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Published by anabintiwalid, 2022-04-05 01:44:28

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 - [email protected]

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 -

Lozenges, Super C, Super C Cheu,able, Lon- 6 drops Northern Lights Black Spruce

geviry Softgels, Masrer Formula, Detoxzyme, 6 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankin-

AlkaLime cense

Oral Care: Thieves Spra1,, Thieves Cough Drops, 3 drops Laurus Nobilis

Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence 2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
Mouth \i/ash Stir essenrial oils into 7z cup Epsom salt or

Application and Usage baking soda and then add the mixture to hot
Aromatic: Refer rc Applicntion Guidalines. bath warer rvhile tub is filling. Soak in hot
Dietary md Oralt ReFer o Appliation Guidelines. badr until water cools.

. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitalin or dietarv coLtTts (sEE ALSO CROHN'S,

oil 2 times daily. DtvERTtCULOSISDtVERTtCULITTS)

. Tike 2-3 drops of a Vitaliw or dietary oil in

a spoonftrl of syrup or small amount of milk, Also known as ileitis or proctitis, ulcerative coli-

juice, or water. tis is marked by the inflammation of the top lay-
ers of the lining of the colon, the large intestine.
. Take a Cold Blend 3-6 times dailr,. h is different from both irritable bowel syndrome,
. Gargle 3-6 times daily. which has no inflammation, and Crohn's disease.
Cold Blend No. I which usually occurs deeper in the colon wal[.
. 5 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitalitv
. 4 drops tucalyptus Radiata The infammation and ulcerous sores that are
. 4 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Viraliry characteristic of ulcerative colitis occur mosr Fre-
. 3 drops Cypress quenrly in the lower colon and rectum and oc-
. 2 drops Lemon or Lemon Vitalitv casionally throughout the entire colon.

Cold Blend No. 2 Symptoms include fatigue, nausea, weight
loss, loss ofappetite, bloody diarrhea, loss ofbody
. 5 drops Rosemary or Rosemary Vitality fluids and nutrients, frequent fevers, abdominal
. 4 drops R.C.
. 4 drops Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, cramps, arthritis, liver disease, and skin rash.

or Frankincense Vitaliry Take Essentialzymes-4 along with Comfor-
Tone and wait about 2 weeks or more before
. 2 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Vitaliry adding JuvaPower. Start with a small amount and
. I drop Oregano or Oregano Vitaliry increase slowly. If any discomfort is experienced,

Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. reduce the amount taken.

. Dilute 50:50 and massage l-3 drops on

each of the following areas: forehead, nose, Ulcerative Colitis
cheeks, lower throat, chest, and upper back

l-3 times daily. Recommendations

. Massage 1-3 drops on Vita Flex poinrs on Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry
Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry lVintergreen,
the feet 1-2 times daily.
Peppermint, Peppermint Mtaliry trragon,
._ Receive a Raindrop Technique 1-2 times Thrragon Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Mtaliry
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry GLE GLF
weekly. Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry

. Bath salts (see below) TirmmyGize

_ Bath Blend for Relief of Cold Symptoms

. 15 drops Ravintsara
. 8 drops lVintergreen


Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, ComforTone, . Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary (
Alkalime, Life 9, JuvaPower, Detoxzyme,
ICII Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, oil 2 times daily. L
MegaCal . Toke 2-3 drops of a Mtaliry or dietary oil in L

Application and Usage a spoonfiJ of syrup or small amount of milk, (
Aromatic Refer to Application Gui*lines. juice, or water.
Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines. \
. Take 2 capsules with any 2 of the Vitaliry or . Apply several drops diluted 50:50 over colon

dietary oils above 2-3 times daily. area 4-6 times daily.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or die tary oil in . You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Flex colon points.
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. . Have Raindrop tchnique l-2 times weekly.
. Place a warm compress diluted 20:80 using
. Apply 4-6 drops ofyour choice ofoil,
equal prts Helichrysum and DiGize over
diluted 50:50, on lower abdomen 3-6 times
daily. the colon area.

. Massage 2-4 d,rops of oil neat on the bot- . Use the blend below in a rectal implant 3

toms of the feet just before bedtime. times weekly.
Colitis-Colon Blend
Viral Colitis
Use the remedies below For coliris rhat may be . 3 drops Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli)
. 2 drops Oregano Vitality
caused by virus rarher than bacreria. . 2 drops Thyme Vitaliry
. 2 drops German Chamomile Vitality
Recommendations . 2 drops Melissa
Singla: Melissa, Lemongrass, Lrmongrass . 2 drops Peppermint Vitaliry

Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry Melaleuca Quin- Mix above oils with I tablespoon V-6 Veg-
queneruia (Niaouli), Blue Cypress, Oregano,
Oregano Vitaliry, Helichrysum, Cumin, Tea etable Oil Complex.
Tiee, Thrragon, Thrragon Vitaliry Thyme,
Thyme Vitaliry Roman Chamomile, German COMA
Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry
Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry Peppermint, Pep- Patients in a coma will likely be in a hospital or
permint Vitaliry Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon
Bark Vitaliry care center. Discuss with the patientt health care
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Puri-
fication, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TirmmyGize professional about rubbing essential oils on the
Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, Inner Defense,
Longevity Softgels, Essentialzymes-4, Essen- bottoms ofthe patient's feet and diffusing the oils. L
tialzyme, Life 9
In one recent case, family members of a patient in
Application and Usage
Dietary and Otalt ReFer rc Application Guidtlines. a medically induced coma found that the aroma \_

of Sacred Frankincense allowed the unconscious

patient to calm down and stop fighting restraints 1

used to prevent dislodging a breathing tube.

After rhe patient returns home, the oils listed L

below could be helpful.

Singls: Valerian, Vetiver, Sacred Sandalwood,

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress,


Black Pepper, Peppermint, Idaho Balsam Fir, Ortho Sport and Ortho Ease massage oils reduce
Copaiba, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense pain and promote healing. Cool Azul products
Blends: Hope, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Surrender, are also great pain relievers.

, The Gift, Inspiration, Brain Power, GeneYus, Recommendations
Trauma Life, R.C. Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Personal Care: Progessence Plus, Regenolone
Moisturizing Cream, Sensation Massage Oil Lemongrass, Lavender, Marjoram, Eucalyptus
Blue, Dorado Azul
Application and Usage Blends: PanAway, Deep Relief Rol[-On, Relieve
Aromatic; Refer to Application Guidelines. It, Aroma Siez, Melrose, Cool Azul
Nutritionals: MegaCal, BLM, AgilEase, Super
. Diffuse your choice of oils for 1 5 minutes B, Super C, Super C Chewable, MultiGreens,
Mineral Essence, Sulfurzyme, PD 80/20,
4-7 times daily. PowerGize

Topical: Refer o Application Guidzlines. Persirnal Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage
. Apply 3-5 drops diluted 50:50 on temples, Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Regenolone

neck, and shoulders. Moisturizing Cream

. Receive a Raindrop tchnique with the

above-mentioned oils.


(CARTILAGE, LIGAMENTS, TENOONS) Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.

Tendonitis, often called tennis elbow and golf- . Apply oils neat or diluted 50:50 on locarion

er! elbow, is a torn or inflamed tendon. Repetitive 3-6 times daily.

_ use or infection may be the cause. . Massage 4-6 drops ofoil on affected area.

MegaCal, BLM, and AgilEase provide critical For swelling, elevate and apply ice packs.
nutrients for connective tissue repair. Sulfuzyme,
. Place a cold compress with 1-2 drops of

an outstanding source of organic sulFur, equalizes chosen oil on area 2-4 times daily.

water pressure inside the cells, and reduces pain.

PanAway reduces pain and Lemongrass pro- Cartilage lnjury on Knee, Elbow, Etc.

motes the repair of connective tissue. Lavender People with cartilage damage often experi-

with Lemongrass and Marjoram with Lemon- ence decreased range of motion, stiffness, joint

grass work well together for inflamed tendons. pain, and/or swelling in the affected area.

Deep Relief Roll-On is a convenientway to apply Recommendations
. a blend ofoils that is both pain-relieving and anti- Singls: \Wintergreen, Copaiba, Lemongrass,
inf ammatory.
'When selecting oils for injuries, think through Palo Santo, Peppermint, Idaho Balsam Fir,
Marjoram, Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul,
the cause and rype of injury and select appropri-
Idaho Blue Spruce
ate oils. For instance, tendonitis could encompass Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma Siez, Deep
muscle damage, nerue damage, ligament strain/
tear, infammation, infection, and possibly an Relief Roll-On, Cool Azul
emotion. Therefore, select an oil or oils for each Nutritionals: MegaCal, Super B, Super C, Super
porential cause and apply in roration or prepare
a blend to address multiple causes. The oils in C Chewable, MultiGreens, Mineral Essence,
BLM, AgilEase, Master Formula, Sulfurzyme,



Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Creirrn, . Apply oils neat or dilutecl 50:50 on location
Cool Azul Sports Cel, Ortho Ease Massage
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Regenolone 3-6 times daily. \
Moisturizing (iream
. Massage 4-6 drops ofoil on affected area.
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer o Applicntion Guidelines. For swelling, elevate and apply ice packs. t

. Apply neat or diluted 50:50 on location 3-6 . Place a cold compress wirh 1-2 drops of

times daily. chosen oil on area 2-4 times dailv.

. Massage 4-6 drops ofoil on allecred area. Sprain Blend L
For . l5 drops Arona Siez
swelling, elevare ancl apply ice packs. . 5 drops Lemongrass

. Place a cold compress widr 1-2 clrops of i""oi"iia irr..'"rri"J i""ul"iii"i

chosen oil in Ortho Ease or Ortho Sport Tendons are cords oftough, fibrous connective \
Massage Oil on area 2-4 rimes dailv.
Cartilage Blend tissue that attach muscles to bones and are found

. '12 drops Winrergreen throughout the entire human body. Tendonitis is \
. 10 drops Mirrjoranr
. 9 drops Lemongrass the irritation and inflammation ofthose tendons.

Ligament Sprain or Tear Recommendations
Note: For sprains, use cold packs. For any Singla: Lemongrass, Marjoram, Copaiba, Rose-

serious sprain or constant skeletal pain, always mary Eucalyptus Radiata, Peppermint, Palo
consult a health care professional. Anltime there
is tissue damage, rhere is always infammation. Santo, Basil, Wintergreen, Vetiver, Valerian,
Reduce this first. Blends: Deep Relief Roll-On, Aroma Siez,
PanAway, Relieve It, Coo[ Azul
Recommendations Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, MegaCal, Super
Singles: Lemongrass, Helichrysum, Lavendet B, Super C, Super C Chewable, MulriGreens,
Mineral Essence, Sulfurzyme, PowerGize
Elemi, Basil, Marjoram, Peppermint, Palo Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Santo Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz-
Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma Siez, Deep ing Cream, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho
Relief Roll-On, Cool Azul
Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, MegaCal, Super Ease Massage Oil
B, Super C, MulriGreens, Essentialzyme,
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Mineral Essence, Application and Usage
Sulfuzyme, PowerGize Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Personal Care: Coo[Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Spons Gel, Ortho Ease Massage . Apply oils neat or diluted 50:50 on location
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Regenolone
Moisturizing Cream 3-6 times daily.

Application and Usage . Massage 4-6 drops ofoil on affected area.
Topical: Refer o Application Guiddinel
swelling, elevate and apply ice packs.

. Place a cold compress with 1-2 drops of

chosen oil on area2-4 rimes daily.

Tendonitis Pain Relief Blend No. I
. 8 drops \Winrergreen
. 4 drops Vetiver
. 4 drops Valerian

Tendonitis Pain ReliefBlend No.2 CROHN'S DISEASE (SEE ALSO COLITIS,
. 10 drops Rosemary
. 10 drops Eucalyptus Radiata Crohn's disease creates infammation, sores,
. 10 drops Pepperminr and ulcers on the intestinal wall. These sores occur
. 5 drops Palo Santo deeper than ulcerative colitis. Unlike other forms
of colitis, Crohnt disease can affect the entire di-
Scleroderma gestive tract from the mouth all the way to the
Also known as systemic sclerosis, scleroderma is rectum.
a noninfectious, chronic, autoimmune disease of
the connective tissue. Caused by an overproduc- . Abdominal cramping
tion of collagen, the disease can involve either the . Lower-right abdominal pain
. Diarrhea
skin or internal orgms and can be life threatening. . A general sense offeeling ill

Scleroderma is far more common among Attacls may occur once or mice a day for life.
Ifthe disease continues for years, it can cause dete-
women than men. rioration of bowel function, leaky gut syndrome,
poor absorption of nutrients, loss of appetite and
Recommendations weight, intestinal obstruction, severe bleeding,
Singles: Myrrh, lTintergreen, German Chamo- and increased susceptibility to intestinal cancer.

mile, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Mosr researchers believe thar Crohnt disease
Qopaiba, Lavender, Patchouli, Royal Hawai- is caused by an overreacting immune system and
ian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood is actually an autoimmune disease where the im-
Blends: Melrose, fuoma Siez, Thieves, Puri6ca- mune system mistakenly attacks the body's own
tion, SclarEssence tissues. MSM has been extensively researched for
Nutritionals: PD 80/20, ICB ComforTone, Es- its abiliry to treat many autoimmune diseases and
sentialzyme, JuvaTone, JuvaPower, Thyromin, is a key ingredient in Sulfurzyme.
Mineral Essence, Slique Shake, Sulfurzyme,
Detoxzyme, Longeviry Softgels, PowerGize Recommendations
Personal Care: Prenolone Plus Body Cream, Singles: Ginger, Ginger Vitaliry Nutmeg,
LavaDerm Cooling Mist
Nutmeg Vitaliry'!Tintergreen, German
Application and Usage Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry
Topical: Refer rc Application Guifulines. Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Copaiba,
Copaiba Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitality,
. Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on location Patchouli
Blends: ImmuPower, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry
3 times daily. Alternate between using Blend PanAway, TirmmyGize
No. 1 and Bend No. 2 etch day. Nutritionals: Sulfuzyme, OmegaGizer, Life 9,
Scleroderma Blend No. 1 Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Alkalime, ICB ComforTone, MultiGreens,
. 2 drops German Chamomile Digest & Cleanse, NingXia Red, Balance
. 2 drops Myrrh Complete
. 1 drop Lavender
. 1 drop Patchouli

Scleroderma Blend No. 2

. 3 drops Mymh
. 2 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood or

Sacred Sandalwood


Application and Usage size, and can occur anlvhere in the body in peo- (
Aromatic: ReQer to Application Guidrlines. ple of all ages. Two of the most common rypes of
Dietry and Oralt Refer to Application Guidelines. cysts are ganglion and ovarian. L

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dierary Ganglion Cysts \
oil 2 times daily. Ganglion rysts develop in the tissues near L
joints and tendons, often in the ankles, in the
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in t
wrists, and behind the knees. They cause painful
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, swelling and are often filled with a thick fluid. (
juice, or water
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. Recommendations L
Singles: Oregano, Thyme, Myrrh, Mountain L
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 1-2 times L
weekly incorporating ImmuPower. Blends: Purification, Thieves, Deep Relief Roll- (

. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of On, Coo[ Azul L
Nuritionals: Super C, Mineral Essence,
chosen oil on the back. L
Regimen for Crohnt diseme Detoxzyme
Personal Care: LavaDerm Cooling Mist, Thieves t
Each phase lasts 3 days and should be
Spray, Cool Azul Pain ReliefCream, Cool L
added to the previous phase. Azul Sports Gel
. Phme I: Essentialzymes-4: Take 1-2 ap- Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. t
sules, both white and yellow, 3 times daily.
. Apply 2 drops ofchosen oil neat the first day.
. Phase II: Take rhe Essentialzymes-4 in . Apply 2 drops ofThyme the second day.
. Apply on location as often as needed.
yogurt or liquid acidophilus and charcoal
tablets. Do not use ICP, ComforTone, or Ovarian and Uterine Cysts (See also
Essentialzyme yet. Menstrual and Female Hormone
. Phase III: Drink 6 ounces raw juice
Ovarian cysts can be painless or painful if
(cherry, prune, celery, carrot, or NingXia
Red) 2 times daily. they grow large and affecr the ovary. They may be
caused by an egg sac that doesn't properly break
. Phroe [V: Thke 2 scoops Balance Com-
open or dissolve as part ofthe menstrual rycle.
plete in water or juice 2 times daily.
. Phme V: (Starr only if there is no sign of Singles: Myrrh, Geranium, Sacred Frankincense,

bleeding.) Frankincense, Sage, Tea Tiree, Clary Sage,
Thyme, Rosemary Oregano
. ComforTone: Take 1 capsule morning Blends: Dragon Time, SclarEssence
Nutritionals: PD 80/20, EndoGize, Estro,
and night until stools loosen. FemiGen, Mineral Essence, Essentialzyme,
. ICP: Start with 1 level teaspoon 2

times daily and gradually increase.

. Essentialryme: Start with I caplet 3

times daily. If irritation occurs, discon-
tinue for a few days and start again.


Cysts are closed, sac-like srructures rhar con-
tain fluid, gas, or semisolid material that is not a
normal part ofthe tissue where ir is located. There
are hundreds of rypes thar are common, vary in


Personal Care: Protec, Prenolone Plus Body Recommendations
Cream, Progessence Plus, Estro, FemiGen, Singls: Lavendeq Roman Chamomile, Melissa,
Regenolone Moisturizing Cream
Jasmine, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Application and Usage Peppermint, Yang Vang, Rosemary, Jade
Topical: Refer o Application Guidzlines. Lemon, Lemon, Lime, Cedaruood, Bergamot
Blends: Build Your Dream, Divine Release,
. Apply 1-3 drops on the reproductiveVita Freedom, Inner Harmony, InTouch,
Reconnect, Valor, Valor Roil-On, Live with
Flex points, located around the anklebone Passion, Live Your Passion, Light the Fire,
on either side of the foot. lX/ork from the Hope, Joy, My Destiny, Common Sense, The
ankle bone down to the arch ofthe foot. Gift, Oola Balance, Faith, Family, Fitness,
Friends, Oola Grow, RutaVala, RutaVala
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 oils of your Roll-On, SclarEssence
Nutritionals: MultiGreens, Life 9, Super B,
choice on location as needed. Mineral Essence, Balance Complete, Thyro-
min, EndoGize, Ecuadorian Dark Choco-
. Retention: Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 lessence, Slique Bars-Chocolate-Coated,
Chocolate-Coated Wolfberry Crisp Bars,
on a tampon and insert nightly for 4 nights. NingXia Red, NingXia Zyng, NingXia Nitro
Note Ifirritation occurs, discontinue use
for 3 days be[ore resuming. Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Female Cyst Blend No. I Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
. 9 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankin-
. Appty 1-2 drops of recommended oil neat
on temples and back of neck as desired.
. 5 drops Clary Sage
. 5 drops Myrrh Postpartum Depression
. 2 drops Thyme "Baby blues" are normal for a few days after
. 2 drops Rosemary
childbirth. Postpartum depression can follow and
Female Cyst Blend No. 2 feel like more of the same or feel worse than be-
fore. It can also happen months after childbirth
. 4 drops Sacred Frankincense or or pregnancy loss.

Frankincense Recommendations
Singles: Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry
. 4 drops Geranium
. 2 drops Oregano Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vital-
iry Sage, Sage Vitaliry Melissa, Clary Sage,
DEPRESSION (SEE ALSO INSOMNIA) Cedarwood, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal
Diffusing or directly inhaling essential oils can Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Frankincense,
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Berga-
have an immediate, positive impact on mood. mot, Bergamot Vitality
Olfaction (smell) is the only sense that can have Blends: Joy, Tiauma Life, Peace & Calming,
direct effects on the limbic region of rhe brain. Peace & Calming II, Hope, Loyalry Ru-
Studies at the Universiry of Vienna have shown
that some essential oils and their primary con-
stituents (cineole) can stimulate blood flow and
activiry in the emotional regions of the brain.r('

Clinical studies ar the Deparrment of Psychia-
try ar the Mie Universiry of Medicine showed that
lemon not only reduced depression, but it also re-
duced stress when inhaled.:r


taVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Tiansformation, Cinnamon has long been known for balancing \
Dragon Time, Oola Balance, Faith, Family, blood sugar. Using a cinnamon exrract, Chinese
Friends, Oola Grow researchers found cinnamon improves fasting glu- (
Nutritionalsl Super B, EndoGize, Estro, Femi- cose and gycosated hemoglobin levels in parients
Gen, Ecuadorian Dark Chocolessence, Slique with rype 2 diabetes (Lu T, 2012). q
Bars-Chocolate-Coated, Chocolate-Coared
\flolfberry Crisp Bars, NingXia Red, NingXia Yacon Syrup contains inulin, the complex sug- \
Zyng, NingXia Nitro ar rhat slowly breaks down into FOS (fructooli- L
Personal Care: Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus gosaccharide). Inulin is not digestible, so it passes (
Body Cream through the body, with the result rhar it is halfthe
calories of other sugars. FOS is well-known for its
Application and Usage prebiotic effecrs and also supports microfora in
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. the large intestine, while it promotes the absorp-
Dietary md Oralt Refer to Applicarion Guidzlines. tion of calcium.

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Viraliry or dietary Becommendations
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Coriander,
oil 2 times daily.
Coriander Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitaliq,,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in Dill, Dill Vitaliry Cinnamon Bark, Cinna-
mon Bark Vitaliry Lemongrass, Lemongrass
a spoon6.r1 of syrup or small amount of milk, Vitaliry
juice, or water. Blends: EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry, DiGize,
Topical Refer to Application Gaidelines. DiGize Vitaliry Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry

. Apply 2-4 drops neat on temples and back Slique Essence
Nutritionals: MultiGreens, MegaCal, Balance
of neck 2-4 times daily or as needed.
Complete, Essentialzyme, Essentialzl.mes-4,
. Applying a single drop under the nose is Master Formula, Ningxia lVolfberries (Or-
ganic, Dried), Pure Protein Complete, Slique
helpful and refreshing. Tea, Yacon Syrup

. Place a warm compress wirh 1-2 drops of Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applicatizn Gaidrlin€s.
chosen oil on the back. Dietary and OraI: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

DIABETES . Thke 2 capsules 50:50 Fennel Vitaliry and

Diabetes is the leading cause of cardiovascular Coriander Vitaliry 2 times daily.
diseme and premarure death in westernized coun-
tries today. Diabetes causes low energy and persis- . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
tently high blood glucose.
a small amount of milk, juice, or warer.
Type I diaberes usually manifests by age 30 and Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.

is often considered to be genetic. Type II diabetes DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS
generally manifests later in life and may have a Digestive problems often result in symptoms
nutritional origin.
such as stomach pain, consripation. gas. cramps,
Chromium has been shown ro help the body bloating, and diarrhea.
metabolize sugars properly.

tVolfberry (Lycium barbarurz) balances the
pancreas and is a detoxifier and cleanser. Diabetes
is not common in certain regions of China where
wolfberry is consumed regularly.


Constipation (lmpacted Bowel) Constipation Causes
The principle causes of constipation are inad- Body Dysfunction

equate fuid intake and low fiber consumption. The reason constipation creates diverticulo-
sis is because the muscles of the colon must
Constipation can eventually lead to diverticulosis
and diverticulitis, conditions common among strain to move an overly hard stool, which
older people.
puts excess pressure on the colon. Eventually,
Certain essential oils have demonstrated their weak spots in the colon walls Form, creating
ability to improve colon health by supporring in- abnormal pockets called diverticula.
testinal flora, stimularing intestinal motiliry and
peristalsis, fighting infections, and eliminating These pockets can also be created by para-

parasites. sites that burrow and embed in the lining of

Recommendations the colon wall, lay eggs there, and leave waste
Singles: Ginger, Ginger Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel matter that hardens on the colon walls, kink-

Vitaliry Tarragon, Tarragon Vitaliry Pepper- ing and nvisting the colon unnaturally. Ir is
mint, Peppermint Vitaliry
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, always wise to consider the possibiliry of para-
JuvaCleanse Vitaliry TirmmyGize sites and their treatment when diverticula are

Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, ICI Com- Present.
Enzymes such as Detoxzyme , Essentialzvme,
forTone, Detoxzyme, MighryPro, Life 9,
MightyPro, MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Essentialzymes-4, Allezyme, and Mighnzvme
Balance Complete, Essentialzyme, Essential- (for children) are critical to help in the diges-
zymes-4, OmegaGize3, JuvaPower tion and softening of waste material. ICP and
JuvaPower add fiber that help scrub the colon
Application and Usage wall, absorb toxins, and help with the elimi-
Aromatic: Refer ro Application Guiddines.
Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidtlines. nation process. ParaFree is always a good

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary cleanse at least once a year and certainly when

oil 2 times daily. parasites are suspected.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in ComforTone: Start with 1 capsule and in-
crease the next day to 2 capsules. Continue
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, to increase 1 capsule each day until bowels
juice, or water. start moving.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. ICP: 1 week after ComforTone, start with
I tablespoon ICP 2 times daily and then
. Apply 6-10 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on increase to 3 times daily up to 2 tablespoons
3 times daily.
stomach area as desired. Balmce Complete: 3 scoops daily or as

. Place a warm compress with 1-3 drops of needed.

recommended oil over the stomach area and Drink at least 7z cup unsweetened cherry
Vita Flex points oF rhe feer. juice, prune juice, pineapple juice, or other
Regimen raw Fruit or vegerable iuice each morning.
Drink 8 glasses of pure water daily.
. Essentialryme: Take 3-6 tablets 3 times



Cramps, Stomach Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry JuvaFlex, L
Stomach cramps may be caused by constipa- JuvaFlex Vitality, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry,
TirmmyCize L
rion, diarrhea, anxiery, gas, bloating, or PMS. L
Although stonach cramps are Fairly common, Nutritionals: Life 9, ComforTone, MightyPro,
Essentialzyme, Detoxzvme, Essentialzymes-4, (
paving attenrion to them is important. MegaCal, Super Cal Plus, Inner Defense, ICP,
ImmuPro L
Singles: Gingel Ginger Viraliry, Pepperminr, Diurhea Blend (

Peppermint Vitality, Rosemary, Rosemary Vi- . 4 drops Lemon or Lemon Vitaliry L
taliry, Lavender, Lavender Vitality, Bergamot, . 3 drops Mountain Savory or Mountain
Bergamot Vitaliry (
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Viraliry, TummyGize, Savory Vitaliw
MighryPro \
Nutritionals: Alkalime, Digest & Cleanse, Life . 2 drops \Wintergreen \
9, Essentialzymes-4, Essentialzyme
Application and Usage L
Application and Usage Dietary and OraIz ReFer to Applicntion Guidelines. L
Dietry and OraltRefer o Appliuttion Guidelines. L
. Take I capsule oFdesired Vitalitv or dietary
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitalitv or dietary \
oil 2 times dail1,.
oil 2 times daily. L
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliw or dietary oil in
. Thke 2-3 drops of a Viraliry or dietary oil in L
a spoonftrl oFsyrup or small irmounr of milk, L
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, L
juice, or water. . luice, or water. L
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. L
A maintenance dosage oFComforTone has
. Dilute 50:50 and apply 6-10 drops over helped to protect travelers going to other L
countries from diarrhea and orher digestive L
stonach area 2 times daily. L
. Apply a warm compress l-2 times daily.
. Apply 1-3 drops on stomach Vita Flex points . Nutmeg has been shown to have powerful

of feet. action against diarrhea in a nunrber of medi-

Diarrhea cal studies.
Diarrhea is the second most commonly report- Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelinas.

ed illness in the U.S. and happens to nearly every- . Apply 6-10 drops near on stomach area as

one. It may be caused by bacteria, viruses, food, desired.

medication, stress, or chronic medical conditions. . Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6

Recommendations times daily,.
Si.gles: Ginger, Ginger Vitaliry Oregano,
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
Oregano Vitality, Mountain Savory Moun-
tain Savory Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry chosen oil on the back.
Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Mtaliry, Lemon,
Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitality, Pepper- Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis
mint, Peppermint Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg (See also Colitis, Crohn's Disease)
Vitaliry '!Tintergreen
Diverticulosis is one of the mosr common con-
238 ditions in the U.S. and is caused by a lack offiber
in the diet. Diverticulosis is characterized by small,

abnormal pockets (diverticula) that bulge out
through weak spots in the wall ofthe intestine. It is

estimated that half of all Americans from age 60 to
80 have diverticulosis-

Symptoms . Cramping tender-

. Cramping ness on lower left
. Bloating side of abdomen
. Constipation
. Fever and chills

One of the easiest ways to resolve this condi-

tion is by increasing fiber intake to 20-30 grams IT

daily. Peppermint oil can also stimulate contrac- v

tions in the colon. Diverticula
\While diverticulosis involves the condition of
Large lntestine
merely having colon abnormalities, diverticulitis
on lower abdomen 2 times dailv.
occurs when these abnormalities or diverticula be-
. Massage 2-4 drops on the intestinal Yir:r
come infecred or inflamed. Diverticulitis is pres-
Flcx points on the fi'et 2-.3 times chih.
ent in 10-25 percent ofpeople with diverticulosis.
. Retention: Rectal, nightlv befbre retiring.
Many of these symptoms are similar to rhose of
retain overnight.
irritable bowel syndrome. Diverticulitis Topical Blend

Recommendations . l5 drops DiGize
Singles: Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Patchouli, . 5 clrops Melrose

Tarragon, trragon Vitaliry Rosemary, Dysentery
Rosemary Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Dysentery is a serious disorder of the diges-
Peppermint, Peppermint Viraliry Thyme,
Thyme Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry tive tract that commonly occurs throughout the
Clove, Clove Vitaliry Tangerine, Tangerine world. It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, pro-
Vitaliry Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, tozoa, parasitic worms, or chemical irritation of
Frankincense Vitaliry Cedamood the intestines.
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Melrose,
Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exodus Il, im- It is one o[ the oldest known gastrointestinal
disorders, often called the "bloody fu," that fre-
muPower quendy occurred in army camps, walled cities,
Nutritionals: AIkalime, Detoxzyme, Inner De- aboard sailing vessels, and where large groups of

fense, Digest & Cleanse, ICB ComforTone, people lived rogether wirh poor sanitation.
in the modern world, dysentery is most likely
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Balance
to affect people who live in less developed coun-
Complete, JuvaPower tries and travelers who visit those countries. It also
affects immigrants from developing countries,
Application and Usage people who live in housing with poor sanitation,
Aromatie Refer o Application Guidelines.
Dietary and OralzRefer o Application Guidelines. military personnel serving in developing coun-

. Take 1 capsule o[desired Vitalicy or dietary 239

oil 2 times daily.

. Take 2-3 drops of aVitaliry or dietary oil in

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of mi[k,
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.

. Dilute Diverticuliris Blend 50:50 and apply

tries, people in nursing homes, and children in lence, even as it drastically improves bifidobacteria L
production in the small and large intestines and
day care centers. (
increases mineral absorption.
Recommendations L
Singla: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Jade Becommendations L
Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry L
Lemon, ]ade Lemon Viraliry Lemon, Lemon \
Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Myrrh, Mountain Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Nurmeg, L
Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliry, Oregano, Nutmeg Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry L
Oregano Vitaliry Thyme,'Ihyme Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry DiGize, Di- Ginger, Cinger Vitaliry Cumin, Fennel, Fen- L
Gize Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vital- nel Vitaliry L
iry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry TirmmyGize Blends: DiGize, DiCize Vitaliry Thieves, L
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Detoxzyme, Es- Thieves Vitaliry Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry
sentialzymes-4, ImmuPro, ICP, ComforTone, TLmmyGize t
Essentialzyme, Mineral Essence, Life 9, Nutritionals: Alkalime, Detoxzyme, Life 9,
MighryPro, ParaFree Digest & Cleanse, ICP ComforTone, Es- L
sentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Inner Defense,
Application and Usage JuvaPower, ImmuPro, Longeviry Softgels, (
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidrlines. MighryPro
Dietary md Oralz Refer rc Application Guidelines. L
Application and Usage
. Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary Aromatic: Refer ro Application Guidrlines. L
Dietary and Oral: ReFer rc Application Guidelines. L
oil 3 times daily.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary (
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in (
oil 2 times daily.
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, L
juice, or water. . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Dysentery Blend L
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. 5 drops Thieves or Thieves Vitaliry juice, or water.
. 5 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Vitaliry
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Gas (Flatulence) Giardia is a microscopic parmite found on
Gas (flatulence) can be caused by a lack ofdi-
surfaces or in soil, water, or food that has been
gestive enzymes and the consumption ofindigesr- contaminated with feces from infected mimals
ible starches that promote bifid bacteria produc- or humans. It is most commonly transmitted in
tion in the colon.
polluted water.
Although increming bifid bacteria production Recommendations
en lead to gas, it is highly beneficial to long-term Singles: Basil, Basil Vitaliry Patchouli, Pep-
health, as the increase of beneficial flora crowds
out disease-causing microorganisms such as C/as- permint, Peppermint Mtaliry, Spearmint,
tidium perfringezs (a common cause of food poi- Spearmint Vitality
soning). Blends: DiGire, DiGize Vitality, Juvacleanse,
JuvaCleanse Vitality, Melrose, Purification,
Consumption of FOS (fructooligosaccharides), TirmmyGize
an indigestible sugar, can create short-term flatu-


Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, ParaFree, Essential- \h
zyme, Digest & Cleanse, Mineral Essence,
Essentialzymes-4 Li ver

Application and Usage -Stomach
Dietary md OraltRefer to Application Guidelines.
i rl
. Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitalityor dietary
fI 1
oil 2 times daily. 1
. Take 10 drops of Basil Vitaliry Peppermint intestine 7

Vitaliry DiGize Vitaliry or other oils desired t
diluted 50:50 in a capsule every 2 hours.
. Take 2-3 drops ofaVitality or dietary oil in I

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, ne t/ I
juice, or water.
folon) Sigmoid
Heartburn colon
Heartburn is a burning feeling or pain in the RectunF--\

center ofthe chest that may extend into your back Gastrointestinal System
or neck during or after eating.
Dietary md OralzRefer o Applicntion Guidelines.
Lemon juice is one of the best remedies for
heanburn. Mix the juice of Vz of a sqteezed . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Viralitv or dierarl'
lemon in 8 ounces of water and sip slowly upon
awakening each morning. oil 2 times daily.

Lemon juice helps the sromach stop making . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliw or dietary oil in
digestive acids, therefore alleviating heartburn or
other stomach ailments. a spoonful oltsvrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water
Recommendations Heartburn Blend
Singles: Basil, Basil Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vi-
. 8 drops Sage or Sage Vitaliw
taliry, Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry Ginger, . 3 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalrvood or
Ginger Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime Sacred Sandalwood
Vitaliry Idaho Tansy, Palo Sanro, Cypress,
Thrragon, Tarragon Vitaliry Sage, Sage . 2 drops Basil or Basil Vir:rlin
Viraliry Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred . I drop Palo Santo

Sandalwood Topical: Refer o Applicntion Gttidelinas.
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry JuvaCleanse,
. Dilure 50:50 and apply on Iocation 3-6
JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Citrus Fresh, Citrus
Fresh Vitality, TummyGize times daily.
Nutritionals: Alkalime, ICB ComforTone, Es-
sentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, Allerzyme . Place a warm compress wirh l-3 drops of

Application and Usage recommended oils over stomach.
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines.
. Apply recommended oils to the Vita FIex

points ofthe feet.


lndigestion (Bloating) is characterized by consripation, diarrhea, gas, L
Indigesrion causes discomfort in the upper bloating, lower abdominal pain or discomfort,
and nausea. L
abdomen, resulting in bloaring, belching, and Single: Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry L
nausea. It often occurs during or right after eat- Blen&: DiGize, DiGizeVitality L
ing and is medically known as dyspepsia. Nutritionals: Alkalime, Essentialzymes-4, Llfe L
Becommendations !, Mineral Essence, NingXia Red, Slique Tea,
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Nut- L
meg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry, L
Ginger, Ginger Vitaliry Cumin, Spearmint, Application and Usage L
Spearmint Vitality, Grapefruir, Grapefruit Vi- Aromatic Refer to Application Guidrlines.
taliry Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry 'sTintergreen Dietary md Oral:. Refer rc Application Guidzlines. L
Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry JuvaCleanse,
JuvaCleanse Vitaliry TummyGize . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary L
Nutritionals: Alkal-ime, Detoxzyme, ICP, L
ComforTone, JuvaPower, Essentialzyme, Es- oil 2 times daily.
sentialzymes-4, Mineral Essence, Allerzyme L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Application and Usage L
Dietary md Oralz Refer o Application Guidelines. a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. \
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
oil 2 times daily. . Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6 L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in times daily.
a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk, . Place a warm compress wirh 1-3 drops of
juice, or water. recommended oils over stomach. L

. Take2-4 capsules ofEssentialzymes-4, Es- . Apply recommended oils to the Vita Flex

sentialzyme, or Detoxzyme before eating to points ofthe feet.
help with digestion and upset stomach.
. r*4ren the stomach feels "healy" from eating
The term "stomachache" is used for many
meat, Essenrialzymes-4 is a beneficial com-
panion to DiGize Vitaliry (See "Enzymes: rypes of stomach or orher abdominal discomfort.
The Key to Digestion" in Chapter 18). Some of the following symptoms may occur: pain
Topicat Refer rc Application Guidrlines. before or after eating, bloating, heartburn, flatu-
lence, feeling ful[, vomiting, loss of appetite, etc.
. Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6
times daily. Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Ro-

. Place a warm compress with 1-3 drops of man Chamomile, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry
Blue Thnsy, Cedavood, Marjoram, Marjoram
recommended oil over the stomach. Vitaliry Rose, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,
Sacred Sandalwood, Sacred Frankincense,
Spastic Colon Syndrome/lrritable Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Valerian
Bowel Syndrome Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry TummyGize,
Trauma Life, Humiliry Harmony, RutaVala,
Spastic colon syndrome, often called ir- RutaVala Roll-On, Valor, Valor Roll-On,
ritable bowel syndrome, is a functional disorder Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II,
where the bowel does not work as it should. It Tianquil Roll-On


Nutritionals: Super B, Super C, MultiGreens, Application and Usage
MegaCal, Mineral Essence, OmegaGizer, Aromatic; Refer to Application Guidzlines.
Alkalime, Life 9 Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidtlines.

Application and Usage . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidzlines.
Dietary md Oral Refer to Application Guidtlines. oil 3 times daily for 20 days.

. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary . ^fake 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in

oil 2 times daily. a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Topical: ReFer to Application Guidrlines.

a spoonfirl of syrup or small mount of milk, Any calming oil applied through massage
juice, or water
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. may help to decrease stress and bring a reluing
atmosphere: Dream Catcher, Gathering, Egyp-
. Apply any ofthe desired oils diluted 50:50 tian Gold, The Gift, Peace & Calming, Peace &

on stomach area 2 times daily or as needed. Calming Il, Harmony, Inner Child, lVhite An-

. Add desired oil to bath salts and incorporate gelica, etc.

into daily bathing. DIPHTHERIA

Stomach Ulcers Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease caused
Ulcers may be caused by several gastroduode- by toxigenic strains of Corynebacteriun diplttheri-
ae, acqtired. by contact with an infected person or
nal diseases such as gasrriris or gastric or pepric carrier. It is usually confined to the upper respira-
ulcers caused by the Helicobacter p/ori bacteria. tory tract and characterized by the formation of a
'While antibiotics are prescribed, plant sources tough, false membrane attached firmly to the un-
will also kill these bacteria. Regarding phyto- derlying tissue that will bleed if forcibly removed.
chemicals against Helicobacter pyhri infections, a
2018 studyr8 in the InternationalJoumal ofMoler In the most serious infections, the membrane
ukr Sciences stated, "in this critical review, plant begins in the tonsil area and may spread to the
sources used as effective antibacterial agents are uvula, soft palate, and pharyngeal wall, followed
carefully described." Myrtle essential oil has been by the larynx, trachea, and bronchial tree, where
shown to be effective against H. pylori.r') it may cause life-threatening bronchial obstruc-
tions. See your health care professional.
Singls: Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry Recommendations
Singls: Oregmo, Oregaro Vitaliry Thyme,
Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade
Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Thyme Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Mountain
Lime, Lime Vitaliry Myrtle, German Chamo- Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliry Eucalyprus
mile, German Chamomile Vitaliry Myrrh, Radiata, Palo Santo, Northern l.ights Black
Patchouli, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Spruce, Sacred F-rankincense, Frarkincense,
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry, DiGize, Frankincense Vitaliry Eucalyptus Blue,
DiGize Vitaliry Melrose Spearmint, Spermint Vitaliry Ravintsara, Pep-
Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, Inner Defense, permint, Peppermint Vitaliry Dorado Azul
ICII JuvaPower, Alkalime, Essentialzymes-4, Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitality, Melrose, Exo-
Essentialzyme dus II, Raven, R.C.


Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Tangerine Vitaliry Basil, Basil Vitality,
NingXia Red Cardamom, Cardamom Vitaliry Melaleuca
Quinquenervia (Niaouli), Sacred Sandalwood,
OraI Care: Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth- Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Frank-
wash, Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Spray, incense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry
Thieves Hard Lozenges
Idaho Blue Spruce
Household Care: Thieves Household Cleaner, Blends: Clariry R.C., Brain Power, Common
Thieves'Warerless Hand Purifi er, Thieves
Foaming Hand Soap, Thieves Automatic Sense, GeneYus, M-Grain, Grounding, Citrus
Dishwasher Powder, Thieves Cleansing Soap, Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitaliry Harmony
Thieves Dish Soap, Thieves Fruit & Veggie Nutritionals: MindWise, NingXia Red, Multi-
Soak (and Spray), Thieves Laundry Soap, Creens, Master Formula, MegaCal, Mineral
Thieves Spray, Thieves W'ipes
Application and Usage
Aromatiq Refer to Application Guidelines. Application and Usage
Dietary and Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines. Aromatic: Refer to Application Guiddinel
Dietary and OraltRefer to Application Guidzlines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
. Thke 1 capsule ofdesired Viraliry or dietary
oil 2 times daily.
oil 2 times daily.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. a spoonfiJ of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
. Gargle with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

Mouthwash several times daily. . Apply 1-2 drops neat (undiluted) on temples

. Spray throat as desired with Thieves Spray. and back of neck, as desired.
. Use Thieves Cough Drops and/or Thieves
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Hard Lozenges as desired.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. helpful.

. Applying a single drop under the nose is . Massage 2-4 d,rops of oil neat on rhe bor-

helpful and refreshing. toms of the feet.

. Apply 2-3 drops over neck and lung areas EAR PROBLEMS
Although ear problems are often caused by
several times daily.
infections, other conditions may also cause ear
DIZZINESS pain or discomfort.
Feeling dizzy is not an illness but a symp-
tom ofsomething else. Lightheadedness is often
caused by a decrease in blood supply to rhe Earaches result from inflammation and
brain, while vertigo may be caused by an imbal- swelling of the structures that make up the ear
ance in the inner ear or brain. Dizziness may also and have a multitude of causes and a variery of
be caused by dehydration or heat stroke.
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality, Recommendations
Singles: Helichrysum, Lavender, Lavender Vital-
Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul, tngerine,
iq,, Tea Tiee, Roman Chamomile, Ravintsara,

Hammer Cochlea . Massage 1-2 drops on ears and earlobes us-

Eardrum ing the Vita Flex Technique and on the Vita
Flex points for the ear on the feet.
CAUTION: Never put essential oils direcrly into
the ear canal. Ear pain can be very serious.
Always seek medical attention ifpain persists.

Anvil Ear lnfection
An ear infection olten occurs in conjunction
with other symptoms, which may vary in charac-
Outer ear canal Eustachian ter and intensiry in different individuals. The bac-
Tube teria Pseudomonas aentginosa is a common cause
of ear infections with biofilm production that
stops most antibiotics. A 2016 studyr" showed
Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Eucalyptus
Radiara, Basil, Basil Vitaliry sage essenrial oil caused 81.8 percent lower P ne-
Blends: Purification, PanAway, ImmuPower, ruginosn biofilm production, while basil essential
oil showed a reduction of63.6 percent.
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Super C, Super C Recommendations
Singles: Sage, Basil, Myrrh, Thyme, Winter-
Chewable, Inner Defense, Thieves Spray
green, Helichrysum, Mountain Savory
Application and Usage Blends: ImmuPower, Melrose, Thieves, Purifica-
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Dietary md OraltRefer to Application Guiddines. tion, Exodus II
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Inner Defense
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
Application and Usage
oil 2 times daily. Aromatiq Refer to Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. Put Basil on the outer ear when you feel an
a spoonful of syrup or small amounr of milk,
juice, or water. ear inFection coming on. Just the aromatic
lumes will kill an ear infection.
. Gargle up to 8 times daily with Thieves
. Apply 2 drops ofoil diluted 50:50 in warm
Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash.
olive oil to a cotton swab. Using the swab,
. Spray Thieves Spray into rhe throat up to 5 apply traces to the skin around the opening
ofthe ear, but not in it.
times daily.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. . Put 2-3 drops of the diluted essential oil on
a piece ofcotton and place it carefilly over
. Apply 2 drops of oil diluted 50:50 in warm
the ear opening. Leave on overnight.
olive or fractionated coconur oil to a cotton CAUTION: Never put essential oils directly inro
swab. Using the swab, apply rraces to the
skin around the opening ofthe ear, but not the ear. Ear pain can be very serious. Always
in it. Put 2-3 drops ofthe diluted essential
oil on a piece ofcotton and place ir carefully seek medical attention ifpain persists.
over the ear opening. Leave in overnight.

. Additional reliefmay be obtained by placing

a warm comPress over the ear


Hearing lmpairment Application and Usage L
Hearing impairmenr refers to people with Aromatiq Refer rc Application Guidelines. L
either partial or full hearing loss. Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Recommendations . Massage I -2 drops neat on temples, fore-
Singles: Helichrysum, Juniper, Geranium, Pep-
head, and back of neck.
permint, Lavender, Basil
Blends: Purification, Surrender, Awaken, Mag- . Apply one drop each on tips ofthe toes and

ni$' Your PurPose 6ngers so that the oils get into the Vita Flex

Application and Usage pathways.
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. HearingVita FIex Regimen:

. Apply single oils or blends neat or diluted, . Apply 1-2 drops neat oFHelichrysum ro rhe

depending on the oils that are used. area outside the opening to the ear canal with
Iingertip or cotton swab. DO NOT put oil
. Apply 1 drop neat on a cotton ball and place
inside the ru mal
it carefully in the opening ofthe ear canal. Re- . After applying the Helichrysum, hold
tain overnight. DO NOT place oils direcdy
earlobes firmly and pull in a circular motion
in the ear mal.
. Massage 1-2 drops ofoil neat on each ear- 10 times to help stimulate absorprion and

lobe, behind the ears, and down the jaw line circulation in the ear canal.
along the Eustachian rube.
Hearing Vita Fla Regimen
. Apply l-2 drops neat of Helichrysum on the
Eating disorders are serious psychological
area outside the opening to the ear canal with
fingertip or cotton swab. DO NOT put oil conditions that generally involve negative, self- \

inside the er canal. critical feelings and thoughts about body weight,
. After applying rhe Helichrysum, hold
size, and shape. They involve eating habits that
earlobes firmly and pull in a circular morion
10 times to help stimulate absorption and disrupt daily activities and normal body func-
circulation in the ear canal.
Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Tinnitus is a sound in one or both ears like Anorexia Nervosa

buzzing, whistling, or ringing and occurs without Anorexia neruosa is an eating disorder charac-
an external stimulus.
terized by total avoidance offood and virtual self-
Singles: Helichrysum, Juniper, Geranium, Rose, starvation. It may or may not be accompanied by !

Peppermint, Lavender, Basil bul imia (binge-purge behavior).
Blends: Purification
Nutritionals: NingXa Red, Detoxzyme, 'While psychotherapy remains indispensable, L
the aroma of essential oils may alter emotions
Sulfurzyme enough to effect a change in the underlying '
psychology or disrurbed-thinking patterns that

support this self-destructive behavior. This is ac-

complished by the abitity of aroma to directly
stimulate the amygdala gland, which is part of
the emotional center of the brain known as the

Iimbic system.


Many essential oils such as Lemon and Ginger Recommendations
when inhaled regularly can combat the emotional Singles: Ginger, Cinger Vitaliry Spearmint,
addiction that leads anorexics to premature death.
Spearmint Vitaliry Orange, Orange Vitaliry
M*y people with morexia believe they do Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Peppermint, Pep-
permint Vitaligv
not deserue to be healthy or loved unless they are Blends: Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitality,
"slender." Christmas Spirit, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-
On, TummyCize, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry
Many people who are anorexic suffer life- Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
threatening nutrient and mineral deficiencies. ComforTone, MegaCal, Mineral Essence,
The lack ofmagnesium and potassium can actual- NingXia Red, Slique Bars, lWolfberry Crisp
ly trigger heart rhythm abnormalities and cardiac
arrest. It is absolutely essential that calcium, mag- Bars
nesium, potassium, and other mineral de6ciencies
Application and Usage
are replenished. Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidclines.
Dietary md OraltRefer to Application Guidelines,
Singles: Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry, . Take 1 capsule with DiGize Vitaliry or other

Lemon, Lemon Mtaliry Lime, Lime Vitality, desired oil 2 times daily.
Thngerine, Tangerine Mtality, Ginger, Ginger
Vitaliry Mandarin . ^fake 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Blends: Divine Release, Freedom, Inner Har-
mony, Release, InTouch, Reconnect, Valor, a spoonful of syrup or small mount of milk,
Valor Roll-On, Motivation, Journey On,
Brain Power, Stress Away Roll-On juice, or water.
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, Balance Com-
Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.
_ plete, MegaCal, MindrVise, Slique Shake,
. Apply 5-6 drops with massage oil 3-5 times
Slique Bars, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
OmegaGize3,SliqueBars-Chocolate-Coated, daily or as needed.
Chocolate-Coated Wolfberry Crisp Bars
. You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita
Application and Usage
Flex points on the feet.
_ Aromatic Refer o Application Guiltlines.
. Applying a single drop under the nose is
Dietaryand Otal
helpful and refreshing.
. Refer o Application G*idzlines.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating disorder is characterized by the
oil 2 times daily.
binge eater consuming unnaturally large amounts
. Take2-3 drops oFa Vitaliry or dietary oil in of food in a short period of time, which acts as

a spoonfi.rl of syrup or small amount of milk, a psychological release for excessive emotional
juice, or water' stress. However, unlike a bulimic, the binge eat-
Topical Refer to Application Gilidrlines. er does not usually engage in excessive exercise,

Appetite, Loss of vomiting, or taking laxatives to reduce weight.
Ginger has been shown to stimulate diges- Singls: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,

tion and improve appetire. Frankincense Vitaliry Peppermint, Pepper-
Blends: Divine Release, Freedom, Inner Har-
mony, InTouch, Reconnect, Slique Essence,
3 Wise Men


Nutritionals: Slique Tea, Slique Bars-Chocolate- settle to the lowest part ofthe body. A potassium (
Coated, Chocolate-Coated \Wolfberry Crisp deficiency can make swelling worse, so rhe firsr
Bars, Slique Gum, NingXia Red recourse is to increase potassiurn intake. \

Application and Usage Recommendations L
Aromatic Refer o Application Guidtlines. Singles: Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Juniper, German
Dietary md Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines. \
Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry
. Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Lavender, L
Lavender Viraliry Grapefruit, Grapefruit
oil 2 rimes daily. Vitaliry Helichrysum, Tlngerine, Tanger- \
ine Vitaliry Patchouli, Geranium, Cypress,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Viraliry or dietary oil in \Tintergreen L
Blends: Aroma Life, EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vital-
a spoonful of syrup or small amount o[milk, iry DiGize, DiGize Vitality (
Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, Super C, Super
juice, or water. C Chewable, ICII JuvaPower, Essentialzyme, \
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, Life 9, Mega-
Cal, Balance Complete (
Application and Usage \
Bulimia is characterized by habitual binge eat- Dietary and Oralt Refer to Application Guidtlines.
ing and then purging. L
Singles: Idaho Balsam Fir, Fennel, Fennel Vital- . Take I capsule ofdesiredVitaliryordietary
iry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitality oil 2 rimes daily.
Blends: Slique Essence, Common Sense, DiGize, (
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in (
DiGize Vitaiiry Forgiveness \
Nutitionals: Slique Tea, Slique CitraSlim Caps, a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
Slique Bars, Slique Bars-Chocolate-Coated, Topical Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Chocolate-Coated Wolfberry Crisp Bars,
Slique Gum, NingXia Red . Apply i-3 drops diluted 50:50 on affected

Application and Usage area 2-3 times daily.
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines. . Place a cold compress with l-2 drops of

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dierary chosen oil 1-2 times daily on the area.

oil 2 times daily. . Massage 1-3 drops on bladder Vita Flex

. Take 2-3 drops of aVitaliry or dietary oil in point on foot.

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, . Massage 1 5-20 drops of the Topical Edema
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Blend diluted 60:40 in V-6 Vegetable Oil
Complex or other massage oil on legs, work-
EDEMA (SWELLING) (SEE ALSO ing from the feet up to the thighs. Do this
PHLEBTTTS) for 1 week.

Swelling, particularly around the ankles, is no- . Massage 15-20 drops of Morning Edema
ticeable when fluids accumulate in the tissue. This
puffiness under the skin and around the ankles is Blend diluted 60:40 in V-6 Vegetable Oil
more apparent at the end of the day when fluids Complex or other massage oil on [egs, work-
ing from the feet up to the thighs. Do this
248 in the morning for 1 week. Repear the same

process in the evening with the Evening Application and Usage

- Edema Blend. Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidelines.
Edema Topical Blend (General) Dietary and OraI; Refer to Application Guidrlines,
. 10 drops Wintergreen
. 8 drops Tangerine . Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitality ordietary

6 drops Fennel oil 2 times daily.

'. 4 drops Juniper . Take 2-3 drops of oil in a spoonful of syrup
. 3 drops Patchouli
or small amount of milk, .juice, or warer.
Edema Topical Blend (Morning) Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.

. 10 drops 'fangerine or tngerine Vitaliry . Place 1-3 drops ofRelease over the thymus
. i0 drops Cypress
and rub in gently. Apply up to 3 times daily
Edema Topical Blend (Evening)
as needed.
. 8 drops Geranium
. 5 drops Cypress . Blend equal parts Frankincense and
. 5 drops Helichrysum, GrapeFruit, or Grape-
Valor and apply 1-2 drops neat on temples,
forehead, crown, and back of neck before
retiring. Use for 3 nights.

fruit Vitaliry ' Apply l-2 drops neat to the crown ofhead
and forehead as needed. It is best ifit is ap-

EMOTIONAL TRAUMA plied in a quiet, darkened room.
The effect ofheary emotional trauma can dis-
. Massage l-3 drops on heart Vita Flex points
rupt the stomach and digestive system.
2-3 times daily.
. Rub 1-2 drops ofoil on the temples and
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
hack of neck several times dailv.

Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho ENDOCRINE SYSTEM PROBLEMS
* Balsm Fir, Jade Lemon, Jade kmon Vitaliry CUSHING'S SYNDROME (DISEASE),

Lemon, Lemon Vitality, Lime, Lime Vitaliry
German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Vitaliry Rose, lavender, lavender Vitaliry, Mar- MALE HORMONE IMBALANCE,
.joram, Marjorm Vitaliry Spearmint, Spearminr coNDtTtoNS)
Vitaliry Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
The endocrine system encompasses the hor-
Valerim, Vetiver
mone-producing glands ofthe body. These glands
Blends: Divine Relexe, Freedom, Inner Harmo-
cluster around blood vessels and releae their hor-
ny, InTouch, Reconnect, Fulfill Your Destiny,
mones directly into the bloodstream. The pituitary
Trauma Life, Hope, Build Your Dream, Inner
gland exerts a wide range ofcontrol over the hor-
Child, Present Time, Valor, Valor Roll-On,
monal (endocrine) system and is often called the
Release, Sacred Mountain, Christmas Spirit,
master gland. Other glands include the pancreas,
3 \Wise Men, Tianquil Roll-On, Stress Away
adrenals, thyroid, parathyroid, ovaries, md testes.
Roll-On, Harmony, Forgiveness, Amoressence,
The limbic system lies along the margin of the
Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II, Vhite
cerebral cortex (brain) and is the hormone-pro-
Angelica, The Gift, Oola Balance, Faith, Fam- ducing system ofthe brain. It includes the amyg-
ily, Friends, Oola Grow, Crounding
Nutritionals: Thyromin, Master Formula, Endo- dala, hippocampus, pineal, pituitary, thalamus,
and hypothalamus.
Gize, PD 80/20 or Peppermint Vitality


t, v Recommendations
Singles: Clary Sage, Royal Hawaiian Sandal-
Pituitary gland
wood, Sacred Sandalwood, Cedarwood,
Thyroid gland Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Lavender
Blends: Valoq Valor Roll-On, Brain Power,
t$ fT t)Adrenal glands GeneYus, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, L
Testes and ti CD Common Sense, Peace & Calming, Peace & L
Calming II, L
I' Kidneys Nutitionals: Mind\(ise, ICI ComforTone, L
Endocrine System Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9,
NingXia Red, JuvaPower, Master Formula, L
Essential oils increase circulation ro rhe brain Super B
and enable rhe pituitary and other glands to bet- (
ter secrete neural transmitters and hormones that Application and Usage \
support the endocrine and immune systems. Aromatie Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. L
The rhyroid is one of rhe mosr imporranr
. Massage 2-4 drops on brain Vita Flex points (
glands for regulating rhe body systems. The hy-
pothalamus plays an even more imporranr role, on feet 2-3 times daily. L
since it regulates not only the rhyroid but also the
adrenals and the piruitary gland. EPSTEIN.BARR VIRUS L
Epstein-Barr virus is a rype ofherpes virus that
Recommendations \
Singles: Myrtle, Sacred Frankincense, Frankin- also causes mononucleosis.
Symptoms include indigestion, upper and low-
cense, Fennel, Idaho Blue Spruce, Sage
Blends: EndoFlex, Harmony, The Gifr, Shutran er gas, poor assimilation, poor electrolvte balance,
Nutritionals: Thyromin, CortiStop, Super B,
allergic reaction to foods and other substances,
NingXa Red, Master Formula
emotional mood swings, fatigue, irritabiliry, and a
Application and Usage lack of motivation, discipline, and crearivity.
Aromatie Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Hypoglycemia is a precursor and can render
the body susceptible to the Epsrein-Barr virus.
. Massage 2-4 drops on brain Vita Flex points Treat the hypoglycemia, and the symptoms of the
Epstein-Barr virus may begin to disappear.
on feet 2-3 times daily.
EPILEPSY Singles: Melissa, Palo Santo, Mountain Savory,

Note Epileptics should consult their health Mountain Savory Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano
Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Thyme,
care professional before using essential oils. Use Thyme Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry, Sacred
extreme caurion with high ketone oils such as Ba- Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,
sil, Rosemary, Sage, and Idaho Tansy. Northern Lights Black Spruce, GrapeFruit,
Grapefruit Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry
Tea Tiee, Sage, Sage Vitaliry
Blends: Exodus II, Melrose, Thieves, Thieves
Vitaliry, ImmuPower, EndoFlex, EndoFIex


Vitaliry Longevitl,, Longeviry Vitaliry, Tum- Mononucleosis
rnyGize, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Infectious mononucleosis is a disease caused
Nutritionals: lnner Defense, Super C, Super C
Chewable, ImmuPro, Thyromin, Detoxzyme, bv the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is a rype
Digest & Cleanse, ICP, JuvaPower, Com- of herpes virus. The symptoms usually last for
forTone, Essentialzyme, Allerzyme. LiFe 9, Four weeks or more. The spleen enlarges and mav
Essentialzymes-4, Master Formula even rupture in severe cases.

Application and Usage Recommendations
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidelinas. Singles: Ravintsara, Hyssop, Clove, Clove Vital-
Dietary and Oral: tVhether purring rhe Viral-
iq., Melissa, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Sacred
itv or dietary oils in a capsule or drinking Frankincense, Northern Lights Black Spruce,
them in a liquid, please refer to Application Frankincense, Frankincense Vitality, Palo
Santo, Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory
Guidelines. Vrrrlrrv
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Inner Defense,
. Take I capsule of desired Vitaliw or dietary R.C., Breathe Again Roll-On, Raven, Exodus
II, ImmuPower
oil 3 times daily. Nutritionals: lmmuPro, Super C, Super C
Chewable, Longeviry Softgels, lCIl Com-
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in forTone, Essentialzyme, Essentialzvmes-4,
Detoxzyme, Life 9
a spoonlirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. Application and Usage
Epstein Barr Regimen Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidelines.
Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Applicntion Guidelines.
. 1 capsule Exodus II 3 times a day, preFerably
. Take 1 capsule o[desired Vitaliry or dietary
wirh food
oil 3 times daily.
. I capsule Melrose 3 times a day, preferably
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
with food
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. 3Life9l timeaday juice, or water.
Mononucleosis Blend
. 3 drops Thieves or Thieves Vitaliq,
. 5-day Nutritive Cleanse (2 or 3 times) . 3 drops Thyme or Thyme Viraliry
. 3 drops Mountain Savory or Mountain
Savory Vitaliry
. Absolutely no sugar. Fruit, honey, and
. 2 drops Ravintsara
stevia are ffne.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
. No white flour. No GMO whole wheat flour.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2 times
Use einkorn.
. Drink veggie juices
. Drink lots of water . Massage 3-6 drops using the Vita Flex tech-
. Follow for 3 to 4 months.
nique on the bottoms of Feet 2 times daily.
Topical: ReFer rc Applicntion Guidelines.

. Receive a Raindrop Technique weekly with

ImmuPower, Thieves, Exodus I1, and the oils
oF Raindrop Technique.

. Massage 2-4 drops oFoil neat on the bot-

toms of the feet iust before bedtime.


EYE DISORDERS For dry AMD, the best prevention will be foods
rich in antioxidants and carotenoids. The Ningxia
ln 1997 Dr.Terry Friedmann, MD, eliminated wolfberry the highesr known antioxidant food,
his need for glasses after applying Sandalwood is also extremely high in lutein and zeaxanthin,
and Juniper on the areas around his eyes, above which are vital for preserving eye health. Other
the eyebrows, and on the cheeks, being careful foods rich in carorenoids that are also powerful
never to ger oil into his eyes. He also used rhe antioxidants include blueberries and spinach.
supplements of MultiGreens, ICB ComlorTone,
Essentialzyme, JuvaTone, and JuvaPower lor a For dry AMD, Lemon Vitaliry may be helpful
complete co[on and liver cleanse. as a Dietary and Oral supplement.

Caution: Never put any essential oils in the Clove Vitaliry one of the highest known an-
tioxidant nutrients, may be a good nurritional
eyes or on the eyelids. defense for wet AMD only.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Recommendations
AMD is one of the most common euses of Singla: Sacred Frankincense, Lemon Vital-

blindness among people over 60 years ofage. In iry (dry AMD only) as a Dietary and Oral
fact, 30 percent of all people over 70 years of age supplement, Clove Vitaliry (wet AMD only)
suffer to some degree from this disease. The most as a Dietary and Oral supplement
common form of the disease is called "dry" be- Blends: Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry
cause this form doesn't involve leakage of blood Nutritionals: NingXia Red, OmegaGizer,
or serum.
Longevity Softgels, Slique Shake, Slique Bars,
The "wei' form of the disease is when there Slique CitraSlim, MultiGreens, Essentialzyme,
is abnormal blood vessel growth that resulrs in
Essentialzymes-4, Super C, Super C Chewable,
macula-damaging blood leaks. The disease results Ningxia $/olfberries (Organic, Dried), Master
in a steady loss of central vision until eyesighr is Formula, MindWise
totally impaired.
Application and Usage
Retina Aromatic Refer to Application Guidelines.
Dietry md OraltReFer o Application Guidelines.
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
lris Optic
Lense Nerue oil 2 rimes daily.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

a spoon6:l of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2 times


. Massage 3-6 drops using the Vita Flex tech-

nique on rhe bottoms o[feet 2 times daily.



Blocked Tear Ducts Dietary md Oral:
A blocked tear duct is a partial or complete
. Clove Vitaliry is a powerful antioxidant, and
blockage in the system rhat carries tears away
when taken internally, it can slow or prevent
from the eye into the nose. both cataracts and AMD.

Recommendations . Drink 2-6 ounces of NingXia Red daily or
Singles: Lavender, Sacred Frankincense, Frankin-
more if desired.
cense, Cypress, Idaho Blue Spruce Topical: Reler o Application Guid.elines.
Blends: Inner Child, Sacred Mounrain
Nutritionals: NingXa Red, OmegaGizer, ' Apply 2-4 drops diluted 20:80 in a wide

Longevity Softgels, Essentialzyme, Essential- circle around the eye 1-3 times daily, being
zymes-4, Master Formula carefi.rl not to get any oil in the eyes or on the
eyelids. This may also help with puffiness.
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines. . Apply on temples and eye Vita Flex points
Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
on the feet and hands (the undersides of
. Rubbing 1 drop ofLavender oil over the
your two largest toes and your index and
bridge ofthe nose 2 times daily has been middle finger$.
reported to help in some cases. Eye Blend

. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2 times . 10 drops Lemongrass
. 5 drops Cypress
weekly. . 3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
. 2 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense
. Massage 3-6 drops using the Vita Flex tech-
Mix this blend with a little V-6 Vegetable
nique on the bottoms of feet 2 times daily. Oil Complex and apply around the eyes, be-
ing careful not to touch the eyes. It is best at
Cataracts night because the eyes could water, )ust like
Cataracts are a clouding of the eye lens that when you cut onions.
Note If essential oils should ever accidentally
often comes with aging. ger into the eyes, dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil
Complex or other pure vegetable oil. Never rinse
Recommendations with water. However, the essential oils will not
Singls: Lavender, Lemongrass, Cypress, Sacred cause any damage and will slowly stop burning.

Frankincense, Frankincense, Eucalyptus Conjunctivitis / Pink Eye

Radiata, Jade Lemon, kmon, Clove. Clove Conjunctivitis (also called pink eye) is infam-
Mtaliry mation of the outermost layer of the eye and the
inner surface of the eyelids. It has many causes,
Blends: Longevity, Melrose, En-R-Gee, which may be infectious or noninfectious.
Nutritionals: JuvaPower, OmegaGize3, Mineral Singls: Myrrh, Lavender, Vetiver
Essence, Essentia.lzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Blend: Exodus II
ImmuPro, NingXia Red, Ningxia lifolfberries Nuritionals: NingXia Red, Ningxia \Tolfberries
(Organic, Dried)
(Organic, Dried), OmegaGize3, ImmuPro
Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidzlines.


Application and Usage FATIGUE L
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidzlines.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines. Hormone imbalances may play a large role in \
fatigue as well as in latent viral infections (herpes
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 20:80 in a wide virus and/or Epstein-Barr virus). AIso, mineral L
deficiencies (especially magnesium) can play a
circle around the eye l-3 times daily, being large part in low energy. \
careful not to get any oil in the eyes or on
the eyelids. This may also help with puffi- Natural progesterone for women and DHEA L
for men can be instrumental in helping combat
ness. the fatigue that comes with age and declining hor- \
mone levels. Because pregnenolone is a precursor
. Apply on temples and eye Vita Flex points for all male and female hormones, both men and L
women can benefit from its supplementation.
on the feet and hands (the undersides of L
your two largest toes and your index and Mental Fatigue L
middle fingers). Mental fatigue is excessive mental tiredness L
Note: If essential oils should ever accidentally
get into the eyes, dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil and may manifest itself in difficulry concenrrar- \
Complex or other pure vegetable oil. Never rinse ing and solving problems, irritabiliry loss of pas-
with waten The essential oils will not cause any sion for work, anxiery sleeplessness, confusion, or L
damage and will slowly stop burning. frustration. A 2013 study byJane Buckle showed
that a group of people who received personal in- t
FATNTING (SEE ALSO SHOCK) halers ofpeppermint, basil, and helichrysum had
Fainting happens when your brain does not a much larger reduction in mental exhaustion and
moderate burnout than the placebo group.
get enough orygen and you lose consciousness for
a brief time. It can be caused by many different Recommendations
things. See your health care professional. Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Peppermint, Pep-

Recommendations permint Vitaliry Spearmint, Spearmint Viral-
Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Peppermint, Sacred iry Idaho Balsam Fir, Sacred Frankincense,
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Basil,
Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Basil Vitaliry Helichrysum, Black Pepper,
Cardamom, Spearmint, Sacred Frankincense, Black Pepper Vitality, Sage, Sage Vitaliry
Frankincense Nutmeg. Nutmeg Vitaliry. Pine
Blends: Clariry Tiauma Life, Brain Power, Blends: Envision, Valor, Oola Balance, Motiva-
GeneYus, R.C., Awaken tion, En-R-Gee, CIariry Common Sense,

Application and Usage Shutran
Nuritionals: SIique Shake, Slique Bars, Slique
. Open an oil bottle and wave it under the
Bars-Chocolate-Coated, Chocolate-Coated
nose ofthe person who fainted. Volfberry Crisp Bars, Slique CirraSlim, Bal-
ance Complete, MultiGreens, Mineral Essence,
. Ifyou are feeling faint, open the oil botrle Longeviry Softgels, NingXia Red, NingXia
Nitro, NingXia Zyng, Pure Protein Complete,
and inhale or put 2-3 drops ofyour chosen Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Super B,
oil in your hands, rub them together, cup Endocize, ImmuPro. Sleep Essence
your hands over your nose, and inhale.
Topical Refer to Application Guidclines.


Application and Usage Dried), Digest & Cleanse, Life 9, NingXa

Aromatie Refer to Application Guidelines. Nitro, NingXia Zyng, ImmuPro

- Dietary and OraI: Refer ro Application Guidelines. Application and Usage
Aromatiq Refer o Application Guidelines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

oil 2 times daily. Dietary md Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in . Take I capsule ol desired Vitaliry or dietary

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, oil 3 times daily.

juice, or water. . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. a spoonfill of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 ar base of

throat, temples, and back ofneck as needed. Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.

. Massage 1-3 drops on corresponding Vita . Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on temples,

Flex points on feet 1-3 times daily. in clavicle notch (over thyroid), and behind

Physical Fatigue ears 2-4 times daily as needed.
Physical htigue is a lack ofenergy that can be
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
caused by a host offactors, including poor thyroid
chosen oil on rhe back.

function, adrenal imbalance, diabetes, cancer, and FEVER
other conditions. Fevers are one of the most powerfirl healing

MultiGreens is a plant-derived, high-protein responses of the human body and are an indica-
energy formula that athletes use to boost endur-

ance. Amino\Wise helps reduce muscle fatigue. tion that the body is fighting an infectious disease.
Longeviry Softgels increase energy and endur- However, if the fever raises body temperature ex-
ance. Digestion and colon problems may cause cessively (over 104'F), then neurological damage

fatigue. A colon and liver cleanse unburdens the CAN OCCUI.

digestive system and increases energy. Reducing the fever is best accomplished by us-
ing anti-inflammatory essential oils internally and
Recommendations topically.
Singla: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Nut-
meg, Nutmeg Vitaliry Lemongrass, Lemon-

grass Vitaliry Eucalyptus Blue, Dorado Azul, Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality,
Eucalyptus Blue, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry
Juniper, Basil, Basil Vitaliry Jade Lemon, German Chamomile, German Chamomile
Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir, Copaiba, Copaiba
Lime, Lime Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Myrrh, Dorado Azul, Lemongrass,
Vitality, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Cypress Lemongrass Vitaliry
Blends: Awaken, Motivation, GLF, Valor, Valor

Roll-On, En-R-Gee, Oola Balance, Fitness, Blends: ImmuPower, Mehose, Raven, Clariry,

Oola Grow, Hope, EndoFlex, EndoFlex M-Grain, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On

_ Vitality Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Im-
Nutritionals: Thyromin, MultiGreens, Amino- muPro, Longeviry Softgels, Thieves Spray

\Iy'ise, Slique Shake, Slique Bars, Slique CitraS- Personal Care: Cinnamint Lip Balm, Lavender

lim, EndoGize, Longeviry Softgels, Super B, Lip Balm, Grapefruit Lip Balm

_ NingXa Red, Ningxia Wolfberries (Organic,


Application and Usage Application and Usage (
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. Aromatic: Refer to Applicntion Guidelines.
Dietary md Oralz Reler to Application Guidelines. Topical: Refer to Applicntion Guidelines. \
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary . Place a warm compress with l-2 drops of
oil 2 times daily. chosen oil on the pelvic area.
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitality or dietary oil in . Applying a single drop under the nose is
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, helpful and refreshing. L
.juice, or water. L
Topical: Reler rc Application Guidelines. . Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6
. Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 to forehead, times daily.
temples, and back ofneck. . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil near on rhe bor-
. You may also apply 2-3 drops on rhe Vira toms of the feet lust belore bedtime.
Flex liver point of the right foot. FIBROMYALGIA
Fibromyalgia is an auroimmune disorder of L
FEMALE HORMONE CONDITIONS) the soft tissues and appears to include problems \
within the pain-signaling parhways of the brain
Fibroids are fairly common benign rumors of and the spinal cord. By conrrasr, arthritis occurs L
the female pelvis that are composed of smooth in the joints.
muscle cells and fibrous connecrive tissue. Fi- (
broids are not cancerous and neither develop inro The symptoms of fibromyalgia include general
cancer nor increase a woman's cancer risk in the body pain, in some places worse than orhers, and L
are usually brought on by short periods ofexercise
utelus. or low levels of srimulation. Diagnosis includes L
Fibroids can have a diameter as small as 1 mm
tenderness or pain in at least 11 of 18 specific
or as large as 8 inches. They can develop in clus-
ters or alone as a single knot or nodule. points in muscles, tendons, and bones.
The pain is generally conrinuous, and inter-
Fibroids frequently occur in premenopausal
women and are seldom seen in young women rupts sleep parrerns so that the fourth stage of
sleep is never attained, and the body cannot reju-
who have nor begun menstruation. Fibroids usu- venate and heal. Fibromyalgia is an acid condition
ally srabilize or even regress in women who have in which the liver is toxic (See Liver Disorders).
been through menopause.
The best natural remedy for fibromyalgia is to
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, consume supplements such as fu seed and ome-

Oregano, Pine, Cistus, Helichrysum, Laven- gas, proteolytic enzymes such as bromelain and
der, Geranium pancreatin, and MSM.
Blends: Valor, Valor Roll-On, EndoFlex
Nutritionals: MultiGreens, Slique Shake, Ba[- According to UCIA researcher Ronald Law-
ance Complete, PD 80/20, Essentialzyme, rence, MD, PhD, supplemenration wirh MSM
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9 often offers a breakthrough in the treatment of
Personal Care Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil fibromyalgia. Sulfurzyme combines MSM with

256 Ningxia \Wolfberry.

Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,

Frankincense Vitaliry'Wintergreen, Idaho

BIue Spruce, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry DiGize, Di-
German Chamomile, German Chamomile Gize Vitality, T[mmyGize
Vitaliry Nutneg, Nutmeg Vitality, Idaho
Balsam Fir Nutritionals: Essentialzymes-4, Inner Defense,
Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Cool Azul, Im- ComforTone, Digest & Cleanse, Detoxzyme,
muPower Deep Relief Roll-On, Stress Away Essentialzyme, Alkal-ime
Roll-On, EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry
Nutritionals: Alkalime, AminoWise, BLM, Oral Care: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard
AgilEase, Sulfurzyme, Life 9, Essentialzyme, Lozenges, Thieves Mints
Super C, Super C Chewable, MultiGreens,
Application and Usage
ICB ComforTone, Super Cal Plus, tyromin, Dietary md OraltRefer o Applicntion Guidelines.

SleepEssence, Essentialzymes-4, OmegaGizer, . Take 2 capsules with desired Vitaliry or
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, dietary oil 2-3 times daily.
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil
a spoonful oFsyrup or small amount of milk,
Application and Usage juice, or water.
Aromatie Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines, FOOT CONDITIONS AND PROBLEMS
Foot problems can occur due to a variery of
. Take 1-2 capsules with desired Vitaliry or
reasons such as in.iuries, medical conditions such
dietary oil 2 times daily. as fungal and bacterial conditions, or bone spurs,
poorly 6t shoes, or age.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
Athlete's Foot
a spoon{irl of s1.rup or small amount oImilk, Athletet foot (Tinea pedis) is a fungal infection

juice, or water. ofthe feet. It is identical to ringworm that infects
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. the skin elsewhere on the body (See fungworm).
This fungus thrives in a warm, moist environment.
. Apply a warm compress on location 3 times
The best remedy is to keep feet cool and dry
...--t.t-, and avoid wearing tight-fitting shoes or heary,
natural-fiber socks such as cotton or wool as they
. Massage into muscle tissue in a full-body
hold moisture next to the feet. It is helpful to
massage weekly.
wear sandals, shoes, and socks woven from a light,
. Receive a Raindrop Technique and add an breathable fabric.

immune blend weekly. Essential oils with antifungal properties such
as Tea Tiee, Melaleuca Ericifolia, and Melaleuca
FOOD POTSONTNG (SEE ALSO GTARDTA Quinquenervia or Melrose (a blend of Tea Tiee,
UNDEB DTGESTTVE PROBLEMS) Melaleuca Quinquenervia, Clove, and Rosemary)
can be added to bath water or Epsom salts and
Food poisoning symptoms vary u.ith the source used in specially designed showerheads to help
and rype ofcontamination and may include nau- add antifungal protection to the water.
sea, diarrhea, vomiting, congestion, coughing,
abdominal pain, cramps, sore throat, and fever. 257

Singles: Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Thyme,

Thyme Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Ginger,
Ginger Vitaliry

Recommendations Application and Usage
Singles: Patchouli, Tea Tiee, Melaleuca Ericifo- Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

lia, Melaleuca Quinqueneruia, Blue Cypress, . Apply 2-4 drops neat or diluted 50:50 over
Lemongrass (usually diluted), Lavender, Pep-
permint, Thyme, Mountain Savory, Melissa, bunion area 2-3 times daily.
Myrrh, Hinoki, Rosemary, Laurus Nobilis Bunion Blend
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Purification
6 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, Digest & Cleanse 4 drops Raven
Personal Cre: ClaraDerm, Thieves Spray, Or- 3 drops Lemon
1 drop \Wintergreen
tho Ease Massage Oil, Ortho Sport Massage 1 drop Vetiver
Oil, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthrvash
on the feet Corns and Calluses
Corns and calluses are caused by friction and
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. pressure when the bony parts oF the feet rub

. Pov/z cup ofThieves Fresh Essence Plus against the shoes.

Mouthwash into a pan of water for soaking Recommendations
the feet. It works amazingly well. Singles: Lavender, Helichrysum, Basil, Idaho
Athlete's Foot Blend
Blue Spruce, Myrrh, Cypress, Oregano,
. 8 drops Tea Tree Hinoki
. 4 drops Peppermint Blends: PanAway, Deep Relief Roll-On, Cool
. 2 drops Mountain Savory Azul, Relieve It
. 1 drop Myrrh Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
Blisters (See Blisters under Skin Disorders) Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil

Bunions (See also Bursitis) Application and Usage
Bunions are caused from bursitis at the base of Topical: Refer to Appliation Guidrlines.

a toe and develop when the joints in the big toe . Apply 1 drop neat directly on the corn 2-3
no longer fit together as they should and become
tender and swollen. times daily.
Corns Blend
Singles: Eucalyptus Radiata, Raven, Lemon, . 4 drops Basil
. 2 drops Myrrh
\Wintergreen, Vetiver, Idaho Blue Spruce, . 2 drops Cypress
Hinoki . I drop Oregano
Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Deep Relief Roll- . 1 drop Hinoki
On, Relieve It, Aroma Siez
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, Sore Feet
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage Having sore feet is very common and is usu-
Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil
ally a symptom of an underlying problem or con-
dition. Some causes are simple and require simple
fixes, while others are more complicated and re-
quire more complex treatment.


Recommendations Reducing or eliminating simple sugars from
Single Oils: Peppermint, Lavender, Patchouli, the diet is essential to combating all fungal in-
fections. Antibiotics should also be avoided, and
Myrrh, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandal- alcohol is deadly.
wood, Vetiver, Wintergreen, German Chamo- Fungal cultures such as candida excrete large
mile, Idaho Blue Spruce, Copaiba
Blends: Melrose, PanAway, Deep Relief Roll- amounB of poisons called mycotoxins as part of
On, Coo[ Azul, Relieve It their life cycles. These poisons in the blood fow
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage through the liver and hopefully are digested and
Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil
eliminated from the body. If there is too much
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines. poison creating a toxic overload, the body eventu-
ally weakens. These toxins can wreak enormous
. Dilute Sore Feet Blend 50:50 and massage damage on the tissues and organs and can be an
aggravating factor in many degenerative diseases
6-9 drops onto each foot at night. such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes.

. Apply a warm compress for added effect and Insufficient intake of minerals and trace miner-
als like magnesium, potassium, and zinc may also
stimulate candida and fungal overgrowth in the
. Mix 10 drops essential oils in I tablespoon
Epsom salts and add to hot water in a basin Symptoms of Systemic Fungal Infection
large enough for a footbath.
Sore Feet Blend . Fatigue/low energy
. Overweight
. 5 drops Wintergreen . Low resistance to illness
. 3 drops Peppermint . Allergies
. 2 drops German Chamomile . Unbalanced blood sugar
. 2 drops Idaho Blue Spruce . Headaches
. 1 drop Copaiba . Irritability
. 1 drop Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood or . Mood swings
. Indigestion
Sacred Sandalwood . Colitis and ulcers
. Diarrhea/constipation
FUNGAL (YEAST) TNFECTTONS . Urinary tract infections
. Rectal or vaginal itch
Fungi and yeast feed on decomposing or dead
Athlete's Foot (See Athlete's Foot under
rissues and exist inside our stomachs, on our Foot Conditions and Problems;
see also Ringworm in this section)
skin, out on the lawn, and .jusr about ever)ryhere.
'When kept under control, the yeast and fungi Candida Albicans (Candidiasis)
Two ofthe most powerful weapons for fighting
populating our bodies are harmless and digest
intestinal fungal (yeast) infections such as candida
what our bodies cannot or do nor use. are FOS (fructooligosaccharides) and L. acidophi-
'When we feed the naturally occurring fungi /zs cultures.

in our bodies too many simple sugars, rhe fungal 259

populations can grow out of control. This con-
dition is known as systemic candidiasis and is

marked by fungi invading the blood, gastrointes-

tinal tract, and tissues.

FOS has been clinically documenred in dozens . Massage 2-4 drops on relevant Vita Flex
ofpeer-reviewed studies for its abiliry ro build up
the healthy intestinal flora in the colon and com- points on feet 2-4 times daily.
bat the overgrowrh of negative bacteria and fungi.
. Use bath salts daily.
Acidophilus cultures have also been shown to
cornbar Fungus overgrowth in the gasrrointestinal Ringworm and Skin C.andida
tract, The ringworm fungus infects the skin, causing

Recommendations scaly, round, itchy patches. It is infectious and can
Singles: Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry, be spread from an animal or human hosr alike.

Geranium, Tea Tree, Thyme, Thyme Vitalig Skin candida is a fungal infection thar can
Peppermint, Peppermint Vitality, Lavender, erupt almost anywhere on rhe skin. It shows up in
Lavender Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Vital- various places such as behind the knees, inside the
elbows, behind the ears, on the temple area, and
ity, Palmarosa beween the breasts.
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, Life 9, Essentialzyme, Recommendations
Singles: Geranium, Tea Tiee, Melaleuca Quin-
Essentialzymes-4, ImmuPro, MultiGreens,
queneruia, Cypress, Lavender, Rosemary Mas-
Digest & Cleanse, Super C, Super C Chew- trante, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle, Oregano,
able. Alkalime Spearmint, Peppermint, Laurus Nobilis
Blends: Melrose, Raven, R.C., Thieves, Purifica-
Application and Usage tion
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidtlines. Personal Cars Thieves Spray, Ortho Sport Mas-
Dietary md Oralz Refer rc Application Guidelines.
sage Oi[, Ortho Ere Massage Oil
. Take 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary
Application and Usage
oil 2 times daily. Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.

. -fake 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in ' Dilute 50:50 and massage2-4 drops orer

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, affected area 2-4 imes daily. In severe cases,
juice, or water. use 35 percent food-grade hydrogen perox-
Candida Blend ide to clean infected areas before applying
essential oils. Saturate a gauze pad with es-
. 5 drops Lemongrass or Lemongrass Vitaliry sential oils, apply to affected area, and wrap
. 4 drops Thyme or Thyme Vitaliry to hold in place.
. 4 drops Tea Tiee Ringworm Blend
. 2 drops Geranium or Geranium Vitaliry
. 3 dropsTeaTiee
(Note: This blend is not recommended for . 3 drops Spearmint
those with estrogen-sensitive cancers.) . I drop Peppermint
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. . I drop Rosemary

. Dilute 50:50 or 20:80, as needed, and Skin Candida Blend

massage 3-4 drops on thymus (at clavicle . 10 dropsTeaTiee
notch, center ofcollarbone at base ofthroat) . 4 drops Lavender
to stimulate the immune system. Also apply . 2 drops Geranium
3-6 drops on bottoms ofthe feet and on the . i drop Oregano
chest. Also apply 5-10 drops on stomach.
Do these applications 2 times daily.


Thrush Dilute 50:50 or 20:80 as needed and massage
3-4 drops on the thymus (at clavicle notch,
_ Thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth and center of collarbone at base of throat) to
throat marked by creamy, curdJike patches in the stimulate the immune system. Also apply 3-6
oral caviry. Even though it appears in the mouth, drops on the bottoms of the feet and on the
thrush is usually a sign of systemic fungal over- chest. Also apply 5-10 drops on the stomach.
growth throughout the body. Thrush can usually Do these applications 2 times daily.
be treated locally through the use ofantifungal es- Massage 2-4 drops on relevant Vita Flex
sential oils such as Clove Vitality, Cinnamon Bark points on the bottoms of the feet 2-4 times
Vitaliry Rosemary Vitaliry or Peppermint Vitality. daily.


Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Cinnamon Vaginal Yeast lnfection

Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry Peppermint, Vagina[ yeast infections are usually caused from

Peppermint Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary overgrowth of fungi like Candida albicans. These

Vitaliry Geranium, Orange, Orange Vitaliry naturally occurring intestinal yeast and fungi are

Lavender, Lavender Vitality, Tea Tiee normally kept under control by the immune sys-

Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry, Inner tem, but when excess sucrose is consumed or an-

Defense, Purification tibiotics are used, these organisms convert from

Oral Care: Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves relatively harmless yeast into an invasive, harmful

Cough Drops, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus fungus that secretes toxins as part of its life cycle.

Mouthwash, Thieves Spray Vaginal yeast infecrions are just one symprom

Application and Usage of systemic firngal infestation. Vhile the yeast
Aromatiq ReFer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidclines. infection can be treated locally, the underlying
problem of systemic candidiasis may still remain,
. Take 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dierary unless specific dietary and oral and health prac-

oil 2-3 times daily berween meals. tices are used.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Diet and cleansing are two major factors in
overcoming this problem. Sugar, milk products,
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, breads, and medications such as antibiotics all
juice, or water. contribute to the growth of candida. A cleans-
ing program should be considered with various
. Gargle 3-5 times daily with Thieves Fresh supplements and essential oils (See Chapter 17,
"Cleansing and Diet").
Essence Plus Mouthwash.
Thrush (Mouth) Tea Tiee

. Mix 5 drops ofTea Tree with 2 teaspoons

water. Swish around in mourh, rhen spir Recommendations

our;3rimesaday. Singles: TeaTiee, Myrrh, Melissa, Oregano,

Thrush (Throat) Tea Tiee Oregano Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitality,
Mastrante, Rosemary Rosemary Vitaliry Palo
. Mix 5 drops Tea Tiee with 2 teaspoons

water. Gargle, then spit out; 3 times a day. Santo, Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory

Note: These applications are for adults, Vitaliry, Idaho Blue Spruce, Hinoki

not infants. In cases of infants with thrush, Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exo-

consult a medical professional first. dus II, Purification, 3 W'ise Men, Inspiration

Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.


Nutritionals: ICP (a.m.), JuvaPower (p.m.), poor digestion, jaundice, and severe abdominal L
ComforTone, Deroxzyme, Essenrialzyme, pain. L
Essentialzymes-4, I-ife 9 (for 60 dayg L
Gallstones can block both bile flow and the L
Personal Cre: ClaraDerm passage of pancreatic enzymes. This can result in L
Application and Usage infammation in the gallbladder (cholecystitis), L
Dietary md Oralz ReFer rc Application Guidelinas. pancreas (pancreatitis), and jaundice. In some L
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary cases, gallstones can be life rhreatening, depend- L
oil 2-3 times daily berween meals. ing on where they are lodged. L
Several Japanese studies show that limonene, L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
a key constituent in orange, lemon, and tanger- L
a spoonful of syrup or srnall amount of milk, ine oils, can effectively dissolve gallstones with no L
juice, or water. negative side effects.rr' ! L
. Stop eating sugar. Note: Extreme pain may necessitate removal L
of the gallbladder surgically. See your health care L
Retention professional. L
. Mix an 80:20 ratio (8 parrs chosen essenrial Recommendations L
oil to 2 parts V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex), Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitality, Jade

put 1-2 tablespoons on a rampon, and insert Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry, Lemon, Lemon
into the vagina daily for internal infection. Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitaliry Helichrysum,
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frank-
. Alternate approach: Douche with I table- incense Vitaliry Orange, Orange Vitaliry
Grapefruit, Grapefruir Viraliry Mandarin,
spoon Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth- Thngerine, Thngerine Vitaliry Juniper, Rose-
wash overnight 3 times a week. II'it srings a mary, Rosemary Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir
little, dilute with a litde V-6 Vegetable Oil Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry Citrus Fresh, Citrus
Complex. Fresh Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry
Vaginal Yemt Infection Blend Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Life 9, JuvaPower, ComforTone, lCIl JuvaTone
. 7 drops Tea Tiee
. 5 drops Mountain Savory Application and Usage
. 2 drops Myrrh Dietary md Ora} Refer rc Application Guidrlines.

GALLSTONES (CHOLECYST|TtS) . Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

The gallbladder stores rhe bile created by rhe oil 2 times daily for 2 weeks.
liver and releases it through the biliary ducts into
the duodenum to promore digestion. Bile is ex- . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
tremely important for far digestion and rhe ab-
sorption of vitamins A, D, and E. a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
When bile contains excessive cholesterol, Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines.
bilirubin, or bile salts, gallstones can form. Stones
made from hardened cholesterol accounr for rhe ' Dilute 50:50 and massage 6-10 drops over
vast majoriry of gallstones, while stones made
from bilirubin, the brownish pigment in bile, gallbladder 2 times daily.

constitute only about 20 percent ofgallstones. . Apply a compress 2-3 times daily.
lWhen the bile flow is obstructed due to gall- . You may also apply 1-3 drops on the Vira

stones, serious consequences can ensue, including Flex liver and digestive points ofthe right
foot 2-3 times daily.

Gastritis occurs when the sromachi mucosal
Gangrene is the death or decay of living ris-
lining becomes infamed and the cells become
sue caused by a lack of blood suppllr. A shortage eroded. This can lead to bleeding ulcers and severe

ofblood can result From a blood clot, arterioscle- digestive disturbances. Gastritis is caused by excess
acid production in the stomach, alcohol consump-
rosis, frostbite, diaberes, inlecrion, or some orher rion, srress, and fungal or bacterial infections.

obstruction in the arterial blood supplr. Cas gan- Symptoms of gastritis are weight loss, abdomi-
grene. also known as acute or nroisr gangrene. nal pain, and cramping.

occurs when tissues are infected with clostridium Recommendations
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliq Jade
bacteria. Unless rhe body is given antibiotics to
rrear rhe disease or the limb is anrputated, gan- Lemon, Jade Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon
Vitaliry Lime, Lime Vitality, Fennel, Fennel
grene can be fatal. Vitaliry Patchouli, Tarragon, Tlrragon Vital-
iry, Spearmint, Spearmint Vitalitl,
Note As with all serious rnedical conditions. Blends: DiGize, DiGize Vitalitv, Purification,
consult your healrh care professional immediately if JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitalin,, Slique

vou susPect gangrene. Essence

The part of the body affecred b1, gangrene dis- Nutritionals: AlkaLime, Essentialzvmes-4,
Essentialzyme, Detoxzyme, Life 9, Digest &
plavs rhe lollowing symptoms: Cleanse, Balance Complete

. Coldness . Putrid smell Application and Usage
Dietary and OralzRefer rc Applicntion Guidelines.
. Dark in color or . Fever
. Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary
even black . Arremia
oil 2 times daily.
. Looks rotten or
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliw or dietary oil in
a spoonfi:l of svrup or small amount of milk,
Dr. Rend Gattefbssd sullered gas gangrene as a juice, or water
Supplementation regimen for gastritis:
resulr of burns From a chemical explosion ar the
. Alkalime: Take /z teaspoon cach morning.
turn of the cenrury. He successfully engineered . Essentialzymes-4; Take 3-4 yellou,capsules

his own recovery solely with the use of pure 3 times dail1,.

lavender oil. . ComforTone and ICP: Begin after 2 weeks

Recommendations of using the products listed above.
Singles: Myrrh, Lavender, Thvme. Peppermint,
. MegaCal: Take 1 tablespoon each morning
Oregano, Rosemarr,, Sacred Frlnliincense,
Frankincense, Mount:rin Savorr,, Clisrus, in 8 orrnces of warm water.
Cvpress, Vetiver, Copaiba
Blends: Exodus II, Thicvcs, lmmuPou,er, N4elrose 263
Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chovable, Inner
Defense, ImmuPro, Mineral Essence, Es-
sentialzyme, Essentialzynes-4, MulriGreens,

Application and Usage

Topical: Reier rc Applicntion Guidalines.

. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 20:80 on the af-

Itecred area 3-5 times daily.

. Apply a warm compress 3 times daily every

orher da),.

Cout is a disease marked by abrupt, tempo- Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Application Guidelines. L
rary bouts of joint pain and swelling that are . TIke 1 capsule of desired Viraliry or dietary L
most evident in the joint of the big toe. ft can L
oil I time daily for 10 days, rest 4 days, L
also affect the wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, hand, and L
foot. As the disease progresses, pain and swelling repeat as needed. L
in the joints become more frequent and chronic,
with deposirs called rophi appearing over many . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in L
joints, including on the elbows and strangely on L
the ears. Ears are a body extremiry colder, with a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
slower blood circulation. All are factors ro atrract ,uice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Gnidrlines.
gout attacks. If you have ear tophi, you almost
. Gently massage 1-3 drops neat on affected
certainly have chronic gout.
Gout is characterized by accumulation of uric joints 2-3 rimes daily.
Gout Blend
acid crystals in rhe .joints caused by excess uric
acid in the blood. Uric acid is a byproduct ofthe . l0 drops Lemon
breakdown of protein that is normally excreted . 5 drops Idaho Blue Spruce
by the kidneys into the urine. To reduce uric acid . 4 drops Juniper
concenrrarions, it is necessary to support the kid- . 3 drops Tea Tiee
neys, adrenals, and immune funcrions. It is also . 2 drops Roman Chamomile
necessary to detoxi$, by cleansing and drinking
plenry of fluids. Sulfur is the single most important mineral for

Excess alcohol, allergy-producing foods, or maintaining the strength md integrity of the hair
strict diets can cause ourbreaks oFgour. Foods rich
in purines such as wine, anchovies, and animal and hair follicle.
liver can also cause gout.
Recommendations Singles: Lavender, Cedarwood (dry scalp),
Single: Juniper, Helichwsum, Jade Lemon, Jade
Peppermint (oily scalp), Rosemary, Clary
Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliq,, Lime, Sage, Sage, Basil, Juniper, Ylang Ylang, Royal
Lime Vitaliry Idaho Blue Spruce, Roman Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood,
Ceranium, Lemon, Cypress, Patchouli
Chamomile, TeaTiee, Sacred Frankincense, Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Citrus Fresh, Purifica-
tion, Inspiration, The Gift
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, Alkalime, Super B,
Blend: GLF, GLF Vitality, JuvaCleanse, Pure Protein Complete, Essentialzymes-4,
Essentialzyme, Balance Complere
JuvaCleanse Vitaliry Cool Azul, Deep Relief Hair Care Lavender Mint Daily Shampoo,
Roll-On Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner, Copaiba
Nutritionals: Alkal-ime, BLM, AgilEase, Multi- Vanilla Moisturizing Shampoo, Copaiba
Creens, ICP (a.m.), ComforTone, Essential- Vanilla Moisrurizing Conditioner, l:vender
Shampoo, Lavender Condirioner
zyme, JuvaPower (p.m.), JuvaTone
Application and Usage
Personal Cre: Cool Azu[ Pain Relief Cream, Topical: Refer to Application Guidelirues.
Cool Azul Sports Cel, Ortho Ease Massage
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil . Apply 1 teaspoon diluted 20:80 onto the


scalp and rub vigorously for 2-3 minutes. Recommendations
Leave on scalp for 60-90 minures. Singles: Lavender, Cypress, Sacred Frankincense,

. Mix2-4 drops of essential oils with 1-2 Frankincense, Peppermint, Sacred Sandal-
wood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Black
teaspoons ofshampoo to wash hair after Pepper, Rosemary, Thyme, Cedamood, Juni-
exercising. per, Eucalyptus Blue, Palo Santo, Clary Sage
Dry Scalp Blend Blends: Melrose, Longeviry Mister, M-Grain,
6 drops Cedarwood Tiansformation, JuvaCleanse
Nutitionals: PD 80/20, EndoGize, Master
. 4 drops Lavender Formula, Sulfurzyme, Balance Complete,
. 2 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood (or Mineral Essence, Essentialzyme, Essential-
zymes-4, Allerzyme. Thyromin
Sacred Sandalwood) or Geranium
Application and Usage
. 2 drops Patchouli Topical: Refer to Application Guifulines.

Oily Scalp Blend . Dilute 50:50 oil ofchoice andV-6Vegetable

. 6 drops Peppermint Oil Complex and massage 1 teaspoon into
. 4 drops Lemon scalp vigorously and thoroughly lror 2-3
. 2 drops Lavender minutes before retiring.

Scalp Rinse Blend to Restore Acid Mantle . Dilute 5 drops ofyour essential oil in 20

. 1 drop Rosemary drops of V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, grape
. I teaspoon pure apple cider vinegar seed oil, or coconut oil and massage into
. 8 ounces water scalp before going to bed.

Rub l-2 drops ofoil on hair to prevent static . Add 10 drops ofany ofthe above blends to
1 teaspoon ofcoconut oil and massage into
Baldness/Hair Loss (Alopecia Areata) the scalp where it is balding; then rub gently
Male pattern baldness is often a result of hor- into the remainder of the scalp. This worls
best when done at night. It may also help to
monal imbalances such as excess conversion of alternate blends.
testosterone to dihydrotestosterone rhrough the
enzyme 5-alpha reductme. It can also be caused by . Mix 2-4 drops of essential oils with 1-2 tea-
an inflammatory condition called alopecia areata.
spoons of shampoo. Massage into the scalp
Alopecia is an inflammatory hair loss disease vigorously and thoroughly for 2-3 minutes
that is the secondleading cause of baldness in the and then leave the shampoo on the scalp for
U.S. A double-blind study conducted at the Aber- 15 minutes.
deen Royal Infirmary in Scotland found that the This is an excellent time to do an exercise
essentia.l oils ofthyme, rosemary, lavender, and ce- routine. funse hair afterward.
darwood were effective in combating this disease.33 Hair l-oss Prevention Blend No. 1

Essential oils are excellent for cleansing, nour- . 10 drops Cedamood
ishing, and strengthening the hair follicle and . 10 drops Sacred Sandalwood or Royal
shaft. Rosemary (cineole chemorype) encourages
hair growth. The Arabian people for centuries Hawaiian Sandalwood
have used frankincense resin water to rinse their
hair and massage their scalp to maintain a healthy . 10 drops Lavender
head of hair and stimulate regrowth. . 8 drops Rosemary
. 1 drop Juniper
Thyroid balance also prevents hair loss.

Hair hss Prevention Blend No. 2 2 ounces of NingXia Red in water in the L
. 5 drops Lavender Topical: Refer o Application Guidzlines. (
. 4 drops Cypress
' 3 drops Rosemary . Add a few drops ofa single oil or blend to L
. 2 drops Clary Sage
. 2 drops Palo Santo your shampoo and massage it into your scalp L
or add a few drops of the oils ofyour choice L
Hair Loss Prevention Blend No.3 to the Bath & Shower Gel Base for your L
own custom shampoo. L
' 5 drops Lavender L
. 5 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense . Apply I tempoon o[ the shampoo mixrure to L
. 2 drops Clary Sage
. 3 drops Eucalyprus Blue the scalp and rub vigorously for 2-3 minutes L
. I drop Peppermint md then leave shampoo on scalp for 15 min-
utes. Mix 2-4 drops of the essential oils with \
Hair Ilss Prevention Blend No. 4 1 teaspoon shmpoo to wash hair aftemard.
. 4 drops Rosemary DandruffBlendNo. I L
. 4 drops Thyme . 5 drops Lemon L
. 4 drops Lavender . 2 drops Lavender L
. 4 drops Cedaruood . 2 drops Peppermint L
. 2 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense . I drop Rosemary L
Dandruff DandrufrBlend No. 2 L
Dandruff may be caused by allergies, parasires
. 5 drops Tea Tiee
(fungal), and/or chemicals. The mineral selenium . 2 drops Iavender
has been shown to help prevent dandruff. . 2 drops Peppermint
. 1 drop Rosemary
Tea Tiee has been shown to be effective in
treating dandruff and other fungal infections.r' ORAL CARE PROBLEMS, TEETH AND
Singles: Tea Tree, Lemon, Cedarwood, Lavender, Persistent bad breath or gum disease may be a
sign ofpoor digestion, candida, yeasr infesration,
Rosemary, Peppermint, Copaiba, Eucalyptus or other health problems.
Blue, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Vetiver, Dorado Azul Recommendations
Blends: Citrus Fresh, Melrose, Thieves, The Gift Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Peppermint,
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, NingXia Red
Hair Cue: Lavender Mint Daily Shampoo, Peppermint Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon
Lavender Mint Daily Conditioner, Copaiba Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitality, Lime, Lime
Vanilla Moisturizing Shampoo, Copaiba Vitaliry Tea Tiee, Spearmint, Spearmint Vital-
Vanilla Moisturizing Conditioner, Lavender iry Mandarin, Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon
Shampoo. Lavender Condirioner Bark Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry
Application and Usage
Dietary md Oral: Refer to Application Guidelines. Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose,
Purification, TirmmyGize, DiGize, DiGize
. Thke I dropper ofMineral Essence and Vitaliry Slique Essence

266 !

Nutritionals: Detoxz,vme, Allezyme, Digest & Placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover
Cleanse, Mineral Essence, Life 9, ICR Comfor studies at the Christian-Albrecht Universiry in
Kiel, Germany, found that essential oils (particu-
Tone, Slique Gum larly peppermint alone and in combination with
OraI Cme: Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste, eucalyptus) were just as effective in blocking pain
from tension-rype headaches as acetaminophen
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves (i.e., Tylenol").ri J('
Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, Thieves Spray,
Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Cough Essential oils also promote circulation, reduce
Drops, Thieves Mints, KidScents Slique muscle spasms, and decrease infammatory re-
Toothpaste, Thieves Dental Floss
Application and Usage
Dietary and Oralz Refer o Application Guidelines. Recommendations
Singles: Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Clove,
. Take I capsule ofdesiredVitaliryor dietary
Clove Vitality, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitaliry
oil 2 times daily. Eucalyptus Globulus, Eucalyptus Blue, Do-
rado Azul, Mastrante, German Chamomile,
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in German Chamomile Vitality, Lavender, Lav-
ender Vitaliry Myrrh, Roman Chamomile,
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Rosemary, Rosemary Vitaliry Spearmint,
juice, or water Spearmint Vitaliry Valerian,'iTintergreen
Blends: Brain Power, Clariry GeneYus, Deep
. Dilute essential oils and blends in 2 tea- Relief Roll-On, M-Grain, PanAway, Stress
Away Roll-On, Relieve It, R.C., Raven,
spoons ofYacon and 4 ounces ofhot water. Tranquil Roll-On
Gargle as needed (2-4 times daily). Personal Cre: Prenolone Plus Body Cream,
Bad Breath Blend No. 1
Progessence Plus
. 3 drops Peppermint Vitaliry
. 2 drops Lemon Vitaliry Application and Usage
. 2 drops Clove Vitaliry Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. 1 drop Tea Tiee Dietary and Oral: Refer to Application Guidrlines,

Bad Breath Blend No. 2 . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

. 4 drops Spearmint Vitaliry oil 2 times daily.
. 2 drops Mandarin
. 2 drops Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry . Place I drop on the tongue and then push it

Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. against the roofofthe mouth.

. Swab 4-8 drops ofthe singles or blends . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in

above diluted 50:50 inside cheeks and on a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
tongue, gums, and teeth 2-4 times daily as juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
. Dilute 50:50 and apply 1-3 drops on the
MIA, LIVER DISEASES, MENSTRUAL AND back of the neck, behind the ears, on the
FEMALEHORMONE CONDITIONS) temples, on the forehead, and under the
nose. Be careful to keep away from eyes
Headaches are usually caused by hormone im- and eyelids.
balances, circulatory problems, stress, sugar im-
balance (hypoglycemia), structural (spinal) mis-
alignments, and blood pressure concerns.


Massage 2-4 drops of oil near on the bot- Apply 1-2 drops neat to temples, at the base
toms of the leer just belore bedtime. ofthe neck, in the center ofthe forehead,
Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of and at the nostril openings. Also massage on
chosen oil on the back. thumbs and big toes.
Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
General Headache Blend No. I chosen oil on the back of the neck or on the
4 drops Wintergreen
3 drops German Chamomile or German Sinus Headache (See also Sinus
Chamomile Vitaliry lnfections)
2 drops Lavender or Lavender Viraliry
2 drops Copaiba or Copaiba Vitaliry Signs and symptoms of migraines and sinus
1 drop Clove or Clove Vitality headaches can be confused with each other. \With
General Headache Blend No. 2
6 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Vitaliry borh kinds, the pain often gets worse when you
4 drops Eucalyptus Globulus bend forward and can be accompanied by vari-
2 drops Myrrh ous nasal signs and symproms. However, sinus
headaches are usually not associated with nausea
Migraine (Vascular-type Headache) or vomiting or aggravated by brighr light or noise,
The vast majoriry of migraine headaches may which are common fearures of migraines.

be due to colon congestion or poor digestion. The Recommendations
combination of ICB ComforTone, and Essential- Singles: Dorado Azul, Peppermint, Eucalyptus
zyme is most important for cleansing the colon.
Eyestrain and decreased vision can accompany Blue, Eucalyptus Radiata, TeaTiee, Mas-
migraine headaches. Dried wolfberries conrain trante, Geranium, Lavender, Rosemary
Iarge amounts oflutein and zeuanthin, which are Blends: R.C., Breathe Again Roll-On, SnifleE-
vital [or healthy vision. ase, Melrose, Purification, Raven, RutaVala,
RutaVala Roll-On, Stress Away Roll-On
Recommendations Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Im-
Singles: Basil, Copaiba, Eucalyptus Globulus, muPro, Mineral Essence, Detoxzyme

Mastrante, German Chamomile, Helichry- Application and Usage
sum, Lavender, Marjoram, Peppermint, Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
Rosemary, lWintergreen Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Blends: M-Grain, Thieves, Clariry PanAway,
Relieve It, The Gift, R.C., Raven, Stress Away . Apply l-2 drops neat or diluted 2-5 times
Roll-On, Tianquil Roll-On
Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, daily or as needed.
NingXia Red, Balance Complete, Comfor-
Tone, Ningxia \X/olfberries (Organic, Dried), . Massage 2-4 d,rops neat on the bottoms of
ICII MegaCal
the feet just before bedtime
Application and Usage Sinus Headache Blend
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. ' 9 drops Rosemary
' 5 drops Tea Tiee
. 4 drops Geranium
. 3 drops Peppermint
. 2 drops Eucalyptus Blue
. 2 drops Lavender


Tension (Stress) Headache HEAVY METAL ABSOBPTION
(See also Stress) tiTe absorb heary metals From air, water, food,

Tension headaches are the mosr common rype skin care products, and mercury lillings in teeth,
etc. These chemicals lodge in the farry tissues of
of headaches among adults and are commonly the body, which, in turn, give offtoxic gases that
referred to as stress headaches. They are usually may cause allergic symptoms. Cleansing the body
of these heary metals is exrremely important to
triggered by some rype of internal or environmen- have a healthy immune function, especially if one
tal stress. In some people, tension headaches are has amalgam fillings. Drink at least 64 ounces of
caused by tightened muscles in the scalp and in rhe distilled water daily ro flush toxins and chemicals
back of the neck and may be caused by anxiery out ofthe body Gee Blood Circulation, Poor).
latigue, overexerrion, hunger, inadequate rest, poor
posture, mental or emotional srress, or depression. Recommendations
Singles: Helichrysum, Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitality, Lime, Lime
Singles: Valerian, Cardamom, Cardamom Vital- Vitality, Orange, Orange Vitalitl,, Tangerine,
iry Tlngerine, Tangerine Viraliry Jasmine, Tlngerine Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry
Palmarosa, Mastrante, Geranium, Sacred
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Patchouli
Vitality, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry,
Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Roman Chamo- Blends: GLF, GLF Vitaliry Thieves, Thieves
mile, Bergamot, Bergamot Vitaliry Vitaliry JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliq,,
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry
Blends: Divine Release, Freedom, Valor, Aroma
Siez, PanAway, M-Grain, Peace & Calming, Nutritionals: MultiGreens, Detoxzyme, Essen-
Peace & Calming II, Hope, Sacred Moun- tialzyme, ComforTone, MegaCal, JuvaPower,
tain, tauma Life, Inner Harmony, InTouch, Super C, Super C Chewable, Mineral Essence,
Reconnect, Sleepylze, PanAway, Stress Away Life 9, ICP
Roll-On, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On,
Tranquil Roll-On, Valor Roll-On, Deep Relief Aluminum Toxicity
Roll-On Aluminum is a very toxic metal rhat can

Nutritionals: MegaCal, Essentialzymes-4, cause serious neurological damage in the human
Balance Complete. NingXia Red, Mineral body-even in minute amounrs. Aluminum has
Essence, ICB Com[orTone, SleepEssence,
Essentialzyme, PowerGize Ibeen implicated as a possible cause of many mala-

Application and Usage dies in the body, especially Alzheimert disease.
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines. People unwittingly ingest aluminum from
Topical: Refer o Applimtion Guidelines.
their coohrare, beverage cans, anmcids, and even
. Apply I -2 drops diluted 50:50 around the deodorants and other cosmetic compounds. The
first step toward reducing aluminum toxiciry in
hairline, on the back ofthe neck, and across the body is to avoid these types of aluminum-based
the forehead. Be careful nor ro use roo products. Read rhe labels and see for yourself
much, as it will burn if any oil drips near the
eyes. Ifthis should occur, dilute with a pure Recommendations
vegetable oil-never with warer. Singles: Helichrysum, Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon

Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry Lime, Lime
Vitaliry Orange, Orange Vitaliry tngerine,


Tangerine Vitaliry, Clove, Clove Vitaliry is best done at night to be able to retain as

Patchouli long as possible. L
Blends: GLF, GLF Vitality, Thieves, Thieves
. Apply 3-5 drops diluted 50:50 on location.

Vitaliry, JuvaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitaliry This may sting bur usually brings relief with L
DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry 1 or 2 applications. L
Nutritionals: JuvaTone, ICP (a.m.), Detoxzyme,
Essentialzyme, MegaCal, ComforTone, Hemorrhoid Blend No. I L
JuvaPower (p.m.) . 4 drops Basil (
. 1 drop Cistus
Application and Usage . I drop Cypress L
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidtlines. . 1 drop Helichrysum
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidzlines. (
Mix with Rose Ointment for dilution and
. Begin by cleansing the liver, blood, and easier application. (
Hemorrhoid Blend No.2
colon to rid the body oftoxins and waste. t
. 4 drops Myrrh
. Take I capsule o[desiredVitaliryordietary . 3 drops Cypress
. 2 drops Helichrysum
oil 2 times daily.
Mix with Rose Ointment for dilution and
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in easier application.

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.

Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are bleeding during L
People have been curious about the cause of L
bowel movements, rectal pain, and itching. hiccups for years. There are many ideas, but sci-
entifically, everyone is still waiting for an expla-
Recommendations nation. Some say hiccups are caused by irritated
nerves ofthe diaphragm, possibly from eating too

Singles: Myrrh, Helichrysum, Cypress, Cistus, much or from indigestion.

Basil, Jade Lemon, Lemon, Lime, Peppermint One technique that often works for stopping

Blends: Melrose, Purification, Aroma Siez, hiccups is to put 1 drop ofCypress and I drop of

Aroma Life, PanAway Tarragon on the end ofthe index finger and then

Nutritionals: Essentialzymes-4, MultiGreens, place that finger on the neck against the esopha-

Longevity Softgels, MegaCal, Digest & gus in rhe clavicle notch in the centet curl inward \
and down like you are curling down inside the
Cleanse, ICB ComforTone, Essentialzyme, L
throat, and release. L
) JuvaPower
Personal Care: Rose Ointment. KidScents trragon or Cypress applied topically or taken
as a Dietary and Oral supplement may relu in-
Tender Tush

Application and Usage testinal spasms, nervous digestion, and hiccups. L
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. It's worth a try. L

. Apply single oils or blends neat or diluted, Recommendations \
Singles: Carrot Seed, Carrot Seed Vitaliry Tar-
depending on the oils that are used.
ragon, Tarragon Vitaliry Cypress, Spearmint,
. Use a rectal implant of your choice of the Spearmint Vitaliry Peppermint, Peppermint

blends below; place in rectum with a small

syringe I time every other day for 6 days. It Vitality


Blends: DiGize, DiCize Vitaliry JuvaFlex, HYPEBACTTVTTY (SEE ALSO ATTENTTON
JuvaFlex Vitaliry TummyGize DEFICIT DISORDER)

Nutritionals: Alkalime, Digest & Cleanse, Hyperactivity behavior usually refers to a
group of characteristics, including inability to
concentrate, being easily distracted, impulsive, or
Application and Usage aggressive; fidgeting; moving constantly, talking
Dietary md Oralt Refer to Application Guidelines. too much. and having difficulry parriciparing in
quiet activities.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Viraliry or dietary
oil 2 times daily. Singles: Lavender, Vetiver, Hinoki, Idaho Blue

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Spruce, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint,
Valerian, Cedarwood
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water. Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Peace &
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines. Calming, Peace & Calming II, Stress Away

. Apply 3-5 drops diluted 50:50 to chest and

stomach areas.

HIVES Roll-On, Tranquil Roll-On, Sacred Mountain,
Hives are a generalized itching or dermatitis Crounding, Cathering
Nutritionals: Super B, Master Formula, Mega-
that can be due to allergies, damaged liver, chemi- Cal
cals, or other factors.
Application and Usage
Recommendations Aromatic: Refer rc Application Gnidelines.
Singls: Myrrh, German Chamomile, Roman
. Diffuse 5 times daily for up to 30 days, stop
Chamomile, Ravintsara, Lavender Eucalyptus
Radiata, Tea Tiee, Peppermint, Myrrh for 5 days, and then repeat, if necessary.
Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Stress Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.

Away Roll-On, Tianquil Roll-On, Peace & . Apply 2-4 drops neat on toes and balls of
Calming, Peace & Calming II
Feet as needed.

Nuritionals: Super Cal Plus, MegaCal, Mineral TNFECTTON (BACTERTAL AND VTRAL)
Essence, Sulfurzyme, Master Formula, Multi- Diffusing essential oils is one of the best ways to

Greens, Super B prevent the spread ofairborne bacteria and viruses.
Personal Care: Rose Ointment. KidScents Many essential oils, such as Oregano, Mountain
Savory and Rosemary exert highly antimicrobial
Tender Tirsh effects and can effectively eliminate many kinds

Application and Usage

Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. of pathogens.
Viruses and bacteria have a tendency to hiber-
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on location as

needed. nate along the spine. The body may hold a virus in
a suspended state for a long period of time. V/hen
. Place a cold compress on location as needed.

the immune system is compromised, these viruses

may be released and then manifest as illness.

_ Raindrop Technique along the spine using
Oregano and Thyme helps reduce inflammation


and kills the microorganisms. However, other oils . Receive a Raindrop tchnique treatment l-2
may also be used, which also have srrong antiviral
and antibacterial properties. ImmuPower, R.C., times weekl1,.

and Purification all work well in the Raindrop INFLAMMATION (SEE ALSO MUSCLE \
Technique application method.
Infammation can be caused by a variery of (
Mountain Savory, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus conditions, including bacterial infection, poor
Blue, Palo Santo, Sacred Frankincense or Frank- \
diet, chemicals, hormonal imbalance, and physi-
incense, and Thyme, etc., applied along rhe spine L
cal injury.
through the Raindrop Technique application, \
may be beneficial for many infections, particu- Certain essential oils have been documented
larly chest-related (See Colds, Lung, Sinus, and to be excellent for reducing inflammation such L
as German Chamomile, which contains azulene,
Throat Infection). a blue compound with highly anti-inflammatory \

Recommendations properties. Other oils with anti-inflammatory \
Singles: Palo Santo, Sacred Frankincense, Frank-
properties include Peppermint, Tea Tiee, Clove, (
incense, Frankincense Vitaliry Mountain Lemongrass, Mountain Savory,, pxl6 Santo, Do-
Savory, Mountain Savory Vitaliry Ravinrsara, L
Eucalyptus Blue, Rosemary, Rosemary Vital- rado Azul, and Wintergreen.
ity, Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry Clove,
Clove Vitaliry Melissa, Tea Tiee, Oregano, Some oils are better suited for certain rypes of
Oregano Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry inf ammation, for exampie:
Ceranium, Dorado Azul, Northern Lights
. Myrrh, Vetiveq Cisrus, and Helichrysum
Black Spruce
work well for inflammation due to rissue
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Purifi carion,
Melrose, R.C., ImmuPower, Exodus II, and capillary damage and bruising.
Raven, The Gift, Breathe Again Roll-On,
. German Chamomile and Tea Tiee are helpful
with inflammation due to bacrerial infection.
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Super C, Super C
Chewable, NingXia Red, Longeviry Softgels, . Ravintsara, Hyssop, Myrrh, Thyme are ap-
MultiGreens, ImmuPro, OmegaGizer, Life 9,
Ningxia \Volfberries (Organic, Dried) propriate for inflammation caused by viral

Application and Usage infection.
Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Dietary and Oral; Refer ro Application Guidelines. Becommendations (
Singles: \Wintergreen, Vetiver, German Chamo-
. TIke I capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary L
mile, German Chamomile Vitaliry ldaho Blue
oil 2 times daily. Spruce, Myrrh, Ravintsara, Hinoki, Copaiba, L
Copaiba Vitalig,, Palo Santo, Helichrysum, L
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Cistus, Clove, Clove Vitaliry Lemongrass, L
Lemongrass Vita1iry, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme \
juice, or water. Vitaliry Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry,
Roman Chamomile, Sacred Frankincense, L
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. Hyssop, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Tea L
Tiee, Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus Globulus,
. Apply 4-6 drops on location diluted 20:80 Mountain Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliq.,
Dorado Azrrl
2-3 times daily.


Blends: Purification, PanAway, Cool Azul, Common symptoms of the flu include nasal
Aroma Siez, Melrose, Relieve It, Deep Relief congestion, headache, dry cough, fatigue and
Roll-On weakness, aching muscles, chills and sweats, and
high fever. Stomach fu may cause cramps, nau-
_- Nutritionals: PowerGize, ImmuPro, Super C, sea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Super C Chewable, Slique Shake, Slique Recommendations
CitraSIim Singles: Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory Vi-
Personal Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Coo[ Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage taliry Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Eucalyptus
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil Radiata, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
Clove, Clove Vitaliry Tea Tree, Eucalyptus
Application and Usage BIue, Dorado Azul, Sacred Frankincense,
Dietary and Oralt Refer rc Application Guidelines. Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Idaho
Blue Spruce, Ravintsara, Wintergreen
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary Blends: ImmuPower, Exodus II, Thieves, Thieves
Vitaliry Raven, R.C., Breathe Again Roll-On,
oil 2 times daily. SniffieEase, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Tum-
myGize, MighryPro
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in Nutritionals: Digest & Cleanse, Mighry Pro, In-
ner Defense, Alkalime, Life 9, Essenrialzyme,
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, Essentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, ICP, JuvaPower
juice, or water Oral Cue: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard
Lozenges, Thieves Mints
Topical; Refer o Application Guidzlines.
Application and Usage
. Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 2 rimes daily. Aromatic: Refer rc Applimtion Guifulines.
. Place a cold compress 1-3 times daily as Dietary and Oralt Refer to Application Guidelines.

' needed. . Take I capsule ofdesiredVitaliry ordietary

Anti-inflammation Blend No. I oil 3 times daily.

_ . 6 drops Eucalyptus Blue . Take 2-3 drops of a Vimliry or dietary oil in

. 6 drops Tea Tiee a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
. 4 drops German Chamomile or German juice, or water
Topical: Refer rc Applicatizn Guidelines.
Chamomile Vitaliry
' Apply 2-4 drops diluted 50:50 on chest,
. 2 drops Peppermint or Peppermint Vitaliry
. 2 drops ldaho Blue Spruce stomach, or lower back 2 times daily or as

Anti-infmmation Blend No. 2 needed.

. 6 drops Myrrh . Receive Raindrop Technique 1-2 times weekly.
. 6 drops Eucalyptus Globulus . Place a warm compress on lower abdomen
. 4 drops Clove or Clove Vitaliry
. 3 drops Palo Santo 1-2 times daily.
. 1 drop Vetiver
. Take a warm bath with custom bath salts,
Having the flu may seem like just having a using the following influenza blend:

cold with a sore throat, runny nose, and sneezing. Blend for Infueua or Colds
However, colds usually develop slowly, whereas
the flu generally comes on suddenly. Although . 15 drops Ravintsara
. 6 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense
\ a cold can be a nuisance, you usuallv feel much
worse with the flu.

6 drops Idaho Blue Spruce l0 drops Eucalyptus Blue
3 drops Dorado Azul Rub a small amount on skin or use in spray
2 drops Eucalyptus Radiata bottle.

I drop Wintergreen Bee Stings
Srir the above essential oils thoroughly into Bee stings can be painful and annoying, but

7a cup Epsom salt or baking soda and then they rarely cause serious problems, unless you are
add salt and oil mixture to hot bath warer allergic to the venom-then they can be fatal.
while tub is filling. Soak in hot bath for 20
to 30 minutes or until water cools. Recommendations
Singles: Lavender Peppermint, Palo Santo, Ger-
Essenrial oi[s are ideal for rreating most kinds man Chamomile, Idaho Balsam Fir, Vetiver
Blends: Purification, PanAway, Melrose, Deep
of insect bites because of their outstanding an-
tiseptic and oil+oluble properties. Essential oils Relief Roll-On
such as Purification, Lavender, and Peppermint
reduce insect bite-induced itching and infection. Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Singla: Lavender, Citronella, Eucalyptus Globu- . Apply 1 -2 drops of the Bee Sting Blend neat

lus, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus Blue, or diluted 50:50 on location 2-4 times daily.
Tea Tree, Peppermint, Rosemary, Copaiba, Bee Sting Blend
Dorado Azul, Palo Santo, Idaho Tans1,, Ger-
man Chamomile, Thyme . 2 drops Lavender
Blends: Puri6cation, PanAway, Melrose, Thieves . 1 drop Peppermint
. I drop German Chamomile
Personal Cre: YL Insect Repellant . I drop Vetiver

Application and Usage gss gting Regimen
Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.
. Flick or scrape stinger out with a knife or
. Apply 1-2 drops ofthe sting and bite blends
hard plastic like a credit card, taking care nor
neat or diluted 50:50 on location 2-4 times to squeeze the venom sac.
. Apply 1 -2 drops of the Bee Sting Blend on
Stings and Bites Blend No. I
. 10 drops Lavender location. Repeat every 15 minutes for I hour.
. 4 drops Eucalyptus Radiara
. 3 drops German Chamomile . Apply any of the recommended blends 2-3
. 2 drops Thyme
times daily until redness abates.
Spray sheets and clothing to kill any insects
that might be embedded in the cloth. Bites
Insect Bite Blend No. 2 Essential oils are ideal lor treating most kinds

. 20 drops Palo Santo of insect bites because of their outstanding an-
. 20 drops Idaho Tansy tiseptic and oil-soluble properties. Essential oils

such as Lavender and Peppermint reduce insect
bire-induced itching and inFection.

Singls: Lavender, Eucalyptus Radiata, German

Chamomile, Citronella, Thyme, Eucalyptus


Globulus, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Rosemarl., . 3 drops German Chamomile
Idaho Tans1,, Palo Santo, Copaiba, Dorado . 2 drops Thyme
Blends: Purification, PanAway, Melrose Insect Bite Blend No. 2

Personal Care: \'L Insecr Repellcnt . 20 drops Palo Santo
. 20 drops Idahorlansy
Application and Usage . 10 drops Eucalyprus Blue
Topical: ReFer o Application Guidtlines.
Black Widow Spider Bite
. Appl,r 1-2 drops of either Stinss and Bires A bite from a female black widow spider can

Blends neat or diluted 50:50 on locarion 2-4 cause pain and affect the victim's nervous system,
times dail1,.
but it is rarely fatal. If you know you have been
Stings and Bites Blend No. I bitten by a black widow spider, seek emergency
. l0 drops Lavendcr
. 4 drops Eucalyptus Radiata medical treatment immediately.
. 3 drops German Chamomile
. 2 drops Thvme Recommendations
Singles: Myrrh, Lemon
Stings and Bites Blend No. 2 Blends: Purification, Thieves, Melrose, PanAway,

. 20 drops Palo Santo The Gift
. 20 drops Idaho Tansy Nuttitionals: Inner Defense
. 10 drops Eucalvptus Blue
Application and Usage
Bedbug Bites Topicat Refer ro Application Guidtlines.
Bedbug bites can be difficult ro distinguish
. Put on 1 drop ofany oil you have such as
from other insect bites. However, bedbug bites
are usually: Purification, Melrose, The Gift, Lemon, etc.

. Found on the face, neck, arms, and hands Brown Recluse Spider Bite
. Arranged in a rough line or in a cluster The bite ofthis spider causes a painF.rl redness
. Itchy
. Red, often with a darker red spot in the and blistering, which progresses to a gangrenous
slough of the affected area. Seek immediate medi-
middle cal attention.
Singles: Palo Santo, Eucalyptus Blue, Idaho
Tansy Singles: Myrrh, Sacred Frankincense, Frankin-
Blends: Purifi cation, Thieves
cense, Rosemary, Lemon
Personal Cre: YL Insect Repellent Blends: Purification, Thieves, Melrose, PanAway,

Application and Usage The Gift
Topical: Prefer to Applicntion Guidelinas. Nutritionals: Inner Defense

. Apply 1 -2 drops ofthe Stings and Bites Application and Usage
Topical: Refer rc Applimtion Guideliws.
Blend neat or diluted 50:50 on location 2-4
times daily. . Appl,, 1 drop ofany ofthe above blends ev-

Stings and Bites Blend No. I ery I 0 minutes until you reach proFessional
. 10 drops Lavender medical treatmcnt.
. 4 drops Eucalyptus Radiara


Put on 1 drop ofany oil you have such as Application and Usage
Purification, Melrose, The Gift, Lemon, etc. Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Spider Bite Blend
1 drop Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense . Apply l-6 drops neat or diluted, depending
1 drop Myrrh
1 drop Melrose on size ofaffected area, 3-5 times daily.

Chigger and Tick Bites Mosquito Bites
It is important that ticks and chiggers be re- For most people, a mosquito bite causes minor

moved before treating the bite. People have tried irriration. For those who are allergic to bites, their
many different ways of getting rid of these invad- skin breaks out in hives, the chest and throat feel
ers. Sometimes chiggers can be removed or killed tight, they develop a dry cough, their eyes itch,
by covering the bite with clear 6ngernail polish. and they often have nausea, vomiting, abdominal
pain, and dizziness.
A comr,on method for removing ticks is to
touch them gendy with a recently blown-out Ifyou suspect you have a mosquito bite allergy,
match head. The heat often causes ticks to let go let your health care professional see your red,
so thalthey can just be brushed off. swollen bite.

Essential oils work quickly to remove ticks and Recommendations
chiggers. Mix Thyme or Oregano in a 50:50 di- Singles: Peppermint, Tea Tiee, Lavender, Rose-
lution and apply l-2 drops on the bite area. The
phenols in these oils will usually cause them to let mary, Myrrh, Sacred Frankincense, Frankin-
go and squirm to get away from the oil. l*/hen they cense, Idaho Balsam Fir, Laurus Nobilis
do, they can be brushed off and killed. Blends: Purification, Melrose, Thieves, R.C., The
Gift, Owie
Applying a single drop of Peppermint, Abun- Personal Carq YL Insect Repellent

dance, Exodus II, Thieves, or any other oil or Application and Usage
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
blend that is considered to be "hot" will cause the
tick or chigger to come out of the skin. A "hoC' . Apply 1 -6 drops neat or diluted, depending
oil is one that is high in phenols that can burn the
skin when applied neat. In this case, the objective on size ofaffected area,3-5 times daily.
is to "get the critter out."
West Nile Virus
For most people, a linle stinging does not mat- Most people infected with West Nile virus
ter. After rhe tick or chigger is removed, apply 1-2
drops of any of the oils listed below on the bite have no signs or symptoms, and mild symptoms
location. usually go away in a few days. However, ifyou ex-
perience symptoms or signs of a serious infection
Recommendations like a high fever, severe headache, stiff neck, or
Singles: Peppermint, Oregano, Clove, Tea Tiee, an altered mental state, see your health care pro-
fessional immediately. A serious West Nile virus
Lavender, Rosemary, Myrrh, Sacred Frankin- infection generally requires hospitalization.
cense, Frankincense, Thyme, Idaho Balsam Fir
Blends: Puri6cation, Exodus II, Abundance, Recommendations
Melrose, Thieves, R.C., The Gift Singles: Peppermint, TeaTree, Melissa, Mela-
Personal Cue: YL Insect Repellent
leuca Quinqueneruia, Lavender, Rosemary,
Myrrh, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,


Idaho Balsam Fir, Oregano, Thyme, Northern lnsect Repellents
Lights Black Spruce, Laurus Nobilis
Blends: Purification, Melrose, Thieves, R.C., . Mosquito repellent: Palo Santo, Lemon,
The Gift
Personal Care: YL Insect Repellent (for preven- Idaho tns1,, Citronella
. Moth repellent: Patchouli, Palo Santo
Application and Usage . Horsefy repellent: Idaho Tansy, Citronella
Topical: Reler to Application Guidzlines. . Aphids repellent Mix 10 drops Spearmint

. Apply I -6 drops neat or diluted, depending and 15 drops Orange essential oils in 2
quarts salt warer, shake well, and spray on
on size ofaffected area,3-5 times daily. plants.

Scorpion Sting . Cockroach repellent Mix 10 drops
Several species of scorpions are found in the Peppermint and 5 drops Cypress in /: cup

United States and Canada, but most do not pro- salt water. Shake well and sprav rvhere
duce a significant toxiciry by stinging and are not roaches live.
as toxic as those found in South America and oth-
er parts of the world. A sting may cause swelling . Silverfish repellent: Eucalvptus Radi:rta.
and a lot of discomfort but is rarely fatal. How-
evet a person who has been stung by a scorpion Thieves
should see a doctor as soon as possible. Follow
these 6rst-aid measures: To repel insects, essential oils can be dil-
fused or pur on cotton balls or cedar chips
. Ifbreathing and heartbeat stop, start CPR (for use in closers or drawers).

immediately. Experiment with your own combination
ofoils and make new discoveries.
. Apply an ice pack or cold water to the bite
such as Vest Nile Virus, Lyme disease, dengue fe-
area to help slow the spread of the venom. ver, bubonic plague, and malaria.

. Seek medical care. Recommendations
Singles: Palo Santo, Idaho Tansy, Peppermint,
Singles: Lemongrass, Sacred Frankincense, Tea Tree, Geranium, Lemon, Rosemary,
Lemongrass, Thyme, Spearmint, Citronella,
Frankincense Oregano, Basil
Blends: Purification Blends: Purification, Melrose, Thieves, DiGize

Application and Usage Personal Cre: YL Insect Repellent
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Application and Usage
. Apply 1-6 drops neat or diluted 50:50, Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines.

depending on size ofaffected area, 3-5 times . Apply 1 -6 drops neat or diluted, depending
on size of affected area, 3-5 times daily.
An insect repellent is a substance applied to 277

skin, clothing, or other surfaces that discourages
insects lrom landing on those surfaces. Repellents
help prevent the outbreak ofinsect-borne diseases

Insect Repellent Blend No. 1
After age 40, sleep quality and quantiry dete-
. 9 drops Idaho Tansy or Palo Santo riorate noticeably as melatonin production in the
. 6 drops Peppermint brain declines. Supplemental melatonin has been
. 6 drops Citronella
researched to dramatically improve sleep/wake
Insect Repellent Blend No. 2
cycles and combat age-relared insomnia.
. 6 drops IdahoTansy Insomnia may also be caused by bowel or liver
. 6 drops Palo Santo
toxiciry, poor hearr function. negarive memories
Mix together and use undiluted or diluted and trauma, depression, mineral deficiencies, hor-
with a litde water. mone imbalance, or underactive thyroid.
Ed & Steven Geiger's Bug Spray
The fragrance of many essential oils can exert
. 1 gallon distilledwater a powerfril, calming effect on the mind through
. 1 ounce organic catnip made into a tea, their influence on the limbic region of the brain.
Historically, lavender sachets or pillows were used
strained, and cooled for babies, children, and adults alike.

. I teaspoon Bath Gel Base Recommendations
. 40 drops Purification Singles: Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry, Valerian,
. 40 drops Idaho Thnsy Palo Santo
. 40 drops DiGize Cedaruood, Orange, Orange Vitaliry, Roman
. 20 drops Rosemary Chamomile, Dorado Azul
. 8 drojx Peppermint Blends: AromaSleep, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-

Optional: Add Lemongrass and/or Oregano On, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming II,
Chdrie Rosst Formula for Flea, Tick, and
Insect Repellent Harmony, Dream Carcher, Valor, Valor Roll-
On, Gentle Baby, Tranquil Roll-On, Trauma
. I gallon distilled or pure water Life, Stress Away Roll-On
. 4 heaping tablespoons organic dried catnip Nutritionals: ImmuPro, MegaCal, PD 80/20,
. 2/z tablespoons organic Neem oil Life 9, Omegacizer, SleepEssence, Stress
. 2 teaspoons Thieves Household Cleaner or Away, MindWise
Personal Care Progessence PIus, Prenolone P[us
Bath Gel Base Body Cream
80 drops Purification
80 drops Lemongrass Application and Usage
40 drops Idaho Tansy Aromatic: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
40 drops Palo Santo Dietry and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
40 drops Basil
20 drops Peppermint (optional for . Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
high temperatures)
Steep the catnip in the gallon ofwater for oil 2 times daily.
20-30 minutes. Cool to room temperature.
Strain ifneeded. Add all remaining ingre- . Take 1 capsule of Lavender Vitaliry oil or
dients into Thieves Household Cleaner or
Bath Gel Base. Then mix together and put any desired oil undiluted or diluted 50:50 1
into spray bottle. Use as needed. hour before bedtime.

278 . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water

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