.. . . .. .
Est pii Deum et patriam diligere f /? is the duty of a pious an to love God 1 Atkinson.
y and his native country
Est voluntas Dei ]t is the will of God. Baldwin, Coates, Oliffe.
Et arma et virtus Both arm s and valour Dundas, Hamilton.
Et arte et marte Bain, Bayne.
Both by art andforce
Et custos et pugnax . Both a keeper and a champion {Majorebanks, Majoribanks, Marjori-
Et decerpta dabunt c Atid plucked, they will giveforth an odour Alton, Aytoun.
Et uecus et pretium :
Et Dieu mon appuy. Both the glory and reward of integrity Disney, Fitzroy.
Et dixi nunc ccepi. ... And God my support': Huhgerford.
Et domi et foris
/ have said, now I begin Stubbs.
E tenebris lux
Both at home and abroad. Callander, Livingstone, Mack.
Eternitatem cogita...
Ligh t out of darkness Alston, Aston, Lightbody.
E terra ad ccelum-...
Think on eternity Boyd.
E terra germino ad coelum expando..
From earth to JuMrcii .... Frost.
Et fide et virtute
Et finem spero / sprout out of the earth, I expand to
VX juste et vray Frost.
Et loquor et taceo ' By both filth and
Et manu et corde I
Et marte et arte And Ih. the end. Porter.
Et mea messis erit Severs.
Both just an J true Kay, Wray.
J both spea.:- and h, Keith.
With ha-:; .: : ; Bates.
Both bv I'.ain, Layn, Drummond.
Denny, Tudd.
Myhan '
Et morlua virescuiit Andthev \:a;.e Lindsay.
Et neglecta virescit It/iounshes, ez-en Hamilton.
El nos quoque tela sparsimus Rawdon-Hastings.
And we also have
Et patribus et posteritati Both forforefather Lvdal, Ly.lall, Lyddall, Williamson
Et servata fides perfei
^rque dita- ^ Both faith presen d and perfeet loz-e will \y^
Et Ic non iacto. rich.
Et suavis et fo
And if I show what I a Oakden, Ogden.
Et suives muy
Et teneo et lei Pleasant and brave Harper.-"
Andfollow me Hawley.
/ both hold and am he!, Holden.
Aim well Smart.
Et vi et virtute Both by strength and valout fBorrou-es, Burrowes. Burrows, Stamme,
\ Stannus.
Et vitam impendere vero To sacrifice lifefor truth .... Fox.
Eundo By going Russell.
Eu ner a folant, I have found it Roberts.
Eureka Robinson.
Ever faithful Gordon.
Ever ready Bryson, Burn, Bums, Rae.
Evertendo facundat Itfertilizes while it a-crtun
Every bullet has its billet Watch Iho Vassall'.
Every point
Eviglia qui dormis Young.
Ewch y mlaen Gofcwa, Roberts.
Ewch yn uchae Go well... Wynn-Williams.
Exaltabit honore He-will Smyth.
Exaltavit humiles My exalta Holt.
Exaltatiomea Stubbs.
Ex animo Boyes.
Ex arduis perpetuum nomen Fromi erpr dying,. M'Carlhy.
Ex armis honos Honou Ogilvies, Ogilvy.
Ex bello quii Restfrom icar Murray.
Ex caligine v Truth.-:,: .• .-.,:::v Calverly.
Ex campo vi CampbeU.
Ex candore ( From i\, I Keith, Marsh.-ill.
Excelsior.... Still hlgh,r ' Steinthal.
Excidit amoi Foote.
My lore nci-er fails
Excisa viresc Though cut off, Iflourish gre Watson.
Excitari, noi To be spirited, not slus;gish.. De Grey.
Excitat Hearonses '. Ford.
Ex concordi; ix spes From concord there Watson.
Ex corde charitas Terry.
Ex cruce leo Out of the heart chan/y
From the cross a lion
Excutit inde canit //e shakes his win-e^s thei, Erskine.
Exegi 1 h,ivctri,d / Lees.
Exempla suorum
The examples of his ane. Innes.
Ex fidefortis /Beauchamp, Beddington,
Brave from trust. Lockley, Ly-
Ex Hamma lux \ gon, Pindar.
Ex fonte perenni Li^ht IS pom flame. Ingledeu, Ingledew.
Ex hoc victoria signo Brooke.
Ex hoc vivo Out of eve) lasting u
Ex industria .
Victory by this sign
Rattary, Rattray.
I live from this
From industr Drummond.
Milne, Mylne.
Exitus acta probat The end prozes actions Biset, Nivison, Southwell, Stanhope.
From liberty, truth Aspland.
Ex libertate Veritas Wickes.
Ex lumine lucrum Profitfrom light Cheston, Tharrold.
Ex merito By desert
Ex monte alto From the high mountain Baker.
Expecta cuncta superne Expect all things from above Wilson.
Expectes et sustineas Hope and bear up Gwyn.
Expecto I expect. Hepburn.
Expedite With despatch Hunter.
Expertus fidelem Provedfaithful. Lath.im, Lewis.
Expugnare , To conquer ; to take by storm Crawfiird.
I have conquered ; taken by storm
Expugnavi Pollock.
Honour isfrom rectitude
Ex recto decus. Dumo.
Ex se ipso renascens
Ex sola virtute honos - Coming again from himself. Eraser.
Ex sudore voluptas
Ex sudore vultus Honour springs from virtue alone. Johnston, Johnstone.
Pleasure out of hard labour. Swettenham.
Beauty out of hard labour Swetenham.
Extant recta factis prjemia Rewards existfor right actions Coffin.
Extinguo / extinguish Dundas.
Extinctus orior I rise when deaa Douglas.
1E7xt.remes pudJeat» redJi--isse / Zirf the rear feel shame that they have\jy- iWjest.macott. .
Exundis aratra Ploughs from thewaters Downie.
Ex unguibus leonis
Ex unitate incrementum From the claws ofthelton Ogilvie.
Ex urna resurgam
Ex usu commodum Increase comesfrom unity Guthrie, (luthry.
Ex vero decus
Ex vili pretiosa I shall rise again out of the urn Blandy.
Ex virtute honos
Ex vulnere salus Convenient for use .Smith.
Honourfrom the truth Jones.
Ofgreat valuefrom what is little worth.... Patlinson
Honour comes from virtue Jarden, Jardin, Jardine.
Health, or safety, from a wound Borthwick.
Faceaut tace P>o but be silent Veel.
{Armstrong, Arthur, Askew, Ayscough,
Facies qualis, mens talis As the countmance is, so is the mind
F^cie tenus.."r Even to theface Caldwell, Campbell, Crommelin, De la
Fac recteet nil time Do right andfear nothing Chevios, Donald, Fea, Highett, Hyatt,
Fac recte nil time Do right, fear nothing Ledsam, Littledale, Matheson, Mac-
knight, M'Gee, Morison, Mynors,
Facta probant Deeds prove us.
Factis, non verbis With deeds, not with words. Richardson, Scejiter.
Facundia felix Happy eloquence
Faded, but not destroyed Blair.
(/Fai bien, crain rien Do good, fearnothing Wheeler.
Faint yet pursuing T„o ,do.my,d,ut,y . Jeflfries, Hill.
Faire mon devoir Ashworth.
To do without saying
Faire sans dire {Chambers, Deedes, De Rinzy, Dicken-
To do his duty , son, Dunn, Eager, Fillent, Hoyle,
Faire son devoir... Do well, fear nothing Kirkland, Lewis, Low, Rayncr,
Fais bien crains rien ^^^^
Fais ce que dois advienne que pourra \^ . ^^ ' Samuel, Slade, Wilson, Yarde.
Fais ce que doit arrive que pourra Stepney.
Faith and hope J *' Money.
Faith and works
Faithful As he can Scot, Scott.
Faithful and true Paver.
Faithful in adversity Fairfame is s^veeti-r than the rose Zomlin.
Faithful to an unhappy country Zealous for an honourable name MacdonelL
Keeping to thefootsteps offame Dickmson.
„^ . ^^ ^ From a love forfuturefame Jocelyn, Josselyn.
fBlamire, Boulton, Fox, Fox-Strange-
raith, , Hope, Charity | ways, Jeune, Kerrich-Walker, Parr.
Faitz proverount Tomlin,
Faly gallo /Peters.
Fama Candida rosa dulcior (.Cure.
Famje studiosus honestse Lindsey.
Fama: vestigia retinens Nelson.
Famae venientis amore Robinson.
/Motto of the Order of the Royal Red
Lyle. Greenly.
Faniam exiendere factis To exteud otirfame by our deeds Arundell, Monckton.
Famam extendimus factis . We extend onr reputation by deeds Vach, Veilch.
Fama perennis erit Wyborn.
Fama semper viret The fame will be c:rr!nstin^
Fama semper vivit
Familias firmat pietp.5 Thefame is fresh for ever Liddell.
Far and sure
Faie et age The fame ii~,'ts a::.\ry'. Gason, Liddell, Swithinbank.
Fare fac. Ramsay, Wardlaw.
Fare «el til then Keligioii slieii^;/''uiir f',iriii':,-s
Fari fac Hunter.
Fari qua;sentias
Fari quK sentiat Say and do Say.
Fari qure sentient
.. S/cak, do Fairfax, Ramsay-Fairfax.
Faste without fraude Goodricke.
Fast tho' untied
Fata viam invenient Mate him sf-eai out Fairfax.
Fato fortior virtus
Fato providentia major To s/e,i/: what you think Walpole.
Fato pnidentia major
^^atli maschi parole feminine To s/oah whal'he thinks Barkas, Wallpool, Walpole.
Faut etre To s/eah what they shall thnik Bretargh.
Faveat fortuna
FaventeDeo Brooke.
The fates will find a way Spange, Van-.Sittart.
/',;/.,. ;,r V;, . ,,; than fate Hertslet.
al.r than fato. Napier, Thomson.
/" ., •.r/hanja!o Cheney, Cure, Lomax, Risley.
/'...•'. ',.. ." , woi-ds foimnmo Calvert.
Clear the way Gough. Reynolds,
// must be Numbee.
May fortune favour Heyland, Newton.
BT,y G^odj^s fravour
( Fisher, Lester, Pawson,
| Wilkie, Wolin.
Favente Deo et sedulitate By favour of Cod and by assiduity Collins.
By thefavour of God I sueceed Mitchdl.
Favente Deo supero By thefi-oour of Providenee Micklethwyatt-Peckham, Sombre,
Favente numine Byfavour of the Deity the Queen is saved.
Favente numine Regina servatur
Faventibus auris With favoui iir^ breeze Stirling.
Favet fortuna labori Fortunefavours lai'our Turnbull.
Fax mentis honestae gloria Glory is the torch of a noble mind. .... Forbes, Lauder, Molleson.
TF,ax ment.is..mcend,. mm , The ineitement oJf &stlor>y is the toreh o'f the \jrB>iunt.o„n„, itro„r,bK„e,s., Gr-i,-a,,m,,m,,e,r....
gloriEe ,„/„,/
Fay bien, crain rien Do well, fear nothing Benson.
Fay ce que doy advienne que pourra Do what you ought, eome what may
Faythe hathe no feare Ireton.
Fear garbh ar mait
Fear God
Fear God and dread nought r Brisbane, Crum, Crumble, Gordon,
Fear God and fight \ M'Andrew, M'Dougal, MacDougall,
Fear God and live ( M'Dowall, M'Dowell.
Fear God and spare nought
Fear God, honour the king Wingrove.
Fear God in life M'Clambrpch, M'Landsbor6iigh.
Fear God in love
FearGod only Sinclair.
Fear not
Fear not friendship Grassick.
Fearnought Bromley-Davenport, Davenport, Porter.
Fear one •• Somervale, Somerville.
Fear to trangress
Fecunditate Spence.
Fecunditate afficior Dawes.
Felice che puo Thomson.
Felicem reddet religio Ramsay.
Felicior quo certior Hardy.
FeUciter floret
Felis demulcta mitis Scott.
Felix qui pacificus I'v ''rvi'i'iiir-i' Hunter.
Felix qui prudens ' -''': jniitfiilness ..'. Hunter.
Ferc-ndo et feriendo : Millar.
Ferendo feres Ormistone.
Ferendo non feriendo a ....... >.vdora man happy Crawfurd.
Ferendum et sperandum Jhe mrer, the naf-fier. Keane, O'Cahan.
Feret ad astia Spence, Spens.
Ferei ad astra virtus It flourishes prosperously Cubitt.
Fer fortiter The stroked eat is meet Harrison.
Happy is the peace-maker Irvine.
p-erio Deane, Freeman.
Ferio sed sano Hewho is prudent is haffr Mackenzie, M'Kenzie.
By bearing and sinking
.^ . You will gam by cndunng
Ferio, tego By oeaniig not' by striking.
Enduring and hoping.
Ferme en foy
Fermeet fidele /t shall Kellet.
Fer et perfer
Virtue shall b>ear to the stars Barnes.
Bear bravely Sharpe.
I strike fHawdon, Hondon, Howdon,
| M'Call, Sims, Syme.
I stsike, but I heal Chichester, Haydon, Sanford.
Le JIaistre
Ir .. •, Treener. Barnard.
Strong in faith
Firm andfaithful
Bear andforbear.
Feroci fortior Braver than fierce. Lockhart, Piper.
Feror unus et idem I am borne along one and the same CoUingwood, Mitchell.
Ferosferio I strike thefierce Chisholm, Gooden-Chisholm.
Fero.'c inimicis Bold airainst em-mies .Sikes.
Ferre non ferto
Ferre va ferme Bear not to bear Steel.
Ferro comite
Ferro consiilto Shod goes steady Farrar, Farrer.
Ferro non gladio Clarkson, Mordant, Mordaunt, Tolson.
Ferro mea recupero With the swordfor companion Tregose.
Ferrum eqiiitis salus I appeal to the sword Carrington, Guest.
Ferte cito flammas Biyan.
Fert laureani fides By iron, not by the sword Smyth.
Fert palmam mereat I recover my own with my s-Mord Grant.
Fertur discrimine fructus His s^oord is the safety of the horseman . .. Hay.
Fervor non furor Bates.
Fest Bearfire quickly
Faith bears the laurel
He bears the palm, let him deserve it
Profit is gained by peril Gordon.
Fervoui, notfury Monks.
{Allsopp, Barnard, Blaauw, Blaw, Bury,
Campbell, Colquhon, Colquhoun,
Davies, Evans, Everett, Everitt,
Grayrigge, HoUis, Johnstone, Markes,
Mewburn, Onslow, Blanket, Plunkett,
Fey e fidalgia Faith and fidelity Rigge, Rothery, Swift, Trotter, West-
Feythfully serve combe, Whitaker.
Ffyddlawn ir Gwirionedd
Ffyddl^n hyd angau Shelley.
Ffyddylon at y gorfin
Fiat Dei voluntas Norreys, Norris.
Fiat iustitia, mat caelum
Fiat lux
Fiat pax fiatjustitia Let God's will be done James.
Fiat voluntas Dei ConoUy, Meredith, Meredyth.
Fida clavo
Let justice be done Bryce, Coker, Flues.
Fide et amore
^1,^^,^^, ^1{
Fide et animus . ^:^::: }Lloyd, Ouvry.
Fide et caritate laboro
Fide et clemtrntia j;^!::^
Fide et amore .
Fide et armis
Fide el bello fortis Let there be light Loxton.
Fide et constantia
Fide et diligentia Let peace be made, justice be done Holland.
Ffijd.eet. cfijdu.c„i•_a Let God's will be done Salway, Salwey.
Made sure with a ?iail
Fide et firme Carr.
IV.thfaith and l<rve.
•' / Garden, Conway Cramp. Dicey, Gardner,
\ Hart, Heart, Seymour, Shearman.
Courage with faith
I labour with faith and charity. Howard.
Faith and mercy Borrer.
By faith and love Martin.
By fidelity and arms Hatton-EUis.
Strong in faith andwar Fairquhar.
Byfidelity afid constancy
With fidelity and diligence Carritt.
Dixon, James, Lee.
Crawford, Crawfurd.
/•Blackman, Chafy-Chafy, Gilchrist,
Byn..fji:die.lri:.t.y. andt confji:dje.n^c.e Hamate, James-Grevis, M'Garell
With fidelity and steadiness
\ Hho«g„g„, °PP.r;iim.ro„s.e., TT>h,o„r,lnb,yv, TTth,o.r.lie„y„,
Wall, Watt.
^Aubert, Barton, Brickdale, Buck, Capel,
Capel-Coningsby, Cooper, Cox, Far-
quharson, Finucane, Gibbons, Griflin,
Fide et fortitudine By fidelity and t ortitude -[ Griffith, Hickson, Higgans, Higgs,
I Lee, Lloyd, Lofft, M'Farqubar,
Milligan, Morris, Noble, Ralclift,
Fide et integritate With fidelity and integrity. \ Rynd, Shaw, Sutton.
Fide et labore With faith and labour. Venn.
Fideet Marte With fidelity and bravery Allan, Jenner.
Fide et opera By fidelity and labour. Patrick, Ralston.
Fide et prsseverantia By faith andpersez-erance M'Arthur, Macarthur, Stewart.
F'ide et sedulitate Lumsden.
Fide et spe
Fide et vigilantia With fidelity and diligence Ehvood, Elworthy
With faith and hope Borthwick.
With fidelity and vigilance Hewlett, Stepney.
(Ashton, Brandling, Collins, Davies-
Evans, Evans. Gladstanes, Gladstone,
riae et viriute yviinjaiin ana vaiour -, Glaidstanes, Gledstanes, Gooch, Good-
I win, Purnell, Rochead, Rocheid,
V. Roughead, Sheppard.
Fidel constans Steadfast in faith Colegrave.
,,., . ,. , T,rhie ^, t. ouchJst. one ojrjj-ail. n ("Baker, Chevallier, Tuthill, Whatlon,
Fidei coticula crux the
cross is •!
Fidei signum The sign of my faith Murray.
Fidei tenax Glyn.
Fidei virtutem adde Steadfast in faith Lee.
Fide laboro Borrer, Geddes, Geddies.
Fidele Add to yourfaith virtue
Fidele pour toujours I labour wiih fidelity
Fideli certa merces
Trusty Halvburton, Nicol, Roupell.
Trusty always Longworth.
There is a sure re^oard io the faithful Bottomley, Parker, Parker-Hutcliinson
Fideli certe merces Certainly there is a reward to the faithful. . Saul, Saule.
Fideli distillant sanguine corde 'J%thfT }"'"'' ''''"^ ^^ '^''"^ ^'"' ''^^ F^) 'ing-
V^ ^^"'" {V^^^S'^^i:::::::;:::.:;::;;::::::;;::::} ^'-^---
^«'^^-^ e;^^Sii</''''
TBlaikie, Crichton, Kenah. Leadbitter,
Fidelis Trusty - MacLawrin, M'Vean, Milvaln, W^Idie,
^'<l^"-d— [ Waldy, Wilshere.
Fidelis et audax Faithful and daring Pakington, Russell.
Fidelis esto Be faithful. Fox.
Fideliset constans Faithful and constant. Bragge.
Fidelis et generosus Faithful and generous Durell.
Fidelis et in bello fortis Trusty and brave n: war Gillespie.
Fidelis et paratus Faithful and ready Soote.
Fideliset suavis Faithful and pleasant Emery.
Fidelis exsulatoe Driven into exile by faith Manb'ey.
Fidelis in adversis Faithful in adversity Hamilton.
Fidelis in omnibus Faithful in all things CoUings.
Fidelis inter perfidos Faithful amongst the unfaithful Street.
Fidelisque ad mortem Taylor.
Fidelissimus semper And faithful to death Keating.
Fidelis usque ad mortem Buckler, Dowdall, Sutton.
Mostfaithful always
Faithful even to death
Fidelitas Fidelity M'Invoy, Purdie, Scot, Scott, Sinclair.
Fidelitas et Veritas Peters.
Fidelity and truth
Fidelitas in adversis Fidelity in adversity. Fuller.
FTu^i-ejUft,y overcomes
T,. ,,. . ., rCotton, Deakin, Dunscombe, Scot, Swan,
Fidelitas | Thompson, VafEadacchi.
Fidelitate With faithfulness Elphinston.
Fidelitate et amore Hathorn.
Byfidelity and love
Fidelite est de Dieu Fidelity is from God. Wingfield.
^Balme, Bow, Cunliffe, Hamilton, Have-
lock, Henrie, Montgomery, Muckle-
Fideliter Faithfully -[ ston, Ogilvy, Peale, Pickersgill-Cun-
liffe, Ralph, Swann, Symons, Thomp-
Fideliter amo I love faithfully son, Tringham.
Faithfully and cheerfully Goldie-Scott.
Fideliter et alacriter Faithfully and diligently Walker.
FideUter et diligenter Faithjully, bravely and successfully Graham.
Fideliter, fortiter, feliciter Scourfield.
Fideliter serva Servefaithfully Norris.
Fideli tuta merces Thornton.
To a faithful man the reioard is sure Castellain.
Fidel je garderay I shall guardfaithfully Shedden.
I will keep my plighted word
Fidem meam observabo
Fidem paiit inte^ritas Integrity produces confidence Kay, Kaye.
Fidem rectumque colendo By cultivatingfidelity and rectitude Hibbert.
Fidem servabo genusque I voill keep true to niy word andfamily .... Browne.
Fidem servare To keep faith Osmand.
Fidem servo I keep faith Alexander.
Fideratene Keep faith Hcmyold.
Fide, non armis Byfidelitv, not by arms Gambler.
Fidens et constans Ti uiting and steadfast O'Kearin.
Fide patientia labore By faith, patience una work Filter.
Fide parta, fide aucta Byfaith obtained, by faith increased Mackenzie, M'Kenzie.
Fide^que perennant And they endure byfaith Irvine.
F^ait. h, fForbes-Leith, Maxton, Pettee, Petne,
Fides | Wylie.
Fides amicitiae periculosa libertas Liberty a faith dangerous to friendship Dockwra.
Fides culpari metuens
Fides cum officio Fidelity fearful of bei7ig blamed Yeldham, Yildham.
Faith with duty Newton.
/Astley, Bankes, Barker, Beaumont, Bir,
(Have confidence, but see in whom you beck, Coyney, Greenford, Greensugh,
Harris, Hulme, Langley, Reynolds,
Fide, sed cui vide .
\ pl'^'eit Saundeis, Stapleton, Stapyltcn-
Studdy, Wats.
Fide, sed vide Trust, but observe. Petrie, Reynolds.
Fides et justitia Faith andjustice
Fides et amor Faith and love Webster.
Fides et libertas Faith and liberty
Fides fortuna fortior Fidelity is stronger than fortune Graham.
Fides in adversis
Fides mihi panopUa Faith in adversity Dickson.
Fides non timet
Fides nudaque Veritas Faith is my panoply Hoey.
Fides prjestantior auro
Fides probata coronat Faith does not fear Wolf, Woolfe.
Fides puritas Faith and naked truth
Fides servata ditat Fidelity is better than gold Anes. „. „.
Fides servata secundat Approvedfaith crowns
Fides Stephani Faith, purity ,
Triedfidelity enriches Moran, Rice, Rise, Taylor.
Faith preserved renders prosperous
Thefaith of Stephen Lushington.
Clapperton, Gibb.
Campbell, Hepburn-Scott, Laidlaw, Scott
Napier, Stirling.
Fides sufficit Faith is sufficient Racket, Halket, Halkett-Craigie-Inglis.
Fides unit M'Kenzie.
Fide tenes anchoram Faith unites Malim.
Fido Deo et ipse Gibbons.
Fide non timeo You hold anchor by faith Hermon.
Fiducia creat fidem Ingoldsby.
Fiducia et labore I myself, too, trust in God
Fidus ad extremum I trust, I do notfear
Fidus ad finem
Fidus amicus Confidence gives rise tofidelity. Jockel.
Fidus confido
Fidus Deo et Regi By confidence and industry Leith. -
Fidus etaudax Faithful to the end
Fidus et fortis Faithful to the last. Jenkins.
Fidus et suavis
Fidus in arcanis A trustyfnetid Campbell.
Fidus in arcanum
Fiel peri desdichado I as a faithful man confide Pack.
Fier sans tache
Fier et sage Faithful to God and the King. De Bary.
Fight and faith _..,., and,,bol,d, fGroean-Morgan, Morgan, O'Callaghan,
Faithful ^'
Finem respice •! ^^^^ ^'
Fingit premendo Faithful and brave Scott.
Finis coronal opus Faithful and grateful Emery.
Finis dat esse
Firin Faithful in secra affairs \stevenson.
Firm to my trust Faithful to a secret /
Faithful though unfortunate
Proud but without blemish Churchill, Spencer, Tufton.
Proud and wise
Consider the eiui Bradford.
Ashe, Erskine, Sinclair, St. Clair.
He fashions by pressing St. Clair.
fBazley, Bligh, Brooks, Burd-Brooks,
The end crowns the work -j Close-Brooks, Curling, Hoskins, Las-
'" (_ lett, Norris, Pattenson.
"" Cullifife.
"Bagley, Baker, Bamett, Bigelow, Finnis
{'DDaallrryymmpplle, Dalrymple - Hay, Elphm-
Hstone, "amilton - Dalrymple, Kirby,
Meason, Reid, Steuart, Walch, Wall,
Firma durant Strong things endure Leslie, Lesly.
Firm and arduous Mackenzie.
Firma et ardua
Firm and faithful Cassidy.
Firma nobis fides Ourfaith is constant Vilant.
Firm as a rock
Firma spe By sure hope. Leslie, Lesly.
Firm hope Moncrief, MoncriflF.
Firma spes Dalrymple, Elphinstone, Hay.
Firme, dum fide Steadfastly while trustfullv Heignie.
Firm in faith Chichester.
Firmenfoi Things to come more steadfast Fuller.
The more prepared the more powerful Dunbar.
Firmiora futura Strength and health
Firmioi quo paraUor Stability in heaven
Steadfastly andfaithfully Macnamara, Maher, Owen, St. George.
Firmitas et sanitas Newman.
I remain steadfast. Lindsay.
Firmitas in coelo Panton.
Stronger for battle. Glyn.
Fimiiter et fideliter
Firmiter maneo
Firmius ad pugnam Nothing in life is permanent Bunbury, Dolphin, Tighe-Bunbury.
Firm to my trust Firman, Firmin.
Firmum in vita nihil Steadfast in Christ Marwick.
Steadfast andfaithful. Richardson, Kilpin.
Firmus in Christo Strong to thefeeble. Breek, Breck, Lindsay.
Firmus et fidelis I remain constant
Firmus infirmis
Firmus maneo
Firm, vigilant, active
Firrinneach gus a chrich Faithful to the last Macgregor.
Fisus et fidus Trusting and faithful Maitland.
„. et^ ^, , . dJuxi.t. ( Trusting andfaithful, and he led the royal ^'c—'L^-^.
Fisus fidus !
et regia tands
..... j
Fit inde firmior Thence he becomes stronger Skirvin, Skirving.
Fit manus aliena sua
Fit via vi Another's hand becomes his Thornton.
Fixus ac solidus The way is made byforce. Campbell, Proctor-Ramsden, Way.
Fixus adversa sperno
Flecti, non frangi Fixed and solid Stewart.
Fleadh agus failte
Flectar non irangar Resolute I scorn adversity Crump, Hamerton.
Flectas non frangas
Floreant lauri To be bent, not broken Carroll, Hemery, Houldsworth, Temple.
^, .
Floreat majestas O'Fogarty.
I shall bend, not break _ Garneys.
Bend, you will not break Hoole.
Let the laurelsfiourish f Braid, Broun, Brown, M'Kerrell-Brown,
LTet majest, yf^iourish1. | Morrison.
Floreat Salopia Let Shropshirefiourish Taylor.
Florescit AVatson.
Florescit vulnere virtus He isfiourishing Bisson.
Floresco favente Deo Virtuefiourishes after a wound Neill.
Flores curat Deus God helping me Ifiourish Flower, Flowers.
Floret qui laborat God cares for the fimvers Ross.
He prospers who labours
Floret qui vigilat He prospers who watches Smith.
Floret virtus vulnerata Virtue though woundedflourishes
Floruit fraximus The ash-treeflourished. Floyer.
Fluctuo sed affluo I move as a wave, but Iflow on Ashcroft.
Fluctus fluctu Wave on wave Arbuthnot.
Fluminisritu ferimur We are borne on as a river. Flux, Maitland.
Flyddlawn Bunydd Rushbrooke.
Foi est tout Faith is all Watkins.
Foi Roi droit Faith, king, and right Robinson.
Follow rae Lynes.
Fonte puro From a purefountain Campbell.
Force avec verm Strength with virtue. Lake.
Force d'en haul Strength from above Leigh.
Fordward Mallet.
Foresight is all Beauty a flower, fame a breath
Foresight What is honourable is beautiful. Balfour.
Forg^et not Chance does not change a race Hamborough.
/Campbell, Campbell-Orde, Davys, Ran-
Forget me not t t kine, Ranking.
Forma, flos ; fama, flatus Campbell.
Formosa quae honesta By chance Bagshaw, Bagshawe.
For my country Brave in my loyalty Tarton, Turton.
For my Duchess Strong andfaithful
For right Jobling.
For right and reason Fortune assists the brave. Grant.
For security Graham-Stirling, Stephenson, Stirling.
Fors non mutat genus Pray for a brave soul Graham.
For sport Roberton, Robertoun, Steedman.
After a brave mind Wynants.
Forte Strong in loyalty
Forte en loyaute Bravely not cowardly Cleiland, Cleilland, Cleland.
Forte etfidele God himself assists the brave Fortick.
Fortem fors juvat Dacre.
Fortem posce animum Ellis, Furnival, Talbot.
Fortem post animum rCrampton, Fiennes, Fynney, Heriot,
^"ort en loyalte -j Twistleton-Wykeham-Fiennes, Phili-
Forte non ignave \ more,
Fortes adjuvat ipse Deus ... Heriot.
Forte scutum salus ducum Lee.
{^ le!!IJrf.!.^!'ll!^.'...'.'^^.'f^^^^^^ Pr>rkinson-Fortescue.
Fortes fortuna adjuvat 1 I/'7o„r/t.une,„as,s„is,ts tt/hie ohrav-e,. /Blennerhassett, Bloomfield, Dickson.
Fortes fortuna juvat ^- | Y){^oa, Goodwyn, Murray, Strange.
Fort et loyal..
Fortfahren und verharren Brave and loyal Danvers, Selby.
To go on andpersevere.
FfnorntiiePtt nfdi.eVii;imninhuilaiHimfcfiiriile^ ( ^othin^ is difficult to the brave and faith- ^Bsskcomh, Deane, M'Carthy, Morean,
^ ^^ ^ O'Keefe.
Forti favet ccelum , Heaven favours the brave. Oswald.
Forti nihil difficile To the brave nothing is difficult Disraeli, Fox.
Lyell, Lyle.
Forti, non ignavo To the brave, not to the dastardly Foley.
Who is braver than himself Broad, Broade, Haycock, Goodricke.
Fortior est qui se ? .4 just man is stronger than a lion Buchan.
He is the strons;er who is the better man.... Madden.
Fortior leone Justus He is stronger who conquers himself.
Fortior qui mehor
Fortior qui se vincit
Fortior quo mitior The milder the stronger Buchan.
Forliorum fortia facta The brave deeds of braver men Stack, Stark, Stork,
Brave andfaithful Savage.
Fortis atque fidelis The brave mayfall but cannot yield Moore.
Fortis cadere, non cedere potest
Fortis ceu leo fidus Strong as a lion and faithful. M'Brayne.
Be brave, notferocious Wintringham.
Fortis esto, non ferox
Fortis est Veritas Strong is the truth Angus, Barton, Hutchon.
Fortis et sequus Brave andjust Douglas, Livingstone.
Fortis et celer Strong and swift Cowell.
Brave and distinguished Dowling.
Fortis et egregius
Fortis et fide Brave and with faithfulness Carfrae.
rAlen, Beton, Bryan, Close, Delacour,
Fortis et fidelis Brave and faithful Delacourt. Douglas, Dunbar, Farmar,
- Finlay, Findlay, Fitzgerald. Fletcher,
Lalor, May, Middleton, Nind, Orme,
Fortis et fidus Brave andfaithful. I Stenhouse.
Brave and hospitable
Fortis et hospitalis M Mr Innes, Loughman, 'Clauchlan, 'Lach-
Fortis et lenis
Fortis et placabilis -j Ian, M'Lauchlan, MacLaughlan,
Fortis et stabilis
Fortis et velox MacLaughlin, Thomson.
Fortis et vigilans
Fortis ferox et celer 1^
Murphy, O'Morchoe, O'Murphy.
Brave and gentle Curry.
Brave, and easily appeased Scot, Scott.
Brave and steadfast Kilhkelley.
Brave and s-wift Waldron.
B'^ive and vigilant Orr.
Strong, fierce and yanfi ,. . M'Carthy.
Fortis fidelis Brave, faithful Stenhouse.
Fortis in arduis j'Armit, Beaton, Beton, Betton, Clarke,
Fortis in armis Brave in difficulties Coghlan, Findlay, Findley, Finlay,
Fortis in bello
Fortis in procella I
Fortis non ferox
Fortis qui prudens Fletcher, Ford, Geale - Wybrants,
Fortis qui se vincit
Fortis, si jure fortis M'Dougall, MacDougall, MacDowall,
Fortissima Veritas
Fortis sub forte Strong in arms I M'Dowell, Methuen, Middleton,
Fortis sub forte fatiscet Brave in war L Thomson.
Fortis valore et armis Strong in storm
Forti tene manu Armstrong, Watson-Armstrong.
Fortiter Cantillon.
Fortiter ac sapienter
Fortiter agendo Brave, not fierce Stockes, Stokes.
Fortiter defendit Ormsby, Whitworth.
Fortiter Deo juvante He is brave who is prudent Thorneycroft, ThomicroK.
Fortiter et aperte Strong is he who conquers himself. Stockenstrbm.
Fortiter et celeriter Kirkaldie, Kirkaldy.
Fortiter et fide Brave, ifjustly brave Fiupatrick, P^tz- Patrick.
Truth is the strongest Fitzpatrick.
Fortiter et fideliter Brave under the brave Hatch.
Fortiter et honeste The brave will yield to the brave
Fortiter et recte Strong by valour and arms. lUan, Allen, Balmanno,
Fortiter et sapienter ferre Hold with a firm hand
Fortiter et sincere
Fortiter et strenue Balmano,
Fortiter et suaviter
Fortiter et vigilanter Batten, Kcaman, Beaiiman, Boswell,
Fortiter, 6deUter, feUciter
FT7-om^-t^er gent crucem Bravely Clark, Clipsham, Cuthbert, Elliot,
Fortiter in angustis { Houston, Longbottom, Macalaster,
Fortiter in re
Fortiter in re suaviter in modo M'Alaster, Macalister, M'Alister,
Fortiter qui fide
Fortiter qui sedulo M'Cray. Maclachlan, M'Lachlan
Fortiter sed apte
Fortiter sed feliciter Bravely but wisely Towers-Clark, Warrand, Wight.
Fortiter sed suaviter Hordem.
Fortiter ubique. By acting bravely
Defends bravely Andrews.
Fortitudine crevL Bravely, God helping Pollard.
FortituHine Dei Bravely and openly Yatman.
Fortitudine Deo Boldly and quickly Mather.
Fortitudine et decore
Fortitudine et ense Boldly ana with fidelity Bontein, Briggs, Bunten.
Fortitudine et fidelitate ("Armitage, Briggs, Brodhurst, Brown,
Fortitudine et labore
Browne, Browne-Guthrie, Cox, Deane,
Fortitudine et prudentia
Boldly andfaithfully - Fallon, Goodsir, Guthrie. Jump,
Fortitudine et sapientia O'Gara, O'Hart, Pennyman, Peperell,
Fortitudine et velocitate
Fortitudine victor I. WiUiams, Wilson.
Fortitudine vincit
Fortitudini Bravely and honourably Abney.
Fortitude r Allot, Drake, EUott, Elliot, Fuller, Keay,
Boldly and rightly \ Lomelying, Rankin, Smith.
To bear bravely and wisely Porritt.
Boldly and sincerely,
Boldly and strenuously Johnson.
Boldly and with suavity "Dempster, M'Lean.
Boldly and vigilantly
,,,..,Boldly, faithfully, and happily Tyson.
He bears the cross bravely { ^ dTne,V/het'°°' ''°"'' ^'''"
f Allan, Helv-Hutchinson, Hutchinson,
( La;rence,^M'Hutcheon, Trittou.
Bravely in straits Hartshorn.
Resolutely in action Wells.
Resolutely in action, suavely in manner . . . Johnson.
Hamilton, Jackamar.
Those who actfaithfully act bravely
Those who act diligently act bravely Keith.
Boldly, but to the purpose Falconer.
Bravely but fortunately White.
Bravely but gently Lee, Muntz, Willsher.
Bravely everywhere Clerk.
TAdair, Barr, Barry, Boyle, Cuninghame,
With fortitude I Cuninghame - Fairlie, Cunningham,
\ Duerryhouse, Erskin, Erskine, Grant,
I have thriven by fortitude I Hobson, Hoste, M'Crae, M'Rach,
By the strength of God. I Macrae, MacRae, Moubray, Ray.
By the strength of Cod.
With fortitude and grace Craven.
By fortitude and the sword Hobson.
With fortUnde and fidelity Hobson.
By fortitude and labour
With fortitude and prudence
With fortitude and wisdom
With courage and celerity Bro^vn, Stuckey.
A victor by fortitude Reid, Yonge.
He conquers byfortitude f Campbell, Carson, Halkett, Hargreaves,
To fortitude -'. Lighton, MacEgan. Morgan, O'Reilly,
\ Riley, Stuart, Yonge.
Fortitude Fo.x.
Balnaves, Ealneaves.
Fortitudo et justitia invictse sunt Fortitude andjustice are invincible. M'Guire.
Fortitudo et prudentia.... Fortitude and prudence Egan.
Fortitudo fidelis honore raunerata
Fortitudo in adversis Faithfulfortitude is reiuarded with honour Russell.
Fortius dum juncta Fortitudein adversity Cox.
For true liberty
Fortuna audaces juvat Stronger while united Hay.
Fortuna audaces juvat timidosque repellit
Fortuna comes Remvick.
Fortuna et honos ab alto
Fortuna et labore Fortune assists the daring Barron, Cleveland, Cregoe.
Fortuna faveat
Fortuna favente Fortuneassiststhedaringbutbafflesthetimid Cregol.
Fortuna fa vet Ferguson.
Fortuna favet audaci Fortune is my companion Rydan.
Fortuna favet fortibus Brown, Sym, Syme.
Fortuna juvat Fortune and honourfrom above O'Flaherty.
Fortuna parcet labori By fortune and labour
Fortuna sequatur May fortune favour us.
Fortuna sequitur
Fortuna vectem sequitur Fortune favouring Fall^iner, Pudsey.
Fortuna viam ducit
Fortuna virtute Fortune favours Whyte.
Fortune de guerre
Fortune helps the forward Fortune favours the daring. Turnbull.
Fortune le veut
For valour Fortune favours the brave O'Flaherty.
Forward M 'Andrew.
Forward, kind heart Fortune will save trouble Buchanan.
Forward, non temere
Forward ours Let fortune follow Gordon, Hunter, Warren.
Forward without fear Fortune follows Dickinson.
Fovendo foveo
Foy Fortune follows effort Wight.
Foy en tout Fortune leads the way Hassard.
Foy est tout
Foy pour devoir Fortune is from virtue Beath, Beith, Bieth.
Foys sapience et chevaleiie Chance of war Chute, Chute-Wiggett.
Fractum non abjicio ensem
Fractus pugnatu Carmichael.
Fragrat, delectat, et sanat
Fragrat post funera virtus Fortune wills it. Chaytor, Morin.
France et sans dol Motto of the Victoria Cross.
Francha Call Toge
Franco leale toge ("Balfour, Campbell, Curl, Currel, Cur-
rell, Douglas, Farish, Howales, Ker,
JI Maclraen, Millar, Miller, Ogilvie,
Ogilvy, Speir, Strachan, Stewart,
\ Stewart-Richardson, Stirling, Stuart.
Forward, not rashly Balfour.
Seaton, Seton.
I cherish by cherishing. Gordon.
Fidelity Gilpin, Sausse.
Fidelity in all things Grey, Sutcliffe, Yelverton.
Fidelity is everything Babington, Grey, Robinson.
Faith for duty Seymour, St. Maur.
Faith, wisdom and chivalry A'Beckett.
I throw not away the broken sword
Broken with fighting Hansard.
Jt smells sweet, and delights, and it cures.. Clelland.
Virtue smells sweet after death Chesly, Cheisly, Chiesly.
French Harris.
For Fi-ance and without sorrow Cartier.
Free and loyal is to thee Godolphin.
fCassidy, Collins, Frith, Jones, Kimber,
Frangas, non flectes You may break, you shall not bend me.. ... \^:^^ll^^:^''i:^: ^'^^^i^-
t Whymper.
Frangi non flecti To be broken, not bent. Owen.
Fr.-ingo I break M'Laren.
Frango dura patientia I break hard rocks by patience Cooper.
Frapper au but To hit the mark , Gibbs.
Frappez avec raison Strike with reason Parry-Mitchell.
Frappez fort Strike hard Wodehouse, Woodhouse.
Free Scott.
„, ,, fClark, Clerk, Gierke, Pennycock,
Free for a blast
\^ Pennycoock, Pennycuick, Rattray.
Frere ayme frfere Brother loves brother Frere.
From henceforth Carr.
Fructu arbor cognoscitur
FructucognosciTur arbor Poore.
Fructum habet caritas
Fructu non foliis ^heXti,. ttr^e.e.,.^s khn„o„^„n« b/,y„ ittts^ffr^u.Hn fPurton.
Fructu noscitur \ Wood, Martin.
Fructus per fidem
Fugiendo vincimus Charity hath fruit Buckston.
Fugite fiires omnes Bushby.
Fugit hora By the fruit, not the leaves Newbigging.
Fugit irrevocabile tempus It is known by the fruit
Fruits offaith Fructuozo.
We conquer by fleeing.
Fleefrom all thieves Johnson.
The hourflies Bagnall, Forbes.
Timeflies beyond recall Shadford, Shadforth, Tilson.
(Bruce, Bruce - Brudenell, Cartwright,
^rgKru'cT UewX, ''^^,
Pryce, Symons, Were, Wright.
Fuimus, et sub Deo erimus Wt have been, under God, and shall be.... Coham
Fulcrum dignitatis virtus
Virtue is the support of dignity Bull.
Fu!get....„ Belsches.
Fulget virtus He shines forth Bell.
Fulget virtus intaminata Belches, Belsches.
Fulminis instar Virtiu shines forth Hogan.
Functa virtute fides Virtue shines unspotted Murray.
Like lightning Hodges.
Fundamentum glorise humilitas Faith having exhibited valour Baynes.
Furor arma ministrat Humility is thefoundation ofglory Farside.
Furth and fearnocht Fury supplies arms Murray, Butter.
Furthfortune Aynsley, Glenlyon, Murray, Stewart.
Furth fortune and fill the fetters Wary of thefuture Raikes.
Futuricautus Thefuture is unknown Bevill.
Futurum invisibile
Fy ngobaith sydd yu nuw Came.
Fynuwachymru PhiUpps, Walters.
Gadge and measure The hope of salvation is our helmet Edmonstonc.
Galea spes salutis
Ganger A walker Cassells.
Gang forrit Walker.
Gang forward _ Haly, Kennedar.
Gang warily
Garde Guard Stirling.
Guard carefully Drummond, Porterfield.
Garde bien M'Kenzie.
Gardezbien \^ . ,, Edmonstone-Montgomerie.
Garde la croix.. '^' fCarrick, Harvey, Montgomerie, Mont-
Garde la foi /
Gaidelafoy gomery.
Garde la loi Guard the cross
Garde le Roy \.
Garde I'honneur Guard thefaith
Garde ta bien aim^e Guard thefaith Ward.
Garde ta foy Edwards, Poulett-
Gardez Guard the law
Gardez bien Stafford.
Gardezlafoy Guard the King
Gardez le capron Slator.
Gare la bete Guard honour Lane.
Gare le pied fort
Gaudeo Guard thy well-belmed Hanmer, Hawksley.
Gaudet in luce Veritas Maze.
Gaudet luce videri Guard thy faith Rich.
Gaudet patientia duris. Cave, Vemey-Cave.
Gaudet tentamine virtus Guard Lievre, Montgomerie, Woodward.
Gaudium adfero Edwardes, Poulett, Rich.
Gauge and measure Guardwell HoUist
Gearaigh agus dogh buadh Garbett
Generosa virtus nihil timet Keepthefaith Bedford.
^„enerosi.t,at. e Brown, Browne, Chandler-Broivn.
Keep the capron
Beware of the beast
Clear the wayfor the strongfoot Galton, Howard.
Grimond, O'Mallun.
I rejoice Legg, Legge.
Truth rejoices in the light Edminston, Edmonstone.
Rejoices to be seen in the light Dunphy.
TNichol, Nicholson, Nickelson, Nickisson,
Patience rejoices in hardships | Nicol, Nicolson.
Virtue exults in the trial Glcnnon.
I bringjoy Wharton.
Generous valourfears nothing Falconberg.
Br,y generosU:y {^^. swanston, woodcock.
Generosity with justice Noble and courageous O'Donovan.
Generosus et animosus Noble and ready Anderson, Andrew.
Generosus et paratus
Generosus naseitur non fit A ruble man is born, not made Biggar.
Genti sequus utrique Ward.
Germana fides candorque Fair to both families. Stubber.
Genuine fidelity and sincerity Ganstin, Garstin.
8SSSl::i:s^t:::::::;:::--;:::::;:;;}^^-^™'?—^ Mill.
GioUa ar a-namhuid a-bu Challen, Henn.
Give and forgive Whalley.
Brooke, Grove.
Giving and forgiving
Give the thanks that are due. With sword and bow
Gladio et arcu With sword and valour
Gladio et virtute
Gladium musanim nutrix The sword is the nurse of the muses
Gloria calcar habet Glory has a spur
GloriaDeo Glory to God
Gloria Deo in excelsis Glory to Cod in the highest
Gloria Deo in profundis.. Glory to God in the dept/is
Gloria finis Glory the end
— . .. .. .
Gloria inexcelsis Deo Glory to God on high... Kellock.
Glory, not plunder Murray.
Gloria, non pnfida Glory to the Father Dewar.
One God glory enough.. Weston.
Gloria Patri Glory is the shadmv o/t Elers, Pakenham, Pakenham-Mahon.
Actively Anderson.
Gloria sat Deusunus Colston.
The peace of God Roberts.
Gloria virtutis umbra Kennedy.
A prudent man God will giu Beedham.
Gnaviter Blair, Butler.
Glory to the sword
Go and do thou likewise Staple.
God and my conscience By degrees Mitford.
God be guide Full by degrees Leyland.
God be in my bede IVe conquer step by step Crawford, Crawfurd.
God be my guide The same way, by different steps Douglas, Gordon.
What is increased by labour grows griat. Godfrey.
God be our friend With a grateful hand Tait
God careth for us Welcome rest Balfour.
Take with a grateful hand Allen.
Goddes grace governe Gameys Grace overcomes nature Simon.
Giving thanks to God Leslie, Lesly.
God feedeth ye land ,. // is more agreeable coming from a pioi Fraser.
God feeds the crows Bull.
God for us King Wesley.
God fried Bream, Breame, Dalton.
God give grace . Hadley.
God gives increase Craw.
God giveth the increase Given freely by God. Rosborough, Rosborough-Colclough.
God giveth the victory Gratitude Crichton.
Learn grave manners Mason.
God guide all Grave while sweet Crawford.
God is all Gravely andpiously . . Creighton, Chrichton, Brocklebank.
Goronwy, a descendant of the Given. Crawford, Craufurd, Edmonstone.
Godiscortues Keep the faith Boyle.
Guard yourself.... Stewart.
God is love God steers the ship. Bryson, Buchanan.
God is my defender Gordon.
God is my health Jones-Parry.
God is my safety
God is my shield Godfrey.
God me guide MinshuU.
God my trust Goodale, Goodalle.
God save the right Tattersall.
God send grace
God shaw the right Jones.
God's providence is my inheritance.. Brenton.
God will provide Forbes, Pownall.
God with my right Forbes.
God with us Anderson, Hopwood, ICilgour, MacNicol.
Gofal dym duw ai gwerid Burnside, Gordon.
Curtis, Duke.
Gogoniant yr clethaf Calthorpe, Gough.
Good friend A'Court, Holmes.
Good deeds shine clear Call.
Good God increase Vansittart.
Good news Brisco, Winnington.
Goo jerat Sidney.
Go on, and take care Gibbons.
Goren meddyg, meddyg enaid
Skeen, Skene.
Go thou and do likewise Nagle
Bigland, Gigger, Mace-Gigger.
Go through Bigland.
Grace meguide Graves.
Grace my guide Park.
Gradatim De Trafford.
Gradatim plena Forbes, Leslie, Lesly.
Gradatione vincimus Fergusson.
Gradu diverso via una Griffith.
Grandescunt aucta labors ', Middleton.
Grata manu Lecky.
Grata quies M'Nab.
Grata sume manu
Gratia naturam vincit
Gratias Deo agere
uratior est a rege pio....
Gratis a Deo data
Gratitude and loyalty
Graves disce mores
Gravis dum suavis
Graviteret pie
Gripe griffin, hold fast. ..
Grip fast
Gronwi hil Gwerninion
Gryffyuy fydd
Guarde la foy
Guard yourself .
Guardez vous
Gubemat navem Deus...
Gweithred a ddengys Rather death thai shame. Ellis.
Gwell angau nachyvvilydd
Gwell augan na gwarth ^ Basset, Lloyd, Mackworth, Morris.
Gwillim Fenton.
Truth against all the mvld. Hatton.
G wir yn erbyn y byd Truscott.
Gwna a ddylit doed a ddel Do thy duty come-what t>ia\ James, Lewis.
Gwyr yn erbyn y byd Gay.
• '.
Habent sua sidera reges Kings have their stars De Vahl-Samuel, Samuel.
Habere et dispertire To have and share with others
Habet et suam He has also his own Bath, Heathcote, Willoughby.
Habshar Without offence or a share Seaton, Seton.
Hacornant In this way they adorn Riddell.
Hactenus invictus Hitherto uneonque,-ed ^''''^"'^' ^''"^'"'^' ^'''
Hac virtus mercede digna Virtue is worthy of this reward Robertson.
Had on and win Hadwen.
Haec dextia vindex principis et patriae. This right hand is the avenger of my prince j\-„Kamsey.
Hsec fructus virtutis These things are the fruits of virtue Waller.
Hjec generi incrementa These things are accessions to the race Townsend-Stephens.
Hasc generi incrementa fides Faith has conferred these new honours oti \rj^ ,,
[ our race....
Hsec inimica tyrannis These are adverse to tyrants Riversdale.
Hfec lucra laborum Rowan, Rowand.
Hrec manus inimica tyrannis Th(se are the profits of industry Leigh, Mahon.
This hand is hostile to tyrants
Hsec manus ob patriam This handfor my country "'''°''' "'"'"'' ^''"'''"
Hfec manus pro patriEe pugnando vulnera\ This hand has been wounded in defence "/ In'ja -n c^z\z<yh
Hkc olim meminisse juvabit It will delight us to remember these things \j-ji.ewis.
Hsec omnia transeunt All these things pass a-inay Bourne.
Hsec origo This orip,n Balnaves.
HcEC ornant These things adorn Scrugall.
Hasc presiat militia This warfare excels Bannerman.
Hallelujah Aylmer, Hendrick- Aylmer.
Ha persa la fide, ha perso I'honore He who hath lost his faith hath lost his j\iy^euis.^
Hardimeht et bellement ...\
Boldly and handsomely Stucley.
Hastings A'ot with ease. Heron, Horn.
Haud facile Following no lower aims Wettenhall.
Haud inferiora secutus Not in name alone Gerard.
Yielding under no winds Best.
Hand nomiue tantum Irvine, Irving, Irwin.
Haud ullis labentia ventis
Hauri ex puro To be drawfrom the pure fountain Pemberton.
Haut et bon High and good St. Leger.
Have at all Drummond.
Have at you Without God, without anything. Grant.
Have faith in Christ Glendoning, Glendonwyn, Glendowing.
Have mercy on us, good Lord Sitlington.
Have patience and endure Rush ton.
Hazard warily Seaton, Seton.
Hazard zet forward Seton.
Heart and hand Motto of the Order of the Star of India,
Evans, Jones, Peake, Price.
Heaven's light our guide
Heb Dduw, heb ddim
(Beynon, Davies, Edwards, Evans,
Heb Dduw, heb ddim, Duw a digon \
Morgan, Mostyn, NicoU, Parry, Read,
mWithout help from above the arrow flies \ , Stradling, Williams.
Heb nevol nerth nidd sicr saem { vain )J°"^^-
He conquers who endures Bath.
Heddwch Peace Hart.
Help at hand, brother Muire, Mure.
Henricus a Henrico Henry from Henry Fitz-Henry.
He seeks high deeds Marshall.
Hrot rhv \6yov &<peic ^ A-aXws tU'T^)( Either discard the u'ord, or becominch' j"i M»o»res-Rr>owe.
TrpdsTTjTe \ adhere to it. ^;
He who looks at Martin's ape, Martin's\ Martin.
ape shall look at him /
Hie fidus et robore Herefaithful and with strength ^ Stirling.
Hie fruetus virtutis This is thefruit of valour Waller.
Hie hodie eras uma Hereto-day, to-morrow the urn Fletcher.
Hie labor This is labour Dee, Mortlake.
Hie labor hoc opus Mortlock.
Hie murus aheneus This is labour, this a task
Hie tutus nutrior This is a brazen wall ^Annesley, M'Leod.
Higher 'Scott.
I am nourished safe here Galloway.
Hinc decus inde tegmen
{^ZTti'oT ^"'"''"' ^"""""'' ^""^ '^'^ ^'''" jcraham.
Hinc deleetatio
Hinc ducitur honos Hence delight. Forbes.
Hinc fortior et clarior
Hinc garbae nostrse Hence honour is derived Nisbet.
Hine honor et opes
Hinc honor et salus Hence stronger and more illustrious Martin, Marline.
Hinc illuminabitur
Hinc incrementum Hence our sheaves Cumine, Cummin, Gumming.
Hinc laus et honos
Hine mihi salus Hence honour and wealth Hay.
Hinc odor et sanitas
Hinc origo Hence honor and safety Lindsay.
Hinc orior Hence we shall be enlightened. Oliphant.
Hinc spes effulget Hence comes increase Hay.
Hinc usque superna venabor Hence praise and honour Rae.
Hence my salvation Spalding, Peverell.
Hencefragrance and health Liddel, Liddell.
His calcabo gentes
Hence our origin Balnaves.
His fortibus anna
His gloria reddit honores Hence I arise /Cameron, Hamilton, Howie, Paterson,
Hence beams forth our hope.
His nitimur et munitur Steuart, Stewart.
His parva erescunt I.
His regi servitium
His secuntas Aberdour.
History cannot be destroyed by time
His vinces ^ ""'" "''' ''^'"' ''"""""^^ } Murray.
Hoc age {^7k7{g7'"'''
Hoc ardua vincere docet
Hoc etiam praeteribit Perseverance Lewis.
Hoc in loco Deus rapes
Hoe majorum opus With these I will tread down nations | Biddulph - Colclough, Colelough, Ros-
Hoc majorum virtus Arms to these brave men \_ borough-Colclougn.
Hoc opus
Glory renders honottrs to them Drummond.
Hoc signum non onus, sed honor {We rely on these and are strengthened bv i -,
Hoe vinco ,.
Hoc virtutis opus
Hodie non eras theZ. i ^ JMaconochie.
Hoeg dy m%vyall
Holden By these little things grow great. Hyslop.
Holdfast With thesewe render service to the king.... Neilson.
Hold firm Safety from these Barsane, Bartane, Barton.
Holme semper viret
Hominem te esse memento Conroy.
Homo homuii lupus With these you will conquer MaeDonnell.
Homo sum Mind what you are about. Browne, Levett, Metge, Naylor, Pigott.
Honesta bona
Honestx gloria fax mentis This teaches us to overcome difficulties Winchester.
Honest and fast
Honesta peto This also will pass by Budgett.
Honesta quam magna
Honesta quam splendida Here God is a rock Hockin.
Honestas et Veritas This is the work of rtiy ancestors Eliot, Eliot-Lockhart, Elliot.
Honestas optima politia This is the valour of my ancestors Logan.
Honestas quam splendida Dee, Mortlake.
This is a work
Safer by this *^"'''' ^"""'°°' ^"^'"'' ^°''^'
Honeste et constanter I^h^t"'
Honeste parta
Honeste vivo This banner is no burden, but an honour. Stoughton.
With this I conquer Hay.
This the work of virtue CoUison, Lytton.
To-day, not to-morrri/w Mostyn, Vaux.
Sharpen thy battle-axe Price- Williams.
[Ancram, Annesley, Dowine, Leslie,
4 Lesly, M'Leod, MacLeod, Macloide,
\ M'Loud, Smith, Somerville, Stilwell.
Holme is always green Holme.
Remember you are a man Wybergh.
Man is a wolf to hu fellow men Girvan.
I am a man Wolseley.
Wealth honourably ^ot. Edgell, Wyatt-Edgell.
Glory the torch to an honourable mind
/ seek honourable things Anderson.
How great are honourable deeds.. ., Oliphant.
Ho^v illustrious are honou7-able deeds Walker.
Honour Barrington, Critchlev, Kennett.
Honour and truth Faal, Fall, Goldie, Goudie, Paget.
Honesty is the best policy Goff-Davies, Granger, Owen, Sparrow.
How illustrious is honourable conduct Stewart.
Our antiquity stands on honour. Laing.
Honourably bold '"''"' ''""'"'
Honourably and constantly {^"^S^X Wouly'
Things honourably got
I Uve by my honour Reddie.
Why te.
Craige, Craigg, Halkett, Pillmuire.
Honestie is good policie Thomson.
Honesto vivo
I live by what is honourable Halket.
Htjonest^ um , ., ^Jm(I-! prefer what is honourable to what is\->r-tRai-ikes.
Honestum prsetulit utili He has preferred the honourable to the useful Emline, Emlyn.
Honestum pro patria What is honourablefor my country Hamilton.
,,•,,HTonest. um utili patna ^^f The honourable is the
K ^^^m
native soil of the j-Hamb\o. roughu.
Honestum utili prsefero Iprefer the honourable to the useful M*Gell.
Honesty is good policy Thomson.
Honesty is the best policy
Shame be to him who evil thinks Anderson, Kinnear, Thomas, Thomson.
J Honesty without fear Let honour guide me. Thomson.
Honourfor aim The motto of the Order of the Garter.
\Honi soil qui mal y pense Honour without rest Lousada.
Honneur me guide 1 will honour those who honour me Page.
Honneur pour objet Honour, love., andfear Montgomery.
Honneur sans repos Atthill, Hastings, Maunsell.
Honorantes me honorabo Death honours Moselay.
Honorate, diligite, timete With honour and love Bragge, Broge, Brogg, Broig.
Honorat mors Grantham, Richards, Hamersley.
Honore et amore By honour and arms Campbell.
Honore et armis By honour and labour
Honore et labore With honour and virtue Hill.
Honore et virtute
Honore integro contemno fortunam Clark, Gilbanks, Gilbey, MacDermot.
Honor et amor
Honor et fides With honour unstained J despisefortu?^.. FitzGibbon.
Honor et honestas Honour and love Dowglas, Niblie.
Honor et Veritas Honour andfaith Sears.
Honor et virtus Honour and honesty Patriarche, Tremayne.
Honor fidelitatis praemium Honour and truth Waller.
Honor me guide Honour and virtm Atkins, Grogan, M'Dermott, Morgan.
Honour, the reward offidelity , Fielding, Irby.
H onor, pietas Lusado.
Honor post funera vivit
Honor potestate honorantis Honour, piety Waters.
Honor praemium virtutis est Broadley.
Honor probataque virtus My honour lives after death Kynaston.
Honor rewards industry Flynn.
Honor sequitur fugientem Honour with the power of honouring Fitzgerald, FitzGerald, MacDermot.
Honor Veritas et iustitia Honour is the reward of mrtu£
Honour and approved virtue
Honor, virtus, probitas
Honor virtute proemium Honour folhnas him who shuns it Gardiner.
Honor virtutem coronat Honour truth and justice Chichester.
Honor virtutis Southam.
Honour, virtue, arulprobity Barrett.
Honour is the reward of virtue Wright.
Honour crowns virtue. Davies.
The honour of virtue (Boyle, Ferrers, Goldney, Grueber,
Hawtin, Hawtyn, Hickey, Hole,
Honor virtutis pretium Honour is the price of virtue man, Paine, Palmer, Shirley, Wright.
Honos alit artes Honour cherishes the arts Mills.
Honos cui honos Honour to whom hoyiour GreenhilL
Honos fidehtatis prasmium Brooke.
Honos industriae premium Honour the reward offidelity Irby.
Honos virtutis satelles Honour the reward of industry King.
Honos vita clarior Honour the attendant of virtue Baker.
Hope and not rue Honour more glorious than life Innes.
Hope for the best Oliphant.
Hope in God
Hope me encourageth Sisson, Sissons.
Hope to come
Hope to share Harkness.
Hopewell and have well
Hopewell, love well Bushe.
Hora e sempre
Hora et semper Foliot, Foliott.
„.,...,.Hos gloria reddit honores Riddell.
Hostis honon invidia Bower.
Hue tendimus omnes / Now and always Bower.
Huic generi incrementa fides \ Now and always
Huic habeo Denys.
Huic habeo non tibi Glory has given these Jwnours
Humani nihil alienum Er-nvy is an enemy - hIonour
to j Fanner, Fermor.
Humilitate Drummond.
We are all travelling to this bourne
Hyeme exsuperata /Amy. Dickens, Patison, Pattison, .Sher-
Hunter, blow the horn Loyalty gives increase to this family | ^^^ Sherrard, Wegg.
Hyeme viresco I hold to this one
I hold to this one, not to thee Paterson.
{ ^;/;';«^_™«;«.f ^';^«j'^/^'fi^^^^^ Carlile, Carlyle.
By humility..
When the winter is over Wrangham.
/ grow green in winter. Strode.
.. .. .
I abyde my tyme I serve Pennefather.
I am ever prepared MacBreid, M'Breid.
I am, I am Struck, not conquered .. Ruxton.
I am lone.. To Godbe thanks Lone.
I am readie Fraser.
Fire restrained, our lives e secure /Fairlie, Fairly, Fraser, Frazer, Maxwell,
I am ready r,h \ Scott.
We conquer byfire and s Campbell.
I bearein minde By fire and sword. Macdonald.
Ibeir thebel M'Leod.
The good time will come Gordon, Taylor- Gordon.
I bum weil, I see Nisbet.
Ibyde An Iliad in a nutshell. /Barton, Campbell, Curling-Hayward,
\ Gordon, Hastings, Loudon, Porteous.
I bydeit : look at the sun with eye uninjured. Maxwell.
I byde my tyme He conquers, I deserve H.R.H. the Prince of Waies, KG.
Honour comes to them
I byde ye fair Bartholomew.
Ich dien I give light Lumisden.
I conquer by the wound // is enough Shute.
I conquer or die Time pas. /Adair, Dalsiel, DalyeU, Dalziel, Dalzel,
Ictus non victus \ Dalziell.
ther than to eirjy Lloyd.
I dare race Thomas.
Always free Cranston, Cranstoun.
Iddow Bor liolch To scorn undeserved threats /Forbes-Leith, Shaw, Shaw- Hamilton,
I Dduw bo'r diolch Uncojiquerable \Stackpoole.
I desire not to want True virtue cannot be overwhelmed. Mackenzie, Mackintosh.
Steadfast Samson.
I die for those I love Steadfast innocence Colquhoun.
I face all weathers Hamilton.
IfGodwill Davy.
If I can Hodder.
I forget not Hickman.
I gain by hazard Forrest, Gordon, Joynt, Ogle.
Igne constricto vita secura Boswell.
Igne et ferris vicimus /M'Brayne, Macnaghten, M'Naughtan,
Igne et ferro \ M'Naughton, Naughten, Niven.
I hope Nisbet, Riddell.
I hope for better.
Cathcart, Gilchrist.
I hope in God....
I liope to share Forbes.
I hope to speed
I increase Jennings.
I keep traist Ogden.
Kennear, Kinnear.
n buono tempo verra {Kebble, Kibble, Sharpe, St.Clair-Erskine-
Ilias in nuce Wedderbourn, Wedderburn.
I live in hope Finlay, Lawrie.
lUseso lumine solem. Hamilton.
Kincaid, Lennox.
I'll be wary
I'll byde broad Albins Sinclair.
I'll deceive no man. .
I'll defend Oliphant.
lUe vincit ego mereo.. Mitchell.
I'll hope and not rue..
lUis honos venit Grant.
I'll stand sure Newbegin, Newbigging.
I'll try Farquharson.
lUumino Darker.
llsuffit Kilpatrick, Kirkpatrick.
II tempo pa.ssa Kirkpatrick.
I make sure fCallendar, Callender, Mackenzie, Shaw,
I mak sicker \ Stewart, Sutcliffe.
I mean well Gairdner.
Child, Ilooke-Child, Pleydell.
I mean no harm Vaughan.
Imitare quam invidere Austen-Cartmell.
Immaculata gens Thores.
Immer frey Hamilton.
Immeritas temnere minas. Codrington.
Inimersabilis Culme.
Immersabilis est vera virtu
Immobilis innocentia
Immortalia spero I hopefor immortality Tytler.
Immotus Unmoved Alston.
Immutabile, durabile
Impavide Unchangeable, durable. Rolland.
Impavido pectore Cabbell.
Imparidiim ferient niinre Undauntedly Murchison.
Impavidum feriunt ruinae Mundell, Perring.
Impegerit fidus With undaunl&iieart Perring.
Impelle obstantia The ruin shall stHke me unappalled Constable.
Impendam, expendar The ruins strike him undismayed Arthur.
Imperat jequor Thefaithful man has ?nadefast Eurket, Burkett.
Subdue obstacles Monypenny.
Imperatricis auspiciis / will spend and be spent.
Imperio He commands the wide sea
Imperio regit unus aequo
Impero Unaer imperial auspices ^^ *^"^^' °^ ^''^ '°^'''°
Impiger et fidus {"^Em ke*^
Impromptu By command
In adversis etiam tide One alone governs with just sway Murray.
In ahum I command Gunning.
In arce salus Murray, .Stewart.
In ardua Alert atidfaithful Constable.
In ardua nitor
In ardua petit On the spur of the moment Trotter.
In ardua tendit With faith even in adversity Dandridge.
In ardua virtus Toward heaven Alston, Alstone.
In the citadel safety Copeman.
In arduis fortis In difficulties Hoare.
I strive against difficulties Halkerston.
In arduis fortitudo He aims at dffiadt things Malcolm.
In arduis viget virtus He has attempted difficult things....
In bello invictus in amore probus M'AUam, M'Callum, Malcolm.
In bello quies Virtue in distress Leathes, Wolstenholme.
In caelo confidemus
In caligine lucit Brave in difficulties ^^'^^"^
In candore decus Firmness in dangers {^Mlddfe'ton^'"^'™""^"''^'^'
In canopo ut ad canopum
Incepta persequor Bright, Hamilton.
In carta salutis anchora
In Christo salus Virtueflourishes in dangers Gurdon.
In Christo speravi Steele Steele- Graves,
Incidendo sano Unconquercd in war, honourable in love .. Murray.
Inclinata resurgo Repose in war Hill.
Inclyta virtus
Inclytus perditJE recuperator coronae We ti-ustin heaven
Inclytus virtute
In coelo quies Jt shines in the dark. Baillie.
Incoelo spero Honour in purity
In coelo spe> mea est Chadwick,
Inconcussa fides
Inconcussa virtus , Louis.
In constantia decus Wilkinson.
In copia cantus Iprosecute tny undertakings Gillespie.
In corda inimicorum Regis Upon a sure anchor of safety Abernethy.
In comua salutem spero Peckover.
Salvation is in Christ Kincaid.
Incorrupta fides Cooper.
In Christ f have hoped Kean.
Incorrupta fides nudaque Veritas I cure by incision Seton.
Incrementum dat Deus Though bowed doion, I rise again O'Cahan.
In ci-uce confido Renowned valour Bewick, Boscouen, Dolphin, Evans.
In cruce et lacrymis spes est The glorious recoz'crer of a lost crown Miller.
In cruce fides Reno^vnedfor valour
In cruce glorior Micklcthwaite.
In cruce mea fides mRest heaven Foster.
In cruce non in leone fides Benson, Lane-Fo.\.
I hope in heaven
TI„n „cr„u„c^e „s,a,l„u„s My hope is in heaven
Unshaken faith
n cruce spero
n cruce spes mea Unshaken virtue
n cruce triumphans
n cruce victoria Glory in constancy Coppard.
n cruce \-incam Atnid plenty singing. Dod, Hopley, WoUey-Dod.
n cruce vinco
n crucifixa gloria mea Into the hearts of the enemies of the king . . Forstall.
n defence Hunter.
I hopefor safety against the horns
In defence of the distressed
Incorruptiblefaith ™'"''°''' ^^'°''y^h<^-
Uncorruptedfaith and unvarnished truth. Forde, Waskett.
God gives the increase Moseley.
I trust in the cross Thrale.
In the cross and tears there is hope Hincks.
Faith in the cross Rudge.
I... glory in the cross Cliffe, Pye.
In the cross is my faith Billairs.
In the cross not in the lion is my faith Lisle.
/"Abercrombie, Abercromby, Adam,
Adams, Aiken, Aitkin, Aitkine, Bag-
SQa„l,v,a„ti,o„n„f'f^r„om t„he cr,oss a hot-De ^ClaarssB,ereLt,angBh1o.oulri mkee,, Brigham,
Lt awrence,
I hope in the cross Mallet, Marr, Milnes, Renny-Tailyour,
In the cross is my hope V Rudd, Tailour Tailyour.
Barclay, Ewart.
In the cross triumphant Raffles.
Victory through the cross Snell.
I shall conguer by the cross Copley.
I conquer by the cross Williamson.
My glory is in the cross
{"^ ^"'''^' ^"''^'"
In defiance M'Braire.
In Deo confidemus
In God is our trust Pryce.
rBorton, De St. Croix, IckyU, Kirkn
InDeoconfido I trust in God ' ^Mfo^o"r^e^,'Mo.r}'i^so^nr,os,RicMh'aGridlsl,, Moor
Tovy, Walker.
In Deo confiteor My confession is in God Lodder.
In God is all myfaith
In Deo est mihi omnis fides Palmer.
In God and in myself I trust
In Deo et in ipso confide In God is myfaith Richardson.
In God and my hand is 7ny trust
In Deo fides In God is my hope Brady, Medley, Plucknett, Smith.
In Deo manuque fides Mackesy.
In Deo mea spes
In Deo nostra spes est In God is our hope Rocke..
In Deo omnia All things are in God. Bluett, Huxley, Reed.
In Deo robur meum In God is my strength
In God safety Armstrong.
In Deo salus In God we have safety Bestick, Browning.
In God alone is my hope.
In Deo salutem Scobell.
In Deo solo spes mea .. Kay, Key.
In Deo solo robur ' 1 Irn G/-odj aljone ^ ^i Httarris.
In Deo solum robur '^ is
In Deo sola salus My only salvation is in God Grundy.
In Deo speravi In God I have hoped Dalby, Saumarez, Wobster.
In Deo spero mI hope God Harvard.
Beers, Bonython, Conran.
In Deo spes In God is hope
In Deo spes est In God is hope Murray.
In God is my hope Moncrieff.
In Deo spes mea In God is my defence
In Deo tutamen {Asheton, Ashton, Areskine, Cahill, Car-
Inde securior Thence the more secure gill, Hmhurst, Erskin Erskine In-
man. Key, Knyfton, M'GiU, Morris,
Inde spes Thence hope West-Erskine, Willyams.
Indignante invidia florebit Justus Despising envy, thejust shall flourish Cockburn, Cockburne, Ormistone.
In Domino et non in arcu sperabo In God and not in my bow I will hope ReyneU.
In dubiis constans Edwards.
In dubiis rectus Steady in doubtful affairs (Calrow, Crierie, Crisie, Deas, Ferguson,
Indubitata fides Upright in doubtful affairs Fettes, Fiddes, Gentle, Keltie,Kelty,
Indulge not Undoubtedfaith Ogilvie, Ogiivy, M'Cnre, Peel, War-
Industria atque fortuna By industry andfortune Lawrie.
TDon, Don-Wauchope, Paxton, Reath,
Industria ditat Industry enriches -j Sideserf, Sydserfe, Vauderplank,
[ Wauchope, Waugh.
Industrial manus The hand of industry |-Leechman, Leeshman, Leishman, Thom-
Industria et labore By industry and labour ^'^"^""°''''
Industria et perseverantia By industry and perserverance
Industria et probitate By industry andprobity Cowper.
Industria et spe With industry and hope Bell, Margerison, Washbourne.
Industria et virtute By industry and virtue Fenouillet, Warden, Vabsley.
Industria evehit Bolton.
Industria murus hidustry promotes Warrender.
Industria permanente Industry is a protection Thomson.
Industria Veritas et hospitalitas With unremitting industry Neave.
Industria virtus et fortitudo Industry, truth, and hospitality
Industria virtute et fortitudine Harris.
Industry and liberality By industry, virtue, andfortitude Smiley.
Inebraniable By industry, bravery, andfortitude Haig- Smellie, Smellie.
Inest dementia forti Jejeebhoy,
Inest jucunditas Unshaken Acland.
Inevitabile fatum Mercy is inherent in the brave. Fort, Forte, Gent, Maule.
Inexpugnabilis Enjoyment is therein
In ferro tutamen Inevitable desti>iy Elliot, Elliott.
In tide et in bello fortes Impregnable Kramer.
In fide fortis Defence ill the sword
Infirmis opitulare Firm in faith and in war Penman.
Ingenioac labore Strong in faith Feirier.
Ingenio et viribus To help the weak Bagwell, Carroll, O'Carroll.
Ingenio innuraerato habe By talent and toil Chambers.
Ingenium innumerata habi By genius andforce Kildahl.
Ingenium superat vires Possess by immense genius Kerr, Worrall.
Ingenium vires superat Justly esteemed a man ofgenius Huddleston.
Ingenuas suscipit artes Genius surpctsses strength Lawrie.
Genius surpasses strength Lawrie.
In God is all Adams.
In God is aU my trust He undertakes noble arts Alexander.
In God I trust Long.
Eraser, Frazer.
Eraser, Frazer.
Ingratis servire nefas It is wrong to slave for the ungrateful. Martin.
myIn heaven is all trust In this I shall return morefull
In this token
In heaven is my hope In this Hgn is my hope Huggard.
In hoc plenius redibo.. Under this sign you shall conquer Mmshull.
Wodehouse, Woodhouse.
In hoc signo
In hoc signo spes mea Taaflfe.
In hoc signo vinces 'Aiscroft, Barreau, Berrie, Berry, Bourke,
Bowen, Burke, Colvin, Glasham,
Gore, Gore-Booth, Homan-Mulock,
Ironside, Knox -Gore, Macadam,
M'Carlie, M'Kerlie, MuIock.Newling,
O'Donel, O'Donnel, Ormsby-Gore,
Perry-Knox-Gore, Pontilex, Stanhope,
Taafe, Tailyour. Taylor. Turney,
', Webb.
n hoc spes mea In this is my hope. „
n hoc vince In this conquer. Gordon.
n hoc vinces In this you shall conquer
nitium sapientix est timor Domini { ^^j/Z/{.'^..^''.'^.''..''^l*!^""'"'^..^}^^^^^^^^
n Jehovah fides mea In Jehovah is my faith Brailsford.
njussi viiescunt They grow green unbidden Greenfield.
n labore quies Repose in labour Helyar.
n libertate sociorum defendenda In defending the liberty of allies Macgregor.
n loyalty Semple.
n lumine ambulo I walk in the light Gilmour.
In lumine luce Artindale, Makins, Thompson.
"n malos comu Shine thmt in the light Dadley.
My horn against the bad
n medio tutissimus Safest in the middle Clarke, Smith.
n memoriam majorum In remembrance of our ancestors Farquharson.
I trust in the mercy of God Durand.
n raisericordia Dei confide Fitzhugh.
n moderation placing all my glory
n morte quies In death peace. Cust.
n multis, in magnis, in bonis expertus. . . . Tried in many, great and good exploits .... Bowes.
nnixus vero validus Strong depending on the truth Lyon.
rmocence surmounts Gulland.
nnocens non timidus Innocence is not afraid. Rowe.
nnocent and true Arbuthnot.
nocent courageous activity White.
nnocentia quamvis in agro sanguinis With innocence though in a field of blood... Lowe.
. Hrarrmle>ss andJ w,t-..hL fXoresigh1.t.. f Aberbuthnet, Arbuthnot, Bowdler, La-
| pington, Newbigging.
n officio impavidus Fearless in office Falshaw.
n omnes casus For all chances Walker.
n omnia paratus Preparedfor all things Layton, Prittie.
n omnia promptus Readyfor everything Rae.
n omnibus caritas In all things charity. Longmore.
nopem me copia fecit Plenty has made me poor BelL
nopinum sed gratum Unexpected but welcome Worthmgton.
n pace ut sapiens In peace as one wise. ... Sloper.
n Papam comua tendo I stretch my horns against the Pope Aston
n pedefausto With a step ofgood omen Rutherford.
n periculis audax Bold in dangers Maher.
n portu quies Rest in the haven Bootle-Wilbraham.Watkins, Wilbraham,
n pretium persevero Jenner. Jenoure, Jenoyre.
I abide my reward
n promptu In readiness Dunbar, Trotter.
n prosperis time, in adversis spera In prosperity fear, in adversity hope. Gabriel.
n rebus arctis In straitened circumstances Frye.
n recte decus Honour in rectitude. Ferrier, Simmons.
n recto decus Thae is honour in the right path Hoseason, Scott, Syme.
n recto fides Faith in rectitude. Dixon.
n robore decus Glory in strength Clerk.
n sanguine vita In the blood the life Cobbe.
n scientia Veritas in arte honestas In science truth, in art honour Wells.
n season Walkingshaw, Walkinshaw.
n se ipso totus teres Quite rounded in itself Lea, Smith.
nservi Deo et tetare Serve God and rejoice Howard.
n se teres Rounded in himself. St. Aubyn.
nsignia fortunas paria The equal badges offortune Delafield.
n silentio fortitude Fortitude in silence Pelham, Thoresby.
Insiste firmiter Stand to it stoutly Moorside, Muirside.
~n solitos docuere nisus Unusual efforts have been resorted to Babington.
n solo Deo salus Safety is in God alone. Lascelles, Sparrow.
n solo regit qui degit in coelo He who lives in heaven rules on earth Russell.
nsontes ut columbae Harmless as doves. Francis.
n spe et labore transigo vitam Ipass life in hope and labour Mack.
nsperata floruit It has flourished beyond expectation Cleghom, Watson.
n spe resto I standfirm in hope Wade.
n spe spiro In hope I breathe Sharp.
nspice Examine Davis.
Instanta perfectus A repairer of ruin Lloyd.
Instaurator ruinse Holding by the arrangement Astley, Parke.
Institute tenax
In sublime Aloft Reid.
Insult me not M'Kenzie.
Intaminatis fulget honoribus It shines with unstained honours Seton.
Intaminatis honoribus
In te Deus speravi With unstained honours Fitz-Herbert.
In te digna sequere
In thee, God, I have hoped. Browne.
Domine, confide
' Follow what is worthy in thyself. Pamell.
./ ' In thee. Lord, I confide Knyfton, Wayne.
^In te, Domine, speravi
' ' ff Abbs, Bowes, Delane. Greenhill, Haine,
In thee, Lord, I have flaced my hope . . Haaiirre, Hilliard, Lloyd, Lyon, Lyons,
I PrreessItwich, Prestwick, Tittle, Vale.
te, Domine, spes nostra In thee. Lord, is our hope Gill.
In te fido I trust in thee
Integer vitfe M'Larty.
Upright in life Beynon, Christie, Egginton.
Integra mens augustissima possessio { "^""sshf ""'"' " " """' ^^°^'°"' ^°" jsianey.
Integritas semper tutamen Integrity is a constant defence Haden, Harries.
Integritas tuta virus non capil HoU.
Integrity is safe against poisonous infection Edwards.
Integritate et fortitudine By integrity Jones.
By integrity andfortitude Marrable.
Integritate sola By integrity alone
Integritate stabis ingenuus
You will stand free by integrity Stewart.
Intellectu et innocentia Freake, ^
Intemerata fides
In tempestate floresco By intellect and innocence Headlam.
In tenebris lucidior
In tenebris lux Uncorruptedfaith Aberdeen, Robertson, Robinson
Iflourish in the tempest
Intento in Deum animo Fine-Coffin.
Inter cruces triumphans in cruce Brighter in darkness Inglis.
Inter hastas et hostes
Inter lachrymis micat Light in darkness Scot, Scott.
Interna prsestant With a mind directed to God. Bosvile.
Interno robore Dalton.
Inter primes Amid crosses triumphing in the cross Powell.
Inter utrumque Among spears and enemies Blundell, Blunt.
In the defence of the distressed Shines amid tears
In time
Intrepidus et benignus Internal things standfast Arburthnet, .-Vrbuthnot.
In uprightness God will support us With inward strength Mytton.
Inutilis vis est Amongthe first Hopkins.
In utraque fortuna paratus Between the two Connellan.
In utroque
In utroque fidelis , AUardice.
In utroque paratus
Hauston, Houston.
Intrepid and kindly Mackannel, Mackennal.
Force is useless Owens.
Prepared in all situations Cotton, Stapleton-Cotton.
In both Valange, Wallange.
Faithful in both Carey, Gary, Nash.
Prepared in both Wylie.
fCaldecott, Deacon, Heylyn, KnoUys,
In utrumque paratus Preparedfor both -I Lawford, Mackenzie, Martin-Hollo-
[ way, Murray, Truscott.
P„rep.ared,fJo- r , ., and, b, ot.h, fDeacon, Elp^hine^ston,' Mackenzie,
both -! My„.^y
In utrumque utroque paratus in
Inveniam aut faciem I shallfind a way or make one Delmege.
In Veritas victoria
In veritate Victory in truth Blyth.
In veritate triumpho In truth
I triumph in truth
Biddulph, Salusbury.
,,. , t. rut.h, f Abney - Hastings, Akroyd, Hastings,
| Ingham, Rawson.
In ventate Victoria Victory ,n
In via recta celeriter mSwiftly the right way Kay.
In via virtuti pervia
Invia virtuti via nulla Virtuefinds a way where there is none. Hamilton.
Invicta labore No path is too hard to virtue
Invicta veritate Seton.
Unconquered byfatigue
Armestrang, Armstrang, Armstrong.
With invincible truth
., . maneo I, . unvantjui.sh, ed, f Armestrang, Armstrang, Armstrong,
| -^^^^^ \n'gX\% Wright.
Invictus remain
Invictus manes Thou remainest unconquered Armstrong.
Invidere sperno I disdain to envy Coventon, Saunders.
Invidia major
In vigilia sic vinces Above envy Drago, Gardner, Inwards, Peteis.
In virtute et fortuna
Invita fortuna In watchfulnes thus will you conquer Price.
Invita sortem fortuna Fraser, Frazer, Gardner.
Invitis ventis In valour andfortune Knightley.
Invitum sequitur honor Knightley.
In well beware In spite offortune. - Duport.
I press forward Chichester, O'Neill.
Ipse amicus Fate in spite offortune
Ipse fecit nos Wombwell.
Iram leonis noli timere Fate in spite offortune
Honourfollows though unsoughtfor
He is a veryfriend Croall.
Himself made us Baron.
Fear not the rage of the lion Long.
Je meurs pour ceux que j'aime I die for those whom I love Paterson, Wallace.
Je mourrai pour ceux que j'aime I shall diefor those I love Coulson, Coulthart.
Je m'y oblige I Hnd myself to it Eyton.
Je ne change qu 'en mourant I change only wheUt I die. Salvin, Winsor.
><^ Je ne plie ni ne rompe I neither bend nor break Quain.
Je ne puis I cannot Delves.
Je ne serche qu'un I seek but one Compton.
Je n'oublierai jamais I shall neverforget Harvey, Hervey.
Je n'oublierai pas Baldwin, Middieton,
Je pense I shall notforget Charteris, Jennoway, Wemyss.
I think
I think more. {'^ ^'"^'''' '^"'''"''
Je refois pour donner
J'espere. I acquire that I may distribute Mtanoch."^'''"^'
J'espere bien I hope.
Jesu, esto mihi Jesus I hopewell Innes.
Je suis piest
Balston, Hamilton, Swinton.
Jesus, be jny Jesus. Swale.
Fairlie, Fenton, Fraser.
I am ready
{Fraser, Frazer, Maxwell, Maxwell-Barry,
Maxwell- Perceval, M'Kimmic, Simp-
Je suis veillant a plaire I am watching to please son, Tytler.
Jesus Saunderson.
Jesu seul bon et bel Jesus alone good and beautiful. Chipman, Chippengham.
Jesus hominum salvator Jesus the saviour of men Brearey, Breary.
/ will hold my power by my faith Legal, Legatt.
Je tiendray ma puissance par ma foi I holdfirm Croker.
Ikeepfaith Chamberlain.
Je tiens ferme I turn towards thewcst
Je tiens foi Ifind good Russell.
Je tourne vers I'occident I wish forfairfight O'Callaghan-Westropp.
Je trouve bien I wish for the right Barnardiston, Warre.
Je veux de bonne guerre I live in hope
Je veux le droit I live in hope. Lawley-Thompson, Thompson.
Je vive en espoir I wish to have my right Duckett.
Je vive en esperance I see Rous.
Je voil droyt avoyre To enjoy innocently Akers, Akers-Douglas.
Je voys Day ofmm_y life ! Warburton.
JJo°uir en bien I confide in Jove
All things are full ofJove Jossey.
Jour de ma vie ! Beckwith.
Jovi confido Gairdn
Jovis omnia plena Goodden, Griffith.
Past labours are pleasant. Chater.
Jucundi acti labores Hunter.
/ am greatly delighted.
Jucunditate afficior
Judge nocht
Judge not Erskine, Stuart.
Judge nough t
Judicium parium Erskine, S tewart, Stuart.
The judgment of our peers Raines.
Judicium parium, aut lex terrse "{ ^^thi'lafd"" "^ "'^ ^""' "" ''"'"
'-^} Pratt, Raines.
Juncta arma decori Arms united to glory M'Gouan, M'Gowan.
Juncta virtuti fides
Juncti v.-ilemus Fidelity wedded to courage Murray.
Jungor ut iniplear Walker.
Juravi et adjuravi We are strong united. Meik.
Jure, non dono I am joined that I may becotnplete Moores.
Jus dicere decus I have sworn and doubly sworn Ffoulkes, Lloyd.
Jus floruit By right, not by gift Plummer.
Jus meum tuebor
Jus suum cuique Jt is honourable to dispensejustice
Jussu regis India subacta
Justam perficito nihil timeto Right has flourished Taylor.
Justa sequor Reynolds.
Juste et droit I will look after my right.
Juste et fortiter
Juste et vray To every one his right Noel.
India subdued by the king's command Munro.
Justice to all Do what isjust, fear nothing Kelly.
Justi ceu sidera fulgent I will follow just things Keith.
Justi terram incolant Just and right Whichcote.
Justly and bravely Blaxland.
Just and true. Ray.
Just men shine as tAc stars. Sandilands.
Let thejust inhabit the earth Coningsby.
Justitia justice Lunden, Nurse, Sibbald.
Justitice propositique tenax Stuart.
Justitias soror fides Tenacious ofjustice and my purpose Justice, Thurlow.
Justitia et dementia Horsford.
Justitia et fortitudo invincibilia sunt Faith is the sister ofjustice. M'Guire.
Justiti:e tenax Astley, Lombe, Parke, Stoddart.
Justitia et Veritas Byjustice and mercy Lauriston.
Justitia et virtus Justice andfortitude are invincible Charlesworth.
Justi ut sidera fulgent M'CoU, Sandilands.
Tenacious ofjustice
Justice and truth
Justice and valour
The righteous shine as stars
JT us.tum , t^ enacem JTust1 andJ resoltut,e Mf Bowen-Colthurst, Colthurst, Macknig^ht,
et Just andfirm ofpurpose.
| 'Knight, Parish.
Justum et tenacem propositi Holmes.
Justum perficito, nihil liraeto Do justly andfear not Ropers.
Justus ac tenax Just and firm M'Cammond.
Justus ac tenax propositi Just andfirm to my purpose Jones.
Justus esto et non metue Be just and fear not Charley, Chotley, Rokon.
Justus et fidelis Just and faithful. D'Alton.
Justus et tenax Just andfirm Stevenson.
Justus et propositi tenax Just andfirm ofpurpose Ferrarud, How, Howe, Penrice.
Justus nee limidus Just and not timid Handfield.
Justus propositi tenax A just man is firm ofpurpose Ferrand, Lister.
Justus ut palma Tke righteous man is as tAe palm-tree Palmes.
Juvabitur audax Tke bold will be helped Buchanan.
Juvant arva parentum 7 hefield of our ancestor^ delight Cassan.
Juvant aspera fortes Dangers delight the brave Seton-Steuart, Steuart.
Juvant aspera probum Hardships delight the good Denham, Steuart, Stewart.
Juvante Deo By the help of God I.ayard.
Juvat Deus impigros God assists the diligent. Strachan.
Juvat dum lacerat God helps while he wounds Kragg.
Juxta Salopian! Near to Shropshire Chadwick.
Karanza whilas karanza Love worketh love Cavell, Knevitt, Polwhele. Sempill,
For God. Harris.
Kar Duw For God and the Commonwealth Harris.
Kar Duw, res pub. trar Leslie, Lesly.
Keep fast Keep to your own kin kind. Buchan- Hepburn, Hepburn.
Keep traist Be strong to do that which is right Belches, Hepburn.
Keep tryst Millar.
Keep tryst and trust /Belshes, Hepburne-Scott,
Keeptryste Bryden.
Keep watch ^^''-
Khaat Ward.
Kiakahaki te mahi tika
ICind heart
Knowledge is powtr Sharpe.
Know thyself Burt.
Kymmer yn Edeirnion Hughes.
Labes pejor morte Disgrace is worse than death Durrant.
Labile quod opportunum
Labitur et labetur Opportunity is transient Howman.
La bondad para la medra
La bonte de Dieu Itflows and will go on flowing Piatt, Platt-Higgins.
Laboranti numen adest Lennard.
Laboranti palma
Labora ut EEternum vivas The goodness of God D'Olier.
Lahore Endeavour Mackie, M'Kie.
Lahore et amore
Lahore et diligentia Providence is with him that endeavours.... Biownfield, Macfarlane.
Lahore et fide
Lahore et fiducia The palm to him who strivesfor it Hay.
Lahore et honore Strivefor eternal life Aprece, Apreece.
Lahore et ingenio By labour. , HorslalL
Lahore et perseverantia Binns.
Lahore et prudentia By labour and love „ Pritchard.
L.abore et scientia Litster.
With labour and diligence
Lahore et virtule
By labour and loyalty
Labore et vivere
Lahore omnia florent By labour atid trust
Lahore parta
Labor et industria By industr'y and honour fHayne, M'Chlery, Pemherton, Thelus-
•' \ son, Viner. Thelus-
By labour and ingenuity PickersgiU.
With labour atid perseverance. Campbell, Woods.
By labour and prudence Powell, WyUe.
By labour and knowledge.
By labour and virtue P^^'^^' ^°''^'^' Gardner, Pigott,
By labour all things prosper Whitelev
Acquired by labour White.
labour and industry Tane.
Labor et Veritas Labour and truth Elliott.
Lahore vinces Thou shall conquer by toil Sugden.
Labor improbus omnia vincit
Labor ipsa voluptas Unremitting toil overcomes every difficulty Mitchell.
Labor omnia superat
Labour itself is a pleasure Janvim, King, Nichols, Paget.
Labour overcomes all things Campbell, Hewett, Holtom, Laing.
rBeasley, Beaulands, Beilby, Brown, Bur-
,^ . .. L.a,bour conquers al,l,,t,h.ings der, Butler, Chaplin, Cromie, Curtler,
Labor omnia vmcit
-\ Y.Xm'^X.an, Forsyth- Brown, M'Nair,
\ Pratman, Simpson, Waterlow.
Labor vincit omnia Labour conquers all things Longmore.
Laculteen difficult^
Laidere noli.. „ Worship tn hardship Harrison.
Ltetavi .- Injure no man Stewart.
Li^titia per mortem I have rejoiced Jolly-
Laetitia; et spe immortalitatis
Joy through death Luther.
La;to aere florent In the hope ofjoy and immortality Shaw.
Laetus sorte mea They flourish in the joyful air Ayre.
Contented with my lot Sympson.
L.-Etus sorte vives sapienter
La fin couronne les ceuvres You -ivill //-. wisely iwitcnted with your lot Kelk.
La foi me guide The ei.'.:' ,• ir. !':.: '.-j-ks Archer, Yarker.
La fortune passe par tout .
Laidir ise lear Righ
Faith;::!:.:. -, Deane.
Laissez dire
Fortune ii:d':i. ,.,,1 ::iongh everything.... Broughton-Rouse, Rollo.
La liberte
Strong is liu- iau:; oj i!ie sea O'Learie
Let them speak Middleton, Myddleton, Wharton.
Liberty Ackers.
and I have not a word
mTLa . mot. The law wishes it, )vBt,arret„t-tLennar,d1.
,• , veut. et moi '
loi le , say
Larah deargh aboo The Red Hand to victory Magawly.
Lamh dhearg Eirin
Lamh foisdinneach an uachdar The red hand of Ireland. O'Neill.
Lamh foistenach abu
Lamh laidir a buagh The gentle hand uppermost Sullivan.
Lamh laidir an uachdar
The gentle hand to victoiy O'SuUivan Mor.
L'antiquite ne peut pas I'abolir
La paix The strong hand to victory MacCarthy.
Largs The strongest hand uppermost O'Brien.
Lasair romhuin a huadh Antiquity cannot abolish it Conroy.
Peace. Lendrum.
Latet anguis in herba
La tete plus que I'argent Carrie.
L.audari a laudato A snake lies hid in the grass Mahony.
Laudes cano heroum Anguish.
Laudo manentem The head more than money Raven.
Laurus crescit in arduis To be praised by one in good repute Daile, D.ailie.
Lauro scutoque resurgo I sing the praises of heroes Grove.
Lauro resurgo Ipraise him who remains
Laus Deo
Laus virtutis actio The laurel grows in steep places Rainier.
La vertu est la seule noblesse I rise again with laurel and shield Loraine, Lorraine.
La vertu surmonte tout obstacle I rise again with the laurel Lorain.
La vie durante
Praise to God Arbuthnot, Lusk, Riindle.
The deed commends the virtue. Brown, North.
Virtue is the only nobility Amyand, Cornewall, Cornwall, Legh.
Virtue surmounts every ohstaele
During life .'
La vita al fin e'l di loda la sera "".'!''!'. !'.'''! '^'^ }^'' Couteur.
ni 'ht''
| ^cCnltZ^'^'^^y
Lead on! Hotham.
Le beau est le splendeur du vrai Beauty is the splendour of truth Doulton.
/Burgess, Farring, Farrington, Griffith,
.. ., TThLe goodJ . wilIlI come | Harcourt, Wilson, Wray, Wrey.
Le bon temps viendra time
Lecroix de hors mais pais dedans The cross without, but peace within Surdevile.
Legale judicium parium \t' '
Lege et labore 4 legaljudgment of one's peers
Leges arma tenent sanctas Bylawand'
Leges juraque serva
Leges juraque servat Observe the laws andjustice. Grant.
Leges juraque servo He keeps the laws arul justice Hearne.
Legibus antiquis I keep the laws andjustice Leigh, Lovibond.
Legibus et armis By ancient laws Leigh.
According to lazv and arms Gordon.
Legi regi fidus Robinson.
Le jong tyra bellement HFaithful to the laio and the king. Trosham.
Le jour viendra bore the yoke well Lambton.
Le maStre vient The day will come. Peck.
Le mieulx que je puis The master comes Cheney.
Leniter sustineo The best that lean Sheath.
Le nom les armes la loyaute I sustain gently Thomson.
Lente in veto , Slacke.
Lente sed certe The name, tlic arms, and loyalty Knowlys.
Lente sed certe et recto gradu Campbell.
Deliberate in my vozo Borlace, Warren.
Lente, sed opportune
Leo de Juda est robur nostrum Slowly but surely
t^-lowly, but surely and straightforward. ...
Slowly, but suitably
The lion rf h: ':': •: : in- strength
Leo inimicis : "'' '" ' '^''^"-^'.!^}^'1'^'=-
Leoni. non sagittis, fldo '
Le Roi et I'etat
{ ^frl'n'^ '
I trint
The Ki
Le Roile veut The King wills it Clifford, De Clifford, Southwell.
Le Roy et I'eglise The King and the chztrch Roger.
Le Roy et I'estat The King and state Ashbumham.
Le Roy la loy The King the law Larcom.
L'esperance me comfort Hope comforts me Berry, Nairn, Nairne.
L'esperance me console Hope consoles me
De Cardonnell.
L'esperance du salut Hope of safety Grabham.
L'espoir est ma force Hope is my strength Tupper.
L'homme vrai aime son pays Homfray.
The true man loves his country
Let Curzon holde what Curzon helde The everlasting kingdom Curzon, Pen-Curzon-Howe.
L'eternel regne La Serre.
TLet. .tuhe dJeedJ S,h. aw f Addison, Fleemir.g, Fleming, Flemming,
| Moubky.
Let the hawk shaw Porteous.
Let them talk Hewetson.
Leve et reluis Arise and re-illumine Lawson.
Levius fit patientia Patience makes biirdtns lighter Burgess, Lamb.
Lex ratio summa Law is the highest reason Law.
Lex summa ratio Law is the highest reason
Liberalitas Liberality Furlong.
Libera terra liberque animus Frankland, Frankland-Russell, Freeland.
Liber et audax A free land and a free mind Freeman.
["Bailey, Birch. Chatteris, Evans, Evans-
Free and brave
Libertas Liberty \ A'Arcy, Evans-Freke, Garland, Lewir.
Libertas et natale solum Liberty and ournative soil. \ Liberty.
Adams, Freeman, Whitshed.
Libertas in legibus Liberty in the laws Best.
Libertas sub rege pio Liberty under a pious king Addington, Packe.
Libertas virtusque Liberty and virtue Fry.
Libertate extincta nulla virtus There is 710 virtue when liberty is dead. ... Fletcher.
Libertate quietem
Ease in liberty Woodford.
Liberie toute entiere Full liberty Butler-Danvers.
Librum cum lampade trado Hill.
Lyield the book with the lamp
Licentiam refroena Restrain licentiousness MacQuay.
Licet esse beatis It is permitted us to be happy Warde.
Licet ex multo parvum Little though from much Samuels.
Lighter than air Ayre.
Light on I lick up the dew Leighton, Lighton.
Ligurio rores., Shepperson.
Lilia candorem pectus Leo nobile mons-( Lilies show a bright white, the lion '^Ifjood^yin
t ra \ noble heart. Webber.
Lili^ prcelucent telis Lilies outshine weapons of war
Trust God. Watson.
Lippen to God
I view the shores Hamilton.
Littora specto I shall take my stand on the shore.
Littore sistam Hamilton.
Live, but dread Lindsay.
Live in hope Coldstream.
Live to live /"Bate, Dundas, Sutton, Whitele, Whit-
| ley-Deans-Dundas, Witley.
Live while green Forrest.
Lock sick Keep securely Erwin.
Lock sicker Keep securely Douglas, Megget.
Loisgim agus soilleirghim I burn and I shine. M'Leod.
Look and live St. Barbe.
Look to the past He pleases when he speaks Jones.
Loquendo placet Fairfowl.
Lord, have mercy
Beresford-Drummond, Drummond.
Lord, let Glasgow flourish I wound and I kill Glasgow.
Lothim agus marbhaim O'Halloran.
Love M'Cleish, M'Clesh.
Love and dread Baker, Tower.
Love and loyalty Crompton.
Love as you find Tempest.
Love every man, fear no man Cropper, Thornburgh.
Love, serve Ashley-Cooper.
fAdair, Barnwell, Chatterton, Drum-
Loyal a la mort Loyal unto death \ mond, Hepworth, Laforey, Loftus,
Loyal a mort Loyal to death y Lyster.
Chatterton, Hepworth, Loftus.
/"Adair, Barnwell, Belcher, Brounker,.
-, LToyal, , t.ht e dJeadJ. Corry, Drummond, Laforey, Langton.
Loyal au mort X
L^ftfe, Loftus, Lyster, Robinso.1,
Loyal devoir Honest duty V Waveney.
Loyalement je sers Loyally I serve. Carteret, De Carteret, Thynne.
Loyal en tout Loyal in everything.
Norreys, Norris.
Brown, Browne, Seale, Wilson^ Wood.
Loyal in adversity I will be loyal during life Carnegie.
Loyal je serai durant ma vie
Loyalle suys Be loyal Ferrers.
Loyal secret Lawson.
LjOY 47 MAT.
Loyal suis-je Loyal am I Shirley.
Loyal unto death White.
Loyaut^ me lie Loyalty binds me. Margesson.
Loyaute me oblige Loyalty obliges me Heathcote-Dnimmond-Willoughby.
Loyaute m' oblige Loyalty obliges me Bertie, Bertue.
Loyaute mon honneur Loyalty my honour Clinton, Pelham-Clinton.
Loyaute n'a honte Loyalty is not ashamed Dare, Hall-Dare.
Loyaute sans tache Tempest.
Loywf as thow fynds Loyalty without spot.
Lucem spero Kemp.
Lucent in tenebris I hope for light O'Moran.
Luceo boreale In darkness they let their light shine
I shine in the north Seton.
L—'~Luceo et terreo I shine and ten-ify Allan.
Luceo non terreo Is^inebutdonotburn {^''tZ^:^!:^^^'''''
Lucet I shine, I do not terrify
Lucrum Christi mihi Allan.
Luctor, at emergam
Luctor, non mergor Its light shines Scot.
Lumen accipe et imperti Forde.
Lumen coeleste sequamur To me Christ is gain Maitland.
Lumen servamus antiquum Glass.
Lux anglis, crux Francis II struggle, but shall come out vf :.' HoUingsworth.
Lux et salus
Lux in tenebris amI struggle, but I tiot ovti-r/u.'iiu.i
Lux mea Christus
Lux mihi Deus Receive the light, and comiuuiiiiutt- it
Lux mihi laurus
Lux omnibus refulgeat Let usfollow heavenly light. Beatie, Beattie, Beatleys.
Lux tua via mea Redwood.
Lux tua vita mea. We preserve the ancient light
Lux venit ab alto
Lux vitae Light to the English, a cross to the French Rooper.
Light and safety Brunton.
Light in darkness Fullarton, Fullerton.
myChrist is light. Newman.
God is my light Prescott.
Chalmers, Chambers.
Light is a laurel to me
Let the li^ht shine for all. Smith.
Blount, Blunt.
Thy light is my path Blount, Blunt, Hurst
Thy light is my life
Light cometh from on high Dallas.
The light of life. Burton.
Mack al sicker. Make all secure Almack.
Macte virtute Blessed be thou Smith.
Macte virtute esto
Ma force d'en haul Blessings on your valour Murray.
Ma foy en Dieu seulement
Magistratus indicat virum Go on and prosper Dixon, Lowndes.
Magna est Veritas Landon, Malet.
Magna est Veritas et pnevalebit My strength isfrom on high Mompesson.
Magna in paivo My faith is in God alone I^owther.
Magnanimiter crucem sustine The office shows the man Earle, Magnay, Stillingfleet, Varley.
Magnanimus esto George, Rodon, Palitana.
Magna vis verilatis Great is truth
Magnes et adamas
Magnum in parvo Great is truth and will prevail
Magnus et animus
Great things in a little Congalton.
,M,agnus THTi-ppocrate. s, TT^u nobt_i-s major
Sustain the cross bravely Kenyon, Whitney.
Be magnanimous Ingram.
Great is theforce of truth Taylor.
The magnet and adamant Ross.
Muchin little Congalton, Congilton, Little, Lyttel.
And a great mind.
r Great Hip^p^ocrates ! Thou art *eyxatcr than \>'rD^i-msda. le, .
i ^^
Maha an toshach Toshack.
Maigre I'injustice In spite of injustice Fiott.
.. Support the right Bridges, Brydges, Leatham,
Maintien le droit Barnard.
Now or never
Maintenant ou jamais
Majorasequor Ifollow greater things Haliburton, Halybuiton.
Majores sequor Ifollow our ancestors Gordon, Halyburton.
Major optima ferat Let the worthier carry off the best Moir, More.
... (I my! on of
M, ,aj. oium vestigia premo follow close the footsteps ' -^ \JSoeat.on.
-' ^
^ ,.„.
Major virtus quam splendor Virtue is greater than splendour Auld, Baillie, Baillie-Haddington-Ardeu
Make a clean heart and a cheerful spirit
Mai au tour Portman.
.M,al,gre,l,etort Unaccustomed to artifice Patten.
ITn .: r wrong. f De Hoghton, Hog^hton-Bold,. Houe6hton"..
spite op
-M,al,.im pro,bus quam t 1. • ( I would rather be honourable than merely /\ K^e. nnedy, , M,,al,i. m.
esse haberi | considered so
Malim esse quam videri I would rather be than seem Macrae.
Mallem mori quam fcedari
/ would rather die than be dishonoured .... Gifford.
Adams, Allen, Archer, Athlone, Bame-
wall, Barnewell, Barnwell, Beale,
Casley, De Chastelai, Doeg, Esmond,
Ffrench, French, Gifford, Ginkell,
iijiiu iiiuii uutuii iLcuaii t iu,/u^u fiiuicr uic ii,.iiri vc uijnu'ii/urcu..... I" Harty, Higginson, Jackson, Lister,
IMenzies, Mulloy, Murray, Murray-
Prior, O'MuUoy, Payne, Penteny,
Prior, Riggs-Miller, Ryan, Seaver,
Service, Strode, Surtees.
Malo pati quam fcedari I would ratker suffer than be disgraced..... Duckett.
Malum bono vince
Man do it Overcome evil with good Hay.
Manent optima coelo
Manent optima ccelo Edgar.
Maneo et munio The best things abide in heaven Miller.
Maneo, non fugio The best things abide in heaven Christie-Miller.
Mane proedam vesperi spolium I remain Gordon.
Manes non fugio
Manet in isternum /remain and defend Dalrymple.
Manners maketh man
Manners makyth man /remain, /donotjly Gordon.
Manu et corde
Prey in the morjiing, spoil in the eveni)tg.. Hurt.
/do not shun death Gordon.
/t remains for ever SpreuU, Sprevell, Sprewell, Warner.
Hood, Wickham, Wykeham.
Wickham, Martin- Wykeham.
With hand and heart Bates.
["Clinkscales, Gahagan, Geoghan, M'Caa,
Manu forti „.„ With a strong hand \ M'Casker.M'Caskill, Mackay.Mackey,
Manuque And by my hand. t M'Quie.
r Dawson, Hemsworth, MacMahon,
Manus hsc inimica tyrannis This hand is an enemy to tyrants \ Mauley, Mein, Proby, Probyn, Ton-
Manus justa nardus A just hand is a balm [ son, Tufnell-Tyrell.
Marack., Loveden, Maynard.
Mar bu mhiann dom
Mar bu mhiann leinn Lyons.
Mars denique victor est
,^,I"", ^^'^ "',^
, As we would desire Campbell.
Marte et clypeo Mars at last is victor
Marte et industria Marsden. Jones, M'Guire,
Marte et ingenio Br>y-war and.art, /Drumond, Ferguson,
Marte et labore | Nevoy, Niven.
Marte et mari faventibus
Marte non arte By offetuive and defensive warfare Methen, Methven.
Marte suo tutus By bravery and industry Ogilvy.
Martis non Cupidinis Bywarandwii Smith, Smythe, Wright.
Mauvais chiens By war and labour Hewgill.
Maya War and the sea favouring Morris.
Mea anchora Christus By bravery, not by knavery Neasmith, Nasmyth.
Mea anchora virtus
Mea culpa fides Safe by his own exertions Byers, Byres.
Mea dos virtus
Jlea tides in sapientia. Of Mars, not Cupid. Fletcher.
Mea gloria crux
/n good time Earttelot.
Wicked dogs Machell.
Christ is viy anchor Mayor.
Virtue is my anchor. Lawlor.
Meadows, Medewe.
Fidelity is my fault. Fryer.
Virtue is my dowry Heald.
My faith is in wisdom
The cross is my glory
("Addagh, Ainsworth, Ardagh, Barnard,
Mea gloria fides Fidelity is my glory -! Gilchrist, Kavanagh, Watson, Went-
Mese memor originis Mindful of my descent [ worth.
Mean, speak, and do well Urquhart.
Smith, Smith-Gordon.
Mea spes est in Deo - My hope is in God Miller.
My hope is in God Hamlyn, Williams.
Measpes in Deo
Mea virtute me involve. /wrap myself up in my integrity
Me certum mors certa facit
Mecum habita Certain death makes me determined Sibbald.
Mediis tranquillus in undis /hvellwith me Dun, Dunn.
Smith, Smythe.
"'^'^'-'^'fi- mCalm the midst of the waters ^^"'"' ^^""'"'
Me^iiocrity is stable
Mediocria maxima Moderate things are the greatest Monins.
Mediocriter With moderation Moir, Murison.
Medio tutissimus ibis Thou wUt go safest in tlie middle course.... Senior. Whit-
Medio tutus Safe in the middle M 'Master.
Meditare Meditate well. Fairlie.
Me duce Under my leadership Scot, Scott
Me fortem reddit Deus God renders me brave
Me juvat ire per altum
/ delight to bridge an abyss Bridge.
Meliora sequentur
They will pursue better things Kelsall.
Meliora sperando
//opingfor better things Douglas, Douglass.
Meliora spero sequorque
Meliore fide quam fortuna / hopefor bitter things, andfollo^w them ... Rait.
With betterfidelity than fortune Douglas- Gresley, Greseley, Gresiey.
Melitse amor Lovefor Melita Rutter.
Me meliora manent Betterfortune awaits me. Mosnian, Mossnian.
Memento Creatorem Remember thy Creator Keith.
Memento mei L'Estrange.
Memento mori Remember me. Gumbleton.
Me Minerva lucet Le Maichant.
Memini Remember death Campbell.
Minerja is my light Thomson.
Meminisse juvabit I remember
Memor We shall ddight in remembering
Memor amid
Memorare novissima Mindful James, Russell
Memores fecere merendo Russell.
Mindful of my friend Hanford, Hopkirk.
Memor esto An unchangeable mind
Memor esto majorum Their deserts made them to be remembered. Richai dson.
Memor et fidelis fCampbell, Graham, Green, Greer,
Memor et gratus
Memoria pii seterna Be mindful \ Hutchinson, Hutchison, M'Fel!,
Memor virtutis avitas \ M'PhaiU, Russell.
Mens sequa in arduis Be mindful ofyour ancestors
Mens ^qua rebus in arduis Mindful andfaithful Farquharson.
Mindful and grateful
The memory of the pious is eternal May, Peachey, Reed, Scott, Young-Scott.
Mindful of ancestral virtue.
An equal mind in difficulties Gooch.
An equal mind in difficulties
Hanbury-Tracey, Tracy.
De Windt.
Mens conscia recti A mind conscious of rectitude fBouIton, Chrisop, Chrisp, Collis, Fil-
gate, Flower, Flowoi -Macartney, Jary,
\ Macartney, Minns, Nightengale,
Phillips, Rothwell, Sillifant, Wat-
Mens cujusque est quisque As the mind of each, so is the man lington, Wright, Yorstoun.
Mens et manus Mind and hand Leslie, Pepys.
Mens flecti nescia Duncanson.
Mens immota A mind that knows not how to yield Hulton.
Mens immota manet ... An immovable mind Shaw.
Mens pristina mansit Meldrum, Shaw.
Mens sibi conscia recti My mind remains immovable.
Mente et labore
Mente et manu Theformer mind re?nained Popham.
4 mind conscious of its own rectitude De Crispigny, Steele, Wright.
TM,,ent. emanuque With mind and labour Lawrence.
With the mind and the hand. Glasfurd, Glassford, Patrickson.
fBenshaw, Bonshaw, Borthwick,
WM mmd,„.,, ,,. , and, ., h, and, | quhar, Townsend. Far-
the the
Mente manuque praesto lam ready with mind and hand
Mente non Marte By the mind, not by war Locke.
Mentes conscise recti Minds conscious of their rectitude Wylie.
The great grace of God who is good Willyams.
Meor ras tha Duw Seton.
This sure reward of our labours Davison.
Merces hcec certa laborum
A recompense isfairerfrom a depth
Merces profundo pulchrior evenit
Mercie Paterson.
Mercie is my desire Abercrombie.
Mercy is my desire
Abercrombie, Laing, Lang, Wishart.
Merere .- To deserve. Currer.
Merere et confide Daerve and trust Winwood.
Meret qui laborat The labourer is worthy of his hire Storie.
He who toils earns Middleton, Peel.
Meret qui laborat
Meritas augentur honores Honours are enhanced by deserts Lacy.
Merite Deserve Currer.
Meritez Deserve .'... Olmins, Wright.
M,.^"'.,° „ ,, ("Delap, Delop, Dunlop, Elphinstone,
Merui I have deserved I Halliday, Tyler.
Merui candore favorem
Meruisse manu Paterson.
I have deserved favour from my fairness .. White.
To have earned by my haiidiivork Wills.
Our harvest is from the deep Whittock.
While I stand they willflourish
M,,et,uendJa corol„la dJracom.s 1T'hLe dJragon )s ^ ^ bLe rJ fStewart, Vane-Stewart, Vane-Tempest-
crest to feared. \ c.g.y^jf
Metuo secundis is
Me vincit ; ego mereo
Mihi parta tueri —Ifear in prosperity Hodgson, Uppleby.
Mihi res subjungere conor Sinclair.
Mihi robore robor Ide hath conqiu-nd me am/ the gainer , . . Styleman-Le Strange.
Micat inter omnes Crackanthorpe.
Mieux etre que parattre To protect -chat is proi'ideu for me Cunninghame.
Mieuxjesera Haggard.
Mieux serra My aim is to subject things to myscif
Migremus hinc
Migro et respicio I have strength through strength
Mihi coelum portus He shines illustrwus among all
Mihi consulit Deus
Mihi cura fuluri Better to be than to seem Barclay.
Mihi gravato Deus
Mihi jussa capessere Better I will be Beaumont, Stapleton.
Better I will be. Beaumont.
We shall migrate hence Willmott.
Igo away, and look back Ramsay.
Heaven is tny haven Brages, Bruges, Crawley.
Cod consults for my good Bennett.
I am carefulfor thefuture Ongley.
Let God lay the burden on me. Ridgeway.
To execute what is laid on me Masham.
Mihi lucra My great gain Scot, Scott.
Mihi lucra pericula My dangers ate profitable to me
Mihi solicitudo futuri I am anxiousfor thefuture Suttie.
Mihi terraque lacusque I have lands and waters Thackwell.
Mihi tibi Fullerton.
For mefor you Pope.
Milis et fortis Mild and brave Orde.
Minatur He threatens Maturin.
Mind your own business Wonderful in the depths. Connor.
Min, sicker, reag More wonderful unconquered. Tooker, VVhalley.
God be merciful to me Garvey.
Mirabile in profundis Let mercy temper the sword
Mirior invictus Hynde.
Miserere mihi Deus Mules.
Misericordia temperet gladium
't^:^::^^^:!::::::::::::::::^^^^^^^ ^i^'^-
... . .. Ir,learn . ^, unfrort.unate. . fDiamond, Hinde - Hodgson, Loder
M.sens succurrere disco to the | Symonds, MacMillan, loltan.
Miseris succurro I succour the wretched Macmillan-Scott, Scott.
Miserrima vidi I saw most miserable things Zephane, Zephani.
Misneach Courage Campbell.
Mitis et audax Mild and bold Markham.
Mitis et fortis Mild and brave Orde, Wybrants.
Mitis sed fortis Mild but brave Orde, Phipson-Wybrants.
Moderata durant Moderate things are permanent Bushe, Irvine, Staunton.
Moderata manent Moderate things remain GUlespie-Staunton.
Modeste conabor I will attempt with modesty Haggard.
Modico augetur modicum Little is made larger by little Williamson.
Modicum modico erit magnum Williamson.
A little will be great by a little
Moenibus crede ligneis Havefaith in wooden walls Clarke.
Moeret qui laborat He is sad who labours Storie.
Monachus salvabor Being a monk, I shall be saved Monkhouse.
Mon Dieu est ma roche Roche, Rowche.
Mon Dieu, mon roi, et ma patrie My God is my rock Broadley, Kirwan.
Mon droit My God, my iking, and my country
My right Ingilby.
Moneoetmunio Dalrymple, Elphinstone, Horn.
I warn, and Iprotect
Mone sale., Advise with prudence Monsell.
Moniti meliora sequamur Beingwarned, let tis follow better things... Mahon.
Monitus munitus Forwarned, forearmed Horn.
Mon privilege et mon devoir My privilege and duty
Monte alto On a high mountain Mowat.
Monte de alto From a high mountain Atthill.
Monstrant astra viam The stars show the way Oswald.
Montjoye et St. Dennis My treasure France.
Montr&sor Montresor.
Mora trahit periculum Delay causes danger Suckling, ZeaL
Mores fingunt fortunam Manners mouldfortune Rogerson.
Mores hoc mutato Let this change manners Moore.
Mores meliore metallo Morals of a better character Smith.
Moribus antiquis With ancient mantiers Throckmorton.
Moriendo modulor I sing dying. Mitchell.
Moriendo vive /« dying live. Symonds.
Moriendo vivo In dying I live Yaldwin.
Moriens cano I sing dying. Cobbe.
Moriens sed invictus Dying, but unconquered. Gammeil.
Mors aerumnarum requies Death is a rest from afflictions Rumney.
Mors aut vita decora Death or a life of honour. Dempster.
Mors Christi mors mortis mihi Chrisfs deathis to methedeath of death... Boothby.
Mors gloria forti Death is glory to the brave Bradney.
Mors janua vita; Haswell.
Mors lupi agnis vita Death is the gate of life Ouseley, Ousley.
Mors meta laborum The death of the wolf is life to the lambs. . . Cromwell.
Death is the goal of our labours
Mors mihi lucrum Death is gain to me. Jones, Lluellyn.
Mors mihi vitse fide Death to me by faith in life Ellis.
Mors mihi vita est Death is life to me.... Wolseley.
Mors omnibus communis Death is common to all Luscombe.
Mors potior macula Death rather than disgrace Barker, Chamberlayne, Skirrow.
Mors potius macula Death rather than disgrace Ffrench.
Mortale non opto J do not wish for what is mortal Dyson.
Mortdessus Death is hanging over us Bunney, Bunny.
Morte leonis vita Life by the death of the lion
Mortem aut triumphum Death or triumph Clifton.
Morten droit Death in right Drax, Sawbridge-Erle-Drax.
Mortua vivescunt Dead things become alive Lindsay.
Morum certus amor Custom regulates the law Cotton.
Mos legem regit Mawdesley, Mosley, MouselL
Mot pour mot Wordforword Harries.
Moveo et proficior Iproceed and am more prosperous Knox, Knox-Browne.
Mowe warilie Mather.
Mox sese attolit in auris He will soon rise in ethereal heights Waring.
Mox virtute se tolUt ad auras ^ Soon he will raise himself by his valour to \ s^ettenham, Warren.
1^ the empyr€a7i J
Mullac a boo Dunne.
Mullach a boo
MuUacli a-bu Doyne.
MuUachara boo
Multa tuli fecique O'Doinn.
Multmr. in parvo
/ have borne and done many things Fitzgerald.
Munifice ei fortiter Much in Utile
Munis aheneus Ark%vright.
Murus aeneus esto Bountifully and bravely Congalton, Congilton.
Murus aeneus virtus Handasyd, Handyside.
Murus aeneus conscientia sana A brazen wall Bannatyne, Macleod, M'Leod, Nielsen.
Mutare fidem nescio Be thou a wall of brass ReynelL
Virtue is a wall of brass Walton.
Mutare non est meum Lumley, Patterson, Williamson.
Mutare sperno A sound conscience is a wall of brass
Mutare vel timere spemo
IVe shall be changed. Brinlrley.
I know not hcnjo to change myfealty Outram.
myIt is not in line to chatige Frewen.
I disdcin to change Graham.
I scorn to change orfear Barnes, Beaufort, Bythsea, Somerset.
Mutas inglorius artes { ^"J^J^"'^'' """"'^'''"'""/^^'"y' "''"I"" j.Halford.
Muthig vorwarts Fo7ward with courage. Prance.
I increase by mutual love Lindsay.
Mutuo amore cresco The dumb is without glory. Halford.
The dumb in an art is without glory Halford.
Mutus inglorius
Allardice, AUerdice.
Mutus inglorius artis
My defence
My hope is constant
My,, h, ope . const^ant. • t.uhee C Crammnr.d, Donaldson, Gardiner,
IS in | M'Donaid, .Macdonald, Steuart.
My hope is in God Middleton.
My prince and my country
My word is my bond Harris.
My lure is truth
Na fynno Duw ni fydd What God wishes not will Jtot be Price.
Natale solum dulce Sweet is our native soil. Taylor.
Nativum retinet decus Livingston, Livingstone.
Naturae donum He retains his native honour
Naturte minister
Nee abest jugum The gift of nature Peacock, Peacocks.
Nee ab oriente nee ab occidente Relham, Relhan.
Nee arrogo nee dubito A servant of nature Hay.
There is always some yoke
Neither from the East norfrom the West . Jermyn.
I neither question nor doubt Assheton.
f Motto of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic
Nee aspera terrent Difficulties do not dismay us -! Order.
Nee avarus nee piofusus Neither greedy nor lavish Bryan.
Nee beneficii inimemor, nee injuriit Unmindful neither of benefits nor injuries Walrond.
Ne cadem insidiis Let me notfall into snares Cleland, Clelland.
Nee careo nee euro I have neither want nor care Craw.
Ne cede arduis
Yield not to difficulties Fairbairn.
.N,ee , mah,.s
VYulidj not.tto adJversi:ty /Berrv, Doig, Keppel, Stratford, Tolhursi,
cede | Williams.
Ne cede malis Yield not to adversity Hickman.
Ne cede malis, sed contra Yield not to adversity, but t/:e contrary.... Canning.
Nee cito, nee tardo Neitherfast nor slow Ballantvne, Bannatyne, Marshall.
Nee cunctando nee temere agendo Neither by delaying nor by acting rashly . . Twemlow.
Nee cupias, nee metuas Neither desire norfear Crowhall, Yorke.
Nee deerit operi dextra My right hand will notfail at my work. . . Algeo, Gregory, Roddam.
Nee deficit alter Another succeeds
Nee deficit animus Courage does notfail me Eccles.
I do not lose caste Joynt, Lane.
Nee degenero
Nee diu nee frustra Neitherfor long nor in vain Knowles.
Neither elated nor depressed. Northmore.
Nee elata, nee dejecta
Nee elatus nee dejectus ... Neither elated nor depressed Atherton, Fo.x.
Nee errat nee assat Morley.
Nee ferro, nee igne Neither by sword norfire M'Kaile.
Neither with wind nor tide Edward, Udvvard.
Nee flatu, nee fluctu
Nee flectitur nee mut nnt They neither bend nor change 0"Hegarty.
Nee fluctu, nee fiatu Neither with tide nor wind. Burnet, Burnett.
Nee improvidus Not improvident Danskine.
Nee male notus eques A knight not badly known
-N,ee me . .• r Nor does he who conquers all other things \|B,r,u„c„e„.
vincit K conauer me
qui ca:tera
Nee metuas nee optes Neitherfear nor wish Coddington.
Nee minus fortiter
Not the less bravely Cuthbert, Cuthbertson.
. . .. .
NEC Do not wonder at more wonderful men Lambert.
Nee mireris homines mirabiliores The mountain is not moved, .nor does the
Nee mons, nee substrahit aer < [•Forbes.
Nee mutandus, nee metus
Nee obseura, nee ima blast subside
Nee opprimere nee opprimi
Nee parvis sisto Neither chatige norfear Rawlins.
Nee placida contenta quiete est Neither obscure nor low Law.
Nee preee, nee pretio
Nee quwrere, nee spernere honorem Neither to oppress nor to be oppressed Snevd, Sneyd-Kynnersley.
Nee rege nee populo, sed utroque
Nee sinit esse feros Neither do 1 hesitate at trifles De Batlie, De Burgh, Eales.
Nee sorte, nee fato
Nee sperno, nee timeo No content with quiet repose. Mordaunt, Shipley.
Nee temere nee lente
Neither by prayer nor bribery /Bateman, Fremantle, Hanbuiy, Hanbury-
Nee temere, nee timide.. Neither to seek nor despise honour
l Leigh.
Nee tempore, nee fato Boughey, Fleteher, St. John.
Nee te qusesiveris extra
Neitherfor king nor people, butfor both . . RoUe, Rolley, Wilkinson.
Nee timide, nee temere Nor doth he suffer them to be savage Grazebrook, Langham.
Brown, Greig, Rutlierford.
Nee timiJus nee ferus Neither by chance norfate EUames.
Nee triste nee trepide
Nee triste, nee trepidum / neither despise norfear
Nee tumidus, nee timidus
Ne euiquam serviant enses Neither rashly nor slowly Joynt.
Nee vi, nee astutia 'Abbot, Aldworth, Arabin, Bailey, Bame,
Nee viribus nee numero
Nee vi standum nee metu Barnes, Beadnell, Bent, Blair, Blosse,
Nee volenti, nee volanti
Ne desit virtus Bridgeman, Buekley, Bulkeley, Chin-
Neminem metue innocens
nery, Chinning, Clarke-Travers, Cot-
me impune laeessit..
trell, Cradoek, Fitz-Clarenee, Forbe-,
Nemo sibi naseitur
Nemo sine eruce beatus Neither rashly nor timidly. Freeman, Graham, Guest, Haldane,
Ne m'oubliez
Holden, Joynt, Ludlow, Lyneh-Blosse,
Nei Milward, Ov/en, Rashleigh, Robards,
Ne obliviscaris
Ne parcas, nee spernas Sandford, Sherburne, Simeon, Travers,
Ne quid falsi Trefusis, Vane, Walker, Wakeman,
Ne quid nimis
Neseit abolere vestutas Neither by time norfate Western, Williams.
Nescit amor fines
Nescitur Christo Do not seek thyself outside of thyself. M 'Donald, MaeDonald, Maedonald.
Neseit vox missa reverti
Ne supra Carr-EUison, Ellison.
Ne supra modum sapere
Ne tenta vel perfiee /"Brown, Cooke, Daniel, Danyell, Greene,
Ne tentes aut perfiee
Ne te quassiveris c.\tra I neitherfee Hamilton, Hamilton- Russell, O'Con-
Ne timeas recte faciendo
Ne traverse pas le pont I
Never fear
Never give in nor, O'SulIivan, Pagan, Pagen, Pren-
Never unprepared
I, tice, Shepphard-Cotton, Shippard.
Barne, Barnes, Buckley, Bulkeley-
Neither timidly rashly. Williams, Forbes, Graham, Hepburn-
Stuart-Forbes-Trefusis Maesagan,
Rashleigh, Sanford, Travers.
Neither timid nor fierce Trotter.
Neither sad nor fearful Trist.
Neither sad norfearful Trist.
Neitlur tumid nor timid. Guthrie.
''"""' """'''''" ""' "''"' of any 'eachy.
Neither by violence nor cunning. Maxwell, Waring.
Neither by power nor numbers . . Wemyss.
f We must stand neither on foi [•Rawlins.
Neither to me wishing norflying .. Westby, Westley.
Let valour not fail Furse.
Being innocent, fear no one. Eyre, Piatt,
r Motto of Scotland and of the Order of
eprovokes me with impunity.
the Thistle.
No one is born for himself..
None is happy but by the en I
Forget me not
Not too high \Bond, De Teissier, HoUinshed, Irwin,
Not too much M'Geough-Bond, Nettles, Poingdestre.
Do notforget Scott, Patteson.
Baker, Collier.
Neither spare nor despis. Carsain, Corsair.
Nothing false.
Gordon, Hamilton-Gordon.
N'ot too i ch of anything
{Bannerman, Campbell, Cleborne, Colvil,
Antiquity cannot abolish it.
Love knows no boundaries Colville, Lorn, M'Tavish.
Lamond, Lamont.
He is not known by Christ
A word once tittered cannot be recalled. WoUaston.
Not beyond.
Be not over wise {Austen, Cookson, Drinkwater, Fouler,
Attempt not, or else accomplish Lowe, Reynard-Cookson.
Do not attempt, or else accomplish Oughton.
Do not seek thyself outside of thyself.....
Scot, Scott.
Fear ?iot doing what is right
Do not cross the bridge.
CuUeton, Halsey.
Catsnellage, Catznellage.
Nassau, Newport.
Davis, Davison, F:.unce, Hill, Parker.
Hewett, Hewit, H:witt. Tizard-
/Hadderwick, Hcdderwick,
\ Hawkins.
Nevile Nothing base Nevill.
Ne vilefano Nothing to disgrace tke altar
Seville, Ponsonby-Fane, Staple-
Ne vile velis WiAu/:l,-i„ n..o.t,hii,n;„g„bka„s,e. fEsler, Fetherstonhauqh, Giflard, Griffin,
Nid cyfosth and boddlondeb | j^^^!,^ j,^^;„_ Neville, Ussher.
Nid da onid Duw
Ni ddawd da o hir arofyn Not wealth hit contentment Garnons.
Ni dessus ni dessous No good but God Williams.
Nid meddyg, ond meddyg enaid No good comesfrom long intending Hall.
Nigarum vestigia premo
Nihil alienum Neither aboz'e nor belo7u Griffin.
Nihil amanti durum
Nihil desperandum Not a physician, but a soul-physician Fraser, Pughe.
Nihil humaiii alienum / track thefootprints of the dark ones Seton.
Nothing strange Rice.
Nihil nisi labore
Nihil obstabit eunti Nothing hard to one who loves Pearse, Reid.
Nihilo nisi cruce
Nihil quod obstat virtuti Nothing to be despaired of Walley.
Nihil sine cruce Nothing human is alien to me. Hutchinson.
Nihil sine Deo Nothing without labour Emerton.
Nihil sine labore
Nihil utile quod non honestum Nothing -Mill resist yon ifyou proceed Arden.
Nihil verius With nothing but the cross Barbour.
Nil admirari
Nil arduum Nothing which obstructs virtue Higgins.
Nilcertum est
Nil clarius astris Nothing without the cross Beresford, Hillocks.
Nil conscire sibi Nothing without God Peterson, Crooks.
Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa., N,o,t,h,ing wit.,hout,,labL our fAttenborough, Berry, Cator, Heap,
-j^ Oppenheimer, Tempbr. Templer.
Nil desperandum
Nothing is useful which is not honourable. Benyon, Moor, Moore.
Nil desparandum, auspice Deo
Nil desperandum crux scutum Nothing more true. Weir.
rCarew, Fitzgibbon, Harris, Johnson,
~To , ast^onis,hedJ at. not,,hing -^ j^^^^ ^^^|_ Shapland-Carew.
Nothing arduous Cumming, Gordon, Rowand.
N'ought is certain M'Min, M'Minn, M'Myne.
Nothing clearer than the stars Baillie.
I'Anderson, Biss, Bullock, Carew,
CoUingwood, Finch-Hattnn, French,
Conscious of 710 wrong J Hatton, Michel, Miller, Mills, Rogers,
Saunders, Savile, SaviUe, Sibthorpe,
I Wegg.
Conscious of no wrong, pulefrom no crime Sanders.
'Anson, Arnold, Beevor, Bullock, Carr,
Chard, Chawner, Coddington, Cookson,
Crosbie-Gardiner, Eastwood, Fife-
Cookson, Gardiner, Girandot, Grad-
well, Greenway, Grisewood, Hanbury,
Hawkins, Hawxwell, Hay, Hayes,
Hayse, Heron, Hill, Horn, Hume,
Never despairing.. Imrey, Knill, May, Mohaniud,
Musgrove, Nevins, Noakes, Ogilvie,
Ogilvy, Parry, Pearson, Promoli,
Radway, Randolph - Lichfield, Shel-
merdine, Silver, Simpson, Smit,
Stewart, Stone, Tremenheere, Tucker,
Walker, Walley, Way, Wedderburn,
Williams, Worship.
Nothing is to be despaired of under Gods^^^^ ^^x^x.o^.
-! J
-! Nothmg to be despaired unJn- shield of the 1 Gregory.
Nil desperandum est Nothing is to be despaired of Stewart
Nil dimidium est Heywood.
Nil durum volenti The half is nothing Arthur, Crawhird.
Nil extra numerum Nothing is hard to a willing man
Nil fatalia terrent
Nothing is beyond reckoning up Randall.
Nil impossibile
Things decreed by fate do not dismay us.... Carse.
Nil indigne
Nil invita Minerva Nothing impossible Du Bisson, Dubisson.
Nil magnum, nisi bonum Nothing unworthily Wordie.
Nil metuens superavi
Nil mihi tollit hyems Nothing against the grain Prime.
Nil moror ictus
Nil mortalibus arduum Nothing is great unless it be good Cooper.
Nil nequit amor
Fearing nothing I have oi'ercoine Bushe.
No bad weather takes anything from me . . Irvine.
/ delay not when struck Kyrle, Money- Kyrle.
Nothing is too hairrddffoo;r mortals Kater.
Love is all-powerful... Reidheugh.
A'othhio without the a ("Beresford, Beresford • Pack, Beresford-
\ Peirse.
Nil nisi cruce
Nil nisi de jure... Nothing unless by right Lomax.
Nil nisi honestum
Nil nisi patria Nothing utiless honourable. Philips.
Ni! nisi quod honestum
Nil obliviscar Nothing but on^s countiy Hindmarsh, Hyndmarsh.
Nil penna. sed usus
Nil sine causa Nothing unless what is honourabk Leather.
Nil sine cruce
w / shallforget nothing Collvile.
Not the pen, but custom Gilmer. Gilmour.
Nothing without a cause Bro\vn.
Nothing wit/wut the cross Gully.
Nil sine Deo Nothing without God Awdry.
Nil sine labore Nothing without labour ^''''''"'' ^'""'^' ^^"^"''''
Nil sine magno labore Nothing without great labour
Nil sine numine Nothing without the Deity Kidd, Henstock.
Banner, AVeld.
Nil sistere contra Nothing to stand against ^''°'' ^'''''°''°"' ^''°''°°'
Nil solidum {"Srt.
Nil temere, neque timore
Nil temere tenta nil limide Nothing is permanent Goldie, Williams.
Nil tibi
Nil time A^othing either rashly or in fear Bemey.
- Nil timeo Try nothing rashly or timidly Buckle.
Nil timere
Nil timere nee temere Nothing for you Campbell.
Nil veretur Veritas Fear nothing Man.
Nisi Dominus I fear nothing Drummond, Steuart.
Nisi Dominus frustra
Nisi paret, imperat To fear nothing. Balfour, D'Eyncourt, Ramsay, Tennyson.
Nisi virtus vilior alga
Niti facere experire Tofear nothing nor thoughtlessly Combe.
Nitimur et munitur
Nitor donee supero Truth fears nothing Napier.
Nitor in adversis
Nitor in adversum Unless the Lord. Compton,
iN\or„bi,i;ih:.s- e„s_t» i:r„a ileoni:s /t is in vain without the Lord. English, Inglis, Rawdon.
Nobilis ira Unless he obeys, he commands Bernard.
Nobilis ira leonis
Nobilitas est sola virtus Viler than the sea-weed without virtue Moises.
Nobilitatis virtus, non stemma, character.
Nocentes prosequor To strive, to do, to test Caldwell.
Nocet differre paratis We strive and are protected Wellwood.
Nodes diesque J strive till / overcome. Russell, Gibbons.
Noctes diesque prsesto I strive against Horner.
Nocte volamus
Nodo firmo I strive against Bredel, Fysh, Horner.
No heart more true
nTt'hie • fBuchanan, Cnchton-Steuart, Ingles,
r- > anger
I1071' s is noble. !
jngUg -piers, Ross
Noble indignation Creighton-Stuart, Stewart, Villiers-Stuart.
Thelion's anger is noble Ross.
Virtue is the sole nobility Thackeray, Thackray.
Virtue, not lineage, is the mark of nobility Freshfield, Grosvenor.
/ prosecute the guilty Dumbreck, Savary.
VVhai ready it is injurious to delay Elliot.
Nights and days Stacy.
Iperform night and day Graham-Stirling, Murray, Stirling.
Bateson, Yarburgh.
We fly by night Harington, Harrington.
In a firm knot
Noli irritare leonem DonU rouse the lion {^ Walshf °°^''' ^°°"^' ""^'™°°'^
Noli irritare leones Do tiot irritate lions Lyons.
Noli mtntiri Do not lie
Noteley, Notley.
No'-etangere Do not touch me
^'''"°' '' ^"''^
Nolo servile capisti-um I do not wish a slaves halter.
Nomen extendere factis To perpetuate one's name by deeds {'''^^rett? WoTmafa':
Non abest virtute sors Goodfortune follows virtue
Non aliunde pendere Not to depend on another Marsh.
Non aqua solum Not water only
Non arbitrio popularis aura: N'ot at the wdl of the popular breath Neeld.
Non arte, sed marte Not by art, but by arms
Non aspera terrent Difficulties don't dismay us NisbeL
Non astutia Not by craft
Non cantu sed actu Not by singingbut by doing. Coke.
Non cate sed caute Not cunningly but cautiously
Non cito nee tarde Neither quickly nor slowly Gunson.
Non civium ardor. Not the ardour of the citizens
Non crux, sed lux Not the cross, but the light Dale.
Non deerit alter aureus Another golden branch will succeed
Nondeest spes Hope is not wanting. Naesmith, Nasmyth, Neasmith, Taylor.
Non deficit
ILe does notfail Warren.
Non deficit alter
Another succeeds Gordon, Oswald.
Not degenerate Gillman.
Non desistam
Non dormio Iwillnot desist. Gatty.
Non dormiat qui custodit /do not sleep
Let not him who guards sleep Baimatyne.
Non dormit qui custodit
He does not sleep who keeps guard Moore, Spurgeon.
Non eget arcu
Non eget jaculis He needs not the bow. Black, Blair. Cramer, Griffeth, Griffiths.
Non eget Mauri jaculis He needs notjavelins
He tueds not the Moorish javelins Don, Don-Wauchope.
Foulis, Hamilton.
jAlgeo, Aljoy, Auldis, Gregorie, Hamil-
(. ton, Smith, Wahvyn.
("Grindlay, Kinglake, Kinloch, Kinlock,
\ Maxwell, Webster, Wedderbum,
[ Williams.
Myers, Waskett.
j" Cramer, Coghill, Gulliver, Lothian,
-[ Loudon, Louthian, Lowthian,
\ M'Kellip, M'KiUop, Shore, Wilson.
Non eget Mauri jaculis neque arcu '^" ^"'''"'" "^ ^^' ^''""'' jwatts.
{ ^'""fhJT^"'
None is truly great but he that is truly good Packwood.
Non est mortale quod opto What Iwish is ttot mortal Brooke, Burnett.
Non est sine pulvere palma
There is no palm without wrestlingfor it. . Yarborourgh, Yarburgh.
Non extinguar I shall not bs exthiguished Fraser, Frarer.
Non fallor I am not deceived. Kennedy.
Non fecimus ipsi We have not done it ourselves Duncombe.
Non fluctu, non flatu movetur Is moved neither by wind nor wave Brockholes-Parker, Parker.
Non fluctuo fluctia Maitland.
Non fraude, sed laude Not with deceit, but praise Gordon.
Non frustra Not in vain Barron.
Non generant aquilas columbas Eagles do not bringforth doves Lempriere, Rodney.
Non gladio, sed gratia N'ot with the sword, but kindness Cnarteris, Charters.
Non haec, sed me Not these, but me Scrope.
Non ha;c sine numine These things are not without the Deity Agar-EUis, Ellis.
Non immemor Notforgetful Graham.
Non immemor beneficii Not unmindful of kindness -[ '^'Fo'!^'''g,ahfm^'Macdkrmid Quamock!
Non inferiora Not inferior things ,
N.,on m. freno. rasecut^us hlioT t,fJo- ltlt oavmg meaner t,thmgs fBromley, Buchan, Fordyce-Buchan,
Non inferiora sequenda We must notfollow meaner things | ^^J^'^ Hepburn, Skiddie.
Non invita Not by constraint Smith.
Non in vita A'ot in life Smith.
Non invita Minerva .- Minerva not unwilling Scott.
Non jure deficit He is not without the right. Foulis.
Non leoni sed Deo Not for the lion, but for God. Maddock.
Non lumen eflfugio /do not shun the light Hewetson.
Non major alio non minor Not greater than another, not less Clark.
Non melior patribus Not better than my ancestors Hardinge.
Non metuo Ifear not. Hamilton.
Non mihi comraodus uni Of service not to me alone Gordon, Oswald.
,..,.,.Non mihi, sed Deo et regi Notfor myself, butfor God and the King. Booth, Warren.
Non mihi sed patriae N.or t. ^ ' ,^ bI ut.f^or my count.ry fHeycock, Hi ppisley, Tones- Loyd, Lloyd,
for | bpringe, Whittiiigham.
Non mihi sed tibi gloria Glory tu thee, not to me Warren, Wilkinson.
Non minima sed magna prosequor Ifollow not small but great things Dobie, Debbie.
Non minor est virtus quam qusrere parta/ To guard what we have got is no less a \ Masters
\ merit than to seei what we have not
tueri /
Non modo sed quomodo A'ot in a manner but how Ellis.
Non moritur cujus fama vivat Ne does not die whosefame may survive . . . Congreve.
Non multa sed multum Not mfn.-v .''::, :/: 'nuh Caswall.
Non mutat fortuna genus Fortim- : :he njinre Oliphant.
Non mutat genus solum Hamilton.
Non nobis Theioi,,. , ..:.: r the nature Woodd.
Non nobis Domine .„ Not unto us, Lord Willis.
Non nobis esti Be it not unto us Gould.
Non nobis nascimur IVe are not born for ourselves Lucy, Torway.
Non nobis nati Born not for ourselves Frank.
Non nobis, sed omnibus N'ot for ourselves but for all Ash, Ashe.
fBlayney, Drayton, Eardley, Fardel),
Non nobis solum Not for ourselves alone. \ Fosbery, Jacob, Lawless, Lockett,
\ Moss, Wilson.
Non nobis solum nati sumus We are not born for ourselves alone Bradshaw.
Non nobis tantum nati
We are not born for ourselves alone Warner.
.N,on ,. so,lum, sedJ • mundJo .. (Born not for ourselves but for the whole\T}„w...^
nobis | Robinson.
loti nati -j .^Drld
Non obest virtute sors Our lot is not adverse to our virtue Nisbet.
Non oblie Bo not forget. Graham.
Non oblitus Not forgetting M'Tavish.
Non obUviscar I shall notforget Colvil, Colville.
Non obscura Not obscure Law.
Non obscura nee ima Not obscure nor veiy low Law.
Non obstante Deo If God oppose not. Cunningham.
Non omnibus dormio I am not asleep to everybody Balvaird.
Non omnibus nati We are not born for all Frank.
Non omnis frangar I shall not be all broken Colby.
Non omnis moriar I shall not all die Bettescombe, Heaven.
Non opes, sed ingenium Notwealth, but mind Ross.
Non ostento sed ostendo I do not show off, but merely shor^v Fo well.
Non parvum est teipsum noscere It is no small thing to know thyself
Non pas I'ouvrage, mais I'ouvrier Not thework, but the workman Cooper.
Macnaghten, Workman.
Non pr^da sed victoria Not the spoil, butvictory Chambers.
Non progredi est regredi Not to advance is tu go hack Roe. Tyson.
Non providentia sed victoria Not in providence but in victory. Coffy.
Non quo, sed quomodo Not by whom, but in what manner Ellis, Howard, Thompson.
Non rapui, sed recepi I did not pluiider, but I received CottereU.
Non recedam 1 shall not recede Newall.
Non revertar inultus I will not return unavenged Vaughan.
Non robore, sed spe Not with strength, but with hope Tippet, Vivian.
Non sanz droict Not without right Shakespear.
Non semper sub umbra Not always under the shade Farquharson.
Non servit sed laborat Does not serve but labours Innes.
..... fAillen, Cleland, Connell, Cullen, Tewitt,
Nonsibi N>ort.jf-or 7- .y
himseij | Lyde, Sage.
Non sibi, cunctis For all, not for himself Moir.
Non sibi, patriae
Notfor himself, for his country Tomlinson.
Konsibi,sedpatri. For Ms country, not for himself ""^'^''
Non sibi, sed cunctis.. ^^^.^^^'^L.^:'^^
Non sibi, sed patrice natus
Non sibi, sed toti Notfor self butfor all Moir.
Non sine Born not for himself, butfor his country
Non sine anchora Not for self, butfor the whole Joddrell, Jodrell.
Non sine causa Not -without Hutchinson, Stocker, Synge, Wynne.
Non sine Deo Oliver.
Non sine industria
Non sine jure Not without an anchor. Drysdale.
Non sine labore
Non sine numine N^ot without cause Drury Justice.
Non sine periculo Notwithout God ,
Non sine prsda
Non sine pulvere palma Eliot, Eliott.
Non sine sente rosa
Non sine usu Not ivithoiit industry Bevan.
Non sino, sed dono
Non solum armis Not without ris^ht Charter, Leslie-Ellis.
Non solum pane Not without labour Milnes.
Non sufficit orbis
Non temere A'ot without high sanction Gifford.
Non terra, sed aquis
Non timeo, sed caveo Not without danger Freer, M'Kenzie, Mackenzie, Walker.
Non timere sed fortiter
Not without prey Echlin.
The palm not won without wrestling for it Beresford-Peirse.
The rose not without a thorn Rose.
Notwithout use Maxwell.
I do not permit, but Igive
Not by arms only Lindsay.
Not by bread alone Drisdale.
The world is not enough Bond, AArTiite.
Not rashly Chalmers, Forbes.
Not by land, but by water Dunnet.
I do not fear, but am cautious Oakeley, Strachan, Strauchan.
Notwithfear, but boldly Bloxsome, Wallington.
Non tua, te moveant, sed publica ^o^^--{^'^J,^tefh"ee "^" '"" '^ ^"^'^ '".''^". }A"«y"«-
Non videri sed esse Not to seem but to be Hare.
Non vi sed mente Not by force but by mind Lincolne.
Non vi sed virtute Not byforce but by virtue Burro wes, Elphinstone, Ramsbotham.
Non \\, sed voluntate iVot byforce biit free will Boucher.
Non \-i virtute Not by force but by virtue Borrowes.
Non vox, sed votum Not a voice, but a ivish Nagle.
Norma tuta Veritas Truth is the safe rule Morrall.
Nos aspera juvant Difficulties are helfful to us Louis.
(Buck, Cranmer, Fraazer, Fraser, Fraser-
Allan, James, Murray, Pendred, Pringle,
Stanfield, Stan^feld, Stansford, Thomp-
son, Tindal, Tregonwell, Trenchard,
Nos non nobis We notfor ourselves Walfeld, Walford.
Nos nostraque Deo We and ours to God Cookson, Wilberforce.
Nos pascit Deus Godfeeds us Rodger, Rogers.
Nostra quae fecimus What we have dont is our own Rooke.
Nostre roy et nostre foy Our King and ourfaith Kenan.
Notandi sunttibi mores Neel.
Nothing hazard, nothing have You must take note of their manners Dallaway.
Nothing venture, nothing have
Not in vain Suttie.
Not rashly, nor with fear Boswell.
Not the last Aylet, Aylett, Branfill.
Not too much Harrison.
Mackinlay, M'Kinlay.
N'oublie Dottot forget Graham, Haldane, Moir, Joynt.
Notforgotten Graham, Moir, Mour.
N' oublie Grehan.
Do 7iot forget. Graham.
N'oublies Do notforget White.
Howard, Howard-Bury.
N'oubliez Cherish hope Blacker, Blackett.
De Trafford, Trafford.
Nourissez I'esperance We will nmintain
Nous maintiendrons We will labour in hope I'ilkington.
Nous travaillerons en I'esperance Tupper.
.\'o night followed Shipperdson.
Now thus Heard.
Now thus, now thus I will snatch away the cloud Kynsey.
Nox nulla secuta est
Nubem eripiam ^hip-.i'recl-cJ brought to iiai\ Jiir Lefroy, Singleton, Williams.
Xufiagus in portum No giving up
Nulla dedilio No day without its task
No fraud is safe in any lurking-place
Nulla dies sine Hnea
Nulla fraus tuta latebris
Nulla pallescere culpa To turn pal: at jw crime ("Farrand, Forbes - Mitchell, Mitchell,
- Patten, PuUeine, Waynflele, Wilson-
Nulla rosa sine spica No rose without a thorn [ Patten, Winder.
Nulla rosa sine spinis .Stowers.
Nulla salus bello
Nulla temerata nube No rose without thorns. Ilbert.
Nulli fraus tuta latebris
Nulli inimicus ero No safety in war Lorimer.
NuUi praeda
No profane thing under a clou J. Howiion.
Fraud is safe in no place of coni\\uni:j:t ... EUacombe, EUicombe,
I will be an enemy to none Donaldson.
A prey to none Arundel, M'Aben, M'Cabin.
NuUi prsda suraus J Ve are a prey to none. Marlay, Marley, Marling.
Nullis ininiica ero J will be an enemy to none Donaldson.
Bankes, Banks, Gabb, Young.
Nullius in verba At the dictation of no one. Walcot.
By the words of no master Cayley.
NuUius in verba magistri Only one
Nul q'un I shun the Dfity and light Hewson.
Numen et lumen effugio
Nunien et omnia Authority and all things Graham.
Numero pondere et mensuia I rtflvn Iv -lu-ight and measure Hosk)'ns.
Numineet arcu By the Deity and my bnu Bowman.
Numine et patria asto
Numine et virtute I stand by God and my country Aston.
Nunc aut nunquam
Nunc et dim With authority and virtue Yuille, Yule. Needham, Virgin.
Nunc et semper
Nuncia pacis Now or never Barnard, Hampson
Now and formerly
Nuncia pacis oliva Longi-oft.
Nunc mihi grata quies No^v and always
Nunc ut olim Whorwood.
Nunquam deorsum
Nunquam dormio The messenger ofpeace Buchanan, Whannell.
Nunquam fallentis termes olivjE The olive the messenger ofpeace Mays, Moyes.
Nunquam libertas gratior Gordon.
Nunquam mutans IVazv is there pleasant reposefor nte Longcroft.
Nunquam nisi honorificentissine
Nunquam non fidelis Ncm as before
; Never dozim Graham.
/ never sleep Massey.
A branch of the olive which never deceives. Scott.
Liberty never more welcome
N'ever changing Bowring.
Ne-jer unless most honourably Freeling.
Neier unfaithful Moultrie, Moutrie, Moutry.
{Bethune, Betton, Brandreth, Bright,
Carlton, Grabble, Domenichetti,
Fairholm, Tohnson, Tohnston, John-
stone, Johilstoun, Kerrick, Knight,
M'Gregor, Maxwell, Skinner, Stoney,
Vanden- Bempde-Tohnstone.
N,.,unquam , ,. . IT wil,l, never J- . rCampbell • M'lver. Hilton - Simpson
| ^V\v^^, Simpson.
obUviscar forget.
Nunquam senescit It nei-cr grows old Gloag.
Nunquam se prceponens
Nunquam victus N^ver presuming Duntze.
Ny dessux ny dessoux
Never conquered Buchanan.
Neither above nor beneath Grove, Troyte-Chafyn-Grove.
Ob ducem ob patriam On account of our leader and country Waddy.
Obduram adversus urgentia Not yielding to pressure
Obey and rule Bothwell.
I cannotforget
Oblier ne puis I shallforget Loades.
Obliviscar Having suffered woundsfor our country. . Colville.
By yielding, 7Wt by force
Obliviscaris Colvil, Colville.
Ob patriam vulnera passi Campbell.
Obsequio, non viribus
Ooserve Hamilton.
f Achieson,.-\itcheson,Aitchison, Atcheson,
| Oldaker.
Obstando supera Overcome by resisting Scott.
Bidden, not extinguished.
Occultus, non extinctus Clouds will intervene Ty tier.
Occurrent nubes I hate whatever is profane or zmlgar Eliot, Elliott.
The s-a'cet breath of Ife. O'Conar Don.
O Dhia gach an cabhair By duty andfidelity
1 perform my duly
Odi profanum Forster, Haire-Forster, Hare.
Odor vita; Hutton.
Officio et fide Fawcett.
Officium praesto Pownall.
Ofna Dduw a r Brenhin Traherne.
Ofnernaofnoangau Bruce, Lewis.
Ofnwnyr Arglwydd
Of old I hold Let us fear the Lord WiUianis, Williams- Lloyd.
Ohne Furcht
Ohne Rast zum Ziel Levy.
Withoutfear Teschemaker.
Without resting to the goal Abel.
Olet et sanat It smells and cures Dunbar.
Olim fecimus
\]'e did so at one time Saward, Seward.
Olim florebat It flourished at one time Landel.
Olim sic erat Thus it was formerly MacMurdoch, Murdoch.
Omine secundo Underfavourable auspices
Omne bonum ab alto ,,.,All goodfrom above. Crossley.
O„mne ,bonum „. d, onum Erv. ery good ^. ofj-G^od, TBou^hton, Checkland, Edwards, Hill,
Dei thing is the -[ p^^^gH Wood H
Omne bonum desuper , All good is from above Burney, Honywood.
Omne bonum superne All goodfrom above
Omnes arbusta juvant Allfind delight in woods Underwood.
O„mne , ^. . ( Every land is a /tative country to a irave\B3.\ioMT,'Brace,'&mses,'E.cc\esioTi,'\oicty,
solum patna | „^/,^ ;' j- Q'Sheill, SheiU, Stewart.
Omne solum patria Every land is our native country Bill.
Omne solum vivo patria est
Omne tuUt punctum qui miscuit Every land is a living man's country Matthews.
dulci :. wiA^f He has gained every point, who has mixed j\-.w^arren.
\ the useful with the mieet
Omnia bene Alliswell. Harvey.
Omnia bona bonis All thiugs are good to the good. Wenman.
Omnia bona desuper All good things are above Goodlake.
Omnia certa fac Make everything certain Ashpitel.
Omnia debeo Deo I owe all things to God. Grenehalgh,
Omnia Deo confido I trust all things to God M'Neight.
Omnia Deo juvante I can do all things with God's help Crawfurd.
Omnia Deo pendent Everything depends on God Stockton.
Omnia fert astas Time brings all things Cheese,
Omnia firmat It strengthens all things Colquhoun.
Omnia fortitudine vincit ... Wiehe.
He cotujuers everything by his bravery
Omnia fortunse committo I commit all things to fortune DufF, M'Knight. M'Naught.
Omnia mei dona Dei All my goods are the gift of God Done.
Omnia mundana turbida All earthly things are full of confusion ... White.
Omnia pro bono
All thingsfor the good Murdoch, Murdock.
Omnia providentioe committo / commit all things to Providence Meares.
Omnia recte All things rightly M'Cracken.
Omnia superat diligentia Diligence overcomes all difficulties Mitchell.
Omnia superat virtus Virtue conquers all Gardiner.
Omnia vincit amor Love conquers all things Bruce, Rogers.
Omnia vincit labor Labour overcomes everything Cook.
Omnia vincit Veritas Truth conquers everything Eaton, Munn, Naish, Nash.
Omnibus amicus Chatto.
A friend to everybody
Omnibus optimus The bestfor all Aveling.
Omni liber metu Freefrom allfear. Birley.
Omni secundo Everything prospermts Murdock.
Omnium rerum vicissitudo All things are subject to change Ford.
Omni violentia major Greater than all vwlence. Donelan, O'Donellan.
One King, one faith, one law Burke.
On in the right Cardarwine.
On things transitory resteth no glory Isham.
Onus sub honore Burden under honour Johnston.
O^nward, /Atherton, Bowring, Fraser-Mackintosh,
| Lorimer.
Onward ever Bessemer.
On with you Nagle.
Opera bona effulgent Good works shine forth Jacoby.
OperaDei mirifica The works of God are wonderful. Garmston, Hustwick.
Opera illius mea sunt His works are mine. Cust.
Opera mundi The works of the world Sanderson.
Ope soils et umbrae Irvine.
By the help of the sun and shadow
Opes parit industria Ittdustry produces wealth Benson.
Opiferque per orbem dicor Kadie, K^eddie.
I am called a helper throughout the world
Opima spolia The richest of the spoil O'Meara.
Opitulante Deo With the aid of God Brereton.
Oportet vivere We must live Tod, Todd.
Optima cela Conceal what is best. Millar.
Optima est Veritas Thompson, Thomson.
Optima qujeque honesto Truth is best Lambert.
Optima revelatio Stella To the man of honour everything best Reveley.
A star the best revelation
Optima sapientia probitas The best wisdom is integrity Salmond.
Optima sperando spiro Hopingfor the best I live Humphrys.
Optime merenti To the most meritorious Witham.
Optime quod opportune What is done opportunely is best Campbell.
Optimum pati To bear is best Sheldon.
Optimum quod primum What isfirst is best Kirk.
Optimus est qui optime facit Best is he who does best. Best, Beste.
Optivo cognomine crescit
He becomes great by the uushcdfor name... De IIochpied-Larpent.
Ora e sempre Ifow and always Farmer.
("Alexander, Harman, Holberton, Holmes,
Ora et labora Pray and labour \ Langar, Mure, Orlebar, Patrick,
y Ramsay, Sibbald, Wakeman.
Orando te aspiciam By prayer / shall behold thee
Orate et vigilate Pray and watch Foster.
Orbe circum cincto The world being girt around Saumarer.
_ , cordJ e creJdo f/ speak with the mouth, I believe with the \ Hamilton.
Ore '
| /^^^ j-
Oriens sylvia The Eastwood. Eastwood.
Ornat fortem prudentia Prudence adorns the brave man Dunbar, Lancaster.
Omatur radix fronde The root is adorned with thefoliage. Innes.
Omaverum Adorti the truth Waddell, Weddell.
Ostendo, non ostento Belts, Isham, Ritchie.
Otium cumdignitate I show, 7iot boast Kelso, Montagu, Porter-Burrall.
Ou bien ourien Leisurewith dignity Sotheby.
Either well ornot at all Colvil, Colville.
Oublier ne puis I cannotforget Francis.
Where destiny calls Rippon.
Ou le sort appelle rConyngham, Cuninghame, Cunningham,
Our hope is on high J Dick, Gun-Cunningham, MiUer-Cun-
\ ningham.
Over fork over Tones.
Ovner na ovno angau
Pace et bello paratus Preparedfor peace and war. Fraser, Frazer.
Pacemamo J love peace Columball, Columbell, Ker, Scot, Scott.
Pace vel bello M'Turk.
Pacis nuncia In peace or war. Murray.
Paixetpeu Maitland, Walrond.
Palladia fama The messenger ofpeace
Palmam qui meruit ferat Peace and a little.
Palma non sine pulvere
Palma virtuti Palladian fame Inchbold.
Pandite Let him who has deserved the palm bear it. Kitson, Nelson.
Pandite, coelestes ports The palm not without wrestling for it Archibald, Doughty, Jenkinson, Lamb.
Parabo me The palm is for virtue Laudon, Palmer.
Parat et curat
Paratus Open Gibson.
Paratus ad sethera
Paratus ad arma Open, ye heavenly gates Gibson, Gibsone, Watt.
Paratus et fidelis
He prepares and cures Wood.
VParatussum Stewart.
' Prepared Fraser, Sword, Swourd.
Parce qu'il me plait Preparedfor heaven Falconer, Faulkner.
Parcere prostratis Preparedfor war Johnson, Johnston.
Parcere subjectis Ready andfaithful Carruthers, Hamond, Sanderson.
Par ce signe i Agincourt
Par commerce I am ready fCampbell, Fairlie, Fairlie-Cuninghame,
Par Dieu estmon tout
Pareo non servio Because it pleases me. I Fairly, Maclure, M'Lure.
Parere subjectus Sprot.
Pares cum paribus
Par fermesse du quesne To spare thefallen Le Hunte.
Par ductus portui
Pari anirao To spare the vanquished Glasgow, Grant, Longfield.
Paritur bello By the watchword at Agincourt Entwistle.
Par la volonte de Dieu By commerce Margetson.
Parle bien My all isfrom God.
Par loi et droit
Par negotiis neque supra J obey, but not as a slave Jenkinson.
Par pari
Par sit fortuna labori To be obedient Glasgow.
Parta labore quies
Parta tueri Equals with equals Pares.
Par ternis suppar. By firmness of the cane
Parum sufficit The wave equal to the haven Du Cane.
Parva contemnimus
Par valeur Wilbraham.
Par viribus virtus
Passant cressant en honneur Of courage adequate to the occasion Leake.
Passes avant
Pass forward It is obtained by war Murray.
Passibus aequis
Passibus citis sed acquis By the will of God Wynill, WyviU.
Passus rege meos Parlby.
Paterni nominis patrimonium Speak well. Trayner.
Patemis suppar
Paterno robore tutus By law and right Hill.
Patet ingeniis campus Equal to our business and not above it Sucklemore.
Patience Equal to equal
Patience and resolution Buchanan, Lowman, Pal
Patience makes everything light Let thefortune equal the labour Fulton, Sydserf.
Patience passe science Pest obtained by labour. Haddon, Jacob, Powys.
Bowles, Rushout.
I will defend what I have won Barrow.
Almost equal to three at a time Gernon.
Heron, White.
Little sufficeth Pakington.
We despise small things Waldegrave.
By valour. Stewart.
Our virtue is a match to their strength Walker.
Progressing in honour Walker.
Pass before. Oakeley.
With equal steps
With rapid but equal steps .. Scott.
Guide my steps. Tucker.
The patrimony of a paternal name.
Nearly equal to ancestral glory Dow, Dowie.
Secure in ancestral strength Muterer.
Thefield lies open to talent Lamb.
Boscawen, Boscowen
Patience surpasses knowledge
Patiens Patient Dow.
Patiens pulveris atque solis
Patienter Patient of dust and sun Floyd.
Patientia casus exsuperat omnes
Patientia et gratia vinco Patiently Bulman.
Palientia et perseverantia
Patience overcomes all misfortunes Askew, Robertson of Ladykirk.
Patientia et perseverantia cum
I conquer by patience and grace Thomson.
By patience and perseverance Dent, Weiss.
magna- / /"«/!>«« and perseverance with, magna- \j-^r,e,uowes.
\ nimity
Patientia etspe By patience and hope ''""^"'' ''"'^""'''
Patientia victrix Fictor through patience Dalton.
You will conquer by patience
Patientia vinces Alvanley, Arden.
„He conquers bIy p.at.i•ence fChein, Cheine, Cheyne, Dalton, Gall,
D .. ^. . ., | Lindesay, Lindesey, Lindsay, Napier.
Patientia vmcit I conquer by patience
Thompson, Thomson.
Patientia vinco..
Patiently persevere I suffer and hope Wills.
Patior et spero / Isiiffer, obtain Baillie.
Patior, potior I suffer that / may obtain Maundrell, Peyton.
Patior ut potiar He who conquers suffers Spence, Spottiswood, Spotswood.
Patitur qui vincit Kinnaird.
Patria cara, carior fides {\ar'er"'^ " '^""'' '"" '"^ "''^1" "JNichoIas, Nicolas, Thomson.
Patria cara, carior libertas My |Bouverie,Cay,Lindon,Pleydell-Bouverie-
country is dear, but liberty is dearer...
Patriae et religioni fidelis Faithful to country and religion Teevan.
Patriae fidelis Faithful to fatherland Banner
Patria; fidus Faithful to fatherland Lewis.
JLermard, Molyneu.x, Mont
-nfelici fidelis Faithful to my unhappy country.
Patrins non sibi For his country, notfor himself Argles.
Patria fidelis Tiffin.
Patriam amo A faithful country Scott.
Patriam hinc sustinet I lave tny country Higgins.
Patriis virtutibus Hence he sustains his country
With the virtues of his ancestors
• \ Paucasuspexipaucioradespexi {^Zo^d'lJLnZon!^"^..''.:.'^^^^^^^
Paulatim By andlittle little -Scales.
Pauper non in spe Not poor in hope Poore.
Pawb yn ol ei arfer
^p-^.^^. ^p"^^„'„ \Almack, Koulis, Hatfield, Hutton,
• Bountiful peace returns I Osborne.
Peace is acquired by arms DomviUe.
Pax alma redit Peaceorwar
Pax arniis acquiritur Arnot, Arrat, Arrot.
Pax aut bellum Peace or defence.
Pax aut defensio Plain, Blaine, Blane, Blean, Scerth.
Pax copia Peace, plenty Landale.
Pax copia sapientia. Peace, plenty, wisdom
Pax copia virtus Read.
Pax et amor Peace, plenty, valour
Pax et copia Peace atid love Fleming, West.
Pax et libertas Peace and plenty
Pax et spes Peace and liberty Steuart.
Pax finis bello Peace and hope
Pax in bello Peace the end of war. Dalbiac, Hodson, Jessop.
Pax justa Peace in war Chandlee, David.
Pax optima rerum Gordon.
Pax potior bello A just peace
Pax quceiitur bello Pease.
Pax tua, Domine, est requies mea Peace is the best of things
Pax vobiscum Peace is better than war Ellis.
Peace is sought by war.
Peace Osborne, Smith.
Peace and grace Thy peace, Lord, is my rest Newington.
Peace and plenty Peace be with you
Peace with power Guidott.
Pedetentim Bastard, Nembhard.
Pejus letho flagitium Umphray.
Pelle timorem
Pen-aur-y-chalon wir Dixon, Higga.
Pendevalde Graham.
Penses comment
Pensezibien Barns, Nottidge.
, Moss.
\ Pensezamoi Step by step Foote.
Pensez comment Disgrace is worse than death Martin, Sampson.
Pensezforte Drive away fear
, Peperi A true heart will make gold
Per Weighwell
As you think Penfold.
Think ofgood Deyvelle.
\ Per actum intentio Think of me.
Per actus conamine As you think King-Noel, Milbanke, Noel.
Per acuta belli
Peradventure Thinkfirmly Giles.
I have brought forth
Through Davell, Deyvelle.
Bromley, Pauncefote.
The intention isjudged of by the act
You attempt by doing it Peperell, Pepperell.
By tht stratagems of war.
Bellgough, Belli, Carpenter.
Cockbum, Eliot, Elliott, Fogg-EUiotL
Per adversa virtus Virtue through opposition Leghton, Leighton, Lighton.
("^ ^^"'''°"' ^^^^^'•«"''' ^''^'^"S-
Perangustaadaugusta Through dangers to honour.
Per angustum Through danger Fletcher.
Per antiquam cartam By an ancient charter Adlington.
r TBerry, Bervy, Clarkson, Crookshank,
W^ardua Throuigh difficulties ' Fto"n',\?MJ''E'n't'i'r'e,^wMf'Irn'ty"r'e",^'^M1',Nme'a'g'h',T
Per ardua ad alta ^
Per ardua Deo favente
Per ardua fama I Stibbert, Tailour, Wright.
Per ardua liberi
Per ardua stabilis "Throu"gh difficulties to heaven | Achanye, Ahanny Hall, Hanman,
Per ardua stabilis eslo \
Through difficulties, God helping Hannay, Jobling, Waterlow.
Per ardua surgo Fame through difficulties
Free through difficulties Butterworth.
Per ardua surgam Steady in difficulties
Per ardua virtus Be steadfast in difficulties Whyte.
I rise through difficulties Pitt.
IThrough difficulties shall rise. Harty, Lawrence, Mann, Ferryman.
Virtue through diffixidties
TDraffen, Fenton, Harding, Hardinge,
-[ Mahon, O'Haugherne, O'Heron,
\ Wingate.
Beetham, Betham.
Per aspera ad dulcia crucis {'^^c^i^ll'!!!"..!'^'.'.'^^^^^^
Per aspera belli Through the hardships of war Hopkins, Randolph.
Per aspera virtus Virtue through hardships Ross.
Per bellum qui providet He who provides through war Lidderdale.
Per callem coUem Over a mountain road Collins.
Per castra ad astra Through the camp to the stars. Nicholson, Shaw, Worsley.
By thefavour of heaven Cowie.
Per cceli favorem Through constancy and hope Gomra.
Per constanza et speranza
Per crucem ad castra Through the cross to the camp Davies.
Per crucera ad coelum Through the cross to heaven Paul.
T,rhiroughI. tiih.e cross t.o t.1he crown
Pner crucem , coronam fDe la Poer, Le Peer, Poe, Poer, Power,'
ad -I O'Neill-Power ' '
Per crucem ad lucem Through the cross to the light Campbell.
Per crucem ad Stellas By the cross to the stars Legard.
Per crucem confido
Percussus resurgo I trust through the cross Crosley.
Percussus elevor
Per damna per casdes IVhcn struck dcnvtt I rise again Jordan.
Per Dei providentiam Smitten down I ajn lifted up Dovaston.
Per Deum et ferrum obtinui
Through losses, through carnage Bosanquet, Boyton.
-Per Deum meum transilio murum
Through the providence of God Dennett.
Perdurat probitas By God and my swoi-d 1 have obtained . ... Hill.
Per ecclesiam ad coelum Pemberton.
Perenne sub polo nihil Through my God I leap over a wall
Perenne sub sole nihil
Per ferrum obtinui Integrity endures Pearson.
Per fidem et patientiam
Per fidem omnia Through the church to heaven Eccles.
Per fidem vinco
Perforatus A^othing is everlasting tinder heaven Pont.
Perge sed caute
Pergo sursum Nothing is enduring under the sun Perrins.
Periculum fortitudine evasi Hillas.
Peri-Gal I have got possession by my sword
Per ignem ferris vicimus
Perignem, per gladium Through faith and patience Broomhead-Colton-Fox.
Periissem, ni perslitissem All throiigh faith Howard.
Periissemus, nisi perstitissemus I conquer through faith Eastwood.
Per il suo contrario
Perimus Ileitis Perforated, bored. Board.
Per incerta certus amor
Per industriam Goon, but cautiously Jenkins, Styles.
Perit ut vivat I advance u/rward, Romans.
Per juga, per tluvios
Fortitude presened me from danger Mahon, Pakenham-Mahon, Peisley.
Per lucem ac tenebras mea sidera
guine surgent Perigal.
Per mare We conquer by our swords through fire .... Hodder.
By fire, by sword Welby, Welby-Gregory.
/ would have perished, had I not persisted Anstruther, Molony, Thomson.
We hadperished, had we not persisted Anstruther.
By its opposite Paget.
We are ruined by permitted things Cann, Shore.
A sure love in doubtful circumstances Romanis.
By industry Rowan.
He loses his life thai he tnay gain it Bissett, Fenwick, Phin.
Through precipices and torrents Harland, Hazledine.
\q,san-/ Through light and darkness my star will
Per mare, per terras. \ arise ifi blood /
By sea Anderson.
B„y sea and, l, andJ ("Alexander, Courtayne, Darley, Drum
mond, Dupre, Durham, Lamb, Mac
alister, M'Alister, Macdonald, M'Don
aid, Macdonnell, M'Eachern, 'Each
ran, Macelester, Piessf, Rutherford
I Rutherfurd, Urquhart.Warren-Darley
Per mille ardua Through a thousand diffiiculties Millerd.
Permitte caetera divis
Per mortem vinco Leave the rest to the care of the gods M'Crummen, M'Crummin.
Per multos annos Waterlow.
Per orbem / conquer through death
Through many years Phillips.
Throughout the globe Clay.
I break through Ramsay.
Persaxa per ignes By rocks, by fires , Smith.
Persevera Deoque confide Persevere and trust in God Brown.
Persevera et vince Persevere and conquer. Lampson.
Perseverance Burrard, Hawkshaw, Hume, Smith.
By persevering.. 'Abbot, Banlcs, Brinckman, Broadhead,
:iando By persrjerame and caution
Brooks, Cammell, Cope, Dawson,
Perseverando et cavendo Denison, Drake, Duncan, Edwards,
Elliott, Flower, Frampton, Handcock,
Hanrott, Henley, Howell, Hutchinson,
Lane, Larkworthy, Leake, M'Kellar,
Mackellar, Mackenzie, lloreton, Mor-
ton, Reynolds-Moreton, Roxby, Shor-
rock, Turnly, Wood.
Perseverantia Perseverance {^ '^^^"^°"*'''' ^"'^'•>'
Perseverantia ad finem optatum By perseverance to the wished-for end.
Perseverantia dabitur Jones.
Perseverantia et cura quies It will be given by perseverance.. Terry.
Perseverantia et labore Rest by perseverance and care Hall.
Perseverantia industria et fidelitas Pitcher.
Perseverantia omnia vincit By perseverance and labour. Ravenscroft.
Perseverantia palma Perseverance, industry, and fidelity Cooper.
Perseverantia palmam obtinebit Willson.
Perseverantia victor Perseverance conquers all things. Horton, Tooth.
Perseverantia vincit Campbell.
By perseverance the palm Alexander, Bamford, Bumess, Mateos.
Perseverance will obtain the palm
Victor through persei'erance
Perseverance conquers
Perseveranti dabitur It will be given to the persevering. ''"P""'
'Baker, Burrard, Collier, Colvile, Comer,
Congreve, Dupuis, Edmond, Farnall,
Ford, Fordyce, Gardiner, Greig, Hall,
Jeffcock, Oak, Oakes, Gates, Romilly,
Persevere in hope I persezvre Simpson, WhittaU.
Persevere Mackinnon.
Per sinum Codanum Baker, Pender, Waithman.
Perspicax, audax Through the Gulf of Codanus Graves-Sawle.
Persia et prsesta Humphry.
Perstando prsesto
Persto et spero Sharp-sighted, bold Erskine.
Per tela per hostes
Per tela per hostes impavidi Standfast and step ahead Bramhall.
Per tot discrimina rerum I step ahead by standingfast Hamilton.
I standfast and hope Merry.
Per varios casus By arrows, by enemies Bremner, Brymer, Innes.
Per vias rectas Undaunted through arrows and enemies. . .
Pervicax recte Hammond, Hickman.
Per vim et virtutem Through so many criticaljunctures
Per virtutem et scientiam
By variousfortunes ( Casey, Cunninghame, Douglas, Drysdale,
-j Gravett, Hamilton, Lammie, L'Amy,
Byrightways [ Walker.
Blackwood, Pixley, Purvis.
Steadfast in the right M'Ewan.
Bebb, Youl, Yule.
By strength and courage MacNeil, M'Neil.
By courage and knowledge
Pestis patriae pigrities Sloth is the plague of onis country Dugdale.
Petit alta He aims at high things Abercrombie, Abercromby.
Petit ardua virtus Courage aims at hard things Douglas.
Phoebe lux Lightfrom the sun Kinnaird.
Phojbus, lux in tenebris Phabus, light in darkness
Pie et fortiter Piously and bravely Jeffrey.
Piedmontaise Bennet.
Pie lepone te In pious confuhnce Hardinge.
Pietas et frugalitas Piety and thrift. Mordey, Pierpoint, Pierrepont.
Pietas tutissima virtus Piety is the surest virtue Guthrie, Guthry.
Pietate By piety Ainsley, Ainslie.
Pietate et probitate By piety and uprightness Brown.
Pietate fortior Stronger by piety Rees.
Pietate parentum By the piety of my forefathers Broade, Stanier-Philip-Broade.
Pietatis causa For tlu sake ofpiety Tulloch.
Pieux quoique preux Pious though valiant Pye.
Long, Wolley.
DeumPie vivere et |et patriam diligere. . , . f''""^^' "'"^ ''^^' ^'"^ "'"^ ""''} Redmond.
Pignus amoris The pledge of love Graham.
Pilkyngton Pailedowne; the Master mows^
the meadows /
Pille mise gu muier. I willreturn to sea M'Laurin.
Placeam Be mine to please Murray.
Placeam dum peream Let mefindfavour as long as I live Murray.
Plane et sane Simply and sensibly Vaughan.
Playsyr vaut Payn Pleasure costs pain Payn.
Plena dabit Dens vela God will Jill our sails Bontine, Tennant.
Plena refulget The full jnoon shines Pitcaim.
Plus spinis quam ferro More by thorns than the sword Richardson.
Plus vigila B: more watchful White.
PLU 63 PR^
Plus ultra Morebeyotid. Elliott, Nabbs, Nairne.
Break rather than bend De Ponlhieu.
Little by little Jeffreys.
Plutot rompe que plie Virtue avails
Pob dawn o Dduw To deserve Listen, Ramage.
Poco a poco Moreover, one thing is needful. Pole, Poole, Snowden, Wellesley.
Pollet virtus
r Por dysserver Carr.
Porro unum est necessarium Wellesley.
i {^\S^.ll'!!l!''l!"^!!lf.!'^)^^^^-
[Portantispoliapalma Ask thyself. Hodges.
Posce teipsum To have the p07ver without the wish is noble Wingfield.
} TT^h,ey are abIl,e wh,o btel,ieve ., can f Attwood, Butt, Fowler, Goodere,
they | Keightley, Norcop, Radford.
Posse, nolle, nobile
I shall gjnu in the esteem oj posterity Melbourne.
Pr,ossunt qui posse vi-Jdent.ur
Fresh in the praise ofposterity Hardinge.
; Opportunity is bald behind Chapman.
Postera crescam laude Interat after death Moll, Mow.
i Postera laude recens
'. Virtue survives death Roberts, Robertson, Westropp.
Post est occasio calva
' Post funera fcenus After a man our courage is strengthened... Bridge.
Post funera virtus Our virtueflourished after death Tyssen.
Post hominem animus durat
Post mortem virtus virescit After clouds Blunstone. Steddert, Stodart, Stothart.
Post nubes
_ ,, Lri-gh7t^ af.t&er cl7 oudJs f Blunstone, Blundestone, Steddert,
Post nubes lux
| %io&^-,i, Stoddart, Stothart, Stothert.
Post nubila
After clouds Jack.
CAhrends, Cranworth, Jack, Jaffray,
Post nubila Phoebus After clouds sunshine \ Jaffrey, Jeffrey, Purvis, Rolfe,
[ Shuldham, Tarleton.
Post nubila sol After clouds sunshine Pinkerton.
„ ,. . ^jv 7 .7 rewardJs rCuninffhanie, Malins, Nicholson, Rut-
After battles
Post pr^lia prjemia | ^^^^^^ Westenra.
i Post spinas palma After the thorns the palm Paget.
' Post tenebras lucem
' Post tenebras lux After darkness light Bright.
' Post tot naufragia portum Hewat, Hewatt.
I Post virtutem curro After darkness Montagu.
Blonie, Brisco, Briscoe.
Potior origine virtus After so many shipaurccks I find a port . ... Bland, Scot, Scott.
I run after virtue
\ Virtue rather than Uncage
' Potius ingenio quam vi Rather by genius than strength Edgar.
Potius mori quam fcedari
Death rather than disg>-ace Giflord.
:„,.,,.Pour apprendre oublier ne puis
Pour bien desirer / cannotforget to learn Palmer.
rBarrett-Lennard, Bolden, Brand, Dacrc,
_10 wi.sh, ,, -! Leonard
Pour bien fort 3 Strongfor good Preston.
To deserve Carr.
To deserve. Carr.
; Pour deservir For God and my King. Bagot.
Pour deservyr
I Pour Dieu et mon Roi
' Pour Dieu, pour terre For God, for the land Leigh.
Pour jamais For er.'cr Lawes.
. Pour la foi For thefaith Macaul.
Pour I'eglise For the church De Massue.
For the King
i Vaudin.
For maintaining loyalty. Cooper.
Pour le Roy For my liberty, for my country Macpeter, Peitere, Peter.
For my country
Pour loyaulte maintenir For my God Janvim.
For my King Maundy.
; Why not
Pour ma libertay pour ma patree
Pour ma patrie
Pour mon Dieu
; Pour mon Roy
Pour quoy non
Pour trois For three Latter.
Ln order to accomplish Manners, Manners-Sutton.
j Pour y parvenir Pushfotward Barry, Barrow.
; Poussez en avant Urge your way among the leaders Eliot, Eliot-Craggs.
Pracedentibus insta
Headstrong, yet in safety Dunbar.
\ Constable.
The more illustrious, the nearer Ogilvie, Ogilvy.
Practise no fraud Honourable sei-vice to king and country.... Fountain.
The harder, the more honour. Graham.
! Mindful of the prize Foster.
The reward is honour Corsane.
; PrEecipitatus, attamen tutus Reward, courage, glory Boreland, Brown, Cox.
Reward, courage, honour
Prsclarior, quo propinquior
: Prseclarum regi et regno servitium
Pra:clarius quo difficilius
I Prfedas memor
I Premium honor
Prasmium, virtus, gloria
PrEemium, virtus, honor
Pri"emium virtutis The reward of virtue Pringle.
_. . ., H.o, nour . ,, rewardJ j: . fBebb, Brown, Cheere, Chere, Corsane,
PrDemium vntutis honor the -[ Cox, Tetlow.
is of virtue
^Prsemonitus prsemunitus Forewarned, forearmed Rickart.
l^sesta et persta Undertake and persevere Weekes.
Praestando pr?esto Having taken the precedence, I hold it Hamilton.
Pra;stare et prodesse Gray.
Prsestat auro virtus To outstrip arid do good. Cunningham.
Pnestat tuto quam cito Virtue is better than gold Bonar.
Presto et persisto Hamilton, Yawkins.
Better safely than quickly
I undertake and persist
PR^ 64 PRO
P„raest, o ^ perst^ o IT undJert,ak•e andjp^ersevere /Baillie- Hamilton- Arden, Coe, Crawhall,
et | Hamilton.
Praesto pro patria / undertake/or my country Neilson.
I undertake that / may perform
^.,Pnesto ut prasstem ^
Prasvisa mala . „ misfJo- rt^ unes come ^ not.1hing f Hodges, Twisden, TwTsden, Winter-
Foreseen to
pereunt !
Praise God Kerr.
Prato et pelago
^y sea and land Killingworth.
Preignes haleine tire forte
Premium virtutis honor Take breath, pull strong Dorrien, Smith-Dorrien.
Prend moi tel que je suis Bebb.
Prenez en gre The muard of virtue is honour Bell, Loftie, Loftus, Rickett, Sutton.
Prenez en ire Take me such as I am
Take in good will Ogle.
Take it in anger La Font.
fElmsley, Elmslie, Elmsly, M'Intosh,
Prenez garde Be on your guard -j Macintosh, Macritchie, MacRitchie,
Take breath, pull strong [ Rickard, Rickart, Winstanley.
Prenez haleine tirez fort
Press forward Giffard.
Press through
Prest d'accompUr Mortimer.
Presto et persto
Boreland, Borelands, Cockburn, Your.g.
Presto ut praestem
Ready to accomplish Aston, Freston, Heber, Talbot.
Prest pour mon pais Stewart.
Prest pour mon pays I undertake and persevere
Pret I undertake that I may perform Mouson, Sherlock.
Pret d'accompUr Ready for my country Mouson.
Pretio prudentia prsestat Readyfor my country
Pretiosum quod utile
Pretiosum quod utile est Ready. Aston, Smith.
Pretium et causa laboris
Pretium victoribus corona Ready to accomplish Talbot, Heber-Percy.
Pretium virtutis
Pret pour non pays Prudence excels reward Monson, Morison, Richardson.
Prevalet virtus What is useful is valuable Affleck, Auchinleck.
Prima voce salutat What is useful is valuable Auchinleck.
Primi et ultimi in bello
The reward and cause of labour Frederick.
Primum tutare domum The reward to the conquerors is a cro-<vn . . . Knapton.
Primus The prize of bravery Monson.
Primus e stirpe Ready to serve my country
Primus tametsi virilis
Primus ultimusque in acie Virtue prevails Zouch.
Principiis obsta
Salutes with thefirst voice Boucherett.
Prisca fides First and last in war Gorman, O'Gorman.
Prisco stii-pe Hibernico
Prist en foyt First defend home Watkins.
Pristinum spero lumen
First Ellis.
Prius frangitur quam flectitur
Prius mori quam fidem fallere First of the race Hay.
Prius quam factum considera First although manly Primerose.
Pro amore patriae
First and last in battle Sherritt.
Oppose beginnings Bateman, Ffolkes, Folkes, M'Laggan.
Ancientfaith Glassford.
Of an ancient Irish stock Lennon.
Ready infaith Barlow.
I hopefor a^icient lustre
Is sooner broken than bent Dykes-Ballantine.
Yield to death rather than betray trust Drummond.
Think before you act Reeves.
For love of country Scot, Scott.
rAyrton, Blomefield, Campbell, Hasil
Pro aris et focis For our homes and altars I rigge, Hazlerigg, Hesilrigge, Kirk-
J land, M'Naught, Mulvihall, Phihps,
Pro arte non marte For art, not strength Purdon, Scot, Serjeantson, Shortland,
Pro avita fide
Probando et approbando I
Pro bello vel pace
Probitas cum fortitudine V Shortreed, Wait. Woodforde.
Probitas sibi ipsi securitas Blagrave.
Probitas Veritas honos
Probitas et firmitas For ancestralfaith Brooke.
Probitas fons honoris Trying and approving. Ramsay.
For war or peace Anderson, Anderton.
Probitas verus honos
Honesty with fortitude. Brewster.
Probitate ac virtute Integrity is its own security Carr.
Probitate consilium perficitur
Probitate et labore Integrity, truth, and honour Browne.
Probitate et virtute Integrity and firmness Leslie, Lesly.
Probitatem quam divitias Integrity is thefountain of honour Gubbay.
Pro bona ad meliora.
Probum non poenitet Integrity is true honour { ^^0^°,;. ^et^rnS^^.t^-f^r'
Procedamus in pace
Pro Christo et patria By integrity Rennie, Renny.
Pro Christo et pro patria
By integrity and valour Rose.
Pro Christo et patria dulce periculum An undertaking is achieved by integrity ... Renny.
Baring, Gould.
Pro cruce audax By probity and labour Rose.
By probity and valour
Probity rather than riches Claydan, Claydon. Clayton.
For good to better. Goodwright.
The upright man does not repent Leader, Sands, Sandes, Sandys.
Let us proceed in peace Montgomery.
For Christ and country Innes-Ker, Ker, Verner, Vernon.
For Christ atulfor country Cair.
"'"^ "'" '""""''^' '^""^"' "JKer.
Boldfor the cross. Squarey.
Pro Deo certo I strivefor God. Anderson.
Pro Deo et catholica fide For God and the Catholic faith Altham.
Pro Deo et ecclesia For God and the Church Bisshopp.
Pro Deo et libertate For God and liberty Wilson.
^^^'--P^'- For God atidfor 7ny country ^T::^:^!^^' ""'°"' °'^"""
Pro Deo et pro patria For God and the King. Stacpoole.
("Bickerton, Blacker, Broade, Golding,
Pro Deo et Rege For God, my country, and my King.
Hawkins, Hurst, Masterton, Master-
Pro Deo, patria, et Rege town, Parsons, Phillips, Stanier-Philip-
I, Broade, Zigno.
Beugo, James.
Pro Deo, pro Rege, pro patria, et lege.... { ^''^^^W''''''^^^"'-''/'''-''^"''""''--''' ''«''} Blakemore.
Pro Deo, Rege, et patria M^l.For our God:ou:Ki:g::nd:^u:,:y::. {^Xve^'^S^fl;, ^'^'^'^
Prodesse civibus To do good to one's fellow citizens Beckett.
Prodesse quam conspici To do good rather than ie famous {*^ GroSi^h.^"''"'' ^°°''"'^' ^°'''
Who acts laboriously acts marvellously
Prodigiose qui laboriose Innes.
Pro ecclesia Dei
Pro fide For the Chuich of God. Swainson, Swainston.
Pro fide ac patria For thefaith Howard.
Pro fide et patria For my faith and country Longe.
Pro fide Rege et patria pugno
Pro fide strictus For ourfaith and country Daniell, Meldon, Wade.
^^'^"'^-emit Ifgfitfor thefaith. King, and country. . . . Lentaigne, O'Neill.
Progredere, ne regredere Drawn for thefaith Norman.
Progress with prudence Hepenetratesint.deefth.ngs '^°"'^'
Pro lege, Rege, grege Goforward, not back {^^I^^r^son^""^'^^'
Pro lege senatuque Rege Igoforward Honnyman, Honyman, Sharp.
Prolegibus ac regibus
Pro legibus et regibus / have thrown away Sharp.
Prolibertate For the law, the King, the people Howard.
Pro libertate lege sancta For law, senate, and King. Main.
For our laws and kings Shield.
For laws and kings Dodsworth.
For liberty Wilson.
For liberty ratified by law Wilson.
Pro libertate p.atri^ For the liberty of my country {^TuxS ^^''''''' ^'''^' ^''"'^'
Pro lusu et prreda
Pro Magna Charta For sport and plunder. MacMoran, M'Morran.
Pro me ipso et aliis
Pro mitra coronam For Magna Charta Dashwood, Stapleton.
Prompte et consel
Prompte et consulto For myself and others Carmichael.
Promptus Sharpe.
Promptus ad certamen A crownfor a mitre
PT3rompt.u.s„ e..t cfijdeih;s„
Quickly and advisedly Pringle.
Pro patria
Quickly and with advice Plenderleiih.
Pro patriae amore
Pro patria auxilio Dei Ready Donaldson, Kemp, Kempt, Russell.
Pro patria ejusque libertate
Pro patria et libertate Readyfor the contest. Sinclair.
Pro patria et Rege
Pro patria et religione RT>eadJy andJfXai-t.,h1.f1-ulr rCarruthers,Chalmers,Croudace, Mitchell-
Pro patria et virtute | Carruthers, Wade.
Pro patria invictus
Pro patria mori ' Alherley, Bannerman, Beatson, Betson,
Pro patria non timidus perire
Pro patria ssepe, pro Rege semper Bonsall, Borrowman, Bullman,
Pro patria sanguis
Pro patria semper. Bulman, Douglas, Grant, Gregor,
Pro patria uro
Pro patria vivere et mori Groset, Groseth, HamiUon, Hastie,
Propere et provide...
PT3roposit..i. tenax For my country.. Hay, Hay-Newton, Higgins, Innes,
Macdonald, Manby, Newlands,
Propria virtute audax
Newton, Ogilvie, O'Higgins, Provan,
Roachead, Rochead, Rose, Ross,
Scott, Skipton, Thomson, Turner,
For the love of my country , Walmsley, Wood.
For my country, by the aid of God. Grossett, Heaven, Muirhead.
For my country and its liberty
Joy, Shelly.
For our country and liberty Michie.
For country and King Crofton, Jones, Thomas.
For my country and religion Shanly.
For my country and virtue Higgins.
Invinciblefor my country Odell.
To diefor my country Manly.
Not afraid to diefor my counlry Champneys.
For my country often, for my King always
My bloodfor my country Splatt.
For my country always
Campbell, CoUow, Power.
I burn for my country Costerton.
To live and diefor my country Grattan.
Quickly and cautiously Robinson.
Trrenacious ofjrpj.urpJo. se f Hankinson, Lowell, Strutt, Tomlinson,
-( Yeatman
Daring by my own valour Madden.
Proprio vos sanguine pasco Ifeed you with my own blood Cantrell.
Propter obedientiam Hay.
Pro recto Because of obedience. Meek.
Because of right
For the Kin*g p'^''^™'
_ (\^^/'L'e'iB'o'u't°i.l-bn-e^rT./M'a'c^fci'e,SJMl''P?hlui?e', Porcher.
For King and Dymoke
Pro Rege Dimico For the King and people Dymoke.
Pro Rege et grege
Glendee, Grieve, Paterson, Rudd.
Pro Rege et lege
For the King and law ^''^'°"' ^'^''^"°"'
Pro Rege et limite For the King and his dominions
(^'MaudT St"wan"'
Rege et patria
Elliot, Elliott.
Pro Rege et patria pugnans
Pro Rege et populo ( Aberherdour, .\berkerdour, Ainsley,
Pro Rege et pro patria semper
Pro Rege et religione Ainslie, Bell, Cameron, Carr, Cooke,
Pro Rege et republica
Pro Rege in tyrannos For Kin^ and country Crofton,Fergusson,Franklin,Franklyn,
Pro Rege, lege, grege
Pro Rege pio J. Hammond, Harrison, Leicester,
Pro Rege sxpe
Pro Rege sjEpe, pro patria semper Leslie, Leslie - Melville, Lyon,
Pro Rege s^pe, pro republica semper M'Cubbin, Napier, Paterson, Palgrave,
Pro Rege semper Fightingfor King and country Smith, Sterry, Stewart, Tail, Yates.
Pro republica semper Pasley.
Pro salute For King andpeople Basset.
Prosequor ahs For my King and couutry always Lawrence.
Prospere qui sedulo For my King and my religion Boycott.
Prospere, si propere For King and commonwealth Paul.
Prospero, sed euro
Prospice For the King against tyrants Macdonald, M'Dowall.
Prospice respice
Pro utilitate For the King, for the law, for the people . . . Brougham, Fane, Ponsonby.
Pro veritate For a pious King. Thornton.
Provide For the King often Wright.
Providence For our King often, for our country always Eyre, Laurence, Redington.
Providence with adventure
Providentia { %!^'^^^"^°-^""'-^'"' "" """'"'>'"""''"' Joibson.
Providentia Dei
Providentia Dei conservet For the King always Morris, Thoyts
Providentia Dei stabiliuntur familiae For the commonwealth always Hellier.
Providentia divina For safely Ogilvie.
Providentiae fido
/pursue with wings Casson, Graham.
Providentiae me committo The diligent prosper Cunninghame.
Providentia et industria Prosperously if speedily Peat.
Providentia et virtute Graham, Maxwell.
Providentia in adversis I make haste, but am cautious.
Providentia tutamen
Providentia tutamur Lookforward Andrew, Luard.
Provide qui laboriose
Providus esto Lookforward, look back Gossip.
Pro virtute
Provyd For use Tennant.
Prudens et innocuus
Prudens, fidelis, et audax For truth Keith, MacGeorge,
Prudens qui patiens
Prudens sicut serpens Rutherford, Stewart.
Prudens simplicitas beat
Prudenter arao Craick, Craik.
Prudenter qui sedulo
Prudenter vigilo Hawkins, Whitshed.
Prudentia decus innocentia By Providence Anderson.
Prudentia et animis
Prudentia et animo By the providence of God Nicholson.
Prudentia et constantia
Prudentia et honor T^et the providence of God preserve it De la Motte.
Prudentia et justitia
Prudentia et marte ^"^q"/"{ established by the Z'"'^'''"'" Lamplugh.
Prudentia et simplicitate J
Prudentia et vi By divine providence
Prudentia et vigilanUa Keating, Keching, Sangster.
Itrustin Providence Stewart.
Kyle, Park.
I commit myself to Providence Anderson..
By providence and industry Hepburn, Rankin, Rankine.
By providence and virtue.
Providence in adversity Toilet.
Providence is our protection Thomson, Token
Beardmore, Norden, Keyser.
We are protected by Providence
He who labours acts prudently Innes.
Becareful. Maxton, Maxtone.
For virtue Regnold, Reid.
Prudent and harmless Stewart.
Prudent, faithful, and bold. Legh.
Be is prudent who is patient Coke, Lushingtoii, Shaw.
Wise as the serpent Pole, Van Notten-Pole.
Prudent simplicity blesses. Frederick.
I lave wisely Scot, Scott.
He who acts diligently acts prudently. Milne.
I watch prudently Donaldson.
Withprudence Young, Jaggard.
Prudence, grace, innocence Ramsay.
With prudence and spirit Steel, Steele.
With prudence and courage Antram, Ochterlony, Steele, Steel).
By prudence and constancy
Prudence and honour Denman, Denmark, Tichboume.
With prudence andjustice Kaye-Shuttleworth.
With prudence and courage. Denman, Lant.
By prudence and simplicity Innes.
By prudence and might Purchon.
Prudence and vigilatice
Prudentia et virtiite By prudence and virtue Rankin.
Prudentia fraudis nescia Elphinstone.
Prudentia gloriara acquirit Prudence incapable of deceiving Litton.
Prudentia in adversis Prudence obtains glory Toilet, Wicksted.
Prudentia me sustinet Prudence in adversity. Morison, Morrison, Morryson,
Prudence holds me up Birch, Reynardson.
Pradentia pnestat Prudence excels Pridham.
Prudentia simplicitate Dick.
Prudhomme el loyal By prudence and simplicity Newte.
Publica salus mea merces Man of honour and loyal Ogilvie, Tichbome, Tichbourne.
Punilem claraverat The public safety is my reward Le Vrier.
Pugna pro patria He hath ennobled the champion Ogilvy.
Pugno pro aris Fightfor your country Despard.
Pugno pro patria. Ifightfor our altars Vane.
Pugno pugnas pugnavi 1fightfor my country Mackenzie, M'Kenzie.
Pulchra pro libertate I havefought battles with my fist Rome.
Pulchriorex arduis In defence ofglorious liberty Casborne.
Punget sed placet Fairerfrom difficulties White.
Puro de fonte
Pur sans peur It is painful but pleasing
From a purefountain
Pure without fear
Qua duxeris adsum Where you lead there I am Ogilvy.
Quae amiisa salva What was lost is safe Keith, Keith-Falconer.
Quae fecimus ipsi What we ourselves have performed Fulton, James.
QuK habet manus tenebit My hand will holdfast what it has
Quse immemor benefici Ingleby.
Qu£e juncta firma Union is strength Leslie, Lesly.
Moderate things are permanent
Quse moderata firma Ogilvie, Ogilvy.
Every spark shines
Quseque flavilla micat Robertson.
Ifolloiu the things which are right
Qu:e recta sequor By seeking Campbell, Pickersgill.
Qujerendo Smith.
TBowes, Carleton,
^ verum Trro, , ,, t, rut.h, | jjo^gft Holway - Calthrop^,
Qua;rere seek Stanhope.
Quaere sic est Seek,soitis Birchall.
Quaere verum Seek truth
Quae serata secura The things which are locked are safe Douglas, Gate House, Monteath-Douglas.
Qu.sitamartetuendaarte {'^^htu^Zir^^rZ^H.'"'^]^^-
Quae supra Which things are above Hobart, Robartes.
Qua? sursum volo I wish those things which are above M'Quinn.
,..,., ,IT wish
^ , ., to see the things which, are abIove .... TMacqueen, M'Queen, O'Quin, Quin,
Quae sursum volo videre \ -Wyndham-Oum -<. -^ >
Quae vemant crescent The things which are green will grow Bumet, Burnett.
„,.,..Quae vult valde vult What things he wishes he wishes fervently Wilmot.
Quahs ab mcepto T„h,e same asfJr- om ., b, eginning fDe Grey, Hamilton, Maiendie, Mire-
the | house, Robinson, WeddeU.
Qualis ero spero Such as I will be I hope to be Quayle.
Sttch as the life, so its end Coleridge, Powles, Yong, Yonge.
Qa-alis vita, finis ita As much as winter does not scorch
To do good to as many as possible Gaunter.
Quam non torict hyems
Quam plurimis prodesse. . Worsley.
Quam sibi sortem
Quantum est in rebus inane Iny condition to him Fraser.
Quantum in rebus inane What vanity is in human affain Minett
Qua panditur orbis What vanity in human affairs
Osbom, Osboine.
Quarta saluti Where the world extends. Campbell.
Quasi summus magister HalUday
Qua tendis A fourth to salvation
Que je surmonte As if supreme master Somaster.
Quem non torret hyems Wherever you go Roy.
Quem te Deus esse jussit That I may overcome Chanceler, Chancellor.
Que pensez? Which winter does not scorch
What God has commanded you to be. Holroyd, Holroyde.
What do you think? Lawrence,
Quercus The oak Wright.
Quercus glandifera amica porcis The acorn-bearing oak is kind to pigs Allen.
„ roIb. ur sal1 us . !^ The strength of the oak is the saJfet'y oJf the \VoU,aik.e„s,.
Quercus country
Quhidder will ye., Whither will ye. Stewart.
Quhidder will zie Whither will ye Stewart.
Quia fidem servasti Because you have kept faith Grieve.
Qui capit, capitur He who takes is taken Borthwick.
Qui conducit Hewho leads fAserburne,
...„ . •{ Ashbumer.
mW„h„ate. ver Ashburne, Asherbume,
.,mQuicquid crescit, . ., t
cmere pent perishes ashes.
? ??
Quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est....{ ^'^Z''.^"^'''^,^,™^':'',"^^^^^^ }Peach.
Quid capit, capitur What takes is taken Smith.
Quid clarius astris ? What is brighter than the stars ? BaiUie, Bayly, Cochrane-Baillie.
Quidder will zie ? Whither will ye ? Moncrieff.
Quid gens sine mente What would the clan do ivithoiit mind ? ... Muschamp.
Quid leges sine moribus?. What are laws without morals?. Edwards.
Quid leone fortius? What is braver than the lion? Clayton.
Quidni pro sodali? Why notfor a companion? Burnet, Burnett.
Quidni tandem ? What pray? Hatton.
Quid non cor suepius pro Imraanueli ? Why is the heart not oftenerfor Immanuel ? Wishart.
Quid non, Deo juvante ? What may not be done by the help of God ? Chalmers, Salt.
Quid non pro patria? { ^/j'„,7^'^^ " "'"" ""' ""''"S^ f"^ ^"jcampbell, Dewar, Lockhart, Mathew.
Quid non resolutio ? What cannot resolution achieve? Ashton.
Quidprodest? What advantage is it ? Webb.
Quid pure iranquillis? What gives pure tranquility? Elliot.
Quid retribuam? What shall I repay Parsons.
Quidutilius? What more useful Bell, Goldie, Goldie-Scot, Gouldie.
Quid verum atque decens What is true and honourable. Rickets, Trevor.
Quid verum atque decens euro et rogo . ...{ ^''^f^^ "auTaskfot '''"""'''''''' " ""^"[Z,}^ Touche.
Quid vult, valde vult What he wishes he 7vishes ardently. Motteux.
Quiescam / shall be at rest Dalrymple.
Quiescens et vigilans Resting and watching Faime, Faimie, Fernie.
Quieta non movere Not to disturb things at rest Sketchley.
Qui honeste, fortiter Who acts honourably acts bravely Anderson.
Qui invidet minor est He who envies is inferior Cadogan, Leigh, Pugh, Steward.
Quimetangitpcenitebit He who touches me will repent it. '^'""'P'"-^''""°"' ^^"^
Qui non ciconia tigris Who is not a stork is a tiger Browne.
Qui non patriam amat? Who does not love his country? Quinan.
Qui nos vincet? Who shall C07iquer us ? Beugo.
Qui nucleum vult, nucem frangat Whoso wishes the kernel must crack the nut Haslen, Hasler.
Qui patilur, vincit He who endures patiently, conquers Kinaird, Kinnaird.
Qui panse Which heals St Lawrence.
Quipense? Who thinks? Lawrence, St. Lawrence.
Qui potest capere, capiat Let him take who can take Clegg, Gleg.
Qui plane sane vadit Who goes plainly goes safely Taylor.
Quis accursabit? Who shall assail Hamilton.
Quis accusabit? Who shall accme? Hamilton.
Quis audeat luci aggredi Assail the light who dares Prior.
Quis separabit ? Who shall separate?. Motto of the Order of St. Patrick.
Qrsmserasera W„rhiat^ -11 1 wil,l1 I f Betenson, Bettenson, Bettinson, Bettison,
be | g^g^U^ Pf^H^^^ P^1^^3^ Wolferstan.
w,ll be
Qui s'esfimepetytdenendra grand '"''""^ ''"''; .^f'""" } Petyt.
Quis occursabit
{ ^^°Jf'""' J^;^'
Who shall assault us? Hamilton.
Quis similis tibi in fortibus, Domine? { '^f,,^^' '" ^'^'' """"'^ "" ""^'^'^' ^JGoldsmid.
Qui sis non unde What you are, notwhence Whatman.
Qui Stat caveat ne cadat
Qui Stat caveat Let him who stands take care lest hefall ... Dunville.
Quis timet?
Qui tel? Let him who stands take care Domville.
Qui uti scit ei bona
Whofears? Price.
Who such? Kettle.
Let wealth be his who knows how to use it. Hill, Noel-Hil'
Qui vit content tient assez He that lives content has got enough i '"
Qui vult capere, capiat Who wishes to take, let him take Gloag.
Quocunque ferar Whithersoever I may be carried. .- Sinclair.
Q"cc-uque jecetis stabit
Quod adest Wherever you shall throw it, it shall stand M'Leod.
Quod agis fortiter
Quodcunque evenerit optimum What is present. Marsham.
Quod Deus vult fiat
Quod Deus vult fiet Which you do bravely Oliphant.
Quod Deus vult volo
Quod dixi, dixi Whatever happens is best Lloyd.
Quod ero, spero Let that which God wills be done Chet wynd.
Quod facio, valde facio What God wishes will be done Dimsdale.
Quod facit, valde facit
Quod honestum est d ecet What God wishes / wish Mountford.
Quod honestum utile
Quod justum, non quod utile What I have said, I have said Dixie, Dixon.
Quod me mihi reddit amicum
Quod non pro patria ? [ Barton, Booth, Bough, Galbraith,
Quod potui, perfici
I hope what I shall be -j Gore-Booth, Gowans, [laworth,
What I do, I do with all my might [ Haworth-Booth.
What he does, he does with all his might... Sikes.
What is honourable is becoming. Richardson.
What is honourable is profitable Annand, Annandale, Lawson.
What is Just, not what is useful. De Lisle, Philips.
What restores me to myself befriends me ... Haslewood.
What shall we not dofor our country ? .... Bowie, Bowrie, CampbelL
What I could, I have done. Dundas, Turner.
Quod pudet hoc pigeat Let that which causes shame be irksome Dobyns, Yate.
Quod severis metes What yon have so^vn you ivill reap
Quod sors fert, ferimus Whatfate brings we bear. Bliss.
Quod sursum volo videre I am resolved to look upwards. Clayton.
^Quod libi, hoc alteri That is Jfor thee, thisJfor the other.
' (Crawford Cjavvfurd, Finzel, Fleet-
y ^ wood, Hesketh, Plowden, Terry.
Quod tibi, id alii
Quod tibi, ne alteri Thatfor thee, thisfor another Lopas, Lopes.
Quod tibi vis fieri fac alteri That isfor thee, notfor the other
Quod tibi vis fieri, facias {'^"y'outself"' ""^'^'"' '"""''^ '" ''""' '" JRam.
Quod transtuli retuli
Quod tuum tene What you wish done, do yourself Philipoe, Philipse.
Quo duxeris, adsum What J have taken I have restored Woodroofte.
Quod varum atquedecens
Quod verum tutum Keep what is your o^vn Cheetham, Chetham.
Quod volo erit What is more useful? Bell, Goldie, Gouldie.
Quod vult, valde vult Whither yoii shall lead, /follow Trevor.
What is true and honourable Courtenay, Sim.
Quo fas et gloria What is true is safe. Wright.
What I wish will be.
Q^uo fata vocant
What he wishes, hefe,-vently wishes ^''"''"' "''""''"' ^°'"''
Quo honestior eo tutior Whither right and glory point { "^llmot"''''
Quo major, eo utilior
Quo me cunque vocat patria Glasgow.
Quondam his vicimus armis Whereverfyate ma^y call ("Bland, Bruce, Burtchall, Chadborn,
Quo paratior The more honourable the more safe Cowell-Stepney, Gumming, LeGeyt,
Quorsum vivere mori ? mori \ ita The greater the more useful
Quos dedit arcus amor. Wherever my country calls me '
Quo spinosior fragrantior
Quoveritas? ^^ ^'^'> Russell, Russell - Pavier,
Quo virtus et fata vocant
Quo virtus ducit scando I
Quo virtus vocat l Shelley, Sidney, Thurlow.
Formerly we conquered with these arms... ^"''''°"' ^^"'
{^"caTleton ^Tomhn"''
The readierwe are Coats.
Why live to die? To die is life
The btnvs which love hath given Hamilton.
The more thorns, the greaterfragrance .... Rose, Ross.
Whither is truth fled? Pulteney.
Where virtue and destiny call FfoUiott.
I climb where virtue leads FoUett.
Where virtue calls ™''""''''' ^''''"^P"' ^^'''
Radicem firmant frondes Leaves strengthen the root Grant.
Radii omnia lustrant The rays illuminate all things Brownhill.
Raised again Hunter.
Ramis micat radix The root quivers with the branches. Robertson.
Rapit ense triumphos Wins triumphs with the sword Smith.
Raptim ad sidera toUar I shall be snatched aloft to the stars
Rara avis in terris Guille.
Rara bonitas A rare bird in the world Emerton, Kelt.
Rather die than be disloyal Bennet, Bonnet.
Ratio mihi sufiicit Goodness is scarce Pearson.
Ratione non ira Graham.
Ratione non vi Reason is sufficient for me Small.
Ready By reason, not by rage. M'Taggart.
Ready and faithful By reason, not by force Archever, Fraser, Smith.
Ready, aye ready Brave in adversity Gorham, Walker.
Constant in difficulties
Reason contents me It refreshes and cherishes { J°''""°"' ^'P'"' ^'°'"
Rebus angustis fortis ^"stewart'''
Rebus in arduis constans Act rightly in difficulties Graham, Brooke.
Seek what is right Cobbold.
Recreat et alit Ifollow right on Pembroke.
Recreation Things are right which are above Duddingstoun.
Recta ad ardua Things right everyiuhere.
Recta pete Right or difficult Forrester.
Recta sequor Straight at difficulties Mackenzie, M'Kenzie.
Recta sursum / trust doing rightly Fletcher.
Recta ubique Rightly andfaithfully Campbell, Keith.
Recta vel ardua Rightly and wisely Graham.
Recte ad ardua Rightly and mildly Gaury.
Recte agens confido Evelick, Lindsay.
Recte et fideliter MacKenzie.
Recte et sapienter Perry, Whitting.
Recte et suaviter Gibson, Spode.
Curzon, Lyne-Stephens.
Recte faciendo neminem timeas Fear no one in doin^ right. Harvey, Scott.
Recte faciendo neminem timeo
Recte faciendo securus Ifear none in doing right Cairncross, Scott.
Recte fei-io
Recte omnia duce Deo Safe in doing right Inglis.
Recte quod honeste 1 strike straight. Bedell-Sivright, Sivright.
Recte sequor With Godfor guide all is right
Recto cursii What is done honourably is right Rodd.
Rectus in curvo Anderson.
Redde diem Ifollow rightly Campbell, Keith.
Reddie aye reddie In a right course Corsar, Corser.
Reddunt aspera foitem Symonds.
Right in bending
Reddunt commercia mitem
Restore the day . Foster.
Redeem time Reddie.
Redit expectata diu Dangers render brave Scot, Scott.
Redoutable et fougueux
Re e merito '"'"'"""" '™*'' '""" jstewart.
Refero | ^""'o'dabk'
Refero moro aut vita decora
Refulgent in tenebris Hancocks.
Regarde ^ la mort Bolitho.
Regarde bien
Regardez mon droit The long expected returns Starkey.
Regardez mort Formidable andfiery .. Harvey.
Regem defendere victum This through merit
Regi et patriae fidelis I call to mind Dobbin, Gildea, Hebden, V.issal-Fox.
Regi fidelis Campbell.
Regi legi fidelis Rayson.
Regi patrijeque
Regi patrireque fidelis They glitter in the dark Sto'dart, Studdart, Studdert.
Regi regnoque fidelis
Regis donum gratum bonum Is resplendent Pitcairn.
Regi semper fidelis Consider death Milward, Minchin.
Regis et patriae tantum valet amor Look loell Milligan, Milliken, Napier.
Regard my right Middleton, Middleton-Foule.
Regit omnia tempus
Regulier et vigoureux Consider death Bastable.
Remember To defend a conquered King Whitgreave.
Remember Faithful to King and country Scott, Toler.
Remember and forget not Moulson.
Remember thy end Faithful to the King. Barry.
Renascentur Faithful to the King and the law Leeper.
Renovate animos To the King and country Scott.
Renovato nomine Faithful to King and country Pocock, Simpson.
Renovatur .-etas ejus sicut aquilns Faithful to the King and kingdom Kingdon.
Reparabit cornua Phoebe Smythe.
Repetens exempla suorum A gift from the King is a welcome boon ....
RepuUulat Everfaithful to the King.
Requiefco sub umbra
Renim sapientia custos '^"" ''^' "^ ^'"^ "'"^ ""'""'^'
Resistite usque ad sanguinem jxyldesley.
„Res non ver,ba
Time rules all things Boag.
Res non verba quseso Regular and vigorous Ker.
Resolute and firm Motto of the Order of the White Rose.
Resolutio cauta '. Allen, Gavin, Home.
Resolve is power
Resolve well, persevere Hall.
Respice aspice prospice Keith.
Respice finem They will revive again Skiffington, Yelverton.
Renew your courage Drummond, Hay, Hayes.
Respice futurum The name ren -ml Westcote.
Respice, prospice
Respiciens prospiciens His age is rennucd like the eagle's Raymond.
Respiciosine luctu Hepburne-Scott, Hope, Scot, Scott.
Resurgam fThe moon shall II again her horns
Resurgere tento Grenville.
^'^'.'Tgo Pursuing the examples of his ancestors Harris.
Retmens vestigia famas
Re^ertite The state
Revirescat It sprouts forth an^v Bisset, Lauder, Laurie, Lawder.
Revirescimus I rest under the shade. Hamilton.
Wisdom is the guardian of things Affleck, Auchinleck.
Resist unto blood. Keogh.
D,e^ eds, , not, wordJs /"Duberley, Freeland, Heely, Jarrett,
Macmicking, Macroiie, M'Rorie,
\ Roughsedge, Sterndale - McMil
I seek deeds, not words \ W'/hheelwright, Wilson.
Prudent resolution Huskisson, Milbank, Milbanke.
Moore, Coleman.
Consider. Nepean.
Look back, look around, and look forward. Brooks, Holland.
Consider the end /Dixon, Fisher, Lucas, Lumb, Norris,
\ Priestley, Snagge, Stevenson.
Regard the future Reece.
Look behind, look before Hardress, Lloyd.
Looking behind, looking before. Tennyson.
Hook back without sorrota Dendy.
I shall rise again Crosbie, Crosby, Stewart.
I strive to rise again Straiton.
Iriseagain Cooper, Haxton, M'Fall, Maughan.
Following in thefootsteps of ourfame. ... . Lister, Lloyd, Lyster.
Return ye Wardrop.
I shallflourish again Dalgleish.
May itflourish again Gould, Ma.\weU.
We grow green again Glenelg, Grant.
.. ..
Revise It grows green again . /Belches, Belsches, Belshes, Bisset, Max-
Revocate animos
Rex non verba I flourish again \• well.
Richt do and fear na TBisset, Constable-Maxwell, Hepburn,
Rident florentia prata Jiouse your courage
Ride through The King, not words . ! M'Ewan, Mackenan, Mackeuan. Mac-
Riensans Dieu Theflowery meadows smile y kewan. Maxwell, Rishton, Wellwood.
Righgu brath Nothing without God Dundas.
Right and reason Hay.
Right can never die • agai. glori Wils
Right to share King.
Rinasco piu glorio; With strength and tast,
Rise and shine By strength ant'i watchfulness Pratt.
Rix in min mod... Prudence excels Hamilton, Nisbet.
Robore et sapore
Robore et vigilantia Oaken strength Kerrison, Peters.
Robori prudentia prjestat Strength andfaith
Robur . Strength and astuteness M 'Andrew.
Robur atque fides
Robur et astutia Strength in the cross Dalyell, Graham.
Robur in cruce
Robur in Deo Strength in God Toler.
Robur in vita Deus God is the strength of life
God is my strength Riddell.
Robur meum Deus Do not speak ill of the rose
Rosam ne rode In a bed of roses Erskine, St Clair-Erskine.
Roses are cro^vned with thorn Lawson.
Rosario... Rix.
Rosas coronal spina A rose tuithout the thorn Robertson.
Rosa sine spina Aitken.
Roscoeli The dezti of heaven
Row and retake Harsh rumour, be thou silent Whitaker, Whittaker.
We are born with weakened strength
Rule be ours Strettell.
Rumor acerbe, tace
Rupto robore nati Raeburn.
Rycht and reason Rhodes.
Cashen, Ross.
Penrose, Wadman.
{"^ '^'"''°*''^'^' Akenhead,
.Sacra quercus Tlu holy oak Holyoake, Holyoake-Goodricke.
Sacrificium Deo cor contritum Corker.
.Saebauld A contrite heart is a sacrifice to God
Ssepe pro Rege, semper pro republica
Sajvumque tridentem servamus So bold Sibbald.
Sagax et audax
Sagesse sans tache Often for the King, always for the state ... Vassall.
Sale and doe
Saigeadoir collach a buadh Let us preserve the dread trident Broke, Loraine.
Sail through
Salamanca Slireiud and bold. O'Naghte
Salix flectitur sed non frangitur
Salus in fide Wisdom witliout Concanon.
Salus mea Christus
Tlie valiant arcfierfor ever. O'Hanly.
The willow bends bttt does not break. Cotton.
De Salis.
Salvation byfaith Magiath.
Christ is my salvation
Salus per Christum Salvation through Christ /Abernethy, Christian, Courtayne, Forbes,
\ Stewart.
Salus per Christum Redemptorem Salvation thyou^h Ch. ' Redeemer Steuart, Stewart, Stuart.
Salutem disponit Deus
Salve me Deus God administers sa Ivatu Edgar.
Salvus in igne
Sancta clavis cceli fides God save me Spiers.
Sanctitas Safe in tlu fire heaven Trivett.
Sanguine Christe tuo Faith is the sacred
Sanguine inscribam Sankey.
Sanguis et vulnera Sanctity Co
San Josef Bramhall.
By thy blood, Clirist
I will inscribe it with blood Buchanan.
Blood and wounds Skinner.
£S,ans , Witfiout foseph Nelson.
W,,z.t.^h,out, cl, mnging
changer fBurton, Cartwright-Enery, Clark, Enery,
With changing my word
Sans changer ma v^rit^ | Lefevre,Musgrave, Stanley, Wykeham
Le Strange, L'Estrange.
Sans charger
Witlwut overloading. Eddisbury, Enery.
SAN 72 SliiU
Sanscrainte W„,i.th,out/,ear C Gordon -Cumming, Sanderson, Tyrel.
Sans Dieu, ie ne puis | Tyrell.
Without God I cannot Skipwith, Skipworth.
TElsley, Godley, Hodgkinson, Peter,
Sans Dieu rien Without Godnothing \ Petre, Petrie, Sanderson, Saunderson,
\ Staples.
Sans mal Without evil. Strickland.
Sans mauvais desir
Without evil desire Constable.
Sanspeur W,,irt-^hiout^fj-ear /Ameel, Ameil, Amied, Hagart, Hogart,
| Ka^_ Sutherland.
Sans reculer jamais
Without ever drawing back Brackenbury.
["Hurry, Le Blanc, Mackenzie, Martin,
Sanstache Without stain \ Moray, Murray, Naper, Napier,
Preston, Ure, Urie, Urrie, Urry.
Sans variance et mon droit Without change, and for my right
Sansvarier Without change.
Sapereaude Dare to be wise Charlton, Cunningham.
("Amos, Caldwell, Hodder, Marshall,
Sapere aude et tace Dare to be wise, and say nothing \ Meredith, Parker, Walker, Whitington,
Dare to be wise, begin [ Wise, Withington, Wyse.
Sapereaude, incipe Be wise and say nothing. Hesse.
The wise man shall rule over the stars
Sapere et tacere Wise andjust Bimey, Burney, Burnie, Claxson.
The wise man wanteth not
Sapiens dominabitur astris H,eT is wise wh,o ts assi-dJuous Broadhurst.
Sapiens et Justus Comber, Haly.
Sapiens non eget Gush.
^. . °. Dunbar.
, TDrinkwater, Lawe, Mitchell, Sperling,
Sapiens qui assiduus -t gykes.
Sapiens qui vigilat He is wise who watches Fowler.
Sapienter et pie Wisely andpiously Park.
Sapienter si sincere.. Davidson.
Sapienter uti bonis Wisely, if sincerely Butler.
Sapientia donum Dei Wisely to enjoy blessings
Sapientia domus erecta est
Sapientia et Veritas Wisdom is the gift of God Field.
Sapientia et virtus The house is built up by wisdom Clippingdale.
Wisdom and truth Akers-Douglas, Douglas.
Sapientia tutus
Wisdom and virtue Dougk^s.
Sapit qui Deo sapit
Safe by wisdom Crewdson.
Sapit qui laborat
He is wise who is wise through God. Wiseman.
Hewho labours is wise. Dunbar.
Sapit qui reputat., He • /M'Clellan, M'CIelland, Macklellan.Mac-
\ lellan, M'Lellan.
Sat amico si mihi felix Enough for my friend, if happy for me.... Law.
Sat cito si sat bene
Sat cito si sat tuto Quick enough if well CTiough Colman.
Satis est prostrasse leoni
Quick enough if safe enough Clerk.
It is enough to have crouched to the lion ... Salusbury.
{^'o^TZ^f"""^^ ^"'i^"
Satis imperat qui sibi est imperiosus '^'""'."!""] Haultain.
Save me. Lord Corbet
Savoir pouvoir
Saw through Knowledge is power Hodge.
Say and do
Scandit sublimia Hamilton.
Scandit sublimia virtus
Scientiae laborisque memor Everard.
Scienter utor
Scio cui conlido It scales great heights Cnimpe.
Scio cui credidi
Scire sapere facere Virtue scales great heights Crumpe.
Scite citissime certe Mindful of knowledge and labour Forbes.
Scopus vitas Christus I use skilfully Grundy.
Scripta manent I know in whom I trust Milnes, Milnes-Gaskell.
Scuto amoris divini I know in whom I have believed Cobham.
Scuto amoris divino To know, to be wise, and to do
Scuto divino
Scuto fidei Skilfully, quickly, surely Havergal.
Scuto magis quam gladio Christ is the aim of my life Young.
Scutum meum Jehova What is written remains Jackson, O'Melaghlin, Scudamore.
Sea or land Scudamore.
By the shield of divine love
Secret et hardi By the shield of diviiie love
Secum cuique
Secundaalite With the divine shield. Kay, Zephane, Zephani.
Secundat vera fides
Secundis dubiisque rectus With the shield offaith Morris.
Secundo euro With the shield more than the sword Shield.
Secm-a frugalitas Corry.
Secura quae prudentes Jehovah is my shield.
Secure amid perils
Secure vivere mors est Secret and resolute Essington.
Securior quo paratior Rice.
Securis fecit securum
Securitate To everyone with himself, Thomson.
Securum pnesidium Under a favourable omen Latham.
Realfidelity prospers Ogilvie, Ogilvy.
Upright in prosperity and in perils Duncan, Fitz Roy, Lippincott
Ifurther, I am careful Buchanan.
Frugality is secure Mitchell.
What prudent people do is secure Gray.
To live carelessly is death Dayrell.
The better prepared, the more secure Johnston, Johnstone,
The axe makes secure Lu.xmore.
By security Roberton, Robertstown.
The fortress is secure Craigdaillie, Craigie.