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Published by anabintiwalid, 2022-04-05 01:44:28

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 - [email protected]

EOPR#18 Essential Oils Pocket Reference v8 -

Application and Usage lnfertility (Women)
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guid.elines. Natural progesterone crearns, when used from
Topical: Refer o Application Guiddines.
the middle to the end of the rycle starting on the
. Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on neck, day after ovulation (usually day 15 or later), may
improve fertiliry. Sbme essential oils have hor-
shoulders, and lower abdomen 1-3 times mone-like qualities that can supporr or improve
daily. fertiliry processes.

Dysfunction (Women) Recommendations
Sexual dysfunction can be a result ofa physical Singles: Clary Sage, Ylang Ylang, Sage, Sage

or psychologiol problem. Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Geranium
Blends: Dragon Time, Acceptance, Mister, Scla-
Frigidity (Women)
Frigidiry is a condition in which women have rEssence, SclarEssence Vita.liry, Lady Sclareol,
EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry
a lack oflibldo and rend ro become unresponsive Nutritionals: PD 80/20, MultiGreens, Mineral
to sexual intercourse or are unable to achieve an Essence, Super Cal Plus, Thyromin, Endo-
orgasm. It may leave a woman unhappy, unsaris- Gize, FemiGen, Estro, MultiGreens: Take 3-8
capsules 2-3 times daily.
6ed, and depressed. Personal Cars Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus
Body Cream
Singles: Jasmine, Rose, Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, Application and Usage
Dietary and Oral:.Refer to Application Guidtlinel
Blends: En-R-Gee, The Gift, Joy, Fulfill Your . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

Destin1,, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Joy oil 2 times daily.
Nutritionals: EndoCize, Thyromin, Mineral
. ^fake2-3 drops ofaVitalityordietaryoil in
Essence, Super B, PD 80/20, MegaCal,
ImmuPro a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of mi[k,
Personal Care Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus juice, or water.
Body Cream
Topical: Refer o Applicarion Guidrlines.
. Vang Ylang helps balance sexual emorion
. Apply 2-4 drops neat or dilured 50:50 on
and sex drive problems. Its aromatic influ-
ence elevates sexual energy and enhances the lower back and lower abdomen arcas 2-3
relationships. times daily.

. Clary Sage can help with lack ofsexual . Apply 2-4 drops on the reproductive Vita

desire, particularly in women, by regulating Flex points ofhands and feer inside of
and balancing hormones. wrists, around the front ofthe ankles in line
with the anklebone, on the lower sides of rhe
. Nutmeg supports the nervous system to help
anklebone, and along the Achilles tendon
overcome frigidiry. 1-3 times daily.

Application and Usage . Rub daily 10 drops Progessence Plus or /z
Aromatic Refer o Application Guidelines.
Topicaf: Refer rc Application Guidelines. teaspoon Prenolone Plus Body Cream on
lower back area and the lower bowel area
. Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on neck, near the pubic bone.

shoulders, and lower abdomen up to 1-3 329
times daily.

Lack of Libido/Desire (Women) times daily or apply 2-3 drops neat to Vita
A womant sexual desires naturally fluctuate Flex points.

over the years and are affected by a range ofphysi- Excessive Sexual Desire (Both Sexes)
cal and emotional factors. Most physical causes Excessive sexual desire is a psychological disor-
of low libido are a result of hormonal imbalance.
der in which the person is unable to manage his or
Recommendations her sex life and may feel compelled to continually
Singles: Clary Sage, Nutmeg, Nutmeg Vitaliry seek sexual activity. Some professionals speculate
that it is a form ofobsessive-compulsive disorder
Geranium, Ylang Yang, Rose, Idaho Balsam or a manifestation of the manic phase of bipolar
Fir, Lemongrxs, Lemongrass Vitaliry Jasmine, disorder. Excessive sexual desire is best diagnosed
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankin- and treated by a health care professional.
cense Vitaliry Sage, Sage Vitality
Blends: Light the Fire, SclarEssence, Scla- Recommendations
rEssence Vitaliry Sensation, Lady Sclareol, Singles: Rose, Myrrh, Mar.joram, Valerian,
Joy, Build Your Dream, Fulfill Your Destiny,
Valor, Valor Roll-On, Live with Passion, Live Lavender
Your Passion
Nutritionals: EndoGize, MultiGreens, Estro, Blends: Peace & Calming, Peace Er Calming
Sulfuzyme, PD 80/20, Thyromin, FemiGen II, Acceptance, Surrender, Joy, Harmony,
Personal Care Progessence Plus, Prenolone Plus
Body Cream Gathering, Loyalty

. Ylang Ylang helps balance sexual emotion Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer to Application Guidrlines.
and sex-drive problems. Its aromatic infu- Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

ence elevates sexual energy and enhances . Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on neck,
shoulders, and lower abdomen up to 1-3
. Clary Sage can help with lack ofsexual de- times daily.

sire, particularly with women, by regulating SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES
and balancing hormones. (sEE ALSO INFECTTONS)

. Nutmeg supports the nervous system to help Sexually transmitted diseases are infections
that you can get from having sex with someone
overcome frigidiry. who has an infection, rvhich can be caused by bac-

Application and Usage teria or viruses.
Aromatic Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Dietary and Oralz Refer o Application Guidelines. Herpes Simplex Type 2
Herpes genitalis is transmitted by sexual contact
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
and results in sores or lesions. Four to seven days
oil diluted 50:50 2 times daily. after contact with an infected partner, tinBling,
burning, or persistent itching usually heralds an
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in outbreak. One or two days later, small pimple-
like bumps appear over reddened skin. The itch-
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of mi[k, ing and tingling continue, and the pimples turn
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidclines.

. Massage 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on neck,

shoulders, and lower abdomen up to 1-3


into painful blisters, which bursr, bleeding with . Receive a Raindrop Technique 1-2 times
yellowish pus. Five to seven days after the first tin-
gling, scabs form, and healing begins. monrhly, as needed.
Herpes Blend No. 1 (Topical)
Antiviral essential oils have generally been very
effective in treating herpes lesions and reducing . 4 drops Dorado Azul
their onset. Oils such as Melissa, Tea Tiee, and . 2 drops Tea Tiee
Rosemary have been successfully used for this . 1 drop Melissa

purpose by Daniel Pdnoel, MD, in his clinical Herpes Blend No. Z (Vaginal)
practice. A study at the University of Buenos Ai-
res found that sandalwood essential oil inhibited . 4 drops Dorado Azul
. 3 drops Ravintsara
the replication ofherpes simplex viruses 1 and 2.r-
2 drops Sage
Those with herpes should avoid diets high
in the amino acid l-arginine, substituring with .' 1 drop Lavender
l-lysine. Lysine retards the growth of the virus.
Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Foods such as amaranth and plain yogurt are good Infection by genital HPV is very common. At
sources of lysine.
least halfofthe people who are sexually active will
Recommendations contract the virus, yet many will not know it be-
Singles: Melissa, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, cause they will not have any symproms. There are
more than 100 types of HPV and some rypes are
Sacred Sandalwood, Ravintsara, Dorado Azul, associated with genital warts, although the warrs
Tea Tree, Blue Cypress, Rosemary Northern are not always visible. The longer the virus is in
Lights Black Spruce, Sage, Lavender the body, the higher the risk ofdeveloping health
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Exodus II, Purification
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Sulfurzyme, Super problems such as ceruical cancer or anal cancer.
C, Super C Chewable, ICII Essentialzyme,
Essentsialzymes-4, Life 9, Mineral Essence, Recommendations
ComforTone Singles: Melissa, Dorado Azul, Ravintsara,

Personal Care: Thieves Spray, Rose Ointment Palo Santo, Tea Tiee, Lavender, Lavender

Application and Usage Vitaliry Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Sandalwood

. Apply single oils or blends neat or dilured, Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Im-
muPower, Hope
depending on the oils that are used.
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Inner Defense, Life 9
. Use Herpes Blend No. 2 diluted 20:80 and Personal Care: Thieves Spray

put a few drops on a rampon or sanitary pad Application and Usage
lor nighrly applications. IFir continues ro Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
sting after 5 minutes, remove and change rhe Dietary md OralzRefer to Application Guidelines.
dilution to 10:90.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
. Apply Herpes Blend No.1 on Iesions as
oil diluted 50:50 2 times daily.
soon as they appear. Apply 1-2 drops neat
2-3 times daily, alternating berween Herpes . ^take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in
Blend No. 1 and Melrose each dav.
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.


Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. milk, goat milk, carrot juice, NingXia Red,
or even water and then drink it.
. Apply 1-3 drops neat or dilute 50:50 and Topical: Refer o Application Guidrlines.

apply on location 3-6 times daily. . Apply 1 -3 drops neat or dilute 50:50 and

. Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bor- apply on location 3-6 times daily.

toms of the feet or on the Vita Flex points of . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot-

the feet just before bedtime. toms of the feet or on the Vita Flex points of

. Use Thieves Spray on location. the feet just before bedtime.

Retention: Put 2-3 drops ofoil ofyour choice . Use Thieves Spray on locarion.

on a tampon and insert nightly. Retention: Put 2-3 drops ofthe oil ofyour
choice on a tampon and insert nightly.
Genital Warts/Blisters
(Herpes Simplex Type 2) Gonorrhea and Syphilis

Genital warts are a form of viral infecrion Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmit-
caused by the human papillomavirus virus (HP$, ted disease caused by a bacterium (Neiseria gon-
onhoeae) that can grorv and multiply easily in the
ofwhich there are more than 100 different types. warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract. It can
One rype of HPV virus is among the most also grow in the eyes, mouth, throat, and anus.

common sexually rransmitted diseases. Up rc 24 Syphilis, also a common sexually transmitted
million Americans may currently be infected with disease, is mused by a bacterium (Tieponema pal-
HPV which is usually spread through sexual con- lidum) and has often been called 'the great imita-
tact. HPV lives only in genitai tissue and can later tor" because so many of the signs and symptoms
lead to ceruical cancer in women. ue the same as those ofother diseases. Sores occur
mainly on the external genitals. vagina, mus, or in
Recommendations the rectum. Sores can also occur on the lips and in
Singles: Melissa, Dorado Azul, Ravintsara, the mouth.

Palo Santo, TeaTree, Lavender, Lavender Note Seek immediate professional medical
attention if you suspect you may have either of
Vitaliry Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian
these diseases.
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Singles: Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry Mountain
ImmuPower, Hope
Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliry Cinnamon
Nutritionals: ImmuPro, Inner Defense, Life 9 Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry Oregano,
Personal Cre: Thieves Spray Oregano Vitaliry Tea Tiee
Blends: Melrose, Exodus II, Thieves, Thieves
Application and Usage Vitaliry ImmuPower
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidtlines. Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Life 9
Dietary and Oralz Refer o Application Guidelines.
Personal Care: Thieves Spray
. Take I capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
Application and Usage
oil diluted 50:50 2 times daily. Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidtlines.

. Pt 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in a

spoonful ofYacon Syrup, maple syrup,
coconut oil, milk, etc.

. Put the desired amount of a Vitality or

dietary oil in a glass of rice milk, almond


. Take I capsule ofdesiredVitality or dietary oil Application and Usage
Aromatie Refer ro Application Gui*lines.
2 times daily for 15 days. Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

. Take2-3 drops of aMtality or dieary oil in . Apply 6-10 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, affected area, back of the neck, and down
juice, orwater. the spine 1-3 times daily.
Topical Refer rc Applhation Guidzlines.
. Apply a compress alternating warm and cold
Caused by the virus Varicella zo*er (which on the spine 1-3 times daily.

causes chicken pox), shingles is a viral infection . Layering in Raindrop Technique style, ap-
of the nervous system that can start with fatigue,
fever, and headaches. Presenting as a painful skin ply 3-4 drops each of Oregano, Mountain
rash that blisters, most people will have just one Savory and Thyme along the spine.
occurrence. Shingles results in a wide stripe ofred
rash around the left or right side ofthe torso. . Apply 15-20 drops V-6 Vegetable Oil Com-

Most older people were infected with the plex to the spine, massage briefy over the
other oils, cover the skin with a dry towel,
chicken pox as children. The virus then goes into and apply a warm pack for 1 5-20 minutes.
hiding in the ganglia alongside the spine where Note: Be cautious about warming. If the
stress may trigger an artack. Approximately half back becomes too hot, remove rhe warm
ofshingles cases occur in those 50 years ofage or pack immediately and add V-6 Vegetable Oil
older. The pain can be mild or exrreme, ranging Complex to cool.
lrom tingling or aching up to piercing stabs of
pain. . Remove the warm pack and towel, and then

Note: Occurrences oF shingles around the eye layer 4-8 drops each of TeaTree, Elemi, and
are called herpes zoster ophrhalmicus and can
cause blindness. Consult an ophthalmologist (eye Peppermint along the spine.
doctor) immediately if such ourbreaks occur.
. Put the dry towel back over the skin and
Singles: Melissa, Blue Cypress, Elemi, Tea Tree, apply an ice pack for 30 minures.

Oregano, Geranium, German Chamomile, Shingls Blend No. I
Mountain Savory, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal . 10 drops German Chamomile
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Thyme, Peppermint, ' 5 drops Lavender
Ravintsara, Northern Lights Black Spruce, . 4 drops Sacred Sandalwood or
Laurus Nobilis, Sage
Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood
Blends: Thieves, Australian Blue, Exodus II
Nutritionals: Super Cal PIus, Sulfurzyme, PD . 2 drops Geranium

80/20, MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Essential- Shingles Blend No. 2
. 10 drops Sacred Sandalwood or

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood

. 5 drops Blue Cypress
. 4 drops Peppermint
. 2 drops Ravintsara

Shingles Blend No.3

' 5 drops Melissa
. 4 drops Geranium
. 10 drops V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex


SHOCK (SEE ALSO FAINTING, BURNS) Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
. 1i7hen applying essential oil to the temples,
Shock can be described as a srare of profound be careful to not get the oil too close to the L

depression of the vital processes associated with eyes. L

reduced blood volume and pressure. The blood Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on temples, t
back of the neck, and under the nose neat as
rushes to the vital organs after trauma. desired. L
You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita L
It may be caused by the sudden stimulation of Flex points of the feet.
Applying a single drop under the nose is
the nerues and convulsive contraction ofthe mus- helpful and stimulating.

cles caused by the discharge of electriciry. Other

causes include sudden trauma. rerror, surprise,

horror, or disgust.

Symptoms or signs
Irregular breathing .
.' Low blood p Weak and SINUS INFECTIONS '\
rapid pulse
. Dry mouth A sinus infection is an infammarion of the
. Dilated pupils . Muscle weakness sinuses and nasal passages. Sinus problems are \
. Cold and sweaty . Dizziness or
among the most common chronic ailments.

skin fainring Nasopharyngitis
Nasopharyngitis is an inflammatory condition
Any injury that results in the sudden loss of L
of the mucus membranes of the back of the nasal
substantial amounts offluids can trigger shock. cavity where it connects to the throat and the Eu- L
stachian tubes. L
Shock can also be caused by ailergic reacrions L
(anaphylactic shock), infections in the blood Singles: Peppermint, Ravintsara, Eucalyptus \

(septic shock), or emotional trauma (neurogenic Blue, Thyme, Rosemary, Blue Cypress, \
Dorado Azul,
shock). Eucalyptus Radiata, Tea Tiee L
Blends: Raven, R.C., Exodus II, Thieves,
To help someone in shock while waiting for Breathe Again Roll-On L
Nuttitionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Im- L
first responders, first cover the victim with a blan-
muPro, Digest & Cleanse, Inner Defense L
ket and elevate the feet, unless there is a head or Oral Carq Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouth-
upper torso injury. Inhaling any one ofmany dif- wash, Thieves Spray
ferent essential oils can also help-especially in Application and Usage
Aromatis Reler o Application GaidNlines. \
cases of emotional shock. Dietary and OralzRefer rc Application Guifulines.
Recommendations . Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary
Singles: Peppermint, Idaho Balsam Fir, Basil, Sa- (
oil 2 times daily.
cred Frankincense, Frankincense, Eucalyptus
Blue, Dorado Azul, Cardamom, Rosemary, . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dierary oil in
Blends: Trauma LiFe, Freedom, Clariry 3 Vise a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
Men, Build Your Dream, Valor, Valor Roll- juice, or water.
On, R.C., Harmony, InTouch, Reconnecr,
Present Time, lnner Harmony

Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applicntion Guidrlines.


. Gargle 2-5 times daily with Thieves Fresh

a Essence Plus Mouthwash or with water that Nasa lrrigation Regimen:
contains 1-2 drops ofanother oil.
. Put I drop ofThieves at the very back of the Essential oils can be used in a saline solution

tongue and hold it in the mouth, mixing for very effective nasal irrigarion that clears and

it with saliva for several minures, and then decongests sinuses. As recommended by Dan-

swallow. This can be very effective ifstarted iel Pdnoel, MD, the saline solution is prepared

' at the very first indication of infection and as follows:
repeated 3-4 times for the 6rst hour, then
. 10 drops Rosemary
' once an hour until symptoms subside.
' 6 drops Tea 1'ree
. Spray inside mouth with Thieves Spray as . 8 tablespoons ultra-fine sea salt

often as desired. AJso very ellectivc is the following:

. Put 1 drop ofExodus II on tongue and . 10 drops Rosemary

swish it around in your mouth before swal- . 6 drops Thyme

) lowing. . 2 drops Cvpress
Special Note In most sinus infections, including . 8 tablespoons ulrra-line sea salt

nasopharyngitis, rhinitis, sinus congesrion, and The essential oils arc mixcd thoroushly in

sinusitis, the nasal irrigation regimen can be the fine salt and stored in ir sealed conrainer.
extremely effective.
For each nasal irrigarion session, I reaspoon of

Topical: Refer rc Application Guidtlines. this salt mixture is dissolved inro I 7: cups of

. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50.lust under distilled water.

jawbone on right and left sides 4-8 times Jlis solution is then placed in the tank ol:

daily. an oral irrigator or neti pot to irrigate the nasal
cavities, which is done while bending over a
. You may also apply 2-3 drops on the Vita

Flex points of the feet. sink. This application has broughr surprisinglv

positive results in treating latent sinusitis and

Sinus Congestion other rrasal corrgesrion problerns.

. Sinus congestion is extremely annoying, and
symptoms can last for several days. The most
common symptom is difficulry breathing be- Blends: Raven, DiGize, DiGize Vitaliry Thieves,
Thieves Vitaliry Exodus Ii, Breathe Again
cause of blocked nasal passages due to excessive
Roll-On, SniffieEase, Melrose, R.C., Christ-
mucus. As a result, the sinuses become infamed

and produce other symptoms such as headaches, mas Spirit

fatigue, coughing, sinus pressure or pain, and loss Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Im-

of smel[. muPro, Inner Defense

Recommendations Oral Carq Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste,
Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves

Singles: Eucalyptus Blue, Peppermint, Pep- Dentarome Ultra Toothpaste, KidScents
Slique Toothpaste, Thieves Hard Lozenges,
r permint Vitaliry Dorado Azul, Eucalyptus Thieves Mints, Thieves Fresh Essence Plus
Globulus, Palo Santo, Eucalyptus Radiara,

Ravintsara, Myrrh, Idaho Balsam Fiq Thyme, Mouthwash, Thieves Spray
Thyme Vitaliry Fennel, Fennel Vitality, Rose-

mary, Rosemary Vitaliry

- 33s

Application and Usage Fennel, Fennel Vitaliry Rosemary, Rosemary
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidelines. Vitaliry
Dietary and Oral: Reler to Application Guidtlines. Blends: R.C., Melrose, Raven, Thieves, Thieves
Vitaliry Exodus II, Breathe Again Roll-On,
. Thke I capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
oil 2 times daily.
Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, Im-
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in muPro, Inner Defense

a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, OraI Cue: Thieves AromaBright Toothpaste,
juice, or water. Thieves Dentarome Plus Toothpaste, Thieves
Dentarome UItra Toothpaste, Thieves Fresh
. Gargle with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Essence Mouthwash, Thieves Hard Lozenges,
Thieves Mints, Thieves Spray
Mouthwash 4-6 times daily, as desired.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. Application and Usage
Aromatiq Reler o Application Guiddines.
. Appty 1-2 drops neat on rhe temples and Dietary and OralzRefer o Application Guifulines.

back ofthe neck, as desired. . Take 1 capsule ofdesiredVitaliryordietary

. Applying a single drop ofchosen oil or a oil 2 times daily.

swipe of Breathe Again Roll-On under the . Take 2-3 drops of aVitaliry or dietary oil in
nose is helpful and relreshing.
a spoonflil of syrup or small amount of milk,
. Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 3-6 juice, or water.

times daily. . Gargle 2-6 times daily with Thieves Fresh

. Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the Essence Plus Mouthwash.

bottoms of the feet just before bedtime. Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Children love it.
Nmal Irrigation Regimen (see box on prniou page) . Massage 1-3 drops neat on forehead, nose,

. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of cheeks, lower throat, chest, and upper back
3-5 times daily. Be careful not to get oils in
chosen oil on the back. or near eyes or eyelids.

Sin us itis/ R h in itis . Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses and of neck as desired.

nasal passages. It can cause pressure in the eyes, . Apply 1-3 drops on the Vita FIex points of
cheek area, nose, or on one side of the head. A
person with a sinus infection may also have a feet 2-4 times daily.
headache, cough, fever, bad breath, and nasal
. Use the Raindrop Technique 1-2 times
Essential oils such as Eucalyptus Radiata and weekly.

Ravintsara strengrhen the respiratory sysrem, . Bath salts: Mix 4-5 drops of oil with I cup

open the pulmonary tract, and fight respiratory ofsalt in hot water to dissolve salts. Pour
infection. into bathtub and then soak for 15-20 min-
utes or until water cools.
Singles: Eucalyptus Blue, Peppermint, Pepper- . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of

mint Vitaliry Eucalyptus Radiata, Ravintsara, chosen oil on the back.
Tea Tree, Idaho Balsam Fir, Thyme, Thyme Nasal Irrigation Regimen (see box on prfliou page)
Vitaliry Northern Lights Black Spruce,


Essential oils can have powerful antioxidanr Acne results from an excess accumulation of

and antibacterial benefits for the skin. Essential dirt and sebum (oil) produced in the follicles and
oils used on rhe skin are often combined with a pores of the skin. As the pores and hair follicles
vegetable carrier oil to: become congested, bacteria begin to feed on rhe
sebum. This leads to inflammation, infection, and
. Slow evaporation, allowing more time for the formation of a pimple or a blackhead around
the hair follicle.
rhe oils to penerrare the skin.
One of the most common forms of acne, Acne
. Maintain the lipid barrier of rhe skin be- uulgaris, occws primarily in adolescents due to
hormone imbalances that stimulate the produc-
cause most essential oils will tend to dry the tion of sebum.
Acne may be caused by a hormone imbal-
. Enhance the effect of the essential oils ance, poor diet, and the use of chemicals found
in cleaning products, soaps, cosmetics, lotions,
because many oils work well synergistically
in a vegetable oil. Many skin conditions and creams.
are related ro dysfunctions of rhe liver. It
may be necessary to cleanse, stimulate, and Stress may also play a role. According to re-
condition the liver and colon for 30-90 days search conducted by Dr. Toyoda in Japan, acne
before the skin begins to improve. and other skin problems are a direct result ofphys-
ical and emotional stress.a8 Essential oils are our-
Abscesses and Boils standing for treating acne because of their abiliry
to dissolve sebum, kill bacteria, and preserve the
Skin abscesses are small pockets ofpus that col- acid mande of the skin. Natural hormone creams
lect under the skin, usually eused by a bacterial or
fungal infection. Tips for Clearing Acne

Any number of essential oils may help reduce . Eliminate dairy products, fried foods,
inflammation and combat infection, helping to
bring an abscess or boil to a head so that the pus chemical additives, and sugar from dier.
will come out and the healing can begin.
. Avoid using makeup or chlorinated warer.
Recommendations . Avoid using plastics that may exude
Singles: Oregano, Clove, Myrrh, Tea Tree,
estrogenic chemicals.
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Lavender,
Rosemary, Thyme, Parchouli, Laurus Nobilis . Topically apply essential oils such as Tea
Blends: Melrose, Puri6cation, Thieves
Nutritionals: JuvaTone, ComforTone, Essen- Tiee to problem areas. It was shown to be
equal to benzoyl peroxide in the treatmenr
tialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Digest & ofacne, according to research published in
the Medical Journal of Aunalia."'
Cleanse, Inner Defense
. Begin a cleansing program with the
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. Cleansing Trio, Sulfurzyme, Detoxzyme,
Essentialzyme, ICP, and JuvaPower.
. Apply 2-3 drops neat (undiluted), depend-

ing on which oil you choose.

. Dilute the oil you choose 50:50 with V-6

Vegetable Oil Complex and apply on loca-
tion 3-6 times daily or as needed.


such as Prenolone Plus Body Cream or rhe gentle Recommendations
Progessence Plus may help with hormone imbal- Singles: Tea Tiee, Myrrh, Lavender, Roman or
ance problems directly affecting rhe skin.
German Chamomile, Helichrysum, Laurus
Recommendations Nobilis
Blends: Melrose, Purification, Valor, Owie
Singles: Tea Tree, Geranium, Vetiver, Royal
Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, Personal Cre: LavaDerm Cooling Mist, Rose
Patchouli, Lavender, German Chamomile, Ointment, Genesis Hand & Body Lotion,
Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus Lavender Hand & Body Lorion
Radiata, Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli)
Application and Usage
Blends: Melrose, Purifi cation, Harmony,, Topical: Refer rc Applicatizn Guid.elines.

Shutran, Peace & Calming, Peace & Calming . Dilute chosen oil 50:50 and apply to blis-
II, Stress Away Roll-On
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, Detoxzyme, tered area 3-6 times daily.
MultiGreens, ICB ComforTone, Essenrial-
. Spray LavaDerm as often as every 30 min-
zyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Ningxia
\Wolfberries (Organic, Dried), OmegaGizer, ures or as desifed.

Digest & Cleanse, Balance Complete . Gently apply a little Rose Ointment or lo-
Personal Care: Boswellia Wrinkle Cream. ART
tion ro keep skin soFr and moist.
Gentle Cleanser, AKf Refreshing Toneq Satin
Facial Scrub (Mint), Progessence Plus, Preno- Boils
Boils and carbuncles (a group of boils) are
Ione Plus Body Cream, Lemon-Sandalwood
caused by a bacterial infection that creares a pus-
Cleansing Soap, Shutran Bar Soap, Melaleuca- filled hair follicle. They can be easily treated with
Geranium Moisturizing Soap antiseptic essential oils, including Tea Tree and
Application and Usage
Dietary and OraI: Remove sugar and dairy from Recommendations
Singls: Tea Tree, Myrrh, Clove, Thyme, Oregano
your diet. Blends: Melrose, Purification, Thieves
Topicalr Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Application and Usage
. Gently massage 3-5 drops ofchosen oil or Topical: ReFer to Application Guidelines.
blend neat or diluted with V-6 Vegetable Oil
. Dilute 2-3 drops ofany oil above 50:50 and
Complex into the oily areas 1-3 times daily.
Alternate the oils daily for muimum effect. apply on location 3-6 times daily.

Blisters Burns (See also Shock)
Blisters happen when fluid is trapped under There are three rypes ofburns:
First-degree burns only damage the outer layer
the skin. They can be caused by pressure (e.g.,
tight or ill-fining shoes), physical injury, chemi- of the skin. Sunburn is rypically a first-degree
cal burns, sunburns, or allergies. They can also burn.
be caused by microbial infestations from fungal Second-degree bums damage both the outer
and viral diseases, such as herpes simplex, athletet layer and the underlying layeq known as the
Foor, shingles, etc. dermis, and are manifested by blisters.
Third-degree burns not only destroy or damage
338 skin but can even damage underlying tissues.

Burns can be caused by sunlight, chemicals, The Deadly Dehydration of Burns
electriciry radiation, and heat. Thermal burns are
the most common type. Burns tend to swell and blister because of
fluid loss from the damaged blood vessels.
Aloe vera gel (contained in LavaDerm) is used This is why it is important to keep the burn
well-hydrated and to drink plenty ofwater.
extensively in the treatment of burns and has
In cases ofserious burns, fluid loss can be-
been studied for its anti-inflammatory and tissue-
regenerating properties. come so severe that it sends the victim into

Helichrysum, Lavender Idaho Balsam Fir, and shock and requires intravenous transfusions
Frankincense oils support tissue regeneration and ofsaline solution to bring up blood pressure.
reduce scarring and skin discolorarion.
Severe burns can result in dehydration and Singles: Lavender, Idaho Balsam Fir, He-
mineral loss. Infammation often accompanies
burns, so Dietary and Oral regimen should be lichrysum, Rose, Melaleuca Quinquenervia
(Niaouli), German Chamomile, Vetiver
used to lessen inflammation. Blends: Gentle Baby, Australian Blue, Melrose,
Valor, Valor Roll-On
lf the burn is large or severe, rhe individual Nutritionals: Longeviry Softgels, Sulfurzyme,
MegaCal, OmegaGizei, Rose Ointment
may go into shock. Inhaling oils may help reduce Personal Care: Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF
10, Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50, Lava-
the shock. Derm After Sun Spray, LavaDerm Cooling
After a burn has started to heal and is drying Mist

and cracking, use Rose Ointment or a body lotion Application and Usage
with a few drops ofLavender oil to keep skin soft Topical: Refer to Application Guidzlines.
and to promote faster healing.
. YL Mineral Sunscreen Lotions: Apply
Seek medical attention for serious burns m
liberally 15 minutes before sun exposure.
necessary. Reapply after 80 minutes of swimming or
sweating, immediately after rowel drying, or
FIRST-DEGREE BURNS (Sunburn) at least every 2 hours.
The best prevenrion for sunburn is to avoid
. For fast reliefoffirst-degree burns, spray
prolonged exposure to the sun. When you do go
outdoors, always wear sun block or lorion with a burn immediately with LavaDerm After Sun
SPF greater than 15-especially during the sum- Spray or LavaDerm Cooling Mist and con-
mer and when you expect to be outdoors for a tinue misting as necessary to cool the area.
prolonged period of time. Spray as often as needed for the first several
hours and follow with 2-3 drops of Lavender
Certain natural vegetable oils and essential or Idaho Balsam Fir.
oils have been lound to provide some protecrion
against the sun. Sesame oil can block or reduce . Apply 1-3 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on
abour 30 percenr of rhe burning rays, coconur
and olive oils can reduce about 20 percent, and burn location to cool tissue and reduce
aloe vera inhibits about 20 percent. Helichrysum infammation.
essential oil has been researched for its abiliry to
effectively screen our some of the sun's rays. . Apply 3-6 times daily or as needed.

Young Living's chemical-free sunscreen prod- 339
ucts are formulated with naturally derived planr-

and mineral-based ingredients. Both Mineral
Sunscreen Lotion SPF 10 and Mineral Sunscreen

Lotion SPF 50 offer 80 minures ofsun protecrion.

Chdrie Ross's Sunscreen Blend No. I Chapped, Cracked, or Dry Skin
. 10 drops Helichrysum Dry skin results from loss of the prorecrive
. 5 drops Lavender
. 3 drops Roman Chamomiie lipid layer on the skin surface. It results from ex-
. I ounce Sesane Oil posure to low humidiw environments and is often
. 7z ounce Coconut C)il more prevalent during the winter. Dry skin may
. % ounce Olive Oil
also crack, creating an opportuniry for infection.
Mix and apply before going out in thc sun.
Chdrie Ross's Sunscreen Blend No. 2 Recommendations
Singles: Neroli, Rose, Cedarwood, Roman
' 30 drops Lavender
. 4 ounces Avocado Oil Chamomile, Palmarosa, Geranium, Lavender,
Myrrh, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian
Mix and applv before going out in the sun. Sandalwood
In the event ofa sunburn, LavaDerm Cool- Blends: Gentle Baby, Owie
ing Mist, and Lavender and Idaho Balsam Fir Personal Care: LavaDerm Cooling Mist, Es-
essential oils can offer excellent pain-relieving sential Beaury Serum for Dry Skin, Tender
and healing benefits. Tirsh, Boswellia Vrinkle Cream, Rose Oint-
ment, Kidscenrs Lotion, Genesis Hand Er
Body Lotion, Lavender Hand & Body Lotion,
. Spray burn immediately with LavaDerm
Lemon-Sandalwood Cleansing Soap, Shutran
After Sun Spray or LavaDerm Cooling Mist Bar Soap, Melaleuca-Geranium Moisturizing
and continue misting when necessary ro cool Soap, Dragon Time Bath and Shower Gel,
the area. Spray as often as needed for the Evening Peace Bath and Shower Gel, Morning
first several hours and follow with 2-3 drops Start Bath and Shower Gel, Sensation Bath and
ofLavender or Idaho Balsam Fir. Shower Gel

. Thereafter, apply LavaDerm every 15-30 Lip Care: Lavender Lip Balm, Cinnamint Lip
Balm, Grapefruit Lip Balm, Vanillamint Lip
minutes during the first day. Apply 2-4
drops of Lavender or Melaleuca Quinque- Balm
nervia as needed immediarely after each
LavaDerm misting. Application and Usage
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
. On days 2 through !, mist every hour and
. Apply 2-3 drops ofoil diluted 20:80 in a
follow with 2-4 drops l:vender or Melaleuca
natural, unperfumed lotion base (V-6 Veg-
. Quinqueneruia. etable Oil Complex or avocado oil) or other
high-grade, emollient oi[. Apply on location
Continue using LavaDerm 3 to 6 times daily as often as needed.
until healed. Apply Rose Ointment to keep
tissue soft. . Combine 3-5 drops of essential oils with

. Mineral Essence: Put 2 droppers full in 3 1 teaspoon ofKidScents Lotion, Lavender
Hand & Body Lotion, or Genesis Hand &
liters ofwater and drink throughout the day. Body Lotion to create a very effective lotion
for rehydrating the skin ofchapped hands
THIRD.DEGREE BURNS and maintaining the natural pH balance of
' Spra1, LavaDerm After Sun Sprav or Lava- the skin.
Derm (iooling Misr to hydrate the skin,
then seek medicirl attention immediatelr,.


Bath and shower gels, such as Dragon Time, Cuts, Scrapes, and Wounds
Evening Peace, Morning Start, and Sensa- \When selecting essential oils for surface inju-
tion are formulated to help balance rhe acid
mantle of the skin. The bar soaps are rich in ries, determine the needs of the entire body, nor
moisturizers. .just ofthe cur. Think through the cause and type
of injury and select bils for each aspect oF rhe
Clogged Pores trauma. For instance, a wound could encompass
Most skin blemishes begin as clogged pores.
muscle damage, nerve damage, ligament damage,
To have clean pores, you should maintain a regu- infammation, infection, bone injury, fever, and
possibly an emorion. Therefore, select an oil or
lar skin care routine. Ifyou keep your pores un- blend that is specific to each need.
clogged and clean, you will have fewer breakouts
First Aid Spray I
and more beautiful skin.
First Aid Recipe:
Recommendations ' 5 drops Lavender
Singles: Lemon, Orange, Geranium, Cypress, . 3 drops Tea Tree
. 2 drops Dorado Azul
Lavender Mix the recipe above thoroughlv in 11
Blends: Melrose, Purification, Inner Child
teaspoon of salt. Add this to 8 ounces of
Skin Cre: ART Genrle Cleanser, ARI Refreshing
Toner, Satin Facial Scrub, Mint, Orange Blos- distilled water, shake vigorously, and pour into
a spray bottle. Spray minor cuts and rvounds
som Facial \Wmh
before applying a bandage. Repeat 2-3 rimes a
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. day for 3 days. Continue rhe healing process by

. Apply 2-4 drops neat to affected area and applying I -2 drops ofTea Tiee oil to the wound

gently remove with cotton ball. daily for the next few days. Apply Rose

. Use ART Refreshing Toner and moisturizing Ointment or Tender Tirsh to keep the scab soft

bar soaps. and help prevent scarring.
Arimal Scents works extremely well for any
. Satin Facial Scrub, Mint is a gentle exfoliator
designed to clari$, skin and reduce acne. If animal, and it is a-lso very effective For anv

its texture is too abrasive for your skin, mix person who wishes to cover A large area such as
it with Orange Blossom Facial \Wash. This is
excellent for those with severe or mild acne. the bottoms oF the Feer. \flhen rvorking in
rough conditions such as the cold outdoors,
. Spread scrub over face and ler dry for perhaps doing construction or building, or anvthing
that is abrasive to the hands, add a few drops of
five minutes to draw out impurities, purifying the recipe to a tablespoon ofAnimal Scents or
and toning the skin at the same time. Pur a Rose Ointment and use it throughout the dav
hot towel over face for grearer penerrarion. to relieve the pain and ache of small cuts and

. Wash offwith warm water by gently patting scrapes on the skin.

skin with warm face cloth. Ifyou do not have
time to let the mask dry, gently massage in a
circular motion for 30 seconds, then rinse.

. Afteryard, apply Rose Oinrment or

Boswellia'Wrinkle Cream. This also works
ivell underneath foundation makeup.


Recommendations Tea Tree (Alelaleuca alternifol ia)
Single Oils: Lavender, Tea Tiee, Helichrysurn,
During \World War II, rea tree oil
Rosemary, Eucalyptus Globulus, Dorado (Melaleuca abernifolza) was found to have very
Azul, Cvpress, \Wintergreen, Thyme, Oregano, strong antibacterial properties and worked
German Chamomile, Mounrain Savory,,
well in preventing infection ir open wounds.
Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Myrrh, Melrose is a blend containing rwo rypes of

Eucalyptus Blue, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cistus Melaleuca oil: TeaTree (M. nbernifolin) and
Blends: Melrose, Thieves, Thc Gift, 3 \Wise Men,
Niaouli (M quinqtteneruia), plus Rosemarv
Aroma Siez, Aroma Li[e, Purification, Trauma
and Clove, making it an exceptional antiseptic
Life, Peace & Calming, Peace & C)alming II, and tissue regenerator.

R.C., RuraVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Srress TO DISINFECT

Arvay Roll-On, tanquil Roll-On, C)rvie
Personal Cre: Thieves Spra1,, LavaDerm AFter

Sun Spray, LavaDerm Cooling Mist

Application and Usage Recommendations
Singls: Tea Tiee, Oregano, Lemongrass, Melissa,
Topical: Refer rc Applicntion Guiclelines.
Thyme, Mountain Savory Lemon, Rosemary
. Dilute recommended oils 50:50 and apply Eucallptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, Clove
Blends: Thieves, Melrose, Purification, Citrus
2-6 drops on location 1-4 rimes daily.
. Apply LavaDerm After Sun Spray or Lava-
Personal Care Thieves Spray
Derm Cooling Mist to the affected area.
Application and Usage
Note: Peppermint can bc helpful in rreating Topical: Refer to Application Gaidelines.

wounds but nray sting when applicd to an . Apply Thieves Spray.
. Dilute recommended oils 50:50 and apply
opcn rvound. To reduce discomfort, dilute
2-4 drops on the wound 2-5 times daily.
with Lavender or mix in a sealing oinrment
befbre applving. When applied ro a wound
or cut th:rt h,rs a scab, a clilutecl Peppermint Singles: Srcrrd Irrrnlii nccnsc. I'-rrnlii nccnse,

blcnd rvill soorhe, cool, and rcclucc inHanr- l{olrl Hrrvrriirrr Srnrirlrloo<1. Sacrerl Srrrdrl-

nrirtion in cllmagcd tissrrc- rroocl. Nlclissr. l.rvencler, Itlaho [Jrlsrrrr l:ir,
l'rlo Santo, I'rrelrotrli, t\lclalcrrca ()uintltrc
Bruise and Scrape Blend
(j\{av bc usccl ()n inlilrts antl chilclrcrr) ntrrir. \{r rrlr. llcli.hrlsrrrrr
Blcnds: \1.1r,r.e. I'rrrilicrti,rr, (itrtlc llabr'.
. i clrops l.rlcncler
\/rlor- ( )rr i.'
) . 1 rlrop (.istrrs
. I Jrop N1r'rrh Application and Usage
Infected (lur Blend 'Iirpical: litlLt rc .)gtliLtrrirtit ( itrlrlLllitr'.
. - rlrrrps (;Lr.urirurl
' i rlr,rPr \lr r rh . l)ilrrir r!'.r)nlltnrir(l oils 50:i0 r!r(l ,rl)i)l\
. I .lroP' li .r I ir'. J- t tirops,,r tlr. u,rrrn.l I-i tinrt. .lrrilr.


Dilute all oils when being used for babies. Just
Singles: Helichrysum, Cistus, Cypress, Lemon, l-2 drops mixed in Tender Tirsh or Rose Oint-

Geranium, Vetiver, Valerian, Sacred Frank- ment are sufficient for using on diaper rash. Seed-
incense, Frankincense, Myrrh, Cerman lings Diaper Rash Creamt nine vegetable oils,
Chamomile which include coconur, sunfower, and olive, seal
Blends: PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma Siez out moisture and soothe babyt tender skin.

Application and Usage Recommendations
Singles: Lavender, Helichrysum, German
Chamomile, Cypress
. Apply a cold compress to the affected area Blends: Gentle Baby, Purification, Valor, Owie

1-2 times until bleeding stops. Personal Cre: Seedlings Diaper Rash Cream,
Tender Tush, Rose Ointment, ClaraDerm,
Wound Compress Blend LavaDerm Cooling Mist

'. 5dropsGeranium Application and Usage
Topical: ReQer rc Application Guidelines.
5 drops kmon
. 5 drops German Chamomile . Apply Seedlings Diaper Cream liberallv rvith
. 2 drops Helichrysum
each diaper change.
. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 and/or oint-
ments on location 2-4 times daily during
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, Lav- diaper changes.
ender, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred
Sandalwood, Cistus, Geranium, Helichrysum, Eczema/Dermatitis
Myrrh, Vetiver, Patchouli Ecrepa md dermatitis are both inflmmations

Blends: Gentle Baby, Valor, Melrose, Owie ofthe skin and are most often due to allergies, in-
cluding gluten (wheat) md dairy but they also mn
Application and Usage be a sign ofliver disease.
Topicaft Refer to Application Guidelines.
Dermatitis usually results from external fac-
. Dilute recommended oils 50:50 and apply tors such as sunburn or conract with poison ily,
metals from wristwatches, earrings, jewelry, etc.;
2-4 drops on the wound 2-5 times daily. internal factors such as irritant chemicals, soaps,
and shampoos; or from gluten and lactose aller-
Scar Prevention Blend No. I gies or intolerance.
. 3 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood or
In both dermatitis and eczema, the skin can
Sacred Sandalwood
become red, flaky, and itchy. Small blisters may
. 3 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankin-
form, and if they are broken by scratching, they
can become infected.
. 1 drop Vetiver
Sca Prevention Blend No.2 Singles: Lavender, German Chamomile, M1,rrh,

. 10 drops Geranium Blue Cypress, Roman Chamomile, Geranium,
. 8 drops Helichrysum [.aurus Nobilis
. 6 drops Lavender
. 4 drops Patchouli 343

Blends: JuvaCleanse, Purifi cation, Melrose, Recommendations (
Ausrralian Blue
Singles: Tea Tiee, Lemongrass, Oregano, Laven- L
Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, ICII ComforTone, der, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Patchouli, L
Melaleuca Quinquenervia
Essenrialzyme, JuvaTone, JuvaPower, Essen- t
tialzymes-4, KidScents MighryZyme, Life 9 Blends: Melrose, Purifi cation
Personal Cre: Rose Ointment, Regenolone Nutritionals: Life 9, Digest & Cleanse, ICB L

Moisturizing Cream ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Mineral Essence L
Skin Care: ClaraDerm
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. Application and Usage
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.
. Apply 1-2 drops diluted 50:50 on lootion as
. App|y 2-4 drops of oil diluted 50:50 on
location 3-5 times daily.
Fungal Skin lnfections Antifungal Skin Blend
Fungi and yeast feed on decomposing or dead
. 10 drops Patchouli
tissues that exist everywhere, such as in our stom- . 5 drops Lemongrass
achs, on our skin, on food, outside in the lawn, in . 4 drops Melaleuca Quinqueneruia
the garden, on pets, erc. Vhen kept under con- . 2 dropsTeaTiee
trol, the yeast and fungi populating our bodies are
harmless and digest what our bodies cannot or do Itching L
not use. Itching can be due to dry skin, impaired liver L

\(hen we feed the naturally occurring fungi in function, insects, allergies, or overexposure to \
our bodies with simple sugars, rhe fungi are more
likely to grow our of control. This condition is chemicals or sunlight. L
known as systemic candidiasis, which invades the L
blood, gastrointestinal tract, and tissues. Recommendations
Singles: Peppermint, Patchouli, Lavender, Oreg- L
The pH Balance N,4akes L
a Difference ano, Vetiver, Nutmeg, German Chamomile L
Blends: Aroma Siez, Purification, Melrose,
Psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, dry skin, al- L
Iergies, and similar problems indicate an exces- Thieves, DiGize, Owie, JuvaFlex, JuvaCleanse L
sive acidic pH in the body. The more acid that
is in the blood and skin, the less rherapeutic Nutritionalsr Digest & Cleanse, Life 9, L
effect the oils will have.
JuvaTone, ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Es-
People who have a negarive reacr ion ro es- sentialzymes-4, Detoxzyme, ICP, JuvaPower,
sential oils are usually highly acidic. An alka- PowerGize
line balance must be maintained in the blood Personal Cars KidScents Tender Tirh, Rose
and skin for the oils to work the best. Alka- Ointment, Regenolone Moisturizing Cream,
Lime and MultiGreens are both helpful for lavaDerm Cooling Mist, LavaDerm After
this balancing (See Fungrs). Sun Spray, ClaraDerm

344 Application and Usage
Topical Refer to Application Guidrlines.

. Apply 1-2 drops neat on location several

times daily as needed.

. Dilute 50/50 and apply on location 3-6

times daily.

. Spray LavaDerm Cooling Misr, LavaDerm Recommendations
Singls: Oregano, Thyme, Tea Tree, Frankincense,
After Sun Spray, or ClaraDerm ifcondition
is evident on the skin. Sacred Frankincense
Blends: Melrose, Purifi cation
Liver Spots (Solar Lentigines)
Mistakenly called liver spots, these "age" spots Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
are actually solar lentigines, which are caused by
exposure to the sun over time. The spots are flat . To dry up moles, apply l-2 drops of
brown, gray, or black spots and vary in size. They
usually are found on the face, arms, shoulders, and Oregano neat (undiluted) on the mole 2-3
hands-the areas rhat receive the greatest sun ex- times daily.

posure. . Other oils may be used that may also show

Recommendations benefit.
Singls: Frankincense, Sacred Frankincense,
Poison Oak/Poison lvy/Poison Sumac
Myrrh, Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawai-
ian Sandalwood, Geranium, Lavender, Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are
Helichrysum plants that contain an irritating, oily sap called
Personal Care: YL Mineral Sunscreen Lotion urushiol, which triggers an allergic reaction when
SPF 50, YL Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF it comes into contact with skin. An itchy rash can
10, LavaDerm After-Sun Spray
appear within hours of exposure or several days
Application and Usage later and usually develops into oozing blisters.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
Recommendations {
. Apply 2-4 drops neat ofrhe sun spor blend Singles: Peppermint, Myrrh, Patchouli, Vetiver,

over affected area 3 times daily for 2 weela. Eucalyptus Blue, German Chamomile, Ro-
The oils from the blend can be applied on man Chamomile, Rose, Lemon, Idaho Tansy,
individual sun spors with a cotton swab.
Sun Spot Blend Palo. Santo, Tea Tiee, Rosemary, Geranium,
. 20 drops V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex
. 6 drops Frankincense or Sacred Frankincense Blends: Melrose, Purification, R.C., Juva-
. 4 drops Sacred Sandalwood or Royal Hawai- Cleanse, Owie

ian Sandalwood Nutritionals: Detoxzyme, ComforTone, Mineral
Essence, Digest & Cleanse, ICP, JuvaPower,
. 4 drops Lavender OmegaGizel
. 4 drops Myrrh
Personal Cre: Rose Ointment, KidScenrs
Moles Tender Tush, Boswellia Wrinkle Cream, ART
Moles appear as small, dark brown spots; come Light Moisturizet Thieyes Spray, LavaDerm
Cooling Mist, ClaraDerm
in many colors; and can develop virtually anyvhere
on your body. Most moles are harmless but moni- Application and Usage
toring them is important in detecting skin cancer. Topical Refer to Application Guidclines.

. Apply 4-6 drops ofoil diluted 50:50 to af-

fected areas 2 times daily.

. Apply a cold compress on affecred area2

times daily.


Psoriasis . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
Psoriasis is a noninfectious skin disorder that
chosen oil on the back 3 times weekly.
is marked by skin patches or flaking skin that can
occur in limited areas such as the scalp or that can Psotisis Blend L
cover up to 80-90 percent ofthe body. This disor-
der is believed to be an immune-mediated disease, . 4 drops Palo Santo \
and genetics may play a role. . 2 drops Patchouli
. 2 drops Roman Chamomile t
The overly rapid growth of skin cells is rhe pri- . 2 drops Vetiver
mary cause of psoriasis. In some cases, skin cells . 2 drops Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood or
grow four times faster than normal, resulting in
the formation ofsilvery layers that flake off. Sacred Sandalwood
Sagging Skin
. It occurs on elbows, chest, knees, and scalp.
. Slightly elevated reddish lesions are covered Sagging skin is a common problem for many \

with silver-white scales. people, especially as they get older. It occurs as the \

. The disease can be limited to one small ,kin 1o.". i,r elasticity or* ti-..

patch or can cover rhe entire body. Recommendations \

. Rashes subside after exposure to sunlight. Singls: Lavender, Helichrysum, Patchouli, Cy- \
. Rashes recur over a period ofyears.
Royalpress, Tangerine, Sacred Sandalwood,
Stop eating sugr and junk food! Psoriasis is an
inflammatory condition. Junk foods contain
saturated and trans fats, refined starches and Sandalwood, Geranium
sugars, which can promore inflammation. Blends: Humiliry inspiration, Joy
Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable,
Singles: Roman Chamomile, Tea Tiee, Pa- ICB ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Essential-

tchouli, Helichrysum, Rose, Melissa, German zymes-4, Life 9, Mineral Essence, JuvaPower
Chamomile, Lavender, Vetiver, Royal Hawai- Personal Care: ART Refreshing Toner, Boswellia
ian Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood
Blends: Melrose, Gentle Baby, JuvaCleanse, Vrinkle Cream, Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil
Nutritionals: ICII ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Application and Usage (
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Balance Complete, Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
Alkal-ime, JuvaTone, JuvaPower, Sulfurzyme L
Personal Cars KidScents Tender Tush, Rose . Apply 4-6 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on
Ointment \
Application and Usage affected area 2 times daily. Use the morning L
Topica} Refer to Application Guiddines. blend before dressing in the morning and
the evening blend before bed at night. \
. Apply 2-4 drops neat to affected area 2 times
. Strength training with weights can also help L
tighten sagging skin.
. Add 6-10 drops to I reaspoon ofregular
Skin Fiming Blend (Morning)
skin lotion and apply daily or as needed.
. 3 drops tngerine
346 . 3 drops Cypress

Skin Firming Blend (Evening)

. 8 drops Patchouli
. 5 drops Cypress
. 5 drops Geranium
. 1 drop Sacred Sandalwood or Royal

Hawaiian Sandalwood

Scabies Skin Ulcers

Scabies are caused by eightJegged insects Skin ulcers are open sores that are often ac-

known as itch mites-tiny parasites that burrow companied by the sloughing-offof inflamed tissue.

into the skin, usually in the fingers and genital They can be caused by problems with blood circu-

areas. The most common variery Sarcoptes scabiei, lation. irritation from exposure to corrosive mate-

can quickly infest other people. Although it lives rial, or exposure to heat, cold, or trauma.

for only one to wo months, the female continu- Recommendations
ally lays eggs once it digs into the skin. Singles: Helichrysum, Roman Chamomile,

The most common remedy for scabies and lice Patchouli, Lavender, Clove, Myrrh
is lindane (gamma benzene hexachloride), a high- Blends: Thieves, Purification, Relieve It, Melrose
Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable,
ly toxic polychlorinated chemical that is sructur-
ally very similar to hazardous banned pesticides ICB ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Essential-
zymes-4, Life 9, NingXia Red, Inner Defense,
such as DDT and chlordane. It is so dangerous Digest & Cleanse, Slique Shake, ImmuPro
Petsonal Care: Rose Ointment, KidScents
that Dr. Guy Sansfacon, head ofthe Quebec Poi- Tender Tirsh
son Control Centre in Canada, has requested that
lindane be banned. Application and Usage

Natural, plant-derived essential oils have the
same activity as commercial pesticides but are

far safer. Essential oils have been studied for their Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
a .abiliry to not only repel insects but also to kill
Apply 4-6 drops neat or diluted 50:50 on

them and their eggs as well. Because most oils are affected area 2 times daily.

nontoxic to humans, they make excellent rreat- Stretch Marks

ments ro combar scabies infestations. Stretch marks are most commonly associated
with pregnancy but can also occur during growth
Recommendations spurts and periods ofweight gain.
Singles: Palo Santo, Peppermint, Citronella, Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense, El-

Rosemary Palmarosa, Eucalyptus Globulus, emi, Geranium, Lavender, Myrrh, Spearmint,
Black Pepper, Ginger, Oregano, Thyme, Spearmint Vitality
Mountain Savory Blends: Gentle Baby, Sensation, Valor,'White
Blends: Purification, Me[rose, Thieves, Exodus Angelica
II, ImmuPower

Application and Usage Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MegaCal, Super B,

Topical: Refer o Application Guidtlines. Super C, Super C Chewable, Essentialzyme,
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Master Formula
. Apply 2-4 drops of recommended oils neat

or diluted 50:50 ifneeded on location 3 Personal Care: Rose Ointment, KidScents

times daily. Tender Tirsh

. To treat hair or scalp, add 3-1 drops of Application and Usage
Topical Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
essential oil to 1 teaspoon ofshampoo and
massage into wet hair. Leave for 5 minutes, . Apply 3-6 drops ofoil neat or diluted 50:50
rhen rinse.
2 times daily.


Vitiligo Essential Oils (
Vitiligo is a condition in which your skin loses
Skin Bejuvenation \
melanin, the pigment that determines the color \
of your skin, hair, and eyes and occurs when the Rejuvenate and heal
cells that produce melanin die or no longer form t
melanin, causing slowly enlarging white parches oI o Rose, Sacred Sandalwood, Myrrh,
irregular shapes to appear on your skin. L
Frankincense, Vetiver \
The cause has not yet been determined, but
there are theories that it may be due to an immune Prevent md retud wrinkles L
sysrem disorder, herediry possibilities, nutritional . Lavender, Myrrh, Frankincense, Sacred
deficiencies, overuse of chemicals, and perhaps (
environmental pollution that affects t}re proper Sandalwood
firnction of the body that produces melmin. Regenerate L

Some people have reported a single event such . Ceranium, Helichrysum, Melrose,

as sunburn or emotional distress that triggered Sacred Sandalwood
the condition. Howeveq none of these theories
has been proved to be a definite cause ofvitiligo. Restore skin elmticity
o Sacred Sandalwood with Lavender
Recommendations . Ylang YIang with Lavender
Singls: Sacred Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian . Patchouli with Ylang Ylang

Sandalwood, Myrrh, Vetiver, Patchouli Combat premature aging of the skin
Blends: Brain Power, Dream Catcher, Humility Mix the following recipe into 1 tablespoon of
Nutritionals: Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex, any high-grade
vegetable oil, or unscented skin lotion, and
Life 9, Detoxzyme, ICII JuvaPower, Mineral apply on location 2 times daily.
Essence, Mind\Wise, Digest & Cleanse, Inner Skin Rej uvenating Recipe
. 6 drops Sacred Sandalwood
Application and Usage . 4 drops Geranium
Topical: Refer o Applicntion Gttidelines. . 3 drops Lavender
. 2 drops Sacred Frankincense
. Apply 2-4 drops of desired oil neat 2 rimes
Essential Oils and
Skin Vitality
. A cleansing diet mighr be helpful. Cleansing
Tea Tree, Dorado Azul, and Lemongrass
rhe liver and digestive system facilitates can help clear acne and balance oily skin
grearer nutritional absorption and waste conditions.
elimination for proper body function and
vibrant health. Lemongrass is the predominant ingredient
in Morning Start Bath and Shower Gel,
Wrinkles which can be used to balance the pH ofthe
Although wrinkles are a narural part of ag- skin, decongest the ll.mphatics, and stimulate
ing, sun exposure is the major cause. Exposure to
heat, wind, and dust, as well as smoking, may also
contribute ro wrinkling.


Recommendations sustains deep, stage 4 sleep, the time when the
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
immune system and growth hormone production
Myrrh, Vetiver, Helichrysum, Cypress, Rose, reaches its maximum.
Lavender, Patchouli, Geranium, Sacred
Sandalwood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, ImmuPro not only contains melatonin but also
Neroli, Palmarosa mineral and polysaccharide complexes to restore
Blends: Gentle Baby, Sensation, 31Vise Men, narural sleep rl:yrhm and eliminate insomnia.
'White Angelica, Highest Potential
Nutritionals: MegaCal, Longevity Softgels, Valerian has been shown to be effecrive in
NingXia Red, OmegaGizes, Master Formula, calming the mind, enabling one to fall asleep
Sulfurzyme, Super B, Ningxia Volfberries
(Organic, Dried), MindWise easier.
Personal Care: Boswellia Wrinkle Cream,
lVolfberry Eye Cream, ART Gentle Cleanser, Recommendations
ART RefreshingToner, Rose Ointment, ART Singles: Lavender, Goldenrod, Valerian, Roman
Light Moisturizer, ART Sheerlum6 Brighten-
ing Cream Chamomile, Orange, Mandarin
Blends: AromaSleep, Rutavala, RutaVala
Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidrlines. Roll-On, Tianquil Roll-On, Peace & Calm-
ing, Peace & Calming II, Surrender, Tiauma
. Mix3-4 drops of oil 50:50 in V-6 Vegetable Life, Hope, Humiliry Stress Away Roll-On,

Oil Complex or add to the ART skin care Sleepylze
Iotions or moisturizing creams and apply as Nutritionals: SleepEssence, ImmuPro, Essential.

needed. zyme, MegaCal, Mineral Essence, Omega-
Gize3, Life 9, Thyromin (take just before
. Rose Ointment was developed to keep the getting into bed), Mind!7ise

skin soft and moist and to supply healing Application and Usage
nutrients. It is a natural emollient and con- Aromatic Refer to Application Gaidelines.
tains no chemicals or synthetic ingredients Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
that can cause skin irritation.
Note: Be careful not to ger lorion or oils near . Apply 1-2 drops neat on temples and back
the eyes.
Wrinkle-Reducing Blend ofneck, as desired.

. 6 drops Sacred Frankincense or Frankincense . Applying a single drop under the nose is
. 5 drops Sacred Sandalwood or Royal Hawai-
ian Sandalwood
. Dilute 50;50 and apply on location 3-6
. 4 drops Geranium
' 3 drops Lavender times daily.

SLEEP DISOBDERS . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the
Melatonin is the most powerful narural rem-
bottoms of the feet just before bedtime.
edy for restoring both qualiry and quantiry of Children love it.

sleep. It improves the length of time the body SMOKING CESSATION PROBLEMS

Smoking is a difficult habit to break because it
involves many aspects of a person's emotions and
social life as well as a physical addiction to nico-
tine. Smoking cessation (quitting smoking) is a
vital part ofcancer prevention.


Recommendations Blends: Puri6cation, Melrose, Thieves \
Singles: Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vital- Personal Care: Thieves Spray
iry Clove, Clove Vitaliry Nutmeg, Nutmeg Application and Usage
Vitaliry. Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines. L
Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage, Sage, Sage
Vitaliry . Apply 2-3 drops diluted 50:50 on location
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Harmony, Ju-
vaCleanse, JuvaCleanse Vitality, Peace & Calm- every l5 minutes unril professional medical
ing, Peace & Calming II, GLF, GLF Vitaiiry
Nutritionals: ICB ComforTone, Essentialzyme, help is available.
Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, JuvaTone, JuvaPower
Application and Usage Just about everyone snores occasionally, but it
Aromatic Refer o Application Guidelines.
can affect the quantiry and qualiry ofyour sleep,
. Inhale the oils that work best for you when- which can lead to fatigue, irritabiliry and in-
creased health problems, in addition to relation-
ever rhe urge for a cigarette arises. ship problems with your partner.
Dietary md Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary Singles: Idaho Balsam Fir, Sacred Sandalwood,

oil 2 times daily. Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Rose, Lavender,
Lavender Vitaliry Valerian, Ylang Ylang
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in Blends: RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Stress
Away, Stress Away Roll-On, The Gift, Harmo-
a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk, ny. Sacred Mounrain, Trans[ormation
Nutritionals: SleepEssence, MegaCal, Mineral
. iuice, or water. Essence, Detoxzyme, Essentialzyme, Essential-
zymes-4, Life 9, ImmuPro
Cleanse colon and liver wirh ICP, Comfor-
Application and Usage
. Tone, Essentialzyme, and JuvaTone. Dietry md Oralz Refer rc Application Guidelines.

Put 1 drop ofThieves on the tongue every . Thke 1 capsule of desired Vitaliry or dietary
time you have rhe urge to smoke.
oil 2 times daily.
. JuvaTone, JuvaPower, and JuvaSpice detoxi$.
. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
the liver, which in turn helps ro reduce crav-
ings for nicotine and caffeine a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water
. Take 3 tablets ofJuvaTone 3 times daily and Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.

2 tablespoons ofJuvaPower or JuvaSpice . Rub 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on the bottoms
ofboth feet at bedtime.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
CAUTION: Seek medical atrention immediately Spina bifida (SB) is a defect in which the

ifyou are bitten by a poisonous snake. spinal cord of the fetus fails to close during the
first month of pregnancy. This results in varying
Recommendations degrees of permanent nerve damage, paralysis in
Singles: Clove, Eucalyptus Blue, Idaho Balsam

Fir, Copaiba, Lemon, Patchouli, Sacred
Frankincense, Frankincense, Thyme, Tea Tiee


lower limbs, and incomplete brain developmcnt. SPTNAL INJURIES AND PAIN

The exa.r cause is rrnkr:owrr. bur scienrisrs suspecr According to numerous chiropractors, the nutritional, genetic, and environmental Fac-
Raindrop Technique using therapeutic-grade es-
tors such as exposure to harmful substances may
sential oils is revolutionizing the treatment of
play a role in its causc. Having enough lrolate many rypes of back irain, spine infammation, and
(Found in multivitamins as the B-vitamin folic
Yerrebra.l misalignments.
acid) during the mother's pregnancy reduces the The following essential oils, blends, and sup-
risk of spina bifida, as well as other neural tubc
plements are for supporting the structural integ-
disorders, up to 70 percent.i" riry of the spine and reducing discomfort:
Spina bifida has rlrrec ditlcrerrt variarions:
The most severe Form is myelomeningocele, Si.gles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Dorado Azul,
when the spinal cord and its protcctive shearh
(known as the neninges) protrude from an open- 'Wintergreen, Kunzea, Marjoram, Marioram
ing in the spine. Vitaliry Idaho Balsam Fir, Helichrysum, Palo
Santo, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry Basil,
Meningocele is rvhcn only the meninges pro- Basil Vitaliry, Copaiba, Copaiba Vitality
trude fron the opening in thc spine. 'I1le rnild- Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Aroma Siez,
est lorm is occulta, characterized by malfornied Relieve It, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Deep Relief
vertebrae. Nutritionals: PowerGize, MegaCal, Super Cal
Plus, Longevity Softgels, BLM, AgilEase,
Symptoms oFthis condition range From bowel Essentialzyme, Mineral Essence, Slique Shake,
lnd bladder dysfunctions to cxccss buildup ofce-
rebrospinal fluid in rhe brain. Sulfurzyme
Personal Care Cool Azu[ Pain Relief Cream,
'lhe e:rsicst wa1, to possibly prevent spina bifidir
is rvith fblic :rcid supplementarion (ar least 400 Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage
rnce dail1,, fbund in Supcr B) by all rvomen of Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil

child-bearing:rges. Application and Usage
Dietary and OraI: Refer to Application Guidtlines.
Singles: J\4ountrin Srrorr,. Ilelichrvsunr, llvmc, . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

'fta ll'cc, ldrho Brrlsrm Fir. Sacrctl [jrlnkin- oil 2 times daily.
ccrsc. l:ranliincensc
Blends: l\lclrosc. l:xorlrrs II.']he (iifi. I)tacr & . Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitality or dietary oil in
(.rlnrinrl. l)r'rrc & (ialnrinq I l. I)ccp l{cliel'
Ii,,ll ()n. I lrnqtril Ilrll,( )n. ,\ronrr Siuz. (.ool a spoontirl of svrup or small amount of milk,
juicc, or rvater.
Topical: Rcfcr o Apl,lirtriorr Ouiltliuas.
Nutritiorrals: 5Lr1r.r ll. lirrl,rrrie (.onrPlcr..
\rrllirr ur nre- l), rri r (,izt. \1eq.r( ..:1. lrn rrll,u..r. . Appll'(r-1 0 drops dilutccl 50:50 on location
\lr't.'t lrrt trttl.t. ( )rrr'g.t( ,ize . I .it nti,r]ri nre. f rinrcs clailv or as neetled.
I .\rnri.rl/\ rrr(. r. I ilr '). \linLl\\ i'e. \lirlLrt
. Placc r \\,ilnr conrprcss rvith l -l tlrops of
\ lr.rLr
clesircd oil claih (ifrrca is not inHanred).
Application and Usage
. li...i\r'., li.Lirr.Ji,11, 1., lrrrr,1r. rr..Llr . llcctivc r llairrtlnrp'lcchrtirltrc .i tittres rr

nl,r th.


Back lnjuries and Pain (Backache) Herniated Disc/Disc Deterioration
(See also Muscles) A herniated disc is an abnormal rupture of the

According to numerous chiropractors, the central portion ofa disc ofthe spine. For this situ-
Raindrop tchnique, which uses therapeutic- ation, it is best to consult a specialist.

grade essential oils, has added tremendous benefit However, many esseniial oils can give tempo-
to the treatment of many types of back pain, in- rary pain relief
fammation, and vertebral misalignments.
Recommendations Singles: Basil, Tarragon, Idaho Blue Spruce,

Singles: l^avender, Idaho Balsam Fir, Kunzea, Kunzea, Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
Idaho Balsam Fir, Helichrysum, \Wintergreen,
Helichrysum, l7intergreen, German Chamo- Vetiver, Valerian
Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Relieve It, Aroma
mile, Basil, Copaiba, Marjoram, Peppermint Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, BLM, AgilEase,
Blends: Cool Azul, Aroma Siez, PanAway, PowerGize, MegaCal, Slique Shake, Master
Formula, Essentialzyme, Mineral Essence,
Relieve It, Deep Relief Roll-On, Valor, Valor OmegaGizer
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Roll-On Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz-
ing Cream, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho
Nutritionals: BLM, AgilEase, PowerGize,
Ease Massage Oil
MegaCal, Master Formula, Slique Shake,
Application and Usage
MultiGreens, NingXia Red Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

Personal-Care Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, . Dilute 50:50 and apply on locarion for pain

Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz- relief.

ing Cream, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho . Place a cold compress on location as needed.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2 rimes
Ease Massage Oil
Backache Blend
. Stimulate vertebrae with "pointer technique."
. 5 drops \trTintergreen
. 3 drops Lavender (see box on nm page uhh expknation).

'. 3 drops ldaho Balsm Fir Lumbago (Lower back pain)
2 drops Marjoram Chronic lower back pain can have many

Application and Usage causes, including a damaged or pinched nerve
Topical: Refer to Application Gaidelines.
(neuralgia) or a congested colon.
. Apply 2-4 drops neat on specific area 1 -3
times daily or as needed. Singls: Basil, Helichrysum, German Chamo-

. Apply 2-4 drops on Vita Flex area of foot. mile, Elemi, Peppermint, Kunzea, Copaiba,
. lJse warm compress with 1-2 drops of Marjoram, \Tintergreen

chosen oil on the back daily.

. Apply Raindrop Technique 2 times weekly for 3


. Massage with Ortho Ease or Ortho Sport

Massage Oil.


Blends: Relieve It, Cool Azul, PanAway, Aroma Pointer Technique for
Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On, Stress Away Nerve Damage
'fhe Pointer Technique uses a small, pen-
Nuttitionals: MegaCal, BLM, AgilEase, ICB shaped instrument with a rounded end to
ComforTone, Essentialzyme, Essential- stimulate specific locations on rhe skin after
zymes-4, Life 9, OmegaGizer, PowerGize the essential oils have been applied to the area.
It works very u,ell on the Vita Flex points of
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, the foot but may cause quite a tickling sensa-
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz- tion. The pointer stimulation promotes great-
ing Cream, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho er blood fow to a parricular area. increasing
Ease Massage Oil the nutrient supply and healing properries.

Application and Usage If there is nerve damage, app\, 4-6 drops
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. of Peppermint, or other desired oil, along rhe
spine. Use a gentle rocking motion on the
. Apply 6-10 drops ofoil diluted 50:50 on lo-
tissue berween each vertebr,r, benveen cach
cation 2 rimes daily. AJso apply around navel.
rib on the vertebra, rvith knuckles startinq lt
. Apply 2-3 drops ofdesired oil on stomach the base ofthe spine and working all rhe s'l'

and intestine and on Vita Flex points o[rhe up on each side of the spine to the neck. Use
medium pressure with the rocking morion fbr
feet. l-10 seconds at each location. Then fbllol'
the same procedure once more along rhe spine
. Place a warm compress on lower back 1-2 next to each vertebra.

times daily. If inflamed, use a cool compress. Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Applicntion Guidelines.
. Receive a complete Raindrop Technique 3
. Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 ro neck area
times each month.
and massage 1-3 times daily as needed.
Neck Pain and Stiffness
Neck pain and stiffness can be caused by . Place a warm compress on neck area clailv

a variery offactors, including srress, injury, or as needed. \With inflamnrarion, use a cool
tension, everyday activities, or other healrh compress.
problems, some oFwhich may have serious Neck Stiffness Blend
. 5 drops PanAway
Recommendations ' 5 drops Marjoram
Singles: Basil, Marjoram, Idaho Blue Spruce, . 3 clrops Peppermint

Helichrysum, Idaho Balsam Fir, Peppermint, Neck Pain Blend
'W'intergreen, Cypress, Nutmeg, Copaiba,
Kunzea, Elemi, Dorado Azul . 7 drops Basil
Blends: Cool Azul, Relieve It, PanAway, Aroma . 5 clrops lVintergreen
Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On . 4 drops Cvpress
Nutritionals: Mineral Essence, MegaCal, Master . 2 drops Peppermint
Formula, Balance Complete, BLM, AgilEase,
OmegaGize3 353
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Regenolone Moisturiz-
ing Cream, Orrho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho
Ease Massage Oil

Sciatica . Place a warm compress on affected area 1-2 L
Sciatica is characrerized by pain in the buttocks times daily; cold compress if infamed.
and dou,n the back ofthe thigh. The pain worsens {
during coughing, sneezing, or while flexing and . Massage 2-3 drops into Vita Flex points of
stretching the back. The pain is caused by pressure \
the feet 2-4 times daily.
on the sciatic nerve as it leaves the spine in the
lower pelvic region due to spinal misalignment . Receive a complete RaindropTechnique 3

and/or nerve inflammation. times monthly.

The sciatic nerve is the largest in the body, . Walk backwards for 20 minutes dailv with
with branches throughout the legs and feet; sci-
no shoes.
atica pain can be intense and immobilizing. Acute
sciatica has a sudden onser and is usually triggered Scoliosis
by compressed or herniated lurnbar discs. AIso,
misaligned vertebra pressing against the sciatic Scoliosis is an abnormal lateral or side-to-side
rterve due ro rccidenr, injury. pregnancy, or in- curuature or twist in the spine. It is different from
hyperkyphosis (hunchback) or hyperlordosis
(swayback), which involve excessive front-to-back
. Lower back pain
. Swelling or stiffness in a leg accentuation of existing spine curvatures.
. Loss ofsensation in a leg 'While some cases of scoliosis can be attributed
. Muscle wasting in a leg
to congenital deformities such as MS, cerebral
SulRrrzyme, Super B, ;rnd OmegaGizc'work
palsy, Down syndrome, or Marfan syndrome, the
well togcther to help rebuild nerve damage and the vast majority of scoliosis types are of unknown
myelin sheath. origin.

Recommendations Some medical professionals believe that sco-
liosis may be caused by persistent muscle spasms
Singles: Hel ich rvsu m, TlLragon, Vetivcr, Pcp, that pull the vertebrae of the spine our of align-
pernrint, Nurneg,'llymc, Itlaho Bluc Spnrce, ment. Others feel-and there is a grorving body
Brsil, Iloscmrrv, Copaiba of research documenting this hypothesis-that it
begins with hard-to-detect inflammation along
Blends: (lool Azul, Aronrr Sicz, Ilclicvt Ir,
I)rnAwar,, [)ccp llclicf lloll-( )n the spine caused by latent viruses.

Nutritionals: Srrlfirrzr rrrr, l)orlcr(lizc. Srrpcr ll. Normal Scoliosis
l.ssuntillzr ntc, i\1ast.r lirrnrrr]r. ()ntt,q.r(,izr''.
Nlcqe( ll. Nlirrtr.rl l.sscnc.,
Personal (lare: (.ool .\zrr] l'rirr ll.,li,.l'(.n..rnr-

( ,,,r1 ,\zrrl \prrrrr (,tI, Iitq(n{)l()n!,,\loisrrrriu
inq( r,.rnr. ()rrlt,r \Prrrr \lrtr.rtg. ()il. ()rrlro
I .r'r \l,r'rrrqc ( )ii

Application and Usage
'Ibpical: liel.r It.1/'l'1i,,tIit)t| (,rrlrl, liir,'.

. \pplr (r i O rlrops ., ,,,,.,,1 .t) i0 rln i(rL.tri{}rl
I tiurc: chjJr or rr l(c(jc(I.


Symptoms Recommendations
Singles: Basil, Dorado Azul, Idaho Blue Spruce,
. !?'hen bending fomard, the left side of the
Peppermint, Copaiba, Idaho Balsam Fir,
back is higher or lower than the right side Helichrysum, \Wintergreen, Kunzea
(the patient must be viewed from rhe rear). Blends: PanAway, Cool Azul, Relieve It, Aroma
Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On
. One hip may appear to be higher or more Nutritionals: PowerGize, BLM, AgilEase,
Sulfurzyme, Mineral Essence, MegaCal, Es-
prominent than the other. sentialzyme, Super C, Slique Shake, Super B
Personal Care: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
. fJneven shoulders or scapulas (shoulder Cool Azul Sports Gel, Prenolone Plus Body
Cream, Ortho Sport Massage Oil, Ortho Ease
blades). Massage Oil

. \W'hen the arms are hanging loosely, the Application and Usage
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.
distance between the left arm and left side is
different than the distance berween the right . Apply 4-6 drops diluted 50:50 on locarion
arm and right side.
The Raindrop Technique is proving to be an 3-5 times daily.
effective therapy for helping scoliosis, easing pain,
and reducing misalignment. . Place a cold compress on location 2 times

Recommendations daily.
Singles: Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Melissa, Win-
tergreen, Cypress, Marjoram, Peppermint
Blends: Valor, Valor Roll-On, Aroma Siez, Pan- Stress can be either good or bad. However,

Away, Cool Azul, Deep Relief Roll-On long-term stressful situations can produce a lasting,
Nuritionals: PowerGize, Mineral Essence, lowlevel stress thatt hard on people. The nervous
system pumps out extra stress hormones over an
MegaCal, Slique Shake, Sulfurzyme, BLM, extended period, which can wear out the bodyt
AgilEase, Master Formula, NingXia Red reserues and the adrenals, leaving a person feeling
Personal Cue: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream,
Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Ease Massage depleted or overwhelmed, weakening the body's
Oil, Ortho Sport Massage Oil immune system, and causing other problems.

Application and Usage Recommendatibns
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines. Singles: Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Roman

. Apply 3-6 drops diluted 50:50 along the Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Cedarwood, Marjo-
ram, Marjoram Vitaliry Rose, Sacred Sandal-
spine daily or as needed. wood, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Sacred
Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2-3 times a Vitaliry Valerian, Sage, Sage Vitality
Blends: Valor, Valor Roll-On, Peace & Calm-
week. ing, Peace & Calming II, Tianquil Roll-On,
Tiauma Life, Humiliry Harmony, RutaVala,
SPRAIN RutaVala Roll-On, The Gift, Common Sense
A sprain is an injury to a ligament caused by

excessive stretching. The ligament can have a
partial tear or be completely torn apart. Sprained
ligaments swell rapidly and are painful. Usually,
the greater the pain, the more severe the injury is.


Nutritionals; Super B, Super C, MultiGreens, Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint,
Master Formula, MegaCal, OmegaGize3, Peppermint Vitality
MindWise, CortiStop Women's Blends: R.C., Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Longev-
iry Longeviry Vitaliry Melrose, Raven, Purifi-
Application and Usage cation, Exodus II, Breathe Again Roll-On
Aromatic: Refer to Application Gaidelines. Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable,
Dietary and Oral Refer o Application Guidelines. Longevity Softgels, MultiGreens, ImmuPro,

. Take I capsule of desired Virality or dietary OmegaGizel
OraI Care: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Spray,
oil 2 times daily.
Thieves Fresh Essence Plus Mouthwash,
. Thke 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Mints

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, Application and Usage
juice, or water. Aromatie Refer to Application Guidrlines.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique 2-3 times
. Dilute 50:50 and apply on temples, neck,
and shoulders 2 times daily or as needed. Dietary and OralzRefer to Application Guidelines.

. Use bath salts daily. . Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary

INFECTIONS, LUNG INFECTIONS) . Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliry or dietary oil in

Throat inlection is one of the mosr common a spoonfii of syrup or small amount of milk,
conditions in the world. It is broadly divided into juice, or water
two rypes, viral and bacterial throat infections.
. Put 2 drops oflongeviry Vitaliry and 1 drop
Laryngitis is inflammation and swelling of the ofLemon Vitalicy in /z teaspoon ofYacon
Syrup, maple syrup, etc., hold in the back of
larynx, also known as the voice box. Laryngitis is the mouth for 1-2 minutes, and then swal-
usually caused by a virus, sometimes caused by a low. Repeat as needed.
bacterial infection, or occurs in people who over-
use their voice. V4rile Longeviry contains oils that . Place a few drops on or under your tongue
protect DNA, it also has mo highly anribacrerial
2-6 times daily or as often as needed.
oils: Thyme and Clove, making ir valuable for
. Gargle with a mixture of Vitaliry or dietary
bacterial infections.
essential oils and water 4-8 times daily.
Singles: Eucalyptus Radiata, Jade Lemon, Jade . Spray throat with Thieves Spray as often as

Lemon Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Viraliry, desired.
Lime, Lime Vitality, Eucalyptus Blue, Palo
Santo, Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Sacred . Gargle with Thieves Fresh Essence Plus

Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Mouthwash as needed.

Vitaliry Ravintsara, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry . Dissolve Thieves Cough Drops or Thieves
Myrrh, Cedamood, Eucalyprus Globulus,
Hard Lozenges in your mouth as desired.
Topical: Refer to Application Gui*lines.

. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 to throat,

chest, and back of neck 2-4 times daily.

. Apply 1-3 drops ofselected oil to lungVita

Flex points ofthe feet 1-3 times daily.


Sore Throat points of the foot 1-3 times daily.

Sore throats are caused by many things, such . Receive a Raindrop Technique weeldy.
as viruses, bacteria, smoking, polluted air, and al- . Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of
lergies to pet dandet pollens, and molds.
chosen oil on the throat and chest area 2-3
. Recommendations times daily

Singls: TeaTiee, Ravintsara, Cypress, Eucalyprus Sore Throat Blend No. I
Radiata, Eucalyptus Globulus,Jade Lemon, . 2 drops Thyme Virality
Jade Lemon Mtaliry Lemon, l,emon Vitaliry . 2 drops Cypress
Lime, Lime Vitaliry, Sacred Frankincense, . I drop Eucalyptus Radiata
Frankincense, Frankincense Vitaliry Thyme, . 1 drop Peppermint Vitaliry
Thyme Vitality, Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry . 1 drop Mvrrh
Northern Lights Black Spruce, Peppermint, . I teaspoon honey
Peppermint Vitaliry Myrrh, lifintergreen
Sore Throat Blend No.2
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vita.liry Longeviry,
Longeviry Vitaliry Melrose, Raven, Immu- . 5 drops Lemon Vitaliry
. 2 drops Eucalyptus Globulus
_ Power, R.C. . 2 drops lWintergreen
. 1 drop Peppermint Vitalitv
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, Super C, Super
Strep Throat
_ C Chewable, ImmuPro, Longeviry Softgels, Strep throat is a bacterial throat infection

OmegaGizer caused by Group A streptococcus and is generally

- Oral Care: Thieves Cough Drops, Thieves Hard more severe than a viral throat infection. If left

Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence Mouthwash, untreated, strep throar can lead to kidney inflam-
Thieves Spray, Thieves Mints mation and rheumatic fever.

Application and Usage Recommendations
Aromatic: Refer to Application Guidtlines. Singles: Oregano, Oregano Vitality, Thyme,
Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidrlines.
Thyme Vitaliry Eucalyptus Globulus, Sacred
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary Frankincense, Frankincense, Frankincense Vi-
taliry Lavender, Lavender Vitality,, Myrrh, Do-
oil 2 rimes daily. rado Azul, Eucalyptus Blue, Mountain Savory
Take 2-3 drops of a Mtaliry or dietary oil in Mountain Savory Vitaliry Clove, Clove Vitaliry
a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, Cinnmon Bark, Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry
juice, or water. Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Exodus II,
Melrose, Longeviry Longeviry Vitaliry Raven,
. Place a drop of a Vitaliry or dietary on or R.C., ImmuPower
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super
under the tongue 2-6 times daily or as often C, Longeviry Softgels, Super C Chewable,
MultiGreens, ICB ComforTone, Essential-
as needed. zyme, Life 9, OmegaGizei
Oral: Thieves Spray, Thieves Cough Drops,
' Gargle 4-8 times daily with a mixture of Thieves Hard Lozenges, Thieves Fresh Essence
Mouthwash, Thieves Mints
essential oils and water.

. Dissolve Thieves Cough Drops or Thieves

Hard Lozenges in your mouth as desired.
Topical Reler to Application Guidelines.

. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 to the throat,

chest, and back of the neck2-4 times daily.

. Apply 1-3 drops on the lungMta Flex


Application and Usage Tonsillitis
Aromatic Refer rc Application Guidtlines, The tonsils are infection-fighting lymphatic
Dietary and OralzRefer o Application Guidelines.
tissues at the back of the throat. !7hen they be-
. Take 1 capsuleofdesiredVitaliryor dietary come infected with streptococcal bacteria, they
become infamed, causing a condition known as
oil 2 times daily. tonsillitis.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or diemry oil in It became popular in the 1960t and 19701

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk, to have the tonsils removed when they became
juice, or water. infected. However, tonsillectomies have become
much less frequent, as researchers have discovered
. Place a drop of a Vimlity or dietary oil on or the important role tonsils play in protecting and
fighting infectious diseases and optimizing im-
under the tongue 2-6 times daily or as often
as needed. mune resPonse.
The pharyngeal tonsils located at the back ofthe
. Gargle with a mixture of essential oils and
throat (known u the adenoids) can also become
water 4-8 times daily.
infected-a condition known as adenoiditis.
. Spray throat with Thieves Spray as often as
desired. Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Tea Tiee, Myrrh,

. Dissolve Thieves Cough Drops or Thieves Dorado Azul, Cassia, Goldenrod, Oregano,
Mountain Savory Mountain Savory Vitaliry
Hard Lozenges in your mouth as desired. Ravintsara, Thyme, Thyme Vitaliry
Topical: Reler to Application Guidelines. Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry, Melrose,
Exodus II, Longeviry Longevity Vitaliry
. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 to the throar, ImmuPower
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super
chest, and back of the neck2-4 times daily. C Chewable, Super C, Detoxzyme, Mineral

. You may also apply 1-3 drops on the lung Essence

Vita Flex points of the foot 1-3 times daily. OraI Carq Thieves Spray, Thieves Cough Drops,
Thieves Fresh Esse4ce Mouthwash, Thieves
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of Hard Lozenges, Thieves Mints

chosen oil on the throat and chesr area 2-3 Application and Usage
times daily. Aromatie Refer rc Applicatizn Gaidalin€s.
Dietary and Oral: Refer rc Application Guidelines.
. Receive a Raindrop Technique weekly.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary
Strep Throat Blend
oil 2 times daily.
. 6 drops LavenderVitaliry
. 2 drops Oregano Vtaliry . Take 2-3 drops of a Vitaliry or dietary oil in
. 1 drop Cinnamon Bark Vitality
. 1 drop Thyme Vitality a spoonful of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
Regimen for Strep Throat
. Place a drop of a Vitaliry or dietary oil on or
. ImmuPro: Take l-2 before going to bed. Do
under the tongte 2-6 rimes daily or as often
not exceed 2 daily. as needed.

. Longevity Softgels: Thke 2-4 softgels daily.
. Super C: Thke 2-3 tablets 2 times daily or

chew Super C Chewable as desired.

. Receive a Raindrop Technique with Immu-

Power and/or Exodus II along sides ofspine


. Spray throat with Thieves Spray every 2



. Gargle a mixture of Vitaliry or dietary es- thalamus, supplements or essential oils such as
Cedamood may help stimulate the pituitary or
sential oils and water 4-8 times daily.
. Dissolve Thieves Cough Drops or Thieves
People with rype-A blood have more of a ten-
Hard Lozenges in your mouth as desired. dency to have weak thyroid frinction.
Topical: Refer rc Application Guiddines.
Hyperthyroid (Graves' Disease)
. Apply 1-3 drops diluted 50:50 to rhe rhroar,
'i(/hen the thyroid becomes overactive and
chest, and back of the neck 2-4 times daily. produces excess thyroid hormone, the following

. You may also apply 1 -3 drops on the lung symPtoms may occur:

Vita Flex points of the feet 1-3 times daily. '. Anxiety .' Diabetes mellitus
Restlessness Arthritis
. Place a warm compress with 1-2 drops of . Insomnia . Vitiligo (loss of
. Premature
chosen oil on the throat and chest area 2-3 skin pigment)
times daily.
gray hair
. Use the Raindrop Technique weekly.
Graves' disease, unlike Hashimorot disease, is
DEPRESSION, NARCOLEPSY, MALE an autoimmune disease that results in an €xcess
AND FEMALE HORMONE CONDITTONS) of thyroid hormone production. MSM has been

The thyroid is the energy gland of the human studied for its abiliry to reverse many kinds of au-
body and produces T3 and T4 thyroid hormones
that control the bodyt metabolism. The thyroid toimmune diseases. MSM is a key component of
also controls orher vital functions such as diges-
tion, circulation, immune function, hormone bal- Sulfurzyme.
ance, and emotions.
The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary Singles: Myrrh, Idaho Blue Spruce, Lemongrass,
gland, which signals the thyroid when to produce
the thyroid hormone. Lemongrass Vitallry Vintergreen, German
Chamomile, German Chamomile Vitaliry
The hypothalamus gland sends chemical sig- Bergamot, Bergamot Vitaliry Cedarwood
nals to the pituitary gland to monitor hormone Blends: EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry Brain
levels in the blood stream. Power, Clariry Common Sense
Nutritionals: Sulfurzyme, MultiGreens, Mineral
A lack of the thyroid hormone does not nec- Essence, MegaCal, MindlWise, Essentialzyme,
essarily mean that the thyroid is not functioning Detoxzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Omega-
properly. In some instances, the pituitary gland Gize3, Thyromin (only in the morning)
may be malfunctioning because of its failure to
release sufficient TSH (thyroid stimulating hor- Application and Usage
mone) ro stimulate the thyroid ro make thyroid Aromatie Refer o Application Guidelinel
Dietary and Oralz Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitaliry or dietary
Other cases of thyroid hormone deficiency
oil 2 times daily.
may be due to the hypothalamus failing to release
suffi cient TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone). . Take2-3 drops of a Mtdity or dietary oil in

In cases where thyroid hormone deficiency is a spoonfiJ of syrup or small amount of milk,
caused by a malfunctioning piruitary or hypo- juice, or water
Topical: Refer rc Application Guidzlines.


Hypoglycemia Application and Usage L
Aromatic: Refer o Application Guidtlines.
Hypoglycemia may be caused by low thyroid Dietary and Oralz Refer to Application Guidelines. (
function. Excessive consumption ofsugar or hon-
ey will also cause reactive hypoglycemia, in which . Take 1 capsule ofdesired oil I time daily
a rapid rise in blood sugar is followed by a steep
drop to abnormally low levels. (Coriander Vitaliry, Dill Vitatiry and Fennel
Vitaliry work best through ingestion).
In some cases, hypoglycemia may be a pre-
. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitality or dietary oil in
cursor to candida, allergies, chronic fatigue syn-
drome, depression. or chemical sensirivir ies. a spoonfrrl of syrup or small amount of milk,
Signs ofhypoglycemia (low blood sugar) include: juice, or water.
Topical: Refer o Application Guidelines.
. Fatigue, drowsiness, and sleepiness after
. Rub l-2 drops ofoil on the temples and
back of neck several times daily.
. Headache or dizziness if times berween
. Place a warm compress with l-2 drops of
meals are too long
chosen oil on the back.
. Craving for sweets
. Allergic reaction to foods Hypothyroid (Hashimoto's Disease)
. Palpitations, rremors, sweats, rapid heartbeat This condition occurs when the thyroid is un-
. Inattentiveness, mood swings, irritabiliry
deractive and produces insufficient thyroid hor-
anxiery neruousness, inabiliry to cope wirh mone. Approximately 40 percent of the U.S. pop-
stress, and feelings oFemotional depression ulation suffers from milder forms of rhis disorder
to some degree, and these people tend ro suffer
. Lack ofmotivation, discipline, and creativity from hypoglycemia ([ow blood sugar). In irs se-
. Hunger that cannot be satisfied vere form, ir is referred to as Hashimoto's disease.

Often people with some of these symproms are Hashimoto's disease, like Graves' disease, is an
misdiagnosed as suffering either chronic fatigue autoimmune condition that affects the thyroid
or neurosis. Instead, they may be hypoglycemic. differently, however, by limiting its abiliry to pro-
duce thyroid hormone.
To rreat chronic hypoglycemia. ir is important The following symptoms may occur:
to treat the underlying cause, such as candida or
yeast overgrowth (See Fungal Infections). . Fatigue
. Yeast infections (candida)
Essential oils may reduce hypoglycemic symp- . Lack ofenergy
roms by helping to normalize sugar cravings. sup- ' Reduced immune function
. Poor resistance to disease
porting and stabilizing sugar metabolism in the . Recurring infections
. Low sex hormones
Recommendations Singles: Lemongrass, Lemongrass Vitaliry
Singles: Lavender, Lavender Vitaliry Coriandeq
Spearmint, Spearmint Vitaliry Ledum,
Coriander Vitaliry Dill, Dill Vitaliry Fennel, Myrtle, Peppermint, Peppermint Vitaliry
Fennel Vitaliry Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Myrrh, Clove, Clove Vitality
Bark Vitaliry Blends: EndoFlex, EndoFlex Vitaliry Brain
Nutritionals: MultiGreens, NingXia Red, Life 9, Power, Clariry
Digest & Cleanse, Essentialzyme, Essential-
zymes-4, ICII JuvaPorver, Ningxia lVolfberries
(Organic, Dried)


Nutritionals: Thyromin, MultiGreens, Sul- . 'take 2-3 drops of a Mtality or dietary oil in
furzyme, Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4,
Life 9, Detoxzyme, MegaCal, MindWise a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
Application and Usage
AromatictRefer to Application Guidelines. . Best results may be achieved by eliminating
Dietary md Oralt Refer to Application Guidelinas.
certain foods, such as all sugar, white flour,
. Tike 1 capsule of desired Vitality or dietary breads, pasta, fried foods, and chlorinated
oil 2 times daily Topical: Refer to Application Guidtlines.

. Take 2-3 drops ofa Vitaliw or dierary oil in . Dilute 50:50 and apply on location 2-3

a spoonful of syrup or small irmount of milk, times daily or as needed.
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines. . Massage 2-4 drops ofoil neat on the bot-

. Apply 3-5 drops neat or diluted 50:50 over toms of the feet just before bedtime.
the thyroid, the front ofthe neck, and on
both sides oFthe trachea l-3 tirnes dail1,. TRAUMA, EMOTIONAL
Emotional trauma can be generated from
. Apply l-3 drops on the rhyroid Vita Flex
events that involve loss, abuse, bereavement, acci-
points of the feet locared on the inside edge dents, or misfortunes. The volatile aromatic com-
pounds of essential oils have the abiliry to cross
ofthe ball ofthe foot just below the base of the blood-brain barrier, simulating the amygdala
that contro[s the emotional and memory center of
the big toe. the brain. Certain essential oils help facilitate the
processing and release of emotional trauma in a
TOXEMIA simple way that minimizes psychological turmoil.

Toxins or bacteria that accumulate in rhe Recommendations
Singles: Sacred Frankincense, Frankincense,
bloodstream create a condition called toxemia.
Idaho Blue Spruce, Idaho Balsam Fir, North-
Recommendations ern Lights Black Spruce, Royal Hawaiian
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Tangerine, Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, Rose, Palo
Santo, Cedarwood
Thngerine Vitaliry Jade Lemon, Jade Lemon Blends: Freedom, The Gift, tauma Life, Peace
Vitaliry Lemon, Lemon Vitality, Lime, Lime & Calming, Peace & Calming II, Hope,
Vitaliry Cypress, Orange, Orange Vitality, RutaVala, RutaVala Roll-On, Harmony,
Patchouli InTouch, Reconnect, Inner Harmony,
Blends: Purification, Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Garhering, Amoressence, Forgiveness,
Melrose, Citrus Fresh, Citrus Fresh Vitality Release, Envision, My Destiny, Build Your
Nutritionals: Rehemogen, ICB ComforTone, Dream, Valor, Valor Roll-On, Joy, Fulfill Your
Essentialzyme, Essentialzymes-4, Life 9, Super Destiny, Oola Balance, Faith, Family, Friends,
C, JuvaTone, JuvaPower, Detoxzyme, Super Oola Grow, Highest Potential, 31Vise Men,
C Chewable Sacred Mountain

Application and Usage
Aromaticz Refer rc Application Guidtlines.
Dietary and Oral:ReFer ro Application Guidzlines.

. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Virality or dietary

oil 3 times daily.


Nutritionals: Super C, Super C Chewable, night, MegaCal promotes peacefirl sleep. L
Mineral Essence, MegaCal, Essentialzyme, Es- L
sentialzymes-4, Life 9, OmegaGizer, Balance . BLM and AgilEase provide critical nutrienrs L
Complete, NingXia Red L
for connective tissue and muscle repair and L
Application and Usage L
Aromatie Refer o Applicntion Guide/ines. strengthens the bones. Thke I capsule 1-3 L
Topical: Refer o Application Guidalirues. L
times daily. L
. Apply 2-4 d,rops of oil diluted 50:50 or L
. Sulfurzyme equalizes water pressure inside L
neat to the temples, forehead, crown, and L
shoulders l-3 times daily. the cells and reduces pain. Mix 1-2 tea- L
spoons in water and drink 2 times daily.
TRIGGER FINGER Persond Cre: Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream, L
(STENOSING TENOSYNOVITIS) Cool Azul Sports Gel, Ortho Sport Massage L
Oil, Ortho Ease Massage Oil L
Tendonitis, often called "tennis elbow" and The oils in the Personal Care products reduce L
"golfer's elbow," is a rorn or inflamed tendon. Te- pain and promote healing. L
nosynovitis, sometimes called "rrigger finger," is L
an infamed tendon being restricted by its sheath Application and Usage L
(particularly in thumbs and fingers). Repetitive Aromatiq Refer o Application Guidzlines. L
use or inlection may be the cause. Topical: Refer rc Application Guiddines. L

\When selecting oils for injuries, think through . Massage finger with Lavender and Lemon-
the cause and rype of injury and select appropri-
ate oils. For instance, tendonitis could encompass grass.
muscle damage, nerve damage, ligament strain/
tear, inflammation, infection, and possibly an . Massage Marjoram with Lemongrass for
emotion. The emotional distress may be anger or
guilt. inflamed tendons.

Therefore, select a single oil or blend for each . Single oils or blends may be used singularly
potential cause or to address multiple causes.
or together.
Singles: Lemongrass (promotes rhe repair TYPHOID FEVER
Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused
of connective tissue), Royal Hawaiian
Sandalwood, Sacred Sandalwood, by a bacterium known as Salmonella qphl Usu-
Helichrysum, Frankincense, Lavender, ally contracted rhrough infected food or wateq
Blends: Cool Azul, PanAway, Relieve It, Aroma ryphoid is common in lesser-developed countries.
Siez, Deep Relief Roll-On Some people infected with typhoid fever display
Nutritionals: MegaCal, BLM, AgilEase, Sul-
furzyme no visible symptoms of disease, while others be-
come seriously ill. Both people who recover from
. MegaCal builds and strengrhens bones. Mix ryphoid fever and those who remain symptomless

1 teaspoon in water and drink. Taken at are carriers for the disease and an infect others

362 through the bacteria they shed in their feces.
To avoid contracring ryphoid fever<specially

when traveling overseas-it is essentiai to drink
purified or distilled water and to thoroughly cook
foods. Fresh vegetables can be carriers ofthe bacte-
ria, especially ifthey have been irrigated with warer
that has come into contact with human waste.

Synptoms See the Whole Picture to

. Sustained, high fever (101" to 104"F) Produce the Best Results
. Stomach pains
. Headache Vhen selecting oils, particularly for in-
. Rash of reddish spots juries, think through the cause and rype of
. Impaired appetite injury and then select oils for each segment.
. lVeakness
For instarce. a broken bone could encom-
Recommendations pass muscle damage, nerve damage, ligament
Singles: Clove, Clove Vitaliry Thyme, Thyme
strain or tear, inflammation, infection, and
Vitaliry Ravintsara, Cinnamon Bark, Cinna- bone injury. The emotion of shock, anger,
mon Bark Vitality, Cassia, Peppermint, Pep- guilt, or suffering From long-tinre pain is an-
permint Vitaliry Black Pepper, Black Pepper orher dimension of the injury that needs to
Vitaliry Mountain Savory, Mountain Savory be dealt with through understanding and help
Vitaliry Oregano, Oregano Vitaliry Tea Tiee on an emotionirl level. All factors of the in jurv
Blends: Thieves, Thieves Vitaliry Melrose, need to be considered in order to choose the
Exodus II
Nutritionals: Inner Defense, ImmuPro, Super oils that would offer the most benefirs.
C, Super C Chewable, NingXa Red
Select the single oils for cach perceived
Application and Usage
Aromatic: Refer to Applicatizn Guidelines. problem, or select a blend that may,rddress all
Dieury and Oralt Refer to Applicarion Guidtlines. ofthe needs, and then applv gentlf in :l rotilt-
ing motion. It would be best to appJy the oils
. Take 1 capsule ofdesired Vitality or dietary first to the feet using thc Vita FIex Tlchnique,
ifthat is possible.
oil 2 times daily for 10 days.

. Take 2-3 drops of a Vitality or dietary oil in

a spoonfirl of syrup or small amount of milk,
juice, or water.
Topical: Refer to Application Guidelines.

. Apply 4-6 drops ofoil diluted 50:50 on

lower abdomen 2-4 times dailv.


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Product Type Key:

S Esenrial Oil Single G Barh and Shower E

B Essenrial Oil Blend Gels/Soaps E

D Dietary Supplement A Antisepric/ -E s E s E E -

P SkinPersonal Care/Hair and Sanirizing EE .9 .g

L OilsLotions/Creams/Massrge O OralCare .= .9 .F E-

Product 6 EI E=z o

3 Wise Men B I
Abundance B I
Acceptance D I
Acne Tieatment, Maximum Srrength D I II I
Alkal-ime I
Allerzyme B I

Amazonian Ylang Ylang s I I
Amoressence I
Angelica o III II

Animal Scents Cat Tieats A I
Animal Scents Dental Pet Chews L I I
Animal Scents Infect Away B
Anirnal Scents Mendwell B I
Animal Scents Ointment I
Animal Scents ParaGize I
Animal Scents PuriClean


Product Type Key: G Barh rrnd Sho*er E .E (

S Bsendal OilSingle (icls/Sorps .= E e E L
B trssential Oil Blend :I E
D DietarySupplement A Antisepric/ E E.E 3 = L
P Personal Care/Hair md Skin E -.9
L lotions/Crms/MosageOils Sanirizinq L
.= .= 3 L
Product O Oral (larc .T L
= i5 E L
E z = L
I c L
Animal Scenrs Shampoo G I
Animal Scents T-Away BI L

Anise sI T \

AromaEase BI \

AromaGuard Meadow Mist Deodorant PI \
AromaGuard Mountain Mint Deodorant PI
Aroma Lile rB I I \

Aroma Siez B II L

AromaSleep BI L
ART Beaury Masque PI
ART Chocolate Masque PI

ART Creme Masque PI
ART Centle Cleanser
ART Intensive Moisturizer

ART Light Moisturizer PI
ART Refreshing Toner PI

ART Renewal Serum PI

ART Sheerlumd Brightening Cream PI

Australian Blue B TI

Australian Kuranya rB I

Awaken BI

Balance Complete D II

Basil s I I II II

Basil Vitalirv DI
Barh & Shower Gel Base GI


_ Product Type Key: G Barh md Shower E E _9

S Esential Oil Single Gels/Soaps E .= E
B Esential Oil Blend 6E
D Dierav Supplemenr A Artiseptic/ -EsE E
P Personal Care/Hair and Skin -'6
L Lorions/Creams/MassageOils Sanitizing 3 .9

Product O OralCare -.F :*Ic

6.9 Es E E

Bergamot s tII
Bergamot Vitaliry D II

Black Pepper s I II
Black Pepper Vitaliry D I tI

Black Spruce sI II I I
BLM Capsules DI

Blue Cypress rs I I I
Blue Thnsv
Boswellia Wrinkle Cream s II I
Brain Power LI I
Breathe Again Roll-On BI
Build Your Dream

Calamus s II I
Canadian Fleabane (Conyza)
Cardamom sI I II
Cardamom Vitaliry s I II I
CardioGize D II I
sI I
Carrot Seed DI
Carrot Seed Vitaliry

Cassia sI I
Cedamood s II I

Celerv Seed s II
Celerv Seed Vitalitv D II
Cel-Lite Magic Massage Oil


Product Type Key:

S Essenrial Oil Single G Bath md Shower E EE
B Essential Oil Blend
D DietarySupplemenr Gels/Soaps Es E 'i E E
P Personal Care/HairandSkin E! E
L Lodons/Crems/MrosageOils A Antiseptic/ -E z -
s E=
Product Sanitizing G Es I

O Oral Care - -:I .9 I

Charcoal Bar Soap A I
Christmas Spirir B

Cinnamint Lip Balm P I

Cinnamon Bark s I rI rI I II
Cinnamon Bark Vitaliry I I II
Cistus D

Citronella I

Citrus Fresh B II

Citrus Fresh Vitalirv D IT
Citrus Hystrix (Combava) sI

ClaraDerm P I

Clariry BI

Clary Sage sI III
CIove sI II I II
Clove Vitality DI IT II

Coconut-Lime Replenishing Body Butter P I

ComforTone rD I I I I
Common Sense
Cool Azul

Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream L I

Cool Azul Sports Gel L I

Copaiba s I I TI I I I I I

) Copaiba Vanilla Moisturizing Conditioner P I
Copaiba Vanilla Moisturizing Shampoo P I
r ICopaiba Vitaliry II


Product Type Key: G Brrh rnd Shorver E .F E .9

S Essential Oil Single Gels/Soaps E .= E
B Essential Oil Blend E
D DietarySupplement A Anrisepric/ - - -s ss'> E
P Personal Care/Hair and Skin
L Lotions/Crems/MasageOils Sanirizing E = 6 .9
E 6 .g
Product O Oral Care
.= .= E
E o
E 6.9 E E

I I I I I Is
Coriander DII I rI I I
Coriander Vitaliry
CortiStop D
rs I I I I
Davana BI II
Deep Relief Roll-On

Detoxzyme D IT
Digest & Cleanse
B T r
DiGize D
DiGize Vitaliw I T
Dill Vitaliw I II I
Dorado Azul D I
Douglas Fir rs I I I I
Dragon Time I
s II
Dragon Time Bath & Shower Gel
Dragon Time Massage Oil B I

[)ream (]atcher G

Egyptian Gold B I I r I
Elemi II I

EndoFlex D II
EndoFlex Vitaliry DI

En-R-Gee BI


Product Type Key:

S Esenrial Oil Single G Bath and Shower EE .F

B Essenrial Oil Blend Gels/Soaps E

D Dietaw Supplemenr A Anrisepric/ E 3 E :I E
E .9
P SkinPersonal Care/Hair and Sanitizing E = = -
L OilsLotions/Creams/Massage O Oral Care
.= .9 -E E
Product .'iE E E
6.9 E=z o
I =

Envision BT
Essential Beaury Serum (Dry Skin)

Essentialzymes-4 DI

Eucalyptus Blue s II I

Eucalyptus Citriodora s TI

Eucalyptus Globulus s II I

Eucalyptus Radiata s I II

Eucalyptus Staigeriana s II

Evening Peace Bath & Shower Gel GI
Exoclus II BI
Faith BI L

Family BI

FemiGen D II

Fennel s I I III
Fennel Vitaliw

Field BI

Finance BI

Fitness BI

Forgiveness BI

Frankincense sII I I I
Frankincense Vitality DII II

Frereana Frankincense sI

Friends BI


Product Type Key:

S Esenrial Oil Single G Bath and Shower E .9

B Esential Oil Blend Gels/Soaps E
D Dierary Supplemenr A Antisepric/ s E ..=,
P SkinPersonal Care/Hair and Sanirizing - -E s

L OilsLotions/Creams/Massrge O Oral Care E
.= .= .,
Product E z E
-=.I E o
6.9 E I
Fulfill Your Destiny

Fun BI

Gary's True Grit Chocolate-Coated DI
\Wolfberry Crisp Bars
Gary's True Grit Einkorn Berries
Garyt True Grit Einkorn Crackers DI
Gary's Tiue Grit Einkorn Flakes Cereal DI

Cary's Tiue Grit Einkorn Flour DI

Garyt Tiue Grit Einkorn Granola DI
Claryt True Grit Einkorn Pancake and
'Waffie Mix DI
Gary's True (lrit Einkorn Rorini Pasta
Caryt Tiue Grit Einkorn Spaghetti BI I
Garyt Tiue Grit Gluren-Free Pancake L I
and Waffie Mix I

Garyt Tiue Grit NingXia Berry Syrup

(iarheri ng

Genesis Hand & Bodv Lotion

Cende Baby BI

Geranium sII rI I Ir
Cerman (lhamomile sII
(lerman Chamomile Vitaliry DII I

Ginger rs I I
Ginger Vitality
GLF Vitality


Product Type Key: G Bath and Shorver E L

S Essential Oil Single Gels/Soaps E E L
B Essential Oil Blend
D DierarySupplement A Anriseptic/ E = -E 3 E - \
P Personal Care/Hair and Skin E .g \
L Lorions/Creams/MusageOils Sanirizing
-€.= .9 l2 \
Product O Oral Care L
E 6 EI \
E = z c L
a L

Goldenrod Is (
Grapefruit sI
Grapefruit Lip Balm PI L
Grapefruit Viraliry DI
Gratitude BI I (

Crounding BI L
Harmony rB I
Helichrysum sI
Highest Potential BI
Hinoki s I II I L
Hong Kuai sI

Hope BI
Ho \Wood
Humiliry s I I II
Hyssop sT


Idaho Balsam Fir sI I

Idaho Blue Spruce sI I I I I

ldaho Tansy sI I I

ImmuPower B II

ImmuPro DI I

Inner Child BI
Inner Defense D II

Insect Repellent PI
Inspiration BI


Product Type Key: G Bath md Shower EE

S Essential Oil Single Gels/Soaps s.= E .T E
B Esenrial Oil Blend
D DietarySupplement A Anriseptic/ sE .E E
P Personal Care/Hair and Skin E]
L Lorions/Creams/MusageOils Sanitizing s- -E .92
Product O Oral Care .T .9 .z ,9 o
s -6.9 E

InTouch BI
Into the Future

Jade Lemon sI
Jade Lemon Vitaliry DI

Jasmine s III I
Journey On BI

Joy BI
Jun iper sI

JuvaCleanse BI I
JuvaCleanse Vitalitv

JuvaFlex B II
JuvaFlex Vitaliry D II

JuvaPower DI I

JuvaTone DI I

KidScents Bath Gel GI

KidScents CleneYus BI

KidScents Lotion LI

KidScents MighryPro D II
KidScents MightyVites
KidScents MighryZyme

KidScents Owie BI

KidScents Shampoo PI

KidScents Sleepylze BI

KidScents Slique Toothpaste oI


Product Type Key:

S Esendal Oil Single G Barh and Shower E

B Essenrial Oil Blend Gels/Soaps E

D l)ieraw Supplement A Antisepric/ Eg E E
s -P SkinPersonal Care/Hair and
Sanitizing E
Product - -L OilsLorions/Creams/Massage E
O Oral Care .!l
.= .9 .9 lz
.E E
.I E c
6 = = o

IKidScents SniffieEase B

KidScents Tender Tirsh L I

KidScents TirmmyGize BI

Kunzea sI II I
Ladv Sclareol

Laurus Nobilis (Bay Laurel) s III

Laurus Nobilis Vitality s III

LavaDerm After-Sun Spray P I

LavaDerm Cooling Misr P I

Lavender sI II I

Lavender Bath & Shower Gel G I

Lavender Calming Bath Bombs G I I

Lavender Conditioner P I

Lavender Foaming Hand Soap G I

Lavender Hand & Body Lotion L I

Lavender Lip Balm P I

Lavender Mint Dailv Conditioner P I

Lavender Minr Daily Shampoo P I

Lavender-Oatmeal Bar Soap G I

Lavender Shampoo P II I
Lavender Vitality
rs I
Ledum I
Lemon s
Lemongrass s III II
Lernongrass Vitaliry I I


Product Type Key:

S Lssenrial Oil Single G Bath and Shower E .9 E .F

B Essenrial Oil Blend Gels/Soaps E

D Dierary Supplement A Anrisepric/ E .,=] E

P SkinPersonal Care/Hair and Es
Sanirizing -'i
L Lorions/Creams/Mrsage Oils O Oral Care .= .F E .g
I - r I -E I

Product e .9 E E E = = c
s a

Lemon Myrtle

Lemon-Sandalwood Cleansing Soap G I

Lemon Vitaliry D I II I

I ILife 9 D

Lieht rhe Fire BI

Lime s I I I
Lirne Viraliry

Live with Passion BI

Live Your Passion BI

Longevity BI

Longeviry Softgels DI

Longeviry Vitaliry DI I

Loyalry BI

Magni$, Your Purpose B II

Mandarin s II I I

Manuka s I I II II

Marjoram s I I II

Marjoram Vitaliry rD I I I I
Master Formula

MegaCal DI I

Melaleuca Ericifolia sI T

Melaleuca-GeraniumMoisturizingSoap G I

Melaleuca Quinquenervia (Niaouli) ||ls I T


Product Type Key:

S Bsential OilSingle G Bath rnd Shorver E .9 t
B Esential Oil Blend
D Dietary Supplement Gels/Sorps 6 L
P Personal Care/Hair and Skin L
L lotions/Crems/MusageOils A Anriseptic/ EE 3 E .= E E L
Product Stnirizing = 6 .91 - t
O Orrl Care L
I - I I'i? =
5 E s E \
I E=z L

Melrose B t

M-Grain BII I L

MindlTise DI I L
Mineral Essence DI I
50Mineral Sunscreen Lotion - SPF 10 & SPF P I L
Mirah Luminous Cleansing Oil L I L
Mirah Lustrous Hair Oil L I L
Mirah Shave Oil P I L
Mister BI

Morning Start Bath & Shower Gel G I

Morning Starr Moisturizing Soap G I

Motivation BI

Mountain Savory sII I I

Mountain Savory Vitaliry sII I I

MultiGreens D II I I

Myrrh sII I II

Myrtle sI I II

Neroli s rI I I I I I
Niaouli (see also Melaleuca Quinquenervia) S

Ningxia Dried Wolfberries (Organic) DI I

NingXia Nitro DI I rI r r I
NingXa Red
NingXia Zyng DI


Northern Lights Black Spruce sI II I

Nurmeg sIIII


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