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Published by anabintiwalid, 2022-04-05 01:44:28

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 - [email protected]

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 -

lngredients: Blue Cypress, Ylang YIang, lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,
Jasmine, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lavender, Coriander, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Frankincense, (furocoumarin-free), Geranium, Melissa,
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Vhite Fir, Frankincense, Myrrh, Northern Lights Black
Vetiver, Cinnamon Bark, Davana, Cirrus Spruce, Vetivel Bitter Orange (Neroli), Rose
Hystrix, Rose, German Chamomile, BIue
tnsy, Grapefruit, tngerine, Spearmint, Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up ro t hour
Lemon, Ocotea
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical;
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 Dilution not required, except for the most
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 d,rops over heart, on
Topical: Dilution not required, except for neck, Forehead, temples, or desired location
the most sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on
edge ofears, wrists, neck, temples, or desired as needed.
Iocation as needed.
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensirir iry.
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviw.
This blend strengthens immuniry and DNA
Hope is essential for moving forward repair in the cells. It is strongly antiseptic and
in life. Hopelessness can cause a loss of anti-infectious.
vision, goals, and dreams. This blend helps lngredients: Hyssop, Mountain Savory,
you reconnect with a feeling of strength and
grounding, restoring hope for tomorrow. It has Cistus, Camphor (Ravintsara), Frankincense,
helped many overcome suicidal depression. Oregano, Clove, Cumin, Dorado Azul
lngredients: sweer almond oi[, Melissa, Juniper, Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 min-
utes 3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Alternate
Myrrh, Black Spruce the diffused oils with Thieves and Exodus II.
To enhance effects, add Melissa, Palo Santo,
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour Clove, Cistus, or Dorado Azul. Topical:
Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops of V-6 or other
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: pure carrier oil and apply around navel, chest,
Dilution not required, except For the most temples, wrists, under nose, on foot Vita Flex
points, or desired location as needed. Use
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on edge of with Raindrop Technique.
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry. This blend
ears, wrists, neck, temples, over heart, on needs to be well-dilured before using on
chakras, foot Vita Flex points, or desired children.
locarion as needed.
Caution: Possible skin sensiriviry.

HumilityrM lnner ChildrM

Having humiliry and forgiveness helps us tVhen children have been abused, they
heal ourselves and our earth (2 Chronicles 7:14). become disconnected from their inner child, or
Humiliry is an integral component in obtaining identiry which causes confusion. This fractures
forgiveness and is needed for a closer relationship the personality and creates problems that tend
with God. Through the frequency and fragrance to surface in the early- to mid-adult years, often
of this blend, you may arrive at a place where mislabeled as a midlife crisis. This fragrance

healing can begin. stimulates memory response and helps one


reconnect with the inner selfor identity. This Frankincense, Bergamot (Furocoumarin-free), L
is one oF the first steps to finding emotional Vetiver, YIang Ylang, Geranium
balance. Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour 3
times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical Dilution L
lngredients: Orange, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, L
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Jasmine, not required, except lor the most sensitive skin.
Lemongrass, Black Spruce, Bitter Orange Apply 2-4 drops on edge oFears, wrists, neck, L
(Neroli) temples, forehead, crown of head, bottoms of L
feet, along spine, or desired location as needed. L
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3 Caution: Possible su n/skin sensiriviry.
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilure lnto the FuturerM
1 drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure L
carrier oil and apply l-2 drops on edge of This blend helps one leave the past behind L
ears, wrists, neck, temples, or desired location in order to progress with vision and excitement. L
So many times we find ourselves setrling for
as needed. mediocriry and sacrificing our own porenrial and L
success because offear ofthe unknown and the L
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry. future. This blend inspires determination and a t
pioneering spirit and creates a strong emotional L
lnner HarmonyrM feeling ofbeing able to reach one's potential. L
lngredients: sweet almond oil, Clary Sage, Ylang L
Inner Harmony is a calming formula that
can be used to promote emorional clearing and Yang, 1i(/hite Fir, Idaho Blue Spruce, Jasmine, t
self-renewal. Juniper, Frankincense, Orange, Cedamood, \
lngredients: Geranium, Lavender, Royal lVhite Lotus

Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Ylang Yang, Idaho Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up ro I hour 3
Blue Spruce, Sacred Frankincense, Roman
Chamomile, Tangerine, Orange, Northern times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute
Lights Black Spruce, Myrrh, Rose, Angelica,
Vetiveq Melissa I drop with 4 drops ofV-6 or other pure
carrier oil and apply 1-2 drops on edge of
Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up ro t hour
ears, over heart, on wrists, neck, temples, or
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: desired Iocation as needed.
Dilution not required, excepr for the most Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviry
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on
desired location as needed. lnTouchrM

lnspirationrM This uplifting blend can help support
mood by encouraging positive energy in times of
This blend is formulated to help find a calm restlessness and unease and ro help ground and
space in our minds and bring us closer to that unite the body, mind, and spirit.
creative cenrer where our higher inruirion lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride,
operates. These oils were traditionally used by the
Native Americans to enhance spiritualiry prayer, Vetiver, Melissa, Royal Hawaiian
and inner awareness. Sandalwood,* Cedamood, Idaho Blue Spruce
lngredients: Cedaruood, Black Spruce, Myrtle,
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour
Coriander, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
130 Dilution not required, except for the mosr

sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up ro t hour
desired location as needed. For children: to be
applied only by a trusted adult or under adulr 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
supervision. Dilution not required, except for the mosr
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry. sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops over the heart,
thymus, temples, wrists, or desired location as
Journey OnrM needed. It may also be massaged on the lower
back, abdomen, and heart and brain Vita FIex
This special blend formulated by Gary encour- points.
ages us to pick up his standard and Journey On. Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviw.
His mission of taking Young Living's pure essen-
tial oils to the world is our .journey as well. JuvaGleanse,
lngredients: Peppermint, Copaiba, Hys-
The liver is the bodyt largest internal organ
sop, Mountain Savory, Cisrus, Ravintsara, and ma.jor deroxifier. Even the toxins in the air
Frankincense, Oregano, Sacred Sandalwood, we breathe are filtered by the liver, including
Thngerine, Ylang Ylang, Cinnamon, Clove, chemicals from aerosol cleaners. paint, insect
Cumin, Black Pepper, Roman Chamomile, sprays, etc.; but eventually those filters need to
Bergamot, Anise, Juniper, Black Spruce, be cleaned. The essential oils of Ledum, Celery
Geranium, Lavender, German Chamomile, Seed, and Helichrysum have long been known
Dorado Azul, Blue Cypress, Davana, Citrus for their liver cleansing properties. JuvaCleanse
Hystrix, Jasmine, Blue Tansy, Rose, Grape- was clinically tested in 2003 for removing
fruit, Spearmint, Lemon, Ocotea mercury from body tissues.
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 30 minures
3 times daily. Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 In 2003 a study conducted by Roger Lewis,
drops ofV-6 or olive oil. Test on a small area of MD, at the Young Life Research Clinic in
skin on the underside ofyour arm and apply to Springville, Utah, evaluated the efficacy of
Helichrysum, Ledum, and Celery Seed in
desired area as needed. treating cases ofadvanced Hepatitis C.

Cautions: Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For In one case, a 20-year-old male diagnosed
external use only. Keep away from eyes and with Hepatitis C had a viral count of 1 3,200.
mucous membranes. Ifyou are pregnant, After taking two capsules (approx. 750 mg each)
nursing, taking medication, or have a medical ofJuvaCleanse per day for one monrh with
condition, consult a health professional prior no other interuention, the patient's viral count
dropped more than 80 percent to 2,580.
Wro use. Avoid direct sunlight or rays for lngredients: Helichrysum, Ledum, Celery Seed
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up ro 30
up to 12 hours after applying.
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
Topical Dilute I drop with 1 drop of V-6 or
This beautiful blend produces a magneric other pure carrier oil and apply over the liver,
energy that brings joy to the heart, mind, and on the liver and kidney Vita Flex points on
soul. It inspires romance and helps overcome
deep-seated grief and depression. the foot, or desired location as needed. Use
lngredients: Bergamor, Ylang Ylang, with Raindrop Technique.

Geranium, Lemon, Coriandet Tangerine,
Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose


JuvaGleanse, Vitalityril Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Spanish Sage,
Jasmine, Idaho Blue Spruce, Spearmint
lngredients: Helichrysum, Ledum, Celery Seed
Directions:Aromatie Difftrse up to t hour 3
Directions: Dietary: Dilute I drop with 4 times daily or directly inhale. Topical Dilution

drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a not required, excepr for the most sensitive skin.
capsule and take I daily or as needed. App|y 2-4 drops to Vita FIex points on the
ankles, at the clavicle notch, to the abdomen
JuvaFlexrM for relief of premenstrual discomfort, or on
desired location as needed. Use as a fragrance.
This blend helps with liver and lymphatic Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.
detoxification. The emotions ofanger and hate
create toxins that are stored in the liver, which Light the FirerM
can lead to sickness and disease. JuvaFlex helps
break addictions to coffee, alcohol, drugs, and Light the Fire is an inspiring blend with a
tobacco. warm, spicy aroma that can encourage Feelings of
lngredients: sesame seed oil, Fennel, power and ambition.
lngredients: Nutmeg, Cassia, Mastrante,
Geranium, Rosemary, Roman Chamomile,
Blue Tansy, Helichrysum Ocotea, Canadian Fleabane, Lemon, Black
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 Pepper, Northern Lights Black Spruce
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up to 10 min-
Topical: Dilution not required, excepr for utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
the most sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops over
liver location, massage 3-4 drops on the Vita Dilute I drop with 4 drops of V-6 or other
Flex points on the foor and along the spine as
in Raindrop Technique or apply on desired pure carrier oil and apply on desired location
location as needed. Use a warm compress with
3-4 drops of oils with Ortho Sporr or Ortho as needed.
Ease massage oils.
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry
JuvaFlex, VitalityrM
Live with PassionrM
lngredients: sesame seed oi[, Fennel,
Geranium, Rosemary Roman Chamomile, This blend revives the zest for life and
Blue Tansy, Helichrysum improves internal energy with a combination
ofessential oils formulated specifically to help
Directions: Dietary: Put 2 drops in a capsule. people attain an optimistic attitude.
Take 3 times daily or as needed. lngredients: Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*

Lady SclareolrM Clary Sage, Ginger, Jasmine, Angelica,
Patchouli, Cedamood, Helichrysum, Melissa,
This oil, rich in phytoestrogens, is designed Bitter Orange (Neroli)
to be worn as an exquisite fragrance. It enhances Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
the feminine nature by improving mood and minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
raising estrogen levels. It may also provide relief
for PMS symptoms. Topical: Dilute I drop with I drop of V-6 or
lngredients: Geranium, Coriander, Vetiver,
other pure carrier oil beFore using on sensitive
Orange, Clary Sage, Bergamot, Ylang Yang,
locations such u the face, neck, genital

location, etc. Apply on wrists, temples, chest,
forehead, or desired location as needed. Mix
2-4 drops of oil with 2 tablespoons of a bath


and shower gel or mix with % cup bath salts V-6 or other pure carrier oil in a capsule and
water and pour into the tub. Soak for 20-30 swallow or put 2-3 drops in Blue Agave, Yacon
minures or until water cools. Syrup, or maple syrup in a spoon; mix and
Caution: Possible sun/ski n sensitiviw. swallow; or mix in about 4 f . oz. olrNingXia
Red, goat milk. or rice milk. etc.
Live Your PassionrM
Live Your Passion enhances the zest for life Loyalry essential oil blend will empower
and improves internal energy to specifically help
people go forward with motivation and excire- you to remain steadfast and faithful to all that
ment. you value. Uplifting and empowering oils
lngredients: Orange, Royal Hawaiian Sandal- cherished around rhe world such as Rose, Sacred
Frankincense, and Sacred Sandalwood will
wood,* Nutmeg, Lime, Idaho Blue Spruce, strengthen your devotion.
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Yang Ylang, lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Angeli-
Frankincense, Peppermint
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 min- ca, Yang Yang, Lavender, Idaho Blue Spruce,
utes 3 times dailv. Topical: Mix 1 drop of oil Cassia, Vetiver, Sacred Sandalwood, Geranium,
with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil Sacred Frankincense, Patchouli, Cardamom,
and apply as needed. Mastrante, Peppermint, Melissa, Rose

LongevityrM Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour 3

This oil contains the highest antioxidant and times daily. Topical: Apply 2-4 drops directlv
DNA-protecting essential oils. W'hen taken to desired area. Dilution not required, except
as a dietary supplement, this blend promotes for the most sensitive skin.
longevity and prevents premature aging (see Cautions: Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For
Longeviry Softgels in the Nutritiona[ Support external use only. Keep away from eyes and
chapter). mucous membranes. If you are pregnant,
lngredients: Thyme, Orange, Clove, nursing, raking medication, or have a medical
condition, consult a health care professional
Frankincense prior to use. Not intended for use on inhnts.

Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 10 min- Magnify Your PurposerM
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute I drop with 4 drops of V-6 or other This blend stimulates the endocrine system
pure carrier oil and apply on desired location for greater energy fow to the right hemisphere
of the brain, acrivaring creativiry, morivarion.
as needed. and focus. This helps strengthen commitmenr ro
purposeJ desire, and intentions until you realize
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry. your goals.
lngredients: Sacred Sandalwood, Sage,
Longevity VitalityrM
Coriander, Patchouli, Nutmeg, Bergamot,
lngredients: Thyme, Orange, Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Ginger, Ylang Ylang,
Frankincense Directions:Aromatis Difirse up to 30
Directions: Dietaly: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.

ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a capsule
and take I daily or as needed. As a dietary
supplement, put a few drops of oil diluted wirh


- MisterrM

Topical: Dilute 1 drop with I drop of V-6 This blend helps to decongest the prostate and
promote greater male hormonal balance.
or other pure carrier oil and apply on heart, lngredients: sesame seed oil, Sage, Fennel,
solar plexus, thymus, remples. ears, wrisrs, or
desired location as needed. Lavender, Myrtle, Yarrbw, Pepperminr
Caution: Possible skin sensiriviry. Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 minutes

MelroserM 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilution not required, except for the most
This is a blend offour essential oils that sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops to ankle Vita
have strong antiseptic properties to cleanse and Flex points, lower pelvis, or locations oF
disinfect cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, and bruised
tissue. These oils help regenerate damaged tissue concern s needed. Use in a hot compress.
and reduce inflammation. It is powerful when
diffused to dispel odors, purily the air, and pro- MotivationrM
tect against daily radiation bombardment.
lngredients: Rosemary, Tea Tiee, Clove, Motivation stimulates feelings of acrion and ac-
complishment, providing positive energy to help
Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli) overcome feelings oF Fear and procrastination.
Directions:Aromatiq Diffirse up to 30 minutes lngredients: Roman Chamomile, Black Spruce,

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute Ylang Ylang, Lavender
1 drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or orher pure carrier Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
oil and apply to broken skin, cuts, scrapes,
burns, rashes, infection, or desired location as minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
needed. Follow with Rose Ointment to keep
oils sealed in wound. Put 1-2 drops on a piece Topical: Dilute I drop with 1 drop of V-6 or
ofcotton and place in the ear for earaches.
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry. other pure carrier oil and apply on feet (big
toe), chest, nape ofthe neck, behind ears,
M-GrainrM wrists, around navel, or desired location as

This blend helps relieve pain from slight needed.
headaches to severe migraine headaches. It is
anti-inf ammatory and antispasmodic. My DestinyrM
lngredients: Basil, Marjoram, Lavender,
Was your destiny planned by someone else,
Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, however well-meaning? Get back in the drivert
Helichrysum seat with the empowering scent of My Destiny, a
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 2017 International Grand Convention blend.
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. !ngredientsr \Vintergreen. Peppermint,
Topical Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6 or
other pure carrier oil and apply on brain stem, Helichrysum, Clove, Myrtle, Lemon,
forehead, crown ofhead, shoulders, back Ravintsara, Lavender, caprylic/capric
of neck, temples, foot Vita Flex points, or triglyceride, Idaho Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus
desired location as needed. Globulus, Copaiba, Pine, Marjoram,
Caution: Possible skin sensiriviry coconut oil, Eucalyptus Radiata, Eucalyptus
Citriodora, Cypress, Northern Lighrs Black
134 Spruce, Vetiver, Orange, Sacred Sandalwood,
Nutmeg, Ylang Ylang, Lime, Idaho Blue
Spruce, Frankincense, Dorado Azul
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 minutes
3 times daily. Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4

drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Test on Black Spruce, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine,
a small area ofskin on the underside ofyour Cedaruood, Lavender, Frankincense, Bergamot
arm and apply to desired area as needed. (furocoumarin-free), Clary Sage, Royal
Cautionsl Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For
external use only. Keep away from eyes and Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Grapefruit, Tangerine,
mucous membranes. Ifyou are pregnant,
nursing, taking medication, or have a medical Spearmint, Vetiver, Lemon, Neroli, Idaho Blue
condition, consult a health care professional
prior to use. Avoid direct sunlight or UV rays Spruce, Ocotea, Juniper, Orange, Cinnamon
for up to 24 hours after applying this blend. Bark, Citrus Hystrix, Rose, \W4rite Lotus
Not intended for use during pregnancy. DirectionsrAromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes
lntended for adults only. 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Apply l-2 drops on edge o[ears, wrisrs, neck,
temples, or desired location as needed.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviw.

Oola@** BalancerM Owie"M

Oola Balance is designed to align and balance Apply Owie topically to improve the ap-
your centen giving you an increase in concenrra- pearance ofyour childt skin and to help heal a
tion with a positive outlook. fu mind and body lngredients: caprylic/capric triglycerides,

are ba.lanced, the abiliry to focus on passions, Balsam Canada (ldaho Balsam Fir), Tea Tiee,
behaviors, and health are amplified for the better. Helichrysum, Elemi, Cistus, Clove
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Directions: Topical: Recommended application
is for children ages 2-12. To be applied only
l-avender, Yang Ylang, Frankincense, Ocorea, by a trusted adult or under adult superuision.
Idaho Blue Spruce, Sacred Sandalwood, Dilution not required, except For the most
Balsam Canada (Idaho Balsam Fir), Sacred sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on
Frankincense, Jasmine, Northern Lights desired location as needed.
Black Spruce, Orange, Angelica, Geranium,
Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Myrrh, Vetiver, Cistus, PanAway@
Coriander, Bergamot, Lemon, Roman
Chamomile, Palmarosa, Rose This very popular blend reduces pain and in-
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minures flammation, increases circulation, and accelerates
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: healing. It relieves swelling and discomfort lrom
Apply 1-2 drops on edge ofears, wrists, neck, arrhritis, sprains, muscle spasms, cramps, bumps,
temples, or other locations as desired. and bruises.
lngredients: lWintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove,
Oola@** GrowrM
Oola Grow is designed to help you reach un-
Directions: Topical Dilute I drop with 4 drops
limited potential and growth in many aspects of ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Apply on
life. \ii'hether itt emotional, spiritual, or mental,
temples, back ofneck, forehead, or desired
Oola Grow gives you courage to focus on the location as needed. Use as a compress or for
task at hand and helps you move fomard toward a Raindrop Technique-sryle massage along
positive advancements and progression. rhe spine. Use for reliefo[deep tissue pain.
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Add additional Helichrysum to enhance the

'White Fir, Blue Cypress, Ylang Ylang, Roman 135
Chamomile, almond oil, Northern Lights

effect. When rhe pain is bone related, more Present TimerM
'Wintergreen may be added. May be diluted
with Ortho Ease or Ortho Sport massage oils. This blend is an empowering fragrance that
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviry. Not intended creates a feeling of being in the moment. Disease
for children under the age of6 without the develops when we live in the past and with
advice ofa health care professional. regret. Being in the present time is the key to
progressing and moving forward.
Peace & Galming@ lngredients: sweet almond oil, Bitter Orange

This blend promotes reluarion and a deep (Neroli), Black Spruce, Ylang Ylang
sense ofpeace and emotional well-being, helping Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30
to dampen tensions and uplift spirits. \Vhen
massaged on the bottoms of feet, it can be a minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
wonderfirl prelude to a peaceful nightt rest. Ir Topical: Dilution not required, except for
may calm overacrive and hard-to-manage chil- the most sensitive skin. Apply to sternum
dren. It also reduces depression, anxiery, srress, and thymus area, neck, forehead, or desired
and insomnia. Many people use it for relief from location as needed.
restless leg syndrome. Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.
lngredients: tngerine, Orange, Ylang Yang,
Patchouli, Blue Tansy
This puri$,ing blend cleanses and disinfects
Directions:Aromatiq Diffuse up ro t hour 3 the air and neutralizes mildew, cigarette smoke,
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute and disagreeable odors. It disinfects and cleans
I drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier cuts, scrapes, and bites from spiders, bees, hor-
oil and apply to wrists, edge ofears, foot Vita nets, and wasps.
lngredients: Citronella, Rosemary Lemongrass,
Flex points, or desired location as needed.
Combine with Lavender for insomnia and Tea Tiee, Lavandin, Myrtle
Matricaria (German Chamomile) for calming. Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviw.
minutes 3 times daily or direcrly inhale.
Peace & Galming IlrM Topical: Dilution not required, except for the
most sensitive skin. Apply on location ro cuts,
Peace & Calming II has a relaxing and pleas- sores, bruises, or wounds as needed.

ant aroma that may contribute to calming rhe RavenrM
mind and giving a sense ofoverall well-being.
lngredients: tngerine, Orange, Ylang Yang, The oils ofthis blend fight against respira-
tory disease and infections such as tuberculosis,
Patchouli, Northern Lights Black Spruce, influenza, and pneumonia. It is highly antiviral
Matricaria (German Chamomile), Vetiver, and antiseptic.
Cistus, Bergamot, Cassia, Davana lngredients: Camphor (Ravintsara), Lemon,

Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour 3 'Wintergreen, Peppermint, Eucalyptus Radiata
times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Dilute Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to 30
1 drop with I drop ofV-6 or other pure carrier
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
oil and apply on desired location as needed. Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6 or
Caution: Possible sun sensitivity. other pure carrier oil and apply to throat and


lung location, foot Vita Flex points, or desired Ceranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*
location as needed. Use as a hot compress over Ylang Ylang, Hyssop, Coriander, Rose
lungs or with Raindrop Technique. To use in
suppository, dilute with V-6 I : 1 0 and retain Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour 3
during the night.
Caution: For exrernal use only. Possible sun/skin times daily or directly inhale. Topical: To be
sensitiviry. Not intended for children under applied only bv a trusred aduk or under adult
the age of6 without the advice ofa health supervision. Dilution not required, except
care professional. lor the most sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops
directly on desired location as needed.
Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.

R.C.IM Red Shotril

R.C. gives relieffrom colds, bronchitis, sore Red Shot is a limited-time-only blend that

throats, sinusitis. coughs, and respirarory conges- adds a delicious variation to NingXia Red.

tion. It decongests sinus passages, combats lung lngredients: Tangerine, Mandarin, Lime,

infections, and relieves allergy symptoms. Grapefruit, Cassia, Spearmint
I ngredients: Eucalyptus Globulus, Myrtle,
Directions: Dietarf Add 1-2 drops to 2 ounces

Marjoram, Pine, Eucalyptus Radiata, of NingXia Red or put 2 drops in a capsule

Eucalyptus Citriodora, Lavender, Cypress, and take 3 times daily or as needed.

Black Spruce, Peppermint ReleaserM
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30

minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. To This is a helpful blend to release anger

combat sinus and lung congestion, add R.C., and memory trauma from the liver in order to

Raven, Dorado Azul, or Eucalyptus Blue to creare emorional well-being. It helps open the

a bowl of steaming hot water. Place a towel subconscious mind through pineal stimulation ro

over your head and inhale the steam from rhe release deep-seated trauma. It is one ofthe most

mixture. Combine with Raven and Thieves powerful of the emotionally supporting essential

(alternating morning and nigh$ to enhance oil blends.

effects. Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop lngredients: Ylang Ylang, olive oil, Lavandin,

ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply on Geranium, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*

chest, neck, throat, over sinus location, or Grapefruit, tngerine, Spearmint, Lemon,

on desired location as needed. Use as a hot Blue Cypress, Davana, Kaffir Lime, Ocotea,

compress or with Raindrop Technique. Jasmine, Matricaria (German Chamomile),

ReconnectrM Blue Tansy, Rose

Directions:Aronatiq Diffuse up to t hour

Apply Reconnect to help the mind to react 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:

positively and to help you reconned to your Dilution not required, except for the most

surroundings. sensitive skin. Apply over liver, anywhere

lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, trauma has occurred, or use as a compress.

Sacred Frankincense, Lavender, Blue Cypress, Massage on bomoms of feet and behind ears

Cedarwood, Melissa, Idaho Blue Spruce, as needed.

Palo Santo, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.

_ sweet almond oil, Bergamot, Myrrh, Vetiver,


Relieve ltrM Directions: Topical: Apply generously to wrists,
temples, neck, or any desired location as
This blend is high in anti-infammarory needed. Apply to the bottoms offeet; children
compounds that relieve deep tissue pain and love it.
muscle soreness.
!ngredients: Black Spruce, Black Pepper, Sacred MountainrM

Hyssop, Peppermint Mountain aromas instill strength, empower-
Directions: Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop ment, grounding, and protecrion with the spiri-
tual feeling ofbeing in a sacred environment.
ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil and apply on lngredients: Black Spruce, Yang Yang, Balsam
location to relieve pain as needed. Use as a
cold or hot compress. Canada (Idaho Balsam Fir), Cedarwood
Caution: Possible skin sensitiviw. Directions:Aromatic: Diffirse up to 30

RutaVaLarM minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.

RutaVala is a proprietary blend of Ruta Topical: Dilute I drop with 1 drop of V-6 or
graueolens (Rue), Lavender, and Valerian essential
oils that promotes reluation of rhe body and other pure carrier oil. Apply to crown ofhead,
mind, soothes stressed nerues, and induces sleep. back ofneck, behind ears, on thymus and
Rue has long been used in South America ro wrists, or desired locarion as needed.
promote the relaxation of body and mind, relieve Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviry
and soothe stressed nerues, and revitalize passion.
lngredients: Lavender, Valerian, Rue SARATM
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30
This very specific blend enables one to relax
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale. into a mental state that facilitates the release of
trauma from sexual and/or ritual abuse. SARA
Topical: Dilute I drop wirh 1 drop of V-6 or also helps unlock orher traumatic experiences such
as physical and emoriona.l abuse.
other pure carrier oil. Apply several drops to lngredients: sweet almond oil, Ylang Ylang,
wrists, temples, neck, or desired location as
needed. Apply to the bottoms offeet; children Geranium, l-avender, Orange, Cedarwood,
love ir. Blue Cypress, Davana, Citrus Hystrix,
Jasmine, Rose, Matricaria (German
RutaVaLaril Roll-On Chamomile), Blue Tansy, Grapefruit,
Tangerine, Spearmint, Lemon, Ocotea, lVhite
RutaVala Roll-On is a proprietary blend of Lotus
Ruta grareoltns (Rle), Lavender, and Valerian es- Directions: Topical: Dilute 1 drop with 4 drops
sential oils that promotes relaxation ofthe body ofV-6 or other pure carrier oils. Apply over
energy centers and locations ofabuse, on
and mind, soothes stressed nerues, and induces navel, lower abdomen, temples, nose, Vita
sleep. Rue has long been used in South America Flex points on the feet, or desired location as
to promore the rela:ration of body and mind, needed.
relieve and soothe stressed nerves, and revitalize Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviw.
lngredients: cap rylicl capric rriglyceride,

Lavender, Valerian, Rue


SclarEssencerM ShutranrM

This blend balances hormones naturally using Shutran is an empowering essential oil blend
essential oil phytoestrogens. It helps to increase that is specifically designed for men to boost
estrogen levels by supporting the bodyt own pro- feelings of masculinity and confidence.
ducrion ofhormones. It combines the soothing lngredients: Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang,
effects of Peppermint with the balancing power
ofFennel and Clary Sage and the calming action Ocotea, Hinoki, Davana, Cedarwood,
ofSpanish Sage for an extraordinary topical and Lavender, Coriander, Lemon, Northern Lights
aromatic blend and Vitality dietary supplement. Black Spruce
lngredients: Clary Sage, Peppermint, Spanish Directions: Topicat Apply 2-4 drops 2 times
daily or as needed.
Sage, Fennel Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.

Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to 30 SleepylzerM
minutes 3 times daily or directly inhale.
TopicaL Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6 Sleepylze calms and relues the mind and
or other pure carrier oil and apply on desired body prior to children's bedtime.
location as needed. lngredients: caprylic/capric glycerides,
Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile,
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry Do not use Ta.ngerine, Bergamot, Sacred Frankincense,
in conjunction with any other hormone Valerian, Rue
Directions:Aromatie Diffirse up to t hour
SclarEssence VitalitlrrM
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
lngredients: Clary Sage, Peppermint, Spanish Recommended application is for children ages
2-12.To be applied only by a trusted adult or
Sage, Fennel under adult superuision. Dilution not required,
except for the most sensitive skin. Apply 2-4
Directions: Dieary: Dilute I drop with I drop drops directly on desired location m needed.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry
ofV-6 or other carrier oil. Put in a capsule
and take up to 3 times daily or as needed. Sliqueril Essence

SensationrM Slique Essence combines powerful essential
oils and stevia extract to support healthy weight-
This beautiful smell is profoundly romantic, management goals. It suppresses food cravings,
refreshing, and arousing. It amplifies the excite- especially when used in con,iunction with Slique
ment of experiencing new heights of self-expres- Tea or any of the Slique products. The oils in
sion and awareness. this blend add a flavorful and uplifting element
to any day, with the added support ofSpearmint
Sensation is also nourishing and hydrating for to aid proper digestion. Ocotea essential oil
the skin and is beneficial for many skin problems. was chosen for its irresistible cinnamon-esque
lngredients: Coriander, Ylang Ylang, Bergamor aroma, which can help trigger feelings of fullness
and reduce the number of unexpected cravings.
(furocoumarin-free), Jasmine, Geranium Slique Essence is antibacterial, antifungal, a lipid
regulator, and a glucose regulator.
Directions: Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilution not required, except for the most
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops on location,
neck, or wrists as needed. (Jse as a compress
over abdomen.


Stevia is added as an all-natural sweetener that equilibrium, promotes relaxation, and lowers L
provides a pleasant, sweer tasre with no added hypertension. L
calories. lngredients: Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, L
I ngredients: Grapefruit, Tangerine, Spearmint, L
Vanilla, Ocorea, Lavender L
Lemon, Ocotea, stevia extract L
Directions: Aromatie Direct inhalation pre- Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to t hour L

ferred. Note The stevia extract in this formula 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: (
mav impede diffuser performance. Dietary: Dilution not required, except for the most
Shake vigorously before use. Add 2-4 drops to sensitive skin. Shake well and apply liberally (
4-6 oz. of yotr favorite beverage, Slique Tea, or to temples, back ofneck, or wrists as needed.
water. Use berween and during meals regularly Caution: Possible sun/skin sensi( iviry. L
throughout the day whenever hunger feelings L
occur Topical: Dilution not required, except Stress AwayrM Roll-On L
for rhe most sensitive skin. Shake well and ap-
ply liberally to temples, back of neck, or wrists This is a gentle, fragrant blend that brings L
feelings of peace and tranquility to both children
as needed. and adults and helps relieve daily stress and (
nervous tension. It helps with normal, everyday
SniffleEaserM stress, improves mental response, restores t
equilibrium, promotes reluation, and lowers
SniffleEase is a refreshing, rejuvenating hypertension. L
blend formulated just for kids for when they Ingredients: Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood,
have congestion. L
lngredients: caprylic/capric glycerides, Vanilla, Ocotea, Lavender L
Directions: Topical: Shake well and apply L
Eucalyptus Blue, Palo Santo, Lavender, L
Dorado Azul, Ravinmara, Myrtle, Eucalyptus liberally to temples, back of neck, or wrists as
Globulus, Marjoram, Pine, Eucalyptus needed. (
Citriodora, Cypress, Eucalyprus Radiara, Caution: Possible sun/skin sensitiviry
Black Spruce, Peppermint L
SurrenderrM L
Directions:Aromatic: Diffirse up to t hour
This inviting oil helps one surrender ag-
3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical: gression and a controlling attitude. Stress and
Recommended application is for children tension are released quickly when we surrender
tges 2-l2."lo be applied only by a trusted willfulness.
adult or under adult supervision. Dilution not lngredients: Lavender, Lemon, Black Spruce,
required, except for rhe most sensitive skin.
Apply 2-4 drops directly on desired location Roman Chamomile, Angelica, Mountain
as needed. Savory
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour
Stress AwayrM 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilution not required, except for the most
This is a gentle, fragrant blend that brings sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on
feelings ofpeace and tranquiliry ro both children forehead, solar plexus, along ear rim, chest,
and adults and helps relieve daily stress and nape of neck, and desired location as needed.
nervous tension. It helps with normal, everyday Caution: Possible sun/skin sensiriviry
stress, improves mental response, restores


The Gift is the very "essence of Arabia," This is a most amazing blend of highly
blending rhe oils of antiquiry into a most unique antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, and
and exoric fragrance. It combines seven ancienr anti-infectious essential oils.
therapeutic oils to capture the spirit ofArabia.
It was created From research based on legends
This oil blend represents Mary's gift to Gary about a group of I 5th-century thieves who
in honor ofShurran's noble journey through the rubbed botanicals on themselves to avoid con-
book The One Gifi, a historical novel depicting rracting rhe plague while they robbed the bodies
the wit, intrigue, sorrow, and romance of the of the dead and dying. Vhen apprehended, the
ancient frankincense and myrrh caravans, rhieves were forced to tell what their secret was
and disclosed the formula of the herbs, spices,
Out of the writings and legends of antiquiry and oils they used ro protect themselves in
healing mysteries unfold as we discover powerful exchange for more lenient punishme nt.
uses for herbs and oils in healing the injuries of
war, accidents, scorpion srings, and snakebites Studies conducted at Weber State University
and in sacred rituals for attaining greater spiritual (Ogden, UT) in 1997 demonstrated the killing
attunement for healing and protecting the body. power of these amazing oils against airborne
microorganisms. The analysis shou'ed that after
Present-day science is now documenting the 10 minutes of Thieves diffusion in the air, rhere
properties of these oils that augment the im- was an 82 percent reduction in the gram-positive
mune system, stimulate healing, and overcome
depression. Myrrh and Frankincense are being Micrococcus luteus organism bioaerosol, a 96
touted for their anticancerous, anti-inFectious, percent reduction in gram-negative Pseudomonas
anribacrerial, and antiviral abilities, as well as for aeruginosa organism bioaerosol, and a 44 percenr
being topical anesthesias and having the abiliry reduction in S. aureusbioaerosol.
to regenerate bone and carrilage. They are the
oldest-known substances to ever come out of the A 2000 study by Sue Chao and Gary Young
ancient world for their immune stimulating and found antifungal properties for Cinnamon Bark,
healing powers. Lemon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus Radiara oils,
lngredients: Balsam Canada (ldaho Balsam four ofthe five oils in Thieves blend.

Fir), Sacred Frankincense, Jasmine, Northern A 201 5 study found clove essential oil
Lights Black Spruce, Myrrh, Vetiver, Cistus (Cinnamomum zeyknicum syn. Cinnamlmum
Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes aromdticum) to be antifungal as well as antibacte-
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: rial. Gary Young personally used Thieves blend
Dilute 1 drop with 1 drop of V-6 or other to eliminare black mold.
pure carrier oil and apply on desired location
as needed. \W'ear as a fragrance. Massage on Essential oil expert Kurt Schnaubelt has
the bottoms of feet. written rhat essential oils do not kill beneficial
bacteria. He explains that phenylpropanoids such
as cinnamic aldehyde, eugenol, and carvacrol
are antimicrobial. However, they are also unique
in the way that beneficial probiotic bacteria can
harmlessly metabolize them.
lngredients: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark,

Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary


Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 10 min- Tiansformation blend radiates with the puri$.- L
utes 3 times dailv or directly inhale. Topical: ing oils of Lemon and Peppermint, along with L
Dilute 1 drop wirh 4 drops V-6 or other the revitalizing power ofsesquiterpenes From L
pure carrier oil. Apply on desired location as Sandalwood and Frankincense. Idaho Blue Spruce L
needed. For headaches, pur I drop on rongue anchors new menral programming. L
and push againsr roof of mourh. Appl,v near L
to bottons of feet. Reaching into the deepesr recesses olmemory, L
Transformation empowers and upholds the L
Caution: Possible sun/'kin serrsitiviry. changes you want to make in your belief system. L
Positive, uplifting beliefs are foundational for the
Thieves VitalityrM transformation of behavior. (
lngredients: Lemon, Peppermint, Royal
lngredients: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, L
Hawaiian Sandalwood," Clary Sage, Sacred L
Eucalyptus Radiata, Rosemary Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, Cardamom, L
Ocotea, Palo Santo
Directions: Dietary: Dilute 1 drop with 4 L
drops ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil. Put in a Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to I hour 3 L
capsule and take 1 daily. times daily lor mosr effective use or directll,
TranquilrM Rol!-On inhale. Topical: Dilute 1 drop rvith I drop L
ofV-6 or other pure carrier oil and applv
This proprietary blend ofLavender, Cedar- L
wood, and Roman Chamomile essential oils, topically on appropriate Vita Flex poinrs or \
packaged in a roll-on applicator, provides conve- desired locations as needed. L
nient and portable reluation and stress relief. All Caution: Possible sun sensitivity. L
three ofthese oils have been well documented as
being effective in reducing restlessness, decreas- Trauma LiferM
ing anxiery and inducing a calming feeling
to mind and body. Their combined effect is The emotional trauma from accidents, death
uplifting as well as reluing and can be usefirl in of loved ones, assault, abuse, etc., can implant its
promoring sleep as well as reducing srress.
lngredients: Lavender, Cedarwood, caprylicl devastation deep within the hidden recesses of

capric triglyceride, Roman Chamomile, the mind, causing lifelong problems rhat seem
coconut oil endless.
Directions: Topical: Apply liberally to
temples, back ofneck, or wrists as needed for Being able to release such burdens can bring
relaxation. about a new "lease on life" wirh a return ro mori-
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry. vation and vitaliry.

TransformationrM This blend combats stress and uproors trauma
that cause insomnia, anger, restlessness, and a
Repressed trauma and rragedy from the past weakened immune response.
may be out ofsight, but they are definitely not lngredients: Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood,*
out of mind. Memories are imprinred in our cells
for better or worse. Stored negative emotions Frankincense, Valerian, Black Spruce, Davana,
need to be replaced with joy, hope, courage, and Lavender, Geranium, Helichrysum, Citrus
orher positive emotions. Hystrix, Rose

Directions: Aromatie Diffuse up to t hour 3

times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical: Dilute
1 drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure
carrier oil and apply to bottoms offeer, chest,


forehead, back oF neck, behind ears, along Cautions: Keep out ofreach ofchildren. For

spine as in Raindrop Technique, or on desired external use only. Keep away Fron eyes and

location as needed. mucous membranes. Ifyou are pregnant,

T.R. GarerM nursing, or taking medication, consult a
health care professional prior to usc.

This unique blend is designed ro resrore con-

6dence and uplift emotions by reducing stress TummyGizert

and calming the mind, body, and spirit. TirmmyGize is a quieting, reluing blend
lngredients: Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, that can be applied to little tummies that are

Lavendeq Bergamot, Vang Y1ang, Frankin- upset. Ir also supports proper digestion.

cense, Valerian, Blue Cypress, Orange, Royal lngredients: caprylic/capric glycerides, Spear-

Hawaiian Sandalwood,* Sacred Sandalwood, mint, Peppermint, Tangerine, Fennel, Anise,

Geranium, Black Spruce, Davana, Rue, Ginger, Cardamom

Jasmine, Angelica, Cedavood, Helichrysum, Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to t hour

_ Hyssop, Spanish Sage, Patchouli, Citrus 3 times daily or direcdy inhale. Topical:

Hystrix, Northern Lights Black Spruce,'White Recommended application is for children

Fir, BlueThnsy, Vetiver, Coriander, Bergamot ages 2-l2.To be applied only by a trusted

(furocoumarin-free), Rose, Lemon, Cinnamon adult or under adult superuision. Dilution not

- Bark, Palmarosa, Matricaria (German Chamo- required, except for the most sensitive skin.

mile) , Grapefruit, Spearmint, Ocotea Apply 2-4 drops directly on desired locarion
as needed.
Directions: Aromatiq Diffuse up to t hour

3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: Caution: Possible sun sensitivity.

Dilution not required, except for the most Valor
sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops directly on

desired location as needed. This blend was formulated to balance energies

Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry. and instill courage, confidence, and self-esteem.

Treasure of the SeasonrM k helps the body self-correct its balance and

Young Living's limited-release blend lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Black

Treasure ofthe Season delights the senses with Spruce, Camphor, Blue Tlnsy, Frankincense,

the rich fragrance of Frankincense and Frereana Geranium
Frankincense. The addition ofspicy Cinnamon
Directions:Aromatic Diffuse up to I hour

Bark and the fresh scent ofldaho Balsam Fir 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
captures the essence ofthe holiday season. Dilution not required, except for the most

lngredients: Frankincense, Frereana sensitive skin. Apply 2-4 drops to wrists,

Frankincense, Cinnamon Bark, Idaho Balsam Fir chest, and back ofneck, bottoms offeet, along

(Balsam Canada) spine as in Raindrop Technique, or on desired
location as needed. tMhen using a series of
Directions:Aromatie Diffuse up ro 30

minutes 3 times daily. Topical: Dilute oils, applyValor first and wait 5 to 10 minutes
1 drop with 1 drop ofV-6 or other pure before applying other oils.

carrier oil and apply to desired area as



valor. Roll-on White LightrM (

Valor Essential Oil Roll-On is an empowering Vhite Light is a balancing essential oil blend L
combination of therapeutic-grade essential oils meant to elevate the mind, awaken the senses,
that worls with both the physical and spiritual and promote harmony with nature. (
aspects ofthe body to increase feelings ofstrength, lngredients: White Fir, lVhite Cedar, \W'hite
courage, and self-esteem in the face ofadversity. L
Renowned for its strengthening qualities, Valor Spruce, White Pine L
enhances an individualt internal resources. It has Directions: Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 min-
also been found to help energy alignment in the L
utes 3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical:
Dilute I drop with 1 drop of V-6 or other
This has become a very popular blend, now
offered in a portable, convenient, roll-on applica- pure carrier oil and apply on desired location
lngredients: caprylic/capric triglyceride, Black as needed.

Spruce, Camphor, Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Endnotes
Directions: Topical: Apply generously on feet, * Royal Hawaiian Smdalwood is a registered trade-
wrists, shoulders, back ofneck to ease tension,
or desired area as needed. W'ear as a fragrance. mark ofJawmin, LLC

White AngelicarM " Oola is a regisrered rrademark o[

Increases and strengthens the aura around the OolaMoola, LLC
body to bring a renewed sense ofstrength and 1. Chao SC, Young DG, Oberg CJ. Effect of a Dif-
protection, creating a feeling ofwholeness in
the realm olone's own spiritualiry. Its frequenry fused Essential Oil Blend on Bacterial Bioaerosols.
Journal of Essential Oil Reseamch.1998;Sep/Oct.
neutralizes negative energy and gives a feeling of 2. Horne D, Holm M, Oberg C, Chao S, Young DG.
Antimicrobial effects ofessential oils on streptococ-
securiry cus pneumoniae. Journal ofEssential Oil Research.
2001;13(5):387-92. doi:1 0. I 080/ I 04 I 2905.2001.9
lngredients: sweer almond oil, Bergamot,
Myrrh, Geranium, Sacred Sandalwood, Ylang 712241.
Ylang, Coriander, Black Spruce, Melissa,
3. Saleem M, Bhatti HN, Jilani MI, Hanif MA. Bio-
Hyssop, Rose
analytical evaluarion of Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Directions:Aromatic: Diffuse up to 30 minutes essential oil. Nat Prod Res. 2015;29(19):1857 -1859.
3 times daily or directly inhale. Topical: doi: 10.1080/14786419.2014.1002088 Epub 2015
Dilution not required except for the most Jan 21.
sensitive skin. Apply to shoulders, along spine,
on crown ofhead, on wrists, behind ears, on 4. Schnaubelt K. Mediql aromatherapy: healing wirh
back of neck, on foot Vita Flex points, or on essential oils. [place unkaown]: Frog Books;1999.

desired area as needed. 296 p.
Caution: Possible sun sensitiviry.



Chapter 6

Techniques for Essential Oil Application

The Use of Different Techniques

- People use essential oils in many creative ways This knowledge is available to those who are

For healing and supporring rhe human body thar interested in learning about essential oils, God's

open a world ofgreat discovery and untapped gifts that Mother Nature eagerly provides, and

potential. It does not seem to matter how the ways to use these brilliant but simple techniques

essential oils are used, as long as their energy to help themselves, their families and friends,

penetrares the body through direct application, and those in their world of influencc.

inhalation, or ingestion.

The possibilities become very exciting as the VitassagerM Essential Oil
essential oils are used by new and/or inexperienced Dispensing Massager
individuals, and they begin to discover unexpected

and fascinating benefits. However, as with any The Vitassage is a one-of-a-kind creation by
natural substance, essential oils should be used D. Gary Young that incorporates Young Living

careFully, intelligently, and most importantly, with essenrial oils into the massage experience.* Three

common sense. Keeping this in mind, common stainless-steel roller balls simultaneously disperse

sense will enable you to enjov the benefits and up to three different oils onto the skin, while the

immense pleasure in using the essential oils as you powerful vibration technology allows the oils to

learn to apply them rhrough rhese techniques. penetrate deep into stressed tissue.

They have brought Peace & Calming, Joy, The Vitassage offers the power ofYoung
Livingt pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils and
Harmony, and Abundance to thousands of people

throughout the world. massage to both professionals and casual users
_ The five specific techniques explained in this
. The ultimate aromarherapeutic massage
chapter have been srudied and used in research

as the development of their application has been experience
refined and documented. Numerous doctors
. Profound vitaliry using YL patent-pending*

and health professionals are now acknowledging aroma vibration
the benefits of these natural techniques, and
. Sliding mechanism for independent oil

thousands of individuals throughout the world dispersion
have had tremendous beneEts.
. Unique 2-ml bottle replacement system that

allows for customizable oil combinations

* Parents Pending


Neuro Auricular Technique

D. Cary Young developed the Neuro The Neuro Auricular Technique has shown L
AuricularTechnique (NAT), which integrates remarkable benefits in both the emotional and
the use of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils physical realm. \When working on a physical \
with acupressure by using a small, pen-shaped need, an emotional release is often experienced
instrument wirh a rounded end to apply the oils that can bring abour a positive attitude ofhope
to the acupressure meridians or Vita Flex points and renewed vitality.
on the ears.
The Neuro Auricular Technique has been
He discovered thar using essential oils in extremely beneficial in delivering the oils to the
conjunction with acupressure was extremely exact location of neurological damage relared to
bene6cial. Interestingly, he found that spinal cord injury.
acupressure stimulation on specific neurological
points with the essential oils evoked a quicker It is a program thar Gary researched,
response to specific conditions. The combination
ofacupressure with essential oils seemed to developed, and taught worldwide to doctors and
substantially increase bene6ts in targeted areas. other health practitioners. It has proven to have
tremendous results and has the potential to be a
well-known modaliry in the future.

Emotional Ear Chart l\.40ther


Sympathy & Guilt I Depression
Self Pity Overwhelmed

F ej ectio n Fl Bearing the Burden
of the Wodd
Vision >-------d
Heart Anger & Hate
Open Self Expression

Physical Ear Ghart

Depression --a Allergy
Hepatitis Tonsils
Antihistamine Liver

Asthma Low Blood
Constipation Pressure
Pelvic Cavity
Sciatica Low Back Pain
Heat Point
Lumbago Point

D aphragm ---"--a St IV .4 Appendix
Heaft -'l I N,4ammary Gland
Thirst \ Tonsils
Larynx, Pharynx LI
[/uscle Relaxation
Hunger E
Adrenal Gland Hepatitis I

High Blood Thv'1roid Gland E
Pressure Pituitary '!
Hormonal Asthma
Secretion Parotid
(Endocrine) Antihistamine
Bising Blood --,-,------1 Secretion
Excitement Point
Pressure Hypothalamus
Tooth Analgesia Ovary Secretion
(Upper Teeth)
lvl N/louth Pr Prostate Spl Spleen
Tooth Analgesia E Esophagus Bl Bladder
(Lower Teeth) CO Cardiac Orifice Ur Ureter H Heart
St Stomach Kid Kidney W Windpipe, Trachea
Neryousness Sl Small lntestine
Ll Large lntestine Pan Pancreas, Gall Bladder 147
Liv Lver

Lymphatic Pump

Maintaining lymph circulation is one of the 4. Then pull rhe foot toward you by the toes
keys to keeping the immune sysrem adequarely
functioning. This technique is designed to *until the ball ofthe foot is close to the table
promote lymph circulation. It is an excellent tool
for those who are sedentary or bedridden. as possible (See Figure B).

l. Vith the recipient lying on his or her back, 5. Check with the recipient during the pump
to verify that the muscles in the foot are nor
hold one leg with one hand just above the being overextended. This should be an acive
ankle with your palm on the underside of the process, but not a painful one.
leg (covering the Achilles tendon).
6. Pull and push the foot using this 'pumping
2. Place the other hand on the bottom ofthe motion" at least 10 times on each leg for
recipient's foot with your palm over the ball of maximum benefit. Note that the recipientt
the foot and your fingers curled around entire body should move during each step of
the toes. the Lymphatic Pump.

3. Push the top ofthe foot away from you
(See Figure A).

t- L.

|- .f; \


Figure A - Pushing the foot Figure B - Pulling the foot

Vita Flex Technique

Vita Flex means "vitaliry through the reflexes" In contrast to the steady stimularion of
and is an easy way to apply essential oils through reflexology, Vira Flex uses a rolling and releasing
the botroms o[ rhe Feer. Ir is a very imporranr morion that involves placing the fingers flat
technique that can facilitate the reliefofpain and on rhe skin, rolling up onto the fingertips, and
suffering quickly, as well as improve physical and continuing over onto the fingernails, using
emotional well-being. medium pressure, and then sliding the hand
fomard about I/z inch, continually repeating this
It helps identi$, different srructural and rolling and releasing technique until the specific
healrh needs ofthe body and together with the Vita Flex area is covered. -Ihis rolling motion is
Raindrop Technique increases the opportunity
for healing and rejuvenation. Vita Flex is a repeated over the area three times.
specialized form of hand and foot massage that is Vita Flex corrects weakened or injured areas
exceptionally effective in delivering the benefits
ofessential oils throughout the body. It is said through the elecrrical reflex poinrs, preventing
ro have originated in Tibet thousands ofyears further injury and stress and allorving for
ago and was perfected in the 1 960s by Stanley quicker, more eltrcient healing. Combininq the
Burroughs [ong before acupuncrure was popular electrical frequency ofthe oils and rhat ofthe
in Western medicine. person receiving the application creirres rirpid lncl
phenomenal results.
Vita Flex is based on a complete nerwork
of reflex points that stimulate all the internal This ancient technique has brought healing of
body sysrems. When rhe fingertips connecr ro a greater dimension ro our modern rvorld rvirh its
specific reflex points with essential oils using complete, scientific, workable system of controls
the special Vita Flex application, an electrical thar releases the unlimited healing power within
charge is released that sends energy through the the human body.
neuroelectric pathways.
The diagram ofthe nervous system shows
This electrical charge follows the pathways of the points on the spine and their electrical
the nervous system to the point ofbreakage in connection to specific areas throughout the
entire body.
the electrical circuit, usually related to an energy
block caused by toxins, damaged tissues, or loss The hands also have specific reflex points
of oxygen. that correspond to different organs and st'stems
of the body. Although the hands are smaller and
More than 1,500 Vita Flex points are located perhaps not as comfortable to work on, ifvou are
throughout the body in comparison to only 365 in a hurry or are unable to get to the feet, there
acupuncture points used in reflexology. Vita Flex are still definite benefits in using the Vita Flex
is similar to but different From reflexology. As technique on the hands.
it is used today, reflexology has a tendenry to
ground out the electrical charge from constant
compression and rotation pressure, which causes
cell separation and loss of orygen to subdermal
tissues, causing further injury.


Vita Flex Foot Chart

Eyes J Brain a)/ L- \ \
Sinus L t
Ears. Pituitary
I t
Lung Thymus
Adrenal \
lbladder L
Kidney Stomach
Ascending ng
Colon lntesti
Appendix Transverse Colon ncreas \
Descending Colon ney

m (

Sciatica L

) men's + women's inside of foot L
organs L
outside of L





Nen ous System Connection Points

lntracranial vessels Atlas (C1) 7 Gervical
Eye & lacrimal gland Axis (C2) Vertebrae

Parotid gland C4 l2 fhoracic
Salivary glands
Sublingual glands Vertebrae

Trachea, Larynx Ub 5 Lumbar
c7 Vertebrae
H eart T1
Lungs, Bronchi 5 Sacral
I2 Vertebrae
Stomach 2-3 Goccyx
Liver T3
Gallbladder I4
Adrenal gland T6




Colon L4
Genitals L5

c 1,3

Palm of Left Hand L

Eye Braln

Ear \
Pancreas &
Transverse L

'-'*31 IL
Nose -y'
I I/ L
Stomach Ij \
Thyroid G and L
Top of Spine
Sp ne
Adrenal Left Lung
Kid ney I Shoulder

Ta Bone Spleen

Bectum I


/ Small lntestine

Desending Colon



Sprained Ankle \


Palm of Right Hand


Sinus Ear
Bight Lung
Pancreas &
Shoulder Transverse
Pituitary Gland
Ga Bladder
Small lntestine I .' \ Nose
Ascending Colon
-:$ht'i6s Tonsil
Sciatica Stomach
Thyroid Gland
Sprained Ankle Top of Spine
Tail Bone



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Raindrop TechniquerM

r Most people would agree that massage this energy, allowing it to pass through their
is soothing, reluing, and pleasurable. But spine and on to other affiicted areas ofthe
O Raindrop Technique is unquestionably far body through neurological pathways. Many
superior as it combines essential oils with special experienced dramatic healing effects through this
o massage techniques to add greater therapeutic
benefits to a pleasurable massage. practice.
J Eventually, after the border divided the U.S.
Anyone who has experienced Raindrop
J Technique is very quick to get on the massage from Canada, making migrations to the norrh
impossible, the Lakota began practicing this
table again ro enjoy and discover new benefits of energy process mentally, coupled with light
stroking to facilirate the spreading ofenergy
this most remarkable application ofessential oils. through the body.
Raindrop Technique is one ofthe safest,
noninvasive regimens available for spinal health. It is believed that the Lakota people continued
It is also an invaluable method to promore
healing from wirhin using topically applied rheir pracrice of menrally processing energl.
coupled with effieurage, to distribute healing
essential oils. energy throughout the body. Cary said that he did
not know iFthis is where the effieurage he taught
The Development of the Raindrop (feathered finger-stroking) 6rst originated, but ir
has become associated with this healing technique.
\ Technique
D. Gary Young developed the Raindrop Gary found that when this practice of
effieurage was coupled with the therapeutic
Technique based on his research ofessential oils power of essential oils and the stimulation of
Vita Flex, its effects were greatly heightened.
and their antimicrobial properties, his knowledge Since this therapeutic practice was adopted in
ofthe Vita Flex technique and its reflex points 1989, Raindrop Technique has been embraced
on the feet, and fascinating information on the by massage therapists, chiropractors, and orher
light stroking called "effieurage" and its effect on medical professionals around the world For
its help with relaxation, correction ofspinal
the muscular and rhe nenous systems. misalignments, and antiviral effects.

Lakota lndians Statistical Validation
\While visiting with the Lakota people, Gary In 2001 David Stewart, PhD, circulared a

learned that for several generations before the questionnaire to over 2,000 health practitioners,
U.S./Canadian border was established, the massage therapists, aromatherapists, and their
Lakota Indians migrated across it into the clients to gain insight on the results that were
northern regions of Saskatchewan and Manitoba. accruing from Raindrop Technique. He received
There, they often witnessed the Northern Lights,
or Aurora Borealis. Those who were ill or had 422 responses summarizing the experiences of
complicated health problems would stand facing some 14,000 Raindrop sessions. His findings are
the Aurora Borealis, hold their hands toward the summarized in his booklet,4 Stntistical Vnlidntion
lights, and inhale deeply.
The Lakota believed that when rhe Aurora

L Borealis was visible, the air was charged with
healing energy. They would mentallv "inhale"

of Raindrop Tichnique (avarlal:le through Life olive, or coconut oil on the affected area. This
Science Publishing; order online ar discoverlsp. effectively dilutes the oils and the warming eflect.
com or by calling toll-free 1.800.336.6308).
Temporary mild warming is normal for
Overall, the respondents who had received a Raindrop Technique. Typically, it is even milder
Raindrop Technique rated it positive (97 percent), than that of many capsicum creams or sports
pleasanr (98 percent), resulted in improved health ointments. Indeed, rather than being a cause for
(89 percent), resulted in an improved emorional concern, this warming indicates that positive
statc (86 percenr). and would choose to receive bene6ts are being received.
Raindrop Technique again (99.9 percenr).
In cases where the warmth or heat exceeds
Consistent with the French Model the comfort zone of the recipienr, as mentioned
The use of undiluted essential oils in Raindrop before, the facilitator can apply any pure
vegetable oil to the area until the comfort level
Technique is consistent with the French model is regained, and reddening dissipates (usually
for aromatherapy-which is the most extensively within two to five minutes).
practiced and studied model in the world. Having
used essential oils clinically since the 1920s, the Note: Ifa rash should appear, ir is an
French have consistently recommended neat
(undiluted) use ofessential oils. indication of a chemical reaction beween the
oils and synthetic compounds in the skin ceils
An illustrious roster of20th century French and the interstitial fuid ofthe body (usually
physicians provides convincing evidence that from conventional personal care products). Some
undiluted essential oils have a valuable place in misconstrue this as an allergic reaction, when, in
the therapeutic arsenal of c[inical professionals. fact, the problem is not caused by an allergy but
Rend Gattefossd, PhD; Jean Valnet, MD; Jean- rather by foreign chemicals already imbedded
Claude Lapraz, MD; Daniel Pdno€I, MD; and in the tissues. Essential oils are known to digest
many others have long attested to the safe and toxic waste, chemicals, and other unwanted
effective use of undilured essential oils and rhe toxins in the body, and sometimes thar process
dramatic and powerful benefits they can impart. starts to work very quickly.

Skin Warming or Reddening Medical Professionals
In the case ofRaindrop Technique, the use of A number of medical professionals

certain undiluted essential oils rypically causes throughout the United Stares have adopted
minor reddening and "heat" in the tissues. Raindrop Technique in their clinical practice
Normally, this is perfectly safe and not something and have found it to be an outstanding method
to be overly concerned abour. Individuals who to relieve the problems associated with sciarica,
have fair skin such as blondes and redheads or scoliosis, kyphosis, and chronic back pain.
rhose persons whose systems are roxic are more
susceptible to rhis temporary reddening. Ken Krieger, DC, stated, "As a chiropractor,
I believe that the dramatic results ofRaindrop
If rhe reddening or hear becomes excessive, Technique are enough for me to rewrire the
it can be remedied within a minute or rwo by bools on scoliosis."
immediately applying several drops of V-6'"
Vegetable Oil Complex or a pure, high-qualiry Similarly, Terry Friedmann, MD, stated that ".
vegetable oil like.iojoba, almond, avocado, . . these essential oils truly represent a new frontier
of medicine; they have resolved cases that many

professionals had regarded as hopeless."


Microorganisms May Cause In addition, vaccines made from live viruses

Scoliosis and Sciatica have been linked to spinal problems. A 1982

A growing amount of scientific research shows study by Pincott and Taff found a connection be-

that certain microorganisms lodge near the rween oral poliomyelitis vaccines and scoliosis.9

spinal cord and contribute to deformities. These Raindrop Technique is a powerful, noninva-

pathogens create inflammation, which, in turn, sive technique utilizing rhe antiviral, antibacre-

contorrs and disfigures the spinal column. rial, and anti-inflammatory action of several key

Raindrop tchnique uses a sequence of highly essential oils ro assisr the body in maintaining or

antimicrobial essential oils dropped on the back retraining the spinal column's natural curuature.

as a noninvasive therapy for fighting against During the past 18 years, this technique has

pathogens lying dormant against the spine, helped alleviate or resolve many cases of scoliosis,

which alleviates symptoms of scoliosis, kyphosis, kyphosis, and chronic back pain and has elimi-
) and other back ailments, while strengthening the nated the need for back surgery for hundreds of

immune system, people.
Studies at lWesrern General Hospital in Ed-

inburgh, Scotland, linked viruslike particles to Powerful Antibacterial Agents
Essential oils are some of the most powerful
' idiopathic scoliosis.' r
inhibitors of microbes known and, as such, are
Researchers at the University of Bonn have

also found rhat the varicella zosrer virus can an important new weapon in combating many

lodge in the spinal ganglia throughout life.r rypes of rissue infections. A 20 I 5 study tested

Research in 2001 further corroborated the a number of essential oils against several gram

existence of infectious microorganisms as a cause positive and gram negative bacteriahke Klebsiella

of spine pain and inflammation. Alistair Stirling Pneamo niae, heudornonas aeruginosa, Staphy-
and his colleagues at the Royal Orthopedic lococcus aureus, and E. coli. The study authors

Hospital in Birmingham, England, found that concluded that the "components ofessential oil

53 percent ofpatients with severe sciatica tested of thyme and pine are highly active against food-
positive for chronic, low-grade infection by
borne pathogens, generating the largest zones of

gram-negative bacteria (particularly Propionibac- inhibition."ro

terium acnes), which triggered inflammation near Similarly, basil essential oil also demonstrated

the spine. Stirling suggested that the reason these srrong bacrericidal action against microorgan-

bacteria had not been identified earlier was be- isms Aeromonas hydrophila and Pseudomonas

cause ofthe extended time required to incubate t
disc material (seven days).4

A study at the Central Food Technological

The tuberculosis mycobacterium has also Instirute in Mysuru, India, found ttrat a large

been shown to contribute to spinal disease number of essential oil components had tremen-

and possible deformations. Research at the dous germ-killing effects, inhibiting the growth of

Pasteur Institute in France, published in 7/a Staphylococcus, Micrococcus, Bacilus, md En-

New EnglandJournal of Medicine, documented terobacter strains of bacteria. These germ-kilIing

increasing numbers of patients showing evidence compounds included menthol (found in Pepper-

_ ofspinal disease (Pottt disease) caused by minQ, eucalyptol (found in Rosemary Eucalyptus
tuberculosis.t r'- 8 Radiata, and Germium), linalool (found in Mar-

joram), and citral (found in Lemongrass).rl


A 2001 study conducted by D. Gary Young, Physical Relief and Emotional Release
Diane Horne, Sue Chao, and colleagues at Weber \(hen D. Gary Young developed Raindrop
State University in Ogden, Utah, found that
Oregano, Thyme, Peppermint, and Basil exhibited Technique in I 99 I , he 6rst chose nine pure,
very strong anrimicrobial effects against pathogens therapeutic-grade essenrial oils that would
stch as Streptococcus pneumoniae, a major cause of synergistically combine to kill viral and bacterial
illness in young children and death in elderly and pathogens, reduce infammation, support the
immune-weakened parients. ri Many other studies immune system, ease respirarory discomfort,
confi rm these 6ndings.rl relu stressed muscles, and relieve the body of
bone and joint discomfort.
The abiliry ofessential oils ro penetrare rhe
skin quicldy and pass inro body tissues ro pro- He felt this combination of oils would also
duce therapeuric effects has also been studied. balance the energy, lift the spirit by reducing
Hoshi Universiry researchers in Japan found thar stress, and calm a rroubled and confused mind.
cyclic monoterpenes (including menthol, which This began a new realm ofhealing that emerged
is found in Peppermint) are so effective in pen- from rvithin the conGnes ofemotional bondage.
etrating rhe skin that they can actually enhance
the absorption of water-soluble drugs.ri North ]n the cerebral cortex is a structure called the
Dakota State Universiry researchers have similar- amygdala that is affected only by scent. ft is here
ly found that ryclic monorerpenes such as limo- that the emotions and memories of life are stored.
nene and other terpenoids such as menrhone and Since essential oils have the abiliry to cross rhe
eugenol easily pass through the dermis, magni$,- blood-brain barrier and stimulare the amygdala,
ing the penetration ofpharmaceutical drugs such buried feelings of past trauma, emotional upset,
as tamoxifen.r6 and unhappy memories are often relemed to
the cognizant mind, bringing those feelings and
lngesting Essential Oils consequences to the surace ofawareness.
It is interesting to note that many essenrial
Many physical and emotional problems
oils used in Raindrop Technique-in addirion become dim or completely disappear as rhe
to being highly antimicrobial-are also among foundation of the emotion is discovered and
those classified as GRAS (Generally Regarded As released. Raindrop Technique has vast benefits
Safe) for internal use by the U.S. Food and Drug only to be realized by the individual receiving the
Administration. These include Basil, Marjoram, application. It is unique for each individual and
Peppermint, Oregano, and Thyme. These and is very personal and specific to each persont needs.
many other essential oils on the GRAS list
have had a long history for decades as foods or Children tend to respond even faster
favorings, with virtually no adverse reactions. It than adults because they do nor have any
is interesting how the people of the world were preconceived ideas about what they want to have
ingesting essential oils long before the FDA happen or experience. They just love it and often
determined they were safe. fall asleep, while the essential oils and the touch
of massage fill them with peace and contentment
In sum, Raindrop Technique is a safe, as body systems harmonize together.
noninvasive way to achieve spinal health. h is
an invaluable method to promore healing from Raindrop Technique is an experience for
within using topically applied essenrial oils. everyone at any age for whatever the need or
desire may be, and perhaps it is just a time o[
quiet relaxation and enjoymenr.


Raindrop Technique and Essential Oils Simph Expknation
The oils are dispensed like drops ofrain
Raindrop Technique is one of the safest, most
from a height of about 6 inches above the
noninvasive regimens available for spinal health. back. Starting from the low back, the oils are
feathered with the back ofthe fingers up along
It is also an invaluable method for promoting the vertebrae, out over the back muscles, and
over the shoulders to the neck. Although the
healing from within using topically applied entire technique takes from 30-45 minutes to
complete, the oils continue to work for several
essential oils. days as the healing and realignment processes

Single Oils take place.
Many recipients feel the benefits of the oils for
. Oregano: Awakens receptors, kills
several days aftemard, as they recognize that the
pathogens, and helps digest toxic substances pain has decreased or is completely gone, there
is no fevet they have more mobiliry and they
on the receptor sites have an overall feeling of peace and a renewed
zest for life.
. Thyme: Kills pathogens and digesrs waste
Experiencing the wonderful results ofa 6rst-
and toxic substances on the recepror sires time Raindrop application does not mean that
all the desired benefits will be realized. One
. Basil: Releases muscle tension Raindrop session might bejusr a dme to balance
. Cypress: Improves circulation and nourishes and relax the body. Some individuals may feel
they want to have Raindrop once a week, once
the pituitary gland a month, or every three or four months. Other
individuals working on structural realignment or
. Wintergreen: Reduces pain needing emotional support may choose to have
. Marjoram: Strengthens muscles Raindrop done on a weekly basis to continue
. Peppermint: Promores greater oil with their progress.

penerrarion It is important to recognize that a healthy
body is not anained by doingjust one thing.
Essential Oil Blends It is a result of a well-rounded program of
exercise, proper diet, and suficient sleep. Health
. Valor: Structural balancing and alignment is everything we do, say, see, eat, and think,
. Aroma Siez: Muscle relaxation and pain along with drinking plenry ofwarer and getting

reduction enough sleep.

. White Angelica: Protection for adversarial



Overview of Appl ication L

The "facilitator(s)" is the person giving the Raindrop Technique, and the (
"receiver" refers to the person receiving it. t

Srep 1: Balance energy. Apply Valor on Step 6: Stretch and release. Feather 4-6 L
the soles ofrhe feet. Ifa second person is drops of Basil alone borh sides of rhe L
assisting, then that person can put the oils spine and feather out irnd upward. Then (
on rhe shoulders. take hold of rhe Feet and gentlv pull to L
stretch the spine, releasing tension from
Step 2: Vita FlexTechnique. \Work rhe same the vertebra, back muscles, and tissue. \
Raindrop Technique oils into the spinal \
reflex areas ofthe feet. Step 7: Finger Straddle Massage. Applv
5-8 drops L
Vita Flex facilitates quick absorption of ofCypress on the spine lncl fi'lrher. rherr L
the oils through the bottoms of rhe leet perform
and prepares the body for Raindrop on the the Spinal Finger Strirddle. \
back. It is also highly relaxing.
Step 8: Vita FlexThumb Roll. Applv 5-8 L
Step 3: The 5-step Feathering Technique. drops ofWintergreen on the spine and
Use with each ofthe oils as rhey are applied \
on the back, starting ar rhe base of rhe feather, then
spine and working upward to stimulate rhe perforrn the Vitrr Flex Thumb Roll. L
cell receptors and activate energy centers
along the spine, as well as to distribute Step 9: Circular Hand Massage. Applr \
the oil drops over the back for rapid 8-10 drops of Marjoram on tht brrck rrncl
penetration. feather, then perfbrm rhe Circular Hencl L

Step 4: Feather 3-5 drops ofOregano from Massage. t
the spine ourward. Step 10: Palm Slide. Applv 8-10 drops ol:
Aroma Siez over the entire back and L
Step 5: Feather 3-5 drops ofThyme from the feather, then perforn rhe Palm Slide.

spine ourward. Step I I : Fearher 3-5 drops of Peppermint
on the spine.

Step 12: Feather 8-10 drops ofValor over

the back.


a Be sure to remember the following

. 1. The Raindrop Technique should be 9. It is necessary to access the receiver's back

performed only ifthe hcilitator is feeling lor application ofthe oils. The use of

balanced and locused. Time should be spenr clothing that ftrlly exposes the spine works

developing clarity and energy for transfer to best. Ifmodesty can be preserved, remove

the receiver during the rechniqrre. all clothing lrom the waist up for easier
a 2. Both facilitator and receiver should be
relaxed and comfortable. Appropriate 10. To begin, the receiver should lie as straight as

clothing should be worn. possible on his or her back. face up. on rhe

3. An environment should be created that is massage table. Arms should resr,rlongsidc

warm, quiet, reluing, and comfortable. Soft rhe bodv with rhe palms rouching thc sidcs

music and lighting generally prove to be ofthe thighs. This s'ill heJp direct the llorv

a beneficial to the receiver. ofenergl,and keep it connecred ro che
4. Both the facilitator and the receiver should

' remove all jewelry. This includes watches, I 1. Once contact is made with the receiver,
pendants, chains, rings, bracelets, belts, rhe facilirator should maintain a constant

earrings, etc. These items produce an phvsical connection. This promotes feelings

electrical energy that may interfere with the ofcalmness and security while developing a

technique. Metal eyeglasses are acceprable. sense ofrrusr wirh the lacilirator.

5. Facilitators should make sure rheir I 2. \7hile applving the Raindrop Technique,
use caution rvhen working near the spine
fingernails are clipped and filed to prevent or applying direct pressure.
scrarching the receiverb skin, particularly

a when perForming Vita Flex. Nails should 1 3. Offer assistance to the receiver rvhen
also be free of polish, since essential oils can dismounting the table.

remove polishes and Iacquers. 14. Have plenn'of u,ater available fbr the
receiver after the Raindrop Technique is
6. Inquire as to whether the receiver has been

exposed to chemicals or has worked in a complete.

toxic environment. I 5. Provide detailed instructions to the receiver
for post-Raindrop Technique care.
7. Ask the receiver ifhe or she needs to use

rhe restroom prior ro beginning.

8. Request permission to begin the Raindrop



Application of Raindrop and Vita Flex Techniques


Application of Valor BATANCING BODY ENERGY L
Valor senes as the foundation for all work L
I \
performed during the Raindrop Technique.
This essential oil blend helps regulate the ,/
electromagnetic energy that fows through the body
and balances the receiver's emotional, spiritual, and Placing hands on the Eip|eft'sfeet
physical energy. By balancing these energies, the
receivert connections are dramatically improved.

Only one facilitator is needed to perform
this process by using the foot application. Iftwo
facilitators are presenr, work in unison: one ar
the shoulders and one ar the feet. Both will apply
Valor and remain in contact until the energy is

Shoulder Application Foot Application
L The facilitator applies White Angelica
1. Facing the receiver, place 6 drops ofValor in
essential oil blend to rhe shoulders, back of
each hand.
the neck, and rhymus area before srarting
the Raindrop Technique. 2. Make contact with the receivert feet, with

2. The facilitator places 3 drops ofValor in the palm ofthe right hand to the right foot
and the palm ofthe left hand to the left
each hand. foot. The feet should be held snug with the
palms of the hands against the soles ofthe
3. Yr'ith both palms up, cup under the feet. The facilitator should have firm, but
comfortable, contact with the receiver.
receiver's right shoulder with the right hand
and under the left shoulder with the left

4. Hold this position until the facilitator at the

feet completes the same technique.

5. Conrinue to rhe foor application as







/ I11

I IE-I- I ,1

I [''-

Oipping fingertips into essential oil Side Bfrom

Side Bofrofr I tyrta Flex along the sfrinal reflex point, step 2
Vi€w T *l
Vita Flex along the spinal reflex point, step I
Uita Flexatthe big t@,step I lrrta Flsxatlhs big t@, stsp 2

To use this technique, nine essential oils are 3. Move slowly and evenlr,, one 6nger
width at a time.
applied to the spinal Vita Flex area on the soles of
the feet. These nine oils and blends, in application 4. Repeat everything in threes.

sequence, are: Procedure
The following procedure is to be repeated
1. Oregano 6. Marioram
2. Thyme 7. Pepperminr for each ofthe seven oils, using the appropriate
3. Basil 8. Aroma Siez sequence (see rhe 10 Steps for Wta Flex worl<sheet
4. Cypress 9. White Angelica for more detailed instructions).

5. Wintergreen l. Place2-3 drops ofessential oil (1-2 drops for

Things to Remember smaller feet) in the palm of the left hand. Dip
the fingertips of the right hand in the oil and
l. Always begin with the right foot for consistency stir clockwise three times to energize the oil.

PurPoses. 163

2. Use firm, but not painful, pressure; roll and
press to the first knuckle.

Applv along the spine Vita Flex points (bottom A. OREGANO
inside edge oFthe foot lrom heel to the tip of
the big toe). 1. Hold the botde 6 inches above the skin and

2. Cup the hand so that the fingertips rest on the evenlv place 2-4 drops of Oregano along
Vita Flex points at the heel while the thumb the spine, extending from the sacrum to the
rests on the top of the foot.
3. Rock the hand fomard so the nail ends up
flat against the bottom ofthe Foot (abour half Feather

a finger length). Then rock backward to rhe 2. Use 6-inch brush strokes to "learher" up the
original position.
spine. To feather, gentlv brush the back o1:
4. Continue this technique all the wav up the the 6ngertips up the spine while alrernating
Foot to the rip ofthe big toe. End rvith several hands.
Vita Flexes on rhe neck and center pad of the
big toe. Repeat rwo rimes before moving ro rhe 3. Use 1 2-inch brush strokes ro feather up rhe
other loor.
length ofthe spine.
5. Continue this process with the remaining oils.
4. Feather the enrire length ofthe spine using
Remember: Right hand to right foot and leFr
hand to leFt foor. Do borh right and leFt f'eet three long brush strokes.
beFore moving ro the nexr oil in the sequcnce.
5. Repear this process nvo or rhree rrore timcs.

After Vita Flex is complete, have the receiver 6. Use 6-inch Fanning strokes ro fan up the
turn over and lie on their stomach. Be sure
that the receiver is comfortable, and modesty is spine and to rhe sides of the receiver. To fan,
respected. The receiver should place their arms gently brush the back of the fingerrips up
comfortably along the sides ofthe body. The entire and away from the spine.
back needs to be exposed for application ofrhe
Raindrop oils. The oils will be applied from the 7 . Fan the enrire length of rhe spine using rhree
sacrum to the adas.
long fanning strokes.
Feather strokes are used in addition to
stretching, Vita Flex, and rubbing rechniques. Note: Do nor repear this process.
For both Vita F[ex and other procedures within
the Raindrop, specific steps are performed three B.THYME
complete times.
1. Hold the bottle 6 inches above the skin and
The oils used here mirror those that were used
in the Vita Flex application and should be used in evenlv place 2-4 drops ofThl,me alons rhe
the same sequential order. spine, extending lrom the sacrum ro the

164 atlas.

2. Inimediatell, feather up rhe spine according

to the rechnique previouslv described.


.I Applv 3-4 drops of Basil evenlv along borh

sides olrhe spine.

2. Inmediatelv leather up rhe spine irccorclins

to the technique previouslv described.





e8 inch Feather Strokes up the spine *tr* :l

&*, ,/ "2 I

I I l"',r

'| 2.15 inch Feather Strokes Up the spine T




l2-15 inch Fealher Slrokes up the spine



\\) BD

\ti \

Spinlal Ti$ue Pull starting atthe base otthe spine FingerStEddle masge upthe spine \

Spinnl Tissue Pull Finger Sn"nddle L

3. Alongside rhe spine, place hands side by 3. Stand on the receiver's lefi side. near rhe (

side with fingers curved and the heels ofrhe shoulder area, lacing rhe receivcri fiet. L
hands resting on the back. Complete three
rotations using the pads of the fingertips to 4. Virh rhe index and middle fingers of rhe lefi L
create small, circular, clockwise morions that L
gently pull the muscle tissue away from the hand, straddle the spine at the sacrum. Place
the bottom edge of the right hand ulna or
spine. pinkv+ide down, just below the middle joints
ofthe rwo straddling fingers.
4. After finishing one side ofthe spine, move
5. Apply moderate, dorvnu,ard pressure uirlr
to the other side of rhe receiver and repeat
the procedure on the opposite side. Do not the straddling fingers rvhile pullins thenr
apply direct pressure ro rhe spinal vertebrae. slowly to the atlas of the spinc. At the s:rntc
time, saw with the right hand using shorr.
5. Repeat this srep nvo more lime5. rapid. back-and-forrh morions.

D. CYPRESS 6. Once at the atlas, use rhe straddled fingers

1. Hold the bomle 6 inches above the skin and to gently pull toward the head three times.

evenly place 4-6 drops ofCypress along 7. Repeat rhis process two more rimes.
both sides of the spine, extending from the
sacrum to the atlas. E.WINTERGREEN

2. Immediately feather up the spine according 1. Hold the bottle 6 inches above the skin and

to the technique previously described. evenly space 6-10 drops ofWintergreen
along both sides ofthe spine, extending
from the sacrum to the atlas.

2. Immediately feather up rhe spine according

to the rechnique previously described.




f \ l t\

Thumb Roll up spine, step 2 It -/T\
i) ,

Circular hand mffige along the sid6 ol the back

Vitn l:lex Thutnb Roll F. MARJORAM
1. Hold the bottle 6 inches irbove the skin rnd
3. At the sacrum, place both thumbs I inch apart
on either side of the spine with the tip of the evenlv space'10-l5 drops of \l:rrioranr orer rhe
entire back, extencling fiom the slcrunr to thc
thumbs down, one slightlv higher on the back atlas.
than the other
2. Immediatelv feather as needed to evenly
4. Begin rolling thumbs from the tip to the distribute the oil.
nail, back and forth, working up the spine in
small increments from the sacrum ro rhe arlas, Citrular Hnd Masaga
applring mild pressure rhe errrire tirne. 3. Place your hands palms down on the lower

5. Conrinue ro roll your thumbs lightlv over onto right side oFthe back. Rotate hands in a 6rm,
the knuckles and then back to their stand- clockwise motion up the righr side of the spine.
up position. Vhen doing rhis process, the
knuckles should make contact with the spine. 4. Walk to the lefi side of the receiver and place
\flork up rhe spine I inch at a rinre. your hands palms dorvn on the lorver lefi side
ofthe back. Rotate hands in a 6rn. clockrvise
6. Repeat this step rwo more times. motion up the lefr side of thc spine. \\'alk back
to the right side ofthe receiver.
Note: For clients who have neurological conditions,
it is imporrant to work down from the atlas to the 5. Repear sreps 3 rnd 4 two nrore rinte..
sacrum instead ofworking up rhe spine.

1. Hold the bonle 6 inches above the skin and

evenlv place '10 drops of Aroma Siez all over the
back, extending from the sacrum to the atlas.

2. lmmediately leather as needed to evenlv

_ distribute the oil.




- (

Palm slide on the back, step I Finger pump \
Pdm slide on th€ back, step 2
1. Hold the botde 6 inches above the skin and
3. Place both hands palms down on the receiver\
back on each side ofthe spine near the sacrum evenly space 3-5 drops of Peppermint along the
One hand should be slightly higher than the spine, extending from rhe sacrum to the adas.

other. 2. Immediately feather up the spine according ro
4. Slide palms, with mild downward pressure, the technique previously described.

in opposite directions, working slowly up the I.VALOR
spine using a back-and-forrh morion up ro rhe 1. Hold the botde 6 inches above the skin and
nape o[ rhe neck.
5. Slide back to the base using the same evenly space 10-12 drops ofValor along the
movements. spine, extending from the sacrum to the atlas,
6. Repear rhis process rwo more rimes.
2. Immediately fearher up the spine according to
the technique previously described.

(Brain Stm Pamp Teclni4ue)

1. Have the receiver lie facing up.

2. Place both hands under the back ofthe head
with fingertips resting at the base ofthe skull.

3. Gently pull the head toward you in a soft,
rocking motion, so the entire body moves.
Sustain motion for one minute, then rest for
one minute,


4. Repeat this process one more time, This It is important rhat BOTH the receiver and
movement provides an excellent lymphatic laciliraror drink plenqv ofwater when giving
pump effect. and receiving tlre Raindrop Techniqrre.

5. STRETCH AND RELAX PULL Customizing Raindrop Technique
Raindrop Technique may be customized to
1. Sit so that your shoulders are parallel to rhe
rcceiver's shoulders. address different health issues that are not directly
related to back problems. Lung infections,
2. Hold the receiver's head, using the cranial hold, digestive complaints, hormonal problems, liver
rvith your less dominant hand under thc basc of insufficiencies, and other problems can all be dealt
the receiver's head and the dominant hand with by substituting standard Raindrop Technique
cradling the chin. essential oils with other oils that are specifically
rargered for that body system.
3. Next, place together vour pointer 6nger anci
vour middle finger and place them under the As a rule, when customizing, start with Valor,
receiver's chin, just above the Adam's apple, Oregano, and Thyme. For extra antiviral effect,
kceping your rins and pinkr, fingers Frorn add Mountain Savory. The other essential oils
such as Basil, l7intergreen, Marjoram, Thvme, or
rouching rhe receiver's rhroat. Cypress can be omitted or replaced bv essential
oils specific for the condition being targeted.
4. Pull straight back. gentlv toward you, with the
hand under the base of the skull and gently pull For example, if targeting a lung infection,
rvith the fingers on rhe chin. Hold fbr three to replace Basil and tVintergreen with Ravintsara.
iive seconds and gcntlv release. Cypress is replaced with Eucalyptus Radiata, and
Marjoram is replaced with R.C.
5. Repear this nrorenrcnr ruo nrorc rirnes.
Use Chapter 20, "The Personal Usage
Note: Ifanother lacilitator is available to assist Guide," to see other essential oils that would be
rvith this process, thev should stand at the applicable for what the individual needs are.
fiet of the receiver and hold thc ankles. When
the genrle pull is being done at the head, the The basic Raindrop Technique has several
facilitator at the feer holds the ankles and genrlv variations, but these variations are not easy
pulls ancl then releases at the sirme tine as the to explain and require class instruction and
facilirator at rhe head. demonstration. It would be informative to attend
a Raindrop Technique Tiaining with a Young
FINAL NOTES Living trainer and learn the Raindrop Technique

Finish by having the receiver place White from someone who has the knowledge of
Angelica on their shoulders, back of the neck, essential oils and their application.
and thymus.
Raindrop Technique has assisted both
It is possible that the receiver may have some professionals and lay people to achieve true
emotions surface during the application of balance in the body. Out ofthe thousands of
the Raindrop Technique. Be sure to have the Raindrop Technique sessions that have been
emotional oils ready to assist them through the performed, hundreds ofinstances have been
process of releasing those emotions. reported where the results were amazingly
profound and immediate. Here are just a few



A young man from Denver, Colorado, who 4. Stirling A, er al. Associarion beveen sciatica C
suffered from chronic scoliosis, was able-for the and Propionibacterium acnes. Lancer 200 I Jun
first time in eight years-to fully bend over after 23:357 (9273):2024-5. e
the application ofRaindrop Technique. $il'ith an L
5. Nagrarh Sl Hazra DK, Pant PC, Seth HC. L
overhead camera televising an image of his spine Tirberculosis spine a diagnostic conundrum.
as he bent ovet an audience of over 400 watched \
the vertebrae in his spine literally move into Case report. J Assoc Physicians India. 1974
place. \W'hen he stood up, he was measured and May:22(5):405-7 . t
had gained an inch in height. 6. Jenks PJ, Srewarr B. lmages in clinical medicine.
Verrebral tuberculosis. N Engl J Med. 1998 June L
Another instance involved a professional 4:338(23):1677. L
model in her early 40s who had developed early
adult-onset scoliosis. She had to alter clorhing 7. Monaghan D, Gupta A, Barrington NA. Case L
so that it would fit properly for modeling report: Tuberculosis of the spine an unusual
sessions. She was not able to sir still for any L
length of time. After a Raindrop session, her presenrarion. Clin Radiol. 1991 May;43(5):360-2. (
spine straightened to such a degree that she, too, 8. Perersen CK, Craw M, Radiological differenriarion
had gained an inch in height. She followed up (
with more sessions, and in the next few months ol ruberculosis and pyogenic osreomveliris: a
reported that all discomfort was gone. She now \
dances and rides horses, pain free. case reporr. J Manipulrtive l'hysiol Ther. I 9ii6 (
Mar;9( I ):39-42.
It is quite common for individuals with L
scoliosis who receive Raindrop Technique to 9. PinoIr JR,'Iafti LF. Experimental scoliosis in
gain Vz inch or more in stature from a single \
application. primates: a neurological cause. J Bone Joinc Surg Br.
t98264(4):503-7 . t
Many orhers have reported pain relief,
1 0. Ozogul Y, et al. Anrimicrobial lmpacts of Essenrial (
congesrion reliee and cold and fu reliefas a
Oils on Food Borne-Pathogens. Recenr Pat Food
result of Raindrop Technique, which is why Nutr Agric. 20 | 5 ;7 (l) :53-61.
it has captured so much interest among those 1 1. Wan J, Wilcock A, Covenrry MJ. The effect of
involved in the healing arts. essential oils ofbasil on rhe growrh ofAeromonAs

ENDNOTES fl uorescens. Journal ol Applied N'licrobiolos:
I 99ti:84: I 52- l 58.
l. Green RJ, \febb JN, Mwell MH. The narure
12. Beuchar LR. Anrimicrobial properries ofspices
of virusJike particles in the paruial muscles of
and rheir essenrial oils. Center fbr Food Srferl and
idiopathic scoliosis. J Pathot. 1979 Sep;129(l):9-12.
Qualiry Enhancemenr, f)eparrmenr of Food Scicnce
2. Vebb JN, Gillespie VJ. VirusJike particles in and -lechnolog1,, Universitl, of (ieorgia, Griltrn,
parxpinal muscle in scoliosis. Br Med J. 1976 Ocr (ieorgia.

16;2(6041):912-3. I J. Horne D. er al. Anrinricrobial ellects ofessenrial oils

3. VolffMH, Buchel F, Gullotta F, Helpap B, on Streprococcus pneumoniae. Journal of Essenrial
Oil Research. 2001 Sep/Occl3:387-392.
Schnryeiss KE. Investigations ro demonstrate latent
14. Moleyar V Narrsimham P Anribacrerial acriviry of
viral infection ofvaricella-Zoster viru in humu spine essential oil components. Inrernarional Journirl of

ganglia. Verh Dtsch Ges Pathol. 1981;65:203-7. Food Microbiology. 1 992;1 6:337 -32.

1 5. Obata Y er al. Effecr ofprctreatment ofskin wirh
cyclic monorerpenes on permearion of diclo[en:rc in

lr:rirless rat. Biol Pharm Bull. 199.1 Mar;16(3):312-4.

I 6. Zhao K, Singh J. Mechanisms of percut,rneous
absorprion oftmroxilen by terpenes: eueenol,
d-limonene and merrrhonc. (lontrol Release. 1 998 Nov


Taking Charge of Your Health

Today's air, food, water, and other our food today, especially in prepared and
environmental factors are immensely deficient.
They greatly affect our health and well-being and processed Foods.
certainly need to be evaluated and changed as
necessary. In addition, exercise should be a Contaminated water and water treated with
routine part of our weekly activities, although chemicals like chlorine and fuoride inhibit
most of us simply do not make the time. To do proper thyroid function and slow down
so takes discipline and commitment but would metabolism, circulation, and immune
definitely have a positive effect on our health. function.
Nutritionally deficient foods lack critical
Emotional and spiritual feelings and attitudes enzymes and minerals. A diet of these foods
that negatively affect one's life are perhaps the results in poor digestion and assimilation as
most difficult to recognize. An unhealthy state of well as constipation.
being, disease, and even death can be brought on
by negative thoughts and emotions. 2. What is environmental pollution?

Many people, including social workers and . Air pollution
healrh pracririoners, believe that negative emotions . Chemicals in the home and
are the precursors to both mental and physical
dysfirnction ofthe body, resulting in mental illness work environment
and disease. Surely, that is not true in all mes, but
it is definitely something to consider. . Changes in ozone
. Electromagnetic and radiation pollution
1We must look at all of these things in an
effort to bring balance to our lives, overcome from computers, cell phones, televisions,
body dysfunction and disease, and find electrical appliances, etc.
happiness and fulfillment.
3. Why do we have poor physical fitness?
1. What causes poor nutrition?
. Poor nutrition is caused by a poor diet, . No exercise

especially when consisting primarilv offast Obesity from bad diet
food. Over 40,000 chemicals are found in No or low self-discipline
Premature aging
Fragile bones and weak muscles


4. What causes a negative attitude? Helpful Conversions \
' Depression 1 drop = approximately 60 mg \
. Low energy
. Low self-esteem 1 ml = 1/5 reaspoon \
. Ferv or no goals I ml = approximately 16 drops
. Lirtle or no motivation ml1 = fills one capsule L
5ml = lteaspoon
5. Why are we spiritually depressed? 5 ml = approximately 80 drops \
15ml = ltablespoon L
. No specific belief system 15 ml = 1/2 fluid ounce
. Fear 240 ml = 1 cup (depends on product)
. Sense ofbeing lost 30 ml = I fluid ounce
. Poor relationship with self, spouse, children, 28grams = lounce

extended family, friends, and most Essential oils have been used for centuries for
importantly: Our Creator, or God religious ceremonies, in cosmerics for
beautification ofthe bodv, and medicinally for
We have control over many things-more many maladies, endolving them rvith a long
than those over which we have no control..We history ofsafe use.
can change our diet, change our attitude, start
working out to improve our fitness, change what Research indicates that cerrain essential oils
we can in our own personal environment, and act as potent anrioxidants.that can actually raise
start turning ro that great universal power for antioxidant levels in the body and prevent
understanding and direction. premature aging.

'We have wonderful nutritional supplements According to researcherJean Valnet. MD, an
available to us, and we have Godi beautiful essential oil applied directly on rhe skin can pass
essential oils to uplift, energize, motivate, and into the bloodstream and diffuse throughour the
help propel us onto a grearer path ofsuccess in tissues in 20 minures or less.
every walk of life. Vhat we do and how we do it
is our choice. Inhalation can have a direct influence on both
the body and mind due to its abiliry to stimulare
Essential oils are God's medicine today and the brain's limbic system, a group of subcortical
for the Future and can be used in many different structures, including the hypothalamus, the
ways. Their uses and applications have become hippocampus, and the amygdala. This can
vast and creative. produce powerfi.rl effects that can affect everything
from emotional balance and energy levels to
Although their topical use is perhaps the most appetite control and heart and immune functions.
common, dietary use of essenrial oils may be one
ofthe most effective ways ofunlocking their Some researchers believe that inhalation also
health benefits. Many essential oils are used for enhances the body's immune system. Disease and
Food flavoring and are classified as "GRAS" by trauma foster emotional negariviry that essential
rhe U.S. Food and DrugAdministration. oils often dissipate. Oils with immune-
meaning they are "generally regarded as sa[e" for stimulating properties can increase the body's
human consumption. In addition, Young Living resistance, whether used topically or taken orally,
has classified many single oils and blends as helping to build a healthy environmenr rhar
Vitalitv supplements for dietary use. prevents the onset of disease.


Addressing Your Overall Health

Addressing the overall health of the body is drink. Those same drops could also be mixed in
important when considering a specific solution. a teaspoon ofyogurt or ke6r that any child can
Although essential oils have powerful, therapeutic easily swallow.
effects, they are not, by themselves, a total
solution. They musr be accompanied by a Balance and Build
program of internal cleansing (Cleanse), proper After cleansing, it is easier to balance and
diet (Balance and Build), and supplementation
(Nourish and Support), as suggested below. This nourish the systems ofthe body. This includes
may also include lifesryle changes such as exercise, rebuilding and nourishing benefi cial intestinal
medirarion or yoga. and stress-Free siruations. flora and re-mineralizing the blood and tissues.
Products rhat build the body include Mineral
Cleanse Essence, Essentialzyme, Essentialrymes-4,
MultiGreens, Slique Shake, MegaCal Plus,
Cleansing the colon and liver is the 6rst and Master Formula, NingXia Red, NingXia Zyng,
most important step to take when dealing with Life 9, Balance Complete, Pure Protein
any disease. Many imbalances may be corrected Complete, OmegaGizer, Sulfurzyme, Super B,
by cleansing alone. Producrs that cleanse rhe Super C, Super C Chewables, KidScents
body include the CleansingTiio (ComforTone, MighryVites, KidScents MightyZyme, etc.
Essentialzyme, and ICP), JuvaTone, JuvaCleanse,
JuvaCleanse Viraliry JuvaFlex, JuvaFlex Vitaliry Nourish and Support
Supporting the endocrine and immune
CLF, CLF Vitaliry Detoxzyme, Digest &
Cleanse, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry and ParaFree systems comprises the third phase. Products
include Exodus II, Thieves, ImmuPro, Mineral
(see Cleansing and Diet, Chapter i7). Essence, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, LiFe 9,
Note It would be difficult, if not KidScents MighryVires, KidScenrs MightyZyme,
Super B, Super C, Master Formula, Thyromin,
impossible, for infants or children under age 8 to EndoGize, NingXia Red, Prostrate Health,
try a colon and liver cleanse. Instead, for them, Progessence Plus, Slique Shake, Balance
use 3 drops of DiGize in a teaspoon of V-6 Complete, Pure Protein Complete, and others.
Vegetable Oil Complex, rub around the navel,
and place moderately warm packs on the Note For children or adults who have
stomach. Apply 2-3 drops of DiGize, Fennel, or difficulry swallowing capsules and tablets,
Peppermint on the bottoms of the feet. Essentialzymes-4 may be emptied into other
food products such as yogurt, oatmeal, NingXia
Put I drop of any of the same oils in a glass Red, etc., and ingested.
ofwater or.juice for a child over rhe age of4 to

Getting Started

Methods of Application Other essential oils are so mild that dilution is

Essentill oils are very conccntr.lted, nilrurill simply not necessary even for use on infants.

suhstances-elsilr' 100 tintes nlorc conccntr.ltcd The five standard methods ofapplication are

- thrn rhe narrrrirl herbs and plirnts fi'om rvhiclr aromatic, dietary oral, topical, and retention.

rhcr rre rli.tillqrl. For rhi' r<.rsorr. ir i' irrporrrrrrr

* to dilute certlin essenrial oils bctirre using thcnr
rhcrupe uticallr,.


Mixing Single Oils and Blends Vhen diluting the oils, use V-6 Vegetable Oil (
The essential oil singles and blends listed for a Complex for either topical or internal
applicarion, particularly ifyou have not used L
specific condition may be used either separately essential oils previously. Use no more than 10 to
or together. Combining two single oils or one 20 drops during one topical application. L
single oil with a blend may often produce a L
synergistic, stronger effect than when using them Precautions L
individually. 'When using topically, 6rst do a skin test by \

Usually 1-3 drops ofeither a single oil or a putting I drop of the desired essential oil on the L
blend are sulficient, mixing up to 3 or 4 oils in
any given combination at a time. inside of the upper arm. If cosmetics and L
personal care products made with synthetic
Using an Essential Oil chemicals or soaps and cleansers containing L
The essential oils recommended for speci6c synthetic or petroleum-based chemicals have
been used on the skin, then the skin may be L
conditions are not the only oils you can use; these uncomfortably sensitive. \
oils are merely a starting point. Other oils not
listed can also be just as effective. You have to use If any redness or irritation results, the skin
the oils to determine what worls best for you. should be thoroughly cleansed, then the oil may
be reapplied. lfskin irritation persisrs, rry using a
However, rhe essential oils are listed in a different oil or oil blend.
preferred order. Start with the 6rst single oil,
blend, or supplement in the list. Ifresults are not You may want to consider starting an internal
apparent after a little while, try another single oil, cleansing program for 30 days before using
blend, supplement, or combination on the nexr essential oils. Use ICB ComforTone, JuvaPower,
application. Sometimes you have to keep
experimenting until you find what worls for you. Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Digest &
This is because one parricular oil may be more
compatible with one person's body chemistry than Cleanse, Detoxzyme, or other cleansing
with another person's chemistry (see firrther suPPlements.
explanation at the beginning ofthe Usage Guide).
lnternal Use
Essential oils can be used topically for massage, Many essential oils are taken internally as
acupuncture, Raindrop Technique, and Vita Flex
on the boftoms ofthe feet. In most cases, 3-4 dietary supplements. Some people put 1-3 drops
drops are sufficient to produce significant effects, in water to drink, but others use cold NingXia
unless using a specific protocol. Red or anorher juice of their choice.

Many single oils and blends should be diluted If you prefer to swallow a capsule, you can fill
50/50 when putting them on rhe skin. Oils that a "00" capsule with oil using an eyedropper. Fill
definitely should be diluted are Cistus, Clove, u,ith the number o[drops desired and the rest of
Cypress, Lemongrass, Mountain Savory Oregano, the capsule with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex or
Rosemary Thyme, etc. For some people, an oil any other organic vegetable oil. Ilyou are
like Basil might be too "hoi' ifput near on the uncertain, consult with someone who is
skin; for others, Basil will not be "hot" at all. That experienced in taking oils internally.
is why it is best to always do a skin rest before
applying any oil. 'i(hen in doubt, dilute. Always drink more water than usual when
using essential oils because they can accelerate
174 the detoxification process in the body. Ifyou are
not taking in adequate fluids, the toxins could
recirculate, causing nausea, headaches, etc.

Developi ng Ycu r Prograr n

It is usually best to use only one or rwo . BLM/AgilEase: 2.capsules daily with warer
applicarion merhods at a time. lf you were to . Slique Shake: 1 packet in water or juice 2
use all I 0 applications for a sore throat at once,
for instance, it would take more time and times daily
probably be inconvenienr, costly, and
. Detoxzyme:4-6 in the evening before or
First, you must decide which oils and after dinner

supplements you want to use for your . MegaCal Plus: 1 teaspoon in water at night
program. Choose up to three or four oils, . ImmuPro: l-2 before going to bed
derermine how many drops you are going ro
(Do not exceed 2 daily.)
use ofeach, whether to dilute or not, and if
Make sure you undersrand the proper
you choose to dilute, what the dilution ratio is essential oil dilution level. Have the V-6
that you want to try. Vegetable Oil Complex or massage oil vou are
For example: lfyou have sore shoulder going to use for the dilution together with all
muscles, you could decide to use the following: oI the essential oils.

Your Oils and Creams: 'Write down your program so that it is easv
to follow each dai,, and make sure you have
. PanAway: dilution 50/50 enough so that you do not run out and then
. Aroma Siez: dilurion 50/50 have to stop your program while you wait for
. Helichrysum: neat your next order to arrive.
. V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
. Ortho Sport Massage Oil Be Consistent with Your Regimen
. Cool Azul: dilurion 50/50
. Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream Therapeutic-grade essential oils are
. Cool Azul Spons Gel powerFul, natural healing substances that work
. Deep Relief Roll-On to carry with you extremely well rvith the body's own delenses to
solve problems. However, they are not drugs
Your Supplements: and may not always work in seconds or even
. Mineral Essence: 2 droppers in 2 ounces of minutes. Essential oils will enhance and speed
up the benefits of Dietary and Oral
NingXia Red in warer in rhe morning supplements, but they enable whar are still
natural processes. Sometimes improvement
. ICP:2 tablespoons in water in the morning may not be seen lor hours or even days.
. Essentialzyme: 2 each morning, I in the


Gonsult Your Health Care Professional

Consuh your heabh care profesional about any serious disease or injury.
Do not attemPt to self-diagnose or presffibe any natutzl substances such as esential oils

for heabh conditions that require profesional attention.


Personal Usage Recommendations

In "Recommendations," products are listed in Supplements vary considerably in their use, so
order beginning with the first, or preferred, follow the instructions on the label. You may
recommendation. In other words, the first one or want to trv the firsr three or four products
two oils listed should be the first ons that 1ou
should try. However, any single oil or blend recommended to see how your bodv responds.
listed would have application. You mav find that vour body responds to one
product over another.
Note You will see what you might think are
tiresome repetitions: "Lemon, Lemon Vitaliry ln the case ofenzymes, read the chapter on
Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry' under Recommenda-
tions. Young Living gives you both versions to enzymes and minerals, rhe chapter on nurririorr-
ensure complete FDA compliance, which specifies
that aromatic and ropical uses must be listed als, and consulr rhe Enzyme Quick Reference
separately from dietary and oral supplement uses, Cuide. locared in both chaprers.

as all three uses cannot be included on the same As alwavs, jusr follow rhe guidelines and use
label. Thus, Vitality oils, for example, can be common sense. Tiust your bod1,, focus on vour
suggested for Dietarv and Oral Supplement use, intuitive feelings and whar vou have learned, and
but not for other uses. you will make rhe right choice.

\X4renever you are working with natural No matter what you take, your body will
products, you never know which product will benefit as long as you do not "go overboud."
work the best for you unril you try it. Your bodv You ue the best one to decide what is best for
will tell you. Different oils work for different your body, Just stut slowly and enjoy your
people. You have to experiment until you make new rejuvenation md vitiality.
that determination based on your body's
chemistry and need.



Application Guidelines

Aromatic hot water so that you enclose your face over

Diffuse the steam,
Inhale vapors deeply rhrough the nose as
. Diffuse your choice ofoils for /z hour every they rise with the steam. Add more hot wa-
ter to continue vaporizing, ifdesired. Repeat
4-6 hours or as desired. 2 to 4 times during the day.

. Undiluted oils may be diffused in a cold-air Dietary and Oral
. Vitality'"'dietary essential oil singles and
diffuser. Cold air diffusers are not designed
blends can be added to food for delicious,
to handle vegetable oils because they are concentrated flavor or used in capsules for
their supporting properties. Follos, the
thicker and may clog the diffuser mecha- directions on the labels.

nism. . Generally, take I capsule with desired oil 2

. Put 8-10 drops o[oil on a cotton ball or times daily.
tissue and put it in an air vent in your house,
, Take 2-3 drops of oil in a spoonful of Blue
vehicle, hotel room, erc.
Agave, Yacon Syrup, maple syrup, coconut
. If diffusing while sleeping, ser your timer for oil, milk, juice, or water. Honey and yogurt
are too acidic.
the desired length of time for automatic shut
. Put the desired amount of oils in a small
glass of rice milk, almond milk, goat milk,
Direct carrot iuice, NingXia Red, or water and then
drink it.
. Pur 2-3 drops ofoil in the palm ofone hand,
. Dilute all essential oils 20:80 before giving
rub palms together, cup hands over your
them to small children for oral application.
nose and mourh, and inhale throughout the
Filling Capsules
day as needed. Use a clean medicine dropper to fill the larger

. Applying a single drop under the nose is half of an empry "00" gelatin capsule half.vav
with oil. Then 6ll the remainder with V-6 Veg-
helpful and refreshing.
etable Oil Complex or a high qualiw, cold-
. Ifyou touch the skin near your eyes, they pressed, vegetable oil; put the other half of the
may water or sting, but it will dissipate in a
few minutes. Dilute with V-6 Vegetable Oil gel cap on; and swallow with water.
If your hand is steady, you can simply hold
Complex or other pure vegetable oil. Never
rinse with water. However, the essential oils the bottle and Iet the oil drip from the bottle
will not cause any damage and will slowly into the capsule.
stop burning.


. Run hot, steaming water into a sink or large

bowl. Wwater should be at least 2 inches

deep ro rerain hear For a lew minures.

. Add 3-6 drops ofoil to the hot water; then

drape a towel over your head, covering the


Application Guidelines (Continued) \
Takc the capsule(s) immediatelv, as it will be- Body Massage
come soft quicklv, making it hard ro pick up. . You can use any dilution ofessential oils (

Dosages desired with V-6 Vegetablc Oil Complex. (
There are rwo sizes ofcapsules: (1 ) a "00" It depends on the oil or oils bcing used.
Usuallr', a few drops of oil are sultrcienr (
size capsule holds 400 mg, and (2) a "0" siz-e u,ith a massage oil.
capsule holds 200 mg. L
' You can also applt,oils direcrly to thc skin
The "00" size capsule is easier ro use bccause (
it is bigger, there is less chance ofspilling, and and then applv a massaplc oil such as Relax-
vou can fill it with whetever amount vou want. arion, Sensarion, Cel-Litc Maeic, Dragon L
Time, C)rtho Ease, or Ortho Sporr for a L
If fie "00" is nor available. then use the "0" full-bodv massagc. t
size. You jusr havc to be morc careful when L
6lling, and vou may have ro swallou, more . Ortho Ease and Ortho Sport massage oils L

capsules. have a stronger therapeutic action and hclp \
immensely with sore and aching muscles
Topical and joinrs. \
e You mav applr.single oils or blends ncat on
. Oil blends such as Valor, Valor I1, White L
leet and spine or diluted, depcnding on thc
oil or oils beinq used. Follow thc insrrucrions Angclica, or RutaVala do not need to \
on rhe labcl. be diluted. Oil blends such as PanAway,
Raven, and Relieve Ir are "hor" and should L
. Appll near or undilured to specific area. L
. L)ilurc 50/50: Add I part essential oil to I alwai,s be diluted. L

part V-6 Vegerable ()il Complex. . Read the instructions or ask fbr adyicc il
. Dilure 20/80: Add I part essential oil ro 4
vou are iust beginning to use the oils in
parts V-6 Vegctable C)il Complex.
Bath Salts
. Pur 'l 0-1 5 drops ofesscntial oil into 1,1 cup Compress
. AFter applving oils ro the skin, soak ir hrrncl
of Epsom salts or baking soda. Add warnr
water, mix,:rnd ;rour into u,arm bathrvatcr. towel in q,arm rvater, rvring it our, ancl liry
Soak in the tub fbr 20 to 30 minures belrore it over the targeted skin area.
usinq soaP or shampoo.
. Then coyer the rvet towel rvirh a dry towcl
. Spccial showerheads arc ar.ailable that
to hold thc hear in lror 10-15 rninutes or
are dcsigned to hold salt mixtures for ir until rhe wct torve] is no longcr warm.
revit:rlizinq showcr.
. lf the individual bccomes uncomfortable

or has a hot sensation, renoye towel and
applv \L(r Vegetable Oil (iomplex.

. A cool towel instead ofa u,arm rou,cl can

bc used to create a cold compress.


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