1 ;!,
naiant arg., in front of three tilting- Hoskyns, Henry William, Esquire, of I thereon three mullets arg. Scio cui
speai-s, one in pale and two in saltier, North Perrot Manor. Crewkeme, credidi. 152. 10
or. PersemratUia palmam obtinebil. Somers., a cock's head erased or, pel- Houghton, a bull passant arg. Malgre le
Horton of Chadderton, Lanes, a red rose lettee, combed and wattled gu. Finem tort. cf. 4S. 2
seeded and barbed ppr., between two
respice. Houghton, C. Hobart. M.B., Ch.B.. of
laurel-branches in orle vert. Pro rege Host of London, two wings addorsed or, Nottingham General Dispensary, a
ct lege. charged with a crescent gu. bull's head sa., charged on the neck
Horton, Joshua Thomas, of Howroyde, Hoste, Sufi., two wings addorsed or. ' with three bars arg. Malgre le tort.
near Halifax, same crest and motto. 282. 2 Houghton, a bull passant arg., armed and
Horton of Freshwater Court, Isle of Hoste, Sir WiUiam Graham, Bart.: (i): miguled or, the tail reflexed over his
—Wight, a rose gu., seeded or, and barbed Of honourable augmentation out of back and tipped sa. Malgre le tort.
vert, within an orle of two branches of a naval coronet or, the rim encircled cf. 45- 2
the last. Pro rege el lege. with a branch of laurel ppr., an arm Houghton, a bull's head couped gu..
Horton of Howroyde, Yorks, same crest embowed vested in naval uniform 1 armed or. cf. 44. 3
and motto.
grasping in the hand, also ppr., a flag- Houghton of King's Clyff, Northamp., a
Horton of Hullington, Somers. , and Ilford,
staff, and flowing therefrom a flag. 1 bull's head arg., armed or, gorged with
Wilts, a cubit arm erect vested gu.. inscribed •Ca«aro." 282.1. (2)Two| three bars sa., the centre one charged
cuffed arg., holding in the hand ppr.
an arrow az., barbed and feathered —wings addorsed or. Fortitudine. Fas with a rose of the second.
—est et ah hoste doceri. (Over crest) Houghton and Haughton of Haughton,
or. Galium ipsum petinuis. 28 2. 2 Chesh.. of Petersfield, Hants, and Lanes
Horton, an arm couped at the elbow, Hoste, Major-General Dixon Edward, Aand Sussex: (i) bull's head sa.,
vested gu., holding in the hand ppr. C.B., of 23, Sussex Square, Brighton, armed arg., charged on the neck with
an arrow point downwards az., barbed same crests and mottoes. Athree bars of the last. (2) bull pas-
and feathered or, and a branch of Hotblack, John Turner, 45, New- sant gu. cf. 45. 2
roses erect arg., leaved vert, the arm market Road. Norwich, a mill-rind Houghton, Ireland, a stag's head or, col-
charged with a crescent, also or. fesseways gu., thereon a dolphin naiant lared gu.. between the attires a cross
Horton of Southwark, Albert Square, arg. formee of the last. cf. 1 20. 9
Lambeth, Surrey, and of Ystrad, Car- Hotham, Baron (Hotham), of South Houghton, Yorks, a scimitar erect arg.,
marthensh., a demi-stag gu., semee of Dalton, Ireland, and of Scarborough, point upwards, pommel and hilt or.
cinquefoils or, and resting the sinister Yorks, a demi-man issuing out j formerly of Gunthorp, Norf.,
of Houghton,
foot upon a millrind or. VigUo et waves of the sea ppr., holding in his a demi-eagle displayed or, guttee-de-
spero. 119- 7 dexter hand a flaming sword arg., hilt sang. 81. 6
Horton-Smith, Richard, Esquire, M.A., and pommel or, and on his sinister arm Houison, Scotland, a lion's head erased
K.C., of 53, Queen's Gardens, Hyde ] 17- 2
Park, London, W., on a wreath of the Lieutenant - Colonel
a shield of the arms of Hotham, viz. : gu.
barry of ten arg. and az., on a canton Houison-Craufurd,
colours, arg. and sa., in front of a or, a Cornish chough ppr. Lead on. William Reginald, Esquire, of Crau-
fiu-dland Castle, Kilmarnock, and
mount vert, thereon a greyhound 185. 5 Braehead Cramond Bridge, Mid-
couchant ppr., two battle-axes in Hothfield, Baron (Tufton), of Hothfield,
saltire or. Pret u tressaillir. Kent, a sea-lion sejant arg., debruised lothian, a marble pillar supporting a
Horton-Smith, P., of 19, Devonshire by a bendlet sinister wavy sa. Ales man's heart ppr. (for Craufurd). (2)
Street, Portland Place, same crest and
motto volat propriis. cf. 20. 2 A dexter hand couped apaumee ppr.
Horwood, a crow with wings expanded, Hotoft or Hotofte of Flintham. Notts, —(for Houison). Slant innixa Deo (for
a lion's gamb holding a human heart
Craufurd). Sursvm corda(for Houison).
pierced through the breast by an arrow ppr. 39- I Houldsworth, Sir William Henry, Bart.,
JI.P., of Reddish. Lanes, and Cood-
point upwards, all ppr. cf. 107. 1 Hoton, Glouc., a sea-horse couchaut ham. Ayrsh., a stag's head erased gu.,
attired and collared or, the attires
Horwood, a hand issuing from a cloud arg., ducally gorged sa., sustaining an banded with a hank of cotton arg.
holding a club, all ppr. 214.9 anchor az. cj. 46. 8
Hose, a lion's head erased. 17. 8 Hotson, Hamilton Andrew, Esquire, of
Hose of Kentish Town, Middx.. a rein- 4, Rothesay Terrace, Edinburgh, a dove Flecti non frangi. 28 5 . 7
deer's head couped ppr., attired or, ppr., the dexter claw resting upon a Houldsworth, James Hamilton, Esquire,
gorged with a collar erminois, fimbri- bezant. In fide rohiir. of Gonaldston, Notts, and Coltness.
arg. Hotton, Cumb., a martlet rising ppr. Lanarksh., Scotland, a stag's head
Hoseason of Jamaica, an eagle regardant cj. 95. II ereised gu., attired and collared or, the
rising from a rock ppr. In recto dectis. Houblon, Essex and Berks, a dexter hand attires bound with a hank of cotton
79- 9 holding up a book expanded ppr. arg. Honos prosmimn industrice.
Hosier of Cruckton, Shropsh., on a
cf. 215. I Houldsworth, Henry, Esquire, of Glasgow
chapeau az., turned up or, a talbot Houblon, Archer-, Lieutenant-Colonel and Cranstonhill, Lanarksh., Scotland,
sejant. 54. 14 George Bramston, of Hallingbury Place, same crest. Flecti non frangi.
Essex, and Culverthorpe, Lines : A(i) Houle of London, a sea-lion sejant erm.
Hosken, Comw., a lion rampant or. Vis
unita jortinr. 1-13 hon's head erased or (for Houblon) Perspicax audax. 20. 2
j A17. 8. (2) wyvern arg. (for Archer).
70. I. (3) A leg in armour couped at
Hoskins, Monm., two limbs of a tree Houlton, Somers., a ferret passant ppr.
raguled and couped in saltire arg., <•/ 134- 9
Houlton of Farley Castle. Somers., a tal-
the sinister surmounting the dexter. the thigh ppr., garnished and spurred
cf. 147. 9 or (for Eyre). 193. I bot's head erased az.. gorged with a
collar wavy or, charged with three
Hoskins of Oxted. Surrey, a cock's head Houby, a le"opard's head ppr. 22. 10
erased or, pellettee, combed and Houell, a sea-lion sejant erm. 20. 2 torteaux. Semper fidelis. cf. 56. i
wattled gu., between two wings ex- Hough, a boar's head erased holding in Houndegart, a water fountain in full play
panded of the first. j ppr. 159- 13
the mouth a sword in bend sinister.
I Hounhill, a lion's gamb erased holding
Hoskins of Higham, Cumb., same crest. 42. 6
Viriwte non verbis. Hougham of Hougham, Wedington, and a tilting-spear in bend tasselled all ppr.
Hoskyns, see Wren-Hoskyns. Barton House, Kent, on a chapeau gu.. 38- II
Hoskyns, a lion's head erased ppr. turned up erm., a falcon arg., with Hounsell, William, Esquire, of Moimt
Culd, Bradpole, Bridport. a dexter arm
17. 8 wings expanded or, beaked and belled
embowed, vested and cuffed, holding
Hoskyns, Rev. Sir John Leigh, Bart., of the last.
in the hand a bird. Contentus esto.
M.A., of Aston Tyrold Rectory, Berks, Houghton, Baron (Rt. Hon. Robert Oflfley Hounston of Boston, Lines, a nag's head
a lion's head erased or, vomiting flames Ashburton MUnes). of Great Houghton, or, holding in the mouth a holly-branch
of fire from the mouth ppr., ducally in West Riding of Yorks, a garb or,
crowned of the first. el- 17. i charged with a fesse dancette az.. vert, fructed gu.
1 1,
House, two hands issuing from clouds with a ducal coronet arg. {for Brother- through the neck by a spear ppr., and
placing an anchor in the sea ppr. ton), cf. 4. 8. (3) On a mount vert, a charged for difference with a cross
horse passant arg., holding in the crosslet vert {for Bury). (2) On a
224. 13 mouth a slip of oak fructed ppr. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion
Housson and Howson of London, issuing
out of clouds ppr., a bull's head az., {for Fitzalan). Sola virtus invicta. statant gardant with tail extended or,
semee-d'etoiles or. 52. II ducally gorged arg. and charged on the
Houston, on a mount vert, a hind statant Howard, Edward Stafford, Esquire, C.B., body with a crescent, also gu., for dif-
ppr., collared or. 124. 14 of "Thornbury Castle, Thombury, ference, and over the crest the motto.
Houston, Ireland, a dexter hand holding Glouc. : (i) Issuant from a ducal Nous mairttiendrons {for Howard). Vir-
a dagger ppr. 212. 9 coronet or, a pair of wings gu., each tus sub cruxe crescit. cf. 4. 7
Houston, Scotland, a sand-glass ppr. In charged with a bend between six cross Howard, Bart., of Bushy Park, co. Wick-
time. 177- '5 crosslets fitchee arg. (2) On a chapeau low, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm.,
Houston, George Ludivic, Esquire, J.P., gu., turned up erm., a lion statant, charged with a crescent sa., a Uon
D.L., of Castle Johnstone, Johnstone, with tail extended or, gorged with statant gardant or, ducally gorged gu.,
same crest. a ducal coronet arg. Sola virtus in- holding in the mouth an arrow in
Houston, Scotland, a sand-glass with victa. fess ppr. Inservi Deo, et Icetare.
wings ppr. In time. 113. 11 Howard, Henry Charles, Esquire, J. P., «/• 4- 7
Houston, James Flower, Clerkington, of Greystoke Castle, Penrith, same Howard, William Dillworth, Esquire, of
Haddington. X.B., same crest and crests. Culduff and Redford Glebe, in the
motto. Howard, Robert Mowbray, Esquire, J.P., Benefice of Cloncha and co. Donegal,
Houston, Blakiston-, of Orangefield, co. D.L., of Hampton Lodge. Farnham, Ireland, a Uon statant gardant, tail
extended arg., resting the dexter fore-
ADown, Ireland: (i) sand-glass ppr. Surrey, same crests and motto. paw on a stag's head caboshed or.
{for Houston). 177. 15. (2) A cock Howard, Sir Henry, K.C.M.G., C.B., of
—gu., charged with an annulet or {for the British Legation, the Hague, Sola virlus invicta.
Blakiston). In time. Do well and doubt Netherlands : (i) Issuant from a ducal Howard of Dublin, on a chapeau gu.,
not. cf. 91. 2
coronet or, a pair of wings gu., each turned up erm., a Uon statant gardant,
Houstoun-Boswall, Sir George Lauder- charged with a bend between six cross 1 the tail extended or, ducally gorged gu.
dale, Bart., of Blackadder, Berwicksh. : crosslets fitchee arg. 109. 9. (2) On and pierced through the "mouth with
(i) A cubit arm erect ppr., charged a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion an arrow ppr. cf. 4 7
with a cross crosslet sa., grasping a statant guardant, tail extended or, Howard of London, a Uon couchant erm.,
sword, also ppr. {for BoswaU). 239. 7. ducally crowned and charged upon holding in the dexter paw a cross pom-
—(2) A sand-glass winged ppr. {for the neck with a label of three points mee fitched or. cf. 7. 5
Houstoun). Fortiter. In time. 239. 8 arg. Sola virlus invicta. Howard, Robert Edward, Esquire, of
Houton, De, a fox current. cf. 32. S Howard-De-Walden, Baron, (Ellis) Sea- Brinnington, Chesh., in front of a cross
Hoveden, Ireland, a dragon's head vert, ford House, 37, Belgrave Square, on a botonny fitchee gu., a lion couchant or,
mount vert, a goat's head arg. Xon
issuing out of flames ppr. cf. 72.12 charged on the shoulder with an estoile.
Hovell-Thurlow- Gumming -Bruce, see quo sed quomode. cf. 128. 12 also gu. Per fidem omnia. 7. 5
Bruce. Howard, out of a ducal coronet two Howard, Cephas John, Esquire, J.P..
Hovell, a leopard sejant ppr. cf. 24. 13 wings gu., each charged with a bend same crest and motto.
Hovell, on a ducal coronet or, a leopard between six cross crosslets fitched arg. Howard, Lanes, a lion rampant arg.,
sejant ppr. 24. 1 109. 9 holding between its paws a cross
crosslet fitched of the same.
How of London, on a chapeau ppr., a Howard, on a chapeau gu., turned up
martlet sa. 95-1 erm., two wings of the first, each
How, Essex and Suff., out of a ducal charged with a bend between six Howard, late Joseph Jackson, Esquire,
coronet or, a unicorn's head gu., at- cross crosslets fitched arg. Another, of Mayfield, Orchard Road, Blaekheath,
tired and crined of the first. 48. I2 without the chapeau. 112.9 Kent, Mallravers Herald of Arms
Extraordinary, LL.D., F.S.A., a lion
How of London, a wolf's head erased Howard, two wings expanded gu., each
pean. 30. 8 charged with a bend vairee or and rampant ppr., charged on the body
How, Archibald Wybergh, Esquire, of az., between six cross crosslets of the with two annulets in pale vert, holding
Droit wich, Worcs., a wolf's head between the paws a fret as in the arms,
erased. Howard, Colonel Henry Richard Lloyd, and resting the dexter hind-paw on
two S's as linked in a herald's coUar
How of London, a wolf's head sa., holding C.B,, of Wygfair, St. Asaph, same crest.
in his mouth a rose gu., stalked and Watch, ward, win. arg. Credo Christi cruce.
leaved vert. cf. 30. 12 Howard, Philip, John Canning Esquire, Howard, Robert, Esquire, M.A., J.P., of
How of London, and Herse, Somers., out J.P., of Corby Castle, Cumb., on a Broughton HaU, Flintsh., a Uon's head
of a ducal coronet or, a demi-wolf chapeau gu., turned up erm.. a Uon affrontee between two wings and a
rampant sa. cf. 31. 2 statant gardant, the tail extended or, cross crosslet fitchee issuing froni the
ducally crowned arg., gorged with a
How or Howe, Glouc. and Notts, out of head. Virtue sine metu. 260. 1
a ducal coronet or, a plume of five label of three points of the last. Yolo, Howard of St. Andrew's, Holborn, a Uon
ostrich-feathers az. Utcunque placuerif non valeo. cf. 4. 4 couchant erm., holding in the dexter
paw a cross botonee fitchee of the
Deo. 114. 13 Howard of Compton Place, Sussex, on a
Howales, a griffin sejant ppr. Forward. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion second. cf. 7. 5
62. 10
statant guardant, the tail extended or, Howard, William, Esquire, of Kingswode
Howard, Duke of Norfolk, see Norfolk. ;
ducally gorged, a mullet sa. for differ- Hoe, Colchester, Essex, a lion passant
Howard, see Effingham, Earl of. ence. Volo, non valeo. az., charged on the body with two
Howard, see Carlisle, Earl of. Howard, Major Frederick Compton, of trefoils, holding in the dexter paw a
Howard, see Suffolk and Berkshire, Earl Dacre House, Scarborough, same crest cross crosslet fitchee, aU or. Xoti-s
of. and motto. maintiendrons. 260. 20
Howard, Earl of Wicklow, etc., see Wick- Howard, Gerald Richard, Esquire, same Howard, out of a ducsd coronet a wolf's
low. crest and motto. head. cf. 30. 5
Howard of Glossop, Baron (Fitzalan- Howard, Fitzalan, Esquire, J.P., of Howard of London, a demi-wolf ppr.,
Howard), tilossop Hall, Derbysh. (i) Holyrood House, Spalding, on a cha- holding between the paws a cross
Issuaut from a ducal coronet or, a pair peau gu.. turned up erm., a lion statant crosslet fitchee or, gorged with a coUar
of wings gu., each charged with a bend guardant, the tail extended. Sola gu., thereon a mullet between two
between six cross crosslets fitchee arg. virtus invicta. cinquefoils of the second. cf. 31. 5
{for Howard). 109. 9. (2) On a Howard-Bury, Captain Kenneth: (i) A Howard, Sir Richard Nicholas, of Green
chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion boar's head couped at the neck or, Hill House, Weymouth, a demi-wolf
statant with tail extended or, gorged tusked arg., langued gu., transfixed or, gorged with a collar gemeUe and
charged on the body with two quatre- Howell of Prinknash Park, Glouc: (i) Howorth, Lanes., a stag's head gu., at-
foils sa., holding between the paws an A stag lodged sa., holding in the tired or, gorged with a wreath arg.
escutcheon gu., charged with a cross
patonce fitchee or. Fide et animtts. mouth a leaf ppr. {/or Howell), cf. 120. 3
Howse, a dexter hand holding an ear of
31. II 115. 7. (2) Out of a ducal coronet
Howard of Hackney, Middx., on a cha- or, a lion's head sa., guttee-d'eau {for wheat ppr. 218. 14
peau gu., turned up erm., a demi-hind
Jones). 17. 5 Howson, a falcon belled ppr. Ad finem
Howell of Eynsham, Oxon., a griffin se- fidelis. c/. 85. 2
salient ppr., charged on the shoulder greant az., holding a broken spear sa. Howston, Scotland, on a ducal coronet a
with a cross fleury fitched arg.
Virtues in arduo. Hon passant. 6. 6
Howard, Allan Maclean, Esquire, of Tor- Howell or Hovell of Soulgrave, Nor- Howth, Earl of (St. Lawrence), Howth
onto, Canada, a catherine-wheel arg., thamp., Pack, Warw., and Suff., a Castle, CO. Dublin, a sea-lion per fesse
between on the dexter side a branch griffin sejant arg., beaked, legged, and arg. and ppr. Qui panse. 20. 2
of palm, and on the sinister a branch winged az., pierced through the breast Howton, Oxon., a hind's head erased or,
of cypress ppr. Pro fide. 167. 5 with a broken tilting-spear ppr., and between t wo branches of roses flowered
holding the bottom part of the broken arg., stalked and leaved vert.
Howard, James Harold, Esquire, J. P., of
the Grange, Kempston, Beds, in front of spear in the sinister claw. cf. 124. 4
an eagle displayed sa., holding in the Howell of St. Albans, Herts, issuing out Hoxton of Sutterton Hoxton, Suff., a
beak an ear of wheat slipped or, a of a ducal coronet or, a rose arg. tower ppr., ensigned with a flag az.,
tower of the last. Progress with stalked and leaved vert, between two flotant to the sinister, the staff sa.
prudence. wings endorsed sa. 157- 13
Howard-Vyse, Howard Henry, Esquire, Howenden of Killeban, Queen's Co., Ire- Hoy, Ireland a pheasant ppr. cf. 90. 8
J.P., D.L., of Stoke Place, Slough, and land, issuing out of flames ppr., a Hoy of Higham Lodge, Suff., a griffin
Bonghton Park, Northamp., on a cha- dragon's head arg. Yirlute et pru- sejant sa., holding in the dexter claw a
peau gu., turned up erm., a lion statant dentia. cf. 72. 12 sword erect ppr., pommel and hilt or.
guardant, the tail extended or, ducally Howes, a demi-youth ppr., vested az., cf. 62. 10
crowned and charged on the neck with holding in his dexter hand a heart gu. Hoy, a demi-lion gu., supporting a long
a label of three points arg., a mullet sa. Howes, Essex, a dexter hand erect hold- cross or. 11. 14
charged with a crescent or, for differ- ing an ear of wheat, all ppr. 21S. 14 Hoye, a demi-lion gu., supporting a Pas-
ence (for Howard). Virtutis mille Howes of Morningthorpe, Norf.. three sion cross or. 11. 14
scuta. ostrich-feathers or, therefrom issuant Hoyland, Lanes, a dexter hand in fess
Howat, late David GemmiU, Esquire, 2, a unicorn gu., collared, armed, and issuing from a cloud pointing to a
Kew Terrace, Glasgow, the sun in his crined or. Stat fortuna demits.
crosier in pale issuing ppr. 223. 2
splendour rising out of a cloud ppr. Howetts, a nail erect head downwards Hoyle, Fretwell William, Esqnire, of
Post tenebra^ lux. 162.5 ppr., enfiled with a mural coronet arg. Eastwood Lodge, near Rotherhara,
Howatson, Charles, Esquire, Glenbuck, Howgart, Scotland, a horse's head ppr., Yorks, on a wreath of the colours
N.B., and Dornel, Auchinleck, Ayrsh., between two wings arg. Candor dat an eagle's head erased ppr., charged
a dexter hand couped at the wTist viribu^ alas. 51.3 on the neck with a mullet sa., and
apaumoe ppr. Hinc orior. 222. 14 Howick, Viscount, see Grey, Earl. holding in the beak a white rose
slipped ppr. Facta non verba.
Howden, Baron (Caradoc), a man in a Howison, Ireland, an antelope trippant
coat of mail, crowned with a crown of gu. 126. 6 Hoyle, a demi-lion rampant regardant or,
three points, kneeling upon one knee Howison of Holmfoot, Lanarksh., an eagle holding between the paws an escut-
and presenting a sword, all ppr. Tra- rising ppr. Nulla temerata nube. yj. 5 cheon az., charged with a sun in
splendour of the first.
ditus. non vicius. Howison of Braehead, Midlothian, Scot-
Howden, Scotland, a castle triple-towered land, a dexter hand couped apaumee Hoyle, Ireland, a lion couchant or,
ppr. 155. 8 ppr. Sursum corda. 222. 14 charged on the shoulder with a mullet
Howdon, a dragon's head vomiting flames Howitt, William Adlington, Esquire, B.A.,
of fire ppr. Feris tego. ~2. 3 M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., of 54, Goldsmith Hoyles, a youth's head in a helmet af-
Street, Nottingham, a crested lapwing frontee ppr., plumed arg.
Howe, Earl (Curzon - Howe), Gopsall,
Atherstone, Leics. : (i) Out of a ducal or plover ppr. Audax pro suis. Hozier, Baron, see Newlands.
coronet or, a plume of five feathers az. 291. 12 Hozler, Sir Henry Montague, K.C.B.,
(/or Howe). 114. 13. (2) A popinjay Howland, Baron, see Bedford, Duke of. of Stonehouse, Lanarksh., and 26a,
rising or, collared gu. {for Curzon). Howland of London, a leopard passant North Audley Street, W., a blood-
Let Curzon holde what Curzon helde. sa., ducally gorged or. cf. 24. 3 hound sejant ppr. Aye ready.
Howe, see How.
Howlet, an owl's head erased ppr., gorged Huband, Warw. and Derbysh., a wolf pas-
Howe, Wilts, and Langar, Notts, a with a mural coronet or. sant or. Cave lupum. 28. 10
gauntlet in fess ppr., lined gu., hold- Hewlett of Sydenham, Kent, an owl arg., Hubart, Hubert, or Hubberd, a boar's
ing a falchion arg., enfiled with a ducally gorged or, holding in the dex- head couped gu., collared, ringed, and
wolf's head erased of the first. 211. 5 ter claw a rose gu., slipped and leaved lined arg., holding in the mouth a
spear sa., headed of the second.
Howe or How of London, out of a ducal
coronet or, a demi-wolf rampant sa. Howlett, Major-General Arthur, C.B., a Hubbald of Stoke, Surrey, a leopard's
cf. 31. 2 cross crosslet sa. , between two branches face or, jessant three feathers, the
Howe, Somers., an arm erect ppr., vested of laurel ppr. Fide et vigilantia. centre one az., the other two gu.
are., charged with two bends wavy gu., Howley, late Rt. Rev. William, D.D., Hubbard, Baron Addington, see Adding-
holding a bunch of broom vert. Bishop of London, an eagle displayed ton.
Howe, a dexter hand holding a wheat-ear erm.. charged on the breast with a cross Hubbard of Freeby, Leics., a Saracen's
ppr. 21S. 14 fleury gu. c/. 75 2 head ppr. 190. 5
Howe, Edward Russell James Gambler, Howman of Norwich, on a mount ppr., Hubbersty, Cantrell-, Colonel Albert,
7, New Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C., a pegasus volant sa. Labile quod op- ToUerton HaU, Notts: (i) Upon a
out of a ducal coronet or, a unicorn's portunum. cf. 47. 2 WTcath of the colours, in front of a
head gu., crined and attired of the first. Hownd or Hound of Collis, Cambs, and griffin's head erased arg., charged with
Fide non armis. 132. 2 Heref., a demi-talbot arg., collared sa., a fesse engrailed vert, a mole fessewise
Howel and Howell, a camel ppr. holding a key or. or {for Hubbersty). (2) On a wreath
Howei and Howell, a beaver passant ppr. Howndhjie or HowndhlU, a Saracen's of the colours, in front of a tower arg.,
cf. 134. 8 head ppr., wreathed about the temples a rock ppr., thereon a boar passant sa.,
Howell, a camel passant ppr. cf. 132. 2 armed or, charged on the body with
or and gu. iqo. 5
Howell, same crest. Perseverando. —two roses arg. {for Cantrell). Propositi
Howell, Glouc, a stag lodged sa., holding Hownhill, a lion's gamb erased, holding
teiiax. Pectus fidele et apertum.
tilting-spear in bend tasselled, all ppr.
in the mouth a leaf ppr. cf. 115. 7 cf. 38. II Hubbert, Ireland, a boar's head sa. 43. i
3: 1
Hubert of Sunbury, iliddx., on a clia- Hudson, Ireland, on a chapeau gu., turned Huggerford, Glouc. and Warw., a stag's
peau gu., turned up erm., a lion's head up or, an owl with wings expanded arg.
head or, gorged with a chaplet of
erased or, charged with three etoiles 96. 6 laurel vert. 120. 3
in fess of the first. cf. 17. 9 Hudson of Preston, Lanes, a lion ram- Huggins of London, a sword in pale, en-
Hubert-Marshall, a demi-heraldic tiger pant or, holding between the paws a filed with a leopard's face. 22. i
sa., guttee-d'or, armed, crined, tufted, boar's head couped sa. cf. 225. 5 Hugham, a fox's head arg., semee of tor-
and gorged with a collar gemel, also or, Hudson, George Bickersteth, Esquire, teaux. cf. 33. 4
resting the sinister paw upon an escut- M.P., J.P., D.L., of Frogmore HaU, Hughan of Airds, Kirkcudbright, Scot-
cheon gu., charged with a pheon or. Hertford, and 15, Gloucester Square, Eland, an escallop or. mare. 141. 12
Ducit amor patriw. 25.6 W., a hon rampant holding between Hughes-Le Fleming, see Fleming.
Hucks, between the attires of a stag the paws a boar's head erased, all ppr. Hughes, Hugh Robert, Esquire, of Kin-
affixed to the scalp a boar's head Fide cui vide. mel Park, Abergele, North Wales, and
Glanywem, Denbighsh., out of a ducal
erased and erect. 43. 2 Hudson, John Thomas, Esquire, of Glen crest or, a demi-lion rampant arg.,
Hucks, on a ducal coronet or, a fleur-de- Beg, Dungarvan, same crest. Ccrtavi
lis arg. cf. 148. 2 et vici. holding between the paws a rose gu.,
Huddart, Rev. G., Kirklington Rectory, Hudson, Rev. Joseph, M.A., Hon. Canon slipped ppr. (Confirmed by Sir Richard
of Crosby House, Carlisle, a falcon,
Bedale. Yorks, a stag's head erased. wings displayed ppr., beaked, mem- St. George, Norrny, 1620.) Heb Dduw
bered, and belled or, coUared az.,
Fear God. reposing the dexter claw on an escut- heb ddim- Duw a digon. 16. 2
cheon gu., charged with a cross crosslet
Huddersfield and Huddesfield, a boar Hughes of Plas yn Diserth and Llewerllyd,
passant or. 40. 9 Flintsh., out of a ducal coronet or, a
Huddesdon or Hudson of Guy's Cliff, demi-lion rampant arg., holding be-
Warw., an eagle's leg sa., joined at fitchee arg. tween the paws a rose gu., leaved and
the knee to a sinister wing or. Hudson, Rear-Admiral Joseph Samuel, of slipped vert. 16. 2
Hythe, Southampton, same crest.
cf. 113. 5 Hughes, Hugh Robert, of Ystrad,
Huddleston and Huddlestone, on a ducal Hudson-Kinahan, Bart., of Glenville, co.
Cork, of Wyckham, co. Dublin, and Denbighsh., a lion couchant sa,
of Merrion Square North, Dubhn
coronet a peacock ppr. 103. 8 Hughes, Michael James, Esquire, of
(i) A demi-hon rampant sa., holding
Huddleston, Tristram Frederick Croft, Sherdley Hall, St. Helen's, Lanes., and
in the paws a battle-axe ppr., and
Esquire, two arms dexter and sinister Penketh Hall, near Warrington, same
charged on the shoulder with a cross
embowed, vested erra., cuffed gu., the crest and motto.
couped or (for Kinahan). 15. 5. A(2)
hands supporting a dexter gauntlet lion rampant gu., charged with a cross Hughes of Kinrael, Invercauld, Braemar,
erect ppr., encircled by a chaplet of couped or, and holding between the out of a baron's coronet a demi-lion
paws a boar's head couped arg. {for
roses gu. Hudson). Deo fidens persistas. rampant arg., holding bet%veen the
Huddleston, Andrew John, Esquire, of fore-paws a rose gu. Heb Dduw heb
Hodelston, Yorks. and of Jlillum Castle ddim Duw a digon. 16. 6
and Mutton Jolm. Cumb., two arms Hughes, John George Parry, of Alltlwyld,
dexter and sinister, embowed, vested 22i. ; Cardigan, on a chapeau gu., turned up
Hudson, Donaldson-, Ralph Charles. Es-
arg., holding in the hands a scalp ppr., erm., a demi-lion rampant holding in
the inside thereof gu. Soli Deo honor quire, of Cheswardine Hall, C'hesh. : the dexter paw a fleur-de-hs. 307. 1
(i) Upon a millrind fesseways sa.. a
et gloria. 203. 8 lion's head erased or, gorged with a bar Hughes, William. Esquire, of 62, Palace
gemel indented gu. (for Hvdson). (2)
Huddleston, Denvs Alexander Lawlor, In front of a saltire az., a cubit arm Road, Tulse Hill, S.W., in front of a
erect grasping a dagger, and charged
Sawston HaU," Cambridge: (I) Two with a thistle slipped, both ppr. (for demi-lion or, holding between the paws
arms dexter and sinister, embowed an eagle's head erased gu., a fleur-de-lis
vested, and cuffed arg., the hands ppr., between two roses of the last. Semper
holding a stone sa. 269. 17. (2) On
a mount vert, a stag lodged ppr. in meliora spero. 265.8
Hughes, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
front of a spear-head in pale, point Hudson, a martlet az., winged or. 95. 4 Uon rampant sa., armed and langued
Hudson of London, a martlet vert, winged
—upwards ppr. Soli Deo honor et gloria. gu. 16. 3
Mea ctdpa fde^. 269.18 or. 95. 4 Hughes of Gwerclas in Edeirnion, Meri-
Hudson, out of a ducal coronet a griflin's
Huddleston of Sawston, Cambs, same onethsh. : (i) Out of a ducal coronet
crest. Soli Deo honor et gloria. head holding in the beak a trefoil or, a demi-lion rampant sa. 16. 3. (2)
Huddlestone, Scotland, a hand holding a slipped. cf. 67. 9 A boar passant erm., fretty gu. cf. 40. i.
(3) On a chapeau az., turned up erm..
pen ppr. Ingenio et viribus. 217. 10 Hudson, Bart., Leics., a griffin's head
Huddy, Somers., a bull passant sa., armed a dragon gu., gorged with an ancient
erased arg., gorged with a mural coro-
or. cf. 45. 2 net gu., charged with three escallops regal crown. Kymmer-yn-Edeirnion.
Huddy, Devonsh., a bull passant sa.,
of the first. cf. 66. 2 cf. 73- 4
armed or, collared and lined arg. Hughes of Ireland, a lion rampant arg. i . 1
Hudspath, a griffin segreant holding be- Hughes, a lion rampant or, holding a
cf. 45. 2 tween its claws a tilting-spear enfiled
Hudson of London, a dexter hand erect with a boar's head erased. thistle slipped ppr. cf. i . 13
ppr., holding with the thumb and fore-
Huet, a crow rising ppr. 107. 3 Hughes, a lion sejant holding in the
finger a bezant. Huger of South Carolina, a sprig, thereon mouth a dart. cf. 8. 8
Hudson, James, Esquire, J.P., of Capenor, a Virginian nightingale ppr. Ubi li- Hughes, Sir CoUingwood, Bart., of East
Nutfield, Surrey, two escallops in fesse bertas, ibi patria. 145-7 Bergholt, Suff., a lion couchant or. 7. 5
sa., thereon a martlet or. Animo non Hughes of the Quadrant, Highbury,
Hugessen, Knatcbbull-, Lord Brabouine,
astutia. see Bra bourne. London N., in front of a staff raguly
Hudson, William Hebard, Esquire, c.o. Hugessen, Knatcbbull-: (i) An oak-tree fessewise ppr., and thereon a lion
couchant az., holding between the paws
Messrs Grindlay and Co., 55, Parlia- ppr., between two wings elevated,
ment Street, Westminster, c.o. Messrs
pinions az., feathered or (for Huges- an escallop gu., a tilting-spear erect
sen). 236. 3. (2) On a chapeau az.,
Grindlay, Groom and Co., Bombay, turned up erm., an ounce statant arg., or. Semper vigilans. cf. 7. 5
and Common Room, Lincoln's Inn, Hughes, Guy Ferguson, Esquire, of Dun-
W.C, a cock holding in the beak an spotted sa. (for Knaichbwll). Crucifixa ley, Bovey Tracey, Devonsh., in front
of a sword palewaj's, point downwards
acorn leaved and slipped, and between gloria mea. ppr., pommel and hilt or, an arm in
two ears of wheat, all ppr. 265. 9 Hugford, a lion's gamb issuing and resting
Hudson of Low Hall, Scarborough, a cubit upon an escutcheon. cf. 37. 2 armour couped at the elbow and fesse-
arm erect in a coat of mail, holding Hugford of Dicklestone, Glouc., WoUas ways, the hand in a gauntlet, all ppr.,
in the hand, all ppr., a broken falchion HaU, Worcs., and Warw., same crest. holding a fleur-de-hs gu.
g"- 120. 3 Hughes-Buller, Ralph Buller, Esquire, of
Huggard of Ireland, an estoile of sixteen Dunley, Bovey Tracey, Devonsh.,
Hudson, Norf., a fawn's head erased ppr.,
gorged with a mural coronet or. points arg. In heaven is my hope. same crest and motto.
Hughes, Louis Campbell, Esquire, Dun- Hughes of Brecon, a hand in armour ppr., HuUy, Ireland, a greyhound's head az.,
ley, Bovey Tracey, Devonsh., same couped above the wrist in fess, holding bezantee. 61. 12
crest and motto. a fleur-de-lis arg. Huls of Norbury, Chesh., a buck's head
Hughes, William Gwynne, Esquire, of Hughes, Wales, an arm in armour ppr., couped ppr., attired sa., gorged with a
Xantgaredia R.S.O., South Wales, a holding a fleur-de-lis arg. 210. 6 chaplet vert, and between the attires
talbot. Hughes, Colonel Sir Ed'win, V.D., of a sun in splendour or. cf. 120. 3
Hughes of Middleton, Stoney, Oxon., a Oaklands, Plumstead Common, two Hulse, Shropsh., a stag's head ppr., at-
heron arg., beaked gu. 105. 9 horse-shoes az., thereon a stag's head tired sa., gorged with a chaplet vert,
erased or. Faber quisque jortunm suae. and between the attires a sun or.
Hughes, a crane holding in the beak a
serpent. 105. 8 Hugo, Devonsh., a lion rampant holdmg in cf. 120. 3
Hughes, George Priugle, Esquire, High the paws a standard arg., charged with Hulse, a buck's head gorged with a
Sheriff of the County of Northumber- a cross gu. 3. 7 chaplet ppr. 120. 3
land, Middleton Hall, Wooler, a mount Hugworth, a goat passant arg., armed Hulse, Sir Edward Hamilton, Bart,,
vert, thereon between two wings az., and ungu. or. cf. 129. 5 of Breaniore House, Hants, a buck's
head couped ppr., charged with two
a stork arg., beaked and legged gu. Hulbert, issuing out of a cloud a hand
Si Dens nobiscum. 104. 8 in pale ppr., holding a garland of bezants and a plate, attired or, and
Hughes, Joseph William, Esquire, of 2, laurel. 218. 9 between the attires a sun in splendour
Preston Park Avenue, Brighton, same Hulburn, a lion issuant holding in his of the last. 286. 1 5
crest and motto. dexter paw a mullet arg. 15.7 Hulson of Loudon and Yorks, a lion
Hughes of Plas Coch, Anglesea, a Cornish Hulford, Glouc, a dexter hand holding an rampant sa., holding an escutcheon
chough ppr. Duw a ddarpar i'r brain. oak-branch, all ppr. arg., having a carved bordure.
107. 14 Hulgrave, Chesh., a hand grasping a Hulton, out of a tower ppr., three arrows
Hughes, a Cornish chough ppr., holding in thunderbolt ppr. 216. 4
the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis arg. 292. i Hulgrave, Chesh., a hand holding a Hulton, out of a mural coronet a stag's
Hughes, James Llewellyn, Esquire, thunderbolt, all ppr. 216. 4 head, holding in the mouth a branch of
hawthorn. Mens flecti nescia.
Strangways, Truro, a cough, ppr., Hulkes, Cecil James Gladdish, Esquire,
holding in his dexter claw a fleur-de-lis Petting's House, .\sh, near Sevenoaks, Hulton, William Wilbraham Blethyn, of
gu. Duw a ddarpar i'r brain. 292. i Kent, a buck's head couped at the Hulton, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet
Hughes of Plas'yn, Llangoed, Beaumaris, neck ppr., wreathed vert, attired or, or, a hart's head and neck cabossed
a Cornish chough holding in the dexter between the attires a sun in splendour arg.. between two branches of haw-
Duwclaw a fleur-de-lis. aedir, par ir of the last. Utile didci. thorn ppr. Mens flecti nescia.
brain. 292. 1 Hull, Scotland, a talbot's head sa. 56. 12 Hulton-Harrop : ( i ) In front of a saltire
Hughes of Maidstone, Kent, on a chapeau Hull of Cionakilty, co. Cork, Ireland, a or, an eagle displayed sa., crusily arg.
gu., turned up erm., a demi-eagle with talbot's head couped arg. 56. 12 (for Harrop). 246. 17. (2) Out of a
wings elevated ppr. 80. 12 Hull of Larkbeare. Devonsh, Osterley, ducal coronet or, a hart's head and
Hughes, Wales, an eagle's head erased Durh.. Battersea, Surrey, London neck cabossed arg., between two
sa.. holding in the beak a staff raguly and Bucks, a talbot's head erased arg., branches of hawthorn ppr., each bear-
inflamed ppr. between two laurel-branches ppr., ing three roses arg., seeded gu., barbed
Hughes of Bodwryn, Anglesea, an eagle's united at the top. cf. 269. 8 vert (for Hulton). 240. i8. Terrena
pericula sperno.
head erased sa., holding in the beak a Hull, Edmund Charles Pendleton, Es-
Abrand raguly of the same fired gu. quire, J.P., of Earlswood Mount, Red- Hulton of Bevis Mount. Hants, out of a
jijnno Duw derfyd.
hill, Surrey, a talbot's head erased ducal coronet or. a hart's head ppr., at-
Hughes, Gwynne-, John William, Tregib,
arg., gorged with a collar dancettee tired of the first, between two branches,
Llandilo. Carmarthen: (i) A talbot
Apassant (/or Hughes). (2) goat pas- erminois, between two laurel branches also ppr. , each bearing three roses gu.
sant {jor Williams). (3) A raven ppr. 1
{for Gwynne). ppr. Vi et virtute. 269. 8 Hulyn, on a lion's head couped or. a
Hughes of Ely House, Wexford, a griffin's HuU, Edward, Esquire, of 20, Arundel chapeau az.. turned up erm.
Gardens, London, W., same crest and cf. 21. 10
motto. Humberston, Herts and Norf., a griffin's
head erased gu. Yerus amor patrice. 66. 2 Hull, Durh., a cubit arm erect ppr., vested, head erased arg., charged with three
Hughes, Frederic James Robert, Esquire, cuffed arg., holding in the hand a fleur- pellets in pale. cf. 66. 2
of Rosslare Fort, and Barn town House, de-lis. Humble, on a chapeau an owl rising, all
CO. Wexford, a griffin's head erased gu., Hull, a hunting-horn az., garnished arg. ppr. 96. 6
holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis or. 228. II Humble a stag's head erased. 121. 2
Verus amor patriae. Hull, Ireland, a pigeon volant az. Humble, Bart, (extinct), of London, a
Hughes, Walter Hastings Frederick, Es- cf. 93. 10 demi-buck gorged with a wreath of
quire, of Barnton House, Rosslare, Hull, Surrey, a dragon's head couped laurel ppr. cf. 119. 2
CO. Wexford, same crest and motto. sa., eared gu., gorged with a collar or. Humble, Bart., of Cloncoskan, co. Water-
Hughes, Sir Frederic, of Ely House, co. thereon three torteaux, and charged ford, a demi-stag salient arg.. charged
Wexford, Ireland. Knight Bachelor, on the neck with a pale arg.. between with a trefoil slipped vert, and attired
and Knight of the first class of the four plates. or. Decrevi. cf. 119. 2
Royal Persian Order of the Lion and Hulles, Hulse, Huls, and Hulsey of New- Humby of Bedford Row. Middx., an eagle
Sun, same crest and motto, cf. 66. 2 bury, Berks, and Betherden, Kent, a displayed gu.. charged on the breast
Hughes of Nuneaton, Warw., in front of buck's head couped ppr., attired or, and on each wing with a bee or.
griffin's head erased sa., a fret or. between the attires a sun in his splen- cf. 75. 2
cf. 66. 2 dour of the last. cf. 121. 5 Hume, Earl of Marchmonf, out of a
Hughes-D'Aeth, Kent, a griffin's head HuUey, Holland, Esquire, of The One human heart a dexter arm erect holding
erased or, holding in the beak a tre- House, Rainow, Chesh., and Seisdon, a scimitar, all ppr. True to the end.
foil slipped vert. cj. 66. 2 near Wolverhampton, a demi-cat- 213- 4
Hughes of Archerstown, co. Tipperary, a-mountain regardant arg., holding Hume, Bart., Herts, a lion's head erased
Ireland, a demi-griffin or. Non sibi sed between the paws an escutcheon or, arg. True to the end. 17. 8
pnirice. 64. 2 charged with a hillock vert. One Hume of Humewood, Ireland, same crest
Hughes, Ireland, a griffin sejant gu., house, one faith. 235. 18 and motto.
winged, armed, and beaked or, holding HuUeys and HuUies, out ot a ducal coro- Hume of Crossrigs, Scotland, a lion's head
in the dexter claw a laurel-garland net or, a unicorn's head gu. 48. 12 erased arg., collared gu. True to the
vert. 62. 9 Hulling or Hullingey, a demi-savage hold- end. 18. 6
Hughes, a boar's head erased in fesse. 42. 2 ing over the shoulder a tree eradicated Hume of Polwart, a lion's head erased
Hughes, Scotland, out of a ducal coronet and bound round the waist and temples arg.. collared gu.. charged with a rose
head arg. 48. 12 with leaves ppr. orr True to the end. 6cf. 18.
Hume, Ross-, James Alexander, Nine- panded arg., beaked and legged gu., ! Humphrys, Rev. Hugh, of Vicarsfield,
wells, Chirnside, Berwicksh., a lion's and gorged with a bar gemelle or. Knocktopher. Ireland, same crest and
head erased arg., gorged with a collar Humfrey, Leics., and of Barton, North-
gu., charged with eight fountains. amp., a harpy arg.. the face ppr., crined Hun, Essex, a demi-lion rampant arg.,
True to the end.
Hume, Scotland, issuing out of a crescent, or, with wings expanded of the last. ducally gorged or. 10. 7
189. 4 HunckS or Hunkes, Bucks, Glouc, Warw.,
the horns thereof upwards, alion's head. Humfrey of Cavanacor, co. Donegal, a and Worcs., a greyhoimd current erm.
Hume of AuchindoUy, co. Kirkcudbright, sphinx sejant. Sic olim. cf. 58. 2
Scotland, a lion's head erased gu. True Humfrey of Chaldon-Humphrey, Dorset, Huncks or Hunkes, a greyhound courant
to the end. 17-2 a leopard passant or, embrued at the erm., collared sa. cf. 58. 2
Hume of Whitfield, Edinburgh, a lion's mouth gu. cf. 24. 2 Hungate or Hungatt, Bart. (e.-dinct'), of
head erased arg., gorged with a collar Humfrey, Glouc. and Northamp.. a cross Saxton, Sandhutten, Burnby, and
or, charged with three mullets gu. botonnee arg., charged with five pellets. North Dalton, Yorks, a talbot sejant
True to the end. cf. i8. 6 Humfrey of Rottendon, Essex, a dexter arg. cf. 55. 2
Hume, Colonel Archibald, of Auchendolly, arm in armour, holding in the hand, Hungerford, co. Cork, out of a ducal coro-
Dalbeattie, Kirkcudbrightsh., a lion's all ppr., a cross batonnee fitchee arg., net or, a pepper garb between two
head erased gu., armed and langued charged with four pellets. reaping-hooks, all ppr. Et Dieu mon.
az. True to the end. Humfrey of London, a horse's head or. appuij.
Hume of Harries, a lion's head erased pellettee. between two wings barry Hungerford, out of a ducal coronet or,
ppr. True to tlie end. wavy of six arg. and az. c/. 51. 3 a garb between two sickles ppr. Et
Dieu mon appui/.
Hume, John Hume. Esquire, of East Humfreys, Shropsh.. a boar arg.. in a net
IMelbourne, Victoria, in front of a cross gu. cf. 40. I I Hungerford, Holdich-, Henry Vane For-
engrailed az., a lion's head erased arg., Humfreys, Humphreys, Humfrey, or ester. Esquire, of Dingley, Northamp. :
charged with two cinquefoils in pale Humfry of London and Wales, a lion
gu. True to the end. sejant or, resting the dexter paw upon (i) same crest as above, (for Hunger-
Aford). (2) martlet sa., in front of a
Hume of Renton. Scotland, a pelican ppr. a nag's head couped ermines. cross pattee fitchee, between two
98. I Humpbery, Sir William Henry, Bart., branches of palm or (for Holdich). Et
Hume, Scotland, a demi-leopard ppr. Per- the Cottage. Great Brington. Nor- Dieu mon appui. 9?. 9
severance, cf. 23. 13 thamp., a unicorn passant arg., armed, Huninges, Chesh., and of Carsam, Sufl., a
Hume of Willow Terrace Road, Leeds, a crined, and hoofed or, the dexter fore- lion's head erased arg., collared sa.
foot supporting a Roman fasces in bend 18. 6
demi-heraldio antelope regardant arg.,
charged on the shoulder with a lozenge of the last. Deus protector mens. 276. 9 Hunkes or Huncks, a greyhound courant
az., and resting the dexter fore-leg on Humphray, a harpy gardant ppr. 189. i erm., collared and ringed sa. cf. 58. 2
an escutcheon or, thereon a popinjay Humphress, a boar's head couped. 43. i Hunloke, Bart., Derbysh., on a chapeau
ppr. Nil desperandum. Humphrey, Humphrie, and Humphrey, az., turned up erm., a cockatrice with
Hume-Cookson of Willow Terrace Road. a demi-griflin with wings addorsed wings expanded ppr.. combed, beaked,
Leeds: (i) A demi-lion gu., gorged holding between its claws a ducal
coronet ppr. and wattled or. &cf. 68.
with a collar gemelle or, holding be- Humphrey, Humphrie, or Humphry, a
demi-grifBnwith wings endorsed holding Hunnis, Jliddx.. between two honey-
tween the paws a leg couped at the between the claws a ducal coronet ppr.
thigh in armour ppr., garnished and Humphrey of Swebston. Liecs., and Bar- suckles ppr.. a unicorn's head couped
spvirred or (/or Coofeon). (2) A demi- or, charged with two bendlets az.
heraldic antelope regardant arg., Hunston of Walpole, Norf., a hinds head
couped or, holding in the mouth a
charged on the shoulder with a ton, Northamp., a harpy arg., crined hollyslip vert, fructed gu. cf. 124. I
lozenge az., and resting the dexter fore- or, and with wings displayed of the Hunt-Foulson, see Foulson.
leg on an escutcheon or, charged with last. 189. 4 Hunt, Sir Frederick Seagar, Bart.. 10,
a popinjay ppr. (for Hume). Humphrey, Sir William Henry, Bart., Royal Crescent, Ramsgate, on a rock
Hume of Coldinghamton, a hand issuing C.B., M.A., of Penton Lodge, Hants, a a stork ppr., between two fleurs-de-lis
from a heart holding a sword, all ppr, unicorn passant arg., armed, crined, az.
True to the end. cf. 213. 4 and unguled or. the dexter foot sup- Hunt, see Husey-Hunt.
porting a Roman fasces in bend of the Hunt, Le, out of a baron's coronet a hand
Hume, Scotland, a hand holding a scimitar
ppr., issuing from a human heart or last. Deus protector mens. holding a cutlass, all ppr.
Humphrey, Blake-, Lieutenant-Colonel Hunt, Le, Ireland, a hand holding a
213- 4
Hume-Campbell, a dexter arm iseuing Thomas, Heggatt Hall, Horstead, boar's head erased and erect in pale.
Norwich, same crests and motto. 220. 6
—from a heart and grasping a scimita Humphreys, a boar's head couped in
Hunt, Roland, of Boreatton, Shropsh., a
all ppr. True to the end. Fidea probai talbot sejant sa., collared or, hned az.,
coronet. 213. 4 fess. 43- I the line tied to a halberd in pale of the
Humflreys, on a chapeau ppr., a boar Humphreys, Humphries, or Humphryes,
passant arg., fretty gu. cf. 40, three legs conjoined at the thigh, second, headed of the third.
Humffreys of Llwyn, Montgomerysh., on flexed at the knees and spurred, all cf- 55- 5
a chapeau ppr., a boar passant arg ppr. 193. 7 Hunt, Arthur Boope, Esquire, of South-
wood. Torquay, on a wreath of the
fretty gu. cf. 40. Humphreys-Owen, Arthur Charles, Es- colours a mount vert, thereon a talbot
Humfrey of Wroxham House, Norf. ; (i) quire, of Clause vern, Berriew, Mont-
On a ducal coronet an eagle with wings gomerysh., a wolf salient ppr., sup- sejant or. guttee-de-sang, collared in
elevated holding in the dexter claw a porting a scaling-ladder arg. Toraf cyn front of and attached by a chain of
sceptre or, and charged on the breast plygaf. the last to a battle-axe erect sa..
with a cross crosslet gu. (for Humfrey). Humphry, Alfred Paget, Esquire, of headed ppr. Credtntibus nil difficile.
(2) On a morion a martlet ppr. (/or Foxton House, Royston, Cambs, in Hunt, on a mount vert, a talbot sejant
Blake). Coslestem spero coronatu. front of a rock, thereon a falcon close or, collared and lined gu., the line
Humtrey, co. Cavan, on a ducal coronet ppr.. belled and jessed or. holding in fastened by a bow-knot to a halberd
or, an eagle with wings elevated hold the beak a key arg.. four escallops, also erect, the stafiE of the second, the blade
ing in the dexter claw a sceptre, also or. Persiste. arg. cf. 555
or. Humphrys, William, of Ballyhaise House, Hunt, John Joseph, Esquire, of Grimston
Humfrey of DubUn. upon a ducal coro CO. Cavan, Ireland, and of 5, De Vesc Court and 26, Aldwark, York, a talbot
an eagle with wings endorsed and Terrace, Kingstown. Dublin, on a ducal sejant or, charged on the shoulder with
' the dexter claw a broken coronet an eagle with wings endorsed a rose, collared, attached by a riband
spear, all or. or, armed and membered gu., holding to a battle-axe erect gu., beaded arg.,
Humfrey of Truro, Comw., on a mount in the dexter claw a broken spear-head the whole in front of fern- brake ppr.
vert, a Cornish chough with wings es- of the first. Optima sperando spiro. Vi et virtute.
Hunt, John Henry, of York, same crest Hunter of Bonnytoun and Doonholm, Hunter, Scotland, a lumting-horn vert,
and motto. Ayrsh.. and Andrew Alexander stringed gu. Spero.— In cornua salxUem
Bunt of Ashover. Derbysh., a bugle-horn Hunter, Esquire, of The College. Chel- spero. 22S. II
sa., stringed vert. 228. 11 tenham, a stag's head cabossed or. Hunter, Scotland, a hunting-horn vert,
Hunt, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Vigilantia, robur, voluptas. 122. 8 veruled or, and stringed gu. In cornua
a talbot statant arg. Hunter of Durh., a deer's head. Vigi- salutem spero. cj. 22S. 1
Hunt, Richard Burees, Esquire, a mount lantia, robur, voluptas. 121. 5 Hunter, William George. Esquire, of
vert, thereon a talbot sejant or, gorged Hunter-Arundell, of Barjarg, Dumfriessh., Burnside. Forfarsh., a hunting-horn
with a collar vair, attached by a riband a stag's head erased. Vigilantia, robur, vert, stringed gu. Spero. 228. 11
az. to a spear erect ppr., therefrom voluptas. 12:. 2 Hunter, Scotland, same crest and motto.
flowing towards the sinister a banner Hunter of Straidarran. co. Londonderry. 228. II
sa. , charged with a pheon, also or. Ireland, a stag's head cabossed ppr. Hunter, James Ewing. M.B., CM., of
Hunt, Edward Frederick, Esquire, of Arte et marte. 122. 5 Duncairn, Helensburgh, Dumbartonsh..
a falcon rising ppr. Stoijt and sure.
Holmwood, Goldsmith Gardens, Acton, Hunter, James. Anton's Hill. Coldstream,
W. , on a mount vert, in front of a battle- N.B., a buck's head. Vigilantia, robur, Hunter, Richard Hubbard. Esquire. J.P.,
axe erect, a talbot sejant collared and voluptas. of Glentyan. Kilbarchan, Renfrewsh.,
lined, the line tied to the battle-axe. Hunter, Richard. Esquire, of Thurston. same crest. Semper sublime.
Hunt, between two ostrich-feathers sa., a —Innerwick. N.B.. a stag's head ppr. Hunter-Marshall, William, Esquire, of
boar's head couped and erect ppr. Vigilantia, robur. voluptas. Deo date. Callander, Perthsh., Scotland, a dove
41. 14 Hunter, Charles Fleeming. Esquire, of holding in its beak an olive-branch ppr.
Hunt, Scotland, a lion's head erased and Sunnyside. Church End, Finchley, Et decerpta dabunt odores. 92. 5
collared, all ppr. Vi et virtute.
Middx.. a greyhound sejant arg.. col- Hunter, Scotland, two hands shooting an
18.6 lared or. Cursum perficio. cf. 59. 2 arrow from a bow, all ppr. Fortuna
Hunt, Shropsh., a lion's head erased per Hunter of Hunterstoun, Ayrsh., a grey- sequatur. 200. 2
pale arg. and sa., collared gu.. lined haund sejant ppr., gorged with an Hunter, late Andrew Galloway. Esquire,
or. c/. 18. 6 antique crown or. Cursum, perficio. of Dean Burn, Roxburghsh., a de.xter
Hunt, Shropsh. : (l) same crest as above. cj. 59- 13 and a sinister arm shooting an arrow
from a bow, all ppr. Far and sure.
Acj. 18. 6. (2) hind's head and neck Hunter - Weston, Lieutenant - Colonel
Gould, F.S.A., of Hunterston, West 200. 2
Aarg. 124. I. (3) shark or lucy's Kilbride, Ayrsh., N.B. : (I) An eagle Hunter of Restennet, Forfarsh., a fir-tree
head erect or, langued gu.
Hunt of Hermyngtoft, Norf. and Suff., a rising regardant sa., charged on the ppr. Fecunditate ufjicior.
lion sejant erm. 8. 8 breast and on each wing with a crescent 144- 13
Hunt of Stoke, Lindon, and Barradon, or (jor Weston). 78. 5. (2) A grey- Hunter, Ireland, an urus's head erased
Rutl., a leopard's face between two hound sejant ppr.. gorged with an sa. 44. 3
wings, all or. cf. 22. 11 antique crown or charged upon the Huntercomb, a sword in pale enfiled
Hunt, a stag's head erased ppr. 121. 2 shoulder for distinction with a cross with a man's head couped and wreathed
Hunt of Longnor, Shropsh., a hind's croeslet gu. ; but this not to be borne about the temples. cj. 191. 9
head couped arg.. vulned in the breast
by his descendants (jor Hunter). Huntercomb, an arm in armour issuing
with a pheon sa., dropping blood ppr. 59- '3 from a cloud, the hand grasping a
cf. 124. I Hunter of Abbotshill. Ayrsh., a greyhound sword, all ppr. 210. 12
Hunt, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet or, in full course arg., collared or. Expe- Huntingdon, Earl of (Hastings), Shara-
an arm erect gu., the hand grasping dite, cj. 58. 2 vogue. S.O. King's Co., a bull's head
the pommel and hilt of a broken sword Hunter, Major Charles Fleeming, a grey- erased sa., armed and gorged with a
of the first. hound sejant arg., collared gu. Cur- — —ducal coronet or. In veritate victoria.
sum perficio. Honorantes me honorabo. Post
Hunt, Bart, (now De Vere), of Curragh,
CO. Limerick, a representation of the Hunter, formerly of Croyland Abbey, prcelia prceviia. 44. 2
Castle of Limerick, being a portway Lines, a greyhound's head and neck Huntingdon and Huntington, a crosier
between two towers arg., masoned sa., couped arg. cj. 61. 2 arg. 170. 14
with the Union Jack of England dis- Hunter, Scotland, a greyhound's head. Huntingdon, William Balle, of Wood-
played from a flagstaff erect ppr. Dum spiro, spero. cj. 61. 2 lands, Darwin, Lanes, upon a mount
Huntbach, Staffs, a talbot's head erased Hunter, a greyhound's head and neck vert, a lion's head or, gorged with a
arg., collared gu., fretty or. cj. 55. i: erased arg. 61. 4 collar vair, between two roses gu.,
Hunter-BIair, see Blair. Hunter of Seaside, Perth, a greyhound's barbed, leaved, and stalked ppr.
In veritate victoria.
Hunter, two lions' heads addorsed and Dumhead arg.. collared gu. spiro,
collared, all ppr. cj. 18. 2 spero. 61. 2 Huntingfield, Baron (Vanneck). of Heven-
Hunter, two lions' heads addorsed ppr. Hunter, Charles. Esquire, F.R.S.. F.S.A., ingham Hall. Yoxford, Suff., a bugle-
17- 3 of Plas Coch, LlanfairpwU, Anglesey, horn gu.. stringed or, between two
Hunter, a demi-lion rampant ppr., hold- a greyhound's head and neck couped wings expanded arg., tipped or.
ing between the pawo a cross pattee or,
charged with an annulet. Dumarg. collared gu., spiro, spero. Droit et loyal. 112. 3
Hunter, a greyhound's head and neck HuntingGeld, a dagger and a sword in
Hunter, Sir Charles Roderick, Bart., of arg. cj. 61. 2 saltier ppr. cf. 171. 12
London: (i) A demi-lion holding be- Hunter, same crest. Fecunditate. Huntingford, a griffin's head erased or.
tween the paws a cross pattee fitchee Hunter of Glencarse, Perthsh., Scotland, with wings elevat«i fretty gu.. holding
at the foot sa. (2) A demi-bear salient a greyhound's head and neck arg., col- in the beak a cross pattee fitchee at
the foot arg.
sa., muzzled or. Dumlared gu. spiro. spero. 61. 2
Hunter, Henry Lannoy, Beech Hill, Hunter of Manchester, a greyhound's Huntington, William Balle, Esquire, J.P..
Reading, a demi-lion gu., holding be- D.L., and High Sheriff of the Wood-
tween the paws a cross pattee fitchee Dumhead erased ppr. spiro, spero. lands, Darwen, Lanes, upon a mount
sa. 61. 4 vert, a lion's head or, gorged with a
Hunter, William Henry, Esquire, a mount
Hunter, Norf., a boar's head erased ppr. collar vair. between two roses gu..
42. 2 vert, thereon a greyhound's head erased
barbed, leaved, and stalked ppr. In
or, collared gu., between two thistles
Hunter of London, same crest. 42. 2 issuant ppr. veritate victoria.
Hunter, Scotland, a stag's head erased Hunter, Scotland, an anchor in pale. Huntingtower, Lord, see Tollemache. Bart.
Huntley, Rev. Osmond Currie. M.A., of
ppr. 121. 2 161. I
Hunter of Straidarran, Ireland, a stag's Hunter of Hafton. Argyllsh.. an anchor Boxwell Court. Glouc., a talbot statant
head cabossed ppr. Arte et marte. in pale ppr. Spero. 161. 2 ppr., collared and lined or. cj. 54. 2
122. 5 Hunter of St. Lucar. an anchor ppr. Huntley, on a mount a lizard, all ppr.
121. 2
Hunter, a buck's head erased or. Raised again. 161. 2 13s- 5
Huntley of Treowen, Monm., a buck's Hurot, two hands couped and conjoined Husey-Hunt, James Hubert, formerly of
head eaboshed arg., and between in fess ppr. 224. 2 Compton Castle, Somers., and of
Brighton : (I ) An arm embowed vested
the attires a bugle-horn stringed sa. Hurr, a harpy with wings expanded ppr. 1
c/. 122. 5 198. 4 az.. cuffed or. holding in the hand a
Huntley of Box well, Glouc, a talbot ppr., Hurrell, a lion rampant ppr.. holding a slip of trefoil in blossom ppr. (for
collared and lined or. c/. 54. 2 flag displayed gu.. charged with a AHunt). (2) boot sa., spurred or, the
Huntly, Marquess of (Gordon), Aboyne cross in the dexter chief. cf. 3. 7 top erm., surmounted by a heart sup-
Castle, Aberdeensh., in a ducal coronet Hurry, a harpy with wings expanded gu. ported by two hands issuant from
or. a stag's head and neck affrontee ppr. 189. 4 clouds ppr., and on an escroU above
—attired with ten tynes of the first. By- Hurry, Jamieaon B., M.D., Abbotsbrook, the motto, " Cor nobyle, cor immobyle ' '
dand. Animo non aslviid. 119.13 Reading, and Arnold Eardley Hurry, (for Husey).
Huntly, a talbot psissant gu., collared B.C.S., Umballa. India, same crest. Huskisson, see Tilghman-Huskisson.
and lined or. 54. 5 A' ec arrogo, nee dubito. Huskisson, see Milbanke-Husldsson.
Hunton, Wilts, a demi-talbot rampant Hurry, Scotland, a lion's gamb. Sans Huskisson, on a rock a goose perched ppr.
and erased arg. c/. 5 5 . ? tache. cf. 36. 4 Huson, a ram's head erased arg.. armed
Hunton of East Knoyle, Wilts, a d'emi Hurst of Horsham Park, Sussex, an oak- or. 130. 6
talbot gu., collared and eared or. hold tree ppr. 143- 5 Huson, Xarcissus Edmond. Esquire, of
ing between the paws a stag's head Hurst of Hurst. Lanes, upon a mount Springfield, co. Wexford, Ireland, a
cabossed of the last. vert, a hurst of trees ppr. Pro Deo et harp az., stringed or. Sursum corda.
Huntsman, Francis. Esquire, of West Ret- rege. cf. 144. 2 168. 9
ford Hall. Retford. Yorks, a mount Hurst, Robert Henry. Horsham Park, Hussey-De Burgh, see De Burgh.
vert, thereon a fern-brake in front of Sussex, an oak-tree ppr. Libtrtas sine Hussey-Freke, see Frcke.
two spears in saltire ppr.. therefrom licentia. Hussey-Walsh, Walter, Esquire, of 81,
pendent a bugle-horn sa., garnished or, Onslow Gardens, London. S.W.. a
stringed gu. Esto vigilans. Hurst, Herts, in a wood ppr., the sun swan pierced through the back and
Hurd, a bear's head sa., muzzled gu., breast with a dart, all ppr. Transfixus
Hurst of Welberry, Herts, rising from
between two wings. c/. 35. 5 behind a castle ppr., standing on a sed non mortuus.
Hurd, Worcs.. a horse's bead couped arg., mount vert, the sun or. Hussey, on a mount vert, a hind trippant
maned or. cf. 50. 13 Hurst, Walter, B.Sc, L.S.A., of Kirkgate, arg. . in front of a tree ppr.
Tadcaster, Yorks, in front of a demi-
Hurd, Reginald John Wickham. Esquire. sun in splendour, the stump of a tree Hussey, on a mount vert, a liind lodged
sprouting to the dexter, thereon a song- in front of a hawthorn-tree ppr.
LL.B.. of 74. Kensington Park Road,
Hussey, on a mount vert, a hind lodged
Bays water, W., a horse's head couped.
Deus pascit corvos. thrush close. Virtute el laborc. in front of a hawthorn-tree ppr., du-
caUy gorged and lined or.
Hurell and Hurle, a lion rampant holding Hurst, Joseph StancUffe, Esquire, J. P., of
a flag gu., charged with a cross in the Copt Hewick Hall, Ripon, a dragon Hussey, Edward Windsor, Esquire, J.P.,
dexter chief. <^f- i- 7 with wings elevated or, semee of of Scotney Castle, Lamberhurst,
crescents sa., and resting the dexter Sussex, a hind lodged under a haw-
Hurlblatt of Farnham, Surrey, out of a
ducal coronet or, a talbot's head arg., claw on an escutcheon of the last thorn tree ppr., ducallj' gorged and
eared gu., collared of the last, ringed charged with a sun in splendour of the chained or. Vix ea nostra voco.
and studded of the first. first. Lux tua vita mea. 73. 5 Hussey, Dorset, and of Hador, Gowthorp,
cf. 57. 12 Hurst of Hinckley, Leics., a dragon with and Linwood. Lines, on a mount vert,
Hurlebert, an arm embowed gu., holding wings elevated arg., resting the dexter a hind lodged regardant in front of a
a battle-axe the staff of the last, the claw on a cross crosslet or. charged hawthorn-tree ppr., ducally gorged and
blade and gaimtlet arg., at the HTist a on the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis az. lined or.
ribbon tied in a knot of the fii-st. Hurt, Albert Frederick. Esquire, of Hussey, the late Richard Hussey, Esquire,
c/. 200. 6 Alderwasley, Matlock, on a torse or of Upwood and Wood Walton, Hunts, a
Hurlestone, a goat's head arg., bearded and sa., a hart passant in his proper hind trippant ppr.. gorged with a ducal
and armed or, charged on the neck with couller, horned, membryed, and hurt coronet and chained or. cf. 1 24. 12
four ermine spots in cross. cf. 12S. 12 in the hanche with an arrow or. Hussey, Ireland, an arm in armour az..
Hurley, a pillar ppr. 176. 3 fethyred arg. {vide Flower's Grant. holding a cross crosslet fitched in pale
Hurley, on a ducal coronet a peacock September 4. 1565). Mane prcedam, or. 210. 14
ppr. 103. 8 vesperi spolium. Hussey, a boot sa.. spurred or, topped
Hurlston, Lanes, an ermine passant ppr. Hurt, a stag trippant ppr., attired or, erm. 193. 12
134- 6 vulned in the haunch by an arrow of Hussey of Scotney Castle, Sussex, a boot
Hurly, Robert Conway, Esquire, of
the last, feathered arg. c/. 117. S sa.. spurred or, turned down erm. Ut
Glenduff, Tralee, co. Kerry, Ireland, Hurt of Alderwasley, a hart trippant ppr.. tibi sic aliis. 193. 12
out of an antique Irish crown or. a attired, membered. and pierced in the Hussey, a boot sa., and thereon a human
naked arm embowed ppr., holding a haunch by an arrow or, feathered arg. heart held by two hands issuing from
cross crosslet of the first. Dextra cruce Mane prcedam, vesperi spolium. clouds fessewise dexter and sinister.
vincit. cf. 117. 8 Hussey of Moslerton and Bredy, near
Hurly, John, Esquire. J.P., of Tralee, co. Hurt, two hands couped and conjoined Barton Bradstock, Dorset, a boot sa.,
; spurred or, turned over erm., sur-
Kerry, on a wreath of the colours a in fess ppr. 224. 2
naked arm embowed holding a sword Hurt-Sitwell, William WiUoughby George, mounted by a heart ppr., supported by
two arms embowed in armour, the
wavy, all ppr. of Ferney Hall, Craven Arms, Shropsh.,
Hurly, John Charles Denis. Esquire, of a demi-lion ersised sa.. holding an es- hands gauntleted, also ppr. Cor im-
Fenit House. Fenit, Tralee, co. Kerry : cocheon per pale or and vert. mobile. 240. 15
( I ) A naked dexter arm embowed Husband, a demi-griflin holding between Hussey of Highcliffe, Lympstone,
holding a sword wavy, all ppr. (2) its claws a ducal coronet ppr. Devonsh., same crest and motto.
Out of an antique Irish crown or. [ Harold Wessen. Esquire, of Hussey of Wyrley Grove, near Lichfield,
a Husbands,
naked dexter arm embowed ppr., hold- 3S*orth Town House, Taunton, a demi- Staffs, a leg couped above the knee,
ing a cross crosslet or. Dextra vincit griffin segreant holding in the claws a booted sa., the top erm.. spurred.
cor (over the first). Dextra criice vincit ducal coronet. Justus sis non timeto. Hustler, Y'orks. a talbot sejant arg.,
(over the second). Husdell, Durh., a demi-lion ppr. Trust gorged with a collar az.. charged ^vith
Hurnard, Hamilton Hawtrey, Esquire, in God. 10. 2 three fleurs-de-lis or. cf. 55. i
B.A., of Gurney's Manor, Hingham, Huse, a dexter hand ppr., holding a cross Hustler, William Thomas, Acklam HaU,
Norf., a demi-lion rampant gu.. holding patee in pale or. Cleveland, Middlesbrough - on - Tees,
| same crest. Aid nunquam lentes aiU
in the dexter paw a cross crosslet Husee, a leopard passant gardant ppr.
fitchee or. NobUis est ira leonis. 24- 4 pcrfice.
Hustwick, Yorks, a lion passant ppr. paw a snake ppr. (for Lloyd). (3) On a Huth, Percival, Esquire, of Freshford
Opera Dei mirifica. 6. 2 ducal coronet or, a cockatrice with Manor House, Freshford, Bath, same
Hutchens, a lion's head erased arg., gorged —wings addorsed ppr. (for Hutchinson). crest and motto.
with a mural coronet az. c/. i Vitce via virtus. Innocentia infantis, Hutbwait, a pheon or. n174.
Hutcheson, Scotland, an arm in armour sapientia serpentis. 301. 9 Hutt, George William, Esquire, of Appley
throwing a hammer, all ppr. Sursum Hutchinson, Henry Ormerod, Esquire, of Towers, Byde, Isle of Wight, a peewit.
Hutcheson, Scotland, an arm in armour Elderslie, Prestwich, Manchester, a Nil nisi virtute. 243. 7
embowed az., throwing a dart pointed Saracen's head affrontee, couped at the Huttoft, a whale's head erect and erased
gu., feathered arg. Sursum. 198. 4 shoulders ppr., wreathed about the az.. gorged with a mural coronet or,
Hutcheson, Thomas Brown, Esquire temples arg. and az., and charged upon thereon three pellets, to the collar a
M.B., M.S., of the High Street, Saffron the breast with a cross patee sa., be- chain and ring of the second.
Walden, a dexter arm in armour hold-
tween a branch of laurel on the dexter 139. 9
ing in the gauntlet an arrow, all ppr., side, and a branch of oak fructed on Hutton, a hind statant. cf. 125. 3
headed gu. Sursum. the sinister, both also ppr. Perse Hutton, Yorks, a stag's head erased
Hutcheson of Drummalig, co. Down, and veranda. lozengy arg. and az. Spiritus gladius.
Clifton, Glouc, an arrow point upwards Hutchinson, John Richard, Esquire 121. 2
ppr. cf. 173. 5 J. P., of the Hirsel, Leamington, Hutton, Rev. Arthur WoUaston, Rector
HutchingS, out of a mural coronet a demi- Warwick, same crest and motto. of St. Mary le Bow, Cheapside, in front
lion holding in the dexter paw a branch Hutchinson, William, Esquire, of North of a fern- brake ppr., a stag's head
of palm vert. 1 6, 1 Higfafield, Rockferry, Chesh., same caboshed or. Post tencbras spero
HutchingS and Hutchins, a lion passant crest and motto. lucem. 247- 5
gardant sa. 4. 3 Hutchinson, William Arthur, of th< Hutton, Edmimd Bacon, Esquire, of
HutchingS, Somers., a lion's head erased Groves, near Douglas, Isle of Man Bidworth Dale, Notts, a stag's head
same crest and motto.
gu., ducally crowned or. iS. 8 caboshed or. Post tenebras spero
HutchingS of Telscombe, Sussex, a lion's Hutchinson, a parrot gu., holding in the
head erased arg., gorged with a collar beak an annulet or. loi. 11 Hutton, Charles WoUaston Esquire, of
sa., thereon three arches, and holding
in the mouth a cross crosslet fitchee Hutchinson, Durh., a demi-lion rampant. 56, Goldington Avenue. Bedford, same
crest and motto.
Cunctrinter, tamen fortiter. 10. 2
Hutchinson of Dublin, a demi-lion ram- Button, Frederick WoUaston, Esquire, of
Hutchins, a branch of a holly-tree vert. pant az., charged on the shoulder with Christchurch, New Zealand, same crest
150. 10 a trefoil sUpped or. cf. 10. 2 and motto.
Hutchins of London, a lion passant gar- Hutchinson, out of a ducal coronet a Hutton, George Holden, Esquire, J.P.,
dant sa. Xihil humani alienum. 4. 3 swan's head and neck between two D.L., of Thorney HaU, Newark, same
Hutchinson, see Donoughmore, Earl of. wings, all ppr. 100. 10 crest and motto.
Hutchinson, see Synge-Hutchinson. Hutchison, an arm in armour throwing a Hutton, Rev. Henry WoUaston, of Vicars'
Hutchinson, see Parker-Hutchinson. dart ppr. Surgam. Court, Lincoln, same crest and motto.
Hutchinson, Alan, Esquire, of Durham, a Hutchison, same crest. Sursum. Hutton, Rev. William Holden, B.D., of
bloodhound statant ppr., holding in Hutchison, a stag trippant ppr. 117. 8 the Great House, Burford, Oxon., same
the mouth a cross crosslet or, and sup- Hutchison of Rockend, Dumbartonsh., a crest and motto.
porting with the dexter fore-paw an stag's head erased gu., attired or. Hutton, George Morland, Gate Burton,
escocheon az., thereon a sun rising at Memor esto. 121. 2 near Lincoln, same crest and motto.
the base. 282. 5 Hutchison, John William, Esquire, D.L., Hutton, Rev. Charles Frederick, M.A., of
Hutchinson of Whitton, Durh., out of a of Laurieston Hall, Castle Douglas, the School House, Pocklington, East
ducal coronet or, a cockatrice az. N.B., and Edinghame, Dalbeattie, Yorks, on two annulets in fesse gu., a
Nihil humani alienum. N.B., same crest and motto. crescent or. Dat deus incrementum.
Hutchinson, Notts, out of a ducal coronet Hutchison, James Thomas, Esquire, J.P., 246. 12
or, a cockatrice with wings addorsed D.L., of Moreland and Hardiston, Hutton of Goldsborough, Yorks, three
az., beaked, combed, and wattled gu. Kioross-sh., and of 12, Douglas broad arrows, two in saltire and one in
Hutchinson, Durh., a cockatrice with Crescent, Edinburgh, a stag's head pale, sa., enfiled with a ducal coronet or.
wings expanded az., combed, wattled, erased ppr., attired or. Scientice Hutton, William Leak, Esquire, of Moss
and membered or. Cunctanter, tamen laborisque memor. 121. 2 Bank, Aughton, Ormskirk, three
fortiter. 68. 6 Hutchison, Thomas Walter, Esquire, of arrows, one in pale and two in saltire,
Hutchinson of Owthorpe, Notts, a cocka- CarlowTie, Kirkliston, N.B., a stag's points downwards, enfUed by a ducal
trice az., combed and legged or. head erased ppr., collared or. Scientice coronet. Pax. 290. 2
68. 4 luhorisque memor. Hutton, Ireland, out of a crescent or, an
Hutchinson of SkirsgiU and Crossfield Hutchon, a stag's head erased affrontee. arrow in pale sa. 163. 13
House, Cumb., out of a ducal coronet Fortis et Veritas. 119. 10 Hutton, John, of Hutton, Cumb., two
or, a cockatrice with wings endorsed Huth of London, three sprigs of oak erect eagles' heads erased in saltier addorsed
az., beaked, combed, and wattled ppr., each bearing an acorn or. 152. 2 sa.. enfiled with a ducal coronet or.
gu. 301. 9 Huth, Edward, Esquire, of Wykehurst Button, Westml., an eagle displayed or.
Hutchinson, Frederick William Hutchin- Park, Haywards Heath, Sussex, three beaked and legged sa., between two
son, M.A., Bar.Ch. (Cantab.), of Brook- sprigs of oak ppr., each bearing one branches of laurel vert. c/. 75. 2
lands Avenue, Cambridge, and Beechy
acorn or. Animus non res. 152. 2 Hutton of Hcmwick, Durh.. an ostrich's
Park. RathviUy, co. Carlow, a cocka- Huth, Alfred Henry, Esquire, of Fosbury head between two ostrich- wings arg.,
trice combed, wattled, wings expanded, Manor, near Hungerford, and 58, Rut- holding in its beak a horse-shoe or.
issuant from a coronet. Fortiter gcril land Gate, London, S.W., same crest cf. 97. 10
crucem. 30 1. 9 and motto. Button, Durh. and Lanes, an American
Hutchinson, on a mural coronet or, a Huth, Ferdinand Marshall, Esquire, of ppr., wTeathed round the middle vert,
cockatrice arg.. combed and wattled 44, Upper Grosvenor Street, London, holding in the dexter hand a tobacco-
gu., goiged with a wreath of laurel or. \N., and Eaglehurst, Fawley, South- leaf ppr.
Perseverande. ampton, same crest and motto. Button, Durh. and Kent, a blackamoor
Hutchinson - Lloyd - Vaughan, William Huth, Frederick Henry, Esquire, of Oak- wreathed about the temples and waist.
Piesley, Esquire, of Golden Grove, hurst, Tunbridge Wells, and Beckford and holding in the dexter hand a tre-
House, Lansdown Crescent, Bath, foil slipped vert.
Aiving's Co., Ireland: (i) boy's
head couped at the shoulders, crined same crest and motto. Button of Bishopwearmouth, Durh.. a
or, round the neck a snake entwined Huth, Louis, Esquire, of Passingworth man ppr., wreathed about the temples
Appr. {/or Vaughan). (2) | Manor, Waldron, Sussex, same crest and loins vert, and holding in the hand
lion ram-
pant arg., holding in the dexter fore- ! and motto. three leaves of the last. Pax.
31 1
Hutton, Scotland, a serpent catching at Byde of Denton, Lanes, an eagle's head Hyghlord, a ship in the sea in full sail,
the finger of a man's hand issuing from erased or, beaked sa. S3. 2 all ppr. 160. 13
a cloud, all ppr. Deus, quis coiiira. Byde of Whetstone, Middx., a demi-eagle Hyghmore, Cumb., a moorcock ppr.
223. 8 displayed and erased az., gorged with a Hyland, out of a mural coronet a garb,
Button, a serpent vomiting fire from its collar arg. , charged with three lozenges and thereon a bird, all ppr. 153. 9
mouth and nostrils, all ppr.
or. Hylton, Baron (JoUiffe), of Hylton, Durh.,
Button, John Timothy D'Arcy, of Marske, ' Byde of Ormston, Lanes, a raven rising. and Petersfield, Southampton, a cubit
Yorks, on a cushion gu., placed lozenge- I07- 3 arm erect couped, vested vert, cuffed,
and the sleeve charged with a pile
ways, an open Bible, the edges gilt with Hyde of Hyde, Beds, a raven volant sa. arg.. the hand grasping a sword in
the words " Odor vitce " inscribed. Hyde of Castle-Hyde, a hon's head erased
Spirilus gladius. 246. 1 sa., bezantee. De vivia nil nisi verum. bend ppr. Tant que je puis.
Button, Arthur Edward Hill, Esquire, of cf. 17. 8 Hyman, a demi-Cupid holding in his
Houghton Hall, Houghton-le-Spring, Hyde, Arthur, Esquire, of Holly Wood, dexter hand a torch. 185. 8
Durh., and 107, Gloucester Terrace, CO. Kerry, a leopard's head erased sa., Bynd of London, a hand gu., holding an
Hyde Park, W., same crest and motto. bezantee. De vivis nil nisi verum. eagle's claw ppr. 220. 12
Buxham of Loudon, and of Plymouth, cf. 23. 10 Hynde, a hind's head couped ppr., col-
Devonsh., a demi-lion rampant er- Byde of Hydon, Dorset, a cock's head lared or, holding in the mouth a rose
mines, holding between the paws an erased az., crested and jelloped gu., gu., leaved vert. cf. 124. 5
escutcheon arg., charged with a cross
bezantee, holding in the beak a pansy- Bynde, an ostrich's head couped chequy
crosslet gu. flower of the last. arg. and sa., holding in the beak a
Buxley of Edmonton, Midd.x., out of a Byde, a cock's head erased az., combed horse-shoe az.
ducal coronet or, a demi-lion rampant purp., charged on the neck with a Hynde of Hedsore, Bucks, on a ducal
erm., collared of the first, holding be- lozenge or, between four bezants, and coronet or, a cockatrice of the same,
tween the paws a crescent of the last. holding in the beak a pansy-flower ppr., combed and legged gu.
Buxley of Huxley, Chesh., a snake ppr. stalked and leaved vert. Hynde, a griffin's head az., collared and
142. 4 Byde of London and Kent, a unicorn's charged with an escallop or, between
Huxley, a wolf's head erased sa., gorged head erased arg., armed and maned or, two wings of the first, guttee-d'eau.
with a collar or, charged with three collared vair. 49. 1 cf. 67. 7
Hynde, Ireland, a demi-pegasus rampant
crescents gu. In Deo omnia. Byde of London, a dexter wing gu.
c/. 30. 1 109. 7 arg., maned or, grasping with the feet
a sword ppr., pommel and hilt or.
Buyshe, an elephant's head couped arg., Hyde, Ireland, on a mount a holy lamb
ducally crowned and tusked or. ppr., the standard az. cf. 131. 2 cf. 47. 5
cl- 133- ^ Hyde, an antelope statant. 1 26. 12 Hyndman, the sun shining on a sun-dial.
Buyshe, Rev. Francis John, Hon. Canon Hyde, a stag's head arg. 21 1 . 5 True as the dial to the sun.
of Salisbury, of Wimborne Minster,
Dorset, and Clisthydon, Exeter, same Byde, a standard in pale with a flag gu., Hynell, an angel praying. cf. 184. 2
and tassels. cf. 176. 15 Hynes, Ireland, an elephant passant sa.
crest. Byde of London, seven arrows, six in cf. 133- 9
Byatt, a tower gu., and out of the battle- saltire and one in pale, az., feathered Hynes, George John, Esquire, Postmaster-
ments a demi-lion rampant sa. 157. II and headed arg., enflled with an East- General, Punjab, India, a dexter arm
Hyatt, a demi-lion rampant ppr. Fac et ern coronet or. cf. 173. 7 in armour embowed grasping in the
10. 2 Byett, see Hyatt.
spera. Hyett, a dexter hand j hand a dagger fessewise, all ppr. Tou-
Hyde, Lord, see Clarendon, Earl. 1 eagle
Hyde, Earl 0! Clarendon (extinct), in pale ppr. holding a thistle iours fort. 196. 5
218. 2 Byrson, issuing out of a cloud a dexter
with wings expanded gu. Hyett of VVatton, Somers., a demi-pegasus hand holding a club, all ppr. 214. 9
Byde, Gustavus Rochefort, Esquire, M.A.', sa., crined or, the wings addorsed of the Hyslop of Edinburgh, a bookbinder's
of Lynnbury, MuUingar, co. West- last. 47. 5 1 folding-stick and polishing-iron cross-
meath an eagle with wings expanded Byett, Francis Adams, Esquire, J.P., . ing each other saltireways ppr. His
sa., beaked and membered or. Soyez B.A., of Painswick House, Glouc. : parva crescurU.
jerme. Out of a castle ppr., charged with four Byslop, Archibald Richard Frith, Lotus,
Hyde, Shropsh., an eagle with wings ad- pellets, a lion's head sa., holding in the Dumfries, a stag's head cabossed ppr.
dorsed sa., beaked and legged or. mouth a rose slipped gu. {for Hyett). 1 Semper vigilans.
I'Anson, a grifiSn's head between two Ibgrave, Herts, a dexter arm embowed Ikerrin, Viscount, see Carrick, Earl.
wings, all ppr. 65. 11 vested bendy of six or and az., cuffed Ham and Ilamy, a peacock's head between
I'Anson, William Andrew, Esquire, of [ two wings or, holding in the beak a
arg., holding in the hand ppr. a cross
Denton Hall, Scotswood, R.S.O., Nor- crosslet fitched sa. serpent entwined round its neck ppr.
thumb., and Westgate Hill House, Ichlngham and Ilchingham, a demi- 103- 3
Newcastle-on-Tyne, acubit arm habited dragon with wingsexpanded vert. 73.10 Ilbert, William Roope, of Bowringsley
per pale, indented az. and or, encircled | and Horswell House, Devonsh., a cock-
Ickyll, a horse's head couped arg., crined
by an annulet of the last, the hand ppr. and bridled sa., studded and tasselled pheasant arg., combed and wattled gu.,
holding a cross flory. Faire mon or. In Deo confido. 5i- 5 holding in the beak a red rose slipped
devoire. Iddesleigh, Earl of (Northcote), on a ppr., and standing on a mount veit.
Ibbetson, Selwin-, see Rookwood, Baron. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a stag cf. 90. 8. (Another, a demi-wyvern
Ibbetson, a horse's head charged with a trippant arg. Christi crux est viea lux. vert, collared or.) Nulla rasa sine
pale indented sa. cf. 50. 13 118. 3 I spinis. cf. 69. 12
Ibbotson of Crofton Hall, Yorks, a uni- Idle, a helmet ppr., garnished or. 180. 3 Ilbery of Biscaya, Spain, Berks, London,
corn's head erased arg. , armed and crined j Idle, a leopard passant resting his dexter and Calcutta, a demi-dragon vert, the
or, charged on the neck with an escallop fore-paw upon a helmet, all ppr. wings and belly flesh-coloured, holding
gu., between four estoiles az. cf. 49. 5 Ifield, out of a ducal coronet or, a dolphin's between the claws a lozenge az.,
Ibetson, Yorks, a unicorn's head arg., head az. charged with a fleur-de-lis or. cf. 73. 10
semee of escallops gu., attired, maned, Ihones of London and Shropsh., a lion Ilchester, Earl ol (Fox-Strangways), on a
and erased of the last. Vixi liber, et rampant or, supporting an anchor az., chapeau az., turned up erm., a fox
nurriar. 649. j the stock of the first. sejant or. Faire sans dire. 32. 12
Ilderton, out of a ducal coronet or, a Inchiquin, Baron (O'Brien), Dromoland, Ingle, a hand erect issuing from a cloud
battle-axe. the handle broken ppr. Newmarket-on-Fergus, co. Clare, Ire- 1 and holding a sword wavy, all ppr. 212.4
He or Isle, Durh., a demi-lion rampant, land, issuing from a cloud an arm Ingle, George, Esquire, of Socon, Beds,
holding between the paws an escallop. embowed brandishing a sword j in front of a cubit arm in bend ppr.,
charged with an acorn leaved and slipped
arg., vert, the hand grasping a sword in
bend sinister of the first, pommel and
j hilt or, the trunk of a tree fesseways
13. 10 —pommel and hilt or. Vigueur de dessus.
lies, a wolf collared and lined, all ppr. Lamh laidir an uacfita'-. cf. 201 4 j
cf. 29. 2 Inckpen or Inkpen of Whitehouse. Hants, 1
Hey, a cubit arm erect vested arg., hold- a dexter hand holding a club ppr.
ing in the hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis sa. j 214. 61 eradicated, and sprouting to the dexter,
Hey, Illey, and Ilney, a hand erect holding Incleden, a hand issuing from a cloud in also ppr. Disce pati.
j fess, pointing to a serpent ppr. 223. 7 Inglebert, a greyhound ppr., current
a cross crosslet fitched in pale. c/. 2 2 1 . 1 4 ;
Iliff, out of a ducal coronet a j of Incledon, Devonsh., a falcon towards a tree vert. 58. 11
peacock's Incledon j
tail ppr 115. 6 ppr., beaked and belled or. cf. 85. 2 Ingleby, Yorks, a boar's head arg. , tusked
I or. 43. I
Hinge, a heraldic tiger's head couped Incledon-Webber, Edward Chichester,
gu.. maned and ducally gorged or, Esquire, St. Brannock's, Braunton, j Ingleby, Clement Mansfield, Esquire,
; '
langued az. North Devonsh.: (i) A wolf's head; M.A., LL.D., of Valentines, Essex, a
Ilinn, a wolf's head erased gu. [ couped per pale or and gu. {for Webber). boar's head couped erect ppr., tusked
30. 8
AIllidge, John, Esquire, of Brixton, Surrey, j Malo
(2) falcon close ppr., jessed < or. Xoii imiiicmor benefici. cf. 43. 3
in front of a saltire couped or, an qttam fcedari Ingleby, Yorks. a boar's head couped and
eagle's head ersised sa. Aquila non Inderwick, Frederick Andrew, Esquire, of Monerect arg. , armed or. droit, cf. 43. 3
capit 7nuscas. cf. 83. 2 8, Warwick Square, S.W.. and Mari- Ingleden of Newcastle - on - Tyne and
Hlingworth. William. Esquire, of New- teau House, Winchelsea, Rye, Sussex, Yorks, a pha-nix in flames ppr. Ex
field HaU, Bell Busk, Leeds, on a a demi-man affrontee ppr., habited, cap j flamma lux. 82. 2
crescent arg., a cock or, charged on the [
breast with an escallop sa. Honesla
adorned with a feather vert, collar and Ingledew, a dexter arm embowed in fess
cuffs arg. , and resting the sinister hand issuing out of a cloud in the sinister,
peto. 237. 5 upon a knife point downwards, j reaching to a garland of laurel, all ppr.
Hlingsworth and Hlingworth, Surrey, ppr. Sapienter et sincere. cf. 223. 3
within a crescent arg., a cock crowing Iners, a dexter arm in armour holding in j Ingledew, on a mount vert, an ingle ppr.,
sa. 91. 10 the hand a scimitar in pale, all ppr. issuing therefrom an eagle with wings
Hlingsworth, a derai-lion charged with
Inge, a hand holding a glove ppr. expanded ppr. Ei flamma lux.
three roundles holding between its 220. 5 IngleQeld, Warw., an arm embowed vested
Inge of Thorp, Constantine, Staffs, two per pale gu. and or, cuffed arg., holding
paws a battle-axe. c/. 15.4
Illsley or Hsley, between two serpents in battle-axes in saltire ppr., enfiled with in the hand ppr. a branch vert.
orle, the tails in saltier, a cock, all ppr. a ducal coronet or. cf. 172. 4 Inglefleld, Henry Beaufort, Esquire, 24,
91. I Inge, William Frederick, of Thorpe Hall, Cadogan Place, London, S.W., and
Hney, see Iley. Thorpe Constantine, near Tamworth, Colthurst, Clitheroe, Yorks, on a naval
Image, of Whepstead and Bury, Suff., a same crest and motto. crown ppr. , an eagle displayed per pale
wolf's head erased az., gorged with a Ingeham or Ingham, an arm in armour
az. and gu. The sun my compass.
collar arg., charged with three roundles, embowed issuing from a cloud in the Ingles or IngliS, Scotland, a demi-lion
and holding in the mouth a cross flory sinister holding a sword ppr. 196. i rampant arg. Nobilis est ira leonis.
fitchee. 253. 22 Ingerland, on a plate a thistle ppr. 10. 2
Image of Herringswell House, Milden- Ingestre, Viscount, see Shrewsbury, Earl Ingles,' a fetterlock az., the fetter or.
hall, Suff., a boar's head erased quar- of. 168. 12
terly erm. and az., holding in the mouth Ingham, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Inglesby, Colonel T. J. J., Prince Alfred's
a cross crosslet fitchee gu. an owl ppr., sitting in holly-leaves vert. Vol. Art., of Harlemere, Seapoint,
Imbrie and Imrie of Crubie, Scotland, a Ingham of Marton in Craven, Yorks, two South Africa, a horse rampant or,
plough ppr. Evertendo fcecundat. 178.7 arms embowed vested, and holding be- holding in its mouth an oak sprig
Immans and Inmans, a basilisk ppr. tween the hands a maunch. In veri- fructed ppr., the sinister forefoot
Immins, a dragon's head couped. 71. i tate victoria. resting on an escutcheon az., charged
Impey, an ostrich with wings addorsed Ingham, His Honour Robert Wood, J.P., with a hand grenade of the first. 307 . 12
holding in its beak a horse-shoe ppr. D.L., of Sugwas Court, Eaton Bishop, Ingleton, Devonsh., a hand issuing from
cf. 97. I Heref., issuant from a cloud in the a cloud in fess pointing to a serpent
Impey-Lovibond, Archibald, Esquire, of
sinister an arm embowed in armour, ppr. 223. 7
Newhall, Ardleigh, Essex: (i) Upon
entwined by a serpent ppr., charged Inglett of Allington, Devonsh., a lion's
a rock ppr., a boar's head erect and with two mascles or, grasping a sword, head erased gu. 17. 2
couped gu., within a chain in arch or also ppr. IngliS, Bart., Beds, a demi-lion rampant
{for Lovibond). (2) A leopard's face Ingham, Edward Theodore, Blake Hall,
or, in front of a sword in pale point Mirtield, a demi-lion gu. holding between
downwards ppr., pommel and hilt or, the paws an escallop ppr. 295.3 Recte faciendo securtis. cf. 15. 7
between two wings sa. {/or Impey). Ingilby, Sir Henry Day, Bart., M.A., IngliS, Scotland, a demi-lion rampant
Leges juraque servo. J.P., D.L., of Ripley, in West Riding of holding in the dexter paw a mullet or.
Impey of Yarmouth, Norf., a leopard's Yorks, a boar's head couped and Nisi dominus frustra. 15. 7
face sa., between two wings or. c/. 22. 1
—erect arg., tusked or, holding in the IngliS, Scotland, same crest. Recte faci-
Imrey, Scotland, a plough ppr. Nil
mouth an estoile of the' last. Hon endo securus Invictus maneo.
desperanduni. 178. 7 Inglis, a demi-lion arg. Recte faciendo
Ince, on a mount vert, a horse sejant by Ingilby, Amcotts-, Bart, {ertinct), of I securus. 10. 2
an oak-tree ppr. 53-9 Kettlethorpe Park, Linos, and Ripley IngliS, a demi-lion rampant ppr., holding
Ince, a goat salient against a tree ppr.
Castle, Yorks: (i) A boar's head in his dexter paw a branch of laurel
129. 8 couped and erect arg. , tusked or, and j vert. Invictiis maneo.
Ince of Chester, a tree ppr., fructed or. issuant from the mouth an estoile of ' IngliS, out of a mural coronet or, a demi-
143- 5 Athe last {for Ingilby). (2) squirrel lion rampant arg. c/. 16. II
Ince, John, Esquire, of Montague House,
sejant gu., cracking a nut and collared Inglis of Broomhill, Lanarksh., Scotland,
Swanley, Kent, a horse arg., holding
in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert, rest- or {for Amcotts). cf. 135. 7 ! a demi-lion rampant arg., armed and
Ingilby, a boar's head erect and erased langued gu. , holding in his dexter paw
ing the dexter fore-leg on a caduceus Mg. 43- 3 a mullet, also gu. Recte faciendo
erect ppr. Lahore et acientia. 256. 5 Ingilby, Rev. Arthur, Lawkland Hall, 'S- 7
Inchbold, Yorks, a wyvern. Palladia Recte
Clapham, Lanes, a boar's head erect Inglis, a demi-lion rampant arg.
10. 2
fama. 70. i Monarg., tusked or. droit. faciendo securus.
IngliS, William Baymond, Esquire, a Innes-Ker, see Roxburghe, Duke of. Innes of Edinburgh, a star of twelve
demi-lion rampant arg. Xobilis est ira Innes, see Mitchell-Innes. Mepoints arg. diicc.
leonis. Innes, Middx., a boar's head erased or. Innes of Dimkinty, Elgin, a star az.
—IngliS of Manor, and Mannerhead,
42. 2 Virtus ad astra. Sub tigno solus.
Peebles, a demi-lion rampant arg. Innes of Innes, a boar's head couped or. 164. I
NobUis est ira leonis. lo. 2 Be traist. 43. i Innes, Scotland, an increscent ppr. Je
IngUs of Murdieston, Scotland, a demi- Innes, Scotland, a boar's head erased sa. re(;ois pour donner. 163. 3
lion arg., grasping in his dexter paw 42. 2 Innes, on a ducal coronet or, a wyvern
an oak-branch slipped ppr. Invictus • Innes of Edinburgh, two hands conjoined sejant gu. 70. 9
maneo. c/. lO. 2 in fess, holding a sword, all ppr. Diiai . Innes of that Ilk, Elgin, Scotland, within
IngliS of BroomhiU, Lanarksh., Scotland, servata fides. 224. 7 an adder disposed in a circle a castle
triple-towered ppr. Prudcntid et vi.
a demi-lion rampant arg., holding in Innes, Bart, (extinct), of Lochlalsh, Ross-
his dexter paw a mullet gu. Rede sh., and Coxton, co. Moraysh., a boar's Innes, Scotland, a hind's head erased
faciendo securus. 15-7 —head erased ppr., langued gu. Be ppr. Fortis et fidu.<i. 1 24. 3
IngUs of Gleneorse, Edinburgh, a demi- traist. Exempla suorum. 42. 2 Innes, Scotland, a cock crowing ppr.
j 91. 2
lion rampant holding in his dexter Innes, Scotland, a bee volant ppr. Non -Prudentid et vi.
paw a mullet arg. Recte faciendo servit sedlaborat. 137. I Innes, Scotland, an arm embowed holding
—Innes of Towie, Aberdeensh., and Lich- a dagger ppr. Sine crimine fiat. Pro |
IngliS of Cramond, a demi-lion rampant net, Banffsli., a bee volant ppr. Pro- patria.
arg., holding in the dexter paw a vide qnilahoriose. 137.1 Innes of Leighnot, an arm holding in the
mullet or. Nisi dominus /rustra. 15.7 Innp"> of Gamrie and Belhevie, a bee ppr. hand a sword ppr. Honos vita clarior.
IngliS, Bart., Beds, a cubit arm holding E labore dnlcedo. 1 37. I 212. 13
in the hand a scimitar. 213. 5 Innes of Reidhall, Banffsh., a bee volant Innes of Chelsea, a dexter arm embowed
and vambraced ppr., holding a banner
IngliS of Newtounleys, Haddington, upwards ppr. Non servit sed laborat.
Scotland, a star environed with clouds, 137- 2 disveloped gu. Pro patria.
Innes of Balveny, a dext«r arm in ar-
all ppr. In tenebris lucidior. 161. 11 Innes of Blairtoun, a primrose ppr., there-
mour couped at the elbow holding a
Inglish, an ear of wheat and a palm- Eon a bee or. labore didccdo. 1 50. 1 broadsword in pale ppr. Pro patria.
Innes, Sir John, Bart., D.L., of Balveny
branch in saltier, all ppr. 1 54. 19 Innes of Blairtoun and of Balnacraig, a
IngO, Essex, out of a ducal coronet or. a Ethistle ppr., thereon a bee. labore
dragon's head with wings addorsed gu. didccdo. 150. 9 and Edengight, Banffsh., a dexter arm
armed and couped at the elbow holding
72. I Innes of Gifford Vale, Haddington,
Ingoldesby and Ingoldsby of Lethen- Scotland, a Scotch thistle with a bee —a broadsword in pale ppr. Sine cri-
borough, Waldridge, Bucks, and of
Ethereon sucking ppr. labore dulcedo. mine fiat. Pro patria.
Newbottle, Northamp., Bart, (extinct), 150. Q Innes-Lillingston, Frederick George, Es-
out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion Innes, out of a ducal coronet a thistle quire, of Bute Court, Torquay, a demi-
gu., charged on the shoulder with an ppr. 150. 2 wyvem issuant, tail nowed sa.. wings
etoQe of the first. cf. 16. 3 Innes, Scotland, a thistle ppr., sur- expanded and elevated or, charged
with an ermine-spot of the first, on the
Ingowville, Jersey, a lion rampant ppr. mounted by a star arg. E labore
I- 13 dulcedo. breeist two annulets conjoined in pale
Ingram, Sir WiUiam James, Bart., Innes, Alexander Berowald, of Raemoir or. Pro Deo et patria.
Swineshead Abbey, Lines, on a rock and Dunnottar. Kincardinesh., Scot- Insole of Ely Court, Glamorgansh., a
ppr., issuant from a wreath of cinque- land, a branch of palm slipped ppr. gryphon passant or, charged on the
foils or, a griffin's head erased quarterly body with two pheons, and resting the
Ornatur radix fronde. ]
147. i :
gu. and arg., charged on the neck with Innes, Colonel Thomas, of Learney, dexter claw on a leopard's face jessant-
an escallop counterchanged. In hoc —Aberdeensh. : ( i ) On the dexter side de-Us az.
signo vinces. 273. 12 a branch of palm slipped ppr. (for Inverarity, John Duncan, of Rosemount
Ingram, Viscount Irvine [extinct), of —Innes). 147. I. (2) Upon the sinister and Hedderwick, Foifarsh., a rose-
Temple Newsom, Yorks, a cock ppr.
side a cubit arm in armour, the hand bush ppr. Semper floreat. 140.14
Magnanimus esto. 91. 2 bare holding a dart in bend sinister Inverclyde, Baron ( Burns), Castle Wemyss,
Ingram, see MeyneU-Ingram. —point downwards, all ppr. (for Brebner). Renfrewsh., a de.xter cubit arm ppr.,
Ingram, Scotland, a grifiin's head erased the hand grasping a bugle-horn sa.,
Ornatur radix fronde. Per tela, per
ppr., collared arg. cf. 66. 2 hostes. garnished vert. Ever ready. 297. 8
Ingram, a griffin's head quarterly gu. and Innes, Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Newell, Inverurie, Lord, see Kintore, Earl.
arg. 66. I R. A. , of Learney, Torphins, Aberdeensh. Inwards, on a chapeau gu., turned up
Ingram of Glasgow, a phoenix in flames, same crests and motto. erm., an eagle's head ppr. Invidid
Adall ppr. sidera viUtus. 82. 2 Innes, Rev. William Disney, of Cowie major. .83. 12
Ingram, a cock ppr. 91. 2 House, Stonehaven, N.B., a branch of Inwood of Cobham. Surrey, a demi-lion
Ingram of Ades, Chailey, Lewes, a cock palm slipped ppr. Ornatur radix fronde. rampant or, holding a battle-axe az.
in his pride ppr. Magnanimus esto. Innes of Thurster, a star of six rays 15- 4
Ingram, a bull's head erased. 44. 3 Dumenvironed with clouds, all ppr. Inys, on a mount vert, a rabbit ppr.,
Inkeldon and Inkledon of Buckland, spiro. ccelestia spero. cf. 164. 11 against a tree of the first, fructed or.
Devonsh., an ibex passant or. Innes, Scotland, a mullet az. Virtus ad 136. 10
Inkersall, Herts and Middx.. a griffin's astra. 164. 2 lohnson of Aykleyheads, Durh. : A(i)
head gu., gorged with a fess dancettee Innes-Cross, Arthur Charles, Esquire, naked dexter arm embowed firing
erm., between two wings displayed or. J. P., D.L., of Dromanline, co. Down : a pistol, all ppr. (for lohnson). 200. 11.
c/. 65. I I A(i) stork ppr., holding in the beak
(2) A dexter cubit arm erect vested
Inman, R. M., L.K.C.P., F.Z.S., of 7, a cross potent fitchee arg., and resting erminois, cuffed arg., holding in the
South Street, South Place, E.G., on a the dext«r claw on a rose gu., seeded hand ppr. a roundle of the first (for
mount vert, a wyvern ppr., ducally or, barbed vert, and charged on the Dixon). Fortiter et sincere. 205. 13
gorged and lined or. cf. 69. 1 body with a cross patee az., for dis- Ipre, on a mount vert, a leopard couchant
Inman, Ernest Stobart, Esquire, of Mere Antinction (for Cross). (2) estoile az., 1 gardant gu. , ducally crowned or. 24. 9
Bank, Davenham, Chesh., a wyvern and over it the motto. Be traiste (for Ipres, Lanes, a unicorn's head or, col-
vert, winged fretty or, gorged with a Innes). Certavi et vici. 164. i lared gu. cf. 49. I I
plain collar with a line therefrom re- Innes, Rose-, Thomas Gilzean, Nether- Irball, Lanes, two halberds in saltier
fiexed over the body gold, holding in Adale, Banffsh., N.B. : (i) rose gu., addorsed sa. 172. 4
the mouth a rose gu., barbed, seeded,
and slipped ppr. //; Domino confido. Astalked and leaved ppr. (Rose). (2) Irby, Baron Boston, see Boston.
Innes, Earl, see Roxburghe, Duke of.
—branch of palm slipped ppr. Armat Irby, Lines, a wjTern's head arg., gorged
spina rosas. Ornatur radix fronde. with two bars gemelle gu. cf. 71. i
IRB 299
Irby, Lines, a Saracen's head in profile Irton of Inverramsey, a hand holding two Irvine, Thomas, Esquire, of Glen Huntly,
couped at the shoulders ppr., wreathed
holly-branches of three leaves each in Aigburth Road, Liverpool, a hoUy-
arg. and sa.
saltire ppr. Color fidesque perennis. wTeath ppr. Sub sole, sitb umbra virens.
Irby of Boyland Hall: (i) A Saracen's
Ahead ppr. (for Irby). 190. 5. (2) Irvine, see Mervyn-D'Arcy-Irvine. Irvine and Irving, out of a ducal coronet
cubit arm erased holding in the hand
Irvine, a cock ppr. 91. 2 per pale arg. and az., a lion's gamb
a scimitar embrued, all ppr., the hilt
and pommel or (for Garneys). Irvine, a lion rampant with wings ad- per fess or and gu., holding a cross
dorsed. 20. 7 crosslet fitched of the last. 36. 1
Irvine, Scotland, a sheaf of five arrows Irvine of Gottenburg, a dexter hand
cj. 213. 5 banded, all ppr. Suh sole, sub umbra holding two holly- branches of three
Irby, Edward, Esquire, of Bolivia, Ten- leaves, each crossways ppr. Color fides
virens. 173. 3 que perennis.
tcrfield, Cbve, New South Wales, Irvine, a hand holding a bay rod adorned
Irvine of Kingcausie, Aberdeensh., Scot-
Australia, a Saracen's head in profile
Xland, a decussis like the letter within
ppr., wTeathed about the temples arg. a circle sa. Deo regi et patriae. with nine leaves ppr., with the chemical
and sa. Honor fidelilatis prcemium. Irvine, Robert, Esquire, late of Orchard letters of Terra, Aqua, Ignis, Sal Spiri-
190. 4 House, Durh., in front of two anchors tus. Sulphur, Sol, Venus, Mercurius or.
saltirewise with cables or, a dolphin Auspice summo numine.
Ireby, an antelope trippant ppr. 1 26. 6 embowed ppr.
Irvine, a sword and a palm-branch in Irving, see Winter-Irving.
Ireby, a sword in pale entUed with a
saltier. Irving, see Brodribb, formerly Broderip.
i-age head ppr. 191. 9
Irvine of Artamfoord, Scotland, two Irving, Bart., of Woodhouse, co. Dum-
Ireland, Herts and Shropsh., a fleur-de holly-leaves in saltire vert. Sub sole Afriessh., Scotland: (i) chapeau gu.,
turned up erm., wreathed round the
lis arg., entwined with a snake regar-
dant vert, perforating the centre leaf.
Ireland, a bird arg., beaked and legged viresco. cro«Ti with holly or. c/. 180. 8. (2)
gu. 92. 2 Irvine, Scotland, a sheaf of holly-leaves A dexter arm in armour embowed ppr.,
Ireland of Owsden Hall, Su£f., a dove ppr. Ope solis et umbra. 150.12 garnished or, holding in the hand two
liolding in its beak an oUve-branch, all Irvine, Scotland, a sheaf of holly of seven —holly-leaves vert, banded gu. Hand
leaves banded gu.
ppr. 92. 5 uilis labentia ventis. Sub eole, sub
Irvine of Beilside, Aberdeensh., three umbra virens.
Ireland, Chesh., Lanes, and Shropsh., a holly-leaves conjoined in one stalk ppr. Irving of Hyde Park Square, London, W.,
Moderata durant. a cornucopia fesseways ppr., in front
dove arg. , beaked and legged gu. , hold-
ing in its beak a sprig of lamrel vert.
92. 5 Irvine of Lairnie, Aberdeensh., a branch of an arm in armour embowed, also
Ireland, Ireland, a dove holding in its of holly and a lily both slipped in sal- ppr., holding a holly-leaf vert. Sub
sole, sub umbra virens.
beak an olive-branch ppr. Amor et tier ppr. Candide et constanter. 151. 10
pax. 92. 5 Irvine, Scotland, a hoUy-branch gu. Irving, Major John Beaufin, late of
Ireland of Hutt and Hale, Lanes, same 150. 10 Bickington Lodge, Fremington, Devon-
crest and motto. 92. 5 Irvine of Cairnfield, Banfish., Scotland, sh., an arm in armour gauntleted ppr.,
charged on the wrist with a crescent
Ireland, Scotland, a lion rampant gardant a cross crosslet fitched gu., and a
gu. 2. 5 branch of holly slipped vert, in saltier. gu., and holding a branch of hoUy
Iremonger, Lanes and Shropsh., a boar's Ferendo feres. 166. 10 consisting of seven leaves fructed ppr.
Hand ullis labentia ventis.
head arg., collared vairee or and gu. Irvine of Lenturk, Aberdeensh., a sheaf
cf. 41. I of hoUy of seven leaves banded gu. Irving of Newtown, Lanarksh., Scotland,
Iremonger of the Priory, Wherwell, Hants,
Fideque perennat. three arrows ppr., points upwards, two
a pha?nix or, in flames ppr. 82. 2 Irvine of Inchray, Scotland, two holly- in saltire and one in pale, flighted
Ireton, Ireland, a squirrel sejant ppr. branches in saltire ppr. Sequitur ves- arg., banded gu. Sub sole, sub umbra
<:/ I3.S- 4 tigia patrum. virens. cf. 173. 14
Ireton, a demi-lion sa., collared arg., Irvine, Alexander, of Drum, Aberdeensh. Irving, three arrows boxmd by a ribbon
liolding in the dexter paw a mullet gu. Scotland, a sheaf of nine holly-leaves
<•/ 15- 7 vert. Sub sole, sub umbra virens. Irwin, Colonel William John, of St.
Ireton of Little Ireton, Derbysh., a Irvine of Fedderet, Aberdeensh., Scot- Catherine's Park, Leixlip, co. Kildare,
squirrel sejant cracking a nut ppr. Fay land, a sheaf of six holly-leaves vert, a dexter arm in armour embowed
ce que doy advienne que pourra. 135. 7 banded gu. Ope solis et umbrae. holding a branch of holly.
Ireys of Ireys, Dorset, on an oak-tree Irvine of Bonshaw, Dumfriessh., Scot- Irwin of Justustown, Cumb., a dove
eradicated and erect ppr., a dragon or, land, a cubit arm in armour holding holding in its beak an olive-branch
in the gauntlet a branch of holly, aU ppr. Baud ullis labentia ventis.
pierced through the breast by a sword
of the first, hilt of the second 73. 7 ppr. Haudidlislabentiaventis. 209.14 92. 5
Irland, Irrland, or Ireland of Albrighton, —Irvine, Scotland, same crest. Moderata Irwin of Calder Abbey and Justustown,
durant. Sub sole, sub umbra virens.
Shropsh., a dove arg., holding in the Irvine, Bart, (extinct), of Lowtherstown, Cumb., a dove holding an olive-branch
in its beak. Baud ullis labentia ventis.
beak a sprig of laurel vert. 92. 5 CO. Fermanagh, a gauntlet issuing out
Irnynge, a child's head ppr. 92. s
of a cloud holding a thistle, all ppr.
Irons, a cross moline lozenge-pierced az. Irwin, Colonel Thomas Angelo, Lynehow,
Dum 7nemor ipse tnei. near Carlisle, upon a mount between
165. I
Ironside of Houghton-le-Spring, Durh., Irvine, John Gerard, Esquire, of Kil- two holly-leaves vert, a dove arg.,
a cross crosslet fitched az. In hoc aigno ladeas, co. Fermanagh, issuing from a holding in the beak an olive-branch
cloud a gauntlet fesseways holding in ppr., and an ear of wheat or. Baud
vinces. 166. 2
Ironside, a dexter hand couped in fess the hand a thistle shpped and leaved, ullis labentia ventis. 92. 13
holding a sword in pale, surmounted
all ppr. Dum memor ipse mei. Irwin, James Daniel, Esquire, a dexter
l)y a laurel crown, all ppr. 221. 7 Irvine of Auchinbedridge, Dumfriessh., a arm in armour fesseways, issuant out
of a cloud, the hand holding a sword
Ironside, Bax-, Henry George Outram, hand holding a branch of holly whereon erect enwreathed with a thistle, all
AHoughton-le-Spring, Durh.: (i) are five leaves ppr. Nil mihi tollit
cubit arm vested per pale az. and gu., hyems. ppr., the arm charged with a cross
cuffed arg., the hand ppr. holding a Irvine of Castle Irvine, co. Fermanagh, patee gu. Dum memor ipse mei.
Across flory or. (2) demi-lion gu., a dexter arm in armour fesseways Irwin, John Arthur, Esquire, of Derrygore,
charged on the shoulder with three issuant out of a cloud, the hand hold- CO. Fermanagh, Ireland, a mailed arm
cinquefoils arg., holding between the Duming a thistle, all ppr. memor ipse fesseways holding in the hand a thistle
—paws an Eastern crown or. In lioc mei. and a holly -leaf, all ppr., and charged
•iigno vinces. Cavendo hitus. Irvine of Burleigh, Scotland, a dexter on the arm with a crescent gu. Nemo
Irton of Irtou Hall, Cumb., a Saracen's hand holding a holly-branch consisting me impune lacessit. cf. 211. 12
head. Semper coiistaii-s et fidelis.
of three leaves ppr. Sub sole, sub umbra Irwin, Rev. Arthur William, of Napton,
190. 5 Rugby, same crest and motto.
Irwin, De )a Cherois Thomas, of Carnagh Isely or Isley, a hand holding a roll of Iveagll, Baron (Guinness), of Castle-
knock, CO. Dublin : (i) A boar passant
House, Carnagh. co. Armagh, and 170, paper between two branches of laurel
Cooper Street, Ottawa, Ontario, a hand in orle, all ppr. 215. 3 quarterly or and gu., a crescent for
j difference (for Guinness). cf. 40. 9.
and arm in armour holding erect a Isham of Bramston, Northants, a demi- (2) On a pillar arg., encircled by a ducal
thistle. Nemo me imputie lacessit. swan with wings endorsed arg., guttce-
Irwin, Ireland, an arm couped above the de-larmes. c/. icxD. 9 coronet or, an eagle pre3?ing on a bird's
leg erased ppr. [for Lee). Spes mea in
wrist in armour ppr.. lying fesseways. Isham, Sir Vere, Bart., D.L., of Lamport,
holding in the gauntlet a bunch of Northamp., a demi-swan with wings Deo.
hoUy consisting of three leaves vert, —displayed arg., beaked sa. Ostendo Iverach of Wideford, Orkney, a boar's
tied gu., the strings flotant. Sub umbra
non ostento. On things transitory head couped arg. Nunquam obliviscas.
—virtutis.Siib sole, sub umbra virens.
43- I
Nemo me impune lacessit. 211. 13 Ivers, a demi-lion rampant or, collared
Irwin, Ireland, issuing out of a cloud a head per pale ermines and erminois, sa. 10. 9
hand grasping a bunch of thistle ppr. erased gu. 30. 8 Ives, Northamp., out of a ducal coronet
Nemo me impune lacessit. Isherwood, John Henry Bradshaw, of gu., an Indian goat's head arg., guttee-
Irwin or Irwine, Ireland, a mullet pierced Marple HaU, Chesh., and Bradshaw de-sang. attired or.
or. c/. 164. 2
AHall, Lanes : (i) wolf's head erased Ives of Bradwell, Norf., a boar passant
Irwine, an arm in armour couped above ppr.. issuant out of a crescent az. (jor ppr., coUared and chained or. cf. 40. 9
the wrist in fess holding in the gaunt-
Isherwood). c/. 30. 8. (2) On a mount Ives, Grant-, Wilfrid Dryden, Bradden
let a branch of holly vert, the arm vert, a stag at gaze ppr. under a vine- House, Northamp., issuant from a rook
charged with a crescent. branch, also ppr., fructed or {for ppr., a blackamoor's head in profile
cf. 211. 12 Bradshaw). Bona benemerenti bene- couped at the shoulders ppr., the
Irwine, an arm couped about the wrist dictio. cf. 116. 14 temples and neck each encircled Ijy an
Aannulet or {for Ives). (2) conical hill
in armour ppr., lying fesseways, hold- Ismay, Joseph Bruce, Esquire, of Sand-
ing in the gauntlet a bunch of holly heys, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, an fired at the summit ppr., issuant there-
of three leaves vert, tied gu., the esquire's helmet ppr., in front thereof from a cross calvary or {for Grant).
strings flotant, and charged on the a cross patee fitchee or. Be mi}idfid. Iveson of Hedon, near Hull, Yorks, a
arm with a crescent for difference, Ismay, James Hainsworth, of 30, James Moor's head in profile erased at the
c/. 211 Street, Liverpool, same crest and motto. neck sa.
Isaac, a martlet. 95. 4 Ismay, Thomas Henry, Esquire, J. P., of Ivey, Devonsh., a demi-lion rampant or,
Isaac of Boughton, Worcs.. a dexter Dawpool. Birkenhead, Chesh., on a supporting a staff raguly vert. cf. 51 . I
in armour embowed, the hand holding wreath of the colours an esquire's Ivie, Scotland, the attires of a stag
a sword enfiled with a leopard's face helmet ppr., and in front thereof a affixed to a scalp ppr. cf. 123. 5
the point downwards and resting on
cross patee fitchee or. Be mindful. Ivory, a lion sejant affrontee, holding in
the wreath, all ppr. 180. 2 the dexter paw a sword, and in the
Isaac, in the sea a cross patee between Israel, the sun rising from behind a cloud sinister a fleur-de-lis. 7. 3
two ears of wheat in orle, all ppr. ppr. 162. 5 Ivye, Oxon., and of West Keynton, Wilts,
154. 12 Isted of Ecton, Northamp. , a buck's head a lion rampant arg., supporting a staff
Isaack, of Exet«r and Heavitree, Devonsh erased ppr., attired and ducally gorged raguly gu.
a leopard's head erased or, peUette or. cf. 121. 2 Iwarby and Iwardby, a cock's head gu.
and ducally collared. Florescat. Ithell, Cambs, and of Billesden, Leics., cf. 90. I
Isaacs, a hand holding a mill-rind. !
on a ducal coronet or. a Cornish chough Izacke of Exeter, a leopard's head erased
Isaacson, Surrey, a demi-lion rampant with wings expanded sa., beaked and i sa., ducally gorged or. cf. 23. 10
az. {atiother. arg.), holding between the legged gu. 108. 6 ' Izod of Tudington and Stainton, Glouc,
paws an escallop. Oapjet. 13. 10 Ivat and Ivatt of London, out of a mural a man's head in profile ppr., in armour
Isaacson of Fiiield, Essex, same crest. coronet a cubit arm in armour holding or, on the head a plume cf feathers
Isaacson, two lion's gambs sa., holding in the gauntlet, all ppr., a fleur-de-lis gu. and arg.
up a bezant. c/. 39. 4 ^
or. Izon, a dexter hand couped in fess, hold-
Isate, Yorks, a stag's head erased per i
Ive, an arm in armour couped and em- ing a cross crosslet fitched in pale.
fess arg. and gu., pierced by an arrow bowed holding a svord ppr., the elbow 221. 10
ppr. cf. 121. 2 resting on the wreath. I Izzard, a dolphin naiant ppr. 140. 5
Jack, a pear-tree vert, fructed or. Jackson, Yorks, and of Cuddesdon.Oxon., Jackson, Charles Hugh, Esquire, Don-
caster, same crest and motto.
144- 10 a sheldrake ppr. 102. 10
Jack, a horse's head erased, holding in Jackson, Freeman Rayney, Esquire, of
Jackson, Bart, [extinct), of Beach Hill, Wanganui, New Zealand, same crest
and motto.
the mo\ith a broken tilting-spear. Surrey, a shoveller tufted on the head
Jackson, Henry Bower, Esquire, of Telau,
Jack, Scotland, the sun in his splendour and breast arg.. and charged with a Savu Savu, West Fiji, same crest and
or. Post rtubila Phcebus. 162.2 —trefoil slipped vert. Innocentias secu-
Jackson, Hugh Rowland, Esquire, of
Jackaman, Henry Mason, Esquire, J.P., rus. Malo mori qtiam faedari. Doncaster, same crest and motto.
of Ipswich, a griffin's head erased sa., Jackson, Francis Arthur, Esquire, of Jackson, Clement Nugent, of Hertford
College, Oxford, same crest and
guttee-d'or. Fortiter qui fide. 293.15 Jackson Dale Savu Savu, Fiji (other
Jackerell, on a stand a hawk's lure, and estates, Na Ko, Vadra Vadra, and Wai motto.
Jackson, Sir Keith George, Bart., of
thereon a hawk perched, all ppr. Ko Vuna, all in Fiji), educated at
Rugby, served with H.M. New Zealand Beach House, Walmer, a goat's head
85. 12 Militia during the New Zealand War couped arg., guttee-de-sang, armed
and bearded or, gorged with a collar
Jacket, issuing out of a cloud a dexter (for lineage, see Burke's " Colonial gu., charged with three bezants ringed,
and a line therefrom reflexed of the
hand ppr., holding a cross patee
fitched in pale or. 223. 6 Gentry," vol. i.), on a wreath of the
Jackman, a griffin's head erased sa., colours a demi-gryphon gu., coUared
guttee-d'or. 66. and chain reflexed over the back or,
Jacks, William, Esquire, of Crosslet, holding in the dexter claw a shoveller's
Dumbartonsh., on a mount a collie-dog.
Treu und fest. head erased arg. Strenue et honeste.
65. 2
Jackson. Chesh., a goat's head az., attired demi-horse arg., guttee-de-sang, and Jacob, John Henry, Esquire, J. P., the
or. 128. 12
charged with a crescent gu. 53. i DmnClose, Salisbury, same crest.
Jackson, Bart., upon a ragged staff sa., a Jackson, Cumb., of Sunderland, Durh., spiro spero.
goat's head couped arg., semee of of Bedale, Yorks, and of Combhay, Jacob of Tolpiddle, Dorset, and Dover,
trefoils shpped vert. Fortiter, fideliter, Devonsh., a horse current arg., guttee- Kent, a lion rampant or, supporting a
jeliciter. 128. 9 de-sang. 52. 8 cross crosslet fitched gu.
Jackson, William, Esquire, J.P., of Jackson, General Sir James, Knight Jacob of Canterbury, Woolavington,
Forest Road, Birkenhead, same crest Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Waldershare, Whitfield, and Sextries,
and motto. Order of the Bath, a horse passant Kent, on a mount vert, a lion rampant
Jackson, Major-General William, Kirk- arg., charged on the shoulder with a per fesse or and gu., supporting a cross
buddo, Forfarsh., a griffin issuing out trefoil slipped vert. Celer et audax. crosslet botonny fitchee, also gu. Non
of the wreath, holding in his dexter cf. 52. 6 nobis solum.
claw a sword ppr. Jackson, Edwin, Esquire, of Threlkeld Jacobs, William Wall, Esquire, L.R.C.P.,
Jackson of Laurel Lodge, Toowong, near Leys, Cockermouth, Cumb., in front S.L, of 58. Burnt Ash Road, Lee, S.E.,
Brisbane, Queensland, in front of a of a mount vert, thereon a horse a dexter arm in armour embowed
mount vert, a mullet of six points or, courant arg., three caltraps or. Celer holding in the hand by the blade a sword
thereon an eagle close ppr. Confide et audax. fesseways, point to the dexter, all ppr.
recte agens. 228. 3 Jackson of Christchurch, Surrey, a horse Jacobs, an arm in armour embowed
Jackson, an eagle close ppr.
76. 2 passant arg.. semee of cinquefoils gu. holding in the hand a sword by the
Jackson, Oxon., an eagle rising ppr. 77. 5 cf. 52. 6 blade, all ppr. 195. 6
Jackson, Scotland, an eagle's head erased Jackson of Allerton Hall, Chapel Aller- Jacobs, Hull, an heraldic tiger passant.
ppr. Dotninus fecit. S3. 2 ton, near Leeds, a horse or, holding in 25- 5
Jackson, Scotland, same crest. Subli- the mouth an ear of wheat slipped Jacoby, John Henry, Esquire, Rope
miora peto. vert, resting the dexter fore-leg upon Walk, The Park, Notts, a stag arg.,
Jackson, Shropsh., an eagle's head erased three annulets, one and two, interlaced charged on the body with two roses
az., holding in its beak a lily slipped gu. Essayez. fessewise gu., barbed and seeded ppr.,
ppr. Jackson, of Upwell, Norf., upon the trunk resting the dexter fore-foot on a cross
Jackson, Heref., on a five-leaved coronet of a tree eradicated and sprouting to of eight points gu. Opera bona efful-
or, a hawk's head and neck erased gu., the dexter ppr., a horse current arg.,
gent. n8. 8
charged on the breast with a cross guttee-de-poiz, charged on the body Jacoby, James Alfred, Esquire, M.P., of
patee fitched, also or. SciUo amoris with a pale gu., thereon a cinquefoil, Oakhill House, Notts, and 8, Queen's
divini. also arg. Jamais arriere. 53.7 Gate Gardens, S.W., same crest and
Jackson of Bath, Somers., a dove close Jackson, George James Vaughan, Es-
ppr., holding in the beak an oUve- quire, of Carramore, co. Mayo, a horse Jacoby, Charles Theodore, Esquire, for-
branch, and charged on the breast passant arg. Celer et audax. 52. 6 merly of Lyegrove House, near Chip-
with a torteau. cj. 92. 5 Jackson, Herbert Francis Vaughan, Es- ping Sodbury, Glouc, same crest and
Jackson, John Thomas, Esquire, of the quire, of Potter's Bar, Middx., same
Hurstead, Rochdale, Treburvaugh, crest and motto. Jacomb, a lion's head erased barry of six
Llangunllo, Radnorsh., two pheons Jackson of London, a hand ppr., holding arg. and az. cf. 17. 4
gu., thereon an eagle with wings a boar's head erased and erect sa. Jacomb of Burton Lazers, Leics., a hand
expanded or, each wing charged with 220. 6 holding two branches of palm in orle
a rose gu., barbed and seeded ppr. Jackson of Torphin, Scotland, a dexter ppr. 218. 7
Re.1 non verba. 235.8 arm in armour embowed, holding in Jacques, a horse's head couped arg.,
Jackson, Major-General William, Kirk- the hand a battle-axe ppr. Devant si maned or, struck in the breast with a
buddo, near Forfarsh., a griffin issuing je puis. cf. 200. 6 tilting-spear of the last. cf. 50. 11
out of the wreath, holding in his dexter Jackson of Bubnell, Derbysh., an arm in Jacques, Rev. Kinton, M.A., Brindle
claw a sword ppr. Ausim et confido. armour embowed holding a battle-axe Rectory, Chorley, same crest. Ad
Jackson of Southgate, Middx., a grey- ppr. 200. 6 mortem fidelis.
hound passant sa., collared or, resting Jackson, Arthur, Esquire, F.R.C.S., of Jacques, a plate charged with a lion's
the dexter paw on a pheon of the last. College Hill House, Shrewsbury, a head erased and collared. cf. 19. I
58. 8 tower ppr., and issuing from the battle- Jacson of Barton Hall, a sheldrake rising
Jackson, a greyhound passant arg., rest- ments thereof a demi-lion rampant sa. ppr. Innocentice securus.
ing the dexter paw on a pheon of the Jackson, Kent, a demi-lion rampant or, Jadewin of London, an oak-tree vert,
last. cj. 58. 8 holding between the paws a pheon az. fructed or, supported by two lion's
Jackson of Bromfield, Middx., a clemi- cf. 10. 2 gambs erased of the last, entwined
greyhound salient arg., collared or, Jackson, Sir Thomas, Bart., Stansted with a scroll inscribed with the motto,
holding between the feet a pheon sa. House, Essex, upon a fountain ppr., a " Robur in vita Deiis."
c/. 60. 8 sheldrake close or. Aut mors aut Jafle, Sir Otto, of Belfast, an eagle dis-
Jackson, a greyhound's head couped arg., victoria. 283. 13 played with wings inverted between
collared gu. 61. 2 Jackson, Scotland, a holly-leaf ppr. two oak- branches, all ppr. Deus
Jackson, Rutl., the sun rising or. Virescit virtus. nobiscum.
Jackson of Keswick, Gumb., and Oxon., Jackson, Ireland, a fleur-de-lis or, en- Jallray, Sir William, Bart., of Skilts,
a sun or, in flames ppr. twined by a serpent vert. 148. 8 Warw., on a mount in front of two
Jackson of Kelwoold's Grove, Yorks, the Jacob, Bart, {extinct), of Bromley and palm - branches saltirewise vert, a
sun or, between two branches in orle. Bow, an heraldic tiger passant ppr., mullet or. Post nubila Phaibus. 272.4
162. D maned and tusked or. Tantum in I Jaflray, Scotland, between two branches
Jackson, Donald Frederick, Esquire, of superbos. 25. 5 of palm in orle a mullet, all ppr. Post
King's Lynn, Norf.. a demi-hor,se arg., Jacob, Oxon., same crest and motto. " j nubila Pkcebus. 146.8
guttee-de-sang. -5- 5 Jaflray, Ireland, a demi-leopard rampant
Jackson, Northamp., same crest.
Jacob, Archibald Hamilton, Esquire, I gu. cf. 23. 13
f/- 53- I J. P., of Raymond Terrace, Sydney, Jaffrey of King's Wells, Kincardinesh.,
N.S.W., and William Higgins Jacob, Scotland, the sun shirdng through a
Jackson, Thomas Graham, Esquire, M.A.,
R.A., Eagle House, Wimbledon, a Esquire, of 59, Portsdown Road, Maida | cloud. Post nubila Phoebus.
demi-horse arg., guttee gu., maned
and hoofed sa. Vale, London, W., an heraldic tiger Jager, out of a ducal coronet a hand
Jackson, William Goddard, Esquire, J.P.,
Apassant ppr. Deo solus. 25. 5 holding a sword, all ppr. 212. 11
Jacob, Wilts, an heraldic tiger passant Jaggard, William, of 139, Canning Street,
of Duddington, near Stamford, Nor- sa., resting his dexter fore-paw on an Liverpool, issuing from clouds a dexter
thamp. , and of Wisbech, Isle of Ely. a escutcheon or. cf. 25. 5 hand fesseways grasping two olive-
) 11
branches in saltire and a sceptre erect, James, Fullarton-, Sir John Kingston, James, a demi-bu£Falo salient, armed and
surmounted by a portcullis with chains I 45. 12
Bart., of the city of Dublin, issuing ' ungu. or.
pendent, all ppr., a serpent nowed from a ducal coronet or, a swan ppr., I James, Lloyd-, William Frederick, of
about the wrist enclosing the motto beaked gu., and holding therein a dart Pantsaison, Pembrokesh., a demi-buU
Prudentia. 294. 7 —of the first feathered arg., pointed rampant sa., armed and ungu. or, lan-
JagO, a talbot couchant ppr. 54. 1 gued gu. Ffyddylon at y gorfin.
towards the breast. A jamais. Pro I
JagO, issuing out of clouds two dexter Deo, patria, et Rege. cf. 45. 8
hands, both grasping the stump of an old James, Rt. Hon. the late Sir I Durh., a bull's- head couped sa.,
William James,
tree sprouting afresh, all ppr. 224. 10 Milbourne James, Lord Justice of Ap- armed or. cf. 44. 3
JagO-Trelawney, Major-General John, j
peal, a cock gu., gorged with a collar James of Barrow Court, Somers., a dolphn
J.P., of Coldrenick, Liskeard, Cornw. : gemel or, the dexter claw resting on a naiant ppr. 140. 5
( 1 A wolf statant ppr. {jor Trelawney).
(2) Upon a rock ppr., a cormorant portcullis of the last. Owna a ddyled James, a dolphin naiant or. 140. 5
rising sa., wings pean, charged upon
doed addel. 01. 8 James, Major-General Edward Renouard,
the breast with a cross crosslet or (jor
James, Bart, {extinct), of Park Farm R.E., 27, Nevern Mansions, Earl's
Place, Eltham, Kent, in a naval coronet Court, S.W., same crest.
Jago). Sermoni consona facta. or, a tower with two port-holes in front James, Rev. John Burleigh, M.A., of
Jakeman, out of a ducal coronet or, an of the same, fire issuing from the port- Vanbrugh Fields, Blackheath. Kent, a
eagle's head ppr. cf. 83. 14 holes and top ppr. , on the tower a flag- unicorn's head erased arg., charged
staff of the last, thereon a flag flotant on the neck with an escallop gu., and
Jakes of London, a horse's head couped
arg. , maned or, struck in the breast with to the sinister gu., in the position of supporting in the mouth a Passion
a tilting-spear of the last. cf. 50. 1 striking being half-way down the mast. cross gu., resting upon the wTeath.
Jalabert of Dublin, the figure of Ceres Victor. Memor. 230. 15
ppr. James of Upminster, Essex, and Kent, a James, Rev. Edward, Peakirk, Peter-
Jalfou of Hackney, Middx., on a mount garb arg., banded vert. 153. 2 borough, same crest and motto.
vert, a greyhound coiirant arg., holding James, Glouc, a garb. 153. 2 James, Rev. Frank, of the Vicarage,
in the mouth a sword in pale, point James, a demi-lion rampant erminois, Rossett R.S.O., Denbighsh., same
downwards, ppr., pommel and hilt or. holding an escallop gu. 13. 10 crest and motto.
58.6 James of Haughton Hall, Hanover, James, Arthur John, Esquire, of Edge-
Jalmes, out of a ducal coronet or, five Jamaica, same crest. Malgre le tort. worth Manor, Cirencester, Glouc,
ostrich-feathers, the three inner ones James, Cambs and Cornw., out of a ducal same crest and motto.
sa., and the two outside ones arg. coronet or, a demi-lion az., holding an James, Rev. Nicholas Hopkins, D.D., of
114- 13 escallop gu. cf. 13. 10 Clonfeacle Rectory, Moy, co. Tyrone, a
James, Baron Northbourne, see North- James of Astley, Worcs., out of a mural ed on tl
bourne. coronet az., a demi-lion rampant re- J'aime a
James, Baron (James), of Heref., a cubit gardant or, coUared of the first, hold- jamais. 120. 5
arm erect ppr., pendant from the band ing an escallop sa. cf. 16. 5 James, William Dodge, West Dean Park,
by a chain or, an escutcheon erm., James of Presteign, Radnorsh., a lion Chichester, upon the battlements of a
charged with a balance or, the hand Iding tower or, an ostrich sa., holding in the
grasping a sword erect ppr., pommel paws a rose gu., the beak a biUet, also or. J'aime a jamais.
and hilt or, the blade transfixing a dexter hind-paw resting on an escut- 250. 17
boar's head couped erm. Vim vi cheon arg., charged with a spear-head James, a dexter naked arm embowed
repellere licet. 276. 13 sa. Duw a digon. i. 6 holding a sword. 201 . 4
James, Kent, an ostrich arg. 97. 2 James, James George, Esquire, of Ty- James, of Highfield. near Lydney-on-
James, Bart., Berks : (i) An ostrich arg., Newydd Blackwood, Bedwelty, Monm., Severn, Glouc, and Perth, Western
beaked and legged or. 97. 2. (2) On and Blaen Nant. Nant-y-glo, Monm., Australia, in front of a garb or, charged
a ducal coronet or, two laurel-branches a demi-lion vert, in the mouth a sinister with an acorn slipped vert, a dolphin
in saltier vert, environed with a snake hand, and holding in the dexter paw a naiant ppr. Tiens foi. 265. 7
ppr. J'aime a jamais.
picka.xe, both arg. Ymdrcch-i-drcchu. Jameson, an antelope trippant or, attired
James of Denford, Berk.s, and Newport, James, Cornw., two lion's gambs erased
Isle of Wight, an ostrich arg., beaked sa. , supporting an escallop arg. , charged Jameson, Scotland, a ship in full sail, her
and legged or. 97. 2 with a crescent az. Nosce teipsum. flag displayed gu. Sine metu.
160. 13
James of Beconsfield, Much Woolton, James, Colonel Charles, in front of two
Lanes, upon the battlements of a spears in saltire and amid flags a tiger Jameson of Windfield, co. Galway,
tower or, an ostrich sa., holding in the couchant, all ppr. Quce fecimus ipsi. Ireland, a Roman galley ppr., the sail
beak a billet, also or. 250. 17 James, Kent, a buffalo arg., armed sa. gu., charged with a lion passant gar-
dant or. Sine metu.
James, Cambs, upon two palm-branches James, Kent, a buffalo current sa., attired
in saltier vert, a dove arg. or. Jameson or Jamieson, Ireland, a torteau
James, Walter Culver, Esquire, of James, a bull passant. cf. 45. 2 between two wings gu. cf. no. 4
Quality Court, Chancery Lane, W.C. James, William, Esquire, of Otterburn, Jamieson of Glasgow, and Croy, Dum-
a caduceus in bend dexter surmounted and the Moat, Eastbourne, a buffalo bartonsh., a ship under sail ppr. Ad
by another in bend sinister, thereon passant gu., armed ppr., resting the littora tendit. 160. 13
perched a wood-pigeon close ppr. dexter fore-foot on an escutcheon arg., Jane, a swan with wings addorsed de-
Loyal a jamais. charged with a pheon sa. Deo semper vouring a trout, all ppr. 99. 10
James, Frederick Culver, Esquire, of confide. 45. 10 Janes of Kirtling, Cambs, and Botalock,
Marloes Road, Kensington, W., same James, William Wybergh, of Barrock, Cornw., out of a ducal coronet or, a
crest and motto. Cumb., a buffalo passant ppr. Vincit demi-Uon az., holding an escallop gu.
James, Essex, of Wellsborough, Kent, and amor patrice. cf. 13. 10
Reigate, Surrey, out of a ducal coronet James of the Close, Exeter, on a mount Janes, Kent, out of a naval coronet or,
or, a demi-swan with wings expanded vert, a bull erm., armed, ungu., a tower inflamed on the top ppr.
arg., beaked gu. cf. 99. 5 tufted, and collared or, the dexter fore- Janns, see Dudley -Janns.
foot supporting a water-bouget, and Janson, an arm from the elbow erect
James, DreviS-, Lieutenant-Colonel Deme- charged on the body with two annulets and vambraced, holding in the hand a
trius Wyndham, of Igtham Court,
Kent : (i) Out of a ducal coronet or, a arg. 45- 4 falcon's lure.
demi-swan with wings expanded arg., James of Michbarrow, Somers., a demi Janson of Ashby Ledgers, Northants. a
beaked gu. {for James), cf. 99. 5. (2) bull or, wreathed round the middle with cubit arm vested or, cuffed arg., hold-
A squirrel holding between the paws a chaplet of laurel vert.
cf. 45. 14 ing a cross patonce of the first.
an escallop or (for Grevis). Fide et con- James, a demi-buSalo rampant sa., armed ! Janson, on a mount vert, a hind ppr.,
atantid. cf. 135. 9 or. 45. 12 collared gu. 124. 14
Janssen, the sun in his splendour or. 162. 2 armour embowed ppr., the hands Jefferson of London and Yorks, a demi-
Janssen, Bart, {extinct), of Wimbledon, griffin az., collared or, holding between
also ppr., holding a rose gu. Metis its claws a bezant.
Surrey, a quatrefoil stalked and leaved
conscia recti. 252. iS
vert. Jason, Bart, {extinct), of Broad Somer Jefferson, John Ingleby, Standard House,
Janssen, a rose-slip with a rose in full ford, Wilts, on a chapeau gu., turned Northallerton, a demi-grifiin segreant,
up erm., a pegasus salient with w' collared, and holding between the claws
bloom ppr. 149. 5 addorsed, holding in the mouth a burr a bezant.
Japp, William, Esq., Broom Hall, Alyth,
Perthshire, an anchor in pale, entwined ppr. Jefferson, Joseph John Dimningtou, of
by a cable. Deus me juvate. Jasper of London, a standard arg., AThicket Priory, Yorks: (i) griffin
Jaques, Middx., a horse's head couped charged with a cross gu. 176. 13 sejant with wings endorsed arg., gorged
with a collar gemel az., and holding in
arg., maned or, struck in the breast by Jaudrill, a demi-antelope gu., holding
a tilting-spear of the last. c/. 50. 1 between the feet an escutcheon or. the beak a lily slipped ppr. {for Jeffer-
Jaques, a bezant charged with a lion's 126. I Ason). (2) horse courant arg., gorged
head erased ppr., collared or. cf. 19. i Jaupin, a demi-greyhound salient ppr. with a collar gu., charged with a bezant
Jaques, Leonard, of Easby Abbey, Rich- 60. II between two annulets or {for Dunning-
mond, Yorks, a lion's head erased, Jausselin of London and Essex, a falcon's Alon). cruce salus.
pierced through the neck by a sword. leg erased at the thigh gu., belled or. Jefferson, a talbot's head erased arg.,
17- 13 113. 8 eared gu. 56. 2
Jardelay, a dexter arm in armour wield- Javel, a lion rampant holding in the dex- Jefferson, a wolf's head erased. 30. 8
ing a scimitar, all ppr. ter paw a branch of laurel. cf. i . 13 Jeffery, a demi-lion rampant holding a
Jardin or Jardine, Scotland, a spur-rowel. Jawderill, an antelope's head arg., gorged scimitar ppr. 14. 10
Cave adsum. 1 64. 8 with a belt and buckle. Jefleryes, Worcs.: (i) On a rock arg..
Jardin, Scotland, a spur-rowel. Ex vir- Jay, on a ducal coronet or, a griffin sejant a castle or, the two towers domed.
tute honos. 164. 8 az., resting the dexter claw on an 157. I. (2) On a mount vert, a castle
Jardin and Jarden, Scotland, a hand hold- escutcheon gu. 62. 11 arg.
ing a bezant, all ppr. Ex virtute honos. Jay, Scotland, a lion's gamb holding a Jefferyes or Geffreys of Clifton and Corn-
Jardine, an etoile ppr. 164. i thistle, all ppr. 37. 6 castle, Worcs., on a rock arg., a castle
with two towers or, the towers domed.
Jardine, Scotland, a dexter hand holding Jaye of London and Norf., an otter
up a spur-rowel. passant ppr. cf. 134. 5 157. I
Jardine, Sir William, Bart., of Apple- Jaye of Dorking, Surrey, out of a ducal Jefferyes of Little Bursted, Essex, out of
girth, Dumfriessh., a spur-rowel of six coronet per pale or and az., a camel's a mural coronet or, a lion's head az.,
points arg. Cave adsum. 164. 8 head sa., bezantee. cf. 132. 6 ducally crowned of the first, cf. 19. 12
Jardine, Sir Robert, Bart., J. P., D.L., JeafFreson of Dallingham House, Cambs, Jefferyes of London, a lion's head erased
JI.P., of Castlemilk, Dumfriessh., a a talbot's head erased arg., eared gu. arg., charged with three billets sa.
spur-rowel gu. Cave adsum. 164. 8 56. 2 cf. 17. 8
Jardine, David Jardine, Esquire, of Jeakes of Taynuilt, Great Malvern, a lion Jefleryes or Jefferys, a hon's head erased
Jardine Hall, Lockerbie, N.B., and sejant supporting with his dexter paw arg. 17. 8
9, Upper Grosvenor Street, W., same
a lily slipped and leaved. Labor Jefleryes and Jeffries, a lily and a holly-
crest and motto. branch in saltier ppr. 151. io
Jarman, an eagle's leg erased in bend Jeane, a swan with wings addorsed de- Jefleryes of Earl's Croom, Worcs., on a
sinister holding a feather in bend vouring a trout, all ppr. 99. 10 mount vert, a sea-pie with wings ex-
dexter. Jeanes or Jeans, a decrescent or. 163. i panded, ash colour, beaked and legged
J'armay, Gustav, Esquire, Hartford Jebb, Ireland, two rods raguly in saltier, gu.
Lodge, Hartford, Chesh., out of the banded. 147. 11 Jeflerys, by a tree ppr., a panther pas-
coronet of a marquess a demi-lion Jebb, on a serpent nowed, a falcon rising, sant resting the dexter fore-paw on an
rampant, double - queued, ducally all ppr. cf. 86. 3 anchor.
crowned, holding in the dexter paw a Jebb, Joshua Gladwyn, Barnby Moor Jefferys, a demi-lion rampant or, holding
branch of lilies. 307. 13 House, East Retford, Notts, a falcon between its paws a chaplet vert.
Jarrat and Jarret, an eagle with wings tiring ppr., belled or, standing on a Jeflrey, on a ducal coronet or, a martlet
expanded ppr. 77. 5 lure fessewise arg. 95. 12
22. 10 Jeffrey, Scotland, a star of six rays.
Jarred of London, a sword in pale, on Jeddon, a leopard's head.
the point a garland of laurel ppr. Jee, Deputy-Inspector General Joseph, Phcebus, lux in tenehris. 164. 3
Res non verba. 170. i C.B., of Hart's Hill, Warw., a gauntlet Jeffrey of Edinburgh, the sun rising from
Jarrett, a lion's head erased and ducally arg. garnished at the wrist or, holding a cloud ppr. Post nubila PhcebxLS.
crowned or, collared gu. cf. 18. 8 a sword of the first, hilt and pommel 162. 5
Jeffrey, Thomas, Esquire, of 23, Chester
Jarrett, Yorks, in front of a saltier az., or. In fortitudo mea. 211. 4
a lion's head erased arg., guttee-de- Jeffcoat of Newlands, Rochester, Kent, a Street, Edinburgh, same crest and
larmes. Res non verba. cf. 17. 8 dovecote within park pales ppr. Dum motto. 162. 5
Jarrett, a sword in pale, on the point a spiro spero. Jeffreys, a wolf's head couped sa. 30. 5
garland of laurel ppr. 170. I Jeflcock of Wolverhampton, in front of Jeffreys, Shropsh., a lion's head erased
Jarrett, a lion passant purp., resting the a mount of coal, therefrom issuant a sa., gorged with a WTeath. Supra spem
dexter fore-paw on a fieur-de-hs or. 5.5 dexter arm embowed, grasping a coal- spero. 17. 10
Jarrett of London, a lion's head erased pick, all ppr., a cross patee arg. Jeflreys and Jeflries, a demi-lion rampant
arg., guttee-de-poix, collared gu., Persevere. or, holding a garland of laurel vert.
ducally crowned or. Jeffcott of Jephcott, Worcs., Northamp., Jeffreys, John, Esquire, B.A., J.P., of
Jarveis and Jarvis, a lion rampant gu. i . 1 and Ireland, a boar passant. 40. 9 Canterton Manor, Lyndhurst, Hants, a
demi-lion rampant or, holding in the
Jarvie of Glasgow and Singapore, an Jefferay of Mailing, Sussex, a lion's head dexter paw a laurel wreath ppr.
Jeffreys, Rt. Hon. Arthur Frederick, Es-
Adeagle rising ppr. littora tendo. 77. 5 erased arg. , ducally crowned az. 1 8. 8
Jarvis, George Eden, of Doddington Hall, Jeffereys, a demi-lion rampant or, holding
Lines, a unicorn's head arg., gorged between its paws a chaplet vert. quire. P.C, M.P., J.P., D.L., C.C., of
with a collar, charged with three Jefferies, a lion's head erased az., collared Burkham, near Alton, Hants, a demi-
cinquefoils. All for the best. cf. 49. 1 arg., charged with three roses gu. lion rampant or, holding in the dexter
Jarvis, a hawk's head couped holding cf. 18. 6 paw a laurel wreath ppr. Pob dawn o
in the beak a lure arg., between two Jefleris, a lion rampant sa. i. 10 Dduw.
wings barry of six of the last and gu. Jefferis, Arthur Henry, Esquire, East- Jeffreys and Jeffries, Shropsh., a demi-
Jary, Robert Herbert Heath, of St. An- bourne, West Didsbury, Lanes, on a hon rampant arg. 10. 2
drew's House, Burlingham, Norf., rock arg., a castle with two towers Jeffries, a tower triple-towered or. 157.6
issuing out of clouds two arms in domed, all or. Stand firm. 283.7 Jeffryes, see Jefferyes and Jeffreys.
JeSryes of Chiddingley, Sussex, a lion's Jeliicoe, a cherub or. 189. 9 Jenkins, a lion's gamb erased ppr., hold-
head erased arg. 17. 8 JeUicoe, Shropsh., a demi-lion rampant ing a bezant. 39. 1
Jeffryes of London, a lion's head erased holding in his dexter paw a dagger Jenkins, Sir John Jones, of the Grange,
arg., charged with three billets sa., two erect. c/. 14. 12 Swansea, a lion's gamb erect and
and one. cj. 17. 8 Jelter, a cat sejant gardant or. 26. 8 erased arg., holding a pellet charged
Jeffryes of the Priory, Breoonsh., on the Jemmet, Rev. Francis, B.C.L., M.A., of with a fleur-de-lis or, all between two
stump of a tree couped and sprouting the Vicarage, Feltham, Middx., and of fleurs-de-lis, also arg. Perseverance.
out new branches vert, a storlc arg. Ashford, Kent, a unicorn's head erased. 37- 13
Jenkins, seven arrows, one in pale and
105. 12 Cui fidas vide. 49. 5
six in saltier, ppr., encircled with an
Jeffs, a pelican's head erased vulning Jenings, a dove volant az., legged arg.
itself, all ppr. 98. 2 cj. 93. 10 annulet or. cj. 173. 7
Jeffson of London, see Jephson.
Jenins and Jenyns of London, a cat's Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool, see Liver-
Jeffson or Jephson of London, an arm head erased gardant gu., bezantee,
couped at the elbow and erect, habited, holding in the mouth a cross formee Jenkinson of London and Lines, a sea-
paly of four arg. and az., cuifed of the
first, thereon a bend gu., holding in fitchee arg. horse ppr. 46. 2
the hand a bunch of roses ppr., stalked
and leaved vert. Jenison, out of a ducal coronet or, a Jenkinson of London and Shropsh., a
dragon's head az. 72. 4 sea-horse assurgent or, maned az..
Jenkens, a wyvern gu., standing on a supportmg a cross patee gu.
Jegon, a pelican or, vulning itself gu. tiltin;_g-spear without bur or vamplate, Jenkinson, Norf., a sea-horse or, finned
98. I and broken off at the point or, in its gu- 46. 2
Jegon or JeggingS, an eagle with wings mouth the remaining part of the shaft Jenkinson, a sea-horse az., winged or.
expanded or, beaked arg. 77. 5 armed arg. 69. 4 Jenkinson, Sir George Banks, Bart., of
Jehangier of Cowasjee, on a mount vert, Jenkenson and Jenkinson of London, a Hawkesbury, Glouc, a sea-horse assur-
a low pillar, the base and capital sea-horse assurgent or, maned az., sup- gent holding between the
masoned, flames of fire issuing there- porting a cross patee gu. feet cross patee gu. Pareo non
from, all ppr. Burning I shine.
Jenkes, Shropsh., a dexter arm embowed, servio. 285. 14
Jejeebhoy, Sir Jamsetjee, Bart., C.S.I., a
Parsi Merchant, J. P., and a Member vested sa., cuffed arg., enfiled with a Jenkinson of London, a sea-horse assur-
of the Legislative Council of Bombay,
of Mazagone Castle, Bombay, a mount ducal coronet or, grasping in the hand gent per pale or and az., crined gu.
vert, thereon a peacock amidst wheat,
and in the beak an ear of wheat, all ppr. a sword of the second, hilt and Jenkinson, Bart, (extinct), of Walton.
ppr. Industry and liberality. 103. 9
pommel of the third. cf. 204. i Derbysh., a sea-horse's head couped az..
Jeken and Jekin of Dover, Kent, a demi-
lion regardant erm., semee of crescents Jenkin, Cornw. : (i) A lion rampant re- crined or, gorged with two barrulets
gu., holding between the paws a pheon
gardant sa. 2. 3. (2) On a mural of the same.
coronet sa., a lion passant regardant Jenkinson, a sea-horse's head couped
or. cf. 6. 10 arg., crined gu., gorged with a fess az.
Jenkin of Folkestone, Kent, on a mural
Jenkinson, Derbysh., a sea-horse's head
coronet arg., a lion passant regardant couped az., crined or, gorged with two
sa. c/. 6. 10 barrulets of the last.
Jekyl and Jekyll of Castle Hedingham, Jenkins, Shropsh., a lion rampant regar- Jenkinson of Tunstal, Norf., and Oulton,
Essex, a horse's head couped arg.. dant sa. 2. 3 Suff., a bull's head arg., crined sa., the
horas twisted or and of the second.
maned and bridled sa., studded and Jenkins of the Grove and of Xant-y-Groes,
tasselled or. 51-5 Badnorsh., a hon rampant or, holding cf. 44- 3
Jekyll, Edward Joseph, Esquire, of between the fore-paws an escallop Jenkinson, Ireland, out of a ducal coro-
Higham, Bury, near Ampthill, Beds, a gu., and resting the dexter hind-paw net az., a demi-lion rampant, holding
nag's head couped arg., maned and on a plate charged with a heart of th,) a palm-branch vert. cf. 16. 1
second. Byw a gadael byw. 225. 8
bridled sa., studded and tasselled or Jenks, out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's
Jenkins, Shropsh., a lion passant regar-
In Deo confido. 267. 9 dant or, armed and langued gu. 6. I head ppr. 67. 9
JekyU, Herbert, Esquire, C.M.G., of 3, Jenkins, Shropsh., on a mur^ coronet Jenkyns, Yorks, on a ducal coronet sa.,
Green Street, Park Lane. W., and Mun- a lion rampant regardant or.
stead House, Godalming, same crest sa., a lion passant regardant or. Perge 3<•/• 2.
and motto. sed caute. cf. 6. 10 Jenkyns, a wyvem gu., standing on a
Jekyll, Mlddx., a horse's head, paly wavy Jenkins, Major-General Charles Van- tilting-spear without bur or vamplate,
arg. and sa. , bridled or. 51-5 brugh Jones, of Cruckton Hall and and broken off at the point or, holding
Jell of Oaklands Park, Glouc, and Lon- Charlton Hill, vSiiropsh., upon a mural in its mouth the other part of the shaft
don, a stork with wings elevated arg., coronet sa., a lion passant regardant armed arg. 69. 4
beaked and legged gu., holding in the
or, supjjorting with the dexter paw an Jennens of Acton, Suff., a griffin's head
beak a trefoil slipped vert, and charged escutcheon barry of six az. and erm., couped between two wings inverted
on the breast with a cross patee of the charged with an annulet or. Perge ppr., holding in the beak a plummet
second, holding in the dexter claw a sed caiitc. cf. 6. 10 pendent sa.
fleur-de-lis or. Jenkins, Charles Edward, Esquire, of Jenner of London, a covered cup or, be-
Jelf, Arthur Richard, Esquire, of Oak Cruckton Hall, Shrewsbury, on a mural tween two swords in saltier arg.. hilts
House, Carlton Road, Putney Hill, coronet sa., a lion passant regardant or, and pommels of the first. 171. 13
S.W., a stork with wings elevated arg.,
supporting with the dexter paw an Jenner, Hugh, Esquire, of Venn Wood,
beaked and legged gu., in the beak a escutcheon barry of six az. and erm., near Hereford, and Suramerfield,
trefoil slipped vert, and on the breast charged with an annulet or. Perge sed Weston Park, Bath, two swords in
a cross patee of the second, the dexter caute. saltire arg., hilted and pommelled or,
claw resting on a fleur-de-lis or. Jenkins, Edgar Kynnersley, of Charlton supporting a covered cup of the last.
Jelf, Canon of Rochester, same crest and Hill, near Shrewsbury, and 7, West- Jenner, Henry, Esquire, of the Old
bourne Crescent, Hyde Park, W., same House, Bushey Heath, Herts, same
Jelf, Colonel Richard Henry, C.M.G.,
crest and motto. Acrest. Deo Rex, a Rege lex.
R.E., of Governor's House, Woolwich, Jenkins of Caerleon, Monm., a lion sa., Jenner-Fusti Herbert, Esquire, LL.D., of
9, Egerton Gardens, S.W., and Offcote charged with two fleur-de-lis or, and AHill Court, Glouc. : (i) horse at full
Hurst, Ashbourne, Derbysh., same crest resting the dexter paw on an escar- speed arg. (for Fust). (2) Two swords
and motto. buncle of the last. in saltire arg., hilted and pommelled
Jelf-Petit, Louis William, Esquire, of Jenkins, Wales, a battle-axe, the handle or, supporting a covered cup of the
Bodhyfyrd, Llanrwst, same crest and or, the head ppr. 172. 3 last (for Jenner). Terrena per vices
sunt aliena.
motto. Jenkins, Ireland, on a ducal coronet or.
Jelley and Jelly, a garb entwined by two a talbot statant arg., collared and Jenner of Wenvoe, Glamorgansh., same
snakes ppr. 153-3 lined gu. cf. 54. 9 crest.
Jenner of London, a greyhound sejant Jennoway, a horned owl. Je pense. Jermyn, Earl, see Bristol, Marquess.
arg. Constans ei fidelis. 59. 4 96. 5 I Jermyn, Sussex and Devonsh., a tiger's
Jenner, Essex, same crest.
59. 4 Jenny, Sufif., a falconer's hand within a head erased gu.
Jenner, Sir Walter Kentish William, Bart., glove in fess ppr., thereon a falcon Jermyn, Suff., a talbot passant arg.,
of Harley Street, Cavendish Square, perched or. 86. 14 gorged with a ducal coronet or. cf. 54. i
Marylebone, Midd.x., on a mount vert, Jenny, a falcon rising and belled or. 88. 2 Jermyn, Suff., out of a ducal coronet or.
a lamp with three branches arg., sus- Jenny, out of a ducal coronet or, an arm a greyhound's head ppr., collared of
pended by three chains or, fired ppr. in armour brandishing a scimitar, all the first. cf. 61. 7
Fide et labore. 2-2. 6 ppr. 209. II Jermyn, Suff., a greyhound's head sa.,
Jennerson, two swords in saltier sup- Jennyns, Middx., Worcs., Cambs, and of gorged with a bar gemelle or. cf. 61. 2
porting a scimitar in fess, all ppr., and Ipsley, Warw., a leopard's head erased Jerningham, Baron Stafford, see Stafford.
between the points of the swords a and gardant gu., bezantee, holding in Jerningham, Norf., on a ducal coronet
covered cup or. c/. 171. 13 the mouth a cross formee fitched arg. or, a demi-faleon with wings expanded
Jennet, out of a ducal coronet or, a dex- Jenoure and Jenoyre, Essex, a greyhound ppr. 88. 10
ter arm em bowed in mail ppr., holding sejant. In pretium persevero. 59. 4 Jerningham, Sir Hubert Edward Henry,
in the hand a sword arg., hilt of the Jenssen of London, a quatrefoil stalked K.C.M.G., of 14, Bruton Street, W., and
first. cf. 195. 10 and leaved vert. Longridge Towers, Berwick, out of a
Jennet or Jennett, Ireland, a hind's head Jeny, a hand fessewise issuing from a ducal coronet or, a demi-falcon with
cloud ppr., holding a cross patee wings displayed ppr.
y, on a glove in fesse arg., a hawk fitched arg. 223. 6 Jerningham, Norf. and Suff., out of a
or. belled of the last. 86. 12 Jenynge, Hants, and of Hesse, Middx., ducal coronet or, a demi-falcon dis-
Jenney, Stewart William, Drayton Lodge, a demi-lion erased and rampant or, played arg. cf. 88. 10
Tring, same crest. supporting a spear erect of the first, Jersey, Earl of (Villiers), Middleton Park,
Jenney of Bredfield House, Suff., same headed az. Bicester, Oxford: (i) A lion rampant
crest. Jenynges, Suff., a demi-savage sa., col- arg., ducally crowned or (for Villiers).
Jenney of Frisby Hall, Derbysh., same lared about the neck or, wreathed I. 12. (2) On a rock ppr., an eagle
crest. Deus mihi providehit. round the temples of the last and vert, rising arg., ducally gorged or, holding
Jenning, Beds, a hawk rising az. 88. 2 holding in his dexter hand a halberd in the beak an adder ppr., and charged
Jenning, on a mount vert, a wolf pas- az., the staff gu. on the breast for distinction with an
sant erm., in front of a cross calvary Jenynges, a demi-man vested sa., cap ermine spot {for Child). Fidei coticula
vert, holding in his dexter hand a crux. cf. yy. 8
Jenninges and Jennings, a jay ppr. battle-axe az. Jersey, a phojnix in flames ppr. 82. 2
Jennings, Ireland, out of a mural coronet Jenyns, Shropsh., a wolf's head erased Jerveis, VVorcs., and Jervis and Jervois,
az.. a garb or, thereon a sparrow ppr. per pale arg. and vert. Ut prosim aliis. Hants, an heraldic tiger's head sa.
153- 9 30. 8 25. 4
Jennings of Burton Pynsent, Dorset, a Jenyns, Roger William Bulwer, Bottis-
Jervis, Viscount St. Vincent, see St. Vin-
redbreast upon a morion. cf. 108. 11 ham Hall, Cambridge, a demi-lion ram-
pant or, supporting a spear erect of the cent.
Jennings'of Minster Lea, Reigate, Surrey,
Jervis, Swynfen John, Esquire, of Chat-
a falcon rising with wings expanded first, headed az. Ignavis nunquam. cull, Eccleshall, Staffs, and Staff
and inverted, belled ppr. Heb dduw Jephson, Ireland, a hind trippant or. College, Camberley, Surrey, between
heb ddim duw a digon. 87. i 124. 12 two wings sa., a griffin's head erased
Jennings of Oldcastle, Chesh., a wolf's Jephson, Ireland, a lion's head erased or, gorged with a collar gu., pendent
head erased per pale arg. and vert. arg., between two palm- branches vert. therefrom an escutcheon az., charged
30. 8 Virtus sub pondere crescit. cf. 17. 7 with a boar's head couped arg.
Jennings, Shropsh., same crest. Ut Jephson of London, a cubit arm erect, Jervis of Petling, Leics., a hawk's head
prosim aliis. vested paly of four arg. and az., cuffed or, between two wings erm. 89. i
Jennings, a wolf's head per pale arg. and of the first, thereon a bend gu., holding Jervis-White-Jervis, Sir John Henry,
ABart., of Ballyclis, co. Wexford : (i)
sa. 30. 5 in the hand a bunch of roses ppr.,
Jennings of York, a griffin's head couped stalked and leaved vert. martlet or (for Jervis). 95. 2. (2)
Three arrows, one in fesse and two in
between two wings ppr., holding in Jephson, Bart., of Spring Vale, Dorset,
the beak a plummet pendent sa. a cubit arm vested paly arg. and az., saltire, gu., headed or, flighted arg.,
Jennings of Ripou and Silsden. Yorks, cuffed of the second, surmounted of a enwreathed (for White). Venale nee
a griffin's head couped between two bend gu., holding in the hand a pansy
wings ppr., holding in the beak a or heartsease ppr. Veritas magna est. Jervis-White of Ferns and Gorey, co.
plummet pendent sa. 205. 10 Wexford, Ballylenan, co. Cavan, and
Jennings, Richard Edward, Esquire, J. P., Jephson-Norreys, late Sir Charles Den- Heathfield, co. Wexford: A(i) martlet
Barrister-at-Law, of Gellideg, Kid- ham Orlando, Bart, (extinct), upon a or. (2) Three arrows, two in saltire,
one in fesse.
welly, Carmarthensh., and 15, Pal- mount vert, a raven rising ppr. Loyale-
meira Mansions, Brighton, same crest. ment je sers. Jervois, the late Sir William Francis
Drummond, G.C.M.G., K.C.M.G., G.B..
Jennings of London, a demi-dragou er- Jepine, a lion's head erased or, billettee
minois, the wings addorsed gu., erased sa., and ducally crowned of the first. on a wreath of the colours an ostrich-
of the last, holding a battle-axe erect cf. 18. 8 feather erect arg., between two gre-
az. // buon tempo verra. Jeppe of Sutton's Court, Somers.. an nades fired ppr.
Jennings of the Shrubbery. Dover, a eagle displayed ppr 75. 2 AnJervoise : ( i ) heraldic tiger's head
dragon passant vair, winged or, the Jerard or Jerrard of Pamford, Somers., sa. (for Jervoise). 25. 4. (2) A plume
dexter claw resting on an escutcheon an eagle displayed with two heads or, of five ostrich-feathers arg. (for Ellis).
az.. charged with a toison-d'or. charged with a saltier sa. 74. i 115. I
82. 2
Jennings, a demi-lion rampant or. hold- Jercy, a phoenix in flames ppr. Jervoise, Francis Henry Tristram, Es-
ing the upper part of a spear-shaft of Jeremy, an arm in armour embowed, quire, J.P., of Herriard Park, Basing-
the same. gauntleted, and wielding a battle-axe. stoke, an heraldic tiger's head sa. Vir-
Jennings of Dublin, out of a ducal coro- all ppr. 200. 6 tutis prccmium laus.
net or, a demi-lion rampant sa., hold- Jermain and Jermayne, a giUiflower ppr. Jervoise, Clarke-, Sir Hanry, Bart., of
ing in the paws a battle-axe ppr. 1 Idsworth Park, Hants : (i) An heraldic
cf. 16. 10 Jermin Jermyn of Wickham Bishop, tiger's head sa. (for Jervoise). (2)
Within a gem ring or, set with a
Jennins, a griffin statant gu., holding a Essex, a buck's head cabossed sa., be-
buckle or. 63. 7 tween two wings arg. diamond ppr., a roundle per pale gu.
Jennins, Hants, a demigriffin ppr., Jermy and Jermyn, a griffin passant gu. and az., charged with a pheon arg. (jar
holding in its beak a plummet sa. 63. 2 Clarke).
JER 306 J OH
Jervys, a hand ppr., holding an eagle's Jeudwine, Canon, M.A., of Harlaxton
leg erased at the thigh gu. 220. 12 Rectory, Grantham, Lines, a tower Jocelyn, Earl ol Roden, see Roden.
Jerworth, a crane's head couped ppr. ppr. Jocelyn or Jocelyne, Herts, a falcon's
104. 5 Jeune, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Henry, of leg erased a la quise ppr., belled or.
Jesse of Llanbedro Hall, Denbighsh., a Arlington Manor, Newbury, Berks,
Faire man devoir. II3- 8
lion sejant supporting an escutcheon between the attires of a stag affixed to Jockel of Edinburgh, the mast gu., and
gu. cj. 8. 2 the scalp an estoile, all arg. Faire the sail of a ship arg., with pennon
Jessel, Sir Charles James, Bart., M.A., sans dire. 123.2 flotant at top az., tackling and yards
D.L., of Ladham House, Goiidhurst, Jeune, Evan Browell, Esquire, J.P., of Fiducid et labore. 160.11
Kent, a torch fesse wise fired ppr., the Manor House, Lynmouth, Barn- (oddieU, chapeau a greyhound
surmounted by an eagle volant arg., staple, same crest and motto. sejant ppr. cj. 59. 4
holding in the beak a pearl, also arg. Jevers, a demi-lion rampant or, coUared Jodrell, see Cotton-JodreU.
2S4. 4 Jodiell, Chesh., a cock's head and neck
Jessel, Captain Herbert Merton, of 50, Jevon, Staffs, a saltire or, betM two couped or, the wings elevated arg.,
Mount Street, Park Lane, W., same! palm-branches ppr.
combed and wattled gu.
crest. Persevere. Jewel, an oak-branch fructed ppr. 151. 3 Jodrell, Herbert Henry, Esquire, a cock's
JessOD, an arm erect vested paly of six Jewell of Bowden, Devonsh., a cubit arm head and neck couped, the wings erect
irg. and az., charged with a bend gu. vested az., cuffed arg., holding in the or, combed and jelloped gu., issuant
hboollding in the hand ppr. cinquefoil hand ppr. a gilliflower gu., stalked and out of a chaplet of roses of the last,
purp., leaved vert. cj. 205. 10 leaved vert. barbed and seeded ppr., and for dis-
Jesson, Warw., a dext«r arm ppr., vested Jewell, Durh., same crest. Tola gloriosa tinction charged on the neck with a
gu., charged with a bend arg.. cuffed or, jUia regis itiiritisecus. cross crosslet sa. 305. 7
holding in the hand a rose of the second Jewell, Scotland, a dexter hand holding Jodrell, Derbysh., a cock's head and neck
stalked and leaved vert. cj. 205. 10 a gilliflower ppr. couped, wings erect or, combed and
Jesson of Oakwood, Staffs, a cubit arm Jewers, between the horns of a crescent jelloped gu., issuing from a chaplet of
erect, vested az.. charged with a bend a buckle ppr. 163. 15 roses barbed and seeded ppr. 305. 7
embattled counter-embattled and cuffed Jewitt of Matlock Bridge, Derbysh.. a JodreU, Sir Alfred, Bart., D.L., of Sail
arg., holding in the hand ppr. a rose demi-pegasus regardant, wings addorsed Park, Norf., a demi-cock with wings
gu., slipped vert. Consilii taciturnitas arg., holding between the legs a flag- erected and endorsed or, combed and
staff, thereon a flag floating to the wattled gu., issuant out of a wTeath
Jessop, Ireland, a goat's head erased sa., dexter of the same, charged with a of roses of the last, barbed and seeded
armed and coUared or. cj. 128. 7 cross of St. George gu. Nonsibi. 47.8 of the first. Nan sibi, sed patrim natus.
Jessop, a moorcock ppr.
Jewkes, Lanes and Warw., a demi-lion 305. 7
Jessop of Doory, Longford, a dove hold- ducaUy crowned. 10. 11 Joel, a hare lodged among grass ppr.
ing in its beak an oUve- branch ppr. Jewsbury, Glouc, on a mount vert, a 136. 12
Joel, Solomon Barnato, of Great Stan-
Pax et amor. 92. 5 I martlet or. 95. 7
hope Street, London, W., a lion passant
Jessop, a cockatrice's head erased purp., Jex of Lowestoft, Suff., a horse's head ppr., holding in the mouth a sprig of
three roses, sUpped, leaved, barbed,
combed gu., winged ppr. 68. 12 arg., maned or, holding in his mouth a and seeded, also ppr., supporting with
the dexter fore-paw an antique shield
Jessop, John De Burgh, Esquire, of broken spear of the last. az., ornamented and charged with a
rose or. Facta non verba.
Overton Hall, Ashover, near Chester- Jex-BIake, F. W., Esquire, of Swanton- John, Cornw., an arm in armour em-
bowed holding in the hand a sword.
field, a cockatrice's head couped ppr., AAbbots, Norf. : (i) morion ppr.,
charged with two bars arg., holding in thereon a martlet arg. (jor Blake). (2)
the beak a trefoil slipped vert, between
A horse's head arg., maned or, erased
two wings of the first, each charged gu., holding in the mouth a broken
with a cross couped of the second. Pax tilting-spear, also or (/or Jex). Bene
prceparatum pectus. 195. 2
Jessop of Mount Jessop, co. Longford, Jeyes, Philadelphus, Esquire, Holly John, on two battle-axes in saltier ppr.,
Ireland, a cockatrice's head ppr., Lodge, Boughton, Northamp., out of a the blades or, a Cornish chough sa.,
combed and wattled, and the wings ducal coronet a camel's head ppr., beaked and niembered gu.
displayed gu., each charged with a bezantee. Tenax et fidelis. John, a demi-lion rampant ppr. 10. 2
trefoil slipped arg. cj. 68. 8 Jeynes, an arm erect holding a battle- Johnes, Monm., two battle-axes in saltier
Jessop, Walter B., Esquire, of 8, Bush- axe. 213. 12 ppr., the handles or. 172. 4
mead Avenue, Bedford, Beds, on a Jeynor, Essex, a greyhound sejant or. Johnes, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet a
branch fesseways erased at the dexter 59- 4 plume of five ostrich-feathers. Vincc
and couped at the sinister, a dove ppr. Jeynor, a greyhound sejant collared. tnalum bono. 114. 13
within a laurel-branch in orle issuing cj. 59. 2 Johnes of London, a lion rampant or,
from the dexter side. Prmmia virtutis Jeys, a horse passant arg. 52. 6
supporting an anchor az., the flukes of
honores. Joanes of Brimsey, Somers., a tiger's head the first.
Jessop of Bromhall, Yorks, a turtle- erased. Johnes, HiUs-, Lieutenant-General Sir
James, G.C.B., V.C, Dolaucothy,
dove standing on an olive-branch Joanes of London and Worcs., the sun in
Carmarthensh. : (i) On two halberts
which is bent over its head ppr. his splendour or. 162. 2 saltirewise gu., headed or, a raven sa.
charged on the breast with a cross
Jessope, Dorset, a cockatrice displayed Joanes, a greyhound's head arg., between
vert, combed and wattled gu. 68. 14 two roses gu., slipped and leaved ppr.
Jessope, Jessopp, or Jessup, a man on 61. II crosslet or, for difference (jor Johnes).
horseback at a charge, holding in his Joass of Collin wort, Banffsh., Scotland, (2) On a mount vert, in front of the
hand a broken tilting-spear ppr. 1 89. 5 a sand-glass winged. Cogit amor. shaft of a broken tilting-spear erect
Jett of London, out of rays of the sun 113. II
ppr., a horse courant arg. guttee-de-
or, a demi-swan with wings elevated Job, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet a sang, holding in the mouth the other
sa., holding in the beak an arrow arg. bull's head. 44. 1 —part of the spear, also ppr. Dcus
189. 5 Jobber, Staffs, a fox sejant ppr. 32. 1 pascit corvos. In ccelo confidimu-s.
Jetter of Bayton, EUowe, and Lowestoft, Jobling of Newton Hall, Northumb., a
Johns, on a mural coronet ppr., a serpent
Suff., out of a ducal coronet or, a cubit demi-lion rampant holding a battle- no wed vert. 142. 12
arm erect habited in mail, holding in
axe ppr. For my country. 15-4 Johns of Trewince, Cornw., two battle-
the hand, all ppr., the blade of a broken Jobling, same crest. Per ardita ad axes in saltier ppr. 172. 4
sword arg. alta. Johns of Glasgow, Scotland, a crow ppr.
Jetter, out of a ducal coronet an arm Jobson of Snayth, Yorks, on a sinister Semper sic. 107. 14
erect holding a broken spear, all ppr. gauntlet arg., a falcon close or. Johns, Beldam-,of Windmill Lodge, Bishop
cj. 214. 10 cj. 86. 13 Stortford, Herts, upon a mount vert.
a garb banded or, pendent from the Johnson, a lion statant gardant royally Johnson of London, a cock arg., combed
band by a ring, also or, an escutcheon crowned. c/. 4. i I and wattled or, standing upon a fasces
of the iii-st charged with a dexter hand Johnson, Honourable George Randall, of of the last. cj. 91. 2
couped at the wrist of the second. Dat Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington, and j Johnson, Sir Allen Bayard, K.C.B., of
Dens incremerdiim. the Aral, Poverty Bay, New Zealand, 60, Lexham Gardens, S.W., a tower
Johnson, Bart., Middx., an arm embowed, and also of Stalham and Tunstead, arg. , charged with a crescent for differ-
the hand grasping a sword ppr. Deo Norf., England, Member of the Legis- —ence, on the battlements thereof a cock
lative Council of New Zealand ; and
regiqiie liber. 20 1. 4 James Woodbine Johnson, Esquire, ppr. Vicisti et nivitnns. Nunguam
Johnson, late Sir William Gilleland, non paratus. 156.12
of Belfast, an arm in armour embowed J.P., of Wairakaia, Gisborne, Poverty Johnson, Oswald Carnegy, Esquire, B.A.,
graspmg 1 the hand a s vord. all ppr., Bay, New Zealand, Captain in the New Barrister-at-Law, of the Quillet, Salis-
between two wings erect az. i\ unquam Zealand Militia, a hon rampant ermin- bury, a tower arg , thereon a cock ppr.
non paralus. ois, holding in the dexter fore-paw a (Above the crest) Vicisti et vivimus.
Johnson of Kittlesworth, Diirh., a dexter mullet sa., the dexter hind-paw resting (Below the sliield) Nnnquam non
arm in armour embowed firing a pistol, on a cross moline gu. Strenue et pros-
all ppr. 197. 12 pere. Johnson of London, out of a ducal coronet
Johnson of Wilmslow, Chesh., a dexter Johnson of London, an heraldic tiger's a swan's head and neck, all or.
arm embowed firing a pistol, aU ppr. head erminois, maned arg. 25. 4 Johnson, Chesh., on a ducal coronet or,
Fugite jures omnes. 200. 1 Johnson, Middx. and Heref., an heraldic an eagle with wings expanded sa.
Johnson, Dixon-, of Aykleyheads, Durh. : tiger's head erased or. cj. 25. 4 Johnson of London, an eagle's leg sa.
(i) Same as above. (2) A cubit arm Johnson of Great Yarmouth, Norf., out cj. 113. 8
erect vested erminois, cuffed arg., in of a ducal coronet or, a leopard's head Johnson, Charles Plumptre, Esquire,
the hand a roundle of the first. For- and neck gu. 23. 11 issuant from clouds a serpent nowed
titer et sincere. Johnson, Durh., a tiger's head couped holding in the mouth a poppy-head
Johnson, Chesh., an arm in armour, hold- sa., bezantee. slipped ppr., thereon an eagle rising,
ing in the hand, all ppr., an arrow arg., Johnson, Durh., a leopard's head sa., be- also ppr., charged on the breast and
with a pheon's head or. zantee, flames issuing from the mouth each wing with a cross crosslet gu. In
Johnson of Kennal Manor, Chislehurst, and ears. lucem aspiro.
Kent, in front of a dexter arm em- Johnson of Twyzell, Durh., a leopard's Johnson, Edward Middleton, Esquire,
bowed in armour ppr., the hand, also face per pale az. and sa., bezantee, from same crest and motto.
ppr., grasping a javelin in bend sinister, the mouth and ears flames issuant ppr. Johnson, Northumb., a stalk of wheat
Npheoned or, and enfiled with a chaplet Johnson, a pheon gu., surmounted by a ppr. unquam non paratus. 1 54. I
of roses gu., two branches of oak in star of eight points or. cj. 174. 11 Johnson of London, a spear-head arg.,
saltire vert. 198. 8 Johnson of Bury, Saxmundham, and between two branches of laurel vert,
Johnson, Herbert Alfred, Esquire, of Bildeston, Suff., a leopard's head erased crossing each other over the spear-
Farnah Hall, near Derby, in front of a ppr., collared or. Fortiter in re, sua- head.
dexter arm embowed in armour ppr., viter in modo. cj. 22. 12 Johnson of Withcot, Leics., a demi-griffin
the hand grasping a javelin in bend Johnson of Milton Bryant, Beds, on a gu., coUared erm., holding between its
sinister, pheoned or, and enfiled with a chapeau gu., turned up erm., an ounce's claws a pheon or.
chaplet of roses gu., two branches of head erased arg. cf. 23. 10 Johnson, Thomas Fielding, Esquire, of
oak in saltire vert. Virtus patientia Johnson of Gainsborough, Lines, a Brookfield, Knighton, near Leics., a
Veritas. (Granted, to the late Richard leopard passant gardant sa., platee demi-griffin gu.. holding a pheon in the
Johnson, Esquire, of the County Pala- and bezantee. cj. 24. 4 dexter claw, and resting the sinister on
tine of Lancaster.) 198. 8 Johnson, a wolf passant, holding in its a lozenge or. Lahore et honore.
Johnson, out of a mural coronet gu., mouth a sprig of woodbine in ' 252. 17
a cubit arm erect vested or, turned
blossom, all ppr. cj. 28. 10 Johnson, out of a ducal coronet a griffin's
up arg., holding in the hand ppr. a Johnson, John William Denne, Esquire. ' head. 67. 9
scimitar of the third, hilt of the second. of Temple Belwood, Lines, and Sarre Johnson of Ulverscroft and Burleigh
Johnson, Kent, an arm erect vested per Court, Westgate-on-.Sea : (i) Upon ai Field, Leics., a griffin's head erased per
pale az. and or, holding in the hand mount vert, a wolf passant sa., hold- fesse arg. and gu., holding in the beak a
ppr. a cross patonce or. 207. 6 ing in the mouth a branch of woodbine palmer's scrip of the last.
ppr. (jor Johnson). (2) A man's head Johnson of Thwaite, Lines, Middx., and
Johnson of Limehouse, Middx., a tri-
angular harrow or. 178. 4 affrontee between two bulrushes ppr. Norf., out of a ducal coronet per pale
Johnson of Beaconsfield, Bucks, a cubit (jor Hilton). Tant que je puis. i arg. and az., two wings expanded
arm habited or, grasping in the hand Johnson, Staffs and Suff., on a mount counterchanged. 109. 8
ppr. a cross flory, also or. vert, an ibex sejant erm. , ducally gorged, Johnson, a man's head couped at the
c/. 207. 6 crined, and tufted or, attired arg. neck affrontee and bearded, all ppr.
Johnson, Bart., of Twickenham, Middx., Johnson, Vivian Abbott, Esquire, of 190. 12
a hand gu., encircled with a ducal Sheffield, Yorks, same crest. Semper Johnson of Deanery, Durh., a savage's
crown or, grasping a sword I viridis. head couped at the shoulders, bearded
and wreathed, all ppr. Nil admirari.
pommel and hilt or. Nee aspera Johnson, Oliver, Esquire, Avondale Road,
terrent. 212. 7 Hillsborough, same crest and motto. Johnson, Northumb. and Durh., in front
Johnson of LuSenham, Rutl., a hon's head Johnson, on a mount vert, a talbot cou- of a man's head affrontee, couped at
gu., crowned or, between two ostrich- chant arg., collared and chained or. the shoulders ppr., %vreathed about the
feathers arg. Johnson, Kent, Worcs., and Glouc, out of temples arg. and gu., two pheons or.
AJohnson, Rutl. and Notts: (i) lion's a ducal coronet or. a nag's head sa. 51.7 Johnson, late Francis, Esquire, of Low
head erased gu., ducally crowned or, Johnson, out of a ducal coronet a demi- Newton, Northumb., in front of a man's
between two ostrich-feathers arg. (2) bear rampant, muzzled and ducally head affrontee, couped at the shoulders
Out of a ducal coronet arg., a leopard's crowned, holding between the paws a ppr., wreathed about the temples arg.
head or. 23. 11 sword in pale. cj. 34. 10 and gu., two pheons or. Nil admirari.
Johnson, a lion's head gardant erased Johnson, a greyhound's head couped vert, Johnson, a chevalier in complete armour
per pale gu. and sa., bezantee, collared collared or. 61. 2 on horseback at full speed, holding in
Johnson, Scotland, a bull's head cabossed his dexter hand a sabre. 189. 10
Johnson of London, a demi-lion rampant sa., armed or. 43. 8 I Johnson, a mermaid holding in her dexter
ppr. 10. 2 Johnson of London and Y'orks, a cock hand a sceptre, and in her sinister a
Johnson, Durh., a demi-lion rampant re- arg. combed and wattled or, charged mirror, all ppr.
I ,
gardant, gorged with a palm-branch '
j) Arthur, Esquire, of the Wood-
on the body with three guttcs-de-sang. Johnson,
arg. cj. 91. 2 lands, Bishop Stortford, Herts, in front
of a Passion cross or, an anchor in bend . Johnston of BeauUeu, co. Louth, a winged Johnston of Dublin, a horse passant per
sinister sa. Fides, spes, caritas. spur or, leathered gu. Nunquam non fesse arg. and sa. Festina lente. 52. 6
\ in. 12 Johnston-Stewart, Stair Hathorn, Esquire,
Johnson of Long Melford, SiiS., and of paratus.
Tyldesley, Lanes., a spur or, the strap I Johnston, Rev. George Thompson, of Glasserton and PhysgiU Whithorn,
gu. , between two wings of the first. Broughton Rectory, Huntingdon, same Wigtown, and Champfleurie, Linlith-
III. 13 crest and motto. gowsh.. N.B., a demi-lion rampant
Johnson, James, Esquire, of Thurlaston Johnston, Andrew, Esquire, J. P., D.L., holding in his dexter paw a buckle or.
House, Dunchurch, Rugby, in front of of Forest Lodge, Woodford Green, a Suffibulatiis 7tiajores sequ
two tilting-spears in sal tire ppr., a —winged spur or. Nunquam non para- Johnstone, see Derwent, Baron.
spur or, the whole between two wings, tus. Assiduitate. Johnstone, see Vanden-Bempde-John-
also ppr. Servabo fidem. Johnston of Holly Park, co. Do wn, a winged stone.
Johnson of Walton House, Curab., a spur spur. Nunquam non paratus. in. 12 Johnstone, Sir Frederick Jolm William,
between two wings, within the spur an Johnston of Wardmilnes, Scotland, a hand Bart., D.L., of Westerhall, Dum-
estoile, all ppr. ppr., holding an escallop gu. Sine friessh., a spur with wings or, leathered
Johnson, Lanes : A(i) spur or, the strap fraude fides. 216. 2 gu. Nunquam non paratus. in. 12
gu., between two wings of the first. Johnston of Edinburgh, a hand holding Johnstone, Montague George, Esquire, of
AIII. 13. (2) tower in flames. 155.9 j a bezant ppr. Ex sold virtute honos. Craig-Sanquhar, Cupar, Fifesh., N.B.,
Johnson of Edinburgh, Scotland, a winged ' Johnston of Straiton, an arm in armour, same crest and motto.
spur ppr. Nunquam non paratus. holding in the gauntlet a sword, all Johnstone of Lathrisk, Fifesh., Scotland,
III. 12 ppr. Semper paratus. 210. 4 a spur placed upright, the rowel in
Johnson of Rockenham, co. Cork, and Johnston, Lieutenant - Colonel George chief or, winged arg., leathered gu.
Ceistle Lyons House, Fermoy, on a I Hamilton, Esquire, Kilmore, co. Semper paratus. in. 12
mural crown ppr., a spur erect or, Armagh, Ireland, an arm in armour Johnstone, Edward, Esquire, of Duusley
between two wings expanded arg., embowed, holding in the hand a sword Manor, Staffs, a spur winged ppr.
each charged with an annulet gu. in bend sinister, all ppr., the elbow Nunquam non paratiis. in. 12
Nunquam non paratus. 13c/. 1 1 1 . I charged with a spur-rowel gu. Nun- Johnstone, of Fulford Hall, Hockley
Johnson, Frederick Ponsonby, Esquire, of quam non paratus. 195. 5 Heath, Warw., a spur ppr., winged or.
Nunquarn non paratus.
Castlesteads, Brampton, Cumb., within Johnston, Rer. Richard, M.A., of Kil-
a winged spur erect an estoile. all or. I more, Richhill, co. Armagh, same crest Johnstone of Alva, Clackmannan, a spur
Nunquam non paratus. cf. 1 11 . 12 and motto. with wings or, leather gu. Nunquam
HJohnson of Runcorn, Chesh., a crescent Johnston, Robert , M.A., M.D., B.Ch., of non paratus. in. 12
or, issuant therefrom a pheon sa., all 8, Marlborough Hill. St. John's Wood, Johnstone, George Charles Keppel, of
between two wings of the last. Scroabo N.W., a dexter arm in armour em- Rothsay, West Cowes. Isle of Wight,
fidem. bowed, holding in the hand a sword a spur with wings or. Nunquam non
Johnson, Lanes, a tower in flames. ppr. Nunquam non paratus.
Johnson, Bucks, a castle ppr. 155- 9 Johnston and Johnstone, Ireland, a dex- Johnstone, John Douglas, of Snowhill,
155. 8 ter arm in armour embowed, the hand Lisbellow, co. Fermanagh, same crest
Johnson, a sword and a dagger in saltier, apaumee ppr. 200. i and motto.
the blades arg., hilts and pommels or. Johnston of Knappagh and Glenaale, co. Johnstone, John Heywood. Esquire, of
c/. 171. 12 Armagh, Ireland, an arm in armour Bignor Park, Pulborough, Sussex, a
Johnson, Ireland, a sword and a key in embowed holding a sword. Nunquam spur with wings or, leathered gu. Nun-
saltier ppr. 171. 10 non paratus. 195. 2 quam non paratus.
Johnson of Ayscough Fee Hall, a ducal Johnston, Bart., of Johnston, Scotland, Johnstone, Ralph W., M.D., B.A., of
coronet. Onus sub konore. 228. 10 a sword and a dagger in saltier, the 175, New Bond Street, a spur-rowel
ihnsonn, a —points upward, all ppr. Paratus ad upwards between two wings. Nun-
vert, collai quam non paratus.
arma. Vive ut postea vivas, cf. 171. 12
Johnston of Gormack, Scotland, a spur- Johnston of Hilltouu, a sword and dagger Johnstone of Pitkeirie, Fifesh., Scotland,
rowel between two palm-branches in in saltier, all ppr. Paratus ad arma. a winged spur or. Assiduitate. in. 12
orle, all ppr. Securior quo paraiior. cf. 171. 12 Johnstone of Netherwood, Dumfriessh.,
146. 13 Johnston, a sword and a dagger in saltier, a spur with wings or, leathered gu.
Johnston of Corehead, a spur or. Ad the points upwards, all ppr., hilted and in. 12
arma paratus. 178. 8 pommelled or. <•/. 171. 12 Johnstone, Hope-, John James, of Annan-
Johnston, Archibald, Esquire, late of 9, Johnston, Christian Frederick Charles Adale : ( I ) spur erect or, winged arg.
Claremont Crescent, Edinburgh, a spur Alexander James, Esquire, of Hiltoun, A(for Johnstone), in. 12. (2) globe
winged or, leathered gu. Ready, aye Berwick, a sword and a dagger ppr.,
fractured at the top under a rainbow
ready. in. 12 hilted or, crossing each other saltire- —with clouds at each end, all ppr. [for
wise with the points upwards. Paratus
Johnston, Archibald Francis Campbell, Hope), At spes non fracta. Nun-
Carnsalloch, Dumfriessh., same crest. ad arma. cf. 171. 12 quam non paratus. 159. 2
Johnston, Bart., Dumfries, a spur with Johnston of Clathrie, Dumfriessh., Scot- Johnstone, Scotland, a spur or. 178. 8
wings or, leathered gu. N^mquam non land, a star issuing out of a cloud or. Johnstone, Scotland, an arm in armour
paratus. in. 12 Appropinquat Dies. 164. II holding in the gauntlet a sword erect,
Johnston of Gartney, a winged spur or, Johnston of Johnston and Caskieben. a all ppr. Semper paratus. 210. 4
leathered gu. Cave paratus. in. 12 pha?nix in flames ppr. Vive ul postea Johnstoun, a winged spur or. Nunquam
Jhonston of Polton, Edinburgh, a spur vivas. 82. 2 non paratus. in. 12
ppr., between two wings or. Sic para- Johnston, Scotland, a phosnix in flames. Joicey, Sir James, Bart., M.P., D.L., J.P.,
tior. III. 13 Vive tit vivas. 82. 2 of Longhirst, Northumb., and of 58.
Cadogan Square, London, S.W., a
Johnston, Lawson-, George Lawson, Es- Johnston, Sir William, Bart., J. P., of derai-chevalier in armour proper, gar-
quire, of Kingswood, Sydenham Hill, that ilk, of Hilton and Caskieben, nished or, the helmet adorned with
Kent, a spur between two wings or. Aberdeensh. : (i) A phcenix in flames three feathers, holding in his dexter
ppr. 305. 10. {2) Two dexter hands
Nunquam non paratus.
Johnston, William Elliot Lawson, Es- clasped in fesse holding a thistle and hand a scimitar of the first, support-
quire, same crest and motto. branch of laurel ppr. Vive ut postea ing with the sinister an escocheon
Johnston, Scotland, same crest. Caute el vivas. 305. II arg., charged with three Korleaux with-
scdulo. Johnston of Graitney, Dumfriessh., Scot- in two bendlets inverted of the second
Johnston, a spur ppr., between two wings land, a man armed cap-a-pie on horse- between two fleurs-de-lis sa. Omne
arg. in. 13 back brandishing a sword, all ppr. solum forti pairia. 284. 2
Johnston, William, Esquire, of Bally- Cave paratus. cf. 189. 10 Joicey-Cecil, Lord John Pakenham
kilbeg, 00. Down, same crest. Johnston, a griffin's head erased gu. 66. On a cap of maintenance a garb or.
supported by two lions, the dexter arg. Jones of Rhiewport, Montgomerysh., a Jones of Rowe, Middx., and Heref., a
lion rampant gu. Frangas, non fiectes. tiger's head erased or.
Athe sinister az. (for Cecil). (2) demi-
man affiontee ppr., the helmet adorned I- 13 Jones, John, Esquire, J. P., D.L., of
Jones, VViUiam Charles, Esquire, of the Ynysfor, Penrhyndendraeth, Meri-
with three feathers gu., arg., and az., onethsh., a boar's head couped ppr.
resting the dexter hand on an escut- Oaklands, Preston Brook, Chesh., and Jones, Heywood-, Richard, Badsworth
HaU, Pontefract : (i) In front of a
cheon of the arms of Joicey, and sup- Thomas Oswald Jones, Esquire, of 26.\, talbot's head couped sa., collared
porting with the sinister a spiked mace, Duke Street, St. James's, London, S. W., vairee, two roses arg., stalked and
all ppr. Cor anum via una. a demi-Uon ppr., holding between the leaved ppr. {for Jones). (2) On a
mount vert, the trunk of a tree with
Joiner, a greyhound sejant sa. 59. 4 paws a sun in splendour or, and sup- two branches sprouting therefrom and
porting under the sinister paw an in- entwined by ivy, thereon a galen, wings
Jokes of London, on a ducal coronet or, expanded ppr. {/or Heywood). Till
a cockatrice. displayed gu. cf. 68. 14 crescent arg. Esto sol testis, 225. 4 then thus.
Jolles of London, out of a mural coronet Jones of London, a demi-lion rampant
a nag's head, all or. cf. 50. 13 ppr. 10. 2
JoUey, Lanes, a cubit arm vested vert, Jones of Revell, Wilts, out of a ducal
charged with a pile arg., holding in coronet or, a demi-lion rampant sa.,
the hand ppr. a sword of the second, langued gu., armed of the first. 16. 3 Jones, Wales, a boar's head erased in fess
hilt and pommel or. Jones, Admiral Sir Lewis Tobias, Knight or. 42. 2
Jolley or Jolly of Hatton Garden, Lon- Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Jones, Wales, a boar's head erect and
don, a demi-eagle displayed or, hold- Order of the Bath, a lion couchant erased or. 43- 3
ing in the beak a sinister hand arg. or, armed and langued gu., charged Jones of Wexford, Ireland, a boar's head
cf. Si. 6 on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped erased and erect ermines. Pawb yn ol
Jollie, Edward, Esquire, of Waireka, vert. Periculumexaliis jacito. cl.y.c, eiarjer. 43.3
Patea, Taranaki, Xew Zealand, uses : Jones of Fakenham, Norf., a lion couchant Jones, Wilson Carstairs, Esquire, of Gelli
a bird holding in the beak a sprig of sa. 7. 5 Gynan, Denbighsh., and of Harts-
olive. Lcetavi. Jones, Admiral Loftus Francis, B.N., of heath, Flintsh., and the Old Hall.
Chester, on a mount vert, a boar's head
Jollie, Scotland a fox's head sa. 33. 4 Hylton House, Petersfield, a lion couch-
Jollie, a hand holding a scimitar ppr. ant or. Periculuvi ex aliis jacito. couped gu., in front of an arrow pale-
-13- 5 Jones, Sir Lawrence John, Bart., M.A., wise ppr. Heb nevol nerth nid sicr
JoUifl or Jolleff, an arm holding in the of Cranmer Hall, Norf., in front of a
liand a dagger. 212. 9 castle a lion couchant arg., gorged with Jones, Alexander Fair, Esquire, of 55,
Jolliffe, see Hylton. Baron. a wreath of laurel ppr., pendent there- Northumberland Street, Edinburgh,
Jollifle, out of a mural coronet a nag's from an escutcheon gu., charged with a same crest and motto.
head. cf. 50. 13 representation of the gold medal pre- Jones, Captain Valentine, a boar's head
sented to Sir John Thomas Jones, the
JoUifle, Somers., a cubit arm in armour, erased per bend sinister erm. and
holding in the hand a scimitar, all ppr. first Bart., for his services at Badajoz. ermines. 42. 2
Jolliffe, Twyford-, a cubit arm erect, Marie et arte. Jones, Frederick Arthur Gerwyn, Es-
vested and cuffed, the sleeve charged Jones, Buine-, Sir Philip, Bart. North End quire, J.P., D.L., of Pantgas, Golden
with a pile arg., holding in the hand House, Rottingdean, Sussex, in front Grove, Carmarthensh. on a mount
a sword ppr. Tent que je puis. of fire ppr., two wings elevated and vert, a representation of a Pembrokesh.
Jolly, Scotland, a dove holding in its addorsed purpure, charged with a ox's head in profile ppr., bezantee. Da
beak an olive-branch. Lcetavi. 92. 5 mullet or. Sequar et attmgam. 283. 14 ei fjydd.
Jolly, Samuel Aird, Esquire, L.R.C.P., of Jones, Charles Alfred, District Registrar Jones, out of a ducal coronet or, a goat's
Cumberland Park, Acton, W., a dexter of H. JI. High Court of Justice, Deputy- head. 128. 14
cubit arm in armour holding in the Constable of Carnarvon Castle, Bron Jones of Ystrad, Carmarthensh., a stag's
hand a scimitar in bend sinister, all ppr. Hendre, Carnarvon, a demi-lion ram- head erased ppr. Heb Dduw heb ddim.
JoUyfle, an eagle's head erased sa., beaked pant holding in the dexter fore-paw a 121. 2
or. 83. 2 bunch of arrows. Goreu meddyg, Jones of London, a buck's head erased
Jonas, on a tower ppr., a crescent or. meddfig enaid. 293. 5 sa., attired or, and between the attires
156. 4 Jones, Heref., a lion rampant or. i. 13 a bugle-horn of the first. cf. 121. 2
Jones, Viscount Ranelagh, see Ranelagh. Jones, Berks, a lion rampant or, grasping Jones of Esthall, Oxon., a buck trippant
Jones, see Tyrwhitt. an anchor in pale sa. arg. 117. 8
Jones, see Marsham-Jones. Jones, Shropsh., a lion rampant or, sup- Jones, Edward Fielding, of 38, Athole
Jones-Parry, Bart., see Parry. poorting an anchor az., timbered of the Gardens, Glasgow, a stag trippant ppr.,
Jones of Caton, Lanes, and London, out firsit. in front of two spears in saltire, the
of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five Jones, Wales, a lion rampant az., holding shafts sa., and the heads arg. Specie-
ostrich-feathers az. Yince. malum bono. a shield or, with a carved bordure. mur agendo. 267. 8
114. 13 Jones of Lancych, Pembrokesh., a lion Jones, Wales, on a chapeau gu., turned
Jones, Richard, Esquire, Barrister-at- rampant regardant sa., armed and
up erm., a stag arg., attired vert. 118. i
Law, East Wickham House, Welling, langued gu. Sine nmnine nihilum.
Jones, Captain Henry Hastings, of Ard-
Kent, a demi-lion rampant holding in 2. 3 naree, Ballina, co. Mayo : (i) A buck's
his dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchee. Jones of Grothkenan, Denbighsh. , Wales, head erased sa. , attired or, and between
Jones of Sunningwell, Berks, of Chastle- a lion's head erased per pale arg. and the attires a bugle-horn of the first.
ton, Oson, and Worcs., a demi-lion sa. 17. 8 (2) On a chapeau ppr., a stag statant
rampant or, holding between its paws Jones-Bateman of Pentre Mawr, Den- arg., attired vert.
a mullet gu. c/. 1 5 . 8 bighsh., a lion's head erased az. Spes Jones, a stag trippant arg., attired and
Jones of Gwynfryn, Cardigansh., a demi- non jracta. \y. 8 collared or, from the collar an es-
lion rampant. Mors miki lucrum. Jones of Chiswick. Middx., a lion's head cutcheon pendent sa., charged with a
10. 2 erased sa., collared or, studded gu. martlet of the second. cf. 117. 8
18. 6
Jones, John Amallt, Esquire, L.R.C.P., Jones, Robert, Esquire, M.D., of Claybury,
M.R.C.S., J.P., of Heathmont, Aber- Jones, William, Esquire, of Walsall, Woodford Bridge, Essex, a stag statant
avon, Port Talbot, Glamorgansh., a Staffs, issuant from a sun rising in between two arms in armour counter-
I splendour ppr., a lion's head vert, be-
embowed. each holding in the hand a
demi-lion sa., charged with a cross
clechee and pomonetee or, and holding zantee. Diligentia. Duwfleiu'-de-hs. .4 >wddo a noddir.
in the dexter paw a cross calvary in Jones of Dublin, a wolf statant arg., 294. 8
bend sinister, also or. Bydd lew keb lid. resting the dexter paw on a human
Jones, Robert Hesketh, Esquire, Belfort
I Park, HiU Rise, Croydon, a boar's head
couped close. Heb nevol nerth nid
Jones, Rev. George Ifor Rhys, B.A., of head erased ppr.
Hursley, Llandovery, same crest and Jones of Stratford-by-Bow, Middx., a
motto. wolf's head erased or. 30. 8 sicr saeth.
JON 310 J OR
Jones, the late Rev. Thomas, of Eisteddfa Jones, William Brittain, Esquire, C.S.I., from the wrist by a ribbon an escut-
Criccieth, North Wales, same crest and of Ash Grove, Knockholt, Kent, upon cheon gu.. charged with a scimitar, also
motto. an acorn erect, slipped and leaved. ppr.. pommel and hilt of the second.
Jones, Major John Lloyd Thomas, I.M.S., a lark rising, all ppr. AIEX Ititegritate et fortitudine.
same crest and motto. APIZTErEIX. Jones-Barker, Evan Barker James : ( i
Jones, Thomas, Esquire, Chartered Bank Jones, of Llanerchrugog. Denbighsh., a A bear's head erased sa., muzzled,
of India, Australia, and China, same garb or. Look to the past. 153. 2 gorged with a collar gemel. and be-
crest and motto. Jones of Benada Castle, co. Sligo. Ire- tween two estoiles. all or (for Barker).
A(2) cross patee fitK-hee gu.. between
Jones of Glanmere House, Forest Hill, land, a wing gu.. semee d'etoiles or.
Kent, upon a mount vert, between two cf. lOQ. 7 on the dexter side an increscent, and on
the sinister side a decrescent, both or.
roses arg., slipped ppr., a stag lodged, Jones, William, Esquire, J.P., of Glan-
also ppr., collared az. Ex vera decus. denys, Lampeter, and Blaenos, Llando- Beneficii viemor.
cf. lis. 12 very, an ox sa., bezantee. Da-ei- Jones-Bateman, Burleton. Esquire, of
Jones, James, Esquire, of WiUiamstry Pentre-Mawr. Abergele, a lion's head
Park, Fairford, Glouc, a stag lodged Jones of Beaver Hill, Derbysh., in front erased az. Spes non fracta.
and regardant ppr., semee of acorn- of a spear between two laurel-branches Jones-Parry, Sydney Henry. Esquire, of
vert, holding in the mouth a fern's ppr., a cross patee gu. Esto fidelis usque Tyllwydd. Newcastle Emlyn. South
branch, also ppr. Deo adjuvante. Wales : (i) On a chapeau ppr.. a demi-
115. 8 Jones of Uppingham, Rutl., a paschal lion rampant or (for Jones). A(2)
Jones, Hon. Alfred Gilpin, M.P., of Bloom- lamb ppr. 131. 2 nag's head erased sa. (for Parry).
ingdale North-West- Arm , Halifax , Nova Jones of Foy, Heref., a hedgehog passant Jones-Parry, five battle-axes, staves gu..
Scotia, Canada, a stag's head couped. ppr. c/. 135. 8 headed or. three in pale and two in
Jones, Ireland, a greyhound's head erased Jones of Barrow and Filniingham, Lines, saltire. encircled with a wreath of
or, holding in its mouth a stag's foot a cubit arm erect vested purp., cuffed laurel ppr. Gofal dyv duw ai giverid.
erased gu. 61. 5 arg.. holding in the hand ppr. a branch Jones-Williams, Thomas John, of Lang-
of marigolds of the third, stalked and hern Hill, Wichenford, Worcester, be-
Jones, a talbot's head couped arg.. gorged
with a chain or. cf. 56. 12 leaved vert. 205. 14 tween two spears erect ppr., a talbot
Jones, Ireland, a talbot's head couped Jones of London, an arm erect vested or. passant per pale erm. and erminois,
arg., collared and chained gu. charged with three etoiles in pale gu.. charged for distinction on the shoulder
cf. 56. I holding a pheon erect arg. with a cross crosslet sa.
Jones of Dublin, a talbot's head couped Jones, an arm in fess couped at the Jope of Merry field, Cornw.. an antelope
arg., langued and chained gu. Deus elbow, holding in the hand a sword sejant erm.. supporting with the dexter
fortitndo mea. cf 56. 12 in pale, pierced through a boar's head foot an escutcheon per pale or and arg.
Jones, a Cornish chough ppr., holding in Jopling or Joppling, a dexter hand ppr.,
its dexter claw an etoile arg. Jones L.ondon. a gauntlet in fess or. holding up an escallop-shell or. 216.2
Jones of Nass, near Lydnay, Glouc, a holding a sword erect arg., hilted of the Jopp of Cotton. Aberdeensh., on a garb in
Cornish chough ppr. 107. 14
fii^t, pierced through a boar's head fess a cock crowing arg. Sic donee.
Jones, Rev. Preb. H. Jones, M.A., Chap- erased vert. c/. 211. 9 91-4
lain-in-Ordinary to the Queen, of Jones, Wales, a cubit arm erect in armour j Jopp, on a garb in fess a cock crowing,
Barton Mere, Pakenham, Suff.. and ppr., holding in the gauntlet a spear all ppr. 91. 4
Rev. C. W. Jones. M.A., of Pakenham,
of the first, headed arg.. embrued gu. Jorcey, a hand ppr.. holding a swan's
standing on a heart or, a raven ppr., cf. 210. II head and neck erased arg.. beaked gu.
collared gemelle arg. 107. 8 Jones-Williams, Howel Richard. Esquire. 220. 9
Jones, Sir William Hollingworth Quayle, of Cui Pare. Talybont-on-Usk. Brecon- 1 Jordan, Soraers. and Wilts, a mound or.
of 14, Royal Avenue, Chelsea, S.W.. sh.. a dragon's head erased, holding in I surmounted by a scroll charged with
and Pakenham. Bury St. Edmunds,
same crest and motto. the mouth a dexter hand couped at I the motto, " Pereussa resurgo."
the wrist. Ar Dmc y 0yd. Jordan, Surrey, an almond-tree ppr.,
Jones, a bird's head sa., holding in the Jones of Sugwas, Poulstone, Cleve. and fructed or.
beak a branch reversed vert. Mountcraig. Heref.. a gauntlet lying Jordan, Surrey, a lion sejant sustaining
Jones of Penrose, Cornw.. and Wilts, a fesseways holding a spear enfiled with a cross crosslet iitched. all or.
dragon's head erased vert. c/. 7 1 . 2 a boar's head erased ppr. 1 Jordan, Surrey, a demi-lion or. the sinis-
Jones, a dragon's head erased vert, du- Jones, Oliver Henry. Esquire, of Fonmon ter paw resting on the wreath, and
cally gorged or, holding in its mouth Castle, Cardiff, Glamorgansh., a cubit holding in the dexter an eagle's head
a glove. cf. 72. 6 arm erect in armour ppr., holding in erased sa. 9. 7
Jones of Shackerley Hall, Shropsh. : (i) the gauntlet a spear of the first, headed Jordan of Mountfield, Sussex, a lion se-
The sun in splendour or. 162. 2. (2) arg., embrued gu. ef. 210. 11 jant or, holding in the dexter paw an
On an Eastern coronet or, a dragon Jones, Morgan, Esquire, of Kihvendeage, eagle's head erased sa.
—passant gardant gu. Over na ovno Pembrokesh., in front of a dexter arm Jordan, F. W., Esquire, M.D., of Heaton
in armour embowed ppr., garnished or, 1 Norris, Lanes, issuing from a crescent
angau. Esto sol testis.
Jones, Wales, the sun in splendour or, at the hand within a gauntlet striking or, a plume of five feathers az., en-
the end of each ray a flame of fire, all with a scimitar, also ppr., the hilt of twined by a serpent, of the first.
ppr. the second, a boar's head erased az., Jordan, Lanes, a crescent or, and issuing
Jones, Shropsh., the sun in splendour or. tusked, also or. Pro patria el liege. therefrom a plume of five feathers az.,
162. 2 Jones of Littlington. Beds, on a chapeau entwined by a serpent of the first,
Jones, Inglis-, Wilmot, Derry Ormond, az.. turned up or, an armed arm em- Arte non vi. ;
Cardigansh., same crest. bowed, tasselled gu., holding in the Jordan, Harry Risden Hall, a martlet
Jones, Norf.. a battle-axe and spear in hand ppr. a spear, the staff of the with wings displayed gu. Crux dat
saltier, the handles gu.. the heads arg.. fourth armed of the second. salutem.
garnished or. Jones of London, a gairatlet fesseways Jordan or Jordon, a cross crosslet fitched.
Jones, Shropsh.. a mermaid ppr. 184. 5 or, holding a sword erect arg.. hilt of Pereussa resurgo.
Jones, a nag's head erased arg. 51. 4
the first, pierced through a boar's head Jordayne of London, on a chapeau gu..
Jones, Morris Paterson. Esquire. J. P.. of erased vert. 9c/. 2 1 1 . turned up erm. , a hawk or, the inside
Airlie House, Hoylake, Chesh.. and Jones of Glan Helen, Carnarvonsh.. a[ of the wings of the second.
II, Dale Street. Liverpool, and Gun- dexter arm embowed in armour ppr., Jorden of Wellington, Shropsh., a demi-
groy, Welshpool, a fasces fessewise or, garnished or. surmounted by two talbot gu. cf. 55. 11
surmounted by a nag's head erased
branches of laurel in saltire vert, the I JOTdon, Ireland, an arm embowed hold-
arg. Justus ac tenax propositi. hand grasping a javelin in bend sinister ing in the hand a dagger ppr.
cf. 51. 12 point downwards of the first, pendent cf. 200. 10
I |
9 451
Jordon, out of a mural coronet a hand rampant double queued. Virtute et Joynt, Rev. Henry Russell, M.A., of
ppr., vested az., brandishing a sword opera. Marksbury Rectory, Bristol, same
crest and motto.
wavy of the first. Jowitt of Eltofts Thorner, Yorks, a lion
Jordon, a boar's head couped in fess. 43. i sejant gardant gu., the dexter forepaw Juatt, an arm in armour ppr., holding a
Jorge, a hand ppr., holding a swan's head supporting an escutcheon of the arms,
viz. : az., on a chevron arg., between fleur-de-lis or. 210. 6
and neck erased arg., beaked gu. 220. two chaplets of oak in chief and a lion
Joselin or Joselyn, a talbot passant sa., Juba, a heraldic antelope sejant arg.,
tufted, maned, and armed or, resting
collared or. c/. 54. 2 sejant gardant in base or, three bugle- the dexter toot on an escutcheon per
horns stringed sa. pale of the second and first.
Joseph-Watkln, Thomas Morgan, Es-
quire, of College of Arms, London, in Joy of London and Wilts, a falcon Juchen, two wings expanded ppr. 109. 6
front of three spears, one in pale and standing on a cinquefoil between two Juckes-Clitton, Bart., see Clifton.
two in saltire, sa., a wolf's head ppr., vine-branches, all ppr. Juckes or Jukes, a column ppr. 176. 3
couped, and charged on the neck with Joy, Ireland, a hand holding an arrow Juckes-Dixon, A., the Marsh, Wellington,
a fesse erm. Ojner na o/no argent. point downwards. 214. 4 Shropsh., an eagle's head couped be-
Joseph, Arthur Hill, Esquire, JI.D., of Joy, a demi-Uon rampant. Pro patrid tween two wings.
Glanmor, Bexhill-on-Sea, in front of ejusque lihcrtate. 10. 2 Judd and Jude of London, a ferret
three spears, one in pale and two in Joy of Hartham Park, Wilts, out of a passant ppr., collared and lined or.
saltire, points upwards or, a wolf's ducal coronet or, a plume of five 134- 9
head couped tenne, collared arg.,
feathers arg. Vivelajoye. 114. 13 Judd, Francis Savile Harry, Esquire,
charged with three spears' heads sa. Joyce or Joice, a demi-chevalier in ar- J.P., of Maces Place, Riekling, Bishop's
Peri aur y chalon wir. mour brandishing a scimitar, all ppr. Stortford, a griffin's head erased per
Joskin or Joskyn, an antelope's head 187. 4 chevron or and vert, charged with three
arg. , collared gu. , armed sa. <•/. 126. 2 Joyce, an antelope statant. 126. 12 fleurs-de-lis counterchanged. and hold-
Joslin, Walter, Esquire, of the Hunts, Joyce, Sir Matthew, of 16, Great Cum- ing in the beak an ear of wheat of the
Upminster, between two hawks' bells a berland Place, W. (and descendants of same crest and motto.
rock, thereon a falcon's leg erased at the late John Hall Joyce of Blank- Judge, between two laurel - branches a
the thigh and belled, all ppr. Faire fordby, Leics.), in front of a lion sword in pale, all ppr. 170. 3
mon devoir. 252. 16 rampant ppr., collared nebuly, with Judge of Mosstown, CO. Meath, an escal-
Joslin, Clement, Esquire, of High House, chain reflexed over the back or, three lop or. Totum est providentia.
Purfieet, same crest and motto. water-bougets fessewise sa. Nee te- 141. 12
Joslin, Henry, of Gaynes Park, Up- nure nee timide. Judgson and Judson, Scotland, out of a
minster, Essex, same crest and motto. Joyce of Galway, Ireland, a demi-wolf ducal coronet two dexter arms in sal-
Josselyne, Joseline, or Josselin, Essex, a ducally gorged, all ppr. ei. 31.2 tier, vested ppr., holding two scimitars
bear's head and neck sa., muzzled or. Joye, Wilts, a lion rampant arg., sup- in pale, also ppr. ef. 203. 10
34- 14 porting a staff raguly or. Judkln-Fitzgerald, Bart., of Lisheen, co.
Josselyn, Lieutenant - Colonel Arthur Joye of Benefield, Northamp., the trunk Tipperary, a chevalier in complete
Henry, J.P., Fomham, near Bury St. of a vine with two branches, thereon a armour on horseback at speed, his
Edmunds, a falcon's leg, beUed or, dove statant, all ppr. 93. 4 sword drawn and beaver up, all ppr.
erased at the thigh gu. Fairt mon Joyner of London and Sussex, a dexter cf. 189. 10
devoir. 1 13. 8 arm in armour erabowed holding in Judson, a wyvern with wings addorsed.
Josselyn, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick the gauntlet a battle-axe, the handle or, 70. I
John, Chief Constable of Beds, same headed arg. 200. 6 Juge, Leics., two battle-axes in saltier
crest and motto. Joyner, Ireland, a demi-lion az., langued headed ppr., the handles gu., enfiled
Josselyn, WUloughby, Esquire, Bury St gu., holding between the paws a fleur- with a ducal coronet or. cf. 172. 4
Edmunds, same crest and motto. de-lis or, charged with a mullet, also Jugg, an oak-leaf vert.
Josselyn, John Henry, Esquire, J. P., gu. ef. 13. 5 Jugler of Reigate, Surrey, two swords
Ipswich, same crest and motto. Joynour, two battle-axes in saltier. 172. in saltier ppr., surmounted by a cross
Josselyn, Colonel James Edward, late Joynson of Liscard, Chesh., on a mount crosslet in pale sa. 166. 14
R.A., same crest and motto. vert, an eagle displayed with two heads Jukes, Shropsh., a dexter arm in armour
Josselyn, George Francis, Esquire, J.P., az., semee of roses arg. Ad honorem embowed and vambraced ppr., gar-
Ipswich, same crest and motto. industria duett. ef. 74. 10 nished or, supporting a lance in pale,
Jossey of Westpans, Haddingtonsh. , Scot- Joynson, Tertius, Esquire, same crest also ppr., the standard quarterly sa.
land, an eye ppr. Je voy. 193. 13 and motto. and arg., bordered or, fringed, bearing
the arms of the Holy Trinity.
Jossey of Edinburgh, an eye ppr. Ma- Joynson, Francis, Esquire, of New Park,
nuque. 193. 13 Annan, Dumfriessh., same crest and Julian and Julion, on a chapeau a sala-
Jouatt, an arm in armour ppr., holding motto. mander in flames, all ppr. 138. 2
in the hand a fleur-de-lis or. 210. 6 Joynson, William, Esquire, of the Manor Julian, James Edward John, Esquire,
Joubert (de la Ferte), Charles Henry, House, Tachbrook Mallory, Leaming- J.P., of Kilflynn, co. Kerry, a star and
ton, same crest and motto. crescent.
Esq., of the Ferns, Wey bridge, Surrey,
two pine-trees in saltire, eradicated Joynt, Christopher, Esquire, M.D., 21, Julien, a lion's gamb erased holding the
and fructed proper. Omnia virtuti Leeson Park, Dublin, on a mount vert, hilt of a broken sword, all ppr. 38. 2
cedunt. a boar passant ppr., resting its sinister Julius of Richmond, Surrey, an estoile
Joule, out of a ducal coronet or, a stag's fore-leg on an escutcheon az., charged arg. 164. I
head affrontee ppr. 119. 13 with a fleur-de-lis or. / hope. 272. 1 Jump, Henry, Esquire, late of Woodlands,
Jourdain, late Sir Henry John, K.C.M.G., Joynt, Henry William, of WesthiU, Little Woolton, Lanes, a demi-stag
of the Elms, Watford, Herts, a lion Taxmton, same crest and motto. regardant ppr., charged on the shoul-
sejant or, charged on the body with Joynt, Surgeon-General Francis John, der with three roses chevronwise arg.,
two cross crosslets in pale, holding in M.D., a cubit arm erect ppr.. charged supporting a Passion cross or. Fortiter
the dexter fore-paw a cross crosslet, with an escallop arg.. and grasping in et fidditer.
and resting the sinister upon an escallop, the hand a battle-axe in bend sinister, Jump, James, Esquire, of Hardwicke
all az. Frangas nan flectes. also ppr. Nee temere. nee lente. House, Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., same
Jourdan, two anchors in saltier ppr. 6 71 1 . ef. 213. 12 crest and motto.
Joweles or Jowles, Kent and Surrey, a Joynt, Alfred Lane, Esquire, B.A., of Jumper, a demi-Uon ppr., supporting a
tower gu., surmounted with eight 4, Pembroke Park, Clyde Road, Dublin, long cross gu. II. 14
broad arrows interlaced arg.
on a wreath of the colours issuant out Jumper of London, a wing arg., charged
Jowers, Reginald F., F.R.C.S., of 55, of a chaplet of oak-leaves vert, two with two bars gemel sa. cf. 109. 7
Brunswick Square, Hove, Brighton,
eagles' heads conjoined, the dexter gu., Jupp, a griffin passant holding in the
out of a ducal coronet a demi-lion the sinister az. Nic degenero. ef. 84. 1 dexter claw a buckle ppr. 63. 7
Keane, Sir John, Bart., of Cappoquin Kebell of Homerston, Leics., a demi and Alderminster Lodge, Stratford-
House, CO. Waterford, a cat sejant griffin with wings displayed arg.
ppr., supporting in his dexter paw a gorged with a bar gemelle. on-Avon (i) A demi-lion rampant
flagstaff, thereon the Union Jack, also :
Keble, an elephant's head couped.
per fesse arg. and gu., crowned or (for
APeach). (2) griffin's head sa.,
ppr. Felts demidcta mitis. 285. 8 133- 2 langued gu., charged with three
Keane, Frederick Henry, of Tivoli, Keck, Powys-, Harry Leycester, of mullets all counterchanged (for Keigh-
Cappoquin, co. Waterford, same crest Staughton Grange, Leics., and of Bank ley). Quicquid dignum saniente bonoquc
and motto. Hall, Lanes : ( i ) Out of a mural coronet est.
Keane, Francis Burton, Esquire, of the
gu., a maiden's head erm., purfled or, Keightley, Archibald, M.D., 46, Brook
Hermitage, near Ennis, co. Clare, Ire- hair dishevelled of the same and flotant, Street, Hanover Square, W., a griffin's
land, a wild cat rampant gardant ppr., adorned with a chaplet vert, garnished head erased.
gorged with an antique Irish crown or,
with roses ppr. {2) A lion's gamb Keignes and Keynes, a cross crosslet
and charged on the shoulder with a erased and erect gu., grasping a fleur- filched gu., between two palm-branches
trefoil vert. Felts demulcta viitis. de-lis bendways or. vert.
Keane, Marcus, Esquire, of Beech Park, Keddie, Scotland, a lancet open ppr. Keignes, a talbot passant sa., collared
Ennis, same crest and motto. Opijer per orbem dicor. 17S. 9 arg. cf. 54. 2
Keane, Ireland, on a chapeau a stag trip- Kedmarston, Sufi., a demi-lion rampant Keigwin of Mousehole, Cornw., a grey-
pant, all ppr. iiS. 3 arg. 10. 2 hound's head couped or. cf. 61. 2
Kearney, see Cuthbert- Kearney.
Kedslie, an eagle with two heads dis- Keiling, see Keeling.
Kearney, set Butler- Kearney. played ppr., charged on the breast Keily, a male griffin statant ppr.
Kearney, see Ayl ward- Kearney. with a mullet arg. Veritas omnia vin- Keinsbam, a greyhound's head or,
Kearney of St. Louis and St. Germans, cit. cj. 74. 2 charged with three bars vert, guttee-
France, a gauntleted hand lying fessc-
ways ppr., holding a dagger erect arg., Keefe, Ireland, a lion's gamb party per d'or. cf. 61. 2
pommel and hilt or.
chevron or and gu. cf. 36. 4 Keir of Calcutta, a mahout or Indian
Kearney of BlanchviUe, co. Kilkenny,
Ireland, a gauntleted hand or, holding Keegan, a dexter hand holding a sheaf of elephant-driver upon an elephant, all
a dagger arg. Siistine et abstine. arrows. 214. 3 ppr. Cum grano salis. 133. 8
211. 4 Keegan, Edward Wells, Esquire, J. P.. of Keir-Small-Keir : (i) A branch of palm
Kearney of Ballyvary, co. Mayo, Ireland :
Clonavar, Strandtown, co. Down, a Aerect ppr. (for Small). 147. 4. (2)
A(i) ruined castle in flames ppr. (2)
A gauntleted hand in fesse or, holding dexter hand holding a sheaf of five hand holding a sword ppr. (for Keir).
arrows, all ppr., charged on the wrist 212. 13
Keir, Scotland, an arm embowed, vested
with a harp or, stringed arg. Nun-
quam nan paratus. and cuffed, holding in the hand a
a dagger arg, Sustine et abstine. Keeling of Newcastle-under-Lyne, Staffs, sword. Alterum non leedere. 204. i
Kearney, Ireland, a ruined castle in out of a mural coronet gu,, a demi-lion Keir, Scotland, an arm in armour em-
flames ppr. or, supporting an escutcheon arg., bowed holding in the hand a sword,
Kearns, Ireland, out of a heart gu., a charged with a cross formee fitchee all ppr. 195. 2
hand holding a scimitar ppr.
gu. Keir, Scotland, a pelican vulning herself
213- 4 Keeling, Frederic Hillersdon, Esquire, of ppr. Deus meum solamen. 98. i
Kearsley and Kearsly of London and St. Slary's Terrace, Colchester, in Keir-Mackintosh of Dalmigavie, Inver-
Lanes, a demi-eagle erm., winged or. front of a demi-lion rampant or, holding Onness-sh. : ( i ) the dexter side
between the paws an escutcheon gu.,
So. 2 charged with a cross patee fitchee arg., a cat courant gardant ppr. (for
a scaling-ladder fesseway sa. Hon-
Keat, a demi-cat gardant. 26. 12 Mackintosh). 26. 6. (2) On the
Keate of Woodford, Essex, and of Grove- sinister side—a pelican vulning her-
hurst, Kent, a mountain-cat passant sa. Keeling of Southill, Beds, and Worcs., a —self ppr. (for Keir). Touch not the cat
Hon sejant or, supporting a scaling-
26. 4 ladder gu. but a glove. Virescit in arduis virtus.
Keates, Joseph Andrew, Esquire, Lord
98. I
of the Manor of Bishop's Nympton, Keirie of Gogar, Edinburgh, Scotland, a
Bishop's Nympton, North Devon, and Keeling, Kellyng, Kelyng, and Kelynge, hand holding a rose ppr. Virtute viget.
of Dunstone, Torquay, a tiger passant a sword erect enfiled with a Saracen's 218. 10
gardant ppr., charged upon the body head affrontee, all ppr. cf. 191. 11 Keirll of Croft Castle, Heref., a horse's
with three bezants fesseways, and Keen, Ireland, a bundle of five arrows or, head erased arg., holding in the mouth
resting the dexter paw upon an escut- barbed and feathered arg., banded gu. a palm-branch ppr. c/. 51. 4
121. 2
cheon sa., thereon a cake of copper ppr. 173- 3 Keith, see Kintore, Earl of.
Esto memor. zy . 8 Keen or Keene, Suff., a hind's head erased Keith, a stag's head erased.
Keating and Keatinge, Ireland, a Cupid sa., bezantce. cf. 124. 3 Keith, Scotland, a stag's head ppr. Veri-
holding in his dexter hand an arrow, Keene, a griffin's head ppr. 66. i
and in his sinister a bow, all ppr. tas vincit. I2T. 5
Keene, an eagle's head couped ppr. 83. i Keith, Earl Marischal, a hart's head
c/. 189. 7 Keene, Ireland, a martlet or. 95. 2 erased ppr., attired with ten tynes or.
Keating, on a mount vert, a boar passant Keene, Henry George, Esquire, CLE., Veritas vincit. 121. 2
sa. 40. 5 a bundle of five arrows or, barbed and Keith, Scotland, a stag's head couped.
Keating of Kilcoan, co. Wexford, a boar fiighted arg., tied with a ribbon gu. Memento creatorem. 121. 5
statant gu., armed and unguled or, Keenlyside, a beacon lighted ppr. 177. 14 Keitb of Bruxie, a stag's head erased arg.
holding in the mouth a nettle-leaf Keep, a weaver's shuttle erect gu., Veritas vincit. 121. 2
vert. threaded ppr. 176. 13 Keith of Craig, Scotland: (i) Ancient, a
Keating of Baybush, co. Limerick, a boar Keep, a talbot passant. Keep faith. stag at gaze or, under a bush of holly,
statant gu., armed and unguled or, Keet of Canterbury, Kent, a dexter arm all ppr. Fortiter qui sedulo. 116. 12
holding in the mouth a nettle-leaf vert. embowed, couped at the shoulder vested
(2) Modern, an ermine ppr. Ex candore
Providcniia Divina. az., cuffed arg., holding in the hand decus. 134- 6
Keating, Rev. William, M.A. Oxon, of ppr., a battle-axe of the second, staff Keith of Ostend, a demi-Uon rampant
177. Queen's Gate, London, S.W., a or, entwined with a serpent vert. ppr. Recta sequor. lO. 2
boar passant gu. , holding in the mouth Keete of Chellesburne, Dorset, a unicorn's Keith of Tillygone, co. Kincardine, a
an oak-leaf slipped between two oak- head erased arg., collared gu., buckled hawk's lure ppr. Venit ab astris. 178. 11
branches ppr. Amor duett patriae.
and garnished or, armed of the last. Keith of Ravelston, a dexter arm holding
Keats, on a naval coronet or, a tiger Keighley, a dragon's head erased arg., in the hand a dagger ppr. Pro veritate.
statant gardant ppr., charged on the charged on the breast with a mullet sa. 212. 3
body with an anchor sa. cf. 71. 2 Keith of Auquhorsk, Aberdeensh., a hand
Keats, Glouc. and Berks, a mountain-cat Keighley-Peach, Henry Peach, Esquire, holding a pen ppr. Et loqtior et taceo.
passant sa. 26. 4 I of Idlicote House, Shipston-on-Stour, 217. 10
Keith of Arthurhouse, a dexter hand Kellett, Sir William, Bart., of Lota, co. Kelso, Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald, 25,
holding a pike erect ppr., headed arg. Cork, an armed arm embowed, gar- South Street, Thurloe Square, S.W..
Justa sequor. nished or, holding in the hand a baton same crest and motto.
Keith, a dexter hand holding a scroll of of the last. Feret ad aatra virtus. Kelso, Captain Edward Barrington
paper ppr. Et loquor et taceo. 215.6 cf. 200. 3 Purvis, J. P., D.L., Horkesley Park,
Colchester, a garb supported by two
Keith of Ludquhairn, Aberdeensh., Scot- Kelley, Ireland, on a mount an apple-
land, a dexter hand casting an anchor tree fructed, all ppr. lions rampant. Lairg.
into the water. Remember thy end. Kelley or Kelly, Devonsh., Sussex, and Ire- Keltic and Kelty, a wheat-sheaf ppr.
Keith, Scotland, an arm in armour in fess land, out of a ducal coronet gu., an Industria. 153. 2
couped holding in the hand a sword ostrich's head arg., holding in the beak Kelton, Shropsh., a lion passant per pale
in pale ppr. a hor.se-shoe or. cf. 97- 1 erm. and ermines, ducally crowned or.
Keith of Montrose, a hand holding a Kelley, Kelly, and Keylley, a boar passant c/. 6. 2
thunderbolt ppr., winged or. Fortiter or, wounded by an arrow ppr. 40. 14 Kelverton, an eagle's head couped arg.,
qui sedulo. 216. 4 Kelley or Kelly, Ireland, a hand holding gorged with a chaplet of roses ppr.
Keith, Lord Altrie, Scotland, a rock ppr. by the horn a bull's head erased. Kelvin, Baron (Thomson), Netherhall,
Watch the temptation. 179. 7 I Keliey of Torrington, Devonsh.. a sea- Largs, Ayrsh., a cubit arm erect, vested
az., cuffed arg., the hand holding five
Kelcebourne, on a ducal coronet or. a lion horse in water ppr., holding between
sejant holding a sword erect ppr. the paws a spiked ball. ears of rye ppr. Honcstij without fear.
Kekewicb of Ketchfrench, Cornw., a Kellie, Earl, -lee Mar and Kellie. 205. 5
leopard's head and neck affrontee sa. Kellock, Scotland, out of a ducal coronet Kelwich, a lion's head gardant sa.
cf- 23. 3 a sinister hand between two wings, all Kelyng and Kelynge, see Keeling.
Kekewicb, Trehawke, Peamore House, ppr. 221. 3 Kemball, Charles Gurdon, Esquire, of
Exeter, same crest. Kellock, Scotland, between two wings or, Mettingham Castle, Bungay, Suff., in
Kekewich, Sir Arthur, a Judge of the a heart. Gloria in excelsis Deo. front of a rock ppr., a fasces fesseways,
High Court, same crest. cf. no. 14 also ppr., thereon a goat saUent sa.
Kelburne, Viscount, see Glasgow, Earl of. Kelloway and Kellaway, Devonsh., a tiger Nulla nisi ardiia virtns. 264. 9
Kele of London, a demi-woman ppr., her passant regardant sa. Kemball, General Sir Arnold Burrowes,
hair dishevelled or, on her head a Kelloway, a barnacle-bird arg. K.C.B., of 62. Lowndes Square, S.W.,
chaplet vert. 183. 5 Kelloway, Hants, a cock arg., combed, same crest and motto.
Kelham, a demi-eagle displayed with beaked, wattled, and spurred az. 91. 2 Kemball, Major-General John Shaw,
two heads az., semi-e of erm. spots or, Kellum, an otter's head erased ppr. 1 34. 3 J. P., of Fairseat. Wrotham, Seven-
each wing charged with a covered cup Kelly, Kelley, or Keylley, a boar passant oaks, same crest and motto.
of the l£st. 82. I or, vulned in the side by an arrow ppr. Kemble, between a branch of laurel on
Kelham, Robert, of Bleasby HaU. Notts, 40. 14 the dexter side and one of palm on
a demi-eagle displayed with two heads Kelly, Arthur Dillon Denis, Esquire, of the sinister, both ppr., a boar's head
az., semee of erm. spots or, and charged Mucklow, Ballyforan, BaUinasloe, eo. and neck sa., erased gu., charged with
on each wing with a covered cup of Galway, an eufield statant vert, with a an etoile arg. 42. 3
the same. Beneficiorum memor. 82. i
bushy tail turned oyer the back. Tur- Kemble, a dexter arm in armour, holding
Kelham, Godfrey Marmaduke, of Box- ris jortis mihi Deus. in the hand a broken spear ppr. cf. 2 10.
more, Herts, same crest and motto. Kelly of Castle Kelly and Newtown, co. Kemble, Thomas, Runwell Hall, Essex,
Kelham, Robert Cecil, Esquire, of Havre, Galway, an enfield passant vert. Tur- a wolf's head couped and erect or, the
France, same crest and motto. ris /ortis mihi Deus. 252.15 mouth dropping blood.
Keling of Hackney, Middx., out of a Kelly, Edward Festus, Esquire, of Nor- Kemble, Captain Horatio, R.N., Great
mural coronet a demi-lion or, support- therwood House, Lyndhurst, Hants, Claydons, East Hanningfield, a wolf's
ing an escutcheon arg., charged with and 49, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, head couped and erect or, the mouth
a cross pattee fitched at the foot gu. same crest and niotto. dropping blood.
Kelk or Keike, a wolf sejant ppr. 29. 3 Kelly, Ireland, on a chapeau gu., turned Kemeys-Tynte, Halswell Milborne, Es-
Kelk, Sir John William, Bart., of Ted- up erm., an enfield vert. Turris fortis quire, J. P., D.L., of Cefn Mably,
mihi Deus. Glamorgansh., Halswell, Somers., and
worth, Wilts, and 3, Grosvenor Square, Burleigh Hall, Leics. : (i) On a
Kelly, Francis Hume, Esquire, J.P., M.A.,
Middx., a wolf sejant erect sa., col-
lared or, holding between the paws a of Glencara, co. Westmeath, Barrister- mount vert, a unicorn sejant arg.,
leopard's face ppr., jessant-de-lis arg. at-Law, an enfield vert, charged on the armed and crined or [for Kemeys). (2)
Lcetus sorte vives sapienter. 273. 7 shoulder with a mullet or. Turris /or- Issuant from a ducal coronet a demi-
Kell and Kelle, a boar's head erased az., tis mihi Deus. griffin, all or (for Halswell). Dieu dy
ducally gorged or. 41. 6 Kelly, Rev. Maitland, of Kelly, I,ifton, ras. 64. 4
Kellam and Killome of Danby, Yorks, a and the Vicarage, Ottery St. Mary, Kemeys-Tynte, S. David, 10, Royal
cross crosslet fitched gu., and a palm- Devonsh., out of a ducal coronet gu., an Crescent, Bath : (i) Same as (i) above
branch vert, in saltier. ostrich's head arg., holding in the (for Kemeys). (2) A demi-griffin erased
Kellam or Kellum, an otter's head erased beak a horse-shoe or.
Duwor (for Halswell). dy ras (for
ppr- 134- 3 Kelly, Reginald, Esquire, J.P., D.L., of Kemeys) Tynctus cruore Saraceno (for
Kellam and Killome, out of a mural Kelly, Lifton. Devonsh., same crest Tynte).
coronet a griffin's head ducally gorged. and motto. Kemor, a lion's head erased or, pierced
67. 6 Kelly, William Henry, Esquire, of Por- through by arrows sa. 18. 4
Kelland of Painsford, Devonsh., a demi- Chester Terrace, Paddington, Middx., Kemp, a goat statant arg. 129. 5
tiger salient or, maned arg. I Kemp, a goat passant arg. c/. 129. 5
in front of two anchors in saltire sa., a
Kellaway or Kelloway of Stowford, castle or. Justam perficito nihil timeto. Kemp, Surrey and Cornw., a falcon ppr.,
Devonsh., a tiger passant regardant sa. Kelly, Sir WiUiam Freeman, K.C.B., on beaked and legged or, hooded gu.
Kellawaye of Sherborne, Dorset, a cock a ducal coronet or, a greyhound cf. 85. I
arg., combed and wattled az. 91. 2 courant arg. Turris fortis mihi Deus. Kemp of Westbrook, Norf., and of South
Kelle, see Kell. Kellyng, see Keeling. Mallins, Sussex, on a garb in fess or, a
Kelleher, Ireland, out of a mural coronet Kelsey of Chelmsford and Thorpe, Essex, falcon with wings addorsed erm.
az., a lion's head or. 19. 12 two cubit arms in pale vested sa.. cuffed Kemp, Sir Kenneth Hagar. Bart., B.A.,
Kellet of Ripley, Surrey, a cubit arm or, holding in the hand ppr. an escut- of Gissing, Norf., a pelican vulning
vested sa., cuffed and purfied arg., cheon of the last. 208. 2 herself ppr. upon a garb fesseways or.
holding in the hand a roll of parchment Kelshaw, a griffin's head erased. 66. 2 Lucem spero.
of the last. 208. 3 Kelso of Kelsoland, Ayrsh., a garb or. Kemp, George Brookes, Esquire, of
Kellet, Ireland, a demi-wolf rampant sa. (Over the crest) Otium cum dignitate. Goodyers, Hendon, Middx., a garb
31. 2 153- 2 fesseways or, thereon a pelican in her
: a2
KEM _3i5 KEN
piety with wings elevated sa., ruined Kemyng, a unicorn's head sa., platee. Kennard, Adam Steinmetz, Esquire, of
ppr., charged on the breast with three cf. 49. 7 Crawley Court, Winchester, same crest
and motto.
annulets interlaced and gorged with a Kenah, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas, C.B.,
collar gemel of the first. gS. lo a horse's head erased arg., charged on Kennard, Edward, Esquire, D.L., J.P.,
Kemp, Captain WiUiani, of Lyminster the neck with a fleur-de-lis az. Fidclis. of Junior Carlton Club, same crest and
House, near Arundel, on a mount vert, cf. 51. 4 I motto.
Kenan, Dumfries, Scotland, a lion ram- ' Kennard, Henry Martyn, Esquire, of
a falcon with wings elevated, feeding
on a garb or, and charged on the breast pant az. Nostra quce fecinms. i. 13 Falkirk, Stirlingsh., and 63, Lowndes
with a hurt. Kendall, Devonsh., a hand holding a sheaf Square, London, S.W., same crest and
Kemp, on a mount vert, a pelican or, of arrows points downwards, all ppr. 1 motto.
charged on the breast with a pomeis 214- 3 I Kennard, Henry Steinmetz, Esquire, of
picking at a garb of the second. Kendall of Thorpthules, Durh., a wolfs Shopwyke House. Oving, near Chi-
Kemp, Ireland, an antelope trippant or, head and neck erased arg. 30. 8 i Chester, same crest and motto.
collared az. cf. 126. 6 Kendall of Austrey. Warw., an eagle dis- Kennard, Robert William, Esquire, of
Kemp and Kempt, Scotland, a demi-lion J
played az. Aquila petit solem. 75. 2 Llwyndu Court, Abergavenny, same
holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe, Kendall of Stourbridge, Worcs., an eagle crest and motto.
all ppr. Prompt us. cf. 15. 6 displayed or. 75-2 Kennard, a lion's gamb erased vert.
Kemp and Kempe, Essex and Suff., an Kendall, a demi-pelican arg., vulning 36- 4
Kennard, Ireland, a hand in armour ppr.,
arm couped at the elbow, vested arg., herself ppr.
holding a broken sword gu.
charged with two bends wavy az., Kendall of Exeter, a lion statant, the
cuffed of the first, holding in the hand tail coward and passing over his back Kennard of Hordle Cliff, Hants, a cubit
ppr. a chaplet vert. gu- arm erect in armour ppr., holding a
Kempe, Charles Earner. Esquire, of Old Kendall, Osmond Lennox, Pelyn, Lost- key and a broken sword in saltire or.
Place, Lindfield, Sussex, and 28, Not- withiel, Cornw,, a lion passant gu. At spes non fracta.
tingham Place, W., on a mount vert, a
Virtus depressa resurget. Kennaway, a phcenix in flames ppr.
falcon with wings elevated, feeding on Kendlemarsb, two lions' gambs chevron- 82.
a garb or, and charged on the breast ways ermines, armed gu. Kennaway, on a chapeau a phoenix in
with a hurt. Kendrick, a hawk's leg erased, jessed, and flames, all ppr. 82. 11
Kempe, Kent, a demi-eriffin or, winged belled, all ppr. 1 1 3. 8 Kennaway, Sir John Henry, Bart., D.L.,
gu., holding a garb of the first. Kendrick of Warrington, Lanes, on a M.A., M.P., of Escot, Ottery St. Mary.
Kempe, C. M., Chantry House, New sheaf of arrows a falcon jessed and Devonsh., an eagle rising ppr., from
Shoreham, Sussex, a falcon belled. belled, all ppr. Virtue is honour. the beak an escutcheon pendent az.,
Qui seminat in lachrymis metit in Kene of Starston, Norf., a hind's head charged with the sun in splendour, also
gaudeo. erased arg., gorged with a collar gu., ppr. Ascendam. 284. i
Kempenfelt, a demi-man in armour, the charged with three bezants, to the Kenne of Kenne, Somers., a unicorn's
sinister arm embowed, the dexter collar a ring or. cf. 124. 5 head az., bezantee, crined or, the horn
holding a sword above his head, all
ppr., between two wings erect vert. Kene, Suff., a hind's head erased arg., twisted of the last and sa. cf. 49. 9
Kempsey, Shropsh., a holly-tree vert,
fructed gu. Sit vult Deus. j
145. 6 peUettee, charged with a trefoil or. Kenneday, an arm in pale grasping a belt,
cf. 124. 3 I all ppr. 219. 3
Kenerby, a wolf's head erased crni. 30. 8 Kennedy, Marquess of Ailsa, see Ailsa.
Keningham, a man's head in profile . Kennedy of Garvin Mains, a dolphin
Kempson and Kempston, Warw. and bearded ppr., on the head a chapeau 1 naiant ppr. Avise la fin. 140. 5
Staffs, a demi-lion az., gorged with a 140. ;
gu., turned up erm. Kennedy, same crest and motto.
collar or, charged with tliree mullets Kenisham of Semford, Beds, a grey- Kennedy, Robert John, Esquire, of
of the first. cf. 10. 9 j
hound's head couped az., charged on Cultra Manor, Holywood, co. Down,
Kempson, a demi-talbot. cf. 55. 8 the neck with three bars between as same crest and motto.
Kempster, a lion's gamb holding a thistle many guttes-d'or. cf. 61. 2 Kennedy, John, of Underwood. Ayrsh.,
ppr. sy. 6 KenliS, Baron, see Headfort, Marquess. Scotland, and 15, Aldford Street, Park
Kempston, Ireland, a hand holding an Kenmafe, Earl of (Browne). Killarney Lane, W., a dolphin haurient, head
olive-branch ppr. 219. 9 House, Killarney, Kerry, a derai- upwards ppr. Vincit vim virtus.
Kempt, a hedgehog or. 135-8 dragon arg., wings expanded sa., 140. II
Kempt, the late Lieutenant-General Rt. guttee of the first. Loyal en tout. 72.7 Kennedy of Cultra, co. Down, a dolphin
Hon. Sir James, G.C.B.. out of the Kenmure, Viscount (Gordon), Scotland, naiant ppr. Avise la fin. 140. 5
battlements of a tower arg., a demi- a demi-savage wreathed about the Kennedy of Girvanmains, Ayrsh., same
lion erminois, grasping in both paws a head and loins with laurel, all ppr. crest and motto. 140. 5
battle-axe, the blatle and handle Dread Ood. Kennedy, Scotland, a dolphin naiant.
thereof arg., the spear - head or. Kenn, Somers., three crescents inter- 140. 5
Promptiis. woven arg. Kennedy, Charles George Blagrave, Es-
Kempthorne, a lion sejant. 8. 8 Kenna, Paul Aloysius, Esquire, 21st quire, J.P., of MuUanteau, Stewarts-
Kempthorne, Rev. Philip Henry, M.A., Hussars, Madras, on a mount vert, a town, CO. Tyrone, a dolphin naiant az.
F.R.A.S., Wellington College, Berks ruined castle in flames ppr. Age quod Avise la fin.
A(i) lion sejant. Karenza whdas agis. Kennedy of Knocknalling, Ayrsh., a
karenza. (2) On a chapeau a dexter Kennan, Ireland, out of a crescent az., a dolphin naiant or. Avise la fin.
arm embowed grasping a scimitar ppr. cross crosslet fitched gu. 166. 9 140. 5
Pro rege et patria. {for Ainslie). Kennard, Sir Coleridge Arthur Fitzroy, Kennedy: (i) On the dexter side—
Kempton of London, Middx., and Cambs, Bart., Fernhill, Southampton, a dexter soldier of the ist Royal Dragoons
out of a ducal coronet or, a garb arg. cubit arm erect in armour ppr., charged holding in his dexter hand a sword
cf. 153. 2 with a buckle gu., the hand grasping a ppr., and in his sinister a French eagle
Kempton, a cloud ppr. 162. 13 key in bend or, surmounting a broken with a tricoloured flag having thereon
the number 105. (2) On the sinister
Kempton of London, and Morden, Cambs, sword in bend sinister ppr. At spes
—side a dolphin naiant az. Avise la
a goat erm., armed and ungu. or, col- ' nan fracta.
lared and lined sa., the collar charged Kennard, Colonel Edmund Hegan, V.D., fin. 140. 5
with three bezants, with a ring at the F.R.G.S.. M.A. (Oxon.), of 25, Bruton Kennedy, Clark-, John William James,
end of the line. Street, W., a dexter cubit arm in Knockgray, Kircudbrightsh. : (i) A
Kemsley, John Cole, on a mount vert, | armour ppr., charged with a buckle demi-dragoon of the Royal Dragoons
derai-zebra ppr., gorged with a collar gu., grasping in the hand a key or, in holding dexter a sword and sinister an
gemel or, resting the sinister fore-leg bend, and a broken sword in bend eagle, all ppr. (2) A dolphin naiant
on an esquire's helmet, also ppr. sinister ppr. At spes non fracta. ppr. Avise la fin.
Kennedy, Scotland, a palm- branch slipped Kennerley, a lion's gamb holding a laurel- Kennison, a dove holding in its beak an
vert. X47. I branch ppr. 37. 4 olive-branch, all ppr. 92. 5
Kennedy of Kirkmichael, Ayrsh., a palm- Kennet or kennett, Norf., two branches Kennoway, Scotland, an arm embowed
branch slipped ppr. Malim esse probus of palm in orle. 146. 2 in fess couped gu., holding three stalks
quam haberi. 147. i Kennett, George Buttler, Esquire, Town of wheat or. 202. 6
Kennedy, Ireland, in front of a tree vert, Clerk of Norwich, uses : a dexter arm Kennoway, Scotland, a thunderbolt
a greyhound courant arg. cf. 58. 5 in armour embowed, holding in the winged ppr. 174. 13
Kennedy, William M'Laughlin. Esquire, hand an esquire's helmet (0/ no autho- Kenny, a demi-lion rampant gardant gu.,
of Ellerslie, Eltham, Taranaki, New rity). Gardez bien. holding a fleur-de-lis or. cj. 1 3. 2
Zealand, a dove lying upon its back, Kennett of London, out of a ducal coro- Kenrick, an arm erect and vested, holding
net or, an arm embowed in armour
thereon perched an eagle with wings in the hand ears of wheat. 205. 7
extended preying on the breast of its ppr., the hand in a gauntlet holding Kenrick of London, on a sheaf of arrows
victim. Veritas odium parit. 77. I an esquire's helmet ppr. fesseways or, feathered and headed
Kennedy, on a rock a goose, all ppr. Kennett-Barrington, Sir Vincent Hunter arg., a hawk close, also arg., beaked
Barrington, of 57, Albert HaU Man-
Kennedy, Scotland, a hawk hooded ppr. sions, W., and Manor House, Dor- and belled of the first.
cf. 85. I Achester : (I) hermit's head in profile, Kenrick, Shropsh., on a bundle of arrows
Kennedy of DubUn, a demi-eagle dis- couped below the shoulders ppr., vested in fess or, feathered and headed arg.,
played sa., bezantee, holding in the bound sa., a hawk close of the second,
beak a cross formee fitchee gu. paly of six gu. and or, his cowl thrown beaked and belled of the first.
back {for Barrington). (2) Between
Kennedy of Barclanachan, in the sea an two branches of palm a dexter arm Kenrick, Flintsh., a falcon rising grasping
embowed in armour ppr., garnished in the dexter claw three arrows, two
anchor in pale, all ppr. God be gu ide. in saltier and one in fess. Virtute ad
161. 6 or, charged with an estoile gu., holding astra.
Kennedy, John Campbell, Dunure, Jlay-
bole, Ayrsh., a fleur-de-lis or, issuing in the hand a helmet ppr. {/or Kennett). Kensey, Herts, a demi-griffin erased
out of two oak-leaves ppr. Fuimiui. erm., holding between his claws a
Kenney, Ireland, a greyhound couchant mullet or.
Kennedy of Dunure, a hand holding a between two branches of laurel in orle,
sword. Fuimus. 212. 13 all ppr. 60. 5 Kensing, a stag springing ppr. 1 17. 2
Kennedy of Clowburn, a dexter hand Kenney, Ireland, an arm in armour em- Kensing, on a mount a stag current, all
holding a military girdle with the in- bowed holding in the hand a baton, all ppr. 118. 13
scription. Vires Veritas. Non jallo. ppr. 294. 12 Kensington, Baron (Edwardes), St.
cf. 219-3 Kenney, Edward Herbert, Clifton House, Bride's, Little Haven, Pembrokesh.,
Kennedy of Kirkhill, a hand holding a Alleyn Park, London, S.E., same crest. upon a mount vert, a wyvern with
dagger ppr. Fuimus. 212. 9 Tuebor. wings expanded arg. Garde la joi. 314. i
Kennedy of Auchterfordle, same crest. Kenney of Dubhn, a cubit arm erect Kensington, out of a ducal coronet a
Avise la fin. vested gu., cuffed arg., holding in the demi-eagle displayed, all ppr. 80. 14
Kennedy of Tombrechan, co. Tlpperary, hand a roll of parchment, all ppr. 208. 8 Kensit, Thomas Glover, Esquire, of
an arm erect couped below the elbow, Kenney, Ireland, out of an earl's coro- Skinner's Hall, London, the Roman
the hand holding an oak-branchfructed, net or, pearled ppr., a demi-arm erect fasces fesseways ppr., thereon an eagle
all ppr. sleeved gu.. with a white ruff, holding rising regardant or, supporting in the
in the hand a roll of parchment ppr.
Kennedy, Sir John Charles, Bart., D.L., beak tilt nw-spear resting upon the
B.A., of Johnstown, Kennedy, co. Dub-
lin, an arm embowed in armour ppr., Teneat, luceat, floreai, vi, virtutc, et fasces bend sinister, also ppr. 78. 9
holding in the hand a branch of oak, Kent, Ii nd, a bridge of three arches
valore. 208. 11
Kenney of Kilclogher, co. Galway, and ppr. 158. 4
also ppr. Adhcereo virttUi. Merrion Square, DubUn, out of an Kent, a wolf's head couped. 30. 5
Kennedy^ Ireland, a hand ppr., holding earl's coronet or, the pearls arg.. a Kent, Northamp., a talbot's head couped
an acorn between two oak - leaves cubit arm erect vested gu., cuffed also
arg.. the hand grasping a roll of parch- gu., charged on the neck with a cinque-
ment ppr. Teneat, luceat, floreat. 208. II
vert. foil erm. cj. 56. 12
Kennedy, Ireland, an arm in scale armour Kent, a lion's head erased or, collared
embowed holding in the hand a sci-
Kenney, Jacques Louis Lionel, Lieu- sa. iS. 6
mitar, all ppr. tenant in the Imperial Navy of France. Kent, Egleton-, Bart., Suff.. a lion's head
Kennedy, Ireland, out of a cloud an arm
Knight of the Orders of the Legion of erased coUared. 18. 6
in armour embowed in fess, holding in Honour and of St. Stanilaus of Russia,
the hand a dagger ppr. The strongest Kent, George Charles, Esquire, of Park
issuing from an earl's coronet or, the House, Longton, Staffs, a lion's head
pearls arg., a cubit arm erect vested
hand uppermost. erased erminois, collared, lined, and
Kennedy of Romaimo House, Peeblesh.,
gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand a ringed az. Virtute et honore. 298.13
a dexter hand grasping a dagger ppr.
Kennedy, Ireland, a hand holding a bloody roll of parchment ppr. Teneat, luceat, Kentish, Somers., a demi-ostrich . with
wings addorsed, holding in its beak a
dagger ppr. Laugh ladur an aught ur. fioreat. 208. 11
Kenney, Arthur Herbert, Esquire, C.M.G., horse-shoe.
cf. 212. 9 D.S.O.. Lieutenant - Colonel Royal Kenton, on a chapeau gu., turned up or,
Kennedy, Roland Fergussone, of Ben-
Engineers, of 2, Mansion Terrace, a lion passant gardant arg., ducally
nane, Ayrsh., and Glenapp, Ayrsh., Heavitree, Exeter, on a WTeath or and
crowned ppr. cj. 4. 5
Scotland, out of two oak-leaves ppr.,
az., a demi-arm, sleeved gu., with a Kenton, a dexter hand couped in fess
a fleur-de-lis or. Fuimus. white ruff, holding in the hand a roll of holding a fleur-de-lis or. 221.9
Kennedy-Erskine, Augustus John William
parchment ppi. 243.12 Kenwick, an arm in armour holding in
Henry, of Dun House, Montrose, X.B. :
A(i) griffin's head erased gu., charged Kenney- Herbert, John, Esquire, J. P. the hand an esquire's helmet ppr.
with a mullet erm., holding in the beak
A(I) bundle of twelve arrows in saltire Kenyon, Baron (Kenyon), Gredington,
or, headed and feathered arg., belted Flintsh.. a lion sejant ppr., resting
the dexter paw on a cross flory arg.
a sword headways, point upwards ppr. gu., and buckled of the first {jor
A{for Erskine). (2) dolphin naiant AHerbert). (2) dexter cubit arm erect Magnaniniiter crucem sustine.
ppr. (for Kennedy). vested gu., cuffed arg., the hand grasp- cj. 8. 8
Kennedy-Skipton, Henry Stacy Skipton, ing a paper scroll ppr. {jor Kenney). Kenyon, James William, Esquire, of
Esquire, M.A. : (i) An arm vambraced Kennicot, a griffin's head erased. 66. 2 Cecily Hill, Cirencester, a lion sejant
Kenning, a yew-tree growing out of a ppr., holding in the mouth a cross
holding a dagger ppr. (jor Skipton). patonce arg., and resting the dexter
mount semee of trefoils, all ppr fore-paw on a woolpack sa. Si diligens
—(2) A dolphin ppr. Avise la fin. Pro Kennion of Liverpool, Lanes, a denii-
Kennell, two lions' heads erased and ad- lion rampant ppr., holding between honorabilia. 260. 9
dorsed, the dexter or, the sinister gu.
—the paws an anchor erect or. Ventis Kenyon, Robert Lloyd, Esquire, of
17- 3
secundis. Deo juvante. Pradoe, Oswestry, Shropsh., a lion
sejant ppr., resting the dexter paw on Ker-Seymer, Harry Ernest Clay, Esquire, —trippant armed with ten tinea (/or
Scott). Regulier et vigoureux. Pacem
a cross flory arg. Magnanimiter cru- of Hanford, near Blandford, Dorset
cem sustine.
Kenyon-SIaney, William Slaney, Esquire, (I) A chapeau turned up erm., winged
of Hatton Grange, Shifnal, Salop: (i)
Aor. (2) unicorn's head erased arg. Kerrich, Walter Fitzgerald, of Geldeston
A eriffin's head gu., winged erminois, Hall, Suff., on a mount vert, a galtrap
(3) Two wings displayed arg., each sa. Xunquam non paratus. /. 174. 14
charged with a chevron engrailed Kerrich-Walker, Henry Walker, Esquire,
of Xewker House, Chester-le-Street,
and gorged with a collar gemel or {/or between three trefoils slipped sa. {/or
Durh. : (i) In front of a greyhound's
ASlanei/). (2) lion sejant ppr., resting Clay). Dulce pro patria periculum. head couped arg., gorged with a collar
the dexter paw on a cross flory arg. Kerby, a hand in armour holding a pheon
—{/or Kenyan). Deo duce. comite in- ppr. 211. 7
dustria {/or Slaney). Magnanimiter Kercher, Norf., a cross botonnee az., be- gemelle sa., a crescent gu. {/or Walker),
c/. 61. 2. (2) In front of two spears in
crucem sustine {/or Kenyon). tween two wings inverted saltireways or. saltire ppr., a galtrap or. {/or Kerrich).
Kenyon of Easthall, Oxon., and London, Kerchinall, Northamp., a demi-bay-horse
a demi-lion rampant ppr., holding a ppr., armed and bridled or, on his head Faire sans dire.
halbert gu., headed or. 15. 4 three feathers az., or and arg 53-6 Kerrifford of Dublin, a demi-lion ram-
43. i pant sa., holding between the paws a
Kenyon, on a rock a dove holding in its Kercy, a boar's head couped or. cross moline or.
beak an olive-branch, all ppr. 93. 9 Kerdeston, on a mountain ppr., a gos- Kerrison of Birkfield Lodge, Ipswich,
Keogh, Ireland, an arm embowed ppr., hawk sa. 108. 4
vested az., holding in the hand a Kerdifle, on a tower ppr., a Uon rampant Suff., a bundle of sugar-canes ppr.,
covered cup or. 203. 4 or. 157. 12 thereon a dove arg., winged or, holding
in the beak an olive-branch ppr.
Keogh, Ireland, a boar passant, armed Kerdifte, a hind sejant regardant ppr., Kerrison of Breckles, Norf., on a mount
and crined or. resting the dexter foot on a mount
Keogh of Kilbride, co. Carlow, a boar vert. c/. 125. I vert, a tiger passant ppr., collared and
passant ppr. Resistite usque ad sangui- Kerdiston, issuing out of a tower a demi- lined or, the dexter fore-paw resting
on a galtrap of the last. Bien sans Dieu.
ncm. 40. 9 griftin, aU ppr. i^y. 5 Kerrison, Bart, (extinct), of Hoxne and
Brome, Suff. : (i) Of honourable aug-
Keppel, Earl of Albemarle, see Albemarle. Kerdiston and Kerdston, a dexter hand mentation, out of a mural coronet or,
a dexter arm in armour embowed, en-
Keppel, Hon. Sir Henry, K.C.B.. Ad- apaumee couped in fess ppr. 221. 6 twined by a branch of laurel, holding
in the hand a flagstaff ppr., therefrom
miral of the Fleet, of 8, the Mansion, Keresforth, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant flowing a forked banner gu., fringed
or, inscribed with the word "Penin-
Albany, W., out of a ducal coronet or, gu., holding in its paws a miU-rind in sula " in letters of gold. (2) Upon a
a swan's head and neck arg. Ne cede mount vert, a tiger passant ppr., col-
pale arg. c/. 10. 3 lared and lined or, the dexter fore-paw
Kergourdenac, two dolphins addorsed
Keppel, William George, Esquire, of Old
ppr. 140. I
Buckenham Grange, Attleborough, Kerioll, a mullet or, environed with clouds
Xorf., same crest and motto. ppr. c/. 164. II
Kepping, a maiden's head affrontee, the Kerle, on a mount vert, a hedgehog or.
hair dishevelled, the bust vested. c/. 135. 8
c/. 182. 5 Kernaby, a cubit arm ppr., holding in the resting on a galtrap of the last. Rien
Ker, Duke of Roxburghe, see Roxburghe. hand a crescent sa. 216. 8 sans Diext.
Ker, Earl of Ancrum, a stag's head and Kerry, Earl of, see Lansdowne, Marquess
Kerne of Truro, Cornw., on a mount vert,
neck couped arg., collared gu., charged
a greyhound current per pale or and of.
with tliree mullets of the first issuing arg., collared gu. c/. 58. 2 Kerryll, a lion rampant gu., holding a
out of an open crown or. Tojtl droit. Kerney, a unicorn sejant sa., armed and sword erect ppr.
Ker, Lord Jedburgh, a stag's head erased maned or.
Kers, Scotland, a torteau between two
or. Forward. 121. 2 Kerr, see Lothian, Marquess of. wings or. c/. no. 4
Ker of Kerhall, a unicorn's head erased Kerr-Pearse, see Pearse. Kersey, a boar's head couped or. 43. i
arg., armed and crined or. Pro Christo Kerr, Glasgow, a mullet gu. Praise God. Kersey, Robert, Esquire, of Hurst Lodge,
ct putrid ditlce periculum. 49. 5 164. 2 Lee, Kent, upon a mount vert, a boar's
Ker of Blackshiels, a unicorn's head Kerr of Westbourne Terrace, Hillhead, head couped arg., on either side a
erased arg. Virescit vvlnere virtus. 49. 5 Lanarksh., a mullet gu. Praise God. branch of three cinquefoils slipped
Ker of Morristoun, Roxburghsh., Scot- 164. 2
vert. Peractus conamine. 42. 8
land, a unicorn's head couped arg., Kerr, the late Robert Malcolm. Esquire, Kershaw, a ram passant ppr. 131. 13
gorged with a collar az., charged with LL.D., a mullet arg. Praise God. Kershaw, Lanes, a cock pheasant ppr.
three crosses moline of the first. Dulce Kerr of Bughtrigg, Roxburghsh., Scot- c/. 90 8
Kershaw of Savile Green, Yorks, the
pro pairia periculum. c/. 49. 1 Aland, the sun in his splendour ppr.
stump of an oak eradicated and sprout-
Ker of Gateshaw, Scotland, a unicorn's Deo lumen. 162. 2 ing fesseways ppr., thereon a pheasant
head erased arg., armed and maned or. Kerr, William James, Esquire, Hythe holding in the beak a sprig of oak, also
Pro Christo et palrid. 49. 5 House, Hythe, Southampton, a sun in
his splendour ppr. Sero sed serio. 162.2
Ker of Knock, Banffsh., a unicorn's head ppr.
erased arg. Virescit in arduis virtus. Kerr, Northamp.. a stag's head erased or. Kershaw, Edmund William, Esquire, of
10, Hanover Square, London, W., on a
49- 5 Deus solamen. 121. 2 mount vert, in front of two trunks of
Ker of Cevers, a stag's head erased or. Kerr, Russell James, Esquire, J. P., trees erect, sprouting from the sinister
a pheasant ppr., holding in the beak
Tout droit. 121. 2 Chairman of Quarter Sessions, of the two ears of wheat slipped or. Fide
Ker, same crest. Deus solamen. 1 2 1 . 2 Haie, Newnham-on-Severn, Glouc,
Ker, Scotland, a stag's head erased ppr., same crest and motto.
with ten tines or. 121. 2 Kerr of Prestbury Court, near Chelten- semper Deo.
Ker, Scotland, the sun in his splendour ham, a unicorn's head. Detis solamen. Kerslake of Barmer Hall, Norf., on the
or. A Deo lumen. 162. 2 Kerr, a chevalier in full armour holding trunk of a tree a falcon close, all ppr.
Ker of Abbot-rule, Roxburghsh., the sun a horse by the head ppr. 53. 11 Ad/inem fidelis. 86. 11
rising out of a cloud ppr. J'advance.
Kerr-Pearse, Captain Beauchamp Albert Kersteman of Canewdon, a demi-man
162. 5
Ker of Chatto, Roxburghsh., the sun in Thomas: (i) A dexter arm embowed affrontee in armour ppr., the visor up,
in armour, the hand grasping a tilting- plumed arg., holding in his dexter
his splendour ppr. Begulier et vigoureux. spear in bend sinister, all ppr. , between hand an arrow palevvise or, barbed and
162. 2 two estoiles gu. {/or Pearse). (2) The
flighted az. cf. 187. 3
Ker of Sutherland Hall, Roxburghsh., a —sun in splendour ppr. {/or Kerr). Kervell, on a ducal coronet or, a wyvern
dexter hand holding a dagger ppr.
Cadente porrigo dextram. <Sero sed gu. 7°- 9
Kervyle of Wallington, Norf., two lion's
Abest timor. 212. 9 serio.
gambs in pale arg., holding between
Ker of Linlithgow, a pelican volant ppr. Kerr, Scott-, Robert, Ghatto, Roxburghsh.
Deus meum solamen. A(I) The sun ppr. (/or Kerr). (2) stag the claws a pile gu.
Kervyle of Wiggenhall, Norf., a goat pas- over the back, and holding between the Kidd, a martlet with wings addorsed
sant sa. . armed and crined or. cj. 129. 5 legs a cinquefoil, three crosses patee ppr. cj. 95. II
Keryell, an arm in armour embowed fessewise or. Taururn cornihus prende.
Kldd of Armagh, on a wreath arg. and
couped at the shoulder, the part above 45- 13
Ketton, a boar's head couped in fess, vert, an increscent arg., charged with
the elbow in fess resting on the wreath, a rose gu. Donee inipleat orbetn.
the hand erect holding a close helmet, between two branches of laurel in orle, 163. 13
all ppr. 198. II all ppr. cj. 42. I Kidd, Arthur William Lyle, Esquire, an
Kesstell, an oak-tree ppr. I43- 5 Ketton, Robert William, Esquire, of increscent arg., charged with a rose gu.
Kestell of Kestell in ilanaccan, Cornw., Felbrigg Hall, Norf., out of a ducal ! Donee impleat orbem.
a demi-buU erm., armed, ungu., col- coronet a griffin's head between two Kidd of London and Scotland, a crescent
lared and lined sa. 45- 8 ostrich-feathers. arg. Donee impleat. 163. 2
Kestell of Kestell in Eglospayle, Cornw., Keux, a mound crossed and banded ppr. I
Kidd, out of a crescent az., a pine-apple
a tower ppr. 1 56. 2 159. 12 I ppr. Nil sine magno labore. c/. 152. 8
AKestell-Cornish : (i) Cornish chough Kevel, a horse's head couped, cj. 50. 13 Kidd of Farnworth, Lanes, a goat's head
NdXeverdon, Lanes, a buck's head per pale erased arg., attired or.
A(for Cornish). (2) tower ppr. (jor admirari.
KesteU). arg. and az., attired counterchanged. 128. 5
Kiddall of South Ferreby, Lines, a goat's
Kesterton of London, a demi-bull ram- 121. 5
Kevett of Coventry, Warw., a demi-hon
pant ppr., armed and ungu. or, head erased arg., ducally gorged, armed
gorged with a chaplet vert. Timor rampant purp., muraUy gorged, lined and bearded or. cj. 128. 5
omnis abest. 45. 14 and ringed or. cj. 10. 2 Kiddell, Glouc, a talbot's head arg..
Kesteven, Baron (Trollope), of Casewick, Kew, Yorks, a demi-lion or, holding be- gorged with a coUar az., studded and
Stamford, Line's, on a mount vert, a
tween its paws a garb az. 12. 5 rimmed or. cj. 56. i
Kewley, a stag's head erased az. 121. 2
stag courant arg., attired or, and hold- Kiddell, alias Benner, of Camden, Glouc,
ing in the mouth an oak-leaf ppr. Key, a greyhound's head arg., charged ith a
Audio sed tacto. cj. 118. 13 with three pellets. c/. 61. 12
Keswick, William, Esquire, of Eastwick Key, Scotland, a bird volant. In Deo cj. 56. I
Park, Great Bookham, Leatherhead, solo spes mea. 88. 3 Kidder, Ireland, a cubit arm erect vested
upon two wings arg., an arm, vested az., Key, Rev. Sir John KingsmiU Causton, 1 az., holding in the hand ppr. a packet,
cuffed of the first, the hand holding a Bart., of Thornbury, Glouc. a mount thereon the word " jStendard." Boyne.
thistle ppr. Ubigue. vert, thereon a hart lodged gardant Kidderminster, a greyhound's head arg.,
Ketchin, Scotland, a pehcan's head ppr., charged on the body with three gorged with a fess dancettee az.,
erased, vulning itself ppr. 98. 2 mullets fesseways sa. In Domino charged with three bezants.
Keteridge of London, out of a mural confido. 285. 3 cj. 61. 2
coronet a lion's head or. 19. 12 Keydon, a dolphin charged on the back Kidley, Devonsh., a turbot naiant az.
Ketford, a stag's head erased and af- with an increscent. Avise la fin. , Kidney of London and Leics., on a mount
frontee are., attired or. 1 19. 10 cj. 140. s vert, an eagle regardant rising ppr.,
holding in its beak a kidney gu.
Kething, Ireland, a dexter hand holding Keye of Milcomb, Oxon., a griffin's head Kidson of Bishop Wearmouth, Durh., a
couped at the breast, the wings ad- unicorn's head arg., attired and maned
a pine-branch ppr.
dorsed arg., holding in the beak a key
Ketland, a lion passant az. 6. 2
Ketleby, see Kettleby. or. cj. 67. II or, environed with palisadoes of the
Ketson, a lion's head erased, holding in Keyes, an open hand couped at the last. Pro rege et lege.
the mouth a trefoil slipped, all ppr.
wrist ppr., holding between the fore- Kidston, Archibald Glen, Esquire, of
finger and thumb a key or. Virtule Glasgow, a unicorn's head erased arg.
Kelt, Suff., on a mount vert, a peacock adept a. Pro rege et lege. 49. ^
ppr. Rara avis in terris. cj. 103. 4 Keyes, a griffin's head between two wings, Kidston, John Pearson, Esquire, of Nyn
Kett, Norf.. a leopard's face az. 22. 2 holding in the beak a palm-branch, all Park, Herts, a unicorn's head erased
Kett of Kellsall, Suff., on a mount vert, ppr. 65. 9 arg. Pro rege et lege. 49. 5
a peacock ppr. Rara avis in terris. Keyle, a woman's head and shoulders Kidwell, Wales, a peacock's head couped
cj. 103. 4 ppr., vested az.. the hair dishevelled, ppr. 103. 2
Kettewell of Dumbleton Hall, Glouc, a
round the head a chaplet or. 182. 5 Kier, Scotland, on the point of a sword
lion rampant gu. . holding in the dexter
Keylley, a boar passant or, vulned by an in pale ppr., a garland vert. 170. i
fore-paw a cross patee fitchee, and
arrow ppr. 40. 14 Kierman, Ireland, a demi-antelope erm..
resting the sinister hind-paw on a cross Keymer, an ass passant ppr. 125. 7 I collared gu. 126. ?
patee or. Keyne, Suff., six arrows in saltier ppr., Kierzkowski-Steuart, Charles F. de, o!
Kettle, a bundle of five arrows ppr., feathered arg., barbed or, banded with Langley House, King's Langley. Herts,
banded gu., buckled or. 173. 3 a ribbon sa. 173. 13 and Collingham Road, Kensington,
Kettle of Dallicott House, Claverly, Keynes, a talbot passant sa., collared London. S.W. : A(i) lion's head erased
Shropsh., a reindeer's head erased arg. cj. 54. 5 gu., langued az. {jor Steuart). 17. 2.
ppr., collared and chained or. Bono (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, three
Keynes or Keignes, a cross crosslet ostrich-feathers, the centre one arg.,
the outer ones az. (jor De Kierzkowski).
vince malum. 122. i fitchee gu., between two palm-branches
114. 8
Kettle, Rupert Edward Cooke, Esquire, vert. cj. 166. 5
Keys, a Minerva's head ppr. 182. i
of I, Essex Court, Temple, E.C., Merri-
dale, Wolverhampton, Staffs, and of KeysaU, a sinister arm embowed and Kiffin of Knolyrante, Shropsh., on a gar-
Glan-y-don, Towyn, Merionethsh.. in
front of a dext«r cubit arm vested az., vested, holdi °g the a Hly land of laurel in orle a lion passant
cuffed arg., the hand ppr. holding a
slipped and leaved. ppr. 5. 15
Keyser, Charles Edward, Esquire, of Kift, a lion's head erased ducaUy crowned.
balance suspended or, a portcullis, also Aldermaston Court, Reading, a hand IS. 8
arg. Qui td. holding a carbuncle emitting rays. Kighley, a dragon's head erased sa.
Kettleby or Kettelby, a lion's head erased Providentia tutamur. 293. 9 cj. 71. 2
gu., holding in the mouth an arrow az.,
Keyt, Glouc, a kite's head erased or. Kighley and Kightley, Yorks and Essex,
feathered arg. cj. 17. 8 Keyte, a unicorn's head erased arg., a dragon's head couped sa. 71- I
Kettleby, Lines and Shropsh., a lion's armed and collared gu. 49. 1 Kighley or Kightley, Lanes, of South
Littleton, Worcs., and Keighley, Y'orks,
head erased gu. 17. 2 Kibble, Scotland, an antique crown az.
Kettlewell, William Wildman, Esquire, a dragon's head couped sa., charged
with a mullet or, and having three
of Harptree Court, East Harptree, Kibble, a Roman fasces erect. 171- 4 tongues gu.
Bristol, on a wreath of the colours, in Kibble of Whiteford. Renfrewsh., Scot-
front of a demi-buU sa., gorged with a land, a demi-eagle rising ppr. Illceso Kilburne of Hawkehurst, Kent, and Lon-
collar and a line therefrom reflexed
lumine solem. 80. 2 don, a bald coot ppr.
Kilby, issuing out of a cloud a hand in KilVington, a hand erect issuing from a King-Noel, see Lovelace, Earl of.
King-Tenison, Earl of Kingston: (i) In
fess pointing to crosier erect, all ppr. cloud holding a sealed letter, all ppr.
front of a crosier and a cross cross-
let in saltire sa., a leopard's face or,
223. 2
jessant-de-lis az. {for Tenison). 22. 9.
Kilcoursie, Viscount, see Cavan, Earl of. Kilworth, Lord, see Mountcashell, Earl. (2) Out of a five-leaved ducal coronet
or. a dexter hand erect, the third and
Kildahl, Sobieski, Esquire, of Dublin, a Kimber, a bull's head affrontee. Frangas
fourth fingers turned down ppr. {for
demi-lion gu.. holding between his non fiectes. 44. 8
King). Spestutissimacoslis. c/. 222. 11
paws a decrescent az. Kimberley, Earl of (Wodehouse), Kim-
King, Viscount Lorton, see Lorton.
Kildare, Marquess of, see Leinster, Duke berley House, Wymondham, Norf., a King, Baron King, a dexter arm erect
of. dexter arm couped and erect vested couped at the elbow, vested az., thereon
three ermine spots in fess or, cuffed
Kilderbee, Suff., a demi-cockatrice or, —arg., and grasping a club in bend sinister arg., the hand ppr., grasping a trun-
charged on the breast with an escallop, cheon sa.. the top broken off, the
or. Agincourt Frappp. fort. bottom couped of the third. Labor ipse
and on each wing with a cross patee gu. Kimpton, a crescent party per' crescent voluptas.
Kjlgour, Scotland, between two wings or and gu. 163. 5 King, Bart., see Dash wood.
gu., a mullet or. 112. i Kimpton of Monken Hadley, Midds., a King, a lion's sarab erased charged with
a crescent holding a cross patee fitched.
Kilgour, Scotland, a wyvern \vith wings demi-goat erm., armed and ungu. or,
addorsed, the tail terminating with a collared and chained sa. cf. 129. 10
head. cj. 69. o Kinahan, Hudson-, Sir Edward Hudson,
Kilgour and Killgowr, Scotland, a cres- Bart., J. P., of Glenville, co. Cork,
cent arg. Gradatim. 163. 2 Wyckham, co. Dublin, and Merrion
Square North, Dublin: (i) A demi-
Kilkenny, Earl of (Butler), Ireland, out
of a Jucal coronet or, a plume of five lion rampant sa., holding in his paws cf. 36. 9
King, Rev. Louis Henry, Vicar of North
ostrich-feathers arg., therefrom a fal- a battle-axe ppr., and charged on the
con rising of the last. Depressus ex- shoulder with a cross couped or {for Newton, Bridgwater, a demi-grifSn
tollor. Kinahan). 15.5. (2) A lion rampant per fesse arg. and sa., holding in the
Killach, Scotland, a horse passant arg. gu., charged with a cross couped or, claws an arrow point downwards.
52. 6 and holding between the paws a boar's Byddwch barod.
Killand, Devonsh., ademi-tiger salient or, head couped arg. Deo fidcns persistas. King, Sir James, Bart., Carstairs House,
maned arg. 225. 5 Lanarksh., a redbreast ppr. Bonos
Killanin, Baron (Morris), Spiddal. co. Kinahan, late of Knock Breda, in the indiistrice praemium.
Galway, on a fasces feasewise ppr., a Dicoese of Down, a demi-hon rampant King, Duckworth-, Sir Dudlev Gordon
AAllan, Bart., of Bellevue, Kent: (i)
lion's head erased arg., guttee-de-sang. sa., holding in bis paws a battle-axe lion's gamb erased and erect sa.,
Si Deus nobiscum quis contra nos. ppr., and charged on the shoulder with
285. 10 a cross or. Deo fidens persistas. 15. 5 grasping a cross patee fitchee at the
Killeen, Lord, see Fingall, Earl. Kinaird, Scotland, a garland of laurel footer. 2S0. I. Jamais sans espcrance.
(2) A tower, the battlements partly
Killegrew of Killegrew and Arwennick. vert. Qui patitur vincit. 146. 5
Cornw., a demi-lion sa., charged with Kinarby, a flag gu., fiotant to the sinister. demolished, from the top iiames issuant
three bezants in pale. c/. 10. 4 176. 15 ppr., on the sinister side a sea-hou
Killegroue, a hand holding a branch of Kinardsly of Warde End, Warw., on a erect az. 281. 2
laurel ppr. -19-9 mount vert, a greyhound sejant arg., King, Hon. Philip Gidley, of Bank-
Killey, out of a ducal coronet arg.. a collared or, under a hawthorn-tree sia, Double Bay, Sydney, Gonoo
bull's head sa. 44. 1 ppr., fructed gu. 59. 10 Gonoo, and Tamworth, New South
Killicke, a swan with wings addorsed Kincaid, a dexter hand holding a lancet. Wales, Australia, Member of the Legis-
lative Council of New South Wales, a
arg. 99. 12 Bis te ici. 216. 14
Killikelly of Bilbil, Spain, out of a ducal Kincaid of Edinburgh, a dexter hand lion rampant. Labor ipse voluptas.
coronet or. an arm in armour embowed, holding a chirurgeon's instrument 13- I
the hand grasping a spear, all ppr. called a bistoury, all ppr. Incidendo King of London, on a ducal coronet a
lion rampant or, holding in the dexter
Killingworth, a sea-horse az., ducally sano. paw a lance arg., on the point thereof
gorged or, holding in the mouth a Kincaid of Edinburgh, a dexter arm from an annulet of the first.
scroll charged with the motto ' Prate the elbow holding a drawn sword ppr. King, Sir Henry Seymour, K.C.I. E.,
' F.R.G.S., M.A., of 25, CornwaU Gar-
dens. South Kensington, W., a lion
et petago." / will defend. 212. 13 rampant or, gorged with a collar gemel
Killingworth of Killingworth, Northumb., Kincaid of that Ilk, Stirlingsh., a castle az.. holding in the dexter fore-paw a
trefoil slipped vert. Floreo_in ungue
and Sibble, Essex, a sea-horse az., triple-towered arg.. masoned sa., and
ducally gorged or. cf. 46. 2 issuing therefrom a dexter arm em-
bowed grasping a sword ppr. I'll
Killome, out of a mural coronet a grilfin's
head ducally gorged. 67. 6 defend. cf. 155. 3
Killowe and Kiloh, two hands issuing Kincll, Ireland, a demi-lion ppr., holding leonis.
from elo\ids in chief supporting an between the paws a round buckle in King, King-, William Edward, of Staun-
anchor, all ppr. cf. 224. 13 fess or. ton Park, Heref.. a lion rampant bendy
Kilmaine, Baron (Browne), of the Neale, Kinchant, issuant from a ducal coronet or and az.. holding two branches com-
in Ireland, an eagle displayed vert. or, a demi-lion arg. Virtus pyramis. posed of two roses gu. and three cin-
Siiivez raison. 75. 8 Kindelan of Ballinakill, co. Meath, an quefoils vert, slipped and leaved of the
Kilmarnock, Baron, see Errol, Earl of. arm in armour holding a sword, all ppr. last. Floreo in ungue leonis.
Kilmore, a demi-eagle with two heads, 210. 2 King, Leics., a lion passant erm., ducally
the wings displayed sa., and ducally Kinder of Ely, Cambs, and Notts, on a crowned or. cf. 6. 2
gorged. c/. 82. i column or. a Cornish chough sa., beaked King, a lion sejant erect ppr., holding
Kiunorey, Earl of (Needham), Mourne and legged gu. between its paws an escallop arg.
Park, Newry. co. Down, Ireland, a Kinder, a crane's head erased ppr. 104. 11 King of Highbury Crescent. Middx., a
phccnix in flames ppr. Xmic aid Kinder, a crane's head erased holding in
lion sejant per chevron engrailed or
nitnquam. 82. 2 the beak a serpent. 104. 2 and az., supporting with the dexter
Kilner, an eagle displayed with two Kinder of Harrytown Hall, Chesh. : (i) paw a spear erect of the first enfiled
heads. Siirsum. 74. 2 On a column or, a Cornish chough sa., with a gauntlet of the second. Altiora
Kilpatrick, a hand holding a dagger erect beaked and legged gu. (2) A buck's pelo.
dropping blood. I make sure. c/. 212.9 head ppr., couped at the neck. 121. 5 King of Broomfield, Essex, in front of a
1 lion couchant gu., a wool pack ppr.
Kilpin, Ernest Fuller, Esquire. C.M.G., Kindon and Kingdon, an eagle's head
J. P.. of Linford, Kenilworth, near Cape erased ppr. 83. 2 cf. 7. 5
Town, in front of an oak ppr., charged Kinchant of Park Hall, Shropsh., out of King of Umberslade, Warw., out of a
with a pheon or, a mount vert, thereon a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion arg. ducal coronet a demi-lion rampant.
a saltire az. Firmus in firmis. 296. : i Virtus pyramidis. 16. 3 16. 3
320 KIN
King of Chad's Hunt, near Warwick, out King of London, a talbot's head erased King-Noel, Captain the Hon. Lionel
of a ducal coronet a demi-lion rampant sa., collared and eared or. 56. I Fortescue, of Horsley Towers, Leather-
King, same crest. 56. i head, and Ben Damph Forest, Auch-
King, James Alexander Gordon, Ter- King, Wilts, a talbot's head couped sa., nasheen, Ross-sh., N.B. : (i) A buck
towie, Kinaldie, Aberdeensh., a demi- coUared or. cf. 56. i statant arg., attired or, charged for
lion rampant gu., on the head a Swedish King, Reeve-, Neville Henry, Ashby-de- distinction with a cross crosslet gu. (for
crown arg. la-Laund, Lines: (i) same crest as Noel). 306.7. (2) A dexter arm erect,
King of Bickenhill, Warw., a demi-lion above. (2) A horse's head erased per couped at the elbow, vested az., the
rampant double-queued or, billettee fesse nebuly arg. and gu., charged hand ppr., grasping a truncheon sa.,
az., ducally crowned of the first, hold- with two mullets palewise counter- the top broken off, the bottom couped
ing in the dexter paw a sword arg. changed (for Reeve). Virtute fortuna of the third (for King). Labor ipse
King of Saxlingham, Norf., a demi-lion cedit. voluptas. 306. 8
rampant gu., crowned with an antique King, Meade-, William Oliver, Walford, Kingdom, out of a ducal coronet or, a
crown or, and holding in its dexter near Taunton: (i) A mount vert, griffin's head gu., holding in the beak
paw a rose ppr. Kicht do and fear na. thereon an arm in bend dexter couped a key of the iirst. 65. 14
cf. 12. I at the elbow, the hand supporting a Kingdom, a dolphin naiant ppr. Tentando
King of Exeter, Devonsh., out of a mural tilting-spear erect, the head broken, superabis. 140. 5
coronet arg., a lion's head and neck
the arm surmounting a branch of oak Kingdon, Ireland, a dolphin naiant or.
sa., charged with three ducal coronets fructed in bend sinister, all ppr. (for 140. 5
or. c/. 19. 12
King). 246. 19. (2) A demi-griffin Kingdon of Launcells, Cornw., and Castle
King, out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter az., wings elevated erm., in the dexter Hartley, Devonsh., an eagle displayed
hand couped at the wrist pointing up- claw a fleur-de-lis or (for Meade). with two heads sa. Regis donum gra'tum
wards with two forefingers. <•/. 222. 1 246. 20. Cadenti porrigo dextram. bonum. 74. 2
King of North Petherton, Somers. : (i) King, a greyhound's head couped, ducally Kinge, a talbot's head erased sa., eared
On a mount vert, an arm in bend gorged. cf. 61. 2 and collared or. 56. i
dexter couped at the elbow, the hand King (formerly JIahon), of Ballylin, Ire Kinge of London, same crest. 56. i
supporting a tilting-spear erect, the land, an escallop gu. Spes tutissima Kinge of Gainsborough, Lines, a talbot's
head broken, the arm surmounting a coelis. 141. 14 head sa., eared gu., collared and ringed
branch of oak in bend sinister, all ppr. King, Sir Gilbert, Bart., D.L., of Charles- or. cf. 56. I
A(for King). (2) demi-griffin az., town, CO. Roscommon, an escallop-shell Kinge, Dorset, a lion sejant ppr., resting
with wings elevated erm., holding in gu. Spcs tutissima cnelis. 141. 14 the dexter paw on an escallop arg.
the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis or (for King, Devonsh., and of Towcester, North- Kinge, an arm in armour couped at the
Meade). Cadenti porrigo dextram. amp., out of a ducal coronet or, a elbow ppr., garnished or, holding in
King, an arm couped at the elbow in demi-ostrich with wings addorsed arg., the gauntlet a broken spear of the
pale ppr., holding in the hand a broken beaked of the first. 96. 1 second, headed arg., girt round the
spear. 214. 10 King, George Anthony, Esquire, a arm with a scarf of the last.
King, Ireland, a cubit arm holding a Master of the Supreme Court, Croydon, cf. 210. 9
dagger in pale, all ppr. 212. 9 out of an earl's coronet or, a demi- Kingeston, on a mount vert, a goat arg.,
King, Sir Charles Simeon, 3rd Baronet, ostrich with wings addorsed arg., armed or, leaping against a tree of the
of Corrard, co. Fermanagh, Ireland beaked of the first, and holding in its first. cf. 129. 8
(descended from the house of Barra,
beak a horse-shoe. Kingford of Youlkston, Cornw., an eagle
Aberdeensh.), a dexter cubit arm erect, King, Sussex, an ostrich-head arg., ducally displayed per fess gu. and arg., crowned
the hand holding a dagger in pale, all gorged or. cf. 97. 9 or, holding in the beak a rose arg.,
slipped and barbed vert, seeded of the
ppr. 212. 9. 'The crest as borne by King, an ostrich-head erased arg., gorged
the family in Scotland and after its with an earl's coronet ppr. first. cf. 75. 2
settlement in Ireland in the seven- King, an ostrich-head erased arg., ducally Kinghan of Finaghy House, Dunmurray,
teenth century was "a demi-lion ram- gorged and holding in the beak a key Belfast, CO. Antrim, Ireland, two
pant gu." Audaces fortuna juvat. or. dexter hands clasped and conjoined
10. 3 King of Eltham, Kent, an ostrich's head and couped at the wrists, the third
King, a dexter arm couped below the couped arg., ducally gorged or, between finger of that on the dexter side
elbow and erect, vested and cuffed, the two ostrich-feathers ppr. 97. 9 ringed with the royal signet ppr.,
hand holding a roll. 208. S King of the Hyde. Middx., on a rock thereon a lion rampant gardant or.
King of Newmilne, Elginsh., a hand ppr., a duck's head erased arg., coUared A favore regis nomen.
holding a dagger ppr Atidaces /ortnna az., holding in the beak an ostrich- Kinghan of Silverstream, Greenisland,
juvat. 212. 9 feather, also arg. CO. Antrim, Ireland, two dexter hands
clasped and conjoined, couped at the
King of London, a dexter arm embowed King, Sir James, Bart., LL.D., J.P., D.L.,
in armour holding a broken spear, all of Campsie, Stirlingsh., and of Clare- wrists, the third finger of that on the
ppr. 197. 2 mont Terrace, Glasgow, a redbreast dexter side ringed with the royal signet
ppr. Honos industrice prcemium.
King, Walter George, M.A., Junior Carl- ppr., thereon a lion rampant or. A
ton Club, W., a dexter arm in armour 108. 11 favore regis nomen.
embowed holding in the gauntlet the King, a cock ppr. 91. 2 Kinglake of Saltmoor, Stoke St. Gregory,
lower part of a broken tilting-spear. King, a demi-griffin or. 64. 2 Somers., an eaglet perched and looking
up to the sun in its splendour. Non
Si Devs nohiscum quis contra nos. King, Hants, a helmet in profile ppr.,
King of Campsie, Stirlingsh., a dexter garnished or, the vizor open. degener. 76. i
hand ppr. Honos industrice prcemium. King-Harraan, Wentworth Henry, Es- Kingley, a cross crosslet fitched sa., and
222. 14 quire, of Newcastle, Ballymahon, co. a sword ppr. in saltier. 166. 12
King, Lucas White, Esquire, C.S.I., a Longford : ( i ) Out of a ducal coronet Kingley, a cock's head between two
dexter hand couped at the wrist and
erect, the third and fourth fingers or, a dexter arm armed and erect in wings ppr. cf. go. 7
pale ppr., cuffed arg., the hand also Kingsale, Baron (de Courcy), on a ducal
turned down ppr., charged on the wrist ppr. grasping two slips of roses, one coronet or, an eagle displayed with
with an estoile arg. Spes tutissiina gu., the other arg., stalked, seeded, and two heads arg. Viyicit omnia Veritas.
coelis. leaved ppr. (for Harman). (2) Out of cf. 75. 2
King, Ireland, a dexter hand couped at a ducal crest coronet or, a dexter hand Kingsborough, 'Viscount, see Kingston,
the wrist and erect ppr., holding a erect, the third and fourth fingers Earl of.
cross crosslet fitchee gu. 221. 14 turned down ppr. (for King). Kingsbury, Ireland, a snail issuing from
King of Ashby Hall, Lines, a talbot's King-Harman, Charles Anthony, Es- its shell ppr. 141. 8
head erased sa., eared arg., ringed and quire, C.M.G., M.A., of Government Kingsbury, Ireland, a wyvern vert.
collared gu. S6. House, Castries, St. Lucia, same crests. Prudens et innocuus. 70. i
321 KIR
Kingscote, Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge, Kinlocb, Scotland, an eagle looking at Kinsey, out of the top of a tower ppr., an
arm embowed, vested vert, holding in
K.C.B., of Kingscote, Glouc, and 19, the sun in his splendour. Altius tendo.
the hand a spear fesseways, also ppr.
South Audley Street, W., an escallop I 76. I Kinsman of Loddington, Pipwell Abbey,
sa. 141. 14 Kinlocb of that Ilk and Nevay, Forfarsh.,
Kingscote, Fitzhardinge, Esquire, of Scotland, an eagle perched, looking at and Broughton, a buck ppr., lodged in
Furlough, CO. Galway, same crest. the sun in splendour. Non degener.
fern vert. c/. 115. 12
Kingscote, John Bloomfield, Esquire, of 76. I
Stratton Audley, Bicester, same crest. Kinlocb, Sir Alexander, Bart., D.L., of Kintore, Earl of (Keith-Falconer), an
angel in a praying posture or, within
Klngsdown, Baron (Pemberton- Leigh) : Gilmerton, Edinburgh, an eagle rising an orle of laurel ppr. {for Falconer).
A' (i) demi-lion rampant gu., holding ppr. Altius tendo. ^y. 5 Jive ut vivas. 184. 2
in the dexter paw a lozenge arg., Kinlocb, Sir John George Smyth, Bart., Kippen, William James, Esquire, an eagle
charged with a rose of the first (jor M.P., B.A., J.P., D.L., of Kinloch, with wings expanded issuing out of a
Perthsh., a young eagle perched, look- tower, all ppr. Liberty.
Leigh). (2) A dragon's head erm.,
erased gu., ducally gorged or, trans- ing up to the sun in his splendour, all Kirby and Kirkby of Hawthorn, Durh..
fixed by an arrow in £ess ppr. (jor
ppr. Non degener. 76. i and Kirby Thore, Westml., an anchor
Pemberton). Ut Hbi sic alteri. Kinloch of Kilrie, Forfarsh., an eagle gu., entwined with a serpent vert. 161.3
Kingsford, a rose-branch ppr. 149. S regardant with wings endorsed sa., Kirby and Kirkby, between two branches
Kingsley of Canterbury and Herts, a armed gu., looking at the sun ppr. of palm in orle vert, a flaming heart
L"int's head couped arg. 12S. 12 Altius tendo. gu. 181. 12
Kingsmill, Hants, a Moor's head in Kinlock, Scotland, an eagle with wings Kirby of London, and Meoptham's Bank,
profile couped at the shoulders ppr., extended and addorsed. Altius tendo. Tunbridge, Kent, out of a ducal coro-
wreathed about the temples or and gu. cf. 76. II net per pale or and arg., an elephant's
Kinnaird, Scotland, a garland of laurel head gu., eared of the second, tusked
Kingsmill, Andrew de Portal, of Jlill- vert. Qui patitur, vincit. 146. 5 of the first. 133. i
brook and Sydmonton Court, New- Kinnaird, an otter's head erased sa. Kirby, on a chapeau crimson, turned up
bury, a cubit arm in pale rested arg.. 134- 3 erm.. a cross moline arg., within a
wreath of the last and gu.
' charged with a bendlet az., cufi' Kinnaird, Viscount, see Newburgh, Earl
ermines, holding in the hand ppr. a of. Kirby of London, a hand gauntleted
fer-de-moline, also az. Do well and holding a pheon. Marte non arte.
doubt not. 207. 4 I 211. 7
Kingsmill of Correndoo Park, co. Galway, the horns of a crescent or, issuing out Kirby of Blandford Square, Middx., a
and of Hermitage Park, co. Dublin, of a cloud within two branches of dexter arm in armour embowed grasp-
palm in orle ppr., and over the crest ing a scimitar, and in front thereof a
AIreland: (I) cubit arm erect, vested
arg.. cuffed ermines, holding in the —the motto, Errantia lumina fallunt. chaplet of roses, all ppr. Firm.
hand ppr. a fer-de-moline pierced sa.,
the arm charged with a Maltese cross Patitur qui vincit. Certa cruce sahw. cf. 196. 10
146. II Kirch, on a pillar arg., a heart gu. 176. 5
gu. for difference [for Kingsmill). cf. Kirch, a talbot's head sa., coUared and
Kinnear, see Balfour- Kinnear.
207. 4. (2) Out of an earl's coronet or, Kinnear of Edinburgh, an anchor in lined gu.
the pearls arg., a cubit arm erect, vested pale az. Spem forluna alit. 161. 2 Kirk, a church ppr. Votis et conamine.
gu., ruffed arg., the hand grasping a Kinnear, Baron (Kinnear), of Spurness, 158. 10
roll of parchment ppr. , the arm charged Orkney, an anchor ppr. Spem fortuna Kirk, Scotland, a fox sejant gu. 32. 11
with a crescent arg. for difference (for alit. Kirk of Retford, Notts, a boar's head
Keinici/). Do well, doubt not. cf. 20S. 4 Kinnear of that Ilk, Fifesh., Scotland, two erect and erased sa. 43. 3
Kingston, Earl of (King-Tenison) : (i) In anchors in saltier with cables, all ppr. Kirk of Aberfoil, Scotland, a crosier and
front of a crosier and a cross crosslet / live in hope. 161. 7 a dagger in saltier, all ppr. Optimum
fitchee in saltire sa., a leopard's face quod primum.
Kinnear, Scotland : ( i ) Two anchors in Kirk, George Edmonstone Kirk, Esquire,
or, jeiisant-de-lis {for Tenison). 282. 14. and Cyril Gage Pardo Kirk, Esquire,
(2) Out of a five-leaved ducal coronet — Asaltier cabled ppr. 161. 7. (2)
crescent or. / live in hope. Honesty
or, a dexter hand erect, the third and is the best policy. 163. 2 of Carrickfergus, co. Antrim, Ireland,
—fourth fingers turned down ppr. {/or Kinnear, Robert Hill, Esquire, of Broo- a crosier or, and a sword ppr. hilted
and pommelled of the first, in saltire
King). Spes tutissima cmlis. Malo kong House, Toorak, Melbourne, Vic-
mori qxtam foedari. 282.15 toria, uses : two anchors cabled saltire- enfiled by a garland of thistles and
Kingston, Glouc, a goat salient arg., ways ppr. / live in hope. 161. 7 trefoils, also ppr. Optimum quod
against a tree vert. 129. 8 Kinnedar, Scotland, a greyhound current primum. 265. 6
Kingston of London, out of a mural arg. Gang forret. cf. 58. 2 Kirk of Norton, Stockton-on-Tees, out of
coronet counter-componee or and sa., i Kinnerby, on a chapeau gu., turned up the battlements of a tower a demi-
a unicorn's head az., crined arg., armed I erm., a lion passant of the first. 4. 9 dragon or, charged on the shoulder
with a trefoil slipped gu., holding in
gobonee of the second and first. ' Kinnersley of Binfield Manor, Berks, a
Kingston of Charlton House, Somers., on mount vert, thereon, before an oak-tree its claws a flagstaff in bend sinister,
a crescent az., five guttes-d'or, between fructed ppr., a greyhound sejant erm., therefrom flowing a pennon, also or.
two sprigs of myrtle ppr. 163. 10 collared or, the dexter fore-paw sup- For Kirk and King. 73. 1
Kingstone, Frederick, Esquire, of 107, porting a cross crosslet of the last. Kirk, Thomas Lascelles, of Norton Green,
j Timor omnia abesto. cf. 59. 10 Stockton-on-Tees, same crest and
Homeville Avenue, Toronto, Canada, a
swan holding in its beak a thistle Kinninmond of that Ilk, Fifesh., Scot- motto.
slipped ppr. Dei gratia. land, an oak-tree vert. Stabo. 143. 5 Kirkaldie or Kirkaldy of Grange, Scot-
Kingswell, a parrot gu., holding in its ' Kinnoull, Earl of (Hay), an aged Lowland land, a man's head, the face looking
beak an annulet or. lOi. 11 Scots countryman couped at the knees, upwards ppr. Fortissima Veritas.
Kington-OIiphant, Thomas Laurence, Es- vested in gray, the waistcoat gu. and 190. lO
quire, of Gask, Auchterarder, a falcon the bonnet az., bearing on his shoulder Kirkby, David William. Esquire, J. P.,
Aperched ppr. tout pouvoir. , an ox-yoke ppr. Renovate animos. late Captain of Denbigh and Jlerioneth
Militia : (i) On a chapeau ppr., a plate
Kinlocb, Scotland, a mermaid holding 187. 14 charged with a cross moline gu. (2) On
in her dexter hand a mirror and in her ! Kinross, Baron (Blair Balfour, P.C), on a a chapeau ppr.. a wild boar pass within
a net. Crux nostra corona.
sinister a comb, all ppr. Ut olim. 184. 5 rock a mermaid holding in the dexter Kirke of Eastham, Essex, a dexter arm
Kinlocb, Charles Young, Esquire, of hand an otter's head erased, and in her in armour embowed ppr., garnished or,
holding in the hand a cutlass arg., hilt
Gourdie, Perthsh., Scotland, an eagle sinister hand a swan's head,alsoerased, and pommel of the second. cf. 195. 2
soaring aloft. Yet higher.
ynall ppr. temere. 285. 6
Kinlocb and Kinlock of London, an eagle Kinsellagb of Dublin, a demi-eft or lizard
rising ppr. Non degener. 77. 5 salient ppr.
1 1 79
Kirke of Edinburgh, a temple ppr. Kirkwood, John Townsend, Yeo Vale. Kitson of Hengrave, Suff., a unicorn's
head sa., armed and maned or. 49. 7
Conamine. Bideford, a pheon sa.
Kitson or Kittson, Suff., a unicorn's head
Kirke of Markham Hall, Notts, a boar's Kirkyn, a demi-griffin ppr., holding in arg., attired and maned or, environed
head erect couped sa. c/. 43. 3 its claws an escallop or. cf. 64. 2 by palisadoes of the last.
Kitson, upon a mount or, a unicorn's
Kirke, Henry, of the Eaves, Derbysh., a Kirsopp, James Joseph, Esquire, J. P., of
head sa. . in flames ppr.
wild boar passant sa. 40. 9 the Spittal, Northumb., a mount vert, Kitson, Sir James, Bart., J.P., of Gledhow
Kirkenton, Kirkton, or Kerton of Kirton, thereon a crane arg., the dexter claw HaU. Yorks, issuant from park pales
ppr., a demi-unicorn arg., gorged with
Lines, a fox passant ppr. 32. i resting on an escutcheon of the last an annulet az. Palmam qui meruit
Kirkljam of Fynnshed and Cutterstock. Kcharged with the letter sa. Credo.
Northamp. : (i) A Saracen's head Kirtland, two dexter hands conjoined
affrontee couped at the shoulders supporting a scimitar erect.
ppr., gorged with a ducal coronet or, cf. 224. 9 ferat. 244. 9
wreathed arg. and sa. (2) A popinjay Kirton of Thorpe Mandevil, Northamp., Kitson, WiUiam Henry, Esquire. J. P.,
vert, beaked and collared gu. cj. loi. 4 a falcon with wings expanded arg., Shiphay House, near Torquay, a
Kirkham of Ashcombe and Blagdon,
beaked, jessed, and belled or, reposing griffin's head couped.
Devonsh., a lion's head erased arg.
the dexter claw on a hawk's hood gu. IKittelby or Kittleby, Shropsh., a lion's
17. 8 Kirton, William Ferdinand, Esquire, head erased gu. 17 2
ffirklioven, Earl of Bellomont (extinct), a B.A. Oxon., a falcon, wings endorsed Kittermaster, on a chapeau arg., turned
demi-negress couped at the waist in and inverted ppr., guttee-de-sang, up erm.. an eagle with wings expanded
profile ppr., wreathed about the temples resting the dexter claw on an escut-
az. and arg., winged of the last. cheon arg., charged with a mullet sa. Kitto or Kittoe, a lion sejant gu., collared
Kirkhoven, a beacon fired ppr. 177. 14 Ad altiora. arg. cf. 7. 4
Kirkland, Scotland, a leopard's face ppr. Kirton, see Kirkton. Kivilioc, an Indian goat's head arg.
Kirwan, issuing out of a cloud a hand in
Pro aris ei jocis. 22. 2 Klee of London, within a serpent in orle
pale holding a broken spear ppr.
Kirkland or Kirkeland, on a ducal coronet vert, a boar's head erect and erased.
a falcon belled, all ppr. 85. 9 cf. 214. 10 41- II
Kirkland, an owl arg. 96. 5 Kirwan of Baunmore, Clare, and Galway, Knaplock, Hants, a boar's head couped
Kirkland, Kirkeley, Kirklay, Kirkley, a Cornish chough sa. Mon Dieu. mon or, the mouth embrued. 43- i
Kirklayne, or Kirkaton, a church en- maRoi. el patrie. 107. 14 Knapman, a sword erect, enfiled with a
vironed with trees ppr. 158.1 Kirwan, co. Galway, Ireland, and the Saracen's head couped ppr. 191-
Kirkley or Kirkly, two eagles' heads Island of Martinique, a Cornish chough Knapp of Needham and Washbroke,
erased and addorsed ppr. 84. 1 ppr. 107. 14 Suii., and Tuddenham, Norf., an arm
Kirkman, a crosier and a sword in saltier, Kirwan of Moyne, co. Galway, Ireland, in armour embowed ppr., garnished or,
all ppr. In Deo confido. same crest. J'aime mon Dieu. mon the hand of the first grasping by the
Kirkman, a demi-lion rampant arg. 10. 2 maRoi, et patrie. 107. 14 blade a broken sword arg.. hilt and
Kirkpatrick, Ireland, a mount in flames Kirwan of Burdigala, France, same crest pommel of the second, with a branch
ppr. 179. 2 J'aime mon Dieu, mon Roi, et mon pais. of laurel vert.
Kirkpatrick, a stag's head arg. 121. 5 107. 14 Knapp, John Mathew, Esquire, of Lin-
Kirkpatrick of Culloch, Kirkcudbrightsh., Kissock, Scotland, between two wings an ford Hall, Wolverton, Bucks, upon a
a hand holding a dagger in pale dis- arm erect vested az.. cuffed arg., hold- laurel- branch vert, an arm embowed
tilling drops of blood. / mat sicker. ing in the hand a thistle ppr. in armour ppr., garnished or, grasping
cf. 212. 9 Kitchen, issuing out of a cloud in the a broken sword in bend sinister, blade
Kirkpatrick-Howat of Mabie, Kirkcud- sinister an arm in armour embowed downwards ppr., pommel and hilt gold,
and charged with two frets, one above
brightsh., a dexter armed hand hold- holding in the hand a sword ppr.
ing a dagger in pale distilling drops of 196. I and one below the elbow sa. In hello
blood ppr. / mate sicker. Kitchener, Viscount (Kitchener), G.C.B., aut in pace.
Kirkpatrick, Sir Charles Sharpe, Bart., of G.C.M.G. : (I) (Of augmentation) Is- Knapp, Robert Bruce, Esquire, of Mount
Closeburn, Durafriessh., a hand holding Buant from a mural crown or, an ele- Lebanon. Natal, South Africa, same
a dagger in pale embrued and distilling phant's head ppr.. holding in the trunk crest and motto.
drops of blood, all ppr. / make sure. Knapp, a demi-lion rampant sa., holding
a sword erect of the first. 287.1. (2) A
cf. 212. 9 between his paws an esquire's helmet
Kirkpatrick of AUanshaw. Lanarksh., stag's head erased, the neck transfixed arg. En Dieu est ma confiance.
Knapton, out of a ducal coronet two
Scotland, a dexter hand in armour by an arrow ppr., between the attires a
horseshoe or. Thorough. 287. 2
holding a dagger erect distilling drops Kitchener, Francis Elliott, Esquire, of arms dexter and sinister in saltier,
of blood, all ppr. fse mak sicker. Oulton Old HaU. Staffs, a stag's head in each hand a scimitar erect, all ppr.
erased, transfixed through the neck by Knapton, Augustus Lempriere Knapton.
cf. 212. 9 an arrow in bend, point to the dexter,
Kirkpatrick, Lieutenant-Colonel George all ppr., and between the attires a Esquire, of Boldre, Hants, a garland
gu., floreated or, about a lance arg.
Airey, Q.C., LL.D., of Closeburn, King-
ston, Ontario, Canada, a hand holding horse-shoe or. KnatchbuU-Hugessen, Lord Brabourne,
a dagger in pale distilling drops of Kitchener, between two flags displayed see Brabourne.
blood ppr. I mak sicker. cj. 212. g az., each charged with a cross or, KnatchbuU-Hugessen, see Hugessen.
Kirkpatrick, William Trench, Esquire, of a bull's head cabossed sa. cf. 43. 5 Knatchbull, Sir Wyndham, Bart., of
Donacomper, Celbridge, Ireland, same Kitchener, Arthur Buck, Esquire, of Mersham Hatch, Kent, on a chapeau
crest. / viake sicker. Waihemo Grange, Dunback, Otago, az., turned up erm., a leopard statant
Kirkpatrick-Howat, of Mabie, Dum-
New Zealand, uses : a stag's head arg., spotted sa. In crucifixa gloria mca.
friessh., a dexter armed hand holding
pierced with an arrow. Kneeshaw, Henry, Penmaenmawr. Car-
a dagger in pale distilling drops of Kitchin of London, a pelican's head narvon, out of an Eastern crown a
blood ppr. / mak sicker. erased az., beaked or, vulning itself ! dexter arm embowed in armour, the
Kirkton and Kirton, an arm embowed gu. 98. 2 hand grasping a dagger. Sublimiora
—resting the elbow on the wreath, hold- Kitchiner, a buck's head erased pierced
petimus. Forte manu.
ing in the hand three ears of wheat through the neck by an arrow in bend, Knell, Oxon. and Glouc, a demi-lion or,
ppr. 202. 6 all ppr. cf. 121. 2 holding in the dexter paw a cross cross-
Kirkwall, Viscount, sec Orkney, Earl of. Kitching, Heref., on a ducal coronet or, let fitched az. 11. 10
Kirkwood, Thomas Yaden "Lloyd, Es- a wyvern vert. 70. 9 Kneller, Wilts, on a mount vert, a stag
quire, J.P.. D.L., of Woodbrook. co. Kite or Keyte of Ebrington, Glouc, a statant ppr., beside a vine-tree of the
Roscommon, Ireland, a pheon erect kite's head erased or. first. 116. 14
point downwards sa., charged with a Kite, a unicorn's head erased arg., armed Knevet, a nest with young birds ppr.
mullet or. Spesmeain Deo. c/. 174. 11 and collared gu. 49. 1 113-
Knevet, in the sea a ship in full sail, all Knight, Glouc. and Yorks, a talbot Knightley of Kingston-on-Thames. Sur-
ppr. 1 60. i; head erased sa., bezantee. cf. 56. 2 rey, a stag's head arg., attired or,
Knevett or Knevit of Rosemaryn, Cornw. Knight, Hants, a griffin's head gu., the charged on the neck with a trefoil
Norf., and Siiff.. a dragon's head be beak and the dexter ear arg., the sinis- vert. 121. 8
tween two wings sa. 72. c ter sa., gorged with a collar or Knightley, Sir Charles Valentine. Bart.,
Kneysworth or Knesworth, a buffalo's cf. 66. I of Fawsley, Northamp., a buck's head
couped arg., attired or. Invito fortuna.
head erased gu. 44. i Knight, Kent and Hants, on a mural
Knife, a dove regardant holding in the coronet or, a buck sejant arg., attired 121. 5
beak an olive-branch, all ppr. 92. 4 or. 116. 4 Knightly, Warw. and Northamp., a buck's
Knight, Kent and Hants, on a mural
Knight-Bruce, see Bruce. head arg., attired or. 121. 5
coronet or, a buck sejant arg., attired
Knight, Rev. Charles Rumsey, J. P., Knightly, Worcs., a dragon's head sa.,
Tythegston Court, Bridgend, Glamor- of the first. 116. 4 having three tongues gu.
gansh., on a ducal coronet an eagle Knight of Baldock and Weston, Herts, Knightly, Lanes, a goat's head arg.
displayed. and Betsford, Notts, a goat's head or. 128. 13
Knight, Shropsh., on a ducal coronet gu., attired and erased per fess gu., holding Knightly of Chorley, Lanes, a goat's
an eagle displayed or. <•/. 75. 2 in the mouth a sprig of laurel vert. head arg., charged with a mullet for
Knight of Congresbury, Somers.. on a cf. 128. 5 difference. cf. 128. 12
ducal coronet an eagle displayed, all or. Knight, Ireland, on a chapeau sa., turned Knighton of Bayford, Herts, and Buff..
Gloria calcar habnt. cf. 75. 2 up arg., a serpent nowed or, spotted out of a ducal coronet or, two dragons'
Knight, on a ducal coronet or, an eagle vert. 142. 9 heads and necks in saltier ppr.
displayed erm. cf. 75. 2 Knight, Scotland, a ship in full saU, all cf. 72. 13
Knight, Hants, on a ducal coronet gu.. ppr. Darcen. 160. 13 Knighton of London, out of a ducal coro-
ail eagle displayed or. cf. 75. 2 Knight, Richard, Solicitor, Morecambe, a net gu., two dragons' heads and necks
Knight, Shropsh., on a spur lying fesse- knight in armour. Excelsior. twisted in each other.
ways or, an eagle per fesse arg. and az.. Knight of London and Kent, a demi-friar Knighton, late Sir William Wellesley,
with wings expanded of the first, beaked ppr., vested and hooded arg., having Bart, (extinct), two dragons' heads in
and legged gu. an upper mantle or, holding in his saltire couped at the shoulders, the
Knight of Shrewsbury and Baschurch, dexter hand a lantern ppr., purfled dexter gu., the sinister or, wreathed
Shropsh., and Wolverley, Worcs.. on a or, and in his sinister a paternoster gu.. about the necks by a chain of the last.
spur lying fesseways or, an eagle per with a crucifix hanging at the end.
fesse arg. and az., with wings expanded Knight, Montague George, Chawton
of the first, beaked and legged gu. House, Alton, Hants: (i) A demi- the Grove, Blackheath, S.E., and Fresh
Knight, Boughton-, Andrew Johnes friar habited ppr., holding in his dexter Wharf, London Bridge, Alderman and
Rouse, Esquire, of Downton Castle, hand a cinquefoil arg., and suspended Justice of the Peace for the City of
from the sinister wrist a rosary sa. , the London, and Justice of the Peace for
—Ludlow; (i) In the centre on a spur
fesseways or, an eagle rising ppr., hold- breast charged with a rose gu. (Knight). the County of London, a demi-lion
(2) On a mural crown or, a stag sejant rampant or, holding in the dexter paw
ing in the beak a spear erect of the arg., attired or (Austen). a cross botony fitchee az., and support-
Knight of Chawton, Hants, a demi-grey-
—first (for Knight). (2) On the dexter ing with the sinister a fasces in bend
side a stork's head erased chevronny
of four sa. and arg. , holding in the beak friar ppr., holding in the dexter hand ppr. Nil desperandmn. 304. 7
—or, a snake ppr. (for Boughton). (3) On a cinquefoil slipped arg., and from the Knipe of London and Lanes, a wolf's
the sinister side the bust of a man sinister wrist a bracelet of beads pen- head arg., pierced through the breast
couped at the shoulders ppr., the hair, dent sa. by a broad arrow or, feathered and
beard, and whiskers sa., the head siu-- Knight of Godmersham, Kent, a demi- headed of the first. 29. 6
rounded and crossed by a ribbon grey friar ppr., holding in the dexter Knipell, between t%vo laurel- branches
knotted at the top, the ends flowing hand a cinquefoil slipped arg., and in vert, a tiger's face or.
from either temple arg. (for Rouse). the sinister a cross sa., suspended from Kniphausen, Prussia, out of a coronet
Equcs sit semper aeqmis. the wrist, the breast charged with a with seven pearls on the rim, a demi-
Knight of Charlecote, Upper Avenue rose gu. Suivant St. Pierre. lion rampant sa., between two wings or.
Road, N.W., an esquire's helmet in Knight, Hants and Northamp., a dexter Kniveton of Mercaston, Derbysh., be-
profile. Cadenti porrigo dextram. arm in armour embowed ppr., holding tween two wings an eagle's head, all
302. II in the hand a sword of the last, hilt ppr- 84. 2
Knight, Northamp., between two wings
and pommel or, the point resting on Knoell, Knoll, and KnoUe, a parrot feed-
'jii., a spur leathered or. iii. 13 the wreath. ing on a bunch of cherries, all ppr.
Knight of the Manor House, Glen Parva, Knight, issuing out of a cloud a dexter loi. 8
Leics., between two wings a spur in hand holding a club, all ppr. 214. 9 Knolas, a ram's head couped arg., armed
pale standing on its rowel, with Knight, an arm couped at the elbow or. 1 30. I
Knolles, on a cloud a sphere, all ppr.
leather and buckle. Nunquam non habited bendy of four or and az., hold-
paratus. ing in the hand ppr. the lower half of 159. 5
a fish couped in the middle of the Knolles, Hants, a griffin segreant or. 62.
Knight, Sir Henry Edmund, of Stain
Hill Park, Hampton, and 41. Hill second. Knollis, an elephant statant arg. 133. 9
Street, Mayfair, W., upon the Roman Knight of Clopton and Althorpe,
Knolls or Knowles, a ram's head arg.,
fasces fessewise or, a spur erect, rowel Northamp., a dexter arm embowed,
upwards, of the same, between two vested bendy wavy sinister of four or armed or. 130. i
KnoUys, Berks and Warw., an elephant
wings gu., each charged with a wi*eath and gu., supporting with the hand a wg. 133. 9
of oak of the first. Virtute et labore.
sword in pale, the point resting on the Knollys, Bart, {extinct), of Thame, Oxon.,
III. 14 wreath, the pommel surmounting a pair same crest. In tUrumque paratus.
Knight of Santa Cruz, in the West Indies, of spurs, all ppr. 133. 9
and of Cloncorrich Castle, co. Leitrim, Knight-Erskine, Henry William, Esquire, Knollys, Clement Courtenay, Esquire,
Ireland, a spur or, between two wings J.P., D.L.. of Pittodrie, near Pitcaple, C.M.C4., Barbadoes, West Indies, same
arg., each charged with a rose gu., Aberdeensh., a demi-lion rampant gu., crest and motto.
seeded or, barbed vert. Virtus sibi armed and langued az., holding in the Knot or Knott, a lion's head erased gu.
anreum calcar. cf. in. 13 dexter paw a thistle ppr., and in the 17. 2
Knight, Scotland, a winged spur buckled —sinister a fleur-de-lis az. (Over the Knotshull, issuing out of a cloud a hand
and strapped or. Te digna seqnere. crest) Je pense pluis. (Below the holding a broken spear, all ppr.
III. 12 shield) Fisus et fidus et regia duxit. cf. 204. 10
Knight, a talbot sejant sa., bezantee or. Knightley, a stag's head erased arg., at- Knott, a wolf collared and chained ppr.
cf. 55. 2 tired or. 121. 2 cf. 29. 2
Knott o{ London, a unicorn's head arg.. Knox, Major-General William George, of Kolon, a bird's head arg., winged az.,
armed and criued or. Liberti tout United Service Club, London, W., holding in the beak three ears of
cntiere. 49. 7 same crest and motto. wheat or.
Knott, Su3sex, same crest. 49- 7 Knox of Rappa Castle, Mayo, on a perch Kough, Shropsh. and Ireland, a boar
Knotwood, a boar regardant sa., seizing a falcon close, all ppr. 85. 13 passant. Resistque ad sanguinem. 40. 9
Krag or Kragg, a dexter hand ppr., hold-
an arrow fixed in his shoulder. Knox-Browne, Hervey Browne, Esquire,
KnoweU, between two wings vert, a Aughentain Castle, Fivemiletown, co. ing a garland of laurel vert. Juvat
parrot's head gu. loi. 10 Tyrone: (i) An eagle displayed with dum lacerat. 218. 4
Knowler, Kent, issuing out of reeds a two heads vert, charged on each wing Kragg, a cubit arm holding in the hand a
demi-heron volant ppr. with a fleur-de-lis or {for Browne). sabre, all ppr. 212. 13
Knowler, Kent, out of a ducal coronet
Aef. 74. 2. (2) falcon on a perch close Kramer, Ireland, a fleur-de-lis between
or. a demi-heron erm.
E^owles, Norf.. a ram's head arg., attired ppr. charged on the breast with a two wings expanded or, penned arg.
pheon sa. (jor Knox). And on an
or. 130. I Inevitabile patum. cf. 148. 2
Knowles, out of a ducal coronet gu., a —escroll over the second crest the motto,
Krampton and Kranton, a dexter hand
Moveo et profieio. Suivez raison.
vested az., holding a palm-branch ppr.
ram's head arg., armed or. ef. 85. 13 Kriery, see McCririe.
cf. 130. 8 Knox, Scotland, a falcon close ppr. Krog or Kroge, a hand holding a garland
Knowles, Robert, Esquire, of Ednaston Moveo et proficior. 85. 2 of rosea slipped and lea ved ppr. 218.6
Lodge, Derby, and of Swinton, near Knox, an eagle rising. yy. 5 Kroge, a plough ppr. i-s. 7
Manchester, in front of a ram's head Knox, a griffin's head between two wings Krowton, an arm holding in the hand a
couped arg., armed or, three roses or, each charged with a torteau. broken spear ppr., the top pendent.
fesse wise gu., barbed and seeded ppr. c/. 65. II 214. 10
Nee diu, nee frustra. Knox, a griffin's head between two wings Kuckfleld, a demi-lion rampant sa., hold-
Knowles, Andrew, Esquire, of Newent or, each charged with three torteaux. ing in its dexter paw a sword or. 14. 12
Court, Glouc, in front of a ram's head c/. 65 Kuelley or Kewly, issuing out of waves
couped arg.. armed or, three roses fesse- Knox, a demi-lion arg., holding in the ppr., the head of a sea-horse.
wise gu., barbed and seeded ppr. Nee dexter paw a key gu. Kuerden of Preston, Lanes, a stag's head
diu, nee frusira. 130.3 Knox-Browne, Lieutenant-Colonel John couped quarterly or and az. 121. 5
Knowles, Robert Millington, Esquire, of Hervey, of Aughentaine Castle, Five- Kukefield, a demi-lion rampant sa., bran-
Colston Basset, Bingham, Notts, same miletown, CO. Tyrone : ( i ) An eagle dishing a scimitar or. 14. 10
displayed with two heads vert, charged
crest and motto. 130. 3 Kullingwlke, a cubit arm in pale vested
on each wing with a fleur-de-lis or ('/or
Knowles, Lees, Esquire, M.A., LL.M., sa., cuffed erm., holding in the hand
*Browne). (2) A falcon on a perch
M.P., of Westwood, Pendlebury, same ppr. a chaplet of laurel vert.
crest and motto. —charged on the breast with a pheon sa. Kumerson, a griffin's head erased or.
Knowles, Charles Henry Gough, Solicitor, (jor Knox). Moveo et proficio. Suivez 66. 2
Oakdene, Castle Street, Luton, a boar's raison. Kutchin, a crane's head erased arg.
head couped close holding in the mouth Knox-Wight of Ravenspoint, Ascot, a 104. II
the upper part of a broken tilting- dexter cubit arm erect, holding in the Kyan of Ballymurtagh, co. Wicklow, Ire-
spear. In Deo spes. hand a dagger in bend sinister, point land, a wild cat rampant ppr., gorged
Knowles of Cole Ashby, Northamp., and downwards, all ppr. Fortiter. with an antique Irish crown or.
Walton, Suff., out of a ducal coronet Knutsford, Viscount (Holland), of Knuts- cf. 26. 2
gu., an elephant's head arg. 133. i ford, Chester, out of a vallery coronet Kychard, a wolf's head or, collared gu.,
Knowles, an elephant arg. 133. 9 or, a demi-lion gardant per bend arg. holding in the mouth a trefoil vert.
Knowles, Bart., of Lovel Hill, Berks, an and az., charged with a bendlet en- cf. 30. 9
elephant statant arg., in front of an
anchor sa. Semper paratus. grailed counterchanged. holding in the Kyd, David Hope, Esquire, of 23, Prince's
dexter paw a fleur-de-lis arg. Respice, Gardens, S.W.. a hunting-horn stringed
Knowles, a unicorn rampant ppr. 48. 2 aspice. prospice. or, garnished vert. Quam non torret
Knowles, Scotland, a parrot feeding on Knyfton, Reginald Benett, of Uphill, hyems.
a bunch of cherries ppr. loi. 8 Somers., between two wings sa., an Kyd, John Normansell, Esquire, of
eagle's head erased or. In te Domine Rosendael, Broughtey Ferry, For-
Knowles of Downton and Winchester, a
griffin segreant or. 62. 2 confido. c/. 84. 2 farsh., same crest and motto.
Knowling of Exeter and Harburton, a Knyvett, a demi-dragon az.. langued gu. Kyd or Kyde, Scotland, a hunting-horn.
falcon with wings displayed ppr. 73- 10 Donee impleat orbem. 228. 11
ef. 87. 12 Knyvett, a demi-dragon vert, the wings Kyd, Captain Alexander, of Graz, Styria,
Knowlys, a unicorn rampant ppr. 48. 2 az. y^. 10 Austria, in front of a dexter cubit arm
ppr., holding three ears of wheat on
Knowlys of Heysham Hall, Lanes, and Knyvett, Sir Carey John, of 62, Eccleston
StoekweU, Surrey, out of a ducal Square, London, S.W., a demi-dragon one stalk, an increscent or, the whole
coronet gu., an elephant's head arg. with wings addorsed az. Ni plus ni debruised by a bendlet sinister wavy
Lento Ked certo et recto gradu. 133. i mains. erm. 241. 3
Knows, Scotland, a hand erect ppr., Knyvett, Felix Sumner, Esquire, J.P., Kyd, Scotland, an increscent ppr. Donee
holding a crescent or. 216. 8 of Aswellthorpe, Watford, Herts, same impleat orbem. 163. 3
Knowsley, a leopard's head couped, col- crest and motto. Kydd, Scotland, a crescent. Donee im-
lared and lined, a ring at the end of Knyvett, a sword and an ear of wheat in pleat. 163. 2
the line. 22. 14 saltier ppr. 154. 11 Kydermaster, Sussex, on a ehapeau gu..
Knox, .see Ranfurly. Earl of. Knyvett, issuing out of a cloud a hand turned up erm., an eagle arg., with
Knox-Gore, see Go're. in pale pointing to a star, aU ppr. 222.7 wings addorsed. 77. 14
Knox-Gore, see Saunders-Knox-Gore and Koehler, two coulters endorsed in pale az. Kydermaster, Warw. and London, on a
Pery- Knox-Gore. Kognose, Northumb., a cock sa., combed ehapeau az., turned up erm., a cocka-
Knox, Edmond Francis Vesey, Esquire, and wattled gu., beaked and legged trice erminois, with wings addorsed.
M.A.. M.P., of Shimnagh House, New- or. gi. 2 ef. 68. 9
castle, CO. Down, of 39, Leinster Square, Koke of Broxbourne, Heref., an ostrich KyfQn and Kyflyn, Shropsh., a lion ram-
Bayswater, London. W., and 2, Garden holding in its beak a horse-shoe arg. pant per less arg. and sa. Cais y gorn
Court, Temple, London, E.C., a falcon 97- 8
ekaefiedd si/ddo duw unig. 1. 13
close on a perch, all ppr. Moveo et ; 121. 5
Kokefield, De, out of a ducal coronet a Kyle, a deer's head ppr.
proficior. 85. 13 lion's gamb. 36. 12 Kyle, Scotland, an anchor and cable ppr.
Knox, Captain William, of Clonleigh, ,' Kokington, a unicorn's head erased or. 49. 5 161. 2
Slrabaue, Ireland, same crest and Kollands, a dexter hand couped in bend, Kyle, out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's
holding a dagger. Spes juvet. head sa. 44. 1
Kyle, William Blacker Hamilton, Es- Kynaston, Bart, (extinct), of Hardwick, sa. Dread shame (for Leighton). 70. 8.
quire, of 7, Pembroke Road, Dublin, Shropsh., the sun in splendour sur- A(3) griffin's head erased sa. Fide
Ireland, a lion rampant per fesse mounted of a dexter arm in armour
sed Ctti vide (for Gardner). 66. 5. (4)
sa. and or, supporting in his paws a erabowed ppr., holding in the hand a
A dolphin haurient or, between two
cross formee fitchee arg. Tibi soli. sword arg., hilt and pommel or. 195. 7 wings gu., each charged with as many
j Kynaston, Walter Eoger Owen, of Haid-
bars arg. (for Panting). 140. 7
Kyle, CoIodpI Samuel, R.A., a lion ram- wick, Ellesmere, iSalop, in front of a Kynnersley, Sneyd-, Clement, of Loxley
pant per fesse sa. and or. Nee temere sun in splendour a dexter arm embowed Park, Staffs : (i) On a mount vert, a
nee timidc in armour the hand grasping a sword, greyhound sejant arg. , collared or, under
Kyllachy, Lord (Mackintosh), of KyUachy, all ppr., the arm charged above the a hawthorn- tree ppr., fructed gu. (for
Inverness-sh., a cat-a-mountain salient I elbow for distinction with a cross
AKynnersley). 59. 10. (2) lion sta-
ppr., charged on the breast with a crosslet gu. Deus est nobis sol et etisis. tant gardant tail, extended sa. (for
Sneyd). Nee opprimere, ncc opprimi.
crescent gu. Touch not the catt butt a j cf. 195. 7
glove. ' Kynaston, Essex and Shropsh., an eagle's cf. 4. I
Kylle, a rock sa. 179. 7 head erased sa., ducally gorged arg., Kynnerton, between two wings ppr., a
holding in its beak a laurel -sprig vert.
Kyllingbeclt, on a ducal coronet a talbot chess-rook sa. 1:0. i
collared and lined, all ppr. 54. 9 cf. 83. 10 Kynsey, Sir William Raymond, C.M.G.,
Kylom, a buck's head couped gu., attired Kynaston, Shropsh., an eagle's head a squirrel sejant gu., cracking nuts or,
or, charged on the neck with a fess of erased sa., ducally gorged arg., holding stalked and leaved vert. Nulla deditio.
the second, between three annulets arg. in its beak a trefoil sUpped ppr. 297. 15
cf. 121. 5 1
cf. 83. 10 Kynynmound, see llinto, Earl of.
Kymberlee and Kymberley, a cock re- Kynerby, on a chapeau arg., turned up Kyrby, out of a ducal coronet per pale
gardant gu. 91. 9 gu., and charged with four fleurs-de-lis or and arg., an elephant's head gu.,
eared of the second, tusked of the
Kyme, De, a Sagittarius shooting an arrow ' [
or, a lion passant of the second. 94.
from a bow, all ppr. 35- - Kyneston, a demi-greyhound az. 60. 11 first. 133. I
Kyme, a pole-cat ppr.
135. 13 Kyngesley, out of a ducal coronet gu., al Kyrby and Kyrkby, out of a tower arg.,
Kymer of West Shelburgh, Dorset, a cat's goat's head arg. 128. 14 a demi-lion gu., holding between its
head couped gu. Kynn, an eagle's head couped or. 83. I paws a bomb fired ppr. 157. 10
Kymes, on a mount vert, a tortoise ppr. ' Kynnaird, Viscount, see Newburgh. Kyrby and Kyrkby, a demi-savage af-
125. 5 I Kynnelmarcb, two lion's gambs arg. and frontee, holding in his dexter hand
Kympton of Weston, Herts, a demi-goat sa., united at the bottom guttee coun- three sprigs ppr. 186. 4
erin. , armed and unguled or, collared
terchanged, holding a wolf's head Kyrell of Sutton, Kent, a bull's head
and lined sa. cf. 129. 10 | erased, also sa. cabossed sa. 43. 8
Kynardesley, Derbysh., Somers., Staffs, Kynnersley, Thomas, Esquire, on a mount Kyrell, a talbot's head erased arg. 56. 2
and Warw., on a mount vert, a grey- vert, a greyhound sejant arg., collared Kyrke, Richard Henry Venables, Es-
hound sejant arg., collared or, under a or, under a hawthorn-tree fructed ppr. quire, of Nantyffrith, near Wrexham,
holly-tree of the first, fructed gu. 59. 10 a boar passant sa.
59. 10 Kynnersley, Thomas Frederick, Esquire, Kyrklot, a dexter hand holding a sword
Kynardsley or Keynardsley, Kent, a leo- J.P. (Shropsh.), of Leighton Hall, erect, all ppr. 212. 9
pard's face or, holding in the mouth a
sword ppr. Leighton, near Ironbridge, Shropsh. : Kyrle, see Money-Kyrle.
(i) On a mount vert, a greyhound Kyrle, Heref., on a mount vert, a hedge-
Kynaston of Oteley Park, Shropsh., a sejant arg., collared or, under a haw- ^ hog or. Nil moror ictus. cf. 135. 8
lion's head erased sa., guttee-d'or.
225. 10 thorn-tree fructed ppr. (for Kynnersley). Kyrrelorde, an antique lamp or, fiammant
A59. 10. (2) wyvern wings expanded I ppr. 177. 5
Laban, Ireland, an antelope trippant per Lackerstein of Calcutta, a Latin cross in Lacy of Stamford, Lines, a demi-lion
pale or and gu. 126. 6 pale or, surmounted by an anchor sa., rampant gu. 10. 3
La Barthe, Ireland, a cinquefoil arg. cabled arg. Deo et virtutc. Laey of Enfield. iDddx., of Skipton-under-
148. 12 La Cloche, Jersey, an Eastern coronet or. Whichwood, Oxon.. and Somers., on a
Laborer or Labruer, a hand couped in 180. 12 ducal coronetor,alionsejanterm. c/. 8.8
Lacy of Lane House, Feckenham, Worcs.,
fess, charged with an eye, all ppr. Lacock, on a bear's paw a cock statant.
on a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion ram-
221. 4 Lacock of Stourton and Burton, and of
Labouchere, Henry, Esquire, of 5 , Old Southwell, Notts, a cock arg.. combed, pant arg. 16. 3
Palace Yard, S.W., and Pope's VUla, jeUoped, and legged gu., supporting Lacy of Beverley, Yorks, a buck's head
Twickenham, a stork arg., holding in with the dexter claw a gauntlet sa., cabossed per pale arg. and or, attired
its beak a lotus flower. Passibus citis garnished or. counterchanged. 122. 5
Lacy, Ireland, a hawk close sa. 85. 2
seda'ptis. 1 Lacon, a falcon ppr., beaked and belled
Lace, a talbot's head sa. 56. 12 or. cf. 85. 2 Lacy, Ireland, an eagle with wings ex-
Lace of Ingthorpe Grange, Yorks, a Lacon, Shropsh., a falcon close ppr., panded arg. 77. 5
de mi-eagle displayed purp., issuing out 1 beaked and belled or. Connois vous Lacy of Ballingarry, co. Limerick, an
of a wreath of oak or. and holding ' mhne. cf. 83. 2 eagle rising or. Meritis augentur
the beak an ear of wheat ppr. Dum Lacon, Sir Edmund Beecroft Francis honores. yy. $
cxspiro spero. Heathcote, Bart., of Great Yarmouth, Lacy of Walsham-in-the- Willows, Norf.,
Lacey, a bear's paw erased holding a Norf., a mount vert, thereon a falcon and Suff., out of a ducal coronet gu.,
rose-branch ppr., leaved vert. 37. 10 ppr., beaked and belled or, charged on a demi-eagle with wings expanded or,
Lachlan, Scotland, a swan with wings the breast with a cross flory and gorged holding in the beak an arrow of the
addorsed arg. Divina sibi canit. with a collar gu. Probitas verus honos. first, headed and feathered arg.
99. 12 Lacon, Henry Edmund, Esquire, of Lacy, C. J., Esquire, Fleet, Hants, on
Lachlan, a demi-savage wreathed about Ackworth House, East Bergholt, Suff., a chapeau ppr., a boar's head erased
the head and middle, holding in his same crest and motto. close.
dexter hand a club erect, all ppr. Lacy, Leios. and Yorks, a fret-knot arg. Ladbroke of London, an arm in pale
couped at the elbow, vested gu., cuffed
and purp.
arg., holding in the hand ppr. five Laing, Scotland, a bear's head and neck Lamb, Scotland, a holy lamb with a staff,
quatrefoils in cross, stalked of the
ppr., muzzled arg. Labor omnia supe- thereon a flag charged with a cross,
second, pierced of the first. rat. 34- 14 all ppr. 131. 2
Ladbrook or Ladbrooke, a hawk rising
Lainson of Euston Square, London, in Lamb, on a mount vert, a gate, on the
ppr., ducally gorged and belled or. 87. 2
front of a rock surmounted by a castle top a paschal lamb ppr., the staff of the
Ladbrooke, a stag's head erased. 121. 2
Ladd or Ladde, on a cloud a crescent a ship in full sail, aU ppr. banner entwined with laurel, all ppr.
ensigned with a star, all between two Laird of Glenhuntley, Scotland, a buck's Lamb, Wilts, on a mount vert, a lamb
head ppr. Spero mdiora. 121. 5 arg. cf. 131. 9
palm-branches in orle, all ppr. 146. 1 Laird, a hand holding a covered cup ppr. Lamb of West Denton, Northumb., a
Lade of Barham, Kent, a panther's head
217. II paschal lamb ppr. Palma non sine
erased gardant sa., spotted or. 23. 3
Lade, Bart., Sussex, out of a ducal coro- Lake, Viscount and Baron (Warwick- pulvere. 131. 2
net or, a leopard's head regardant sa., Lake), a horse's head couped arg., Lamb, Robert, Esquire, Dundee, same
charged on the neck with a bar gemelle crest. Virtus sine macula. 31.2
bezantee. g"- Lamb, WilUam Rutherford, Golds-
Lade of Broughton House, Kent, a Lake, Sir St. Vincent Atwell, Bart., of borough Hall. York, same crest.
leopard's head ppr. 22. 10 Edmonton, Middx. : (i) A cavalier in Palma non sine pulvere.
Ladkin, a savage's head crowned with a complete armour on a horse courant Lamb, Sir Archibald, Bart., of Burville,
Berks: (i) A lamb passant sa.,
garland of laurel, all ppr. 190. 7 arg., bridle and trappings, all ppr.,
Lado of Glasgow, a panther's head holding in his dexter hand a sword charged on the body with a bezant,
erased and gardant ppr. Constant et embrued. and holding the bridle in his thereon a trefoil slipped vert {for
ferme. mouth, the sinister arm hanging down Lamb). 131. 11. (2) A camel's head
Laery, Robert, Esquire, of Willis Street, useless, round his body a scarf in bend ppr., bezantee, erased gu. {for Burges).
Wellington, New Zealand, upon a Agu. 189. 2. (2) sea-horse's head Levius fit patientid. cf. 132. 7
Lamb, a lion rampant. i- 13
mount vert, in front of a fir-cone slipped arg., finned or, gorged with a fess cot-
and erect or, a martlet az., between Lamb, a demi-lion rampant erminois,
tised gu. Un Dieu, un Roy, un caeur.
two feathers of the last. Lake, a sea-horse's head and neck couped holding in the dexter paw a mullet
Laffan, Bart., out of a ducal coronet or, arg. . holding in the mouth an annulet or. vert. 15. 7
an eagle displayed sa., semee-de-lis of Lake, George, Esquire, of Rushey, Herts, Lamb, same crest. Per mare, per terras.
the first. Vincit omnia Veritas, c/. 7 5 . 2
Laffan, Rev. Robert S. de Coiu-cy, M.A., uses : a seahorse's head and neck Lamb, Kent, and of Barham, Suff., a
couped arg., holding in the mouth an
of 119. St. George's Road, South demi-lion gu., collared or, holding in
Belgravia, S.W., same crest and
annulet or. Fonte pure. the dexter paw a mullet sa. cf. 15. 7
Lamb, Audouin-, of East Hill, co. W'ick-
Lake, Hants, a cannon mounted ppr.
motto. 169. 12 low, Ireland, a stag's head erased, ppr.
Lake of Welston and Buckland, Bucks,
Laffan, Lieutenant-Colonel H. D.. Royal Chasse pour foi. 121. 2
Engineers, same crest and motto. Herts, and Staffs, a cross formee
fitched in a crescent, all within an Lamb, a rhinoceros's head couped sa.
annulet or.
LaSer, an eagle rising, resting its dexter 226. 5
claw on a fiint-stone, all ppr. 77. 6 Lakin, Slichael Henry, Esquire. J. P., of
the Cliff, Warwick, a dexter arm hold- Lamb, Charles Edward, Kettering, same
Latone, Alfred, Esquire, of Hanworth
Park, Hanworth, Middx., a lion sa., ing a palm-branch, all ppr. Un Dieu, crest.
charged on the body with a fleur-de-lis tin Roy. un cceur.
Lakin and Laking, a dexter arm ppr., Lamb, a hand holding a sword in pale en-
arg., gorged with a collar nebuly and vested sa., holding a palm-branch vert. filed with a savage's head ppr. 212. 12
ducally crowned or, resting the dexter Lambard of Sevenoaks, Kent, a reindeer's
fore-paw on a mullet arg., pierced az. head erased sa. Deo patrice tibi.
Fidus ut olim.
cf. 122. I
Laking, Sir Francis, Bart., G.C.V.O., Lambard, a horse's head erased or, bridled
62, PaU MaU, S.W.. a dexter cubit arm
La Font of Hinxworth, Herts, a bull's vested az., cuffed erm.. the hand hold- gu. cf. 51. 5
ing a palm-branch, both ppr., between
head or, armed az., ducally gorged gu. two falcons respecting each other belled Lambard of London and Ledbury, Heref.,
and jessed or. Palmam qui meruit ferat.
Prenez en ire. cj. 44. 2 a trogodice's head erased az., maned
284. 10
La Forest and Le Forest, a unicorn sejant or. eared and horned arg., langued gu.
arg., armed and tufted or. Lambard or Lambarde, a garb in fess
Laforey, Bart., of Whitby. Devonsh., a ppr. 153. 6
Hon rampant regardant holding in the Lakington of Washbourne, Devonsh., a Lambarde, William Gore, Esquire, of
dexter paw a firebrand, all ppr. Loyal pelican in her piety, all ppr. 98. 14 Bradbourne Hall, Riverhead, and
a mart. Lakinleech, Lakenlyche, and Lakinlich, Beechmont, Sevenoaks. Kent, a rein-
Lagenham, out of a ducal coronet or, a a harp or. 168. 9 deer's head erased arg. Deo patrice
serpent in pale nowed vert. 142. 1 Lalande, a dove couped at the legs with tibi.
Lagford, a dexter arm gu., holding in the wings addorsed and expanded arg., Lambart, Earl of Cavan, see Cavan.
Lambart, Francis William Gustavus, Es-
hand a sabre erect az., hilted or. holding in the beak three wheat-ears
quire, of Beau Pare, Meath, and Kil-
Laid, see Lade, Bart. or. beggan, co. Westmeath, a centaur ppr.
drawing his bow gu., arrow or. Ut
Laidlaw, issuing from a heart a dexter Laleman, Ireland, a dexter arm embowed
hand holding a dagger in pale, all ppr. holding in the hand a club, all ppr.
Fides probata coronat.
202. 10 qtiocunque paratus. 53. 2
Laidlay, Andrew, Esquire, D.L., of Sea-
cliffe. Haddingtonsh., a dexter hand Lally, a buck trippant ppr. 117. 8 Lambart, a hand holding a glove. 220. 5
issuing from a heart holding a scimitar, Lambe, see Lamb.
Lally of Tullindally, co. Gal way. an eagle
displayed gu., holding in the beak a Lambe, a demi-lion rampant erm., holding
all ppr. Fides probata coronat. 258. 19 sprig of laurel ppr. cj. 75. 2 between the paws a mullet arg. cf. 15. 8
Lambe, Herts, a demi-lion rampant er-
Laing of Hawick, a dove holding in its Lalor, see Power-Lalor.
beak a sprig of olive, all ppr. iliseri- Lalor of Gregg, co. Tipperary, Ireland, minois, holding in the dexter paw a
cordia est mea cupido. 92. 5 on a wreath of the colours an arm mullet vert. I5- 7
embowed, vested gu., cuffed vert, the
Laing, Scotland, same crest. Mercy is hand ppr., grasping a short sword, Lambe, a lion's gamb erased holding a
my desire. 92. 5 palm-branch vert. cf. 36. 7
Laing, Sir James, of Thornhill, Sunder- also ppr. Fortis et fidelis. 204. i Lambe, two bear's paws erased in saltier
land, in front of a demi-catherine Lalynde,a maiden's head affrontee couped ppr. cf. 39. 14
wheel sa., a dove holding in the beak at the breast ppr.. attired az. cf. 1S2. 5 Lamberby, on a ducal coronet a lamb
Lamb, Baron Beauvale, see Beauvale.
two sprigs of olive slipped ppr. sejant ppr.
Laing, on a chapeau az., turned up arg.. Lamb, Viscount Melbourne {extinct), a Lambert, Sir Henry Foley, Bart., of Lon-
demi-lion rampant gu., holding between
. cock gu- 91- don, out of a ducal coronet or, three
Laing, Scotland, a cock gu. Vigilant. 91.2 the paws a mullet sa Virtute et fide. ostrich-feathers gu., arg. and az.
Laing, a cock ppr. Vigilance. 91. 2 c/. 15. 8 Sequitando si giunge. cf. 114. 8
Lambert, Ireland, a centaur per pale gu. Lambert, a reindeer's head erased, col- Lamplugh, Rev. David, M.A., Rokeby
and or, charged with a trefoil vert, lared sa. cf. 122. I Rectory, Barnard Castle, on a wreath
of the colours in front of a goat's head
shooting an arrow from a bow of the Lambert, two lobster's claws in pale gu.,
second. cf. 53. 2 holding in each a fish or. 141. 3 couped arg., armed or, gorged with a
collar nebulysa., two roses gu., barbed,
Lambert, Arthur Oliver. Esquire, of East Lambert, Durh., a derai-lamb rampant leaved, and seeded ppr. Providentia
London, South Africa, a mount vert, supporting a shield erminois.
thereon a centaur per pale ppr. and Lambeth, a talbot's head arg. 56. 12 Dei stabiliuntur families.
arg. Ut quocunque paratus. Lambeth, a badger or. 33- 'O Lamplugh, Charles Edward, Esquire,
Lambert, Colonel Frederick Arthur Hey- Lambford or Lamford, a dexter hand D.L., J.P., City of London Club, Old
gate, J.P., F.S.A., Knight of Justice ppr., wielding a scimitar arg. 213. 5 Broad Street, London, in front of a
cubit arm erect ppr., encircled about
of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem Lamborn'or Lamborne, a demi-lion ram-
in England, of Garratt's Hall, Ban- pant gu., supporting a ship's rudder the wrist with a wreath of oak, and
stead, and Fairlawn House, Woodman- holding in the hand a sword, also ppr.,
sterne, Surrey, on a mount vert, a sa. II. II pommel and hilt or, an escutcheon arg.,
centaur passant regardant, the human
Lamborne, out of a tower ppr., a lion's —charged with a goat's head couped sa.
parts ppr., the other erm., girt about
head or, collared sa. cf. 1 57. 9 Through. Providentia Dei stabiliuntur
Lambsey or Lamesey, a savage's head
the loins with a garland of laurel of the ppr., wreathed arg. and sa. 190. 5 families. 213. 2
first, drawing a bow and arrow gu. Lambton, Earl of Durham, see Durham. Lamplugh of Lamplugh Hall, Cumb., a
53- 5 Lambton, Yorks and Durh., a ram's head goat's head couped sa., armed and
Lambert, Ireland, on a mount vert, a cabossed arg., armed sa. 130. 7 bearded or. 128. 12
centaur ppr., the bow gu., arrow or. Lambton, Major-General Arthur, C.B., of Lamprey, Ireland, a hand holding a cross
Guards' Club, S.W., same crest and crosslet fitched in pale ppr.
Lambert, John, Foxearth Hall, Essex, motto. Lampson, Sir Curtis George, Bart., of
same crest. Ut quicunque paratus. Lambton-Dawson, Durh., a torteau Rowfant, in the parish of Worth,
Lambert, Henry Charles Jliller, Esquire, charged with a ram's head couped at Sussex, a gryphon's head erased gu.,
of Colonial Office, S.W., same crest. the neck erm., within two branches of charged with an escarbuncle arg., be-
Optima quceque honesta. oak or. cf. 130. 12 tween two wings, each paly of four arg.
Lambert, Colonel Joseph Alexander, of Lamford, a dexter hand ppr., holding a and; gu. Persevera et vince.
Brookhill, co. Mayo, Ireland, a centaur scimitar arg. 213. 5 cf. 65. II
ppr., charged on the shoulder with a Lamington, Baron (Cochrane-Baillie) L'Amy, William Ramsay, of Dunkenny,
—(i) In the centre a boar's head erased
cross crosslet or. Ut quocunque para- Forfarsh., a dexter hand erect ppr.,
tus. cf. 53. 2 ppr. 42. 2. (2) On the dexter side- holding a crosier or. Per varios casus.
Lambert, George Henry, Esquire, of issuing out of a naval crown or. a 219. 4
Carnagh, co. Wexford, and Tan-y-
dexter arm embowed. vested az.. cuffed Lanburn, two lions' heads addorsed ppr.,
Craig, Anglesey, a sagittary per pale arg., the hand holding a flagstaff ppr., collared or. cf. 18. 2
gu. and arg., charged with a trefoil vert,
the bow and arrow or. Deus provi- —thereon hoisted the flag of a rear- Lancashire, a demi-lion rampant arg.,
admiral of the white being arg., a gorged with a chaplet vert, holding in
debil. cross gu. , and thereon the words "St. the paws an escutcheon charged with
two bendlets or, the uppermost en-
Lambert, a Sagittarius passant or, the —Domingo " in letters of gold. (3) On
head of the bow wreathed az. Ne grailed.
the sinister side a horse trotting arg.
mireris homines mirabiliores. 53-2 Quid clarius astris. 52. 2 Lancaster, De, a lion couchant or. 7. 5
Lambert of Carnagh, co. Wexford, Ire- Lammie, Scotland, a hand holding a Lancaster, Edward Snow, Esquire, J. P.,
land, a Sagittarius passant per pale gu. crosier ppr. Per varios casus. 219.4 of 27, Dorset Square, London, N.W., a
and arg., charged with a trefoil vert, Lammin, a paschal lamb passant arg. lion rampant or, charged on the
the bow and arrow or. Deus provi- Agnus Dei mihi salus. 131. 2 shoulder with three fleurs - de - lis
debit. cf. 53. 2 Lamond, Scotland, a hand holding a chevronways az., grasping in the
dexter fore-paw a scimitar ppr., pom-
Lambert, Surrey, a female centaur ppr., dagger ppr. Ne parcas, nee spernas.
crined or, holding a roae-branch vert, 212. 9 mel and hilt or, and supporting with
the sinister an antique shield of the
flowered arg. 53-8 Lamond, a dexter hand couped ppr. Ne
Lambert of Woodmansterne, Surrey, and parcas, nee spernas. 222. 14 first, thereon a rose gu., barbed and
seeded ppr. Semper paratus. 230. 6
Rev. William Lambert, 19, Christ- Lamont, John Henry, Esquire. J.P..
chiurch Road, Winchester, Hants, a D.L., of Westward Ho, Bideford, a Lancaster, Cumb. and Lanes, a lion's
centaur ppr., shooting a bow and arrow hand couped at the wrist ppr. iVe head erased arg., charged with a
gu. parcas. nee spernas. 222. 14 crescent gu. cf. 17. 8
Lambert of Boyton House, Wilts, a demi- Lamont, a dexter hand holding a baton Lancaster, Cumb. and Lanes, a sea-horse
pcgasus erm. 47. 5 ppr. Ne parcas, nee spernas. ppr. 46. 2
Lambert, Bucks and Yorks, a sphinx Lamont, Henry, Esquire, J.P., of Gree- Lancaster, Ireland, a hand brandishing
passant gardant or, the face ppr., hold- law, Ayrshire, and Gribton, Dum- a sabre ppr. 212. 13
ing in the dexter foot a rose gu., friessh., a dexter hand ppr., holding a Lancaster, William John, Esquire. J.P.,
seeded and leaved vert. cf. 182. 12 fleur-de-lis gu. A^e parcas, nee spernas. of South Lynn, Putney Hill, and Snet-
tisham, Norf., two cinquefoils fesse-
Lambert, a sphinx couchant arg., crined 215. 5 ways, that on the dexter sa., that on
or, holding in the dexter paw a cinque- Lamont, James, Esquire, of Knockdow,
foil of the first, stalked and leaved Toward. Argyllsh., and Palmiste, the sinister or, surmounted by a third
vert. 182. 14 Trinidad, a dexter hand couped at the cinquefoil per pale of the last and first.
Lambert, a lion rampant arg. i. 13 wrist holding a dagger erect in pale Ornat forem prudentia. 302.5
Lambert of Pinchbeck, Bucks, a Uon's ppr. Ne parcas, nee spernas. Lance, a hand ppr., holding a covered
head erased arg., gorged with a fess Lamont of Lamont. Argyllsh., a hand cup or. 217- II
chequy or and az. cf. 17. 8 apaumee couped ppr. Ne parcas, nee Lancelot, an astrolabe. 167. 7
Lambert of Brixton, Surrey, in front of Lancey, De, a demi-leopard gardant sup-
a gate or, a stag's head couped ppr., Lamorley, on a naval coronet or, a lion porting an anchor ppr. 23. i
attired of the first, holding in the rampant gu. cf. i. 13 Land, a church with a spire environed
mouth a slip of oak vert, fructed, also Lampard, a cinquefoil az.
148. 12 with trees ppr. 158. 11
or, the neck charged with a bend az., Lampen of Paderda, Cornw., a ram's Landal, Landel, and Landell, Scotland, a
thereon three acorns or. 1 20. 11 head cabossed arg., armed or. dexter arm embowed holding in the
Lambert, a reindeer's head az., attired ' 130. 7 hand a laurel crown ppr. 202. 4
arg., maned or. c/. 122. i Lampet and Lampetb, a Doric pillar arg., Landale, Scotland, a dexter arm embowed
Lambert, Kent, a reindeer's head erased entwined with a branch of laurel vert, holding up two branches of laurel in
sa. cf. 122. I and surmounted by a flame ppr. orle ppr. Pax aitt defensio. 202. 4
Landale, David Guild, Esquire, of Limps- Lane, a bezant charged with two griffin's Langdale, Rev. Horace Marmaduke,
field Grange, Limpsfield, Surrey, same heads erased and addorsed between
two branches, one of palm, the other M.A., of Compton House, Compton,
crest and motto. -02. 4 near Petersfield, Sussex, on a mount
Landell of Southwark, Surrey, on a of laurel. 226. 8 vert, an estoile arg., between two oak-
mount vert, a garb or, thereon an es- Lane, Charles Pelham, Esquire, of Mounds- branches ppr. Po.st tenebras lux.
cutcheon sa., charged with a tau of the ley Hall, King's Norton, Worcs., two Langdell, a star arg. 164. 2
second. griffins' heads couped and addorsed, Langdon of London, a dove holding in
Landen, Lines, a dexter hand apaumee
the dexter az. and the sinister gu., in its beak an olive-branch ppr. Mercy
ppr. Ero quod eram. 222. 14 front thereof a crescent between two is my desire. 92. 5
Lander, Devonsh.. an elephant's head sa., saltires fesseways arg. Tenax et fidelis. Langdon of Wolferton, Norf., on a mount
armed and ducally crowned or.
296. 3 vert, a lynx of the last, gorged with a
Lane, Henry Charles, Esquire, J.P.. of
c/- 133- 2 bar gemel or. cf. 127. 2
Middleton, Hassocks, Sussex, two
Lander, a hand issuing from a cloud Langeford or Langford of London, a
holding a sword wavy. 212.4 gryphon's heads erased, addorsed or, demi-shoveller with wings displayed
Landeth, a winged heart ppr. 112. 10 in the beak of each a sprig of laurel arg., charged with a crescent for
Landle, Scotland, a cock crowing ppr. ppr. Loyal jusqu'd la viort. 296. i difference.
91. 2 Lane, out of a crescent or, two eagle's Langer, upon a globe or, winged sa., a
maiden balancing herself ppr., the hair
Landon of Cheshunt. Colonel Aislabie heads addorsed, the dexter gu., the
Landon.and Perceval Landon, Esquire, sinister az. 84. 15 or, her eyes covered with a bandage
Aof Sella Park, Carnforth, use: (i) Lane, a dexter arm vested erm., turned arg., the dexter arm embowed and ex-
Alizard vert. cf. 138. 5. (2) demi- up and indented arg., holding in the tended grasping the end of a veil sa.,
tiger rampant gardant arg., semee of hand ppr. a mullet az. 206. 13 passing in an arch above her head and
pellets hurts and torteaux, flames is- Lane, Smith Edward, Esquire, of Union held around the loins by her sinister
suant from the mouth and ears, and
Club, Fifth Avenue, New York, U.S.A., hand. Ora et labora. 184. 3
Langespear, see Langspear.
— Ma —holding a palm-branch, all ppr. Vera a dexter cubit arm erect vested erm.,
sequor. jorce d'en haul. Palma turned up indented arg., holding in Langford, Baron (Rowley), of Summer-
virtuti. 23. 12 the hand ppr. a mullet az. Per- hiU, CO. Meath, Ireland, a wolf's head
Landon, a demi-pegasus gardant arg., severando. 206. 13 erased arg., collared or, langued gu.
supporting a pennon gu., tasselled or. Lane, issuing out of the sea a spear-head, Bear and forbear. 30. 1
47- 9 on its point a dolphin naiant, all ppr. Langford, Bart, (extinct), of Kilmacke-
Landor of Rugeley, Staffs, and Warw., 40. I dret, CO. Londonderry, a demi-lion
an arm in pale vested bendy of six Lane, W. A., Esquire, of Lyons Farm rampant holding in the dexter paw a
or and gu., cuffed arg., holding in the House, Broadwater, Worthing, out of truncheon, all or.
hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis az. a crescent or, two griffins' heads Langford, Derbysh.. Shropsh., and Notts,
Landsay or Landsey, a dexter hand hold- addorsed, the dexter gu., the sinister an heralcUo tiger passant, coward gu.,
ing a sword erect supporting a pair of az. Jilitis sed fortis. maned and tufted or. cf. 25. 5
Lanesborough, Earl of (Butler): (i) A Langlord-Nibbs of Antigua, West Indies,
Landsborough, see McLandsborough. wyvern with wings elevated and taU a stag's head cabossed gu., pierced in
Landwath, a demi-pegasus arg., guttee- nowed or, the dexter claw supporting the scalp with an arrow or, feathered
de-poix. 47. 5 an escutcheon arg., thereon a bend gu., arg. cf. 122. 5
Lane, John Henry Hervey Vincent, Es- charged with three martlets, also or (for Langham, out of a ducal coronet gu., a
quire, of King's Bromley, Staffs, and Danvers). 312.5. (2) Ademi-cockatrice bear's paw sa., holding a sword arg.,
Lily Hill, Bracknell, Berks, of aug- couped vert, with the wings elevated pommelled or. cf. 38. 5
mentation, a strawberry roan horse
arg., combed, beaked, wattled, and Langham, J. G., Esquire, Westdown,
salient, couped at the flanks, bridled ducally gorged or (for Butler). Liberie Eastbourne, a bear's head erased sa.,
sa., bitted and garnished or, supporting touie entiere. 312. 6 muzzled or. Sec sinit esse feros.
between the feet an imperial crown Lanford and Langford, an heraldic tiger Langham, Sir Herbert Hay, Bart., of
ppr. Garde le Roy. 53. 4. passant, the tail coward. cf. 25. 5 Cottesbrooke Park, Northamp., a bear's
head erased sa., muzzled or. Nee sinit
Lane, Henry Murray, Esquire, Chester Lang, Ireland, a hand erect holding a
Herald of Arms, of Herald's College, broken spear. 214. 10 esse feros. 35- ^
E.G., a strawberry-roan horse salient, Lang, Ireland, a hand holding a hautboy. Langhans, Johann Gottlieb Julius, Es-
couped at the "flanks, bridled sa., 219. I quire. B.-'i., of Hertford College,
bitted and garnished or, supporting Lang, a savage's head issuing ppr. Oxford, in flags on the sinister side the
between the feet an imperial crown 190. 12 stump of an oak-tree in bend sinister,
ppr. Oarde le Roy. 53-4 Lang, Scotland, a tower arg., masoned one branch sprouting to the dexter,
Lane, Ven. Archdeacon Ernald, M.A., of sa. Vne stay. 156. 2 thereon a kingfisher, all ppr. Ich
Leigh Rectory, Stoke-on-Trent, same Lang, three sprigs of oak bearing acorns. wart der Stund.
crest and motto. 152. 2 Langbolme, a holy lamb ppr., the stan-
Lane, William Jenner, Esquire, the Firs, Lang, Scotland, a dove holding in its dard gu. In criice salus. 131.2
Poulton, Fairford, Glouc., a demi-horse beak an olive-branch ppr. Mercy is Langhorn or Langhorne, a bugle-horn sa.,
bridled holding between the feet a my desire. 92. 5 stringed gu., between two wings ex-
crown. Ilitis et fortis. Lang and Langan, Ireland, out of a mural panded arg. 112. 3
ALane-Fox : (i) fox atatant gu. {for coronet or, a spear ppr., between two Langlands of that ilk, Scotland, in the sea
Fox). 32. 2. (2) Out of a ducal coro- palm-branches in orle vert. 175. i an anchor erect, all ppr. Spero. 161. 6
net or, a demi-griffin sa., winged arg. Langdale, Baron (Bickersteth), a dexter Langley, Beds, Heref., and Shropsh., out
[for Lane). 64. 4 arm in armour embowed ppr. garnished of a ducal coronet or, a plume of five
, ostrich-feathers, three arg. and two
Lane, Suff., a demi-griffin segreant gu.,
or, about the elbow a wreath of oak
bezantee, holding between the claws a vert, holding in the hand a roU of vert. 114. 13
bezant. cf. 64. 2 paper ppr. Suum cuique. 266. i Langley, Yorks, out of a ducal coronet
Lane of Roscommon, Ireland, out of a Langdale, Henry Joseph Grattan, Es- or, five ostrich-feathers arg. 114. 13
quire, of Houghton Hall, R.S.O.,
ducal coronet or, a demi-griffin sa., ALangley, Shropsh. : ( I ) pheon or,
winged arg. 64. 4 Yorks, an estoile arg. Post tenebras between two laurel-branches vert. cf.
Lane of Twickenham, Middx., a demi- lucem. 174. II. (2) Out of a ducal coronet
griffin arg. 64. 2 Langdale of Langdale, Yorks, an etoUe or, a plume of five ostrich-feathers,
Lane, Major-General Charles Powlett, or. 164. I three arg. and two vert. 114. 13
Glanden, Wimborne, two griffin's Langdale, Philip, Esquire, of 31, Curzon Langley of Brokley, Shropsh.. between
heads, one gu., the other az., issuing Street, W., and Houghton Hall, R.S.O.. two sprigs of laurel vert, a pheon or.
out of a crescent or. Nee degenero. Yorks, same crest and motto. cf. 174- II
Langley, Alfred Francis Claringbold Langston, issuing from waves of the sea Lant, Devonsh., Northamp., and Staffs, a
Chichester. Esquire, of Golding, Peters- vert, a demi-dolphin haurient or, hold- I dove arg., beaked and legged gu.,
ton- super-Ely, a pheon or, between ing in its mouth a rose-branch, also standing on a serpent nowed ppr.
two sprigs of laurel vert, fructed ppr. issuant leaved vert and bearing three ' 92. 10
Langley, Yorks. Lanes, and Suflf.. a cock roses gu., barbed and seeded. De tout Lant of Thorp Underwood, Northamp.,
arg., combed, legged, and wattled gu. 1
moncosur. 139. 10 on a serpent nowed az., a dove arg.,
91. 2 Langston or Langstone, a lion rampant charged on the breast with a mullet of
Langley of London, Lines, and Shropsh., gu. , supporting a pillar. the first. Prudentia et simplicitate.
a cockatrice sa., beaked or, combed Langthorne, a tun sa., in the bung-hole cf. 92. 10
142. 4
and wattled gu. 68. 4 three roses gu., stalked and leaved Lante, a serpent nowed vert.
Langley, Henry, Esquire, J.P., D.L., of vert. cf. 150. 4 Lany, Norf., a talbot's head guttee.
Queen's Gate Terrace, Kensington. Lon- Langton, Baron of Newton, Lanes, the 56. 12
don, a cockatrice with wings' addorsed head of a maiden affrontce, couped Lany of London, Leics., and Suff., a mer-
sa., combed, wattled, and spurred gu.
below the shoulders ppr., vested gu., man ppr., the tail arg., the fins and
Fide sed cui vide. 68. 4 the cap and necklace or. hair or, wreathed round the temples
Langley, Shropsh., a cockatrice sa., Langton of Broughton Tower, Lanes, an I arg. and az., holding in the hand a
beaked, combed, wattled, and legged eagle displayed with two heads vert, hawk's bell ppr., suspended from a
gu. 68. 4 string vert, tasselled arg.
charged on the breast with a trefoil or.
Langley, Shropsh., on a garb lying in Loyal au mart. cf. 74. 2 ! Lanyon, Cornw., a falcon rising wings
fesse or, a dove close arg., beaked and Langton, Bennett Rothes, Esquire, of ! extended and belled. 87. I
legged gu. Bear and forbear. Langton Hall, Spilsby, Lines, an eagle I Lanyon, of Belfast, on a mount vert, a
(•/• 93- 3 or. and a wyvern vert, interwoven and falcon rising ppr., belled and jessed or.
Vive ut vivas.
Langley, Glouc., Shropsh., and Warw., on erect on their tails. 310.2
a garb lying fesseways or, a dove close Langton, Hon. Edward, of 10, Bruce Lanyon of Northleigh, Fortwilliam Park,
arg., beaked and legged gu. Beare Street, Toorak, Melbourne, Victoria, Belfast, same crest and motto.
and forbeare. cf. 93. 3 an eagle or, and a wyvern vert, their Lanyon of Lanyon, Cornw., on a mount
Langley, Shropsh., on a garb lying in necks entwined regardant. Loyal a vert, within a castle in perspective
fesse or, a dove with wings endorsed arg. mort. 310. 2 with four towers arg., a falcon rising
beaked and legged gu. c/. 93. 3 Langton of Danganmore, co. Kilkenny, on waves of the sea az.
Langley, Shropsh., same crest. Sustine Ireland, a heart gu., between two Lapington, a pelican in her piety ppr.
et absline. wings arg. Sursum. corda. c/. no. 14 Innocue ac provide. 98. 14
Langley, Ireland, a boar passant sa., Langton, Francis Albert Romuald, Es- Lapp, a dexter hand holding a battle-axe
bristled, ungu., and armed or. 40. 9 quire, of II. Exhibition Road, London, ppr. 213. 12
Langley, Glouc. , a dexter gauntlet in fess S.W., .same crest and motto. Lapp, a demi-mermaid ppr., holding in
holding a sword in pale, all ppr., the Langton of Stanton and Stanmore, her dexter hand a purse gu., and in
blade enfiled with a dragon's head sa., Middx., out of a ducal coronet gu., a her sinister a comb or.
couped at the neck gu. demi-lion rampant or, holding in its Lapsley and Lapslie of Campsie, Scot-
Langlois, a rock ppr. 179. 7 paws a battle-axe arg. cf. 15. 4 land, a Passion-cross gu. Corona mea
Langman, John Lawrence, Esquire, of Langton, a greyhound's head couped. Christus. 165. 4
Stanhope Terrace, Hyde Park, London, collared, and chained. cf. 61. 2 Lapthorne, a lion's head erased or, col-
and Great Marlow, Bucks, in front of a Langton and Laungton, a dexter arm in lared vair. 18. 6
mount vert, thereon a portcullis with armour embowed wielding a sword, all Lapwortb, Cambs, a stork ppr., resting
chains sa., three water- bougets fesse- ppr. 195. 2 its dexter claw on a fleur-de-lis or.
ways of the last. Justus esto et non Langtree, Lanes, an eagle with wings cf. 105. II
metue. expanded gu., beaked and legged or. Larayne and Lareyn, out of a cloud a
Langman, Philip Lawrence, Esquire, 77- 5 hand holding a garland of laurel ppr.
same crest and motto. Langworthy of Bath, Somers., a demi- 218. 9
Langmead, between two wings a spur. stag ppr. 119. 2 Larcom, Sir Thomas Percival, Bart., 9,
III. 13 Lanigan-O'Keefle, Stephen Martin, Es- Anglesey Crescent, Alverstoke, Hants,
Langmeade, Devonsh., a boar's head and quire, of Delville, Glasnevin, co. Dublin, on a cap of maintenance az., turned up
neck erased gu., gorged with a chaplet upon an antique crown a gryphon erm., a martlet sa., holding a fleur-de-
of oak ppr. cf. 41. 5 segreant or, holding in the dexter claw lis in its beak or. Le Boy, la loy.
a sword erect arg.. pommelled or.
Langmore, on a chapeau a greyhound Forti et fideli nihil difficile. cf. 95. I
Lanis, out of a crescent two eagle's heads
statant, all ppr. 58. 4 Larder of Upton Payne, Devonsh., a
woman's head couped at the shoulders
Langmore of Dundaire, College Road,
Upper Norwood, London, S.E., out of addorsed ppr. 84. 15 ppr., vested gu., garnished or, and
the battlements of a tower two tilting- Lankin, two wings addorsed arg., one on crined of the last. 1 82. 3
speara in saltire, all ppr., tied by a each side of a chapeau ppr., issuing Larder of Loders, Dorset, an elephant's
riband az., pendent therefrom an from the rim. head sa., armed and ducally crowned
escutcheon or, charged with a trefoil Lannoy or Lanoy of Bletsoe. Beds, a or. cf. 133. 2
slipped vert. Labor vincit omnia. chevalier's head in a helmet plumed, Lardner, on a chapeau a bull, all ppr.
175- 5 aU ppr. i cf. 45- 9
Langrish or Langrishe, Ireland, a dra- Lanphier of Parkstown, co. Tipperary, a Large, a demi-savage holding in his
gon's head gu., vomiting fire ppr. 72. 3 demi-lion rampant gu. V irtute et fide- ! dexter hand a sheaf of arrows, pointing
Langrishe, Sir James, Bart., J.P., D.L.,
litale. ' with the sinister to a coronet, all ppr.
of Knocktopher, co. Kilkenny, on a
v.reath of the colours a lion rampant 10. 3
per fesse or and sa. Medio tutissimus
Lansdowne, Marquess of (Fitzilaiu-ice) I 1S6. 13
(I ) A bee-hive beset with bees diversely ' Large of London, a demi-savage holding
Langrishe, Richard, Esquire, of Dun-
volant ppr. 137. 7. (2) A centaur in his dexter hand a sheaf of arrows,
drawing a bow and arrow ppr.. the part pointing with the sinister to a ducal
from the waist arg. Virtute non verbis. coronet, all ppr. Loyal en tout.
drum House, Dundrum, co. Dublin, 53- 2 cf. 186. 13
same crest and motto.
Langspear, a talbot's head, holding in the Lanslord, a ^ age's head oouped Lark or Larke, a hand issuing from a
mouth a demi-hind couped.
Langstafi, Joseph, Esquire, of Newcastle. !
cloud in fess, lifting a garb ppr.
Lansley, a griffin's head erased ppr. 66. 2 223. 12
Lant, a swan's head and neck couped I Larkan or Larken, a greyhound sejant
on a serpent nowed or, in front of two bendy of six arg. and sa.. charged I az. 59- 4
palm-branches in saltire vert, a stork
with a rose between two rose-branches Larke, Lines, a lark with wings endorsed.
rising ppr. 104. 14 leaved vert. 1 39. 2
Larken, Francis Bop . Esquire, of isex and Lanes, an eagle gu., and upon each wing ^-ith an
CantUupe Chantry, Lincoln, upon a preying on a child, all ppr., the child escallop of the last (for Bateman). (2)
mount in front of three ears of barley in swaddling-clothes gu., bound arg., Out of clouds a dexter cubit arm erect
stalked and leaved, a lark holding in at the head of the child an oak-branch ppr., the hand grasping an anchor
the beak a columbine ppr. Surget of the second. fesseways or, the flukes to the dexter
alauda. 230. 19 Latham, Alexander Mere, Barrister, or (for La Trobe). Sidus adsil amicum.
DumLarkin and Larkins, a lark with wings 3, King's Bench Walk, Temple, E.C., Latta, Scotland, an oak-tree ppr.
addorsed holding in its beak a colum- and 7, Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea, S.W., vivo, vireo. 143. 5
bine, all ppr. an eagle preying on a child in swaddling- Latter, out of a foreign coronet having
Larkin, John, Esquire, of Delrow, Alden- clothes. nine balls visible upon the rim, a grey-
ham, Herts, in front of a rock an Latham of Brad wall, Chesh., and London, hound's head arg.,,collared and chained
escallop, thereon a lark ppr., holding an eagle with wings elevated erininois, or. Pour trois.^A t^4 bien estrain.
in the beak two ears of wheat or. preying on a child ppr., swaddled az., Lattin and Latton of Upton, Berlcs, and
Fidelia et constans. banded arg., exposed on a rock of the Esher, Surrey, a cross-bow or.
Larking, Cuthbert, Esquire, of Layston second. Lattin of Morristown Lattin, co. Kildare,
Lodge, Buntingford, a lark rising, hold- Latham, A. M., B.A., 7, Cheyne Gardens, an eagle's leg erased arg., charged with
ing in the beak a sprig of leaves. Chelsea, S.W., same crest. Ezpertm a crescent gu. cf. 113. 8
Larkworthy, Devonsh., a demi-stag ppr. fidelem. Lauchlan or Lawchlan, Scotland, a swan.
Perse verando. 119. 2 Latham of the Priory, Frensham, Surrey, Divina sibi canil. 99. 2
La Roche, Bart, (extinct), of Over, Glouc, an eagle rising with wings expanded i Lauder, a hand couped at the wrist in
a crow ppr. 107. 14 and inverted, holding an olive-branch fess holding a sword in pale, on the
Larpent, see De Hochpied-Larpent. in its claw. ^Equanimitate. point a leopard's face.
Larpent of London, a unicorn's head Lathom, Earl of (Bootle-WUbraham), of Lauder of Winepark, Scotland, a dexter
erased arg., attired or, charged on the
neck with a fleur-de-lis az. j
c/. 49. 5 Lathom : A{ I ) wolf's head erased arg. I hand holding a scimitar, and on the
Larping, a unicorn's head arg., attired
A(/or Wilbraham). 30. 8. (2) demi- j point thereof a Saracen's head, all ppr.
lion regardant ppr., holding between Lauder of Belhaven and Westbarnes,
his paws an escutcheon gu., charged Scotland, the trunk of an old tree
or, charged on the neck with a fleur- with a cross flory arg. (for Booth). In sprouting anew. Repullidat. 145. 2
de-lis az. cf. 49. 7 portu qnies. Lauder, Scotland, the trunk of an old
Larra, an elm-tree ppr. 143. 9 Lathom of Par bold and AUerton, Lanes. tree budding ppr. Repullulat.
Lart, Charles Edmund, B.A., of Char- an oak-branch fesseways, truncated and 145- 2
mouth, Dorset, a lion rampant sa., leaved ppr., thereon a heron rising or. Lauder of Bass, Scotland, on a rock ppr.,
armed and langued gu. Croi/e. cf. 105. 2 a solan goose sejant. Sub umbra ala-
Lascelles, Earl of Harewood and Viscount Lathom of Lathom, Lanes, an eagle re- rum tuarum.
Lascelles, see Harewood. gardant or, rising from a child's cradle Lauder or Lawder, a tower and issuing
Lascelles, Rt. Hon. Sir Frank Cavendish, gu. cf. 77. 13 from the battlements a denii-griftin.
K.C.M.G., a bear's head erm., muzzled Lathom of Moosborough, Ormskirk, Strike alike. 157.5
gu., buckled, collared, rimmed, and Lanes, on a chapeau gu., turned up Lauder of Newington, Scotland, a balance
studded or. In solo Deo solus. erm.. an infant ppr., swaddled gu., equilibriated or. Mediocria firma.
Lascelles, Walter Richard, Esquire, of banded arg., thereon an eagle preying
179. 8
Norley, Frodsham, Chesh., and 55, or- 79- 3
Hans Road, S.W., same crest and Lauder, Dick-, Sir Thomas North, Bart.,
Lathum, on a hank of cotton or, an eagle
Lascells, Notts and Yorks, out of a regardant of the first, the wings ex- of Fountain Hall, Haddingtonsh. (i)
panded. :
A tower with the portcullis down, and
the head and shoulders of a sentinel
ducal coronet or, a griffin's head vert. Latimer, on a mount vert, a hind sejant appearing above the battlements in a
67. 9 arg., collared and chained or, under a watching posture ppr. (for Lauder).
Lascells of Sturton and Gaytford, Notts : tree ppr.
Latimer, an Eastern crown gu. 180. 12 A(2) stag's head erased ppr.. attired
A(i) buck's head arg. 121. 5. (2) Latimer, a plume of feathers or.
—or (for Dick). Turris prudentia custos.
Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's 115. I Virtute.
Laton, out of a ducal coronet or, a stork's
head vert, beaked of the first, and Lauderdale, Earl of (Maitland), a lion se-
jant affrontee gu., ducaUy crowned
charged on the neck with a mullet
for difference, cf. 67. 9. (3) Out of head arg. ppr., holding in the dexter paw a sword
a ducal coronet or. a grin head Latouche or La Touche, a hand couped of the last, pommel and hilt or, and in
vert, beaked of the first the sinister a fleur-de-lis az. Consilio
67- 9 and gauntleted in fess, holding a scimi-
tar enfiled with a boar's head couped. etanimis. cf.7.i
or, semee of estoiles 01 tne same, an cf. 211. 9 Laugharne, issuing out of a cloud a hand
La Touche, John, Inquire, of Harristown. in pale pointing with one finger to the
resting the dexter foot on a bezant.
U Eternel regne.
cf. 117. 8 Brannockstown, Newbridge, co. Kil- sun, all ppr.
Lashmar, a boar's head erased and erect dare. a mullet of five points pierced Laugher, a plough ppr. 178. 7
*'^- 43- 3 arg. Quid verum atque decens euro et Laughlln, Ireland, a talbot sejant arg..
Laslett, Emerson-, Worcs. : (i) A demi- resting its dexter paw on an escut-
lion rampant holding a battle-axe. La Touche, Major Octavius, of Belle vue, cheon gu.
A15. 4. (2) bear's head couped at Delgany, co. Wicklow, and Drum- Launce of Halesworth, Suff.. a hand in
the neck. 34. 14 hearney, Leitrim, a mullet or. Quid armour ppr., in fess, grasping a lance
Laslett of Aberton Hall, Worcs., a demi- verum. atque decens euro et rogo. or, headed arg.
lion rampant sa., charged with five Latouche, Ireland, on a heart gu., an Launce, Cornw., a demi-buU erm., armed
bezants. Finem respice. cf. 10. 4 eagle's claw erased ppr. 113. 14 or, pierced by a broken spear sa.,
Lasley, a griffin's head erased ppr. Latouche, a mullet of six points pierced headed arg., embrued gu.
66. 2 or. 164. 5 Launder, Lanes, a demi-unicorn sa..
Lasman, a squirrel sejant or, holding be- Latouche, Ireland, an etoile pierced or.
armed. ungu.. crined or, the
tween its paws a branch of laurel vert. cf. 164. I
La Touche, a bezant charged with a body charged with three mullets of
mullet gu. six points in bend arg. cf. 48. 7
Latch of Woodhouse, Leics., and Elston, La Trobe-Bateman, Rev. William Fair- Laungton of Wilford, Wilts, a dexter
bairn, M.A., of Ascot Rectory, Berks :
Notts, a lion's head or, gorged with (_i ) An eagle's head between two wings arm in armour embowed brandishing
layed or, charged on the neck with
a fess wavy az. cf. 21. i a sword, all ppr. 195. 2
et within the horns of a crescent
Lateward, a "demi-hawk with wings ex- Laurel, issuing out of an antique crown
panded sa., having on the head two
a cubit arm vested, holding in the hand
horns bent or.
a bird and a garland of laurel.
Laurence, Ireland, a griffin sejant with La Vacll, a bull's leg reversed erm. Laward, a demi-bird sa., on the head two
small horns or, the wings expanded,
wings addorsed, holding in its dexter Lavelis of Castleharnock, Cornw., a tower the dexter the outside gu., the inside
arg., the sinister the outside of the
claw a garland of laurel ppr. 62. 9 triple-towered or. '57-6 last, the inside of the third.
cj. 32. 8
Laurence of Lisreaghan, co. Galway, a Lavell, a fox current ppr.
demi-turbot. the tail erect ppr. Pro Laven of Poole, Scotland, a buck's head
rcge scape, pro patria semper. couped or. 121. 5 Lawder, Scotland, a balance ppr. Medio-
Laurence of Sherdington, Glouc, a demi- Lavender of London and Herts, a demi- cria firma. 179. 8
fish erect, tail upwards, per pale arg. horse arg., gorged with a wreath of Lawder, Scotland, the trunk of an old tree
lavender. cf. 53. 3 budding ppr. Repullulat. 145-2
Laurence, G. Herbert, Esquire, the Laver, a talbot's head erased gu., ducally Lawder of Lawderdale, Ballinamore, co.
Grange, Norwood Green, Middx., a crowned or. 56. 9 Leitrim, a gannet standing on one leg
demi-turbot erect, tail upwards ppr. Laverick or Laverilce, two lion's gambs on a rock ppr. Sub umbra alarum
Loml au mart. sa., supporting a pillar or. 39. 8 tuarum.
Laurenson, Scotland, a dexter arm in Laverin and Lavering, a shepherd's flute Lawe, Drinkwater- of Kirby, Isle of
Man: (i) In front of a spear erect
armour embowed, holding in the hand erect ppr.
a scimitar. Justitia et Veritas. Laverock, Laverick, or Laverike, two ppr., a demi-eagle displayed with two
heads vert, and charged on each wing
196. 10 lion's gambs erased ppr., supporting a
Laurie, a hill ppr. pillar or. cj. 39. 8 with a fleur-de-lis arg. {for Lawe).
(2) Three ears of wheat, one in pale
Laurie or Lawrie, Scotland, the trunk Lavers, a hand holding a crosier in bend and two in saltire enfiled with a ducal
of an oak-tree sprouting new branches sinister. 219. 4
ppr. Bepullulat. 145. 2 Laverye, a savage's head affrontee ppr. coronet, all or {for Drinkwater). Sajnens
Laurie, Craig-, Colonel John, the Red 190. 12 qtii assiduus.
Castle, Castle Douglas, Kircudbrightsh. Lavie, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's Lawes, Sir Charles Bennet, of Rothamp-
(i) The trunk of an oak-tree sprouting gamb ppr.. holding a cross crosslet stead Manor House, Herts, Kent, and
Norf., on a ducal coronet or, an ermme
ppr., and above the same a cross titched az. 36. 11
patee fitchee gu. {/or Laurie). A(2) Lavington, a covered cup arg. passant ppr.
Lawes of Rothampstead, Herts, a mount
chevalier on horseback in full career Law, Rt. Hon. Edward Downes, Baron
grasping a broken lance in bend ppr. EUenborough of Ellenborough, Cumb., vert, thereon the trunk of a tree
fessewise, eradicated and sprouting
{for Craig). Benedictio Dei ditat.— and 65, George Street, Portman Square,
Vive Deo ut vivas. 189. 5 W., a cock gu., chained round the neck to the dexter, surmounted by an ermine
and charged on the breast with a mitre
Laurie of Redcastle, Kirkcudbrightsh., passant ppr. Pour la foi.
Lawes, see Wittewrong.
the trunk of an oak-tree sprouting ppr., or. Compositum jus fasque animi.
above the same a cross patee ntch^e cf. 91. 2 Lawtord, a demi-lion holding between
the paws a naval coronet.
gu. Benedictio Dei ditat. Law, a cock gu. , charged on the breast with
Laurie, out of a mural coronet or, the a mitre pendent from a chain round Lawford,a demi-lion rampant erm., hold-
stump of an oak-tree sprouting out the neck or. Compositum, jus fasque ing between the paws a naval coronet
or, and in the mouth a laurel-branch
leaves ppr. animi.
Laurie, Rev. Sir John Robert Laurie Law, Edward Downes, Esquire, of 65, ppr. In utrumque paratus.
Emiluis Laurie, B.D., Bart., of Max- George Street, Portman Square, W., Lawford of London, a lion rampant ppr.,
j ducally crowned or, charged on the
shoulder %vith a mullet arg. hi Deo
welton, Dumfriessh., Scotland, a gar- same crest and motto.
land of laurel between two branches of Law, James Adeane, Esquire, J.P., of
the same, all ppr. Virtus semper viridis. the Caves, Ban well, Somers., same confido. cf. i. 12
Laurie of London, a WTeath of laurel ppr. crest and motto. Lawford, an arrow, point downwards, and
Virtus semper viridis. 146. 5 Law, a cock gu. Lex summa ratio. 91.2 a palm-branch in saltier, all ppr. 171. 7
Lawful, a cornucopia or, the flowers and
Laurie, Scotland, two branches of laurel Law, Scotland, a cock crowing. Sal
in saltier ppr. Viitus semper viridis. amico si mihi felix. 9i- - fruit ppr., and a trident az., in saltier.
Laurie of London, an arm in armour Law, William Thomas, Esquire. M.D., of Lawful, a helmet arg., plumed or. 180. 4
Lawler, on a dexter hand couped in fess
embowed ppr., garnished or, holding 5, Duchess Street, Portland Place, a
in the hand a wreath of laurel vert.
cock gu. Lex ratio summa. 91. 2 a falcon rising ppr.
c/. 199. 12 Law of Newton. Scotland, a cock's head Lawler, Ireland, a bull's head gu. cf. 44. 3
erased ppr. Nee obscura, nee ima. 90. i Lawless, Baron Cloncurry, see Cloncurry.
Laurie, Lieutenant-General John Wim-
Law of Burntoun, Fifesh., Scotland, a Lawless, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet
burne, C.B., M.P., 47, Porchester Ter- unicorn's head ppr. Nee obscura, nee a demi-man in armour and in profile
race, London, W.. and Oakfield, ppr., on his head a helmet of the same,
visor up, garnished or, thereon a plume
Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Peter George ima. 49. 7
Laurie, Esquire, Heron Court, Heron- Law of Lauriston, Edinburgh. Count of
gate, near Brentwood, Essex, a dexter the Empire of France, same crest and of feathers gu., holding in his dexter
hand a sword erect of the first, hilt
arm in armour embowed ppr., gar- motto. and pommel also or. Virtute et numine.
nished or, holding in the hand a wreath Law of East Kinevie, Scotland, a uni-
of laurel vert. Deeds]shew. corn's head erased ppr., charged with 229. 3
Laurie of Polmont, Linlithgowsh., Scot- a crescent or. Non obscura. nee ima. Lawless, Scotland, a boar's head couped
land, a dexter arm holding a slip of cf. 49. 5 az. 43. I
laurel ppr. Virtutem coronat opus. Law, Ireland, a dexter hand holding a Lawless, a demi-lion rampant ducally
219. 9 battle-axe ppr. 213. 12 crowned. 10. 11
Laurin, on a chapeau ppr., an eagle's Law, out of a tower a demi-griffin Lawley, Baron Wenlock, see Wenlock.
head az. .S3. 12 segreant. 1 57. 5 Lawley-Thompson (Baron Wenlock): (i)
Lauriston, an arm in armoiu- embowed Law of Rochester, Kent, a dove holding An arm embowed quarterly or and az.,
liolding in the hand a scimitar, all ppr. in its beak an olive-branch, all ppr. 92. 5 gauntleted ppr., grasping the truncheon
Justitia et Veritas. 196. 10 Law, on a wreath, arg. and vert, a dove of a tilting-spear or {for Thompson).
Lautour of Hexton House, Hitchin, close arg., beaked and legged gu., hold- A(2) wolf statant sa. {for Lawley).
Herts, an arm in armour embowed ing in the beak an olive branch slipped
ppr., between two wings sa., each en- Je veux de bonne guerre. 29. 2
to the sinister ppr., garnished or, sup-
Lawley, Shropsh. , a wolf statant sa. 29.2
porting with the gauntlet an escut- filed with a wreath of olive vert. Lawley, a wolf passant sa. Auspice
cheon erminois, charged with a fess, Law of Stanmore and Newington, Middx., Christo. 28. 10
embattled, cottised gu. a wolf's head erased gu., ducally gorged Lawlor, Huddleston-, Denys Alexander,
Lauty, Scotland, a dexter hand holding cf. 30. 8 Esquire, of Sawston Hall, Sawston,
a spear erect ppr. Laward, Laware, and Lawarre, out of a Cambs, and of Grenagh, co. Kerry
Lauzon, a mermaid with a mirror and a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head az., (I) Two arms embowed, dexter and
comb, all ppr. 184. 5 beaked of the first. 67. 9 sinister, vested and cufied arg., the
45 1 1.
hands ppr. holding a stone sa. (jar Lawrence, Scotland, an acorn slipped ( 2 ) On a mount vert, two arms embowed
Huddleston). 269.17. (2) On a mount couped at the elbow, vested erm., cuffed
and leaved vert. 152. I
vert, and in front of a spear-head in Lawrence of London, two trunks of trees or, supporting between the hands ppr.
pale, point upwards, a stag lodged, aU raguly in saltier, environed with a a sun in splendour, also or (for Lawson).
Lawson, Staffs, an arm in armour em-
—ppr. {for Lawlor). Mea culpa fides. chaplet vert. cf. 147. 9
bowed ppr., garnished or, holding in
Soli Deo honor et gloria. 269. 18 Lawrence of London, a saltire raguly
Lawnde, a hand in armour couped ppr., arg., encircled by two branches of the gauntlet a battle-axe, the handle
holding a cross crosslet fitched gu. laurel vert. gu., the head arg. 200. 6
Lawrence of Iver, Bucks, and Hants, a
210. 14 Lawson, Ireland, an arm from the elbow-
Lawrence, Baron (Lawrence), of the Pun- stag's head erased sa., platee, attired vested gu., the cuff indented or, hold-
jaub, and of Grately, Southamptonsh., or, ducally gorged arg. cf. 121. 2 ing a hoUy-branch ppr.
out of an Eastern coronet or, a cubit Lawrence, Freeling Jones, Esquire, the Lawson, Sir John, Bart., D.L., of Brough
arm entwined by a wreath of laurel and Lodge, Eliot Vale, Blackheath, S.E., a Hall, Yorks, on a cap of maintenance
holding a dagger, all ppr. Be ready. demi-talbotarg. Chwennych anrhyedd. gu., turned up erm., a martlet sa. Leve
272. 2 Lawrens, Dorset and Winchester, on a et rcluis. 05. i
Lawrence, Sir Henry Waldemar, Bart., chapeau gu., turned up erm., a talbot Lawson, Bart., a ram passant arg., his
J.P., of Alenho, Wimbledon, and 2,
Jlitre Court Buildings, Inner Temple, sejant of the first. 54. 14 foot resting on a quatre-foil, in mouth
same crest. Never give in. Lawrie, see Laurie.
a trefoil slipped vert. Of old I hold.
Lawrence, Bart., of Westbourne Terrace,
iliddx., on a wreath of the colours a Lawrie of the Moss. Stirling, Scotland, Lawson, Yorks, a wolf's head erased
wolf's head erased arg., crusilly and the stump of an oak-tree with a branch
charged with a pair of compasses ex- sprouting from either side ppr. I'll be ppr. collared vert, charged on the neck
tended sa. Per ardua stabilis. 249. 1 ,
Lawrence, Alfred Henry, Esquire, same wary. cf. 145. 2 above the collar with three bezants.
crest and motto.
Lawrie of London and Kent, the trunk Loyal secret. cf. 30. 1
Lawrence, Glouc, a wolf's head ppr.,
charged on the neck with a crescent of a laurel-tree eradicated sprouting Lawson, Andrew Sherlock, Aldborough
fresh branches ppr. Manor, near Boroughbridge, a wolf's
Lawrie, Scotland, the trunk of an oak- head erased ppr., collared vert, charged
tree in fess couped and raguly ppr.,
ensigned with a cross patee fitched on the neck with three bezants, one
arg., entwined with a laurel-branch
above and two below the collar.
or. cf. 30. 5 Lawson, Scotland, a leopard's head erased
Lawrence of FoxhaU, Glouc., a wolf's vert, fructed gu. Industria atque for- ppr. Surgo. lumen adest. 23. 10
head arg., charged on the neck with a tuna.
Lawson, a demi-lion rampant holding
cross crosslet gu. cf. 30. 5 Lawrie, Scotland, a fox current ppr. between the paws a mullet of six
Lawrence, a wolf's head couped ppr. 30. 5 Ingenio innumerato habe. cf. 32. 8 points. cf. 15. 8
Lawrence of Foxcote, Glouc, a fox's Lawrie, a monk holding in his dexter Lawson of Halbercot, Edinburgh, a garb
head ppr., charged with a bezant. hand a crucifix and in his sinister a or. Dominus providcbit. 153. 2
cf. 33- 4 rosary. Industria atque fortuna. Lawson, Alexander, Esquire, of Annfield,
Lawrence, Sir James John Trevor, Bart.,
cf. 187. 7 Fifesh., N.B., a garb or, banded gu.
Lawrie, Scotland, a dolphin naiant, and
F.R.G.S., F.R.H.S., of Eahng Park, Te splcndente.
Middx., a gryphon's head couped arg., behind it a laurel-tree fructed ppr. Lawston, Ireland, a cubit arm vested gu.,
in front thereof a serpent nowed ppr. Industria atque fortuna. cf. 140. 5 the cuff indented or, holding in the
Mente et lahore. cf. 66. i Laws, an elephant statant ppr. 133. o hand a holly-branch ppr.
Lawrence, Ireland, a griffin sejant hold- Laws, Durh. and Scotland, a cock ppr. Lawton, a wolf passant. 28. 10
ing in the dexter claw a garland of Compositum jus fasque atiimi. qi. 2 Lawton of Lawton, Chesh., a demi-wolf
laurel ppr. 62. 9 Lawse, Kent and Norf., on a ducal salient regardant arg., vulned in the
Lawrence of Cirencester, Glouc, a grif- coronet or, an ermine passant ppr. shoulder gu., and licking the wound.
fin's head erased. 66. 2 Lawson of Hall Barn, Bucks, see Levy. Lawton, John William Edward, Esquire.
Lawrence, Hants, on a chapeau gu., Lawson of Brayton, Northumb., and a demi-wolf rampant arg., licking a
turned up erm. , a talbot sej ant gu. 5 4. 1 Durh., issuing out of clouds ppr., two wound in the right shoulder.
Lawrence of London, a dolphin naiant arms embowed vested erminois, cuffed
Lawton, a demi-lion arg., ducally crowned
sa., supporting the sun ppr. Quod
ppr. 140. 5 or. 10. II
Lawrence, Glouc, the lower part of a ho7iestum. utile. 276. 1 Lax of St. Ibbs, Herts, on a mount vert.
fish in pale, couped ppr. Lawson, De Cardonnel-, of Cramlington a catharine-wheel or. cf. 167. 2
Lawrence, a demi-turbot arg., tail up- Hall, Northumb. : (i) Two arms em- Laxton, issuing out of a tower ppr., a
wards. bowed vested erm. supporting the sun demi-griffin 01;. 157. 5
Lawrence, Rev. Charles, of Lisreaghan, ppr. (for Lawson). (2) A goldfinch Lay, an escallop or, charged with a saltier
Lawrencetown, co. Galway, a demi- ppr., charged on the breast with a tre- gu., all between two wings of the first.
turbot, tail erect ppr. (for Bellevue). foil vert (for De Cardonnel). Rise and cf. 141. 7
In cruce solus. Lay, Horatio Nelson, Esquire, a demi-
shine. cf. 108. 8
unicorn arg., collared vair, resting the
Lawrence, Christian William, Esquire, Lawson, Northumb., two arms couped at sinister foot on a cross patonce sa.
J.P., of SandyweU Park, and Seven- Through.
hampton Manor, both near Andovers- the elbow, habited erm., cuffed arg.,
holding in the hands ppr. a ring or,
ford. R.S.O., Glouc, same crest and Layard of St. George's, Westminster,
gemmed gu. , within the ring the sun in
motto. splendour ppr. Middx., out of a ducal coronet or, a
muUet of six points of the same. Ju-
Lawrence, Rev. Anthony Cocks, of Whit- Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, Bart., of Brayton,
tington, Glouc, same crest and motto.
Cumb., out of clouds ppr., two arms vante Deo.
Lawrence, Jliddx., Bucks, and Hunts, a embowed vested erminois, cuffed sa., Laycock, Joseph Frederick, Wiseton,
Bawtry, Notts, a cock arg., combed,
demi-turbot in pale gu., the tail up- holding in the hands a sun in splendour, jellopped, and legged gu., supporting
with the dexter claw a gauntlet sa.
wards. also ppr. Quod honestum, utile. Semper paratus.
Lawrence, a sea-lion party per fesse arg. Lawson, Sir Arthur Tredgold, Bart., of
and ppr. Que pensez. 20. 2 Weetwood Grange, Leeds, between
Lawrence of Rugby, a lion's gamb erased two arms embowed ppr. holding a sun Layer, a mullet of six points gu.
or, holding a branch of dates vert, in splendour, a trefoil slipped, the 164. 3
Layer, Norf., a imicom's head erased
fructed, also or, the husks arg. whole surmounted by a rainbow, also
Lawrence, two laurel-branches vert, in ppr. Surge et fulge. -99- 12 arg. 49. 5
orle. 146. 5 Lawson-Smith, Edward Maule, Esquire, LayQeld, Essex, a bull's head cabossed
Lawrence, Joseph. Esquire, of 2, White- of Colton Lodge, Tadcaster : (i) On a sa. 43. 8
Layland, on a terrestrial globe a ship
hall Court, S.W., on a mount vert, a mount vert, a stork arg., holding in
gridiron ppr. Ardent. the beak a serpent ppr. (for Smith). sailing, all ppr. 160. i
511 '
Layland-Barratt, Francis. Esquire, of Leadbitter, Gibson-, of Warden House, Leake of Mile End, Middx., a ship gun-
68. Cadogan Square, London, S.W., near Hexham, Northumb. : A(i) | carriage, and on it a piece of ordnance
j mounted, all ppr. Pari animo.
and Tregarne Lodge, St. Austell, fin's head sa., erased gu., pierced
Cornw., a bear sa., muzzled, semee through the mouth by an arrow fesse- Leake, late Sir Luke Samuel, of Perth, in
of escallops, and resting the dexter ways or, and charged upon the neck the colony of Western Australia,
fore-paw on an escallop, all or. Ciii for distinction with a cross crosslet of Speaker of the Legislative Council of
deheo fidus. ^7' • '5 the last {for Leadbitter). cf. 296. 8. that colony, a tilting-spear erect be-
tween four peacock's feathers ppr.,
Layman, a demi-bull rampant ppr. 2( ) In front of a atork rising arg. , holding encircled by an annulet or. Persever-
in the beak an olive-branch ppr.,
c/. 45- 8
Layton of Delmajme, Cumb.. a lion's between two ears of wheat or, a water- ando.
head erased arg., gorged with a coUar bouget sa. (for Gibson). Fidelis. Leaky, Ireland, a horse-shoe ppr. 158. 6
sa.. charged with three bezants. Leadbitter, Thomas Francis, of Warden, Leale, Leall, or Lealle, out of a ducal
c/. i8. 6 ^ coronet a sceptre entwined by a ser-
Northumberland (postal address, and
Layton, Scotland, a demi-lion rampant. Auckland House, Willesden Lane, pent between two wings, all ppr.
In omnia paratvs. lo. 2 N.W.), a griffin's head sa., erased gu., cf. 170. 13
Layton, Lines and Yorlcs, out of a mural pierced through the mouth with an Lear of London, two hands issuing from
coronet two wings expanded arg., each arrow fesseways or, point to the clouds and grasping the trunk of an
charged with a cross crosslet fitched sinister. 296. 8 oak-tree ppr. 224. 10
sa. 22/. II Leadbitter-Smith, Matthew Edward, Es- Lear-Cholwich, see Cholwich.
Layton, issuant from a mural coronet quire, of Flass Hall, Durh.: (i) A Lear, Rev. Canon Francis, Bishopstone
two wings displayed arg., each charged stag lodged arg., semee of estoiles az., Rectory, near Salisbury, a demi-
with a cross crosslet fitchee sa. Dot attired and gorged with an Eastern unicorn holding between the feet a
euro quielem. 227. 1 crown, the chain reflexed over the back staff raguly in pale. Quicquid agis
Layworth, Oxon., a lapwing ppr., resting Aor (for Smith). (2) griffin's head
his dexter claw on a lieur - de - Us sa., erased gu., pierced through the Learmont and Learmonth, of Balcomie,
or. mouth with an arrow fesseways or (for Scotland, a rose gu., stalked and leaved
Lazarus, a hand ppr., holding a dragon's Leadbitter). Vigilans. 296. 8 vert. Spero. 149. 5
head erased vert. Leader, a demi- black negro holding in Learmonth, Scotland, a dove holding in
Lea, Sir Thomas, Bart., in front of a his dexter hand an arrow and a quiver its beak an olive-branch ppr. bum
mount vert, thereon a denii-heraldic of arrows at his back, all ppr. 185. 6 spiro, spero. 92. 5
antelope arg., supporting a bird- bolt Leader of Much Stoughton, Hunts, an Learmonth, John Livingstone, of 11,
arm embowed vested vert, with two
erect or, three pheons fesse wise sa. pallets gu., the hand holding a sprig Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, Lon-
of rosemary flowered ppr.
Semper fidelis. don, W. : (i) On the "dexter side, a
Lea, Scotland, a lion rampant or. An- Leader of Buntingford, Herts, and of
Moor End, Sheffield, an arm embowed dove holding in its beak an olive-
issuing from an annidet and vested or,
other, arg. I. 13 charged with two pallets engrailed sa., branch ppr. {for Learmonth). 92. 5
(2) On the sinister side, a dexter
Lea, Rev. Thomas Simcox, M.A., of
Dum —hand grasping a sabre ppr. (for Living-
Astley Hall, Worcs., a beaver ppr.,
semee-de-lis or, holding in the mouth stone). spiro, spero. Si possim.
a branch of willow ppr. Spe vitce the hand holding a sprig of three roses 212. 13
ppr. Virtus solus ducum.
melioris. Leader, Holland Waterhouse, Esquire, Learmonth, Andrew James Livingstone,
of 34. Prussia Road, Hoylake, near and Somerville Livingstone Learmonth,
Lea, a stag's head erased or. 121. 2 Birkenhead, same crest and motto.
Leader, Robert, Esquire, of 138, Man- both of Ercildoun, Victoria, Australia ;
Lea, a stag's head erased arg. 121. 2 Thomas Livingstone Learmonth of
Lea of Halesowen Grange, Worcs., a ParkhaU, Stirhng, Scotland: (i) On
unicorn arg., guttee-de-poix, gorged
with a double tressure flory and coun- chester Road, Sheffield, same crest the dexter side, a dove holding in its
and motto.
terflory gu. Contentus paucis. beak an olive-branch ppr. (for Lear-
Lea, His'Honour Judge George Harris, of Leader of Ashgrove, co. Cork, Ireland,
an arm embowed habited paly wavy of month). 92. 5. (2) On the sinister
Longworth, Heref., in front of a mount six vert and gu., the hand grasping a
vert, thereon a demi-heraldic antelope branch of three roses gu., barbed and side, a dexter hand grasping a sabre
leaved, all ppr. Probum nan pcenitet.
arg., supporting a bird-bolt erect or, Dumppr. (for Livingstone). spiro,
three pheons fesseways sa. Semper 212. 13
—spero. t?! possim.
Leary, Ireland, a dexter hand ppr., hold-
fidelis. 284. 10 j ing an oak-branch vert, fructed or.
Leader, William Nicholas, Esquire, J.P.,
Leach and Leache, out of a ducal coronet D.L., of Dromagh Castle, Kanturk, Leash, Scotland, a demi-lion rampant
or, a lion's gamb holding a cross cross- CO. Cork, an arm habited paly of six gu., holding in his dexter paw a thistle
let fitched sa. 36. 1 vert and gu., holding in the hand ppr. ppr.. and in the sinister a fleur-de-lis
Leach, a swan with wings expanded arg., \ 13. 12
a branch of three roses barbed and or.
standing on a trumpet. cf. 100. 6 leaved ppr. Leash of that ilk. Scotland, a crescent
Leach, Cornw., a hand couped at the Leaf of Park Hill, Streatham, a dove arg. Virtute crcsco. 163. 2
WTist grasping a snake. 220. 2 rising ppr., resting the dexter claw on Leash, out of a mural coronet a beacon
Leach of Stoke Climsland, Cornw., out a staff-tree leaf or. inflamed between two wings.
j 112. 5
of a ducal coronet or, a dexter cubit Leahy, Ireland, a demi-savage holding
arm grasping a serpent, all ppr. I over his shoulder a club, aU ppr. Leatham, a dexter arm in armour bran-
e/. 220. 2 186. dishing a scimitar. Maintien le droit.
Leacroft, Captain Edward Ranulph, Leahy of Shanakiel House, co. Cork, Leatham, Arthur William, Yorks, and of
Esquire. 3rd Derby Regiment, Row- Ireland, out of a mural coronet ppr., Misarden Park, Cirencester, on a nest
berrow Manor House, Congresbury, a demi-lion rampant grasping in his an eagle with wings elevated or, the
Somers., a dexter hand holding a dexter pa%v a sceptre, all or, and nest and wings fretty vert. Virtute
wreath, all ppr. Fari quae serUiat. charged on the shoulder with a tower vinces.
Leadbetter, Greenshields-, Thomas, Es- gu. Toui vient de Dieu. Leatham, Samuel Gurney. Esquire, of
quire, of Stobieside, Strathaven, N.B., Leak, a hand holding up a heart, all ppr. Hemsworth Hall, Yorks, same crest
and Edmonston, Biggar, N.B., issuing 216. 9 and motto.
out of a mural coronet gu., a demi- Leak and Leake, on each side of a garb a Leatham, Claude, Solicitor, Wentbridge,
unicorn erm., armed, crined, and ungu. ; bird pecking at it with wings endorsed. Pontefract, Yorks, same crest and
or. Tula limens. 2g6. 6 Leake, Robert, Esquire, of Little Mis- motto.
Leadbitter of Deptford, near Sunderland, senden Abbey, Bucks, a garb ppr., Leather, Gerard Frederick Towlerton,
Durh., on a mural coronet gu., a demi- supported by two popinjays rising or, of Aliddleton Hall, Northumb., and
unicorn erminois, erased of the first, and pecking at k. Versus eternum Leventhorpe Hall, Yorks, a demi-lion
armed and crined or. 1 viator. I rampant sa., charged on the shoulder
with three mullets of six points, two Lecbmere, Sir Edmund Anthony Harley, Le Despencer, a griffin's head ppr. 66. i
and one or, and holding between the Bart. ,of Rhydd Court, VVorcs. , a pelican I<e Despencer, Baron (Stapleton), out of
paws a fountain ppr. Nil nisi quod
az. , vulning herself ppr. Christus peli- a ducal coronet or. a Saracen's head
hoiiestum. 2q6. 5 cano. 98. T —affrontee ppr., wreathed arg. and sa.
Leather-Culley, Arthur Hugo, Esquire, Lechmere of Hanley, a pehcan ppr. 98. i Pro magna charta. Ne vile fano.
Leehmere, Edmund Henry Scudamore, Ledgcomb, an elephant's head erased.
of Fowberry Tower, near Belford,
Northumb. :"(i) In front of an oak- of Fownhope Court, Heref., a pelican 133- 3
164. 12
tree ppr., a talbot statant per pale az., vulning herself ppr. Ducit amor Ledger, an escarbuncle az.
az. and or, gorged with a collar geraelle patriae. 98. i Ledger, Walter Edwin. A.R.I.B.A., of 5,
Wilton Road, Wimbledon, an escar-
arg., and holding in the mouth a lily Lechmere, Middx. and Heref., a pelican
slipped ppr., and charged for distinc- az., vulning herself ppr. 98. i buncle az.. fleiu-ette arg.
tion upon the shoulder with a cross IiCCk of HoUybush, Ayrsh., and of Wood- Lediard of Cirencester, Glouc, a wolfs
Acrosslet or {for Culleij). 27S. 3. (2) end, Lanarksh., a wolf's head erased head erased per pale pean and gu. 30. 8
demi-lion sa., holding in the paws a ppr. Virtutis prcemium. 30. 8 Ledlie, a ram's head couped arg., armed
fountain, and charged on the shoulder Leckey of Craigavoran, Queen's Co., or, and behind it a crosier in bend
Ireland, an anchor in pale ppr., cabled
with three mullets of six points, two or and gu., surmounted by a boar's sinister ppr. cf. 130. i
head erased and erect az. Giibernat
and one or {for Leather). Atnicos navem Deus. Ledsam, a bull's head erased or. 44. 3
semper amaf. 278. 4 Ledsam of Chad Hill, Warw., a Cornish
Leathes of Leathes and Dalehead, Cumb., chough ppr. Fac et spera. 107. 14
a lion's head affrontee ppr. Leckie, Scotland, an anchor in pale, Ledwicb, Ireland, an eagle displayed gu.
cabled ppr. Deus guiernat navem.
Leathes, Hill Mussenden, Herringfieet 75- 2
Ledwicb, Ireland, a lion rampant gu.
AHall, Suff. : (i) demi-grififin rampant 161. 2
armed and langued gu. {for Leathes). Leckie, Scotland, in the sea vert, a ship I- 13
in distress ppr. At spes non fracta. Lee, Viscount Dillon, see Dillon.
(2) A dove with an olive-branch in its Lee, Earl of Lichfield {extinct), out of the
—beak, all ppr. {for Mussenden). In 160. 14 coronet of a marquess or, a demi-stone
column arg., on its capital an eagle's
ardua virtus. Tending to peace. Leckie or Lecky, an arm embowed hold- leg erased at the thigh and preyed
upon by a falcon, all ppr. Fide et con-
Leaton Blenkinsopp, Northumb. and ing a club ppr. 202. 10
ADurh. : ( I ) lion rampant or {for Leckie, two arms, dexter and sinister,
Blenkinsopp). I. 13. (2) Out of a couped at the wrist issuing, holding
mural coronet ppr., two eagle's wings between them a two-handed sword, all stantia.
expanded arg., each charged with a ppr. 213. 3 Lee of Quarendon, Bucks, and Ditchley,
Lecky, see Browne-Lecky. Oxon., a falcon or, with wings close
cross crosslet fitched sa. (for Leaton). gu., preying on an eagle's leg lying
fesswise az.
Dieu defende le droit. 227. i Lecky of Castle Lecky, co. Derry, and
BallyhoUand House, co. Down, a wild Lee, Gordon Ambrose de Lisle, Esquire.
Leatt of London, on a mural coronet or, boar's head erased ppr. Semper Blueraantle Pursuivant of Arms, of
Selwood Lodge, Elm Place, South
a fire- beacon sa., inflamed ppr., between Kensington, upon an eagle's leg fesse-
ways erased at the thigh, the claw to
two wings az. 112. 5 paratus. 42. 2 the sinister az., a falcon belled or,
legged gu., twined round the body and
Leaver, an arm embowed holding a club, Lecky, Sir Thomas, of Greystone Hall, neck by a hawk's lure sa. Fide et
all ppr. 202. 10 Limavady, co. Londonderry, a boar's constantia.
Lee, Scotland and Calcutta, the upper
Le Bailly, Jersey, a demi-lion ppr. Deus head erased. Utere dum potes.
part of a column, thereon a falcon
fortissima turris. 10. 2 Lecky, Ireland, a fawn trippant ppr. preying on a heron's leg erased arg.
Fide et constantia.
Le Bareu, a muUet ppr. 164. 2 124. :2 Lee, William Blackstone, Somerset House,
Seend, Mellvsham, Wilts, on a staff
Le Blanc of London and Middx., and Lecky, the late William Edward Hart- raguly a squirrel cracking a nut, from
the dexter end of the staff
Rouen, an eagle displayed sa., ducally pole, Esquire, of Ballyvale, co. Carlow, branch fructed, all ppr. Ne
and Kilbracken, Queen's Co., an anchor
crowned or, charged on the breast in pale ppr., cabled or and gu., sur-
mounted by a boar's head erased and
with a cinq uefoil of the last. Sans erect az. Gubernat navem, Deus.
Le Cocq of Jersey, Guernsey, and Alder-
tache. 74. 14 ney, a cock crowing with wings ex-
tended sa.
Le Blond, see Blond.
Le Bon, out of a ducal coronet or, a
plume of ostrich -feathers ppr. Con-
fido. cf. 114. 8
Lecawell, a unicorn arg., armed gu. Leconfield, Baron (Wyndham), of Lecon-
field. in the East Riding of the county of
cf. 48. 5 futuri.
York, a lion's head erased or, within a
Leche, two lion's gambs erased sa., hold- fetterlock, the lock or, and the bow Lee-Guinness : (i) A boar passant
countercompony or and az., the head
ing up a crescent arg. 39. 6
charged with a saltire wavy gu. Au
Leche, John Hurleston, of Garden Park, quarterly or and gu. {for Guinness).
40. 9. (2) On a pillar arg., encircled
Chesh., out of a ducal coronet a cubit by a ducal coronet or, an eagle preying
arm ppr., the hand grasping a snake
vert. cf 29. 6 Le Couteur, Jersey: (i) A dove holding on a bird's leg erased ppr. {for Lee).
Leche of Chatsworth, Derbysh., out of a in the beak an olive-branch, all ppr. Spes mea in Deo. 248. I
ducal coronet or, an arm erect ppr., A92. 5. (2) sword and a sprig of Lee of Fitehworth, Sussex, a stag's head
grasping a leech or snake environed laurel in saltire ppr. Toujours prest. erased or. 121. 2
round the arm vert. cf. 220. 2 Le Couteur of St. John la Hougue Boete, Lee, Middx., a cock arg., combed and
Leche, out of a ducal coronet or, an arm Jersey, on an ivy-wreath erect or, an wattled or, beaked and legged gu. 91.2
in pale ppr., the hand grasping a snake —owl sa. La vita il fin e'l di loda la sera. Lee-Norman, Luke Alexander, Esquire,
Boni virtutis amore.
entwined roimd the arm vert. cf. 220. 2 M.A., J.P., D.L.. of CorboUis, Ardee,
Lechford, Surrey, a leopard's head per Le Cronier, Jersey, a mastiff ppr. Je CO. Louth : (i) A lion passant gardant
Appr. {for Norman). 278. 2. (2) demi-
pale arg. and sa., between two wings garde ma foy. lion rampant grasping a sceptre, all
counterchanged. Lecton of Wilbome, Lines, a savage's
Lechford of Shelwood, Surrey, a unicorn's head couped at the shoulders affrontee ppr. {for Lee). Honor virtutis prce-
head erased arg., armed and maned mium. 27S. I
or, and bearing on the horn a serpent ppr., wreathed round the temples gu.
and or. igo. 5 Lee-Dillon, Hon. Harry Lee Stanton, of
ppr. cf. 49. 5 Leder of Great Stoughton, Hants, a Ditchley, Enstone. Oxon., a demi-Uon
Lechingham of Wendover, Bucks, and dexter hand holding a sheaf of arrows rampant gu., holding between the paws
Beds, a ram's head cabossed or. ppr. 214. 3 Duman estoile arg. spiro spero.
130- 7 Leder, a cubit arm vested bendy sinis- Lee, Ireland, a demi-Uon rampant er-
Lechmere, Baron Lecbmere {extinct), out
ter of six gu. and vert, holding in the minois, navally crowned az., holding
of a ducal coronet a pelican or, vulning
hand ppr. a bunch of leaves of the between the paws a sceptre sa. Cou-
herself ppr.
Lee of Tralee, co. Kerry, Ireland, on a Lee, Vaughan-, Major Arthur Vaughan erect grasping a snake entwined about
ducal coronet or, a lion rampant sa.,
holding in the dexter paw a sword Hanning, Dilliugton, near Ilminster : the arm, all ppr. 220. 2
ppr., pommel and hilt of the first.
(i) On a mount vert, a leopard passant Leech, John Cyril, Esquire, of Hurdcott
Fide et lorlitudine.
ppr., supporting with the dexter fore- House, Wilts, an arm erect ppr.,
Lee, Cornw. and Wilts, a lion sejant or. paw a shield az., charged with two bars grasping a snake vert. Virtus est
gemelle arg. (jor Lee). (2) In front of venerabilis.
8. 8 a boy's head affrontee, around his neck Leech, Stephen, Esquire, of San Martino,
Lee of Ebford, Devonsh., a bear sejant a snake entwined ppr., a bugle-horn sa. Portofino, Italy, same crest and motto.
ppr. , muzzled and chained or. cj. 34. 8
{jor Vaughan). Leechman and Leeshman, Scotland, a
Lee, Lennox Bertram, Esquire, of How
Lee of Dulce, Kent, and Southwell, Notts, pelican ppr. Industries munus. 98. i
Caple Court, Heref., a bear passant
arg., collared and chained az., charged a demi-Moor ppr., vested gu., the Leeds, Duke of (Osborne) : ( I ) An heraldic
upon the body with two cinquefoils of
the last, re.sting the dexter fore-paw sleeves arg., rimmed round the collar tiger passant or, tufted and maned sa.
on an escutcheon or, thereon a fleur-de- with two bars or, tied round the waist A(jor Osborne). 25. 5. (2) dolphin
lis, also az. Patitur qui vincit. 256. 4 with a ribbon arg., wreathed about head naiant sa. {jor Godolphin). 140. 5.
Lee of HartweU, Bucks: (i) A bear of the last and gu., and holding in j ! (3) On a chapeau gu., turned up erm.,
a bull sa., armed or (jor D'Arcy). Pax
passant sa., muzzled, collared, and his
chained, the chain reflexed over the dexter hand a gem ring of the third.
Aback arg. (for Lee), cj. 34. i. (2)
185. 9 in bello. cj. 45. 9
demi-horse rampant arg., charged on
Lee of London, a dexter hand in fess, Leeds or Leedes, Berks, Lines, Middx.,
the shoulder with a fleur-de-lis for
difference (jor Fiott). Verum atque holding a sword in pale ppr. Forte and Yorks, on a staff raguly vert, a
non igiiare. cj. 223. 10 cockatrice with wings addorsed or,
Lee of Liverpool, a cubit arm erect vested ' combed and wattled gu. cj. 68. 4
gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand a Leeds, Sir Edward Temple, Bart., of
spear, point downwards. 207. 14 Croxton Park, Cambs, a staff raguly
decern. cj. 53. 2 Lee, Ireland, issuing out of a cloud a fesseways vert, thereon a cock with
Lee, Thomas, Esquire, J. P., of Alder hand erect holding a sealed letter. wings expanded gu., combed, wattled,
House, Atherton, Lanes, a bear passant 215. 7 beaked, and legged or, the whole de-
bruised by a bendlet sinister wavy erm.
arg.. muzzled, collared, and chained or. Lee, out of a ducal coronet or. an arm
Patitur qui vincit. in armour embowed, holding a dart VigUate. 305. 4
Lee of Holborough Court, Kent, a bear
ppr. cj. 19S. 4 Leeds, on a chapeau a cock statant, wings
statant ppr., muzzled gu., collared and
chained arg. Verum atque decens. Lee of Lady-hole, Derbysh., an arm I elevated.
armour embowed ppr., bandaged or, . Leeds, a bombshell sa., fired ppr.
cj. 34- I gauntleted az., and holding a battle- 177. 12
Lee, Bart, {extinct), of Hartwell, Bucks, axe ppr. .the staff also or. cj. 200. 6 Leek, a demi-lion gardant, holding in its
a bear passant sa., muzzled, collared, Lee of the Abbey, Knaresborough, an dexter paw a fleur-de-lis.
and chained, the chain reflexed over arm in armour holding a battle-axe, all Leeke of Newark-on-Trent, Notts, a
the back arg. cj. 34. i Dumppr. spiro, spero. peacock's tail erect, the plume dis-
Lee of London, a bear statant ppr., Lee, Herts, a dexter arm in armour played ppr., supported by two eagles
muzzled gu., collared and chained ]
embowed, holding in the hand a sword with wings expanded arg.
arg., charged on the shoulder with a arg., hilt and pommel or. from the Leeke, Colonel Ralph, late Grenadier
bezant. cj. 34. i blade flames of fire issuing ppr. Guards, of Longford, Shropsh., a leg
couped at the thigh encircled by a
Lee of Coldrey, Hants, on a mount vert, | garter az., charged with two fleurs-de-
a bear passant ppr., muzzled and 195. 8 •
Lee, Essex and Leics, an arm embowed
chained or. cj. 34. 5 habited gu., cuffed arg., holding in lis. Agendo gnaviter.
Lee of Lee. Wincham, and Darnhall, the hand ppr. a sword in pale of the Leeke, Shropsh., a leg arg., couped at the
Chesh., on a ducal coronet or, a | thigh, gartered az., passing through
second, the hilt or, on the blade a
leopard's face sa. cj. 22. 2 snake entwined vert. cj. 24. i several blades of grass vert.
Lee, Major- General Henry Herbert, of Lee-Grattan-Guinness, Arthur William, : Leeke, Shropsh., a tuft of long grass and
Dynas Powis, Glamorgansh. , on a ducal A( I ) boar passant quarterly or and ] thereon a leg flexed at the knee ppr.,
gu. {jor Guinness). (2) On a mount j and couped at the middle of the thigh
coronet or, a leopard's face sa. Fortiter
vert, a falcon, wings elevated, holding gu., gartered below the knee az.. ends
sed suaviter. cj. 22. 2
Lee of London, a talbot's head arg., in the dexter claw a sceptre, all ppr. pendent, charged on this thigh with a
collared az., to the collar a ring and
{jor Grattan). 24S. 7. (3) On a fleur-de-lis or. Agendo gnaviter.
a line nowed of the last. cj. 56. I wreath of the colours on a pillar arg., Leeke of Edmonton, Middx., a leg couped
Lee, out of a ducal coronet a ram's head encircled by a ducal coronet or, an at the thigh arg., gartered below the
holding in its mouth a branch, all ppr.
eagle preying on a bird's leg erased knee az.
Lee, Shropsh., a squirrel sejant cracking —ppr. {jor Lee). Under the arms {jor Leeks, a tree ppr. 143. 5
a nut. 135- 7 Guinness) : Spes mea in Deo. Over Leeky, Ireland, a dexter hand holding a
Lee, Shropsh., on a staff raguly a squirrel the crest {jor Grattan) : Esse quam dagger ppr. 212.9
cracking a nut, from the'dexter end of videri. 24S. I Leeming of Greaves House and Lent-
the staff an oak-branch bearing acorns Lee-Warner, Henry, Esquire, of Walsing- worth Hall, Lanes, upon a rock ppr.,
issuing, all ppr. ham Abbey, Norf., a squirrel sejant a cross patonce or, between two
Lee, Shropsh., the stem of an oak-tree
gu., between two branches of oak ostrich-feathers arg.
lying fesseways couped and raguly,
sprouting out one branch fructed ppr., fructed ppr., cracking a nut or. Non Leeming, John Fishwick, Esquire, of
on the tree a squirrel sejant crack- nobis iantum nati. Whalley Range, near Manchester, be-
ing an acorn, all ppr. Fidei virtutem tween two crosses potent az., a dexter
; arm embowed in armour, the hand
Lee-Warner, Rev. James, M.A., of Thorp-
land Hall, Fakenham, Norf.. same
adde. crest and motto. grasping a sword, all ppr., charged with
Lee of Fishburn, Durh., an heraldic
Leech or Leeebe, on a glove a hawk, all two oak-leaves, the one above and the
antelope's head erased arg., peUettee, 1
maned, tufted, and attired sa., hold-
ing in the mouth a white lily slipped ppr. 86. 1 2 other below the elbow vert. In hoc
Leech of Cloonconra, co. Mayo, Ireland, signovinces. 255-9
out of a ducal coronet or, charged Leeper or Leper, co. Donegal, a leopard's
ppr- with a trefoil vert, an arm erect ppr., face per pale or and sa. Begi patriceque.
Lee, a leopard passant, bezantee.
grasping a snake environed about the 22. 2
cj. 24. 2 arm, also vert. Virtute et valore. Lees, Eric Brown, J.P., of Thurland
Lee, Somers., a leopard passant ppr., cj. 220. 2 Castle, Kirkby Lonsdale, Lanes, in
supporting an escutcheon, thereon be- Leech, John Henry, Esquire, of Kippure front of two cross crosslets fitchee
tween four cotises arg. three leopard's
House, Kilbride, co. Wloklow, Ireland, r saltirewise gu., a falcon belled arg.
on a wreath of the colours a cubit arm
faces sa. cj. 24. 5 Fide sed cui vide. 85. 5
Lees, a serpent erect, the tail nowed, Leeson, on a ducal coronet three arrows, Le Gallais, Jersey, a cock statant, the
holding in it3 mouth a garland of points downward, wreathed about with dexter foot uplifted. cf. 91. 2
laurel vert. 142. 7 a serpent ppr. 173. 2 Legard, Leics. and Yorks, a greyhound
| or, collared gu., charged with three
Lees, Sir Harcourt James, Bart., of Black Leeson, on a chapeau gu., turned up or,
Rock, CO. Dublin, a dexter hand couped a phojnix in flames ppr. 82 1 bezants.
above the wrist and erect ppr. grasping Lee-Steere, H. C, Esquire, of Jayes Park, Legard, Bart., of Ganton, Yorks, a grey-
a crescent or. Exegi. 216. 8 Ockley, Surrey: (i) An arm em- nd or, collared sa., studded arg.
Lees, Sir Elliott, Bart., South Lytchett bowed, vested gu., cuffed arg., holding Per crucem ad Stellas. cf. 60.
Manor, Poole, Dorset, on a miUrind
in the hand ppr. a sword erect of the Legard, Colonel James Digby, Welham,
fesse wise sa., an owl arg. Without second, hilted or, on the blade a snake Malton, Yorks, same crest and
haste, without rest. entwined vert. (2) Out of a mural motto.
Lees of Acomb Park, Yorks, a lion coronet per pale gu. and sa., a lion's Legard, Albert George, Esquire, of Gib-
rampant gu., supporting a flagstaff
entwined by a wreath of oak fructed gamb erect arg., armed of the first raltar Cottage, Monm.. same crest and
, (for Steere). Tu ne cede malis. motto.
ppr., thereon a banner of the arms, Leet or Lete, of Eversden and Kingston, Legal or Leggatt of Edinburgh, Scot-
namely, per fesse or and gu., a fesse Cambs, and Southoe, Hunts, on a ducal land, a cherub's head ppr. Jesus ,
dovetailed per fesse embattled between
two falcons belled in chief and a lion coronet an antique lamp or, the flames Hominum Salvator. 1S9. 9
rampant in base, all counterchanged.
ppr. 177. 7 Legat, two lion's gambs in pale gu., sup-
Leete, William John, Esquire, of 38, porting a mitre or.
In dubiis rectus. Eaton Terrace, London, S.W., a lion Legatt, a sea-lion sejant arg. 20. 2
Lees, Francis Gerald, Esquire, of Wer- rampant quarterly or and gu., holding Leger, a pheon with part of the shaft
neth, Oldham, Lanes, a lion rampant between the paws a sun in splendour therein. 174. 10
gu.. supporting a flagstaff entwined by ppr., and resting the dexter hind-leg on Legett, two lion's gambs supporting a
a wTeath of oak fructed ppr., there- an escutcheon gu., charged with a lamp I regal crown, all ppr.
from flowing a banner of the arms, or, fired az. Fide et amore. Le Geyt, Jersey, a lion's head couped ppr.
viz., per fesse or and gu., a fesse dove- Le Fleming, Stanley Hughes, Esquire, Quo fata vacant. 21. i
tailed per fesse embattled between J. P., D.L., of Rydal Hall, Ambleside : Leggat or Leggatt, an arm from the elbow
two falcons beUed in chief and a lion
rampant in base, all counterchanged. A(i) serpent nowed, holding in the habited counter-compony gu. and or,
In dubiis rectus. 1
Lees, William, Esquire, of Brooklands, mouth a wreath of olives and vine- holding in the hand a mill-rind.
I 207. 4
Aleaves, all ppr. (for Le Fleming). (2)
lion couchant resting the dexter paw on Legg, Rev. William, MA., of Newbury,
Sale, Chesh., in front of a cotton-hank a fountain (for Hughes). Pax. copia, Berks, a dexter arm in armour sa.,
fesseways or, thereon an owl close hold- I sapientia. garnished or, holding in the hand a
ing in the beak a branch of a cotton- Leete, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suff., a demi- roll of paper arg.. Between roses or.
tree, a distaff fesseways, also ppr. bull gu., gorged with a chaplet of laurel Tolle, lege. 267. 7
Perge sed caute. I vert. (•/. 45. 14 Legg, see Rowan-Legg.
249. iS
Lees, Joseph, Esquire, J.P., of Werneth Leeth, a demi-griffin segreant gu., winged Legge, Earl of Dartmouth, see Dart-
Grange, Oldham, and Bank Hall, az., charged on the body with two mouth.
Preston, same crest and motto. fleurs-de-lis or. cf. 64. 2 Legge, Baron Stawell (extinct), out of a
Lees, Joseph Crompton, Esquire, of Leeves of Tortington, Sussex, on a raoimt ducal coronet or, a plume of five ostrich-
Newtown Manor, co.. Sligo, a mount, vert, a swan with wings elevated arg., feathers, three arg. and two az. En
thereon amidst wheat a mower, in his ducally crowned and gorged or, a chain parole je vis. 114. 13
hands a scythe in the attitude of
mowing, all ppr. Ein doe and spare reflexed over the back therefrom of Legge, Rev. Augustus George, M.A., of
the same, charged on the breast with Bramdean House, Alresford, out of a
nought. three pellets, two and one, beaked and ducal coronet or, a plume of five
Lees, Joseph Arthur, Esquire, J.P., B.A., merabered sa. ostrich-feathers alternately arg. and
same crest and motto. Le Febvre, Jersey, and scallop or. az. Gaudet terUamine virtus .
Lees-Milne, James Henry. Esquire, J. P., I
141. 12 Legge, Kent and Sussex, same crest
of Crompton Hall and Park House, Le Feuvre, Jersey, a triple-eared stem of and motto.
Shaw, near Oldham: (i) In front of corn ppr. 1 54. 4 , Legge, Lieutenant-Colonel William Vin-
five palm-leaves ppr., a lamb couchant Lefever or Lefevre, the trunk of a tree t cent, of Cullenswood House, St. Mary's,
arg., holding in the mouth a trefoil couped and eradicated in fess, between Break o' Day River, Tasmania, a
slipped or, and supporting with the the branches a fleur-de-lis.
1 145. 13 man's leg couped at the middle of
dexter fore-foot a flagstaff in bend sinis- Lefevre, Middx., a trefoil or. 14S. 9 the thigh standing on a triple-tower,
all ppr. Se defendendo.
ter ppr., therefrom flowing a banner Lefevre of Old Ford, Middx., six arrows
arg. charged with a cross crosslet gu. interlaced saltierways, three and three, Legge, Kent, on a triple-tower a man's
{for mine). {2) A mount, thereon ppr. and interlacing an annulet or. leg couped at the thigh, all ppr.
amidst wheat a mower, in his hand a Le Forest, a unicorn sejant arg., armed, Legge, Cambs, a unicorn's head erased
scythe in the attitude of mowing, all crined, and tufted or. I
arg., crined, armed, and ducally gorged
ppr. Prudenter qui sedulo. I Thomas
Lefroy, Rt. Hon. Langlois, of or. cf. 49. 5
Leesbman, Scotland, a pelican ppr. In- Carrickglass, co. Longford, Ireland, a Legget, Scotland, a mermaid holding in
dustrie? munus. 98. I demi-wyvern gu., langued az. Mutare her dexter hand a sword, all ppr.
Leeson, Earl of Milltown, see AOUtown. sperno. 69. 12 184. 7
Leeson-Marshall Markham Richard, I Legh, see Leigh.
Es- Lefroy, Charles James Maxwell, Esquire,
quire, of Callinafercy House, Killorglin, ' same crest and motto. Legb of Lyme, Chesh., out of a ducal
CO. Kerry : (i) a demi-man in armour Lefroy, Augustine Hugh, Esquire, of the coronet or, a ram's head arg., armed
affrontee ppr., holding in the dexter Lodge, Boxted, Colchester, same crest of the first, holding in the mouth a
hand a baton sa., tipped or, charged on and motto.
laurel-sprig vert.
the breast with a rose gu., girded with Lefroy, Augustus Henry Fraser, Esquire, Legb of Lyme, Chesh., issuant out of a
a sash, also gu., a crescent gu. for of Toronto, Canada, a demi-wyvern ducal coronet or, a ram's head arg.,
gu., gorged with a collar dancetty arg., armed or, holding in the mouth a
Adifference (for Marshall). (2) demi-
lion rampant gu., holding in the paws fretty vert. Mutare sperno. laurel-sprig vert, and over all a pellet
wavy gu. Another, the pallet az.. and
a sun or, partially eclipsed by clouds Lefroy, a greyhound's head erased arg.
Appr. [for Leeson). (3) winged lion 61. 4 a third" with the pallet vert. 303.9
sejant guardant arg., wings addorsed. Leftwich of Leftwich, Chesh., five leaves Legb of Preston. Lanes, out of a ducal
holding between the fore-paws a harp conjoined at the base vert. coronet or. a ram's head arg., holding
or, the head encircled bv a plain glory Leg, a fountain of three basons throwing a sprig of laurel vert, and charged on
of the last (for Markham). up water ppr. cf. 159. 13 the neck with a trefoil gu.