2 bing, dull, or cramping pains in the lower abdo-
. 10 drops Roman Chamomile men that many women experience just before and
. 10 drops Fennel during their menstrual periods. The pain may be
just annoying, or it may be severe enough to in-
terfere with daily activities. Tieating the underly-
Menopause ing cause is importanr to reducing pain.
As women age, their levels of progesrerone Recommendations
decline and contribute to osteoporosis, increased Singla: Valerian, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry
risk of breast and uterine cancers, mood swings,
Clary Sage, Basil, Basil Vitaliry Rosemary
depression, and many other conditions. Estrogen
Rosemary Vitaliry Sage, Sage Vitaliry Roman
levels can also decline and increase women's risk
Chamomile, Cypress, Thrragon, Ta.rragon
oF heart disease.
Vitaliry Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce
r Berween the ages of45 and 55, these hormones Blends: Dragon Time, EndoFlex, EndoFlex
decline to a point where mensrruarion ceases. Re-
placing these declining levels using ropically ap- Nutritionals: PD 80/20, EndoGize, Deep Relief
plied progesterone or pregnenolone creams may
be the most effective way to replace and boost Roll-On, Relieve It, PanAway
Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
declining hormone levels.
Pregnenolone may be especially effective as it Regenolone Moisturizing Cream
is the precursor hormone from which the body Application and Usage
creates both progesterone and estrogens. Aromatic: Refer o Application Guifulines.
_ Recommendations Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines.
Singles: Geranium, Clary Sage, Sage, Bergamot . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
oil 2 rimes daily lor 2 weeks prior lo menses.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
Progessence Plus
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water Application and Usage
Aromatic Refer rc Application Gaidzlines.
. Ifmigraine headaches accompany periods, Dietary and OraltRefer o Application Guidelines.
a colon and liver cleanse may reduce symp- . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
oil 2 times daily.
Topical: Reler o Application Gnidelines.
. Place a warm compress over the uterus area . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
2-3 times weekly. a spoonfirl oFsyrup or small amount of milk,
. Massage 2-4 drops on the reproductive Vita . .juice, or water.
Flex poinrs ofthe feet. Place 1 drop ofEndoFlex Vitality on the
tongue and then hold the tongue on the roof
. Apply 2-3 drops of the recommended oils of the mouth 2-4 times daily.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlinel
above to rhe lower back and stomach area
several times dail1, as needed. . Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead,
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) crown ofthe head, bottoms ofthe feet,
PMS is one of the most common hormone- lower abdomen, and lower back 1-3 times
related conditions in otheruise healthy women.
lVomen can experience a wide range of symp- . Massage 2-4 drops on reproductive Vita Flex
toms for 10 to 14 days before menstruation and points ofthe feet.
even 2 to 3 days into mensrruarion. These symp-
toms include mood swings, fatigue, headaches, . Place a warm compress on the lower back
breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, anxiery
depression, confusion, memory loss, sugar crav- and lower abdomen daily.
ings, cramps, low back pain, irritabiliry weight
gain, acne, and oily skin and hair. MUCUS (EXCESS)
Many oils are natural expectorants, helping ris-
Causes are hormonal, nutritional, and psycho-
logical. The stress ofthe western culture can also sues discharge mucus, soft and hard plaque, and
be a cause.
Recommendations Singles: Lavender, Lavender Viraliry Jade
Singles: Rose, Clary Sage, Idaho Blue Spruce,
Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon
Sage, Sage Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitality, Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Cypress, Pep-
Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Bergamor, Bergamot permint, Peppermint Vitaliry Tea Tiee, Pine,
Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Eucalyptus Globulus,
Blends: SclarEssence, SclarEssence Viraliry Rosemary Rosemary Vitality
Dragon Time, EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitality, Blends: Dicize. DiGize Virality, Raven, 3 Vise
Acceptance, Aroma Siez, Lady Sclareol, Men, Purification, R.C., Breathe Again Roll-
Transformation On, SniffieEase
Nutritionals: PowerGize, MultiGreens, Super B, Nuritionals: Allerzyme, Detoxzyme, Essen-
Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence, ImmuPro, PD tialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, ImmuPro, Inner
80/20, Thyromin, EndoGize Defense, Life 9
Application and Usage Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Super C, Super C
Aromatic Refer rc Application Guiddines. Chewable, Exodus II, Inner Defense, Essen-
' Note: Some studies conclude that the expec- tia,lzyme, Detoxzyme, JuvaPower, Sulfurzyme,
torant effect ofessential oils is obained faster Slique Shake, Balance Complete, Pure Protein
and stronger through aroma than through Complete
) ingestion. Personal Carq Cool Azul Pain ReliefCream
Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidtlines. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer o Applicntiott Guidelines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
J . oil 2 times daily. Dietary md OraI: Refer rc Applicrttion Guidalines.
Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in . hke I capsule of desirecl Vitality or dietary
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
oil 2 times dailr,.
juice, or water.
. Tike 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
r Expectorant Blend
a spoonful of svrup or small amount oFnilk,
' 3 drops Lemon
. 3 drops Eucalyptus Globulus juice, or water.
. 2 drops Pine
Topical: Refer to Application ()uidelines.
Topicat Refer o Application Guidtlines.
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 behind the
. [pply 2-4 drops, diluted 50:50, on the T4
ears 4 times dailv.
and T5 thoracic vertebrae at the neck to the
. Receive a Raindrop Techniqrre 1-2 times
) . shoulder intersection 3-5 times daily. rveekly.
Massage recommended oils on Vita Flex
. Place a warm compress 'l-3 tinres daily
l points of the feet 2-4 times daily.
around the throar and jaw.
The body has more than 600 muscles that are
Mumps is an acute, contagious, viral disease grouped into three categories-smooth, cardiac,
marked by painful swelling and infammation and skeletal-and are all made of a type of elastic
oF the salivary glands. The causative agent is a tissue.
a) paramyxovirus that is spread by direct contact,
airborne droplets, and urine. The incidence of Bruised Muscles (See also BRUISING)
e mumps has increased to the point that 5,000 cases A bruise is a skin discoloration and occurs
were reported in the U.S. in 2016. Health officials
when small blood vessels break and leak their con-
are calling for a rhird measles vaccine injecrion. tents into the tissue beneath the skin. The main
Recommendations symptoms of a bruise are pain, skin discoloration,
Singles: Dorado Azul, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry and swelling.
TeaTiee, Ravintsara, Melissa, Myrrh, Blue Recommendations
Cypress, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Singles: Helichrysum, Copaiba, Geranium,
German Chamomile, Vintergreen, Cypress,
Blends: R.C., Raven, Breathe Again Roll-On, Basil, Peppermint, Lavender
SniffieEase, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Deep Blends: Cool Azul, Aroma Siez, PanAway, Deep
Relief Roll-On, PanAway, Relieve It, Cool Relief Roll-On, Relieve It
Azul, JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Nutritionals: AminoWise, PowerGize, MegaCal,
Mineral Essence, NingXia Red, Sulfurzyme, . Place a cold compress on location up to I -3
BLM, AgilEase, Super B
times daily.
Personal Cre Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
lnflammation Due to lnjury
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage Tissue damage is usually accompanied by in-
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oi[, Reluation
Massage Oil fammation. Reduce inflammarion by massaging
with anti-infammarory oils to minimize further
Application and Usage tissue damage and speed healing.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 to bruised Singles: Wintergreen, German Chamomile,
area 3 times daily. Nutmeg, Palo Santo, Peppermint, Lavender,
Myrrh, Marjoram, Clove, Thyme, Copaiba,
. Sequence ofapplication for bruising: Lemongrass, Vetiver
. \When a bruise displays black and blue Blen&: PanAway, fuoma Siez, Deep Relief Roll-
On, Relieve It, Cool Azul
discoloration and pain, start with He- Nutritionals: AminoVise, BLM, AgilEase,
lichrysum, Geranium, or'$7'intergreen. PowerGize, Mineral Essence, MegaCal,
Sulfurzyme, Detoxzyme, Allerzyme, Multi-
. Vhen the pain and inflammation de- Greens, Life 9
crease, use Cypress, then Basil, and then Application and Usage
Aroma Siez to help the muscle relax. Topical Refer rc Appliration Guidelines.
. Follow with Peppermint ro srimulare . Massage 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on in-
nerve response and reduce inflammation. flamed muscle 3 times daily.
. Finish with cold packs. Muscle Injury Blend
lnflammation Due to lnfection . 10 drops German Chamomile
Infammation is the first response of rhe im- . 8 drops Lavender
. 6 drops Marjoram
mune system to irritation or infection and is . 2 drops Peppermint
characterized by swelling, heat, redness, pain, and Muscle Spasms, Cramps, and
dysfunction ofthe organs involved. Tieatment de- Charley Horses
pends on the rype ofinfection.
Magnesium and calcium deficiency may con-
Recommendations tribute to muscle cramps.
Singles: Ravintsara, Thyme, Myrrh, Hyssop,
Blue Cypress, Lemongrass Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir,
Nutritionals: AminoWise, BLM, AgilEase,
Dorado Azul, $Tintergreen, Ravintsara, Basil,
Longeviry Softgels, ImmuPro, Detoxzyme, Rosemary Fennel, Marjoram, Elemi, Nut-
meg, Copaiba, Black Pepper, Palo Santo
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Digest & Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Relieve It, Aroma
Siez, Deep Relief Ro[1-On
Petsonal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel
Application and Usage
Topical; Refer o Application Guidelines.
. Massage 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on in-
flamed muscle 3 times dailv.
Nutritionals: Amino Wise, PowerGize, MegaCal,
Mineral Essence, BLM, AgilEase, Sullurzl,me, Tired and Fatigued N/uscles
' Lifc 9 Tired rnuscles may be lacking in minerals
such as calcium and magnesium. Mega Cal
a Personal Care: (lool Azul Pain Relief Cream, and Mineral Essence are excellent sources of
Orrho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho Ease Mas- borh trace and macro minerals and are good
sage C)il, Cool Azul Sports Gel, Relaxation lor all muscle conditions. Enzymes includ-
Massage Oil, Resenolone Moisturizins Cream ing Essentialzvme, Essentialzymes-4, and
) Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applimtion Guidrlincs. Allerzyme all help with the needed enzymaric
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelincs. conversiorr of minerals lor absorptior:.
) Blend fot Muscle Spmms Sore Muscles
tVhenever you engage in a more strenuous ac-
. 2 clrops Ravintsara
. 5 drops Aromir Sicz riviry rhan you normally do. you may create mi-
. 2 drops Black Pepper croscopic tears (microtrauma) in your muscle tis-
sue. The more tears you create, the more soreness
l . Appll.2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on cramped you feel later on as the muscles are being repaired.
a muscle 3 times daih,. Alternare rvirh cold
,rnd hot packs when appll.ine the blend for
' muscle spasms.
Muscle Weakness The soreness is a result ofboth the damage to the
To overcome temporary muscle weakness, eat muscles and the chemical waste products pro-
duced by the muscles when they are being used.
a balanced diet, replace lost fuids, engage in only
light acriviries, and slowly srart exercising again. Recommendations
However, muscles that slowly become weaker fo! Singles: Rosemary, Wintergreen, Black Pepper,
no apparenr reason could indicate a disease or Eucalyptus Blue, Ginger, Northern Lights
Black Spruce, Pine, Marjoram, Peppermint,
- condition in the body. Check with your health
) care professional. Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Idaho Balsam Fir,
Recommendations Basil, Vetiver, Elemi, Cypress, Dorado Azul
Singles: Idaho Balsam Fir, Ravintsara, Dorado Blends: PanAway, Deep Relief Roll-On, Cool
Azul, Palo Santo, Northern Lights Black
Spruce, Juniper, Nutmeg, Lemongrass Azul, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II,
M-Grain, Aroma Siez
Blends: En-R-Gee, The Gift, Sacred Mountain Nutritionals: PowerGize, AminolWise, MegaCal,
Nutritionals: AminoW'ise, BLM, AgilEase, Mineral Essence, Slique Shake, Sulfurzyme
Slique Shake, MultiGreens, Balance Com- Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
plete, Pure Protein Complete, MegaCal, Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
JuvaPower, PowerGize Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil
Application and Usage Application and Usage
Topica} Refer rc Application Guidelines. Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlinel
. Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 into weak . Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 into sore
muscles 3 times daily. muscles up to 3 times daily.
e 301
High-powered N/assage Oil
Muscular dystrophy is a group ofdisorders rhat
Add either ofthese recipes to 4 ounces of involve loss of muscle tissue and muscle weakness
V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex ro create a
custom, muscle-toning formula. that get progressively worse. All or only specific
Massage Oil Recipe No. 1:
groups of muscles may be affected.
. 10 drops Eucalyprus Blue
. 10 drops Idaho Balsam Fir Recommendations
. 10 drops Marjoram Singles: Palo Santo, Pine, Lavender, Mar.joram,
. 8 drops Elemi
. 8 drops Vetiver Lemongrass, Vetiver, Idaho Balsam Fir
. 5 drops Helichrysum Blends: PanAway, Aroma Siez, Relieve It, Deep
. 5 drops Cypress
' 5 drops Peppermint Relief Roll-On, Cool Azul
Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, PowerCize, Ami-
Massage Oil Recipe No. 2:
no\Wise, Sulfurzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Slique
. 20 drops Eucalyptus Blue Shake, Pure Protein Complere, MultiGreens,
. 15 drops Marjoram Mineral Essence, Essentialzyme, Super B
. 10 dropsJuniper Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
. 10 drops Cypress Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage
. 6 drops Dorado Azul
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil
. Place a warm compress on location up to
Application and Usage
l-3 times daily. Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Sore Muscle Blend No. I . Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 along spine
. 5 drops Idaho Balsam Fir
. 4 drops Marioram 3 times daily.
. 4 drops Basil
. 2 drops Rosemary NAILS, BRITTLE OR WEAK L
Poor or weak nails, often containing ridges,
Sore Muscle Blend No, 2 \
indicate a sulfrrr, calcium, and/or vitamin A defi-
. 5 drops Pine cienry, disease, inFection, trauma, unhealthy diet,
. 4 drops Rosemary use ofnail polish and remoyet use ofdetergents,
. 4 drops Ginger or excessive exposure to water.
. I drop Vetiver
Singles: Myrrh, Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Sacred
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense
Vitaliry \Wintergreen, Idaho Balsam Fir
Blends: Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliry Di-
Gize, DiGize Vitaliry GLF, GLF Viraliry
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MegaCal, Mineral
Essence, Master Formula, Essentialzyme,
Essentialzymes-4, NingXia Red, Ningxia
\Tolfberries (Organic, Dried)
Application and Usage Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on temples,
Dieary and Oralz Reler rc Application Guidzlines. behind ears, back ofneck, on forehead, and
under nostrils as needed.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliry or dietary
oil 2 times daily. Patchouli oil contains compounds that are ex-
. Place a few drops ofoil on the tongue 1-4 tremely effective in preventing vomiting due to
their abiliry to reduce the gastrointestinal muscle
times as needed. contractions associated with vomiting.a2 Pepper-
mint has also been found to be effective in many
. Take 2-3 drops of aVitaliry or dietary oil in
kinds ofstomach upset, including nausea.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. Recommendations
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Singles: Patchouli, Peppermint, Peppermint
. Apply 1-3 drops ofoil neat on nails and at Vitaliry Ginger, Ginger Mtaliry, Nutmeg,
Nutmeg Vitaliry
base of nails daily for 30 days. Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TirmmyGize,
JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry, GLF, GLF
. Apply I drop ofthe Nai[ Strengthening Blend Vitaliry
Nutritionals: Alkalime, Detoxzyme, Essential-
on each nail 2-3 times daily for 30 days. zymes-4, Essentialzyme, Digest & Cleanse,
Nail Strengthening Blend MegaCal, Life 9
. 4 drops \7heat Germ Oil Application and Usage
. 2 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense Aromatie Refer o Application Guidrlines.
. 2 drops Myrrh Dietary and OralzRefer o Application Guidtlines.
. 2 drops Lemon
. I drop liTintergreen . Take 1 capsule of desired a Mtality or
NARCOLEPSY (SEE ALSO THYROID dietary oil 2 times daily.
. Place a few drops ofoil on the tongue 1-4
Narcolepsy is a chronic ailment consisting
of uncontrollable, recurrent attacks of drowsiness times as needed.
and sleep during the daytime. Narcolepsy may
be aggravated by hypothalamus dysregulation or . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
thyroid hormone deEciency.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
Recommendations juice, or water.
Singles: Peppermint, Lemon, Rosemary Black Topical: Reler to Application Guifulines.
Pepper . Massage 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 behind
Blends: Clariry Brain Power, Awaken, Common each ear (mastoids) and over navel 2-3 times
Sense, CeneYus, Motivation, M-Grain hourly.
Nuttitionals: Thyromin, MultiGreens, Mineral . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
Essence, Mind!7ise, Essentialzyme, Essen-
tialzymes-4, Life 9, Sulfurzyme, JuvaPower, chosen oil over the back or the stomach as
SIique Shake
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Gaidelines. . Rub 1-2 drops of oil on the temples md
Topical: Refer to Applicatioru Guidrlines.
back ofneck several times daily.
Morning Sickness starrding still. This conlruses the brain and c:ruses L
The medical definition for "morning sickness" L
dopamine levels to increase, which causcs motion L
is "nausea and vomiting of pregnanry." Sometimes L
the symptoms are worse in the morning, but they si.kntss, Cottrmon svn)ptonrs .ttc ltrrtse:. vorrrit- L
can strike at any time; and for many women, they L
last all day long. The intensity varies from woman ing, clizziness, and fatigue. L
to woman. An extreme form of morning sickness L
is called hyperemesis gravidarum, which may re- Recommendations L
quire hospitalization to receive intravenous fuids
after constant vomiting. Singles: Peppcrmint, Peppermint Vitalitv, L
Recommendations Cinger, Cinger Viralirr,, P:itchouli, Spearmint, L
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality, Ginger, Spearm i n t Vitalitl,, 1;11,.,r,1.r, Lavetrclcr Vi ral-
Ginger Vitaliry Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry itr,, Rose, Sacred Franhincense, Frirnkinccnse, L
Lavender, Lavender Mtality, Jade Lemon, Jade L
Lemon Vitaliry, Lemon, Lemon Mtality, Lime, Frarrkir:cerr:e Virrlirr. P.rlo Srrrrro L
Lime Vitaliry Patchouli L
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Gentle Baby Blends: Vrlor, Valor Roll-On, Harnronv, L)i(lize, L
Nutritionils: Essentialzymes-4, Essentialzyme,
Life 9, Detoxzyme, Alkalime, Slique Shake, DiCize Vitalitv, TirmmyGize, Tr-anquil Roll- L
On, Peace & Calming, Pe:rce & Calmins [l L
Application and Usage Nutritionals: Essen rialzrrnes-4, Essenrialzvme, L
Aromatie Refer rc Application Guidclines.
Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidclines. f)etoxzvme, MegaCal, Mincrirl Essence,
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary EndoGize
oil 2 times daily. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Applitttiott Guidclittrs.
. Place a few drops ofoil on the tongue 1-4 Dietary md Oralz Rcler rc Applimtiort Guidelitrcs.
times as needed. . Take 1 capsulc ofdesired Viralitv or dietan,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in oil 2 tirnes dail1,.
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, . Place a few drops ofa Vitaliw or dietarv oil
juice, or water.
Topical Refer to Application Guidelines. on the tongue 1-4 times as nccdecl.
. Massage 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 behind . Take 2-3 clrops of a Viralitv or clietan, oil in
each ear (mastoids) and over navel 2-3 times a spoonFul oFsyrup or srn:rll amount of milk,
!uice, or water.
. *Place a warm compress on stomach Topical: Refer to Applicrttion Guidelinas.
needed. . M;rssase 1-3 clrops cliluted 50:50 behind
Motion Sickness each car (mastoids) and over navel 2-3 times
Motion sickness is a bodily response to real
or perceived movement. The inner ear senses
. Place a warm conpress on stornach as
movemenr, while your eyes tell you that you are
. Rub 6-10 drops oFthe blend on chest and
stomach I hour befbre traveling.
Motion Sickness Preventive Blend
. 2 drops Peppermint Vitaliry
. 2 drops Ginger Vitalitv
. 2 drops Patchouli
. 5 clrops V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
NERVE DISORDERS (SEE ALSO Application and Usage
NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES) Aromatic: Refer o Application Grtidelines.
Topical: Refer to Applicntion Guidrlinas.
Nerve disorders usually involve peripheral or
surface nerves and include Bell's palsy, carpal tun- . Use 1-2 drops neat to massage on the facial
nel syndrome, neuralgia, neuritis, and neuropa-
thy. In contrast, neurological diseases are usually nerve in front and behind the ears and on
any areas of pain 3-5 times daily unril symp-
associated with deep neurological disturbances
in the brain. These conditions include ALS (Lou toms end.
Gehrigi disease), MS, and Parkinson's disease.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
MegaCal and Mineral Essence used with Nerves pass through a tunnel formed by wrist
OmegaGize3 and MindWise help provide calcium, bones (known as carpals) and a tough membrane
magnesium, and natural lipids, including healthy on the underside ofthe wrist that binds the bones
omega-3 fatry acids. necessary to mainrain nerve
signal transmissions along neurological pathways. together. The tunnel is rigid, so if the tissues
rvirhin it swell, they press and pinch the nerves
Sulfur deficienry is often present in nerue prob-
Iems. Sulfur requires calcium and vitamins B and and create a painful condition known as carpal
C for the body to metabolize. Super B, Super C, tunnel syndrome, which is often the result of a
and Sulfi-rrzyme work well together to help repair combination of factors that increase pressure on
newe damage and the myelin sheath. the median nerve and tendons in the carpal tun-
CAUTION: Never use hot packs for neurologi- nel, rather than a problem with rhe nerve itself.
cal problems. Always use cold packs to reduce Often the problem is due to a genetic factor in
pain and inflammation. which the carpal runnel is smaller in some people
rhan in others. Other possible factors are trauma
Bell's Palsy or injury to the wrist that causes sweiling, such as
This is a rype of neuritis, marked by paralysis a fracture or sprain; overactiviry of the pituitary
gland; work stress; hypothyroidism; rheumatoid
on one side of the face and inabiliry to open or
close the eyelid. arthritis; repeated use of vibrating hand tools;
fuid retention during pregnanry or menopause;
Recommendations mechanical problems in the wrist joint; or the de-
Singlesr Peppermint, Rosemary Vetiver, Cypress, velopment of a cyst or tumor in the canal. Some-
Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandal- times other causes or no causes can be identified.
wood, Helichrysum, Pine Repeared morions can result in reperitive mo-
Blends: Aroma Siez, Cool Azul, RutaVala,
RutaVala Roll-On, Deep Relief Roll-On, tion disorders such as tendonitis or bursitis, but
there is little clinical data to prove that such re-
PanAway, Relieve It petitive or forceful movements of the hand and
Nutritionds: MultiGreens, Sulfurzyme, Power- wrist during leisure activities or work can cause
carpal tunnel syndrome.
Gize, Super B, Super C, Super C Chewables,
MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Mind\Wise, A similar, but less common condition can oc-
OmegaGize3 cur in the ankle (tarsal tunnel syndrome) or el-
Personal Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage bow.
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil
Recommendations furzyme, Super B, Super C, Super C Chew- (
Singles: \Tinrergreen, Helichrysum, Marjoram, able, MindWise, OmegaGizer
Petsonal Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, L
Peppermint, Vetiver, Basil, Cypress, Lemon- Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moistur- L
grass, Myrrh izing Cream, Prenolone Plus Body Cream, L
Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Relieve it, Aroma Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho Sport Mas-
Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On sage Oil \
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MegaCa[, Mineral Es-
sence, PD 80/20, BLM, AgilEase, PowerGize Application and Usage \
Personal Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moistur- (
izing Cream, Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho . Apply 2-4 oil drops neat or diluted 50:50 to
Sport Massage Oil L
affected area 3-5 times daily, as needed.
Application and Usage (
Topical: Reler to Application Guidelines. . Place a cold compress on locarion 2-3 times (
. Apply 2-4 drops neat or diluted 50:50 to daily. (
affected area 3-5 times daily, as needed. Neuritis
Neuriris is a painful infammation of the pe-
. Place a cold compress on location 2-3
ripheral nerves. It is usually caused by prolonged
times daily. exposure to cold temperature, heary-metal poi-
Carpal Tirnnel Blend soning, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies (beriberi
and pellagra), or infectious diseases such as ry-
. 5 drops lilTintergreen phoid fever and malaria.
. 3 drops Cypress
. 3 drops Myrrh Symptoms may include pain, burning, numb-
. 2 drops Marjoram ness, tingling, muscle weakness, or paralysis.
. 1 drop Peppermint
Neuralgia Singles: Lavender, Nutmeg, Copaiba, Helichry-
Neuralgia is pain from a damaged nerve. It can sum, Juniper, Vetiver, Valerian, Thyme, Clove
occur in the face, spine, or elsewhere. This recur- Blends: Cool Azul, PanAway, Relieve It, Valor,
ring pain can be traced along a nene pathway.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a specific rype ofneu- Valor Roll-On, Aroma Siez, Deep Relief Roll-
ralgia. The primary symptom is temporary sharp On, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Light
pain in the peripheral nerve(s). rhe Fire
Nutritionals: PowerGize, SulFurzyme, Endo-
Recommendations Gize, CortiStop, Super B, Super C, Super
Singls: lVintergreen, Helichrysum, Peppermint, C Chewable, PD 80/20, OmegaGizei,
Marjoram, Nutmeg, Tea Tiee, Roman Chamo- Personal Cue: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
mile, Rosemary Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz-
Blends: Cool Azul, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll- ing Cream, Prenolone Plus Body Cream
On, Relieve It, Peace & Calming, Peace & Application and Usage
Calming II, Deep Relief Roll-On, PanAway, Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Relieve It Topical: Reler to Application Guidelines.
Nutritionals: PD 80/20, BLM, AgilEase, Sul-
. Apply 2-4drops neat or diluted 50:50 to
affected area 3-5 times daily as required. Blends: Cool Azul, Aroma Siez, Peace & Calm-
ing, Peace & Calming II, PanAway, RutaVala,
. Place a cold compress on location 2-3 times RutaVaLa Roll-On, Deep Relief Roll-On
daily. Nutritionals: PowerGize, Super B, OmegaGize3,
Sulfurzyme, Longevity Softgels, Mineral
Neuropathy Essence, MegaCal, Super B, Super C, Super
C Chewable, MultiGreens, PD 80/20,
Neuropathy refers to actual damage to the MindWise
peripheral nerves, usually from an auroimmune Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
condition. Regenolone Moisturizing Cream, Cool Azul
Pain Relief Cream, Cool Azul Sports Gel,
Damage to these peripheral nerves (other than Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho Sport Mas-
spinal or those in the brain) generally starts as tin-
gling in hands and feet and slowly spreads along sage oil
limbs to the trunk.
Application and Usage
Numbness, sensitive skin, neuralgic pain, and Aromatie Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
Topical Refer rc Application Guifulines.
weakening of muscle power can all develop in
varying degrees. Most common causes include . Apply 2-4 drops neat or diluted 50:50 to
complications from diabetes (diabetic neuropa-
thy), alcoholism, vitamin B12 deficiency, tumors, affected aret3-5 times daily, as required.
too many painkillers, exposure to and absorption . Place a cold compress on location 2-3 times
of chemicals, metals, pesticides, etc.
B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium,
calcium, potassium, and organic sulfur are im- Neuropathy Blend No. I
portant in repairing nerue damage and quenching
pain from infamed nerves. . 3 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense
. 3 drops Geranium
Canadian Fleabane (Conyza) may boost pro-
. 3 drops Lavender
duction of pregnenolone and human growth
Neuropathy Blend No. 2
hormone. Pregnenolone aids in repairing damage
to the myelin Juniper also may help in . 3 drops Geranium
supporting nerve repair. . 3 drops Helichrysum
. 3 drops Cedarwood
Ifparalysis is a problem, a regeneration ofup to . 2 drops Peppermint
60 percent may be possible. If, however, the newe
damage is too severe, treatment may not help. If NERVOUS SYSTEM, AUTONOMIC
the damage starts to reverse, there will be pain. Ap- The autonomic neruous system controls in-
ply a few drops of PanAway neat on location.
voluntary activities such as heartbeat, breathing,
Symptoms can include a prickling or burning digestion, glandular activiry and contraction and
sensation, or increased sensitiviry to touch, tingling dilation of blood vessels.
or numbness-
The autonomic nervous system is composed
Recommendations of two parts that balance and complement each
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, other: the parasympathetic and sympathetic ner-
vous systems. More simply, the sympathetic ner-
Lavender, Cedarivood, Idaho Blue Spruce, vous system is "fight or fight" or excitatory while
Pepperminr, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, the parasympathetic system is "rest and digest" or
Valerian, Geranium, Goldenrod, Helichry- inhibitory.
sum, Nutmeg
To Stimulate Parasympathetic Chewable, Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence, L
Nervous System MindVise, Essentialzymes-4, Essentialzyme,
MegaCal L
The parasympathetic nervous system has re-
Application and Usage L
Iuing effects and is responsible for secreting Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidtlines. L
Dietary and Ora[ Refer to Application Guidzlines. L
acerylcholine, which slows the heart and speeds
digestion. . Thke 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary \
Recommendations oil 2 times daily. L
Singles: Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Valerian, L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in L
Patchouli, Marjoram, Marjoram Vital-
iry, Yang Ylang, Rose, Vetiver, Idaho Blue a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, L
Spruce, Sage, Sage Vitality juice, or water. L
Blends: Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II, Topical Refer to Application Guidtlines. L
Harmony, Valor, Valor Rol[-On, RutaVala, L
RutaVala Roll-On . Have Raindrop Technique 2 times a week.
Nutritionals: NingXia Red, MegaCal, Mind- (
\7ise, Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence, Super B, NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES
Super C, Super C Chewable (SEE ALSO NERVE DISORDERS) t
Application and Usage Neurologic diseases are disorders of the spinal (
Aromatic: Reler to Application Guidclines. cord, brain, and nerues throughout your body. To-
Dietary and OraltRefer o Applicarion Guidrlin€s. gether they control all the functions oF the body. L
There are more rhan 600 neruological diseases.
. Take 1 capsule of desiredVitaliry or dietary CAUTION: Never use hot packs for neurologi-
oil 2 times daily. cal problems. Always use cold packs to reduce
pain and inflammation. In other words,
. ^take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in reduce the temperarure ofrhe damaged site.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease)
juice, or water. Lou Gehrigt disease is another name for Amy-
Topical Refer o Application Guidzlines.
otrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative
. Have Raindrop Technique 2 times a week. nerve disorder. ALS affects the nerve fibers in the
spinal cord that control vo[untary movement.
To Stimulate Sympathetic
Nervous System Muscles require conrinuous srimulation by
their associated nerves ro maintain their tone.
The sympathetic nervous sysrem has stimula-
tory effects and is responsible for secreting stress Removal or deadening of these nerves resulrs
hormones like adrenaline and noradrenaline. in muscular atrophy. The lack of conrrol forces
Recommendations the muscles to spasm, resulting in rwitching and
Singls: Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Ginger, Ginger cramps. The sensory pathways are unaffected, so
feeling is never lost in the affiicted muscles.
Vitaliry Eucalyprus Radiata, Peppermint,
Peppermint Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Juniper may support nerue function. Frank-
Vitaliry Black Peppea Black Pepper Vitaliry incense may help clear rhe emotions of fear and
Blends: Clariry Brain Power, GeneYus anger, which is common with people who have
Nutritionals: Super B, Super C, Super C these neurologic diseases. When these diseases are
contracted, people often become suicidal.
, Hope, Joy, Gathering, and Forgiveness will Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
.help individuals work through rhe psychological
Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 on the brain
and emotional aspects ofthe disease. reflex points on the forehead, temples, and
mastoids (just behind ears).
Sulfur deficienry is often prevalent in neu-
. Use a direct pressure application and mas-
rological diseases. Sulfur requires calcium and
vitamin C for the body ro metabolize. Super B sage 6-10 drops diluted 50:50 from the base
and Sulfurzyme work well rogerher ro help repair ofthe skull, down the neck, and down the
nerue damage and the myelin sheath. spine.
Recommendations . Place a few drops ofoil on a loofah brush
Singles: Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Royal
and rub along the spine vigorously. Always
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, use a natural bristle brush, since the oils may
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin- dissolve plastic bristles.
cense Vitaliry Helichrysum, Cypress, Sage,
Sage Vitaliry Juniper, Clove, Clove Vitaliry . Receive a Raindrop Technique 3 times
Cardamom, Cardamom Vitaliry Eucalyptus
Blue, Ylang Ylang monthly.
Blends: Hope, Joy, Gathering, Brain Power,
Clariry GeneYus, Forgiveness, Common Huntington's Chorea
Huntington's chorea is a degenerative nerve
disease that general[y becomes manifest in middle
Nutritionals: PD 80/20, BLM, AgilEase,
AminolWise, Sulfurzyme, Mind\)/ise, age. It is marked by uncontrollable body move-
MultiGreens, MegaCal, Super C, Super
C Chewable, Super B, Longeviry Softgels, ments, which are followed-and occasionally pre-
OmegaGize3 ceded-by mental deterioration.
Personal Cre: Prenolone PIus Body Cream, Note: Huntington's chorea should not be con-
fused with Sydenhamt chorea, often called St.
Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream Vitus Dance, chorea minor, or juvenile chorea
that affects children, especially females, usually
appearing berween the ages of7 and 14. The jerk-
ing symptoms eventually disappear.
Application and Usage Recommendations
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidzlines. Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Juniper, Basil, Basil Vitaliry Roval Hawai-
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
ian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandahvood, Sacred
oil 2 times daily.
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense
. Take2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Vitaliry Geranium, Palo Santo, Eucalyptus
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. Blue
ALS Blend Blends: Aroma Siez, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-
. 3 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry On, EndoFIex, EndoFlex Vitaliry Awaken,
. 2 drops Clove or Clove Vitality Christmas Spirit, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh
. 1 drop Eucalyptus Blue Vitaliry Tianquil Roll-On
. I drop Ylang Ylang Nutritionals: PowerGize, Sulfurzyme, BLM,
. 1 drop Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, AgilEase, MultiGreens, NingXia Red, Ningxia
lWolfberries (Organic, Dried), Slique Shake,
or Frankincense Vitality Super C, Super C Chewable, Super B,
MegaCal, Mind\Visc, OmegaGize.t, Master virus, while orhers make a case that it has a srrong L
Formula, Balance Complete, Mineral Essence, L
Essentialzyme, Allerzyme gcneric or environmental component,
Application and Usage Symptoms
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelircs. L
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidalinas. . Mrrrcle wrakrress in extremirics L
. Deteriorating coordinarion and balance L
. Take I capsule ofdesired Viraliry or dietary . Nrrnrbness or prickling serrsariorrs
. Poor attention or memory L
oil 2 times daily,. . Speech inrpediments
. Incontinence L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliw or dietary oil in . Tremors
. Dizziness L
a spoonful oFsvrup or small amount of milk, . Hearing loss
juice, or water. L
Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guidelinas. Recommendations L
Singles: Junipcr, (lcranium, Sacred Frankin- L
. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 on rhe brxin
cense, Frankincense, Frankincense Viralin., L
reflex points on the forehead, temples, and Rosemary, Rosemarv Vitalin, Basil, Basil L
Vitaliq', Helichrvsum, Sacred Sirndalrvood, L
. mastoids lust behinci ears. L
Royal Harvaiian Sandahvood, Peppermint, L
Use a direct pressure application and mas-
sage 6-10 drops diluted 50:50 From the base Peppermint Vitalin, Thvme, Thyme Vitrrlin', (
ofthe skull. down the neck. and dou,n the
spine. Marjoram, Marjoram Vitalin., Cypress L
. Place a few drops oFoil on a looFah brush Blends: PanArvar,, Cool Azul, Valor, Valor L
and rub along the spine vigorously. Always Roll-On, Aroma Siez, Deep Relief Roll-C)n,
use a natural bristle brush, since the oils may
dissolve plastic bristles. RutaVaLa, RutaVala Roll-C)n, Acceptance,
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 3 tirnes Arvaken
monrhly. Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, PowerGizc,
Nere Blend
OmegaGize', Sulftrrzyrne, MultiGreens,
. 5 drops Juniper
. 3 drops Aroma Siez Slique Shake, Essentiirlzyme, Essentialzvmcs-4,
. 2 drops Peppernint or Pepperrnint Vitaliry
. 1 drop Basil or Basil Vitalitv Mineral Essence, MegaCal. Super C, Super C
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Chewable, Super B, NingXia Red, MindWise
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive, disabling au- Personal Cue: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream.
toimmune disease of the nervous system, brain, Cool Azul Sports Gel, Progcssence Plus,
and spinal cord in which inflammation occurs in
the central neruous sysrem. Eventually, the my- Regcnolone Moisrurizing Cream, Ortho Sport
elin sheaths protecting the nerves are destroyed, Massage Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil
resulting in a slowing or blocking of nerue trans-
mission. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelincs.
MS is an autoimmune disease in which the Dietary md OraI: Rcl'er to Applicntion Guideliuas.
bodyt own immune system attacls the nerves.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitalirv or dietarv
Some researchers believe that MS is triggered by a
oil 2 times daily.
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliw or dietary oil in
a spoonlul oFsvrup or small amounr of milk,
iuicc, or rvater
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. N/aintai n ing N/ ulti ple
. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 on the brain Sclerosis (N/S) Status Quo
refex points on the forehead, temples, and One of the simplest ways to keep MS
mastoids just behind the ears. symptoms from progressing or becoming
. Apply direct pressure and massage 6-10 more severe is to keep the body cool and avoid
drops diluted 50:50 from the base ofthe any locations or physical activities that heat
skull, down the neck, and down the spine. the body (including hot showers or exercise).
Cold baths and relaxed swimming are two of
. Place a few drops ofoil on a loofah brush the besr activities for relieving sy,mpt6p5.
and rub along the spine vigorously. Always Applying heat is the worst thing to do for
MS. lIan MS parienr is expcriencirg increas-
use a natural bristle brush, since the oils may inglv severe symptoms, lower the patient's
body temperature (by up to 3 degrees F) b1,
dissolve plastic bristles. having the patient lie on a rable, covering rhe
patient with a sheet, ice, shower curtain, irnd
o Receive a Raindrop Technique 3-4 times blankets (in that order) fbr l0 to I 5 minutes
or longer if possible. The indir.idual can tell
monthly. you how he or she feels. tWork the feer ri,irli
MS Blend oils and watch for benefits.
. 4 drops Geranium Parkinson's Disease
. 4 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitaliry
. 2 drops Helichrysum Parkinson's disease is a deterioration oIspecific
. 2 drops Juniper nerve centers in the brain that affects more men
than women by a ratio of 3:2.
MS DailyRegimen Symptoms
1. Apply neat 4-6 drops of Helichrysum,
Geranium, Juniper, Sacred Sandalwood, . Tremors, an involuntary shaking ofhands,
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Rosemary and
Peppermint Raindrop-sryle along the spine. head, or both
Lightly massage oils in the direction of the
MS paralysis. For example, if it is in the . fugidiry, slowed movement, and loss of
lower part of the spine, massage down; if it balance
is in the upper parr of rhe spine, massage up. . Stooped posture
Follow the application with 30 minutes of . Continuous rubbing together ofthurnb
cold packs (change cold pacls as needed).
2. Apply 4-6 drops ofValor on the spine. Ifthe and [orefinger
MS affects the legs, rub down the spine; if it . Mask-like face
. Tiouble swallowing
affects the neck, rub up the spine. . Depression
. Difficulry performing simple tasks
3. Apply 2-3 drops each ofCypress, Sacred
These symptoms may all be seen at differenr
Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, stages of the disease. The tremors are most severe
and Marjoram to the back of the neck and
then cover with 2-3 drops of Aroma Siez.
To give additional emotional support to the
person with MS symptoms, use Acceptance and
Awaken. Be patient. Overcoming MS is a long-
term endeavor.
when the affected part of the body is not in use. use a natural bristle brush, since the oils may
There is no pain or other sensation, orher than dissolve plastic bristles.
a decreased abiliry to move. Symptoms appear
slowly in no particular order and may end before . Receive a Raindrop Technique 3 times
they interFere with normal acriviries.
Restoring dopamine levels in the brain can CAUTION: Never use hot packs for neurologi-
reduce symptoms of Parkinson's. Sulfurzyme pro- cal problems. Always use cold packs to reduce
vides a source oforganic sulfur, a vital nutrient for pain and inflammation. In other words,
nerve and myelin shearh lormarion. reduce the temperature ofthe affected area.
Recommendations Restless Legs Syndrome
Singles: He[ichrysum, Lavender, Lavender (See also Attention Deficit Disorder)
Vitaliry, Pepperminr, Pepperminr Vitaliry Ce- Restless legs syndrome (Willis-Ekbom disease)
darwood, Myrrh, Basil, Basil Vitaliry, Sacred is a neurologic disorder characterized by an ir-
Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood resistible urge to move the body to stop odd or
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry Peace & Calming,
Peace & Calming II, Valor, Valor Roll-On, uncomfortable sensarions. It commonly affects
Brain Power, Shutran
Nutritionals: PowerGize, Sulfurzyme, Super B, the legs but can also affect the torso, arms, and
PD 80/20, BLM, AgilEase, Mind\Xl'ise, Min-
even phantom limbs. For many people, Peace &
eral Essence, Slique Shake, JuvaPower, Super
C, Super C Chewable, Life 9, OmegaGizer, Calming on the bottoms of the feet ar night is the
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4 solution for this problem.
Application and Usage Recommendations
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. Singls: Valerian, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry
Dietry and Oralz Reler to Application Guidelines.
Basil, Basil Vitaliry Marjoram, Marjoram
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary Vitaliry Cypress, Roman Chamomile
Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Aroma
oil 2 times daily. Siez, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming
II, Tranquil Roll-On, Stress Away Roll-On,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Virality or dietary oil in Valor, Valor Roll-On
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Mineral Essence, Multi-
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Greens, MegaCal, OmegaGizer, SleepEssence,
.juice, or water. Thyromin, MindWise, PowerGize, BLM,
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. AgilEase
. Apply l-3 drops diluted 50:50 on the brain Application and Usage
Aromatiq Refer to Application Guitrzlines.
reflex points on the forehead, temples, and Dietary and Oral: Vhether putting the Vitaliry
mastoids just behind the ears.
or dietary oils in a capsule or drinking them
. Use a direct pressure application and mas- in a liquid, please
refer to Application Guidtlines.
sage 6-10 drops dilured 50:50 lrom the base
ofthe skull, down the neck, and down the . Thke I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
spine. oil 2 times daily.
. Place a few drops ofoil on a loofah brush . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
and rub along the spine vigorously. Always a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk,
312 juice, or water.
Topical Refer to Application Guiddinel Topical Reler to Applicatiln Gilidrlines.
. Apply 2-4drops neat as desired. . Receive a Raindrop Technique treatment 1
. Massage 2-4 drops oFoil on the Vita Flex
time a week.
points ofthe feer before retiring.
o Receive a Raindrop Technique I time a Millions of people have chronic sinus troubles,
week. and millions more suffer from rhinitis, a rerm for
stufi! nose. One of the most effective treatments
Schizophrenia for nasal and sinus problems is a saltwater nose
This is a neurologic disease rhat involves iden-
tity confusion. Onset is typically between the
late teens and early 30t. Abnormal neurological Dry Nose
Dry nose refers to a lack of moisture in the na-
findings may show a broad range ofdysfunction,
including slow reaction time, poor coordination, sal passage, which can occasionally cause the skin
abnormalities in eye tracking, and impaired sen- inside the nose to itch, crack, and bleed.
sory gating.
Typically, schizophrenia involves dysfuncrion Singles: Myrrh, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint
in one or more areas such as interpersonal rela- Blends: R.C., Raven, Breathe Again Roll-On,
tions, work, education, or self-care. Some cases
are believed to be caused by viral infection. SniffieEase
Recommendations Personal Care Rose Ointment, Boswellia
Singls: Cardamom, Cardamom Viraliry Cedar- \W'rinkle Cream
wood, Vetiver, Melissa, Rosemary, Rosemary Application and Usage
Vitaliry Valerian, Peppermint, Peppermint Aromatiq Refer o Application Guidelines.
Vitaliry Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Topical Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Frankincense Vitality
Blends: Brain Power, GeneYus, Valor, Valor Rol[- . Apply 1-? drops dilured 50:50 to the nostril
On, M-Grain, Clariry Common Sense
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, MegaCal, Mind- walls with a cotton swab 2 times daily.
\)7ise, NingXia Red, Super B, Slique Shake,
JuvaPower, Master Formula, Ningxia rWolfber- . Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on the
ries (Organic, Dried)
bottoms on rhe Vita Flex points of the feet
Application and Usage just before bedtime.
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines. DryNose Blend
. Diffuse your choice ofoils for % hour every . 2 drops Lavender
. 1 drop Myrrh
4-6 hours or as desired.
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidzlines. Loss of Smell
The senses ofsmell and taste are strongly con-
. Take 1 capsule of desiredVitality or dietary
nected. Some of the common causes of loss of
oil 2 times daily. smell and taste are cigarette smoke, medications
like antibiotics and blood pressure medicines, the
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in common cold, pollutants, allergies, blocked nasal
passages, tooth and gum diseases, chemotherapy,
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, Alzheimer's disease, surgery, tumors, Parkinson's
.juice, or water. disease, polyps, or even a head injury.
Recommendations Nasal lrrigation Regimen L
Singles: Peppermint, Thyme, Myrrle, Eucalyptus L
Essential oils can be used in a saline solu-
Globulus tion for very effective nasal irrigation that
Blends: R.C., Raven, Exodus II, Joy, Highest clears and decongests sinuses. As recom-
mended by Daniel Pdno€I, MD, rhe saline
Potential, The Gift, Sensation solution is prepared as follows:
Nutritionals: NingXia Red
. l0 drops Rosemary
Application and Usage . 6 drops Tea Tiee
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guifulines. . 8 tablespoons ultra-fine sea salt
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Also very effective is the following:
. 10 drops Rosemary
ifNosebleeds usually are not serious. However, ' 6 drops Thyme
. 2 drops Cypress
bleeding does nor srop in a short rime or is exces- . 8 tablespoons ultra-Ene sea salt
sive or frequent, consult your health care profes-
sional. The essential oils are mixed thoroughly in
the 6ne salt and stored in a sealed container.
Singles: Cistus, Helichrysum, Cypress, Dorado For each nasal irrigation session, I reaspoon
of rhis salt mixture is dissolved into 17: cups
Azul, Geranium
Blends: GLF, JuvaCleanse oF distilled water.
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, Sulfurzyme, This solution is then placed in the rank o[
Master Formula an oral irrigaror or neti pot to irrigate rhe na-
sal cavities, which is done while bending over
Application and Usage a sink. This application has brought surpris-
Topical: Reier ro Application Guidelinas. ingly positive results in treating latent sinusitis
and other nasal congestion problems.
. Apply 2-4 drops neat to the briclge and sides
about the size ofa thumb nail, push it up
of the nose and back of the neck. Repeat ;rs under the top lip in the center ro rhe base
of the nose. Hold lrom the outside with lip
needed. pressure. This usually will stop bleeding in a
very short time.
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Polyps, Nasal
helpful and reFreshing. Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous
. Dilute 50:50 and applv on location 3-6 growths on the lining of the nasal passages or si-
nuses. They hang down like grapes or teardrops
times daily. and result from chronic inflammation due to al-
lergies, asthma, recurring infection, drug sensitiv-
. Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on thc bor- iry or certain immune disorders.
toms on the Vita Flex poinrs of the f'ect jusr
before bedrime. Children love ir.
Nosebleed Blend
. 3 drops Geranium or Helichrysum
. 2 drops Cistus
. 2 drops Cypress
Nosebleed Regimen
. Pur I tlrop ofCeranium on r ri\sue paper
and wrap the paper around a chip ofice
Small polyps may not cause problems, but Recommendations
Iarger growths or groups of polyps can block the Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Ro-
nasal passages, lead to breathing problems, cause
man Chamomile, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry
frequent infections, or cause a lost sense of smell. Clove, Clove Vitaliry Grapefruit, Grapefruit
Vitality, Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Cinnamon
Recommendations Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry Lavender,
Singles: Citronella, Helichrysum, Sacred Frank- Lavender Vitaliry Sacred Frankincense,
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Berga-
incense, Frankincense mot, Bergamor Vitaliry
Blend: Purification, Citrus Fresh, Melrose Blends: Slique Essence, Build Your Dream, Valor,
Valor Roll-On, JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vital-
Application and Usage iry Oola Balance, Joy, The Gift, 3 W'ise Men,
Topical: Refer to Application Gnidelines. Sacred Mountain, lW4rite Algelica, Gathering,
Freedom, My Destiny, Fulfill Your Destiny
. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on a corron Nutritionals: JuvaPower, Thyromin, Detoxzyme,
OmegaGizer, Slique Shake, Slique CitraSlim,
swab and carefully apply on the inside
nostrils l-3 times daily. SIique Bars, Slique Bars (Chocolate-Coated),
OBESITY (SEE ALSO DEPRESSION) Slique Gum, Balance Complete, Digest &
Hormone treatments using natural progester-
Cleanse, Pure Prorein Complete, Chocolate-
one (For women) and testosterone (for men) may Coared lWolfberry Crisp Bars
be one of the most powerful treatments for obe- Personal Care: Progessence PIus, Prenolone Plus
siry In women, progesterone levels drop dramati- Body Cream, Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
cally after menopause, and rhis can result in sub-
stantial weight gain, particularly around the hips Application and Usage
and thighs. Using transdermal creams or serums Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
to replace declining progesrerone can result in a Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidrlines.
substantial decline in body fat.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
Diffusing or directly inhaling essential oils can
have an immediate positive impact on moods and oil 2 times daily.
appetites. Olfaction is the only sense that can
have a direct effect on the limbic region of the . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
brain. Studies ar rhe Universiry of Vienna have
shown that some essential oils and their primary a spoonfii of syrup or small amount of milk,
constituents can stimulate blood flow and activity juice, or water.
in the emotional centers ofthe brain.l! Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines.
Fragrance influences can penetrate the amyg- . Applying a single drop under the nose is
dala in the center of the brain in such a manner
thar frequent smelling oF pleasing aromas can sig- helpful and refreshing.
nificantly reduce appetite. Dr. Alan Hirsch, in his
landmark studies, showed dramatic rveight loss in . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot-
research subjects using aromas from peppermint
oil and vanilla absolute to curb food cravings.a' toms of the feet.just before bedtime.
Poor oral hygiene has not only been linked to
bad breath (halitosis) but also to cardiovascular
disease. Some ofthe same bacteria that populate
the mouth have now been implicated in arterio- Application and Usage
Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
Essential oils make excellent oral antiseptics,
analgesics, and anti-inflammatories. Clove essen- oil 2 times daily.
tial oil has been used in mainsrream dentistry for
decades to numb the gums and help prevenr in- . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaiity or dietary oil in
fections. Similarly, menthol (found in Peppermint
essential oil), methyl sallailate (found in Vinter- a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
green essential oil), thymol (found in Thyme essen- juice, or water.
tial oil), and eucalyptol (found in Eucalyptus and
Rosemary essential oils) are in approved OTC drug . Gargle 3-10 times daily with Thieves Fresh
products for combating gingivitis and periodontal
Essence Plus Mouthwash or as needed.
. Brush teeth and gums after every meal with
Bleeding Gums
a Thieves Toothpaste.
Bleeding gums can be a sign rhat you have, or Blend for Combating Gum Bleeding
are at risk foq gum disease. However, persistenr
gum bleeding may be caused by serious medi- . 2 drops Myrrh
cal conditions such as leukemia or bleeding and . 2 drops Helichrysum
platelet disorders. Bleeding gums are mainly due . 1 drop Thieves Vitaliry or Thieves
to inadequate plaque removal from the teeth at . 1 drop Frankincense Vitaliry Frankincense,
the gum line, which will lead to gingivitis, or in-
famed gums. or Sacred Frankincense
Topicaft Refer to Application Guidelines.
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Eucalyptus . Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on gums 2-3
Globulus, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, times daily.
Frankincense Vitaliry Rosemary, Rose-
mary Vitality, Helichrysum, lWintergreen, Dental Visits
Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry Prior to visiting the dentist, rub 1 drop each ol
Mountain Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliry
Myrrh, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Clove and PanAway on gums and jaw. Clove may
Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose, Pan- interfere with bonding of crowns, so keep it off
Away, Relieve It, Slique Essence the teeth ifthis procedure is planned.
Nutritionals: Slique Gum, KidScents Slique
Toothpaste, Super C General OraI Infection: For general oral infec-
Oral Care: Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, tion of any kind, roll a piece of gauze tightly
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves into a string aboutVt inch thick. Put drops of
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh
Essence Plus Mouthwash, Thieves Dental Thieves blend on it; ifit feels too "hor," add
Floss, Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Mints
V-6. Put the string between the teeth and the
lip near the tooth and leave it all night, allow-
ing it to 'wick up," or absorb, the infection.
Change as often as needed.
Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Periodontal diseases are infections of the gum
and bone that hold the teeth in place. Gingivitis
affects the upper areas of the gum where it bonds
to the visible enamel, while periodontitis is a
more internal infection affecting the gum at the
root level of the tooth. In advanced srages, rhese
diseases can lead to painful chewing problems and Mouth Ulcers (See Canker Sores)
even tooth loss. Mouth ulcers are sores or open lesions in the
Oils such as Peppermint, \Tintergreen, Clove, mouth and are caused by many disorders such as
Thyme, and all eucalyptus yarieties can kill bacte- canker sores, oral cancer, thrush, fever blisters, or
ria and effectively combat a variety of gum infec- gingivostomariris.
Recommendations Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Tea Tiee, Thyme,
Tea Tree, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry, Myrrh,
Thyme Mraliry, Mountain Savory Mountain Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Peppermint, Pep-
Savory Vitaliry'$Tinrergreen, Peppermint, permint Vitality, Oregano, Oregano Mtality
Peppermint Vtaliry Oregano, Oregano Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exodus II, Im-
Vitaliry Helichrysum, Eucalyptus Globulus, muPower, Slique Essence
Eucalyptus Radiata Nutritionals: Alkalime, ImmuPro, Inner
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exodus II, Defense
PanAway, Slique Essence, ImmuPower Oral Care Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste,
Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Lon- KidScents Slique Toothpaste, Thieves Den-
geviry Softgels, OmegaGizes, Inner Defense, tarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves Denrarome
ImnruPro UltraToothpaste, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus
Oral Carq Thieves fuomaBright Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves
Thieves Denrarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves Mints, Thieves Spray, Slique Gum
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh
Essence Plus Mouthwash, Thieves Hard Loz- Application and Usage I
enges, Thieves Mints, Thieves Spray, Thieves Dietary md OralzRefer rc Application Gaidelines.
Dental Floss, Slique Gum
. Take I capsule ofdesiredVitality or dietary
Application and Usage
Dietary and Oral:'Whether putting the Vital- oil 2 times daily.
iry or dietary oils in a capsule or drinking . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
them in a liquid, please refer o Application
a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk,
juice, or water.
. Take I capsule ofdesiredVitalityor dietary
. Gargle 3-10 times daily with Thieves Fresh
oil 2 times daily.
Essence Plus Mouthwash or as needed.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. Brush teerh and gums after every meal with
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or warer. a Thieves Toorhpaste.
. Gargle 3-10 times daily with Thieves Fresh . Gargle with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus
Essence Plus Mouthwash or as needed. Mouthwash or Thieves Spray and add 1-2
drops of Thieves Vitaliry Clove Vitaliry
. Brush teeth and gums after every meal with and Exodus II to strengthen the therapeutic
a Thieves Toothpaste.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on gums 2
times daily.
Oral lnfection Control Blends: Thieves, Exodus II, ImmuPower (dilute
Oral infection control procedures are precau- alI if desired)
tions taken in dental offices and other health care Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, Essentialzyme,
settings to prevent the spread ofdisease. Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, MegaCal,
Slique Shake, Inner Defense, ImmuPro
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Myrrh, Oregano, Oral Care: Thieves Fresh Essence Plus
Mouthwash, Thieves Spray, Thieves
Oregano Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry AromaBright Toothpaste, KidScents Slique
Helichrysum, Eucalyptus Radiata Toothpaste, Thieves Dentarome Ultra
Blends: PanAway, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Toothpaste, Thieves Dentarome Plus
R.C., Slique Essence, ImmuPower Toothpaste, Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Mineral Mints, Thieves Dental Floss
Essence, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life
9, Detoxzyme, MegaCal, Slique Shake Application and Usage
Oral Care: Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth- Dietary md Oral: Use any of the recommended
wash, Thieves Spray, Thieves AromaBright
Toothpaste, KidScents Slique Toothpaste, single oils or blends with toothpaste on tooth-
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves brush or alone. Generally, 1-2 drops are very
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Hard sufficient. For some people, the recommended
Lozenges, Thieves Mints, Slique Gum oils will seem very "hot." Even one drop
mixed with toothpaste may seem very strong,
Application and Usage but within a minute the "hot" Feeling is gone,
TopicaL Refer rc Application Guidzlines. and the mouth feels very clean and refreshed.
Many people like using one drop of Slique
. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on gums and Essence or Thieves directly on the toothbrush
without using any toothpaste.
around teeth. Repeat as needed.
. Gargle 4-6 times daily with Thieves Fresh
. Just before a rooth extracrion, rub 1-2 drops
Essence Plus Mouthwash or as needed.
of Helichrysum, Thieves Vitality, and R.C.
around the gum area. . Mix 1-2 drops of Clove Vitaliry or any other
. Rubbing R.C. on gums may also help to recommended oil of choice in a glass of water
bring back feeling after numbness from and gargle.
' Spray mouth several times daily with Thieves
Essential oils are some of the best treatments Spray.
against gum diseases such as gingivitis and pyor- Topical: Refer o Application Gridelines.
rhea. For example: the active constituent in clove . Put 1-2 drops ofThieves on your toothbrush
oil is eugenol, which is used as a denral disinfec- directly or put 1-2 drops ofThieves on your
tant and is one of the best-studied germ killers
available. Dentarome toothpaste.
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme . Put I drop ofThieves directly on affected
Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry, lWinter- tooth and gum area, as needed.
green (dilute all 50:50)
Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding (bruism) is a condition in
which you grind, clench, or gnash your teeth,
consciously or unconsciously. Ifit is frequent and
severe enough, it can lead ro jaw disorders, head- . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
aches, damaged teeth, and other problems.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
Recommendations juice, or water
Singles: Valerian, Lavender. Lavender Vitaliry
. Gargie 4-6 times daily or as needed with
Roman Chamomile
Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mourhwash.
Blends: Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II, Note: All essenrial oils should be diluted 20:80
RutaVala, RuraVala Roll-On, Stress Away
Roll-On, Tianquil Roll-On, ImmuPower before being used orally on small children.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Nuttitionals: Mineral Essence, MegaCal, Im-
muPro, SleepEssence, Inner Defense . Apply oil neat or diluted 50:50 on affected
OraI Care: Thieves Spray, Thieves AromaBright tooth and gum area as needed.
Toothpaste, KidScents Slique Toothpaste.
Thieves Dentarome PlusToothpaste, Thieves PAIN
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh
Essence Plus Mouthwash, Slique Gum One of the most effective essential oils for
blocking pain is Helichrysum. A study in 1994
Application and Usage showed that Peppermint is extremely effective
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. in blocking calcium channels and substance P,
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines. important factors in the transmission of pain
r Massage 1-3 drops neat ofLavender, Ru- signals.a6 Other essential oils also have unique
pain-relieving and anri-inflammarory properties.
taVala, and Valerian on bottoms of feet each including Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
night before retiring. Eucalyptus Blue, Vetiver, Dorado Azul, Palo San-
to, Valerian, and Idaho Balsam Fir.
Toothache and Teething Pain
A toothache is a pain in or around a roorh, and MSM, a source of organic sulfur, has also been
proven to be extremely effective for alleviating
trealment for a toothache depends on the cause. pain, especially tissue and joint pain. The subject
of a best-selling book by Dr. Ronald Lawrence
Recommendations and Dr. Stanley Jacobs, MSM is redefining the
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Sacred Frankin- treatment of pain, especially associared with ar-
thritis and fibromyalgia. Sulfurzyme is an excel-
cense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Ient source of MSM.
German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Vitaliry Tea Tiee Natural pregnenolone can also blunt pain.
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry PanAway, Cool
Azul, Slique Essence How It/SNl Works to Control Pain
When fluid pressure inside cells is higher
Oral Cre Thieves Spray, Thieves AromaBright
than outside, pain is experienced. MSM,
Toothpaste, KidScents Slique Toothpaste, found in Sulfurzyme, equalizes fuid pressure
Thieves Dentarome PIus Toothpaste, Thieves
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh inside cells and helps balance the prorein en-
Essence Plus Mouthwash, Slique Gum velope of the cell so that water transfers freely
in and out.
Application and Usage
Dietary md Oral:Refer rc Application Guidelines. 319
. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliryordietary
oil 2 times daily.
Essential Oils for Pain Control Topical Refer to Application Guidtlines.
PanAway, Cool Azul, and Relieve It blends ' Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on location,
are powerful for pain reduction. tVhen ap-
plied on location or to the Vita Flex poinrs as needed.
on the feet, they can act within seconds. Al-
ternate them. . Massage several drops onto the Vita FIex
These blends are powerful for deep-tissue points ofthe feet and repeat as needed.
pain as well as lor bone-related pain. Deep
Relief Roll-On is extremely helpful and handy Chronic Pain
to use at home, at work, or when traveling. To pinpoint the most effective essential oil sin-
gle, blend, or product for quenching pain, it may
be necessary to try each of the products in these
categories to find those that are most effective for
your particular pain situation.
Bone.related Pain Recommendations
Bone pain emanates from the bone rissue and Singles: Helichrysum, rVintergreen, Clove,
Clove Vitaliry Peppermint, Peppermint
occurs as a result ofdisease and/or physical condi- Vitaliry Dorado Azul, Palo Santo, Idaho Blue
Spruce, Elemi, Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry
tions. Each rype ofbone pain has many potential Idaho Balsam Fir, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry
sources or causes.
Recommendations Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin-
Singls: Helichrysum, STintergreen, Idaho cense Vitaliry Northern Lights Black Spruce
Blends: PanAway, Deep Relief Roll-On, Cool
Balsam Fir, Copaiba, Peppermint, Vetiveq Azul, Relieve It, Aroma Siez, Release, Sacred
Dorado Azul, Palo Santo, Idaho Blue Spruce, Mountain
Pine, Cypress Nutritionals: PowerGize, Sulfurzyme, Super Cal
Plus, MegaCal, BLM, AgilEase
Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Deep Relief Roll- Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
On, Cool Azul Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Regenolone
Nutitionals: Sulfurzyme, MegaCal, BLM, Moisturizing Cream
AgilEase, Mineral Essence, Master Formula,
MultiGreens, Super B, Super C, Super C
Personal Carq Cool Azul Pain Relief, Cool Azul Application and Usage
Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho Dietary and OraltRefer rc Application Guidelines.
) Sport Massage Oil, Regenolone Moisturizing . Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliryor dietary
Application and Usage 2 times daily.
Dietary and OraI: Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
oil 2 times daily. juice, or water.
Note: All Vitaliry or dietary essential oils should
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dieery oil in be diluted 20:80 before being used orally in
smalI children.
a spoonfi.rl of syrup or small amount of milk, Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
juice, or water.
Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on location, Application and Usage
as needed. Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidelines.
Place l-2 drops oil with a warm compress on
location, as needed. . Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
PANCREATITIS oil 3 times weekly.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
rhat can be eirher acute or chronic. a spoonfiJ of syrup or small mount of milk,
Acute pancreatitis can be brought on by a sud- juice, or water.
den blockage in the main pancrearic duct caused Topical Refer o Application Guidzlines.
by enzymes unable to function properly with the . Receive a Raindrop tchnique 2 times a
pancreas. They literally begin digesting the pan- week.
. Retention: lJse an enema with the recom-
mended oils 3 times per week.
creas unless remedied. Ifthere is not good flow of
the enzymatic process whereby nutrients are able PARASTTES, TNTESTTNAL (WORMS)
to be absorbed and waste eliminated, the enzymes Many rypes of parasites use up nurrients while
begin to fight against that blockage. giving offtoxins; this can leave the body depleted,
nutritionally deficient, and susceptible to infec-
Chronic pancreatitis occurs more gradually,
with attacks recurring over weeks or months. tious disease.
Symptoms . Sudden hyperten- Occasionaily, parasites can lie dormant in the
body and then become active due to ingesrion of
. Abdominal pain sion
. Muscle aches a particular food or drink. This can result in the
. Vomiting . Rapid weight loss
. Jaundice . Fever appearance and disappearance of symptoms, even
. Abdominal swelling
though parasites are always present.
In the case of acure pancreatitis, a total fast for The parasite Cryptosporidium paruum may be
present in many municipal or tap waters. To re-
at least 4-5 days is one ofthe safest and most ef- move this parasite, the warer musr be distilled or
fective methods of alleviating the problem. In the filtered using a 0.3 micron filter.
case ofinfection, fasting should be combined with Symptoms
immune stimulation by using Thieves combined . Fatigue . Gas and bloating
. W'eakness . Cramping
with vitamin C and Super B vitamin complex. . Diarrhea . Nausea
. Blood in stools . Irregular bowel
Recommendations . Chronic pain I
Singles: Geranium, Peppermint, Peppermint
Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Vetiver, ' Weight loss
Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry
Orange, Orange Vitaliry The first step to controlling parasites is be-
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Exodus II, ginning a fasting and cleansing program. A colon
Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry ImmuPower
cleanse is particularly importanr.
Nutitionals: MultiGreens, Super B, Digest
& Cleanse, OmegaGize3, Super C, Super C Recommendations
Singles: trragon, Tarragon Vitaliq., Fennel,
Chewable, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Fennel Vitaliry Basil, Basil Vitaliry Pep-
Detoxzyme, ImmuPro, Inner Defense permint, Peppermint Vitaliry Ginger, Ginger
DiGize and ParaFree for Retention Blend for Parasite Killing L
Paraslte Control . 4 drops Ginger L
' 4 drops DiGize L
The essential oil blend DiGize and . 16 drops V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
ParaFree softgel capsules are excellent For
parasite removal. Retention: Add the blend for parasite killing
to an enema and insert nightly for 7 nights,
DiGize: Add 6 drops to 1 teaspoon V-6 then rest for 7 nights. Repeat this rycle 3
Vegetable Oil Complex or to 4 ounces of dmes to eliminate all stages ofparasite devel-
rice, ahnond, or goar milk and take as a opment.
dietary supplement 2 times a day lror '14 days
or rake I 5 drops in a capsule 3 times a day POLIO
for 7 days. DiCize can also be diluted in Polio (poliomyelitis) is an acute, infectious dis-
massage oil and applied on abdomen.
ease, usually manifested in epidemics and caused
PuaFree: Take 5 softgels, 2-3 times daily by a virus. It creates an inflammation of the gray
for 21 days, then rest for 7 days. Repeat up matter of the spinal cord and is characterized by
to 3 times to achieve desired results. feveq sore throat, headache, vomiting, and some-
times stiffness of the neck and back. If it develops
Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Tea Tlee into the ma.jor illness, it can involve paralysis and
Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry atrophy ofgroups ofmuscles, ending in contrac-
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry DiGize, tion and permanent deformiry.
DiGize Vitaliry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry
JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Ifpolio is suspected, seek medical attention.
Nutritionals: ParaFree, Digest & Cleanse,
Inner Defense, Life 9, ICB ComforTone, Recommendations
Detoxzyme, JuvaPower, Essentialzyme, Es- Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Frankincense Vitaliry Ravintsara, Blue
Application and Usage
Dietary and OraI: Refer to Application Guidelines. Cypress, 'iTintergreen, Tea Tree, Melissa,
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Pepper-
. Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
mint, Peppermint Vitaliry Royal Hawaiian
oil 2 times daily.
Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, Palo Santo,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Vitaliry Myrrh, Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry
juice, or water. Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry
Topical: Reler to Application Guilrlines. Blends: The Gift, Aroma Siez, ImmuPower
Valor, Valor Roll-On
. Place a warm compress with recommended Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Life 9, PowerGize,
Inner Defense
oils over intestinal area 2 times weekly. Oral Cue Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard
Lozenges, Thieves Spray, Thieves Mints
. Massage up to 6 drops on rhe small intestine
Application and Usage
and colon Vita Flex points of the feet daily Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
(instep area on both feet). Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliw or dietary Essential Oils and Pregnancy
oil 2 times dail1,. As always, when using essential oils, com-
mon sense is most important when deciding
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in how to use them.
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amounr of milk, During pregnancy, most oils are safe and
juice, or water bring peace and contentment. When rubbing
Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines. them over the stomach, many women have
said rhat thel'have lelt a posirive response
. Apply 1-2 drops neat or undiluted as Itrom the ur:born inFanr. Energy sensiriviry is
very high during this rime and is something to
desired. be aware of and enjoyed. Gentle Baby, Valor,
lVhite Angelica, RutaVala, Magnily Your Pur-
. Applying a single drop under the nose is pose, Joy, Harmony, Highest Potential, Garh-
ering, DiGize, and Dream Catcher are jusr a
helpful and refreshing. few that are enjoyable for both mother and
baby throughout the pregnano,.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 3 times a
During pregnancy, some essentiirl oils are
week. contraindicated. Be sure you read all caurions
Polio Topical Blend and only use oils that are safe for your unborn
' 15 drops Myrrh
. 10 drops Ravintsara Some essential oils, such as Fennel and
. 10 drops Wintergreen Clary Sage, rnav help to accelerate labor once
. 7 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense it has begun. Take 1-2 capsules 2 times daily
. 8 drops Blue Cypress rvhen labor is imminent. Always consult a
. 6 drops Lemon health professional beFore using essential oils
during pregnancy, orher rhan the ones recom-
PREGNANCY PROBLEMS mended in this book.
Essential oils can be invaluable companions
A few drops of Vetiver and Valerian mixed
during pregnancy. Oils like Lavender and Myrrh together with 1 tablespoon of V-6 Vegerable
may help reduce stretch marks and improve the Oil Complex may help reduce the pain of con-
elasticity of the skin. Geranium and Gentle Baby tractions when applied on the lower back.
have similar effects and can be massaged on the
perineum (tissue berween vagina and rectum) to Application and Usage the risk of tearing or the need for an episi- Aromatic: Refer rc Application Gttidelines.
otomy (an incision in the perineum) during birth.
. Diffuse Gentle Baby, Joy, or Valor to reduce
Singles: Lavender, Myrrh, Rose, Geranium, stress before and after the birth. Expectant
fathers will also find this helps to reduce
Helichrysum, German Chamomile, Neroli, anxiery during delivery.
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandal-
wood, Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense
Blends: Gentle Baby, Amoressence, Forgiveness,
Valor, Valor Roll-On, Grounding, Peace &
Calming, Peace & Calming II, Highest Poten-
tial, Joy, Sacred Mountain, \X/'hite Angelica
Personal Cre: ClaraDerm, Tender Tirsh
Topical Refer rc Application Guidclines. Nutritionals: Prostate Health, Master Formula, (
Longeviry Softgels, PD 80/20
. Massage 2-4 drops Labor Blend from above L
Personal Cre: Prenolone Plus Body Cream L
diluted 50:50 on reproductive Vita Flex Retention: Protec L
points on the sides of rhe ankles. Apply L
ONLY after labor has started. Application and Usage L
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines. L
. Massage 2-4 drops Labor Blend on lower Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
stomach and lower back. . Apply 2-4 drops diluted 20:80 between the
Iabor Blend (Use only after labor hm started.) rectum and scrotum 2 times daily. Mister
works especially well applied there. L
. 5 dropsYlangYlang L
. 4 drops Helichrysum . Massage 4-6 drops on the Vita Flex repro- L
. 2 drops Fennel
. 2 drops Peppermint ductive points on the feet 2 times daily. L
. 2 drops Clary Sage
. Retention: Rectal, nightly for 7 days, rest 7
Natural progesterone is one of the best natural days, then repeat.
remedies for prosrate inilammation (BPH) that Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)
can obstruct urinary flou'and lead to impotence. Almost all males over age 50 have some degree
Transdermal creams are the most effective means
of hormone delivery. of benign prostate hyperplasia, a condition that
worsens with age. BPH (prostate enlargement)
Scientists are tracing rhe higher incidence of can severely restrict urine fow and result in fre-
hormone-dependent cancers, including cancer quent, small urinations.
of the breast, prostate, and tesres, ro exposure ro
endocrine disrupters in the environment. Con- Two herbs that are extremely effective for treat-
tamination from 39 petrochemicals like DDT, ing this condition are saw palmetto and pumpkin
PCB, pesticides, the phthalate DBP, recombinant seed oil. The hormone-like activiry of some es-
bovine growth hormone (IBGH) in milk and syn- sential oils can support a nutritional regimen to
thetic steroids in meat, are all implicated in inter- reduce BPH swelling.
fering u.ith hormone receptors, rendering them
unable to function properly, evenrually leading Recommendations
to cancer. Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
For prosrate problems, Pepperminr acrs as an Myrh, Idaho Balsam Fir, Blue Cypress
anti-infammatory ro rhe prosrare. Saw palmetto,
Blends: Mister, EndoFlex, Australian Blue
Pjtgeum aficanun, and pumpkin seed oil also Nutritionals: Prostate Health, Master Formula,
help reduce prostate swelling. Longevity Softgels, Mineral Essence
Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body
Recommendations Retention: Protec
Singles: Myrrh, Idaho Balsam Fir, Oregano,
Application and Usage
Sage, Thyme, Wintergreen Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Blends: Mister, EndoFlex, Australian Blue Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines.
. PSA counts rypically rise when BPH oc-
curs. The following regimen reduced PSA
(prostate specific antigen) counts 70 percent
in 2 months. Use the following applicarions BADIATION EXPOSURE DAMAGE
Many cancer treatments use radiation therapy
. Mix the BPH Retention Blend with that can severely damage both the skin and vital
I tablespoon olive oil and use 3 rimes organs. Using gentle, antioxidant essential oils
topically, as well as proper nutrients internally, is
weekly as an overnight rectal retention helpful in minimizing radiation damage.
enema. Daily radiation from cell phones, computers,
air travel, televisions, all rypes of electronic
. Apply 2-4 drops ofthe BPH Retention equipment, and kitchen appliances bombards
us constantly. The more we can do to protect
Blend dilured 50:50 berween the recrum ourselves as well as cleanse on a regular basis, the
and scrotum l-3 times daily. better health we can maintain.
. Massage l-3 drops oFrhe BPH Retention Recommendations
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Blend on rhe reproductive Vita Flex
points on the leet 2 times daily Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir, Blue
BPH Retention Blend Cypress, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred
. 10 drops Frankincense or Sacred Frankincense Sandalwood, Hyssop, Oregano, Oregano
' 5 drops Myrrh Vitaliry Tea Tree, Melaleuca Quinquenervia
. 3 drops Sage Blends: Melrose (in QuadShield and EndoShield
Environmenral Protection Kits), Longeviry (in
Prostatitis QuadShield and EndoShield Environmental
Protection Kits), Longeviry Vitaliry Valor,
Pfostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate Stress Away Roll-On
that can present symptoms similar to benign pros- Nutritionals: QuadShield or EndoShield Envi-
tate hyperplasia: frequent urinations, restricted ronmental Protection Kits, Super C, Super C
fow, etc. Chewable, Slique Shake, Slique Bars, Slique
CirraSlim, ImmuPro, NingXia Red, Mineral
Recommendations Essence, Essentialzyme, Longevity Sofrgels,
Singles: Peppermint, Clary Sage, Palo Santo, OmegaGizer, Ningxia Wolfberries (Organic,
German Chamomile, Wintergreen, Rosemary
Myrde, Thyme, Tsuga, Blue Cypress Application and Usage
Blends: Australian Blue, Mister, Aroma Siez, Aromatic: Refer rc Applicatiot Guidelites.
DiGize Dietry and Oralt Refer rc Applicntion Gtidelittes.
Nutritionals: Prostate Health, PowerGize,
Longeviry Softgels, ImmuPro, Mineral Es- . l-ake I capsule ofdesired Vitalitv or c{ierarv
sence, JuvaPower, ICP
Petsonal Care Prenolone Plus Body Cream oil 2 times dailrr
Retention: Protec
. Thke 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry, or dietarv oil in
Application and Usage
Topical Refer to Application Guidelines. a spoonful of svrup or small amounr of milk,
juice, or water.
. Apply l-3 drops diluted 20:80 ro the area Topical: Refer to Applicntion Guidalinas.
between the rectum and the scrotum daily. . Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on affected
. Massage 4-6 drops on the reproductive Vita area 'l-2 times drrily.
Flex points on the feet daily.
. Retention: Rectal 3 times per week at night.
. Massage 2-4 drops of oil neat on the bot- ' Apply 3-5 drops diluted 50:50 on the bot-
toms of the feet just before bedtime. toms ofthe feet and on carotid artery spots
Environmental Protection Kits
under the earlobes.
See QuadShield and Endoshield, pnge 39j
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 1 time weekly.
Rheumatic fever results from a streptococcus L
infection that primarily strikes children (usually
before age 14). It can lead to inflammation that SPOTTED FEVER) (
damages the heart muscle and valve.
Rheumatic fever is caused by the same genus Scar tissue is the fibrous connective tissue that
ofbacteria that causes strep throat and scarlet fe- L
ver. Diffusing essential oils can help reduce the forms a scar and can be found on any tissue on the L
body where an injury surgery, cut, or disease has
likelihood of contracting the disease. Essential L
taken place and then healed. It is thicker, paler,
oils such as Mountain Savory, Rosemary, Tea Tree, and denser than the surrounding tissue because it L
Thyme, Palo Santo, Sacred Frankincense, Frank- L
incense, Eucalyptus Blue, and Oregano have pow- has a limited blood supply.
erful antimicrobial effects.
In cases where a person is already infected, the Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
use of essential oils in the Raindrop Technique
may be appropriate. Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandal-
wood, Cypress, Elemi, Rose, Cistus, Myrrh,
Recommendations Helichrysum, Geranium, Lavender
Singles: Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Clove, Blends: Gentle Baby, Australian Blue,
3 Wise Men
Clove Vitaliry Tea Tree, Mountain Savory, Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Sul-
Mounrain Savory Vitaliry, Pepperminr, firrzyme, Slique Shake, MegaCal, Mineral Es-
Peppermint Vitaliry, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry sence, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes4, Life 9
Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Black Pepper, Personal Care: KidScents Tender Tirsh, Regeno-
Black Pepper Vitaliry Eucalyptus Blue, Sacred lone Body Cream, Rose Ointment, Boswellia
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense 'Wrinkle Cream
Vitaliry Palo Santo, Cistus
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose, Exo- Application and Usage
dus II, ImmuPower Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super
C, Super C Chewable, Sulfurzyme, Longeviry ' Apply 2-6 drops neat of rhe scar prevention
Softgels, Master Formula, NingXa Red, Ev
sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Mineral blend around and over the wound daily
until healed.
Essence Scar Prevention Blend
Application and Usage . 4 drops Myrrh
Aromatiq Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guitrrlines. 3 drops Lavender
'. 2 drops Helichrysum
. 1 drop Sacred Sandalwood or Royal
Hawaiian Sandalwood
SCURVY Peace & Calming II, Tiauma Life, Stress Away
This condition is due to a deficiency ofvitamin Roll-On
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, MultiGreens, Es-
C in the dier and marked by weakness, anemia, sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, BLM,
spongy gums, bleeding of the gums and nose,
tooth loss, and pain in the limbs and.joint pain. AgilEase, PowerGize, Super B, Longeviry
Softgels, Slique Shake, Sulfurzyme, Omega-
Note: Vitamin C is water soluble and de- Cizer, Balance Complete, MindWise, Master
Formula, Yacon Syrup in place ofsugars
stroyed at temperatures above 70"F. Thus, it is not
found in citrus essential oils. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Prefer rc Application Guidelines.
Recommendations Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Singles: \Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Dorado
. Massage 10 drops of chosen oils into scalp
Azul, Idaho Blue Spruce
Blends: Cool Azul, Deep Relief Roll-On, Pan- diluted 50:50 up to 3 times daily to help
reduce risk of seizure.
Away, Relieve Ir, Aroma Siez
Nutritionals: Super C Chewable, Super C, . Supplement with Seizure Regimen below:
Sulfurzyme, Super Cal Plus, MegaCal, BLM, Seizure Regimen (do all the following)
Personal Care: Thieves Fresh Essence Plus . Diffuse Peace & Calming or Peace & Calm-
Mouthwash, Thieves Spray, Thieves Arom-
aBright Toothpaste, KidScents Slique Toorh- ing II for 30 minutes 3-4 times daily.
paste, Thieves Denrarome Ultra Toothpaste,
Thieves Denrarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves . Massage 4-6 drops Valor on bottoms of feet
Hard Lozenges, Thieves Mints, Thieves Den-
tal Floss, Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, Cool daily.
Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage Oil,
Ortho Ease Massage Oil . Massage 4-6 drops Joy over heart dail1,.
. Receive a Raindrop Gchnique 2 times
Many seizures can be reduced or alleviated
by removing all forms of sugaq artificial colors SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION
and favors, processed foods from the diet, and There is an extensive, historical basis that fra-
chemicals of all types. Avoid using personal care
products with ammonia-based compounds such grance may amplify desire and create a mood thar
can overcome frigidiry or impotence. In fact, aro-
as quarerniums and polyquarernirrms. mas such as rose and jasmine have been used since
antiquiry to artract the opposite sex and create a
Recommendations romantic atmosphere.
Singles: Peppermint, Sacred Frankincense,
Modern research has shown that the aroma of
Frankincense, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Ha- some essential oils can stimulate the emotional
waiian Sandalwood, Melissa, Jasmine, Basil center of the brain. This may explain why essen-
Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, R.C., tial oils have the potential to help people over-
Valor, Valor Roll-On, Breathe Again Roll-On, come impotence or frigidiry based on emotional
factors or inhibitions.
Aroma Siez, Exodus II, Peace & Calming,
Dysfunction (Men) Blends: Mister, SclarEssence, Shutran
(See also Prostate Problems, Trauma) Nutritionals: Prostate Health, Protec, EndoGize,
Causes of male sexual dysfunction are divided MultiGreens, Prostate Health, Sulfurzyme,
into two rypes: physical or psychological prob- Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Super
lems. B. Mineral Essence. Thyromin
Personal Care Prenolone Plus Body Cream
lmpotence (Men) Retention: Protec
Impotence, the inabiliry to perlorm sexually,
Application and Usage
may be caused by physical limitations due to an Topical: Refer to Application Guifulines.
accident or injury or by psychological factors such
as inhibitions, trauma, stress, etc. . Apply 2-4 drops neat or diluted on the
Male impotence is often linked to problems reproductive Vita Flex points of hands and
with the prostate or prosrare surgery. feet inside ofwrists, around the front ofthe
ankles in line with the anklebone, on the
If impotence is related to psychological trauma lower sides of the anklebone, and along the
or unresolved emotional issues, it may be neces- Achilles tendon 1-3 times daily.
sary to deal with these issues belore any meaning-
ful progress can be made. . Rub 4-6 drops ofProtec on the lower abdo-
Recommendations men near rhe pubic bone and in the area
Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Goldenrod, Sacred berween the scrotum and the rectum.
Frankincense, Frankincense, Myrrh, Ginger, . Alternatively, use 1 tablespoon oFProtec in
Nutmeg, Jasmine, Vang Ylang
Blends: Shutran, Build Your Dream, Freedom, overnight rectal retention.
InTouch, Reconnect, Valor, Valor Roll-On,
Mister, SclarEssence, Inner Harmony Lack of Libido (Men)
Nutritionals: EndoGize, Prostate Health, Protec, Lack of libido in men is a much more com-
mon complaint than our culture would seem to
Application and Usage indicate. The leading reasons men don't want
Aromatic: Refer to Applicttion Guidelines. to have sex are medications, usually antidepres-
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. sants and antihypertensive drugs, drug or alcohol
abuse, or low testosterone.
. Apply 2-3 drops neat to Vita Flex points on
feet or lower abdomen. Do not apply on Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Pine, Myrrh, Black
sensitive skin in crotch area.
Pepper, Ylang Ylang, Ginger, Nutmeg
lnfertility (Men) Blends: Light the Fire, SclarEssence, Valor, Valor
Male infertiliry is the inabiliry of a male to
Roll-On, Mister, Live with Passion, Live Your
achieve pregnancy in a fertile female. [t is com- Passion, Transformation, The Cift, En-R-Gee,
monly due to deficiencies in the semen. Shutran, Fulfill Your Destiny, Joy
Nutritionals: EndoGize, MultiGreens, Prostate
Recommendations Health, Sulfurzyme, Essentialzyme, Essenrial-
Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Sage, Sacred Frank- zymes-4, Life 9, Super B, Mineral Essence,
incense, Frankincense, Clary Sage, Goldenrod Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Bodv Cream