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Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905

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Published by Colin Savage, 2020-05-18 15:51:26


Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905


Burchall, Heref., a lion rampant az., sup- ing in the dexter claw a trumpet of A(2) hind trippant arg. on a mount
the first (for Burdon). (2) Upon three
vert and under a tree ppr. (for Hussey).
annulets interlaced gu., a stork arg., A cruce solus.

coronet two hands, dexter and sinister, beaked, legged, and collared gu., hold- Burgh, a fleur-de-lis arg., environed with

ill saltier, each grasping a scimitar, ing in the beak a salmon ppr. (for De a serpent vert. 148. 8

the edges outward, all ppr. Butts). Honor virtutis. 104. 4 Burghall, Ireland, a wolf's head erased

Burchar, London and Essex, a grey- Burdon, Augustus Edward, Esquire, of sa. 30. 8

hound sejant arg., ducally gorged or. Hartford House, Cramlington, Nor- Burghclere, Rt. Hon. Herbert Colston

(/ 59- 4 thumb., same crests and motto. Gardner, Baron, of Debden Hall,

Burchardt-Ashton, Frederic, Esquire, and Burdon-Sanderson, Richard, Esquire, of Saffron Walden, and 48, Charles Street,

Arthur Burchardt - Ashton, Esquire, Waren House, Belford, Northumb., Berkeley Square, W., a demi-griffin

both of Pole Bank, Gee Cross, Wer- and Otterburn Dene, Otterburn az., coUared and chained, and charged
neth, Chesb. : (i ) I" fro"t of a boar's B.S.O., Northumb., a wolf's head arg., on the shoulder with a saltire wavy or,
head erased gu., between two mullets erased gu., coUared, and chain reflexed
and holding between the clans an

of six points sa., pierced arg., a javelin behind the neck or, between a branch anchor erect with a piece of cable

erect ppr. (for Ashton). (2) Upon a of palm and another of laurel, and for attached. Valet anchora virtus. 239. 3
mount vert, a castle with two towers distinction, on the neck a saltire Burghep or Burghepe, a friar's head in

sa., issuant therefrom a demi-womau humettee gu. Clarior ex obscuro. profile ppr., couped at the shoulders,

affrontee ppr., habited az., holding in 287. 15 vested gray.

the dexter hand a heart gu., and sup- Burdus or Burduss, Middx., an elephant Burghersh, Baron, see Westmoreland,

porting with the sinister hand a javelin erm. on a mount vert and under a tree Earl of.

ppr. (jor Burchardt). ppr. c/. 133. 12 Burghersh, Devoush. and Norf., out of a

Burche, an eagle with wings expanded Bure, an eagle ppr. 76. 2 mural coronet gu., a demi-lion double-

Burfoot, London, on a wreath an Eastern queued arg. cf. 10. 6

Burchett, a winged spur ppr. in. 12 crown, thereon a pine-apple leaved Burghersh, two stumps of trees, couped

Burckhead and Burkett, a goat rampant and crowned with leaves growing from and arguly, in saltier ppr., banded vert.

arg.. armed or, and between the feet a the top, all or. cf. 152. 8 147- 9

garb of the first. Burtord, Earl, see St. Albans, Duke of. Burghill, Suff. and Wales, a lion's head

Burd and Byrde, London, an eagle's head Burg, a falcon standing on a serpent erased arg. I7- 8

erased, bendy of eight arg. and sa., nowed ppr. 86. 3 Burghill, a lion's head arg., crowned with

ducally gorged or. 83.11 Burgaee, Burgass, Burgas, and Burgase, a Saxon crown or. cf. 17. 12

Burd -Brooks, of Heathfield House, two pigeons billing ppr. 93. 2 Burghley, Baron, see Exeter, Marquess of.

Beckenham, Kent, a demi-lion arg., Burge, a branch of olive ppr. 151. 11 Burghley and Burgly, a winged grey-

charged on the shoulder with a fountain Burges, Lines, on a mural coronet chequy hound sejant. cf. 59. 9

ppr., and holding in the paws a or and sa., a round buckle of the first, Burgin, a sword and a key in saltier ppr.

harpoon in bend sinister, also ppr. the tongue erect in pale. cf. 178. 5 171. 10

Finem re-spice. 12. 14 Burges, Essex and Ireland : ( i ) A dove BurgiS, a camel's head ppr. 132. 7

Burdekin, Sidney, Esquire, of Sydney, sing arg. beaked and membered Burgoigne or Burgoyne, Cambs and

New South Wales, a seahorse erect holding in its beak a palm-branch ppr. Devonsh., an heraldic antelope sejant
ppr. resting the sinister paw on an arg., attired, tufted and maned sa.
A{for Burges). cf. 94. 5. (2) demi-
anchor erect sa., the whole between cf. 126. 4
lion rampant gu., langued az., holding

two coral branches gu. Virtus su7nma in the dexter paw an annulet enclosing Burgon, a cock crowing or. 91. 2

nobilitas. a fleur-de-lis arg. [for L'oyd). Tace Burgon, Longstanton, Herts, an heraldic

Burden, a heart transfixed by a sword in out face. cf. i. 13 tiger sejant arg., maned and tufted sa.

bend sinister. 181. 6 Burges, Colonel Ynyr Henry, of Parka- Burgone and Burgoyne, Oxon., on a ducal

Burdenbroke, an otter's head erased naur, Dungannon, co. Tyrone, same coronet or, a lion passant gu. 6. 6

close sa. 134- 3 crests and motto Burgoyne, Sir John Montagu, Bart., of

Burder, a mount vert, thereon in front Burges, Ireland, a camel's head couped Sutton Park, Beds, a talbot sejant or,

of an oak-tree a stag lodged regardant gu., bezantee. cf. 132. 7 eared sa., gorged with a plain collar

ppr., attired and ungu. or, suspended Burges, W. E. P., Major, the Ridge, gu. 55- I

from the neck by a line a bugle of the Chipping-Sodbury, a camel's head gu., Burk, under the shade of two trees a stag

last. Labor omnia vincit. bezantee. Levius fit patientia. lodged ppr.

Burdett, Sir Charles Grant, Bart., of Burgess, Sussex and Berks, a camel's head Burke, a demi-buU rampant armed and

Burthwalte, Yorks, on a tower arg., a ppr., erased gu., bezantee. Levius fit ungu. or, gorged with a chaplet vert.

martlet with wings displayed or. patientia. cf. 132. 7 cf. 45. 14

156. 9 Burgess, a lion rampant. i. 13 Burke, Viscount, see Clanricarde, Mar-

Burdett, Arthur Hugo de Burdet, Esquire, Burgess, a griffin's head erased. quess of.
of Coolfin, Banagher, King's Co., same
66. 2 Burke, Sir John Bernard, C.B., LL.D.,

crest. Burgess, a greyhound's head ppr.. late Ulster King of Arms, Knight Atten-
dant and Registrar of the Most Illus-
Burdett, Sir Francis, Bart., of Foremark, 61. 12
Derbysh., a lion's head erased sa.,
Burgess, a fleur-de-lis or. Le bon temps trious Order of St. Patrick, of TuUe-

langued gu. 17. 8 viendrn. 148. 2 maine House, Dublin, and the Record
Burdett, a lion's head couped sa. 21. i
Burgh, Baron Downes, see Downes. Tower, Dublin Castle, a catamoun-

Burdett-Coutts, see Coutts. Burgh, De, see Clanricarde, Marquess of. tain sejant gardant ppr., collared
and chained or, and charged on the
Burdett, Bart., Ireland, a lion's head Burgh, an arm in armour couped and

erased Si.. 17.8 embowed fesswise, the elbow on the breast with a cross couped of the

Burdett, Warw. and Yorks, a thistle ppr. wreath, the hand apaumee ppr., rib- last. Ung roy, ting foy, ung loy.

150. 7 boned and bowed. cf. 200. i cf. 26. 13
Burdon, Durh., a lion rampant standing
Burgh, Shropsh., an eagle statant, the Burke, Henry Farnham, Esquire, C.V.O.,
on the sinister hind-foot, supporting F.S.A., Somerset Herald, a cata-
wings expanded. y7. 5
himself by a pilgrim's staff or.
Burdon, Roland Esquire, of Castle Burgh, a falcon rising erm., belled and mountain sejant gardant ppr., collared

Eden, Durham, same crest. ducally gorged or. 87. 2 and chained or, charged on the breast
with a cross couped gold. Vng roy,
Burgh, a mountain-cat sejant gardant

Burdon, a gilliflower or. 151. 8 ppr., collared and chained or. 26. 13 ung foy, ung loy. cf. 26. 13

Burdon of Newcastle-on-Tyne : (t) An Burgh, De Hussey- : ( i ) A catamoun- Burke, Ashworth Peter, Esquire, of Elm

eagle rising regardant or, each wing tain sejant gardant ppr., collared and Hall, CO. Tipperary, same crest and

charged with a cross crosslet az., hold- chained or (for De Burgh). 26. 13. motto.



Barke, Arthur Augustine Meredyth, holding in the dexter claw a horse-shoe, ABurnell, Pegge- ; (i) lion's gamb erect
Esquire, a catamountain sejant gar- and erased sa., holding in the paw a
dant ppr., collared and chained or, and and resting the sinister on a fleur-de-lis,
charged on the breast with a cross or. bunch of violets ppr. (for Burnell).
One king, one faith, one law. both az. Mens sana in corpore sano. (2) The sun rising in splendour, the
rays alternately sa., or, and arg. (for
Burke, Charles Carrington, Esquire, of 241. 14
Michenhall, Godalming, same crest and Pegge). Caritas fructum liabet.
Burly or Burley, Suff., a squirrel sejant Burnes of Montrose : (i) Out of a mural
Burke, Edward Plunkett, Esquire, same supporting a ragged staff or. crown per pale vert and gu., the rim
inscribed " Cabool " in letters arg., a
crest and motto. Burman, a demi-peacock az. 103 10
Burke, Francis Eustace, Esquire, of demi-eagle displayed or, transfixed bj'
Burmester, a cross patee az., within six
Terriers, High Wycombe, Bucks, same a javelin in bend sinister ppr. cf. 80.
mullets in a circle or. cf. 164. 9 8. (2) Out of an Eastern crown or, an

Burmey, a dexter hand ppr., holding an

anchor erect or, environed with clouds

arg. Arcus, artes, aslra. 219. 2

crest and motto. Burn or Burne, a hurt. cf. 1 59. 14 oak-tree withered renewing its foliage
ppr. Ob patriam vulnera passi.
Burke, Harold Arthur, Esquire, of 7, Burn, Scotland, a hand ppr., holding a Burness of Grove House, Leytonstone,
Victoria Road, Kensington, same crest
and motto. cross crosslet iitched az. Vincit Veritas.

Burke, John Edward, Esquire, same 221. 14 and of Tilbury, both in Essex, a demi-
crest and motto. Burn, London, a cubit arm vested or,
pegasus sa., winged or. Perseverantia
Burke, Ulick John, Esquire, of Woodcote charged with a bend az., thereon a
Manor, co. Southampton, same crest buckle between two estoiles of the vincit. 47. 5
first, and holding in the hand ppr. a
and motto. bugle-horn sa., thereon a wreath of oak Burnet, Wilts, a vine couped ppr. Vires-
Burke, Walter St. George, Esquire, of
cit, mdnere virtus. 152. 9
Auberies, Sudbury, Suff., same crest
and motto. Burnet, Peebles, Scotland, a vine-branch
Burke, Sir Henry George, Bart., of Marble
ppr. slipped ppr. Tandem fit surculus arbor.
Burn, an arm erect, vested sa., cuffed
152. 9
arg., holding in the hand ppr. a fleur- Burnet, Scotland, a hand with a cutlass

de-lis or. cutting a vine-branch ppr. Tandem

Hill, Ireland, a catamountain sejant Burn, Scotland and London, a dexter fit surculus arbor.

gardant ppr., collared and chained or. hand holding a horn ppr. Ever ready. Burnet, Scotland, a branch of holly

Ung ray, iing fay, ung toy. 26. 13 217. 4 slipped ppr. Nee fluctu, nee flatu.
150. 10
Burke, Ireland, a catamountain sejant Burn, Ireland, a wolf's head erased ppr.

gardant ppr., collared and chained or. 30. 8 Burnet, Scotland, a holly-branch ppr.

26. 13 Burn, Perthsh., two dragons in saltire Virlute cresco. 150. 10

Burke, Ireland, a cat sejant ppr. .4 cruce ppr. Tendit ad astra fides. 169. 8 Burnet or Burnett, Northumb., a holly-

sal-US. ef. 26. 8 Burn, a demi-tiger erm., holding between branch vert, fructeJ gii. Virtute cresco.

Burke, Sir Theobald Hubert, Bart., of the paws a fountain. 150. 10

Glinsk, CO. Galway, Ireland, out of Burn-Callander, Henry, Esquire, J.P., Burnet, Scotland, a boar's head erased

a ducal coronet or, a plume of five of Preston HaU, Dalkeith, N.B. : (i) az. Quidni pro sodali. 42. 2
ostrich-feathers arg. In hoc signo
Out of an Eastern crown or, a cubit Burnet of Craigmyle, Scotland, a dexter

vinces. 114. 13 arm ppr. (for Callander). (2) Two hand holding a palm- branch ppr. Qiice

Burke, a demi-lion rampant az , holding daggers in saltire ppr. (for Burn). ver no nt crescent. 219. 11

a cross or. 1 1. 1 Tendit ad astra fides. Burnet, Rev. Alexander George, of
Kemnay House, Kemnay, Aberdeen,
Burket and Burkett, a garb or. Impcn- Burnaby, Sir Henry, Bart., of Broughton

datn, expendar. 153. 2 Hall, Oxon., out of a naval coronet same crest and motto.

Burket, Burkett, and Burkitt, a dexter a demi-lion rampant gardant or, hold- Burnet, on a mount out of a ducal

arm embowed brandishing a club ppr. ing in the dexter paw a staff ppr., coronet a hand with a knife pruning a

202. 10 thereon ag gu- Pro vine ppr.

Burkett, see Burckhead. 129. 2 16. 9 Burnett, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Leys,
Burkett, a goat rampant arg. Burnaby and Burneby, Middx., a demi Aberdeen, a hand with a knife prun-

Burkin, Suff., a crab ppr. 149. 5 man sa., holding in the dexter hand a ing a vine-tree ppr. Virescit vidnere
bunch of columbine flowers ppr., and
Burland, a demi-savage brandishing a round his neck a rope or, with the end virtus, 251. 3
hanging down on the sinister side. Pro
scimitar ppr. 186. 3 Burnett, Kent, in a mural crown or, a
Burland, a "griffin's head erased and col- mount vert, thereon a vine-tree ppr.,
Burnaby, Algernon Edwyn, of Baggrave
lared. cf. 66. 2 Hall, Leics., a demi-moryon boye fructed or, on the sinister an arm

Burleigh, a stag's head erased gu. issuing from a cloud, holding in the
hand a knife pruning the vine, also
121. 2

Burleigh, a demi-boar ppr., armed, im- tawney, through his ear a double ring ppr. Virescit vuXnere virtus.

gu., and bristled or, and gorged with of silver, about his neck a flat chain of Burnett, Scotland, issuing out of a cloud

a chain of the last supporting a thistle the same, holding in his hand a bourage in sinister a hand in fess grasping a

ppr. cf. 40. 13 plant flowered azure, stalked and pruning-knife ppr.

Buries, a squirrel sejant cracking a nut, leaved vert. Pro Ilcge. Burnett, John George, Esquire, of Powis

all ppr. 135. 7 Burnard, Robert, Esquire, 3, Hills- House, Aberdeen, and 21, Walker
Street, Edinburgh, a dexter hand hold-
Burleton and Burlton, a garb. borough, Plymouth, on a rock ppr., an

153- 2 escallop arg., between the attires of a ing a palm-branch ppr., and in an
Burley, Leics. and Wilts, a demi-boar stag, also ppr Bear and forbear. escroll above the same. Qum vernant

ppr., armed, ungu., and bristled or, 141- 13 crescunt.

and gorged with a chain of the last Burnard, Charles Frederick, Esquire, of Burnett, Ireland, a holy lamb regardant
Chatsworth Lodge, Compton Gifford,
supporting a thistle ppr. cf. 40. 13 Plymouth, and Huccaby House, Lyd- arg., holding the standard of St. Patrick
ford, Devon, same crest and motto.
Burlington, Earl OJ (Cavendish), a snake ppr.
Burnby and Burneby, Middx., on a mount
nowed ppr. Cavendo tutua. 142. 4 a stag rising from under a tree, all Burnett, a bull's head ducally gorged

Burlinson, Durh., a demi-lion holding and crowned. cf. 44. 2

between the paws a rose arg., barbed Burney, Kent, an arm in a maunch in

vert. cf. 16. 6 ppr. cf. 116. 5 fess, holding in the hand a cross patee
Burne, see Burn. fitched. Omnebonumdesuper. cf. 203.
Burlton, a dexter and a sinister arm Burney, Arthur George, United Univer-

vested holding up a cross crosslet Burnell, London, a greyhound sejant arg.

fitched. 59- 4 sity Club, Pall Mall East, S.W., out of
a maunch gu., charged with an ancient
Burlton, Thomas Davies, Esquire, J. P. Burnell, Norf., a tower in flames ppr. lyre or, stringed arg., a hand ppr. hold-

for CO. Heref., of Eaton Hill, Leo- Burnell, a lion's gamb erased sa., grasping

minster, a demi-gryphon couped, a rose gu., slipped and leaved vert. ing a cross patee fitchee, erect sa.

wings elevated and addorsed arg.. 2,7- 10 Omne bonum desuper. 237. 3


Burney, Henry Edward, Esq., of Waven- Burnyeat, William, Esquire, of MUl Burroughs, Bart., Ireland, on an Eastern

don Tower, Bletchley, Bucks, same Grove, Moresby, Whitehaven, same crown or, a lion passant gu. Audaces

crest. Gang warily. crest. fortuna juvnt. cf. 6. 6

Burney or Burnie, Scotland, a lion's head Burr, Rev. George Frederick. M.S.A.. Burroughs, Lieutenant-Geueral Frederick

erased gu. Sapere aude incipie. L.Mus., Highiields Park, Hales-Owen, William Traill, C.B., of Trumland

17. 2 Worcs., " Halesowen," Blacklands. House, Rousay, Orkney, a lion passant

Burney or Burnie, a bull's head ducally Hastings, Sussex, a wyvern with wings uulfs. .1 iidiices fortuna juvai.

L'orL'C'l and crowned. c/. 44. 2 displayed and tail nowed. Virtus Burroughs, Scotland, a lion passant gu.

Burnham, Baron (Levy-Lawson), Hall honoris janua. A tulurcs fortuna fuvat. 6. 2

Barn, Beaconsfield, Bucks: (i) In Burr, a lion's head ppr., collared or. Burrow, Scotland and England, a lion

front of a terrestrial globe ppr., a cf. 18. 6 passant gardant arg. Deus nobis hcec

winged morion or. 257. 7. A(2) rara Burr, Berks, out of a mural crown in- otia fecit. 4. 3

arg., holding in the mouth a trefoil scribed with the word ' Ternnte,' a Burrow, a falcon erm. with wings ex-

sUpped vert, and resting the dexter Malay holding in his dexter hand the panded. 87. I

foreleg on a quatrefoil or. Of old I colours of Ternate, all ppr. Virtus Burrowes, a lion sejant arg. 8. 8

hold. 257. 8 verus honos. Burrowes and Burrows, a lion sejant


Burnham, Berks, out of a ducal coronet Burra, in front of a griffin's head erased arg., ducally crowned or. cf. 8. 8

a hand holding a dagger in pale, the sa., semee of annulets or, a fret of the Burrowes of Stradone, co. Cavan, a lion

blade wavy. Basil virtutem constanlia. last. cf. 66. 2 sejant gardant sa., ducally crowned
or, langued gu. Non vi sed virtute.
212. I Burra, James Salkeld, Esquire, of Bock-

Burnham, Lines, out of a ducal coronet hanger, Ashford, Kent, same crest. Burrowes, Thomas Cosby, Esquire, of
a hand holding a dagger in pale, the

Pactum serv:i. Lismore House, Crossdoney, co. Cavan,

blade wavy. 212. i Burra, Robert, Esquire, of the Gate, same crest and motto.

Burnham, a leopard's head erased ppr. Sedbergh, Yorks R.S.O., same crest Burrowes, Thomas James, Esquire, of

23. 10 Per siste. Stradone House, Cavan, and 44,

Burnham, James, Esquire, Ladj'smith, Burrall, see Porter- Burrall. Thurlow Square, S.W., same crest and

Western Elms Avenue, Reading, ' Burrard, Bart., of Lymington [extinct),

Berks, a leopard's head erased ppr. I Hants, out of a mural crown per pale Burrowes and Burrows, an eagle, wings

Time Deutn et ne timeas. 23. 10 or and arg., an arm in bend, the hand displayed erm., ducally gorged or.

Burnie, see Burney. grasping a sword, and about the arm cf. 78. I

Burnley-Campbell, Hardin, Esquire, of a wreath of laurel, all ppr. Burrowes and Burrows, two wings ad-

Orniidale, Colintraive, Argyllsh., a Burrard, Sir Harry Paul, Bart., of Wal- dorsed erm. 109. 12

dexter hand in pale holding a dirk hampton, Isle of Wight, out of a Burrowes and Burrows, Ireland, a stag

erected, both ppr. Pro patria semper. naval coronet or, a cubit arm erect trippant. 117. 8

Burnman, Devonsh., a bull's head erased ppr., charged with a cross patee gu.. Burrows of Sj'denham, Oxon., between

or, armed gobony or and sa. 44. 3 holding in the hand a trident in bend two fleur-de-lis erminois, an eagle, the
sinister, point downward, of the first. wings elevated and addorsed ppr.,
Burns, Scotland, two hands issuing from

clouds conjoined in fess ppr., holding 236. 8 ducally gorged and charged on the

up a laurel-branch vert. cf. 224. 3 Burrard, Hants, a dexter arm embowed, breast with a cinquefoil or. Together.

Burns, a woodlark perching on a sprig of the hand grasping a sword ppr. Burrows, Sir Frederick Abernethy, Bart.,

bay-tree ppr. Woodnoles wild. Better 201. 4 33. Ennismore Gardens, S.W., an eagle
with wings expanded or, collared az.,
a wee bush than nae hield. 295. 7 Burrell, see Gwydyr, Baron. holding in the beak a spear-head, and

Burns, Bart., of Wemyss House, Wemyss Burrell, Northumb., an armed arm ppr.,

Bay, Renfrewsh., a dexter hand ppr., holding a branch of burdock vert. resting the dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis,

holding a hunting-horn sa., garnished Adhcereo. both o"f the last. Et vi et virtute. 236. i

vert. Ever ready. 297. S Burrell, Boreel, Burell, or Bereel, Kent Burrows, an ostrich-feather erect, enfiled

Burns, John William, Esquire, of Kil- and Sussex, an arm embowed ppr., by a ducal coronet.

mahew, Cardross, Dumbartonsh., and holding in the hand a branch of laurel Burrs, a demi-antelope collared. 1 26. 3

Cumbernauld House, Cumbernauld, vert. 22S. 6 Bury, a fox's head couped ppr. 33. 4

Dumbartonsh., same crest and motto. Burrell, John Lawrence, Esquire, Xew- Burslam or Burslem, a pestle and mortar.

Burns, Scotland and England, a dove castle-on-Tyne, uses a dexter naked 177- 13

with wings expanded az. 94. 2 arm embowed, holding in the hand a Bursted, a wyvern gu. 70. i

MBurns-Gibson, John, D., Harlesden, branch of laurel. 228. 6 Burt, George, Esquire, D.L., of Purbeck

N.W., a pelican in her piety. Morior Burrell, Sir Merrik Raymond, Bart., House, Swanage, Dorset, in front of two

ut viramus. Knepp Castle, Horsham, Sussex, a cross crosslets fitchee in saltire or, a
Burns-Hartopp, James, Esquire, of Dalbv naked arm embowed, holding in the bugle-horn sa., tipped, garnished, and

Hall, Melton Mowbray, Scraptoft hand a branch of laurel, all ppr. Sub veruled or, the strings gu., interlacing

Hall, Leics., WaterviUe, and Kilgar- lihertate quietem. 228. 6 the cross crosslets, and all in front of
van, CO. Kerry: (i) Out of a ducal
coronet or, a pelican issuing arg., Burridge, Devonsh., a demi-mariner ppr., a rock ppr. Know thyself. 228. 4
charged on the neck with a cross cross-
the waistcoat gu., cap az., and necker- Burt, John Mowlem, Esquire, of Purbeck

chief arg., supporting a rudder sa. House, Swanage, and 19, Grosvenor

let for distinction, vulning herself ppr. Burrish, out of a tower per pale arg. and Road, S.W., same crest and motto.
Burt, Hon. Septimus, of Strawberry
{for Harlopp). (2) A hand ppr. holding gu., a demi-lion rampant double-
Hill, Perth, a bugle horn sa., stringed
a hunting-horn sa., garnished or. Ever queued or. cf. 157. II

ready. Burrough or Borough, Lines, an eagle gu. All for the better.
Burns-Lindow, Isaac William, Esquire, Burt^Marshall, James, Esquire, of Lun-
with wings expanded erm. 77. 5
of Irton Hall, Holmrock, via Carn- carty, Perthsh., and of Liverpool, a
forth, Cumberland, a lion rampant gu., Burrough, Rev. Charles, M.A., of Eaton
dove holding in its beak an olive-branch
Bishop Rectory, Heref., a griffin's head

semee of buckles or, and holding be- arg., beaked or, charged on the neck ppr. Virtute tutus. 92- 5
tween the paws a fountain. Vi et
with two chevTOnels vert. Vire ut Burtchaell of Brandondale, co. Kilkenny,

virtute. vivas. 226. 13 Ireland, on a mount vert, a lion

Burnside, Scotland, a crescent arg. Burroughes, Henry Randall. Esquire, of rampant sa., supporting on the sinister

Gr'idiitim plena. 163. 2 Burlingham Hall, Norwich, a griffin's side an oak-tree ppr. Quo fata vocant.

Burnside, a branch of oak ppr. 151. 3 head erased arg., between two chevrons 263. I

Burnyeat, issuant from flames ppr., a vert. Animo et vide. Burtchaell, Charles Henry, Esquire, same

bear's head per pale or and az., gorged Burroughs, Norf., a griffin's head arg., crest and motto.

with a coUarflory-counterflory counter- charged with two chevronels vert. Burtchaell, David, Esquire, of Port Fairy,

changed. 226. 13 Victoria, same crest and motto.


Burtchaell, David Edward, Esquire, same Burton, Bindon Francis Burton, M.D., boar's head couped at the neck or,
crest and motto.
I, Park ViUas, Polsloe Road. Exeter, tusked arg., langued gu., transfixed
Burtchaell, George Dames, Esquire, of
44, Moreharapton Road, Dublin, same out of a ducal coronet a dexter gauntlet, through the neck by a spear ppr., and
crest and motto.
the palm inwards, all ppr. Dominus charged for difference with a cross

providabil. crosslet vert {for Bury). (2) On a

Burtchaell, Richard Rothe, Esquire, of Burton, David Fowler, Esquire, of chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion
Brandondale, Graignamanagh, co. Kil-
kenny, Ireland, same crest and motto. Cherry Burton, Yorks : ( i ) Upon a statant gardant, the tail extended or,
mount vert, a perch or, thereon a parrot,
ducally gorged arg., and charged on the

Burthogge, Devonsh., a demi-wolf or, also vert, the dexter claw resting upon body with a crescent, also gu., for dif-

gorged with a bar gemelle az. cf. 31. 5 an escallop arg., and holding in the —ference {/or Howard). Virtus sub cruce
Burton, Baron (Bass), of Rangemore and
beak a cherry stalked ppr. {for Burton). crescit. Noiis maititiendrons. cf. 4. 8

Burton-on-Trent, Staffs, a demi-lion (2) A mount vert, thereon a stag re- Bury, see Berry.
rampant gu., resting the sinister paw
upon a plate charged with a fieur-de- gardant or, the dexter fore-foot rest- Bury, Devonsh, a grifiiu's head erased
lis az., and charged upon the shoulder
with three annulets, two and one arg. ing on a cinquefoil of the same {for party per pale or and gu. 66. 2

Robinson). Bury, Devonsh., a tiger's head erased erm.,

Burton, General Fowler, Esquire, of Stoke crined sa., gorged with a cellar az.,
charged with a bezant between two
Basis virtuium constantia. 13. 11 Damerel, Devonport, same crests.

Burton, see Lingen-Burton. Burton of Inglethorp, Derbysh., on a fleurs-de-lis or. 22. 12
mount vert, a tower arg., triple-towered
Burton, Yorks and Shropsh., on a wreath Bury, Rev. William Edward, the Rectory,

of the colours a dexter gauntlet az., or. cf. 157. 6 Screveton, Notts, a demi-wyvern arg.,
Burton of Stapleforth, Notts, a boar's
couped at the wrist. 209. 5 wings and feet sa., purfled or. Virtus
head couped or, holding in the mouth
Burton of Longner Hall, Shropsh.: (i) sub cruce crescit.

On a wreath of the colours a dexter a branch vert. Bury, a fox's head couped ppr.

gauntlet az., couped at the wrist {/or Burton, Langhorne Burton, Esquire, of 33- 4
Bury-Barry, James Robert Barry, Es-
Burton). 209. 5. (2) Out of a ducal the Uplands, South Cliffe, Scarborough,
quire : (I) Out of a castle arg., a wolf's
coronet or, seven leeks, roots upwards an owl erm., membered and ducally
head couped sa., langued gu. {for Barry).
ppr. (for Lingen). Domintis pro- crowned or, the dexter claw resting on
(2) A boar's head couped at the neck
videbit. 147. 5 an estoile sa. Cari Deo nihil carent.
or, tusked arg., langued gu., transfixed
Burton, Sir Charles William Cu£fe, Bart., Burton, Essex, on the top of a ruined
through the neck by a spear ppr.,
of PoUacton, co. Carlow, Ireland, on a castle arg., a falcon volant or. cf. 156. 8 point downwards, and charged with a
Burton, Yorks, a cubit arm erect, habited
ducal coronet or, a dexter gauntlet, the
palm inwards, all ppr. Deus pro- per pale arg. and gu., cuffed of the first, crescent for difference gu. {lor Bury),
and over it the motto " Virtus sub cruce
videbil. holding in the hand ppr. a walking

Burton of Falde Hall, Staffs, Lindley staff of the second, headed, rimmed, crescit." Boutez en avant.

and Bedworth, Leics., and Dronfield, and ferruled or. Burye, a dove regardant holding in the

Derbysh. : (i) Upon a mount vert, a Burton-Mackenzie, Evan North, of Kilcoy, beak an olive-branch ppr. 92. 4
Ross-sh., Scotland : (i) On the dexter
beacon arg., inflamed ppr. 177. 8. (2) side, an arm embowed in chain-mail, Busbie, a bee erect, head downwards,

Out of a ducal coronet or, a cypress-tree the wings expanded ppr. cf. 137. I

ppr. 145. 9. (3) On a ducal coronet couped at the shoulder, holding a broad- Busbridge, Essex, an arm in mail erect
or, a wyvern with wings endorsed az.,
sword in bend ppr. {for 3IacL-enzie). holding in the hand a cutlass ppr.
{2) On the sinister side a stag's head
collared gold. Lux vitce. cf. 70. 9 oabossed or, pierced between the attires Busbridge, Perry Barr, Warw., a stag's
with an arrow ppr. {for Eraser). Over
Burton, Derbysh., out of a ducal coronet the crests, Fide parta fide aucta. Under head cabossed. 122. 5
the arms, Dia's mo dhuthaich.
or, a wyvern with wings endorsed Busby and Bushby, a stag's head arg.,

az., collared, also or. cf. 70. 9 erased gu., pierced through the back

Burton, the late Sir Richard, of Sacket's of the neck with an arrow sa., headed

HiU House, St. Peters, Isle of Thanet, a Burtz, a squirrel sejant resting his fore- and barbed of the first. c/. 1 2 1 . 2

beacon or, fired ppr., surmounted by paws on a staff raguly. Busfeild, John, Esquire, of Laurel Bank,

two branches of laurel in saltire vert. Burwasch, Burwasche, or Burwash, the Ripon, a cubit arm in armour ppr., a

Vigilavs. cf. 177. 14 helm of a ship ppr. 179. I fleur-de-lis within an annulet or.

Burton, Alfred, Esquire, M.R.C.S.E., of Burwell, a Saracen's head couped at the Busfeild, William, of Pant-y-Ochin, Wrex-

13, Dover Street, W., at one time shoulders ppr. 190. 5 ham, same crest. Medio tutissimus

Physician to His Excellency the Lord Burwell, Suff., a lion's gamb erect and ibis.

Lieutenant of Ireland, an embattled erased or, holding three burr-leaves Busfield of Upwood, Yorks: (i) A cubit
arm in armour erect ppr., holding in
wall ppr., charged with a crescent gu., vert
thereon a beacon srg., fired ppr. Lux the hand a fleur-de-lis or (for Busfidd).
BUTwood, a boar's head ppr. 41. : 210. 6. (2) An eagle's head era.sed
{for Atkinson). Medio tutissimus ibis.
vitoe. Bury, Viscount, see Albemarle, Earl of.

Burton of Foggathorpe, Bubwith, Yorks, Bury, Lines and Somers., a demi-dragon
E.R., of Childrey, Berks, and of Walton
Hall, Bucks, in front of two arms em- arg., wings, ears, and claws sa. 73. 10 83. 2
bowed in armour, the hands ppr.,
Bury, COS. Cork and Limerick, Ireland, a Bush, Bushe, or Bussche, the trunk of a

boar's head couped at the neck or, tree with branches ppr., pendent there-

holding a fleur-de-lis arg., six annulets, tusked arg., langued gu., transfixed from an escutcheon arg. 145. 8
interlaced fesseways, also arg. Sans
through the neck by a spear ppr. Bush of Dylton, Wilts, a goat's head

chat ger. 194. Bury, William Pennefather Arthur Forbes erased arg., armed or. 128. 5

Burton, Archer- of Woodlands, Phineas, Esquire, of Curraghbridge, Bush, Thomas, Esquire, a goat's head

Emsworth, Hants: (i) On a mount CO. Limerick, and Carrigrenane, Little couped arg., the sinister horn az., and

vert, an owl arg., ducaUy crowned Island, CO. Cork, same crest. Virtus the dexter purpure. Hope me en-

or, holding in the dexter claw a rose sub cruce crescit. courageth.

gu., slipped of the first {for Burton). Bury, Earl of, and Viscount Charleville Bush, a stag statant. II7- 5

(2) A dragon's head erased gu., gorged and Baron Tullamore {extinct), Ireland : Bushby, Henry North Grant, Esquire.
with a crown vair, and holding in the (i) A boar's head couped or, trans-
mouth an arrow, point downwards or J.P., of Wormley-Bury. Broxbourne,
{for Archer). Amiens vitce solatium..
Burton of Polethorpe, Rutl., and Stocker- pierced through the neck from behind Herts, upon a mount vert, a stag's

with an arrow ppr. {for Bury). (2) Out head erased ppr., guttee-de-sang, the
of a ducal coronet or, a Moor's head
neck transfixed by an arrow in bend

ston, Leics., Bart, (extinct), an owl arg., couped at the shoulders ppr., wreathed sinister, point to the dexter, also ppr.

ducally crowned or. cf. 96. 5 round the temples or and az. {for Fructu non foliis. 250. 13
Moore). Virtus sub cruce crescit.
Burton of Somersby, Lines, an owl ducally Bushby, Sussex and Cumb.,a crow picking

crowned holding in the dexter claw a Bury, Howard-, Captain Kenneth, of ppr. 107. 4
Bushby, see Busby.
star, all or. Cari Deo nihil carent. ACharleville Forest, King's Co.: (i)


Bushe, a goat's head arg., armed sa., Butcher, a branch of a cotton-tree fructed Butler-Kearney, Charles James, Esquire,
charged on the neck with a crescent
for difference. Hope: me encourageth. ppr. Be steady. of Drom, co. Tipperary, Ireland: (i)

Butcher, Arthur Herbert, Esquire, of A gauntleted hand fesseways or, hold-

cf. 128. 12 Elmslea, Birkenhead, co. Chester, a ing a dagger erect arg., pommel and

Bushe, Erasmus, Esquire, of 32, Bulling- branch of a cotton-tree fructed ppr. hilt of the first (for Kearney). (2)
ham Mansions, Kensington, London, Out of a ducal coronet or, a plume of
W., same crest and motto. Be steady.

Butcher, Major Henry Townsend, same five ostrich-feathers arg., and issuant

Bushe of Glencairn Abbey, Waterford, a crest and motto. therefrom a demi-falcon also arg., and
on an escroll above, " Timor Domini
goat's head couped arg., attired or. Butcher, John George, Esquire, of 32,
Elvaston Place, London, S.W., same
Moderafa durant. 128. 12 fons vit(V." Sustine et abstine. 248. 9
Butler, Francis Theobald, M.D., 3, Pelham
Bushe of Kingstown, co. Dublin, Ireland, crest and motto.
a goat's head erased per fesse arg. and Crescent, Hastings, out of a ducal
az., armed or. Nil meluens supcraii. Butcher, Samuel, Esquire (son of Major-

General Arthur Butcher), co. Messrs. coronet a plume of five ostrich-feathers,
Thomas Cook and Son, Banking De-
128. 5 and rising therefrom a demi-falcon with
Bushe, Arthur, Esquire, a goat's head
partment, Ludgate Circus, E.C., same wings expanded and inverted, all ppr.
arg. Moderata durant.
Bushe, Cecil Josiah Lambton, Esquire, crest and motto. Timor Domini fons vitce. 248. 9

same crest and motto. Butcher, Samuel Henry, Esquire, of Butler, Captain Antoine Sloet, of 12,
Bushe, Charles, Esquire, same crest and
Danesfort, Killarney, co. Kerry, and St. James's Terrace, Clonkeath, co.
Dublin, same crest. Comme je trouve.
6, Tavistock Square, London, W.C.,
motto. same crest and motto. Butler, William, Esquire, of Wilton, co.
Bushe, George, Esquire, same crest and
Butcher, Rev. Samuel John, M.A., Clerk Kilkenny, same crest and motto.

motto. in Holy Orders, Vicar of Weston Beg- Butler, Dublin, out of a mural coronet
Bushe, Horace Kendal, Esquire, same
gard, Heref., same crest and motto. or, a plume of five ostrich-feathers arg.,
crest and motto.
Bushe, Percy, Esquire, same crest and Bute, Marquess and Earl of (Crichton- therefrom a phoenix issuant, wings ex-

Stuart), Mount Stuart, Rothesay, Isle panded az., holding in his beak a trefoil

motto. Aof Bute : (i) demi-lion rampant gu. slipped of the first. Esse quam videri.
Bushe, Seymour C. H., A{for Stuart). 10. 3. (2) dragon vert,
Esquire, same Butler, a covered cup or, banded sa.,
crest and motto. Esquire, same flames issuing from the mouth ppr.
Bushe, William Daxon, (3) A wyvern ppr, holding in the mouth and a ball on the top of the second.

—a sinister hand couped gu. Nobilis est Butler, Scotland, an uncovered cup or.

crest and motto. ira leonis. Avito viret honore. Sapienter uti bonis. 177-4

Bushe, Ireland, a cross pattee fitched Butler and Boteler, Kent, a covered cup
arg., between two ears of wheat in
cf. 70. 10
orle. Buthall, a wyvern ppr., charged on the

Bushel], Warw., an arm from the elbow breast with a hand couped at the Butler, a covered cup or.
Butler, Devonsh., a lion's gamb erased gu.,
in armour holding a caltrap. 210. 7 wrist gu. cf. 70. I

Busbell or Busshell, Chesh., a cherub's Butler, Marquess ol Ormonde, see Or- holding a covered cup or. cf. 38. 14

head between two wings ppr. 189. 9 monde. Butler, Fowler-, Major-General Robert

Bushell, Lanes, a waterbouget between Butler, Earl ol Lanesborougb, see Lanes- Henry, of Pendeford Hall, Wolver-

two wings arg., each charged with a borough. hampton : (i) A covered cup or, sur-

Dumhurt. spiro spero. Butler, Earl of Carrick, see Carrick. mounting two palm-branches in saltire

Bushnan, London, a sinister arm era- Butler, Earl of Kilkenny, see Kilkenny. vert, between two wings quarterly or

bowed, vested sa., cuSed arg., holding Butler, Earl of Glengall, see Glengall. and sa. Depressus extoller (for Butler).
Butler, Baron Dunboyne, see Duuboyne.
in the hand a roll of parchment ppr. (2) A cubit arm vested az., holding in

Busbnell, on a ducal coronet or, a wyvern Butler, see Fyfe-Butler. the hand ppr. a lure vert, feathered

sans feet. 70. 9 Butler, see Arcedeckne- Butler. arg., lined or, twisted round the arm.

Bushrudd, Dorset, an heraldic tiger's Butler-Clough, see Clough. Garde k Boy (for Fowler).
Butler, an arm embowed, vested az., ruffle
head arg., crined and tufted sa., col- Butler, see Boteller aud Botteller and

lared gu. cf. 25. 4 Buttler. of indented lace arg., the hand ppr.,

Bushy or Bushey, a boar's head erased Butler-Bowdon, see Bowdon. holding a covered cup erect az. 203. 4
Butler, Sir Thomas Pierce, Bart., of Butler, Derbysh., an arm embowed,
sa. 41. 5
Busk, France, a stag trippant ppr. Sua- Cloughgrenan, co. Carlow, Ireland, out vested az., cuffed arg., holding in the

viter sed forliter. 117. 8 of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five hand a bunch of grapes ppr.
Butler, two arms in armour embowed
Busk of Ford's Grove, Midd.';., a stag at ostrich-feathers, and therefrom a falcon

gaze ppr. Suaviter sed fortiter. 117. 3 rising arg. Comme je trouve. 248. 9 ppr., purfled or, holding in the hands,
Busk and Buske, out of a ducal coronet
Butler, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet also ppr., a round buckle of the second

or, a fish's head az. 139. 14 or, a plume of five ostrich-feathers, cf. 194. II
therefrom a falcon rising arg. Comme Butler, London, an eagle with wings
Busse, see Bushe.
addorsed, holding in the dexter claw
Bussell, Warw., a cherub's head between je trouve. 248. 9

two wings ppr. 189. 9 Butler, John Piers, Esquire, a falcon dis- a vine-branch, all ppr.
Butler, F. K. L., London Institution, Fins-
Bussell, issuing from clouds two de.xter played ppr., rising out of a plume of

hands conjoined, holding up an olive- five ostrich-feathers arg. Comme je bury Circus, E.G., a grape-vine issuing
from a mount between two eagles with
branch, all ppr. cf. 224. 3 trouve. 248. 9 their wings elevated and addorsed,

Bussell, a crane's head erased arg. Butler, Rev. Charles Ewart, M.A., Corpus

104. II Christi College. Cambridge, a horse respecting each other. Aquila vitem
statant arg., charged on the body with
Bussie, an eagle displayed az. 75-2 pocula vitam.
Butler, Herts, a dexter arm in armour
Bustard, Devonsh., a bustard's head arg., a pale az., thereon a cross crosslet or,
and holding in the mouth a quatrefoil gauntleted az., garnished or, holding a
between two wings gu., between the

neck and the wings two ears of wheat slippedgu. DeoduceChristoluce. 295.8 sword sa., hilted of the second. 210. 4
Butler, a male griffin segreant arg.,
erect or. Butler-Creagh, Captain Walker Blake :
A(i)'s head erased arg., capari- armed, beaked, collared, and chained
Busteed, an eagle rising ppr. 77. 5

Busterd, Ireland, a cannon mounted ppr. soned gu., in the headstall of the bridle or. Je ferai bien.
a laurel-branch vert, and charged on Butler, Middx., a greyhound sejant or,
169. 12
collared eu., ringed, also or. cf. 59. 2
Bustin, an escallop between two branches the neck for distinction with a fleur-de- Butler, Cyril Kendall, of Bourton House,

of palm ppr. 141. 4 Alis sa. (for Creagh). (2) plume of Shrivenham, Berks, a falcon, wings en-

Busvargus or Bosvargus of Bushvargus, flve ostrich-feathers arg., charged with

Cornw., a Cornish chough ppr. 107. 14 a covered cup gu., and issuant from the dorsed and inverted, resting the dexter
claw on a covered cup or. Tu contra
Butcher, a lion passant gu., holding in ^ —falcon rising ppr. (for Butler),
irtule et numine. Comme je trouve.
the dexter paw a crescent arg. 5. 6 audentior ito.

3 21


Butler, Hedley Ormonde, 26, Grove Park Butt-Gow, Philip, Esquire, of Dorville Norf., a buck's head couped gu.,
Road, Lee, Kent, a dexter arm in
Gardens, Chiswiek, W., same crest. armour embowed holding a broad- attired or, gorged with a collar of the

Labor omnia vincit improbiis. last, therefrom pendent an escutcheon

Butler of Elmore, Chipstead, Surrey, a sword enfiled with a boar's head, all arg., charged with an African's head
ppr. Caraid ann am jheum.
gre5'hound sejant arg., charged with Butter, Archibald Edward, Esquire, J.P.. Dosa. it ivith thy might. 248. 6
of faskally, Pitloehiy, Perthsh., two
two bars az., and resting the dexter arms issuing from clouds, and drawing Buxton, Henry Edmund, Esquire, of
a bow with an arrow paleways, aU
paw on a covered cup or. Labor Fritton, Great Yarmouth, same crest

omnia vincit. 59. 12 and motto.

Butler, Ireland, a demi-cockatrice dis- Buxton, Sidney Charles, Esquire, of
7, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W., same
played vert, wings elevated arg., ppr. Dirige.t Deus. crest and motto.
Butter, a camel's head couped ppr.
combed, beaked, and ducally gorged or.
Butler, Humplirey, Esquire, Commander 132- 7 Buxton, Alfred St. Clair, Surgeon, 44,
Butter of Gormack, Scotland, issuing Devonshire Street, Portland Place, W.,
R.N., same crest.
Butler or Botteler, Cambs, a cockatrice's from clouds two arms drawing a bow a stag's head couped gu., attired ct.
Quicquid assequitur manus tua ut facias
head and wings, the head vert, the with an arrow, all ppr. Diriget Deus.
wings ars., ducally gorged, combed,
cf. 200. 2 pro facultate tua fac.
and wattled or. 68. 10 Buxton, Norf. and Derbysh., a pelican or,
Butter, Dr. John K., M.D., of Highfield
AButier-Danvers, Lelcs. : (i) wyvern or House, Cannock, Staffs, issuing from with wings expanded, vulning herself
clouds, two arms drawing a bow with an
{for Danvers). 70. I. (2) A demi-cock- gu. 98. I
Buxton, a demi-doe ppr.
atrice couped vert, combed, beaked, arrow, all ppr. Furth forttine. 294. 1
Butterfield, Hants, out of a ducal coro-
wattled, and ducally gorged or {for By, Sussex, a demi-lion or, holding in the
net or, a dragon's head with the wings
Butler). Liberie tonte entiire. dexter paw a fleur-de-lis az. 13. 2

Butler of Kirkland, Lanes, a horse pas- elevated vert. 72. i By and Bye, two oak-branches in saltier.

sant arg., pellettee and furnished or. Butterfleld of Clapham, Surrey, out of a 151. I

Beneficii memor. cf. 52. 6 ducal coronet or, a demi-dragon with Eyam, Somers., a wolf passant or, col-

Butler, Philip, Esquire, of Gattalunga, wings elevated arp., charged on each lared and lined vert. cf. 28. 10

Adelaide, Australia, a horse statant wing with a butterfly volant az. Byam, Sussex and Somers. : (i) A wolf

arg., charged on the body with a pale Butters, Scotland, two naked arms is- passant or, collared and lined vert.
az., thereon a cross crosslet or, and
holding in the mouth a quatrefoil suing shooting an arrow from a bow, Acf. 28. 10. (2) dragon's head erased

all ppr. 200. 2 ppr.. holding in the mouth a sinister

slipped gu. Doe duce Chrislo luce. Butterworth, Scotland, a hand issuing hand couped gu., dropping blood.

Butler, Cotes, Lines, a horse's head from a cloud in fess pointing to a Claris dextera factis. 72. 6
erased, quarterly arg. and sa. 51. 4
serpent nowed, the head erect, all ppr. Byam, a dragon's head erased ppr., hold-
Butler, Lanes, a unicorn salient arg.,
223. 7 ing in the mouth a sinister hand
Butterworth, a sphere resting on a cloud
armed or, gorged with a sash of the couped gu., dropping blood. 72. 6

last. <•/. 4S. 2 ppr. 159. 5 Byass, Worcs., between two wings az., a

Butler, Samuel, Esquire, of Henbury Butterworth, Joseph Henry, Esquire, an wing arg., charged with an escutcheon

Hill, Westbury-on-Trym, near Bristol, eagle with wings elevated erminois, of the first, tliereon a fleur-de-lis of

a unicorn salient or, holding in the resting its dexter claw on an escut- the second. Bi/ assiduity. 249. 1
cheon az., charged with a cross cross-
mouth a rose gu., barbed, seeded, let or. Per ardua Deo javente. Byass, Robert NichoU, Esquire, of Wycl;
slipped, and leaved ppr., and resting
Hill, Stow-on-Wold, same crest and

the sinister fore-foot upon a covered Buttery, Northamp., an heraldic tiger motto.
passant arg., tufted and maned or,
cup az. Fac rede el nil time. supporting with the dexter paw an Byass, Sidney Hutchinson, Esquire, of
Glanoqur, Bridgend, Glamorgan, same
263. 2

Butler, William Henry, Esquire, of Sum- escutcheon. crest and motto.
Button, a ram statant arg., armed and Byatt, Suff., out of an Eastern crown or,
merhill House, St. George, Bristol,
unguled or, collared gu., pendent there-
same crest and motto. a dove rising ppr.

Butler, a demi-stag az., collared or, sup- to a bell of the second. cf. 129. 3 Byckaor, see Bykenor.
Byde, Herts, an arm erect ppr., vested
porting between the legs a covered Button, Wilts, a wyvern erect on the
az., cuffed arg., holding in the hand an
cup per pale az. and or. Tandem tail sa.

implebitur. Button or Budden, a bull's head ppr., anchor sa., the fluke or. 208. 3
charged with a cross botonee or.
Butler-Bowdon, John Erdeswick, Es- Byde, a demi-griffin az., armed and

quire, of Pleasington Hall, Blackburn, winged or, holding a garb of the last.

Lanes, and Southgate House, Chester- Button of Alton, Wilts, on each side of a cf. 65. 5
Afield : (i) heron's head erased ppr.,
chapeau gu., turned up arm., a horn Bydewell or Bidwell, a hand couped at

beaked and charged on the neck with or, waved as those of an ox. the wrist in fess holding a curling-
three erm. spots (for Boicdon). (2) A
Buttress, London, an eagle displayed. stone. 221. 2
covered cup or, charged with an erm.
In pericvlia audax. ,-5. 2 Bye, see By.
Eyeing, an angel pointing upward ppr.
spot sa. (for Butler). Vanus est honor. Butts, Sufi, and Norf., a horse's head Byer and Byers, Northamp., a griifin's

Butler-Bowdon, Lancelot George, Es- arg., armed and bridled or, on the head head party per pale gu. and az., charged

quire, of Barlborough House, Chester- a plume of three feathers of the first

field, same crests and motto. and second. 50. 14 with a plieon arg. cf. 66. i

Butler, Ireland, a lamb statant erm. Butts, Norf., a horse's head sorrel, the Byerly, Byerley, and Byorley, London and

Butt, Kent, a lion sejant, holding in the mane plaited arg. and or, on the liead Yorks, two lion's garabs ppr., holding
dexter paw a broken spear. c/. 8. 11
a skull-plate az., and two feathers of a cross crosslet or. 39. 1

Butt of Tavistock Square, London, a the third and fourth. cf. 50. 14 Byers, Scotland, a cock regardant ppr.

horse's head couped sa., semee of Butts, Suif., a horse's head caparisoned, Marte sua tutus. 91. 9
estoiles or, the mane plaited ppr., on
all ppr., from the top of the head Byest, Shropsh., see Beist.

the head a skull-plate of the second issuant two feathers, the dexter or, the Byleld or Eyfield, London, a cross cross-

with two feathers az. cf. w. 14 sinister sa. cj. 50. 14 let fitched sa., between two palm-

Butt, Isaac, Esquire, LL.D., of Dublin, Butts, De, a ferret passant ppr. 134. 6 branches vert. cf. 166. 5

a horse's head erased arg., charged on Butts of Dorking, Surrey, an arm couped BySeld, see Bifield.

the neck with a trefoil vert, the mane at the elbow and erect ppr., grasping Eyfield, on a man's head bearded and

plaited or, on the head a plume of in the hand a fish arg. 220. 4 affrontee a chapeau ppr.

three ostrich- feathers of the first. Buxbull, a Saracen's head ppr., crowned Byfield, London, an antelope trippant
Possunt quia, posse videntur.
or. 192. 9 ppr. 126. 6
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell Victor, Bart.,
Butt, George Berkeley, Esquire, same Byfield, au antelope trippant ppr., collared
crest and motto. of Bellfield, Dorset, and of Runton, or. cf. 126. 6

11 1


Byfleet, Cambs, a Saracen's head affrontee Byrch, a hare courant sa., collared or. Byrne, of Cabineteely, Dublin, a mermaid

ppr., wreathed with a ribbon arg., tied <•/• 136. 3 holding in her dexter hand a mirror

in a bow-knot on the sinister side. Byrch, Kent and Sussex, an eagle rising and in her sinister hand a comb, all

c/. 190. 5 ppr., holding in the dexter claw a ban- ppr. Certavi et vici 184. 5
ner az., charged with a cross clechee or,
Bylord and Byfford, Heref.. a lion's gamb the staff, point, and tassels of the same. Byrne and Byrn, a hand issuing from a

erect or, holding an eagle's leg erased 78. 14 cloud in pale holding a garb. 218. 3
Byrch, Essex, a squirrel sejant eating an Byrom, Lanes, a hedgehog sa. 135. 8
at the thigh sa. 38. 10
apple, and holding a branch of birch
Byford or Baylord, an owl arg. 96. 5 in the sinister foot. Byrom, Lanes, a hedgehog sa., charged
Byrch, Essex, a squirrel sejant, bendy
Bygan, Yorlcs, an erm. ppr. cf. 134. 2 wavy of six or and az., holding a for distinction with a 'cross crosslet
branch of birch vert.
Bygbery, Devonsh., a hand holding a leg Byrchett or Birket, of Kent and Rye, arg. Anne a tons points. cf. 135. 8

in armour couped above the knee and Byrom, Edward, Esquire, of Culver, near

spurred ppr. 220. 1 Exeter, and Kersall Cell, Lanes, Grira-

Bygod or Bygode, Yorks, on a chapeau ston Garth, Hull, same crest and motto.

arg., turned up gu., charged with two Byrom, out of a ducal coronet or, a tree

bars az., a dolphin embowed and de- Sussex, a tiger vert, gorged with a vert. 145-9

vouring the cap or. ducal coronet or. cf. 27. 14 Byron, Rt. Hon. George Frederick

Bygot, seven arrows or, one in e and Byrdall, a stag's head erased ppr. 121. 2 William, Baron Byron, of Rochdale,

six in saltier. 173. 7 I Byrde, Kent, a stag's head cabossed arg., Lanes, a mermaid with a comb and

Byirley, a lion's gamb holding up a between the atfires or, a bird of the a mirror, all ppr. Crede Byron.

human heart, all ppr. 30. 1 last. 122. 9 184. 5
Byron of Bayford, Herts, and Couldon,
Bykenor and Bicknor, Kent, an antelope's Byrde, Lines, a demi-lion sa., guttee-de
j Surrey, a mermaid ppr. holding in her
dexter hand an escutcheon suspended
head gu., armed arg., collared or. sang. cf. 10. I by a ribbon az., and in her sinister a


c/. 126. 2 Byrde, Captain Henry, of Pentre House,

Bykenor, a pheon erm. 174. 11 Goytrey, near Pontypool, same crest.

Byles, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's Quid leone forlitis.

head per bend embattled arg. and gu. Byrde, on a dolphin embowed ppr., an Byrtwhysell, Lanes, a dolphin ppr. 140. 5
Byshe, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm.,
17- 5 I eagle with wings addorsed or.

Bylney, Norf., out of a tower a demi- Byres, a cock regardant ppr. ilarte suo a demi-lion or. I5- ^3

griftin sa. 157. 5 ! tulus. gu 9 Byshe, a mule passant arg.

Byhe, a hind regardant or, resting the Byres, Moir-, George, of Tonley White- Byshoppe. Dublin, an eagle displayed gu.

dexter foot on a ball sa. cf. 124. 11 house. Aberdeensh., same crest and 75- 2

Byng, Earl ot Strafford, see Strafford. motto. Bysse, on a mount vert, two snakes inter-
woven and erect, respecting each other
Byng, Viscount Torrington, see Torring- Byres of Coates, a bee volant or. Eule

ton. be ours. 137. I or.

Byng, Midds., a heraldic antelope sta- Byres, Scotland, a catherine-wheel. Bystley, a cross pattee gu., between two

tant erm., armed, crined, and ungu. 167.2 wings or. no. 7

or. Tucbor. cf. 127. 5 Byres, see Byers. Bythell of Winchester, out of a ducal

Byng, Cranmer- : (:) A heraldic ante- Byrmyncham, a cap per pale indented coronet or, a boar's head and neck arg.

lope trippant erm., attired, tusked, arg. and sa., between two wings ex- 41. 4
Bythesea of Week House, Wilts, and
crined, and ungu. or (/( panded or.
Freshford, Somer.s., an eagle displayed
(2) A crane's head erm., erased ! Byrn, Ireland and England, a mermaid
arg., charged on the breast with the
gu., pierced through the neck by an ppr. 184. 5 Roman fasces erect, surmounting two
| swords in saltier, and encircled by a
chaplet ppr., and on each wing with
arrow in bend sinister or, barbed and Byrne, Ireland, a mermaid ppr., charged a cross crosslet fitchee gu. Mutare vd

flighted arg. {for Cranmer). Tuebor. j with three escallops or, holding in he

Byng, Cranmer-, Lieutenant-Colonel dexter hand a mirror and in her sinister

Alfred Molyneux, Quendon Hall, New- a dart.

port, same crests and motto. Byrne, Thomas Joseph. Esquire, J.P, of timere sperno. cf. JS-

Byngham, a hand ppr holding three Rossmakea, Dundalk, a mermaid j Bythesea, Rear-Admiral John, C.B., of
holding in her dexter hand a mirror, 22, Ashburne Place, S.W., same crest
branches of cinquefoil gu., leaved vert, j

and charged on the sleeve sa. wit'n a and in her sinister a comb, all ppr., I and motto.

cross arg. 205. 12 and charged below the waist with an Bythesea, Samuel Francis GIossop, Es-
1 :

Byngley of Broughton, Flintsh., a pellet escallop gu. Certavi et vici. 292. 5 i quire, of 36, Adelaide Crescent,


charged with a pheon arg., between Byrne, Hon. Sir Edmund Widdrington, I _ Brighton,_ same crestand motto.
; '

' ' Lancast. er G«ate. , „W,., a Bythesea, Kent, out of a mural coronet
two wings erect ( K.B., of 33,

Byngley or Bynley, a harp or. 16S. 9 mermaid ppr. holding in her dexter j arg., masoned sa., a griffin's head du-

| hand a mirror and in her sinister a cally gorged ppr. 67. 6
Byorley, see Byerlcy.
comb, between two dexter hands ' Bywater, out of a ducal coronet, a hand

Byrch, Essex, on a mount a birch -tree

ppr. apaumee couped at the wrists arg. i in armour holding a scimitar, all ppr.

Byrch, Beds, a hare courant sa. I Certavi et viri. I 200. 1

cf. 1 36. 3 I

Cabbell, Benj. Bond, Esquire, of Cromer Cabytott, Norf., a greyhound current az., Caddon, an arm in armour embowed
Hall, Norf., an arm in armour embowed holding in the hand an arrow in pale,
collared and ringed or. ;
surmounted by a bow stringed in,
cf. 58. 2 the cord crossing in saltire over the

grasping a sword, all ppr. 195. 2 Cacher, London, out of a ducal coronet
or, a demi-leopard arg., spotted and |
Cable, Ernest, Esquire, of Calcutta, in

front of a fret sa., an escutcheon collared of the first. cf. 23. 13 ! arrow. ipS- 9

or, charged with a padlock of the Caddei, Scotland, a tower gu., loopholes I Caddy, a cross crosslet vert. 166. 2

first. and portway or. 1 56. 2 Cade, Kent, a demi-cockatrice winged

Cabot, an escallop or. 141. 12 CaddeU and "Cadell, Scotland, a stag's! gu., combed or.
Cade, Derbysh., a demi-lion rampant gu.
Cabourne, Cabron, and Cabrone, of Tliras- head ppr. Vigilantia non cad'-t.
10. 3
throp. Lines, out of a ducal coronet or, |

121. 5
Caddey, a pile charged with a cross Cade, Derbysh. and Essex, a demi-lion
arg., charged with a martlet rampant gu., charged on the shoulder

pattee fitched or. I



with a bezant, and holding in the Cahill, Ireland and England, a lion's Calandrine, a demi-eagle displayed arg.,

dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. gamb holding a scimitar ppr. 38. 13 holding in the beak a scroll, thereon

cj. 13. 2 Cahill and Cabil, Ireland, a demi-buU the motto Sursum. 81. 14

Cade, Francis Joseph, M.A., Teighmore, rampant sa., gorged with a chaplet Calcot, see Caldecot.
Cheltenham, a demi-lion rampant gu.
vert. 45. 14 Calcott, Hants, a lion sejant collared

Generositate. Cahill, John Nugent, Esquire, J. P., of and lined. Dieu avec nous. 7. 4

Cadell, London, a stag's head couped sa., Ballyconra, co. Kilkenny, Ireland, an Caleraft of Ingress, Kent, and Rempston,
anchor erect entwined with a cable
—collared arg., pendent from the collar ppr., out of the dexter fluke an oak- Dorset, a greyhound current sa., col-
branch, also ppr. In Domino confido.
an escutcheon of the arms viz., arg., a lared and ringed arg., charged on the
cross engrailed vert, in the first quarter 299. 10
a stag's head caboshed. Deo duce. body with a pallet wavy or. cf. 58. 2

Caleraft, William Montague, Esquire, of

cj. 120. 8 Cahill, John, M.D., 12, Seville Street, Remp.ston, Wareham, Dorset, same

Cadell, M. G. I,. M.D., 15, Talbot Road, Lowndes Square, S.W., same crest and crest.

Bayswater, W., a stag's head erased. motto. Caleraft of Ancaster Hall, Lines, a grey-
hound current sa., charged with a cross
Vigilantia non cadet. 121.2 Cabn, Cahan, and Cahun, Scotland, a

Cadell, Colonel Thomas, of Cockenzie stag's head erased. Si je puis. crosslet or. cf. 58. i
House, Prestonpans. a stag's head 121. 2
Caldecot, Oxon., a demi-heraldic tiger or,

ppr. VigUarUia non cadet. 121. 2 Cahurta, a stag erm., attired or. tufted, maned, and attired with two

Cadell, see Caddell. 121. 5 straight horns sa., the horns wreathed
of the first and last.
Cadicott, a dexter hand per fess gu. and Caillard of Wingfield House, Wilts, a

arg., holding a battle-axe. 213. 12 quail ppr. Aid-toi, Dieu t'aidera. Caldecot, Chesh., an ostrich ppr. 97. 2
Caldecott, a demi-lion rampant or,
Cadicott, a demi-ape ppr. cf. 1 36. 13 cf 89. 12
charged on the shoulder with a cinque-
Cadiman, London and Norf., a rock ppr. Caillard, same crest and motto.

surmounted by a fleur-de-lis or. Cain and Caine, a demi-antelope per foil gu. cf. 10. 2

</ I79. 7 fesse arg. and az., collared and attired Caldecott, Colonel Chailes Thomas, of
Cadman, a stork's head royally crowned
or. 126. 3 Holbrook Grange, Rugby, a demi-lion

ppr. 104. 7 Cain, William Joseph, Esquire, of Wood- rampant gu., charged on the shoulder
bourna Square. Douglas, Isle of Man,
Cadman of Westbourne House, Yorks, with a cinquefoil arg. In utrumque

same crest. Deus et palria. in front of a demi-heraldic antelope gu., Calder, a stag's head cabossed ppr.
Cadman, Rev. John Montagu, M.A. armed and gorged with a collar gemel

(Cantab), of The Vicarage, Sedbergh, or, semee of plates, supporting between 122. 5
Calder, within a serpent in orle a boar's
Yorks., in front of a rock a stork's its legs a mullet of six points, pierced

head, both ppr., ducally crowned or. arg., a rock ppr. £sto quod esse head erased and erect. 41. 11

Detis et palria. 237. 19 Calder of Lynegar, a stag's head cabossed

Cadman, Rev. William Snape, M.A., Caird, a demi-friar issuing, holding in his sa. Vigilans non cadit. 122. 5

Vicar of Boxley, Kent, same crest and hand a staff erect ppr. Calder, a swan ppr., crowned or. Be

motto. Caird, Henryson-, James Alexander, of mindful. 99. 4

Cadman, Charles William, Copmanhurst, Cassencary, Creetown, N.B., a dexter Calder, Bart., Scotland, a swan swimming
Broomhill, Sheffield, same crest and hand fesseways couped at the WTist
in a loch, bordered with flags ppr.

motto. ppr., holding a star of six points Vigilans non cadet. 99. 8
Cadman, John Heatoo, Ackworth, same ensigned with a crescent arg. Virtus
Calder, in water a duck swimming ppr.

crest and motto. sola nobilital. 286. 1 102. 7
Calderwood of Pittedy, a dexter hand
Cadogan, Earl (Cadogan), Culford Halt, Cairleon, a crass moline lozenge-pierced

Bury St. Edmunds, out of a ducal erm. cf. i6^. 11 holding a palm-branch ppr. Veritas

coronet or, a dragon's head vert. Qui Cairncross of Balmashaner, Scotland, a premitur non opprimilur. 219. 9

invidet minor est. 72. 4 dagger in pale ppr. Certamine porta. Calderwood of Polton, a phoenix in flames
169. 2
Cadurcis, a griffin's head erased gu., ppr. Virtus sibi preemium. 82. 2

holding in the beak a trefoil vert, Cairne, Scotland, a hand holding a fish Calderwood, Scotland, a beehive ppr.,

gorged vrith a ducal coronet or. ppr. 220. 4 with bees volant. 137. 7

cf. 71. S Cairnes, Scotland, a fleur-de-lis. Efflo- Calderwood, Scotland, a dove holding in

Cadwoodley, an antelope trippant per its beak a palm-branch ppr. Spero.

pale gu. and or, attired of the last. Cairnes, Scotland, a cinquefoil ppr. cf. 92. 5
Caldicote, a lion statant gardant ppr.,
126. 6 Effioresco. 148. 12
supporting an esquire's helmet embel-
Cady, a merlin ppr., chained, tasselled Cairnes, on a tower a martlet statant lished or. Si Deus pro nobis quis contra

and belled or. ppr. 156. 9
Cadye, Glouc, on a mount vert, a cocka-
Cairnie, Scotland, a ship under sail. ppr. nos. cf. 4. I
trice arg., combed and wattled gu.,
1 6c. 13 Caldmore, a demi-Turk vested holding
ducally gorged and chained or. Cairnie, on a cinquefoil vert, a martlet
in his dexter hand a staff headed with
Adsa. alia.
a crescent.

Cssar, Hunts, a cross pattee. 165. 7 Cairns, Earl (Cairns), I.indisfarne, near Caldron, a dexter hand holding a palm-

Csesar, a dolphin embowed ppr., in the Bournemouth, a martlet arg., charged branch slipped ppr. 219. II

sea vert. cf. 1 40. 5 with a trefoil slipped vert. Effioresco. CaldwaU of Alston, Staffs, a cock's head

Cafe, Claremont, Sidmouth, Devonsh., in cf. 95. 4 arg., beaked, combed, and wattled gu.,

front of a sword erect, point down- Cairns, Scotland, a bell az. Suh spe. between two wings expanded sa., hold-

wards arg., hilted or, an escutcheon 168. 7 ing in the beak a cross pattee fitchee

az., charged with a Saracen's head Cairns, Scotland, a palm-tree ppr. Vir- or. 90. 7
Caldwell, Bart., Ireland, out of a ducal
couped, also arg. Coup sur coup. tus ad cethera lendil. 144. 15
coronet a sceptre or, entwined with
171. 8 Cairns of Pilmor, a cinquefoil ppr. Effio- two serpents vert, between two wings

Cafe, Charles Haydon Wilkinson, Esquire, I resco. 148. 12

same crest and motto. Cairns, Scotland, a stag's head erased ppr. 170. 13

Cafe, General William Martin, V.C, of ppr., between the attires a cross crosslet Caldwell, Scotland, a fountain throwing

Wetherby Place, South Kensington, fitched. Semper fidelis. 120. 12 up water ppr. 159. 13

same crest. From Caf to Caf. Caithness, Earl of (Sinclair), 59, Inverness Caldwell, issuing out of a mural crown
Terrace, W., a cock ppr. Commit thy
Cage, Kent, a stag trippant erm., attired or, a dexter arm in armour, the hand

or, charged on the shoulder with an work to God. 91. 2 holding a sword in bend, all ppr. Fac

annulet gu. 117. 9 Calamount, an antelope's head erased et spera. cf. 2 1 o. 2

Cahan and Cahane, Ireland, an arm em- erm., attired arg. 126. 2 Caldwell, a demi-Uon grasping a broken

bowed holding a sword ppr. 201. 4 Calamy, a hedgehog ppr. 135. 8 scimitar, all ppr. cf. 10. 2



Caldwell, Charles Henry Bulwer, Esquire, Callander, Bart., Stirlingsh., out of an Calton of Babram, Cambs, a boar passant
of New Grangs, co. Meath, the Cedars, Eastern crown or, a dexter cubit arm
Windlesham, Surrey, issuant from a arg. 40. 9

naval crown or, a demi-lion, the ppr., holding in the hand a billet. Et Calverley and Calveley, Chesh. and
dexter paw grasping a scimitar ppr.,
pommel and hilt gold, the sinister domi et foris. 215. 14 Yorks, out of a ducal coronet or, a

Callander and Callendar, two elephants' calf's head affrontee sa. 43. 6

probosces addorsed per fess gu. and Calverley, Sussex and Surrey, a horned

resting on an anchor erect, also ppr. or. 123. 10 owl arg. En caligine Veritas. 96. 5

Ense liberfatem petit. Callarde and Calliarde, Norf., a demi- Calverley of Cockerham, Lanes, a horned
Caldwell, Colonel Robert Townley, of
lion sa., supporting a double scaling- owl arg., guttce-de-poix. cf. 96. 5
Brook House, Cambridge, and Innes-
hewen, Abo3me, N.B., out of an ladder or. Calverley, John .Selwyn, Oulton Hall,

Callender-Brodie, John Sharp, Esquire, Yorks, a horned owl arg.

Eastern crown arg.. the rim inscribed of Idvies, Forfar, and 26, Moray Place, Calverley, Edmond Leveson, Esquire, of
" Gooty " in letters sa., a demi-lion
rampant, holding in his dexter paw a Edinburgh, a dexter hand holding a 1 8, Cheyne Gardens, S.W., same crest.
falchion ppr., and supporting in his
sinister paw an escutcheon az. charged sheaf of arrows ppr. Be mind/itl to Calverley, Horace Walter, Esquire, of
with a representation of a medal
Aunite {jor Brodie). dexter hand ppr., 38, South Eaton Place, S.W., same
conferred upon Sir Alexander Caldwell
in commemoration of his services at holding a billet or. / mean well (for crest.
the siege of Seringapatam, pendent
Callender). Calverley- Rudston, Trevor Wheeler, of
Allerthorpe Hall, Pocklington, Yorks,
Calley, Colonel Thomas Charles PleydeU, a bear's paw erect pean, grasping a
cross moUne erminois.
Burderop Park, Wilts, a demi-lion
holding in the dexter paw a battle- Calvert, out of a mural coronet arg., two
spears erect, therefrom two forked
from a ribbon tenne. Virtus et spes. axe arg., handle gu., and charged on pennons flowing to the dexter, one
Caldwell, out of an Eastern crown or, a
the shoulder with a bend of the last,
demi-lion gu., holding in the dexter
paw a sword ppr., pommel and hilt of thereon three mullets of the first.
the first, supporting between the paws
two flag-staves in bend sinister, the Callide et honeste. 15. 6 erminois, the other pean, the staves
one being that of the Union flag of
Great Britain surmounting the other Callis, out of a ducal coronet a cocka- gu.
Calvert, out of a ducal coronet or, two
trice's head between two wings, all
staves with pennons flying to the dex-
ppr. 6S. II ter side, the dexter of the first, the

Callore, on a ducal coronet a sheaf of

with the staff broken, being a flag arrows environed by a serpent. 173. 1 sinister sa.
swallow-tailed vert, semee of mullets Calvert, Archibald Motteux, Oekley
Calloum, a sinister arm in armour em-
Court, Surrey, same crest. Falti
arg. Virtus et spes. 1 10 Med to the sinister ppr., holding a
Caldwell, Hugh, Esquire, of Blackwood,
battle-axe handle downwards or. masghii parole femine.
near Newport, Monm., a demi-lion Calvert, John Jackson, Esquire, of
rampant, holding in its dexter paw a Callow, on a ducal coronet a peacock
Woodlands, Marrickville, near Sydney,
ppr. 103. 8

broken scymitar, all ppr. Aspiro. Callwell, Scotland, a hand erect ppr., N.S.W., Clerk of the Parliaments,

275. 2 holding a cross pattee fitchee gu. N.S.W. : (i) A mount vert, thereon

Caldwell, Norf., a demi-cock rising. 90. 9 221. 12 an owl erm., gorged with a collar az.,
Caldwell, Bart., Quebec, out of a ducal
Calmady of Langdon Hall, Devonsh., a pendent therefrom an escocheon sa.,
coronet or, a dexter cubit arm in pale
Pegasus sa., ungu. and collared or. charged with three gouttes, two and
ppr., grasping a cross Calvary gu.
Sirnilis frondescit virga metallo. Aone, arg. (for Calvert). (2) goat's

Sapcre aude. cf. 47. I head az., erased, armed, and crined
Calrow of Adlington, Chesh., and Walton
Caldwell, Staffs, a lion couchant arg., or, charged on the neck with a pheon
gorged with two bars, the upper sa., Lodge, near Preston, Lanes, a beehive,
the lower vert, holding between the thereon perched a dove with wings of the last {for Jackson). cf. 128. 5
elevated, holding in the beak a sprig of
Calwodley, an antelope trippant per pale

paws a cold well ppr. Niti facere ex- gu. and or, attired of the last. 126. 6

periri. olive, all ppr. Industria. Calwood, a dexter hand holding a palm-

Caldwoodley, Devonsh., an antelope trip- Calshill, a dexter wing erect or. 109. 7 branch vert. 219. II
Calston, the moon in her complement.
pant. 126. 6 Cam and Camm, a dove between two
c/. 162. 4
Calebot, Norf., a greyhound current az., Calthorp and Calthrop, Suff. and Norf., laurel-branches in orle. 92. 12

collared and rinsed or. c/. 58. 2 a boar's head and neck az., armed and Camac and Camic, a martlet sa. 95. 5

Caledon, Earl Ol (Alexander), Caledon, Cambell, Essex, a bear's head couped per

CO. Tyrone, Ireland, an arm in armour bristled or. 41. i fess or and az., muzzled gu. 34. 14

embowed ppr., holding in the hand a Calthorpe, Bart., a boar's head and ueck Cambell, a lion's head affrontee ppr.

sword of the last. Per mare, per couped vert.

terras. 195. 2 Calthorpe, Baron (Gough Calthorpe), Cambell, a swan ppr., ducally crowned

Calender and Callandar, Scotland and Elvetham. Winchfield, Hants: (i) A or, between two laurel-branches vert.

Ireland, out of an Eastern coronet or, boar's head couped at the neck az. cf. 99- 4
Cambell, a swan ppr., crowned or.
a dexter hand holding up a billet ppr. (2) A boar's head couped arg., pierced

215. 14 through the cheek with a broken spear. 99-4
Calibut, a stag's head at gaze az.
Gradu divcrso via una. Cambell, a boar's head couped in fess.

c/. 119. 12 Calthorpe, Lieutenant-General the Hon. 43- I
Call, Sir William George Montagu, Bart.,
Somerset John Gough, Perry Hall, Camber, Essex, a Saxon crown per pale
of Whiteford, Cornw., a demi-lion ram- sa. and arg., between two wings ex-
pant holding in his paws a trumpet Birmingham, same crests and motto.
fessewise arg. Grata manu. cf. 9. 1
Callagan and O'Callagan, Ireland, a naked Calthrop, HoUway-, Henry Calthrop, panded, counterchanged. 1 10. 9
arm embowed holding in the hand a
sword with a snake entwined round Esquire, of Stanhoe Hall, Norf.: (i) Camborne, Cornw., three broken spears
or, tied together with a band gu., two
In front of a boar's head couped at the

neck az., collared gemelle or, three in saltier, one in pale.
Cambridge, Duke of, upon a coronet
annulets interlaced of the last {for
composed of crosses pattee and straw-
the blade, the head towards the hand, ACalthrop). 41. 7. (2) goat's head berry leaves a lion statant guardant

aU ppr. c/. 201. 3 couped arg., semee of crescents, and
Callagan, a morion ppr. 180. i
holding in the mouth two trefoils and crowned with a like coronet, all

Callandar and Callender, a dexter hand slipped, all gu. {for Holltoay). Qncerere or, differenced by a label of three
points arg., the centre point charged
holding a billet ppr. / mean well. veru7n. 128. 6 with the cross of St. George, and each

215. II Caltoft, Lines, a rose gu., between two

Callander, George Frederick William, of laurel-branches vert. 149. 11 of the other points with two hearts in

Craigforth, Stirling, and Ardkinglass, Calton of Catsworth, Hunts, a talbol pale gu.

Argyll, a dexter hand ppr., holding a passant arg., collared and lined or. Cambridge and Cambrige, a lion passant

billet or. I mean well. 215.11 54- 5 gardant ppr. 4. 3



Cambridge, a griffin's head erased or, Cameron, Henry Lovett, Millbrook House, Campbell, Colin George Pelham, Stone-

holding in the beali a cross crosslet Shepperton, same crest. Pro rege I! field, Argyllsh., a boar's head couped


fitched of the same. c/. 66. 2 patria. transpierced by a sword and a javelin

Cambridge, Pickard- of Bloxworth House, Cameron, a lion's gamb sa., holding a flag Nonin saltire. obliviscar.

ADorset: (i) griffin's head erased arg., charged with an eagle with two Campbell, a boar's head couped sa. Usque
heads displayed, also sa. 1 43. i
Camfield and Camfyld, Norf., boar's
sa., serai'-e of trefoils, holding in tower a demi-lady ppr. 35. 12 ad aras. 43. i

the beak a cross botony fitcliee or I

out of a Campbell of Lis, Argyllsh., a

A(for Cambridge). (2) lion sejant I head couped ppr. Deo volenle.

arg., charged on the shoulder with Camfield, an arm erect couped at the Campbell, Major-General Patrick John,


an ermine spot, and gorged with a elbow, vested, holding in the hand the Albany, Piccadillv, same crest.

collar gemelle sa., supporting with three wheat-ears ppr. c/. 205. 7 : Nil tibi.
CamiC, «ee Camao.
the dexter fore-paw an escutcheon Campbell, Colonel Aylmer M'lver, of

gu., charged with a fleur-de-lis within Camm, see Cam. Asknish, Argyllsh., a boar's head couped
a bordure or (lor Pickard). Esse quam Camm, a cross gu., charged with a cres-
or. Nunquam obliviscar. 43. i

videri. cent or. Campbell of Monzie, Perth, a boar's

Camden, Marquess (Pratt), Bayham Camm, John Brooke Maker, M.A., Burn- head erased ppr. Follow me. 42. 2
Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent: (i) An
ham Grange, Bournemouth, on a Greek Campbell, Rt. Hon. James Alexander, of

elephant's head erased arg. [for Pratt). cross of the second, a crescent of the Stracathro, Forfarsh., a boar's head

A133- 3- (') dragon's head erased first. Per crucem ad lucem. erased ppr. Ne. obliviscaris. 42. 2
Cammell, Charles, Esquire, of the Hall,
Hutton's Anibo, Yorks., a camel's head
vert, holding in the mouth a sinister erased arg., gorged with a collar gemelle Campbell, Sir Guy Theophilus, Bart.,

hand couped at the -wrist gu., and of the Lodge, Thames Ditton, Surrey,

about the neck a chain, and pendent and Scotland, a boar's head in fess

therefrom a portcullis or (for Jeffreys). sa., holding in the mouth a trefoil erased or, langued gu. Folloiv me.

Judicium parium, aut lev Icrrce. slipped sa. Perseverando. 296. 10 42. 2

of. 72. 6 Cammell, Charles David Wilson, Ash- Campbell, John, Esquire, of Rathfern,

Camden, on a pile or, six estoiles gu. wicke Hall, Marshfield, Chippenham, White Abbey, co. Antrim, same crest.
Camden, a cross pattee per pale sa. and
same crest and motto. 132. :o 1 Nc obliviscaris.
arg., between two wings counter-
Cammell, Bernard Edward, Esquire, of Campbell of Slochaster, Scotland, a boar's
changed. 1 10. 7 j
Folly Court, Wokingham, Berks, same head erased chequy or and sa. Sequor.

Camel, a camel's head. i3-- crest and motto. 42. 2

Cameron, Sir Charles, Bart., Balclutha, Cammell, Archibald Allen, Esquire, of Campbell of Lochdochart, a boar's head

Greenock, N.B., on a rock ppr. five Brookfield Manor, Hathersage, Shef- I erased ppr. Eecte sequor. 42. 2

arrows points downwards barbed and field, same crest and motto. Campbell of Port Glasgow, a boar's head


feathered az., enfiled with an annulet Camoys, Baron (Stonor), Stonor Park, erased ppr. Deo volente. 42. 2


gu. Pro patria. 254. 2 Henley-on-Thames, on a wreath or Campbell, a boar's head erased ppr.

Cameron, a sheaf of five arrows tied with and az., a rock arg., charged with Follow vie. 42. 2


a band gu. 173-3 spots gu. and az., and a dove pecking Campbell, James, Esquire, of Craignish

Cameron, Donald, Esquire, Chief of thereat nith a stone gu. in its beak. and Ardnagreggan, Callander, N.B., a


Clan Cameron, of Achnacarry, Spean 259. 12 boar's head erased ppr. Fit via vi.


Bridge, Inverness-sh., and of Loohiel : Camoys or Camays, a lion's head erased 42. 2

(i) A dexter arm in armour embowed az., holding in the mouth a trefoil Campbell, James, Esquire, of TuUichewan
Abrandishing a sword, all ppr. (2)

slipped vert. cf. 17. 8 Castle, Alexandria, Dunibartonsh.,


sheaf of five arrows tied with a band Camp, a griffin's head erased, ducally same crest and motto.

gu. Pro rrge et patria.—U iiite. 195. 2 i

gorged, holding in the beak a branch Campbell of London and Middlesex, a

Cameron, Scotland, an arm in armour of laurel, all ppr. I boar's head erased or. 42. 2

66. 1 I

embowed brandishing a broadsword Campbell, Duke of Argyll, -ice Argyll. I Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, M.P..

ppr. Pro regc et patria. 195. 2 Campbell, Marquess of Breadalbane, see of 6, Grosvenor Place, and Hunton'

Cameron of Glendessary, an arm in Breadalbane. Court, Kent: (i) On the dexter side

armour holding in the hand a sword Campbell, Earl of Loudoun, .sec Loudoun. a demi-man in armour ppr. (jor
Campbell, Earl Cawdor, see Cawdor. Bannerman). 187. i. (2) On the
ppr. Hinc orior. 210. 2

Cameron, Allan Gordon. Letterwalton. Campbell, Lord Stratheden and Campbell, sinister side a boar's head erased ppr.
Ledaig, Argyllsh., same crest. Pro
(for Campbell). Patrice. fiAdis.—Ne

Rege et patria. Campbell, Baron Clyde, see Clyde. obliviscaris. 42. 2
Campbell, -m M'lver-Campbeil.
Cameron, Bart, [extinct), Scotland: (i) Campbell, Alexander, Esquire, of CammOj
Out of a mural coronet or, a dexter arm
in armour embowed, the hand grasping Campbell-Davys, see Davys. Midlothian, a boar's head erased sa.,

Campbell-Douglas, see Douglas-Campbell- armed and langued gu. Follow, me.

a sword, all ppr. 195. 9. (2) As an r)..,i-ia-. 42. 2
honourable augmentation, a High-
Campbell-Orde, Bart., see Orde. Campbell, Duncan, Esquire, of Inverneill

lander of the 92nd Foot up to the Campbell, Earl of Islay, a boar's head and Ross, Argyllsh., a boar's head

middle in water, grasping in his dexter couped. Memini. 43- i erased or, langued gu. Fit via vi.

hand a broadsword, and in his sinister Campbell, Baron, a boar's head erased 42. 2
a banner inscribed " 9271^," all within
gyrony of eight or and sa. Audacter Campbell, Sir Gilbert Edward, Bart., of
a wreath of laurel. Over the crests
et aperte. 42. 2 Carrick-Buoy, Ireland, an Eastern
" Arriverette" ; underthearms " Maija.''
Campbell of Ormidale, Argyllsh., a boar's crown surmounted by a boar's head
Cameron, Sir Roderic William, of Glen- head couped or. Ne obliviscaris. 43. i erased ppr. Ne obliviscaris.

nevis, Canada, and Clifton Berney, Campbell, Major-General Frederick Lorn, cf. 42. 2
Staten Island, New York, a cubit arm
—12, Cranley Gardens, S.W., a boar's Campbell of Lawers, a boar's head erect

erect ppr., the hand grasping a flagstaff head erased or. Nil tibi. Ciod a sin and erased az. Fac et spera. 43. 3

in bend sinister, also ppr., therefrom Campbell of Colgrain, Dumbarton, a

flowing a banner arg., charged with Campbell of Asknish, a boar's head couped boar's head erect and erased or, armed

a lymphad sa. Hinc orior. 267. 15 or. Nunquam obliviscar. 43. i and langued az. Fac et spera. 43. 3

Cameron, Hants, a dexter arm in armour Campbell, Maclver Forbes Morison Mac- Campbell of Park, a boar's head erased

embowed ppr., holding in the hand a Iver, of Ballochyle, Argyllsh., a and erect or, langued az. Fac et spera.

sword, also ppr., hilt and pommel or. boar's head couped ppr. / %oill not 43- 3

195. 2 forget. 43. i Campbell, Henry A., Esquire, of Eastwell
Cameron, John, Esquire, of Meiklehill
Campbell, William Eose, Esquire, of Park, Ashford, Kent, a boar's head

House, Kirkintilloch, X.B., same crest. Ballochyle, Argyllsh., same crest and erased and erect or, langued az. Foe
Pro rege et patria.
motto. 43. I et spera. 43. J



Campbell, Henry Alexander, Esquire, of Campbell of Inveraw, a hart's head ppr. Campbell of AuchawiUing, two oars of a
Lynford Hall, Mundford, Norf., a boar's galley in saltier. Armis et fide. 179. 3
head erect and erased or. Fac et spera. Pro oris et focis. 21 1 . 5
Campbell, same crest. Vi et fide.
43- 3 —Campbell of Glenfeochin, a stag's head Campbell, Rev. Archibald Ean, of All
Campbell, William Middleton, Esquire, of ppr. Mar bu mhianu dom. Fortitu-
Souls' Vicarage, Leeds, same crest.
Camis-Eskan, Helensburgh, N.B., and dine et prudentia. 121. 5 Terra mare que fides.
Fen Place, Turner's Hill, Sussex, same Campbell, .Mexander James Henry, of
Campbell of Glenfeachar, a goat statant Dunstaffnage, Argyllsh., an anchor in
crest and motto.
Campbell, a dove holding in its beak an az., armed and ungu. or, holding in

olive-branch ppr. Gaudimn ad/ero. the mouth a sprig of ivy ppr. Marbu

mhianu lean. 129. 9 pale reversed az. Vigilando. cf. 161.1

Campbell, a lion sejant affrontee and Campbell, Pleydell-Bouverie- : (i) Two

92. 5 erect gardant, holding in the dexter oars of a galley in saltire ppr. (for
Campbell of Gargunnock, a stork ppr. paw a sword, and in the sinister a
crown of laurel. Victoriam coronat ACampbell). 179. 3. (2) denii-eagle

Sefero. 105. 11 displayed with two heads sa., ducally

Campbell, Scotland, a swan gorged with Christus. cf. 7. 3 gorged or, and charged on the breast

ducal coronet ppr. Be miyid/id.c/. 99. 2 Campbell, Sir James, Bart., of Aberu- —with a cross crosslet arg. (for Bouverie)

Campbell of Ardchattan Priory, Argyllsh. chill, Perthsh., Kilbryde Castle, Dun- Vis et fides. Patria cara, carior

a swan with wings elevated arg., blane, Perthsh., and Whitemead Park, libertas.

crowned with an Eastern crown or. Coleford, Glouc, a lion affrontee gu., Campbell of Glenfalloeh, Perth, a human
crowned with laurel, and holding in the
Be mindful. cj. 99. 4 dexter paw a sword ppr., hilted and heart gu., pierced through with an
pommelled or, and in the sinister a dag
Campbell of Calder, a swan ppr., crowned or Highland pistol, also ppr. Sequitur arrow bendwise ppr. Thus far. 181. 10

or. Be mindfid. cf. 99. 2 Campbell, Cockburn-, Sir Thomas, Bart.,

Campbell, Sir John William, Bart., of of Gartsford, Scotland: (i) A cubit
arm erect, holding in the hand a sci-
Ardnamurchan and Airds, same crest victoria forteis.

and motto. ef. 99. 2 Campbell, John Logan, Esquire, M.D., mitar ppr. (/or Ca)»p6eM). 213.:;. (2)
F.R.C.G., of Kilbryde, Auckland, New
Campbell of Moy, Elgin, Scotland, a swan A cock ppr. (for Cockburn). Without
—fear. Vigilans et audax.
rising ppr., crowned or. Be ever mind- Zealand, a lion affrontee gu., crowned 91. 2
with laurel, and holding in the dexter
h'l. 99- 4 paw a sword ppr., hilted and pommelled Campbell of Barbieston, Ayrsh., a hand
or, and in the sinister a dag or High-
Campbell of Auchmannoch, Ayrsh., a and arm holding a dagger, with the

two-headed eagle displayed gu., in a sun above in his splendour, all ppr.

fiame of fire or. / byde my tyme. land pistol, also ppr. Seqxtitur victoria Honore et armis. cf. 212. 3

(2) Three ears of barley bladed ppr. 74. forteis. Campbell, Captain John, Madras Native

Campbell, Arthur, Esquire, of Catrine Campbell of Glenlyon, a demi-lion ram- Infantry, a dexter hand couped in fess,
pant ppr., gorged with a collar gyronny
House, Ayrsh., W.S., crest as first of eight or and sa., and holding in his grasping a dagger erect gu. / forget not.
above, same motto. dexter paw a heart gu., crowned or. Campbell, Sir Hugh Hume-, Bart., of

Campbell, issuing out of water a demi- Marchmont, Berwick, a dexter hand
eagle displayed with two heads, above
Quce recta seq^tor. —issuing from a heart and grasping a

it the sun shining ppr. 82. 10 Campbell, Sir Archibald Ava, Bart., scimitar, all ppr. True to the end.
Scotland: (i) On a mount vert, a
Campbell, Ireland, the wings of an eagle Burmese warrior on horseback armed Fides probata coronat. 213. 4
and accoutred ppr. (2) Out of an
conjoined ppr. Vlterius et melius. Eastern crown or, a demi-lion ppr., Campbell, Scotland, an arm in armour
supporting with the dexter paw a
113. I man's heart gu., crowned or. Persever- embowed holding in the hand a
Campbell of Fairfield, Ayrsh., an eagle's
dagger. Paratus sum. 196. 5

head erased ppr. Constanter et pru- Campbell of Ottar, Scotland, a hand in

duitia. 66. 2 pale holding a dirk erect ppr. Pro

Campbell of Skerrington, an eagle's head. antia victor. patria semper. 212. o

Constans et prudens. 66. i Campbell, Suff., a lion's head affrontee Campbell, Burnley-, Lieutenant-Colonel

Campbell, Scotland, an eagle's head y)pr. / heare in minde. cf. 18. i Hardin, of Ormidale, Colintraive,
Argyllsh., same crest and motto.
couped ppr. Constanter et prudentia. Campbell, London, a demi-hound az..

66. I —gorged with a ducal coronet or. Fces- Campbell, Archibald Argyle, of Lochnell,

Campbell of Treesbank, AsTsh., a phoenix tina lente. Dieu pour nous. 55. 12 —Argyllsh., a dexter hand holding a spear

head erased or. Constanter et pru- Campbell, TJeutenant-Colonel Duncan, of in bend. Audaces juvo. Arvia parata

South Hall, Colintraive, N.B., a hart's fero. 214. II

Campbell of Sornbeg, Ayrsh., same crest head, erased ppr. Pro oris et focis. Campbell, Colin, Esquire, of Ardfin
House, Jura, Argyllsh., a hand holding
and motto. Campbell, Graham-, Robert Charles, of

Campbell, George James, of Cessnock, a Shervin. Lochgilphead; (i) A hart's a lance ppr. Audaces juvo. 214. 11

phoenix's head erased or. Constanter —head erased ppr. (2) An escallop or. Campbell, James Archibald, Esquire, of

et prudenter. Pignus amoir. Pro aris et focis. Craigie, Ayrsh., a dexter hand and

Campbell of Glassnock, Ayrsh., a Campbell, Scotland, a ship at anchor arm couped at the elbow and erect

phoenix head couped ppr. Constans et ppr. Vincit labor. 160. 4 ppr., holding a spur or. Forget me not.

prudens. Campbell of Ardkinlis, a galley, her oars cf. 217. 14
Campbell of Craigie House, Ayrsh., same
Campbell of Shawfield and Islay, a griffin in action sa. Set on. 160. 7

spgreant holding the sun between its Campbell, Sir Archibald Campbell, Bart., crest and motto.

claws ppr. Fidus amicus. 62. 6 of Blythswood, Renfrewsh., J. P., D.L. : Campbell, James Archibald, Esquire, of

Campbell, Somerset-, Captain Walter A160. 6. (i) lymphad sa. 160. 6. Barbreck, near Lochgilphead, a hand
Douglas, of Holly Grove, Windsor
Park, same crest and motto. (2) On a cap of maintenance ppr., a holding a spear, Arma parata fero.

Campbell, James Carter, Esquire, J.P., salamander vert, encircled with flames Campbell, Scotland, a dexter hand hold-
of Ardpatrick, Tarbert, Argyllsh. A{ i )
griffin segreant holding the sun be- Aof fire, also ppr. 138. 2. (3) human ing a spur or. Memor esto. 263.9
tween the fore-paw. (2) Two oars of a
galley in saltire. Terra mare fide. —heart ensigned with an imperial crown Campbell, Albert Johnstone, Esquire, of
17, Cleveland Gardens, Hyde Park,
Campbell of Woodhall, Lanarksh., a griffin ppr. Vincit labor. Jamais arriere. London, W., same crest and motto.

Campbell - Horsfall, Charles, Esquire, Campbell, Sir Norman Montgomery

M.B., Ch.B. (Vict. Univ.), of Clevedon, Abercrombie, Bart., of Auchinbreck, a

segreant holding in his claws the sun ASomerset dexter cubit arm, dexter hand ppr., holding a spur or.
(,i )

ppr. Fidus amicus. 62. 6 holding a tilting-spear in bend sinister. Forget not. 217. 14

Campbell, Sir Archibald Spencer Lind- A214. II. (2) boar's head ereised. Campbell, William, of Skerrington, Ayrsh.,
sey, Bart., of Succoth, Scotland, and
23, Moray Place, Edinburgh, a camel's Audaces juvo. 42. 2 and 12, Randolph Crescent, Edinburgh,
head couped ppr. Labor omnia
Campbell of Skipness Castle, Argyllsh., a dexter arm in armour, holding in the

two oars of a galley in saltier. Terra hand a garland of laurel, all ppr.

superat. 132. 7 marique fides. 179. 3 Campi fero prcemia belli.



Campbell-Colquhoun, Rev. John Erskine, Candish, Sufi., an ostrich-head az., gorged Canning, a demi-lion rampant arg.,
of Killermont, and Garscadden, Dum-
with a collar sa., rimmed or, and charged with three trefoils vert, hold-
bartonsh., N.B., Ledeameroch, Dum- charged with three bezants. ing in the dexter paw an arrow, point

blane, and Chartwell, Westerhara, Candishe, a wolf's head couped az., downwards. A'e cede malis, sed contra.

Kent: (l) A hand ppr., holding a collared or. 30. 9 Cannock, Lines, a demi-buck couped
Candler-Brown, .sec Brown. arg., attired and ducally gorged or, one
buckle or. (2) a boar's head erect and
erased or, langued az. Omnia firinat Candler, Xorf., a shark's head erased ppr. foot resting on the wreath. c/. 1 19. 2

{for Colquhoun). Fac et spera {/or 139- 6 Cannon, Scotland, between the horns of

Campbell). Candler, Woics., an angel ppr., vested a crescent arg., a buckle az. 163. 15
arg., holding in the dexter hand a
Campbell of Duntroon, issuing out of the sword, the blade wavy of the first, Cannon, Pembrokesh., Wales, a cannon
top of a tower two arms drawing an
hilt and pommel or. Ad mortem sa., mounted on a carriage or. 169. 12

arrow in a bow, all ppr. Agile pro Cannynge, issuing from clouds two dex-

virihus. 99. 4 fidclis. ter hands conjoined and gauntleted,
holding up a heart inflamed, all ppr.
Campbell of Netherplace, a hand issuing Candler of Kilkenny, Ireland, an angel
afifrontee habited az., girded and 2X1. 2
from a cloud, holding a signet letter

ppr. Optime quod opportune. 215. 7 winged or, holding in the dexter hand Cant of Drybumford, a dove ppr. Aliis
Campbell -Miller -Morrison of Hetland,
a flaming sword ppr., and in the sinister reposita 92. 2

Dumfriessh., three Jloors' heads con- a palm-branch ppr. Ad mortem fidelis. Cantelow, Heref., and Cantelupe, a
joined in one neck sa., banded az., the
faces looking to the chief, dexter, and Candler, a goat's head couped sa., armed leopard's face gu., jessant-de-lis or.

and maned arg. 128. 12 22. 5

sinister respectively. 191. 5 Candler, Suff., an eagle rising regardant Cantelow, Ireland, a demi-bull per pale

Campbell, Sir Duncan Alexander Dundas, ppr. 77- 4 or and az. 45. 12

Bart., of Barcaldine, Scotland, a man Cane, a human heart gu., charged with a Canterbury, Viscount (Manners-Sutton),

in full Highland garb holding in his cinquefoil or. 181. i on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a

dexter hand a broadsword, on his sin- Cane, a leopard rampant, gorged with a peacock in pride ppr. Poury parvenir.
ister arm a shield, all ppr. Paratus
mural coronet. c/. 27. 2 103. 5

sum. 1 88. 5 DuCane, ..-tt Cane. Cantillion, Ireland, an arm embowed

Campbell, Scotland, a dexter hand hold- Canham, two palm-branches in orle ppr. holding a dagger ppr. cj. 201 . 4

ing a lance in bend sinister. Arma 146. 2 Cantillon, Ireland, a dexter arm era-

pa rata fero 214. 11 Caning, a quatrefoil ppr. 148. 10 bowed ppr., holding a dart or, fe,^thered

Campbell, Scotland, a demi-man in a Cankrien, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant

coat of mail holding in his dexter hand erminois, holding between the paws a Cantilon, Ireland, a hand holding an

a sword, and on his sinister arm a palmer's scrip sa., the strap and tassels arrow point downward. 214. 4

shield az., charged with a unicorn's or. Cantis of Canterbury, Kent, a hart's head
head and neck, couped arg., horned
Cann, Devonsh., a leopard statant ppr. erased ppr., attired or, gorged with a

and maned or. Quid non pro pairia. 24. 2 collar arg., charged with three roses
Campbell-Swinton, John Liulf, Esquire,
Cann, George Dunning, M..4., LL.M., gu., barbed and seeded ppr.
of Kimmerghame, Dunse, N.B., a boar
6. Lyndhurst Road, Exeter, and cf. 121. 2

chained to an oak-tree fructed, all Dishcombe, Okehampton, Devonsh., Cantlow, a boar passant. 40. 9

ppr. J'espere. 232. i same crest, ilaculis immaculabilis. Canton, Ireland, on a chapeau ppr., a

Campden, Viscount, see Gainsborough, Cann, Cornw., a cross crosslet iitched, boar passant per pale arg. and vert.

between two wings conjoined. cf. 40. 8

Campe, a griffin's head erased, ducaUy Cann, Bart, (extinct), of Crompton Green- Canton, Kent, on a chapeau a lion's head

gorged, and holding in the beak a field, Glouc. out of a mural coronet or, erased ppr. 17-9

branch of laurel, all ppr. 66. 1 a plume of five ostrich-feathers arg. Canton, Loftus Henry, Pentlow, East-

Camper, an anchor between two wings. cj. 114. 13 bourne, same crest. Penser avant

161. 12 Cann, Skoulding-, of Gilston, Herts:

Camperdown, Earl of (Haldane-Duncan), (1) Out of the battlements of a tower Cantrell, an arm in armour embowed,
ppr., a rose gu., shpped and leaved, holding in the hand a sword by the
on waves of the sea a dismasted ship

ppr. Secundis dubiisque rectus. also ppr., between four feathers gu. middle in fess, all ppr. cf. 19;. 6

Campion, London, Devonsh., and Essex, and arg., and arg. and gu. [for Cann). Cantrell-Hubbersty, Albert Cantrell, Es-
(2) An owl arg., collared sa., holding
out of a ducal coronet or, a talbot's in the dexter claw a thistle slipped quire, of ToUerton Hall, Notts : (i) In

head sa. 293. 4 front of a griffin's head ersised arg.,

Campion, Harold Gilmore, Boscawen, ppr. Perimus licitis. charged with a fesse engrailed vert, a

Rydal Road, Streatham. same crest. Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe, mole fes.seways or {for Hubbersty). (2)

Campion, William Henry, Esquire, of sie Stratford. In front of a tower arg., a rock ppr.,

Danny, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, a Canning, Baron Garvagh, see Garvagh. thereon a boar passant sa. armed or,

turkey-cock arg., combed and wattled Canning, De Burgh-, see Clanricarde, charged on the body with two roses arg.

Marquess of. Uor Cantrell). Propositi tenax over the

Campion and Campyon, a turkey in pride Canning, Viscount (Canning), a demi- Hubbersty crest, and Perius fidclc ct

ppr., combed and wattled gu. toS. 5 griffin az., guttee-d'or. Xe cede malis, aptrtum over the Cantrell crest.
Campion and Campyon, a bear's head and
sed contra. 64. 2 Cantrell and Cantrill, a tower arg., the

neck per pale erm. and sa., muzzled or. Canning, Gordon-, William James, Hart- port way sa. Another, gu. 156. 2

34- 14 pury, Glouc. : (i) A demi-lion rampant Cantwell, a hand ppr., holding an annulet

Camville, oil a mount a leopard sejant arg., holding in the dexter paw a battle- or. 216. I

ppr. 24. 12 axe ppr. i/or Canning), c/. 15. 6. (2) Cantwell, Ireland, a leopard's head

Canby, a mound sa., ensigued with a cross A stag's head erased ppr. (for Gordon). couped ppr. 22. 10
—Dtim vigilo tutus. Bydand. ]

patee. 121. 2 Canzler of Burghausen, Bavaria, a hart

Canceller and Cancellor, an arm couped Canning, a demi-lion rampant arg., hold- rampant ppr., holding in the mouth a
at the shoulder embowed in fess, rest- ing in the dexter paw a battle-axe ppr. branch of a tree vert between two

ing upon the elbow and supporting a cf. 15. 6 elephant's tusks gu. and arg.

flag displayed az., charged with a Canning, a demi-lion rampant erm., sup- Cape, a lion passant gu., holding in the

crescent arg. 202. 13 porting a battle-axe ppr. 15-4 dexter paw a sword in pale ppr., hilt

Cancelor and Candisherler, a dexter hand Canning, Arthur Richard, of Bryn-y- and pommel or. cf. 6. 2

ppr., holding a covered cup or. mor, Woolston, Southampton, a demi- Capel of the Grove, Painswick, Glouc, a

217. II lion rampant arg., holding in the plume of three ostrich-feathers, two
Candeler, London, a goat's head couped
dexter paw a battleaxe ppr. Ne cede arg. and one gu. iSic vita humana.

sa., attired arg. 128 12 malis sed contra. 115. I

21 1 1


Capel of Swanwick, Somers., a demi-lion Carey, a lion's gamb erased sa., holding Carew, Charles Robert Sydenham, Es-

rampant or, holding in the dexter paw a letter ppr. quire, of CoUiprest House, Tiverton,

a cross crosslet fitchee gu. ii. lo Card of London, out of a cloud a hand Devonsh., same crest and motto.

Capel-Carnegy-Arbuthnott, James Car- holding a letter ppr. 215.7 Carew, an heraldic antelope trippant az.,

negy Capel, Esquire: (i) A peacock's Card, a demi-lion rampant. 10. 2 attired, maned, tufted, and ungu. or.

head and neck couped ppr. (2) A Cardale of London, a linnet ppr. Slu- 126. 6

—hand grasping bunderbolt ppr dendo el contemplatido inde fessus. 94. 1 Carew, the late Russell, Carpenders,

Interna prixMat. Dread God. Carden, Sir John Craven, Bart., of Tem- Watford, same crest. Nil conscire

Capel-Coningsby, Earl of Essex, see Esses. plemoie, co. Tipperary, Iieland, a sibi.
Capel, Arthur, J.P., Bulland Lodge,
pheou sa. Fide et amore. n174. Carew, Pole-, Sir Reginald, K.C.V.O., a

Wiveliscombe, Somers., a demi-lion Carden, Sir Frederick Walter, Bart., mast of a ship sa., on the round-top

rampant supporting a cross crosslet London, a fasces fessewise or, thereon a demi-lion of the last surrounded with

fitchee or. Fide et Jortitudine. a wolf's head erased sa., pierced in the Aspears ppr. 257. 4. second crest

Capell, an anchor cabled gu., bezantee. neck by an arrow in bend sinister, (for Pole), a lion's gamb gu., armed or,

161. 2 point downwards, embrued ppr., also is sometimes used.

Capell, Heref. and Glouc, a plume of or. Fide et amore. 29. 12 Carew, Robert Thomas, Esquire, of Bal-

three ostrich-feathers, the centre one Carden, Bucks, a wolf's head erased sa., linamona Park, Waterford, an antelope

arg., the others gu. 115. i pierced with an arrow arg. cf. 29. 6 passant gu., crined and combed or.

Capes, a cross fleury fitched gu., flory or. Carden, a wolf statant sa., holding in his Carey, a swan rising ppr. Sine macvla.

166. 7 mouth an arrow palewise ppr. cf. 29. 2 99. 12

Capling of London, out of the centre Cardew, out of a ducal coronet a plume Carey, Ireland, on a mount a fire-beacon

tower of a castle triple-towered a of four feathers. 114. i ppr. 177. 8

demi-lion rampant, all ppr. 155. 10 Cardiffe, on a chapeau gu., turned up Carey or Cary, a maiden's head ppr.

Capon, a demi-lion gu. 10. 3 or, a martlet sa. 95. i 182. 3
Capp, a winged spur or.
1 1 1 . 1 Cardiff, Ireland, a giUiflower slipped and Carfrae, Scotland, a tower embattled arg.

Cappell, Rev. Louis, D.D., in front of a leaved ppr. 151. 8 Forlis in fide. 156. 2

palmer's staff erect a catherine-wheel Cardigan, Earl of, see Ailesbury, Mar- Carfrae, James A. Alston. Esquire, of

or, between two wings az., guttee-d'or. quess of. Holme Lodge, Wimbledon Common,
London, S.W., same crest and motto.
III. 10 Cardigan, a lion's gamb erect and erased

Capper, Warw. and Staffs, a dexter arm or, holding an antique mace az. 38. i Cargill, Scotland, a demi-angel ppr.. on

couped and erabowed, vested az., cuffed Cardin, a wolf statant sa., holding in the head a cross pattee. cf. 183. 12

erminois, holding in the hand a banner the mouth an arrow palewise ppr. Cargill, Scotland, a martlet ppr.

az., the staff' or, fringed and charged cf. 29. 2 9.';-4

with a bee volant of the same. Cardinal, Essex, a dromedary ppr. Cargill, a martlet arg. In Dotnino con-

Capper of London, Middx., and Herts, cf. 132. 2 fido. 95. 4

a ram's head and neck couped, charged Cardinal, Durrant Edward. J.P.,F.R.G.S.. Carington, Rt. Hon. Sir Charles Robert,

on the neck with arose. cf. 130. I 18, Cromwell Road, Brighton, and Baron Carrington, an elephant's
Capper, a ram's head erased. 130. 6 Tendring Manor, Colchester, an African head erased or. eared gn., charged

Capps, Norf., a demi-antelope or. camel ppr. on the neck with three fleur-de-lis,

cf. 126. 5 Cardington, a bull passant per fess arg. two and one az. Tenax in fide.

Capron, a demi-man in armour with and sa. cf. 45. 2 <^l- 133- 3
Carington, a peacock's head erased az.,
a lance and a shield, all ppr. Cardonnel, De, a dove ppr. L'esperance

Capron, Rev. George HaUiley, of South- JVC console. 92. 2 ducaUy gorged or. cf. 103. 1

wick Hall, Northamp., a cross fleury Cardonnell, Northumb., a goldfinch ppr., Carington, Herbeit Hanbury Smith

or, in front of a demi-man affrontee in on the breast a trefoil vert. cf. 106. 4 Ashby, Folville Manor. Melton Mow-

armour ppr., garnished of the first, Cardozo, Samuel Nunez, Esquire, of bray, and Grangethorpe, Rusholme,

holding in the dexter hand an arrow, Hackney, London, a demi-savage Manchester : ( i ) Out of a ducal
the barb downwards, also ppr., the affrontee ppr., holding in his dexter coronet or, a unicorn's head arg.,
hand a stalk of tobacco of three leaves armed and crined or. (2) A peacock's
—sinister hand resting on the cross. ppr., and his sinister resting on a tri-
head eiased ppr., ducally gorged or.
Yigilate et orate. Sub cruce solus.

187- 3 angle or. Fides semper firma.

Capron, Rev. Charles Henry Ward, B.A., Cardross, Baron, see Buchan, Earl of. Carkettle, Scotland, a griflun's head

of Westown Lodge, Worthing, same Cardwell, a knight in complete armour erased ppr. 66. 2

crest. Sub cruce salus. ppr., visor up, on the top of the helmet Carleill of Sewerby, Yorks, a Moor's

Caradoc or Cradoek, Baron Howden, see a plume of feathers gu., holding in his head in profile, couped at the shoulders

Howden. dexter hand a battle-axe of the first. ppr. 192. 13

Carbery, Baron (Evans-Freke), Ireland : cf. 188. 2 Carleton, a dexter arm embowed and

(i) A bull's head couped sa., collared Cardwell, Viscount (Cardwell), a man in naked to the elbow, the shirt folded

and chained or (for Freke). cf. 44. 3. armour, holding in the dexter hand a above the elbow arg., and vested over
(2) A demi-lion rampant regardant or, war- mace, all ppr., charged on the gu., the hand grasping an arrow in
between the paws a boar's head couped bend sinister point downwards ppr.
—breast with a cross patee gu. Agissez
sa. (/or Evans). Libertas. cf. 201. 13
honnetement. VaiUant et veillant.

Carbery, a wyvem's head erased gu. cf. 188. 2 Carleton, a unicorn's head sa., the horn

c/. 71. 2 Cardwell, a tower ppr., domed or, with a twisted of the first and second.

Carbinell, out of a ducal coronet an arm flag thereon sa. 157. 15 48. 13

in armour brandishing a scimitar ppr. Careless, see Carlos. Carleton, L. S., Surgeon-Lieutenant-

2oq. 1 Carell, a sword in pale surmounted by Colonel, Newnham-on-Severn, same

Carbronel, Carbonnell, or Carbonelle, a two crosses crosslet fitchee in saltire. crest. Quairrre r.riim.

—demi-lion az., crowned gu., charged on Carew, a lion passant sa. En, esperance Carleton, Viscount Carleton, Ireland, out
the shoulder with three plates. je vis. Felice chi puo. 6. 2 of a diioal coronet a unicorn's head

cf. 10. II Carew Baron (Carew), an heraldic ante- arg., armed and crined of the fii'St.

Carbonel or Carbonell, a sword in bend lope trippant sa., armed and crined Qucerere irrum. 48. 12

ppr. 170. 5 or. Nil admirari. 126.6 Carleton, Baron, see Shannon, Earl of.

Carbutt, Sir Edward Hamer, Bart., in Carew, Sir Henry Palk, Bart., of Hac- Carleton, Baron Dorchester, see Dor-

front of a mount vert, two ears of combe, Devonsh., the round top of a chester.

wheat saltirewise or, perched thereon mainmast set off with palisadoes or, Carleton, the Hon. Dudley Massey, of

a raven ppr. In accord and concord. and a demi-lion issuing thereout sa. Greywell HiU, Wiuchfield, Hants, a
257. II dexter arm embowed ppr., vested
Nil conscire sibi. 257. 4



above the elbow gu., edged arg., the Carlyon, Arthur Spry Gwavaa, Esquire, Carmichael-Ferrall, Captain John Jervis
O'Ferrall, R.N., of Augher Castle, co.
hand grasping an arrow in bend J.P., of Gwavas, Tikokino, Hawkes Bay, Tyrone: (i) Out of a ducal coronet

;,inister point downwards ppr. Quon- New Zealand, same crest and motto

Carlyon, Alexander Keith, Esquire, of or, a dexter hand gu. {for Ferrall).

Carleton, General Henry Alexander, C.B., Mount Park, Harrow, Middx., same (2) An arm embowed in armour grasp-
mg a broken lance, all ppr., charged
of 12, Marlborough Buildings, Bath, crest and motto.

out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's Carlyon, George Richard, Esquire, of Tre- with a trefoil or (for Carmichael).
Carminow, Carmynow, or Carmenow, a
head arg., the horn twisted of the first grehan, Cornw., same crest and motto.

and second, maned and tufted of the Carlyon, Rev. Henry Chichele, M.A., of dolphin naiant or. 140- 5

first. Nunquam non paratus. Delhi, Punjab, India, same crest and Carminow of Tregarrick, Cornw., a dol-

Carlife, a martlet or, holding in the beak motto. phin naiant or. Cola raggi wethlotc.

a sprig of two roses gu., leaved and Carlyon, Gerald Winstanley, Esquire, 140. 5
Carnaby, a bull's head per chevron or
stalked vert. cf. 95. 2 same crest and motto.

Carlile, James William, Esquire, D.L., Carlyon, T. A., Esquire, Connemara, [gu. cf. 44- 3

J. P., of Ponsbourne Park, Herts, two Darracott Road, Boscombe Park, Carnaby, a lion's head issuing sa., charged

dragoas' heads addorsee vert. Humili- Bournemouth, a demi-Uon rampant with a chevron arg. cf. 21. i

iate. 72. 8 gu., ducally crowned or, collared arg., Carnac, on a crescent per pale gu. and

Carlile, Walter William, Esquire, of Gay- holding between the paws a bezant. erm., a sword ppr., hilt and pommel or,

hurst, Newport Bagnell, Bucks, same Turris tutissima virtus. 260. 10 point upwards. 169. 4
crest and motto.
Carlile, Edward Hildred, Esquire, of Carlyon, Thomas Alfred, Esquire, c.o. Carnac, Rivett-, Sir James Henry Sproule,
Helme Hall, Meltham. Yorks, same
Captain Carlyon-Britton, 14, Melbury Bart., Derby: (i) Out of a cre-scent

Mansions, S.W., same crest and motto. erm., the interior part gu., a sword

crest and motto. Carlyon, Thomas Baxter, Esquire, of erect ppr., pommel and hilt or (for
Carnac). 169. 4. (2) An arm erect
Carlill, Cumb. and Westml., an arm in Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, same crest

armour embowed holding in the hand and motto. couped at the elbow, vested per pale

ppr. a spear arg. c/. 197. i Carlyon-Britton, see Britton. arg. and sa., holding in the hand ppr. a

Carlill, an arm in armour embowed or, Carlyon, in the sea a pillar ppr. 176. 2 broken sword of the first, hilt and pom-

garnished gu., holding in the hand ppr. Carmalt of Langrigg, Cumb., a dragon's mel or (for Rivett). Sic itur ad astra.
Carnarvon, Earl of (Herbert), a wyvem,

a baton of the first. cf. 200. 3 head erased per pale or and vert,

Carline, William Arthur, M.D., Lincoln, gorged with collar, charged with three the wings elevated vert, holding in the

a demi-griffin. Vivimus dum vivamus. escallops counterchanged. cf. 71. 2 mouth a sinister hand couped at the

Carling, Bristol, a buck's head erased Carmarden and Carmarthen, a lion's wrist gu. Ung jc serviray. 70. 3

ppr. Tout droit. 121. 2 gamb erect and erased or. 36. 4 CarncroSS, a dagger erect arg., hilted and

Carlingford, Baron, and Baron Clermont Carmarthen, Marquess of, see Leeds, pommelled or, between two branches
(Rt. Hon. Sir Chichester Samuel Duke of.
Parkinson-Fortescue), K.P. : (i) An Carmichael of Balmblae, a woman's head of laurel opr. Certamine parta. 170.3

CarnduCf, David, Esquire, 22, Queen

heraldic tiger ppr., supporting with and neck issuing. Fortune helps the Street, Edinburgh (formerly Bengal

his fore-paw a plain shield arg. (for forward. 182. 3 Educ. Dept.), a dexter hand grasping

AFortescuc). cf. 25. 5. (2) falcon Carmichael of Carspherne, Scotland, a a baimer arg., charged with a saltire

with wings addorsed ppr., belled or, dexter hand and arm in armour bran- couped az. Tenax propositi.

and charged on the breast with a pellet dishing a tilting-spear ppr. Toujours Came, Nash, Colglamorgan, a pelican

and holding in the beak an ostrich- prest. cf. 210. 9 displayed with two heads sa., issuing

—feather arg. {for Parkiwon). Forte Carmichael, James, Esquire, of Arthur, —from a ducal coronet ppr. En tout

scutum salv.s ducum. Si celeres quatit stone, Meigle, Perthsh., same crest and loyal. Fy ugobaith sydd yn num.
Came, John Devereux Vann Loder
pennus. motto.
Carlisle, Earl of (Howard), on a chapeau NichoU, St. Donat's Castle, Glamorgan,
Carmichael, John, Esquire, of Cork: (l) a pelican displayed with two heads sa,
gu., turned up erm., a lion statant issuing from a ducal coronet ppr. En
gardant, the tail extended or, ducally Issuing from a mural crown a dexter
gorged arg , and charged with a mullet toute loyale, and also Fy ngohaith sydd
sa., for difference. Volo non vnleo. arm in armour embowed, the hand
yn nuw.
cf. 4. 7 holding a broken spear in bend sinis- Carnegie of Kennaird Angus, a dexter
Carlisle, William Thomas, Esquire, of ter point downwards, all ppr., the arm
hand holding a thunderbolt ppr. Deum
charged with a cross patee gu. (for

Carmichael). (2) Out of a mural crown

Lincoln's Inn, in front of a blacka- ppr., an ostrich's head az., holding in timete. 216. 4

moor's head in profile, couped at the the beak a horse-shoe or, and charged Carnegie, James, of 13, Prince's Garden,

shoulders ppr., wreathed about the on the neck with a cross crosslet a dexter hand couped at the wrist,

temples arg. and gu., two mullets of fitchee of the last {for M'Ostrich). holding in fess a thunderbolt shafted

eight points or. cf. 192. 13 Toujours prest. paleways winged arg. Deum timete.
Carmichael, Gibson-, Sir Thomas David,
Carlos, a sword arg., hilt and pommel or, Carnegie, Lord, of Crimonnogate, Lon-
Bart., of Skirling: (i) An arm in may, Aberdeensh., and Elsick, Kin-
and a sceptre of the last in saltier,

enfUed with a civic crown vert. Sub- armour embowed holding a broken cardinesh., same crest. Dred God.

ditti^ fidelis regis est regni solus. 170. 7 lance, the top pendent ppr. (for Car- Carnegie, Earl of Northesk, see Northesk.

Carlow, Viscount, see Portarlington, Earl. Amichael). 197. 3. (2) pelican in Carnegie of Pitarow, Bart., a demi-eagle

Carlton, an arm embowed ppr., holding —her piety ppr. (for Gibson). Toujours displayed az., beaked and membered

in the hand an arrow. 201. 13 prest. Pandite ccelestes portoe. 98. 14 gu. Video aha seguorque. 81. 6

Carlyle, Scotland, two dragons' heads Carmichael, Evelyn George Massey, M.A., Carnegie of Ballindare. a dexter arm

and necks addorsed vert. Humilitate. Library Chambers, Temple, a cubit vambraced ppr., holding an escuti'heon

arm erect in armour holding in the az., charged with a St. Andre%v's cross

Carlyle of Limekilns, Scotland, a dexter hand a broken spear, all ppr. arg. Loyal in adversity.

arm holding a wTiting-pen ppr. Hu- Carmichael, Ireland, an arm from the Carnegie of Craigo, a star ppr. Alis

militate. 217. 10 elbow in armour, holding a pheon ppr. aspicet astra. ifi.l. 3

Carlyll, Stephen, 7, Hanover Terrace, Carmichael of Maulslei, an arm in armour Carnegie, Rt. Hon. Sir James, K.T.,

Regent's Park, W., a Moor's head in holding in the hand a broken spear Earl of Southesk, Baron Carnegie of

profile couped at the shoulders ppr. ppr., and charged with a mullet or. Kinnaird and Leuchars, in Scotland,

Motto as above. Toujours prest. cf. 197. 3 Baron Balinhard of FarneLl, Forfarsh.,
in the United Kingdom, and a Baronet
Carlyon of Tregrehan, Comw., a demi-lion Carmichael, Sir James Morse, Bart., a

rampant gu., ducally crowned or, cubit arm in armour holding in the of Nova Scotia, Kinnaird Castle,

collared arg., holding between its paws a hand a tilting-apear ppr. Toujours Brechin, N.B., a thunderbolt ppr.,

bezant Turris t^itissima virtus. 260. 10 prest. cf. 210. I winged or. Dread God. 247. 6

1 : :)


Carnegie, Claud Cathcart Strachan, of Carpenter, Somers., a snail passant ppr., Carr of Horbury, Yorks, a stag's head
couped per bend embattled arg. and
Tarrie, Forfarsh., same crest and the shell arg. 141. 8 gu., charged on the neck with two

motto. Carpenter of Cobham, Surrey, a grey-

Carnegie, John, B.A., Cranbome, Wid- hound's head erased per fess sa. and estoiles couuterchanged.

more Road, Bromley, Kent, on a arg. 61. 4 Carr of Eshott, a stag's head erased

thunderbolt ppr., an eagle to the Carpenter, Earl of Tyrconnel, see Tyr- ppr. Nildesperandum. 121. 2

sinister regardant and with wings connel. Carr, Rev. Edmund, Holbrooke Hall,

expanded and inverted. Time deum. Carpenter, a falcon with wings expanded Derby, a stag's head erased ppr.,
charged on the neck with a mullet of
Carnegie of Lour, a leopard's head erased arg., beaked, legged, and belled or. 87. i

ppr. Armis et animis. 23. 10 Carpenter, an arm in armour embowed six points or between two thistles

Carnegie of Finhaven, Forfarsh., a holding in the hand ppr. a hammer or. slipped and leaved ppr. Tout droit.

leopard's head affrontee ppr. Tache Carpenter, an arm in armour grasping Carr, William, of Stackhouse and Gig-

mns tache. cf. 23. 3 in the hand a passion nail, all ppr. gleswicl;, Yorks, a stag's head couped

Carnegie of Newgate, two dexter hands Carpenter, Ireland, an alligator ppr. arg., attiied or, on the ntck two bars

gauntleted issuing out of a cloud con- cf. 138. II Adgemelles or sidere tollite rtiltus.

joined and supporting a flaming heart Carpenter-Garnier, John, Esquire, of Carr, William, Esquire, J.P., of Ditching-

ppr. Armis et animis. 211. 2 Rookesbury Park, Fareham, Hants ham Hall, Ditchingham, Norf., a

Carnegie, a demi-eagle displayed az., (i) In front of a lion's head erased az., stag's head couped ppr., charged on

beaked gu., looking to a star or. Video gorged with a wreath of oak, three the neck with three bars or. Ad sidere
Anfleurs-de-lis or {for Oarnier). (2)
alta sequorgue. cf. 81. 6 arm embowed in armour ppr., the tollite vultus.
hand grasping a staff or, between two
ACarnegy : (i) lion passant ppr., hold- Carr-Gomm, Francis Culling, Esquire, of
the Chase, Farnham Royal, Bucks
ing in his dexter fore-paw a banner (1) Two lions' gambs in saltire sa.,
erased gu., charged for distinction with
az., charged with a saltire arg. cf . 5. 13 wings of the last, semee of estoiles az.

(2) A demi-leopard ppr. Tache sans {for Carpenter).
Carr, Thomas, M.D., 15, Albert Terrace,
tache. cf. 23. 13 a cross crosslet arg., and each holding
Blackpool, a unicorn's head erased a seax erect ppr., hilt and pommel or
Carnegy, Patrick Alexander Watson, {for Gomm). (2) A stag's head erased
ppr., gorged with a collar gemelle, and
Lour, Forfarsh., a demi-leopard ppr. ppr. Pro Chrislo et pro patria. 298. lO

Tache sans tache. Carr, Knt. of Hart, (badge on standard),

Carnell, Yorks, an arm in armour em- a stag's head barry of eight arg. and the neck encircled with an annulet gu.,

bowed holding a sword, all ppr. gu., trochings or, one annulet of the on the attires a riband, also gu., passing

195. 2 first upon the said trochings. Por through an annulet or {for Carr). {i
{Gomm) Per costanza e speranza,
Carney, a swan's liead and neck erased Dysserver. (2) {Carr) Pour deservyr. and
Carrack, see Carrick.
holding in the beak an annulet. Carr of Hetton, Northumb., the same.

Carney, Ireland, a gauntleted hand lying Pour Deservir (over crest).

fessways holding a sword erect, all Carr of St. Helen, Auckland, Durh. (from Carrant, Somers., a bull's head cabcssed

ppr. cf. 211. 8 Hetton), a stag's head couped arg., per pale gu. and arg., armed, counter-
attired or.
Carnie, out of a cloud a hand in fess changed. 43. 8

pointing to a crosier in pale, all ppr. Carr of Sleaford, Lines, Bart., a stag's Carre, Scotland, a stag's head erased or.

223. 2 head couped arg., on the neck two bars Tout droit. 121. 2

Carniquet, Scotland, a swan with wings gemelles gu. (sometimes charged with I

Carre, Riddel-, Thomas Alexander, of

addorsed arg., ducally gorged and a fleur-de-lis). Cavers, Carre, LiUiesleaf, Roxburghsh..

chained or. cf. 99. 3 Carr of Hedgeley, Northumb. and Dun- AScotland: (i) stag's head erased

Carnoek, Scotland, a hand ppr., holding stan on Hill, Durh., on a wreath of —Appr.. attired with ten tynes or. (2)
| the colours a stag's head couped arg.,
gorged with two bars gemelles between demi-greyhound ppr. Tout droit.
a tleur-de-lis az. c/. 215. 5

Carnsew, a hound passant regardant ppr. j Hope to share.
Carrell, Sussex, on a mount vert, a stag
cf. 54. I as many aimulets gu. Por Dysserver.

Carnwath, Earl of, and Baron Dalzell, Carr, Rev. Charles Ridley, of Exmouth, lodged regardant arg., attired or.

Scotland (Dalzell), a dagger erect ppr., Devonsh., same crest and motto. 115. 9
, Carrell, Sussex, on a mount vert, an ibex

pommel and hilt or. / dare. 169. 2 Carr, Cuthbert Ellison, Esquire, same arg., maned antl horned or.
Carrell, Sussex and Kent, a lion's head
Caron, Hon. Sir Joseph Philippe Rene j crest and motto.
erased vert, between two wings arg.
Adolphe, K.C.M.G., K.C., P.C, of Daly Carr, Henry, Esquire, same crest and and sa., charged on the neck with two

Street, Ottawa, Canada, Minister of motto.

Militia and Defence for the Dominion Carr, Vice-Admiral Henry John, of bends or. cf. 19. 7

of Canada, uses a fleur-de-lis. Suaviler United Service Club, S.W., same crest

in modo, fortiter in re. 14S. 2 and motto. Carrick, Earl of, Ireland (Butler), out of a

Carpendale, Rev. Maxwell, Rector of Carr, Martin Raymond, Esquire, same ducal coronet a plume of five ostrich-

Tamlaght, in the diocese of Armagh, crest and motto. feathers arg., thereupon a falcon rising

a hawk's head erased ppr., charged Carr, Ralph Clement, Esquire, same crest of the last. Soyez ferine.

with a cross crosslet or. Data fata and motto. Carrick, Scotland, a demi-lion or, in the
dexter paw a thistle ppr., in the sinister
sectUus. cf. 88. 12 Carr-EIlison, see Ellison.

Carpendale, Major Maxwell John, same Carr of Eshott Heugh, Northumb., astag's a fleur-de-lis gu. 13. 12

crest. head erased ppr., gorged with a collar Carrick and Carrack, an ostrich arg.,

Carpenter, on a stand a globe ppr. Per gemelle, and the neck encircled with beaked and legged or, holding in the

tu-Kta lidli. 159. 4 an annulet gu., on the attires a riband, beak a broken spear of the last, headed
also gu., passing through an annulet
Carpenter, Hon. Walter Cecil, of Kiplin, of the first.
Carrick, Glouc, an ostrich arg., beaked
Northallerton, a globe in a frame or, or. Pour deserviir.
and legged or, holding in the beak a
charged for distinction with a cross Carr, Thomas William, Esquire, same

crosslet az. Per acuta belli. crest and motto. staff of the same, thereon a flag gu.

Carpenter, a stag's head arg., between Carr, Rev. Thomas William, of Long Garde hien.
Carrick, an ostrich ppr. Garde hien.
two wings addorsed az. Rede, Barming, Maidstone, Kent,
97. 2
Carpenter, a demi-lion rampant gu., du- same crest. Pour deservir.
Carrldge of London, on a mount vert, a
rally crowned or, collared sa. cf. 10. 1 Carr of Hillingdon, Middx., a stag's
Carpenter, Barbadoes, a demi-lion ram- head couped arg., horned or, on the spear-hook sa.

pant gu., holding between the paws neck an estoile sa. between two bars Carrie, Ireland, an arm in armour em-

a cross pattee vert. Audaces fortuna gemelle gu. bowed, holding in the hand a dart

juvat. II. 2 Carr of Bristol, a hart's head arg., horned point downwards, all ppr. 198. 4

Carpenter, Worcs., a coney sejant arg. or, about his neck two gemelles gu. Carrier, Hants, out of a ducal coronet

cf. 136. I (sometimes charged with a martlet). or, a dragon's head vert. 72. 4


Carrill, see Carrel. Carrowe of London, a mainmast broken, Carter, Frederick Walter, 24, Ainslie
Place, Edinburgh, a talbot's head
Carrington, John Bodman, Esquire, of the round-top set off with palisadoes couped ppr., charged with a mullet
Laggis, NetherhaU Gardens, Hamp-
stead, L^ndon, N.W., a lion sejant per or, headed arg., a lion issuant there-
bend sinister or and arg., semee of
annulets, and holding in the mouth a out sa., collared per pale of the first arg. Esperancc. 299. 6
mallet in bend gu., resting the dexter
paw upon a torteau. Absque labore and second. Carter of London, on a mount vert, a

Carruthers of Howmains, a seraph volant greyhound sejant arg., sustaining an

ppr. Prom plus et fiddis. 184. 11 escutcheon of the last charged with a

Carruthers of Annandale, a seraph stand- cart-wheel vert.
Carter, Hants, a lion's head erased. Fear
ing vested ppr. Paratus et fidelis.

Carrington, Earl (Wynn-Carrington>, an 184. I not. 17. 8
elephant's head erased or, eared gu.,
charged on the neck with three fleur- Carruthers, a cherub's head ppr. Carter, Cornw., a lion's head erased arg.
de-lis two and one az. Tennx ei fidelis.
Carruthers, Francis John, of Dormont, 17. 8

Lockerbie, a seraph volant ppr. Carter, Yorks, a lion's head erased or,

cf- 133- 3 Promptus et fidelis. 264. 16 fretty sa. cf. 17. 8

Carrington, London and Yorks, out of a ACarruthers, Mitchell-: (t) cherub's Carter, a lion's head, holding in the
ducal coronet or, unicorn's head sa.
head ppr. (for Carruthi-rs). 189. 9. (2) mouth a comet-star ppr.
48. 12
St. Michael in armour holding a spear Carter, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant sa.,
Carrington, Sir Frederick, K.C.B.,
K.C.M.G., of College Lawn, Chelten- in his dexter hand, the face, neck, arms holding between the paws a cross
ham, same crest.
and legs bare, all ppr., the wings arg. lozengy gu., each lozenge charged with
Carrington, out of a ducal coronet arg.,
a unicorn's head sa., maned and armed —and hair auburn. Promptus et fiddis. a plate.

Virtute cresco. 189. 11 Carter, Yorks, out of a mural coronet or,

Carry, a cross Calvary ppr. 165. 4 a demi-monkey ppr. 163. 13

of the first. 48. 12 Carryngton, see Carrington. Carter, Major William Graydon, ist Batt.

Carrington, O.xon., out of a ducal coronet Carsain, Scotland, a dexter hand hold- Essex Regt., out of a mural crown or,
ing a scimitar ppr. Ne m'ovblie:.
or, a unicorn's head sa., crined arg., meisoned az., a demi-monkey ppr.

the horn twisted of the last and 213- 5 163. 13
Carse, Scotland, a falcon's head. Vdo-
second. 48. 12 Carter, Kent, a dexter arm in armour
erabowed ppr., holding in the hand a
Carrington, Chesh., a unicorn's head arg., citate. cf. 88. 12

armed and crined or. 49. 7 Carse or Carss, Scotland, between the roll of paper.
Carter, Edward, Esquire, of Birmingham,
Carrington, Thomas, Esquire, of Sharrow horns of a crescent a cross crosslet
a cubit arm erect, vested gu., charged
Hurst. Sheffield, three horse-shoes or, fitched or. In cruce solus. 166. 9 with two roses paleways arg., barbed
and seeded, the hand grasping a carbine
thereon a unicorn's head erased sa. Carsey of Dykelborough, Norf., an arm in bend sinister between two branches
of oak fructed, all ppr. Few words,
Ferro non gladio. 49. i couped at the elbow and erect, vested

Carrington, Arthur, Esquire, of Langdale, az., purfled and cuffed arg., holding in

Bedford, same crest. Semper paratus. the hand a bunch of gilliflowers ppr.

Carrington, an eagle close. 76. 2 cf. 205. 14 fair faith.
Carsewell and Carswell, Scotland, a Carter, George William, Esquire, of Cliff
Carrington, Warw., a peacock's head
lion's head within a fetterlock. End House, Scarborough, issuant from
erased ppr., ducally gorged or.

cf. 103. I cf. 19. 4 the battlements of a tower a demi-
Carsewell, a lion passant, the t£ul extended monkey ppr., holding between the
Carritt, John Price, of Chateau de la hands an escutcheon or, charged with
Croisiere, Gistel, Belgium: (i) An ppr. 5. II

eagle displayed with two heads sa., Carson, an elephant statant. Fortitudme a round buckle sa. Fortitudine.
Carter, Sir Gilbert Thomas, of 34, Charing
crowned with a four-balled coronet et prudentia. 133. 9
Cross, London, S.W., and Government
Aor {for Oarritt). 74-8. (2) lion Carson, Bucks, an elephant's head erased, House, Nassau, Bahamas, upon the

rampant regardant sa. {for Lloi/d- the trunk elevated ppr. Virtute et va-

APrice). 2. II. (3) bull's head sable, lore. c/. 133. 3 trunk of a tree fessewise eradicated

behind it the rays of the sun or {for Carson of Accarsane, Cape Town, Cape and sprouting to the dexter a crowned

Blount). Fide et- bello fortis. of Good Hope, a dexter hand ppr., crane ppr., resting the dexter leg on

Carrol or Carroll, Ireland, a tent gu. holding a crescent arg. Teneo ei credo. an escutcheon az., charged with a lion's

158. 7 216. 8 head erased arg. Nemo me major nisi
Carrol, Knt., of London, on a mount vert,
Carstairs, Scotland, the sun shining on me justior. 253. 13
a primrose ppr. Te splendente.
a stag lodged regardant arg., attired Carter, John, Esquire, of Harrogate and

or. Semper eadem. 115. 9 150. 8 Langrick Grange, near Boston, Lines,
Cart, England and Scotland, a stag's out of the battlements of a tower arg.,
Carrol or Carroll, Ireland, on the stump a demi-monkey gu., charged on the
head holding in the mouth a serpent, shoulder with a bezant, and holding
of an oak sprouting a hawk ppr.,

belled or. r/. 86. 11 all ppr. 121. 7

Carroll, a bear's head sa., muzzled or, Cart, Scotland and England, a hand between the hands a shuttle of the

between two wings of the last. holding a club in pale, all ppr. first. Spes in salute.
Carter, John Burroughes, Esquire, of the
c/. 35- 5 cf. 214. 6
Carroll of Ballynure. co. Wieklow, Manor House, Northwold, Norfolk, a
Cartel!, a tower triple-towered arg.,

same crest. In fi.dc et in bello masoned sa. 157. 6 talbot sejant erm., the dexter fore-paw

fortes. cf. 86. 11 Carter, Northamp., a talbot's head arg. supporting an escocheon per pale arg.

Carroll, Rev. Frederick, of Ashford and 56. 12 and az., a catherine-wheel counter-

.Munduff, CO. Wieklow, and Wood- Carter, Northamp., a talbot's head arg., changed. Sacro gratus cineri.

house, near Halifax, Yorks, Vicar of charged with a mullet gu. cf. 56. 12 Carter, John Robert, Esquire, in front

Pollington, near Peterborough, Nor- Carter, Cornw., on a mural coronet sa., of a tau purpure a demi-cart-wheel or.

thamp., on the stump of a tree sprout- a talbot passant arg. cf. 54. i In hoc signo vinces. 269. 7

ing to the dexter side ppr., a falcon Carter of Watlington Park, on a mural Carter-Campbell, Thomas Tupper, Es-

rising per pale arg. and gu., belled and crown or, a talbot passant arg., charged quire, of Fascadel, Ardishaig, Argyllsh.,
a boar's head erect erased or, armed
jessed or. Flecti non frangi. 87. 8 with three buckles az. Sub libertate and langued az. Fac et spera.
Carteret, Baron (Thvnne), a reindeer
Carroll, Coote Alexander, Esquire, of quietum.

Ashford, co. Wieklow, Ireland, on the Carter, a talbot sejant resting the dexter

stump of a tree sprouting to the dex- paw on a catherine-wheel per pale statant or. Loyal devoir. c/. 125. 9

ter a falcon rising belled ppr., charged arg and gu. cf. 55. 3 Carteret, on a mount vert, a squirrel

on the breast with a cross fleury sa. Carter of Robertstown and Rathnally, sejant ppr. cf. 135. 5

Flecti non frangi. cf. 87. 12 CO. Meath, Ireland, on a mural crown Carteret, on a branch of a tree a squirrel

Carron, Scotland, a camel's head per or, charged with three hurts, a talbot sejant cracking a chestnut, all ppr.

fess arg. and az. 132. 7 passant arg. Victrix patientia duris. Loyal devoir.



Carteret, Guernsey, a squirrel sejant gu., a chaplet of roses gu., a dexter arm Cary of T^ondon, a swan ppr., with wings
embowed in armour, the hand ppr.,
cracking a nut ppr., on a brancli of holding a catheriue-wheel, also gu. erect, charged on the breast with a
Nil dcsperandum.
laurel springing up before him vert. Cartwright, Hon. Sir Richard John, rose sa. c/. 99. 1
K.C.M.G., P.C, M.P., of the Maples,
Carthew, Scotland, a wild duck ppr. Frontenac, and of King Street, King- Cary, a horse's head armed with a shield
ston. Ontario, Canada, a wolf's head
I02. lo plate bridled or. ^l. 13

Carthew, a falcon rising ducally gorged Cary, a demi-lady vested. 182. 8

and belled ppr. S7. 2 Cary, a maiden's 'head ppr. 182.3

Carthew of Dublin, a dragon's head Cary, Ireland, two hands coujied and

erased az., langued gu., charged on erased or, pierced through the neck conjoined ppr., holding a cross crosslet

the neck with a trefoil slipped or. with the broken blade of a sword arg. fitched az. {Another, gu.) 224. 11

cl. 71. 2 Defend the fold. cf. 30. S Cary of London, a lion couchant gardant

Carthew, Ranulphus John, J.P., Wood- Cartwright, a wolf's head erased per ppr. 7. 10

bridge Abbey, Suff.. and 15 A, Ken- fesse embattled or, and gules between Cary-Elwes, Valentine Dudley Henry, of

sington Palace Gardens, London, W., two branches of laurel in orle. 253. 21 Billing Hall, Northampton: (i) Five

upon a rock an auk ppr., holding in Cartwright, William, Esquire, of Brim- arrows, one in pale and four in saltire,

tlie beak a besant. Bedhoh fyr ha heb ley House, West Teignmouth, Devonsh., all points downwards, interlaced with
out of a chaplet of roses gu., a dexter
drol:. -75. 5 arm embowed in armour, the hand ppr., Aa serpent, all ppr. 270.7 (2) swan
holding a catherine-wheel, also gu.
Carthew-Yorstoun, Morden, Esquire, of Carus of Kendall, Westml., an eagle —with wings elevated and endorsed ppr.
wings expanded sa., beaked and legged
East Tinwald, Dumfries, N.B., and Deo non fortuna. In utroque fidelis.

Irvine House, Caobie, N.B. : (i) A 270. S
Atower ppr. (for Yorstoun). (2) murr Caryer of Canterbury, Kent, a dove with

—ppr., ducally gorged or. Mens conscia or, charged with a cinq uefoil arg. wings elevated arg., membered gu.,
bearing an olive-branch, aU ppr., within
recti. Let us be wise without evil. c/. 77- 5 a circle of glory rayonne or. cf. 93. 14
Cartier, George Ettienne, Esquire, of Carus-Wilson, Rev. William, Vicar of Caryslort, Earl (Proby), an ostrich-head

Montreal, an anchor in bend sinister Preston-next-Faversham : (i) A cres-

sa., cabled ppr., pendent therefrom by cent or, issuing flames of fire ppr. {for erased arg., ducally gorged or, holding
a gold chain an escutcheon gu., in the beak a key of the last. Manus
AWilson). (2) hawk rising sa., beaked,

charged with a fleur-de-lis or. France belled, and collared or, from the h(EC inimica tyrannis.

et sans dot. 16:. 5 collar an escutcheon pendent arg., Casaer, Scotland, a dolphin haurient.

Cartiles, Northumb., a talbot passant charged with a wolf's head sa., vulned 140. II

per pale, indented or and vert. 54. I ppr. {for Cams). Non nobis solmn. Casamajor, a lion rampant sa. i. 10

Cartland, Ireland, a denii-eagle rising Carus-Wilson, Edward Shippard, Esquire, Casborne of Newhouse, Pakenham, Suff.,

ppr. 80. 2 of Penmount, near Truro, same crests a lion passant or, gorged with a ducal

Cartland, John Howard, Esquire, of the and motto. coronet gu. Puro de fonte. cf. 6. 2

Priory, King's Heath, Worcs., in front Carus-Wilson, Cecil, Esquire, same crests Case and Casse, on a winged globe a

of a demi-eagle rising, couped ppr., and motto. dove rising, all ppr. 159. 9

holding in the beak an ear of wheat Carver, between two wings a peacock's Case, Scotland, a cubit arm in armour or,

leaved and slipped, a garb fesseways head holding in its beak a snake, the holding in the hand gauntleted a

or. Loyal a devoir. 249. 10 tail coiled round the neck, all ppr. sword arg., hilt and pommel of the

Cartlitch, two hands wielding a two- 103- 3 first, round the arm a scarf tied in a

handed sword ppr. 213. 3 Carver, out of a ducal coronet or, a Sara- bow arg. and gu.

Cartmell, see Austen-Cartmell. cen's head couped at the shoulders Case of West Chester, a cubit arm vested

Cartwright, a lion's head arg., charged ppr. cf. T90. 5 erra., cuffed az., holding in the hand ppr.
a round buckle or. Diatantia jungit.
on the neck with a catherine-wheel sa. Carvick, of Wyke Yorks, and Moat

c/. 21. I Mount, Highwood Hill, Middx., an Casement, Roger, Esquire, J.P., of

Cartwright, a griffin's head erased or, ostrich arg., beaked and legged or, Magherin - temple, BaUycastle, co.

pierced through the neck with a broken holding in the mouth a broken spear Antrim, on a wreath of the colours a

lance ppr., vulned gu. cf. 66. 2 of the last, headed of the first. Be mural crown gu., issuing therefrom a

Cartwright-Enery, Captain Stewart Dur- steadjaM. cf. 97. 2 demi-tiger rampant gardant ppr.,
charged with a mullet of the first, and
ance Davies : ( i ) On a rock a falcon Carvile of Berwick-on-Tweed, an arm in crowned with an Eastern crown or,

close ppr., holding in its beak an annu- armour embowed ppr., garnished or,

Alet gu. (/or Encry). cf. 86. 7. (2) holding in the hand a sword arg., holding in the paws a sword erect ppr..

griffin's head erased or, charged with a hilt and pommel of the second. Sola pommel and hilt gold, the point
rose gu., and pierced through the neck encircled with a wreath vert. Dum
virtus trimtiphat. 195. 2

with a lance broken in the middle, Carvill, a goat passant sa., armed or. spiro spero. 249. 9

vulned, above it on an escroU the cf. 129. 5 Casement, out of a mural crown per

motto. Defend the fold (for Cart- Carwardine, Herts, a wolf passant arg., pale gu. and az., a demi-leopard gar-

vright). Sans changer. holding in the mouth an arrow sa., dant ppr., crowTied with an Eastern

Cartwright, William CornwaUis, Aynhoe, embrued gu. cf. 2S. 2 crown or, holding a sword passing

Northampton, a wolf's head erased or, Carwell, a leopard's head erased gardant through a wreath of laurel vert.

pierced through the neck with a spear ppr. Casey, a demi-talbot gu. cf. 55. 11

arg. Defend the fold. 275.4 Cary, Col<mel Lucius Falkland Branca- Casey, a demi-talbot per fess or and

Cartwright, George, l, Campden House leone, of Torr Abbey, Devonsh., a swan gu. cf. 55. 8

Terrace, W., same crest and motto. ppr. Virtute exccrptce. 99. 2 Casey, out of a ducal coronet two branches

Cartwright of Thwaite St. Mary and Cary of White Castle, Donegal, a swan of laurel in orle. 146. 9

EUingham, Norf. : (i) A wolfs head ppr. Sine macula. 90. 2 Casey, Ireland, issuing out of a cloud a

or, erased gu., transpierced by a broken Cary, Stanley Edward George, of Follaton hand in fess holding a garb. 223. 12

tilting-spear saltirewise ppr. {for Cart- Park, Devonsh. : (i) A swan ppr. (for Casey of Dublin, out of a ducal coronet

wright). (2) Out of a ducal coronet ACary). 99. 2. (2) dexter hand in or, a demi-eagle displayed ppr. Per

a demi-tiger arg. {for Cobb). Fu>7mts. armour holding a sword, all ppr. (for varios ca.':us. 80. 14
Cartwright, Ernest Henry, Myskyns,
Fleming). Virtute excerptce. 210. 2 Casey, Arthur Edrom Comerford, Es-

Ticehurst, Sussex, a wolf's head Cary, Robert Sgedden Sulyarde, Esquire, quire, of H.M. Bengal Civil Service, out

erased or, gutte-de-poix gorged with a of Torr Abbey, Torquay, same crest of a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle dis-

collar nebuly gu., between on either as first one above and same motto. played ppr., charged on the breast with

side three cinquefoils slipped vert. Cary, a swan, the wings elevated arg., a bugle-horn stringed gold. O'Caitha-

Defend the fold. 299. 4 beaked and legged gu., a crescent saigh cloidhimh Leirge. cf. 80. 14

Cartwright, Rev. Anson William Henry, surmounted with a mullet, alsogu., for Casey, Hon. James Joseph, C.M.G., of

of Brimley House, Teignmouth, out of difference. Commt je trouve. cf. 99. 1 Ibrickane, Acland Street, St. Kilda,

CAS 104

and of Weeroona, Port Philip Bay, Cassie, a hind's head. 124. i Castleman, a lion rampant between two

both in Victoria, Australia, Chairman Cassilis, Earl, see Ailsa, Marquess of.

of the General Sessions, a rock, thereon Cassils, Scotland, an arm in armour of Coberley, Glouc., a demi-
an eagle rising regardant holding in the enibowed holding in the hand a fleur-
man in armour holding in his dexter

beak a dagger. Vigore et viriute. de-lis. 199. 14 hand a flag of defiance displayed over
his head, his sinister on the pommel of
Cash, out of a mural coronet or, a garb Casson, from a tower a dove rising az.

ppr., and thereon a bird perched. 153.9 156. 8 his sword, all ppr.

Casball, a lion rampant supporting a Casstle, out of a castle triple-towered a Castleman, of Chettle, Blandford, for-

plumb-rule arg. 3. 2 griffin issuant. c/. 155. 10 merly of Wimbome and Hinton St.
Mary. Dorset, a demi-man in armour
Cashen, Berks, a rose-sprig with leaves Cassy, a crow feeding ppr. 107. 4
holding in his dexter hand a dagger,
and buds. Rosam ne rode. 149. S Cassy, an eagle displayed with two heads

Cashine, an arm holding a sword in an vert. 74. 2 all ppr., and in his sinister a key or.
oak-bush, all ppr.
Casteja, Marie Emmanuel Alvar de Without God castles are nothing. 299. 3
Casley (formerly De Chastelai). Will- Castlereagh, Viscount, see Londonderry,
braham John Braddick Casley, Es- Biaudos Scarisbrick, Marquis de, of
Marquess of.
Scarisbrick Hall, near Ormkirk : A(i)

quire, of Coathara, Redcar, Yorks, a dove sa., beaked and legged gu., hold- Castlerosse, Viscount, see Kenmare, Earl.

lion rampant ppr., armed and langued ing in the beak an olive-branch ppr., Castleton, Suff., a dragon passant, wings

gu. Malo mori quam /cedari. i- 13 charged for distinction with a cross addorsed vert. 73. 2

Caslon, a spear-head ppr. 174. 12 crosslet or (for Scarisbrick). (2) De Castleton, Surrey, Suff., and Lines, a

Casmajor, a lion rampant sa. i. 10 Biaudos. dragon's head between two wings

Cason of Steeple Morden, Cambs and Castell, Norf., a dragon's head couped expanded gu. 72. 7

Herts, a cubit arm vested purp., cuifed gu. 71. I Castleton, Surrey, a demi-dragon with

arg., holding in the hand a firelock Castell, a tower arg., in flames at the top wings addorsed gu. 73. 10

ppr. ppr. Castletown, Baron (Fitzpatrick), a dragon

Cass of Hackney, Middx., and Scotland, Castell, Cambs, a tower triple-towered on its back ppr., surmounted by a lion

a pair of scales ppr. 179. 8 sa., purfled or. 157. 6 passant sa., the whole debruised by a

Cass, an 'eagle's head erased gu., charged Castell, Ireland, on a tower triple- bendlet sinister wavy arg. Fortis sub

with a fountain, and holding in the towered arg., an arm in armour erect forte fatiscet. cf. 73. 8
beak three ears of wheat or. Ubiqxie
holding in the hand an ogress ppr. Castlewellan, Baron, see Annesley, Earl

patriam reminisci. Castell, Ireland, a cross fleury fitched of.

Cass, Arthur Herbert, Esquire, of United vert, fleury or. 166. 7 Castlyn, a tower ppr., with a flag gu.

Service Club, Pall Mall, W., same crest Castellain, a unicorn's head couped or. 157- 13

and motto. Fidd je garderai/. 49. 7 Caston, a lion's gamb erased sa., holding a

Cass, Captain Charles Herbert Davis, Castello, James, Esquire, 35, Porchester cross pattee, btched in pale erm. 36. 9

same crest and motto. Terrace, Hyde Park, a demi-lion Caswall, Wilts, and Caswell, .\Iiddx., a

Cass, Rev. Frederick Charles, same crest rampant. dexter arm couped at the shoulder in

and motto. Castelton, see Castleton. mail holding in the hand ppr. a cross

Cass, Bernard Croft, Esquire, of May- Castelyon, lines, on a tower a lion crosslet fitched or. cf. 198. 2

lands, Heaton, Bradford, Yorks, same passant or. c/. 156. 2 Caswell, Middx, an arm in armour em-

crest and motto. Caster, Xorf., a savage standing on a bowed grasping a broken spear, all

Cass, Charles Parkinson, Solicitor, Keigh- serpent ppr. 188. 3 ppr. 197-2

ley, Yorks, same crest and motto. Castllion and Castillon, Berks, a lion's Catcher, out of a ducal coronet ppr., a

Cassan, Ireland, on a chapeau a Heur-de- head erased gardant ducally crowned. demi-leopard arg., collared and lined

lis between wings ppr. c/. no. 5 cf. 18. II or. cf. 23. 14

Cassan of Sheffield House, Ireland, issu- Castle of London, a tower in flames ppr. Catcher, a garb or, banded vert. 153. 2

ant from an earl's coronet ppr., a boar's Castle, Egerton, M.A., F.S..A., 49, Sloane Catchmay, a demi-lion issuant az., gorged

head and neck erased or, langued gu. Gardens, S.W., same crest. Pactum with a coronet or. 10. 7

Juvant arva parentum. Cater, London, Berks, Hunts, and Leics.,

Cassan, Matthew Sheffield, Esquire, of Castle of London, a dexter arm couped a demi-griffin arg., beaked and legged

Sheffield House, Maryborough, Queen's and embowed in fess ppr., vested gu., gu. 64. 2

Co., same crest and motto. cufied or, holding in the hand a pennon Cater, A. Parker, Esquire, of Avondale,

Casse, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- charged with a bee volant of the third, Rugeley, Staffs, and St. Mary's Grove,

eagle displayed ppr. So. 14 the staff of the first. 204. 12 Stafford, same crest. Nihil sine labor.
64. 2
Cassel or Cassell, a hawk regardant sup- Castle-Stuart, Sir Henry James Stuart-

porting with the dexter claw a garland Richardson, fifth Earl and Viscount of Cater of London and Berks, a lion's head
Stuart Hall, Stewartstown, and Drum
of laurel, all ppr. 85. 4 erased barrv of six or and az. 17. 4
Manor, Cookstown, both in co. Tyrone :
Cassels, Charles James Hodgson, formerly Caterall of Catherall, Lanes, a cat passant
(l) A lion rampant arg., holding a
of II, Brunswick Street, Hillside, or. 26. 4
wreath of oak-leaves fructed ppr., and Caterall of Horton, Chesh., on a chapeau
Edinburgh, a dolphin naiant em bowed

or. Aviselafin. 140. 5 charged on the shoulder with a cross az., turned up erm., a cat passant ppr.
Catesby, a leopard passant ppr. cf. 24. 2
Cassels, Larrett, Esquire, of the Do- Aformee gu. {for Richardson). (2) Catesby, Northamp., an antelope's head

minion Bank, Ottawa, Canada, same unicorn's head arg., armed or {for couped arg., between the attires or, two

crest and motto. Stuart). Forward.

Cassels, a castle ppr. Galea spes salutis. Castlecomb, an arm in armour embowed battle-axes erect ppr.

ppr., garnished or, holding in the hand Catesby or Cattesbye, Bucks, a lion

Cassidi, Francis Richard, of Glenbrook, a pistol ppr. cf. 197. 12 passant sa., crowned or. cf. 6. 2

Magherafelt, co. Down, a spear broken Castle-Cuffe, Viscount, see Desert, Earl. Catesby, Northamp. and Bucks, a leopard

into three pieces, two in saltire, and Castlehow, a castle ppr., therefrom issu- passant gardant arg., pellettee. 24. 4

the head in pale ppr., banded gu. ant a lion az., supporting a passion Catesnelboge, an anchor ppr. 161. i

Frangas non fleeter. cross or. cf. 155. 10 Cathcart, Earl (Cathcart), "a dexter hand


Cassidi of Glenbrook, Magherafelt, co. Castlelock of Faversham, Kent, oiit of couped above the wrist and erect ppr.,

Londonderry, Ireland, a spear broken a mural coronet or, a demi-griffin grasping a crescent arg. / hope, to

in three pieces, two in saltier, the head segreant sans ailes or, holding in the speed. 216. 8

in pale, banded gu. Frangas non flecies. talon a cross crosslet fitched of the last. Cathcart, of Carbiston, Ayrsh., a dexter

17;. 2 Castlemaine, Baron (Handcock), Ireland, hand couped at the wrist holding a
Cassidy, an arm holding a sword with a a demi-lion rampant az., holding be- crescent arg. / hope to speed. 216. 8

snake entwined around it ppr. Firm tween the paws a fusil arg., charged Cathcart of Knockdolian Castle, Ayrsh.,

and faithful. withacoekgu. Vigilate el orate. 236.6 same crest and motto.


Cathcart, Sir Reginald Archibald Ed- Caillfeild of Drumcaime, Tyrone, a dra- Cave-Browne-Cave, Sir Mylles, Bart.,
ward, Bart., Scotland, a dexter hand
gon's head erased gu., gorged with a Aof Stanford, Northants : ( i ) grey-

holding up a heart royally crowned, bar gemelle arg. Deo duce, ferro comi- hound com ant sa., holding in his
all ppr. By faith we are saved.
tante. cf. 71. 2 mouth an escroU with the motto,

cf. 216. 9 Caulfeild of Raheenduff, Queen's Co. ; AGardez (for Cave). (2) stork ppr.,
Cathcart, a pyramid arg., environed by
of Bloomfield, Westmeath ; of Dona- beaked and membered or {for Broivne).

a vine vert. cf. 179. 12 mon Castle, co. Roscommon, same 105. II

Catherens, Catherns, and Catharines, a crest and motto. Cave, Leics., out of a flower arg., stalked

griffin or, pellettee. 63. 8 Caulfeild, out of a mural coronet a hand and leaved vert, a greyhound's head

Catheryns, a griffin statant or, guttee-de- holding a sword wavy. cf. 212. 4 per pale erm. and ermines. 61. 14

poix. c/. 63. 8 Caulfeild, see Charlemont, Earl of. Cave of Belmont, Millhill, and Queens-

Cathery, a boar's head couped 9a., holding Caulfeild, of Matlock House, Twickenham, berry House, Richmond, Surrey, a

in the mouth three arrows. 42. 9 Middx., a dragon's head erased gu., greyhound sejant or, pellettee, resting
gorged with a collar gemelle arg. Deo the dexter paw on a cross moline gu.
Cathie, Scotland, a stag's head couped

ppr. 121. 5 duce, ferro comitante. 276. 2 Cave, Deus videt. 4cf. i;q.

Cathrope, on a mount a stag current. Caulfeild, Algernon Thomas St. George, Cave, Basil Shillito. Esquire, C.B..

118. 13 Esquire, of Donamon Castle, Ro=-- H.B.M.'s Agency and Consulate-

Cathrow-Disney, see Disney. oommon, same crest and motto. 276. 2 General, Zanzibar, and 14, Redclilie

Catley, a hand erect holding a sealed Caulkin, Warw., out of a ducal coronet a Square, London, S.W., same crest and

letter ppr. cf. 215. 7 demi-lion rampant ppr. Vincit qui se motto.

Catlin and Catlyn, a leopard's head vincit. 16. 3 Cave, George, Esquire, of the Old Palace,

couped at the neck and regardant arg., Caundis, out of an antique crown or, a Richmond, Surrey, same crest and

ducally gorged and lined or. lion's head gu. cf. 17. 5 motto.

Catlin, a demi-leopard rampant gardant Caunter, a naked arm erect couped at Cave, Thomas, Esquire, same crest and

arg., pellettee, ducally gorged vert, be- the elbow holding a palm-branch ppr. motto.

tween tw-o wings of the last. Quam non torret hyems. 219. 11 Cave, Sir Charles Daniel, of Cleve Hill,

Catlin or Catlyn, Beds and Northamp., a Caus, a cinquefoil per pale arg. and az. Glouc, a daisy-flower slipped ppr.,

lion's head erased arg., collared and 148. 7 2 issuant therefrom a greyhound's head

lined or. cf. 18. 6 Causton, Surrey, a demi-leopard with per pale arg. and sa., guttee counter-

Catlin, Kent, a lion sejant gardant or. a lion's tail arg., collared per pale az. changed. Cave, 257. 3
between two wings adorsed barry of
and gu. Cave-Orme, George .^lington. Esquire, of

si.\ of the first and az. Causton, Richard Knight, Esquire, a Vicarage House, Teddington, a dolphin

Caton, Rev. Redmond Bewley, Great demi-leopard rampant arg. In Deo spes. naiant arg., charged on the body with

Fakenham Rectory, Suff., issuant Causton, Essex, a cubit arm erect vested two escallops gu., and between as many

from a castle with two towers arg., gu., cuffed arg., charged with two branches of coral of the last.

charged with three crosses crosslet bends wavy sa., holding in the hand Cavel, an unicorn sejant arg.

fitchee in fesse sa., a Saracen's head ppr. a round buckle or. Cavell of Trehaverrock, Cornw., a calf's

affrontee ppr., wreathed round the Causton, a wolf's head erased or. 30. 8 head couped gu. Karanza whilas ka-

temples or and gu. Caultus metuit Cautley, Nathaniel, Esquire, of Shelf

foueam lupus. Hall, Halifax, Yorks : (i) Two swords Cavenagb, issuing out of clouds two

Cator, Albemarle, of Beckenham Place, in saltire ppr., pommels and hilts or, dexter hands grasping an oak-stump

Kent, a lion's head erased erminois, surmounted by a cross flory or {for ppr., sprouting anew jipr. 224. 10

charged on the neck with two bars Cautley). (2) On a mount vert, an Cavenagh, a stag lodged between two

engrailed gu. Nihil sine labore. Angora goat in front of a palm-tree branches of laurel vert. 115. 11

cf. 17. 8 ppr., resting the dexter foot upon an Cavenagh-Mainwaring, James Gordon,
escutcheon gu., charged with a shuttle Esquire, of Whitmore HaU, Staffs : (i)
Cator, Albemarle, Esquire, of Wood-

bastwick Hall, Norwich, and Trews- paleways or (for Bottomley). Fideli Out of a ducal coronet or, an ass's
bury, Coates, Cirencester, same crest certa merces. head ppr. {for Mainivaring). (2) Upon

and motto. Cauty. a catherine-wheel az. 167. 2 a mount between two trefoils slipped

Catt, a horned owl ppr. 96. 5 Cauvin, Scotland, a dexter hand holding vert a crescent az., therefrom issuant

Catt, George Henry, Esquire, of Villa a dagger point downwards, cf. 213. 6 a garb or. Devant si je puis.

Araalthea, Hythe, Southampton, in Cavaler of London, a horse's head sa., Cavendish, Duke 0! Devonshire, see

front of an esquire's helmet ppr., a maned, bridled, and armed or, on his Devonshire.

gauntlet fesseways, also ppr. Fortis head a plume of three feathers, the Cavendish, Baron Chesham, see Chesham.

qui prudens. 267. 14 first arg., the second or, the tliird Cavendish, Baron Waterpark, see Water-

Cattelin, a demi-leopard rampant gar- gu. 50. 14 park.

dant arg., pellettee, ducally gorged Cavall, a naked man holding a palm- Cavendish, Sussex, a wolf's head or,

vert, between two wings of the last. tree ppr. collared gu. 30. 9

Catterall of Crook, Lanes, a cat passant Cavan, Earl of, and Baron (Lambart), Cavendish, a serpent nowed vert.

gardant arg. cf. 26. 4 Ireland, on a mount vert, a centaur per 142.4
Cattesbye, see Catesby.
pale gu. and arg., drawing a bow, also Cavendish, Alfred Edward John, Esquire,

Cattle, Lanes, a wolf's head az. 30. 5 gu., the arrow or. TJt quocurujue a snake nowed ppr. Cavendo tutti-s.
paralus. Cavendish, Captain Cecil Charles, same
Cattley, a demi-cat rampant gardant Cavanagb, out of cf 53. 2
garb or. a crescent arg., a crest and motto.
supporting an anchor. cf. 26. 12 Cavendish, Charles George, Esquire, same

Cattley, see Catley.

Catton, a horned owl arg. 96. 5 Cavanagh, Ireland, a stag lodged be- crest and motto.

Catton, Oxford, on a tun a dog sejant. tween two branches of laurel. 115. 11 Cavendish, Ernest Lionel Francis, Es-

Catty, a goat's head erased arg. 128. 5 Cave, Sir Charles Daniel. Bart., a daisy- quire, same crest and motto.

CatziUS, an estoile or, within a garland flower slipped ppr., a greyhound's head Cavendish, Francis William Henry, Es-

of laurel vert. issuant therefrom, per pale arg. and quire, same crest and motto.

Catznellage, the attires of a stag or. sa., guttee counterchanged Cavendish, Reginald Richard Frederick,

Ne supra. 123. 5 Cave, Verney-, Baron Braye, see Braye. Esquire, same crest and motto.

Caudwell, Eber, Surgeon, 8, Battersea Cave, a greyhound current sa., collared Cavendish, Victor Christian William,

Rise, S.W., a cock's head couped hold- or. Cave. Deus videt. {Another, col- Esquire, of Holker Hall, Carnforth,

ing a cross patee fitchee, all between lared arg.) cf. 58. 2 same crest and motto.

two wings. In deo spes. Cave, Glouc, a greyhound courant la.. Cavendish, William Henry Alexander

Cauley, from a plume of three ostrich- holding in the mouth a scroll bearing George Delmar, Esquire, same crest

feathers an eagle rising ppr. 80. 6 the motto. Cave. and motto.



Caw, Scotland, a stag's head holding in Cayley, Digby I/eonard Arthur, Esquire, Cevilioc, an arm in armour embowed,
of Lovely Hall, Salesbury, near Black- round the shoulder a ribbon tied in a
the mouth a serpent, all ppr. 21 1 . 7 burn, same crest and motto. bow, and holding in the hand a knotted

Cawarden, a wolf's head erased sa., Cayley of Low Hall, Yorks, a demi-
lion rampant or, charged with a bend
pierced with an arrow arg c/. 30. 8 gu., thereon three mullets arg., and club. 199. 3
holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe
Cawdor, Earl (Campbell), a swan ppr. Ceyley, see Cayley.
arg., the handle gu., garnished or.
Be mindjul. cj. gg. 2 15. 6 Chabnor, Herts, a pheon or. 174. 1

Cawdor, a sheaf of arrows sa., barbed and Cayley, Hugh, Esquire, of Wydale, Yorks, Chace, a lion rampant or, holding be-
a demi-lion rampant or, charged with
feathered or, banded gu. 173. 3 a bend gu., thereon three mullets arg., tween its paws a cross patonce gu.
in the paws a battle-axe az., handle
Cawley, out of a plume of three ostrich- cf. I. 13

feathers an eagle rising ppr. 80. 6 Chad, Bart, (extinct), Norf., a falcon, wings
expanded ppr., beaked, legged, and
Cawley, Fredericli, Esquire, of Brook- membered or, supporting in the dexter
lands, Prestwich, Manchester, upon a claw a cross potent per pale gu. and

mount vert a swan's head erased arg.,

between six bulrushes stalked and also gu., tufted or. arg.

leaved, three on either side or. Cayley, Sir Eichard, of 62, Clarendon Chad, Scott-, Joseph Stonehewer, Thurs-

Cawley, Hugh, Esquire, of Alderley Road, W., same crest. ford Hall, East Dereham, Norf.: (l)

Edge, same crest and motto. Cayley-Webster, Herbert, Capt.. late 7th Same crest as above. (2) Crest of

Cawodley and Cawoodley of Cawodley Brigade South Irish Division, Royal Scott.

and vStridley, Devonsh., a hawk's leg Artillery, of Junior Naval and MiUtary Chadborn, Glouc, a demi-griffin az.

a?., joiried at the knee to a wing arg., AClub : (I) di-agon's head couped (/or 64. 2

belled or. "o- 5 Webster). 275. 6. (2) A lion rampant Chadborn, C. N., M.R.C.S., Glouc a

Cawson of London, out of a ducal coro- holding in the paws a battle-axe {for demi-griffin sa. Quo fata vacant. 293.2

net or, a imicorn's head arg., ducally Caifle'j). Fides etjustitia. 275.1 Chaderton, a griffin's head couped gu.

gorged, lined and ringed sa. c/. 48. i; Cayly and Cayley, a mascle vert. 167. 9 66. I

Cawston, George, Esquire, of the Manor Cayzer, Sir Charles, M.P., of Gartmore, Chadock, a martlet arg. 95. 4

House, Cawston, Norf., and 56, Upper Perthsh., a sea-lion erect ppr., holding Chadock and Chaddock, on a ducal coro-

Brook Street, W., in front of an oak- in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis, and net or, a martlet gu. 95. 12

tree ppr., a falcon arg., charged on the supporting with the sinister an estoile. Chads, a unicorn's head couped between

wing with a cross crosslet sa., preying both or. Caute sed impamde. 271.19 two laurel- branches ppr. 49. 14

on a hare az. Sohou, Sohou. 249. 8 Cazalet, a casque, and in front thereof Chadwell, out of a ducal coronet a dexter

Cawthorne, George J., Esquire, of Beau- a tilting-spear fesaewise, all ppr. hand holding by the neck a swan's head

chene. Fox Hill, Upper Norwood, Lon- Cazalet, Clement H. Langston, Tanhurst, erased ppr. 220. 7

don, S.E., and of Stretton House, Lea- near Dorking, Surrey, and 2, Bedford Chadwick, on a ducal coronet or, a mart-

mington Spa., a thorn-tree, and on the Court Mansions, Bedford Square, let gu. 95. 12

top thereof a rook perched and cawing London, W.C, same crest. Spero Chadwick, Notts, Staffs, and Lanes, a
lily arg., stalked and leaved vert. In
ppr., all between two wings sa., each meliora.

charged with a chess rook or. At spes Cazalet, William JIarshall, Esquire, of candore decus. 151. 2

non fracta. 106. 8 Fairlawn, Tunbridge, Kent, a casque Chadwick, Hugo Mavesyn, Esquire, of

Cawthorne, a raven ppr. 107. 14 ppr. Shenstone. Lichfield, same crest. Stans

Cawthorne, Yorks, an arm enibowed Cazenove, a sword in pale az., hilted or. cum rege.

ppr., holding in the hand a cross 170. 2 Chadwick, Alfred, Esquire, of Frankham,

patonce or. Cazenove, .Arthur Philip, Esquire, of 51, Mark Cross, Sussex, a lily stalked and

Cawthra of Toronto, Canada, upon a Cadogan Place, S.W., two demi-lions leaved ppr., between two quatrefoils

quiver fessewise filled with arrows or, guardant, addorsed, taiLs interlaced, or. Nil desperandum.
a boar's head couped az., holding in that on the dexter or, that on the Chadwick of Healey, Lanes: (i) A lily

the mouth two arrows saltirewise, the sinister az., each gorged with a collar arg., stalked and leaved vert. 151. 2
points resting on the quiver, also or. counterchanged, and holding between
A(2) talbot's head gu., pierced through

Maintien le Droit. 228. i the paws a rose as in the arms. the neck with an arrow or, and gorged

Cawthra, Henry, Esquire, of Yeadon Cecil, Marquess of Exeter, see Exeter. with a collar charged with the arms

Hall, Toronto, Canada, same crest and Cecil, Marquess of Salisbury, see Salisbury. —of Hansacre, viz., erm., three chess

motto. Cecil, six arrows in saltier or, barbed and rooks gu. Juxta salopiam. Stans cum

Cawton, a dromedary sa., bezantee. ilighted arg., girt together by a belt rege.
gu., buckled and garnished of the first,
132. 2 and over the arrows a morion-cap. Chadwick of Puddleston Court, Leo-

Cay, see Kay. minster, a white Uly stalked and

Cay of Bishop-Wearmouth, Durh., a 173. 10 leaved surmounted by two crosses
Cecil, Lord William, of Burghley House,
griffin's head erased sa., holding in the crosslet fitched in saltier. In candore
Stamford, on a chapeau gu., turned
beak a key az. Patria cara carior up erm., a garb or, supported by two decus. 151. 2
Uons rampant, the dexter arg., the
libertas. 66. 6 sinister az., the garb charged with a Chadwick, Harry, Esquire, of Chad

Cay, a hawk ppr., and flotant behind Wyche, Bovey Tracey, Devonsh., in

him a pennon vert, tied round the front of two cross crosslets fitchee in

neck and charged with the arms, viz., mullet, also az., for difference. 3. 5 saltire the flower and stem of a lily

az., a bend or, debruised by a label of Cecil, a garb or, supported by two Uons slipped ppr. In candore decus.

three points arg. rampant, the dexter arg., the sinister Chadwick of High Bank. Lanes, in front

Cay of Charlton Hall, Northumb., a royal az. c/. 3. 5 of a lily stalked and leaved ppr., a
eagle gorged with a collar and banner
Ceily or Ceely, an arm in armour, holding martlet arg. Deo fidens proficio.

vert, bearing a rose arg. Sit tine in the hand a pheon, point upward, all Chadwick, Edward Marion, Esquire, of

spind. ppr. 211. 7 the city of Toronto, Canada, a martlet

Cayle, Ireland, a demi-stag holding in the Celey, Cornw., a tiger sejant arg. 27. 6 arg., holding in its beak a white lily

mouth a rose slipped a-nd leaved. Cely or Ceely, Essex, a bundle of quills slipped and leaved ppr., borne fesse-

119. I ppr. 113- 6 —ways, the flower to the sinister. In

Cayley, Sir George Everard Arthur. Bart., Cely, a dexter hand with the two first candore decus. Tou)ours pret.
Yorks, a demi-lion rampant or, charged
fingers erect. 122. 11 Chadwick, His Honour Austin Cooper
of Guelph, Canada, same crest and
with a bend gu., thereon three mullets Cenino, an escallop between two palm-

arg., and holding in the dexter paw a branches ppr. 141. 4 mottoes.
battle-axe arg., the handle gu., gar- Chadwick, Alfred, M.D., Clyde House,
nished or. Niil q^uvi per lucem ac tene- Cervington, Devonsh., a tun or, and
bras mea sidera sanguine surgent. Heaton Chapel, Stockport, a white lily
issuing out of the bung-hole five roses stalked and leaved ppr. In candore

of the same stalked and leaved ppr.

154- 4 decus.


Chadwick, Cooper-: (i) A martlet sa., Chalmers, His Honour Judge Mackenzie, Chamberlain and Chamberlaine, Glouc,
of Leamington, upon an Eastern crown
charged on the breast with a crescent an eagle rising, wino;3 displayed ppr., Oxon., and Yorks, out of a ducal coro-
arg., holding in the beak a lily slipped collared and murally crowned, and
and leaved ppr. (for Chadwick). (2) supporting with the dexter claw a net or, an ass's head arg. 125. 10
On a mount vert, a bull passant per
pale arg. and sa., gorged with a collar Chamberlain, an ass's head erased arg.,

ducally crowned or.

flagstaff erect, therefrom flowing to Chamberlayn, Cambs, an ass's head
the sinister a banner arg., charged
dancettee az. (jor Cooper). cf. 45. 7 erased ppr., ducally gorged or.

Chafe, Dorset and Devonsh., a demi-lion with a lion passant gu. Spero. 7S. 13 Chamberlayne, Ingles-, Henrv, of The
Chalmers, Dalzell, Barrister, i, the Man- Hyde, Glouc. : (i) Out of a ducal
rampant az., bezantee, langued gu.,
sions, Earl's Court, S.W., same crest
holding between the paws a lozenge coronet an ass's head. 125. 10. {2) A

arg. {Not recorded.) cf. 13. I and motto. lion's head erased charged with three
Chalmers, Scotland, a hawk rising ppr.,
Chaffers, on a mural crown gu., charged trefoils. Virtuti nihil invium.

mth three mullets of eight points or, jes.sed and belled or. Proviptus et cf. 17. 8
Chamberlayne, out of a ducal coronet
a chaffinch ppr. fiddis. 87. I

ChafUn, on a mural crown a mullet of Chalmers, a falcon belled ppr. Non gu., the head of an ass are. 125. 10

eight plain rays or. cf. 164. 4 prceda, sed victoria. 85. 2 Chamberlayne, William Tankerville, of

Chafin or Chailin, Dorset, a talbot passant Chalmers of Westburn, Aberdeen, a dove Stoney Thorpe, Warw., out of a ducal

or. 54. I holding an olive-branch in her beak coronet or. an ass's head ppr. Prodesse

Chafy-Chafy, Rev. Wm. Kyle Westwood, ppr. Spero. 92. 5 quam conspici. 125. 10

M.A.. Rous Lench, Court Evesham, on Chalmers, David Montague Alexander, Chamberlayne, Tankerville, Esquire, of
a mount vert, between two branches of
Esquire, of Beaconhill, Murtle, Aber- Cranbury Park, Hants, out of a ducal
palm, a peacock in his pride, aU ppr.
deen, and :8, Golden Square, Aber- coronet or, an ass's head arg. Mors
deen, same crest and motto.
Fide et fiducia. 103. 14 Chalmers, John Gray, Esquire, of Aber- potior macula. 125. 10

Chaigneau, Ireland, a lion's head erased Chamberlayne, Stanes Brocket Henrv,

gu. 17- ' deen, same crest and motto. Barrister - at - Law, Wetherley Hall,
Chalbots, two anchors in saltier ppr. Chalmers, W. Bryce, 21, Cromwell
Atherstone, same crest and motto.
Crescent, S.W., same crest and motto.
161. 7 Chamberlayne, Ireland, a pegasus. 47. i
Chalie, in water a swan naiant with wings
Chalmers, Scotland, a demi-lion holding Chamberlayne, Tankerville James, of
in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis gu.
addorsed. 99. 9 Cyprus, 27, Upper Mount Street,

Chaike of Long Ashton, Westbury, and Quid non Deo juvante. 13. 2 Dublin, and 41, Lancaster Gate, W.,

Yatton, Somers., Avington, Berks, and Chalmers of Kildonnan, a demi-lion hold- a pegasus arg. Nemo me impune

Shelborne, Wilts, out of a ducal coronet ing in his dexter paw a sabre ppr. lacessit.

or, a demi-swan rising arg., crested Non temere. 14. 12 Chamberlen of Loudon, a dexter arm

gu. cf. 100. 12 Chalmers, Scotland, a lion's head erased couped and embowed fesseways hold-

Chaike, Alfred Raymond, Esquire, of sa. Avancez. 17. 8 ing in the hand a grenade fired, all

Coryton Terrace, Mutley, Plymouth, Chalmers of Ashentrees, Scotland, a ppr. 202. 5
sinister hand holding up a pair of
in front of a demi-swan, wings ex- scales ppr. Lux mihi laurus. Chamberlin of London, out of a Saxon
panded or, a fountain, each wing charged
coronet an ostrich holding in the beak

with a cinquefoil gu. Sempcrvirtute vivo. cf. 217. 13 a key.
Chamber, a demi-eagle with two heads
Chalkhill, Middx., out of a ducal coro- Chambers of Fox Hall, Ireland, a falcon
net or, a horse's head erm., maned of displayed per pale sa. and arg., the
close belled ppr. Spero dum spiro.

the first. 51. 7 heads imperially crowned or.

Chalklen, on a mural coronet a sheaf of Chambers, a falcon belled ppr. Non

seven arrows, points upward. Chamber, Middx., Comw., and Essex, a prceda, sed victoria. 85. 2
bear passant sa., muzzled, collared, and
Cha'len, Sussex, a castle arg., thereon a Chambers, Scotland, a falcon rising and

Slias;. pes, solus, decus. 155-8 lined or. cf. 34. i belled ppr. Facta non verba. 87. i

Challen-Gratwick, Sussex, a demi-horse Chamber, Notts, out of a chaplet of Chambers, Charles Edward Stuart, Es-

salient. Gloria Deo. 53. 3 roses gu., leaved vert, a greyhound's quire, of Cardney, Dunkeld, N.B.,
same crest and motto.
Challenge, Glouc, au eagle's head sa. head arg., gorged with a belt az.,
buckled and studded or, from the belt
83. I in front a chain and ring of the last. Chambers of Wimbledon, London, S.W.,
Chamber, Leics., out of a coronet or, an
Challenor, Susses, a wolf statant regard- otter's head arg. out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle
Chamberlain, Sir Henry Hamilton Errol,
ant arg., pierced through the shoulder displayed gu., winged or. Non prceda,

th a broken spear or, the upper part sed victoria.

It-his mouth, the lower resting on the Chambers, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Bart., 16, Chester Street, Belgrave demi-eagle displayed gu., winged of
Square, S.W., of London, an eagle dis-
iCChhaallll(on, a mermaid holding in her dexter the first. 80. 13

hand a mirror ppr. cf. 184. ? played ppr., the dexter claw resting on Chambers, Richard Edward Elliot, Es-

Chailoner and Chaloner, a demi-sea-wolf an armillary sphere or. Spes et fides. quire, out of a ducal coronet or, charged

rampant or. Sicut quercus. ^54-4 with a cross humettee gu., a demi-
Chamberlain and Chamberlayne, a swan eagle displayed of the last, winged and
Chalmers of Aldbar, Forfarsh., an eagle collared of the first. Non prceda, sed
with wings addorsed, crowned ppr.
rising ppr. Spero. 77. 5

Chalmers, Patrick, Aldbar Castle, near 99- 4
Chamberlain, out of a mural coronet gu.,
lititlun, same crest and motto. Chambers, Edmund Frederic, Esquire, of
a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the
Chalmers of Balnecraig, Scotland, same dexter paw a key arg. the Hurst, near Alfreton, Derbysh.,

irist and motto. in front of a fret or, a stork, the wings

Chalmers, an eagle rising regardant ppr., Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, M.P., expanded ppr., each wing charged with

Svn-n. 77. 4 40, Prince's Gardens, London, S.W., a cinquefoil, also or. In fide fortis.
out of a mural coronet a demi-lion
Chalmers, Sir David Patrick, H.M. Advo- rampant holding between the paws 104. 12

1 ati- for Gold Coast Colony, an eagle Chambers, Ireland, on a mount a tree

risinj; regardant ppr. Spero. 77. 4 a key erect, wards upwards. Je tiens ppr. 143- 14

Chalmers of Leith Mount, Scotland, on a Chambers, G. F., Lethen Grange, Syden-
ham, S.E., an arm in armour embowed
nii.'unt vert, an eagle rising ppr., holding Chamberlain, a bear's head erased arg.
ppr., charged with a cross couped gu.,
in his dexter talon a sword ppr. Spero. }S- -
Chalmers, John Henry, Gentleman, of Chamberlain and Chamberlan, a pheon holding in the hand, also ppr., a
scimitar arg., hilt and pommel or.
Holcombe, Moretonhampstead, South with part of the shaft broken ppr.

Devonsh., a falcon, wings addorsed 174. 10 Vi et virlute. cf. 196. 10
ppr., semee-de-lis, between two quatre- Chamberlain or Chamberlayn, an ass's
foils, all gu. Quid non Deo juvante. Chambers, an ass's head erased arg.

head oouped arg. 125. 12 cf. 125. 12


Chambers, Sir George Henry, Langley Chamier, Lieutenant-General Stephen, Chance, Alexander Macomb, Esquire, of
Lodge, Beckeuham, Kent, in front of C.B., 64, Inverness Terrace, W., same Lawnside, Edgbaston, Birminghi
an ass's head erased sa., collared gem- crest and motto. same crest and motto.
elle, an anchor fessewise or.
Chamley of Dublin, a demi-griffin segre- Chance, Arent De Peyster, Esquire, of
Chambers, a leg in armour, varnished ant erm., beaked and winged or, hold- Wheatfields, Powick, Worcs., same crest
and spurred, couped at the thigh, the ing between the claws a helmet arg., and motto.
thigh resting upon the wreath, the toe
pointing to the sinister. Deo ac hello. garnished or. Cassis tutissima virtus. Chance, Arthur Lucas, Esquire, of Great
Alne Hall, Alcester, same crest and
cf. 64. I

cf. 193- 8 Chamond, Cornw., a lion sejant. S. 8 motto.
Chambers, Leic.^., out of a ducal coronet
Chamond and Chaumond, a griffin sejant Chance, Edward Ferguson, Esquire, of

or, three holly-leaves vert. or. 62. 10 Sandford Park, Steeple Alston, Oxon.,
same crest and motto.
Chambers, a bear passant sa., muzzled, Chamond, on a chapeau ppr., a fleur-de-

collared, and chained or. cf. 34. i lis gu., between two wings of the Chance, Frederick William, Esquire, of
Morton, Carlisle, same crest and motto.
Chambers, George Wilton, of London and first. cf. no. 5

Clough House, Yorks, on a mount vert, Champ, a stag ppr. 117. 5 Chance, George, Esquire, of 28, Leinster
Gardens, London, W., same crest and
a bear passant ppr., muzzled and Champagne, a bunch of grapes slipped
gorged with an Eastern crown, from
and leaved vert. 152. 7 motto.

the muzzle a chain pendent and reflexed Champain, a demi-lion rampant gardant Chance, George Ferguson, Esquire, of

over the back, all or. cf. 34. 5 gu. 10. 8 Clent Grove, near Stourbridge, same

Chambers, Oxon., a greyhound's head Champayn, Scotland, a, bear's head crest and motto.

erased arg., round his neck a belt az., couped sa. 34. 14 Chance, Henry, Esquire, of Leamington,
same crest and motto.
buckled oV. <•/. 61. 4 Champernon, a lion's head erased arg.,

Chambers, Ireland, a greyhound's head semee of pellets ducally crowned or. Chance, Sir James Timmins, of 5 1 , Prince's
Gate, London, S.W., and i. Grand
erased arg., collared sa., garnished or. iS. 9
Champernonne and Champernowne, out
Vivam te laudare. cf. 61. 2 Avenue, Hove, Sussex, a demi - li
rampant gules, semee of annulets
Chambers of London, within a moun- of a ducal coronet an ostrich rising
holding in the beak a horse-shoe, all
tain vert, a man working in a copper- holding between the paws a sword

mine, holding in his hand a pick-axe ppr. 96. 8 erect, entwined by a wreath of oak, all

elevated ppr., his cap, shirt, drawers, Cbamperoun, a dexter hand holding a ppr. Deo non fortuna.
Chance, John Homer, Esquire, of Edg-
and nose arg., his shoes sa., the planet rose-branch ppr. 218. 10
baston, Birmingham, same crest and
Venus rising behind the mountain Champernowne, a swan sitting ppr., hold-

or. ing in the beak a horse-shoe or. motto.

Chambley and Chambly, above a globe a Champernowne, Arthur Melville, Dart- Chance, Joseph Selby, Esquire, of Car-
lisle, same crest and motto.
ship ppr. 160. I ington Hall, Totnes, same crest.

Chambre, Shropsh. : (i) A greyhound's Champernowne, a demi-lion arg. holding Chance, William Edward, Esquire, of

head erased arg., collared az., buckled a cross formee fitchee or. cf. 11. 10 Aldby Park, York, same crest and

and studded or, from the belt in front Champion, an arm in armour embowed motto.

a chain and ring of the last. cf. 61. 2. and erect ppr., garnished or, holding Chancelor or Chancellor, Scotland, an

(2) A camel's head quarterly arg. and in the gauntlet a chaplet of laurel eagle displayed sa. Que je surmonte.

or, collared gu., between three annulets vert. 199. 12 Chancellor of ShieldhiU, by Biggar,
Lanarksh., same crest and motto.
of the last. Champion, Albert Edward Gurney, 3,
Fourth Avenue Mansions, Hove, Chancey, Northamp., an arm erect vested
Chambr6, Hunt Walsh, Esquire, of Dun-
gannim House, co. Tyrone, a grey- Brighton, same crest. Semper fidelis. ar"., entiled with a ducal coronet or,

iiound's head erased arg., collared az., Champion of London, an arm erect holding in the hand ppr. a battle-axe,
therefrom a cord knotted and termi-
nated by a ring or. Tutamen couped at the elbow, vested gu., charged the staff gu., headed of the first.

with three bars or, holding in the hand cf. 207. 10
Chancey, out of a ducal coronet or, a
piilchris. ppr. a rose-branch of the last.
Champion, an arm erect vested arg., griffin's head gu., charged with a pale
Chambre of London, a cock gu., holding az., between two wings displayed of the
in its dexter claw three wheat-ears or. cuffed gu., holding a chaplet of laurel

cf. 91. 2 vert. last, the inner part of the wings of the

Chambre of Halhead Hall and Kendal, Champion, a turkey-cock ppr. 108. 5 second. 6;

Westmoreland, a cock gu., holding in Champion of London, a leopard's head Chancey, Essex and Norf., out of a ducal

his dexter claw three wheat-ears or. erased gardant or, ducally gorged sa. coronet or, a griffin's head with wi:

En Dieu est toiit. c/. 91. 2 Prceclarius quo difficiiius. cf. 23. 8 endorsed bendy gu. and az., beaked of

Chambre, Ireland, a greyhound's head Champion of London, a winged spur ppr. the first. 67. I

erased arg., collared az., therefrom Speed. III. 12 Cbandew, a pelican's nest with three

a cord knotted and terminated by a Champion De Crespigny, see De Cres- young birds in it ppr.
Chandlee, Thomas, Esquire, of Balltore,
ring or. Tutamen jtulchris. pigny.

Chambre, a rose-branch ppr. 149. 8 Champney of London, a leopard's head Athy ; Samuel Chandlee, Esquire, of
Gaul's Mills, Waterford ; and Richard
Chambres, Reginald Gordon, a grey- erased gardant or, ducally gorged sa. Shackleton Chandlee, Esquire, of

hound's head erased arg., collared az., cf. 23. 8

Aleashed with knotted leash or. fijn Champney, a lion's gamb erased sup- Greenoge, Terenure, Dublin, Ireland,

duw a fydd. porting a torteau. 39. 13 a dexter hand couped at the wrist

Chamier, a cubit arm in bend vested az., Champneys, a demi-Moor side-faced, ppr., holding a sword in bend sinister
arg., pommel and hilt or, the wrist
charged with five fleurs-de-lis in saltire habited or, cuffs, cape, and orna-

or, cuffed erm., holding in the hand a ments on the shoulders gu., wreathed charged with a garb vert. Pax el

scroll, and thereon an open book ppr., about the temples also or and gu., and copia. 212. 5

garnished of the second. hold;mg the dexter hand Chandlee, William, Esquire, of Brighton
Chamier of Dublin, out of a French noble
ring or, stoned az. Square, Rathmines, Dublin, same crest
coronet ppr., a cubit arm in bend
Champreys, same crest. Pro patria non and motto.
vested az., charged with five fleurs-de-
lis in saltire or, cuffed erm., holding timidus perire. Chandler of London, a bull's head sa.,
in the hand a scroll, and thereon
an open book ppr., garnished gold. Chance {the descendants of the lata Wm. attired arg. cf. 44. 3

Chance, Esquire, of Birmingham, who Chandler, a pelican in her piety sa., the

died 1828), on a wreath of the colours nest vert. 9S. 8

A-perto vivere voto. a demi-lion rampant gu., semee of an- Chandois and Chandos, a stag's head gu.,
Chamier, Adrian Charles,
Captain, 46, nulets or, holding between the paws between the attires a cross pattee az.
Nevern Square, S.W., same crest.
Aperto vivere voto. a sword erect entwined by a wreath of 120. 9
Chandos, see Buckingham, Duke of.
oak, all ppr. Deo non fortuna. 246. 5



Chandos, out of a ducal coronet or, a [ Donhead House, Salisbury, Wilts, with two lozenges in pale erm., sup-
same crest and motto. porting with the paws a battle-axe
(Irason's head sa. 72. 4 ! arg., between two branches of oak
fructed ppr. Esse quam vvh:ri.
Chandos, Herts, an old man's head in Chapman, Major-General Ingram Francis,

]>r()tilc ppr., the hair gray, wreathed arg. of Lambourn, Glendinning Avenue,

I Weymouth, same crest and motto. Charlesworth, Yorks, a demi-eagle sa.,

Chandos-Pole, Reginald Walkelyne, Es-

of Radbourne Hall, Derbysh., Chapman, Cambs, a dexter arm in armour the wings elevated fretty or, holding

ASidling Court, Dorchester : ( i ) couped and erect, holding in the hand in the beak a mascle of the last.
Justitia ct virtus.
on rising ppr., belled and jessed or. a lance, all ppr. 210. 11

A man's head ppr., ^vreathed about Chapman, Scotland, a hand holding a Charlesworth, Albany Hawke, Esquire, of

'niple arg sword in pale, thrust through a boar's Feme, Donhead St. Andrew, Salisbury,

Chandos-Pole-Gell, Harry Anthony, Es- head erased ppr. 212. 6 and Grinton Lodge, Richmond, Yorks,

quire, of Hopton Hall, Derbysh. : (i) Chapman, Ireland, issuing out of a cloud same crest and motto.

A LTcyhound statant sa., collared or, a hand erect, holding a sword wavy, Charlesworth, Charles Ernest, Esquire, of

on the shoulder a cross crosslet or, for all ppr. 212. 4 Owston Hall, near Doncaster, same

difference (jar Gdl). (2) A falcon Chapman of London and Yorks, a buck's crest and motto.

rising ppr., belled and jessed or (jor head per chevron arg. and gu. 121. 5 Charlesworth, out of a ducal coronet a

Pole). (3) A man's head ppr., Chapman of London, a heraldic ante- cock's head, all ppr. 90. 6

WTeathed about the temples arg. (for lope's head erased sa., attired and Charleton, an arm CTubowed, habited gu.,

Chandos). crined or, pierced in the neck by an cuffed erm., holding in the hand ppr.

Channer, a demi-sea-wolf rampant ppr. arrow of the last, headed arg., embrued a broad arrow.

Channing, a blackamoor's head in profile gu. Acf. 127. 10 Charlett, Newport- : ( i ) stag's head or

couped below the shoulders. Chapman, Somers., a buck's head ca- A(for Charleti). 121. ;. (2) fleur-de-

Channy, Herts, out of a ducal coronet a bossed sa., attired or, between the lis or (for Xewporl). 148. 2

derai-eagle displayed or. 80. 14 attires two arrows in saltier of the Charleville, Earl of, and Viscount and

Channsy or Chansey, a griffin's head last, feathered arg. 122. 7 Baron Tullamore, Ireland, see Bury.

erased holding in the beak a key. Chapman of Frewen Hall, Oxon., and Charlewood or Charlwood, a Saracen's

66. 6 Hill End, Chesh., a stag's head erased head ppr. 190. 5

ChantreU, a tower arg., in the portal a sa., attired and semee of crescents or. Charlewood, an arrow in pale enfiled

boar's head sa. Cre-scit sub ponders virtus. cf. 121. 2 ith a ducal coronet, all ppr. 174. 3

Chantry, a lion rampant gu., supporting Chapman of London, out of a crescent Charley, Sir William Thomas, D.C.L.,
per pale or and gu., a unicorn's head of K.C., D.L., V.D. Common Serjeant
a pillar sa.

Chapan, a hawk rising ppr. 87. i the last, maned, armed, and guttee-d'or. of the City of London, 1878-1S92,
Queen Anne's Mansions, Loudon,
Chape or Chappe, Norf., a dexter hand Chapman, a falcon arg., beaked and S.W., on a chapeau gu., turned up

gauntleted holding a pheon point up- legged gu., supporting a garb or.

ward ppr. 2 1 1 . 7 Chapman, Scotland, a hawk regardant erm., a falcon's head erased arg.,
charged with a cinquefoil of the first,
Chapel], Ireland, a demi-lion rampant ppr., holding in the dexter claw a

vert, holding in the dexter paw a garland of laurel. 85. 4 and holding in the beak a corn blue-

chaplet or. cf. 10. 2 Chapman, Lines, a fleur-de-lis or, be- bottle slipped ppr. Justus esio et non

Chaplin of Coliston, Scotland, a griffin's tween two olive-branches vert. vittue. cf. 89. 6

head erased gu. Labor omnia vincit. Chappeace, an eagle close ppr 76. 2 Charley, John Stouppe, Esquire, J.P., of

66. 2 Chappes, a hand gauntleted holding a Finaghy House, co. Antrim, and of the

Chaplin, Rt. Hon. Henry, of Blankney pheon point upwards ppr. 211. 7 island of Aranmore, co. Donegal, Ire-
land, same crest and motto. cf. 89. 6
and Tathwell, Lines, a griffin's head Chappie, on the stump of a tree couped,

erased or, murally gorged vert. a falcon hooded ppr. cf. S6. 11 Charley and Charnley, a griffin passant,

cf. 66. 2 Chappie of London, on the stump of a holding in the dexter claw a buckle.

Chaplin, Cecil, 21, Grafton Street, Bond -tree a falcon hooded ppr. Viresco. 63-7
Street, W., same crest. Charlton, Essex, out of a ducal coronet

Chaplin of London and Hants, a griffin's Chard of Pathe House, Somers., an eagle or, a demi-eagle displayed sa., holding

head erased arg., ducally gorged or „ arg., the dexter claw resting on in the beak a heart's-ease flower ppr.

cf. 66. 2 an escutcheon az., charged with a bude- cf. 80. 14

Chaplin, Nugent, Campden House Cham- horn stringed or. gorged with a collar Charlton, Shropsh., out of an Eastern
bers, Campden Hill, W., same crest.
gemelle sa., and holding in the beak coronet or, a leopard's head and neck

Sapiens qui assiduus. an oak-branch slipped ppr. Nil desper- atfrontee gu. 246. 4

Chaplin of Anerley Park, Upper Norwood, Charlton, St. John, Esquire, of Chol-
London, S.E., in front of a cross potent Chardin, Leics., a lion 1 ipant '•'3 mondeley, Malpas, same crest. Spero

caduceus fesseways ppr. Lahore Chardin, a dove ppr. 92. 2 mdiora.

et fide. 268. 7 Cbaringworth, a naked arm embowed Charlton, a leopard's face gu. 22. 2

Chapman, Sir Montagu Richard, Bart., holding a cutlass ppr. cf. 201. i Charlton, Heref., a leopard's face gu.

Killua Castle, Clonmellon, Westmeath, Charlemont, Viscount (Caul6eld), Rox- Sans varier. 22. 2

Ireland, an arm in armour embowed borough Castle, Moy, Ireland, a Charlton, Lechmere-, of Ludford, Heref.
holding a broken spear encircled with
dragon's head erased gu., gorged with A(I) leopard's fane gu. (for Charlton).

a wreath of laurel, all ppr. Crescil sub a bar-gemelle arg. Deo duce, fcrro 22. 2. (2) Out of a ducal coronet or,

pondere virtus. I _ comitanle. _ ^_ cf. a pelican vulning herself ppr. {for

Chapman, two spears' heads in saltire in Charles, the late Rev. James, D.D., Lechmere). cf. 98. i

front of a dexter arm embowed in ar- minister of Kirkcowan, Wigtown, Scot Charlton, on a chapeau a leopard statant

mour, the hand gauntleted and grasp- land, an eagle displayed sa. Virtui ppr. 2d. I

ing a broken tilting-spearenfiled with an uget honored Charlton, William Henry, of Hesleyside,
Bellingham, a lion's face gu., between
iilet or. Crescit sub pondere virtus. Charles, Devonsh., a demi-eagle displayed two dragon's wings elevated ppr., on
each a fret sa. Sans varier.
Chapman, Joseph John, M.A., 17, St. with two heads per pale or and erm. Charlton of Hesleyside, Northumb., a

Hilda Terrace, Whitby, same crest and cf. 82. i

motto. | a demi-griffin erm., holding a


Chapman, HiUyar David, Kilhendre, cf. 65. 3 demi-lion rampant. Sans varier. 10. 2
iCllesmere, Salop, same crest. demi-wolf e Charlton, Northumb., two lion's gambs

Chapman, Alfred Daniel, Milton Ernest holding a halberd arg., tasselled or. erect gu. <•/• 36. 5
Hall. Bedford, same crest.
cf. 29. 4 Charlton, Edward Francis Benedict, Es-
Chapman, Arthur Wakefield, Crooksbury, Charles, J. Roger, M.D.. of Pelsall,
Karnham, same crest. quire, a lion's face gu., between two
near Walsall, and 27, West Street
dragon's wings elevated ppr., on each

Chapman, Horace Edward, Esquire, of Chichester, a demi-wolf gu., charged a fret sa. Sans varier.



Charlton, Ulric Edmund Emmanuel, Es- Chase, Herts, a lion rampant sa., holding Henry, Esquire, of Whitfield
quire, same crest and motto. between the paws a cross flory or. Court, Kilmeaden, Waterford, upon a
rock ppr., an eagle's claw erased and
Charlton, William Lancelot Stanislas, cf. I. 13 erect or, grasping an arrow in bend of
Esquire, same crest and motto. the last, barbed and flighted arg.
Cbassereau, a demi-chevaher in armour Loyaidti mon heritage.
Charlton, Geoffrey Nicholas, of ChilweU, Chawcer, a tortoise passant ppr. c/. 1 2 3 . 5
Notts, a swan's head and neck erased brandishing a sword ppr. 187. i Chawner, an ermine passant ppr. 134. 6
arg., beaked gu., gorged with a chaplet Chawner of Newton Manor House, Hants,
Chastelai, see Casley. a sea-wolf's head erased sa. Nil des-
vert. Stabit consciu smqui. cf. lOI. 5 perandum.
Charlton, Oxon., out of a ducal coronet Chastelin, a fleur-de-lis or. 148. 2
Chaworth, Baron, see Neath, Earl of.
or, a unicorn's head sa., crined arg., the Chastelon, on the point of a sword in
horn twisted of the last and second.
pale a maunch. 169. 11
48. 12
Chater, a stork ppr. Jucundi acti labores.

105. II
Chatfield, a demi-Moor with a quiver on

Charlton, Sussex, an arm embowed, vested his back shooting an arrow from a Chaworth, a tower ppr., on the top five
gu., cuffed erm., holding in the hand ostrich-feathers arg.
bow, all ppr. 1S5. 6
a broad arrow ppr. Chaworth, an arm in armour embowed,
Charnell, Warw. and Leics., out of a Chatfield or Chatteild, Sussex, a heraldic the hand holding an arrow, all ppr.

antelope's head erased arg., attired and

ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle dis- ducally gorged gu. Che sara sara. 198. 4

played. 80. 14 cf. 127.10 Chaworth, a dagger az.. hilt and pommel

Charnell, a peacock close or. 103. 7 Chatteris, on a mount vert, a pheasant or, and a cross crosslet fitched sa., in

Charnells, out of a ducal coronet a demi- ppr., holding in its beak a fleur-de-lis saltier. cf. 166. 12

plover or, the wings displayed arg. or, and resting the dexter claw on a Chaworth-Musters, Jolin Patricius, Es-

Charney, on a rock a dove holding an bezant. Libertas. quire, of Annesley Park, near Notting-

olive-branch in its beak, all ppr. 93. 9 Chatterton, Bart., Ireland, an antelope's ham, and Wiverton Hall, near Bing-
Charnock, Lanes, a lapwing ppr., charged head erased arg., pierced through the ham : (i) .\ Hon sejant guardant or,

with a muUet pierced for difference. back of the neck by an arrow ppr. —supporting with the fore-paws a shield

92. 2 Loyal a mort. cf. 127. i of the arms {for Musters) i.e., Arg.,
on a bend gu., a lion passant guardant
Charnock, Beds, a lapwing ppr. Soyez Chatterton, Smith-: (i) An antelope's

conteiU. head erased ppr., attired or, pierced or, within a bordure engrailed of the
through the back of the neck with an
Charpentier, a dexter hand ppr., holding arrow, also ppr., gorged with a ducal Asecond. 269. 15. (2) tower arg.,
coronet of the second, and charged on
a fieur-de-Us gu. 215. 5 charged with a bendlet wavy gu.

Charpentier, A., Rathmines House, Ux- thereon a lion passant or, issuant from

bridge, a dexter cubit arm ppr., holding the neck with a cross crosslet gu. (for the battlements an ostrich feather

a fleur-de-lis gu. Chatterton). (2) Out of a crown vallery sa., between four others of the first.

Charrington, issuing from a cloud a dexter or, a unicorn's head az., armed, crined, 269. 16

hand pointing to a star, all ppr. and tufted of the first, and charged Chawrey and Chawsey, an arm from the

222. 7 with a crescent of the same (for Smith). elbow erect ppr., vested per pale sa.
and arg., holding in the hand a covered
Charrington, Hugh Spencer, Esquire, of Loyal a mort. cf. 48. 12

Dove Cliff House, Burton-on-Trent, a Chatterton, Cambs, a demi-grifiin gu., cup or. cf. 203. 4

demi-gryphon gu., gorged with a collar beaked, legged, and winged or. Chawser and Chawsers, see Chaucer.

gemeUe, charged on the shoulder with 64. 2 Chaytor, Yorks. a stag's head lozengy

two annulets interlaced, and resting the Chatting, a human heart gu., transpierced arg. and az. cf. 120. 4

sinister claw on a cross patee, all or, by a sword in bend sinister, point Chaytor, Sir William Henry Edward,

and holding in the dexter claw a branch downward ppr. 181. 6 Bart., of Croft, Yorks, a buck's head
couped lozengy arg. and sa., attired or,
Aof thorn-tree ppr. Cassis tutissima Cbatto, Potts- : { I ) castle or, charged holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped

with a fleur-de-lis az., and surmounted

Charrington, Spencer, Esquire, of Huns- with a cinquefoil, also az. {for Chatto). vert. Fortune le vent. 120.4
don House, Hunsdon, near Ware, Herts,
same crest and motto. (2) A leopard sejant ppr., gorged with Chaytor, Clerveaux-, Clervaux Alexander,

a collar fleury counter- fleurv, therefrom of Spennithorne Hall, Yorks: (i) A

Charter of Bishop's Lydeard, Somers.. in a Une reflexed over the back, and rest- stag's head erased lozengy arg. and

front of a cubit arm vested az., cuffed ing the dexter paw on a fleur-de-lis, all az., the dexter attired of the first, and

arg., the hand holding a scroll entwined gu. Omnibus amicus. the sinister of the second {for Chaytor).

by a branch of myrtle, all ppr., an Chattock, a dexter hand holding a lion's cf. 120. 4. (2) An eagle displayed {for
AClerveaux). 75. 2. (3) heron ppr.
escallop also arg. Non sine jure. gamb ppr. cf. 220. 10

CharteriS, see Wemyss, Earl of. Chaucer, two lion's gambs arg. and gu., 105. 9

CharteriS, Scotland, a dexter hand grasp- supporting an escutcheon party per Cheales, an eagle's head erased or, due-

ing a dagger ppr. This is oiir chart. pale counterehanged. 39. i ally crowned arg. cf. 83. 2

212. 3 Chaucer, Chauser, and Chawcer, a tortoise Cheales, Rev. Alan, of Hagworthingham,
CharteriS, Scotland, a stork's head ppr. Lines, and Ellerslie, Tilehurst Road,
passant ppr. cf. 125. 5 Reading, an eagle's head erased or,
cf. 106. I
Chaumond, on a ehapeau ppr., a fieur-de-

CharteriS, an arm issuing out of a cloud lis az., between wings. cf. no. 5 ducally crowned az. Bene vivere et
holding a sword aloft ppr. Non gladio Chaumond, see Cbamond.

xcd gratia. Chauncey, a savage's arm embowed hold- Cheap of Rossie, Scotland, a garb or,


CharteriS, Charters, and Chartres, a demi- ing a club, all ppr. 202. 10 banded vert. Ditat virtus. 153-2

cat rampant gardant ppr. 26. 12 Chauncey, a dexter hand striking with a Cheape, George Clerk, Esquire, of Bentley

CharteriS, Richard Butler, Esquire, of dagger, aU ppr. JIanor, Broomsgrove, Worcs., same
Cahor Lodge, Tipperary, a swan ppr.
This our charter.
Chartnay or Chartney, two arms in armour Chauncy of Munden Parva. Herts, out of crest and motto.

embowed wielding a battle-axe ppr. "a
ducal coronet or, a griffin's head gu., , Cheape, James, Eijssqquuiirree, of Strathtyrum,

between two wings az., the inner parts St. Ann(d'rews,,, Fifesh., same crest and


of the wings gu. 67. i motto.

194. 12 [ of Madeira, a garb or, banded

Chaundler, a pehcan in her piety sa., the Cheape

Chartres, see Charteris. nest vert. 98. 8 gu. Ditat virtus. 153. 2

Chartsey, a dexter arm embowed holding Chauser, see Chaucer. Checkland, two cubit arms erect ppr.,

up two olive-branches in orle ppr. Chauster, two stag's attires ppr. 123. 5 holding two annulets interlaced sa.,
each arm charged with a cinquefoil gu.
202. 4 Chausy, out of a ducal coronet or, a Omne bonum, Dei donum.

Chartsey, a wolf passant sa., devouring a griffin's head paly of four az. and gu.,

fish arg. cf. 28. 10 between two wings expanded, the dex- Checkland, George Edward, Thurnby
ter az., quill feathers gu., the sinister Court, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, same crest
Chase, a griffin's head erased holding in

the beak a key. 66. 6 gu., feathered az. ' and motto.

67. i



Checkland, William, Esquire, of Swan- Chenell, an arm ppr., vested sa., cuffed Cheshire of Dublin, a leopard's face arg.,

nington House, Leics., same crest and or, holding in the hand a covered cup jessant three roses gu., leaved vert.

motto. arg. cf. 203. 4 Cheshire or Chesshyre, a hawk's lure

Chedder and Cheder, on a chapeau gu., Cheney, a buU's scalp or, horned arg. purp. 178. II

turned up arg., a lion passant gardant 123- S Cheslie, Chiesly, and Chislie, Scotland,

az,, ducally crowned ppr. cf. 4. 5 Chenevix, a hand erect grasping a sword an eagle displayed ppr. Credo et

Chedworth, Devonsh., a wolf's head sa., ppr., hilted and pommelled, and pierc- videho. 75-2

iiillaied or. 30. 9 ing a fleur-de-lis or. cf. 212. 3 I Cheslin of London, a tower arg. 156. 2

Chedworth, Devonsh., a demi-lion ram- Chenevix-Trench, Alfred, Esquire, of Cheslin, a fleur-de-lis per pale vert and

iiant gardant az., holding in the dexter Villa Bona Ventura, Cadenabbia, Italy, I az. 148. 2

\r.\\\ a battle-axe ppr. 16. 14 a dexter arm in armour embowed, the Chesly, Scotland, a rose ppr., slipped and

Cheek, issuant from between the horns hand grasping a cutlass, all j leaved vert. Fragrat post funera virtus.
of a crescent a cross pattee fitchee gu.
cf. 163. 6 ppr.


Virtutis forluna comes. 149. 5

Chenevix-Trench, Colonel Charles, R.A., j Chesman, sec Cheeseman.

Cheeke, on a chapeau a lion passant ppr. same crest and motto. Chesney, a man's head bearded and

4. 9 Chenevix-Trench, George Frederick, Es- wreathed ppr. 190. 4

Cheeke, Somers. and Suff., a sword in quire, same crest and motto. Chesshyre, Essex, a hawk's lure purp.,

pale eusigned with a cross pattee. Chenevix-Trench, Rev. Herbert Francis, feathered or. 178. 11

169. 5 of St. Peter's Vicarage, Isle of Thanet, Chester of Bush Hall, Herts, and Royston,
Cheeke, Suff., out of a naval coronet or,
same crest and motto. Cambs, a demi-griffin segreant erm.,

a demi-mermaid holding a comb and Chenevix-Trench, Julius, Esquire, same beak, tongue, talons, and eyes ppr.

mirror ppr. 1S4. 14 crest and motto. Vincit qui patitur. 64. 2

Cheere, a talbot passant az., collared or, Chenevix-Trench, Philip Francis, Esquire, Chester of Chichley Hall, Bucks, a ram's

resting his fore-paw on an escallop of same crest and motto. head couped arg., armed or. 130. i

the last. <•/. 54- 2 Chenevix-Trench, Samuel Richard, Es- Chester of Amesbury, Glouc, a lion's

Cheere, a talbot passant az., collared and quire, same crest and motto. gamb erased gu., holding a broken

ringed or. Prcetnium virtutis honor. Cheney of Badger Hall, Shifnal, Shropsh., sword arg., hilted or. 38. 2

cf. 54. 2 a bull's horns and scalp arg. Fato Chester of Blabie, Leics., a dragon passant

Cheese of Huntington Court, Heref., a prudentia major. (See Cure.) 123. 8 arg. 73. 2

lion's head erased or. Omnia fert (etas. Cheoke, a bird's head sa. Chester, Henry Morris, Poyle Park,

17. 8 Chepstow, an arm vambraced az., studded Surrey, a dragon passant erm. Vincit

Cheeseman and Chesman, a dexter hand and garnished or, holding a sword ppr. qui patitur.

holding a royal crown ppr. 217. i 195. 2 Chester, Essex, a cutlass arg., hilt and

Cheetham of Rycroft House, Rochdale, Cherbron, a lion's gamb erect gu., hold- pommel or, between two branches of

and Brooklyn, Heywood, Lanes, a ing a griffin's head erased or. laurel ppr. cf. 170. 3

derai-griffin wings addorsed gu., be- Chere, a talbot passant az., collared and Chesterfield, Earl of (Scudamore-Stan-

zantee, the mouth transfixed by a ringed or. Prmmium virtutis honor. hope) : (I) A tower az., and from the

tilting-spear or, holding between the cf. 54- 2 battlements thereof a demi-lion issuant
or, ducally crowned gu., holding be-
claws a bezant. Ad mortem fidelis. Cherley, a cross patonce between two

Cheetham, of Singleton House. Broughton, stalks of wheat or, leaved ppr. tween the paws a grenade fired ppr.

Kent, in front of a demi-griffin segreant 154- 13 (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a bear's

gu., resting the sinister claw on a cross Cherry, a demi-lion arg., holding an Apaw sa. ppr. Deo et rege. cf. 157. 10

potent sa., a plate. Quod tuum tene. annulet gu. cf. 10. 2 Chesterfield, on a chapeau a greyhound

6=.- 4 Cherry, a demi-lion arg., holding a gem- statant ppr. 58. 4

Cheetham, Sydney William, M.R.C.S., ring or, enriched with a precious stone Chesterman, a demi - griffin. Semper

233, Romford Road, Forest Gate, E., ppr. cf. 10. 2 fidelis. 64. 2

a demi-griffin segreant gu., charged Cherry, Rev. Benjamin Newman, Clip- Chesterton, a tiger's head erased.

the breast with a cross potent re sham Rectory, Oakham, Rut., a stag j Cheston, Sulf., a dexter gauntlet in fess
or. Quod tuum tene. 1

couchant regardant. ppr., holding a sword arg., hilt and

Cbeflield, Rutl., an arm in armour couped Cherry-Garrard, Major-General j pommel or, on the blade a Saracen's


and erabowed resting on the elbow, of Lamer Park, Wheathampstead, ' head couped, distilling blood of the

holding a sword, all ppr. AHerts: (i) leopard sejant ppr. (for Exfirst. merito. cf. 211.11

cf. 195. 2 Garrard). (2) A demi-lion arg., the Chetham, in the sea a rock ppr. 179. 5
Chein and Cheine, on a chapeau two
neck encircled with an annulet, and Chetham, Sufi., a griffin passant regar-

lions supporting a garb ppr. 3. 5 holding between the paws a fleur-de-lis dant arg., wings addorsed or, charged

Chein and Cheine, Scotland, a cross within an annulet gu. (for Cherry). with a crescent gu. cf. 63. 14

pattee fitohed arg. Palienta vincit. Cheris I'espoir. Chettle, on a rock a wyvern, wings ad-

166. 3 Cherwood, a unicorn's head or, between dorsed ppr. 69. 1 1

Cheisly or Chesly, Scotland, a rose ppr., two laurel-branches vert. 49. 14 Chetum, Lanes, a demi-griffin gu.,

slipped and leaved vert. Fragrat post Chesbrough, a demi-lion rampant gu., charged with a cross potent az. Quod

funera virtus. 149. 5 holding between the paws a cross tuum tene. cf. 64. 2
20. 2
Chelley, a leg in armour, couped below pattee or. 1 1 . 2 Chetwode, a sea-lion sejant.

the knee and spurred, all ppr. 193. 4 Cheseiden, Cheseldon, Cheseldyne, and Chetwode, Sir George, Bart., of Chetwode,
Chelmick, Shropsh., a lion .sejant gar- Cheselton, Rutl. and Leics., a talbot Bucks, and Oakley, Staffs, out of a
couchant arg., spotted sa., collared and ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant
dant or, supporting with the dexter

paw an escutcheon vert. cf. 8. 2 lined or. cf. 54. II gu. Corona mea Christus. i6. 3

Chelmsford, Baron (Thesiger), 5, Knares- Chesham, Baron (Cavendish), Latimer, Chetwode, Wilmot- : (i) Out of a ducal

borough Place, S.W., a cornucopia in Chesham, Bucks, a snake nowed ppr. coronet or, a demi-lion rampant gu.

fess, the horn or, the fruit ppr., thereon Cavendo tutus. 142. 4 (for Chetwode). 16. 3. {2) Out of a
crescent gu., a demi-man-tiger rampant
a dove, holding in the beak a sprig Chesham, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet,

of laurel ppr. Spes et /ortuna. 93. a lion's gamb erect or. 36. 12 arg., horned and imgu. or (for Wal-
Chelsea, Viscount, see Cadogan, Earl.
Chesham, Lanes, a falcon wings ex- Annell). (3) eagle's head erased sa.,

Chelsum, a garb or. 153. 2 panded ppr. 87. I holding in the beak an escallop gu.,

Chelsum, a greyhound current arg. Chesham, two arms embowed holding a (for Wilmot). Corona mea Christus.

cf. 58. 2 chess castle or. cf. S3. 2
Cheltenham, a demi-eagle displayed ppr.
Cheshire, a talbot sejant supporting Chetwode, Ludford-, Warw. : (i) Out of
81. 6 a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ram-
Chemere, a peer's helmet or. cf. 180. 4 with his paws a shield charged with
Apant gu. (for Chetwode). 16. 3. (2)
a garb. cf. 55. 3

^ :)



boar's head coupetl erminois, holding Cheyne of Straloch, a Capuchin's cap. gill Lodge, Bernard Castle, Wood Hall,
in the mouth a cross pattce gu., the Fear God. Hull, and Runnamoat, Roscommon
head charged with an escallop sa. {for Cheyne, Scotland, an ibex's head and (l) A dragon's head couped barry of

Ludford). neck gorged with a collar, with one six arg. and gu., charged with nine

Chetwood and Chetwoode, see Chetwode. link of a chain affixed thereto. lozenges or, three, three, and three (for

Chetwood-Aiken : ( i ) A cross crosslet Cheyney, Kent. Beds, and Berks, a bull's AConstable). (2) stork rising holding

fitchee gu. (jor Aiken). Motto, In\ scalp or, attired arg. 123. 8 —in the beak a snake ppr. Surgit post

cruce salus. i66. 2. (2) Out of a Cheyney, Cambs, a cap or, turned up az., nubila Phoebus. Ferme en foy.

ducal coronet or, a demi-lion issuant on each side a feather erect ppr. Chick, Sussex, a demi-peeasus rampant

sa. [for Chdwood), and the motto, Cheyney, a wolf passant vert, ducaUy sa., enfiled round the body with a ducal

Corona mea Christus. i6. 3 gorged and lined or. cf. 28. 10 coronet or. Non temere. 47. 7

Chetwood-Aiken, John, Esquire, of the Cheyney, Bucks, a bear's head erased Chiefly, a lion's head erased or. 17. 8

Glen, Stoke Bishop, Glouc, same crests gu., environed round the neck twice Chiene, on a chapeau two lions support-

and mottoes. with a chain passing through the mouth ing a garb ppr. 3. 5

Chetwyn, a human heart pierced with a arg., ringed or. f/- 35- Chiesly, Scotland, a rose gu., stalked

passion-nail ppr. cj. 181. 4 Chibnall, a wolf's head ppr. 30. 5 vert. Fragrat post funera virtus. 149.5

Chetwynd, Viscount (Chetwynd), 25, Chibnall, Beds and Xorthamp., a dragon's Chiesly, Scotland, an eagle displayed

Elvaston Place, S.W., a goat's head head erased sa., ducally gorged and ppr. Credo et videbo. 75. 2

erased arg., armed or. Probitas veriis lined or. f/. 72. 9 CMIborne, Essex, a hawk's head erased

honos. 128. 5 Chichele ami Chichley, a tiger passant az., holding in the beak a ring or, to

Chetwynd, Sir George, Bart., of Grendon, arg. holdii ith a man's leg which is attached an estoile of the last.

Warw., a goat's head erased arg., couped at the thigh ppr., the foot Chilcot, two garbs in saltire.

armed or. Quod Dens vidt fia. 128. 5 downwards. Chilcote and Chilcott, Surrey, out of a
Chetwynd-Stapylton, Lieutcnant-General Chicheley, Cambs, tiger passant arg. ducal coronet a mount ppr., thereon a

Granville George, out of a ducal coronet cf. 27. II stag at gaze gu. Spero. 118. 7

or, a Saracen's head ppr. Fide sed cui Chichester, Marquess of Donegal, see Child- Villiers, Earl of Jersey, see Jersey.

vide. Donegal. Child, Coles, Bromley Palace, Bromley,

Chetwynd-Stapylton, Henry Goulburn, Chichester, Baron Ennishowen, see En- Kent, an eagle with wings expanded

Esquire, of HiUiers, Petworth, Sussex, nishowen. arg., holding in the beak a snake en-

same crest and motto. Chichester, Earl of (Pelham), Stanmer, twined round the neck and legs ppr.

Chetwynd-Stapylton, Miles, Esquire, same Lewes, Sussex, a peacock in pride Child, Bart, (extinct), of Surat, East Indies,

crest and motto. arg. Badge, a buckle or. Vincet amor and Dervill, Essex, a leopard's face or,

Chetwynd-Stapylton, Rev. William, of pair ice. 103. 2 between two laurel-branches ppr. Spes

Hallaton, I.ieics., same crest and motto. Chichester, William Henry, Esquire, of alit.

Cheureuse, an eagle displayed or, winged Grenofen, Tavistock, Devonsh., same Child of Langley Bury, Herts, an eagle,

arg. 75- 2 crest and motto. wings expanded erm., holding in the

Chevalier, a demi-chevalier in armour Chichester, Charles, of Hall, Devonsh., a beak a trefoil slipped vert. cf. 77. 2

brandishing a scimitar, all ppr. 187. 4 heron rising with an eel in its mouth Child, Hants and Shropsh., an eagle
Chevallier, a lion's head erased arg.,
opr. Ferme en foy. cf. 104. 13 with wings expanded arg., round the
langued gu. Fidei coticula crux.
17.8 AChichester : ( i ) heron devouring a neck a snake entwined ppr. Imitare

Cheverell and Cheverill, two dexter snake, all ppr. (for Chichester). 105. 8. quam invidere. 77. 8
hands conjoined holding a sword in
(2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- Child, Cecil E. C, Vemham, Merton Hall

griffin segreant ppr. (for Hopton). In- Road, Wimbledon, same crest and

pale, all ppr. 224. 7 vitum sequitur honor. 64. 4

Chevers, an arm in armour embowed, Chichester, Devonsh. and Dorset, a stork Child, Sir Smith. Bart., of Newfield and

couped at the shoulder, the part above with wings addorsed ppr., holding in Stallington Hall, Staffs., an eagle with

the elbow in fess, the hand in pale its beak a snake vert. 104. 13 \\ings elevated arg., entwined round

holding a close helmet ppr. 198. 11 Chichester, the late Rev. Arthur the neck by a snake ppr., holding in

Chevers, a demi-goat saliant arg., col- Chichester, of the Rectory, Badlesmere, the beak a cross crosslet fitchee, and

lared gu., crined and ungu. or. En Kent: A(i) heron, wings addorsed, in each wing charged with a mullet of
six points gu. Imilari quam invidere.
Dieu esl ma joi. cj. 128. 2 its beak an eel, all ppr. (for Chichester).

Chevers, John Joseph, Esquire, of Killyan (2) In front of a chaplet of holly frueted cf. 77. 8
House, Ballinasloe, co. Galway, same
ppr., a torch erect or, fired ppr. {for Child of London and Worcs., on a rock

crest and motto. Burnard). Ardet in arduis. ppr., an eagJe rismg, the wings addorsed

Cheverton, Hants, out of a castle triple- Chichester, Rev. Edward Arthur, of the arg., gorged with a ducal coronet or,

towered a demi-lion, all ppr. Invicta Vicarage, Dorking, a stork rising with round the neck an adder entwined ppr.

labore. 155. 10 a snake in its beak, all ppr. Invilum cf- 77. 8

Chevil, an arm in armour embowed hold- sequitur honor. Child, Herbert Henry, Rudhall, Boss,

ing in the hand a sword, all ppr. Chichester-O'Neil, Rev. William, of Heref., on a rock an eagle with wings

195. 2 Shane's Castle, co. Antrim, Preben- endorsed and inverted, collared and
dary of St. Michael's, in the city and chained, and resting the dexter claw
Chew of London and Beds, a griffin

sejant arg., guttee-de-sang, beaked, diocese of Dublin : ( i ) An arm em- on a serpent nowed. Probitas verus
bowed in armour grasping a sword, all
legged, and mnged sa., the dexter Appr. (for O'Neil). 195. 2. (2) stork honos.
claw resting on a catherine-wheel gu. Child, Surrey, an eagle with wings ex-
rising with a snake in its beak, all ppr.
cj. 62. 10 panded between two ears of big-wheat,

Chewton, Viscount, .s^e Waldgrave, Earl. (for Chichester). Lamh dearg Eirin. holding in the beak a serpent entwined
Cheylesmore, Baron (Eaton), Cheylesmore, round the neck, all ppr. Imitare quam
104. 13

Coventry, a lion's head erased arg., Chichester, Sir Edward, Bart., of Youl- invidere. cf. 77. 8

devouring a tun or, gorged with a ston, Barnstaple, Devonsh., a bittern Child, Hooke-, Albert Theodore, Esquire,

double chain of the same, suspended rising with an eel in its beak ppr. of Finchley New Road, London : (
Chichester, Nugent, Esquire, of Calver-
therefrom an escutcheon az., charged Upon a fret gu., an eagle, the wings
leigh Court, Tiverton, Devonsh.: (1)
with a cross couped, also or. Vincit elevated arc, entwined round the neck
A Agoldfinch ppr. (for Nagle). (2)
omnia Veritas. 257. i by a serpent ppr., each wing charged

Cheyn and Cheyne, a dexter hand holding heron rising with an eel in the beak with a trefoil slipped, also gu. (for
Child). (2) Upon a mount, between
an escallop ppr. 216. 2 ppr. (for Chichester). Ferme en foy. two ears of wheat stalked and leaved

Cheyne, of Esselmont, Scotland, a cross Chichester - Constable, Walter George

pattee fitched or. Patientia vincit. Raleigh. Esquire, of Burton Constable, or, an escallop az. (for Hooke). Imi-

166. 3 Hull, Wycliffe Hall, Darlington, Scar- tare quam invidere.



Childe of Kinlet, Shropsh., and North- Chirnside, Scotland, a hawk with wings Cholmeley and Cholmondley, a demi-
i griffin segreant sa., winged and beaked
or, holding in the claws a helmet ppr.
wicke, Worc3., an eagle with wings expanded ppr. 87. I


expanded arg., enveloped round the Chiseldine, a talbot couchant arg., spotted

neck and body with a snake ppr. yj. 8 sa., eared and collared gu., chained or, cf. 64. I
Childe-Freeman, Rev. Edward Leonard,
the end of the chain in a bow-knot of Cholmeley, Sir Hugh Arthur Henry,
of Edwyn Ralph Rectory, Bromyard,
Worcs. : (I) An eagle with wings ex- the last. cf. 54. 1 Bart., Easton Hall, Grantham: (i) A

Chisenal and Chisenhall, Lanes, a griffin Agarb or. (2) demi-griffin segreant

panded arg , entwined round the neck segreant gu. 62. 2 sa., beaked, winged, and membered

by a serpent ppr. [jor Childe). (2) On Chisholm of that ilk, a dexter arm in or, holding between the claws a

a mount vert, a cockatrice arg., wattled, armour embowed from the shoulder, helmet ppr., garnished of the second.

combed, and beaked or, ducally gorged the hand holding a scimitar in bend, cf. 64. I

and lined, also or, and charged by a all ppr. Vi el virlute. iq6. 10 Cholmeley, Hugh Charles Faiifax, Es-
crescent sa. for difference. Per Deum quire, Bransby Hall, Easingwold,
Chisholm, Sir Samuel, Bart., 20, Belhaven Yorks; (i) On a helmet affronte arg.
—meum, transUio murum (for Baldwyn). Aa garb or. {2) derai-griffin segreant
Pax et plenitudo. Terrace, Glasgow, a hand holding a sa., beaked, winged, and membered or,

boar's head erased ppr. Colo com- bearing a helmet arg. Cassis tutis-
sima virtus.
Chllde-Pemberton, William Shakespear, muniiatem. 257. 9
Cholmley, Bart., of Whitby and Hil-
:i, Granville Place, Portraan Square, Chisholm, Kent and Scotland, a hand deuby, Yorks, a full-fronted helmet

W. : ( I ) Au eagle with wings expanded couped below the wrist holding a Awith grills arg., thereon a garb or.
arg., standing upon and entwined round
dagger erect, all ppr., on the point a

the neck by a snake ppr. {Childe). (3) boar's head erased or, laugued gu.

On a mount vert, a cockatrice arg., cf. 212. 2

wattled, combed, and beaked or, Chisholm, Roderick Donald Matheson, of la volonte de Dien.

ducally gorged, lined, and ringed gold, Erchless Castle, Inverness, a dexter Cholmley of Whitby, Yorks, a demi-griffin

a crescent sa. for cadency {Baldicyn). hand holding a dagger erect ppr., on segreant sa., beaked or, holding in the

(3) In front of a griffin's head couped the point a boar's head couped gu. dexter claw a helmet arg. 64. i

sa., a crescent or {Pemberlon). Per Feroi ferio. 212. 2 Cholmondeley, Marquess of (Cholmon-

deum meum, transUio murum. Chisholm, England and Scotland, a dex- deley), Cholmondeley Castle, Malpas,

Childers of Cantley, Yorks. a cubit arm ter hand holding a sword erect ppr., Chesh., a demi-griffin segreant sa.,

erect habited in chain armour, and on the point a boar's head couped gu. beaked, winged, and membered or,

holding in the gauntlet ppr. an oval Vi el arte. 212. 2 holding between the claws a helmet

buckle, tongue erect az. Chisholm, The (J. Chisholm Gooden- ppr., garnished of the second. Cassis

Chilmick, Shropsh., a lion sejant gardant Chisholm), of 33, Tavistock Square, tutissima virtues. cf. 64. I
or, supporting with the dexter paw an London, a dexter hand holding a
Cholmondeley, Rev. Richard Hugh, 62,

escutcheon vert. cf. 8. 2 dagger erect ppr., on the point a boar's Albert Gate Mansions, S.W., same crest

Chilton, a boar's head couped at the neck head couped gu. Feras ferio. 212.2 and motto.

or, holding in the mouth two roses, one Chisholme, out of a ducal coronet a Cholmondeley, Baron Delamere, see Dela-

arg., the other gu., leaved and stalked dragon's head with wings addorsed.

ppr. 72. I Cholmonly of London, a helmet arg.,

Chilton, Kent, a griffin passant sa., Chisholme of Comer, Scotland, a dexter garnished or, charged with three tor-
teaux, one and two.
bezantee. cf. 6j. 2 hand holding a dagger in pale ppr.

Chliworth, Devonsh., a boar's head and Vi et virlute. 212. 9 Cholwell, a leopard's face az. 22. 2

neck erased sa., ducally gorged or. Chisholme, Scotland, a boar's head Cholwich and Cholwick, a lion's gamb

erased. 42. 2 erect and erased sa., supporting an

Chiney, an arm in armour embowed Chislie, Scotland, an eagle displayed ppr. ancient shield per pale or and arg.

holding in the gauntlet a sabre, all Credo et videho. 7S- ^ <:/• 37- 2
Cholwich, Lear-, of Teignmouth, Devonsh.:
ppr. 195. 2 Chissell, three chisels arg., handles or,
(I) A lion's gamb erased sa., support-
Clunn, Glouc, on a ducal coronet or, a two in saltire, the handles down-

greyhound sejant arg. 4cf. c,g. wards, and one in pale, the handle up- ing an antique shield per pale erminois

Chinnery, Bart, (extinct), of Flintfield, wards. and erm. (for Cholwich). cf. 37. 2. (2)

Cork, Ireland, on a globe or, an eagle Ctliswell of London, a mermaid ppr. A demi-unicorn erminois supporting a

rising ppr., collared, also or. Nee temere, 184. 5 staff raguly gu. (for Lear).
Cholwich and Cholwick of Cholwich,
nee timide. cf. 159. 7 Chiswell of liOndon, a dove with brings

Chinnery-Haldane, Right Rev. James displayed arg., beaked and legged gu., Devonsh., a fox's head couped sa. 33.
Cholwill or Cholville, Devonsh., a hnnet
Robert Alexander, of AUtshellach standing on a bezant and holding in

Onich, Inverness-sh., Bishop of Argyll the beak a laurel-branch vert. ppr.
and the Isles : ( i ) On the dexter Chittinge, a talbot's head erased arg.
side an eagle's head erased or (for Chooke, an ibex's head erased arg.,
Haldane). 83. 2. (2) On the sinister 56. 2
Chittock, a demi-atag ppr., attired or. gorged with a crown gu., double-

horned or.

side, perched on a globe or, an eagle 119. 2 Chope, Rev. R. R., St. Augustine's

rising ppr., collared of the first (for Chittock, an antelope trippant ppr. Vicarage, 117, Queen's Gate, S.W., a

Chinnery). Suffer.— Nee temere, nee 126. 6 lion passant.

timide. cf. 159. 7 Chitty of London, a talbot's head couped Chopinge of London, a tree vert, fructed
or, the stem arg., charged with two
Chlpchase, a demi-eagle displayed hold- or. 56. 12 bends wavy gu., on the sinister side of

ing in the dexter claw a laurel-branch Chitwood, on a mount vert, a crow sa.

ppr. cf. 81. 6 107. 9 the stem a woodpecker ppr.
Chitwynde, a sword in pale ppr., on the
Chipman, Somers., a leopard sejant arg., Chorley, Lanes and Staffs, on a chapeau

muraUy crowned gu. cf. 24. 13 point a boar's head erased. cf. 42. 4 gu., turned up erm., a hawk's head
Chivers, a comet star, the tail towards
Chipnam, Heref., a dexter and sinister erased arg. 89. 6

arm shooting an arrow from a bow ppr. the sinister ppr. 164. 10 Chough, a demi-lion rampant sa., col-

200. 2 lared arg., holding in the paws a

Chippendale and Chippingdale, of Craven, halberd in pale or. cf. 15. 4

Yorks, Humberston, Leics., Blacken- Choiseul, Ireland, a dexter and sinister Chowne, a cubit arm erect in armour

hall. Staffs, and of London, a lion's hand supporting a two-edged sword in holding in the gauntlet ppr. a broad
gamb erect arg., erased gu., holding a
pale, all ppr. 213. i arrow sa., feathered arg.
Chrighton or Crighton, a dragon's head
fleur-de-lis or. Firmor ad fidem. Choke, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-

Chipperfleld of London, an eagle displayed stork displayed arg., beaked gu. vomiting fire ppr. 72. 3

gu. Spernit pericula virtue. 75. 2 Choke, Berks, a stork's head ppr., beaked Chrisope, an antelope trippant ppr., col-

CUrblond, a winged heart ppr. 112. 10 gu. cf. 106. I lared and chained or. cf. 126. 6



Chrisope, a bear's head muzzled. 34. 14 Christison, Sir Alexander, Bart., of 40, Church, Essex, an arm in armour ppr.,

ChristaU, Scotland, a fir-tree ppr. Per Moray Place, Edinburgh, a Passion garnished or, holding in the hand a

angyista ad augueta. 144.13 cross gu., on three grieces ppr. Vitam baton of the same.

Christian, Ireland, a lion couchant gar- dirigai. 166. I Church, a hand holding a sword erect

dant ppr. 7- 10 Christison, John, Esquire, Writer to the between two branches of laurel en-

Christian, a lion sejant gardant erect Signet, of 40, Moray Place, Edinburgh, twined round the blade. Virtule.

holding in the dexter paw a cross, and a Passion cross gu., on three grieces Church, Ireland, a talbot collared, all

resting the sinister on a pyramid sa. ppr. Vitam dirigat. 166. i ppr. 54- 2

<•/. 8. 12 Christmas, an arm embowed ppr., vested Church, a cloud ppr. 162. 13

Chlistian, a unicorn's head erased arg., or, covered with leaves vert, supporting Church, a demi-lion rampant or, bran-
collared, maned, and armed or. a staff couped and raguly arg. dishing in his dexter paw a battle-axe
Christmas, an arm ppr., charged with two ppr., and resting his sinister paw on a
49. I.I bars or and gu., holding a double
branch of roses flowered of the second,
Christian, out of a naval coronet a uni- cross gu.
Church, Samuel Church, Esquire : (i) In
corn's head, cf. 48. 12

Christian of Ewanrigg, Cumb., a uni- leaved vert. front of a Passion cross gu., a pelican
corn's head erased arg., armed and Christopher, Norf., a unicorn's head in her piety arg., the wing charged
with a rose, also gu., barbed and seeded
gorged with a collar invecked or. erased arg. 49- 5
Appr. {/or Church). (2) lion rampant
Salus per Christum. cf. 49. 1 Christopher of Norton, Durham, two
regardant sa., semee of pheons, and
Christian, the figure of Hope ppr., robed arms embowed. vested az., the hands
holding between the paws a mascle or
arg., leaning on an anchor or. ppr., supporting an anchor sa., cabled

Christian, a greyhound current ppr. arg. Arte conservatiis. Deo conser- {for Philips). Vidnera ecclesirr- liher-

e/. 58. 2 orum vita.

Christie, Robert Maitland, of Durie, Fife, Christopher, Captain Alfred Charles Seton, Church, Sir William Selby, Bart., K.C.B.,
a dexter hand holding a letter ppr. of 9, Sloane 'Terrace Mansions, London,
Pro rege. S.W., two arms embowed vested az., the Woodside, Hatfield, Herts, a grey-
hands ppr. supporting an anchor sa.,
Christie, a cross Calvary gu. Sit vita hound's head sa., erased gu., collared

az., and charged with two bezants.

nomini congrua. 1 66. i cabled arg. Mea spes est in Deo. 262. 4
Christopher, Danby Stevens, Esquire, of
Christie, a brown bear passant muzzled, Church, a greyhound's head erased sa.,
28, Argyll Street, London, W., same
the cliain reflexed over the shoulder or, crest and motto. platee, collared or.
Christopher, Henry Carmichael, Esquire,
on the back a bezant charged with a same crest and motto. Churehar, Sussex, an heraldic tiger pas-
sant arg., maned and tufted or. 25. 5
cross sa., the dexter paw resting on an
Churche, Essex, a demi-greyhound sa.,
escutcheon per pale of the last and gu. gorged with a collar or, charged with

Integer vita'. 269. 4 Christopher, Leonard William, Esquire,

Christie, Augustus Langhara, Esquire, of of Murre, Punjab, same crest and three lozenges gu., holding a trefoil of

Tapeley Park, Instow, North Devonsh., motto. the second.

and 42, Great Cumberland Place, Christopher, Wilmot Conway, Esquire, Churche, Shropsh., a greyhound's head

London, W., same crest and motto. same crest and motto. erased erm., collared, lined, and ringed

Christie, William Langham, Esquire, of Christopher, a stag's head cabossed ppr. or. cf. 61. 2
ftlyndebourne, Lewes, Susse.\, and Churchey, Wales, a greyhound's head
117, Eaton Square, S.W., same crest 122. 5
and motto. Christopherson, Sussex, a demi-eagle re- erased sa., collared or, holding in the
mouth a trefoil slipped gu.
Christie, Ireland out of an earl's coronet gardant holding in the dexter claw a Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, see Marl-
sword ppr. Ardenter prnsequor alis. borough.
a Moor's head from the shoulders, all Christy of Apuldrefield, Kent, a mount

ppr. 1 82. 2 vert, thereon the stump of a holly- ChurchiU, Viscount (Spencer), G.C.V.O.,

Christie, a holly-sUp leaved and frncted tree sprouting between four branches RoUeston, Leics., out of a ducal coronet

ppr. 150. 10 of fern, all ppr. Sic viresco. or, a griffin's head between two wings

Christie, Thomas Craig, Esquire, of Christy, Richard, Esquire, of Watergate, expanded arg., gorged with a bar-
Bedlay Chryston, Glasgow, Lanarksh., Emsworth, Sussex, same crest and gemelle gu., armed of the first. Dieu

a branch of holly leaved and fructed motto. defend le droit. cf. 67. i

ppr. Sic viresco. Christy, Joseph Fell, Esquire, of Upton, Churchill, Surrey and Dorset, out of a

Christie, a holly-stump leaved and fructed Alresford, Hants, same crest and ducal coronet "or, a demi-lion rampant

ppr. Sit vita nomini congrwi. 145. 10 motto. arg. Dieu defend le droit. 16. 3

Christie, John, Esquire, of Cowden and Christy, William Miller, Watergate, Ems- Churchill, Frederick, M.D., 4, Cranley

Glenfarg, Perth, and of Milnwood, worth, same crest and motto. Gardens, Queen's Gate, S.W., same

Lanarksh., a withered holly-branch Chritchley, Ireland, a lion rampant per crest.

sprouting out leaves ppr. Sic viresco. fesse, ejnbattled gu. and az. Honesta Churchill, Charles Morant, Manor House,

145- 10 qitam S'plendida. i. 13 Buckland Ripers, Dorset, same crest.

Christie of Craigton, Scotland, a holly- Chrystie, a lion's gamb erased holding a ChurchiU, a lion couchant gardant arg.,

branch withered with leaves sprouting dagger, all ppr. 3.S. 8 holding a flagstaff erect entwined with

anew ppr. Sic viresco. 145. 10 Chubb, Sir George Hayter, of Newlands, a branch of laurel ppr., flowing from

Christie, Hector, Esquire, of Langcliffe Chislehurst, Kent, in front of a demi- the staff to the sinister a banner swal-

Place, near Settle, Yorks, same crest lion supporting between its paws a low-tailed gu., charged with an Eastern

and motto. bezant charged with a rose gu., a key crown or.

Christie, Scotland, a holly-bush ppr. fesseways, wards upwards, or. ChurchiU, a lion couchant arg., holding

Sic viresco. 242. 2 a banner of the last charged with a

Christie-Miller, Sydney Richardson, Es- Chubbe, Dorset, a demi-lion az., holding

quire, J. P., of Moira House, 21, St. between the paws a bezant. I ' 7 ChurchiU, a savage's head affrontee,

James's Place, London ; of Britwell Chudleigh, a savage ppr., wreathed about ducally crowned ppr. 192. 9

Court, Burnham, Bucks ; and of the loins and temples vert, and holding Churchouse, William John Franklin,

Craigentinny, Midlothian, Scotland : in the dexter hand a club spiked or. Physician and Surgeon, Chard House,
Long Buckby, Rugby, a demi-lion
A(i) de.xter hand erect holding an Chudleigh, a savage ppr. in profile hold-

open book ppr. {for Miller). 279. 10 ing in the dexter hand a spiked club or, rampant holding between its paws a
with a bugle-horn hung over the sinis- church bell. Nunquam non fiddis.
(2) A holly-stump withered sprouting

—out leaves ppr. (for Christie). Manent ter shoulder, wreathed about the loins Churchman of London, on a garb in fess
279. 9
optima caelu. Sic viresco. and temples vert. or, a cock arg., beaked, legged, and

Christie, a phoenix in flames ppr. 82. 2 Chun, a boar passant regardant pierced wattled gu. 9i- 4

Christie, a phoenix's head in flames ppr. in the shoulder by an arrow, the end Churchward, Rev. Marcus Dimond Di-

82. 9 held in the mouth, all ppr. mond-, Vicar of Northam, Bideford,



Devonsh., issuant from three lozenges Clamond, Cornw., a griflfin sejant or. Clarence and Avondale, H.R.H. the late

conjoined in fesse gu., each charged 62. 10 Duke of, on a coronet composed of

witli a fleur-de-lis or, a buck's head Clanbrasil, Baron, see Rod'en, Earl of. crosses pattee and fleur-de-lis, a lion

couped ppr. Suaviter in modo. Clancarty, Earl of (Le Poer-Trench), statant gardant or, crowned with a

Cf. 121. 5 Garbally, Ballinasloc, co. Galway : (i) like coronet and differenced with a
An arm in armour embowed holding label of three points arg., the centre
Churchyard, an arm in armour embowed

liolding in the hand a baton, and there- in the hand a sword, all ppr. 195. 2. point charged with St. George's crosts.

on suspended a laurel crown, all ppr. A(2) lion rampant or, imperially Clarendon, Earl of (ViUiers), the Grove,
Churchyard, kShropsh., a dexter arm
crowned, holding in the dexter paw a Watford, Herts, a lion rampant arg.,

embowed and vambraced, holding a sword arg., hilt and pommel or, and in ducally crowned or. Fidei coticula

broken spear environed with a chaplet. the sinister a sheaf of arrows of the crux. I. 12

En Dieu et mon roy. - cj. 197. 3 Alast. (3) stag's head cabossed arg., Clarge, a ram's head couped arg., with

Churston, Baron (Yarde-Buller), of Chur- attired and between the attires a two straight and two bent horns or.

ston Ferrers and Lupton, Devonsh., a crucifix or. Consilio et prndentia. Clarges, out of a ducal coronet a ram's

Saracen's head afirontee couped ppr. 122. 13 head armed with four horns or.

Aquila non capit muscas. 190. 5 Clancy, Ireland, and Clanny, Durh., a Claridge, Essex, an eagle regardant. Cum

Churton, the late John, Esquire, of Mo- hand gauntleted holding a dagger in pcrictdo lucrurn. 76. 6

ranned, Rhyl, Flintsh., out of the pale, on the point a wolf's head couped Clarina, Baron (Massey), Elm Park,

battlements of a tower ppr., a demi- close, dropping blood gu. Liiiieriok, Ireland, out of a ducal

lion gu., gorged with a collar gemel Clancy, Ireland, a hand couped at the coronet or. a bull's head gu., armed sa.

or, holding in the dexter paw a sword wrist erect, holding a sword impaling a Pro libcrlale pulria:. 44. II

ppr., and resting the sinister paw on boar's head also couped, all ppr. 212. 6 Clark, a falcon rising. 87. i

an escutcheon erm., charged with a Clandjnen, Ireland, a demi-lion holding a Clark, Sir John Forbes, Bart., Tillypronie,

ram's head erased sa., armed or. ullet of six points. Tarland, Aberdeensh., a rock, therefrom
rising a falcon ppr., belled or, and
Avance:. Clanmorris, Baron (Bingham), New-

Churton, Shropsh., out of a mural coronet brook, Ballyglass, co. Mayo, Ireland, resting the dexter claw on a ducal
ppr., a demi-lion rampant gu., holding on a rocli an eagle rising, all ppr. Spes coronet of the last. Amat victoria curam.
in the paw a sword ppr., pommel and men Christus. Clark, Sir James Richardson Andrew,
Clanricarde, Marquess of (De Burgh-Can- Bart., Tidmarsh, near Reading, a demi-
hilt or. Avanec:.

Chussell, three chisels arff., handles or, ning), Porturana Castle, co. Galway : huntsraan winding a horn holding in
two in saltire, the liandles downwards, (l) A demi-lion rampant arg., charged his sinister hand a whip, all ppr.,
and one in pale, the hamlli' upwards. between a stags attirej, the scalp in
with three trefoils vert, holding in the

Chute, Hants and Kent, a gamitlet ppr., dexter paw an arrow pheoned and front arg. Free for a blast.

holding a broken sword arg., hilt and flighted ppr., the shaft or (for Canning). Clark, Andrew, Esquire, S.S.C, of 21,
pommel or. Bernard Street, Leith, and 19, Raeburn
Chute, Charles Lennard, of The Vyne, Acf. 13. 6. (2) cat-a-mountain sejant Place. Edinburgh, a falcon rising ppr.
Hants, a dexter cubit arm in armour,
the hand gauntleted grasping a broken gardant ppr., collared and chained or Honore et virtute. 87. i
sword in bend sinister ppr., hilt and {for De Burgh). Nug roy, nug joy, nug
pommel or. Clark of Bellefleld, Trowbridge, and Cum-
hi/. 26. 13
Chute, Wiggett- : (i) A de.xter cubit arm
Clanwilliam, Earl of (Meade), GiU Hall, berwell, near Bradford, Wilts, a swan
in armour, the hand gauntleted
grasping a broken sword in bend Dromore, cO. Down, Ireland, an eagle arg., ducally gorged, and with a chain
sinister ppr., hilt and pommel or {for reflexed over the back or, charged on
Chute). (2) A griffin's head couped displayed with two heads sa., armed the wings with an estoile gu ,.and
sa., holding in the beak an ear of wheat resting the dexter foot on a cross
ppr., between two wings arg., each or. Toujours pret. 74. 2

charged with a mullet gu. (for Wiggett). Clapcott, a buck's head couped sa.,

Fortune de querre. attired or. 121. 5 moline, also gu.

Chute, Wiggett-, Rev. Devereux, of Sher- Clapham, Scotland, a dexter hand hold- Clark of Bishop Wearmouth, Durh., a
borne St. John, Basingstolie, same
crests and motto. ing a helmet ppr. 217. 12 swan ppr., reposing his dexter foot on

Chuter, a dexter hand holding a spur. Clapham, a lion rampant sa., holding in an ogress. cf. 99. 2

217. 14 the dexter paw a sword arg., pommel Clark, Frederick, Esquire, D.L., of Great

and liilt or. Cumberland Place, London, upon the
Clapham, T. R., Austwiok Hall, same
trunk of a tree eradicated fessewise,

crest. sprouting to the dexter, a lark rising
ppr., charged on the breast with a rose
Clapham of Burley Grange, Yorks, a gu., and hohh'ng in the beak three ears
lion rampant sa. Post est occasio calva. of wheat slipped or.

Chyner, an antelope's head erased erm. Clapp, a pike naiant ppr. 139- Clark, Charles Stanley Gordon, Esquire,

126. 2 Clapperton, Scotland, a talbot two pellets, thereon a lark rising ppr.,
gorged with a collar gemel arg., and
Cidderowe, out of a tower arg., a demi- arg. Fides prcestantior aura. 54. i holding in the beak an ear of wheat

lion rampant sa. 157- II Clapton, Hants, a dolphin hauriant, head leaved and slipped or. Be advised.

Clely, Cornw., a tiger sejant arg. downwards. Clark, Henry Herbert Gordon, Esquire,
of Micklehara Hall, near Dorking, same
27.6 Clapton, Edward, M.D., 41, Eltham
crest and motto.
Cinsallagh, Ireland, a lion's head erased Road, Lee, S.E., a bay horse's head
Clark, Crawfurd A. Gordon, Esquire,
ppr. 17. 8 erased, bridled and charged with a
same crest and motto.
Cipriani, an eagle displayed sa., crowned quatrefoil or, gorged with a chain of Clark, Gilchrist-, of Speddoch, Dum-

gu. cf. 74. 14 the last, pendent therefrom a bell az. friessh., Scotland, within a serpent in
Clabrock, Middx. and Kent, out of a
Laudo et plaudo. a circle an estoile pierced or. Animo

ducal coronet or, a demi-ostrich arg., Clare, Earl of (Fitzgibbon), a boar pas-

wings displayed erm., holding in the sant gu., bristled or, charged on the

beak a horse-shoe sa. 96. 8 body with three annulets of the last. et scientia.

Clack, on a mount a holy lamb bearing a yU admirari. cf. 40. 8 Clark, Norf., an eagle's leg gu., joined to

flag, all ppr. 131. 14 Clare, John Leigh, Esquire, of Hoylake, a wing or. cf- "S- 5

Clack, an old man's head couped at the Birkenhead, upon a mill-rind fesseways Clark, a griffin's head erased. 66. 2

shoulders, vested gu., wreathed arg. or, a cock with wings expanded gu. Clark, a demi-griffin ducally gorged.

Clack, Heref. and Berks, a demi-eagle or, Vigilante. cf. 64. 2

winged erm. 80. 2 Clare, Leigh-, Octavius Leigh, Esquire, Clark, a mullet of six points arg. Animo
B.A., of Hindley Cottage, East Sheen,
Clagett of London, Kent, and Surrey, Surrey, same crest and motto. et scientia. 164-

an eagle's head erased erm., ducally Clare, Shropsh. and Worcs., a stag's head Clark of London, a cross pattee or, be-

crowned or, between two wings sa. tween two eagles' wings erect az. Absit

Clagstone, a falcon rising ppr. 87. i cabossed gu., attired ppr. 122. 5 ut glorier nisi in cruce. 1 10. 7


Clark of Dowlais House, Merthyr Tydvil, Clarke, Grahame- Leonard John, Fro- Clarke, a demi-lion rampant or. 10. 2

a lion rampant supporting a shield cester Manor House, Stonehouse, Clarke of London and Glouc, out of a
Glouc, an escallop quarterly gu. and ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ppr.
gyronny of eight. Tryandtryst. (•/. 1.4
Clark of Buckland Tout Saints, Devonsh., erminois.
Clarke of London and Yorks, a demi-
a demi-Uon gu., coUared or, charged on Clark-Kennedy, John William James,
the shoulder with an estoile arg., and Esquire, of Knockgray, Carsphaim, lion rampant or, holding a cross crosslet

holding in the dexter paw a baton sa. Kirkcudbright, N.B. : (i) A demi-man iitched az. 11. 10

Victor mortalis est. cf. 15.9 in the uniform of the Royal Dragoons Clarke, out of a mural coronet a demi-
holding in his dexter hand a sword,
Clark, Archibald Henry, Beaumont lion rampant holding a pennon gu.

Lodge, Paignton, same crest and motto. and sinister a French eagle, all ppr. cf. 16. 7
Clark, Godfrey Lewis, 44, Berkeley Clarke, out of a mural coronet a demi-
A(2) dolphin naiant ppr. Arise la fin.
Square, a lion rampant or, supporting Clarke, Sir Charles, Bart., of Dunham lion rampant, in the dexter paw a
a shield gu., charged with a cross erm.
Lodge, Norfolk, a mount vert, thereon pennon, resting the sinister on an

—placed upon a saltire or. Try and a lark with wings elevated or, holding escutcheon.
In the beak an ear of wheat ppr., the Clarke, Suft., an elephant's head quar-
tryste. Non major alio, non minor.
terly gu. and or.
Clark of Achareidh, Nairn, Scotland, a dexter claw resting on an annulet sa. '33-2
bear sejant arg., muzzled, collared, and
259- 7 Clarke, Thomas, Esquire, of Masson

chained ppr., holding a battle-axe erect, Clarke, Hon. Sir Rupert Turner Havelock, House, Matlock, Bath, Derbysh., in

also ppr. Sans changer. Bart., in front of an arm embowed in front of an heraldic tiger's head erased

Clark, a talbot's head erased or. 56. 2 armour holding in the hand an arrow sa., maned or, gorged with a collar gemel

Clark, a talbot's head couped or, gorged in bend sinister ppr., three escallops. arg., two fleur-de-Us also arg. Vincit

with a collar az., charged with a plate. Signum qucerens in vellere. 248. 4 qui patiiur.

cf. 56. I Clarke of Cork, on the stump of a tree Clarke, Beds, a goat salient arg., attired

Clark> a dragon's head erased az. Forli- couped, eradicated, and sprouting on or, against a pine-tree ppr. 129. 8

tvdo. cf. 7\. 2 each side, a lark perched ppr., the Clarke, Bart., Ireland, out of an Eastern

Clark, The Goddards, Snaith, Yorksh., a wings expanded, holding in the beak crown gu., a demi-dragon with wings

stag's head cabossed. two wheat-ears or. elevated or. Constanter et fidelitaie.

Clark of Belford, Northumb., a dragon's Clarke, formerly of Wayste Court, Clarke, Berks, out of a ducal coronet a

head erased az., guttee-d'or, gorged Abingdon, Berks, in front of a mount dragon's head. Pro legibus el regibas.

with a collar embattled, counter-em- overgrown with clover a lark rising 72. 4
battled, and charged on the neck with
ppr., charged on the breast with a Clarke, Kent, a demi-griffin arg., issuing

three annulets interlaced, also or. For- cross patee arg., and holding in the from flames ppr. In medio ttUissimiis.
beak an ear of wheat or. Carpe diem. cf. 64. 2
titudo. Clarke, a lark rising, holding in the beak
an ear of wheat, all ppr. Carpe diem. Clarke, Westminster, a demi-griffin, the
Clark, Bucks and Beds, a goat arg., wings endorsed or, gorged with a col-

against a tree ppr. 129. 8

Clark, Ireland, on a mural coronet az., a Clarke, a lark with wings expanded, lar engrailed az. cf. 64. 2

stag sejant or. 116. 4 holding in the beak an ear of wheat, Clarke, Surrey, a bear sejant arg., sup-

Clark of Steeple, CO. Antrim, Ireland, aU ppr. cf. 94. 5 porting a battle-axe erect az.

a boar's head erased sa., transfixed Clarke, Alexander Felix, Esquire, of 38, Clarke of Ashgate and Norton Hall,

through the jaws with a broken spear English Quay, St. Petersburg, Russia, Derbysh., a bear rampant az., collared

ppr. Non egel jacidis. upon a mount vert, a swan arg., charged and chained sa., holding a battle-axe

Clark,^ fox's head gu. 33. 4 on the body with two pellets fesseways, gu.
holding in the beak an ostrich feather Clarke, Montague de Salis McKenzie
Clark, Towers-, of Wester Moffat,
or. Si bene facias nil mettias. Gordon Augustus, Achareidh, Nairn,
Lanarksh. : ( i ) A dexter hand holding a bear sejant arg., muzzled, collared,
256. 15
a scimitar bendways ppr., hilted and —and chained ppr., holding a battle-axe
Clarke-Travers, Sir Guy Francis Travers,
pommelled or (/or C/orA). 213.5. (2) Bart., of Rossmore, co. Cork: (l) An erect ppr. Sans changer. Dan ni

A tower or, masoned sa. (for Towers). heraldic tiger passant arg. [for Travers). Clarke of Elm Bank, Leatherhead, Surrey,
a bear rampant erm., gorged with a
—Fortiter. Turris forlis mihi Deus. 25. 5. (2) On the stump of a tree naval crown or, the hne reflexed over
couped, eradicated, and sprouting on the back gu., supporting a battle-axe
156. 2 each side a lark perched ppr., wings erect ppr. Mcenibus crede ligneis.
expanded, holding in the beak two
Clark, a hand holding a dagger in bend Clarke, George Jackson, Esquire, of the
—wheat-ears or {for Clarke). Nee temere, Steeple, Antrim, Ireland, a boar's head
sinister. 212. 3
nee timide. Constantia et fidelitaJc.
Clark, James Jackson, Esquire, of Largan-
Clarke, a peacock's head erased ppr.,
togher House, Maghera, co. London-

derry, Ireland, out of a mural crown an
arm embowed in armour, the hand

holding a dagger, all ppr., the arm holding in the beak a trefoil slipped erased sa., transfixed through the jaws
charged with a trefoil vert. Virtutt with a broken spear ppr. Non ' eget
vert. cf. 103. I

el labore. cf. Ujq. g Clarke, a swan ppr. 99. 2 jacidis.

Clark, Sir Andrew, Bart., of Caviiulish Clarke, Durh. and Ireland, a swan ppr., Clarke, Colonel Thomas, D.L., ex-Sheriff

Square, London, between the attires of resting the dexter foot on an ogress. of the City of London, of the Gables,
a stag affixed to the scalp arg., a demi- cf. 99. 2 35, Upper Hamilton Terrace, London,

huntsman winding a horn, and holding Clarke, a swan rising arg., ducally gorged N.W., on a WTcath of the colours, in

in his sinister hand a whip, all ppr. and chained or. cf. 99. 3 front of a horse's head couped ermi-

Free for a blast. cf. 187. 12 Clarke, James Richard Plomer, Welton nois, a spur erect leathered gu. Fortis

Clark, Andrew, F.R.C.S., 71. Harley Place, near Daventry, Northamp., in arduis. 51. 8

Street, W., a demi-huutsman winding a same crest. Clarke of Dublin, a horse's head erased

horn, and holding in his sinister hand Clarke, an eagle with wings expanded or, charged with a cross pattee gu.

a whip, all ppr. Free for a blast. sa., beaked and membered or. 77. 5 cf. 51- 4-

Clark, Stewart, Esquire, of Dundas Clarke, Lines, a sinister wing or. 109. 7 Clarke, Suff., a nag's head erased sa.

Castle, South Queensferry. an anchor Clarke of Arlington, Berks, a cross pattde 50. 8

cabled gu. Sure and steadfast. i6i. 2 or, between a pair of eagles' wings Clarke, Kent, a unicorn's head erased

Clark, a pheon ppr. 174. 11 erect az. Absit id glorier nisi in crnce. arg., crined and armed or, gorged with

Clark or Clarke, Derbysh., in a gem ring no. 7 a collar gu., charged with three plates.
cf. 49. II
or, set with a diamond sa., a pheon Clarke, Surrey, on a ducal coronet or, a

arg. cf. 167. 12 cross pattee of the same between two Clarke, Ireland, a sea-horse vert.

Clark, Sir John Maurice, Bart., of 14, eagles' wings expanded sa. cf. 1 10. 7 46. 5

Rothesay Place, Edinburgh, a battle- Clarke, Heref., a lion rampant vert, hold- Clarke, Ireland, a demi-ram erminois.

axe in pale ppr. I n Deo speravi. 172.3 ing a pen arg. Virgregis. 1 30. 13.



Clarke, Kent, a fleiir de-lis per pale arg. Claude, a demi-unicorn rampant collared Clay, Alfred, Esquire, an annulet sa.,
surmounted by a martlet arg., between
and sa. 14S. 2 ppr. 48. 10 two wings also arg., guttee-de-poix,
each wing charged with three trefoils
Clarke, Suff., a conger-eel's head erect Claus, on the point of a sword in pale a or and two sa.

and erased gu., collared with a bar cross pattee. 169. 5 Clay, Arthur Travis, Esquire, of Holly
Bank, Rastrick, Yorks, same crest and
gemelle or. 139. 3 Clauson, Chas., Esquire, between two motto.

Clarke, Essex, a greyhound sejant sa. wings arg., a mullet of five points or.

59- 4 Spes et fides. 1 1 1. 5
Clarke, Kent and Essex, a greyhound's
Clauson, Albert Charles, Esquire, of 8, Okl

liead couped or, charged with a Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C, a mullet Clay, John William, Esquire, same

cinquefoil az. of ten points encircled by an annulet crest.

Clarke, Cambs, a talbot's head erased or. or, between two wings sa., the dexter Clay, Charles John. Esquire, of West

56. 2 charged with three bendlets, and the House, Cambridge, upon a rock ppr.,
Clarke of Summerhill, Lanes, out of a sinister with as many bendlets in a pheon az., in front thereof a key

ducal coronet or, a demi-bull rampant sinister arg. Spcs el fides. fesseways ward upwards, and to the

erm., armed of the first. Esperance en Clauson, Major John Eugene, C.AI.G., sinister of the last. Propositi tenax.

Dim. cf. 45. 8 R.E., 44, Stanhope Gardens, Queen's Claydan, an arm in armour brandishing

Clarke of London, a talbot'a head or, Gate, S.W., same crest and motto. a sword, all ppr. Probitatem quam di-

gorged with a fesse engrailed az., ClavedoD, a pelican vulning herself ppr. vifias. 210. 2

charged with three lozenges of the 98. I Claydon, a demi-lion rampant az., valued

first. cf. 56. 12 Clavel and Clavell, a human heart in on the shoulder gu., murally crowned

Clarke, Sir Philip Houghton, Bart., of flames, all ppr. 181. 13 arg., holding in the paws a cross flory

Shirland, Notts, an arm couped near Clavel, Clavell, and Claville, a buck's fitched of the second.

the wrist ppr., holding a sword in pale head erased and pierced between the Clayton, Fitzroy Augustus, Esquire, of

arg., hilted or. 212. 9 attires by an arrow. cf. 121. 2 Fyfield House, Maidenhead, Berks, a
leopard's gamb erased arg., holding a
Clarke, out of a mural coronet arg., a Claver, Bucks, a lion's gamb couped and

cubit arm in armour holding a scimitar erect or, holding a key sa. cf. 35. i pellet.

ppr., hilted or. cf. 209. 1 Clavering of Callaly Castle, Northumb., a Claye, see Clay.

Clarke, an arm embowed in armour ppr., man's head affrontee couped at the Claye, Frank Reginald, Esquire, Long

holding in the gauntlet an arrow or, shoulders, between two wings ppr. Ad Eaton, Derbysh., two wings expanded

headed and feathered arg. cf. iqS. 4 ccelos volnns. arg., semee of trefoils slipped sa.

Clarke, the Hon. Sir Rupert Turner Have- Clavering, Northumb., a cherub's head 109. II

lock, Bart., of Rupertswood, Bourke Adwith wings erect. ccelos volan-s. Clayfield, a Moor's head couped sa.

County, Victoria, Australia, and 30, 189. 9 192. 13

Park Lane, London, W., Member of Clavering, Sir Henry Augustus, Bart., of Clayhills-Henderson, George David, Es-

the Legislative Council of Victoria, Axwell, Durh., out of a ducal coronet quire, of Invergowrie, Dundee, For-

in front of a dexter arm embowed in or, a demi-lion az. Nil actum si quid farsh., Hallyards Meigle, Perthsh.,

armour, the hand in a gauntlet ppr., agenduni. 16. 3 Thornton-le-Moor, Yorks, a hand
holding an imperial crown ppr. Corde
grasping an arrow in bend sinister or, Clavering, Napier-, the Rev. J. W., Axwell

flighted arg., three escallops, also or. Park, Durh. ; (i) A dexter arm from et animo.

Signum qutierens in vdlere. 198. 6 the elbow ppr., the hand grasping a ClayhlUs, Scotland, an arm holding an

Clarke, Joseph, Esquire, J.P., of Mande- crescent arg. (2) The top of an em- iperial crown ppr. Corde et animo.

ville Hall, Toorak, near Melbourne, battled tower arg., masoned sa., issuing cf. 217. I

Victoria, Australia, same crest and therefrom six lances disposed saltire- Clayley, a greyhound's head arg., be

motto. wise, three and three with pennons az. tween two rose-slips flowered gu.,
Clarke, the late Thomas Sinclair, of Kned- —Nil actum si quid agendum. Sans stalked and leaved vert.
—tache. Ready, aye ready. 61. 11
lington, STorks, on a chapeau az., turned
Clayton-East, Bart., see East.

j Clayton of Crooke, Lanes, an arm em-

up erm., two wings expanded out of a Claxson, Glouc, on a mount vert, a stag

ducal coronet, between them the word lodged arg., attired and ungu. or, bowed vested sa., holding a sword point

" Elmer " in Saxon characters. The supporting with the dexter foot an downwards.

time will come. escutcheon gu., charged with a porcu- Clayton, an arm in armour embowed,

Clarke of London, on a plate arg., the pine arg. Sapere aude, incipe. holding in the hand a sword point
c/. 115. 12
Yletter gu. downward ppr. 195. 4

Clarke, Derbysh., in a gem ring or, set Claxton, a hedgehog arg. 135. 8 Clayton, Bart., (extinct) of Adlington,

with a diamond sa., a pheon arg. Claxton, Durh., on a ducal coronet or, a Lanes, a dexter arm embowed, grasp-

cf. 167. 12 hedgehog arg. _ 135. 14 ing in the hand a dagger ppr., the point
to the dexter. Probitatem quam divitias.
AClarke of Hyde Hall, Chesh. : (i) Claxton, a hedgehog sa., bezantee.

pheon ppr. 174. 11. (2) An eagle with cf. 135. 8 cf. 201. 4
wings expanded sa., beaked and mem- Clay, see Pelham-Clay.
Clayton, the late J. Bertram, 42, Wilton

bered or. 77. 5 Clay or Claye of London and Shropsh., Crescent, same crest.

Clarke, Richard HaU, BridweU, Cul- a lion's head per pale vert and sa., Clayton of Lostock Hall, Leyland, Lanes,

lompton, Devonsh., a lark rising hold- charged with an escallop arg. cf. 21. 1 dexter arm embowed in armour, the
ing in its beak an ear of wheat ppr. Clay, Claye, and Cley, Derbysh., two wings
hand gau itlet graspinj a sword

Carpe diem. expanded arg., semee of trefoils slipped in bend sinister, the point downwards

Clarke, Heref., an escallop quarterly gu. sa. 109. 1 ppr., pommel and hilt or, pendent from

and or. 141. 14 Clay, Henry, Esquire, M.A., J.P., D.L., the wrist by a riband an escutcheon

Clarkeson, Clarkesonn, and Clarkson, a of Piercefiekl Park, Chepstow, Mon- of the last, charged with a griffin's

hand and arm couped below the elbow mouthsh., in front of two wings arg., head erased az.

lying fesseways in a coat of mail ppr., semee of trefoils slipped sa., a mount Clayton, Sir WiUiam Robert, Bart., D.L.,

holding in the hand a sword erect arg., vert, and thereon two estoiles gu. of Marden Park, Surrey, a leopard's

hilt and pommel sa., on the blade a Clarior virtus honoribus. 292. 1 —gamb erased and erect arg., holding a

pennon flotant gu. Clay of Ford Manor, Surrey, and Arthur pellet. Virtus in actione consistil. Quid

Clarkson, an arm in armour embowed J. Clay, Esquire, of Holly Bush, Staffs, leone fortius? 39- 13

holding a couteau-sword, all ppr. Per same crest and motto. Clayton of Hedgerley Park, Bucks, a

ardua. cf. 196. 10 Clay, Sir Arthur Temple Felix, Bart., leopard's gamb erased and erect grasp-

Clason and Classen, Scotland, a rose- Ardmeallie, Huntley, N.B., two wings —ing a pellet. Virtus in actione consistit.

branch ppr. 149. 8 arg., each charged with a chevron Quid leone fortius ? 39- '3

Clater, a dexter hand holding a crescent. engrailed between three trefoils slipped Clayton, Major, E. G., Kingswood,

216. 8 sa. Per orbem. cf. 109. 6 Woking, same crest and motto.



Clayton, out of a mural coronet or, a Cleghorn, an arm in armour embowed, Clements, William, Burton - on - Trent,
leopard's paw arg., holding a pellet. throwing a dart ppr. Sublime petimus. crest same as the first above, motto as

<•/ 39- 13 198. 4 above.
Clayton, the late Nathaniel, Esquire, of Cleiland or Cleilland, Scotland, on a Clements, co. Cavan, a fawn's head erased

East Cliff, Lines, upon the battlements —sinister hand couped and gloved ppr., ppr. 124. 3
of a tower a lion's gamb erect and
a falcon statant. For sport. Non Clements, a falcon close. 85. 2

erased ppr., grasping a pellet, encircled sihi. 186. 14 Clements, a leopard gardaut per pale gu.
by a wreath of oak vert.
Clayton of Enfield, a dove with an olive- Cleiveland of the Lowe, Lindridge, Worcs., and erm., ducally gorged or. 24. 3
branch in its beak, all ppr. Quod sors,
the head and neck of an osprey erased Clements, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet

ppr. 83. 2 or, a lion's gamb sa., holding a cross

fert, ferinnis. 92. 5 Cleland, Rose-, of Eath-Gael House, Ire- crosslet titched of the first. 36. 1

Clayton, Norf. and Shropsh., a unicorn land : (i) On a sinister glove a hawk Clementson, an arm from the elbow ppr.,

couchant arg., maned, armed, and un- Appr. (for Cleland). 86. 12. (2) rose vested paly gu. and or, cuffed counter-

gu. or, and under the dexter foot a —gu., seeded and slipped ppr., between changed, holding a palm- branch of the

bezant. two wings erm. (for Rose). For sport. first.
Cleaber, an arm erect vested arg., holding
Je prnsc d qui pense plus. cf. 149. 5 Clemsby, a tower ppr. 1 56. 2
in the hand ppr. a chaplet of thorns
Cleland-Henderson, Major-General John Clench or Clenche, a remdeer's head

vert. William, formerly of Roke Manor,

Clealand, on a sinister gauntlet in fess Hants: (I) Upon the dexter side, a Clench, Su
an arm erect vested gu., cuffed arg.,
a falcon, all ppr. cf. 86. 1 cubit arm erect vested az., the hand holding in the hand ppr. a club vert,

Cleasby, Richard Digby, Esquire, of ppr., grasping a chain, therefrom sus-

Penoyre, Brecon, a mount vert, thereon pended an escutcheon arg., charged spiked of the first. 206. 2

a demi-lion regardant arg., gorged with with two estoiles in chief and a cres- Clench, E. Payton, Esquire, of 16, Han-
over Square, London, W., out of a
a collar az., charged with three lozenges cent in base gu. (for Henderson). 208. 9. Saxon crown or, an arm erect vested
or, holding between them an inescut- (2) Upon the sinister side, a falcon or, gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand

cheon gu., thereon a whelk arg. Fide —on a sinister glove ppr. (for Cleland).

aed cui vide. Virtus sola nobilitat. Non sihi. 86. 12 ppr. a club vert, spiked of the first.
Cleather, Comw.. a cubit arm vambraced
Cleland, Scotland, a falcon rising ppr. Tien le droit. 206. 2

holding in the hand gauntleted a dagger Si je pouvois. 87. i Clendon, a stag's head ppr., between the

arg., the blade wavv. cf. 210. 4 Cleland, William Henry, of Rooks Nest, attires a cross pattee arg. 120. 9

Cleather, G. G., 97, Oxford Gardens, W., Baustead, Surrey, and 34, Brunswick Clent, Worcs., two lion's gambs erect sa.,
Square, Hove, Brighton, on a mount
same crest. holding a chaplet vert, flowered or.

Cleather a sand-glass gu., mnged arg. vert, a falcon ppr., belled and jessed or, Clepan, Clephan, and Clephane, Scotland,
a dexter hand holding a helmet ppr.
113. II between two dexter hands couped at
Cleaveland, a greyhound's head sa.,
the wrist, also ppr. Je pense d qui Ul sim pnratior. 217.12

charged with three bezants, cf. 61. 12 pense plus. 249. 7 Clepole, Notts, a fleur-de-lis arg., enfiled

Cleaver, a lion's garab couped or, holding Cleland, on a sinister glove a falcon with a ducal coronet or. 148. i

a key sa. cf. 35. I belled ppr. Non sibi. 86. 12 Clere, Norf., the sun or, between two

Cleavland, a greyhound's head sa., Cleland, a Moor's head sa., wreathed arg. wings az., on each a crescent of the first.

charged with three bezants one and 192. 13 Clere, out of an antique Irish crown or,
Cleiland, Scotland, a rose gu., leaved and five ostrich-feathers arg. Virtute non
two. cf. 61. 12
stalked vert. Fragrat, deleclat, et sanat.
Cleborne, a wolf's head erased sa. T'l'r- verbis. cf. 114. 13

tute invidiam vinca^. 30. 8 149- S Clere, Norf., out of a ducal coronet or, a
Cleiland, Scotland, a buck at gaze ppr.
Cleborne, a wolf rampant, holding in the plume of ostrich-feathers arg. 114. 13

—dexter paw an annulet. Beware. Nc Ne cedem ijisidiis. 117. 3 Clere, Norf., a camel's head ducally

ohlivescaris. cf. 28. 2 Clement, Ashburnham-, Sir Anchitel gorged ppr., bridled gu. cf. 132. 9

Clebury, Shropsh., a goal's head erased Piers, Bart., Broomham, Hastings, Clerk, Sir George Douglas, Bart., J.P., of

sa., armed or. 128. 5 out of a ducal coronet or, an ash-tree Penic\iik, Edinburgh, a demi-huutsman

Clcderow of London, out of a tower arg., ppr. Will God, and I shall. winding a horn ppr. Over the crest.

a demi-lion .sa. 157. 11 Clement, Dorset and Devonsh., on a Free for a blast ; under the arms, Amat

Cleeve, a fox's head erased sa. 33. 8 mount, vert, a griffin sejant or. victoria curam. 187.12

Cleave, a hand holding a buclde. cf. 62. 10 Clerk, Robert Mildinay, Esquire, J.P.,
of Westholme, and Charlton House,
223. II Clement, Norf., a lion passant arg., Shepton MaUet, Somers., same crest.
Cleg or Clegg, out of a ducal coronet
guttee-de-sang. 6. 2 Clerk, Edmund Hugh, E.5quire, of Bur-
ford, Shepton Mallet: (i) An ^scu-
or, a demi-lion rampant, imperially Clement of Lower Clapton, Middx., a lion lapius' wand. (2) A huntsman in
green ppr. (for Cleric). Amat victoria
crowned, all ppr. cf. 16. 3 passant arg., guttee-de-sang, gorged
curam, and Free for a blast.
Clegat, an eagle's head erm., ducally with a collar and charged on the body Clerk, Scotland, a dexter arm couped at

crowned and beaked or, between two with two crosses crosslet in fesse gu. the elbow brandishing a broadsword,

wings sa. cf. 84. 2 cf. 6. 2

Clegg, Harry, Esquire, of Plas Llanfair, Clement, Ireland, a cross moline or. 165. 3
Clements, Francis Leonard, Esquire,
P.G., Anglesey, in front of a demi-lion
per fesse nebuly arg. and gu., holding same crest. Nil sine Deo. all ppr. Fortiter uhique.
in the dexter paw a cross crosslet
Clements, Henry Topham, Esquire, of Clerk, Scotland, an .Esculapius' rod ppr.

crossed sa., three acorns erect and Belmont, East Hothly, Sussex, same Sat cito, si sat tuto.

fesseways slipped and leaved ppr. In crest and motto. Clerk, Norf., a demi-forester ppr., on his
breast a star arg. Amat victoria curam.
veritate Iriumphn. 244. 14 Clements of Rathkenny, Ireland, same

Clegg of Allerton, Lanes, an eagle rising crest. 165. 3 Clerk, an oak-tree fructed ppr. In robore

arg. 76. 13 Clements, Colonel Henry Theophilus, of decus. 143. 5

Clegg of Little Clegg, Lanes, a griffin's Ashlield Lodge, Cootehill, Ireland, a Clerk-Rattray, Lieutenant-General Sir

head couped. Qui potest capere capiat. hawk statant ppr. Patriis virtulibus. James, of Craighall, Rattray. N.B.: (i)
On the dexter side a star or, and thereon
66. I 85. 2 a flaming heart ppr. (for Rattray). Super
sidera votum. And upon the sinister
Cleghorn, a cubit arm erect holding in Clements, Baron, see Leitrim. Earl of. side a demi-huntsman winding a horn
the hand a pair of scales equally poised,
Clements, Lucas-, of Rathkenny, co.

all ppr. 217. 13 Cavan : (i) A hawk close ppr., belled

Cleghorn, a dexter hand issuing from a and jessed or (for Clements), cf. 85. 2. ppr., habited vert. Free for a bla.$t.
Clerke, a greyhound's head or, charged
cloud in sinister holding a laurel- A(2) demi-griffin arg., beaked and

branch, all ppr. Insperata floruit. membered or (for Lucas). Patriis vir- on the neck with a cinquefoil az.

cf. 223. 3 tutibus 64. 2 cf. 61. 4



Gierke, out of a naral coronet or, a Moor's Cleveland, a bishop's mitre ppr. Clifford of Perristone, Heref., a griffin

head ppr. c/. 192. 6 cf. 180. 5 segreant sa. Semper paratus. 62. 2
Cleveland of Tapley, Devonsh., a cubit
Gierke, out of clouds ppr., a hand arg., Clifford of Annesley, Wexford, a hand
arm erect, vested az., cuffed arg., hold-
holding a branch vert. cj. 219. 9 ing in the hand ppr. a dagger of the ppr., holding a fleur-de-lis or. Dulcis
second, hilt and pommel or. Audaces
Gierke, Shropsh. and Hants, a wolf's amor patriae. cf. 215. 5

head erased per pale arg. and vert. Clifford, Glouc, a dexter hand couped

Ut prosim aliis. 30. 8 juvat. in fesse holding a fleur-de-lis. Dulcis

Gierke, Sir William Francis, Bart., of Cleves, two elephants' probosces addorsed amor patrim. 221. 9

Hitcham, Bucks, a ram's head couped sa. 123. 10 Clifford, Henry Francis, of Frampton,

ppr. 130. I Clevland, a hand holding a sword arg., Glouc, a hand ppr. holding a fleur-de-

Gierke, a swan ppr. 99. 2 hilted and pommelled or. Fortuna lis or. Dulcis amor patrim.

Gierke, on a partridge ppr., an eagle's audacen juvat. 212.13 cf. 215. 5

leg gu., winged at the thigh or. Gley, see Clay. Clifford, Ireland, a dexter hand apaumee

Gierke, a pheon arg. 174. 11 Cleybroke, out of a ducal coronet or, a gu. 222. 14

Gierke, an eagle's head erased arg., hold- demi-ostrich arg., with wings displayed Clifford, a talbot's head erased gu., eared

in2 in the beak a branch of laurel vert. erm., holding in the beak a horse-shoe or. 56. 2

cf. 85. 2 sa. 96. 8 Clifton of Clifton Hall, Notts: (i) Out

Gierke, an arm holding an arrow arg., Gleypole, out of a ducal coronet or, a of a ducal coronet gu., a demi-peacock

feathered or. 214. 4 fleurde-lis arg. cj. 148. 2 per pale arg. and sa., wings expanded
and counterchanged (for Clifton). (2)
Gierke, a boar's head gu., holding in the Glibborn, Thomas Strettel, Esquire, of
A lion sejant gardant winged or, with
mouth a sword in bend ppr. cf. 42. 6 Holmesby, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney,
a glory round the head arg., semee of
Clerkson of Kirkiton and Mansfield Wood- New South Wales, Australia, and of the

house, Notts, a hand and arm clad in Castle, Moate, co. Westmeath, Ireland, crosses pattee gu., and supporting an

complete armour lying fesseways ppr., out of a ducal coronet or, a wolf's ox-yoke of the first (for Markham).

couped below the elbow gu., grasping head sa. Virtus vincit invidiam. Tenez le droit.

in the gauntlet a aword erect arg., hilt 30. & Clifton, George, Claremont, Dryburgh

and pommel or, on the blade a split Glibborn, out of a ducal coronet a wolf's Road, Putney, crest same eis first of the

pennon of the second flotant towards head sa. Virtus vincit invidiam. above.

the sinister. Clifden, Viscount, formerly (Agar- Ellis), a Clifton, Juckes-, Bart., Notts, out of a

Glermont, Baron, see Carlingford, Baron. female figure naked ppr., her hair flow- ducal coronet gu., a demi-peacock per
Glermont, a savage ppr., wxeathed about ing down to her waist. Non haec sine pale arg. and sa., the wings expanded

the head and middle with leaves vert, counterchanged. Tenez le droit.

standing on a serpent of the last. Clifden, Viscount (Agar-Robartes), Lan- cf. 103. 13
hydrock, near Bodmin a lion rampant,
18S. 3 or, holding a flaming sword erect ppr., Clifton, an arm in fess vested az., holding
135. 13 pommel and hilt or. Quae supra.
Glermont, a pole-cat ppr. in the hand ppr. a hawk arg. 86. 14

Glervaux, Yorks, an eagle displayed ppr. Clifton, Lanes and Yorks, an arm in

75. 2 Cliff, a lion rampant arg. i. 13 armour embowed ppr., garnished or,

Clerveaux-Ghaytor, see Chaytor. Cliff, William, Esquire, of Claremont, holding in the gauntlet a sword arg.,

Clesby, Yorks, a reindeer trippant ppr. West Derby, Lanes, in front of a willow- hilted of the second. 195. I

125. 9 tree ppr., a gryphon's head erased or. Clifton-Dicconson, Charles, Esquire, of
CUfl-M'GullOch, WiUiam Edward, Es-
Glesby, an ensign ppr., his coat gu., AWrightington Hall, Lanes : ( I ) be-
quire, of St. Clare, West Derby, Liver-
holding a banner of the last. 188. 6 pool, a hand throwing a dart ppr. Vi zant, thereon a hind's head vert, erased

Gletherow and Glyderowe, a Roman and holding in the mouth a cross

soldier in armour ppr , holding a spear. ct animo. crosslet fitchee gu. (for Dicconson). (2)
Gliffe, a griffin passant with wings ad-
A dexter arm in armour embowed ppr.,

Cleve, a griffin passant with wings ad- dorsed arg., ducally gorged or. 63. 3 garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a
Clifle, Anthonv. Esquire, "j.P., D.L., of sword in bend sinister, also ppr., hilt
dorsed, ducally gorged or. 63. 3 and pommel or (for Clifton). Adverso
Bellevue, co". Wexford, a wolf's head
Cleve and Glive of London and Shropsh.,

a wolfs head per pale dancettee arg. erased quarterly per pale indented or fortior. 19^. i

and sa. 30. 5 and sa. In cruce glorior. 30. 8 Clifton of Clifton, a dexter arm in armour

Cleveland, Duke of (formerly Vane) Gliffe, Essex and Devonsh., an archer embowed, holding in the hand a sword

(l) A dexter hand in a gauntlet ppr., ppr., the coat vert, shooting an arrow ppr. Mortem aiil triumphum. 195. 2

bossed and ringed or, brandishing a of the first. 188.9 Clifton, Augustus Wykeham, Esquire, of

dagger, also ppr. {for Vane). (2) On a Gliffe, Glyff, and Glyffe, two lion's paws Warton Hall, Lytham, same crest and

chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion pas- in saltier erased, each holding a seax, motto.

sant gardant or, gorged mth a collar all ppr. 39. 5 Clifton, John Talbot, Esquire, of Clifton

componee of the second and az., and Clifford, Frederick, Esquire, K.C., of 24, and Lytham Hall, Preston, Lanes, same

crowned with a five-leaved ducal coro- Collinghara Gardens, South Kensington, crest and motto.

net of the last (for Fitzroy). Nee S.W., iu front of a demi-infant affrontee Clifton-Mogg, William, Brynwern Hall,
(representing the infant Hercules) Newbridge-on-Wye, South Wales: (l)A
teinere. nee timide. cf. 4. 2 grasping in each hand elevated a cock ppr., about the neck a chain or,

Cleveland, Duke and Marquess of, Earl

of Darlington, Viscount and Baron serpent nowed, all ppr. Nee sine labore pendent therefrom an escutcheon arg.,
Barnard of Barnard Castle, and Baron charged with a crescent gu. (2) Out

Baby of Raby Castle, Durh. (His Grace Clifford of Chudleigh, Baron (Clifford), of a ducal crest coronet gu., a demi-
the late Sir Harry George Powlett, Ughbrooke Park, Chudleigh, Devonah., peacock per pale arg. and sa., the wings

K.G., D.C.L.), a falcon rising or, belled out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- expanded counterchanged.
wyvern rising gu. Semper paratus. Clifton-Hastings-Campbell, Hon. Gilbert
of the last and ducally gorged gu.
70. 9 Theophilus Clifton: (i) Issuant from
Aymes loyaulie. 87. 2 Clifford, Sir George Hugh Charles, Bart., flames or, an eagle with two heads dis-

Cleveland, a demi-old man ppr., vested

az., with a cap gu., turned up with a of Flaxbourne, in the province of played gu., and in an escroU above. /
hair front, holding in his dexter hand
a spear headed arg., on top thereof a Marlborough, New Zealand, out of a hyde my time. (2) A buU's head erased
line ppr., passing behind him and coiled
ducal coronet a demi-wyvern rising gu. sa., armed and gorged with a coronet
up in his sinister hand.
Cleveland, a demi-man aflrontee ppr., in Semper paratus. 70. 9 Aor (for Hastings). (3) dexter arm

a military habit gu., with a belt and Clifford, the late Sir Robert Cavendish embowed in armour, the hand in a

Spencer, Bart., Yeoman Usher of the gauntlet or, grasping a sword arg.,

Black Rod, a leopard gardant support- pommel and hilt or (for Clifton). Truth

sash, and holding the Union flag ppr. ing in his dexter fore-paw a spear erect, winneth troth.

187. 9 all ppr. Virtus mille scuta. Clifton, Baron, see Darnley, Earl.

120 CLU

Clinch or Clynch, on a hand couped in Clogston, an eagle with wings expanded. A(for Clough). 14. 12. (2) hart trip-
fess, gauntleted, an eagle rising ppr.
77- 5 pant arg., attired or, holding in the
78. 12 mouth a snake vert (jor Lloyd). Sine
Clogstoun of London, on a mount ppr.,
Clinkscales, a dexter arm embowed in a hawk rising, also ppr., belled and macula macla. cj. 117. 8
mail and holding a sword ppr. Manu crowned with an antique crown or,
and charged on the breast with a rose Clough-Taylor, Edward Harrison, Es-
jorti. gu. Turris mihi jortis Deus.
quire, of Firby Hall, Yorks, a leopard
Clinton, Baron (Hepbum-Stuart-Forbes- Cloke, Kent, a demi-bear rampant sa.
Trefusis) : (i ) In the centre, a gryphon passant per pale ppr. and erm., tlie
34- 13 dexter paw resting on a shield of the
sejant, wings elevated or, resting its Clonbrock, Baron (Dillon), of Clonbrock,
dexter claw on an antique shield arg. arms, i.e., a shield erm. on a pale
(for Trejusis). cj. 62. i\. (2) Dexter, CO. Galway, Ireland, on a chapeau gu.,
issuant out of a baron's coronet a turned up erm., a falcon rising ppr., engrailed sa., three lions passant or.
dexter hand holding a scimitar ppr. belled or. Auxilium ab alto. cj. 87. i Clough-Taylor, Horatio George, same
(jor Forbes), cj. 213. 5. (3) Sinister, Cloncurry, Baron (Lawless), of Cloncurry,
a dexter hand grasping a sword ppr. CO. Kildare, Ireland, out of a ducal crest.
coronet or, a demi-man in armour in
—{for Stuart). Tout vient de Diew.—Ntc Clough, Walter Owen, Esquire, upon a
profile, his visor closed, holding in his mount vert, in front of a battle-axe
timide, nee temere. Avaunt. 212. 13 dexter hand a sword, all ppr., the hel-
Clinton of London, Herts, and Scotland, met adorned with a plume of three erect sa., a leopard's face jessant-de-
feathers, the exterior two gu., the
out of a ducal coronet gu., five ostrich- centre one arg. Virtute el numine. lis or.
feathers arg., banded by a ribbon az.
Cloun and Clun, a chevalier in armovir
c/. 114- 13 ppr., holding in his dexter hand a

marshal's baton arg., tipped sa. 18S. 7
Cloun and Clune, a wolf collared and

lined holding in the dexter paw a

Clinton, De, on a mount a stag feeding, Clonmell, Earl of (Scott), Bishop's Court, trefoil, all ppr.

all ppr. 116. 9 Straffan, co. ICildarc, a buck trippant Clove, a camel's head couped or. 132. 7

Clinton, see Newcastle, Duke of. ppr. Fear to transgress. 117. 8 Clovel or Clovell, a bull passant gu. cj. 45.2

Clippingdale, S. D., Esquire, of 36, Hol- Clonmore, Lord, see Wicklow, Earl of. Clover, George Robert, Esquire, of Ramie,
land Park Avenue, London, W., a sea- I Clopton, Su2., a wolf's head per pale or Birkenhead, Chesh., a camel's head

horse ppr., holding in its mouth a and az. 30. 5 erased or, charged with three trefoils

branch of coral gu., and supporting Close, a garb or. 153.2 slipped in pale sa., and holding in the

an anchor erect and cabled ur. Sapi- Close, a garb or, pierced transversely by mouth a like trefoil. Ut inclo

entia doinus erecta est. 46. 8 a spear ppr., headed arg. Clausus mox verbo ligitur. 300. 6

Clipsham, a boar's head couped sa. excelsior. 153. 8 Clovile, Clovell, Clovyle, and Clonvyle,

Fortiter. 43- i Close-Brooks, John Brooks, Esquire, Essex, an ostrich arg., holding in its

Clitherow, issuing out of a tower arg., a Banker, of Birtles Hall, Chelford, beak a scroll with this motto. All is

demi-lion rampant sa. uI57- AChesh. : (l) demi-lion arg., charged Ain God. Another : demi - ostrich

Clitherow, Colonel Edward John Stracey, on the shoulder with a fountain ppr., arg., with wings expanded, holding in

Boston House, Brentford: (i) Out of and holding in the paws a harpoon in its beak a nail or. cf. 97. 2

a tower or, a demi-lion rampant sa. bend sinister, also ppr. (/or Brooks). Clowberry, a goat's head erased arg.,

(2) A lion rampant erminois, ducally A12. 14. (2) garb or, transfixed by a armed or. 128. 5

crowned and supporting a cross patee spear fesseways, point to the dexter Clowes of London and Warw., a demi-lion

fitchee gu. ppr. (for Close). Finem respice. vert, ducally crowned or, holding a

Clive, Viscount, see Powis, Earl of. I53-8 battle-axe of the last, headed arg. 15.4
Clive, see Windsor, Baron. Close, Surgeon-Captain Napier, Ravens- Clowes, a demi-lion vert, crowned. Quod

Clive, a boar's head erased at the neck worth, Chard, tuum tene.

sa. Credo, ama et regna. 42. 2 in the paws Clowes, Henry Arthur, Norbury, Ash-

Clive, Percy Archer, of Whitaeld, Heref., fidelis. borne, a demi-lion vert, crowned.

a griffin passant arg., ducally gorged Close, Robert Campbell, Esquire, of Quod tuum tene.

gu. Audacter et sincere. Streyneham, Stanmore, New South Clowes, William, Esquire, of 51, Glouces-

Clive, General Edward Henry, of 25, Wales, a garb arg. Fori is et fidelis. ter Terrace, Hyde Park, London, W..

Ennismore Gardens, S.W., same crest 153- 2 a demi-lion rampant vert, ducally
crowned, holding in the dexter paw a
and motto. Close, Major Maxwell Archibald, of

Clive, Lord Clive, Ireland, same crest and Drumbanagher, Armagh, out of an battle-axe in bend sinister or, and rest-

motto. Eastern crown a demi-lion vert, holding ing the sinister paw on an escutcheon

Clive, a horse's head sa., between two a battle-axe or, headed arg. Fortis et arg., charged with a crescent az.

wings arg. 51. 3 fidelis. cj. 15. 4 Clown, a chevalier in armour ppr., hold-

Clive, a griffin passant with wings ad- Close or Closs, a boar sa., among weeds ing in his dexter hand a tilting-spear

dorsed arg., langued gu., ducally gorged vert. 40. ; with a pennon unfolded. cj. 188. 2

or. Credo, ama et regna. Clotworthy, Devonsh., a stag's head erased Clud and Cludde, a bull's head per

Clive, a grifBn wings addorsed arg., sa., attired and charged on tlie neck chevron gii. and erm. cj. 44. 3

ducally gorged or. 63. 3 with two mullets in pale arg., jjii-rcid Cludde, Shropsli., an eagle with wings

Clive, a hand holding a buckle or. 223. 11 by an arrow or, feathered and headed expanded ppr., preying on a coney arg.

Cloake, out of a plume of five ostrich- of the second, vulned gu. cj. 121. 2 79. 6

feathers an eagle rising, all ppr. Clotworthy, Ireland, a boar passant or. Cludde of Cluddeley and Orleton, Shroph.,

cf. 80. 6 40. 9 a hawk ppr., belled or, preying on a
grey coney, also ppr., vulned in the
Clobery, Devonsh., a goat's head erased Clough of Thorpe Stapleton, Yorks, a

sa., attired or. 128. 5 demi-lion rampant erm., holding be- head gu.
tween the paws a battle-axe, the handle Cluff, Richard, Esquire, J.P., of Kildress
Clobery of Bradstone, Devonsh., an ante-

lope's head erased arg. , attired or. 1 26. 2 sa.. headed arg. 15-4 House, Cookstown, co. Tyrone, a

Clock or Cloke, a demi'-bear rampant sa. Clough of Plas Clough, Denbighsh. : (i) dexter arm in armour embowed
holding in the hand a sword, all ppr.
34- 13 A demi-lion rampant az., holding in Fide et jortitudine.

Clode, a demi-lion holding a lozenge the dexter paw a sword arg., pommel

pierced arg. c/. 10. 2 and hilt or (for Clough). 281. 7. (2) Clulow, Yorks, on a garb in fess a lion

Cloete, Hendrick, Esquire, of Alphen, An arm embowed, vested az., with a passant gardant. 5-12

Wynberg, Cape Colony, and Alphen ruffle of point lace arg., holding in the Clulow of Echingham, Sussex, a mount

Villa, Pretoria, Transvaal, two javelins hand ppr. a covered cup or (for Butler). vert, thereon a demi-hon az., fretty

in pale points upwards, interlaced with Sine macula macla. 281. 8 arg., collared or, holding in the dexter

as many saltireways, banded gu., be- Clough, Lloyd-, Wales : ( i ) A demi-lion paw an olive-branch vert, and support-
tween two wings per fesse arg. and gu. rampant az., holding in the dexter paw ing with the sinister a pillar of stone

Ubi eras. 231. 15 a sword erect arg., hilt and pommel or ppr.


CLU coc

Clun and Clune, see Cloune. Coats, a hand holding a helmet ppr. Cobham, Alexander William, Shinfield
Manor, near Reading, same crest.
Clun, a wolf collared and lined holding Qiio paratior. 217. 12 Concordia.

in the dexter paw a trefoil ppr. Goats or Cotes, Ireland, two lions' gamba Cobham, a dexter hand holding a dagger
point downwards ppr.
Clunie, Scotland, a sand-glsiss winged. erased supporting a crescent. 39. 6
Cobham, a hind's head arg., crowned with
n113. Coats or Cotes, Ireland, a cock ppr. a palisado coronet or.

Clunie, Scotland, a tree ppr. i43- 5 Watcli/ul and bold 91. 2 Cobham, Herts, a demi-lion rampant or.

Clutterbuck, out of a ducal coronet a Coats or Cotes, Scotland, an anchor ppr.

hand holding a rose slipped and leaved, Be firm. i6r. i

all ppr. 218. II Coats, Peter, Esquire, Thread Manufac- 10. 2

Clutterbuck of Eastington, Glouc, a buck turer, of 5, Garthland Place, Paisley, Goblegh, Cobleigh, and Cobley, an arm
an anchor cabled and erect ppr. Be in armour embowed in fess, the elbow
statant arg., between two laurel- on the wreath, holding in the hand a

firm. 161. 2

Coats, James, Esquire, of Ferguslie sceptre, all ppr. 196. g
House, Paisley, N.B., same crest and
thumb., same crest. Goblegh, Cobleigh, Coboleche, and Cob-

Clutterbuck of London, Middx., and motto. ligh, a cock's head erased gu., combed,
Wilts, a buck sejant gu., between two Coats, Glen-, Sir Thomas Glen, Bart.,
wattled, and guttee-d'or, holding in the
formerly Thomas Coats of Ferguslie,
laurel-branches ppr. Paisley, same crest and motto. beak a laurel-branch arg.
Glutton, Heref., on a mount vert the Goats, James Monro, Esquire, 26, Upper
Brook Street, London, W., an anchor Cobley, a swan's neck with two heads
stump of a tree, thereon an owl, all
ppr., guttee-de-poix, holding in each

ppr. beak a cross crosslet (itchee arg.

Glutton of Charlton Hall, Chester, a cock gu. and in an escroU. Be firm. 275.8 Cobyn, Cobben, Cobbin, Cobbenn, and
Cobb, an elephant passant or. Virtutis
or. 91. 2 Coblyn, on a garb fesseways a lion

Glutton-Brock, lee Brock. stemmata. cf. 133. 9 passant gardant. 5. 12

Clyde, Baron (Campbell), on a mural Cobb, Kent, out of a ducal coronet or, a Cochet, a talbot passant sa., spotted arg.

crown a swan sa. Be mindful, cf. 99. 2 demi-leopard rampant ppr. 54. I
Clyderowe and Gletherow, a Roman sol-
Cobb, Norf., a swan's head or, holding in Cochran, a spear's head and a garb in
dier in complete armour with a spear, the beak a iish. saltire ppr. Armis et industria.

all ppr. 188. 4 Cobb of Yarmouth, a duck's head erased Cochran, -Alexander, Esquire, of Balfour,
Aberdeen, a black horse passant ppr.
Clyfl and Glyffe, sue Cliffe. or, holding in its beak a herring collared

Clynch, a camel's head per fesa or and arg. Virtute et labore. 294. 1

az. 132. 7 Cobb, a shoveller sa., beaked and legged Cochran-Patrick, Neil Kennedy, Esquire,
Clynch, see Clinch.
or. Aof Woodside, Beith, N.B. : (i) hand

Clyncke, a lion's head royally crowned, Cobb and Cobbe, Ireland, a dexter hand ppr., holding a saltire sa. {for Patrick).
per fess gu. and or, brandishing a
all ppr. A(2) horse trotting sa., crined and

Clyplesby and Clypsby, a bull passant sa., scimitar ppr. 213. I ungu. or (for Cochran). Ora et lahora,
and Virtute it labore.
plattee. cf. 45. 2 Cobbe of Swaraton, Hants, and of New-
Clyve, see Clive and Cleve.
bridge, CO. Dublin, out of a ducal coro- Cochrane, Earl of Dundonald, see Dun-

Coach of London, a gauntlet erect or, the —net or, a pelican's head arg., vulning donald.

hand clenched, from the fingers blood herself gu. Mortens cano. In sanguine Gochrane-Baillie, Baron Lamington, see

dropping gu. vita. cf. 98. 2 Laraington.

Coach, a stag sejant gu., attired or, be- Cobbe, Lieutenant-General Alexander Cochrane or Cochran, Scotland, a horse

tween two laurel-branches vert. Hugh, C.B., of Army and Navy Club, passant arg. 52. 6

Coachman of London, a demi-lion ram- out of a ducal coronet gu., a pelican's Cochrane, John Richard, Esquire, of
head and neck vulning itself ppr. In
pant sa., crusily and holding between sanguine vita, and below the arms. Calder Glen, Lanarksh., a white horse

the paws a cinquefoil arg. cf. 10. 2 passant ppr. Dominc in virtute tua.

Coakley, a lion passant or, holding in the Mortens cano. 294. II
dexter paw an eagle's leg erased gu.
Cobbe, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Augus- Cochrane or Cochran, a hand issuing

cf. 6. 2 tus, of Farnleigh, Baldwin's Hill, East from a cloud raising a garb.
Grinstead, same crest and mottoes.
Coane, Scotland, a lily ppr. 151. 2 Cobben, Cobbin, Gobbyn, Cobenn, and 223. 12

Coape, a dexter hand holding a sword Cochrane or Cochran, Scotland, a dexter

erect ppr Cobyn, on a garb in fess a lion passant hand holding a human heart ppr.

Coape, a, f1 leur-de-lis arg. 148. gardant. 5. 12 Concordia vincii. 216. 9

Goape-Arnold, Henry Eraser James Cobbes, a shoveller sa. Cochrane or Cochran, Scotland, a stag at

i|uire, of Wolvey Hall, near Hinckley, Cobbett, Middx., a bird rising or, pellettee, gaze ppr., attired gu. Vigilante solus.

and Goldhanger, Essex, a demi-tiger holding in the beak a sprig of laurel 1 17- 3
regardant sa., bezantee, maned and
tusked, and holding between his paws ppr. 94. I Cochrane or Cochran, Scotland, a grey-
hound current arg. Virtute et labore.
Cobbold, a thunderbolt ppr. 174. 11
cf. 58. 2
a pheon or. Ut vivas vigila. Gobbold of Ipswich, a lion passant gar-
Coates of Eastwood, co. Down, Ireland, Cochrane, Sir Henry, J.P., D.L., of Wood-
dant or. Rebus augustis fortis. 4. 3 brook, near Bray, co. Dublin, in front
on a mount vert, a cock ppr., combed, Cobbold, C. Spencer, the Elms, Bath- of two tilting-spears in saltire a bay-

wattled, and legged gu., and charged easton, Bath, same crest. Defendo et horse passant, all ppr. Virtute et

with a mullet of the last. Vigilans ct repungo.

audax. cf. 91. 2 Cobbold, John Dupuis, the Holywells, Lahore. 236. 9

Coates of Whitton, Radnorsh., upon a Ipswich, same crest. Cochrane, Thomas Belhaven Henry, Es-

mount vert, a greyhound couchant arg., Gobham, Viscount, iie Lyttleton. quire, of Carisbrooke Castle: (i) (of

collared and lined or, resting the dexter Cobham, Lord Cobham, a Saracen's head augmentation) Issuing out of a naval

paw on a rose gu. Est voluntas Dei. ppr., wreatlied about the temples or crown or, a de.xter arm embowed, vested

Coates or Coats, a swan's head between and gu. 190. 5 az., cuffed arg., the hand holding a

two wings arg. loi. 6 Cobham, Kent, an old man's head in flagstaff ppr. thereon hoisted a flag of

Coates or Cotes, a cock gu., combed, profile couped at the shoulders ppr., a rear-admiral of the White, being arg.,

wattled, and legged or. qi. 2 with a long cap gu., turned up arg., a cross gu., and thereon the words " St.
frettysa., a button at the top or. 192. 2
Coats or Cotes, Yorks and Shropsh., a ADomingo " in letters of gold. (2)
cock ppr., combed, wattled, and legged
Cobham, Charles, Esquire, the Shrub- horse passant arg. 294. 11
bery, Gravesend, an old man's head
gu. 91. 2 Cock, Norf., an ostrich gu., ducaUy gorged
Coats or Cotes, an arm erect couped
in profile couped at the shoulders ppr., and holding in the beak a horse-shoe
on the head a cap gu., turned up arg.,
below the elbow, vested paly of six or fretty sa., buttoned upon the top or. or. 97- I

and az., cuffed arg., holding in the Cock, on the stump of a tree ppr., a cock

hand a covered cup or. (Scire, sapere, facere. 192. 2 gu. cf. 91. 2


122 COF

Cock or Cocks, a chevalier on horseback Cockerel!, Glouc, within a crescent az., Codd, a sea-pie ppr.

brandishing a sword, all ppr. a tiger's face ppr., crowned with an Codd, a lion rampant gorged with a

189. 10 Eastern crown or. 22. 6 mural coronet and charged with two

Cock, Northumb. and Scotland, a cock Cockerel], between two wings a lion's torteaux. cf. i. 13

ppr. 91. 2 face ppr. 21. 4 Codd of Kensington. Middx., on a mount

Cock and Cocke, a cock arg., combed and Cockerell, a Roman fasces ppr. 171. 4 vert, a lion rampant arg., pellettee,

wattled gu. 91. 2 Cockerith, a fire beacon ppr. 177. 14 gorged with a mural crown gu., hold-
ing between the fore-paws an annulet
Cock, Herts, an ostrich holding in the Cockes, a hand holding a lion's gamb

beak a horse-shoe, all ppr. 97. 8 erased ppr. 220. 10 or, the dexter hind-paw resting on a

Cock, Harold, Ridgebourne, Shrewsbury, Cocket, Herts, a man's head in profile pellet.

in front of the stump of an oak-tree, couped at the shoulders ppr., vested Codd or Codde, Ireland, a lion's head

one branch sprouting from the dexter vert, the collar or, on the head a cap erased holding in the mouth a sinister
side and fructed ppr., thereon a cock or, bendy wavy of the last and az., turned
hand ppr. 21. 2

holding in the beak a sprig of oak, five up, indented sa. Coddington, Sir William, Bart., of Wy-

mascles conjoined fessewise of the Cockett, a poplar-tree ppr. 144. 12 collar, Blackburn, in front of a boar's

second. Talent de bien fairc. Cockett of Hadsor and Droitwich, Worcs., head erased or, fretty sa., a trefoil

Cock, the late Alfred, Esquire, of 8, Ken- a man's head in profile couped below slipped vert. Nil desperanduin.

sington Park Gardens, London, W., the shoulders ppr., on the head, upon a Coddington and Codinton, on a chapeau
same crest and motto. wreath arg. and sa., a cap bendy wavy an eagle, wings expanded and inverted.

Cockain, Cockayn, Cockayne, Cokaine, ppr.

and Cockayne, a cock's head erased gu., Cockfield, an eagle with winga addorsed, Coddington, Ireland, a hand holding a

crested and jelloped sa. Virtus in preying on a tortoise. 79. 8 sword ppr. 212. 13

arduis. 90. 3 Cocktield or Cokefield, on the stump of Coddington of Oldbridge, Ireland, a
Cockburn, a cock ppr. qi. j
a tree an eagle with wings addorsed wolf's head erased or, charged with a

Cockburn or Cockburne, Scotland, a ppr. 79. 12 trefoil slipped ppr. Nil desperandum.

cock gu. In dubiis constans. qi. 2 Cockle, a talbot passant gu., collared cf. 30. 8

Cockburn, 1 Hon. Sir John Alexander. arg. cf. 54. I Codenham, a lion's head erased or,

K.CM.G., M.D. (London). 10, Gate- Cockman, a demi-eagle displayed sa. langued az., charged on the neck with

stone Road, Upper Norwood, a cock 8:. 6 three trefoils slipped vert. cf. 17. 8

crowing ppr. 91. 2 Cockram, George Edward, 15, Addison Codham, the same crest.

Cockburn, Bart, of that Hk, Scotland, a Road, W., a demi-lion rampant arg., Codrington, .-Admiral the late Sir Edward,
holding in the dexter paw a cross G.C.B., out of a naval coronet or, the
—cock crowing. Accendit caniu. Vigi-

lans et audax. gi. 2 crosslet fitchee gu. Fuimus. sails arg., inscribed on the band in
Cockram, issuing out of clouds a cubit black letters, " Navarin," the three
Cockburn, Admiral the late Sir George,
arm holding an anchor erect, the naval flags of the allied Powers in that
6.C.B. : (i) Out of a naval crown or,

two arms embowed, the dexter vested flukes upward ppr. action, viz., Russia arg., a saltire az.,

az., holding a pike erect ppr., the Cockram, a tree ppr. 143-5 England the union-jack, and France a

sinister habited gu., supporting the Cockrell, a leopard's face ppr. 22. 2 white flag, the staves ppr. Vultus in.

upper part of a musket with a bayonet Cockridge, a cock ppr. 91. 2 host em.

—Afixed, also ppr. (2) cock ppr. hn. Cockridge, a cock crowing ppr. 91. 2 Codrington, Sir Gerald, Bart., of Dod-

VigHans et audax. 91. 2 Cocks, Earl Somers, see Somers. ington, Glouc, out of a ducal coronet

Cockburn, Scotland, a, cock's head ppr. Cocks, a cock ppr. 91. 2 or, a dragon's head couped gu. between

/ rise with the morning. cf. 90. i Cocks, a hind's head erased, collared. two dragons' wings chequy or and az-

Cockburn-CampbeU, Bart.: (i) A dexter cf. 124. 5 Immersibilis est vera virtus.

hand holding a scimitar ppr. Over is Cocks, Worcs., a buck lodged ppr. 1 5. 7 Codrington, Col. .\lfred Edward, of

the motto, " WitlwiU fear ' {for Camp- Cocks, Glouc. and Suff., on a mount vert, 1 10, Eaton Square, London, S.W.,

Abell). (2) cock ppr. {/or Cockburn). a stag lodged arg., attired sa. 1 15. 12 same crest and motto. Ytdtu-s in hostem.

Motto below the shield, " Forward." Cocks, John James Thomas Somers, Codrington, Sir Gerald William Henry,

213- ; Esquire, of 2, Fawcett Street, Earl's Bart., J.P., of Dodington Park,
Court, S.VV., on a mount vert, a stag Glouc, same crest. Immersabilis est
Cockbum-Hood of Stainrigg House, vera virtu^s.
Coe, two swords in saltier ppr., sur-
Coldstream, N.B., a demi - archer lodged and regardant arg., attired and mounted by a cross crosslet fitched sa.

—clothed and accoutred ppr. Sivift and ungu. sa.

sure. Olim sic erat. Cocks, a chevalier on horseback in ar-

Cockburn, on a rock ppr., a leopard sejant mour, brandishing a sword, all ppr. 166. 14
Coe, a martlet sa. Prcesto et persto.
per fess or and gu. 24. 1 189. 10

Cockburn, Scotland, a dexter arm hold- Cocksedge, a cock gu., holding in the 95- 5

ing a broken spear in bend ppr. Press beak a violet ppr. cf. 91. 2 Coe, Norf., an arm in armour embowed

through. 214. 10 Cocksey, a tiger's head couped sa., ppr., holding in the hand a chaplet

Cockburn, Surrey, a horse's head arg., charged on the neck with a cinquefoil vert. 199. 12

bridled gu. Quo duxeris adsum. between two bars or. Coe, a crane supporting with the dexter

51- 5 Cocksey, a bishop's mitre ppr. cf. 180. 5 claw an anchor, all ppr. 105. 10
Cocksey, on a garb in fess a cock ppr.
Cocke, a dexter hand couped, holding a Coe, a demi-eagle with two heads dis-

dagger in pale, all ppr. 212. 9 91. 4 played, cf. 82. I
Cockshutt, Lanes and Shropsh., a demi-
Cocke, Scotland, a lion's gamb holding a Coesvelt, a demi-lion rampant gu., behind

sceptre in pale, all ppr. cf. 38. 7 griffin sa. 64. 2 and above the latter a demi-hind salient

Cocke, a bear's head arg., crowned or. Cockshutt, Herts, a demi-griffin arg.,

Cockeine, Kent, on a mural coronet arg., gorged with a collar gu., guttee-d'eau. Coey, Sir Edward, of Belfast, in front of

a cock of the same, beaked, barbed, cf. 64. 2 a flagstaff ppr., the flag flowing to the
Cockworthy and Cookworthy, a cock gu.
and membered gu. cf. 91. 2 sinister arg., and charged with a sinister

CockeU, on a mural coronet or, a cock 91. 2 hand gu., a greyhound courant, also
Codd, Norf., a heron's head erased ppr.
gu., semce of roundles, resting the arg. Droit en avant.

dexter claw on an escallop, and holding 104. II Coflleld, on a cross fleury fitched gu..
Codd or Codde, England and Ireland, a
in the beak a sprig of laurel ppr. between two wings or, a crescent of
hawk's leg erased, belled ppr. 113. 8
Cocker, Lines, a lion couchant gardant Codd, a physician's cap sa., tufted or. the last. cf. 166. 8

erm. 7. jq Coffin, a camel's head erased or, bridled,

Cockerham of Hillersdon and CoUumpton, 180. 7 lined, ringed, and gorged with a dacal
Codd or Codde, a square fort with four
Devonsh., a cubit arm erect holding in coronet sa. In tempestate floreaco.

the hand ppr. an anchor erect sa. towers ppr. 155-4 132- 9


Coffin, Bart., on the stem of a ship or, feathers arg., two cross crosslets fitched Cokerith, a fire-beacon ppr. 177. 14
a pigeon with wings addorsed arg., in saltire az. Fuimus et sub Deo eri-
holding in the beak a laurel-sprig vert. Cokes, a hand holding a lion's gamb
Extant rede jactis prcemia.
mus. erased ppr. 220. 10

Coham-FIemlng, John Blyth, Esquire, of Cokeseged and Cocksedge, a cock gu.,

Coffin, a long cross sa. 165. 4 Coham, near Highampton. Devonsh. : holding in the beak a violet ppr.
(I) A goat's head erased ppr., collared
Coffin, Pine-, John, of PortIedge,Devonsh.: cf. 91. 5
Cokfeld, out of a ducal coronet a Uou's
(I) A martlet az., charged on the breast or (for Fleming), cf. 128. 7. (2) In
front of a plume of five ostrich-feathers
Awith two bezants, cf. 95. 4. (2) gamb. 36. 12

pine-tree ppr. In tempestate floresco. arg., two cross crosslets fitchee in Cokyll, a talbot passant gu., collared arg.

144- 13 saltire az. {for Coham). Let the deed <^l- 54- 5
Coffin, Isaac Tristram, Esquire, of Mag- show.—Fuimus et sub Deo erimus. Colbarne, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Cohen, a bear's head couped sa., muzzled
dalen Islands, British North America, stag's head erased arg., attired of the

the stern of a man-of-war or, thereon a gu- 34- 14 first. Seur et loyal. cf. 120. 7

hooded dove, wings elevated, and in Cohen, Samuel, Esquire, of Park Place, Colbatch, Middx., a dexter arm embowed,

the bill a branch of olive ppr. (a mullet Brixton, London, S.W., a demi-lion habited per pale dancettee vert and

for difference.) Extant recte jactis issuant barry of eight arg. and gu., az., cuffed erm., holding in the hand
holding in the dexter paw an acorn a pine-apple downwards slipped and
pramia. leaved ppr.

Coffy of LynaUy, King's Co., Ireland, sUpjied ppr. 12. 3
a man riding on a dolphin ppr. Non
Cohn, Maurice, Esquire, of 21, Grosvenor Colbeck, Beds, on a chapeau gu., turned
up erm., a lion's head erased or, pel-
provideniia sed victoria. cf. 189. 12 Place, S.W., and the Range, Shep-
perton, Middx., upon a mount vert, a
Coflyn, a martlet or, between two cinque- lettee. 17-9

foils arg., stalked and leaved ppr. lion rampant or, holding between the Colbey, an arm in armour embowed ppr.,
fore-paws a torch fired ppr. between
cf. 95. 2 two maple-leaves of the first. Lux garnished or, holding in the gauntlet
Cogan, a lion's head erased gu., semee of
a sword, also ppr. 195. i

mullets of six points or. cf. 17. 2 dei ibi solus. Colborne, Baron Seaton, sec Seaton.

Cogan or Coggan, a talbot passant, col- Coin, two wings expanded. 109. 6 Colborne, Baron (Ridley-Colbourne) : (i)

lared and lined. Conslans fidei. 54. 5 Cokaine and Cokayne, see Cookain. A stag's head couped ppr., gorged with
Cogan, William Henry Ford, M.A., J.P.,
Cokayne, George Edward, Esquire, M.A., a ducal coronet, and pendent there-

of 'Tinode, 00. Wicklow, Ireland, a F.S.A., of Exeter House, Rowhampton, from a bugle stringed gu. (for Colborne).

talbot passant ppr., collared and Clarenceux King of Arms, a cock's A(2) bull passant gu. (for Ridley).
head erased gu., beaked, crested, and
chained or, charged on the shoidder Constans fidei. cf. 45. 2

with a cross bottony gu. Constans jeUoped sa. 90. 3 Colborne, Somers. and Wilts, out of a

fidei. cf. 54. 5 Ookayne-Cust, Henry John, Esquire, of ducal coronet or, a reindeer's head

Cogger, an arm in armour embowed Cockayne Hatley, Beds, Belton arg., attired of the first. 122. 3

holding in the hand a club, all ppr. House, Grantham, 8, Carlton House Colborne, George F., Cefn Pare, Newport,

199. 6 ATerrace, S.W. : (i) lion's head Monm., same crest. Vnita vis fortior.

Coggeshall, Sufi., a stag lodged sa., erased sa., collared paly wavy of six Colbran, Kent, a stag's head erased or.

attired or. II5- 7 Aarg. and sa. (for Cu9t).' (2) cock's Quod sors fert ferimus. 121. 2

Coggs of London, out of a mural coronet head erased gu., beaked, crested, and Colbrand, Sussex, a tiger sejant arg.,

az., a griffin's head or, charged with a jelloped sa. Esse quam videri. maned or. 27. 6

cog sa. cf. 67. 10 Cokayne-Frith, Colin, Esquire, Highfield, Colbroke, Colebrook, and Colebrock, a

CogUU, a cock ppr. Dum vivo canto. Canterbury, above a grove of trees spear in pale ppr. 175-9

Coghill of Coghill, Yorks and Oxon., a ppr., the sun in splendour or. Virtus Colburn, out of a ducal coronet an ante-

cock with wings addorsed erm. 9c/. 71 . lope's head erased. cf. 126. 2
Coghill, Sir John JosceljTi, Bart., D.L.,
Coke, Earl ot Leicester, and Viscount Colby, an arm in armour embowed ppr.,
of Coghill, Yorks, on a mount vert, a
Coke, see Leicester. garnished or, holding in the gauntlet
a dagger ppr., hilt and pommel or.
cock with wings expanded or, beaked, Coke, a dexter hand couped holding a

combed, and wattled gu., charged on dagger in pale ppr. 212. 9 cf 196. 5

the breast with a bezant. iYo« dormit Coke, the sun in splendour or. 162. 2 Colby, an arm in armour embowed ppr.,

qui custodit. cf. 91 2. Coke, Colonel William Langton, 30, garnished or, holding in the gauntlet
Nevern Square, S.W., same crest. Non
Coghill, Percy de Geiger, 4, Sunnyside, a scimitar, all ppr. cf. 196. 10

Princes Park, Liverpool, a cock with aliunde pendere. Colby or Coleby, an arm in armour em-

wings expanded ppr. Dum vivo canto. Coke of Brookhill Hall, Derbysh., same bowed ppr., garnished or, holding in

298. 4 crest and motto. 162. 2 the gauntlet a broken sword arg., hilt

Coghlan or Coghlen, a fret or. 165. 10 Coke, Edward Beresford, Esquire, same and pommel gu., embrued ppr.

Coghlan, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant crest and motto. Colby, Frederic Clarence Coplestone,
Esquire, A.K.C., on a WTeath of the
ducally crowned, holding in the dexter Coke, Francis Sacheverell, of the Priory, colours or and az., and between two
Titley, same crest and motto. palm-branches, a dexter arm embowed
paw a sword, all ppr. cf. 14. 12 in armour, the hand in a gauntlet
Coke, Major-General John Talbot, of grasping a broken sword, aU ppr., and
Coghlan, in a ducal coronet or, a mount Trusley Manor, Derbysh., same crest suspended from the hand a palmer's
and motto.
vert, thereon a tower arg., scrip or. Non omnis frangar.
Coke of Lower Moor House, Heref., same
therefrom an arm embowed in crest and motto. 196. 2

the hand grasping a scimitar, both also Coke, Norf., on a chapeau az., an ostrich Colby, Rev. Samuel Reynolds, A.K.C.,
ppr., holding in the beak a horse-shoe same crest and motto.
ppr. Unione minima vigent.

Coghlan, Major-General Sir William

Marcus, Knight Commander of the

Most Honourable Order of the Bath, or. 97- 13
Coke, William H., M.R.C.S., 17, High
out of an Irish crown or, an arm em- Colchester, Baron (Abbot), of Colchester,
Street, Ashford, Kent, same crest.
bowed in armour ppr., charged with Essex, out of a ducal coronet or, a

a bomb tired sa., the hand grasping Prudens qui paiiens. unicorn's head erm., armed, crined,
Cokeningham, Yorks, a goat's head
a scimitar, both also ppr. Fortis in and tufted of the first, between six

arduis. erased arg. 128. 5 —ostrich-feathers arg., quilled gold. Deo

Coghlan, late William Mant Hay, Es- Coker, Dorset, a Moor's head aiirontee patrice amicis. Ferseverando.

quire, of 19, Redcliffe Square, S.W., pijr., couped at the shoulders, wreathed Colchester of London and Warw., a demi-
out of an Irish crown or, an arm em-
bowed in armour ppr., charged with a arg. and gu. 192. 4 lion ppr., holding between the paws an

bomb fired sa. Fortis in arduis. Coker, Dorset, a Moor's head in profile etoile gu. cf. lO. 2
Cobam of Coham and Dunsland, Devonsh.,
sa., wreathed arg. and gu. 192. 13 Colchester-Wemyss, Magnard Willoughby,
in front of a plume of five ostrich-
Coker of Bicester, Oxon., same crest. Westbury Court, Westbury-on-Severn,

Fiat justitia. 192- 13 a swan ppr.


Colcleugb, a lion passant gardant or, Cole, Comw., a demi-dragon holding an Coleridge, Baron (Coleridge), of Ottery
collared gu., holding an anchor sa. St. Mary, Devonsh., on a mount vert,
cj. 5. 10 arrow or, headed and feathered arg.

Colclough, see Biddulph-Colclouah. cf. 71. 10 therefrom issuing ears of wheat ppr.,
Colclough or Colcloughe, a hind's head
Cole, Edward Campbell Stuart, of Stoke in front of a cross gu., an otter, also
Lyne, Exmouth, same crest. Deum
ppr. Qualis vita, finis Ha. 134. 7

ppr., vulned gu. 1 24. i cole regem serva. Coleridge, Devonsh., same crest. Time
Cole, Middx., Oxon., and Ireland, a
Colclough, staffs, a demi-eagle displayed Deum cole regem. 134. 7

sa., ducally gorged or. c/. 81. 2 demi-griffin segreant vert, grasping Coleridge, Stephen William Buchanan,

Colclough, Rosborough-, of Tintem in its dexter claw an arrow with Esquire, of 7, Egerton Mansions, South
Kensington, London, S.W., same crest
Abbey, co. We.xford, Ireland: (I) A the point downwards or, barbed and
feathered arg. Deum cole regem serva.
demi-eagle displayed sa., gorged with and motto.

a ducal coronet or [jor Colclough). cj. cf. 64. 2 Coleridge, a griffin's head ppr., between
Cole, Francis Burton Owen, Esq\iire, of
81. 2. (2) On a dexter hand in fess two wings or. 65.11

a dove with a branch of olive Brandrum, Monaghan, Lysmeirchion, Coles, on a tower a lion rampant ppr.

—in his beak, all ppr. (for Rosborough). Denbigh, same crest and motto. 157. 12

God is my shield. His calcabo gentes. Cole, Somers., an eagle displayed arg. 75.2 Coles, Ireland, a horse trotting arg..

Colde and Colfe, in flames of fire ppr., a Cole, Somers., an eagle displayed arg., saddled and bridled sa. cf. 52. 2

ram arg., armed or. c/. 131. 13 ducally gorged or. cf. 75. 2 Coles, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-

Coldham of Midhurst, Sussex, a dragon's Cole, Oxon., a bundle of arrows arg., dragon vert, holding in the dexter

head gu., pierced with a spear or, belted and buckled or. 173. 3 claw an arrow of the first, headed

headed arg. 72. 10 Cole-Baker, Lyster, M.D., Bayfield, Kent and feathered arg. c/. 73. 10

Coldham of Anmer Hall. Norf., a griffin's Road, Southsea, a dexter arm in Coles, Somers., on a mount vert, an eagle

head erased gu., transfi.xed with an armour erabowed holding in the liand displayed arg., ducally gorged and

arrow arg. 66. 13 a swan's head erased and ducally meinbered or. cf. 74. 10

Coldham-Fussell, James Cecil, Esquire, gorged. Honor virttdis satdhs. Coles, Charles Edward, C.M.G., Cau-o,

of Hodnet, Falcon Street, St. Colebrock and Colebrook, see Colbroke. same crest.

Leonard's, New South Wales, between Colebrooke, Sir Edward Arthur, Bart., of Coles, around a marble piUar ppr., gar-

two laurel-branches ppr., a fusil or, Crawford, Lanarksh., a wyvern with nished or, a snake entwined vert.
charged with a cross flory sa. Am.
wings expanded or, resting the dexter Coles of Old Park, Clapham Common,

147- 13 claw upon an antique escutcheon gu., Surrey, upon a mount vert, a column

Coldicott, a dexter hand ppr., holding a S'lla bona quie honcsta. erect entwined by a serpent holding

billet gu. Sum quod sum. 215. i Coleby, see Colby. in the mouth a branch of olive, aU

Coldstream, Scotland, a swan naiant %vith Colegrave, on a mural coronet gu., two ppr.

wings addorsed. Live in hope. 99. 9 arrows in saltier or, flighted arg. Coles, Colonel Charles Horsman, of 10,
Cole, Earl o( EnniskiUen, and Viscount
Colegrave of Cann Hall, Essex, and Palmeira Avenue, Hove, Sussex, same

Cole, see EnniskiUen. Little Ellingham, Norf., an ostrich- crest. Persevere.

Cole, Northumb., an arm erect ppr., hold- feather erect az., and two arrows in Coles, Edward George, Esquire, same

ing in the hand a scorpion sa. 220. i saltire or, barbed and flighted arg., crest and motto.

Cole of Holybourne, Hants, a naked banded by a mural crown gu. Fidei Coles, an arm in armour embowed ppr.,

arm holding in the hand a scorpion holding in the hand a serpent entwined

—ppr., armed or. Deum cole regem serva. Coleman, a horse's head erased ppr. 51.4 round the arm vert.
Coleman of London and Leics., a nag's
Esto quod esse videris. 220. i Coles, a hand holding a sword in pale,
head erased sa., maned and bridled
Cole, Clayton-, Alfred, of 64, Portland entiled with a boar's head couped ppr.
Place, same crest. Fide et fiducia.
arg., tasselled or. cf. 51. 5 212. 6
Cole, a bull current winged.
Cole of London, a bull's head couped sa. Coleman of Bexley Lodge, Norwich, a Coleshill, Viscount, see Digby, Baron.

cross patonce gu., surmounted by a Colet, a hand holding a battle-axe ppr.

c/- 44- 3 unicorn's head erased arg., charged 213. 12

Cole, out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's with three roses in chevron of the Coley, a dexter arm in armour ppr., hold-
ing a scimitar arg., hilt and pommel
head gu., armed of the first. 44. 11 first. Be just and fear not.

Cole, late WiUiam Cole, Esquire, Banker, Coleman, out of a ducal coronet a grey-

of Exeter, a bull's head couped at the hound's head, all ppr. 61. 7 CoKoX, out of a ducal coronet or, a
demi-wolf gu., devouring a hand arg.
neck sa., armed or, between two Coleman, a demi-grey hound sa., collared

branches of oak fructed ppr. c/. 43. 12 arg., holding between the feet a mullet Coltox, out of a tower ppr., a demi-grey-
Cole, Brownlow, Esquire, a bull's head
of the first. cf. 60. 8 hound az., holding a branch vert.
couped sa., attired or, between two
Coleman of Merriot, Somers., a bull's 157. 8

branches of oak couped sa., fructed or. head erased gu., charged with a cres- CoUox, William, Esquire, of Westmead,
Deum cole regem serm. near Bridport, a fox ppr., charged on
Cole, Rev. William Alston, 21, Morton cent arg. cf. 44. 3
Crescent, Exmouth, same crest and
Coleman of Brandon Parva, Norf., and of the body with two fleur-de-lis in fesse
sa., and resting the sinister paw on a
Napier, New Zealand, upon a mount fleur-de-lis gu. Lnx lex, libertns.

motto. vert, in front of a shepherd's crook
erect gu., a lamb grazing arg. Esto
Cole, Charles Francis, Esquire, same crest 238. 7
Colhoun of Carrickbaldvey, co. Donegal,
and motto. sol testis.
a buck's head erased per pale vert and
Cole, Lanes, a lion's head erased gu., Coleman, Wilts., a caltrap or, between arg., charged with two mullets in pale

pierced in the neck by an arrow, c/. T 7. 2 two wings arg. 299. 11

Cole, Essex, a leopard's head erased arg., Coleman, Henry William, J.P., Wyther counterchanged. Viget sub cruce.

collared and chained or, holding in the Lodge, Kirkstall, Leeds, same crest. Coling, a demi-grirfin segreant ppr.,
holding between the claws a fusil gu.,
mouth an oak slip vert. c/. 23. 10 Resolve well.— Persevere.

Cole, Herts, a demi-dragon az., winged Colemere and Colmore, a harpy with charged with a crescent arg. cf. 64. 2
CoUadon, issuing out of the sea a dexter
or, holding a chaplet vert. <•/. 73. 10 wings expanded ppr. 189. 4
arm ppr., holding an anchor cabled sa.
Cole, Rev. George Lamont, formerly of Colemere, Collmore, and Collymore, a

Wallisford Manor, Wellington, Somers., Moor's head in profile, couped below 202. 7
a demi-dragon ppr., holding between
the claws two cross crosslets fitchee in the shoulders ppr., wreathed or and Collamore and Collmore, a negro's head
saltire arg. Deum cole regem serm.
gu. 192. 13 and shoulders couped sa., wreathed or
Colen, a sword and a pastoral staff in
andgu. 192.13

cf. 73. 10 saltier. CoUana, a fish-wheel or.
Cole, a demi-dragon vert, holding in its
Colepeper, a falcon with wings expanded Collar, a tiger's head erased or. cf. 27. 3
dexter claw a javelin armed or, arg., beaked, legged, and belled or. Collard of Barmston, Essex, a demi-lion

feathered arg. cf. 73. 10 87. I rampant sa., supporting a cross-bow or.


Collard of CoUard and Southcott, Devons., Colley, CO. Kildare, Ireland, a dexter cubit Collings, Essex, a griffin's head erased
a demi-lion rampant 3a., holding a arm habited gu., encircled below the
scaling-ladder or. cuff arg. with a ducal coronet or, the or, collared vert. cf. 66. 2
hand grasping a scimitar ppr., hilted
CoUard cf Broorafield, Heme, Kent, same Collings, a cubit arm erect, the band

holding a torch, all ppr.

crest. Notnini noceas. and pommelled of the third. Virtutis Collings, Charles D'Auvergne, M.D., the
Collard of Hamilton Terrace, St. John's
jortuna contes. Grange, Guernsey, a horse's head erased
Wood, London, N.W., in front of a
battle-axe erect or, a bull's head erm., Colley, George Pomeroy Arthur, Esquire, arg., bridled and charged on the neck
erased gu., gorged with a collar vaii. formerly of Mount Temple, Cloutarf,
Ubi libertas ibi palria. CO. Dublin, same crest and motto. with three fleur-de-lis, two and one az.

Colley, an arm erect holding a spear in Fidelis in omnibus. cf. $t. 5

ColUngton, a stag's head erased ppr.

CoUas, .Jersey, a plain cross or. Crux bend ppr., with the banner of St. 121. 2

spas unica. George appended thereto. Unica fir- Collingwood, Baron CoUingwood ; ( i ) The
Collay, Chesh., Herts, Warw., an ele-
tus necessaria. stern of the Royal Sovereign man-of-war

phant's head gu., between two wings sa. CoUiar or Collyar, Staffs, a demi-negro in waves between a branch of laurel

CoUe of Newcastle, Northumb., a dexter ppr., with pearls in the ears arg., and a branch of oak, all ppr. (2) A
holding in the dexter hand an acorn-
hand holding a scorpion ppr. 220. I branch fructed or. stag at gaze under an oak-tree ppr.

Colledge, Thomas Richard, Esquire, a Collick, a lion passant holding in the Ferar uniis et idem. cf. 116. 12
dexter paw a cross crosslet Ctched.
mount vert, thereon in front of a Collingwood, Norf., a buck's head arg.,
c/. 6. 2
pomegranate leaved and stalked ppr. attired or. 121. 5
Collier, out of a naval coronet or, on
a snake nowed, also ppr. the circle the word.s " St. Sehastiaii," a Collingwood, Northumb.. a stag at gaze in

Collee, a griffin segreant arg., armed and a holly-bush ppr. Nil conscire sibi.

beaked or. 62. 2 Collingwood, Edward John, Esquire, of

Collen or Collin, Essex, a griffin's head cross pattee fitched or, between two Lillburn 'Tower, Alnwick, same crest.

erased or, collared vert. cf. 66. 2 wings displayed pean. Ferar unus et idem.

Collen and Collin, a griffin's head erased Collier, Arthur Bevan, Esquire, of Cartha- Collingwood, Rev. Robert Gordon, Dis-

or, collared erm. c/. 66. 2 Martha, Callington, Cornw., a deini- sington Hall, ten miles north-west of
man aijrontee ppr., holding in the Newcastle-on-Tyne, same crest, the
CoUen, a griffin'a head erased vert, col-

lared erm. cf. 66. 2 dexter hand an oak-brauch ppr., fructed stag charged for distinction with a

Collen or Collin, a demi-giiffin or, collared or, and resting the sinister hand on an cross crosslet sa. Ferar unus et idem.

az. c/. 65. 8 escutcheon az., charged with two keys Collingwood, a dove holding in its beak

CoUeus or Collins, Dorset, a dove arg. saltireways or. Persevere. an olive-branch. 92. 5

^'olaho ut reqiiiescam. 92. 2 Collier, John Francis, Esquire, of County Collins, Digby, of Truthan, Cornw., a

CoUens and Collensweil, a cubit arm Court, Liverpool, same crest and dove with wings expanded ppr. Volabo

holding a firebrand, all ppr. motto. ut requiescam. 94. 2

Colles, Somers., on a mount vert, an eagle Collier, Mortimer Calmady, Esquire, oj Collins, John Stephen, Esquire, J.P., of

displayed arg., ducally gorged and Foxhams, Horrabridge, same crest and Ardnalee, Carrigro Lane, co. Cork,
motto. Ireland, a pelican arg., vulning herself
membered or. cf. 74.10

Colles, a griffin's head couped or, between Collier, Lieutenant- Colonel Mortimer gu., gorged with a plain collar az.

two oak-branches vert, fructed of the John, V.D., of Foxhams, Horrabridge, Dant vulnera vitam.

first. c/. 66. I S. Devonsh., same crest and motto. Collins, Henn-, Hon. Sir Richard, of 3.

Colles, Ireland, issuing out of a cloud Collier, William Frederick, Esquire, of Bramhara Gardens, Earl's Court, Lon-

a dexter hand holding a sword wavy, Woodtown, Horrabridge, S. Devonsh., don, S.W., same crest and motto.

all ppr. 212. 4 same crest. Collins, a demi-griffin arg. 64. 2

Colles of Luckley, Grimley and Leigh Collier, a cross pattee fitched between Collins, Shropsh., a demi-griffin segreant

Court, Worcs., a sea-pie with wings ex- two wings or. cf. 1 10. 7 or, collared erm. cf. 65. 8

panded or, guttee-de-poix, standing on Collier, a unicorn rampant arg., armed Collins of London, Kent, Shropsh., and

a dolphin lying on its back of the first. or. 48. 2 Sussex, a demi-griffin or, beaked and

Colles, Richard, Millmount, Kilkenny, a Collier, Dorset, a wyvern with wings legged gu., collared erm. cf. 65. 8

sea-pye sa., guttee-d'eau, seizing on a addorsed arg. 70. i Collins, Rev. Henry, Knaresborough, a

fish ppr., wounded and bleeding. Collier, a unicorn's head arg., erased and demi-griffin or, armed gu. Tendimus.

Tcmperato splendeat iisu. armeil or. 49. 5 Collins, J. Rupert, M.D., General Hospital,

Collet of London and Suff., a hind Collimore of London, a demi-man in pro- Chelteuham, same crest. Grip fast.

trippant arg. 124. 12 file, vested gu., the collar turned over Collins, Somers., a demi-griffin or, col-

Collet, Sir Mark Wilks, Bart., D.L., of and billettee or, on his head a cap gu., lared arg. Deum et regem. Another,

St. Clere, Ightham, Kent, a hind arg., wreathed and ensigned with a crescent collared erm. cf. 65. 8
holding in the mouth a sprig of oak of the second, and holding in the dexter
fructed and slipped ppr., and support- hand a sceptre or, on the top thereof a Collins of WythaU, Walford, Heref. : (i)
ing with the dexter fore-leg a rose, also crescent arg.
A demi-griffin or, collared erm. cf. 65.

8. (2) A dexter arm embowed habited

arg., within an annulet sa. Dtim spiro Collin, see Collen. —arg., the hand ppr., holding a scimitar
Collin, Notts, a talbot's head erased per
spcrn. 262. 5 or. Fide et virtute. Colens Deum.
fess indented or and arg., eared and Collins, John Stratford, Whythall, Wal-
Collet, Suit., a hind's head erased at the

neck arg., gorged with a mural crown charged on the neck with a cross ford, Ross sh.. crest same as second

sa. c/. 124. 3 formee gu. 56. 14 above. Same mottoes.

Colleton, Sir Robert Augustus William, Collin, a demi-lion sa., holding in the Collins, a demi-griffin segreant or, col-

Bart., 158, King Henry's Road, N W., dexter paw a broken lance or. lared with a bar gemelle gu. Favente

a stag's head era,sed ppr. 121. 2 Collin, a griffin passant gu. 63. 2 Deo et sedulitate. cf. 64. 2

Collett, Suff., a hind's head couped arg., Collin, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Collins, Kent, a demi-griffin segreant or,

gorged with a collar engrailed sa. a griffin passant per pale sa. and gu. beaked, legged, and ducally gorged

Collett of London and of Locker's House, cf. 63. 13 arg. cf. 64. 2

Hemel Hempstead, Herts, a stag ppr., Collingborne, Northumb., on a roundle Collins, Major-General Ednard Archibald

.supporting witb the dexter foot an quarterly or and az., a cross pattee Cowling Hall, Bedale, Yorks, same

escutcheon sa. 295. 2 counterchanged. crest.

Collett, Rev. Edward, of Hayton Vicarage, Collingborne, Devonsh. and Wilts, a demi- Collins, a demi-griffin arg. armed gu. 64. 2

Retford, same crest. woman ppr., the hair dishevelled or, Collins, Charles M.. Esquire, of Kelvln-

Colley, a griffin segreant arg., beaked and vested erm., the sleeves gu., holding d^le, Lauarksh., a demi-griffin or, hold-

legged or. 62. 2 in the dexter hand a covered cup of ing in his dexter claw a rose gu., and

Colley, Ireland, a sinister hand holding a the second. cf. 183. 4 a thistle ppr., both slipped and leaved
159. i
bow, all ppr. 214. 5 Collings, a sphere ppr. vert. Fide et virtute. cf. 64. 2

1 51


Collins, Charles Millington, Esquire, of wings expanded or, guttee sa., standing Colman, Russell James, Esquire, J.P.,
Kelvindale and MaryhilJ, Lanarksh., on a dolphin lying on its back of the D.L., of Bracondale Woods, Norwich,
a, demi-griffin or, holding in the dexter first. Mens conscia recti. the Clyffe, Corton, Lowestoft, same
claw a thistle and a rose gu., both Collis, William Henry, 7, Barn HiU Road, crest and motto.
slipped and leaved vert. Fide et Wavertree, Liverpool, same crest.
Finem respice. Colman, Kent, a greyhound's head sa.,
virtute. gorged with a collar and ring arg.,

Collins, Edward Tenuison, Esqviire, of CoUis-Sandes, Falkiner Sandes, Esquire, charged with three mullets sa.
St. Edmunds, Howth, co. Dublin, oh Barrister-at-Law, Oak Park, Tralee,
cf. 61. 2
a wreath of the colours, a demi-griffin CO. Kerry : ( i ) On a mount vert, a Colmore, Cregoe-, William Berwick, Es-
segreant or, armed and langued gu.,
charged on the shoulder and wing with griffin segreant or, collared fleurettee quire, of Moor End, Charlton Kings,
two trefoils slipped in fesse vert. Glouc, out of a crescent or, a blacka-
gu. (for Sandes). cf. 62. 2. (2) On a moor's head in profile wreathed about
rock a sea-pie ppr., charged on the

Favente Deo et sednliiate. breast with a fountain and preying on the temples of the first and gu.

Collins, Joseph Tenison, Esquire, of a dolphin, all ppr. (for Collis). Virlvs Colne or Colney, a talbot sejant per pale
Society Street, Ballinasloe, co. Galway,
fortunce victrix. sa. and erm., coUared arg. 55-1

Ireland, on a wreath of the colours a CoUison of East Bilney, Norf., a demi- Colnet, Hants, a dragon's head ducally

demi-griffin segreant or, armed and lion rampant ppr., holding between the gorged and chained ppr. cf. 72. 9
langued gu., charged on the shoulder
and wing with two trefoils slipped in paws a cinquefoil or, the centre leaf Cologan or MacCoIgan, Ireland, a dexter
fesse vert. Favente Deo el sedulitate.
gu. cf. 10. 2 arm in armour embowed holding a
177. 12
Collison, a bomb fired ppr. lance transfixing a stag's head couped,

cj. 64- 2 Collison and CoUisone, Scotland, a fal- all ppr. Virlus probata florescit.

Collins of Betterton, Berks, a griffin's con's head erased ppr. Hoc virlutis Colpepper, a martlet gu. between the

head erased vert, crowned or. Per opus. 88. 12 horus of an ox.

callevi collem. 66. 9 ColUver, a hand holding a club ppr. Colpoys, out of a naval coronet a dexter

Collins, Rev. John Ferdinando, same 214. 6 hand apaumee. cf. 222. 14

crest and motto. CoUiver, a dexter hand couped in fess Colquhoun, Sir James, Bart., of Colqu-

Collins, 0.\oD., a griSin's head couped. gu. 221. 6 houn and of Luss, Dumbartonsh., a

Si je puis. 66. i CoTlman, see Coleman. hart's head couped gu., attired arg.
Collow, Scotland, a hand holding a dagger
Collins, Sussex, a griffin's head erased gu. Si je puis. 121. 5
in pale ppr. Pro patrid semper. 212. 9
Labor omnia vincit. 66. 2 CoUs, on a ducal coronet a griffin sejant Colquhon, Scotland, a hart's head couped

Collins, Essex, on a chapeau gu., turned with wings addorsed ppr., supporting gu., attired arg. Si je puis. 121. 5

up erm., a griffin statant per pale arg. Colquhoun of KiUermont, Dumbartonsh.,

and gu. c/. 63. 13 an escutcheon arg. 62. 1 a stag's head erased ppr. // / can.

Collins, William, Esquire, of Rotterdam, Collumbel, Lines, "on a chapeau gu., 121. 2
Holland, a horse's head couped arg., turned up erm., a dove close ppr.,
bridled sa., charged on the neck with holding in the beak an ear of wheat Colquhoun, Scotland: (i) A hart's head
three fleur-de-lis, one and two az., and
or. couped ppr. 121. 5. (2) A hand hold-

ing a buckle. 223. 11

gorged with a wreath of laurel vert. CoUwell, Cambs, on a chapeau gu., turned Colquhoun, Bart., of Tilliquhoun, Scot-

c/. 51. 5 up erm. a lion arg., gorged land, a stag's head erased ppr. Si je
Collins, Devonsh., a camel's head erased
with a label of three points gu. puis. 121. 2

ppr. Sermoni consona facia, c/. 132. 7 cf. 4. 9 Colquhoun of Kennuoir, Scotland, a

Collins, Ireland, a human heart trans- Colly, a griffin segreant sa., armed or. buck's head erased ppr. Si je puis.

pierced by a Passion nail in pale ppr. 62. 2 121. 2

Collins, Devonsh., a cubit arm erect hold- Collyear, a dexter hand ppr., holding a Colquhoun of Dunyelder, a laurel-branch

ing a lighted torch ppr. key az. 217. 7 Dumslipped ppr. spiro spero.

Collins, Arthur Shuekburgh, Hillwood, Collyear, a unicorn rampant arg., armed 151- 13
Colquhoun of Kilmardony, a stag's head
near Nelson, New Zealand, same crest. and ungu. or. 48. 2

Collins, James Tertius, Esquire, of Collyer-Bristow, see Bristow. erased ppr. Fcslinalente. 121. 2

Churchfield, Edgbaston, Birmingham, Collyer, Dorset, a demi-unicom arg., Colquhon of Drumpelder, a branch of

in front of a demi-gryphon or, wings armed, crined, and ungu. or. 48. 7 Dumlaurel slipped ppr. spiro spero.

vert, gorged with a collar, gemel sa.. Collyer, a unicorn's head couped ppr., 151- 13

five lozenges conjoined fesseways of maned and horned or. Colquhoun-Campbell, Rev. John Erskine,

the second. Collyer, Daniel William, Cormiston, of Garseadden : (i) A dexter hand

Collinson, a squirrel ppr. cf. 131;. 7 Lanarksh., same crest. holding a buckle ppr. A(2) boar's

CoUinson, Rev. Christopher Barber. Collyer, a cross pattee fitched or, between —head erected and erased or. Omnia

Laston Vicarage, near Newark, and of two eagle's wings sa. cf. no. 7 firmat. Fac et spera. 223. 11

Beltoft, Belton, Lines, a squirrel sejant. Collyer, a wyvern with wings addorsed Colquhoun, an arm from the elbow ppr.,

297. 15 sa. 70. 2 vested gu., the cuff indented or, hold-
ing a baton of the first, veruled of the
Collinson, Major-General Thomas Bernard, Collyer, two lions' heads erased, addorsed,

a squirrel sejant eating a nut ppr. and collared. 18. 2 last.

297. 15 Collyn, a griffin's head erased or, collared Colquhoun - Farquharson - Macdonald of

Collinson, a rose gu., between two branches erm. cf. 66. 2 the Crag, Montrose, Angus, St.

of laurel in orle ppr. 149. 1 Collyngs, Suff., a nag's head sa., bridled Martin's Abbey, Perth, Banderan

Colliray, a martlet flying over a tower, or, the rein hanging domi before with House, and Glenshee Lodge, Blair-

all ppr. c/. 155. 2 a ring at the end of it. cf. 51. 5 gowrie, Perthsh., a demi-lion gu.,
holding in his dexter paw a hand ppr.
Collis, Ireland, a dexter arm throwing a Colman, a caltrap or, between two wings

dart ppr. 214.4 arg. Per mare, per terras.

Collis, Edward, Esquire, of Ballinvarig : Colman of Carshalton Park, Surrey, in Colquitt, a hawk rising ducally gorged

(I) On a rock a sea-pie ppr., charged front of two wings arg., each charged and belled ppr. 87. 2

on the breast with a cross crosslet or, with an estoile az., a rock ppr., thereon Colquitt, Craven-, Fulwar Lewis George,
a caltrap or. Sat cito si sat bene. on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a
and feeding on a fish, also ppr. (for gryphon statant of the second, beaked
244. 15
ACollis). 299.13. (2) cubit arm erect Colman, Jeremiah, Esquire, J. P., D.L., or. Virtus in actione consistit.
Colshill and Colsill, Essex and Cornw.,
ppr., charged with two crescents in pale of Gatton Park, Surrey, in front of
two wings expanded arg., each charged an arm in armour couped at the
sa., holding in the hand an anchor of
the last (for Supple). Mens conscia

recti. with an estoile of six points v/avy az., shoulder, garnished or, holding a

CoUis, Lt.-Col. C. Herbert, Hagley, near a rock ppr., thereon a caltrap or. gauntlet ppr.

Stourbridge, Worcs., a sea-pie with Sat cito si sat bene. 244. 1 Colshull, an arrow in pale. 173. 5


two arms couped at the elbow crosslet erect and fitchee sa., a boar Colvin, Robert, Esquire, of Lough Eske,
passant arg., charged on the body with 00. Donegal, a hind's head couped arg.,
and vested, holding in the hands an two roses gu., barbed and seeded ppr. charged with a trefoil slipped vert. In

escutcheon or. 208. 2

Colston, a ship's boat ppr. 179. 6 (for Colton). Per /idem et patienliam. hoc sigtio vinces. cf. 124. i

Colston of London, a dolphin naiant sa. Columball, a camel's head ppr. Pacem Colvin, Forrester Famell, of Wymarks.

140. 5 amo. 132. 7 Henfield, Sussex, a greyhound's head
Colston of Filkins Hall, Oxon., a dolphin
Columbine, on a cap of maintenance a and neck erased erm., holding in the
naiant ppr. Go Ihou and do likc.vise. mouth a trefoil slipped ppr., and
dove. Audaces fortuna juvat. r/. 92. 2
140. 5
Colvil and Colville, a demi-hind ppr. gorged with a chevron collar. Aud-
Colston, Charles Edward Hungerford
Atholl, Roundway Park, Devizes, a Colvil and Colville, a demi-stag holding acter et sincere. 264. 8

in the mouth a rose ppr. 1 19. i Colvin. Richard Beale, Monkhams Hall,

dolphin embowed, all ppr. Motto as Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a liind's Waltham Abbey, Essex, same crest

head couped ppr. Obliviscar. 124. i and motto.

Colston, a spear's head in pale, enfiled Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a hind's Colvin-Smith, Robert Curzon Molison,

with a savage's head couped ppr. 191. 7 head couped arg. Non obliviscar. M.B., B.C., B.A., Cromer, Norf., an
Colt, the Rev. Sir Edward Harry Button, ostrich arg., holding in the beak a
124. I

Bart., of 13, St. Leonard's Road, Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a hind's horse-shoe or. Tu ne cede malis.

Exeter, a horse passant or. Vincit qui head arg., charged with a cross pattee Colwell, a talbot statant arg., spotted

patitur. 52. 8 sa cf. 124. I gu. and sa., collared az. 54. 2

Colt, Suff., a nag's head erm. 5°- :3 Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a talbot's Colwich, a bat displayed ppr. 137. 11

Colt, Essex, a colt at full speed sa., hold- Adhead arg. fincm fidelis. 56. 12 Colwick and Colwyke, issuing from a

ing in the mouth part of a broken tilt- Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a 'bull's cloud a hand in pale holding a sealed

ing-spear or, headed az., the remainder head. Ne ohliriscaris. cf. 44. 3 letter, all ppr. 215. 7

lying between his hind-legs. 52. 7 Colvil and Colville, Scotland, a demi- Colwick and Colwyke, in the sea an

Colt, SuS., a colt passant arg. 52. 6 Hercules with a lion's skin and a club, anchor in pale ensigned with a dove,

Colt, Kent, in a fire ppr. a ram arg., all ppr. Ouhlier ne puis. holding in its beak an oUve- branch,

attired or. cf. 131. 13 Colvil and Colville, a baud in pale issuing all ppr. 94. 4

Colt, Scotland, a hand throwing a dart from a cloud holding a dagger wavy. Colyar, De, Henry Anselm, 24, Palace

ppr. Trans/igam. 214. 4 212. 4 Gardens Terrace, Barrister-at-law : (i)

Colt, Captain George Frederick Russell, Colvile of Gorne, Ireland, a hind's head A cross crosslet fitchee between two

J.P., D.L., of Gartsherrie House, Coat- arg., charged with a cross forniee sa. wings. 281.5. (2) Ademi-Mooraffron-

bridge, Lanarksh., N.B., a dexter cf. 124. I tee ppr. holding in his dexter hand an

naked arm embowed holding in the Colvile, a greyhound's head erased arg. acorn slipped ppr. Avance. 281. 6

hand an arrow in bend sinister point 61. 4 Colyear, Ireland, a unicorn rampant arg.,

downwards, all ppr. Trans/igam. Colvile, a derai-lion rampant or, holding armed and crined or. Avanel.

201. 13 in the dexter paw a cross moline gu. 48. 2

Colter and Coulter, Scotland, a harpy cf. 10. 2 Colyer-Fergusson, Thomas Colyer, Igh-

gardant ppr. 189. i Colvile, Augustus Henry Asgill, Esquire, tham Mote, Ivy Hatch, near Sevenoaks,

1 Colthurst, Sir George St. John, Bart., of of 16, Pevensey Road, St. Leonards- a dexter hand grasping a broken spear

Ardrum, Inniscarra, co. Cork, a colt on-Sea. on a chapeau gu., a lion statant, in bend, all ppr. Vi et arte.

statant sa. Justmn ac tenacem. tail extended arg., gorged with a label Comb or Combe, Somers., a demi-lion sa.,


Colthurst, Joseph, Esquire, of Dripsey of five points of the first. Persevere. ducally gorged arg. 10. 7

Castle, CO. Cork, Ireland, a colt courant Colvile, Edward Leigh Mansel, Esquire, Comb or Combe, Scotland, a crane hold-

sa., charged on the shoulder with a same crest and motto. ing in the beak a bunch of clover ppr.

crescent or. Justum ct tenacem. Colvile, Fiennes Middleton, Esquire, C.B., cf. 105. 14

i c/. 52. 8 of St. Mildred's, Guildford, same crest Comb of Norton Ferrers and Tisburie,

( Colthurst, Bowen-, Robert Walter and motto. Somers., a demi-lion rampant sa.,

Travers, Esquire, of Oakgrove, co. Colvile, Rev. Gerald Henry, of Weston ducally gorged arg. 10. 7


j ACork : (:) colt courant sa., charged Rectory, Shifnal, same crest and motto. Combe, Abram, of Strathearn, Dunmurry,

' on the shoulder with a crescent or (for Colvile, Henry Algernon, Esquire, same CO. Antrim, a crane holding in its beak

3 CollhursI). cf. 52. 8. (2) On a mount crest and motto. a bunch of clover, all ppr. Res non

vert, a falcon close ppr., belled or {/or Colvile, Major-General Sir Henrv Edward, verba quceso.

I K.C.M.G., C.B., of LuUington, Burton- Combe, a dexter arm in armour embowed

Bowen). Justum et tenacem. cf. 85. 2

Colthuist-Vesey, George, Esquire, J.P., of on-Trent, and Lightwater, Bagshot, sa., garnished or, wreathed about the
arm arg. and gu., and holding in the
Lucan House, near Dublin: (i) A Surrey, same crest and motto, cf. 4. 8 hand a broken tilting-spear of the

hand in armour holding a laurel-branch Colvile, Spencer Twisleton, Esquire, same

Aall ppr. {for Ve-sei/]. (2) colt statant crest and motto. second. 197. 5

sa. l/or Colthurst). Sub hoc signo innces. Colvile, Charles Frederick, 45, Emperor's Combe, Bovce Harvey, Esquire, J. P.,

Colthurst, Ireland, on the stump of a Gate, South Kensington, on a chapeau of Oaklands, Westfi'eld, near Battle,

tree a crane perched ppr. 105. 12 gu., turned up erm., a lion statant arg., Sussex, a dexter arm in armour em-
with extended tail, with a collar of three bowed, wreathed above the elbow

Colthurst, a greyhound's head sa. be-

tween two roses gu., leaved and slipped points of the first. with a ribbon, the hand grasping a

ppr. 61. II Colvile and Colwall, Kent, a bird rising broken tilting-spear, all ppr. Nil

Colthurst, Somers., a demi-lion rampant ppr., holding in the beak a sprig vert. timers, nee temere. 197. 5

t^ardant arg. 10. 8 94- 5 Combe, Charles, Esquire, of Cobhani

Coltman, Yorks, London, and Leics., a Colville, Lines, a cock-pheasant with Park, Surrey, on a mount vert, be-

nag's head erased sa., maned and wings elevated ppr., holding in the tween two short flagstaves, and flowing

bridled arg., tasselled or. cf. 51. 5 beak a hawk's bell or. from each a pennon gu., a dexter arm
in armour embowed ppr., garnished
Colton, sec Broomhead-Colton-Fox. Colville ol Culross, Viscount (Colville),

Colton, Chesli., a boar passant arg., armed Culross Lodge, West Cowes, a hind's or, and wreathed about the upper part

and bristled or, vulned in the shoulder head couped arg. Oublier ne puis. with a ribbon of the second, grasping

su. cf. 40. 9 124. I in the hand a broken tilting-spear, all

Colton-Fox, John Stavelev, Esquire, of Colvil!, John Chaigneau, Esquire, a hind's ppr. Nil timere, nee temere. 197. 9

Todwick Grange, Sheffield: (i) A fox head couped arg., and charged with Combe, Charles Harvey, of Cobham

passant gu., guttee-d'or, resting the a cross patee sa. In hoc signo vinces. Park, Cobham, Surrey, same crest and

dexter fore-paw on an annulet en- Colvill, Robert Frederick Steuart, Es- motto.

circling an escallop, both or (for Fox). quire, B.A., of Coolock House, co. Combe, Richard Thomas, Esquire, of

[7) Upon a rock ppr., in front of a cross Dublin, same crest and motto. Earnshill, Curry-Rivell, near Taunton,


a morion in front of a dexter arm Compton, Arthur Ernest, Esquire, in front Coneley or Conelly, a talbot couchant

embowed in armour, holding a sword of a beacon fired a lion couchant, sup- ppr. 54. II

ppr., and charged with a pheon sa. porting with the fore-paws an esquire's Conerley, a spaniel sejant ppr. 57. 9
helmet, all ppr. Nisi Dominus.
j Conesby, a cony sejant arg. 136. 4

Comber, Sufi., a greyhound's head sa..

charged with three bezants, two and 267. 12 Coney of Marton, Lines, a demi-cony

one. c/. fil. 12 Compton, Beaumont Albert, Esquire, sa., holding a pansy flower purp.,

Comber of Brotherton House, West Coker, same crest and motto. stalked and leaved vert.

Yeovil, a lynx's head or, pelletee. Compton, George William, Esquire, of Congalton and Congilton, Scotland, a bee

Comber, same crest. I Kimberley, South Africa, same crest ppr. Midtum in parm. 1 37. 4

Comber, George, Esquire, of Rowley and motto. Congleton, Baron (Parnell), of Congleton,

Brow, Knutsford, Chesh., a lynx's head Compton, Henry James, Esquire, same Chesh., a boar's head erased or, between

couped or, pelletee. crest and motto. two wings gu., each charged with two
chevTonels arg. Te digna sequere.
Comber, John, same crest. I
257. 10
Compton, Walter George, same crest and


Comberford, Ireland, a peacock in pride motto.

ppr. 103. 12 Compton, Glouc., a beacon ppr. Nisi Congrave, Berks and Kent, a falcon with

Comberford of Kingsbury, Warw., out of Dominus. 177. 14 wings expanded ppr., belled or. 87. i

a ducal coronet or, a peacock's head Compton, Bart. {e.vtinct), of Hartbury, a Congreve, Bart., Staffs, a falcon with
Dum —per pale of the last and gu., charged ' beacon inflamed ppr.
spiro spero. wings expanded ppr. Persevere. Non

with six roses counterchanged. 177- 14 moritur cujus fama vivit. 87. I


Comberford, a dove volant holding in Compton, on a chapeau purp., turned up Congreve, Berks, a falcon rising ppr.

the beak an olive-branch ppr. 93. 10 erm., a fleur-de-lis gu. cf. 148. 2 Non moritur cujus fama vivit. 87. I

Comberford, a pestle and mortar sa. Compton of Court, co. Limerick: (l) A Congreve of Congreve, Staffs, a falcon

177- 13 lion passant ppr., charged on the rising with wings expanded. Non

Combermere, Viscount (Stapleton-Cotton), shoulder with a rose arg. {for Compton). moritur cujus fama vivit. 87. I
of Bhurtpore, in the East Indies, and
Acf. 6. 2. (2) lion's head erasecl ppr. Coningesby, Coningsby, and Conisbie, a

of Combermere, Whitchurch, Chesh. : (for Widenham). dementia in poten- cony sejant arg. 1 36. 4
(i) A falcon ppr., wings expanded,
tia.--Be firm.. 17.8 Coningsby, out of a ducal coronet or, a

belled or, holding in the dexter claw a Comrie or Comry, Scotland, a demi- plume of ostrich-feathers, thereon a

belt ppr., buckled of the second. (2) Of archer shooting an arrow from a bow, cony sejant, aU ppr.
honourable augmentation, upon a
all ppr. Ad metam. 187. 6 Coningham, on a ducal coronet or, a

mount vert, a soldier of the 3rd Regi- Comyn, Francis. Ruabon House, Llan- mount vert, thereon a stork of the

ment of Light Dragoons mounted, all dudno, an eagle displayed or. Courage. first, in the beak a snake between two

ppr., in the attitude of charging the Comyn, on a mount vert, two garbs in cinquefoils stalked and leaved ppr.

enemy, and over the crest, in an escrol saltire or. Coningham, Ireland, an anchor and sword

az., the word Salamanca in letters of Comyn, Durh., two arms embowed, vested in saltier ppr. 169. 9

gold. (3) Out of a ducal coronet or, a erm., holding between the hands ppr. Conlan, Captain George Nugent, a dexter

Saracen's head couped at the shoulders a sheaf of cumin or. cubit arm erect, vested az., cuffed arg.,

affrontee, wreathed round the temples Comyn, Durh., a sheaf of cumin or. holding in the hand two laurel-branches

arg. and sa. In utraque fortuna paralus. 153- 2 ppr., and charged on the sleeve with a
garb or, banded vert. Virtus tutissima.
Comberton, two lion's gambs sa., sup- Comyns, on a chapeau gu., turned up

porting a Doric pillar arg. 39. 8 erm., a bloodhound sejant ppr. Connack, out of a ducal coronet a demi-

Comberton, a demi-savage holding a 54. 14 eagle issuing ppr. 80. 4

hammer over his shoulder ppr. 1 86. 11 Comyns, a derai-unicorn couped holding Connaught and Strathearn, H.R.H. the

Combrey, Scotland, a sheaf of arrows, a staff raguly sa. Mallem tnori quam Duke of, upon a coronet composed of
crosses patee and fleur-de-lis a lion
points upward ppr. Ad melam.

<•/ 173- II Comyns, Rev. George Yonge, of Wood, statant gardant or, crowned with a

Comerford, a peacock in pride ppr. So Bishop's Teignton, Devonsh., same like coronet and differenced with a

ho ho ilea h». 103. 12 crest and motto. label of three points arg., the centre

Comerford, Ireland, out of a ducal coro- Conaeher, John, Esquire, a falcon rising point charged with the cross of St.

net or, a peacock's head ppr. So ho ho az. Audaciter et velocifer. George gu., and each of the other

dea ne. cf. 103. 2 Conarton, Cornw., a talbot's head erased points with a fleur-de-hs az.

Comes of London, out of a ducal coronet per pale or and gu., collared counter- Connel or Connell, Scotland, a bee volant

or, a lion's gamb arg., holding a stafi changed. 56. I ppr. Non sibi. 137. i

raguly sa., slipped at each end gu. Conant, Ernest William Proby, of Lyndon Connel or Connell, a goat current towards

Commerell of Strood, Sussex, a dexter House, Rutl., upon a wreath of the a tree, all ppr. 129. 6
arm holding in the hand a laurel-
colours ou a mount vert, a stag ppr. Connell, Scotland, a bee erect ppr.

branch, all ppr. 219. 9 resting the dexter foot on an escut- 137- I
Commolin, a fir-tree ppr. 144. 13
cheon gu., billety or. ConarUi dabitur. Connell of Ashtown, co. Dublin, a stag's

Compigne, a dexter hand per fesse arg. Concannon, Henry J., of Tuara, co. Gal- head erased arg., charged on the neck

and az., holding up a covered cup or. way, same crest and motto. with a trefoil slipped vert. 121. 8

217. II Concanon, Edmund John, Esquire, of Connell, on a dexter hand apaumee in

Compion, a demi-talbot vert. cf. 55. 8 Waterloo, co. Galway, Ireland, an ele- fess a bird perched. cf. 86. 8

Comport, Kent, a demi-lion arg., charged —phant statant ppr., tusked or. Con Connell, a dexter hand ppr., vested sa.,
holding a rod arg. Servus servorum
with a quatrefoil gu., holding a tor- can an. Sagesse sans tache. 133. 9 Dei.

teau. cf. i\. 7 Concanon, George Lewis Blake, Esquire, Connell, Ireland, out of a tower a demi-

Compson, Shropsh., a garb or. 153. 2 of King's College, Cambridge, same

Compton, Earl, see Northampton, Mar- crest and motto. griffin segreant ppr. 157. 5

Conder, Edward, Esquire, of Terry Bank, Connellan, Ireland, an owl perched on

Compton, a buck at gaze arg., attired or. Kirkby Lonsdale, Westml., in front of the stump of an oak-tree ppr. Iter

Tout bien ou rien. Ii7- 3 a lymphad sa., sails furled and flags and idrumque.
pennons flying, and with oars in action, Connellan, James Hercules Fitzwalter
Compton, Henry Francis, of the Manor

House, Hants, a demi-dragon erased an anchor fessewise or, the flukes to Henry, Esquire, of Coolraore, Thomas-

with wings elevated, the body enfiled the dexter. Je conduis. 160. 2 town, CO. Kilkenny, same crest and

with a ducal coronet. cf. 73. 6 Condie, on a ducal coronet or, a lion motto.

Compton, Northamp., on a mount vert, a passant az 6. 6 Connelley, Conelly, and ConoUy, England

beacon or, inflamed ppr., on the beacon Conduitt of London, two caducei winged and Ireland, a female holding in her

—a label with this motto. Nisi Domi- lying in fess or, thereon a peacock's dexter hand an anchor, and in her
head erased ppr.
nus. Je ne cherche qu'un. 284. 7 sinister a Saracen's head. 184. ^


Connelley, Connelly, Connely, Connolly, Conqueror, a spear-head ppr. Victoria. Constable, Scotland, out of a cloud in
and ConoUy, a talbot couchant ppr.
174. 12 the sinister a hand pointing to a
54- II
Conquest, Beds, a hoUy-tree ppr., fructed crosier on the dexter ppr. Preeclarior,
Connemara, Baron (Bourke), P.C,
G.C.I.E., of Connemara, co. Galway, a gu. 145. 6 quo propinquior. 223. 2
catamountain sejant gardant ppr.,
Conradus, a ^ head erased or, Constable-Maxwell, Baron Herries, see


collared sa., studded or. 49. 1 1 Maxwell.

collared and chained or, charged with Conran, Scotland, a flame of fire between Constable, Ireland, an arm from the
Aa mullet for difference.
cruet solus. two palm-branches in orle, all ppr. shoulder, the hand clenched ppr.

26. 13 146. 12 202. 2

Conner, an arm in armour embowed Conran, a demi-stork with wings expanded Constable-MaxweU, the late Alfred Peter,

holding in the hand a dagger, all ppr. holding in the beak a cross patee Esquire, of Terregles, Kirkcudbright,

196. 5 fitched. a stag lodged in front of a holly-tree
ppr. Reviresco.
Conner, Henry Daniel, 16, Fitzwilliam Conran, two doves billing ppr.

Place, Dublin, same crest. Meen 03. 2 Constable-Maxwell-Stuart, Henry, Es-
qnire, of Traquair, Peeblessh., and
sueker reagae. Conran, William Adam. Esquire, J.P., Scarthingwell, Yorks, on a garb a crow
of Blacklands, Plympton, Devonsh., a ppr. Judge nought.
Conner of Manch House, co. Cork, a hind's head erased arg., charged with
dexter arm in armour embowed ppr.,

garnished or, holding in the hand a a crescent for difference. In Deo spes Constant, a human heart between a pair

short sword ppr., hilt and pommel mea. 124. 2 of wings, all ppr. cf. no. 14

of the last. Min, sicker, reag. Conran, Gerald Marcell, Esquire, of Brad- Constantine, a lion's gamb erased holding

195- 3 ridge House. South Brent, Devonsh., a broken sword ppr. 38. 2
Conney of Bassingthorpe, Lines, a tal-
same crest and motto. Constantino and Considen, a Saracen's

bot's head or, the tongue hanging out Conran, Henry Arthur Lewis, Esquire, head ppr., and on the heail a steel cap,
the passett or, the ear-pieces tied under
of his mouth distilling blood ppr. same crest and motto.

cf. 56. 12 Conran, Ireland, a pillar entwined with the chin with a riband gu.

Conney of Parley, Rutl., on a mount vert, woodbine ppr. 176. 4 Constantyne, a sword in bend sinister

a cony sejant or. cf. 136. 4 Conroy, Ireland, a lion rampant vert, ppr., surmounted by a cross crosslet

Connock, out of a ducal coronet an supporting a pennon gu. c/. 3. 7 az. 166. 12
eagle's head and wings issuing ppr.
Conroy, Knt., Ireland, a wreath of laurel Contry of Brook, Kent, an ostrich's head
84. 3 arUiquiti ne pent pas Vabolir. and neck or, between two wings ex-
Connocke, Cornw., out of a ducal coronet
146. 5 panded az., each charged with a fleur-
Conroy, Sir John, Bart., M.A., of Llan-
a demi-griffin segreant, all or. 64. 4 de-lis, also or. cf. 97. 10
Connolly, see Connelley. brynmair, Montgomery, a dexter cubit
Conway, Baron, see Hertford, Marquess of.

Connop, out of the horns of a crescent arm erect, veste'd or, cuffed erm., the Conway, Edward, Viscount de Conway, in

arg., an arm erect, vested az., cuffed of hand grasping a wreath of laurel ppr. Belgium, the bust of a Moor in profile

the first, holding in the hand a branch cf. 205. 6 couped at the shoulders ppr., wreathed

of oak ppr. Considen, see Constautine. about the temples arg. and az., and

Connor, a hand holding a hawk's lure. Considine, a hand issuing plucking a charged upon the breast with a crescent

217. 8 thistle ppr. 218. 5 arg. Fide et nmore. cf. 192. 13

Connor, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet Constable, Yorks, a ship in full sail or. Conway, a Moor's head in profile couped

a hand ppr., vested sa., holding the ppr., ^VTeathed arg. and az. Fide et

sun or. 209. 2 amore. 193. 13

Connor of Corcamroe, a hand gauntleted Conway of London, out of a ducal coronet

holding a javelin in bend sinister, point 160. 13 a demi-cock with wings expanded gu.,

downwards. A217. S Constable : ( i ) ship in full sail or beaked and wattled az. 91. 14

Connor, James Henthorn Todd, M.R.C.S., A{for Constable). 160. 13. (2) lion Conway, England and Ireland, a Moor's

L.S.A., Waynflete, Lyford Road, passant arg. (for Haggerslon). 6. 2 head in profile ppr., banded arg. and

Wandsworth Common, S.W., a dexter Constable, Surrey, a ship to the sinister az. 192. 13

arm in armour embowed holding in sails furled, all or. cf. 160. 4 Conway-Gordon, Francis Ingram, Es-
the hand a short sword ppr. Activity quire, of Lynwode Manor, Market
and valour. Constable, Strickland-, Henry, of Was- Rasen, Lines, issuing out of a mural
Connour, Connor, and Conor, an arm in crown or, a stag's head at gaze ppr.,
sand, Yorks : ( ) A ship with tackle,

guns, and apparel all, or (for Constable).

armour embowed holding a sword, all 160. 13. (2) A turkey-cock sa., mem- attired and charged on the neck with a

ppr. 19;. 2 bered and wattled gu. (for Strickland). crescent of the first. Bydand (below

Conny and Coney, a cony sejant arg., 108. 5 the shield). Animo non astutia.

holding in the mouth a pansy flower Constable, Clifford-, Sir Frederick Augus- ConweU, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet

ppr., leaved vert. tus Talbot, Bart., Yorks: (i) A or, a staff, also or, with two serpents

Connybeare, on a rock a dove, wings dragon's head barry of six arg. and gu., entwined thereon ppr. Age in ceternum.

endorsed, all ppr., holding a cross charged with nine lozenges or, and cf. 170. 13

patee fitchee gu. holding in the mouth a teazle ppr. Conwy, Rowley-, Maurice William, Es-

Conolly, a cubit arm erect, vested sa., (for Constable), cf. 71. I. (2) Out of quire, of Bodrhyddan, Rhuddlan

cuffed arg., holding in the hand a a ducal coronet or, a W5rvern rising R.S.O., Flintsh., a wolf's head erased

chaplet of roses ppr. gu. (for Clifford). 70. Q. (3) From arg., collared and langued gu. (for

Conolly, an arm in armour erect holding behind a body of dark clouds the sun Rowley). Fide et amore.

in the hand ppr. an annulet arg. rising from the rays, issuant in chief a Cony, Cumb., a talbot's head or, the

ConoUy, late Charles John Thomas, Es- lily of France. aU ppr., surmounted by tongue hanging out and dropping blood

quire, of Midford Castle, Somers., a a scroll inscribed Surgit post nubila ppr. cf. 56. 12

cubit arm erect, vested az., cuffed arg., Phrvbus (also for Clifford). Semper Cony or Coney, a cony sejant arg. 136. 4

charged with a crescent of the last, pinatus. Cony or Coney, Herts and Hunts, on a

the hand ppr. grasping a chaplet of Constable, Chichester-, Walter George R., mount vert, a cony or. cf. 136. I

roses or. En Dieu est tout. Wycliff Hall, Darlington: (i) Crest Conybeare, Charles Augustus Vansittart,

ConoUy, Captain Edward Michael, of same as first above. (2) A heron arg., Esquire, of Oakfield Park, Wilmington,
Castletown, co. Kildare, a dexter cubit devouring a snake vert. Same Kent, a rock, thereon a dove rising

arm, vested az., cuffed arg., the hand mottoes. ppr., holding in the dexter foot a cross

ppr. grasping a chaplet or. En Dieu est Constable, Scotland, a greyhound pas- patee fitchee gu. Usque conabor.

tout. sant arg. Conybeare, Henry Grant Madan, Esquire,

Conolly, John Richard Arthur, Esquire, Constable, a greyhound passant ppr., of Delmore, Ingatestone, Essex, same

same crest and motto. collared gu. Impiger et jidus. crest and motto



Conyers, Lord (Lane-Fox), see Lane-Fox. Cook of London, an ostrich gorged with Cooke, George Richard, J.P., Fort Wil-
liam, Borrisoleigh, same crest. Virtus
Conyers, a trefoil slipped vert. 148. 9 a ducal coronet holding in the beak a
ardua petit.
Conyers, Yorks and Durh., a sinister horse-shoe. Haul et bon. cf. 97. 8 Cooke, John Ormsby, Esquire, J. P., of

wing gu. cf. 109. 7 Cook, Beds, an ostrich arg., holding in Kilturra House, BaUymote, co. Sligo,
and of Wells, co. Carlow, Ireland, on a
Conyers of Copped Hall, Essex, a bull's the beak a horse-shoe of the same. 97. 8 chapeau az., turned up erm., an ostrich
statant arg., holding in the beak a
head erased or, armed sa., pierced Cook, John, Esquire, W.S., of :i, Great
—horse-shoe or, and in an escrol above
through the neck with an arrow of the King Street, Edinburgh, a sea-chart
the crest, " Sans tache." Deo favente
last, barbed and feathered arg., vulned ppr. Tutum monstrat iter. 270. i

gu. <•/. 44. 3 Cook, Henry, of 22, Eglinton Crescent,

Conyers, a Moor's head sa., wreathed and Edinburgh, same crest and motto.

stringed arg. and az. 192. 13 159. II supero. 97. 13

Conyers of Willow Bank, Fulham, a demi- Cook, John, Esquire, of Aberdeen, same Cooke, a griffin's head erased sa., charged

man in armour ppr., his scarf gu., crest and motto. on the neck with a bar gemelle arg.

holding in his dexter hand a falchion Cooke, a demi-lion rampant. 10. 2 66. 4

erect, transfixing a dragon, the head Cooke of Cordangen, Ireland, a demi- Cooke, Scotland, a griffin's head arg.

towards the sinister, also ppr. lion rampant gu., holding between the 66. I
Conyngbam, Marquess (Conyngham), Bi-
paws a mullet or. Tu ne cede malis, sed Cooke, Glouc, a griffin's head erased

frons, Canterbury, a unicorn's head contra audentior iio. 15. 8 holding in the beak an annulet.

erased arg., armed and maned or. Ot'er, Cooke, a demi-hon rampant erased hold- cf. 66. 2

fork over 49- 5 ing between the paws a bezant. Cooke, Suff., a griffin segreant sa. 62. 2

Conyngham of Spring Hill, Ireland : A cf. II. 7 Cooke of London, out of a ducal coronet

unicorn's head couped arg., armed and Cooke, Sir William Henry Charles or, a dragon's head arg. 72. 4

crined or. Over, fork over. 49. 7 Wemyss, Bart., of Wheatley,"Yorks, out Cooke, a cockatrice with wings expanded.
of a mural crown arg., a demi-lion gar-
Conyngham, a dexter arm in armour

brandishing in the hand a sword, all dant sa., gorged with a ducal coronet or. Cooke, Suff., a demi-cockatrice with

ppr. 210. 2 Cooke, Philip Bryan Davies, Esquire, of wings addorsed ppr.

Conyston, out of a ducal coronet or, a Owston, near Doncaster, and Gwysaney, Cooke, a boar's head erased ppr. 42. 2
near Mold, same crest. Da Domine Cooke, Suff., an heraldic antelope's head
peacock's tail ppr. 115. 6

Coo, a crane supporting an anchor, all quod jube.s, et jube quad vis. erased or, semee of torteaux tusked,

ppr. 105. 10 Cooke, Philip Tatton Davies, Esquire, of attired, and tufted gu. cf. 127. 4

Coo, see Coe. Maesalyn, Mold, same crest. Spcs Cooke, Ireland, a leopard's head erased

Coocb, Colonel Charles, an eagle displayed tutissime Icetis. peau. 23. 10

gu., charged on each wing with two Cooke, Suff., a lion's head gardant erased Cooke of Claines Red Morley, Oliver,

crescents arg., and resting each claw arg. and Staunton,Worcs., an heraldic tiger's

upon a fleur-de-lis or. Ad diem tendo. Cooke of Peak, Yorks, a lion's head arg. head erased arg., ducally gorged gu.,

Cooche, Ireland, a dexter hand couped at studded of the first. Pro reqe et pa-

the wrist holding a dagger, all ppr., be. Cooke of Walgrave, on a mount vert, a tria.

tween a pair of wings erect gu. demi-unicorn erased, chequy arg. and Cooke, Suff., a wolf's head arg., ducally

Coock or Cook, a talbot sejant resting the az., winged gu. gorged gu. cf. 30. 5

dexter paw on an escutcheon or. 55.3 Cooke, Charles WaUwyn Radcliffe, Es- Cooke, Ireland, a demi-wolf arg., holding

Coode, Richard Carlyon, Polapit Tamar, quire, M.P., of Hellens, Much Marcle, between the paws a fleur-de-lis az.

Launeeston, a bald-headed coot ppr. Heref., a unicorn's head or, between cf. 3'- 2

Cook-Altham, see Altham. two wings endorsed az. 49. 13 Cooke of Fulwell Heath, Essex, a wolf's

Cook, Sir Frederick Lucas, Bart., of 24, Cooke, Essex and Glouc, a unicorn's head erased erm., holding in the mouth

Hyde Park Gardens, issuing from a head or, between two wings addorsed a trefoil slipped per pale or and az.

chaplet of roses gu., a dexter arm e: az. 49- 13 cf. 30. 8

bowed ppr., holding in the hand Cooke, a unicorn's head or, betwcfu two Cooke-Collis, Colonel William, D.L.,

mullet of six points or, between two wings endorsed compony gu. and az. C.M.6., Castle Cooke, Kilworth, co.

branches of oak vert. Esse quarts cf. 49- 13 Cork, a sea-pye sa., collared arg.,
bezante, preying on a fish ppr. Mens
videri. Cooke, Middx., on a mount vert, a uni-
corn sejant or, resting the dexter foot conscia recti. 295- 10
Cook. Wyndham Franoi?, Esquire, of 69, on a cross potent gu.
Cadogan Square, S.W., same crest and Cooke-ColIis : (i) A sea-pye preying on
Cooke, Derbysh., the sim in splendour or.
motto. Aa fish (for Collis). (2) demi-lion

Cook or Cooke, Hants, a dexter arm 162. 2 rampant, (for Cooke). 275. 3

embowed ppr., holding in the hand a Cooke, Kent and Sussex, on a mount vert, Cooke-Hurle, Joseph, Esquire, of South-

chaplet of laurel vert, surmounted by a beaver passant or. 134. 4 field House, Brislington, Bristol: (i)

an etoile arg. Cooke, Devonsh. and Cornw., a demi-cat Issuant from the battlements- of a
tower or, a swan with wings extended
Cook or Cooke, Hants, a dexter arm em- rampant gardant or, holding an oak-

bowed ppr., encircled with a wreath branch vert, fructed of the first. arg., and each charged with a cross
crosslet fitchee gu. (for Hurle). (2) On
of laurel vert, holding in the hand an cf. 26. 12
a mount vert, an eagle's head erased
etoile or Cooke, a falcon rising ppr. Fis couraqent

Cook, Yorks and Northumb., a demi-lion Her. 87. I arg., semee of cinquefoils gu. (for

gardant sa., ducally gorged or. Cooke, a demi-eagle with wings displayed Cooke). Confide rede agens.
Cooke-Trench, Thomas Frederick, Es-
cf. 10. 8 per pale gu. and sa., ducally crowned
quire, of MiUecent, co. Kildare, Ire-
Cook of London, a demi-lion gu., holding or. " cf. 80. 2
in the dexter paw an etoile or. cf. 10. 2 land : (I) An armed arm embowed
Cooke, out of a mural coronet or, an
Cook of Dublin, a demi-wolf arg., collared holding a sword, all ppr. (for Trench).
gu., studded or, holding in the dexter eagle's head arg. 83. 9
paw a fleur-de-lis of the last. 195. 2. (2) A demi-wolf arg., holding
Cooke, out of a mural coronet chequy or between his paws a fleur-de-lis az. (for

and gu., an eagle's head arg., beaked

<•/ 31. 5 or. yici. 83. 9 Cooke). Virtuti fortuna comef:.
Cook, a caduceus fesseways ppr., in front
Cooke, an ostrich holding in the beak a cf. 31. 2

of a demi-eagle couped az. Omnia horse-shoe or. 97. 8 Cooke of Mylton, Warw., a wolf's head
per pale gu. and or, gorged with two
vincit labor. cf. 80. 2 Cooke, Suff., on a chapeau sa., turned up

Cook, Northamp., an eagle displayed or, erm., an ostrich arg., holding in the bars counterchanged. cf. 30. 5

guttee-de-poix, armed sa., having about beak a horse-shoe of the last. cf. 97. 1 Cooke, an arm erect vested paly of six
Cooke, Norf., on a chapeau az., turned
the neck a collar of the same. c/. 75. 2 or and gu., holding in the hand a bunch
Cook, a horse's head and neck couped.
up erm., an ostrich arg., holding in the of columbines and roses arg., cuffed

cf. 50. 13 beak a horse-shoe or. 97. 13 ppr. cf. 205. 14

coo 131 COO

Cooke, Worcs., out of a mural coronet or^ Cookson, John Blencowe, of Meldon Park, lion sejant paean, holding in his dexter
an arm in armour embowed ppr., gar- Jlorpeth, same crest. paw a battle-axe erect or. ToiU vienl
nished of the first, holding a sword arg.,
hilt also or, on the arm two chevrons Cookson, William Reginald, Esquire, de Dieu. 271. 4

Binfield Park, near Bracknell, Berks, Cooper, Sir Daniel, Bart., G.C.M.G.. of
same crest.
gu. cf. 195. 9 6, De Vere Gardens, Kensington, W.,
Cooke, J. Reginald, Solicitor, Ashborne,
Cookson, a nag's head erased and bridled. a lion sejant or, collared az., support-
Derbysh., out of a ducal coronet a
ilexter arm in armour embowed to the Kos non nobis. cj. 51. 5 ing in the dexter paw a lance erect ppr.

Cookson of Bedford, out of a mural crown Perseverantia omnia vincit.

sinister holding a scymitar. or, a boar's head gu., gorged with a Cooper, the late Samuel Thomas, Es-

Cooke, Norf., out of a mural coronet or, chain of gold, and transfixed by a spear quire, of Bulwell, Notts, on a mount

two wings expanded per pale of the from the sinister ppr. 244. 12 vert, in front of two battle-axes in
Cookworthy, see Cockworthy.
first and sa. cj 227. 11 saltire or, headed arg., a lion sejant

Cooke, Cambs, a greyhound's head couped Cooley, a leopard's face jessant-de-lis or. ppr., collared of the second, support-
ing with the dexter paw a gad or
per pale or and gu., gorged with two 22. 5
Cooling, a griffin segreant arg., beaked
bars counterchanged. cf. 61. 2 square plate of steel ppr.
Cooper of Lewes, Sussex, on a mount
Cooke-Yarborougb, Alfred, Esquire, of and legged or. 62. 2

Hokianga, New Zealand: (l) A falcon Coombes or Coombs, a dexter hand hold- vert, a lion passant gardant or, the

close or, belled gold, preying on a ing a cushion. 215.9 dexter fore-paw resting on an es-
cutcheon gu., charged with a leopard's
mallard ppr. (2) A demi-lion guardant Coombes or Combs, a dexter hand holding

sa., gorged with a ducal coronet or. up an escutcheon. cf. 219. 7 face of the second.

Non sine pidvere palma. Coombs, Carey Pearce, M.D., Castle Gary, Cooper, Beds and Middx., on a gazon

Cooke-Yarborougb, Arthur, Esquire, of Somerset, a dexter cubit arm habited vert, a lion sejant or, holding in his
the Cottage, Wyberton, near Boston, dexter paw a battle-axe, and in his
same crest and motto. holding up an escutcheon. sinister a tilting-spear, all ppr. Tuumest.
Cooper, Norf., out of a mural coronet
Cooke-Yarborough, George Bryan, Es- Coop or Coope, a demi-eagle with two arg., a spear erect ppr., fringed and
quire, of Campsmount, near Doncaster,
same crest and motto. heads displayed gu. cf. 82. i

Coope of Rochetts, Brentwood, and of

Berechurch Hall, Colchester, a fleur-de- tasselled or, pointed arg.

Cooker, Devonsh., within the horns of a lis or, in front of a dragon's head gu., Cooper, Sir Astley Paston, Bart., D.L., of
gorged with a collar vair, all between Gadebridge, Herts, out of a mural
crescent gu., an etoile or. 163. 4 crown arg., a demi-spear erect ppr.,
fringed or, pointed arg., and in front
Cookes, out of a ducal coronet or, a two roses of the second stalked and thereof two palm-branches in saltire

negress's head aflfrontee sa., wreathed, leaved ppr. vert. Nil magnum nisi bonum. 175. i
Cooper, Albert Beauchamp Astley, Es-
and with ear-rings. cf. 182. 2 Cooper, Ashley-, Earl ol Shaftesbury,
quire, of Temple Hill, East Budleigh,
Cookes, Worcs., a hand holding a dagger see Ashley. Devonsh.. out of a mural crown arg.,
a spear erect ppr., fringed or, headed
ppr. 212. 9 Cooper-Chadwick, Richard, Esquire, of arg., surmounted of two palm-
branches in saltire ppr. Nil viagnvgn
Cookes of Bentley, Worcs., out of a Killenure Castle, co. Tipperary, Ire-

mural coronet an arm in armour hold- Aland : (I) martlet sa., charged on

ing in the hand a short sword. Deo, the breast with a crescent arg., hold-

Rcgi, Vicino. cf. 210. 2 ing in its beak a lily stemmed and

Cookes, Rev. Thomas Horace, of Curragh- slipped ppr. {/or Chaduick). (2) On

more, Banbury, out of a mural coronet a mount vert, a bull passant per pale nisi bonum.

or, an arm in armour ppr., charged with indented arg. and sa., and gorged with Cooper, Bart, {extinct), of Walcot,
Somers., on a mount vert, a unicorn
two chevTOnels gu., holding in the a collar dancettee az. {for Cooper). sejant arg., armed and crined or, in
front of two tilting-spears in saltire,
gauntlet a sword arg., pommel and hilt

gold. Deo, Regi, Vicino. Cooper, a demi-leopard gardanIt holdii also or.
Cookesey and Cooksey, on a garb in fess in the dexter paw a rose-branch slipped
Cooper, Notts, on a mount vert, a unicorn
a cock standing ppr. 91-4 ppr. sejant arg., armed and crined or, sup-
porting a broken tilting-spear of the
Cookesey, Worcs., a bunch of cinquefoils Cooper, Wilts, a demi-leopard gardant
ppr., ducaUy crowned arg., holding in
stalked vert, flowered arg., bound the dexter paw a holly-branch fructed

gu- last.

Cookesey, Worcs., a talbot passant. Pro- ppr. Cooper of Thurgarton, Notts, a demi-
Cooper of Dublin, a demi-lion rampant man, his dress divided quarterly and
desse quam conspici. 54. I counterchanged arg. and sa., sleeves
slashed, and holding in his dexter
Cookesey, Worcs., a wolf's head sa., or. Noli irritare leonem. 10. 2 hand a covered cup or, face and hands
ppr., wreathed round the temples or
charged on the neck with a cinquefoil Cooper, James Cooper, Esquire, of and az., on his head a cap of the last.

between two bars or. cf. 30. 5 Cooper's Hill, Clarina, co. Limerick, Cooper, Harry, M.D., Fownhope, Surbiton
same crest and motto. Hill, Surrey, same crest. Motto as
Cookman, a griffin's head between two Cooper, a demi-lion rampant, holding in
both paws a battle-axe, all ppr. Fide
wings expanded or, ducallv gorged az.

ncf. 65.

Cookson, see Hume-Cookson. et fortitudine. 15. 4

Cookson, see Fife-Cookson. Cooper, a lion's head arg., erased gu., below.
Cookson, see Saurey-Cookson.
Cookson, a demi-lion rampant bearing a gorged with a chaplet of laurel ppr. Cooper of Markree Castle, Sligo, a demi-

17. 10 man affrontee, habited per pale arg.

staff raguly ppr. Nil desperandnni. Cooper, Kent, Sussex, and Herts, a lion's and sa., holding in the dexter hand ppr.
gamb erect and erased or, holding a
15. I a covered cup or, wreathed round the

Cookson, Reynard-, of WhitehtU Park, branch vert, fructed gu. cf. 37. 4 head arg. and az., on his head a cap

Durh, : (i) A demi-lion ppr., guttee- Cooper, Yorks, a lion sejant arg., sup- gu. Deo patria rege.
de-sang, grasping in both paws a club,
also ppr. {for Cookson). (2) Upon a porting a battle-axe in pale sa., headed Cooper, Rt. Hon. Edward Henry, P.C, of

rock ppr., a wolf's head erased arg., of the first. 8. 3 42. Portman Square, W., same crest

semee of cross crosslets fitchee az. (for Cooper, William Charles, same crest and and motto.
Reynard). Ne quid nimis.
motto. Cooper, the late Joshua Harry, Esquire,
of Dunboden, co. Westmeath, same
Cooper, William Smith Cowper, Todding-
Cookson, Charles George, Esquire, a demi- crest and motto.
lion rampant ppr., gorged with a ton Manor, Dunstable, on a gazon vert, Cooper, William Synge, Esquire, same

collar nebuly gu., holding in the a Uon sejant erminois holding in his crest and motto.
dexter paw a club, also ppr., and dexter paw a battle-axe, and in the
resting the sinister on a spur-rowel, sinister a tilting-spear, all ppr. Tuum Cooper, an arm erect ppr., holding in the
point upwards or.
hand a chaplet vert. 218. 4
Cookson, Henry, Theodore of Sturford
Mead, Warminster, Wilts, same crest. Cooper, Scotland, a dexter arm embowed,

ilount Vernon, Worsborough holding in the hand a battle-axe ppr.
Barnsley, Yorks, on a mount vert, a
Pour ma patrie. 201.5



coo ^ 132 COP

Cooper of Failford, Ayrsh. : (I) A dexter Coote, Sir Algernon Charles Plumptre, sh., a leg in armour couped at the

hand holding a garland of laurel, both —Bart., of Ballyfin, Queen's Co., a coot thigh, flexed at the knee, the foot in

ppr. 218. 4. (2) Au oak-tree with a close sa. Vincit Veritas. Conle que chief, the toe pointing to the dexter,

—branch borne down by a weight, both coute. 100. 10 all lipr., the spur or. Virtute et fideli-

ppr. VirtiUe. Resurge. 143. 10 Coote, Charles Robert Purdon, Esquire, tate. 193. 3

Cooper, a cubit arm erect holding two of Ballyclough Castle and Bear Forest, Copinger, a parrot's head between two

branches of laurel disposed in orle Mallow, CO. Cork, same crest and wings vert, holding in the beak gu. a

ppr. Virtute. 218. mottoes. sprig of three marigolds ppr., leaved

Cooper, an arm embowed in armour ppr Coote, Eyre, E.s,quire, of West Park, or. cf. loi. 10

holding a branch vert. Fratigo dura Damerham, via Salisbury, same crest Copland, Copeland, and Cowpland, a hand

patienlia. and mottoes. holding a military sash. 219. 3

Cooper, William Robert, Mayfield, Nor Cootes, a cubit arm erect, vested paly of Copland, Copeland, and Cowpland, a
wich, an ostrich holding in the beak £
four or and az., holding in the hand castle triple towered ppr., ensigned

horse-shoe. Virtute vincet. 298. i ppr. a covered cup of the first. with a flag gu., charged with a cross

Cooper, East Dereham, Norf., a falcon Cope, Thomas, of Osbaston Hall, Leics., arg. 155. 8

close ppr. 85 in front of a sal tire couped az., a grey- Copland, a horse's head and neck couped,
Cooper, a phcenix in flames.
82 hound courant or. Perseverando. bridled, and decked with oak-slips

Cooper, a sand-glass ppr. 177. cj. 58. 2 fructed, all ppr. cf. 51. 5

Cooper, Scotland, between the horns of a Cope, Ireland, a harp gu. 168. 9 Copland, a nag's head couped arg.,

crescent an etoile of six points Cope, a fleur-de-lis per pale or and arg. bridled between two laurel-branches

163. 4 148. 2 in perspective vert. c}. 51. 5

Cooper, a greyhound sejant sa. 5P- 4 Cope, Francis Robert, of The Manor Copland, a lion rampant winged. 20. 7
Cooper, Northumb., a cock's he
erased House, Loughgall, Armagh: (i) Out Copland of CoUieston, Scotland, a knight

of a fleur-de-lis or, charged with a in armour looking to the dexter, bran-

Cooper, Glouc, on a mural coroi mullet gu., a dragon's head of the dishing a sword in his right hand, and
arg., a pelican vulning her.self ppr. second (for Cope). (2) On a chapeau bearing in his left an imperial crown,

98 . az., turned up erm., a crescent or, all ppr. Vici.
Cooper, Berks, on a garb or, a pelican
therefrom issuant a trefoil slipped vert Copland, a chevalier in armour on horse-

vulning herself ppr. c/. 98. i (for Doolan). .^quo adeste animo. back, holding in his dexter hand a

Cooper, Durh.. issuing from a tower a Cope, John Garland, Esquire, of Drum- sword. 1 89. 10

Moorish king's head in profile wreathed milly, Loughgall, co. AJmagh, and 14, Copland, out of a ducal coronet a swan's

and chained. Pembridge Square, S.W., same crest head and neck. cf. 100. 10

Cooper-Key, on a cap of maintenance and motto. Copland of Aberdeen, a swan with

gu., turned up erm., a martlet Cope, Sir Anthony, Bart., of Hanwell, wings addorsed and neck embowed

Panlatim. Oxou., and BramshiU, Hants, a fleur- ppr., gorged with a ducal coronet sa.

Cooper, an oak-tree, a branch thereof de-lis or, a dragon's head issuing from JSquo adeste animo. cf. 99. 3
borne down by a weight ppr. Incl
the thereof adesti Copledike and Copledyke, see Copildyke.

nata resurgo. 143. i Coplestone, Dorset and Devoush., a wolf

Cooper, William Craufurd, Esquire, of Cope, Ricardo, M.R.C.S., St. Bartholo- passant az. 28. 10

Failford, Mauchline, Ayrshire, on the mew's Hospital, London, same crest Coplestone, Dorset and Devonsh., a demi-

dexter a hand holding a garland of and motto. heraldic tiger gu., maned and tufted

laurel, both ppr. VirttUe. On the Copeland, .see Copland. or. -5- I

sinister, upon a wreath arg. and az., Copeland, a lion passant ppr. 6. 2 Copley, Baron Lyndhursf, see Lyndhurst.

an oak-tree with a branch borne down Copeland of Belnagan, co. Meath, Ire- Copley, see Watson-Copley.

by a weight, both ppr. Resurgo. land, out of a ducal coronet a swan's Copley, a dexter arm in armour em-

Cooper, on a ducal coronet or, a war- head and neck, all ppr. cj. 100. 10 bowed, wreathed with laurel, and

horse passant arg., saddled and bridled Copeland, a nag's head couped, bridled. charged with an escallop-shell, and

gu. 52. 13 51- 5 holding a sword. cf. 195. 2

Cooper, Ireland, a cockatrice's head Copeland, William Taylor, Esquire, a Copley, Yorks, a covered cup or.

erased or, guttee-de-poix, beaked, nag's head erased arg., charged on the Copley, Yorks, on a goat's head quar-

crested, and jelloped gu. 68. 12 neck with a trefoil vert, between two terly arg. and sa., attired or, four

Cooper, a dove holding in its beak an holly-branches fructed ppr. Benigno crescents counterchanged. cf. 12S. 12

olive-branch ppr. 92. 2 mimine. Copley, Suff., a griffin sejant regardant

Cooper, George Alexander, Esquire, D.L., Copeland, Richard Pirie, Esquire, of, with wings expanded arg.

of Hursley Park, Winchester, and Kibblestone Hall, near Stone, Staffs, Copley, Surrey and Yorks, a griffin

26, Grosvenor Square, London, W., a same crest and motto. sejant arg., ducally gorged and lined

dexter hand grasping a wolf'.s head Copeland, William Fowler Mountford, or. cf. 62. 10

erased, all ppr. Virtute et fortitudim. Esquire, of Quarry House, St. I^eonard's- Copley, Bart, {extinct), Yorks, out of a
231. 19
on-Sea, same crest and motto. ducal coronet or, a plume of four

Cooper-Cooper, William, Esquire, F.S.A., Copeman, a tower arg., charged with an ostrich-feathers arg. 114. I

of Toddington Manor, Dunstable, Beds, estoile gu., issuant from the battle- Copley, Yorks, out of a ducal coronet or,
on a gazon vert, a lion sejant or and ments a talbot's head, also gu. In a plume of eight ostrich-feathers arg.,
erminois, holding in his dexter paw a arce solus. three and five. In cruce vinco.

battle-axe, and in the sinister a tilting- Copen, a dexter hand holding a pair of Copley, Bewicke-, Major Robert Calverley
spear, all ppr. Tuum est. Alington, Sprotborough Hall, Don-
Cooper-Dean, James Edward, Esquire, of compasses. Vivitur ingenio.
Littledown, Christchurch : (i) A demi- Acaster : (I) ducal coronet or, issuant
Copenger, Norf., a falcon's leg belled and therefrom a plume of five ostrich-
lion or, gorged with a collar nebnly,
holding in the dexter paw a crescent, a wing conjoined ppr. 1 13. 5 feathers arg., the rim charged with a
and resting the sinister paw upon an
Copenger of London, a buck's head arg. cross crosslet gu. (2) A goat's head
erased arg., armed, maned, and gorged
121. 5
Copildike, Copledike, and Copledyke,

increscent, all gu. [for Dean). (2) In Kent, a wyvern witli wings addorsed with a mural crown gu. In cruce vinco.

front of a cubit arm holding in the statant on a wheel ppr. 69. 3 Copoldyke, Lines, a goat's head erased

hand a scroll entwined by a branch of Copinger, Suff., a chamois-deer's head arg., armed and ducally gorged or.

oak, all ppr., an armulet or {for Cooper). sa. 127. 3 cf. 1 28. 5

Fortis in arduis. Copinger, Kent, a ram's head sa. 130. i Coppard, Sussex, a stag regardant arg.,

Coore, a tower triple-towered. 157. 6 Copinger, Walter Arthur, Esquire, of attired and ungu. or, collared gu., hold-

Coote, Lines, Norf., and Essex, a coot's the Priory, Manchester, and Tynycoed ing in the mouth two ears of barley

head erased sa. 102. 12 Tower, Dinas Mawddwy, Merioneth- couped vert. In constantia decus.



Coppard, Kent, a stag regardant arg. Corbet, Fredeiick Hugh Mackenzie, Es ( I ) Out of a crown vallery or, a buffalo's
Tutus si fortis. quire, of 27, Longridge Road, Earl's head sa., armed gold, in the mouth a
Court, S.W., same crests and mottoes. branch of cherry-tree fructed ppr. {/or
Coppen, out of an earl's coronet or, a Winder). (2) A raven, in the beak a
demi-griffin of the same, armed sa., Corbet, Henry Reginald, Esquire, of holly- branch slipped ppr. {/or Corbett).
ducally gorged arg. Adderley, Stoke, Child's Ercall, Market
Drayton, same crests and mottoes. Nulla pallescere culpa, and Deus pascit
Coppen, Hon. George Selth, the Anchor-

age, Sorren-on-sea, Victoria, out of a Corbet, Reginald, Esquire, of Adderley corvos.

ducal coronet a or, demi-griffin az., Hall, Market Drayton, same crests and Corbin of Guernsey, a raven with wings
beaked and legged of the first. Esse mottoes. elevated ppr., charged on the breast
qiiam videri. with an ermine spot, and on the wing
Coppen, John Maurice. Esquire, of Ascot, Corbet, Reginald George, Esquire, of with a cross pattee fitchee or. Deus
Berks, out of the battlements of a 27, Longridge Road, Earl's Court, pascit corvos.
S.W., same crests and mottoes.

tower ppr., a demi-gryphon or, holding Corbet, Edward, of Longnor, Shropsh., a Corbould-Warren, Rev. John Warren, of
raven ppr., in its beak a holly-branch
between the paws a saltire az. Copia vert, fructed gu. Tacolneston Old Hall, Norwich: (i)
Upon a rock ppr., a wyvern arg..
sine penuria. 242. 6 Corbet of London, on a mount vert, a winged barry of six erm. and az. {/or

Coppendale, Middx., a stag at gaze ppr.,

attired or. 117-3 squirrel sejant or, cracking a nut of Warren). (2) Two arms embowed in
armour with gauntlets ppr., each
Coppin, Norf., out of a ducal coronet the last leaved vert. 13^-5 charged with a rose gu., and grasping
a sword fesseways, point toward the
or, a demi-griffin az., beaked and Corbet, Rev. George William, B.A., of
dexter, also ppr., pendent from the
legged of the first. 64. 4 Sundorne Castle, Shropsh., Prebendary

Coppin, on a ducal coronet a cock or. of Lichfield Cathedral, Rural Dean

cf. 91. 2 of Wrockwardine, Rector of Upton blade by a chain an escutcheon or;
Magna, on a mount vert, an elephant thereon a raven sa. {/or Corbould).
Coppinger or Coppenger, a demi-Iion statant arg., the trappings or and sa., Sola virttts invicta.

rampant. 10. 2

Coppinger of London, same crest. Virtutc on its back a ca-stle triple-towered of Corbreake and Corbreyke, a dexter hand

non vi. 10. 2 the third, suspended therefrom by a holding a roll of paper ppr. 215.6

Coppinger of Middleton and of Bally- riband gu. an escutcheon of the arms Corbreake, a cross crosslet gu. 165. 2

volane, Cork, same crest and motto. of Corbet, viz. : or, two ravens in pale Corby, on a chapeau a dove with wings

10. 2 ppr., a bordure engrailed gu., and for addorsed, all ppr. 94. 10
distinction in chief a cross crosslet,
Coppinger or Coppenger, Ireland, a dex- alsogu. Deus pascit corvos. c/. 133. 11 Corby, in the sea ppr., a pillar arg. 176. 2
ter cubit arm ppr., vested or, holding Corbet of Towcross, Scotland, a raven's
a holly-branch vert. Corbyn, a lion rampant. i. 13

Corbyn, two arms iu armour embowed

Coppinger, Suff., a goat's head erased or. head erased sa. Save me. Lord. and in saltier, in the dexter hand a
sword, and on the point a boar's head
128. 5 Corbett, Lionel Edmund Henry, Esquire, couped, and iu the sinister a human

Coppull, Lanes, a lion's head erased same crest. Deus pascit corvos.

erm., charged with three guttes-d'or, Corbett, Reginald William Uvedale, Es- heart, all ppr. cf. 194. 13

two and one. cj. 17. 8 quire, of Ashfield Hall, Neston, Chesh., Corcor, see Corker.

Copquitt-Craven, Fulwar Lewis George, same crest and motto. Cordall, Sussex, a cockatrice vert, beaked,

Esquire, on a chapeau gu., turned up Corbett, Richard Cecil, Esquire, of Stable- combed, jelloped, and crowned gu.

erm., a gryphon statant of the second ford Hall, near Bridgnorth, Salop, 68. 4

beaked or. Virtus in actione consistit. same crest and motto. Cordall, Norf. and SufF., a cockatrice

Copson, the stump of a tree couped at Corbett, Uvedale Bennett, Esquire, of vert, wings close, combed and wattled

each end in fess ppr., shooting forth Modyn, Chester, same crest and motto. gu-

a branch spreading to dexter and Corbett, Roger John, Esquire, of Impney, Cordall of London, a cockatrice vert,

sinister vert, ensigned with a fleur- Droitwich, Ynys-y-Maengwyn, Towyn, collared, combed, wattled, and legged

de-lis or. 143. 13 Merionethsh, in front of a tower gu., an -sa. 68. 4

Copwood, Herts, an eagle with wings elephant arg., the trappings and saddle- Cordel, Cordell, and Cordelle, a demi-

addorsed or. 75. 8 cloth sa., charged with a raven or, and savage holding in his dexter hand a

Coquerel, Guernsey, a cock's neck with supporting with the trunk a tilting- scimitar and in his sinister a con-

two heads erased gu., each collared or. spear erect ppr. Deus pascit corvos. stable's baton ppr. 186. 14

Cor, Scotland, au increscent and a de- 244. 18 Cordeil, a cockatrice, wings close vert,

crescent or. 163. 7 Corbett, Walter John, Esquire, of Impuey, wattled, beaked, and collared or.

Coram and Corbam, Devonsh., a beaver Droitwich, same crest and motto. Corderay and Corderoy, a human heart

passant or. cf. 1 34. 8 Corbett, Holland-, Francis, Esquire, of g\i., ducally crowned or. c/. 181. 2

Corbally, Ireland, a trout naiant ppr. Admington House, Glouc, a raven sa,, Cordin, a boar's head couped between

139. 12 charged with three ermine spots, two two serpents in orle, nowed at the top

Corben, Corbin, and Corbyn, a dexter and one or, and holding in the beak a and respecting each other.

hand ppr., holding a cross pattee sprig of holly ppr. Cordingley, out of a coronet vallery or,

fitched az. 221. 12 Corbett of Warw., formerly of Dumbar- an arm embowed, vested az., holding

Corben, Middx., a demi-Iion rampant az., tonsh., a branch of a tree ppr., thereon in the hand an oak-branch fructed

holding in his dexter paw a sword ppr. a raven sa. Deus pascit corvos. 107. 10 ppr. 205. I

Sapit qui reptitat. 14. 12 Corbett, Archibald Cameron, Esquire, of Cordner, General Edward James, Torbay

Corben, see Corbyn. 26, Hans Place, S.W., same crest and Mount, Torquay: (i) .\ dexter arm

Corbet, WiUiam Joseph, of Spring Farm, embowed in armour holding a sword,
Delgany, co. Wicklow, an elephant and Corbett, Astley-, Sir Francis Edmund all ppr. {Cordner}. (2) An arm in

castle. Deus pascit corvos. George, Bart., of Elsham Hall, Lines, armour erect, the liand grasping an oak-

Corbet, Captain Sir Walter Orlando, on a %vreath of the colours an elephant —branch acorned, all ppr. {Kennedy).
Bart., of Moreton Corbet, Acton Rey- statant arg., tusked or, the trappings
Je suis prest. Cnka, sjjes salutis.

nald Hall, near Shrewsbury : (i) An sa., fimbriated gold, on his back a Cordon, sec Cordin.

elephant statant arg., tusked or, the castle triple- towered of the last. Core and Corey, of London and Norf.,

trappings sa., fimbriated gold, on his '33- II out of a ducal coronet a griffin's head

back a castle triple- towered of the last, Corbett, Vincent Charles Stuart Wortley, between two wings or, each wing

and over the crest, upon an escroll the Chiltern Moor, Fence Houses, an charged with three cstoiles in pale

motto, "Virtutis laus actio." 133. 11. elephant arg., armed or, with a castle gu. c/. 67. I

A(2) squirrel sejant ppr., cracking a triple-towered on the back. Deus Corfield, a hand holding two palm-

nut or, and over it upon an escroll the pascit corvos. branches in orle ppr. 218.7

Dummotto, " spiro spero." Deus pascit Corbett-Winder, William, Esquire, of CorBeld, F. J. A., Esq., 15, Gloucester

corvos. 135. 4 Vaynor Park, Berriew, Montgomerysh. Terrace, Lancaster Gate, London, W.,


a dexter hand ppr., holding two palm- Cornfoot of Ryde, Isle of Wight, and Corrance of Parham Hall, Suff., a raven,
branches in orle vert. Palmam qui Petersham, Surrey, a griffin segreant
meruit feral. per fesse or and gu., the wings erm., the dexter claw resting on an escut-
the dexter claw grasping an arrow
Corfield, Frederick Channer, Esquire, of barbed and flighted ppr., the sinister cheon sa., charged with a leopard's
Ormonde Fields, Derbysh., and Chat-
face or. 107. 12

Corre, Ireland, a unicorn's head erased

wall Hall, Cardington, Shropsh., in claw resting on a mullet of the first. arg. 49- 5

front of a cubit arm erect, the hand cf. 62. 2 Correy, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-

grasping two palm-branches in orle, all Cornick of West Alington, Bridport, griffin ppr., the wings semee of trefoils

ppr., a heart gu. Serva fidem. Dorset, upon a mount vert, a tower sa. cf. 64. 4
Corrie or Corry, a demi-Cupid holding a
CoTham, see Coram. arg., in front thereof a garb fessewise.
Corie or Cory, a griffin's head gu., be-
Corningham, a rock ppr. 179. 7 hymeneal torch in pale or, inflamed
tween wings or, each charged with a Cornish-Brown, .see Brown.
gu. 185- 8

mullet of the first. cf. 65. 1 1 Cornish of Black Hall, Devonsh., a Corrie or Corry, Scotland and Ireland, a

Coringham or Coryngham, a rook ppr. Cornish chough ppr. 107. 14 cock ppr. Vigilans et audax. 91. 2

cf. 107. 5 Cornish of Marazion, Cornw., a Cornish Corrie, Alfred Wynne, Esquire, of Park
Corlton or Coryton, a lion passant gar-
chough sa., wings addorsed, beaked Hall, Owestry, Salop, on a \vreath of

dant CTU. Du7n spiro spero. 4. 3 and legged gu., standing on a branch the colours, a cock ppr., holding in
the beak a rose arg., leaved and slipped
Cork and Orrery, Earl of (Boyle), K.P., of olive ppr.

P.C, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's Cornish, Kent and Essex, on a branch of of the first, and resting the dexter
head per pale, crenellee arg. and gu.
a tree couped at each end in fesse ppr., claw on a saltire couped of the second.

God's providence is my inheritance. with one sprig at the dexter end vert, Vigilan.$ et audax. 271. 14

17. 5 a Cornish chough sa., with wings Corrie, Edgar Valentine, same crest and
Cork, in front of a tree vert, a Paschal
addorsed, beaked and legged gu. motto.
lamb passant with a staff and banner
Cornish, an eagle displayed. 75.2 Corrie, Edward Rowland, same crest and

ppr. cf. 131. 2 Cornish, Beds, out of a ducal coronet or, motto.
Corrie, Malcolm Stuart, Esquire, same
Corke, issuing out of a cloud a hand a demi-eagle displayed sa. cf. 80. 1 3
crest and motto.
erect pointing to a star, all ppr. Cornock, see Hawkes-Cornock. Corrie, William Malcolm, same crest and

222.7 Corns, a stag trippaut ppr. Pacem amo.

Corker and Corcor of Dublin, a human 117. 8 motto.

heart ducally crowned between on Cornsley, a lion's gamb holding a sabre Corrie or Corry, Scotland, a demi-lion

either side three blades of grass, all in pale ppr. cf. 38. 5 ppr. Courage. 10. 2
ppr. Sacrificium Deo cor contrilmn
Corker, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant Cornwall, Shropsh., a Cornish chough Corrigan, the late Sir Dominic John,

erm., holding in the dexter paw an ppr. La vie durant. 107. 4 Bart., M.D., of Merrion Square. Dub-

Cornwall, Moses, Esquire, of Kimberley, lin, President of the King and Queen's

^toile or. 15. 7 South Africa, a Cornish chough ppr., College of Physicians in Ireland, a

Cormac or Cormack, on a rock a martlet, holding in its beak a bezant. La vie sword in pale, point downwards, in

all ppr. Sine limore. cf. 95. 7 durant. 256. 16 front thereof two battle-axes in saltire,
all ppr. Consilio et impetu.
Cormick, Ireland, a hand couped in fess Cornwall, Shropsh. : (i ) A Cornish chough Corrington, see Carrington.
ppr. 107. 14. (2) A wyvern gu. Same Corry, Lowry-, Earl Belmore and Vis-
holding a sword in pale, on the point

a garland of laurel, all ppr. 221.7 motto. 70. I

Cornack, a sword in pale ppr., hilt and Cornwall, Scotland, a Cornish chough count Corry, see Belmore.

pommel or. 170. 2 hatching in the face of a rock, all ppr. Corry, Lowry-, Baron Rowton, see

Corneille, Ireland, a raven ppr. We big, you see, warily. 102. 6 Ro%vton.
Corry, Sir William, Bart., of Dunraven,
cf. 107. 5 Cornwall, on a chapeau gu., turned u
CO. Antrim, a cock combed and wattled
CorneiUes, a man's arm couped and em- erm., a lion statant ppr. cf. 4. ppr., charged on the breast with a

bowed, the hand holding a branch of Cornwall, a hon sejant gu., ducally

vine, fructed. leaved, and slipped, all crowned or. cf. 8. 8 trefoil slipped vert. Vigilans et audax.

ppr. Cornwall, Berks, a demi-lion rampant cf. 91- 2

Cornelius, out of a cloud in the sinister gu., ducally crowned or. 10. 11 Corry, Thomas Charles Steuart, Esquire,

a dexter hand in fess ppr., holding a Cornwall, Dorset, a boar's head couped M.D., etc., of Ormeau Terrace and Bal-

cross patee fitched az. 223. 6 or, in bend, the blade of a broken moral, Belfast, eldest son of the late

Cornell, Kent, out of a ducal coronet or, sword thrust down the throat ppr. Thomas Charles Steuart Corry, Esquire,
a demi-lion rampant arg. Certtim pete Cornwallis, Earl (Mann): (i) A demi- J.P., D.L., and M.P. for co. Monaghan,
of Rockcorry Castle, co. Monaghan,
finem. 16. 3 dragon sa., guttee-d'eau {for Mann). Ireland, out of a ducal coronet a
73. 10. (2) On a mount vert, a stag griffin's head between two wings- arg.
Corner, a lion's gamb erased holding an lodged regardant arg., attired and

eagle's leg, also erased. 38. 10

CnT3wall, Rev. Sir George Henry, Bart., ungu. or, gorged with a chaplet of Forti tene manu. 67. I
laurel vert, vulned in the shoulder ppr.
AivI.A., of Moccas, Heref. : (i) Cornish Corry, Ireland, a griffin's head couped.
chough ppr. 107. 14. (2) A demi-lion {for Cornwallis). Virtus vincit invidiam.
rampant gu., ducally crowned or. La 66. I
cf. 115. 9
Corry, Ireland, a cock holding in its beak
Cornwallis, Fiennes Stanley Wykeham,
vie durante. 10. 11 an ear of wheat ppr. Vigilans et audax.

Comewall, Herbert Somerset Hamilton, Esquire, of Linton Place, Maidstone, cl. 91- 2

Esquire, of 48, Haggard Road, Twick- Kent, same crest as first above, and Corry, Ireland, an arm erect, vested az.,
enham, on a chapeau gu., turned up
same motto. cuffed or, holding in the hand a mill-

erm., a lion statant ppr. Cornwallis, Ireland, ou a mount a hind rind sa. 207. 4

Corney, a lion's head erased per pale arg. statant, all ppr. cf. 124. 14 Corsane, Scotland, an eagle close crowned

and gu., charged on the neck with a Cornwallis, a lion rampant gardant hold- with an antique crown and gazing at

rose counterchanged. cf. 17. 8 ing between the paws a ducal coronet, the sun, all ppr. Prccmium virtutis
the whole between two standards.
Corney of London, a bugle-horn arg., gloria. cf. 76. :

stringed gu. Fac recte, nil time. CornwaUis-West, William CornwaUis, Es- Corsar or Corser, Scotland, a pegasus

228. II quire, of Ruthin Castle, Ruthin, Den- ppr. Recto cursu. 47. i

Corney, Hon. Bolton Glanvill, M.R.C.S., bighsh, out of a ducal coronet or, a Corsar, Scotland, a pegasus courant arg.,

of Na Tua, in Yalo, Suva, Fiji, Member griffin's head a/.., beaked and eared or. winged and hoofed or. Recto citrsu.

of the Legislative Council, a demi- Jour de ma vie. 47. I

wild-man affrontee, wreathed round Cornwell, Hubert V., 62, Albert Palace Corse, Scotland, a cross crosslet fitched

the waist and temples with leaves, and Mansions, Battersea Park, S.W., a az. Cerium pete finem. 166.2

supporting a club resting on the dexter demi-lion rampant. Corsellis, an antique lamp or, flamant

shoulder. 185. 2 Corp, a yew-tree ppr. 144. 11 ppr. 177- 5



Corser, Shropsh., a pegasus courant with Cossar or Cosser, a chestnut horse pas- Cotrell and Coterell, a demi-savage hold-
sant ppr., saddled and bridled arg.
wings elevated. Recto cursu. 47. I ing in his dexter hand a club, and
round the sinister arm a serpent en-
Corstorphine, a stork's head royally 52. 4
Cossar or Cosser, on a thistle a bee ppr.
crowned arg. Fortitur crucetn sustine. twined, all ppr. cf. 185. 3

Corstorphine, Jolin Edward Ellice, of 150. 9 Cotsford, out of a ducal coronet a griffin's

Kingsbarnes House, near St. Andrews, Cossens, a Doric pillar gu. 176. 3 head ppr. 67. 9
Cossens, see Cosens.
same crest and motto Cottell, Devonsh. and Somers., on a ducal

Corthine, Yorks, a demi-lion couped Cosson and Cossen of London and .H. coronet or, a leopard sejant ppr.,

holding in the de.xter paw an etoile, Cornw., a Hon rampant or, guttee-de charged with a crescent. cf. 24. 1

and the sinister resting on a torteau. sang, ducally crowned of the first. I. 2 Cottenham, Earl of (Pepys), a camel's

Cory, see Corie. Costello, a falcon close ppr., belled or. head erased or, bridled and gorged with
Cory of Yarmouth, Norf., out of a ducal a ducal coronet sa. Mens cujusque is
Audaces fortuna juvat. 85.2
coronet or, a griffin's head between
two wings expanded ppr. Virtus Costerton of Great Yarmouth, Norf., a est quisque. 132. 9

Uon passant supporting a fire-beacon, Cotter, Ireland, a lion passant regardant

semper viridis. 67. i all ppr. ppr. 6. I

Cory, Isaac R., Shere, Guildford, Surrey, Costerton, Norf., on a mount vert, a lion Cotter, two lion's gambs sa., supporting
out of a duoal coronet a grilfin's head statant erminois, in front of a beacon
between two wings, each charged with a pillar arg. 39. 8

or, intlaraed ppr. Pro patrid ttro. Cotter, Sir James Laurence, Bart., of

three estoiles. Costley, a hand erect ppr., holding a Rockforest. co. Cork, a dexter arm in

Cory: (i) A demi-griffin gu., wings ex- cross crosslet fitched. 221. 14 armour embowed ppr., grasping in the
panded vaire or and gu., charged on the
Costomer of Yarmouth, on a chapeau Dumhand a dart. spiro spero. 198. 4
breast with an anchor or (for Cory),
cf. 64. 2. (2) A demi-lion gardant ppr., gu., turned up erm., a lion or, between Cotterall, Cotterell, and Cotterill, a hand
collared sa., supporting a cross patee
fitchee arg. {for Eade). Scutum meAim two wings of the first, each charged holding a glove ppr. 220. 5

with a-s many bars of the second. Cotterell, Yorks, a talbot's head couped

Cosway, a Moor'a head couped at the arg., eared and collared or. cf. 56. 12
Cotterell, Sir John Richard Geers, Bart.,
Jehova. shoulders ppr. 192. 13
of Garnons, Heref., an arm in armour
Cory, Clifford John, Enquire, of Llantar- Cosworth of Cosworth, Coruw., and

nam Abbey, Monmouthsh., and St. London, a wyvern's head couped az., embowed, the hand in a gauntlet ppr.,

Lythian's, Glamorgansh., on a wreath purfled or, langued gu. 7i- I resting on an escutcheon arg., charged

of the colours (arg. and sa), in front of Cosyn, on a mount vert, a hare sejant sa., with a talbot's head sa., collared and
lined or. Non rapui sed recepi.
a griffin's head couped between two holding a bunch of flowers ppr.

wings or, three roses fesseways gu., Cosyn, Durh., an eagle. 76. 2 Cottes, a hound's head or, collared gu.,
his mouth embrued with blood.
barbed and seeded ppr. Virtus semper Cosyn, an anchor sa., environed by a

viridis. 2Qi. 3 serpent vert. 161. 3 Cottesford, Oxon. and Devonsh., a bear
Cosyns, see Cosins.
Cory, John, Esquire, of 4, Park Crescent, couchant sa., muzzled and collared or.

Portland Place, W., same crest. Cotell, on a ducal coronet or, a leopard 34.6
Cottesloe, Baron (Fremantle-), of Swan-
Cory, Saxton Campbell, Esquire, of sejant ppr. 24. 11

Cranwells, Bath, same crest. Coterell, see Cotrell and Cotterell. bourne and of Hardwicke, Bucks, a

Cory, James Herbert, Esquire, of Tryn-y- Cotes of Woodcote, Shropsh., a cock ppr., demi-lion gu., issuing out of a mural

pare, Whitchurch, Glamorgansh., in combed, wattled, and legged or. crown or, holding a banner quarterly

front of a griffin's head erased or, be- 91. 2 arg. and vert, the staff also or, and

tween two wings per pale of the last Cotes, Morton Russell, Esq., F.R.G.S., charged on the shoulder with a plate.

and gu., three quatretoils sa. Cor M.J.S., of East Cliff Hall, Bourne- Nee prece, nee pretio. cf. 16. 7

unum via una. mouth, a cock, ppr. Je defends le cote Cottesmore, an arm in armour holding

Coryngham, see Coringham. faille. 91. 2 in the hand two pieces of a broken

Cory ton, a marigold ppr. 151. 12 Cotes, Leics., a cock ppr., combed and spear ppr. 209. lo

Cory ton of PentiUie Castle, Corn'w., a wattled or. 91- 2 Cottesmore,Oxon., aunicorn couchant arg.
Cottier, Charles Edward, Esquire, upon a
lion passant gu. 6. 2 Cotes, Arthur, Esquire, of Seagry House,
fleur-de-lis fesseways, a cock combed
Cosard. Hants, a lion's head erased gu., Chippenham, Wilts, a cook ppr., and wattled ppr., holding in the beak

(liically crowned or. 18. 8 combed and wattled or. Soli Dei honor

Cosars, a buffalo's head erased ppr. et gloria. an oak-leaf slipped vert. Vigilaniibus.

44. I Cotes, Charles, Esquire, of Burcot, Leigh- Cottingham, on a chapeau ppr., a grey-
Cosars, issuant from a castle triple-
ton Buzzard, same crest and motto. hound sejant arg. cf. 59. 4
towered a demi-lion rampant ppr.
155. 10 Cotes, Charles James, Esquire, of Pitch- Cottingham, Captain Edward Roden,

Cosby, a cubit arm in armour holding in ford Hall, Salop, and Woodcote Hall, Royal Marine Artillery, Eastney Bar-
the hand two pieces of a broken spear,
Newport, Salop, same crest and motto. racks, Portsmouth, on a wreath of the

Cotes, Bucks and Leics., a cock or, colours between two scimitars a

all ppr. 209. 10 combed and wattled gu. 91.2 Saracen's head couped at the shoulders

Cosby, Ireland, a griffin segreant gu., sup- Cotgrave, Cotgreve, and Cotgrieve, a ppr., wreathed round the temples arg.

porting the two pieces of a broken comet-star towards the sinister ppr. —and az. Cadere non cedere possum.

spear or, the head are. cf. 164. 10 Utrinque paratus. Pro rege mutavi.

Cosby, Robert Ashwortli Godolphin, Es- Cotgrave, out of a ducal coronet or, a 298. II

quire, of Stradbally Hall, Queen's Co., demi-peacock ppr. 103. 13 Cottington, Glouc. and Wilts, a stag's
head arg., attired or, gorged with a
a ^'riffin segreant, his wings erect gu., Cotgreave, Knt., Chesh., a demi-peacock

supporting a broken spear or, headed arg., charged on the breast with a fess collar az., charged with three roses of

,irg. Audaces fortuna juvat. 252. 7 indented gu., the wings elevated or, the second. cf. 121. 9

Cosen, Norf., and Cossen, on a chapeau each charged with an erm. spot. Anti- Cottle, Somers., out of a crown vallery

az., turned up erm., an heraldic tiger quam obtinens. or, a mount vert, thereon an ounce

sejant or. cf. 27. 6 Cother, a pegasua' head between two

Cosens, a demi-griffin holding in both wings arg. 51-3 Comber-

paws a battle-axe, all ppr. c/. 64. 2 Cother, a dexter arm in armour erabowed

Cosens, a cockatrice with wings erect or. ppr., garnished or, holding in the hand, Cotton, Bart., Cambs, a griffin's head

68. 4 also ppr., a chaplet vert. 199. 12 erased arg. Fidelitas vincit. 66. 2
Cosgrave, a tiger's head erased affrontee.
Coton, Norf., an eagle rising or. 77. 5 Cotton, Suff., a griffin's head erased arg.

Ootrel, Cotrell, and Cottrell, a talbot's 66. 2

Cosker, Ireland, a head erased sa., collared and lined Cotton, a griffin's head erased holding

neck couped or, winged az., charged arg., the collar charged with three tor- in the beak a gauntlet ppr. cf. 66. 2

with a crescent sa. cj. 49. 13 teaux. cf. 56. I Cotton, a hawk's head erased. 88. 12

COT 136 cou

Cotton, Staffs and Worcs., fk ppr., Cottrell-Dormer, Clement Aldemar, Es- Courcy, De, Baron Kingsale, on a ducal

beaked and legged or. S5. 2 quire, of Cokethoipe Park, Oxford, coronet, or, an eagle displayed arg.

hawk ppr., beaked and belled same crests and motto. Vincit omnia Veritas. ef. 75. 2

or, holding in the dexter claw a demi- Couch and Couche, a demi-bear rampant. Courcy, De, out of a mural coronet a

earter sa., buckled of the second. 34- 13 hand holding a mullet ppr. cf. 206. 12

Cotton, Hants, London, and Shropsh., a Coucher and Cowcher, a well ppr. Court and Covert, out of a ducal coronet

falcon with wings e.xpanded arg., 159- I.'; or, a unicorn's head arg., armed and

beaked and legged or, holding in the Coucbman, a demi-lion rampant sa., criued of the first, charged with a

dexter claw a belt az., the buckle of semee of cross crosslets arg., holding mullet gu. ef. 48. 12

the second. 298. 6 between the paws a cinqiiefoil of the Court, a stag's head erased ppr. 122.2

Cotton, Charlee, M.R.C.S., Hon. Assoc. last. Court, A', a lion's head erased regardant.

Order of St. John of Jerusalem in Couchtree, a hawk's head between two cf. 17. 6

England, 42, Spencer Square, Rams- wings. 89. I Courtauld of Gosfield Hall, Esse.t, in front

gate, same crest. Morum certus amor Coudray, Coudrey, and Coudry, a lion's of a fleur-de-lis arg., three mullets

Cotton, Durh., a falcon ppr., beaked gamb erased az., holding a battle-axe fessewise gu. Tiens d la verite.

and belled or, holding in the dexter or. 38 3 cf. 148. 2

claw a belt, also ppr., the buckle of the Coulcher, Yorks, out of a vaUery crown Courtauld, George, Esquire, of Cuthedge,

second. In uirdrjue forluna pamtus. a buck's head, all ppr. Gosfield, Halstead, same crest and

Cotton, Henry Calverley, Esquire, of Couldwell, a sea-lion rampant vert. 20. 5 motto.

Abbeydale, Shrewsbury, same crest Coull, see Dixon-CouU. Courtayne, out of an Eastern crown or,

and motto. Coull, a hand holding a book half open a demi-talbot sa. tSalits per Christum.

Cotton-Jodrell, Lieutenant-Colonel and in pale, all ppr. Cole Deum. — Per mare, per terras.

Hon. Col. Edward Thomas Davenant, Coulson, Northumb., in a nest ppr.. a Courteene, Worcs., a demi-talbot sa.

C.B., of Reaseheath Hall, Nant\rich, pelican in her piety arg., vulning her- ef. 55. 8

and Shallcross Manor, Whaley Bridge, self gu. 98. 14 Courteis, a demi-husbandman holding

Chesh. : A(I) cock's head and neck Coulson, Henry John Wastell, Esquire, over his shoulder a ploughshare.

couped or, wings elevated arg., combed of Langton Lodge, Blandford, Dorset, Courteis and Courteys, a wolf's head
and jelloped gu. [for Jodrdl). (2) A between two spears a pelican in her couped arg., collared and spiked sa.,

falcon rising with wings endorsed ppr., piety, all ppr. Je mourrai "pour eeux chained or. ef. 30. 11

holding in the dexter claw a belt a?.., que faime. 264. 14 Courtenay, Earl of Devon, see Devon.

buckled and garnished or (for Cotton). Coulson of Blenkinsopp, Northumb., a Courtenay, a dolphin naiant ppr. 140. 5

Vigilando. pelican in her piety. Same motto. Courtenay, a dolphin embowed arg.,

Cotton, Shropsh., a falcon arg., holding 98. 14 charged with four torteaux devouring

in his dexter claw a buckle or. Coulson and Coulston, a dolphin naiant the top of a ducal cap gu., in a coronet

Cotton, a Cornish chough holding in its ,sa. 140. 5 or.

beak a cotton-hank, all ppr. Coulson and Coulston, Hants, an eagle Courtenay, out of a ducal coronet or, a

Cotton, Glouc, five snakes tied together with wings addorsed arg., preying on a plume of seven ostrich-feathers, four

ppr., the heads in chief. dolphin ppr. and three arg.

Cotton, Surrey, on a mount vert, in front Coult, Scotland, an arm embowed, the Courthope, Kent, a camel's head or,

of a lion's head era.sed gu., gorged with hand grasping a dart, all ppr. Trans- vulned in the neck gu. 1 32. 7
a collar erm., a hank of cotton fesse-
figam. 201. 13 Courthope, Suff., a demi-stag salient gu.,

ways arg. Coulter, a harpy gardant. iSi. 9 semee d'etoiles and attired or.
299- 14
Cotton, Venerable Henry, LL.D., Arch- Coulthard, Cumb., a demi-lion rampant

deacon of Cashel, and Rector of Thurles, gu. 10. 3 Courthope, Frederic George, Esquire, of

CO. Tipperary, Ireland, out of a ducal Coulthart, John Ross, Esquire, of Coult- Southover, Lewes. Sussex, same crest.

coronet a demi-eagle displayed or, hart, Wigtown, CoUyn, Dumfries, Courthope, George John, of Whiligh,

charged on the breast with a cross and Croft House, Ashton-under-Lyne, Ticehurst, Sussex, (Post-town, Hawk-

crosslet sa. With Gail's blessing. Lanes, a war-horse's head and neck hurst,) Kent, a demi-stag salient gu.,

cj. So. 14 couped arg., armed and bridled ppr., semee-d'etoiles and attired or.

Cotton, Honourable George Witherage, garnished or. Yirtute non verbis. Courthope, WilUam John, of 29, Chester

of Adelaide, South Austraha, Memfier 51- 13 Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W., same

of the Legislative Council, uses an eagle Coulthurst, issuing from clouds two crest.

displayed. Aquila non capit museum. hands grasping the stump of a tree. Courthorp, Sussex, a cubit arm erect ppr.,

75- 2 224. 10 holding in the hand an anchor az.,

Cotton, Hunts, out of a ducal coronet or, Coultman, three ears of wheat ppr. the flukes and ring or.

a demi-eagle displaved arg. cf. 154. 6 Courtis, a phoenix in flames ppr. 82. 2
supporting an
cf. 80. 13 Coulton, a lion's gamb Courtis, an oak-tree. 143. 5
Cotton, Leics. and Staffs, an eagle dis- escutcheon. cj. 37. 2
Courtney, Ireland, a cherub with wings

played arg. 75-2 Coults, Scotland, a demi-Moor shootmg in saltier ppr. iSo. 13

Cottrell, Yorks, a talbot's head couped an arrow from a bow ppr. 186. 6 Courtney, Ireland, a cherub ppr. 189. 9

arg., eared and collared or. Couper, Sir George Ebenezer Wilson, Courtney, Rt. Hon. Leonard Henry,

cf. 56. I Bart., K.C.S.L, C.B., CLE., out of a P.C, 15, Cheyne Walk, a dolphin
Cottrell, Middx., a talbot's head sa., mural crown or, a hand holding a embowed. Ut libertate serviamus.

collared and lined or, the collar charged garland ppr. Virtute. cf. 218. 4 Courtney, a dolphin naiant aig. 140. 5

with three escallops sa. Nee temere, Couper, Scotland, a hand holding a Courtney, Guy Budd, ALD., Ramsgat«,

nee timide. cf. 56. 12 garland ppr. Virtute. 218. 6 same crest. Ubi lapsus quid feci.

Cottrell-Dormer, Charles, Esquire, of Couper, an arm holding a cutlass ppr. Courtois and Courtoys, a mount vert.

Rousham and Middle Aston, Oxon. : <!. 213. 5 Courtois and Courtoys, a castle triple-

(i ) A fox statant arg. {for Dormer). I a dexter arm erect, the hand towered, cf. 155. 8

(2) Couper,

Ou a wreath of the colours, a talbot's clenched gu. Courtown, Earl of (Stopford), a wyvem

head couped sa., gorged with a collar Couper, on a mural coronet are., a pelican with wings displayed vert. Patrice

with chain affixed thereto, between with wings addorsed erm., beaked and infdici fidelis. ef. 70. S
two crosses patee paleways or, the
legged or, vidned gu. 98. 3 Courtry, Kent, a falcon's head or, be-
collar charged with three escallops, also
Couper or Coupir, a cock's head gu. 90. i tween two wings az., each charged
sa. {for Cottrell). (3) On a ducal coronet
Couper, Scotland, a dove with a serpent with a fieur-de-lis of the first.
or, a horse passant sa., bridled, saddled,
and accoutred, also or {for Upton). nowed in its beak ppr. 139. 12 cf. 89. I
Cousen and Cousin, a ram's head erased
Coupland, a salmon naiant ppr. 129. 12

Sttnper paralus. Coupland, Bergne-, see Bergne. i gu. 130. 6

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