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Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905

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Published by Colin Savage, 2020-05-18 15:51:26


Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905











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AIRBAIRN'S BOOK OF CRESTS" was first published ..,

1859, and since that date had passed through some number

of Editions prior to the year 1892, when the work was very

thoroughly overhauled and revised under our direction.

The book had long ago established itself as a recognised

work of reference, and as an indispensable adjunct to every

library and being suitable to the needs and purposes of jewellers and engravers,

it had also from its first publication been adopted and accepted as the standard

work of reference for business and trade purposes. By far the larger proportion

of armorial orders placed in the hands of tradesmen for execution are carried

out with the assistance of " Fairbairn."

The ever-increasing number of new families and new grants of arms, and

the constant immigration of families of foreign origin using crests hitherto found

in no English book of reference, c.-eate from time to time the necessity of

extensive additions to the eatries which the text contains. The large edition

which we published in 1892 having been entirely exhausted, we availed ourselves

of the opportunity afforded by the necessity of reprinting the volumf: us again submit

the work to such revision as was required to bring it up to the present date.

This, we believe, will enable the book to maintain fully its old position

and reputation as the only authoritative and the most complete collection of

Crests and Mottoes in use in this country, a position in which it has hitherto

had no rival. The question of the right of any particular person to the crest

to which a claim is made depends upon proof of descent from the original

grantee. Such proof often amounts to a highly controversial discussion, and

it has seemed to us that we were not called upon for the purposes of the present

work to adopt any such standard ; rather otherwise, because the omission of

a crest in consequence of a lack of proof of pedigree would create a hindrance

to the use of the book by those handicraftsmen who need to refer to its pages.


We therefore can give no guarantee of the official accuracy on the point of

rightful inheritance. The existence of the original corpus of the book, which,
when compiled, was never based upon the requirement of an official imprimatur
for each crest, precludes therein any adoption of the official standard.

The additions to the text in the present edition have been considerable, but
the overwhelming bulk of these additions has been obtained from sources
not in themselves official, certainly, but purporting to be based upon information
having a more or less official character. Such being the case, we can unhesitatingly

assert that in the present edition the proportion of officially authorized crests is
infinitely higher than in any previous edition of the work, not even excepting

the edition of 1892. As to the remainder, the position is now as it was then;
we have no exact knowledge, and the crests may or may not be authoritative.


— ——


HE origin of Heraldry has puzzled wiser and abler heads than mine ; indeed, it

would be folly to attempt, in the Preface to a Work of this character, to
discuss the matter at all ; but the whole subject may be said to resolve itself
into the query, " Where does mere ornamentation end, and where does
Heraldry ' aswe know it' begin ?" The generally received opinion seems to

be that the Crusades were coeval with, if, indeed, they were not the cause of,

the birth of Heraldry, its laws, and its emblems.

—Undoubtedly Arms i.e., the charges and field depicted upon the escutcheon were of prior

origin to crests. Consequently there are many Coats-of-Arms to which no Crest has ever been

assigned, and which have no such ornament attached or belonging to them, but I have only

come across one solitary Crest which possessed a legitimate existence without a corresponding

and complementary Coat-of-Arms pertaining to it. This one (borne by a family of Duckworth)

arose through a peculiar combination of circumstances, and has been rectified nearly a century.

The Crest is that part of the complete achievement which is placed upon and surmounts the

coronet, wreath, or chapeau, which in its turn is above the mantling or lambrequin which it is

supposed to attach to the helmet. Anciently, whilst the coronets and chapeaux were reserved

for the rank to which they appertaina.d, none below the rank of the knightly families were

permitted to place their Crest upon a wreath. But both these laws- and mare, is *hc p'ity

have long been relegated to*-oblivion and at the present day, unless the Crest be speciall}'

blazoned, as upon a chapeau, or issuing from a coronet (as to the different forms of which refer

to the Glossary), both of which are required to be mentioned in its Blazon, it must always be

placed upon a wreath or torse. This is supposed to be a skein of coloured silk and a gold or

silver cord twisted together, and at the present day is always of the principal i.e., the first-

mentioned in the Blazon—colour and metal of the Arms, of which six alternate "twists" must

Whenbe visible, the metal occurring first at the dexter end (see Plate i, No. 2). a " "

occurs upon the Arms instead of either metal or colour, the ground tincture of the fur should

be taken.

In the next place, I wish to explain the laws governing the usage and adoption of Crests. It
is not, as I have often been solemnly assured, " simply a matter of choice " and personal fad or
fancy upon the part of the bearer, and the sooner it is fully understood the better it will be



that His Majesty's College of Arms in Queen Victoria Street, London ; Lyon Office, in the

New General Register House in Edinburgh and Ulster's Office, in the Record Tower of

Dublin Castle, are absolutely the only legitimate or authoritative Offices of Arms within His

Majesty's Dominions. So recently as 1804 the Law Offices of the Crown reported to H.M.

King George HI. that "the Heralds have the original cognizance of Pedigrees and Coat-Armour."

Who, then, has the right to display Armorial Bearings ? That it is a matter of the Law of the

Land, in addition to conformity to Heraldic regulations, may not be generally known, but in

the Warrants directing the Visitations of the various counties and districts during the si.xteenth

and seventeenth centuries, to be made in obedience to the Royal Commissions, the right is

clearly laid down, and at the present day exists under as well defined limits as those which

—govern and regulate the Peerage. In England for in the three countries the laws are not the

—same direct legitimate male descent is required to be proved from some person to whom

Armorial Bearings were recorded and allowed at the Visitations, or to whom Arms have since

been granted or exemplified, and, failing such descent, it is necessary to petition for the favour

of the Earl Marshal's Warrant to the Kings of Arms that a Patent of Armorial Bearings shall

be issued to you, if it be so desired. In Ireland, the same qualifications are necessary to inherit

Armorial Bearings ; but in addition, and in Ireland only, it is within the power and authority

of Ulster King of Arms, in cases where a Coat-of-Arms has been borne continuously by a

family for four or more generations, but without lawful authority, according to his discretion,

to confirm those Arms and their usage within specified limitations, with the addition of some

mark which shall be readily recognisable as a sign of confirmation. In Scotland, the right to

bear the Arms or Crest of a family is absolutely confined to the heir male only. All younger

sons are required to matriculate their Arms and Crests in Lyon Court, when some mark of

cadency is added, and their younger sons again in their turn must do likewise, and have a

further and additional sign of cadency added to the Bearings. Though not a regulation, it

appears to have been a very frequent practice upon each occasion of such matriculation to

entirely alter the Crest, which accounts for the very large number of utterly different Crests in

existence for the same famJUy amongst the Scottish Ordinaries of Arms.

Tii .;'^,'=; "'^•-'uch thing as the " prescriptive right to Arms," as to which some people talk

glibly. Others of their persuasion have other little plausibilities, equally corrupt, which they

bring into prominence. And it is a fairly safe plan to pursue to reject as bogus all Arms and

Crests which boast no other origin than the heraldic stationer who, for a trifling fee, professes,

on receipt of " name and county," to find armorial bearings for any applicant.

Mottoes in England and Ireland are not necessarily hereditary, and unless attached to, or in

any way forming a part of, the Arms or Crest, may be altered, assumed, or discarded at the will

of the bearer, and borne in any position in relation to his Arms or Crest that he may fancy

but in Scotland the Motto forms a part of the grant, and is unchangeable, and is also usually

required to be borne upon an escroll above the Crest. A practice has lately very extensively

arisen of using with a single surname two or more Crests. With a very few exceptions, it is

only allowable so to do in cases where one of these be of honourable augmentation, or where

one or both be governed by some special grant ; and in cases where, by the assumption of one

—or more additional surnames, or by a change of surname, such additional Crests usually one
—for each surname have been exemplified in accordance with the terms of the Royal License.

No Lady whatsoever is allowed by the Laws of Heraldry to in any way bear or use, in her
own right, either Crest or Motto ; and Arms only in a special and distinctive manner.

The collection of Mottoes, with their Translations, which must of necessity form one of the
features of the Book, it has been thought well to submit to the revision of the Rev. James
Wood (Editor of " Nuttall's Dictionary," New Edition), though, in justice to the erudition of
this gentleman and his scholarly attainments, it should be known that I have throughout

insisted upon the various Mottoes being spelt in the manner and retained in the actual form in

which I have understood them to be used, even at the expense of accurate and scholastic

— —spelling. Our ancestors had their own ideas frequently peculiar as to the method of spelling,

and he would need be a Vandal who would cause unnecessary alterations in their quaint

—conceptions. And in addition, in some half-dozen cases, in order to preserve some pun no
—doubt atrocious I have asked for some translation to be allowed to stand which has not

always been as literal a rendering as was possible of the foreign tongue, for we of the ancient

and honourable Science and Brotherhood of Armory dearly love a pun. The Key to the Plates

has been done in the offices of my Publishers, and in many other matters connected with the

revision and publication of this Edition of ' Fairbairn ' I have ex perienced much kindness

consideration, and assistance at their hands.
The whole of the Illustrations of the last Edition have been carefully examined. Some have

been altered and some rejected, and over One Thousand New Crests have been added to those

previously appearing. It has been one great anxiety that the Illustrations, however slightly

they might differ, should not be quoted as correct unless they actually were so, and this will

account for the large proportion of the references being mentioned as only for purposes of

comparison. The Book was (jriginally Compiled and Engraved in Scotland, by a Scotsman,

and it is a well-known fact that both Scotch blazonry and emblazonment are far freer and
" looser" than when controlled by the "garrulous minuteness " of the English school of Arms.

This matter has been ably argued out (but, methinks, to a wrong conclusion), and explained in

the latest book upon the subject which has left the press (Woodward & Burnett's " Treatise of
Heraldry "). One sentence will explain my views. When a Blazon can be otherwise correctly
depicted in two or more separate ways (and here I am not referring to mediaeval or antique

styles of draughtmanship), and further, when one of those ways only is painted upon the Grant

or Exemplification, why should it be open to discussion as to the possible accuracy of any other

form ? If one form be rigi^t. why is not any other shape or position wrong ?

For example, the term wliich, more than any other, has given me trouble on this score is

— Myone applied to birds to wit, " rising." own idea is that this should be as upon Plate 88,

No. 2. Plate 77, No. 5, is the other extreme, and is an accepted interpretation of the term in
Scotland ; but I have seen in the Offices and College of Arms authoritative paintings of every
other possible position of the wings, short of their being " close," occurring in Coats-of-Arms

or Crests, and blazoned simply as " rising." A little uniformity upon this and other points in

the Heraldry of the Three Kingdoms might be desirable.

" Fairbairn's Book of Crests," first published in the year 1859, was originally compiled
by a certain -James Fairbairn, and was revised by Lawrence Butters, Seal Engraver in
Ordinary to Her Majesty for Scotland. Its sale hitherto has been chiefly amongst Jewellers
and Seal Engravers. Perhaps this accounts for the lamentable fact that many Crests have
crept within its pages which can but be described as bogus. To have deliberately and in cold
blood verified the thirty or forty thousand Crests which the Book in its previous Editions
made mention of would have been a work of so many years' duration, and of so vast an
expense, that it could by no possibility have ever repaid such expenditure. I have not
attempted to do this, and consequently I do not pretend that this Edition is absolutely
" sans peur et sans reproche," but I have detected and discarded a vast quantity that were
without authority, as a moment's comparison between the two Editions will readily show.

London, is/ October, 1892.







------ argent
ir?- ermine
az. - - - - - - gules
--.-.-erm. purpure
------gii. sable

sa. - - - - - -

Definitions of Heraldic terms will be found in the
Dictionary of Terms.




—Note. The reference numbers mean, as in Aaron, plate 222, crest 3. As some assistance to engravers, and rather than leave

a larger proportion than was otherwise inevitable of the crests without any reference to an illustration, the term c/. (compare)
has been used, and means that the reference is given only for comparative purposes, the plate not corresponding precisely with
the blazon ; this term, however, being only used where the difference is but slight. It will be noticed that in the illustrations
of many of the new crests the colour-lines appear in the form in which they are usually used in heraldic engraving, in order
to render such illustrations perfectly correct renderings of particular crests. In cases where the same engraving would be correct
if of another colour, it has been thought better to use the term " compare " (c/.) to prevent such illustrations being considered
absolutely accurate.


Aaron, Aarons, and Aaroons, a lady's Abbot, Henry Napier, M.A., solicitor, of a ducal coronet a unicorn's head or,

arm from the elbow in pale ppr. 222. 3 5, Downside Road, Clifton, Bristol, between two ostrich-feathers arg.
Abadain or Abaudain, a savage wxeathed a demi-unicoru erm., armed and Deo patrie amicis.

about the head and loins with laurel nianed arg., gorged with a collar az., Abbs, Durh., the sun in splendour. Noli

leaves, and holding over the shoulder : studded or. Perse oerando. 292. 4 irritare leonem. 162. 2

a club, all ppr. 186. i I Abbot (Rt. Hon. Reginald Charles Ed- Abbs, out of a ducal coronet or, an

Abadam, a de.xter hand holding a broken ward), Baron Colchester, of Colches- eagle's head with wings displayed arg.,

spear, all ppr. 214. 10 ter, Essex, out of a ducal coronet or, collared of the first. In te Domine
a unicorn's head erm., armed, maned
Abadam of Jliddleton Hall, Carmarthen, speravi.

—out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion and tufted of the first, between six Abby, a cross crosslet az. 165. 2

gardant gu. Anpire. Indulge not. —ostrich-feathers arg., quiUed also or. Abcot or Abcott, a rose per pale or and

cf. 10. S Deo patrice amicus. Perseverando. az., barbed counterchanged. cj. 149. i
Abbot, out of a ducal coronet a unicorn's Abday, an eagle head erased ppr. 83. 2
Abarle, a flute in pale ppr. 168. 3
head or, between two ostrich-feathers
Abarough or Abarow, Somers., a ferret Abden, a swai s head ppr., between

arg., collared or, lined az. 134. 9 arg. 48. 14

Abarrow, Hants, a demi-female habited, Abbot of Lincoln, a unicorn's head erased Abdey, an eagle's head erased ppr.,

holding in her hands a quiver of arrows, arg., attired and crined or, charged beaked or. S^. 2

all ppr. with a bar gemel sa. Abdy and Abdey, Essex, an eagle's head
Abaudain, see Abadain. Abbot, a demi-unicorn erm., armed and
Abbat, a unicorn's head ppr. erased ppr. 83. 2
Abbefoid, Leics., on a chapeau maned arg., collared az., studded or.
49. 7 Abdy of Stapleford-Abbot, Essex, same
water-bouget sa. ppr., a 48. 10
Abbot or Abbott, a hand holding a dagger, crest.
168. 2
Abdy, Sir WiUiam Neville, Bart., of

Abberbury, a hawk, wings expanded and point downwards, dropping blood. Albyns, near Romford, Essex, an eagle's
head erased ppr., beaked or. Tenax et
inverted, resting its dexter claw on a 213.6

mount ppr. 87. 9 Abbot, a fox passant ppr., charged on jidelis. 83. 2

Abberbury, a camel's head sa. 132. 7 the shoulder with a ^\'ater-bouget arg. Abech, out of a mural coronet, an arm

Abbetot, Warw., a dexter hand hold- Lahore. cj. 32. i from the elbow vested az., cuffed or,

ing a cutlass in pale ppr., hilted or. Abbot, a snail ppr. 141. 8 holding a muUet gu. cj. 206. 1

213. 8 Abbot, a cubit arm erect, vested and Abeck or Habeck, out of a mural coronet

Abbett, a unicorn's head ppr., collared cu£fed erm., holding in the hand a a cubit arm, vested az., cuffed arg.,

az. cf. 49. 7 crescent arg. cj. 206. 8 holding in the hand a mullet gu.

Abbey of London, an eagle's head erased Abbot of Castleacre, Norf., a griffin sejant cj. 206. 1

ppr. 83. 2 or. 62. 10 a'Beckett, see Beckett.

Abbey, same crest. Spei mea ccdo. Abbot, a griffin sejant az., bezantee. A Beckett, the late Hon. William Arthur

Abbey, a leopard rampant ppr. cj. 26. 2 cj. 62. 10 Callander, J.R, of Wilton, Jliddle
Brighton, Melbourne, Victoria, Aus-
Abbey, Henry, Esquire, J.P., of Fairlee, Abbot, Devonsh., a griffin sejant az., platee, tralia, a fleur-de-lis az. surmounted

Brighton, an eagle displayed arg., be- winged and beakeil or. cj. 62. 10

tween two cross crosslets or, each wing Abbott, see Tenterden, Baron. with a lion's head erased erm., the
whole debruised by a bendlet sinister
charged with a cross crosslet gu. Abbott, John, Esquire, of Braemar House, wavy or. Foys sapience et chevalerie.

Abbis, Abbiss, Abis, or Abys, Norf., a spur Lancaster Gate, Paddington, London, 260. 14
az., leather sa., the buckle of the first. W., in front of two crosiers saltire- A'Beckett, William Gilbert, Esquire.
178. 8 wise sa., a unicorn's head erased or.

Abborne, a dexter arm vested az., cuffed Lahore. M.A., LL.M., Cambs., Barrister-at-law
or, holding in the hand ppr. a baton Abbott, John Theodore, surgeon, 5,
in bend sinister gu., tipped with gold. Church Road, Tunbridge WeUs, out of the Inner Temple, of Melbourne,
same crest and motto.


A Beckett, Arthur Hayward, Esquire, Abercromby, Alexander, Esquire (M.D., Abernethy, a three-masted ship

of Ballintrae, Mornington, co. Victoria, F.R.C.S. Edinburgh), residing at Cape storm. If;

same crest and motto. Town, Cape Colony, a bee volant Aberton or Aburton, on a human

Abel and Abell, Essex and Kent, an arm 70.4 gu., an eagle's claw erased ppr.

in armour embowed ppr., holding a Abercromby, Sir George William, Bart., 113. 14

sword arg., hilted or, the arm entiled of Birkenbog, a falcou rising ppr., Abett, a unicorn's head gu., collared or.

with a «Teath arg. and gu. 195. 3 belled or. Mercy is my desire.—Petit cf. 49- 7

Abel, Essex, an arm in armour embowed, alta, and Vive nt vivas. 88. 2 Abilem, a man's head in profile issumtr

holding in the hand a couteau, all Abercromby, a cross Calvary gu. In ppr. cf. 190. 14

ppr. cruce salus. 166. i Abingdon, Earl of, and Baron Norreys,

Abel, Bart., in front of a dexter arm Abercromby, Banff, on a mount an oak- Wytham Abbey, Oxford (Bertie), a

embowed in armour, the hand grasping tree acorned, all ppr. Tace. 143. 14 Saracen's head couped at the breast
Aberdare Baron (Bruce), a cubit arm
a thunderbolt, a torch fessewise fired, ppr., ducally crowned or, charged on

all ppr. Ohne Rast Zum Zid. 251. S —in armour in bend, grasping in the the chest with a fret az. Virtus ariett

Abeleyn, a peacock ppr. 103. 7 gauntlet a sceptre ppr. Fuimus. fortior. 245. 5

Abelhall or Ablehall, a lion's head erased Ofner na o/ne angau. Abingdon of Dowdeswell, Glouc, an arm
Aberdeen, Earl of (now Gordon only), two
sa., between two wings or. 19. 7 in armour embowed ppr., garnished or.

Abeline, Ablin or Ablyn, a sword in pale arms holding a bow and arrow straight holding in the hand an ancient maot-

enfiled with a savage's head ppr. upwards in a shooting posture and sa., headed and studded also or, girt
at full draught, all ppr. Fortuna round the arm near the shoulder with
Abell, see Abel. i9t- 9 a sash tied in a bow arg., fringe I
Abell, Kent, a boar's head couped and

erect sa., armed or, transpierced by an Aberdeen, Earl of (formerly Hamilton- gold. 199- .^
Gordon), of Haddon House, Aberdeen :
arrow in bend sinister, the shaft arg., (i) Two arms from the shoulder naked Abingdon, a dexter arm in armour em-
holding a bow ppr., to let an arrow
the pheon az. fly {for Gordon). 202. 2. (2) Out of bowed ppr., holding in the hand a

Abelon or Abilon, a mitre ppr., labelled a ducal coronet or, an oak-tree fructed sword by the blade point downwards.

gu. c/. 180. 5 195. n

Abelyn or Abelyne, on a globe ppr., an Abingdon, a bull rampant. 45. 11

eagle, wings expanded and inverted and penetrated transversely in the Abingdon, Worcs., an eagle close or. 76. 2

gu. c/. 159. 7 main stem by a frame-saw inscribed Abingdon, Worcs., an eagle displayed or,
Abenhall or Ablehall, two branches of
with the word " Through," all ppr., crowned az. c/. 74. 1 4
laurel issuing cheveron-ways vert.
the tree charged with an escutcheon Abinger, Baron, Inverlochy Castle, Kin-

151. 15 arg., thereon a heart gu. (for Hamilton). gussie, Inverness-sh. (Scarlett), a
Tuscan column chequy or and gu.,
Abeny, a hand vested, holding a miE-rind Fortuna sequalor. cf. 143. 13 supported on either side by a lion's

ppr. 207. 4 Aberdein, of Cairnbulg, Aberdeensh., gamb ermines, erased gu. Suis stal

Aber, a demi-talbot rampant arg., Scotland, a dexter hand holding an

ducally gorged gu. 55. 12 annulet ppr. Intemerata fides. 216. i viribus. 239. 10

Aberbury, Oxon., a hawk, wings ex- Aberdour, Lord, see Morton, Earl of. Able, an arm in armour embowed, the

panded and inverted, resting the dexter Aberdour, an anchor with cable, and a hand grasping a sword, all ppr. 195. 2

claw on a mount ppr. 87. 9 sword in saltirc, all ppr. Hinc spes Ablehall, a lion's head erased sa., between

Aberbutbnet, a dove within an adder in cffulget. 169. 9 two wings or. 19. 7

orle ppr. Innocue ac yrovide. Aberdwell or AbredrobeU, a greyhound Ablyn, a sword in pale enfiled with a

92. II arg., current towards a tree vert. savage's head ppr. 191. 9
Aberbutbnet of Fiddes, a peacock ppr..

58. II I Abney-Hastings, Bart., see Hastings.

Tarn interna, quam externa. 103. 7 Abergavenny, Marquess of (Nevill), Nevill Abney-Hastings, see Donington, Baron.
Aberbutbnet of Eindowrie, a peacock Bridge Castle, Tunbridge Wells, a Abney, Sir WilUam de Wiveleslie, K.C.B.,
issuing. Interna pra:stant. 103. 10
bull arg., pied sa., armed or, charged of jleasham Hall, Derbysh., a demi-
Aberbuthnot, Scotland, a peacock ppr.

on the neck with a rose, barbed and lion rampant or, holding between the

103. 7 seeded ppr. cf. 45. 2. Another, out paws a pellet. Fortiter et honeste.
Aberbuthnot, Scotland, a peacock's head I

erased ppr., beaked or. Laus Deo. of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head sa. cf. II. 7
103. I
cf. 44. II. Ne vile velis. Badges : Aboat, a griffin sejant. 62. 10

A(i) rose gu., seeded 01, barbed vert. Aboril and Abrol, Worcs., a lion's head

Abercorn, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of, A(2) portcullis or. ppr., vomiting flames gu. 17. i

and Duke of Chatelherault (Hamilton), Aberigh, on a mount a ferret ppr. Abot, a unicorn's head erased ppr. 49. 5


out of a ducal coronet or, an oak 134. 10 Aboyne, Earl of, see Marquess of Huntly.

fructed and penetrated transversely in Aberherdour, Aberkerdour, and Aberkir- Abrahall, Heref., a hedgehog ppr. 135. 8

the main stem by a frame-saw ppr., dor, Scotland, a sword in pale ppr. Abraham, the sun in splendour or. 162. 2
the frame or, the blade inscribed with

Pro rege et patria. 170. 2 I Abraham, Thomas Fell, Esquire, of

the word " Through." Sola nobilitas Aberkirdor and Aberkirdour, Scotland, I Riverham, Grassendale Park, Lanes.
upon a mount vert in front of tw.i
virttis. 143. 13 on the point of a sword in pale a gar- fronds of fern a rook ppr. Veritas

Abercorne, Scotland, a boar's head couped land, all ppr. Pro rege. 170. i

ppr. 43. 1 Aberkirdor, Scotland, within the horns libertas. 244. 4

Abercorne, Scotland, two daggers in of a crescent arg., a buckle az. 163. 15 Abraham, Alfred Clay, Esquire, F.I.C.,

saltier ppr. 169. 8 Aberneathy, Scotland, a ship under sail of 87, Bold Street, Liverpool, same

Abercrombie of that ilk, Scotland, on a ppr. Salus per Christum. 160. 13 1 crest and motto.

mount an oak-tree fructed, all ppr. Aberneathy, a parrot holding in the Abrahams and Abram, the sun rising

Tace. 143- "14 dexter claw a pear. 101.13 from a cloud ppr. 162. 5

Abercrombie, a cross Calvary gu. In Abernethy of Rothma}', a parrot feeding Abram of Lorraine, a bee or. 137. 4

cruce salus. 166. i on a bunch of cherries, all ppr. Salus Abrey, a chevalier on horseback at full

Abercrombie of Fetternier, a cross cross- per Christum. loi. 8 speed, holding a broken spear, all ppr.


let fitched gu. In crnce salis. 166. 2 Abernethy of Auchinloich, a parrot ppr.

Abercrombie of Tullibody, a bee volant In Christo salus. loi. 4 Abriscourt, Oxon., a hare close among

ppr. Vive ut vivas. 137. 2 Abernethy, Scotland, a cross crosslet grass ppr. 136. i;


Abercromby, a bee volant ppr. V'ive et fitched gu. In Christo salus. 166. 2 Abrol or Aboril, Worcs., a lion's head

vivas. 137. 2 Abernethy of Corskie, in the sea a ship vomiting flames ppr. 17. i

Abercromby, Baron, of Aboukir, Fern in distress. Salus per Christum. Abrook and Abrooke, a wolf's head

Tower, Crieff, Perthsh., Abercromby, 160.14 erased sa. 30. .s

a bee volant jipr. Vive nt vivas. Aberneths Scotland, a ship under sail Absalem, Absolom, and Absolon, a Hiur-


137- 2 I ppr. Salus per Christum. i6o. 13 de-lis or. 14S. 2


Abtot, a bear couchant arg., collared Acklame, a lion sejant or, collared and Acland-Troyte, Rev. Reginald Henry
Dyke, M.A.. of Presbytere St. Andre,
and muzzled or. 34. 6 lined sa. 7. 4 Pau, France, same crest and motto.

Aburton, on a human heart gu., an Ackroyd or A ekeroyd, a dog sleeping ppr. Acle, Devonsh., an annulet or, stoned sa.

eagle's foot erased ppr. 113. 14 57- 13

AbUSCOUrt and Abustourt, a hare close Ackroyd, William, of The Wheatley's, 167. 14
Yorks, out of a mural coronet, a stag's Acleham or Aclehum, a demi-lion vert
among grass ppr. 136. 12
head. Vcritaie victoria.
Accorne, Scotland, an oak-tree vert. holding an escutcheon gu. cl. 14. 2
Ackworth, a griffin's head erased ppr.
Stabo. 143. 5 Aclome, a demi-lion arg., holding a

Aceck, Acbiche, or Hackbeck, a cross 66. 2 maunch gu.
Ackworth, Kent, a griflBn segreant.
pattee erm. cf. 165. 7 Acock, out of a mural coronet a swan

Aclord, a horse's head sa., bridled or. Vincit <jui patitur. 62. 2 issuing ppr.

51-5 Acland, a falcon trussing a bird. cf. 79. 7 Acock, out of a ducal coronet a demi-
Acland, a dexter hand couped fesseways
Acguillum, a dexter hand holding a swan issuing ppr. cf. 99. 5
holding a rose-branch.
holly branch, aU ppr. cf. 209. 14 Acland, Sir Charles Thomas Dyke, Acombe, a dexter arm in armour em-

Acbam, Plenyth, Comw., a lion sejant or, Bart., of Columb-John, Devons., on a bowed sa., garnished or, tied round
sinister arm in fess vested az., the
collared and lined sa. 7. 4 hand in a glove arg., a peregrine falcon with a ribbon arg. and gu., holding in
ppr., beaked and belled or. Inebran-
Acbam or Adam, a demi-lion arg., hold- the hand a broken tilting-spear.

ing a maunch gu. cf. 107. 2

Achany, Scotland, out of a crescent, a Acotts or AcottiS, a Hon rampant gu.,

cross crosslet fitched sa. Per ardua lable. 86. 14 supporting a standard ppr., flag az.,

ad alta. 166. 9 Acland, Rear-Admiral Sir William A. charged with a saltier arg. 3. 7

Acbard, a crescent inflamed ppr. 163. 12 Dyke. Bart., Rocklands, Chudleigh, A'Court, Bart., an eagle displayed sa.,

Acheley, London and Shropsh., an eagle's South Devonsh., same crest and charged with two chevronels arg.,

head erased gu., winged or, in beak a motto. holding in the beak a lily, slipped ppr.
Acland, Bart., Killerton, Devonsh., and
branch of lilies arg., leaved vert. Grandescunt aucta labore.
Holnicote, Somers., on a sinister arm
Acheley, a griffin's head erased ppr. in fesse vested az., gloved arg., a hawk A'Court, a lion's head erased, regardant
perched of the last, beaked and belled
66. 2 gu. 17. 6

Acheley, a demi-swan gu., winged or, A'Court-HoImes, sec Heytesbury, Baron.

holding in the beak a flower arg. or. Inibranlable. 86. 14 A'Court-Repington, Charles Henry Wynd-

Acher, Kent, a bull's head erased gu. 44. 3 Acland, Alfred Dyke, Esquire, of 38, ham. Esquire, M.A., of Amington Hall,
Acheson, Scotland and Ireland, a cock Pont Street, London, a couped arm Warw. (I) A demi- heraldic antelope

ppr. 91. 2 lying fesseways to the sinister az., gu., armed, ungu., and tufted or,
billettee arg. (for Repington). (2) An
Acheson, Earl of Gosford and Viscount gloved arg., thereon a falcon perched

Acheson, a cock gu., standing on a ppr., beaked, membered, and belled eagle displayed sa., on the breast two

trumpet or. Vigilantihuf. 91. 6 or. 1 nibrardable. chevroneLs or, holding in the beak a

Acheson of Glencairney, Bart., same Acland, Charles Thomas Dyke, Esquire, lily ppr. Virtiis jrropter se.
of Killerton, Exeter, same crest and
crest and motto. Acraman, out of a palisado coronet or,
an arm embowed ppr., vested gu.,
Acheson, Scotland, an eagle displayed. motto.

75- 2 Acland, Theodore Dyke, Esquire, of cuffed arg., holding in the hand an oak-
74, Brook Street, London, same crest
Acheson, a sandglass ppr. 177. 15 and motto. branch vert, fructed or. 205. i

Achieson, Scotland, an astrolabe ppr. Acland, Fuller-Palmer-, Bart., Somers.: -Acraman, same crest. Esse guam videri.
(i) For Acland, on a sinister arm, in
Observe. 167. 7 fess vested az., gloved arg., a hawk 20;. I
perched arg., beaked and belled or. Acre, Westml., a triangular harrow ppr.
Achilles or Achillis, a savage's head 86. 14. (2) For Palmer, a demi-
panther gardant, flames issuing out of
affrontee, ducally crowned ppr. mouth and ears, holding a palm-branch i;8. 4
ppr. 23. 12. (3) For Fuller, on a ducal Acres and Acris, an eagle displayed ppr.,
cj. 192. 9 coronet gu., a lion's head arg., Palma
virluti for I?almer over the crest and charged on the breast with a pellet.
Aahmuty, an arm erabowed in armour Inibranlable for Acland underneath
75- '
ppr., holding a broken spear az. Dum Acton, Baron (Dalberg-Actou), of Alden-

spiro spero. 197. 2 ham Hall, Shropsh., on a \vreath
of the colours a circular wreath arg.
Achym, a crescent or. 163. 2 and gu., therein a leg in armour ppr.,
garnished or, bent at the knee and
Acbym or Acklame, a lion sejant gardant couped at the middle of the thigh,
blood dropping therefrom gu. 193. 5.
or, collared and chained sa. cf. 7. 4 Another, the same crest without the

Achyra, Cornw., a lion sejant or, collared circular torse.

and lined sa. 7. 4. Another, a the arms. 17. 5 Acton, Edward WilUam Frederick, Es-
quire, J. P., of the T.easowes, Bridgnorth,
demi-lion arg., holding a maunch gu. Acland, Hon. John Barton Arundel, within a torse, a human leg and thigh
in armour couped and dropping blood,
Ackelom, a Sagittarius shooting a bow M.A., of Holnicote, Mount Peel,
Rangitata, Canterbury, New Zealand, all ppr.
ppr. 53. 2 Acton, Augustus Wood-, of Acton Scott,

Ackerman, Ackermann, or Acraman, out Member of the Legislative Council of Shropsh., same crest.
Acton of West Aston, Ireland, same crest.
of a palisado coronet or, an arm New Zealand, a man's hand, couped at
Adjuvante Deo.
embowed ppr., vested gu., cuffed arg., the wrist, in a glove, lying fesseways, Acton, Chesh., a demi-lion rampant, re-

holding in the hand an oak branch thereon a falcon, perched, all ppr. In- gardant arg., grasping a spear or, en-
filed with a boar's head sa., couped gu.
vert, fructed or. 205. i ibranlable 86. 14
9. 10
Ackers, Benjamin St. John, of Huntley Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke,

Manor, Glouc, upon a mount, in front Bart., K.C.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D.,

thereof three sprigs of oak slipped F.R.S., a sinister arm lying fesseways

and fructed, a dove rising, holding in vested az., the hand in a glove arg.,

the beak a like sprig of oak, all ppr. thereon a falcon perched ppr., beaked

La liberie. 295. 9 and belled or. 86. 14

Ackers, a Doric column or. cf. 176. 3 Acland-Troyte, Hugh Leonard, Esquire,

Ackers of Moreton Hall, Chester, a dove of Hunsham, Court Bampton, Devon,

rising, holding in the beak an olive- (i ) an eagle's wing sa., charged with five Acton, a demi-lion regardant, holding a
spear enfiled with a savage's head.
branch, all ppr. La liberie. 94. 5 estoiles or, environed with a snake ppr,
Acton, Wore, an arm in armour, em-
Acktord, a horse's head sa., bridled or. the wing charged for distinction with bowed ppr., garnished or, the hand
grasping a sword arg., hilt of the second
51- 5 a cross crosslet or (for Troyte). (2) On entiled with a boar's head, couped sa.,
Ackhurst, a demi-lion arg., holding in
a man's hand couped at the wrist, in dropping blood.
the dexter paw an acorn slip vert,
a glove fesseways, a falcon perched all Acton. William Robert, Esquire, J.P., of
Wolverton Hall, Pershore, an arm in
fructed or. cf. 12. 3 Appr (for Acland). Deo in Deo.

Acklam or Aclome, Yorks, a demi-lion Acland-Troyte, John, Edward Esquire,

arg., holding a maunch gu. M.A., same crest and motto.



armour, embowed ppr., holding in the Adams, Lines, a griffin's head couped gu., Adams, London, a wolf's head erased
beaked az., between two wings or,
hand a sword arg., hilt or, enfiled with erm. 30. 8

a boar's head couped at the neck sa., pellettee. «/• 67. 7 Adams, a wolf's head erased ppr.

distilling blood. Vaillance avance Adams of Cheaton, Shrapsh., a griffin's 30. 8

Vhomme. head erased erm., beaked gu., charged Adams, Rev. William Fulford, of the

Acton, a pine-tree vert, fructed or. with a chevron vairee or and az. Rectory, Weston-sub-Edge, Glouc, a
dexter arm embowed in armour ppr.,
144. 13 <•/. 66. 2
Acton, Ireland, a pellet between two
Adams, a griffin's head erased erm., garnished or, the elbow charged with
beaked gu., charged with a chevron
wings gu. 4c/. 1 10. a torteau, the gauntlet also ppr.,

Acworth, a griffin's head erased ppr. chequy or and sa. f/. 66. 2 grasping a cross crosslet fitchee sa.
66. 2
Adams, a griffin's head between two Lifiertas el nalale solum.

Acworth, an armed arm or, issuant out wings, addorsed vert, charged on the Adams of Bowdon, Devonsh., a dexter
of a coronet of strawberry-leaves gu., arm, in armour ppr., embowed, grjisping
the hand grasping a serpent ppr., breast with a cross or. a cross crosslet fitched sa., charged on
holding in the mouth an annulet Adams, William, Esquire, of Drumelton

House, CootehiU, and Erne View, co. elbow with a torteau. Libertas et

Cavan, Ireland, a griffin's head couped natale solum.

Adagh, a demi-lion rampant arg., guttee- gu., between two wings sa., each Adams, Percy, Fulford, Lancaster Road,
de-sang, holding in the paws three charged with three bezants. Ingenium Wimbledon, a dexter arm embowed in

blue pinks. 3Iea gloria fides. superat vires. cf. 67. 7 armour, the hand in a gauntlet ppr.,
grasping a cross crosslet sa., the arm
Adair, see Waveney, Baron. Adams, Yorks, a demi-griffin erm.,
Adair, Bart., of Kinghilt, a man's head
winged and beaked az., holding an charged on the elbow with a torteau.
couped and bloody ppr. Loyal au
escallop or. cf. 65. i Libertas et natale solum.
Adams, a dexter arm in armour em-
Adams, Francis, of Clifton, Glouc, a
bowed, holding in the hand a cross
Adair of Heatherton Park, Somers., demi-griffin segreant or. Tout ou

same crest. Loyal d mart. rien. 64. 2 crosslet. 19^. 5

Adair, Cumb. and Scotland, a Saracen's Adams of Ansty Hall, Warwick, a talbot Adams, Ireland, an arm couped at the

head couped and impaled with a passant az., semee of bezants, collared shoulder, embowed ppr., vested gu.,

spear. / dare. 191. 8 arg. Sub cruce Veritas. cf. 54. 5 holding in the hand a flag sa., charged

Adair, Sir Frederick Edward Shafto, Bart., Adams, see Woollcombe-Adams. with a bee. 204. 1

of Flixton Hall, Suff., a man's head Adams, Notts, a talbot sa., semee of Adams, Very Rev. Samuel, M.A., of
affrontee couped at the neck and cinquefoils or, resting the dexter paw Northlands, co. Cavan, Ireland, Dean

bloody ppr. Loi/al au morl. upon a mullet of the last. of Cashel and Prebendary of Terebrine,

Adair, Allan Shafto, Esquire. J.P., of Adams, Samuel Thomas, Esquire, a in the Diocese of Elphin, J.P., on a
Bank of England, Plymouth, same mount vert a cross crosslet fitchee or,
talbot sa., semee of cinquefoils or,

crest and motto. and resting the dexter paw upon a charged with a bleeding heart gu. In
Adair, Scotland, on a sword in pale a
mullet also or. cruce solus. cf. 166. 6
Saracen's head affrontee, dropping Adams, Bath, out of a crown vallery or,
Adams, Ambrose Douglas, Esquire, on
—blood all ppr., the sword hilted and a demi-lion affrontee arg., semee of
a mount vert, a cross crosslet fitchee
pommelled or. Arte et marie. Forli-
mullets gu. or, charged with a bleeding heart gu.
In cruce solus.
tuAine. lOi. 11 Adams, Devonsh., out of a ducal coronet Adams, James Craig Bate de Lisle,
Esquire, same crest and motto.
Adam, Hants, a crescent gu. 163. 2 or, a demi-lion gardant arg. cf. 10 Adams, John Hervey Stuart, Esquire, of
Northlands, Carrickmacross, same crest
Addin, on a mount vert a sword ppr., and Adams, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-

a cross crosslet fitchee gu., in saltier, lion affrontee ppr.
Adams, Carmarthensh., out of a ducal
banded of the last. c/. 166. 12
coronet or, a demi-lion affrontee gu.
Adam, James, M.D., Mailing Place, West Aspire, persevere, and indulge not. and motto.
Adams, London, a lion rampant or. i . ' 3
Jlaliing, Kent, a cross crosslet fitchee Adams of Holyland, Pembroke, a martlet Adams, Ixslie Piers, Esquire, same crest
arg. Certior in coflo domus. cf. 95. 2 and motto.
gu., and a sword in saltire ppr. Adams, a martlet sa., holding in the
Adam of Culross, a cross crosslet fitchee beak a mullet or. Cruce duce. Adams, Maxwell Richard William Peers-,

gu., surmounted of a sword in saltier Esquire, same crest and motto.
Adams, Peers - Newsham, Esquire, same
ppr. Crux mihi grata quies. 166. 12

Adam of Runcorn, two swords in saltier, crest and motto.

and a cross crosslet, fitched in pale, cf. 95- 5 Adams, Samuel Allen, Esquire, of North-
lands, Carrickmacro.?s, same crest and
Dominus ipse faciei. 166. 14 Adams, a raven sa. cf. 107. 2

Adam, Sir Charles Elphinstone, Bart., of Adams, Middx., an eagle volant regar- motto.

Blair Adam, Kinross, a cross crosslet dant. 79- 5 Adams, a cat-a-mountain gardant arg.,

fitchee gu., surmounted of a sword in Adams, an eagle regardant, wings ele- collared az., restin" the dexter fore-
saltire ppr. Crux mihi grata guies. paw on a terrestrial globe ppr. S^ln^
vated sa., pendant from the neck an

166. 12 escutcheon or, charged with a cat's viler sed fortiter. cf. 26. 5

Adam, Scotland, a hand holding a cross face vert, resting the dexter claw on a Adamson, Newcastle-upor-Tyne, a cross
crosslet, fitched gu. Crux mihi grata
crescent also or. 77. 3 crosslet gu. 165. 2

guies. 221. 14 Adams, Rev. James Williams, V.C, Adamson of Aberdeenshire and late of

Adam, Scotland, a passion-cross or, B.A., the Rectory, Postwich, Norwich, Ewell, Surrey, a cross crosslet fitchee

charged with a man's heart ppr. In same crest. az. Crux mihi grata quies. t66. 2

cruce solus. cf. 165. 4 Adams, on a mount vert an eagle reversed Adamson, Scotland, a cross crosslet

Adam of Walden, Esse.^:, a talbot passant and regardant, wings expanded ppr., fitched, and sword iu saltier ppr.

az., bezantee, collared arg. c/. 54 5 beak and legs or, holding in the beak a 166. 12
Adam, an eagle volant ppr.
mullet sa., the sinister claw resting on Adamson, a tilting-spear, broken in

Adam or Adams, a griffin's head, gu., a crescent reversed gold. three pieces, two in saltier, sur-
Adams, London, on a Ijezant a demi-eagle
between two wings or, beaked az. mounted by the head-piece in pale,

c/. 67. 7 pointed or, banded gu. J 75. 2

Adam or Adams, a griffin's head gu., Bart., a greyhound's head Adamson, John George, Esquire, a talbot
between two wings or, pellettce. "

couped. cf. 61. 2 passant az., collared, charged on the

cf. 67. 7 Adams, Shropsh., a greyhound's head shoulder with a cross invected, and
holding in the dexter paw a key in
Adams of Ahavagurrah, Ireland, a griffin's erased erm. 61. 4 pale, all or. Watch and ward.
Adamson of Brampton Place, Bexley
head erased az. 3Ialo mori quam Adams, Ireland, a boar's head or, couped

jmdari. 66. 2 gu. cf. 43. I

Adams, Cambs, a griffin's head gu., be- Adams, London and Ireland, a boar's Heath, Kent, a cross crosslet fitchee

tween two wings or. cf. 67. 7 head arg., couped gu. cf. 43. i az. Crux mihi grate quies.



Adamson, Lawrence William, Esquire, Addison, Sudbury, a unicorn's head Adlam, William, of Chew Magna, Somers.,
LL.D., of Eglingham Hall, Northumb.,
a talbot passant az., collared, charged erased arg., pierced through the neck on a mount vert, and in front of rays
on the shoulder vnth a cross invected,
and holding in the dexter paw a key with an arrow and charged on the of the sun, an eagle ppr., collared sa.
in pale, all or. Watch and imrd.
breast with three annulets. Ti/rne proveth truth.
Adamson, William 8haw, Esquire, J.P.,
of Careston Castle, Brechin, co. Forfar, Addison, Staffs, a demi-unicorn couped Adiard, a hand holding a dagger erect,
a sword ppr., hilted and pommelled
or, and a cross crosslet fitchee gu. in arg., armed, ungu., and crined or, the all ppr. 212. 9
saltier, all between two branches of
sinister foot resting ou an escutcheon Adler of Haverstoke, Essex, a demi-eagle,
laurel, also ppr. Crux mild grata
gu., charged with a leopard's face of wings displayed sa., charged ou the

th( intl. breast with an etoile or. cj. 80. 2

Addison, William Henry, Esquire, of New- Adlercron, Rodolph Ladeveze, Esquire,

ark, Kent, and of Robertson, Cape F.R.G.S., of Broom HaU, Horsham,

Colony, South Africa, a snake nowed Sussex, a demi-eagle displayed sa.,

quies. 266. 4 or, in front of a demi-eagle, wings dis- langued gu., ducally crowned or, the

Adamson, William Rushton, Esquire, of played sa., holding in the beak a snake dexter wing per fesse arg., and az., the
entwined round the neck ppr. Ad- sinister per fesse of the last and or.
Rushton Park, Robertsbridge, Sussex,

a talbot passant az., bezantee and decet Iwneste vivere. 81.5 Quo fata vacant.

collared or. Avant. cj. 54. 5 Addlington or Adlington, Devonsh. and Adlington, a goat's head erased arg.

Adamson, a lion passant, holding in the Lines, a goat's head erased ppr. 128. 5 128. 5

dexter paw a cross crosslet fitched gu. Addreston or Aderston, a martlet gu. Adlington, Henry Smith, of the HaU

cj. 6. 2 c/. 95- 5 Holme, Hale, Shipdham, Thetford,
Addurston, a swan's neck and wings arg., Norf., same crest. Per antiquam
Adare, Baron, see Dunraven, Earl of.
Adcock or Addcock, a fox's head ppr. 33.4 beaked gu., gorged with a ducal cor- cartanu
Addagh, a lion rampant. Mea gloria
onet or. Adlington, an heraldic antelope's head

fides. I. 13 Addy or Addey, on a mount a stag erased arg. cf. 127. 11

Addams, a grifiSn's head between two lodged, all ppr. 115. 12 Adlyn, on a mount vert, a martlet or.

wings gu. cf.67.7 Adean, a stag's head cabossed ppr. 122. 5 95- 7

Addcock or Adcock, a fox's head ppr. Adeane, Charles Robert Whorwood, of Adney, an eagle's head, holding in the

33- 4 Babraham, Cambs, a griffin's head beak an acorn, slipped and leaved ppr.
Addenbrooke, on the banks of a river an
collared, between two wings. 67. 7 cf. 84- 10
otter party per pale arg. and sa., and
Adolphus, a demi-lion rampant murally
charged with two crescents counter-
crowned, holding a knight's helmet

changed. same crest. between the paws.
Addenbrooke, Edward Homfray, the
Adelin, a chevalier on horseback, at full Adshead and Adshade, an antelope trip-
Platts, Kidderminster, crest as fore-
going. Nee temere nee limide. speed, brandishing a sword, all ppr. pant ppr. 126. 6
Addenbrooke, Herbert Henry Hodgetts,
Esquire, same crest. 189. 10 Adson, Scotland, an oak-tree. Stand
Addenbrooke, Rev. James Jennings, of
Whixhall, Salop, same crest. Adelmare, the sea vert, thereon a dolphin sure. 143- 5
Adderbury, Sussex, an embattled tower, naiant ppr.
Ady, Kent, on a mount vert, a stag lodged
Adelsorf, two wings elevated sa. 109. 6
Adelston or Adeston, an escutcheon arg., arg., attired and ducally crowned or.

cf. 115. 12

charged with a cinquefoil gu. Ady or Adry, a leopard's face or, jessant-

ppr. 156. 2 Adenstoun, Adingstoun, or Adinston, a de-lis gu. 22. c,

Adderley, Warw. and Staffs, on a chepcau dexter hand holding a cross pattee Adye, a leopard passant gardant.

gu., turned up erm., a stork arg. 105. 3 fitched 221. 12 cf. 24. 3

Adderley, Hubert John Broughton, Es- Aderley, Blackhall, Staffs, a leopard's Adye and Adyer, Kent and Durh., a

quire, of Barlaston Hall, Stoke-on- head couped or, pierced through the cherub's head ppr. 189. 9

Treni: (i) Same crest as above. (2) mouth with a sword • blade broken Adyn, Dorchester, a lion's head ppr.

A sea-dog's head couped gu. eared and arg. cf. 17. 8

finned. Aderson, a cup or, with three branches Adys, a cock crowing erm. 91. 2
of laurel issuing therefrom vert.
Adderley of Ham's Hall, Warw., same 177. 2 Aermine, on a mount vert, an erm. arg.,

oi-est. Aderton, a hand holding a scimitar ppr. the tip of the tail sa. 134. 10

Adderley, Baron Norton, same crest. Aeth, a demi-griffin or, holding in the

Addere legi justitiavi decus. 213- 5 dexter claw a battle-axe gu. 64. 1
Adderley, Hon. Henry Arden, of Fillong-
Aderstone, a martlet gu. 95. 5 Affleck, Scotland, an eagle rising ppr.
lev Hall, Coventry, same crest and
Adey, a leopard's face or, jessant-de-lis 77- 5
Affleck of Balmanno, Scotland, two wings
motto. gu. 22. 5
issuing. Eerum sapientia. custos.
Adderiy, Staffs, and Scotland, a rose gu. Adey, Adrey, or Ady, on a mount vert, a 109. 6

149. 2 stag lodged arg., attired and ducally Affleck, Bart., of Dalham HaU, New-
Adderton, a hand holding a scimitar. market, an ear of wheat or, between
crowned or. c/. 115. 12 two fern branches ppr. Pretiosuni quod

213- 5 Adey, see Adye.

Adderton and Atherton, Shropsh., a cubit Adger, a swan with wings addorsed

arm grasping a truncheon. 214. 6 regardant arg., murally crowned gu., utile. 239. 1

Addey, Kent, on a mount a stag lodged, resting its dexter foot on an escaUop Affleck of that ilk, same crest and motto.

?.ll ppr. 115. 12 or. 99- 7 Affordbie of Affordby, Lines, a horse's
Adie, Aedie, and Addie, Crieff and Scot-
Addington, Devonsh., a leopard sejant head erased sa., bridled or. cf. 51. 5
land, a cross crosslet and sword in
gardant arg., pelettee. saltier ppr. Crux niihi grata ^ute.f. Agad, a heraldic antelope's head.

Addington, Baron (Hubbard), in front of 166. 12 127. 10

a fasces fessewise ppr., an eagle's head Agall, on a chapeau ppr., a buU statant

erased arg., collared fieurettee gu. Adingstoun or Adinston, Scotland, a sa. cf. 45- 9

AUa petens. 245. 4 dexter hand holding a cross patee Agan, on a ducal coronet or, a stag's

Addington, a cat passant ppr. 26. 4 fitchee 221. 12 head cabossed ppr. cf. 122. 5

Addington, see Sid mouth. Viscount. Adis, out of a tower ppr., a demi-lion az. Agar, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant or.

Addis, Adis, or Ades, out of a tower ppr. 157. II Vita trita via tula. 10. 2

a demi-lion az. 157. 11 Adkins, a lion rampant gu., supporting Agar, Earl of Normanton, a demi-lion

Addison, a tower arg. 1 56. 2 a flagstaff with ropes ppr., flag arg., rampant or. Vita trita via tuta. lO. 2

Addison, a pair of wings erect ppr. 109. C charged with a cross of the first. Agar-EUis, Viscount Clifden, see Clifden.
Agar-Robartes, see Robartes, Baron.
Addison, a unicorn's head erased, trans- c/- 3- 7 Agard, Lanes, a bugle -horn arg., gar-

pierced by an arrow, in bend sinister holding

guttee. Let the deed ahaw. nished or, stringed sa. 228. 11




Agard, Lanes, an ibex's head or, semee Aguillon, Yorks, a pelican vulning herself Allien, Edinburgh, a pelican in her piety
of hurts, maned, homed, tnfted, and
ppr. 98- I ppr. Non sibi. 98. 8
collared az. Agworth, a torteau.
Ui59- Ailmer or Aylmer, London, a goat passant
Agas of Wymondham, Norf., a Jloor's
head sa., wreathed arg. and gu. Ahanny or Ahany, Scotland, out of a

192. 13 crescent a cross crosslet fitched sa. Ailsa, Marquess of (Kennedy), Culzean

Agbnry, Kent and Gloiic, a bird sup- Per ardua ad alta. 166. 9 Castle, Maybole, a dolphin naiant ppr.
porting a flag, charged with a cross.
Ahem, Ireland, a vine ppr. 152. 9 Avis In fin. 140. 5
78. 14
Ager or Auger of Bishopboum, Kent Aher, a sand-glass sa., winged gu. Aime and Aine, a pillar barry of four gu.

and Glouc, a bull's head erased gu., 113. II and or, winged ppr. 113. 10

Ahlfeldt, Frederic Cart, Esquire, a brack Aimgevyne of Theshelthorpc, Lines, a

arg., collared and sejant on a cushion vine or, bearing three bunches of

attired or. 44- 3 gu., tasselled or. Fortitudine suavitatc. grapes ppr. cf. 152. 9

Agg or Auge, a Moor's head conped sa., 59. 8 Aines, Ainge, Ainger, Aitken, a common
Ahrends, an eagle ppr. Post nubiln
wreathed arg. and az. 192. 13 boat ppr. 179. 6

AggS, on a chapeau ppr. a bull statant phaebus. 76. 2 Ainge, London, a cross formee fitchee or,

sa. c/. 45- 9 Aickea, Aiken, or Aikin, a fountain between two wings az. cf. 1 10. 7
Aglionby, Rev. Francis Keyes, Christ
throwing up water ppr. 159. 13 Ainlie, an arm holding a laurel chaplet

Church Vicarage, Westminster, a derai- Aickinson, a demi-lady, holding in the ensigned with a bird. cf. 205. 6

eagle displayed or. 81.6 dexter hand a tower, and in the sinister Ainsley or Ainslie of Blackhill, a pelican's

Agmondesham of Horsley, Surrey, a stag a palm-branch. 1S3. 8 head erased ppr. Pietns tutissima

trippant or. 117* ^ Aickman and Aikman, Scotland, an oak- virtus. 98. 2
tree fructed ppr. Sub robore virtus.
Agmondisham or Agmundesham, Surrey, Ainsley, Bart., Scotland, an arm embowed
143- 2
a stag lodged ppr. 115. 7 brandishing a scimitar ppr. Pro regc
Aidgmam, a demi-eagle or, charged on
Agnew, the sun sliining on the stump of the breast with a thistle ppr. et patria. 201. i
of. 81. 6
a tree ppr. I45- 5 Ainsley and Ainslie, Scotland, an arm em-

Agnew, a crow statant, wings e.xpanded, bowed grasping a scimitar, all ppr.

transfixed with an arrow, all ppr. Aifler, two wings in lure. 113. i Pro rege et patria. 201. i

107. II Aighton, Lanes, a snake coiled up ppr. Ainslie, Bart., Lines, a dexter arm em-

Agnew or Agneu of Sheuchan and 142. 2 bowed holding a scimitar ppr. Pro

Lothian, Scotland, an eagle issuant Algler or Ayler, two wings in lure. 113. i rege et patria. 201. i

and regardant ppr. Consilio non Algles, Northunib., a huntins-hom ppr. Ainslie of Pilton, Bart., on a chapeau a

impetu. go. 10 228. II dexter arm embowed grasping a

Agnew of Lochryan, an eagle rising Aiken, a fountain throwing up water ppr. scimitar ppr. Pro patria smpe, pro

regardant, holding in dexter claw a 159- 13

sword ppi. ConsUio eiimpetii . 77.10 Aiken, sec Chetwood-Aiken.

Agnew of Castle Wiger, an eagle rising Aiken, Scotland, a cross crosslet fitched 213- 5

regardant ppr. Consilio non impcttt. gu. In cruce solus. 166. 2 Ainslie, Quebec, an eagle's head erased

77- 4 Aiken, L-eland, an ox-yoke az., stapled or. ppr. Pietas tutissima virtus. 83. 2
Agnew, Hon. Sir James Wilson, K.C.M.G.,
178. 6 AnAinslie : ( l ) eagle's head erased ppr.
M.D., M.R.C.S., of Macquarie St. Aiken, James, of Dalmoak, co. Dum-
APietas tutissima virtujt. 83. 2. (2)

Hobart, Tasmania, Member of the barton, a dexter hand couped at the dexter arm embowed grasping a scimi-

Executive Council, and formerly Mem- wrist, holding a garland of oak-leaves tar, all ppr. Pro rege et patria.

ber of Legislative Council, Chief ppr. In robore decu-s. 201. I

Secretary and Premier of the said Aikenhead or Aitkenhead, a demi-savage Ainslie, an arm holding in the hand t%vo

Colony, an eagle issuant rising, with holding in the dexter hand three laurel- branches of laurel, ensigned with a

wings expandelJ and regardant ppr.. sprigs fructed ppr. Rupio robore nati. bird. cf. 205. 6

charged on the breast with a trefoil cf. 1 86. 4 Ainsworth, Richard Henry, of Smith ills

slipped vert. ConsUio non impelu. Aikenhead, Frank, Esquire, Xaval and HaU, Lanes, a man in armour, holding

Agnew, Ch.irles Stewart, Esquire, J.P., Military Club, 94, Piccadilly, W., a in his dexter hand a battle-axe ppr.

of Hobart, Tasmania, an eagle issuant demi-man affront^e holding in his Meo gloria fides.

rising and regardant ppr., charged on dexter hand a branch of laurel slipped Ainsworth, David, of the Flosh, Cleator,

its breast with a trefoil slipped vert. and fructed, all ppr., and resting his Whitehaven, Cumb., a falcon rising

Consilio non impetu. sinister on a chaplet of oak, also ppr., with wings displayed and inverted.

Agnew, Sir Andrew, of Lorhuaw, Bart., fructed. Rnpto robore nati. 258. 10 Surgo et resvrgam.

an eagle issuing regardant ppr. Con- Aikenhead, Scotland, an oak-tree fructed Ainsworth, John Stirling, Esquire, of

silio non impetu. 80. 10 ppr. Annoso robore quercus. 143. 2 Harecroft, Gosforth, Cumb., and

Agnew, Sir William, Bart., 11, Great Aikin or Aicken, an oak-tree vert. Sub Ardanaiseig, Kilchrenan, Argyll, same

Stanhope St., W., an eagle regardant, robere virtus. 143. 5 crest and motto.

wings expanded ppr., each wing'charged Aikman, a man ppr., holding a standard Ainsworth, Lie\itenant-Colonel David,

with a pale or, holding in its mouth gu., vested arg.. the coat az. 187. 9 Backbarrow, North Lanes, a falcon,
wings expanded and inverted, belled
a sword pointing upwards ppr., the Aikman of Cairnie, an oak-tree fructed

dexter claw resting on a saltier couped ppr. Sub robore virtus. 143. 2 ppr. Surgo et resurgam. 87. i

gu. Consilio et impetu. 236. 5 Aikman, Thomas Stokes George Hugh Air, Scotland, the stump of an oak-tree,

Agnew, Scotland, an eagle rising regar- Robertson, of Ross, Hamilton, N.B., new branches sprouting ppr. 145-2

dant ppr. Si non consilio. impetu. an oak-tree ppr. Sub robore rnrtus. Aird, Scotland, a cock ppr. Vigilantia.

80. 10 Aikman of Bromlinton, an oab-tree

Agnew, John Vans, of Bambarroch, fructed ppr. Sub robore virtus. Aird, Sir John, Bart., 14, Hyde Park

[ j

Scotland : (l) An eagle issuant regard- 143- 2 Terrace, W., on a bull rail fessewise

ant ppr. {for Agnew). 80. 10. A(2) Aile and Ailes, a dexter arm embowed, a lion rampant erect, holding between

lion rampant, in dexter paw a pair of the fist clenched ppr. 202. 2 the paws a rivet, all ppr. Vigilantia.


scales ppr. {for Vans). ConsUio non Ailesbury, Marquess and Earl of, Earl 251. 7

impetu.—Be faithful. ' of Cardigan, Earl Bruce, Viscount; Aird, a cubit arm holding a hawk's lure,

Agrevell, a bezant. c/. 159. 14 Savernake, etc. (Brudenell - Bruce), ' all ppr.

Agruall, a lion's face gardant between Savemake Forest, Marlborough, Wilts : Airey, a cinquefoil gu. 14S. 12

two wings ppr. 21.4 A(i) lion statant az., tail extended Airey, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Parke,

AguUar and Aguillar, an eagle's head A{for Bruce), cf. 4. 8. (2) .sea-horse Esquire, D.S.O., of Victoria Barracks,

erased, holding in the beak a fleur-de- —naiant ppr. {for Brudenell). Think and Oxford Street, Paddington, Sydney,
, out of the battlements of a tower or.
lis, all ppr. 84. 12 thanl: Fuimui. ''
46. ?


a dexter and a sinister arm embowed a Moor's head in profile sa., wreathed Alate, a unicorn's head arg., collared sa.

in armour ppr., the hands also ppr., about the temples arg., and with pearls cf. 49. II

holding a cinquefoU az. */e le ticndrai. in the ears. Albalanda, a boar passant gu. 40. 9
Albam, an urchin ppr. 135-8
Airey, a leg in armour, couped at the Alton of that ilk, Scotland, Bart., a dexter

thigh ppr., garnished and spurred or. hand pulling a rose ppr. Et dererptce Alban, a lion's head erased, pierced in

193- I dabunt odorem. 218. 13 breast with an arrow. cf. 17. 13

Airlie, Earl ol (Ogilvy), Airlie Castle, a Alton of Dunmure, same crest and motto. Albani, d', Arthur James Louis Francis,

]aily from the waist, affrontee ppr., Alton and Aitoune, a rose gu. Virtuie Esquire, of Newmarket, on a wreath

Aholding a portcullis gu. fin. 183. 7 orta occiditttt rariu-s. 149. 2 of the colours two ostrich-feathers in

Airmine of Osgodsby, I3art., on a mount Alton of Kippo, a rose-tree vert, flowered saltire az., thereon perched a martlet

vert, an erm. passant arg. 134. 10 gu. Et decerptoe dahunt odorem. 149.14 or. Vestigia nulla reirorsum.
Albany, Shropsh., London, Beds, and
Airth, Scotland, a cock crowing ppr. Alton of Kinaldie, same crest.

Qi. 2 Aitoune of Inchdairnie, same crest and Middx., a dolphin hauriant or.

Airth, Scotland, a stag's head erased, at motto. 140. II
Albany, London, Shropsh., and Beds, out
gaze ppr. Akarys, Akers, Akeris, and Akyris, a

Aiscough, a cross erosslet fitched az. griffin's head gu. 66. i of a ducal coronet gu. a demi-dolphiu

In hoc signo vinces. 166. 2 Akarys, a demi-griifin or. 64. 2 hauriant or.

Aiselbie or Aislabie, Yorks, a lion's head Akaster, a demi-griffin or. 64. 2 Albany, Shropsh., out of a ducal coronet
a dolphin hauriant embowed or.
erased gu., gorged with three lozenges, Akeland and Akland, on a sinister arm
Albany, Duke of (H.B.H. Prince Leopold),
conjoined in fess arg. cj. 17. 8 in fesse vested az., gloved arg., a on a coronet composed of crosses patee
hawk perched of the last, beaked and and fleur-de-lis a lion statant gardant
Aisincourt, a demi-eagle displayed with and crowned with a like coronet or, and

two heads. cj. 82. i belled or. 86. 14

Aiskell, AiskiU, and AskiU, in the sea an Akeland, a hawk belled ppr. 85. 2

anchor, in pale ppr. 161. 6 : Akelitz, Akelits, or Hakelut, a halbert differenced with a label of three points
arg., the centre point charged with St.
Aislabie, sec Aiselbie. issuing ppr. 172. i George's cross, and each of the other


Aitcheson, Scotland, a cock ppr., wattled ! Akenhead, Scotland, an oak-tree ppr.

and combed. Vigilnntibus. 91. 2 ' 143- 5 points with a heart gu.
91. 2
Aitchison of Roehsolloch, the same. I Akenhead, a cock ppr. Albaster, Staffs, a feather in pale arg.,

Aitchison, Henry H., M.D., Wallsend-on- Akenhead, a demi-savage holding in the enfiled with a ducal coronet or.

Tyne, a cock ppr., combed and wattled dexter hand a bunch of acorns. Rupto 114. 12

gu. Vigilantibus. roberc nati. Albemarle, Earl of (Keppel), Quideuham

Aitchison, see Acheson. Akenside, an arrow ppr. 173. 5 Park, Attleborough, Norf., out of a
178. 4
Aitchison of Pittenweem, an astrolabe Aker, a triangular harrow. ducal coronet or, a swan's head and

ppr. Observe. 167- 7 Akeris, a griffin's head gu. 66. I neck arg. Ne cede malis. cf. 100. 10

Aitchison, Robert Swan, Esquiie, M.D., of Akerman or Ackerman, out of a pallisado Albeney, a yoke in bend ppr. 17S. 6

-4, Great King Street, Edinburgh, an coronet or, an arm embowed, vested Albeney, Berks, a stock-dove az., holding
in the beak a branch vert, fructed gu.
eagle's head erased sa. Vigilantibus. gu., cuffetl arg., holding in the hand

Aitken, James, Esquire, of Saltcoats and ppr. an oak-branch vert, fructed of the 92. 5
Alberough or Albrough, a castle, at the
Darroch, Stirling, Scotland, an oak- first. 205. I

tree ppr. Eobore et vigilantia. 143. 5 Akeroyd and Akroyd, a dog sleeping ppr. sinister base a thistle-bush ppr. 155.6
Alberry of Wickingham, Berks, a dove
Aitken of Aitkenside, a cross erosslet 57. 13
az., holding in its beak a branch
fitched gu. In cruce salus. 166. 2 Akers, a Doric column or.

Aitken, Colonel R. Easton, V.D., Glas- Akers- Douglas, Rt. Hon. Aretas, M.P., fructed. 92- 5

gow, a mailed arm embowed, holding of Chikton Park and Mailing Abbey, Albert, a demi-savage, wreathed about

a cross erosslet fitched. In cruce salus. Kent : ( I ) A dexter arm in armour the middle with leaves, over his
embowed ppr., garnished or, grasp-
295. 13 shoulder a sledge-hammer, all ppr.
Aitken, James H., Esquire, Gartcows,
ing in the hand a dagger in bend cf. 186. II

Falkirk, N.B., a cross erosslet fitchee. sinister, also ppr., hilt and pommel gold Alberton, a pennon in bend gu., the staff

In cruce saliui. 166. 2 A{for Douglas). 195. 3. (2) dexter headed sa. and tasselled or. 176. I2

Aitken of Edenhurst, Timperley, Chesh.. cubit arm vested bendy or and az., the AlbertUS, Poland, the huU of a ship, with

a cross erosslet fitchee az. In cruce hand ppr. holding a banner, also bendy only main-mast, and the top without

salus. or and az., charged with a Saracen's tacking or. Deus dabit vela.

Aitken of Thornton. Fifeshire, a cross (or Irish Kerne's) head between eight Albery, a stock-dove az., holding in its

erosslet fetchee gules. In cruce salus. —cross crosslets, fringed and tasselled or beak a branch, leaves and stalk vert,
166. 2
{for Akeri). Sapitntia et Veritas. Je fructed gu. 92. 5
Aitken, Aitkin, and Atkin, a boat ppr. vive en esperance.
Albon, Albone, Allebone, and Allibone,

179. 6 Akiris, Akeris, or Akyris, a griffin's head a bull's head affrontee. 44. 8

Aitken, James, Esquire, Shipowner, Glas- gu. 66. I Alborough, Somers., a fox arg., collared

gow, a cock sa., collared and chained Akland, on a sinister arm in fesse, vested and lined or.
Albrecht, a dexter cubit arm erect ppr.,
or. Eobore et vigilantia. az., gloved arg., a hawk perched of the

Aitkenhead, Scotland, a demi-savage last, beaked and belled or. 86. 14 holding a fleur-de-lis or. cf. 215. 5

holding in his dexter hand three laurel Akland, the same, but the hawk hooded. Albrecht or Albreght, a dexter hand in

sprigs fructed ppr. cf. 1 86. 4 Akroyd, in front of a stag's head ppr., fesse ppr., holding a fleur-de-lis or.

Aitkenhead, Scotland, an oak-tree ppr. three spear-heads sa., encircled by a 221. 9
Albyn, a lion's gamb issuing sa., holding
Rupto robore nati. 143. 5 wTeath of oak also ppr. In veritate
a spear or, on the top a flag gu.
Aitkens, a dexter arm in armour em-

bowed, holding in the hand ppr. a Alabaster and AUebaster, a feather arg., 35- 9
Alcester, Baron (Admiral Sir Frederick
cross erosslet fitched erect arg. 19S. 5 enfiled with a ducal coronet or. 114. 12
Beauchamp Paget Seymour, G.C.B.),
Aitkenson, a demi-lady holding in her Aland, Ireland, a leopard passant gar- out of a ducal coronet or, a ph'.)enix in

dexter hand a tower, and in her sinister dant or. flames ppr. Foi/ pour devoir.
Alchorn, a human heart gu., ducally
a palm-branch. 183. 8 Aland, Lord Fortescue, same crest. Forte
crowned or, between two wings arg.
Aitkenson, a cock ppr. 91. 2 scrutum salus duccm. no. 14

Aitkine, Scotland, a cross erosslet fitched Alanson, Allanson, and Allenson, a lion

gu. In cruce snius. 166. 2 rampant gardant gu., supporting a

Aitkinson, Scotland, a cock ppr. 91. 2 cross or. Alcock, Staffs, a cock gu. 91. 2

Aito or Auito, Devonsh., issuing out of a Alanson,on a mount vert, a lion rampant Alcock, Ireland, a cock arg., combed and

cloud a dexter arm ppr., grasping a gardant gu., supporting a long cross or. wattled gu., spurred az. Vigilanter.

sword erect arg., hilted or, enfiled with 3- >5


Alcock of Silvertost, Northamp., a cock Aldham, issuant from a mount vert four Aldworth, a sand-glass winged. 113. 11
erm., beaked, membered, crested, and ostrich-feathers arg., conjoined at the Alan, Ireland, a heraldic tiger holding

wattled or. 9^. 2 points by a mill-rind or. a rose.
Alderson, Norf., from a plume of feathers Alen, Ireland, a demi-heraldic tiger quar-
Alcock of Wilton Castle, Ireland, a cock
arg., a griffin rising of the same. 64. 9 terly or and gu., gorged with a collar
arg., standing on a globe, armed, Alderson, from behind a mount vert, counterchanged, chained of the first,
and holding between the paws a juilie
combed, and g'illed or. Vigilaie. thereon a branch of alder, the sun flower of three branches ppr. Fortis

Alcock, Ireland, on a pomeis charged et fidclis.

vrith a cross patee or, a cock statant sa. rising ppr. Aleneon, Fiance, a greyhound arg.
cf. 60. 2
Vigilaie. Alderson, a pillar ppr. 176- 3
Alephe, London, a cock's head erased.
Alcock, Philip Clayton, Esquire, of AAlderson, Middx.: (i) dove, in its
Wilton Castle, Enniscorthy, same crest 90. I
beak an olive-branch ppr. {for Aider- Aleston or Alston, a lion passant regar-
and motto.
son). 92.5. (2) A boar's head couped dant gu., ducally gorged and chained.

Alcock, Kent, out of a ducal coronet az., or {for Lloi/d). 43- i
Alderton, Sufi., a crescent arg. 163. 2
a demi-swan erm., wings expanded,

and ducally crowned or. cf. 99. 5 Aldewinckle, Aldewincle, Aldewinkell,
Aldwinckle, and Aldwinkle, a wyvern,
Alcock-Beck, see Beck-Alcock. wings addorsed, ducally crowned,

Alcock - Stawell - Riversdale, William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, a bear sejant
erect ppr. Per mnre, per terras. 34. 8
Thoma.s Jonas, Esquire: (i) Out of a vonuting fire. 70. 10
Alexander, Major George Agar, Colamore
mural crown or, a de.xter arm in armour Aldham, Shrimpling. Norf., a talbot's Lodge, Dalkey, co. Dublin, crest as
couped at the elbow ppr., charged with head erased or, collared sa., lined gu.

an ogress, the hand grasping a swor<l cf. 56. 2
Aldhouse, Aldhowse, Aldehowse, Aldous, or
in bend sinister, also ppr. {for Ilirrrs- Alexander, Porydstone, Ayr, a bear sejant.

dale). (2) On a cap of maintenance Aldus, a bird rising gu. 87. 3. (77" I'lj- )nare, per terras. 3J. 8
above crest was exhibited at the fmV istt'ti
gu., turned up erm., a falcon rising Alexander, Very Rev. John, of Mulrankin
of Suffolk, anno 1664, 6y Johi' AI'l-
arg., in his beak a scroll, thereon " En howse of Moulton, in that countij, i-hm l;<itory, Wexford, same crest and
Aparole je vis " {for Stairell). (3) cock he recorded his pedigree. It was, however,
" respited for further proof," which does motto.
arg., combed and wattled gu., spurred
not appear to have been made.) Alexander, a bear rampant ppr.

az., and above it, on an escroU, the Aldirford, a monkey's head ppr. 136. 14 Alexander, Scotland, an elephant passant
motto " Vigilantcr " {for Alcock). Hcec Aldjo, a stump of an oak sprouting new
ppr. Per mare, per terras. cf. 133. Q

ivimica ti/rannis. 91. 2 Alexander, Sir Claud, Bart., J. P., of

Alcock-Stawell, Jonas William, Esquire, Ballochmyle, co. Ayr, Scotland, an
of Kilbrittain Castle, Cork: (i) On a
branches ppr. 145-2 elephant ppr. Perseverantia vincit.
cap of maintenance gu., turned up
Aldon, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- 133- 9
Alexander-Sinclair, Edwyn Sinclair, Es-
erm., a falcon rising arg., in his beak lion gu.
a scroll, thereon En parole je vis {for quire, of Freswick, Caithness-sh., an
Aldred, an arm in armour embowed, hold-
AStawell). (2) cock arg., combed and
ing a cross crosslet fitched in pale. elephant passant ppr. Perseverantia
wattled gu., spurred az., and above it,
198. 5 Alexander, «ee Caledon, Earl of. 195-2
OP an escroll, the motto. Vigilantcr.
Aldam, out of a ducal coronet a plume Aldrich, a bull passant arg., armed or.

Fortitudo vincet. cf. 45. 2 Alexander, a dexter arm in armour em-

of five ostrich-feathers. 114. 13 Aldrich-BIake, uses the same. bowed, holding a sword ppr., pommel

Aldborough or Aldeburghe, Yorks, an Aldrich, a griffin segreant. 62. 2 and hilt or. 195-2

ibex passant or. Aldridge, Charles Powlett, of St. Leonard's Alexander, SummerhiU, Kent, a hand
Forest, Susses, an arm couped below
Aldborough, Earl of (Stratford), Ireland, holding a sword ppr. 212. 13
a dexter arm in armour embowed, hold-
ing in the hand ppr. a scimitar az., the shoulder vested az., charged with a Alexander, Kent, a cubit arm erect,
hilted and pommelled or. Virtuti nihil bezant, the hand holding a quill arg.
holding a sword ppr., pommel and

Dirige. hilt or. 212. 3

obstat ct armis. 196. 10 Aldridge, Herbert Henry, Esquire, same Alexander, Sir Lionel Cecil, Bart., Kents-

Aldborough and Aldeborough, an escallop crest and motto. town, CO. Meath, a dexter ami em-
Aldridge, John Barttelot, Esquire, same
or, between two wings az. 141. 10 bowed, holding a dagger ppr., charged
crest and motto. on the wrist with a muUet or. Per
Aide, a torteau. 159. 14

Alden or Aldon, Herts and Jlidd.v., out Aldridge or Aldrige, a phoenix ui flames mare, per terras.

of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion gu. ppr. 82. 2 Alexander, James Dalison, D.L., Hamp-

16. 3 Aldridge, a phoenix in flames ppr., sell Manor, Eridge, Sussex, an arm in
Alden, Herts and Middx., out of a ducal charged on the breast and on each armoiu" embowed ppr., holding a
dagger of the last, hilt and pommel or.
coronet per pale gu. and sa., a demi- wing with a bezant.
Aldrington, a dexter hand holding a
lion rampant or. 16. 3 Per mare, per terras.
Alexander, Granville Henry Jackson,
Alden, out of a coronet arg., a bat's wing hawk's lure ppr. 217. 8

gu., surmounted of another arg. Aldwell, Lieutenant-Colonel Theobald Esquire, J.P. and D.L., of Forkhill,
CO. Armagh, an arm in armour em-
Aldenham, Baron (Gibbs), Aldenham Butler, M.A., co. Moyne, Tipperary,

House, Elstrce, Herts, in front of a Ireland, an osprey with brings elevated bowed, the hand grasping a sword, all
ppr., and charged on the elbow with an
rock ppr., a dexter arm in armour em ppr., resting the dexter claw upon an

bowed, the hand gauntletted ppr., escutcheon of the Butler arms, viz., annulet sa. Per mare, per terras.

holding a battle-axe in bend sinister sa. " or, a chief indented az." Alexander, Lesley William, Esquire, J.P.,
of 29, Campden Grove, Kensington,
Tenax propositi. 231. i Aldwell, Rev. Basil S., of St. Luke's, an arm embowed in armour ppr., in
Portsea, Hants, same crest. the hand a sword, all ppr., pommel and
Alder, a griffin's head gu. 66. i

Alderford, Norf., a rat ppr. 136. 11 Aldwinckle, see Aldewinckle.

Alderington, a dexter hand holding a Aldwinkle, see Aldewinckle. hilt or. Per mare, per terras.

hawk's lure ppr. 217. 8 RAldworth, . Esquire, of Newmarket, Alexander, London, an arm in armour em-

Alderley, a mailed dexter arm embowed Ireland, a dexter arm in armour bowed, the hand grasping a sword, aU

ppr., grasping a cross-hilted sword also embowed, the hand grasping a sword, ppr. 195. 2

ppr., hilted or, transfixing a boar's head all ppr. yec temere, nee timide. Alexander, Henry, Esquire, D.L., of Fork-

sa. Aldworth, Robert, Esquire, of Westlake, hill, CO. Armagh, Ireland, an arm in
West Coker, Yeovil, Somerset, and
Aldersey, Hugh, Esquire, J.P., of Aldersey Newmarket Court. Newmarket, co. armour embowed, the hand grasping a
Hall and Spurstow, Chester, a demi- Cork, same crest and motto.
sword in bend sinister ppr., on the

griffin segreant gu., beaked and legged elbow an annulet sa. Per mare, per
or, issuing from a plume of five feathers
of the last. Alnus semper floreat. Aldworth, Scotland, a torteau. 159. 14 terras. cf. 195. 2

Aldworth, a demi-dragon rampant arg., Alexander of Pitskellie, two dexter hands

240. 5 holding a cross crosslet fitchee gu. conjoined in fesse. Oraetlabora. 224. 2



Alexander of AuchmuU, a hand holding Algeo, Captain Henry James, of Bally- Allan, Bryce, Esquire, shipowner, Liver-
a pair of scales ppr. Quod libi ne pool, a talbot's head erased sa. Spero.
braok, co. Dublin, the stump of a tree
56. 2
al.teri. 217. 13 Nonppr. deficit alter. Allan, Alexander, Esquire, shipowner,

Alexander of Boghall, a hand holding a Algeo, Lewis, Esquire, of Glenboz Manor,

quill-pen. Fidem servo. 217. 10 Hamilton, co. Leitrim, the stump of a Glasgow, a talbot's head erased sa.

Alexander, Scotland, a talbot arg., col- tree ppr. No>i deficit alter. Spero. 56. 2

lared g";. 54- 2 Algle, Algeo, and Algoe, a bear rampant Allan, Alexander, of Aros House, near

Alexander, Hants, a talbot's head erased supporting a staff raguly. 34. 9 Tobermory, Isle of Hull, N.B., same


arg., collared gu. Nil desperandum. Algist, a dexter and a sinister arm, couped crest and motto.

56. I in saltier, each from the shoulder, Allan, R. S., of 15, Woodside Terrace,
Alexander of Kinglassie, a horse's head
conped gu., bridled arg. Ducitur non
vested gu., cuffed or, and holding in Glasgow, same crest and motto.

the hand ppr. a scimitar arg., hilted Allan, Robert Gilkison, Esquire, of

trahitur. 51-5 of the second. 203. 10 Rosemont, Aigburth, Liverpool, a

Alexander, a horse's head arg., bridled sa. Algloval, a goat statant arg. talbot's head erased sa. Spero.

DucituT non trahitur. 51-5 Algoe, Scotland, a bear sejant erect, sup- Allan, Scotland, a comet ppr. Taicco et

Alexander, a cock arg., beaked and mem- porting a staff. 34. 7 terreo. 164. 10
Algoe, see Algie.
bered gu. 91. 2 Allan, Durh., a demi-lion rampant ppr.,

Alexander, Stirling, a beaver ppr. Per Algood and Allgood, two arms in armour holding up a rudder gu. Fortiter gerit

ninrc, per terras. 134. 8 embowed, holding up a flaming heart, crucem. 11. 11

Alexander of Fowls, same crest and aU ppr. 194. 7 Allan, Scotland, a dexter arm bendways

Algood, Northumb. and Devonsh., two grasping a sabre ppr. Dirigat Deus.

Alexander, Scotland, on a mount vert, an I
otter passant ppr. Per mare, per
arms in armour embowed ppr., holding Allan, Scotland, a cross crosslet fitched

in the hands a human heart gu., in- gu. Fide et lahore. 166. 2

terras. rf. 134. 5 flamed or, charged with a tower triple- Allan of Middlesex and of Errol, Scotland,

Alexander, Scotland, a serpent waved in towered arg. 194. 10 an eagle rising ppr. Fortiter. 77. 5

fesse ppr. Ingenium vires superat. Alicock, Northamp., a cock erm., combed Allan of Eastwood, Mid-Lothian, the

142. 6 and wattled or. 91. 2 same.
Alexander, Scotland, a serpent coiled in
AUe, a dexter hand holding up the sun Allan, .see Havelook-AUan.

fesse. Iiigeniutn vires superat. ppr. AUan of BlackweU Grange, Durh.,

Alexander, Halifax, Yorks, a demi-lion Alington, Baron (Alington), a talbot pas- a demi-lion rampant arg., ducally
gardant, wielding with its dexter paw
a battle-axe ppr., the sinister paw sant ppr., billettee or. Dieu est tout. crowned gu., holding in the dexter
resting on a cross fleury, and gorged paw a cross-potent or, and supporting
cf. 54. I
with a collar az., charged with two I with the sinister a rudder of the second.

Alington, of Swinhope, Lines, a talbot

passant erm. 54. i Fortiter gerit crucem. 91 1 .

bezants. Alington, Baron (Sturt), Crichel, Wim- Allan, Barton, Yorks, same crest and
Alford, Berks and Sussex, a boar's head
borne, a demi-lion rampant gu., holding motto.
arg., with a broken spear in the mouth,
handle tlirust down the throat or. a banner of the last o'lirged with a Allanby, Henry Charles Kynman, of

rose arg., the staff and fringe or. En Monk's Tower, Lincoln, a crescent

42. 10 Dieu est tout. 251.2 gu., issuant therefrom a demi-lion
Altord, Surrey, Yorks, and Shropsh., a
Alington, Vice-Admiral Arthur Hilde- rampant ppr., holding between the
boar's head erect arg., in the mouth
three feathers of a pheasant's tail ppr. brand, J.P.. of Swinhope, North paws a horseshoe, also gu. Fide et

—Thoresby, S.O., Lines, a talbot passant labore. 266. 3

41. 12 erm. Non pour haine. En Dieu est Allanby, «ee Montgomsrie.

Alford, Charles John, Esquire, F.R.G.S., tout. Alland, a bear's paw erect ppr. 36. 6
of 30, Wilbury Road, Brighton, an
escallop inverted arg., surmounting a Alington, Julius, Esquire, J.P., of Little Allanson, a demi-eagle, wings expanded.
crosier in bend sinister or. Vive nt
Barford, St. Neot's, co. Hunts, same Virtute et labore. 80. 2

crest and motto. Allanson, Yorlcs and Lanes, a demi-

vivas. 261. 16 Alison, Scotland, a tree ppr., with a bell griflin, wrings displayed erm., collared

Alford, Edward Fleet, Esquire, F.R.G.S., hung on the branches on each side. gemelle.

F.L.S., of 26, the Boltons, South Crescit sub pondere virtus. 143. 10 Allanson, see Alanson.

Kensington, same crest and motto. Alison, Scotland, an oak-tree ppr., with Allanson-Winn, sec Headley, Baron.

Alford, Rev. Josiah George, of Stoke a weight hanging on each side. Crescit Allanson and AUenson, on a mount

Bishop Vicarage, Bristol, same crest sub pondere virtus. 143. 10 vert, a lion rampant gardant or, sup-

and motto. Alison, Scotland, an eagle's head erased porting a long cross gu. 3. 15

Alford, Robert Gervase, Esquire, ppr. Veritas. 83. 2 Allanson, John Bath, Carnarvon, Wales,

F.R.G.S., of 30, Wilbury Road, Alison, Rev. A., Scotland, an eagle's head issuant from a mount vert, a demi-lion

Brighton, same crest and motto. erased ppr. Vincit Veritas. 83. 2 guardant or, holding in the paws a
cross gu. Labor et honor.
Alford, Suff., a hind's head ppr. 1 24. i Alison, Major-General Sb Archibald,

Alford, Viscount, see Brownlow, Earl. K.C.B., 2nd Bart., 93, Eaton Place, Allardas, Allardice, Allerdyce, Scotland, a

Alfounder, Essex, an arm couped at the same crest and motto. torteau between two wings az.


elbow and erect, vested gu., cuffed Alison and Allison, Scotland, a falcon's cf. 1 10. 4

arg., holding in the hand ppr. three head erased ppr. Vincit Veritas. Allardice, a dove and olive-branch.


nails or, all between two wings of the 88. 12 AmicUia sine fraude. 92. 5

second. 207. 9 Aljoy, Scotland, the stump of an oak- Allardice and AUerdiee of that ilk, a

Altrey and Allfrey, an ostrich-head and tree, new branches sprouting. Non naked man from the middle grasping

neck between two ostrich-feathers arg. deficit alter. 145. 2 I —Myin his dexter hand a scimitar, all ppr.

97. 14 Alkene, Askue, or Ayskew, a man's head In defence of the distressed.
Alfrey and Allfrey, an ostrich-head and
affrontee, couped at shoulders. defence. 186. 3

neck between two ostrich-feathers arg., cf. 190. 5 Allardice, Barclay-, David Stuart, of Bel-
Allaire, on a lily a butterfly volant ppr.
gorged with a ducal coronet or. 97. 9 Allam of Normanhurst, Romford, on a mont Avenue, Providence, Rhode
Algar and Alger, a greyhound's head sa.,
AIsland, U.S..-\. : (i) naked man from

charged with four bezants or. 61. 12 mount vert, a bull passant gu. Nil the middle, holding in his dexter hand

Algar, Claudius George, Esquire, solicitor, sinelabore. 4S- I a scimitar ppr. (for Allardice). 186. 3.

17, Abchurch Lane, London, E.G., a Allan, Scotland, a talbot's head erased sa. A(2) Bishop's mitre or (for Barclay).

greyhound's head. Honors ei amore. Spero. 56. 2 —In defence of the distressed. In cruce

61. 12 Allan, James, Esquire, shipowner, Glas- spero. cf. 180. 5

Algeo, the stump of a tree ppr. Non gow, a talbot's head erased sa. Spero. Allardice, Barclay-, Robert, Esquire, of

deficit alter. Rose Hill, Lostwithiel, Cornw. : (i)


naked man from the middle, in his Allen, London, a talbot passant sa., AUen, Berks, a naked demi-female, hold-
ing in her dexter hand a spear erect,
Adexter hand a scimitar, all ppr. (2) collared gu., ears and chain or.

—bishop's mitre or (jor Barclay). In cf. 54- 5 aU ppr.
\ Allen, Ireland, a demi-tiger rampant gu.
defence oj the distressed. In cruce Allen, Benjamin Haigh, of Clifford Priory,

spero. Heref., same crest. Virtus auro praiferenda. cf. 25. 10


Allardice, formerly of Dunninald an ear Allen, Jefierys Philip Thomas, of Lyng- Allen, Richmond Robert, M.D., of 2,

of wheat and a palm-branch in saltier ford. Taunton, same crest. West Hill, Dartford, Kent, a demi-

ppr. Bene qui pacifici. 1 54. 10 Allen, George Edmund, of Wickeridge, heraldic tiger gu. Virtus auro prm-

Allatt, a unicorn's head arg., collared Ashburton, Devonsh., same crest. ferenda.

sa. c/. 49. II Allen of Grove, Kent, on a ducal coronet Allen, Devonsh., a muUet gn., pierced

Allatt, on a demi-bezant issuing a bee- or, lined erm., a bloodhound passant or.
sa,, collared of the first, armed gu.
hive, bees swarming ppr. Alien, van, William Harman, Esquire,
cf. 54. 9 Ph.D., 435, Fifth Avenue, New York,
Allaunson, Durh., a pheon arg., the shaft Allen, Kent, on a ducal coronet or, lined U.S. .A.., two wings displayed gu.;

broken or. 174- 10

Allaunson, on a mount vert, a lion ram- erm., a bloodhound statant sa., col- each charged with a chevron arg.
pant gardant gu., supporting a long
lared or. cf. 54. 9 no. 2

cross or. 3- ' 5 Allen, on a mount vert, a hound statant Alien, out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's

Allaway and Alloway, an anchor in pale sa. 57- 4 head arg. Sine labe decus. 51-7
Allen, Kent, a talbot passant or, collared
ppr. 161. I AUen, Hogge- : ( i ) The battlements of a
tower ppr., therefrom issuing a horse's
Allaway and Alloway, on an anchor a gii. cf. 54. I

dove, holding in its beak an olive- AUen, Kent, on a mount vert, paled head per chevron engrailed arg. and
gu. [for Allen). (2) Two spears in
branch, all ppr. cf. 94. 4 round or, a hound sa., collared or. saltire in front of an oak-tree eradi-

Allaway, Heref., two anchors in saltier Allen, a demi-greyhound rampant paly

sa., thereon a dove holding in the beak of six arg. and sa., collared gu., hold- cated and fructed, aU ppr. (for Hogge).
a branch of olive ppr. Dei dono sum ing between the paws a crescent or. Quercus glandifera arnica porcis.

quod sum. Allen, Yorks, a demi-greyhound ram- cf. 50. 4

Allcard, Lanes, a demi-swan, wings ele- pant sa., holding in his dexter paw Allen, Edward, Esquire, of Stowford

vated arg., semee of mullets az., holding a crescent arg. DUigenter et fidel.iter. Lodge, Ivybridge, South Devonsh., a

in the beak a bulrush ppr. Semel et Alien, Marcus, Esquire, a bezant charged lion's head erased. DUigenter et

semper. with a talbot's head erased sa., gorged fldditer.

AUchin, William Henry, M.D., 5, Chandos with a chaplet of fern ppr. Malo mori Alien, a griffin's head erased, per fesse

Street, Cavendish Square, W., a quam fcedari. arg. and gu. 66. 2

human heart gu., ducally crowned Allen, Samuel, Esquire, J.P., same crest AUen, London, a demi-griflin, holding a

or, between two wings displayed arg. and mottD. branch vert, fructed or. cf. 64. 2

Non est mortale quod opto. AJIen, Berks, a bird, wings elevated. Allen, an arm vested az., the hand hold-

Allcock, see Alcock. Triumplho morte tarn vitd. ing a hunting-horn gu., garnished or.

AUcrnft, Herbeiu John, of Stokesay Allen, Chesh., a martlet or, wings elevated Vivite forten.

Court, Salop, out of the battlements sa., collared gu. cf. 95. 11 Alien, Captain Robert Calder, R.N., C.B.,
of a tower a demi-Uon ppr., holding in
the dexter paw a flagstaff, therefrom Allen, Chester, a martlet rising or, winged 72, Shireland Gardens, Maida Vale,
London, an arm vested az., the hand
sa. cf. 95. II

flowing to the sinister a banner sa., AUen or AUeyn, Chesh., Suff., and Wilts, holding a hunting-horn gu., garnished

charged with a tower arg., and resting a martlet arg., winged and holding or. Vivite fortes.

the sinister paw on an escutcheon, in the beak an acorn or, leaved vert. AUen, Surrey, issuing out of flames of lire

also arg., charged with a iieur-de-Iis AUen, Pembroke, the same crest. Ami- an arm couped at the elbow erect,
holding in the hand a human heart, all
sa. Dai Deus incrementum. citia sine fraude.

AUden, AUdin, and Alldon, a scimitar Allen of Inchmartin, Perthsh., and ppr. 216. II

and a caduceus in saltier, ensigned Eveley, Hants, an eagle rising ppr. Allen, out of a ducal coronet or, two

with a round hat. cf. 171. i Fortiler. 77. 5 falchion -swords, saltireways, all ppr.

Allebaster, see Alabaster and Arblaster. Allen of London, a dove holding in its Allen, a snake coiled supporting two pen-

AUebone, see Albon. —beak an olive-branch. At spes solamen, nons in .saltier. 175. 12

Alger, see Algar. Amicitia sine fratide. 92. 5 Allen, Lanes, out of a coronet a wolf's
Alleet, Ireland, a demi-unicom salient re-
AUen, George Baugh, Esquire, of 5, head erm., maned or.
gardant arg., horned and maued or.
Albert Terrace, Regent's Park, same Allen, the late George, Esquire, of Queen's

48. 9 crest. Amicitia sine fratide. Terrace, Windsor, on a mount vert, a
wheat-ear ppr., rising and regardant,
Allen, Middx., see Allan. Allen, Henry Seymour, of CresseUy, holding in the beak an ear of wheat or,

Allen, James Franklin Swithen, Esquire, Pembroke, a dove holding in its beak

M.D., M.Ch., R.U.I., of Pietermaritz- an ohve-branch. Amicitia sine fraude. between four similar ears of wheat,

burg. Natal, South Africa, an ogress 92. 5 two on either side. God giveth ' the

charged with a talbot's head erased or. Allen of Hazel Hill, Neyland, Pem- increase. -7^. 7

Fidelis morie tarn vita: 263. 6 brokesh., a dove holding in the beak AUen, Rev. George Cantrell, M.A., of

AUen, Viscount, Ireland, a bezant charged an olive-branch, all ppr. CrarJeigh School, Surrey, same crest

with a talbot's head erased sa. Tri- AUen, Somers., a partridge, wings ele- and motto.

umpho morte tarn. vitd. cf. 57. i vated. AUenson and AUeson, a talbot's head or,

Allen, the late WiUiam, of Wink House, Allen, a cock or, combed, wattled, and collared and ringed az., between two

Thurnscoe, Yorks, a talbot's head legged gu. 91. 2 wings expanded of the last.

erased ppr., collared gu. Semper AUen, Middx., an eagle rising ppr. For- AUenson, a demi-lion rampant gardant,

titer. 77. 5 holding a cross gu.

Allen, Samuel, Esquire, M.A., LL.D., J.P., ' AUen of Errol, an eagle perched, wings AUerdyce, see AUardyce.

Barrister-at-law, of Lisconnan, Der- I expanded. Fortiter. /"j. 5 Allerton, Baron (Jackson), Allerton Hall,
Leeds, a horse or, holding in the mouth
vock, CO. Antrim, Ireland, a bezant AUen, Ralph Edward, Esquire, of 10,
an ear of wheat sUpped vert, and resting
charged with a talbot's head erased Hanover Square, W. , a Cornish chough the foreleg on three annulets, one and

sa., gorged with a chaplet of fern with wings endorsed ppr. Jamais

ppr. Halo mori quam jcedari. 57. i two interlaced gu. Essayes.

Allen, Chelsea, a talbot's head erased per Allen, Scotland, a demi-lion gu. Re- AUerton, a lion's head gu., coUared sa.

pale, indented arg. and gu., collared member. 10. 3 18. 6

and chained sa. AUen of Thaxted, Essex, Bart., and Fen- Alias and AUez, a thistle ppr. 1 50. 5

Alien, Colonel Ralph Edward, of Bath- church, Middx., a demi-lion az., hold- AUestowe or HaUestowe, a hand holding

ampton, Somers., same crest. ing a rudder. 1 1 . 11 the butt-end of a broken spear.



Allestry, a demi-lion rampant az., bran- AUington, out of a ducal coronet or, a two hands displayed per pale nebuly
dishing a scimitar arg., hilted or. buck's head ppr., attired of the first, az. and gu., resting each claw upon a
14. lo pierced through the neck with an pomegranate leaved and slipped or.
arrow of the same, barbed and flighted Mors levior quam dedecus.
Allett of Iwood, Somers., a unicorn's

licail arg., collared sa. c/. 49. 11 arg. Allsop, AUsup, and Alsope, a dove holding
in its beak an olive-branch ppr.
Allett, a unicorn's head erased arg., AlUngton, a talbot or, langued gu.
92. 5
iiillared with a bar gemel sa., homed cf. ';4. 2 Allsopp, Baron Hindlip, see Hindlip.
AUington, of Horse Heath, Cambs, a
.ir. cf. 49. 5 AUtham and Altham, a demi-lion gu.,
supporting the rudder of a ship sa.
Alley, a lion's face or, between two talbot passant erm. 54. i

wings sa. 2 AUington, a talbot passant erm. Non

Alley, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet pour haine. 54. i II. II

or, a mullet gu., between two laurel AUison, see Alison. Allvey and Alvey, a plough ppr. 178. 7

branches vert. 146. 7 AUison, a pheasant holding in the dexter Allwright or Alwright, on a chapeau a

Alleyn and AlIyD, Devonsh., a demi-lion claw a key, and in the beak an ear of greyhound statant, aU ppr. 58. 4

rampant az., supporting a rudder or. barley ppr. 90. 12 AUye, Tewkesbury, Glouc, a leopard's

II. II Allison, Scotland, an eagle's head erased head or, between two wings sa.

AUeyn, a demi-lion gu., supporting a ppr. Vincit Veritas. S3. 2 AUye, Dorset, a stag's head erased per

rudder sa. 11 AUison, the late Colonel James John, pale arg. and or, attired of the first,
gorged with a coUar embattled and
Alleyn and Allyn, a demi-lion rampant p.L., J.P.. of Beaufront, Roker,

az., fretty arg., holding a rudder gu, Sunderland, a peacock in piide ppr. counter-embattled gu., charged with
cf. n. three escallops of the second.
Vincit Veritas. 103. 12

AUeyn, issuing out of flames of fire, an AUison, Robert Andrew, of Scaleby Hall, AUyn, a tree eradicated vert, fructed
arm couped at the elbow and erect, Carlisle, same crest and motto.
holding a human heart, all ppr. 216. 11 with branches of berries gu.
Allison, Col. William Henry, J. P., D.L.,
Alleyne, Sir John Gay Newton, Bart., of Underclift'e, Durh., same crest and Almack, Suff'., a tower arg., thereon a
of Alleyn Dale Hail, Barbados, and motto.
flag having inscribed on it " Pax."
Chevin, Belper, Derbysh., out of a dncal AUIston, Frederick Prat, Esquire, of
coronet or, a horse's head arg. Non Kamesburgh, Beckenham, Kent, in Mack al sicker. 157. 13

Alman, of Pearnsey, Sussex, a leg in

armour, spurred or, couped in the

tua te movennt scd jmblica iota. 5 front of an eagle's head erased holding middle of the thigh. 193. i
Allez, see AUes. in the beak a sprig of the cotton-tree Almanerlaval, a tower ppr. 156. 2
slipped and fructed, aU ppr., a shuttle Almard, a stag trippant ppr. 117. 8
AUfrey, an ostrich-head between two

ostrich-feathers arg. 97. 14 fesseways or, thread pendent gu. Almayne, on a ducal coronet or, a cinque-

AUfrey, Herbert CyrU (late of Wokefield Renovate animos. foil gu.

Park, Berks), an ostrich-head and AUix, Noel Charles Noel, WiUoughby Almears or Almeers, a long cross crossed

neck gorged with a coronet or, between HaU, Lines, a wolf's head erased ppr. on three grieces arg. 166. 6

two ostrich-feathers arg. 97. 9 30. 8 Aimer and Almor, a. palmer's staff ere.ct

AllgOOd. Rev. James, M.A., of Nunwick, AUmack, a tower ppr. Cavendo tutus.

mNortliumb., two arms in armour em- 156.21 Almericus, a nag's head erased arg.,

bowed ppr., holding in the hands a AUman, pusses, a leg armour couped ' ducaUy gorged or. on a cf. 51. 4
human heart, inflamed, charged with a above '^^ knee ppr., spurred or. Almewake and Alnwick, a

tower, triple -towered arg. Age omne 193. I cock, all ppr. 91. 12

IQ4- Allnett a°t' AUnutt, a thunderbolt ppr. Almiger, on a ducal coronet ppr., a tiger

AUgood, Rev. James, M.A., same crest 174. 13 sejant gu. 24. 11

and motto. AUot and Allott, an arm couped at the Almond, three cinquefoils az., stalked

Allhusen, Augustus Henry Eden, Esquire, shouliier and embowed ppr., the eluOV.' and leaved vert.

Stoke Court, Stoke Pogia, Bucks, a resting on the wreath, vested gu., Almond, a globe vert, garnished and

demi-lion rampant gardant az., holding grasping a sword enfiled with a ensigued with a cross patee or.

in the dexter paw a passion-cross or, leopard's head. 204. 4 159. 12

all between two open buffalo-horns of AUot and AUott, the same, but the arm Almot, Alnot, and Alneot, a thunderbolt

the last. Devant si je puis. 11. 13 not vested. ppr. 174. 13

AUhusen, William Hutt, Esquire, of AUot of Hague Hall, Yorks, a dexter cubit Alms, a stag's head erased or. 121. 2

15, Kensington Palace Gardens, W., a arm erect, vested or, charged with a Alnwick, on a chapeau a cock, aU j)pr.

demi-lion guardant az., holding in the fesse double cotised wavy az., the cuff 91. 12
dexter paw a passion-cross or, between
two open buffalo-horns of the last. arg., holding in the hand ppr. a mullet AIpe, a biUI's head erased sa. 44. 3

or. FortHer el rede. 266. 2 Alphe, Hants, out of a ducal coronet or, a

DevaiU si je puis. Allot, John George, Esquire, of Eastfield, hawk's head arg. 89. 4

AUhusen, Wilton, Esquire, of 61, Eaton Louth, Lines, same crest and motto. Alphe, Hants, out of a ducal coronet an

Place, S.W., a demi-lion guardant az., I AUott, Yorks, a cubit arm erect, vested eagle's head ppr. cf. 83. 14

holding in the dexter paw a passion- gu., cuffed or, holding in the hand Alpjn, Scotland, a man's head coupecl

cross or, between two open buffalo- ppr. a mullet of the second, cf. 206. 1 affrontee ppr. Virtutis regia merces.
190. 10
horns of the last. Honour first. AUott, Rev. Henry Hep worth, of the

AUibane, a spaniel sejant ppr. 57. 9 Rectory, Stifford, Grays, Essex, a Alport, Staffs, Warw., and Shropsh., a
Allibone, see Albon. dexter arm couped at the elbow, demi-lion erminois, gorged with a

Allicock and AUicocke, a cock ppr. 91. 2 habited or charged with a fesse double mural coronet gu.
AlUeson or Allison, a demi-savage bran- cotised wavy az., cuff arg., the hand Aired, Holderness, Yorks, a griffin's

dishing a scimitar ppr. 1S6. 3 ppr. holding a muUet or. Forliter et head ppr. 66. I

AUin, Suff., a snake coiled up and en- recte. 266. 2 Alsop and Alsope, see Allsop.

vironed with flags or rushes ppr. AUott, Rev. Robert James, of Westgate, Alsop^ Derbysh. and Leics., a dove, wings

AUin, a partridge, wings expanded. Louth, Lines, same crest and motto. expanded or, beaked and legged gu.,
holding in its beak an ear of wheat
AAUin, Bart. : (i) sword erect arg., hilt AUoway, an anchor in pale ppr. 161. i of the first.

and pommel or 170. 2. (2) On an AUoway, an anchor in pale ppr., thereon

open Bible a hand couped closed hold- a dove holding an olive-branch ppr. Alsop, a dove, in its beak an ear of wheat,

ing a sword erect. cf. 94. 4 all ppr., and in its dexter claw a key
erect sa.
AUingbridge, a castle triple-towered Allport, Cannock, Staffs, and Shropsh., a

ppr., flag displayed arg., charged demi-lion erminois, gorged with a

with a cross sa. 155. 8 mural coronet gu. between two ostrich-feathers s


AUingbam, a church and spire environed AUpress of St. James's Street, West- Alspath and Alspach, two spears in

with trees ppr. 158. 11 I minster, on a mount vert, an eagle with saltire az.



Alstanton, out of a mural Alverd, Alured, or Alvarde, a mill-rind or. Amcotts, see Cracroft-Amcotts.

coronet or, an arm in armour embowed 165. II Ameers, a long cross crossed on three

holding a dagger, all ppr. Alverstone, Baron (Webster), Winterfold, grieces arg. 166. 6

Alston, Crewe, Odell, Beds, an estoile Cranleigh, Surrey, a swan's head and Amenton, an antelope's head ppr.

or, between the horns of a crescent neck erased ppr., encircled by an cf. 126. 2

arg. Immotus. 163. 4 annulet az., and holding in the beak a Amerace, a mascle arg. 167. 9

Alston or Alstone, of Chelsea, Bart., and like annulet. Veritas puritas. 245. 2 Amerdley, a heart inflamed gu., winged

of Mile End, Bart., same crest. Alves and Alvis, see Alvas. or. no. 6

Alston, a star ppr. E tenehris lux. 164. 3 Alwaye, Streetely, Beds, a hind's head Ameredith of Marston, Devonsh., a demi-

Alston, Charles Henry, Esquire, of arg., between two holly-branches vert, lion rampant sa., ducally gorged and

Letterawe, Loch Awe. Argyll, N.B., a fructed with berries gu. lined or. cf. 10. 7

derai-eagle rising ppr., on each wing a Alwood and AUwood, a demi-stag salient Ameredith of Tamerton, the same crest.

crescent reversed gu. In allum. ppr., attired or. 119. 2 Amerex and Americe, a torteau charged

cj. 80. 2 Alwyn, Essex, a lion's gamb erect and with a talbot's head arg., erased or.

Alston, George, Esquire, of Hill House, erased sa., enfiled with a mural coronet 57- 5
Newbury, Berks, same crest and
or. cj. 36. I Amerie, a dexter hand ppr., holding a

motto. Alye, a lion's face or, between two wings fieur-dc-Iis in pale or. cf. 215. 5

Alston, William, Esquire, of Stockbriggs, sa. 2T. 4 Amery of Park House, Stourbridge, out

Lauarksh., same crest and motto. Alye, a leopard's face or, between a pair of a mural coronet, a talbot's head.

Alston, William Charles, Esquire, of of wings displayed sa. Tu ne cede malis. 56. 6

Elmdon Hall, near Birmingham, same Alye, Dorset, a stag's head erased per Amery, London, same crest and motto.

crest and motto. pale arg. and or, on the neck a fesse Ames, Frederick, Esquire, of Hawford

Alston, William Hamilton, Esquire, of crenelle gu., charged with three Lodge, near Worcs., a rose arg.,

Oakburn, Helensburgh, N.B., a denii- escallops of the second. slipped and leaved ppr., and in front

eagle rising ppr. In Altum. »o. 2 Alyson, Kent, a pheon arg., with part of thereof an annulet or. 244. 1

Alston, a lion passant regardant gu. 6. I broken shaft or. 174. 10 Ames, Henry St. Vincent, Esquire, of

Alston, Scotland, a demi-eagle rising ppr. Amand, Amane, or Amarme, a pome- Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bris-

In altum. 80. 2 granate ppr. 152. 4 tol, same crest. Fama Candida rosa

Alston, Charles Henry, Esquire, merchant, Amarle or Armarle, a lion passant or, dulcior,

Glasgow, a demi-eagle rising ppr., on resting its dexter paw on a mullet gu. Ames, Louis Eric, Esquire, of Linden,

each wing a crescent reversed gu. In Amary, Essex, a cat's head and neck Morpeth, same crest and motto.

altum. cj. So. 2 affrontee arg., holding in the mouth a Ames, Lionel Gerard, of The Hyde,

Alston, Westerton, an eagle issuing, wings 25- Bedford, a rose arg., slipped and leaved

expanded ppr. Sursum. 80. 2 Amberley, Viscount, see Russell, Earl of. vert, in front thereof an annulet or.

Alstone, Colonel, Scotland, a demi-eagle, Ambesacs and Amboraes, out of a ducal Non sihi. cf. 149. 5
coronet or, a man's head in profile
wings expanded and iiifortod ppr., on Ames and Amos, a square collegiate cap
each wing a crescent reversed gu. In
sa. 180. 9
altum. cj. 80. 2 Ambler, a mascle or. ,6^. g Amherst Earl (Amherst), Montreal,

Alstone of Newton, Suff., Assington, and Ambler and Anbler, two dexttf hands Sevenoaks, Kent, on a mount vert,
three tilting-spears points upwards or,
Marleford, out of a crescent arg., an conjoined supporting a royal c„o,vn
headed arg., one in pale and two in
etoile or. hmnotus. cj. 163. 4 Ambler, Kirkton, Lines, a demi leopard
arg., holding a laurel crown ppr
Altamont, Earl of, see Sligo, Marquess of. saltier, environed with a chaplet of

Altham and AUtham, a demi-lion gu., Amborow, Anbury, or Anborow, - bear's laurelvert. Constantiaetvirtute. 175. 11
Amherst, of Hackney, Baron (Tys'sen-
supporting a rudder sa. 11. 11 head erased sa., niuzzled or. 35- 2

Altham, Cook-: (i) A demi-lion .-, tiiauiiUge, a cross crosslet nfcued lu Amherst), Didiington Hall, Brandon,

uoldir? a ship's racluersa. (/or Mtham]). I pale gu., surmounted by two swords in Norf. : (i) In the centre, on a
mount vert, three tilting-spears, one
AII. n." (2) talbot - sejant sa., saltier ppr. 166. 14

collared or, reposing the dexter fore- Ambros. Ambrose, and Ambross, a hand in pale and two in saltire or, headed
arg., encircled by a wreath of laurel
paw on an escutcheon arg., charged holding a billet arg. 215. 11

with an estoile az. {jor Cool). Pro Ambrose, William Henry, Esquire, 45, ppr. (for Amhurst or Amherst). 175. 11.
(2) Upon the dexter side, in front of
Deo el Catholica fide. cf. 55.3 St. James's Square. Netting Hill, W., a trefoil slipped vert, a dexter arm

Altham, Edward, Esquire : (i) A demi- and Lanarksh., issuant from the

lion or, charged with three mullets and battlements of a tower or, a cubit arm fessewise couped, vested gu., cuff az.,

erased gu., holding a ship's rudder sa. ppr., holding in the hand a billet in the hand ppr. holding a cross crosslet
bend sinister, also or. J'espire en fitchee erect, also gu. {/or Daniel).
A(2) talbot sejant sa., collared or,

reposing the dexter forepaw on an Dieu. 215. 13 207. 8. (3) Upon the sinister side,
a demi-lion rampant per fesse wavy
escutcheon arg., charged with an Ambrose, a cherub's head between two

estoile az. Pro Deo et Catholica fide. wings. 189. 9 or and az., ducally crowned gu., and
holding between the paws an escut-
Altham, John Altham Surtees, Esquire, Ambrose, a pelican in her piety or, cheon of the second charged with an

same crest and motto. charged on the breast with a shamrock

Althan or Althaun, a demi-archer vested, ppr. In Heaven myis all trust. C/.98.14 estoile of the first {/or Tyssen). Victoria

shooting ppr. 187. 6 Ambry or Ambrey, a wolf's head erm., Concordia crescit {Amherst) ; Toujours

Althorp, Viscount, see Spencer, Earl of. holding in the mouth a rose- branch. fret {Daniel) ; Post mortem virttis vire

Althoun, a dexter hand apaumee ppr. 29. 7 scit {Tyssen). 14. 2

222. 14 Amcot and Amcots, a squirrel sejant gu., Amherst, Hon. JosceUne George Herbert,

Alvanley, Baron (Arden), out of a ducal cracking a nut or. I35- 7 of Holmesdale, Darlington, Western
Australia, on a mount vert, three hke
coronet or, five ostrich-feathers arg., Amcotes and Amcotts, Weston Cracroft,

charged with a crescent. Patientia of Kittlethorpe Park, Newark, and spears, one erect and two in saltire,

vinces. 114. 3 Amcotts, Lines: (i) A squirrel sejant girt with a wreath of laurel ppr.
Alvarde, Ipswich, see Alverd. Constanlia et virtute.
gu., collared, and eating an acorn or. Amhurst, see Amherst.
Alvares, a demi-lion rampant ppr., hold- Amias, Norf., a buck's head erased arg.,
A(2) stock ppr., supporting with his
ing in the dexter paw a mascle az.
dexter foot a battle-axe staff or,

Alvas, Alves, and Alvis, Scotland, a garb headed arg. 135. 7 attired or, the neck gorged with a

or. Deo favente. 153-2 Amcots, a squirrel sejant gu., collared or. wreath arg. and sa. c/. 121. 2

Alvensl»'>?r!, Earon ^•, cut of a mar- 135- 4 Amidas, London, a branch of oak ppr.,

quess's coronet ppr., a staff raguly per Amcotts, Bart., a boar's bead couped and acorned or. c/. 151. 3

pale gu. and or, couped, surmounted erect arg., issuing out of the mouth an Amiel, a hunting-horn sans strings sa.

by a rose. , estoile or. 228. II

5 ;!


Amiens, Viscount, Ireland, «ee Aldborough, Amy or Amye, Cambs., out of a ducal Anderson of Liverpool, an oak-tree, and

Earl of. coronet or, an eagle's head ppr., in equally pendant therefrom two weights

Amitesly, GIouc, a bezant charged with beak a sprig vert. ppr. Pro Deo certo. 143. 10

a pale indented gu. cj. 1 59. 6 Amyand, a naked arm embowed ppr., Anderson, Bart., of Fermoy, Ireland, a

Amler, Shropsh., an eagle's head erased. holding three ears of corn bladed, all tree ppr., surmounted of a saltier

83. 2 or. I,a vie durante. cf. 202. 6 humettee sa. Stand sure.

Amo, a negress's head from the breasts Amyand of Moreas Court, Heref., Bart., Anderson, James Henry, Esquire, of

affrontee, the face smiling ppr., with a crow ppr. 107. 14 Portarlington Road, West Bourne-

ear-rings or. 1S2. 4 Amyas, Norf., mouth, upon a mount vert, an oak-

Amock, a man's head from the shoulders gorged with tree ppr., in front thereof three cross
in profile ppr., vested gu., wreathed arg. at the end.

crosslets fitchee, one in pale and two

and sa. Amyas, Tilbury, Esses, a hind trippant in saltier sa. Stand sure.

Amock, a savage's head from the ppr., collared gu. cf. 124. 14 Anderson of New South Wales, a yew-tree
—shoulders, vested gn., wxeathed arg., Amyat and Amyatt, a ram passant ppr.
ppr. Sic viret virtus. Ubi solum ihi

and sa. cf. 129. 5 ccrtum.

Amond or St. Amond, Scotland, three Amyatt, Southampton, a ram passant Anderson, Scotland, a stag lodged ppr.

cinquefoils az., stalked and leaved arg. cf. 129. 5 Recte quod honeste. nj- 7

vert. Amys, Essex, a hind trippant arg., col- Anderson, on a mount a stag lodged, all

Amond, out of a mural coronet a grifBn's lared gu cf. 124. 12 ppr. 115. 12

head. 67. 10 Anables, a stag at gaze ppr. 117. 3 Anderson, Alnwick, a stag lodged amidst

Amond, Scotland, out of a mural coronet Anby and Anbley, a dexter hand ppr., rushes, the neck pierced with an arrow

a griffin's head ducally gorged. holding a cross patee fitched in pale or, headed arg.

67. 6 gu. 221. 12 Anderson of Jesmond House, Northumb.,

Amond, Scotland, an arm in armour Ancaster, Earl of (Heathcote-Drummond- on a mount vert, a stag lodged, wounded

embowed brandishing a scimitar, all Willoughby), Normanton Parli, Stam- in breast by an arrow, in mouth an ear
of wheat, all ppr., charged on side
ppr. 196. 10 Aford: (i) Saracen's head affrontee,

Amorie or D'Amorie, Glouc, out of a couped at the shoulders ppr., ducally with a bugle-horn or. Nil desperan-

mural coronet or, a talbot's head az., crowned or. (2) On a ducal coronet dum, auspice Deo.

eared of the first. 56. 6 or, a sleuth-hound arg., collared and Anderson, London and Scotland, a

Amory, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume leashed gu. (3) On a mural crown az., phoenix in flames ppr. Providentia.
of seven ostrich-feathers arg., four and a pomey as in the arms, between two 82. 2

three. wings displayed erm. Loyunte me Anderson, Penley, Herts, a spaniel-dog

Amory, see Heathcote-Amory. passant ppr. 57. 9

Amos and Ames, a square collegiate cap Ancher and Anchor, Kent, a bull's head Anderson, merchant, London; a phoenix

sa. 180. 9 erased gu. 44. 3 in flames ppr. Dominus providehit.

Amos of St. Ibbs, Herts, a stag's head. Ancketill, Ireland, an oak-tree ppr.,

Sapcre aude. 121. 5 acorned or. Vade ad fornicam. Anderson, an eagle issuing, wings ex-

Amosley, a horse at full speed sa. 52. 8 143- 2 panded and inverted ppr., gazing at

Amouth, a battle-axe and the top of a Ancketill of Anketill's Grove, co. Monag- the sun gu.

javelin in saltier ppr. han, same crest and motto. Anderson, an eagle issuing. Qui honeste

Amphlet, Staffs, a dromedary ppr. Ancketill, Dorset, on a mount vert, an fortiter.

132. 2 oak-tree ppr. 143. 14 Anderson, an eagle issuing, holding in

Amphlett, Richard Holmden, K.C., of Ancketill, Dorset, the root of an oak- the dexter claw an olive-branch, all

Wychbold Hall, Worcs., a dromedary tree erased, out of it a live branch ppr. Qui honeste fortiter. ?<o. 3
ppr., bridled sa.
sprouting ppr., acorned or. Anderson, Walter N., of Toronto, Ontario,

Amphlett, Rev. Charles, of Earlscombe, Ancram, Earl ol, see Lothian, Marquess an eagle issuing, holding in the dexter

Worcs., on a mount vert, a drome- of. claw an olive-branch ppr. Qui honeste

dary statant ppr., charged with three Ancram, Hill House, Frome, an anchor fortiter. 80. 3

cinquefoils sa. Vincit qui patitur. erect sa. Hold fast. 161. i Anderson of Whiteburgh, a crescent arg.

Amphlett, Edward Greenhill, J. P., of Andby, Andy, or Andey, Devonsh., on the Ut se crescit clarescit. 163. 2

Worthing, Sussex, on a WTeath arg. stump of a tree a crane statant, all Anderson, Archibald, Esquire, of 30,
and az., a dromedary statant ppr.,
ppr. 105. 12 Oxford Square, London, a crescent arg.

with halter and line reflexed over the Andby, a dexter hand ppr., holding a Gradatim. 163. 2

back or, charged on the body with two cross patee fitchee in pale gu. Anderson of Newbigging, a mullet az.

lozenges arg. Chi legge regrje. 292. 1 cf. 221. 12 I Nil conscire sibi. 164- 2

Amphlett, Charles Edward, Captain 6th Andegarvia, an escarbuncle sa. 164. 12 ! Anderson, Glasgow, a cloud ppr. Recte

(Inniskilling) Dragoons, same crest Andelby, an escutcheon gu., charged quod honeste. 162. 13

and motto. with a cross raoline or. Anderson of Glasgow, an elephant's head

Amphlett, a dromedary ppr., bridled sa. Anderdon, Hants, a dexter arm in couped ppr. ^ 133-2

Honour before honours. armour, embowed ppr garnished or, Anderson, out of a d,ucal, coronet or, a

Amphlett, John, Esquire, Clent, Stour- the hand apaumee, also ppr. 200. i stag's head affrontee, in the mouth a

bridge, a dromedary statant, bridled Anderley, a dolphin haurient devouring dart ppr. cf. 119. 13

ppr. a fish ppr. 140. 6 Anderson, London, out of a ducal coronet

Ampthlll, Baron (Russell), Government Anderson-, Pelham, Earl of Yarborough, arg., a hind's head or, pierced through

House, Madras, a goat statant arg., see Yarborough. the neck with an arrow sa., feathered

armed and unguled or, charged witli Anderson, see Macaulay-Anderson. of the first. 1 24. 6

a mullet sa. for difference. (Vie sura Anderson, Bart., Yorks, a \Yater-spaniel Anderson, Newcastle, an eagle's head

sara. 307. i passant or. Gnaiitcr. 57. 9 erased arg., holding in the beak an
arrow in pale gu., headed and feathered
Amsden and Amsdon, a cross-fleury Anderson, Warw., a talbot passant or.

fitched or, fleury gu., between two 54. I or.

wings ppr. Anderson, Scotland, a crescent or. Anderson, George, Esquire, M.A., J.P., of

Amson of Lees, Chesh., a cock blackbird Gradatim. 163. 2 Little Harle Tower, Newcastle-upon-

ppr. between two ostrich-feathers Anderson, an oak-tree ppr. Stand sure. Tyne (as recorded in the College of

arg. 143- 5 Arms), in front of a falcon's head
Anderson of Airdbreck, an oak-tree ppr.
Amson, a crane ppr. 105. 9 erased sa, guttee d'or, holding in the
beak an arrow palewise, head down-
Amy of Jersey, out of a ducal coronet or, Stand sure. 14. 35
wards ppr., three hearts or. 88. 8.
a peacock's head ppr., holding a sprig Anderson, Sir Alexander, of Aberdeen, an
A falcon's head erased sa., guttee.
vert. Hostis honori invidia. oak-tree ppr. Stand sure. 143. 5



beaked and eyed or, holding in the Andrewes, Rutl., a derai-lion or, ducally Anelsbey, Glouc, a bezant charged with

beak an arrow in bend dexter head crowned arg., holding up in the dexter a pale indented gu. cf. 159.6
downwards ppr. Vigilatts et certv.s. paw a human heart gu.
Andrewes, Sufi., a stag's head erased arg., Anesworth, see .\insworth.
88. 13 charged with a crescent for diHerence.
Anderson, Bradley, Durh., on a chapeau Aneys, a sword in bend ppr. 170. 5
119. 8
gu-^ turned up erm., a griffin's head Angas or Anges, an ostrich-head erased

arg., holding in the beak a horse-shoe

erased arg., charged on the neck with Andrewes, a Moor's head in profile, ppr.

fetterlock aa. couped at the shoulders ppr. Ange, a cross formce or, between two

Anderson, Kenneth Lockwood Morrison, 192. 13 wings az. 1 10. 7
Esquire, of Cluny, Swanage, Dorset, Andrewes, a Moor's head in profile sa.,
issuing from waves of the sea a sea- Ange, a cross formee fitchee or, between
horse's head ppr., holding in the
mouth a trident or, and on an escroll banded arg. 192. 13 two wings az'. cf. 1 10. 7
below the shield. Stand sure.
Andrews, Bart., of Denton, Northamp., a Angel, Angle, Anegall, or Anegal, on a
Anderson, Ireland, on a mount a leopard
couchant gardant, crowned •nnth an blackamoor's head in profile, couped chapeau a tower, all ppr. cf. 1 56. 2

at shoulders, wreathed about the Angeldon, London, a knot sa., between

temples, all ppr. 192. 13 two wings or.

Andrews, Bart., of Shaw Place, Berks, Angell, London, out of a ducal coronet or,

antique crown. cj. 24. 9 out of an Eastern coronet or, a blacka- a demi-pegasus arg., crined gu.

Anderson-Pelham, Hon. EveUm Corn- moor's head couped ppr., in the ear a cf. 47- 5

wallis, of 29, Belgrave Square: (0 A pendant or. Victrix fortunce aapientia. Angell, Surrey, same crest. Stare super

peacock in hie pride arg. (for Pelham). 192. 6 iras antiques.

(2) A water-spaniel or (for Anderson). Andrews, a Moor's head in profile, couped Angell, on a mount vert, a swan arg.,
ducally gorged or, beaked and legged
Vincit amor patria. at the shoulders ppr. 192-13

| gu. cf. 100'. 7

Anderson of Linkwood, a hand holding Andrews, Oxou., a dexter arm vested

a pen all ppr. Honesty is the best vert, cuffed arg., holding in the hand Angellis or Angles, a lion's gamb erect,

policy. 217. 10 a branch ppr. Nee careo, nee euro. holding a cross pattee fitched or.

Anderson, Sussex, a hand holding a pen. Andrews, Surrey, a stag's head erased arg. cf. 36. 9

Honesty is the best policy. 217. 10 Quod honestnm ntile. 121. 2 Anger and Angier, Kent, a martlet flying

Anderson of Tushielaw, Stirling, a sword Andrews, Richard, Southampton, a stag's over a castle, ruined in the sinister

in pale, between two branches of laurel head erased arg. 121. 2 tower ppr. cf. 155. 2

j Anger, an escarbuncle or. 164. 12

in orle ppr. Pro bello vel pace. 1 70. 3 Andrews, Scotland, a hand holding a

Anderson, SOU HiU, Middx., three branch of laurel ppr. Virtute et for- Angersteen and Angerstein, a lion's

ostrich-feathers encircled with a chain tuna. 219. 9 head erased gu., holding in the mouth a

or, on the centre one a crescent. Andrews, Suff., an acorn vert. cf. 152. : quatrefoil vert.
Anderson, Aberdeen, a cross-staff erect, Andrews, a Moor's head couped ppr. Angerstein of Weeting Hall, Norf., be-

marked with the degrees of latitude. 192. 13 tween two elephants' trunks a stork,

Per more. Andrews, Suff., a stag's head erased or. holding in its dexter claw a stone,

Anderson, a ship in full sail ppr. 160. 13 121. 2 all ppr.

Anderton, a dexter arm in armour em- Andrews, Hants, a greyhound's head Angesteen, a crane ppr., holding in the

bowed ppr., garnished or, the hand couped per pale or and sa., charged dexter claw a mullet arg. cf. 105. 6

apaumee ppr. 200. i on the neck with a saltier humettee Angeville of Thethelthorpe, Lines, a

Anderton, Lanes, a curlew arg. between two roundles in fess, all branch of three roses arg., stalked and

Anderton, William Arthur Alphonsus counterchanged. leaved vert. 149. 8

Joseph Ince (Major), of Euxton, Lanes, Andrews, of Lathbury, Bucks, of Norf. AngeVine and Angevyne, Lines, same

a curlew ppr. We stoop not. and Suff., a stag's head erased arg. crest.

j 121. I. {For the Siiflollc branch, Anglesey, Marquess Of (Paget), Beaudesert,
Anderton, E., Esquire, Trunstone, West-

down, Ilfracombe, a curlew arg. Su- charged with a crescent for difference.) Lichfield, Staffs, a demi-heraldic tiger
sa., maned, armed, ducally gorged and
pero non cedo. 119. 8 tufted arg. Per il suo contrario. 25.7
Anderton, a stork ppr. 105. 1 1 Andrews, Middx., on a naval coronet

Anderton of Brondyffrjrn, Denbighsh., or, a dove volant v.ith an olive-branch j Angolesme,"the sail of a ship ppr. 160. 9
a stork arg., holding in the beak
in the beak, all ppr. | Angolisme, a lion's gamb sa. cf. 36. 4

three cinquefoils slipped or, and resting Andrews, Suff., a bird, wings expanded Anguilla, a bezant charged with a talbot's

the dexter leg on a shackbolt sa. az., holding in its beak a laiurel-branch I head erased sa. cf. 57. i

Anderton, Wilfrid Francis, Esquire, of vert. 94. 5 Anguish, Norwich, a snake nowed ppr.,

Haighton, Preston, Lanes, issuant out Andrews, upon a mount vert, a dove between two branches of fern vert.

of a crescent Tert, a buck's head, hold- holding in the beak an olive-leaf Latet unguis in hcrha.

ing in the mouth an ear of wheat ppr. slipper! ppr., and charged on the breast Angus, a quadrangular castle. 155-4

Aude incipe. 228. 2 with an escallop gu. Angus, Scotland, a lion crowned with

Andesley, a sword ppr., and a cross cross- Andrews, Warw., a demi-lion az., gorged an antique crown or. Fortis est

let sa., in saltier. 166. 1 with a collar or, charged with three

Andlaw, an eagle's head sa. 83. i mullets of the first. cf. 10. 9 Angus, John, Esquire, Aberdeen, a lion

Andover, Viscount, see Suffolk, Earl of. Andrews, London and Hants, an arm passant gardant gu., armed and

Andrade, a wolf's head or. 30. 5 erect habited vert., cuffed arg., charged langued az. Fortis est Veritas. 4. 3
Andre or Andree, a mill-rind az. 165. 11
on the sleeve with a quatrefoil or, and Anhelet, a gem ring or, the stone gu.

Andrea or St. Andrew, a cinquefoil arg. holding in the hand a branch of the 167. 14
14S. 12
first fructed of the third. Anke or Ankor, a bull's head erased gu.

Andrea, a hurt, charged with a lion's Andrews of Rivington, Lanes, a Moor's 44- 3

head erased, collared gu. cf. 19. i head in profile, couped at the shoulders Anketel, a rose gu. 149. 2

Andrew, Devonsh., a stag's head erased ppr., in ear a pendant arg. Fortiter Anketell of Shaftesbury, on a mount

sa., attired or. 121. 2 defendit. 192. 13 vert, an oak-tree ppr. 143. 14

Andrew of Tredinick, Cornw., a stag at Andros, on a tower a lion rampant sa. Anketel], the stump of an oak-tree, the

gaze, holding in his mouth a wheat 157. 12 branches sprouting, acorned ppr.

ear, all or, charged on the side with Andros, Guernsey, a blackamoor's head, Anketell of AiiketeU, Ireland, an oak-tree

two mascles interlaced az. Prospice. couped at the shoulders and wreathed ppr. Vade ad formicam. 143. 5

Andrew of Nethertarvit, a star or. Give about the temples, all ppr. AnketeU-Jones, Henry Moutray Ernest,

and forgive. 164. 3 Andson, Angus, a fir-tree seeded ppr. Esquire, M.A., J.P., Burrishoole House,

Andrew of Clockmill, a dexter hand Stand sure. 144. 13 Newport, co. Mayo, on a chapeau, a

holding a laurel-branch ppr. Virtute Anelche, an eagle, wings expanded ppr. stag at gaze. Coclitus mihi vires.

et fortuna. 219. 9 77- 5 Ankor, a bull's head erased gu. 44. 3



Ankyrsley, a hunting-horn sans strings Annesley, a buck's head or. 121. j Anstrother, out of a ducal coronet or, a
demi-man in armour ppr., in hand a
vert, veruled arg. cj. 22S. 11 Annes, Anness, and Annis, a mascle or. spear sa., headed arg.
Anstruther of that ilk. Bart., two arms
Anlaby, on a mount an oali-tree ppr. 167. 9

143- 14 Anngell, Kent, out of a ducal coronet or,

Anieby, Yorl;s, an arrow in pale, I a demi-pegasus arg., crined gu. cf. 47. 5 in armour embowed, grasping in the


n-ith a ducal coronet or. 174. 3 Anningson, BusheU, M.A., Walthamead, gauntlets a battle-axe, all ppr. Periis-

Aniet and Aniett, Yorks, on a rock a Cambridge, a scaling-ladder in bend sem ni periissem. 194. 12

fire-beacon ppr. j 301. 15 Anstruther, Henry Torrens, Esquire, of

177. 14 arg.

Aniey, a dexter arm, the hand gloved and I Annot, Annott, or Annat, a boar passant Gillingshill, Pittenween, same crest

holding a hawk's lure ppr. r/. 217. 8 sa., transfixed with an arrow ppr. and motto.

Anmers or Anners, Chesh., a lion's head 40. 14 Anstruther of Hintlesham, Suff., same

era-sed ppr. 17. 8 Annyslay, a Moor's head couped sa. crest and motto.

Anmetesley, a bezant charged with a 192. 13 Anstruther, Inverkeithing, same crest

pale indented gu. cf. 159. 6 Anscell or Anstrell of Barford, Beds, and motto.

Anna and De Anna, a bezant, cf. 159. 14 a demi-lion az., ducally gorged and Anstruther, Airdrie, same crest.

Annabel], Annable, and Annables, a stag Lined or. cf. 10. 7 Anstruther, Carmichael-, Sir Windham,

at gaze ppr. 117. 3 Ansdell, a dexter hand ppr., holding a Bart., Scotland: (i) The same as
a.hove {for Anstruther). 237.18. (2) An
Annaly, Baron (White), a cubit arm ppr., buckle or. 223. 11 arm in armour erect, grasping a broken

charged with a chevron engrailed gu., Anselbie and Anselby, an arrow in pale,

thereon a cross crosslet or, holding in enfiled with a ducal coronet or. 174. 3 spear ppr. (for Carmichael). Toujours
Ansell, a demi-lion ppr., ducaUy gorged
the hand three roses of the second, pret. 2IO. 9

slipped ppr. Vi et virtute. 245. 10 and lined or. cf. 10. 7 Anstruther, Sir Ralph William, Bart., of

Annand, Surrey, a griffin segreant ppr. Ansert, a demi-lion rampant, imperially Balcaskie, Pittenweem, Fifesh., two

Sperabo. 62. 2 crowned, holding in the dexter paw a arms in armour, counter-embowed,

Annand of Annandale, a rose stalked and sword wavy ppr. 14. 14 holding in the hands a battle-axe, all

leaved ppr. Quod honestum -utile. 149.5 Ansley, a blackamoor's head in profile ppr. Periissem ni periissem. 237.18

Annandale, Scotland, same crest and couped at the shoulders ppr., gorged Anstruther- Duncan, Alexander William,

motto. with a collar or, charged with three Esquire, of Naughton, Fife, N.B., two

Annandale, a spur erect or, winged arg. escallops. cf. 192. 13 arms in armour, holding in the gaunt-

III. 12 Anslow-Alabone, 51., 51. D., 20, Lower lets a battle-axe ppr. Periissem ni

Annat, Scotland, a boar sa., transfixed Seymour Street, Portman Square, W., periissem. 237. 18

with an arrow. 40. 14 a lion's head erased, transfixed through Anstruther, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert

Anncell, a stag's head affrontee, ducaUy the neck with an arrow in bend point Hamilton, of Hintlesham Hall, Ips-
wich : ( I ) Two arms in armour, hold-
gorged. 119. 14 downwards. 297. i
ing in the gauntlets a battle-axe, all
Anncey and Anncy, on a mural coronet Anson, Sir William Reynell, Bart., of

a stag sejant ppr. 116. 4 Birch Hall, I^ancs, out of a ducal ppr. (2) Out of a wreath of laurel or,
coronet or, a spear erect ppr. Nil a horse's head paly of six sa. and arg.
Anne, a woman's head couped at the

breasts ppr., vested arg., the hair desperandum. Periissem ni periissem.

dishevelled or. Anson, Earl of Lichfield: (i) Out of a Ansty, a martlet or. 95. 2

Anne, Major Ernest Lambert Swinburne, ducal coronet or, a spear-head ppr. Anteshey and Antesley, a bezant charged

Aof Burgwallis, Yorks. : (i) maiden's (2) A greyhound's head, couped erm., with a pale indented gu. cf. 1 59. 6

head couped at the shoulders ppr., charged on neck with two bars-gemelle Anthonisz, Richard Gerald, of Colombo,

Acrined or (for Avne). 182. 5. {2) or. Nil desperandum. Ceylon, a lozenge gu., between wings

leopard's face gu. between two dragons' Anson, Sir Archibald Edward Harbord arg. Waarheid eer vrijheid.

wings ppr., each charged with a fret Anson, Esquire, of Southfield, Silver- Anthonisz, Hon. Peter Daniel, M.D.,

sa. (/or Charlton). 10. 3 hill, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, out of a CM.G., M.L.C., of GaUe, Ceylon, a
ducal coronet or, a spear-head erect lozenge gu. between two wings erect
Anne of Trickley, Yorks., a buck's head

cabossed arg. 122. 5 ppr. Nil desperandum. arg. 1:0. 3

Anneles, a mermaid ppr., the tail vert. Anson-Horton, Henry, Esquire, of Catton Anthony of London, a demi-goat ppr.,

184- 8 Hall, Burton-on-Trent : (i) Out of the charged with a bezant, armed and

Annelshie, a bezant charged with a pale waves of the sea ppr., a tilting-spear attired or. cf. 128. 2

indented gu. cj. 159. 6 [

erect or, headed and enfiled with a Anthony of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks,

Annesley, Ireland, a demi-lady support- dolphin arg., finned gold {for Horton). a demi-ram per fesse erm. and sa.,

ing a portcullis. 183. 7 (2) Issuant from a coronet or, a spear- horns and hoofs or, charged on the
head erect ppr. body with a bezant thereon a leopard's
Annesley, Oxon., a Moor's head in profile,

couped sa., wreathed about the temples Anstavill, a castle triple-towered, a demi- face gu. None pour haine.

arg. and az. Virtutis aniore. 192. 13 lion rampant issuing out of the middle Anthony and Antoaie, London, a goat's

Annesley, Viscount Valentia, see Valentia. tower. I5q. 10 head arg. 128. 12

Annesley, Earl (.Annesley), Castlewellan, Anstay, Anstee, Anstey, and Anstle, a Anthony, a goat's head or. 128. 12

CO. Down, a Moor's head in profile martlet or. 95. 2 Anton of Stoatfield, Lines, Middx.,

couped at the shoulders ppr., wTeathed Anstead, Ansted, or Antished, a cross London, and Ireland, out of a mural

above the temples arg. and az. Virtutis formee or, charged with five torteaux. coronet, a lion's head arg. 19. 12

umore. \ cf. 165. 7 Antony or Antonie, Suff., a goat's head

AAnnesley of Arley Castle, Staffs : (i) Anstell, Comw., a cross formee arg., gu. 1 28. 12

Moor's head in profile couped ppr., guttee-de-poix. cf. 165. 7 Antram, Dorset, a demi-griffin az.

wreathed about the temples arg., and Anstey, Rev. Henry, M.A., Slapton Rec- Prudentia et animo. 64. 2

Aaz. (/or Annesleif). 192. 13. (2) tory, Leighton Buzzard, a martlet or. Antrim, Earl of (M'Donnell), Glenarm

bull's caboshed ppr., between two flags Esse quam rid'-ri. 95. 2 Castle, Antrim: (i) A dexter arm
embowed fesseways, couped at the
— —gu. {for Macleod). Hie inurtis afianeus. Anstie, a leopard's face ppr., jessant-de-
shoulder, vested or, cuffed are., holding
Virtutis amove. Hold fast. 43. 5 lis gu. 22. 5
in the hand ppr. a cross crosslet fitched
Annesley, a Saracen's head in profile, Anstis, Comw., out of a ducal coronet,

wTeathed arg. and az. 190. 14 five ostrich-feathers, all ppr. 114. 13 in pale az. (for M'Donnell). 203. 9.

Annesley, WiUiam Gore, Esquire, of Anstis or Anstice, a dexter cubit arm A(2) sun in splendour or (for Kerr).

Delgany, Polstead Road, N., Oxford, vested per pale embattled, holding in —Sero sed serio. Toujours prlt.

a Moor's head couped at the shoulders the hand a griffin's head erased ppr. 162. 2

in profile ppr., wTeathed about the 211. 6 Antrobus, Sir Edmund, Bart., Amesbury

temples arg. and az. Virtutis amore. Anston, a martlet issuing ppr. Abbey, Salisbury, a imicorn's head

241. 13! Anstrell, see AnsceU. couped arg., horned and maned or



gorged with a wreath of laurel vert, sword, and in the sinister a baton ArbuTthnet, same crest. Tarn interna,
issuing out of rays of the sun ppr.
Dti memor, gratus amicis. ensigned with a royal crown (for guam externa.

DumWoodville). spiro spero. Arbuthnot, Viscount (Arbuthnot), Ar-

Antrobus, John Coutts, of Eaton Hall, <•/. 186. 14 buthnott House. Fourdoun.Kincardine-

Chester, same crest and motto. Appleton or Apleton, Suff., an elephant's shire, Scotland, a peacock's head
Antrobus of London, same crest. [ couped ppr., beaked or. Laws Deo.
head couped sa., eared or, in the month

Antwisel or Antisell, an eagle, wings ex- a snake veit, coiled about the trunk. 103. 2

panded and inverted ppr. ~6. 13 cf. 133- 2 Arbuthnot of Arbuthnothaugh, a pea-

Anvers, Chesh., a branch with three roses Appleton, James Enderby, M.R.C.S., cock's head couped ppr. Deus me

ppr. 149. S Linda, Poole Road, Bournemouth, suMinet. 103. 2
Anvers, De, a wyvern sa. 70. 2
same crest. Omne bonum Dei donum. Arbuthnot, Sir Robert Keith, Bart.,

Anvory, a dexter hand holding a holly- Appleton, Suff., out of a ducal coronet 105, Cadogan Gardens, S.W., a pea-

branch ppr. or, three pine-apples vert, the tops cock's head ppr. Innocent arid true.

Anwell and Anwyl, England, and Parkin, purfled of the first. 103.

Merionethsh., an astrolabe ppr. Applewhaite of Stoke Ask, Suff., a cubit Arbuthnot, Scotland, a peacock's head

167. 7 arm erect, holding in the hand an open couped ppr., beaked or. Laus Deo.

Anwick, London, a dexter arm gu., the book. 215. 10 103. 2

hand holding a broken tilting-spear or. Appleyard of Shotsham, Norf., an owi arg. Arbuthnot, Hugh Gough, Esquire, of

214. 10 96. 5 40, Princes Gate, London, a peacock's

Anwill and Anwyl, Wales, two hands Appleyard, a demi-dragon ppr., holding I head ppr. Innocent and true.

issuing out of clouds pulling an anchor in the dexter claw a scimitar arg. Arbuthnot of Fiddes, a peacock ppr.


out of the sea ppr. 224. 13 cf. 73. 10 Tarn interna, guam externa. 103. 7

Anwyl, Robert Charles, of LIugwy, Appleyard, see Apiliard. Arbuthnot of Montrose, a dove with an

Machynlleth, an eagle displayed or. Aprece, Bucks and Hants, an otter ppr., adder in orle ppr. Innocue ac provide.

Eryr eryrod eri/ri. collared and lined or. J 92. 11

cf. 134. 51

Anwyt, an eagle displayed ppr. y^. 2 Aprece, Bucks and Hant?, a spear erect i Arbuthnot of Weymouth, a ship under

Aoluite, on a chapeau, a lion statant, tail arg. Labora ut alernnm vivas. 175. 9 I sail ppr. Fluctuo sed affluo. 160. 13

extended, all ppr. 4. 8 Apreece, Bart., of Washingley Hall, Arbuthnot, a cross pattee or. 165. 7

Apeele, a fleur-de-lis or, between two Hunts, a spear-head erect arg., im- Arcedeckne or Archdeckne, a dexter arm

wings arg. c/. 1 10. 5 brued ppr. Vix labora ut in externum in armour enibowed, holding in the
Apesley, Surrey and Sussex, the same hand a scimitar. iq6. 10

crest. Apreece, a civet-cat ppr., pierced through Arcedeckne-Butler, James Fitzwalter,

Ap-Enyions, a sheaf of arrows ppr., the middle with a spear-head erect. Esquire: (i) Out of a ducal coronet

banded gu. Virtutifidc. 173. 3 Aprice, Heref., a cock, wings expanded or, a plume of five ostrich-feathers,

Ap-Griffith, out of a cloud a dexter and a gu., holding in the beak a rose ppi therefrom a demi-falcon rising arg.,

sinister arm shooting an arrow, all ppr. leaved and stalked vert. a label of the last upon a crescent

cf. 200. 2 Ap-Riee, a boar's head erect arg.. pel Aaz., for difference (for Butler). (2)
Aphe, Hants, out of a ducal coronet arg. i lettee, between two oak-branches vert, cubit arm erect, vested arg., charged

a parrot's head or. fiucted or. with three chevronels sa., the hand
ppr., grasping a sword in bend sinister
| arg., pommel and hilt or (for Arce-

Aphery, a trefoil slipped vert. 148. 9 Apsey, a dove with an olive-branch in its

Ap-Howell, a gauntlet erect holding a beak volant over water, all ppr. 93. 1

sword, all ppr. 210. 4 ! Apsley, Lord, sec Bathurst, Earl of. deckne). Timor Domini fans vit(r.

Apifer, a hand holding a spiked club ppr. Apsley, Sussex, a fleur-de-lis or, between Arcedeckne-Butler, St. John Henry,

cf. 214. 6 two wings arg. cj. no. 5 Esquire, of Coreen, Talawakelle, Ceylon,

Apiliard or Appleyard of East Carlton, Apted, Suney, a stag's head erased or. same crests, and motto.

Norf., a demi-heraldic tiger quarterly; Semper eadem. 121. 2 Arcester, Glouc, on a bezant, an escar-

gu. and az., the tail of the last tufted Apthorp, Rev. G. F., 1 3, De Parys Avenue, buncle sa.

or, holding in the mouth a rose gu Bedford, a mullet pierced az. Nemo Archard, Kent, out of a ducal coronet a

stalked and leaved vert. cf. 25. 13 nisi Christus. demi-fish ppr. 139. 14


Apilston, a pelican in her piety, wings Apuldrefield, on a chapeau gu., turned up Archbald and Archibald, Scotland, a de-

displayed or, vulned ppr. 98. 14 erm., a man's head in profile, couped at ' crescent arg. Ut reficciar. 163.

Aplegath or Aplegarth of Bapley, Hants, the neck, wearing a cap arg., fringed Archbald and Archibald, Scotland, a

a demi-heraldic tiger gu., bezantee at the front and back gu. palm-branch erect ppr. Dilat servata


armed and tufted or, charged with a Aquitar, London, a demi-lion rampant fides. 147. i

bend of the last. cf. 25. 13 or, muraUy crowned az., holding in ; Archbold, Ireland, a lion's head couped

Apleton, see Appleton. the dexter paw a laurel- branch slipped erm., guttee-de-sang. c/. 21. i

Apletree, Hants, a goat passant arg. ppr- I

Archbold, Worcs. and London, a dove


/. 129. 5 Arabin, the sun rising behind a mountain rismg arg. 94. 2

^Apleyard, an

Appelton and
owl arg. 96. 5 I ppr. ^^ _ ^ and, ^'^-- 10 Archdale and Archedale, London, out of
Appolton, couchant Arabin of Beech_ Drayton, ducal coronet heraldic tiger's
a camel Hill, Essex, '


ppr. Jliddx., an eagle's head erased between head arg., maned and tufted sa."


Apperley of Jforben, Montgomeryshire, two wings sa., ducally crowned or. i 2^. 3

a pine-apple sa. 152. S Nee temere, nee timide. Archdale, Edward Merwn, Esquire," of

Applebee, a martlet or. 95. 2 Arabyn, a griffin's head erased ppr., Riversdale, BallinamaUard. co. Fer-

Appleby, Leics., an apple or, stalked and ducaUy crowned or, between two wings managh, out of a ducal coronet an

leaved vert. arg. heraldic tiger's head arg., maned,
Appleby, F. H., Brigade-Surgeon Lieu- tufted, and armed sa. Data fata
tenant-Colonel, Barnbygate House, secuta.
Arblaster or Allebaster, Staffs, a feather

in pale, entiled with a ducal coronet, !

Newark, same crest. Fruclu arbor aU ppr. 114. 12 Archdale, Mervvn A., M.B., East Riding

cognoscitur. Arblester, Areblaster, and Arablester, Asylum, Beverley, Yorks, out of a

Appleford, a derai-savage holding in the out of a ducal coronet a greyhound's ducal coronet a talbot. Ferendo ei
dexter hand a sword, and in the sinister
a baton, ensigned with a royal crown, head arg., collared or. cf. 61. 7 sperendo.


Arbuckle, Scotland, a ram ppr. 131. 13 Archdall, Rev. William Frederick. M.A.,

aU ppr. cf. 186. 14 Arburthnet of Findoury, Scotland, a pea- the Rectory, Crlanmire, R.S.O..

Apnleford, Essex and Berks : An( 1 ) cock ppr. Interna prcestaiU. 103.7 Cork, same crest. Data fata secuta.

apple or, having a leaf on either side Arburthnet of Catherl: peacock's head Archdall, out of a ducal coronet gu., a

j th a muUet or. heraldic tiger's head arg., langued gu.,

vert (for Appleford). (2) A demi- couped ppr., charged ]
cf. 103. 2 tufted sa. Data fata secutus. 25. 3
savage holding in the dexter hand a Sit laus Deo. 1



ArchdaU of Castle ArchdaU and TriUic, ' Archer, Essex and Kent, a bull's head Arden or Arderne, Beds and Warw., a
plume of feathers az., charged with a
Ireland: (i) Out of a ducal coronet erased gu. 44. 3
martlet or.
or, a heraldic tiger's head arg., named, Archer of Bourne, Kent, a bull's head

tufted, and armed sa. (lor | erased gu., armed or. 44. 3 Arden, a thistle stalked and flowered



25. 3. (2) On a chapeau ppr., a hand Archer, Ireland, a mound az., banded ppr- cf. 150. 2

vested az., grasping a sword ppr., hilt and crossed or. 159. 12 Arden, Oxon., a boar passant quarterly

and pommel or (jor Montgomery). Archer, Ireland, a ducal coronet ppr. or and az. 40. 9

A(3) squirrel sejant ppr. (for Memjn). I Pro rege et pairia. 228. 10 Arden, Warw., on a chapeau gu., turned
—Data fata seciUa. Honneur sans repos. Archer, William Henry Davies, Esquire,
—De Dieu tout. up or, a boar passant of the last.

c/. 135. 2 B.A., LL.M., J.P., of Briokendon, cf. 40. 8
Arden, Percy, of Pontfaen, co. Pembroke,
ArchdaU, Ireland, a cross pattee erm. Longford, Tasmania, uses a bear's
a mount vert, thereon a boar pa-ssant
cf. 165. 7 —gamb holding an arrow in bend, aU
ArchdaU or Archdell, out of a ducal arg., semee-de-lis az., langued gu.,
ppr. Malo niori quam fcedari. Le fin armed and ungu. or. Doluere dente

coronet or, a griffin's head. 67. 9 couTonne I'oeuvre. cf. 38. 4

Archdeacon, Cornw., a martlet flying over Archer, Joseph, Esquire, J.P., of Pans- lacessiti. 249.

a tower ppr. cf. i ;6. 9 hanger, Longford, Tasmania, uses a Arden, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm.,

Archdecon, co. Cork, a dexter cubit arm —bear's gamb holding an arrow in bend, a boar passant or. cf. 40. 8

vested arg., and charged with three all ppr. 3Ialo mori quam fcedari. Le Arden, East Burnham, Bucks, a boar

chevroneLs sa., the hand gra.sping a fin cnuronne Vceuvre. cf. 38. 4 passant or, semee-de-lis gu. Doluere

sword ppr. Archer, Scotland, a dexter hand and dente lacessiti. cf. 40. 9

Archebold or Archbold, Staffs, a lion's sinister arm issuing from the wreath, Arden, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm.,
I drawing an arrow in a bow to the head

head erased arg., collared gu. 18. 6 a wild boar passant or, charged with

Archedale, see Archdale. ppr. 200. 2 three annulets. 40. 8

Archer-Burton, see Burton. [ Archer, an archer habited vert, in the Arden, Warw. and Stalls, on a chapeau

Archer, Arthur Montfort, M.D., Dee dexter hand a bugle-horn arg., raised az., tiu-ned up erm., a wild boar pas-

Hills Lodge, Chester, a Sagittarius to the mouth, holding in the sinister sant or. Quo me cunquc vocai pairia.
a bow erect, across the shoulders a
| cf. 40. 8

passant drawing a bow, aU ppr. Sola Arden, Douglas, Esquire, a mount vert,
thereon a boar passant arg., semee-
bona quce honesta. j de-lis az., langued gu., armed and un-
guled or. Doluere dente lace-fsili.
quiver full of arrows.
Arden, Percy, Esquire, of A7, Albany,
Archer, Robert Samuels, M.D., 15, St. Archer, Essex, a leg in armour embowed, Piccadilly, same crest and motto.

Domingo Grove, Liverpool, crest and couped at the thigh quarterly sa. and Arden, Richard Edward, Esquire, of
I East Burnham House, near Slough,
Bucks, same crest and motto.
motto as above. arg., spurred or. 193. i
Arden, George Edward, Esquire, on a
Archer, Hubert Graves, Esquire, a Archever, Scotland, two arms drawing chapeau az., turned up erm., a wild

centaur. Sola bona quce honesta. an arrow in a bow to the head. Ready.

[ 200. 2

Archer, Baron Archer (extinct), of Umber-

slade, Warw., out of a mural coronet Archibald, see Archbald.


gu., a dragon's head arg. Sola bona Archibald, Blackball, Scotland, a de-

qua honesta. 72. 11 crescent arg. Ut reficiar. 163. i

Archer, Thomas Lancelot, M.R.C.S., Archibald, a branch of palm-trees slipped

82, Vincent Square, Westminster, out ppr. Ditat servata fides. 147. i boar statant or. Quo me cunqve vocit

of a mural coronet or, a wyvern's head Archibald, Ireland, a palm-branch slipped patria.

and neck gu. Sola bona quce. honesta. in bend ppr., in front thereof a mount Arden of Gresham, Norf., same crest and

Archer, Lines, a dragon's head per pale vert, thereon an estoile or. Palma non motto.

gu. and az., between two wings ex- sine pidvcre. Arden, Middx., on a mount vert, a boar

panded, the sinister wing or, the dexter Archibald, Hon. Sir Adams George, passant arg., semee-de-lis az., langued

arg., issuing out of a mural coronet K.C.M.G., C.M.G., Q.C.. D.C.L . of gu., armed and ungu. or. Doluere

per pale of the last and third. Halifax, and of The Cottage, Truro, dente lacessiti.

Archer, out of a mural coronet or, a Nova Scotia, in the Dominion of Arden, Oxon., a lion's gamb erased gu.,

wyvern's head gu. Dens salutem Canada, a palm-branch slipped in bend holding a cross pattee fitchee. 36. 9

disponit. 72. II ppr., in front thereof a mount vert, Arderes, Jleriden, Warw., a demi-lion

Archer, a demi-dragon holding in the thereon an estoile or. Palma non ar., gorged with a collar or, charged

dexter claw a dart. sine pulvere. with three mullets of the first, cf. 10. 9

Archer, E-ssex, a griiBn's head erased Archibald, Charles Falcon, Esquire, of Ardern, in a coronet or, a pvramid of

arg., pierced through the neck by a Rusland HaU, Ulverston, a palm- leaves vert. cf. 151. 14

spear in bend sinister, point down- branch slipped in bend ppr., in front Arderne, a plume of feathers arg., banded

wards. thereof a mount vert, thereon an or.

Archer of Chelmsford, Essex, a griffin's estoile or. Palma non sine pidvere. Arderne, Chesh. and Lanes, out of a ducal

head erased arg., pierced by a spear in Archidecknie, a dexter arm in armour coronet or, a plume of five feathers,

bend sinister, collared gu., charged embowed, holding in the hand a three or, two az. 114. 13

with two crosses patee, in the beak dagger. 196. 5 Arderne, issuing from a ducal coronet or,

a slip of oak fructed ppr. Arcy, D', Ireland, a tilting-spear broken a double plume of feathers gu., the

Archer de Boys, Essex; (i) A wyvern in three pieces ppr., head in pale, other ends turned downwards of the first.

arg. 69. 5. (2) A leg couped at the two in saltier, banded gu. 175-2 114. 4

thigh, embowed at the knee quarterly Ard, a cock ppr. Vigilantia. 91. 2 Arderne, Chesh., out of a ducal coronet

sa. and arg., spur and leather or. ArdafT, a demi-lion arg., guttee-de-sang, or, seven feathers arg., tipped gu.

cj. 193. 8 holding in the paws a lily of three Arderne, Warw., a boar passant or. 40. 9
Archer- Houblon, George Bramston, Es-
flowers az., slipped and leaved vert. Arderne, on a chapeau az., turned up

quire, of 73, Upper Berkeley Street Ardagh, a demi-lion rampant or, pel- erm., a boar passant or. cf. 40. 8

(i) Alion's head erased or (/or Ho7( Won). I lettee, holding three lilies arg., slipped Arderne, on a chapeau gu., turned up

A(2) wyvern arg. (for Archer). (3) A and leaved vert. erm., a wild boar passant or, charged

leg in armour, couped at the thigh ppr., Ardee, Lord, see Meath, Earl of. with three annulets. 40. 8

garnished and spurred or (for Eyre). Ardem, a cross Calvary az. i66. i Ardes of Sharington, Bucks, within a

Archer, Essex, a wyvern arg. 69. 5 Arden, see Haddington, Earl of. catherine-wheel sa., ducally crowned or,
the sun in splendour.
Archer, Charles Gordon, of Trelaske, Arden, Baron (Perceval), see Egmont,

Cornw., a quiver fuU of arrows fesse- Earl of, Ardes, a catherine-wheel or, pierced sa.,

ways. 174. 4 Arden, Baron Alvanley, Chester, out of a ducally crowned of the first.

Archer, Cornw., on a quiver full of ducal coronet or, a plume of five Ardilaun, Baron (Guinness), Ashford,

arrows lying fesseways, a serpent, all feathers arg., charged with a crescent Anear Cong, co. Gal way : ( i ) boar

ppr. " gu. Patientia vinces. II4-3 psLSsant quarterly or and gu., a crescent



for difference {]or Guinness). 40. 9. Arkley, Scotland, within two thistles Armistead, a dexter arm in armour em-

(2) On a pillar arg., encircled by a disposed in orle flowered ppr., a rose bowed ppr., holding the butt-end of a
ducal coronet or, an eagle preying on gu., barbed and seeded of the first. broken spear or. Suivez la raison.

a bird's leg erased ppr. Spes mta in Bene qui sedulo. 197. 7

Deo. 248. 1 Arkroyd, a dog sleeping. 57. 13 Armit and Armitt, on a mount vert, a

Arding, Alfred Charles, Esquire, J.P., Arkwright, Arthur Chandos, Esquire, of bull passant ppr. 45. 7

B.A., of Brazier's Park. Checkenden, Thoby Priory, Brentwood, Essex, an Armit, Armet, or Armuet, a demi-lion

Oxon. : (i) A demigriffin vert, the eagle rising or, in its beak an escutcheon rampant gu., holding between the
pendent by a ribbon gu., thereon a hank paws a helmet, the visor closed, arg.
wing charged with three escallops,

two and one or, and holding in the of cotton arg. Mulla tvli fecique. Armitage of Egremont, Chesh., an arm

mouth a tilting-spear in bend ppr. (for Arkwright, Arthur William, Esquire, bendwise or, vested gu., crusuly and

Arding). (2) Issuant from a rock a same crest and motto. cuffed of the first, holding a holly-
flame of fire ppr.. environed by a chain Arkwright, Rev. Edwin, of 36, Seymour branch erect, slipped and fructed ppr.

or (/or Wells). Semper fidelis. Street, London, same crest and motto. Fortiler et fideliter.

Ardington or Arthington, Yorks, a dove Arkwright, Esme Francis Wigsell, Es- Armitage, Yorks, a dexter arm embowed,

holding in its beak an olive-branch quire, of Sanderstead Court, Croydon, vested or, cuffed arg., grasping in the

ppr. 92- 5 Surrey, same crest and motto. hand ppr. a sword by the blade,
also ppr., hilt of the first point down
Ardls, a demi-lion rampant gu., holding Arkwright, Francis, Esquire, of Overton,
in its de.xter paw a rose or, leaved near Marton, Wellington, New Zealand,

vert. 12. I same crest and motto. Armitage, Charles Ingram, of High Royd,

Ardrossan, Baron, Scotland, see Eglinton, Arkwright, Frederic Charles, Esquire, of Honley, same crest.

Earl of. Willersley, Matlock, same crest and Armitage, Cieorge Pollard, of Milnsbridge,

Ardyn, a cross Calvary az. 166. i motto. Yorks, a dexter arm embowed, couped

Ardyn, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Arkwright, Herbert Robert, Esquire, of at the shoulder, vested or, cuffed arg.,

a boar passant or. c/. 40. S Knuston Hall, Irchester, same crest holding in the hand ppr. a staff gu.,

Arel of France and England, a boar's and motto. pointed and headed or. Semper para-

head erect, between two ostrich- Arkwright, John Hungerford, Esquire, of tus.

feathers. 41-14 Hampton Court, Leominster, same Armitage, Sir Elkanah, of the Priory,

Areskin, a dexter hand holding an es- crest and motto. Pendleton, Manchester, in front of

cutcheon, cf. 219. 7 Arkwright, John Thomas, Esquire, of a dexter arm embowed, vested gu.,
cuffed arg., the hand grasping the
Areskine, Scotland, a demi-griffin, hold- Hatton House, near Warw., same

ing in its dexter claw a sword ppr. crest and motto. blade of a sword in bend sinister, the

Ausim et confido. 64. 6 Arkwright, Loftus Joseph, Esquire, of point downwards, pommel and hilt or,

Areskine of Dun, a griffin's head erased, Parndon Hall, Little Parndon, Harlow, an escutcheon of the last charged with

holding in the beak a sword in bend, Essex, same crest and motto. a cross potent gu.

all ppr. In Domino confido. 66. 10 Arkwright, Richard, Esquire, of Farnham, Armitage, Benjamin, Esquire, of Holme

Areskine, Scotland, an arm in armour Surrey, same crest and motto. Hall, BakeweU, Derbysh., same crest.

embowed, gauntleted, holding a sword, Arkwright, William, Esquire, of Sutton Armitage, Charles Smith, Esquire, of

all ppr. 195. I Scarsdale, Chesterfield, same crest and the Lee Wood Hotel, Buxton, Derbysh.,

Arfece, Arfois, or Arforce, a scaling- motto. same crest.

ladder az. 158. 14 Arkwright, Rev William Harry, Esquire, Armitage, Vernon Kirk, Esquire, of

Argahast, a Doric column ppr. of the Vicarage, Wicksworth, Derbysh., Sainton Park, Manchester, same crest.

Argal, a lion's head erased gu. 17.2 same crest and motto. Deo dtice ferro comitante.

Argall, Argell, or Argill, a lion's head Arkybus, a lion's head erased arg. 17. 8 Armitage, Walter Stanley, Esquire, of

erased ppr. 17. 8 Arle, a boar's head erect between two 34, Cambridge Square, Hyde Park,
London, in front of an arm embowed
Argall of Low Hall, Essex, a sphinx, ostrich-feathers. 41. 14

wings expanded ppr. 182.12 Arlote or Arlott, on a chapeau a leopard vested az., cuffed arg., the hand

Argall, a sphinx or, winged arg. 182. 12 passant gardant, three blades of rushes grasping by the blade a sword ppr.,

Argall, an arm in armour embowed sup- on each side, all ppr. pommel anil hilt or, a dexter gauntlet

porting a battle-axe, all ppr. Armesbury and Armesburg, Essex, two fesseways also or. Deo duce ferro

Argente and Argentine, Camb., a demi- hands conjoined, each issuing from a comitante. 233. 5
lion gu., holding a covered cup arg.
cloud, all ppr. 224. i Armitstead, a dexter and a sinister arm

Argenton, a martlet sa. 95. 2 Armeston of Burbage, Leics., a dragon's embowed in armour, each hand

Argentre, an eagle's head erased gu. 83.2 head erased vert, scaled or, charged grasping a spear erect ppr. Pro Rege

Argles, 'Thomas Atkinson, of Eversley, with a crescent of the same for differ-

llilnthorpe, Westml., a lion's head ence, cf. 71. 2 Armitstead, Rev. John Richard, M.A., of

erased gu. Patri(s non sibi. i Armestone, Leics., a dragon's head Cranage Hall, Chesh., same cresf and

Arguilla, on a bezant a talbot's head erased ppr. cf. 71. 2 motto.

erased sa. cj. 57. 2 Armestrang or Armstrong, Scotland, an Armitstead, George, Esquire, of Kinloch

Argum, Argun, or Argune, a hand erect arm emboued ppr. Iniictus maneo. Laggan, Kingussie, N.B., crest as

issuing from a cloud and holding an 202. 2 above.

open book, all ppr. sis. i Armestrang, Armstrang, or Armstrong, Armo, three passion-nails ppr., one in

Argyll, Duke of (CampbeU, K.G., K.T., Scotland, a hand issuing out of a cloud, pale and two in saltier.

P.C.), Inverary Castle, Argyll, a holding a club, all ppr. Invicta lahore. Armony, a stag gu. "Z-S

—boar's head erased or, armed arg., 214. 9 Armorer, a gauntlet bendwise, holding
langued gu. Vix ea nostra voco. Armet, see Armit. the shaft of a broken tilting-spear, all

Ne oblii'iscaris. 42. 2 Armfleld-Marrow, Peter, Esquire, between ppr.

Ariel and Ariell, an anchor cabled and a two roses arg., seeded or, barbed vert, Armory, Ireland, an eagle's head or.

sword in saltier, all ppr. 169. 9 a maiden's head couped at the shoulders 83. I

Aries, Ireland, a satyr holding in his ppr., orined, also gold, the neck en- Armour, Scotland, a dexter hand holding

dexter hand a sword and in his sinister circled with a garland of roses arg., an esquire's helmet, all ppr. Cassis

a partizan, all ppr. Fides mihi pano- barbed or, seeded vert. Fidite virtiite. ttitissi7na virtus. 217. 12

plia. cf. 189. 3 Armiger or Armeier of North Cieake, Armour, Donald, M.B., 89, Harley Street,

Arkell or Arkle, a griffin sejant arg., Norf., on a ducal coronet or, an heraldic W., crest and motto as above.

holding in his dexter claw a garland tiger sejant gu., crined and tufted of Armstrang of Mangerton, an arm in

of laurel vert. 62. 9 the first. 25. 12 armour embowed ppr. 200. i

Arklnstall, Camb., on a mount vert, a Armine of Osgodby, Lines, on a mount Armstrong of Whittock, an arm em-

greyhound sejant erm. 59. 3 vert, an erm. ppr. 134. 10 bowed gu. Invictus maneo. 202. 2



Armstrong, Heref. and Worcs., an arm Armstrong, Baron, of Cragside, Both- Arnold, a hand ppr., holding a bunch of
em bo wed ppr. Invictus maneo. 202. 2
bury, Northumb., and Jesmondene, grapes purp., leaved vert. 219. 6
Armstrong, an arm in armour, couped at
the shoulder, embowed fessewise. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, within a gar- Arnold, a demi-tiger arg., pellettee, hold-
land of oak vert, an arm vambraced
ing between the paws a fireball sa.
cf. 200. 4 and embowed, resting upon the elbow,
Armstrong of WiUow Bank, Ireland, Arnold, Henry Eraser James Coape-, of
holding in the hand a sledge-hammer,
an arm in armour. In Deo robur Wolvey HaU, co. Warw., a demi-tiger
all ppr. Fortis in armis.
234. 2 regardant sa., bezantee maned and

mens. Armstrong, Baron, see Watson -Arm- tusked, and holding between his paws

Armstrong, Thomas St. George, Esquire, strong. a pheon or. Ut vivas vigila.
of Garry Castle House, Banagher,
King's Co., same crest. Vi et ariiiis. Armuet, see Armit. Arnold, London, a demi-heraldic tiger
sa., bezantee, maned and tufted or,
Armstrong of Ballycumber, Ireland, a Armytage, London and Yorks, a demi- holding a broad arrow, the shaft gu.,
dexter arm in armour arg., the hand feathers and pheon arg.
lion arg., holding in the dexter paw a

cross botonnee gu.

ppr. Vi et armis. 200. i Armytage, Su: George John, Bart., of Arnold of Missenden, Bucks, same crest.
Nil desperandum.
Armstrong, Harkness, Rig Canobie, same Kirklees, Yorks, a dexter arm embowed,

crest and motto. couped at the shoulder, vested or, the Arnold, a demi-leopard regardant ppr.,
bezantee, holding a pheon or. Ut vivas
Armstrong of Hemsworth, Yorks, same cuff arg., holding in the hand ppr.
crest and motto.
a staff gu., pointed and headed or. vigila.

Armstrong, a dexter arm in armour em- Semper paratus. Arnold, Devonsh., out of a ducal coronet

bowed, hand apaumee ppr. 200. i Armytage, Arthur Henry, Esquire, of an antelope's head. cf. 126. 2
Marton HaU, BridUngton, Yorks, a
Armstrong, Norf., a dexter arm in dexter arm embowed, couped at the Arnold, Cromer, Norf., BeUesford, Suff.,

armour embowed arg., the hand shoulder, habited or, the cuff arg., and Kent, a dolphin naiant arg.
holding in the hand ppr. a staff gu.,
clenched ppr. Vi et armis. headed and pointed or. Semper 140. 5
Arnold, Chilwick, Herts, an eagle's head
cf. 200. I
erased gu., gorged with a mural coronet
Armstrong, Scotland, an arm embowed,

couped, cuffed arg., vested gu., holding paratus. arg., holding in its beak an acorn sUpped

a sword, all ppr. Strength. Armytage, Francis Reginald, Esquire, of vert. cf. 84. 10
Windsor House, Shrewsbury, same
Armstrong, an arm in armour grasping crest and motto. Arnold, Ireland, a feather and a sword

a sword az., billed and pommelled or. Armytage, Godfrey, Esquire, of Carr in saltier. 170. 6
Lodge, Horbury, Wakefield, same
Invictus maneo. 195. 2 Arnold-Forster, Edward Penrose, of

Armstrong, Scotland, an arm issuing out Cathedine, Burley-in-Wharfedale, a

of a cloud holding a club ppr. Invicta crest. dolphin naiant.

labore. 214. 9 Armytage, Percy, Esquire, same orest Arnot of Balcormo, a crescent or. Spera-

Armstrong, King's Co., Ireland, an and motto. tum et completum. 163. 2

armed arm holding a broken tilting- Armytage, George, Esquire, J.P., of Arnot, Arrat, and Arrot, Scotland, a

spear ppr. 210. 9 Ingleby, Winchelsea, Victoria, Aus- hand holding a dagger erect ppr. Pax

Armstrong, Sir Andrew Harvey, Bart., tralia, and of 59, Queen's Gate, London, armis acquiritur. 212. 9

Gallen Priory, Ferbane, King's Co., S.W., a dexter arm embowed, couped Arnott, Sir John Alexander, Bart.,

Ireland, an arm in armour embowed, at the shoulder, habited or, the cuff 68, Merrion Square, DubUn, on a rock

the hand grasping the trunk of an arg., holding in the hand ppr. a dagger a tower ppr., therefrom a flag flying
oak-tree eradicated, all ppr. Invictus
maneo. of the second, pommel and hilt of the to the sinister az. Speratum et com-

first. Semper paratus. 204. i pletum. 239. 12

Armstrong, Sir George Carlyon Hughes, Arnald or Arnauld, a demi-cat gardant Arnott of Arlary, same crest and motto.

Bart., 39, Cadogau Square, S.W., in ppr. 26. 12 Arnott, Fermanagh, a cubit arm erect

front of an arm couped at the shoulder, Arnall- Thompson, Harry Thompson, in armour, the hand grasping a dagger,

embowed and barwise in pale, gar- Esquire, of Haworth, Keighley, aU ppr. Speratum et completum.

nished or, fists clenched, a trefoil Yorks, and Ansty Frith, Leicester 210. 2

slipped vert. Vi et armis. (i) In front of two flagstaves ppr., Arnway, Lines, a crosier or. 170. 14

Armstrong, George Elliot, Esquire, of flowing from each a pennon gu., a lion Aron, a lady's arm from the elbow in

24, Hans Road, S.W., same crest and couchant sa., charged on the shoulder pale. 222. 3
with a bezant {for Thompson). (2) In Arpin, an arm in armour holding a

Armstrong of Termonfechan, Louth, out front of a demi-leopard regardant ppr., hoUy-branoh, aU ppr. 200. 14

of a mural coronet or, an armed semee of annulets gu., holding between Arran, Earl of (Gore), Castle Gore, Ballina,

arm embowed, the hand grasping an the paws a torteau charged with a CO. Mayo, a wolf rampant arg., coUared

oak-tree eradicated ppr. Invictus j cf. 28. 2

pheon, a staff' raguly fesseways, also gu. In hoc signo vinces.

gu. (for Arnall). Arras, out of a tower gu. embattled or, a

Armstrong, a dexter arm vambraced, Arneel, Arnied, or Arneil, Scotland, an lion's head of the last.

the hand ppr. grasping a leg in armour, eel naiant vert. Sanspeur. 142. 10! Arrat, Scotland, see Arnot.

couped at the thigh of the same. Arnet, on a mount vert, a bull passant Arrat of that Uk, Scotland, a dexter

Armstrong, Marcus Beresford, Esquire, ppr. 45. 7 hand holding a sword erect ppr., hilted

J. P., of Chaffpool, near Ballymote, Arnet, Scotland, a crescent or. Speratum and pommeUed or. Antiquam assero

same crest and motto. et completum. 163. 2 decus. cf. 212. 9

Armstrong, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard, Arnett, Arnot, and Arnott, on a tower Arris, Scotland, a satyr, holding in his

6, Ashburn Place, London, S.W., same ppr., a flag displayed az. Another, the dexter hand a partizan. cf. 189. 3
crest and motto.
flag arg. 157. 13 Arrol, Scotland, a demi-lion rampant

Armstrong-MacDonnell, Charles Randal, Arneway, Arnaway, and Arnold, Bucks holding in the dexter paw a scimitar.
of New HaU and KUkee, co. Clare: and Lines, a crosier or.
170. 14 Courage. 14. 10

(I) A dexter arm embowed fesseways, Arnewood, Hants, out of a ducal coronet Arrol, Archibald, Esquire, 18, Blyths-

vested or, cuffed arg., the hand ppr. a demi-leopard. wood Square, Glasgow, a demi-lion

holding a cross crosslet fitchee erect Arney, Chamberry, Dorset, on a mural gu., armed and langued az., holding in

az., the arm charged with a crescent gu. coronet or, three arrows arg. through a the dexter paw a scimitar ppr. Cour-

A(for MacDonndl). cf. 203. 9. (2) heart gu., two in saltier and one in age. 14. 10
dexter arm embowed and Ijfing vam-
Arrol, WiUiam Auchincloss, Esquire, of

braced fesseways ppr., the elbow resting Arnison, Major W. B., of Beaumont, Pen Torwood Hill Row, Dumbartonsh.,

upon the wreath and charged with a rith, Cumb., in front of a fern-brake same crest and motto.

mullet gu., the hand grasping an armed a stag lodged ppr., resting the dexter Arrot of that ilk, Scotland, a dexter hand

leg couped at the thigh and bleeding, forefoot upon an estoile or. Ditat holding a sword in pale ppr. Anti-

—also ppr. Toujours pret. Vi et armis. servata fides. 115. 13 quum assero decus. cf. 212. 9



Arrot, see Arnot. Arundel, Harris-, Devonsh. : (i) A stags Ashburne and Ashburner, Camb., an ash-
Arrowood or Arwood, Lanes, a savage
head ppr., attired or {for Arundel). —tree ppr. Quicquid crescit in cinere
holding in his dexter hand a club rest- 121. 5. (2) On a chapeau sa., turned peril. Actio virlutislaus. 144. 11

ing on the -nTeath, all ppr. up erm., a martlet of the last. 95. i. Ashburnham, Earl of (Ashburnham,
(3) An eagle rising erm., beaked and
Arrowsmith, seven arrows ppr., points Knight of Malta, and Knight Grand
upwards, and tied with a ribbon. — — —spurred or {for Harris). De Hirundine.
NuUi praeda. Ear Deu. Res. pub. Cross of the Pontifical Order of Pius),
Arrowsmyth of Huntingfield Hall, SufiE., Ashburnham Place, Battle, Sussex, out

seven arrows ppr., eniiled with a ducal tra. 77- 5 of a ducal coronet or, an ash-tree ppr.

coronet or. c/. 173. 9 Arundell, Comw., on a mount a horse Le roi et Vestal. 145. 9

Arscot, Devonsh., a demi-man affrontee in passant arg., against a tree ppr. Ashburnham, Bart., Bromham, Sussex,

Turkish habit, holding in his dexter Arundell Hunter-, see Hunter. same crest. Will God, and I ,<ihall.

hand a scimitar held over his head, his Arundel!, Viscount Galway, see Galway. Ashburnham of Ashburnham, Sussex, out

sinister resting on a tiger's head issuing Arundell of Wardour, Baron (Arundel), of a ducal coronet or, an ash-tree ppr.

out of the wreath. 185. 7 Wardour Castle, Tisbury, Wilts, a Will God, and I shall. 145-9
Arscott, same crest.
wolf passant ar. Deo data. 28. 10 Ashburnham, Major-General Sir Cromer,

Arssick, Arsike, Arsycke, and Arsyke, a Arweil or Arwell, a hand holding a helmet of Brooklands, Wellington, Salop,
same crest and motto.
talbot sejant ppr., resting his dexter ppr. 217. 12 Ashburnham or Ashbrenham, a griffin's

paw on a shield gu. 55-3 Asadam, a rook feeding sa. 107. 4

Aither and Arthur, a mullet of six Asborne, a lion's gamt erect, holding a head ppr., collared arg. cf. 67. 7

points gu. 164. 3 flag arg., charged with an eagle dis- Ashburton, Baron (Baring), the Grange,

Arthington, see Ardington. played sa. cf. 35. 12 -\lresford, Hants, a mullet erminois be-
Asbufner, an ash-tree ppr. tween two wings arg. Virtus in arduis.
Arthur, Dubhn, a falcon volant ppr., u144.

jessed and belled or. cj. 88. 3 Asche, Aschey, or Ascher, in the sea, a 239. 2
Ashbury, see Ashborne.
Arthur, Sir Matthew, Bart., of Carlung, ship in full sail ppr. 160. 13
Ashbury, a lion's gamb erased or, holding
West Kilbride, Ayrsh., on a rock a Ascon, a mascle arg. 167. 9 a spear, pendant therefrom a flag arg.,
AscOUgh, see Askew.
pelican in her piety ppr. Fac et spera.

295- 5 Ascough of Blibers, Lines, an ass arg. charged with a martlet gu. JLquitale
Arthur, William Francis John Rae. Es-
cf. 125. II ac diligentia. cf 31:. 12
Ascough, Lines, an ass passant sa. 125.7
quire, a pelican in her piety, full-faced Ascough and Ascue, an ass's head erased Ashby of Greenfields, Shropsh. t (i) On a
and wings elevated, all ppr. Fac et
mural coronet arg., a leopard's face or

spera. arg. cf. 125. 10 A(for Ashby). cf. 22. 2. (2) demi-

Arthur of Springfield, Essex, a pelican Ascum, a fle\ir-de-li3 sa. 148. 2 lion rampant, holding in the dexter

in her piety sa., the nest or, valuing Aselock or Aslake, Suff., a talbot's head paw a sword (for Maddoch). 14. 12

herself gu. 98. 14 sa., guttee d'eau. cf. 56. 12 Be fust and fear not
Asen, a martlet gu.
Arthur, Rev. Thomas Freke, M.A., of Aserburne, an ash-tree cf. 95. 5 Ashby, Major George Ashby. (i) On a

Hawley House, Barnstaple, a pelican ppr. Qukquid mural crown arg., a leopard's face
affrontee or {for Ashby). (2) A demi-
in her piety sa., the nest or, her young crescit. in cinere peril. 144. 1

also sa., vulning herself gu. Asgile, Bart., London, a sphinx gardant, lion couped or, fretty gu., holding in
Arthur, Rev. WiUiam Wells, B.A.. the
wings addorsed arg., crined or. Sui the dexter paw a dagger erect arg.,

Rectory, Atherington, Barnstaple, oblitus commodi. 182. 12 pommel and hilt gold. Be just and
same crest.
Asgil, London, same crest and motto. fear not.

Arthur, Scotland, a pelican in her piety Asgill, London and Hants, on a mural Ashby, John Shuokburgh, same crests and

in a nest vert. Fac et spera. 98. 14 coronet or, a sphinx couchant, gardant, motto.

Arthur, a pehcan in her piety sa., the the body brown, face and breasts ppr., Ashby, Nicholas Hermann, ESquire, of

nest or, her young of the first, and on winged or. Sui oblitus commodi. Quenby Hall, I^eics., upon a mural

her breast a crescent. c/. 98. 14 Ash, an old man's head in profile ppr., coronet arg., a leopard's face or. Be

Arthur, Sir George Compton Archibald, wreathed and stringed or and az. just and fear not. cf. 22. 2

Bart., 4, Sackville Street, W., in front Ash, Stalsted, Kent, on a rock a gooee, Ashby, Leics., a ram's head arg., attired
of two swords in saltire ppr., pommels
and hilts or, a pelican in her piety sa., wings addorsed ppr. 102. i or. 130. I

Ash, Warw., a cockatrice gu. 68. 5 Ashby, Leics., an eagle close arg., ducally
Ash, a cockatrice's head erased. 68. 12
the nest of the second. Stet fortuna crowned or. cf. 76. 2

domus. 239. 5 Ash of Ashbrook, Ireland, a squirrel. Ashby, Middx., an eagle, wings expanded

Arthur, Tasmania, upon the capital of an Non nobis sed otnnibus. cf. 135. 2 arg., ducally crowned or. cf. 77. 5

Ionic column ppr., in a nest of the Ashawe, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet Ashby, George Ashby Hermann, Esquire,

same, a pelican in her piety sa., charged or, an arm embowed, vested with upon a mural crown arg., a leopard's

on the wing with a quartrefoil or. leaves vert, holding in the hand a croes face or. Be just and fear not.

Teneo tenuere majores. 98. 9 pattee fitchee arg. 198. i Ashcombe, Baron (Cubitt), Denbies, Dork-

Arthur, Ireland, a falcon, wings addorsed Ashawe, the same, only holding a cross ing, acolumn ppr., in front two scimitars

az., belled or. Impdle obstantia. 88. 2 crosslet fitchee arg. in saltire or. Felix j!(i prudens.
Ashbee, an eagle displayed with two
Artindale of Brown Hill, Burnley, Lanes, 245. I
heads arg. Be just and fear not. 74. 2 Ashcomb or Vishcomb, Berks, on a
a demi-pegasus or. winged fretty gu., Ashberton, on a chapeau ppr., a com-

holding between the hoofs a mullet munion cup or. chapeau ppr., a demi-eagle displayed
Ashbey, see Ashby.
of six points. In lumine luce. Ashborne or Ashburne, Ireland, a tower sa,, ducaUy crowned or. cf. 80. 12

47. 12 Ashcroft of Grange House, Oakhill Park,

Artked, a dexter arm embowed, resting Old Swan, Liverpool, out of park-pales
on the elbow, holding in the hand a
triple-towered ppr. 157. 6 or, an ash-tree ppr., therefrom pendant

cross crosslet fitched in pale sa. Ashborne, a lion's gamb erect, holding a by a riband gu. an escutcheon of the

Arton, a candlestick or. flag arg., charged with eagle displayed first, charged with an ash-branch,

Artus, an eagle's head, holding in the sa. cf. 35. 12 sUpped, leaved, and fructed vert.
Ashbourne, Baron (Gibson), 12, Merrion
beak a quill ppr. Floruit fraxinus.
Square, Dublin, on a bank of reeds a
Arundel and Surrey, Earl of, see Norfolk, Ashdoun or Ashdown, a lion's head gu.,

Duke of. pelican in her piety, all ppr. Pandite collared or, and bezantee.

Arundel, Baron (Arundel), of Trerice, coelestes portce. 242. 9 Ashdown, Kent, a bull's head couped.

Comw., on a chapeau gu., turned up Ashbrook, Viscount (Flower), Castle Numen et omnia. 44- 10

erm., a martlet arg. 95. i Durrow, Durrow, Queen's Co., Ireland, Ashe, Bart., Twickenham, a cockatrice or,

Arundel, Ireland, on a chapeau gu., a raven ppr., holding in the beak an combed and wattled gu. 68. 5

turned up erm., a swallow arg. Critce ermine-spot sa. Mens conscia recti. Ashe, Devonsh., a cockatrice close or,

dum spiro fido. c/ 96. 3 cf. 107. 14 legged and beaked gu.



Ashe of Ashfield, Ireland, and of Wilts, Ashmole, Staffs, on a mount, a greyhound AshweU, on 1 chapeau I garb ppr.

—a cockatrice or, combed, wattled, courant sa. 58. 2 153. 10

and armed gu. Fight. Non nobis sed Ashmore, Ireland, a demi-eagle displayed, Ashwood, on a chapeai the sun, all ppr.

omnibus. 68. 4 with two heads or, each royally crowned c/. 162. 2

Ashe or Eshe, Devonsh., a cockatrice ppr. cf. 82. I Ashworth, Heyford, Oxon., on a mount

arg., charged on the breast with a tre- Ashmore, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles, vert, a fox ppr. cf. 32. 2

foil, slipped gu. 68.4 Belfast, a star of six points wavy arg., Ashworth of Egerton Hall, Turton,

Ashenden, a lion's gamb erased gu., hold- between two laurel branches vert. Bolton-le-Moors, Lanes, on a mount

ing up the hilt of a broken sword ppr. Cave adsum. vert, a fox ppr. Fac rede nil time.

38. 2 Ashoe, a hawk ppr., belled or. 85. 2 cf. 32. 2

Ashenden, a lion rampant supporting an Ashondon, a lion rampant supporting an Ashworth, Lanes, same crest. Appetitus

arrow in pale, point downwards. 2. 4 arrow erect, point doivnward. 2. 4 ralioni pareat.

Ashenhurst of Beardhall, Derbysh., a Ashpitel, a demi-dragon erased sa., Ashworth, George Binns, of Birtenshaw

cockatrice, tail nowed, with a serpent's winged, collared, and armed or. Omnia House, Bolton. Lanes, upon a rock a

head sa., comb, wattles, and head gu., certa jac. cf. 73. 10 fox ppr., supporting with the dexter

in the beak a trefoil vert. Ashton, Baron (Williamson), Ryelands, foreleg a passion cross invected or.

Asher, a ship in full sail ppr. 160. 13 Lancaster, a demi-eagle displayed or, Ashworth, Henry, Esquire, of Birtenshaw

Asherburne and Ashburner, Cumb., an guttce-de-poix, each wing charged with House, Bolton, Lanes, same crest.

—ash-tree ppr. Quicquid crescit in cinere a fesse, and holding in beak two trefoils Ashworth, Edward, of Staghills, Water-
peril. Actio virtutis laus. 144. 1 in saltire sa. Murus mneua con- foot, Manchester, in front of two

Asherst, Lanes, a fox passant ppr. 32. i scientia sana. crosslets bottonee fitchee in saltire or,

Asheton, Great Lever, Lanes, a boar's Ashton, Leics., a boar's head couped arg. a fox passant ppr., charged on the body

head couped arg., armed and bristled 43- I with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse, also gold.

gu. In Domino confido. 43. i Ashton, Percy, Mortou House, near Vincit amor palrice. 244. i

Asheton or Assheton, a mower, his face Worcs., a boar's head erased sa. In Ashworth, a savage's head affrontee ppr.

and hands ppr., his habit vested per Domino confido. 190.

pale arg. and sa. coanterchanged, Ashton, a stag statant regardant arg., Ashworth, ( a mount vert, an ash-tree

holding a scythe, the blade arg., the attired and ungu. or, gorged with cf. 144. II

handle or. <•/. iSS. 12 chaplet of laurel ppr. Ashworth, Ireland, on a chapeau a garb

Asheton-Tonge, see Tonge. Ashton, see Burchardt-Ashton. ppr. 153. 10

Asheton or Ashton, a demi-angel, wings Ashton, Lanes, a boar's head couped arg. Ashworth, Hants, on mount vert, a fox

expanded, hands closed a-s in jjraycr, In Domino confido. 43. i ppr. Coelu-i cf. 32. 2

vested arg., face and hands ppr., hair, Ashton of Middx., Staffs, of Spalding, Aske of Aske, Lanes, an old man's head

wings, and girdle or. Lines, and Sheering, Essex, out of a in profile ppr., wreathed or and az.,

Ashfield, a wolf passant or. 28. 10 mural coronet arg., a griffin's head gu., and tied with a bow of the colours.

Ashfield, a wolf current erm. 2 ducally gorged and beaked or. 67. 6 Aske, a dragon's head couped arg. 71. i

Ashfield, Norf. and Suif., a grifiSn passant Ashton, Thomas Gair, of Hyde, Chesh., Askeam or Askeham, a dolphin az.

arg. 63. 2 on a mount vert, a mower ppr., vested 140. 5

Ashfield, Suff., a wyvern statant arg. paly arg. and sa., in the act of whetting Askeby, Askely, Asklaby, Asklakby, or

cf. 70. 2 his scythe, also ppr. Vide el virtule. Asklakeby, a sundial on a pedestal

Ashford of Ashford, Devonsh. and ppr. 176. 7

Cornw., issuing out of a chaplet of Ashton, Ireland, a man armed cap-a-pie Asken or Askene, an eiss's head sa.

oak-leaves vert, a Moor's head in striking with a scythe ppr. Quid non 125. 12

profile sa., wreathed arg. Asketine or Askentine, of West Peckham,

Ashford, Baron, see Albemarle, Earl of. Ashton of Little Orm Hall, Staffs, on a Kent, two lions' gambs erect sa.,

Ashfordby, Wilts, an ass's head erased mount vert, a mower with his scythe, supporting a crescent or. 39. 6

or, gorged with a collar sa., charged all ppr. Fide el virtule. Askew, an ass ppr. cf. 125. 11

with three mullets or. r/. 125. 12 Ashton, Arundel Mackenzie-, Esquire, of Askew or Askue, London, an ass's head

Ashhurst, Lanes, a fox statant ppr. Stockport, Chesh., on a mount vert, a ppr., gorged with three bars or, be-

Vincit qui patitur. cf. 32. 2 mower ppr., vested paly arg. and sa., tween two wings or and arg.

Ashhurst, William Henry, of Waterstock, iu the act of whetting his scythe, also Askew, Lines, an ass arg. cf. 125. 11

O.xon., same crest and motto. Askew and Ascough, Northumb. and

Ashinghurst, a cockatrice close sa., Scotland, an arm ppr., holding a sword

wattled and legged gu., the tail nowed, Ashton, a lion's head erased ppr. 17. 8 arg., hilt or, enfiled with a Saracen's

ending with a serpent's head, holding Ashton of Jlanchester, upon a mount vert, head couped ppr., wreathed or and sa.,

in the mouth of cockatrice a trefoil an heraldic tiger rampant or, gorged blood issuing gu. Fac el spera.

vert. with a collar dancettee, and holding cf. 212. 14
Ashley, Chesh., a bear's head muzzled
between the paws a midlet sa. Agere Askew of Pallinsburn, Northumb., same

ppr. 34. 14 crest. Patienlia casus exsuperat omnes.

Ashley, Lord, see Ashley-Cooper. Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. Walter Henry Askew, Henry Hugh, Esquire, a naked

Ashley of Wimborne, Dorset, on a chapeau Trelawny, of the Rectory, Wrotham, arm ppr., grasping a sword arg.,

gu., turned up erm., a bull passant sa., Kent, on a mount vert, a garb or. in pommel and hUt or, enfiled with a

gorged with a ducal coronet and armed front thereof a Cornish chough with Saracen's head couped, distilling drops
of blood. aU also ppr., wreathed about
or. 9<•/. 45. wings expanded sa. Duw a bortha y the temples.
Ashley-Cooper, Rt. Hon. Sir Anthony,

Earl 0! Shaftesbury and Baron Ashley, Ashtown, Baron (Trench), Woodlawn, Askew-Robertson, Watson, Esquire, of

on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a CO. Galway, an arm in armour em- Ladykirk, Berwick, and Pallinsburn,
bull passant sa., gorged with a ducal
coronet or, armed and ungu. of the bowed, holding a sword, all ppr. Cornhill, co. Northumb. : (i) A dexter

Virtutis jortuna comes. 105. 2 cubit arm ppr., charged (for dis-

same. Lore, serve. c/. 45. 9 Ashurin of Bretforton Manor, Evesham, tinction) with a cross crosslet gu.,

Ashlin, a fir-tree ppr. 144. 13 Worcs., a Moor's head couped at the the hand holding an imperial crown,

Ashman, Wilts, a hautboy in pale. 168. i shoulders in profile ppr.. ^vreathed also ppr. 270.5. Virhdis gloria mercet
about the temples arg. and az. Audax
Ashmead-Bartlett, Sir Ellis, of 6, Grosve- A{for Robertson of Ladykirk). (2)

nor Street, in front of a tower ppr., a vincendo. 192. 13 dexter hand holding on a poignard
erect ppr., hilt and pommel or, a
demi-swan with wings elevated arg., Ashurst, a wolf passant ppr. 28. 10 Saracen's head couped and imbrued

collared sa. Mature. Ashurst of Waterstock, Oxon., a fox ppr., wreathed about the temples with
Ashmole, Staffs, a greyhound courant
statant ppr. Vincit qui paiitur. a torse arg. and gu., tied with ribands

sa. cf. 58. 5 el. ;2. 2


of the same colours, and above, on Astell, a cross crosslet or, entwined by a Aston of Fairnham, Bart., Hants, an

a scroll. Fac et spera {for Asketc). serpent vert. Sub cruce glnrior. ass's head ppr. 125. 12

Palientia easily exsuperat omnes {for 165. 6 Aston, Staffs, Chesh., and Lanes, an ass's

Robertson of Ladylcirk). 270. 6 Astell, Richard John Vereker. of 16, head ppr. Prit d'accomplir. 125. 12

Askham, a dolpbin az. Sloane Gardens, S.W. : (i) A cross Aston, Chesh., an ass's head per pale arg.

AskiU, see AiskeU. crosslet or, environed with a serpent and sa. 125. 12

Askwith, Yorks, a mascle gu. 167. 9 Avert. 165. 6. (2) lion's head erased Aston, Staffs and Lanes, an ass's head

Askwith, of Ripon, Yorks, a cross crosslet purp., gorged with a coronet or, and per pale arg. and sa. Pret d'accomplir.

fitchee between two wings. Honestas guttee-de-larmes. Sub cruce glorior. 125. 12

quam spleiidida. Ill- 3 Astell, Somerset Charles Godfrey Fairfax, Astonne, an ass's head gu. 125.12

Aslack, Aslake, and Asloke, of Holme, Esquire, of West Lodge, Puddlehinton, Astor, William Waldorf, Esquire, of

Norf., a talbot's bead sa., guttee- ADorchester: (i) cross crosslet or, 18, Carlton House Terrace, S.W., an
eagle with wings displayed. Ad a-sfra.
d'eau. c/. 56. 12 entwined with a serpent vert. A(2) Astrie, Henbury, and Astry, Wood End,

Aslacton, a moorcock's head erased .^a. lion'.s head erased purp., gorged with

Aslakby or Aslakeby, a sundial on a a ducal coronet or, and guttee-de- Beds, a stag's head erased gu., attired

pedestal ppr. 176. 7 I'armes. St(6 cruce gloria glorior. or. 121. 2

Aslake, see Aselock. Asterby, Lines, an oak-tree ppr. 143. 5 Astrovel, a buckle or. 178. 5

AsUn, London, a demi-horse ppr. 53. 3 Astery, Asterlley, or Esterley, an estoile Astrye, Beds, an ostrich or, wings en-
Aslin, Aslyn, or Asslan, an escutcheon
between two wings ppr. cf. 112. i dorsed, holding in the beak a horse-

charged \Titli a rose gu. cf. 149. 7 Astle, see Astel. shoe, cf. 165. 7

Aspall, a dragon's head couped or. Astley, Baron Hastings, out of a ducal Aswell, Cornw., across formee arg., guttee-

71. I coronet or, a plume of five ostrich- de-poix. cf. 165. 7
Aspall, a man's head bearded ppr., on feathers arg. 114. 13. And also, on Aswell, see Ashwell.

his head a cap gu. a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a ducal Atbarough or Atborough, Somers., a

Aspath, two spears in saltier. coronet or, issuing therefrom a pillar martin arg., coUared and lined or.

Aspin, Bucks, a dragon's head or, between gu.. surmounted by five ostrich- </ 1 34- 9

two aspen-branches ppr. feathers arg. Justitioe tenax. Atcherley, of Marton, Shropsh., a demi-

AspinaU, Preston, Lanes, a demi-griffin Astley, Rev. Hubert Delavel, of Benham bustard couped gu., wings elevated or,

erased sa., collared, winged, and beaked Hall, Newbury: (i) Out of a dneal holding in the beak a lily arg., slipped

or. ^gis fortissima virtus. coronet or, a plume of five feathers arg. vert. Spe posteri temporis.
Aspinall, Ralph John, J. P., of Standen
(j) On a chapeau gu., a ducal coronet Atcherley, Llewellyn William, Esquire,

Hall, Lanes, same crest and motto. or, thereout a plume of feathers arg., same crest and motto.

Aspinwall, Samuel J., Chestergate, Mac- incased gu. .Justitiir tenax. Atcherley, Richard Topping Beverley,

clesfield, a demi-griffin sa., collared Astley, Ludford-, of Ansley Park, near Esquire, same crest and motto.

beaked and clawed or. ^gis fortis- Atherstone, Warw., on a cap of main- Atcheson of Pittenweem, an astrolabe

sima virtus. tenance a plume of seven ostrich- ppr. Observe. 167. 7
Aspland, Arthur Palmer, Esquire, of
feathers gu. Atcheson, Scotland, a cock standing on a

Wernest Lodge, Gee Cross, Chesh., in Astley, Warw., out of a ducal coronet or, trumpet ppr. Vigilantibus. 91. 6

front of a ram's head couped sa., a plume of seven ostrich-feathers gu., Atchison, a cock ppr. Vigilantibus.

armed or, three mascles interlaced surmounted by another plume of the 91. 2
fessewise arg. Ex libertate Veritas.
first. AteliH, Atcliffe, Atclyfl, or Atclyfle, a cross

cf. 130. I Astley, Sir John Dugdale, Bart., of crosslet arg. 165. 2

Aspland, Lindsay Middleton, Esquire, Everley, Wilts, on a chapeau ppr., a Atetse, a Cornish chough ppr. 107. 14
LL.D., same crest and motto.
plume of ostrich feathers gu. Atfield, an arm embowed throwing an

Asprey, London, a demi-griffin erased sa. Astley, Essex, on a chapeau a plume of arrow fesseways, all ppr. 201. 14

Redontahh et fougueux. feathers arg., banded gu., environed Atfoe, on a chapeau a lion's head erased,

Asscoti or Ascotti, an eagle displayed with a ducal coronet or. 1 14. 1 1 all ppr. 17. 9

with two heads ppr., imperially Astley-Corbett, Sir Francis Edmund Athanray, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet

crow-ned or. Duni spiro spero. cf. 74. 2 George, Bart., of Elsham Hall, in the a goat's head. 12S. 14
Assent, out of a ducal coronet a horse's
county of Lines, on a wreath of the Athawes, Edward James, Esquire, of

head arg., bridled gu. cf. 51. 7 coloiurs an elephant statant arg., tusked Neville House, Streatham, a lion
or, the trappings sa., fimbriated or, on rampant.
Assey, Sutf., a demi-lion rampant ppr.,

crowned with an Eastern crown gu., his back a castle triple-towered of the Athelstan or Athelston, a hand holding

and holding in his paws a sword erect, last. 133. II a sword in pale, enfiled with a savage's

also ppr. Astley, Sir John, K.G., temp. Hen. VI., head couped and wreathed. 212. 14

Assheton and Asshetton, a boar's head out of a ducal coronet or, a harpy Athelstane, a mound gu., banded and

couped gu. {another, or). 43. I arg., ducally gorged and crined of the crossed or. 159.' 12

Assheton, Ralph, of Downham and Cuer- first. Atherley and Atherly, a lion's head

dale. Lanes, on a cap of maintenance a Aston, a bull's head or, armed per fesse erased sa. 17. 8
mower vested, and capped quarterly
arg. and sa., the sleeves and stock- sa. and arg. cf. 44. 3 Atherley, ou a chapeau a stork ppr.
ings counterchanged, holding a scythe
a?.., handled or, the point of the blade Aston, Baron Aston, of Forfar, a bull's 105. 3
towards the doster. Nee arrogo nee
head couped sa. Numini et patrice Atherley, Arthur Harry Howard, Es-
quire, J. P., of Landguard Manor,
asto. 44. 10
near ShankUn. Isle of Wight, on a
Aston, Harold Edgar, solicitor, 71, Edg-

dubito. ^are Road, W., same crest and motto. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a stork
ppr. Pro pairia.
Assheton, Ralph Cokayne, Esquire, of Aston, Lord Aston, Staffs and Ireland,

Hall Foot, Clitheroe, same crest and a bull's head or, the horns arg., tipped Atherton, Durh., upon a fountain a

motto. sa. cf. 44. 3 sparrow-hawk close ppr.

Assheton, Rev. Richard Orme, the Gable Aston, a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Atherton, Lanes, on a perch a hawk

House, Bilton, Rugby, Warw., same on each side thereof within the erm. belled ppr. 85. 13
crest and motto.
a bull's horn ppr. Atherton or Atterton, Lanes, a hawk

Astbury, Frederick James, Esquire, of Aston, a fox's head ppr. 33. 4 ppr., legged and beaked or. 85. 2

EHilton Park, Prestwich, on a mural Aston, an etoile ppr. 1 tenebris lux. Atherton, Rev. Robert, Bolnhurst Rec-

coronet, a dove with wings expanded 164. I tory, St. Neot's, Hunts, a hawk ppr.,

ppr., holding in the dexter claw au Aston of Aston, Chester, an ass's head legged and beaked or. Onward. 85. 2

estoile or. Devotioiie et labore. ppr. Pret d'accomplir. 125.12' Atherton, Lanes, a swan arg. 99. 2


Astel or Astle, Staffs, a seahorse couchant, Aston, Chesh., an ass's head per chevron Atherton, Lanes, a swan az., ducally

ducally gorged. cf. 46. 5 I arg. and sa. 125. 12 gorged and lined or. cf. 99. 2


iMo A n"AAAAAAtAtAttAAtAthtthhAheasAdttAgiAhowtRCceptjlhihzsMhateebtddushtlhowallstoacrMfh.liaarrovrimorlwaevcrhrertishecoeoahfe,t.orlkoip'naaieCngotltgolueteic*butauohetud,a,zxrrawyrnsmngerls.lto,rirlohrdenlrsoaao.rimhtoandipstesl,pteatiyceendtpe,l,rnudvnnc,rtthcnnumrdbe,heeitcC,oo,,v-dieaesge,mohahachoaI,iaeg,nero,fnh.,h.ecpls,ntntSir.G-nseroamargseTEeyarilnaeraelstgDcofhr,ewarlshwoanlrnapdaa,ntrFr.cdtIfvfoeulaaiaaoolsohpeirilaj,ndndirgrmRhtohaarRsafiisrtdnydknlntnepdn-neo(erieetetaelg.nBaol.oanAaeh2rsags,hjn.gndlHbedhfrdaHvd,eeoamn),gtbswtfnowl.eoapetasieeeansret,.acehoasrrafecenvgrrtro.yklrnHdaawoboDsepsieatreMdaoowrsohonlsiaea,rFoaknfdstWpeneidusr(,gilsn,erctnn.arpcftreianeroet'seucUtietdGiDdelHaidepgi:tkon.gse,ses.dcbo,omeiumddeenmcrroccce,tlgraaecaat(ou.Unttl.dinheboou(nvrdeedi.nunhSl(hhl,atgeteuaaeniGuSerslcWwnr,aiteuodaererareacttwlinottnaega,)wrep.ngcemftrrhcernreoaietrd,lehia,eY.tdg,o,mhcerEkaaetan-npdwesit,pa.stoaraooioeraeslfsn.rsgGqa,phrlelSrstnghrrtrlst-vqsonewhrdsurigmolrcRuauglosokhMoldeauhdian,oi..ncsteu,.hno)nnofaeimrrsiitU,eu,mliepth-le.,aeetu(tmhdogtr,eendodpdclaehldMast3ne.icdndecec,ehm)iwfaruii)as.eIunoairE^rgno,se,ll,,.xde„oonn<aroernrraaUssglntdceo.xuevrt:cpe.rgrwfebtlerqgf/e/.iydndccattdh.cawoFilgeh.arr,paoNuacfmafda,r.hweo1ce.dsuinarrui.eizailIuyumas/eo9i9erinrf(9Ste.'nl^qe.rm-dttDeg0r8ans9l)im.t6vpfw.e^9m.tNw,.hamad1aglaum59^5heueot-u^ofli,-,l-a0asAr9ciha'c,iree1om-."-nin,dreoc^ao.kut.t9.ete-lt-.nmnmn-reu^-ed2tgt,af-ieh,em1ddhw5nha.ose,a5'6tho:raseasle°5aeryeoI,wae^'littose,d,-e2aI1j,'A-ft]A*'Ai1AtAAtAIAAAtAAttkAtktGtarltAtAkghctatrotdkkpkibtivknkwlidebkrtkiaortkfhpkouNiiaHaiMttonntawkuaiigCnwbrgdoyiikunwDnaiekiotnchhwiionwnstosnchOsm.lianaangtiwriinoninusk.inveyisnnas"nl,es.e,iehtlwmkesnnddsehnperytthss"rnescst,h,nlhehsd-eUtio,oeroliusoodeaedaodhuressoooh,oflsoospMrrA,hnreenonnsor"bgnsmo,snoneniIfviruopnladvaalf,nos,tg-nnaoaf,aaF,nrdentthaenttneulAonfycoctrertosenrelaNM"doY3sdgtwaoNotwwerlnoorovhtwtgcrlomaedow1adotooleeff.gsWokeSo..oooopereu,gafilea,llf,atkn"dardrdleorfh'ayfrwrreoa.rannatuedp.eotmHpeiNrgvdtvstncWnglthgtdnlthCrhmhhrfr.Rhaon.aehIeeee.oesiiahWa.eeCl,rpToeEdhefeee,eieegltiragrurdsetc,wluswauralierofsHhoeaznfceuahetarts,s,aattieanrla.mplycln.pb.asadteokhliod.ioonTelRdlsi,lbtgeerabhhaaeuaesrpdsnnosnnaodntfe,UIsoegoxhnpo,ikoarnr.npgrss,;altd,m.nonateer,raededrnu,plkgae,,stDdda.vteodrwtTWRga,.pungnyeun,eaeiiGfdleeadars,i'Naacarrhesed-drecasNenmreeagHddaco-.osittaalraotdihls,.atd.eopp,edd,oroGa.tnDhacehhl,inCnd,.omI'Bthvle,nehfycrornphegdegonpsgri-iertgeaa.ntetlteesaae.hpccarornleeufncnss,,yyeNpln.rhs1eeontaric.ra,rlleEkoa,ehaleurcoea8u,cfssd.,ofegnabaf,,a.rdoDgVnadesseoDguart5asghlrnHfpdeRewili,nsryallpdima7atldusatoldaieo,ienetetBceeigdaaaereznsi,namurbhrdiccuoDrofwa.zua.nrpei;otEnvnated.naluihm..haarvledfeeoBgncdsarhadedsd,mtlnfnsmaaanesrfelnideopgrreoqncra6-re1y1,ei.ei6D-.Idrl1ebtnnyrgsf,fdeedaftuon7oaE7rd0s-ibood.I7u7.ddolp.lddf9de4d4sis\-essa.5cpla74,aneent4,baiali8.no1---.a,ee.0rfLoftstep74.lit7utnna.s-xchl-8aAw.dhnBfieenop4e-oawa1a4oahhiedad6tkamyoI,tau2oIr.,edrnrgdgdr.-rrp4ynnseder7n1hnreoaehII.i8,uenltadiog,ie.d-.fe,,d.egd2ie--2mdA,iAAAAtAAtAtAtAAAAtAkttAktfMktbkpAtSbAdAtPaoAmgglrttkitaHktokftkitpkisoietoktimkufeaeuohDaitekeanrkaaiklrinmrainiwnklnlwlarm.vaistgicsoaiaefonnldyc,emlms.nyiymnsndenes,deesyaoeoopJpnnnewao,dslsuelk,crndocesoynssreossondnlogrlbnuaslelsu,.d,oeodndinsren,toBgltonlornonosaiscsloasntohnagoninoneeo.,b,tandaoen,rnr,t,one.thrnol,yuneh,snWearrewn,trlgd,,nEa,noio,u.,wsewepsad,gooee.ez.rnsk,easwoedR,cJasfanTedioffdhdagossaaefgeaqdtainNeaeavdfdu.od.nefChseianvctnLgNcduownnwdr,ncoAlevrhaorgdGnleRtauoSmawiNoeidioo,trAiitgDdgohm.dirrupAArgedn,tmlaecdoarnooutnptlsn.amnsolaetaaptmrtneceniaehce.pp,ebsrklnrnumd,gerA.FarhosbBcrge,kgsspaoygrse,h'fo,i,eatsfpg.tgso'tpregorloepeyes.e,wpi.stlztnwxeu,repsm,ghetalnieosresss.nrtlait.shaopttroa,efleth.neheugdb,Sdc,ssfatbw.nhwaennaBhocG,dsraiaaclmoeeuoHmpiu,,yopwogeea,onrhsrnaeetfieonasxtaratbteepnlwCpisegehdadaorsciirasvcrsstahdgdrcnd.,ddnrrizundnrstnaeudhnaeNedkekee.Heh.adg,.eieeitHgGraeagnendtgx,,orhEeAswdeaocmrnnpdyahdtNsl-uoeysed,n.esarLrraenioigUmeeiddhSlakioww.ddes.mrcqpaotmgae-nn.iiyan,,uwohs,edeaehpoizgxDrhdgHtiornnoatsipnwtiea.gnanar,ersudsoopmwraare,hmnpndhtrHroirGgedotlotmcuraaesoed,letolhidulgeae.os,loeronebfne,nVtapsrrnhsaoUaef.eeimmlmansildsai..dpeodhcedugna,m,,aepfenscfsrdle,',,mfd.elnordrsadiiswp.cS,m,,taBta8soetweyofCr9rtbtosiedco7dbehur87.rcedrnaai6H9.oC8eloauh7nertr13r0.xaewn.paarhos-m0eaov,eona7lru-l70ai.eshaangtatI1lirn,d.heernrape.lodgnca.-ekroa.8li7n.ealkelatg1gtp-ddtaedazr1sdau,e,.-5tr2u-ond.dderaeh0rnro.s1a,s°ido88ade,rp.tmdsadt,2nds2n3,.
holding between the claws a cross
moline, and the dexter foot resting on fldelis. 184. 8
a garb fessewise gu. Lahore fides.
Atkinson, Buddie, Esquire, an eagle Atsley, a leopard's head erased or, spotted
Atkin, see Aines. displayed with two heads sa., gorged
Atkin, Ireland, an ox-yoke az., stapled or with a bugle-horn stringed arg., in each sa., and ducallv gorged of the first.
claw a rose slipped ppr., seeded or. cf. 23. 2
178. 6
Deo regi fidelis. Atsoe or Atfoe, on a chapeau ppr., a hon s
Atkinson, Charles,
Esquire, - ,K,eh, m. s, head erased gu. 17- 9

Atkin-Roberts, John Roberts^ Esquire, of Attelound or Attelounde, a hound

of Glassenbury Park. Cranbrook, BaUylahan, co. Mayo, an eagle dis- couchant sardant ppr. (Another, arg.)

Kent : ( I ) On a mount vert, an eagle played with two heads arg., charged cf. 57. II
displayed erm., wings arg., gorged
on "the breast with a fleur-de-lis sa, Atterton, see Atherton.
with a" chaplet of ivy ppr. (for Roberts). Atterton, Lanes, a swan arg., ducaUy
E.St pii Deum et patriam deligere. cf. 99- 2
74. 10. (2) Two greyhounds' heads gorged and lined or.
addorsed and erased arg., guttee-de- Atkinson, Guv Montague, Esquire, Can- AttfleW, an arm embowed throwing an
sang, gorged with a collar vair, and gort, Shinr'one, King's Co., an eagle
each holding in the mouth a trefoil displayed with two heads az., beaked arrow in fess, all ppr. 201. 14

and le"gged gu. Deo et regi fidelis. Atton or Attone, out of a ducal coronet
slipped sa. [for Atkin). Post funera Atkinson, Edwin Crossley, Esquire, of 39- . 1°
two lions' gambs in saltier sa.
^1- 6o- 12 Mieklegate House, Pontetract, Yorks, Attree, Alfred Augustus Town, Esquire,
an eacrfe, wings expanded arg., holding
a fleur-de-lis in the beak, beaked and

legged gu. Tempiis omnia revelat.
mAtkins, Yelverton, Norf., a demi-tiger
on a mount an oak-tree, and frtmt
thereof a serpent nowed, all ppr.
erm., collared and lined or.

cf. 2%. 8 Spsrate ftUurum.

Atkins, London, an etoile. 164. I



Attree, Frederick William Town, Esquire, Aubrey, Charles Aubrey, Esquire, of Audym, a lion rampant crowned per pale

of Royal Engineers, Chatham, same Dorton House, Buclcs : (l) An eagle's or and arg., supporting a paschal

crest and motto. head erased or {/or Aubretj). 83. 2. banner disvelloped arg., staff and cross

Attwood, a demi-lady, holding in her (2) Issuant from a wTeath of quatrefoils gu. f/. 3- 7
dexter hand a pair of scales, all ppr.
gu., an arm embowed, vested arg., Audym and Audyn of Dorchester, a lion

183. 2 charged with two escallops, also gu., passant crowned or, bearing on his

Attwood, Worcs., issuing from a coronet the hand holding a scimitar ppr. shoulders a paschal banner disvelloped

a swan's head. (/or Ricketts). Solem fero. arg., staff and cross gu. (•/. 5. 13

Attwood, Thomas A. C, Esquire, JI..\. Aubyn, St., Somers., a squirrel sejant erm., Auflrick, two arms in armour embowed,

Oson., of JIalvern WeUs, Worcs., of collared and lined or. c/. 135. 4 holding in the hands a gem ring, all

the family of Attwood, formerly of Aubyn, an eagle, wings displayed ppr. ppr. c/. 194. II

Hawne House, Corngreave's Hall, and Auforus, a mullet or. 164. 2

the Leasowes, near Halesowen, in the Aucher of Bourne, Kent, Bart., a bull's Autrere, a lion rampant gu. Esto quod

same county, and of the city of Bir- head erased gu., armed or. 44. 3 esse videris. I. 13

mingham, beneath an oak-tree a demi- Auchinleck of that ilk, Scotland, an ear Auge, a savage's head couped ppr.,

swan, wings expanded ppr. Possunt of rye ppr. Pretiosum qnod utile. wreathed arg. and sa. 190. 14

quia posse viderdur. 100. 5 154. I Auger of Bordeaux, France, and of

Attwood, formerly of Park Attwood, Auchinleck, Ireland, a wheat-stalk bladed Ireland, on a mount an oak-tree,

Wolverley Court, and Perdiswell, and eared, all ppr. Pretiosum quod thereon perched a jay, all ppr.

Worcs., issuing from a ducal coronet ulile (St. 154. 3 Aughterlony, an eagle displayed ppr.

a swan's head and neck between two Auchinleck of Balmano, Scotland, two Deus mihi adjutor. 75. 2

wings displayed ppr. wings issuing ppr. Berum sapieniia Auld, Scotland, the sun rising out of a

Atty of PenJey Hall, Warw., on a ducal custos. 109. 6 cloud ppr. Major virtus quam splendor.

coronet an erm. passant. Eamus Auchmuty, Scotland, an arm in armour 162. 5

quo ducit jortuna. embowed holding a spear, all ppr. Auld, a lion's head erased ppr. 17. 8

Atwater, between the attires of a stag, 197. I Auld or Aulde, Scotland, a cherub's head

affixed to the scalp or, a rose gu. Auchmuty, an arm in armour embowed ppr., the wings in saltier. VirtiUe et

c/. 149. 9 ppr., holding in the hand the lower constantia. 189. 13
Atwell, Devonsh., a lion rampant
Dumpart of a broken spear az. sjjiri) Auldis, Scotland, the trunk of an oak-

erminois, holding between the paws spero. 197-7 tree with a branch sprouting forth on

an annulet or. Auchmuty, General Sir Samuel Benjamin. either side vert. Nov, deficit alter.

Atwood, Rev. George Dewhurst, Hinton, G.C.B., on a wreath of the colours 145. 2

Brackley, Northamp., a dove ppr. an arm embowed in armour ppr., hold- Auldio, the stump of a tree, leaves

Humani nil alieiuim. 92. 2 ing the lower part of a broken spear sprouting, all ppr. I45- -

Atwood, an antelope's head ppr bendwa3'S az. Dum spiro spero. 197.7 Aumarle, Aumerle, and Amerle, an arrow

cf. 126. 2 Auchterlonje, Scotland, an eagle dis- in pale ppr. 173- 5

Atwood, Ireland, an arm in fess, holding played ppr. Deus mihi adjutor. 75. 2 Auncell, a lion passant ppr. 6. 2

in the hand a cross crosslet filched Auchterlony of.Guynd, same crest. Auncell, a stag's head affront ee ppr.,

erect. 221. 10 Auchterlony, Scotland, a lion's head ducally gorged or. 11 9- '4
170. 10
Atwood, Suff., a cubit arm in armour erased sa., collared or. 18. 6 Aundeligh, a sceptre in pale or.

erect erg., holding in the hand ppr. a Auckland, Baron (Eden), Kitley, Ply- Aungate, on a torteau an etoile or.

battle-axe. mouth, an arm in armour embowed Aunger, an escarbuncle or. 164. 12

Atwood of Bromfield, Essex, on a branch ppr., holding a garb or, the upper part Aunger, London, a demi-griffin or. 64. 2

af a tree trunked lying fesseways or, a of the arm encircled by an annulet gu. Aungier, Earl of Longford (extinct), a

fleur-de-lis arg., between two" sprigs Si sit prtidentia. 251.10 griffin segreant az., langued gu., the

vert. Audborougb, an escallop or, between two beak, forelegs, and claws or, and hold-

Aty, Atye, or Attye, an erm. passant ppr. wings az. 141. 10 ing between the claws an escarbuncle

134. 6 Audeley, a mullet of six points or, of the same. Scio cui con/ido.
Atye of Newington, Middx., same crest. Aunsham, an escallop or, between two
Aubemarle, an ear of wheat bladed and between two wings az. 1 1 2. i

a palm-branch in saltier ppr. Auden, Rev. T., of Condover, Shrews- palm-branches vert. I4i- 4

bury, a scimitar and caduceus in Aurd, a buck's head erased ppr. 121. 2

154. 10 saltire, ensigned with a pilgrim's hat. Aurelis, a demi-youth ppr., vested arg.,

Anbert, Ix)ndon, a talbot passant ppr., Cresco et spero. 295. 12 the coat az., buttoneci or.

with a broken collar between his fore- Audin, a lion passant or, holding in the Auriol of London and Brussels, an eagle

legs, a line affixed to the collar re- dexter paw a banner gu., thereon a rising, the dexter wing erect, the

flexed over the back, and passing cross arg. ;. 13 sinister close.

between the hind-legs, with a double Audin, a lion rampant arg., holding in Aust and Auste, a garb ppr. 153-2
and of
bow at the end, all or. Fide et forti- the dexter paw an ancient battle-a.xe Austen or Austin of Bexley,

tudine. 54. 3 of the same. Grovehurst and Broadford, Kent, on
a mural coronet or, a stag sejant arg.,
Aubertin of Yeulands, Banstead, Surrey, Audley of Waldon, Essex, on a chapeau attired of the first.

two barmers of the arms (viz., az. on gu., turned up erm., a wyvern, wings

a fesse or, between three plates in addorsed quarterly or and az. c/. 70. 4 Austen-Cartmell, James, Esquire, of 100,
chief and a cross moline in base arg., Audely, a Saracen's head couped ppr., Lexham Gardens, Kensington, and
an eagle displayed sa.) in saltire. Eslo
WTeathed arg. and purp. 190. 14 New Square, Jjncoln's Inn, London.
( ) A lion rampant per fesse nebuly
fidelis. Audley or Audly, a martlet sa.
Aubert, John Daniel, Esquire, a tilting- Audley, Baron (Thicknesse-Touchet)
vert and gu., gutti-e-d'or, and resting
spear erect ppr., passing through a A(1) cubit arm erect, vested, paly of
hauberk or coat of maU or. Aides the forepaws upon a tent(?) or (/or
six or and gu., holding a scythe ppr.,
Cartmell). (2) In front of the battle-
Dieu. the blade downwards (/or Thicknessc).
ments of a tower ppr., thereon a stag
Aubin and St. Aubin, on a rock a Cornish (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a swan
sejant arg., attired and resting the
chough, all ppr. 107. 2 rising arg., ducaUy gorged (for Toucliel). dexter forefoot upon a quatrefoil or,
a lion's gamb erased fessewise gu. (/or
Aubin, Cornw., on a rock ppr., an eagle hJe Herts.

rising arg. Audley, Boston, Lines, a man's head Austen). Immer /rey.

Aubley or Aubly, a dexter hand ppr., couped at the shoidders sa., with a cap Austen, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Haver-

holding a cross pattee fitched gu. in or, turned up erm. sham Godwin, of Shalford House,

pale. cf. 221. 12 Audouin, Ireland, a stag's head erased Surrey, on a leopard's face az., a falcou
rising or. jYe quid nimis.
Aubrey, Bart, (extinct), an eagle's head ppr, Chasse pour /oi. 121. 2 Austen Leigh, see I.^igh.

erased or. Solem /cm. S3. 2 Audry, Wilts, a stag trippant ppr. 1 17. 8



Austin-Gourlay, see Gourlay. collared gemelle or, holding in the beak Ayde, Norf., a demi-lion rampant gardant

Austin, Sir John, Bart., Red HiU, Castle- of the third an olive-branch of the or, supporting a battle-axe arg. 16. 12

ford, Normanton, a dexter arm em- first. , loi. 14 Aygle, a bugle-horn arg. 228. 1

bowed in fesse, eouped at the shoulder, Avenayne or Avenar, a buck's head Aylemer and Aylener, Ireland, on a ducal

vested or, cuff indented erm., the hand . cabossed ppr. IJ2. 5 coronet or, a sea-aylet, wings displayed

ppr. grasping a cross botony fitchi'e Avenel, Avanet, or Avenett, out of a sa. 108- 6

gu., resting on the arm a mullet of the baron's coronet a hand grasping a Ayler, see Aigler.

last. 234. 3 scimitar, all ppr. c/. 213. 5 Ayles, a dexter arm embowed, the fist

Austin, a lion's gamb erased ppr. 36. 4 Avenel, Avenele, Aveneyle, or Avenyle, a clenched ppr. 202. 2

Austin, Surrey, a passion-cross or, be- buck's head cabossed ppr. 122. 5 Aylesbury, see Ailesbury.

tween two wings erect sa. cf. in. 6 Avenet, Avenett, or Avnett, a torteau AAylesbury : (i) staff "in pale raguly or.

Austin, Rt. Rev. William Piercy, D.D., charged with a lion's head erased or. Acf. 147. 10. (2) dragon's head or,

first Bishop of Guiana, a demi-lion or, r/. 19. 3 gorged with three bars gu.

holding between the paws a passion- Avenon, London, a parrot's head erased Aylesbury, Henry Aylesbury Walker,

cross gu., and charged on the body vert, between two wings expanded per of Packwood, Warw.: (i) Upon the

with three fusils, two and one az. pale az. and gu., collared gemelle or, trunk of a tree eradicated ppr., a

Austin, a paschal lamb arg. 131-2 holding in the beak of the third an dragon's head erased or, gorged with a
collar gemel az. (2) On a mount vert
Austin of Doddington Grove, Surrey, on olive branch of the first. loi. 14
a crescent az., within a chain in orle or.
a ducal coronet or, a paschal lamb Averill of Broadway, Worcs., a buck's

ppr. Crux nostra corona. cf. 131. 2 head cabossed gu. 122. 5 Virtuti-s amore.
107. 14
Austin, Rev. William Edward Crauford, Averinges, a raven sa. Aylesford, Earl of (Finch), Packington

Rector of Stoke Abbott, Dorset, an Avern, Warw., a horse's head erm. 50. 1 Hall, Coventry, a griffin passant sa.

eagle displayed with two heads per Avery or Averey, of Tillingly, Warw., a Aperto vivcre voto. 63. 2

pale or and gu.. on each wing a crescent leopard couchant arg., bezantee ducally Aylet of Howells, Essex, an arm gu.,

counterchanged. Virtute noii vi. gorged or. cf. 24. 10 holding a sword arg., hilted or. Not

cf. 74. 4 Avery" of Huwish, Somers., and Enfield, in vain. 212. 3
Austin, Scotland, an arm eouped at the Jliddx., two lions' gambs or, supporting
Aylett of Braintree, Essex, a demi-

shoulder embowed ppr., vested vert, a bezant. 39. 4 unicorn regardant arg., crined and

cuffed or, the arm resting upon the Avison, a dexter hand, vested and cuffed, armed or. 48. 9

elbow and holding in the hand a holding an anchor. 208. 3 Ayleward, Aylward, and Aylwarde, Norf.,

cross crosslet fitehee gu. 203. 9 Avison, a hand issuing from a cloud between the horns of a crescent or, a

Austrey, Hartington, Beds, a demi- holding an anchor. 223. 4 cross pattee gu. 163. 6

ostrich arg., the wings gu. Avonmore, Viscount (Yelverton), Belle Aylford and Aylnford, flames of fire
between two branches of palm in orle,
Austrey of Sommerton, Hunts, an ostrich- Isle, Roscrea, co. Tjpperary, Ireland,

head erased arg., between two ostrich- a lion passant regardant gu. Re nasce n- all ppr. 146. 12

wings gu., holding in the beak a tiir. 6. I Ayliffe of London and Brinksworth,

horse-shoe sa. Awborn, a unicorn passant or, gorged Wilts, out of a ducal coronet or, an oak-

Austyn, a buck's head cabossed. with a ducal coronet, and chained sa. tree ppr., fructed of the first, cf. 143. 5
Aylmer, Baron (Aylmer), out of a ducal
122. 5 48. 6

Austyn, out of a ducal coronet or, a Awbrey, an eagle's head erased or. S3. 2 coronet or, a "demi-Cornish chough

stag's head at gaze ppr. cf. 119. 13 Awdrey, Oxon., on a lion's gamb ppr., a rising ppr. Steady.

Auverquerque, on a chapeau az., turned cheveron or, charged with a mullet sa. Aylmer of Derry House, Ireland, out
of a ducal coronet a Cornish chough
up erm., a lion rampant gardant or. 39- 2

cj. 2. 5 Awdry, Delme Henry Seymour, of Seend, rising, all ppr. Hallelujah.
Aylmer, Gerald Percy Vivian, of Wal-
Auverquerque, a griffin's head sa. 66. i Wilts, out of a ducal coronet or, a
worth, D\irh., same crest and motto.
Auvray, France, a demi-savage with a lion's head az. Nil sine Deo. 17. 5

club over the dexter shoulder, all ppr. Awdry, Thomas, of Notton House, Wilts, Aylmer, Sir Arthur Percy Fitz-Gerald
Bart., of Donadea Castle, Kildare,
1S6. 5 same crest. same crest and motto.

AvagOUT and Avougour, England and Awdry, Charles, Esquire, of Shaw Hill,

France, a parrot's head between two llelksham, in front of a lion's head Aylmer, John Algernon, Esquire, of
Courtown, Kilcock, co. Kildare, same
wings ppr. lOi. 10 erased az., gorged with a collar gemel

Avebury, Baron (Lubbock), High Elms, arg., a cinquefoil between two cres- crest and motto.
Farnborough R.S.O., a stork, wings
NUcents fesseways or. sine Deo. Aylmer, Ireland, a sea-aylet with wings

elevated erm., supporting an antique Awdry, Herbert, Esquire, of Notton displayed sa., on a ducal coronet or.

shield az., bordered or, charged with a House, Chippenham, same crest and loS. 6
Aylmer of Howden Hall, Essex, on a
lion rampant guardant arg. 236. 12 motto.

Aveland, Baron, see Heathcote. Awdry, Thomas, Esquire, of Ardath, marquess's coronet or, an aylet's bead
erased sa., beaked gu., between two
Avelin or Evelin of Long Ditton, Surrey, Salisbury, same crest and motto.

a demi-hind erm., vulned in the Awdry, Rev. "Vere, Esquire, of Ampfield, eagles' wings expanded of the first.

shoulder gu. Romsey, same crest and motto. Aylmer, see Hendrick-Aylmer.

Aveline, Windsor and Frogmore, Berks, Awdry, Rev. William, of the Vicarage, Ayloffe, a bear sejant regardant against

a lion's head erased arg., holding in the Amport, Audover, Hants, same crest the stump of a tree.

mouth in pale a sword, also arg., hilt and motto. Ayloffe, a demi-lion rampant or. 10. 2

and pommel or. Awger or Ager, Kent and Glouc, a bull's Ayloffe of Braxted Magna, Essex, and

Aveline, France, a griffin's head erased head erased gu., attired arg. Framfield, Sussex, a demi-lion or,

or. 66. 2 Awing, on a quartrefoil quarterly gu. and collared gu. 10. 9
Aylward, see Toler-Aylward.
Aveling of Wisbeach, a griffin passant or, vert, a lion's head on a wreath arg.

winged and ducally gorged az., and Awmack, a tower ppr. Cavendo tutus. Aylward-Kearney, James, Esquire, of

resting the dexter claw on a cross 156. 2 Shankhill Castle, co. Kilkenny, Ire-

crosslet fitchee of the same. 63. 6 „ 'l land : (i) A gauntleted hand fessways
a cheveron or, charged with a or, holding a dagger erect arg., pommel
Aveling, Stephen T., Esquire, Restora-
and hilt of the first (for Kearney). (2)
tion House, Rochester, the same crest. sa. 39- 2 Out of a ducal coronet or, an arm era-

Omnibus optwitis. Awnsam, an escallop-sheU or, between

Aveling, James Thomas, of Estover, two palm-branches vert. 141. 4 bowed, vested az., cuffed arg., the
hand ppr. grasping an anchor in bend
Cambs, crest as above. Awston of London, a greyhound's head sinister gold, and in an escroU above

Avenant of Shelsley Walsh, Worcs., a eouped arg., gorged with a plain collar the motto, Verus el fidelis semper {for

parrot's head erased vert, between two sa., charged with three bezants.

Avings expanded per pale az. and gu.. cf. 61. 2 Ayhcard). Sustine et ahstine.



Aylwin, see Alwyn. Aynsley, Capt. John Francis Murray, R.N., Ayscough, an ass erm. cf. 125. 11


Aylworth of Devonah., Glouc, and Kent, I Hall Court, Hants, a man in armour Ayscough, Newcastle, an arm ppr. holding

an arm vested sa., issuing out of holding in the dexter hand a sword a sword arg., hilted or, enfiled with a

j erect ppr., pommel and hilt or, and Saracen's head couped ppr., wreathed

rays or, liolding in the hand ppr. a

human skull arg. 20S. 10 in the sinister in front of his breast a or and sa., dropping blood gu. Fac et

Ayncotes, a covered cup or, between two shield gu., charged with a bend arg., spera. cf. 212. 14

wings sa. thereon three mullets of six points or Aysingcourt or Aysyngcourt, an eagle's
Ayncotts, a squirrel sejant gu., collared (Aynsley). Furth fortune arid fill the
head between two wings ppr. 84. 2

or. 135- 4 fetters. Ayskey and Ayskew, see Alkene.
Ayson of London and Essex, out of a
Aynesworth, Lanes, two battle-axes in Aynworth, two battle-axes in saltier ppr.

saltier ppr. Courage sans peur. 172. 4 mural coronet arg., a griffin's head gu.,
Aype, an antelope trippant arg., collared
172. 4 dueally gorged or. 67. 6
Aynesworth or Aynsworth, a falcon,
sa. cf. 126. 6 Aysscough, an ass passant ppr. 125. 7
wings expanded and inverted ppr.,
Ayre, Notts, on a ducal coronet or, a Ayton, a hand holding a hawk's lure

belled or. Courage sans peur. wyvern vert. 70. 9 ppr. 217. 8

87. I Ayre, Yorks, a leg in armour couped Ayton, see Aiton and Aitoun.
Aytoun, Scotland, a hand pulling a rose
Aynscomb of Mayfield, Sussex, a cubit at the thigh, all ppr., garnished and
arm erect, holding in the hand ppr. a
spurred or. Veritas vincit. 193. i ppr. Decerptm dabunt odorem.

fleur-de-lis sa. cf. 215. 5 Ayre, Lines, a leg erect in armour per 218. 13
Aytoun, Fife, Scotland, a rose gu. Virtute
Aynscomb and Ayniscamp, Sussex, same pale arg. and sa., couped at the thigh

crest. gu., knee-cap and spur or. Lceto aere orta occidunt rarius. 149. 2

Aynsley of Little Harle Tower, Northumb. Jiorent. 193- 2 Aytoun, Kinaldie, Fife, a rose-tree vert,
a man in armour holding in the dexter
hand a sword erect ppr., hilted and Ayrton (late Rt. Hon. Acton Smee, Chief flowered gu. El decerptce dabunt odo-

Commissioner of Works), a demi-lion rem. 149. 14

pommelled or, in his sinister a shield rampant erm., holding a pennon per Aytoun-Sinclair, Roger, of Inchdaimie,
of the Aynsley arms, viz., gu. on a
bend erm., between two quatrefoils or, pale gu. and az., thereon a leopard's CO. Fife: (i) A hand holding a rose

face or. Pro aris et focis. ppr. [Aytoun). (2) A phoenix in

three mullets of six points sa. Furth Ayscough, Durh., an ass's head erased flames {Sinclair), (i) Decerptce dabunt

fortune and fill the fetters. arg. cf. 125. 12 odorem lAytoun). (2) Fides {Sinclair).


Baad or Bad, Scotland, a dexter hand fesseways, and sprouting to the dexter, a Bacheler, Bachelor, and Bachelour, a leg

ppr. holding a trident az. 2 1 4. 12 falcon surmounted by a rainbow, all ppr. erased above the knee ppr. 193. 10

Babb or Babe, Dorset, a dexter hand Babthorp, Yorks, a cockatrice's head Back of Eaton, Norwich, a griffin passant

erect, pointing with two fingers to the erased arg., beaked, combed, and per pale wavy gu. and arg., collared


sun ppr. 222. 10 wattled or. 68. 12 or, wings elevated erminois, the dexter

Babbwell or Babwell, a gate or. 158. 9 Babwell, Jliddx., a gate or. 158.9 claw supporting a woolpack arg.

Babe of Castle Derver, Louth, on a Bacche or Bache, Somers., a savage's Back, Philip Edward, Esquire, of Man-

mound a babe in swaddling-clothes, head affroutee between two branches croft Towers, Oulton, Suflolk, same

all ppr. of laurel in orle ppr. 192. 14 crest.

Babeham or Babehaw of London, a demi- Bacchus, Henry, Esquire, the Manor Back, William, Esquire, M.D., same crest

man ppr., wreathed on the head with a House, Lillington, Warw., an eagle and motto.
knot gu., holding in his dexter hand a displayed or. Aquila non capiat mus- Backhouse, Sir Jonathan Edmund, Bart.,

wing sa., guttee-d'or. cf. 186. 7 cam Bacchus. 75. 5 the Uplands, Darlington, in front of a
rock ppr., thereon an eagle displayed
Baber, Middx., and Somers., on a mount Bacchus, Charles Henry, Esquire, in vert, holding in each claw a passion
cross or, a serpent on its back, the tail
vert, a cock, wings expanded arg., front of a rock ppr., thereon an eagle

combed, wattled, and legged gu. displayed or, an eagle's leg fesseways,

91. 7 erased at the thigh, also or. Aguila nowed, also ppr. 2i;9. 4
Babington of Dethickin, Oxon., and
non capiat mu-scam. Backhouse, Cliarles F., M.R.C.S.,
Derbysb., a demi-bat displayed gu.
Bacchus, Rev. Francis Joseph, of the L.R.C.P., The Terrace, St. Ives,
137. 12 Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham,
same crest and motto. Cornw., same crest. Confido in Deo.
Babington, Rev. John Albert, of Cossing-
ton, CO. Leics., a dragon's head between Bacchus, George Reginald, Esquire, same Backhouse, out of a ducal coronet an

arm in armour brandishing a scimitar,

two dragons' wings gu. Foy est tout. crest and motto. all ppr. cf. 196. 10

Babington, Francis Evans, Esquire, of Bacchus, Rev. John Northcote, the Backhouse, on a snake embowed, its tail

South Lodge, Halesworth, Suif., same Presbytery, Henley-on-Thames, same nowed, an eagle displayed. Confido in

crest and motto. crest and motto. Deo.

Babington, Thomas Zachary Dodson, Bacchus, Robert Sidney, Esquire, of Backhouse, an eagle vert, wings close,

Esquire, of Redlands, Parksome, Dor- Burghfield Manor, Reading, same crest preving on a snake ppr. Confido in

set, same crest and motto. and motto. Dei.

Babington, Oxon. and Derbysh., a Bacchus, William Ernest, Esquire, of Backhouse, Charles James, of St. John's,

dragon's head erased between two Horntou Grounds, Banbury, same Wokingham. Durh., in front of a rock

wings gu. cf. 72. 7 crest and motto. ppr., thereon an eagle displayed vert,
holding in each claw a passion cross or,
Babington of Rotheley Temple, Leics., a Bache, Stanton, a demi-lion rampant, a serpent on its back, the tail nowed,

dragon's head between two wings gu. regardant psean, holding between his

Foy est tout. 72. 7 paws a bezant. 7cf. 1 1 . also ppr. Confido in Deo.
Backhouse, Edward, Esquire, of Hur-
Babington, Lodley, Leics., a fox's head Bache, Thomas, Esquire, of Coventry, on
worth Grange, Croft, Darlington, same
33- 4j a mount vert, a demi-lion gardant sa.,
ducal coronet a bezantee, gorged with a wreath of oak crest and motto.
Backie, a sword and a cross crosslet

demi-eagle displayed ppr. hi solitos or, holding between the paws a wool-

docuere nisus. 80. 14 ^ pack ppr. fitched in saltier ppr. 166. 12

Babrampore.the Maharaja Dirg Bijye Sing Bacheler, Berks, a dragon's head erased Backie or Bailue, Orkney, a flame of fire

ol, on the trunk of a tree eradicatetl or, vulned in the neck gu. cf. ~2. 5 ppr. Commodum non damnum. 177.10


Backwell, London, out of a miiral coronet Baddiford, an eagle's head or, surmounted goafs head erased arg., charged on the

iir, a demi-bull sa. by a cross crosslet sa., between two neck with three fleurs-de-liS: one and

Bacon, Sir Hickman Beckett, nth Bart, branches of thistle ppr. 84. 7 two az. Stemmata quid faciunt.

of Redgrave and I2th Bart, of Milden- Badeley, John, Leigh's Hall, Essex, and Baggallay, Ernest, Esquire, of the Moat,

haU, Suff., Premier Bart., a boar Baddeley, Essex and Suff., a boar's Cowden, Kent, same crest and motto.

passant erm. Mediocria firma. 40. 9 head and neck couped arg. Prineipiis Baggallay, Henry Charles, Esquire, of

Bacon, Rev. Thomas, M.A., late Rector ohsta. 41. I Onslow Gardens, S.W., same crest and

of Wiggonholt and Greatham, Sussex, Badeljsmere or Badelsmere, Yorks, a motto.

a boar arg., resting the dexter fore-foot lion's gamb erased sa., holding a Baggally, a dexter arm in armour em-
on a fret sa.
laurel-branch vert. cf. 37. 4 bowed ppr., garnished or, holding a

Bacon of Daisy Hill, Londonderry, a boar Baden-Powell, Baden Fletcher Smyth, sword, also ppr. Didce periculum.
Major Scots Guards : A(i ) lion passant 195. 2.
pasisant erm., charged on the body with

a muUet or. Mediocria firma. or, in the paw a broken tilting-spear Bagge, Sir Alfred Thomas, Bart., of

cf. 40. 9 in bend ppr., pendent therefrom by a Stradsett Hall, Norf., two vrings ad-

Bacon of Sutton Bonnington, Notts, on riband gu., an escocheon resting on the dorsed or, semee of annulets gu. Spes
wreath sa., charged with a pheon or.
[ {for Powell). (2) Out of a crown est in Deo. 239. 4
vallery or, a demi-lion gu., on the
a mount vert, a boar statant arg., Bagge, Thomas Edward, Esquire, of
bristled and tusked or, semce of
mullets sa., and holding in the mouth Gaywood Hall, King's Lynn, same

a ragged staff vert. Mediocria firma. head a like crown, charged on the crest and motto.

40. 10 shoulder with a cross patee arg. and Bagge, a sword in pale, supporting a

Bacon of Harlston, Norf., a demi-boar or, supporting with the paws a sword garland of laurel, all ppr. 170. I

i erect ppr., pommel and hilt or {for Bagge or Bagg, Plymouth, Devonsh., a

I armed and bristled az. 4°- 13

' Bacon of Newton Cup, Durh., and Baden). Ar nid yw Pwyil pyd yw. cinquefoil az., between two wings, the

Stewart Pile, Northumb., a demi-wild Baden-Powell, Donald, Esquire (son of dexter gu., the sinister arg.

boar rampant gardant az., bristled, Sir George Baden-Powell), of 114, Baggeley, Chesh., a ram's head az.,

armed, and ungu. or, langued gu., Eaton Square, same crests and motto. armed and charged with three lozenges

holding in the mouth a tilting-spear Baden-Powell, Henry Warington Smyth, or. 130. II

arg., stricken in shoulder and vulned Esquire, K.C., of 8, St. George's Place, Baggeley, Chesh., a ram's head az.,

ppr. 41- - London, same crests and motto. armed or. 130. i
Baden-Powell, Major-General Robert
Bacon, a boar's head couped or, holding Baggs, a rose charged with a thistle ppr.
Stephenson Smyth, C.B., same crests
in the mouth a griffin's head erased az. 149- 3
and motto. Bagholt and Baghott, on a ducal coronet
Bacon, Hants, a tiger sejant gu., pierced Baden-Powell, Sir George, K.C.M.G.,
or, a leopard sejant gardant ppr.
through the breast with a broken

spear or, headed arg. Another, the same crests and motto. Baghot, a stag's head cabossed sa.,
spear arg.
Badenach-Nicolson, Arthur, Esquire, of between the attires a greyhound

Bacon, Nicholas Henry, of Baveningham Glenbervie House, Drumlithie, For- courant arg., collared gu. 122. 11
Hall. Norf., a boar passant erm.
doun, N.B., a lion's head erased or. Baghot-De la Here, Rev. John, of Buxted
Mediocria firma.
Bacon, Rev. M. J., of Swallowfield NU sistere contra. St. Mary Vicarage, Uckfield, Sussex :

Vicarage, Reading, a talbot's head sa., Badger, a badger ppr. 33. 10 (i) Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume
erased gu., holding in the mouth a
Badger, a buck's head cabossed sa., of eight ostrich-feathers, five and three
deer's leg or. Proba conscientia.
Bacon of Twyhouse, Somers., a grey- between the attires a greyhound per pale arg. and az. 263. 7 {for De

hound's head erased sa., holding in the current arg., collared gu. 122. 11 Ala Bere). (2) stag's head cabossed

Badbam, an eagle displayed with two sa., and between the attires a grey-

heads arg., charged on the breast with hound courant arg., collared gu. In

mouth a stag's foot or. 61. 5 a saltier gu. Virtus astra petit. cruce salus. 263. 8

Bacon, Kenrick Verulam, Esquire, the 74. I Bagley, an arm in armour embowed,

Lodge, Hale, Farnham, Surrey, a boar Badham-Thornhill, Laurence John, Es- holding a sword, all ppr. 195. 2
statant erm., bristled, armed, and
ungu. or, debruised by a bendlet quire, of Carrigmahon, Monkston, co. Bagnall, Kent, a dragon's head erased
sinister wavy gu. Mediocria firma.
Bacon, Hesset, Norf., a talbot's head sa., Cork: (I) A double-headed eagle dis- gu., gorged with two bars or. cf 71. 2
erased gu., holding in the month a
Aplayed {for Badham). (2) thorn Bagnall, John, Esquire, Water Orton,
deer's leg or.
Bacot, William George, M.D., Carfax, bush, thereon a robin redbreast ppr. near Birmingham, and Benjamin Bag-

{for Thornhilt). Conquer or die. nall, Esquire, Ellerslie, Eaton Gardens,
Badley, Suff., a demi-lion rampant arg.,
Hove, Sussex, a lion rampant holding

charged with two bendlets az. cf. 10. 2 between the paws an hour-glass. Fugit

Marlborough Road, Bournemouth, out Baett or Batt, a demi-Uon or, guttee-de- hora. I. 5
of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head
arg., attired of the first, .iritiqnum sang. cf. 10. 2 Bagnall, Staffs and Wales, an antelope

Bageley or Bagley, on the top of a sejant arg., billettee sa., ducally gorged,

ohtinens. spear, issuing, a wyvem sans legs, tail lined, armed, and tufted or. 126. 4

Badby, London, a sphinx passant gardant nowed. 69. 6 Bagnall of Wicklowand Worcs.; a heraldic

ppr., wings addorsed. 182. 12 Bagenal, Beauchamp Frederick, Esquire, antelope sejant arg., biUettee sa., horns

Badcock of Kensington, Middx., and of Benekerry, Carlow, heraldic ante- and tail or, collared and chained of

Essex, a stag lodged gardant between lope sejant vert, attired, ungu., ducally the same, the chain reflexed over the

two branches of laurel in orle, all ppr. gorged and chained or. back. cf. 126. 4.
115. II BagenhaU, Staffs, a dragon's head erased
Bagnall, Ireland, a heraldic antelope
Badcock, Devonsh., a demi-cock gu. gu., gorged with a bar gemelle or.
sejant vert, crined, ducaUy gorged, and

Badd of Fareham, Hants, a lion's head cf. 71. 2 chained or.
erased, gardant arg., ducally crowned
Bagenholt, a horse courant bridled ppr. Bagnall-Wild, Ralph Bagnall. Esquire,

az. cf. 18. II cf. 52. I AM.A., J.P., of Costock, Notts: (i)
Baddeley, a phoenix in flames, all ppr.
Bagg, two wings endorsed gu. and arg., demi-stag sa., guttee-d'or, attired and

Deutn time, et dedecus. 82. 2 the latter charged with a cinquefoil resting the sinister foot on an escallop
or {for Wild). 119- 4- (2) Upon the
Badder, on the stump of a tree in fess, az. cf. 109. 12
Baggalay, the late Sir Richard, Attorney- trunk of a tree fesscways, eradicated
couped and eradicated, a lion sejant.
and sprouting ppr., a heraldic antelope
7- 9 General, Surrey, a goat's head erased sejant az., bezantee, gorged with a
Baddiford, of Dartmouth, Devonsh., an
arg., charged on the neck with three collar gemel and attired or {for Bagnall).
eagle's head or, crowned with a coronet fleurs-de-lis, one and two az. Stem-

flory sa., between two branches of mata quid faciunt. 243. 8 127. 9. Sur ct loyal.
Bagne and Bague, on a chapeau a pelican
lily arg., stalked and leaved vert. Baggallay, Claude, Esquire, of The
^ c/. 84. 6
Grange, East Grinstead, Sussex, a vulning herself, all ppr. 98. 7



Bagnel, Bagnell, Bagnill, or Bagnoll, a Bagshole and Bagsbote, an acorn slipped

galley, sails furled ppr. 160. 6 and leaved ppr. 152. i

Bagnell, an ancient galley, oars in action. Baguley, J. M., Esquire, Whitecliffe,

160. 7 Alfriston, Sussex, a ram's head az., Bailey, Rev. James Sandford, of Ightham
attired or, charged with three lozenges Place and Nepicar House, Kent, in
Bagnell, a goat rampant, ducaUy gorged

and staked to the ground. of the second. front of a demi-lion erminois, holding

Bagot, Christopher Neville, Esquire, of Bagwell, Richard, Esquire, J.P., of Marl- in the dexter paw a cross pattoe

Aughrane Castle, co. Galway, Ireland, field, Ireland, out of a mural coronet fitchee gu., the trunk of a tree eradi-

out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's a demi-buU, all ppr. In fide et in cated fessewise and sprouting ppr.
head erm., horned of the first. Anti-
bello fortes. Nee temere, nee timide. 231. 14

qnum obtinens. 128.14 Bagwell-Purefoy, Wilfrid, Esquire, of Bailey, Sir William Henry, of Sale

Bagot, Arthur Henry Louis, Esquire, out Greenfield, Tipperary, a hand in Hall, Chesh., a griffin segreant

of a ducal coronet or, a goat's head arg., armour grasping a broken lance, all arg., wings chequy of the first and

armed of the first, and charged with ppr. En bonne-foy. az., holding in the dexter claw a

a crescent gu. Antiqimm obtinens. Baighton, a heron's head erased, holding flagstaff, therefrom flowing to thi-

Bagot, Charles Fitzroy Alexander HaUi- in its beak an eel, all ppr. 104. 2 sinister a banner gu., semee of annulets,

fax. Esquire, same crest and motto. Baigrie, Robert, C.B., Lieutenant-Colonel and resting the sinister claw on a pheon

Bagot, John Christopher, Esq., of Bally- Bombay Staff Corps, in front of the sa. Non terra sed aquis.

turin, Gort, co. Galway, same crest and battlements of a tower, thereon an Ballhache, Jersey, a ship ppr. Yive

motto. armed leg couped above the knee ppr., memor lethi, fugit hora. 160. 13

Bagot, Richard, Esquire, of 42, Loivndes garnished and spurred or, a mount Bailie, a hand holding a dagger. Quid

Street, S.W., same crest and motto. vert. clurius astris? 212. q

Bagof, Baron, Blithfield, Rugeley, Staffs, Baikie, Alfred, of Tankerness, Orkney, a Baillie-Hamilton-Arden, Earl of Hadding-

out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's flame of fire. Commodum non damnum. ton, see Haddington.

head arg., attired of the first. Anti- 177. 10 Baillie, Cochrane-, Lord Lamington, see

quum obtinens. 128. 14 Bailey, Lt.-Col. Edmund WyndhamGrevis, Lamington.

Bagot of Kileoursey, King's Co., same J.P., of Nepicar House, Wrotham, Baillie, Kennedy-, of Ardtrea, Armagh,
crest and motto. Kent, in front of a demi-lion erminois,
holding in his dexter paw a cross pattee AIreland : ( i ) boar's head couped
Bagot of Pype Hall, Staffs, same crest
arc. {for Baillie). 43- I- (2) -^

and motto. fitchee gu., a trunk of a tree eradicated dolphin naiant az. {for Kennedy).

Bagot, Josceline Fitzroy, of Levens Hall, fesseways and sprouting ppr. Nee Quid clarius astris ? 140. >

Westml., out of a ducal coronet or, tetnere, nee timide. Baillie, of Hoperig, East Lothian, a

a goat's head arg., armed of the first, Bailey, James, Esquire, of Shortgrove, boar's head couped. Quid clarius

and charged with a crescent gu. Newport, Essex, in front of a cubit astris ? 43. I

Antiquum obtinens. arm vested per pale az. and gu., cuff Baillie, James Evan Bruce, of Douchfour,

Bagot of Castle Bagot, co. Dublin, same arg., the hand ppr., holding a crosier Inverness, a boar's head couped.

crest. Pour Dieu et mon roi. surmounted by a mullet, both or, Quid clarius astris. 43. i

Bagshaw, of South Okendon, Essex, a three mullets of the last. Deo duce. Baillie, Bart., a boar's head erased ppr.

bugle-horn or. 228. 1 Bailey, Baron Glanusk, see Glanusk. Vbi bene ibi patria. 42. 2

Bagshaw, of Delaridge, Derbysh., an arm Bailey, John Lockhart, Esquire, of Baillie, James William, Esquire, of

couped at theelbow, erectppr., grasping Llangorse House, Prince's Park, Liver- Ilston Grange, Leicester, a boar's

a bugle- horn sa., stringed vert. c/. 2 1 7 . pool, same crest and motto. head couped. Quid clarius aatris ?

Bagshawe, issuing from clouds an arm Bailey, Llewellyn Crawshay, Esquire, of Baillie-Gage, Thomas Robert, Esquire,

erect ppr., holding in the hand a bugle- Llangorse House, Prince's Park, Liver- of 38, Northumberland Road, Dublin :

horn sa. cj. 217. 4 pool, same crest and motto. (1) A ram passant arg., armed and

Bagshawe, of Oakes, Norton, and Worm- Bailey of Norwich, a cubit arm erect, hoofed or, holding in the mouth a

hill Hall, Derbysh., issuing from clouds vested bendy of six az. and sa., the cuff trefoil slipped vert {for Gage), cf. 131. 13.
a dexter cubit arm, holding in the arg., holding in the hand ppr. a crosier,
hand ppr. a bugle-horn or, the handle and surmounted by an estoile, both or. (2) A boar's head couped, holding in
the mouth a sprig of oak, all ppr. (for

sa., within the strings a rose gu. Deo duce. 207. 2 Baillie). Courage sans peur. 42. 7

Forma, flos ; fama, flatus. Bailey, J. G., Esquire, M.S., M.D., Santa Baillie of Rosehall, Scotland, a oat sejant
Bagshawe, Frederic, M.D., 35, Warrior
Ana, Orange County, California, U.S.A. ppr. Spcro meliora. 26. 8
Square, St. Leonard's, issuing from
(eldest son of the late Sir James Baillie of Corstorphine, a crow ppr. Be

clouds a dexter cubit arm couped, Bailey), a cubit arm erect, vested 107. 14

holding in the hand ppr. a bugle-horn. bendy of six az. and sa., the cuff arg., BaiUie, Scotland, cockatrice, wings

Forma, flos ; jama, flatus. holding in the hand ppr. a crosier sur- panded. 68. 6
Bagshawe, Clement Walsh, Esquire, of
mounted by an estoile, both or. Deo Baillie of Monktown, co. Ayr, an' eagle

24, East Cliff, Dover, issuing out of duce. 207. 2 regardant, his wings raised ppr.

clouds a dexter arm ppr., holding in Bailey, Shropsh., a griffin segreant gu., LiberiM optima rerum. cf. yj. 10

the hand a bugle-horn or, the handle guttee d'or. Another, guttee d'eau. Baillie of Walston, a dove volant, in its

sa., within the strings a rose gu. cf. 62. 2 beak an olive-branch ppr. Patior et

Forma, flos ; fama, flatus. Bailey, a cat salient gardant. 26. 3 .'pcro. 93. 10

Bagshawe, Francis Westby, Esquire, of Bailey, a demi-lady, holding in her dexter Baillie of Carnbrae, on the point of a

the Oaks, Sheffield, same crest and hand a tower, and in her sinister a sword in pale ppr., hilt and pommel

motto. laurel-branch vert. 1S3. 8 or, a laiirel WTeath fructed, also ppr.

Bagshawe, Greaves-, William Henry, of Bailey, the late John Eglington, Esq ' Perseverantia. 170. i

Ford Hall, Derbysh., and Banner Cross, F.S.A., of Stretford, Lanes, in front Baillie of Hardington, Scotland, a hand
Yorks : (l) A dexter cubit arm couped
of an anchor in bend sinister ppr., a holding a pen ppr. Fides servata dital.

holding in the hand ppr. a bugle-horn female figure vested vert, supporting! 217. 10

sa., stringed vert {for Bagshawe). with her dexter hand an escutcheon Baillie, Scotland, the sun in splendour
f/. 217. 4. (2) On a mount vert, a stag
trippant or, holding in the mouth a gu., charged with a martlet arg., and ppr. Clarior astrvs. 162. 2

—slip of oak ppr. {for Greaves). Forma, j

flos ; fama, flatus. Deo non fortuna. resting with the sinister on the stock Baillie of Jerviswood, a crescent or.
cf. 118. 2
of the anchor. Vallum cenium esto. | Major virtus quam splendor. 163. 2
Bagshawe, a dexter cubit arm erect ppr.,
184. I Baillie of Balmudyside, the morning star

Bailey, Ronald, Esquire, in front of an ppr. Vertitur in lucem. 164. i


anchor in bend sinister ppr., a female ! BaiUie, Inshaughy, Ireland, a star of

the hand holding a bugle-horn sa., figure vested vert, supporting with the eight points arg., out of a cloud ppr.

stringed vert. Forma, flos ; fama, flatus. right hand an escocheon gu., charged I Nildarius astris. 164. il



Baillie, Sir Robert Alexander. Bart., of Baines, Athelstan Arthur, Esquire, of holding a shepherd's crook pointed

Polkemet. Linlithgow, an etoile of 29, First Avenue, Hove, Brighton, same with the head of a bearded arrow, all

eight points or, out of a cloud ppr. In crest. ppr.


caligine lucit. 164. 1 Baines, Egerton Charles Augustus, Es- Bake, a demi-man in armour wielding a

I Bajllie, Hon. William Douglas Hall, of quire, same crest. sword, all ppr. 187. i

Kennington. Picton, Marlborough. New Baines, Rev. Frederick Samuel, of 41, Baker, Bart, (now Rhodes), Devonsh., a

Zealand, Member of the Legislative Medina Villeis, Hove, Brighton, same dexter arm embowed, vested az.,

Council of New Zealand, a star of crest. charged with three annulets interlaced

eight points arg., issuaut from a cloud Baines, Jervoise Athelstane, Esquire, of or, cuffed arg., holding in the hand an

ppr. Quid darius astris .? Kensington Park Gardens, same crest. arrow in bend sinister ppr. True unto

164. II Baines, John, Esquire, same crest. death.

Baillie, Sir Robert Alexander, Bart., of Baines, Louis Adolphus, Esquire, same Baker, a naked dexter arm embowed,

Ognez, Toorak, near Melbourne, Vic- crest. holding an arrow ppr. 201. 13

toria, and Benerembah, Hay, New Baines, Rev. Montague Charles Alex- Baker, a dexter arm in armour embowed,

.South Wales, Australia, out of a cloud ander, of Carlby Rectory, Stamford, holding an arrow ppr. 198. 4
]i])r., an estoile of eight rays or. In
same crest. Furor arma ministrat. Baker, Derbysh., a dexter arm embowed

C'lliqinK lucel. 164. II Baines, Bell Hall, Yorks, a cubit arm in armour, grasping a caduceus in bend

Bailward of Horsington, Somers., a bull's erect, holding in the hand a leg- bone, surmounting the truncheon of a tilting-

hrad couped arg. cf. 44. 3 in bend sinister arg. spear in bend sinister splintered, all

Baily, out of a ducal coronet a wyvern's Baines, WilUam Mortimer, Esquire, of Dumppr. spiro spcro.

h'-ad ppr. 72. 4 Bell Hall, Naburn, Yorks, a dexter Baker, Chester and Shrewsbury, out of a
hand couped ppr., holding a shin-bone ducal coronet a dexter arm embowed,
Baily, Thoraeis Farmer, Esquire, of Hall

Place. Kent, a goat's head erased az., arg. vested or, the hand gauntleted and

bezantee. attired or. Vestigia nulla Baines, a bone and a palm-branch in holding a broken tilting-spear with-

ritrorsnm. cf. 1 28. 5 saltier ppr. I47- 4 out burr or vamplate, in bend of the
same, on shaft a ring enfiled with a
1 Bain, late Sir James, D.L.. J. P., F.R.S., Baird, Sir Alexander, Bart., of IJrie,

F.R.G.S., Jarrington, Cumb., and Stonehaven, Kincardine, a griffin's garland vert.

3, Park Terrace, Glasgow, a dexter head erased or. Dominns fecit. Baker, out of a cloud a dexter arm in

arm embowed gu., the hand grasping a Baird, William, Esquire, of Elie House, fess, raising a garb, all ppr. 223. 12

dirk ppr. Et arte et marte. Fife, same crest and motto. Baker, a dexter hand gu., holding a club

Bain of Craggs, Little Broughton, Cocker- Baird, John George Alexander, Esquire, sa. 214. 6

mouth, a dexter arm embowed gu., of 89, Eaton Square, S.W., same crest Baker, a naked dexter arm, holding a

the hand grasping a dirk ppr. Et arte and motto. purse. 202. I

et marte. Baird, Sir David, Bart., of Newbyth, Baker of London, and of Northfield,

Bain, a dexter arm in armour embowed East Lothian: (l) A Mameluke on Worcs., a hand issuing out of clouds

ppr., garnished or, grasping a dagger, horseback, holding in his dexter hand ppr., holding a cross Calvary sa. Nemo

also ppr. Et marte et arte. 195-4 Aa scimitar, all ppr. 189. 8. (2) sine cruce beatus.

Bain of Berwick, Northumb., a hand boar's head erased or. Vi et virtute. Baker of Skerton House, Old Trafford,

holding a scroll of paper ppr. Virtute. 42. 2 Manchester, two arms embowed in

215. 6 Baird, Maturin-, see Maturin-Baird. armour grasping a tilting-spear fesse-

Bain of MoiTiston, Lanark, a dexter hand Baird, Sir William James Gardiner, Bart., wise, the head to the sinister ppr.,

ppr., holding a rose gu., slipped and of Saughton Hall, co. Edinburgh, pendant from the staff a spur leathered

leaved vert. Benedic nobis Domine. Scotland, a boar's head erased or. Vi or. Ex monte alto. 194- 3
218. 10
et virtiUe. 42- 2 Baker, Philip, of Shelboume, Wake

Bain of Lynton, Devonsh., a dexter hand Baird, Sir John Kennedy, of 31, Cadogan Green, Moseley, same crest and motto.

ppr., holding a rose gu., slipped and Place, London, a boar's head erased or. Baker, Mayfield, Sussex, on a tower sa.,

leaved vert. Benedic nobis Domine. Vi et virtute. an arm in mail embowed ppr., holding

218. 10 Baird, Scotland, a boar's head erased a piece of plate-iron az. (described also

Bain or Baine, a lion rampant gu., be- ppr. ; and another charged with a as a flint-stone ppr.)

tween two wings or. 9. 2 crescent. A-- ~ Baker, Hon. Sir Richard Chaffey.

Bainbridge, Bainbrigg, Bainbrigge, or Baird of Cambusdoon, Ayr, an eagle's K.C.M.G., J.P., of Adelaide, South
Australia, Member of the Legislative
Bambridge, Leics. and, on a head erased. Dominus fecit. 83. 2

mount vert, a goat sa., armed and un- Baird of Frankfield, Scotland, an eagle's Council of South AustraUa, a dexter

gu. or, and collared and belled arg. head ppr. Vi et virtute. 83. 2 arm embowed ppr., charged with two

1^9- 3 Baird, an eagle's head erased ppr. cinquefoils az.. holding a lozenge, also
Bainbridge, George B., Esquire, Espley az., thereon a swan's head and neck
Dominus fecit. 83. 2 erased or. Carpe diem.
Hall, Morpeth, Northumb., a stag's Baker, John Richard, Esquire, same crest
Baird of Knoydart, Inverness, and of
head erased. Avance.
Lochwood, Lanark, a griffin's head

Bainbridge, an arm from the shoulder erased or. Dominus fecit. 66. 2 and motto.

issuing from the sea, holding an anchor, Baird, Auchmedden, Scotland, a griffin's Baker, Sisinghurst, Kent, a dexter cubit

corded, all ppr. 202. 7 head erased ppr. Dominus fecit. 66. 2 arm holding a swan's head erased

Bainbrigge, William Parker Yates, J, P., Baird, a cockatrice, wings addorsed gu. arg., beaked gu. 220. 9

71, Lissenden Mansions, Highgate 68. s Baker, Rev. Robert Lowbridge, of

Road, N.W., on a mount vert, a goat Baird-Hay, James George, Esquire, of Ramsden, Charlbury, Oxford, a dexter

statant sa., horned, ungu. and collared Belton, Haddington, Scotland, a goat's arm in mail ppr., the under-vest seen
arg. Virtute non armis jido. head erased arg., armed or. Spare at the elbow vert, the hand also ppr.,

Baines, a wild duck among flags ppr. nought. 1 28. 5 grasping a swan's neck erased or,
beaked gu., and gorged with a ducal
102. 5 Baird, Scotland, a dove, wings expanded
coronet of the last.
Baines, a cubit arm holding a dagger ppr. ppr. Virtute et honore. 94- 3 Baker, Kent, an arm embowed, vested

212. 3 Baird, of Craigton, Scotland, a ship in fuU with green leaves, holding in the hand
Baines, Peteonly, Scotland, a dexter ppr. a swan's head erased or.
sail ppr. Adsit Deus non demovebor. Baker of Lismacue, co. Tipperary, a
dexter naked hand and arm holding a
hand holding a dagger ppr. Vel arte i6o. 13 swan's head erased arg. Bonos virtutis

vel marte. 212. 9 Bairnstather or Barnesfather, Scotland, a

Baines, Rev. Albert Charles, of Little boar's head couped or. 43. i

Wymondley, Stevenage, Herts, a dexter Bairstow, out of a crescent a demi-eagle

ariu embowed, vested az., cuff arg., the displayed. 81. 4 satelles. 220. 9

hand grasping a jaw-bone ppr., on the Baisley of Ricketstown, co. Carlow, an Baker of Ware,sley, Worcs., a naked
arm in armour embowed ppr., the hand dexter arm embowed ppr., grasping a
arm a cross pattee or. 264. 1


swan's head erased or, dueally gorged Baker, Ferdinand, of Elemore Hall, Balam of Walstoken, Norf., and Barton,

and beaked gu. ADurh. : ( I ) lion rampant arg., charged Suff., out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-

Baker of West Hay, Soraers., a dexter on the shoulder with a saltier az., and cock gu., wings displayed, combed and

arm in mail, the under-vest seen holding between the paws an es- wattled or. 9i- 14
at the elbow vert, holding in the
hand ppr. a swan's neck erased or, cutcheon of the last, thereon a maunch Balberney, Scotland, a stag lodged ppr.
beaked and gorged with a ducal
Aor (for Baker). 3. 4. (2) griffin II5-7

passant per pale or and erm., resting Balbirnie-Vance, Robert

coronet gu. the dexter claw on an escutcheon sa., Esquire, J.P., formerly of Balmerino,

Baker, Granville Edwin Lloyd, of Hard- charged with a tower or (jor Tower). 'Victoria, a lion rampant or, gorged

wicke, Glouc, a hairy, wild man's arm Love and dread. 63. 9 with a collar gu., and holding in the
dexter paw a pair of balances ppr.,
vert, hand and elbow ppr., holding a Baker of London and Worcs., a cockatrice and charged on the shoulder with a
cinquefoil of the second. Be faithfid.
swan's head erased or and arg., dueally erm., combed and wattled gu. 68. 4
Balcarres, Earl of, Scotland (Lindsay), see
gorged gu. 220. 9 Baker, William Chnton, Esquire, of

Baker, George Edward, Esquire, M.A., Bayfordbury, Herts, a cockatrice per

of Freshford, co. Somers., Fellow and fesse indented erminois and pa;an, Crawford, Earl of.

Bursar of Magdalen College, Oxford, combed and wattled gu., gorged with Balchen, an anchor erect, and from its

a tower sable and issuing from the a coUar az., and in the beak a quatre- cross-beam a square banner pendant

battlements thereof a dexter arm in foil sUpped vert. So run that ye may charged with three fleur-de-lis in

armour embowed holding in the hand obtain. fesse.

a baton ppr. Sola meus turris Dtu^. Baker, Wingfleld-, of Orsett Hall, Essex : Balcombe, Kent, a bear passant ppri,

314. 8 (i) For Baker, a cockatrice erm., coUared and chained or. Teuebo.

Baker, Thorngrove, Worcs., and Lypeat combed and wattled gu. 68. 4. (2) c/. 34- I

Park, Glouc, a swan's head erased or, For Wingfield, a griffin passant vert. Baldberney or Balbirney, Scotland, a

ducaUy gorged gu. Persevero. lOl. 5 63. 2 morion ppr. iSo. I

Baker, LawTence James, Esquire, of Baker, Westbrook, of Cottesmore, Rut- Balderney, on a mo\mt a stag lodged, all

Ottershaw Park, Ottershaw, Surrey, in land, a greyhound's head erased ppr., ppr. 115. 12

front of a swan's head erased arg., an charged with a fess between six ears Balderston or Balderstones, Scotland, a

estoile or, between two bezants. of wheat or. Non sibi sed patrice. hand holding a lancet ppr. Vtdnere

Sedulo et honesle. Baker, a greyhound's head erased arg., sano. 216. 14

Baker, Lawrence Ingham, Esquire, of gorged with a fess engrailed sa., Balderstone, Scotland, out of a cloud a
Eastcote Lodge, Pinner, same crest
fimbriated or, charged with three fleur- dexter arm in fess ppr., holding in

and motto. de-lis of the last. the hand a cross pattee fitched az.

Baker of Bowden, Chesh., London, and Baker, William Meath, of Hasfield Court, 223. 6

Windsor, a swan's head erased arg., Glouc, out of a ducal coronet or, a Baldock of Petham, Kent, on a mount

collared gu., holding in the beak a goat's head arg., attired or. Ars bona vert, a greyhound sejant, the dexter
paw resting on an escallop arg. 59. i
trefoil az. violentia.

Baker, Sir Samuel 'White, F.R S., Baker, Lines, and SmaUborough, Norf., a Baldock of Cauleston, Norf., an eagle

F.R.G.S., F.R.S.A., K.M., M.A., D.L., demi-unicorn erased arg., armed and close, gazing at the sun. 76. I

J.P., Sandford Orleigh, Newton Abbot, maned or. c/. 48. 7 Baldrie or Baldry, a trefoil slipped vert.

Devonsh., a swan's head erased arg., Baker, a boar's head couped or. 43. I 148.9

gorged with a naval coronet and Baker, a rose-tree vert, flowered or. Baldry, out of a gillyflower gu., a demi-

between two cinquefoils az. Perse- 149. 14 man habited.

vere. Baker, Rev. Robert Lowbridge, of Rams- Baldwin, a squirrel sejant or. cf. 135. 4

Baker of Wattisfield and Wrentham, den House, Oxford, a dexter arm in Baldwin, a squirrel sejant or, holding a

Suff., a demi-ostrich, wings expanded, maU, the under-vest seen at the elbow sprig of hazel vert. Vim vi repeilo.

holding in its beak a horseshoe. vert, the hand ppr. grasping a swan's 135- 2
c/. 96. 8
neck erased or. gorged with a ducal Baldwin, Colonel WiUiam John Atkinson,

Baker, an ostrich-head erased or, holding coronet gu., beaked also of the last. of Dalton-in-Furness, Lanes, a squirrel

in the beak a horseshoe arg. Baker, Kent, and of Battel, Sussex, a sejant or, charged on the body with a

Baker, Radnorsh., a hawk's head arg., musk-rose branch vert, flowered arg., fesse az., and supporting with the fore-

between two flings gu., holding in the seeded or. 149. 8 legs an ostrich feather erect arg. \'im

beak three ears of wheat of the last. Baker of London, on a mount vert, a vi repeUo. 233. 3

c/. 89. I tower arg., between two laurel- branches Baldwin of Shrewsbury, on a wreath

Baker, Ireland, an eagle displayed sa. ppr. above a cap of maintenance a cocka-

75. 2 Baker of Walton, Norf., on a chapeau az., trice, wings endorsed arg.

Baker, a phoenix in flames, aU ppr. tiu-ned up erm., a stag's head cabossed Baldwin and Baldwyn of Diddlebery, on a

82. 2 or. 122. 10 mount vert, a cockatrice arg., beaked,

Baker, Sir Randolph Littlehales, Bart., Baker-Wilbraham, George Barrington, combed, and wattled or, ducaUy gorged

of Ranston, Blandford, Dorset, and Esquire, a wolf's head erased arg., and lined of the last. Per deum meum

AAshcombe, Sussex : (1) nag's head charged on the neck with a cross cross- tratisilio murum. cf. 68. 7

erased arg., charged on the neck with let az. for distinction (for Wilbraham). Baldwin, Frederick Benjamin Judge,

a cross pattee ii tehee gu., holding in (2) A dexter arm embowed vested az., surgeon, Draycott House, Bodicote,
the mouth a trefoil shpped vert (for
charged with three annulets interlaced Banbury, a cockatrice arg., ducaUy

Baker). 51. 2. (2) Between two wings or, cuffed arg., holding in the hand ppr. gorged or. Est voluntas Dei
elevated or, an armed arm embowed
an arrow of the last. In portu quies. Baldwin of Clohina, Ireland, a dove, in its

ppr., garnished or, the hand in a Baker-Cresswell, Addison Francis, Cress- beak an olive-branch ppr. Est voluntas

gauntlet grasping an arrow in bend weU, Morpeth, Northumb. : (i) On a Dei. 92. 5
mount vert a torteau charged with a
sinister entwined by a branch of Baldwin, Captain Wilham, of Chingford,

olive, also ppr. {for Littlehales). Finis squurel sejant arg. (jor Crcsswell). Dunedin, New Zealand, Honorary

coronal opus. 198. 10 A135. 11. (2) goat's head erased Resident Magistrate for that Colony,

Baker, Sir George Sherston, Bart., of arg., armed and crined or, gorged uses standing on a cross a dove, holding

Upper Dunstable House, Richmond, with a collar gemel and cliarged on in its beak an olive-branch. Scquere

Surrey, a demi-lion rampant, per fesse the neck with a saltire gu. (jor Baker). me est voluntas Dei.

indented erminois and psean, holding Cressa ne careat. Baldwin of Stede Hill, Kent, a lion ram-

between the paws an escallop arg., Balam, Norf. and Suff., a lion's head pant az., holding in its paws a cross

charged with an erm. spot. Fidei erased gu., collared and lined or, crosslet fitched or.

cotictda crux. 13. 10 charged on the neck with a cinquefoil Bale of Carleton-Curlew, Leics., a demi-

Baker, Durh., a lion rampant arg. 1. 13 lion gu., supporting a broken spear or.



Bales of Norton, Northamp., a lion sejant Balfour of Grange, on the battlements of Ball of London, a caltrap az., embrued

gu., resting the dexter paw on a cross a castle arg., a woman standing attired

pattee fitched or. gu., holding in her dexter hand an

Bales of Wilby, Suff., a tiger's head otter's head. Nil temere. 155. 7 Ballantine-Dykes, see Dykes.
erased sa., armed or, gorged with a fess Ballantyne of Holylee, Scotland, a demi-
wavy az. (Another, on a mount vert, Balfour, Gerald William, M.A., of 67,
grifRu, holding in the dexter claw a
Addison Road, W., a palm-tree ppr.

a lion sejant erm.) 7. 7 Virtus ad cethera tendit. sword erect ppr Nee cito, nee larde.
64. 6
Balfour, Bart., Denmilne, Fife, a crescent Balfour, Edward, of Balbirnie, Fife, a

or. God gives increase. 163. 2 palm-tree ppr. Virtus ad mthera tendit, Ballard of Ballards, in Horton, near

Balfour of Randerston, a crescent. 144. I Canterbury, Kent, a demi-grifiin, wings

163. 2 Balfour, Charles Barrington, Esquire, of addorsed erm., beaked and armed or.

Balfour-Melville, John Mackintosh, Es- Newton Don, Kelso, same crest and 64. 2

quire, of Pilrig, Edinburgh, and Strath- motto. Ballard of Evesham, co. Worcs., a griffin's

kinness, Fife ; (i) On the dexter side a Balfour, Edward, Esquire, of Balbirnie, head erased erm. 66. 2

dexter hand holding an olive-branch Markjnch, N.B., same crest and motto. Ballard of Cradley, Heref., a demi-griflSn

ppr. Adsit Deus (for Balfour). 219. 9. Balfour, Rt. Hon. Arthur James, of erm., supporting a broken tilting-spear

(2) On the sinister side a crescent arg. Whittinghame, Scotland, same crest ppr. 65. 3

Deniquecalum (for Melville). 163. 2 and motto. Balle, an arm holding a fire-ball ppr.

\ Balfour of Telrig, Scotland, a dexter Balfour of Townley Hall, Ireland, on a 216. 6

hand holding an olive-branch, all ppr. perch or, a hawk close ppr., beaked and Ballenden of Broughton, a hart's head

Adsit Devs. 219. 9 | couped ppr., attired or, between the
attires a cross crosslet fitched of the
BaI|our, Arthur Mackintosh, Esquire, belled, also or, round the neck a ribbon I
gu. Omne solum forti patria. c/. 85.13

Sussex Artillery, Brighton, a dexter Balfour of Forret, an eagle rising, ppr. last. Sic itur ad astra. cf. 120. 12

hand holding an olive-branch ppr. Dieii aidant. yy. 5 BaUenden, St. Oair Grahame, L.E.C.P.,

Adsit Deus. Balfour-Kinnear, George Thomas, of Holborn Lodge, Sedgley, Dudley, cre^t

Balfour, Hon. James, of Tyalla, Toorak, Cross and Bristane, Orkney, Esquire, and motto as above.

Melbourne, same crest and motto. Writer to the Signet, 6, Doune Terrace, Bellenger, a dragon's head with wings

Balfour of Trenaby, Orkney, a dexter Edinburgh, an anchor ppr. Spem addorsed ppr. cf. 72. i
arm in armour erect, the hand holding
fortuna alit. 161. 11 Ballentine, a demi-griffin sa., wings ad-

a baton in bend gu., tipped arg. For- Balfour, Major Francis Walter, of Fernie dorsed erm., holding in the dexter

ward. cf. 209. 9 Castle, CO. Fife, a mermaid ppr., hold- claw a sword erect arg., hilt and pom-
ing in her dexter hand an otter's head
Balfour, Scotland, a hand in armour mel or. 64. 6

holding a truncheon ppr. Forward. erased sa., and in the sinister a swan's Ballett of Hatfield, Essex, out of a mural

209. 9 head erased ppr. Omni solum forti patria, coronet or, a demi-eagle displayed sa.

Balfour of Balmouth, an otter's head Balfour, Scotland, an heraldic tiger 80. 8

cmiped. Forivard, non temere. 134. i passant sa. 25. 5 Ballidon, Derbysh., a demi-lion vert,

Balfour of Dunbog, a tower arg., masoned Balfour-Hay, te Paterson-Balfour-Hay. crowned or, holding a cross crosslet of

sa., ensigned with an otter's head Balgonie, Lord, see Leven, Earl of. the last. cf. 11. 10

erased of the last. Nil temere. Balguy of Duffield, Derbysh., a bear BaUingaU, Hugh, Esquire, J.P., D.L.,

Balfour, a mermaid holding in her dexter passant ppr., coUared and chained or. of Ardarroch, Dundee, a demi-eagle

hand an otter's head erased, all ppr. «/• 34- I displayed vert, between two lilies

c/. 184. 10 Baliol, Scotland, a decrescent and an issuing out of the wreath ppr. Decore.

Balfour of Mountquhanny, Fife, a mer- increscent arg. 163. 7 250. 15

maid ppr., holding in her dexter hand Ball of Seotto, Xorf., a demi-lion rampant Ballinghall, late Sir George, F.R.S.,

an otter's head erased sa., and in her gardant sa. 10. 8 Regius Professor of Military Siirgery

sinister a swan's head, also erased ppr. Ball, a demi-lion rampant, holding be- in the University of Edinburgh, an

Omne sohi/in forti patrin. tween the paws a ball. eagle displayed with two heads, per

Balfour of Dunbog, a mermaid ppr., hold- Ball, Northamp., out of clouds ppr., a pale embattled or and gu. Fortitudine

ing in her dexter hand a boar's head demi-lion rampant sa., semee of estoiles et dcc^re. 74. 2
erased sa. Omne solum forti patria.
arg., holding a globe or. Ballow of Westminster, two arms em-

1S4. 10 Ball, an arm erect or, holding in the hand bowed, vested s larg. thef

Balfour of Burleigh, Baron (Bruce), a fire-ball, all ppr. 216. 6 ppr., conjoined, holding an etoile of

Kennet, Alloa, Clackmannan : ( i ) On Ball, a cubit arm vested gu., the cuff eight points or.

the dexter side, on a rock a mermaid Balls-Headley, Walter, Esquire, M.A.,

ppr., holding in her dexter hand an M.D., F.R.C.P., of Collins Street,

otter's head erased sa., and in her tory, Cambridge, an arm vambraced Melbourne, and Redholme, Kensington,

sinister a swan's head erased, also ppr. embowed arg., charged with two Road, South Yarra, Victoria, mes a

(for Balfour). Omne solum forti patria. ogresses, the hand grasping a fire-ball martlet. Ccler et vigilans. 95. 4
(2) On the sinister side, a dexter arm
fired, all ppr. On. 241. 12 Bally of Bath, on a mount vert, in front of

in armour from the shoulder, resting Ball, Sir Charles Bent, same crest and an oak-tree fructed ppr., two swords in

on the elbow, the hand holding a motto. saltire, also ppr., pommels and hilts or.

sceptre, all ppr. (for Bruce). Fuimus. Ball, John Stewart Valentine, Esquire, Balm and Balme, a hat turned up or,

Balfour, James William, Esquire, of same crest and motto. with three ostrich-feathers arg.

Balfour Castle, Kirkwall, a dexter arm Ball, Thomas Hand, Esquire, of 236, 115. 4

in armour erect ppr., the hand holding Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A., Balm, a trefoil slipped or. Fideliter.

a batoii in bend gu., tipped arg. an escallop or, charged with a fire-ball, 148. 9
all proper. Balmanno of Affleck, Scotland, a dexter

Balfour, William Edward Ligonier, Es- Ball of Boughton, Greenhall, and Irby, hand grasping a scimitar, all ppr.

quire, of Boodle's Club, St. James, Chesh., out of a ducal coronet an arm Fortiter. 213-5

same crest and motto. in armour embowed, holding in the Balmanno or Balmano, Scotland, an eagle
Balfour, Lt.-Col. John Edmond Heugh,
hand a fire-ball, all ppr. displayed gu., holding in each claw

D.S.O., of The Manor, Sidmouth, a Ball, Bart, (extinct), of Blofield, Norf., out a sword ppr. 75-6

dexter hand and arm erect, holding in of a naval coronet a cubit arm erect in Balnaves of Carnbody, a dexter hand

bend a branch of laurel slipped, all naval uniform, holding in the hand a holding a ball ppr. Hinc origo.

ppr. Adsit Deus. grenade bursting ppr. 216. 3

Balfour, Major Kenneth Robert, M.P., Ball of Ballsgrove, near Drogheda, a Balnaves or Balneaves, a dexter hand

griffin's head erased arg., langued gu., holding a ball sa. Fortitudine et vdo-

beaked or. Fulcrum dignitatis virtus. 66. citate. 216. 3



Balscott, on a ducal coronet or, a lion Bancks, a griflin segreant arg., holding a Banks of Aylesford, Kent, a dragon's

passant gardant arg. c/. 6. 4 cross formee fitchee gu. head erased arg. cf. 71. 2

Balsillie, Scotland, a dexter hand ppr., Bancroft of I^ondon, a garb between two Banks, Sir John, of Ciolagh, Monaghan,

holding a cross crosslet fitched gu. ' wings expanded, all or. 153. 14 a dragon's head erased per pale sa and

221. 14 Bancroft, Sir Squire, 18, Berkeley Square, gu. Fide et fortitudine.

Balston, Kent, a dove holding an olive- W., in front of a garb banded between Banks, Yorks, on a mount vert, a dragon

branch in its beak, all ppr. J'espere. two wings or, each wing charged with rampant arg., supporting a cross pattee

92. 5 a cross crosslet, four annulets fesseways or.
Balston, Reginald Mansfield, Esquire, in
and interlaced a?.. Vi el virtuie. Banks, Edwin Hodge, of Highmoor, Wig-

front of a dove holding in the beak a 244. 17 ton, Cunib., upon the trunk of a tree
eradicated and sprouting to the dexter
sprig of olive ppr., three fleur-de-lis Band of Wookey House, Somers., an ppr., an eagle regardant, wings ele-

fesseways sa. J'espere. eagle rising or. Dieu est mon aide.

Balston, Richard James, Esquire, of 77- 5 vated sa., charged upon the breast and
upon each wing with a fleur-de-Es or.
Springfield, Maidstone, same crest and ' Band, Essex, on a chapeau an owl ppr.,
Dum spiro spero.
motto. wings expanded or. 96. 6
Banks, Middx., a blackamoor's head

Baltrey, on a mural coronet or, a goat's I BandeneU of Netherburj', a griffin statant

head erased quarterly arg. and erm. ' ppr. 63. 8 affrontee, couped at the shoulders

Balvaird, Scotland, a hand holding a 1 Banderstone, see Balderstone. ppr., in the ears earrings or, and on
'-" d''o"r-- Bandinel, a helmet close, crested with a his head a chapeau gu., turned up erm.
hunting-horn ppr, N'"o'n—

217. plume of feathers ppr. 180. 4 Banks, Dorset, a blackamoor's head
affrontee, couped at the shoulders ppr.,
Bambell, out of a ducal coronet or, a Bandon, Earl of, see Bernard.

pelican vulning herself sa. c/. 98. i Banester or Banaster, Lanes, a peacock in the ears earrings or, and on his head

Bamber, Lanes, a bull's head erased gu., in pride, the body and wings or, the tail a chapeau gu., turned up erm., charged

armed or. Fortis et egregius. 44. 3 ppr. 103. 2 with a crescent, issuing thereform a
fleur-de-lis or.
Bamber, Ireland, a bull's head couped Banester, Leics. and Staffs, a peacock

iiu- cf. 44. 3 sitting ppr., gorged with a collar gu., Banks of Aylesford, Kent, on a mount

Bambrough, Rendlesham, SuflF., a skull- charged with three bezants. vert, a stag statant, attired and ungu

cap arg. Banester, Surrey, a peacock ppr. 103. 7 or, behind a tree ppr. cf. 1 16. 1

Bamburg, Yorks, a wolf's head erased Banester, a crab erect. 141. 5 Banks, John Daniel, solicitor. Notary

vert, bezantee. c/. 30. 8 Banester, a lobster or. 141. 2 Public, West End House, Prescot, an

Bamfield or Bamtylde, a lion's head Banger, a greyhound's head erased, per eagle's head couped arg. NuUiwi in

erased sa., ducally crowned or. 18. 8 fess gu. and or. 61. 4 verba.

Bamfield or Baumfield, a lion's head Bangor, Viscount (Ward), Castle Ward, Banks of London, an arm in armour em-

erased sa., ducally crowned gu., Downpatrick, co. Down, a Saracen's bowed arg., garnished or, issuing out of

charged on the neck with an annulet head affrontee, couped below the shoul- clouds ppr., holding in the hand, also

or. cf. 18. 8 ders ppr., wreathed about the temples ppr., a falchion arg., hilt and pommel

Bamfield, Cornw. and Devonsh., a lion or and az., and adorned with three or, and on the falchion a chaplet vert.

statant gardant, holding in the dexter o.strioh-feathers. Siibcriicesalus. 190. 5 Bannatine and Bannatyne, Scotland, a

paw an anchor, the flukes resting on the Banister, a torteau. 159. 14 demi-griffin. 64. 2

wreath. 5. 10 Banke or Banck of London and Yorks, on Bannatyne of Corhouse, a demi-griffin

Bamford of Bamford, Derbysh., on a the stump of a tree couped a stork holding in the dexter claw a sword

chapeau a serpent nowed. 142. 9 close, all ppr. 105. 12 erect, all ppr. Xec cito, nee tarde. 64. 6

Bamford, Arthur J. J., Esquire, of Banke or Banckes, Glouc. and Lanes, a Bannatyne of Kames, same crest and

Misterton Hall, Lutterworth, Leics.. griffin segreant arg., holding a cross

in front of a dexter arm embowed, formee fitched gu. Bannatyne of NewhaU, a demi-griffin

holding a flagstaff ppr., therefrom Bankes of London and Middx., a man's holding in the dexter claw a sword in
flowing a banner arg., charged with a head couped at the shoulders sa., on his
Dumfesse ppr. spiro spero.

mascle gu., three annulets interlaced head a chapeau gu., turned up erra. Bannatyne, Scotland, a griffin's head

fesseways of the last. Perseverantia Bankes of Kingston Lucy, Dorset, a erased. 66. 2

vincit. cj. 199. 10 blackamoor's head affrontee, couped at Banner of London, an arm in armour
the shoulders ppr., in the ears earrings embowed, holding in the hand ppr. a
Bamme, Baum, or Baume, out of a ducal

coronet a griffin's head, holding in the or, on the head a chapeau gu., turned banner gu., fringe and staff arg.,

beak a key, all ppr. 65. 14 up erm., adorned with a crescent, charged with a fleur-de-lis or. Nil sine

Bampfylde (Rt. Hon. Sir Augustus issuant therefrom a fleur-de-lis or. numine. cf. 199. 9
Frederick George Warwick), Baron
Veile vult quod Deus. Banner of London, a demi-wolf ppr.,

Poltimore, Devonsh., a lion's head Bankes, Walter Ralph, of Corfe Castle, ducally gorged and chained or, holding
erased sa., ducally crowned or. Ddec- Dorsetshire, same crest and motto. between its paws a mullet of six. points

tare in domino. ' 18. 8 Bankes of Revesby Abbey, Lines, on the of the same. 31. 6

Banard or Banyard of Stakey, Xorf., a stump of an oak-tree couped, sprouting Bannerman, Bart., of Elsick, Scotland,
lion's gamb erased sa., charged with out new branches, a stork statant arg., a demi-man in armour affrontee, his

a martlet, or for difference. r/. 36. 4 beaked or, ducally gorged gu. Nullius dexter hand grasping a sword, all ppr.

Banastre, Shropsh., a peacock ppr. in verba. 105. 4 Pro pnlria. 187. I

103- 7 Bankes of Winstanley, Wigan, on the Bannerman, W. Bruce, Esquire, F.S.A.,
Banbury, Sir Frederick George, Bart.,
stump of a tree a stork statant ppr., of Croydon, a demi-man in armour

Warneford Place, Highworth. Wilts, ducally gorged gu. 105. 4 affrontee, his dexter hand grasping a
sword, all ppr., and his sinister hand
a demi-antelope ppr., holding between Banks, Y'orks, an eagle's head couped arg.

the forepaws a cross pattee and charged 83. I holding a banner displayed arg.,

on the shoulder with a garb gu. Banks of Leeds, Yorks, an eagle's head thereon a canton az., charged with a

Moneo et munio. -i-- 7 erased sa., between two fleur-de-lis saltire of the field. Propatria. 292.12
Bannerman of Edinburgh, same crest and
Banbury or Bandbury, Oxon., a falcon are. 84. 9
regardant, holding in its dexter claw a Banks, Herbert Delamark, Esquire, of
Bannerman, James Murray, of Wyastone
garland of laurel, all ppr. 85.4 Oxney Court, near Dover, Kent, on a
Leys, Heref. A demi-man in armour
Bance of London and Callow, Berks, out mount vert, a stone column of the
of a ducal coronet or, a lion's gamb holding in the dexter hand a sword,
Tuscan order, fesseways, thereon a

holding a cross crosslet fitched sa. stork ppr., the dexter claw resting on all ppr. Pro patria.

36. II a fleur-de-lis or. Perseverando. 104. i Bannerman, Scotland, a demi-priest

Banckes, see Bankes, and Banks, and Banks, a dragon's head erased arg. Ripa habited ppr., in the act of prayer. Hc^c

caret tacitnrtta ventis. cf. 71. 2 prceslat inililia.



Bannerman, Campbell-, Rt. Hon. Sir Barbor of Stamford, Lines, London, and Barclay of Johnston, Scotland, the sun

Henry, M.P., of Hunton Court, Kent: Suti., out of a ducal coronet or, a issuing out of a cloud ppr. Servabit me

(t) a demi-man in armour ppr {for bull's head arg.. charged on the neck semper Jehovah. 162. 5

ABannerman). (2) boar's head erased with a cinquefoil gu. cf. 44. 11 Barcroft, Henry, Esquire, of the Glen,
—ppr. {/or Campbell). Patrice fidelis.
Barbor, on a staff raguly in fess an eagle CO. Armagh, a demi-bear rampant gu.,

A'e oUiviscaris. 42. 2 displayed with two "heads az., each muzzled and charged on the shoulder

Bannester and Bannister, an arm in ducally crowned or, the inside of the with a trefoil slipped or. 263. 10

armour couped in fess, holding a scimi- wings and the legs also or. Barcroft of Meer Green, Worcs., a wolf

tar in pale arg., enfiled with a boar's Barbour, a Calvary-cross gu. Nihilo nisi rampant gu. 28. 3

head couped ppr. 9c/. 2 1 1 . cnice. 166. I Bard of Caversfield, Bucks, a lion's gamb

Banning, see Greaves-Banning. Barbour, George, of Bolesworth Castle, couped and erect or, grasping a horse's

Banning of London, an ostrich arg., hold- Chesh., in front of a mount vert, leg erased sa. 38. 12

ing in the beak a key or. 97. 5 thereon a cross Calvary arg., a garb Bardin, a demi-youth ppr., holding over

Bannister, an arm in armour couped fess- fessewise or. Nihilo nisi cruce. his shoulder a broken axe.

ways ppr.. holding a scimitar arg. in Barby, Devonsh. and Northamp., a Bardolf, Bardolfe, or Bardolph, out of a

pale, entiled with a boar's head couped, heraldic tiger statant arg., attired with ducal coronet or, a dragon's head of

also ppr. c/. 211. 9 four horns, turned round like those of the ,?ame, wings expanded gu.

Bannister of GuonchaU, Leics., a peacock a ram or. Bardolph of London, out of a mural

sitting ppr., gorged with a coUar gu., Barchaud, a dove arg., winged or, beaked, coronet gu., a dragon's head between

charged with three bezants. legged, and collared gu., charged on two wings of the, each charged
the breast with a crescent of the last, with a mascle or.
ABantry, Earl of (Hedges-'White) : (i)

stork arg., beaked and membered or, holding in its beak an olive-branch BardsweU, Charles William, M.A., Re-

charged with a crescent gu. (for Wlute). vert, and resting its dexter claw on a corder of Kingston-on-Thames, the

(2) A swan's head and neck erased ppr. mill-rind, erect az. Beacon, Surbiton, a peacock in his

{for Hedges), cf. loi. 5. (3) A leg Barclay, Sir David Edward Durell, Bart., pride ppr. Non nobis nascimur.

booted, armed, and spurred, couped of Pierston, a sword in pale arg., hilt Bardwell, an arm in armour holding in

at the thigh, per pale gu. and arg., and pommel or. Crux Christi nostra the hand a broken spear, the pieces in

spurred or {for Eyre). The noblest corona. 170. 2 saltier. 209. 10

motive is the public good. Barclay-AUardioe, see Allardice. Bardwell, Thomas Newman Frederick,

Banworth, on a ducal coronet a griffin Barclay of London, same crest and motto. Esquire, D.L., Bolton Hall, Wilberfoss,
sejant, resting the dexter claw on an Barclay, Scotland, a hand holding a Yorks, a demi-goat erm., armed and

escutcheon. 62. 11 dagger in pale ppr. Crux Christi nostra attired or. Bear thee well. 1 29. 10

Baptista of Castile, out of a ducal coronet corona. 212. 9 Bare, Ireland, a wolf's head sa. 30. 5

or, a dragon's head vert, in Uames of Barclay, Charles Alexander, Esquire, Barentine or Barrentine, an eagle dis-

fire ppr. 72. 14 of Aberdour House, Fraserburgh, co. played arg., between the attires and

Baptist-Browne of Italy, a dragon's head Aberdeen, a hand holding a dagger over the scalp of a stag or.

between two wings sa., gorged with ppr. Aut agere, aut mori. Bareth, Ireland, a lozenge gu. cf. 1 10. 3

a bar gemelle or, the dexter ear Barclay, Charles Herbert, E3<juire, of Barett, a demi-leopard gardant ppr.

gu., the sinister arg., the wings pur- Inchedura, North Berwick, N.B., same cf. 23. 4

fied or. crest and motto. Bareu or Barew, a holly-braneh vert.

Baratty, an eagle regardant, wings ex- Barclay, Robert, Esquire, of Bury Hill, 147- 7

panded, holding in its dexter claw a Dorking, Surrey, a mitre or, and in an Barfoot of Midlington Place, Hants, a

sword, all ppr. 7y. 10 escroll. In cruce spero. stag statant, gorged with a ducal

Barban or Barbon, a leopard's head and Barclay, a dexter hand holding a sword coronet. cf. 117. 5

neck ppr. 22. 10 ppr., hilted and pommelled or. Aut Barfoot or Barford, out of a ducal coronet,

Barbe, St., of Lymington, Hants, awyvern agere, aut mori. 212. 13 a cubit arm in armour, the hand

sa. 70. 2 Barclay, an arm couped and embowed, grasping a sword in bend sinister

Barbenson, Thomas Nicholas, Esquire, of resting the elbow on the wreath, hold- ppr.

Alderney, three mullets or, in front of ing in the hand three ears of wheat, Barford or Berford, Rutl., a bear passant

a mount vert, thereon an olive-tree aU ppr. 202. 6 sa. f/. 34- I

ppr., and on the dexter side thereof, Barclay, Scotland, a mitre ppr. In cruce Bargrave or Bargrove, Kent, on a mount

rampant to the sinister, a lion gu. spero. cf. 180. 5 vert a pheon gu., point downwards,
between two laurel- branches of the
Semper fidelis. 3. 1 Barclay, Robert, of Higham, Bury St.
Barber, Scotland, a dexter hand holding Edmunds, same crest and motto.

a cross crosslet fitched gu. 221.14 Barclay, a mitre or, charged with an Barham, Baron (Noel), a buck at gaze

Barber, Scotland, a dexter hand holding a escallop gu. Dieu avec nons. cf. 180. 5 arg., attired or. Tout bien ou rien.
Barclay, Rev. Joseph, LL.D., Rector of
cross pa ttee fitched gu. 221.12 117- 3

Barber, Thomas Philip, Esquire, B.A., Stapleford, Herts, and Bishop of Barham or Braham, Suff. and Surrey, a

J. P., Lamb Close House, Greasley, Jerusalem, a mitre or, charged with an wolf's head arg. 30. 5

Notts, out of a ducal coronet, a bull's escallop gu. Dieu avec nous. cf. 1 80. 5 Barham of Staines, Middx., a stork among
Barclay of Touch, Scotland, a cross pattee
head. In Deo spis. 44. 1 bulrushes, all ppr. 104. 3

Barber, Suff., out of a ducal coronet gu., gu. Cruxsalutimconjert. cf. 165. 7 Bariff, Northamp., on a mount vert a

a bull's head arg. cf. 44. 1 Barclay of Balmakewan, Scotland, a cross beaver passant ppr., gorged with a

Barber of London, on a mural coronet pattee gu. Sola cruce salus. cf. 165. 7 plain collar and ring or. cf. 1 34. 4
Barclay of Wavertree, a cross pattee gu.,
gu., a bull's head erased arg. Baring of Larkbeer, Devonsh., a mullet

Barber, Herts, out of a ducal coronet or, surmounted by an Eastern crown or. erminois, between two wings arg.

a bull's head per pale arg. and gu. ilirtix etre que paroltre. Prob itatc et labore. cf. 1 1 1 . 5

cf. 44. II Barclay of Burford Lodge, Surrey, same Baring, Baron Ashburton, see Ashburton.
Baring, Viscount Baring and Earl of
Barber-Starkey, William Joseph, Esquire, crest.
Northbrook, see Northbrook.
of Aldenham Park, Bridgnorth, Barclay, Sweden, a passion-cross gu., Baring, Baron Revelstoke, see Revelstoke.
surmounted by a celestial crown or. Baring, a dexter cubit arm in armour,
Shropsli., a stork arg., semee of estoiles
holding in the hand a caltrap, all ppr.
az. Homo proponit, Deus disponit. Crux Christi solamen ofjert.
Barclay, Scotland, a dove holding in its 210. 7
Barberie or Barberrie, a dexter hand Baring-Gould, Rev. Baring, of 65, Lee
beak an olive-branch ppr. Cedant
holding an arrow, point downwards, aU —Park, Lee, Kent, a demi-Iion rampant

ppr. Suivezraison. 214.4 arma. 92. 5 az. bezantee. Toujours sans tache.

Barbon of London, a leopard's head and Barclay, a demi-griffin regardant az., Probitate et labore.

neck arg., spotted sa. 22. 10 supporting a flag erect charged with a

Barbon, see Uarban. crescent. 64. 14


Baring-Gould, Francis, Esquire, of Mer- Barker of Haughmond, Shropsh., an eagle Barley, a demi-stag party per pale,

row Grange, Surrey, same crest and rising regardant arg., beaked and charged with three bars wavy counter-

motto. winged or. y?. 4 changed, cf. 119. 2

Baring-Gould, Rev. Sabine, of Lew Barker of Chelsum, Bucks, a turtle-dove Barling, Kent, a lion rampant gu., sup-

Treneliard, North DeTon, same crest ppr., holding in its beak a rose gu., porting a garb ppr. Perspicax aiidax.

and motto. stalked and leaved vert. cf. 92. 5 I- 7

Baring, Harold Herman John, High Barker of Bockenhall, Essex, an ostrich- Barloss, a cock or, combed, legged, and

Beach, Essex, a mullet erminois be- head erased or, holding in the beak a wattled gu. 01. 2

tween two wings arg. Probitate et Barlow, Very Rev. William Hagger,

labore. 239. 2 Barker, Jliddx., Kent, and Surrey, out of Dean of Peterborough, on a Mercury's
cap or, the wings arg., an eagle's head
Baring, WiUiam Henry, of Norman a ducal coronet or, an eagle displayed

Court, Hants, crest and motto as above. sa., beaked and legged gu. erased ppr.

Barkas or Barcas, an arm from the cf. 75. 2 Barlow, Sir Thomas, Bart., in front of a

shoulder holding a roU of bark ppr. Barker of Albrighton Hall, Salop, same staff erect, entwined by a serpent ppr.,

Fari quce sentiat. crest. Juvante Deo floret industria. an eagle's neck erased with two heads

Barke, an arm from the shoulder holding Barker of Holbeach, Norf., out of a ducal arg., thereon a rose gu. Sicut aquila

in the hand a spade ppr. 202. 12 coronet or, a grilBn's head ppr. Fide juvenescam. 232. 9

Barkeley, Somers., a unicorn statant gu., sed cui vide. 67. 9 Barlow, Lanes, two eagles' heads erased

armed or. cf. 48. 5 Barker, Hurst., Berks and Warw., a and conjoined arg., beaked or.

Barkeley, a mitre gu., charged with a naked boy ppr., holding an arrow.

chevron, between ten crosses formee Barker, Berks, a naked man holding a Barlow of Sheffield, on a Mercury's cap or,

arg. c/. 180. 5 spear in pale ppr. the wings arg., an eagle's head erased

Barkeley, Okenbury, Cornw., on a mount Barker, Berks, a demi-Moor ppr., in his ppr., collared erm. 84. I

vert, a stag lodged ppr. 115. 12 dexter hand an arrow or, feathered Barlow of Slebege, Pembroke, a demi-lion

Barkeman of London, two arms in armour and headed arg., on his sinister arm a arg., holding in the dexter paw a cross
embowed or, holding between the hands shield, also or, and over his shoulder a
crosslet fitched sa. 1 1 . 10

ppr. a bundle of arrows arg., banded Barlow, an eagle's head erased ppr.,

gu. 194. 6 Barker of Ipswich, Suff.. same crest. holding in the beak an escaUop-shell.

Barker, Bart., Bocking Hall, Esses, a Barker, William Oliver, Esquire, M.D., of Barlow of Upton House, near Manchester,

bear sejant or, collared sa. c/. 34. S Dunboyiie, co. Meath, and of Gardiner's a gauntleted hand beudways ppr.,

Barker, Thomas, Esquire, of Roslyn Hall, Row, Dublin, a demi-Moor ppr., over grasping two eagles' heads conjoined
Sydney, New South Wales, a bear his sinister shoulder a sash gu., holding and erased at the neck sa. En foi

sejant sa., muzzled and gorged with in his dexter hand an arrow or, •prest.

a collar gemelle or, holding in the feathered and headed arg., and on Barlow, Alexander Kay, Esquire, of

paws an escutcheon gu., charged with Ills sinister arm a shield or, charged Wivenhoe Hall, Essex, same crest and

an escallop arg. with a crescent sa. Mors potius motto. 84. II

Barker, Christopher Dove, Esquire, of macula. Barlow, William Wycliffe, Esquire, of

Radnor House, Great Malvern, issuant Barker of Ipswich, a greyhound sejant Pitt JIanor, near Winchester, same

from an annulet or, a bear's head erased arg., collared and ringed or, having crest and motto.

sa., muzzled of the first, charged -n-ith attached to the latter a Une of the Barlow-Massicks, Thomas, Esquire, of

a bend nebuly arg., thereon three same, entwined round the body and the Oaks, Millom, Cumb., a cross

torteaux. Virtus tutissima cassis. held to the ground by the dexter pattee az., surmounted by a leopard's

Barker, Ponsonby-, of Kilcooly, Ireland : liind-foot. face jessant-de-lis or. Vestigia nulla re-
A(i) bear sejant or, collared sa. (for Barker, Rutland, a bear sejant ppr.

Barker), cf. 34. 8. (2) In a ducal cf. 34. 8 Barlow of Dublin, issuant from a billet

coronet az., three arrows, one in pale Barkesworth or Barksworth, Yori;s, out raguly vert, a demi-eagle without

and two in saltier, points downward, of a ducal coronet two arms, dexter wings, per pale arg. and or, and

enveloped with a snake ppr. (for and sinister, vested and embowed, charged on the breast with two

Ponsonby). 173. 2 and in each hand an ostrich-feather. chevronels sa. So. 1 1

Barker, a bear's head sa., muzzled or. 203. 2 Barlow, Sir Richard Wellesley, Bart., out

34- 14 Barkey of Bremen, Germany, and of of an Eastern crown or, a demi-lion
Barker, Rev. Alfred Gresley, Stanlake Dublin, a lion's gamb eouped sa., arg., supporting in the paws a cross

Park, Readhig, on a rock arg., a hawk between two ostrich-feathers, the crosslet fitchee az., between on the

close or. In solo Deo solus. dexter arg., the sinister gu. dexter side a branch of olive, and on

Barker, Norf., a bear's head erased gu., Barkham, an arm eouped at the shoulder —the sinister a branch of palm ppr.

muzzled or. 35-2 in a maunch, embowed in fess, the Si piusinprimis. Diligepacem. 251. 5

Barker of Newbury, Berks, Great Hor- elbow resting on the wTeath. 203. i Barlow, a demi-lion rampant gardantarg.,

wood, Bucks, etc., a bear's head erased Barkham of London, two arms in armour gorged with a collar gu., thereon three

gu., muzzled or, between two wings embowed ppr., holding a sheath of five bezants, holding between the paws a
erect, the dexter az., the sinister of the

arrows or, feathered arg., and banded cross moline of the second charged

second. 35. 5 with a ribbon gu. DUigentia fortuna with a bezant.

Barker, George Rickard, Esquire, Hemsby mater. 194. 6 Barnaby, a demi-iloor ppr., holding in

Hall, Norf., a bear's head eouped gu., Barksteade of London, out of a ducal his dexter hand a rose gu.

muzzled or, between two torteaux. [

coronet or, an arm in armour embowed ' Barnaby, a boar's head erased, per fess

Barker of Over and Vale Royal, Chesh., ppr., grasping a sword arg., hilt and nebiJy sa. and or. 41. 5

a falcon arg., standing on a hawk's lure pommel of the first. |

195. 10 Barnaby of Colchester, Essex, a demi-

gu., stringed or. cf. 85. 14 Barkwortb, Yorks, a demi-hon rampant greyhound gu., collared and ringed arg.,

Barker, Shropsh., on a rock a hawk ppr. arg. Esto quod esse videris. | holding between the paws a branch of

10. 2

86: 7 Barlande, a lion rampant gu., supporting laurel vert.

Barker of WoUerton, Shropsh., on a rock a garb ppr. 7i . Barnaby, Worcs. , an escallop sa. 141. 14

arg., a hawk close or. |

86. 7 Barlay or Barley, a boar's head or, tusked Barnaby, Shropsh., a leopard couchant sa.

Barker, Raymond-, Reginald Henry, of az., charged on the breast with a mullet 24. 10

Fairford Park, Glouc. : (i) On a rock of the same. 41-3 Barnack or Barnake, a bear's head sa.,

arg., a hawk close or (for Barker). Barley, Derbysh., a boar's head erased or, muzzled or, between two \rings of the

86. 7. (2) Out of a mural coronet a in the mouth a quatrefoil az. I last. cf. 35. 5

demi-eagle displayed or, charged on Barley of London, a dexter cubit arm Barnard, Rev. Dennis Jacob Johnson, of

the body with three torteaux in pale. vested, charged with a fess vair cottised, ' the School House, Stamford, a demi-

VirUis tutissima cassis. So. 8 cuff arg., holding in the hand a staff. lion arg., charged on the shoulder with



an escallop, holding between the paws a ways arg., stalked, leaved, and slipped Barnes, Kent, on a mount vert, a falcon,

serpent nowed, the whole between two vert, interlaced by a mascle or. In- wings expanded arg., ducally gorg(

escallops, all az. IlaintenaiU ou jamais. diistria atque jortuna. beaked and legged or.

295. 6 Barnawell, see Barnewell. Barnes, Herts and Lanes, an etooiile

Barnard, Baron (Vane), an armed hand Barnby, Yorks, a bear's head couped sa., pierced or. 164. 5
couped at the wrist grasping a sword
in bend sinister, all ppr., pommel and muzzled or. 34. 14 Barnes of London, out of a cloud ppr.,

Barne, Michael, Esquire, a falcon volant issuing rays paleways or, an arm

hilt or. Nee tetnerc nee timide. arg., ducaUy gorged and membered erect vested of the second, holding in

Barnard of Bartlow, Cambs, a demi-bear or, standing on a mount vert. Nee the hand, also ppr., a broken sword

rampant sa., muzzled or. 34-13 timide nee temere. arg., hilt and pommel also or.

Barnard, Yorks, same crest. Barne, Miles, Esquire, of Sotterley, co. cf. 210. 12

Barnard, Fulke Lancelot Wade, Esquire, Suff., same crest and motto. Barnes, the late Alfred, of Ashgate Lodge,

of Portishead, Somers., same crest. Barne, Seymour, Esquire, of Sotterley, Chesterfield, Derbysh., in front of a

Fer et perfer. 34. 13 CO. Suff., same crest and motto. cubit arm in armour the hand grasping

Barnard of London, out of a ducal coronet Barne of Tiverton, Devonsh., in front of a broken sword, all ppr., the wrist

or, a demi-bear rampant sa., muzzled an oak-tree ppr., growing out of a encircled by a wreath of oak or, five

or. 34. 10 mount vert, an eagle with wings dis- annulets interlaced and fessewise arg.
played sa., charged on the body and Frangas non. fiectes.
Barnard, Benjamin, Esquire, of Ham,

Surrey, out of a mount vert, a demi- on each wing with a bezant, and resting Barnes, Arthur Gorell, Esquire, of

bear sa., muzzled, charged on the the dexter claw on a leopard's face or. Tupton Hall, Chesterfield, same crest
shoulder with a cross pattee fitchee, and motto.
Amrum honori. 78. 10

and the sinister paw resting on a cross Barne of London, out of a ducal coronet Barnes, Frederic Gorell, Esquire, J.P.,

crosslet or. or, and on a mount vert, a stag statant DL., of Springfield, Hawkhurst, Kent,

Barnard of Notcliffe House, Tewkesbury, ppr. 118. 4 same crest and motto.

Glouc, a demi-bear rampant sa., semee Barneby of Brockhampton, Heref., a lion Barnes, Hon. Sir John Gorell, K.C., of 14,

of annulets or, and holding between couchant gardant sa. Virtute non vi. Kensington Park Gardens, same crest

the paws a buckle of the last. Ex 7. 10 and motto.

Concordia victorice spes. 34. 1 Barneby, William Henry, of Longworth, Barnes of Brookside, Manchester, a cubit

Barnard of Cave Castle, Yorks: (i) A Heref., same crest and motto. arm issuant from rocks ppr., habited

bear rampant sa., muzzled or (for Barneby-Lutley, John Habington, Es- chequy arg. and az., cuffed of the
second, the hand grasping a broken
Barnard. (2) A greyhound courant quire, of Brockhampton, co. Heref.,

{for Boldcro). Feslina lente. cj. 58. 2 same crest and motto. sword ppr., and issuant from the rock

Barnard, Norf. and Yorks, and Pirton, Barned, Lewis-, Israel, Esquire, of behind the arm rays of the sun or.

Oxon., a demi-lion rampant arg., Gloucester Terrace; Regent's Park, Dens noster re/ugium.

charged on the shoulder with a mullet London, N.W. : (i ) A female in a sitting Barnes, Captain Richard Knowles, R.N.,

within an annulet, holding in the paws a attitude vested az., and holding in the on the embattlements of a tower gu.,

snake entwined az. 9. 14 right hand a sickle ppr. {for Barned). a wyvern az., gorged with a collar
(2) Upon the trunk of a tree fess- gemel or, the wings elevated of the last
Barnard, G. W. G., 4, Surrey Street, wise and eradicated ppr., a gryphon guttee-de-sang.

Norwich, a demi-lion arg., charged on

the shoulder with an escallop, holding segreant or, holding in the dexter claw Barnes, a demi-savage, wreathed about

between the paws a serpent nowed, the a trefoil vert [for Leu-is). Benigno the head and loins, holding a club in

whole between two escallops, all az. pale, all ppr.

Nunc aut nnnguam. 260. 13 Barnefield, a lion's head erased sa., Barnes, same crest. Nee timide, nee

Barnard, John, Esquire, of Lambeth, ducally crowned gu. 18. 8 timere.

Surrey, a lion passant arg., biUettce Barnes, Berks, a demi-unicorn erm., Barnes, Robert, Esquire, upon a rock

sa., supporting with the dexter paw armed, collared, and lined or. ppr., muzzled or, and resting the

an escutcheon gu., charged with a garb c/. 48. 10 dexter fore-paw on a trefoil slipped

or. J/eo gloria fides. 5. i Barnes, Edmund, J.P., 220, Camden vert. Fer fortiter.

Barnard, London, an escallop-shell arg. Road, N. W., same crest. Nee timide nee Barnes, Rev. George, M.A., of the

141. !4 temere. Rectory, St. Albans, Wood Street,

Barnard, Herbert, Esquire, of 69, Port- Barnes, Walter James, solicitor, Bideford, London, same crest and motto.

land Square, W., ou a mount vert, a same crest and motto. Barnesfatber, see Bairnsfather.

demi-bear sa., muzzled, charged on Barnes, a demi-greyhound ppr., holding Barnesley, Staffs and Surrey, an old man's

the shoulder with a cross patee fitchee, in its paws a garb or. head affrontee, couped at the breast

and the sinister paw resting on a cross Barnes, a demi-lion or. 10. 2 ppr., charged with a mullet for differ-

cros,slet or. Barnes, Cambs, a leopard passant arg.,

Barnard, John, Esquire, of 32, Montpellier spotted sa., collared and lined or. Barnet, a holly-branch ppr. 150. 10

Crescent, Brighton, a hon arg., billet tee Barnes, Pemberton-, of Haveringham- Barnett, Bertram, Knighton Grange,
sa., supporting with the dexter paw atte-Bower, Romford, Essex: (i) Upon near Chichester, out of a ducal crown

a shield gu., charged with a garb or. a rock a leopard passant ppr., semee or, a demi-bear sa., muzzled of the first.
of estoiles, and a cross crosslet sa., Barnett, Thomas, Esquire, of Knighton
Mea gloria fides.

Barnard, Joseph, Esquire, a demi-bear for difference {for Barnes). f2) Upon Grange, Aldingbourne, Chichester, out
rampant sa., semee of annulets or, the trunk of an oak-tree eradicated and of a ducal coronet a bear's head

and holding between the paws a buckle sprouting, towards the dexter ppr., a muzzled. Nisi paret imperat.

of the last. Ex Concordia victorice griffin passant or, guttee-de-poix {for Barnett of Stratton Park, Biggleswade,

spes. Pemberton). Mutare vel timere sperno. Beds, a fleur-de-lis arg. 148- 2

Barnardiston, Nathaniel, Esquire, of The Barnes, the descendants of the late Barnevelt, a demi-buck gu. 119. 2

Ryes, near Sudbury, Suff., a bittern Robert Barnes, Esquire, of Durham, Bamewall, Sir Reginald Aylmer John

or, standing among bulrushes ppr. upon a rock a bear ppr., muzzled or, de Barne val, Bart., Ireland, 23,
Barnardiston, Nathaniel Walter, of the and resting the dexter fore-paw on a Cliveden Place, Eaton Square, S.W.,

Ryes, Sudbury, Suff., same crest. trefoil slipped vert. Forbear, and the from a plume of five ostrich-feathers
Barnardiston of Kiddington, Suff., an same crest with the motto Fer fortiter. or, gu., az.. vert, and arg., a falcon
rising of the last. Malo mori quam
ass's head arg. Jc trouve bien. 34- 2

125. 12 Barnes of London, in rushes ppr., a duck feedari.

Barnardiston of Great Cotes, Lines, arg. 102. 3 Barnewell, Baron Trimlestown, Ireland,
among rushes ppr., a stork or. 104. 3 same crest and motto.
Barnes, a falcon, wings expanded arg.,
Barnato, of 23, Upper Hamilton Place, Barnewall or Barnawelle of Stamford,
upon a rock ppr., two roses saltire- ducally gorged, beaked, and legged Lines, a boar's head erased arg.,




gorged with a collar embattled gu., an arm erect, habited of the last, hold- Barrett, Heref., a lion rampant or,
charged with three bezants, in front ing in the hand ppr. a broken swoid holding between his paws an escallop

a double ring or. arg., hilted of the second. sa. cf. I. 13
Baron of Heywood, Lanes, a cubit arm Barrett of Lea Priory, Kent, a lion
Barnewell of Cransley, Northamp., a
couchant arg., the dexter paw resting
wolf's head erased arg., gorged with in armour, the hand in a gauntlet

collar raguly gu., charged with three grasping a tilting-spear erect ppr., on a muUet sa. c/. 7. 5

bezants, in front a double ring or. suspended therefrom by a chain or, an Barrett, Charles William Sessions, M.B.,

Barnewell, Ireland, an arm from the escutcheon gu., charged with a mullet Argent Mead, Hinchley, Leics., a

elbow erect, vested, holding in the hand pierced, also or. 209. 12 demi-uuicornarg., collared sa. Frangas

two branches of laurel in orle, with Baron of Preston, Scotland, a demi- nan flectes.
Barrett of Aveley, Essex, a hydra with
martlet perched between and on the eagle displayed sa. Alter ipse amicus.

hand. 205. 6 81. 6 seven heads, the wings addorsed vert,

Barney or Barney, Norf., a garb or. Baron, Cornw., a talbot's head couped scaled or. 73-3

153- 2 or. 56. 12 Barrett, Cambs, a griffin segreant re-

Barney, a hand in armour holding a Baron or Barron, Scotland, on a mount gardant or, beaked, armed, and winged

pheou in pale ppr. 211. 7 vert, a pyramid ppr., environed with gu. cf. 62. 2

Barney, Park Hall, Norf., a plume of ivy. 179- 12 Barrett, Warw., a griffin segreant re-

seven feathers alternately az. and gu., Baronsdale of London, out of an antique gardant gu., the wings elevated or.

four at the bottom and three at the eron-n or, a stork's head arg., beaked cf. 62. 2

top. gu- Barrett, Louis Arthur, of Milton House,

Barnfleld, Shropsh. and Devonsh., a Barough or Barrow, a lion passant az., Berks, a wyvern, the wings erect or,

lion's head erased sa., ducally crowned resting his dexter paw on a ball or. collared and chained az. Honor,

gu. c/. 18. 8 cf. 6. 2 virtus, probitas.

Barnham, a crescent gu., between two Barr, a branch of laurel fructed ppr. Barrett of Attleborough, Norf., a wyvern

branches of laurel in orle ppr. 151. II erm., coUared and chained sa., charged

c/. 163. 10 Barr, a lion's head erased gu., coUared on the neck with an escallop of the

Barnham, Bart, {extiyict), Kent, a dragon's or. Fortitudine. 18. 6 last, the wings displayed.
head arg., pellettee, between four
dragon's brings sa., bezantee. Barr, an arm couped at the shoulder Barrett of Shortney, Notts, a nag's head

Barns-Graham, see Graham. vested gu., embowed and lying fess- erased per pale gu. and az., gorged
Barns, a garb or. Peace and plenty.
ways, the elbow resting upon the with two bars arg. cf. 51. 4
153- 2
Barns of Glasgow, a garb ppr., banded wreath, the hand towards the sinister Barrett, Suff., a demi-greyhoimd arg.,

holding a bow ppr. 204. 1 coUared and lined sa. cf. 60. 8

Barr, a demi-savage, the head and loins Barrett, Suff., a helmet arg., garnished

gu. Peace and plenty. 153-2 wreathed with leaves, all ppr. and plumed with feathers or.

Barns, Stephenson-, Colonel James, C.B., cf. 185. 2 180. 4
Barran, Sir John, Bart., Chapel Allerton
Aof Kirkhill : (i) garb ppr., banded Barrett, on a globe a hawk, the wings
Hall, near Leeds, in front of a tower
Agu. {for Barns). 153. 2. (2) dexter gu., charged with tlu-ee mascles inter- expanded, aU ppr. 1 59. 7
twined palewise, a lion's gamb fessp-
hand issuing out of a cloud, holding a wise erased or. Amor patriae. 234. 12 Barretto of London and Calcutta, out of
Barrat or Barratt, a galley, her oars in
laurel garland, all ppr. (for Stephenson), a count's coronet a demi-tiger ppr.,

218. 9 ; and for a crest of augmenta- coUared with three barrulets, and hold-
tion, a dexter arm in armour, issuing
ing a star pagoda or.

from a broken battlement, the hand saltier sa., the flags gu. 160. 10 Barrey, see Barre.

holding a —banner inscribed '" St. Barratt and Barrett, a wyvern ppr., Barrie, Scotland, a demiotter sa.

Sebastian." Peace and plenty. Codum coUared gu., chained or. cf. 70. I 134. II

mm solum. Barre or Barrey, an arm in armour, Barriff, Northamp., on a mount vert,
a beaver passant ppr., gorged with a
Barns, a pellet. c/. 159. 14 couped at the elbow in fesse, holding

Barnsdale, issuant from rays of the sun in the hand a sword in pale, ensigned plain collar and ring or. cf. 134. 4

or, an eagle's head and neck arg., with a Saracen's head affrontee. Barrifle, see Beriffe.

beaked gu. cf. 211. II Barrlngton of Barrington Hall, Essex, a
Barnsley, a dragon passant arg., charged Barreau, Jersey, a dexter hand in armour Capuchin friar affrontee ppr., couped
below the shoulders, vested paly arg-
on the breast with a rose gu. cf. 7^. 2 ppr., holding a passion-cross arg. In and gu., on the head a cap or. Totit
Barnsley, Shropsh., a man's head couped
hoc signo vinces.

at the shoulders and affrontee ppr. Barrel or Barrell, Hcref., a talbot's head ung durant ma vie. 192. 3

cf. 190. 5 couped arg., eared gu. 56. 12 Barrington, Sir Vincent Hunter Barring-
Barnwell of Mileham Hall, and Beeston,
Barrentine, see Barentine. ton Kennett, 57, Albert HaU Mansions,
Norf., a wolf's head erased arg., gorged
Barret, a demi-unioorn arg., collared sa. AS.W. : (I) hermit's head in profile

with a collar raguly gu., charged with 48. 10 couped below the shoulders ppr.,

three bezants. Loyal au mort. Barrett-Lennard, see Lennard. vested paly of six gu. and or, the cowl

cf. 30. II Barrett, a human heart or, between two thrown back (Barrington). (2) Between
two branches of palm a dexter arm
Barnwell, Turner-, of Bury St. Edmunds : wings az. cf. no. 14 embowed in armour ppr., garnished or,

A(i) wolf's head erased arg., gorged Barrett-Hamilton, Samuel, Esquire. J.P.,

with a collar embattled and counter- of Kilmannock, CO. Wexford, Ireland : charged mth an estoile gu., holding in

embattled gu., charged \\'\t\x three (i) In front of two battle-axes in the hand a helmet ppr. ( i ) Ung durant
ma vie. (2) Audi alteram partem.
bezants and chained or (for Barnwell). saltire an oak - tree fructed, all ppr., Barrington, Rt. Hon. John, Lord Mayor
cf. 30. 1 1. (2) On a mount vert, a lion
passant gardant arg., holding in his the trunk transfixed with a frame- of Dublin, 1864, of Glenvar, co. Dubhn,
dexter paw a fer-de-moulin sa., and
saw or {for Hamilton). (2) A human Ireland, on a WTcath of the colours a

heart gu., between two wings con-

charged on the side with a fret gu. joined and expanded az., bezantee mural crown ppr., out of which a her-

(for Tumor). Malo viori quam fcedari. (for Barrett). Over the second crest, mit's bust in profile, vested paly arg.

cf. 6. 7 Vivit post funera virtus. Under the and gu., and having on the head a
Barnwell, a wolf statant regardant ppr. arms " Through." cowl, also paly arg. and gu. Honesta

cf. 28. 12 Barrett of Castle Barrett, Cork, a human quam splendida.

Barnwell, on a mount vert, a wolf statant heart or, between two wings conjoined Barrington, Viscount (Barrington), a

regardant ppr. cf. 28. 12 sa., semee of etoiles or. In ujirigldiiess Capuchin friar couped at the breast

Baron of Bradwell, Essex, a garb vert, God tvill support us. in profile, the hair sa., vested paly of

eared or. 153-2 Barrett of Barrett's Country, co. Cork, a six arg. and gu., on the head a cap

Baron (alias Barnes of London), cut of demi-lion rampant sa., ducally crowned or, the cowl hanging behind paly

clouds ppr., issuing rays paleways or. per pale arg. and gu. lo. 1 1 as the last. Honesta quam splendida.

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