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Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905

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Published by Colin Savage, 2020-05-18 15:51:26


Volume I - Listing Of Families, Fourth Edition Published in 1905


4. Darby. 10. Anstavill, Capling, *Casstle, *Castle Marleton, Middleton, Skearne, Skeene,

5. Dade, Veale, Veel, Wright. how, Cheverton, Cosars, Harley, Skyme.

6. Barsham, Denny, Hagar, Hamley Lepton, Lexton, M'Kellar, Oxford, 13. Almack, Arnett, Arnot, Araott, Both,

Lambard, Lambarde, Pawle, Prelate Parscoe, *Rickards. Bothe, Castlyn, Dellaber, Duckens-

Toulmin, Wever, Williams. 11. Tregoning. field, Herbright, Koxton.

7. Couston, Drummond, Leving, Levinge 12. Lamson. 14. Hale.

Lord, Tatton. 15. Cardwell, Dengayne, Engaine. M'Cal-

8. Close. 156.-1. Higginson. lum, M'Clure, 'Marling. 'Marlyn,
'Nielson, Orton, Ortun, 'Shyer,
PLATE9. Cash, Gailie, Groombridge, Kitchens, 'Spicer, 'Spycer, Stock, Winziet.
Hitchins, Hyland, Jennings, Questeed. 2. Adderbury,
Addison, Allmack,

10. Ashwell, Ashworth, Aswell, Birlcby. Ahnanerlaval, *Angel, *Angle,

Broadhead, Buckby, Fitton, Hake *Anegal, Anegall, Awmack, *Bence,
wood, Lichfield, Manson, Muston.
PLATEBogle, Caddel. Cantrell, Cantrill, 158.— I. Faira, Foston.

Pilland, Wicks. Carfrae, *Castelyon, Cheslin, Clemsby, 2. Fulwar.

11. Otley. Crammond, Devereux, Fauze, 3. Dalgleish, Dunbar, Forbes, Garden^

12. Feme, Newce, Newse, Peverell. Fawconer, Fawkoner, Gibant, Grant, Hamilton, Harnier, Macdonald-

13. Gregory, Longland, Whiteley. *Hetherington, Hoblyn, Kestell, Lang, Bowie, Menzies, Pollock, Rouett,

14. Bancroft, Feme, Hodgkinson, Middle- Leveale, Levealis, Levelis, *Lomond, Umphray, Warner, Wheldale, Wom-

M M'AUum, Kellie-M 'Galium, 'Clean, phrey.

M'Knight, Macknight, M'Lean, Mal- 4. Beatson, Betson, Docker, Fenis, Kent,

colm, Maples, Mason, Meyrick, Orr, Slack, Troubridge, Tutin, Vampage.

PLATE —154. I. Affleck, Auchin- Orton, Pardoe, Parsons, Pearson, 5. Mills, Whiteman.

leck, *Horsman, Johnson. Poor, Reed, Schapmar, Stables, 6. Beckwell, Bekewell, Ferrier, Fuller,

2. Le Feuvre, Mitchell. Stewart, Thorlby, Thorley, Toumay, Gawaine, Gawayne, Leaky, Wallace.

3. Auchinleck, Crofton, Dunford, Mit- Towers, Tumey,Wintersells,Yorstoun. 7. Bartain, Eartan, Bartane, Bouwen,

chael, Mitchell, Scot, Swinton, 3. Fort, Forte, MacDonald, 'Thorn- Carrol, Carroll, Dukes, 'Empson,

Youille, Yule. holme, Torr, Vale. Hartford, Marmyon, Quicke, Shed,

4. Berwick, Cundall, Cundell, Cundill, 4. Deton, Harlewen, Jonas, Lindsay, Westlemore, Whitaker.

Cundy, Handford, Lindsay, L)-nch, Pontifex, Pott, Prother, 8. Kendrie, Hendry.

Sedgewick, Sedgevvicke. 5. McLann.achan, Macnaghten, Mac- 9. Babbwell, Babwell, Brew, Harold,

5. Mitcliell. naghton, M'Naughtan, MacNaughten, Harrold, Onmany, Turvile, Wills,

6.*Coultman, *Ci-akenthorp, *Drink- M'Naughton, Reid. Wingate, Yates.

water, Ducket, Sheffield. 6. Foulks. 10. Donelly, Donnelly, Kirk, Lerrier,

7.*Crofton, Easum, Eston, 7. Aslakby, Aslakeby, Darby. Monkhouse, Wandesford.
Moncrieff. *Scott- AlUngham, Kirkaton, Kirkeley, Kirk-

8. Blundell, 'Bridges, Burton, Casson,

8. Bradbury. Dove, Felbridge, Paxton, *Preston, land, Kirklay, Kirklayne, Kirkley,

9. FelJingham, Fillingham, Inglish. Rawson. Land, Plesseis.

10. Allardice, Aubemarle, Birkes, Britten, 9. 'Archdeacon, Burdett, Cairnes, 12. Bennet, Grey.

Goslett, Tinling, Widdevil, Wood- Kitchens, 'Hodington, Lorand, 13. Balcarres, Lindsay.
Warde, Wickham. 14. Arfece, Arfois, Arforce, Fellowes, Fel-

11. Baskenford, Baskin, 10 Nicholls. lows, 'Fletcher, Grey, Strover, Trowt-
Kynvett, Somerj-. Glendenning, back, Williams.

t. Bridges, Dawson, Dove, Nicholl,

12. Isaac. PhiUimore, Whitelock.

13. Cherley. 2. Johnson. PLATE 159.— I. Brutton, CoUings,

14. Crog, Crogg, Ede, Mamham, *Milne, 13. "Levall, Nicholas, NichoU, Sherfield. Davall, Davell, Freer, Gregory,
14. Fryer. Haldane, Hamilton, M'Gell, Oakley,

PLATE 155.— I. Bedewell, Bedwell, PLATE 157—1. Fermour, Geffreys, Playfair.
2.'Aimgevyne, Hope, 'Mundell.
Jefieryes, Lingham, Stewart. 3. Croke, Crook, Oraisby, Spottiswood.
4. Carpenter, Goodlad, Nairn, Nairne,
*Hopkins, Lelon, Lellow, Lelou, 2. Reid.
Re)-nolds, Staley, Stayley, Tyrconel.
Lelow, Matson, Osbourne, Stack- 4. Gard.

poole, Wylie. 5.*Bowyer, *Boyare, Bylney, Connell, 5. Butterworth, 'Croad, 'Croade,
2.*Anger, *Angier, *CoIliray.
Halpin, Higginson, Kerdiston, Fernandez, Hengham, Knolles.

3.*Bishton, *Kincaid, *Macdonald. Lauder, Law, Lawder, Laxton, 6.'Amitesly, 'Anelshey, 'Anmetesley,

4. Angus, Codd, Codde, Danes, Daneys, *0'Kiggins, Tassie, Whorwood, 'Annelshie, 'Anteshey, 'Antesley,
Basceilly, Dixon, Kane, Nind.
Domere, Dormere, Iletherington, 6. Ashbome, Ashburne, Burton, Cartell,

Maclachlan, *Rawson. Castell, Coore, *De KaviUand, 7.*Abelyn, 'Abelyne, Barrett, 'Chinneiy,

5. Jones. Fytche, Gunston, Hopper, Jeffries, Drummond, 'Herschel, Martin,

6. Alberough, Albrough, *Batley, *Bat- Lavelis, Longchamp, Longchampe, 'Martjm, Pawlett.

taley, *Batteley, *Battley, *Dennis, Martin, 'Mason, Newmarche, Vosper. 8. Maltravers, Russell.

Nisbet. 7. Delaland, Deland, 'Dickson, 'Hich- 9. Case, Casse, Cowen, Crobber,

7. Balfour. coke, 'Higgins. 'Denouac, 'Eldres, Eraser, Longspee,

8. AUingbridge, *Barttelot, *Beatie, 8. 'Boradaile, 'Borradaile, 'Borrodaile, M'Farquhar, Moile, Moill,'Okeboura,

*Beatty, *Bence, *Beseley, *Cassels, Colfox, Eaglesfield, Eglesfield, Schomberg, Summers, Wadsworth.

Challen, Copeland, Copland, Cowp- 'M'Intire. 10. Bontein, Bonteine, Bunting.

land, *Courtoi5, *Courtoys, *Craw- 9. Dekener, Dekewer, Hagne,*Lamborne, Bengham, Benham, Bruckshaw,

ford, *Crawfurd, Elkins, *Endas, Viel, Vieler. Bruckshow, Cook, Holton.

*Eneas, Freby, Hardcastle, Higgins, 10. 'Grayson, Kyrby, Kyrkby, Luckin, 12. Almond, Archer, Athelstane, Keux,

Hill, Howden, Johnson, Lilbome, Marthani, 'Segar, Stanhope. Lovise, Neal, Neele.

Lilburne, Lindsay, Loughnan, 11. Addis, Ades, .-Vdis, 'Betsworth, 3. Aicken, Aiken, Aikin, Caldwell,

M'Callum, M^Clauchlan, M'Claugh- 'Bettesworth, 'Bettsworth, Bevers Deighton, Dighton, Houndegart,
ham, Bottomley, Boyce, Boyse, 'Leg, Thornton, Whittlebury.
Mlan, Clen, M'Donald, Maclachlan,

M'Lauchlan, M'I.eod, Malcom, 'Burrish, Cidderowe, Clederow, l4.*Agrevell, Agworth, Aide, Aldworth.

Marris, Laing-Meason, Mutter, Perrj', Clitherow, 'Downs, 'He.xt, Higgans, 'Anna, Banister, Barns, 'Beechey,

Pollock, Portal, Pound, Rawson, Higgens, Hyatt, M'Namard, 'Mid- 'Beechy, 'Boldero, 'Bolderowe,

Scherlis, Schroder, Stable, Staines, dleton, Rickards, Treacy, Verdon, 'Burn, 'Burne, *De Anna, Engolisme,

Strange, Trevet, Trevett, Turberville. Whiteway. 'Rowdon,Spelman,Spylnian,Udward.

9.*Bennett, Heath, Hopkins, Johnson, 12. Andros, Beyard, 'Blithe, Bound, 1 5. Coucher, Cowcher, Hodiswell, Hodsal!

Morris, Paddon, Patten. Buchan, Coles, Dore, Kerdiffe, WeUes, WeUs.



PLATE 160.— I. Chambley.Chambly' PLATE 162.- 13. Broheir, Brohier, Carter, *Fitz-EIlis,

Layland, Spearing, Vanort. 2. Abbs, Abraham, *Ashwood, Baillie, Haines, Hutton, Kidd, Warden.

2. Conder, Foxwell. *Billington, Blunt, Coke, Cooke, 14. Gilchrist.

3. Drake. Drayton, Fairbaim, Fairweather, 15. Aberkirdor, Cannon, Goold, Gould,

4. Campbell, 'Constable. Farquharson, Florio, Fonnereau, Jewers, Leslie, Tregos.

5. Bagnel, Bagnell, Bagnill, Bagnoll, Forbes, *Forbisher, Freebaim,

Esclabor, Gospatrick, Hailly, Holder, *Geynton, *Geyton, Grevis, Hay,

M 'Gowran, Murray, Ogilvie,Robertson. PLATEHewson, *Hiccocks, Jack, Janssen, 164.— I. Aston, Atkins,

6. Petit. Joanes, Jones, Ker, Kerr, M'Cleod, Baillie, Bayne, Berrington, Cous-

7. Bagnell, Campbell, Draper, Gowan, M'Hardie, Mackenzie, M'Kenzie, maker, Coussmaker, Flint, Innes,

MacLaurin, Macrorie, Milne, Reece, Macleod, M'Leod, Mason, Masson, Jardine, Julius, Langdale, *Latouche,
Rolland, Rorie, Ross, Roy, Stuart. Maughan, Mellis, 'Mills, Moffat, *Loveley, Martaine, Martin, Martyn,

8. Trotter. Nairne, Oliphant, Pass, Pearson, Pit- Prior, O'Haly, O'Quigley, Oswald,

9. Angolesme, Boggis, Boggs, De cairn, Reilly, Richmond, Rodwell, Partridge, Powell, * Rasper, Rose,

Angolesme, Exton, Marston, Maston, Routh, Rutt, Sligo, Sotheby, Stewart, Salmon, 'Sanderson, Scott, Sinclair,

Tennant. Sydserf, Tyrwhitt, Walker. *Stodart, Vandergucht, Vivian,

10. Barrat, Barratt, Crichton, Daniel, 3. Blunt, *Crowley, Firbank, Pawson. Wardlaw.
4.*Calston, Ewing. 2. Anderson, Auforus, Beeby, Boyd,
M 'Andrew, Mill, Milne, *Monteith, 5. Abrahams, Abram, Auld, Barclay,
Doughty, Dune, Fenkell, Garrick,

11. Jockel, Tennant. Bright, Bruce, Dallyson, Eastchurch, Graveley, Groze, Innes, Kerr, Lang-

12. "Pellew. Eiston, Farquharson, Gilchrist, dell, Le Barue, M'Millan, Mello,

13. .Aberneathy, Abernethy, Anderson, Hewat, Hewatt, Howat, Jeffrey, Murray, Ragg, Ragge, *St. Leger,

Arbuthnot, Asche, Aschey, Ascher, Ker, Leson, Lesone, Lysons, Pearson, Scott, 'Toller, Trubshaw, Vigurs,

Asher, Bailhache, Baird, Bennet, Ben- Pinckeney, Purves, Purvis, Ranken, Watson, Wegg, Wragg.

tick, Bogle, Brown, Brj'son, Cairnie, Saville, Walker. 3. Alston, Andrew, Arther, Arthur,

Constable, Delamare, Duncan, 6. Jackson. Bourchier, Bruce, Carnegie, Clark,

Edmonds, French, Gall, Ga\'in, 7. Brayne, *Brownhill, Holbeck, Dawson, DayroUes, Dorrely, Gourlay,

Gordon, Hyghlord, Jameson, Jamieson, Holbecke, Ryan. Gourley, Graham, Haggard, Jeffrey,

Knevet, Knight, Leyham, Maly, 8. Wickes. Layer, Pinck, Pink, Scot, Seton,

Montchency, Moreland, Mudie, 9. Deveral, Deverel, Emerson, Tytler. Walkington.

Murray, O'Malley, Oswald, Boulter, 10. .\rabin, Firman. 4.*Boodam, Burard, 'Chafiin, 'Despard,

Quatherine,Rankin,Rowand,Scharde- 11. Rennie. 'Eyston, 'Gentle, 'Hawley, 'Hinck-

low, Scot, Scott, Stackhouse, Stephen, 12. Blount. ley, Martin, *Mott, 'Nants, 'Pollock,
'Prior, 'Sackville, *Sackville-Ger-
Stephenson, Stirling, Strachan, Suttie, 13. Anderson, Church, De Bouche, Kemp-

Grant-Suttie, Tendering, Tompkins, ton. main, Trewman.

Vassall, Watson, Whitton, William- 14. Blount. 5. Barnes, Gib, Harries, Latouche,
son, Wood. 'Samborne, 'Wenard, 'Wendesley.

14. Abernethy. Dick, Dick-Cunyngham, I. Arrhbald, Archi 6. Rooper, Roper.

PLATE —Donkin, Drumniond, Duncan, Hamil- 7. Drummond, Du Coin,
163. EUiston,
Marmaduke, Tuchfield.
ton, Harkness, Leckie, Pellew, Wil- bald, Crawford, Dolan, Grendon, Hax-

liamson. ton, Jeanes, Jeans, *Louis, Mikieson. 8. Bellere, Bryson, Brysoun, Brj^san,
2. Achym, Adam, Alderton, Anderson, Bryssone, 'Fecher, Finlayson, Hardie,
—PLATE 161 I. AUaway, AUoway, Jardin, Jardine, Saunders, Sym,
Arnet, Arnot, Baillie, Balfour, Batt, Tooker, Vivian.
Ancram, *Brages, Bridges, *Bruges, Bestow, Blair, Boudier, Burnside.

Brunton, *Campbell, Catesnelboge, Crawford, *Crawfurd, Crawfurd-Stir- 9. Baylie, 'Burmenster, Sinclair, Teulon.
Coats, Cotes, Craick, De la Cherois, ling, *Crog, *Crogge, Dalhurst, Dallas, 10. Allan, Burcetre, Chivers, 'Cotgrave,

Dunsmure, Fairgray,Gray,Grieve, Hen- Dobbie, *Etheridge, Ferney, Gilchrist, 'Cotgreve, Cotgrieve, Maundetield,

derson, Hiching, Hunter, Longland, Gordon, Hamel, Hamell, Hamilton, Oswald.

Longlands, Ormistone, Petrie, Pit- *Hayley, HoUingsworth, Holyoke. Black, 'Bracester, Brigid,
11. Baillie,
Kidd, Kilgour, Killgour, Kinnear.
cairn, Rait, Roberton, Smith, Spence, 'Crioll, Dawson, Farquhar, Ferquhar,

Stedman, Steedman, Yoe, Young. Kydd, Leash, Leslie, Lucie, Mackenzie Flint, Innes, Johnston, 'KerioU,

2.*Cahill, Capell, Clark, Coats, Craik, MacNicol, MelvUe, Melvill, Melville, Lightbody, Southcote, Stoddart,

Dewers, Drakenford, Drysdale, Whyte-Melville, Menzies, Mikieson, 'Stothert, Taddy.

Elliot, Elliott, Ferrie, Fillent, Fisher, Motherwell, Myrtoun, Oliphant, 12. Andegarvia, .\nger, Aunger, Barwicke,
Gillespie, Gray, Grey, Groat, Hep- Otter, Papillion, Perwiche, Powe,
Baxter, Breach, De Fortibus, HeUord,
burn, Hunter, Kinnear, Kyle, Leckie, Preston, Rider, Romerley, Romilly,
Highlord, Ledger.
Litster, LoghUn, O'Cahill, O'Loghlin, Scott, Scougal, Seaton, Seton, Simp 13. Sweet, Swete.
Poulton, Roberton, Schindler, Scott, son. Smith, Sommerville, Souter,
Somerville, Stainforth, Stedman, Tay- .Stevenson, Stiven, Tottenham, Trent, 14. Gibbon.

ler, Thurlow, Wickliffe. Trinling, Watt.

3. Brisban, Brisbane, Cosyn, Duck, 3. Crawford, Dallas, Durham, Fergusson
PLATE —EUev, Kirby, Kirkby, Lydown,
Hay, Innes, Kyd, Mitchelson, Monins 165. I. De Bellomont,

Nevell, Snellgrove, Whitfield. Monyns, Nansolyn, Pettegiew, Ram Faulkner, Irons, Lunden, Lundin,

4. Harrison. Askill, Bledlow, age. Marley, Marlow, Molineaux, Pugh,
5. Cartier. Ruding, Sagrenor, Stewins, Syming-
6. Aiskell, Aiskill, 4. Alston, Alstone, B.iteman, BeatiC; ton, Weldon.
Beattie, Bovce, Boyse, Cooker, Cooper

Delalynd, Homan, Kennedy, Lang- Crawford, M-CoU, Ramsay, Reynolds, 2. Abby, Ad.amson, AtcHff, Atcliffe,

lands, Massingham, Ufford. Sandeland, Samlilands. Atclyff, Atclyffe, Corbreake, Crosse,

7. Betagh, Boxhall, BoxhuU, Boxmell, 5. Kimpton. Featherston, Featherstone, Fergant,
Chalbots, Figes, Jourdan, Kadrad, 6. Ayleward, Ayhvard, Aylwarde, Beriy, Scholes, Squarey, Tinker, Whitehead,
MKinnear, 'Gowan, Neefield, Ner- Brien, *Cheek, Dax, Dore, Foulis,

field, Westerdale, Westerton, Whaley. Hewet, Holderness, Methen, Methven, 3. Clement, Clements, Cranford,

8. Gray, Longland. 7. Baliol, Baylol, Cor, *Meik. Delaplaunch, Devonshire, Miller,

9. Braddyll, Cushney, Depden, Deptun, 8. Otter. Roddam, Rosselyne, Sibbald,

Ennis. 9. Ferguson, *Fox. Tinkler,
10. Pringle. lo.*Barnham, Kington. 4. 'Adam, Carry, Coffin, Devendale,

11. Balfour-Kinnear, Inglis, *0'Loghlen, 11. Vellowly. Donaldson, Egan, Fokeram, Lapsley,

O'Loughlin. 12. Achard, Cracklow, Gates, Seaton Lapslie, Seagr

12. Camper, Higgat, Lysers. Seton, Willison, Wilson. 5. Pedyward,


6. Astell. 7. Achieson, Aitchison, Anwell, Anwyl Gibb, Gorham, Jarred, Jarrett, Kier,
7.*Acbiche, *Aceck, *Anstead, *Ansted, Atcheson, Lancelot, Lockyer, Peche Lyster, Spragg, Stanley, Tay, Todrig,
*Antished, *AnstelI, Arbuthnot,

*Archdall, *Astrye, *As\veIl, *Barclay, 8. Fiske, Fyshe. 2. Aberherdour, Aberkerdour, Aberkir-

Bate, Caesar, Criiso, *Feron, *Forbe5, 9. Ambler, Amerance, Annes, Armess, dor, Allin, Barclay, Blaine, Blane,
*Blissett, Bonar, Boyes, *Browne,
*Fouk, Hackbeck, *ManIey, *Manly, Annis, .Ascon, Askwith, Cayley, Cazenove, Cornack, Dalziel, Deans,
Dymoke, Gowan, Hamilton, Justice,
Mersar, *Rossie, *Tritton, Wiltsh Cayly, Hamilton, Lorimer, Neale. *0'Halloran, Osborn, Osbourne,
Poyntz, Roundell, Rundle, Scobie,
8. Parish. 10. Gabriel. Spalding, Sword, *Tatnall, *Tattall,
\'intris, Wemyss.
9. Fountber)', Meddowes, Meddus. 11. Everard, Manford, Sutton.

10. Brockholes.Coghlan, Coghlen, Cowan, 12. *Clark, *Clarke.
De Harcla, Harcle, Neale, Nele 13. Camden.

Vaire. 14. Acle, Anhelet, Blackball, Felfair,

11. Alverd, Alured, Andre, Andree, Frescheville, Gorges, Gorgis, De 3. Anderson, Bo\vley,Carncross,*Chester,
*Begbie, *Bellomont, Beringham,
Ikriiiii,'ham, Boyd, *Cairleon, Dilkes, Monthermer, Rivel, Searles. *Crouch, *Crowch, Fitz- Allen, Gosse,

Judge, Pickering, Wordie.

PLATE 168.— I. Ashman, Balfour. 4. Crosbie, Crosbey, Dall, *Eastoft,

*Edgar, Habgood, Leir, Smith,

Belfore, Belfour, Belfoure. Smythe, Young.

2. Abbeford, Hewis, Leith-Ross. 5. Aneys, Carbonel, Carbonell, Forbes,

3. Abarle, De la Rever, Delariver, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, Sterry, Whitgreave.

PLATE —166. Menles. 6. Arnold, Wingham.

I. Abercrombie, 4. Crean, De Burgh, Dixon, Fayt, 7. Carles, Carlos, Kirk.

Abercromby, Ardem, Ardyn, Barbour, Gucheres, Hardgrave, Hardgrove, 8. Smith.

Bogley, Christie, Christison, De Harman, Mack, Nettlefold, Plummer, 9. Mallow.

Bruges, 'Garfield, Gordon, *Holy- Ross, St. Low, Sproul, Whitbread, 10. Aundeligh, Bawdewyn, Bawdwen,

land, Mackeill, St. John, Spurrier, Wilson. Drought, ilanley, Lumb.

Welch, Whitford. 5. Hornby. 11. Render, Ockleshaw.
12. Halford.
2. .\bercrombie, Abernethy, Adamson, 6. Budgett.

Aiken, Aiscough, Aitken, Aitkine, 7. Bell, Boon, Boone, Cairns, Desbrisay, 13. Bownas, Caldwell, *Conwell, •Fitz-

Allan, Caddy, Corse, Crosse, Crossing, Dynham, Echingham, Fitzpiers Thomas, *Leale, *Leall, *Lealle,

Dobbie, Dobie, Ellison, Feyrey, Leving, Starr, Stasam. Segar, Segar-Parry.
Feytrey, Fogo, Garen, Gordon,
Guthrie, Guthry, Ironside, Leith, 8. Gallini, 'Hindle. 14. Amaway, Arneway, Arnold, Amway,
Loveyne, M'Cleish, Marr, Maxton,
9. Byngley, Bynley, Cope, *Crigan, Delapool, Delapoole, De la Poole,

Critchley, Critchlow, Derwell^ Edwards, Huntingdon, Huntington,

Moffat, Moffatt, Newall, Peirse, Petrie, Flanders, Hilliar, Huson, Lakenlyche, Sherley, Shirley, Sumner.

Radnor, Redham, Robe, Spalding, Lakinleech, Lakinlich, Letch, Mans- 15. Whitgreave.
Thomson, Thrale. ton. Rose, Ross, Rosse, Whistler.

3.*Belt, Chein, Cheine, Cheyne, De lo.*Brookes, *Brooks, Delapipe. PLATE 171.— I. *Allden, *Alldin,
Gaunt, Dorward, Dumard, Earnshaw, ii.*Beaty, Flavel.

Mansfield, Matchet, Matcheton, 12. Biest, Brampston, Crucks, Greer, *Alldon, *Hayman, *Preadeaux.

Mercer, Nottage,Tod-Mercer, Turney. Greir, Grier, Gresoun, Grierson, 2. Belsted, Belstede, Belstide, Beltead,

4. M'CarUe, *M'Kerlie. Ingles, Lockhart, Oyry, Swain Dalton, Nottage, Pearse, Rewtoure,

5.*Beg, *Begg, *Bifield, *Byfeld,*Byfield, Swaine. Thatcher.

Filfed, *Keignes, *Keynes. 13. Bonney, Fakenham, Feckenham, 3. Grantham.
4. Booth, Brounker, Cockerell, Cramp-
6.* Adams, Almears, Almeers, Ameers, Fitz-Ralph, Grierson.
ton, Grant, Gryme, Kibble, Verdelin.
Damory, M'Glashan.

7. Capes, Castell, De Mardeston, 5. Pearson.
6. Moon.
Deneston, Deveston, Donovan, New- PLATE 169.— I. Yaldwyn.
7. De Gray, Hobbs, Lawford, Sinclair,
bald, Newbold, Warr.

5. *Coffield, *Farmer. 2. Buchanan, Cairncross, Carnwath, Coyt- Thorp, Truscoat, Truscott.

9. Achany, Ahanny, Ahany, Carse, more, Dalzell, Durnford, Macquire, S. Cafe.
Carss, Crass, Crasse, Delaleigh,
M 'Quire, Bring, Thetford, Wimbolt. 9.*M'Anaspog, Truscott.

Delegh, Hannay, Kennan, Sermon, 3. Blanchard, Everest, Govan, Kavanagh, 0. Bone, Boun, Bounn, Burgin, Dufius,

Watson. Taap, Tapp. Dunbar, Elrington, Heald, Johnson,

10. Broon, Dudgeon, Irvine. 4. Carnac, *0'Mullan. Terell.
li.*Game, Greenfield, Staveley. 5. Cheeke, Claus, Deans, Haselerton,
,12. Adam, Adie, Addie, Aedie, Andesley, 1. FaithfuU.
Hone, Nixon, Oxborough, Oxburgh, 2.*Beaghan, *Brerwood, *Brierwood,
Backie, *Chaworth, Constantyne, Reddingfield.
Dernford, Downie, Edie, Fage, Cumming, Cummyng, *Dick, *Fer-
6. Pittillo. rall, *Finchiiigfield, Gatonby, Gun,

Fetherston, Fetherstone, Finnis, 7. Timbrell. *Huntingfield, "Jo''"^""' *Johnslon,
8. Abercorne, Burn, Garside, Gartside, *MacQuay, *McQuay, *Maquay,
Kingley, Macadam, Nadler, *Won-
desford, *Zymon. Hair, Littell, Noy, Thirlwall, Topham, *Querouaille, *Smith, *Smyth.

13. McKerrow. Wakerley. 13. Jenner, *Jennerson.
14. Adam, Ambridge, Brine, Coe, Jugler,
9. Aberdour, Ariel, Ariell, Coningham, Dunn, Dunne.
*Paul, Whitelocke, Whitley, Whitlie.
Fitz-Ourse, Fnrnival, *Furnivall,

PLATE —Paveley, Rose.

10. Binns, *Fleming, Hesketh, Macklellan,
172. I. Akelits, Akelitz,

PLATE 167.— I. Brenan, Brennan, M M'Lagan, 'Laren, M'Lellan, Plomp- Elmore, Fantleroy, Fauntleroy, Hake-

Crane, Du Boys, Forners, Forneys, ton. Price, Sublet. lut. Hatchet, Hemstead, Hemsted,

Hailes, Hasted. 11. Chastelon, Farr, Favell, Glendenning, Tilley, Tunnadine.

2. Bracken, Byres, Cauty, Deards, Glendonwyn, Glendowing, Sterling, 2. Strother, Tylden.
3. Clark, Drury, Foliot, Foliott, Har-
*Delavere, Dowding, Fitz-Marma- Tate.
wine, Jenkins, Luxmore, Misserinen,
duke, *Lax, Mawgyron, Montgomery, 12. Busterd, Cannon, Davy, Durham, Missirinen, Morse, Norton, Oldmixon,

Pitman, Rushbrook. Gwyn, Harliston, Harlston, Lake, Parsons, Radcliffe, Shinglehurst,
*Veale, Waddel.
3. Fell. Maclaren, Munton, Todman, Willson. 4. Aynesworth, Aynworth, Dornford,
Fitz-Vrian, *Inge, Irball, Johnes,
4. Uillas. Johns, Joynour, *Juge, Le Scot,

5. Howard. 47—2
PLATEi>. Brenchesley, Brenchley, *Fearon,
170.— I. Aberkirdor, Aberkir-

*Plomer, *Toolcy, *Towley. dour, Bagge, Baillie, Dunn, Fowlis,



Morse, Shepard, Sheperd, Sheppard, 13. AUnett, AUnutt, Almot, Alneot, Alnot, 12. CoUison, Creighton, Forest, Harling,

Smith, Spittal, Spratt, Waddell. Carnegie, Cobbold, Hatchet, Hatchett, Harlingham, HoUiday, Leeds, Mar-

5. Hodder. Hawley, Kennoway. ney, Tuberville.
6. Dom, Gardiner, Tackle, Tobin, 14. Ball, Delahill, De Vic, Garter, 13. Burslam, Burslem, Comberford, Mayce,

*Tomkins. *Kerrich, Miller, Pratt, Rampston, Nonwers, Norwers, Nouwers, De la

7. Eccles, Ecles, Ekles, Erisby, *Firth, *Raven. Nouers, Nowers, Straiton.
*SempIe. 14. Anlet, Anlett, Boak, Brian, Brunton,

PLATE —9. Bigg, Dempsey, Pasmore, *Tomlins. Bryen, "Burton, Cockerith, Cokerith,
175. I. Beesley, Beesly, Compton, Crumpton, Festing, Frend,
Goodale, Goodalle, Keenlyside, Kirk-
10. Dale. Beseley, Besley, Besly, Cooper, Lang,

11. Parr)'. Langan, Pumell, Winterbottom. hoven, Redmond, Saphar, Teggart,
Wells, Wilkinson.
12. Brattle, *BrudenaI, *BrudeneU, *Mac- 2. Adamson, Cassidy, D'Arcy, Darcy,

lean, *Macleans, *Macmichael. Fitz-Alin, Fitz-Allan, "Richmond, 15. Benley, Bensley, Bensly, Boag, Bogg,

13. Bullock, Sybells, Weddel, Weddell. Tidbury, *Webb. Cooper, Ekington, Ekinton, Forbes^
14. Maclaine. 3.*Fairford. Houston, Woodstock.

4. Ranking.

PLATE —173. l.*Bingley, *Da\'is,
PLATEEgerton, *Faldo, Hanly, IiTing,
5. Langmore. 178.— I. Porter.
6. Borelands, Borland, Culler, Ethelstan,
*Symons, Thomas, Wilton, Worsycke. 2. Porter.
Ethelston, Foskett, O'Feargus, Tid-

2. Dineley, Leeson, Myers, *01dershaw, marsh. 3. Bell, "Buck, Farquharson, Farquher-
son, Fencourt, Marson, Melles, Por-
Ponsonby, Romaine, Windus. 7. Sadler.
8. Eotatort, Botetourt, Tiller, Timmins.
3. Ap-Enyions,Bowes,Braksdall, Breche, ter, Renolds, Somaster, Somerset,
Cameron, Cawdor, Cole, Crow, De 9. Aprece, Colbroke, Colebrock, Cole- Somester, Sommaster, Sumaister,
brook, Mackinnon, Town, Towne.
Eureux, D'Eureux, Doane, Done, 10. Lombe. Sumraaster, Wilmot.

Donne, *Edmeades, Egerton, *Ella- 11. Amherst, Amhurst. 4. Acre, Aker, Crawley, Cropper, Ful-

way, Eureux, Forbes, Fourbins, Har- 12. Allen. herst, Fulsherst, HoUiam, Johnson,

del. Harden, Irvine, Keen, Kettle, Leslie, M'Cullock.
l3.*Garland, Waldeshescheff, Waldesheff,
L)Tidon, Ould, *Parker, Segrave, 5. Astrovel, "Burges, Dacres, Peters,
Shawe, Spiers, Wiles. Provost, Wakehurst.
14. Tylden. 6. Aiken, Albeney, Atkin, Culchech>
4. Akenside, Amerle, Aumarle, Aumerle, 15. Peck. Dealbeney, "Delavache, Ennis, Fin-

Colshull, Ealand, Elwell, Hancock, derne, Fyndeme, Godin, "Hantvill,

PLATEHancox, Honnyman, Honyman, Hay, Hei-vy, "Orby, Dyke.
7. AUvey, Alvey, Farey, Ferrey, Ferry,
*Hutcheson, *0'Lonargan, Srabonne.
176.— I. Tharrold. Hay, Hines, Imbrie, Imrey, Imrie,
6. Juxon, Steradale. Kroge, Laugher, Tane.
2. Blennerhasset,Carlyon, Corby, Hawks. 8. Abbis, Abbiss, Abis, Abys, Johnston,
Johnstone, Liston, Ruddiman, WoUa-
7. Bowditch, *Bullock, Bygot, Cron, Paganell, Pagnell, Traill, Trewarther, combe.
Crone, Finney, "Herbert, *Hyde, 9. Dallas, Kadie, Keddie.
3. "Ackers, Alderson, Bodkin, Cossens, 10. Tay.
11. Blick, Blicke, Cheshire, Chesshyre,.
'Jenkins, Thursby. Craig, Craigdallie, Craigie, Crichton; Harold, Harould, Harrold, Keith.
12. Nanfant, Ponpons.
8. Ewar. *Enibery, Gordon, Hurley, Juckes,
g.'Arrowsmyth, Boatfield, * Windsor.
10. Cecil, Gascoyne - Cecil, *HamiIton, Jukes, Lort, Marrow.
4. Buggen, Buggens, Buggin, Conran,

Cranston, Hendley, Hendly, Temple.

Tillet. 5. Crakenthorpe, Craufurd, Crawford
Kirch, Looker, Lyndown, Uffleete.
1 1 Callore, *Combrey

12. Bower, Falcon, Fawcon, Grosset, 6. Ferrier.
7. Askeby, Askely, Asklaby, Asklakby,
Grossett, *Loth, *Lothe.
13. Bavent, Bowes, Done, Ke)Tie, Segrave. Asklakeby, Boyd, Cuppage, Hart

I4.*lrving. M'Indoe. PLATE —179. I. Bur^vasch, Bur-

8. De Keyser. wash, Burwashe, Donaldson, Evetick,

PLATE 174.— I. Atkinson, Utber, 9. Paris. Saltmarsh, Saltmarshe.

Utker. 10. Dyce, *Fortescue, Mervin, Shields, 2. Creveguer, Creveguere, Grant, Kirk-

2.*Rawdon, Stubbs, Veevers. Stopham. patrick, Mackenzie, M'Kenzie, Mac-

3. Anleby, Anselbie, Anselby, Charle- 11. Elliot, Elliott. kinzie, M'Onald, Reoch, Stewart,
wood. Gilder, Marshall. 12. Albertori, "Briscoa, Hatch, Gray

4. .Archer, *Bowman, *Douglas. OvTay. 3. Campbell, M'Gibbon, Stanley Steer.

5. Taylor- Whitehead. 13. "Bryant, Deyncourt, "Haselerton, Jas 5. Chelham, Lutton, Maitland, Travers,.
6. Symcoats.
per. Keep, Sandell. Walker.

7. Davis. 14. Beavins, Bevans, Bloxam, Bloxham, 6. Aines, Ainge, Ainger, Aitken, Aitkin,,
8. Oldershaw.
Boddicott, Bodicote, Bodycoat, Swin Atkin, Atkins, Colston.

9. Ely, Feast, Fletcher, Quin, Savage, ford, Webster. 7. Bradwell, "Cadiman, Comick, Dal-
rymple, Deline, Grant, Haig, Hamil-
Stock. 15. Dupont, Esdaile, Foord, "Hyde,
ton-Dalrymple, Hay, Homsey, Keith,
10. AUaunson, Alyson, Bonehara, Bon- Kinarby. Kylle, Langlois, Le Roache, Ma

ham, Broadbent, Brodbenl, Cham-

berlain, Chamberlan, Dancer, Leger. kenzie, M'Kenzie, MacNeil, McNeil,
M'Neil, Macneill, Mather, Pitt
PLATE11. Atkinson, Beavis, Belward, Bevis, 177.— I. Croker. Reoch, Roche, Rowche, Sandeman,

Bickenor, Bicknor, Brumfield, Byke- 2. Aderson.

nor, Bykenore, Garden, Chabnor, 3. Ferns, "Giles, ^\hetnall. Scarsborough, Southall, Walker.
Clark, Clarke, Gierke, Davidson, De 4. Butler, Drew, Dunn, Dyrrwame, Dyr- 8. Beamish, Bemish, Cass, Faal, Lauder,
Ferrers, Dragoner, Drayner, Drum-
ward, Dyrwarne, Fitz-Barnard, Fitz- Lawder, Nurse, Pashley, Pasley.

mond, *Ekeney, Hansby, Helme, Bemard, Forsyth, Weatherall, Wils- 10. Billing, "Robley.

Holt,Huthwait,*Johnson,*Kirkwood, here. 1 1. "Crawford, Cra\vfurd, Lindsay, Stacey.

Langley, Lewellyn, Llewellyn, Mudge, 5. Corsellis, Kyrrelorde, Lucas, Murray. 12. Baron, Barron, "Cathcart, *Der;

Mudie, Nichols, Plater, Raeburn, 6. "Hill, Horseman. "English, Malcolm, Malcom.

Sale, Sail, Sexton, Sharp, Smart, 7. Leet, Lete.

Spink, Spinks, Sydney. 8.*Brinton, Carey, "Compton, Faulder,
PLATE —12. Apreece,*Broderw-icke, Brodi-ick,Cas-
Fuller, Fulwer, "Sherfeild, * Wheatley. 180. I. Balbirney, Bald-

lon, Conqueror, Fitz-Osbom, Holt, 10. Backie, Baikie, Dart, Darte, Dast, bemey, Boult, Callagan, Elworthy,

Morgan, Panton, *Pery, Rice, Firebrace, Graham, Wallis. Hopcroft, Pagalet.

*Rosseter, *Roster, Scott, Wisemale. 11. Fuller. 2. Ismay.



PLATE —Everit, Everitt, Govesy, Govisy,
3.*He1sham, IloUiday, Idle, Minnitt, 186. I. Abadain, Abau-

Olivier, Poigndestre. Shekell, Stokely, Lovetoft, Lovetot, Moberley, Moberly, dain, 'Bowerbank, 'Emline, 'Emlyn,

Street, Tillard, Twigg, Twigge, Modburley, Rodger. Gordon, Harty, Mackenzie, Shaw,

Tyron, Walleys, Wigmore. 3. Bloss, Dalley, Dally, Daly, Kathyng, Shaw-Stewart, Stewart, Wightman,

4. Baiidinel, Barrett, *Chemere, Lawful, Kating, Katling, Kaytyng, Leslie. Willingham, Wood, Woodford.

Pecke, Shairp. 4.*Collingborne, Darcey, Darcy, D'Arcy, 2.*Maynell, 'Alenell, 'Meynell, Murray.

5.*AbeIon, *Abilon, *Barclay,*Barkeley, *Fyan. 3. Allardice, Allerdice, AUieson, Allison,

*Beardmore, *Berdmore, *Berkeley, 5. Barwell, Eland, Elland, Elphingston, Burland, Gedding, Geding, Lynam,

^Cleveland, *Cocksey, *Eadon, *Ed- *Gainsford, 'Gaynsford, Hendley, Murray, 'Powle.

dowes, *Fawcett, Harding, Hardinge, Keith, Lodington, Sexton, Turyn, 4.'Aikenhead, 'Aitkenhead, 'Brickwood,

*Pettit, *Petyt, *Spalding, *Tenison, Woodroffe. 'Brigwood, I

*Tulloch. 6. Dankyrsley. Le Mesurier.

6. Edwards. 7. Airlie, Annesley, Grandison, Granson, 5. Auvray, Blaumester, 'Brian, Brisbane,

7. Bethune, Codd, Fren, Frene, Healy, Millar. *Bi7an,Leahy,Levingstone,McHaffie-
Gordon, Meriton, Murray, Powel,
Ouchterlony. 8. Aickinson, Bailey, Bailie, Baylee,

Elphinstone. Powell, S.ibben, St. Owen, Trumpeter,

Ames, Amos. 9. OgiK^. Wood.

Benjamin, Cuckborne, Dundas, Hesill, 10. Witham. 6. Bowyer, Coults.

Mansel, Mansell, Maunsell, Swift. 11. Van Voorst. 7.*Babeham, 'Babehaw.

Cabourne. l2.*Cargin, *PIarrold, Stirling. 8. Sykes.

Goldie, Hansard, Harringworth, 13. Simp.^on. 9. Jl'Corda, Mackorda, 'Moore.

Kibble, La Cloche, Latimer, Lionnel, 14. Heriz, 'Lexington, Ogilvie, *Scot 10. Bridgen.

Rufus, Rutledge. 1 1 'Albert, 'Browne, Comberton, Dorien,

13. Sciaualuga, Von Stunner. PLATE 184—1. Bailey. Elwin, Elwyn, Elwynn, Haig, Haigh,
14. *Lisle, Lysle.

2. Bicknall, Bicknell, Boughey, Falconer, 12. Brenton, Fairfield, Hollyland, Holy-

PLATE —181. I. Cane, Glasier, 'Faulkner, Hynell, Sheridan. land, O'Kelly.

Glazier, Hamilton. 3. Langer, *Ohmann. 13. Broad, Dox, Doxey, Govett, Large,

2.*Campbell, *Corderay, *Corderoy, 4. Duckworth, Hardcastle, Scot, Scott. 'MacConach, 'MacConachie, Mac-

Dingwall, Douglas, Enswell, Entwis- 5. Bonham, Bruer, Brumherd, Byrn, farlan, M'Farlane.

sell, Gray, *Pembroke, *Tooker, Byrne, Byron, *Challon, Chiswell, i4.*Appleford, Cleiland, Cleilland, Cor-

Guillen, EUice, Ellis, Enell, Garneshe, del, Cordell, Cordelle, 'Woodville.

*Tucker, Turner. Gamishe, Garnyl, Glass, Glasse, Gol-

3. Gerdon. PLATE —ever, Haly, Hastings, Jones, Kinloch,

4.*Chetwyn, Lightfoot, Logan. Lauzon,M'Nair,I\['Nayr,*M'Nemara,
187. I- Bake, Banner-
5- Rigg-
6. Breawse, Burden, Chatting, Ewart, Marbury, Mason, Meare, Merbury, man, Bonekill, Borrowman, Bruns-

'Mere, Meres, Metley, Meyers, Moore, field, Brunshelds, Chassereau, Croas-

7.*Beeston, *Beestone, *Beiston, *Dock- Moultrie, Moutry, Murray, 'Myers, daile, Durborough, Easton, Geils,
ware, *Dockwrae. 0'Byrne,0'Cullen, Rutherford, Ruther- Giles, Heriot, Stirling - Hamilton,
furd, Skeffington, Skevington, Sleford, Joicey, Le Hunt, Leslie, Mount,
8. Rattray. Cusac-Smith, "Wallop, Warburton. Ogilvie, Sale, Trew.
2. Barrowman, Gordon, Hewitt, Mount-
9. Coulter. 6. Ellis.
10. Campbell, Mack, Nathan. joy.
11. Lyndsay. 7. Broadhurst, 'Cusack, Fennor, Goband, 3. Capron, 'Kersteman.
12. Ivirby, Kirkby, Mackenzie, M'Kenzie, Legget, Murray. 4. Chevalier, Dalsiel, Dalyell, Dalziel,

Thompson. 8. Aitkenson, Anneles, Atmore, Atte- Grill, Hampstead, Hampsted, Hincks,
13. Boileau, BuUey, Clavel, Clavell, more, Biron, Brewer, Minett, O'Bryne, Joice, Joyce, Widvile.
O'Byme. 5. 'Elliot, 'Elliott, Morse.
Lindsay, Tourner, Turner, Watson. 6. Althan, Althaun, Comrie, Comry,
14. Thomson, *Toker, Truell. 9. Conelly, Connelley, ConoUy, Mont-
gomerie, Montgomery.

10. Balfour, 'Stewart-Balfour. 'Coults, Giflard, Hood, M'Leurg,

PLATE —182 I. *Braybrooke, 1 1. Carruthers. Ruffy.
12. Carruthers, Croudace, Dufty, 'Fithier, 7.*Bovil, 'Bovile, 'Lawrie, 'Maitland.
Goldston, Goldstone, Keys, Lessler, S.'Macgregor.
Leslie, Murray, Preston, Staden, 9. Aikman, Cleveland, Pitcher, Seaton,
Lighton, Mill, Milne, Mylne, Smith, Standen.
Wolverstone. i3.'Ellis.
l4.*Britain, 'Briton, 'Britten, 'Britton, 10. Caldmore.
2. Christie, *Cookes, Faringham, Fame- 11. Denman, Dunstavile, Dunstaville,
Cheeke, Denison, 'Walstonecroft,
ham, *Pannell, Peart, Pert. WoUstonecraft. Garret, Hewetson,'Stourton, Sturton.
12. Clark, Clerk, Daws, Mercier, Murray,
3. Carey, Cary, Carmichael, Griffith.
Larder, Marrow, Mowbray, *Rudd,

Tanfield, Tansfield. Pennycoock, Pennycuick, Rattray.

4. Amo. PLATE 185.— I. Curwen, Gabriel, 13. Dangar, 'Fulwood.

5. Anne, *Darcie, Kele, *Kepping, Gabryell. 14. Curteiss, Curtess, Curteys, Curtois,

Keyle, *Lalynde, 'Overton, Parr, 2.*Barr, Corney, Douglas, Lachlan. Curtoys, Dracelow, Drakelow, Hay,

Tanfield. 3.'CoterelI, 'Cotrell, 'Davers, Living- Mahon,*Pater5on-Balfour-Hay.
6.*Daunecourt, *Daunscourt, Morfyn.
ston, 'Livingstone, Meurs, Mey,
7. Den.
S. Cary, ElUs, Graffeth, Hempgrave, Plowman. PLATE 188.-

Thornton. 4. Maconachie, Maconochie. 2.*Cardwell, Cletherow, Clyderowe,
9. Elmes, Ewarby, Gregory. 5. Hotham. Modburley,
6. 'Bowman, Chatfield, Fiton, Leader, 'Clown, 'Delamaine,

lo.*Braybroke. Millar, Miller. 'O'Malone, 'Tooker.
3. Caster, Cleraiont, 'Donand, Gabell,
11. Gwynne-Vaughan. 7. Arscot, Framlingham, 'Zephani.
12. Argall, Asgile, Badby, *Brett, 8. Corrie, Corry, Hanckford, Hyman, Galliez, Gellie, Gelly, 'Mackrery,

*Dempsey,Demford,*Giffard,*Haws, Soper, Sutton. 'Macrery.
4. Brooke, Cletherow, Clyderowe, Gam-
*Hawse, Hipkiss, *Lambeit. 9. Durward, Lee, Leigh.
l4.*Goatley, *Goatly, Lambert, *Lowdell, 10. Halfhead, Hartman. bell, Gamble, Hornby, M'Kerrell,

* Paris. 11. Vivian. Malone.

PLATE —183. I. Purchon. 12. Curtoys, Dawbin, 'Hebden, 'Kama- 5. Campbell, Mackenzie.
bye, May, Robertson, 'Tregent, 6. Clesby, 'Danford, 'Delamaine, Hind,

2. Attwood, Cunningham, Cunninghame, Trite. 'Ratford, Sinclair.



7- Cloun, Clun, *Fanacoiirt, *Marshall, lynes, Montgomery, Morgan, Moubray, Packe, Raine, Reade, Westbrook,

*Moriey. Muir, Prendergast, Pykin, Rayley, Younger.

8. Trafford, De Trafford. Rochead, Rocheid, Savage, Stewart, 2. Ayre, Eyre.

9. Cliffe,Luke,Reielly,Scopham, Scopyn. Waveney, Williams. 3. Copinger, Haddon.
4. Chelley, M'Call.
lo.'Middleton, *Myddleton, 'Walton. l3.*Boking, *Bokinge, De la Pole, De 5. Acton.
6. Gilman.
ll.*MinshaIl, *Minshull, *Mynshall. Moleyns, Rouse.

i2.*Asheton, *Ashton, *Assheton, Ety, i4.*Abilem, Annesley, Audely, Auge,

Pilkington. Bruse, Irby, Ligon, *Lloyd, Mure, 7. Gay ton, Humphreys, Humphries,

Penhelleke, Powtrell, "Sackford, Sal Humphryes.

PLATE —189. i.*Benbow, Blacke- lowaye, Selby,Shelton, Shirley, Staple 8. "Archer-De-Boys, "Chambers, Golborn,

ney, Blackeiiy, Blackney, Blakeny, ton, Stirling, Strelley, Touchet, Tre Golborne, Mackiuly, Sotherton.

Colter, Coulter, Humphray, Morrell, menheere. 9. M'Alla, M'Aulay, Macaulay, Mac-

Sutton, Trimnel, Trimnell. kauly. Bachelor, Bachelour,
2. Lake.
PLATE 191.— I. Borthwick, Dunston, 10. Bache]er,

3.*Aries, *Ams, Metcalfe. Duston, Gawsworth, Haly. Batchellor, Batchelor, "Bower, "God-

4. Colemere, Colmore, Humfrey, Hum- 2. Morrison. manstone. Rain, Raine.

phrey, Hurry, Pocher, Souter. 3. M'Clelland. 11. Bleuett, Blewet, Blewitt, Sibbald.

5. Abrey, Craig, Craige, Estrange, Jes- 4. Brocas. 12. Hussey.
sope, jessopp, Jessup, Jett, *Stedman,
Thwaites. 5. Big, Bigg, Bigge, Campbell-Miller- 13. Jossey, Townsend.

Morrison, Haynes, Mason, *Monson,

6. Bothwell,*BoyneU,*Boyville, Hankin. Morison, Morrison, *Noithleigh,
7. Cleave, Hamilton,*Keating,*Keatinge,
*Pearson, *Pierson. PLATE 194.— I. Burton.
Neish, Round, TuUy.
6. Blair, Dingley, Dinley, Dodson, Mas 2. Silber.

8. Dunn. quenay, *Whitney. 3. Baker.

9. Adye, Adyer, Ambrose, Baird, Brady, 7. Colston, Cusach, Cusack, Cusacke, 4. Hussey.
Bushell, Bussell, Busshell, Carruthers, "Derrick, Norman. 5. Hill.

Clavering, Courtne)-, Depham. De- 8. Adair. 6. Barkeman, Barkham.
sanges, Donhault, Edgworth, Eng- 7. Algood, Allgood, Belvale, "Gibbons.
land, Fanning, Foggo, Fogo, Jellicoe, 9. Abeline, Ablin, Ablyn, Brooking, 8. Green, Steer, Tison.
Legat, Leggatt, Lugg, MacBrady Dransfield, *Huntercomb, Ireby, 9. Briscoe, Briscowe, Monckton, Mong-
Knapman, Murdoch, Sheen, Unter-

Menzies, Murray, Overend, Porter combe. done, Mongton, Mongtown, Monk-
ton, Paul.
Sarjeantson, Wade, Wood. 10. Buckworth, *Symes.

10. Adelin, Cock, Cocks, Copland, *Cray, 11. Adair, "Keeling, "Kellyng, "Kelnyg, 10. Algood, Allgood, Rasdall.
"Kelynge, "Rotherham, "Wallace. li.*Auffrick, "Beecroft, "Butler, Mowne,
Fitzgerald, Flood, Gennett, Horscote, 12. Stapleton. "Tallantire, "Trevelyan, "Webber.

Johnson, *Johnslon, *Judkin-Fitz- 13. Frost, Ginger. 12. Anstruther, Brember, Chartnay,

gerald, Sowter. Chartney, "Fitz-Osbom, Handy,

11. Mitchell-Carruthers, Mitchell. PLATE 192.-I. Litcott. Tolman, "Watford,
l2.*Coffy, O'Cobthaigs. l3.*Corbyn, O'Donel.

13. Auld, Aulde, Courtney, Scot, Walker, 2. Cobham. 14 "Jary.

Wood. 3. Barrington, Shedden, Thurland.

4. Coker, Livingstone, Main, Moore,
PLATEMordaunt, More, Quadering, Quad-
PLATE 190.-i.*Darell, Durell. 195.— I. Areskine, Brouncker,

ring, "Saint Lo. Clifton, Colbey, Engleheart, Erskine,

2. Newall. 5. Warner. Fulwer, "Hansard, "Hemsworth,
3. Wallpool, Walpole, Wrey. 6. Andrews, "Bugge, "Gierke. Linesley, "Pottinger, Rawle, Raw-

4. Bayn, Chesney, Irby, Jones, Norton, 7.*Bownell, HaUburton, Hallyburton. Uns, Saunders, "Taylor, Thomson,

Topper. 9. "Achilles, "AchilHs, Bertie, Buxhull, Tuffnal, Tufnell, TuftneU.

5.*Alkene, *Askue, *Ayskew, *Bamsley, Churchill, Freshacre, Geering, Mon- 2. Abbs, Aldworth, Alexander, Armstrong,

Blondell, Bouche, Briscoe, Briscowe, caster, Presland, Prestland, Varty, Ashtown, Baggally, Bagley, Beirne,

BuUer, Burwell, 'Byfleet, *Carver, Willoughby. Bellew, Boteler, Brace, Breanon, Brig-

Chandos, Charlewood, Charlwood, lo."Earnley,"Hobush,"Warberton,* War- den, Cabbell, Cameron, Camell, Car-

Cobham,Creswell,Edington,Flamank, burton. vile, "Cheffield, Chepstow, Chevil,

Flamock, Gleame, Gleane,*Heaviside, li."Heveninghain, "Heveringham, Hods- Chiney, Clifton, Connor, Connour,

Holcombe, Howndhile, Howndhill, don, Pa)'nter, "Pitches. Conor, "Copley, Crosroe, Curtis,
Donald, Donaldson, Dowglas, Drum-
Hubbard, Irby, Irton, Lambsey,Lame- 12. Bacche.

sey, Lecton, Rlaniot, Manley, Marshall, 1 3. Agas, Agg, Auge, Andrewes, Andrews, mond, Ellicombe, Fox, Freeke, Freke,
Fi-y, "Gamin, Gledstanes, Goade-
*Menzies,Middleton,*Morgan,*Mure, Annesley, Annyslay, "Ansley, Ash-

Powell, *Ricard, Rochead, Roughead, urin, Blaikie, Borthwick, Carleill, froy, Goodhand, "Gorman, Gow,

Rudger, Sahvay, Stapylton, Strelley, "Carlisle, Clayfield, Cleland, Coker, Graham, Grant, Guthrie, Hacket,
Ward, Warner, Weston, Whitte- Colemere, CoUamore, Collmore, Colly "Halliday, Harvey, "Higham, Hogan,

wronge. Wilder, Williams, *Witte- more, Conway, Conyers, Cosway, Den, John, Johnston, Kane, Keir, "Kirke,
wrong, Winnington, Wynne. *Du Halgoet, Everard, Fondre, Gos- Langton, Laungton, Lisle, Litchfield,

6. Bawde, *Buch, *Grallly. selin, Grantham, Halyburton, Harlaw, "Macarmick, Macbeath, "McClelland,

7.*Cresswell, Curling, Dangerfield, Lad- Holies, Kingsmill, Le Maire, Little- "M'Coul, M'Donald, MacDougall,

kin, "Livingstone, *Muir, *Multon, ton, Lum,Lumm,Lj-ttelton,M'Clell an, MacMahon,M-Xeil,Macneill,M'Nelly,

*Napier, *Rochead, *Ruck. Mair, Masterman, Menell, Meynell, Maguire, Mansfield, Mathew, "Mere-

8.*Bourcher, *Bourchier, *Bourchir, Moore, "Moore-Carrick, Mordaunt, weather, Merriman, "Merriweather,

Flight, Sattherthwaite. "Jlore, "Mores, "Rowe-Mores, "Muir, "Merryweather, "Meryweather, Mill-

9. Barrington. "Mure, "Newbery, "Newborough, ward, Mirehouse, Neale - Burrard,

10. Alpin, Kirkaldie, Kirkaldy, Maxwell. Norton, O'Conry, "Packer, "Pecksall, Newborough, Newport, Norton,

11. Eddinglon, Edington, Macalpin, Moir, "Pexall, "St. Loe, "Sands, "Se)-mour, "Nowell, O'Beime, O'Breanon,

*Molleson, Munt, Musard, Roddam, "Sim, "Stirling, "Tanner, Titus, Trout- O'Brenan, O'Claiy, O'Connor,

Tiddeman, Tideman. beck, "Valentia, "Weltden, Westcote. O'Conor, "O'Conor Don, Odel,
12. Ash worth, Brackenbury, Crofton, 14. Bacche, Bache, Lygon, Maxwell. "Odell, "O'Donochoo, "O'Donoghoe,

Duston, Dustone, Gaudine, Great- "O'Gorman, O'Heyne, "O'Kennelly,
PLATE -head, Johnson, Lang, Lansford, O'Learie, O'Neil, O'Neill, Pace,
193. I. Airey, Allman,

Laverye, *Lemmington, *Lenington, Alman, Archer, Ayre, Eyre, "Foljamb, Paulet, "Payne, Phillpotts, Pollett,

*Lennington, Magill, Maxwell, Mo- "F^oljambe, Helias, M'CuU, Pack, Porter, Poulet, Probert, Quin, Quia-


ton, Rawlins, Rokeston, *Roney, 'Nethersole, Smyth, 'Tennyson, 'Farrand, 'Ferrand, Gibbs, Gibson,

Rule, Simcoe, Sionnach, Smith, Thompson. Gytties, Hagley, Halke, Hall,

Smyth, Spange, Stratford, Taafi'e, 4. 'Bruce, Everet, Everett. Henessy, 'Hurlebert, Jackson,

Thomond, Toulmin, Trangmar, 5. Combe. Jeremy, Joyner, Lawson, 'Lee,

Trench, *Tyler, Underhay, Vane, 6. Randolph- Lichfield. Leveson, Leye,MacSweeney,*Nevett,

Wade, Wall, Wallace, Wolston, 7. Armistead, Auchmuty, Cuffe.M'ICinna, 'Nunn, O'Hennessy, Osborne -

Wolstone. 'Thompson - Meysey, 'Thompson, Gibbes, 'Place, Polkinghome, *Quil-

. Abel, Abell, Conner, Douglas. Thomson. ter, Rattray, 'Raymond, 'Samler,

. Bain, Bastard, Bates, Brenan, Clayton 8. Holmes. 'Schomberg, Varley, Verthon, War-

Cringan, Crinan, Crinzian, Mouchet. 9. Combe. wick, 'Weekes, 'Whitter, 'Wright,

. Johnston, Lessingham. 10. Boycott. 'Nowell. 'Yarner.

. Abingdon, *Bastard, Blyth, "Cantrell, 11. Boycott. 7.'Burchall, Exeter, Knapton.

Grindal, Grindall, Gwyn, Jacobs, 2.*Castlecomb, Johnson. 8. Musgrave.

Woodham. 3. Tonge-de-Tonge. 9. Ridge.

. Kynaston. 4. Parr. 10. Deasy, 'Jordon.

. Delane, Fiirse, Lee, O'Kennelly. 11. lohnson, Johnson.

. Cameron, *Clark, *Cooke, Franke, . Birt, Grover, Skeen, Skene.

Franks, Warley. PLATE 198.-I. Ashawe.

. Barksteade, De Massue Fenton, *Jen- 2. Caswall. PLATE —201. I. Ainsley, Ainslie,

net, O'Learie. 3. Tatum. Bartram, 'Charingworth, De.\ter,

. Richardson. 4. Baker, Carrie, Chaworth, 'Clarke, Erskine, Finlay, Hadden, Halket,

.* Evans, Tayleur, Taylor. Cleghorn, Cotter, Cubit, Cubitt 'Down- Hawling, Levermore, Lindon,

ing, 'Fletcher, Fookes, Godbold, M'Geough, McGeough, Macnamara,

PLATE 196.-I. Ingehara, Ingham, Hales, Hurr, Hutcheson, 'Lee, 'Mat- M'Rae, Scarrow, Strahan, Yawkins.

thews, Proudfoot, Rivers, Thurbum, 2.'Bramfell, Bruce, Mandis.
Kitchen. Warren.
3.*Callagan, M'Donagh, MacMahon,
2. Colby. 5. Adams, Aitken, Aitkens, Aldred,
O'Callagan, O'Callaghan, 'Tuite.
3. Wright. Molesworth.
4. 'Bindley, Cahan, Cahane, 'Cantillion,
4.*Elton, Heldich, Holdiche. 6. Clarke.
'Clayton, Dale, 'Dickson, Dollar,
5. Archidecknie, *Bickerton, Brig, 7. Braimor, Edmonds.
'Donelly, Drummond, Gealagh,
Campbell, *Colby, Conner, *Creswick, 8. Johnson.
James, Johnson, 'Ivane, Leivy, 'Clay-
Douglas, Erskine, Fearguson, *Garstin, 9. Caddon, Cuddon.
ton, 'Luxford, Mackenzie, 'Mac-
Gaselee, Geogham, Grassal, Grassall, 10. Littlehales.
Mahon, Macnamara, Moore, O'Brien,
. Greaves, Grieve, *Harries, Heriot, 11. Chevers, Dickens, Dickins, Gerson,
0'Cahane,0'Neill, 'Stafford, Stewart,
Hill, Hynes, Lemaich, M'AUister, Keryell, Toriano
Waddy, White.
Macguarie, M-Hud, MacNeiU, *Mol- 12. Hardy.
ony, Montgomery, *Moriarty, Mundell, 13. Hadfield, Hassard. 5. Brownmg, Cooper, 'Dakyns, 'Daw-
kins, 'Drake, 'Geach, Mactier, Mer-
*NeIson, Pasley, Preston, Radford, i4.*Feld, 'Field.
cer, Norton, 'Samuel.
Schrieber, Skipton, *Stirling, Vade,
6. M'Gregor.
White, Wilton.
PLATE 199.— I. Brudenell. 7. Bolron, Embery, Flude, Longley,
6.*Halliday, *Reddie.
2. Bathurst, 'Beringham, 'Bringhurst, M'Clellan, 'Waller.
7. Lescher.
'D'Eyvil, 'D'Eyvill, 'liandell, 8. Deakin.
8. Nowlan, Singleton.
'Randle, 'Rawe, 'Rawes, 9. Desbarres, Germain.
9. Coblegh, Cobleigh, Cobley, *Ewing.
10. Aldborough, Amond, Arcedeckne, 3. Abingdon, Bult, Cevilioc, Covill, 10. Bolhalth.

Archdeckne, Athol, 'Backhouse, Coville, Girflet, Ogle, 'Roundel. 11. BiUing, Billinge, F"owke, M'Gilleoun,
*Basnett, Birrell, Black, *Bloor,
4. Beseley, Hartley, Ivatherain, Rossell, MacGilleoun.

*B!oore, Blundell, Bradstreet, Vaughan. 13. Baker, Bowdler, 'Carleton, Carlton,

*Bromage, Buck, Bucke, 'Chambers, 5. Fowne, MaUins. Colt, Coult, Elliot-Murray-Kynyn-
mound, Mackenzie, Pickford.
6. Cogger, EUesworth.
Chisholm, *Clarkson, *Colby, Cree, 7. 'Gardener, Nimmo.
Crewker, Cripps, Crips, Dasent, 14. Atfield, Cantillon, 'Eliot, Hawleys,
Davis, *Doherty, Druce, Drummond, 8. Ryland.
Lewis, M'CuUock, Montalt, Taylor.

Elyard, Greg, Greig, Hagges, Hardie, 9. 'Banner, 'Blackmore, 'Delancey,

Henry, Hone, *Kirby, Laurenson, 'Sabbe. PLATE 202.— I. Baker, Gordon.

Lai»riston,*M'Cree, *.M'Crie, M'Cub- lO.'Bamford. 2. Aile, Ailes, Armestrang, Armstrong,
bin, M'Dougall, M'Hardie, McHardy, Ayles, BuUo, Bulow, Constable,
II. Groome. Ward.

Mackellar, MacKellar, McKellar, 1 2. 'Brady, 'Gilpin, Champion, Coe,

M'Kellar, M'Kellor, ^Mangle, Cother, 'Laurie, 'Meymott, 'Watson, 3. Peck, Webb.
Majendie, 4. Bludworth, Breeton, Chartsey, Glas-
Merry, Molony, Oakeley, 1 3. 'Driver.
ton, Landal, Landel, Landell, Lan-
*0'Dogherty, O'Hegartj, 14. Bodwida, Bowida, Cassils, Crook,
Eastland, Estland, Estlin, Plafair
Partheriche, Parthericke, Pennel, Tournemine. dale, Stoken, Whyte-MelviUe, Whyte,

Pennell, Plott, Randall, Rice, Saun- Whytt.

PLATE —derson, Sibbald, Smith, Strangforth, 5. Blackburn, Chamberlen, 'Greenland,

Stratford, Taaffe, Tregos, Trent, I. Anderdon, An
200. Hastings, Staples, 'Wilks.

*Waterhouse, Wingate. derson, Armstrang, Armstrong, 6.*Amyand, Barclay, Bolger, Cressenor,

11. Dickson. 'Blackmore, 'Burgh, Johnston, John- Cressner, Hand, ICennoway, Kirkton,

12. Oakeley. stone, Malmaynes, Murray, Partrick. Kirton.

2.'Ap-GrifRth, Archer, Archever, Bower, 7. Bainbridge, Colladon, Cox, Gaskin,

PLATE —197. I. Auchmuty, *Car- 'Butter, Butters, Chipnam, Drum- Watson.

mond, Fletcher, Flexney, Gordon, S. Darker.

lill, *Currie, 'Fell, Speir, Spiers, Higgenbottom, Higginbotham, Hig- 9. Hay.

Vilant. 'Veoman. ginbottom. Hunter, 'Littlejohn, 10. Burket, Burkett, Burkitt, Chauncey,

2. Achmuty, *Acumbe, *Carmichael, Smythe, Wasey. Davis, Downhani. Erskine, Laleman,

Caswell, Cuthbert, Fearguson, Forster, 3. 'Beckett, 'Carlill, 'Glastings, Wheeler- Leaver, Leckie, Lecky, Raynes.

'Gilbert, Harrison, Hilliard, King Cuffe, 'Kellett, 'Kenney, 'Way. 11. Hardy.

Mackenay, Makareth, Montgomery 4. 'Armstrong. 12. Barke.

*0'Shaughnessy, Philhps, *Pike 5. Lockley, Weatherby. 13. Canceller, Cancellor.

Warren, Whetstone, Whitson, Worth 6. Blacker, Bradley, 'Cove, Davis, Daw- i4.*Broadbent, 'Lennie, 'Sysington.

3. Camiichael, *Chnrchyard, *Nethersall son, Drake, 'Edmond, 'Edmonds, 15. Handcock. R


PLATE —203. I- Barkham, Daber- lo.*Downe, Hibbert, Naper, Napier. Browlie, *Caldwell, Cameron, Clay-
dan, Conyngham, *Gookes, Cruik-
non, Debenham, Flowerdew, Flower- II. Walden. shank, Cunninghame, Curtis, Delap,
Delarous, Dewar, Enson, Erskine,
due, Cover, Lorimer, Quarton. i2.*Abech, Abeck, Crowe, *De Gourcy, Fleming, Forbes, Gissing, Gissinge, t
Grant, Gravett, Kindelan, Lutwich, 8
2. Barkesworth, Barksworth, Bentinck, Elton, Habeck, Kawston. Lutwyche, Macelester, M'More, ',
M'Vean, Mathews, Mounsey, Newby,
Burbridge, Bentinck. 1 3.* AUott, Bayly, *Doughty, *Douty, Ory, Parker, Pomfree, Richardson, ;
Rivett, * Rolls, Ross, Row, Salmon,
3.*Bumey, Cumine, Gumming, EUacott, *Draper, Lane. Serres, *Sheehy, Warham, Warrand,
Whetham, White, Wyrrall.
EUicott, Enderbie, Enderby, Gawden, l4.*Browne, *Gilsland.
3. Neal.
Glanvile, Glanville, Lord, Robarts. 4. Ap-Howell, Blaw, Butler, *Cleather,

4. Billings, Brisac, Butler, *Ghawrey, 207.-1- Brouncker. Cruikshank, *Cruikshanks, Ewart,
Hartagan, Hartigan, Johnston, John-
PLATE*Ghawsey, *Ghenell, Butler, Grosby, stone, Macalister, JIacdonald, Mc-

Drewell, Gillan, Gilland, Karrick, 2. Bailey, *Crosier. Guire, Richardson.

Karricke, Keogli, Pargiter, Wolmer. 3. *Poynder. 5. Harben, *Harbin.
6. Busfield, Hughes, Jouatt, Juatt, Nel-
5. Bentinck. 4. Abeny, Brangan, Corrj', Fanning,
6.*Macarty. Fitz-AJlen, Kingsmill, Leggat, Leg- son, Wynn, *Wynne.
7. Baring, Bushell, Funeau.x, Jury, Love-
7. Black, Frankland, Gibbard, Gibbes. gatt, Lutefoote, Turner, Vickers.
8. Huddleston. 5. Forrest joy, M'Kall.

9. Austin, Boilers, Devey, *Macdonell, 6. Johnson. 8.*Buchanan.
*MacDonnell, *McDonnell, Maun- 7. Beche, Dickenson, Kayble, *Maddi-

drell, Rohan. son, Norden.

10. Algist, Drewe, *Judgson, *Judson. 8. Daniel, *Daniell.

12. Davis. 9. Alfounder, Windover.
13. Longstaff. lo.*Chancey, Guffe, Farrant, *Ferrand,
14. Gull.
*Gregson, *, *Madyslon,
*Maney, *March, *Ommaney, *Porter.

11. Procter. 9. Armstrong, Garmichael, *Ferguson,
•Heley, *Helly, *Hely, 'Kemble,
PLATE —204. I. Armytage, 'Strat- 12. Field. *Kinge, 'Montgomery, Purefoy, Bag-
ford, Fuller, Gilmore, Gilmour, Heath 14. Folkes, Lee.

field, *Jenkes, Kavanagh, Keir, well-Purefoy.
10. Bremer.
PLATELalor, Leigh, McCoghlaii, O'Brien 208.— I. Mitchell. li.*Carmichael, Chapman, Dowde, Dy-

*0'Kennedy, *Steere, Winstanley, mock, Hawley, *Jones, Ligh, McGil-
likelly, Macknight, Omond, Taylor,
Woodcock. 2. Golson, Kelsey. White.
3. Avison, Byde, *Farrant, Halls, Kel- l2.*Bames, *Gibson-Wright, Huntercomb,
2. Brisbane. Dodgin, Gillingham. Salmon.
let, Loney, Partington, *Rawson, 13. Ramsden.
3. M'Innes. 14. Ewart, Gorely, Gorley, Greaves,
4. Allot, AUott, •Tippet. *Grimshaw, Hussey, Lawnde, Mac-
4.*Kenney, Parkinson.
GwinnelL S.*Evans, *RolIe, *Rudd, *Scote, *Scott, Mdonald, 'Donald, *Pamther, Rich,

5. Ilarker. *-Smith, *Stephenson, *Strutt. 'Thomson.
6.*Barnes. 6. Hartford, Hinxman, Hortford, Parker,
PLATE 211.-I. M'Kenny.
7.*Doyle, *Doyley, Dunster.
2. Gannynge, Carnegie, M'Mahon.
8. Rome, Roome. Budworth 7.*Bowyer, Gooch, *Millett. 3.*Shuttleworth.
8. Blenman, Cummings, Evers, Kenney, 4. Fane, Fay, Fleming, Heffer, Jee,
9. *Lichfield.
10. *Knotshull. *New, King, Ring, Rudde. Kearney, Meverell, O'Hartagan,
11. Barr, Beste, Buchanan,
9. Henderson.
*Grenvele, Gwinnell. 10. Aylworth, Bright, Freemantle, Mash,

12. .-Vdams, Castle. Shaw.
13. Malim. 11. Kenney.

l4.*Forster. 12. Elwill.
:3.*Blackbom, *Blackbome, *Blackbum,

*Blakebome, Parker. Philips, Pinkton, Slater, Smallman.

PLATE 205.— I. Ackerman, Acker- 14. Trundle. 5. Howe.

mann, Acraman, Akerman, Cording- 15. Baynes. 6. Anstice, Anstis.

ley. 7. Barney, Elackwall, *Bremner,

2.*Sleigh, Wallis, Wathen, •Witham. Brymer, Ceely, Ceily, Chape, Ghappe,
PLATE3.*Di.xon, *Sleigh, Wallis, Wathen, 209.— I.*0wen, *Thickness. Chappes, Darling, Fillingham, Kerby.

*Witham. 2. Bitterley, Connor, Dockenfield, Do- 8.*Camey, Pearson-Gee.

4.*Bowen, *Bray, Smallwood. kenfield, Duckinfield, Duckingfield, 9.*Bannester, 'Bannister, Eeles, 'Forbes,

5. Denny, *Matcham, Thomson. Dukenfield, Falkiner, Gaulfield, 'Harrison, 'Jones, Kirby, 'Latouche,

6.*Ainlie, *Ainslie, Barnewell, *Gonroy, Henshall, Karben, Lovelass. 'La Touche.

Leycroft, Pitt, *S\vift, * Williams. 3. Lloyd, McCarthy, •McCarthy-Reagh. 10. Hughes.

7.*Camfield, Kenrick, *Rye, Thompson. 4. Ross. ll.'Barre, 'Barrey, 'Cheston, During.

Thomson. 5. Burton. 14. Bennett, Dunkin, M'.\lister, Macdon-

8. Rye. 6. O'Hickey, O'Hickie. ald, M'Donald, 'MacDonnell, Storr,

9. Foote, Greer, Rowe. 7.*Brome. Thompson.
10. Jephson, *Jesson. 8. Burton, Cramer, Crammer, Eccles,

n. Whitmore. Eyre, Gringfield, Meldert, Beaton, PLATE 212.— I. Burnham, Daviss,
12. Byngham.
l3.*Bloer, Dixon. Seton, Slater.

9. Balfour, Bellett, •Billet, •BiUot, *Nel- Denston, Floyer, Wauch, Waugh,

l4.*Carsey, *Cooke, *Gifford, Hagthorpe, son, Nesbett, *Nesbitt. Williams, Witty.

Jones, Peck, Yonn. 10. Bardwell, Cosby, Cottesmore, *Felt- 2.*Chisholm, Dumbreck, Gooden-

ham, Grudgfield, *Mootham, Woods. Chisholm.

ll.*Bowland, Bywater, Carbinell, *Glarke, 3. Alexander, Aylet, Baines, Berr^,
*Ferron, *Forbes, Jenny, Mays.
PLATE 206.-I. Scawen. Budge, Campbell, Charteris,
12. Baron.
2. Clench, *Frey. i3.*Fitzherbert, 'Chenevbc, Clark, Dalmahoy, Dunlop,
i4.*Acguillum, .\rpin, Bellis, Irv^ine,
3. Mitchell. Erskine, Finlay, Gallaway, Galloway,
4. Harmar. Mansted, Nicolson, *Vesey.
5. Akers. Ganstin, Gordon, Gorman, Keith,
6. Turton. PLATE —210. I. *Pasley.
7. Rhodes. Loftus, Macdonald, Mackenzie,
8.*Abbot, HibberL 2. Arnott, Beauman, Browne, Brownlee,
9. Patch. M'Clambroch, McLandsborough,

Monteath, Monteith, Neale, Neilson,

Noble, O'Neylan, Pearce, Pillans,

RoUand, Rowan, Scarth, 'Sheill,


PLATE —*Shiell, Skeen, Smith, Stewart, Tait,
213. I. Choiseul, Fitz- Inckpen, Inkpen, Proude, Pychard,
Raeburn, Reaburn, Samson, Skea,
Washbome, *Weir, Cosans-Weir, Maurice, Grossett, Halcro, Millan,

Whitacre, White, Williamson. Murehead, Pegriz. Thornes, Wilton.

4.*Caulfield, Chapman, Colles, Colvil. 2. Lamplugh. 7. Ward.

Colville, Ingle, Lander, Lyell, 3. Buchanan, Cartlich, Depden, Fitz- 8. Fairbaim.

Peters. Simon, Greetham, Heaven, Leckie, 9. Armestrang, Armstrang, Armstrong,

5. Chandlee, *Boswall. Lickie, Lizurs, M'Kenzie, Macmillin, Bigwood, Fellowes, Fields, P'itz-
6. Chapman, Clancy, Coles, Etton MacMillan. Symond, Fitz-Water, Horwood,

*Forbes, Gwyn, Leslie, Lyon 4. Campbell, *Dudgeon, Grandson, Hyrson, Knight, Lillie, Maddock,

*0'Clancy, O'Neylan. Hamilton, Hume, Hume-Campbell, Neill, Oxenbridge, Wodehouse.

7. Daniel, Johnson, Lockhart, O'Neill Kearns, Laidlay, Lomax, Macgregor, 10. Abadam, Anmck, Cockburn, Despard,

O'Sheil." Orr, Paley, Peters, Taylor. Donkin, Douglas, Ferguson, Fergus-

8. Patrick. 5. .\dderton, Aderton, Ainslie, 'Avanet, son, Genevile, 'Jetter, 'Kirwan,
Krowton, Lang, O'Fahy, O'Fay,
9. Adlard, Amot, Arrat, Arrot, Bailie Avenel, Avenett, IJalmanno,

Baines, Barclay, Bayn, Bayne, Binney, Blackwood, Brice, Browell, Bruce, Remington, Scott, Scott-Douglas.

Biiiny, Campbell, Chisholme, Clarke, Bryce, Buchanan, Campbell, Carsain, 1 1. Buchanan,Campbell,Cuthbert,*Dalzell,

Coape, Cocke, Coke, Collow, Chirk, *Clinton, Cobb, Cobbe, Dinwordy, Donwike, Drummound,

Cookes, Crabtree, Cross-Buchanan, Cockburn, Couper, Cowper, Dale, Eliot, Eliott-Lockhart, Elliot, ElUott-
Dalyell, Dalziel, Dalziell, Damerley, Lockhart, Ferguson, Fitz - Hamon,
Donaldson, Douglas, Do wine, Dunlop,

Durno, Eccleston, Eclestone, Erskine, Dammant, *Demeschines, Dickson, Graham, Hamilton, Hart, Lowis,

Ewart, Falls, *Feney, Ferguson, Dixon, Dowglas, Duncan, Elliot, *M'Cormick,Neilson, Nelson, Omond,

Fitchet, Flanagan, *Forbes, Garstin, Elliott, Foreman, Forman, Garmish, Onion, Puckle, Salmond, Scot, Slesser,

Gelstable, Gillet, Goodenough, Gameys, Garnish, Gordon, Hamilton, Swan, Walsh, Watkins, Winch, Yea-

Gosset, Gossett, Graham, Grant, Gray, Hart, Heart, Heeley, Heely, Inglis, mans, Yeomans, Younger.

Halxton, Hamilton, Hardie, Houston, JoUie, Lambford, Laraford, M'Aully, 12. Baad, Bad, Goldesborough, Golds-
Jolleff, joUiff, Karr, Kennedy, Ker, M M' Hado, M'Haddo, 'Kay, M'Kell,
*Kilpatrick, King, *Kirkpatrick, brough, Puller, Turbott, Turbutt.

Macnamara, M'Rach, Macrae, Mar- 13. Brind, Dobbyn, Fergus, Macrath.

Kyrklot, Lamond, Leeky, Lurty, tin, Masterton, Mastertown, Mathe- l4.^Burrard, Hamilton, Neale-Burrard.

Lyell, M'Alaster, Macalister, M'Caa, son, De Meschines, De Mowbray,

M'Casker, M'Caskill, Macdonald, PLATE —Nelson, Niblie, Nock, Ogilvie, Pim, I. Argum, Argun,
M'Donald, M'Dowal, M'Entire,
Rennie, Renny, Richards, Sawers,

Macgi-egor, M'Gregor, M'IntyTe, Shield, Shortreed, Smyth, Stewart, Argune, Briwer, Briwere, Houblon,

Mackay, M'Kenzie,*Mackey,Mackie, Strachan, 'Vile, Wall, Weeks, Wemyss, MoUoy, Poulden, Reade, Reid.

McLoskie, Macpherson - Grant, Welsh. 2. Dauntsey, Dickenson, Geale, Sabine,

M'Quie, Martin, Menteath, Morrogh, 6. Abbot, Abbott, Cauvin, 'Creagh, Westly.

Naish, Pagan, Paterson, Peitere, Crovraall, Edgar, Garvin, Hardie. 3. Dobie, Gilmer, Gilmour, Lutvridge,

Peter, Picard, Pillans, Reoch, Rymer, /.Barwis, Brady. MacMaure, Sayers.

Scobie, Shaw, Stewart, Stobart, Toll, 8. Abbetot, *Brice, Mace, Montchantsey, 4. Broun, Brown, 'M'Maught, Meldrum,

Telle, Tonyn, Urquhart, Williamson. Mountchansey. Milne, Mosman, Mossman, Mylne,

io.*Mico. 9. Cusacke, Durward, Hamilton, Hirst, Park, Scott, Sibbald.

11. Beltoft, Beltofts, Brougham, Broughan, Hirste. S.*Albrecht, Amerie, *Aynscomb,
Ayniscamp, Brown - Borthwick,
Bronhan, Brouchan, Grosse, Jager, 10. I<ang, MulvihiU, O'MulvihiU.

Limsay, Limsey, MacBrayne, ll.'Billcliffe, 'Bligh, *Blighe, Drake, Browne-Borthwick, Carnock, Char-

M'Brayne, O'Neale, Rourk, Stack. Rankin, Wright. pentier, ClitTord, Elder, *Fitzgilbert,

12. Downton, Grantham, Hance, Lamb, 12. Blondell, Cadicott, Colet, Drake, Frodham, Gilbert, Hoppey,
Lamont, Lowste, Moone, *Stace.
M'CIellan. Drake-Garrard, Drumson, Forbes,

13. Alexander, Barclay, Bontein, 'Booty, Gessors, Jeynes, Joynt, Lapp, Law, 6. Bain, Bayne, Corbreake, Corbreyke,

Bragge, Brettridge, Broge, Brogg, Milburne, Ommaney, Pomfrett, Prit- Crockford, Dundas, Hadderwick,

Broige, Brown, Bruce, Buchanan, chard, Revett, *Rivett, Ryvett, Scott, Keith, Lew, Murray, Peckam,

Bunten, Clevland, Coddington, Stane, Symmonds, Symonds, Wad- Peckham, Plenderleith, Podmore,

Cumine, Gumming, Dickson, Dixon, dington, Willey, Willy. Purdie, Scott, Stevenson.

Dogherty, Doherty, Donaldson, 7. Campbell, Card, 'Catley, Colwick,

Dotson, Dunlop, Duthie, Dwire, Colwyke, Kilvington, Lee.
Elliott, 8. Hayhurst.
PLATE —Erskine, *Ewart, Fergusson, Fiuley,
214. I. Elliot,

Ganlard, Gardiner, Gay, Gerdelley, Gordon, Mather, Tarell. 9. Coombes, Coombs, Horan, Locke,

Gerdilly, Gilhnders, Gleig, Gordon, 2. Berkenhead, Boland, Cranber, Dennis, Lundin, Purchas.

Groseth, Gumi, Guthrie, Harington- Grassick, Hatch, Packenham, 10. Applewhaite, Brown, Crewe, Gordon,

Stuart, Harte, Innes, Keir, Kennedy, Parnell. Mercer, Millar, Miller, Morris,

Kincaid, Kragg, Lancaster, Linning, 3. Bliss, Boon, Boone, Brodie, Brody, Park, Peat, Peit, Rae, Ralph, Reid,
Curtis, DeBrevill, Gordon, Haitlie, Salthouse, Shenton, Stephens.
Livingston, Livingstone, Lizurs,
Harber, Hassall, Hassell, 'Hod- 11. Ambros, Ambrose, Ambross, Cat-
MLumisden, Lumsden, M'Aul, 'Bar-

net, M'Breid, M'Call, M'Crae, denet, Hoddenot, Keegan, Kendall, landar, Callander, Callender, Coldi-
M'Cray, *MacGeorge, Mackenzie, Leder, 'Moorman, Orchard, Rayner,
Mcott, 'Braid, PatishuU, PatUshall,

M'Kenzie, Macmillan, MacMillam, Samborne, Vardon, Welborne, Prydeux.

MacRae, Macreadie, Macready, Winford, *Winston, Winstone. 2. Patrick.

Martin, Meres, More, Muire, Mure, 4. Barberie, Barberrie, Billam, 'Brassey, 13. Ambrose, Dixon.

Neasmiih, Neill, Neylan, Nixon, Cantilon, Gierke, CoUis, Colt, 14. Calender, Callander.

O'Brien, O'Dogherty, O'Doherty, Cuthbert, Devoike, Edmerston,

O'Dwyer, Ogilvie, O'Hart, O'Neylan, PLATE —Elliot, Elliott, Gemmel, Gordon,
Oranmore, Oxtoby, Parker, Peachey,
Peart, Perring, Peterson, Pillans, HaiTis, Hawberke, Holand, Honny-
Primrose, R.ains, Rashleigh, Reader, 216. I. Aberdeen, Cant-

ton, Joy, M'CulIoch, M'Kenzie, well, Hay, Hereford, Love, Mathew,

Mackenzie, Main, Portington, Prowze, Nottingham, Scott, Wager, Wastley.

Riky, Romanes, Rowan, Salmon, See, Smart, Stair, Stephen, Winder, 2. De Bryan, Cheyn, Cheyne, Dennett,
Scholey, Seaton, Sharpies, Sibbald,
Yeoman, 'Young. Duff, Fromond, Fromont.Gilles, Gow,

Spiers, Stewart, Stuart, Thorn, c. Buchannan, CoUey, Grensby, Grymsby, Hagarly, Johnston, Jopling, Joppling,

Walmsley, Whetwell, Whitelock, Macklow, Nicholl. Lowther, Nottingham, Pape, Wich-

Whiteway, Whyte. 6. Adderton, Atherton, 'Apifer, Baker, ington, Witchingham.

l4.*Ascough, *Askew, Athelstan, Athels Brotherton, Cart, Colliver, Erskine, 3. Balnaves, Balneaves, Bedford, Erding-

ton, *Ayscough, *Maclellan. Gyles, Gylls, Haggard, Hanwell, ton. Hall, Seth.


4. Bedell-Sivright, Carnegie, Holgrave, son, Ross, Simpson, Skeen, Skene, 7. Blossom, Blossome, Chadwell, Dyas,
Holgreve, Hulgrave, Keith, Moderby,
Stevenson, White, Wodderspoon. Glen, Grigg, Suter.

Sievewright, Sievwright. 5. Boxstead, Boxsted, Considine, Craig- 8. Spigernell, Spygeraell, Spickernell.
dallie, Crean, Crosse, Dowler, Dur-
5. Cowan. 9. Andrew, Baker, Garnett, Gigon,
6. Ball, Balle, Gillon, Hallom, Hand- ham. Jorcey, Jorge, *Michel, Morgan,

field, Scobell, Sommerville, Wastoile, 6. Beekenshall, Couper, Krog, Kroge, Pelton, Polton.
7. Dundas, Odingsells. Luttrell, Moncur, Purefoy, Pureferoy. lo.*Chattock, Cockes, Cokes, Mayner,
8. Carson, Cathcart, Clater, Elliot, Elliott,
Kernaby, Knows, Lees, Losh, ilartin, 7. Bradfteld, Corfield, Gairden, Jacomb, Minors, Mynors, Rowed, ShattocU,

Maude, Ockley. Tawke.

8. Parsons. 11. Bigberry, Bigbury, Bygberj-, Rum-

Napier, Robertson, Smellie. 9. Bunting,*Dickenson,Hulbert,Larayne, ford.

9. Bruce, Cathcart, Cochran, Cochrane, Lareyn, .Spilman, Staines, Stephen- 12. Bundy, Hynd, Jervys, *Molineux,
Darling, Davidson, Douglas, *Doug-
son, Stevenson. Mynors, Napier, Rynell.

lass, Drummond, Hamilton, Leak, 10. Bain, Champeroun, Falshaw, Keirie,

Scott, Whytt. Loggie, Logy, Macartney, M'Cartnay,
10. Douglass, Henderson, *Henriesch. PLATEMaccartney, Mackartney, Nechure,
1 1. Allen, Alleyn. 221.-i.*Mayne, Panting.
l2.*Hawthorn, Henderson, *Skettew.
Paton, Peters, Rose, Ross, Sherwood. 2. Bidwell, Bydewell, Drummond,

11. BrogiJen, Clutterbuck, Crause, Lusy, Hawkey, Oliver.

13. Harvey. Taunton, Wolfall, Yvain. 3. Ferris, Kellock, Mayo.
4. Batten, Francklyn, Higson, Laborer,
14, Balderston, Balderslones, Crauford, 12. Duheaume, *Macartney, Reynes,
Labruer, Mewis, Pycroft.
Craufurd, Crawford, Crawforde, Down- White.

man, Kincaid, Stirling. 13. Alton, Aitoun, Aytoun, Flemyng, 5. Poyntz.

Flemynge, Fresell, Fresill, Girdler, 6. Blacke, Brandeston, Bree, ColUver,

PLATE —217. I. Cheeseman, Ches Hamelen, Hamelin, Hamelyn, Ham- Hogg, Kerdiston, Kerdston, Witt.

lyng, Hardman, Loudon, Ross,Tilson. 7.*Bisset, Cormick, De Den, De Dena,

man, *Clayhills, *Forbes-Robertson. 14. Crookshank, Dunbar,*Eynford,*Eyns- Ironside.

Glasgow, M' Robertson, Patmer, worth, Hellis, Howe, Howes, Howse, 8. Bertrand, Blandford, Hesding, Port,

Robertson, Wallpoole, Walpole. Riddel, Tinline. Porte, Semple.

2. Buchanan, Buchannan, M'Casland. 9. Albrecht, Albreght, Clifford, Deram,

PLATE3. Brocton, Gaven, Gawen, *M'Auslane, 219.— I. Hoe, Hoo, Lang. *Entwisle,Graham,Kenton,M'Donell,
Sainsbury, Varnham.
4,*Bagshawe, Balvaird, Blaverhasset, Macdonell, M'Donnell.
2. Brash, Brecknock, Brecknoy, Burmey. 10. Atwood, Blood, Forrest, Letton,
Lill, Losack.
Bryson, Burn, Bums, Forrester, Hack- M'Connell, M'Daniel, M'Gougan,
let, Hackluit, Limbome, Petit. 3. Copeland, Copland, Cowpland, Ker.
3. Bazeley, Bazley, Drew, Pridham, Robb, Rowed, Thomson, Wylidon.
Savory. neday, *Kennedy.
6. Dickenson, Hay. ii.*Bewchara, *Beweham, Gerwood.
7. Belson, Britain, CoUyear, Crowgay, 4. Hearle, Lammie, L'Amy, Lavers, 12. Adingstoun, Adinston, Anby, Anbley,
Crutwell, Dun, Dunn, HairstaneS; Prior, *Roger.
*Andby, *Aubley, *Aubly, Barber,
Hallet, Harestains, Stewart. 5. Grame.
8. Adlam, Alderington, Aldrington, Bennet', Boyes, Callwell, Corben,
6. Arnold, Besiles, Besills, Hazlewood,
*AnIey, Alton, .\yton, Connor, Corbin, Corbyn, Edwards, Egman-
Hawker, Horn, Home, M'Adam, Mein, Silver, Winchester.
Whelpdale. ton, *Tailour.
7. *Areskin, *Bown, *Coombes, *Coombs, 13. Down, Downs, Garstin, Hamerton,
Denistoun, Dennestoun, Dennistoun,
Naesmith, Naesmyth, Nasmyth.
*Emenfiekl, *Enfield, *Ged, *Maul, 14. Adam, Balsillie, Barber, Bonsall, Burn,
*Rokeby, *Shields, Shiells.
Costley, Cromie, Dene, Drayton,

9.*Eliott, Elliot, Elliott, M'Crummen. 8. Sheppard. Erskine, Figgins, Francklin, *Mace-
10. Alexander, Anderson, Baillie, Carlyle, 9. Andrews, Balfour, Brenchley, Buch Gigger,*Jley,*Illey,*Ilney, King, Lint,
M'Clesh, M'Donald, *M'Larty, Rat-
*Dick, Don, Elphingston, Gamage, anan, Calderwood, *Clerke, Com- taiy, Rattray, Rowe, *Seabrook,
Gordon, Hamilton, Huddlestone, merell, *Dalling, *Dickinson, Dob- Shepheard, Sheppard, Sheridan,
bin, Fane, Fitz-John, *Grant, Hay, Taylor, *Tailyour, Thomson, Warcop,
Keith, Leslie, Mitchell, Paterson, Wickenden.
Patterson, Popkin, Scott, Screvener, Kempston, ICillegroue, Laurie, Lind-
Scrivener, Scrivenor, Shaw, Smith, say, Livingstone, Maccartney, Mercy,
Sym, Syme, Tindal, Whittuck, Why- Ness, Oliver, * Paterson, Patrick,

tock, Wilson, Young. Shipley, Tansley.

10. Cuningham, Cunningham, Essington,
PLATE11. Broadbent, Cancelor, Candisheler, 222.— I. Boyd, Dingham.

Compigne, English, Felter, Laird, Grislay. 2. HolUns.
Lance, Lennie, Leny, Minshaw, Pad-
11. Burnet, Caldron, Calwood, Gaunter, 3. Aaron, Aarons, Aaroons, Aron,
Ecton, Elder, Fidler, Maynard, Mont- *Fidelow, Roachead.
don, Pugges, Ramsey, Shaw, Sutcliffe,
gomery, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, Palmes, Sea- 4. Borthwick, Davell, Dawson, Edmunds,
Sysington. Eglefelde, Eglefield, Lundin, Mather,
grave, Seagrove, Shiers, Willmott.
12. Armour, x\nveil, Arwell, Binns, Clap
12. Keith.
ham, Clepan, Clephan, Clephane, Mein, Redege, Ridge.
Coats, Eustace, Power, Turing. Cumine, Gumming, Dusautoy, Gal-
13. lagher, Geekie, Hayton, Hore, Horem, 5. Harvey.
6. Blizard,
13. Alexander, *Chalmers, Cleghorn, Blizzard, Boyer, Boyes,
Norse, Rennie, Renny - Tailyour
Pyrke, Quartermains. Dyniond, Ogilvie.

Timmins. 14. Hamilton. 7. Bumstead, Bumsted, Charrington,

M14. Bristed,Campbell, Chuter, 'Kechnie Corke, Knyvett, Oswald.

Powerton, Rankine. PLATE 220.— I. Cole, CoUe, Crotty, 8. Meldon.

Hinckes, Hincks, Hinks. 9. Gray-Farquhar.

—PLATJi 218. l.*Bevens, Elphin- 2. Biggs, Bowyer, Denis, Flynn, *Her- 10. Babb, Babe, Boyd, Dennie, Denny,

stone, Ennys. bert, Herworth, Leach, Leche, Lochead, Lochhead, Purvis.
2. Bennet, Bennett, Doeg, Giffard,
*Leech, *Leich, Leitch, MacVais, 11. Bell, Boyd, Garvie, Kassye, *King,
G oldie. Grove, Hyett, Manson, Pearle,
Nowell, Vaughan, Yarworth. Logie, Miller, Tough.
Seton-Steuart, Steuart, Stewart.
3. Byrn, Byme, Dell, Gipps, Neville, 3. Peper, Twining. 12. Fraser, Miller, *Nelson, Oliphant,

Riches, Robertson, Tapper. 4. Butts, Cairne, Garvine, Gibbens, Gib- O'Selbae, ScoUay, Simpson.
4. Cooper, *Couper, Cowper, *Creeck,
bins, Gibbons, Grayley, Grelley, Had- 13. Mein.
Graeme, Graham, Heriot, Krag,
K''agg, Mackenzie, M'Kenzie, Scott dock, HoUier, Peat. 14. Althoun, Bate, Bates, Birn, Brin,
Mitchell, Mitchell, Pearson, Robert
5. Cotterall, Cotterell, Cotterill, Dunbar, Clifford, *Colpoys, Cromie, Duine,
Grove, Inge, Lambart. Dun, Dunbar, Duncanson, Farquhar,

6. Cussans, De Cusance, Jackson, Le Farrell, *Ferrall, Gaylard, Gayner,
Hunt, Lockhart. Gaynor, Glenton, Gun, Hand,


Handasyd, Handyside, Handysyde, 4. Jones.
Hog, Howatson, Howison, King,
Lamond, Lament, Landen, Lillv,
MacFarquhar, M'Tarquhar, Mac-
Manus. McManus, MacMoran, Mai-
den. Mare. Middleton, *Myddleton,
NefmeneiU, Nefmenell, Nevemenell,
O'Ferral-More, *0'More, Patrick,

Prescot, Prescott, Shields, Sibbald,
Watson, Woodroffe.

PLATE 223.— I- Bishopston, Bo-

wen, *Bucknel, *Bucknell, *Fish-

2. Carnie, Constable, Hoyland. Kilby,

?. Bucton, Bunbury, *Cleghorn,

Dornvile, Grahar "Ingledew.
4. Avison, Birnie, Gidion, Harden,

Hardin. Longman.
5. Behethland, Bricken, Durban,

Durbin, Freeth, Gernon, Gernoun,
6. Balderstone, Banderston, Bander-
stone, Bennet, Cornelius, Donald,
Geney, Genny, Jacket, Jeny, Myre-
ton, *Narford.
7. Broomfield, Browning. Butter-
worth, Crook, Incleden, Ingleton.

8. Hawkesworth, Hawksworth,

9.* Freeth, *Horwood, * Knight,

io.*Bonshaw, BranfiU, *Devetts, *Lee,

Netthorpe, Russell.
II. .\nsdell. Easier, Basire, Bonekill,

Cleeve, Chve, Colquhoun. Garscad-
den, Skirvin, Skirving, Stewart.
I J. Baker, Casey, Cochran, Cochrane,
Lark, Larke, Trusbut.

—PLATE 224- i- Armesburg,

.\rraesbury, Cridland. Hamilton,
Hardisty. Haulton, JI'Kenzie,
PajTie. Strange, Wescope, West-
cope Westcott.
Alexander, Buchanan, Haulton,
Hurot, Hurt, Lestrange, Liston,
Strange, Wayland, Wedgewood.
3.*Burns, *Bussell, Ducat, Duchet,
4. Cox, Deleland, Deland, Desland,
Dowker, Steuart, Stewart.
5. Espinasse, Fiennes, Haskins.
6. Watson.
7. Cheverell, Cheverill, *Cross, Innes,
S. Dalziel, Somervile, Somerville.
9. Harbour, *Kirtland, Morehead,
Morrison, Muirhead. Penrey.
0. Cavenagh, Coulthurst, Dowdeswell,
Jago, Lear, Watson.
1. Cary, Estmerton, Fenner, Foxall,
Gairden, Garden, Gardyne, Gourlie
2. Day, Derham, Downer, Fhn, Flinn,
Lidel, Raynor.
3. Anwil, Anwyl, Culchech, Culcheth,
House, *Killowe, *Kiloh, Myreton,


4. Glasford.
5. Cubit, Cubitt, Dowse.

PLATE 225.- Hallen.

2. Gleadow.

3. Rylands.


14. Tillard.


S. DelaRue.


19. Buddicom.









Acorn. or the hand apaumee, unless holding When two hands clasp each other they
something.] When the elbow points are known as conjoined. (224. 2)
the reverse way it is " embowed to the Armed, a term used when the horns,

plate 152 sinister" (204. 13). teeth of any beast, and the beak or claws,
tusks, or talons of any bird, are in colour
AcoRNED, bearing acoms. 151-3 Arm " embowed fesseways " or ' different from the body ; it is then said
bowed and resting upon the elbow "
Addorsed, Adossed, or Adosee, pi

back to back. (202. 13). to be armed of that colour.

seeT2. 8; 140. I ; 109. 12 ; 98. 13 Arm embowed fesseways the part Armed, occasionally used to mean in

Affrontee, full faced. 7. 2 ; 23. ? above the elbow lying upon the wreath

Allerion, an eagle displayed, but with- and the part below the elbow in pah Arrow. 173. 5

out beak or claws. (98. II) Ass. See plate 125.

Alp,4C.\. see 125. 2 Two arms counter embowed (200. 8). Assurgent, rising out of the sea.

Anchor. plate 161 Two arms embowed in saltire (200. 5). Astrolabe, an instrument for taking the

Angel. see plates 183, 184, 189 A cubit ann is couped just below the altitude of the sun or stars. 167. 7

Annulet, a plain ring. elbow (j-«s 213. 10; or 214. 13), being Attired, a term used when the antlers or

Am see2. 9; 115. 5; 167. II slightly shorter than an arm couped at horns of a stag, hart, buck, or antelope
ELOPE, an animal of the deer kind,
with two straight taper horns. the elbow, and a little longer than a are mentioned as of a diflerent colour.

hand couped below the wrist (214. 10). Attires, the horns of a stag. 123. 5
When " in bend," a cubit ann is in the Attires, affixed to the scalp.
plates 126, 127
Antelope, heraldic, a fabulous animal, position as shown in 20S. 14 ; and when see plate 123. 2, 3
"fesseways," as in 221. 9, The hand Axe.
with the body of a stag and the tail
of a unicorn, and having a tusk at the should be couped at the wrist. It must Aylet, a Sea Swallow, or Cornish-chough,
tip of the nose, tufts down the back
part of the neck, and on the tail, chest, be stated whether dexter (222. 14), or 107. 5 and 14
and thighs.
sinister (222. 9), and if open, as these, .\zure, blue ; represented when engraved

is termed apaumee ; and any other posi- by parallel horizontal lines. see 15. 2

see 127. 7 ; 127. 9 tion of the fingers must be specially men-
Apaumee, a term applied to the hand
when the palm is visible and opened.
All arms, when bare, are termed ppr.,
see 222. 5, S, 14 but may be in all the foregoing positions
1S8. 9 ; and see plates 185,
Archer. when vested (204. 5; 205. 3), or in armour Badger, or Brock. 33- 10
(195. 2). When vested, the cuff must Ball, Fire-. See Grenade.
186, 187

Argent, silver, usually represented and be mentioned if of a different tincture, Band, the fillet or bandage, by which

considered as white ; and when engraved and if the hand be not bare it is known a garb, a sheaf of arrows, etc., are

the surface is left plain. as "gloved." When in armour, the bound.

Arm. This, and also the hand, occurs hand must be mentioned as proper or in Banded, when the band of a garb, etc.,
in many positions in Heraldry, par-
a gauntlet. An arm may be habited in is of a colour different from the garb
ticularly amongst Crests {see plates \ 94
to 224). The various positions are as leaves (19S. I), in chain mail (19S. 2) itself, it is said to be banded, and the

Anor in scale armoiu: (199. 2). arm ii colour described.

follows : armour may be garnished i.e., with thi Banner. seeplate 176

Arm " embowed," 202. 2. [It should edges and rivets of a diflerent colour— Bar, a straight horizontal band.

be mentioned whether the fist be clenched and is sometimes termed vambraced see 59. 12 ; 14. 9

[ 141 ]



Barbed, a term used when referring to the Billet, an elongated rectangular figure. nished, and veruled, and frequently of

five green leaves on the outside of a full- see^rS- 6; 215. 11, 13 different colours (see 228. 11), but when
not so they must be blazoned as " sans
blown rose which are the barbs. 149. 2 BlLl.ETTiiE, semee of billets. iifSEMEE.

Barbed and Flighted, a term applied see 56. 5 ; 126. 4 strings." 22S. 9

to an arrow when the head and feathers Billing, a term applied to birds when Bulls and Bulls' heads.

differ in tincture from the shaft. looking at each other and with the beaks see plates M, 44, 45

Bar-gemelle, a double bar, or two joining. 93. 2 Bull's Leg. 123. 4 and 7

narrow bars placed near and ]jarallel to Bishop's Mitre. 5« Mitre. Bustard, a kind of wild turkey, of a

each other. see 128. 10 Bittern, a bird of the heron family. brownish colour. 102. 9

Barnacle, a water-fowl resembling a see 104. 3

—goose. Blackamoor with bow and arrow.

Barrulet, a diminutive of the bar one 185. 6

half its width. Blackamoors' Heads, plate 182.2,4,

Barruly, divided into several equal 7 ; 191- 3, 4, 5 ; 192- 4, 6, 7. 13 Cable, a rope affixed to an anchor.

parts fessways, each part being the Blackbird. 106. 2 see 161. 2

width of a barrulet. Bladed, a term used when the stalk or Cabled, an anchor is so termed when

Barry, transversely divided into several blade of grain is shown upon the ear, or borne with a cable entwined round the

equal parts fessways, of two or more when of a tincture different from the ear stock. see i6i. 2

tinctures interchangeably disposed ; the or fruit ; thus an ear of wheat or. , bladed Cabossed, a term applied to animals hav-

number of divisions usually specified as vert. 154. 3 ing horns, when the face is affrontee

barry of six, eight, ten, or twelve. Blazon («), the heraldic description, in and the head is couped so closely behind

12. 3 words, of a coat-of-arms or crest (v) the ears that no partof the neck is visible.

Base, the lower part. to heraldically describe in words. To seei,l. 8, 9; 122. 4, 5, 8; 130. 7

Basilisk, a fabulous creature like the represent in colour is to ettiblazon. To Caduceus, Rod of Esculapius or Staff of

cockatrice, but with the head of a dragon outline only, labelling the colours, is to Mercury, a slender winged staff', en-

at the end of its tail. "137- Boar. plate 40 twined by two serpents, the heads meet-
Bat. ing at the top, and the tails at the base

Baton, a staff or truncheon. Boars' Heads, couped or erased "close" of the handle, and winged at the summit.

see 200. 3 ; 15. 9 (42.2; 43. I), are almost without e.\cep- see 171. I and 3 ; 224. 14.

Battle-axe. 172. 3 tion the only forms of the head used in Caltrap, or Galtrap, an instrument

Battlements, the upper works of a castle Scotland and Wales, and consequently anciently used in war to wound tlie

or tower see 50. 4 the additional and descriptive term used horses' feet, having four points, so that
when placed on the ground, one point
Beacon, a fire-beacon, used as a signal. above is more often omitted than not. was always erect ; and in heraldic art this
When blazoned "erect," it is shewn as
177. 14 in 43. 3. When a coronet takes the frequently depicted as bloody, when
Beak, the bill of a bird ; in birds of prey it is termed " embrued at the point.'"
place of a wreath this form of head
when with the claws of another colour

termed armed. must be blazoned as upon the coronet see 174. 14

Beaked, birds are termed beaked when (and not issuing from it), and shewn as Cameleopard or camelopard, the her-

the bills are of a different tincture from 42. II. The head with the neck, as aldic name of the giraffe, which was

their bodies. see 88. 13 41. 5, is supposed to be the more gene- stated by writers of early days to be a

Bear. plates 34 and 35 ral form for English crests, but there is hybrid between the camel and leopard.
no hard and fast rule that can be ob- see 132. 8
Bears' Paws. See 36. 6. See under

Lions' Games. served as to this, for both forms occur Camels, and Camels' heads.

Beaver. see 134. 8 though for distinctive reasons words plate 132

Bees and Beehives. plate 137. " and neck " are often added. Cannon, see 187. 8; 169. 12, which latter,

Bell. See Church-Bell and Hawk's Boat. 179. 6 however, should properly be blazoned

Bell. Bone. see 147. 4 as a "cannon mounted."

Belled, a term applied to the hawk or Book. see plates 158, 215 Cap, Collegiate. 180. 9

falcon when both legs have bells upon Boot. 193. 12 ; 194. 4 Cap of Liberty, always red but of veiy

them, 85. 5. If the word be not used BouGET. See Water bouget. re occurence. 224. 14

in the blazon, the bird will carry only Bow. See Cross-bow. Cap of Mercury or winged cap.

one bell, and that on the sinister leg. Bow should really be always blazoned, see 171. I

Bend. See Per Bend. either as strung, unstrung, or sans strings, Cap of Dignity or Maintenance, more

Bend, one of the nine ordinaries ; it but in the first case this is often omitted usually known as a Chapeait, when proper

occupies one-third part of the field or {see 173. 12; 198. 9; 188. 9; 200. 2), is a flat cap of crimson velvet, lined and
crest, and is drawn diagonally from the turned up with ermine, originally and
dexter chief to the sinister base. though in the two latter instances the of right appertaining to ducal rank. It
words " shooting an arrow from a bow," is borne by many families below the
see?,. 7; 120. 11 or " pulling an arrow to its head," are

Bendlet, a diminutive of Jhe bend of required. crest in place of a wreath [see plate 4. 2,

one-half its breadth. Boy, naked. see 189. 6; 189. 12 5,8). It is occasionally of other colours,

see 60. 10 ; 66. 12 Boy's Head. see\%2. 11 as shewn in 15. 12.

Bend Sinister, In, placed in the oppo- Bridge. The number of the arches will Cap, Physician's. rSo. 7
plate 132
site position to bendways. The swords usually be stated. see 158. 4 Cap, Steel. See Morion.

in 170. 6, in 170. 4, and in 195. i are Bristled, a term used for the hair on the

all in bend sinister. neck and back of the boar, when it Caparisoned, a term applied to horses

Bendways, obliquely, or in bend. differs in tincture. when furnished with trappings, but

seel^o. 5 Broad-arrow differs from the pheon by which has no very definite meaning.
Bendy, divided into an equal number of having the inside of the barbs plain.
It is usually employed in conjuncton
pieces in a slanting direction from the Brock. See Badger. with the word "bridled " e.g. 52. 13

dexter chief to the sinister base. Buckler, a term used for a shield. which is blazoned "upon a ducal coro-

see 40. 3 ; 84. 8 ; 206. 7 ; 207. 2 Buckles are borne of various fomis, oval, net, a horse passant, saddled, bridled
Bezant, a flat circular piece of gold, round, square, and lozenge-shaped. The and caparisoned all ppr.

supposed to represent the gold coin of position of the tongue should be stated. Castle in flames. see 155. i

that name. See Roundel. see\-]%. 5; 34- II Castles have always two towers, joined

seen. T, 27. 8: 31. 3; 54. 4; 57. i. Buffalo. 45. 10 by an intervening wall ; when the cement

Bezantee, semee of, or strewn with bez- Bugle, a kind of ox. [The Editor believes is difierent in colour from the stones, it

ants. See Semee) the term with this meaning only occurs is said to be masoned of that particular

see 13. I ; 71. 6; 73. 6; 97. 3. once within these volumes.] colour; if the loopholes and portway are
of a different colour they must be so
Bible. See Book. Bugle-horns are usually stringed, gar-


143 DOV

blazoned; they are supposed to be then Conjoined, joined together. Crocodile.

closed. j^« Tower. 155. 2 and 6 io6. 13 ; 113. 3; 224. 2 Crosier. See Crozier.

Cat, generally understood to be the wild CooTE, a water-fowl. 102. 10 Cross avelane, or avellane, resembles

or mountain cat. Cornish chough, a species of crow or four filberts or hazel nuts, stalk to stalk.

Catherine wheel. raven, black, with legs and beak red ; Cross-bow. see 112. 13
Centaur or Sagittarius, a fabulous
common in Cornwall. 107. 14 Cross Calvary, a passion cross mounted

figure composed of the upper part of a Cornucopia. 152. 13; 224. 14 on three steps, grieces, or degrees.

man, and the lower part of a horse, Coronet. Coronets, apart from those of 166. I

usually (though not always) represented the different members of the Royal Cross crosslet. 165. 2

with a bow and arrow. The latter Family, which vary according to the Cross crosslet fitched, having the

named, however, could hardly be applied degree of relationship to the Sovereign, lower part sharpened to a point. 166. 2

to the figure if the bow and arrow be are as follows ; Cross fleury, or florv, a cross having

omitted. 53. 2 1. The " Ducal coronet " of heraldry, a demi-fleur-de-Iis at each extremity.

Chalice, a communion cup. see Cup. sometimes termed a "Cinier" or crest 166. 7

Chapeau, a cap, hat, or bonnet, see Cap coronet, when depicted is shewn as Cross form^e, or pattee, spreading like

OF Dignity. 16. 2, and unless stated to be otherwise, dovetails at each extremity.

Chaplet, a garland, or wreath of flowers, has only thee leaves visible. The coro- 165. 7 ; 166. 3

laurel, olive, oak, etc. 175. 13; 202. 4 net of a duke is similar in shape, but Cross moline lozenge-pierced. 165. i

Chaplet of Roses is composed of four has five leaves. Cross of St. Andrew, a saltire argent

roses only, the other part of leaves. 2. The coronet of a Marquess. upon a field az.

175- 15 see 203. 2 Cross, passion. See Long Cross.

Chart. 159. 11 3. The coronet of an Earh see i%2. 2 Cross patonce, as 165. 3, but the ends

Checky, Chequy, divided into small 4. The coronet of a Viscount. rather wider and terminating in three

equal squares, of different tinctures. see 179. 9 parts instead of two.

70. 5 ; 205. 4 5. The coronet of a Baron, see 16. 6 Cross pattee. See Cross Formee.
Cherub, a child's head between two wings.
The above illustrations shew the re- Cross potent. see 226. 3
189.9 spectivecoronets as when used withcrests Cross r.aguled 227. 14

Cherub with wings in saltire. 189. 13 issuing therefrom and forming an un- Crow. 107. 5
changeable part of the crest : but when Crown. See Coronet.
Chess-rook, the rook or pawn used in the

game of chess. no. i used as coronets of rank, they must Crown of England, sometimes termed

Chevalier, a knight on horseback never be shewn without the cap belong- the Imperial Crown, see 2,1- 12; 217. i

completely armed. 53. 10; 189. :o ing. [Foreign coronets are exceptions Crozier, or Crosier, see 170. 14; 219. 4

Cheveron, Chevron, one of the ordin- to this.] j-^^217. 3 Crusily, or Crusuly, semee of cross

aries, resembling two rafters, meeting at No coronets (except in a few excep- crosslet s.

the top. 167. 10, 13 tional cases) require a wreath below Cubit arm, is the hand and arm couped

Chief, the upper part. them. a little JdcIow the elbow. See Arm.

Chough, Cornish. 107. 14 Tl.c r,Ilc-.v;,.j^ corolicis are also used Cup, covered. 171. 13, 202. ij.

Church. plate 158 in heraldry. Cup, uncovered. 177. i, 2, 3, 4.
177. 6
Church bell. see 168. 7 6. Mural coronet. 16. 5 Cup in flames.
189. 7
CiNQUEFOIL. //rtfe 148. II, 12 7. Naval coronet, composed alter- Cupid. see 185. 8

Civic crown, a garland of oak-leaves and nately of the sails and sterns of ships. Cupid, Demi-.

acorns. 16. 9; 204. 2 Cupola, dome of a building, see 157. 15

Clenched, a term applied to the fist 8. Eastern coronet. 206. 2 Curling stone. 221. 2

when the hand is closed. see 202. 2 9. Vallary coronet. 16. 4
10. Pallisado coronet. 205. i
Close, a term applied to a bird when the

wings are kept close to the body (85. 2), 11. Celestial coronet, the same as an
and ir: a helmet w''h the vizor dowji. Eastern coronet, but having each point

Su^'muUnted by a star.

Clouds. 162. 13 12. Antique coronet, usually the same Dancettee, when the teeth or indents

Clouds, hands out of. phtes 196, 198, as an Eastern coronet, but occasionally of a zigzag line are large and wide (see

200, 204, 207, 20S, 210, 211, 212, 214, otherwise. see 100. 8 ; 130. 8 Indented).

215, 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224. There are other coronets in existence, Dart. See Arrow.

Club. seeplale 199 but having no special names they must Decrescent, the half-moon with its horns

] Cock. see plates <)o, <)i be minutely described. turned towards the sinister. 163. I

1 Cock, game. 90. 2 CoucHANT, lying down but with the head Demi, half. 10. 2 34. 14 ; 186. 5

Cockatrice, a fabulous creature, in her- upright (see Lodged) to distinguish from Devouring, swallowing. 139. 2

aldry depicted as like a wyvern, but dormant. 7. 12 Dexter, the right ; but as in heraldry the

with the head, wattles, beak, and legs COUPED, cut clean off. 21. i ; 47. 5 shield is supposed to be borne in front,

' 68. 4 ; 68. 5 Counterchanged, an alternate changing the dexter side of the escutcheon is that

of a cock.

Collared, having a collar about the neck. of the colours. on the left-hand side when looking

see 26. 5 see 2. 9 ; 26. 10 ; 50. 6 ; 1 19. 6 — —straight at it, and similarly with crests
e.g., 25. 1 1 in which the part marked
Collared gemelle, having a double CouRANT, Current, running at full

collar about the neck. 228. 8, 1 speed. 52. 8 ; 118. 13 azure is the dexter and the ermine is the

Combatant, a term applied to two lions Crab. 141. 5 sinister.

when facing each other. 3. 8 Crane. 105. 9 Displayed, a term usually applied to the


i Co.MBED, when the comb or crest of a Crane's Head. 104. 5 eagle when in the position shewn in 75. 2,

cock or cockatrice, for example, is of a Crenellee, embattled, see I. 2; 2oS. 7 which is an eagle displayed; but 77. 5

colour different from the body. 90. 3 Crescent, a half-moon, horns turned (unless blazoned "rising," as is some-

Comet, represented wiih an illuminated upwards. 163. 2 times the case), shews the claws upon the

tail streaming from it. 164. 10 Decrescent, horns turned towards the wreath and the body in profile instead

Complement, in her, applied to the sinister 163. i of affrontee, and might be described as

moon, to denote her being full. Increscent, horns turned towards the "an eagle with wings displayed."

162. 4 dexter. 163. 3 Dolphin. See Naiant and haurient.

Componee, or CoMPONY, composed of Crescent in flames. 163. 12 plate 140

one row of small rectangular pieces Crested, a term applied to the comb of Dormant, sleeping with the head resting

alternately of different tinctures; if there a cock, or other bird, or to the head upon the forepaws. 7. 13

be two rows it is termed compoity- feathers of a peacock, and to the top of Double-queued, having two tails.

counter-compoiiy. see 4. 2 a pine-apple. 3. I ; 10. 6

Coney, or cony, a rabbit. 136. i Crined, relating to the hair. Dove. 92. 2

— —S —;


Dovetailed. see 226. i Etoile, a star with waved rays or pomts, Furche, Fourchee, forked, usually

Dragon, a fabulous animal, differs from usually six in number, but this should applied to the tail of an animal when

the wyvern by having four legs. 73. 2 always be specified. see l(m. 1,4 forked at the middle.

Ducal cokonet, frequently used instead Eye, human. 193. 13 Furnished, sometimes used to mean sup-

of a wreath, or as a collar ; it has three Eyed, a term applied to the variegated plied with, See Caparisoned.

leaves, unless blazoned as having a spots in the peacock's tail, and when Fusil, afigure similar in shape to a lozenge,

greater number. See Coronet. the eye of any creature hasto be blazoned but slightly narrower. 147. 13

10. 7; 16. 2 ; 23. 8 as of some tincture.

Duck. 102. 8

Gad, a plate of steel or iron.

Eagle. 76. 2 Falchion, a kind of broadsword. Galley, an antique vessel, see 160. 6, 7

Eagle displayed, when the wings and Falcon, a large species of sporting hawk, Galtrap, See Caltrap.

legs are extended on each side of the but very little distinction is made between Gamb, the fore-leg of a lion or other beast.

body which is placed affrontee. 75. 2 the different species. 85.2 36- 4

Eagle rising. See Preface. Falcon's leg. 113- Garb, a sheaf of corn or wheat. 153. 2

Eared, a term used when the ears are in Fasces. Gardant, a term applied to animals when

colour different from the body. 171. 4; see 82. 8; 171. 6, 9 the body is in profile and the face is
124. 12 affrontee. See Gaze, at.
Eel. 142. 10 Fawn.

Elephants. p/aie 133 Feathers, always those of the ostrich, plate d,. I, 2, 3.

Elephants' trunks, or Probosces. unless mentioned as otherwise. Garland, chaplet or wreath of flowers

123. 10 plales 113, 114, 115 or leaves. 146. 3

Embattled, like the battlements of a Fer-de-moline, a mill-rind. 165. II Garland of Roses. /tvi74,6; 175. 15

castle. See Crenellee. Ferret. 134. 9 Gate. 15S. 9

Embowed, bent at the elbow. See Arm. Fess, the space between two horizontal Gauntlet, an iron glove. 209. 5, 8

Embrued, dipped in blood ; any weapon lines drawn across the field, occupying Gaze, at, a term applied to the hart, stag,
bloody, or mouths bloody with devour- from a third to a fith part of the escut- buck, or hind, when standing in profile

ing prey. 174. 12, 14 cheon. 8. 5 ; 81. 8 with the head affrontee, or full faced

Endorsed. See Addorsed. Fess ways, placed in fess ; horizontal all other beasts in this attitude are gar-

Enfiled, a charge is so termed when en- e.g., the sword in 118. 5 ; the lozenges dant. 117. 3

circled by, or thrust through, anything in 106. 13 ; and the escallops in 60. 3. Gemel, or Bar-gemel, signifies a double

else—<'.^., a fleur-de-lis enfiled with a Fetterlock. 19. 4; 168. 12 bar or two bars near and parallel to each

ducal coronet (148. i), or a sword en- Fimbriated, edged of another tincture. other. 120. 13; 128. 10 J 139. 3

filed by a savage's head in profile couped Finch. See Goldfinch. Giraffe. See Cameleopard.

at the neck (191. o). TT,^ oo^NCH. 147. 6 Globe. 159. i

Engrailed, a term applied to a line com- Fir cone. scr 152. 6 Glove. see 86. 12

posed of semicircular indents. Fire-ball, Grenade, or Ball fired, Goat. plates 128, 129

see 8. 7 ; 30- 6 ppr., has always the fire issuing from the GOEONY. See COMPONEE.
Ensigned, a term used with crowns, coro-
top. 177- Goldfinch. 108. 8

nets, and other things, when borne on Fire-beacon. 177. Golden-fleece, a ram stuffed and

or over charges ; as a heart ensignea Pitched, or Fitchee, sharpened to suspended by a collar round his middle.

with a crown. 110. 14 point. see 166. 130. 10

Entwined, generally with a snake or a Flag. 176- 15 GOLPES, purple-coloured roundles. See

cable ; sometimes a sword or a flagstaff, Flamant, flaming. see 155. 9 Roundle.

etc., with a branch of laurel. Flame of fire. 177. 1 Gorged, having a coronet, collar, ribbon,

81. 5 : 225. 3 Fleur-db-lis. •"hain, etc., about the neck or throat.

Em'velOPED, entwined by a snake, appiicu 148. 2; see 13. 13; 144. Grapes, bunch of. 152. 7

to birds and animals. 77. 8 Fleury or Flory, a term applied to Grenade. See Fire-ball.

Eradicated, torn up by the roots. various objects e.g., a collar, a coronet, Greyhound. plates 58, 59, 60, 61

Erased, forcibly torn off, leaving the a cross, or a tressure, of which the ends Grieces, steps or degrees on which crosses

separated parts jagged and uneven or edges are garnished with fleurs-de-lis are placed. see 166. I

When(see 15. 3; 17. 8). erased of a or demi-fleur-de-lis. Griffin, a chimercial animal, half-eagle

different tincture it should be shown as ^/ 33- 3 ; 166. 7 and half-lion. 62 to 68

39. 7 ; 49. 2. Flexed, bent. see 193. i Gules, red ; represented when engraved
Erect, upright or in pale.
A sword, Flighted. .S^ Barbed and Flighted. by perpendicular lines. see 1 5. 8

erect 170. 2 Flotant, floating, or flying in the Gutte, a drop.

Ermine, the. 134. 2; 134. 6 the banner in 73. 11. Guttee, semee of drops, varying in colour,

Ermine, white with black tufts or ermine Flute. it)». 3 according to what is intended to be repre-

spots. see 19. 8 Focked, a term said to be applied to sented, and named as follows :

Ermines, black with white ermine spots. lions, etc., when the hind feet are of a Guttee-d'eau, drops of water, argent.

see 22$. 12 different tincture. 12. 6

Erminois, gold with black ermine spots. Formee, or PattSe, see C Guttee-de-huile, or Guttee-d'olive,

see 81. 13 Fountain, a roundle barry wavy arg. and drops of oil, vert.

Escallop-shell. 141. 14 az. 159- 8 Guttee-de-larmes, tear drops, a:ure.

Escallop-shell, reversed. 141. 9 Fountain, playing. 159. 13 56. 10

EscROL, a slip on which crests were Fox. see plates 32, 33 Guttee d'or, drops of gold, or. 225. 10

formerly placed ; now used to receive Frasier, a strawberry plant or cinque- Guttee-de-poix, drops of pitch, saile.

the mottoes. foil. loi. 3
148. 12 Gutt^e-de-sang, drops of blood, gules.
The Escutcheon proper is the shield

upon which the Coat-of-Arms is dis- Fret, two long pieces in saltier, extending 121. 13

played, and as to which "Fairbairn" to the extremity of the field, and inter- Guttee-reversed, drops contrary' to the

does not in any way treat, but an escut- laced within a mascle in the centre. natural position. 227. 10

cheon frequently appears ( i ) as the crest 165. 10 Gyron, the space between two straight

(176. 10), or (2) as a part of it (61. i), Fretty, interlacing each other in saltire. Unes from the dexter fess and chief

and many crests consist of a bird or an 3. 3 ; 14. 7 ; 121. I point, meeting in an acute angle in the

animal supporting an escutcheon or ban- Fructed, bearing fruit. 151.3; 152.9 fess point.

ner of the arms of the family. Fur. See Ermine.Ermines, Erminois, Gyronny, composed of gyrons. The

76. 7; 85. II Pean, Vair, and Vairi^e. number should be stated. 143. 3



her young by vulning or wounding her Lion {continued).

own breast. see 98. 8 Passant. 6. 2

Habited, clothed, vested. In his pride, a term applied to the pea- Passant guardant. 4. 3
cock when its tail is displayed. Passant regardant. 6- I

see I S3. 3 ; 187. 14 ; 203. 8 103. 12 Rampant. i. 13
Rampant guardant. 2. 5
Halberds. See Battle-axe. In his splendour, a term used to de- Rampant regardant
Hammer. 2. 1
see 207. 1 scribe the sun when shewn as 162. 2

Hand, must be couped at the wrist. In leure, a term applied to wings when Sejant. 8. 8

Hand apaumee. 222. 14 borne in the position of a lure. See Sejant-erect. 8. 13
Hand sinister. 222. 9 Sejant-guardant. 8. 2
Vol. 113-3

Hare. 136. 3 In orle, nearly in a circle ; used to de- Sejant-guardant-erect. 8. 7
Sejant regardant.
Harp. 168. 9 scribe two branches, encompassing any Statant. 8. 5
cf.^. i, 8
Harpy, the head and breasts of a woman bearing. s'^'' 3. 10; 162. 6

conjoined to the body of a vulture. In pale, upright or erect. see 173. 5 Statant guardant. 4. i
Statant, with tail extended. 4. 8
189. I Interlaced. ^^44. 5; 120. 13

Harrow, as used irt husbandry ; is usually Invected, the reverse of engrailed. Lion, sea. plat,- 20

triangular. 1 78. 4 121. 12 Lion's face. 21. 11
Lion's gambs. plate 36
Haurient, a term applied to a fish when Inverted, upside down.

erect. 139. 11 ; 140. 11 Issuant, coming up, or arising from. Lion's head. 17. 8

Hawk. 85. 2 19. 9; 61. 14 Lion's tail. 123. 14
Hawk's bell.
seeS6. 13 Lion of St. Mark, or winged lion.

Hawk's head. 88. 12 8. 10; 20. 7, 9, 10, 12

Hawk's leg. 113-8 Lizard. 138. 5
Lobster. 141. 2
Hawk's lure, used by falconers; a decoy.

no. 10; 178. II [ambe. See Gamb. Locust. 137. 8

Heart, human. see plate 181 Jelloped, a term applied to a cockatrice Lodged, the buck, hart, hind, etc., when

Heart inflamed. 181. 8, 12, 13 or cock, when the wattles are of a at rest, or lying; they must not be termed

Heart in flames. 181. 11 tincture different from the head. couchant. nS- 7
Hedgehog, or Urchin.
Helmet, of an esquire, 135. 8 Jessant-de-lis, having a fleur-de-lis Long Cross. 165. 4

a crest. when used as shooting through any charge, see 22. 5 Lozenge. see 106. 13
Heraldic rose.
180. 3 Jesses, leather thongs, with which the LozENGY, composed of lozenges alter-

149. 2 bells are tied to the legs of hawks. nately of different colours. 120.4

Heraldic tiger. 25. 5 see%T. 10 Lucy, a fish called a pike.

Highlander. 188. 5 see 138. 10; 139. 5
see 1 7"
' '" " handle of a sword. Lure, or Leure, a decoy. See Hawk's

nift^, a v.oe o. .'"c:-....„ v.." uic stag. LuRE. Wing; conjoined with their

see plates 124, 125 tips downward, are in lint) i. "3-3

Hippocampus, a sea-horse. Kangaroo. 136- 7. 9 Lymphad, an antique ship, with mast a. Ji

see plate 46 Key. see 168. 1 oars. 160. 7
127. 2
Holly-tree. 145. 6 ; 147. 7 Kingfisher. 96. 9 Lynx.
Holly-leaves. see 2\\. it, Knife.
see 178. 9 Lyre, a musical instrument. 168. 8

Holy lamb. 13 Knot. e plate 165

Hooded, when borne with a hood. A M

hawk, hooded. 86.

Horn, hunting. See Bugle-horn.

Horns. See Attires. see 123. Mace, a club used in war. 199. 3

Horse. plates 50, 51, 52, 53 Label, a figure of three points to dis Maiden's head, the head and neck of a

Horse, sea- plate 46 tinguish the eldest son [and of five points woman couped at the breasts.

Horseshoe. 158. 6; no. 13 for the grandson], borne during the life Mail, chain. 198. 2
189. 8
Horse, winged. See Pegasus, of the father ; and borne by a 11 the n Mameluke.

Hunting-horn. See Bugle-horn. bers of the Royal Family ; and a term Man. see plates 185, 186, 187, 188, 189
applied to the ribbons that hang from Maned, when the mane is of a colour
Huntsman. 187. 2, i;

Hurt, an azure roundle. See Roundle a mitre or coronet. 61.. 13; 167, different from the body, the animal is

Hurtle, or Hurty, semee of hurts. Ladder. 15S- 12, 14 maned of that colour.

Husbandman. Lamb. see plates 130, 13 Man's head, unless differently expressed,

187. 14; 188. 8, i: Lamb, Holy, see 131. 2, 7 is usually in profile and bearded ; if

Hussar, see 185. 11 Lamp, burning. jc?i77. 5 without a beard, it is a young man's head.

Hy.«na. 127. i; Lance, a spear to thrust with, see 204. 10 Mantling, the flourishing ornament

Hydra, a dragon with seven heads. Langued, a term used when the tongue attached to the helmet-

73- 3 of beasts or birds is borne of a colour Marten, or martin a kind of weasel-

different from the body. Martin, a kind of swallow.

Laurel-branch. 151. 13 Martlet, a bird without feet, represent-

Leash, a small leather thong used by ing the martin. 95. 5

falconers ; the line attached to the collar Mascle, a figure in the form of a lozenge,

Imbattled. See Embattled. of a dog. but always voided. 167. 9

I.mperial crown. see2\-].\ Leashed, lined. see 55. 5 Masoned, a term used to indicate that
In bend, see Bendways. Leg. seeplate 193 the cement or mortar in buildings is of

see 122. 2 ; 168. 8; 170. 5 Legged. See Membered. a different tincture.

In chevron, in the position or shape of Leopard, borne in most of the positions Mast and Sail. see \fx>. 11

a chevron. 151. 15 ; 164. 7 of the lion. see plate 24 Maunch, an antique sleeve.
22. 2 Membered, when the legs or beak of a
Increscent, a crescent with the horns Leopard's face.

turned towards the dexter. 163.3 Leopard's head. 22. 10 bird are of a colour different from the

Indented, notched like a saw. 206. 13 Letter, sealed. 215. 7 body, they are beaked and membered of
In Fess, horizontal. See Raguly Staff, Lily. 151 2. that colour.

5. 14, and Tilting-spear, 17S. 2 Lion. Mermaid, a figure half-woman, half-fish,

iNGRAiLED. See Engrailed. Couchant. 7. 5 generally with a comb in one hand, and
In her complement. See Complement. Couchant guardant.
In her piety, a term applied to the Demi-lion. 7. 10 a mirror in the other. 184. 5

10. 2 Merman, a figure half-man, half-fish.

pelican when in her nest and feeding Dormant. 7. 13 see 185. 12



Mill-rind, or Fer-de-Moline, the iron Orle. See In Orle. Per fess, divided into two equal parts of

in the centre of the mill-s e, by which Ostrich. p/afe 97 different colours by a horizontal line.
165. II Ostrich-feathers, generally borne in a 2. 9 ; 14. 2

see 180. 14 plume. f/iites 114, 115 Per pale, divided into two equal parts of

Minerva's Head. 182. I Ostrich's WING. 113.9 different colours by a peipendicular line.

Mirror, oval and handled see 184. 5 Otter. 134. 5 S. 7 ; 32. 3 ; 225. 9 ; 226. 14

Mitre. This is always placed above the Ounce, an animal like the leopard, having Per saltier, divided into four equal pans,

escutcheon of the arms by Bishops, none the upper part of the body tawny white, by two diagonal lines crossing each other.

of whom are permitted to use a crest. and the lower part ash-colour, and Pestle and Mortar. 177. 13

In such cases no wreath is placed below sprinkled with numerous black spots. Pheasant. 90. 8

it. There is no distinctive mitre for an See Leopard. Pheon, the barbed head of a dart or arrow.
Archbishop. The Bishop of Durham, Owl, always full-faced.
and he only, encircles the band of his Ox yoke. 96. 5 174. 2, II

178. 6 Phceni.y, a fabled bird always in flames,

mitre by a ducal coronet. The illus- with about half of the body visible.

tration 180. 5 is charged with a chevron 82. 2

and thereon escallop shells both of which PHYSICIA.-i's CAP. iSo. 7

must be omitted e.xcept in those cases Pick. see 78. 2; 219. 12

where they are mentioned in the blazon. Pierced, an ordinary or charge, perfor-

Monk. 187. 11 ; 192. 3 Padlock. 168. 14 ated, and showing the field under it.

Monkey. 136. 8 Pale. The space amounting to a third- see 164. 5

Moor-cock. 89. 5 part in the centre of the escutcheon Pike, a fish, the lucy.

Moor's head, a black's head, generally enclosed by two perpendicular lines see 138. 10; 139. 5

in profile, and frequently banded or reaching from top to bottom. See Per Pile, an ordinary of a conical or triangular

wreathed. 182. 7 ; 192. 13 pale and In pale. shape. see\\\. 4; 131. 6

Morion, an antique helmet by in- 5. 3; 48. 4; 117. 14; 227. 9 Pine cone, the fruit of the pine-tree.

fantry. See Helmet. Pallet, a diminutive of the field half its see 152. 6

III. 2; 173 width ; when wavy it frequently denotes Pine apple stalked and leaved.

Mortar. 169. illegitimacy. 66.3; 131, 152. 8

Mortar and Pestle. 177. Palm-branches. 146. 2; 147. 1,2 Pine-tree. 144. 8. 13

Mort-HEAD, a death's head, or skull Palm-tree. 144. i, 3 Pistol. see 200. 11

193- I Palmer's staff. see 168. 6 Plate, a round flat piece of silver w ilhout

Mound, a ball or globe, forming part of Paly, when, by perpendicular lines, a field any impression. See Roundle.

the regalia of sovereigns. 159.12 is d'vided into any equal number of Platee, semee of plates. See Se.mee.
part.,, it is /a/)' of so many pieces. ^i. 10
Mount, a small hill, on which crests are

frequently represented. Pt riuGH.

.. Sf:'^° 7, I2i. 13 151. 4 Plumb ruxk. • '• 170. 6

MOUNT; SSB'ite. 179. 10 Parrot, or Popinjay. loi. 4 Plume, consisting of three feathers only.

Ivl jUntain, as a mount, but larger in pro- Partridge. 89. 12 If more are in the plume the number

portion to the bearing placed upon it Party. See Per pale, etc. must be expressed. Sometimes one

{see next). Paschal Lamb, passant, carrying a plume is placed above another ; it is

Mountain, in flames. 179. 2 banner, generally charged with a cross, then termed a double plume. If com-

Mountain cat. 25. 2; 26. 5, 13 called the Banner of St. George. posed of three rows, one above the other,

Mullet, a five-pointed star. 164. 2 131- 2, 7, 14 it is teraied a triple plume. 115. I, 2

Mullet, of six points, 83. 13; pierced, Passant, passing, walking. see 6. 2 Pointer. 57. 6

164. 5. Passant, with tail extended. 5. 1 Pomegranate, generally stalked and

Mural, walled. see 195. 9 Passion cross. See Long cross. leaved, and the side of the fruit burst.

Mural coronet. See Coronet. Passion-nail. see 171. 5 152. 4

Murrey, a kind of purple-brown colour, Pattee. See Formee. PoMEis, a roundle of a green colour. See

of very rare Paw. See Gamb. Roundle.

Muzzled. 34- 13 Peacock. f/aie 103 Pommel, the rounded knob of the sword's

Pean, a sable fur, with ermine spots of handle.

gold. Popinjay. See Parrot. 136. J
144. 10 Porcupine.
N Pear tree.

Pegasus, a winged horse. see platt 47 Portcullis, for the defence of the gate-

Nail. 176. II Pelican, usually represented as like an way of a city, castle, or other fortress.

Naiant. Swimming, or in the pos: eagle, with a long neck and wings ad- plates 178. 2, 3

swimming. —dorsed, always vulning herself—/.f., Powdered, semee of.

99.8,11, 13; 139.13; 140- 5 pecking at her breast whence issue Prey'ing, a ravenous beast or bird,
N.IRCISSUS, a flower with six petals, like
drops of blood. See In her piety. standing on, and in a proper position for

the leaf of the cinquefoil. //«/<• 98 devouring its prey. see plate 79. 2, S

Nebulee, or Nebuly, a term applied to Pellettee, strewed with pellets. Primrose. 150. S, 11

waved lines intended to represent clouds. Pellet, or Ogress, a sable Roundle. See Proper, borne in the proper or n.-Kural

56. 8 ; 85. II ; 227. 15 Roundle. colours.

Nowed, knotted. 142. 4 Pen. see 170. 4 PuRFLED, garnished or ornamented.
Neptune. Pendent, hanging. PURPURE, purple ; represented when en-

Nightingale. see\/^. 4; 196. 2; 199. II graved by diagonal lines, drawn from the

Penned a term used when the stem or sinister chief to the dexter base.

quill of a feather is of a colour different see 229. 5

from the feather. Purse. see 202. i

Pennon, an oblong flag, terminating Some- Pyramid, a building or figure coming to

Oak-branch. 151. i, 3 times in one and sometimes in two sharp a point. 179- 12
Oak tree. 143. points, carried on the point of a spear. Pyramid of leaves. 151. 14
Oars in saltier.
179. 3 See Banner and Flag. see 227. 13
Ogresses, sable roundles.
See Roundle. Per bend, divided into two equal parts

Or, gold, frequently represented by yellow of different colours by a diagonal line.

and when engraved by small points or 226. I

dots spread over the field or bearing. Per bend sinister. 227. 14 Quadrangular lock. see 168. 13

14. 8 ; 55. Per cheveron, divided by two lines Quarterly, divided into four equal parts.
Organ pipes. placed in cheveron. seeil. 10



QuATREFOlL, a figure consisting of four Semi^e-de-lis, semee of fleurs-de-i

leaves. 148. 10 s 203. 13

Queue, the tail ; used as iiueue-fourchee, Serpent. plate 142

meaning having a forked tail ; and doubk- Sable, black ; represented when engraved Shark. cj. 139. 2

queiieJ, meaning double-tailed. by perpendicular and horizontal lines Shield. See Escutcheon.

Quiver of Arrows, a case filled with crossing each other. see i. 10 Ship in full sail. 160. 13

arrows. 174, 4 Sagittarius. See Centaur. Shoveller, a water-fowl, somewhat like

Sail of a ship, only a small portion of a duck, but shown with a peculiar beak.

the mast and yard-arm should be shown. Shuttle. 176. 14

i6o. 9 Sickle. see 178. 10

Salamander, a fabulous animal, always Sinister, the left. Refer to Dexter.

represented surrounded with flames ppr. Slipped, having a stalk.

Rabbit, usually termed a coney. '3S- I, 2, 3. Snail. 141. 8
plate 142

Salient, leaping or springing, the hind Snake

136. feet down. 62. 8 Spade. see 202. 12

R.A.GULED, Ragulee, or Raguly, sup- Saltier, or Saltire, a diagonal cross in Spaniel. see 57. 7

posed to represent a ragged staff having the form of St. Andrew's Cross. Spear, generally a tilting-spear.

its branches lopped, but more usually W215. 12 see plate 175

drawn in the conventional style. Saltierwavs, when placed in the position Spearheads. 14. 7; 174. 12

13. 6; 147. 10, II, 12, 14 of the saltier. 81. 13; 166. 12; 170. 4 Sphere, a globe. 159. i

Rainbow, an arch of its proper colours, Sanglier, a wild boar. 40. 9 Sphinx, a fabulous creature having the

rising from clouds at each end. Sand glass or Hour glass. 177. 15 body of a lion, the wings of an eagle,

159-2; 227. 8 Sans, without. and the face and breasts of a woman.

Ram. 131. 13 Saracen's head. 190. 5 182. 12

Rampant, standing erect on the sinister Sash, military. see 219. 3 Splendour. See Sun.

hind-leg. i- 13 Savage, a wild man, always naked,

Rat. usually with a beard, afiront^e, and

Raven. frequently wreathed about the temples

Reflexed, bent back, usually applied to and loins with leaves.

a chain or line. 10. 12 ; 118. 9 1S6. S ; 188. 10
190.7, 12; 192. 14
Regardant, looking behind. Savage's HEAD.

2. II ; 118, Scales. 179. 8

Reindeer. 122. 3 ; 125. 9 Scaling-l.\dder, hooked at the top to
TJfspecting, looking at.
affix it to the wall. 158.14

RtEf >bED, coii'.tir,' "Lu , -'."I Dosition. Sceptre, a royal staff, the emblem of

17. 6*; 141. 9 stice. 170. 9, 10
see 196. 10
RH'NOCEROS. 226. 2, i. Scimitar, or 5^•v^.•Vl.R.
Rir or Gem-ring. ;;" 2
167. 12, \i. Scorpion. ~

Rising, preparing to fly. See Preface. Scroll. See Escrol.

RotiN Redbreast. 108. II Scroll of Paper, etc. See Roll.

Rock. 79- 7 Scythe. 188. 12 ; ;
Rock in sea.
Roll of paper, or parchment 79- 5 Sea-horse, an animal, the upper

being like the horse, but with webbed

see 75. 12 ; 208. 5 feet, conjoined to the tail of a fish,

Roman fasces. 171. 4 plate iS,t
Roman soldier.
Sea-lion, upper part like a lion, and lower

Rose, consisting of five principal petals or part like the tail of a fish. plate 20

leaves with small ones in the centre Seal's head. 134,

having between each outer leaf a smallei Seax, a sword or scimitar, much hollowed

petal or barb, usually of a different colour. out and also notched in the back of the

When blazoned proper, the rose is red, blade. 171. 2, 5

the seeds yellow, and the barbs green. Seeded, applied to the seed of roses,

149. 2, I lilies, etc., when of a tincture diflTerent

Rose, slipped and leaved. 149. 5 to the flower itself.

Rose-branch, divested of the stiffness of Segreant, a term applied only to tht

the heraldic rose, and drawn in a more griffin when in the position of rampant.

natural matter, and usually having more 62. ;

than one blossom. 149. Sejant, sitting. 8. J

Roses, garland of. Sejant-affrontee. 7. :

172. 10; 174. 6 ; 225. 9 Sejant-erect (sometimes called sejant

RouNDLE, a small flat circular piece ; but rampant), sitting on the hind legs with

the name roundle must only be used the fore paws raised. '


Avhen composed of a fur, when the SEMi;E, sprinkled evenly over the surf
colour is unknown, or when composed at regular intervals. Any surface

of more than one colour, 32. 7. The charge may be semee of any other

names vary as follows : charge, though some must have special

1. Barry wavy arg. and terms applied to them (see Crusuly,

fountain. 159 S. Bezantee, Platee, Semee-de-lis

2. Or, a bezant. Pellettee). In emblazoning it i;

3. Argent, a plate. desirable, where the shape of the figure

4. Gules, a torteau. 159. 14 or field will allow, that the small

5. Azure, a hurt. charges, of which the other is semee,
should be so arranged that the
6. Vert, a pomme or pomeis.

7. Sable, a pellet, or ogress. edge of the field should cut off and

8. Purpure, a golpe. partially deface one or more of the
smaller charges in order to distinguish
Rudder OF ship. ii. ii ; 179. it from a field charged with a particular

RusTRE, a figure like a mascle, only whilst

the mascle is voided the rustre is only number of objects.

pierced with a round hole. see 13. I ; 14. 7; 115. 8 ; 119. 7



Trees. plates 143, 144, 145 Water-bouget, an antique vessel used for

Trefoil, a three-leaved figure. 148 carrying water by soldiers. * 168. 2, 4
Wattled, a term used in describing the
Triangle. see 167,
a fur always composed of spaces gills of a cock.
Trident, Neptune's emblem, with three Vair,
Wavedand az., placed alternately in little or Wany, called also Undee,
barbed prongs. arg.

see 185. 12 ; 197. 8 shield-shaped divisions. 229. formed like waves. jre 14. 2 ; 66. 3
139. 8
Trippant or Tripping, a beast of chase, Vairee, formed the same as vair, with th Whale's head.

with the right foot lifted up, as if walking difference, that it may be of any number Wheat. Hates 153, 154

briskly. 117. f of colours, which must be expressed in Wheel. 167. i

Triple-towered. see 157. 6 the blazon. 124-9; 174-7 Wheel, Catherine. 167. 2

Triton. 185. 12 Vallary coronet. See Coronet. Wild cat. See Cat-a-mountain.

Trumpet. see 91. 6 Vambraced, covered with armour. Wings. see plates 109— 113

Truncheon, a marshall's staff. See 195. 2 Winged sand-glass. ' 113. 11

Baton. Vert, green, represented when engraved Wolf. plates 28, 29, 30, 31

Turk, demi, vested. 187. 10 by diagonal lines from the dexter chief Wreath, a skein of silk twisted withametal

Turkey. 108. 5 the sinister base. cord. Wreaths upon which crests are

Turreted, having small towers or turrets. Vervels, small rings to which the jesses placed show six folds in front, three of

155. 10; 157. 6 of the hawk are fastened. metal and three of colour, beginning with

Tynes, the branches of the horns of b< Veruled, having rings or ferrules round metal and ending with colour. Crests
of chase. ; are upon wreaths when not expressed as
228. 9 borne upon a cap, or chapeau, or issuing

1S3. 8 ; 204. 13 out of a coronet. Stc Preface.
152. 9 Wreath of laurel.
Vine-branch. see 116. 14 Wreath of thorns. 146. 3
Vine-tree. 146. 6

Vol, two wings conjoined. 113. i Wreathed, twisted in the form of a

Volant, flying. see 93. 13 wreath or encircled by a wreath.

Undee. See Wavy. Vulned, wounded and bleeding. Wyvern, or Wivern, a fabled monster

Unguled, a term used when the hoofs Vulning, wounding, particularly applied like a dragon, but with only two legs,

are of a colour different from the to the pelican, which is always depicted drawn with wings up and addorsed,

body. wounding her breast. See In her piety. unless otherwise described.

Unicorn, a fabulous animal with the head, plate 70

neck, and body of a horse, the legs of a

buck, the tail of a lion, and a long horn

projecting from the forehead.

seeplaUs 48, 49
Urchin, i^^ Hedgehog.
Wallet, a pilgrim's pouch. I'-Tyo. 2i 1 OKE, for oxen.


Printed by T. C. &>' E. C. Jack, Grange Publishing Works, Edinburgh.




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