dexter claw a fleur-de-lis gu. {/or Mey- Michell, Captain Charles, forcett Park Middleton, Northumb., a savage holding
rick). 1 06. 14. (2) Out of an Eastern Darlington, Yorks, on a mount vert in his dexter hand an oak-tree erased
coronet or, a leopard's head and neck a swan ppr. UlUe quod honeslum. and fructed, all ppr. Laissez dire.
issiiant aflfrontee gu. [for Charlton). Michelson of Chester, a fleur-de-lis ppr. c/. 188. 10
246. 4 148. J Middleton, Charles Marmaduke, of Myd-
Meyrick, Williams- of the Hermitage.
Michelston, Micheston, and Michelstane, delton Lodge, near Ilkeley, Yorks, a
Beaumaris, Anglesey: (i) A tower of Michelstowe, Cornw., a banner dis-
arg., thereon upon a mount vert a played arg., charged with a cross gu., lion passant arg.
between four torteaux.
Cornish chough ppr., holding in the Middleton, Essex, a dexter hand apaumee
Michie, Scotland, a dexter hand couped
dexter claw a fleur-de-lis gu., the in fess, holding a dagger in pale ppr. ppr. 222. 14
tower charged for distinction with
Middleton, Wales, a dexter hand ppr.,
issuing from a ducal coronet or.
a cross crosslet sa. {/or Meyrick). hUt and pommel or. Pro palria e, Middleton, Ireland, out of a naval coro-
net or, a dexter hand ppr., pointing to
Ac/. 106. 14. (2) lion passant sa., libertate. a star of the first.
semce of quatrefoils and gorged with Micklethwait, sec Peckham-Micklethwait,
a collar gemelle arg., holding in the Micklethwait, Viscount Micklethwait Middleton of Stansted-Montfichet, Essex,
dexter fore-paw a fleur-de-lis gu. (/or (i-rlincl). :i griffin's head erased ppr. and Middleton, Shropsh., a wolf's head
Williams). Heb Dduw heb ddim a Duio F„i:.„l._ nil mine. 66. 2 erased ppr. 30. 8
a digon. Middleton of Newington, Surrey, a mon-
Meyrick, Tapps-Gervis-, Sir George Augus- key passant ppr., collared, ringed, and
tus Eliott, of Hinton Arundell, Hants : lined or. <•/. 136. 8
( I ) In the centre, a tower arg. , thereon Micklethwaite, Yorks, a g ; est. Middleton of ClerkhiU, Scotland, on the
upon a mount vert a Cornish chough erased ppr. In ccelo spes 1 top of a tree an ape sejant, all ppr.
ppr. holding in the dexter claw a fleur- 66. Arte el marte.
de-lis gu. (/or Meyrick). 309. i. (2) Micklethwaite, of Beeston and Taverham, Middleton, Lanes, on the trunk of a tree
Upon the dexter side, upon a mount Norwich, Norf., and Iridge Place, or, a monkey sejant ppr., collared about
vert, three ostrich-feathers, one in pale Sussex, a griffin's head arg., erased the loins az.
Middleton of Durham, and Wintertown,
gu. and two in saltire sa., enfiled with a gu., gorged with a collar componee of
Lines, on the trunk of a tree raguled
wreath of laurel or (/or Gervin). 309. 3 the second and first. c/. 66. 2 a monkey passant, all ppr., collared
(3) Upon the sinister side, a greyhound
Micklethwaite of London, on a chapeau
couehant per pale arg. and sa., charged a talbot sejant. 54. 14 about the loins or.
on the body with two escallop-shells Mico of London, issuing out of clouds a Middleton, Cambs, Lanes, and of Middle-
counterchanged {/or Tapps). Heb hand holding a sword in pale ppr., ton Hall, Westml., a hawk's head arg.,
—Dduw heb ddim a Duw a digon. Be hilt and pommel or, charged on the beaked or. c/. 88. I3
ju»t and /ear not. 309. 2 blade with a Moor's head, also ppr., the Middleton of London, on a perch ppr., a
Meysey-Thompson, Bart., see Thompson. point of the sword embrued gu. falcon or. Diis bene juvantibus.
Meysey of yliakenhurst, Worcs., a dragon's cf. 212. 10 85- 13
head quarterly or and az. /I- I Middlecote, Lines, a demi-eagle dis- Middleton, Carver-, of Leam, Derbyah.
Miall, a crane holding in its beak a plaj'ed erm., ducally gorged or, hold- and Yorks : (i) An eagle's head erased
arg. , charged on the neck with a saltier
branch ppr. I05. 14 ing in the beak an escallop of the last.
engrailed sa. {/or Middleton). c/. 83. 2.
Michael, a garb erect banded or. 153-2 Middlehurst of Middlehurst, in Appleton,
Michael, Michall, or Michell, Berks, a Chesh., a wolf's head erased arg. (2) On a mount vert, a cross clechee
leopard's face per pale or and az. 22. 10 30.8 or, charged on the centre with a fleur-
Michael of London, in front of a saltire Middlemore or Midlemore of Edgbaston, de-lis sa. (/or Carver). Conjunctio
couped az., a leopard's face or. Warw., in grass and reeds a moor-cock,
Michel of Kingston Russell, and Dewlish, all ppr. Middleton-Athorpe of Leam, Derbysh.
Dorset, a dexter hand holding a crane's lyiiddlemore, John Throgmorton, Esquire, A(i) falcon ppr., belled or. the dex-
head erased, all ppr. Nil conscire sibi. M.P., of Brookfield, Belbroughton, ter claw resting on an escutcheon of
c/. 220. 9 near Stourbridge, a moor-cock amidst the arms, viz., per pale nebulee arg.
IWichel, a hand holding a heron's head and az., two mullets in fe.sse counter-
grass and weeds ppr. Mon desire
erased. loyalte. changed {/or Athorpe). 8$. 11. (2)
Micbelbourne of Bradhurst and Stan- Middlemore, Thomas, Esquire, of Mel- An eagle's head erased arg., charged
luore, Sussex, a tiger or, its mouth setter, Longhope, Orkney, same crest on the neck with a saltire engrai.fled
embrued ppr. and motto. Asa. (/or Middleton). c/. 83. 2. (3)
Michelgrove, Sussex, a unicorn's head Middleton, Earl of Middleton, Scotland, mount vert, thereon a cross clechee or,
erased arg. 49. 5 issuing from a tower sa., a lion rampant charged in the centre with a fleur-de-
lis sa. (/or Carver). Conjunctio /irmat.
Michell, Cornw., a pegasus courant. gu. Fortis in arduis. 157.12
47- I Middleton, Frederick Dobson, C.B., Middleton, John Shearer, Esquire, of Ca-
Michell, John, Esquire, of St. Petersburg, K.C.M.d.. St. Thomas's Tower, Tower damaney, Madras (presently at Black-
a pegasus salient az., mane and tail or, (if London, same crest and motto. wood, Dumfries), a tower embattled
resting its fore-feet on an antique Middleton, Baron (Willoughby), WoUaton arg,, masoned sa., thereon a lion ram-
escutcheon sa., charged with a pheon Hall, Notts, the bust of a man couped pant gu., armed and langued az. In
or. Vouloir c'e-st pouvoir. at the shoulders and atfrontee ppr., ardu 157-
Michell, Robert, of I-ostwithiel, Cornw., ducally crowned or. Verite sans peur. Middleton, a tower embattled sa. and on
same crest and motto. 192. I the battlements thereof a lion rampant
Michell of Calne. Wilts, a cubit arm Middleton, a Saracen's head couped at gu. Forlis in ardnis. I57-I2
erect ppr., holding in the hand a sword the shoulders and affrontee, wreathed Middleton, Middx. and Scotland, on a
arg., hilt and pommel or, seven flames round the temples. 190. 5 tower az., a Hon rampant gu. 157. 12
issuing from the blade ppr , three from Middleton, Sir Arthur Edward, Bart., of Middleton of Seaton, Aberdeensh., a
each side and one from the point. Belsay Castle, Northumb., a wild man tower sa., and issuing from the battle-
Crescat amicitia. arg., holding an oak-tree fructed ppr. ments a lion rampant ppr. Fortis in
c/ 18S. 10
Michell of Hamworth and Hawston, arduis.^Je n'ouhlierai pm. 157. 12
Norf., an arm in mail embowed, hold- Middleton of Westerham, Kent, a savage Middleton, Scotland, issuing from a tower
man wreathed about the head with sa., a demi-bon gu., holding in his dex-
arg., leaves, all ppr., holding in the dexter ter paw a scimitar ppr. Fortis et fidiis.
spikes, hilt and pommel or. hand a scroll extended, thereon the c/. 157. II
Michell of Truro, Cornw., an arm in motto Servire Deo regnare est, and Middleton of Glasgow, issuing from a
armour embowed, holding in the hand resting the sinister hand on a club in- tower sa., a lion rampant gu. Fortis
a sword dropping blood. verted or. in arduis. —25 157- '^
of Cricksey, Essex, a lion's Wentworth, Baron. chain refiexed over the back and
gamb holding a branch of palm ppr. Milbanke - Huskisson, Bart., D.L., of charged on the breast with a mill-rind
Sohrie. pie, juste. 36. 7 Halnaby, Yorks : An( i ) elephant's sa. Sans crainte. cf. 76. 14
Middleton, Scotland, a boar's head erased head erased arg., guttee-de-sang, and Miles, WiUiam Frederick, Keyham Hall,
and erect az. Guard yourself. 43. 3 pierced in the neck with an arrow ppr. Leics. same crest and motto.
Middleton of Stoekfield Parle, Yorks, be- A(for Huskisson). (2) lion's head Miles, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet or,
tween two wings arg., a garb or. couped gu., charged with a bend erm. charged on the rim with three bombs
153- 14 (for Milbanke). Resolute and firm. fired ppr., a lion's head az., ensigned
Middleton, Bart., of Crowfield Hall and
Milborne, an eagle with wings expanded with a mural coronet arg., and gorged
Shrubland Hall, Suff., a garb or, banded ppr. ^'7. 5 with a laurel wreath of the first. Sola
virtus invicta.
vert, between two wings sa. Regardez Milborne of Armathwaite Castle, Cumb.,
mon droit. 153. 14 a griffin's head erased. 66. 2 Miles, a demi-lion supporting an anchor,
Middleton, Hastings Burton, Bradford Milborne - Swinnerton - Pilkington, Sir all ppr. 12. 12
PevereU, Dorchester, same crest. Lionel, Bart.. D.L., of Chevet Hall, Miles of London, a boar's head and neck
Middleton, Broke-, Bart., of Broke Hall, Yorks: (i) A mower with his scythe couped and transfixed by an arrow.
ASuff. : ( I ) garb erminois, banded ppr., habited per pale arg. and sa. Miles, Hants, on a mural coronet gu., an
vert, between two wings sa. [for Mid- (for Pilkington). 306. II. (2) On a escallop arg.
dleton). 153. 14. (2) Of honourable mount vert, a boar passant arg., Mileson of Esthatliesley, Yorks, a heral-
augmentation, out of a naval coronet charged with a cross formee fieurettee dic tiger's head sa., tufted, tusked, col-
or, a dexter arm embowed, encircled Asa. (for Stvinnerton). 306. 12. (3) lared, and lined or.
with a wreath of laurel ppr., and grasp- demi-lion per fesse arg. and gu., holding Milford, a lion's gamb holding a trefoil
ing a trident of the first (for Broke). between the paws a leopard's face of the ppr. cf. 36. 8
A(3) brock or badger passant ppr., second (for Milborne). Honestce gloria Mill, Bart, (extinct), of Camois Court,
(also for Broke). Smvumqiie tridentem fax mentis. 306. 13 Essex, and Mottisfont, Hants, a demi-
servamus. 33. 10 Milburn, a bear's head erased sa., muzzled bear sa., muzzled and chained or.
Middleton of the Grove, Norwich, a garb or. 35. 2 Aides Dieti. cf. 34. 13
surmounted by an estoile or, between Milburne, a hand holding a battle-axe Mill, Sussex, a demi-bear salient sa.,
two wings arg., fretty az. Meret qui ppr. 213. 12 muzzled, ringed, and lined or
laborat. cf. 153. 14 Milcham, Norf. , a griffin's head ppr. 66. i cf. 34. 13
Midford, Durh., an owl arg. 96. 5 Mildmay, Earl (extinct) and Baron (in Mill of Hampton, Kent, a demi-bear
Midgeley, two keys in saltier az., wards uhci/ancc) Fitzwalter, a lion rampant salient sa., muzzled, ringed, and lined
downwards. gardaiit az. Alia ta hara. 2. 5 or, and charged on the shoulder with
three guttes-d'or.
Midgley, an heraldic tiger sejant erect, Mildmay, Bart., see St. John-Mildmay.
holding between its paws a caltrap.
Mildmay, a lion rampant gardant. Mill of Dublin, a demi-lion rampant
Midgley, on a mount an heraldic tiger
sejant, resting the dexter paw on a Mildmay, Henry Bingham, Shoreham gardant gu., holding in the dexter
Place, Kent, a lion rampant guardant paw a sword ppr. Gladium musarum-
caltrap. az., armed and langued gu. niUrix.
Midleham, on a chapeau vert, turned up Mildmay, Essex, a lion rampant gardant Mill, a bloodhound's head erased arg.
or, a wyvern with wings expanded az.
Toujours futele.
cf. 70. II Francis Bingham, Esquire, of Mill, Scotland, a greyhound's head issu-
Midlemore, Warw. and Worcs., a moor- 46, Berkeley Square, W., same crest ing arg.. collared az., ringed or. Tou-
cock amongst grass and flags, all ppr.
and motto. jours fidele. 61.2
Midleton, Viscount (Brodrick), out of a Mildmay, St. John-, Rev. Charles Arundell Mill, a greyhound's head erased. 61. 4
Hazelgrove, Sparkford, Bath, a lion Mill, Scotland, a Pallas's head couped
ducal coronet or, a spear-head arg.,
rampant guardant az., armed and and helmeted, the beaver turned up
embrued gu. A cuspide corona.
Midwinter, Devonsh., a dexter arm em- laugued gu. Alia ta hara. and plumed gu. Tarn arte quam nuirte.
bowed per pale sa. and or, holding in Mildmay, a leopard's head erased or, 182. I
the hand ppr. a plume of feathers, two
ducally gorged gu., ringed and lined Mill, Scotland, a galley, her oars erect
sa., one ct.
Miers, Henry Nathaniel, J.P., Ynyspen- of the last, on the neck below the in saltier and flagged, all ppr. Dai
llwch, Clydach, Swansea Valley, a coronet three pellets. cura commodum. 160. 10
plume of peacock feathers ppr. Virtus
Mildmay, Essex, a demi-stag salient ppr., Mill, an eagle's head era-sed gu., beaked
attired and collared or, wings addorsed or, and holding in the beak a cross
est vilium fugere. arg. moline erect sa.
Mieville, Sir Walter Frederick, K.C.M.G.,
Mildmay, a chapeau winged, the points Millais, Bart., in front of a dexter hand
of 68. Wilbury Road, Hove, Sussex,
a helmet affrontee with grills, and of the wings surrounded by a band, gauntleted and couped gu., an estoile of
addorned with seven ostrich-feathers.
therefrom pendent a mortar in fess, eight points or. Ars longa, vita brevis.
the whole surmounted by an etoile. MiUan, Scotland, two hands, dexter and
301- II Mildred, a bear passant struck thiough sinister, issuing, supporting a sword in
Mignot, David, Esquu-e, M.D., of Ken-
by the head of a broken spear in bend pale ppr. 211. i
sington Crescent, a large diamond set
in the midst of a triangle within a ppr. Millar of London, a wolf's head erased
double row of brilliants ppr.
Mihiil, an arm embowed habited in mail, Mileham of Burmingham, Norf., a griffin's az., collared erra. Regard hien.
head erased or. 66. 2 30. II
holding in the hand, all ppr., a cutlass Miles, Sir Henry Robert William, Bart., Millar, three ears of wheat issuing or.
of Leigh Court, Somers., upon a rock a Millar, a dexter hand holding a book
)n the edge of the dexter arm embowed in armour ppi.. open, all ppr. Felicem reddit rdigio.
hilt and pommel or.
garnislied or, supporting with the hand 215. 10
Mlken, Ireland, a derai-Moor holding in an anclior entwined bv a cable, also ppr. Millar of Cirencester, the half-length
his dexter hand an aiTow, and on his
Miles, Philip Napier, Esquire, J.P., of figure of a lady affrontee vested az.,
back a quiver, all ppr. King's Weston, near Bristol, a dexter holding before her a portcuUis gu.
Hikleson, Scotland, a decrescent ppr. arm embowed in armour ppr., garnished Keep tryst and. trust. 183. 7
Ot implear. 163. i or, supporting with the hand an anchor, Millar, a demi-Moor drawing an arrow
Mikieson, Scotland, a crescent ppr. Ut also ppr. to the head in a bow, all ppr. Non
implear. 163. 2 Miles, a dove between two ears of wheat eget Mauri jaculis. 185. 6
Milbank, Sir Powlett Charles John, Bart., ppr. Millar of the Meadow, Searaill, Ayrsh,,
D.L., of Well, Yorks, and Hart, Durh., Miles, a dove between two laurel-branches and 5, Claremont Terrace, Glasgow,
issuing from clouds a dexter hand
a lion's head couped arg., guttee-de- in orle, all ppr. 92. 12
poix, charged with a pale gu., thereon Miles of Narborough, Leics., an eagle holding up an open book, all ppr.
three roses, also arg. 286. 8 rising erminois. collared, therefrom a Felicem, reddit rdigio. 297. 13
111 8
Millard, on a mount vert, a stag feeding Miller, Hon. Henry John. M.L.C., J.P., of Milliken, Scotland, a demi-lion royally
Fernbrook, Oamaru, Otago, New Zea-
ppr. Ii6. 9 land, a wolf's head erased arg., gorged cro\vned gu., holding in his dexter paw
with a collar wavy az. a sword ppr. Regardebien. cf. 14. 12
Millard, Hants, a demi-lion rampant Milliken of that Ilk, Renfrewsh., Scot-
az., supporting between the paws a
mascle or. ci. lo. 2 Miller, Thomas, Esquire, of Preston. land, a demi-lion rampant gu. Regarde
Millard, William Joseph Kelson, Esquire, Lanes, a demi-wolf erminois, gorged bien. 10. 3
M.D., F.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Eng., of with a coUar gobony arg. and az., sup- Millington, an ass's head ppr. 125. 12
Es-Sahnia, Bayshill. Cheltenham, an porting with the paw a spindle erect Millman, a cross moline gu.
165. 13
eagle displayed sa., entwined round the ppr. Millman, a stag lodged per pale arg. and
body and neck by a serpent, and hold- Miller, Scotland, a cross moline sa. Op- or, attired and ungu. of the last;
ing In each claw a fer-de-moUne or. tima coelo. 165. 3 charged on the body with two hurts
Millbank, a hill ? ert. Miller, a caltrap or, the upper point em- in fesse. cf. 11 5 . 7
Millburn, out of a ducal coronet a demi- brued ppr. 174. 14 Millman, a gauntlet ppr 209. 1
lion, all ppr. i6. 3 Miller, a demi-savage shooting an arrow Millman, a sinister gauntlet or.
Mille, a unicorn's head. 49. 7 from a bow, all ppr. Non eget Mauri Millner or Milner, Yorks, a horse's head
Millear, Thomas, Esquire, J.P., of Edgar- jaculis. 185. 6 sa., crined and bridled or, charged on
ley. Wickliffe Road, Victoria, Aus- Miller, Scotland, a lion rampant sa., hold- the neck with a bezant. cf. ;i. c
tralia, a cross mohne or, surmounted by ing between its paws a cross moline Millot of Whitehill, Durh., a dexter'arm
a martlet sa., between two ears of wheat gu. Fonvard. in armour embowed and gauntlet ed, all
stalked and leaved, also or. Juris Miller, Devonsh. and Middx., a demi-lion ppr., grasping a billet sa.
cilium legimus. rampant gardant az., holding a mascle Mills, see HiUingdon, Baron.
Miller, see Christie-Miller. or. Mills, Surrey and Glouc. a lion rampant
Miller, see Riggs-MiUer. Miller, Rev. William Sanderson, Whatcote or. I- 13
Miller-MorisOD, see Campbell-Miller-Mori- Rectory, Shipston-on-Stour, same crest. Mills of Knightington, Berks, a lion
Miller, Warw. and Dorset, a demi-lion rampant or, holding in its mouth a
Miller, Sir James Percy, Bart., of Man- az., holding between the paws a mascle sinister hand gu.
derston, Berwicksh., a dexter hand or. Mills, Middx., on a ducal coronet a lion
with two fingers pointing upwards Miller, a griffin's head erased arg., du- rampant gu. Honor virtulis pretium.
issuing out of a cloud, aU ppr. Omne cally gorged and chained az. cf. I. 13
boTium superne. cf. 222. 11 Miller-Cunningham, John, Esquire, of Mills, Essex, a demi-lion rampant regar-
Miller, Sir William Frederic, Bart., of Leithen, Peeblessh., Civil Engineer, a dant or, holding between its paws a
Glenlee, Kirkcudbrightsh. , a dexter unicorn's head sa., maned and armed mill-rind sa. Nil conscire sibi.
hand couped at the wrist, the two first or. Over, fork over. 49. 7
fingers pointing upwards ppr. Manent Miller, Charles, F. L., Esquire, Acre Mills of Saxham Hall, Suff , a hon rampant
optima cado. 222. 11 Valley, Stirling, a horse's head erased or. Confido. i- 13
Miller, a hand with two fingers pointing arg. Celer. 51. 4 Mills, a demi-lion rampant or, holding
upward ppr. Manent optima coelo. Miller, Ireland, a polecat sa. 135. 13 in the paws a miU-rind sa.
222. II Millerd of Rathcormuck, Glintown, and Mills, a lion's gamb erased sa. 36. 4
Miller, Scotland, a dexter hand pointing Monard, co. Cork, Ireland, out of a Mills, on a ducal coronet a lion's gamb
with two fingers ppr. Spei bonce atque baron's coronet ppr., a griftin's head erased. cf. 36. 12
Miller, Bart., Scotland, a hand couped
gu., holding in the beak a rose-branch, Mills, Suff., a demi-bear rampant sa.,
malso ppr. Per illc ardua. muzzled, collared, and chained or.
at the wrist, the third and fourth Milles, see Sondes, Earl. <^'l- 34- 13
fingers folded in the palm arg. 222. 1 Milles, a cat sejant ppr. 26. 8 Mills, Beds, and Casnalbery, Herts, a
Miller of Leithen, Peeblessh., a dexter Milles, a demi-bear sa., muzzled, collared, wing barry of ten arg. and vert.
hand with one finger pointing upwards and lined or. cf. 34. 13 cf. 109. 7
ppr. Manent optima caio. 222. 12 Milles, a bear passant sa., muzzled and Mills, on an earl's coronet the sun in
Miller of Gourlebank, Scotland, two chained or. cf. 34. i splendour. cf. 162. 2
arms, their hand.s joined ppr. Unions Milles, Suff., a hare sejant ppr., hold- Mills of Lexden Park, Colchester, Essex,
augetur. ing in its mouth tliree ears of wheat a hurt charged with an etoile or.
Miller, Bart., of Chichester, Sussex, a or. Mills, James, Esquire, late Town Clerk of
wolf's head erased arg., gorged with Milles, Kent and Norf., a lion rampant Beverley, and of Bridlington, Yorks, a
a collar wavy az. tj. 30. 1 or. holding between its paws a mill- windmill ppr. Aura adversa auxili-
Miller of Downpatrick, co. Down, Ireland, rind sa. atrix. 158. 5
a wolf's head erased az., charged with Milles of London, a paschal lamb passant Mills of London, a holy lamb passant
a rose or. Nil conscire sibi. cf. 30. 8 arg., ungu. or, holding over its dex- arg., ungu. or, bearing on the dexter
Miller of Dunstable. Beds, a wolf's head ter shoulder a banner of St. ieorge shoulder a banner of St. George double-
erased per pale erm. and purp., col- double-pennoned. pennoned.
lared or. 30. 1 Millett, Middx., and of Denham, Bucks, Mills, Rev. Cecil, of Bisterne, Ringwood,
Miller, Bart., Ireland, a wolf's head out of a mural coronet an arm erect Hants, a demi-lion reguardant or,
erased arg. 30. 8 vested or, holding in a glove arg. a holding between the paws a mill-rind
Miller, Bart., Hants, a wolf's head dragon's head erased vert.
erased arg., gorged with a fess wavy cf. 208. 7 Mills of Bitterne, Hants mural
az. cf. 30. 8 Milley, Ireland, the Holy Bible az.,
Miller, Kent, a wolf's head erased az., charged on the cover with a fleur-de-
collared erm. lis or. peau gu., turned up erm., a miU-riud
Millerof Singleton Park, Poulton-le-Tylde, Millidge, Scotland, a grifiin's head erased sa., between two marlion's wings of the
Preston, a wolf's head erased bendy or 66. 2 second.
and gu.. holding in the mouth a ragged Milligan, Scotland, a demi-lion holding Mills, Joseph, Esquire, of the Beeches,
staff sa. Sibimet merces industria. in his dexter paw a sword. Fide el for- Kingswinford, Dudley, Staffs, a hind
ppr., holding in the mouth an ear of
Miller, Bowen-, of Milford, co. Mayo, titudine. 14. 12 wheat leaved and slipped or, resting
the dexter fore-leg on an escutcheon
AIreland : ( i ) wolf's head erased az. Milligan, a demi-lion rampant gu., hold-
A(for Miller). 30. 8. (2) falcon close ing in its dexter paw a sword ppr.
ppr., belled or [for Bo-wen). Esse quam Regarde bien. 14. 12 sa., charged with a miU-rind erect, also
videri. cf. 85. 2 Milligan, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles, Ador. finem fidelis.
Miller of Werndean Hall, Norwood. Sur- Caldwell Hall, Biu'ton-on-Trent, a MilltowD, Earl of. Viscount Russborough,
rey, a wolf's head erased az. , collared merchant ship under sail, colours flying of RusseUstown, co. Wicklow, and
ppr. Just in time. Baron Russborough, of Russborough,
erm. Mea spes est in Deo. 30. 1
CO. Wicklow, Ireland (Rt. Hon. Henry Milne, Lees -, James Henrv, Crompton Milroy, Scotland, a leopard's face or.
Leeson. B.A.), a demi-lion rampant Hall, near Oldham : (i) lii front of five
gu., holding between the paws the sun I
palm-trees ppr., a lamb coiichant arg., Milroy, Edward Andrew Wallace, of the
in splendour or. Clarior e tcnehris. holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped Oast House, near Farnham, Surrey
Millward, a dexter arm in armour em- or, and supporting with the dexter
forefoot a flagstaff in bend sinister (i) On a wreath or and vert, an ostrich
bowed, holding in the hand a sabre, all
Anppr. (for Milroii). 97. 2. (2) ele-
ppr. 195. 2 ppr., therefrom flowing a banner phant's head couped erm., between
Milman, Sir Francis John, Bart., of arg., charged with a cross crosslet gu. —two elephants' proboscis or (for Sosher).
Levaton, in Woodland, Devonsh., a (2) A mount, thereon amidst wheat, a Esperance. Consider the end. 133. 5
hart lodged per pale erm. and erminois,
mower, in his hands his scythe, in the Milroy, Rev. Andrew, of The Vicarage,
attired and ungu. or, charged on the attitude of mowing, all ppr. Pru- Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, same crest
body with two hurts fesseways. Deus denter qui sedulo. and motto.
ndbiscuvi, qiiis contra. cf. 115. 7 Milner, Rev. Gamaliel, St. Mary de Crypt Milroy, Arthur John Wallace, same crest
Milman, Archibald John Scott, Esq., C.B., Rectory, Glouc, a horse's head sa., and motto.
of Speaker's Court, Westminster, same bridled or. Milroy, George William Winckworth Wal-
crest and motto. Milner, Viscount (Milner), in front of a lace, same crest and motto.
Milman, Lieutenant-General George stag's head erased ppr., gorged with a Milsolm, a heraldic tiger's head aa.,
Bryan, C.B., of Queen's House, Tower bar gemel or, a bit fessewise of the last. tufted, collared, and lined or.
of London, E.G., same crest and Acer non efjrenus. 304. 4 Milton, Viscount, see Fitzwilliam, Earl.
motto. Milton of London, and of Milton, near
Milman, Major-General Gustavus Hamil- Milner, Yorks : ( i ) A greyhound current
ton Lockwood, of Martins, Heron, Thame, Oxon., a lion's gamb erect
sa., collared and ringed or (for Milner). arg., holding an eagle's head erased
Acf. 58. 2. (2) lion's head couped arg.,
Bracknell, Berks, same crest and charged with a Catherine-wheel gu. g"-
motto. [for Wheeler). cf. 21. l Milton of London, an arm in armour ppr.,
Milman-Mainwaring, Charles Egerton Milner, Comw. and Yorks. a wolf's head scarfed az., grasping in the hand, also
Forbes, Esquire: (i) An ass's head ppr., couped gu., pierced through the ppr., a broken spear gu., headed arg.
erased ppr., haltered arg. {for Main- neck from behind with a broken sword, Milvain, Herbert Forsyth, Esquire, of
Awaring). (2) hart lodged per pale the point thereof and the wound em- Seaton House, Holderness, East Y'orks,
erm. and erniinoi^', attired or, and brued ppr.. pommel or. a dext«r cubit arm in armour holding
charL''''I "II 111' l.'idy with two hurts Milner, Sir Frederick George, Bart., D.L., in the hand a sword in bend sinister
fes-^r , V' ..'/«). cf. 115. 7 M.P., of Nun-Appleton, Yorks, a ppr. Fidelis. 297. 14
horse's head couped sa., bridled and
-Miln, a . i iiii'd ppr. 153. 2 maned or, charged on the neck with Milward, see Sayer-Milward.
< a bezant between two wings, also or.
^i -tt-Milnr. Milward of Brasted, Essex, out of a paU-
Milne of .Mnretoun. Scotland, a de.xter sado coronet or, a lion's gamb sa.,
hand holding a folded book ppr. Efp- Addit frena feris. 305. I grasping a sceptre of the first.
ciunt clarum studia. 215. 4 Milner of Sefton Lodge, Newmarket, a Milward of Linthurst House, near Broms-
Milne, Scotland, a Pallas's head couped horse's head couped arg., bridled and grove, a lion's gamb erased holding a
at the shoulders ppr., vested about maned or, charged on the neck with sceptre. Nee timide nee temere.
the neck vert, on the head a lielmet a bezant between two wing.s or. Addil Milward, Essex, a lion's gamb sa., holding
az., the beaver raised, and surmounted frena feris. a sceptre or. 38. 7
by a plume of feathers gu. Tarn in arte Milner, William Aldam, Totley HaU, Milward, George, Esquire, J.P., of the
quam mnrte. 182. i Sheffield, a horse's head erased az., Manor House, Lechlade, Glouc, a
Milne, Scotland, a martlet volant arg. bridled or, chaiged on the neck with bear's pawerasedsa., theclawsor, hold-
Prudent'r qui sedii/o. g6. 2 a bezant. ing a sceptre in bend sinister of the last,
Milne of Edinburgh, same crest. Ex Milner-Gibson-Cullum, George Gery, Es- entwined by a sprig cf oak ppr., be-
industrin. 96. 2 quire, of Hard wick House, Bury St. tween two wings az.
Milne of BalwyUo, Forfarsh., Scotland, Edmunds, Suff. : A(i) lion sejant ppr., Milward of Ballyharran, co. Wexford,
in the sea ppr., a cross raoline sa., holding a column arg., base and capi- and Tullogher, co. Kilkenny, a dragon's
tal or (for Culhm). (2) A stork hold- head couped vert, between two wings
within two ears of wheat in orle. Cla-
ing in its beak a branch of laurel ppr.. gu. 72- 7
rum reddit industria. Hcf. 154.
Milne of Blairtoun and Aberdeen, Scot and resting the dexter claw upon a Minchin, a lion's tail erased ppr.
mland, a galley, her oars erect saltier bridle-bit or (for Milner-Oihson). Sus- 123. 14
Minchin, James George Cotton, Esquire,
ppr. Dat cura commodum. ifio. it tineatur.
of North View, Wimbledon Common,
Milne, John Adam, Esquire, of Ardmiddli Milnes, see Houghton. Baron. out of a ducal coronet a dexter arm
embowed holding io the hand a baton,
House, Turriff, N.B., and Melgum Milnes-Gaskell, see Gaskell.
Aberdeensh., Scotland, a galley," her Milnes, Scotland, a garb ppr. 153. 2
saOs furled and oars in saltire ppr., the Milnes, Bart., Leics., a garb or, banded all ppr. Regarde la mort.
flags gu. Smwi ruique. by a fees dancettee az., charged with Minchin, WiUiam Charles, Esquire, M.D.,
Milne, Samuel Milne, Esquire, of Calver three mullets pierced of the first. of Headfort Place, Kells, co. Meath,
ley House, Leeds, Yorks, a mill-rind 152. 10 same crest and motto.
fessewise sa., thereon a lion rampant Minchin, Edward Corker, Esquire, of
Milnes of Alton Manor, Derbysh., a garb
" Woodburn, Christchurch, Canterbury,
arg., holding between the paws a 1 erminois between two trefoils vert. New Zealand, iwes ; a dexter naked
rind gu. arm embowed ppr., holding in the hand
Milne, Sir Archibald Berkeley, Bart., of Non sine labore. 152.14
Milnes of Alderear, Dunston, and Crom-
Inveresk, Midlothian, out of a naval ford, Derbysh., a bear's head couped at a baton or. Regarde a la mort.
coronet or, a dexter cubit arm vested the neck sa., charged with a mill-rind Minchin of Busherstown, BallynakiH. co.
az., the hand ppr. grasping a flag-stafif or. Tipperary, Ireland, a naked arm em-
therefrom flying the flag of a rear- Milnes of Stubbing Edge, Derbysh., a bowed ppr., grasping a baton or.
admiral of the Blue, inscribed with the demi-lion rampant or, holding in the Regarde a la mort.
paws a miU-rind sa. Minet, William, Esquire, of Fountain
word Impregnahk in letters of gold. Milnes of Beckingham Hall, Lines, an
elephant's head erased ppr., gorged Court, London, E.C., a wing elevated
Tarn marte quam arte. 303. 5
arg., charged with three barrulets gu.
Milne-Home, Captain David William,
J.P., D.L., of Wedderburn Castle, with a ducal coronet or. Quantum est in rebus inane.
Milnes of Stirling, Scotland, out of a
Duns, Paston House, Berwick-on- Minett, a mermaid holding in her dexter
Tweed and Caldra, Duns, N.B. : (i) mural coronet or, an eagle's head sa.,
gorged with a collar or, charged with hand a mirror, and with her sinister
A unicorn's head couped gorged with
an antique crown. A(2) lion's head three pallets gu. I71 cruce salus. combing her hair, all ppr. 184. 8
Minett, a wing erect arg., charged with
couped. Be member. —True to the end. cf. 83. 9 tlu-ee bars gu, cf. 109. 7
Mingay or Mingey of Gymingham, Norf., Mirtle, a cubit arm erect ppr., encircled Mitchell-Carruthers, Rev. William, M.A.,
a lance or, headed arg., environed with with a chaplet of myrtle vert, holding of the Rectory, Holbrook, Ipswich :
(i) On the dexter side, a cherub's head
a laurel- branch ppr. in the hand a scimitar arg., hilt and
pommel or, and on the blade a shackle ppr. {for Carruthers). 189. 9. (2) On
Miniet, an eagle volant over a ruined
the sinister side, St. Michael the Arch-
castle ppr.
Missenden, amongst flags vert, a demi- angel in armour holding a spear in his
Minnitt of Knygh Castle, co. Tipperary, swan displayed arg., collared gu. dexter hand, his face, neck, arms, and
Ireland, a helmet ppr., garnished or.
Virtute el armis. 1 80. 3 Missirinen or Misserinen, a battle-axe in legs bare, all ppr., the wings arg., and
Minnitt, Rev. Francis Allen, of Trinity pale ppr. 172. 3 —hair auburn {for Mitchell). Promptus
Mitchell, see Parry-JIitchell. 189. 11
ACollege, Cambridge : (i) helmet ppr., et fidelis. Virtute cresco.
garnished or. (2) Out of a ducal Mitchell, Bart., of Berry and Westshore, Mitchell-Thomson, Sir Mitchell, Bart., of
coronet or, a demi-lion rampant sa. in Shetland, descended of Bandeth, Polraood, Broughton, Peeblessh., and
—Gearr, Attgws dogh Aboo. Virtute et Stirlingsh., three ears of barley con- 6, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh, a hand
armis. joined in one stalk ppr. /Sapiens qui
Minne, Rutl., a heathcock ppr. assiduus. 154. 2
Minnoch of Glasgow, an owl ppr. Je Mitchell, Frank Johnstone, Llanfrechfa Mitchell, Ireland, an angel kneeling in a
jioise plus. 96. 5 Grange, Caerleon, Newport, Monm., in praying posture ppr.
Minns, Rev. G. W., Weston Cliff, Weston, front of a garb or, charged with an Mitchell, CO. Cork, Ireland, an angel in
Southampton, a swan's neck arg., escallop sa., two thistles leaved and armour holding in the dexter hand a
beaked gu., between two wings, each Aslipped in saltire ppr. Deo fasces. spear ppr. Tout jour prU. 189. II
charged with a crosfi crosslet. Mens 255. 14 Mitchell, Charles, Esquire, of Jesmond
Mitchell, Arthur Charles, Esquire, J.P., Towers, Newcastle-on-Tyne, out of
conscia recti. 297. 1
Minors, a cubit arm ppr., holding a lion's of High Grove, Tetbury, Glouc, same flames of fire ppr., a phoenix rising of
gamb erased sa. 220. 10 crest and motto. the same, semee of mascles sa., and
Minors, a wolf's head erased sa , devour- Mitchell of Sidinouth, Devonsh., a mascle holding in the beak an acorn slipped
ing a sinister hand ppr.
sa., interlaced by three ears of barley and leaved ppr. Spernithumum. 82.13
Minsliall, Mynshall, and Minshull, Bucks, erect, slipped and leaved or. Sapiens Mitchell, Forbes-, Duncan, Esquire, of
Chesh., Devonsh., Suff., and Sussex qui assiduus. 154. 5 Thainston, Aberdeensh. : (i) A cock
A{for Forbes). 91. 2. (2) phcenix in
Turk kneeUng on one knee vested gu., Mitchell, Edward Charles, care Messrs
—flames ppr. {for Mitchell). Watch.
the legs and arms in mail ppr., at his Henry S. King, 65, Cornhill, London,
side a scimitar sa., hilted or, on his E.C., same crest and motto. Nulla pallescere culpa. 82. 2
head a turban with a crescent and
Mitchell, Sir Hugh Sykes, Bart., of Fernie- Mitchell of Truro. Cornw., a demi-pega-
feathers arg., holding in his dexter law, Colinton, N.B., same crest and sus or, winged az., charged on the
hand a crescent of the last. motto. shoulder with a demi-rose gu., divided
cj. iSS. II Mitchell, Rev. John Francis, same crest fesseways, rays issuing from the divi-
MJnshaw, a dexter hand ppr., holding up and motto. sion pendent arg. 47. 1
a cup or. 21.7. II Mitchell or Mitchael, of Alderston, Mid- Mitchell, a garb vert. 153-2
Minshull, two lions' gambs gu., holding lothian, Scotland, a stalk of wheat Mitchell of Enderby Hall, Leics., a garb
a crescent or. 39. 6 bladed and erect ppr. Cresco. 154. 3 or, banded gu., pendent therefrom an
Mitchell, Scott-, of New South Wales, a
Minster, Baron, see Conyngham. Mar- escutcheon arg., charged with three
quess of. dexter hand erect holding a garland of slips of laurel vert.
Minterne, Mintern, and Minterin, Surrey laurel ppr., motto over the crest Deo Mitchell, John Hanson, Verona, Worth-
and Dorset, a bull's head gu., ducally /atienfe, under the shield ETPHKA. 218.4 ing, phoenix ppr.
gorged and armed or. cj. 44. 2 Mitchell-Innes of Parson's Green, Edin- Nulla pallescere culr
Minto, Earl of. Viscount Melgund, of Mel- burgh : (i) An increscent ppr. (for Mitchelson of Middleton, Edinburghsh.,
gund, Forfarsh. ; Baron MintO of Minto, AInnes). 163. 3. (2) hand holding Scotland, an increscent arg. Crescam
Eoxburghsh. (Rl. Hon. Sir WiUiam —a garland of laurel, all ppr. {for Mit- ut prosim. 163. 3
Hugh Elliot - Murray - Kynynmound, chell). II recoir pour donner. Deo Mitchelson, a hawk rising. Virtute tutus.
K.T.), a dexter arm embo'wed issuant favente. 2i8. 4 88. 2
92. 2
from clouds, throwing a dart, all ppr. Mitchell-Innes, Alexander Harold, of Mitchener, a dove arg.
Non eget arcu. cj. 201. 13 Whitehall, Chirnside, N.B., same crests Mitlord, see Redesdale, Baron.
and mottoes. Mittord, Colonel William Kenyon, of
Hinton of Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffs, upon Mitchell, late Sir Andrew, K.B. {/amily
extinct in male line, now represented by Pitshill, Sussex, a dexter and a sinister
a mount vert, a heraldic tiger passant hand holding a sword in pale arg.,
or, the dexter paw resting on a garb
erect ppr. Pro Deo et patria. Captain Andrew Mitchell Molyneux 0/ pommelled or, on the point thereof a
Bock Point. New Brighton, Chesh.), boar's head sa., tusked ppr., couped in
Minton, 'Thomas William, Esquire, J.P.,
of Chase Ridings, Enfield, same crest issuing from behind three ears of fess arg. God caryth for us.
and motto. barley ppr., a cubit arm vested in Mittord, Freeman-, Algernon Bertram,
Minton, Thomas Powell, Esquire, of
naval uniform, the hand grasping a 84, Jermyn Street, S.W., same crest
the Hurst, Rock Ferry, Chesh., and
of Clifton House, Ruyton-xi-Towns, broken staff from which suspends the and motto.
Shropsh., same crest and motto.
Batavian flag depressed, also ppr. Illis Mittord, Edward Ledwich Oswaldeston,
honos venit. 206. 3 of Mitford Castle, Northumb., a dexter
and sinister hand couped ppr., holding
Minton-Senhouse, Herbert, Eequire, J. P., MitcheU, Vice-Admiral William, R.N.,
of 21, Sanderson Road, Newcastle-ou- between two ears of wheat or, an arm a sword in pale arg., pommelled or, on
Tyne, same crest and motto.
Mirehouse of Miresike, Cumb., an arm in erect vested az., cuffed or, the hand the point a boar's head sa., tusked ppr.,
armour embowed holding in the hand ppr. grasping an anchor in bend sinis-
couped in fess arg. (2) A man in
ter or. Omnia superai virtus. 208. i armour on horseback, all ppr., in the
a sword, all ppr. Qualis ah incepto. Mitchell, Sir Henry, of Park Field House, dexter hand a sword arg., hilt or, and
195. 2 Manningham, Yorks, in front of a holding an escutcheon bearing a mascle
Mirehouse, Rev. John, of Colsterworth,
cubit arm erect ppr., the hand holding sa., between three pellets {for Osbal-
Grantham, same crest.
a pen in bend arg., and pendent from deston). God caryth for us.
Mirehouse, Richard Walter B3n-d, the the wrist by a ribbon gu., a bugle- Mitford, a mole passant sa., charged with
Hall, Angler, Pembrokesh., same crest.
horn or, a rock, also ppr. Dante Deo an escallop or.
MirQn, a demi-lion ppr., holding a flag rcddam. Mittlewell, an eagle's head erased arg.
arg., charged with a saltier sa. Mitchell of Craigend, Stirlingsh., some- 83.2
c/. 15. 2 time designed of IVIitchell, Scotland, a Mitton, Shropsh. and Staffs., a demi-
Mirrie or Mirry, out of a ducal coronet I eagle displayed with two heads az.
hand holding a writing-pen ppr. Fa-
or, a demi-lion gu. 16. 3 vente Deo supero. 217. lO ct- 82. 3
MIT 3 92 MOL
Hitton, a demi-eagle displayed per pale Mohun, a dexter arm vested with a Molesworth, James Murray, Esquire,
arg. and az. 68 1 . 1 maunch erm., holding in the hand ppr. J. P., of Comyn Lodge, Leamington,
Mitton, Staffs, a demi-eagle displayed a fleur-de-lis or. same crest and motto.
with two heads per pale or and az. Moile or Moill, on a winged globe an Molesworth, Rev. Beynell Francis Wynn,
82. I eagle rising, all ppr. 1 50. 9 M.A., of the Lodge, Pembury, Kent,
same crest and motto.
Mitton, a ram's head couped arg., armed Moilliet, James Keir, of Abberley Hall,
or. 130. I Worcs., and Cheney Court, Heref., a Molesworth, Sir Guilford Lindsey,
Mitton, a ram's head couped arg. 130. i swan arg. Gaitdnt in luce Veritas. K.C.I.E., of the Manor House, Bexley,
Mitton, Staffs, a bull's head sa., armed 99. 2 Kent, same crest and motto.
or. charged with tliree annulets of the Moir, Scotland, a Moor's head. Non sihi, Molesworth, George Mill Frederick, of
last. sed cnnctis. Torridge House, Westward Ho, same
Mitton, Oxon., a lion's gamb couped and Moir of Abergeldie and Otterbum, Scot- crest and motto.
erect arg., holding an eagle's head land, a negro's head couped ppr. Molesworth, Frederick Nassau, of Gale
erased gu. Mediocriter. House. Littleborough, Manchester,
Moberley, Moberly, and Modburley, a Moir, Scotland, a JIauritanian's head same crest and motto.
demi-lady holding in her dexter hand couped and dropping blood, all ppr. Molesworth, Alexander, of Hamer Hall,
a pair of scales. 183. 2 ' Ma/or opima ferat. Rochdale, same crest and motto.
Mocket, Kent, a tiger sejant az., collared Moir of Stoneywood, .Aberdeensh., Scot- Molesworth-St. Aubyn, Rev. St. Aubyn,
arg. land, a Moor's head couped and dis- J.P., of Clowance, Cornw., a rock,
Mocklow, of Broughton Soulney, Notts, tilling drops of blood ppr. Major thereon a Cornish chough rising, all
a griffin's head per pale indented arg., opima jerat. 1 90. 11 ppr.
guttee-de-larmes, and gu., holding in Moir of Sootstoun, Aberdeen, Scotland, Moleyns, De, see Ventry, Baron.
the beak a buck's foot of the first. a mort-head with two leg-bones in Moleyns, see Eveleigh-be Moleyns.
Mocklow, Worcs., a griffin's head per pale Nonsaltier, all ppr. sihi, sed cunctis. Molford of South Molton and Cadburie,
indented gu. and arg., holding in the Moir, Alastair Erskine Graham, of Leckie, Devonsh., out of a ducal coronet or, a
beak an eagle's leg erased or. Scotland, a falcon ppr., armed and demi-swan with wings expanded arg.,
c/. 226. 14 belled or, perching on a heron, lying on beaked gu.
Hoda, SuflE., a, demi-Iion rampant crowned its back ppr., beaked and membered gu. Molineaux, a cross moline lozenge- pierced
Neor. az.
10. II ov.blie. cj. 79. 7 165. I
Modburley, a demi-lady, in the character Moir of Hilton, Aberdeensh., Scotland, Molineux of Hawkley, Lanes, a beaver
of Justice, holding in her dexter hand issuing out of a cloud an arm from the passant ppr. c/. 134. 8
a pair of scales. 188. 2 shoulder, holding in the hand a branch Molineux, Notts, a peacock's tail ppr.,
Modder, Staffs, on a staff couped raguly of laurel slipped. Viriute non aliter. in bend sinister, affixed to the side of
in fess vert, a lion sejant or. Moir-Byres, George, Esquire, of Tonley, a chapeau gu., turned up erm.
9<•/• 7- Whitehouse, Aberdeensh., a cock regar- Molineux, Dorset and Notts: (i) A hat
Moderby, a hand holding a thunderbolt dant ppr. Marie duo tutus. gu., turned up in front arg., between
ppr. 216. 4 Moira, Earl of, see Loudon, Earl of. the hat and the turned-up front a
Modey, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- Moises, a tuft of reeds vert. Nisi virtus plume of peacock's feathers ppr. (2)
lion with wings displayed gu. vilior alga. Issuant out of flames a dexter hand
Modytord, a garb or. 153. 2 Molant, a demi-mule gu. holding an eagle's leg erased a la quise,
Moels, a mule passant ppr. 125. 7 Molcaster and Moncaster, an old man's all ppr. cf. 220. 12
Moens, William John Charles, Esquire, head affrontee ppr., ducally crowned Molineux, in a chapeau gu., turned up
of Tweed, Hants, two eagle's wings erm.. a peacock's feather in bend
conjoined arg. 113. i Mold, William Henry, Bethersden, Ash- sinister ppr.
Moesler of London, a talbot statant ppr.. ford, Kent, a demi-lion rampant Molineux -Montgomerie, Frederick Butler,
collared. 54. 2 guardant. Esquire, a palm-branch ppr. Proceda-
Moffat, a cat sejant gardant erect ppr. Moldford, a buck's head gu. I2j. 5 mus in par:;.
26. 9 Mole of Molton, Devonsh., out of a ducal Molineux- Montgomerie, Cecil Thomas
Moffat, Scotland, a cross crosslet fitched coronet or, a snake nowed in pale ppr Crisp, J.P., D.L., of Carboldishara
gu. Spero mdiora. 166. 2 142. II Hall and Carboldisham Manor, East
Moffat, Robert Maxwell, Egyptian Mole of Tringcg, Beds, and Northamp.. Harling : (i) A palm-branch ppr. {jor
Lodge, Jersey, same crest and motto. out of clouds ppr., a cubit arm in pale Montgomerie). (2) In front of two
Moffat of Goodrich Court, Heref., the sun vested gu., the hand apaumee of the peacock's feathers in saltire, a cross
in his splendour ppr. 162. 2 first. moline or {jor Molineux). (3) A mount
Moffatt, Alexander, Esquire, 23, Aber- Molesworth, Viscount (Molesworth), Laas- vert, thereon a cameleopard arg.,
downe Crescent, Bath, and 3, Palace armed and ungu. or, semee of pellets
cromby Place, Edinburgh, uses : a Gate, London, W., a dexter arm em- and hurts alternately collared and line
cross crosslet fitchee. iSpcro mdiora.
166. 2 bowed in armour ppr., holding a cross reflexed over the back gu. {jor Crisp).
Hogg, of Farrington Gurney, Somers., a crosslet fitchee or. Yincit amor patrii:e. Procedamus in pace.
cock ppr., bearing an escutcheon arg., 19S. 5 Molins of London, a water-wheel or.
charged with a crescent gu., pendent Molesworth, Sir Robert, late of Edlington, Moll, Scotland, a phoenix in flames ppr.
from its neck by a chain or. Curce pii Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Judge Post funera jcenus. 82. 2
Dils sunt. of the Supreme Court of Victoria, same Moller, D'Osten-: (i) On the coronet of
Mogg, Rees-, William, Esquire, of Choi- crest and motto. 198. 5 a Danish baron a fleur-de-lis or {/or
Moller). (2) In front of three pea-
well House, Somers. : (i) Between two Molesworth, Sir Lewis William, Bart.,
spear-heads erect sa., a cock ppr. (for 3, Great Cumberland Place, W., an cock's feathers erect ppr., two keys in
armed arm embowed ppr., holding a saltier or, between as many eagle's
Mogg). (2) A swan arg., with wings
elevated or, holding in the beak a cross crosslet or. Sic fidem teneo. wings arg. {jor D'Osten). Die moller
water-lily slipped ppr. {/or Bees). Cura 198. 5 salich ihm. 112. 12
Molesworth, George Mill Frederick, North
pii Diis sunt. MoUeson, Scotland, a Saracen's head
Down Hall, Bideford, a dexter arm
Mohamud (Nowab Ali Mohamud Khan embowed in armour ppr., holding a erased and dropping blood ppr. Fax
cross crosslet fitchee or. Vincit amor
Bahadoor, J.P., Bombay), a demi-lion mentis konestce gloria. cj. 190. II
Molesworth, His Honour Hickman, a
ppr., charged with two bars or, holding dexter arm in armour embowed ppr., Molleson of Lachintilly, Aberdeensh.,
holding a cross crosslet or. Vincit
in the dexter paw a sword, also ppr., amor patriie. Scotland, a hart's head cabossed ppr.,
attirfd with ten tynes or. Fax mentis
and resting the sinister upon an escut-
cheon az., charged with the sun in l,on,:stce gloria. 122.5
splendour of the second. iVi7 desper- Moiling and Molying, on a rock a martlet
andum. 14. 9 cj. 95- 5
, !,
HoUington, a demi-man shooting an Molyneux-Seel of Huyton Hey, Lanes : Moncrieff of Sauchope, Scotland, three
arrow from a bow, all ppr. (i) A wolf's head erased per [ ears of rye banded together ppr.
Molloy, Ireland, out of a cloud a hand pean and az. (for Seel). (2) Ou a Moncrieffe, see Stewart-Moncrieffe.
erect, holding a book expanded ppr. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a pea- Moncur, a dexter hand holding a garland
215. I cock's tail ppr. (lor Molyneux). Sal of roses ppr. 218. 6
Molloy of St. Mary-le-bone, Middx., a vivcre vincere. 303.6 Money of Walthamstow, Essex, a bezant
greyhound current arg., in front of a Mompesson, Wilts, a jug or, stringed between two wings az., semee-de-lis
tree vert. c/. 58. 5 az., tasselled of the first. or. Factis, non verbis.
Molloy, on a dunal coronet a lion ram- Mompesson, Norf., a plume of ostrich- Money-Coutts, Francis Burdett, Esquire,
of Stodham Park, Southampton, and
jiant, all or. c/. I. 13 Mafeathers arg". joy en Dieu seule-
Ancote, Weybridge, Surrey : (l) A man
Molloy, out of a ducal coronet a demi- ment. 115. I
lion rampant, all or. 16. 3 Mompesson of Bathampton, Wilts, a from the middle shooting an arrow
Molloy, Laurance Romford, Esquire, J. P., plume of ostrich-feathers arg.. the from a bow, all ppr. (for Couits). 187. 6.
of Clonbela, Parsonstown, King's Co., Macentre one sa., all turned over or. (2) A bezant between two wings az.,
semee-de-lis or (for Money). Esse guam
in front of an oak-tree growing out of a joy en Dieu sevlemeni. 115. 2
mount, all ppr., a greyhound springing Moncaster, an old man's head affrontee, videri.
sa., collared or. jeapjiajti)- boc abu. couped at the shoulders ppr., ducally Money, an eagle's head erased holding
Molloy, a sea-lion sejant. 20. 2 crowned or. 102. 9 in the heak three roses slipped, all ppr.
Molloy, Bernard Charles, M.P., a grey- Monck, Duke of Albemarle (extinct), on a Money, Kyrle-, Audley Walter, Esquire,
liound courant under a tree. Gearaigh chapeau gu., turned up erm., a cat-a- J.P., D.L., of Homme House, Dvmock,
figiis dogk bitiadk. mountain statant gardant per pale sa. Glouc, and Whetham, Calne, 'Wilts :
(1) An eagle's head sa., erased arg., col-
j and arg., between two branches j
Molony, an arm in armour embowed of
holding in the hand a scimitar, all ppr. olive vert. Fortiter, fideliter, /eliciter. lared gemelle, and holding in its beak
PLriissem, ni periissem. 196. 10 Monck, Viscount (Monck), Charleville,t a fleur-de-lis or (for Money), cf. 84.
Molony, William Beresford, Esquire, of Enniskerry, co. Wieklow, a wyvern with 12. (2) On a mount vert, a hedgehog
Kiltanon, near Tulla, co. Clare, an arm j wings elevated sa. Fortiter, fideliter, or (for Kyrle) Nil moror ictus.
in armour embowed holding a dagger, feliciter. 70. i cf. 135. S
all ppr. | W. Berkeley, Esquire, of Coley Mongredien of Liverpool, on a mount
In Domino et nan in arcu meo I Monck,
Park, Berks, a wyvern arg.
sperabo. 70. i vert, an eagle's head erased or, between
two palm-branches ppr. Sursum.
Molony of Kiltanon, Granahan, and Six Monck, Monk, or Le Moyne of Pothe-
liilirr. liivoiish.. a cockatrice arg. 68.4
Mile Bridge House, co. Clare, a dexter 84. 4
arm embowed in armour, the hand Monckton, sd (Jalway, Viscount. Monhalt, a lion's gamb erased arg., hold-
in a gauntlet and grasping a dagger, Monckton or Monketon of Cavill, Yorks, ing an oak-branch ppr., fructed or.
all ppr. In Domino et non in arcu of Egham, Surrey, and Lines, a mart- Monington, a savage's head in profile
sperabo. cf. 196. 5 let or. 95. 2 ppr.
Molony, Henry, Esquire, M.D., of Odell Monckton, Francis, Stretton Hall, Staf- Monins, John Henry, Ringwould House,
Ville, Ballingarry, co. Limerick, an Dover, a crescent. Mediocria maxima.
ford, same crest. Famam extendere
arm vambraced, embo%ved, the hand fact is. Monins, Bart, (extinct), of Waldershare
gauntleted, grasping a short sword, all Monckton, Edward Philip, J.P., Fine- and Dover, Kent, an increscent or.
ppr., the forearm charged with a trefoil shade Abbey, Stamford, Northamp., Mediocria ma.xima. 163. 3
slipped az. In Domino et non in arcu same crest and motto. Monk, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles, of
meo sperabo. Monckton, Arthur, M.A., of Hilton, Bombay, out of a mural crown ppr.,
two wings expanded or, each charged
Molony, James Barry, Esquire, of Bindon Salop, same crest and motto.
St. Ennis, co. Clare, same crest and Monckton, Hon. Horace Manners, of
with a trefoil slipped vert. Fervor non
motto. Whitecairn, Wellington College Sta- furor. 238. 13
Molony, .\lfred, of 12, Vincent Square
tion, Berks, same crest and motto. Monk-Bretton, Baron (Dodson), of Cuny-
Mansions, Westminster, S.W., same Monckton, William Parry, Esquire, B.A., boro, Lewes, Sussex, two lions' gambs
of Stone Court, Glouc, same crest and erased and in saltier gu. , entwined by a
crest and motto.
Molony, R. H., of 10, Cambridge Place, motto. serpent, head to the dexter ppr. Be-
Victoria Road, W., a dexter arm in Monckton, Walter, J.P., Ightham Park, nigno numine enisus. 303. 7
armour embowed holding in the hand Kent, same crest and motto. Monk, Lingard-, Richard Boughey Monk,
of Fulshaw, Chester: (i) A dragon
a sword in bend sinister ppr. In Monckton, Mongtown, Monkton, Mong- passant per pale gu. and arg., the wings
vairee of the same, supporting with its
Domino et non in arcu sperabo. dene, and Mongton, two arms in ar-
dexter claw an escutcheon of the
Molowney, a stag trippant holding in its mour embowed placing a Saracen's second, charged with a lion's head
mouth a branch. cf. 117. 8 head affrontee on the point of a pheon, erased of the first (for Monk). 247. 16.
Molson, a crescent between two wings all ppr. i94. 9 (2) A wolf's head erased sa., charged
with an escallop, and holding in the
expanded arg. cf. 112. 6 Moncreifl, Baron (Moncreiff), TuUiebole
Molton or Moulton, Norf., a shark's head Castle, Ross-sh.. a demi-lion rampant
regardant issuing, swallowing a blacka- gu., armed and langued az. Sur
moor. 139. 2 esperancc. 10. 3 —mouth a cross erosslet fitchee, both
Molton or Moulton of Plympton and Moncreifl, Sir Alexander, K.C.B.. Ban- arg. (for Lingard). Tout d'en haul.
Collumpton, Devonsh., a cubit arm dirran, Perthsh., a lion's head erased Tou/ours prest. 247. 17
erect, vested gu., cuffed erm., holding
in the hand ppr. a ehaplet of roses gu. Sur esperance. And Moncreiffe, Monk, Charles James, 5, Buckingham
Scotland, a demi-lion rampant ppr. Gate, a dragon passant.
also gu., leaved vert. Sur esperance. 10. 2 Monkhouse, a church ppr. Ij8. 10
Molynes, Berks and Leics., a falcon's head Moncreiffe, Sir Robert Drummond, Bart., Monkhouse of Newcastle - on - Tyne,
between two wings expanded. 89. i D.L., of Moncreiffe, Perthsh., a demi- Northumb., out of a tower ppr.,
Molynes, a savage's head couped ppr. lion gu. .Sur esperance. 10. 3 masoned sa., an arm in armour brand-
igo. 12 Moncrief, Scotland, a gilliflower ppr. ishing in the hand a sword, also ppr.
Molyneux, Earl of SeJton and Viscount Diligentia cresco. 151. 8 Monachus salvabor.
Molyneux, see Sefton. Monks of Idrone Terrace, Blackrock. co.
Moncrief, Scotland, same crest. Firma
Molyneux, a peacock's tail erect ppr., Dublin, out of a mural coronet ppr..
banded or and az. Moncrief, Scotland, a stork's head. two dragons' wings displayed or, each
charged with a trefoil slipped vert.
Molyneux, Rev. Sir John Charles, Bart., Virescit. cf. 106. i
the Vicarage, Portisham, Dorchester, Fervor, non furor.
Dorset, an heraldic tiger passant arg. Moncrieft, see Scott-Moncrieff. Monkswell, Baron (Collier), of Monkswell,
holding in his dexter fore-paw a cross Moncrieff of France, and of Readie and
moline or. Stat Jortuna domus virtute. Devonsh., a demi-man affrontee ppr.,
Murnipay, Fifesh., Scotland a demi- holding in the dexter hand an oak-
lion rampant gu. Sur esperance. 10. 3
branch slipped and leaved ppr., fructed Montacute, Earl of Salisbury and Baron Montagu, Wilts, a griffin's head couped
between two wings expanded or, gorged
or, and resting the sinister hand on an Montacute, out of a ducal coronet gu.,
a griffin's head between two wings
escutcheon az., charged with two keys with a collar arg., charged with three
saltirewise or. Persevere. 274. 10 arg. 67. I lozenges gu. Disponendo me, non iiiu-
Monmouth, a hawk's head erased vert, Montacute, De, a griffin's head gu., be- tando me. cf. 67. 7
cliarged on the neck with a cheveron tween two wing? or. 65. II Montagu, CJeneral Horace William, C.B..
or, holding in the beak a trefoil of the Montagu, fill a i-hapeau a leopard passant. of 9, Oxford Road, Colchester, same
lirst. Montagu-Douglas-Scott, Duke of Buc- crest.
Monnoux, Beds, a dove holding in the cleuch, Ml liuccleuch. Montague, Rev. Horatio, a griffin's head
beak an oak-sprig fructed, all ppr.
Montagu, sue Samuel-Montagu. couped erminois with wings endorsed
92. 5
Monnoux, Bart, (extinct), of Wotton, Montagu, Duke 0! Manchester, see Man- and elevated pean, collared of the last.
Beds, a turtle-dove az., winged or, chester. Spectemur agendo. cf. 67. 1
and beaked purp., holding
Montagu, Duke and Earl of Montagu Montague, Glouc, a griffin's head or,
the k an oak-stalk vert, fructed
(extinct), a griffin's head couped or, wings endorsed sa., beaked of the last.
the wings addorsed and beaked sa. cf. 67. I I
Montague, Leopold .\gar Denys, Penton
Spectemur agendo. cf. 69. 1
Crediton, Devonsh., a griffin's head
Monnyngs, three crescents interlaced Montagu, Frederick Jaraes Osbaldeston,
arg. of Ingmanthorpc Hall, near Wetherby, couped or, beaked sa. , wings endorsed
Monnypenny, on a dolphin embowed and Yorks,and Melton Mowbray.Doncaster, of the last. Spectemur agendo.
bridled Neptune astride, holding with Montaguta, a demi-lion rampant or.
his sinister hand a trident over his a griffin's head couped or, beak and
shoulder. wings addorsed sa. 10. 2
Monox, Monnox, or Monoux of Walth- Montagu, see Sandwich, Earl of. Montalt, De, Earl, Viscount Hawarden
amstow, Essex, a dove arg., holding in of Hawarden, co. Tipperary, and Baron
its beak three acorns vert, fructed or. Montagu, Earl of Halifax (extinct), a de Montalt in Ireland (Rt. Hon. Sir
Cornwallis Maude), of Dundrum, co.
Monox, Notts, a denii-heron arg., winged griffin's head couped or, beaked, Tipperary, a lion's gamb erased and
gu., holding in the beak a flower or,
sUpped and leaved vert. winged, and charged on the neck
with a portcullis sa. Otium cum digni-
Monro, an eagle's head erased ppr. Alis
erect ppr., holding an oak-branch
Montagu - Stuart - Wortley - Mackenzie, slipped vert, acorned or. Virliite secu-
(Earl of Wharnchffe), Rt. Hon. Ed-
ward Montagu Stewart Granville, Vis- Montalt, a dexter arm embowed throwint;
Monro, Captain David, J.P., D.L., of count Carlton: (i) An eagle rising a dart ppr. 201. 14
Allan House, Fearn, Ross-sh., Scot-
land, an eagle perching ppr. Dread from a rock ppr., and in an escrol! Montchantsey and Mountchansey, a hand
akove the motto Firma et ardua (for holding a scimitar in pale ppr. 213. >'
Mackenzie). (2) An eagle's leg erased
God. Montchency, in the sea a ship, all ppr.
Monro, Hector, Esquire, of Edmondsham, or, issuant therefrom three ostrich- 160. 13
Cranborne, Salisbury, an eagle displayed
ppr. Non inferiora. feathers ppr., charged on the thigh Monteagle, Baron (Spring Rice), of Bran-
Monro, Scotland, an eagle looking to the with a fesee chequy az. and arg. (for Adon, CO. Kerry: (i) leopard's face
sun in splendour ppr. Ccdestia sequor. gu., ducaUy crowned or. A(2) demi-
AWortley). (3) demi-lion rampant
stag saliant ppr. Fides non timet.
gu., and in an escroU above the motto
76. I ANobilis ira (for Stttart). 10. 3. (4) 119. 2
Monro of Bearcrofts, Scotland, an eagle griffin's head couped or, the wings Monteath-Douglas, see Douglas.
perched or. Non inferiora.
endorsed and beak sa. (for Montagu). Monteatb, Scotland, a hand holding a
Monro, Bart., an eagle rising ppr. Dread
Avito viret honore. cf. 67. II Dumdagger in bend. vivo spero. 2 1 2. 3
Ood. yy. 5 Montagu - Stuart - Wortley - Mackenzie, Monteath, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas,
Monro, K.B., Scotland, an eagle close Major Edward James, C.M.G., of High- out of an Eastern coronet or, the rim
charged with three bombs fired, an oak-
ppr. Dread God. 76. 2 cliffe Castle, Hants, same crests and
Monro of Edinburgh, Scotland, an eagle mottoes. tree, the stem transfixed by a sword in
fesse, the pommel and hilt to the dexter,
rising, holding in its dexter claw a Montagu, Baron (Douglas-Scott-Mon-
sword ppr. Alis et animo. cj. jy. 10 Atagu), of Beaulieu : (I) griffin's head all ppr. 143. II
Monro, an eagle with wings addorsed
couped or, beaked and the wings en- Montefiore, Rev. Durbin Brice, M.A., of
arg. cj. 76. II dorsed sa. (for Montagu), cf. by. 11. Mursley Hall, Winslow, on a mount
Monro of Ewell Castle, Surrey, an eagle A(2) stag trippant ppr., attired and vert, three fleur-de-lis az., in front of a
Aungu. or (for Scott). 117. 8. (3) demi-lion or, holding between the paws
displayed ppr. Non inferiora. 75. 2
Monro of Pitlundie, Scotland, an eagle heart gu., winged and ensigned with an a cross moline gu. Video meliora.
gazing up at the sun in his splendour imperial crown or (for Douglas). Specte- 11. 6
ppr. Non inferiora. 76. i mur agendo. no. 14 Montefiore-Brice, Arthur John, F.R.G.S.,
Monro of Craiglockhart, Edinburgh, an Montagu-Pollock, Sir Montagu Frederick, F.G.S., Barrister-at-Law, of Xewnham
Bart., B.A. : (i) A Hon rampant gar-
Noncai;li.' rising ppr. inferiora. yy. 5 dant arg., crowned with an Eastern Glouc, and 2, Garden Court, Temple,
coronet or, holding in his dexter paw
Monrose, an eagle rising ppr. 77. 5 same crest and motto. 231. 17
Monsell, a lion rampant ppr., holding be- Montefiore, Edward Brice Stanley, of
tween its paws a mullet sa. cf. 15. 8 in bend an Afghan banner displayed Xewnham, Glouc, same crest and
Monsell, see Emly, Baron.
gu., bordered or and vert, the staii motto.
broken in two, and in his sinister paw
Monson, Baron (Monson), Burton Hall, Montefiore, late Sir Moses, Bart., (extinct):
Lincoln, a lion rampant ppr., support- a part of the broken staff, and in (i) An Eastern crown or, charged with
two roses gu. (2) Two mounts of
ing a column or. Prest pour mon an escroU over the same this motto,
flowers ppr., therefrom issuant a demi-
pays. A/Jghanistan. (2) A boar passant
lion or, supporting a flag-staff ppr.,
Monson, Rt. Hon. Sir Edmund John, quarterly embattled or and vert, thereon hoisted a forked pennon az.,
G.C.B., G.C.M.G., of the Embassy, inscribed " Jerusalem " in Hebrew
Paris, same crest and motto. pierced through the sinister shoulder
characters or. Think and thank. 283.9
Monson, see Oxenbridge, Viscount. with arrow ppr.. nd in escroU Montefiore, Sir Francis Abraham, Bart..
Monson, a lion rampant or, supporting a
over the same this motto, Audncter of Worth Park, Sussex, two mounts
pillar of the last. Prest pour mon
Aet strenue. 40. 14. (3) griffin's head
couped, with wings endorsed ermiuois,
collared pean, and in an escroll above of flowers ppr., therefrom issuant a
demi-lion or, supporting a flagstaff
Monson of Preston, three Saracens' heads this motto, Spectemur agendo. ppr., thereon hoisted a forked pennon
conjoined in one neck, one each to the
dexter and sinister, and one looking Montagu of Montreal, Canada, a griffin's
upwards. Pretio prudentia jyrcestnt.
head couped at the neck or, with wings flying towards the sinister az., inscribed
cf. 191. 5 " Jerusalem " in Hebrew characters or.
elevated sa., between two fleur-de-lis
of the last. Think and thank. 283. 9
Monteique, issuing out of flames ppr., a Montgomery, a dexter arm in armour Montgomery, Scotland, an eagle rising.
crane's head or. embowed ppr., holding a broken tilting-
Honteith, .Scotland, an eagle looking at spear in bend sinister, the spear-head Montgomery of Lanishaw, Ayrsh., a cock
the sun in splendour. Sub sole nihil.
pendent. Gardez bien. 197. 2 rising ppr. An I may. cf. 91. 7
76. I Montgomery, Sir Hugh Conyngham Gas- Montgomery, a lion couchant arg., semee-
Honteith, Scotland, a hand holding a ton, Bart., of the Hall, co. Donegal, on de-lis az., gorged with a collar or, fim-
dagsier ppr. 212. 3 a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a cubit briated of the second. c/. 7. 1;
Monteith, Scotland, a tree ppr. Viresco. arm armed, graspmg a broken tilting- Monthermer, a griffin's head between
143- 5 spear ppr. Gardez bien. cf. 210. 9 t%vo wings ppr. 65. 11
Monteith, Scotland, a wolf's head holding
Montgomery of Newton, Ayrsh., a dexter Monthermer, De, a gem-ring or, stoned
in the mouth a rose. 29. 7 hand holding a sword indented at the vert. 167. 14
Monteith, Scotland, a lymphad, her oars back like a saw ppr. Fidcliter. Montlaby, a demi-fleur-de-lis issuing.
in saltier ppr., flagged gu., and on a Montgomery of Grey Abbey, Downsh., Montmorency, De, see Mountmorres,
canton arg., a saltire az. Duin vivo on a chapeau an arm in armour erect Viscount.
spe.ro. cj. 160. 10 grasping in the hand a sword. Montmorency, De, see Frankfort De Mont-
Montesey, a sea-lion supporting an anchor, Montgomery, Earl of Mount Alexander, morency, Viscount.
aU pi.r. (extinct), on a chapeau a dexter gauntlet Montmorency, Ireland, on a ducal coronet
Montford of Kylnhurst, Yorks, a talbot's erect holding a dagger, all ppr. or, a peacock in his pride ppr. Dicii
head sa., eared or, gorged with a ducal Montgomery, Irelaml, on a chapeau gu., ayde. cf. 103. 12
coronet of the last. turned up erm., a dexter gauntlet erect Montmorency, France, a dog courant
Montgomerie, see Eglinton and AVinton, holding a dagger ppr. Honneiir sans ppr. Dieu ayde au premier Baron
Earl of. repos. Chrestien.
Montgomerie, see Edraonstone-Mont- Montgomery of Belhaven, co. Leitrim, Montolieu, a fleur-de-lis or, between two
gomerie. Ireland, a cubit arm erect vested gu., wings erect sa. Deo et principi.
Montgomerie, Scotland, a lady holding cuffed arg., grasping a broken tilting- Monton, a horse's head or, maned sa.
in her dexter hand an anchor and in spear, the point falling downwards cf. 50. 13
her sinister a savage's head. Garde three ostrich-
ppr. Patrice infelici fidelis. Montpenston, Wilts,
bien. 184. 9 Montgomery, a dexter arm in armour feathers, two arg., the centre one sa.,
Montgomerie-Molineux, Cecil Thomas, embowed, the hand grasping a broken all turned over or. 115. 2
Garboldisham Hall, East Harling, a spear, all ppr. 197-2 Montresor of Denne Hill, Kent, a royal
palm-branch ppr. Procedamus in pace. Montgomery of Beaulieu, co. Louth, helmet or. jilon tresor.
Montgomerie, Admiral John Eglinton, Ireland, an arm in armour embowed, Montriou, Norf , a pheasant ppr. cf. 90. 8
C.B., of Newfield, Kilmarnock, Ayrsh., .
the hand grasping a broken spear, the Montrose, Duke of (Graham), a falcon
a female figure representing Hope ppr. head drooping, all ppr. Patrice infelici ppr., beaked and armed or, preying on
attired az., holding in her dexter hand fidelis. 197. 2 a stork lying on its back, also ppr.
an anchor or, and in her sinister, by the Montgomery, Scotland, a hand holding a N'oubliez. 79. 7
hair, a human head ppr. Gardez bien. branch of palm ppr. Procedanms in Montrose, a spur between two wings.
Montgomerie, Samuel HjTiman, Esquire, pace. 219. II III. 13
J.P., of Southannan, Fairhe, N.B., and Montgomery of Broomlands, Ayrsh., Monyns of Walwarsher, Kent, an incres-
Aucham Castle, Kilmarnock, N.B., a Scotland, a branch of palm ppr. | cent or. 163. 3
female figure (representing Hope) ppr.,
resting az., holding in the dexter hand Proce-
an anchor or, and in her sinister by the
hair a human head, also ppr., charged damus in pace. 147. 3 Monypenny, Scotland, a dolphin az.,
Montgomery, Norf. : (i) On a chapeau finned gu. 140. 5
gu., turned up erm., a plume of pea- Monypenny, Charlton James Blackwell,
Acook's feathers ppr. (2) palm-branch J. P., Kent, and Pitmilly, Fifesh., Scot-
upon the breast with a cross crosslet ppr- 147-3 land, Neptune bestriding a dolphin
for difference. Garde bien. Montgomery, Ireland, out of a ducal coro- naiant in the sea, holding in his dexter
Montgomerie of Annick Lodge, Ayrsh., net or, two laurel-branches in orle vert. hand the rein.s, and in his sinister his
a female figure ppr., anciently attired 146. 9 trident, all ppr. Imperat ceqnor. 267. 2
az., holding in her dexter hand an Montgomery, Scotland, a lady ppr., vested Monypenny, Gybbon- of Maytham Hall,
anchor or, and in her sinister a savage's az., her dexter hand supporting an AAshford, Kent : (I) Same crest. (2)
head ppr. Gardez bien. 184. 9 anchor, and holding in her sinister a demi - lion regardant arg., ducally
Saracen's head erased, held by the hair, crowned or.
Montgomerie-Fleming, James Brown, of
Kelvinside, Glasgow, a goat's head both ppr. Garde bien. 184. 9 Moodie, a demi-pegasus with wings ad-
erased arg., armed or. Let the deed Montgomery, Bart., Scotland, a female dorsed, the body enfiled with a ducal
shau: figure vested az., supporting with her coronet. 47. 7
Montgomery, Major-Ceneral George dexter hand an anchor, and in her Moodie of Cocklaw, Fifesh., a pheon.
Samuel, C.S.I.. a dexter arm in armour sinister a Saracen's head couped, all God with IIS.
embowed holding a broken tilting- ppr. Gardez bien. 18.1. 9 Moodie or Mudie of Melsetter, in the
Orkney Islands, and of the Cape of
spear, all ppr. Patrice infelici fidelis. Montgomery, Graham-, Sir Basil Templer, Good Hope, on a naval coronet a lion
passant holding a flag, and on an
167. 2 Bart., M.P., of Stanhope, Peeblessh. :
Montgomery, an arm in armour holding, (I) A female figure representing Hope,
in the hand a broken spear, the point hair dishevelled, richly vested az., the escroU above the words. The reward
falling down. Garde bien. cj. 210. 9 train arg., her dexter hand resting on of valour.
Montgomery, an arm in armour embowed, an anchor, and holding in the sinister Moody or Moodye, two arms embowed
holding in the hand a dagger. 196. 5 a man's head, all ppr. (for Ilontgomery). in saltier, the dexter vested gu., the
Montgomery, a cubit arm in armour erect, sinister vert, and holding in each hand
—184. 9. (2) An escallop or {for Graham).
holding in the hand a dagger, all ppr. Gardebien. Spero meliora. 141. 12 a cutlass arg., hilted or, the blades
Montgomery, Scotland, a cubit arm in Montgomery, a merman ppr., holding a saltirewavs.
armour, holding in the hand a broken target or. Moody, Scotland, a lion's gamb holding
spear in bend dexter, the point falling. Montgomery, a Saracen's head affrontee. a pennon or, charged with a double-
Montgomery, Bart., Ireland, a dexter arm 190. 12 headed eagle displayed sa. The reward
in armour embowed. holding in the Montgomery, a fleur-de-lis or. An I maij. of valour. cf. 35. 12
hand a broken spear, all ppr. 197. 2 148. 2 Moody or Moodye, Bart., of Baresdon,
Montgomery of Convoy House, Ireland, Montgomery of Milton, Northamp., a Wilts, a wolf's head erased ppr. 30. 8
an arm in armour embowed, holding
hind's head. 124. i Moody, J. F. B., Esquire, of 22, Milverton
in the hand a broken spear, the head Montgomery of Skelmorlie, Ayrsh., Scot- Crescent, Leamington, a demi-pegasus
dropping, all ppr. Patrice infelici fidelis. land, a heart surmounted of an eye holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped.
197. 2 ppr. Verus ad flnem. 301. 10
Moody of Aspley, Beds, two falchions Moore, Frederick, the Hollies, Alcester Moore, Hon. Charles, of Moore Court,
in saltier ppr., the hilts and pommels Springwood, Blue Mountains, New
or, surmounted by a wolf's head erased Road, Kingsheath, Worcs., a Moor's South Wales, member of the Legislative
Council, out of a mural coronet gu., a
per pale arg. and az. head between two wings. Malo mori
Moon, Rev. Sir Edward Graham, Bart., Moor's head in profile couped at tlie
quam fcedari. shoulders ppr., wreathed round the
M.A., of Portman Square, and Hector temples or and az., and charged on the
of Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey, a Moore, Gordon-, of Mooresfort, co. Tip-
neck with a cross crosslet of the third.
crescent arg., in front of a fasces in Aperary, Ireland : ( i ) Moor's head
bend or, surmounting a sword in bend Pcrseverando et cavendo.
sini5t«r ppr. ^qiiam servare mentem. and shoulders in profile ppr., wreathed
Moore, Walter Montagu, Esquire, J. P..
171. 6 about the temples arg. and az. {for
of Wierton. Geraldine, New Zealand.
Moon, Sir Cecil Ernest, Bart., of Corpse- AMoore). 192. 13. (2) stag's head
wood Grange, Warw., a demi-eagle Major South Canterbury Rifle Batta-
displayed gu., in front thereof a fleur- couped ppr., attired or [for Gordon).
de-lis arg., and charged on the breast lion, New Zealand Volunteers, a
Audaees fortuna juvnt. 121. 5
Moor's head in profile couped at tin-
Moore, Bart, (extinct), of Kersant, Berks, shoulders ppr., and round the temple'^
out of a ducal coronet or, a Moor's
head ppr., WTcathed about the temples
arg. and az. Fortis cadere, cedere non
with an escutcheon of the last, thereon potest. 240. 12 a wreath. 192. 13
a crescent, also gu. Vincit omnia Moore, William, Esquire, K.C., J.P., of Moore, of Stockwell, Surrey, a Moor's
Moore Lodge, Ballymoney, co. Antrim, head affrontee ppr., wreathed round
Moone, a bear rampant supporting a out of a ducal coronet ppr., charged the temples az. and or, and with a
staff in pale ppr. 34- 9 with an annulet gu., a Moor's head in jewel pendent in the ears arg. Resolve
Moone, an arm erm., holding a fleur-de- profile, also ppr., the temples encircled well, persevere. 192. 4
with a wreath arg. and az. Fortis
lis or. c/. 215. 5 cadere, cedere non potest. Moore, a naked man sa., holding in his
Moore, William, Esquire, Moore Fort, co.
Moor, Berks, a griffin sejant regardant Antrim. Ireland, same crest and motto. dexter hand a dart or. cf. 186. 9
or, winged az., beaked of the first and Moore of Wichford, Hants, a mermaid
legged of the last. Xihil utile quod non ppr., crined or, her comb and mirror
honestum. Moore of Frampton Hall, Lines, a Moor's of the same. 184. 5
Moor, George, Esquire, of Java Lodge, head affrontce ppr., wreathed about Moore - Brabazon, Lieutenant - Colonel
near Wickham Market, Suff., a Moor's the temples az. and or, in each ear a John Arthur Henry, of 30, Cranley
head in profile couped at the shoulders. jewel pendent arg. Disce mori mundo. Gardens, S.W., on a mount vert, a
Moribns antiquis. 192. 4 falcon rising, belled or. Vota vita mea.
Moor, out of a ducal coronet, a Moor's Moore, Count .\rthur John, Kt. Com- Moore of Appleby Parva, Leics., a moor-
head between two spears, points up- mander of the Order of Gregory the cock sa., guttee-d'or, wattled and
ward in bend. Great, of Jlooresfort, co. Tipperary, legged gu., the wings expanded, and
Moor of East Grinsted, Sussex, the bust out of a mural crown ppr., a Moors hokling in the beak a branch of heath
of a Moorish king ppr., vested gu.,
WTeathed about the temples arg. and head, also ppr., wreathed about the ppr. Non civiam ardor. 89. 5
temples arg. and az., and charged on Moore, George John, Esquire, J.P., D.L.,
vert, on the head an Eastern coronet the neck with a rose gu., barbed vert. of Appleby, Atherstone, a moorcock
or, surmounting an anchor in bend Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. sa., guttee-d'or, the beak, comb,
sinister. In Deo confido. Moore, Sir Thomas O'Connor, Bart., of wattles, and leg gu. , the wings expanded,
Moor of Bank Hall, Kirkdale, Lanes, Ross Carbery, 00. Cork, out of a ducal holding in the beak a branch of heath
a moorcock arg., guttee-de-poix, mem- coronet a Moor's head in profile, all ppr. Non civiam ardor.
bered and wattleci gu., holding in the ppr. Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. Moore, George Henry, Esquire, of Glen-
beak a branch of carnation ppr. Moore, Sir John William, of 40, Fitz- mark, Canterbiury, New Zealand, uses :
Moore, Marquess of Drogheda and Vis- william Square West, Dublin, out of a a moorcock rising. 89. 5
count Moore, see Drogheda.
ducal crest coronet or, charged with Moore of Ballina, co. Mayo, Ireland, and
Moore, see Mountcashel, Earl of. a fleam gu., a Moor's head in profile Alicante, Spain, on a ducal coronet or,
Moore, Kent, a Moor's head in profile ppr., wreathed about the temples or a moorcock ppr. Fortis cadere, cedere
ppr., wreathed about the temples or and az. Fortis cadere, cedere non non potest.
and sa., charged on the neck with a potest. Moore of Blandford Forum, Dorset, a
crescent. Moore of Canterbury, a Moor's head in staff raguly fesseways or, thereon a
Moore, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet profile ppr., wreathed about the temples moorcock ppr., charged on the breast
or, a Moor's head in profile ppr., or and sa., and charged on the neck Awith a trefoil of the first. more
wreathed or and az. Forlis cadere, non with a crescent for difference. floresco.
ccdere potest. 240. 12 cf. 192. 13 Moore, Bart (extinct), of Fawley, Berks,
Moore, Kent, out of a ducal coronet or. Moore, Charles. Esquire, J.P., of Moores- on a tuft of grass vert, a moorcock sa..
a Moor's head ppr., wreathed round fort, CO. Tipperary, out of a mural combed and wattled gu. Nihil utile
the head az. and or, a jewel pendent coronet ppr., a Moor's head, also ppr., quod non honestum.
in the ears arg. 240. 12 wreathed about the temples arg. and Moore of Langley Lodge, Gerard's Cross,
Moore, Joseph Henry. Esquire, A.I.M., az., and charged on the neck with a Bucks, and Liverpool, on a mount vert,
of 63, Eccles Street. Dublin, out of a rose gu., barbed vert. Fortis cadere, a moorcock sa., holding in the beak a
naval crown, a Moor's head, all ppr. cedere non potest. sprig of bramble slipped ppr. ^qua-
Dura paiientia frango. Moore, Edmund F., Esquire, a blacka- biliter et diligenter.
Moore of Tara House, co. Meath, out of moor's head in profile ppr., the head Moore-Gwyn (formerly Moore), Joseph
a ducal coronet or, a Moor's head in encircled with a WTeath arg. and az., Edward, of Dyffryn, Neath, Gla-
profile ppr., filleted round the temples crowned with an Eastern coronet of morgansh.. and Abercrave House,
az. and or, in the ear a jewel pendent six points and with ear-rings or, vested Ystradgynlais, Breconsh. : ( i ) Be-
arg. Durum patienlia frango. in a white drapery fastened upon the tween two antlers sa., a cubit arm
240. 12 shoulder with a gold buckle. In Deo erect ppr., charged with two lozenges
Moore, a Moor's head couped at the confido. pale wise, also sa. , the hand grasping a
shoulders ppr., wreathed about the Moore-Carrick of CorswaU, Scotland, a sword ppr., pommel and hilt or, the
head arg. 192. 13 Jloor's head in profile couped at the blade transfixing a boar's head erect
Moore of Moore Hall, co. Mayo, Iieland, shoulders ppr. Duris nos frangor. and erased gu. (for Gwyn). 277. 5
a Sloor's head and shoulders ppr., in
the ear an annulet or. Fortis cadere, cf. 192. 13 (2) Upon a mount vert, a moorcock sa..
Moore, the lat« Sir John (killed at gorged with a collar nebuly arg., and
cedere non potest. cf. 192. 13 Corunna), a Moor's head couped at resting the dexter leg on a greyhound's
the neck, the turban ppr.
Moore of Thelwall, Chesh., a Moor's Moore, a Moor's head couped at the neck, head erased at the neck, also sa. (for
wearing a turban, all ppr. Moore). Vim vi repellere licet.
head couped ppr., wearing a cap gu.,
277. 6
turned up erm.
Moore, on a human heart gu., an eagle's Moorman, a hand holding four arrows, More of Buckhall, Laucs, a moorcock
leg erased at the thigh sa. 113. 14 points downward. cf. 214. 3 with wings expanded arg., guttee-de-
Moore, Shropsh., an eagle arg., preying Moorside, a demi-dragon vert, holding pois, holding in its beak an ear of
iHi a hare sa. 79. 6 in the dexter claw an arrow, point wheat or. c/. 89. 5
Moore, an eag'le preying on a rabbit, all downward sa. Insiste firmater. More of London, a moorcock arg., guttee-
ppr. 79- 6 cf. 73. 10 de-poix, beaked and legged gu.
Moorsom, on a mount vert a moorcock,
Moore, Stephen, Esquire, of Barne, More, Bart, (extinct), of More Hall and
Clourael, a goshawk seizing a coney, in front a banner erect ppr. Ad astra. Bank Hall, Lanes, a partridge with
both ppr. Vis unita fnrtior. 79. - Moorton, an eagle preying on a hare ppr. wings expanded holding in its beak a
Moore, a dove with wings expanded 79. 2 stalk of wheat, all ppr. Comme je fits.
holding in its beak an olive-branch Mootham, a cubit arm in armour holding 89. II
More, a dove with wings expanded ppr.
ppr. 94. 5 in the gauntlet the two ends of a broken
Moore, Devonsh., Hants, and Surrey, out spear. cf. 209. 10 94. 2
of a ducal coronet az., a swan's neck Moran of BaUinamore, co. Leitrim, Ire- More of Linley, Shropsh., an eagle arg.,
arg., beaked gu. land : ( I ) Out of a mural coronet a demi- preying on a hare sa. 79. 6
Saracen, the head in profile, all ppr.
Moore, Joseph Hall, Esquire, Castleton, More: (1) Same crest as above. (2) Out
Derbysh., via snemeia, a sv^'an arg., (for Moran). (2) Out of an ancient of a ducal coronet or, a swan's head
Irish crown or, a cubit arm in armour
with wings elevated barry of six or and and neck ppr.
az., holding in the beak a flower of the holding a scimitar, all ppr.{/or 0' Roiirke). More, out of a ducal coronet az., a swan's
cotton-tree slipped ppr. 3Iores hoc Fides non timet. head and neck arg., beaked gu.
mutali. 99. 14 Morant, on a ducal coronet a stag's head More O'Ferrall, Ambrose, Esquire, J.P.,
Moore, WiUiam Middleton, Esquire, J. P., eabossed. cf. 122. 5 D.L., of Balyna House, Moyvalley, co.
Kildare, and Glenmonnon, Ross-on-
D.L., of Grimeshill, near Kirkby Lons- Morant, Edward John Harry Eden, of
dale, Westml. a swan, wings elevated Brockenhurst Park, Hants, a dove Wye, out of a ducal coronet or, a grey-
arg., charged on the breast with a holding in its beak an olive-branch. hound springing sa.
pheon sa., in front of bulrushes ppr. 92. 5 More O'Ferrall, Dominic, Esquire, of
A n imum rege. Morant, William George, 23. Old Elvet. Kildangan, Monasterevan, co. Kildare,
Moore of Grimeshill, Westml., in front of Durham, same crest. Paz amor fides. same crest.
bulrushes ppr., a swan with wings Morant of Great Yarmouth, Norf., a lion More O'Ferrall, Edward Gerald, of Lis-
elevated arg., charged on the breast rampant or, charged on the breast with sard, CO. Longford, same crest.
with a pheon sa. Animitm rcge. a cross sa. cf. i. 13 More, Suff., a wolf's head erased sa..
Moore of JJewington, Surrey, a demi- Morar, London, a lion's head erased erm., gorged with a collar dancettce or.
cf. 30. II
bul! salient erminois, armed sa. cf. 45. 8 collared bendy or and az. 18. 5
Moore of Ipswich, Suff., a stag trippant Moray, Earl of (Stuart), a pelican in her More of Taunton, Somers , and Heytes-
sa., platee, attired or. cf. 117. 8 piety ppr. Sahis per Christum redemp- bury, Wilts, a tiger's head erased arg.,
Moore of Grantham, Lines, a lion pa.ssant torem. 98. 14 pierced through the neck with a broken
gardant gu., duealty gorged and Moray, Home-Drummond-, William Au- spear or, headed of the first.
chained arg. cf. 4. 3 gustus, of Absrcairney, Scotland, an More, a lion passant regardant gu.,
Moore of Northaston, Oxon., a demi-lion —earl's coronet surmounted of a star of ducally gorged and lined arg.
rampant per pale or and arg.. collared cf. 6. 3
twelve rays arg. Sans tache. Tanti
and lined sa. c/. 10. 9 talem geniiere parentes. More of Broadclist, Devonsh., a demi-lion
Moore of Sandon and Haddon, Herts and Morb,y, an eagle displayed or. 75-2 rampant gardant az., holding between
London, a demi-cast!e arg., and issuing Morcraft, out of a ducal coronet or, a the paws a garb vert, banded gu.
from the battlements thereof a demi- bull's head sa., armed of the first. More, Devonsh., a hand holding a sword.
lion rampant gardant or. holding a flag- 44. II 212. 13
staff sa-, therefrom flowing a banner of Mordaunt, Earl ol Peterborough (ex- More, Devonsh., a naked arm couped
the arms, viz., arg., guttee-de-sang, two tinct), a blackamoor's head atfrontee above the elbow ppr., wielding a sword
chevronels gu. 20. 1 couped at the shoulders ppr., banded arg.. hilt and pommel or. 212. 13
Moore of Jloorehays, Collumpton, Devon- around the temples with a wreath or More, Bart, (extinct), of Loseley, Surrey.
sh., a dexter arm embowed ppr., holding and gu., ribbons of the same. Nee on a ducal coronet an antelope, all arg,
a sword arg. 201. 4 placido contenia quiete est. 192. 4 cf. 126. 12
Moure of Cremorgan, Queen's Co., Ire- Mordaunt, Sir Osbert L'Estrange, Bart., More-Molyneux, William, Esquire, of
laud, a hand lying fesseways couped at of Massingham, Norf., a blackamoor's Loseley Park, Surrey (residence : St.
the wrist holding a sword erect, enfiled head in profile couped at the Catherine's House. Guildford) : (i) On
with three gory heads, all ppr. Samper shoulders ppr., banded with a wreath a cap of maintenance turned up erm.,
fiddis et audax. round the temples arg. and sa. Ferro a plume of peacock's feathers ppr. (for
Moore or More of Balyna, co. Kildare, comite. 192. 13 Molyneux). (2) Out of a ducal coronet
arg., an antelope passant of the last
Ireland, a hand lying fesseways couped Morden, Kent, a hawk with wings ad-
at the wrist holding a sword erect, en- dorsed arg., beaked or, preying on a (for More). Vivere sat vincere.
—hled with three gory heads, all ppr. partridge ppr. 77. 12 Moreau, on a wreath of the colours a
Coiilan a bu. Spes mea Deus. More, Scotland, a Moor's head couped coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis or,
Moore of Roscarberry, co. Cork, Ireland, ppr. Major opima fcrat. therein a dexter arm in armour em-
a heraldic tiger's head couped arg., More, a Moor's head ppr., wreathed arg. bowed ppr., holding in the hand a
pierced through the neck with a broken and sa. scimitar arg., hilt and pommel or.
spear. More of Kittingtcc, Notts, on a Moor's Morehead, Scotland, two hands couped
Moore of Bristol and Ireland, a heraldic head in profile ppr., a chapeau gu., and conjoined supporting a sword in
tiger's head erased or, thiiist through turned up erm. pale, all ppr. Auxilio Dei.
the neck with a broken spear arg. More, a Moor's head in profile ppr., 224. 9
Fortis cndere, cedere non potest. wreathed or and sa., charged on the Moreiddig, Wales, a boys head couped
Moore, Sir Thomas O'Connor. Bart., a neck with a crescent. cf. 192. 13 at the shoulders ppr., having a snake
entwined about the neck vert.
heraldic tiger's head couped arg., pierced More, Yorlvs, a Moor's head and shoulders
through with a broken spear ppr. ppr., in the ear a ring or. 192. 13 Moreland, a ship in full sail ppr.
Fortis cadere, cedere non potest. More, a Moor's head atfrontee sa. 192. 4 160. 13
Moores, an eagle rising ppr. Juravi et More, on a tower triple-towered or, a Mores, a demi-lion rampant. Deus nobis
ndjuravi. 77. 5 Moor's head in profile ppr. quis contra. lO. 2
Moorhead, a negro's head sa., banded arg. More, Yorks a demi-Moor ppr., holding Mores of Coxwell. Berks, a ."floor's head
Moorhouss, Yorks, a pelican vulning in both hands a sword arg.. hilt or, in profile WTeathed round the temples
herself ppr. 98. I reclining over the sinister shoulder. or and az. cf. 192. 13
Mores, Rowe-, Middx., a Moor's head collared gu., holding in the mouth a Avenue Road, Regent's Park, London,
ppr. , wreathed arg. and sa. Either dis- tilting-spear bendways ppr. Fortitu- a sea-horse naiant ppr. Vive ul semper
card the word, or becomingly adhere to it. dine ct prttdentia. 122. 2 vivas. 301. 5
Morgan, a reindeer's head or. 1. 10
cj. 192. 13 Morgan, Wales, a reindeer's cf. 122. i Morgan, a lion rampant sa.
Moresby, Admiral John, of Black Beck, head or,
attired gu. cf. 122. i Morgan of Biddlesdon Park, Bucks, a
Fareham, Hants, a heraldic antelope
demi-lion rampant regardant arg.
rampant gu., gorged with a naval Morgan, Wales, a reindeer's head ca- cf. 16. 5
coronet, and therefrom a chain reiiexed bossed or. 122. 4 Morgan, an eagle's head erased. 83. 2
over the back or, supporting a tilting- Morgan, Captain the Hon. Frederic Morgan, out of a ducal coronet two
spear erect sa. Je le feray durant ma Courtenay, D.L., M.P., of Rup eagles' heads addorsed, all or.
vie. 255- II Castle, Newport, Monm., a reindi cf. 84- I I
head couped or, attired gu. Deus
Moret, a demi-griffin gu., collared or, Morgan of Mellhouse, Durh., out of a
supporting an anchor az. 64. 7 nobiscum quis contra nos. ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle dis-
Moreton, see Ducie, Earl of. cf. 12 played with two heads gu. cf. 82. 3
Moreton, Chesh. and Sussex, a wolf's Morgan, Hon. Robert Fitzmaurice Tilson Morgan of Little Hallingbury, Essex, a
head couped arg. 30. 5 Deane, of Springfield Castle, co. demi-eagle displayed or, charged on
Limerick, Ireland: (i) On a wreath the body with a fesse wavy sa.
Moreton, Shropsh.. a cock's head or
between two wings expanded az. of the colours a reindeer's head ca- cf. 81.6
Moreton, a cock's head or, with wings boshed or, charged with a mullet az. Morgan, a griffin segreant. 62. 2
expanded az., gorged with a fess cot for difference {for Morgan), cf. 122. 4. Morgan of South Mapperton, Dorset, a
tised gu., combed of the last, holding (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a demi- griffin's head erased or, charged with
in its beak a trefoil slipped of the sea-otter ppr. {for Deane), and in a two bends sa. cf. 66. 2
scroll above the crests the motto Morgan, Somers., a demi-griffin segreant
Moreton, Shropsh., a cock's head Honor et virtus. Fnrti et fideli nihil erased sa. cf. 64. 2
charged with six barrulets gu., combed
difficile. Morgan Sussex, a griffin's head erased
and wattled of the last, between two Morgan, Norf., a reindeer's head sa ppr. 66. 2
wings expanded a/-., holding in his attired or, charged on the neck with a Morgan, Nelson Smith, Esquire, of Hen-
beak a trefoil slipped vert. mullet. cf. 122 field, Sussex, a fer-de-moline fesseways
sa., thereon a griffin's head erased ppr.
Moreton or Morton, a demi-moorcock Morgan, Gould-, Bart,, Monm.: (i) A
displayed sa., combed and wattled gu. reindeer's head couped or, attired gu. cf. 66. 2
{for Morgan), cf. 122. i. (2) An eagle Morgan, a dragon's head erased gu..
Moreton, Chesh., a greyhound's head rising ppr., holding in its beak a pine- langued az.. collared or, between two
couped, collared with a twisted wreath cone (for Gould). bars gemel wavy arg. 7<^/- 21 •
vert. cf. 61. 2 Morgan of Waterford, Ireland, a rein- Morgan, Devonsh., and Hanbury and
Moreton, John, Esquire, J.P., of Wybas- deer's head cabossed or. Fidus et Little Comberton. Worcs., an heraldic
ton, Fordhouses, and Moseley Court, audax. 122. 4 tiger sejant sa., crined and tufted or,
holding in the dexter paw a battle-axe
Bushbury, Staffs, a buckle the tongue Morgan, Hon. Arthur John, of 30, Port- in pale ppr., headed of the second.
erect gu., between two wings vair. By man Square, W., and Tredegar Park,
persri-crnnce. Newport, Monm., a reindeer's head Morgan, Captain W. F. Hoh-oyd, Oak
Moreton-Macdonald, John Ronald, of couped or. ViUa, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, a
Largie Castle, Tayinloan, a dexter arm Morgan of Burnham Norton, Norf., and leopard's head erased and affrontee.
from the shoulder holding a dagger in Chalworth, Surrey, a reindeer's head
sa. , attired or, and charged on the neck Morgan - Stratford of Swindon Manor,
—pale ppr. Semper ptignare paratus.
Pro patria. with a mullet. cf. 122. 1 Glouc, and Lubenham Hall, Northamp,,
a dexter arm embowed, vested arg.,
Morewood, Derbysh. two arms in armour Morgan of Lansore, Monm., a reindeer's the hand grasping a falchion ppr.,
, pommel and hilt or.
Morham, a talbot's head erased sa. 56. 2
embowed ppr.. holding a chaplet or. —head couped or. attired gu. Y drodde-
Moriarty, see Crumpe.
Morewood of Alfreton Hall, Derbysh. : fodd y orfy. Vincet qui vatitur.
(1) On a torse arg. and vert, two arms cf. 122. I
in armour embowed ppr., supporting a
Morgan, Ireland, a stag's head cabossed
chaplet of oak-branches of the second, ppr.. attired or. 122. 5 Moriarty, Ireland, an eagle with wings
fructed or {jor Morcu-ood). U) A grey- Morgan, Christopher Hird, Esquire, J.P., addorsed ppr. cf. 76. 1
hound sejant sa., collared (for Ptilmer). of Tregfynydd, Llanfalteg R.S.O., Moriarty, on a ducal coronet a griffin
cf. 59. 2 Carmarthensh., a stag's head couped sejant, supporting an escutcheon gu.
arg., collared gu., holding in the mouth 62. II
Morewood, Rowland, of Pittsfield, New
York, U.S.A., a dexter and sinister arm, a tilting-spear bendways ppr. Forti- Moriarty, an arm in armour embowed
armed ppr,, supporting a chaplet of tudine et prudentia. holding a dagger, the blade environed
oak-branchea vert, acorned or. Morgan of London, a dexter hand ppr., with a serpent. cf. 196. 5
Morlyn, a blackamoor's head couped at holding a swan's head and neck erased Moriarty, Captain Henry Augustus, C.B.,
the shoulders ppr., vested paly of six arg. 220. 9 R.N., of 35, Manor Park, Lee, Kent.
erm. and ermines, pendents in his ears London, S.E., a dexter arm in armour
or, -viTeathed about the temples, and Morgan of Golden Grove, Flintsh., Wales : embowed holding a dagger. Scandit
bat's wings to his head sa., expanded
(i) A Saxon's head ppr. 190. 12. (2) sublima virtus.
A Cornish chough ppr. Hheb Dhuw
on either side. 182. 6 hheb ddim a Dhuw digon. 107. 14 Morice, a lion's gamb holding a crescent.
Morgan, Captain Francis George Cour- Morgan, a savage's head affrontee 39- 15
thorpe Mansel, Plas Coed Mor, wreathed. cf. 190. 5 Morier, a greyhound's head ppr., be-
LlanfairpwU, Anglesea, a demi-lion Morgan, Shropsh., a spear's head erect tween two roses slipped and leaved.
rampant regardant. arg., imbrued ppr. 174. 12 61. II
Morgan, .see Muskerry, Baron. Morgan, on a mount vert, an oak-tree Morin of Jersey, on a chapeau a dolphin
Morgan, see Tredegar, Baron. ppr., fructed or, and in front thereof naiant, all ppr. Fortune le veut.
Morgan, see Grogan-Morgan. a wolf passant, also ppr. cf. 140. 5
Morgan, Charles Peter, Bryn-yr-Hane, Morgan-Richardson, Charles E. D., Es- Moring, a greyhound statant. cf. 60. 2
near Mold, Flintsh., a Saracen's quire, of Noyadd Wilym, Cardigan Moris, Suff.. a talbot gu.. collared and
head. (i) Out of a ducal coronet a unicorn's lined or. cf. 54. 5
Morgan, a reindeer's head cabossed arg. head ppr., horned or {for Richardson). Moriskines, a stork or, legged and beaked
122. 4 A48. 12. (2) lion rampant sa. (for sa. 105. II
Morgan, Howard Spear, Esquire, J.P.,
Morgan). i. 10 Morison, see Brown-Morison.
D.L., of Tegfynydd, Llanfalteg, South Morgan, Frederick, Esquire, J.P., of Morison, see Campbell-Miller-Morison-
Wales, a reindeer's head couped arg.. Glengorm Castle, Argyllsh., and 72, Morison, .see Walker-Morison.
!1j , !;
Morison, Lennox James, Esquire, M.A., sleeve az., cuffed and slashed arg., three roses gu., seeded or, barbed and
of So, Warwick Square, London. S.W., holding in the hand ppr. a stag's
three Moor's heads conjoined in one attire gu. Fideli certa merces. 208. 6 stalked vert, and resting the sinister on
neck ppr., the faces looking dexter, Morley of Norwich, a wolf sejant sa., a cross crosslet of the last. Bono
animo esto.
sinister, and upwards. Prctio pru- maned, tufted, collared, and lined or. Morres, Bart, {cttinct), of Kilkreen, co.
Kilkenny, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant
dentin prcestat. I9i- 5 29. 3 ppr. Deus nobiscum guis contra nos.
Morley of East Lavant. Sussex, out of a
Morison, of Touch House, Stirling, three
Saracens' heads conjoined in one neck ducal coronet a griffin's head between 10. 2
ppr., the faces looking upwards and to
the dexter and sinister. In Deo confido. two wings expanded, all arg. 67. i Morrice, a hawk ppr., belled and jessed
Morley, out of a mural coronet a griffin's or. cf. 85. 2
cj. 191. 5 head between two wings. cf. 67. i Morrice, Frederick Launcelot Hamilton,
Morison of Prestongrange, Edinburgh,
Morley of Marrick Park, Yorks, out of a Esquire. J. P., formerly of Bettshanger,
three Saracen's heads conjoined in one ducal coronet a griffin's head between Kent, on a rest a falcon ppr., beaked
wings, all arg. S'ils ie inordent, mord
neck, the faces looking upwards and and belled or. 85. 8
to the dexter and sinister. Pretio les. 67. I Morrice or Morice of Chipping Ongar,
prudentia prcestat. cf. 191. 5 Morley, John, Esquire, of Hackney, Essex, a cock gu., beaked, combed, and
Morison, Frederick De Lamarre, Esquire Middx., a demi-griffin arg., with wings wattled or, environed round the neck
by a snake ppr.
J.P., D.L., of Mountblairy House, elevated erm., holding between the
Banff, N.B., two hands grasping a claws a leopard's face jessant-de-lis sa. Morrice, a lion rampant regardant. 2. 3
dagger. Sunt tria hcEC unum. Morrice of London, a lion rampant or,
Morison, Duncan-, of Naughton, Fifesh. ; Tenax propositi. 65. i
(i) Three Saracen's heads conjoined in collared gu., holding a pellet.
one neck erased, and wreathed with Morley, Rt. Hon. Arnold, P.C., of 7,
Morrice or Morris, a lion rampant or,
Stratton Street, Piccadilly, W., same charged on the shoulder with a cross
crest and motto.
laurel ppr., looking upwards and to the Morley, Samuel Hope, Esquire. J.P., gu- cf. I. 13
dexter and sinister {/or Morison). cf. D.L., of Hall Place, Leigh, Tonbridge, Morris, see PoUok-Morris.
A191. 5. (2) ship in distress in the same crest and motto. Morris, the late Rt. Hon. Sir Michael,
sea, all ppr. {for Duncan). 160. 14. Morley, Henry Clervaux Chaytor, Hoklen Baron Morris, P.C, of Spieldal, co.
Galway, a Lord of Appeal in Ordinary,
(3) An eagle's head erased or {for House, Southborough, Tunbridge on a fasces fesswise ppr., a lion's head
Wells, a leopard's face or, jessant de-lis
—Haldanc). Prctio prudentia prcesta^.
Disce pnti.-Suffer. i^. 2 arg. S'ils Ie mordent, mord les. erased arg., guttee-de-sang. Si Deus
Morison, Morrison, or Morryson, a pega- Morley of Morley, Lanes, and of Glynde, nobiscum quis contra nos. 285. 10
sus or. 47. I Sussex, a man in armour ppr., garnished Morris, Sir George, K.C.B., of 48, Lower
Morison of Standor, Herts, of Cadby, or, holding in his dexter hand a baton Leeson Street, Dublin, same crest and
Lines, and Lanes, out of a ducal coro- of the last, across his body a sash az. motto.
net or, an eagle's head between two cf. 188. 7 Morris of Coxwell, Berks, a Moor's head
wings arg. 84. 3 Morley of Halstead, Essex, a demi-man erased in profile erminois, wreathed
Morison, Edinburgh, a serpent ppr. ppr.. habited az., holding a pole-axe arg. and az.
Prcrtio prudentia prcEstat. 142. 4 bendways or, and on his head a steel Morris, His Honour William O'Connor,
cap having three feathers gu., or, and of Gartnamona, Tullamore, King's Co.,
Morkill, John WiUiam, Esquire, J.P., of
Newfield Hall, BeU Busk, Yorks, and az. Nee errat, nee assat. in front of a boy's head affrontee,
Austhorpe Lodge, near Leeds, a martlet Morley of Halnaker, on a chapeau gu., fasces fesseways ppr. Festina lerUe.
or, between two lilies arg., stalked, turned up erm., a leopard's face arg., Morris, Ireland, a lion's head erased arg.,
leaved, and slipped ppr. Be true. jessant-de-lis or. guttee-de-sang. Virtute et fortitvdine.
293- 7 Morley, a talbot passant regardant er- cf. 17. 8
Morland, an arm couped and embowed, mines, collared or. Morris, Laurence Burke, the Rectory,
holding in the hand three stalks of Morley of Barnes, Hants, out of a ducal Thornton-in-Craven, Leeds, same crest.
coronet a demi-talbot, all or. Per medias ccedes.
Morland, a camel's head erased charged Mornell, out of a mural coronet az. , j a demi-lion rampant or, holding
a I Morris,
with three bars wavy. cf. 132. 7 dragon's head vomiting flames ppr. I between the paws a plate. cf. 11 . 7
Morland of the Court Lodge, Kent, a 72. II Morris of Barnwood, Glouc, a demi-lion
t,d.-..n ppr., belled or. cf. S5. 2 Moro, see Phillips. rampant or, charged on the shoulder
Morland, Kent., a leopard's face jessant- Moroney, co. Clare, Ireland, a lion ram- with a oross-fleury sa., and holding in
de-lis or. between two wings erm. pant arg.. holding a sceptre or. its paws an ear of wheat ppr.
Morland of Kimble, Bucks, and West- Morony, Edmund, Esquire, of Odell Ville, Morris of Wanstead, Essex, a lion ram-
minster, a griffin's head with wings Ballingarry. co. Limerick, a lion ram- pant sa., bezantee, ducally gorged or.
addorsed az., semee-de-lis and of cross pant arg. holding a sceptre or. Morris, a lion rampant or, charged on
crosslets or. Morow, out of a ducal coronet an eagle's the shoulder with a cross gu.
Morland, William Courtenay, Lamber- head between two wings. 84. 3 cf. I. 13
hurst Court Lodge, Kent, an eagle arg.,
Morpeth, Viscount, see Carlisle, Earl of. Morris, Yorks, a lion rampant regardant
belled or. —or. Marte et mare faventibus. Irrupta
Morphew, a crane ppr. 105. 9 —C"/ni/n. .Sp, rtemur agendo.
Morland, Bernard-, Bart., of Nettleham,
Morphew, a crane statant holding in its 2. 3
ALines : ( I ) griffin's head with wings
beak a serpent. Morris ..f \Viiij;lield House, Bath, Somers.,
addorsed az., semee-de-lis and of cross
Morphew, a stork ppr. 105. 11 a li.in ramiMiitor. I. 13
crosslets alternately or {for Morland). Morral, Cyrus, of Phis Yolyn, Shropsh., a Morris, Amlierst Henry Gage, Xunburn-
(2) A demi-bear sa., muzzled and col- demi-griffin. Norma tuta Veritas. holme, Hayton, Yorks, same crest.
lared or {for Bernard). Bear and for- 64. 2 Morris of Peckham, Surrey, upon a mount
bear, cf. 34. 13 Morrell, the horns of a bull fixed to the vert, a lion rampant or, semee of quatre-
foils and holding in the dexter paw an
Morland, a dove or, holding in the beak scalp ppr. 123. 8
an olive-branch ppr. 92. 5 Morrell, a harpy arg., crined or. 189. i annulet gu. Pro rege semper.
Morland, Benjamin Henry, J.P., Sheep- Morrell of Wallingford. Berlis, a demi- Morris, Sir Robert Armine, Bart., D.L., of
stead, Abingdon, same crest. Olivam ! lion rampant gardant per pale arg. Clasemont, Glamorgansh., a lion ram-
frrmti prwpono. I and sa., holding in the dexter paw a pant or, charged on the shoulder with
Morland, a lion's head between two sprig of three roses gu. Bono aninia a cross couped gu., within a chain in
Hiriu.sarg. 19.7 e-slo. cf. 10. 8 the form of an arch of the first. Scuto
Morleigh, Lanes, a unicorn's head erased Morrell, George Herbert, Esquire, SLA., fidei. 286. I
or. 49. 5 of Headington Hill, Oxon., a demi-lion Morris, George Byng, Esquire. D.L.. of
Morley, Earl ol (Parker), a cubit arm rampant guardant per pale arg. and sa. Dany-graig, Porthcawl R.S.O., Gla-
erect couped below the elbow, the holding in the dexter paw a branch of morgansh., same crest and motto.
Morris of Ferns, co. Wexford, a demi-lion flowing to the dexter az., charged Mortimer of Fonthill Park, Wilts, a
with a harp or, stringed arg. Virtus stag's head erased and affrontee ppr.,
erased or, guttee-de-aang, langued gu.
Morris, a stag trippant ppr. 1 17. 8 attiredor. Acquirit qui tuetur. 119.10
Morris, a fox's head couped ppr.
Morris, a tower in flames ppr. 33. 4 Morrogh-Bernard, Edward Joseph Ber- Mortimore, on a ohapeau gu., turned up
Morris, a castle domed arg. 155-9 nard, Esquire, J.P., of Fahagh Court,
Faha, KiUarney, co. Kerry, a staff ppr., erm., a stag's head. cl. 121. 5
Mortinius, a sword in pale enfiled with
Morris, a tower or, inflamed gu. 155-9 with a flag attached az., charged with a ducal coronet, all between two
Morris, Herbert, the Hurst. C'lun R.S.O., a harp or. Virtus invicta. elephants' probosces.
Salop, an eagle displayed sa.
Morryson, a pegasus or. 47. i Mortlock, a lion's head erased sa. 17. 8
Morris, Shropsh., a cock arg. 91. 2 Morse, a lion rampant supporting a Mortlock, John George, Esquire, of Mel-
Morris, Shropsh., same crest. Vivens plumb-rule. 3. 2 bourn and Meldreth, Carabs, uses a
canam. Morse, two battle-axes in saltier, banded lion sejant resting the dexter paw on
Morris, a cock with a serpent enwrapped
with a chaplet of roses ppr. 172. 4 a fleur-de-lis. Hie labor hoc opus. 6. 1 1
round his body, and holding the head
Morse, a battle-axe erect. 172. 3 MortofTe and Mortoft of Itringhara, Norf.,
in his beak. r/. 91. 2 Morse, Rev. Herbert George, M.A., Trin. a stag's head erased sa., the nose arg..
Morris, James, Esquire, of Duke Street. Coll., Cantab., late Rector of Little- attired or, gorged with a ducal coronet
St. James's, upon a saltire or, a moor- ham, near Bideford, 65, Holland Park, of the second. cf. 121. 2
W., a demi-man in complete armour
cock sa. Moderata durant. Morton, Earl of (Douglas), a wild boar
Morris, Thomas Henry, Esquire, of the ppr., garnished or, his helmet open ppr. sticking between two clefts of an
Lodge, Halifax, Yorks, an heraldic and surmounted by a plume of three oak-tree fructed vert, a chain and lock
antelope sejant arg., guttee-de-sang, ostrich-feathers az., on his breast a az. holding the clefts together. Lock-
resting the dexter foot on a scahng- cro.ss-belt sa., and holding in his dexter sicker 40. 4
hand a halberd ppr. Deo non armis
ladder or. Ses non verba quceso. Morton, Scotland, a lion's gamb erect sa.
Morris of the Hurst, Shropsh., an eagle fido. 187. 5 -i te, pro le. cf. 36. 4
displayed sa. 75-2 Morse, Alfred Herbert, Esquire, of Cop- Morton of Erbeck, Heref., an eagle with
Morris, a boar's head. Esto quod esse dock, Ipswich, same crest and motto. wings expanded erm. ^y. 5
videris. 43. i Morse-Boycott, Frederic Augustus, late of Morton, Edward James, Heathfield,
Morris, Charles Edward, Wood Eaton Sennoweville, Bushey, Herts ; (I ) Issu- Wolverley, Kidderminster, same crest.
ing from a mural coronet arg., a dexter
JIanor, Staffs, same crest and motto. arm vambraced, the fist clenched ppr., Morton of Morton and Ingleton, Staffs,
from the little finger pendant by a
Morris or Morecll of Galway, Ireland, a a cock's head or, between two wings
fleur-de-lis or. 148. 2 az. Persevcrando.
Morton, a demi-moorcock with wings
Morris of Ballybeggan and Castle Morris, thong gu., an escutcheon of the first,
displayed sa., combed and wattled gu.
CO. Kerry, a fleur-de-lis. L'honnete al charged n-ith a fireball ppr. (for Boy-
agreahle. 148. 2 Acott). 197. II. (2) demi-man in Pcrseverando.
Morris of Ystradmeuric, Cardigansh., a complete armour ppr., garnished or, Morton, a demi-moorcock displayed sa.,
naked arm erect, holding an open Bible his helmet open and surmounted by a combed and wattled gu. Persevcrando.
ppr., inscribed with the Welsh word plume of three ostrich-feathers az., on Morton of Lechlade, Chesh., a grey-
" Bibl." A Oair Duw yn uchaf. his breast a cross-belt sa., and holding hound's head arg"., collared vert.rimmed
in his dexter hand a halberd ppr. (jor or. 61. 2
cf. 215. 10
Morse). Deo non armis fido. 187.5 Morton, a wolf's head arg. 30. 5
Morris, R. W. T., Esquire, of Nirvana,
Ivybridge, a Moor's head affrontee Morshead, Comw., a demi-griffin regar- Morton of Belmont, Scotland, a wolf's
couped below the shoulders, wreathed dant, c/. 64. 3 head couped ppr. Virtutis prcemium.
about the temples. Festina lente. Morshead, Cornw., a demi-griffin regar- 30- 5
Morton, Scotland, an oak-tree ppr. Vir-
Morrison, three men'.? faces conjoined in dant holding between its claws an
one neck, one affrontee, and the others
escutcheon arg. tutis prcemium. 1 43. 5
Morshead, Sir Warwick Charles, Bart.,
facing the dexter and sinister. Morton, Scotland, a tree truncated, leaves
191. 2 J. P., of Trenant Park. Cornw., a sprouting therefrom ppr.
Morrison Richard Fielding, Esquire, of
demi-wyvern regardant vert, collared Morton of Croydon, Surrey, and Kent, a
Larkfield, Ballybrack, co. Dublin, Ire or, supporting an escutcheon az., goat's head erased arg., armed or. 128. 5
land, on a mural coronet gu., an eagle's charged with a bezant. 284. 14 Morton, De, a griffin segreant sa. 62. 2
head and neck between two wings dis-
Morshead of Lavethan, Cornw., a demi- Morton of Greenock, Scotland, a unicorn's
played arg., the neck and each wing dragon regardant vert, debruised by a head erased arg., armed, maned, and
charged with a fleur-de-lis sa. Utile et bendlet sinister wavy and collared or, tufted or. Persevcrando. 49. 5
dulce. holding between the claws an escut- Mortymer of Attleburgh. Norf., a buck's
Morrison, Lanes, out of a ducal coronet cheon sa., charged with a bezant. head erased quarterly or and gu. 21 1 . 2
Morskin of London, a stork or, beaked
ppr., an eagle's head and neck between Morvile, a cat's head affrontee gu. cf. 25.1
two wings arg. 84. 3 and legged sa. 105. 11 Morwell, a demi-griffin segreant. 64. 2
Morrison, a pegasus. 47. 1
Morson of London, a lion's head erased Moseley of Buildwas, Shropsh., an eagle
per fesse erm. and gu., charged with a
Morrison, Ireland, an oak-branch fructed displayed erm. Honorate, diligite,
ppr. 151. 3 pale counterchanged. cj. 17. 8 fimete. 75- 2
Morrison, a cubit arm in armour holding Mort nf .\stley. Lanes, a phoenix in Moseley or Mosley of Owsden, Suff., out
in the hand a branch of oak, all of a mural coronet chequy arg. and sa.
a dfiui-lion holding in the dexter paw
ppr. Mortimer, Baron Mortimer and Earl of
March, out of a ducal coronet a plume
Morrison, two arms dexter and sinister a mill-pick of the first.
in fess couped, holding a two-handed of feathers. cj. 114. S Moseley, Lofit-, Henry Capell, Esquire,
sword in pale. 224. 9 Mortimer of London, a torteau between of Glemham House, Suff. : (i) Out of
Morritt or Morrlt, a griffin's head erased two wings or. no. 4 a mural coronet chequy arg. and sa. a
' Mortimer, Norf., a buck's head quarterly deiui-lion or, holding in the dexter
ppr., holding in its bei
barbed and slipped vert. or and gu., attired of the first. 121. 5 paw a pickaxe ppr. {for Moseley). (2)
Morritt, Robert Alexander, Rokeby Park, Mortimer, Scotland, a buck's head ca- A boar's head couped and erect arg.,
Barnard Castle, same crest. Ubi liber- bossed sa. Acquirit qui tuetur. 122.5 holding in the mouth a cross crosslet
Mortimer of London, a buck's head
tas ibi patria. fitchee gu., between two branches of
erased quarterly or and gu. Press jor-
Morrogh, co. Limerick, a hand couped oak fructed ppr. (for Lo/ft). Fide et
at the wrist and erect holding a sword u'lird. 121. 2 fortitvdine.
in pale, all ppr. 212.9 Mortimer, Charles, Esquire, J.P., of Moseley, William Henry, I^eaton Hall,
Wigmore, Holmwood, Surrey, a stag's Bobington, Staffs, same crest. Honor-
Morrogh, James, Esquire, J.P., of Old head caboshed ppr. Virtutum avorum
Court, Doneraile, co. Cork, Ireland, ate, diligite, timete.
Moses, a cock regardant ppr
a staff ppr., attached thereto a flag cemulK-s. 9' •9-
Moseley, Herbert Richard, Buildwas Motham of Drinkston, Suff., on a mount Moulton,a shark's head regardant, issuing
vert, a talbot couchant erm. cf. 54. 1 1
Park. Shrewsbury, same crest and swallowing a blackamoor. 139. 2
Motherwell, Scotland, a crescent or'
luotto. Moulton, a griffin segreant regardant.
Mosley, Sir Oswald, Bart., D.L., of An- 163. 2 Moulton of London, a griffin passant per
Motion, -Andrew Richard, Esquire, .LP.,
coats, Lanes, an eagle displayed pale gu. and az., resting the dexter
of Faulkbourne Hall, Essex, and Upton
erm. 3Ios legem regit. 75. 2 House, Banbury, a mill-rind fesseways claw on a mullet or. cf. 63. 2
or, thereon a badger statant ppr. Sus-
Hosley, Arthur Rowland, Burnaston, Moulton of Plympton, Devonsh., a cubit
House, Etwall, Derbysh., same crest arm erect vested gu., cuffed erm., hold-
and motto. cipere et finire. 253.7 ing in the hand ppr. a chaplet of roses
Mosley, Tonraan, Esquire, D.L., of Ban- Motion, Thomas Augustus, Esquire, of of the first leaved vert.
gor's Park, Bucks, same crest and motto.
Chadshunt, Warw., same crest and Moulton, John, J.P., the HaU, Bradford-
Mosman, Hugh, of Aughtefardle, a hand
motto. ou-Avon, same crest. Virtute non
couped at the wrist and erect, holding Motf, a griffin's head erased between two astutia.
a closed book. 215.4 fleurs-de-lis. cf. 66. 2 Moultrie, Scotland, a mermaid ppr. Nun-
Mosman, same crest. Me meliora ma- Mott, Suff. and Essex, an etoile of eight quam non fidelis. 184. 5
points arg. cf. 164. 4 Moultrie of Aston Hall, Shropsh., same
Moss, Edwards-, Sir John Edwards, Bart., Mott, John Stanley, Esquire, J.P., I crest and motto.
of Otterspool, Aigburth, Liverpool Barningham Hall, Norf., an estoile of Mounehense, out of a ducal coronet a
(i) Issuing from the battlements of a eight points arg. Spectemur agendo. phoenix in flames. 82. 5
tower or, charged with a rose gu., cf. 164. 4 Mounsey, an arm in armour holding a
slipped ppr., a griffin's head erm., Mott, William Henry, Esquire, of Kilving- sword. 210. 2
charged on the neck with a cross patce ton Hall, Thirsk, an estoile or, sur- Mounsey of Castletown, Carlisle, Cumb.,
Aaz. {for Moss). 68. 3. (2) rock mounted by a rainbow ppr. a demi-griffin gu., collared and chained
ppr. therefrom rising a dove arg. Mottershed, the stump of a tree ppr., or, holding in the dexter claw a flag-
holding in its beak an olive-branch with a branch sprouting vert. staff in bend ppr., therefrom flowing to
and surmounted by a rainbow ppr. (for Motteux, Norf., a lion passant gardant the sinister a pennon az.. and resting
Edwards). En la rose je fleuric. to the sinister gu., ducally crowned or. the sinister claw on a mullet sa. Sem-
9+- 7 Quid vult valde vult. per paratus. 65. 6
Moss, Horace Edward, Esquire. J P., of
Motton, a stag statant ppr., vulned by an Mounsey- Heysham, George William, J. P.,
Middleton, Gorebridge, Midlothian, a arrow of the same. 117. 10 D.L., of Castletown, Carlisle, and 15,
Stanhope Gardens, S.W., a demi-
dove holding in his beak a sprig of olive Mouat, a lion passant gardant ppr. 4. 3 griffin gu., collared and chained or,
ppr. Peace with power. Moubray and Mubray of Barnbougle,
Moss or Mosse, out of a mural coronet Scotland, a demi-lion rampant gu. holding in the dexter claw a flagstaff in
or. a griffin's head erm., charged on Fortitudine. 10. 3 bend ppr., therefrom flowing to the
sinister a pennon az., and resting the
the neck with a crescent. c/. 67. 10 Moubray, William Henry Hallowell, of
Moss, John Snow, Esquire, of Wintershill Cockairny, Fifesh., Scotland, a demi- sinister claw on a mullet sa. Semper
Hall, Bishop's Waltham, Hants, and lion rampant arg. Fortitudine Let paratus.
Deane House, Sparsholl, Hants, out of the deed shniv. 10. 2 Mounsher, a man's head in profile ppr.
a mural coronet a griffin's head , charged Moubray, John James, Esquire, of Nae- Mount, a demi-man in armour brandish-
with a cross patee. In hoc signo vinces. moor, Perthsh., N.B., a demi-lion ram- ing a scimitar ppr. 187.1
Moss, Mark, Esquire, of Rosebank, Mel- pant holding in his dexter paw a rose Mount, Kent, a fox salient supporting
bourne, Victoria, Australia, upon the arg. Audentes fortuna juvat. the trunk of a tree raguled, all
trunk of a tree fesseways eradicated Moubray, Scotland, a heron's head and ppr.
and sprouting to the dexter ppr., a neck issuing. Let the deed shaw. 104. 5 Mount-Stephen, Baron (Rt. Hon. Sir
griffin's head erased sa., charged with Moubray or Mowbray, a falcon rising Stephen), of Mount Stephen,
two mullets of six points paleways or. belled. Sola nobilitat virtus. 8S. 2 C, Canada, a horse's head erased
Non nobis solum. Moubray, Scotland, a man's head affron- arg., bridled ppr., holding in his mouth
Moss, Saul, Esquire, of Kingston, Jamaica, tee. Audentes fortuna juvat. 190. 12 a sprig of three maple-leaves vert, and
a demi sea-horse ppr., collared vair, Moubray, the figure of Fortune holding charged on the neck with a fleur-de-lis
resting the sinister foot on an escut- in her dexter hand an escroU with the az. Contra audentior.
cheon arg., charged with a pine-apple motto " Suivezmoi," and in her sinister Mountain or Montaigne of the Heath,
ppr. Non nobis solum. 46. 10 a cornucopia, all ppr. Herts', a demi-lion rampant gardant
Mosse of Horton Regis. Beds, out of a Mouchet, a dexter arm in armour em- per fesse wavy arg. and sa., support-
mural coronet or, a griffin's head erm., bowed, the hand holding a sword in ing between the paws an escallop gn.,
charged on the neck with a bezant. bend dexter, the point downwards, ppr., charged on the breast with a cross
<•/. 67. 10
hilt and pommel or. 195. 4 crosslet fitchee of the second. Cum
Mossman of Auchtyfardell, Lanarksh,,
Scotland, a hand couped at the wrist Moul or Moule, Northarap., a lion ram- cruce solus. 13. 7
pant supporting a broad arrow, point Mountaine of Westminster, Jliddx., a
erect, holding a book, all ppr. 3Ie downwards, ppr. stork's head issuing out of rays or.
meliora manent. 215. 4 Mould, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant Mountaney, a wolf sejant. 29. 3
Mossop, S. S., Esquire, Coly House, gardant or. 10. 8 Mountaney, a wolf sejant, collared and
Long Sutton, Lines, on a mount a stag Moulden of Stalenborough House, Kent, lined, the line reflexed over the back
lodged. Rem aitente. a griffin's head erased. 66. 2 ending in a ring.
Moston, a lion's head gu. 21. i Moule, a lion rampant supporting a broad Mountcashell, Earl of. Viscount Mount-
Mostyn, see Vaux, Baron. arrow, point downwards, ppr. cashell, co. Tipperary. and Baron Kil-
Mostyn, Baron (Lloyd-Mostyn), of Mos- Moule, Beds, issuing out of clouds ppr., worth, of Moore Park, co. Cork, in
tyn, Flintsh., a stag trippant ppr., a cubit arm vested gu., cuffed arg., Ireland (Rt. Hon. Charles William
I the hand apaumee and erect, also gu. More-Smyth, D.L.), a goshawk with
charged on the shoulder with an es- >
cutcheon gu., thereon a chevron erm., Moulin-Browne, Du, see Browne. wings addorsed prejnng on a coney, all
between three men's heads in profile Moulson, an elephant arg., lifting with ppr. Vis unita fortior. 79. 6
ppr. Heb Dduw heb ddym a Duw a its proboscis a branch of laurel ppr. Mountehansey, a hand holding a scimitar
dygon. Moulson, a lion's head erased per pale in pale ppr. 213. 8
Mostyn-Champneys, see Champneys.
embattled or and sa. 17. 8 Mount-Charles, Earl ot, see Conyngham,
Mostyn, Sir Pyers, Bart., of Talacre, Moult, a fish naiant az., spotted or. Marquess.
OnFlintsh. : ( I ) mount vert, a lion cf. 139. 13 Mount-Edgcumbe (Edgcumbe), a boar
Arampant or. 240. 2. (2) trefoil Moult, Notts, on a mound or, a pelican statant arg., gorged with a wreath of
with wings expanded arg., beaked and
slipped vert. A ixilium meum a Auoak-leaves ppr., fructed or. plaisir
legged sa., vulning herself gu.
Domine. 240. 3 fort de Dieu. cf. 40. 6
Mount-Somerby : ( i )A fox salient sa. (jor Mowat, the battlement of a castle or, issu- Moysey of Henton, Somers., a dragon's
Mount). (2) A dexter armembowedin
ant therefrom a demi-warrior armed head vert, charged on the neck with a
armour, holding in the hand a double- and accoutred ppr., holding in his cross flory or. cf. yi. i
barbed rod in bend sinister (jor Somer- dexter hand a sword, also ppr., hilted Moysey, Rev. Frederick Luttrell, Bath-
bij). In utroqae fidelis. and pommelled or, and in his sinister ealton Court, Wiveliscombe, Somers.
Mountford, Scotland, a talbot's head. a flagstaff, thereon twisted a banner same crest.
56. 12 —vert, fringed and charged with an Muchell, a camel's head ducally gorged.
Mountford of Kelnhurst, Yorks, a talbot's antique crown or. Monte alto. Com- cf. 132. 9
Muckle, Scotland, a lion passant gu. 6. 2
head sa., ducally gorged and eared or. mit thij vjork to God.
Mountford and Mountfort, of Fuwell, Mowatt,'a derai-lion or. 10. 2 Muckleston of Marrington, Shropsh., a
Norf., a fleur-de-lis gu. 148- 2 Mowbray, Segrave and Sfourton, Baron greyhound's head erased arg., collared
Mountford, Frederick George, Esquire, (Stourton), Allerton Park, Knares- gu. Fideliter. cf. 61. 2
of 21, Gloucester Terrace, Hyde Park,
boro, a demi-greyfriar habited in Mucklewaite, a griffin's head erased ppr.
London, W., in front of two ostrich- russet ppr., girt or, holding in the 66. 2
feathers in saltire arg., a fleur-de-lis dexter hand a scourge of five knotted Mucklow of Broughton Sulney, Notts, a
lashes gold. Loyal je serai durant ma griflin's head couped per pale indented
az. Quod Deus vult volo. 148. 5 arg., guttee-de-larmes and gu., holding
in the beak an eagle's leg erased a la
Mountford of Radwinter, Staffs, and vie. 231. 3
Warw., a lion's head couped az. 21. I Mowbray, Sir Robert Gray Cornish, Bart.,
Mountgarret, Viscount (Butler), out of a M.P., of Mortimer, Berks, and Bishop- quise or. 226. 14
ducal coronet or, a plume of five os-
wearmouth, co. Durham: (i) An oak- Mucklowe, a griffin's head per pale in-
trich-feathers arg., therefrom a falcon tree or, therefrom pendant an escut- dented arg. and gu., guttee counter-
rising of the last. Deprnssns extoUor. cheon gu., charged with a lion's head changed, holding in its beak a buck's
282.8 erased arg., the tree charged with leg erased at the knee of the first.
Mountjoy, a demi-sportsman firing bis a cross crosslet for distinction (for Mudge, a pheon arg. 174. 1
piece ppr. 187. 2 Mowhray). 280. 5. (2) Between two Mudge of Sidney. Devonsh., a cockatrice
Mountmorres,Viscount{de Montmorency), branches of laurel in saltire a Cornish gu. All's we'll. 68. 4
a peacock in his pride ppr. Diexi chough rising ppr., charged on the Mudge, Arthur Thomas, Sydney, Plymp-
—breast with a cross patee or (for A Aton : (i)
ayde. 103. 12 cockatrice sa. (2)
Cornish). Suo stat robore virtus. Deus
MountmorriS, Earl of (Annesley), a Moor's phoenix in flames ppr. All's well.
head in profile couped ppr., wTeathed pascit corvos. 280. 6 Mudie of Arbeckie, Scotland, a pheon
arg. and az. Virhitis amore. r/. 192. 13 Mowbray, on a chapeau gu., turned up arg. Defensio non ofjensio. n174-
Mounfney, Norf., Essex, and Leics., a erm., a lion passant arg., between the Mudie of Pitmuies, Forfarsh., same crest
wolf sejant arg., collared and lined gu. attires of a stag or. and motto.
cj. 29. 3 Mowbray of Grangewood House, Leics., Mudie, a ship in full sail or. 160. 1
Mountney, Leics., a greyhound sejant ppr., )5endent therefrom Mueller, see Von Mueller.
collared and lined. c/. 59. 2 escutcheon gu. charged with a lion's Muggeridge, Henry, Esquire, of Streat-
Mountstephen, Baron, sec Mount-Stephen. head erased. Suo stat robore virtu ham, Surrey, upon a mount vert, a
Mountstephen, a demi-griiBn salient with Mowbray, Northumb., a mulberry-tree buck's head erased ppr., charged with
wings addorsed sa. 64. 2 or. 143- I two chevronels az., between four stalks
Mountsteven, a demi-griffin salient with Mowbray, a dexter naked arm erect of oats in full grain, two on either
wings addorsed sa., armed or. 64. 2 holchng a saw. side. Dat Deus incretnentum.
Mountstuart, Baron, see Bute, Marquess Mowbray, De, a hand holding a scimitar. Muhant, a Bourchier knot sa.
of. 213- 5 Muilman of Debden Hall, Essex, and
Mowbray, De, a fox current ppr. cf. 32. 8 London, a mullet of six points or, be-
Mount Temple, Baron, see Temple.
Mount Temple, Baron [extinct ; Rt. Hon. Mowbray, Scotland, a female's head af- tween two wings arg. 1 12. i
the late William Francis f'owper- frontee ppr. Audentes fortuna juvat. Muir, Sir John, Bart., a Saracen's head
ATemple) : (i) talbot sa., collared or 1S2. 3 couped. wreathed with laurel ppr.,
{for Temple). 54.2. (2) Alion's gamb Mower, a dove holding in its beak an charged on the neck with a mullet az.
erect and erased or, holding a cherry- olive-branch, all ppr. 92. 5 Duris non frangor.
branch fructed ppr. {for Coicper). Tuum Mowles, out of a ducal coronet a demi- Muir, Scotland, a Moor's head in profile
est. c/. 37. 4 savage ppr. couped at the neck ppr. Duris non
Mourant, James, Esquire, Gloucester Mowne, Devonsh., two arras in armour frangor. cf. 192. 13
House, Guernsey, a dove holding in embowed ppr., supporting a ball sa. Muir, John Gardiner, Esquire, of Far-
its beak an olive-branch, all ppr. Je 194. II mingwoods Hall, Thrapston, Nor-
—ne ris qu'en mnurant. Moxon, a demi-eagle displayed az. Si. 6 thamp., a Saracen's head wreathed with
laurel ppr. Duris non frangor. c/. 190.
Mourant, , 6, Rozel Terrace, Guernsey, Moyes of Canons, Surrey, a dove arg.,
a dove holding in the beak an olive- holding in its beak a laurel-sprig vert. Muir, Sir William, K.C.S.I., D.C.L.,
branch, all ppr. Je ne vis qu'en 92. 5 LL.D., Dean Park House, Edinburgh,
a Saracen's head affrontee couped at
mourant. Moyle, of St. Austel, Cornw., two demi-
Mousell, a wolf salient sa. ilos legem dragons addorsed, their necks en- the shoulders and wreathed about the
regit. cf. 28. i twined round each other, the dexter temples with laurel ppr. Duris non
Mouthwey, a Doric pillar entwined with gu., the sinister arg. frangor.
ivy, and on the top a flame of fire, all Moyle, a wyveru with wings expanded Muir, Scotland, a savage's head couped
ppr. gu., platee. cf. 70. S ppr. Durum patientid frango. 190.12
Moutray, Rev. John Maxwell, M.A., Moyle of Bowerhall and Lymby, Notts, Muire or Mure, Scotland, a dexter hand
LL.D.. of Richmount Glebe, Bally- two demi-dragons addorsed with their issuing holding a sword, all ppr. Help
gawley, co. Tyrone, a mermaid, yun- necks entwined, the dexter gu., the at hand, brother. 212. 13
quam non fidelis.
sinister or. Muirhead of Lauchop, two hands con-
Moutrie, Scotland, a talbot's head arg. Moyne of Charter House, Hinton, and joined supporting a sword in pale ppr.
Nunquam non fidelis. 56. 12 Mendip, Somers., out of a ducal coronet Auxilio Dei. 224. 9
Moutry of Seafield and Rescobie, Fifesh., a tiger's head. 27. 3 Muirhead, Lionel Bolton Campbell Lock-
a mermaid ppr. N^mquam non fiddis.
Moynes, Hunts, a lion rampant holding hart, of Haseley Court, WaUingford,
184. 5 in its dexter paw a battle-axe, all ppr. Oxon.. two hands grasping a two-
Mow of that ilk, Scotland, a phoenix in Moynley, a hind's head couped. 124. i handed sword, and on an escrol above.
flames ppr. Post junera fcenus. 82. 2 Moyse, a leopard rampant ppr. .-li(.>;(7("o Dei.
Mowat, Bart., of Inglistoun, Scotland, an Moyser of Farlington, Yorks, a demi- Muirhead, Du Vernet-Grossett-, of Bredis-
oak-tree growing out of a rock ppr. horse rampant erminois, bridled or. holm, a demi-uuicorn rampant arg.
Monte alto. cf. 143. 14 </• 53- 3 Pro patria auxilio Dei. 48. 7
Muir-Mackenzie, Sir Alexander, Bart., Multrain, Ireland, a griffin segreant gu., in letters of gold the word Badamy,
D.L., of Del vine, Perthsh. :(i) A holding in the sinister claw a sword in
palm - branch in bend dexter, sur- pale. and holding in the beak a sprig of
mounted of a sword in bend sinister,
Mulvihill of Knockanira, co. Clare, a laurel. Dread God. 283. i
Aall ppr. {for Muh). (2) dexter hand dexter cubit arm in pale grasping two
battle-axes in sal tire, all ppr., the blades Munro-Ferguson, Ronald Craufurd, Es-
—grasping a dart ppr. (jor Mackenzie). outwards. Pro arts et focis.
quire, M.P., of Raith, Kirkcaldy, N.B.,
In utramque paratus. Recte ad ardua.
and Novar Evanton, Ross-sh., a demi-
lion holding between his paws a buckle
214. 4 213. 10 gu. Virtutis fortuna comes.
Muirside, an oak-tree ppr. Insistc firmi-
Mumbee of Bristol, a Peruvian chief Munster, Earl of (FitzClarence), on a
't'-- i4i- 5 atfrontee, on his head a plume of live chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion
Mulbery and Mulbury, a lion ostrich-feathers, with beads round his statant gardant, crowned with a ducal
holdi ng a crescent ( 5.6 neck, all ppr. Faut etre. coronet or, and gorged with a collar
Mulcaster of Barham, Kent, a lion ram Mumby, Lines, on a ducal coronet a lion az., charged with three anchors or.
pant erminois, holding in the dexter sejant, all ppr. cf. 8 Nee tcmere, nee iimide. cf. 4. 2
fore-paw a sword erect, the dexter Mumford, a demi-eat rampant gardant Munt, a savage's head couped distilling
hind-paw resting on a bomb fired
ppr. 26. 12 drops of blood ppr. 190. 11
ppr. Mun of Hackney, Middx., and Essex, a Munt of Cheshunt, Herts, a bear's head
Mulcaster, Surrey, and of Carlisle, Cumb., cubit arm in armour ppr., holding a couped arg., muzzled gu., within a
a lion rampant az., ducally gorged or, lion's gamb erased gu.
holding a sword erect arg., hilt and chain in arch or. cf. 34. 14
pommel of the second, the point em-
Munby, Arthur Joseph, M.A., 6, Figtree Munton, a cannon mounted ppr.
Court. Temple, and Pyrford, Surrey, 169. 12
Muntz, Sir PhiUp Albert, Bart., Duns-
brued gu. a dexter arm in armour embowed, the
Mulcaster, Richard, Laversdale, Cumb., more, near Rugby, in front of a denii-
hand grasping a battle-axe, all ppr. swan, wings expanded arg., semeo of
same crest.
Virtus lutainen suum.
Mulchinock of Clogher's House, co. Kerry, Muncaster, Baron (Pennington), a cata- trefoils slipped vert, a staff raguly
Ireland, a stag's head erased ppr., mountain passant gardant ppr. Vincil fessewise or 2300-7.
charged with a trefoil slipped or. and auiore patria:. cf. 26. 4 Muntz, Frederick Ernest, of Umberslade,
holding in the mouth an olive-branch, Munday, a leopard's head erased sa., Warw., in front of a demi-swan with
also ppr. Itur ad astra. cj. ui. S flames issuing from the mouth. wings extended ppr., semee of trefoils
Mules of Honiton, Devonsh., and Scalers., Munday or Mundy, a wolf's head sa. 30. =; slipped vert, a staff raguly fessewise or.
Munday or Mundey, Francis Noel, of
a mule ppr. 3Iisericordia tenipcnj Forliter sed suaviter. 230. 7
glndium. cf. 125. 7 JIarkeaton and Shipley Hall, Derbysh., Munyard, Joseph, Esquire, of Camden
Mulgrave, Earl of, see Normauby, Mar- a wolf's head erased sa., bezantee, Town, Middx., a mount vert, issuant
quess of. vomiting flames ppr. Deus providebit. therefrom in front of a banch of oak
Mulhall, Ireland, and France, on an in bend sinister ppr., a demi-lion erm.,
30. I
ancient Irish crown or, a dexter hand Mundell, Scotland, an arm in armour holding in the tlexter paw a sinister
couped at the WTist lying fesseways, embowed striking with a dagger ppr. hand erased, also ppr., the sinister
holding a sword erect imjialing three paw resting on a fleur-de-lis gu.
gory heads, all ppr. Strike. 196. 5
Mulbolland of Springvale, co. Down, an 13- 4
escallop gu. Semper prcecinctus. Mundell, Scotland, a globe fractured ppr. Murchison of Tarradale, Ross-sh., a dex-
Impavidum ferient ruincE. cf. 1 59. 2 ter hand holding a ducal coronet of
Munden of Chelsea, Middx., on a naval
141. 14 coronet or, a leopard's head sa., be- three leaves ppr. Impavido pectore.
Mulledy of Robertstown, co. Meath, Ire- zantee. Murden, a leopard rampant gardant ppr.
land, on a ducal coronet or, a grey- Munds and Muns, a cubit arm in armour Murdoch, a sword in pale enfiled with a
hound current sa. cf. 58. 2 erect ppr., grasping in the hand a lion's savage's head couped ppr. 191-9
Muller, a swan ppr. 99. 2
gamb erased or. Murdoch of Rosshall, Renfrewsh., Scot-
Mullins of Preshute House, Marlborough Mundy, see Massingberd-Mundy. land, a lion's head erased gu. Omni
Wilts, an eagle's head between two Mundy, Derbysh.. a wolf's head erased sa., sccundo. 17. 2
wings elevated, ilea gloria fides. bezantee, flames of fire issuing from Murdoch, of Gartincaber, Perthsh., a
MuIIins, George Lane, Esquire, M.A., the mouth ppr. 30. i raven rising transfixed by an arrow,
M.D., of Murong Waverley, near Syd- Mundy, Alfred Edward Miller, of Shipley all ppr. Omnia pro bono. 107.11
ney, in front of a cross moline or, a Hall, Deibysh., same crest. Murdock, Charles Townshend, Esquire,
Saracen's head atfrontee couped at the Munn, Scotland, a lion's head erased arg. J.P., D.L., of Buckhurst, Wokingham,
shoulder ppr., WTeathed round the 17. 8 I, PaU Mall East, and 12, Cadogan
temples arg. and gu. A'e cede miilis. Munn, a lion's head erased erm. 17. 8 Gardens, a raven flying transfixed by
Mullins, John J'rancis Lane, Esquire, Munro, an eagle close ppr. Dread God. an arrow. Omnia pro bono.
M.A., of KiUountan, Potts Point, 76. 2 Murdock, Scotland, a raven rising sa.,
Sydney, New South Wales, same crest Munro, Scotland, an eagle rising ppr. shot through the breast by an arrow
and motto. Dread God. jy. 5 gu., headed and feathered arg. Omnia
Mullins, Thomas Lane, of Sydney, same Munro, on a mural coronet arg., an pro bono. 107. 1
crest and motto. eagle close or. cf. /6. 2 Murdock, a raven issuing regardant
Mulloy, Ireland, in front of an oak-tree Munro, Gun-, of Poyntzfield, Cromartysh. holding in the dexter claw a sword in
a greyhound courant, all ppr., ducally Scotland, an eagle rising ppr. Dread pale.
gorged or. 3Ialo mori qiiam foidari. God. 77. 5 Mure, Scotland, a Moor's head in profile,
cf. 58. 5 Munro, Sir Hector, Bart, D.L., of Foulis, wreathed with a garland ppr. Duris
Mulock, Thomas, Esquire, J. P., of Kil- Ross-sh., an eagle perching ppr. Dread nonfrangor. c/. 192. 13
garna, Athlone, a lion passant, in the God. 76. 2 Mure, Scotland, a savage's head from the
dexter claw a cross moline.- VirtiUe el Munro, Sir Campbell, Bart., D.L., of shoulders wreathed with laurel ppr.
fide. 27, Eaton Place, S.W., an eagle close Duris non frangor.
ppr., having a representation of a silver Mure, WiUiam, of CaldweU, Ayrsh., a
Mulock, Homan-, a lion passant az.,
holding in the dexter paw a cross medal presented by the Hon. E. I. Saracen's head ppr. Duris non frangor.
crosslet fitchee gu. In hoc signo vinces. Company to the first Baronet for his 190. 14
services at the assault and capture of
cf. 6. 2 Seringapatam pendent from its neck Mure of HerringsweU House, SuS.,
by a ribbon gu.. the dexter claw rest-
Mulsho or Mulshoe oi Gothurst, Bucks, ing on an escutcheon, also gu., charged same crest anti motto. 190. 14
with a representation upon a mount
a griiBn sejant with wings addorsed vert of an Indian hill-fort, and beneath Mure of Riccartoun, Scotland, a Sara-
gu., armed or. 62. 10 cen's head and neck from the shoulders
Multon, a savage's head couped, wreathed wreathed round the temples with palm
with laurel ppr. cf. 190. 7 —ppr. Duris non frangor. cf. 190. 5
Huiehead, two hands ppr. issuing and Murray, a demi-man couped at the Murray, Ireland, on a ducal coronet a
thighs ppr., wreathed about the head 95-12
grasping a two-lianded sword in pale martlet ppr.
az., hilted and pommelled or. Auxilio and loins rert, holding in the dexter Murray of Spott and Longhermandston,
hand a sword, and in the sinister a Haddingtonsh., Scotland, a horse arg.,
Dei. 213- I
HurieU, a lion passant gardant, the tail key, all ppr. 186. 2 furnished gu. Virtute fideqne.
extended ppr. f/- 4- 3 Murray-Aynsley, Charles Edward Murray, cf. 52. 4
Murray, Scotland, a horse salient arg.,
Muriell, a demi-cat per pale arg. and sa., Esquire, of Santa Coupa, Mercara,
furnished gu. Juncta virtute fides.
holding in the claws a branch of roses Coorg, India, a man in armour, holding
of the first leaved ppr., gorged with a in the dexter hand a sword erect ppr., Murray of Pilkeirie, Fifesh., Scotland, a
pommel and hilt or, and in the sinister ship under sail ppr. Tutum te littore
fess counterchanged. 260. i
Murphy, O'Murphy, O'Murroughoue, and in front of his breast a shield gu., sistam. i6o. 13
Mac Murroughoue, a demi-lion ram- charged with a bend arg., tirereon three Murray, Scotland, an olive-tree ppr.
pant gu., holding between his paws a mullets of six points or. Furth fortune El- hello quies.
garb or. Fortis et Jiospitalis. 12. 5 and fill the fetters. Murray, Bart., of Ochtertyre, Perthsh.,
Murray-Aynsley, Hugh Percy, Esquire,
Murphy, Arthur Mac Morogh, Esquire, Scotland, an olive-branch issuing vert.
of Riverlaw, Christchurch, New Zea-
of Oulartleigh, co. Wexford, Ireland, on Ex hello quies. 151. 11
a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion land, same crest and motto. Murray, Scotland, an olive-branch ppr.
—rampant, also gn., holding between the Murray-Aynsley, Rev. John Crueer, J. P., In hello quies. 151. 11
paws a garb or. Vincere vel mori. of Great Brampton, Madley" R.S.O., Murray of Lintrose, Perthsh., same crest
Fortis et hospitalis. Herefordsh., same crest and motto. and motto.
Murphy, William, Esquire, of Kilbrew, Murray-Aynsley, John Francis, Esquire, Murray, Sir Patrick Keith, of Ochter-
of Hall Court, Botley. Hants, same
00. Meath, and of Upper Mount Street, tyre, Perthsh., an olive-branch or.
Dublin, on a mount vert, a lion rampant crest and motto. In hello quies. 151. 11
gu., bezantee, holding in the fore-paws Murray-Aynsley, John Percy Murray, Murray, a branch of laurel erect vert.
a garb or. same crest and motto. Paritur hello. 151. 13
Murphy, William Brudenell, Esquire, of Murray of Eriswell Lodge, Suff., a demi- Murray, late General Sir George, G.C.B.,
Mount Merrion, Stillorgan, co. Dublin, savage ppr., -ivreathed about the head —G.O.H., a laurel-branch erect vert.
same crest. Fortis et hospitalis. and waist rert, holding in his dexter
Paritur hello. Furth fortune and fill
Murphy, Ireland, a lion rampant gu., hand a dagger, also ppr., pommel and the fetters. 151. 13
holding between its paws a garb or. hilt or, and in his sinister a key of the Murray, an eagle's head erased sa.,
Murphy, Edivard. of Montreal, Canada, a last. Furth fortune and fill the fetters. holding in the beak a fleur-de-lis.
lion rampant gu., holding in the dexter 186. 2 cf. 84. 12
Tout prest.
paw a garb or. Fortis et hospitalis. Murray, George Moore, Esquire, of Mexico, Murray, an eagle's head ppr.
Murphy, a linn rampant gu., holding in out of a crescent or, a demi-savage
ter pa .ga: •b or. afFrontee ppr., wreathed about the Murray, Scotland, an eagle ppr. Noctes-
Murphy, ^^e hawk's head or. temples or and az., holding in the que diesque pra^sto. 76. 2
c/. 88. 12
dexter hand a sword erect, all ppr., and Murray of Loehland, Scotland, a grey-
Murphy-Eastwood, Major Francis, a boar in the sinister a key, the wards upwards hound current ppr. Gloria nan prccda.
passant az., charged with a castle arg., of the first. cf. 58. 2
and holding in the mouth an oak- Murray, a demi-savage ppr., wreathed Murray of Deuchar, Selkirksh., Scotland,
branch ppr. Oriens sylva. about the head and middle vert, hold- an escallop gu. Fidei signum.
Murrant of London, a Moor's head ppr.,
ing in his dexter hand a dagger ppr., 141. 14
wreathed round the head arg. and gu.,
pommel and hilt or, and in his sinister Murray, Bart., of Stanhope, Scotland,
between two dragon's wings or. an anchor of the last. cf. i86. 2 a dove holding in its beak an olive-
Murray, Duke of Atholl, see Atholl.
Murray, Earl of Dunmore, see Dunmore. Murray of Danesfield, Bucks, a demi- branch, all ppr. Pads nuncia. 92. 5
savage wTeathed about the temples Murray, Scotland, a mullet or. Sans
Murray, see Minto, Earl of. and loins holding a bugle-horn, all tache. 164. 2
Murray, Earl of Annandale, an angel ppr. Appr. {for Murray). (2) stag trippant Murray-Prior, Hon. Thomas Hodge.
XocUs,i„,: ,;„..,„„ ,,.ref:to. 184. 12 {for Scott). Hinc usque superna venahor. Esquire, of Maroon Logom River,
Murray, Earl 0! Mansfield, see Mansfield. 117. 8 Queensland: (i) An estoile vert {for
Murray, Scotland, a demi-savage with a
Murray, Lord Elibank, «'t' Elibank. APrior). 164. I. (2) mullet per pale
club over his dexter shoulder ppr.
Murray, Baron Glenlyon, see Glenlyon. or and gu. {for Murray). Malo mori
Murray, His Hor.Mur Charles Edward Fnrth fortune. 186. 5 quam foedari. 164. 2
Robertson, of New South Wales, Murray, a demi-naked man winding a Murray-Prior, Hervey Morris Murray,
District Court Judge, a demi-man hunting-horn ppr. Hinc usque superna Brisbane, Queensland, same crests and
wreathed about the middle with oak- venahor. motto.
leaves ppr., winding a horn or. Snperna Murray of Falahill, Edinburghsh., and Murray of Murrayshall, Perthsh., a buck's
venahor. Philiphaugh, Selkirksh., Scotland, head ppr. Made virtute. 121. 5
Murray, John Forbes Pringle Xesbitt, demi-man vested in green, winding Murray, Scotland, a stag's head ppr.
Esquire, J. P., a derai;man winding his hunting-horn ppr. Hinc usque superna MarJe virtute. 121.5
horn. Hinc usque supe.rna venahor. venabor. 187, Murray, Graham-, Henry Stewart, of
Murray, Archibald Charles Philip, same
Hurray, Scotland, a mermaid ppr. Tout Murrayshall, Perth; (i) A dove ppr.
crest and motto.
Murray, Seott-, Charles Aloysius, Manor prest. 184. 5 A{for Graham). 92. 2. (2) buck's
House, Hambleden, Henley-on-Thames, Murray, John, of Polmaise, Stirlingsh., a —head couped ppr. {for Murray). Can-
same crest and motto.
mermaid holding in her dexter hand a dide et secure. Macte virtute. 121. 5
mirror, and in her sinister a comb, all Murray of Broughton, Wigtovrash., Scot-
Murray, Alexander Sutherland, Esquire, ppr. Tout pret. 184. 5 land, a griffin salient ppr. Imperio.
cf. 62. 8
of Dunrobin, Casterton, Victoria, for- Murray of Touchadam. Stirlingsh., Scot-
merly of Caius College, Cambridge, land, a mermaid holding in her dexter Murray, Alfred Alexander. M.A., LL.B..
a demi-savage holding in his dexter hand a mirror, and in her sinister a F.R.S.F... of Gardnershall, and West-
field House. Cramond. Vale vin-
hand a dagger ppr., pommel and hilt comb, all ppr. Tout prest. 184. 5
or, and in his sinister a key of the last. Murray of Pennyland, Caithness-sh,
Furlh fortune and fill the fetters. 186. 2 Scotland, a mermaid holding in her Murray of Castle Murray, co. Donegal, a
Murray, Scotland, a demi-man wreathed dexter hand a sword ppr. In utrumque griflRn segreant ppr. Imperio. 62. 2
about the head and loins vert, holding paratus. 184. 7 Murray-Stewart, Horatio Granville, Es-
in his dexter hand a dagger arg., hilt Murray, William, of Murraythwaite, quire, J.P., D.L., of CaUy, Gatehouse,
and pommel or, and in his sinister a Dumfriessh., a cherub ppr., winged or. AN.B. : (i) pelican in her piety {for
key ppr. Furth fortune.. it' Noctesque diesque prcesto. 189. 9 AStewart). (2) griffin salient ]ipr..
1. :
charged on the shoulder with a cross Muschampe of Barmoor, Northumb., and Muterer, Scotland, a ciistle triple-towered
Horsley, Surrey, a mastiff dog ppr.,
—crosslet az. for difference, {for Murray). ppr., loopholes and portway gu. Pa-
collared arg.
Yirescit vvinere virtus. Imperio. tience and resolution. ' 15c. 8
Musgrave, see Sagar-Musgrave.
Hurray, Bart. , of Blackbaronj', Peeblessh. Mutlow, Olouc. and Worcs., a griffin's
Musgrave, Sir Richard John, Bart., D.L.,
Scotland, a dexter hand holding a roll head couped per pale indented arg.
of Tourin, co. Waterford, two arms
of paper fesseways, all ppr. Deiim in armour embowed ppr., supporting and gu., guttee counterchauged, hold-
an annulet or. ,Sans changer.
time. cj. 215. 6 ing in the beak a buck's foot erased
Musgrave of Shillingtou Manor, Hitchin,
Murray of Cringletie, Peeblessh., a dexter Berls, two arms in mail armour up- and erect or.
hand holding a roll. Deuni time. lifting an annulet or. Sans changer.
Mutter, a castle triple-towered ppr.,
215. 6 Musgrave, Sir Richard George, Bart., doors and windows gu. Patience and
of EdenhaU, Cumb., two arms in ar-
Murray, Sir Digby. Bart., of Blackbarony. mour embowed and gauntleted ppr., resolution. 155. 8
Peeblessh., a dexter hand holding a grasping an annulet or. Sans changer.
Mutter, Major James lOtchell, of Somenos-
scroll fesseways ppr. Deum time. Musgrave, Sir James, Bart., out of a
Murray, Scotland, a dexter arm in ar- mural crown or, two arras vambraced, dale, Somenos E. and N. Railway,
embowed and gauntleted ppr., grasping
mour embowed, the hand apaumee. two annulets interlaced of the first. British Columbia, Canada, a castle
Sans changer.
triple-towered sa., masoned arg., from
Musgrave, two arms embowed, habited
200. I the centre tower a flag flying arg.,
Murray, Scotland, a hand ppr., holding erm., cuffed or, holding in the hands
ppr. an annulet of the second, between charged with a cioss gu. Patience and
the arms a human heart gu.
a fetterlock or. Inde securior. resolution. 155. 8
Musgrave, Wykeham-, Wenman Aubrey,
Murray, Bart., of Glendoick. Scotland, a Thame Park, Oxon., a bull's head sa., Muttlebury of Jordaine, Somers., a tiare
dexter hand holding a mirror. Nosce horned or, charged on the neck with current arg. cf. 136. 3
two chevronels arg. Manners maketh
teipsum. Mutton of Pickton, Leics., a unicorn ram-
Murray, Sir Robert, Bart., D.L., of Cler- pant. 48. 2
mont, Fifesh., a dexter hand brandish-
Myatt, William James, Esquire, of Ab-
ing a flaming sword ppr. Deum time.
Murray, Anthony George, Esq., .J.P., of church Lane, E.C., upon a rock ppr., a
Dolleire, Crieff, N.B., two hands clasped talbot passant per pale sa. and ermi-
nois, collared and chain reflexed over
fesseways issuing from clouds. Fides the back or, supporting with the dexter
servata. leg a battle-axe, also or. J'y suis fi/
Murray of Melgund, Forfarsh., Scotland, reste.
a burning lamp ppr. Placeam dum
Musgrove, Musgrove-, of Raworth. near Myddelton, Richard, Chirk Castle, Den-
Murray, Alexander Borthwick, of Murray Hadleigh, Suff., a demi-lion ppr., gorged bigh, out of a ducal coronet a dexter
Park, Adelaide, S.A., a galley sa., the with a collar gemelle sa., and holding hand ppr. In veritate triumpho.
flags gu. Nodes diesque prccKto. between the paws a lozenge az. , charged
160. 6 with a cross crosslet or. Nil desper- Myddleton, Wales, out of a ducal coronet
Murray, Scotland, a lion's head erased or, a dexter hand erect ppr. cf. 222. 14
crowned with an antique crown. Musgrove, Bart., of Speldhurst, Kent,
(/. 17. 12 same crest and motto. Myddleton, Wharton-, of Old Park, Durh.
Murray, Scotland, a lion rampant gu., Mushat and Mushet, a mount vert, semee (i) A savage WTeathed about the head
supporting a battle-axe in pale. Virtute with leaves holding in the dexter hand
and supporting on his shoulders an
of strawberries ppr. oak-tree erased and fructed, all ppr.
Mushet of Holland and Scotland, a twig
A{for Myddleton). (2) bull's head
fideque. of rose blooming ppr. Dabunt aspera erased arg.. charged with a trefoil
Murray, a lion rampant gardant gu., col- rosas. 149. 5 vert {for Wharton). Laissez dire.
lared and chained, and supporting an
anchor or. Virtute fideque. Mushet, on the top of a Saracen's head cf- 44- 3
Mydhope, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant
Murray of Simprin, Forfarsh., a demi- affrontee, a dove holding in its beak
lion gu., holding between its paws a
Lochaber-axe ppr. Virtute fideque. an olive-branch ppr. az., holding a ducal coronet or.
cf. 16. 12 Muskerry, Baron (Deane-Morgan), of Myers, see Waskett-Myers.
Muskerry, co. Cork, in Ireland: (i) A
Murray, Scotland, a lion's gamb holding reindeer's head caboshed or, charged Myers, a ducal coronet or, ensigned with
a sword ppr. Fortes jortuna adjuvat. three arrows points downwards en-
with a mullet az. {for Morgan), cf. twined with a serpent, all ppr. 173. 2
122. 4. (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, Myers, a demi-horse rampant erased.
38. 5 —a demi-sea-otter ppr. {for Denne). cf- 5- 33
Myers, William Henry, Swanmore, Hants,
Murray of Birmingham, Warw., a tele- Honor et virtus. Forti et fideli nihil
scope on a stand or. They by permis- difficile. a demi-lion gu., guttee-d'or, holding in
sion shine. Muskett, Suff. and Norf., out of a ducal the dexter paw a mullet of six points
or, and resting the sinister on two
Murray of Drumcairn, Perthsh., Scotland, coronet or. a demi-antelope sa., chained
a swan's head couped ppr. Malo mori and ringed of the first. cf. 126. 8 mascles interlaced of the last.
quam fcedari. cf. 101. 5 Muskett of Clippesby, Yarmouth, out of Myers-Beswick, William Beswick, 75,
Avenue Road, Regent's Park, a dexter
Murrell, a griffin's head with wings ad- a ducal coronet or, a demi-antelope hand couped at the wrist ppr., the
dorsed. cf. 67. 1 sa., ringed and chained or.
Murrell or Murrill, a demi-lion rampant Musner, out of a ducal coronet or, a palm charged with an estoile radiated
or, between two antlers ppr. Denique
gardant per pale arg. and sa., collared camel's head sa. cf. 132. 7
counterchauged. holding in the dexter Mussell of Staple Langford, Wilts, a ccelum.
paw a bunch of flowers arg., stalked wolf salient sa. cf. 2S. 1 Myers, a boar's head erased in fess. 42. 2
Myers, Bart, {extinct), of Whitehaven,
vert. Mussenden of Heling, Lines, a Cornish
Cumb., and Monkstown. co. Dublin, a
Musard, a savage's head couped and chough ppr., holding in the beak a mermaid ppr.. the waist encircled by
distilling drops of blood ppr. 190. 11 a mural coronet or. Non dormiat qui
sprig of laurel vert. cf. 107. 14
Muschamp of Brotherlee, Durh., a lion
rampant gu., holding in the dexter Mussenden of Larchfield, co. Down, a
paw a banner az., charged with a
crescent or. Vulneror non vincor. dove holding in the beak an olive- custodit. cf. 184. 5
Muschamp of Camberwell, Surrey, a cat- branch, all ppr. J'aime la liberte. Myggs, a talbot's head sa., eared arg.,
a-mountain ppr., tied round the neck
with a scarf arg., charged en the breast 92. 5 coUared or. cf. 56. i
Mustard of East Lodge, Mistley, Essex,
with a martlet for difference. Mylbourne, a leopard's head per pale
Muschamp of Dublin and Cork, on a issiiant from a cnaplet of olive a
dexter hand couped at the wrist ppr., arg. and sa. 22. 10
carmon royal, mounted or, a cat-a-
mountain passant gardant ppr. Quid Mylchreest, Thomas George, Esquire, of
holding a Passion cross gu. Eltofts, Thorner, near Leeds, upon a
Musters, Chaworth-, see Chaworth- rock ppr., two cross crosslets or,
Musters. thereon a lark witti wings elevated and
MustOD, on a chapeau ppr., a garb or. Myaddorsed ppr. shegin dy ve bee eh.
gens sine menle. 153. 10 252. 12
Mylecent, Yorks, out of an antique the beaver turned up, and on the top a Mynshull, Chesh., two lion's gambs gu.,
crown or, a dragon's head sa., collared plumaish gu. Tarn arte quam martc.
and chained of the first. supporting a crescent arg. cf. 39. 6
182. I
Myreson, a buck's head erased sa., attired
Mynde of Jlynde Town, Shropsh., a heath-
Myles, Kent, a buzzard ppr. cock ppr. or. 121. 2
MyUe, Scotland, a bidl's head erased sa.
Mynn of Cratfield, Sufi., a demi-pegasus Myreton and Myrtoun, Scotland, issuing
44- 3 or. 47- 5 out of a cioud a dexter hand in fess
Hylies of London, a lion rampant or. Mynors of Weatherook, Worcs., a dexter
ppr., holding a cross forraee fitched
cubit arm in armour, holding in the
I- 13 hand a lion's gamb erased, all ppr. gu. 223. 6
Fnc el spern. Myreton, Scotland, two arms issuing from
Mylne, Scotland, a martlet volant. Ex Mynors, Heref., a naked arm couped at
the elbow ppr., holding a lion's gamb
industria. 96. clouds, and drawing up an anchor out
erased sa. Spero ut fidelis.
Mylne, Sir John, Bart., a hand grasping of the sea ppr. Utidique ftUsu^.
a baton ppr. Prudcniia et marte. 224. 13
Myrton, Bart, (extinct), of Gogar, Edin-
Mylne of Mylnefield, Perthsh., a dexter
hand holding a book ppr. Efficiunt burgh, Scotland, a pine-tree fructed
f" claru7n studia. 215. 4 ppr. Virtutis prceminm. 144. 10
Mylne, General William Charles Robert, Mynors, Heref. a naked arm couped at Myrtoun, Scotland, a crescent arg. 163. 2
of Stangrove Park, Eden Bridge, Kent, the elbow ppr., holding in the hand a Mysters of London, a griffin's head erased
same crest and motto. 264. i lion's gamb erased sa. 220. 10 sa., charged with two bars gemelle or.
Mylne, William John Home, of Amwell Mynors, Rev. Thomas Hassall, of cf. 66. 2
Mytton, Devereux Herbert, Garth, near
Grove, Herts, Esquire, of Queen's Weatheroak Hall, Alvechurch, Wor-
College, Oxford. M.A., at present re- cester, same crest. Welshpool, Montgomerysh., a ram's
siding at Sabrina, Clevedon Road, Mynors, WiUoug' 'y BaskerviUe, of
Weston-super-Mare, Somers., and the head couped arg., armed or. 130. I
Rev R. S. Mylne of Great Amwell, near
Ware, Herts, a Pallas's head couped Treago, Heref., t. aaked arm embowed, Mytton of Shipton, Shropsh., a bull's
at the shoulders ppr., vested about the
neck vert, on the head a helmet az., the hand holding an eagle's leg erased at head erased bezantee. cf. 44. 3
the thigh, all ppr. Spcro ut fidelis. Mytton of Cleobury North, a bull's head
220. 12 charged with three annulets. Interno
Mynshull, see .Miashall and ilinshull. rohore. cf. 44- 3
Naas, Lord, see Mayo, Earl of. Nairn of St. Fort, Fifesh., a celestial bowed in armour, grasping in the hand
Nadler, a cross crosslet fitchee and a —Vsphere or and az., standing upon a foot a javelin all ppr. 306. 6
sword in saltier 166. 12 gu. Spes ultra. csperance me confort. Nanphan of Birts Morton. Worcs., a
Naesmith, Scotland, a hand holding a Nairn or Nairne, William, of Dunsinane, water-spaniel passant arg. 57. 7
broken hammer Non arte sed marte. —Scotland, a celestial sphere on a stand Nansolyn, a cross patce fitched az. 163. 3
221. 13 ppr. Spes ultra. L'esperance me con- Nanson, a peacock in his pride ppr. 103. 1
Naesmyth, Sir Michael George, Bart., of fort. 159. 4 Nanson, John, Esquire, J.P., of .\ppleby, a
Posso, Peeblessh., a hand ppr., holding
a broken hammer or. Non arte sea Nairn, Scotland, a globe on a stand ppr. ducal coronet surmounted by a martlet.
Spes ultra. 159. 4 Nanton, Suff., a cockatrice close ppr.,
marte. 221. 13 Nairne, the sun in his splendour or. 162. 2 the wings sa.
Nagle, Bart, (extinct), Ireland, a gold-
Naish, a dexter hand holding a sword in Nants, anestoileofeightpointsor. C/.164.4
finch ppr. Non vox, sed votum.
pale ppr. 212. 9 Napean, a goat passant. cf. 129. 5
108. 8 Naish of BallycuUen, co. Limerick, a grey- Naper, Devonsh., a demi-antelope erased
Nagle, Chichester-, of Calverleigh Court. hound sejant ppr., collared arg. cf. 59. 2 or. attired arg. cf. 126. 5
ADevonsli. : ( i ) goldfinch ppr. (for Nalder of Reading, Berks, a gritlin's head Naper or Napper, Ireland, a pha>nis ppr.
ANagle). 108. 8. {2) heron rising era.sed. 66. 2 82. 2
holding in its beak an eel ppr. (for Nallinghurst, a wyvern gu. 70. i Naper, Ireland, on a mount vert, a falcon
Chichester). Non vox, sed votum. Nanby, a hon's gamb sa., holding an ppr. 86. 7
cf. 104. 13 ostrich-feather arg. 37. 3 Naper or Napier, Bucks, a dexter cubit
Nagle, Lieutenant-Colonel Richard, of
. Rose-Mount, Ramsey, Isle of Man, on Nandike of Elstone, Yorks, a demi-griffin arm vested gu., cuffed arg., grasping
an Eastern coronet gu., a nightingale with wings addorsed arg., supporting in the hand ppr. a crescent of the first.
or, gorged with a wreath of laurel vert,
supporting with its dexter claw a spear a spear sa., headed of the first. 206. 10
erect, therefrom a banner flying to the
Nanfan or Nanphan, two dolphins ad- Naper of Loughcrew, Meath, same crest.
dorsed az. 140. I Naper or Napper of Bawnmore, New
Nanfan of Birtsmorton Court, Berrow Ross, CO. Wexford, a dexter hand
sinister of the second inscribed with and Pendock, Worcs., a water-spaniel couped at the elbow, vested gu., turned
the word " Assaye" in letters sa. On
with you (over the crest). Non vox, passant arg. 57. 7
Nanfant, three pruning-hooks, one in pale
sed. vottim. 108. 12 and two in saltier, or, environed in the Napier, Baron (Napier), of Magdala, in
Nagle, Ireland, a naval coronet or, there- middle by a wreath. 178. 12 Abj-ssinia, and of Caryngton, County
on a falcon with wings expanded ppr..
Nanfant, on a coronet or, a bird az. Palatine of Chester, on a mount vert, a
belled and jessed or, resting his dexter Nangle of Navan, co. Meath, Ireland, a lion passant or, gorged with a collar gu.,
claw on an anchor sa. Gratitude and
falcon sa., jessed and belled or. cf. 85.2 and a broken chain reflexed over the
loyalty. Nangothan and Nangotham, a pole-cat back or, supporting with the sinister
Nail, a round buckle gu., between two arg. cf. 135. 13 fore-paw a flagstaff in bend sinister
ppr., therefrom flowing a banner arg.,
wings, the dexter arg., the sinister of Nanney, Wales, a lion rampant az. i. 13 charged with a cross couped gu. Tu
the first. ANanney, Ellis-, Bart. : (i) lion rampant
Nairn of Seggieden, Perthsh., Scotland, az., holding in dexter fore-paw afleur- xnncma frnnge. 282. 9
the trunk of an oak-tree sprouting de-hs or, and resting the dexter hind Napier of Blackstone, Renfre^^sh., Scot-
leaves ppr. Sero, sed serio. 145-2 leg on a like fleur-de-lis (for Nanney). land, a dexter arm grasping in tlie
Nairn, a lion rampant supporting a garb 306. 5. (2) A hon rampant or, gorged hand a crescent. S'lns tachc. 216.8
ppr. I. 9 with a collar invect«d gules, holding Napier, Dorset and Beds, a dexter arm
Nairn, Scotland, a globe on a stand ppr. between the fore-paws an escocheon erect vested gu., the hand ppr., grasp-
Spes ultra. 159-4 of the last, charged with an arm em- ing a crescent arg. 206. 10
Napier, Edward Berkeley, of Pennard grasping a crescent arg.. and above, Naughton, a demi-lion rampant gardant
House, Somer3., a dexter cubit arm SaTis tache {for Napier). (2) (on holding in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis.
the sinister side) The top of an embat-
erect, liolding in tlie hand a crescent. tled tower arg., masoned sa., issuing Naunton, an ostrich's head arg., ducally
therefrom four lances disposed saltire-
Fato providetitia major. 216. 8 ways ppr., three and three, with pen- gorged az. cf. c^y. 9
nous az {for Scott of Thirlestane).
Napier, Sir William Lennox, Bart., 26, Ready, aye ready. Naunton of Alderton and Letheringham
Argyll Road, Kensington, a dexter —Abbey, Suff., a basilisk ppr. Ot vidi,
cubit ami erect ppr., the hand grasping ut vici. Constant et vray.
a crescent are., the arm charged -nith a Nayler, Benjamin Round, Beechwood,
rose gu. Sanstache. c/. 216. 8 Napleto'n, a griffin statant. 63. 8 Beech Lanes, near Birmingham, a grey-
hound sejant arg., resting tlie dexter
Napier and Ettrick, Baron (Napier), of Napper of London, on a mount vert, a paw on a passion-nail az., and holding
in the mouth a trefoil slipped vert.
Jlerchiston, a dexter arm erect couped falcon close ppr. 86. 7
Cder et cert us.
below the elbow ppr., grasping a Napton, Warw., a lion passant, the tail
crescent arg., and over it the motto, extended ppr. 5. 11
Snns Cache. 216. 8 Narbon, a dove volant, holding in its beak Naylor of Wakefield, Yorks, a lark volant
Napier, Archibald Scott, of Wadakan- an olive-branch. 93. 10
cheri. Cochin States, India, same crest Narboon or Narboone, the golden fleece Naylor or Naylour of London, D
and motto. or, banded az. 130. 10 Oxon., and Hunts, head erased
Napier, Archibald David, Edinburgh, Nares, Kent, two spears in saltier ppr. sa., charged on the neck ith a saltier
two arms in armour embowed and
banded in the middle az. {A nother, gu. or. cf. 17. 8
Naylor of Leigh ton Hall, Montgomerysh..
gauntleted ppr., holding a crescent arg. Narford, issuing out of a cloud a dexter
iSans tache. 267. i hand fesseways ppr., holding a cross a lion passant sa., charged on the body
Napier, John Gareth, ifadulkeele, Ceylon, crosslet fitchee gu. cf. 22^. 6 with two saltires or, resting the dexter
same crest and motto. Nash, Ireland, a pelican vulning herself fore-paw upon an escutcheon of the
Napier, Theodore, Balmanno, West Castle ppr. 98. I arms, viz. : per pale or and arg., a pale
Road, Merchiston, Edinburgh, an arm Nash, a wolf regardant. cf. 28. 12 sa., fretty or, between two lions
in chain armour embowed, the hand Nash, a greyhound sejant arg. Omnia rampant, also sa. Hoc age. 3c..
grasping a battle-axe ppr. Pro Ecge et vincit Veritas. 59. 4 Naylor-Leyland, Sir Albert Edward Her-
pnlria. 294. 10 Nash, Ireland, a greyhound sejant sa., bert, Bart., Hyde Park House, Albert
Napier of Culcreuch. Stirlingsh., Scot- collared arg., studded or. Omnia vin- CJate, W. : (i) A mount vert, thereon
land, a hand holding an eagle's leg cit Veritas. cf. 59. 2 an escallop arg., in front of a demi-
eagle erminois, wings endorsed az.,
erased ppr., the talons expanded gu. Nash, Worcs. : (i) On a mount vert, a
Fides servata secv.ndat. 220.12 greyhound current arg. , charged on the bezantee, and charged with a cross
Napier, Scotland, a dexter hand holding body with an ermine -spot sa., holding couped wavy or, in the beak three ears
an eagle's leg erased. Vincit Veritas. in the mouth a sprig of ash ppr. cf. of barley banded or (for Leyland).
220. 12 58. 2. (2) Out of a ducal coronet,
A279. 4. (2) lion sa., on the body two
Napier, Sir Archibald Lennox Milliken, jewelled and turned up erm., a grey- saltires or, resting the dexter tore-paw
ISart., of Napier, and 69, Onslow Square, hound's head arg., collared sa., the on an escutcheon charged with the
S.W. : (i) An arm grasping an eagle's rim and ring or. cf. 61. 7 arms of Naylor, on the shoulder a cross
leg ppr. (for Napier). 220. 12. A(2) Nash of the Noak, Hartley, Worcs., upon couped wavy or (for Naylor). 279. 3
demi-lion rampant gu., holding in his a mount vert, a greyhound courant Naylor-Leyland, John, a lion passant sa.,
—dexter fore-paw a dagger or (for ililli- arg., charged on the body with an charged on the body with two saltires
ermine-spot sa., holding in the mouth or, resting the dexter fore-paw on an
hen). Sanstache. Regardebien. 14.12
Napier of Ballikinrain, Dumbartonsli., a a sprig of ash ppr. In utroque fidelis. escutcheon per pale or and arg.. a pale
dexter hand holding an eagle's leg cf. 58. 2 sa. , fretty or, between two lions rampant
erased in bend ppr., armed gu. Nil Nash of Martley, Claines, and Droitwich, of the third.
veretur Veritas. 220. 12 Worcs., a greyhound com-ant arg. Naylor-Leyland, Rowland Edward Ley-
Napier of Falside, Fifesh., Scotland, two cf. 58. 2 land, same crest.
hands conjoined and grasping a cutlass Nash of London, a cubit arm erect vested Naylord of Newland, Glouc, a goat's
in pale ppr. Absque dedecore. az., cuffed arg., holding in the hand head or, attired sa.. holding in the
Napier, two dexter hands clasped in an oak- branch fructed ppr. mouth a sprig of laurel ppr. cf. 128. 12
amity holding a dagger in pale, all ppr. Nasmyth, Bart., Scotland, a hand holding Naylour, Kent, on a mount vert, an eagle
Absque dedecore. 224. 7 a broken hammer or. Non arte sed ___ 76. II
Napier of Craigannet, Stirlingsh., Scot- marte. 221. 13 Neagle, a demi-griffin segreant. 64. 2
land, a hand holding a couteau sword Nasmyth or Neasmith, a hand hoHing a ram statant ppr. 131. 13
ppr. Sans tache. broken hammer. Non arte sed marte. Neal, a mound gu., banded and crossed
Napier of BaUichearne, Dumbartonsh., 221. 13 or. 159. 12
Scotland, an eagle's leg in fess erased Nason, Dr. John James, Church House, lal, an arm in armour in bend dexter,
ppr., armed gu. Vincit Veritas. Stratford-on-Avon, a ram's head holding in the hand a sword in bend
Napier of Balwhapple, Dumbartonsh., couped. Spe labor levis. sinister.
Scotland, an eagle's leg erased in bend Nassau, Prince of Orange, out of a ducal Neal or Neale of Yelden, Beds, Essex,
ppr., armed gu. Usque fidelis. coronet or, the attires of a buck gu. Wollaston and Hanging Houghton,
Napier of Kilmachew, Dumbartonsh., 1^3- 3 Northamp., a griffin's head erased arg.
Scotland, a man's head adorned with Nassau, Earl oJ Roehford (extinct), in a 66. 2
laurel ppr. Virtute gloria parta. c/. 190. coronet composed of fleurs-de-lis and Neal of Yeovil. Soraers., out of a wreath
strawberry-leaves or, two single attires of oak or. a dexter cubit arm in armour
Napier of West Shandon, Dumbartonsh.,
a man's head in profile wreathed with of a stag gu. Ne supra modum sapere. holding in the gauntlet ppr. a sword
la urel ppr. Virtute gloria parta. cf. 1 90. 123. I erect, also ppr., pommel and hilt of the
Napier, Dorset, a heron ppr. 105. 9 Nassau, Earl ot Grantham {extinct), on a first, transfixing a greyhound's head
chapeau az., turned up erminois, a lion
Napier, Bart, {extinct), of Luton-Hoo, erased arg. 2 to. 3
Beds, and Halliwell, Oxon, a grey- rampant gardant gu., ducally crowned Neal, William Phene, Esquire, CO., of
hound sejant gu., collared and lined
of the first. Cherryhintou Hall, Cambridge, and
or. c/. 59. 2 Nathaley, Nathiley, or Natheley, out of Pinner's Hall, Great Winchester Street,
Napier, a demi-antelope erased at the a ducal coronet or, a demi-swan with London, E.C., a lion rampant. Con-
Hanks or, armed arg. cf. 126. 5 displayed silio non impeiu.
Napier-Clavering, Rev. John Warren, Nathan, a heart gu., pierced by an arrow Neale, a mascle or. | 167. 9
Axwell Park, Blaydon-on-Tyne, Durh. : in bend sinister sa. 181. 10 Neale of Warnford, Hants, out of a ducal
(I) (on the de.xter side) A dexter arm Naughton, Scotland, a demi-tower gu. / coronet or, a chaplet of laurel vert.
from the elbow in pale ppr., the hand hope in Go;!. 146. 9
1. (
Neale of Westminster. Ifiddx., a dragon's Need of Blidworth, out of an Eastern Neilson of Maxwood, Scotland, a dexter
head or, vulned in the neck gu.
coronet or, a griffin's head sa., charged hand holding a dagger, all ppr. Virtute
c/. 71. I with an estoile of the first. et rntis. 212. 3
Neale, a tower gu., from the battlements
Need, Captain Walter. Woodhouse Castle, Neilson of Craigcaffie, Scotland, a dexter
a pelican rising with wings displayed
Mansfield, Notts, same crest. hand holding a lance in pale ppr. His
or, vulning herself ppr. Need of Fountain Dale, Notts, out of an Regi serritimn.
Neale, on a mount vert, a stag statant. Eastern coronet or, a griffin's head ppr. Neilson, a dexter hand holding a spear
117. I Needes, a buck's head cabossed, pierced ppr. Prwsto pro patria. 214. II
Neale, John Alexander. 42, Half-Moon through by an arrow, all ppr. cf. 122. 5 Neilson, Scotland, a dexter hand ppr.,
Street, W., an arm in armour embowed
ppr., brandishing a sword arg., pom- Needham, Earl Kllmorey, see Kilmorey. pointing to a crescent or. His Jicji
mel and hilt or. Loyal au mart.
Needham, Leics.. a phoenix in flames ppr. servitium.
Neale-Burrard, Bart. :' (i) (of honour-
able augmentation, granted in 181 5), Nunc aut nunquani. S2. 2 Neish, Cupid with his bow and arrow, aU
Out of a naval coronet or, a cubit arm
erect encircled by a branch of oak ppr. Needham of Lenton, Notts, issuing out ppr. .imiciliam trahit amor. 189. 7
the hand grasping a trident in bend of flames a phcenix, all ppr. Soi/ez Neke, a lion's gamb az., holding a lozenge
sinister point downwards of the first.
fertile. 82. 2 in pale arg., charged with a cross
214. 14. (2) A dexter arm in armour
embowed, the hand grasping a sword, Needham of Kynoleton, Derbysh., a crosslet sa. 35. 10
phoenix in flames ppr., charged on the Nele, a fret az. 165. 10
breast with a trefoil slipped or. Nell, a stag's head erased arg., attired or.
all ppr. 195- - cf. 82. 2 121. 2
Nelme, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
Keale, a dexter arm couped at the elbow Needham or Nedham of Nedham in the
Peak, Derbysh.: A(i) phcenix in dragon of the same with wings ad-
flames ppr. ,82. 2. (2) On a mount dorsed az., holding between the claws
brandisliing a sword ppr. 212. 3 vert, a stag lodged sa.. attired or. a cross crosslet fitched gu.
Neale of Deane, Beds, out of a mural 115. 12. (3) Out of a palisado coronet Nelson, Earl (Nelson), Hiborough, Norf.,
or, a buck's head sa.
coronet or, a demi-lion rampant per Needham, Herts, out of a palisado coronet and of Trafalgar and Morton : ( i ) On
or, a buck's head sa., attired of the first.
fesse erra. and gu., charged with an —the dexter side, as a crest of honourable
escallop counterchanged. augmentation on a naval coronet or,
Neale of AUesley Park, Warw. : (i) Out cf. 121. 5 the chelengk or plume of triumph
presented to Horatio. 1st Viscount
of a mural coronet or, a demi-lion ram- Needham of Alexton and Gadesby, Leics.,
pant per fess erm. and gu.. charged on on a mount vert, a stag lodged sa., Nelson, by the Grand Signior or Sultan
the shoulder with an escallop counter- attired or, charged with a crescent. Selim II. ; and on the sinister the
family crest, viz. : upon waves of the
changed (for Neale). (2) On two crosses cf. 115. 12 sea the stern of a Spanish man-of-war.
Needham, a turkey-cock in pride. loS. 5 ill ppr., thereon inscribed " SanJosefj."
patee arg., a demi-eagle displayed sa. Neefield and NerQeld, two anchors in
(for Vamittart).
Neale or Nele, a fret az. 165. 10 saltier az. 161. 7 Palinan qui meruit ferat.
Neame, Arthur, J.P., Woodlands, Selling, Neeld, Sir Audley Dallas, Bart., of Grittle- Nelson, Durh., out of a ducal coronet or,
Faversham, in front of a staff raguly ton House, Wilts, on a mount vert, a a demi-lion rampant arg. 16. 3
fessewise az., a demi-heraldic antelope wolf's head erased sa., between two Nelson of Grimstead, Yorks, a cubit arm
arg., armed or, gorged with a collar
gemel, also az., and pierced through the branches of palm ppr. Nomen ex- quarterly arg. and sa., holding in the
neck with an arrow in bend sinister
tendere faciis. 29. 9 hand ppr. a fleur-de-lis per pale of the
ppr. Ne a meta oculos avertam.
Neele, out of a ducal coronet a chaplet of first and second. 210. 6
laurel vert. 146. 9 Nelson, Ireland, a dexter arm in armour,
237- I Neele, a moimd gu., banded and crossed holding in the hand an oak-branch
Nearn, Ireland, a lion's head or. 21. i or. 159. 12 ppr.
Neasmith, Scotland, a dexter hand issu- Neels, Jersey, a lion's head afErontc-e ppr. Nelson, a cubit arm in armour, holding
ing holding a sword, all ppr. Marte Xostre Roy et nostre foy. in the hand a baton, all ppr. cf. 209. 9
non arte. 212. 13 Nefield and NesBeld, a pillar arg., sup- Nelson, Kent, a dexter arm erect, holding
Neat, a horse's head bridled ppr. 51.5 ported by two lion's gambs ppr. 39. 8 a tilting-spear, all ppr. 214. 1
Neat or Neate of London, and Swindon. NefmeneiU'or Nefmenell, a dexter hand Nelson of Beeston, Norf., a hand holding
Wilts, a bull's head couped at the apaumee ppr. 222. 14 a scimitar, hilt and pommel or. 213. 5
neck gu., armed and crined arg., be- Negus, Xort., a sea-mew resting its dexter Nelson, a dexter hand erect ppr., the
tween two dragon's iiings vert. 44. 4 claw on an escallop or. first finger and thumb pointing to a
Neave, Sir Thomas Lewis Hughes. Bart,,
Neil, Scotland, a lion passant gardant sa. crescent or. cf. 222. 12
of Dagnam Park, Essex, out of a ducal 4- 3 Nelson, Thomas, Esquire, of St. Leonards,
coronet or, a lily stalked and leaved Neil, a unicorn's head erased gu. 49. 5 Edinburgh, a dexter arm in armour
vert, flowered and seeded of the first. Neill, issuing out of a cloud a hand hold- bowed ppr., the hand grasping a
Sola proba gum honeata. 151• 5 ing a club, all ppr. 214-9 dagger erect, also ppr., hilted and pom-
Neave, Sheffield Henry Morier, Mill Neill, Smith-, James William, of Barn- melled 1 "rliite et votis. cf. 196. 5
well, Ayrsh. : (i) An arm in armour,
Green Park, Ingatestone, out of a ducal Nelson, William, Esquire, of Salisbury
holding in the hand a dagger back-
coronet or, a lily stalked and leaved Green, Edinburgh, same crest and
handed. 277. 4. {2) A dexter hand
vert, flowered and seeded or. Sola motto. cf. 196. 5
proba qu(B honesta. holding a sword ppr. Vincere vel mori.
Neave, Arthur Thomas Digby, Hutton Nelson, a lion's gamb erect ppr., holding
Hall, Brentwood, Essex, same crest
and motto. —Steady. 277. 3 an escutcheon sa., charged with a cross
Neave of London, a demi-leopard rampant patonce or.
gardant ppr., supporting an anchor or. NeiU, upon a mount vert, the embattle-
ments of a tower ppr., surmounted Nelthorpe, Bart., Middx., issuing out of
by a pheon or. Floresco favente Deo. clouds an arm couped in fess ppr.,
Neill, Smith-, James William, Swindri- holding in the hand a sword in pale
Industrid permanerUe. 23. i gemuir, Dairy, Ayrsh.: (i) A sinister arg.. hilt and pommel or. 223. 10
Neaves, Scotland, a demi-lion gardant arm in armour, holding a dagger back- Nelthorpe, Sutton-, Robert Nassau,
gu., supporting an anchor or. Spe et Ahanded, all ppr. 277. 4. (2) dexter Scawby Hall, Lines, a wolf's head
indu-stria. cf. 12. 12 —hand holding a sword, all ppr. Vincere erased gu. Toufours prest.
Nechure, a hand holding a rose-branch vel mori. Steady. 277. 3 Nembhard or Nemphartz, a demi-lamb
ppi 218. 10 Neilson, out of a mural coronet az., a salient, bearing over the dexter shoul-
Nedb Herts, a dolphin naiant or. lion's head or. 19. 12 der the holy banner of the cross, all
Nedham, Wymondley, Herts, issuing out Neilson of Corsock, Wigtownsh., Scotland, ppr. Pax potior hello. 130. 9
of a palisado coronet or, a buck's head cf. 129. 5
sa., attired of the first. |
a demi-man holding over his shoulder Nepean, a goat passant ppr.
a hammer, all ppr. Frcesto pro patria. Nepean. Re-.-. Sir Evan Yorke, Bart., D.L.,
' of Bothenhampton. Dorset, on a mount
186. II
vert, a goat passant sa., charged on ' Nevemenell, a dexter hand apaumee ppr. AGrenville). (2) bull statant arg.,
the side with two ermine-spots in fesse 222. 14 pied sa., collar and chain reflexed over
or, attired, ungu., and gorged with a Nevett, an arm in armour embowed, the back or (/or NeviUe).
collar of the last, thereon two nuillets holding in the hand a battle-axe, all ANeville- Rolfe, Charles William: (i)
gu. Respite. :S6. 5 ppr. c/. 200. 6 mount vert, thereon issuant out of a
Nerberye and Nerbury, three organ-pipes Nevil, see Abergavenny, Marquess of. crescent gu. a rose arg., slipped vert
two in saltier and one in pale, or, Nevil, out of a ducal coronet or. a bull's A(/or Neville). (2) lion's head erased
banded with leaves vert. head pied ppr., armed of the first, arg., fretty gu. Cresco crescendo.
Nereford, a glow-worm ppr. charged on the neck with a rose gu., Neville-Rolfe, Rear-Admiral Ernest, C.B..
Nerfleld, two anchors in saltier az. 161. 7 seeded, also or, barbed vert. Ne vile 167, Victoria Street, S.W., same crests
and motto.
Nesbett, an arm in armour couped below velis. c/. AA. II
the wrist, holding in the gauntlet a Nevile, Bart, (extinct), of Ragnale, and : Neville- Rolfe, Eustace, J.P., Heacham
209. 9 of Thorney, Notts : (i) Out of a ducal Hall, King's Lvnn, same crests and
[ | motto.
Nesbitt, out of a mural coronet a talbot's coronet or, a bull's head arg., pied.
head, all ppr. 56. 6 44- II- (2) On a chapeau gu., turned 1 Neville-Rolfe, Herbert, same crests and
Nesbitt of Lismore House, Cavan, a up erm., a ship with sails furled sa. I motto.
dexter cubit arm in armour, holding Ne vile velis. Nevins, Willis, Esquire, on a mount a
in the hand a truncheon. Je maintien- Nevile, Ralph Henry Christopher, of I palm-branch vert. Nil despernndum.
drai. cf. 209. g Wellingore Hall, Lincoln, same crests. f/. 147. 3
Nesfield, a pillar arg., supported by two Nevile, Percy Sandford, of Skelbrooke Nevinson or Nevison of Estrey, Kent, a
lion's gambs ppr. 39. 8 Park, Doncaster, a bull's head erased wolf passant arg., pellettee, collared,
| j
Nesham, Durh. : (i) .A demi-lion rampant Nesa. vile velis. 1 lined, and ringed or.
ppr., holding in his dexter paw a cross Nevill, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury : Nevoy, Scotland, a pegasus ppr. Marte
crosslet fitchee gu. (for Nesham). 11. 10. (i) Out of a ducal coronet a swan's et arte. 47. i
(2) On a rock ppr., a fleur-de-lis perl
head and neck. (2) On a ducal coro- New, a de.xter arm ppr., vested per chev-
pale or and gu. (/or Douthu-aite). Spes, net a griffin sejant.
ron or and gu., holding in the hand a
salus, decus. Nevill, Earl of Westmoreland (attainted). roll of parchment arg. c/. 208. 8
Ness, Scotland, a dexter hand holding a out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head ! Newall, a cross crosslet fitched az. 166. 2
laurel-branch ppr. 219. 9 P'ffl- 44- II Newall, Major Henrv Gerard Fenton, of
Netby of Xetby, Lanes, a lion's gamb Nevill of Holt, Leics.. out of a ducal | Hare Hill and Littleborough, Lanes,
holding a bird-bolt sa. coronet or, a bull's head erm., armed a Saracen's head affrontee
Nethereoat of Moulton Grange, Nor- of the first. ^4. 1 wreathed about the temples or and
thamp., a wolf's head erased. 30. 8 NeviU, Kent, and of Billingbeare, Berks, gu., suspended from the mouth by a
Nethersall and Nethersole of \Vingham a bull passant pied, armed or. ribbon of the last a shield paly in-
Would, Kent, an arm in armour em- cf 45. 2 dented of four, also or and gu. Non
bowed ])pr., girt with a scarf flotant Nevill of Llangenneck Park, Carmar- reredam. 190. 2
rert, holding within the gauntlet a thensh., a pied bull armed and gorged Newall of Barskeoch, Wigtownsh., Scot-
broken tilting-spear or. cf. 197. 3 with a collar, and a line therefrom re- land, a bustard holding in the dexter
Nethersole, a stag at gaze. 1 17. 3 flexed over the back or, and supporting claw a writing-pen ppr. Diliijentia
Netter, a unicorn's head erased gu., du- with the dexter foot an escutcheon of ditat.
cally gorged, armed, and maned or. the last, charged with an anchor erect Newark, Viscount, .see Manvers, Earl.
cf. 49. 5 Nesa. vile velis. 45. i Newarke of Akham, Yorks, a savage's
Netterville, Viscount NetterviUe (extinct), Nevill, Essex, a demi-lion rampant arg., bead in profile looking up ppr.
a demi-lion rampant gardant gu., be- guttee-de-sang, holding a snord of the Newbald or Newbold, a cross flory fitched
zantee. cf. 10. 8 first, hilt and pommel or. c/. 14. 12 I az. " 166. 7
Netterville, a demi-lion rampant gu., Nevill, Ireland, a lion's head az., royally Newbegin, G. T., Esquire, of Thorpe,
bezantee. Cruci dum spiro fido. crowned ppr. Norwich, uses : on a rock an eagle ris-
10. 4 Nevill, Ireland, a greyhound's head erased I ing with wings expanded and inverted
Netterville, Joshua James, Esquire: (i) arg., collared gu., "charged with a harp (0/ no authority). Ill try.
A demi-lion rampant gardant gu., be-
or. c/. 61. 2 Newbery, an eagle's head erased arg.
zantee, and charged with a lozenge or Nevill, Leics., and of Chevet, Yorks, I! S3. 2
tor diiierence (/or yetlervilk). c/. 10. 8. greyhound's head erased or, charged Newbery of London, a Moor's head in
(2 j A cubit arm erect vested gu., culfed on the neck with a label of thr profile ppr. </. 192. 13
erminois, holding in the hand a sword
points vert, between as many pellets, Newberry and Newbery, a dexter arm
in bend sinister ppr. (/or M'Evoy). ppr., vested az., cuffed or, holding in
the hand a truncheon gu., tipped or.
Cruci dum spiro fido. Nevill of Scotton, Lines, and Yorks, a
Nettlefold, a water-bouget gu. 168. 4 tiger sejant erm. 27. 6 Newbigging, Scotland, a stag's head
Nettles of Nettleville, Ireland, a stag Neville, Baron Braybrooke, see Bray- erased ppr., and between the attires
statant under a tree ppr. Nemo me brooke. a cross crosslet fitched sa. Crxice vin-
i III pune lacessit. c/. 116, 13 Neville of Bawnmore House, co. Kil- cimus. 120. 12
Nettleship, a dexter hand ppr., holding a kenny, and of Borrismore, Ireland, out Newbigging, Scotland, an eagle rising
nettle-branch vert. of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head ppr. /'// try. 77. 5
Nettleship, a demi-bear rampant arg.,
pied, armed of the first. Ne vile velis. Newbigging, Scotland, a date-tree fructed
muzzled or. 34. 13 44. II ppr. Fruclu noscitur. 144. I
66. 2
Nettleship of London, a lion passant per Neville of Haselour, Staffs, out of a ducal ' Newbold, a griffin's head erased.
pale erm. and az., holding in the dexter coronet or, a bull's head pied ppr. -Ve Newbold, Yorks, a boar's head and neck
paw a buckle or. c/. 6. 2 vile velis. 44- 1 1 couped, holding in the mouth a broken
Nettleton, a bears paw erased gu. 36. 4 Neville of Heacham Hall, Norf., a mount spear in bend ppr. 42. 10
Neve, Le, of London and Norf., out of a vert, thereon issuant out of a crescent ' Newbold or Newbald, Derbysh. and
ducal coronet or, a lily arg., stalked gu., a rose arg., slipped vert. London, a cross flory fitchee az. 166. 7
and leaved vert, bladed and seeded of Neville, out of a cloud a hand holding Newborough, a dexter arm in armour
the first. 151• 5 up a garb by the band, all ppr. 218. 3 embowed. holding in the hand a sword,
Neve of Tenterden, Kent, out of a ducal Neville-Bagot, of Ballymoe, co. Galway, all ppr. 195. 2
coronet or, a lily arg., stalked, leaved, issuing from a coronet or, a goat's head Newborough, a blackamoor's head in pro-
and seeded or. Sola proba quce :
ermines, horned of the first. Anti- ', file sa. f/. 192. 13
honesta. 151. 5 yuum obtinens. Newborough, Baron (Wynn), Plas
Nevell, an anchor sa., environed by a Neville-Grenville, Robert, Butleigh Court, Newydd, Trefnant, Denbighsh., a
serpent or. 161. 3 Glastonbury: A(i) garb vert (/or dexter cubit arm erect in armour.
holding in the hand ppr. a fleur-de-hs Newdigate, a horse current az., flames Mamhead, Devonsh., a lion rampant
or. Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. issuing from his nostrils ppr. per chevron az., guttee-d'eau, and arj.,
cf. 210. 6 cf. 52. 8 guttee-de-sang. Ubi amnr, ibi fides.
Newburgh, Earl of (Giustiniani Baudini), Neweke, between two quills arg., a mul- cf. I. 13
Palazzo Albieri, Rome: (i) A Moor's let az. 113-4 Newman, a lion rampant arg., holding
head ppr., banded chequy arg. and gii., Newell, out of a mural coronet az., a in the dexter paw an anchor or. and
Aand ear-ringed, also arg. (2) leg lion's head or. 19 12 resting the sinister upon an escutcheon
erect in armour, per pale arg. and sa., Newell, Oxon.. an Italian greyhound ppr., az., charged with a star of eight points
couped at thigh gu., knee-cap and spur gorged with a collar dovetailed or, of the first. Firmiter et fideliter.
or. Si je puis. charged on the shoulder with a cinque- Newman, Cornw., between two wings
Newbury, Berks, a demi-eagle displayed foil arg. gu., a demi-lion rampant arg., charged
or. Si. 6 Newell or Newall, Scotland, a falcon on the shoulder with three guttes-de-
Newbury, De, a quatrefoil vert. 14S. 10 rising, holding in the dexter claw a sang. 9. 8
Newby, an arm in armour, holding in the pen, all ppr. Diligentia ditat. Newman of Brands House, Bucks, a
hand a sword, all ppr. 210. 2 Newenham, Ireland, in the sea an anchor swallow volant. Ad te, Domine.
Newcastle, Duke of (Pelham-ainton), in pale, ensigned with a dove holding 96. 2
Clumber, Worksop : (i) Out of a ducal in the beak an olive-branch. 94. 4 Newman, Rev. George William, of 5,
coronet gu., a plume of five ostrich- Newenham of Coolmore : ( i ) Between Jtalvern Place, Cheltenham, same
feathers arg., banded with a line laid two wings gu., a demi-lion rampant crest. L\ix mea Christus.
Achevronways az. {for Clinlon). (2) arg., charged on the shoulder with Newman, Henry Ashburnham Toll, same
peacock in his pride ppr. (jor Pellmm). three guttes-de-sang {for Newenham). crest and motto.
Loyaulte »'a hntite. 103. 12 9. 8. (2) An arm in armour embowed, Newman, a martlet volant ppr. 06. 2
Newce and Newse of Much Hadham, holding a broken tilting-spear {for Newman, a martlet rising ppr. Lux mea
Herts, and Ditchingham, Norf., and Worth). Crucem ferre dignum. Christus. cf. 95. II
Surrey, on a mount vert, a garb or, 197. 2 Newman, a mermaid in the sea ppr.,
banded gu. I53- 12 Newenham, Notts, and of Everdon, Nor- crined or.
Newcom, Newcombe, Newcome, and New- thanip., between t\vo wings gu., a Newman of London, on a mount vert, a
demi-lion rampant arg., charged on man, his jacket az. and breeches sa.,
comen, a lion's gamb erased sa. 36. 4
on his head ppr. a cap gu., on a ladder
Newcombe of Stanton Drew and Exeter, the shoulder with three guttes-de- and lighting a beacon, all ppr
Newman of London, on a plume of five
Devonsh., a demi-horse arg., gorged sang. 9. 8 feathers alternately az. and or, a
with a chaplet vert. cf. 53. 3 Newenham, Major William Thomas griifin's head of the last.
Newman of Dromaneene, co Cork, Ire-
Newcombe, Devonsh., on a mural coronet Worth, Coolmore, co. Cork, a demi-lion
rampant between two wings. Deo land, an eagle's head erased az., charged
or, a raven with wings expanded
ppr. adverso leo vincitur.
Newcome, Francis D'Arcy William Newenham, Herts, a demi-lion rampant
Clough, of Hockwold Hall, Brandon, arg., charged with a bend vert. on the neck with an escallop or.
same crest. cf. 10. 2 cf. 83. 2
Newcome of London, out of a mural coro- Newenham of Pailton House, near Rugby, Newman, John Robert Bramston, J.P.,
net or, a Cornish chough with wings a demi-lion couped arg. Deo adverso Newberry Manor, Mallow, same crest.
expanded ppr. Newmarch, in the sea an anchor in pale,
Newcomen, Viscount Newcomen {extinct), Newenham and Nevenham, a pegasus ensigned with a dove holding in its
a cock or. Viqilant. 91-^ current ppr. 47. i beak an olive - branch, all ppr.
Newcomen of Saltfleetley, Lines, a lion's Newenson, Herts and Kent, a wolf pas- 94. 4
gamb erased and erect sa., armed gu. sant arg. 2S. 10 Newmarch, Yorks, a dove holding in its
36.4 Newenton, a sea-lion rampant or. beak an olive-branch ppr. 92. 5
Newcomen of Sutton, Dublin, a lion's 20. 5 Newmarch, Northumb., a demi-griffin ppr.
gamb erect and erased sa., armed gu., Newenton, Essex and Sussex, on a chapeau 64. 2
holding a crescent arg. cf. 39. 15 az., turned up erm., a demi-eagle dis- Newmarche, a tower triple-towered ppr.
Newcourt of Pickwell, Halesworthy, and played arg. cf. 80. 12 1^7- 6
Georgeham, Devonsh., a derai-griffia Newhouse, a squirrel sejant gu. Newnes, Sir George, Bart., Wildcroft,
gu., guttee-d'or, beaked and legged cf. 135- 4 Putney Heath, S.W., a demi-otter sa.,
holding in its mouth a roU of paper
or. cf. 64. 2 Newhouse, Lanes, an arm erect ppr., arg., and resting the sinister paw upon
Newdegate, a fleur-de-lis arg. Confide holding in the hand a banner az.
recte ngens. 148. 2 Newington, a reindeer's head cabossed a boar's head couped or. Festina
Newdegate, a swan arg., beaked and sa.. attired or. 122. 4 prudenter. 272, 7
membered gu., gorged with a ducal Newington, Sussex, on a chapeau az., Newnham, a ram's head erased arg.
coronet or, thereto a chain affixed and turned up erm. , a demi-eagle displayed 130. 6
reflexed over the back vert. cf. 99. 3 arg. Fnc justa. cf. 80. 12 Newnham, a demi-lion charged with a
Newdich and Newdick, Worcs., out of a Newland, Devonsh: and Hants, a lion's pale. cf. 10. 2
mural coronet or, a lion's head gn. gamb erect arg. , holding a cross formee Newport-Charlett, see Charlett.
19. 12 Itched gu., charged with three bezants. Newport, Viscount, see Bradford. Earl of.
Newdigate, a fleur-de-lis arg. 148. 2 cf. 36. 9 Newport, Earl 0! Bradford {extinct), a
Newdigate, Alfred, same crest.
Newland, Herts, a heraldic tiger's head unicorn's head arg., erased gu., armed
Newdigate, a lion's gamb erased arg. erased arg., maned and tufted or, and ducalh' gorged or. 2\e supra
36. 4 gorged with a collar sa., charged with moduni sapere. cf. 49. 5
Newdigate-Newdegate, Francis Alex-
three crescents of the first, holding in Newport, Baron (Newport): (i) A uni-
ander, Weston-in-Arden, Warw., a the mouth a broken spear embrued corn's head erased arg., armed, maned,
—fleur-de-lis arg. Foyall loyall. Con- ppr. and ducally gorged or. cf. 49. 5. (2)
fide recte agens. Newland of Newlands, Hants, a wolf's A lion's head erased az., between two
Newdigate, George, J.P., 2. Cavendish head couped ppr., collared or. Le nom, griffin's wings expanded gu., holding
Place, Brighton, same crest. les amies, la loyaute. 30. 9 in his mouth a javelin couped arg.,
headed or.
Newdigate, Sir Henry Richard Legge, Newlands, Baron (Hozier), Mauldslie
K.C.B., Harefield, Stoke, Coventry, Castle, Carluke, Lanarksh., a blood- Newport, Shropsh., a unicorn's head arg.,
same crest. hound sejant ppr. Aye ready. armed and crined or, erased gu.
Newdigate, Newdegate-, Lieutenant- Newlands, Scotland, a demi-lion ram- 49- 5
General Sir Edward, K.C.B., Arbury, pant. Pro patrid. 10. 2 Newport, Shropsh., a unicorn's head
near Nuneaton, Warw., same crest. Newman, Sir Robert Hunt Stapjdton erased arg., ducally gorged or.
Confide, recte agens. Dudley Lydston. Bart., J.P.. D.L., of cf. 49- 5
Newport, Bart., Ireland, a unicorn and supporting between their claws a Niblie, Scotland, a hand holding a scimi-
erased arg., armed, maned cross flory or. Fides cum officio. tar ppr. Honor et amor. 213.5
and ducallj' gorged or. Ne supra
Niblock, a leopard passant holding in the
modmn saperc.
c.f. 49. 5 Newton, Andrew, Esquire, of Dungannon, dexter paw a trefoil slipped.
Newport, George Bellingham, Rockview, CO. Tyrone, Ireland, a martlet sa., Niblock-Stuart, Rev. James, the Manse,
Inistiogue, same crest and motto. charged on the breast with a cross Montrose, a demi-lion gu., armed and
Newport, Herts and Northamp., a buck patee arg. Faveat fortuna. c/. 95. 5 langued az., holding in his dexter paw
a trefoil slipped vert. Facta non
gu., attired, gorged, and chained or. Newton of Carrickfergus, co. Antrim,
cf. 117. 5 same crest and motto. cf. 95. 5 verba.
Newport, Herts, and of Welton, Xor- Newton, Andrew \^'illoughby, J.P., same Niccols, Shropsh., a martlet. 95. 4
thamp., a buck statant gu., attired, crest and motto. Nichell, a demi-gritfin az., holding in the
gorged, and chained or. c/. 117. 5 Nev/ton, Courtenay Howard, 9, Royal beak a pink flowered gu., leaved vert.
Newport, Worcs., a bugle-horn sa., Crescent, W., same crest and motto. cf. 64. 2
stringed az. 228. 11 Newton-Deakin, Charles Frederic, Royal Nichol or Nicholl, a lion's gamb az., hold-
Newport of Hanley Court, Worcs., a fleur- Thames Yacht Club, 7, Albema'rle ing an olive-branch ppr. 37. 4
<Ic-Iis arg. 148. 2 Street, W., a dester arm embowed ppr., Nichol or Nicol, Scotland, a demi-lion gu.,
Newport, a dexter arm in armour em- holding in the hand a battle-axe in bend armed and langued or Genero.ntate.
bowed ppr., garnished or, hokling in sinister arg., pendent from the wTist by 10. 3
the hand, also ppr., a sword arg., hilt
a riband an escutcheon arg., charged Nicholas, a lion passant az., semee-
and pommel or. 195. 2 with a lion rampant sa., holding be- d'etoiles or. cf. 6. 2
Newry, Viscount, see Kilmorey, Earl' of. tween the paws a cross patre fitchee Nicholas, Heygate William. 12, Bennett
News, a demi-lion holding a laurel-branch, gu. Stri/ke, Dalcyns ; the Devil's in ye Street, Bath a wolf's head erased gu.
all ppr. hempe. Nicholas of Ashton Keynes and Round-
Newsam, Yorks, a sword in pale arg., Newton, a bear's head couped arg., way, Wilts, and London, on a chapeau
enliled with a thistle ppr. muzzled gu. 34. 14 az., turned up erra., an owl with wings
Newsam, Warw., a lion's gamb gu.. hold- Newton, Bart, {extinct), of Charlton, Kent, expanded or. 96. 6
ing a crescent or. 39.15 and Priory, Warw., out of a ducal Nicholas and NichoUs, Glouc. and Wilts,
Newsham, Lanes, a boar's bead erased coronet or, a boar's head between two a quatrefoil on a stalk raguly or,
or, charged with a cross crosslet gu. ostrich-feathers arg. j
charged with a martlet sa.
cf. 42. 2 Newton, Scotland, a boar's head erased Nicholas, William, Esquire, J.P., of the
Newsham, a dove holding in its beak an and erect ppr. j
43. 3 Nant, Bothwell, Tasmania, an owl
olive-branch ppr. 92. 5 Newton of Dunleckny, co. Carlow, Ire- close. Vincit gni vigilat. 96. 5
Newsham, a Uon's gamb gu., holding a land, out of a ducal coronet or, a boar's Nicholas of Winterborne Earls, Wilts,
crescent or. 39. 1 head between two ostrich-feathers arg., Devonsh., and Somers., a raven with
Newsom, a lion's gamb erased .sa., holding
the neck charged with a cross crosslet wings elevated sa., perched on the
a bezant. 39. 13 az. Pro patria. battlements of a tower arg. 156.13
Newte, a newt ppr. Pugilem daraverat. Newton, an eagle's leg erased at the thigh Nicholas, late Sir Nicholas Harris,
Newton-Deakin, see Deakin. sa., environed by a snake or. G.C.M.G.. a fetterlock or, the fetter
Newton, Baron (Legh), Lyme j passing through a plume of five ostrich-
Park, Newton, George Onslow, Croxton Park.
Dislcv, Chesh., issuant out of a ducal Cambridge, same crest. feathers alternately arg. and gu. Patria
coronet or, a ram's head arg., armed Newton of Badenham, Beds, Lavendor, cara carior fides.
or. in the mouth a laurel-slip vert, |
Bucks, and Exmouth, Devonsh., two; Nicholas, John Toup, Titri Waihola Otago,
the whole debruised by a pallet wavy arms counter-embowed dexter and sin- New Zealand, issuing from a naval
ister, vested az., supporting in the
Enaz. Dieu est ma joi.. 303. 9 hands ppr. a garb or. coronet or, a demi-eagle displayed sa., .
with wings elevated erminois, each
Newton, .Sir Alfred James, Bart., Kot-
tingham House, Burton-on-Trent, and Newton of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Nor- charged with a cross couped gu.
17, Cumberland Terrace, Regent's thumb., an arm embowed vested, hold- Nicholl, Iltyd Bond, Esquire, of the Ham,
Park, N.W., out of the battlements of ing in the hand a shin-bone. Cowbridge, Glamorgansh. : (l) A tower
a tower an arm erect, the hand grasp- Newton, Francis Murray, of Barton I arg., on the battlements thereof a
ing a sword in bend sinister ppr., sus- Grange, Somers., a lion's gamb erased Cornish chough with wings expanded
pended therefrom a flag arg., charged and erect ppr., grasping a key with the ppr. 156. 13. (2) A demi-Hon
with a sword erect between two chain or. rampant. Heb dhyw heb dhym duic
branches of oak ppr. Faveat jortuna. Newtown-Butler, Lord, see Lanesborough, a digon. 10. 2
Newton, Charles Edmund, of INIickleover. Earl of. Nicholl, Digby Leys Whitlock, Usk,
Derbysh., a wild man kneeling on his Newville, a dove holding in its beak an Monm., same crest as first above.
sinister knee presenting a sword, all olive-branch ppr. 92. 5 Nicholl of Llantwitt- Major, Glamorgansh.,
ppr. Hinc habeo non tibi. Neylan, Ireland, a hand holding a sword. a Cornish chough with wings elevated
Newton, John, Huby, North Riding of 212. 13 ppr., perched on the battlements of a
Yorks, same crest and motto. Nias, Joseph Baldwin, M.D., 5, Rosary tower arg. 156. 13
Newton of Crabaton, Devonsh.. an Gardens, South Kensington, S.W., an Nicholl of Tredunnock, Monm., on the
Eastern prince ppr., crowned or, anchor fesseways with cable sa. , thereon battlements of a tower a Cornish
kneeling and delivering up Iiis sword, a Cornish chough ppr., gorged with a chough with wings addorsed, all ppr
the blade also ppr., hilted of the collar engrailed or. Juvante Deo. 156. II
second. Nibbs, a buck's head cabossed gu., pierced Nicholl, John Tltyd DiUwyn, Merthyr
Newton, Hay-, William Drummond through by an arrow or, feathered arg. Mawn, Bridgend, Glamorgansh., a
Ogilvy, of Newton, Haddingtonsh., cf. 122. 5 castle surmounted by a Cornish chough,
wings expanded, all ppr. Nil falsi
Scotland, a demi-lion rampant or, Niblet, an eagle with wings extended or.
brandishing a scimitar ppr. Pro pairia. 77- 5 aiideat.
14. 10 Niblett of Llanerchydol, Welshpool, late Nicholl of Penros. Cornw., a Cornish
Newton, Yorks, Lines, and Derbysh., a of Haresfield Court, Glouc, an eagle chough ppr. 107. 14
lion rampant arg. i. 13 rising quarterlj' or and arg. 293. 12 NichoU, Cornw., a cubit arm holding a
Newton of Cheadle Heath, Chester, a lion Niblett, Arthur, Esquire, B.A., J.P., of bow, all ppr. cf. 214-5
rampant per fess erm. and gu., collared the Lypiatts, Cheltenham, on a wreath Nicholl, John, Esquire, F.S.A.. of They-
of the last, holding between the paws of the colours, an eagle rising quarterly don Gernon, Essex, and C'anonbury
or and az. Sicut aquilce pennis. 293. 12 Place, Islington, a demi-lion rampant
a cross of the first, liory or. Niblett, Surrey, on a mount vert, a lion
Newton of Belsize Court, Hampstead, couehant guarding a cross gu. Veri- gardant arg., guttee-de-poix, holding
in the dexter paw a lily ppr. Fort
London, N.W., two demi-griffins seg-
reant and respecting each other sa.. talis assertor. Fnhren und Verharren. 12. 10
NichoU of Islington. Jliddx., a squirrel! Nicholson of Waverley Abbey, Surrey, in Nickisson, John Leaver, Hinton Manor,
Swindon, two bezants fesseways.
sa., holding a pheon arj;. front of rays a lion's head erased. thereon a demi-lion rampant, and
Nicholls, Shropsh., ] Lothian Demain, 4, Sloane
a lion's head erased Nicholson,
arg., ducally gorged or. i8. 5 Court, Chelsea, same crest. erased per fesse gu. and arg. Genero-
Nicholls of London, out of a ducal coronet Nicholson of Roundhay Park, Yorks, on sitate. 294. 6
or, a demi-lion rampant arg. Nil sis- the branch of a tree in fess ppr., a Nicklin, a grifiin's head erased arg. 66. 2
lion's head erased at the neck or, Nickols, a hand in armour couped above
tere contra. i6. 3 charged with a cross patee gu. Provi-
the WTist in fess, holding an arrow in
Nicholls of Saffron Walden, Essex, a dentia Dei. pale ppr., crossed at the top by a bow
squirrel ppr. cf. 135. 4
Nicholls of WhitgreaTe, Staffs, a wolfs Nicholson, Lanes and Cunib., out of a in fess or, strung arg.
head erased sa. 3°- ^ ducal coronet gu., a lion's head erm. Nickolson, a hawk's head erased sa.
Nicholls, Bucks, an eagle rising sustaining 17- 5 88. 12
a cross crosslet titched, all or. Nicholson, Steele-, of Ballow House, Ire- Nickson of Coolattin, Munny and Killi-
Nicholls of London and Shropsh.. a dove land ; (I) Out of a ducal coronet gu., nure, co. Wicklow, and Ballymur, co.
Dwmclose ppr. spiro spero. 92. 2 a lion's head erm. {for Nicholson). Carlow, a tiger's head or, pierced
Nicholls of London, a tiger sejant erm. 17. 5. (2) A demi-eagle vrith wings through the jaw with a dart ppr.,
27. 6 displayed holding in the beak a snake feathered arg.
Nicholls of Manchester, two battle-axes ppr. {for Steele). Deus mihi sol. Nicol, William Edward, Esquire, of Ballo-
in saltire in front of a castle sur- cf. 80. 2 gie, Aberdeen, a greyhound's head ppr.
mounted of a Cornish chough, all ppr. Nicholson, Patrick Charles, Esquire, a Fidele. <•/. 61. 2
the dexter claw resting on a pheon lion's head erased erm., charged on Nicol, a demi-lion rampant gu. 10. 3
sa. Semper fidelis. 156. 10 the neck with a flaming heart gu., all Nicol, Alexander, Esquire, Shipowner,
Nichols, Cornw., a hand couped above between two branches of palm ppr. Aberdeen, a demi-lion rampant az.,
the wrist holding a bow in fess or, -7- 7 armed and langued gu. Nil sistere.
stringed arg. Nicholson, Lanes, Cumb., and London, contra. 10. 2
Nichols, a pheon arg. 174-" a lion's head erased gu., ducally Nicol of AUoa, Clackmannansh., a dexter
Nichols, a demi-lion rampant holding be- gorged or. Per castra ad astra. hand holding a quadrant ppr. Scduii-
tween the paws a human heart. 18.5 tate.
Nichols, out of a ducal coronet or, a Nicholson, Sir Charles. Bart., D.C.L., Nicolas, out of a count's coronet a wolf's
------demi-lion rampant arg.
16. 3 - " 1 Lud head. cf. 30. 5
Nichols, Harry Sidney, a demi-lion couped es, on a rock Nicolas, Cornw., issuing from a naval
or, charged with three human hearts ppr., a lion's head az., charged with a coronet or, the rim inscribed with the
gu., between two eagle's legs erased at star of eight points or. Virtus sola word Pilot, a demi-eagle displayed
the thigh sa. Aquila non capit nobilitas. 19. 11 sa., with wings elevated erminois, each
muscas. Nicholson, James, Esquire, Surgeon, of charged with a cross couped gu.
NicoU, a sparrow-hawk sa., beaked and
Nichols, John Bruce, Esquire, of Holm- Glasnevin Lodge, co. Dublin, a wolf's
wood, Surrey, a lion's head erased az., head erased ppr., gorged with a collar legged gu. 85. 2
gorged with a collar gemel or, between ingrailed gu., and charged on the neck NicoU or NicoUs, of Colneyhatch, Middx.,
two wings paly of six or and az. Labor with a sun in splendour ppr. 30. 6 a wolf's head sa., charged with five
ipse voluptas. cf. 19. 7 Nicholson, Scotland, a unicorn's head ermine spots in fess or. cf. 30. 5
Nichols, Francis Morgan, Lawford Hall, erased sa. 49- 5 Nicoll, a lion's head erased az., collared
Manningtree, Essex, same crest and Nicholson, a stag trippant gu., attired or. arg., charged with three martlets sa.
\ cf. 18. 6
motto. 117. S
Nichols, John Bruce, M.A.. Holmnood. Nicholson, Joseph, Wheatfield, Heading- NicoU of Oldfields, Acton, Middx.. a
grej'hound's bead erased sa., charged
Park, Dorliing. same crest and motto. ley, Leeds, same crest. Generositate. with a mascle or, and holding in the
mouth a thistle slipped ppr. Deo ducc
Nichols, Xorf., a fox's head erased ppr. Nicholson, between two roses gu., slipped
33- 6 and leaved vert, a greyhound's head
Nicholson, a demi-lion rampant. 10. 2 arg. 61. II comite industria. 60. 13
Nicholson, Harvey, Esquire, of Roe Park, Nicholson of South Carolina, U.S.A., a Nicolls of Mersldand, Norf., a squirrel
CO. Londonderry, Ireland, out of a demi-man rested in a close coat az., sejant sa., collared or, holding between
mural coronet a demi-lion rampant, all the buttons and the cuffs of the sleeves the fore-legs a water-bouget arg. 135.3
ppr. Generositate. turned up or, the face and hands ppr., Nicolls of Oarisker, co. KUdare, Ireland, a
armed with a head-piece and gorget naked arm erect ppr., chaiged with a
ANicholson of East Court, Glouc. : (i) arg., the beaver open, holding in the pheon sa., the hand grasping a bow in
demi-lion erased charged with a bomb dexter hand a sword in pale ppr., hilt bend sinister or, stringed arg. As an
and pommel or, and in the sinister a
fired ppr., supporting a flagstaff en- arroiv true.
circled by an Eastern coronet or, there-
from flowing to the sinister a banner Bible open, clasps of the fourth. Deus Nicolls or Nycolls of London, a demi-
gu. inscribed with the word Barrack in mihi sol. Cornish chough ppr., holding in the
letters of gold (for Nicholson). 15. 3. Nicholson of Balrath, co. Meath, a leopard beak an ear of wheat or.
(2) Out of a mural coronet ppr., in- sejant arg., spotted sa., thrust through Nicolls of Hardwicke, Northamp., a wolf's
scribed Vittoria, a dexter arm em-
the neck by a demi-lance ppr. head erased sa. 30. 8
bowed vested gu., entwined by a thistle Nicholson, James, Esquire, Broomfield, Nicolson, Sir Arthur Thomas Bennett
ppr., the hand in a glove arg. grasping Sheffield, on the branch of a tree, in Robert, Bart., J. P., of that ilk and
a sword, also ppr., pendent from the fesse ppr., a lion's head erased at Lasswade, and of Lvndhurst. Espla-
guard by a ribbon gu., fimbriated az., the neck or, charged with a cross pattee nade, St. Kilda, Melbourne, Victoria,
—a representation of the Waterloo Medal gu. Providentia Dei. Australia, a demi-lion or, armed and
Nicholson, Huntleys, Tunbrid^e 'Wells,
{for M'Innes). Generositate. Post langued gu. Generositate. 10. 2
a lion's head erased gu. A il sistere
prcelia proemia. 204. 3 Nicolson, Sir Arthur, Bart., K.C.B.,
Nicholson of Roe Park, Londonderry, out K.C.LE., C.M.G.. British Legation,
Nickels, John Tetley, the Day House,
of amiu-al coronet a demi-lionrampant, near Shrewsbury, two arms embowed Tangier, and of Caruock, Scotland, a
all ppr. cf. 16. II NUlion's head erased gu. sistere
Nicholson, Bart., of Glenbervie, Scotland, vested sa., cuffs arg., the hands holding contra. I7- ^
a lion's head erased gu. Nil sistere
a cross bow erect, stringed ppr. Nicolson, Bart., of Clunie, Aberdeensh.,
contra. 17. 2 Nickels, Walter Lauyon, of Chenotrie, a lion's head erased or. Generositate.
Nicholson, Arthur Badenach, of Fourdoun. >!octorum, near Birkenhead, same 17. S
Scotland, same crest and motto. crest. Nicolson, Badenach-, Arthur, Glenbervie,
Nicholson, Ireland, a lion's head erased Nickelson, Scotland, a demi-lion ppr. Kincardinesh., same crest. Nil sistere
gu., charged with a fess or. cf. 17. 2 Generositate. 10. 2 contra.
1 ,;
Nicolson, a lion's gamb gu., holding an Nisbet of Craigentimiy, Edinburgh, a Noble, a ilemi-greyhound arg. 60. 1 1
anchor or. boar passant sa. / byde it. 40. 9 Noble of Allenstown, co. Meath. Ireland,
Nicolson of London, on a mount vert, a Nisbet or Nisbett of that ilk. Scotland, a dove arg., holding in the beak a ring
leopard sejant arg., spotted sa., pierced same crest and motto. 40. 9 or. gcuimed az. cf. 92. 2
through the breast by a lance ppr. , the Nisbet of Southbroome House, Wilts, a Noble, Shirley Newcombe, same crest.
wound dropping blood. j boar's head erased sa. Vis jorlihus Nock, a dexter hand brandishing a
Nicolson, Ireland, an arm in armour ppr., scimitar ppr. 213. 5
holding in the hand a holly-branch Nisbet, same crest. 42. 2 Nodes, two lion's gambs sa., holding a
vert. 209. 14 Nisbet of Greenholm, Ayrsh., Scotland, garb or.
Nielson, Scotland, on a mount vert, a same crest. Vis fortibus anna. 42. 2 Nodin, a stag's head couped gu. 121. 5
Nisbet, a stag's head oabossed or. 122. 5 Noel, see Gainsborough, Earl of.
tower with a cupola and vane ppr.
Hums ahenus. c.f. 157. i ? Nisbet of Bordeaux, a castle sa., and Noel, see Lovelace, Earl of.
Nielsen, Hans C, Esquire, 12, Clitf growing beside it a thistle ppr. Hinc Noel, Viscount Wentworth (extinct), a
Terrace, Hartlepool, a tower ppr. ducitur honos. j
155. 6 buck at gaze arg., attired or. Pensez
Ret og Sandhed. Nisbet, Bart., of Dean. Midlothian, an abien. 117. 3
Nigell or Nigill, an oak-tree vert. I
143. 5 eagle displayed ppr. Non obest virtute i Noel-Cox, H. L., Esquire. M.B., F.R.A.S.,
Nightingale, Kent, a greyhound passant sors. 75. 2 of 29, Vicarage Road, Eastbourne, a
j goat's head erased. Fide et fortitudine.
Mtmppr. ronscin recti. cf. 60. 2 ' Nisbett, John More, of Cairnhill, Lanarksh.
Nightingale of Lichtiekl, London, and Aa boar's head erased sa. Vis Jortibus Noel-Hill, Baron Berwick: (i) stag
I 42. 2 Onstatant arg. (/or i/jH). 117. 5. (2)
Warw., a greyhound current erra., anna.
charged with a crescent for difference. Niven, a holly-branch vert. 150. 10 the battlements of a tower ppr., a hind
c/. 58. 2 Niven of Shonsburgh and Windhouse, in statant arg., collared and chained or
Nightingale, Sir Henry Dickonson, Bart., Zetlani.l, a branch of palm vert. Vivis (for Noel). 124.10. (3) A stag's head
of Kneesworth Hall, Cambs, an ibex cabossed sa., in the mouth a sprig of
spernndiim. 147. 3 :
sejant arg., tufted, armed, and nianed Niven of Kirkbride, Ayrsh., same crest oak ppr. [for Haru-ood). cf. 122. 5
or. and motto. 147. i I Noel, His Honour Arthur Baptist, of Bris-
Nightingale, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Niven of Peebles and Thornton, Aber bane, Queensland, Australia, Judge
William, Landscore House, Teign- deensh., a pegasus courant arg., v.-ii:ged Northern District Court, Queensland,
mouth, same crest. Pro liege et palria. and crowned or. j a buck at gaze arg., attired or. Tout
/ hope in God.
Nightingall of Brome Hall, Norf., on a ! ilarte et arte. cf. 47. I I Men ou rien. 117. 3
mural coronet or, an ibex arg., horned, Nivison, Scotland, a woLf passant sa. Ex- Noel, Bart., Rutl., a buck at gaze arg..
maned, and tufted of the tirst, gorged itus acta probat. 28. lo attired or. Tout bien ou rien.
with a laurel-wreath vert. Nivison of Branch Hill Lodge, Hamp- 117- 3
Nigon, a leopard's face.
22. 2 stead, a wolf passant sa., collared and Noel, Charles Perrott. of BeU HaU. Stour-
Nihell, Irelanrl, a grevhouud arg, collared lined. Exitus acta probat. bridge. Worcs., same crest and motto.
gu. Viet fide liru. c/. 60. 2 Nix, on a mount a stag lodged, all ppr. Noel, Ernest. J.P., 8. Portman Square,
Nimmo, Scotland, out of a mural coronet 115. 12 same crest and motto.
an arm in armour embowed to the Nixon, a dexter hand holding a sword Noel of Moxhul Park, Warw., same crest
sinister, supporting in pale a pennon ppr. 212. 13 and motto.
of two points. / slwio, not boast. Nixon, Ireland, on the point of a swora Noel of Hilcote, Staffs, same crest. Jus
igg. 7 in pale a cross pa tee ppr. ' 117. 3
i6g. 5 suum cuique.
Nimmo, W. J., Esquire, Castle Eden, Nixon, Brinsley de Courcy, Esquire, 27, Nolan of London, a demi-lion rampant
Durh., a crescent. / shm!\ not boast. CoUingham Gardens, S.W., a game- gu., holding a fleur-de-lis or. 13. 2
Nind, a torteau charged with a pale in- cock ppr., charged on the breast with a Nolan, John Philip, of Ballinderry and
dented arg. 1 59. 6 bezant. Toujours pret. cj. 90. 2 Portacarron, co. Galway, Ireland, a
demi-lion rampant gu. Cor unam via
Nind of Reading and Hawthorns Hare- Nixon, Edward Atcherley EckersaU, same
hatch, Berks, out of a mm"al coronet crest and motto. una. 10. 3
arg., a dragon's head gu. Fort is et Nixon, Frederick EckersaU, same crest Nolan, CO. Galway, Ireland, on a mount
fidelis. 72. 1 and motto. vert, a falcon close ppr.
Nisbet, Scotland, a cubit arm in armour Nixon, a moor-cock ppr. Nolan-Whelan, John, Esquire, J.P.. of
erect, holding in the hand a truncheon Nixon of Blechingdon, Oxon., a leopard Milford House, co. Dublin. Ireland, a
ppr. / bt/de it. rampant gardant ppr. griifin's head erased az.. gorged with
Nisbet-Hamilton-Ogiivy, on the dexter Noakes, Wickham, Esquire, of Selsdon a collar gemelle. and holding in the
side, a demi-lion rampant gu., armed Park, Croydon, a plate, thereon a beak three ears of wheat conjoined in
and laugued az. (for Ogilvij). 10. 3. leopard's face gu.. between t%vo roses one stalk or (for Whelan). (2) On a
In the centre, a horse's head and neck arg., barbed and seeded ppr. Sil mount ppr., a falcon arg.. holding in
couped arg., bridled gu. {/or Hainiltnii). Jcsperandum. 246. 2 the beak a sword erect, point upwards,
51. 5. On the sinister side, a dexter Kobbes of Houghton, Norf., on a chapeau gu. (for Nolan). Vincit amor patrice.
hand issuing out of a cloud and holding |ipr., an eagle's head az. 83. 12 None, an eagle displayed az.. charged ou
— —a balance, all ppr. (for Nishrt). For- Noble of Reresby, Leics., an eagle dis- the breast with a mullet or.
irard. Ride through. Discite justi- played or. Fide et fortitudine. 75.2 cf. 7S- 2
Noble, Ireland, a lion's gamb sa., holding Noneley, Shropsh., a lion rampant or,
Nisbet-Hamilton-Ogilvy, Henry Thomas, a cross patee iitched or. cf. 3b. q holding in the dexter paw a dagger gu.
Bloxholm Hall, Lincoln, same crests Noble, Sir Andrew, Bart., K.C.B.. of Nonwers, Norwers, and Nowers, a pestle
and mottoes. Ardmore, Dumbartonsh., Scotland, a and mortar or. 177. 13
Nisbet of Dirleton, Haddingtonsh., Scot- dexter hand holding a dagger. Virtute Nonwike, out of a plume of ostrich-
laud, issuing out of a cloud in fess a et valore. 298. 14 feathers arg.. a demi-griflin ppr.
dexter hand holding a balance and Noble, a lion passant az. 6. 2 64. 9
scales, all ppr. Difnf- ,/',/,./;. Noble, Joseph Horace, M.A., Selby House, Noone, Norf. and Sutf.. a bull's head
Ham. Surrey, a leopard passant regar-
Nisbet, F. S., of Br..,i. : \\, -: .1,1. erased per fesse arg". and gu.. armed
dant sa., semee of annulets or, holding
Westfield Road, Cax. 1 - !; - .,g, of the last. 44-3
a cubit arm in arnnMM .1, , t lioMuig in the dexter fore-paw a battle-axe Noone of Walton, Leics., an eagle dis-
in the hand a truncheon, all jjpr. /
erect ppr. Loyauti n'a ptur. played with two heads or. the wings
Noble, William James, M.A., i. Paper vert. 74- 2
Buildings, Temple, E.C.. issuant from
Nisbet: (i) An eagle with wings dis- a wreath of oak ppr.. fructed or, a Norbery and Norbury, a dove or. 92. 2
Aplayed ppr. 77. 5. (2) boar passant leopard's head couped and affrontee
Norborne of Bremhill, Wilts, a demi-lion
—Nonsa. tabes virtitti sors. / bi/de it
erm.. holding between the paws a ducal
40. 9 sa., coUared or. Nomen et omen. coronet or.
Norbury, Earl of {Lindesay Graham Norman, Rev. Harry Bathurst, of Iwood with a collar nebuly sa., and between
Toler), Carlton Park, Market Har- Manor, Somerset, and of Chipstable two mullets, also sa. Animo et fide.
borough, Leics., on a ducal coronet a
fleur-de-lis or. Ecgi et patriae fiddis. Rectory, Taunton: (i) An arm em- 294. 3
bowed in armour, holding in the hand North, Arthur Jewell, Esq., Redcroft,
Norbury of Norbury, Chesh., out of a a sword ppr., pommel and hilt or. (2) Eltham, Kent, same crest and motto.
ducal coronet or, a bulFs head sa.
An escallop ppr. Pro fide strictus. North, Gamble, Esq., same crest and
44- II Normr.n of Dencombe, Sussex, a sea- motto.
Norbury, Coningsby, of Droitwich and horse sejant resting the dexter foot on North, a dragon's head erased sa., pur-
Sherridge, Malvern, out of a vallery an anchor, all ppr Deus dahit vela. fled or, gorged with a ducal coronet
coronet or, a buU's head sa., armed of 46. 4 and chain or. cf. 71. S
the first, holding in the mouth a trefoil Norman, James Earl, Esquire, M.A., North, Charles, Rougham Hall, Norf., a
vert. LL.D., of Ivy House, St. Albans, a dragon's head erased sa., ducally gorged
Norcliffe, a buck's head erased az. 121. 2 horse's head erased. and chained or. A n imo et fide.
NorcUffe, Yorks, a lion passant gu., Norman, Lee-, of Corballis, co. Louth, North, North, of Newton Hall, Kirkby
gorged with a chaplet vert. cf. 6. 2 Ireland: (i) A lion passant gardant Lonsdale, a dragon's head erased sa.,
Norcliffe, Francis Best, of Langton Hall, Appr. (for Norman). 4. 3. (2) demi- guttee-d'or, collared and chained or, in
Yorks, a greyhound sejant or, collared front thereof three mascles interlaced
lion rampant grasping a sceptre, aU
az., resting the dexter foot on a mascle ppr. [for Lee). fesseways of the last.
arg. Sine macula. Norman of Shepton Mallet, Somers., a North, Middx., a cock's head couped and
Norcop, see Radford-Noroop. demi-lion rampant holding between winged or, each wing charged with
Norden of London, an arm couped and two chevronels sa., collared and hold-
the paws a fleur-de-lis sa. cf. 13. 5 ing in the beak a branch of holly leaved
erect, vested az., cuffed arg., holding and fructed ppr.
in the hand an escarbuncle or. Pro- Normanby, Marquess of (Phipps), Mul-
grave Castle, near Whitby, Yorks, a
videntia tutamur. 207. 7 lion's gamb erect and erased sa., hold- North of Cubley, Derbysh., a swan ppr.,
ing a trefoil slipped arg. Virtute quies. gorged with a ducal coronet and
Norden of Easthill, Kent, a ha^vk arg.,
belled or, preying on a partridge of the 36. 8 chained gu. cf. 99. 3
first, beaked of the second. c/. 77. 12 Normand, Scotland, a holy lamb and North, Hants, a stag's head erased ppr.,
Norden, a demi-beaver sa., holding in the banner ppr. Auxilium ab alto. 131. 2 attired or, pierced by an arrow of the
mouth a branch of five leaves vert. Normanton, Earl of (Agar), Somerley, last, flighted arg., and holding in the
Ringwood, Hants, a demi-lion rampant
Nordet, between two wings ppr., a tor- mouth a slip of olive vert.
teau. cf. no. 4 or. Viatritaviatuta. 10.2 North-Bomford, John, GaUow Ferrans,
Norfolk, Duke of. Earl Marshal and Norreys, Baron, see Abingdon, Earl of. AKilcock, CO. Meath : (i) griffin
Hereditary Marshal of England (Fitz- Norreys, Jephson-, Bart, (extinct), on a segreant arg., charged on the shoulder
Alan-Howard), Arundel Castle, Sussex : mount vert, a raven rising ppr. Loyale- Awith a cross crosslet fitchee gu. (2)
(l) Issuant from a ducal coronet or, a went je sers. cf. 107. 3 wyvern's head erased vert, langued gu.,
pair of wings gu., each charged with a Norreys of Davyhulme, Lanes, on a collared and chained or. Virtutus et
bend between six cross crosslets fitchee mount vert, an eagle with wings ele- fidelis.
arg. 109. 9. (2) On a chapeau gu., vated sa. 76. 1 1 Northage of London, a stag's head and
turned up erm., a lion statant with tail
Norreys of Cockwells, Berks, a falcon sa. neck affrontee ppr. 119. 12
extended or, gorged with a ducal Fcythfully serve. 83. 2 Northam, a demi-wolf gu. 31. 2
coronet arg. cf. 48. (3) On a mount Norreys of Weston-on-the-Grcen, Oson., Northampton, Marquess of (Compton)
vert, a horse passant arg., holding in
a raven with wings elevated sa., col- (l) On a mount a beacon fired ppr.
the mouth a slip of oak fructed ppr. lared or. cf. 107. 3 A284. 7. (2) battle-axe erect in pale,
Sola virtus invicta. 52. 11 Norrington, a bat displayed ppr. 137. 11 crossed by a branch of laurel and
Norgate, a demi-wolf salient arg., charged Norris and Norreys, a demi-stag or, Acypress in saltire, all ppr. (3)
on the breast with an etoile gu. attired sa., pierced through the body sanglier, sticldng betwixt two clefts
cf. 31. 2 by an arrow of the last, headed anil of an oak-tree, with a chain and lock
Norhope, Kent and Notts, a cubit arm feathered ppr. cf. 119. 5 —holding them, all ppr. : in a scroll
vested per pale arg. and vert, holding
in the hand ppr. a garland of the Norris, Colonel Henry Crawley, Swal- above. Lock sicker. Nisi Dnminus.
second. cliffe Park, Banbury, same, crest. Je ne serche qu'un. cf. 177. 8
Norie of Noristone, Stirlingsh., Scotland, Jilors ultima linea rerum. Northbourne, Baron (James), of Bettes-
on point of a pheon a negro's head
couped between two arms in armour Norris, Hugh, South Petherton, Somers., hanger, Kent, and Jarrow Grange,
embowed and vambraced, all ppr.
a demi-buck or, attired sa., pierced County Palatine of Durham, an ostrich
Domi ac foris.
through the neck with an arrow guttee- arg., beaked and legged or. J'aijmc
Norie and Norrie, a wolf's head erased
de-sang of the last, point and feathered a jamais. 97. 2
arg. Northbrook, Earl of (Baring), of Stratton,
Norris, a falcon with brings endorsed. Southampton, a mullet erminois, be-
sa. 30. S Bcspice finem. 88. 2 tween two wings arg. Probitate ct
Norman, Rev. John Burton, JI. A. .Rectory, Norris and Norreys, Berks and Lanes, a labore. cf. Hi. 5
Edgeware, Middx.,andof Kirkandrews- raven with ^^ings elevated sa. Northcote, see Iddesleigh, Earl of.
in-Eden, Cumb., a stag's head erased Norris, William "Edward, Esquire, of Northcote, Baron, formerly Hon. Sir
Guist and Wood Norton, Norf., a Heniy Stafford, Bart., C.B., M.A., on
ppr. Frangas non flecles. 121. 2 a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a stag
Norman, Archibald Cameron, J.P., the talbot sejant gu., collared and ringed
Rookery, Bromley Common, Bromley, or. Fideliter serva. 55. i trippant arg., charged on shoulder
Kent, same crest. Plnribus assues'ce Norse, Scotland, a dexter hand holding with a crescent for difference. Christi
mentem. a pair of scales. 217.13 crux est mea lux. 118. 3
Norman, Henry John, 21, Cadogan North, Earl of Guildford, see Guildford. Northcote, Devonsh., on a chapeau gu.,
Square, S.W., same crest and motto. North, Baron (North), of Kirtling, Cambs, turned up erm., a stag trippant arg.
Norman, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet a dragon's head erased sa., ducally Christi crux est mea lux. iiS. 3
gorged and chained or. Animo et fide.
a bull's head. 44. 1 Northcote of Crediton, Devonsh., same
Norman, a spear issuing, thrust through cf. 71. 8 crest.
Northcote of Somerset Court, Brent
a savage's head couped ppr. 191. 7 North, Sir Ford, K.C., of 76, Queens-
borough Terrace, Bayswater, London, Knoll, Somers., a stag arg., charged
Norman, Alfred Reynolds, Esquire, of
Gweedore, Castle View Road, Strood, S.W., a hon passant. Animo et fide. 6. 2 on the body with two crosses botonnee
North, Notts, a hon's head erased arg., gu., resting the dexter forefoot on an
Rochester, a dexter arm embowed in
escutcheon or, charged with a pale
armour, holding in the hand a sword collared vairee or and az. 18. 6 engrailed bendy of six of the first and
ppr., pommelled and hilted or. Pro North, Captain Harry, Lemonwell, El-
fide strictus. tham, a hon's head erased arg., gorged az. Cito non temere. 117.4
415 NOW
Northcott, Devonsh., a demi-unicora or. Norton, Kent, a wolf's head erased. 30. 8 Notman, an eagle rising ppr., sustaining
48. 7 Norton, a griflin's head or. 66. : a flag gu., the staff sa.
Northen, out of a mural coronet a dragon's Norton, Captain Cecil 'William, 51, Noton, a hind's head or. 1 24. i
head Vomiting flames, all ppr. <•/. y2. 1 Queen's Gate, S.W., a tiger's head Nott, sec Pyke-Nott.
Northesk, Earl oJ (Carnegie), Ethie erased or, charged with a trefoil vert, Nott, late Rev. Richard, of South Molton,
Castle, Arbroath. Forfarsh. : (i)Of and holding in the mouth a broken Devonsh. : (i) Two mascles fessewise
augmentation, the stern of a French spear ppr. Frangas non fiectes. interlaced arg., thereon a martlet gu.,
line-of- battle ship on fire ppr. 281. 4. Norton, Worcs., a tiger's head erased, ducally gorged or, holding in the beak
(2) Out of a naval coronet or, a demi- holding in the mouth a broken spear or. a sprig of laurel ppr. (/or Xoll). 95. 3
leopard ppr. Tache sans tache. 28 1. 3 Norton, Beds, Herts, and Bucks, a
(2) On a rock a Cornish chough ppr., col-
Northey, a demi-unicorn arg. 48. 7 griffin sejant ppr., winged gu., beaked lared or, resting the dexter claw on a
cross patee, also or {for Harding). Pax
Northey, Wilts, and of Epsom, Surrey, a and armed or. 62. 10
cockatrice flames issuing from the Norton, Sulf., a hare sejant gu., in grass
mouth, all ppr. vert. Noit, i'rederick Richard Harding, Tor-
Northey, Kev. Edward AViUiam, same Norton, Honourable James, of Eccles- down, Swinbridge, Barnstaple, same
crest. Steady. bourne, Double Bay, near Sydney, and crests and motto.
Northey, Lieutenant-Colonel George Wil- of Euchora, Springwood, Blue Moun- Nott of London and Kent, a martlet arg.,
braham, Ashley Manor, Box, Chippen- tains, near Sydney, New South W'ales, ducally crowned or, holding in the beak
ham, a demi-cockatrice flames issuing Member of the Legislative Council, an olive-branch ppr.
from the mouth, all ppr. Steady. uses a dexter arm embowed in armour, Nott, a stag's head ppr. 121. 5
Northfolke or Norfolk, a lion rampant sa.
holding in the hand ppr. a sword arg., Nott or Notte of London, and Shelsley
I. 10 pommel and hilt or Cogi qui potest Beauchamp, Worcs., a talbot sejant
Northln of London, on a ducal coronet nescit mori. 195-2 erm., collared or Solus mihi invidus
or, a talbot passant az., collared of the Norton, a dexter arm embowed, grasping obstat. 55. I
last. <•/. 54. 9 in the hand a battle-axe, all ppr. Nottage, a seax ppr. 171. 2
Northington, Baron, see Henley, Baron. 201. 5 Nottage, Suff., a cross patee fitched.
Northland, a falcon close, belled ppr. Norton, Norf., a halberd ppr. 172. 3 166. 3
</. 85, 2 Norton, Ireland, between two wings or, Nottidge of Black Notley, Essex, a boar's
Northland, Viscount, see Ranfurly, Earl. a spur-rowel az. head couped at the neck gu., langued
Northleigh of Northleigh and Jlatford, Norton, a maiden's head ppr., garlanded az., crined and tusked or, collared er-
three savages' heads conjoined in one vert. minois. Peace and plenty.
neck, one looking to the dexter, one to Norton, a buck's head cabossed or. 122. 5 Nottingham, Ireland, a hand holding an
Norton, Bucks and Cambs, a grey- escallop ppr. 216. 2
hound's head or, gorged with a fess Nottingham, a dexter hand ppr., holding
lion's h, ;nl ira-ril mi., crowned with a engrailed between two bars gu., the an annulet or. 216. i
radiiiul rr"\MH>t h\ e points arg., charged fess ringed behind or. Noune and Nunne of Tostock, Norf., a
on the breast uith a rose of the second, Norton of Chalton, Berks, Kent, and bull's head erased per fess arg. and
barbed and seeded ppr. Nee elala, nee Fulham, Middx., out of a ducal coronet gu., armed of the last. 44. 3
dejecta. 17. 12 az., a demi-lion rampant double-queued Nourse, a stag's head or. 121.5
Northmore, Devonsh., a lion's head erased arg. <;/. 10. (. Nourse, Oxon., two bears' gambs or, hold-
charged with a cinquefoil, crowned Norton of Ixworth, Suff., a demi-lion ing a fire-ball ppr.
with a radiant croii rampant gu. 10. 3 Nourse of Woodeaton, Oxon., an arm em-
Northover of AUersome and Alercourt, Norton, a demi-dragon holding a sword, bowed vested az., cuffed arg., holding
Somers., a lion's arg. holdi c/. 73. 10 in the hand ppr. a snake of the last
a lozenge az., charged with a cross Norton of London and Shropsh., between environed round the arm.
crosslet or. 35. 10 two wings expanded ur, a wreath of Nove, Leics., an eagle displayed vert. 75.8
Northumberland, Duke of (Percy)," Aln laurel vert, tied with a ribbon gu. Noveii of London, a buck trippant arg.
wick Castle, on a chapeau gu., turned Norvel, an apple in pale, stalked and 117. 8
up erm., a lion statant az., the tail leaved ppr. Novelle, a bat displayed sa. 137. 11
extended. Espeiance en Dieu. 4. 8 Norvill of Boghall, Scotland, a martlet Nowell and Noel, Leics., a stag trippant
Northway, a unicorn's head arg., charged rising ppr. Spent renovant alee. cf.gS-^^ arg., attired or. 117. 8
with a fleur-de-lis gu. Succcssus a Norway, a lion passant gu. 6. 2 Nowell, Middx., a cubit arm in pale ppr.,
Deo est. Norwich, on a mount vert, a cock arg., holding in the hand a snake or. 220. 2
Northwick, Baron (Rushout), a lion pas- combed, legged, and wattled gu. 91 . 2 Nowell, an arm in armour embowed ppr.,
sant gardant or. Par teriiis suppar. Norwick, a lion's head erased, environed garnished or, grasping in the hand a
4- 3 with a circle of peacock's feathers ppr. lire-ball of the first. cf. 197- 10
Northwood, a demi-lion az., armed and Norwood, Kent, on waves of the sea ppr., Nowell- Usticke, Robert Michael, of Polsue
angu 10. a lion sejant, holding between the paws Phillcigh, Grampound Road, Cornw. :
Norton, Baron Grantley, see Grantley. an anchor flukes upward. Sub cnice (I) A demi-eagle displayed gu.. gorged
Norton, Baron (Adderley), on a chapeau vinces. 8. 14 with a plain collar, and pendent there-
gu., turned up erm., a stork arg. Ad- Norwood and Northwood, a demi-lion from an escutcheon or, rh.ir-i .1 with a
dere legi justitiam decus. lOS. 3 rampant erased arg., ducally crowned water-bouget sa. {/or C-' /. i-i -\
or, holding in the paws a branch of
Norton, Bart, {e.rtlnct), of Rotherfield, dexter arm embowed in aiuMur -i.i-p-
Hants, a Moor's head couped ppr., palm ppr. 12. 7 ing a sword ppr., between the sutlers
wreathed about the temples arg., az., of a stag sa. {/or Nowdl). (3) On a
and gu. Norwood, an eagle rising ppr. 77. 5 mount vert, in front of rays of the sun
Norton, Lowndes-Stone-, Roger Fletcher
Earle, BrightsweU Park, Tetworth : Norwood, out of a ducal coronet a boar's ppr., a martlet sa., holding in its beak
an acorn slipped, also ppr. {/or Beau
head and neck, all or. 41. 4
Norys, out of an antique cro^Mi or, a
(I ) Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's dragon's head gu. c/. 71. i chant). Semper paratus.
head erm. {for Stone). A(2) leopard's Noswartb, out of a ducal coronet or, a Nowenham, a sturgeon ppr.
head erased or, gorged with a chaplet unicorn's head sa., armed and crined Nowers, Norwers, Nouwers, or De la
vert {/or Loiondcs). Mediocria firmn. arg. 48. 13 Nouers of Ciothurst, Bucks, a pestle
Norton, a Moor's head couped at the Notley, Marwood, of Chillington House, and mortar ppr. I77- '3
shoulders ppr. 192. 13 Somers., out of a mural coronet a lion's Nowlan and Nowland, a cock arg.,
Norton, a man's head in profile ppr., head. Noli mentiri. IQ. 12 combed and wattled gu. 91- 2
bound about the forehead with a iillet, Notley, Marwood, Coombe Sydenham Nowlan, Ireland, an arm in armour em-
%vi-eathed and tied in a knot arg., az., Hall, near Taunton, Somers., same bowed az., holding in the hand a
and gu. 1 90. 4 crest and motto. sceptre or. c/. 196. 8
416 OBR
Nowland, Ireland, a demi-liou rampant Nugent, Sir Edmund Charles, Bart., D.L., Nutbrowne, Essex, a lion sejant sa.,
holding in the paws a sword arg., hilt
gu. lo. 3 of Waddesdon, Berks, a cockatrice of the first, pommel and gripe of the
Nowne, a lion rampant or, charged on vert, gorged with a plain collar or,
the shoulder with a crescent gu. c/. i. 13 pendent therefrom an escutcheon gu., second.
Noy, a fir-tree vert. I44- '3 charged with a dagger erect ppr., pom- Nutcombe, Wilts, on a mural coronet or,
Noy, Ireland, two daggers in saltier ppr. mel and hilt or. Decrevi. cf. 68. 4 a falcon close ppr., beaked and belled
169. 8 Nun, an arm ia armour vambraced, hold- or. cf. 85. 2
I Nuthall, Chesh. and I^ancs.. a talbot
statant arg., collared and chained or.
Noye, Cornw., on a chapeau gu., turned ing in the hand a hawk's lure, all or.
up erm., a falcon with wings expanded, Nun, a buU's head erased per fess vert
holding in the beak a branch of laurel and or. 44. 3 cf. 54. 2
Nuthall, Chesh., a falcon rising arg.,
ppr. Nunn, an arm in armour embowed, hold-
beaked and ducally gorged or.
Noye of Pendrea, in St. Buryan, Corm^^., ing in the hand a battle-axe. c/. 200. 6
on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a Nunn and Nunne, Ireland, a bulls head 87. 2
falcon close arg.. holding in the beak erased per fess arg. and gu., armed and Nuthoobhoy of Sirgnam House, Bombay,
upon a mount vert, an elephant ppr.,
a laurel-branch vert. erined of the last. 44. 3 charged on the body with two mullets
or, holding in the trunk a branch of
Noyes, a deer's head erm. 121. 5 Nunn of St. Margaret's, Wexford, a bull's palm, also ppr. Wisdom above riches.
133- 10
Noyes of East Mascall's, Sussex, on a head erased per fesse arg. and gu.,
Nuton, Shropsh., a demi-talbot rampant
chapeau a dove, holding in its beak an armed of the last. Suaviter in modo,
olive-branch, all ppr. Nuncia pads fortiter in re. 44. 3
oliva. cf. 92. 5 Nunn, Elias Shirley, Esquire, of Bury
Noyes, Rev. Frederick Robert Halsey St. Edmunds, Sufi., upon a mount vert, and erased arg.
Herbert, D.D., the Rectory, Long in front of an oak-tree ppr., a bee-hive Nutt, on a chapeau a cock crowing, all
Crichel, St. Giles's, Salisbury, seme ppr. 91. 12
crest and motto. Nunn, Rev. Samuel, the Rectory, Lawton, Nutt, Glouc. and Sussex, on a chapeau
Noyes, a deer's head erased erm. 21 1 . 2 Stoke-on-Trent, in front of a saltire az.. gu., turned up erm., a pheon or, be-
a bull's head erased or. Jxisti sicnt
Nugent, Earl, see Buckingham, Duke of. tween two wings arg.
Nugent, see Westmeath, Earl of. astra litcebunt. Nuttall, a martlet sa. 95- 5
Nugent, Greville-, see Baron Greville. Nurse, Scotland, a pair of balances ppr. Nuttall of Kempsay House, Worcs., a
Nugent, see Greville-Nugent. JuMiHa. 179. 8 martlet sa. Serva jugum. 05. 5
Nugent, Sir Walter Richard, Bart., of Nusham, a monster with a lion's head, a Nutter, a dolphin naiant or. 140. ^
Ballinlough Castle, co. Westmeath, a fish's body, and bird's feet, all ppr. Nutting, Sir John Gardiner, Bart., of
cockatrice with wings addorsed ppr. Nussey, Rev. Edward Richard, B.A., St. Helen's, Booterstown, co. Dublin,
Decrevi. 68. 4 Vicar of Longney, Glouc, out of the a derai-gryphon segreant enclosed
Nugent, Sir Walter George, Bart., of battlements of a tower ppr., a demi- between two nut-branches ppr. ilors
Denore, co. Westmeath, a cockatrice lion erminois, holding in the dexter potior mactda. 285. 11
vert, tail nowed, combed and wattled paw a cross patee fitchee az.. and Nyssell, a lion rampant per fesse arg.
gu., charged with a martlet for differ- resting the sinister on a billet or. and az.. holding in the dexter paw a
ence. Decrevi. cf. 68. 4 Arbor re careat vince. fleur-de-lis or. 2. 7
Oak, Somers. and Wilts, a derai-leopard Oakes of Newton Court, Suff.. an oak-tree O'Beirne, Ireland, a dexter arm in armour
rampant gorged with an antique crown, embowed, grasping in the hand a sword,
holding in the dexter paw an acoru- ppr., fructed or, encircled with pali-
branch fructed, all ppr., and supporting
.sades. Quercus robiir salus patricc. all ppr. 195. 2
with the sinister a cross cros.'?let titched
Oakes or Okes of Oundle, Xorthamp., an O'Beirne, Spain, same crest. Fuimiis.
vert. Persevere.
oak-tree vert, fructed or, supported by 195. 2
Oakeley,Sir Charles William AthoU. Bart., O'Bierne, a cockatrice az., winged or.
two lions rampant arg.
of the Oaks, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, a
dexter arm in armour embowed ppr., Oakes, a cock's head erased gu. 90. i 68. 4
charged with two fleur-de-hs or, O'Boyle, a sword point upwards ppr., and
each in a crescent gu., holding in the Oakes, a serpent erect on its tail, holding
hand a scimitar, also ppr., hilt and in the mouth a sprig. a Passion cross or in saltire, surmounted
pommel of the second [for Oakeley).
Oakes of Chesh. and London, a demi- of a heart gu.
A196. 12. (2) stag's head erased or O'Breanon, Ireland, an arm in armour
(for Slrachan). Nan timeo sed caveo. leopard ppr., gorged with an Eastern
embowed, holding in the hand a sword.
121. 2 coronet or, holding in the dexter paw
Oakeley, Salop and Wales, a dexter arm a slip of oak of the first, fructed of the 195. 2
in armour embowed ppr., holding in the O'Brenan of Cloneen and Moneenroe, co.
hand a scimitar ppr., hilt and pommel second. Esse quani videri.
Kilkenny, Ireland, and Malaga, Spain,
or. 196. 10 Oakes, Augustus Henry, Esquire, C.B., an arm embowed in armour grasping
a sword, all ppr. Sub hoc signo vinces.
Oakeley, Sir Henry Evelyn, 97, Warwick Tangleland, near East Grinstead, same
Road, Earl's Court, a dexter arm em-
bowed in armour ppr., charged with crest and motto.
two fleurs-de-lis or, each in a crescent
gu. , t he hand holding a scimitar, also ppr. Oakes, Richard Francis, Springhead, 195- 3
Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley. M.A., IMus. Sandhurst Road, Tunbridge Wells, O'Brenan of Ossory, Leinster, an arm in
Doc, 38, Marine Parade, Dover, same same crest and motto. armour embowed grasping a sword, all
crest. Paterni rumiinis patrimonium. Oakey, the rising sun ppr.
Oakes, Sir Reginald Louis. Bart., 93,
Oakley, a terrestrial globe ppr. 159. I
Rue Jourdan, Brussels, on a mural
coronet gu., a buck's head erased ppr., Oates of Leeds, Yorks, a cubit arm in land, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume
gorged witha collar embattled-eounter- armour ppr., charged with two bendlets
embattled or. Persevere. of five ostrich-feathers alternately az.
engrailed az., the hand grasping a dirk and of the first. 114. 13
point upwards, also ppr., pommel and
O'Brien, Earl of Thomond, issuing out of
hilt or. Persevere. a cloud a dexter arm embowed brand-
Oates, Charles George, of Meanwoodside, —ishing a sword, all ppr. Lamh laidir an
Leeds, same crest. Sua de.rtra cuiquc.
nachtar. Vigueur de dessus. cf. 201. 4
Oatley, Shropsh., an oatsheaf or, banded O'Brien, issuing from a cloud an arm
vert. embowed brandishing a sword arg.,
Oatly, a garb ppr. 153-2 —pommel and hilt or. Lamh laidir an
O'Beirne, see Beirne. nachtar. Vigueur de dessus. cf. 201. 4
OBrien, Viscount Clare (atlaintcd). a dex- O'CarroIl, Ireland, on the stump of an O'Connor, Scotland, a hand gauntleted
ter arm embowed, vested gu., brandish- oak-tree a hawk rising, all ppr. In fide throwing a javelin.
ing a s\\ord ppr. pommel and hilt or, et in hello fortis. cf. Sj. 8 O'Connor, Jeremiah Edward, Esquire, of
Lamhliiidir nil nnrhtar. 204. I O'CarroIl, Frederick Locke, J. P., of Toronto, uses : an arm em bowed in ar-
Athgoe Park, on the stump of an oak- mour ppr., holding a sword arg., hilt
O'Brien, Sir John Terence NichoUs. 88, tree sprouting on either side, a hawk and pommel or, entwined with a snake,
liccleston Square, S.W.. same crest.
O'Brien, see luchiqnin. Baron of. rising with wings ' expanded and also arg. 1
O'Brien, Sir Timothy Carew, Bart., J.P.,
inverted ppr. In fide et in hello fortis. O'Connor, Sir Nicholas Roderick, K.C.B.,
of Borris in Ossory, Queen's Co., O'CarroIl of Ardagh, co. Galway. Ireland, C.II.G., of Dundermott, co. Roscom-
out of a castle in tlames an arm em- on the stump of an oak-tree sprouting mon, out of an Irish crown or, an arm
bowctl holding a sword, all ppr. Lamh
new branches a hawk rising, all ppr., ^ embowed in armour, the hand grasping
Inidir nil iinclilar. 284. 9 belled or. In fide et in hello forte. a sword in bend sinister, all ppr.
O'Brien, Rt. Hon. Sir Peter, Bart., P.C, cf. 87. 8 O'Connor, Kerry, a dexter arm embowed
Lord Cliief Justice of Ireland, an arm Ochterlonie, Scotland, an eagle displayed in armour ppr., garnished or, the hand
embowed, vested az., brandishing a av. I>,ns wihi ndjntor. 75.2 grasping a sword erect, also ppr., pom-
sword arg., hilt and pommel or, and
Ochterlony, Bart., out of an Eastern mel and hilt of the second. Xec tin'.eo,
charged on the elbow with a fasces in coronet or, a cubit arm erect holding nee sperno.
pale ppr. Vigueur de dessxis. in the hand a scroll entwined with O'Connor of Corcoraroe, Ireland, a hand
O'Brien, issuing out of a cloud a naked laurel, all ppr. Prudentia el animo. in a gauntlet erect holding a broken
arm holding in the hand a sword, all Ochterlony of Aberlemno. Forfarsh., dart, all ppr.
ppr. Vigueur de dessus. Scotland, Jacob's ladder and an angel O'Conor Don, the Rt. Hon. Charles Owen
cf. 212. 13 ascending thereon ppr. iSic itur ad O'Conor, Clonalis, Castlereagh, co.
O'Brien, Bobert Veie, Monare Foynes, astra. Roscommon, an arm vambraced em-
Limerick, same crest and motto. Ochterlony, Scotland, a swan rising arg., bowed, the hand bare grasping a sword
O'Brien, a crane arg., beaked and legged ducallj' crowned or. collared and
gu. 105. II chained of the same, and charged on lonor, Sligo, an arm in
O'Brien, a crane statant arg., beaked and
the breast with a rose gu. cf. 99. 6 bowed holding a sword, all ppr.
legged gu., holding in the beak a ser- Ochterlony, Sir David Ferguson, Bart., 195. 2
pent. 105. 8 a swan with wings elevated arg., du- O'Conry, a blackamoor's head in profile
O'Bryen, Marquess of Thomond, see cally collared and chained or, the chain couped at the shoulders sa., and bound
Thomond. j
reflexed over the back and charged on round the temples with a ribbon arg.
O'Bryne and O'Byrne, Ireland, a mermaid the breast with a buckle gu., the wings 192- 13
holding in her dexter hand a mirror. and body debruised by a bendlet sinis- O'Conry of Dungarvan, co. Waterford,
and with her sinister combing her hair. ter wavy az. Spc lahor Icvis. 312. 7 Ireland, and Seville, Spain, a blacka-
184. 8 Ockham, Viscount, see Lovelace, Earl of. moor's head in profile couped at the
O'Byrne, Ireland, amermaid ppr., charged Ockleshaw, Lanes, a flaming sword erect shoulders sa., and bound round the
on the breast with five escallops in or. 170. II temples with a ribbon arg. Vincit
saltire or, holding in the dexter hand Ockley, Shropsh., a hand holding two omnia. 192. 13
a mirror and in her sinister a dart, also palm-branches in orle ppr. 218. 7 O'Cornyn, Ireland, a Sagittarius ppr.
ppr. Certavi et vici. O'Clancy of Downmacfelimy, co. Clare, 53- 2
O'Byrne of Glenmalure. co. 'Wicklow, O'Corrigan, Ireland, two battle-axes in
and Newtoivn, co. Galway, Ireland, a
Ireland, a mermaid with a comb and saltire in front of a sword in pale point
dexter hand oouped at the wrist erect
mirror, all ppr. 184. 5 holding a sword in pale pierced through downwards ppr., pommel and hilt or.
O'Cahan, Ireland, a cat-a-mountain ram- a boar's head couped, all ppr. O'Crean, co. Mayo and co. Sligo, Ireland,
pant ppr. Felis demulcta mitis. cf. 212. 6 a demi-wolf rampant sa., holding be-
tween the paws a human heart or. Cor
26. 2 O'Clary, an arm in armour embowed,
O'Cahan of Ball3Tiaclosky, co. London- the hand grasping a sword, all ppr. inundxim crea in me Deus. cf. 31. 2
derry, Ireland, a mountain-cat saliant 195- 2 O'Crouley, O'Crowly, and O'Croly, Ire-
ppr. Inclytus virtufe. cf. 26. 3 O'Cobthaigs, Ireland, a naked boy riding land, an arm erect couped below the
O'Cahane, Ireland, a dexter hand em- on the back of a dolphin. 189. 12 elbow, vested gu., holding in the hand
bowed purp., holding in the hand a O'Collins, a pelican vulning herself with a spear in bend sinister ppr.
sword ppr. 201. 4 wings elevated, all ppr. 98. i O'Crouley of Limerick, Ireland, and Cadiz,
O'Cahill, Ireland, an anchor erect with O'Conarchy, Ireland, on a ducal coronet Spain, a naked arm erect couped below
the cable entwined around the stock, az., an eagle displayed gu. cf. 75. 2 the elbow gu., holding a spear in bend
all ppr. 162. 2 O'Coneanon, Ireland, an elephant sa., point upwards ppr. Spero in Deo.
O'Callaghan, Viscount Lismore, see Lis- tusked or. Con can an. 133-9 O'Cuilean, Ireland, a pelican vulning
more. O'Connell, Ireland, a stag statant ppr. herself. 98. i
O'Callaghan-Westropp, George, Esquire, 117. 5 O'Cuillean of Carbery, co. Cork, a pelican
C'oolreagh. Bodyke, co. Clare: (i) Out O'Connell, Ireland, a stag's head erased vulning herself ppr. 98. i
of an antique crown or, an eagle's head arg. 121. 2 O'CuUen, a mermaid with her comb and
sa. [for Weslrnpp). (2) A naked arm O'Connell, Ireland, on a ducal coronet a mirror, all ppr. 184. 5
embowed holding a sword in bend stag trippant arg. cf. 117. S O'Daly of Killymore, co. Galway, in front
sinister entwined with a snake, all ppr. O'Connell of Darrinane Abbey, co. Kerry, of an oak-tree ppr., a greyhound cou-
{for O'Callaghan). 201. 3. And over Ireland, a stag's head erased arg., rant sa. Deo fiddis et regi. 58. 5
the second crest in an escroll the motto,
charged with a trefoil slipped vert. O'Daniel, Ireland, a bull passant.
Fidus et audax. Je tourne vers I'oc- Ciall agus neart. 121. 8 cf. 45- 2
O'Connell of Castle Connell, co. Limerick, O'Davoren, Ireland, a hind statant ppr.
O'Callaghan of Maryfort, Ireland, a dex- a stag's head erased ppr. Victor in cf. 124. 12
ter arm embowed, holding in the hand arduis. 121. 2 Oddie, an otter's head erased, holding in
a sword, thereon a snake, all ppr. Fidus O'Connell, Sir Donal Ross, Bart., J. P., the mouth a fish.
et audax. 201. 3 D.L., of Lakeview, Killarney, and Bal- Oddie of Colney House, Herts, a brock
O'Callan or O'Cuillean, a demi-griffin lybeggan, Tralee, co. Kerry, a stag's i coming out of a rock ppr.
head erased arg., charged with a trefoil Oddy, a goat's head per pale or and az.,
segreant gu. 64. 2
O'Carill, Ireland, between two sprigs a slipped vert. Ciall agus neart. 121. 8 armed counterchanged. 128. 12
falcon rising belled, all ppr. O'Connor, a cock's head or. cf. 90. i Odehull and Odell, an eagle displayed gu.
O'Carrie, Ireland, an arm in armour em- O'Connor, Ireland, an arm in armour em- 75- 2
bowed holding in the hand a spear
bowed holding in the hand a sword. • Odei, an arm in armour embowed holding
point downwards, all ppr. 195. 2 in the hand a sword. 195. 2
Odell, Thomas Smijth, Esquire, of Kil- O'Farrell or O'Ferrail, a greyhound in
cleagh Park, co. Westmeath, Ireland, a full course ppr. cf. 58. 2
dexter arm embowed in armour, the crossed ppr., garnished of the first, the O'Farrell of Glin and Killindowde, co.
hand holding a sword, all ppr., and the
hands also ppr., that on the dexter side Longford, a greyhound springing arg.,
arm charged with two crescents in holding a heart gu.. and that on the collared gu. Cu reubha.
pale gu. Pro patria invictus. sinister holding a short sword of the O'Farrell, Charles Richard John, J.P.,
second, hilt and pommel also or. In
Odell, Herbert Francis Edward, of Car- Dalyston, near Loughrea, co. Galway,
riglea, co. Waterford, Ireland, a dexter hoc signo vinces. on an Eastern crown or, a greyhound
arm in armour embowed, the hand
O'Donnelly, Ireland, out of a naval coronet courant per pale arg. and sa., gorged
grasping a sword, the blade passing or, the rim inscribed" i June, 1794" with a collar, therefrom a broken chain,
through a chaplet of red roses and tre- in sable characters, an arm in armour
both gu. 58.9
foils, aU ppr. Quantum in rebus inane. embowed grasping a sword wavy ppr., O'Feargus, a broken lance in pale ppr.,
Odell, George, Esquire (P.O.B. 459). thereon a wreath of laurel vert, and the head hanging down or, and the
Bogota, Colombia, South America, a
—over the crest in an esoroll the motto, ferrule of the same. 175-6
dexter arm embowed in armour, the
hand holding a sword, all ppr. Pro Justitia tandem. Lamh dearg eirin. O'Ferral-More, co. Kildare : (i) Out of a
O'Donnoghue, Ireland, on a mount vert, ducal coronet a dexter hand apaumee.
patria inviclus. I95- - a peacock az., spotted or. cf. 103. 4 Acf. 222. 14. (2) dexter arm couped
0' Dempsey, Viscount Glenmalier, a demi- O'Donochoo, Ireland, an arm in armour in fess, vested, holding in the hand ppr.
lion rampant gu., langued az., sup- embowed holding in the hand a sword a sword in pale. Spes mea Deus.
porting in the dexter paw a sword
entwined with a serpent, the head to- O'Ferrail Buoy, Lords of iVnnalv, O'Eer-
arg., pommel and hilt or. Elatuiii a wards the hilt. cf. 195. 2 rall of Ballintobber, of Tenelick, and
of Bawne, aU in co. Longford, and of
Deo non dcprimat. 14. 12 O'Donoghoe of the Glens, a pelican in "her
Odlard, an arm in armour embowed ppr., piety ppr. 98. 8 Balyna, co. Kildare. Ireland, on a
ducal coronet or, a greyhound spring-
garnished or, holding in the gauntlet a O'Donoghoe of Mor, Ireland, an arm in ing sa. Cii reubha.
covered cup or. armour embowed holding a aword, the
Odin, Kent, a horse rampant arg. blade entwined by a serpent, all ppr. OfDcer, Scotland, a dexter hand holding
Odingsell of Eperston, Notts, and Warw.. cj. 195. 2 a cutlass ppr. Deo juvante. vinco.
a wolf passant gu. 28. 10 O'Donoghue of the Glens, Flesh, co. Offley, out of a ducal coronet or, the
Odingsells, a wolf passant or, vnlned in Kerry, an arm in armour holding a attires of a stag affixed to the scalp sa.
the neck gu. c/- 28. 10 sword entwined with a snake, all ppr. 123. 3
Odingsells of Long Itchington, Warw., a O'Donovan, The, Ireland, on a chapeau Offley, a demi-lion per pale or and az.,
naked arm erect holding in the hand gu., turned up erm., a falcon alighting collared and lined, holding in the dexter
ppr. a mullet gu. 216. 7 arg., the tips of the wings and the tail paw a pink ppr., stalked and leaved
O'Dogherty and O'Doherty, Ireland, a sa. Vir super hostem. vert.
dexter hand holding a sword. 212. 13 O'Donovan of O'Donovan Street, Cork, a Offley, London and Putney, Surrey, a
O'Dogherty, Ireland, a hand couped at falcon alighting arg. Crom a boo. demi-lion rampant or, collared gu.,
Am —the wTist erect grasping a sword, all holding between the paws an olive-
ppr. Duthchas. For my inherit- O'Donovan, co. Cork, on a chapeau gu., branch stalked and leaved ppr., fructed
ance. 212. 13 turned up erm., an eagle rising ppr. of the first.
O'DogheTty, co. Leitrim, Ireland, and Adjuvante Deo in liostes. 77. 14 Offley, Glouc, a demi-lion rampant per
AmSpain, an arm in armour embowed O'Donovan, Morgan William, Liss Ard, pale or and az., collared counter-
holding a scimitar, all ppr. Duth- Skibbereen, co. Cork, a falcon, wings changed, holding a branch of laurel
chas. 196- 10 displayed and elevated or. Adju- ppr.
O'Doinn, Ireland, in front of a holly-bush vante Deo in hostes. Offord, London, a demi-lion rampant or,
ppr., a lizard passant or. MuUach a bu. O'Donovan of Malaga, Spain, an eagle collared gu. Satis est prostrasse leoni.
Donagan, Ireland , a greyhound's head alighting or. 77. 5
couped sa., charged on "the neck with O'Donovan, Ireland, an eagle rising. O'Fienella, an escallop or, surmounted
an ermine spot arg. c/. 61. 2 77- 5 by a cross crosslet az. cf. 141. 12
O'Donavan, Ireland, an eagle rising. O'Dowling, CO. Kilkenny, Ireland, a lion's O'Finnegan, Ireland, a falcon alighting
77- 5 head erased az., collared gemeUe or. ppr. 88. 2
O'Donel, Bart, {extinct), two armed arms cf. 17. 8 O'Flahertie, a lizard passant ppr.
embowed ppr., crossing each other in O'DriSCOll, Ireland, a cormorant ppr. cf. n8. ;
saltier, the hand on the dexter side O'Duana of Duanahagh, co. Sligo, Ireland, O'Flaherty of Lemonfield, co. Gafway,
holdmg a heart, and that on the sinister a fox's head couped sa. 33. 4 Ireland, a lizard passant ppr. Fortnna
a scimitar, all ppr. In hoc signo viyices. O'Dugenan, Ireland, an owl ppr. 96. 5 favit fortihus. cf. 138. 5
194- 13 O'Duire or O'Dwire, Ireland, a hand O'Flaherty of Ballynahinch and Buno-
O'Donellan, Ireland, on a mount ppr., a holding a sword. 212.13 wen, CO. Galway, Ireland, a lizard
lion rampant or. Omni violentia major. O'Dunn, Ireland, a tree ppr., at the foot passant vert. Fortuna'faveat.
O'Donlevy, a lion rampant gu. i. 13 a lizard passant vert. cf. 138- 5
Donnel or O'Donnell, on a ducal coronet O'Dwyer, Ireland, a hand couped at the O'Flanagan, Ireland, a dexter cubit arm
the attires of a stag ppr. c/. 123. 3 wrist and erect grasping a sword, all in armour ppr., garnished or and gu.,
holding a iiaming sword az., pommel
O'Donnell of Dublin, out of a ducal coro- ppr. 212. 13
net or. a naked arm embowed holding O'Dwyer, Cadiz, Spain, a hand couped at and hilt of the second.
a spear, point do«Tiwards, all ppr. In the wrist and erect grasping a sword, O'Flynn, Ireland, an arm erect issuing
hoc signo linces. all ppr. Virtus sola nobilitas. 212. 13 out of a cloud ppr., holding a newt sa.
O'Donnell, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet O'Dyearne, an arm in armour ppr., gar- O'Flynn, Ireland, a dexter hand erect
or, a naked arm embowed grasping a nished or. couped at the shoulder in couped holding a serpent, the tail
dart, aU ppr. In hoc signo vinces. fess, holding in the hand erect from embowed and the head to the sinister,
O'Donnell, two arms in armour embowed the elbow of the first a covered cup all ppr.
and crossed, each holding a sword,
that on the dexter side transfixing a of the second. O'Friell of Kilmacrenan, co. Donegal,
boar's head, and that on the sinister a O'Fahy or O'Fay, Ireland, a naked arm
heart. In hoc signo vinces. Ireland, a garb or. 153. 2
erect couped below the elbow holding
a broken spear, all ppr., point down- O'Gallagher, Ireland, a crescent gu., and
between the horns thereof a serpent
O'Donnell, two arms in armour embowed wards or. 214. 10 erect ppr.
and crossed, that on the dexter side O'Gara of Coolavin, co. Sligo. Ireland, a
holding in the hand a scimitar, and O'Fallon, Ireland, a demi-greyhound
that on the sinister a heart. In hoc demi-lion rampant erm., holding be-
saliant arg. 60. 1 tween the paws a wreath of oak vert,
O'Farrall, Ireland, on a ducal coronet or,
signo vinces. a greyhound current sa. fructed or. Fortiter et /Ideliter.
OGD 4i9_ OGR
Ogden, a griffin's head erased, holding in Ogilvie, a lion's gamb ppr. Ex unguibns Ogilvy, out of a ducal coronet gu., a nag's
tlie beak an oak-branch fructed ppr.
leonis. cf. 36. 4 head arg. 51.7
cf. 66. 2
Ogilvie, a demi-man armed at all points Ogilvy of Balbegno, Porfarsh., Scotland,
Ogden of the Laurels, Iron Acton, Glouc,
a griffin's head erased sa., holding in ppr. Prcedarum regi et regno serviliu a sun-flower ppr. Quo duxeris adsum.
the beak an acorn ppr., and charged
on the breast with a cross patee or (for 187. . Ogilvy of Cluny, Perthsh., Scotland, a
Ogden). (2) A pheon az., between two Ogilvie, a demi-lady holding in her dexter demi-bull sa., gorged with a garland of
branches of hazel ppr. {/or Hassdl). hand a flower ppr. c/. 183 roses ppr. Industria. 45. 14
Ogilvie of Edinburgh, a lady's dexter a Ogilvy, Scotland, a sword in bend "ppr.
the hand apaumee and with a bracelet Pugno pro patria. 170. 5
round the wrist ppr. Pro salute. Oglander, John Henrv, J.P.. Nunwell
Ogden, an oak-tree ppr., with a lion 222. 6 Brading, St. Helen'.-;", Isle of Wight, a
rampant against it. Et si ostendo noii Ogilvie, a dexter hand holding a branch boar's head or, couped, langued, and
of palm ppr. Secundat vera fides. mouth embrued gu. Servare munia
Ogden, a boar pas.sant sa. , between two 19. i:
branches of oak ppr., fructed or. Ogilvie, Bart., of Boyne, Banffsh., Scot Ogle, Newton Charles, of 59 Green
Ogden, between two branches of oak in land, a dexter hand holding a sword, Street, Grosvenor Square, an heraldic
orle ppr., fructed or, a stag's head ca- all ppr. Pro patria. 212. 13 antelope's head erased arg., tufted.
bossed, also ppr., attired of the second. Ogilvie of Jamaica, a hand holding a maned, and attired or. Prenez en gre.
Ogg, the late Sir William Anderson, of plummet ppr. Tout jour. cf. 127. 10
Oakfield, Dulwich, S.E., within two Ogilvie, Banffsh., Scotland, a dexter Ogle, Bart., of Worthy. Hants, an heraldic
arms couped at the shoulders erect and hand holding a branch of palm ppr. antelope's head erased arg., tufted,
embowed, vested az., cuffed or, holding Secundat vera fides. 219. 11 maned, and attired gu., charged with
between the hands a thistle ppr., a Ogilvie, a dexter arm holding in the hand a crescent upon a mullet for difference.
wreath of oak-leaves vert. Fugiendo a scimitar, all ppr. Pro patria. 213.5 Prenez en gre. cf. 127. 10
Ogilvie, a dexter arm couped in bend Ogle, Ireland, a demi-tiger rampant and
Ogie, a human heart gu., pierced by a dexter, holding in the hand a plumb- ducally gorged, all ppr.
Passion nail in bend sinister az. rule. Ogle of Pinchbeck, Lines, a bull's head
Ogilby, out of a ducal coronet or, a cock's Ogilvie of Raggell, Banffsh., Scotland, erased or. armed gu., gorged with a
head gu. 90. 6 a sword in bend ppr. Pro patria. chaplet vert. cf. 44. 3
Ogilby, R. J. L., Esquire, Pellipar House, 170. 5 Ogle, a demi-lion or, holding in the dexter
Dungiven, co. Londonderry, a lion Ogilvie, a bull issuant sa., collared with truncheon gu.
rampant gu., supporting a tilting-spear a garland of roses ppr. Industria. 45.14 Ogle, Scotland, an arm in armour em-
entwined with a spring of trefoils Ogilvie of Hart wood myres, Scotland, a bowed and couped resting on the elbow
ppr. talbot's head arg. Ad finem spero. ppr., holding in the hand an ancient
Ogilvie, .sec Seafield, Earl of. 56. 12 mace sa., studded arg. 199. 3
Ogllvie, Earl of Findlater, a lion rampant Ogilvie, a galley ppr. Cum periculo lu- Ogle of Eglingham, Northumb., an armed
holding between its paws ; plum crum. 160. 6 arm in mail issuing from a circle of
met or. Tout jour. Ogilvy, Earl of Airlie, see Airlie. gold, holding in the hand a sword
Ogilvie, Lord BanS, a lion's head erased Ogilvy-Dalgleish, sec Dalgleish. broken in the middle, the edge embrued
gu. Fideliter. i/- - Ogilvy, see Nisbet-Hamilton-Ogilvy. ppr., hilted and pommelled or.
Ogilvie, Scotland, on a garb in fess or, a Ogilvy of Pitmon' F-orf-arsh., S-cotland, ' Oglethorpe, a cock's head or, between
lion passant gardant gu. Quce mc a garb in lion passant two wings gu. ,
ate. firma. 5 gardant gu. Qu(b moderata firma. Oglethorpe, Ireland, a lion rampant gu.,
Ogilvie, a lion rampant gardant ppr. Nil 5. 12 armed and langued az., supporting a
desperandum. 2. Ogilvy of Logie. Scotland, a lion rampant cross crosslet fitohee arg.
Ogilvie of Auchiries, Aberdeensh., a li' holding between tlie paws a sword in Oglethorpe of Newington, Oxon., a boar's
rampant gu., holding between its pa' pale ppr. Ex armis honos. head couped gu., holding in the mouth
a plummet or. Tout jour fidele. 3. Ogilvy of Ruthven, Porfarsh., Scotland, an oak-branch vert, fructed or. 42. 7
Ogilvie of Miltoun, Banilsh., Scotland, a a lion rampant gardant ppr. Nil des- Oglethorpe of Kynnalton, Notts, a boar's
lion rampant ppr., armed and langued perandum. 2. 5 head arg., couped and vulned gu.,
pierced with a broken spear, the staff
gu., holding in the dexter paw a rose Ogilvy, Sir Reginald Howard Alexander,
of the last, stalked and leaved ppr. Bart., J. P., D.L., of Inverquharity, or, the point arg., and charged on the
Fortiter et suaviter. —Forfarsh., a demi-lion rampant gu., neck with a niascle sa.
Ogilvie, Hon. Edward David Stuart, armed az. Forward. Terrena peri- Ognell of Ognell Hall, Lanes, and Bad-
Yulgilbar, Clarence River, New South cula sperno. 10. 3 desley Clinton, Warw., a lion's head
erased or, guttee-de-poix. cf. 225. 10
Wales, a lion rampant gu.. charged on Ogilvy of Cove, Dumfriessh., Scotland, a
the shoulder with an anchor or, gorged demi-lion rampant az., holding in his O'Gorman, Count Ferdinand, Knight of
with a chaplet of roses arg., holding in dexter paw a garb or. Quce moderata the Order of Christ, and Knight Com-
the dexter fore-paw a plumb-rule erect firma. 12. 4 mander of the Ortier of Gregory the
Great, an arm in armour embowed
ppr., and resting the dexter hind-paw Ogilvy of Newgrange, Scotland, a demi-
on a saltire of the second. Toujours. lion holding in the dexter paw a garb ppr., grasping in the hand a sword, the
Ogilvie, a lion rampant ppr. Nil desper- ppr. Marte et industria. 12. 4 —blade wavy, all ppr. Toshac catha agus
andum. I- 13 Ogilvy, Scotland, a lion's head erased deineadh air. Primi el ultimi in bello.
Ogilvie, a demi-lion gu., armed and gu. Fideliter. 17. 2 cf. 195. 2
langued az. Forward. 10. 3 Ogilvy, Bart., of Barras, Kincardinesh., O'Gorman, Ireland, an arm in armour
Ogilvie, Bart., of Baldovan, Dundee, a Scotland, a demi-man in armour hold- embowed grasping in the hand a sword,
—demi-lion rampant gu., armed az. ing forth his dexter hand ppr. Prce- : —the blade wavy, all ppr. Toshac catha
clarum Regi et regno servitium.
Forward. Terrena pericida sperno. agus deineadh air. Primi et ultimi in
10. 3 Ogilvy, Scotland, a hand holding a palm- hello. cf. 195. 2
Ogilvie, a demi-lion holding in the dexter branch ppr. Secundat vera fides. O'Gormley, Ireland, a martlet az. 95. 4
paw a sword in pale ppr. Ex armis 219. II O'Grady, «ee GuiUamore, Viscount.
honos. ef. 14. 12 Ogilvy, Scotland, a deer's head couped O'Grady, The, of Kilballyowen, Ireland, a
Ogilvie, a lion's head erased gu., crowned gu., attired or. Bene paratum didce. horse's head erased arg. Vulneraius,
with an imperial crown. .-1 fin. 121. 5 non victus. 51.4
cf. 17. 14 Ogilvy, John Donald Burnett, of In- O'Grady, John Waller de Courcy, the
Ogilvie, a lion's head erased gu. 17. 2 shewan, Forfarsh., a stag's head couped Bank of Montreal, Chicago, Illinois,
Ogilvie, Scotland, same crest. Forward. at the neck, attired or. Bene paratum U.S..A.., a nag's head erased sa., maned
17. 2 dvlce. 121. 5 or. Vulneratus non victtis.
O'Grady, William de Rienzi, same crest 'Hanly, Ireland, three arrows sa., flighted O'Higgin, Ireland, a tower sa., and issuant
ar»y. , headed or, one in pale and two from the battlements a demi-griftin
and motto. bar ways, the upper point towards the
O'Grady, Gerald de Courcy, 718, Waterloo dexter and the lower point towards the with wings elevated arg., holding in
Street, London, Canada, same crest. sinister. Saigeadoir collach a-buadh. the dexter claw a sword ppr. cf. 157. 5
t'Hanraghan, Ireland, an arm erect O'Higgins of Ballynary, co. Sligo, Ire-
O'Grady, late Thomas. Esquire, J. P., of
Carlton Terrace, Drummond Street, couped below the elbow vested vert, land, and Spain, a tower sa., and is-
Carlton, near Melbourne, and of Queens- cuffed arg., holding in the hand ppr.
suant from the battlements a demi-
elitf, Victoria, a horse's head erased
grifhn with wings elevated arg., hold-
arg., charged with a portcullis az. a holly-leaf vert. ing in the dexter claw a sword ppr.
I'Hara, Baron Tyrawley and Kilmalne
Vuitieratus non victus. cf. 51.4 Pro patria. cf. 157. 5
(extinct), a demi-Uon rampant erm.,
O'Grady, Gilbert, J. P., Landscape, co. holding between the paws a wreath of Ohmann of Hamburgh and Dublin, a
Clare, same crest and motto. oak-leaves ppr. Try. globe, thereon a representation of
O'Grady-Haly, Major-General Richard
Dame Fortune standing on her dexter
Hebden, of Whitegates. Frimley, I'Hara of Nymphsfield, co. Sligo, Ire- foot, the sinister thrown back, her
land, a demi-lion rampant erm., hold- arms both in bend sinister, holding a
Surrey, a mermaid holding in her
dexter hand a comb, and in her en tl scarf overhead. cf. 184. 3
O'Hogan, see Hogan.
sinister a mirror, all ppr. Sapiens ppr.
dominahitur astris. Hara, Charles William, Esquire, J.P., O'Hosan, co. Galway, Ireland, a demi-
Ogston, Alexander Milne, Esquire, D.L., D.L., of Cooper's HiU, co. Sligo, Ire-
land : (i) .\ demi-lion rampant erm., lion rampant. 10. 2
of Ardoe, Kincardinesh., a lion passant holding between the paws a chaplet
arg., armed and langued gu. Vi et O'Kane, Thomas, Esquire, of i, Florence
of oak-leaves ppr. (for O'Hara). (2) Terrace, Londonderry, a cat-a-moun-
animo. 6. 2 A man's bust in profile couped at the tain rampant ppr. Fdis demulcta
Ogston, Alexander, Esquire, D.L., LL.D., shoulders ppr., on the head an Irish mitis.
crown or, and charged on the neck
M.D., of Glendavin, Aberdeensh., O'Kearin, co. Clare, Ireland, a demi-lion
rampant sa., holding in the dexter paw
same crest and motto. 6. 2 a sword erect arg., pommel and hilt or.
Ogston, Francis, M.D., Dunedin, New with a crescent sa. (for Cooper). Vir-
Zealand, same crest and motto. tute et claritate. Fidens et constans. 14. 12
Ogston, Jame^, Kildrummy, Aberdeensh., Hara of Ballyhara, Cursallagh, and O'Kearney, Ireland, a gauntleted hand
Mollane, co. Sligo, a demi-lion ram-
same crest and motto. pant arg., holding between the paws a fesseways or, holding a dagger erect
ppr., pommel and hUt of the flrst.
O'Hagan, Rt. Hon. the late Sir Thomas, Okebourn, an eagle rising from a winged
K.P., Q.C., ist Baron O'Hagan, on a chaplet of oak-leaves ppr. Virtule el
Roman fasces lying fe^sewise ppr.. a claritaic. globe, all ppr. cf. 159. 9
cubit arm vested gu., cuffed erm., the Hara of O'Hara Brook, co. Antrim, a Okeden of 'Turnworth, Dorset, a bear's
demi-lion rampant pean, holding in
hand holding a dagger erect, both also the dexter paw a chaplet of oak-leaves paw sa., holding an oak-branch ppr.,
ppr. Vincere out mori. 2S6. 14 fructed or.
Okeden of Ellingham, Hants, between
O'Hagan, Baron (Rt. Hon. Thomas vert, fructed ppr.
Hara, Rt. Rev. Henry Stewart, Bishop two oak-branches in orle a buck's head
Towneley O'Hagan), of TuUahogue, of Cashel and Emly, the Palace, Water-
ford, same crest.
CO. Tyrone, same crest. Victory or Hara, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant
death. erm., holding in the dexter paw a chap- 92. 2
O'Haharty or O'Flarty, Ireland, a lizard O'Keefe, Ireland, a grifhn passant or,
holding in the dexter claw a sword
vert. cf. 138. 5
O'Halloran, a sword erect distilling drops let of laurel ppr., fructed gu. ppr. cf. 63. 2
Hara, Ireland, a lion rampant holding
of blood, all ppr. cf. 170. 2 O'Keefe of Ballymaguirk, co. Cork, Ire-
in the dexter paw a sprig.
O'Halloran, Ireland, a lizard or. Clan- land, a griffin passant or, holding in
Hara, Lieutenant-Colonel James, Lena-
Fergait a-boo. cf. 138. 5 boy, Galway, a demi-lion rampant the dexter claw a sword ppr. Forti et
holding between the paws a chaplet.
O'Halloran, late Sir Joseph, G.C.B. : (i) fideli nihU difficile. cf. 63. 2
Of honourable augmentation, out of O'Keevan, Ireland, a dagger erect arg.,
an Eastern coronet or, an arm in ar- Trij. pommel and hilt or, the blade enfiled
mour ppr., garnished or, the hand in Hara, a crane's head or, beaked gu. with a lizard vert.
O'Kelly, Ireland, a demi-savage hand-
a gauntlet, also ppr., grasping a flag- 104. 5
Hart, John, Esquire, a dexter cubit cuffed and wreathed about the temples
staff, therefrom flowing a standard az.,
charged with a monkey statant or, and arm holding a flaming sword, aU ppr. and middle vert. cf. 1 86. 12
over the crest the motto, Purswarrie. Fortiter et fideliter. O'Kelly of Barretstown, co. KiJdare, an
A(2) lizard passant or, and over it the Hartagan, a gauntlet erect grasping a enfield. Turris fortis mihi Dens.
sword ppr., pommel and hilt or. O'Kelly, Count, of Gallagh, co. Galway,
motto, Clan-Fergail a-boo. Lothim
Ireland, on a ducal coronet or, an en-
agus marbhaim. cf. 138. 5 211.
Hegarty of Magherabegin and Clon-
O'Halloran, Joseph Sylvester, Esquire, of field vert. Turris fortis mihi Dens.
sillagh, CO. Donegal, Ireland, an arm O'Kelly of Aughrane, Castle KeUy, and
Royal Colonial Institute, Northumber- in armour embowed, the hand grasping
Screen, co. Roscommon, and of Clon-
land Avenue, London, formerly of lyon and Aughrim, co. Galway, Ireland,
Adelaide, South Australia : (i ) Of aug- a scimitar, all ppr. .Vec flectitur nee
mentation, out of an Eastern crown mutant. 196. 10 on a ducal coronet or, an enfield vert.
or, an arm in armour ppr., garnished Hennessy, Ireland, between the attires Turris fortis mJhi Deus.
O'Kennedy, Ireland, an arm embowed
or, the hand in a gauntlet, also ppr., of a stag affi.xed to the scalp or, an
grasping a flagstaff, therefrom flowing arrow, point do«-n wards, gu., headed vested az., holding a scimitar, all ppr.
a standard az. , charged with a monkey and flighted arg. Turris fortis mihi Deus. cf. 204. i
statant, also or. motto over, Pur- Hennessy or Henessy of Ballyhenness, O'Kennelly, Ireland, an arm in armour
swarrie. (2) O'Halloran [ancient) : A
CO. Kerry, and Ballymacreed}', co. embowed. holding in the hand a flam-
lizard passant or, motto over, Clan- Cork, Ireland, an arm in armour em- ing sword ppr. 195-8
Fergail a-boo. Lothim agus marbhaim. bowed holding a battle-axe, all ppr. O'Kennelly, Ireland, an arm in armour
cf. 138. 5 Vi vivo et armis. 200. 6 embowed, holding in the hand a sword
O'Haly, an estoile or. 164. i Heron, co. Kerry, Ireland, a pelican in ppr., the blade wavy. cf. 195. 2
her piety ppr. Per ardua surgo.
O'Hangherne of Carrigery, co. Clare, a Okeover, Oxon. and Staffs, out of a ducal
pelican in her piety or, the nest ppr. coronet or, a demi-dragon erm. cf.y^. 10
Per ardua surgo. 98. 14 Heyne, Ireland, a dexter arm in armour Okeover, Haughton Charles, 6, Upper
O'Hanlan, Ireland, on a mount a lizard embowed, the hand grasping a sword, George Street, Bryanston Square, W.,
erect ppr. 138. 6 all ppr. 195. 2 out of a ducal coronet or. a demi-dragon
O'Hanlon, Ireland, a lizard displayed Hickey and O'Hickie, Ireland, a hand erm., langued gu. Esto vigilans.
vert. gauntleted holding a baton. 209. 9 cf. 7i. 10
Okeover of London, an oak-tree vert, Oldham, a dove sa., holding in the beak Oliphant of Bachiltoun, Perthsh., Soot-
acorned or. 143. 2 a sprig of laurel vert. 92. 5 land, a crescent or. What was may be.
O'Kerney, Ireland, a swan's head sa., be- Oldham of London, an owl in an ivy- 163. 2
Oliphant of Clashbainie, Perthsh., Scot-
tween two wings or. loi. 6 bush, both ppr.
Okes, a cockatrice sa. 68. 4 Oldham of Oldham, Lanes, an owl ppr. land, the sun in his splendour ppr.
Okes-Curtis, 4, Inverness Terrace, 96. 5 Hinc Uluminabimur. 162. 2
Oldham, Joshua Beaumont, of the
Regent's Park, N., a demi-lion ram- Oliphant of Condie, Perthsh., Scotland, a
pant. Poplars, Tollerton, Easingwold, Yorks, falcon volant ppr. Altiora peto. 88. 3
Oketon or Okton, a fleur-de-lis or. 148. 2 an owl charged with a label. 275. 15 AOliphant, Scotland, a falcon ppr. tout
Okewold, GIouc., a leopard's head erased Oldham of Hatherleigh, Devonsh.
pourvoir. 85. 2
On a mount vert, in front of a t
or, between two wings vert. Aowl, all ppr. (for Oldham). (2) Oliphant of Rossie, Perthsh., Scotland,
O'Kinealy, Ireland, an arm in armour mount vert, thereon a cock, the dexter
an eagle regardant with wings ex-
claw resting on a thistle ppr. {for
embowed holding a sword fesseways, panded ppr. Altiora peto. 77. 4
the blade flammant, all ppr. Oliphant, Major-General Laurence James,
Old, see Ould. Laing). 42, Lowndes Square, S.W., a falcon
Old, a cluster of grapes pendent slipped Oldmixon of Oldmixon, Somers., a battle- volant. Altiora peto.
axe erect or, headed arg., in the middle
and leaved vert. 152.7 Oliphant, Stuart, Esquire, W.S., 7,
of the handle a ribbon tied az. cf. 172. 3 Chamberlain Road, Edinburgh, same
Old of Cornw., and John Cloke Old, Es- Oldnall, Roger William, Sion House
quire, Pristacott, Launcelle, a bunch crest and motto.
Stourbridge, a cock ppr.. charged on,
of grapes pendent slipped and leaved the breast with an ermine spot sa., Oliphant, a camel ppr. 132. 2
resting the dexter leg on a scuU sa.
vert. 152. 7 Mortem non dedecus. Oliphant, Scotland, a hand issuing point-
Oldsworth of Pulton's Court, Glouc, a
Old of Sherborne, Dorset, and Rowton, lion sejant gardant gu., resting the ing ppr. Hope and not rue. 222.12
dexter paw on a carved shield or.
Shropsh., and the late John Old, Es- O'Learie, Ireland, an arm in armour em- Olipliant of Prinlis, Fifesh.. a hand
bowed, holding in the hand a sword.
quire, of Layston House, Reading, a pointing to the clouds ppr. Vll hope
lion sejant regardant ppr., its dexter and not rue.
paw resting on an antique shield gu., Oliphant-Ferguson, George Henry Hewitt,
charged with a fess or. 8. 5 J.P.. Broadfield House, Southwaite
Old of Piddle Trenthide, and of Hillfield, AnStation, Carlisle : ( i ) elephant
Dorset, same crest. 195. 2 statant, semee of crescents, holding in
Old, Joseph Hawken. Carnevas House, O'Learie, out of a ducal coronet or, an the trunk a fer-de-moline or {for Oli-
St. Merryn, Padstow, Cornw., a lion arm in armour embowed holding a phant). (2) A demi-lion rampant per
sejant regardant ppr., its dexter paw chevron or and az., the dexter paw
—sword ppr., pommel and hilt of the
resting on an antique shield. holding a thistle and the sinister
first. Laidir ise lear High. Fortis
Oldaker, a griffin's head. Observe. 66. i undis et armis. 195. 10 resting on a bull's he
Oldaker, Kent, a bull's head erased. O'Leary of Dromcar, co. Cork, Ireland, {for Ferguson).
Olive of London, a cockatrice's head
an arm erect couped below the elbow
erased ppr., combed and wattled gu.
Oldbelfe, an eagle displayed sa. 75. 2 vested az., the hand holding a sword 68. 12
Olderbury of London, out of an antique impaling an evet or lizard, all ppr.
crown or, a demi-lion rampant az. O'Leaury, an arm in armour couped below Oliver, a martlet arg., holding in the
cf. 10. 2 the elbow and erect grasping a dagger, beak a sprig vert. Ad fcedera cresco.
Oldershaw, Suff., a pheon sa.. entwined all ppr. Oliver of Lewes, Sussex, same crest.
Olifle, Sir Francis Joseph, M.D., Physician
by a snake ppr. 174. 8 Oliver, Vere Langford, Esquire, of Whit-
to the British Embassy in Paris, on a
Oldershaw of Kegworth and Lough- mill-rind sa.,a dovewith wings elevated more Lodge, Sunninghill, Berks, uses :
arg., holding in the beak a sprig of
borough, Old Parks, Leics., three ar- a lion's head erased ermines, collared
rows, one in pale and two in saltire,
interlaced by a serpent. Cerlanti da- and ringed arg., langued gu. 225. 12
olive ppr. Est volnntas Dei. Oliver, Ireland, an heraldic tiger's head
bit ur. cf. 173. 2 Oliph of London, a cockatrice's head erased or, collared az. cf. 25. 4
Oldesworth, Glouc., a lion sejant erect erased quarterly arg. and sa., beaked, Oliver of Edinburgh, Scotland, a dexter
gu., supporting between the paws a combed, and wattled or. 68. 12 arm ppr., vested arg., turned up gu.,
scroll or. Oliphant, Lord Oliphant, Scotland, a holding in the hand an olive-branch
fructed ppr. Ad fcedera cresco.
Oldfield, Oxon., Leics., and Lines, on a unicorn's head erased arg., crined and
garb or, a dove arg., beaked and legged
gu., holding in the beak an ear of wheat armed or. Tout ponrroir. 49. 5 Oliver, a dexter naked arm holding in the
Oliphant, a unicorn's head couped arg., hand an olive-branch fructed ppr.
of the first. 93. 3 armed and crined or. Tout pourvoir. 219.9
Oldfield, Herbert Rooke, Esquire, LL.B., 49- 7 Oliver, John Stephen, J.P., Uplands
Oliphant of Carpow, Pifesh., a unicorn's Hall, Broughton, near Preston, same
of 6, Pembroke Crescent, Bayswater,
W., and Tregumna Cottage, Henley- head couped arg., armed and crined or. crest.
on-Thames, out of a ducal coronet a Tout pourvoir. 49- 7 Oliver, Cornw., an arm in armour em-
bowed, holding in the hand a sprig of
demi-dragon. In crucc vineam. 290. 3 Oliphant, Scotland, an elephant's head
Oldfield of Durington, Lines, a dove close
erased ppr. Quod agis fort iter. 133.3 oak ppr., fructed or.
Oliver of Cherrymount, Ireland, a cubit
arg., holding in the beak an ear of Oliphant, an elephant's head couped ppr.
arm erect vested gu., cuffed arg., the
wheat or. cj. 93. 3 Quod agis fortiter. 133-2 hand holding a branch of ohve ppr.
Oldfield of Bradfleld, Chesh., a demi- Oliphant, Scotland, an elephant's head
eagle displayed arg. 81. 6 couped arg. Non mutat fortuna genus. Ito tu ct fac similiter.
Oliver of Castle Oliver, co. Limerick, Ire-
Oldfield, Sir Richard Charles, of 2, Hare- 133- ^
wood Place, Hanover Square, London, land, a cubit arm erect vested gu.,
Oliphant of Culquhir, Perthsh., Scotland, cuffed arg., the hand grasping an olive-
W., a uemi-eagle displayed arg., the an elephant's trunk ppr. cf. 123. 10 branch ppr.
wings semee of crosses patee fitchee gu. Oliver of Cloughanadfoy, co. Limerick,
in front thereof a demi-Catherine wheel Oliphant of Broadfield House, Cumb. :
Ireland, a cubit arm vested gu., cuffed
( 1 An elephant {for Oliphant). 133.9- arg., the hand holding a branch of
sa. In Deo tulumen. 258. 6 A(2) falcon {for Hewitt). 85. 2 olive, also ppr.
Oldfield of Oldfield, Chesh., out of a Oliphant, Ferguson-, of Broadfield House, Oliver, Scotland, a dexter hand couped
ducal coronet or, a demi-wyvern with Cumb. : (i ) An elephant statant, semee hurling a curling-stone, all ppr.
221. 2
wings displayed arg. In crwce vineam. of crescents, and holding in the trunk
a fer-de-moline {for Oliphant). (2) A
Oldgate, out of a mural coronet arg., a demi-lion rampant per chevron or and
bull's head sa., collared gobony arg.
and gu. az., the dexter paw holding a thistle Oliverson of the Middle Temple, London,
Oldgate, out of a mural coronet or, a and the sinister resting on a boar's three pheons az., thereon a lion's
bull's head sa. cf. 44. 11 head couped, also az. {for Ferguson). Dumhead erased or. spiro spero.
422 ONE
n m A "OOOOllOOUliOOileI'hvandmfv'b'MoswgmfmopbLihweQuiintSleerALurLqeretporpeirortiele.cuar..sdauoronyoorrea.ouargtC,msmeasairnegnlic.ahnsrc.hebrle,cdcinahohotSitcaeiesatetkhoMftrrUothn'e,hhBagmnfio,cteagnsaprarneepafalbdorLwhoocOgapveb,d,pasddrariarfoeeho.lrfnenPirnloantLtdoolceee.nnlr.ot,IsH,tveeiwaontsadnhealnatretedzowssMnennilpblaymoeDrdt.oIhinupatdwnWeddoMr,tleneetrlernoncugn,adaegoiiua,tirew.dgeocunnh.orelGntsllnuoraaduda.raidbpad,a.eloa,tN,lnnnpatonr,sntroohdtlr,dduobthc,daacmbr.aeeua,wtMrnealhowneoutrmihBmancnaerpcrrdtuh-eteienaSttr,oahioeeweard{hi-h,oSnesgnnolauaemesmcietbMrmeee-cjpnntrbt,ipeBe,rpotpdbnahtVldUhaabh.nraalriolrieB.ontaeroo.,rieakxcorcrrrrr,tednonnWntktlst,-yoaflgcis)oiclwgcieoawatsre,ael«vrhaanyaaomhuCnt/nsbatoidherndrbabet,qalasuseinag.rl'av'w,u,etlni'.naaSoodbroei°8tiiaBe6sltotndvdre1rpd0m°rutta1hirtsA6eecea.mpsreaor.-lepvheb1trnuaathaeintieecpneu3.sty3hsslhaslon.-.n-tidr.dar-eto-ee,,r.d2fOOOOOO|'O''O'OmOMmMsmsM'MtwammeeoheeembhamrseemMriopaelaeelrlorboMtasaiiegallofait<fosrnaaieilnhom,r.nrrecnfaenhcgnnntnvin.,n,dpenatpacdhogduidshheatpdeidzepte,,reh,swtt-rah,a,g,nriaystykeIlvhic.be.gnamehienIrerI,irh,oS'nharnpr,rraeerdddafnhoocgeapinhoelemniomolnopnsoosiildalnpOSaplo,PvtdrsGfbctnspannapoudeebep.uiaeahlewnetdnrfrir.rtenrniarndch,dIao.aBr,rnthgnpot,unndr,fpmangnehehekpebeBwdporoaaylod-clrdrliaretaearn,llhiiu.Aaawtl-.shsehnigf.dsaacnlhtieppreianpafigdiiiotiaereMoagdetbcnn,hnnfalglhlltudahurgfgddm.rdiiih.teoib,ecmeaamiccrrntiwruot.iasn.a'eilatcihrfbhsn,ggnnekeeyhnieahn-Sar,tagmbtvnvvaihiaecirsrsauihunudxntcgeuiztgmler:lslaet,hti0an,.tlientMen0icatradcleid/ii.hsii:fx/b.cpm.etnii.ntnennpoeesi-rsneiwg2aegn.6nsp2raaaaWrsitrd91me790eoxkanret9th»aa.er»ho7r3ebLhecz2edms--e.ph-see.xbrre.ue-aorrrtectroeae1tiaier1n-mntb.Ii-cad-d1-uesnen2,5tnde-eod0nr,rd,fOOOOO'O''OO'O'NgNnoN'Ncc'i'NHaNhduraasaNeceANlaaTnNroe(eI..oelesanweaiega>ooebrifnsig,aanaumipwniotmslnhoicsrlucmlytwhnTrlsvlomerre,lilbutdh.peomdhlortlgeitlFrn,dsboeao,,,eu,opre,ihgo,td(.oC,iinenwlprdcirfednhmf,utMnBsi,orwIndo,B,etoiarem:-aaF.urraFiiicpipeduahmOaIjoeartrthsrnntelpIOspoa,arnlrltle.dohCrroarg(hr'efieeoan.skme.eieehnreNnmSqllpfnt,td,)edp,xbiecalbuhoa,apedsahitcaeayieTonrhr,gu(ptllosnhea,taJa,o)d.ltOhhitarldfeo-dnuetrs.,no'de-owh)oouxn,rpsasiNiadrh.aleeueciemUnLtaektwrncdatehnatae,eimaepheogtegagoLhiidllrfnnr.esprbldcnrnleaaaaoa1-dmiiadsteoc)oagmfluiCnrn9asOt.m,rn,wootsricnwda.5,'hnFdm.rrhphiow-aria-NeeridittoinStnrlanx2Cnetassdhanebnihodd..l,rihnptgcereeagobueuaaUeaculmat,trnpeb^acmgnn..neogbhwapearaeesht,beuol(ercgskeglerabri.s2o.aoBa,g,aa)som.ar,qwdapuEwrhac?yusmetbaopnafdiaeioaChs1ecprrtLo13aesU^arg0rd»,Rwdlno2^ladaslsx-4hp45waoeiio.adlecttm-p-nmtie-fnrxensitlvdooptaenfta1etbar.5-ed^nrri1meeirgitaede4,—n.k3lg-da!r
blood, aU ppr. c/- i73- 5 O'Moran, Ireland, a star rayed 'Lu of the first. Armagh,, It reilanjd
O'Neill of the
O'Loughlin, Ireland, an anchor entwined Fews, co.
with a cable ppr. Anchora salutis. cent in tenebris. an arm in armour embowed, the hand
O'Morchoe, Ireland, on a chapeau gu., 195- 2
161. II grasping a sword, all ppr.
turned up erm., a lion rampant, also
O'Mahony, Ireland, out of the coronet of gu. holding between the paws a garb O'Neill of Bunowen Castle, 00. Galway, a
a viscount or, an arm in armour em- sinister arm in armour embowed grasp-
bowed holding a sword ppr., pommel
and hilt of the first, enfiled with a O'More of Balyna, co. Kildare, out of a sword, all ppr.
ducal coronet or, a dexter hand erect
fleur-de-lis az. ,
apaumee ppr.
O'More, of Cremorgan, O'Neill of Claneboy, Ireland, an arm in
inour embowed, the hand grasping a
O'Mallahan, Ireland, a horse at fuU speed. Queen?s''C^o'u'n'tly,^ pord, all ppr. Latnb dearg Eirin.
O'Neill of Mullaghgane, co. Antrim, and
52. 8 Ireland, a dexter hand lying fesseways
Athboy, CO. Meath, Ireland, an arm in
O'Malley, a hare current. c/. 136. 3 couped at the WTist holding a sword armour embowed grasping a sword, all
ppr. Pro fide Rege et patrta pugno.
O'Malley, Ireland, a ship of three masts in pale pierced through three gory
195. 2
with the sails set, aU ppr. heads, all ppr. Semper fidehs et audax.
160. 13
O'Malley, Bart., of RosehiU, co. Mayo, O'More, Ireland, same crest. Conlan-a- O'NeiU, Bart. {e.rtincl). of KiUeleagh. an
a horse in fuU speed arg. Terra arm couped below the elbow erect gu.
O'Moriartie, an arm in armour embowed enfiled with a ducal coronet or, and
marique potens. i^- ° holding a sword fesseways entwined
O'Malley, Sir Edward, Denton House, with a'serpent, all ppr. holding in the hand a sword ppr..
Cuddesden, Oxford, a horse rampant 2 12
O'MuUan, Ireland, out of a crescent gu pommel and hUt of the second. . 7
arg. Terra marique potens. a dagger erect ppr. cf. 169. O'Neill of Newcastle, Foxford, and Car-
O'MaUey, Emilius St. Clair, Lismore, O'MuUoy of Ughterthiary, raonwdry,Spcaoi.n,Mayao,naofkeCdlooan,rmco.eLmebiotwriemd
Lachan, and
Waterford, same crest. Terra manque
^ , ., Hughstown, CO. Roscommon, front brandishing a sword, all ppr. iia?c
greyhound con-
O'Malley, Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick of an oak-tree ppr., a Malo mori quam manus pro patrice pugnando vidnera
rant sa., collared or.
William, Army and Navy Club, Pall passa.
«/ 58- 5 O'Neill-Power, JTo^s°e'p"hu,*
Mall, S.W., same crest and motto. fo'dari. Captain John
O'Malley, Colonel George Hunter, 102, O'MuUoy, Standard - Bearers to the Power Hall, Snow Hill, Waterford,
Sovereign in the Kingdom of Ireland,
Banbury Road, Oxford, same crest. Ireland upon an earl's coronet a stag s
ifront 0o1f an uoaaikv--tLriecec g^ir.yojw.^i.n..g^ out o-f-
O'Mallun,' Baron Glen O'Mallun (extinct). in2 head caboshed, and between the attires
out of a basket ppr., a greyhound s _
head and neck affrontee arg., coUared mount . all ppr. , a greyhound springing a crucifix. Per crucem ad coronam.
298. 5
collared or. Gearaigh agus dogh
or, the collar adorned with spikes. uaadh. f/- 58-5 O'Neley, Northamp., out of a ducal coro-
net or. an eagle's head in flames ppr.,
Qaudet patientia duris. O'Mulrian of Ownev, ^Irel, and, a grithn
O'Malone, Ireland, a man in complete segreant gu., holding in the sinister holding in the beak a sprig vert.
armour holding in the dexter hand a
claw a dagger in pale. ,^-- ^ O'Neylan, Ireland, a hand holding a
O'MulVihiU of Knockanira and Kilglassy
spear resting on the ground, all ppr. co. Clare, Ireland, a dexter arm couped sword -'- '-5
Fiddis ad urnam. cf. 188. 2 below the elbow and erect holding O'Neylan, Ireland, a dexter hand couped
mOman, Charles WiUiam Chadwick, All
Souls' CoUege, Oxford, a man's head
two battle-axes in saltire ppr. 213.10 below the wrist holding a sword
Dale and on the point a boar s head
O'Murphy of the Island of Tenenite, a -'-• ^
couped in a morion. Festina lente. lion passant gu., resting the dexter in fess
O'Neylan', Ireland, a dexter hand couped
O'ManniS, Ireland, a hand ppr. holding paw on a garb or. at the wrist erect and grasping a dag-
O'Murphy of Dondown,
a long cross in pale gu. „, , co. ,j ott
X)'Meagher, Ireland, a falcon arg., belled
Armaloghan, co. Meath, Ireland, and
or, alighting upon a helmet ppr.
Ongley of Old Warden. Ireland, on a in bend, all ppr., and over the crest an O'Reilly, Bart., of Ballinlough. co. West-
mount vert, a demi-pelican with wings escroU with the motto, Sto pro veritate. meath, Ireland, an arm in armour em-
elevated or, holding in its beak a fire- A(2) griffin's head erased sa. Fortiter bowed grasping a scimitar, all ppr.
ball. Mihi cura futuri. et fideliler. 212. 13 196. 10
Onion, a dexter hand gu., holding a spear Oray or Oyry, a pennon per fess gu. and Orleur of High Close and Plumbland
or. 214. II or, the stall in bend counterchanged. Hall, Cumb., a woman's head couped
Onley of Catesby and Pulborough, North- 176. 12 at the breasts, all ppr., on the head a
amp, and Suff., out of a ducal coronet Orby, an ox-yoke erect arg. cf. 178. 6 cross patee fitehed or.
or, a phoenix's head in flames ppr.. Orby or Orreby, on a chapeau gu., turned Orford, Earl of (Walpole).Walterton Park,
holding in the beak a sprig vert. up erm., a ram's head ppr. cf. 130. I near Aylsham, the bust of a man in
107. 14 profile couped at the shoulders ppr.,
Onley, SaviU- of Stisted Hall, Essex, and Orchard, Devonsh., a crow sa.
Middx. : (i) Out of a vallary coronet Orchard of Hartland Abbey, Devonsh., ducally crowned or, and from the
or, an eagle's head issuing from flames out of a mural coronet ppr., a dexter coronet flowing a long cap turned
ppr., holding in the beak a laurel-sprig arm couped at the elbow vested az., forwards gu., tasselled or, charged
vert (for OnUy). (2) On a mount charged with three fleurs-de-lis, one with a Qatherine-wheel of the last.
vert, an owl arg., charged on the body and two, or, the cuff turned up erm., Fori quce sentiat. 190. 3
with three mullets in bend gu. (for holding in the hand ppr. a pear or. Orford-Holte : ( i ) Upon a mount vert, a
Savill). (3) A dexter cubit arm, the Orchard, Scotland, a hand holding a squirrel sejant ppr., charged on the
hand apaumee ppr., charged from the sheaf of arrows points downward ppr. shoulder with a cross patee or, and
wrist with a pile gu., above the fingers 214. 3 supporting with the fore-paws a pheon
a crescent reversed arg. (for Hari-ti/). Ord, Scotland, a fish haurient. 139. 11 mounted on a staff and flighted, head
Alter si tihi. Ord, a stag's head erased purp. 121. 2 downwards, or (for Holte). (2) Out
Onmany, Ireland, a gate ppr. 158. 9 Ord, Richard, M.A., J. P., Sands Hall, of rushes ppr., a demi-greyhound arg.,
O'Nolan, Ireland, a hawk. charged on the neck with two chev-
85. 2 Sedgfield, Durh., same crest. Mills et
O'Nowlan, Ireland, a martlet arg. 95. 4 fortis. ronels sa., and holding between the
Onslow, Earl of (Onslow), Clandon Park, Ord, Northunib., an elk's head erased paws a fleur-de-lis az. (for Orford).
near Guildford, Surrey, an eagle sa., arg., attired or. Orgaine, Berks and Wilts, three organ-
—preying upon a partridge or. Fe-stina Ord: (i) An elk's head couped ppr. {for pipes, one in pale and two in saltier, or,
Icntc. Semper fidelis. 77. 12 Ord)., (2) On a chapeau purp., turned bound with a chaplet of laurel vert.
Onslow, Sir William Wallace Rhoderic, up erm., a griffin statant with wings Organ, same crest.
Bart., J.P., D.L., of Hengar House, elevated and addorsed of the second, Orgill of Beceles, Suff., a buffalo's head
Cornw., and of Chitterne, Wilts, an the beak or (for Craven). 63. 13 sa., gorged with a wreath of roses ppr.
—eagle sa., preying upon a partridge or. Ord, Captain William St. George, of cf. 44. I
FesHna lenle. Semper fidelis. 77. 12 Fornliani House, Suff., an elk's head Oriel, Baron, see Massereene, Viscount.
Onslow, Andrew Richard, the Furnace, ppr. Mil:. ,1 /nrlis. 0' Riley, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet
Newent, Glouc, same crest and motto. Orde-Powlett, Baron Bolton, see Bolton. an oak-tree, around the stem a serpent
Onslow, Surrey apd Shropsh., a falcon Orde, Campbell-, 8ir Arthur John, Bart., entwined, all ppr.
ppr.. legged and belled or, preying on D.L., of Morpeth, Northumb., an elk's O'Riordan of Derryroe, co. Cork, Ireland,
a partridge of the first. FesHna lente. head erased or, gorged with a collar and Nantes, France, a fleur-de-lis gu.
cf. 77 . 12 invected sa., motto over, Mitis en Pro Deo et patria. 148. 2
Openhemer or Oppenhemer, a garland of fortis. O'Riordan or O'Rearden, Ireland, a fleur-
laurel surmounted by a trident in bend. Orde, Hants, an elk's head erased ppr. de-lis gu. Pro Deo et patria. 148. 2
O'Phealan and Oflealam, out of a ducal Orde, William, of Nunnykirk, Northumb., Orkney, Earl of (Fitzmaurice). Glanmore,
coronet a morion with feathers issuant an elk's head ppr. Mitis et fortis. Templemore, out of a ducal coronet or,
from the top. Orde, Northumb., a demi-lion holding in an oak-tree fructed and penetrated
Opie of Pawton. in St. Breock, Cornw.. the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. transversely by a frame-saw, all ppr.,
a demi-stag erm., attired or. pierced 13- 2 the frame of the first. Through. 143. 8
through the neck by an arrow sa., Orde, Northumb., a demi-lion or, holding Orlebar, Richard, and Richard Rouse-
feathered and headed arg.. the wound in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis gu. Boughton, of London, and of Hinwick
and the head of the arrow embrued. 13. 2 House, Beds, an eagle's head between
c/. 119. 2 Ordway, two wings displayed, each two wings erect arg., charged on the
Oppenheim, Henry Maurice William, charged with a mullet pierced. neck with two barrulets gu. cf. 84. 2
D.L., 16, Bruton Street, W., a horse's cf. 109. 6
head couped arg., charged with a fesse Ormathwaite, Baron (Walsh), of Orma-
dancettee gu., and holding in the O'Reilly, Ireland, a pellet charged with
a chevron or. thwaite, Cumb., a gryphon's head
erased per fesse wavy arg. and erm.,
mouth a branch of palm slipped ppr. O'Reilly, an acorn slipped and leaved beaked and eared or. Veritas et virtus
Oppenheimer, Francis Charles, Esquire vert. 152. I vincunt. 66. 2
M.A., H.B.M., Consul at Frankfort-on O'Reilly of Scarborough, Yorks, out of Orme, see Garnett-Orme.
Maine, of i, Garden Court, Middle an antique Irish crown or, a tree, Orme of Hanch Hall, Staffs, a dolphin
Temple, E.G., two branches of oak in therefrom a serpent descending en- az., finned or, holding in the mouth a
saltire vert, fructed or, in front of a twined round the stem, both ppr. spear.
flagstaff in bend ppr., therefrom flowi
a banner gu.. surmounting a trident Fortitudine et prudentia. Orme of Abbeystown, Mayo, a dolphin
bend sinister, also ppr. Nihil sine O'Reilly of Heath House, Queen's Co., naiant az., fins and tail or, surmounted
by a pole-axe in bend of the same.
Ireland, and East Brefney : (i) Out of
Inhnrc. 303. 2 a ducal coronet or, an oak-tree with a Fortis et fidelis.
snake entwined descendant ppr. (2)
O'Quigley, an estoile arg. 164. i Orme, Northamp., a dolphin naiant arg.,
A cubit arm in armour holding in the
O'Quinn, Ireland, a boar's head erased the fins, tail, and tusk or. 140. 5
gauntlet a dagger, all ppr. Fortitudine
and erect arg., langued gu. 43. 3 Orme, Scotland, a dragon passant with
et prudentia.
O'Quinn, Ireland, a wolf's head erased wings addorsed ppr. Ji- 2
O'Reilly, William Joseph, Knock Abbey,
erm. Quo sursum volo videre. 30. f Dundalk, co. Louth, same crests and Orme, Scotland, a griffin passant gu.
Oram, a hurt charged with a stag stand motto. 63. 2
ing on a 1 3unt vert. 116. O'Reilly, Myles George, an oak-tree eradi- Orme, Scotland, a demi-griffin with wings
cated, the trunk entwined by a snake
Orange, a demi-talbot erased or. cf. 55. f addorsed arg. 64. 2
Oranmore and Browne, Baron (Brown ascending ppr.
O'Reilly, an arm in armour embowed Ormerod of London, Glouc, and Tyl-
Guthrie), of Carrabrowne Castle, in the scimitar, all ppr. Fortitu- desley. Lanes, a wolf's head couped
CO. of the town of Gal way, and of Castle at the neck barry of four or and gu.,
McGarrett, co. of Mayo, in Ireland : holding in the mouth an ostrich-feather
(i ) A dexter hand erect holding a sword et prudentia. 196. 10 in pale ppr.
ORM 424
Ormerod, Rev. George Thomas Bailey, of O'Rorke, Ireland, out of an ancient Irish arg., his shield the family arms,
Stroud, Glouc, same crest. crown or, an arm in armour erect viz. : arg., cle sa., between three
Ormerod, Ernest William, same crest.
Ormesby, Lines, an arm embowed vested —grasping a sword ppr., pommel and hilt pellets. Constance et ferme.
of the first. Buagh. Servieudo gu- Osbaldeston, Heref., a man in armour on
sa., cuffed or, holding in the hand ppr. herno. horseback, all ppr., holding in his dex-
a leg in armour couped at the thigh of O'Rourk, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet ter hand a sword arg., hilted or.
the last, garnished of the second. or, a gauntlet grasping a sword ppr. cf. 53. 10
Ormiston of Hill View, Dassett Road, O'Rourke, Count, France, out of a royal Osbaldeston, Glouc: A(i) stag's head
West Norwood, an anchor ppr. Gnrdez cro«-n a naked arm erect holding a erased per pale arg. and sa., guttee
scimitar, all ppr. Victorious. counterchanged, attired or. 121. 2.
Ormistone, Scotland, a cock crowing ppr. Orpen of Ardtully, co. Kerry, Ireland, a (2) A man in armour on horseback, aU
ppr., holding in the dexter hand a
In diibiis constans. 91. 2 demi-lion rampant or, charged on the
Ormistone, Scotland, an anchor ppr. shoulder with a cross crosslet sa. sword arg., hilted or. cf. 189. 10
Felicior quo certior. 161. i Veritas vincet. cf. 10. 2 Osbaldeston, of Osbaldeston, Lanes, same
Ormonde, Marquess of (Butlei;), Kilkenny Orpen, Rev. Edward Chatterton, Exe-
Castle, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet leigh, Devonsh., same crest and motto. Osbaldeston of Humanby, Yorks, same
or, a plume of five ostrich-feathers, Orpen of Killowen, co. Kerry, Ireland, crests.
—therefrom issuant a falcon rising, all a demi-lion rampant or. Veritas vin- Osbaldeston, Heref., a stag's head erased
arg. Butler a Boo. Comme jc trouvc. cet. I per pale arg. and sa., guttee counter-
10. 2
Ormsby, see Harlech, Baron. Orpwood of Abingdon, Berks, a boar changed, attired or. 121. 2
Ormsby-Gore, Shropsh., see Gore. passant quarterly erm. and ermines, Osborn, Sir Algernon Kerr Butler, Bart.,
Ormsby of Nun Ormesby and Louth, bristled, armed, and ungu. or. I
Lines, an arm couped at the elbow
40. 9 ' J.P., of Chicksands Priory, Beds, a
vested sa., holding in the hand a leg
Orr-Ewing, Sir Archibald, Bart., M.P., lion's head erased arg., dueaUy crowned
j 18. 8
D.L., J.P., of Ballikinrain, Stiriingsh., or. Quantum in rebus inane.
in armour couped at the thigh, all ppr. and GoUanCeld, Inverness-sh., a demi- Osborn, Ireland, out of a mural coronet
lion rampant gu., armed and langued gu., a lion's head arg. 19.
Ormsby, Bart, (extinct), of Cloghan, co. az., holding in the dexter paw a mullet, Osborn or Osborne, ion's head erased
Mayo, a dexter arm in armour em- also gu. Andaciter. i i. 7 arg., duoally crowned or. 18. 8
bowed holding in the hand a leg in Orr-Ewing, Charles Lindsay, 38, Bryan- Osborn of Peppermilne, Edinburgh, a
armour couped above the knee, all ppr. ston Square, same crest and motto. sword in pale ppr. Je gagne. 170. 2
Fortis qui prudens. 243. 20 Orr, a lion passant ppr., resting the dex- Osborn, a lion's head ppr., ducally crowned
Ormsby, Rev. William, M.A., same crest ter fore-paw on a torteau. I or. Quantum in rebus inane, cf. 18. 8
cf. 6. 2
and motto. Orr of Harvieston, Clackmannansh., a Osborn, Samuel, J.P., F.K.C.S., Seymour
Ormsby, Anthony, Ballinamore House, cornucopia ppr. Virtuti fortuna comes. Street, Hyde Park, a unicorn passant
Kiltimagh, co. Mayo, same crest. 152. 13 [ or, ducally gorged, ringed, Uned,
Fort is qui prudens. Orr, James. Esquire, B.A., of the Villa armed, and crined sa. Malo mori
Ormsby, Rev. Frederick Alexander, the Antoinette, Cannes, Alpes Maritimes, I quam fadari.
Vicarage, Christ Church, Clapham, France, a cornucopia erect ppr., charged Osborne, see Leeds, Duke of.
same crest and motto. with a trefoil slipped vert. Bonis om- Osborne, a heraldic tiger passant arg.,
Ormsby, Henry Magee, M.A., same crest nia bona. cj. 152. 13 charged with a label of three points
and motto. Orr of Belfast, a cornucopia ppr., charged for difference. Pax in bello. cf. 25. 5
Ormsby, Sir Lambert Hepenstal, M.D., with a trefoil slipped vert. Bonis om- Osborne of Kirkby Bydon, Norf., and of
of 92, Merrion Square, Dublin, same nia bona. cf. 152. 13 Cleby, Essex, out of a ducal coronet
crest and motto.
Ormsby, John Becher, same crest and I1 or, a heraldic tiger's head sa., armed
Ormsby of Willowbrook, co. Sligo, and Orr of Barrowfield, Scotland, a cornu-
copia ppr. Bonis omnia bona. and crined gold. 25. 3
152- 13 ' Osborne, Yorks, a heraldic tiger passant
Orr of Edinburgh, Scotland, a cornucopia arg., crested and tufted sa. Pax in
Shropsh., a dexter arm in armour em- ppr. Virtuti fortuna comes. 152. 13 bello. 25. 5
bowed ppr., charged with a rose gu., Orr, Scotland, issuing out of a heart a Osborne of London, Ashford, Kent, and
holding in the hand a leg in armour dexter hand grasping a scimitar. True Keyton, Notts, a heraldic tiger pas-
couped above the knee, also ppr. tn the end. 213.4 sant or, tufted and maned sa., charged
Ormsby, Ireland, two globes ppr. Orr of Ralston, Renfrewsh., Scotland, a with a pellet. cf. 25. 5
159- 3 dexter hand holding a tree ppr. Ego Osborne, George, J. P., Foxlow, Bungen-
Ormsby, a falcon rising or. 88. 2 accedo. dore. New South Wales, a heraldic
Ormsby-Hamilton, Alfred Hamilton, J.P., Orr of Harvieston and Castle Campbell, tiger passant or, tufted and maned sa.
16, William Square, Dublin: (i) Out Clackmannan, Scotland, a tower ppr. Pax in bello.
of a ducal coronet of five leaves or, Fortis et vigilans. 156. 2 Osborne of Kelmarsh, Northants, a
charged on the band with three tor- Orred, John Cavendish, of Lavant House, heraldic tiger passant arg., crested and
teaux fessewise, a mount vert, thereon Chichester, a hare salient ppr., holding
in the mouth three ears of corn or. tufted sa. Pax in bello. 25. 5
an oak-tree penetrated transversely in
the main stem by a frame-saw ppr., Orrell of Turton, Lanes, Cambs, and Osborne, Bernal-, of Newtown Anner,
the frame or {jor Hamilton). (2) A Chesh., a lion's head erased arg., semee
dexter arm in armour embowed ppr., of torteaux and ducaUy gorged gu. ACO. Tipperary : (i) sea-lion sejant
ppr., supporting with the dexter paw
a trident sa., headed or, and charged
charged with a rose gu., holding in the cf. 18. 5 upon the shoulder for difference with
hand a leg in armour couped above the Orrock of that ilk, Scotland, a falcon a cross crosslet or {for Osborne). (2)
knee, also ppr. ppr. Solus Christus mea rupes. A demi-lion per fesse gu. and vair,
O'Rorke, Charles Dennis, Clonbern Park, 85. 2 langued az., holding a torch or, fired
Clonbern, co. Galway, out of a ducal Orrock, a hawk ppr. Christus mea rupes. ppr. (for Bernal). Pax.
coronet or, an arm in armour erect 85. 2 Osborne of Osborne House, Spondon,
Orrock, Scotland, a writing-pen thrust Derbysh., a demi-lion rampant gu.
through a man's heart ppr. Arte fideque. 10. 3
Osborne, Sir Francis, Bart., a sea-lion
O'Rorke or O'Rourke of Nantes, France, Orton and Ortun of Lea, Leics.. a tower
out of a crown or, an arm in armour sejant ppr., holding in the dexter paw
erect grasping a sword ppr. Victorious. ppr. , the cupola and flag gu. 157. 15
a trident sa., headed or. Pax in
Orton, a tower arg. 156. 2
O'Rorke, George Samuel, Esquire, M.A., Ory, an arm in armour holding in the bello.
LL.D., Solicitor, of 9, Magdala Road, hand a sword, all ppr. 210. 2 Osborne of Hartlip Place, Kent, a denii-
Nottingham, an eagle's head erased or. Osbaldeston of Chadlington, Oxon., a ounce rampant erm., pellettee, collared
In cruce satus. I knight in complete armour on a horse and lined. cf. 23. 13
425 OUT
Osborne, Derbysh., a pelii her piety Ossory, Earl of, see Ormonde, Marquess of. ducal coronet or, between two wings
Ossulston, Lord, see Tankerville, Earl of. erect sa., a Passion cross or. Si
Osborne of Debenham, Suff., a unicorn Osten, D', see D'Osten-Moller. Dens nohiscum, qvis contra nos. iii.i
passant or, ducally gorged, ringed, Ostle, a horse's head. cf. 50. 13 Otway of Otway Towers, Herts : (i) Out
lined, armed, and crined sa. c/. 4S. 6 Ostler, a nag's head issuing. cf. 50. ducal coronet a Passion cross or,
Osborne, Beds, a leopard's head ppr., Ostrich, an ostrich's head erased az., between two wings sa., each charged
ducally crowned or. holding in the beak a horse-shoe or. | for distinction with a cross crosslet
Osborne-Gibbes, Sir Edward, Bart., an O'Sullivan Mor, Ireland, on a ducal arg. {for Otway). ill. 6. (2) Upon
arm embowed in armour ppr., gar- coronet or, a robin redbreast j the battlements of a tower an arm in
nished or, the hand in a steel gauntlet in the beak a sprig of laurel, all ppr. armour fesseways couped, holding in
the hand a sword erect between two
grasping a battle-axe sa. Tenax pro- Lamh foistenach abn. cf. 108. 12
positi. 200. 6 O'Sullivan Beare, Ireland, on a lizard branches of oak, all ppr. (for Hughc.i).
Osbourne, on a rock a castle in flames ppr. vert, a robin redbreast ppr. Semper vigila
155. I O'Sullivan of Dunkerron, co. Kerry, out Otway-Ruthven, of Invernisk, co. Gal-
Osbourne, a unicorn passant or, ducally of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head! way, a goat's head erased arg,, attired
gorged and chained sa., armed of the aTg.,languedgu. Nee timeo nee sperno. or, charged with a mullet gu. Deed
second and lirst. 48. 6 17- 5 Shaw.
Osbourne, Scotland, a sword erect ppr. Oswald, see Gordon-Oswald. I
Ouchterlony, Scotland, an eagle displayed
Je gagnie. 170. 2 Oswald, John, of Dunnikier, Fifesh., Scot- party per pale. Deusmihiadjutor. 75.2
O'Selbac, Ireland, a dexter hand pointing land, a star of six points wavy arg. : Ouchterlony, a rock ppr. Jamais abattu.
with one finger gu. u222. Monstrant astra riayn. 164. I i7g. 7
: 83. i
Osevain, a horse passant, saddled and Oswald, Thomas Ridley, Esquire, of Ouchton, an eagle's head or.
bridled. 52. 4 Milford Haven, South Wales, an Oughton, Scotland, a tower the sinister
Osgodby, on a chapeau a cross patee estoile of six points arg. Monstratitl side-battlement broken, all ppr., there-
fimbriated. asfra viam. out a laurel-sprig vert, the tower
Oswald of Dalderne, Stirlingsh., a comet charged on the centre with a grenade
O'Shanly, Ireland, a hand in armour
grasping a broken sword. star or. Monstrant astra viam. sa., fired ppr. Nescit abolere vetustas.
O'Shaughnessy, Ireland, a nag's he>ad 164. 10 Oughton, a tower ruined on the sinister
erased sa., bridled or. cf. 51. 5 Oswald of Fingalton, Renfrewsh., issuing top, therefrom a laurel- branch issuing
O'Shaughnessy, Ireland, an arm in chain out of a cloud a dexter hand pointing ppr. Nescit abolere vetustas.
armour embowed, the hand grasping toward a star of eight rays. -Forti Ould, Ireland, five arrows in saltier
a spear, shaft broken, all ppr. cf. igy. 2 favet coilvm. cf. 222. 7 banded in the middle. 173. 3
O'Shee or O'Shea, Ireland, a swan rising j
Oswald, Haldane-, Richard Alexander, of Ould of the Mount, Chester, a bundle of
sa., beaked and membered gu. Vincit Auchincruive, Ayrsh., Scotland : (i) A arrows in saltire banded in the middle,
Veritas. 99. 12 dexter hand issuing out of a cloud and 173. 3
O'Shee of Sheestown, Kilkenny, a swan pointing to a star ppr. (for Oswald). I Ould, a sheaf of five arrows ppr., banded
rousant sa. Vincit Veritas. (2) An eagle's head erased ppr. gu., enclosed by two oak - branches
O'Sheehan, a dove arg., holding in the (for Haldane). Segua -Suffe vert. Cedite seni.
beak an olive-branch ppr. 92. ^ Ouldesworth, a lion sejant gu., resting
O'Sheil of Castle Burg., co. Galway, and Oswald, on a mount a stag lodged under the dexter paw on an escutcheon or.
of Nantes, France, an arm erect couped a holly- bush, all ppr. Ouldfield, Lines, on a garb or, a dove
at the wrist gu., enfiled with a ducal Oswald of Scotstown, Renfrewsh., Scot- arg., holding in the beak an ear of
coronet or, and grasping a sw-ord ppr., land, a ship under sail ppr. Non mihi wheat of the first. 93. 3
pommel and hilt of the last. Otnne
commodws uni. 160.13 Ouldsworth, out of a ducal coronet a
solum forti patria. 212. 7 Oswald-Brown, Major Charles Robert, plume of ostrich-feathers ppr.
Manchester Regiment. Aldershot, a lion
O'Sheill, CO. Tyrone, Ireland, out of a rampant parted per fesse arg. and az., cf. 114. 8
holding in his dexter paw a star wavy Ouldsworth, Glouc, a lion sejant gu.,
ducal coronet or, an arm erect vested
resting the dexter paw on a carved
gu., holding a sword ppr. Omne solum
forti patria. of six rays or. Floreat majestas. shield or.
O'Slatterie or Slatterie, Ireland, a cock Oteley, Shropsh., see Oatley and Otteley. Oulry, an owl sa. between two wings, the
crowing ppr. 91. 7 Otgher, a martlet with wings expanded dexter or. the sinister sa. cf. 96. 5
Osmand, Hon. William Henry Seville, of arg. cf. 93. 10 Oulton and Owlton, a martlet arg. 95. 4
the Sycamores. Stawell, Victoria, Aus- Othwell, a dove volant gu. cf. 93. 10 Oulton, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
tralia, in front of two battleases in Otley of St. Christopher's, St. Vincent's, lion rampant arg. 16. 3
saltire arg., a bear ppr., resting the and Antigua, West Indies, and Shropsh., Ouseley, Bart., Herts, out of a ducal
dexter forepaw on a cross crosslet gu. in front of a garb or, three arrows, two coronet or, a wolf's head erased sa.,
j holding in the mouth a dexter hand
Fidem servare. 253. 9
in saltier and one in pale, points down- 1
Osmaston, F. P. B., Esquire, of Stones- ward sa. Dat Deus incrementum. couped at the wrist gu. Mors lupi
hill, Limpsfield, Surrey, a unicorn's 153. II agnis vita.
head arg., erased gu., armed and O'Toole, Ireland, a boar passant ppr. < Ouseley, Northamp., same crest.
maned or, charged on the neck with 40. 9 Ouseley, Ireland, out of a ducal coronetj
three spear-heads, one and two, also O'Toole, Wicklow, Ireland, a lion ram- or, a wolf'shead arg. _ cf. 30.
gu. Ad rem. 250. 8 pant arg., holding a forked pennon gu. Outhwaite of Bradford Moorand Southow-
Osmer, a buck's head cabossed ppr. Spcro. ram, Yorks, and Westfield, Xorth Ber-
Otter-Barry, see Barry. wick, Haddingtonsh., on a mount vert,
Osmond of Coventry and Barkeswell. Otter, Hunts, a crescent or. 163. 2 a stag lodged regardant ppr., charged
Warw., out of a mount vert, a perch
sa. , thereon an eagle displayed erm. Otterington of Dublin, on a tun lying on the body with two fleurs-de-lis in
75- 4 fesseways or, an otter passant sa. fesse gu., and a Uke fleur-de-lis resting
Osmond of Exeter, Devonsh. , an eagle or.
Ottley, a demi-lion or, holding a branch upon the head between the attires, and
76. 2
Ossington, Viscount {extinct— Rt. Hon. vert. cf. 10. 2 holding in the mouth two ears of wheat
the late John Evelyn Denison), a Ottley of Ottley, Shropsh., a sheaf of or. Deo et patria. 115' 14
sinister cubit arm in bend dexter,
vested vert, cuffed erm., charged on oats or, banded vert. Outhwaite, Thomas Roland, Craigforth,
the hand ppr. with a cross crosslet,
and pointing with the forefinger to an Otto, an otter ppr. cf. 1 34. 5 Earlsferry, Elie, Fifesh., same crest and
estoile. Otway, a demi-eagle displayed ppr. 81.6 motto.
Otway, Yorks. out of a ducal coronet or, ; Outlawe, Norf., a demi-wolf ppr., pierced
two wings expanded sa. 109. 5 through the side by an arrow or,
Otway, Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur John, Bart., feathered and headed arg., the arrow
| in bend sinister.
P.C., of Brighton, Sussex, out of a '
Outram, Sir Francis Boyd, Bart., Clack- Owen of Condover, Shropsh., two eagles' Owen of London, out of a ducal coronet
heads conjoined and erased or, mem- sa., a beech-tree vert. Repvllvlat.
nafaire, Pitlochry, N.B., out o£ an
Eastern coronet a demi-lion or, gorged bered gu. 84. 14 145. 9
Owens, of Holestone, Antrim, a boar
with a wreath of laurel ppr., holding Owen, Mostyn-, Arthur William, of
passant ppr., collared and chained or
between the paws a cross flory gu. Woodhouse. Shropsh., two eagles' heads
Mutare fidem nescio. 303. 4 conjoined and erased per fess or and to a holly-bush, also ppr. Inutilis
Outram, or Owtram, Herbert H., of New- gu., membered of the last. 84. 14 vis est.
Owens, out of a ducal coronet sa., a
land If all, EUel, near Lancaster, a goat's Owen, Edward, .M.A., Bradwell-juxta-
Mare, Southminster, a demi-lion ram-
head erased per fess or and sa. Frangas beech-tree vert. 145-9
non fiectes. 1 28. 5 pant. Owgan, Ireland, a cockatrice close gu.,
Ouvry, E. C, of 2, Devonport Street, Owen, Hugh Darby Annesley, Bettys legged and beaked sa., crested or.
Hyde Park. London, W., a lion ram- Hall, Newtown, co. Montgomerysh. Owsley, Leics., a lion rampant holding in
(i) A Cornish chough ppr., holding in
pant sa., ducally crowned of three the dexter paw a holly- branch.
leaves gu., socked, armed, and langued the dexter claw a fleur-de-lis arg. (2) cf. I. 13
Oxborough and Oxburgh, on the point of
of the last. Fiat justitia mat ccelutn. Two eagles' heads conjoined in one
a sword erect ppr., a cross patee sa.
2. I neck erased party per fess or and gu.,
Over, Midds. and Herts, a bird rising or, membered of the last. 84. 14 169. 5
beaked and membered gu., holding in
the beak an olive-branch vert, fructed Owen, Shropsh., a Cornish chough ppr., Oxborough and Oxburgh, of King's Lynn
and Emneth, Xorf., on a mount vert,
holding in the dexter claw a fleur-de- a lion rampant or, holding up a spear
gu., headed arg., under the head two
or. 94- 5 lis arg. cf. 107. 14
Overbery and Overbury, Glouc, a lion's ribbons flotant, one or, the other az.
Owen of Glynafon, Anglesey, a raven
gamb erect arg., encircled by a ducal
ppr., holding in the beak a bait. Deus
coronet or. 36. 3 pascit corvos. cf. 107. 14 I. 9
Oxcliffe, on a mount vert, a bull passant
Overend, Ireland, a cherub's head or. Owen of Garthynghared, Wales, a cock's
189. 9 head erased arg., holding in the beak a sa. 45- 7
Overman, Norf. and Suff. , a leopard sejant Oxenbridge, Viscount (Rt. Hon. Sir Wil-
Owen, a demi-drago 1 gu., winged or.
ppr., holding in the dexter paw a fleur- liam John Monson, J.P., D.L.), of
Burton, Lines, and Baron Monson of
de-lis or. 73- 10 same place, a lion rampant ppr., sup-
porting a column or. Prest pour mnn
Overstone, Baron (extinct), a buck's head Owen, demi-dragon wings
and neck erased ppr., attired or, charged
with a fesse engrailed sa., thereon three expanded or. 73- 10
bezants. Nonmihised patria. cj.121.2
Owen, Peter, Esquii :, of the Elms, Great pais. cf. I. 13
Overton of Morecot, Rutl., a maiden's
head ppr., vested gu., crined or. Sutton, Chester, I demi-wyvern arg., Oxenbridge, Bart., a demi-lion queue-
semee-de-lis gu., supporting with the fourchee arg., langued and armed
c/. 182. 5 dexter claw an escutcheon of the last g"-
Overton, on a ohapeau ppr., a martlet sa. charged with a crescent, also arg. Deo Oxenbridge, Hants, a demi-lion rampant
duce comite industria. double-queued arg., armed and langued
gu., holding in the dexter paw an es-
95. I Owen, Wales, a lion rampant or. Honestas
Overtoun, Baron (White). Overtoun,
optima politia. i- 13 callop or.
Dumbartonsh., a dexter arm embowed,
the hand grasping a wreath of laurel Owen, Sir Hugh Charles, Bart., of Oriel- Oxenbridge, issuing out of a cloud a hand
ton, Pembrokesh., a lion rampant or. holding a club, all ppr. 214. 9
ppr. Virtute. Honestas optima politia. 1. 13 Oxenden, Dixwell-, Bart., of Dene, Kent,
Overy, a bull's head az. cf. 44. 3 Owen, an anchor sa., on the base thereof out of a ducal coronet gu., a lion's head
Ovey, Richard Lockhart, of Badgemore, a lion statant gu. affrontee or.
Henley-on-Thames, upon a rock ppr., Owen, Essex, a demi-lion rampant gu. Oxford and Mortimer, Earl of (Harley—
a lamb passant arg., guttee-de-sang, 10. 3 extinct), a castle triple-towered arg.,
supporting with the dexter fore-foot a Owen of Dublin, a demi-lion rampant out of the middle tower a demi-lion
~ in bend sinister or, therefrom
gu., armed and langued az., supporting gu. Virtute et fide. 155. 10
a pennon of the second, the an Ionic pillar arg., the base and Oxley, on a ducal coronet a peacock ppr.
whole within a chain in arch of the capital or. Firmitas in ccelo. 103. 8
Oxley, Rear-Admiral Charles Lister, of
third. Semper eadem. Owen, Arthur D., M.D., Spring Grove,
Hampton-on-Thames, same crest and Minster House, Ripon, Yorks, an ox's
Owen, Shropsh., a spread-eagle's head head couped sa., charged with three
ermine-spots or. Tarn aris quam
erased per fess or and gu. 84. 14 motto.
Owen, two eagles' heads conjoined at the Owen, Charles Astley. B.A., 29, Moles-
worth Street, Dublin, same crest and
neck erased or. 84. 1 aratris.
Owen, Shropsh., two eagles' heads and motto. Oxley, Rev. William Henry, Petersham
necks displayed and conjoined in one Owen, Glouc, out of a mural coronet or, Vicarage, Surrey, an ox's head couped
a lion's gamb sa., holding a fleur-de-lis
neck or, erased gu. Auxilium meum a sa. Tam aris quam aratris.
Domino. 84. 14 of the first. Oxman, Rutl., a demi-lion rampant re-
Owen, Bulkeley-, Rev. Thomas Main- Owen, Shropsh., a wolf passant arg. 28. 10 gardant gu. cf. 16. 5
waring Bulkeley, of Tedsmore Hall, Owen, a wolf saliant ppr., supporting a Oxmantown, Lord, see Rosse, Earl of.
Shropsh. : (i) Two eagles' heads con- scaling-ladder arg. Frangi non fleeli. Oxnam, Comw., an ox sa.
Owen, Arthur Charles Humphreys, Es-
joined in one neck erased party per fess Oxtoby, a dexter hand holding a sword,
or and gu., membered of the last (for quire, M.A., J.P., D.L., of Glansevem, all ppr. 212. 13
Montgomerysh., a wolf saliant ppr.,
Owen). 84. 14. (2) Out of a ducal Oyke, Norf., an ox-yoke erect sa., the
coronet or, a bull's head arg., armed of —supporting a scaling-ladder arg. Torav bows or. 178. 6
—the first Uor Bulkeley). Eryr Eryrod cyn plygav. Flecli non frangi. Oyry, a pennon in bend, waving towards
Owen, a hawk's lure charged with a fleur-
Eryri. Nee temere nee timide. 44. 11 the sinister per fess gu. and or, the
Owen, Pembrokesh., an eagle's head de-lis. staff counterohanged. 16S. 12
erased or. S3. 2 Owen, Ireland, a cubit arm vested hold- Ozanne of the Landes, Guernsey, a demi-
Owen, Henry, Esquire, D.L., J.P., D.C.L., ing in the hand a lizard. cf. 209. I lion purp., holding in the dexter paw
of Poyston, Haverfordwest, an eagle's Owen of Godstone, Oxon., a cubit arm a cross crosalet fitchee or, and resting
head erased at the neck or. Trwy- erect vested gu., cufied erm., holding in the sinister upon a helmet ppr.
the hand ppr. a chaplet of laurel vert.
gymmorth Duw. 229. 7
Pace, an arm in armour embowed holding supporting with the sinister a bell sa., Paget, Fitzroy Richard Clarence, same
in the hand a sword ppr. IQS- charged with a canton erm. None is crest.
Pace, a boar's head couped and erect sa. truly great but he that is truly good. Paget, William Henry, 129, Victoria
eared or, charged with an anchor of Paddon, a dexter hand ppr., holding a Street, S.W., same crest.
217. 11 Paget-Tomlinson, Wm. Smith, Esquire,
the last. <•/. 43- 3 covered cup or.
Pace, Leics., a buck's head cabossed arg., Paddon of Henton Deweney, Hants, a M.A., of the Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale :
attired or, between the attires a bird tower in flames ppr. 155-9 ( I ) On a \n'eath of the colours a man
with wings expanded sa. 122. 9 Paddon of Thraleseud, Beds, a tower or, wreathed about the waist with oak,
supporting in the dexter hand a tilting-
Pachnum, out of a mural coronet a derai- flammant ppr. 155. 9 spear erect, all ppr., and resting the
hawk rising ppr. c/. 88. 1 Paddye, Lanes, on a chapeau gu., turned
Pack or Packe, a leg in armour couped up erm., a lion passant arg. 4. 9 sinister hand on an escutcheon per pale
nebuly arg. and vert, charged with a
above the knee, spurred, all ppr. Pagan, a hand holding a dagger erect
193- I ppr. Nee timeo, nee spcrno. 212. 9 grev'jound current counterchanged {for
Tomlinson). (2) Between two wings
Pack-Beresford, Denis Robert, Fenagh Pagan, Scotland, out of a mural coronet
House, Bagnalstown : (i) Issuant from a demi-eagle displayed ppr. 80. 8 gu., a demi-heraldic tiger sa., holding
a mural crown or, a dragon's head per Paganell and Pagnel!, in the sea ppr. a in the mouth a lion's gamb or {for
fesse wavy az. and gu., the lower part column sa. 176. 2 Paget). Vincit Veritas.
of the neck transfixed by a broken Page of Holebrook, Somers., a demi- Paget, Sir Richard Horner, Bart.. J.P.,
spear, holding in the mouth the griffin gu. Honneur pour objet. 64. '; D.L., M.P., of Cranmore Hall, Somers.,
remaining part of the spear, the point Page, out of a mural coronet or, a dei i- ademi-tiger rampant sa., tufted, maned,
upwards or {for Beres/ord). cf. 72. 11. griffin gu. 6cf. ,. 2 and gorged with a crown vallery arg.,
holding in the mouth an eagle's leg
(2) On a WTeath of the colours a mural Page of East Sheen, Surrey, out of a fiucal
crown arg., issuing therefrom a lion's coronet per pale or and gu., a demi- erased at the thigh or. Diciendo y
head gu., gorged with a wreath or (for grifiin per pale counterchanged, beaked haciendo. 281. 10
Pack). Xil nisi criice. of the second. Spe labor levin. 64. 4 Paget, Sir John Rahere, Bart., of Hare-
Pack, Reynell-, Arthur Denis Henry Page, Kent, a demi-griffin erm., beaked wood Place, Hanover Square, in the
Heber, of Netherton House. Newton and legged gu. 64. 2 county of Middx., a heraldic tiger
KC,Abbot, out of a mural coronet arg., a Page, Ernest, Esquire. of 78, passant arg., gorged with a collar, and
charged upon the body with two es-
lion's head gu., gorged with a wreath Queen's Gate, S.W., saras ;rest.
or. Fidus confido. cf. 19. 12 Page, Oambs, a demi-griPjn holding a callops fessewise sa. Labor ipse vo-
Packe, Norf., a lion's head erased or, ducal coronet or. cf. 64. 2 luptas.
gorged with a collar sa., charged witli Page of Little Bromley, Essex, a derai- Paget, Sir George Ernest, Bart., Sutton
three cinquefoils erm. cf. 18. 6 griifin arg., supporting an anchor ppr., Bonington, Loughborough, a lion ram-
and charged on the wing with a cross pant sa., collared or, supporting with
Packe, Hussey, of Prestwold, Leics. : (i) moline gu. Crux mihi anchora. its sinister paw a shield arg., charged
A lion's head erased or, gorged with a
collar sa., charged with three cinque- cf. 64. 7 with an escallop of the first. Espere et
foils with an ermine-spot on each leaf. Page of London, a demi-griffin erm.
(2) On a mount vert, a hind lodged
regardant ppr., gorged with a ducal 64. 2 Paget, Thomas Guy Frederick, Humber-
stone, Leics., a lion rampant ppr.,
coronet, therefrom a line reflexed over Page or Paige, Devonsh., an eagle dis- resting the sinister paw on an escut-
played erm. 75- 2
the back or, in front of a hawthorn- Page of Chester, an eagle displayed or. cheon. Espere et persevere.
tree, also ppr. Libertas sub Bege pio. 75- 2 Paget, William Byerley, Southfield,
cf. 18. 6 Page, Middx., out of a mural coronet gu., Loughborough, same crest and motto.
Packe of Harleston Park, Northamp., a a lion's head or. 19. 12 Paget of Ruddington Grange, Leics.,
lion's head erased or. gorged with a Page, a demi-lion rampant gu., holding a lion rampant ppr. Honestas.
collar sa., charged with three mullets between the paws a pine ppr. I- 13
arg. cf. 18. 6 cf. 10. 3 Paget of Chipping Norton, Oxon., a cubit
arm erect vested sa., cuffed arg., hold-
Packenham, Hants, a leopard couchant. Page of Berry Hall, Beds, and Black-
—ing in the hand a scroll of the second
24. 10 heath, Kent, a demi-horse per pale
bearing the inscription, Deo Paget.
Packenham of TullenaUy, co. Westmeath, dancettee or and az. 53. 3
Ireland, issuing out of a mural coronet Page of Gosport, Hants, a demi-seahorse Post spinas palvia.
46. 7 Paggin of Wandsworth, Surrey, two
or, a demi-eagle displayed gu., armed assurgent.
of the first. 80. 8 Page of Clifton, Glouc, and Hadley, ragged staves in saltire arg., chained
Packer of Bucklebury, Berks, a Moor's Middx., a demi-Catherine wheel or, sa. cf. 147- 9
Pagitt of London, Middx., and Northamp.,
head couped sa., wreathed round the thereon a dove ppr., gorged with a
a cubit arm erect vested sa., cuffed
temples or and gu. cf. 192. 13 collar gemel, and holding in the beak arg., holding in the hand ppr. a scroll
of the second charged with the motto,
Packer of Baddow, Essex, a pelican in an oli ve-branch leaved and slipped, also Deo Pagit, a seal affixed thereto pen-
her piety arg. 98. 14 or. I Seek peace and ensure it. 92. 8
Packer, a demi-lion rampant or, holding Pagelet, a morion ppr. iSo. i
in the dexter paw a cross gu. Paget, see Anglesey, Marquess of. dent gu.
Paget, Somers., a derai-heraldic tiger
PackingtOD, Surrey, and of Edgeworth, Pagrave, a greyhound's head arg.
rampant sa., tufted and maned arg,
Middx., a demi-lion az., holding in the due ally gorged or. Diciendo y haciendc cf. 61. 2
dexter paw a dagger arg. cf. 10. 2 25. I Pagrave, a rhinoceros or. 226. 7
Packington, Worcs. and Bucks, an ele- Pain, Ireland, on a chapeau ppr., a grey-
phant passant or. cf. 133. 9 Paget of London and Staffs, a demi hound sejant or. cf. 59. 4
herlaldic tiger rampant sa., ducally
Packington, Beds, Bucks, and Worcs., a Pain, a hon rampant ppr., supporting a
demi-hare az., charged with three gorlged, tufted, and maned arg. 25. 12 garb or.
Paget;, Howard Francis, Elford Hall
bezants. 136. 6 Pain of Patcham Place, Sussex, a stag's
Tainworth, same crest. Per il sue
Packnam, out of a mural coronet an head erased. 121. 2
eagle with wings elevated. PagetJ Captain Victor Frederick William Paine, on a mount vert, a lion rampant
Packwood, Warw., a demi-lion rampant Aug'ustus, same crest. collared, holding in the dexter paw an
arg., holding with the dexter paw and arrow.
Paine, Sir Thomas, of Broomfield, West- Palgrave, Sir Reginald P'rancis Douce, Hanover Square, Loudon, upon the
cott, Dorking, and 9, Albert Road,
Regent's Park, London, !N.W., a lion's Salisbury, between two branches of trunk of a tree eradicated and fessewise
head erased ppr., diieally gorged, palm ppr., a leopard's head affrontee, ppr., a wyvern with wings elevated
ringed, and lined or, holding a sprig
of laurel in its mouth vert. Honor erased arg., charged on the neck with barry wavy of twelve or and az., semee
virtutis premium.
Painter, a goat passant arg., armed, an escarbuncle sa. Laudans invocabo of escallops erm., holding in the mouth
crined, bearded, and ungu. or.
Dominum.. an eagle's leg erased or.
cf. 129. 5
Palitana, Thakur Saheb of (Gohilshri Palmer, Colonel Frederick, of 30, Beau-
Painter, Comw., three pheons arg., Mansinghji Sursinghji), K.C.S.L, the fort Gardeas, S.W., a wyvern or, armed
handled or, tno in saltier and one in
pale, banded gu. Durbar Palace, Palitana, Kathiawar, and langued gu. Par sit fortuna labori.
Bombay, in front of a horse's head
70. I
couped sa., charged with an Eastern Palmer, Rev. Charles Samuel, the Resi-
crown or, an Indian sword fesseways dence House, Heref., same crest and
point to the dexter or. Magna est motto.
Paiton, a griffin or. 63. 2 Veritas et prevalebit. 273. 10 Palmer, Edward Geoffrey Broadley, of
Pakeman, a cockatrice close gu., combed Palk, Baron Haldon, see Haldon. Burrough, Melton Mowbray, same
and wattled or. Pallant of Redgrave, Sufi'., between two crest and motto.
Pakenham, a hand holding three arrows, wings erect ppr., an escutcheon of the Palmer, Major Herrick Augustus, same
points downward, all ppr. -if. 214. 2 arms, viz., harry of six arg. and crest and motto.
Pakenham, a griffin segreant holding an erminois. Palmer, Thomas, Brook House, Eardisley
escarbuncle, all ppr. cf. 62. 2 Palles, Rt. Hon. Christopher, LL.D., of R.S.O., Heref., same crest and motto.
Pakenham of London, out of a dycal Mcuntanville House, Dundrum, Dub- Palmer, a dragon's head couped or, col-
coronet a demi-eagle displayed. lin, a lion sejant erect az., bezantee, lared and winged vert, on the collar
80. i^ holding in his paws a cross patee fitchee three plates, the breast guttee-de-poix,
Pakenham-Mahon, Henry, Esquire, D.L., or. Deo duce comite fortuna. the wings fretty arg., and between the
of 35, St. George's Road. London, S.W. ."alley, a camel's head sa. I3-2- frets trefoils of the same. 71-7
A(i) heraldic tiger passant holding in Pi Uiser, Bart. {e.rtinrt), out of a ducal Palmer, Bart., of Castle Lacken, co.
coronet gu., a demi-eagle with wings Mayo, Ireland: (i) An arm embowed
the dexter paw a broken tilting-spear
ppr. {/or Mahon). (2) Out of a mural elevated or. 80. 14 vested az., cuffed or, grasping a tilting-
crown or, a demi-eagle displayed gu.
Palliser of the Vatch, Bucks, out of a Aspear ppr. (2) griffin sejant arg.,
—{jor Pakenham). Fericulum fortitudine ducal coronet gu., a demi-eagle with with wings endorsed gu., charged with
evasi. Gloria virtutis umhria. 80. 8 wings \ elevated erminois, charged on three annulets of the second, beaked
the breUst with an anchor in pale az. and membered or. Sic bene merenti
Pakenham, see Longford, Earl of.
Pakenliam,lreland, out of a mural coronet , cf. 80. 14 palma. cf. 62. 10
or, a demi-eagle displayed gu.. beaked Palliser of 'Derryluskan, Ireland, out of Palmer, a griffin sejant arg., beaked and
or. 80. 8 a ducal cotonet gu., a demi-eagle with legged or, charged on the breast with
Pakenham, Gustavus ConoUy, Kobe, wings elevated or. Deo volente. a crescent. cf. 62. 10
Japan, same crest. Gloria virtutis Palmer, see Selborne, Earl of.
umbra. Palmer of Barton, Warw., and Yorks, a
Pakenham, John Richard Arthur, same Palmer, Earl of, Castleraaine (extinct), a griffin sejant. 62. 10
crest and motto.
demi-panther \rampant and incen.sed Palmer, out of a ducal coronet a griffin's
Pakenham, Captain Hercules Arthur,
same crest and motto. holding in the paws a holly-branch head. 67. 9
Pakenham, Lieutenant-General Thomas with leaves and terries, all ppr. Palma Palmer, Bucks and Northamp., issuing
Henry, Langford Lodge, Crumlin, co.
Antrim, same crest and motto. virtuti. 23. 12 out of rays ppr. , a griffin's head arg.
Palmer of Hyderabad, an eagle volant
Pakenham, William Law, Alconbury, Palmer, Sussex, a demi-panther rampant
Chelmsford, same crest and motto. rising from a mount with a palm-branch
gardant and incensed ppr., holding a
branch vert, fructed gu. 23. 12 —in its beak, all ppr., with the motto over.
Palmer of Chfton Lodge . Beds, same crest. It shall flourish. Deeds not words.
Palmer, Frederick Danb}', 5 2 , South Quay, Palmer of HiU, Beds, a greyhound current
293. 10 Great Yarmouth, same' crest. sa. cf. 58. 2
Pakington, Middx. and Surrey, a demi- Palmer, Montague, Esqui re, of Stewkley Palmer, Surrey, a greyhound sejant sa.,
lion az., holding in the dexter paw a Grange, Leighton Buzi-ard, Bucks, a collared or, charged on the shoulder
dagger arg. 14. 12 demi-panther rampant g uardant, spot- with a trefoil sUpped arg. cf. 59. 2
Pakington, a demi-hare az., bezantee. ted all heraldic colours, I'ssuing flames Palmer, Sir Archdale Robert, Bart., of
Wanlip Hall, Leics., on a mount vert,
136. 6 out of his mouth and ear.s, holding in
Pakington, a demi-squirrel erased gu. his paws a palm-branch, all' ppr. Palma a greyhound sejant sa., gorged with a
Pakington, Bart, [extinct), of Aylesbury virtuti. 301. 2 collar or, rimmed gu., and charged on
and Westwood, Bucks, an elephant Palmer, Bart. (e.xtinct). of Wingham, the shoulder with a trefoil slipped arg.
passant or, armed gu. cj. 133. 9 Kent, a demi-panther rampant and cf. 50. 2
incensed holding in the deleter paw a Palmer of Marston, Staffs, a greyhound
Pakington, see Hampton, Baron.
Paley, a hand issuing from a heart and palm-branch, all ppr. Palma! virtuti. sejant sa. Palma virtute. 59. 4
brandishing a scimitar, all ppr. 213. 4 Palmer of Holme Park, Berks, a talbot
Paley, a boar's head couped in pale.
Palmer, Rev. Sir Lewis Henry, i,Bart., of sejant erminois. cf. 55. 2
c/- 43- 3 Carlton, Northamp., a wysVern or, Palmer, Scotland, a cat sejant ppr. 26. 8
Paley of Oatlanda, Yorks, a stag's head armed and langued gu. Par\ sit for-
tuna labori. Palmer, out of a ducal coronet or, an
t 70. I
couped ppr. elephant's head sa. 133. i
Paley of Langcliffe Hall, Yorks, in front Palmer, Northamp., a wyvern or,\ armed Palmer, between two laurel-branches
of a stag's head couped ppr., a cross and sued gu- four ap', prendr vert, an escallop arg.
crosslet or. Cervus non servus. oublier ni'puis. Palmer of London, a lion rampant or,
Palgrave of Bryn-y-gynog, Denbighsh., Palmer, Northamp., a vyvern o! holding a palmer's staff sa., the head,
wings addorsed vert.
in front of a leopard's head affrontee end, and rest or.
Palmer, Sir Charles Mark, Bart.,| M.P. Palmer, a lion passant sa., armed and
erased arg., gorged with a collar gemel of Crinkle Park, Loftus-in-Cle*eland
langued, and holding in the dexter paw
az., a crescent, also az. Pro Rege et
patria. Yorks, in front of a tilting-speail' erect a dagger gu. cf. 6. 2
Palgrave of Norwood Barningham, Norf., ppr., a wyvern statant or, resti: Palmer, Bart., Leics., a lion couchant or.
a lion's head erased arg. 17. 8 dexter claw- upon a crescent arg. r- 5
Palgrave, Francis Turner, M.A., D.L.. sit forttma labori. Palmer, Bart., Ireland, an arm in armour
Palmer, James Dampier, Esquire embowed ppr., garnished or, holding
15, Cranley Place. S.W.. between two in the hand a spear ppr. In Deo est
Heronden Hall. Tenterden. KeiJ t, and
branches of palm ppr., a leopard's head of Upper Berkeley Street. St. G^;orge's mihi omnis fides.
aflfrontee erased arg.
PAL 429
Palmer, Kent, an ostrich volant arg. Palmes, out of a ducal coronet gu., a Pardoe, a griffin sejant az., winged,
Palmer of Winthorpe, Lines, a cubit
dragon's head sa., encompassed with legged, and beaked or. 62. 10
arm erect vested az., cuffed arg.,
holding in the hand ppr. a palmer's flames ppr. 72. 14 Pardoe, Shropsh., an escallop-shell erect.
.staff. Palshed, an arm embowed vested bendy 141. 14
Pardoe of Park House, Bewdley, Worcs.,
Palmer of Wadesden, Bucks, and Stock- of eight arg. and gu., holding in the
dale, Northamp., a cubit arm in mail two vulture's heads and necks con-
hand ppr. three flowers az., stalked
joined ppr.
and leaved vert.
erect ppr., holding in the hand a halberd Paltock of Kingston - upon - Thames, Pardoe of Hailes Park, Worcs., a tower
sa., headed arg. Surrey, on a mount vert, a greyhound gu., with a doe issuant therefrom ppr.
Palmer, John Irwin, M.R.C.S., 47, Queen
Anne Street, Cavendish Square, W., on sejant sa., spotted arg., collared or. Pardoe of Hitchin, Herts, a tower arg.
a dexter mailed arm embowed grasping
a palm-branch and a palmer's staff in 59. 2 156. 2
Pardoe, Frank Lionel, Gosmore, Hitchin,
saltire, all ppr., an escallop or. Palma Pamure, a demi-lion rampant az., holding
in the dexter paw a rose stalked and Herts, same crest.
Pardoe, a demi-Uon rampant gardant
leaved or. 12. i
PancefOOte, a fleur-de-lis az. 148. 2 arg., supporting an escallop sa.
Palmer, Honourable Sir Arthur Hunter, Panellee, out of a ducal coronet or, a cf. 13. 10
K.C.M.G., of Brisbane, and of Beaufort, Pardoe of Nash Court, Shropsh., a lion
South Kennedy, Queensland, AustraUa, heraldic tiger's head gu. 25.3
President of the Legislative Council, Panmure, Baron, see Dalhousie, Earl of. passant gardant. 4. 3
uses : a dexter arm embowed in armour,
the hand grasping a spear in bend Panmure, Baron (Maule), a wyvern vert, Pares, a greyhound current gu. r/. 58. 2
—sinister, point upwards, all ppr. Atis- vomiting tiaines of fire before and be- Pares, Edward Henry, of Hopwell Hall,
picium melioris cevi. Palrna virtuti. hind. Cljiientia et animis. 69. 9 Derbysh.. a demi-griffin or. Pares
Palmer, Sir Roger William Henry, Bart.,
Pannell, out of an earl's coronet a Moor's cum paribus. 64. 2
head from the shoulders, all ppr. Parlltt of Dublin, a falcon rising arg.,
c/. 1S2. 2 winged, beaked, and legged or, charged
D.L., of Castle Lackin, co. Mayo, an Panter, a talbot passant sa., collared and on the breast with a trefoil vert, and
arm embowed vested az., cuffed or, holding in the beak an ear of wheat
lined. 54. 5 bladed of the same. En tout parfait.
grasping a tilting-spear ppr. Sic bene Parfitt of Bruton, Somers., a falcon
Panther, a panther passant gardant ppr. rising arg., winged, beaked, and legged
merent palma. or, charged on the breast with a trefoil
Palmer, of Rahan House, co. Kildare, 24. 4 vert, and holding in the beak an ear
Panting of Dublin, a dexter hand arg.,
Ireland, an arm in armour embowed
ppr., garnished or, the hand grasping a between two wings az., guttee-d'eau.
221. I
spear, also ppr. Honor virtutis prce- Panting, a dolphin haurient or, between of wheat of the same. En tout parfait.
two wings gu., each charged with as Pargiter of Greetworth, Northamp., a
Palmer, a cubit arm in armour grasping many bars arg. {see Kynnersley). 140. dexter arm embowed ppr., vested arg.,
a trefoil slipped vert. Panton, Sussex, same crest and motto. holding in the hand a covered cup or.
Palmer, George William, J.P., 36, Queen 140. 7 203. 4
Anne's Gate, S.W., upon a mount vert, Panton of Bishopwearmouth, Durh., and
Paris, a quill erect ppr. 176. 9
Denbighsh., North Wales, a sword ppr.,
in front of a palm-tree ppr., three es- hilt and pommel or, enfiled with a Paris of Stone, Hunts, and of Hitchin,
Atcallops fesseways or. cnicem ad Herts, a sphinx couchant gu., the face
leopard's head of the last. 22. i and breast ppr., the wings addorsed
Palmer, S. Ernest, 10, Grosvenor Crescent, Panton, Durh., a sword ppr., hilt and or, crined of the last. cf. 182. 14
S.W., same crest and motto. pommel or, enfiled with a leopard's Paris, 25, Westbourne Grove, West
Palmer, Eustace, Esquire, West Bourne, face of the last. Semper eadem. 22. i Kirby, a unicorn's head couped.
Coley Avenue, Reading, same crest Panton, Scotland, a spear-head ppr. Fir- Omnia vincil amor.
and motto. mius ad pugnam. 174. 12 Parish, a unicorn's head erased arg. 49. 5
Palmer-Douglas, Edward, J.P., Cavers, Panton, a Hon couchant, the tail coward Parish, Charles Woodbyne, Esquire, of
near Hawick, a dexter hand holding a az., bezantee. cf. 7. 5 58, Ennismore Gardens, London, S.W.,
upon a rock ppr., a cross crosslet sa.
broken lance bendways ppr. Doc or die. Pape, a dexter hand ppr., holding a clam-
Palmer-Morewood, Charles Rowland, 66, shell or. 216. 2 {Granted to the late Sir Woodbine Parish,
K.C.H.) Justum et tenacem. 165. 8
Queen's Gate, S.W. : (i) Two arms Pape, George, Esquire, of Brixton, uses
embowed armed ppr., each charged same crest. Parish, Charles, 5, Gloucester Square, W.,
with a trefoil gu., supporting a chaplet Pape, a falcon with wings expanded ppr. same crest and motto.
of oak-branches vert, fructed or {/or 87. I Parish, Frank, 5, Gloucester Square, W.,
Morewood). (2) On a mount vert, a Papeworth, a fox's head erased gu. 33. 6 same crest.
greyhound sejant sa., collared or, and Papillion of Acrise, Kent, a crescent arg. Park or Parke, on a ducal coronet, a lion
charged with a trefoil arg. (jor Palmer). Ditat sercata fides. 163. 2 passant and ducally crowned, all ppr.
Palmer-Samborne, Lieutenant Frederick Papillon, Pelham Rawston, of Crowhurst cf. 6. 6
Carey Stueley, Army and Navy Club, Park, Battle, Sussex, same crest and Park, Scotland, a buck's head cabossed.
36, Pall Mall, S.W.,a mullet gu., pierced motto. Providentice me committo. 122. 5
or. Memor et fidclis. Papworth, Cambs, Dorset, Devonsh., and Park, a stag lodged ppr. 1 1 5- 7
Palmer-Samborne, Samborne Stukeley, Hunts, a fox's head erased gu. 33. 6 Park, Scotland, a dexter hand holding a
Tinisbury House, near Bath, same Paradis or De Paradis of Youghal, book closed ppr. Gha viter et pie. 215.4
crest and motto. Ireland, a bird of paradise ppr. Park, Holland, a sinister hand holding
Palmerston, Viscount (Temple), a talbot Parama, Conde de, see Walrond. an open book ppr. Sapienter et pie.
sejant sa., collared and lined or. Flecti, Paramore, Kent, two arms embowed cf. 215. 10
non frangi. 55. 5 vested az., holding between the hands Park, Philip, Esquire, J.P., Altadore,
Palmes, a hand holding a palm-branch. ppr. an etoile or. Preston, Lanes, upon a mount vert, a
Ut paJ.ma Justus. 219. II Paramour of St. Nicholas, in the Isle of stag's head caboshed gu., between two
Palmes, Rev. George, of Naburn, Yorks, a Thanet, Kent, a cubit arm erect vested marigolds slipped ppr. ProvidcTilix
hand holding a palm-braneh. Ut az., cuffed arg., holding in the hand me committo.
jinlina justiis. 219. 11 ppr. an etoile or. Parke, Lord Wensleydale (extinct), a tal-
Palmes, Rev. Arthur Lindsay, M.A., the Paramour, Leics. and Salop, an heraldic bot's head couped gu., eared and gorged
Rectory, Saltwood, near Hythe, same antelope sejant or, attired, maned, with a collar gemel or, and pierced in
crest and motto. tufted, and armed sa. the breast with a pheon of the last.
Palmes, Bryan William, of Queensland, Parbury of London, between two branches Justitim tenax. cf. 56. i
same crest and motto. of laurel in saltier ppr., a pelican in Parke of Wisbeach, Cambs, a talbot's
Palmes, Guy St. Maur, Lingcroft, York, her piety or, semee of torteaux, the head gu., pierced in the breast by a
same crest and motto. nest also ppr. Cras mihi. cf. 98. 12 pheon or. cf. 56. 12
3, 1
Parke, on a mount vert, paled in arg., a tree eradicated and sprouting ppr. (for Parker of Aldborough, Norf., a demi-
fox paly of four or and az. cock with wings addorsed gu., combed
Parker). (2) A leopard's head erased
Parke, Sligo and Leitrim, Ireland, a wing and wattled arg. 90. 9
sa., gorged with a collar vair, pendent
az., semee of estoiles or. cj. 109. 7 therefrom an escutcheon arg., charged Parker, on the trunk of a tree couped at
Parke, Cumb., and of Henbury House, with a crescent, also sa. (for Little). the top ppr.. an eagle preying on a
Non fluctu, non flatu movetur.
•Stiurniinster Marshall, Dorset, a stag's Parker of Moorebouse Hill, Cumb., a bird. 79. 4
head couped sa., holding in the mouth Parker of the Ould, Warw., out of a
a key or. True and fast. cj. 121. 5 moimt vert, thereon a stag regardant ducal coronet or, a plume of five
ppr., collared, and a line therefrom
Parke, Charles Ethelston, Vines Close, feathers sa. 114. 13
Wimborne, Dorset, same crest and reflexed over the back or, resting its Parker, Wales, a lion rampant or. i. 13
motto. dexter fore-foot on an escutcheon Parker of Frith Hail. Essex, a lion's
gamb erased or, holding an arrow gu.,
Parker, see Macclesfield, Earl of. erect az., charged with a garb, also headed and feathered arg.
Parker, see Morley, Earl of. or. 3Iedio tutissirhus ibis. Parker, an elephant's head arg., the
Parker, Baron Morley and Monteagle, an Parker of Bradkirke, Lanes, a stag's
heraldic antelope statant or, ducally head couped or. 121. 5 trunk and tusks or, the ears gu. 133. 2
Parker of Sandwich, Kent, and Margate,
gorged and chained az. Parker, Sir Melville, Bart., of Harburn,
Parker, see To wneley- Parker. Warw., on a naval coronet az., the Isle of Thanet, Kent, an elephant's
Parker, John, Esquire, F.S.A., Lord of sterns and sails ppr., a stag at gaze head couped arg., gorged with a collar
the Manor of Aylesbury, of Des- arg., in front of a slip of oak in pale gu., charged with three fieurs-de-lis or.
borough House, High Wycombe, Bucks, ppr. 118. 6 cj- 133- ^
Parker, Bart, (extinct), of Bassingbourn,
a dexter arm in armour embowed arg., Parker, out of a naval coronet az., a
Essex, an elephant's head couped arg.,
holding in the hand ppr. a stag's antler demi-stag or, supporting between the
gu. Jus tene nil time. feet an anchor erect sa., encircled by gorged with a collar gu., charged with
Parker, Anthony, Esquire, of Castle a wreath of laurel ppr. three fleurs-de-lis or. Try. cj. 13^. 2
Parker of Hurstmonceux, Sussex, out of
Lough, CO. Tipperary, Ireland, a stag Parker of Upton Cheney, Glouc, a buck's
salient ppr., charged with a mullet or. head holding in the mouth an acorn a ducal coronet or, a bear's head sa.,
Fideli certa merces. cj. 117. 2 leaved, all ppr. 119. 11 muzzled of the first. 34. 3
Parker-Hutchinson, Standish Grady John Parker, Edward Milward Seede. Welford Parker of Northfleet, Kent, out of a
Esquire, of Timoney Park, Roscrea, House, Keynsham, Somers., same ducal coronet gu., a bull's head or,
CO. Tipperary: (i) Out of a ducal crest. Fidelis amieis. armed arg. 44. 1
coronet or, a cockatrice with wings Parker of Browsholme and Newtown, Parker, a horse's head couped per pale
endorsed ppr. (jor Hutchinson). (2) A Yorks, on a chapeau gu., turned up indented arg. and az. cj. 50. 13
stag salient ppr., charged with a mullet erra., a stag trippant ppr. Non fluctu, Parker, Stephen Henry, Esquire, of
or (jor Parker). Fideli certa merces. nee flatu movetur. 118. 3 Karrakalta House, Perth, Western
cj. 117. 2 Parker of Willows, Suff., a talbot pas- Australia, Member of the Legislative
Parker, a stag's head couped ppr. 1 2 1 . 5
sant arg., resting the dexter paw on a Assembly of York, out of a ducal
Parker, Rev. James Dunne, LL. D., D.C.L.,
F.R.Met.Soc, of Bennington House, buck's head cabossed or. coronet gu., a bull's head or, armed
Parker, Chesh., on a mount vert, a talbot and erined arg. 44. 11
Stevenage, Herts, a stag's head couped sejant ppr., collared or, resting the Parker of Finglesham, Kent, out of a
ppr. Ne tentes ant perfice. 21 1 . 5 dexter paw on a buck's head cabossed mural coronet or, a horse's head gu.,
Parker of Arwerton, Suff., on a mount gu. 55- 4 maned of the first. cj. 50. 13
Parker of Woodthorpe. Yorks, a talbot's
vert, a stag trippant ppr. 118. 2 Parker, five darts, points downwards,
Parker of Alkincoats, Lanes, a stag trip- head arg., eared and langued gu., one in pale and four in saltier, cj. 173. 3
pant ppr. Non fluctu, nee jlatu movetiir. Parker, an arm erect vested az., cuffed
collared pean. cf. 56. i
117. 8 and slashed arg., holding in the hand
Parker, Sir G«orge Arthur. 26. White- Parker, a talbot's head arg., collared
hall Court, S.W., same crest and pean, eared gu. cf. 56. i ppr. the attire of a stag gu. 208. 9
Parker of Syberswold, Kent, a talbot Parker, Christopher, Esquire, of Petterell.
motto. passant arg., in front of an oak-tree Green, Cumb., a cubit arm erect vested
Parker, a buck's head couped arg., at- ppr., fructed or. vert, cuffed arg., holding in the hand
tired or, with an arrow through the Parker, Bart, (extirhci), of Ratton, Sussex, the attire of a stag and a bow and
attires of the first. cj. 121. 5 on a chapeau az., turned up erm., a arrow in saltier ppr. Virtutis alimen-
Parker, Middx., a stag trippant ppr. greyhound or. 58. 4 turn honos.
117. 8 Parker of London, on a chapeau az., a Parker of Warwick Hall, near Carlisle,
a cubit arm erect vested vert, cuffed
Parker, Lieutenant-Colonel John Wil- greyhound passant or, collared, ringed, arg., holding in the hand the attire of
a stag and a bow and arrow saltire-
liam Robinson, same crest. Nee fluctu, and lined arg. cf. 58. 4
nee flatu movetur.
Parker of Cuerden and Extwistle. Lanes, Parker of Whitley Hall, Lines, of Norton
a buck trippant ppr., pierced by an
arrow in pale, point downwards, arg. Lees, Derbysh., and of Park Hall, ways, all ppr.
Staffs, a leopard's head erased affron- Parker, Francis, J.P.. Fremington, Pen-
rith, same crest.
tee or, ducally gorged gu. 23. S
Parker of Honington, Warw., and Plymp-
cf. 117. 10 Parker, Charles Arundel, M.D., F.S.A., ton St. Mary's, Devonsh., a cubit arm
Parker, George, Delamore, Ivybridge, a J.P.. Gosforth, Cumb., same crest.
erect vested sa., cuffed arg., holding
leopard's head erased and affrontee Hurrah, hurrah.
ducally gorged gu. Sub libertate Parker, Lieutenant-Colonel William, of in the hand ppr. the attire of a stag
quietum. Hanthorpe House, Lines, between two gu. Fideli certa merces. 20S. 6
Parker, Chesh., a buck's head erased ppr. oak-branches ppr., a leopard's face or, Parker of Whiteway, Devonsh., an arm
121. 2 over which a mullet of six points. erect vested az., cuffed arg., holding
Parker, Brockholes-, of Hareden, Yorks : Aucior pretiosa facit. in the hand the attire of a stag ppr.
(1) On a chapeau a stag trippant, all Parker, Sir William Lorenzo, Bart.,
Fideli certa merces. 208. 6
Appr. (for Parker). 118. 3. (2) brock of Blackbrook House, Hants, and
sa. (for Brockholes). Non fluctu, non Shenstone Lodge, Staffs, a leopard's Parker, Rev. Sir William Hyde, Bart.,
D. L. , of Suff. , a dexter arm erect vested
flatu movetur. 33. 10 head affrontee erased or, ducally az., slashed and cuffed arg., holding in
gorged gu. Sub libertate guietem.
Parker of Sweeney, Shropsh., a buck's the hand ppr. the attire of a stag gu.
head cabossed sa. 122. 5 23. 8 20S. 6
Parker, out of clouds arg., a dexter arm
Parker, Henry Chute, Esquire, of Bow- Parker, Admiral George, Delamore, Ivy-
ppr.. vested gu., holding in the hand
land, and of Fair Oak, Whitewell, bridge, Devonsh., same crest and the hilt of a broken sword ppr. 208. 1
motto. Parker, a hand or, holding a falchion,
AClitheroe, Lancaster: (i) stag ppr..
gorged with a collar gemel vert, resting Parker, a cock's head gu., between two the blade arg., hilt of the first. 212. 13
the doxter fore-foot on the stump of a I wings of a tawney colour, beaked arg.
Parker, Kent, a cubit arm erect in mail Parkins, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet gauntlet grasping above the hilt a
or. holding in the hand ppr. a falchion a demi-eagle displayed. Honesta audax. sword, the point broken off. Deo
arg., hilt and pommel of the first.
80. 14 facente.
2IO. 2 Parkins, out of a ducal coronet a swan Parminter, Cornw.. an eagle displayed
Parker-Douglas, William Thomas, M.A., with wings e.xpanded, collared, and
M.B., of Holmby, Speea, Newbury, a lined, holding in the beak an acorn- ppr- 75. 2
human heart crowTied ppr., between
two wings. Jamais arriere. no. 14 slip. Parnall of the Cottage, Llanstephan, Car-
Parkins of London, a bull passant az., marthensh., a griffin's head between
Parker, J., Esquire, C.S.I., of Trelawny's with wings addorsed or, ducally gorged two wings gu., each wing charged with
Cottage, Sompting, near Worthing, a of the last. an escallop, and holding in the beak
leopard's head erased and affrontee or, another escallop arg. Spero in Deo.
ducally gorged gu. Sapere aude.
Parkins, Notts, a pine-apple ppr., stalked cf. 65. II
and leaved vert. 152. 8 Parnell, see Congleton, Baron.
Parkes of the Mount Clent, near Stour- ! Parkinson-Forteseue, Baron CarlingJord, Parnell, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet
bridge, Worcs., a greyhound sejant see Carlingford.
\ or, a dexter arm, holding in the hand
ppr., collared sa., resting the dexter; Parkinson, Robert John Hinman, of East a sheaf of arrows ppr.
I Ravendale, Lines, an antelope trippant j Parnell of Sheephouse, Somers., 214. 2
paw on a caltrop arg. a griffin
Parkes, an escutcheon party per chevron ppr., in the mouth two ostrich-feathers passant arg., wings elevated gu., hold-
gu. and or, between two branches of arg. cf. 126. 6 ing in the beak an estoile and in the
laurel vert. 146. 14 Parkinson, William Henry, same crest. dexter claw an escallop, both also gu.
Est modus in rebus.
Parkes of Willingsworth and Wednes- Parkinson, an antelope trippant ppr.,
bury. Staffs, in an oak-tree fructed a holding in the mouth two ostrich- Parnham, a leopard's head erased arg.
squirrel sejant, all ppr. feathers arg., and charged on the 23. 10
Parkes-Buchanan, Bernard-, John, Union shoulder with a pellet for distinction. Parnther, a dexter arm in armour ppr.,
Club, S.W., two heads grasping a two- cf. 126. 6 holding in the hand a cross crosslet
handed sword ppr. Clariora scquor. Parkinson of Falsnape, Lanes, a cubit
Parkhill, Scotland, a cornucopia or, filled fitched in pale or. cf. 210. 14
arm vested or, charged with five ermine
Paroissien of Hardingham, Norf., on a
with fruit and grain ppr. Capta majora.
spots in saltire sa., cuffed arg., the ducal coronet or, a dove ppr.
I5-- 13 hand ppr. holding an ostrich-feather Parr, Westml., Northamp., Leics., Staffs,
Parkhouse and Parkhurst of London, a gu. 208. 4 and Derbysh., a cubit arm in armour
stag trippant ppr. 117. S Parkinson, Heref., a cubit arm erect ppr., holding in the hand a bar az.
Parkhouse of Eastfield Lodge, Hants, a vested erminois, cuffed arg., holding in Parr of Backford, Chesh., a demi-boar
buck ppr., charged on the body with the hand ppr. an ostrich-feather in rampant az., bristled or, charged with
three mullets az., the dexter fore-foot pale gu. 208. 4 a bend gu., thereon three lozenges of
resting on a cross flory vert. The cross Parkinson, Reginald James Beresford, the second. cf. 40. 1
our stay. Ludford Park, Ludlow, same crest. Parr, Major Henry Hallam, C.B., C.M.G.,
Parkhurst, a griffin segreant per fess or Parkinson, Thomas Frederick. Bydowne, a dexter arm in armour embowed,
and gu. 62. 2 North Devonsh., a falcon with wings holding in the hand a pair of com-
Parkhurst of Guildford, Surrey, a demi- addorsed and inverted ppr. passes. Nee par nee impar.
griffin with wings addorsed sa., holding Parkinson, a griffin's head erased, holding Parr of Lythwood, Shropsh., a maiden's
in the dexter claw a cutlass arg., hilt in the beak a sword ppr. 66. 10 head couped belowthe shoulders vested
az., on the head a wreath of roses
and pommel or. 64. 6 Parkyns, Baron Rancliffe (extinct): (i)
Parkhurst of London, out of a palisado Out of a ducal coronet or, a fir-cone alternately arg. and gu. Amour avec
coronet or, a buck's head erased arg., ppr. (2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a loiaulte. 182. 5
attired of the tirst. cf. 121. 2 demi-eagle displayed az., billettee erm. Parr, Joseph Charlton, GrappenhaU,
Parkin, a fox sejant ppr. 32. 1 Honeste audax. cf. 80. 14 Heyes, Warrington, in front of a
maiden's head ppr., an escallop or,
Parkin, Major John Robert, Idridgehay, Parkyns, Sir Thomas Mansfield Forbes,
Derbysh., same crest. Fao recte et Bart., of 20, Ashley Place, S.W., out of between two bezants. Faire sans dire.
spera. a ducal coronet or, a pine-cone ppr. 265. 16
Parkin, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) John Honeste audax. cf. 152. 8 Parr, Cecil Francis, J.P., KimptonGrange,
William Brooke, a greyhound courant. Parkyns, a bull passant az., winged or, Welwyn, Herts, same crest and motto.
Verus et fidclis. 295.14 ducally gorged of the same. Parr, Henry Bingham, 27, Rodney Street.
Parkin, Frederick, Esquire, of Little Parkyns, two eagle's heads conjoined in Liverpool, same crest and motto.
Truro Vean, Truro, Cornw., same crest one neck ppr. cf. 84. 1 1 Parr of London, a female's head affron-
and motto. Parlane, William, of Gartness, Victoria tee ppr., vested az., charged upon the
Parkin, John Samuel, Esquire, M.A., of Paik, JIanchester, and Craigdhu, Wig- breast with three escallops fesseways
Seaton, Cumb., and of 11, New Square, townsh., out of a rock a demi-savage arg.
Lincoln's Inn, London, an eagle dis- affrontee ppr., holding in the dexter Parr of Parr, Lanes, a female's head
played sa., holding in each claw a cross hand three arrows, two in saltire and affrontee couped below the shoulders
patee fitchee or, and charged on either one in pale, points upwards, or, ppr., habited az., on her head a wreath
wing with a billet, also or. Honesta headed and feathered arg., and in the of roses alternately arg. and gu. 182. 5
sinister hand a rose gu., slipped and Parr of Kendal, Westml., same crest.
Parkin.Thomas, Fairseat, High Wickham, leaved ppr. This I'll defend. Amour avecque loiaulte. 182. 5
Hastings, same crest and motto. Parlar, Middx., a Cornish chough sa., Parr, a mount vert, therefrom issuing in
Parkin, Paxton, Esquire, of Barming beaked and legged gu. 107. 14 front of a pear-tree fructed ppr. a rose-
Place, Maidstone, out of aducal coronet Parity, Captain Reginald John Hall, of tree vert, bearing five roses gu., barbed
a fir-cone, all ppr. Honeste audax. Manadon, Devonsh.: (i) On a ducal and seeded, also ppr.
274- >3 coronet a peacock's head erased, hold- Parr of Kempnall, Lanes, a horse's head
Parkin-Moore, William, J.P., Whitehall, ing in the beak a serpent (for Parlby). gu., maned or. cf. 50. 13
AMealsgate, Carlisle : (l) Moor's head A(2) talbot's head erased gu. (for Parram, Wilts, a lion's gamb erased or,
couped at the shoulders in profile ppr., Hall). Parle Men. 56. 2 holding a mallet erect gu.
wreathed round the temples or and Parmiger, Kent and Hants, out of a ducal Parret and Perrolt, Kent and Oxon., a
gu., and suspended from the neck by a coronet or, a stag's head gu., attired of parrot close ppr., beaked and legged
double chain or an escutcheon arg., the first, transpierced through the gu., holding in the dexter claw a pear
charged with a cross crosslet sa. {for neck by an arrow in bend sinister or, charged on the breast with a mullet
Moore). (2) On a mount vert, a fir- ppr., headed and flighted arg. of the same. cf. loi. 13
cone erect slipped and leaved between cf. 120. 7 Parrot or Parrott, a parrot gu. loi. 4
two wings sa. Ant nunquam tentes aut Parminster of Tockington, Glouc, a Parrott, a parrot holding in the dexter
perfice. dexter arm in armour embowed. the I claw a pear. loi. 13
PAR 432
Parry, Heref., three battle-axes erect or, suspended therefrom resting upon Partridge, a partridge rising or, holding
ppr. 172. II the wreath an escutcheon az., charged in the beak an ear of wheat ppr.
Parry, Jones-, late Sir Love Thomas Dun- with a lozenge arg., and between the 89. II
combe, Bart, (extinct), of Madryn I
attires a lozenge or (for Parry). Partridge, a demi-lion rampant or, col-
Castle, PwUheli, North Wales: (i) A Parry-Okeden, Uvedale Parry Okeden, lared gu., garnished or. 10. 9
sheaf of battle-axes, three in pale and Turnworth, Blandford : (i) A bear's Partridge and Partrich, a lion's head or,
two in saltire, staves gu., headed ppr., paw erased sa., grasping an oak-branch issuing from a rose gu., stalked and
and girt with a laurel-wreath, also ppr. ppr., fructed or (for Okeden). (2) Out leaved vert. 19. 9
(for Parry). 172.8. (2) On a chapeau
of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion gu. Partridge, a demi-leopard rampant gar-
gu.. turned up erm., a demi-lion ram- (for Parry). Tant que je puis. dant sa., bezantee, gorged with a collar
gu., charged with three plates.
Apant or {for Jones). 15. 13. (3) Parscoe, a castle triple-towered ppr., Partridge of Cirencester and Wishanger,
Glouc, and Finbarrow, Suff., a horse's
hart trippant arg., attired and ungu. from the centre tower a demi-Uon
Aor (for Hughes). 117. 8. (4) nag's rampant az. 155. 10
head erased sa. (/or Madrin). 50. 8. Parsons, Earl of Rosse, see Rosse. head sa., crined or, erased per fess gu.
Badge, a lozenge az. [for Parry). Heb Parsons, Barbadoes, a demi-griffin seg- 51- 4
reant arg., beaked and armed gu.
—Dduw heb ddim, Duw a digon. Oo/al 64. 2 Partridge of Bishop's Wood, Heref. : (i)
—dyn duw ai gwerid. Nil desperandum.
—Madren. Parsons, Bart, (extinct), of Stanton-on-the Out of a ducal coronet or, a horse's
Ahead sa. 51. 7. (2) leopard arg.,
Parry, Jones-, Thomas Parry, of Llwyn Wolds. Notts, of Langley, Bucks, and spotted sa. 24. 2
Onn, Wrexham, same crests and Epsom, Surrey, upon a chapeau gu., Partridge, Captain Walter Croker St.
mottoes. turned up arm., a griifin's head erased Ives, the Coppice, Bishop's Wood, near
Parry, Wales, a stag at gaze ppr. 1 17. j arg., beaked, also gu. cf. 66. 2 Ross, same crests.
Parry, Segar-, Herts: (i) A buck's head Parsons, Bucks, on a chapeau az., turned Partridge^ Kent, an arm embowed tied
couped arg., holding in the mouth a up erm., an eagle's head erased arg., round the elbow with a ribbon, holding
sprig ppr. {for Parry). 119. 11. (2) ducally crowned or, and charged on in the hand ppr. a fire-ball of the last.
On a ducal coronet or, two snakes vert, the neck with a cross gu. Partridge of Horsenden House, Bucks,
entwined round a sceptre of the first, Parsons of London, on a leopard's face anestoileor. Essequamvideri. 164. i
between two wings, the dexter also or, gu., an eagle's leg erased at the thigh Paruck, Cursetjee Turdoonjee, J.P., of
the sinister arg. (for Segar). 170. 13 or. 229. 8 Bombay, on a mount vert, in front of
Parry, a demi-lion rampant az., on the Parsons, Bernard William, the Wrays, a palm-tree ppr., a winged lion passant
head a garb or. Horley, Surrey, upon a mount ppr., an or, charged on the shoulder with an
Parry of Twysog, Denbighsh., a demi- eagle's leg erased or, between two oak- Aestoile gu. good conscience is a sure
lion rampant arg., charged on the leaves slipped and erect vert. Aude defence. 20. 12
shoulder with a cross gu. Si Deus et prevalcebis. Parvise of Unsted, Surrey, a Cornish
nobiscum. cj. 10. 2 Parsons, Heref., a halberd headed I chough rising ppr. 107. 3
Parry, Edward William, Esquire, resident embrued gu. I
172. 3 Pascal] of Eastwood, Notts, on a mount
in the kingdom of Bavaria, a demi- Parsons, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet a holy lamb, all ppr., the banner sa.
lion rampant arg., charged on the or, a cubit arm erect, holding in the
shoulder with a cross couped gu. Si hand a sprig of roses, all ppr. 218.8
Deus nobiscum. cf. 10. 2 Parsons, a tower arg. 156. 2 Springfield, Essex, a demi-man couped
Parry, Major Llewelyn England Sidney, Parsons of Steyning, Sussex, a garb of at the breast vested ppr., lined erm.,
Meillionem, Carnarvonsh., out of a quatrefoils vert, banded or. 152. 11 the head, hair, and beard of the first.
ducal coronet a demi-lion rampant. Parsons of Clanclewedog, Radnorsh., a Pascoe, a wolf regardant. cf. 28. 12
Gofnl dyn duw ai gwerid. demi-lion rampant gu. Quid retribuam. Pascol, a paschal lamb arg., bearing a
Parry, Denbighsh. and Flintsh., on a 10. 3 banner gu. 131.2
chapeau gu., turned up erm., a boar's Parsons-Peters, William, Esquire, of Yea- Pashley and Pasley, a balance and scales
head couped sa., armed or. Vince fide. bridge, Somers.. a horse's head arg., arg., the beam az. 179. 8
crusuly az.. holding in the mouth a Paske, a lion rampant arg., supporting a
Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings, Bart., cinquefoil slipped vert. cross patee fitched sa. 3. 13
of Highnam Court, Glouc, in front Partheriche and Parthericke, Jliddx., a Paske-Haselfoot, Thomas, Esquire, of
of three battle-axes erect ppr., five dexter arm in armour embowed, hold- Wandsworth, Surrey, a demi-peacock
lozenges conjoined in fess sable. Tu ing in the hand a scimitar ppr. 196. 10 or, the wings expanded az.. holding in
ne cede malis. 284. 5 Partington, an arm ppr., vested arg., the beak a snake entwined round the
Parry, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., holding in the hand an anchor of the neck ppr. 103. 6
a boar's head couped sa., armed or. first. 208. 3 Paslew, Yorks and Su£E., a lion rampant
Vince fide. 42. 5 Partington, a hawk with wings expanded gu. I. 13
Parry of London, a griffin sejant ppr. ppr. gy. I Pasley-Dirom, see Dirom.
62. 10 Partington, Edward, Easton, Glossop, Pasley, Sir Thomas Edward Sabine, Bart.,
Parry, Shropsh., same crest. Veritas odit Derbysh., out of the battlements of a B.A., of Craig, Dumfiies-sh., out of a
Parry, Shropsh., a griffin sejant vert, tower a goat's head ppr., charged on naval coronet or, a sinister arm in
the neck with a mullet of six points and armour ppr., grasping in the hand a
langued gu., ducally gorged and between two escallops sa.
staff, thereon a flag arg., charged with
chained or. cf. 62. 10 Partis, Northumb., a stag's head cabossed. a cross wavy gu., and on a canton az.
a human leg erect couped below the
Parry, a lamb arg., bearing a banner or.
131. 2 Partrich, a partridge volant or. knee or. Pro Bege et patria pugnans.
Parry, Henry Harrison, Harewood Park, Partrick, an arm in armour embowed, cf. 210. I
Ross-sh., three battle-axes ppr. Tu the hand apaumee ppr. 200. i Pasley, Scotland, a dexter arm from the
ne cede malis. Partrickson and Patrickson, Cambs, on a shoulder in armour, holding in the hand
Parry of Hamsted Marshall, Berks, a mount vert, a stag current regardant a dagger, point downwards, all ppr.
cubit arm ppr.. the hand grasping a ppr.. attired and ungu. or. 118. 12 Be sure.
snake vert, biting the hand. Partridge, Henry Thomas, of Hockham Pasmere, Hayes and Exeter, a demi-
Parry-Mitchell, Rev. Henry Digby, Mere- Hall, near Thetford, Norf., a partridge leopard az.
vale Parsonage, Atherstone, Warw. : with wings displayed or Dum spiro, Pasmore, out of a mural coronet seven
(I) A lion's gamb erased az., holding a spero.
cf. 89. 1 Lochaber-axes addorsed ppr. 172. 9
Pass, the sun in splendour or. 162. 2
fret or, between two wings erminois, Partridge, George Anthony, Bury St.
each charged with an anchor erect of Edmunds, same crest and motto.I Passingham, a demi-lion rampant party
Athe first {for Mitchell). (2) stag's Partridge, Rev. Walter Henry, Caston1 per fess or and gu., charged with two
head couped ppr., gorged with a chain I Rectory, Norf., same crest and motto. cinquefoils counterchanged. cf. 10. 2
41 1
Passingham, a demi-lion semee of cinque- and of Randerstoun and Mugdrum, Patrick, John, Esquire, J.P., of Gled
foiU. holding in the dexter paw a heather (Dunminning), co. Antrim,
Fifesh., a half-length figure of a Low-
sword in pale. cj. 14. 12 land Scots countryman vested gray, Ireland, a dexter hand erect ppr.,
charged with a saltire couped sa.,
Passmere of Passemerehays and Swetton, his waistcoat gu., and his bonnet az., grasping a dagger, also erect, ppr. Ora
and a feather therein ppr., bearing on
Devonsh., ademi-sea-dogaz., finned arg.
Passmore, a stag at gaze arg. 1 1 7- 3 his dexter shoulder an ox-yoke, also et labora. 212. 8
Paston of Paston, Norf., Earl of Yar- ppr.. broken at one extremity. Primus Patrick, William Ralston, of Trearne,
mouth (extinct), a griffin sejant with e stirpe. cf. 187. 14 Beith, a dexter hand ppr., holding a
wings endorsed or, collared gu. Ue Paterson of Dunmure, Fifesh., Scotland, saltire sa. Ora el labora.
mieulx je pense en mieulx. cj. 62. 10 a dexter hand issuing out of a cloud Patrick of Crowneast, Worcs., a dexter
hand ppr., holding a cross crosslet
Paston, Norf., a griffin sejant with wings holding a branch of laurel ppr. Hac
addorsed or, holding in the beak a tendimus omnes. cf. 219. 9 fitched. 219. 9
chaplet gu. Paterson of Seafield, Scotland, a hand Patrick, Scotland, a hand erect ppr. Ora
Paston of Horton, Glouc, a griffin pas- holding a sword in pale ppr. Pro Rege et labora. 222. 14
sant or, collared arg.. lined az. r/. 63. 2 et grege. 212. 9 Patrick, Durh., an arm in armour em-
Patch, Devonsh., a dexter arm in armour Paterson, Bart., of Bannockburn,
bowed ppr. 200. I
in fess couped ppr., holding in the Stirlingsh., a hand holding a quill, all Patrick, a stag trippant. 117. 8
hand a cross crosslet fitched sa. ppr. Hinc orior. 217. 10 Patrick, Kent, a stag trippant. Studii
Patch, Frederick Owen, Esquire, of Tiver- Paterson of London, on a mural coronet quiet. 117. 8
ton, Deronsh., a cubit arm erect vested
arg., a stag's head erased ppr., attired Patrickson of Stoekhow, Caswell-How.
az., cuffed arg., surmounting two cross gu., gorged with a collar az., and pen- and Calder Abbey, Cumb., on a mount
crosslets fitchee in saltire sa., the hand dent therefrom a man's heart gu. Hinc vert, a stag current regardant ppr.,
grasping a flagstaff ppr., therefrom a attired and ungu. or. 118. 2
flag per pale arg. and or, the dexter Pateshall of Layford, Heref., a demi- Patrickson, George, Scales, near Ulver-
side charged with a cross sa. 206. 9 griffin arg. 64. 2 ston. same crest. Mcnle et manu.
Patchett, Lieutenant-Colonel WiUiam Pateshall, a peacock's head sa., between Patrickson of Kirklinton, Cumb., same
two wings or, beaked of the last,
Gordon, Broomhall, Greenfields, Shrews- crest and motto.
bury, a dexter arm embowed couped
charged on the neck with three bends Patte, a lion rampant az. I. 13
at the shoulder, vested arg., resting on arg. Patten, see Winmarleigh, Baron.
a mount vert, the hand grasping a
Pateshall, Burnam-, Heref., out of a Patten, Wilson-, of Bank HaU, Lanes:
pick-axe ppr., and between two ducal coronet or. a pelican arg.. A(i) griffin's head erased vert, beaked
dragon's wings az., each charged with vulning herself ppr. cf. 98. i Aor (for Patten). 66. 2. (2) deini-
a sword erect ppr.. pommel and hilt or.
Pate of Cheltenham and ilasterden, Pateson, Norf., a pelican in her piety —wolf rampant or (for Wilson). Nulla
Glouc, a demi-lion rampant vair,
ppr. 98. 8 pnllescere culpa. Virtus ad sidera
Patishull and PattishaU, a hand holding loll it. 31. 2
crowned or. 10. 1 a billet az. 215. 1 Patten, a griffin's head and neck erased
Pate, Ireland, a lion's gamb or, holding Patison, Scotland, a pelican in her piety. vert, beaked or. 66. 2
a wolf's head erased gu. Hostis honori invidia. 98. 8 Patten, a griffin's head erased vert.
Pate of Brin, Leics., a stag's head ca- Patmer, Yorks, a hand holding an im- Nulla pallescere culpa. 66. 2
bossed arg., attired or, and between
perial crown ppr. 217. i Patten, Lanes, a tower or, issuing flames
the attires a raven with wings ex- Paton, Scotland, in the hand a cubit arm of fire ppr. 155. 9
panded sa. 122. 9 holding a rose slip leaved ppr. Virtute Patten, Lines and Middx., a tower or,
Pate, Bart, (exfinct), of Sysonby, Leics., a viget. 218. 10 issuing therefrom flames of fire ppr.,
stag's head cabossed arg., attired or, Paton, Major James, Crailing, Jedburgh, over which a label charged with this
same crest and motto.
between the attires a raven with wings motto, 3Ial au tour. cf. 155. 9
expanded sa. cf. 122. 9 Paton, Sir Joseph Noel, H.M. Limner for Pattenson of Cherry Burton, Yorks, out
Pate of Wisbeach, Isle of Ely, a stag's Scotland, 33, George Square, Edin- of a ducal coronet a camel's head.
burgh, between two dove's wings ex-
head cabossed or, and between the cf. 132. 7
Pattenson, Tylden-, William Boys, of
attires a Roman text R. cf. 122. 5 panded ppr., a cubit arm erect, also
Ibornden, Kent: (i) A camel's head
Pateis, a greyhound current towards a ppr., charged on the palm with a Pas- erased sa., bezantee. (2) A battle axe
sion cross gu. Do right and fear nocht.
tree. 58. 11
Pater, a leopard's head and neck erased 268. 16 erect or, entwined with a snake ppr.
Paton of Grandhome, Aberdeensh., Scot-
gardant gu. Finem respice. cf. 132. 7
Paterson of Aberdeen, Scotland, a peli- land, a sparrow-hawk with wings ex- Patters, a cross crosslet fitched or, and
can's head couped ppr. Pro Rege et a palm-branch vert in saltier.
Patterson, Scotland, a naked arm erect,
grege. cf. 98. 2
Paterson, Charles .James George, of Castle N.B., a sparrow-hawk rising with wings holding in the hand a pen ppr. 217. 10
Huntly, Longfargan, Dundee, a pelican addorsed and inverted ppr. Virtute Patterson, a pelican in her piety, all ppr.
—in her piety ppr. Merui. Je meurs adeptn. 88. 2 98. 8
pour ctuz que faime. 98. 8 Paton of Kinaldy, Aberdeensh., Scotland, Patterson, Sir Robert Lloyd, J. P., D.L.,
Paterson, Major-General Adrian Hugh, a sparrow-hawk perched ppr. Virtus F.L.S., Croft House, Holywood. co.
25, South Road, Weston-super-Mare, laudanda. Down, a peUcan in her piety vulning
same crest and first motto.
Paterson, Thomas John, Tildarg, Merrion. Paton, Scotland, a sparrow-hawk rising herself ppr., gorged with a collar
CO. Dublin, same crest. Vivescit vul-
ppr. Virtute viget. 88. 2 dancettee az. ilurus aeneus conscientia
Patoun of Richmond, Surrey, a sparrow- Sana. 301-4
nere virtus. hawk close ppr.. charged on the breast Patteson, Henry Tyrwhitt Staniforth, the
Hall, Beeston St. Andrew, Norwich,
Paterson cf Kinnettles, Forfarsh., Scot- with a trefoil slipped or. cf. 85. 2 a pelican in her piety or, charged on
land, a pelican in her piety arg. Pro Patriarche, a greyhound passant arg.
Rege et patria. 98. 8 Honor et honestas. cf. 60. 2 the body with two fleurs-de-lis in fesse
sa., between two roses gu., barbed and
Paterson, Scotland, a branch of palm ppr. Patrick, Scotland, a dexter hand ppr., seeded ppr. Nemo sibi nascitur. 290.
Pattinsod of West Bolden, Durh., and
Virtute viresco. 147. i holding a saltier sa. Ora et lahora. William Watson Pattinson, Esquire,
Paterson, out of a mural coronet a demi- 215. 12
savage wreathed round the middle vert, Patrick, Ralston-, of Rough wood. Ayrsh., of Felling House, near Gateshead, in
holding in his dexter hand a cock's Scotland: (i)A dexter hand erect front of flames of fire a dexter hand
head erased, and in his sinister on
ppr., holding a saltier sa. {for Patrick).
his shoulder a club. A215. 12. (2) falcon looking to the bendwise holding an ingot of silver,
—sinister (for Ralston). Ora et labora. all ppr. Ex vile pretiosa.
Paterson-Balfour-Hay, Edmund de Haya,
Esquire, of Leys and Carpow, Perthsh., Fide et marie. 85. 6 Pattison, a hind's head couped or. 124. i
Pattison, Scotland, a pelican in her piety, and gorged with a ducal coronet gu. gu., attired sa., charged with four
all ppr. Hostis honori invidia. 98. 8 Aymez loyavlte. 87. 2 roundels count«rchanged. (2) A mount
Pattison, Ireland, an arm in armour vam-
Paulet, see Winchester, Marquess of. vert, and thereon a hart charged with
braced az., holding in the hand a
j the sun in splendour. Favente Deo.
hawk's lure or.
Pattison, Scotland, out of a ducal coronet Paulet, Bart., Southampton, a falcon with
a camel's head sa., guttee-d'or, gorged wings displayed and belled or, ducally Pawson, a griffin's head or. 66. i
with a collar and crowned with an
gorged gu. Aimez loyaulle. 87. 2 Paxton, on the top of a tower a sea-pyot
Paulet, late Sir Henry Charles, Bart. rising ppr. 1 56. 2
{extinct), a falcon with wings displayed Paxton, Scotland, a garb ppr. Industria
antique crown, both or. Hostis honori or, belled of the same, and ducally dit'it. i?3- -
invidia. cf. 132. 12 gorged gu. Aimez loyaulle. 87. 2 Paxton of Cholderton, Wilts, of Watford,
Pattison of Kelvin Grove, Lanarksh., Paulet of Leigh Paulet, Devonsh., and Herts, and Middleton Hill, Carmar-
Scotland, out of a ducal coronet or, Thornbury., Glouc, an arm in armour thensh., an eagle's head erased az.,
a camel's head arg., guttee-de-poix, embowed, holding in the hand a sword, charged on the neck with two chev-
crowned with an antique crown of the all ppr. 195. 2 rons or, between two wings arg., semee
fir.st, collared az., charged with three Pauley, within an annulet an eagle dis- of mullets gu.
escallops of the second. Hostis honori played. Payler, a lion sejant holding in the dexter
invidia. 132. 12 Pauli, a pillar enfiled with a ducal coro- paw a saltier.
Pattle, an eagle displayed ppr. 75. 2 net. Payne, Baron Lavington (extinct), a lion's
Pattle, an eagle displayed or.
Patton-Bethune, see Bethune. 75. 2 PauU, a leopard's head erased at the neck. gamb erased arg., grasping a broken
23. 10 tilting-lance gu. Malo mori qunni
Patton, on a rock a swan close ppr. icx3. 7 Paumier, Devonsh., a hawk's leg erased, fcedari. 38. 9
Patton, Scotland, a sparrow-hawk ppr. jes.sed and belled ppr. 1 1 3. 8 Payne-Gallwey, Sir Ralph William, Bart.,
85.2 Paunceforte-Duncombe, Bart., see Dun- of Thirkleby Park, Yorks : A(i) cat-
Virtus laudanda.
Patton of Glenalmond, Perthsh., a spar- amountain passant gardant ppr.,
row-hawk rising ppr. Virtute adepta. Pauncefote, Baron fPauncefote), of Has- gorged with a collar gemelle or {for
88. 2 field, and Preston Court, Glouc, a lion
Oalhcey). (2) A lion's gamb erased
Patton of Bishops Hall and Stoke Court, rampant arg., crowned with a ducal arg., holding the lower part of a tilt-
Taunton, a hawk arg. Virtute adepta. coronet or, holding between the paws ing-lance in bend gu. {for Payne).
an escutcheon of the second charged Payne, a lion's gamb erect and erased
85. 2
Paul, Sir James Balfour, Lyon King of with a wolf's head erased ppr. Pcn-'iez arg., grasping a broken tilting-spear
Arms, a lion sejant guardant gu., forte. I. 12 gu. Malo mori quam foedari. 38. 9
armed and langued az., his dexter paw Paveley of Westbury, Wilts, an anchor Payne, Thomas Budds, Esquire, J.P., of
resting on an escutcheon of the first. and a sword in saltier ppr. 169. 9 Maritimo, South Yarra, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, a lioi's gamb
Pro Rtge et republica. 8. 2 Paver, Yorks, a tree ppr. Faded, but not
Paul, Sir Edward John Dean, Bart., of destroyed. 143- .=i erect and erased arg., holding fesse-
ways a broken tilting-spear gu. Malo
Rodburgh, Glouc, an ounce's head Pavey, Norf., a lion rampant gardant sa.
ppr., erased gu. Pro Rege et repMica. 2. 5 mori quam fcedari. 38. 9
23. 10 Pavia, John Charles, Esquire, Dunsinnan. Payne, Bart., Beds, a lion's gamb erect
Paul of Woodchester, Glouc, a leopard's Inglemere Road, South Sydenham arg., holding a broken tilting-spear gu.
head ppr., erased gu. Pro Bege et re- Park, S.E., an arrow fessewise pointing Malo mori quam foedari. cf. 38. 9
publica. 23. 10 to a mullet of five points on the dexter Payne of Norwich, a lion's gamb or,
Paul, Herbert Woodfield, 46, Cheyne side. Semper eadem. 301.13 holding a baton ragulee of the same.
Walk, S.W., a leopard's head or, erased Pavier, Russell-, Herbert Arthur, Esquire, Payne, a lion's gamb holding a cross
of Heaton JIanor, Heaton Norris, patee sa. cf. 36. 9
Paul of High Grove, Glouc, a leopard's Lanes, and of Hammerwich, Staffs : Payne of East Grinstead, Sussex, a lion's
head per pale or and az., charged on (I) Two arms embowed ppr., vested head erased per fess sa. and arg. 17. 8
the neck with a cross crosslet counter- above the elbow arg.. that on the Payne, a lion's head erased ppr., ducally
changed, cf. 22. 10 dexter side holding a chisel, and that gorged, lined and ringed or, holding
on the sinister a mallet, also ppr. {for in the mouth a laurel-sprig vert.
Paul or Paule, a garb vert, banded arg.
153. 2 Pavier). (2) In front of two palm- Payne of Newark, Leics., an heraldic
Paul of Lambeth, Surrey, and Norf., on branches saltireways vert, a fret or, tiger sejant per pale engrailed az. and
the trunk of a tree raguly in fess, thereon a martlet sa. {for Eussell). erm. . surmounting a branch of oak
sprigged and leaved vert, a bird close Quo fiita i-ociuit. 97. 10 fructed ppr., the dexter fore-paw rest-
arg. Pawle, Shropsh.. a garb fesseways vert. ing on a raascle gu. 25.11
Paul of London, an elephant arg., on the ban.k-d arg. 153. 6 Payne of Petworth, Sussex, a griffin pas-
back a castle gu., tied under the belly Pawle, a leopard's head erased ppr. sant with wings addorsed per pale or
on the point of the trunk a falchion 23. 10 and az. 63. 2
in pale of the last. Pawle, li'rederick Charles, J.P., Noithcote, Payne of Fulham, Middx. , a griffin passant
Paul, Arthur Duncan, Esquire, of Wearne Reigate, same crest. with wings addorsed or. 63. 2
Wyche, High Ham, Somers., a demi- Pawlet, Somers., on a mount vert, a fal- Payne, a griffin passant az., armed and
griflin regardant or, gorged with a col- con rising or, ducally gorged gu. Aiinez winged or. 63. 2
lar gemelle, and holding between the loyaulte. cf. 87. 2 Payne of Ittringham, Norf., an ostrich's
claws a cross crosslet az., the wings Pawlett of St. James's, Westminster, head erased, between two wings az.,
addorsed of the last, semee of cross Middx., a terrestrial orb or, thereon a holding in the beak a horse-shoe arg.
crosslets or. Per crucem caelum. falcon rising ppr., collared and belled cf. 97. 10
Paul, Sir William Joshua, Bart., D.L., of or. 159. 7 Payne, an ostrich's head couped or,
Paulville, co. Cariow, a cross patee Pawlett of Willesden, .Middx., on a mount between two wings sa. cf. 97. 10
fitchee or, between two swords in sal- vert, a falcon rising or, pellettee, belled Payne of Dunham, Norf., an ostrich's
tier arg., pommels and hilts or, points of the second. head or, issuing out of a plume of
upwards. Vana spes vitce.. c/. 166. 14 Pawson, Yorks: (i) On a mount vert, feathers arg.
Paul, Ireland, a hand issuing from a cloud the sun in his splendour or {for Paw- Payne of London, and of Wallingford,
in fess holding a torteau. Ason). 162. 3. (2) buck's head erased Berks, a demi-ostrich with wings ad-
Paul, Scotland, two arms in armour em- quarterly indented arg. and gu., at- dorsed arg., holding in the beak a key
bowed placing a savage's head af- tired sa. {for Margrave). Favente Deo.
frontee on the point of a pheon. 194. 9 121. 2 Payne of Sulby Hall, Northamp., an
Paulet, Duke of Bolton and Marquess of Pawson, WiUiam Hargrave, of Shawdon, ostrich's head erased or, holding in
Winchester (ertinct), a falcon with Alnwick : (i) A buck's head erased at the beak a horse-shoe arg., between
wings displayed or, belled of the same, - the neck quarterly indented arg. and two wings sa. cf. 97. 10
Payne, Rev. John Vaughan, i\I.A., Payton, Suff., a griffin sejant with Peak, Lines, of Abchurch, Northamp.,
j and London, a lion's head or, pierced
through the side of the head by an
Kempsford House, Glouc, same crest. addorsed or. arrow in fess, (lie point coming out of
the mouth of the first, feathered and
Payne of London, issuing out of clouds Peace, a demi-lion rampant purp. lo. 2 headed arg.
two hands conjoined. Peace, a dove with wings expanded arg, Peake of Lutterworth, Leics., and London,
a human heart gu., between two wings
Payne of London, an arm in armour em- holding in the beak an olive-branch
bowed arg., holding in the hand a vert. 94. 5
s\yord ppr., hilt and pommel or, entiled Peach and Peache of Rooksmore, Glouc,
with a boar's head sa., vulned gu. a demi-lion rampant per fess erm. and
cf. 195. 2 gu., ducally crowned or. 10. 11 expanded arg. </. no. 14
Payne of Stoke Neyland. Suff., an arm in Peach, Keighiy- of Idlicote House, Ships- Peake, Leics., a human heart gu., be-
armour embowed, holding in the gaunt-
ton-on-Stour, Warw. : (i) A demi-lion tween two wings arg. cf. no. 14
let a leopard's head, all or. rampant per feshc cini. and gu., ducally
Payne, a demi-mau couped at the loins Peake of Lhveny, Wales, a leopard's face
in profile, holding in the dexter hand crowned or, armed az. (jor Peach). gu., holding in the mouth an arrow
an arrow.
A10. II. (2) griffin's head sa., lan- ppr., headed and flighted or. Beb
Payne, Dorset, and of Medborne, Leics.,
out of a ducal coronet or, a woman's gued gu., charged with three mullets Dduw, heb ddim. cf. 22. 2
head couped below the shoulders ppr.,
or (lor KeigUy). Quicquid dignum Peake of London, a lion's head or, erased
sapiente bonoqne est. cf. 66. i per fess gu., charged on the neck with
Peache, a lion's head erased, ducally three guttes-de-saug, one and two,
vested erm., the hair dishevelled or, crowned or. 18. 8 pierced through the side of the head
on the head a chapeau az. Peachey, Baron Selsey (extinct), a demi- by an arrow arg., barbed and feathered
Payne, out of a plume of ostrich-feathers lion double-queued erm., holding in of the tirst, the point issuing from
a leopard's head or. the dexter paw a mullet pierced gu. mouth.
Payne, Denbighsh., and of Westbrooke, Memor et fiddis. Peake of Sandwich, Kent, a cockatrice
Dorset, a leopard's head or, gorged Peachey, Sussex, a demi-lion rampant volant or, beaked, combed, legged, and
with a collar az., rimmed of the first, double-queued erm., holding in the wattled gu.
and charged with three bezants. dexter paw a sword in pale arg., hilt Pearce, a leopard sejant gardant ppr.,
cf. 22. 12 and pommel or. Ne quisquam serviat the dexter paw resting on an escut-
Payne of Market Bosworth, Leics., and cheon arg., charged with a bee volant sa.
of Paine, Suff., a wolf's head erased Peachey, a demi-lion rampant erminois, Pearce of Parson's Green, Fulham, Middx.,
az., charged with five bezants in saltier. ducally crowned or, holding a tower and of Withingham, Norf., a demi-
cf. 30. 8 arg. pelican rising or, vulned in the breast
Payne of Midlow. St. Neots, Hunts,
Peachey, a demi-lion rampant, ducally ppr., crowned gu.
among grass ppr., an otter passant or.
holding in the mouth a fish arg. crowned, double-queued. cf. 10. Pearce, Cambs, a Cornish chough sa.,
Payne, P. Marriott, Esquire, of Holmes- Peachey, a dexter arm, holding in the beaked and menibered gu. 107. 14
hand a sabre ppr. 212. 13 Pearce of Ffrwdgreech, Breconsh., on
dale, the Park, Nottingham, a lion's Peacock of Stone Hall, Pembrokesh., a rocks ppr., a cross crosslet iitched,
gamb erect and eraseil arg., grasping a peacock's head erased ppr., gorged transpiercing a mural coronet az. Celer
et audax.
broken tilting-spear or. Malo mori with a mural coronet or, holding in
qiiam fcedari. the beak a rose gu., slipped and leaved Pearce, Yorks, a cross crosslet fitctee or,
ppr. Be just and fear not. crowned with a mural coronet gu.
Paynell, a lion passant vert. 6. 2 Peacock, co. Down, Ireland, a peacock's
head era.sed, holding in the beak a Pearce, Sir William George, Bart.. M.A.,
Paynell, a lion rampant vert. i. 1 LL.B., of Cardell House, Renfrewsh.,
Paynell of Boothby, Lines, an ostrich's
head ppr. thistle leaved, all ppr. in front of a dexter arm embowed in
Payntell of London, an arm erect vested ' Peacock of Slyne, Lanes peacock's armour, the hand grasping twojavelins,
gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand head erased az. 103. i all ppr., a unicorn's head erased sa.
ppr. three lilies or, leaved vert. Peacock of Burnhall, Durh., a peacock's Atidax et celer. 286. 4
Paynter, an old man's head couped at head erased az., gorged with a mural Pearce, a dexter arm in armour embowed,
the shoulders ppr., vested gu., on the coronet or. 103. 11 holding in the hand a lance pointing
head a long cap az. 192. 11 Peacock of London, a peacock's head and to the dexter.
Paynter of Sprole, Norf., a lapwing arg., neck or, with wings expanded az., a Pearce of Penzance. Cornw., an arm in
envii-oned with two branches vert, the snake entwined about the neck of the armour embowed, holding in the hand
tops in saltier. last. 103. 3 an arrow in pale, the shaft resting on
the wreath.
Paynter of Twidall, Kent, on the stump Peacock, Scotland, a plume of peacock's
of a tree eradicated ppr., a wyvern feathers ppr. Naturce donum. Pearce, a dexter arm holding in the hand
vert, sans wings, the tail entv.'ined Peacock of Springfield Place, Chelmsford, a dagger ppr. 212.3
round the tree. a mount vert, thereon an eagle dis- Pearce-Edgcumbe, Sir Eduanl Robert,
Paynter of Boskenna, Cornw., three played erminois, holding in the beak Sandye Place, S:nirlv .\ iliitn-lioar sup-
broken broad arrows or, points down, a cross crosslet fitchee gu., the de.xter porting between I III 1.-, I fivrlin erect
wards, two in saltier and one in pale, claw supporting a hurt, charged with a ppr., and gorjinl with ;i ri.ll.u I herefrom
knit with a lace and mantle gu., cross crosslet or. 74. 9 suspended a bugle-horn stringed, both
or. 255. 10
doubled arg. Nonum. prenuUur in an- Peacock, a wyvern with wings addorsed
ppr. 70. I Pearce-Serocold, Charles, Taplow Hill,
Paynter, Major George, Hollinhouse Lane, Peacock of Willesden, Middx., a cocka- Maidenhead: (i) A castle or, with a
Delph, three broken arrows or, bent trice az., charged with two annulets fleur-de-lis issuing from the battle-
with a lace and mantlet gu., doubled conjoined palewise arg., resting the ments az. (for Serocold). (2) In front
arg. Carpe diem. dexter claw upon an escutcheon arg., of a rose gu., a Cornish chough ppr. (for
Paynter, Surrey, three broken arrows or, charged with a peacock in his pride Pearce).
points downwards, two in saltier and
ppr. Peard, a demi-lion rampant erm., collared
one in pale, banded gu. Peacock, Warren Thomas, of Efford Hall, 10. 9
Paynter, Rev. Francis. Stoke HiU, Guild- Peard, Devonsh., a tiger's head or, pierced
Hants, a cockatrice with wings erect
ford, three broken broad arrows or, through the neck by a broken spear
knit with a lance gu. Carpe diem. vert. Vincit Veritas. 68. 4 ppr., headed arg., the wound embrued
Peacocke, Bart, (extinct), of Barntic, co.
Paynter, George, 21, Belgrave Square, Clare, Ireland, a cockatrice vert. Vin-
8.W., same crest and motto. cit Veritas. 68. 4 Peareth of Unsworth House, Gateshead,
Durh., a leopard's head and neck
Paynter, Henry Grosvenor, 118, Ebury Peacocks, Bligh-, a peacock's head erased erased ppr., holding in the mouth a
cross crosslet fitched. Verax et fdeUs.
Street, S.VV., same crest and motto. az., gorged with a mural coronet or. cf. 23. 10
Paytherus, a boar passant gu., bristled NaturcE donum. 103. 1 28—2
and ungu. or. 40. 9 Peak, a lion's head issuing or. 21. i
Pearle, a hand holding a thistle ppr. tween two branches of palm ppr. Pearson of Upper Gloucester Place, Lon-
218. 2 don, a horse's head erased sa., billettee,
Pearmain, a demi-lion rampant. 10. 2 Pearson, Lieutenant-ColonelHenry.Wing- and gorged with a mural coronet or.
Pears, a demi-lion or. 10. 2 field House, South Wingfield, Derbysh., Peart, a dexter hand holding a sword
Pears-Archbold, James Archbold, Es- an eagle's wing sa., semee-de-lia or, ppr. 212. 13
quire, of Fenham Hall, Northumb. i. 13
pierced by an arrow embrued in bend, Peart, a lion rampant or.
(i) Two lion's gambs erased, each en- point upwards, and vulned ppr. A'e Peart and Pert, out of an earl's coronet
circled with a wreath of oak ppr., hold- tentes aut perfice. or, a Moor's head from the shoulders
Pearson, Rev. William Carter, Henley
ing an escutcheon arg., charged with a affrontee ppr. 182. 2
fleur-de-lis az. (for Archbold). 39. 9. Vicarage, Ipswich, same crest (a Peart, a stork statant ppr., between bul-
(2) Upon a rock ppr., a wyvern vert, crescent for difference) and motto. rushes, three on each side. 104. 3
gorged with a collar gemel or, support-
Pearson, Rev. Arthur Charles, Ringsfield, Pease of Ottery St. Mary, Devonsh., a
ing with the dexter claw an escutcheon NeBeccles, Suff., same crest. tetites, leopard's head gardant, couped at the
neck, collared az., holding in the mouth
of the same charged with an estoile gu. aut perfice.
(for Pears). Vi et virtute.. 69. 10 Pearson, Edward, Wilmslow, Chesh., a a sword fesseways ppr.
Pearsall, a lion's head erased or. 17. 8 demi-hon rampant gu., charged on the Pease, Joseph Robinson, of Hesslewood,
Pearsall, De, of Willsbridge, Glouc, a neck with three bezants between a near Hull, Yorks, an eagle's head
boar's head eiased gu., crined and double gemelle or, holding in the dexter erased arg., holding in the beak or a
paw an escutcheon az., charged with a
tusked, and charged with a cross fleur- pea-stalk vert. Confide recte agens.
ettee or. langued az. Better deathe than sun in splendour of the second. Sol et Pease, Francis Richard, J.P., Hessle-
shame. cf. 42. 2 scutum Deus. wood, Hull, same crest and motto.
Pearson, Edwin James, Millfield, Berk- Pease of London, on a mount vert, a
Pearse of Thurles, co. Tipperary, Ireland,
hampstead, same crest and motto. dove rising arg., holding in the beak
on a wreath of the colours a fern- Pearson, George, the Tythe House, Knuts- gu. a pea-stalk with blossoms and
brake, thereon a pelican in her piety,
the wings elevated ppr.. charged on ford, Chesh., same crest and motto. pods ppr., the legs of the third.
the breast with a trefoil vert. Sihil Pearson, the sun in his splendour ppr. Pease, Bart., upon the capital of an Ionic
amanii durum. 162. 2 column a dove rising, holding in the
Pearse, General George Godfrey, C.B., Pearson of Tyers Hill, Yorks, issuing out beak a pea-staLk, the blossom and pods
Shanklin, Isle of Wight, same crest and of a cloud the sun in his splendour ppr. also ppr. Pax et spes. 94- I
162. 5 Pease, Arthur Francis, Hummersknott,
Pearse, a seax az., hilt and pommel or. Pearson-Gee, Arthur Beilby, Esquire, of Darlington, same crest and motto.
171. 2 Wadhurst, Sussex, and 4, New Square, Pease, Joseph Albert, M.P., of Headlam
Pearse of Bradninch, Devonsh., a wyvern Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, in Hall, Gainford, and 8, Hertford Street,
gu., with wings displayed arg. front of a sun rising in splendour an London, W., same crest.
arm in armour couped at the elbow Pease, Walter Fell, Brinkburn, Darling-
cf. 70. 8 and fessewise, the hand in a gauntlet ton, same crest and motto.
Pearse, Somers., and of Court, Devonsh., holding a sword erect, all ppr. F' Pease, William Edwin, Mowden, Darling-
an arm in armour embowed, holding
in the hand a lance by the middle, the coronal opus. 211. 8 ton, same crest and motto.
point to the dexter, ppr. Cadenti porrigo Pearson, an arm in armour embowed Peasley, Ireland, a dragon sejant vert,
dextram. holding in the hand a rose-branch advancing a spear or, headed az.
Pearse, Kerr- of Ascot, Berks: (i) A slipped ppr. Peat, Scotland, a deer's head ppr. Pro-
dexter arm embowed in armour, the
Pearson, a cubit arm erect, holding in spere si propere. 121. 5
hand grasping a tUting-spear in bend the hand a wTeath of laurel ppr. 218. 4
Peat of Sevenoaks, Kent, in front of a
sinister, all ppr.. between two estoiles Pearson, Scotland, an ostrich holding mount of bulrushes ppr., thereon a
1 stork arg., beaked and legged gu., two
mascles interlaced in fess az. Ardens.
gu. {for Pearse). (2) The sun in his its beak a horse-shoe ppr. Nil des
104. 9
—splendour ppr. {for Kerr). CaderUe] perandum. 97. 8 Peat, Middx., out of a ducal coronet or,
porrigo dextram. Sero sed serio. 162. 2 Pearson of Balmadies, Forfarsh., Scot a heron's head ppr.
Pearse of Harlington, Beds, a lion's head land, a dove holding in its beak an
erased arg. I'; divind. 17. 8 Dumolive-branch ppr. spiro, spero.
Pearson, a demi-griffin segreant az., 9^- I Peat, a hand holding a fish ppr. 220. 4
beaked or, and charged on the shoulder Pearson, a parrot ppr.
loi. ^ Peat, Scotland, a dexter hand holding a
with a sun in splendour of the last. Pearson, on a mural coronet or, a paro book expanded. Amicus certus.
cf. 64. 2 ' quet vert, beaked and legged gu. 215. 10
Pearson of London, a demi-lion rampant Pearson of Kippenross, Stirlingsh., Scot Peaterson, of Bannockbiu-n Scotland, a
gu., holding in the dexter paw a sun land, a tower ppr. Rather die th pelican's head erased gu. Pour le Roy.
or. disloyal. i 98. 2
Pearson, Honourable Charles Henry, Pearson, Honourable WUliam, J.F!, of Peche or Pechey, an astrolabe or. 167. 7
M.A., of Ediowie, Williams Road, Too- Kilmany Park, Sale, co. Tanjil, and Pechell, a Cornish chough ppr. 107'. 14
rak, Victoria, Australia, a demi-lion of Craigellachie, St. KUda, both in Pechell, Brooke-, Sir George Samuel,
rampant gu., charged on the neck Victoria, Member of the Legislative Bart., of Pagglesham, Essex, a lark
with three bezants between a double Council of that colony, same crest and ppr., charged with two fleurs-de-lis or.
gemelle or, holding in the dexter paw motto. 156. 2 Vix ea nostra voco.
an escutcheon az., charged with a sun Pearson, three savage's heads conjoined Pechey of Chichester, Sussex, a lion's
in splendour of the second. Sol et in one neck, one looking to the dexter, head erased arg., ducally crowned or.
scutum Deus. one to the sinister, and one upwards. 18. 8
Pearson, Sir Weetman Dickinson, Bart., cf. 191. 5 Pechey, Kent, a lion's head erm., crowned
Paddockhurst, Worth, Sussex, in front Pearson, Surrey, out of an Eastern coronet cf. 18.
of a demi-gryphon couped, wings ele- or, a stag's head erm. Peck of Samford Hill, Essex, anud Wood
vated and addorsed, holding between Pearson, George, Esquire, of Clifton, PeUing and Meth would, Norf.. two
the paws a mill-stone ppr.. thereon a Bristol, upon a mount vert, in front of lances in saltier or, headed arg., the
mill-rind sa., a sun in splendour. two Passion-nails in saltire az., a seax pennons of the first, each charged with
286. 12 erect ppr., pommel and hilt or. Perdu- a cross forniee gu., the spears enfiled
Pearson of New Sleaford, Lines, and of rat prohitas. 171- 5 with a chaplet vert. 175. 15.
Tunbridge Hall, near Godstone, Surrey, Pearson of Tankerton and Maize Hill, Peck of London, a demi-lion rampant
a cock's head erased az., combed and Greenwich, Kent, a boar's head couped ppr., holding an anchor or. 12. 12
wattled gu., charged on the neck with sa., holding in the mouth an acorn or, Peck, a cubit arm vested in pale, holding
a sun in splendour or, holding in the
leaved vert. Perdurat prohitas. in the hand three flowers stalked and
beak a yellow heart's-ease or pansy 42.7 leaved. 205. 14-