Barrington, Nicholas William, M.D., Barrow, John James, of Holmewood, vert, between four roses, two
97, St, George's Road, Warwick Kent, on a perch ppr., a squirrel .sejant on either side gu., stalked and leaved
Square, S.W., same crest and motto.
or, collared and chained az., cracking ppr. Boutez en aiant. 234. 8
Barrington, Charles George, Esquire, of
a nut ppr. Non jrustra Barry, James Grene, Esquire, J.P., D.L.,
13, Morpeth Mansions, Victoria Street, Barrow, Bridgnian l.angdale. Esquire, of of Sandville House, Ballyneety, co.
London, a Capuchin's bust in profile Sydnope Hall, near Matlock, same crest Limerick, out of a castle arg., charged
vested, with a cowl paly of six arg. and and motto. with a crescent az., a wolf's head sa.
gu. Honesta quam splendida. 2i;i. i Barrow, John Burton, Esquire, of Ring- Boutez en avant.
Barrington, Edward, Esquire, of Cam- wood Hall, Chesterfield, co. Derbysh., Barry, Devonsh., a wolf's head sa.,
panella, KiUiney, co. Dublin, crest as same crest and motto. charged with a crescent or.
above, but issuing from a mural crown. Barrow, George Martin, Esquire, of St. cf. 30. 5
Honesta quam splendida. John's Green, Essex, upon a mount Barry of Winscot, Devonsh., a wolf's
Barrington, Jonathan Pirn, Esquire, of vert, a squirrel sejant ppr., gorged head erased sa. 30. 8
70, Adelaide Road, Dublin, same crest with a collar gemel or, holding a rose Barry of Dublin, a wolf's head couped
and motto. arg.. barbed, leaved, and slipped of sa. 30. 5
Barrington-White, James, Esquire, of
the first. Barry, Ireland, on a ducal coronet or, a
Roxley Court, Hitchen, Herts, a crown Barrow, Shropsh., a squirrel sejant gu., wolf's head erased gu., collared of the
vallary or, charged on the band with charged with a chevron or, cracking a first. Regi legi fidelis. cf. 30. 1
three pommes, issuing therefrom a nut ppr. cj. li'k. 7 Barry, a lion's head erased gu., collared
demi-hermit, with the dexter arm Barrow of Southwell, Lines, and Ring- or. Fortitudine. 18. 6
elevated, vested paly gu. and arg., wood Hall, Derbysh., on a perch ppr., Barry of Stanley House, London Road,
the hand ppr. grasping three roses a squirrel sejant or, coUared and Forest Hill, S.E., a gryphon gu., wings
gu. on one stem, slipped, barbed, and chained, cracking a nut, all ppr. Non elevated and addorsed barry of six or
seeded ppr., on the head a cowl, also and az., in its beak a rose arg., leaved
paly gu. and arg. Vng durant via vie. Barrow, Cambs, an ostrich-head erased and slipped ppr., resting the dexter
233-4 arg., holding in the beak a key claw on a portcuUis with chains sa.
Barrington, Sir Charles Burton, Bart., or. Boutez en avant.
Ireland, out of a crown vallary or, a Barrow, Glouc, an Amazonian woman Barry, a griffin's head erased per bend
hermit's bust, vested paly of six arg. ppr. sinister vair and arg., gorged with a
and gu., a cowl of the leist. Ung durant Barrow, Lansdowne Grove, Bath, a demi- plain collar gu., charged with two
ma vie. 190. 9 bear sa., semee-de-lis arg., muzzled or, mullets or.
Barritt of Jamaica, a talbot's head per holding in the dexter paw an arrow, Barry of Roclaveston, Notts, the em-
fosse arg. and erm., collared or, eared point downwards ppr. battlement of a tower on a bar fesse-
c/. 56. I Barrow, Alfred, Esquire, of London, wise gu., charged with three roses in
153-2 issuaut out of clouds a dexter arm
Barron, Norf., a garb ppr. Afess arg. rege et victoria.
Barron, an eagle regardant, wings ex- embowed in armour ppr., garnished or, Barry, Otter-, of Emperor's Gate, London
panded, holding in the dexter claw a the hand also ppr., holding a bugle- (I) The embattlements of a tower gu.,
sword, all ppr. 77. 10 hoin sa., stringed vert, above the hand charged with three roses in fesse arg.
a fleur-de-lis of the second.
Barron, Edward Jackson, F.S.A., 10, (for Barry). (2) Two crosses pattee,
Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, Barrow, Ireland, on a mural coronet or, and resting thereon a crescent, all or.
W.C, same crest. Vigilans. a dove holding in its beak an olive- (for Otter). 163. 8
Barron of Belmont House, Kilkenny, branch ppr. ef. 92. 5 Barry, see Bmy-Barry.
Ireland, a boar passant az. Fortuna Barrowcourt, Somers., out of a wreath Barrymore, Earl, extinct, out of a castle
juvat audaces. 40. 2 of laurel vert, a demi-bull rampant or. with two towers arg., a wolf's head sa.
Barron, Clarke Charles Netterville, of cf. 45- 12 cf. 254. 6
Hobons Street, Wellington, New Barrowe, a demi-lion rampant arg., hold- Barrymore, Baron (Smith Barry, P.C),
Zealand, same crest and motto. ing in the dexter paw a cross crosslet a castle arg.. issuant from the battle-
Barron, Sir Henry Page Turner, Bart., fitchedsa. 11. 10 ments thereof a wolf's head sa., charged
C.M.G., of Glenanna and Barron Court, Barrowman, Scotland, a demi-huntsman with a cross pattee fitchee or. Boutez
CO. Waterford : (i) A boar passant firing a gun, all ppr. 187. 2 en avant. 254. 6
az., armed and crined or, langued gu., Barrs, Staffs, upon a mount vert, in front Barsane or Bartane, a raven rising ppr.
charged with a cross pattee of the of a gate or, the trunk of an oak-tree His securitas. 107. 3
Asecond, cj. 40. 2. (2) demi-lion eradicated and sprouting towards the Barsham, Norf., a garb lying in fess.
rampant arg., langued gu. Audaces dexter ppr. 153. 6
fortuna juvat. Barrs-Haden, of High Court, Staffs: (i) Barstow, John Jeremiah Jackson, of
Barrow, Sir Francis Laurence John, Bart., In front of a cubit arm in armour, the The Lodge, Weston-super-Mare, and
on a mount vert, a squirrel sejant hand grasping an aiTOw in bend sinister, Rossmoor,' Yorks : (i) In front of a
cracking a nut, all ppr., charged on the a morion, all ppr. (for Iladen). (2) Upon horse's head arg., collared gemel sa.,
shoulder with an anchor. Parum a mount vert, in front of a gate or, an increscent and a decrescent of the
sufficit. the trunk of an oak-tree eradicated last. 270. 9. (2) In front of two trees
Barrow, Northamp., a demi-boar ram- and sprouting towards the dexter ppr. ppr., a jackdaw, standing on a demi-
pant or, charged with three billets (for Barrs). Disce pati. Catherine-wheel, both sa. Nil des-
between two bendlets sa. cf. 40. 13 Barry, Rt. Hon. Charles Robert, of 3, perandum auspice Deo. 270. 10
Barrow of Winthorpe, Norf., a stag's Fitzwilliam Square. East Dublin, a Bartan, Bartane, or Bartain, Scotland, a
head couped arg. 121. 5 castle arg., and issuing from the battle- tent az., the flag gu. 158. 7
Barrow, Suff., a hind's head arg. 124. i ments a wolf's head gu. Bouiez en Bartane, see Barsane.
Barrow, a horse's head ppr., charged avant. cf. 254. 6 Bartelot, Rev. Richard Grosvenor,
with three bezants. cf. 51. 4 Barry of Ballyclough, Ireland, same crest. Chiu-ch House, Salisbury, a demi-
eagle or, wings elevated az., pendent
Barrow, the late John, Esquire, Meath- Boutez en avant.
rop Hall, Westml. (present representa- Barry, Bart., Ireland, same crest and from the beak an escutcheon arg.,
tive, Mrs. Williams, Holme Island, motto. charged with a cross patee fitchee gu.
Grange-over-Sands), a squirrel cracking Barry, Standish-, Henry Arthur Bruno Sapiens incipit a fine.
a nut, all ppr. Confido in Deo. 135.7 Robert, of Lemlara, Carrigtwohill, irtelott, a peacock arg. 103. 7
Barrow, Sir John Cioker, Bart., Lanes, Cork, same crest and motto.
Barry, Sir Francis Tress, Bart., i. South Bartelott, Smyth-, Sussex, a swan couch-
on a mount vert, a squirrel sejant Audley Street, W., issuant from a
g., the mugs expanded.
cracking a nut, all })pr., charged on
Barthelet of London, out of a ducal
the shoulder with an anchor. Parum castle with two towers arg., a wolf's coronet arg., two serpents endorsed az.,
head sa., holding in the mouth a trefoil scaled or, their tails coming up in
sufficit. 245. 6
saltire under their throats, the ends Barton of Barton, Lanes, a boar's head Barwell, a talbot passant. 54 ?
entering into their ears, langued and
couped gu. 43- i Barwell, a demi-wolf salient erm. 32. 2
armed gu. Barton, John, Esquire, J.P., Trentham, Barwell, a demi-lady holding in her
Bartholomew, see Bartolomew. Wellington, New Zealand, same crest. dexter hand a garland of laurel ppr.
Bartholomew, E. Urquhart, Lieutenant, Nisi Dominus frustra. 183- 5
Barwell of Norwich, an antelope's head
of Cransbrook, Lansdowne Road, Alder Barton, Baptist Johnstone, Esquire,
shot, a demi-goat rampant arg., gorged J. P., of Greenfort, Letterkenny, co. erased arg., attired or. 126. 2
with a wreath of laurel vert. / conqu Donegal, a boar's head gu. Vis forti- Barwell of Witham, a greyhound's head
by the wound. 302. lo hus arma. erased arg., collared or. cf. 61. 2
Bartholomew of Glasgow, a demi-goat Barton, Nathaniel, Esquire, J.P., of Barwick, Northumb., on a mount vert a
saliant sa., gorged with a wreath of Straffan House, co. Kildare, Ireland, a stag or, attired sa. 117. i
laurel ppr. Ad alia. 302. 10 boar's head erased ppr. Fide el fo/rti- Barwicke, Essex, an escarbuncle, the
Bartlet, Rev. John Moysey de Ludbroke, tvdine. 42. 2 centre az. and the rays arg. 164. 12
of Ludbroke Manor, Devonsh., in front Barton, Dunbar Plunkett, Esquire, of Barwis of Langrigg, Cumb., and Yorks,
of a demi-swau, wings elevated arg. 13, Clare Street, Dublin, same crest a bear muzzled. Bear and forbear.
semee of crescents, and gorged with i and motto. cf. 34- I
collar indented gu., five roses fesse Barton, William Henry Hugh, Esquu-e, of Barwis of Iselekirk, Cumb., a hand cut-
wise of the last, barbed and seeded Hereford Villa, Bronsford Road, Worcs., ting an ostrich-feather with a scimitar
ppr. Mature. same crest and motto. in saltire. cf. 213. 7
Bartlett of Weston in Bransconibe, Barton of Grove, co. Tipperary, Ireland, Barwise, William, M.D., Scarisbrick
Devonsh., a demi-gritfin sa., collared a boar's head gu. Quod ero spero. 43. i Road. Southport, a bear statant ppr.,
gemel arg., holding a cinquefoil of the Barton of CloneUy, co. Fermanagh, muzzled and chained. Sustine et
second. Ireland, same crest and motto. abstine.
Bartlett, Sir Ellis Ashmead, M.P., in Barton of Rochestown, Cahir, same crest Bary, see De Bary.
front of a tower ppr., a demi-swan, and motto. Barzey of Shrewsbury, a squirrel sejant
wings elevated arg., collared sa. Barton of Glendalough, co. Wicklow, ppr., cracking a nut or. 135-7
Mature. 100. I Ireland, same crest. Fide et fortitu- BasceiUy, a torteau charged with a pale
Bartlett-Burdett-Coutts, William Lehman dine. indented or. 159. 6
Ashmead, Esquire, Holly Lodge, High- Barton, Ireland, a boar's head erased Basevi of Hove, Sussex, a buck's head
gate : ( I ) A man from the middle ppr. Fide et /ortitudine. 42. 2 erased ppr. 121. 2
shooting an arrow from a bow, all Barton, a dragon's head couped and Bashe, Herts and Heref., a griffin
ppr., charged for distinction with a crowned or. segreant per pale arg. and sa., gorged
cross crosslet or (/or Couits). 247. 1 1. Barton, Norf., a dragon's head couped with a plain collar counterchanged,
holding in the beak a broken spear.
A(2) lion's head erased sa., charged or. 71. I
for distinction with a cross crosslet Barton of Threxton House, Norf., a cf. 62. 2
or (lor Burdett). 247. 10. (3) In front griflin's head erased ppr. Fortis est Basier or Basire, a hand ppr., holding a
of a tower ppr., a demi-swan, wings
Veritas. 66. 2 buclde or. 223. 11
elevated arg., collared sa. {for Bartlett). Barton of Edinburgh, a raven rising sa. Basing, Baron (Sclater-Booth), out of a
247. 12 His securitas. 107. 3 ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle displayed
sa., holding in the beak a crescent of the
Bartlett, a demi-eagle or, wings elevated Barton, Charles Steventon, i, Calverley
az., pendent from the beak an escut- Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, an owl first. Et /XT) €f Tui (TTovpCj.
cheon arg., charged with a cross ppr. Fortis et Veritas. 96. 5 Baskcomb of Chiselhurst, Kent, a talbot's
pattee fitchee gu. Sapiens incipit a Barton, an owl arg., ducally gorged or. head couped gu., charged on the neck
fine. cf. 96. 5 with a cinquefoil erm. Forti et fideli
Bartlett, Rev. Robert Leach, of Thur- Barton, Everard William, of Warstone nihil difficile. cf. 56. 12
loxton Rectory,|Tauuton, and Swanage, House, Bewdley, on a mount vert, an Baskenford, a sword and an ear of wheat
Dorset, same crest and motto. owl arg., between two acorns slipped bladed in saltier, all ppr. Armis et
Bartlett, Charles Leftwich Oldfield, Es- and leaved ppr. I byde mij time. 253.1 diligentia. 154. 11
quire, of Burton House, Sherborne, Barton, Charles Tom, Esquire, of the Baskerville, John, Esquire, of Cro'wsley
Dorset, same crest and motto. Hill, Wolverley, Worcs., same crest Park, Henley-on-Thames, Oxford, a
Bartlett, late John Adams, Esquire, of and motto. wolf's head erased or, pierced through
Lytnon, Mossley Hill Road, Liverpool, Barton, Lanes, an acorn or, leaved vert. the mouth by a broken spear in bend
sinister point upwards arg., imbrued
on a mount vert, a moorcock sa., 152. I gu., and staff broken gold. Spero ut
combed and wattled gu., holding in Barton, James Herbert Cooper, M.A.,
the beak an ear of wheat leaved and Solicitor, Cleveland House, Belle Vue, fidclis.
slipped ppr., resting the dexter claw Shrewsbury, an acorn leaved and Baskerville, Mynors-, Ralph Hopton, Es-
on a crescent gu. Deo favente cresco.
slipped ppr. quire, of Clyro Court, near Hay, same
89. 2 Barton of Stapleton Park, an acorn ppr., crest and motto.
Bartlett, Thomas, Esquire, of 12, Pem- fructed or, with a leaf on either side. Baskervile and Baskerville, Heref. and
Crescitur cultu.
broke Place, Liverpool, same crest and Warw., a Uon's head pierced through
motto. Barton, Yorks, issuant from a mount the mouth with a spear.
Bartlett, William, Esquire, of Highfield vert an acorn ppr., fructed or, with Baskerville, Heref. and Warw., a wolf's
House, Knotty Ash, Liverpool, same head erased arg., holding in the mouth
cregt and motto. a leaf on either side vert, each charged an arrow, the point downwards.
Bartlett, WiUiam, Esquire, of 12, Pem- with a martlet, also or. Crescitur Baskerville, Wilts, a wolf's head erased
broke Place, Liverpool, same crest and or, in the mouth a broken spear
motto. cultu. 152. I of the same, headed arg., embrued
Bartley of London, a lion passant, tail Barton of SmithiUs, Manchester, an acorn gu-
extended ppr. Candide et secure. Baskerville, a wolf's head erased arg.,
or, leaved vert. 152. i
Bartram, Cumb. , an arm embowed, holding
in the hand a scimitar, all ppr., 201. i
1;. II Barttelot, Sir Walter, Bart., of Stopham holding in the mouth a standard,
thereon a flag.
Bartolomew or Bartholomew of Rochester, House, Sussex: (i) A swan couchant Baskerville, Chesh., a forester vested
vert, edgings or, holding over his
a demi-goat arg., gorged with a arg., wings expanded and addorsed. dexter shoulder a crossbow of the last,
in the other hand in a leash a hound
chaplet of laurel vert. cf. 129. 10 A247. I. (2) castle with three tiu-rets passant arg.
Baskerville, a sheaf of rosemary ppr.
Bartolozzj, on a mount a poplar-tree, all sa. Mature. cf. 155. 8 Baskervill-Glegg, see Glegg.
ppr. Lahore et prudentia. 144.121 Barttelot, Brian Barttelot, Esquire, of
Barton, Scotland, see Bartan. Ditton, Torquay, Devonsh., a swan
Barton, a wolf's head erased erm. 30. 8 couchant with wings endorsed arg.
Barton, a wolf's head erased or. 30. 8 I Mature. 247. i
Basket or Baskett, of Isle of Wight and Bassett, George Forbes, M.A., Basset or, an etoile gu., between two eagles'
Dorset, a demi-lion or. lo. 2 Mount, Basset, Southampton, a stag's wings of the first. Sidus adsit amicv.m.
Baskin of Ord, Scotland, a sword and a head caboshed, and between the attires 112. 8
stalk of wheat in saltier, all ppr. Armis a cross pattee fitchee arg. Cwell angau Bateman, Sir Alfred Edmund, K.C.M.G.,
cf diligentia. 154. II na chijvnlydd. of Woodhouse, Wimbledon Park, same
Basnet, on a mount covered with long Bassett, Ralph Thurston. Esquire, of crest and motto.
grass, an oak-tree, all ppr. 143. 14 Crossways, Cowbridge, Glamorgansh., Bateman, Frederick Osborne Fitzherbert,
Basnett, formerly of the Cloughs, New- same crest and motto. Esquire, of Hartington Hall and Bread-
castle-under-Lyne, an arm in armour Bassett, Alfred Barnard, of Fledborough sail Mount, Derbysh., same crest and
einbowed, holding in the hand a Hall, Holyport, Berks, a boar's head motto.
cutlass, all ppr. cf. 196. 10 erased or, gorged with a riband gu., Bateman, Hugh Alleyne Sacheverell,
Baspoole of Beston, Norf., out of a ducal suspending an escutcheon of the last Esquire, of Etwall, Derbysh., san-,e
coronet or, a stag's head erm., attired charged with a bugle horn of the first. crest. Virtus ad sidera.
of the first, wreathed about the neck In ardius fortitudo. 250. 14 Bateman, Hugh Osborne, Esquire, same
arg. and sa., and tied behind with two Bassett or Basset of Langley, Derbysh., crest. Sidus adsit amicum.
bows. cj. 120. 7 out of a ducal coronet or, a boar's Bateman, Rev. John Fitzherbert, of
Basquer of Isle of Wight, Hants, out of head gu. 41-4 119, Fordwych Road, West Hamp-
a mural coronet gu., a griffin's head or. Bassett of Womberly, Devonsh., a uni- stead, N.W., same crest and motto.
67. 10 corn's head arg., charged with two bars Bateman of Middleton, Derbysh., same
Bass, out of a ducal coronet, two wings, dancettee gu. Pro rege et populo. crest.
all ppr. 109. 8 cf. 49. 9 Bateman, an increscent arg., between two
Bass, of CuTzon Street. Mayfair, London, Bassingborne, out of a ducal coronet or, wings, the dexter arg., the sinister gu.
W., out of a mural crown gu., masoned a bull's head gu., ducally crowned of Bateman, Derbysh., out of a crescent or,
arg., a demi-greyhound issuant, holding the first. cf. 44. 1 an etoile gu. 163. 4
in the mouth a rose with two leaves, Bassinges, three roses gu., stalked and Bateman, a Muscovy duck's head couped,
all ppr. leaved vert, issuing from the wreath. between two wings erect, expanded, all
Bass, Baron Burton, see Burton. 149. 12 ppr. Sec prece, nee pretio.
Bass, Staffs, a demi-lion gu., resting the Bastable, a griffin's head couped gu., Bateman of Whitechapel, Middx., out of
sinister paw on a plate charged with a between two wings erect or. Eegardez a mural coronet arg., an eagle rising
ileur-de-lis az., on the shoulder three mart. 65. 11 with a garland in its beak ppr.
annulets, two and one, arg. Basis vir- Bastard of AsUngton, Norf., an elephant's Bateman of Knypersley, Staffs, and
tutum constantia. 13. 11 head, per chevron or and sa., eared of Tolson Hall, Westml., a tower arg.,
Bassano, a silkworm moth ppr. the last. 133. 2 issuant therefrom a demi-eagle, wings
Bassano, Alfred HiU, Esquire, of Heydon- Bastard, an arm in armour embowed, elevated sa., charged on the breast with
holme. Old Hill, same crest. Gralio grasping a dagger ppr. 195. 4 the chemical character of Mars or,
and holding in the beak a wreath
iios dirigc. Bastard, Baldwin John PoUexfen, of
Bassano, Walter, Esquire, of Heydon Kitley and Buckland Court, Devonsh., of oak ppr.
Cross, Old Hill, same crest and motto. a dexter arm in armour embowed ppr., Bateman, John, Esquire, of Moveron's
Basse, a demi-lion gu., resting his sinister garnished or, the hand gauntleted Manor and Brighthngsea, Essex, same
paw on an oval shield in cartouch or, grasping a sword in bend sinister, crest.
charged with a fleur-de-lis az. point do«-nward, also ppr., hilt and Bateman, Robert, Esquire, of Benthall
Basset, Arthur Francis, of Tehidy, pommel of the second. Pax potior Hall, Broseley, Shropsh., same crest.
Cornw., a unicorn's head couped arg., bello. cf. 195. 6 Bateman, Rev. Rowland, M.A., of
horned, maned, and tufted or. Pro Bastard, William Edmund Pollexfen, Narowal, Punjab, India, same crest.
Eege e( popido. Esquire, of Lynham, Yealmpton, Bateman, La Trobe-, Rev. William Fair-
Basset, a unicorn's head couped arg., Devonsh., same crest and motto. bairn, Ascot Rectory: (i) In fiont of
armed and maned or charged with two Bastard, Rev. William PoUexfen, of an eagle's head or, a crescent sur-
bars dancettee gu. Pro rege et popnlo. Coffiete, Torquay, same crest and mounted by a mullet gu., between
cf. 49- 9 motto. two wings, also or, each charged with
Basto, a horse's head couped arg.
Basset, Charles Henry, Esquire, of Pilton an escallop az. {for Bateman). 252. 14.
(2) Out of clouds a dexter cubit arm
House, Barnstaple, and of Umberleigh, cf. 50. 13 ppr., the hand grasping an anchor
Devonsh., a unicorn's head couped arg., Batchelor or Batchellor, a leg erased
armed and crined or, charged on the above the knee ppr. 193. 10 —fesseways or (for La Trobc). Tutto si
neck with two bars indented gu., and Bate, Thomas, Esquire, of Kelsterton, fa. Sidus adsit amicum.
Bateman of Oak Park, Kerry, a pheasant
for distinction with a cross crosslet of Flint, North Wales, in front of a stag's
the same. Pro rege et populo. 49. 9 head couped arg., attired or, pierced in ppr. Nee prece, nee pretio. cf. 90. 8
Basset, of Watermouth, Hfracombe, and the neck by an arrow in bend, point Bateman of Bartholey, Monm., same
Umberleigh, Esses: (i) A unicorn's downwards ppr., a hand couped at crest and motto.
head couped arg., armed and crined the wTist fessewise, also or. Live to Bates, Sir Edward Bertram, Bart., J.P.,
or, charged on the neck with two live. 237. 2 a stag's head erased az., attired or,
bars, indented gu. (for Basset), cf. Bate, Yorks, a stag's head arg., attired charged on the neck with two quatre-
or, vulned through the neck with an foils in pale, and pierced by as many
49. 9. (2) On a mount vert, a lamb
passant arg., in the mouth a sprig arrow of the second, feathered and arrows in saltire or. Lahore et virtute.
of cinquefoil gu., slipped also vert {for headed of the first. ,120. 6
Davie). cf. 131. 9 Bate, a bull's head couped erm., armed Bates, a lion's head erased gu. 17. 2
Basset and Bassett, a griffin segreaut sa., or. cf. 44. 3 Bates, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant, hold-
ing in the dexter paw a thistle and in
semee-de-lis or, collared and chained Bate, Derbysh., a cross pattee. 165. 7
of the last. cf. 62. 2 Bate of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leics., a the sinister a fleur-de-lis, all ppr.
Basset and Bassett, Glouc, a falcon with dexter hand apaumee. Dieu et ma 13. 12
wings displayed arg. cf. 87. 12 tnain droite. 222. 14 Bates, late Cadwallader John, of Langley
Castle, Northumb., in front of a swan's
Basset, William Richard Basset, of Bateman, Baron (Bateman-Hanbury), see head couped arg., the neck charged
Beaupre, Cowbridge, Glamorgansh. , a Hanbury.
stag's head cabossed, and between the Bateman, see Jones-Bateman. with six barrulets az., five fleurs-de-lis,
alternately or and gu. Virtvtis comes
attires a cross fitchee arg. Gwell Bateman, Sir Frederick, of Upper St.
angau na chywilydd. cf. 122. 5 Giles, Norwich, a crescent. Principiis invidia. 241 . 4
Bassett, Lord Bassett of Drayton, out of obsta. Bates, a dexter hand apaumee couped
a ducal coronet or, a boar's head az., Bateman of Hartington Hall and Bread- ppr. Cor et manxts concordant.
sail Mount, Derbysh., out of a crescent
tusked of the first. 41. 4 222. 14
Bates of Walsingham, Durham, an arm Batley, Battley, Battaley, or Batteley, a Ireland, a ram passant erm.,
castle double-towered, weeds growing armed and ungu. or. Ante honorem
in armour embowed, the hand grasping round the sinister tower ppr.
cj. 155. 6
a sword, the point to the dexter, all humilitas. cj. 129. 5
Batnymersh, a dexter arm in armour,
ppr. Ernst und ireu. 195-4 holding in the hand ppr. a baton sa , Battersby, Worsley, Esquire, of Stanna-
Bates of Milboume Hall, Northumb., a tipped arg. naughts. Lanes, Cleveland, Somers.,
naked man holding in his dexter hand Batt, E.-iquire. J.P., D.L., of Purdysburn, and of 72, Onslow Gardens, London,
on a wreath of the colours a ram arg.,
a willow -wand ppr. Et mano et CO. Down, and Ozier Hill, co. Wexford, armed or, charged on the body with
Ireland, a crescent arg., charged with two trefoils slipped vert, resting the
dexter foreleg on a lozenge sa. Lahore
Bates, William R., Esquire, of Liverpool,
on a mount vert, a savage wTeathed
about the waist with oak, and holding an escallop gu. Virtute et valore. vinces. cj. 131. 10
in the dexter hand three arrows con- cj. 163. 2 Battersea, Baron (Flower), issuant out of
joined, two in saltire and one in pale, Batt, Thomas Edmond, Esquire, of clouds, a cubit arm erect ppr., the
RathmuUan House, co. Donegal, a
points upwards, all ppr. crescent arg., charged with an escallop hand holding a rose and a lily arg.,
Bates of Denton, Sussex, an arm in
each slipped vert. Flores curat Dens.
armour embowed, holding a truncheon. gu. Virtute et valore. 257- 5
Batt, Hackney, a wolf passant ppr. Battle, Wadsworth, Yorks, a stork with
Manii et corde.
28. 10
Bates, Henry Stratton, Esquire, J.P., a fish in its beak, all ppr.
same crest and motto. Batt, see Baett. Battle, a kingfisher ppr. cj. 96. 9
Bateson, Bart., Baron Deramore, see Batt, Middx., a demi-lion or, guttee-de- Battle, a kingfisher ppr., ducally gorged
sang, holding between the paws a
Deramore. and chained or, holding in its beak a
Bateson, Antrim, Ireland, a bat's wing marshal's staff in pale or, tipped sa. fish arg. cj. 96. 9
sa. Probitas verus honos. 137. 10 cj. 15. 9 Battle- Wrightson of Cusworth Park, Don-
Batt, Berks and Yorks, a demi-lion
Bath, Marquess Ol (Thj-nne), a reindeer caster, upon a rock ppr., a unicorn
guttee-de-sang, holding between the
statant or, collared sa. J'ai bonne paws a raiU-rind sa., banded or. rampant arg., resting the sinister fore-
Domimis a dextris.
cause. cj. 125. 9 Battayll or Battaille, out of an antique leg on an escutcheon or, charged with
crown or, a dexter cubit arm ppr.,
Bath, a wolf's head sa., holding in the a griffin's head erased az. 237. 4
mouth a rose shpped ppr. 29. 7 Battlne, a demi-Bengal artilleryman
Bath, Edward Henry, of Alltyferin, habited, holding in the dexter hand
DCarmarthensh., L. and J. P. for that holding a cross crosslet fitched in pale a flagstaff ppr., therefrom flowing to
CO., High Sheriff 1S92, a wolf's head gu- the sinister a barmer gu., inscribed
" Bhurtpore " in letters of gold.
erased sa., gorged with a collar vair, Batten, Chisholm-, James Forbes Chis- Battye-Trevor, Charles Edmund Augus-
holm, Esquire, of Thornfalcon, near tine Trevor, Esquire : (l) Upon a club
holding in the mouth a rose gu., Taunton, and Kirkhill, R.S.O. , Inver-
nesshire, in front of the stump of an fesseways ppr., a stork arg., collared
shpped and leaved ppr. He conquers and lined sa., holding in the beak a
who endures. 295 . 1 roach ppr. (jor Battye). (2) On a
mount vert, the trunk of an oak-tree,
Bath, Ireland, a lion rampant arg., sup- oak-tree, sprouting on either side ppr.,
three roses arg., barbed and seeded, a branch sprouting from its dexter
porting in the paws a sword of the first side, acorned ppr., upon the trunk a
Aalso ppr. (jor Batten). 233. 10. (2) wyvern, tail nowed sa., wings elevated
pommel and hilt or. erminois {jor Trevor). Ducat amor
dexter hand holding a dagger erect
Bather, a falcon close ppr., belled or. Vt ppr., on the point a boar's head erased
vivas vigila. 85. 2
Batherne, of Penhow, Monm., out of or. Feros jerio {jor Chisholm).
Batten, a hand couped in fess, charged
rushes a demi-swan rising ppr.
Bathgate, Scotland, a bee volant ppr. with an eye. 221. 4 Dei.
Vive ut vivas. 137. 2 Batten of Yeovil, Somers. : (i) The Baud and Baude, a lion's head gardant,
erased gu., ducallv crowned or.
Bathurst, Bart., of Leachlade, Glouc. trunk of an oak-tree couped at the top,
{c.rlinr'). on a mount vert, a bay horse issuing from towards the top two cj. 18. II
statant. cf. 52. 5 Abranches, all ppr. (2) sea-lion Baugh, Oxon., Glouc, and Shropsh., on
Bathurst, Charles, Lydney Park, Glouc, erect, holding in the paws an anchor, a ducal coronet or, a talbot sejant sa.
a dexter arm in armour embowed, all ppr. cj. 20. 3 cj. 55. 2
Baumfield, see Bamfield.
holding in the hand, all ppr., club with Batten, George B., M.D., 2, Underbill
Baumfield, Cornw., and Devonsh. a hon
spikes or. Tien ta jot/. 231. 2 Road, Lordship Lane, Dulwich, S.E.,
Bathurst, Ven. Frederick, Archdeacon a dexter cubit arm issuing in bend statant gardant, holding in the dexter
of Bedford, of Holwell Rectory, grasping a battle-axe in bend sinister. paw an anchor, the flukes resting on
Hitchin, same crest and motto.
Batten, Henry Butler, Esquire, of Aldon, the wreath. 5. 10
Bathurst, see Harvey-Bathurst. Yeovil, Somers., in front of the stump Baumtord, see Bamford.
Bathurst, Earl (Bathurst), a dexter arm
of an oak-tree, sprouting on either side Baumford, Donington, Ijncs, on a
in mail embowed, holding in the hand,
all ppr., a spiked club or. Tien ta foy. ppr., three roses arg., barbed and chapeau a serpent nowed. 142. 9
seeded ppr. Tcnax propositi persto. Baunceford, a lion rampant. i. 13
231. 2 Bausefield and BausQeld, out of a ducal
Bathurst, Hervey-, Sir Frederick Edward Batten, Herbert Gary George, Esquire, coronet or, a griffin's head ppr.
of Fairlee, Isle of Wight, Keyford,
AWilliam, Bart. : (i) dexter arm in Yeovil, same crest and motto. 67. 9
Bavand, Chesh., a boar's head or, pierced
mail embowed, holding in the hand Batten, Herbert Phelips, Esquire, of
Lufton Manor, near Yeovil. Somers.,
ppr. a club spiked or (for Bathurst). same crest and motto. in the mouth with an arrow arg.
231. 2. (2) A leopard sa., bezantee, Batten, John Mount, Esquire, Upcerne Bavant, Chester, on a chapeau gu.,
House, Dorchester, same crest. Hold
coUared and lined or, holding in the turned up erm., a boar's head couped
—dexter paw a trefoil slipped vert {for sa., armed and langued gu. 42. 5
Hervey). Tien ta fay. Je n'oublicray Bavent, Norf., a sheaf of six arrows in
jamais. 254. 12 jast. saltier sa., feathered arg., barbed or,
Bathurst, Isle of Wight, a dexter arm in Batten, John, F.S.A., of Aldon, Somers., banded gu. 173. 13
out of a ducal coronet a camel's head
mail-armour, embowed ppr., charged az., gorged with a wreath of roses or. Bawde of Curringham, Essex and Beds,
with an annulet or, and holding in the a satyr's head in profile sa., with wings
hand, also ppr., a club with spikes or. Batten, Clifford, Esquire, of Mussoorie. to the side of the head or, the tongue
United Provinces, India, a dexter
cj. 199. 2 hanging out gu. 190. 6
arm in armour embowed holding in
Bathurst, a tiger holding in the dexter paw the hand a battle-axe fessewise. all Bawdewyh or Bawdwen, a sceptre in pale
a fleur-de-lis ppr.
or. 170. 10
Batle;, Yorka; a demi-lion rampant gu.,
holding between the paws a bezant. ppr. Fortiter. 292. 8 Bawie, an arm embowed, vested gn.,
Battersbee and Battersby, a ram passant cuffed or, holding in the hand ppr. a
II. 7 erm., armed and ungu. or. cj. 129. 5 branch of laurel vert.
Bawtre or Bawtree, Cambs, a lion's head 1 Bayley of Hoddesdon, Herts, out of a cubit arm erect, vested az., cuffed
erased gu. I ducal coronet or, a nag's head arg. 7 erminois, holding in the hand a jaw-
'7- bone arg. Furor arma ministral.
^ 51- Baynes, Cumb., Essex, and London, the
Bawtre, a goat's head erased arg. L-°- 5 j a boar's head erased ppr. same crest.
Bax, Alfred Ridley, Esquire, of lyy Bank, Bayley, 42. 2
Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, N.\^, Baynes of Blackburn, a cubit arm erect
two arras embowed, vested sa., cutis Bayley, a griffin sejant erm., winged and ppr., vested arg., the hand grasping
arg., the hands ppr., holding a lyre or. armed or. a shuttle or, aU within a wreath of the
cotton-plant, flowered and fructed ppr.
Vtnis d tiddis. Bayley and Bailey, Shropsh., a griffin
^Baxendale, Joseph ^ Hursl, ey segreant gu., guttee d'eau. 02. 2
WiUiam, 208. 1
of Bayley -Worthington of Sharton HaU, Arte et industria.
Park, Hants, issuant from a mount near Northeuden, a goat passant arg., Baynes or Baines, Surrey, a dove volant
regardant or, holding in its beak a
a fir-tree ppr., between four trefoils, semee of estoiles sa., in the mouth a
slipped two on either side vert. sprig of laurel ppr. In opmum sed myrtle-branch ppr. i34- »
Bax-Ironside, Henry George Outram, Baynham, a beaver ppr.
Esquire, of Heronden House, tastry, gratuin. Baynham, Kent and Glouc, a bull s head
Kent : (1) A cubit arm vest«d per pale
az. and gu., cuff arg., the hand ppr., Baylie, within seven mullets in orle or, a couped at the neck or. cf. 44- 3
holding a cross flory or {for Ironside). cross pattee gu. 164. 9 Baynham, Glouc, out of a mural coronet
(2) A demi-lion gu., charged on the Baylis, Glouc, out of an eastern coronet gu. a bull's head arg. cf. 44. 1 1
or, charged on the band with an
shoulder with three cinquefoils arg., auricula flower, a bay-tree fructed, aU Bayning, Baron (Powlett), a buck statant
sa., attired or, charged on the body
Eholding between the paws an Eastern with a mullet arg. Stare super vias
Baylis, London, a demi-antelope ppr.,
crown or (lor Bax). In hoc signo gorged with a coUar or, budded of the antiquas. w- ^17- ^5
vinces ; Cavendo tutus. of same. ^, 3 Baynton and Bayntun, Wilts, a griffin s
Baxter, the late Rt. Hon. W. Baylol, Scotland, an'df de-
an increscent head erased sa., beaked or. cj. 66. 5
Kincaldrum, Forfarsh., Scotland, ; 163. 7 Baynton, a goat passant ppr. cf. 1 29. 5
lion rampant guardant sa. I' incit crescent arg. Bayntun, Rolt-, Bart, (extmct), of Sea-
BayloU, on a mount vert, a lion rampant
Veritas. ^ collared, holding in the dexter paw an combe Park, Herts, a griffins head
Baxter, Jolm Henry, Esquire, 2- 6 erased sa., beaked or. cf. 66. 5
Ittn, e
Colinsburgh, Fifesh., Scotland, a lion arrow, aalul ppr. an arm j <^'f-\ Bayons and Bayos, a horse at fuU speed,
Bayly of Loniddocn, couped at
rampant guardant sa. Vincit Veritas. holdina in his mouth a spear-head ppr.
elbow and erect, habited gu., charged
with a fesse vair, the cuff arg., holding cf. 52. 8
Baxter, Edward A., Esquire, of Kincal- in the hand ppr. a muUet of six points Bazalgette, Joseph, Esquire, a lion
drum, near Forfar, a lion passant rampant arg., gorged with a coUar
or. <^/- 206. 13 az. charged with two crosses flory or,
auardant sa. Vincit Veritas. holding in the dexter forepaw a sword
Bayly, Wicklow, a boar's head erased ppr. erect ppr., pommel and hilt of the
Baxter of Atherstone, Warw., a falcon third, and the dexter hind-paw resting
beUed and jessed or. Virtule non Quid darius astris ? 42._ 2
verbis. <^l- 85- 2 Bayly, Somers., a goat's head az., bezantee,
Baxter, Scotland, escar^buncl,e sa. jl- '28. 12
an attired or. on a crescent or.
BavlV. Hugh Wansey, M.A., New Oxford Bazalgette, Edward, Esquire, c.o. London
164. I- and Cambridge Club, same crest.
Baxter, Stannow, Norf., a lion's gamb , erum ob consilium. County Council, Spring Gardens.
erased or, holding a spear sa., headed Bayn Scotland, a dexter hand grasping Bazeley or Bazley, a hand holding a
arg., stringed and tasseUed of the first. chapeau between two branches of
a dagger in pale or. Et marte, el arte.
laurel in orle, aU ppr. 217. 5
Baxter, an eagle's head couped. 83.1 Bayn, a Saracen's head in profile ppr., BaziUe or Bazely, a crow sa. Be not
wTeathed and stringed behind arg. and J07; '4
Baxter, Henry, Esquire, J.P., of the wanting. S^eb^asti. an, Bart., a
Tower, Rainhill, Lanes, a demi-eagle Bazley, Sir
displayed sa., gorged with a col Baynard, of Blagd>.u, ^v,.^...-, - -;--- cubit arm ppr., charged with a bee
tremel, charged on the breast and rampant or, armed ppr., crined volant or, the hand holding a chapeau
each wing with an annulet, and or, the whole between
holding in the beak three ears of wheat sa Stukey, Norf., a "* ' gu., turned up
Baynard branches of oak vert. Fmem
bear's paw two
leaved^and slipped, all or. resuice -54- 9
erased sa., charged \vith a martlet or.
Baxter, Richard, Esquire, of Leinster Baynbridge or Baynbrigge, a stag s head Beach, Hicks-, Rt. Hon. Sir Michael
Edward, Bart. : (1) A demi-hon ram-
Gardens and Lincoln's Inn, London, a erased arg., attired or. 121. 2 pant arg., ducally gorged or, holding
bat, wings expanded sa.,
each wmg Baynbridge, Buckeridge-, Cambs, a dexter
mcharged with an anmilet or, and
cubit arm erect, couped at the elbow in the paws an escutcheon az., charged
the °mouth an arrow fessewise ppr. with a pile or (lor Beach). 236.
vested, charged with three bars ermi- A4- (2)
Deeds, not words. f/. 1 37-. 11 nois, holding in the gauntlet ppr. a buck's head couped at the neck or,
Bay of London and Hants, a dexter wing cross crosslet fitched sa. gorged with a wreath of laurel ppr.
sa., charged with an escallop or. Baynbrige, Derbysh., a cubit arm armed (lor Hicks). Tout en bon heme.
with a gauntlet or, holding a battle-
c/. 109. 7 Beach of Oakley Hall, Hants: (i) A
Bayard, a demi-horse. 53-3
Bayen, a poplar-tree vert. 144-12 Ba^brlgge, Leics., upon a mount vert, demi-lion rampant arg., ducaUy gorged
Baytord, an owl arg. 9"- 5 a goat passant sa., armed, ungu., or, holding in the paws an escutcheon
Baylee or Bailie, see Bailey. belled, and collared arg. 129. 3 az., charged with a pile, also or
(Beach). 236.4. (2) Crest as above
Bayley or Bailey, Scotland, see Bailey. Baynbrigge, Derbysh., a bloodhound
Beach, Beds and Kent, out of a ducal
Bayley, a lion rampant ppr. i1 passant or, collared vert, garnished of
Bayley, Shropsh., a lion statant gardant coronet or, a demi-lion arg. 16. 3
ppr., armed and langued gu. Si Deus the first. '^'•j-'': 5 Beachcroft, a beach-tree ppr., behind six
pro iMbis quis contra nos. 4- ' Bayne, of TuUoch, Scotland, a dexter park pales arg.
ppr. A«
Bayglaeryd,anLtoonrd,onho,ldiangdeimni-tlhieondexrtaemrppaanwt hand grasping a du-k in pale Beaconsfleld, Earl o\,see Disraeli.
marte, et arte. 212. 9 of South Ella, Yorks a stag s
erased or, attired and ducaUy
,'//'• '° Bayne, a pellet between two wings arg. j Beadle
I branch vert.
Bayley, Bart., London and Kent, on a '^'-
mount vert, behind a waU arg., a lion gorged gu. '^I- \
Bavne, see Baine. - lU, Henry Christopher of
rampant of the same. Thomas,
Bayley, London, a dexter arm embowed,
Bayne, Scotland, a hand holding a scroll tiogarrn, Montgomerysh., - „--..
habited az., and charged with a fess 215. 6
vair, the hand ppr. holding a statt of paper ppr. Virtiite. hound's head ppr., erased gu., gorged
Bayne, Lanes, an etoile or. 164. i with a rosary and a bell pendent
Baynes, Sir Christopher Wilham Walter, therefrom arg. Sec timide, nee temere.
Bart of Hareficld Place, Middx., a
of Gotten House, Somers., a lion Beardoe, of Manchester, Lanes, a demi- Beauchamp of Powycke, Glouc, a tiger
with a human face passant or. Esse bear, holding in the dexter paw a passant or, vulned in the shoulder gu.
quam videre. bundle of six arrows in saltier ppr., 27. II
Beaghan of Dunluce, eo. Antrim, Ireland,
headed or, flighted arg. Beauchampe, Glouc. and Warw., out of a
a bezant between two wings paly sa. Beardsley, Richard Henry, Bay Villa, coronet gu., a swan's head and neck
and gu., per fesse cotinterchanged. arg., beaked of the first.
Grange-over-Sands, a demi-leopard,
Beaucbatt, a cat's head erased gardant
11. 9 holding in the dexter paw a sprig of
Beaghan, Ireland, two swords in saltier, Alaurel, all ppr. cruce salus. 294. i gu- 26.
points downward. cf. 171. 12 Beare or Beere, Kent, on a garb in fess Beauclerk, sec St. Alban's, Duke of.
Beauclerk, Aubrey de Vere, Esquire, of
Beak and Beake, out of a ducal coronet or, a raven sa.
Beare, of Beare, Himtaham and More- Ardglass Castle, co. Down. See St.
the horns, scalp, and ears of an ox. Albans, Duke of.
Beake or Beeke, Dorset, an ostrich-head bath, Devoush., a bear's head sa.,
arg., holding in the beak a horse-shoe muzzled or. Bear and jorhear. 34. 14 Beauley or Beaufoy, a demi-griffin, hold-
ing between the claws a close helmet
or. Bearhaven, Viscount, see Bantry.
Beal, Sussex, a lion's head era.«ed. Tout Beasley, a demi-leopard, holding in the az. cf. 64. I
dexter paw a sprig of laurel ppr. 23. 9
hardi. 17- 8 Beaufice, a Paschal lamb passant arg.,
Beasley, Dublin, a demi-leopard ppr.,
Beal or Beall, a demi-wolf sa., holding a bearing a banner pink, the staff ppr.,
spear in pale, tasselled ppr. 29. 4 holding between its paws a plate surmounted by cross. 131. 2
Beale, Siurey, a unicorn's head sa., erased charged with a trefoil slipped vert. Beaufort, Duke ol (Somerset), a portcullis
gu., armed and crined or. 49. 5 Labor omnia i-incit. or, nailed az., with chains pendent
Beale, Cork, Ireland, and London, a Beath or Beith, Scotland, a dragon's thereto, also or. Mutare vel timere
unicorn's head erased or, charged with head vomiting fire ppr. Fortuna sperno. cf. 178. 3
an etoile gu. 3Ialo mori quam jadari. virtiite. 72. 3 Beaufort, Leicester Paul, Esquire, of the
Cottage, Strathfield. Turgis, Winch-
cf- 49- 5 Beath or Bietb, Scotland, a dragon's head field. Hants, a female figure habited
Beale of London, a unicorn's bead erased of the second, encircled round the
couped ppr. Fortuna virtiite. 71. i waist with a belt or, holding in her
dexter hand a mirror ppr., in her left
or, semee-d'etoiles gu. cf. 49. 5 Beath, Scotland, a wolf's head erased. hand a book, between two wings erect
arg. Dens mens turris fortis.
Beale of Heath House, Shropsh., a Fortuna virtiUe. 30. 8
unicorn's head erased or, semee- Beathell : ( i ) Out of a ducal coronet a
boar's head and neck. 41. 4. (2) An
d'etoiles gu. </. 49. 5
Beames, between six sun-rays a garb eagle's head between two wings dis-
ppr., charged with three mullets, two played az., charged on the neck with Beauloy, Beaufo, or Beawfo, a tree vert,
and one arg. Bene vivere bis rircrf.
Beamish, Bernard-, of Raheroon, Cork, a an etoile or. cf. 84. 2 on a ribbon round the stem the motto
demi-lion rampant gu., charged on the " Siibtegmine fagi."
Beatie or Beattie, Scotland, a star issuing Beauman of Hyde Park, co. Wexford, a
from a crescent or. Ltimen coeleste
shoulder with a trefoil slipped or. sequamur. 163. 4 cubit dexter arm in armour holding a
Virtus insignit attdentes. cj. 10. 5 Beatie or Beatty, a castle sa. cf. i5S- 8 sword, aU ppr. Fortiter. 210. 2
Beamish, Richard Henrik, Esquu-e, of Beaton, a lion passant sa. Fortis in Beaumont, Baron (Stapleton), a man's
Ashbourne, Glounthann, co. Cork, Ire- arduis. 6. 2 head couped at the shoulders in pro-
land, a demi-lion rampant gu., charged Beatson of Rossend, Fife, a bee erect, file ppr., wreathed about the temples
on the shoulder with a trefoil slipped wings expanded ppr. Cum prudentia arg. and sa. MieuXx je serra. loi. I2
or. Virtus insignit audentes. sedulus. 137. I Beaumont, Sir George Rowland William,
cf. 10. 5 Beatson, Stuart Brownlow, Esquire, Bart., of Stoughton Grange, Leics.,
Beamish, Alten Augustus William, Es- Union Bank of London, Charing Cross on a chapeau az., semee-de-lis or,
quire, of 27, Philbeach Gardens, S.W., Branch, a bee volant en arriere ppr. turned up erm., a lion passant of the
same crest and motto. second. Erectus non electus. 254. lo
Cum frudentia sedulus.
Beamish, Francis Bernard Servington, Beatson of Contell, Fife, Scotland, a Beaumont of Barrow-upon-Trent, on a
Esquire, same crest and motto. bridge of three arches arg. Pro patria. chapeau gu., turned up erm., a lion
Beamish, James Caulfield, Esquire, of 158. 4 passant or. Erectus non electus. 4. 9
CamphiJl, Dromore West, co. Sligo, Beattie of Aberdeen, Scotland, see Beatie. Beaumont, Francis Henry, of Buckland,
same crest and motto. Beatty, Ireland, on a ducal coronet a Siurey, on a chapeau az., semee-de-lis
Beamish, North Ludlow Axel, Esquire, of lion passant gardant ducally crowned. or, turned up erm., a lion passant or.
Ashgrove, co. Cork, same crest and 6. 4 Erectus non electus. 254. 10
motto. Beatty, W. J., M.D., Van MUdert House, Beaumont, De, a demi-lion gardant sa.
Beamish or Bemish, a pair of scales ppr. Stockton-on-Tees, a demi-lion ram- 10. 8
179. S pant, holding in the dexter paw a Beaumont, Leics. and Suff., a lion passant
Bean or Beane, a lion rampant, holding crescent. Foriiter et fidelUer. or. 6. 2
between the paws a phimb-rule sa. Beaty, two keys in saltier ppr. cf. 168. 1 1 Beaumont, Devonsh., a stork or heron,
Beauchamp, Earl of (Lygon), a savage's wings expanded arg. 105. 2
Beanlands, Rev. Arthur John, M.A.,'the head afirontee, couped at the shoulders Beaumont, Suff., a bear's head erased
Rectory, Victoria, British Columbia, a and wreathed round the head ppr. ppr. 35. 2
leopard's head erased or. Ex fide fortis. cf. 192. 14 Beaumont, Captain Lewis Anthony, K.N.,
Bearcroft, a demi-bear rampant muzzled. Beauchamp, Proctor-, Sir Reginald Wil- upon a rock a cubit arm erect ppr.,
34- 13 liam, Bart., of Langley Park, Norf. : holding in the hand a cross crosslet
Beard of North Kells, Lines, a lion's fitchee sa., and surmounted by a mullet
(i) On a mount vert, a greyhound of six points or.
gamb couped or, grasping a horse's sejant arg., spotted of a brown colour,
leg, erased above the knee sa. collared or. (2) An heraldic tiger. Beaumont, Henry Frederick, Esquire, of
38. 12 Toujours fidile. 59. 2 Whitley Beaumont, Huddersfield, a
Beard, Aberton, Susses, on a chapeau Beauchamp, Edmund Beauchamp, D.L., bull's head erased quarterly arg. and
gu., turned up erm., a tiger couchant Trevince, Gwennap, Cornw., a demi- gu. Fide sed qui ride.
or, maned, armed, and tufted sa. sea-horse reguardant arg., holding in Beaumont, Wentworth Blackett, Esquire,
Beard, see Bard. his paws a heart gu. Auspice Tuero. of Bretton Park, Wakefield, same crest
Beardmore or Berdmore, on a mitre sa., Beauchamp of Hoult, Essex, a swan's and motto.
semee of crosses pattee arg., a cheveron head and neck arg., beaked gu., Beaumont, Wentworth Canning Blackett,
of the last. cf. 180. 5 between two wings sa. loi. 6 Esquire, of Bywell Hall, Stockfield-on-
Beardmore of Uplands, Hants, a griffin's Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, out of a Tyne, same crest and motto.
head erased. Providenti<e me j ducal coronet or, a demi-swan arg. Beaumont, Wentworth-BIackett, of Bret-
mitto. 66. 2 Beauchamp, out of a ducal coronet or, a ton Hall, Yorks, same crest and
Beardmore, a wolf rampant. 28. 2 swan's head gu. motto.
Becher of ChanceUor House, Tunbridge Amoline sa. {for Turtier. 6. 8. (2)
and Beds, a demi-lion erased arg., its
Beaumont, a buU's head quarterly arg. body enfiled with a ducal coronet or. fleur-de-lis az., charged with a lions
"(• 44-3 cj. 10. 2
and gu. head erased erm. (for Beckett). 19. 8
Beaumont, Leics., and Beaumont Hall, Beckett, Rt. Hon. Sir Edmund, LL.D.,
Suff., an elephant, on its back a tower
Becher, Wrixon-, Sir Henry, Bart, of Q.C., Baron Grimthorpe, of Grim-
triple-towered arg., garnished or. BaUygihlin, co. Cork, Ireland, out ot thorpe, Yorks, a boar's head couped
"(4no/7ier, the tower or.)
I33- a ducal coronet or, a demi-hon erm., or, pierced by a cross pattee fitched
gorged with a plain coUar vair. Bis
Beaurain. a Uon's head erased arg., erect gu. Prodesse civibus.
cf. 17. S Beckett, Ernest William, Esquire, of
nelletee. cf. 16. 3
Beauvoir, a griffin's KirkstaU Grange, Leeds, a boar's head
"wings ppr.
head , two vivet qui bene.
Beck of London, a raven ppr., between
^5; two wings or. couped or, pierced by a cross pattee
Beck, Norf., out of the sea ppr., a sea-
Beauvoir, London, a demi-dragon, wings fitchee erect sa. Prodesse civibus.
73- 1° wolf arg., finned or, holding between Beckett, a dexter arm embowed in
addorsed ppr.
Beauvons and Beavons, a buU s head sa. armour ppr., about the elbow a wreath
the paws a cross pattee gu. or and az., holding in the hand, also
cf. 44- 3
Beavan or Bevan, over a mount vert, Beck, see Bee. c^n^r. a baton of the second.
a dove hovering ppr., in its beak a Beck, Lt.-Col. Charles Harrop, C.B., ot cf. 200. 3
*sem-rin<°' or. Semper virtute constans. Upton Priory, Macclesfield, Chesh., a mBeckford, London, Wilts, and Leics., a
raven ppr., between two wings or. stork's head erased, holding the
21. 5
Beavan, a lion's head erased az., holding Assiduitas. beak a fish, aU ppr. , „. , .
Beckford, Clarence, Esquire, Victoria
in the mouth a rose gu. Beck of Woodside, Surrey, a stafl ragijly of
fessewise or, thereon a blackbird, hold-
Beaver, a beaver ppr. ™ '^'*', '^ ing in the beak a sprig of holly ppr. Street, Westminster, S.W., a storks
Beaver, Hugh, Esquire, of the Temple, head erased, coUared, and chained
near Manchester, a mount vert, thereon Beck!' Alcock-r William, of Esthwaite reflexed az., between two roses arg.,
in front of three arrows, one in pale Lodge a cross potent? or, perched barbed, seeded, leaved, and shpped
and two in saltire, points downwards, thereon a blackbird ppr., holding in its ppr. De Dieu toxit.
a beaver passant ppr. beak an annulet of the first. Animum Beckford of Ruxley Lodge Surrey, a
Beaver, Robert Atwood, M.D., btur- heron's head erased or, collared, hold-
minster Newton, Dorset, same crest. Beck, Wales, on a mount vert, a pelican ing in the beak a fish arg. De Diett
A mBBBBBBBeeeeBBeBeeaaaBeaBIemostBaBaepllMavvvvaewnrfaeaHoeuzDhcWpeciwb(ewiezife.eleavzdifibzLmacprelrlnpeuereIcapn)rcroeslpoibclrarleunianlyice.)elepiptndtheurrrlt,eupte,,egswscnle,snssovrar,o,fdoeehayfmeuayrEtheettyUtatr.-g,Aisyrud,mDA,f,,e,Crrsraavra,,ede,m,aetsoeict.ecolnefga,ildeBesafdsalfosnardaflid.Fltv-sanaseJthocndaBAoatep,van)lldEnNetortpuacsdeo,aar-eoiiadeR.utigeooaopndgseagkrlsrlrrcdmntrssdlmtowws.Darrpu.Psc,itccdhr,wOdbnntqcoekm,em.tbe..eroaouoaeohvoeuftttuiosx,sokaiao,o,ssinneeirgPssosrnrie.coicnon,tottflRi'ctttrnuu.dsarcer.oodu,nnrcgnesksttborriChB.otherhntnfrftu,aleHi,eroenoh,nouegosa'loatafemhahhadiesgaze.cnuwa,lbst.medlelatSnoB,tAmoherogar.v(n.dgnaic,ddl,n,piorj,flotorunuCcairitntBeaiohohtfsetrhhltllolurndmoamnoayegrirnoBnshasreehkedeobefrtaadnttgrt.,tr,gle,enBBdpuea,lvieiijhoethmlmeeohkaBsiev.eirtnemnanere.ntiaetndbieheuEaerrsE,rgmihealpa,ncnba,snavdt,sknkaopehGtcusilaaovb.q,borhnabquderetotprauaseerdr)iruierduyC.mfseanttnghgtbaoddleE.ormspietrhai,e.muahonEeohihsv,xsmnpt.rl,wre,r.da,iseet.noneuseqtrteene,seos,-hfqaa.aaeu,derhttt,(p(hc,aBrlue,adavindr2retheApr.tasc1oiarad)e,remt,nnoamupofa,sochrougwesm.s7o1rmpfe.rrBdlnehle2dswpslOjrt,3th.—e4naipebao4.,adl8iee1esenetcuasorsPappeh2.fr.u0ino.nUwrmcrrgdeae1nrtirtapv0ond.ektke.egi"ro7wa.(-ridcem7poilm2ysd,,ssc.2e/,-innoafn.dauspedtkoe1ot1teoosdf.gdr--frprdf4-9a.,7BBBB,eBeBeBBIeBcceaceHbBeoeMecoecetbrshRkkbowcfheedecxcwcarpaknkcntdeewee,,aheccvieokcycaekaksTaaak.pWreeik,ttzuhhUrxctforkeeathekt,neeaceueynrikokraaheoecowepfhtrPi'pahdaetScwhrmtdnsrvflsnredctalnrlhiyeeeoswuWratv.detaietia.tReentthtelodofnndtriGitlutnten,esenecnuefsfl,eefeiailhttleye1be1enI-hlotrr.id.rghlnovyn:hrndrtdoer6aree,dr8rgrTdn,ieea-ltaeercaasgf.ieSB2sirlen0aefusrsgidceisntieuhsrdo3oAoanaenliatee8r,edrod.ntoeaf.enaie)fg(nresafgnrtnCUaf-bwfniigdrsrnRIu,ldEognetezoU.stknwtbdndaocen)ocetgdPoiBlpt.diaoh,ddoasd.uieesi,rhgulhoeoeS,et.e,nhie,ou{rstnzasnwrh,edi,atttcnBdhunrgetaiwarcTatanaw,eiarnShee,rhkaleaeazpbei,cthihntosexstieaottrdeble.gekoCrnnprneeeien.atheoerathaW,thmcr1tmgCieyeoeh,ded.ltkERssodgetdc,rhhet5lih.ogoaraoraffdifat-Mhes.rdalscwki,e6opaehn,rrUinubttekcvebqedaranhorcetW5Lsrtstnnggrihnuioo.ruezxetJinseamsehhrioseepoaauegies.egci,iupadtFotnetbfzrn.crpeaspl.,enaoynU,sh,dkeTrtseo.iwomgewe)reregk.rmsnhnd',eprsosyrh.s.eaCPn,ahreaeogihetas,dlaYetws,eiocpoosfnetdkcbepein,wlsLenoh,inntpabhlrtmardpndiohophysoaerho1rtBldgeoodtthoanwfoaopnaoee.acnekt6ehtrtzfeuieatfsw,wiel,,slnlcunaihhw2shaNTawngapcdietw.p,leceVgeeteg3adn,fftrnitpgbehfbhte-oedgir.hwoLctnomh.sitce,nwo,voeehesaragat,ia-;enk1beeeasi(fhaelgtItioiaWwBdteg1tc9dd0cnurpVenrri,la0tsmytteb0tdii8Waw3ycowpiolptaopf1ph7aapar°hcu3dclh...ilrnebrsee,retpesic.ea0rtcikt.rWgItea2.aalroi,larag.rgdhweetlnienke79ietzkhett-n-7uo.m-ariniseaedios-tn.lt1gt-oe_tse3asdsad.,^swa-nn,ttonthhn4es3-,e,ssf-tme-e»d,ht-BBBBeBBBeBBeBBBceheeBciabpcweLoDateetescethakeeocacehcnacfkpioaycchclerrpccleccoorkfkrcdgocllrkbrftw<hrtteg,eiolkekerlkpkohloukThoolkktroirou.Jtiharo.a.uadaDwnemwewiscrpd,wwhoawrtirra,no,bmnprsr'npioisyieaiaudieiemdiptumenegetgfafeoes,tieethlnhtenft,pghtaroc,gthhUandrrhthihudlghhta,hr,ph,therh'plakahlsocBs,a,,rnaoL,ehtepstaorhPmmmeeeottmfapttona.reseiyrivoeovaaaenchr,eaaapo,trv.Dndibu,efteHrLh-keenohbgdrrndoe,enztasurlBefehklos.ianeo..dbf.ee-Ftdodprinncoe,Eae,i,mylaerTnneraa.,seehtornhdesskH,khBdtw.hhhndstdrpr.a.sagpasngcogioeip,uoto.aoSwuer,yuoeeropckolcnoaSeewr,ltfe.s'u.nJderxpdongrehmdkhgnrc,,delas,een,e,ier,ueworedfwirareBglmiJodUlwdxmi.innBxaionideoslNtmaenapao,einebsttih,bsttpotgofnrgsednsohranhreeoeleteesrthrhtaawrtticglkarrntdrfhh,p,a,wiaauptniornlwfaseioa.Wpiwnergddpoeotaefgehrnlinnr,gri'ergeYsocdck.hyobmdro.t.tdseJm.laroseaol-pl,,rP„rrhaoob.h,o,ai,trtdrnttaaatsyaisePro-gmush,hgprrkdwelwhgddDte.rguska:h(eeeeaants.oar,giemem-er.ktt2e,a.o,neadtuai,fihisnma-v,)oaawnnl.scffofdgshioabmo,cu,focdvhedef'wan(o-bOeapfifrrrHftrsaeoitsiric-cir.ecgiidru^naah1.smcub^ur)nnneuuanhtneew^hto'Intn6c2trssotg6ntn^hrfolthp^li.S4atdcteah4Mem6cgulcictfos'pi^d-.ehn,ne.lauon^hselaeAlg.pioraei'hlir-at.dagfydncs^oei,f..a-1enkdae.n6.beass,d7h-pssd^2d^j--a.e-
Beckwitb, Bart., of Aldborough, Yorks, Bedell and Bedolfe, Staffs and Bedolph's Bedolle, see Bedell.
Hall, Essex, an arm embowed, vested
same crest and motto. Bedwell of the Manor, East Kennett,
Beckwith, Yorks, a stag's head quarterly az., holding in the hand ppr. a sword near Marlborough, out of a ducal
per fess indented or and gu. Another, arg., hilt and pommel or, pierced into coronet a griffin's head. 67. 9
or and az. 121. 5 the side of a squirrel sejant regardant or, Bee of Basingstoke, Hants, a dragon's
Beckwith, Yorks, a stag's head couped the side of the squirrel guttee-de-sang. head or, pierced through with an arrow
sa. 121. 5 Bedell of Hamerton, Hunts, out of a gu., flighted and feathered arg.
Beckwith, Durh., a roebuck's head
pa,lisado coronet a buck's head or, Bee, Norf., a dragon's head erased or,
couped sa. 121. 5 attired az. cf. 120. 7 collared vair. 71-2
Beckwith, a dove holding in the beak Bedell-Sivright, William Henry Revell, Beebee, a beehive ppr. Se defendendo.
three ears of wheat, all ppr. Esquire, of North Cliff, North <•/• 137- 7
cf. 92. 5 Queensferry, Fifeshire, Scotland, a Beeby, a mullet or. 164. 2
Beckwith and Beckworth, Yorks, an
dexter hand holding a thunderbolt Beech, Rowland John, of Brandon Lodge,
eagle's head or, beaked gu., charged ppr. Recte jerio. 216.4 Warw., and the Shawe, Staffs, in front
with two bends vert, all between Bedell, a stag's head couped gu., attired of a bugle-hom stringed az., a stag's
two wings, one arg., the other sa. or, the branches az., between the attires head cabossed or. Sub teg/nine fagi.
cf. 84. 2 a thistle of the second stalked and 122. 8
Beckquet, a falcon rising sa., ducally leaved vert. cj. 121. 5 Beecham, Joseph, Esquire, Ewanville,
Huyton, near Liverpool, a swan's head
gorged or. Celcrilas. 87. 2 Bedewell or Bedwell, on a rock a fort in and neck erased arg., between two
escallop-shells or, holding in the beak
Bective, Earl, see Headfort, Marquess. flames ppr. 155. i
a like escallop-shell. Nil sine labore.
Becton, a demi-heraldic tiger ppr., ducally Bedford, Duke (Russell), a goat passant
gorged and chained or. cf. 25. 12 arg., arraedor. Chesarasara. cj.iig.t,
Becton, a demi-heraldic tiger ducally Bedford, Cornw., an eagle rising from an loi. 2
gorged and chained, holding between anchor arg. Verite sans peur. Beecher of London, a demi-lion erased
the paws a mullet of six points. Bedford, a hand ppr., holding a sphere arg., enfiled round the body with a
cf. 25. 12 erect or. 216. 3 ducal coronet or. cf. :o. 2
Bedall, Essex, a buck's head gu., attired Bedford, John, Esquire, of Oughtibridge Beechey and Beecby, a hurt. cf. 159. 14
Beeching, Sussex, a winged spur. Ag-
or, between the attires a bough of a and Birley House, Yorks, in front of
a bear's paw erased sa., holding a
tree leaved ppr. c/. 21 1 . 5 terrestrial globe ppr., an annulet arg. noscar evcntu. 121 1 1 .
Beddington, Hyam Leopold, Esquire, of Beeching, James Plumer George, Esquire,
CornwaU Terrace, St. Marylebone, Gare le pied fort. 231. 5 of Spring Grove, Isleworth, a beech-
London, a lion rampant arg., gorged Bedford, Henry Hall, Esquire, same crest tree, the sun rising from behind the
with a collar geraelle az., holding in the and motto. stem, in front a fountain, all ppr.
fore-paws a flagstaff erect ppr., there- Bedford of More Hall, Bolsterstone, Beecroft, Berks, on a chapeau vert,
from flowing to the dexter a banner Sheffield, same crest and motto. turned up or, a wyvem, wings ex-
az., charged with a chaplet of roses Bedford of Henloc, Beds and London, a panded az. Pro virivtc. cf. 70. 1
arg., and resting the dexter hind-paw demi-lion sa., ducally crowned or, Beecroft of Bishop- Wearmouth, two arms
on a mullet of six points or. E.r fide holding between the paws a sphere, embowed, dexter and sinister, in ar-
jortis. 2. 10 also or. cf. 71 1 . mour ppr., holding in the fingers an
Beddington, Claude, Esquire, of 5 1 , South Bedford, Edward, solicitor and Notary annulet gu. cf. 194. 11
Street, Park Lane, W., same crest. Be
Public, 12, Priory Crescent, Southover, Beedham of Ashfield, Kimbolton, Hunts,
strong and oj good courage. Lewes, Sussex, a demi-lion rampant oa a mural crown ppr., a bird, wings
Beddington, Herbert Melville, Esquire, holding between the paws an imperial expanded arg., beaked and legged gu.,
of 8, Cornwall Terrace, Regent's Park, crown Animum fortuna sequatur.
resting its dexter claw on an escutcheon
N.W., same crest and motto. 3GO, 9 of the second charged with a human
Beddington, Maurice, Esquire, of 91, Bedford, a demi-lion rampant ppr., hold- heart of the third. God be in m>j bede.
Lancaster Gate, London, W., same ing in the dexter paw a trefoil slipped Beeke, see Beake.
crest. vert. cf. 13. 13 Beekenshall, Lanes, an arm erect couped
Beddington, Alfred Henry, Esquire, 8, Bedford, a demi-lion rampant az., holding below the elbow holding a garland
CornwaU Terrace, Regent's Park, in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. gu. 218. 6
London, N.W., on a WTeath of the cf. 13. 2 Beer and Beere, see Beare.
colours a lion rampant arg., gorged Bedford, Ryland-, a demi-lion rampant Beerhaven, Viscount, see Bantry, Earl of.
sa., murally crowned or, holding be-
with a collar gemelle az., holding in tween the paws a bezant. Ariimum Beers of Leslie Hill, Ireland, on a garb in
the fore-paws a flagstaff erect ppr., fortuna sequatur. fesse or, a raven sa. In Deo spes mea.
Bedingfield of Beckhall, Norf., an eagle
therefrom flowing to the dexter a Beesley or Beesly, out of a mural coronet
displayed or. Despicio terrena. 75. 2
banner az., charged with a chaplet of Bedingfield, Paston-, Sir Henry George, two branches of palm in saltier ppr.,
roses arg., and resting the dexter hind- Bart., Oxburgh, Norf., a demi- eagle surmounting a spear in pale. I75. i
wings expanded gu. Despicio terrena
paw on a mullet of six points or. Be solcm contemplor. Badge, a fetterlock Beeston, Beestone, or Beiston, a heart
az. 80. 2
strong and of good courage. 2. 10 Bedingfield of Ditchingham, Norf., a gu., within a fetterlock sa. cf. 181. 7
demi-eagle wings expanded gu. Aquila
Beddington, Samuel Henry, Esquire, of non capit muscas, or Despicio terrena. Beeston of Beeston Castle, Chesh., on a
Hyde Park Square, London, W., a lion 80. 2 mount vert, a castle or, issuant there-
Bedingfield, James, of Bedingfield House,
rampant arg., gorged with a coUar from an arm in armour embowed ppr.,
Eye, Suffolk, same crest and motto.
gemelle az., holding in the fore-paws a garnished of the second, brandishing
flagstaff erect ppr., therefrom flowing a sword ppr., hilted, also or.
to the dexter a banner az., charged Beetham, Richmond, Esquire, J. P., of
Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zea-
with a chaplet of roses arg., and rest-
ing the dexter hind-paw on a mullet land, Resident Magistrate for Christ-
of sis points or. Deus nobis guts contra. church and Sheriff of Timaru, South
Bedingfield, a demi-eagle wings ex- Canterbury, a stag lodged gu. Per
Beddoe, John, M.D., the Chantry, panded or. Despicio terrena. 80. 2 ardua surgam. "S- 7
Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts, a stag's head Bedingfield, a unicorn's head erased sa., Beetham, late Albert, out of a ducal
and neck erased ppr., pierced through the horn wreathed or and arg. 49. 5 coronet or, an elephant's head trunked
I and tusked or. Per ardua surgam.
Beevor, Sn Hugh Reeve, Bart., of Hethel,
the neck by an arrow or. Qui invidet Bedle or Bedell, London, a stag's head
Bedell of Rumford, Essex, an arm in erased or, attired and ducally gorged Norf., a beaver passant ppr. Suaviter
armour couped at the elbow and erect, gu. cf. 121. 2
the hand grasping a cutlass by the Bedo and Bedon, of Putney, Surrey, a in modo, fortiter in re. 236. 7
blade arg., billed or. boar's head couped and erect gu.
Beevor of Heckmondwike, Yorks, the
of- 43- 3
same crest. Nil desperandum.
Beg or Begg, Scotland, a cross crosslet head erased ppr., attired or, holding Bell, Charles Wentworth, Esquire, of
fitched between two branches of palm in the mouth an acorn leaved vert. Bronsil, Eastnor, near Ledbury, Heref.,
in orle ppr. c/. i66. 5 Bonne et belle assez. cj. 119. 11 on a rock ppr., between two antlers az.,
a hawk close, also ppr., around the neck
Begbie, Francis Warburton, Esquire, Belcher, Northamp., a demi-hawk or,
M.R.C.S., a lion's gamb erased, holding wings expanded sa. 88. 1 a riband az., pendent therefrom a bell
a spear-head ppr., and in an escroU Belcher of Gilsborough, Northamp. , Staffs, or. Dexlra fideque.
and Warw., a greyhound's head erased
over the same this motto : Sans peur. Bell, Spencer-, James, Esquire, of Fawe
Begbie, Rev. A. J., M.A., of the Rectory, erm., eared az., gorged with a collar Park, Cumb. (i) A beaver statant
Horton, Chipping Sodbury, Glouc, a :
gu., rimmed and ringed or. cf. 61. 2 erm. (for Bell). 134. S. (2) Out of a
cock ppr., charged on the breast with Belches, Scotland, a horse's head arg., ducal coronet or, a gritiin's head arg.,
a hurt, the dexter claw resting on a bridled gu. Keep tryst. 51-5 collared gu., between two wings ex-
mullet of six points or. In Deo con- Belches of Tofts, Scotland, the stump panded of the second {for Spencer).
of an oak-tree eradicated shooting Dieu defend le droit. cf. 67. i
Begbie, Colonel Elphinstone Waters, branches ppr. Revirescit. 145. 2 Bell, Charles Loraine, of Woolsington,
C.B., of Clifton Lodge, Winchester, Belches and Belsches, Scotland, a grey- Northumb., between two escallops sa.,
same crest and motto.
Begg, Dublin, a naked arm embowed hound's head couped arg., collared az. a falcon close ppr., belled and jessed
ppr., holding in the hand a long cross
Fidget virtus intaminata. 61. 2 or, holding in the beak a wing erect,
Beldam, a lion rampant arg. I- '3 also or. Bell assez bel. 81;. 2
g"- Beldam-Johns, Frederick Meadows, Es- Bell, Sir Isaac Low thian, Eart., of Ro'un-
Begg, Ireland, a hand fesswise couped at quire, of Fowlmere Manor, Royston, a
garb banded or, pendent from the band ton Grange, Yorks, a hank or, holding
the wrist ppr., holding a cross formee by a ring, also or, an escutcheon vert,
in its beak a lure az., and resting its
fitchee purpiue. charged with a dexter hand couped at
dexter claw on a sun in splendour of
Begg, out of a mural coronet a dem
the first. Perseverantia. 86. 2
savage ppr., wreathed round th the wrist or. Dal Deus incrementttm. Bell, John Charles, Esquire, of 61, Port-
middle vert, holding in the dextt Beldero, Suff., a greyhound current gu., land Place, London, W., in front of the
hand a cock's head and in the sinister collared and rmged or. cf. 58. 2 stock of a tree a branch of olive and a
sword ,jn saltire, all ppr., thereon a
a club resting on the shoulder. Belew or Bellew, Devonsh., an arm em-
Beggar or Begger, a pelican's head and bowed, vested vert, holding in the hawk, wings close arg., belled or,
neck erased vulning herself. 98. 2 hand ppr. a bell or. charged on the body with two bars az.
Beggs of Shropsh., a Cornish chough ppr. Beley, late of St. John's Hill, Surrey, Fortis qui predens.
107. 14 a griffin sejant or, winged vair, resting Bell, Thomas, Esquire, 23, Windsor
Behethland, from a cloud in the sinister the dexter claw on a plate. Auspice Deo Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne, in front
a dexter hand fesseways holding a vinces. cf. 62. 10 of a mount vert, thereon a falcon rising
club in pale, all ppr. 223. 5 Belfarge or Belfrage, Scotland, on a ducal ppr., belled and jessed or, three roses
Behrens, Sir Jacob, of Springfield House, coronet or, a hawk belled ppr. 85. 9 fessewise of the last. Industria et
Bradford, Yorks, a demi-bear arg., Belfast, Earl of, see Donegal, Marquess of. probitate. 87. 5
muzzled sa., holding in the dexter paw Belfield of London and Herts, a demi- Bell, a falcon close ppr., belled or. Prend
a mullet of six points gu., and resting heraldic tiger arg., armed and tufted moi tel que je suis. 85.2
the sinister paw on an escutcheon gu., or, pierced thi'ough the body with the Bell of Bellview, co. Fermanagh, Ireland,
charged with a bee volant ppr. Esse broken staff of a flag, the flag hanging on a ducal coronet or, a falcon rising
quam videri. between the fore-legs party per fess ppr., collared gu., belled of the
Behrens, Charles, Esquire, of Holm-Acre, wavy arg. and az. first.
Altrincham, Chesh., same crest and BelQeld of Malmains, Glouc, same crest. Bell, Thomas Fotherley, M.B., the Red
Vbi amor ibi fides. House, Heckington, Lines, a falcon
Behrens, Gustav Nathan, Esquire, same Belfour, Belfore, Belfoure, and Balfour, a belled ppr. Prend moi tel que je
crest and motto. hautboy in pale ppr. 168. i suis.
Beigtaton of Werksworth, on a mural Belfrage, see Belfarge. Bell, on a mount an eagle rising ppr.
coronet or, a greyhound erm., collared Belgrave, William, of Kilworth and Bel- Yian affectat Olympo. cf. 78. i
ot the first. grave, Leics., and Preston Hall, Bell, on a rock ppr., a martlet erminois.
Beilby, Warw., a leopard's face. 22. 2 Rutland, a ram's head arg. 130. i cf. 95. 2
Beilby, a hawk close ppr.
85. 2 Belgrave of Cocktield, Suff., out of a Bell, a hawk's bell stringed ppr.
Beirne or O'Beirne, Cotmaught, a dexter ducal coronet a fleur-de-lis. Bell, Scotland, a bell or. 168. 7
arm in armour embowed, the hand Belhaven and Stenton, Baron (Hamilton), Bell, in front of a tree ppr., a bear resting
grasping a sword, all ppr. 195. 2 Wishaw House, Lanarksh., Scotland, a his dexter fore-paw on a bell.
Beist or Blest of Atcham, Shropsh.', a nag's head couped arg., bridled gu. Bell, Essex, a talbot passant erm. 5.4. i
sinister arm couped above the elbow, Ride through. 51-5 Bell, Scotland, a demi-lion rampant ppr.
vested sa., cuffed arg., the hand ppr. Belhouse, a squirrel sejant per pale arg. Dextra fideque. 10. 2
holding a bow stringed, also ppr. and az., the tail or, the fore-feet against Bell, Matthew, of Bourne Park, Canter-
Beiston, see Beeston. an oak-branch vert, fructed or. bury, a Uon's head erased ppr. Lege
Beith or Bieth, Scotland, a dragon's head Belhouse, a wolf's head party per pale or et labore.
couped vert. Fortuna virtute. 71. i and az. 30. 5 Bell of Ewell, Surrey, and of Scatwcll,
Beke, Beeke, or Beack, Durh., out of a Beliald of Thorpe, Northamp., a lion's Muir of Ord, Scotland, formerly of
ducal coronet gu., two bulls' horns erui. head couped gu., billettee arg. cf. 21. i Provosthaugh, Scotland, on a mount
vert, a roebuck feeding ppr. Signum
Boke, out of a ducal coronet a boar's head Bell of Stoneycross, Leics., a demi-man
and neck. 41. 4 affrontee habited in russet leather and pads amor. 116. Q
Beke or Beck, Berks and Lines, a hare's gloved grasping in the dexter hand a Bell, Matthew Montgomerie. Esquire, of
head. hawk rising ppr., suspended therefrom 72, Great King Street, Edinburgh, a
Beke, Norf., a dragon's head erased or, a lure, the sinister hand resting on a stag grazing ppr. Signum pads amor.
collared vair. 71-2 trefoil slipped both or. Magna est 256. 18
Bekett, within a wreath or and vert, Veritas. Bell of Jamaica, a stag's head erased gu„
garnished with laurel - leaves of the Bell, a hawk close ppr., beaked and attired arg. Fulget virtus. 121. 2
second, a falcon rising arg., legged belled or. Perscverantia. 85. 2 Bell of Fortoun, Scotland, a stag's head
and beaked gu., and ducally gorged Bell, Richard Moore, Claremont, Brighton erased ppr. Ardenter amo. 121. 2
Road, Sutton, Surrey, a hawk close Bell, Thomas, Esquire, Rossie, Perth, a
Belasis, a stag's head erased arg. Bonne ppr., belled or. Perscverantia. stag's head erased gu. Fulget virtus.
tt belle assez. 121. 2 Bell, Berlis and Bucks, a hawk, wings 121. 2
Belasyse of Newborough, Yorks, Viscount expanded arg., beaked and belled or, Bell of Ealing, a stag's head ppr., attired
Fauconburgh, and a Bart., a stag's I
jessed gu. cf. 87. 12; or. Signum pads amor. 121. 5
Bell, Sir James, ist Bart., of Marlborough Bellasis or Bellassis, Yorks, alion couohant Bellingham, Bart, (extinct), of Hilsington,
gardant az. Bonne et belle assez. 7. 10
Terrace, Glasgow, a stag's head couped Westml., a stag's head erased az.,
Bellasis of Marton, Westml., a mount vert,
ppr., attired or. Signum pacis amor. thereon a lion couchant gardant az., attired or. 121. 2
Bell, Scotland, a dexter hand with the Bellingham of Orston, Wilts, a demi-buck
two last fingers folded down ppr.
in front of a tent ppr., lined gu. 9. 4 supporting a banner charged with the
Bellasis, Edward, Esquire, Lancaster
Confido. 222. II family arms, viz., arg. on a pile or,
Bell, Joseph, Esquire, surgeon, 2, Mel- Herald, of 22, Prince of Wales' Terrace, between two bugle-horns sa., stringed
W., a mount vert, thereon a lion
ville Crescent, Edinburgh, uses a garb. or, two boar's heads couped in chief
Quid utilius. 153-2 couchant gardant az., in front of a tent sa., and in base a rose gu., stalked and
Bell, Middx., a portcullis ppr. 178. 3 ppr., lined gu. Q. 4 leaved vert.
Bell, George Robert, Esquire, a stone Bellasis, Yorks, a stag's head erased, in Bellingham of Hissington, a bugle-horn
masoned arch ppr., suspended from mouth an oak-branch fructed ppr. arg. 228. II
the keystone thereof a bell or. cf. 121. 2 Bellis, a hand in armour, holding a holly-
Bellenden of Auchinoule, co. Edinburgh,
Bell, London, a human heart winged branch, all ppr. 209. 14
ppr. Forward, kind heart. 112. 10 a hart's head couped, between the Bellismo, out of water the top of a spear
Bell, Glouc, an arm embowed, vested attires a cross crosslet fitchee or. Sic in pale, sustaining on its point a
gu., holding in the hand ppr. a battle- iturad astra. 1 20. 12 dolphin naiant. 140. 10
axe, the staff gu., the head arg. Bellerby, Yorks, a dexter hand couped Bellomont, a cross moline lozenge-
at wrist, pierced through the palm
Bell, Scotland, a cubit arm in armour jjierced gu. cf. 165. 11
grasping a scimitar, all ppr. Pro rege with an arrow in bend sinister, all ppr. Bellot, a fox's head erased sa. 33. S
et patria. Bellere, a spur rowel az. 164.8 Belmore, Earl (Lowry-Corry) : (I) A cock
Bell, Walter Leonard, M.D., 123, London Bellet, Chesh., a fox's head erased sa. 33.8 Appr. {for Carry). 91. 2. (2) garland
Road, Lowestoft, Suff., a garb or. Bellet of Norf. and Wilts, an arm in
of laurel vert between two branches of
Quid utilius. armour couped at the elbow, holding the same (/or Lotwy). 257.12. Virtus
BeU, William Abraham, Esquire, of Pen- in the gauntlet a baton or, tipped at semper viridis.
deU Court, Bletchingley, Surrey, a both ends sa. 209. 9 Belmour, a griffin's head. 66. i
figure of Justice vested chevronny of six Bellew of Stockleigh, Devonsh., an arm Beloe, an ancient Greek lyre or, the
arg. and gu. Hujus stat fof^dere Mundus. embowed, vested, the hand ppr. grasp- chords arg., the band gu., garnished of
Bellairs of Kirby Bellars, a lion's gamb ing a chalice, poui'ing water into a basin, the first. Vita et pectore puro.
ersised gu. In truce viea fides. 36. 4 also ppr. Tout d'en haul. Belper, Baron (Strutt), in front of rays
Bellairs, Lines, out of a mural coronet Bellew of Okehampton, a dexter arm em- of the sun ppr., a cu'oit arm erect,
or, a demi-lion rampant gu., holding bowed vested vert, cuffed arg., the vested, bendy of six or and sa., cuffed
between the paws a cross crosslet hand or, grasping a chalice pouring arg., holding in the hand a roll of papir
fitchee or. water into a basin, also ppr. ppr. Propositi tenax. 248. J
Bellairs, Lines, out of a mural coronet or, Bellew, William Legassicke, Esquire, same Belsches, see Belches.
a demi-lion rampant gu., holding in crest and motto. Belsches-Wisheart, on a chapeau a trunk
the paws a staff ppr., thereon a banner Bellew, a boar passant sa. 40. 9 of an oak-tree eradicated, sprouting out
displayed of the arms of Walford, viz., Bellew, a hyena passant. cf. 127.13 branches with leaves ppr. Rcvirescit.
arg. a fesse, and in chief a lion passant Bellew, Baron (Bellew), of Barmeath, co. —Fulget.
gu. cf. 16. 7 liOuth, Ireland, an arm in armour Belsches of that ilk, a greyhound's head
embowed, holding a sword ppr. Tout couped arg., collared az. Fulget virtus
BeUairs of Barton End, Staffs : (i ) Out of
a mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant d'en haul. 195. 2 intaminata.
gu., holding between the jiaws a cross Bellew, an arm in armour embowed, hold- Belshes, Invermay, a horse's head couped
—Acrosslet fitchee, also gold. (2) horse's
ing in the hand a dagger, point down- arg., bridled gu. Keep tryst. Rc-
head couped arg., in the mouth a leaf wards. vercscit. 51-5
of oak ppr. Virtus tutissima cassis. Bellew, Grattan-, Sir Henry Christopher, Belson, a hand holding a key in bend
Bellairs, Lieutenant-General Sir William, Bart., of Mount Bellew, co. Gal way, sinister. 217. 7
of Clevedon, Somers., same crests.
Ireland: (1) An arm in armour em- Belstede, Belsted, Belstide, or Beltead,
Virtus tutissima cassis. bowed ppr., charged with a crescent Norf., aseax az., hilted or. 171. 2
Bellairs, George Clarke, Esquire, of South- for difference, grasping in the hand Belt of Boasall Hall, Yorks, on a mount
bourne-on-sea, Hants: (i) Out of a a sword l)pr., pommel and hilt or (for vert, a cross pattee fitchee in pale gu.
mural crown or, a demi-lion rampant
gu., langued az., holding between his ABellew). 234. 4. (2) dove ppr., cf. 166. 3
Apaws a cross crosslet titchee or. (2) Beltolt or BeltoftS, a cock sa., beaked,
horse's head couped arg., in the mouth holding in its dexter claw a sceptre and
a leaf of oak ppr. Virtus tiitissi/na
cassis, and Nihil sine cruce. standing on a tun or (jar Grattan). combed, and wattled gu. 91. 2
Tout d'en haut. 248. 7 Beltoft or BeltoftS, Lines, out of a ducal
coronet a hand holding a sword, all
Bellewe of Newstead, Lines, a buck's
head erased or, guttee-de-larmes, the ppr. 212. II
Bellairs, Lines, a horse's head couped dexter attire arg., the sinister az., Belvale, two arms in armour embowed,
arg., holding in the mouth a wreath of guttee counterchanged. cj. 121. 2 holding in the hands a heart inflamed
oak vert.
Belli of Courtlands, Surrey, on the battle- ppr. 194. 7
Bellam, Ballam, and Bellome, out of a ments of a tower gu., a lion rampant Belward, a pheon sa. 174. 11
ducal coronet or, a cock's head between erm., holding in the dexter fore-paw a Belyn, Chesh., a unicorn's head erased
two wings gu., combed and wattled of sword erect ppr., pommel and hilt or, arg., armed or, charged on the neck
the first. the dexter hind-paw resting on a cal- \vith four bars gu. cf. 49. 7
Bellamy, an arm couped and erect, vested trap of the last. Per acuta belli. Bempde, a winged spur. III. 12
sa., cuffed arg., holding in the hand Bellingham, Lines and Yorks, a buck's Ben and Benne of Newport-Cranley,
ppr. a sceptre or, surmounted by a head couped arg., on a branch twisted Surrey, an heraldic tiger passant erm.,
crescent arg. or and az., leaved vert. ducally gorged and tufted or. cf. 25. 5
Benbow of Newport, Shropsh., a harpy
Bellars of New Lodge, Herts, a lion's Bellingham, Ireland, a stag's head erased
gamb erased ppr. 36. 4 sa., attired or, charged with a fleur- close or, the face ppr., the head
Bellas, a stag's head erased per fesse, de-lis of the Icist. cf. 120. 5 wreathed with a chaplet of flowers gu.
indented arg. and gu., attired or, Bellingham, Sir Alan Henry, Bart., of cf. 189. I
Bence of Aldborough, Benhall, and Kings-
holding in the mouth a fleur-de-hs az. Castle Bellingham, co. Louth, Ireland,
(•/. 121. 2 —a buck's head couped or. Amicus Held, Suff., a tower arg., charged with
Bellasis or Bellasses, on a mount a palm- amico. Ainsi il est. 121. 5 a fret gu. cf. i <ib. 2
tree ppr. 144. 3 Bellingham of Brumby, Lines and Sussex, Bence, Edward Starkie, Kentwell Hall,
Bellasis, Durh., a stag's head erased a stag's head arg., attired or, gorged Suff., a tower or, charged with a fret
ppr., attired or. 121. 2 with a chaplet vert. 120. ? gu. Virtus castellum meum.
Bence of Thcrington, Suff., a castle Bennet of Grubet, Bart., a hand issuing Bennett of Pyt House, Wilts, on a whelk-
triple-towered. FirtJM castellum meum. out of a cloud ppr., holding a cross shell or, a Cornish chough sa., beaked
cf. 15?- 8 pattee fitched gu. Benedictua qui and legged gu. Nihi consulit Deus.
Bennett, Newcastle, a castle or, with fire
Bence-Lambert, Colonel Guy Lenox, tollil crucem. 223. 6
C.M.G., of Thorington Hall, Darshani, flaming therefrom ppr., charged with
Bennet, a dexter hand holding a cross
Suff., a centaur ppr., charged on the pattee fitched gu. Bcnedir.ius qui three pellets. cf. 155. 9
shoulder with a cross crosslet or. Ut iollit crucem. 221. 12 Bennett of Dublin, an arm couped at the
quocunquc paratns. Bennet, Ireland, an arm couped at the elbow, holding in the hand a thistle,
Bender, a stag's head cabossed, between elbow, holding a thistle slipped, all all ppr. 218. 2
the attires a bugle-horn strung, all ppr. 218. Bennie, Benny, Benzie, or Binnle, Scot-
arg. cf. 122. 5 Bennet, Scotland, a demi-lion holding in land, a horse's head bridled ppr.
Bendall, Middx., a demi-lion double- its dexter paw a cross crosslet fitched. Virtttte et opera. 51-5
queued az., holding an anchor ppr. Benediclus qui tolli! cruceyn. 11. 10 Benning, a demi-horse saddled and
cf. 12. 12 Bennet, Scotland, a demi-lion holding in bridled. cf. 53. 6
Bendlowes, Essex, a centaur with bow the dexter paw a cross pattee gu. Benningham, Ireland, a horse at full
and arrow, all or. 53. 2 Bennet of Abington, out of a mural speed with the point of a broken spear
Bendyshe, Rev. Richard, of Harrington, coronet or, a lion's head gu., charged in its mouth. cf. 52. 8
Cambs, and Bendish of Steeple- with a bezant. cf. 19. 1 Bennion, ate Benyon.
Bamstead, Essex, out of a ducal coronet Bennet of Steeple- Ashton, Wilts, a demi- Bennis, Dubhn, a dexter hand couped at
or, a talbot'a head, all or. Utrague lion rampant arg., crowued or, support- the wrist, lying fesseways and grasping
57. 12 ing a tower ppr. a reaping-hook, all ppr.
Bene, a buck's head erased, per pale em- Bennet, Leigh-, Henry Cmrie, of Thorpe Bennitt, William Ward, Esquire, of
battled, holding in the mouth a rose Place, Smrey, out of a mural coronet or, Stokegreen House, Slough, Bucks,
slip ppr., thereon three roses arg. a lion's head gu. Dux vitoe ratio. upon a mount vert, a horse's head
couped arg., pierced through the neck
Benegall, a battering-ram fesseways. cf. 19. 12 by an arrow in bend sinister, point
Benett of Norton Bavant and Westbury, downwards ppr. Irrevocabile.
Bennet of Rougham Hall, Suff., and
of Tollesbury, Essex, out of a mural
Wilts, out of a mural coronet or, a coronet or, a lion's head gu., charged Benolt, a stag current ppr. cf. 118. 13
lion's head arg., charged with a mullet, Benon of Aldington, Sussex, on a mount
on the neck with a bezant. Bene
also or. rf. 19. 12 tenax. cf. 19. 12 vert, a griffin segreant, wings elevated
Benett, Wilts, a demi-lion rampant gu., Bennett of Thorpe Place, Surrey, out of arg. cf. 62. 2
holding between the paws a bezant. a mural coronet or, a lion's head gu., Bensay, Berks, a horse saddled and
charged with a bezant. Dux vita:
II. 7 bridled. Virtute et opera. 52. 4
Benett, Staffs, a horse's head arg.
ratio. cf. 19. 12 Bense or Benst, a sea-lion holding a cross
cf. 50. 13 Bennett, William, Esquire, of Bank patonce. 20. 4
Benge, an eagle displayed ppr.
House, Grimsby, in front of a demi- Bensley, Bart., of Marylebone, a dexter
75- 2 lion or, gorged with a collar invected hand holding a plume of ostrich-
Benger, Kent, a cockatrice per pale or
gu., holding between the paws a bezant, feathers.
and vert, wings expanded counter-
an escallop surmounting two branches Bensley or Bensly, a sand-glass gu.
cliaiiged. 68. 6 of oak fructed in saltire ppr. Deo 177-15
Bengough, Rev. Edward Stuart, M.A., Bennett of Bennett's Court, Ireland, out Benson, a bear's head erased ppr.,
of a mural coronet or, a demi-lion
of the Rectory, Hemingby, Horn- rampant arg., holding in the dexter paw muzzled and coUared or. c/. 35. 2
a bezant. Serve the King.
castle, two crosses pattee arg., thereon Benson of Utterby, Lines, a bear's head
Bennett, Surrey and Berks, out of a
resting a lion's head erased sa., charged mural coronet or, a lion's head gu., erased arg., muzzled gu. Inconcussa
charged on the neck with a bezant.
with an ermine spot or. Per acuta cf. 19. 12 virtus. 35- 2
belli. Benson, General Robson, 15, Lansdown
Bengough, Major - General Harcourt Crescent, Bath, in front of a bear's
Mortimer, C.B., of The Beech House,
Whitwell, Herts, same crest and head couped sa., gorged with a collar
and muzzled or, two crosses pattee,
motto. Bennett of Faringdon, Berks, a lion's also or. cf. 34. 14
head charged with a bezant. Dc hon
Benhan, Bengham, or Benham, a chart Benson, a bear's head erased arg.,
ppr. 159. II valoir servir le roi. cf. 21. I collared and muzzled gu., and holding
Benjamin, on a chapeau a flame of fire, Bennett, a demi-lion rampant gu., hold- in the mouth a trefoil slipped of the
all ppr. 180. 10 ing in the dexter paw a bezant. last. Fay bicn, crain rien. cf. 35. 2
Benley, a sand-glass gu. I77- 15 Bennett of Finsbury, a demi-hon rampant Benson, Robert Hugh, Esquire, a bear's
Benn, Joseph, Esquire, of Horton Grange, or, holding in its dexter paw a bezant. head arg., ereised gu., gorged with a
Bradford, Yorks, on a wreath of the Bennett, Jackson-, John Charles, Es- coUar gemel, and muzzled of the second,
colours an alpaca's head couped at the quire : (i) Out of a mural coronet or, and holding in the mouth a trefoil
a demi-lion rampant arg., holding
neck between two sprigs of oak fructed slipped in bend sa. Fay bien crain,
ppr. Cura atque industria. 125.2 between the paws a bezant (for Bennett) rien.
cf. II. 7. (2) An arm embowed in Benson, Arthur Christopher, Esquire, of
Benn, William Henry, Esquire, of Willas- armour, the hand grasping a battle- Eton College, Windsor, same crest and
ton, Harrogate, same crest and motto.
Benne, London, an heraldic tiger passant axe, all ppr., the arm charged with a motto.
erni., ducally gorged and tufted or.
mullet gu. (for Jackson). Serve the Benson, Edward Frederick, Esquire,
Bennet, a ship in full sail ppr. 160. 13 king. cf. 200. 6 same crest and motto.
Bennet, Earl 0! Tankerville, see Tanker- Bennett of Stourton, Stourbridge, on a Benson of Baysbrown and Hawkshead,
ville. mount vert, a horse's head couped arg., Lanes, a bear's head erased arg.,
Bennet of London, a double scaling- pierced through the neck by an arrow, muzzled, gorged with a collar, and
ladder or. 15S. 12 in bend sinister, point downwards, ppr. pendent therefrom an escutcheon az.,
Bennet, Norf., two dolphins, the one or, Irrevocabile. charged with a trefoil or. Si Deus
the other arg., entwined in saltier, erect Bennett, Glamorgansh., a goat's head quis contra. cf. 35. 2
erased sa., bearded and dou'ole armed
on their tails. 1 40. 3 or, langued gu. Aut nunquam tentes, Benson of Dublin, a bear's head couped
ppr., muzzled and collared with a
Bennet, a Cornish chough ppr. 107. 14
Bennet of London, on a mount vert, a aut perfice. chaplet of cinquefoils or. cf. 34. 14
Bennett of WiUaston Hall, Chesh., and
martin ppr. Benson, Thomas Starling, Esquire, of
Bedstone, Shropsh., on a mount vert,
Bennet of Laleston, Glamorgansh., a North Cray Place, Kent, the sun
goat's head erased sa. Aut minquam
a greyhound passant or, collared gu., rising from clouds ppr., in front a
studded arg. Debon vovloir sen ir leroij.
tentes, mil perfice. 128. 5 demi-lion gu., charged on the shoulder
with a trefoil arg., the sinister paw Bentley, Edward. Esquire, of Ely Place, Beresford-Ash, William Randall Hamil-
resting on an escutcheon az., thereon London, a talbot passant arg., the ton, Esquire, of Ashbrook, Derry
dexter paw resting on an antique
a bear's head erased of the third, shield vair, charged with an annulet or A(1) squirrel sejant ppr., holding in
Bentley, Richard, Esquire, of Upton,
collared and muzzled, also gu. Opes its paws a trefoil slipped vert (for Ash).
parit industria. 14. 6 (2) A dragon's head erased vert,
Benson, George Vere, M.A., barrister-at- near Slough, Bucks, same crest Fide pierced through the neck with a broken
law, a demi-lion rampant, holding in el fiducia. tilting-spear, the point thrust through
the dexter paw a mullet of fire points. Bentley, a demi-lion rampant. 10. 2 the upper jaw, all ppr., a crescent or
Miieris succurrere. Bentley, a demi-lion rampant grasping for difference (for Beresford). Nil nisi
Benson, a talbot's head erased arg., a thunderbolt or. cruce.
ducally crowned or. 56. 9 Benton, Wilts, on a mount vert, a lamb Beresford-Massy, John George, Macbie
Benson, the sun surmounted by a rain- carrying a flag az. 131. I HaU, Peebles: (i) Out of a ducal
bow, each end of the latter issuing out Benton, a griffin's head erased arg. 66. 2 coronet or, a bull's head gu., armed sa.,
of clouds, all ppr. Benvil or Benvill, a demi-swan rising charged with a martlet of the first
Benson, Ralph Beaumont, of Lutwyche, ppr. 100. 9 A(for Massy), cf. 44. 11. (2) dragon's
Shropsh., a miUtary long-tailed chest- Benweil or Benwell, a greyhound sejant, head erased az., charged with a cres-
nut horse, maned and tailed sa., richly collared, with wings addorsed. 59. 9 cent or, and pierced through the neck
with a broken spear, the broken point
caparisoned, bitted and bridled ppr., Benwell of Oxford and London, a garb
the saddle-cloth az., the girth arg., or, entwined by a serpent ppr., the thrust through the upper jaw, also or,
and suspended round the neck a shield, head issuing through the ears of corn and on an escroll above the crest the
also az., charged with a pine-apple to the sinister. cf. 153. i motto Nil nisi cruce. Pro-libertale
ppr. Leges arma tenent sanctas com- Benwin, out of a ducal coronet gu., a patriae.
mercia leges. —boar's head erect arg., langued of the Beresford, Viscount and Baron (Beresford
Bensted, Benstead, Benst, or Bense, a first. extinct), out of a mural coronet or, a
sea-lion holding a cross patonce. Benyngton, Essex, a lion's head erased dragon's head per fesse wavy az. and
20. 4 arg., semee of torteaux gu., ducally gu., pierced through the neck with a
Bent of Bafsford, Staffs, a demi-lion az., crowned or. 18. 9 broken tilting-spear in bend of the
first, and holding the upper part of
holding between its paws a bezant. Benyon-De Beauvoir, see De Beauvoir,
Nee temere, ncc timide. n- 7 Benyon of Sussex and SuS., on a mount the spear in the mouth. Nil nisi
Bent, a demi-lion az., holding between vert, a griffin sejant arg. cf. 62. 10 cruce.
its paws a bezant. Nee temere, nee Benyon, Shropsh., on a mount vert, Beresford, Charles Edward de la Poer,
timide. 11 7 a griffin sejant arg. cf. 62. 10 Esquire, a dragon's head erased arg.,
pierced through the neck with a broken
Bent, a derai-lion az., holding between Benyon, James Herbert, of Englefield,
its paws a lozenge arg. cf. 13. 1 Berks, a griffin sejant or, gorged with an spear or, point arg., thrust through the
Eastern crown gu., holding in the beak upper jaw. Nil nisi cruce.
Bent of Wrexham Lodge, Bucks, a
demi-lion rampant, per fesse az. and a Guernsey lily ppr. (for Benyon). Beresford, William James Montgomery,
gu., gorged with a collar indented, and
holding between its paws a bull's Acf. 62. 10. (2) lion's head erased Esquire, same crest and motto.
and murally crowned arg., charged Beresford, Ralph Barre de la Poer,
head cabossed or. Tntamen Detui. with a fesse indented erm. (,for Pel- Esquire, of Learmont, co. LondondeiTy,
Benthall or De Benthall of Benthall, lowes). Vincam. vel moriar. 18.3 same crest and motto.
Shropsh., on a ducal coronet or, a Benzie, Scotland, a horse's head bridled Beresford, Jlostynde de la Poer, of 76,
leopard statant arg., spotted sa. ppr. Virtule et opera. 51-5 Jermyn Street: (i) Same crest as
Bentham, a Uon rampant arg. i- 13 Berblock of London, in a guantlet in Aabove. (2) stag's head cabossed
Bentham, on a cross fleury fitched fess ppr., garnished or, lined gu., the ppr., attired or, between the horns a
quarterly gu. and arg., between two lower pert of a spear in pale of the crucifix of the last. Nil nisi cruce.
wings of the first, each charged with a ' second. Beresford, Pack-: (i) Issuant from a
rose of the second, seeded or, barbed Berdmore or Beardmore, a mitre sa., mural crown or, a dragon's head per
vert, the sun also or. 112. 7 semee of crosses pattee arg., charged fess wavy arg. and gu., the lower part
of the neck transfixed by a broken
Bentick, a chevaher standing beside his with a chevron of the last. cf. 1 80. 5 spear, in the mouth the remaining
horse holding the bridle, all ppr. Bere, Kent, and Oakenham, Berks, on a
53- II garb in fess or, a bird sa. part of the spear, the point upwards
Bentick, a ship at sea i full ; il, all ppr. Bere, Richard, Timewell House, Devonsh., Aor (for Beresford). (2) mural crown
160. 13 a bear's head erased sa., muzzled or. arg., and issuing therefrom a Uon's head
Bentjnck, see Portland, Duke of. 35- 2 gu., gorged with a wreath or (for Pack).
Nil ni-ii cruce.
Bentinck, Henry Aldenburg, of Terring- Bere, a heraldic tiger sejant az., bezantee,
ton St. Clement, Norf., and of Indio, maned and tufted or. Beresford-Peirse, Sir Henry Monson de
Bovey Tracey, Devonsh., out of a Berearly, London, a cross potent fitched la Poer, Bart., of Bedale Hall, Yorks :
ducal coronet or, two arms couuter- between two wings expanded. A(I) cross crosslet fitchee or, sur-
embowed, nested gu., on the hands Bereford, Staffs, an ostrich-head between mounted with a mural crown gu. (for
gloves or, each holding an ostrich- two palm-branches. cf. 96. 10 Peirse). 279. 5. (2) Out of a naval
feather arg. 203. 2 Berenger and Beranger, England and crown or, a dragon's head per fess
Bentinck, Count (William Charles Philip France, on a mount a tree vert. wavy arg. and gu., the lower part of
Otho Bentinck), out of a ducal coronet 143. 14 the neck transfixed with a broken
tilting-spear, and in the mouth the
or, two arms counter-embowed, rested Berens, Kent, a demi-bear salient sa.
gu., on the hands gloves, also or, each 34. 13 remaining part of the spear, point
holding an ostrich-feather arg. 203. 2 Berens, Richard Benyon, Esquire, of
Bentley of Birch House, I.aucs, a wolf —upwards of the first (for Beresford).
Kevington, St. Mary Cray, Kent, a
Non sine pulvere palma. Nil nisi
rampant erm., ducally gorged j demi-bear. Nil nisi cruce. cruce. 279. 6
or. I
Benigno numine. cf. 28. 2 I Berens, of Spratton Grange, Northamp., Beresford, Kent, and Bentley, Derbysh.,
Bentley, a spaniel dog passant arg. Virc a demi-bear erect, holding between the a dragon's head erased az., pierced
tit vivas. <^f- 57- 7 paws a sword, all ppr. Dens protector through the neck with a broken spear
or, part of same in the mouth, headed
Bentley, .James, Esquire, of Highbury mem. cf. 34. 13
Place, Middx., a talbot passant arg!. Bereseth, a griffin's head erased ppr., arg.
supporting with the dexter fore-paw collared or. cf. 66. 2 I Beresford, Charles William, surgeon,
an escutcheon of the arms, viz., or,
on a bend cotised sa., a lion's face Beresford, Marquess ol Waterford, see Markgate House, Narborough, Leics.,
between two chaplets of oak of the
Waterford. same crest. Nil nisi cruce.
Beresford, Baron Decies, Ireland, see Beresford, Major-General John Beresford,
field. I Decies. I of Craig Dhu Varren. Portrush, co.
Antiini. an arm vambraced ppr., the Berkenhead, out of a ducal coronet a Bernheim, a fleur-de-lis, on the top three
hand bare, holding a pheon thereof hand holding a sheath of arrows, points grass-spires, each containing seven
gu. Viribus virtus. downward, all ppr. 214. 2 piles gu.
Beresford - Drummond, Francis Cole- Berkhead, Crestwhite, Cumb., a goat's Bernil and Birnall, a greyhound's head
hrool;e. Esquire, a falcon, wings ex- head erased, party per fess or and between two roses stalked and leaved.
panded, hooded, jessed, and belled gu., attired sa. 128. 5 61. II
ppr.. charged on the breast with a Berkhead or Berkenhead, a goat salient Berns of Soham, Cambs, an ounce arg.,
nuiUet or. Lord have mercy. arg., attired or, resting the dexter spotted sa., collared and chained or.
Beresford, a dolphin hauriant. 140. 11 fore-foot on a garb of the last. cf. 24. 12
Berey of Croston, Lanes, between two Berkley, a unicorn passant gu., armed Berondon and Berondowne, Northumb.,
wings erm., an eagle's head couped or. and crined or. cf. 48. 5 a unicorn ranipant ppr. 48. 2
Berkley, a bear's head couped arg., Berowe and Berew, Glouc, a sea-horse's
Bergaigne or Bergaine,a demi-lion holding nuizzlod gu. 34- 14 head erased sa., bezantee, maned and
in its dexter paw a sword arg. 14. i.: Bermingham, an heraldic antelope's head finned or.
Berger, a lion's gamb erased sa., holding erased arg., maned and attired or. Berreton, out of a ducal coronet a bear's
a dagger ppr. 38. S cf. 127. 10 head and neck muzzled. 34. 3
owl erm., crowned or.
Bergne-Coupland, Alexander Hugh, Es- Bermingham, i Berrey, a hand holding a dagger. 21 J. 3
Bermingham 1 cf. 96. 5
quire, of Skellingthorpe Hall, Lincoln : d Birmingham, Warw., Berriedale, Lord, see Caithness, Earl of.
(i) A swan, wings addorsed arg., Berring, out of a ducal coronet or, a
semce of escallops gu., and resting bs in saltier sa. 39. 14 greyhound's head ppr. 61.7
the dexter foot on a like escallop (/('or Bernall, a demi-lion rampant gu. 10. 2 Berringham, see Beringham.
ACoupland). c). gg. 7. (2) demi-Uon Bernard, a bear passant ppr., muzzled Berrington, Arthur Vendigaid Davies,
gu., gorged with a collar gemelle or, or. cf. 34. I Esquire, J.P., D.L., of Pant-y-Goitre,
holding in the dexter paw two arrows Bernard of Nettleham, Lines, and Nether Abergavenny : ( i ) An estoile gu. {for
Berrington). 164. i. (2).A wolf salient
saltirewise, points downwards ppr., and Winchendon, Bucks, a demi-bear sa.,
resting the sinister paw on a fleur-de- muzzled and collared or. Bear and arg. {for Davies). Solem fero.
lis az. (for Bergne). JSqiio adeslc animo. cf. 28. I
forbear. H307-
Beridge, Rev. Basil James Harold, Bernard, Hunts, a demi-bear sa., muzzled Berry or Berrie, Westerbogie, Scotland,
Gosfield Place, Essex, in front of a and collared or. Nisi paret imparat. a demi-lion gu., holding in the dexter
bear's head erased sa., three escallops 307. 14 paw a cross crosslet titched az. In hoc
inverted or. In solo Deo salus. 249. 1 Bernard, John Mackay, Esquire, of Dun- signo vinres. 232. 3
Berifle, of Colchester, Essex, out of a sirman and Buttergask, Perth, a demi- Berry, William, Esquire, of Tayfield, Fife,
mural coronet gu., a demi-lion ram- bear arg., muzzled and lined gu. Bear Scotland, a demi-lion rampant gu.,
pant or, ducally crowned of the first, and forbear. armed and langued az., holding in his
and holding in its dexter paw a trefoil Bernard, Dr. Charles John, Skegness, —dexter paw a cross crosslet fitchee,
slipped vert. Lincolnshire, a demi-bear rampant also az. In hoc signo vinces. Uesper-
Beriffe, Essex, in grass vert, a beaver muzzled and collared. Bear and for- ance tne com forte. H- 5
pa.ssant ppr., collared or. cf. 134. 4 heir. 307. 14 Berry, Robert, of 5, University Gardens,
Beringer, Bucks and Hants, a stem of Bernard, Earl of Bandon, and Viscount Glasgow, same crest and motto.
holly-tree raguled and trunked lying Castle Bernard, Bandon, Berry of Ballynegall, Westmeath (i)
fesseways sprouting out a branch in Ireland, a demi-lion arg., holding a griffin's head and neck per pale in-
pale, leaved and fructed, all ppr. snake ppr. Virtus probata florebit. dented gu. and arg., charged with a
Beringham or Berringham, Worcs., a cf. 9. 14 trefoil count«rchanged {for Berry),
cross moline az. 165. II Bernard, of Palace Anne, Ireland, a Acf. 66. I. (2) demi-lion rampant az.,
Beringham, an arm in armour embowed demi-lion arg., holding between its holding between his paws an escallop
holding in the hand a spiked club, all paws a snake ppr. Virtus probata or {for Gibbons). Nihil sine labo^e.
ppr. <-/. 199- 2 florebit. cf. 9. 14 13. 10
Berington of Winsley, Heref., and of Bernard, Percy Broderic, Castle Harket, Berry, Henry F., Assistant Keeper of the
Records in Ireland, and Colonel
Little Malvern Court, Worcs., a grey- Tuam, same crest and motto.
Berners of Tharfield, Herts, a monkey Edward Ring Berry, a griffin's head
hound's head couped arg., gorged erased arg., and charged on the neck
ppr., collared about the loins and lined with three torteaux in pale. Ne cede
with a collar gu. 61. 2
or. cf. 136. 8
Berington, Chesh., out of a ducal coronet
cf. 66. 2
or, a greyhound's head arg., collared Berners, Charles Hugh, of Woolverstone malis.
Park, Suff., a monkey ppr., environed
gu. c/. 61. 7 Berry, Edward Ring, Esquire, of 2, Hyde
about the loins and lined or, holding
Berington, Brad well, Chesh., out of a Park Gate, South Kensington, S.W.,
ducal coronet or, a greyhound's head a scroll with the motto Del fuego lo same crest and motto.
Berry, Henry Fitzpatrick, Esquire, of
arg., collared gu., charged with three avola. cf- 136. 8 60, Moreharapton Road, Dublin, same
plates. c/. 61. 7 Bernes, Cambs, a leopard passant arg.,
Berkeley, Roland Comyns. of Cotheridge, spotted sa., collared and lined or. crest.
Worcs., a bear's head couped arg.,
cf. 24. 2 Berry of Berry-Narbor, Devonsh., a
muzzled gu. Dieu avec nous. 34. 14
Berkeley, Maurice Henry, Esquire, of Berney, Sir Henry Hanson, Bart., of griffin's head erased per pale, indented
St. Cloud, Worcs., same crest and Parkhall, Norf., a plume of ostrich- arg. and gu. 66. 2
motto. feathers arg., and gu. alternately. Nil Berry, William Bertram, Esquire, of
Berkeley, Thomas Mowbray Martin,
temere, neque timore. 251. 6 Kersewell, Carnwath, Lanarksh., a
Berney, Thomas, Clifton House, Bramley ram's head ppr., issuing from an
p]s(iuire, same crest and motto. Hill, Croydon, same crest. antique crown or. J'avance.
Berkeley, Robert Valentine, of Spetchley, Berney, Augustus, Esquire, of Bracon
Berry, an eagle's bead ppr., gorged with
Worcs., same crest and motto. Hall, Norf., out of a ducal coronet a an Eastern coronet or, in the beak a
Berkeley, Comyns, M.R.C.P., 53, Wim- plume of five ostrich-feathers arg. laurel slip vert.
pole Street, W., same crest and motto. Xil temere, neque timore. Berry, Bart, {extinct), of Catton, Norf.,
Berney of Kirkbedoe, Norf., same crest between two wings elevated erm., an
Berkeley, a unicorn passant gu., armed
and motto. eagle's head couped ppr., gorged with
and crined or. ef. 48. 5 Berney, an eagle's head ppr., gorged with an Eastern crown or, in the beak a
Berkeley, Earl of. Viscount Dursley an Eastern coronet or, and in the palm-branch ppr. Per ardua.
(Rt. Hon. Randal Thomas Jloreton mouth a palm-branch vert, between
two wings erm. Berry, out of an Eastern coronet or, a
Berkeley), a mitre gu., labelled and Berney, Norf., a sheaf of reeds or.
demi-talbot rampant ppr.
garnished or, charged with a chevron cf. 15
Berry, between the horns of a crescent
between ten crosses pattee, six and
or, a cross pattee gu. 163. 6
four, arg. Dieu avec nous. cf. 1 80. 5
Berry, Henrj, Esquire, of Esbald House, Beseley, Besley, or Besly, a lion rampant couped or {for Best). 270. 11. (2) In
Kothwell, Yorks, in front of a demi- front of a cubit arm in armour, the hand
gryphon arg., holding between the holding between his paws a ducal grasping an arrow in bend sinister, a
claws a fret gu., a like fret. Vincit
coronet. 3- 6
Beseley, Besley, or Besly, out of a mural morion, all ppr. (for Haden). 270. 12
Bestall, a bee erect and volant ppr.
omnia Veritas. coronet two brandies of palm in saltier,
Beiryman, Devonsh., a horse's head surmounted by a spear in pale ppr. Utile diilci.
erased sa. 50- 8 175- I Beste of Middleton-Quernhow, Yorks, the
sinister arm of an archer couped and
Bertie, a savage's head couped at Besiles or Besills, a hand holdmg a embowed in fess, habited gu., holding
shoulders ppr., dueally crowned or. a bow in pale ppr., strung arg.
bunch of grapes, all ppr. 219.6
Loi/au'e in oblige. 19^-9 Besley and Besly, see Beseley.
Besly, see Wood-Besly.
Bertie, Earl of Lindsey, see Lindsey. Besney, Heref., out of a ducal coronet a cf. 204. II
Bertie, Earl of Abingdon, see Abingdon.
Beste, Digby-, of Botleigh Grange, Hants,
Bertie-Greatheed, ste Greatheed. demi-griftin arg. 64. 4 and Abbotsham Court, Devonsh. :
Bertie, Bart., of Kether Hall, Essex, a Besook, on a mural coronet a beaver (i) An archer's arm habited gu., hold-
man's head affrontee couped at the passant ppr. (Ayiother, statant.) ing a bow in pale, strung or (fcyr Besie).
shoulders ppr., dueally crowned or, <•/• 134- 8 204. II. (2) An ostrich arg., holding
Bessborough, Earl (Ponsonby), in a ducal
charged on the breast with a sinister in the beak a horse-shoe or (for Digby).
coronet az., three arrows, one in pale
bendlet wavy gobony arg. and az. and two in saltire, points downwards, Solo Deo gloria. 97. 8
entwined by a snake ppr. Pro rege
Loyaule in oblige. Bestick, a demi-lion rampant az., holding
Beitie, a pear-tree frueted ppr. 144. I o
Bertles or Bertleys, Che=h.. a lion ram- between the paws a bezant. In Deo
pant az., holding a tree erased at the lege grege. 173-2 srdus. 71 1 .
Bessell, a demi-lion affrontee, in each Bestney, Herts, out of a ducal coronet a
roots ppr. paw a slip of columbine ppr., flowered demi-grifiin arg. 64. 4
Bertram, a bull's head erased ppr.,
purp. Beston, a demi-talbot holding in the
Bessemer, the late Sir Henry, Knt., Knight
dueally gorged or. 44; 2 mouth an arrow. 55. 10
Commander of the Austrian Order of
Bertram of Grafford, Jersey, a demi-lion St. Francis Joseph, and Knight Grand Bestoricke or Bestorike, a demi-talbot
Cross of the Legion of Honour of
arg. lo. 2 France, of Denmark Hill, Surrey, a holding in the mouth an arrow. 55. 10
Bertram of Grouville, Jersey, a demi-lion Bestow, a crescent arg. 163. 2
arg., holding between its paws an Bestroe and Bestrow, an elephant's head
escutcheon of the arms, viz., or, an demi-griffin az., charged with three erased per chevron or and sa., armed
fleur-de-lis chevronwise or, supporting
orle az. a torch erect fired ppr. Onward ever. of the last. 133. 3
Bertram of Nisbet, co. Roxburgh, Scot- Besville, a dragon's head erased gu.
land, issuing out of an antique crown
cf. 71. 2
or, a ram's head ppr. J'avance. Best, Baron Wynford, see Wynford. Beswick, London and Kent, a demi-lion
Best- Fairfax, Kent, out of a mural
cf. 130. 8 ppr., holding between its paws a
Bertram, William, Esquire, of Kersewell,
coronet or, an ostrich issuant arg., bezant. n- 7
Carnwath, co. Lanark, a ram's liead
ppr., issuing from an antique crown or. holding in its beak a cross crosslet of Beswick of Beswick, Kent, a demi-lion
the first. ppr., double-queued, holding between
Best, out of a mural coronet or, an
its paws a bezant. cf. 11. 7
ostrich-head arg., holding in the beak
Bertram, Julius, of Sishes, Stevenage, Beswick of Gristhorpe, Yorks, a demi-
Herts, an eagle displayed sa., holding a cross crosslet of the first. lion rampant or, holding between its
in the mouth a fleur-de-lis or, and in Best, Kent, out of a ducal coronet or, an paws a bezant. Denique calum.
ostrich-head between two wings arg.,
each claw a chaplet of roses gu., leaved, II. 7
Beswick, of Winnington, Chesh., a demi-
also or. Aquila non capit muscas. holding in the beak a cross crosslet of l|
lion or, holding between its paws a
Bertrand, a hand holding a pistol ppr. the first. cf. 97. 1 1
221. 8 Best, Glouc. and Kent, out of a ducal bezant. 11. 7
Bertwhistle, a dolphin naiant ppr. 140. 5 coronet or, an ostrich-head between Beswicke-Royds, Clement Robert Nuttall,
Berwick, Duke of, see Fitzjames.
two wings arg. cf. 97. 1 Pyke House, Littleborough, Manchester;
Berwick, Baron (Xoel-HiU) : (i) On the
Best of Chibton, Kent, out of a mural A( I ) leopard sejantsa., bezantee, gorged
battlements of a tower ppr., a hind coronet or, a demi-ostrich issuant arg., with a collar arg., the dexter fore-paw
statant arg., collared and chained or holding in the beak a cross crosslet Aresting on a pheon or (for Royds ). ( 2 )
AUor Hill). 124. 10. (2) buck at filched or. demi-hon rampant or, holding between
gaze arg., attired or {/or Nod). 1 1 7- 3- Best, Major Mawdistly Gaussen, of Park its paws a bezant (for Beswicke). Semper
A(3) stag's head caboshed .sa., holding House, Boiley, Kent, same crest. Sola paratus.
in the mouth a sprig of oak ppr. (for cruce. Beswycke, a demi-lion rampant gu., hold-
Haru-ood). Qui utiscilti bona. c/. 122.5 Best, London, a peacock with wings ing in the dexter paw a bezant.
Berwick, Lanes, two ears of wheat in elevated or, holding in the beak a cf. II. 7
Betagh, Ireland, two anchors in saltier.
saltier ppr. 1 54. 4 serpent reflesed over the back az.
Best, London and Kent, out of a ducal
Bery of Biu-y, Devonsh., a griffin's liead 161. 7
Betagh, a camel's head erased arg.,
erased party per pale indented arg. coronet gu., a demi-peacock, the wings
and gu. 66. 2 displayed or, holding in the beak a bridled gu. cf. 132. 9
Bery or Barry of Winscot, Devonsh., a snake ppr., entwined round the body. Betenham or Betnam, Kent, a bear's
wolf's head erased sa. 30. 8 Best of Eastbiury, Surrey, a griffin's head erased sa., muzzled and biUetee
Besant, Philip Eustace, Esquire, of head erased sa. Havd nomine tantum. or. cf. 35. 2
Frognal End, Hampstead, N.W., is- 66. 5 Betenson, Bettenson, or Betterson, Kent,
suant from clouds ppr., a palm-tree Best, a griffin's head erased sa. 66. 5 a lion's head erased sa., collared arg.
or, thereto attached by a chain, gold, Best of Elmswell, Little Driffield, and Qui sera sera. iS. 6
and resting on the WTeath an esco- South Dalton, Y'orks, a cubit arm Betenson, Devonsh., a griffin's head
cheon sa., charged with two bezants in vested gu. and cuffed arg., holding a couped ppr. 66. i
pale. falchion ppr. Betham, Bucks, out of a ducal coronet
Beseley, Lanes and "iforks, an arm in Best, Marmaduke Head, of Doimington, or, an elephant's head arg. 133. i
armour embowed, resting on the elbow, Berks, a cubit arm vested gu., cuffed
Bethell, Dorset, a demi-eagle, wings dis-
couped at the shoulder, holding a club, arg., holding a falchion ppr. Ojitimus played az., charged on the body with
aU ppr. 199.4 est qui optime facit. an ctoile of six points or. cf. So. 2
Best, Haden-, George Alfred Haden,
Beseley, Yorks, a castle triple-towered Bethell, Heref. and Yorks, between two
Esquire, of Haden Hill, Rowley Regis,
arg., on the centre tower a standard wings displayed az., an eagle's head,
floating to the sinister sa., charged Staffs: (i) In front of a rock ppr., couped of the same, charged on the
thereon a pheon az., a boar's head
with a saltier of the first. cf. 155. 8 neck with an etoile or. cf. 84. 2
Bethel], Guy Vivian, Esquire, out of a of Vere's Watton, Dorset, and of Middx., 1878-79, and High
an olive - branch ppr. Non omnis Sheriff of Kent, 1895, of Stone Park,
crown vallery or, an eagle's head sa. Kent, upon the battlements of a tower
between two wings az., and charged morianu 151. 11 ppr., a gryphon or, gorged with a collar
gemel az., resting the dexter claw on
on the breast with an estoile or. Ap Bettesworth of Tyning, co. Sussex, on the an escutcheon arg., charged with a
stump of a tree vert, a lion sejant per hurt. Semper virtuti constans. 63.11
Ithel. 250. 3 Bevan of Pen-y-Coed, Carmarthensh., a
Esquire, fesse or and arg., holding in the dexter mount vert, thereon an eagle rising
Bethell, SHngsby Westbury,
same crest and motto. paw a battle-axe gu., headed of the ppr., holding in the beak an annulet
Bethell, Baron Westbury, out of a crown third. 9. 5 or, enriched with a ruby ppr. Semper
vallery or, an eagle's head sa., between Bettesworth, out of a tower arg., a demi-
two wings az., and charged on the lion rampant per fess or and arg.,
Apbreast with an estoile or. Ithel. crowned az., holding in tlie paws a
250. 3 battle-axe, the handle or, headed arg. virtnte constans.
Bethell, William, of Walton Abbey,
c/. 157. II Bevan, see Beavan.
York, out of a ducal coronet or, a Betfie or Betty, a goat's head erased and Bevans or Beavins, a weaver's shuttle in
boar's head couped sa. 41. 4 collared ppr. cf. 12S. 7 pale, threaded ppr. 176. 14
Bethell, Alfred James, Esquire, of Bettison, Warw., a lion's head erased sa., Beveley, a bull's head sa., ducally crowned
Middlethorpe Lodge, York, same crest. collared arg. Qui sera sera. 18.6
Bethell, Commander" George Richard, of Betton of Great Berwick and Overton, of Dublin, a cubit arm erect,
Sigglesthorne, Hull, same crest and
motto. Shropsh., a demi-lion rampant. Nun- vested az., the hand ppr., grasping a
Bethel!, William, Esquire, of Rise Park, quam non paratus. :o. 2 garb or. cf. 218. i
Betton, see Beton. Bevereham and Beverham, Ireland, out
Hull, same crest and motto. Betts, a leopard passant gardant ppr. of a coronet or, an arm in armour,
Bethell or Bythell, out of a ducal coronet 24. 4 holding a sword, all ppr.
or, a boar's head and neck arg. 41. 4 Betts, Augustine Matthew, of Euthella, Beveridge-Duncan, see Duncan.
Bethome, out of a ducal coronet an Goulburn, New South Wales, out of a Beveridge, Kent, Chichester, and Scotland,
elephant's head arg. 133. i naval coronet arg., a demi-lion gu., out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
Bethune, Bart., Scotland, an otter's head, holding a sail arg., charged with an beaver ppr.
eraaed ppr. Debonnair. n4. 3 anchor sa. Beverley, between two wings expanded a
Bethune, Patton-, of Clayton Priory, Betts of Preston Hall, Kent, out of the nail erect.
ABurgess Hill, Sussex : (i) demi-otter battlements of a tower ppr., a stag's Beveriey of Beverley, Yorks, a bull's
issuant arg. (jor Bethune). 134. 11. head arg., charged with a cinquefoil head erased arg. Ubi liberlas, ibi
(2) Upon two swords saltirewise ppr., sa. Oslendo non ostento. cf. 120. 10 patria. 44. 3
]>ommels and hilts or, a falcon rising
Betts of Wortham Hall, Suff., out of a Beverley, Earl of, see Northumberland,
—arg., guttee-de-larmes (jor Patton).
ducal coronet or, a buck's head gu., Duke of.
VirtiUe adepta. Debonnaire.
Bethune, an otter's head couped ppr. attired of the first. 120. 7 Beverley of Dublin, on a mount vert, a
Bettsworth, out of a tower arg., a demi- wolf passant arg., pierced through the
Urbane. 134. i lion rampant crowned az., holding in ntck with an arrow sa.
Bethune, Charles Congleton, of Balfour, the paws a battle-axe, handle or, Bevers of Hogsdon, a demi-wyvern vert,
CO. Fife, an otter's head erased arg. headed arg. cf. 157. 11 armed gu. 69. iz
Debonnair. 134. 3 Betty, a demi-bon holding in the dexter Bevers, a beaver sejant ppr. Et finem
Bethune, Scotland, an otter's head couped paw a crescent arg. spiro. 134. 8
arg. Debonnair. 134. i Betty, a goat's head erased and collared Beversham of Holbrook Hall, Suff., out
Bethune of Blebo. Scotland, an otter ppr. cf. 1 28. 7 of a tower arg., a demi-lion gu. 157. 11
Bevil. a bull's head gu., armed or.
issuing arg. Debonnair. 135. 11 Betune, a demi-bear rampant. 34. 13 Bevil and Bevile, Suff., a dove volant,
Bethune, Alexander, Esquire, of Blebo. Betune, see Beton.
Cupar, Fifesh., a demi-otter rampant Beufo, a beech-tree with a saw through with an olive-branch in its beak ppr.
arg. Debonnair it ppr. 93. 10
Bethune of Nethertarvit, a physician's Beugo, an arm in armour embowed, wield- Bevill, Beville, or Bevin, Cornw., a griffin
quadrangular cap sa. Eesohitio canta. —ing a scimitar turned to the dexter, all passant gu. 63. 2
ppr. Qui nos vincet ? Pro Deo, patria, Bevill, a griffin passant or, coUared sa.
Bethune of Great Berwick, Shropsh., a et rege. cf. 63. 2
demi-lion rampant. Nunquam non Beuzevill, a lion's head ppr., platee. Beville of KiUegarth, a griffin passant or.
paratus. 10. 2 cf. 21. I Futurum invisible. 63. 2
Bevin, see Bevill. 174. 11
Bathwater, a fawn's head cabossed or. Bevan or Bevin, Comw., a griffin passant Bevis, a pheon az.
Betnam, see Betenham. or. 63. 2
Beton, Beaton, Betton, and Betune, a Bevan of Fosbury, Wilts, and Trent Park, Bew, a peacock's head couped and erect
lion passant sa. Fortis in arduis. 6. 2 Middx., a griffin passant or, semee of ppr. 103. 2
Betray, an arm embowed vested gu.,
annulets gu., holding in the dexter Bewcham or Beweham, a hand issuing
cuffed arg., holding in the hand ppr. claw two annulets interlaced, also gu. from the wreath and pruning a vine
a torteau. Deus presidium. 63. 5 ppr. cf. 221. II
Betson of Glassermount, Scotland, a bee Bevan, Roland Yorke, Esquire, same Bewes of St. Neots, Comw., on a chapeau
volant in pale ppr. Cum prudentia crest and motto. gu., turned up erm., a pegasus rearing
sedulus. 137. 2 Bevan, Sydney, Esquire, of Fosbury of a bay colour, mane and tail sa.,
Betson of Contle, Scotland, a bridge of Manor, Hungerford, Wilts, same crest wings or, holding in the mouth a sprig
three arches ppr. Pro patria. 158. 4 and motto. of laurel ppr. 263. 4
Betsworth, out of a tower arg., a demi- Bevan, Wilfred Arthur, Esquire, same Bewes, Cecil Edward, Esquire, of 3, the
lion or, ducally crowned az., holding crest and motto. Esplanade, Plymouth, same crest.
in his dexter paw a battle-axe arg. Bevan, Paul, Esquire, M.A. (Cantab.), Major ab advertis.
A.C.A., 46, Queen's Gate Terrace, Bewes of Beaumont, near Plymouth, the
c/. 157. i: London, S.W., a griffitn passant or,
semee of annulets gu., and holding in same crest. Major ab advertis.
Bettenson or Bettinson of Seven Oaks, its dexter claw two annulets interlaced Bewicke, Calverley, Esquire, of Bewicke,
of the last. Non sine industria. 63. 5
Kent, a lion's head erased sa., collared Newcastle, and Close House,Northumb.,
Bevan of Ashted, Surrey, on a mural a goat's head erased arg., aimed,
arg. Qui sera sera. 18.6 coronet arg., a griffin passant or, maned, and gorged with a mural
coronet gu. In ccdo quies. cf. 128. 5
Bettes, out of a ducal coronet or, a buck's gorged with an Eastern coronet gu. Bewicke, Calverley Theodore, Esquire,
head gu., attired of the first, gorged of I, Warwick Road, S.W., same crest
with a collar arg., charged with three Bevan, Thomas, Esquire, D.L., J.P.,
High Sheriff of the City of London and motto.
cinquefoils of the second. cf. 120. 7
Bettes, Hants, out of a ducal coronet or,
a bull's head arg. 44. 1
Bewicke-Copley, Robert Calverley Aling- Bickersteth, .see Langdale, Baron. Biddulph, Michael, Esquire, of 19, Enuis-
ton, Sprotborough, Doncaster : (I) Out Bickersteth, a dexter arm embowed in more Gardens, London, S.W., a wolf
of a ducal coronet or, charged with a armour ppr., garnished or, about the sejant regardant arg., vulned in the
elbow a WTeath of oak vert, in the
cross crosslet gu. (for distinction) five hand a roll of paper ppr. Frappe fort. shoulder gu. 278. 10
Aostrich-feathers arg. (Copley.) (2) 266. 1 Biddulph, General Sir Robert, United
goat's head erased at the neck arg., Service Club, PaU Mall, same crest.
armed, maned, and gorged with a Bickersteth, Lieutenant-Colonel Robert, Sublimiora petamus.
mural coronet gu. {Bevncke.) In of 70, Cromwell Road, S.W., same
crest and motto. Biddulph, Cleve Court, Somers., a wolf
cruce vinco. Bickerton, Hussey-, Bart., of Upwood, salient arg. cf. 28. I
Hunts: (i) A dexter arm in armour
Bewley, Sir Edmund Thomas, of 40, Biddulph Colclough, Francis Digby, Es-
embowed, holding a dagger, all ppr.,
FitzwiUiam Place, Dublin, an ibex's and for augmentation suspended from quire, of Tintern Abbey, co. Wexford,
head or, issuant from the centre of a the arm by a crimson ribbon an escut- Ireland: (i) A demi-eagle displayed
cheon gu., charged with a mullet and
rose gu., stalked and leaved ppr. sa., gorged with a ducal coronet or,
Virtntis gloria merces. 27 1 . i and charged on the breast with a cross
Bewley, Suff., an ibex's head or, issuing crosslet arg. (for Colclough). cf. 81. 2.
out of the centre of a rose gu., barbed increscent fesseways or {for Bickerton). (2) A wolf rampant arg., guttee-de-sang,
gorged with a bar gemelle az., and
vert. Acf. 196. 5. (2) hind trippant ppr.,
charged with a trefoil slipped ppr. (for
Bewley, Lines, a Moor's head aSrontee ducaUy gorged and chained or (for
Biddulph). His calcabo genles. 28. 5
vested in a cowl, all ppr. Hvss'i/). Pro Deo et rege. Biddulph, Lieutenant-Colonel M. W.,
Bewris or Bewrys, a lion's head arg., cf. 124. 12 Rathrobin, TuUamore : (i) A wolf
salient arg. 278. 9 (2) A wolf sejant
charged with two chevronels sa., Bickerton, a martlet or. 95. 2
regardant arg., vulned in the shoulder
ducally crowned or. Bickley, Bart., of Attleborongh, Norf., a
Bewshin, out of a ducal coronet or, a hind's head ppr., collared arg.
lion's gamb holding a palm-branch cf. 124. 5 gu. 278. 10
Bickley of Bickleigh, Devonsh. and
ppr. 36. 10 Bidgood of Exeter, Devonsh., a dexter
Sussex, Cambs and Middx, the same hand erect in armour or, holding an
Bexley, Baron (Vansittart), upon two adder ppr.
crosses pattee arg., a demi-eagle crest. Bidgood of Rockbeare Park, Devonsh., the
Bicknall or Bicknell, an angel praying same crest, charged for distinction
couped sa., the wings elevated. Gi-ata
between two branches of laurel in orle.
Beyard, on a tower arg., the loopholes and 184. 2 with a cross crosslet gu.
gateway sa., a lion rampant gu.
Bicknell, Algernon Sidney, Esquire, a Bidlake, Somers., a cock holding in the
dragon couchant regardant, wings ex-
157. 12 beak a trefoil, all ppr. 91. 5
Beykle, a cross pattee gu., between two
panded sa., gorged with a collar or, Bidlake, same crest. Virtute von astutio.
holding in the dexter claw a cross
wings or. 1 10. 7 Bidon, between two wings a lion rampant.
Beynham of Grove, Herts, a beaver ppr. flory. Surge biconyll. 9- ^
134. 8 Bicknoll, a dragon's head erased vert. Bidulph, Kent, a wolf saUent arg., vulned
Beynham, Hunti^, a raven ppr. 107. 14 cf. 71. 2 in the shoulder gu. cf. 28. i
Bicknor, Bickenor, or Bykenore, a pheon
Beynon of Trewern, Pembrokesh., a lion Bidwell or Bydew'ell, Devonsh., a hand
rampant sa. Heb Dihiw heb ddini a erm. 174. 11 couped in fess holding a curling-stone.
Bicknor, see Bykenor.
Dmr a digon. i. 10 221. 2
Beynon of Bath, a lion rampant ppr, Bickwith, Yorks, see Beckwith. Bidwell, a martlet sa. 05. s
BiddeU, Biddle, or Biddelle, Clone., a
holding between its paws a rose or, BidwiU, John Orbell, Esquire, J.P., of
demi-heraldic tiger rampant gu.,
barbed vert. c/. 1.6 Pihaiitea, Featherstone, Wellington,
Beynon, see Crowther-Beynon. ducally gorged or. Dews clypeus mcu-<i. New Zealand, wscs an escallop. 141. 14
Bie, two oak. branches in saltier ppr.
Beynon, a lion rampant arg., semee of 25. 12
cross crosslets vert, holding between Biddulph, Myddelton, of Chirk Castle, 151. I
85. 2
the fore-paws an escutcheon, also arg., ADenbigh: (i) wolf salient arg., Bielby, a hawk close ppr.
thereon a greyhound's head erased charged on the shoulder with a trefoil Biest, Shropsh., see Beist.
Biest, a fetterlock ppr.
pean, and charged on the shoulder for slipped vert (for Biddulph). 26S. 9 168.12
(2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a bloody
distinction with a rose gu. Integer vitce. Bieth, see Beith.
hand ppr. (for Myddelton). In verilate Bifleld or Byfleld, London, a cross crosslet
Beynon of Carshalton, Suixey : (:) A lion
tri-umpko. fitched gu., between two palm-branches
rampant arg., semee of cross crosslets
vert, holding between the paws an Biddulph, Michael, of Ledbury, Heref. : vert. cf. 166. 5
escutcheon of the first, charged with A(1) wolf salient arg., charged on the Big, Bigg, or Bigge, three savages' heads
a greyhound's head erased pean (for shoulder with a trefoil slipped vert. conjoined in one neck, one looking to
Beynon). A(2) griffin's head erased A268. 9. (2) wolf sejant regardant the sinister, one to the dexter, and one
pean, holding in the beak a mill-rind arg., vulned on the shoulder gu. upwards, wreathed vert. 191. 5
or (for BaUey). SuhUmiora petimii-s. 278. lo Big, Bigg, or Bigge, Essex, a cockatrice's
Beynton, a griflin's head erased sa. 66. 5 Biddulph, a wolf sejant regardant arg., head couped ppr., beaked and crowned
Bibby Hesketh, Charles Hesketh, Esquire,
vulned in the'shoulder gu. 278.10 or, between two wings displayed vert.
D.L., of the Rookery, North Meols, Biddulph, Sir Theophilus George, Bart., 'cf. 68. 8
Southport, CO. Lancaster: (i) A mount of Birdingbury Hall, Warw., a wolf Bigberry and Bigbury of Bi^bury,
rampant arg., vulned in the shoulder Devonsh., a hand holding a leg in
vert, thereon in front of an eagle with armour, couped above the knee and
two heads displayed ppr., a garb or, ppr. cf. 28. 2
banded gu. (for Hesketh). (2) In front
of a cubit arm erect, holding a sword Biddulph, Wright-, of Burton Park, Sus- spurred, all ppr. 220. 1
in bend sinister ppr., pommel and hilt
Asex : (I) wolf salient arg. cf. 28. i. Bigelow, Melville Madison, Esquire.
Ph.D., Cambridge, Massachusetts,
(2) Out of a ducal coronet or, a dragon's
or, a mullet of six points between two head ppr. 72. 4 U.S.A., a ram's head az., attired arg.,
escallops fesseways arg. (for Bibby). Biddulph, George Tournay, Esquire, of the neck charged with three lozenges
Quod tibi hoc alteri.
Douglas House, Petersham, a wolf or. Finis coronal optts. 1 30. 11
Bice of Dublin, a falcon preying on a salient arg., charged on the breast with Bigg of Benendon, Kent, Haines HiU,
partridge, all ppr. 77. 12 a trefoil slipped pert. Sublimiora Berks, Chilton Folyatt, Wilts, and
Blckerstaffe, in front of the sun in splen- Hants, a rhinoceros ppr. 226. 2
dour a unicorn rampant, all ppr. 48. i Biddulph, General Sir Michael Anthony Bigg, Bart, (extinct), of Lenchwich,
Bickersteth, Rev. Samuel, the Vicarage, Shrapnel, K.C.B., of 2, Whitehall Worcs., an arm embowed vested,
Lewisham, S.E., a dexter arm in Court, S.W., a wolf sejant regardant couped at the shoulder, holding in the
armour embowed holding in the hand arg., vulned on the shoulder gu. hand a serpent ppr., the tail environing
a battle-axe. Frappc fort. Sublimiora petamus. 278.10 the arm.
Bigg of Iping, Sussex, and Arnwood, BiUcliffe of Turganby, Kent, a naked Bingham, Richard Charles William,
Hants, an eagle's head couped ppr., arm couped at the elbow and erect Esquire, of Melcombe Bingham, Dor-
ducally crowned or, between two
holding a battle-axe, all ppr. chester, on a rock ppr., an eagle rising
wings elevated of the first. cj. 84. 2 cf. 213. II or. Spes mea Christus.
Bigg, out of a mural coronet seven Loch- BiUers of London, a snail in its shell ppr. Bingham, Baron (Bingham), see Lucan,
aber axes ppr. I7-- 9 141. 8 Earl of.
Biggar of Woolmet, co. Edinburgh, Billesworth, a squurel sejant cracking a Bingham of Binghams- Melcombe. Dorset,
Scotland, a pelican's head couped and nut, all ppr. ArMther, collared or. on a rock ppr., an eagle rising or. Spes
vulning itself ppr. Giving and for- 135- 7 mea Christus. cf. Tj. 5
giving, cf. q8. 2 Billet or Billot, Norf., and Ashe, Devonsh., Bingham, Sir John Edward, Bart., of
Biggar or Bigger, a pelican's head vulning a hand and arm couped at the elbow West Lea, Ranmoor, Sheffield, an
ppr. cf. 98. 2 in armour ppr., holding in the gauntlet eagle, wings expanded ppr., resting
Biggar, Ireland, a demi-pelican sa., a baton or. cf. 209. 9 the dexter claw on a garb fessewise
vulning herself ppr. Billiat, Joseph, Esquire, of Aisthorpe vert, and charged on each wing with
Bigge, see Bigg. Hall, Lines, a duck close or, holding a cross pa tee azure. Spes mea Christus.
Bigge of Long Horsley, Northumberland,
in the beak a billet arg., between two 254- 3
a cockatrice's head couped sa., beaked
and crowned or, wings erect vert. bulrushes ppr. Ung Dieu uiig Iloi/. Bingham, Ireland, on a mount vert, an
Bigge, Francis Edward, Esquire, Hen-
napyn, Cockington, Torquay, a cocka- I
trice's head couped and murally
crowned or, between two wings erect 271. 17 eagle rising ppr. cf. 78. i
Billich, a rat salient sa. Bingham, Denis, Esquire, of Bingham
Billing, Norf., a dexter arm in armour Castle, BelmuUet, co. Mayo, on a mount
ppr., holding in the hand an anchor. vert, a falcon rising ppr., beaked,
Billing and Billinge of Deding, Oxon., belled, and membered or. Spes mea
az. and Billinge, Lanes, an arm couped at Christus.
Bigge or Biggs, an eagle's head erm., the shoulder and embowed in fess, the Bingham, Dorset, an arm couped at the
ducally crowned or, between two wings
elbow resting upon the wreath and elbow erect ppr., habited az., charged
arg. cf. 84. 2 holding a spear in pale. 201. 11 on the sleeve with a cross formee arg.,
Biggs, Yeatman-, of Stockton House, Billing, a mount semee of quatrefoils. cuffed of the same, and holding in the
Wilts : (I) In front of a javelin erect 179- 10 hand ppr. a laurel-branch vert.
Billing or Billinge, a buck trippant ppr.
ppr., a leopard's head affrontee erased Bingham-Cox of Woodlands, Northaw,
az., charged mth two fleurs-de-lis fesse- 117- 8 Herts, and of Botherop, Glouc. :
Awise or {for Biggs). 243. 10. (2)
Billingham, a lion rampant ppr. i . 13 (i) Between a stag's attires attached
goat's head erased sa., armed, bearded,
Billingham, a lion rampant double- to the scalp ppr., a cockatrice gu.,
and charged with a gate or {for Yeat-
queued arg. Another, or. i. 14 holding in the beak an ear of wheat or
man). 243. II Billinghurst, Smrey, issuant from a A{for Cox). (2\ wing erect arg.,
Biggs, London, a leopard's face gu. human heart a branch of roses, all between two Catherine - wheels az.
cf. 22. 2 ppr. {for Bingham).
Biggs, London, a lamb couchant arg. Billinghurst of Newport, Isle of Wight, Bingley, a cross crosslet, charged with an
cf. 131. 12 an eagle displayed or, holding in the escallop between two wings. 1 11 . 8
Biggs, a dexter hand charged with a
beak a cross crosslet fitched arg. Bingley, T. H., Esquire, of Whitley HaU,
bendlet arg., holding a serpent vert. cf. 75; 2 Ecclesfield, Yorks, West Riding, three
220. 2 Billings, Beds, an arm embowed, vested, arrows, one in pale and two in saltire
Bigham, Hon. Sir John Charles, of holding a covered cup. 203. 4 or, the points downwards, barbed and
10, Palace Gate, Kensington, a horse per
pale or and sa., charged on the body Billingsley, on a mount vert, a leopard flighted arg., in front thereof, suspended
with three horse-shoes fesseways
counterchanged, and resting the dexter couchant or, spotted sa. cf. 24. 9 by a ribbon gu., an escutcheon sa.,
Billington of Dublin, out of a mmal crown charged with a pheon, also arg. Beatua
sa., a sun in splendour or. cf. 162. 2 qui implevit. cf. 173. i
fore-leg on a cross pattce gu. .J'avance. Bilney, Norf., a demi-griffin arg., holding Bingley of Blyth, Notts, on a pellet a
Bigland, George, of Bigland Hall, Lanes, between the claws a buckle sa. cross formee arg., charged with an
a lion passant regardant gu., holding Bilsdon, a ram's head couped or. aimulet gu., and between two wings
in the dexter paw an ear of big-wheat
130. I or.
—stalked and bladed or. Gratitude.
Bilson or Billson, Hants, a bugle-horn or, Bingley, Middx. and FUntsh., a pheon
Spes labor levis. cf. 6. i stringed arg., and tasselled of the first. arg., between two wings or, and behind
Bignell, a Wyvern gu., the wings elevated 228. II all a pellet.
and addorsed or, resting the dexter Binckes, Bincks, or Binks, a winged Bingley, Notts, on a pellet a cross formee
claw on an anchor of the last. column gu. 113. 10 arg.
cf. 69. 5 Bindley, out of flames ppr., a phoenix Bingley and Bingly, a phoenix in flames
Bignold, Charles Arthur Bathurst, Es-
rising of the same. Nunc et idem. ppr. 82. 2
quire, of Eaton Hall, Norwich, a lion
82. 2 Sinks, Durh., a lion's head erased
passant regardant gu., holding in his Bindley or Bindly, out of a mural coronet between two wings, all or. 19. 7
fore- paw an eai of big-wheat or. a dexter arm embowed wielding a Binks, an eagle's head erased, ducally
Bigot or Bigott, a martlet sa. cf. 95. 5 sword ppr. cf. 201. 4 gorged, holding in the beak a pheon.
Bigsby of Stowmarket, Suff., and Arno- Bindlosse, Borwick, Lanes, and Westml., 83. 10
—vale, Notts, an eagle displayed or, a demi-horse arg., ducally gorged az. Binks, see Binckes.
armed gu. Ad astra. ±iitamitr semper <•/• 5.V 3 Binney, a dexter hand ppr., holding a
sword in pale az., hilt and pommel or.
ad optima. 75. 2 Bindon, Ireland, on a mount vert, a bull
212. 9
Bigwood, a hand erect issuing from a passant arg. Stet non timeat. 45. 7 Binney, James, Esquire, J.P., D.L.,
cloud holding a club in bend sinister. Binet, Jersey, a woman couped at the M.A., Barrister-at-law, of Pampisford
214. 9 knees, habited medievally, between the
Bilesby of Bilesby, Lines, a lion's head
attires of a stag, all ppr. II le cueil. HaU, Cambridge, on a ivreath of the
colours a barbel in front of two bul-
erased arg. 17. 8 Bing, Middx., see Byng. rushes in saltire, all ppr. Bene. 271.10
Binning, Lord, see Haddington, Earl of.
Bill, a stork's head erased ppr. 106. i Bing, Kent, a demi-pegasus regardant or, Binning of Walliford, Scotland, a demi-
horse furnished for a waggon ppr.
Bill, Charles, of Farley Hall, Staffs, a holding in pale a flag gu. cf. 47. 9
Christo duce feiicite.
pelican's head erased arg., vulning Binge, Kent, an antelope erm., attired or.
itself. Omne solum patria. 98. 2 126. 12
Billam of Billam and Wales, and of Bingham, Rt. Hon. John George Barry,
NewaU Hall, Yorks, a dexter arm Baron Clanmorris, a rock, thereon an Binning of Carloury Hall. Scotland, a
grasping an arrow ppr. Azincourt. eagle rising, all ppr. Spes mea Christus. horse's head furnished for a waggon
cf- 77 5 ppr. Virtute doloque. 50. 12
Binns, Wores., a martlet. Lahore et Bird of Drybridge, Heref., a martlet gu. I Birley, Henry Langton, of Carr Hill, near
diUgentia. 95- 4 Cruce spes mea. c/. 95. 5 Kirkham and Staind. Lanes, a demi-
boar sa., armed ungu., and bristled or,
Binns of Sheffield, a lion rampant az., Bird, a martlet, the wings expanded gu.,
gorged with a collar flory and connter- charged on the breast with a mullet gorged with a chain of the last, and
flory or, holding in the fore-paws a or. c/. 95. II supporting a branch of teazle ppr., and
sword erect ppr., pommel and hilt of Bird of Broxton, Chesh., a martlet gu. charged on the shoulder with a millrind.
the second, the dexter hind-paw rest- c/. 95. 5 Omni liber metn.
ing on a saltier, also or. Deus pro- Bird of Hackney, Middx., a martlet Birley, Hugh Arthur, Esquire, of Wood-
videbit. rising gu. cf. 95. 11 side, Knutsford, same crest and motto.
Binns, a mortar mounted ppr. 169. 10 Bird, on a dolphin ppr., an eagle with Birley of Woodend, Cumb., a derai-boar
Binns, Ireland, a hand holding a close wings expanded or. sa., collared arg.. the chain reflexed over
helmet az. 217. 12 Bird, Charles Henry, Esquire, M.A., J.P., the back or., supporting a branch of
Binny or Binney, a dexter hand holding of Crookbey, Cockerham, Lanes, three wild teazel ppr., and charged on
a sword in pale az., hilt and pommel
mullets of six points fessewise arg., shoulder with a mill-rind, also arg.
or. 212. 9 thereon a martlet gu. Cruce spes mea. Omni liber metu.
Binny of Fearn, Scotland, a horse's head Bird, Westminster, a ring-dove ppr., rest- Birley of HaUiwell Hall, and Moss Lee,
arg., bridled gu. Virtute et opera. 51. J ing its dexter claw on a rose or. Lanes, and of Manchester, same crest
Binny or Binnie, Scotland, a horse's head
Bird of Denston, Suff., out of a ducal and motto.
bridled ppr. Virtute et opera. 51. 5 coronet arg., a greyhound's head Birmingham, Norf., two lions gambs in
Birch, a hare courant sa. Libcrtas. couped or. 6t. 7 saltier sa. 39. 14
c/. 136. 3 Bird, London and Warw., a greyhound's Birmingham, a goat's head erased. 128. 5
Birch, a hare courant sa., collared or. Birn, Ireland, a dexter hand apaumee
head vert, erased gu„ gorged with a
cf. 136. 3 collar dove-tailed or. 235. 5 couped gu. 222. 14
Bircb, Bart., Lanes, on a mount vert, a Bird, William Macdonald, Esquire, of Birnal or Birnall, a greyhound's head
hare sa., coUared arg. Libertas. 26, Harrington Gardens, South Ken- between two roses stalked and leaved.
Birch of Birch Hall, Lanes, Lines, and
sington, London, a greyhound's head 61. II
London, a fleur-de-lis arg., entwined
vert, erased gu., collar dove-tailed or. Birnie of Broomhill, Scotland, alion's head
by a serpent ppr. 148. 8 Eecte ccrte. 235. 5 erased ppr. Sapere aude, incipe. 17. 8
Birnie of Saline, Scotland, a dexter hand
Birch, Lanes and Shropsh., a demi-bird Bird, Derbysh., on a mount vert, the
ppr., holding an anchor erect or,
(eagle ?) wings displayed sa. 80. 2 stump of a tree couped and eradicated, environed with clouds, abo ppr. Arcus,
Birch of Croydon, Surrey, an eagle rising thereon a falcon, wings addorsed, all
az., holding in the dexter claw a banner ppr. cf. 87. 1 artes, astra. 223. 4
flowing to the dexter gu., thereon three Bird, out of an Eastern coronet a demi- Birom, Lanes, an urchin sa. 135-8
crosses clechee, two and one, the staff lion holding in the dexter paw a cross Biron, a mermaid with a glass and a comb,
point and tassels or. cf. 78. 14 crosslet. all ppr. Crede Byron. 184. 8
Birch of Wrotham Hall, Norf., a fleur- Birde, a griffin's head erased bendy of Birrell, an arm in armour embowed
de-lis arg., with a serpent entwined six sa. and arg. 66. 2 brandishing a scimitar, all ppr. 196. 10
ppr. Prudentia et simplicitate. Birdwood, Sir Georae Christopher Moles- Birt, a flounder.
148. 8 worth, M.D., K.C.LE., C.S.I., LL.D., Birt, Kent, a demi-leopard guardant gu., f
a fieur- guttee-d'eau, charged with two hats
Birch, Henry, Thame, Oxon., a hurt, of 7, Apsley Terrice, Acton, London, wavy or, supporting with the paws an
de - lis or, surmounted by between anchor arg., cable sa., all between two
entwined by a serpent and W., a martlet. 297. 7 branches of oak fructed ppr. Facta
Birkbeck, London: (i) A bow erect en- non verba.
Bil'te, Devonsh., a dexter arm embowed
two palm-branches ppr. Sincera fide twined by an oak-branch ppr., acorned
in fess issuing from a cloud in the
agere. or. (2) An oak-bi-anch ppr., acorned sinister holding in the hand a garland
Birch, Newell-, of Henley Park, Oxford, or, and a rose-branch flowered gu.,
same crest and motto.
intertwined and erected. Fide sed
Birch of Kilkenny, Ireland, a griffin's cui vide.
head erased, holding in the beak a
Birkbeck, Sir Edward, Bart., of Horstead of laurel, all ppr. 200. 12
birch-branch ppr., and charged on the Hall, Norf., upon a rock in front of a Birtwesill, a dolphin naiant ppr. 140. 5
BiSChofI, of Leeds and London (originally
shoulder with a lozenge sa. hazel-branch slipped and fructed a
BirchaU of Bowden Hall, Glouc, a lion
bow palewise, all ppr. 248. 3 of Basle, Switzerland), a crosier erect
rampant arg., and resting his fore-paws
Birkbeck, Henry, Esquire, of Westacre or, between two wings of an imperial
against the sinister side of a tree, all High House, Swaffham, Norf., upon a eagle, the dexter arg., the sinister sa.
ppr. Quare verum.
BirchaU, John Dearman, Esquire, of rock a bow in pale, stringed and inter- Biscoe, Henry Stafford Tyndale, Esquire,
Bowden Hall, Gloucester, a lion
rampant arg., resting its fore-paws twined with a hazel-branch, all ppr. of Holton Park, Oxon., on a mount
Birkbeck, William John, Esquire, same vert, in front of an oak-tree a grey-
crest. hound courant ppr., coUared or, seizing
against the sinister side of a tree, all Birkbeke or Birkberke, a nut-branch vert, a hare, also ppr. Confido non con-
ppr. Quare verum.
fructed or. fuiida. 58. 14
Birch-Reynardson, Charles, Esquire, of Birkby, on a chapeau gu., turned up Biscoe of KingiUie, co. Inverness, Scotland,
HolyweU Hall, Stamford : A(i) lion's erm.. a garb or, banded arg. 153. 10 a greyhoimd courant sa., seizing a
head erm.. murally crowned chequy Birkenhead of Backford, Chesh., a goat hare or. <•/. 58. 14
Aarg. and gu. (for Reynardson). (2) saUent arg., attired or, resting the fore- Biscoe, Thomas Ramsay, Esquire, of
fleur-de-lis arg., and a trefoil slipped feet on a garb of the last. Newton, KirkhiU, Inveruess-sh., a
vert, entwined by a serpent ppr. (for Birkenhead, Chesh., out of a ducal coronet greyhound sa., seizing a hare ppr.
Birch). Virtue est rili^mi jugere, and or, an arm embowed ppr., holding in Post virtiUem curro.
Prudentia simplicitate.
the hand three arrows of the first. Bisdee, Alfred J., surgeon, Norris Lodge,
Birch-Reynardson, Vere Henry, Esquire, Birkes, an ear of wheat and a palm- Hoddesdon, Herts, on a mural coronet
of Rushington Manor, Totton, Hants,
same crests and mottoes. branch in saltier ppr. 154. 10 maa fleur-de-lis. Dieu est foi.
Birket of Birket House, Chesh., a ram's Biset, Scotland, the stump of an oak-tree
Birch-Reynardson, William John, Es- head erased arg. 130. 6 shooting branches ppr. Exilus acta
quire, of Ad well House, Tets worth,
same crests and mottoes. Birket and Birkett, on a hand couped at prob'.it. 145-2
Birchett of Rye, Sussex, an heraldic tiger the wrist an eagle rising ppr. cf. 78. 12 Bish, on a chapeau, a demi-lion rampant.
sejant vert, ducally gorged and maned Birle, Essex, an arm couped at the 15. 14
shoulder in fess, vested arg., cuffed sa., Bishe of Burston, Surrey, on a mural
holding in the hand ppr. a cross formee crown or, a sword erect arg., pommel
BirchiU of BirchiU, Chesh., a lion ram- titched or, charged on the arm with and hilt of the first, the blade impaling
pant az., supporting a tree vert. 1
three torteaux. I a leopard's face gu. cf. 22. i
21: 1
Bishop, a griffin's head erased sa., Bisshopp, Bart, (extinct), of Parham Black, an arm embowed, vested, purfled
between two laurel branches ^ert. Parle, Sussex, on a ducal coronet or, a at the shoulder, the part above the
Bishop, Dorset and Somers., an eagle's griffin sejant arg., resting its dexter elbow in fesse lying upon the wreath,
head erased, party per fesse or and claw on an escutcheon of the last. the hand in pale holding a branch of
en., beaked of the last. 83. 2 Pro Deo et ecclesia. 62. 1 palm ppr. 203. 7
Bishop of Evesham, Wores., out of a Bisshopp, Baron, of Barring worth : (i ) On Black of London, an arm in armour em-
mural coronet arg., a griffin's head sa., a ducal coronet or, a griffin sejant arg., bowed ppr., wielding in the hand, also
liiaked or. 67. 10 resting its dexter claw on an escutcheon ppr., a scimitar arg. Spe vires augen-
of the last. (2) On a flag folded round
Bishop, Charles, Cwm-Rythan, Lland-
overy, a double-headed eagle displayed a halberd in fess, a falcon arg. Pro
ppr. Ung je serviray. Deo et crclesia. adder in pale sa., holding in the mouth
Bishop, Charles Joseph, Esquire, of Hill- Bissland, Bilsland, or BuUsland, co. Ren- a rose gu., leaved and stalked. Vise
side, St. Helen's, an eagle's head erased frew, a bull's head. Certum pete finem. a la fin.
erm. and or, charged with cf. 44. 3 Blackborn, Blackborne, or Blackburn,
paleways, and holding in BiSSOD, a blackbird ppr. Bis dot qui cito Yorks, out of a cloud shedding forth
rays an arm from the elbow erect
the beak a pheon sa. Pro Deo. dat. cf. 106. 2
Bishoppe of Bristol, Somers., a griffin Bisson, F. S. de Carteret, City Asylum, vested gu., holding a broken sword of
sejant arg., resting its dexter claw on Nottingham, same crest and motto. the last. cf. 208. 13
an escutcheon, also arg. cf. 62. 1 Bistley, a Doric column or. Blackburn, an antelope's head erased
Bishopston, Warw., an arm issuing from Bistley, a cross pattee gu., between two arg. 126. 2
a cloud in fess, holding a terrestrial wings or. no. 7 Blackburn, out of a ducal coronet or, a
demi-lion rampant ppr., holding in the
glo'oe. 223. I Bitfield, a demi-wolf rampant, pierced dexter paw a mullet sa., gorged with a
Bishton, out of a castle triple towered, tlirougb the shoulder and transfixed by
an arm in armour embowed, all ppr., a flagstaff. plain collar arg., charged with three
grasping a dagger, also ppr., hilted or. Bitterley of Cowdrey, Sussex, out of a muUets of the third. Bonne et belle
cf. 155. 3 ducal coronet a hand vested, holding asscz.
Bispham, Lanes, on a chapeau gu., turned
the sun ppr. 209. 2 Blackburn, Scotland, an arm couped
up erm., a lion passant arg., resting Blaauw, Henry Thomas Gillman, of at the shoulder and embowed, the
the dexter claw on an escutcheon of Beechland, Sussex, a demi-Uon rampant elbow resting on the wreath, holding
the first. ppr. Feslina lente. ' 10. 2 in the hand a bombsheU fired ppr.
Bispleam, a stag's head cabossed erm., Blabley, Devonsh., a tiger's head erased
attired or. 122. 5 arg., issuing out of rays or. Blackburn of Wavertree Hall, Lanes,
Blachford, Baron (extinct), see Rogers,
Biss, an eagle preying on a partridge, all and Hawford Lodge, near Wores.,
" Bart.
Blachford of London, a demi-swan rising,
ppr. 77. 12 on a trumpet or, a cock statant ppr.
Biss, Durh. and Somers., on a mount 91. 6
vert, two serpents entwined erect and the wings expanded arg., guttee-de- Blackburne, Robert Ireland, of Hale Hall,
—respecting each other ppr. Ayez pru- larmes. 100. 9 Liverpool, and Orford, Lanes, upon a
mount vert, a trumpet or, thereon a
dence. Nil conscire sihi. Blachford of London and Dorset, a demi-
Bisse, Ireland, on a mount vert, two swan rising arg., guttee-de-poix. 100.9 cock gu., beaked, combed, wattled,
snakes interlaced or, respecting each Blachford, William Henry, Esquire, of spurred, and charged on the breast
other ppr. Ham, Surrey, a demi-swa rased arg., with a cinquefoil or. Come ui ieo sue.
Bissell, a demi-eagle with wings displayed guttee-de-larmes, gorged with an 237. 16
Blackburne of Richmond, Yorks, a
sa., charged on the neck with an es- Eastern crown or, wings elevated
callop-shell or. c/. 80. 2 bendy wavy of the second and gu. horse's head couped arg. cf. 50. 13
Bissell, Frederick Edward, M.D., King- Black of Aberdeen, Scotland, a demi-lion Blackburne-Maze, WiUiam Peter, Es-
stone, near Heref., a demi-eagle sa. ppr. Non crux, sed lux. 10. 2 quire, of Shaw House, Newbury,
with wings displayed, charged on the Black, Charles Bertram, Esquire, 38, Berks : ( i ) An eagle displayed erminois,
breast with an escallop shell or. Dens Drummond Place, Edinburgh, a demi-
charged on the breast and on each of the
liohUcinn quis conira. Uon rampant sa., armed and langued wings with a cinquefoil gu. 237. 15.
Bisset, the tr\uik of an oak-tree sprouting (for Maze). (2) On a mount vert, a
gu. Non crux, sed lux. 10. I trumpet fesseways or, thereon a cock
ppr. lierirrfco. 145. 2 Black of Wigtown, Scotland, a star or,
Bisset, the stump of a tree eradicated rising out of a cloud ppr. Spes lucis gu., beaked, wattled, armed,' and
and erased, therefrom a branch sprout- ceternce. 164. ii charged on the breast with a cinquefoil
ing ppr. RepuUulat. Black of Glasgow, a kangaroo sejant or (for Blackburne). 237. 16. Garde
Bisset, Fenwick- : (i) The trunk of an ppr. Via crvcis, via lucis. 136. 7 ta bien aimee.
oak-tree sprouting afresh {/or Bisset). Black of Craigmaddie, co. Stirling, Scot- Blacke, Suff. and Essex, a hand couped
A145. 2. (2) phcenix in flames gorged land, a demi-lion rampant ppr., gorged in fess ppr. 221. 6
A —with a mural cromi ppr. (for Fenwick). with a collar or. Non crux, seA. lux. Blakeney, John Henry, L.R.C.P., Wood-
bscissa virescit. Peril ut vivat. cf.82.2
Bisset, a hand couped in fess holding a 10. 9 ford, Bristol Road, Edgbaston, Bir-
Black, Norman Spens. Esquire, of i.
mingham, a dexter arm in armour
sword in pale, on the point a garland Grove Avenue, Blackrock, co, Dublin, embowed, holding in the hand a sword,
of laurel, all ppr. cf. 221. 7 a demi-lion rampant ppr., gorged with all ppr.
a collar or. Non crux sed lux.
Bisset, Scotland, the trunk of a tree ppr., Blackensteiner, out of a coronet or, a
a shield arg. pendent fi'om one of its Black, Charles Bertram, Esquire, c/o. plume of three feathers, the centre one
branches. Revirescit. 145. 8 Messrs. A. and C. Black, Publishers, arg., the others gu.
Soho, London, W.C, a demi-Uon
Bissett, Captain Maurice Elrington, Blackeny, a harpy gardaHt ppr.
of Lessendrum, Huntly, N.B., and rampant sa., armed and langued gu. 189. I
Rev. Mordaunt Elrington Bissett, the Non crux, sed lux.
Blacker of Carrick Blacker, Ireland, an
trunk of an oak-tree sprouting afresh Black, William George, Esquire, of arm in armour holding a battle-axe
ppr. Abscissa virescit. 145. 2 Ramoyle, DowanhiU Gardens, Glasgow, ppr. Pro Deo et rcge.
Blacker of Madras, a dexter arm in
Bisshe, Essex, a hind trippant arg. 1 24. 1 same crest and motto.
armour embowed, the hand gauntleted
Bisshop of Brandean House, Hants Black, Charles Cliristopher, of the Inner
(1) An eagle's head erased per fesse Temple, a mount vert, thereon a cat and grasping a battle-axe, all ppr.
or and gu., beaked of the last. 83. 2. gardant ppr., holding between the paws
(2) On a ducal coronet or, a griffin an escutcheon az., charged with a boar's Pro Deo et rege.
sejant arg., resting the dexter claw on head erased or. Blacker, Murray MacGregor, Esquire, a
dexter armed arm embowed ppr., the
an escutcheon of the last. Pro Deo et Black, a reindeer's head ppr., collared. hand gauntleted and grasping a battle-
tcclcsia. 62. 1 cf. 122. I axe ppr. Pro Deo et rege.
Blacker, William, Esquire, of Castle Blacknell, Warw. and Berks, an Blades of Broxwell Hall, Surrey, a demi-
Martin, Newbridge, co. Kildaie, same tiger rampant gardant couped, sup-
crest and motto. embowed, sted gu-, affed "g-. porting with the paws a staff erect
ppr., therefrom a banner flowing to
Blacker, a nag's heatl couped az., bridled holding in the hand ppr. four feather:
the sinister az., fringed or, charged
each per pale of the second and first. with two swords in saltire arg., pom-
mels and hilts of the third, surmounted
or. 51- 5 Blackney or Blackeney of Norf., a harpy
of the Roman fasces paleways of the
Blacker, Bucks, and of Old Sarum, Wilts, gardant ppr. 189. i
two lions' beads erased, collared and Blacknoll and Blakenhall, issuing out of a
addorsed. i8. 2 cloud az., a hand fessewise ppr., holding
Blacker, Bucks, a horse's head couped a plume of six feathers alternately same, the axe headed also arg., inter-
laced with a double chain collar or,
az., bridled or. 5'- 5 arg. and gu. and from the neck pendent by a blue
Blackshame, an acorn or, stalked and ribbon a star pagoda, also ppr.
Blacker-Douglas, St. John Thomas, Es- Blades, Yorks, a talbot's head erased
quire, of Elm Park, Armagh: (i) A leaved vert. 152. i sa. 56. 2
Bladewell and BladweU, Suff., Staffs, and
cubit arm erect ppr., grasping a human Blackstone of Castle Priory, Wallingford,
heart gu., and charged with a trefoil Berks, a cock gu. 91. 2
Aslipped vert {for Douglas). (2) Blackwall, London, a dexter hand
dexter armed arm embowed ppr., the gauntleted, holding a pheon, all ppr. Norf., a demi-lion per pale indented
hand gauntleted, grasping a battle- 211. 7 arg and gu.. 10. 2
axe ppr. Forward, and Pro Deo et BlackwaU of BlackwaU, Derbysh., two Blagdon of' Boddington Manor House,
Tcge. arms embowed, habited in mail ppr., Cheltenham, a lion rampant bearing a
the hands arg., holding between them
Blacket, Major-General Sir Edward Wil-
liam, Bart., A.D.C., of Matfen Hall, by the nose and ear a greyhound's Blage, on a broken tilting-spear or, a
Northumb., a hawk's head erased ppr. head couped sa., collared chequy or lion passant arg., cro^vned of the
Nous (ramillerons en Tespnance. and gu. first.
8S. 12 BlackwaU, John, of Hendre Uanrast, Blagrave, Henry Barry, of Calcot Park,
Blacket and Blackett, a hawk's head North Wales, same crest. Fidelitns. Berks: (i) A falcon ppr., belled or.
Blaekwall-Evans. John BlackwaU, of 85. 2. (2) An oak-tree eradicated ppr.
Blackwall, Derbysh.: (i) On a ducal (3) Three palm-branches ppr. Pro
Northumb., a hawk's head erased ppr. coronet or, a boar's head erased fesse- marte et arte.
Nous trnvailUrons dans Vespcrance.
ways gu. (for Evans). (2) Two arms Blagrave of Bulmarsh Court, Berks
SS. 12 embowed, habited in mail ppr., holding (1) An oak-tree eradicated vert.
Blackett-Ord, John Reginald, Esquire, by the nose and ear a greyhound's (2) A falcon ppr. 85. 2
Whitfield Hall, Whitfield, R.S.O., head couped at the neck sa., collared Blagrove, a palm-tree fructed ppr. 144. i
Northumb., upon a mount vert, an chequy or and gu. (for Blachodl). Blagrove, Henry, Esquire, of Abshott,
elk's head erased ppr., pellettee {/or Blackwell of Ampney Park, Glouc, two Hants, a cocoa- tree fructed ppr., there-
Ord). Nous travaillerons dans Vesper- arms in scale armour embowed, holding from pendent by a chain or, an
a nee. between the hands ppr. a greyhound's escutcheon gu., charged with a greave
Blackford, see Blachford. head couped at the neck gu., collared of the second.
Blackball, Scotland, an annulet or, stoned sa. Blaikie or Blackie, Scotland, a wolf's
vert. 167. 14 Blackwell, a martlet. 95. 4 head erased ppr. Virtute et fidditate.
Blacknall of Totnes, Devonsh., a tiger's Blackwell of Sprouston Hall, Norf.. a 30. 8
head erased arg., issuing out of rays swan's head and neck erased arg., Blaikie of Craigiebuckler. Scotland, a
or. ducally gorged or. loi. 5 Moor's head ppr. Fidelis. 192. 13
Blackie and Blackley, Lanes, a dragon's Blackwell, a dove issuing.
Blaine, Sir Robert Stickey, of Summer-
head vert, ducally gorged or. Blackwell, Middx., a demi-lion holding hill, Bath, uses a sword erect ppr.,
cf. 72. 9 between its paws an anchor ppr. pommel and hilt or. Pax out hdhim.
Blackie of Edinburgh, a tiger salient ppr. Petit ardita virtzis. 12. 12 170. 2
Spero in Deo. Blackwill, a demi-lion holding between Blair, Hunter-, Rev. Sir David Oswald,
Blackie, Robert, Esquire, 7, Great its paws an anchor ppr. 12. 12 Bart., O.S.B., the Abbey, Fort
Western Terrace, Glasgow, Publisher, Blackwood, Captain Sir Francis, Bart., on Augustus, N.B., a stag's head cabossed
a wolf's head erased ppr. Virtute et a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a ppr. Vigilantio, rohur, voluptas.
fiJJitatc. 30. 8 crescent arg. Per vins rectos. 122. 5
Blackie, James Robertson, Esquire, of 245-3 Blair,, Frederick Gordon, of Blair, Ayr,
Ferndean, Cove, Dumbartonsh., and Blackwood of Ballyleidy, Ireland, on a a stag lodged ppr. Aino probos.
Northbank, Glasgow, a wolf's head cap of maintenance gu., turned up 115. 7
erased ppr. Virtute et fidelilate.
erm., a crescent arg. Blair, Patrick, Esquire, of 11, Ainslie
Blackiston, London, a cock or. 91. 2 Blackwood, Baron, Ireland, the sun in Place. Edinburgh, a dove with wings
Blackley or Blakey of Blackley HaU, splendour. Per tias rectas. expanded. Virtute tutus.
Lanes, a dragon's head vert, ducally Blackwood, Hamilton-Temple-, Marquess Blair of Balthayock, Perth, a dove, wngs
gorged or. cf. 72. 9 of Dutlerin and Ava, see Duftcrin and expanded ppr. Virtute tutus. 94. 2
Blackman, a demi-Moor in fetters, Ava. Blair, Ireland, a stag lodged ppr. 115. 7
crowned with an Eastern coronet. Blackwood, Scotland, a hand holding a Blair of Watton Grove, Surrey, a dove
Blackman, London, .-. griffin erra. couteau sword ppr. Virtute porta with wings expanded, holding in his
Blackman, a denii-griffin vert, semee of tuemini. 213. 5 beak an olive-branch ppr. Virtute
crescents arg., collared gu. Fide et Blackwood, on a mount vert, an escut- tutus. 94. 5
fiducin. cj. 64. 2 cheon arg., between two laurel- ABlair : (i) dove, wings expanded ppr.,
Blackmore, Devonsh., a Moor's head in branches ppr. cf. 146. 14 charged on the breast with a torteau
profile sa., erased at the neck ppr.,
and round the neck a chaplet of roses Blackwood, Edinburgh, rays or beams of for distinction (for Blair), cf. 94. 2.
or, leaved vert.
the sun ppr. Per lias rectos. (2) A wyvern with wings displayed
Blackmore, an arm in armour embowed
ppr., garnished or, supporting a stan- Bladen of Glastonbury, Somers., a grey- vert (for Stopford). cf. 70. 8
dard, the banner of the last, the staff
hound's head erased ppr. Toiijours Blair, Alexander, Esquire, 35, Moray
fidde. 61. 4 Place, Edinbiu-gh, uses a dove, wings
Bladen, Ireland, on a ducal coronet a expanded and inverted ppr. Virtute
of first, pointed arg. ej. 199. 9 griffin passant, wings elevated or, tutu's. 94. 2
Blackmore, out of a mural coronet or, holding in its beak an arrow ppr. Blair, a boar's head couped.
an arm in armour embowed ppr., Spe ft laborc. cf. 63. 2 Blair of Dunsky, a boar's head couped
garnished or. cf. 200. i Bladerjke, a lion's head erased, pierced ppr. Virtute et honore. 43. I
Blackmore, a demi-griffin segreant erm. '
through the mouth with a sword in Blair, Scotland, a crescent arg. God be
64. 2 fess, all ppr. mycf. guide. 163. 2
17. 8
Blair of Balmill, Scotland, a Roman head Blake, De Burgh, Charles Ormsby, Es- Blaker of Salisbury, Wilts, a demi-horse
armed ppr. Fades qualis mens talis. quire, of Merlin Park, Merlinstown sa., ducally gorged or. cj. 53. 3
191. 6
(i) A cat-a-mountain sejant guardant Blaker of Portslade, Sussex, a horse's
Blair of France, a garb or. VirtiUe tutus.
153- 2 ppr., collared and chained or, and head sa., maned and bridled or. 51. 5
Blaker, Nathaniel Payne, M.R.C.S., 29,
. above Ung Roy. %tng foy, ung loy.
(2) A mountain cat passant guardant Old Steine, Brighton, same crest.
Blair of Lethenty, Scotland, a garb ppr.
Nee temere, nee timide. 153-2 ppr. Virtus sola nobilitat. Blakeston or Blakiston, Durh., a cock or,
Blake, Baron Wallscourt, see WaUscourt. Blake - Humfrey, Lieutenant - Colonel collared, combed, and wattled gu.
Blake, see Aldrich-Blake. Thomas, of Heggatt Hall, Horstead, cj. 91. 2
Blake, Wilts, on a chapeau gu., turned
Norwich: (I) On a ducal coronet an Blakeway, a tiger's head spotted.
up erm., a martlet sa. 95. I eagle or, and charged on the breast Blakey, Suff., a dragon's head couped at
Blake, Bart., Durh., a martlet arg., for distinction with a cross crosslet the neck vert, gorged with a coronet
charged on the breast with a fret gu.
gu. {for Humphrey). 277.11. (2) On a I arg. cj. 72. 9
cf. 95. 4
Blake of Horstead, Nort., on a morion morion ppr., a martlet arg. Coelestem Blakie or Blackie, Scotland, a wolf's
spero coronam. ^77. i^ head erased ppr. Virtute et fidelitate.
ppr., a martlet arg. Bene prceparatiim Blakeborne, Yorks, out of a cloud shed- 30. 8
peetus. ding forth rays, an arm from the elbow Blakiston, Sir Horace Nevile, Bart., of
Blake, Jex-, Rev. Francis William, of erect, vested gu., holding a broken Lynton, West by Road, Boscombe,
Swan ton Abbot, Norf. : (i) On a sword ppr. cf. 208. 13 Bournemouth, a cock gu. Doe weU
and doubt not.
morion ppr., a martlet arg. (2) A Blakely of Thorp Hamlet, Norf., a unicorn
horse's head erased arg., maned or, passant az., guttee d'or, and ducally Blakiston, Hon. Charles Robert, of Christ-
holding in the mouth a broken spear gorged arg., resting the dexter foot on church, New Zealand, late Member of
or. Bene prceparatum pectus. an escutcheon or, charged with a pale the Legislative Council, and Augustus
Blake, Suff., a mountain-cat passant vair. AUons Dieu ayde. 48. 4 Frederick Noel Blakiston, also of
Doe well
gardant ppr. cf. 26. 4 Blakemore of the Leys, Monmouthsh., a New Zealand, use a cock gu.
91. 2
Blake, Charles Joseph, Esquire, of Heath Moor's head in profile sa., gorged and doubt not.
•House, Maryborough, Queen's Co., a round the neck with a chaplet of Blakiston of Blakiston, Durh., a cock or.
cat-a-mountain passant guardant ppr. roses or, leaved vert. Pro Deo, pro 91. 2
Virtus sola nobilitat. rege, pro patria, et lege. Blakiston-Houston, John, Esquire, of
Blake, George Francis, Esquire, of Blakeney, Baron (Blakeney), out of Orangefield and Roddens, Belfast
Merlin Park, co. Galway, same crest clouds ppr., an arm erect vested az.,
and motto. the hand grasping a sword, both also A(I) sand-glass ppr. (2) A cock
ppr. Auxilium meum ah alto.
Blake, Sir Henry Arthur, K.C.M.G., of statant gu., charged with an annulet
or. Doe well and doubt not.
Mj'rtal Grove, Youghal, same crest cj. 210. 12 Blakit, a falcon's head erased ppr. 88. 12
and motto. Blakeney-Lyon-Stewart, Thomas, Es- Blamore, Glouc, a tiger sejant vert,
Blake, Henry Claude, Esquire, Athlone, quire, of Ballymenagh, co. Tyi-one, collared and chained or. cj. 27. 6
Pursuivant of Arms, Office of Arms,
Ireland: (i) Out of an embattlement Blanch, a leopard's head gardant erased
The Castle, Dublin, same crest, ppr., a demi-lion rampant gu. (jor g'l- <•/ 23. 3
charged with a crescent for difference
Stewart), cj. 10. 3. (2) Within two Blanchard, Lanes, on a chapeau an arm
and motto. branches of laurel a lady to the girdle in armour embowed, holding a battle-
Blake, Martin Joseph, Esquire, of Old habited in white, holding in her dexter axe,
Square, Lincoln's Inn, W.C, same crest hand a thistle and in her sinister a Blanchard, Wilts and Somers., on the
and motto. trefoil, all ppr. (jor Lyon). (3) Out point of a sword in pale a midlet.
Blake, Colonel Maurice Charles, C.B., of
of clouds ppr., an arm erect couped at 169. 3
TowerhiU, Cloongullane and Muck-
the elbow, vested per pale or and az., Blancharden of Blancharden, Kent, a
anagh, co. Mayo, same crest and motto. and charged with an escallop counter- cock's leg armed with a spur sa., erased
Blake, Robert Joseph, Esquire, same changed, holding in the hand a dagger, at the thigh, and issuing therefrom
crest and motto. both also ppr., pommel and hUt or a plume of five ostrich-feathers, alter-
Blake, Thomas Joseph, Esquire, a cat-a- (jor Blakeney). Forward. nately or and az.
mountain passant guardant ppr. Vir- Blakeney, John, Esquire, of Abbert Blanehfield of Blanchfieldstown, Ireland,
tus sola nobilitat. Castle, Galway, out of a ducal coronet an arm erect vested per pale, alternately
Blake, Valentine Joseph, Esquire, of or, an arm erect, couped at the elbow, indented gu. and erm., the hand ppr.,
BrookhiU, Claremorris, co. Mayo, same vested gu., cuffed arg., holding in the holding a sword arg., pommel and hilt
crest and motto. hand a sword ppr., hilt and pommel of or.
Blake, a mountain-cat passant ppr. the first. Au.rilium meum ab alto. Blanck of Guildford, Surrey, a dragon's
Virtus sola nobilitat. 26. 4 Blakeney, John Henry, L.R.C.P., of head couped vert, collared and chained
arg.. holding in the mouth a firebrand
Blake of Renvyle, co. Galway, a moun- Woodford, Bristol Road, Edgbaston,
tain-cat passant ppr. Virtns sola a dexter arm in armour embowed, of the last, tiaming ppr.
nobilitat. 26. 4 holding in the hand a sword all Blanckagam, a dove holding in its beak
Blake, Sir Valentine, Bart., of Menlongh ppr. an olive-branch, all ppr. 92. 5
Castle, CO. Gahvay, Ireland, a cat Blakeney, out of a ducal coronet or, an Blanckley, a falchion erect ppr., hilt
passant gardant ppr. Virtus sola arm erect, couped at the elbow, vested and pommel or, pierced through a
nobilitas. cf. 26. 4 gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand leopard's face, also ppr. Pro rege et
a sword ppr., hilt and pommel of the
Blake, a bear's head sa., gorged with a lege. cj. 22. i
collar arg., holding in the mouth a first. Auxilium meum ab alto. Blanckmaynes or Blanchmaynes, a leo-
lion's gamb erased or. Blakeney, an arm erect, couped at the pard's head gardant erased or.
Blake, Bart., Sir Patrick James Graham, elbow, vested gu., cuffed arg., holding f/- 23- 3
of Langham, Suff., a leopard passant
in the hand a sword ppr., hilt and Blancminster, on the trunk of a tree
gardant ppr. Confido et probitate. pommel or. Auxilium meum ab alto. lying in fess, and sprouting one branch,
cj. 24. 2 Blakeney, Ireland, out of a plume of three a falcon close.
Blake, Ireland, a leopard passant gardant ostriclj-feathers an eagle rising ppr. Bland, a griffin's head couped, collared,
ppr. Virtus sola nobilitat. cj. 24. 2 80. 6 the wings addorsed. cj. 67. 11
Blake, Essex, a dragon's head erased Blakenhall or BlacknoU, issuing out of a Bland, Notts, out of a ducal coronet or,
arg., peUettee. cj. 71. 2 cloud az., a hand ppr., in fes:), holding a leopard's head ppr. 23. 11
Blake-Daly, John Archer, Esquire, of a plume of six feathers, two, two, and Bland, Davison-, John, of Kippax Park,
Raford, KiltuUa, near Athenry, a two arg. and gu., alternately. Yorks, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's
greyhound courant sa., collared, in Blakeny or Blackney, Norf., a harpy head ppr. Sperate et virite jortes.
front of an oak-tree ppr., fructed gold. gardant ppr. 189. i 17- 5
Bland, Loftus Henry Bland, Esquire, Blaw of Castle Hill, Scotland, an armed Blenman of Croscombe, Somers., a dexter
hand holding a sword in pale, all ppr.
K.C., o{ Blandsfort, Queen's Co., Ire- arm couped and erect ppr., vested sa.,
land, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's 210. 4 the ruffle arg., at the wrist a diamond
Blaxland, Edward Tremayne, Esquire, of
head ppr., charged with a crescent gu. button, holding in the hand a roll of
Fordwich, Broke, vid Whittingham.
Quo fata vacant. cf. 17. 5 parchment ppr. 208. 8
New South Wales, Australia, (i) An
Bland, Major-General Edward Loftus, of eagle displayed with two heads ppr., Blennerhasset, Ireland, in the sea a pillar
Woodbank, Whiteabbey, co. Antrim, guttee-de-sang (for Blaxland). 74. 2. ppr. 176. 2
out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's head (2) A lion's gamb erect and erased Blennerhassett, Sir Rowland, Bart., of
ppr., charged with a crescent gu. gu., enfiled with a ducal coronet erm. Blennerville, co. Kerry, Ireland, a wolf
Quo fata vacant. (for SandweU). Juste et fortiter. sejant ppr. Fortes fortuna juvat.
Bland, John Humphry, Esquire, of 29- 3
Blennerhassett of Ballyseedy, a wolf
Fernagh, Whiteabbey, co. Antrim, cf. 36. 3
same crest and motto. Blaxton, a goat passant or. cf. 1 29. 5 sejant ppr. Fortes fortuna juvat. 29. 3
Blennerhassett, Rowland Ponsonby, Es-
Bland of London and Norwich, out of a Blaydes, of Ranby Hall, Notts, a talbofs
quire, of 52, Hans Place, S.W., a wolf
vallary coronet or, a lion's head ppr., head erased sa. Pro Deo, rege, et
sejant ppr. Fortes fortuna juvat.
charged with a bend sa., thereon three palria. 56. 2
pheons, aUo or. Potior origine virtus. Blaydes, a thistle vert, flowered gu. Blenshell or Blinshall, Aberdeen, a hoUy-
leat vert. Deo fervente forebo.
Bland, a holly-branch vert. 150.10 cf. 150. 2
Blaydes, a demi-leopard salient ppr.,
Bland, a cock gu. 91. 2 Blesby or Blesbie of Blesbie, Lines, a
holding in the dexter paw a sword
Bland of London and Yorks, same crest. arg., hilt and pommel or. griffin's head erased or. 66. 2
Blaydes of Oulton House, Yorks, a demi-
Vigilante. leopard, collared and chained or, Bleset or Blesset, an eagle displayed ppr.
holding in the dexter paw a sword
Bland of Randall's Park, Leatherhead.
Surrey, a cock gu., beaked, legged, and Blesson or Blessone, a martlet arg. 95. 2
Bletsho of Winington, Beds, a wolf's head
wattled or, charged on the breast with
or, scmee of hmts muraUv gorged az.
a pheon of the last. cf. 91. 2 erect ppr.
Blaydes-Marvel, Yorks, a talbot's head
Bland, James Franklin, Esquire, J. P., of <•/• 30- 5
erased sa. Pro Deo, rege, et palria.
Derryquin Castle, co. Kerry, Ireland, Blewet, Blewett, and Bluet, Cornw., and
Holcombe Regis, Devonsh., a squirrel
a cock ppr., charged on the breast 56. 2 sejant or, collared and lined gu.. hold-
Blayne, Berks, a greyhound's head arg., ing in the paws an acorn of the first
with a plieon or. Eloquentia sagitta.
cf. 91. 2 collared az. 61. 2
Bland, John Franklin, Esquire, of Holly- Blayney of London, a horse's head couped leaved vert.
wood, Kenmare, a cock ppr., charged arg., in complete armour ppr., the Blewet, Blewitt, and Bleuett of Grenham,
on the breast with a pheon or. Elo- bridle az. 5i- 13 Somers., a mort head ppr. 193. 11
quentia sagitta. Blayney of the Lodge, Evesham, Worcs., Blewitt, London, Somers., and Monm., a
Blandford, Marquess of, see Marlborough, a fox passant arg. / rest to rise. squirrel sejant ppr., eating an acorn
Duke of. 32. I or. Spes mea in Deo. 135. 7
Blandford, Dorset, a dexter hand holding Blayney, an erm. passant arg. 134. 6 Blick, Bucks, a leopard passant arg.,
a pistol ppr. 221. S Blayney, Baron (supposed to be extinct), a semee of mullets sa. cf. 24. 2
Blandy, Frederick, Esquire, of Birchamp nag's head couped arg., bridled gu., on Blick of the Lodge, Islip, Oxon., a
House, Colford, Glouc, a demi-lion the forehead a plate of armour, in the leopard passant arg., semee of mullets
sa. Ne timere caute eo.
regardant gu., holding between the centre of which a spike, all ppr.
paws an urn sa., with flames issuing Integra mens augtistissima pussessio. Blick and Blicke, a hawk's lure az.,
ppr. Ex tirna resurgatn. 51- 13 ringed or. 178. 11
Blane, Sir Seymour John, Bart., of Blane- Blayney, a fox passant arg. 32. i Bligh or Blighe, Cornw., a dexter arm
field, Ayrsh., a sword erect ppr., hilt Bleamire and Bleaymire of Westml. and couped at the elbow holding in the
and pommel or. Paritur pax hello. Cumb., a heraldic tiger sejant gu., hand a battle-axe. cf. 213. 11
170. 2 collared and chained or. Bligh, a griffin's head erased or. 66. 2
Blaney or Blayney, London, a horse's
Bleddyn or Bleeddyn, a boar passant sa., Bligh, Kent, a griffin's head erased or.
head couped arg., in complete armour
bristled arg. 40. 9 Finem respice." 66. 2
ppr., bridled az. S'- 13 Bledlow of London, in the sea an anchor Bligh, Earl of Darnley, Ireland, a griffin's
head erased or. Finem respice. 66. 2
Blaney, a horse's head erased sa. 50. 8 ppr. 161. 6
Blaney of Berks, a horse's head erased Blencowe of Marston Hall, Oxon., a Blinckarne or Blincarne, Kent, a demi-
lion, holding in the dexter paw a cross
sa. Hope well and home well. 50. 8 sword in pale, hilt upwards, pierced
Blaney, Heref., a nag's head couped through a human heart, all ppr., engrailed gu.
arg., maned and tufted i bridled between two wings arg. cf. 1 10. 8 Bliss, an arm from the elbow, holding
51- 5 Blencowe, John Alexander, of Marston in the hand a bundle of four arrows,
Blaney, Heref., a fox passant arg. St. I.a\reence, Northamp., same crest. points dovr-nwards. cf. 214. 3
Blantyre, Baron (Rt. Hon. Charles Quorsum vivere meri, mori vita. Bliss of the Temple, London, a dexter
Stewart), Scotland, a dove holding an Blencowe, Robert Campion, Esquure, of cubit arm erect, holding by the lower
olive-leaf in its beak, all ppr. Sola Biiicham Chailey, Lewes, same crest limb a cross couped gu., fleury or.
juvat virtus. 92. 5 and motto. Virtus sola felicitas.
Blaquier.De Baron (Blaquier), a garb ppr., Blencowe, Henry Prescott George, Thoby Bliss of Chipp"ing-Norton, Oxon., a garb
banded or. Tiens ala virile. 153.2 Priory, Essex, a sword in pale arg., hilt ppr. 153. 2
Blatchford of Osborne, Isle of Wight, a in chief or, enfiladed with a human Bliss, Sir Henry William, K.C.I.E., 10,
swan's head and neck erased sa., heart gu., all between two wings ex- Cornwall Gardens, S.W., a garb or.
between two wings arg. cf. loi. 6 panded arg. Q%iorsum vivere mori, Blissett, a sword in pale, entiled with a
Blathwaite, on a rock ppr., an eagle mori vitce. thistle ppr. cf. 170. 2
rising arg. cf. 77. 5 Blenerhasset, Sufi., a wolf sejant gu., his Blithe, London and Lines, a tower, on
Blathwayt, Rev. Wynter Thomas, of tail fleeted over his back, langued az. the battlements a Uon passant, all arg.
Dyrham Park, Gloucs., and of Lang- 29- 3 cf. 157. 12
Blenkinsopp, Leaton-, George Hderton, of Blithe of London, a lion sejant gu. 8. 8
ridge and Porlock, Somers., on a rock
Hoppyland Ca.stle, Durh., and Humble-
ppr., an eagle rising arg. Virtule et Blithe, Derbysh., a peacock or, in its beak
Aton Hall, Northumb. : (i) lion ram-
veritate. cf. 77. 5 a serpent reflexed over the neck ppr.
Blaumester, a demi-savage holding a club pant or (for Blenkinsopp). i. 13. cf. 103. 7
(2) Out of a mural coronet two wings Blithman of London, a demi-bear arg.,
over his shoulder, all ppr. 186. 5
Blaverhasset, a dexter hand holding a expanded arg., each charged with a muzzled gu., holding between its paws
hunting-horn sans strings ppr., verruled cross crosslet fitched sa. (for Leaton). a battle-axe of the last.
or. 217. 4 Dieu defcnde Ic droit. 227. 1 fleur-de-lis az. 148. 2
BLI 59
Blizard or Blizzard, a lady's arm erect, Blondell, a dexter hand holding a battle- a ducal coronet or, a man's head in
profile, couped at the shoulders and
n the wrist a bracelet. 222. 6 axe, all ppr. 213. 12 bearded ppr., wTeathed round the
temples or and az., on the head a cap,
Blobold, two lions' gambs erect and Blondevill or Blonville, a Cornish chough
also az., fretty arg., tasselled of the
erased in saltire, the dexter uppermost, ppr. 107. 14 first, and turned up erm., for differ-
ence a cross crosslet az. (for Darell).
lietwecn two demi-spcai-s or. Blood, a buck's head erased ppr., attired Lux tua vita mea.
Block, Samuel Richard, Esquire, of or, holding in the mouth an arrow of
London, and of Kentish Town, Middx., the second.
a mount vert, thereon an eagle with Blood, Ireland, a talbot's head sa.,
wings elevated ppr., seizing with the collared or. cf. i;6. I Blount, the sun or, charged with a gaunt-
let sa., garnished or.
dexter claw an owl arg. Blood, Major-General Sir Bindon, K.C.:
Blount of Kinlet: (i) An armed foot in
Block, Major Arthur Hugh, K.A., of of Cranagh Clare, issuant the sun ppr. 162. 12. (2) On a
Zimulgherry, Deccan, India, same chapeau gu., turned up erra., a lion
from waves of the si a demi-figure of passant of the first, ducally crowned or.
rrest and motto. Neptune, all ppr Honor virtutis
Block, John Saumarez Talbot, Esquire, prcemitim.
of 15, Talbot Square, London, same
crest and motto. Blood, Charles Holcraft, Esquire, same cf. 4. 9
Blount of Wadeley, Shropsh., and
crest and motto.
London, a lion passant gu., crowned or.
C Block, Samuel Cecil Macartney, Esquire, Blood, Frederick William, Esquire, same
same crest and motto.
crest and motto. cf. 6. 2
Blockley, the sun shining on a demi- Blood, John, Esquire, of Ballykilty, Blount, Su: Walter de Sodington, Bart.,
of Sodington, Worcs., an armed foot in
eagle with two heads in flames ppr. ArdsoUus, co. Clare, same crest and the sun ppr. Lux tua via mea.
cf. 82. 12 motto.
Blockney, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet
Blood, Joseph Fitzgerald, Esquire, of 162. 12
az., a boar's head and neck or. 41. 4 S, Lome Road, Birkenhead, same crest Blount, late Walter Aston Edward, Es-
Blockney, the same, collared gu.
and motto. quire, an armed foot in the sun, all
cf. 41. 4 Blood, Neptune Fitzgerald, Esquire, of ppr. Lux tun via mea. 162.12
i. 10
Blodlow, a lion rampant sa. Vrede, Orange River Colony, South Blount, Sir Edward Charles, K.C.B., of
Blodwell, Suff., a demi-lion per pale, Africa. Iniberhorne, Sussex, a sun in splendour
charged with a gauntlet ppr. Lux tua
indented arg. and gii. 10. 2 Bloodworth, a dexter hand couped in fess
Bloer of London, a cubit arm vested vert, gu., holding a cross crosslet fitched in
holding in the hand ppr. a porame. pale sa. 221. 10 Blount, behind the rays of the sun or, a
(•/. 205. 13 Bloom, a cubit arm erect, vested az., bull's head sa.
Blofeld, Thomas Calthorpe, of Hoverton cuffed arg., holding in the hand ppr. Blount, in the sun a grifiSn's head erased,
House, Norf., a plume of three ostrich-
feathers arg. Domino quid reddatn. some slips of broom, stalked vert. all ppr. 162. 14
115. I Blount, Archibald Henry, of Orleton,
Blois, Sir Ralph Barrett Macnaghten,
Bloomfield, Baron, Ireland, out of a mural Heref., a cross sa., in the sun in splen-
Bart., of Cockfield Hall, Yoxford, Suff., coronet or, charged with two cinque-
foils in fess az., a bull's head ppr. dour or. Mors crucis mea salus.
Blount (alias Croke), in a crescent az.,
a gauntlet erect ppr., holding a fleur-de- Fortes fortuna juvat. two swans' heads reversed and inter-
hs arg. Je me fie en Dieu. 254. 5 Bloomfield, a fox's head ppr. 33. 4 laced arg., in the beak of each an
Blois, De, and Bloys, a Uon rampant Bloomfield, a bull's head ppr. cf. 44. 3 annulet gu. 100. 1
trardant gu. 2. 5 Bloomfield of Kithroe, co. Tipperary, Blouyle, Suff., a demi-lion rampant per
Blomberg, two eagles' wings addorsed L'eland, a bull's head erased sa., armed pale indented arg. and gu. 10. 2
ppr. cf. loq. 12 and langued or. Fortes fortuna juvat. Blow, two wings conjoined arg. 109. 6
Blomberg, out of a ducal coronet a demi- 44- 3 Blower, out of a mural coronet or, a
Bloomfield, two wings issuing ppr. 109. 6
lion rampant double-queued, cf. 10. 6 demi-eagle displayed vert, vulned in
Bloor or Bloore, an arm in armour em-
Blotne of Seven Oaks, Kent, a peacock's the breast by an arrow of the first,
tail erect or. Post virlutum curro. bowed, holding a cutlass, all ppr. feathered arg. 80. 7
cf. 115. 6 cf. 196. 10 Bloxam of Bloxam, Oxon., and Rugby,
Blomefield, Leonard, Esquire, of Bel- Bloss of Ipswich, Suff., a demi-angel, Warw., an anchor in bend sinister or,
mount, near Bath, Somers., a derai- holding in the dexter hand a griffin's cabled az.
Bloxam and Bloxham, a shuttle az.
heraldic tiger az., tufted and crined head erased. 1S3. 3
or, holding in the mouth a branch of Blosse, Lynch-, Sir Henry, Bart., of 176. 14
Bloxholmedax, in front of a tree vert,
broom of the same, and holding in the Castle Carra, co. Mayo, Ireland, a
paws a sword erect, broken at the lynx passant coward arg. Nee teniere, a boar passant arg.
Bloxsome of the Rangers, Glouc, a
point ppr., pommel and hilt or. nee iimide.
wyvern's head erased or, transfixed by
Blomefield, Sir Thomas Wilmot Pere- Blossom or Blossome, out of a ducal a spear-head in pale sa. Non timere
grine, Bart., of Attleborough, Norf., coronet a hand holding a swan's head
out of a mural coronet arg., a demi- and neck erased. 220. 7 sed fortiter.
heraldic tiger az., armed and tufted Blossome or Blossun, a ram passant ppr. Bloye, a mullet gu., between two branches
or, collared of the first, holding a <•/• 131- 13 of palm in orle vert. 146. 8
broken sword ppr. 245. 8 Bloundell or Blundell, a squurrel sejant Bloys of Ipswich, Suff., a gauntlet ppr.,
Blomer or Bloomer of Hagthorpe, Glouc, or, cracking a nut ppr. 135. 7 purfled or, holding a fleur-de-lis of the
an heraldic tiger sejant vert, ducally Bloundell of Carlington, Beds, a squirrel last.
gorged, and the chain reflesed over the sejant gu., collared and holding a nut Bluck, a bull's head erased gu., armed
Blomfeild, Blomefield, or Bloomfield, two or. c/. 135. 7 44- 3
Blount of Maple-Durham, Oxon., on a Bludder or Binder, Lines, and Middx., a
Hings displayed ppr. 100. 6
ducal coronet or, a wolf passant sa. lion's head erased arg., pierced through
Blomfield, Sufi'., a demi-heraldic tiger Blount, Baron Mountjoy ol Thurveston the neck with a broken spear of the
rampant arg., holding between its jjaws
a broken sword. and Earl ot Newport (extinct), on a Bludder, Binder, or Bluther, London, a
ducal coronet or, a crescent of the
Blommart, an arm couped and embowed, same. lion's head erased arg., pierced through
Blount, London and Glouc, a sea-lion
resting the elbow on the wreath, rampant erm., ducally crowned or. neck with the blade" of a sword of the
holding a sword in pale enfiled with
a savage's head couped. cf. 20. 5 last, the wound gu. cf. 17. 13
Blount, Darell-, John, Esquire, of Maple-
Bludworth, a naked arm embowed ppr.,
Durham, Oxon. : (i) The sun in splen-
Blond, Le, Ireland, on a chapeau gu., dour, charged in the centre with an guttee-de-sang, holding a wreath of
turned up erm., a gamecock ppr. eye, all ppr. (for Blount). (2) Out of
laurel vert. 202. 4
cf. 90. 2 Bluet and Bluett of Holcombe Court,
Blondel, a Saracen's head ppr. 190. 5 Holcolm-Regis, Devonsh., a squirrel
sejant or, collared and lined gu., and BIyth, Scotland, an arm in of Enfield, Middx., of KirkUng-
holding in its paws an acorn of the bowed, holding by the middle of the ton Park, Notts, and Essex, a stag
tirst, leaved vert. In Deo omnia. blade a drawn sword point downwards, trippant ppr. 117. S
Bluett, Colonel Charles Edward Lane, of
aU ppr. 195-6 Boddicott, Bodicote, or Bodycoat, a
Tormohun House, Torquay, a squirrel
Blytb, a buck's head ppr. Spero mehora. weaver's shuttle in pale az., tlireaded
sejant or, in his paw an acorn vert, 121. 5 arg. 176. 14
fructed or. In Deo omnia. BIyth, a stag's head erased gu., attired
Boddington or Bodington, a lion's gamb
Blufield, a dcmi-grtyhound, wounded in or, gorged with a chaplet vert. 120. 3 grasping a scimitar, all ppr. 38. 13
Blythe, Bodmin, Cornw., a griffin's head
the breast with an arrow ppr. Boddington or Boddinton, a demi-lion
Blumberg, Ludwig Alexander, Esquire,
erased or. 66. 2 rampant gu., holding in the dexter
of Palace Gardens, Kensington, and
Blythe, Yorks, a buck's head erased or, paw a cross crosslet fitched arg.
Victor George Blumberg, Esquire, on attired of the same, collared az. II. 5
a mount vert, a lion's head erased or, cf. 121. 2 Boddington (anciently of Brinldow,
seraee of estoiles sa. Concordia vim Blythe of Cornw., an arm embowed, Warw.), Reginald Stewart Boddington,
habited per pale or and az., cuffed Esquire, 15, Markham Square, Chelsea,
dal. cf- 17- 8 arg., holding in the hand ppr. a battle- S.W., a demi-Uon rampant gu., holding
axe, staff of the second, headed of the in the dext«r paw a cross crosslet
Blund, a cock's head erased gu. 90. I
BlundeU, Ireland, on a tower an eagle
rising ppr. 156. 8 third. fitched arg. Vincit Veritas. 11. 5
BlundeU, an arm in armour embowed, Blythe, Norf., a stag's head couped gu., Boddington, Henry, Esquire, J. P., of
PownaU HaU, WUmslow, Chesh., a
the hand holding a scimitar, all ppr. gorged with a chaplet of laurel ppr.
Unus et idem jerar. 196. 10 120. 3 demi-lion az., gorged with a coUar-
BlundeU, a unicorn's horn ppr. gemel, and holding in the dexter paw
Blythe, in a wTcath erm. and gu., a
BlundeU, a demi-lion rampant sa., hold roebuck's head erased of the second, a cross crosslet fitchee or, resting the
ing in the paws a cross-tau fitchee attired or, gorged with a chaplet vert. sinister on a lozenge az., charged with
erect arg. cf. I20. 3 a cross crosslet, also fitchee or. Vincit
BlundeU, William Joseph, Esquire, the Blythe of Norton, Derbysh., a roebuck's Veritas. 81 1 .
HaU, Crossby, Liverpool, same crest. head erased, attired or, gorged with a Boddy, Evan Marlett, Esquire, F.R.C.S.
BlundeU, Charles Joseph Weld, of Inci chaplet vert. 120. 3 (Edinburgh), 109, Ashted Row, Bir-
BlundeU, Lanes, and Cardington, Beds Blythswood, Baron (Campbell), Blyths- mingham, a staff erect raguly gu.,
A(i) squirrel sejant gu., collared, and wood House, Renfrew, N.B. ; (i) A enfiled with a ducal coronet or. l'»
holding a nut or, charged on the body lymphad sa. (2) An oak-tree with a corporis et animi. I47- ^-
Awith a bezant for distinction. (2) —lock hanging from one of the branches, Bode, of Feversham, Kent, a greyhound's
all ppr. Vincit labor. Quai seraia head couped arg., collared and ringed
wyvern sa. guttee-d'eau, collared,
chained, and winged or. Nil sine secura. sa., the collar charged with three
numine. Boade, a ram's head gorged with a fess escaUops of the fu-st. c/. 61. 2
BlundeU, a hawk holding in the dexter indented sa., charged with three Bodell, a dexter arm embowed vested
claw an ear of wheat ppr. 85. ; escallops arg. c/. 130. i stabbing with a sword a squirrel sejant
regardant ppr.
Blunden, Ireland, on the point of a spea: Boag or Bogg, a sand-glass ppr. 177. 15
Boag, Sir Robert, of Belfast, and of
a dolphin naiant ppr. 140. 9 Violet Lodge, Groomport, co. Down, Bodelsgate, Cornw., a horse's head erased
Ireland, an hour-glass between two
Blunden, Sir William, M.D., Bart., of oak-branches in orle ppr. Regit omnia arg. 51- 4
Castle Blunden, co. Kilkenny, Ireland, Boden, Lanes, a stork's head erased
a demi-lion rampant per fesse sa. and arg.. between two hlies ppr. Diligentii
arg., armed and langued gu. Ceda tejnpiis el ngilantia.
amori. 10. 2 Boak, a beacon fiied ppr. 177. 14 Boden, Henry, of the Friary, Derbysh.,
Blunden of Bishop's Castle, Shropsh., a Board of BordhiU, Sussex, and IJindlleld, a swan, the wings extended ppr.
demi-griffin or, gorged with a a stag erm. Contra audentior ito. 99. 12
erra. cf. 64. 2 Board, an antelope statant or. Per- Boden, .AlarshaU, Esquire, of Burton
Blundeston, a wolf passant arg. 28. 10 foratiis. 126. 12 Crescent, St. Pancras, Middx., an eagle
Blundestone and Blunstone, Suff., the sun Boardman, a lion sejant, coUared and rising or, charged on the breast with a
rising ppr. Post nuhes lux. lined or. 7-4 rose gu., and perched upon four mascles
Blunt, the sun in splendour or. 162. 2 Boardman, William, Esquire, of Farring- conjoined in fesse of the same.
Blunt, on a mount vert, a sun in splendour ton House, Penwortham, Lanes, a Bodenfield, an eagle's head erased between
stag's head sa., erased gu., crusily and
ppr. 162. 3 two wings arg., ducaUy crowned or.
Blunt of Wallop House, Hants, the sun attired or. cf. 121. 2 cf. 84. 2
in glory, charged on the centre with an Boase, Cornw., a demi-lion charged with Bodenham of Rotherwas, Heref., a
three bezants on the shoulder, and
eye issuing tears, aU ppr. Inter lachry- dragon's head erased sa. Veritas
mas mical. with a star on the hip, holding in its liberabit. cf. 71. 2
paws five arrows, four in saltier and
Blunt, Sir William, Bart., of Heathfield Bodenham, Heref., out of a ducal coronet
Park and Ringraer, Sussex, same crest. one in fess at the top. or, a wing sa. 109. i
Lux tua vita mea.—Inter lachrymas Boatneld, five arrows sa., entiled with a Bodenham, Heref., a dragon's head
micnt. ducal coronet or. 173. 9 erased sa. cf. 71. 2
Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, Esquire, 104, Bock, a hawk's leg and wing conjoined, Bodicote, a weaver's shuttle in pale az.,
Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, a the first belled and jessed, aU ppr. threaded arg. 176. 14
lion statant, crowned or, on a cap of 113. 5 Bodington, a demi-lion rampant gu., hold-
maintenance. Respiciendo prospi- Bocket, a horse's head between two wings ing in his dexter paw a cross crosslet
ciende. addorsed. fitched acg. 1 1. 5
Blunt, the sun in splendour or, charged Booking, Suff., on a chapeau gu., turned Bodington, a lion's gamb grasping a
in the centre with a slipper. up erm., a leopard passant ppr. 24. i scimitar ppr. 38. 13
Blunt, out of a coronet or, a bull's head Bockingham, Suff., on a chapeau a lion Bodkin of Annagh, Ireland, a wild boar
couped near the shoulders sa. statant gardant, coUared and ducaUy ppr. Crom-a-boo. 40- 9
c/. 44. II crowned. cf. 4. 2 Bodkin, Rev. Dr., the Cloisters, Chelten-
Blunt, Notts, a wolf passant sa. Bockland or Bocklande, a buU's head ham, same crest and motto. 297. 4
2.'. 10 erased arg., ducally gorged sa. 44. 2 Bodkin, a leopard's face or, 22. 2
BIyth, Sir James, Bart., 33, Portland Bockland or Bocklande, a hawk close Bodkin, a piUar sa. 176. 3
Place, W., in front of a mound vert, regardant arg., beaked and belled Bodley or Bodlegh of Dunseombe, in
thereon a bull statant arg., ringed and or. Crediton, Devonsh., on clouds az., en-
chained or, three roses gu. Spero Bockley, the sun shining on a demi-eagle circled with rays or, a ducal coronet
meliora. 250. 18 with two heads in flames ppr. c/. 82. 12 of the last.
Bodley of Streatham, Surrey, a bull's head Bogle of Daldowie, Scotland, a primrose Bolden, John Leonard, of Hyning, Lan-
or. cf. 44. 3 stalked and leaved ppr., thereon a bee caster : (i) Out of a ducal coronet
Bodley, a demi-wolf holding btewecn its
Efeeding sa. lahore dulcedo. Aor, a tiger's head arg. 27. 3. (2)
paws a ducal coronet, all ppr.
Bogle of Hamilton's Farm, Ayr, and swan or. Pour hien disirer. 99. 2
c/. 31. 12 Shettlestone, Lanark, a ship in full Boldero and Bolderowe, a pomeis.
Bodrigan or Bodrugan, a dexter hand
sail ppr. Spe meliore vehor. cf. 159. 14
erei t, round the wrist a ribbon. Boldero, Rev. John Simon, Amblecote
Bodwida, a dexter arm in armour em- 160. 13
Bogle, Gilbert, 42, Heaton Grove, Vicarage, Stourbridge, a greyhound
bowed ppr., holding a fleur-de-lis or.
Newcastle-on-Tyne, on waves of the courant.
199. 14 sea a ship of three masts in full sail Boldero, Rev. John Herbert, Rattlesden,
Body, a staff raguly and erect gu.,
ppr. Suff., a greyhound sejant gu., collared
entiled with a ducal coronet or.
Bogle, a tower ppr. 156. 2 or. Aitdax ero. 59. 4
147. 12 Bogley, a cross Calvary sa., on three Bolders, Boldorne, and Boldron, a grey-
Body, Charles Ash, Esquire, of the Cedars,
grieces gu. 166. i hound current gu., collared or.
Sydenham Hill, a demi-lion or, charged
with two bars sa., holding in the dexter Bohem, a horse-shoe arg., between two cf. 58. 2
paw a distaff in bend sinister ppr., and Bolding, late George Frederick, Esquire,
supporting with the sinister an eagle's elephants' trunks per fesse of the same
head erased gu. Omne bonum desuper. of 224, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, in
and sa. front of a demi-seahorse ppr., a garb
249. 12
Bodychan, Sparrow, Henry Glendeor, of Bohun, De, a wolf current ppr. 28. 4
Gwyn-tlu, Bodychan, Anglesej', a Bohun of Tressingfield, Suff., on a chapeau fesseways or. Sto pro verilnte. 253.12
sparrowhawk. HoiKStas optima poUtia. Boldrowe, Suff'.. a lion's gamb arg., grasp-
Bodyham, a pegasus at full speed wings a quatrefoil pierced erm., in the centre
addorsed and ducally gorged,
thereof a bezant. cf. 148. 10 ing a saltier az.
Bohun or Boone, Lines, out of a ducal Bolebec or Bolebeck, a lion sejant sup-
porting with his dexter paw a broken
coronet gu., a cup arg., between two
elephants' tusks or. lance, all ppr. cf. 8. 11
Bohun, Earls of Hereford, Essex, and
Boleine, a bull's head couped arg.,
Northampton {extinct), on a chapeau
c/. 47. I gu., turned up erm., a lion statant langued gu., charged on the neck with
gardant and ducally crowned or.
Boehm, Sir Edgar Collins, Bart., Bram- a crescent or.
lands, Woodmancote, Sussex, a hat
Boles, out of a mural coronet az., a lion's
sa., charged on the turn-up with
three bezants fessewise. Sola mea cf. 4. 2 head arg. 19. 12
Boidell, a greyhound's head erased az.
Boleyn, Bollens, or BoUin, two branches
testis. 234. 9 61. 4 of thorn in orle ppr. cf. 146. 6
Boileau, Chester, a heart inflamed ppr.
Boehm, Bohem, and Boeham, between Bolger, a dexter arm couped and em-
two elephants' trunks per fesse arg. 181. 13 bowed fesseways ppr., holding in the
Boileau, Sir Maurice Colborne, Bart., of
and sa., a horse-shoe of the first. hand three ears of rye leaved or. 202. 6
Tacolnestone Hall, Norf., in a nest
Boevey, Crawley-, Sir Thomas Hyde, or, a pelican in her piety ppr., charged Bolger of St. Austins, Ireland, an escallop
on the breast with a saltier couped
Bart., Flaxley Abbey, Glouc, on a reversed or. Deus nobis hcec otia fecit.
mount vert, a heron ppr., collared or, 141. 9
Bolhalth, from the top of a tower issuing
holding in the dexter claw a saltire of the nest resting in a foreign coronet.
from the wreath an arm embowed hold-
the last. Esse quam videri. 239. 6 De'itout mon cceur.
Bog and Bogg, see Boag. Bois, a stag's head arg., attired gu., be- ing a spear in fess, all ppr. 201. 10
tween the attires a mound or.
Boger, an eagle, wings expanded, sup- Bolingbroke and St. John, Viscount (St.
p.-.rting a flag. cf. 78. 14 cf. 121. 5 John), Lydiard Park, Swindon, Wilts,
i. 13
Boger, Captain Edmund, R.N., on a tower Bois, a lion rampant gu. on a mount ppr., a falcon rising and
or. charged with two lozenges in fe.ss Bokeland, a lion rampant, holding Ije- belled or, ducally gorged gu. Nee
vairce arg. and gu., a dove with an tween his fore-paws a pair of scales, qucerere. nee spernere honorein.
olive-branch in its beak, all ppr. all ppr. Bolitho, Thomas Bedford, of Trewidden,
Boger, Walter Deeble, of Wolsdon, Cornw. Bokeland, an eagle's head couped gu., Penzance, Cornw., in front of a fern-
brake a cubit arm and hand erect ppr.,
in front of a cubit arm ppr., holding between two wings chequy or and vested az., charged with three bezants
a dibble in bend or, and a rose gu., cuffed arg., the hand holding a fleur-de-
leaved and slipped in bend sinister vert. 84. 2 hs sa. Re Deu.
Bokenham, Norf., three mullets in Bolitho, John Borlase, Esquire, in front
of a fern-brake ppr., a cubit arm erect
ppr., a cinquefoil, also or. chevron. 164. 7 vested az., charged with three bezants,
cuffed arg., in the hand ppr. a fleur-de-
Boger, Francis Herbert, Esquire, of Bokenham, Norf., a lion rampant gu.
Jlelbourne, Australia, same crest.
I- 13
Boger, John Richard, Esquire, of 29, Bokinge or Boking of Boking, Suff., a
St. Edmund's Terrace, Regent's Park,
same crest as Boger of Cornw. man's head couped at the shoulders
arg., the hair vert. cf. 190. 13 ils sa. Re Deu.
Bolitho, Otho Glynn, Esquire, of Poltair,
Boger, Percival Sylvester, Esquire, of Bolaine or Boloine of London, a buU's
Saltash, Cornwall, same crest as Boger Cornw., same crest and motto.
of Cornw. head couped arg. cf. 44. 3 Bolitho, Thomas Bedford, Esquire, of
Boger, William Henry, Esquire, of Boland, Devonsh., out of a ducal coronet Trewidden, near Penzance, same crest
Fowey, Cornw., same crest as Boger of
Cornw. or, a cubit arm erect, holding in the
hand three arrows in bend sinister, all and motto.
Bolitho, Thomas Robins, Esquire, of
ppr. 214. 3
Trengwainton, Hea Moor, Cornw.,
Bogg, Sutterin, Lines, a bat displayed Bolbeck or Bolebeck, a lion sejant, sup- R.S.O., same crest and motto.
BoUtho, William Edward Thomas, Es-
ar,'., armeil or. 137. II porting with his dexter paw a broken quire, of York House, Penzance, same
Boggis or Boggs, the sail of a ship ppr. lance, all ppr. cf. 8. 11 crest and motto.
BoUand of Oapham, Surrey, an eagle's
160. 9 Bolckow, Charles Ferdinand Henry, of
head erased ppr., gorged with a collar
Boggis-RoKe : ( i ) A raven on a branch Marton Hall, Yorks, a boar passant az., erm., holding in the beak a peg sa.
sprouting at the dexter end (for Eol/e). in front of seven acorns or, leaved and Bolland, a hart trippant ppr., attired or.
(2) The sail of a ship ppr. [for Boggis). stalked ppr. Sicscipere et finire.
.-ivancez. cf. 40. 2
Bolcole, a demi-reindeer ppr., collared,
Bogie and Boggie, a lamb supporting a
traced, and charged on the shoulder
Hag. Deus pastor meus. 131. 2 with an etoile or. 117. 8
Bogle, Scotland, a rose slipped and leaved Bollardt of Antwerp and DubUn, a
p])r. Dtdcedine. 149. 5 Bold or Bolde, out of a ducal coronet gu., griffin's head erased arg. 66. 2
a griffin's head sa., between two wings
Bogle, Captain John du Terreau, R.E., BoUe and Bolles, Bart, (extinct), of BoUes
in front of a primrose gu., stalked displayed or. cf. 67. i Hall, Lines, a demi-boar wounded in
and leaved vert, a fret or. Dulciue ex Bold of Bold, Lanes, a griffin segreant the breast with a broken spear.
aspersus. sa., armed and legged or. 62. 2 cf. 40. 13
BOL 62
Bollen, a talbot gii., collared and leashed Bolton, on a mount vert, a hawk rising Bond, Bart, (crlincl), on a mount vert, a
sa., belled and charged on the breast
or. c/. 54. 5 lion sejant arg. cf. 8. 8
with two bird-bolts in saltire or.
BoUens and Bolleyn, two branches of Bolton of Cranwich, Norf., on a mount Bond, Gerald Denis, Esquire, of Holme
thorn disposed in orle ppr. cf. 146. 6
vert, a falcon erm., beak and beUs or, Priory, Wareham, a wing sa., charged
BoUers, an arm vested, couped and em-
bowed in fesse, the elbow resting on holding in the beak a trefoil slipped with a fesse or. 247. 4
Bond, William Henry, Esquire, of
the wreath, holding a cross crosslet of the first. Fryern Court, Hants, same crest.
fitchce. 303. 9 Bolton, a falcon arg. 85. 2 Bond, M'Geough-, Joshua Walter, of
DrumsiU, co. Armagh, Ireland: (i) A
Bolles, Middx., and of Scampton, Lines, Bolton, a falcon arg., with the wings
lion sejant arg., charged on the shoulder
a buck's head arg., attired or. expanded or. 87. i
121. 5 Bolton-Massy of Brazil, co. Dublin, and with an annulet sa. {for Bond), cf. S. 8.
Bolles and Bolls, Su£f., a cock crowing (2) A dexter arm embowed, the hand
of Ballywire, co. Tipperary : (i) Out
or, combed, wattled, legged, and armed
of a ducal coronet or, a bull's head grasping a scimitar in the act of
gu. 91- 2 gu., armed sa. {for Massy), cf. 44. 11. striking, all ppr. (for M'Geough). Nemo
Bolleyn and Bollin, see Boleyn and Bol-
A(2) falcon belled ppr., jessed az. {for me impune lacessit. 201. i
Bolton). Pro libertale patria. c/. 85. 2 Bond of Cawbery and Walford, Heref.,
Boliingbroke, Bollingbrook, and Bollins- Bolton, a tun erect ppr., transpierced by and of Newland and Redbrook, Glouc,
brook, a Spanish hat az., turned up
an arrow fesswise or. a demi-lion. 10. 2
Bolton, Boltone, or Boltoun, a horse
arg., in front three feathers of the last. Bonde, an old man's head in profile ppr.,
115. 4 saddled and bridled at fuU speed. 52. 1 the hair sa.
Bolney, Berks, and of Bolney, Sussex, a Bonde of Coventry, Warw., a demi-griffin
Bolton, a hind's head per pale indented
skeleton's head couped at the shoulders arg. and az., holding in the mouth a gu., bezantee, holding in the beak a
ppr., holding in the mouth a firebrand broad arrow or, feathered and headed
twig vert, seeded or. cf. 64. 2
or, flammant at both ends ppr. arg. cf. 124. I Bondiville, Yorks, a stag's head ppr.
Bolourd, out of a ducal coronet or, a Bolton or Boulton, Lanes and Yorks, a 121. 5
demi-eagle gu. 80. 4 buck's head erased arg., attired or, Bone, a bone and a palm-branch in saltier
gorged with a chaplet vert, and pierced
Bolron, a dove volant sa. cf. 93. 13 ppr. 147. 4
Bolron, an arm in fess couped at the through the neck with an arrow of the Bone or Bonn, a sword and a key in
shoulder and embowed, the elbow second. saltier ppr. 171. 10
resting on the wreath, the hand holding Bomford, North-, Captain John: (I) A Boneham and Bonham, a pheon in pale,
a sword in pale, entiled with a savage's griffin segreant arg., charged on the point downwards, with part of tlit^
head. 201. 7 shoulder with a cross crosslet litchee broken shaft remaining therein.
Bolster, George, Esquire, of Springville, Agu. {for Bomford). cf. 62. 2. (2) 174. 10
Bonekill, Scotland, a demi-man in
Kanturk, co. Cork, a cubit arm erect wyvern's head erased vert, langued gu.,
armour brandishing in his dexter hand
in armour ppr., charged with three collared and chained or {for North).
plates in pale, the hand bare grasping Justus et fidelis. cf. 71. 2 a sword, all ppr. 1S7. i
a scimitar, also ppr., hilt and pommel Bomlord, Ireland, an eagle displayed Bonekill, Scotland, a dexter hand holdint;
or. I'i ct virtute. 263. 5 holding in the dexter claw a dagger. a buckle or. 223. 1
Bolster, Thomas, Esquire, of Springville, 75- 7 Bonell of Duffield, Derbysh., a demi-lion
Bomont, an ostrich, the wings expanded
Kanturk, co. Cork, same crest and rampant sa. 10. i
motto. arg. Bonest and Bonus, London, a talbot's
Bolstred and Bolstrode, a bull's head and Bon, Le, of Fameaux, Normandy, out of head couped arg. 56. 12
neck between two wings expanded gu., a ducal coronet or, a plume of ostrich- Bonfoy or Bunfoy of Hease, Middx., an
armed arg. 43. 10 feathers arg. Confido. arm couped and erect in armour ppr.,
Bolt or Boult, a stork ppr. holding in the gauntlet a cross Calvary
u105. Bonamy, Guernsey, a plume of three gu. En bonne foy.
Bolter, a lion's head erased sa., imperially feathers or. 115. i
crowned or. cj. 17. 14 Bonar of Kimmerghame, Berwick, a Bonham, Wilts, the stump of a tree in
Bolthorpe, a demi-tiger salient or, ducally sword in pale ppr. Denique ccplurti. fess sprouting ensigned with a fleur-
gorged arg., cf. 2^. 10 170. 2 de-lis. 145. 13
Bolton, Baron (Orde-Powlet), Bolton Bonar, John Andrew MacdoneU, Glen- Bonham, Essex, a mermaid ppr. Esse
Hall, Leyburn. Yorks, and Hackwood bum. Granville Road, Sevenoaks, a quatn videri. 184. 5
Park, Basingstoke, a falcon rising and
sword in pale, the blade ppr.. the hilt Bonham, Edward William, Esquire,
belled or, charged on the breast and and pommel or. Dcniqut ccelum. H.M. Consul, Calais, France, a mer-
wings with three etoiles in fess gu., 302. 14 maid ppr., holding in her dexter lianil
gorged with a ducal coronet az., and Bonar, a dexter hand charged on the a looking-glass and in her sinister
holding in the beak a salmon ppr. palm with an eye and holding a heart a comb. Esse qtmm videri.
Aymez loyaulte. 239. 9 bleeding ppr. PrtEStal tuto qumn cito. 184- 5
Bond, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset : ( i ) An
Bolton, Henry Hargreaves, Esquire, of Bonham, Sir George Francis, Bart.,
eagle rising sa., charged with a fess or. Knowle Park, Cranleigh, Surrey, upon
Heighside, Newchurch-in-Rossendale, a rock a mermaid holding in her
(2) A demi-pegasus az., winged and
Lanes, three bird-bolts, two in saltire semee of estoiles or. Non sufficit orbis. dexter hand a wreath of coral and in
and one in fesse ppr., thereon a falcon
close, belled and jessed or. Sursum cf. 47- 5 her sinister a mirror, all ppr. Esse
corda. 255. 15 Bond, Nathaniel, of Creech Grange, quam videri.
Bolton, Henry Hargreaves, jnr.. Esquire, Dorset: (I) An eagle's wing sa., Bonham of Petersfield, Hants, a dragon's
of High Brake, Huncoat, Accrington, charged with a fesse or. 247. 4. (2) A head arg., guttee-de-sang. cf. 71. I
Lanes, same crest and motto.
demi-pegasus az., winged and semee of Bonham, see Boneham.
Bolton of Bolton, Lanes, a hawk arg., Nonestoiles or. sufficit orbis. Boniface, Sussex, a talbot passant sa.
belled or. 85. 2 Bond of Peckham, Surrey, and Saltash, 54. I
Bolton, Edwin, Esquire, of Carbrook, Cornw., a demi-pegasus az., winged Bonnell, Norf., a lion rampant or,
Larbert, Stirlingah., a falcon close sa., and semee of estoiles or. cf. 47. 5 holding between his paws a cross
armed, jessed, and belled or. Indusiria Bond or Bonde, an old man's head in crosslet az.
Bonnell of Isleworth, JDddx., a lion
d virtute. cf. 85. 2 profile ppr., the hair sa.
Bolton of Bective Abbey, co. Meath, a Bond, Ireland, an ostrich-head between rampant or, holding between the paws
a cross crosslet, and charged on the
hawk arg., belled or. 85. 2 two branches of palm in orle. cf. 96. 10
Bolton of Woodbridge, Suff., a falcon Bond, John Gregory, Greatwood, Penryn, shoulder with an annulet, both az.
close arg., charged on the breast with Cornw., a lion sejant ppr. Bonnell of London, a demi-lion erased or,
a trefoil slipped vert, beaked and belled Bond of Coolamber, co. Longford, Ireland, pellettee, queue-fourchee interlaced,
or. cf. 8^ 2 a lion sejant arg. 8. 8 supporting a spear of the first.
Bonnell, Ireland, a demi-lion az., holding Bonwick, Surrey, a lion's head erased gu., in her dexter hand a catherine-wheel,
between the paws a cross crosslet
charged with an etoile or. cj. 17. 8 and in her sinister a sword, point
fitchee or. Terris peregrinus et hospcs. Bonynge, Charles William, Esquire, of do%vnwards. (2) A stag's head gu.,
42, Prince's Gate, London, an ostrich
cf. II. lo ppr., charged with an escallop sa., and attired or, gorged with a laurel-
Bonner, a unicorn's head couped between holding in the beak a key of the same.
wTeath arg. Quod ero spero. 1 20. 3
two wings and holding in the mouth a
Booth of Hoe Place, Woking, a lion pas-
trefoil. Virtnie decoratus. sant arg. Quod ero spero. 6. 2
Bonner, Oxon., a talbot's head arg., Bonython, Sir John Langdon, Esquire, of Booth, Robert Home Brooke, of Glendon
Carclew, Adelaide, South Australia,
collared az., studded, rimmed, and a fawn feeding ppr. In Deo spesmea. Hall, Xorthamp., a lion passant arg.
ringed or. cf. 56. i Quod ero spero. 6. 2
Bonnet of France and London, a uni- 124. 13 Booth, John Firth, Manor House, Lees,
Boodam, an etoile of eight rays or.
corn's head couped vert, purfled and near Oldham, a lion passant. Quod
crined or. Eara honitas. 49. 7 c!. 164. 4 ero spero.
Boodle, a horse's head, the neclv trans-
Bonnett, a cubit arm in armour lying in Booth, James Erskine Wise, Esquire, ol
pierced with a spear in bend ppr. Lara, Annomoe, co. Wicklow, upon a
fesse and holding a cross crosslet wreath of laurel a lion passant. Nee
iitched az. 21 1. 14 50. II
Bonney, a square padlock ppr. 168. 13 Booer, a wolf's head erased erm. 30. 8 temere nee timide.
Bonney, a martlet ppr. Ne quid 7iimis.
Booker, London and Notts, a swan ppr., Booth or Boothe of Barton, Lanes, and
95- 4 collared and lined az. 99. i Dunham Massey, Chesh., a lion
Bonney, Rev. Thomas George, 23, ;
Denning Road, N.W., same crest and Booker, Lieutenant-Colonel Josias, of arg. 6. 2
Demerara, in the West Indies, on a Booth of Twemlow, Chesh., a lion passant
motto. mount vert, a swan ppr., collared and per pale wavy arg. and erm., charged
Bonniman, Scotland, a spur between two lined, and charged on the breast with on the shoulder with a hank of cotton
wings ppr. III. 13 a fleur-de-lis az. Deo non fortuna. ppr. cf. 6. 2
Bonner, G., Esquire, 42, Queen's Gate Booker, Ireland, a crow feeding ppr. Booth, Gore-, Sir Josslyn Augustus
Terrace, Kensington, a demi-talbot or, 107. 4 Richard, Bart., Ireland: (i) A lion
Booker of Cobrey Park, Heref., a demi-
gorged with a collar gemelle az., hold- passant arg. Quod ero spero. 6. 2.
eagle displayed. Ad cailum iendit.
ing between the paws an hourglass —(2) A wolf rampant arg. In hoc signo
81. 6
Appr. la bonne heurt. vinces. Gentiwquiisutrique. 28. 2
Bonsall, John Joseph, of Fronfraith, co. Bookey, a dove volant arg., holding in Booth, Sir Charles, Bart., of Portland
Cardigansh., Aberystwith and Llan- the beak a sprig vert. cf. 93. 10 Place, Middx., and Great Catworth,
wTin, Montgomerysh. Wales, a dexter Bookey of Ardenode, co. Kildare, Ireland, Hunts., a lion passant arg., gorged
, with a bar-gemelle and holding in the
from a morion az., a buck's head dexter paw a chaplet of laurel vert.
hand grasping a cross flory gu. Pro
patria. 221. 14 couped ppr. Tctuix ct fidvs.
Bonsall, Thomas William, Morben, Slont- Boon or Boone, ;. bell ppr. 168. 7 Dcas adjuvat nos.
Booth of Salford, Lanes, two laurel-
goniery, same crest and motto. Boon or Boone, a hand holding a sheaf of
Bonsbaw, a dexter hand issuing from a arrows, points downwards, all ppr. branches vert in orle, thereon a lion
passant arg. Non mihi, scd Deo et
cloud in fess holding a sword in pale, 214. 3
Boord, Sir (Thomas) William, Bart.,
on the point a garland of laurel, all
Oldbury Place, Ightham, Kent, a goat
ppr. Mente viamique. cf. 223. 10 arg., guttee-de-poix, resting the dexter Booth, George H., 3, St. George's Place,
leg on an escutcheon gu., charged with Victoria Gardens, Brighton, on a
Bonsor, Henry Cosmo Orme, Kingswood
Warren, Epsom, Surrey, on a staff garland of laurel a lion passant.
raguly in fess or, a wolf passant sa., a martlet of the first. Virtute et Booth of Kellingham, Lines, a boar's
head erased and erect sa., armed or,
collared, and the chain reflexed over industrid. 239. i holding in the mouth a spear-head arg.
the back of the first, the dexter paw Boord, Borde, or Board, of Cuckfield and
resting on a rose gu., barbed and seeded Lingfield, Sussex, a goat statant erm., Booth, Philip Henry, J. P., Gildersome,
near Leeds, a lion passant. Quod ero
ppr. cf. 29. I armed or. 129. 5
Bontein, Scotland, a cubit arm erect Boorman of East Peckham, Kent, a bee spero.
Booth, Berks, a porcupine's head erased.
holding a sword ppr. Fortiter et fide. volant between two oak - branches
132. 12 fructed, all ppr. cf. 136. 2
Bontein, a cross crosslet fitchee in pale Boorne of London and Essex, an heraldic Booth, a fasces ppr. 171- 4
tiger sejant gu., maned, tufted, and
surmounted by two palm-branches in Boothby, Sir Brooke, Bart., of Broadlow,
saltier. tailed or. cf. 25. 7 Ash, Derbysh., a lion's gamb erased and
Bontein and Bonteine, Scotland, an Boorne, out of a ducal coronet a stag's erect or. Mors Christi, mors mortis
armillary sphere ppr. Soli Deo gloria.
head arg. 1 20. 7 mihi. 36. 4
159. 10 Boorne of Battle, Sussex, a stag's head Boothby, Charles Edward, Esquire, of
Bontein, John, Esquire, a demi-eagle
erased gu., attired arg., and guttce- I, Palmeira Square, Brighton, Sussex,
issuing out of a ducal coronet ppr. same crest and motto.
Copiose et opportuve. d'eau. cf. 121. 2
Bontein, James Shelley. Esquire, Glen-
cruitten, Oban, Argyllsh., same crest Boors, an eel naiant az. 142. 10 Bootle - Wilbraham, see Skelmersdale,
and motto.
Bonten, a griffin segreant holding in the Boot or Boote, a greyhound couchant Baron.
dexter claw a sword in pale. cf. 62. 2
Bontien, out of a ducal coronet a demi- between two branches of laurel in Bootle, a leopard couchant or, spotted
eagle issuing ppr. Copiose et opportune. gu. 24. 10
Bontine and Bontien of Ardoch, Dumbar- orle. Go. 5
ton, Scotland, a bunting-bird standing Bootle, a demi-hon rampant regardant
on a garb, all ppr. Copiose et oppor- Booth, Sclater-, Baron Basing, see Basing. ppr., holding between the paws an
antique oval shield gu., rimmed or,
Booth, Chesh., a li'/nn- of St. f'atherine
charged with a cross patonce crossed
ppr., vested vri m "'i!i,i ducal
coronet w-ithiii '. ,Im: m i rimed or,
holding in her d. -.ii 1 Ii.mmI ,1 . atherine- ars.
mwheel or, and lur oiuiaui a sword, Booty, Suff., on a mount vert., a hand
the point downwards. ppr., couped at the -svrist, holding a
tune. Booth, Derbysh., a St. Catherine ppr., sword arg., hilt«d or. c/. 212. 13
kneeling in prayer, vested arg., crowned
Bonton, a cubit arm erect holding a mill- or, holding in the dexter hand a Bor of Dublin, two wings endorsed gu.
rind, all ppr. Catherine - wheel and in the sinister and or, on the former a fleur-de-lis of
a sword point downwards.
Bonus and Bonest of London, a talbot's Booth, Haworth, Benjamin Blaydes, the last. Sicut iris florebit. cf. 109. 12
HuUbank House, near Hull, Yorks :
head couped arg. 56. 12 (i) A St. Catherine robed and crowned Boraster and Boraston, Heref., Worcs.,
as a queen kneeling in prayer, holding
Bonvile, Devonsh., a stag's head ppr. and Berks, out of a mural coronet sa.,
121. 5 a griffin's head or, gorged with a fess
Bonvill, a demi-lion rampant supporting between two vars-gemelle gu.
an anchor ppr. 12. 12 cf. 67. 10
Bordelays, Bordeleys, Bordeley, or Bor- Borradaile, Borrodalle, or Boradaile, out Borthwick, Browne-, of Hope Park, Mid-
deloys, Camb, an Indian goat salient, lothian, a cubit arm erect ppr., grasp-
holding in the mouth a branch of of a tower, a demi-greyhound, holding
ing a fleur-de-lis or. Delectat et ornat.
between his paws a branch of laurel,
cf. 215. 5
trefoil. aUppr. cf. 157. 8 Borthwick of Hartside, Scotland, a hart's
Boreel, Sir Jacob William Gustavus, Borrer, of Henfield, Sussex, a buck's head head erased gu., attired or, devouring
Bart., of Meervliet, Velsen, Holland, a a serpent ppr. Coelitus datum. 1 2 1 . 7
ppr., erased and fretty arg., holding in Borthwick of Muirhouse, Scotland, a
pelican with wings expanded or,
demi-man sa., wreathed about the head his mouth an auger of the first. Fide vulning herself ppr. Ex vulnere salus.
and loins, holding iu his dexter hand
an arrow in bend sinister, point
Borrer, Arthur Hardre,ss, Esquire, of
upwards ppr. 6, Durham Place, Chelsea, S.W., a
buck's head erased ppr, fretty arg.,
Boreham or Borham, on a mural coronet holding in the mouth an auger of the
ppr., a serpent nowed vert. 142. 12 Borthwick of Crookston, Scotland, a
Moor's head couped ppr. Fide el spc.
Boreham, H. W.. M.B., Elm Bank, first.
Borthwick of Mayshiels, Scotland, an
Teignmouth, same crest. Destruendo Borrer, Major Gary Hampton, J.P., eagle rising ppr. Nee deerit operi
D.L., Somerhill Lodge, Hove, Sussex,
conservatis. same crest.
Borelands, a broken lance ppr. Press Borrer, Rev. Charles Alexander, of dextra. 77. 5
Horseheath, Linton, Cambs, same crest. Borton, Suff., a boar's head ppr. 41. i
through. 175- 6
Borrer, Walter Charles Freshfield Clifford,
Boreley and Borseley, Wilts, in front of Esquire, of Pickwell, Cuckfield, Sussex, Borton of Stapleford, a boar's head
same crest. Deo cari nihilo carenl. couped or, holding in the mouth a
a rock, a Cornish chough ppr. <•/. 102. 6
Borell or Burrell, Heref., and Brommer Borrer, William, Esquire, of Brook HiU, branch of laurel ppr.
Cowfield, Horsham, same crest. Fide
Park, Northumb., a naked arm em- Borton, General Sir Arthur, G.C.B..
bowed ppr., charged with three pellets, K.C.B., G.C.M.G., 105, Eaton Place,
holding in the hand a branch vert, London, S.W., in front of a sword pale-
fructed or. laboro. ways point downwards ppr., pommel
Boreman, on the stump of a tree, an eagle
Borreston, see Boreston. and hilt gold, a boar's head couped
rising ppr. 79- 12 Borrett of London, a boar's head and sa., holding in the mouth a sprig of
Boreston or Borreston, a parrot vert, nock erased, of a sandy colour and laurel fructed, also ppr. In Deo
breasted gu. loi. 4 bristled or, the neck transpierced with confido.
Borgoine, a marigold, on the top thereof a broken spear of the second, the end Bosanquet, Percival, Esquire, J. P.. of
Ponfield, near Hertford, a demi-lion
a bee, all ppr. cf. 151. 12 hold in the mouth. rampant ppr. Per dnmna per codes.
Borham, see Boreham. Borron, a paschal lamb ppr. Per tela per Bosanquet, Samuel Courthope, Dingestow
Court, Monm., a demi-lion rampant,
Borington, Viscount, see Morley, Earl of. hoslcs impamdi. 131. 2
couped gu.
Borlacy of London, a stag's head erased Borrow, Derbysh., on a mount an eagle
ppr., holding in the mouth a riband regardant, wings expanded, all ppr.,
with the motto " Spes mea Dens."
supporting with the dexter claw the Bosanquet, Charles Bertie Pulleine, Es-
Borland and Borelands, Scotland, a shield of Pallas or. quire, of Rock Hall, Alnwick, Nor-
Borrowes, Sir Kildare Dixon, Bart.,
broken lance ppr. Press through. thumb., same crest.
Gilltown, CO. Kildare, Ireland, a lion
175. 6 Bosanquet, Theodore, Esquire, West
gardant murally crowned, all or. Non
Borlase of Bookmer, Buclcs, and of Dov/n House, Bradworthy, North
Cornw., a wolf passant regardant arg., Devonsh., a demi-lion rampant ppr.
struck in the shoulder with an arrow Borrowes of Gilltown, Newbridge, co. Bosanquet, Smith-, Horace James, Es-
or, held in the mouth. Te digna Kildare, a lion sejant arg., ducally quire, of Broxbournebury, Broxbourne,
sequere. cf. 28. 6 crowned or. Non vi virtute. AHerts : (l) demi-lion gu., gorged with
Borman, Devonsh. and Somers., a bull's Borrowes or Borrows, Ireland, a boar's a collar nebuly or, and holding between
head erased or, armed sa. 44. 3 head erased in fess, with a sword the paws a mullet of six points of the
thrust through the under jaw in pale,
Borminghall, a wolf's head erased gu. first within an annulet of the second
(for Bosanquet). (2) An elephant's
30. 8 and issuing out of the mouth.
Borne, Kent, a lion sejant or, collared Borrowes or Borrows, a crane support- head erased or, eared gu., charged on
az., resting the dexter forepaw on a
ing with the dexter claw an anchor. the neck with three fleur-de-lis, two
pellet cf. 6. II 105. 10 —and one az. (for Smith). Per damna,
Borrowman, Scotland, a demi-man in
Borodaile, a dragon's head erased ppr. percnedes. Tenax in fide. cf. 133. 3
armour brandishing in his dexter hand
cf. 71. 2 Boscawen, Boscawen Trevor Griffith,
Boron, a dragon's head and wings sa.,
a sword, all ppr. Pro patria. 187. i Trevalyn, Denbigh, a lion passant sa.
Borselle, over the stump of an oak-tree
collared or. cf. 72. 7 Boscawen, Cornw., a falcon ppr. 85. 2
Borough, Bart, {extinct), of Baseldon Park, an eagle volant ppr. Boscawen (Rt. Hon. Evelvn Edward
Berks, three plates surmounted by a Borsley, in front of a rock, a Cornish Thomas, Viscount Falmouth), a falcon
plume of five ostrich-feathers arg. chough ppr. cf. 102. 6 close ppr., belled or. Patience passe
Suivez moi. Borston, a dagger in pale az., hilt and science. 85. 2
Borough, Shropsh., a fleur-de-lis arg. pommel or. Bosgrave, a boar's head erased arg.,
148. 2 Borthwick of Gordonshall, Scotland, a between two oak-branches vert, fructed
Borough of Sandwick, Kent, a dove withered rose-bush sprouting anew or. 42. I
Bosne and Bosney, a cockatrice dis-
standing on a snake, all ppr. 92. 10 from the root. Virtus post facto.
Borough, Lines, and of Richmond, YorlvS, Borthwick, Baron (Borthwick), a Moor's played. 68. 14
a swan's head and neck arg., beaked head in profile couped ppr., nTeathed Bosom, Bosome, and Bossum. Cornw., a
gu. cf. loi. 6 arg. and sa. Qui conducit. 192. 13 tree growing out of a mount ppr. 143. 14
Borough or Burgh, a falcon rising erm., Borthwick (Baron Glenesk), on a staff Boss, Durh., out of a naval coronet, an
belled and ducally gorged or. 87. 2 raguly fessewise sa., a blackamoor's arm holding a billet, all ppr. Cada
Borough, John Sidney Burton, of Chet- head in profile couped ppr. Qui con- uno e-s hijo de sub obras.
wynd Park, Newport, co. Salop, and ducit. 299. 15 Bostock of Abingdon, Berks, an antelojje
of Edgmond, Shropsh., on a mount Borthwick, John, Esquire, of Heriot, or, gorgjeed with a collar gu. 112266..112
an eagle regardant, wings expanded, Midlothian, a blackamoor's head in Shropsh., a marttlleett arg. 95. 4
profile couped. Qui conducit. Bostock of Bostock, Chesh., and Whixall,
all ppr., the dexter claw supporting
Shropsh., on the stump of a tree
the shield of Pallas or. Yirtute et rohore. Borthwick, Scotland, a savage's head eradicated arg., a bear's head erased
Borough, George Thomas, Esquire, an
couped ppr. Qui conducit. 191. i sa., muzzled or.
eagle ppr., holding the shield of Pallas Borthwick of Stow, Scotland, a dexter Bostock of Oxford, Kent, a crescent arg.,
therefrom issuant a bear's head pean
in its claws. Yirtute et rohore. hand couped and apaumee, charged erased gu., muzzled or.
Borough, two wings addorsed erm.
with an eye ppr. Mente manuque.
222. 4
Bostock, Francis, Horsham, Sussex, same Boteller, a covered cup or. Boucherett of Willingham and Stalling-
crest. Boterwike, a hawk, holding in its dexter borough, Lincoln, a cockatrice or.
Boston, Baron (Irby), a Saracen's head claw an ear of wheat ppr. 85. 7 Prima voce salutat. 68. 5
Boteshed, a stag's head arg. 121. 5
in profile ppr., wreathed arg. and sa. Bouchier of Little Stainbridge, Essex, a
Honor fidelitatis prcemium. IQO. 14 Botetourt, see Botatort. greyhound sejant arg., ducally gorged
Boston, Scotland, a dove between two Botevile, Boteville, or Bonteville, Shropsh., or. cf. 59. 4
Boudier of Jersey, a crescent az. Dieu
branches of laurel in orle, all ppr. a reindeer or. J'av bonne cause.
92. 12 cf. 125. 9 et la religion. 163. 2
Boston, a horse's head in armour ppr. Both or Bothe, on a tower embattled, a Bouge of Thurcaston, Leics., a bat dis-
51. 13 Hag displayed. 157. 13 played arg., armed or. 137. II
Bosum of Windley, Norf., a talbot's head Bothell, see Botell. Bough, Scotland, the stump of an oak-
erased arg., eared and ducally crowned Botheras, Cornw., a demi-lion rampant tree sprouting branches ppr. Quod ero
or. s6. 9 ppr. Pro Deo et pntria. 10. 2 spero. 145. 2
Bosvile. Thomas Bolle, Raven field Park,
Bothwell, Lord Holyroodhouse, Scotland, Boughey of Colton, Staffs, an angel pray-
near Rotherham, or Bosvllle, Yorks,
a naked boy pulling down the top of ing between two branches of laurel in
a bull statant arg., the hinder part
a green pine-tree, all ppr. Obduram orle ppr. 184. 2
behind a clump of oak-trees ppr. ad versus urgentia. 189. 6 Boughey, Fletcher-, Sir Thomas, Bart.,
Intento in Deum animo. Botiler, a cinquefoil gu. 148. 12 of Aqualate, Newport, Shropshire: (l)
Bosville, Alexander Wentworth Mac- Botley, Berks, a boar's head and neck A plate charged with a pheon per pale
erm. and sa., the point downward (for
donald, Thorpe Hall, Bridlington : sa., ducally gorged or. Prohitate. Fletcher). 242.5. {2) Out of an Eastern
crown or, points alternately of the
A(i) bull passant arg., armed sa., cf. 41. 6
last and arg., a buck's head erm.,
issuant from a hurst of oaks ppr., and Botockshed, a stag's head arg. 121. 5
charged on the shoulder with a rose Botreaulx or Botreaux, a dove standing
gu. (2) A cubit arm in fesse couped on a hill, all ppr. 92. 3 attired aad collared of the first (for
Boughey). Nee qucerere, nee spernere,
in armour ppr., charged with a bendlet Botreulx or Botreux, Cornw., two laurel-
sinister az., the hand ppr. holding branches in saltier ppr. honorem.. 242. 4
a cross crosslet erect fitchee gu. Botstord, Hon. Amos Edwin, of the city Boughs, the stump of a tree sprouting
Virtus propter se. Per mare per terrain. of Ottawa and parish of Sackvjlle, in ppr., from one of the branches a shield
Boswall, Sir George Lauderdale Houston, the Dominion of Canada, Lieutenant- pendent gu. 145. 8
Bart., Blackadder, Edrora, Berwicksh.: Colonel Reserve Militia, co. Westml., Boughton, a stork's head ereised, holding
«.?es a bird close. Digrm sequens.
( I ) A cubit arm grasping a sword ppr. Bott, Staffs, on a glove a falcon ppr. 86. 12 in the beak an eel, all ppr. cf. 104. 2
Botteler and Bottiller, Ireland, a cock's
—239. 7. (2) A sandglass winged ppr. Boughton, a stork's head arg., beaked
{Houston). Foriiter. " In time." gu., holding therein a snake ppr.
239. 8 head and neck vert, combed, wattled, 106. 3
Boughton, Warw., a lion's head couped
Boswell, Bart., of Auchinleck, Ayr, a beaked, and ducally gorged or, between
falcon ppr., hooded gu., belled or. two dragons' wings expanded arg. or. 21. I
Boughton, a goat's head couped per pale
Vrai/e foi. 292. 3 cf. 68. 8
arg. pellettee, and gu. bezantee,
Boswell, John Irvine, Crawley Grange, Botteley, Botilly, or Botley, a boar's head
Newport Pagnell, a falcon close ppr., and neck sa., ducally gorged or. attired, or cf. 12S. 12
hooded. Vraye foy. 292. 3 cf. 41. 6 Boughton, Bouse-, Sir Charles Henry,
141. 14
Boswell, Claud Patrick, Esquire, of Bottell, an escallop az. 148. 12 Bart., of Lawford Hall, Warw. : A
Bottiller, a cinquefoil gu.
Balmuto, Fifeshire, a falcon ppr., Bottlesham, an escallop-shell between man's head ppr., the hair, beard, and
hooded gu., jessed and belled or. whiskers sa., the head surrounded and
Vraye jot. 292. 3 two wings. 141. 10 crossed by a ribbon knotted at the top
Boswell, Yorks, out of a wood ppr., a Bottomley, Yorks, out of a tower, a demi- and flowing from either temple arg.
bull passant arg. lion ppr. Fortiter fideliter et feliciter. A(for Rouse). stork's head erased
Boswell, Yorks and Kent, a lion's head.
157. II chevrony of four sa. and arg., holding
21. I
Bottomley of Wade House, Halifax, in the beak or, a snake ppr. (for
Boswell of Glsissmount, Scotland, a lark Yorks, upon a mount vert, an Angola Boughton). Omne bonum Dei donum.
volant ppr. Nothing venture, nothing goat in front of a palm-tree ppr., rest- cf. 106. 3
Boulby or Bowlby, two branches of thorn
have. cf. 93. 10 ing the dexter foot upon an escutcheon
gu., charged with a shuttle palewise
Boswell of Dowen, Scotland, same crest. in orle. 146- 4
/ hope /or better. or. Fideli certa merces. Bould and Boulde, of Bould, Lanes, out
Boswell, John Douglas, Garrallan, Ayr : Bottonley, a hawk standing on a fish, of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head
(i) A falcon ppr., hooded gu., belled
Aor (Boswell). (2) heart ppr (Douglas). all ppr. 86. 6 sa., beaked gu., between two wings of
Bottrell, Shropsh., a quiver erect sa., the first. cf. 67. I
( I ) Vraye foy. (2) Fortis et fiddis. garnished or, strapped gu., the buckle Bouling, a garb or. 153-2
Boswortb, a lily slipped and leaved ppr. also or, replenished with arrows arg.
Boulsted and Boulstred, Devonsh., a
151. 2 Bouche, a Saracen's head, couped at the bull's head between two wings gu.,
Bosworth, a demi-lion rampant ppr. shoulders and affrontee ppr., wreathed armed arg. 43- 'O
.Animus valet. 10. 2 ara. and sa. 190. 5 Boult, a morion ppr. 180. i
Botatort or Botetourt, Norf., out of a Boucher, see Bouchier and Bourchier. Boult, a heron ppr. 105. 9
mural coronet, six spears in saltier ppr. Boucher, .\lfred Richard, Esquire, of Boultbee, a stag's head erased ppr. 121. 2
175- 8 Trenean, St. Germans, Cornw., a demi- Boultbee or Boultbie, out of a ducal
Boteler of Teston, Kent, two eagles sup- sea-horse ppr., collared and lined gu., coronet, a dcmi-boar ppr. cf. 40. 13
])orting a vine ppr. AquUae vitem between the fins a water-bouget sa. Boulter of Bristol, two bird-bolts in
pocifla. Deo favenie. saltire, and thereon a dove rising ppr.
Boteler of Hatfield-Woodhall, Herts, an Boucher, Edward Graham, of Fairfield, Boulton, Norf., and Yorks on a holly-
bush vert, fructed gu., a hawk rising
arm in armour embowed, holding in Lymington, Hampshire, same crest
the hand a sword ppr. 195. 2 and motto.
Boteler, a covered cup or, between two Boucher and Bouchier, an owl ppr. Non Boulton of Gibbon Grove, Surrey, a hawk
with wings expanded arg., collared
wings, the dexter arg., the vised voluntate. 96. 5 legged, and belled gu., the dexter foot
supporting an escutcheon az., charged
Boucher of Salisbury, Wilts, a greyhound
Boteler or Botler of Bewsey, a unicorn sejant arg., collared and lined or. with a fleur-de-lis or. cf. 87. 7
salient arg., armed or, tied round the
neck with a sash of the last. cf. 59. 4 Boulton. James, Esquire, of 13 A, Great
Boucher, an old man's head in profile
Botell and Bothell, Essex, a marigold Marlborough Street, London, W., upon
couped at the shoulders ppr., on his
ppr. 151. 12 head a cap turned down in front. a mount vert, an eagle with wings
displayed, holding in the beak a Bourke, Earl of Mayo, see Mayo. Boutfleur, a fleur-de-lis az. 148. 2
branch of holly, and between two Bourke, Baron Connemara, see Conne-
Boutflower, Andrew, M.R.C.S., Stene-
branches of holly, all ppr. mara. eourt, Kersal, Manchester, a fleur-de-
Bourke, Viscount Bourke, of Mayo
Boulton, Percy, M.D., 15, Seymour lis. 294. 15
(dormant], on a chapeau gu., turned
Street, Portman Square, W., a hawk up erm., a lion sejant arg., ducaUy Bouverie, Campbell-, see Campbell.
Dumbelled ppr. spiro spero. Bouverie, see Radnor, Earl of.
Bouverie, John Augustus Shell, of Dela-
Boulton of Forebridge Villa, Stafis, on a gorged or. Audaces fortuna juval.
fer-de-moulin, a hawk pierced with an cf. 7. 6 pre Abbey, Northamp., a demi-eagle
arrow. Mens conscia recti. Bourke of Ballintober, co. Mayo, Ireland, with two heads displayed sa., dueally
Boulton, Matthew Ernest, Tew Park, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a
gorged or, charged on the breast with
Oxford, a hind's head per pale az. and
or, erased gu., in the mouth an arrow lion sejant arg. a cross crosslet arg. Patria cara, carior
Bourke of St. Andrews, Holbome, Middx.,
in bend, point downwards ppr. Faire libertas. 3°^. -
a lion couchant gardant, the tail Bouverie, De, a demi-eagle displayed
issuing from between the hind-legs or
son devoir. with two heads sa., gorged with a
Boulton, a horse at full speed saddled
charged on the shoulder with a fleur-de- ducal coronet or, and charged on the
and bridled. 52- i lis az. Chacun le sien. breast with a cross crosslet arg. 302. 2
Boulton, see Bolton. Bourke of Thornfield, Ireland, a moun- Bouvier, an eagle with wings expanded
Boulton, Lines, a tun erect ppr., trans- tain-cat sejant gardant ppr., collared and inverted ppr. cf. 77. 4
fixed by a bird-bolt fesseways or. and chained or. In cruce solus. Bouwen, a tent gu., garnished or. 158. 7
Dux vitce ratio.
26. 13 Bouwens, in front of a demi-lion guardant
Bourke, Lord Castle Connell, the same
Boulton, James Forster, Toronto, Ontario, or, between two wings vair arg. and sa.,
Canada, same crest and motto.
crest. three roses fesseways arg., barbed and
Boulton of Soho, Staffs, a hind's head
Bourke, Lord Brittas, the same crest. seeded ppr. tiec. temere, nee timide.
erased per pale az. and or, holding in VincXus aed non rictus. Bover of Appleton, Chesh., a goat's head
the mouth an arrow in bend point couped sa., armed and charged on the
downwards. Faire sum devoir. Bourn, Surrey, between two wings a
peacock's head, holding in the beak a neck with a fleur-de-lis or. cf. 128. 12
cf. 124. 3 serpent, the tail coiled round the neck, Bovey of Wordon Abbey, Beds and Stow,
Boulton, Samuel Bagster, Copped Hall, Cambs., a lion's gamb erect and erased
all ppr. 103. 3 per fesse or and gu., holding a bow of
Totteridge, on a holly- bush a falcon
rising, holding in its dexter paw a Bourne, Ireland, between two wings a
bird bolt in pale, point downwards, peacock's head, holding in the beak a the second, stringed of the first.
serpent, the tail coiled round the neck, Bovil and Bolvile, Suff., a demi-friar
holding in his dexter hand a crucifix.
and in its beak a sprig of holly, all all ppr. 103. 3
ppr. / will never quit. 244. 10 Bourne, London, out of clouds ppr., an cf. 187. 7
Bovile, Bovyle, and Bovyll, a bull passant
Bound, on the top of a tower, a lion arm erect, vested or, cuffed arg.,
rampant. 157. 12 holding in the hand, also ppr., a quarterly sa. and or. cf. 45. 2
Bounn or Boun, a sword and a key in pheon by the point sa. Bow, Scotland, a lion's head erased ppr.,
saltier ppr. 17 1- 1° Bourne of Chesterton, Oxon., a pegasus Fideliter. I7- S
current, wings addorsed gu., semee
BoUTCh, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant gu., d'etoiles or, and holding in the mouth Bowater of London, out of cloucJs a rain-
holding in his dexter paw a fleur-de- a rose of the first, stalked and leaved
bow ppr.
lis or. 13- 2 Bowcher, out of a ducal coronet or, a
Bourcher, BourchiFj or Bourchier, a man's ppr., seeded of the second. cf. 47. 2 demi-pelican vulning herself arg.
Bourne, John, of Hilderstone Hall, Staffs,
head in profile ppr., couped at the Bowdan and Bowden of Bowden, Chesh.,
on a mount vert, a pegasus salient per a bezant charged with a lion's head
shoulders, crowned with a ducal
coronet or, and issuing therefrom a fesse or and gu., charged on the body erased gu., coUared arg. cf. 19. i
cap tasselled and turned forward gu.
with two fountains ppr., holding in the Bowden, Derbysh., a heron's head erased
cf. 190. 8 mouth a trefoil slapped vert. Hcec or. 104. II
Bourcher, Worcs., on a mount vert, a omnia transeunt. 47. 4 Bowden of Stroud Green, Croydon, Surrey,
in front of a battle-axe and a tilting-
greyhound sejant arg., dueally gorged Bourne of Wells, Somers., a demi- spear in saltier or, a heron's head
and lined or. cj. 59. 2 heraldic tiger arg., armed, maned. and
Bourchier, a greyhound salient or. tufted sa., gorged with a collar er- erased sa. cf. 104. 11
Bourchier, Essex and London, a grey- minois. cf. 23. 13 Bowden-Smitb, Nathaniel, Vice- Admiral,
hound sejant arg., dueally gorged or. Bourne of Stalmine Hall, Lancaster, an K.C.B., a talbot passant. Suaviter
c/- 59- 4 heraldic tiger sejant or, guttce-de-sang, in modo, fortiter in re.
Bourchier, see Bouchier and Bourcher.
resting the dexter paw on a cross pattee Bowditch of Bowditch, Dorset, seven
Bourchier, a mullet of six points. 164. 3
Bourchier-Chilcott, Thomas, 4, Stone gu. Esse quam videri. 255. 19 arrows or, barbed and feathered arg.,
Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C. : (i) Bourne, Bart., of Hackinsall, Lanes, six in saltier, one in pale. 173. 7
Out of a ducal coronet a mount ppr.,
same crest. Semper viqilans. Bowdler, Shropsh., on a mount vert, a
thereon a stag statant gu. (2) A man's
Bourne, Rev. George Drinlcwater, of Cornish chough ppr. 107. 9
head in profile couped at the shoulders
Weston Subedge, Gloucs., same crest Bowdler, a dexter arm embowed grasping
ppr., on the head a ducal coronet or,
issuing therefrom a cap tasselled and and motto. an arrow, all ppr. 201.13
turned forward gu. Le bon temps Bournes, George Smith, Esquire, of Bowdler, Richard Hope, Esquire, of
Rossport House, BelmuUet, Ireland, Kirkham, Lanes, a dexter arm em-
a garb between two doves respecting bowed, holding in the hand an arrow,
viendra. each other, all ppr. Vincit qui patitur. all ppr. Innocue ac provide. 201. 13
Bourchier, Henry James, Baggotstown, Bousfleld, William, 33, Stanhope Gardens, Bowdon, of Beightonfields, Derbysh :
near Bruff, co. Limerick, on a cap of AQueen's Gate, S.W., out of a ducal (i) heron's head erased ppr., beaked
maintenance gu., turned up erm., a coronet an eagle's head ppr. and charged on the neck with three
—griffin arg. Le bon temps viendra. Bousfleld, out of a ducal coronet an erm. spots sa. cf. 104. 11. (2) Out
Vincere vel mori. eagle's head ppr. cf. S3. 14 of a ducal coronet or, a demi-eagle
displayed ppr. Vanus est honor. So. 14
Bourdelain and Bourdillon, on a chapeau Boustead, a lion's head erased, and on it
a martlet. {Another, with the wings a chapeau, all ppr. 21. 10 Bowdon, Butler-, John Erdeswicke, of
endorsed.) 95. i Boutcher, Emmanuel, Esquire, a grey- APleasington Hall, Lanes : (i) heron's
Bourden, a bunch of grapes ppr. 152. 7 hound sejant arg., collared, and with head erased ppr., beaked and charged
Bourdon, a gilliflower ppr. 151. 8 the line reflexed over the back or, on the neck with three erm. spots {for
Bourdon, Scotland, a lion rampant arg., semee of estoiles sa., and resting the ABowdon). cf. 104. II. (2) covered
holding a battle-axe ppr. j cup or, charged with an erm. spot {for
dexter paw on a water- bouget of the
Bourges of Westport, Dorset, a camel's last. Be fast. 59. 6 Butler). Comme je trouve.—Vanus est
head erased ppr., bezantee. c/. 132. 7 Bouteville, see Boteville. I honor.
Bowel! of Berry Court. Hants, a lion's Bower or Booer of London, a wolf's head gu., armed and langued az., holding
in the dexter paw five arrows points
head erased barry of six arg. and gu. erased erm. 30. 8
cf. \y. 4 Bower, Sir Graham John, K.C.M.G., of downwards ppr. Qucerere verum.
Bowen-Colthurst, see Colthurst. Reduit, Jlauritius, a, griffin's head. Bowet or Bewet, Yorks, on a chapeau
Bowen, a stag trippant ppr. Cautus a Ad metmn. gu., turned up erm., a leopard arg.,
Bower of Oxenfield, Durh., a human leg
juturo. 117. S ducally gorged or. cf. 24. i
couped at the thigh dropping blood
Bowen of Kittle Hill and Swansea, a Bowida, a dexter arm in armour em-
ppr., charged above the knee with a
stag statant, vulned in the back with bowed, holding in the hand ppr. a
an arrow, all ppr. 117. 10 plate. cf. 193. 10 fleur-de-lis or. 190. 14
Bowen of Courtwood, Queen's Co., Ireland, Bower of WeUham and Scorton, Yorks, Bowie, Scotland, a demi-lion az., holding
on a mount vert, a stag lodged gu., a human leg couped at the thigh in the dexter paw a dagger ppr.
attired or, holding in the mouth a transpierced above the knee by a Qvod non pro patria. cf. 1 4. 1
trefoil slipped ppr., and charged with broken spear in bend ppr. Esse quam Bowker, Hon. Robert Mitford, of Craigie-
a crescent or, for difference. Virtns videri. cf. 193. 10 burn, Somerset East, Cape Colony,
rincit invidiam. cf. 115. 12 Bower of Kellerby, Yorks, same crest. uses a Boiu-chier-knot {incorrect).
Bowen of Ballyadams, Queen's Co., on Bower of Iwerne House, Dorset, a talbot's 165. 14
a mount vert, in front of an oak- head arg. Hope well and have well. Bowland, Essex and London, out of a
tree ppr., fructed or, a stag lodged 56. 12 ducal coronet an arm in armour
gu., attired and ungu. of the third, Bower, James Bower, of Claremont, couped at the elbow or, holding in the
holding in the mouth a trefoil slipped Teignmouth, Devonsh., in front of a hand a sword arg., pommel of the first.
of the first. cf. 115. 10 talbot's head couped sa., gorged with cf. 209. II
a collar gemel or, a tilting-spear fesse- Bowland, two demi-ducks wings dis-
Bowen, Henry Charles Cole, Esquire, of wise, the head to the dexter, also or.
Hope well, love well. played and inverted respecting each
15, Herbert Place, Dublin, a stag's
other, the dexter arg., the sinister sa.,
head. Caustus in future.
Bowen, Webb-, of Ca.'mose, Pembrokesh., Bower, Henry Syndercombe, Fontmell beaked or.
a lion rampant sa. i. 10 Parva, Blandford, a talbot's head Bowlby, two branches of thorn in orle.
Bowen, James Bevan, of Llyngwair, co. couped arg. Hope well and have well. 146. 4
Pembrokesh., a lion rampant or, hold- Bower of Kinuettles, Scotland, a dexter Bowlby, Edward Salvin, Gilston Park,
ing between his paws a Bowen-knot of and a sinister arm shooting an arrow Herts, three annulets interlaced or,
the same. Audtices fortuna juvat. from a bow, all ppr. Ad 7neiam. 200. 2 between two thorn-branches ppr. Je
Bowen, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant, Bower, Y'orks. an escallop arg. 141. 14 la change qn^en mourant.
holding in his paws a flag of St. George, Bower, a bow and a sheaf of arrows in Bowie, a demi-bittern regardant.
all ijpr. In hoc signo vinccs. cf. 15. 2 saltire, all ppr. Ad metam. 173. 12 Bowler, a boar's head couped per pale
Bowen, George Edward, Esquire, of Bower, Major Robert Lister, of Northal- az. and gu., bezantee. cf. 41. i
Portaferry, co. Down, a demi-lion ram- lerton, a human leg transpierced by a Bowles of London, and of Myddleton
pant, holding in his paws a flag bearing broken spear in bend ppr. Esse quam House, Waltham Cross, Herts, a demi-
the standard of St. George, aU ppr. In videri. boar rampant erminois, the sinister
shoulder pierced with an arrow or,
hoc signo vinccs. Bower, Captain Edmund Thomas Chivers,
Bowen, Rev. Arthur James, of Troedy- of Broxholme, Yorks, on a mount headed arg. Ut tibi sic alteri.
rawr, Cardigansh., a lion rampant or, vert, a quiver az., garnished or, and cf. 40. 13
holding in the paws a knot or. filled with arrows ppr., in saltire with Bowles, Henry Carington Bowles, Es-
Audacts fortuna juvat. 5i- 5 a bow unstrung, also ppr. Veritas quire, of Myddelton House, Enfield,
a demi-boar erect erminois, the sinister
Bowen, George Bevan, Esquire, Strad- prcevalevit. 267. 16
more, Llandyssil, Cardigansh., same Bowerbank, a demi-savage ppr., wreathed shoulder pierced with an arrow arg.
crest and motto. about the head and middle with leaves Ut tibi sic alteri.
Bowen, a falcon close ppr., belled or. vert. cf. 186. I Bowles, Henry Ferryman, Esquire, of
Esse quam videri. 85. 2 Bowerman or Bowreman, Devonsh. and Forty HaU, Enfield, same crest and
Bowen, Oxon., an arm couped at the Wilts, a goat's head erased or, the motto.
elbow and erect vested sa., cuffed erm horns twisted or and sa. 128. 5 Bowles, Lt.-Col. Thomas John, J.P., of
holding in the hand ppr. a chaplet of Bowerman, a goat's head erased or. MiUton Hill, Slaventon, Berks, a demi-
laurel vert. cf. 205 Bowers of Chichester, Sussex, a lion boar az., ungu. and bristled or, pierced
through the chest with an arrow of the
Bowen, Ireland, a hand issuing from a passant arg., collared and chained or,
cloud in fess, holding a sphere. 223 holding in the dexter paw a bow bent second, headed arg. cf. 40. 13
Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir George Fergus(
of the second, stringed of the first. Bowles of North Aston, Oxon., and of
G.C.M.G., D.C.L., LL.D., M.A., of Bowes, Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorn, Gosberkirk, Lines, same crest.
16, Lowndes Street, S.W., on a mount and Baron Bowes, see Strathmore. Bowles, Charles EjTe Bradshaw, Brad-
vert, within a crown vallarial arg. Bowes of Streatlam, Durh., a sheaf of shaw Hall. Derbysh., a demi-boar
pierced in the left breast by an arrow.
falcon rising regardant ppr., holding arrows or, feathered and headed arg.,
in the dexter claw a like fleur-de-lis, banded az. 173-3 Bowles, Heref. and Herts, out of a ducal
Bowen, George William Howard, Esquire, Bowes of Bradley Hall, Diu-h., a sheaf of coronet or, a boar's head couped sa.,
of Ickleton, Great Chesterford, Essex, arrows or, flighted and headed arg., between two wings gu., billettee of
same crest and motto. —bound in a girdle az. Sans variance the first.
Bowles of London, out of a ducal coronet
Bowen-Colthurst, Robert Walter Travers, et mon droit. In mullis in magnis, in
Esquire, of Oakgrove, and Dripsey or, a griffin's head sa., beaked, and
bonis crpcrtus. 173. 3
Castle, Cork: (i) A colt courant between two wings of the first.
Bowes, Richard, of Darlington, and of
charged on the shoulder with a crescent Monkend Hall, Croft-on-tees, Yorks : 67. I
sa. {for Colthurst). (2) On a mount
vert, a falcon close ppr., belled of the family of Bowes of Yorks and Bowles of London, a buck's head arg.,
Justum et tenaccm.
London. A demi-leopard gardant gu., attired or. 121. 5
Bowen-MlUer, Ormsby, Esquire, J.P. and
D.L., of Blindwell, Tuam, co. Galway holding between the paws a bundle of Bowley, a mullet of five points pierced,
A(i) wolf's head erased az. (for arrows or, barbed arg., and banded and through the perforation a sword.
AMiller). (2) falcon close ppr., beUed Bowley, a sword in pale between two
—with a ribbon az. Jaculis nee arcu.
or [for Bowen). Nil conscire sihi. Bonne et belle assez. 23. 5 branches of laurel in orle. 170. 3
Bower, Herbert Morris, Esquire, of Elm-
Bowes of London, a demi-leopard ram- Bowman, Scotland, a demi-blackamoor
crofts, and Trinity Hill, Ripon, a boar
passant arg., semee of escallops sa. pant gardant gu., holding between the shooting an arrow from a bow, all ppr.
cf. 185. 6
paws a bundle of arrows or, pointed
arg., banded az. 23. 5 Bowman, a stag trippant vulned in the
Bowes, Lord Bowes of Clonlyon, co. shoulder with an arrow, all ppr.
Fortis propositi tenax. Meath, Ireland, a demi-lion rampant cf. 117. 8
Bowman of Ashenyards, Scotland, a Bowring, Lewin Bentham, Esquire, East Boyce, Robert Henry, Esquire, C.B., of
India United Service Club, same crest.
quiver of arrows in pale ppr. Sublimia Ee Yuan, Hampton Wick, out of a
Bowser and Bowssar of Stone, Glouc, a
cures. cf. 174- 4 demi-talbot gu., gorged with a collar tower ppr., a demi-lion rampant gu.,
chequy or and az., charged on the
Bowman, on the stump of a tree ppr., a holding between the paws an escar-
body with three guttees-d'or.
quiver vert, of arrows gu., flighted az., buncle or. Semper fidelis. 263. 3
cf. 55. II Boycott, see Wight-Boycott.
suspended by a belt sa. Bowyer, Sir George Henry, Bart., of
Boycott, see Morse-Boycott.
Bowman, Scotland, a quiverful of arrows Denham Court, Bucks, and Radley,
" " from an oak-tree couped at Berks, a falcon rising and belled or. Boycott of Boycott, Hinton. and Rudge,
ppi 87. I. CorUentement passe rich esse. Shropsh., out of a mural coronet an
Bowman of Hethleton, Dorset, on arm in armour erabowed casting a
raguled, couped and erect arg., a
grenado, all ppr. Pro rege et religione.
quiver of arrows gu., flighted of the {The foregoing is the crest as registered 197. 10
first, buckled on the stafi with a belt
in the College of Arms, but, as appe'irs Boycott, Henry, Esquire, the Firs, Iron-
from the Visitations, the family have at
sa. bridge, Shropsh., o>it of a mural
Bowman, Sir William Paget, Bart., on a other times made use of the following coronet an arm in armour embowed
crests: (l) -4 demi-man ppr., shooting
mount vert, the stump of a tree ppr. casting a grenado, all ppr. Pro rege et
around the upper part a belt sa. with a bow and arrow arg., the arrow religione. 197. 10
tipped or. 186. 6. (2) On a ducal
therefrom pendent on the dexter side Boyd, John, Maxpoffle, Roxburgsh.,
a quiver gu., filled with arrows arg. coronet or, an heraldic tiger sejant arg. Scotland, a dexter hand erect pointing
Quondam his vicinus artnis. 251. 9 25. 7. (3) An arm couped at the elbow with the thumb and two forefingers
Bowman, Alfred John, Esquire, of Bust- and erect habited gu., charged with three ppr. Confido. 222T11
hall Lodge, Tunbridge Wells, on a bends and cuffed or, holding in the hand Boyd of Pitcon, a dexter hand pointing
wreath of the colours, a stag gorged ppr., a dragon's liead erased, cf. 208. 7. with the thumb and two forefingers to
(4) Out of a tower gu., a demi-dragon
with a chaplet of olive ppr., attired rampant or. cf. 157. 5.) the sun ppr. Spes mta in coelis.
or, pierced on either side by an arrow Bowyer, an eagle's head erased arg.,
in bend sinister gu., and resting the holding in the mouth an anchor gu. Boyd, William Henry, Esquire, J.P.. D.L.,
dexter leg on an antique shield or, of Ballymacool House, co. Donegal,
transfixed by an airow in bend, also
gu. Vulneratussednonviclus. 257. 16 by the middle of the shank, the flukes Ireland, a dexter hand couped at the
Bowman of Wissingset, Norf., a sword in
pale arg., hilt and pommel or, on each downward. wrist erect pointing upwards with the
side of the blade a demi-annulet in- thumb and first two fingers ppr., the
Bowyer of Knipersley, Staffs, Lines, and hand charged with a trefoil or. Con-
Sussex, out of a tower gu., a demi-
dragon rampant or. cf. 157. 5 fido. cf. 222. II
dented of the second. Bowyer, Hants, a cubit arm erect holding Boyd, George Fenwick, J.P., Moor House,
Bown, a hand holding an escutcheon
in the hand a serpent coiled round Durh., in front of a dexter hand couped
charged with a rose. cf. 219. 7 the aU ppr. 220. 2 at the wrist pointing upwards with
Bownas, out of a ducal coronet a sceptre Bowyer, on a mount vert, a tower triple the thumb and two fingers ppr., four
environed by two serpents between towered gu., thereon a demi-dragon or. lozenges conformed in fesse az. Con-
two wings, all ppr. 170. 13 Bowyer, an arm couped at the elbow and fido. 222. I
Bownas, on a mount vert, a swan with erect, vested gu., cuffed arg., holding Boyd, Veu. Charles Twining, of Columba,
the wings displayed erm., and each in the hand a fish. Ceylon, .same crest and motto.
charged with a lozenge gu., holding Bowyn, .see Bowne. Boyd, William, Esquire, of North House,
in the beak an arrow ppr. Box, Oxon., an arm couped at the elbow- Long Benton, Newcastle, same crest
Bownder of Limerick, a demi-lion ram- in fess, vested gu., cuffed arg., holding and motto.
pant or, guttee-de-sang, holding in the erect in the hand ppr. a branch of Boyd, Captain John Theodore Thomas,
dexter paw a sword ppr., pommel and box vert, at the elbow another branch of Glenfern, St. Kilda, Melbourne,
hilt of the first, enfiled with a mural erect. Victoria, Australia, formerly of the
Box, a demi-griffin or, winged az., the
crown of the first. cf. 14. 12 nth Regiment of Infantry, a dexter
first feather, also or, holding between hand couped at the wrist erect pointing
Bowne and Bowyn, on the top of a tower the claws a fireball of the same in- with the thumb and first two fingers,
issuing from the ^vreath an eagle with
wings addorsed ppr., holding in the flamed gu. the others turning down. 222. 1
beak an acorn slipped and leaved Boxall, Sir Charles Gervaise, K.C.B., Boyd, Stanley, M.B., 134, Harley Street,
vert. 7fi. 10 Battlemead, Maidenhead, two anchors W., out of a ducal coronet or, a dexter
Bownell, a savage's head from the shoul- in saltire and cabled surmounted by hand erect, the third and fourth
ders helmeted, all ppr. cf. 192. 7 an escutcheon pendent by a ribbon, fingers folded down. Confido.
Bownes, an oak-tree ppr., therefrom an all az., charged with a fret arg. Boyd of Pinkell, Scotland, a cross moline
escutcheon pendent gu. Boxall, W. P. G., M.A., K.C., of Ivory's, sa. Prudeniia me sustinet. 165. 11
Bownes, out of a ducal coronet a cock's Cowfold, Sussex, same crest. Spes mea Boyd, Sir John, of Maxpoffle, Roxburgh,
head, all ppr. 90. 6 in Deo. Scotland, (late Lord Provost of Edin-
Bowre of Dunhead, St. Andrews, Dorset, Boxall and Boxall, an eagle's leg erased burgh), a dexter hand pointing upwards
a talbot's head sa. 56. 1 in fess holding a feather in pale. with the thumb and two fingers ppr.
Bowrie, Scotland, a demi-lion az., holding 113- 12 Confido. 222. II
in the dexter paw a dagger, all ppr. Boxall, a gadfly ppr. Boyd of Trochrig, Scotland, a sundifd or.
Quod non pro patria. cf. 14. 12 Boxell, Sussex, out of a ducal coronet a Eternitatem cogita. 176. 7
Bowring, a parrot vert, feeding on a boar's head and neck, all or. Per tela Boyd, Bart., of Danson, Kent, three
bunch of cherries ppr. loi. 8 per hostes. 41. 4 ostrich-feathers sa. Confido. 115.:
Bowring, John Frederick Edward, Es- Boxhall, Boxhul!, and Boxmell, Sussex, Boyd, Scotland a star of five points or.
quire, of Forest Farm, Windsor two anchors in saltier az. 161. 7 Virtus vobilitat. 164. 2
Forest, Berks, a demi-lion rampant Boxsted and Boxstead, a band issuing Boyd - Rochfort : (i) Out of a ducal
or, grasping in the dexter paw an pulhng a thi.^itle. 21 8. 5 coronet or, a hand erect with the
arrow in bend sinister, and in the
sinister paw an Oriental bow paleways Boyare, out of a castle gu., a demi- third and fourth fingers folded {for
ppr. K-unquam mutans. Boyd), cf. 222. II. (2) On a mural
dragon or. cf. 157. 5 crown or, a robin redbreast ppr.,
Boyce or Boyse, a lion rampant. 1.13
Bowring, Edgar Alfred, Esquire, of 30, Boyce and Boyse, England and Scotland, charged with a cross pattee, also or
Eaton Place, London, same crest and a star of six points or, within a crescent (for Rochford). Confido.—Candor dat
motto. arg. 163. 4 viribus alas. cf. 108. 10
Bowring, John Frederick Edward, of Boyce or Boyse, Ireland, a castle triple-
Forest Farm, Windsor Forest, same towered, out of middle tower a demi-
crest and motto. lion rampant. IS,''. II
Boydeil, C'hesh., a stag statant pierced Boys, Lines, a stag's head couped arg., Brace, a lion's face ppr., ducally crowned
attired gu., between the attires a
in the side with an arrow in bend mound and a cross or. or, within two laurel- branches in orle
sinister. 117. 10 vert. cf. 21. II
Boydeil, a Saracen's head couped ppr., Boys of Hoston, Norf., an owl arg., ducally Brace, Worcs., an arm in armour em-
crowned or, in a holly-bush ppr.
thereon a cap gu., turned up erm., the bowed holding in the hand, all ppr., a
Boys, Kent, on a chapeau az., turned up
end hanging down with a bell attached erm., a demi-lion arg., ducally crowned sword arg., hilted or. 195-2
to it or. Brace, Frank Addison, Esquire, of
Boyer and Boyes, a lady's arm from the or. 15. 14 Doveridgs Hall, Derbysh., an arm
embowed vested in chain-mail arg.,
elbow erect ppr., enfiled with a brace- Boys of Betshanger, Kent, a demi-lion
let sa. 222. 6 arg., ducally crowned or. 10. 11 the hand grasping a scimitar ppr.
Boyer, a demi-grifBn segreant. 64. 2 Boyse, a buck's head erased attired gu. Festina lente.
Boyer, an arm from the elbow erect, 121. 2 Brace, a dexter arm embowed in chain
vested, cuffed, holding in the hand ppr. Boyson, an eagle vert, with wings dis- armour, the hand grasping a sword
three trefoils slipped vert. played erminois, armed or. 77. 5 ppr., pommel and hilt or, attached to
Boyes, Charles Crofton, Esquire, of Boyton, a crow transfixed mth an arrow, the blade a flag az., charged with an
Kawaran Falls Station, Otago, New the brings expanded ppr. 107. 1 anchor of the second.
Zealand, a sword erect ppr., hilted and Boyton, co. Tipperary, Ireland, a falcon Brace, out of a naval crown or, a dexter
arm embowed in chain armour, the
pommelled or. Ex aniino. 170. 2 close ppr., holding in the beak a spur
Boyes, a hand holding a. cross pattee or, leathered sa. Per damna, per hand holding the flag of the kingdom
titched ppr. 221. 12 cmdes. of Holland in the year 1808, all ppr.
Boyton, Rev. Canon, of the Deanery,
Boyes and Boys, Scotland, a dog sejant Bracebridge, Suff., on a mount vert, a
Londonderry, and Convoy House, co.
ppr. Attendez vous. 57. 9 Donegal, same crest and motto. wolf passant arg. cf. 28. 10
Boyle, a griffin's head erased or, gorged Bracebridge and Brasbridge, Lines, the
with a ducal coronet az., holding in BoyviUe, De, a demi-eagle displayed with stump of a tree ppr., raguled or.
the beak a branch of laurel fructed ppr. two heads or. cf. 82. i Bracebridge, Warw., a staff raguly arg.
66. II Boyzell, a talbot's head sa., holding in Be as God will. cf. 147. 10
Boyle, Ireland, a human heart gu., be- the mouth a stag's horn or. Bracegirdle of Bracegirdle Green, Chesh.,
tween a cross and a sword in saltire
Brabant, Devonsh., a rose gu., slipped two augers erect and addorsed con-
and leaved vert, and the point of a
ppr. joined with a girdle gu.
lance or, in saltier. cf. 1 50. i Bracester, on a cloud a mullet of six
Boyle, Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Edmund
St. Lawrence, K.P., Earl of Cork and Brabant, His Honour Herbert William, points. cf. 164. II
Orrery, and Viscount and Baron Boyle, of St. John's, Wanganui, New Zealand, Bracey, a unicorn sejant, resting the
on a ducal coronet or, a lion's head Resident Magistrate at Wanganui, and dexter foot against an oak-tree ppr.
—erased per pale crenellee arg. and gu. Judge of the Native Land Court of 48. ,^
Honor virtutis prcemium. God's Provi- New Zealand, a falcon close, Dum Bracher, Berks, a demi-leopard rampani
dence is my inheritance. cf. 19. 10 spiro spero. 85. 2 gardant ppr. Primi et ultimi in belleo.
Boyle, Sir Charles Cavendish, K.C.M.G., Brabantine, a dog passant arg., collared cf. 23. 4
Bracken of Hillam Hall, South Milford,
same crest and second motto. or, the collar charged with three
Yorks, a cathevine-wheel. Viguer de
Boyle, Earl of Shannon and Viscount leopards' faces sa.
Boyle, see Shannon. Brabazon, Leics., over a mount vert, a dessiis. 167. 2
Boyle, Rt. Hon. Sir David, G.C.M.G., falcon volant or. cf. 88. 3 Brackenbury, a savage's head couped
Earl of Glasgow, an eagle displayed Brabazon, Colthurst-, of Danesfort, co. ppr. 190. 12
with two heads per pale embattled Kerry, Ireland, on a mount vert, a Brackenbury of Skendleby, Lines, a lion
arg. and gu. Dominus providebit. falcon rising or, charged on the breast couchaut gardant sa., at the foot
74- 2 with a cross crosslet gu. Vota vita of an oak-tree ppr. Sans recuieller
Boyle of Shewalton, Ayr, same crest and
mea. cf. 87. i jamais.
motto. Brabazon, Major-General John Palmer, Brackenridge of Ashfield Park, co. Tyrone,
Boymen, Boynam, Bonbam, and Boynan,
of Brabazon Park, Swinford, co. Mayo, a pile gu., charged with a rose arg.,
the trunk of a tree in fess, ensigned
between the branches with a fleur-de- and 10, Wilton Crescent, London, S.W., barbed vert, seeded or, between two
on a mount vert, a falcon rising, belled wings az. Virtute et industria.
lis. 145. 13 or, charged with a fleur-de-lis az. 111-4
Boyne, Viscount (Hamilton - Russell),
Vota vita mea. Brackesby, a boar's head and neck
ABrancepeth Castle, Durh. : (i) goat
Brabazon, William Philip, Esquire, of couped gu., bristled or. 41. i
passant arg., collared gemelle, and
Brook House, Lymm, near Warrington, Brackley, Viscount, see Ellesmere, Earl
charged on the body with an escallop
sa. dor Rnssdl). cf. 129. 5. (2) Out same crest and motto. of.
of a ducal coronet or, an oak ppr.,
fructed of the first, and penetrated Brabazon, Earl of Meath and Baron Brackshaw, a buck's head couped ppr,
transversely in the main stem by a
Brabazon, see Meath. 121. 5
Bracy, De, Shrop.sh., a falcon standing
Brabourne and Brabon of London and
on the trunk of a tree in fess, and
Devonsh., a mewed hawk ppr., armed sprouting a branch on the dexter side.
Bracy of Maddresfield, a human heart
frame-saw, also ppr. (for Hamilton), az., jessed and belled or. cf. 86. 8
ycc timeo, nee sperno. 143. 8 Brabourne, Baron (KnatchbuU-Hugessen),
Boynell and Boyville, a boy pulling a Smeeth Padtlocks, near Ashford : pierced sa.
branth from a tree. cf. 189. 6 (i) An oak-tree ppr. between two wings Bracy or Bracey, a garb environed by
Boynton, Sir Griffith Henry, Bart., of elevated, the pinions az., feathered or two snakes ppr. I53; 3
Barmston, Yorks, a goat passant sa., Ifor Hugesscn). 236. 3. (2) On a Brad, a griffin sejant erect, holding
chapeau az., turned up erm., an ounce
puttee d'argent, armed, crined, and between the fore-claws a battle-axe.
ungu or. II tempo p(issa. statant arg., spotted sa. (for Knatch- Bradberry, a demi-dove arg., fretty gu.,
Boynton, a goat passant sa., armed or, btdl). In crucifixa gloria mea. 24. i holding in the beak a slip of barberry
ducally gorged arg. cj. 129. 5 Braby, James, J.P., Rudgwick, Sussex, a vert, fructed ppr.
Bradbridge, Bredbridge, or Brodbridge,
Boynton, on a cinquefoil gu., a talbot's martlet ppr. Ex industria decus.
a leopard's head erased arg., pellettee
head er.ised sa., guttee d'or. Bracays and Brakes, a demi-leopard ducally gorged or, between two spears
Boynton, an arm from the elbow holding rampant gardant ppr. cf. 23. 4 ppr., headed of the first.
in the hand a millrind. Bracciano, Rome, on a ducal coronet an Bradbrook, William, M.R.C.S., Bletchley,
Bucks, a dexter arm embowed in
Boys, De, Essex, a wyvern arg. 70. i eagle displayed sa., gazing at a comet chain mail holding in the hand a
cross crosslet fitchee interlaced with a
Boys, Kent, a demi - dog gobonated sa. to the sinister ppr. mascle az, Firma nobis fides.
Braccinano, a dexter arm vested az.,
and or, holding an oak-branch leaved
cuffed arg., holding in the hand a sprig
and fructed of the last.
Boys, a dog sejant ppr. 57. 9 of roses ppr.
Bradl)urne and Bradbourne of Bradburne Bradford of Swindon, Wilts, a stag's head ppr., gorged with a collar gemel or,
and London, a pine-tree vert, fructed between two oak-trees, also ppr. T«
erased or. 121. 2
ne cede malis.
or. 144. 13 Bradford, General Sir Edward, Bart., Bradsbaw, Lanes, on a mount a stag
Bradbury of Derby and London, a dove
O.C.B., G.C.V.O., 50, South Audley ducally gorged standing under a vine
fructed, all ppr. Son nobis solum nati
issuing volant arg., fretty gu., in its Street, W., a stag's head erased or,
beak a slip of barberry vert, fructed
charged on the neck with a mural
g"- crown, and suspended from the mouth sumtts. cf. 116. 14
Bradbury, W. Lawrence, Esquire, of a bugle -horn stringed sa. Humani Bradshaw of Milecross, co. Down, Ireland,
Wbitefriars, London, E.C., a demi-
dove volant arg., fretty gu., holding in nihil alienum. 259. i on a mount vert, a buck statant beneath
the beak a slip of barberry vert, fructed
of the second. Carpe diem. Bradford, Ireland, a camel's head sa. an oak-tree ppr. Deus mihi spes et
Bradbury, Lanes, a demi-wood-pigeon 13^- 7 tutnmcn. 116. 13
arg., the body fretty gu., and each
wing charged with a buckle. JSquitas Bradgate, Leics., an arm in armour ppr., Bradshaw, Northumb., a stag trippant
banded with a ribbon vert, couped
below the elbow in bend, holding in under an oak-tree, all ppr. Dicu et
the hand ppr. the upper part of a mon devoir. cf. 116. 12
broken spear gu., the point downwards
Bradshaw, Shropsh., a wolf's head erased
actionem regtda. arg., coUared and lined. cf. 30. 11
Bradbury, Thomas Haigh. Esquire, of
arg. Bradston, a dove with an olive-branch in
Bradley, Huddersfield, Yorks. a demi-
BradhuU, Lanes, a badger passant or. the beak ppr. 92. 5
woodpigeon, wings displayed arg., 33- 10 Bradston and Bradesfon, Glouc, out of
each wing charged with a round Bradley and Bradeley, a boar sa., bristled
buckle, the tongue pendent sa., and a ducal coronet or, a boar's head sa.
in the beak a sprig of barberry, leaved and ungu. or, gorged with a garland
and fructed over the branch of a tree 41. 4
vert. 40. 6 Bradstreet, Ireland, a unicorn's head
Bradley, Lanes and London, a boar's head between two laurel-branches in orle.
fessewise ppr. JEquitas actionem couped gu. 43. I 49. 14
regiUa. Bradley, Ireland, a bull's head cabossed Bradstreet, Sir Edmund Simon, Bart.,
Bradbury, Essex and Suff., a boar's head ppr. 43. 8 CastiUa, Clontarf, co. Dublin, Ireland,
erect between two ostrich-feathers
Bradley of Stourbridge, Worcs., a grey- an arm in armour embowed, the hand
ppr. 41. 14 hound statant. Vigilans et audax. grasping a scimitar, all ppr. Virtute
Bradbury, Augustus Beaty, Esquire, of cf. 60. 2 etnonvi. 196. 10
Edinburgli, between two ears of wheat Bradley of Gore Court, Kent: (i) A Bradwarden, a demi-otter rampant.
or, a sword erect point do-miwards dexter arm embowed in armour, hold- 134. II
ppr., pendent from the hilt by a ing a battle-axe, all ppr. (for Bradley). Bradwell, Chesh., a rock ppr. 179. 7
chain or, an escutcheon arg., charged A200. 6. (2) heraldic antelope's head Brady of Ely, Cambs, a cherub ppr.,
with a heart gu. Amicitia cum erased, armed, and crined or, langued crined and winged or. In Deo fides.
virtute. 154. S gu. (jorDyne). cf. 127. 11 189. 9
Brady, Ireland, a cherub ppr., the wings
Bradby, a serpent half erect and nowed, Bradley, on a thorn-bush a nightingale
in its mouth a garland of laurel ppr. ppr. *5- 7 or. 1S9. 9
Brady, A. Newton. Esquire, Maryville.
142. 7 Bradley, Ireland, a martlet or, holding
Braddick of Boughton Mount, near in the beak a cross formee fitchee sa. Ennis, co. Clare, a cherub's head and
Maidstone, a dapple-gray horse statant, cj. 95- 8 neck ppi., between two wnngs or.
the dexter fore-foot resting upon an Brady, Geale- : (i) A cherub's head and
Bradling, an arm in armour couped at the
escutcheon vert, charged with a stag's shoulder embowed and lying in fess, neck ppr., between two wings or {for
head caboshed or. the elbow on the ,%Teath, holding in ABrady), cf. 189. 9. (2) unicorn's
the hand a sword, all ppr.
Braddon, the late Sir Edward Nicholas Bradney, a hawk ppr., belled and jessed head and neck or, charged with an
Coventry, K.C.M.G., of 5, Victoria anchor sa. (for Geale). Claritate dextra.
Street, S.W., a man's face affrontee or. cf. 85. 2 cf. 49. 7 .
Bradney, Joseph Alfred, Esquire, J.P. Brady, on a mount vert, a griffin sejant
between two arms in armour counter-
and D.L., of Bradney, in the county of or, beaked sa., supporting with the
embowed, the hands gaimtleted. Axit Somerset, and of Tal-y-Coed, in the dexter claw an escutcheon arg.
county of Monmouth, a hawk close
mors ant libertas. ppr., legged, jessed, and belled or,
holding in the beak a trefoil vert, and
Braddyll, an anchor in pale surmounted in the dexter claw a cross pattee cf. 62. II
fitchee sa. Mors gloria forti.
by a fleuT-de-lis. 161. 9 Brady, Cambs, on a mount vert, a griffin
Braddyll, Lanes, a badger passant or. sejant or, beaked gu. cf. 62. 10
Cognoies toif mesme. 3^. 10 Brady, Sir Francis WiUiam, Bart., K.C.,
Braddyll, Thomas Richmond Gale, Sorrento Cottage, Dalkey, co. Dublin,
Esquire, of Conishead Priory, Lanes : 86. 5 a martlet or, charged on the breast
Bradney of Bayford Lodge, Wincanton,
A(1) badger passant or (for Braddyll). with a trefoil slipped vert. Vincit
(2) A unicorn's head ppr., charged
Somers., Spring Grove, Bishopstoke, pericula virtus. cf. .95. 2
with two palets az., over all an anchor Hants, a hawk close ppr., belled, jessed,
and legged or, holding in its dexter Brady of London, Devonsh., and Hants,
or (lor Gale). Cognoies toy mesme. an arm in armour embowed holding
foot a cross pattee fitchee sa., and in in the hand an ohve-branch fructed, all
Brade, a beehive with bees volant ppr. its beak a trefoil vert, jl/ors gloria ppr. cf. 199. 12
137- 7 jorli. Brady, Ireland, a hand cutting at a feather
Bradestone, Bradstone, and Bradston,
Bradney, Joseph Alfred, Esquire, of with a scimitar ppr. 213. 7
Tal-y-Coed, near Monmouth, same
out of a ducal coronet, two lion's gambs Brady, Browne-, Thomas, Esquire, of
in saltier ppr. "59. 12 crest and motto. Newgrove, Tulla, co. Clare ; Kilbegs,
Blessington, co. Wicklow ; and Cartron,
Bradfield, Norf., a hand holding two Bradsay and Bradsey, a demi-greyhound
branches of palm in orle. 21S. 7 collared. 60. 8 Burren, co. Clare, an eagle displayed
Bradfoot, Braidfoot, and Bradfute, Scot- Bradshagh, Bradshaigh, and Bradsbaw, with two heads per pale arg. and sa.,
land, a demi-grilfin segreant or, armed Chesh., Lanes, and Leics., on a mount the dexter wing charged with a pellet
gu. 64. 2 vert, a stag at gaze ppr., under a vine- and the sinister with a plate. Nee
Bradford, Earl of, see Bridgeman.
tree, also ppr., fructed purp. Qtii vit timeo. nee sperno.
Brae, Thomas, Esquire, of Bengal, upon
Bradford, Robert Dickie, Aldbrough, content tient assez. 116. 14
a mount vert, an eagle rising ppr.,
Hull, a lion rampant holding between Bradshaw of Barton Blount, Derbysh., a crowned with an Eastern crown or,
charged on the breast with a hurt,
its paws a -nTeath of roses. Generous hart gu., standing under a vine-branch and on each wing with a fleur-de-lis az.
Bragden and Bragdon of London, a boar
thoTigh 'powerful. vert. Qui vit content tient assez.
issuant out of a rock, all ppr.
Bradford, Yorks, a peacock's head ppr., cf. 116. 14
Bradsbaw, Frank, Lifton Park, Devonsh.,
holding in the beak a snake entwined
a mount vert, thereon a stag statant
round the neck vert. c/. 103. 3
Brage or Bragge of London and Essex, I Braksdall, a sheaf of arrows ppr., feath- crown vallery or, a leopard's head arg.,
semee of escallops and gorged with a
out of a ducal coronet per pale arg. ered and banded gu. 173. 3 collar gemel gu. Paur bien desirer.
Brand, Scotland, two elephants' probosces
and or, a bull's head sa., armed of Brakyn of Chesterton, Cambs, a hawk's couped, flexed, and reflexed arg., the
dexter charged with three mascles, the
the second. 44- 1 head erased arg., ducally gorged or. sinister with three spur-rowels sa. Aye
Brages and Bruges of London, on an cf. 88. 12
Brakyn, a whale's head erect arg.,
anchor or, a scroll bearing the motto
charged with a bend between two
3Iihi ccelitm partus. cf. i6i. i bendlets az., thereon three lozenges
Bragg or Bragge, Scotland, and of West farward.
Clandon, Surrey, out of a ducal or, all between two cinquefoUs of the Brand, in front of a tree a stag statant
coronet or, a bull's head sa. 44. 1 last, stalked and leaved vert. ppr. cf. 116. 13
Bragg, Somers., a lion's head erased arg., Bramble, Dorset, a demi-lion rampant Brand, on the stump of a tree in fess
collared vaire or and az. 18. 13 gu., ducally crowned or, and holding erased, shooting forth a new branch,
in the dexter paw a cross pattee iitchee
Bragg, Berks, an ostrich-feather enfiled an eagle statant regardant.
with a ducal coronet. Per virtutem of the last. Temere ne sperne. Brand, Surrey, out of a ducal coronet or,
scientiam. 114- 12 cf. 10. II a cockatrice's head gu., between two
Bragge, Scotland, a hand holding a Bramble, James Roger, Lieutenant- wings ppr. 68. II
sword. Honorat mors. 212. 13 Colonel, J.P., F.S.A., Seafield, Weston- Brand, a vol with a baton or in paJe,
Bragge, see Brage. super-Mare, same crest and motto. ensigned on the top with the unicorn
Braham of London and Finchley, Middx., Bramfell, out of a ducal coronet an arm of Scotland. Advance.
on a bar dancettee arg., a phanix embowed wielding a scimitar.
erm., winged az., the flames of &e Brander, see Dunbar-Brander.
cf. 201. 2
ppr., and holding in the beak a lyre Bramhall, Yorks and Chesh., a lion Brander, an elephant passant arg.
or. passant or. Sanguine Christetuo. 6.2 c/- 133- 9
Brander, Hants, a phcenix in flames ppr.
Braham of London and Berks, out of a Bramhall, a lion passant or, charged on 82. 2
ducal coronet or, a plume of five the shoulder with a crescent for differ- Brander, Surrey and Scotland, a dove
regardant holding in the beak an
ostrich-feathers sa. 114. 13 cf. 6. 2
Braham, four ostrich-feathers sa., enfiled Eramley, a pheasant ppr. cf. go. 8 olive-branch ppr. Silentio et spe.
with a ducal coronet or. Brampston, a fetterlock az. 168. 12 92. 4
Brander, an arm from the elbow ppr.,
Braham of London and Bucks, a cubit Brampton, Baron (Hawkins), 5, Tilney
arm erect, vested bendy wavy of four
Street, Park Lane, W., on a fasces vested chequy or and az., holding a
az. and gu., holding in the hand ppr. fesswise ppr., a fox passant or. Toujaurs branch of palm of the first.
a fish arg. prest. 234. 7 Brandeston, a dexter hand couped in
Braham, a wolf's head couped arg. 30. 5 Brampton of Attleborough, Norf., out of gu. 21. 6
Braid, a demi-lion gu. Floreat majestas. a mm-al coronet a talbot's head gu., Brandford of London, an eagle rising or,
10. 3 eared arg. 56. 6 holding in the beak a sprig of oak
Braidfoot, Scotland, a demi-griffin or.
Brampton of Brampton, Norf., on a tiger fructed vert. cf. 77. 2
64. 2
Braidwood, Scotland, an oak-tree fructed arg. bridled a naked man astride ppr., Brandling, Northumb., the stump of a
wreathed about the temples arg. and gu. tree couped and erased, from the top
ppr. Vigueur de dessus. 143. 5 Bramston, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas issuing flames, from the sinister side a
Braikenridge, George Weare, Esquire, of Harvey, of Skreens, Esses, a lion sprig aoorned and leaved, all, ppr. Fide
Broomwell House, Somers., on a sejant or, gorged with a collar sa., et virtute. cf. 145. 14
wreath of the colours (or and vert) a charged -nith three plates. cf. 7 4 Brandon, Duke of, see Hamilton, Duke of.
beehive or, between two rose-branches Bramston, a tun fesseways or, thereon a Brandon, Suff., a lion's head erased or,
ppr. Bella ac pace parntus. 294. 2 raven sa., holding in the beak a car- guttce-de-poix, crowned with a ducal
Braikenridge, George John, the Grove, nation-branch ppr. coronet party per fess arg. and gu.
Bush Hill, Middx., same crest and Bramwell, o\it of a ducal coronet or, two cf. I8. 8
motto. lion's gambs in saltier ppr. 39. 10 Brandon of London, a lion's head erased
Braikenridge, William Jerdone, Esquire, arg., charged with two bars gu., on
Bramwell, Baron (Rt. Hon. Sir George
Claremont, Clevedon, and 16, Royal each of which three bezants, cf. 17. 8
Crescent, Bath, same crest and motto. William Wilshere Bramwell), two lion's Brandram, a lamb passant arg., charged
gambs erased in saltier or, supporting with a pile wavy between two fer-de-
moulines sa., on the pile a bee volant
Brailsford, out of a ducal coronet a a sword in fesse, the point to the dexter or. 131- 6
Brandreth, Beds: (1) An escallop arg.,
dragon's head. 72. 4 ppr. Diligenter. 39. 3 in front thereof a sword erect point
Brailstord, lines, a unicorn's head arg., Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph, Bart., downwards ppr. (for Brandreth). (2)
erased gu., armed and maned or, en- Holmwood, Edenbridge, Kent, the A gauntlet fesswise ppr., thereon a
twined by a serpent ppr., and charged same crest and motto. mullet pierced or (for Gibbs). Nun-
on the neck with a pomme, thereon a Branch, out of a ducal coronet or, a quam nan paratus.
Brandreth, a Paschal lamb couchant arg.
cross arg. In Jehavah fides viea. cock's head az., combed gu., holding
cf. 131. 13
49. 2 in the beak a branch vert. cf. 90. 6 Brandreth, Staffs and Lines, same crest.
Brandreth of Leese, Cheshiie, and the
Braimor, Scotland, an arm in armour Branche of London, out of a ducal
Manor, Buckland Newton, Dorchester,
embowed throwing a pheon hafted. coronet or, a cock's head az., beaked Dorset, same crest. Fortunam honestant
of the fu'st, combed and wattled gu.
Brain or Braine, a hurt charged with a 90. 6
talbot's head erased or. cf. 57. 5 Brancker, a cubit arm vested sa., cuffed
Brain, Samuel Arthur, Esquire, of Rox- arg., holding in the hand ppr. a lozenge
burgh, Penarth, South Wales, a of the first.
leopard's head couped arg., charged Brand of Laurieston, Scotland, a vol ppr. virtute.
with a pale gu., and encircled by a 113. I Brandt, a stag rising out of a bush ppr.
116. I
branch of oak vert Ardaa tendo. Brand, Suff. and London, out of a d\ical
Braine or Brayne, Glouc, a leopard's coronet or, a leopard's head gardant Brandwood, Durh., a vew-tree ppr. 143. i
head arg. 22. 10 arg., semee of roundles of various BranflU of Upminster Hall, Essex, out of
Braithwait, Yorks, a greyhound couchant colours. cf. 23. II a cloud a naked arm holding a sword,
arg., collared and lined gu. cf. 60. i Brand of London, a leopard's head and aUppr. Not in vain. 223. lo
Braithwait, on a mount vert, a greyhound neck erased gardant quarterly arg. and Brangan of Dublin, a cubit arm erect
couchant. cf. 60. i or, semee of pellets, pomeis, and tor- vested vert, cuffed arg., the hand ppr.,
Braithwaite, Robert, 26, Endymion Road, teaux. cf. 23. 3 holding a cross moline or. 207. 4
Brixton Hill, S.W., a greyhound Brand, Hon. Arthur George, of Pelham Branscomb, Branscombe, and Bronscomb,
a lion passant regardant ducally gorged
couchant arg., collared and chained or. House, Lewes, Osborne House, Wis-
bech, 50, Park Street, W., out of a and chained, all ppr. 6. 3
Brant, a lion passant or. 6. 2 Bray of Langford Hill, Cornw., out of a Brecknock and Brecknoy, an arm erect
ducal coronet az., a griffin's head erm.,
Branthwaite, Brantwayte, and Braith- issuing from clouds holding an anchor
waite of London, on a rock ppr., an beaked or. 67. 9 in pale. 219. 2
eagle rising arg. Bray, an ounce ppr. 24. 2 Brecknock, Earl of, see Camden, Mar-
Brantingham, Devonsh., an oak-tree ppr. Bray, an arm erect vested az., holding
143- 5 in the hand ppr. a chaplet vert. Bredel of London, an owl ppr. Nitor in
Branton-Day, Ralph, Esquire, of Great
(•/. 205. 4 adversum. 96. 5
Sarratt Hall, Rickraansworth, Herts, Bray, Beds and Sussex, a lion passant
on a mount vert, thereon two hands Bredon, Alexander Macaulay, Esquire,
conjoined ppr., cuffed arg., fixed to a gardant or, between two wings ad-
Scarborough, Yorks, a demi-lion ram-
pair of wings, the dexter erminois,
charged with a muUet pierced sa., dorsed vairc or and az. pant arg., holding in the dexter paw a
and the sinister ermines charged with Braybroke, Suff., a maiden's head ppr.,
a mullet pierced arg. Surge dies est. cross pattee fitchee gu., the sinister
Brasbrldge, Warw., a staff raguly arg. crined or, wTeathed with a garland of
paw resting on a passion-nail or,
c/. 147- lo
violets and leaves of the first. Vincit Veritas.
c/. 182. 10
Bredon, Matthew Boyd, Esquire, of
Braybrooke, Baron (Neville), of Audley BaUinataggart House, Portadown,
Dowth Lodge, Drogheda, and 39,
End, Saffron Walden, Essex, a bull Ovington Square, S.W., same crest
Bras-de-Fer, Jersey, an eagle displayed statant arg., pied sa., collared and
sa. 75- 2
chained or. Ne vile velis. cf. 45. 2 and motto.
Brash, Scotland, a hand erect issuing
from a cloud holding an anchor in Braybrooke, a Minerva's head affrontee, Bredon, Robert Edward, Esquire, of
Shanghai, same crest and motto.
aUppr. cf. 182. I
pale ppr. 2I9- 2 Braye, Baron (Verney-Cave), Stanford Bree, a hand couped in fess. 221. 6
Brash, Edward Alexander, surgeon, Hall, Market Harborou^h : (i) A grey- Breedon, Berks and Northamp., a demi-
35, Southernhay West, Exeter, same lion arg., holding in its dexter paw a
hound courant sa., collared arg., and
crest. holding in the mouth an escroU, cross pattee fitched gu. c/. 11. 10
Brashier or Brasier, Ireland, a demi-lion thereon the motto Gardez (/or Cave). Breek, a demi-lion ppr. Firmus maneo.
rampant per pale or and sa. Amor (2) A demi-phcenix beholding a ray 10. 2
patriae. lO. 2 —of the sun, all ppr. {/or Verney). Un Breen, Henry Hcgart, Esquire, F.S.A.,
Administrator of the Government of
Brasier or Brazier, a dove holding in its tout sent. Gardez. c/. 82. 2
beak an olive-branch ppr. 92. 5 Braye, Cornw., see Bray. the Island of St. Lucia and its de-
Braye, out of a ducal coronet or, a plume pendencies, two arms in armour em-
Brassey, a hand throwing a dart ppr. bowed and interlaced ppr., in the
of five ostrich-feathers, three arg., two
c). 214. 4
Brassey, Baron (Sir Thomas Brassey, az., on the top of the plume a griffin's dexter hand a sword, also ppr., and in
K.C.B.), Normanhurst, Battle, a mal- headgu. c/. 114. 13 the sinister hand a passion-cross gu.
lard arg., beaked and legged gu. Ar-
Braye, H. H., surgeon, Hurstmonceux, Brees and Breeze, a stag at gaze or.
?,Albert, Esquire, J.R.ofHeythrop, 31, King Edward Road, Hackney, N.E., II7- 3
Chipping Norton, Oxon., and 29, a hemp braye (or ilax-breaker) or.
Breeton, a naked arm embowed holding
302. 13 in the hand ppr. a wreath of laurel
Berkeley Square, S.W., a mallard ppr. Brayleslord and Braylford, Derbysh., out
Arduis scepe melu nunquam.
Brassey, Henry Leonard Campbell, of of a ducal coronet or, a stag's head Brember of London, tw-o arms in
Preston Hall, Aylesford, Kent, Sefton
affrontee ppr. 119. 13 embowed holding a battle-axe, all
Brayne, Glouc, from behind a mount ppr. 194. 12
Lodge, Newmarket, same crest and vert, the sun rising ppr. 162. 7 Bremer, Devonsh., out of a naval coronet
Brassy, a unicorn sejant resting the Braynton, a griffin's head erased ppr. or, the sails arg., a dexter cubit arm
dexter foot against an oak-tree ppr.
66. 2 in armour holding in the hand, gaunt-
48- 3
Brathwayte of Westminster, a greytoiind Braytoft, Lines, a demi-lion rampant gu., leted or, a sword ppr., hilt and
couchant arg., collared and lined gu., crusily arg. c/. 10. 3 pommel of the first, between two
Brazier, «ee Brasier and Brashier. branches of oak or, the arm charged
Breach, an escarbuncle gu. 164. 12 Awith an anchor erect sa. la verite.
studded and ringed or. cj. 60. i Breach of Cirencester, Glouc, an antelope 210. 10
Bratshaw, a bugle-hom stringed. sejant ppr. c/. 126. 4 Bremner, England and Scotland, a dexter
228. II Breadalbane, Marquess and Earl of, and arm vambraeed holding in the gauntlet
Bratt, Staffs, two greyhounds' heads Baron, Earl of Orraelie, etc. (Rt. Hon. a pheon erect. Per tela, per hosles.
erased, collared, and addorsed ppr. Sir Gavin Campbell), Taymouth Castle, c/. 211. 7
60. 12 Aberfeldy, Scotland, a boar's head Bremner, a cock's head erased. 90. i
Brattle, between a laurel and a myrtle erased ppr. Follow me. 42. 2 Brenan, Ireland, out of a mural coronet
branch in saltier a battle-axe, all ppr. Bream of London, a cubit arm erect a demi-eagle displayed. c/. 80. 7
172. 12 vested bendy of six or and az., cuffed Brenan and Brennan, Ireland, a wheel gu.
Braunch, out of a ducal coronet or, a of the first, the hand 167. I
demi-lion rampant pierced in the ppr. God is my de/endi Brenan, an arm in armour embowed, the
breast with an arrow. cj. i6. 3 Breanon, Scotland, an arm in armour hand grasping a dagger, all ppr. Siib
Braunch and Braunche, on a garb or, a embowed, holding a sword. 195-2 hoc .signo vinces. 195-4
bird sa. Breant, a demi-griffin regardant, holding Brenchesley and Brenchley, an annulet
Braund, Samuel, Esquire, of Devon House, a flag charged with a saltier. or, within it an escutcheon az., charged
Prospect, South Australia, issuant from c/. 64. 14 with a cross patonce of the first. 167. 6
clouds a dexter cubit arm in armour Brearey or Breary, the bust of a nun Brenchley, Kent, a dexter arm couped
holding in the hand a brand raguly couped at the shoulders affrontee, near the elbow holding a branch of
inflamed, all ppr., the arm charged veiled ppr. Jesu seul bon e hd. laurel ppr. 219. 9
with a cross bottony gu. Fidelis ad Brearly, a cross potent fitchee gu., be- Brende, Norf., a lion rampant gardant
extremum. tween two wings arg. arg. 2. 5
Braving, Wilts, a demi-talbot gu., guttee- Breary, see Brearey. Brende, Suff., the fore-part of a lion
d'or, ducally crowned arg. Breawse, a human lieart transfixed with gu., united to the hind-part of a dragon
Brawne of London and Surrey, out of a a sword in bend sinister, all ppr. 181. 6 vert, sejant.
mural coronet or, a dragon's head sa. Brebner of Lairney, Scotland, a cock's Brendon, an eagle displayed. 75-2
72. II head erased gu. 90. i Brenlee, a demi-griffin. 64. 2
Bray of Shere, Surrey, a flax-breaker or Breche, out of a cup arg., three roses Brennan, see Brenan.
Bray, Edward, Esquire, same crest. stalked and leaved ppr. 173. 3 Brent, Glouc, Kent, and Somers., a
Firmus dragon's head between two wmgs ex-
Bray, Reginald More, Esquire, of 17, the Breck or Breek, a demi-lion ppr.
~" ,
, S.W., same crest. maneo. 10. 2 1 panded arg. 72. 7
Brent, a lion rampant. i- i3 Breton, a wolf paly of eight or and az. Brewley, a lion rampant ppr., platee,
Brent, a wyvern's head between two 28. 10 holding in the paws a shield erm.,
wings arg., charged on the breast with Bretrook, a horse saddled and bridled, thereon a bend gu., charged with three
three ermine spots, one and two. at full speed. 52. i chevrons or.
cf. 72. 7 Brett, a sphinx passant. cf. 1S2. 12 Brews or BrewiS, out of a ducal coronet
Brentingham, an oak-tree ppr. 143. 5 Brett, Charles Henry, Esquire, of Gretton or, a cock's head ppr. go. 6
Brenton, Bart., out of a naval coronet Malone Road, a falcon ppr., jessed gu., Brews, Brewse, and Brewes, a lion
or, the circle thereof inscribed " Spar- belled and vervelled or. Yilia '.on- passant az. 4. 3
tan," a swan arg., guttee-de-sang. Go temnit aucupia. Brews or Brewse, a demi - Hercules
throngh. Brett, WiUiam Bailey, Esquire, of 58, clothed with a skin holding over the
Merrion Avenue, Blackrook, 00.
Brenton, a swan arg. 99. -2 shoulder a club ppr.
Brenton, a derai-savage afifrontte, hand- Dublin, same crest and motto. Brews or Brewes, out of a ducal coronet
cuffed ppr. 1S6. 12 Brett, Ireland, a crane regardant, wings gu., a lion's gamb ppr. 36. 12
Breos, De, an eagle rising regardant ppr. addorsed, resting the de.xter foot on a Brewster and Brewsted, Scotland, a
cf. 77. 4 stone. 105. 5 leopard's head erased az., bezantee.
Breres, Lanes, a nag's head erminois.
Brett, Glouo. and Leics., on a tower arg., cf. 23. 2
Brewster, Northamp., a leopard's head
cf. 50. 12 a man's head ppr.
Brereton of Brinton, Norf., a bear ppr., Brett, a garb. Velis id quod possis. erased sa., bezantee. cf. 23. 2
muzzled or. Opitulante Deo. cf. 34. i 153. 2 Brewster, French- : ( i ) A leopard's head
Brereton or Brewerton, a bear's head
Brett, Staffs, a lion's gamb erect erased erased az., bezantee, holding in the
and neck or, muzzled sa. 34. 14 arg., grasping a dragon's head erased mouth a trefoil slipped vert {for Brew-
Brereton, Ireland, a demi-unicorn col- Aster). (2) dolphin naiant ppr. {for
lared. 48. 10 Brett, Kent and Devonsh., a lion passant French). V eriti soyez ma garde. 140. 5
Brereton, Ireland, out of a ducal coronet gu. 6. 2 Brewster of Whitfield, Essex, a demi-
Brett of Moore Place, Esher, Surrey, a lion
or, a bear's head couped sa., muzzled lion holding in the dexter paw a club
passant gu., charged on the shoulder
of the first. 34. 3 with a cross bottony fitchee or, and over his shoulder, aU ppr.
Brereton, John Alfred, JIajor-General, Brewster of Dublin, a wolf's head couped
Riversdale, Ramsey, Isle of Man, same holding in the dexter fore-paw a fasces gu., the neck charged with a trefoil
crest. Opitulante Deo. ppr. Vicimus. 262. 7 slipped or, and pierced through with
Brereton, Chesh. and Norf., a bear's Brett of Ocle Court, Heref., on a chapeau an arrow sa., barbed and feathered arg.
head and neck erased sa., muzzled gu., gu., turned up erm., a lion passant of Prohitas cum fortitudine. cf. 29. 6
studded or. 35-2 the first. 4. 9 Brewster of Essex, a beaver's head
erased sa. Veriti soyez ma garde.
Brereton, on a chapeau az., turned" up Brett, Kent, a griffin's head between
erm., a dragon with wings elevated two wings az., beaked or. 134- 3
gu. cf. 73. 4 cf. 67. 7 Brey, a hiU ppr. By degrees.
Brereton, Bart, {extinct), of Honford, Brett, a demi-lion queue-fourchee arg., Breyton, on a mount vert, a wild duck
Chesh., out of a ducal coronet or, a langued and armed gu. cf. 10. 2 ppr. 102. I
bear's head charged with a crescent in Brettel), a demi-eagle displayed az., Brian, a demi-savage ppr. cf. 186. 5
chief and a cross erosslet ppr. 34. 3 upon a mill-rind or, holding in the Brian, a beacon flammant or. 177. 14
Brerwood or Brierwood, Chester, two beak an ear of corn of the last. Briand and Briant, out of a mural coronet
swords in saltier gu., pommels and Brettell, Henry Cartwright, Esquire, a bundle of arrows banded.
hilts or, enfiled with an earl's coronet solicitor, of Dudley, uses a demi-eagle Brice, a demi-fleur-de-lis arg.
ppr. cf. 171. 12 displayed or, winged vair. 229. 2 Brice, a stag trippant. 117. 8
Bresier, out of a crown vallary a lion's Brettridge, Bucks, an arm holding a Brice, Hants and Somers., a lion's head
head. cf. 17. 5 sword ppr., pommelled and hilted or. erased erm., pierced through with an
Breslngham, on a chapeau ppr., a demi- 212. 13 arrow or, headed and feathered arg.
lion rampant gardant or. cf. 15. 14 Brew, a park gate gu. 15S. 9 Brice, Ireland, an arm holding a cutlass,
all ppr. Do loell, and doubt not.
Brest, an arm ppr., vested sa., holding Brew-Mulhallen, Vivian, Esquire, of
in the hand a bow arg. Sidmanton Lodge, Bray, co. Wieklow, 213- 5
Bretargh, Lanes, a lion's gamb holding and Donerea Lodge, Kilcool : (i) An Brice, Ireland, a cubit arm erect ppr.,
Aescallop or {for Mulludlen). (2)
an ostrich-feather. Fari qui .nentient. grasping a scimitar arg., hilt and
37- 3 lion rampant per fesse or and gu., pommel or. cf. 213. 8
Bretherton, Rev. Humphrey William, of charged on the breast with a cross Brichen, Scotland, an arm in fess issu-
Eccleston Rectory, Chorley, Lanes, a erosslet fitchee sa. {for Brew). Always ing out of clouds grasping a club in
cross raguly fiery sa., therefrom pen- ready. the hand, all ppr. 223. 5
dent by a riband gu., a stag's head Brewdhell, from an old castle in ruins a
caboshed arg. Per aspera ad dulcia Brickdale, on a ducal coronet or, a
martlet rising sa. dolphin naiant az. 140. 4
Brewer or Breuer, Kent, out of a mural
Brickdale, Somers., out of a ducal coronet
coronet an arm from the elbow erect,
Bretherton, Norris, Esquire, of Runshaw or, a demi-lion rampant supporting
Hall, Eu.\ton, Lanes., and Nateby
Lodge, Garstang, same crest and vested gu., billettee or, holding in the a spear ppr., thereon a standard az.,
hand ppr. a battle-axe arg. fringed and tasselled of the first,
motto. Brewer or Breuer, a mermaid holding charged with a sheaf of five arrows
Bretherton, Frederick Annesley Stapelton, a mirror and a comb ppr. 1 84. 8 pheoned of the same, flighted arg.,
the Hall, Rainhill, Lanes, in front of a Brewer, a syren charged with a mullet, pointed and banded gu.
demi-unicorn arg., a portcullis sa.
Breton or Bretton, London, Essex, Staffs, for difference her human part ppr., Brickdale, Somers., a sheaf of seven
and Leics., on a lion's gamb az., a her tail scaled or and gu., divided arrows or, flighted arg., headed and
chevron or, charged with a mullet sa.
by parallel lines wavy. banded gu.
Brewerton, see Brereton. Brickenden, a lion's gamb erased holding
39- 2 Brewes, De, out of a ducal coronet gu., a rose-branch slipped ppr. 37. 10
Breton, on a lion's gamb az., and between a lion's gamb. 36. 12 Brickenden, a demiwyvern vert. 69. 10
three billets arg., a chevron or, charged Brewin, Leics., a unicorn passant arg., Brickhurst, Lines, out of a mural coronet
with a mullet sa. cf. 39. 2 armed, maned, and tufted or, collared or, a tiger's head and neck arg.
Breton, Norf., a demi-talbot gu., eared, and charged on the body with three cf. 27. I
collared, and lined or, hoUIing in his mullets pierced in fesse az. Brickwood, a demi-savage affrontee ppr.,
feet the line coiled up. cf. 48. 5 wreathed about the head and loins
Breton, Northamp., on a mural coronet Brewin, Arthur, Esquire, 6a, Austin
with leaves vert, and holding in hia
Friars, E.C., on a chapeau ppr., a
gu., a boar's head couped sa. statant arg. Be fast. dexter hand a slip of oak of the last.
cf. 42. II cf. 186. 4
Brid, London, an eagle's head bendy of Bridgewater, a demi-stag or, attired sa. upon the stump of a tree erased and
eouped and charged with a trefoil ppr.,
] 119. 2 a pelican vulning herself, wings ele-
vated arg. Ne traverse pas le pont.
eight arg. and sa., ducally gorged
Briggs, a tiger's head eouped affrontee.
or. Bridgman, Warw., a demi-lion rampant Briggs, Shropsh., an arm embowed
Bridall, aiiddx., a lion's gamb erased arg., holding between the paws a gar- covered with leaves vert, holding in
the hand ppr. a bow gu., strung sa.,
az., armed gu., holding a demi-lance land of laurel ppr. 260. 2 and an arrow arg.
Briggs, Yorks, on a mount vert, a laurel-
broken arg., headed gu. 38. 9 Bridgstock, a raven sa., holding in the
Bride, two eagle's heads erased and dexter claw an escallop.
addorsed ppr. 84. 1 1 Bridon, Suff., a hawk's head erased sa.,
Brideoake, Robert Farrar, Croft, near charged with three bezants, one and
Warrington, a tree ppr., the trunk two. cf. 88. 12
clasped by a pair of hands fesseways Bridport, Viscount (Hood), Royal Lodge,
eouped at the wrists. Windsor Park, a Cornish chough ppr., branch erect ppr., in front a lion pas-
Bridge, Heref. and Essex, two wings sant erm., the dexter paw resting on a
supporting with the dexter claw an pheon sa. Fortiter et fAeliter.
arg., on each a chevron engrailed sa., Briggs, Berlcs, a demi-dragou vert, wings
charged with a chaplet or. anchor or. Steady. 245. 9
Bridson of Bryerswood, Windermere,
Bridge, Henry Hamilton, Esquire, J.P., Westml., a demi-mariner in profile az. Felicior quo certior. 73. 10
of Fairfield and Ashcott, Waipawa, ppr., vested and capped az., collared Brigham, Yorks, on a cloud a crescent
Napier, New Zealand, two wings arg., girdles or, grasping in the dexter between two branches of palm in orle.
arg., on each a chevron engrailed sa., hand an anchor erect of the last, and c/. 146. 10
charged with a chaplet or. Post
resting the sinister hand on a wreath Brigham or Briggam, Yorks, a boar's
hominem animus durat. of coral gu. Tutus in undis. head in bend eouped sa.
Bridge, Surrey, a stag's head arg. Nee Bridson, Major Thomas Ridgway, of Brigham of Foxley House, Chester, out
Rock End, Torquay, Devonsh., and
mintis fortiter. 121. 5 Bridge House, Bolton, Lanes, same of a ducal coronet a plume of feathers.
Bridge, an eagle with wings displayed crest and motto. In cruce salus. 114. 3
holding in the beak a branch. 3Ie Brighouse, Lines, out of a mural coronet
juvat ire pet altum. Brien, Ireland, two lion's gambs eouped or, a tiger's head arg. c/. 27. i
Bridge, Vice-Admiral Cyprian A. G., and erect gu., armed az., supporting Bright, Ireland, a hand erect ppr., vested
a sword ppr., pommel and hilt or.
R.N., 30, Green Street. Grosvenor sa., issuing out of a cloud shedding
Brien, Ireland, a cross pattee gu., be-
Square, London, W., an eagle rising, in tween the horns of a crescent or. forth rays, holding a mort-head of the
163. 6
its beak an olive-branch, all ppr. Me first. 208. 10
Brien, Edward Henry, M.D., Stanley
juvat ire per altum. 77. 2 ViUa, New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Bright, Allan Heywood, Esquire, of
Bridge, a chaplet of oak or, between two Liverpool, a crescent arg., and between
wings elevated sa., each charged with the horns an estoile or.
a bridge of one arch, embattled, and issuing from clouds a dexter arm era- Bright, late Benjamin, of Barton Court,
at each end a tower ppr. bowed ppr., holding in the hand a Colwell, Heref., same crest. Post
Bridgeman of Coney-Weston Hall, Norf., sword of the last. tenehras lucem.
a trefoil slipped vert. 148. 9 Brierly, London, a cross potent fitchee Bright, Charles Edward, Esquire, of
Bridgeman, Lanes, Warw., and Shropsh, gu., between two wings arg. 98, Cromwell Road, London, S.W.,
a fox sejant ppr. 32. i Briers, Beds, a demi-leopard rampant same crest and motto.
Bridgeman, Earl of Bradford, Weston gardant erased az., gorged with a Bright, George, Esquire, of 25, Victoria
Park, Shifnal, a denii-lion arg., holding collar arg., charged with three mullets Square, Clifton, Bristol, same crest and
between the paws a garland of laurel pierced gu. motto.
or. Nee lemere, nee timide. 260. 2 Brierly, John Swallow, Esquire, of Bright, Heywood, Esquire, of Sandheys,
Bridgen, a demi-mariner vested in russet Dehrow, Aldenham, Herts, in front of West Derby, Liverpool, same crest and
ppr., round the waist a sash, and an oak-tree ppr., an escutcheon arg. motto.
tlie head a cap gu., in his dexter hand guttee-de-sang, charged with a cross Bright, Rev. James Franck, D.D. (Oxon.),
a sphere or, the sinister arm resting on nebuly gu., between two roses of the of University College, Oxford, same
an anchor of the last. 1S6. 10 last, both stalked and leaved of the crest and motto.
Bridger or Briger, Glouc, a drag fii-st. Ad utrumgue paratus. Bright, Tyndall, Esquire, of Liverpool
head vert, transfixed with the end of Brierwood, two swords in saltier gu., same crest and motto.
pommels and hilts or, enfiled with an Bright, William Robert, Esquire, same
earl's coronet ppr. cf. 171. 12 crest and motto.
a crab gu. <•/. 141. 5 Brig, an arm in armour embowed hold- Bright, a dragon's head. 71. i
Bridger, Harry, of Buckingham House, ing a dagger ppr. 196. 5 Bright, Hon. Henry Edward, of Gawler
and Willaston, South AustraUa, Mem-
Sussex, a crab gu. 141. 5 Brigden, Sussex, an arm in armour em-
Bridges, Bart., of Goodneston, Kent bowed ppr., garnished or, wielding a ber of the Legislative Council, uses
{extinct), out of a ducal coronet or, a sword arg., hilt and pommel gold. a sun in splendour issuing out of
Moor's head in profile ppr.. wTcathed Mea gloria fides. 195. 2 clouds. In arduis jortitudo. 162. 5
about the temples arg., and of the Briger, see Bridger. Bright, Bart., Harrow-weald, a mass of
first, gorged with a coUar of the same, Brigges, Westml., a fox ppr. 32. i clouds and issuant therefrom a sun in
and pendent therefrom a cross patee Briggs, Bart, {extinct}, Shropsh., on the splendom-, all ppr. 162. 5
of the third. Je garderay. stump of a tree eradicated or, sprout- Bright, Sussex, the sun in splendour or,
Bridges, Edinburgh, a demi-lion gu. ing two new branches vert, a pelican issuing from clouds ppr. Lumen umbra
Maintien le droit. 10. 3 or, vulning herself ppr. Virtus est Dei. 162. 5
Bridges, on a tower a hawk with wings Dei. cf. 98. 6 Bright, a demi-hon rampant holding a
displayed. aU ppr. c/. 156. 8 Briggs, Bart, (extinct), Barbadoes, upon battle-axe headed gu. Post tenehras
Bridges, an anchor in pale ppr. 161. i the stump of a tree erased and eouped lucem. 15. 4
Bridges or Brydges, Essex, a boar passant and charged with a trefoil ppr. Bright, Chesh., a demi-griffin holding in
arg., pierced through the neck with a —peUcan vulning herself, wing.^ elevated the dexter claw a mullet sa.
c/. 64. 2
broken spear, headed of the first, em- arg. J'i>/Ms est Dei. Ne traverse pas
Bright, Suff., a dragon's head gu., vomit-
brued gu. cf. 40. 14 h pont. 98. 6 ing flames of fire ppr., collared and
Bridges, Glouc, a man's head from the Briggs, Major-General David, of Strath
shoulders in profile ppr., vested paly airly. Largo, Fife, a pelican in hei lined or. c/. 72. 3
of six arg. and gu., semee of roundels
piety. Sola virtus invicta. Bright, Shropsh., a dragon's head erra.,
counterchanged and wreathed of the Briggs, Joseph Lyder, Esquire, J. P., of vomiting flames of tire ppr., gorged
last and az. Maynards, and of Welch Town in with a coUar sa., charged with three
Bridges, on a tower arg., masoned sa., island of Barbadoes, in the West cross crosslets fitchee or. Nunquam
a dove rising ppr. 156. 11 Indies, on a wreath of the coloui non paratus. cf. 72. 3
Britzman, Surrey, out of Bringborne, Kent, on a wolf's head erased Brisbon or Brisbone, on a chapeau a lion
rays or, an arm in armour embowed sa., a pile or. rampant holding an arrow, point down-
ppr., garnished of the first, holding in Bringham, a cat salient gardant ppr. ward, 4cf. 2.
the gauntlet a sword arg., hilted also 26. 3 Brisco, Sir Musgrave Horton, Bart.,
or, the arm tied round with a sash or Bringhurst, Leics., an arm in armour Ciofton Hall, Wigton, Cumb., a grey-
embowed arg., holding" a club sa., spiked hound current sa., seizing a hare ppr.
and purp.
or. c/. 199. 2
Brigid, Ireland, out of a cloud ppr., an Bringhurst, Ireland, a dragon's head 254. 8
Briscoa, a pennon gu., charged with a
itoile of eight rays. 164. 11
Brignac,areindeer'sheadcabossed. 122. 4 erased arg., gorged with a collar corn- crescent arg., the staff in bend sa.,
Brignall, an eagle with two heads dis-
pony or and gu. 71-2 headed or. cf. 176. 12
played charged on the breast with Brinkhurst, a demi - lion arg., ducally Briscoe and Briscowe, a pheon between
a saltier. 74. i crowned or, holding in each paw a two arms in armour emlx)wed support-
Brigstocke, William Player, Brent-Eleigh bezant. <•/. 10. 11 ing a Saracen's head affrontee. 194. 9
Hall, Lavenham, Suff., a raven ppr., Brinkley, Richard Grapes, Esquire, of Briscoe and Briscowe, Ireland, a Saracen's
holding in the dexter claw an escallop or. Ardagh and Fortland, co. ,Sligo, Ire- head affrontee ppr. 190. 5
land, on a wreath of the colours a Brise-Ruggles, Archibald Weyland, Spains
Brigwood, a demi - savage affrontee
cross potence engrailed surmounted by AHall, Braintree, Essex : (i ) tower or,
wreathed about the head and middle an estoile, all or. Mulabimur. transpierced with four darts in saltier
Brinkley,- John Lloyd, Esquire, of Fort-
with leaves and holding in the dexter and inflamed ppr. {for Buggies). (2) An
hand a slip of oak, all ppr. cj. 186. 4 land, Easkey, eo. Sligo, a cross patonce alligator rampant (for Brisc ). Struggle.
Brimacombe, R., Colebrooke Lodge, engrailed gu., surmounted of an estoile
Brislay, a cock pheasant ppr., standing
Putney Heath, S.W., on a mount vert, arg. Mutabiimir. among flowers az., leaved vert.
an owl with wings displayed and Brinkley, John Turner, Esquire, of cf. go. 8
inverted, charged on each wing with Northgate, Warw., same crest and Bristed, a dexter hand holding a spur ppr.
a pale, thereon a roimdel. Sapienter. motto. 217. 14
Brln, Ireland, a dexter hand couped gu. Brinklow or Bringlcw, a demi-lion or, Bristol, Marquess of (Hervey), Ickworth
222. 14 supporting a flaming sword gu., hilt of Park, Bury St. Edmunds, a leopard
Brinckman, Sir Theodore Henry, Bart., the first. passant sa., bezautee, ducally gorged
St. Leonard's, Windsor, a pair of wings, Brinkworth of Bath, on a mount vert, a and chained or, holding in the dexter
each quarterly arg. and az. Per- willow-tree ppr. paw a trefoil slipped vert. Je noubli-
severando. 109. 6 Brins, a talbot's head collared swallow- erai jamais.
Brind, Frederick William, Esquire, the ing a bird, with wings expanded. Bristow, Herts, out of a crescent or, a
Court Lodge, Chelsfield, Kent, a dexter <:/ 57. 3 demi-eagle displayed az. Si. 4
cubit arm erect, holding the head of a Brinton, on a wreath arg. and gu., in Bristow of Broxmore Park, Wilts, out of
broken spear, all ppr. Nil sine labore. front of a saltire gu., a beacon sa., a crescent or, a demi-eagle displayed
214. 13 fired ppr. cf. 177. 8 az. Vigilantibus non dorniientibus.
Brindesley, an escallop-shell per pale or Brinton, John, Esquire, of Jloor Hall, 81. 4
Bristow, Collyer- : (i) Issuant out of a
and sa. 141. 14 Stourport, same crest. Lux el salus.
crescent or, a phoenix ppr., charged
Erlndley of Union Hall, Staffs, on a mount Brinton, Reginald Sevmour, Esquiie,
vert, a demi-lion regardant erm., hold- J.P., of Croft, Kidderminster, same on each wing with a cross crosslet az.
ing in the mouth a sprig of oak, the crest. BIOS HAU^NIA rilOVAAIA.
dexter paw holding an olive-branch Brisac, an arm embowed ppr., vested A(for Bristow). (2) boar's head
ppr., the sinister paw resting on an
gu., holding a covered cup or. erased or, guttee-de-sang, holding in
the mouth a staff raguly bendwise gu.
escutcheon az., charged with two 203. 4 (for Collyer). Avance.
chevTonels or. 14-4 Brisban or Brisbane, Scotland, an anchor Bristowe, Rev. Charles John, of Bees-
Brindley and Brinley, a wjrvern holding in pale with a serpent wTeatbed about thorpe Hall, Notts, same crest and
in tlie mouth a hand ppr. 70. 3 it, all ppr. A)iiniu7n prudentia firmat. Bristowe, Hubert Carpenter, M.D., the
Cottage, Wrington, Somers., same
Brine, two swords in saltier ppr., sur- i6r. 3
Brisbane, Scotland, an ant-hillock, semee
mounted by a cross crosslet fitched gu.
166. 14 of ants ppr. Virtuti damnosa quies. crest and motto.
Brine, Dorset, a lion rampant arg., Brisbane, a demi -savage holding over Britain, a dexter hand ppr., holding a
billettee, and holding between the his shoulder a club ppr. 1S6. 5 key or. 217. 7
paws a cross moline gu.
Brine, Ernest Augustus, Esquire, of Brisbane, Charles Thomas, Esquire, of Britain, Briton, Britten, and Britton, out
Poole, Dorset, a lion rampant arg.,
semee of biUets, and holding in the Brisbane, Ayr : ( i ) Dexter, the crest of of a naval coronet a mermaid holding
fore-paws a cross moline gu. Confido. honourable augmentation, viz., out of
Brine, Rev. Algernon Lindsay, of Margate, in her dexter hand a purse and in her
Kent, same crest and motto.
Brine, Capt. Arthur (late R.M.L.L), of a naval crown or, a dexter arm em- sinister a comb ppr. cf. 184. 14
Erith Cottage, Torquay, same crest and
bowed in the uniform of a captain of Britley, on a chapeau a demi-lion hold-
the Royal Navy, the hand grasping a ing in the dexter paw a mullet.
cutlass ppr., hilted and pommelled or, cf. 15. 14
Brittain or Brittaine, an eagle's claw
and from the hand pendent by a ribbon
arg., fimbriated az., a gold medal, erased in fess holding a quill. 113. 12
motto. representing that given by His Majesty Britten, an ear of wheat and palm-
Brine, Rev. George Augustus, M.A., of
George III. to Sir Charles Brisbane. branch in saltier ppr. 154. 10
Beechgrove, Honiton, Devonsh., same Curacoa. 204. 2. (2) Sinister, the Britten, a wolf passant ppr. Casis
crest and motto.
Brine, Rev. James Edward Bouverie, of family crest, viz., a stork's head erased tutissima virtus. 28. 10
Nuward Eliija, Ceylon, same crest and
motto. holding in the beak a serpent writhing Britton, Aithur Henry Daniel, Esquire,
Brine, Colonel John Jones, H.E.I.C.S., ppr. Certamine summo. cf. 106. 3 of Verecroft, Clyde Road, Redland,
same crest and motto.
Brisbane and Brisbon, Scotland, a heron's Bristol, on a wreath of the colours, a
Brine, Admiral Lindesay, R.N., Athenaeum lion's gamb erect and erased az.,
Club, PaU MaU, S.W., same crest and head erased holding in the beak an guttee-d'eau, between two mullets of
eel, all ppr. Certamine sumnio.
Brine, Percival Forbes, Esquire, same
crest and motto. 104. 2 six points, also az. Salut a tous.
264. 2
Brine, Philip Arthur Sherard, Esquire, of ABrisbane : ( i ) stork's head erased
Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A., same crest
and motto. holding in the beak a serpent wavy Britton, Philip WiUiara Poole Carlyon-,
Appr. (lor Brisbane), cf. 106. 3. (2) AHanham Court, Glouc. : (i) lion's
Uon issuant gardant ppr., holding in gamb erect and erased az., guttee-d'eau
his dexter paw a cross crosslet litchee between two mullets of six points, also
gu. [for Makdoitgal). Certamine sum- Aaz. (Britton). 264. 2. (2) demi-lion
mo.— Fear God. II. 12 rampant gu., ducally crowned or.
collared arg., holding between the paws Broadmead, Rev. Philip Palfrey, of Brocket of the Ryes, Essex, a stag lodged
a bezant and charged on the shoulder Olands, Milverton, Somers., same crest sa., ducally gorged and lined or. c/. 1 1 5.
with a cross crosslet of the second
and motto. Brocket, a stag's head erased, pierced
—(Carlyon). 260. 10. Salut a, tons. Broadmead, Thomas Palfrey, Esquire, of through the neck with an arrow.
TutHs ttttissima virtus. Enmore Park, Bridgwater, same crest Brocket, a brocket or young deer lodged
Britweesil, a salmon naiant ppr. 139. 12 and motto. ppr. cf. 124. 8
Briwer or Briwere, out of a cloud a Broadmead, William Bucknell, Esquire, Brocket or Brockhill, Kent, a badger sa.
dexter arm holding an open book ppr. of Enmore Castle, Bridgwater, same , 33- 10
215. I crest and motto. I Brockhill, Kent, on a mount vert, a
Brixton or Brixtone, a demi-horse ram- Broadockshaw and Brodockshaw, a stag's badger sa. 33. 12
I 165.10
or badger
pant arg. 53. 3 head arg. 121. 5 Brockholes, a fret arg.
cf. 33. 10
Broad, His Honour Judge Lowther, of Broadrick, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward, Brcckholes, Lanes, a brock
Ronaki, Nelson, New Zealand, uses a a spear-head arg., consanguined and passant sa.
demi- savage holding in the dexter within a chaplet of oak fructed, Brockholes, Fitzherbert-, William Josepli,
hand three arrows and pointing with ppr. Decens et Iwnestum. of Claughton Hall, Lanes : A( i )
Broadrick, George, Esquire, of Broughton
the sinister to an imperial crown. brock (or badger) passant sa. {for
House, Broughton Road, Ipswich
Fortior leone Justus. 186. 13 same crest and motto. ABrockholes). cf. 33. 10. (2) cubit
Broad, on a ehapeau gu., turned up arm in armour erect ppr., the hand
erm., a leopard's face arg. Another, Broadrick, Yorks, a spear's head arg. clenched within a gauntlet {for Fitz-
ppr. embrued and within a chaplet of oak herbert). Ung je serviray.
Broad, on a ehapeau a tigers head fructed, all ppr. Decens et Iwnestum. Broeklebank, Ralph, Esquire, of 9,
ducally crowned. Broadstone, in a cloud a crescent between Faulkner Square, Liverpool, in front
Broadbelt, an eagle displayed ppr. 75. 2 two palm-branches. 146. 10 of a mount vert, thereon a cock ppr.,
Broadbent, Sir "William Henry. Bart., Broadwood, London and Sussex, a three escallops in fesse or. God send
K.C.V.O., of Longwood, Huddersfield, yew-tree leaved and eradicated ppr., grace.
in front of a pheon, the staff rompu, a on the trunk an annulet or, transfixed Broeklebank, Thomas, Esquire, of the
sci-pent nowed, all ppr. 251. 11 by three arrows, one in fess, two in Roscote, Heswall, Chester, same crest
Broadbent or Brodbent, a pheon arg., saltier of the last. Semper virens. and motto.
the point erabrued ppr., the staff Broadwood, a pine-tree ppr., charged with Broeklebank, Sir Thomas, Bart., of
broken near the point or. 174. 10 nine cones gu., the trunk eradicated, Greenlands, Cumb., an anchor fesse-
wise sa., thereon a cock arg., combed
Broadbent, a dexter arm ppr., holding in also ppr. Semper virens. 1 44. 13
the hand a covered cup or. 217. 11 Broadwood, James Henry Tschudi, Es- and wattled gu., charged on the breast
Broade, Stanier-Philip- : (i) On a mount quire, of Lyne, Capel, Surrey, and with an escallop, also sa. God send
vert, a bear's head erect or, transfixed Pleystowe, Capel, Dorking, a pine-tree grace. ^S7- ^
by an arrow fess\vise ppr. (for Broade).
eradicated and fructed ppr., sur- Brocklehurst, a brock ppr. Veritas me
243. 5. (2) In front of a griffin's head mounted by three arrows, two in dirigit. 33. 10
—erased ppr., three escallops or (jor saltire, points downwards, and one Brocklehurst, WiUiam B., of Butley HaU,
Stanier). Pro Deo et rege. Pietate in fess, point to the dexter, also ppr., Chester, and of Hurdsfield House, near
fortior. 243. 6 encircled around the stock by an Macclesfield, a brock sa., holding in the
Broadhead, Bart., Yorks, a demi-lion annulet or. Semper virens. mouth a slip of oak fructed ppr., in
rampant ppr., collared and chained or, Broadwood, John Alexander Redman, front of a mount vert, thereon two oak-
supporting an escutcheon erm., charged Esquire, of Laugliarne, co. Carmar- trees, also ppr. Veritas me dirigit. 254.1
with an eagle displayed gu. Perscter- thensh., same crest and motto. Brocklehurst, Philip Lancaster, Esquire,
ando. Broadwood, Thomas Capel, Esq., same of Swythamley Park, near Macclesfield,
Broadhead, on a ehapeau a garb ppr. crest and motto. Staffs, same crest and motto.
153. 10 Brocas, London, a Moor's head couped Brocklehurst, Robert, of St. Oare, West
Broadhurst, a mermaid holding in her at the shoulders, radiated ppr. Derb}', Lanes, on a rock in front of
dexter hand a dagger ppr. 184. 7 Brock, John, Esquire, of Glastonbury, two oak-branches fructed in saltire, a
Broadhurst, a lion's head couped ppr., Somers. Justice to all. brock, all ppr. 292. 7
collared vaire arg. and gu. cj. i8. 13 Brock, Scotland, on a ehapeau gu., a dove Brockman of Beachborough, Kent, on a
Broadhurst, a swan erm., swimming in rising ppr. 94. 10 sword erect arg., hilt and pommel or,
water ppr., charged on the breast with Brock, Essex, a pegasus az. 47. i a stag's head cabossed ppr.. attired of
the second, the blade through the head
Aan etoile sa., the wings expanded or, Brock, Glutton-, Worcs. : (i) derai-lion
fretty raguly az. gardant gu., on the body a chevron and bloody at the point.
Eroadley, a'stag's head erased ppr. Mitis or, charged with three trefoils slipped Brocton, Shropsh., a hand holding up a
sed fortis. 121. 2 vert, holding between his paws an ducal coronet capped and tasselled, be-
Broadley, London, a talbot passant ppr. arrow of the second barbed and tween two branches of laurel in orle.
Non immemor beneficii. 54. i feathered arg. {for Brock). (2) An 217- 3
Broadley, London, a stag's head erased owl on a myrtle- branch (for Clutton). Brodbent, a pheon arg., the point guttee-
ppr. Non immemor beneficii. ^21. 2 Virescit vulnere virtus. cf. 96. 5 de-sang, the staff broken near the head
Broadley, Henry Broadley Haixison, Brock or Brocke, Chesh., a demi-lion or. 174. 10
Welton House, Beverley, Yorks: (i) rampant gu., holding in the dexter Broderwicke of Langford, Berks, out of a
Within a chaplet of roses ppr., a cross paw a dart or, feathered of the first. coronet or, a spear-head arg., imbrued.
Apattee fitched sa. 243. 13. (2) cf. 13. 6 cf. 174. 12
demi-lion rampant or, charged with Brock, out of a mural crown arg., a Brodhurst, a demi-swan, the wings vairee,
a bend vair arg. and gu., supporting demi -Canadian Indian, the dexter charged on the breast with an escut-
with the sinister paw a shield arg., hand supporting a tomahawk erect cheon. Virescit vulnere virtus, cf. 100. 9
thereon two branches of laurel saltire- ppr. Canada.
Brock, an escallop or. 141. 12 Brodhurst, a demi-swan or. 100. 9
wise vert. Xihtl viget simile.
Brodie or Brody, Sussex and Scotland, a
243- 14 Brockas or Brokas, Hants, a lion sejant hand holding a sheaf of arrows ppr.
Broadmead, William Bucknell, Enmore erect, holding in his dexter paw a cross Unite. 214. 3
Castle, Somers., on a fret az., a stag's
pattee fitched, and resting the sinister Brodie of Brodie, Moraysh., a dexter
head erased, holding in the mouth an on a pvramid. cf. S. 12 hand holding a bunch of arrows, all
acorn slipped ppr. Semper fidelis. Brockbank of the Croft, Kirsanton, ppr. 214. 3
Broadmead, Henry, Esquire, a fret az., Lanes, a stag at gaze ppr. 1 17. 3 Brodie, Ian Ashlev Moreton, Esquire, of
thereon a stag's head erased, holding Brockdon, Devonsh., a stag's head erased Brodie, Brodie Castle, Forres, N.B., a
in the mouth an acorn slipped j per chevron are. and gu., attired or. dexter hand holding three arrows, all
ppr. '
Semper fidelis. ppr.
Brodie, Alexander, of Lethen. Nairn Broke, the late Sir Philip, Bart., of Nao- Bromige, out of a mural coronet or, a
a dexter hand holding five arrows, all ton : (i) Of honourable augmentation, talbot's head az., eared gold. Fides
ppr. Be mindj-ul to unite. issuant from a naval crown or, a servatn ditat. 56. 6
Brodie, William Haig, M.D., Lethen
dexter arm embowed, encircled by a Bromilow, a demi-lion rampant, holding
Battle, Sussex, a dexter hand holding WTcath of laurel ppr., the hand grasp. in the dexter paw a cross crosslet
five arrows in bend sinister, all ppr.
Aing a trident erect of the first. (2) fitchee. II. 10
Be mindful to unite. brock passant ppr. Scevumque tri- Bromley, Baron Montford, see Montford.
Brodie, Sir Benjamin Vincent Sellon, dentem servamus. cf. 33. 10 Bromley, Chesh., Staft's, and Yorks, out
Bart., of Boxford, Suff., a dexter cubit Broke, Shropsh., a badger ppr. 33. 10 of a ducal coronet or, a demi-lion
arm erect, holding in the hand a civic Broke, Horace, Esquire, of Gladwyns, rampant arg., supporting a standard
WTeath vert, with three arrows arg., Harlow, Essex, a brock or badger sa., flag gu., charged with a lion
one in fesse, two in saltire. Unite. passant ppr. passant gardant of the first, cf. 16. 7
Bromley, Shropsh., a lion's gamb erect
254. II Brokelsbey and Brokelsby, Lines, a brock
Brodie, a lion's gamb erased sa., holding or badger ppr. 33. 10 arg. cf. 36. 4
a palm-branch ppr. cj. 36. 7 Brokesby, Leics., a boar's head couped Bromley, Shropsh., a cock pheasant ppr.
Brodie, Sir Thomas Dawson, Bart., of at the neck gu., bristled or. 43. i cf. go. 8
Bromley, Sir Henry, Bart., Eaststoke,
Idvies, Forfarsh., a dexter hand hold Bromage, out of a ducal coronet a dexter
ing a bunch of five arrows ppr. Be arm in armour embowed, the hand Notts, a pheasant sitting ppr. Pensez
mindlvl to unite. J 14. 3 holding a scimitar, all ppr. Deus dux forte.
Brodie-Innes, John William. Esquire, of certus. cf. ig6. 10 Bromley, Shropsh., same crest.
15, Royal Circus, Edinburgh, X.B. : Bromall, a Bacchus' head, couped at the Bromley-Davenport, see Davenport.
shoulders ppr., vested gu.
A(1) mullet az. Be iraist {for Innes). Bromley-Wilson, Maurice, Esquire, of
(2) A hand holding a sheaf of arrows Bromborough, out of a ducal coronet or,
a cubit arm habited az., cuft'ed arg., Dallam Tower, Milnthorp, Westml. :
ppr. Unite {for Brodie). holding in the hand an oak-branch (I) A crescent or, therefrom flames
Brodley, London and Lanes, a boar's Aissuant ppr. (/or Wilson). (2) pheasant
head couped gu. 43. i ppr., fructed of the first. ppr. {for Bromley).
Brodnax, Kent and Chesh., out of a mural Brome, Broom, and Broome, Oxon., an Brompton, a lion rampant or. i- 13
coronet a demi- eagle or, winged gu., arm couped at the elbow and erect, Bromwich, out of a ducal coronet or, a uni-
gorged with a collar of the second, vested bendy wavy of six or and gu., corn's head sa., guttee-d'or. cf. 48. 12
charged with three cinquefoils arg.
holding in the hand ppr. a bunch of Bronan, see Brougham.
Brodockshaw, a stag's head arg. 121. 5 broom vert, seeded of the first. Brond or Brounde, London and Suff., a
Brodribb, Ernest George, Esquire, of Brome of West Mailing, Kent, an arm demi-griffin or, holding a battle-axe
Melbourne Club, Melbourne, Australia, vested gu., turned up arg., holding in embowed, the handle gu., the head
a mount vert, therefrom springing the hand ppr. a slip of broom vert, arg. 64. II
three roses gu.. stalked and leaved ppr., fiowered or. Domine, dirige nos. Bronker, Kent and Middx., a talbot pas-
interlaced with as many raascles, also Brome, a cock arg., wings elevated az., sant gu., resting the dexter paw on a
interlaced fesseways or. Prudentia beaked, combed, legged, and wattled garland of flowers ppr. cf. 54. i
gu. cf. 91. 7 Bronker, Wilts, a cubit arm erect, vested
Brodribb, Frank Claudius, Esquire, of Bromeall, a demi-lion rampant, double- sa.. cuffed arg., holding in the hand
Wyallah, Toowoomba, and Kurrowah, queued ppr. 10. 6 ppr. a lozenge of the first.
Darling Downs, Queensland, same Bromeley, Cambs, on a wreath and issu- Bronscomb or Branscomb, a lion regar-
crest and motto. ing out of a mural coronet or, a demi- dant, ducally gorged and chained ppr.
Brodribb, Owen Adams Kennedy, Esquire, lion rampant sa., holding a standard 6. 3
same crest and motto.
vert, charged with a griiiin passant of Brook, Chesh., a badger passant ppr.
Brodribb, Rev. William Kennedy, B.A., the first. cf. 16. 7 cf. 33. 10
of Putley Rectory, Ledbury, Heref., Bromell, a demi-eagle displayed, with two Brook, London, on a mount vert, in front
and Frank Claudius Brodribb, Esquire, heads, each ducally crowned. of an oak-tree, a badger passant ppr.,
J.P., of Wyallah, Toowoomba, Queens- cf. 82. 7 the dexter fore-paw resting on a
chaplet or.
land, upon a mount vert, three mascles Bromewich and Bromwieh,Glouc., Heref.,
fessewise interlaced or, and interlacing and Herts, out of a ducal coronet or, Brook or Brooke, Bucks, a hawk's lure
three roses erect gu., stalked and a unicorn's head sa. Another, guttee- with the line formed into a bow-knot
leaved of the first. Prudentia tutus. d'or. Another, out of a mural coronet. between two wings, all ppr. cf. 1 10. 10
149- 13- 4S. 12 Brook, a fleur-de-lis arg., around it a
Brodrick, Surrey, a spear-head arg., em- serpent entwined ppr. 148. 8
brued gu. 174. 12 Brooke, Bransby, Sonning, near Reading,
Brodrick, see Brodrick-Cloete. ing erect a broken sword arg., hilt and Berks, a demi-lion rampant guardant,
Brodrick, Charles Cumberland, Lynbridge pommel of the second. holding between the paws an arrow in
House, Tavistock, Devon, out of a Bromfleld, Staffs, a lion passant gardant pale, point downwards ppr.
ducal coronet or, a spear-head arg., gorged with a wreath of the first Brooke, Sir Richard Marcus, Bart., of
emhrued gu. A cuspide corona. d az. cf. 4- 3 Norton Priory, Chesh., a brock ppr.
Broese, a crane, holding in its claw a BromQet or Bronslet, Lanes, on a chapeau Paste xiithout fraude. 33. 10
stone ppr. 105. 6 sa., turned up arg., a wyvern vert, Brooke, Earl of, and Baron, see Warwick,
Brogden, out of a ducal coronet or, a ducally crowned or. 70. 4 Earl of.
hand ppr., holding a rose gu., sHpped Bromflete, out of a ducal coronet or, a Brooke of Mere Hall, Chester, a badger
and leaved vert. 21S. 11 wolf's head gu. cf. 30. 5 passant ppr. Visunitafortior. r/. 33. 10
Brogden, London, a demi-lion ducally Bromhall, Beds, a demi-lion or, holding Brooke, John Townshend, Esquire, of
Houghton HaU, Shifnel, Shropsh., on
crowned, holding between its paws a between the paws a cross crosslet a mount vert, a brock per pale sa. and
cross formee. cf. 11. 2 fitched sa. cf. 11. 10
Broge, Brogg, and Broige, Scotland, a Bromhall, London and Chesh., a lion arg. Virtus est Dei.
dexter hand holding a sword, all ppr. passant or. 6. 2 Brooke, Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur, of
Honorat mors. 212. 13. Bromhead, Sir Benjamin Parnell, Bart., Brock Wood, Burwash, Sussex, and
Brograve, London, Herts, Norf., Warw., Thurlby Hall, Lines, out of a mural Junior United Service Club, St.
and Lanes, an eagle displayed, with coronet gu., a unicorn's head arg., James's, a brock or badger ppr. Vis
two heads erm., each ducally crowned armed and crined or, holding in the unita fortior 33- 10
or. Finis dnt esse. cf. 74. 2. mouth a rose gu., slipped and leaved Brooke, Harry Vesey, Esquire, J.P., D.L.,
Brohier or Broheir, in a crescent an arrow ppr. Concordia res crescunt. of I, Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale,
in pale. 163. 13. Bromhead, Ireland, a pelican vulning N.W., and Fairley, Aberdeenshire.
Broke, a fox's head ppr. 33- 4- rself ppr. 98. i same crest. Gloria finis.
Brooke, Rev. James Mark Saurin, of 20. Brooke, on a ducal coronet a cock ppr., Brooks, Lanes, a demi-lion rampant vert,
Gledhow Gardens: (i) A brock or combed and wattled gu. 90. 6 charged on the shoulder with a foun-
badger ppr. 277. 10. (2) A dexter Brooke, a griffin's head erased, charged tain, and holding between the paws an
arm from the elbow, vested bendy with a fess dancettee, and in base with anchor. Finem respice.
sinister azure and sa., grasping an a cross crosslet fitched gu. cj. 66. 2 Brooks, Francis Augustus, M.D., St.
oak-root sa. Ex fonte perenni. Eeason Brooke, Staffs, a stork or crane or. Felix, Felixstowe, a dexter arm in
contents me. 277. 9 105. II armour embowed, holding in the hand
the lower part of a broken tilting
Brooke of Handford, Chester, same crest. Brooke, Shropsh., a heron or. 105. 9
Pro avitd fide. Brooke, De Capel-, Sir Arthur Richard,
Brooke, William John, of Haughton Bart., of Oakley, Northamp., a demi- Brooks, a lion passant. 6. 2
Hall, Shropsh., a brock or badger ppr. seahorse arg., maned and firmed or. Brooksbank, Yorks, a hart's head couped
Virtiis est Dei. Spes mea in Deo. 46. 7 ppr., attired or, gorged with two bars
wavy az.
Brooke, Sir Arthur Douglas, Bart., of Brooke, Bart., Chester, a man in armour,
Colebrook, co. Fermanagh, a brock holding in his dexter hand a spear, Brooksbank, Edward Clitherow, Esquire,
passant arg. c/. 33. 10 and on his sinister arm a shield, all of Healhaugh Old HaU, Tadcaster,
Brooke, Edward, Esquire, of Pabo Hall, ppr. iSS. 4 same crest.
near Conway, a brock ppr. 33. 10 Brooke, Bucks, out of a coronet or, a Brooksbank, Walter Lamplugh, Esquire,
Brooke, Shropsh., on a mount vert, a plume of six ostrich-feathers or and of Lamplugh HaU and Manor of
badger passant ppr. 33. 12 sa. alternately. c/. 114. 13 Lamplugh, same crest.
Brooke, on an Eastern coronet a brock Brookes, on a mount a bear muzzled and Brooksbank, William Lyon, Esquire, late
Dumppr., ducally gorged or. spiro chained. 54- 5 of Bromley, Kent, a stag's head couped
spero. Brookes or Brooks, three organ- pipes, two erm., attired or. charged with two bars
Brooke, a goat's head erased sa., armed in saltier, one in pale or, enfiled with nebuly az., and holding in the mouth
and bearded or. 12S. 5 a garland of laurel vert. cf. 168.10 a palm-branch slipped in bend vert.
Brooke, an Indian goat's head, bendy of Brookesby, a boar's head couped gu., Brooksbank, a stag statant ppr., attired
six gu. and az., erased per fess or, eared bristled or. 43. i or, gorged with a collar dancettee vert,
and armed of the last. Brookesby, a boar's head erect and erased therefrom pendent aa escutcheon or,
Brooke, Yorks, a sword erect arg , hilted gu., langued az., tusked arg. 43. 3 charged with a rose gu.
or, thereon two serpents entwined and Brookfield, Arthur Montagu, Esquire, of Broom and Broome, see Brome.
respecting each other ppr. round the Leasam, Rye, and of Kensington, Lon- Broome, Heref., a demi-eagle or, winged
hilt. Non est mortale quod opto. don, a cubit arm erect in armour ppr., sa., holding in the beak a sUp of broom
Brooke, Sir Thomas, Bart., of Armitage holding in the hand a sickle palewise, vert. cj. 80. 2
Bridge, Huddersfield, in front of a also ppr., and two ears of wheat in Broome, Notts, a cockatrice arg., winged
sword erect, point upwards, the blade saltire, stalked and bladed or. Beware az., beaked, legged, combed, and wat-
entwined by two serpents respecting the reaping. tled gu. 68. 5
each other ppr., a boar's head erased Brookfield, John Storrs, B.A., M.D., J.P., Broomfield, a hand issuing from a cloud
sa. Est nee astu. 42. 13 Middx.,of Brondesbury, London, N.W., in fess, pointing to a serpent, head
Brooke, Edward, Esquire, of Thorpe and Hill Place. Upminster, Essex, erect ppr. 223. 7
Almondbury, Yorks, in front of a on a chapeau a brock, all ppr. 305. 9 Broomhead-Colton-Fox, Barnard Platts,
sword erect, the blade entwined by Brooking, an escallop or, surmounted by Esquire, cf Wales and of Sheffield,
two serpents respecting each other ppr., a crescent az. Crux fidei calcar. both in the West Riding of the county
a boar's head erased sa. Est nee astu. cf. 141. 12 of York, Solicitor of the Supreme Court
Brooke, John Arthur, Esquire, of Fenay Brooking, a sword in pale, enfiled with of Judicature : (i) In the centre, on a
HaU, Huddersfield ; Fearn Lodge, Ard- a savage's head couped ppr. 191. 9 wreath of the colours, a fox passant
gu., guttee-d'or, resting the dexter
gay, Ross-sh., Esquire, same crest and Brookman or Brockman, Kent, on a sword
motto. erect arg., hilt and pommel or, a stag's fore-paw upon an annulet encircling
Brooke, John Kendall, Esquire, of Sibton head cabossed ppr., attired of the an escallop, both or (jar Fox). (2)
Park, near Yoxford, Suff., same crest second, the blade through the head On the dexter side, on a wreath of the
and motto. and embrued at the point. colours, upon a rock ppr., in front of
Brooke, Ven. Joshua Ingham, Esquire, of Brookman, a crane, holding in the dexter a cross crosslet erect and fitchee sa..
the Vicarage, Halifax, same crest and claw a stone. 105. 6 a boar passant arg., charged on the
motto. Brooks, see Burd- Brooks. body with two roses gu., barbed and
seeded ppr. (jor Colton). (3) Upon the
Brooke, Rev. Richard England. M.A., Brooks, see Close-Broolcs.
Cambs, Grantchester, Dene, Bourne- Brooks, a badger ppr. 33. 10 sinister side, on a wreath of the colours
mouth, same crest and motto. Brooks, Maurice, Esquire, J.P., of Oak- in front of a unicorn's head erased
Brooke, William, Esquire, of Northgate lawn, Bird Avenue, Milltown, Dublin, erm., maned, horned, and holding in
Mount, Honley, Yorks, same crest and on a mount vert, a badger passant ppr., the mouth a fleur-de-lis or, a staff
motto. resting the dexter paw on a civic crown raguly fessewise, also or (jor Broom-
Brooke, William, Esquire, same crest and vert. Respice, aspiee, prospiee. head). Per fidem et patientiam.
motto. Brooks, Bedford, on a miiral coronet an Bronte, Duke of, see Bridport, Viscount.
Brooke, Edgar William, same crest and otter ppr. Vt omnis vita lahitur. Broon, a branch of holly and a cross
motto. Brooks, John Hatfield, J.P., D.L., crosslet fitched in saltier. 166. 10
Brooke, Edward, of Ufford Place, Suff., Flitwick Jlanor, Ampthill, on a miu-al Broster, Chester, a dexter hand ppr.,
on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a coronet an otter ppr. Ut omnis vita vested barry of five arg. and gu., hold-
wing erect and displayed of the first, lahitur. 292. 13 ing a palm-branch vert.
charged with a chevron arg., and Brooks or Brookes, Scotland, a beaver Brothers, a demi-grey hound sa., holding
thereon a lion rampant sa., crowned passant. Perseverando. 134. 8 in the feet a dart gu., feathered arg.
or. 109. 2 Brooks, a bear ppr., muzzled and chained. cj. 60. I I
Brooke, E. Arden, Esquire, 71, Ivy Road, 34- I Brotherton, a hand holding a club in
Cricklewood, London, N.W., on a Brooks, Lanes, a demi-lion holding be- pale ppr. cj. 214. 6
wreath of the colours, a brock passant tween the paws an arrow ppr. Finem Brotherton of Stubbings House, Maiden-
ppr. Vis unita jortior. respice. head : (I) An eagle displayed ppr.
Brooke, Hants, a lion rampant or. i. 13
Brooke, Hants, a demi-lion rampant Brooks, the late Sir WiUiam Cunliffe, Bart., A75. 2. (2) bear's head erased at
of Barlow Hall, Manchester, a demi-lion
the neck arg., holding in the mouth
erased or. cj. 10. 2 arg., charged on the shoulder with a an arrow or, pheoned and feathered
Brooke, a demi-lion gu., holding between fountain, holding in the paws a har- of the first.
the paws a broad arrow or, feathered poon in bend sinister ppr. Finem Brouchan, see Brougham.
and headed arg. respice. 12. 14 Brough, a swan ppr. 99. 2
Brough, William Spooner, Esquire, Leek, Broun, same crest and motto. Brown, of Compton, Ashbourne. Derbysh.,
Broun, a dexter arm from the elbow erect, and Southport, Lanes, in front of a
a swan's head and neck erased. gryphon's head erased per pale sa. and
holding in the hand ppr. a book.
Brough, Lines, a lion sejant, collared 215. 4 arg., gorged with a collar flory counter-
Broun, a vine ppr. PrcBmium virtutis
and lined or. 7. 4 flory counterchanged, five bezants
Brough, Scotland, a buffalo's head sa. honor. 152. 9 fessewise. Si sit prudentia. 302. 6
44. I Brouncker, an arm in armour embowed, Brown and Browne, a griifin's head erased
Brougham and Vaux, Baron (Brougham), holding in the gauntlet a sword ppr. or. 66. 2
Brown, Scotland, a cock ppr. Docendo
Brougham Hall, Penrith, Westral., an 195. I
arm in armour embowed, holding in Brouncker, Francis Henry Ernest, of disco. 91. 2
the gauntlet a lucy arg., and charged Boveridge, Dorset, out of battlements Brown and Browne, Durh., a stork's head
on the elbow with a rose gu. Pro rege, sa., a dexter cubit arm vested arg., couped at the neck, nowed ppr., be-
lege, grege. 236. 2 charged with two bendlets wavy of the tween two wings arg.
Brougham, Broughan, Bronhan, and first, holding in the hand ppr. a lozenge Brown of London, a hawk ppr., belled or,
Brouchan, Wale.^, out of a ducal coro- in pale, also arg., charged with a cross standing on a bird's leg erased a la
quise and conjoined to a wing all gu.
net gu., a dexter hand brandishing a Duty.
sword ppr. 212. 11 Bround or Brounde, demi-gri: Nil sine causa.
Broughton, Esses and Beds, an eagle's holding a battle-axe embowed arg., Brown, on a lure a falcon rising ppr.
head erased sa., holding in its beak a the handle gu. cf. 64. 11 cf. Sy. I
snake arg., and charged on the breast Brounker, Ireland, the Roman fasces Brown, Norf., on a mount vert, an ostrich
arg., winged, beaked, legged, and col-
witli two chevrons of the last. ppr. 171. 4
Broughton-ROUSe, Edward Broughton, Brounker, a lion's gamb erased ppr., lared or. cf. 97. 2
Brown, a lion passant. 6. 2
M.A.. LL.M., Corpus Christi CoUege, holding a bezant. 39. 13
Cambridge: (i) A man's head affrontee, Brounlee, a demi-peacock issuing ppr. Brown, Berks, a lion rampant. Spero.
couped at the shoulders, the hair and 103. 10 I- 13
Browell, a dexter hand holding a scimitar
beard sa., bound with a fillet arg. {for Brown, Scotland, a lion rampant ppr.
Rouse). 190. 13. (2) Three ostrich- ppr. 213. 5 Famce studiosus honesta:. i. 13
feathers arg., issuing from the wreath
Browell, the late Rev. AVilliam Robert, Brown, Scotland, a lion rampant. Spero.
—[for Broughton). La fortune passe of the Rectory, Beaumont, Essex, a I- 13
Brown, Scotland, a lion rampant charged
partout. Dii facienles adjuvant. 115. 2 rock ppr., thereon in front of an anchor
with a cinquefoil between two fleurs-
Broughton, Berks, out of a ducal coro- cabled in bend sinister sa., an eagle
net or, a boar's head sa., bristled of rising, also ppr. Virtute quam astutia. de-lis. .Si sit prudentia.
the first, gorged with a collar arg., Brown of Clonboy, co. Clare, an eagle Brown, a lion rampant, holding in the
dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. Floreat
charged with tliree escallops gu. displayed. Virtus dahit, cura servahit.
cf. 41. 4 75. 2 majestas. 2. 7
Broughton, Sir Delves Louis, Bart., of Brown, see M'Kerrell-Brown.
Brown, Worcs., a demi-eagle displayed, Brown, Adam, Esquire, of Hamilton,
Broughton, Staffs and Chesh., a sea- with two heads az., charged on the Ontario, a lion rampant charged with
breast with the Roman fasces erect,
dog's head gu., eared and finned arg. surmounting two swords in saltire and a fleur-de-lis or. Floreat majestas.
encircled by a chaplet or.
Broughton, Shropsh., a talbot passant gu. Brown, Rev. Dixon Dixon, of Unthank cf. I. 13
Hall, Northumb., two escallops or, Brown, Scotland, a lion rampant sa.,
Another, a talbot statant gu. 54. i thereou resting an eagle displayed vert,
holding in the beak a cross crosslet
Broughton, Somers., on a mount vert, a holding in his dexter fore-paw a fleur-
fitchee of the first. Suivez raison.
spaniel couchant erm. cf. 57. 11 de-lis or. Floreat majestas. 2. 7
Broughton, Staffs, a squirrel sejant gu. Brown, Scotland, a lion rampant ppr.,
cf- 1.15- 4 holding in his dexter fore-paw a cross
Broughton, Shropsh., an owl arg.,
crosslet fitchee gu., and in his sinister
charged on the breast with thi'ee snakes
a fleur-de-lis or. Vitam impendere vera.
in fret vert. cf. 96. 5 cf. 74. 1 Brown, Scotland, a demi-lion gu., holding
Broughton, Baron, sec Hobhouse. Brown, Thomas Edwin Burton, Esquire, in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or.
Broughton-Adderley, Hubert John, Es- of Ryslaw, 185, Willesden Lane, Floreat majestas. 13-2
quire, of Barlaston HaU, Stoke-on- Brondesbury, an eagle displayed. Brown, James Millar, Esquire, of the
Trent, Coton Hall, Sudbury, Derbysh., Spcctemur agendo. Buluwayo Club, Buluwayo, South
on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., a Brow;n and Browne, an eagle displayed Africa, a demi-lion rampant vert, hold-
stork arg. vert. Suivez la raison. 75-8 ing in his dexter paw a fleur-de-lis
Broun, Sir William, Bart., of Colstoun, Brown, Warw., an eagle regardant, hold- or. Floreat majestas.
Scotland, a lion rampant, holding in ing in his dexter talon a fleur-de-lis or. Brown, a demi-lion rampant ppr., holding
its de.xter paw a fleur-de-lis or. Floreat in the dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or. 13. 2
Labor omnia vincit. cf. 76. 6
Brown, Andrew Cassels, M.D., Daero
majestas. 2. 7 Brown, Forsyth-: (i) An eagle rising Hill, Rock Ferry, Cheshire, same
Broun, Lieutenant - Colonel, Montague regardant ppr., holding in its dexter
Cecil, Cavalry Club, Piccadilly, W., talon a fleur-de-lis or {for Brown). crest. Floreat majestas.
on a ducal coronet or, a lion rampant A(2) demi-griffin az., issuant out of Brown, same crest. Gaudeo.
Brown, same crest. Tandem, licet scro.
ppr., holding in his dexter paw a fleur- —an antique crown or {for Forsyth). Brown, a demi-lion rampant, holding in
de-lis or. Floreat majestas. 291. 8 Labor omnia vincit. Instaurator riiina:. the dexter paw a trefoil vert. cf. 13. 13
Brown, Yorks, a demi-lion rampant
BroUn-Morison, John Broiin, Esquire, Brown, Robert, junior, F.S.A., Priestgate
erased or, between two elephants'
D.L., J.P., R.C.A. (King's Body- House, Barton-on-Humber, a demi-
guard of Scotland), of Finderlie, eagle displayed ppr. Fortitudine et
Kinross, and Murie, Perthsh. : (i) prudentia. trunks ppr. Persevera Deoqiie confido.
On the dexter side three Moors' heads Brown, an eagle displayed vert, crowned Brown, William James, Esquire, of
conjoined in one neck ppr., banded or, with a mural coronet or, and charged Burghwallis Hall, Doncaster, Mibigill
on the breast with a garland of Lodge, CO. Sutherland, same crest and
one looking upwards, the others to the
dexter and sinister (for Morison). laurel of the last. Suivez moi. motto.
191. 5. (2) On the sinister side a lion
rampant ppr., holding in the dexter cf. 74. 14 Brown, Candler-, Ireland, a demi-lion
Brown, an eagle's head erased ppr. Vi rampant gu., holding between the paws
a fleur-de-lis erminois, and charged on
fore-paw a fleur-de-lis arg. [for Brown). et virtute. 83. 2
the shoulder with a cross crosslet arg.
PruderUia jircestat.—Floreat majestas. Brown, Herts, a griffin's head erased sa.,
2. 7 beaked and eared or, charged on the Gaudeo. cf. 13. 5
Broun of Johnstounburn, co. Haddington,
neck with a bar-gemelle arg. and a Brown, Bart., Westminster and Scotland,
a rose slipped and barbed ppr. Armat
trefoil slipped erm. Si sit prudentia. a demi-lion gu., holding in the dexter
et ornat.
cf. 66. 4 paw a fleur-de-lis or. 1 3. 2
Brown, Sir John, of Endcliffe Hall, I Street, S.W., a cubit arm erect holding Browne of Janeville, Down, an eagle
Sheffield, a lion sejant ppr., charged in the hand a steering-wheel, all ppr. displayed vert. Suivez la raison.
with two barrulets sa., and supporting Spes ultra. 75.8
| Browne, Dodwell Francis, Esquire, of
with the dexter paw an escutcheon Brown, Charles Herbert Gage, Esquire, Rathian, Castlebar, co. Mayo, and
Colombo, Ceylon, same crest and
j of 85, Cadogan Place, S.W., same crest
arg., thereon a bee volant, also ppr.
Ntc sorte, iiec fato. 8. i and motto.
Brown, John, Esquire, of Caxton Road, Brown, Scotland, a hand holding a closed motto.
BroomhUl, Sheffield, same crest and book ppr. Delectat et ornat. 215. 4 Browne, Captain Dominick Sidney, J.P.,
motto. Brown or Browne, Scotland and Ireland, D.L., and High Sheriff, 1896, of
Brown, Sir William Richmond, Bart., of an arm in armour embowed, couped at Breaghwy, Castlebar, and 3, Berkeley
Astrop, Northamp., a bear's paw erect the shoulder and resting the elbow House, Berkeley Square, W., an eagle
and erased arg., issuant out of a wreath on the wTcath, holding in the hand a displayed vert. Suivez raison.
Browne.Henry George, Esquire, of Mont-
of oak vert, and holding a sinister hand sword ppr.
eagle, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, same
ppr. Est Concordia jratrum. 37. 9 Brown, Cornish-: (i) A demi-man ppr., crest and motto.
Browne, Rev. Henry George Cavendish,
Brown, Sir Alexander Hargreaves, of wreathed round the temples or and
gu., charged on the body with five
Broome Hall, Holmwood, Surrey, and
12, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W., escallops saltireways or, and holding B.A., of the Rectory, Bredon, Tewkes-
in the dexter hand a battle-axe ppr. bury, same crest and motto.
same crest and motto. 254. 7 (for Brown). (2) Upon a ragged staff Browne, Sir James Frankfort Manners,
Brown, a lion's ganib erect and erased
gu., holding a wing arg. or, a Cornish chough, wings expanded K.C.B., of 19, Roland Gardens, S.W.,
Brown-Gilpin of Sedbury Park, Yorks : j same crest and motto.
ppr. (jor Cornish). Deus pascit cori-os.
A(I) lion's garab erased arg., armed cj. 107. 3 Browne, Robert John, Esquire, of C«o-
I larne, Silchester Road, Kingstown, co.
and charged with a bar gemelle gu., the Brown Westhead-, George Marion York,
paw holding two eagle's wings con- I Dublin, same crest and motto.
Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent: (i) Within
joined sa. (lor Brown). 37. 11. (2) a fetterlock or, a Saracen's head Browne of Mount Kelly, Galway, same
An arm erabowed in armour, the hand couped ppr., wreathed round the crest and motto.
grasping a branch of laurel, all ppr. temples arg. and sa. (2) A demi-eagle Browne of Bronwylfa, co. Flint, an eagle
\jor Gilpin). cl.1gg.12 displayed with two heads az., charged displayed vert. Spectemur agendo.
Brown of Woodplumpton, Lanes, a lion's on the breast with the fasces erect
gamb erased or, fretty, and holding a surmounting two swords in saltire, and Browne, Sussex and Berks, same crest
mullet of six points sa. encircled by a chaplet or. Ora el labora. and motto.
Brown or Broun, Scotland, a vine-tree Brown, out of a vallary coronet or, a Browne of Browne's Hill, co. Carlow, an
ppr. Prcemiiim virtiUis honor. buck's head sa., attired or. /. 120. 7 eagle displayed with two heads sa.
152.9 Browne, Marquess of Sligo, see Sligo. Fortiter et fldeliter. 74. 2
Brown, Scotland, a rose gu., stalked and Browne, Baron Kilmaine, see Kiiraaine. Browne, on an Eastern crown or, an
leaved ppr. Armat et ornat. 149. 5 Browne, Earl of Kenmare, see Kenmare. eagle displayed wth two heads sa.,
Brown, Germany and Scotland, a dolphin Browne-Cave, see Cave. Boc age. cf. 74. 2
naiant ppr. Virtus dedit^ cura servabit. Browne, Baptist-, see Baptist. Browne, Arthur Blennerhassett, Esquire,
140. 5 Browne, Bart., of Johnstown, Dublin, an of Riverstown, co. Cork, same crest
and motto.
Brown, Walter, Esquire, of Currie, Gore- eagle displaved vert. Suii-ez la raison.
bridge, Midlothian, and 21, Ann Street, 75- 8 Browne, Essex, an eagle displayed with
Edinburgh, N.B., a ship under sail Browne, du Moulin-, Charles Anthony, two heads sa. 74. 2
ppr. Caute et sedulo. 270. 3 Esquire, of Rusina, Leamington : ( i Browne, an eagle displayed with two
An eagle displayed vert (/or Browne). heads per pale az. and gu., winged or.
Brown, a ship under sail ppr. CaiUe et
74- 2
sedulus. A75. 8. (2) leopard's face or, trans- Browne, Bart., Sussex, an eagle displayed
Brown, Scotland, a ship in full sail in the fixed through the mouth with two
sea, all ppr. Dens adesto. 160. 13 tilting-spears saltirewise ppr., and sur- vert. 75. 8
Brown, Horatio Robert Forbes, Esquire, —mounted by a fleur-de-lis gu. Suivez Browne, Rev. Robert Melvill Gore, of
a ship in the sea firing the signal for raison. In te Domine speravi. 22. 8 East Woodhay Rectory, Newbury,
sailing, all ppr. Deus adesto. Browne of Liverpool. Lanes, an eagle same crest. Suivez raison.
Brown, on a mn[int a hare current ppr. displayed with two heads per pale az. Browne, William-, of Rathbane, Lim-
136. 3 and gu., the wings or, and each wing erick, on a marquess's coronet ppr.,
Brown, Sir William Roger, of Highfield, charged with a fleur-de-lis sa. cj. 74. 2 an eagle displayed gu., winged and
Hilperton, Wilts, in front of a cubit Browne, Hon. Thomas Hillman, of Guild- membered or Suivez la raison.
arm erect, vested az., cuffed arg., the ford Lodge, Queenstown, Cape Colony, cf. 75- 2
hand ppr. holding a balance suspended
an eagle displayed vert. Suivez raison. Browne, Kent, a vulture, wings addorsed,
gold, a mount vert, thereon a garb displuming a mallard's wing, all ppr.
fessewise or. Fortuna et Lahore. Browne, Lanes, an eagle displayed arg., 79- 13
charged on the wings with two bars
Brown, a hare courant ppr. c/. 136. 3 Browne, Galway, two eagles' heads
sa. cf. 75. 2
Brown-Borthwick, London, a hand ppr., couped and conjoined sa. cf. 84. 11
Browne, Knox-: (i) An eagle displayed
holding a fleur-de-lis or. Delectat et Browne, an eagle's head erased arg., hold-
ornat. <•/• 215- 5 with two heads vert, charged on each ing in the beak an arrow ppr. cf. 83. 2
wing with a fleur-de-lis or (jor Browne), Browne, Wilts, a demi-eagle displayed
Brown, Scotland, a hand holding an open
book ppr. Deus evehit pios. 215. 10 cf. 74. 2. (2) On a perch a falcon or, surmoimted by two palm- branches
Brown, a dexter hand holding a sword, close ppr., charged on the breast with in saltire. Suivez raison. cf.81.6
all ppr. La vertu est la seide noblesse.
—a pheon sa. (for Knox). Suivez raison. Browne, a griffin's head erased gu.
212. 13
Brown, Alfred, Esquire, of Durban, Moveo et proficio. cf. 85. 13 Probitas Veritas honos. 66. 2
Browne, Thomas Browne, Esquire, of Browne of Moyne, Galway, a griffin's
Natal, a hillock vert, in front of a Newgrove, co. Clare, Ireland, an eagle head erased arg. Fortiter et fldeliter.
dexter arm enibowed in armour, the displayed with two heeids per pale arg. 66. 3
hand grasping a dagger, the point to and sa., the dexter wing charged with Browne of Greenville, Galway, same crest
the dexter ppr., pommel and hilt or,
pendent from the arm by a riband gu., a pellet and the sinister with a plate. and motto.
an escutcheon or, charged with an
Nee timeOy nee sperno. 74. 4 Browne, a griffin's head erased or,
oak-tree eradicated ppr. Honor mens
vita mm. Browne, Windham, Esquire, an eagle collared arg. cf. 66. 2
Brown, Sir Charles Gage Brown, K.C.M.G.,
displayed with two heads per pale arg. Browne of Caughley, Shropsh., a griffin's
and sa., the dexter wing charged with head erased per pale gu. and sa., gorged
a pellet, and the sinister with a plate. with a collar or, charged with two tre-
M.r)., F.R.C.P., LL.D., of 88, Sloane Nee timeo, nee sperno. 74. 4 foils slipped vert.
Browne of Weymouth, Dorset, a griffin's Browne, Middx., a tiger passant ppr. Browne, Wexford, Ireland, a stag's head
head erased sa., beaked or. 66. 5 24. 7 erased arg., attired or, guttee-de-sang.
121. 2
Browne of Tallantire Hall, Cumb., a Browne, a bear's paw couped and erect
griffin's head vert between two wings. or, grasping a falchion arg. 38. 13 Browne-Clayton, William Clayton, of
Brown's Hill, co. Carlow. an eagle
Traducere cBVum leniter. cf. 67. 7 Browne, out of a mural coronet or, a displayed with two heads sa. Fortiter
Browne of Browne Hall, Mayo, a griffin's tiger's head sa. cf. 27. i et fideliter.
head erased arg., langued gu. Fort iter Browne, Suff., a lion's gamb erased and
et firfditer. 66. 2 erect gu., holding a ring arg. Brownell, Yorks, an escallop arg.
Browne, Heref., a demi-griffin vert, Browne, a lion's gamb erased and erect 141. 14
winged and legged or. gu., holding a wing arg. Brownell, Derbysh., out of a ducal coronet
Browne, a demi-giiffin vert, wings Browne, Middx., a buck's head erased a triple plume of twelve ostrich-feathers
elevated or. 64. 5 ppr., attired or. 121. 2 arg., five, four, and three. 114. 6
Browne, Notts, a cock pheasant az., Browne, Sussex, a stag ppr., attired, BrownQeld, a lion passant arg., semee of
combed and beaked gu., collared or. ducally gorged, and lined or. cf. 117. 5 pheons gu., supporting with the dexter
paw a cross pattee fitchee or. Labo-
90. 10 Browne, Leics., a boar's head erased sa.,
Browne, Beale-, Desmond John Edward, pierced through the neck with a broken rant numen adesl.
Salperton, Gloucester: (i) (Browne) spear or, headed arg. Brownbill, Scotland, the sun rising from
A demi-eagle double-headed displayed Browne-Lecky, Conofly William Lecky, behind a mountain ppr. Badii omnia
sa., charged on the breast with a Esquire, of Aughentaine Castle, co. lustmnt. cf. 162. 7
Aleopard's face or (for Browne). {2) ATyrone, Ireland : ( i ) boar's head Browning of Comley, Glouc, on a chapeau
unicorn's head erased arg., semee of erased ppr., charged with a rose gu. gu., turned up erm., a pair of wings
estoiles gu. {for Beale). Sperat in A{for Lecky). (2) lion rampant or, endorsed.
Deo. resting hjs sinister fore-paw on an Browning, out of a ducal coronet a cocka-
Browne, a peewit arg., in a nest or. escutcheon gu., charged with a fieur- trice's head. cf. 68. 13
Browne of Norwich, out of a ducal coronet de-lis or {for Brown). Utere dum poles. Browning, Ireland, a dexter arm em-
a crane's claw, all ppr. cf. 113. 13 Browne-Lecky, Raymond Saville, Es- bowed holding in the hand a battle-
Browne, a stork's head couped at the quire, of Aughentain, co. Tjrone, Ire- axe ppr. 201. 5
neck and nowed ppr., between two
Aland : (i) boar's head erased ppr., Browning, a sinister arm from the elbow
wings arg. charged with a rose gu. {for Lecki/). issuing from a cloud in the dexter,
Browne of Islington, a crane az., beaked (2) Alien rampant or, resting his sinister the hand above a serpent's head, erect
and legged or, the crown of the head fore-paw on an escutcheon gu., charged from the middle, and looking toward
gu., holding in the beak an ear of with a fleur-de-lis or {for Brown). the sinister ppr. 223. 7
wheat of the second. c/. 105. 14 Utere dum potes. Browning, George Elliot. Eden Bank,
Browne, on a mural coronet gu., a crane's Browne, a bull salient ppr., collared and Wetheral, Cumb., a sinister arm from
head erased erm., charged on the neck lined or. the elbow issuing from a cloud in the
with an escallop az. Venim atque Browne, John Michael, Hall Court, Heref., sinistei , the hand above a serpent's
deceits. cf. 104. 10 a bull salient ppr., collared and chained head, erect from the middle, and
Browne, a stork's head holding in the or. 64. 5 looking toward the dexter ppr. In
beak an acom slipped vert, fructed or, Browne, a sword erect arg., embrued at Deo snlus. 302. 8
between two wings expanded az.. each the point gu. cf. 170. 2 Browning, Thomas Wise, Carass Court,
charged with an escallop of the second. Browne, on a mount vert, three anchor- Crooni, CO. Limerick, a lion's head
Browne, Shropsh., nut of a mural coronet stocks sa., two in saltire and one in erased ppr.
gu., a stork's head erm. cf. 104. 10 pale, enfiled by a crown arg. Browning, Oscar, King's College, Cambs,
Browne, Suff., a demi-stork, wings ex- Browne, Herts, a dragon's head arg., on a cap of maintenance party per
panded ppr., the neck nowed. guttee-de-poix, between two wings ex- —fess az. and arg., a pair of wings ad-
Browne, Norf., on a chapeau a crane. panded sa., guttee-d'eau. 72. 7 dorsed. Be just and fear not. Pour
le Roy et la Loy.
Pietate. 105. 3 Browne, Devoush. and Heref., a demi- Brownlee and Brownlie, Scotland, an arm
Browne, a crane's head and neck erased man sa., wreathed about the middle
az., ducally gorged or, holding in the and temples, holding in his dexter hand in armour brandishing a sword. 210. 2
beak a bezant. a hammer or. cf. 1S6. 11 Brownlee and Bronlie, a demi-peacock
Browne, Ireland, out of a mural crown Browne of Wymondham, Norf. : ( I ) An issuing ppr. 103. 10
gu., a stork's head and neck erm., escallop arg., charged with a cross Brownlee and Brownlie, Scotland, an
beaked az. cf. 104. 10 moline gu., between four torteaux. eagle displayed, charged on the breast
Browne, Dorset, on a mount vert, a hare Acf. 141. 14. (2) demi-talbot ram- with an annulet. cf. 75. 2
current arg. 136. 3 pant arg., pellettee, holding a spear Brownlow, Ireland, a goat's head erased
Browne, Derbysh., a lion rampant arg., erect or. arg. 128. 5
ducally crowned or, supporting a tilt- Browne, Norf., an arm erect vested bendy Brownlow, Ireland, a goat's head erased
ing-spear ppr., headed of the first. or and az., holding in the hand ppr. a arg., collared gu. cf. 128. 7
Browne, a demi-lion ducally gorged and
fetterlock gu. Brownlow, Earl (Cust), Belton House,
chained or. cf. 10. 7 Browne of London, a bee-hive with bees Grantham, Lines, a lion's head erased
sa., gorged with a collar paly, wavy of
Browne, a lion rampant ppr. i. 13 volant ppr. Virtus et industrin. 137. 7 six arg. and az. Esse quam videri.
Browne, Chester, a demi-lion rampant Browne of London, a cubit arm vested
arg. In te Detis speravi. 10. 2 gu., cuffed arg., holding in the hand
ppr. a sword erect, also ppr., hilted or, Brownlow, London and Lines, on a
Browne, Sir Benjamin Chapman, J.P.,
of Westacres, Newcastle-on-Tyne, a enfiled with a leopard's head of the chapeau gu., turned up erm., a grey-
demi-lion rampant ppr. Ne cede malis. second. Virtus ciini servabit. hound passant or, collared of the first.
Browne, a demi-lion rampant ppr. iVe Browne, an arm couped and erect vested cf. 58. 4
cede malis. az., cuffed erm., holding in the hand Brownlow, Baron, Lurgan, on a chapeau
Browne, a lion sejant sa., resting the ppr. a caltrap or. cf. 206. 14 az., turned up erm., a greyhound sta-
dexter paw on an escutcheon arg., Browne, Limerick, an armed arm holding tant gu. Esse quam videri. 58. 4
charged with a mullet of the first. a sword ppr. Fidem servabo genusque. Brownlow, General Sir Charles Henry,
cf. 8. : G.C.B., of Warfield HaU, Bracknell,
Browne, Bucks, a heraldic tiger az., Browne, Shropsh., a man's leg couped at Berks, upon a chapeau az., turned up
maned, tufted, and armed or. cf. 25. 5 the knee booted and spurred ppr. erm., a greyhound gu., collared or.
Esse quam videri.
Browne, Charles Michael Edward, Es- Browne of Writtle, Essex, a breastplate
quire, of L'Hermitage, St. Cyre, Indre or, leathered sa., buckled of the first. Brownrig or Brownrigg, a lion rampant
j et Loire, France, same crest. Qui non issuant above a plume of feathers arg. holding in his dexter paw a fleur-de-
ciconia tigris. and gu. lis ppr. 2. 7
Brownrigg, Sir Douglas Egremont, Bart., Bruce, Mowance, Scotland, a dexter hand Bruere, out of a mural crown per pale
White Waltham, Maidenhead, (i) As holding a heart ppr. Omnia vincit arg. and or, a cubit arm erect, vested
an augmentation, a demi - Kandian amor. 216. 9 gu., cuffed of the first, holding in the
hand a halbert in bend sinister ppr.
holding in the dexter hand a sword, Bruce, Scotland, a naked arm embowed
and in his sinister the cro\vn of Kandy. issuing out of a cloud and holding a Bruges, De, a cross Calvary gu. 166. i
(2) Out of a mural coronet or, a sword
erect ppr., pommel and hilt of the first, human heart ppr. Semper fiddis. Bruges, an anchor erect sa., charged with
entwined by a serpent vert. Virescit Bruce, Scotland and England, a lion pas- a saltire or, entwined by the cable ppr.
sant az. (Another, or.) 6. 2 mne solum forti patria. cf. 102. 2
vulnere virtus. Bruce, Robert, Esquire, of 6, Warwick Bruges, Ludlow-, William Penruddocke,
Brovrarigg, a sword erect environed by a
Square, London, S.W., a lion passant of Seend, near Melksham : (i) Same
snake, all ppr. az., holding in his dexter paw a trefoil —crest as above. (2) A demi-marten
Brownsmith, in a frame lozenge-shaped, slipped ppr. Fuimus. couped sa. 3Iihi ccelmn partus.
five arrows points do-\vnward, one in Bruce, Sir Henry Hervey, Bart., Down- Omni solum forti patria.
pale, four in saltier. 173. 4 hill, CO. Londonderry, Ireland, a lion Bruges, London, on an anchor sa., stock
passant az., holding in his dexter paw
Brownsword, a pegasus current ppr. or, a scroll with the motto Mihi
47. I a trefoil slipped vert. Fuimus. caelum partus. cf. 161. i
Broxholme, Lines, a bear statant against cf. 6. 5 Bruges, Glouc, Wilts, and Essex, a Sara-
an elm-tree, aU ppr. Bruce of Balcaskie, Scotland, the setting cen's head in profile, couped at the
Broyn, two lion's gambs sa., holding up sun ppr. Irrevocabile. shoulders ppr., vested arg., semee of
39- i Bruce, Scotland, a star or. Ad gumma torteaux, and wreathed of the second
an escutcheon arg.
Bruce, see Baron Balfour of Burleigh. virtus. 164. 3 and sa.
Bruce, Baron Thurlow, see Thurlow.
Bruce, Brudenell-, Marquess ol Allesbury Bruce, Scotland, a lion rampant. Fuimus. Bruget, out of a ducal coronet or, a
and Earl Bruce, see Ailesbury. I- 13 swan's head and neck between two
Bruce, Earl ot Elgin, see Elgin. Bruce of Wester Kinloch, Scotland, a star wings arg. cf. 1 01. 6
Bruce, Baron Aberdare, «ee Aberdare.
or. Ad summa virtus. 164. 3 Bruin, see Bruen.
Bruce of Garret, Scotland, a hand holding Braining, «ee Bruning.
Bruce, see Cumming-Bruce. a sword ppr. Venture forward. BruniQeld, a pheon az. 174. 11
Bruce, .see Hamilton-TyndaU-Bruce. 212. 13 Brumherd, a mermaid with a comb and
Bruce of Kennet, Clackmannan, a hand
Bruce, Scotland, an arm embowed, hold- a glass, aU ppr. 1S4. 5
holding a sceptre ppr. Fuimus. ing in the hand a cutlass, all ppr. Do
Brummel or Brummell, a dove with an
Bruce, Knight-, Lewis Bruce, Rivermead, well, doubt nought. 201. 2 olive-branch ppr. 92. 5
Sunbury: (i) A cubit arm in armour Bruce of Arnot, Scotland, the sun rising Brumstead, a demi-griffin arg., wings
in bend grasping a sceptre, all ppr. {for from a cloud ppr. liec me qui, cmtera elevated or, holding in the dexter claw
Bruce). (2) On a spur lying fesseways vincit. 162. 5 a cross formee fitched gu. cf. 64. 2
or, a hawk with wings elevated ppr.
{for Knight). Fuimus. Bruce, Robert Cathcart, M.D., 10, Court- Brun, a stag lodged sa. "S- 7
Bruce, Sir WiUiam Cuningham, Bart., of
Vyera, Ascot, Berks, on a chapeau ppr. field Road, S.W., on a cap of dignity a Brune, a goat passant arg., armed or.
dexter arm in armour couped at the cf. 129. 5
shoulder and embowed fessewise hold- Brune-Prideaux, Comw. and Dorset, a
an arm from the shoulder couped and ing in the hand a sceptre ensigned man's head in profile couped at the
embowed fessewise in armour holding with an open crown, aU ppr. Fuimus. shoulders, on the head a chapeau
in the hand a sceptre ensigned on the Bruce, Hon. Sir Gainsford, of Yew- gules, turned up arg.
point with an open crown, all ppr. hurst, Bromley, Kent, in front of Brune, Prideaux-, Charles Glynn, of Pri-
Fuimus ; also. Do well and doiiht not. a torch erect fured ppr , a lion statant
with tail extended or, charged on the Adeaux Place, Padstow, Cornw. : (i)
cf. 197. 4 body with two fleurs-de-lis fesseways
Bruce, Kilroot, co. Antrim, a cubit arm goat passant per pale indented arg.
and sa., armed and ungu. or, pendent
holding a scimitar ppr. Do well and gu. Do well and doubt not. from a collar gu. a shield, thereon the
doubt nought. 213. 5 Bruce, Sir George Barclay, K.B., of arms of Brune, viz., azure, a cross
moline or (for Brune). (2) As above
Bruce of Scoutbush, Ireland, a hand 64, Boundary Road, London, N.W.,
holding a scimitar ppr. Do well, doubt same crest, and Be trew. (for Prideaux). Toujours pret.
noughl. 213. 5 Brucb, a demi-eagle displayed sa. Bruneck, an eagle's head erased sa. 83. 2
Bruce, Scotland, a horse's head erased 81. 6 Brunei, a cockatrice displaj'ed gu. 68. 14
arg., bridled gu. Be true. cf. 51.4 Bruckshaw or Bruckshow, a sea-chart Bruning, Bruen, Bruining, a demi-lion
Bruce, James, Esquire, of the Manor ppr. 159- II double queued gu., guttee-d'eau, du-
House, Benburb, co. Tyrone, a horse's Brudenal and Brudenell, a battle-axe in cally crowned arg.
head arg., bridled gu., and charged on pale surmounted by a branch of laurel Brunner, Sir John Tomlinson, Bart.,
the neck with a cinquefoil of the last. and a branch of rue in saltier ppr. Druids CYoss, Wavertree, Liverpool,
Do well and doubt not. cf. 172. 12 in front of a wing erect gu., a fountain
playing ppr., charged on the basin
Bruce, William Robert, Esquire, of Brudenell-Bruce, «ee Ailesbury, Marquess
Bockford, Blackrock, Dublin, same of. with a rose gu. Bibe si sapis. 234. 1
crest and motto. Brudenell, Leics. and Northamp. : (i) Brunsell, Notts, a lion's gamb erased or,
Bruce, John, J.P., 21, Drumsheugh An arm embowed covered with leaves holding a rose arg., stalked and leaved
Gardens, Edinburgh, a cubit arm erect vert, holding in the hand ppr. a spiked vert. 37- 10
holding a heart ppr. club or, slung to the arm with a line Brunsfield and Brunsfields, Scotland, a
Bruce, John, of Sumburgh, Shetland Aof the last. 199. i. (2) talbot arg., demi-chevalier brandishing a sw'ord
Islands, same crest and motto.
Aducally gorged gu. cf. 54. 2. (3) ppr. 187. I
Bruce, Samuel, Esquire, of Norton Hall,
Campden, Glouc, a horse's head sea-horse arg. En grace afjie. 46. 5 Brunton, a beacon in flames ppr. Fax
Brudnell, a sea-horse arg. En grace affie. mentis incendium glorice. 177. 14
couped arg. Do well and doubt not. 46. 5 Brunton, an anchor sa. 161. i
Bruce, Henry Le Geyt, K.C.B., a Uon Bruen, see Bruning.
Brunwin, a lion's head erased or, fretty
statant az. Fuimus. Bruen or Bruin, a pedlar ambulant arg., sa. 17- 8
Bruce, a horse's head era-sed sa., bridled with a crutch in his dexter hand and Bruse, out of a ducal coronet or, a lion's
gu. Fuimus. cf. 51. 4 a pack on his back or. head gu. I7- 5
Bruce of Pittarthie, Scotland, a horse's Bruen, Chesh., a fisherman vested per Bruse, Norf., a Saracen's head in profile
head couped and furnished ppr. True. pale arg. and sa., counterchanged, hold- ppr., wreathed arg. and gu. 190. 14
5- 5 ing in his dexter hand a fisherman's Bruse, an eagle rising regardant ppr.
Bruce, Newton, Scotland, an eagle's head staff, and in his sinister a landing-net 7"- 4
couped ppr. Spes niea superne. thrown over the shoulder or. Bruse, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi-
83. I Bruer, a mermaid ppr. 184. 5 lion az. 16. 3
Brusell and Brussell, a lion's head erased wings addorsed arg., each charged with Buchan, Fordyce- : (i) The sun shining
gu. 17. 2 a bend, engrailed sa. (for Brydges). cj. on a sunflower in full bloom, all ppr.
Bruskett, out of a ducal coronet or, a 109. 12. (2) On a cushion gu., gar- (for Buchan). (2) A camel's head
nished and tasselled or, a representa-
demi-lion az. 16. 3 couped ppr. (for Fordyce). Non inferi-
tion of the royal crown of Persia. (3)
Bruton or Brutyn, Exeter, a demi-wolf A crow sa., resting the dexter claw ora secutus. 132. 7
ducally crowned holding between the the star of the Order of the Crescent Buchan, Major John Inverarity, of Fin-
paws a mullet ppr. cf. 31. 6 (for Jones). Deus pascit corvis. haven, Stevenson Street, Studley Park,
Brutton, a cat sejant gardant ppr. 26. 8 Bryan or Brian: (l) A beacon in flames Kew, near Melbourne, an oak-tree
or. 177.14. (2) An heraldic tiger cur-
Brutton, a sphere ppr. 159. ] eradicated fesseways ppr., thereon a
Bruyer and Bruyeres, a bear's paw erased lion rampant per fesse indented or and
cf. 36. 6 rent az., bezantee. cf. 25. 5 az., holding in the dexter fore-paw a
branch of laurels slipped, also ppr.
Bruyin or Bruyn, Surrey and Esses, a goat Bryers, Lanes, a nag's head erm. 50. 13 Facta non verba.
Buchan-Hepburn, see Hepburn.
arg., armed or. 129. 5 Brykes, a wolf's head erased pierced
Bruyn and Bruyne, on a chapeau gu., an with an arrow ppr. cf. 30. 8
ibex of the same. Brykes or Byrkes, a wolf's head erased Buchan-Sydserfl, Thomas. J.P.. of Ruch-
Bruzead, a cat sejant sa. cf. 26. 8 per pale or and az., holding in the law. Prestonkirk, Scotland, an eagle's
mouth an arrow of the first feathered head couped gu. Virtute promoveo.
Bryan, Loftus Anthony, Esquire, of
Upton and Borrmount, co. Wexford, gu. cf. 30. 8 Buchanan, see Leith-Buchanan.
Ireland, on a mural crown ppr., a lion Brymer, Scotland, a hand gauntleted Buchanan, see Fergusson-Buchanan.
rampant gu., collared gemelle or, and holding a pheon ppr. Per tela, per Buchanan, Scotland, a dexter hand hold-
charged on the shoulder with a cinque- hostes. 211. 7 ing up a ducal cap ppr., tufted on the
top with a rose gu., all within two
foil arg. Ferro mea recupero. Brymer, William Ernest, Esquire, of
Bryan, a greyhound current regardant Ilsington House, Dorchester, and 8, St. laurel-branches in orle vert. Clarior
erm., collared or. cf. 58. 2 James's Street, London, a plume of six hinc honos. 217. 2
Bryan, Kilkenny, a sword in pale ppr., ostrich - feathers alternately gu. and Buchanan, Scotland, the same crest.
pommel and hilt or, between two lions' arg., charged with an escutcheon of the Audaces juvo.
gambs couped and erect gu. Fortis et last, thereon a Catherine- wheel of the Buchanan, Sir Eric Alexander, Bart., of
fidelis. first. Virtute. Duuburgh, Stirlingsh., an armed dexter
Bryan, Kent, on a garb in fess a bird. Brymton, Brympton, and Brumpton, out hand holding a cap of dignity purpure,
Bryan, Wexford, a Saracen's head erased of a ducal coronet ppr., a lion's gamb. the facing erm. Nunqiiam victus.
at the neck sa. 36. 12 cf. 210. 8
Bryan, Ireland, a demi-aavage ppr.
Brympton and Brumpton, the same Buchanan, an armed dexter hand ppr.,
cf. 186. 5 charged with a bezant. cf. 36. 12 holding a ducal cap purpure, turned
up erm. Nunquam victus.
Bryan, on a dexter hand couped in fess Bryne, a lion's gamb holding a hawk's
a hawk close ppr. cf. 86. 8 lure, all ppr.
Bryan, issuing out of clouds a naked arm BrysiUy, a cock-pheasant purpure. Buchanan, Carrick- of Drumpellier
embowed, the hand grasping a dagger, cf. 90. 8 House, Coatbridge, Lanarksh., a hand
holding up a ducal cap purpure, tufted
aU ppr. Bryson, Brysoun, Bryssan, or Bryssone,
Bryan, on a chapeau gu., turned up erm., Scotland, a spur-rowel ppr. 164. 8 on the top with a rose gu., within two
a hunting-horn sa., garnished or. —Bryson of Craigton, a hand holding a branches of laurel disposed orleways
horn ppr. Ever ready. Vivit post ppr. Audaces juvo.
ncf. 228. Buchanan, Cross-, a cubit arm erect ppr.,
funera virtus. 217. 4 holding a sword, also ppr., hilted and
Bryan, De, Ireland, a dexter hand holding
an escallop-shell or. 216. 2 Bryson, a ship under sail. God, with my
Bryant, Middx., out of a ducal coronet right. 160. 13 pommelled or. 212. 9
or, a demi-lion az. Fortiter ct fidditer. Bubb of Carlisle, Cumb., on a mount vert, Buchanan, Herbert Blackwood, Esquire,
16. 3 a unicorn sejant arg., crined and armed of Throsk, Stirlingsh., a dexter hand
Bryant, a flag az., charged with a saltier or, resting the dexter foot on a shield grasping a scimitar ppr. Audaciter.
arg. cf. 176. 13 per pale of the last and erm. Buchanan, a dexter hand holding a
Bryant, John Henry, M.D., 8, Mansfield Bubb, Henry, Esquire, of Ullenwood, dagger in pale ppr. Sanguine in-
81 net, Portland Place, W., same crest. near Cheltenham, same crest. Liberte scribam. 219. 9
Bryant, Thomas, Surgeon, 27, Grosvenor tout entiere. Buchanan, Scotland, a hand holding a
iStrect, W., same crest. Sub hoc signo Buccleuch and Queensbery, Duke of, sword ppr. God, with my right.
vinces. (Montagu-Douglas-Scott, K.G.), Dal- 2:2. 13
Bryce, a cock ppr.. holding in its beak an keith House, Edinburgh, a stag trip- Buchanan, Scotland, a hand holding a
ear of corn. c/. 91. 2 pant ppr., attired and ungu. or. Anw. sabre in bend ppr. Audacia et in-
Bryce, a griffin's head erased or. 66. 2 117. 8 dustria. 212. 13
Bryce, Scotland, a dexter arm holding in Bucb, a man's head in profile with ass's Buchanan, a dexter hand grasping a
the hand a cutlass ppr. Do well, doubt ears. cf. 190. 6 scimitar ppr. Audaciter. 213. 5
nought. 213. 5 Buchan, Earl of (Erskine), Gogmagog Buchanan, of Ardoch, Dumbarton, two
Bryce, Scotland, out of a cloud in the Hills, Cambridge, a dexter arm couped hands grasping a two-handed sword
sinister a dexter hand holding a pair below the elbow holding a club, all ppr. Clariora sequor. 213.3
of scales ppr. Fiat justitia. ppr. Judge nought. cf. 214. 6 Buchanan, Gray-, James Ross, Esquire,
of Scotstown, Eastfield, Cambuslang,
Brydall, Middx., a lion's gamb erect and Buchan, Scotland, a demi-hon rampant N.B. : (i) Two hands grasping a two
handed sword ppr. (for Buchanan)
erased az., holding a broken lance arg., holding between his paws a laurel-
213. 3- (2) .A.n anchor in the sea ppr.
headed or. 38. 9 branch ppr. Fortior qui melior.
Bryden, Berwicksh., a hawk's head erased Buchan, Scotland, a lion holding in his
ppr., charged with three bezants, one dexter paw a twig of olive ppr. Fortior (for Gray). Clariora sequor.— Fast.
quo mitior. 161. 8
and two. Keep wntch. cf 88. 12 Buchan, Scotland, a lion's head erased
Buchanan, Scotland, a hand holding a
Bryden, Scotland, a lion passant az. gu. 17. 2 lance in bend ppr. Secundo euro.
6. 2
Brydges, Bart., Kent, the bust of a man, Buchan, Ireland, a wolf sejant sa. 214. II
head ppr., hair and beard sa., vest arg.,
coUar gu., cap or, band and tassel of the 29- 3 Buchanan, Scotland, a dagger erect ppr.
third, the cap and vest charged each
with a pheon, the point downwards of Buchan, Scotland, a sunflower ppr. Non Nobilis est ira leonis. 169. 2
the second.
inferiora secutus. 157. 12 Buchanan, Thomas Alexander, Esquire,
Brydges, Jones-, Sir Harford James,
Bart., of Boultibrook, Heref. : (i) Two Buchan, William, Esquire, Peebles, same of Powis, near Stirling, N.B., a sword
crest and motto. —erect in pale ppr., hilted and pommelled
Buchan, Scotland, the sun shining on a or. Virtute gladii parvi. Nobilis est
ppr. Fortior qui melior. ira leonis.
Buchanan, William Cross, Esquire, a Bucke, Kent, an arm in armour embowed Buckley, Wilts, out of a ducal coron
cubit arm erect ppr., holding a sword, ppr., garnished or, holding in the hand or, a bull's head arg., armed of the 4
also ppr., pommel and hilt or. a cutlass arg., hilt of the second. first. Nee temere, nee timide 44. 1 '
Buchanan, William Frederick, Esquire, of 196. 10 Buckley, Yorks, out of a fern-brake ppr.,
Clar Innis, Sydney, N.S.W., and Kil- Buckeridge, Middx., a stag current ppr. a bull's head sa.
larney, Narrabii, N.S.W., in front of a cf. 118. 13 Buckley, Sir Edmund, Bart., of Dinas
dexter hand couped at the.jvrist ppr., Buckeridge, a dexter arm erect couped Mawddwy, Merionethsh., on a mount
holding an escutcheon sa., charged at the elbow, habited per pale indented in front of a bull's head sa., two fern-
with a rose arg., barbed and seeded of az. and vert, charged with three bars branches ppr., over all a bendlet sinister
the first, two branches of laurel slipped erminois, holding in the gauntlet ppr. wavy or. Ntc temere, nee timide.
and fruoted in saltire of the last. a cross crosslet fitchee sa. 234. 5
Clarior hinc honos. 269. 19 Bucket, a lily and a holly-branch in Buckley, Glouc, a bull's head erased sa.,
Buchanan, Scotland, a sinister arm em- saltier ppr. i;!. 10 ducally gorged or, holding in the mouth
bowed in fess, vested, holding in the Buckfield, Bucktold, and Buckfoiild, a a flagstaff bendwise ppr., therefrom
hand a bent bow or. Par sit fortuna buck ppr., attired or, in a field vert, pendent a white banner charged with
labori. 204. 11 paled around of the first. a cross pattce gu. Sed soli Deo.
Buchanan, Scotland and England, two Buckingham, a lion rampant gu. i. 13 Buckley, Hon. Sir Henry Burton, of
hands conjoined and couped in fess. Buckingham, London, on a chapeau az., 7, Melbury Road, Kensington, W.,
upon a mount vert, a demi-stag at
224. 2 turned up erm., a demi-swan, wings
Buchanan, Scotland, a lion's garab erased expanded ppr., membered or, ducally gaze gu., attired and gorged with a
and erect ppr. Xohilis est ira honis. gorged gu. collar, a chain attached reflexed over
36. 4 Buckingham and Chandos, Duke ot, Earl the back or, supporting a garb of the
Buchanan, Scotland, a dove holding in Temple (Temple - Nugent - Brydges -
Chandos-Grenville) : (i) A garb vert last. To my vJmost.
its beak an olive-branch, all ppr. (for Grenville). 153. 2. (2) On a ducal
Buckley, Kent, a demi-eagle rising ppr.
Nuncia pads. 92. 5 coronet a martlet or (for Temple). 95. 80. 2
Buchanan, Ireland, a demi-unicorn or. 12. (3) The bust of an old man in Buckley, Chesh., a griffin's head gu., be-
profile couped below the shoulders tween two wings of the same bezantee
48. 7
Buchanan, Scotland, a rose slipped gu. 65. II
Ducitur hinc honos. 149. 5 ppr., habited paly of six arg. and gu., Buckley, a stag's head. 121. 5
Buchanan, Francis C, Esquire, Clarinish semee of roundels, counterchanged, Buckmaster, Lines, Devonsh., and Nor-
Row, Dumbartonsh., an eagle rising wreathed round the temples of the thamp., a demi-lion sa., holding in the
dexter paw a fleur-de-lis or,and.charged
ppr. Audax omnia perpeii. 77. 5 Asecond and az. (for Brydges). (4)
Buchanan, John Young, Esquire, of Saracen's head couped at the shoulders on the shoulder with three annulets
Christ's College, Cambridge, same crest and affrontee ppr., «Teathed about conjoined of the same. cf. 13. 2
and motto. the temples arg. and sa. (for Chandos). Buckminster, Northamp., a demi-lion
Buchannan, Scotland, a dexter hand hold- Templa quam dilecta. 190. 5 rampant sa., supporting a battle-axe
ing a bow in bend ppr. 214. 5 Buckinghamshire, Earl of (Hobart-Hamp- erect or, headed arg. cf. 15. 5
Buchannan, George, Esquire, of Flower- den), Hampden House, Great Mis- Bucknall, a buck's head cabossed sa.
gate Cross, Whitby, Yorks, a dexter senden, Bucks: (1) A talbot statant 122. 5
Bucknall of Turin Castle, Mayo, a buck's
hand ppr., holding a ducal cap purpure, erm., collared, ringed, and lined gu., the
turned up erm., tufted on the top with end of the line tied in a knot over the head cabcssed sa., attired or. 122. 5
a rose gu., all within two branches
disposed orleways, also ppr. Audaces back (for Hampden), cf. 54. 5. (2) Bucknel or Bucknell, a dexter hand issu-
A bull passant per pale sa. and gu., ing from a cloud in fess, holding a
juvo. 217. 3 —bezantee, in the nose a ring or (for ball ppr. cf. 223. I
Buche, out of a ducal coronet or, a Hoharl). Auctor pretiosa facit. Ves- Buckner, William Henry Pierce, of
demi-boar sa., pierced in the neck with tigia nulla relrorsum. cf. 45. 2 Coastguard, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen,
a buck courant erminois. in front of a
an arrow ppr. Buckland, Bucks, on a mount vert, a beech-tree, issuant from a mount ppr.
Buck, a demi-lion rampant ppr., ducally stag lodged ppr. 115. 12
crowned or, holding in its paws a bow Buckland "and Buckle, Somers., on a Fide surgimus ad spem.
chapeau gu., turned up erm., a talbot Buckner, a fleur-de-lis gu., with an adder
Buck, Lines, a portcullis az., sejant or. 54. 14 entwined, the head issuing from the
and chained or. cf. 178. 3 Buckle, Sussex, out of a ducal coronet, centre leaf ppr. cf. 14S. 8
Buck of Denholme Yorks, a portcullis a demi-ounce arg. Nil temere tenia nil Buckston of Bradborne, Derbysh., a
az., garnished and chained or. Nosce timide. pelican or, vulning herself gu. Fructum
teipsiim. cf. 178. 3 Buckle, Vice- Admiral Charles Matthew, of habet caritas. 98. i
Buck, Hants, an arm in armour embowed 3, Lowndes Street, S.W., same crest. Buckton, Northumb., a goat's head erased
ppr., garnished or, holding a scimitar Nee temere, nee timide. per fess indented arg. and sa., armed
arg., hilted of the second. 196. 10 Buckle, Christopher Reginald, Esquire, or. 128. 5
Buck, Norf., a buck lodged ppr 115. 7 of Norton House, Aldingbourne, Chi- Buckton, James Douglas, Bruche Hall,
Buck, a buck's head couped ppr. chester, same crest and motto. Warrington, a stag trippant holding in
121. 5 Buckle, Cuthbert Robert, Esquire, same the mouth a branch of laurel. Veritas.
Buck, Glouc, a buck's attire arg., fixed crest and motto. Buckton or Buketon, Yorks, a demi-shark
to the scalp or. Buckle, Rev. Edward Valentine, of Ban- issuing regardant, gorging a negro ppr.
Buck, a buck's attire fixed to the scalp stead, Surrey, same crest and motto. 139. 2
sa. Buckle, a lion's head erased. 17. 8 Buckton, De, a goat's head couped per
Buck, between a buck's attires fixed to Buckle, out of a ducal coronet or, a fess arg. and sa., armed or and vert.
the scalp, a lion rampant holding over derai-leopard arg. cf. 128. 12
the sinister shoulder a battle-axe, all Buckle or Bucke!, I,ondon, out of a Buckworth, Surrey, a demi-lion arg., hold-
ppr. ducal coronet or, a bull's head arg. ing in the dexter paw a cross crosslet
Buck, Lines, a Saracen's head in profile 44. II fitched gu. II. 10
ppr., wreathed or and az., on his head Buckler, Dorset, Hants, and Wilts, and Buckworth, Richard, Esquire, of Cockley
a cap of the second, the neck charged Charles Alban Buckler, Esquire, Surrey Cley Hall, Norf., uses a demi-lion
with two bars gemelle of the same, the Herald Extraordinary, a dragon's head holding a cross crosslet fitchee (of no
shoulders habited of the third. couped sa., collared with two gemelles authority). 11. 10
Buckby, on a chapeau gu., turned up and guttee-d'or. Fidelis usque ad mor- Buckworth-Herne-Soame, Sir Charles,
erm., a garb or, banded arg. 153.10 tem. 71-3 Bart., Dawley, Shropsh. : (i ) On a lure
Bucke, Cambs, a buck at gaze erm., in Buckley, Lanes, a bull's head erased arg. arg., garnished and lined or, a hawk
front of an olive-tree pprr 116. 12 of the last, charged on the breast with
1 11
a cross erosslet fitchee sa. {for Soamc). Bulcock, London and Devonsh., a lion's mount vert, in front of an oak-tree
head gu., within a chain in orle issu-
S5. 14. (2) In an esquire's helmet, the fructed ppr.. a bow and arrow in
beaver raised, a man's face, all ppr. {for ing or. 19. 5 saltire or, surmounted by a lion's face
Buckworth). 191. 10 Bulfln, Patrick, Esquire, J. P., of Word- Agu. (for Tatchell). rege et victoria.
Buckwortb, Bart., Surrey, in an esquire's town House, Rathfarnham, co. Dublin, cf. 43- 10
Bullen, John Bullen Symes, Esquire, of
helmet, the beaver raised, a man's face. a demi-lion rampant or, holding in the
Catherston, Charmouth, Dorset, out of
all ppr. dexter paw a civic crown vert, and
Bucton, a hand issuing from a cloud in a naval crown gold, the sails arg., a
charged on the shoulder with a trefoil bull's head or, charged on the neck
fess, reaching to a garland of laurel
slipped, also vert. Vincit Veritas ith an anchor sa., between tv wings
ppr. 223. 3 Bulimore, a demi-lion rampant sa. 10. i
Bulkeley, Ireland, Bucks, and Chesh., Aaz. rege et victoria.
Budd, Ireland, an heraldic tiger passant BuIIer, Cornw. : (i) An eagle on a rock
out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's
gu. 25. 5 head arg., armed of the first. Nee supporting a banner. (2) A Saracen's
Budd, a dragon's head couped, the neck
head ppr. Aquila non capiat muscas.
transpierced with a spear. 72. 10 temere, nee timule. 44. 1
Budd, a hurt charged with a star of Bulkeley, a bull's head and neek erased 190. 5
seven points or. per pale arg. and sa. 44. 3 Buller, see Churston, Baron.
Buddicom, Harrv William, Esquire, of Bulkeley, a bull's head and neck couped Buller, Cornw. and Somers., a Moor's
Penbedw, Mold, co. Flint, and Villa head affrontee couped ppr., wi-eathed
per pale arg. and sa., armed or and of about the temples arg. and az. Aqtiila
non capiat muscas.
Capella, Borighera, Italy, in front of a the first. cf. 44 3
beacon fired ppr., issuant from the
flames thereof a demi-lion gu., gorged Bulkeley or Bulkely, Ireland, a bull's
head couped at the neck sa. Buller, John Follett, of 20, Carlton
Crescent, Southampton, same crest
with a collar gemel or, holding in the cf. 44. 3
dexter paw a sword in bend sinister of and motto.
the first, pommel and hilt or, a cross Bulkeley-Owen, Rev. Thomas Mam waring
pattee between two escallops of the Buller, Manningham-, Sir Morton Ed-
Bulkeley, Justice of the Peace for the
last. Virtule et vigilantia. 260. 19 ward, Bart. : Dilliorn HaU, Cheadle,
county of Shropsh. : (i) Two eagles' Stafiordsh. : (i) A Saracen's head
Buddicom, William Squire, Esquire, of heads conjoined and erased party per affrontee couped ppr. (for Bxdler). cf.
Ticklerton Court, Church Stretton, fesse or and gu., membered of the last 190. 5. (2) Out of a ducal coronet gu.,
(for Owen). 84. 14- (2) Out of a ducal a talbot's head or, collared, also gu.,
Salop, same crest and motto. coronet or, a bull's head arg., armed
Budds, a ram passant arg Another, or. —of the first (for Bulkeley). Eryr eryrod therefrom a line terminating in a knot
131- 13 eryri Nee temere, nee timide. sa. (for Manninghavi).
Budge, Scotland, a dexter hand holding Buller, Admiral the late Sir Alexander, of
44. II
Erie Hall, Plympton, South Devon, and
a dagger ppr. Stricta parata neci. Bulkeley, Williams-, Sir Richard Henry, Belmore House, West Cowes, Isle of
212. 3 Bart., Baron Hill, Beaumaris, Wales :
Budgen, a lioon's gambo sa., holding a spear (i{ Out of a ducal coronet or, a bull's Wight, a Saracen's head affrontee
tasselled in bend head arg., armed of the first, and couped at the shoulders ppr. Aquila
non capit muscas.
cf. 38 charged ' with a cheveron sa. (for
Budgett, James Smith, Esquire, of Stoke Buller, Charles Franoia, Esquire, same
ABulkeley). c/. 44. 11. (2) stag's head
Park, Guildford, Surrey, in front of crest and motto.
caboshed arg. (for Williams). Nee Buller, John Dashwood, Esquire, of
two palmer's staves in saltire or, a temere, nee timide. 122. 5 Down HaU, Epsom, same crest and
water bouget az. Hoc etiani prcete- Bull of London, on a wreath a cloud
rebit. 168. 6 ppr., thereon a celestial sphere az., motto.
Buller, General Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers
Budorshide and Budoxhead, Cornw., a replenished with the circles or, and
Henry, of Downes, Creditou, same
stag's head erased arg. 121. 2 beautified with the zodiac, inscribed
Budworth, a sinister arm couped ppr., with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, crest and motto.
vested az., holding towards the sinister Cancer. Sol, mi, re fa. Buller, Sir Walter La wry, K.C.M.G.,
RR.S., of Papaitonga Estate, Wei
a bent bow of the first. 204. 1 Bull of London, a lion's head erased sa., lington. New Zealand, same crest.
Budworth, Essex, a wolf's head erased ducally crowned or. 18. 8
ppr. Beowulf. 30. 8 Bull, Ireland, a rose gu. 149. 2 Eulley, a heart inflamed ppr. 181. 13
Bugge, a bat affrontee, the wings ex- Bull, a bull's head and neck erased sa. Bullingham, Lines, an escallop arg., be-
panded or. 137. II 44- 3 tween two palm - branches vert.
Bull, Ireland, a bull's head afirontee
Bugge, Essex, out of a ducal coronet or, 141-4
couped gu., murally crowned or. Bullivant, a demi-lion or, charged on the
a Moor's head in profile sa., wreathed
of the first and az. cf. 192. 6 cf. 44. 8 breast with a fleur-de-lis vert, and
Bull, London, Yorks, and Norf., a bull's holding between the paws a tower
Buggen, Buggin, and Buggens, a Doric
head erased sa., charged with six an-
column arg., entwined with laurel vert. nulets or, one, two, and three.
176. 4 cf- 44- 3 Bullivant, Cecil H., 15, Ravenstone Road,
Buggen, Buggin, and Buggine, Kent and Bull, Oxon., a bull's head cabossed gu., Stratford, E., a demi-lion rampant or,
London, a cockatrice, displayed arg., armed or, between two wings of the charged on the breast with a fleur-de-
crested and membered or. 68. 14 lis, holding in the paws a toner ppr
Buggine, an heraldic antelope sejant arg., last. cf. 43. 8 Gratia Dei sufficit.
armed, tufted, and ungu. sa. Bull, a bull's head cabossed between Bullman, out of a ducal coronet a bull's
cf. 126. 4 two wings or. cf. 43. 8 head ppr. Pro putria. 44. 1
Buist of Perth, a swan naiant, the wings
Bull, William James, M.P., Vencourt, Bullman, Rev. Job George, of Oakwood,
addorsed, and devouring a perch, aU Hammersmith, a bull's head caboshed West Enfield, Middx., on a mount vert,
ppr. Assiduitate. cf. 99. 13 and winged sa., armed or. Excelsior a bull passant arg., the dexter fore-
Bukaleel, out of a ducal coronet or, a Dei gratia. foot resting on a ball az. Paticnter.
bull's head arg., armed of the first. Bull, Warw., a bull passant sa., armed or, 299. 7
44. 11 holding in the mouth a scroU. cf. 45. 2 Bulman, out of a ducal coronet a bull's
Buketon, Yorks, a demi-shark issuing,
Bullen, Lines, a bull's head couped sa., head ppr. Pro palria. 44. 1
swallowing a negro ppr. 139. 2 armed or. cf. 44. 3 Bulman, Northumb., on a mount vert, a
Bullen, see Symes-BuUen.
Bukill, a talbot's head arg. 56. 12 bull passant arg., resting the dexter
Bulbec and Bulbeck, Essex, a lion's head BuUen, Tatchell-, John BuUen Tatchell, foot on a hurt. cf. 45. 7
regardant ppr. cf. 17. 6 of Marchwood. near Bridport : (i) Bulmar, a demi-lion rampant holding an
Bulbec and Bulbeck, a hand holding a Out of a naval coronet or, the sails escallop-shell. 13. 10
sealed letter ppr. arg., a bull's head of the first, charged Bulmer, a demi-buU rampant gu., armed
Bulbeck, Kingston, a bull passant vert, on the neck with an anchor sa., between or, charged with an escallop between
ungu., maned, and armed or. 45. 2 two wings az. (for Bullen). (2) On a two billets in pale or. cf. 45. 12
BuUmer, Essex and Yorks, a Bulwer-Lytton, the Rt. Hon. Sir Victor Bund, Worcs.. an eagle's head erased or.
bull passant gu., armed and ungu. or.
Alexander George Robert, Earl ot 66. 2
<•/. 45- 2 Lytton and Viscount Knebworth, of Bund, WiUis-, John William, of Wick
Episcope, Worcester: (i) An eagle's
Bulmer, a demi-buU rampant gu., armed Knebworth, Herts: (i) A bittern in
or. 45- '2 flags ppr., charged with a rose gu., head erased ppr. (for Bund). 66. 2.
(2) Two lion's gambs erased, the dexter
Bullo and Bulow, an arm embowed, the barbed and seeded ppr. (/or Lytton).
cf. 104. 3. (2) An heraldic tiger's head
hand clenched ppr. 202. 2 erased erm., armed and crined or {for argent, the sinister gules, supporting
Bullock, London, on a mount vert, a bee- ABulwer). cf. 25. 4. (3) dove regar- an escutcheon or (for Willis). Non
hive or, thereon a bee displayed ppr. dant arg., holding in the beak an olive- nobis Domine. 39. i
</• 137- 7 Bund, Willis-, two lion's gambs erased
Bullock, seven arrows, six in saltier and
branch ppr., fructed or {for Wiggett). or, supporting a griffin's head ereised.
one in pale gu., feathered and headed
arg., enfiled with a mural coronet of Hoc virtutis opus. 92. 4 Optivo Horeo nomine. 250. 5
Bulwer, Lieutenant-Colonel James Bed- Bundy, Worcs., a hand holding an eagle's
the last. c/. 173. 7 foord, of Temple Gardens, London, leg erased, all ppr. Certum pete finem.
Bullock, Edward, Esquire, Barrister-at- E.C., M.A., Q.C., Recorder of Cam- 220. 12
law. Recorder of Buckingham, 5, Pump bridge, sometime Treasurer of the Buntord, out of a ducal coronet a demi-
Court, Inner Temple, and 4, Porchester Honourable Society of the Inner lion gu. 16. 3
Square, London, five Lochaber axes, Temple, in front of a goat's head erased Bungey, an ! with wines endorsed
the handles or, blades ppr., bound with erm., armed or, a portcullis with chains arg., standing on a laurel-branch vert,
a scarf gu., tassels or. Nil conscire sibi. sa. Spes sibi quisque. cf. 128. 5 fructed or.
172. 13 Bulworth, out of a ducal coronet or, a Bunn, an ostrich-head arg., collared gu.,
Bullock, Walter Henry. Esquire, of stag's head between two branches of between two palm-branches vert.
Faulkbourn Hall. ^Vitham, Essex, palm ppr. cf. 120. 7 cf. 96. 10
same crest and motto. Bulworth, a stag's head erased ppr. Bunnell, on a ducal coronet a Cornish
Bullock, Essex, five battle-axes, the 121. 2 chough rising ppr. loS. 6
staves or, heads sa., tied together with Bumstead and Bumsted, out of a cloud a Bunney and Bunny, Yorks and Durh., a
a line and bow-knot gu. c/, 172. 13 hand erect pointing to a star, all ppr. goat's head erased sa., attired or,
Bullock, five pole-axes ppr., encircled by charged on the sinister horn with two
a ribbon az. cf. 172. 13 Bunbury, Sir Henry Charles John, Bart., annulets conjoine,! cf the last. Monte
of Stanney Hall, Chesh., two swords in
BuUock, Watson-, Essex: (i) Five an- saltier through the mouth of a leopard's dessus cf. 128. 5
tique halberds, the blades ppr., the Bunny of Ryton, Durh., a goat's head
handles or, encircled with a ribbon of face or, the blades ppr., hilts and pom- erased sa., charged with a mullet.
the last, the cord tied in a knot gu. —mels of the first. Firmum in vita nihil. Monte dessus. cf. 128. 5
(for Bullock). Nil conscire sibi. cf. Esse quam videri. 22. 7 Bunten, Scotland, a hand grasping a
172. 13. (2) A dexter arm in armour Bunbury, M'Clintock- : (i) Two swords sword ppr. Fortiter et fide.
embowed, holding in the gauntlet a in saltire arg., hilted or, pierced 212. 13
through the mouth of a leopard's face
palm-branch ppr. {for Watson). Esper- Bunten and Bunting, Scotland, a buntin-
ance en Dieu. cf. 199. 12 of the last {for Bunbury). 22. 7. (2) bird on a garb, all ppr. Copiose et
Bullock, Somers., on a mount vert, five A lion passant ppr. {for M'Clintock). opportune. cf. 153. 2
black-bills erect, banded with a wreath Vis unila fortior. 6. 2 Bunten, James Clark, Esquire, of
of olive ppr., therefrom pendent an Bunbury-Tighe, Edward Kenwick, Es- Dun-Alastair, Perthsh.. a demi-eagle
escutcheon az., charged with a cross quire, of VVoodstock. Inistioge, co. displayed ppr. Copiose et oppor-
crosslet or. Kilkenny: (i) A wolf's head erased tune.
Bulstree and Boulstree, out of a mural ppr., gorged with a collar az., thereon Bunting, a hand issuing from a cloud'
holding two branches of laurel in orle.
coronet a stag's head. cf. 121. 6 a cross crosslet or, between two bezants
(for Tighe). (2) Two swords in saltire
Bulstrode, Beds and Bucks, a bull's head 218. 9
arg.. hilted or, pierced through the
and neck gu., armed arg., between two Bunting, an armillary sphere ppr.
wings of the first. 43. 10 mouth of a leopard's face of the last 159. 10
Bulstrode, Christopher Victor. M. A., M.B.. —(for Bunbury). 22. 7. Firmum in Bunton, on a ducal coronet a talbot pas-
105, Broadhurst Gardens, Hampstead, vita nihil. Surnnmm nee metuam diem sant collared and lined. 54. 9
a bull's head and neck between two nee optem. 30. 4 Bunyard, Kent, a buck springing. Reno-
wings expanded gu., attired or. Bunbury, Ireland, a hand in fess issuing vnto nomine. 117. 2
Thinke and thanke. from a cloud and reaching to a gar- Burard, on a ducal coronet or, an etoile
Bult, an arm in armour couped and em-
land of laurel, all ppr. 223. 3 of eight points ppr. 164. 4
bowed, resting the elbow on the Bunbury, Richardson-, the Rev. Sir John, Burbage, a boar's head erased arg., be-
wreath, a sash tied at the shoulder Bart., of Castle Hill, co. Tyrone, Ire- tween two branches vert. 42. i
gu., holding a club. 199. 3 land : ( I ) In front of a tree ppr , on a Burbidge, between the attires of a stag
mount vert, a leopard's head, paly of
Bidteel of Flete, Devonsh., out of a ducal attached to the scalp or, a boar's
coronet gu., a pair of wings arg., bil- six arg. and sa., transfixed by two erect and erased sa. 43. 2
lettee of the first. c/. 109. 8 arrows in saltier, also ppr. (for Bun- Burbridge, out of a ducal coronet az.,
Bulteel, John George, of Pamflete, Ive- Abury). 236. II. (2) lion rampant two arms embowed, vested gu., gloved
erm., holding in the mouth a trefoil
bridge, Devonsh., same crest. or, holding in each hand an ostrich-
Bulteel and Bultell, Somers., a bull's head slipped vert, and between the fore-paws feather arg. 203. 2
gu., between two wings or, 43. 10 a torteaux, charged with a cross cross- Burbyche, Middx. and Heref., a boar's
Bulwer, Norf., a horned wolf's head let or (for Richardson). Virtus paret head and neck erased arg., bristled or,
erased erm., criued and armed or. robor. 236. 10 between two oak-branches vert, fructed
Adversis major par secundis. Bunce, Kent, a demi-boar az., pierced of the second. cf. 41. 5
Bulwer, General Sir Edward Earle Gas-
through the neck with a broken spear Burcetre, a comet ppr. 164. 10
coigne, of the Grange, Heydon, gu., headed arg. Sic vivere, vivetis. Burcb, an eagle with wings expanded t;u.
Norwich, same crest and motto.
Bulwer, Sir Henry Ernest Gascoyne, Bunch, Scotland, a stork ppr. cf. 41. 2 77- 5
K.C.M.G., same crest and motto. Burch, Nathaniel Geach, Esquire, of
Edenwood, Sydenham Hill, London,
Buncombe, Somers., a demi-lion gu., S.E., upon a canoe ppr., an eagle dis-
played sa., charged on the breast and
Bulwer, Colonel William Earle Gascovne charged on the shoulder with a water-
Lytton, C.B., J.P., of Heydon Hall, upon each wing with a birch-leaf
Norwich, and Quebec House, East bouget arg., supporting a spear, thereon slipped or, holding in the beak a like
Dereham, Norf., same crest and
a banner of the first, fringed of the
second, and charged with a cross flory
motto. leaf. Strune fortis.