people may not derive the full physiological and 4, Voolley C[., Young DG, er al. Chenrica]
dillircrrtirrion of Bosudlit ycrt ntd llosu'cllia
emotional benefits of essential oils and their aa'lrll essential oils bv gas chrorn:rtographl rnd
fragrances. ch irrl g:rs ch romlrographv-mass specrromctrr'. -/
Proper stimulation of the olfactory nerves may IOhronung A. 20I Clcr 2(x I 26I : I t8-6-1.
offer a powerful and entirely new form oftherapy
thar could be used as an adjunct against many 5. Valner J. 7lr Pmctice oJ'Aroru#erp;,. Hcaling Arrs
forms ofillness. Essential oils, through inhalation, Press. Rochester; \T, 1982. p. 27.
may occupy a key position in this relatively 6. Nlinkel JR. Is Sense ofSmell Powerecl bl,Quanrum
Vibrarions? Sciettifc Autricatt, December I 5, 2006.
unexplored frontier in medicine.
No one need ever dismiss essential oils as simple 7. Brookes JC, Horefield AI', Stoncham AM. Odour
perfumes. Now you can understand the complexity chirrircrer cliilerences lbr enanrionrers correllrc rvith
md value of each essendal oil with its hundreds of
different components. nrolecular tlexibiliw,./.,R. Soc. Itttftr (2009) 6,75-
t. Stewart D. The Cheruistry of Esential Oib Made 8. I'alnrerJ. Quantum phvsics explanrrion fbr smell
grins rrrctiorr. BBC. March 24. 201 l.
Siruple: God's Loue Manifest in Moleculet Care
Publications, Marble Hill, MO: 2006. 9. Agapakis C, Osmic Frerluencies. 7lt Ncu lttquir.ll
:. Franchomme I Pinodl D. L'aromatbirapie Februarr. I 3, 20 I 5.
xactement. Roger Jollois, ed., France 3l Aott 2003. 10. Hirsch AR, Gonrez R. Veighr reduction rhrough
Giini.iz A, Ozdrgiizt B. An investigation on the
morphology, anatomy and. ecology of Origanam inhalariorr of ocloranrs. r/. Nt r ro l. Ottl np. il lul. S u rg.
I 995 I 6:28-.1I .
onitesL.Tr. J. ofBotany 1999 23:19-32- I 1. Hirsch AR, (irnss JJ. Humrn nrale sexual responsc
ro olfncrorv stimuli. J. Nerrol. Ortlop. ilul. Strrg
1999 l9(l):14-19.
*i: L
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l,l t,',. I,
lt I - v'
, t C Lt
i -I.-
Frankincense Bloom
Basic Guidelines for Safe Use
Guidelines are important to follow when using Usage
essential oils, especially if you are unhmiliar with
the oils and their benefits. Many guidelines are 1. Essential oils rich in menthol (such as
listed below and are elaborated on throughout the
Peppermint) should not be used on the throat
chapter. However, no list of doi and donts can
ever replace common sense. It is foolish to dive or neck area ofchildren under 18 months of
headlong into a pond when you do not know the age.
depth of the water. The same is true when using
essential oils. Start gradually and patiently find 2. Angelie, Bergamot, Bitter Orange, Grapefruit,
what works best for you and your family members. Lemon, Ruta, Tangerine, and other citrus oils
are photosensitive and may cause a rash or
Storage dark pigmenmtion on skin exposed to direcr
1. Always keep a botrle of a pure carrier oil (e.g.,
sunlight or IIV rays within 1-2 days after
V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, olive oil, almond
oil, coconut oil, or more fragrant massage oils application.
such as Sensation, Reluation, Ortho Ease,
or Ortho Spor$ handy when using essential 3. Keep essenrial oils away from rhe eye area
oils. Carrier oils will dilute essential oils if the and never put them directly into ears. Do not
essential oils cause discomforr or skin irritation. handle contact lenses or rub eyes with essential
oils on your fingers. Even in minute amounts,
. 2. Keep bottles ofessential oils tightly closed and many essential oils may damage contacts and
store them in a cool location away from light. will irritate eyes.
If stored properly, essential oils will maintain
rheir porency lor many years. 4. Pregnant women should consult a health care
professional when smrting any type of health
3. Keep essential oils out of reach of children. program. Oils are safe to use , but one needs to
use common sense. Follow the directions and
Treat the oils as you would any product for dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex until
therapeutic use. Children love the oils and will you become familiar with the oils you are using.
often go through an entire botle in a very short
time. They want to give massages and do the Many pregnant women have said that they feel
same things they see you do. a very positive response from the unborn child
when the oils are applied on the skin, but that
is each woman! individual experience.
Essential Oils Certified as GRAS
(Generally Regarded as Safe), or as food additives, by the FDA
Single Oils .....GF Lemon . . .GF Note: Please also see the
.GF single oils listed as Viraliry
Anise.. Lemongrass ...... .GF supplements in Chapter 4.
Angelica. ....G F .GF
Basil .... ....c F Lime. . . . .GF
Bergamot ....G F
Cajuput. Mandarin........ .F Blends
F Marjoram........ Abundance........
Cardamom........... F .GF
Mounrain Savory . . .G FL Believe . . F
CarrotSeed .......... F .GF F
Cassia... ....G F Melissa. . .GF CitrusFresh.......
Myrrh. . . .GF ChristmasSpirit....
Myrtle . . .GF
.GF DiGize. .
Cedarwood........... F Neroli. . . .GF
CelerySeed ..........G F Nutmeg . .GF EndoFlex
Cinnamon Bark & Leaf .G F Onycha . Fulfill Your Desriny
Orange.. F Graritude
) Cistus. . . F Oregano.
F Joy....
Citronella............G F JuvaCleanse.......
Citrusfunds..........G F Palmarosa . . . . . . . . JuvaFlex
Patchouli FL Longeviry.
ClarySage ...........c F
Clove... ....GF Pepper . . F Thieves. .
Copaiba .....G F M-Grain.
Pepperminr....... F Purification
Coriander............G F Petitgrain F Relieve It
Cumin.. SacredMountain...,
....GF Pine.... F Tieasure ofthe Season
Dill .... ....c F Roman Chamomile \(hiteAngelica.....,
Eucalyptus Globulus. . . .G F I Rose. . . .
Elemi ... FL
Fennel .. ....G Fl- Rosemary........
....G F F
Frankincense ......... FL Savory . .
Sage.... FL
Geranium............G F Sacred Sandalwood. F Note: Please also see the blends
Iisted as Vitaliry supplements in
German Chamomile . . .G F Spearmint........ F Chaprer 5.
....G F Spruce . . F
Goldenrod...........G Thngerine........ F
Grapefruit ...........G F Thrragon. FL CODE:
Helichrysum .........G F Tea Tree . FL
Hyssop.. ....G F Thyme . . G Generally regarded as
F safe (GRAS)
IdahoBalsamFir...... F Tsuga. . .
Jadelemon ..........G F Valerian . F F FDA-approved food
Jasmine. .....G F 'VWetiinvteerr.g.reen...... additive
Juniper. .. . . .G F F
L Flavoring agent
LaurusNobilis........G F Yarrow,.
Lavender ....G F YlangYlang......
Lavandin ....G F
5. Epileptics and those with high blood pressure is desired, mix the oil first into bath salts or a
should consult their health care professional bath gel base before adding to the bath water.
before using essential oils. Use extra caution Cenerally, never use more than 10 drops of
with high ketone oils such as Basil, Rosemary essential oils in one bath. When essential oils are
Sage, and Idaho Tansy oils. pur direcrly into bath water without a dispersing
6. People with allergies should test a small amount agent, they can cause serious discomfort on
of oil on an area of sensitive skin, such as the sensitive skin because rhe essential oils tend to
inside of the upper arm, for 30 minutes before float, undiluted, on top ofthe water.
applying the oil on orher areas of the body. Ghemical Sensitivities and Altergies
7. The bottoms offeet are safe locations to apply Occasionallv. individuals beginning to use
essenrial oils topically. qualiry essential oils will:uffer rashes or allergic
8. Direct inhalation of essential oils can be reactions. This may be due to using an undiluted
a deep and intensive application method, spice, conifer, or citrus oil; or it mav be caused by
particularly for respiratory congestion and an interaction ofthe oil with residues oFsynthetic,
petroleum-based, personal care products that
illness. However, this method should not be
used more than 10-15 times throughout the have leached into the skin.
\When using essential oils on a dailv basis,
day without consulting a health professional. it is imperative to avoid personal care products
9. Before taking essential oils internally, test your containing ammonium or hydrocarbon-based
reactions by diluting 1 drop of essential oil in chemicals. These include quaternarv compounds
1 teaspoon of an oil-soluble liquid like Yacon such as quaternariums and polyquaternariums.
Syrup, olive oil, coconut oil, or rice or almond These chemicals can be fatal if ingested, especially
benzalkonium chloride, which, unfortunately, is
- milk. Ifyou intend to consume more than a few used in many personal care products on the market.
drops ofdiluted essential oil per day, we recom-
Other chemicals such as aluminum com-
mend first consulting a health care professional.
pounds, FD&C colors, formaldehyde, all para-
10. Be aware that reactions to essential oils, both bens, talc, thimerosal, mercury, and titanium
topically and orally, can be delayed as long as dioxide, jusr ro name a few, are all toxic to the
2-3 days. body and should be avoided. These compounds
11. Add 1-3 drops of undiluted essential oils are commonly found in a variety of hand creams,
mouthwashes, shampoos, antiperspirants, after-
directly to bath water. If more essentia.l oil shave lotions, and hair care products.
CAUTION: Essential oils may sting if applied in or around the eyes. Some oils may be painfrrl on
muous membranes unless diluted properly. Immediate dilution is strongly recommended if skin
becomes painfirlly irriated or if oil accidentally gets into eyes. Flushing the area with a arrier oil
should minimize discomfort almost immediately.
DO NOT flush with water! Essential oils ue oil-soluble, not water-soluble. \f'ater will only spread the
oils over a larger sur6a, possibly worsening the problem. Use V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, coconut
oil, olive oil, or other carrier oil to fush the essential oils. Keep eyes closed, be patient, and the sting
will quickly dissipate.
Other compounds rhat presenr concerns trapped in the fatry subdermal layers of skin, \
are sodium lauryl sulhte, propylene glycol- where they can leach into the bloodstream. \
extremely common in everyrhing from toorhpasre They can remain trapped for several months or
to shampoo-and aluminum salts found in many years until a topical subsrance Iike an essential L
deodorants. oil starts to move theni from their resting place L
and cause them to come out of the skin in an
Of parricular concern are the potentially uncomforrable way. Besides skin irriration. you L
could experience nausea, headaches, and other
hazardous preservatives and synthetic fragrances slight, temporary effects during this detoxi$,ing (
that abound in virtually all modern personal process. Even in small concentrations, these \
care products. Some of these include merhylene chemicals and syntheric compounds are toxic and
chloride, methyl isoburyl ketone, and methyl can compromise one's health. L
ethyl kerone. These are not only toxic, bur rhey L
can also react with some compounds in natural It is all about what chemicals were used, how L
essential oils. The result can be a severe case of much, how long, and perhaps the level oftoxiciry L
dermaritis or even sepricemia (blood poisoning). in your body.
A classic case of a syntheric fragrance caus- Essential oils have been known to digesr toxic
ing widespread damage occurred in the 1970s. substances; so when they come in contact with (
chemical residue on the skin, rhe oils srart ro
AETT (acetyl ethyl tetramethyl tetralin) appeared work against them. \
in numerous brands of personal care products The user may mistakenly assume thar rhe
threat ofan interacrion berween oils and synthetic
throughout the United States. Even after a series
of animal studies revealed that it caused signifi- cosmetics used months before is small. However,
cant brain and spinal cord damage, the FDA re-
fused to ban the chemical. Finally, the cosmeric a case ofdermatitis is always a possibility.
industry voluntarily withdrew AETT after allow- Essential oils do not cause skin problems,
ing it to be distributed for years.
rashes, or eruptions on rhe skin; but they may,
How many other roxins masquerading as pre- only indirectly, as they go after the chemicals. Do
servatives or fragrances are currently being used in not make the mistake of blaming the essential
personal care products? oils. Just be glad this chemical residue is coming
out ofyour body.
Many chemicals are easily absorbed through
You can always reduce the amount of oil you
the skin due to its permeabiliry One study are using or stop the use of any oil for a couple
found that 13 percent of BHT (burylated of days and then srart again slowly. You can also
hydroxvtoluene) and 49 percent of DDT (a use V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, other carrier or
carcinogenic pesricide rhar was banned in 1972
massage oils, or natural creams ro dilute the oils.
but is still used in disease vecror control) can be
absorbed into the skin upon topical conracr.r \
Once absorbed, many chemicals can become allow enough time (3-5 minutes) for the body ro (
respond before applying a second oil.
Before You Start (
Use a small amount when appll,ing essential \
Always skin test an essential oil before using oils to skin that may carry residue from cosmetics,
it. Each person's body is differenr, so apply oils
to a small area 6rst. Apply one oil or blend at
a time. rVhen layering oils that are new to you,
personal care products, soaps) and cleansers You nay also want to avoicl using proclucts rhat
containing synthetic chemicals. Some of them- contirin the following ingredients to eliminirte
especially petroleum-based chemicals-can potentirl problems:
penetrare and remain in the skin and fatry tissues
Cosmetics, deo{orants, and skin care prod-
for days or even weeks after use. ucts containing aluminum, petrochemicals, or
Essential oils may work against such chemicals other synthetic ingredients
Perms, hair colors or dyes, hair sprays, or gels
and toxins built up in the body from chemicals in containing synthetic chemicals; shampoos,
food, watet and work environment. Ifyou have roothpastes, mourhwashes, and soaps contain-
this kind of an experience using essential oils, it ing synrhetic chemicals such as sodium laurel
may be wise to reduce or stop using them for a sul[ate, propylene glycol, or lead acetate
few days and start an internal cleansing program Garden sprays, paints, detergents, and cleans-
before resuming regular use of essential oils. In ers containing toxic chemicals and solvents
addition, double your water intake and keep
fushing those toxins out ofyour body. You can use many essential oils anywhere
on the body except on the eyes and in the ears.
You may also want to try the following alterna- Other oils may irritate certain sensitive tissues.
tives to a detoxification program to determine the See recommended dilution rares in the chapters
cause of the problem:
for singles and blends.
Dilute 1-3 drops ofessential oil in 1/2 teaspoon Keep "hot" oils such as Oregano, Cinnmon,
of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, massage oil, or
any pure carrier oil such as almond, coconut, or Thyme, Eucalyptus, Mountain Savory and Clove
olive. More dilution may be needed. essential oils or blends such as Thieves, ParAway,
Reduce the number of oils used at any time. Relieve It, and Exodus II out ofreach ofchildren.
Use single oils or oil blends one ar a rime. These rypes of oils should always be diluted for
Reduce rhe amount ofoil used. both children and adults.
Reduce the frequency of applicarion.
Drink more puri6ed or distilled water. Children need to be taught how to use the
Ask your health care professional to monitor oils so that they understand the safety issue. If a
detoxification. child or infant swallows an essential oil, do the
Test the diluted essential oil on a small parch of
skin lor 30 minures. Ifany redness or irriration following:
results, dilute the area immediately with V-6
or other carrier oil and then cleanse with soap . Seek immediare emergency medical attention,
and water.
If skin irritation or other uncomfortable side if necessary.
effects persist, discontinue using the oil on that
location and apply the oils on the bottoms of . Give the child milk, crearn, yogurt, or another
the feet.
safe, oil-soluble liquid to drink.
NOTE: If your body pH is low, your body will
be acidic; therefore, you could also have less of a
response or perhaps a minimal negative reaction
to the oils.
a I
I { r
Massage Acupuncture
Topical Application Increase to 4 times a day if needed. Apply the oil \
and allow it to absorb for 2-3 minutes before
Many oils are safe to apply directly to the applying another oil or before getting dressed ro \
skin withour being diluted. Lavender is safe to avoid staining clothing. L
use on children without dilution. Howeyer, you
must be sure the essenrial oil you are using is nor As a general rule, when applying oils to L
lavandin labeled as lavender or genetically altered
lavender. !7hen applying most other essential oils yourself or another person for the first time, do \
on children, dilute rhe oils with carrier oil. For not apply more than rwo single oils or blends at
dilution, add l5-30 drops ofessential oil to 1 oz. t
ofqualiry carrier oil, as mentioned previously. one time. L
Carrier oils such as V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex \Zhen mixing essential oil blends or diluring t
extend essential oils and provide more efficienr use. essenrial oils in a carrier oil, it is best to use
Vhen massaging, the carrier oil helps lubricate rhe containers made of glass or earthenware, rather L
skin. than plastic. Plastic particles can leach into the oil L
and then into the skin once it is applied. L
'When starting an essential oil application,
depending on which oil you use, you may wanr Before applying oils, wash hands thoroughly (
with soap and water.
to test for skin sensitiviry by applying the oil first (
to the bottoms of the feet. See the Vita Flex foot Massage
charts to identifr areas of best application. Start (
by applying 3-6 drops of a single oil or blend, Start by applying 2 drops of a single oil or
spreading it over the bottom ofeach foot.
blend on the skin and massaging ir in.
'When applying essential oils to yourself, use
l-2 drops of oil on 2-3 locations 2 times a day. Dilute I drop with 15 drops of V-6 or other
36 pure carrier oil such as jojoba, almond, coconur,
olive, and/or grape seed for body massage ifyou
are working on a large area, such as the back.
O J* I
o -I , eF*
Resin Burning r
tf/ /
Keep in mind that many massage oils such as refexology or Vita Flex points as well. Once you
olive, almond, jojoba, or wheat germ oil may stain have completed small point stimulations, massage
the general area with the essential oil.
some fabrics.
Acupuncture Warm Compress
Licensed acupuncturists can dramatically For deeper penetration, use a warm compress
increase the effectiveness of acupuncture by using after applying essential oils. Completely soak the
essential oils. cloth or towel bv placing it in comfortably hot
To start, place several drops ofessential oil into water. By the time you wring out the cloth and
_ the palm of your hand and dip the acupuncture shake it, it will be a nice, warm temperature to
needle tip into the oil before inserting it into the be placed on the location. Then cover the cloth
person. You can premix several oils in your hand if loosely with a dry towel or blanket to seal in
you wish to use more than one oil. the heat. Leave the cloth on for 1 5-30 minutes.
- Acupressure Remove the cloth immediately if there is any
- \fhen performing an acupressure treatment, discomfort.
apply 1-3 drops ofessential oil to the acupressure
Cold Packs
point with your finger. Using an auricular probe Apply essential oils on the location, followed
with a slender point to dispense oil may enhance by cold water or ice packs, when treating inflamed
- the application. or swollen tissues. Frozen packages of peas or corn
Start by pressing firmly and then releasing. make excellent ice packs that will mold to the con-
Avoid applying pressure to any particular pressure tours ofthe body part and will not leak. Keep the
poinr too long. You may continue along the cold pack on until the swelling diminishes.
acupressure points and meridians or use the For neurological problems, always use cold
_ packs, never hot ones.
Layering Bath
This technique consists of applying multiple Adding essential oils ro bath water is challeng-
oils one at a rime. For example, rub Marjoram ing because oil does nor mix with warer. For even
over a sore muscle, massage it into the tissue gently dispersion, mix 5-10 drops of essential oil in 1/4
until the area is dry and then apply a second oil cup of Epsom salts or bath gel base and then put
such as Peppermint unril the oil is absorbed and the cup under a running faucet and gradually add
the skin is dry. Then layer on the third oil, such as water. This method will help the oils disperse in
Basi[, and continue massaging. the bath evenly and prevenr stronger oils from
stinging sensitive areas.
Making a Compress
. Rub 1-3 drops on the location, diluted or You can also use premixed bath gels and
shampoos containing essential oils as a liquid soap
neat, depending on the oil used and the skin in the shower or bath. Lather down with rhe bath
sensitiviry at that location. gel, let it soak in, and then rinse. To muimize
benefits, leave the soap or shampoo on the skin
. Cover the location with a hot, damp towel. or scalp for several minutes to allow the essential
. Cover the moist towel with a dry towel for 10- oi[s to penetrate.
30 minutes, depending on individual need. You can create your own aromatic bath gels by
placing 5-1 5 drops ofessential oil in 112 oz. of an
As th.e oil penetrares the skin, you may ex- unscented bath gel base and then add to rhe bath
perience a warming or even a burning sensation, water as described above.
especially in areas where the greatest benefits oc-
cur. If burning becomes uncomfortable, apply Essential oils can be added to Epsom salts
V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, a massage oi[, or any and used in the shower. There are special shower
pure carrier oil such as olive, coconut, or almond
to the location. heads containing an atrached receptacle rhar can
be filled with the essential oil/salts mixture. This
A second type ofapplication is very mild and is allows essential oils to not only make contact with
suitable for children or those with sensitive skin. the skin but also diffuses the fragrance of the oils
into the air The shower head receptacle can hold
. Place 5-15 drops ofessential oil into a basin approximately 114 ro 112 cup of bath salts.
filled with warm water. Start by adding 5-10 drops of essential oil
to l/4 cup of bath salt. Fil[ the shower head
. Water temperature should be approximately receptacle with the oil/salt mixture. Make sure
neither oils nor salts come in contact with the
100'F (38"C), unless the patient suffers neuro- plastic seal on top of the receptacle. This should
logical conditions; in that ese, use cool water. provide enough salt material for about 2-3
. Vigorously agitate the water and ler ir srand for showers. Some shower heads have a bypass feature
that allows the user to switch from aromatic salr
I minute. water to regular rap water.
Place a dry face cloth on top of rhe warer ro
soak up oils thar have floated ro rhe surface.
\fring our the warer and apply the cloth on
location. To seal in the warmrh, cover rhe
location with a thick towel for 15-30 minures.
n i-
, l^-rail!l2'.. ,) v'trg'
6 I a I
Make your own air freshener
I t 20 NvnSAR\.
Lantern Diffuser -hf,
Aro m aLu xrM Atom izi n g D iff use r
How to Enhance the Benefits of Topical Application
The longer essential oils stay in contact with This may also help seal and prorect cuts and
the skin, the more likely they are to be absorbed. wounds.
TheARTlightMoisturizer,ARTRenewalSerum, Do not use ointments on burns until they
ARf Sheerlumd Brightening Cream, Boswellia are at least three days old; however, LavaDerm
lWrinkle Cream, or Sandalwood Moisture Cream Cooling Mist spray may be used immediately
maybelayeredontopoftheessentialoilstoreduce to provide comforting relief for minor burns,
evaporation of the oils and enhance penetration. abrasions, dryness, and other skin irritations.
Diff using
Diffused oils alter the structure of molecules Unlike aroma lamps or candles, a diffuser disperses
rhat create odors, rather than just masking them. essential oils without heating or burning, which
They also increase oxygen availabiliry produce can render the oil rherapeutically less beneficial
negative ions, and release natural ozone. Many and even creare toxic compounds. Research shows
essential oils such as Eucalyptus Globulus and that cold-air diffusing certain oils may:
Radiata, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender, . Reduce bacteria, fungus, mold, and
Lemon, Lemongrass, Orange, and Tea Tiee
(Melaleuca Alternifolia), along wirh essential oil unplemant odors
blends like Melrose, Purification, and Thieves, are
. Relu rhe body, relieve tension, and
extremely effective For eliminating and destroying
clear rhe mind
:rirborne germs and bacteria. . Help with weight managemenr
. Improve concentration, alertness,
A cold-air diffuser is designed to atomize a
and me ntal clariry
microfine mist of essential oils into rhe ain where
thev can remlin suspended fbr scver,rl hours.
_ 39
- T' F. \
I -';
Ultrasonic Diffuser r-'-
dlr I
Direct inhalation
Stimulare neurotransmitters By using a diffuser with a rimer, you can gain
better control over the length and duration of
Stimulate secrerion of endorphins diffusing. For some respiratory conditions, you
may diffuse the oils rhe enrire nighr.
Stimulate glowrh hormone production and
receptiviry Do not use more than one blend at a time in
a diffuser, as rhis may alter the smell and the
Improve the secrerion ofIgA anribodies rhat therapeutic benefit. However, a single oil may
fighr Candida be added to a blend when diffusing.
Improve digestive function Place the diffuser high in the room so rhat the
oil mist falls through the air and remoyes rhe
Improve hormonal balance odor-causing substances.
Relieve headaches If you want to wash the diffuser before using
a different oil blend, use Thieves Household
Check the viscosiry or rhickness of the oil Cleaner wirh warm water or any natural soap
you wanr to diffuse. Ifthe oil has too much
natural wax and is too thick, it could plug the md warm water.
diffuser and make cleaning difficult.
If you do not have a diffuser, you can add
Start by diffusing oils for 1 5-30 minutes a day.
As you become accustomed ro the oils and several drops of essential oil to a spray bottle
recognize their effects, you may increase the with 1 cup purified water and shake. You can
diffusing rime to 1-2 hours per day. use this to mist your entire house, workplace,
or car.
Air Freshener Oil Recipe: neirr an intake duct ofvour heating and cooline
system so that the air cAn carrv the arom,r
.20 drops Lavender . 5 drops Linie throughour vour home.
. 10 drops Lemon . 5 drops Crapelruit
Splash a fiw drops on vour paper vacuum
. 6 drops Berqanrot
cleaner bag fbr an uplilting and happy fecling
Dilluse neat or mix rvith I cup of distillccl rvrrter rvhile cleaning the house.
irr r spnt; bottlc: .hrkc ruell hefi,rc spr.rr ing.
Humidifier and Vaporizer
Other Ways to Diffuse Oils Essential oils make ideal additions to
. Add your favorite essential oils to cedar chips
humidifiers or vaporizers. Always check the
to make your own potpourri.
viscosity of the oil; if it is too thick, it could plug
. Put scented cedar chips in your closets or the humidifier or make it difficult to clean. The
following singles and blends are great to diffuse in
drawers to deodorize them. a humidifier or vaporizer.
. Sprinkle a few drops of conifer essenrial oils Singles: Idaho Balsam Fir, Frankincense,
Sacred Frankincense, Peppermint, Lemon,
such as Spruce, Fir (all varieties), Cedar, or Pine Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tiee (Melaleuca
onto logs in the fireplace. As the logs burn, they Alternifolia), Lavendeq Ylang Ylang, and
will disperse an evergreen smell. This method many others ofyour choice
has no therapeutic benefit, however.
Blends: Purification, Thieves, Raven, Melrose,
. Add 2 drops to a wet cloth and put in the Joy, RutaVala, The Gift, !7hiteAngelica,
Sacred Mountain, and many others of your
clothes dryer. choice
. Put essential oils on cotton balls or tissues and NOTE: Test the oil before diffusing it in the
vaporizer or humidifier; some essential oils may
place them in your caq home, work, or hotel damage rhe plastic parts ofvaporizers.
heating or air conditioning vents.
. Put a fewdrops of oil in a bowl or pan ofwater
and set it on a warm stove.
. On a damp cloth, sprinkle a few drops of one of
,vour purifying essential oils and place the cloth
Other Uses Add several drops of an essential oil to a bowl
of hot (not boiling) water Inhale the steaming
Direct lnhalation vapors that rise from the bowl. To increase the
. Place 2 or more drops into the palm ofyour left inrensiry ofthe oil vapors inhaled, drape a towel
over your head and the bowl before inhaling.
hand and rub clockwise with the fat palm of
Inhale directly from the bottle.
your right hand. Cup your hands together over
your nose and mouth and inhale deeply. Do not
touch your eyes!
lndirect or Subtle lnhalation Rectal Retention t
(\i(earing as a perfume or cologne) A retenrion enema is the mosr efficient way
to deliver essential oils ro the urinarv tract and L
. Rub 2 or more drops ofoil on your chest, neck,
reproducrive organs. AJways use a sterile syringe. \
upper srernum, wrists, or under your nose and . Mix l5-20 drops of essential oil in a tablespoon
ears and enjoy the fragrance throughout the
d^y. ofcarrier oil. \
. There are many necklaces with different rypes . Place the mixture in a small syringe and inject L
ofvessels hanging on them into which you can into the rectum.
pour a particular oil to use rhroughout the day.
Retain the mixture through rhe nighr (or
. Clay-rype medallions may be hung around your
longer for best results).
neck or fastened with a clip on your clothing
onto which you c;m pur a few oil drops to give Clean and disinfect rhe applicator after each
offa gentle fragrance the entire day.
Vaginal Retention ENDNOTE:
For systemic health problems such as Candida l. Bronaugh RL, et al. Exrenr ofcucaneous
or vaginitis, vaginal retention is one of the best
ways for the body ro absorb essential oils. metabolism during percuraneous absorprion
ofxenobiorics. Tbxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 1989
. Mix 20-30 drops of essential oil in 2 Ju]l;99(j):534-43.
tablespoons of carrier oil.
. Apply this mixture ro a rampon (for internal
infection) or sanitary pad (for external
lesions). Insert the tampon and retain for 8
hours or overnighr. Use rampons or sanitary
pads made with organic cotton.
o Chapter 4
o Single Oils
Quality Assurance Does your supplier use low pressure and low
This section describes over 80 single essential remperarure to distill essential oils so as to
oils, including botanical information, therapeu-
tic and tradirional uses, chemical consrituenrs of preserue all oftheir fragile chemical constituents?
each oil, extraction methods, cautions, and appli- Are the distillation cookers fabricated from
cation instructions. costly, food-grade stainless steel alloys to reduce
the likelihood of the oils chemically reacting
How to Be Sure Your Essential Oils with metal?
Are Pure, Therapeutic Grade
Does your supplier personally inspect the fields
How can you be sure that vour essential oils are and distilleries where the herbs are grown and
pure, therapeutic grade? Start by asking the fol- distilled? Do they veri!, that no synthetic or
lowing questions from your essential oil supplier: harmful solvents or chemicals are being used?
. Are the fragrances delicate, rich, and organic? How many years hm your supplier been doing
Do they "feel" natural? Do the aromas vary all of this?
from batch to batch as an indication that they How to Maximize the Shelf Life of
are painstakingly distilled in small barches rath- Your Essential Oils
er than industriallv processed on a large scale?
The highest qualiry essential oils are bortled in
. Does your supplier subjecr each batch of dark glass. The reason for this is rwo-fold. Firsr,
glass is more stable than plastic and does not
essenrial oils to multiple chemical analyses ro "breathe" the same way plastic does. Second, the
test for puriry and therapeutic qualiry? Are darkness ofthe glass protects the oil from light that
these tests performed by independent labs? may chemically alter or degrade it over time.
. Does your supplier grow and distill organically After using an essential oil, keep the lid tightly
sealed. Bottles that are improperly sealed can re-
grown herbs? sulr in the loss of some of the lighter, lower-mo-
lecular-weight parts of the oil. In addition, over
. Are rhe distillation facilities part of the farm rime oxygen in the air reacts with and oxidizes
the oil.
where the herbs are grown (so oils are freshly
distilled), or do herbs wait days to be processed
and lose potency?
Basil. . . . 50-50 Copaiba. Neat Hinoki......... 50€0
50-50 5G50 HongKuai...... 5o-50
Bergamot . 5G,50 Coriander. 2G80 HoVood....... Neat
2G80 Cumin. . sG50 Hvssop......... 5G50
Biblical Sweet Myrrh Cypress . 5G50 5G50
BlackPepper...... 5G,50 5G50 ldaho Balsam Fir . Neat
BlackSpruce...... Davana. . 5G50 50-50
BlueCypress...... 50€0 5Gs0 Idaho Blue Spruce 20-80
5G50 Dill .... Neat
BlueThnsy........ 50€0 DoradoAzul ....... 5G50 IdahoTinsy..... 5G,50
Neat 5G50 lshpingo........ Neat
Calamus. Neat Douglas Fir 5&50
Elemi . . . 5o'50 JadeLemon..... 5G50
Canadian Fleabane. . 5G,50 EucalyptusBlue.... 5G50 Jasmine........ Neat
5G,50 Neat Juniper......... 5G50
Cardamom........ Eucalyptus Cirriodora Neat Kunzea......,,. Neat
CarrotSeed....... 50€0 Eucalyptus Globulus . Neat
50-50 Eucalyptus Rrdiata . . 20{o Laurus Nobilis. . . 5G,50
Cassia. . . 20€0 Eucalyptus Staigeriana 5G50
Neat Fennel.. Neat Lavandin....... 20€0
Cedarwood ....... 50€0 Neat Lavender....... 2o-80
CelerySeed ....... 2G80 Frankincense ....... 5G50 Ledum......... sG50
Neat 5G50 Lemon........ 5G50
CinnamonBark.... 5G50 Frereana Frankincense 50.50 Lemongrass..... Neat
Cistus. . . 50-50 Neat 5o'50
Citronella. 5G50 Geranium Lemon Myrtlc. . .
CitrusHystrix..... 2G80 Cerman Chamomile .
Clary Sage Cinger. . Lime..........
Clove. . . Goldenrod.
Grapefruit Mandarin......
Helichrysum....... Marjoram.......
Single Essential Oil Application Codes
Neal - Straight, undlluted 20-80 = Dilute 20-80
Always dilute 20-80 (1 part essenrial oils
Dilution usually NOT required; suitable to 4 parts V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex)
forfor all but the mosr sensitive skin. Safe before applying to rhe skin or taking
children over 2 years old.
5o-50 = Dilute 50-50 internallv. Keep out ofreach ofchildren.
Dilution recommended at 50-50 (l part essential Avoid using on skin exposed to direct
sunlight or UV rays (i.e., sunlamps,
oils to 1 partV-6 Vegetable Oil Complex) for tanning beds, etc.)
ontopical and internal use, especially when used
area,5sn5i1iys 2rcas face, neck, genital
-underarms, etc. Keep out ofreach ofchildren.
l Single Essential Oil Application Codes (continued)
o (Please see box at bottom ofprevious page for explanation ofcodes)
Vast rante. 50€0 Plectranthus Oregano 20€0 Western Red Cedar 50-50
\4<lllruca Alt<rnilblia . . . 50-50 Ravintsara 50-50 VhiteFiL........ 50.50
\4ehleuca Ericifolia. . . . . 50-50 Roman Chamomile. Neat \YzhireLotus...... Neat
Wintergreen...... Neat
Melaleuca Quinquenen,ia 5G,50 Rose. . . . Neat 5G,50
Melissr. . Neat XangMao....... Neat
Rosemary 50.50
Vicromeria 20€0 Yarrorv . .
50-50 Royal Hawaiian
Vountrin Sarorv.. ..... YlangYlang.....,
Sandalrvood..... Neat
Yuzu. . . .
Mvmh . . Neat Rue ... . ... 5G50
Mvnle . . 5G,50 Sacred Frankincense. Neat
Neroli. . . Neat Sacred Sandalwood . Neat
Northern Lighrs Black SpanishSage...... ... 50.50
Spearmint . .. 5G50
Spruce . . 50-50 ... 5G50
Nurmeg. 50-50
Ocotea . . 20€0 Spikenard. Neat
Orange. . 50.50 Thngerine. PH 50"50
Oregano. 20€0 Tarragon .
Tea Tiee . ... 50'50
Pal marosa. Neat Thyme. . ... 5G50
Tluga. . . ... 20'80
Palo Santo 50-50 ... 5Gs0
Parchouli Neat
Pepperminr 20€0 Valerian. Neat
Perirgrain Neat Vanilla . . Neat
Pine. . . . 50-50 Vetiver.. Neat
Essential oils should be stored away Diluting Essential Oils
from light, especially sunlight-even if Mosr essential oils require dilurion wirh a vegetable
they are already stored in amber glass
oil when being used either internally or externally.
bottles. The darker the storage conditions, The amount of dilution depends on the essential oil.
For example, oregano n'ill require four times as much
the longer your oil will maintain irs dilution as that of Roman Chamomile. Vegetable oils
such as V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex are specifically
original chemistry and qualiry.
formulated to dilute essential oils and have a long shelf
Store essential oils in a cool location. life (over rwo years) without going rancid. For more
Excessive heat can derange the molecular information on specific usage instructions For each
essential oil, please see the "Personal Usage Cuide."
structure of the oil the same way ultraviolet
Iight can.
"fr d
:4, : . ff I o
t I
Amazonian Ylang Ylang
G u idellnes Amazonian Ylang Ylang \
Pleme see Chapter 3 for additional details ( Canan g a od o rata Eq u ito rt a n a ) L
on how to use essential oils md follow the The flowering ylang ylang tree is often found L
directions on the product labels. L
in the Philippines, Indonesia, and Madagascar. L
Common uses: Almost all single oils can be
diffused, directly inhaled, and/or applied Gary Young also rranslocated rrees to the Young (
topically. Living Ecuador Farm, where the aromatic flowers
from thousands oltrees bloom every day. \
Full body massage: Dilute I drop essential Uses: Vhile renowned for its calming effect,
oil with 1 5 drops ofV-6 or other pure L
several studies show it brings relieffor the L
carrier oil. depressed and srressed, while ir increases L
Possible skin sensitivity: Test for sensitiviry attentiveness and alertness, causing researchers L
on small location ofskin on underside
of arm. to say it is "harmonizing." L
Fragrant lnfl uence: Balances male-female L
Possible sun sensitivity: Avoid direcr L
sunlighr or UV rays for up to 12 hours after energies, enhances spiritual atrunemenr, L
applying producr. combats anger and low self-esteem. increases L
focus ofrhoughr. 6lters our negarive energy, L
Dietary and/or culinary use: Vitality'''
dietary essential oil singles can be added restores confidence and peace
to food for delicious, concentrated l]avor
or used in capsules lor rheir supporring Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour 3
properties. Follow rhe directions on rhe times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute
1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
labels. pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras. and/or Vita Flex poinrs.
Found-in list: A list ofthe products
containing each oil can be found in Technical Data: Botanical Family: Annonaceae;
Appendix B. Plmt Origin: Ecuador; Extraction Method:
Steam distilled from flowers; Key Constituents:
46 Benzyl Acetate (15-29o/o), Germacrene D (10-
200lo), Linalool (10-25o/o), Benzyl Benzoate (4-
12%), p-Cresyl Methyl Ether (2-100/o)
Angelica Anise
Angelica (Angelica archan g el ica) Technical Data: Botanical Family: Apiaceae;
Plmt Origin: Belgium, France; Extraction
Known as the "holy spirit root" or the "oil Method: Steam distilled from seed/root; Key
Constituents: Beta-Phellandrene (60-80%),
ofangels" by the Europeans, angelicas healing Limonene (1-4%), Alpha-Pinene (5-10%)
powers were so strong that it was believed to be
ofdivine origin. From the time of Paracelsus, Anise (Pimpinetla anisum)
it was credited with the ability to protect from
the plague. The stems were chewed during the Lisred in Dioscorides' De Mrtteria Medica
plague of 1660 to prevent infection.'When (AD 78), Europet first authoritative guide to
burned, the seeds and roots were thought to medicines, which became the standard reference
work for herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.
Puri$, the air. Medical Properties: Digestive stimulant,
Medical Properties: Anticoagulanr, relaxant,
anticoagulant, anesthetic/analgesic,
antispasmodic antioxidant, diuretic, antitumoral, anti-
Uses: Throat/lung infections, indigestion, inflammatory
Uses: Arthritis/rheumatism, cancer
mensrrual problems/PMS, symptoms of Fragrant lnfluence: Opens emotional blocks
and recharges vital energy
dementia Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Fragrant lnfluence: Assists in the release 3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put
in a capsule and take up to 3 times daily or as
of pent-up negative feelings and restores needed. Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil
memories to the point of origin before trauma with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and
or anger was experienced apply on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 minutes points.
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Dilute
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Apiaceae;
I drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other Plant Origin: Turkey; Extraction Method:
Steam distilled from the seeds (fruit); Key
pure carrier oil ofchoice, put in a capsule, and
take up to 3 times daily or as needed. Topical: 47
Dilute I drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or
other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on
Iocation, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviw.
e - ?a
Basil Bergarnot
Constituents: Tians-Anethole (85-9 5o/o) : on location, remples, neck, or on chakras and/ L
Methyl Chavicol (2-4%)r ORAC: 333,700 or Vita Flex poin6 (crown ofhead, forehead, L
pTE/100g hean, and navel). Apply around ear for L
Basil pci mum basit icum ) Cautions: Avoid use if epileptic. Do not pour L
oil into the ear.
Used exrensivelv in traditional Asian
Indian medicine, basil's name is derived from Basil VitalityrM lOci m u m basiI icu m )
"basileum," rhe Greek name for king. ln the
l6th century, the powdered leaves were inhaled Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop wirh 4
to treat migraines and chest infections. The drops ofcarrier oil. Put in a capsule and take
Hindu people put basil sprigs on the chests of I daily.
the dead to prorecr them from evil spirirs. Italian
women wore basil to attract possible suitors. It Technical Data: Botmical Family: Lamiaceae;
was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation Plant Origin: lndia. Urah. France;
of early German medicines by highly regarded Extraction Method: Sream distilled from
Benedictine herbalist Hildegard oF Bingen leaves, stems, and flowers; Key Constituenc:
(1098-l 179). Methylchavicol (estragol) (70-90%), Linalol
Medical Properties: Powerful antispasmodic, (l-20o/o), 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) ( 1-70lo);
ORAC: 54,000 pTE/100g
anriviral, anribacterial, anri-infl ammarory,
muscle relaxanr Bergamot (Citrus aurantium bergamia)
Uses: Migraines, rhroat/lung infecrions, insect
bites (also found in literature as Cinus bergamia)
Fragrant lnfluence: Fights mental fatigue Christopher Columbus is believed to have
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up ro 30 minutes
3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical: brought bergamot to Bergamo in Nonhern Italy
Dilure 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 from the Canary Islands. A mainstay in traditional
or orher pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops Ita.lian medicine, bergamot has been used in
the Middle East for hundreds of years for skin
48 conditions associated with an oily complexion.
Bergamot is responsible for the distinctive flavor
of the renowned Earl Grey Tea and was used in Muscat, Oman. Like other frankincense species, it
rhe first genuine eau de cologne. is highly anti-inflammatory antimicrobial, and an
Medical Properties: Calming, hormonal
support, antibacterial, antidepressant Medical Properties: Analgesic, antioxidant,
Uses: Agitation, depression, anxiery intestinal
anti-infl ammatory, antimicrobial, anti[ungal,
parasites, insomnia, viral infections (herpes, antiviral
cold sores) Uses: Arthritis, digestive problems, nerve/
Fragrant lnfluence: Relieves anxiery; mood- muscle pain, fungal infections
lifting qualities Fragrant lnfl uence: Promotes spiritual
awareness and is uplifring. Ir contains
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 sesquiterpenes, which stimulate the limbic
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 system ofthe brain (the center ofmemory
drop essential oil rvith I drop V-6 or other pure and emotions) and the hypothalamus, pineal,
and pituitary glands. The hypothalamus is the
carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on location, master gland ofthe human body, producing
chakras, and/or Vira Flex points. many vital hormones, including th1'roid and
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry. growth hormone.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to .30 minutes
Bergamot VitalityrM 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute
( C itru s au rant i u rn bergam ia) 1 drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other
Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with I drop pure carrier oil and apply on locarion, chakras,
and/or Vita Flex points.
ofcarrier oi[. Put in a capsule and take up to 3 Technical Data: Botanical Family:
dmes daily. Burseraceae; Plmt Origin: Socotra lsland,
Technical Data: Botmical Family Rutaceae; Yemen; Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Plant Origin: Italy, Morocco; Extraction from resin; Key Constituents: Trans-Beta-
Method: Cold pressed from the rind. Ocimene (45 -650/o), Cis-Alpha-Bisabolene
Also produced by vacuum distillation. ( 1 0- 1 r%), Alpha-Santalene (12-20o/o),
Furocoumarin-free bergamot oil is specially Trans-Alpha-Bergamotene (3-8%), Cis-Alpha-
distilled to minimize the concentration of Bergamotene (1-4olo)
sun-sensitizing compounds in the oil; Key
Constituents: Limonene (30-45o/o), Linalyl Black Pepper (Piper nigrum)
Acerate (22-360/o), Linalol (3-l5Vo), Gamma-
Terpinene (6- I 0olo), Beta-Pinene (5.5 -9.5yo) Used by the Egyptians in mummification, as
evidenced by the discovery of black pepper in
Biblical Sweet Myrrh the nostrils and abdomen of Ramses 11. Indian
monks ate several black peppercorns a day to
( Co m m i p h o ra e ryth raea ) give them endurance during their arduous
A close cousin to the more well-known Com- travels. In ancient times, pepper was as valuable
as gold or silver. 'Vhen the barbarian Goth tribes
mipbora mynha, Biblical Sweet Myrrh is also called of Europe vanquished Rome in 410 AD, they
Opoponu. Used in dozens of perfirmes to impart demanded 3,000 pounds ofpepper as well as
sweet balsamic notes, this myrrh species is found other valuables as a ransom. Traditional Chinese
in Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle and Dior's Poison.
Biblical Sweet Myrrh comes from myrrh resin
gathered on the island ofSocotra, offthe coast of
Yemen, and is distilled at the Young Living farm in
- l
-t T to
tI r\ a 1 II I ,'
\ I I
r+ - t a
,I Tr
I Black Spruce
Black Pepper
healers used pepper ro treat cholera, malaria, and (10-17o/o). Sabinene (6-15o/o), Delta-3-Carene L
digestive problems. (3- | 5o/o), Alpha-Pinene (3-l2o/o), Beta-Pinene L
Medical Properties: Analgesic, srimulates (5 - 12o/o) ; ORAC: 79,700 gTE/ 1 00g
metabolism, antiftrngal Black Spruce (picea mariana)
Uses: Obesirv, arthriris, digestive problems, \
The Lakota Indians used black spruce to
fatigue, nerue/muscle pain, fungal infections, strengrhen their abiliry to communicate with L
tobacco cessation the Great Spirit. Tiaditionally, it was believed ro
possess the frequency of prosperiry. t
Fragrant lnfluence: Stimulating, energizing, Medical Properties: Antispasmodic, L
and empowering . A 2002 srudy lound thar L
fragrance inhalation of pepper oil induced antiparasitic, antisepric, anti-inf ammatory, L
a 1.7-fold increase in plasma adrenaline hormone-like. corrisone-like, immune L
concentration (Haze, er al.). stimulanr, antidiabetic
Uses: Arthritis/rheumatism, fungal infections (
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes (candida), sinus/respiratory infections,
3 times daily or direcrly inhale. Topical: Dilute sciatica/lumbago L
I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or orher Fragrant lnfluence: Releases emotional blocks,
pure carrier oil and apply on location, chakras, bringing about a feeling ofbalance and L
and/or Vita Flex points. grounding
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 minutes L
BIack Pepper VitalityrM 3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Dietary: Take
as a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Dilure I
(Piper nigrum) drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
Directions: Dietary: Dilute I drop with I drop chakras, and/or Vira Flex points.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Pinaceae;
ofcarrier oil. Put in a capsule and take up to 3 PImt Origin: Canada; Extraction Method:
times daily. Steam distilled from branches, needles, and
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Piperaceae;
PImt Origin: Madagascar, Sri Lanka,
England, India; Extraction Method: Steam
distilled from fruit/berries; Key Constituents:
Beta-Caryophylle ne (12-29o/o), Limonene
rwigs; Key Constituents: Bornyl Acetate (24- Camphor (10-17o/o),Sabinene (10-17o/o),
35olo), Camphene (14-260/o), Alpha-Pinene Beta-Pinene (5- I 00/o), Myrcene (7 -1 3o/o),
(l 2-19o/o). Beta-Pinene (2-l0o/o), Delta-3- Alpha-Phellandrene (5- I 00/o), Para-Cymene
Carene (4-10%), Limonene (3-60lo), Myrcene (3-8%), Chamazulene (3-60lo); ORAC:
( 1 - 5olo), Santene ( I - 5olo), Triryclen e (1 - 4o/o) 68,800 pTE/100g
Blue Gypress (Callitris intratrapica) Calamus (Acorus calamus)
BIue rypress in ancient times was used for Commonly known as sweet flag, this plant
incense, perfume, and embalming. may have been the biblical calamus ofExodus
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory, 30:23 used in the holy anointing oil. It seems
antiviral to have originated in India or Arabia bur
Uses: Viral infections (herpes simplex, herpes now is found in many places throughout the
zoster, cold sores, human papilloma virus, world. Native Americans used calamus as a
genital warts, etc.) medicine and a stimulant, but low doses are also
believed to be calming and to induce sleep. The
Directions: Aromatiq Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply Penobscot people have a tradition that ir saved
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita their people from a serious illness.
Flex points. Dilution not required except for Medical Properties: Antibacrerial, sedative,
the mosr sensitive skin. carminative, expectorant, antispasmodic,
Technical Data: Botanical Family: bronchodilator. hepatoprorective
Cupressaceae; Plant Origin: Australia; Uses: Relues spasms, lung infections, agitation
Extraction Method: Steam distillation Fragrant Influence: Believed to induce and
From the leaves and wood of the tree; Key promote positive thoughts
Constituents: Gamma-Eudesm oI (5-l2o/o),
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour 3
Guaiol (10-20olo), Bulnesol (5-t tolo;, times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute
Dihydrocolumellarin ( l0-25%); ORAC:
I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other
73,100 pTE/100g pure carrier oil. Apply 2-4 drops on location,
Blue Tansy (Tanacetum annuum) chakras, and/or Vira Flex poinrs.
Caution: Use only oil from the diploid species
Moroccan Blue Tansy receives its lovely blue that does not contain B-asarone.
color from the constituenr chamazulene. Technical Data: Botanical Family: Acoraceae;
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory Plant Origin: India, Nepal, Brazil;
analgesic/anesthetic, antifungal, anti-itching, Extraction Method: Steam extracted from
relaxant, hormonelike roots; Key Constituents: Cis-Methyl
- Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to I hour 3 Isoeugenol (13-21o/o), Syobunone (7 -160/o\,
rimes daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply
Acorenone (i-l5o/o), Calamuscenone (i- I 1 %)
2-4 drops on Iocation, chakras, and/or Vita Ganadian Fleabane
Flex points. Dilution not required except for
rhe most sensitive skin. (Conyza canadensis)
lVhen bothered by rhinitis, the Zuni people
_ Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Asteraceae
or Compositae (daisy); Plant Origin: inserted the crushed flowers of conyza in their
Moroccor Extraction Method: Steam distilled nostrils for the reliefofa good sneeze.
from llowering planl Key Constituents:
- * II
Medical Properties: Stimulates liver and
pancreas, antiaging (stimulates groivth
hormone), antirheumatic, antispasmodic,
vasodilating, reduces blood pressure,
antilungal, antimicrobial \ lr
Uses: Hvpertension, hepatitis, accelerated aging tr\ h-. "&
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 \ {
rimes daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take -1
as a dietarl, supplement. Topical: Dilute l
drop essenrial oil with I drop V-6 or other
pure carrier oil. Apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras. and/or Vira Flex poinrs.
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Cardamom
Compositae; Plant Origin: Canada;
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil, put in a
stems, leaves, and llowers (aerial parrs); capsule, and take up to 3 times daily as a
Key Constituents: Limoncne (60-800./o), dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute 1 drop
essenrial oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
Tians-Alpha-Bergamorene (1-10%), Tians- carrier oil and apply on locarion, stomach,
Beta-Ocimene (2-6%), Gamma-Curcumene solar plexus, thighs, or on chakras and/or Vita
(1-8%); ORAC: 26,700 pTE/100g
Cardamom ( Ebttari a card anom u m ) Flex points.
Called "Grains of Paradise" since rhe Middle Cardamom VitalityrM (Eteuaria
Ages, it has been used medicinally by Indian
healers for millennia. One of the most prized cardamomum)
spices in ancient Greece and Rome, cardamom
was cultivated by the king of Babylon around the Directions: Dietary: Dilute I drop essential
7th century BC. oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put
in a capsule and take up to 3 times daily or as
It is mentioned in one of the oldest known
medical records, the Ebers Papyrus (dating from needed.
1 6th century BC), an ancient Egyptian lisr of 877
prescriptions and recipes. Technical Data: Botanical Family:
Medical Properties: Antispasmodic Zingiberaceae; Plant Origin: Guatemala, Sri
Lanka; Extraction Method: Steam distilled
(neuromuscrrlar), expecroranr, anriparasiric from seeds; Key Constituents: Alpha-
(worms), anrioxidanr, antimicrobial Terpinyl Acetate (45 -5 5o/o), 1,8-Cineole
Uses: Lung/sinus infection, indigestion, senility, (Eucalyptol) (16-360/0), Lindol (4-lo/o),
Linalyl Acetate (3-7olo); ORAC: 36,500
headaches gTE/100g
Fra grant I nfl uence: Uplifting, refreshing, and Garrot Seed lDaucus carota)
Carrot seed oil is traditionally used for kidney
Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up to 30 and digestive disorders and to relieve liver
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. congestion.
Dietary: Dilute I drop essential oil with I
7 .--rfl r
Carrot Seed
Medical Properties: Antiparasitic, antiseptic, Note: While its aroma is similar to cinnamon. I
purgative, diuretic, vasodilarory, antifungal cassia is chemically and physically quite
Uses: Skin conditions (eczema, oily skin,
psoriasis, wrinkles), water retention. liver Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory (COX-
problems 2 inhibitor), antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral,
Directions: Topical: Dilure I drop essential oil anticoagulant
with 1 drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and Uses: Cataracts, fungal infections (ringworm,
apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or candida), atherosclerosis, anxiolytic, diabetes,
Vita Flex points.
Garrot Seed VitalityrM
Directions:Aromatic Diffirse up to t hour
(Daucus carota)
3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Dietary:
Directions: Dietily: Put 4 drops in a capsule. Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6
or other pure carrier oil. Put in a capsule and
Take 3 times daily or as needed. take 1 daily or as directed by a health care
Technical Data: Botanicd Family: Apiaceae; professional. Topical: Dilute I drop essential
oil with 4 drops V-6 or other pure carrier oil
Plant Origin: France; Extraction Method: and apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/
Steam distilled from dried seeds; Key or Vita FIex points.
Constituents: Carotol (30-40olo), Alpha-
Pinene (12-160lo), Tians-Beta-Caryophyllene Caution: May irritate the nasal membranes if
(6- I 00/o), Caryophyllene Oxide (3-5olo)
inhaled directly from diffuser or bottle.
Gassia (Cinnamomum aromaticum) Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae;
(Syn. C. cassia) Plmt Origin: China; Extraction Method:
Cassia is rich in biblical history and is Steam distilled from branches, leaves,
and petioles; Key Constituents: Trans-
mentioned in one of the oldest known medical Cinnamaldehyde (70-88%), Tians-O,
records, the Ebers Papyrus (dating from 16th Methoxycinnamaldehyde (3-1 50lo),
century BC), an ancient Eglzptian list of 877 Coumarine (1.5-4Vo), Cinnamyl Acetate (0-
prescriptions and recipes. 60lo); ORAC: 15,170 pTE/100g
{,* ts
Cedarwood Celery Seed
Gedarwood (Cedrus attantica) Method: Steam distilled from bark; Key
Constituents: Alpha-Himachalene (10-20olo),
Throughout antiquiry cedarwood has been
used in medicines. The Egyptians used ir for Beta-Himachalen e (35 -55o/o), Gamma-
embalming the dead. It was used as both a Himachalene (8-15%), Delta-Cadinene (2-
traditional medicine and incense in Tibet. 67o); ORAC: 169,000 pTE/l00g
Medical Properties: Combars hair loss
Celery Seed lnpium graveotens)
(alopecia areata), antibacterial, lymphatic
Long recognized as helpful in digestion, liver
) srimulant cleansing, and urinary tract support. Ir is also
Uses: Hair loss, arreriosclerosis, ADHD, skin said to increase milk flow in nursing morhers.
problems (acne, eczema) Medical Propertiesr Antibacterial, antioxidanr,
Fragrant lnfluenG€: Stimulates the limbic
region ofthe brain (the center ofemotions), antirheumatic, digestive aid, diuretic, liver
stimulates the pineal gland, which releases
melatonin. Terry Friedmann, MD, found Protecranr- L
in clinical resrs rhar this oil may rreat ADD Uses: Arthritis/rheumatism, digestive problems, L
and ADHD (atrention deficit disorders) in L
children. It is recognized for its calming, liver problems/hepatitis
Puri$'ing ProPerties. Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro I hour
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: L
Dilute 1 drop essential oil wirh 1 drop V-6 or
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on \
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Lpply 2-4 location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
drops directly to desired area or apply on L
chakras and/or Vita Flex points. Dilution not Gelery Seed VitalityrM
needed except for the most sensirive skin.
Technical Data: Botmicd Family: Pinaceae; (Apium graveolens)
Plant Origin: Morocco, USA; Cedrus Directions: Dietary: Dilute 2 drops with 2
atlantica is the species most closely r.elated to drops ofV-6 or other carrier oil. Put in a capsule
the biblical Cedars ofLebanon: Extraction and take up to 3 rimes daily or as needed.
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Apiaceae;
lt \ 7
d \ ( I\rf
q ]}
Cinnamon Bark ^/Cistus
Plant Origin: Europe; Extaction Method: Cinnamon Bark VitalityrM
Steam distilled from dried seeds; Key (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) (Syn. C. verunt)
Constituents: Limonene (60-7 5o/o). Npha
and Beta Selinene (14-200lo), Sednenolide (4- Directions: Dietary: Dilute I drop wirh 4
7olo): ORAC: 30,300 pTE/100g drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a
capsule and take 1 daily.
Ginnamon Bark Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae;
Plmt Origin: Sri Lanka, Madagascar,
(Cinnamomum zeylantcum) (Syn. C. verum) Ceylon; Extraction Method: Steam distilled
Listed in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica from bark; Key Constituents: Tians-
Cinnamaldehyde (50-7 5Vo), Etgenol (4-7 o/o),
(AD 78), Europe's first authoritative guide to Beta- Caryophyllene (3 -8 0/o), Linalol (3-9olo) ;
medicines, which became the standard reference ORAC: 10,340 pTE/100g
work for herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory
(COX-2 inhibitor), powerfully antibacrerial, Cistus (Ci st u s lada n ife r/ I ad an iferu s)
antiviral, antifungal, anticoagulant,
circulatory stimulant, stomach protectant (also known as Labdanum)
(ulcers), antiparasitic (worms) Cistus is also known as "rock rose" and Rose
Uses: Cardiovascular disease, infectious diseases,
viral infections (herpes, etc.), digestive ofSharon and has been studied for its effects on
the regeneration of cells.
Medical Properties: Artiviral, antibacterial,
complaints, ulcers, and warts antihemorrhagic, anti-inf ammatory, supports
Fragrant lnfluence: Thought to artract wealth sympathetic neruous system, immune
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Uses: Hemorrhages, arthriris
Dilute I drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or Fragrant lnfluence: Calming to rhe nerves,
other pure carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on elevares rhe emotions
_ location, chakras, and/or Vita FIex points. Directions:Aromatie Diffirse up ro t hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take 4
Caution: May irritate the nasal membranes if
inhaled directly from diffuser or bottle. drops as dietary supplement. Topical: Apply
N, tl
\ dltI1 I
Citrus Hystrix / Combava
cttrone lla
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita I drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
FIex points. Dilution not needed except for pure carrier oil, put in a capsule, and take
the most sensirive skin. up to 3 times daily or as needed as a dietary
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Cistaceae; supplement. Topical: Dilute I drop essential
Plmt Origin: Spain; Extraction Method: oil with I drop V-6 or orher pure carrier oil
Steam distilled from leaves and branches; and apply on location, chakras, and/or Vita
Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (40-600/0), Flex points.
Camphene (2-5o/o), Bornyl Acetate (3-60lo), Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Poaceae;
Trans-Pinocarveol (3-60/o): ORAC: 3,860 Plant Origin: Sri Lanka; Extraction Method:
pTE/ 1 00g Steam distilled from aerial parts and leaves;
Key Constituens: Geraniol ( I 8-30o/o),
Used by various culrures to rrear intesrinal Limonene (5- 1 0olo), TianyMethyl Isoeugenol
parasites, mensrrual problems, and as a (4-10o/o), Geranyl Acetate (5-1 00/o), Borneol
stimulant. Historically used to sanitize and (3-8%); ORAC: 312,000 ;rTE/100g
deodorize surfaces. Enhanced ir,sect repelling
properties when combined with cedarrvood. (Also knorvn as Kaltrr lime) L
Medical Properties: Powerftrl anrioxidant,
Used as a flavorant and as a nausea, \
antibacrerial, antifungal, insect repellent, anti- fainting, and headache rrearmenr. Also used for
i nfl ammatory. arr rispasmodic. antiparasir ic stomachaches and dyspepsia. (
(worms), relaxant Medical Properties: Anti-inf ammatory
Uses: Respiratory infections, muscle/nerve L
pain, digestive/intestinal problems, anxiety, antimicrobial, anridepressanr, reluanr,
skin problems (acne, eczema, oily skin), skin- antitumoral, antioxidant, rich in citronellal, (
penetration enhancer which possesses calmarive properries
Fragrant lnfluence: Refreshing and uplifting Uses: Stress, anxiery, trauma (
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Dilute minutes 3 times dailv or directlv inhale.
ar tr.
\ L-l
I a
? tl-n/ \ \
rri"l I
Clary Sage Clove
Dietary: Take as a dietary supplement. problems, high cholesterol, insect repellant
Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil with I Fragrant lnfluence: Enhances onei abiliw ro
drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply
on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs. dream and is verv calming and srress relieving
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up ro -30
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Rutaceae;
Plant Origin: Indochina, Malavsia; minutes 3 times daily or direcrl,v inhale.
Dietaryr Take as a dierarv supplement.
Extraction Method: Steam disrilled from Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 1
leaves; Key Constituents: Citronnellal (65- drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply
), I ), I8 0 0/o Li n alo ( 3 - 6 o/o C i t ro n n e I I o ( 2 - 5 o/o ). on location, (feet, ankles, wrists) or apply
lsopulegol (2-4olo); ORAC: 69,200 gTE/1 00g on chakras and/or Vita FIex points. Rub 6-8
drops on lower back during PMS.
Glary Sage $atuia sctarea) Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae;
Plant Origin: Utah, France; Extraction
Clary sage seeds were historically used by Method: Steam distilled from flowering plant;
soaking the seeds and using the mucilage as an Key Constituents: Linalyl Acerare (56-7 8o/o),
eye-wash and to draw thorns or splinters from Linalol (7 -24o/o), Cermacrene D (2-l2o/o),
the skin. It was also used to treat skin infections, Sclareol (.4-30lo); ORAC; 22 1,000 pTE/100g
acne, digestive disorders, women's ailments, and
soothe and calm the skin. Aromatically, clary eClov gyzyg i u m a ro m at i c Lr m )
sage was used to enhance the immune system,
calm digestive disorders, reduce inflammation (Syr-t. Eugen ia carya phyl I us )
such as eczema, calm muscle spasms, and for The people on the island ofTernate were free
respiratory condirions.
Medical Properties: Anticoagulant, from epidemics until rhe l6th century, when
Dutch conquerors destroyed the clove trees that
antioxidant, antidiabetic, estrogenJike, fourished on the islands. Many of rhe islanders
antifungal, antispasmodic, reluanr, died from the epidemics that followed.
cholesterol-reducing, antitumoral, anesthetic
Uses: Leukemia, menstrual discomforts/PMS, Cloves q,ere reputed to be part of the
hormonal imbalance, insomnia, circulatory "Marseilles Vinegar" or "Four Thieves Vinegar"
that bandits who robbed the dead and dving
used to protect themselves during the 15th Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Myrtaceae;
century plague. . Plmt Origin: Madagascar, Spice Islands;
Clove was lisred in Hildegard's Medicine, Extraction Method: Steam distilled lrom
a compilation of early German medicines by flower bud and stem; Key Constituens:
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard Eugenol (75-87o/o), Eugenol Acetare (8-1 5olo),
of Bingen (1098-1 179). Beta-Carophyllene (2-7o/o); ORAC: 1,078,700
Healers in China and India have used
clove buds since ancient times as part oftheir Copaiba (Balsam Copaiba)
(Copaifera officinalis, C. reticulata)
Eugenol. clove's principal constiruent, w* Healers and curanderos in the Amazon
used in the denta.l industry for years ro numb use copaiba resin for all rypes ofpain and
gums. infammatory disorders, both internal (stomach
Medical Properties: Antiaging, antitumoral, ulcers and cancer) and external (skin disorders
and insect bites).
antimicrobial, antifu ngal, antiviral, analgesic/
anesthetic, antioxidalt, anticoagulant, anti- In Peruvian traditional medicine, three or four
inflammatory sto-ach protecrant (ulcers), drops of the resin are mixed with a spoonful of
antipuasitic (worms), mticonvulsant, bone honey and taken as a natural sore throat remedy.
presewing It is also employed in Peruvian and Brazilian
Uses: Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis/ herbal medicine systems as an anti-infammatory
rheumatism, hepatitis, intestinal parasites/ and antiseptic for the urinary tract (cystitis,
infections, for numbing all types ofpain, bladder, and kidney disorders) and in the
throat/sinus/lung infections, catarac$, ulcers, treatment of urinary problems, stomach ulcers,
lice, toothache, acne syphilis, tetanus, bronchitis, and tuberculosis.
Fragrant !nfluenGe: A mental stimulant;
encourages sleep, stimulates dreams, and In Brazilian herbal medicine, the resin is
creates a sense ofprotection and courage highly regarded as a strong antisepric and
expectorant for the respiratory tract (including
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour bronchiris and sinusiris) and as an anrisepric
gargle. It is a popular home remedy in Brazil for
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: sore throats and tonsillitis (1/2 teaspoon ofresin
Dilute 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or is added to warm water).
other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on Note: The word "Copal" is derived from the
location, gums, mouth, or on chakras and/or
Vita llex points. Spanish word for incense (copelli) and can
Caution: Anticoagulant properties can be reler ro any number ofdifferent resinous
enhanced when combined with lVarfarin, gums or exudates from trees in Malaysia
aspirin, etc. and South America. Copals are known as
black (Protium copal), white (blanco) (Bursera
Glove VitalitytM lSyzygiu m aromaticu m ) bipinnata), gold (oro) (H. courbaril), and
Brazilian (Copaifera kngsdorfi 0r rcticulltu).
( Syn. Eu ge n ia caryop hyl I u s ) Only the Brazilian copal or copaiba has
Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with I a GRAS disrinction in the U.S. and has
the most published research on irs anri-
drop ofV-6 or orher pure carrier oil. Put in inflammarory effects.
a capsule and take up to 3 rimes daily. For a
tickling cough, put a drop on back of tongue.
'il fr
t I,.
Copaiba Coriander
Medical Properties: Anti-inflammatory 5olo), Alpha-Humulene (6- I 0olo), Beta-
(powerful), neuroprotective, antimicrobial, Caryophyllene (39 -7 2o/o), Delta-Cadinene
anxiol;'t ic, mucolyric. anriulcer. ant icarrcer', (2-3%), Detta-El emene (2-3o/o), Camma-
anriseptic. kidnrl' store prcventative Elemene ( 1 -8%), Germacrene D (4-60/o),
Trans-Alpha-Bergamotene (3 - 1 1o/o)
Uses: Pain relief (strong anti-inflammatory),
arthritis, rheumatism, cancer, skin disorders Coriander n( Cort and ru sativu m )
(psoriasis), insect bites, stomach distress,
urinary disorders. sore throat. anxiery Coriander seeds were found in the ancient
Egyptian tomb of Ramses II. This oil has been
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 researched at Cairo Universiry for its effects
in lowering glucose and insulin levels and
rimes daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Put 2 supporting pancreatic function. It has also
drops in a capsule and take 3 times daily or as been srudied For its effects in strengthening the
needed. As an alternative, add to food or rice
milk, etc., as a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Pancreas.
Apply on location or apply on chakras and/or
Vita Flex points. Dilurion not needed except Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory,
for the most sensitive skin. antioxidant, sedative, analgesic, antimicrobial,
Safety Data: Approved as a food additive in antifungal, liver protectant
the U.S.
Uses: Diabetes, arthritis, intestinal problems,
Gopaiba Vitality (Copaifera officinatis) skin conditions
Directions: Dietaryr Put 2 drops in a capsule. Fragrant lnfluencel Soothing and calming
Take 3 times daily or as needed. Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Fabaceae; 3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take
Plmt Origin: Brazil; Extraction Method: as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute 1
Steam distilled (vacuum distilled) from drop essenrial oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
gum resin exudate from tapped trees; pure carrier oil and apply to location or apply
Key Constituents: Alpha-Copaene (2- on chakras and/or Vira Flex poinrs.
Cumin Cypress
Goriander VitalityrM pur in a capsule, and rake 1 daily or as L
(Coriandrum sativum) direcred by a health professional. Topical: \
Directions: Dietry: Dilute 1 drop wirh I drop Dilute I drop with 4 drops olive oil. Applv on L
ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a capsule
chakras and/or Vita Flex poinrs. L
and take up to 3 times daily or as needed. Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry. L
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Apiaceae;
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Apiaceae; (
Plant Origin: Russia; Extraction Method: Plant Origin: Egypt; Extraction Method:
Steam distilled from seeds (fruit); Key Steam disrilled from seeds; Key Constituents: L
Constituents: Linalol (6J-/ go/s), Alpha- Cuminaldehyde (1 6-220/0), Gamma-
Pinene (3-7o/o), Camphor (4-60/o), Gamma- Terpinene (1 6-220/o), Beta-Pinene (12-1 8o/o).
Terpinene (2-7o/o), Limonene (2-5o/o), Para-Mentha- 1,3 + 1.4-dien-7 -al (25-35o/o), (
Para-Cymene (3-8%); ORAC: 82,400 \
Ceranyl Acetate ( 1 - 3.5o/o), Geraniol (0.5 -3o/o) ; pTE/ 1 009 L
ORAC:298,300 pTE/100g L
Cumin (Cuminum cyninum) Cypress (Cupressus se m pe rvi re n s ) L
The Hebrews used cumin as an antiseptic for The Phoenicians and Cretans used cypress for L
circumcision. In ancient Egypt, cumin was used building ships and bows, while the Egyptians
for cooking and mummi6cation. (
Medical Properties: Anritumoral, anri- made sarcophagi from the wood. The Greels used
cypress to carue statues oftheir gods. The Greek
infl ammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, word "semperuivens," from which the botanical
antifungal, antimicrobial, digestive aid, liver name is derived, means "live forever" The tree
protecrantr immune stimulant shares its name with rhe island of Cypress, where
Uses: Cancer, infectious disease, digestive it is used for worship. Cypress wood is noted for
its durabiliry as it was used most famously for the
problems original doors ofSt. Peter's Basilica at rhe Vatican
that legends say lasted over 1,000 years.
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up ro 30
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Dietary: Dilute as described under ropical,
Medical Properties: improves circularion; Medical Properties: Anri-infectious, antiviral,
is anti-infectious, antispasmodic, and an aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, calmative,
anrioxidant; discourages fuid retention; analgesic, anti-infl ammatory
improves respiration; promotes Iiver health
Uses: Skin infections. headaches, emotional
Uses: Diabetes, circulatory disorders, grounding, stress, worm infestations, sugar metabolism
Directions: Topical: Dilute I drop essential oil
Fragrant lnfluence: Eases the feeling olloss with I drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and
and creates a sense of security and grounding.
Also helps heal emotional trauma, calms, apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, or Vita
soothes anger, and helps lifc flow better. Can Flex points.
help soothe irritating coughs and minor chest Technical Data: Botanical Fmilyr Asteraceae;
discomfort. Extraction Method: Steam distilled lrom
flowers and leaves; Key Constituents:
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 Davanone 1-2 (40-6OVo), Davana Ether
l-3 (5-10olo), Ethyl Cinnamatc (l-60lo),
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take as Bicyclogermacrerrc (5 - | 4o/o)
a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute I drop Dill (anetnun gravealens)
essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure
The dill plant is menrioned in the Papvrus oF
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, Ebers from Egypt (l 550 BC). Roman gladiators
massaging toward center ofbody. Can also rubbed their skin with dill before each match.
apply on chakras and/or Vita Flex points. Listed in Dioscorides' De Materin Medic(t (AD
78), Europe's first authoritative guide to medicines,
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: rvhich became the standard reference work for
Cupressaceae; Plmt Origin: France, Spain; herbal treatments for over 1,700 years. It was listed
inHildegard's Medicine, a compiladon of early
Extraction Method: Sream distilled from German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine
branches; Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene herbalist Hildegard oF Bingen (1098-1 179).
(40-65Vo), Beta-Pinene (0.5-3%), Delta- Medical Properties: Anr idiaberic.
3-Carene (12-25o/o), Limonene ( 1.8-5%),
Cedrol (0.8-70lo), Myrcene (1-3.5%); ORAC: antispasmodic, antifungal, antibacterial,
24,300 pTE/ 1 00g expectorant, pancreatic stimulant, insulin/
blood sugar regulator
Davana (Arte m isi a pat lens) Uses: Diaberes. digestive problems, liver
Davana grows in the same areas of India Fragrant lnfluence: Calms rhe arrtonomic
as sandalwood. It has been used in India for nervous system and, when diffused with
diabetes, digestive problems (expels parasites), Roman Chamomile, combats ADHD
fighting infections, and calming anger. It has been
recommended as an aphrodisiac and is often used Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
in perfumery. It has a very rich, concentrated times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute I
aroma, is usually used in only very small drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
quantities, and is usually used as a complement in carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location or
very small amounts in essential oil blends. Davana abdomen. Can also apply on chakras and/or Vita
should always be diluted because it is high in
ketones. The aroma tends to develop differently, FIex points.
depending on the individual chemistry of the
person wearing the oil.
rtl.{fLr .rr I
Diil Dorado Azul
Dill VitalityrM (Anethum graveotens) to the respiratory tract, hormone balancer, L
Directions: Dietary: Dilure I drop with I drop diabetes, vascular dilator, circulatory stimulanr, L
ofcarrier oil. Pur in a capsule and take up to 3 arthritic and rheumatoid-rype pain, reducing
candida and other intestinal tracr problems, L
times daily. digestion, hygienic acrion for the mouth,
enhances mood L
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Apiaceae; Directions:Aromatic Difftrse up to 30 minutes
Plmt Origin: Ausrria, Hungary; Extraction 3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: L
Method: Steam disrilled from whole plant; Take as a dietary supplement: 1-'l 0 drops in L
a capsule or 1-2 drops under rhe rongue or L
Key Constituents: Carvone (30-45%o), L
Limonene (15-25o/o), Alpha- and Beta- add to drinking water. Topical: Dilute I drop L
Phellandrene (20-35o/o) : ORAC: 35,600 essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure L
pTE/ I 00g carrier oil. Apply 2-4 drops on location, the
Dorado Azul (Dorado azut guaylotius abdomen, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Lamiaceae;
officinalis) (l NCI : Hyptis suaveolens)
Until about 2006, Dorado Azul was Plant Origin: Ecuador; Exuaction Method:
Steam distilled from stems/leaves/flowers
recognized in Ecuador as only a weed. It did (aerial parts); Key Constituents: Alpha-
nor eyen have a botanical name until D. Gary Fenchol (4-12%), Beta-Pinene (7 -l2o/o),
Young distilled and analyzed it for the first time
and gave it its identiry. It is a red liquid when Bicyclogermacren e (4-8o/o), 1,8-Cineole
distilled, and the natives use it to reverse cancer. (Eucalyptol) (23-460/0), Limonene (3-7olo),
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammarory Sabinene (7-18o/o)
anr ioxidant, anrimicrobial, anriseptic, Douglas Fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii )
antihyperglycemic, gastroprotective, liver
prorectanr, respiratory stimulant American Indians not only used Douglas
Uses: Colds, coughs, flu, bronchitis, asthma, fir for building and basketry but medicinally
allergic reactions that cause consrriction and for ailments like headaches, sromachaches, the
compromised brearhing. any compromise common cold, and rheumarism.
Medical Properties: Antispasmodic, anti-
infl ammatory. anrimicrobial, antiseptic.
Uses: Muscle/nerve pain, skin problems (scars,
acne, wrinkles)
Fragrant lnfluence: Irs spicy, incense-
like fragrance is very conducive toward
meditation. Can be grounding and used to
clear the mind.
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3
Douglas Fir times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Use as
a dietary supplement: put 1 drop in a capsule
and take or put 1 drop in 4 fl. oz. ofliquid
(rice milk, etc.). Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, antioxidant, location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
anrifungal, pain relieving Dilution not needed except for the most
sensitive skin.
Uses: Respiratory/sinus infections Technical Data: Botanical Family:
Burseraceae; Plant Originr Philippines;
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour 3 Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
the gum/resin of the tree; Key Constituents:
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 Limonene (40-7 2Vo), Alpha-Phellandrene
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure (1 0 -24o/o), Sabinene (3-8%), Elemol (1 -25o/o)
carrier oil andapply 2-4 drops on locarion,
chakas, and/or Vita Flex points. Eucalyptus Blue ( Eucalyptus bicostata)
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Pinaceae;
Plant Origin: Idaho; Extraction Method: Eucalyptus blue is grown and distilled on
Steam disrilled lrom wood/bark/nvigs/ Young Living's farm in Ecuador. It is called blue
needles; Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene gum, a tree that has been crossbred over 250
(25-40o/o), Beta-Pinene (7 -15o/o), Limonene years in the wilds of the Andean Mountains
(6-110/o), Bornyl Acetate (8-15o/o); ORAC; in Ecuador and is a cross beween Eucalyptus
69,000 pTE/ l00g
Elemi pa n ari u m I uzo n i c u m ) citriodora and Eucalyptus globulus. The native
people ofEcuador have used the disinfecting
Elemi hm been ued in Europe for hundreds of
leaves to cover wounds and repel insects.
years in salves for skin and is included in celebrated Although it contains a high percentage of
healing ointments such as baum paralytique. Used eucalyptol, because ofits balanced chemical
consriruents within the eucalyptus, it is the only
by a 17th century physician, J. J. Wecker on the
bamle wounds ofsoldiers, elemi belongs to the eucalyptus that hm been found in the world
same botanical family as frankincense (Bosaellia today that does not cause an allergic reaction
carteril md mynh (Commiphora mynha). in people who have allergies to eucalyptol.
The Egrptians used elemi for embalming, and Eucalyptus Blue is preferred over many ofthe
eucalyptus species, simply because ofits well-
_ subsequent cultures (particularly in Europe) used it
for skin care and for reducing fine lines, wrinkles, balanced chemistry and its non-allergen eflect
and improving skin tone.
Eucalyptus Blue Eucalyptus Citriodora
for all rypes of respiratorv condirions. In a recent Eucalyptus Citriodora
study ofeight eucalyprus species, Eucalyprus
bicostata had the best antiviral activity. It is a ( Eucalyptus c it nodora )
grear companion ro Dorado Azul. Tiaditionally used to perfume linen closers
Medical Properties: Expecroranr, diaphoretic,
and as an insect repellent.
insecticidal, oestrogenic, antilirngal, antiviral, Medical Properties:Analgesic, antiviral,
antibacrerial, antifungal, anticancer, liver
Uses: Supports respirarory funcr ion ro promore protecrant, expecroranr, insecticidal
normal breathing, relieves sore muscles, Uses: Fungal infections (ringworm, candida),
calming, invigorating respiratory infections, viral infections (herpes,
Fragrant lnfluence: Has a fresh, balanced, Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up ro 30 minutes
invigorating aroma 3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical Dilute
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse in diffrrser or I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other
humidifier up to 30 minutes 3 rimes daily pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
or directly inhale. Topical: Dilure I drop
essential oil rvirh I drop V-6 or orher pure chakras, and/or Vim Flex points.
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on locarion or Technical Data: Botmical Family:
abdomen. Can also apply on chakras and/or
Vita Flex points. Myrtaceae; Plant Origin: China; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key
Cautions: Do not use Eucalyptus Blue as a dietary Constituents: Citronellal (75-85%), Neo-
supplement. Large amounts ofanv eucalyprus Isopulegol + Isopulegol (0-10%); ORAC:
oil may be toxic. Keep out ofreach ofchildren. 83,000 pTE/100g
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Myrtaceae; Eucalyptus Globulus
Plant Origin: Ecuador; Extraction
Method: Steam distilled from the leaves: (Eucalyptus globulus)
Key Constituents: 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol)
For centuries, Australian Aborigines used the
(40-80o/o), Alpha-pinene ( I 0-30o/o), disinfecting leaves ro cover wounds. Shown by
Aromadendrene (< 7olo), Limonene (4-8o/o) laboratory tests to be a powerful antimicrobial
64 agent, E. globalas contains a high percentage of
7 \t
1-z {
1 7^
".- Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus Globulus
eucalyptol (a key ingredient in many antiseptic (70-900/o), Alpha-Pinene (1-5olo), Limonene
mouth rinses). It is oFten used for the rcspiratory (6 -9o/o), P an-Cymene ( 1 -5olo) ; ORAC: 2,400
svstem. Eucalyptus has also been investigated For
its powerFul insect repellent effects (Trigg, 1996). Eucalyptus Radiata
Eucalyptus trees have been planted throughout (Eucalyptus radiata)
parts oFNorth Africa to successfully block the This eucalyptus species has been treasured in
spread of malaria. According to Jean \hlnet, MD,
a solution of2 percenr eucalyptus oil sprayed folk medicine. A 201 1 study conducted at Hei-
on the skin will kill 70 percent of ambient staph delberg Universiry found that Eucnlypnu radiata
bacteria. Some doctors still use solutions of has the second highest abundance of 1,8 cineole
eucalyptus oil in surgical dressings. (Eucalyptol) after E. globulus.
Medical Properties: Expecroranr, mucolvtic, Medical Properties: Antibacterial, antiviral,
antimicrobial, antibacrerial, antifungal, expectorant, anti-inf ammatory
antiviral, antiaging, antiulcer, antidiabetic Uses: Respiratory/sinus infections, viral
Uses: Respiratory/sinus infections, decongestant,
rheumatism/arthritis, soothe sore muscles infections, fights herpes simplex when
Fragrant lnfluence: Promores healrh, well- combined with bergamot
being, purification, and healing Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up ro 30 minures minutes up ro 3 [imes daily or pur in
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Tike humidi6er. Direcdy inhale. Topical: Dilute
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute I 1 drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other plrre pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
chakrat, and/or Vira Flex poincs. Technical Data: Botmical Family: Myrtaceae;
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Plant Origin: Australia; Extraction
Myrtaceae; Plmt Origin: China; Extraction Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key Constituents: 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) (60-
Constituents: 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) 7 5o/o), AlphtTerpineol (5- I 0%), Limonene
(4-80lo), Alpha Pinene (2-60lo)
Eucalyptus Staigeriana Fennel oa
( Eucalyptus staigeriana) recipes. It was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, L
This gentle eucalvptus species was valued by a compilation of early German medicines by L
highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard L
Australian Aborigines as a general cure-all. By ofBingen (1098-l 179). L
1788 it was introduced in Europe, where it was Medical Properties: Anridiabetic. anri-
valued for trearing respiratory conditions and for L
colic. Recent research documenrs sraigeriana as inf ammarory, antitumoral, estrogen-
a powerful antiparasitic as well as being highly like, digestive aid, antiparasitic (worms), L
anrimicrobial. antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic, increases
Medical Properties: Antibacterial, diuretic, metabolism L
Uses: Diabetes, cancer, obesiry arthriris/ L
decongestant, expectoranr, antiparasitic rheumatism, urinary tracr infection, fluid L
Uses: Helps wounds, burns, and insect bites retention, intestinal parasites, menstrual
problems/PMS, digestive problems L
heal; suppresses coughs; relieves muscle aches DirectionstAromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Fragrant lnfl uences: Eucalyprus Staigeriana, 3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take L
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4
also known as lemon iron bark, has a lemon- drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex (
scented aroma, without the medicine-like points. Dilution not required except for the
scent ofother eucalyptus oils. It can be used on most sensitive skin- L
people wirh sensirive skin. Caution: Avoid using iFepilepric.
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 L
minutes 3 times daily or put in humidifier. Fennel VitalityrM (Foenicutum vutgare)
Directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 drop
essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure Directions: Dietaryr Dilute 1 drop with I
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in
chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs. a capsule and take up to 3 times daily or as
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Myrtaceae;
Plant Origin: Australia, Brazil; Extraction needed-
Method: Steam distilled from leaves; Key
Constituents: Alpha-Phellandren e (4-7 o/o), Technical Data: Botmical Family: Apiaceae;
Limonene (4-10o/o), 1,8 Cineole (Eucalypto[) Plmt Origin: Hunsary; Extraction Method:
(1 5 -15Vo), Neral (7- 1 ! o/o), Geranial (t 0 -2Oo/o)
Fennel Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel was believed to ward offevil spirits and
to protect againsr spells cast by witches during
medieval times. Sprigs were hung over doors to
fend offevil phantasms. For hundreds ofyears,
Fennel seeds have been used as a digestive aid
and to balance mensrrual cycles. It is mentioned
in one ofthe oldest known medical records, the
Ebers Papyrus (dating from 16th century BC),
an ancient Egyptian list of 877 prescriptions and
t :.:.." , u
. l.
Frankincense ( Boswe I I ia carte ri ) Frereana Frankincense
Steam distilled from the crushed seeds (fruit); awareness, promotes meditation, improves
Key Constituents: Tians-Anerhole (60-80%) attitude, and uplifts spirits
Fenchone (8-20o/o), Alpha-Pinene ( I -8olo),
Methyl Chavicol (2-6%); ORAC: 238,400 Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Topical; Applv
Frankincense ( Baswel I ia carte ri i) 2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita
FIex points. Dilurion not required except For
Also known as "olibanum." the name the most sensitive skin.
frankincense is derived from the medieval
French word for "real incense." Frankincense Frankincense VitalityrM
is considered the "holy anointing oil" in the
Middle East and has been used in religious (Boswellia carterii)
ceremonies for thousands ofyears. It was Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
well known during the time of Christ for its
anointing and healing powers and was one of the Thke 3 times daily.
gifts given to Christ at His birth. Used to treat Technical Data: Botanical Family:
every conceivable ill known to man, frankincense
was valued more than gold during ancie nt times. Burseraceae; Plant Origin: Somalia;
and only those with great wealth and abundance Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
possessed it. It is mentioned in one ofthe oldest gum/resin; Key Constituents: Alpha-Pinene
known medical records, Ebers Papyrus (dating Q0-65o/o), Limonene (8-20o/o), Sabinene (1-
from 16th century BC), an ancient Egyptian list 87o), Myrcene (1 -14o/o), Beta-Caryophyllene
( I -50lo), Alpha-Thujene (l - I 5olo), Incensole;
of87- prescriptions and recipes. ORAC:630 pTE/100g
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, immuno-
Frereana Frankincense
stimulant, antidepressant, muscle relaxing
Uses: Depression, cancer, respiratory infections, (Boswellia frereana)
This species offrankincense is native to
infl ammation, immune-stimulating
Fragrant lnfl uence: Increases spiritual northern Somalia, where the locals czll it "Maydi"
and the "King ofFrankincense." Frereana incense
has been a pan ofEastern Orthodox and Catholic
worship for hundreds ofyears.
Since Boswellia carterii grows in Somalia, L] C
it is hard to explain why frereana has such a
unique chemical composition, so different from ( (
B. carterii and other frankincense species. As
shown by Frank and Unger, as well as E. J. Blain, Geranium L
frereana contains no boswellic acids. S. Hamm
(23 -45o/o), Nph*Pinene (5-90lo), Sabinene L
reports that frereana "is devoid ofditerpenes of ( 1-8o/o), Para-Cymene ( I 0-20olo), Terpinen- L
4-ol (2-)o/o)
rhe incensole family." Now that a pure source (
can be guaranteed, it is hoped researchers will Geranium ( Pelarg an i Lr m g raveole ns )
delve into the benefits offrereana. \
Geranium has been used for centuries lor
There are unique constituenl5 6f ftslsxnx- regenerating and healing skin conditions. (
found in no other frankincense-that have Medical Properties: Anrispasmodic,
mostly been overlooked by researchers. Two anrioxidant, antitumoral, anri-infl ammatorr,, L
frereana studies in 2010 and 2006 reported anticancer, hemostatic (stops bleeding), L
strong anti-infl ammatory activiry Sadly, antibacterial, antifungal, improves blood fiorv, L
some trusting purchasers have received an liver and pancreas stimulanr, dilates bile ducrs
amalgamar ion oF cheaper lranki ncense resins For liver detoxification, helps cleanse oily skin; L
rarher than pore Boswellia fereana. revitalizes skin cells
Uses: Hepariris/fatw liver (Jean Valner, MD), L
Political conditions in Somalia make it essential skin condirions (dermariris, eczema. psoriasis,
for a "Get on the ground" presence in order to acne, vitiligo), fungal infections (ringworm), L
secure conrracrs to obtain pure, high qualiry viral infections (herpes, shingles), hormone
Frereana resin. For this reason, D. Gary Young imbalances, circulatory problems (improves L
personally visited Somalia in November 2013 ro blood flow), menstrual problems/PMS L
contract with local clans ofharvesters. Fragrant lnfluence: Helps release negative
Medical Properties: Anti-inflammatory memories and eases nervous tension: balances L
Uses: Arrhritis/rheumatism the emotions, lifts the spirit, and fosrers peace,
Fragrant lnfluence: The aroma of frereana well-being, and hope
frankincense has a more lemony scent rhan Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour
carterii and is uplilrting and cheering.
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary:
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour Dilute 1 drop of geranium in 4 drops V-6
or other pure carrier oil, put in a capsule,
3 times daily or direcrly inhale. Dietary:
Dilute 1 drop of Frankincense in 4 drops V-6
or orher pure carrier oil, put in a capsule,
and take I capsule before each meal or as
desired. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vira Flex points. Dilution nor
required except for rhe most sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botanical Family:
Burseraceae; Plmt Origin: Somalia;
Extraction Method: Steam disrilled lrom
gum/resin; Key Constituents: Alpha-Thujene
C Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up ro I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita
Flex points. Dilution not required except for
the most sensitive skin.
German Chamomile German Chamomile VitalityrM
and take I capsule before each meal or as ( Ch amo m ai II rec utita) ( Sy n. h,4atri caria recutita )
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
desired. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vira Flex points. Dilution not Take 3 times daily or as needed.
required except for rhe most sensitive skin. Technical Data: Botanical Family: Asteraceae;
Technical Data: Botanical Fmily: Plant Origin: Utah, Idaho, Egypr, Hungary;
Geraniaceae; Plmt Origin: Egvpt, India; Fxtraction Method: Steam distilled from
fowers; Key Constituents: Chamzulene (2-
Extraction Method: Steam disrilled lrom 5olo), Bisabolol Oxide A (32-42o/o), Trans-Beta-
the fowers and leaves; Key Constitu€nts: Farnesene (18-260/0), Bisbolol Oxide B (3-6Vo),
Citronellol (25 -360/o), Geraniol ( I 0- 1 8olo), Bisbolone Oxide A (3-6%), Cis Spiro Ether
Citronellyl Formate (5-80lo), Linalol (4-8olo) (4-8olo); ORAC: 2 1 8,600 pTE/ 1 00g
German Ghamomile (chamomitta Ginger (Zi ng iber off i ci nale )
recutita) (Syn. A,4atricaria recutita) taditionally used to combat nausea. W'omen
Listed in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica in the West African country ofSenegal weave
belts of ginger root to restore their mates' sexual
(AD 78), Europe's first authoritative guide to
medicines, which became the standard reference Porency.
work for herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.
Medical Properties: Powerful antioxidant, Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory,
anticoagulant, digestive aid, anesthetic,
inhibits lipid peroxidation, antitumoral, anti- expectorant, antifungal
inflammatory, relaxanr, anesthetic; promotes
digestion, Iiver, and gallbladder health. Uses: Rheumatism/arthritis, digesrive disorders,
Uses: Hepatitis/fatty Iiver, arteriosclerosis, respiratory in[ections/congestion, muscular
insomnia, nervous tension, arthritis, carpal
tunnel syndrome, skin problems such as acne, aches/pains, nausea
eczema, scar tissue Fragrant lnfluence: Gentle, stimulating,
endowing physical energy, courage
Fragrant lnfluencel Dispels anger, stabilizes
emotions, and helps release emorions linked Directions:Aromatiq Dimrse up to t hour 3
to the past. Soothes and clears the mind. times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute 1
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Caution: Anticoagulant properties can be
enhanced when combined with Warfarin,
aspirin, etc.
L ,.{*
t I
','l I
\ t
Ginger Goldenrod i
Ginger VitalityrM (Z i tw i be r off ici nale ) Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro 30 minures
3 times daily or direcdv inhale. Dietary: Tike
Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 1 as a dierary supplemenr. Topical: Dilure I
drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure
capsule and take up to 3 times daily. carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Technical Data: Botmical Fmily:
Zingiberaceae; Plmt Origin: India, Technical Data: Botmical Fmily: Asteraceae;
Plant Origin: Canada; Extraction Method:
China; Extraction Method: Steam
distilled from rhizomes/root; Key Steam disrilled from flowering rops; Key
Constituenrs: Zingiberene (30-40%), Beta- Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (10-24o/o). Ger
Sesquiphellandrene (8- 1 9olo), 1,8-Cineole macrene D (15-370/0), Myrcene (4-10%), Sa-
(Eucalyptol) + Beta-Phellandrene (4-10%), binene (5-18%), Limonene (10-200/o); ORAC:
AR Curcumene (5-10o/o), Camphene (5-9%); 61,900 prTE/100g
ORAC: 99,300 pTEi 100g
Grapefruit (Citrus parad isi)
Goldenrod gotidago canadensis)
Grapefruit is believed to have originated in
The genus name, Solidago, comes from the Barbados by an accidental crossing ofsweet
Latin solide, which means "to make whole." orange (Citrus sinensis) and pomelo (Citrus
During the Boston Tea Party, when English maxima). rMhen it was discovered, it was called
tea was dumped into Boston Harbor, colonists the "forbidden fruit."
drank goldenrod tea insread, which gave it the Medical Properties: Antitumoral, metabolic
nickname "Liberty Tea."
Medical Properties: Diureric, anri- stimulant, antiseptic, deroxi$,ing, diuretic,
fat-dissolving, cleansing for kidneys,
inf ammarory, antihypertensive, liver lymphatic and vascular system; antidepressanr,
stimulant rich in limonene, which has been extensively
studied in over 50 clinical studies for its
Uses: Hypertension, liver congestion, hepatitis/ abiliry to combat tumor growrh
fatty liver, circularory condirions, urinary
tract/bladder conditions
oFT I \
) r"
C Helichrysum
Grapef ruit
Uses: Alzheimer's, fluid retention, depression, Helichrysum ( Hel ich rysu m italicum )
obesiry liver disorders, anxiety, cellulite
Helichrysum is also known by the names
Fragrant lnfluence: Refreshing and uplifting. Immortelle and Everlasting. Helichrysum
A Mie Universiry study found that citrus essenrial oil is renowned For irs anti-
fragrances boosted immunity, induced inflammatory effeos.
relaxation, and reduced depression (Komori, Medical Properties: Anticoagulant, anesthetic,
et al., 1995).
antioxidanr, antispasmodic, antivira[, liver
Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 protectant/detoxifi er/stimulant, chelates
chemicals and toxins, regenerates nerues
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute I Uses: Herpes virus, arreriosclerosis,
drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure atherosclerosis, hypertension, blood clots,
carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location, Iiver disorders, circulatory disorders, skin
chakras. and/or Vira Flex points. condirions (eczema, psoriasis scar tissue,
Caution: Possible sun sensiriviry. varicose veins)
Fragrant lnfluence: Uplifting to the
Grapefruit VitalityrM (citrus paradisi) subconscious
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule. Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3
Take 3 times daily. rimes daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take
Technical Data: Botanicd Family Rutaceae; as a dietary supplement. Topical Apply 2-4
drops on location, temple, forehead, back of
Plant Origin: South Africa and California. neck, outside ofeaq chakras, and/or Vita Flex
(Grapefruit is a hybrid between Citrus maxima points. Dilution not required except for the
and Citrus sinensis.); Fxtraction Method: most sensitive skin.
Cold pressed from rind; Key Constituents: Caution: Anticoagulant properties can be
Limonene (88-95o/o), Myrcene (1-4olo); enhanced when combined with'Warfarin,
ORAC:22,600 pTE/l00g aspirin, etc.
Technical Data: Botanicd Family: Asteraceae;
Plant Origin: Yugoslavia, Corsica, Croatia,
Technical Data: Botanical Family:
Cupressaceae; Plant Origin: Sourhern Japan;
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
sustainably harvested, culled wood; Key
Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (35 -600/o),
Gamma-Cadinene (3-8olo), Delta-Cadinene
(7 - I 4o/o), Tau-Cadinol (7 - | 5o/o), Tat-
Muurolol (6-12o/o)
Hinoki Hong Kuai (Chamaecyparis formosensis)
Spain; Extraction Method: Steam distilled Hong Kuai rrees grow up ro 55-60 meters
from flower; Key Constituents: Neryl Acetate tall in high altitude areas ofTliwan and can
$-35o/o), Camma-Curcumene ( I 0-28%). live over I ,000 years. The wood of these trees is
Alpha-Pinene (l 5 -32o/o), Beta-Caryophyllene highlv resistant to decay and valued for building
(2-90lo), Beta-Selinene (4-8olo) ; ORAC: 1,700 temples. The highly scented oil was known for
pTE/100g supporting respiratory health.
Medical Properties: Anrifungal, anricancer,
Hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa)
immune support
Hinoki wood has been used ro construcr Uses: Fungal infections (ringworm), cancer,
many holy temples in Japan, including Horyuji
Temple and Osaka Castle, and is said to be respiratory problems
the "tree where God srayed." Hinoki wood
is resistant ro decay and carries a symbolic Fragrant lnfluence: Calming and centering
reputarion of being immorral. Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 minutes
Medical Properties:Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
depressant, anti-infammatory astringent, odor
eliminator, promores hair growth, stimulates Dilute I drop essenrial oil with 4 drops V-6
digesrion, relieves pain
Uses: Contains tau-muurolene, a powerful or other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 d,rops
antiFungal compound; reduces agitation and to desired location, temple, forehead, back of
hyperactivity neck, or outside ofear. Test on small area of
Fragrant lnfluence: Calming and cenrering skin on underside of arm.
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 Technical Data: Botmical Fmily:
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil wirh Cupressaceae; Plant Origin: tiwan;
I drop V-6 or other pure carrier oil and Extraction Method: Steam distilled from
sustainably haruesred, culled wood; Key
apply 2-4 drops to desired location, temple, Constituents: A.lpha-Pinene (4-60/o), Myrtenal
forehead, back ofneck. or outside ofear. (3-7o/o),Mynenol (l l-18o/o), Myrtanol (13-
l9olo), Delta-Cadinene (7-10%), Alpha-Elemol
( 1 -4olo), Tau-Muurolol (3-6010)
Ho Wood
(Cinnamomum camphora CT linalool)
The camphor tree is native ro China,
Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. It has
been introduced inro other countries, where
o ffi
Ho Wood s
geographical influences have changed the treet 2-4 d,rops on desired location as needed.
chemical makeup or chemorype. Trees in India Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lattrirceire:
and Sri Lanka have a high camphor content,
while in Madagascar the tree yields a higher 1,8 Plant Origin: Chinal Extraction Method:
cineole (eucalyptol) content and is known as Steam distilled lrom br,rnches and le;rves: Key
ravintsara. Some essential oil sellers of ho wood Constituents: Linalool (85-990,/o)
state their product is distilled from the wood,
bark, or even from resin oF the tree; however, the Hyssop (Hyssopus offtci nalis )
camphor tree is not resinous.
\While there is some uncertainry that
Young Living scientists tested and confirmed Hysopus oficinalis is the same species of plant
their variery ofho wood by traveling to China as rhe hyssop referred to in the Bible, there is
to take actual distillation samples. They learned no quesrion that H. fficinalis has been used
their chosen oil has high levels of the constituent medicinally for almost a millennium for its
linalool and is distilled from the tree's branches antiseptic properties. It has also been used for
and leaves. Young Living's Ho Vood essential oil opening the respiratory system.
is distilled in China under the direction of YLs Medical Properties: Mucolytic, decongestant,
Taiwan parrner Farm specialists.
anti-infl ammatory, regulates lipid metabolism,
A Nepali ho wood essential oil was found antiviral, antibacrerial. and anriparasitic
to be toxic to human breast cancer cells, while Uses: Respirarory inFections/congesrion. parasites
ho wood linalool chemotype was found to be a (expelling worms), viral infections, and
circulatory disorders
chemopreventive agent. Fragrant lnfluence: Stimulates creativity and
Medical Properties: Anti-infl ammatory, meditation
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minutes
antibacterial, anti-cancerous, calming 3 tirnes daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take
Uses: Rheumatism. mrrscle pains. nervous as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute I
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other pure
tension carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points.
Fragrant lnfluence: Calming and relaxing
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 73
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Apply
ldaho Balsam Fir ldaho Blue Spruce
Caution: Avoid use if epileptic. essential oil with I drop V-6 or other pure (
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lamiaceae; carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on location,
chakras, and/or Vita Flex points. May use \
Plant Origin: France, Hungary, Utah; neat in Raindrop Technique. Dilution not
Extraction Method: Steam distilled from L
stems and leaves; Key Constituents: required excepr on the most sensitive skin.
Beta-Pinene (l 3.5 -23o/o), Sabinene (2- Technical Data: Botanical Family: Pinaceae; L
3olo), Pinocamphone (5.5- I 7. 5olo), Iso-
Pinochamphone (34.5-50o/o), Gemacrene D Plmt Origin: Highland Flats in Naples, \
(2-30lo), Limonene (l-4o/o); ORAC: 20,900 Idaho; Extraction Method: Sream disrilled
pTE/100g from leaves (needles) and branches; Key t
Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (6-90lo). Bera- L
ldaho Balsam Fir (Balsam Ganada) Pinene (\ 4-24o/o), Camphene ( 1 0-t 5%).
Limonene (l-5%): ORAC: 20,500 prTE/1 00g \
(Abies balsamea) \
The balsam fip 11sg-x tree commonly used as ldaho Blue Spruce (picea pungens) L
a Christmas tree today-has been prized through Northwestern Native Americans considered
the ages for its medicinal effects and ability to the Idaho blue spruce to be a sacred tree and
heal respiratory conditions and muscular and used it for smudging/purification rites. Spruce
rheumatic pain. leaves, inner bark, gum, and twigs have been used
Medical Properties: Anticoagulant, historically by Native Americans for a variety
offunctions. Leaves were used as inhalants,
antibacrerial, anti-infl ammarory antitumoral fumigators, and revivers. The inner bark ofthe
Uses: Throat/lung/sinus infections, fatigue, spruce was used for lung and throat troubles,
inward troubles, in a poultice applied to wounds
arrhritis/rheumarism, urinary rract infections, and for cuts and swelling, as a medicinal salt,
scoliosis/lumbago/sciatica applied to arem of infammarion, and in an
Fragrant lnfluence: Grounding, srimulating ro anriscorburic drink for scuny and colds. Spruce
the mind, and relaxing ro the body gum was also used for caulking canoes. Various
parts of the tree were a.lso combined and used
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: Take as
a dietary supplemenr. Topical: Dilute I drop
for stomach troubles, scabs, sores, as a salve for I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 or other
cuts and wounds, and in a tea for scurry and as a
pure carrier oil and apply on location, chalaas,
cough remedy. and/or Vita Flex points.
Medical Properties: Antinociceprive Caution: Do not use ifpregnant.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Asteraceae;
(analgesic; reduces sensitiviry to pain), Plant Origin: Idaho; Extraction Method:
antioxidative, antibacterial, reluant, possibly Steam disrilled from leaves and srems; Key
Constituents: Beta-Thujone (65-80o/o),
anticancerous Camphor (3-80lo), Sabinene (1-4%),
Uses: Pain relief, insecticide, antioxidant, Germacrene D (3-7o/o)
expectorant, induces relaxation, nAChR Ishpingo (Ocotea quixos)
(nicotinic acerylcholine receptor) inhibitor,
prevents oxidation of LDL, GABA agonist, Ishpingo is a Hispanic name for Ocotea,
antimicrobial which is distilled from the flower and fruit of
Fragrant lnfluence: Releases emotional blocla, a tree found in the Amazon wilderness on the
bringing about a feeling ofbalance and ranges of the west side of the Andes Mountains.
grounding It is commonly referred to by the native people
throughour Ecuador as false canilla or false
Directions: Aromatiq Diffi.rse up to t hour cinnamon. The tree grows to a very large size,
reaching up to 48 inches in diameter and over 60
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary,: feet tall, making a large canopy top. Historical
Tlke 2 drops in a capsule daily as a dietary usage ofocotea dates back more than 500 years,
supplement. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops when it was used to aromatize sweets and cakes.
direcrly to desired location, chaiaas, and/or Of 79 ocotea species' studies on PubMed, only
Vita Flex points. No dilution required except two refer to the properties of ocotea essential
for the most sensitive skin. oil distilled from fowers or fruit rather than the
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Pinaceae; leaves and bark ofthe tree.
Plant Origin: Idaho; Extraction Method: Medical Properties: Antimicrobial,
Steam distilled from all tree parts; Key
Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (l 5 -4Oo/o), antioxidanr, antifungal
Camphene (6-8olo), Beta-Pinene (6-1 1olo),
Myrcene (3-7olo), Limonen e (1 8-25o/o), Directions: Aromatiq Diffuse up to t hour 3
Bornyl Acetate (3-10%); ORAC: 575 pTE/g
times daily or inhale directly. Dietary: Dilute
ldaho Tansy |anacetum vutgare) 1 drop essential oil with 4 drops V-6 or other
pure carrier oil, put in a capsule, and take 1
This antimicrobial oil has been used daily or as directed by a health care profes-
extensively as an insect repellent. According to F. sional. Topical: Dilute 1 drop essential oil
Joseph Montagnas herbal desk reference, it may with 2 drops V-6 or other pure carrier oil and
rone the entire system (Montagna, 1990). apply 1-2 drops on location, chakras, and/or
Medical Properties: Analgesic, antioxidant, Vita Flex points. Test on a small, inconspicu-
ous area of skin to observe sensitiviry
antiviral, anticoagulant, immune stimulant, Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae;
insect repeIent Plant Origin: Ecuador; Extraction Method:
Uses: Arteriosclerosis, hypertension, arthritis/ Steam distillation from flower/fruit; Key
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 minutes
3 times daily or direcdy inhale. TopicaL Dilute
Constituents: tans-Cinnamaldehyde (1 0-
3olo), Methyl Cinnamate
(7-25%o), Cinnamyl Acetate (5-18%), Alpha-
Pinene (3-9%)
Jade Lemon a
(Citrus limon Eureka var. formosensis) a
Thiwan and China are home to this
exquisitely scented lemon variery. Unique among Jasmine
lemons, when fully mature, it is a lovely green
color; hence, the nameJade Lemon. Not only is Cold pressed from rind; it takes 3,000 lemons
the color ofthis lemon unique, this essenrial oil to produce I kilo of oil; KeyConstituents:
has a tantalizing lemon-lime scent. lntroduced at Limonene (59-7 3Vo), Gamma-trpinene (6-
the 2014 YL convention, it has become a most i 20lo), Beta-Pinene (7-1 6%), Alpha-Pinene
beloved essential oil. Jade Lemon contains the (1.5-3o/o), Sabinene (1.5-3o/o): ORAC: 660
same major constituents as Lemon essential oil pTE/ I 00g
but in slightly different percentages.
Medical Properties: Antitumoral, antiseptic, JaSmine ( Jasrn i n u nt off i ci nale )
improves microcircularion, immune stimulant Jasmine is nicknamed the "queen of the
(may increase white blood cells), improves night" and "moonlight ofthe grove." For
memory, relaxation; rich in limonene, which centuries, women have treasured jasmine for its
has been extensively studied in over 50 clinical beautiful, seductive fragrance. It is an absolute,
studies for its abiliry to combat tumor growth. or essence, rather than an essential oil.
Uses: Uplift and stimulate the mind and body. Note: One pound of jasmine oil requires about
Can be used in household cleaning or mixed
wirh Citronella essential oil for a pleasant, 1,000 pounds of jasmine or 3.6 million fresh,
citrus-scented insect repellent. unpacked blossoms. The blossoms must
be collected before sunrise, or much ofthe
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour 3 fragrance will have evaporated. The qualiry
of the blossoms may also be compromised
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute ifthey are crushed. A single pound ofpure
jasmine oil may cosr bemeen $1,200 and
I drop essential oil with 1 drop with V-6 or $4,500. In contrasr, synthetic jasmine oils can
be obtained for $3.50 per pound, but they
other pure carrier oil and apply on location or do not possess the therapeutic qualities ofthe
on chakras and/or Vita Flex points. Combine pure oil.
10-15 drops with lotions and shampoos to Medical Properties: Uplifting, antidepressant,
energize the spirit. stimulating, antibacterial, antiviral
Jade Lemon VitalityrM
(Citrus limon Eureka var. forntosensrsl
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule.
Take 3 times daily. Use as a flavoring in foods
and beverages.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Rutaceae;
Plmt Origin: tiwan; Extraction Method:
Uses:Anxiery depression, mensrrual problems/
PMS, skin problems (eczema, wrinkles,
greasy), frigidiry
Fragrant I nfl uence: Uplifting, counreracts
hopelessness, nervous exhaustion, anxieru,
l depression, indifference, and listlessness
Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Applv
2-4 drops on location, chakras, and/or Vita
Flex points. Dilution nor required except For
r the most sensitive skin.
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Oleaceae;
Plant Origin: India; Extraction Method: J uniper
Absolute extraction from flower. Jasmine is
actually an "essence," nor an essential oil. The pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops on
flowers must be picked at nighr to ma-rimize location, chakras, and/or Vita Flex poinrs.
fragrance; Key Constituents: Benzyl Acetate
(18-28o/o), Benzyl Benzoate (l 4-21 o/o), Ltnalol Technical Data: Botmical Fmily:
(3-8%), Phytol (6-12o/o), kophytol (3-7olo), Cupressaceae; Plant Origin: Utah;
Squalene (3-70lo) Extraction Method: Steam distilled
from stems and leaves (aerial parts); Key
Juniper p u n iperus osteosperma) Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (20-40o/o),
Sabinene (3- 1 8%), Myrcene ( 1 -60lo),
Bundles ofjuniper berries were hung over Camphor ( I 0- I 8%), Limonene (3-80lo),
doorways to ward offwitches during medieval Bornyl Acetate (12-20o/o),Terpinen-4-ol (3-
8olo); ORAC: 250 pTE/1009
rimes. Juniper has been used for cenruries as a
diuretic. Until recently, French hospiral wards
burned sprigs ofjuniper and rosemary ro prorecr Kunzea (Kunzea ambigua)
from infection.
Medical Properties: Antiseptic, digestive This shrub grows along the coasts ofAustralia
and Thsmania. 'With narrow, green leaves and
cleanser/stimulant, purifying, detoxifying, white, starburst fowers when it blooms, Kunzea
increases circulation through the kidneys and is sometimes celled "white cloud."
promotes excretion of toxins, promotes nerve
regeneration Australian Aboriginal communiries
traditionally used Kunzea for relieffrom irritated
Uses: Skin conditions (acne, eczema), liver skin, muscle tightness, and pain. Kunzea is
registered with the Australian Therapeuric
problems, urinary/bladder infections, fuid Administration (TGA) for providing temporary
relieffrom arthritic pain. \7ith several
retention constituents similar to Tea Tiee oil, Kunzea's
Fragrant lnfluence: Evokes feelings ofhealth, aroma and effect on skin is milder.
Medical Properties: Anti-inf ammatory
love, and peace and may help to elevate one's
spiritual awareness antiviral, skin-supportive, insecticidal
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up ro 30 minutes Uses: Joint and muscle pain, dry skin
3 times daily or directly inhale. Dietary: ?ke
as a dietary supplement. Topical: Dilute 1
drop essential oil with 1 drop V-6 or other
n? T \st . E
Kunzea h l{s r'tator
Laurus Nobilis
Fragrant lnfluence: Has an uplifting, spicy, Directions:Aromatic: Diffirse up to 30 minures L
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
and woodsy aroma Dilute I drop essential oil with I drop V-6 (
Directions: TopicaL Apply 2-4 drops directly or other pure carrier oil and apply 2-4 drops
on location, abdomen, chakras, and/or Vita L
to desired area. In case o[sensitivity, dilute as Flex points.
needed with V-6 or other pure carrier oil. \
Technical Data: Botmical Family: Myrtaceae; Laurus Nobilis VitalityrM
Plmt Origin: Coasrs of Australia and (Bay Laurell (LaurLts tlobitis) t
Thsmania; Extraction Method: Steam
distilled from leaves and rwigs; Key Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop \
Constituents: Alpha-Pinene (20 -40o/o), of V-6 or other pure errier oil. Put in a capsule
Viridifl orol (1 0 -20o/o), Eucalyptol ( 1 0- I 6010), L
Bicyclogermacren e (4 -8o/o), and take up to 3 times daily or s needed.
Globulol (1-50lo) L
Technical Data: Botanical Family: Lauraceae; \
Laurus Nobilis (Bay Laurel) Plant Origin: Croatia; Extraction Method: t
Steam distilled from leaves and twigs; Key
(Laurus nobilis) Constituents: 1,8-Cineole (Eucalyptol) L
Both the leaves and the black berries were (40-50Vo), Alpha-Terpenyl Ac etate (/ -1 4o/o),
Alpha-Pinene (4-80lo), Beta-Pin ene (3 -60/o), \
used to alleviate indigestion and loss ofappetite. Sabinene (6-1l1o), Linalol (2-7olo); ORAC:
During the Middle Ages, Laurus nobilis was tsed 98,900 pTE/100g L
for angina, migraine, heart palpitations, and liver
and spleen complaints. Lavandin ( Lavand u la t nte rmed ia) (
Medical Properties: Anrimicrobial, Also known x Lauandubx intermedia,la-
expectorant, mucolytic, antibacterial vandin is a hybrid plant developed by crossing
(staph, strep, E. coli), antifungal (candida), true lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) with spike
anticoagulant, anticonvulsant lavender or aspic (Lauanduk kt;folia). It has been
Uses: Nerve regeneration, arthritis used to sterilize the animal oges in veterinary
(rheumatoid), oral infections (gingivitis), clinics and hospitals throughout Europe.
respiratory infections, viral infections