Securus Secure Yates.
Secus rivos aquarum Rivers.
Se defendendo By rivers of waters Beebee, Eccles, Ecles, Ekles, Legge.
Sed sine labe decus By defending himself Scolt.
•Sed soli Deo But it is honour without a stain. Buckley.
.Sedule et prospere But to God alone White.
Sedule et secunde Diligently and prosperously Lockyer.
Sedulitate Divie, Diwie, Elphingston, Nicol.
Sedulo et honeste Diligently and successfully Baker, Lyal, Lyall, Lyle.
Sedulo et honeste tutela By diligence
Sedulo numen With diligence and honour Lyell.
Sedulo nuraen adest Guardianship with honour and diligence . . Ilarrower, Harrowing.
Sedulus et audax Cunninghame, Harrower.
Seek peace and ensure it God is ivith the diligent Melliship, Rutherford, Rutherfurd.Seaton.
Seek quiet God is with the diligent Page.
Diligent and resolute Deacon.
Seigneur je te prie, garde ma vie Brettell, Henzell, Pidcock, Tyzack.
Se inserit astris myLord, I beseech thee, save life Crosse, Goss, Hamilton.
Semel et semper AUcard, Swinburne.
Semi mortuus qui timet He installs himself among the stars Cromwell.
Semni ne semni Dering.
Se mper apparatus Once and always
Semper constans Stuart.
Semper constans et fidelis He is half dead who fears
Semper constanter I can do nothing without God. Dymond.
Irton, Lynch, Mellor, Spoor.
Semper eadem Always prepared Greenhut.
Semper erectus Always constant
Semper et ubique fidelis
Always constant andfaithful
Alivays with constancy
Always the same r Carrol, Colamore, Collomore, Dockrell,
\ Fairbairn, Forester, Gouch, Harvey,
Always erect [ Hornsey, Panton, Reid.
Always and everywherefaithful
Semper fidelis Always faithful
De Kurgh.
Semper fidelis esto Be always faithful /Arding, Barbenson, Barbeson, Bonner
Semper fidelis et audax
Semper fidus Alwaysfaithful and Irave Broadmead, Brown, Bruce, Cairns,
Semperfloreat Always true
Semper idem I
Semper in tempore Let itflourish for e-,'er
Semper liber Carnegie, Chesterman, Cuthbert-Kear
Always the same ney, Dick, Dickins, Duflield, Edge,
Semper meliora spero Formby, Frith, Garrett. Haslett,
Semper otium rogo divos Always in time Houlton, Kearney, Lund, Lynch
Semper parere Marriott, NichoUs, Onslow, Pollexfen,
Semper parati Alwaysfree Smith, Steele, Stewart, Stirling,
Taylor, Truell, Wilco.\on.
Always for better things I hope Spence.
Moore, O'More.
pom/ always ask leisure the gods Garvine, Leitch, Leith.
To be obedient always Garfit, Harvey.
, Always prepared Stephens.
Semper paratus Always ready. Everest.
Semper paratus pugnare pro patria Always ready to fightfor my country.
Semper patriae servire praesto Eraser, Frazer.
Semper prsecinctus Be always ready to serve your count) f Armitage, Armytage, Clifford, Constable,
Semper pugnare paratus
Semper sapit suprema Always girt Dallas, Dodds, Elphinslone, Fuller,
Semper sic Gait, Hislop, Johns, Johnston, John-
Semper sitiens Always ready tofight stone, Knowles, Lecky, Macreadie,
Semper spero meliora Macready, Mounsey, Phillips, Phillpots,
Semper sursum Is always supremely wise. Postlethwaite, Purchas, Roydes, Royds,
Smith, Stewart, Stuart, Studholme,
Semper ut te digna sequare Always thus Upton, Usticke, Welles, Wells.
Semper verus Always thirsty. , MacGeoghegan.
Semper victor MulhoUand.
I~always hopefor better things Litchfield, Macdonald.
Semper vigilans Selby.
Always upward
Semper virens Johnson.
Semper virescens Drought.
Semper virescet virtus
Semper virescit virtus Pringle.
Semper viridis
Semper virtute constans Graham, Messent, Weston, Wood.
Semper virtute vivo
Sempre fidele { '^''of^Z ""'y''''^''y'f''"'^"""S''^'"'"y Jvernon.
Sempre in un modo
Always true Home, Howe.
Always a conqueror Ramsay.
TBourne, Harland, Hopley, Hughes,
Walker, Williams,
Always watchful. - Olway, Rostron,
[ Wilson.
Always flourishing Bioadwood.
Alwaysflou7-ishing Hamilton.
Virtue will always floui-ish Marishall, Marshall
Virtue always flourishes Lind.
Always green Green, Maxwell.
Always constant in virtue Beaven, Bevan.
I always live by virtue Sideserf, Sydserfe.
Always faithful Du Boulay.
Always in one way Loftus.
Se negare est amare To love is to deny on^s self. Roberts.
Sepulto viresco Igrow green when buried Graeme, Graham, Messent.
Sequamur Oswald.
Sequere me est voluntas Dei Let tts follow Baldwin.
Sequitando si giunge Lambert.
Sequitur patrem non passibus Kquis Follow me, it is the will of God Wilson.
Sequitur vestigia patrum By pursuing one attains Irvine.
Sequitur victoria fortes Hefollows his father with utiequal steps ... Campbell.
Sequor Hefollows the steps of his fathers Campbell, Gordon, Maclnroy.
Sequor, nee inferior Victory follows the irave. Crewe.
Sera deshormais hardi Hardie.
Ser libre o morir /follow. Hamilton.
Sermoni consona facta Collins, Trelawney, Trelawny.
Ifollow, yet am not inferior
S--dserio Be always courageous
.Serpentes velut et columbse Freedom or death
Sen-abit me semper Jehova Actions in harmony with our words.
Servabo fidem
I.te, but in earnest. ^"^' '''''°'^""'
Serva fidem
Servajugum {^^^r:?^™^^^:
Serva jugum sub jugo
Like serpents and doves Enys.
Servare modum
Jehovah will always preserve me Barclay.
Servare raunia vitas I will keep faith Button, Johnston, Taylor.
Servata fides cinere Keep faith Corfield, Sandberg.
Servatum cineri Keep the yoke Hay, Hay-Dalrymple, Nuttall.
Serve the King
Serviendo Keep the yoke under the yoke Hay.
Serviendo guberno
Servire Deo aspere To observe the middle way Earle, Folke.
Servire Deo regnare est
Servitute clarior To observe the duties of life. Oglander.
Servus servorumDei
Set on "/*i\'^'f'a'tfhrer"s"h"a's 1" '''' "'''" "f '">' f""' \ ^^^7 '''' ^^^"'^
Seur et loyal kept. / Vemey,"wW^ellffiitlt",
Sfida e commanda been Wwe^lil>fiftit^.i'°°'''
Shanetaboo Faith kept with the dead. Prevost.
Shee ec y jerrey By serving '. Bennet.
Shenichun Erin Simeon.
Sherwoode Igovern by serving O'Rorke.
Shoot thus...
Sibi constet To serve God severely Sadleir.
Sic ad astra
Sica inimicis To serve God is to rule Middleton.
Sic bene merenti palma More illustrious by se>-ving. Player.
Sic cuncta caduca
Sic cuncta nobilitat Servant of the servants of God Connell.
Sic curre ut comprendas Campbell, Seton.
Sic donee Sure and loyal Colbarne.
Si celeres quatit pennas He challenges and commands. Metaxa-Anzolato.
Sic fidem teneo
Sic fidus et robor /I^^'°"-,Fit2gerald Fitzgerald, Fitz-
Sic fuit, est, et erit
Sic his qui diligunt Peace at the last \. Gerald, Vesey-ritzgerald.
Sic itur ad astra
The tradition of Ireland. M'Carthy.
Sic itur in altum
Sicker. Hood.
Sic limina tuta
Sic, nos sic sacra tuemur Yeoman.
Sic olim
Sic paratior Let him be firmly resolved Richardson.
Sic parvis magna This way to the stars M'Barnet.
Sic rectius progredior M'Loskey.
Sic sustenta crescit A dagger to his enemies
Sic te non videmus olim
Sic tutus The palm to him who so well merits tt Palmer.
Sicut aquilae pennis
Sicuc irisflorebit.. All things are thusfading Henderson.
Sicut ohva virens, tetor in cede Dei Thus he ennobles all. Henderson.
Sicut quercus So run that you may obtain Stevenson.
Sicut serimus sic metimus
Sic virescit industria Thus until. Egerton, Jobb, Jopp, Le Hardy.
Sic virescit virtus Parkinson-Fortescue.
Sic viresco If he shakes his swift wings Molesworth, Welford, Welsford.
Sic viret virtus
Thus I keep myfaith Stiriing.
Thus true and strong
Thus it was, is, and shall be Stewart.
Thus to those who love Norris.
("Ballenden, Davies - Lloyd, Day, Fitz-
This is the wa'y to the stars pr^W-Day HoUins, M'Dowall Mac-
M\ kenzie,
Kenzie, Martm, Martyn,
This is the way to heaven t Ochterlony, Rivett-Carnac, Watkins.
In this way our homes are safe Douglas.
Thus we guard our sacred rights
Macmahon, M'Mahon.
Thus formerly Humphrey.
Thus more ready Johnston, 'Johnstone.
Thus great things from small Sinclair.
77;^/.? I go more hLViourahly
Thus supported it grcnvs Gervais.
We did not see thee thus formerly Playfair.
Thus safe Gordon.
As on eagle's wings Niblett.
He willflourish as the lily Bor.
{ ^'tu^fcod."''^""'"'. ^ 't^'. "' ''" }"'^^^^-
As the oak Challoner.
fuel as we sow wersap Wood.
Thzis industryflourishes Stewart.
Thus virtueflourishes Ronald.
Thus Iflourish ... Christie, Christie-Miller, Christy, Miller
So virtue flourishes Anderson.
Sic vita huraana Such is life Capel.
Thus to live, ye shall live Bunce.
Sic vivere, vivetis So the Fates determine Reeves.
Franks, Walpole, Walrond.
Sic volveie parcas So you, notfor yourselves Hughes, Pany.
Sieves, non vobis If God be with us Donaldson, Mairis, Morris, Otway.
Si Deus iiobiscum If God be with us, who can be against us ?.
Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos ? Jf God befor us, who can be against us?... Caldicote.
Si Deus pro nobis, quis contra nos ?
Si Deus, quis contra?. If God isfor us,who is against us? ^'''*'°"' ^^'™2°^'' ^^P'""'
SiDieu veult If God wishes
bQii-drlunsc oa^dss.i-tf „am™i,cvu„r„a Preston.
LTet, a fJr- iendJl,y st.. ar 1. wit•..h; you /Bateman, La Trobe-Bateman, Pynient,
Si fractus fortis
be | Martindale, Scott.
Signantur cuncta manu
Signum pacis amor Though broken, brave Foster.
Signum quajrens in vellere Greig.
All things are sealed with the hand
Sije n'estoy Bell.
Si je pouvois Loz-e is the token of -peace Clarke.
Seekinga sign in a fleece. Cunven.
Si ie puis If I were not Cleland.
' '^ If I could
/Cahun, Colquhoun, Eyre, Eyres, Gahn,
Silentio et spe If lean \ Livingston, Livingstone, Radclifte.
S'ils te mordent mord les ''
SimiUs frondescit virga metallo With silence and ho/e Morley.
If they bite you, bite them /^-Jcalmady.
^'^' covered with leaves
Si monent tuba:, paratus Treparedwhen the trumpets warn Sissons.
Philips, Symonds, Symons-Soltaii.
Simplex munditiis Plain and neat Perkins.
Simplex vigilium veri The simple defence of truth iVraughuan.
Simplices sicut ^pueri sagaces sicut ser-1 Sc-imp^lte as l serp.ent.s
pg„tg5 ^ \ boys,
wise as
Sinceritas Sincerity, Short, Hazard.
Sinceritate With sincerity Francklin.
Sine clade sterno Iprostrate without injuring Thicknesse.
Sine crimine fiat Lei it be done without crime. Innes.
Sine Deo frustra Without God, in vain Gill, Gull.
Sine Deo nihil Nothing without God Hallen, Litster.
Sine dolo Without guile Lewis.
Sine fine Without end M-Gill.
Sine I'raude fides Faith without deceit Johnston, Johnstone.
Sine injuria Without injury Watson.
Sine labe decus Honour without stain Allen.
Sine labe fides Faith without dishonour. Lcckhart.
Sine labe lucebit Crawford, Crawfurd.
Sine labe nota He shall shine without dishonour Crawford, Crawfurd, M'Kenzie, PoUok.
Noted without dishonour fCarey, Cary, Clough, Fhnt, M'CuUoch,
Sine macula Without stain -j Mackenzie, NorcUii'e, Siborne, Syn-
Sine macula macla Stained without stain y nott.
Sine metu Without fear Jameson, Meres.
Sine numine nihilum Jones.
Sine pondere sursuni Without the Deity nothing Panton.
Sine sanguine victor Smith.
Upwards without weight.
A conqueror without blood
Sine sole nihil Nothing without the sun Pettegrew.
Sine stet viribus Can stand with power.
Sine timore Withoutffeeaar Abinger.
Covmack, M'Cormack, Owers.
Sing^ula cum valeant sunt meliora simul...| ^''"^ "''y, "'^ "^'"S ^^P^'-^^^-'y '%' "'' \ Stuart.
more so together
|_ j
Singulariter in spe Singly in hope Leacher.
Sin not If not by stratagem by assault. Synnott.
Si non consilio impetu Agnew.
Si non datur ultra If more is not permitted Williams.
Sionnach aboo Fox.
Sioth chain agus fairsinge Thefox to victory Kavanagh.
Si possim Learmouth, Livingstone.
Si pouvois Peace andplenty Cleland.
Si recte facies Drummond.
If I can Lindsay.
Sis fortis If I could Brown, Eden.
Si sit prudentia Garvey.
Sis Justus nee timeas Ifyou will do rightly White.
Sis Justus, et ne timeas
Si sonent tubs paratus Be thou brave Sisson.
Sis plus in primis Barlow.
Sit Deus in studiis If there be prudence Sydenham.
Sit dux sapientia Bejust, andfear not Woodroffe.
Sit fors ter felix Bejust andfear not Arbuthnot.
If the trumpets sound I am ready
Sit laus Deo Be piousfirst of all
Let God be amid my studies
Wisdom be our guide
May yourfate be thrice happy
Let praise be to God. '
Sit mihi libertas Liberty be mine Findlater.
Sit nomen decus Let the name be a glory
Sit ordo in omnibus Let there be order in all things Swan.
De Teissier.
Sit saxum firmum Let the stone be firm Saxby.
Sit sine labe Let it be without stain Scott.
Sit sine labe fides Letfaith be without slain Lockhart, Peters.
Sit sine labe fines Peters.
Sit sine spina A/ay my end be without stain Cay.
Sit vita nomini congrua Christie.
Sit vult Deus Let it be thornless Kempsey.
Skagh M'Enchroe Crowe.
Slabo May our life be like our name Hawthoi-n.
Sobrie, pie, juste Beit, God -wills it
Sobrii este vigilantes
So dorn dona dhubhfuiltibh L shall stand
So fork forward ...
Soberly, piously, righteously Middleton.
Sohohodeane Geekie.
Be well advised by watching MacMahon.
Soies content
Sola bona qua; honesta
Be content Comeriord.
Sola cruce Downes.
Sola cruce salus
Sola in Deo salus { ^''Zo'rIblf.."!°.".'...Z'...^''"'^ '"''"'' "''"} Archer, 'colebrook, Colebrooke.
Sola juv.it virtus
Solamen /« the cross only Best.
Sola meus tun is Deus Barclay.
Sola nobilitat virtus mSafety the cross only
Sola proba quie honesta Sau'v /•,• GaI alon: Montague, Robinsoc.
Sola salus servire Deo ]-'ut'nr alone avails Stewart, Stuart.
Sola virtus invicta Ci'i.io.a.ion Hope.
Sola virtus raunimentum God is my only fortress
Sola virtus nobilitat
Sola virtus reddit nobilem Virtue alone ennobles Hamilton, Moubrav, Mowbray.
Sola virtus tedit nobilem
Sola virtus triumphat ""^'"^ "" honourable alone are
Solem contemplor, despicio terram { -\^^^^^^_
Solem fero
Solem ferre possum '^''^fJ'J"^'
Sol et scutum Deus To serve God is the only salvation MGore, 'Genis, Magenis.
Soli Deo gloria
Soli Deo honor Virtue alone is invincible { ''"^'' "°""''
Soli Deo honor et gloria '^'l^'iles^V^^d.""^'
Sol meus testis Virtue alone is our stronghold, Mason.
Solo Deo gloria Virtue alone ennobles Henderson, Mitchell.
Solo Deo salus Virtue alone renders /table
Sol re mi fa Storey.
Sol tibi signa dabit Shaw-Storey.
Solus Christus mea rapes
Solus inter plures Virtue alone triumphs. Carvile.
Solus inter plurimos Bedingfield.
Solus mihi invidus obslat Igaze on the sun, and despise the earth.... Aubrey, Berrington.
Solus per Christum Redemptorem I endure the sun Davies.
Sors est contra me I can endure the sun
Sorsmihi grata cadet
Sors omnia versat Skill enriches Whitelaw.
Sorte contentus Pearson.
Sortesua contentus God is a sun and shield. Bontein, Bonteine, Lesly.
Sorti cequus utrique Glory to God alone Stewart.
So run that you may obtain Honour to God alone Huddleston.
Souvenez Honour and glory to God alone Boehm.
Soyez compatissant soyez courtois The sun my witness Beste, Digby-Beste.
Soyez content Glory through God only Montagu.
Soyez courtois
Soyez ferme Safety through God only
Soyez sage
Soyez sage et semple The sun will show signs to thee. Bull.
Spare not Christ alone is my rock Stewarts
Spare nought I am alone amon^ many Orrock.
Spare when you have nought I am alone among very many Forbes.
Spe He alone enviously withstands me Forbes.
Spe aspera levat Nott.
Alone by Christ the Kedcemer. Stewart.
Spectemur agendo Lewis.
Fate is against me. Skeen, Skene.
Speed Philip.
Speed well A pleasant lot shallfall to me Welby.
Speet amore
Speet mdustria Fate whirls everything about
Contentwith my lot
Content with his lot. Hartwell.
Equal to each condition Maclean.
Remember Baker.
Be pitiful, be courteous Graham.
Be content. Curtoys.
Be courteous Charnocke.
Be steadfast Curtoys.
Be wise Butler, Foljambe, Hyde, Needham.
Bewise and simple Eliott.
Giffard, Macgregor.
Baird-Hay, Gifford, Hay-
By hope Gifford.
He eases difficulties by hope Horrocks, Lovatt.
Let us be judged by our actions Ross.
/Agar, Boyle, Browne, Dale, Drumson,
HDuckelt, EUes, Elvin, Fra ncis, artley,
I Hussey, Lloyd, M'Clure, M'Leur,
', M'Lure, Montague, Montagu-Scott,
Morris, Mott, Pollock, Reid, Rutson,
Scott-Montagu, Slesser, Thornbrough,
With hope and love Spied.
By hope and industry Fisher.
Neaves, Wallace.
.. .. .
Speetlabore By hope and labour. Bladen, Jebb.
Spe expecto / wait in hope Forbes, Leslie, Livingstone.
Spe gaudeo I rejoice in hope Macartney.
Spei bonae atque animi Millar, Miller.
Spe labor levis Ofgood hope and courage. Hill, Page.
Spe meliore vehor Labour is light by hope. Bogle.
I am borne along by a better hope.
Spem fortuna alit
Fortune nourishes hope /Balfour - Kinnear, Kinnear, Petree,
Spem pretio nonemam Petrie.
Spem renovant alas I will not purchase mere hope.
Spem renovat (.
Spem renovat anni Its wings renew its hope
Spem sequimur Beck.
Spem successus alit Norvill.
Spem vigilantia firmat
Spe poster! temporis It renews hope Grierson.
Sperando spiro It renews the hope of the year.. Grierson.
Sperandum ElUson.
Sperandum est Wefollow hope
Sperans Success nourishes hope Ross.
Sperans pergo
Speranza e verita Vigilance strengthens hope Dunbar.
Sperare timere est Atcherly.
Sperate et vivite fortes In the hope of thefuture. Annand, Pitcaim.
Sperate futunim I will hope Silney, Young.
Sperat infesUs I breathe by hoping Rait, Scot.
Speratum et completum
Speravi To be hopedfor
Speravi in Domino
Speriamo It is to be hoped Crothers, Wallace.
Sperait humum Hoping Fletcher, Tomkinson.
Igo hoping Pegler.
Spemit pericula virtus Hope and truth
Spemo Ratcliff.
To hope is to fear Bland.
Hope and live as brave men. . . Altree.
Hopefor thefuture Colborne, Seaton.
He hopes in adversity
Hopedfor and realised Amet, Amot, Arnott, Amut.
I have hoped. Lyon.
I have hoped in the Lord Hay.
He despises the earth /Forbes, M'Kindley, Mackinlay, Mit-
\ chell.
Valour dangers..
Forrester, Ramsay.
I despisi
EUeis, Ellis.
Allan, Brown, Calderwood, Chalmers,
Cuthbert, DoIUng, Douglas, Forbes,
Foster, Gib, Gordon, Hunter, Hutton,
Spero dum spiro I hope.. Langlands, Leatmont, Learmonth,
Spero et captivus nitor Leveson, Martin, Menzies, O'Toole,
Spero et progredior I hope while I breathe Schank, Shank, Sparrow, Warner,
Spero et vivo I hope and as a captive strive. Waters
Spero in Deo I hope and advance Chambers.
Spero infestis, metuo secundis I hope and live. Devenish.
I hope in God
I hope in adversity, and fear in prosperity Pringle.
Blackie, O'Crauley, Pamall, Powell.
EUerton, Ludlow, Riley, Stewart.
CAinsworth, Baillie, Blyth, Darby,
Douglas, Eccleston, Fairholm, French,
Graham, Greaves, Hill, Hobhouse,
Spero meliora.. / hopefor better things Kirkwood, Laird, Lowe, Maxwell,
Mofiat, Moffatt, Montgomery, Mur-
ray, Philips, Phillips, Rait, Rhet,
Rodie, Roper-Curzon, Samwell-Wat-
son, Sandilands, Shaw, Stewart,
Swan, Troughton.
Spero procedere I hope to prosper Hopkirk.
Spero suspiro donee While I breathe I hope Hope.
Spero ut 6delis I hope as faithful. Baskerville-Mynors, Mynors.
Spes .. Hope Gaskell, Wyllie.
Spes alit
Spes alit agricolam Hope nourishes Child.
Spes anchora tuta
Spes anchora vitse Hope sustains the husbandman.... Huskisson.
Spes aspera levat Hope is a safe anchor Dunmore, Dunmure, Dunsmure.
Spes audaces adjuvat Hope is the anchor of life M'Leay.
Spes dabi t auxilium Hope lightens dangers
Spes decus et robor Ross.
Spes durat avorum
Spes est in Deo Hope assists the brave Holies, HolUs.
Speset fides . Hope will give help Dunbar.
Hope, honour, and strength Eardley, Smith.
Spes et fortuna The hope of my ancestors endures. Nassau, Walmesley. Lucas, Whit-
Spes et fortitude Hope is in God. Bagge, Meredith.
Spes firma {Chamberlain, Clausen,
Spes in Domino Hope ndfaith
Spes in extremuni aker.
Spes in futuro
Spes juvat Hope ndfortune. . Thesiger.
Hope andfortitude Tytler.
My hope is firm Short.
My hope is in the Lord . . Wadge.
Hope in extremity
My hope is in thefuture..
Hope aids us
Spes labor levis Hope is light labour Bigland, Ouchterlony.
Spes lucis aeternae The hope of eternal life Black, Pitcairn.
Spes magna in Deo Great hope is in my God. Meiklejohn.
Spes mea Christus Christ is my hope Bingham, Weeden
Spes mea Christus est Christ is my hope Powell.
My hope is in heaven Abbey.
Spes mea coelo
„ mea „ G^odJ .s my h,op.e f Broke, Brooke, Borlace, Borlacy,
Spes Deus | nB.l\,^tt, Hoole, Moore, O'Ferrah
Mr hope is in Heaven
Spes mea in ccelis My hope is in Heaven Boyd, Mellor.
Spes mea in coelo My hope is in the cross alone MarshaU.
Spes mea in cruce unica
I'Blewitt, Brooke, Dewhurst, Gaskell
Spes mea in Deo My hope is in God Gillett, Goskar, Grattan - Guinness
-! Greaves, Guinness, Kirkwood, Leth
bridge, Lewin, Roper, Roper-Curzon
I Saunders, Slieglitz, Wainwright, Ward
Spes mea in futuro est Afy hope is in the future Robinson.
Spes mea, res mea
Spes mea supeme My myhope, estate Drummond.
Spes melioris eevi
Spes meum solatium My hope isfrom above Bruce.
Spes non fracta
Spes, salus, decus The hope of a better time Rees.
Spes sibi quisque Hope is my consolation Cushney.
Spes tamen infracta
Spes tutissima coelis Hope is not broken Tones-Bateman.
Spes ultra
Spes unica virtus Hope, safety, honour Nesham.
Spes vincit thronum
Spes vitae melioris Every one has his own hope Buhver.
Spe tutiores arrais
Spe verus Yet hope is unbroken Hope.
Spe vires augentur
Spe vitae melioris The safest hope is in Heaven Khig, King-Tenison, Price, Tenison.
Spe Wvitur
Hopeisbeyond Nairn, Xairne.
Spiritus gladius
Spiritus gladius verbum Dei Hope my only virtue. Price.
Splendeo tritus
Hope wins a throne. Winthrop.
The hope of a better life Broughton, Hobhouse.
Safer with hope than with arms Lewis, Lewys.
True in hope Scott.
Strength is increased by hope Black, Scott.
/// hope of a better Ife Lea.
Lives on hope. Dobree, Dorrel.
The sword of the Spirit Hutton.
The sword of the spirit is the Word of God Franks.
I shine by being rubbed. Ferrers.
{^,^.^:..":!^''^.^"::": .':.'^';.!::: Suttie.
S'rioghal mo dhream My race is royal |Greg,^M'AIpin, Macgregor, M'Gregor,
Stabilitate et victoria , By steadfastness and victory Simmons.
Stabilis Grant.
Stibit Firm Grant.
Stabit conscius aequi He shall stand Charlton, Dalton, Grant.
Stabo He shall stand that is conscious of rectitude Accome, Hawthorne, Kinninmond.
Standard I shall stand
Stand fast
Stand fast Craig El.ichie Kidder.
SCft,a„n^d scu„r™e Dougal, Grant, Grant-Ogilvie.
Stans cum Rege Grant.
Stant caetera tigno /Adson, Anderson, Crechton, Crichton,
Stant iniu.xa Deo Standing with the King | Glenelg, Grant, Ponton.
Stare super viasantiquas
The rest stand on a beam Gordon.
They stand depending upon God Crawford, Crawftird.
To stand upon the old paths { "^ TownshenT""^' ^°'^"' ^°"'"''
Stat felix amico Domino (His happiness is established under ^/^jsteuart, Stewart.
Stat fortis in fide \ favour oj the Lord /'
Stat fortuna domus
Stat fortuna domus virtute Hestandsfirm in faith Rochforl
Stat gratia facti
Stat nominis umbra The goodfortune of the house stands Gay, Guy, Howes, Howse.
Stat promissa fides
Stat religione parentum Thefortune of the house stands by its virtue Mol>-neux.
Stat sua cuique dies
Stat Veritas It stands foi the sake of the deed Taylour.
St. Domingo Stands the shadow of a name. Staflbrd.
Steadfast Promisedfaith abides Leslie, Lesly.
Stands in the religion ofparents Lucas.
Each has his day Windley.
Truth stands Sandeman.
Steady Mansfield, Mansel. Hood, Lort, Mac
Northey, Verelst,
["Aylmer, DalrjTnple,
\ Adam. M'Adam,
I Weller, Yonge.
Steel to the back Steel.
Steer steady
Stella Christi duce With the star of Christ for guide ""'"' Donaldson.
^"'"" '^''"'''" Sohier.
Stella futura micat divino lumine " } Taylour.
| ^%^f^-^;,f;,/^"
Stellis aspirate gemellis
Aspire to the twin stars Twyning.
Stemmata quid faciunt? What does lineage avail ? Baggallay, Meyrick, Stewart, Windsor.
Stet fortuna domus Letit stand Standbridge.
Stet non timeat Arthur, Strange, Wintle.
Still bydand May thefortune of the house remain Bindon.
Still without fear Let him stand and not fear. ..
Stimulat, sed ornat
Stire sleddie Gordon.
Sto cado fide et armis
Sto inobilis Sutherland.
Sto ne per vim sed per jus
Sto pro fide It stimulates, butit adorns. M'Carlnay, MacCartney, Mackartney.
Sto pro veritate
Strength I stand andfall by faith and arms Donaldson.
Strength is from heaven / stand movable. Farquhar. Farquhar-Gray.
Strenue et audacter Drummond.
Strenue et honeste
Strenue et prospere I stand not by streni;lh, but by ri^ht Stone.
Strenue insequor MacFarquhar.
Stricta parata neci I standfor thefaith Guthrie, Guthry, Lingard-Guthrie.
I standfor truth
Strike alike Armstrong.
Strike, Dakyns, the devil's in the hempe
Strike sure 'Str,->ni,^us/y and bravely Grubb.
Strioghal mo dhream
Strong and firm Strenuously and honourably Jackson.
Strenuously and prosperously. Eamer.
Straggle Ifollow strenuously Luke.
Studendo et contemplando inde fessus Drawn and readyfor death Budge.
Studiis et rebus honestis Dasent, Hawke, Mundell.
Study quiet
St. Vincent Lauder.
Sua gratia parvis
Sua prsmia virtus Dakyns, Deakin.
My race is royal Greig, Grieg.
Suaviteretfortiter M'Gregor.
Suaviter in modo Wolrige.
Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re
Suaviter sed fortiter
Sub cruce Candida Wiaricd by study and contemplation Cardale. '
Sub crace candor By learning and virtue Dunning.
Sub cruce copia
Sub cruce glorior ,
Sub cruce lux
Sub cruce salus Head, Heady, Patrick.
Sub crace semper viridis
Sub crace Veritas Radstock, Waldgrave.
Sub crace vinces
Little things have a beauty of their own... Little.
Virtue is its own reward M'Cartney.
Gently Harwood.
Mildly andfirmly |Da^ben^ey. Jlliot-Murray-Kynynmound,
Gently in manner Churchward.
Mildly in manner, boldly in action Beevor, Caron, Nunn, Rathbone, Wynn.
Mildly butfirmly Adams, Busk, Dennis, Williams, Wood.
Under the white cross Arden, Perceval, Percival.
Sincerity under the cross Perceval.
Plenty under the cross
I glory under the cross Cross.
Light under the cross
Salvation under the cross Astell.
Under the cross always green Donaldson.
Truth under the cross
Under the cross you shall conquer Capron, Fletcher, Pierce, Ward.
Norwood, Perceval.
Subditus fidelis regis et salus regni {"^ Zfihe !.''." '^!T"t^^^ ""PP^^"
Sub hoc signo vinces Under this sign you shall conquer. { ^'STr;nan" Vakey, v"s1eT Ves™.'"'^'
Subimet merces industria Industry is its own reward Miller.
Subito Suddenly Crinan, Cringan.
Sub lege libertas Under the law, liberty Daniel.
Sublibertatequietem I^est under liberty {^"^ K^y^r^etl^.^aa^r'™"^^'
Sublime petimus We aim at high things Cleghom
Sublimia cures
Sublimiora petamus Carefor high things. Bowman.
Sublimiora peto
Sublimiora quaero Let us aim at loftier things Biddulph, Stonehouse, Stonhouse.
Sublimiora spectemus
Sub montibus altis I aim at higher things Jackson.
Sub onere crescit / seek higher things Wright.
Sub pace, copia
Sub pondere cresco Let us look to higher things Warren.
Sub pondere sursum
Sub robore virtus Under high mountains Skeen, Skene.
Sub sole patebit... He thrives under the burden Fergusson.
Sub sole, sub umbra, crescens
Sub sole, sub umbra virens Under peace, plenty Francklyn, Franco, Lopes.
Sub sole viresco
Sub spe I increase under weight Fleeming, Fleming.
Sub tegmine
Sub tegmine fagi In difficulty I look tip-.card. Porterfield.
Sub tigno saius J'lrtue under strength
Sub tutela Domini Aikin, Aikman.
Sub umbra
Nothing under the sun Monteith, Menteth.
It shall open uuder the sun Ellies, EUis.
Increasing botli in sunshine and in shade. Irvine, Irving.
Flourishiu'^ bath in sunshine and in shade Irvine, Irving, Irwine, Winter-Irving.
Iflourish under the sun ^. Irvine.
In hope Caims, Dunbar.
Under covert Gordon.
Under the covert of the beech Beaufoy, Beech.
Safety under the roof-tree. Innes.
Under the protection of the Lord Spode.
Under the shade Elphinstone.
Sub umbra alarum tuarum Under the skadonu of thyivings Lauder, Lawder, Williamson.
Sub umbra quies Rest under the shade Sharpe.
Sub umbra quiescam I will rest under the shade Fairn.
Successus a Deo est Success comes from God
Suchetund werdet finden Seek and ye shallfind. Roberts.
Suffer Harnessed Ifollow my ancestors Finden.
/Chinnery-IIaldane, Gleneagles, Hadden,
Suffibulatus majores sequor
I Haldane, Halden, Morison.
Hawthorn, Stewart.
Sufficit meruisse It is enough to have deserved Plumptree, Plumtree.
Sui ipsius praemium His own reward
Sui oblitus commodi Forgetful of his own interest Preston.
Suis ducibus ubique fidelis Faithful everywhere to his chiefs
Suis Stat viribus Asgile, Asgill.
Suivant St. Pierre He rests oti his own strength
„. , . Le Quesne.
Smvez la raison Following St. Peter
F!oljlj ow t,!h.e righ^t, Scarlett.
Suivez moi Follow me Knight.
f Armistead, Barberie, Barberrie, Brown,
„. . F_ol,l, ow .
Suivez raison reason as your guide.
Borough, Brown, Hawley.
f Armistead, Barberrie, Brown, Browne
jjjxon Wyatt.
Sui victoria indicat regem Victory over selfpoints out the king Rye.
Summis viribus With all onis might Harben.
S„ ummum nee met^ uam dJ.iem nee opt^em....-(( Let^ me neither 'fear nor wish 'for the last \V^T.ig^h,e^, tT:i-g!h,e.-Btu!.n.b_ui,r)-.
Sum quod sum J am what lam Coldicott, Foresight.
Sumus ubi fuimus
IVe are where we were. Weare.
Sunt aliena
Sunt sua prcemia laude They areforeign Fust.
Sunt tria haec unum
Suo se robore firmat His rewards are with praise Barberrie, Brown, Pemberton.
Suo Stat robore virtus
Supera audi et tace These three are one Morison.
Superabit omnia virtus Grant.
Superb He strengthens himself by his own might.. Mowbray.
Superba frango Virttte stands by its own strength Hesse.
Superiora sequor Heanelestial things and keep silence
Supema qusrite
Supema queero Virtue will conquer all things Rabett.
Supema sequor
Super sidera votum Keats.
Supra spem spero
Suprema manus validior I humble proud things. Macklellan, MacLagan, M'Lagan.
Suprema quEero
Sure Ifollow higher things Ramsay.
Sure and steadfast
„, Seek things above Graves.
Suresperance Greaves.
I seek heavenly things
Sur et loyal
Surgam Jfollow heavenly things Ramsay, Wardrop.
Surge illuminare Rattray, Watson.
Surgere tento My desires extend beyond the stars
Surgite, lumen adest Jeffreys.
Surgit post nubila Phoebus I hope beyond hope Merry.
Surgo, lumen adest A hand stronger than the highest
SuTSum J seek the highest Greaves.
^Sursum cordJ a Le Sueur, Macdonald.
Sursum prorsusque Martin.
Sursum specto
Suscipere et finire UTTpj.on hLop>.e TMoir, Moncrief, Moncrieff, Moncrieffe,
Sustentatus Providentia Sure and loyal. | Steuart.
Sustento sanguine signa I shall rise. Wild.
Sustine, abstine Hutchison.
Sustine et abstine Rise to shine. Scott.
Sustineo sanguine signum Straton.
S„ uumcui.que I strive to rise
Suum cuique tribue Arise, the light is near Glover.
Suum cuique tribuens
Swift and sure After clouds, rises the sun Constable.
I arise, light is near Lawson.
("Alston, Calandrine, Douglas, Hutcheson,
Upward -j Hutchison, Kilner, Marriott, Mon-
HTeTart.s up. wardJ
gredien, Pringle, Roos, Rosse, Wills.
THowison, Huson, Langton, MacGilli-
< cuddv
Upward and onward Gill.
I look upwards. Stronach.
To undertake and finish Bolckow.
Look up Edlin.
Upheld by Providence Rolland.
I bear the standards with blood Seaton, Seton.
Sustain, abstain Gairden.
Let him be sustained. Cullum.
Sustain and abstain Garden, Kearney, Langley.
/ keep the standard in the midst of blood . . . Seton.
every one , own f Bickersteth, Don, Every, Grant, Milne,
| Peshall, Russell, Thomson, Wingate.
Give to every man his own Dunbar.
Giving to every man his own Younger.
.*.... Wonder at thyself Hood.
^' ^^'"'°"' ^^''"''"'' ^™'"''
Tace Kefp silence Abercromby.
Keep silence or do Burges, Marten, Scot, Scott.
Tace aut face
SM-^"'^"tspot {%"u^LtTal^;s^r^-''"=°"'°^
Taka thocht
Take heed Crockal, Crockatt.
Tam animo quam mente sublimis Exalted in soul as in mind Forteath.
Tam aris quam aratris
Tam arte, quam marte As well by altars as ploughs Oxley.
Tam audax quam fidelis
Tam cordequam manu As well by art as strength Mill, Milne, M'Lea, Wright.
Tam fidus, quam fixus
Tam genus, quam virtus As brave as faithful Roxburgh.
Tam in arte, quam marte With the heart as well as with the hand ... Maynard.
Tam interna, quam externa
Tam marte quam arte As faithful asfirm Stewart.
Tam pace quam prcelio
Tam virtus, quam honos Lineage as well as virtue Lunden, Lundin.
Tam virtute, quam labore
Both in skill and in force Milne.
T, ,
T^"^''^"' As well internal as external Arbuthnet, Arbuthnot.
Tandem fit arbor As much by war as by skill Logie, Milne.
Tandem fit surculus arbor
Tandem implebitur In peace as well as in war Gordon.
Tandem licet sero
Tandem tranquillus As well virtue as honmir Hamilton.
Tanquam despicatus sum, vinco
As well by viitue as labour Hamilton.
A^i ,j kf Affleck, Cunningham, Cunninghame, Fin-
"^''""SlJ' I nie, 'Vicar.''
At length it becomes a tree
Cuthbert, Hamilton.
At length the sprig becomes a tree Burnet, Cuthbert, Douglas, Scrogie.
At length he shall befilled Scougal, Simpson.
It is allowed at length, but late Brown, Campbell.
Tranquil at length Symmer.
Though I am despised, I conquer
Tanti talem genuere parentes ^'' ^"'"^""'^_ '"'^..1""^'' 1^°"^
{ ^af^J,'"""
Tant que je puis Such as I can Hilton, Johnson, Joliffe, Lawson.
Tantum in superbos 0)ily agaijist the proud Jacob.
Taurum comibus prende Take the bull by the hortis Kettlewell.
Te Deum laudamus We praise thee, God. Harper, M'Whirter.
Te digna sequere Follow things worthy ofyou Borlase, Parnell.
Te duce, gloriamur IVe glory under thy guidance. Sinclair.
Te duce, libertas Liberty under thy guidance Crosby.
Te favente virebo Thou favouring me, I shallflourish Grant.
Teg. Yw. Hedwsh Peace is pleasing Gilbert, Gilbert-Davies.
Teipsum nosce Know thyself. Shaw.
T^meraire Rash Harvey.
Temere ne sperrie Do not scorn rashly Bramble.
Temperans et constans .. Temperate and steady Verschoyle.
Temperat aequor The sea is calm Monypenny.
Tempera te tempori Temper thyself to the times Le Maire.
Templa quam delecta Brydges, Grenville, Temple.
How Umcly are thy temples
Tempore candidior Become fairer by time Mair.
Tempus et casus accidit omnibus Time and chance happen to all Wayne.
Tempus meae opes Time is tny wealth Spoflforth.
Tempus omnia monstrat Time shows all things Lovell.
Tempus omnia revelat Time reveals all things. Atkinson.
Tenax Firm Stirling.
Tenax et fide Persevering and with faith Smith.
Tenax et fidelis Persevering andfaithful. Abdy, Carington, Lane, Smith, Tennant.
Tenax et fidus Firm andfaithful Bookey.
Tenax in fide Steadfast in thefaith Bosanquet, Smith^
( Carnduff, Gibbes, Gibbs, Gilbert, Elgood,
Tenax propositi , Tenacious ofpurpose. \ Morley, Osborne - Gibbes, Roundell,
Tenax propositi, vinco Firm in resolve, I conquer Gnmsnaw.
Tenche-brai Tench.
Tendens ad sethera virtus Virtue tending to the sky Lewthwaite.
Tendimus Craik.
We push forward
Tendimus ad ccelum We press forward to heaven McCowan.
Tending to peace Leathes.
Tendit ad astra He presses towards heaven Maxwell.
Tendit ad astra fides Burn, Bume.
Faith extends to heaven
Tendit in ardua virtus Virtue aims at difficulties Lloyd.
Teneat luceat floreat Let him hold, shine, andflourish Kenney.
_ ••,..!, Let it hold, shine, andflourish, by stren-gth, \-K^ennej
Teneat, -;'
l, uceat,, „ v., virtute, et valorejf
floreat, ^^^^^^^/_ ^„^ ^^i^J_ ]
Tenebo 1 will hold Gray, Tonge, Warren.
Tenebras expellit et hostes He drives forth darkness and the foe Smith.
Tenebras meas My darkness Abney-Hastings.
Tenebris lux Light in darkness Scot.
Teneo. / hold Staples.
Teneo e t credo / hold and believe Carson.
Teneo, lenuere majores I hold what my ancestors have held Arthur, Curzon, Twemlow.
Tenezle droit Keep the right Clifton, Wilkinson.
Tenez le vraye Keep the truth Towneley, Townley.
Tentanda via est The xuay is to le tried S"-0"ge. Wildman, Goldins-
Tentando superabis You will conquer by trying. Kingdom.
Tenui mus We have held. Lockett.
Te pro te Savage.
Terar dum prosim Theefor thee. Merriman.
Let me -wear if only I do good.
Terfidelis Thrice faithful. Slack.
Ternate Burr.
Terra, aqua, ignis, sal, spiritus, %\\\^\mx i Land, water, fire, salt, spirit, sulphur, \,
Sol, Venus, Mercurius
\ Sun, Vemis, Mercury. j-lrvine.
Terra, mare, fide By the earth, sea, andfaith
Terra marique By land and sea Campbell.
Terra marique fides Fidelity by land and sea Campbell.
Terra marique potens Valiant by sea and land. O'Malley.
Terrena pericula sperno L despise earthly dangers Hulton-Hanop, Ogilvie, Ogilvy.
TeiTena per vices sunt aliena Earthly things change hands Fust.
Terrere nolo, timere nescio |S I do not wish to frighten, and knmv not /o "J1 Dt^ermg, tD-^yer.
Terris peregrinus et hospes fear. ...t
A stranger and pilgrtm on the earth ' Bonnell.
Tesplendente Thou being illustrious Carstairs.
Te stante virebo I shallflourish, while you sta>id.
De Valmer, Temple.
Thankful Hamilton, Stephenson-Hamilton
The cross our stay Parkhouse.
The grit poul Mercer.
The Lord will provide
The noblest motive is the public good Botfield.
There is no difficulty to him that wills Hedges- White, White.
The reward of integrity Haines.
The reward of valour Cree.
The righteous are bold as a lion
The strongest arm uppermost Moodie, Moody.
The strongest hand uppermost M'Brayne.
The time will come Stafford.
The truth against the world Kennedy.
They by permission shine Clarke.
Thincke and thanke Byam.
Thinkand thank /Brudenell, Brudenell-B.uce, M'Lellan,
I Montefiore.
Think on fForster, McClellan, M'Clelland, Mack-
\ lellan, Maclellan, M'Lellan, Maxwell,
Think well \ Ross.
This I'll defend 1^?"^,'^ gurnard, Macfarlane, M'Far-
\ hn, MacPharlane, M'Pharlm.
This our charter
Thol and think Charlres, Douglas, Wemyss-Charteris.
• Tweedie.
Thole and think on I give you the branch Tweedy.
Thournib 'crev 'ih Creagh.
Thou shalt want ere I want Cranstoun, Trotter.
Through /Beckford, Coldham-Fussell, Fitz Maurice,
Through God revived 1. Hamilton, Lamplugh, Lay.
Thrust on , Thruston.
Tliryscryssonghne Deu a nef Tremenheere.
Thureetjure By frankincense and right FouHs.
Thurston Thurston.
Thus ,
Thus far Jervis.
Thus thou must do if thou have it Campbell.
Tibi soli To thee alone Kyle.
Tien le droit Maintain the right Clench.
-^^^^^^^ Holdtothetruth f'^o^^^^? L^Jh;:;?^^^^"
Tiensferme Holdfast Squire.
Tientafoy Keep thy faith Bathurst, Giberne.
Tien ta foy Hold to thyfaith Bathurst.
Till then thus Fear God. Jones, Longueville.
Fear God andfear no otherfear. Gordon, Monro, Ross.
Time Deum Iscorntofear Burnham.
Time Deum et ne timeas He dreads shame Salle, Wason.
Timere sperno Burton, Dawnay, Ryder,.
Trevelyan, Tyrwhitt.
Timet pudorem
Time tryeth troth
Timor Dei nobilitas The fear of God is nobility Lempri^re.
T imor Domini fons vitas The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life. Arcedeckne-Butler, Butler.
Timor omnis abest All fear is far away Craigie.
Timor omnis abesto
Tod Let allfear befar a-u>ay {^ MlfnabS'lil '''"^'' ^'"""^•'='''
Together Death
Tollit peccata mundi Futroye.
Toshac catha agus deineadh air
Tota gloriosa filia regis intrinsecus He bears the sins of the world Burrows.
Tot praemia vitce Farley.
Tolum est providentia O'Gonnan.
Touch not a cat, but a glove
Touch not the cat, bot the glove "^ "" ^'"'^ " "'^ -'^''"'""
Touch not the cat without a glove.- { ^''^^yt'^'""' } Jewell.
Toujours ferme So many are the rewards of life Sullivan.
Toujours fort Everything is by proindence Judge.
Toujours gai
Toujours jeune M'Bean.
Toujours le meme Gillies, MacPherson, M'Gilleray.
Toujours loyal (Gillespie, Gillies, GiUis, Grant, Keir-
Tonjours loyale Mackintosh, M'Bean, McCombie,
M'Combie, IW'Crombie, M'Gillivray,
M'Intosh. Mackintosh, Macpherson,
MacPherson, Macpherson-Grant.
Always M'Gilevray.
Always firm Le Feuvre.
{Beauchamp, Bladen, Dun-AVaters, Fay,
Fenwick, Garde, Gillis, Goodall,
Grant-Macpherson, Hairstanes, Hair-
stans, Harestans, Hickman, Holford,
Macbean, M'Bean, Mercier, Mill,
Always strong Proctor-Beauchamp, Waters.
Always lively Hynes.
Always young. Gay.
Always the same Young.
Always loyal
Always loyal Tait.
Fenwick, Lindsay, Perkins, Sackville.
(Anstruther, Carmichael, Dayman, Le
Couteur, MacDonel, McDonnell,
Meade, Monk, Murra;, Brest, Sutton;
Amherst, Chadwick, Daniel, Dease,
Deasy, Donald, Hawkins, Macdonald,
1 M'Connell, McDonnell, Meade,
Nixon, Petley, Phelps, Philps, Pigott,
Smyth, Trotter.
Toujours propice Always propitious Dawson, Sanderson
Always without a stain
Toujours sans tache Turn towards the west Tabutean.
Always loyal
Tourne vers I'occident Always loyal Dawson, Westropp- Dawson.
Tous jours loyal Atltli goodJ, or none Fenwick.
Tous jours loyale Craufurd, Benwick-ClennelU.
„Tout. ,. . fBarham, Compton, Hicks, Montgomery,
ou 1^ & j>
bien rien < jj 1 '
„.,,,, A^l1l, fJ-rom abI.ove. fBellew, Bellew-Dillon, Monk, White-
| foord, Whitford.
Tout d en haut All right
Always ready Carling, Carr, Carre, Ker, Riddell-Carr.
Tout droit All iti good time Pigott.
All in faith Hicks, Hicks-Beach.
Toute foys preste All is from God Sutcliffe.
All is frotn aboi'e Gage.
Tout en bonne heure Every contrivance serves Whilford.
Always a knight St. Hill.
Tout en foy Always ready Rideout.
Quite bold Pigot.
Tout est de Dieu Always Hardie, M'Hardie.
Tout est d'en haut
Tout fin fait
Tout foitz chevalier
Tout foys prest
Tout jour
Tout jour fidele Always faithful Ogilvie.
Always ready
Tout jour pret Mansegh.
A.l,ways readJy
Tn.out, jours . ("Anstruther, Carmichael, Donald,
All or nothing
prest Everything by and for God | Donaldson, Mitchell, Sutton.
Tout ou rien Allfor God and my country De Ferriores.
Tout par et pour Dieu Winn.
Tout pour Dieu et ma palrie Allfor the church
Tout pour I'Eglise To provide everything Wandesford.
Tout pourvoir Quite ready
Tout prest Always faithful. Oliphant.
Monk, Murray, Younger.
Touts jours fidele All one during my life
All one during my life Talbot.
Tout un durant ma vie All comes from God. Pelham-Clay.
Tout ung durant nia vie All zeal.
Tout vient de Dieu Always a knight Barrington.
Toutz foitz chevalier Cooper, Leahy, Leigh, Trefusis.
Traditus, non victus Yielded not conquered Cardoc, Cradock, Dangar.
„-Trradjivtum abI ant»i• quis servare ^ To ^preserve what is handed down >from \j-^Frere.
^ .
Traducere sevum lenitur To pass life gently. Browne.
Trafalgar Codrington, Harvey, Nelson, Tyler.
Tramite recto By a right path Roe.
Transfigam I shall pierce.
Transfixus sed non mortuus Transfixed but not dead Colt, Coult.
Triajuncta in uno Walsh.
Three joined in one. Motto of the Order of the Bath.
[The motto " Ich Dien" also appears upon
the military* badges and stars.]
Trial by jury Sad and faithful Erskine.
Tristiset fidelis / triumph in death as well as in life D'Alton.
Triumpho morte tarn vita Through hardships Allen.
Troirah chruadal M'Intyre.
Trop hardi Too bold Hardie.
True Bruce, Home-Everard.
True and fast Harris, Parke.
True and trusty
True as the dial to the sun Heriot.
TT,rue . .t,he endJ ("Campbell, Douglas- Home, Elphinstone-
to Stone, Ferguson, Foreman, Forman,
- j_I^^;^y_ Hepburne Scott, Home,
True to the last t Hume, Orr, Quinlan.
True unto death
Trustie and bydand. Leith.
Trustie and true Scott.
Trustie to the end Forbes-Leith.
Trust in God
Trust in God and not in strength Hardness, Husdell, Richardson.
Trust winneth troth Renton.
Trusty and bydand Hastings, Rawdon-Hastings.
Trusty and kind Leith.
Trusty and true Scot.
Trusty to the end Leith.
Truth Lethbridge.
Truth and liberty Tylden.
Truth, honour, and courtesy Gentleman.
Truth prevails Gordon.
Truth will prevail
Try Mackenzie, M'Kenzie.
Try aud tryst
Tuagha tulaig abu Gethin, O'Haia, Parker.
Tu certa salutis anchora
Tu Deus ale flammam Clark.
Tu digna sequere
Tu Domine gloria mea MacSwiney.
Tuemur Thou a sure anc/ur of salvation Gillespie.
Tueris tutissime virtus Thou, God, nourish thefiame Flavel.
Follow thou worthy things Knight.
Tu meliora spera
Tum pace, quam prjelio Thou, Lord, art 7ny glory Leicester.
Tu ne cede maUs Iwill defend Byng, Cranmer-B)'ng, Kenney.
We defend.
Thou, Virtue, drfendest me most safely .... Carbon.
TAt high hill. M'Kenzie.
Hope thou for better things Donkin.
As well in peace as in war. Gordon.
fAmery, Amory, Damer, D'Amery,
Yield not to misfortunes J. Davenport, Parry, Pyemont, Riddock,
[ Smith, Steere, Tourner, Turner.
TT,u, „n„e c„„ejde mal.rs, sed1 cont.ra audJent..• or i.to|r Yield not thou to ?>i isfortunes, but march \ r- 1
^^j^^^ against them )^°''^^-
Tune cede me Yield not thou to ?ne Steere.
Turpi secernere honestum To separate the honourablefrom the base ... Plumpre.
Turpiter desperatur Despair is base Hall.
Turrisfortis mihi Deus God is a strong tower to me ("Clark, Clogstoun, Clugstone, Hale,
Kelly, M'Guarrie, Macquaire, O'Kelly,
Turris fortissima Deus God is a nwst strong tower
Turris fortitudinis The tower offortitude -J
Turris mihi Deus God is a tower to me
Turris prudentia custos Prudence is the safeguard of a fortress [ Peter, Towers-Clark, Whelan.
Turris tutissima virtus Virtue is a very safe tower Torr, Torre.
Tuta timens fearing safe things Mansfield.
Tutanien Towers.
Tutamen Deus A defence Dick-Lauder, Lauder.
Tutamen pulchris Carlyon.
Tutantur te]a coronam God is a defence
Tutela Leadbetter.
Tutemur A defence to the beautiful. Skrine.
Tute tua tuta
Tuto, celeriter, et jucunde Weapons protect the crown Bent.
Tuto et celeriter Chambre.
Tutto alfin vola Protection Tisdall.
Let us defend. Lyell, Lyle.
Your safe things safely Higgins.
Safely, quickly, and pleasantly Robison.
Safely and quickly
Everything vanishes in the end Sutton.
Tutto si fa Everything gets done La Trobe-Bateman.
Tutum monstrat iter Cook.
Tutum refugium He shorweth a safe road Gillon, GuUon.
Tutum te littore robore sistam A safe refuge Crauford, Crawford, Hinde.
I will plant you safe ashore by mystrength
Tutum te robore reddam
I ^viU render you safe by mystrength ^'^'^'^°"^' ^^""''''
Tutus in bello {^'"wlTfo^d.^""'^"'^'
Tutus in undis
Tutus prompto animo.. Safe amid war Dobell.
Tutus si fortis Safe amid the waves Wood.
Safe by a ready mind Welsted.
Tuumest Fairborne, Raebum, Reaburn.
Safe, if brave.
Tu vincula frange
Tyde what may Itis thine {^ wfck^cSneu''^"'^^'' ^°"''''' '''"'
Tyme proveth truth
Tymetryeth troth Do thou break the chains Napier.
Tyrii tenuere coloni Haig, Haige, Haig-Smellie.
Homer, Trevelyan.
It was possessed by Tyrian colonists M'Lauren.
Ubi amor, ibi fides Where there W... there is fidelity """"^^^^^^
{^tfiefd, N^wma^
Ubi bene ibi patria One^s country is where one iswell. Bailiie.
Ubi fides ibi vires
Ubilapsus? Quidfeci? Wherefaith is there is strength Ilussey.
Where have Ifallen? What have I done? Courtenay.
.' {^XS'.Where there is liberty, there is my country ^°""''' °'""''''*^''' ""2"''
Ubi libertas, ibi patria.
Ubique aut nusquam Everywhere or nowhere Whitefoord.
Ubique fidelis
Everywhere faithful Hamilton.
Ubique paratus
Ubique patriam reminisci Everywhere prepared Fraser, Frazer.
Ubi solum ibi coelum To remember your country everywhere Cass, Harris.
Ulterius Where there is land there is sky Anderson.
Ulterius et melius Farther Durham.
Ultra aspicio Farther and better Campbell.
Ultra fert animus Hook farther. Melville, Melvine.
Ultra pergere My mind carries me farther
Unalterable To advance farther Copley, Crosland.
Un Dieu et un Roi One God and one King Sleigh.
Un Dieu, un Roi One God, one King
Un Dieu, un Roy, un cceur One God, one King, one luart. De Jersey.
Un Dieu, un Roy, une foi. One God, one King, one faith
Un Dieu, un Roy, un foy One God, one King, onefaith D'Arcy, Lyttleton.
Supported all round Lake.
Undique fulsus The same while I live Rush.
Un durant ma vie Once Myrton.
Une foi One and the samefaith Barrington.
Une foy mesme One faith, one law Curie.
Une foy, uneloy Gilpin.
Une pure foy A purefaith Sorel.
Une stay A barrier Hewett.
Ung Dieu ung Roy Lang.
Ung Dieu et ung Roy One God, one King.
Ung Dieu ung loy ung foy One God and one King Billiat.
Ung durant ma vie One God, one law, one faith Littleton, Lyttleton.
Ung je serviray The same while I live Burke, Curll.
Ung par tout, tout par ung One I will serve Barrington.
Ung Roy, ung foy, ung loy One bv nierything and everything by one.. Fitz-Herbert, Herbert.
Ung sent ung soleil One King, onefaith, one law Wriothesley.
Ung tout seiil Onefaith, one sun
Uni £equus virtuti Burke, De Burgh, De Burgho, De Burgo,
Unicaspesmea Christus A one Lloyd-Vemey, Vemey.
Unica virtus necessaria Friendly to virtue alone
Unione augetur Grenville, Murray.
Unione minima vigent Christ is my only hope Dishington.
Unita fortior Virtue alone is necessary Miller.
Unitate fortior It is increased by union Plowes.
T/ie smallest thingsflourish by union Beck.
Unite Stronger by union Brodie, Brody, Cameron.
Strongerfrom union
Un Roy, une foy, une loy
Untoutseul One King, onefaith, one law Burke.
Unus et idem One alone Verney.
Unuset idemferar One and the same Bmdley, Liddell.
Upward Let me be one and the same Blundell.
Lorimer, Simons.
' Even to the altar. Campbell, Heme, Yates.
Usque ad aras.........'.'.'.............l...... A friend even to the altar Griffiths.
Usque ad aras amicus
Usque ad mortem fidus Faithful even to death Ward.
Usque fac et non parcas E\-n do and spare not.
Usque fidelis Peter.
Usurpari nolo faithfti! to the last Melles, Napier.
Ut amnis vita labitur M'Dowall.
Ut apes, geometriam I do not wish to usurp Brooks.
Ut aspirat cervus Life glides away like a river Petty.
Ut crescit, clarescit As bees, geometry Staveley.
Utcunque placuit Deo As the hart panteth Anderson, Menzies.
Utcunque placuerit Deo As it increases, it becomes famous
Ut deficiar As God has seen good Darby, How, Howe.
Ut duram spero Ho-Msoever God pleases Darby.
Utere dum potes That I may be deslilute Auchinleck.
Utile dulci As I ho^\ I -viUleal Seckham.
Utile et duke Enjoy -vhilc yvi may Lecky.
The useful ivfh the pleasant Bestall, .Sliuttleworth, Spedjing.
U tile quod taceas Useful and agreeable.
Morrison, Riddell.
Utili secernere honestum It is useful to keep quiet Turner.
Ut implear Davis.
Utitur ante quassitis To separate the honourable from the useful
Ut migraturus habita That 1 may be filled. iMikieson.
Ut olim He uses former acquisitions Draghorn, Drejjhorn.
Ut palma Justus Dwell as ready to depart Lauder.
Ut possim As Jorinerly ICinloch, Kinlock.
Ut prosim Thejust like a palm Palmes.
That I may be able Livingston.
Utprosimaliis That I may be of use Foley, Grigg, Greenwood.
Ut prosim aliis prosim That I may profit others {'''t:2Z^:]l^^:''''""'''''"^''°^'
Ut prosimus
Ut quocunque paratus Let me prosper that I may benefit others... Ferguson.
Utraque fortuna contentus
Utraque pallade That we may be of service Flory.
Ut reficiar
Ut resurgam As preparedfor whaierer may happen Lambart, Lambert.
Utrinque paratus
Utrius auctus auxilio Content with eitherfortune ... Vosper.
Utriusque auxilio
Ut sanem vulnero By each art Bendish, Bendyshe.
U t se crescit, clarescit
Ut secura quies That L may be refreshed Archibald.
Ut sim pamtior
Ut sementem feceris ita et metes That I may rise again Penniecook, Pennycook, Pennycuick.
Ut sibi sic alteri
Ut sursum desuper Prepared on all sides Cottingham.
Ut tibi sic aliis
Ut tibi sic alteri Increasing by the help of both Rankine, Ranking.
Ut vidi ut vici Spottiswood.
Ut vinclo vir verbo iigitur By the help of both Holt.
Ut vivas vigila
I wound in order to heal
He grows illustrious as he increases Anderson.
As secure quiet. Huskisson.
That I may be the more ready Clepan, Clepham, Clephan.
As you sow you shall reap Wilson.
Do to another as to thyself Letchworth.
Descend to ascend Rumbold, Worseley, Worsley.
As to thee so to others Hussey.
As I do to thee, so will I do to others Bowles, Dobson, Pemberton-Leigh.
As I saw, as I conquered Naunton.
A man is bound by his -word as by a chain Clover.
IVatcli that you may live Arnold, Bather.
Vade ad formicam Go to the ant .A.ncketill, Ankettell.
Vje duplici cordi Woe to the deceitful heart Fitton.
Vje timido Woe to the timid Maddison.
Vas victis IVoe to the conquered Senhouse.
Vjiillance avance Phomrae Valour advances the man Acton.
Yaillant et veillant Valiant and vigilant Cardwell.
Valde et sapienter With force and wisdom Musgrave, Sagar-Musgrave.
It shallprrjail Lysons.
Valebit Able and willing Fetherstonhaugh.
Valens et volens Virtue is equivalent to an anchor Gardner.
Valet anchora virtus It avails and wounds Hay.
Valet et vulnerat Piety is strong Valpy.
Valet pietas Strong Harte.
Validus Be thou a ratnpart of brass Bailey.
Vallum aeneum esto By valour and virtue Salle.
Valore et virtute Valour andfortune Rollo.
Valor et fortuna Valour and loyally Croft.
Valor et lealdade Grant.
V.nlour and loyalty Vain is the hope of life Paul.
Vana spes vitae Honour is vain Bowden, Bowdon.
Vanus est honor Go beyond the mark Utermarck.
Va outre marque 4 lever Holmes.
Va presto ma sano Wise and valiant Erskine.
Either by art or by force Baines, Deans, Deans-Campbell.
Vectis Brett.
Aim at the good you can
Veilliant et vaillant
Vel arte vel marte
Velis id quod possis
Velle bene facere To wish to do well. Curtis.
Vellera fertis oves You sheep carryfleeces Elliot, Elliott.
To wish what God wishes Bankes.
Velle vult quod Deus
Velocitate IVith velocity Carse.
Eraser, Frazer, Gordon, Gunn.
Vel pax, vel bellum Either peace or war Venables.
I conquer with hunting spears
Venabulis vinco
Venale nee auro Not to be purchasedfor gold Jerv'is, Jervis-White.
She camefrom heaven Keith.
Venit ab astris
Venit hora The hour has come Hoare.
By favourable wiuds Hood, Kennion, Rowley.
Ventis secundis
Venture and gain Hay, Wilson.
Venture forward Bnice.
Vera sequor Ifollc^iv tr!<th Hale, Landon.
Vera trop^a fides Fideli/y :• '•,/•' r
Vera virtus immersabilis
True z: Codrington.
Verax atque probus Tnith/i, ,'.:::,: • Fair, Ruttledge.
Verax et fidelis : Trueaiui laiiui,,: Peareth.
Veritas Trtith Eiston, Wirgman, AVatson.
Veritas et patria Truth and my country
Veritas et virtus vincunt Truth and valour conquer Walsh.
Veritas ingenio Truth with wit Gordon.
Veritas liberabit Truth shall makefree. Bodenham,
Truth has madefree. Slingsby.
Veritas liberavit Truth and liberty Abraham.
Veritas, libertas
Veritas magna est Truth is great Jephson, Jepson.
Veritas me dirigit Truth directs me BrockIehur>t.
Veritas non opprimitur There is no crushing the truth Calderwood.
Veritas odit morem
Truth hates cmt.^m Parr)-.
Veritas odium parit Truti: : . v' Kennedy.
Kedslie, Kidslie.
Veritas omnia vincit Trutii ,' ^ \'
.V.Jeri.t. as .^ ... r Truth .". I '' - '.'. but not entirely 1 .C.al, d, erwood,.
premitur, non - .,.^..
Veritas, puritas Tiuih aiiJ ^nritv. Webster.
Veritas prevalebit Trut/i wl! prezad Gribble.
Veritas superabit
Veritas superabit montes Trutii sii.::: pr^T.n! Hill.
Veritas via vitse
Veritas victrix Truth shall cress mountains Hill.
Truth the way of life Tyrrell.
Truth is conqueror Wilde.
("Ayre, Fair, Fisher, French, Geddes,
Veritas vincit Truth conquers -! Geddies, Keith, Marshall, Orpen,
Veritas vincit omnia Truth conquers all things { Wood-Wright.
Veritatem Waterhouse.
Veritatis assertor
Veritatis et sequitatis tenax Truth ....'. Tatham.
,,, .., Assertor of truth Niblett.
Verite sans peur
Steadfast to truth andeqitity Rust.
Verite soyez ma garde fBedford, Gunning, Henians, Middleton,
T,rr^ ut^h, .,, ^r
Verite vient without fear | Sh^tl Willoughby.
Vernon semper viret Brewster, French-Brewster.
Vero nihil verius Truth be my guard
Vero nil verius
Versus Truth comes Vere.
Vertltur in diem Vernon ahmys flourishes
Vertitur in lucem Nothing truer than truth Vernon.
Vertu cerche honneur De Vere, Hunt, Vere, Weir.
Verlue vauncet
Nothing truer than truth Vere.
Verum atque decens
Verus ad finem Towards Peters.
Veius amor patrije
Verus et fidelis It is changing into day Farquhar.
Verus et fidelis semper
Verus et seduUis It is changing into light Baillie.
Verus honor honestas Virtue seel-s honour D'Arcy.
Virtue prevails
Vescitur Christo Vemey.
Vespere et mane
True and becoming Browne, Lee, Wylde.
True to the end Deuchar, Lizars, Peters.
True love of countrv Hughes.
True andfaithful.] Parkin.
Aylward. Toler-Aylward.
Always true andfaithful. M'CuUoch.
True and diligent.. .'
Honesty is true honour Lacock.
Feeds on Christ. Rous.
In the evening and morning Pierie, Pourie, Powrie, Purie.
fBaily, Coningsby, d'Albani,
Vestigia nulla restrorsum There is no going back \ den, Levinge, Massicks, Sibthorpe,
Veuillebien Wishwell. Trevor.
Via crucis via lucis
Via trita est via tuta i
Via trita via tuta
Vi at tamen honore De Veulle.
Via tuta virtus
Via una, cor unum The way of the cross is the way of light .... Black, Sinclair.
Vi aut virtute
Viavi The beaten way is the safe way Berryman.
Vici The beaten way is the safe way Agar.
Vicisti et vivimus Byforce, yet with honour Wyatt.
Virtue the safe way Dick-Cunyngham.
Oneway, one heart Hart, M'Corda.
By force or valour Chisholm.
A way by force. Hayter.
I have conquered Copland, Raines.
We have conquered Brett, White.
Thou hast conquered, and we live Johnson.
Vicit amor patriae Love of caunlry has conquered. Holies.
Vicit pepercit He conquered, he spared Boddy.
Vi corporis et animi Veale.
By force of body and mind.
Victima Deo A sacrifice to God
Victodolore Grief ovei-come Simpson.
Victor Conqueror James, Linskill.
Victoria Victory Conqueror, Locock, M'Dowall.
Victoria a Domino Victory from the Lord
Victoria Concordia crescit
Concord insures victory Amherst.
Victoria fortitudo virtus
Victoriam coronat Christus Victory, fortitude, virtue Young.
Victoria non prseda
Victoria signum Christ crowns victory Campbell.
Victory, not booty Durham, Sandilands.
Victory is the sign Taylor.
,VTi.ct, on.a , mors ... or , ^, fMacdonald, M'Donall, M'Dowall,
Vict, ory death | M'Dowgal.
Victor in arduis A conqueror amid difficulties O'Rourke.
Victor mortalis est The conqueror is mortal Clark.
Victor sine sanguine Smith.
Victory or death A victor without blood. O'Hagan.
,r. . . , . . ^. W„,i.sd.om ^, conqueror j-j- ^ f Andrew, Andrews, Calthrop, Pelissier,
the [ Wyiie
Victrix fortunae sapientia offortune
Victrix fortuna sapientiae Fortune is the cotiqueror of wisdom Chalmers.
Victrix patientia Patience is victorious Gordon.
Victrix patientia duris
Victrix prudentia Patience is victorious in hardship Carter.
Victus in arduis Prudence is conqueror. Gordon.
Video alta sequorque
Video et taceo Conquered in difficulties Harrison.
Video meliora
Video meliora proboque I see andfollo^u high things. Camagie, Carnegie.
Viditque Deus hanc lucem esse bonam. ..
Vidi, vici I see and hold my peace Fox.
Vi divina
Vi et animo I see better things Montefiore.
Vi et armis
I see and approve of better things Smythe-O wen.
And God saw the light that it was good.... Rundle.
I have seen, I have conquered Scurfield, Twiselton, Twisleton.
By divineforce Pearse.
By strength and courage. Hankinson, M'CuUoch.
Bvforce and arms Armstrong.
Viet arte By force and art. /ChUhoIm, Ferguson. Fergusson. Stephen,
Vi et consilio Byforce and counsel Merewether.
Vi et fide By force andfaith Campbell.
Vi et fidevivo I live byforce andfaith
Vi et industria Byforce and industry Nihell.
Vi et libertate By force and liberty Falconer.
Vi et veritate By force and by truth
Vie vers vertu Life towards virtue
Viget in cinere virtus Virtueflourshies after death Sloan.
Viget sub cruce (Baird, Bolton, Brown, Chambers, Chis-
Heflourishes under the cross
Vigila et ora Watchandpray holme, Fulton, Hunt, LeRuez, Lindow,
M'Taggart, Pears, Pooler, Powell,
Vigilance BT,ywatc. h,mg. Smart, Spaight, White, Woodlock.
„V.igJ.a.n.do L am at restfrom watching Davidson, Grey.
^,,",(.'¥, ", 1, Colquhoun.
Vigilando quiesco Rogers, Wake.
W„aTtc, h,fJu- l, andJ bIol,dj Laing.
... ., rCampbell, Cotton-Todrell, Gordon,
Vigilant and sure | M'Leod.
V'g^'^"^ Watchful andfaithful Tredcorft, Tredcroft.
Vigilant and prompt /Burton, Johnson, Kadwell, Mathisson,
... ., . aud, ax Vigilant and true I Smith,- Taylor, Wolstonecraft.
Vigilans Watching, he does notfall r Bradley, Coates, Cockburn, Corrie,
et | ConV, Currie, Dunn, Stephens, White.
Vigilantly Anderson.
Vigilans et certus S^ety by watching Wilson.
Vigilance Wyld.
Vigilans et fidelis Wenley.
By vigilance and valour Calder.
Vigilans et promptus By watching he shall not fall Laing, Newcomen.
Alcock, Gregory, Stawell, Wegg.
Vigilans et verus Vigilante, strength, pleasure Cochran, Cochrane.
Security by watching Aird, Ard, Carfrae, Hinshaw, Tod.
Vigilans non cadit B„yth,,ewatc,h,fJu- l,
Vigilant By the watchful, not the sleeping
Vigilanter Safety to the watchful Blair, Hunter.
^,,",''^'^i Phin, Phine.
Vigilante salus f Acheson, Aitcheson, Aitchison, .-Vtchison,
Vigilantia. . | Bristow.
Vigilantia et virtute Cochran.
Vigilantia non cadet /Alcock, Edwardes, Gael, Leeds, Long-
1 staff, Sconce, Walkey.
Vigilantia, robur, voluptas
Vigilantia securitas
... ., .,
Vigilantibus non dormientibus
Vigilanti salus
.V.-.g^.', ^'^^
Vigilate et orate Watch and fray "'""'°'^''' "^"'''^"<=''' S*'"<='''
He watches and frays
Vigilat et orat I watch I^T^rh
Vigilo 1 watch and hope. ,., Fennison.
With vigour. /Dess, Desse, Gregson, May, M'Haddo,
Vigilo et spero By vigour and virtue
Vigore \ M'Hado.
Vigore et virtute Strength from above Daunt, Galbraith, Horton, Tivitoe.
Vigueur de dessus
/Braidwood, O'Brien, O'Bryen, Willing-
Vigueur I'amour de croix The lo-ce of the cross gives strength Darnel.
Vil God, I zal
Vill God, I sail Menzies.
Vi martiali Deo adjuvante
Vim da vi honestae By force of ivar, Cod helfing Menzies.
Vimiera Giveforce by force of honeUy Marshall.
Vim vi repellere licet Davy.
Vina vi repello We may repelforce by force. Walker.
Vincam I rcfel force by force Gwyn, Holford, Prattinton.
Vincam malum bono I will conquer Baldwin.
Vincam vel moriar 1 will conquer evil by good
Vincefide I shall conquer or die Griffin,
Vince malum bono Robinson.
Vince malum patientia
Vincendo victus Benyon, M'Dowal, M'Dowall.
\ incenti dabitur Conquer by faith Parry.
Vincent qui se vincent
Overcome evil zoith good Eure, Johnes, Jones, Robinson.
Vincere aut mori Overcome evil by patience Towns'hend.
Conquered in conquering Ley.
// shall be given to the conqueror Vincent.
They shall conquer who cotiquer themselves Vincent.
To conquer M'Coul.
To either conquer or die M'Neill, O'Hagan, Tuthill.
/•M'Dowal, M'Dowall, M'Dougal,
Vincere vel mori To conq^uer or die Mu' -M •NMeTi'l';;M;';N.eMi'U'',n'''"'MN^eVl'ly',' "^MM'^Onul'!,'
Vincet qui patitur He shall conquer who endures I
Vincet vel mori
Vincet virtute ffe shall conquer or die I M'Owl, Murphy, O'Morchoe, Tibbet.
Vincit cum legibus arma He shall conquer by virtue M'Dowall.
Vincit labor
He represses violence with laws Smart.
Vincit lil^eravit Labour overcomes {Gun, Hargreaves, James, Molesworth,
Vincit omnia He conquers, he has set free
He conquers all thini^s Nolan-Whelan, O'Hara, Pelham,
Pelham-Anderson, Pennington, Shaw!
Atkins, Atkyns.
Vincit omnia Veritas Truth conquers all things {°^^rS^<^:^^r?Sn'^'^°'
Vincit omnia virtus Virtue conquers everything.
Vincit pericula virtus Virtue conquers dangers Vicars.
Vincit qui curat He conquers who is cautious Brady, Harwood, Maine, Thornton.
Vincit qui devincit
He conquers who binds fast White.
Vincit vigilantia
Vincit vim virtus H,eT conquers wh1o endJures Griffin. Addenbrooke, Amphlett
Vinctus non victus rAcworth,
Vinctus sed non victus H,,e conquers wh,o conquers h1imselijf-
Ashurst, Chester, Clarke, Colt
I Dancer, Disney, Gildea, Harrison
Watchfulness overcomes ^ Homfray, Homfrey, Llwellen, Llew
Virtue conquers force
Bound, not conquered ellyn, Morgan, Shaw^ Shields,
Bound, but not conquered
Smerdon, Turner, Wire.
f Ackworth, Ellis, Fawsett, Grieson,
| Holland, Wilson.
'Alison, Allison, Baxter, Boddington, Bui-
fin. Burn, Coote, Dickin, Edmonds,
Fair, Galwey, Gort, Hastings, Henry,
MJeph^on, Jepson, 'Kenny, Napif
^ Qj.p^j^_ O'Shee, Paget - Tomlinso
Peacock, Prendergast, Ryder, .She
Smyth, Vereker, Ward, Warde,
De Worms.
Bourke, Burke, Galwey.
Vincula da linguce vel tibi lingua dabit. . . ^Z!in!,^'uJi"th^. '.'.T.'.. Z. '!Z'"'"'" JH^^k)"^'
Vincula temno I despise bonds Sinclair.
Vi non astutia Force, not cunning..... Rumford.
Virebo I will become strong. Hamilton.
Vires agminis unus habet One has the strei:..': ,.- ; .jmenf Gryles, Grylls.
Vires animat virtus Virtue animal. . Garden, Gairden.
Virescit Heflowishes. Moncrief, Stewart.
Virescit in arduis virtus Virtue gro'uis am; t i:, :>.:: . Keir, Keir-Mackintosh, Mackintosh. Kei
Virescit virtus .- Virtueflourishes Tackson.
Viiescit vulnere He grows strong by being wmmded. Stewart.
Virescit vulnere virtus
Virtueflourishes from a wound. Brock, Brodhurst, Brownrigg, Burnet,
I become green I"
Iflourish and revive -! Burnett, Clutton-Brock, Filgate, Foot,
Strength andfaith
I Hepenstal, Ker, Meara, Stewart.
Strength in diflicvlties.
Truth is power. [Douglas, Greenless, Greenwell,
Viresco A man of the crowd -] Monteath-Douglas, Monteith, Smellet,
\ SmoUet, Smollett, Stewart, Tailefer.
Viresco et surgo Flourishing and bearingfruit.
Vires et fides Always green Maxwell.
Vires in arduis
Vires Veritas A mati above an enemy Cowan.
Vir gregis
Viridis et fructifera MacBain.
Viridis semper
Vir super hostem Kennedy.
Virtue, have virtue Clarke.
Virtue is honour
Virtue is my honour
Virtue mine honour
Virtus acquirit honorem O'Donovan.
Virtus ad sethera tendit
Virtus ad astra Ferguson.
Virtus ad astra tendit
Virtus ad sidera toUit Virtue procures honour Ross.
Virtus ariete fortior Virtue tends towards heaven Kendrick, Kenrick.
Virtus astra petit Virtue to the sky M'Lannahan.
Virtus auget honorem Virtue tends to the stars M'Clean, M'Clen, Maclean.
Virtus auget honores Virtue exalts to the stars Hamilton, Spence.
Virtus auro praeferenda Virtue is stronger than a hnllering-ram.... Balfour, Cairns.
Virtus basis vitse Virtue aims at the sky Innes, Phillips-Flamank.
Virtue increases honour Ross.
Virtus castellum meum Patten, Wilson.
Virtus constat in actione Vandeleur.
Virius cura sei-vabit Edmonstone, Spence.
Virtus dabit, cura servabit
Virtus dedit, cura servabit Virtue increases honours. Charles.
Virtus depressa resurget
Virtus difficilia vincit Virtue is to be preferred to gold Allen.
Virtus dum patior vincit.. .- Virtue is the support of life. Jerningham.
Virtus durat avorum Bence.
Virtue is my fortress
Virtus durissima feret
Virtus duxit avorum Virtue consists in action Norgate.
Virtus est Dei
Virtus est vitium fugere Virtue shall preserve by care Browne.
Virtus et fortitudo invincibilia sunt
Virtus et industria Virtue shall give^ care shall pi eserve Bro\\n.
Virlus et nobihtas
Virtus et spes Virtue has given, discretion will prese'-ve.. Brown, Browne.
Virtus fides fortitudo
Virtus fortunas victrix Virtue downtrodden will rise again Kendall.
Virtus impendere vero
Virtue conquers difficulties Whitburn.
Virtue overcomes, while I suffer Weems.
The virtue of ancestry remains Seton.
MVirtue will sustain the most severe trials ... 'Lean.
The virtue of our ancestry was our guide. Seton.
Virtue is from God Briggs, Brooke.
// is a virtue to shun vice. Reynardson.
Virtue andfortitude are invincible M'Guire.
Virtue and industry Browne.
Virtue and nobility Henvill, Llewellin. .
Virtue and hope Caldwell.
Virtue, fldelily, andfortitude Spens.
mVri-rt. us • .• • ... Virtue is the conqueror offortune CoUis-Sandes, Sandes.
consistit Brown.
actione It is virtue to be devoted to truth
fClavton, Craven, Everard, Halford, Sier,
. ^lr^,i- rt., ue consists tn action -j ^,
Virtus in ardua Virtue in theface of difliculties Pottinger.
Virtus in arduis Valour i
Jammon, Harrison, Macqueen.
Virtus in arduo Valour in difficulty Howell.
Virtus in caducis Valour amid the ruin of things. M'Dowal.
Virtus incendit vires Valour stirs up strength Smythe.
Virtus incumbet honori Virtue will rest upon honour. Williams.
Virtus insignat audentes Virtue distinguishes the bold Beamish, Beamish-Bernard.
Virtus intaminatis fulget honoribus J'irtue shines with untarnished honours . . Truss.
Virtus invicta Virtue is invincible Morrogh.
Virtus invicta gloriosa Unconquered virtue is glorious Thomas.
Virtus invicta viget Invincible virtueflourishes Penyston.
Virtus invidia; Scopus Virtue is the mark for envy Methuen, Methven.
Virtus laudanda Virtue is praiseworthy Paton, Patton.
Virtus, laus, actio Virtue, praise, exploit. Frazer.
Virtus maturat Virtueripens Riddel, Riddell.
Virtus mihi scutum Warren.
Virtue, be thou my shield
Virtus mille scuta Virtue is equal to a thousand shields ^°"'"'^' "'''™"^'
{^'vyse' sfdkr'"'
Virtus nobilitat Virtue ennobles
Virtus non stemma The virtue not the lineage Boyd, Cruso, Henderson.
Virtus non vertitur Virtue does not turn Grosvenor, Taunton.
Virtus omnia nobihtat Virtue ennobles all Donegan, Sarsfield.
Virtus omnia vincit Virtue conquers all Herrick.
Virtus patientia Veritas Virtue, patience, truth White.
Virtus patrimonio nobilior Virtue is more noble than patrimony
Salusbury, Trelawny.
Virtus paret robur Virtue shmvs strength Bunbury, Richardson.
Virtus post facta : Virtue after exploits Bortliwick.
Virtus potentior auro
Virtue is more tmucrfid than gold. Falconer.
Virtus prse numine Virtue is preferable to pnver Price.
Virtus prssnummis Virtue before money Smart.
Virtus pnestantior auro Virtue more excellent than gold Severene, Whieldon.
Virtus pnestatauro Virtue is better than gold.'.. Cunningliame.
Virtus pretiosior auro Virtue is more precious than gold Robinson.
Virtus prevalebit Virtue will prevail Ranken.
Virtus probata florebit Proved virtue will flourish Bernard, Bernard-Beamish.
Virtus probata florescit Tried virtueflourishes Bernard, Cologan, Mac Colgan, Veldon.
Virtus propter se Virtue for its own sake. Lube, RadcUfife, Ratcliffe, Repington.
Virtus Pyramidis Virtue of the Pyramid Kinchant.
Virtus repulsce nescia sordidas Virtue incapable of mean repulse. Cuffe, Laurie.
Virtus rosa suavior Stella clarior { ""'""' ""'" " ''""' ''"S'""- than \ij^^^
Virtus salus ducum Virtue is the safety of leaders Leader.
Virtus semper eadem Virtue ahuays the same Dodgson, Turvile.
Virtus semper viret Virtue always flourishes Woodward.
Virtus semper viridis Virtue is alwa^ys flourishing fCory, English, France, France-Hayhurst,
^^ Green, Laur.e, Lowry, Lowry-Lorry.
Virtus sibi aureum -^ .5
Virtus sibi prijemium Knight.
Virtus sine dote Virtue is worth gold to itself Calderwood, Fergusson.
Virtus sine macula Virtue is its own reward Davies.
Virtus sine metu Virtite without a dowry Lamb, Russell.
Virtue without a stain Howard.
Virtue withoutfear
Virtussola Virtue alone Henderson.
Virtus sola felicitas Virtue is the only happiness. Bliss.
Virtus sola invicta Virtue alone is invincible Dauntesy, Eyre.
Virtus sola nobilitas Virtue is the onl^y nobility /Blake Nicholson, O'Dwyer, Throck-
-^ \ morton.
( Blake, Blakes, Henderson, Henrieson,
Virtus sola nobilitat Virtue alone ennobles - I!enrison, Henryson, Kavanagh, Mac-
Virtus sub cruce crescit Virtue grows under the cross [ Causland.
Bury, Howard-Bury.
Virtus sub cruce crescit ad a:thera tendensj ^''^'''j^'^'/j''^' "^"''* ^""''" '""'"""
Virtus sub pondere crescit Virtue increases under the burthen Feilden, Jephson.
Virtus tollit ad astra Virtue exalts to the stars Innes.
Virtus triumphat Virtue triumphs Church.
Virtus tutamen Virtue is a defence Germon.
Virtus tutissima Virtueis safest Conlan.
/Barker, Finch-Hatton, Raymond, Steven-
Virtus tutissima cassis Virtue is the sa'fest helmet \ son, Willis.
Stephen, Stevenson, Verst.
Virtus ubique Virtue everywhere. Stevensone.
Virtus ubique sidem Virtue has its home every-a'herc Drake, Henville, Springham.
Virtus vera nobilitas Virtue is true nobility Burr.
Virtus verus honos Virtue is true honour Gurdon.
Virtus viget in arduis Virtueflourishes amid difficulties
'^°™'™"''' ^'^™*
Virtus vincit invidiam Virtue overcomes envy {^u'sborne'"''''"™'
Virtus virtutis prfemium Virtue is its own reward MacMoran, Macmorran, M'Moran.
Virtus vitium fugere It is virtue to shun vice Whitby.
Virtute By virtue.. 'Bain, Burnet, Burnett, Cheshire, Church,
Cooper, Couper, Dick, Dick-Lauder,
Virtute acquiret honos He shall acquire honour by virtue Ferguson, Keane, Metivier, Stable,
Virtute acquiritur Stuart, Tait. Watkins, Whyte.
Virtute acquiritur nono> It is acquired by virtue.
Virtute ad astra Honour is acquirld by virtue Richardson.
Virtute adepta
Virtute avorum By virtue to the skies Robertson.
Virtute cresco Acquired by virtue Richardson, Richie, Ritchie, Spence.
Virtute damnosa quies Bv the virtue of ancestors Keyes, Paton, Paton-Bethune, Patton.
Virtute decoratus Watkins.
Virtute dignus avorum 1 increase b-y^ virtue
Virtute doloque I ^T'lV ^'''''' ^'''''''"' '^'''•
' Virtute duce Inactivity inimical to virtue chell-rC?a"r°r'u't\h'e'rs.
Adorned with virtue t
Worthy of the virtue of our ancestors
By courage and policy
Under the guidance of valour Glasscott.
Elder, Sand, Shanan, Shand, Shannon.
Virtute duce, comitefbrtuna { '''g^5^?:!'!!'::::!"::t"r'}shand, Smith-Shand.
; By virtue andfriendship Jervis.
By virtue and love M'Kenzie.
Virtute et amicitia By virtue and arms
By virtue and high repute Minnitt, Pratt.
: By courage and perseverance Hara, O'Hara.
By bravery andfaith Auld, Townend.
Virtute et amore Harley, Lamb, Marriot.
Byr bravery andJfidelit>y jBeauvale, Blackie, Blaikie Crofts Good-
j -r
\ sir, Hackett, Lanphier, Lyons, Reeves.
Virtute et armis
Virtute et claritate
Virtute et constantia
Virtute et fide
Virtute et fidelitate
V'irtute et fide vinco I conquer by bravery andjidelity Fenton.
Virtute et fortitudine Morris, Whettnall, Cooper.
Virtute et fortuna By bravery andfortitude Andrew, Andrews, Gardner.
Virtute et honore Baird, Blair, Kent, Wells.
Virtute et industria By virtue andfortune . Brackenbridge, Heaviside.
Virtute et ingenio Master.
By virtue and honour .
Virtute et non vi
Virtute et numine By virtue and industrv
Virtute et opera By virtue and ability
Virtute et probilate Clark, Cochran, Cochrane,
Virtute et prudemia IAUaCnusnonni,ngham, Downfield, Forster.
Virtute et robore
Virtute et sapientia Foster, Gregson, Heddle, Knight,
,..,,,, Lowcay, M'Clintock, M'CIintock-
\ irtute et valorc MBunbury, Mackenzie, 'Lintock,
Virtute et valare luceo non uro By virtue and not by violence. Main, Piatt, Reid, Rig, Rigg, White-
Virtute et vigilantia By bravery and divine aid. head, Wilson, Winn, Wood.
Virtute et veritate
Virtute et votis Bradstreet.
Virtute excerptae Creagh, Lawless, MacMahon-Creagh.
Virtute fideque
Virtute gloria parta By virtue and deeds TBennie, Benny, Benzie, Bernie. Binnie,
Virtute honor <. Binny, Cookson, Duff, Fife-Cookson,
Virtute inNndiam vincas
Virtutem conorat honos By virtue and honesty \ Fyffe, Harris, Pentland.
Virtutem coronat opus By virtue and prudence Magan.
Virtute me involvo By virtue and strength Bayles, Hepburn, Howenden, Lydiard.
Virtutem extendere fac Borough, Pillans, Richardson.
Virtutem extendere factis
Virtutem sic et culpam By virtue and wisdom Brownrigg.
Virtute nihil invium Bryy virt. ue andJ val,our
Virtute, non aliler I'Batt, Carson, Ennis. Leech, Lowcay,
Virtute non armis fido Mackenzie, M'Kenzie, Macnamara,
Virtute, non astutia
Virtute, non ferocia - ^^^^^^ Peppard, Roberts. Roe,
Virtute, non sanguine
I Stamer, Whitehead.
Virtute, non verbis
By virtue and valour Ishine^but do not burn Mackenzie.
Virtute, non vi
By virtue and vigilance Sharp.
Virtute, non viribus
Virtute, non viribus vincent By virtue and truth Blathwayt.
Virtute orta
Virtute orta occidunt rarius By virtue and vows Neilson, Nelson.
Virtute paret robur
,- Conspic2iousfor virtue... Cary.
^'","', ^P"',^ By bravery andfaith McMurray, M'Murray, Murray.
Virtute parta tuemini
Virtute probifate Renown is obtaiiied by bravery Napier.
Virtute promoveo
Virtute quies Honour by virtue. Richardson.
Virtute securus
Virtute sibi praemium Overcome envy by virtue Clebome.
Virtute superanda fortuna
-,...... Honour crowns virtue. Drummond.
\ irtute tutus
The work crowns the virtue Laurie.
Virtute vici I wrap me in my virtue Forbes, Ramsay.
Virtute viget
\'irtute vince- Act so as to encourage virtue Fisher.
Vinule vincet
Virtute vincit mvidiam To spread virtue by noble deeds Fisher.
Vinule Wresco
Virtuti Virtue thus and blame. Ma.\\vell.
Virtuti comes invidia
Virtuti damnosa quies A^o way is impassable to virtue Chamberlayne, Hillary.
Virtuti fido By virtue, not otherwise Moir.
I trust in virtue, not in arms Egerton.
Virtuti fortuna comes By bravery, not stratagem Clements, Pery, Whitbread.
By bravery, not by cruelty Forbes.
By virtue, not by blood. Hayman, Hayward-Curtis.
C Baxter, Clere, Coulthart, Hoskins, Mar-
By virtue, not by words shall. Maw, Petty-Fitz-Maurice, Robin-
I son, Sawers.
By virtue, not by force Austin-Gourlay, Barneby, Berkeley,
-! Chivas, Coppinger, Lutley, Rothe,
By virtue, not byforce Shivez.
They shall conqiter by virtue, notbyfoice.... Vincent.
Sprungfrom virtue. Stewart.
What is sprung from virtue rarely fails... Alton, Aytoun.
Strength obeys virtue Richardson.
PDrodJuceVd Aby -^ fHaliday, HalUday, Hallyday, Melville-
| Why^^, White, Whyte, Whytt.
Blackwood, Peperpell.
You defend what is obtained by valour Magan.
By virtue and integrity
I advance by virtue. Sideserf, Sydserf, Sydserfe.
Rest through valour Phipps.
Secure by virtue. Maude.
Let his reivard be in virtue Fenwick.
Fortune is to be overcome by virtue Whiteford.
Bvr, virt^ue saf'^e fBlair, Burt-Marshall, Marshall, Mitchel-
< son, Pnih.air• e. nPih.ayre.
I have conquered by virtue Ingram, Meynell.
Heflourishes by virtue
Keirie, Paton.
You shalt conquer by virtue Leatham.
He shall conqtur by virtue Cooper.
.. He overcomes eirvy by virtue Mann.
Iflourish by virtue Paterson.
To virtue Dick-Lauder.
Envy an attendant on virtue Cunninghame, Pevereux.
Inactivity is injurious to virtue. Brisbane, Hewer.
[trust in virtue Ap-Eynions.
Fortune is the attendant of virtw. {"s™. ^'''^"'' ^"^ ^°"'"""'
Virtuti inimica quies Inactivity is an enemy to virtue. Forbes.
Virtuti mceniacedant Fortifications may yield to bravery Wilder.
\ irtuti nihil invium Nothing is inaccessible to virtue Chamberlayne, Hillary.
N'irtuti nihil obstat et armis Nothing withstands virtue and arms Stratford.
\ irtuti non armis fido I tntst to virtue^ not to arms Egerton, Grey-Egerton.
Virtuti omnia parent All things obey virtue Butter.
Virtutis.. Skeen.
Virtutis alimentum honos Of virtue Parker.
Virtutis amore Honour is the aliment of virtue Annesley, Stephens.
Virtutis avorum prsemium By the love of virtue Upton.
Virtutis comes invidia The reward of my ancestors' Tialour Devereux.
Envy is the attendant of virtue
Virtutis fortuna comes (\^f.S't^eyw'art^",'^T"r'e"n"cfh,, ^Tyr"o'tte^r''iW/el,l?e"s"l,e"y™.^'
Fortune the com^panion o-'f virtue
Virtutis gloria crescit Tytler.
The glory of virtue increases rBewley, Deuchar, Forbes • Robertson,
Virtutis gloria merces Glory ,s the recompense of valour ''^],l::^:\^l:^::^^^^Z$;,
Virtutis gloria paita Glory obtained by virtue.. \ M'Kobertson, Robertson, Sandbach.
Virtutis honor prsemium Napier.
Virtutis in bello prsemium Honour is the reward of virtue
The reward of bravery in -war Robertson, Steuart.
fCorbet, Fraser, Gledstanes, MacDouga^ll,
,Vr..rt. ut..isl, aus .. DneedJs are „ p^ra,se ^ virt.ue. | Rumbold, Tansley.
actio the TDe Jersey, Leek, Morton, My^rton,
| Stewartf Thoms.
....,V,.mufs pr^mmm Vrrz-rt^ue'.s moardJ fDickinson, Feilden, Hapsburgh, Percy-
| Fieldmg, Wallford, Vv'allon
,V,irt,ut.i. s praem. mm , Hror nour is ^, rewardJ J- virt. ue
the '"'^'"' ^^^'^''^°''' ^'''™'
honor of { Sk"ene.^
Virtutis regia merces A palace the reward of bravery Blackadder, Duff.
Daccome, Dackcombe, Fielding.
Virtutis regio merces A country the recompense of bravery Cobb.
Virtutis robore robur Eomford.
Virtutis stemmata Strong in virtue's strength Spence.
Vir tutus et fidelis The pedigrees of virtue Cooke, Falcon.
Visa per invisa firma Blackader, Home.
Vis courageux fier A man safe andfaithful Hassard,
Vise a la fin |CampbeU^ Jleydell-Bouverie-Campbell,
Vis en espoir Seen things established by unseen
Vis et fides Look to the end.
Live in hope
Vis et virtus..
Vis fortibus arma Pa-wer andfidelity
Vi si non consilio
Visin vita Deus Force and courage. Chisalme, Chisholme.
Vis super l\<jstem
Vigour is arms to brave men Barton, Cruikshanks, Nisbet, Nisbett.
Byforce, if not by contrivance Sherbrooke.
God the strength in life M'Connel.
Po7ver over the enemy
j" Brooke, Bimbury, Eyton, Flood, Hales,
Vis unita fortior Force is stronger by union - Hosken.Lidwell.M'CUntock-Bunburj-,
Vis veritatis magna \ Moore, Pulteney.
Vis viri fragilis
Vita brevis gloria aeterna. Theforce of truth is great Hall.
Vita; faciendo nemini timeas
Vita et pectore puro Weak is the strength of man Lilborne, Lilburne, Ruddiman.
Vitse via virtus The life short, the glory eternal Price.
Vitam dirigit
Vitam impendere vero Fear no one in performing the duties of life Robertson.
Vita more fide
Vita posse priore frui By life and a pure heart Belloe.
Vita potior libertas
Vittoria Virtue is the way of life Dawson, Vaughan, Watkms, Weeks.
Vivam te laudare
It guides my life Christison.
Vivant dum virent
Vivat Greatrakes, semper virescat To devote life to the truth Brown, Ramage, Reichel.
Vivat Rex By hope, custom andfaith Hanercioft.
Vivat Veritas To be able to enjoy theformer part of life. . . Townsend.
Vive Deo Liberty is better than life Forster, Lumm.
Vive Deo ut vivas
Vive en espoir Nicholson.
Vive et vivas
Vive hodie Let me live to praise thee Chambers.
Vivat honestas
Vivelajoye Let tlicin live while they are green Forrest.
Vive la plume
ViveleRoi Let Greatorex live and always flouris h ... Greatoret.
Vi vel suavitate Long life to the King. '^'"' ^^'^"'1"°'''="' ^^'^°'-
Vive memor lethi, fijgit hora May truth flourish
Vivenscanam Livefor God Duncan.
Livefor God that you may live Durham.
Vivere sat vincere Abercromby, Craig, Craigie, Laurie.
Vive revicturus Live in hope Hassard, Starr.
V'ive ut postea vivas Live and let live Abercromby.
Live to-day Green-Price, Price.
May honesty flourish
Long livejoy Joy.
Long live the pen Scott.
Long life to the King
By violence or mildness SRochvf/or"t".
Live mindjul of death ; timeflies
I shall yet sing while alive Morris.
. ,. enough, fEveleigh De Moleyns, Molyneux,,
| MuUins.
To conquer is to live
Live to live again Vivian.
Live, that you may hereafter live Fraser, Frazer, Johnston,
Vive ut semper vivas Live so that you may live for ever Hopson, Morgan.
(Abercrombie, Abercromby, Bathgate,
Bentley, Falconer, Falkner, Faulkner,
Fraser, Hall, Hartley, Iliff, Johnston,
M'Kenzie, Maiming, Price, Rugge-
Price, Sladen, Snuggs, Stone, Vivian,
Von Stunner, Watney.
Vive valeque Live andfarewell Green,
Vi victus non coactus Conquered, not compelled byforce Warter.
Vivinius in spe We live in hope Thorbum.
Vivis sperandum While there is life there is hope M'Nevins, Niven, Philip.
Vivite fortes Live bravely Allen.
,,. . ^ . „.. ,. , , grave fBarrett-Hamilton, Boyle, Biyson, Maule,
Virtue lives after
Vivit post funera virtus the | j^^^j^^ S^^^_ gj^^^ ^^^^
Vivitur ingenio He lives by his wits Copen, Darley.
Vi vivoet armis
Hive byforce and arms Hennessy, O'Hennessy.
Vivunt dum virent
They live while they are green Forrest.
( I scarce call these deeds of our atuestors fCampbell, Foster, Fonntaine, Greville,
Vix ea nostra voco
| ^^^^ -^ GreviUe-Nugent, Maister, Techell.
Vixi liber, et moriar I have livedfree, and will die so Gray, Ibbetson, Ibetson, Sehvin.
Vocatus obedivi
Volabo ut requiescam I obeyed when called Gell.
Volando, reptilia sperno
I will make haste, that / may have rest.... CoUens, Collins.
,V,ol,ens et val, ens
Flying, / despise reptiles Scarta, Scarth, Scras, Scrase.
Wriyl,„l-ingl,y andJ powerfIu- l,l1y
fFetherston, Fetherston - Whitney,
| Fetherstonhaugh-Whitney.
Volenti nil difficile Nothing is hard to a willing mind. Creech.
Volo, non valeo Greystock, Howard.
Volonte de Dieu lamwilling, but not able
Volvitur et ridet 1 he will of God. Fairweather, Fairwether.
Vota vita mea He despises dangers Brabazon, Hagan.
Votis et conamine
Votis tunc velis, My life is vowed Kirk.
Vows should be respected With prayers and strenuous exertion Vowe.
Vrai k la fin Befavourable to my prayers
True to the end Pike.
Truefaith BosweU.
V,.ul,nera ,. ,., ., ( Wounds are the life of the children of the\(.,,^,
\ Church j-Churcli.
ecclesijs hberorum vita
Vulnera sano I heal up wounds Balderston, Balderstone.
Vulnera temno
Vulneratur non vincitur I despise wounds Cramond.
Vulneratus non victus
Vulnere viresco He is wounded, not defeated. Homfray.
Vulneror, non vincor
Vultus in hostem Wounded, twt conquered. O'Grady.
Iflourish from a wound. Stewart.
I amwounded, but not vanquished. Homfrey, Muschamp.
My face to the foe.. ^. Codrington.
Walk in the fear of God Walker.
Ware the horn Savage.
Waste not Green.
Watch Forbes, Gordon, Otter, Lloyd.
Watch and pray Forbes.
Watchful and bold Coats, Cotes.
Watch the temptation Keith.
Watch weel Halyburton, Scott.
Watch well Halliburton, Hallyburton, Halyburton.
Watch wiel..!! Scott.
Waterloo Nicholson.
Ways and means Cornwall.
We big you see warily
Weigh well Urquhart.
• Thorbum.
We live in hope
Wer gutes u boses nit kan ertragan wirtf Wlio cannot bear good and evil shall obtain \gfajjder
\ no great honours
kein grose ehre erjagen J
We rise Martinson.
West Indies Provost.
We stoop not
Whadder Stewart.
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it\ Buxton.
with thy might J Oliphant
What was may be Thompson.
Wheare vertu lys love never dys . .. Verburgh.
Who most has served is greatest..
Who dares wins
Whyll God wyll 95 ZEA
fruits we are known
Whyll lyfiflastyth Treffiy,
Will God, and I shall Ashburnha ni, Menzies.
WillweU Wilson.
Wil sone wil Crookes.
Wisdom above riches Grant.
Wisdom and strength Campbell, Sutherland.
Wisdom's beginning is God's fear
Wise and harmless
With heart and hand Lucy.
Without fear Ross.
Without God castles are nothing
Without help from above the arrow flies'!
in vain /
With thy might
With truth and diligence
Woodnotes wild
Work and wait
Wrth ein ffrwythau y'n hadnabydder
Ycadarn a'r cyrfwys The mighty and t nning. Williams, Williams-Wj-nn.
Y cyfiawn sydd hy megis Llew The truth against the world Hughes,
Morgan, Williams.
Y ddioddefws y orfu Mercer.
Ye great pule Kinloch, Kinlock.
Yet higher Mathew.
Yet in my flesh shall I see God
Y f>-n Duw a fydd Lewis.
Y gwir yn erbjm y byd Lloyd.
Ynir o ya
Ystoyeau Perceval, Percival.
—Note. For purposes of comparison, an asterisk is affixed to names in cases wliere the engraving
does not precisely correspond witli the blazon as given in the te.xt. [See note at p. I, Part I.] In cases
where a crest is absolutely accurate as regards one or more families of a particular name, while it may vary
slightly (in colour lines, for e.Nample) from another family of the same name, the name is not repeated with
an asterisk ; therefore, when it is desired to ascertain the precise blazons for various families of the same
name, reference should be made to the text under the particular surname required.
PLATE l.-l. Laforey. PLATE*Lutwidge, M'Braire, M'Diarmid, 3.— I. Creswick.
2. Cossen, Cosson, Dyce. M'Millan,M'Neil, Mathissr.n, Maun- 2. Bean, Ueane, Cashall, Hervey, Morse,
3.*Davies, Philipps, Lloyd - Philipps, cell, Meeke, Meyler, Mills, *Molloy, Ogilvie, Rees.
Philips, *Langharne-PhiUps, Phillips, Monson, *Morant, "Morrice, *Morris, 3. Cozens, Kyle.
Foley, PoUey, Pooley, Sanimes, Mostyn, Mylles, Nanney, *Newman, 4. Baker.
'Staple, Tarleton. Newton, *Nowne, * O'Donellan, 5. Cecil, Chein, Cheine, Chiene, Loader,
O'Donlevy, Ogilvie, Owen, *Owsley, 'Winstone, 'Wynston.
5. Bagnall. Parker, Paset,Paslew, Patte, Paynell,, 6. Beseley, Besley, Besly, Craddock,
6.*Beynon, James. Peart, Peel, Pellat, *Peryan, Peryent, Cradock, Foley, Ford, Roper, Warren.
7. Barlande, Barling, Fonnereau. *Phene, *Playters, *Pomeroy, Pop-
S. Williams. pelwcll, Raines, Raley, Redington, 7. Acottis, Acotts, '•x\dkins, *Audym,
'Conroy, 'Gilchrist, 'Havering, Hugo,
9. Nairn, Oxborough, Oxburgh. *Reppley, Richards, Ritson, Roberts, 'Hurell, 'Hurle, 'Hurrell.
10. Beynon, Blodlow, Casamajor, Cas- *Roscarrock, Saltren, Seaton, Shaw, S. Salisbury.
major, Clapham, Gibbines, Gibbins, Shipton, Simpson, Sloan, Smyth, 9. Wakelin, Wakelyn, Walkelin.
j Sommers, Sowerby, Stanbury, Stanger, 10. Phillips.
Girandot, Griffith, Jefleris, Ludlow,!
Mamey, Morgan, Norfolk, Northfolke, Starr, Stephens, 'Stevens, *Sutton, 11. Barbenson.
Powell, Price, Pritchard, PuUyn, Tappin, 'Thompson, 'Thomson, Tol- 12. Powell.
Rose, Thorne, Walne, Webb-Bowen, liott, Tottenham, Tours, Vaughan, 13. 'Howard, Marshall, Paske, 'Stracey,
Weyland. Vaux, Vernon, Vowe, Westenra, Unsworth.
1 1 Malone. Whale, Williams, Wilshere, Wilson, 14. Edmondson.
12. Cowan, Fitchett, Gerard, "Lawford, WoUey, Woodburne, ''Wynne. 15. Alanson, AUanson, AUaunson, Allen-
*Lilly, Lyddel, Mandeme, P.aunce- 14. Billingham, 'Dudley, 'Ffolliott, 'Fol- son, 'Wall, 'Walle.
foot, Pauncefort, Rees, *Shelletoe, liott, Marryatt, Meyer, ShirrefF, Wort-
Villers, ViUiers. ham, Worthom. PLATE —4. I. Bayley, 'Caldicote,
13. Adams, Addagh, Aufrere, Baker, 'Gerard, 'Johnson,*Rumney, 'Sneyd,
*Barrett, Baunceford, Ijayley, Bel- 'Walmesley.
2. Beauclerk, 'Bockingham, 'Bohun,
PLATE —dam, Bentham, Billingham, Blenkin-
2. I. Ouvry.
sopp, Bois, Boyce, Boyse, Brompton, 2. Martin, 'Salisbury.
Brooke, Brown, Browne, Bruce, 3. Jenkin, Jenkins, 'Jenkyns, Jones, 'Fallowfield, Fitzclarence, Fitzroy,
Buckingham, Burgess, Canning, Cas- Lloyd, Morrice, 'Morris, Price- Gordon-Lennox.
ley, *Chace, Chardin, *Chase, Chrit- Williams, Pryce, Williams, Wynne- 3. Angus, Brewes, Brews, Brewse, 'Brom-
chley, Cliff, *Codd, Corbyn, Cover- iield. Burrow, Cambridge, Cambrige,
dale, Coverdall, *Cozens, Craw- 4. Ashenden, Ashondon, 'Brisbon, 'Biis- Cobbold, Coriton, Coryton, 'Cowell,
field, Crossfield, *Cuming, Gumming, bone, Egerton, Haxford. Cricket, Crickitt, Croft, Crofts,
Danscy, Davies, Davis, *De Aguilar, 5. Auverquerque, Baxter, Bloys, Brende,
*Dease, *De Bathe, De Rinzy, De Crosby, De Garis, 'Delamote, De
Silva, *Devan, Dixon, Donelan, Dalgely, Dalgetty, De-Blois, Etty, Lisle, De Senlize, 'Desmond, De
Dowson, Drummond, Dupree, Ed- Goring, Hamon, Ireland, Mildmay,
ridge, Egerton, Farquhar, Fitz - St. John-Mildmay, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, Warren, Disney, Edwards, 'Eyre,
Henry, Fitz-Water, Ford, *Gayer, Pavey, Waldron. Fairfax, Garvey, 'Goloner, Gregg,
Germin, Germyn, *Gilchri-.t, *Gordon- 6.*Bayloll, Fothergill, 'Saxby. Greystock, 'Gulliver, Hemans, *Hol-
Cumming, Gouring, Graeme, Graham, 7. Broun, Brown, Brownrig, Brownrigg, brook, Hutchings, Hutchins, Mac-
Gronow, Grove, Gwyn, *Hadson, Coxan, Coxen, Dixon, 'Durrant, dougal-Hav, ' .M'Dowall-Hay, Mar-
Hagart, Hag<,-erston, *Hanson, "Hat- Ensor, Fielder, Haugh, Hoppare. shall,*Moo're,Mouat,*Muriell. Negus,
cliff, Holker, H olmes, Hosken, Hughes, Lorimer, Marks, Nyssell, Pugh, Norman, Northwick, I'ardoe, Pen-
Thorp, Trotter, Watkins, Whatley, nant, Pugh, Ramsay-Fairfax, Rickards,
Ingowville, *J:\nns, Jarveis, Jarvis, Worsley, Wortley. Roebuck, Rushout, Sclater, Slater,
Sneyd, Thomson, 'Walmsley, West-
*Javel, Tones, Kenan, ICing, Kyffin, S. Foley. more, Wilde, Zurich.
Kyff'yn,'Lamb, Lamf crt, *L.'>morley, 4. 'Gelling, 'Holland, 'Howard, Le-
9. Roberts.
Lea, Ledvvich, Leign, Lewis, *Lin- 10. Beddington, 'Pooly. strange.
colne, Lloyd, *Longe, Lovatt, Lows, 11. Lloyd, Lloyd-Price, Price. S-.'Chedder, 'Cheder. 'Crutchley, *Ed-
mund, Fairfax, Fitz- Wight, 'Gay, 'Gardner, 'Margesson, *Margetson, S. 'Faunce, 'Fonce, Newenham, New-
*Kenton, Ravenscroft. *Wilney. man.
7.*DiabIe, ^Dibble, *Dible, Healey, .'Bruce, Harvey. 9. Hammick.
. Burgone, Burgoyne, 'Burroughs, 10. Acton, Malefont, Malesaunts.
Healy, *Heming, *Hemming, *How
ard, *Ravencroft, *Wicklow. Condie, Goodhard, Goodhart, Hames, 11. Rich.
8. Aoluite, *Bruce, *Brotheiton, *Col Hammes, Haycock, Howston, 'Park, 12. Lusher.
vile, 'Cornwall, *Gourney, *Howard, 'Parke, Wedgewood. 13. Fardell.
*Le Strange, Norfolk, Percy, Strange, . Dolphin, Dolphine, Turner, 'Turnor, 14. Barnard, "Bernard, 'Yabsley.
Talbot, *Vere. Tumour. 15. 'Call.
9. Beaumont, *Blount, Brett, Cheeke, . Turner.
*Colwell, *Covell, *Cowell, *Desnay, .'Hay ward, 'Turner, Turnor. PLATE —10. I. Black, Bonell,
Ellis, *Gomey, Kinerby, Kynerby, .'fenkin, 'Jenkins.
Love, Magrath, Paddye, Talbot. .'Borne, 'Delmar, Mortlock. Bulimore, *Byrde, 'Cowtlen, Davies,
10. Evans. . Woods. Eam, Eames, Ernes, Emme, Evens,
12. Mesham. 'Fawcett, Fife, Fiffe, Fonte,
PLATE 7.-I. Dobbs. Gerandot, *Glyn, 'Gubyon, Haraill,
Hopkins, Hopkinson, 'Lewin, Lloyd,
PLATE 5.— I. Barnard. 2. Dobbs, Ward. Lyons, Macfie, Pandolfi, Priestley,
3. 'Campbell, Furse, 'Maitland, 'Ramsay- Traby, Vaughan, Wells.
2. Walker. 2. Agar, Ayloffe, 'Badley, 'Baett,
Gibson-Maitland, 'Stewart. Barkworth, Barnes, Barron, Basket,
3. Naylor. 4. Acham, Achym, Acklame, Boardman, Baskett, Batt, 'Becher, Beecher,
4. Franceis, Frances. Bell, Bentley, Bemall, Bertram,
5. Bruce, Garratt, Jarrett. 'Bramston, Brough, Calcott, Grys, Bethune, Betton, Blaauw, Black,
6. Butcher, Creping, Crepping, Fleury, 'Hancome, 'Handcome, 'Haynes, Bladewell, Bladwell, Blodwell,
'Kitto, 'Kittoe, Lennox, 'Magee, Blouyle, Blunden, Bond, Bosworth,
Mackay, Martin, Martina, Mulbery. Pendarves, Philips, Phillips, 'Shep- Bothevas, Brashier, Brasier, Breck,
7. Eastwood. Breek, 'Brett, 'IJrooke, Browne,
8. Turner. ley. 'Caldecott, 'Caldwell, Card,'ChapeIl,
9. Hartridge. Charlton, 'Cherry, 'Clode, 'Coach-
10. Bamfield, Baumfield, 'Colcleugh, 5. Barrett, Denton, De Lancaster, man, Cobham, 'Colchester, 'CoUison,
'Dickens, 'Graham, Harvy, Howard, 'Colvile, Cook, Cooper, Coppenger,
Cross, Ellison, *Hardie. 'Hoyle, Hughes, Jones, 'King. 'Mont- Coppinger, Corrie, Corry, 'Craig,
11. Bartley, Carsewell, Fischer, Ganuble, gomery, Palmer, 'Panton, 'Penke- 'Crampton, Cromer, 'Cromwell,
vell, 'Penkevill, Round, Rowand, Crosthwaite, Cruice, Cruise, Currie,
Napton, Reid, *Wake. Silvester, Starr, 'WoUey, Wool, Curr)', *Cuthbert, Dalingnigge,
12. Clulow, Cobben, Cobbenn, Cobbin, Dallaway, 'Dalmer, Davis, Dean,
Wooll. 'Deane, De la Faye, Dicey, Dicken-
Cobbyn, Cobenn, Cobyn, Ogilvie, 6.'Bourke, Hanmer, Roberts. son, Diconson, Dixon, "Dockrell,
Ogilvy. 7. Bales, 'Dickins, 'Hening.
13. Audin, *Audym, *Audyn, *Carnegy,
Giddy. S. Suffield.
14. Shadford. 9. Badder, Madder, 'Modder, 'Stocket.
15. Dyas, Iviffin. 10. Bameby, Bellasis, Bellassis, Gary,
Christian, Cocker, M'Kenzie, Ryed,
Ryede. 'Dodwell, Dolton, 'Donelan, Drane,
PLATE — 11. Bourke. Drummond, Duncombe, Dyes,
6. I. *Aleston, *Alston, 12. Diskens, Goodenough, Harbord, Lile,
Edgell, 'Edgill, 'Edwardes,
"Bigland, Cotter, *Gape, Jenkins, Lille, Suffield. 'Edwards, English, 'Enoke, Ewan,
Yelverton. 14. Peel. 'Fearon, 'Ferguson, 'Fisher, Fitz-
2.*Adamson, Athy, Auncell, *Barough, John, Foley, Ford, Foulston, 'Free-
PLATE —*Barrow, Beaton, Beaumont, Beton. man, 'Frenband, 'Frewen, 'Fruen,
Fury, Gaine, 'Geary-Salte, Geridot,
Betton,Betune,*Blount, Booth, Boothe
8. I. Brown, 'Browne,
Gore-Booth, *Bramhall, Brant, Brett, 'Goulding. Glasse, *Glubb, Gold, Goldesburgh,
Brooks, Broomhall, Brown, Bruce, Bry- 2. 'Chelmick,*Chilmick, 'Fellow,' Jesse, 'Gollop, 'Goodwin, Goold, 'Gotley,
den. Burroughs, *Cape, Carew, '"Cas- Paul, 'Symington. Grace, 'Grady, Grammer, Grant,
borne, *Catesby, *Cattesbye, Clement, 3. Cooper. 'Gray, 'Griffith, Grindal, Grindall,
*Coakley, *Collick, *Compton, Cope- 4.'Dicev, 'Edwin, 'Pillett, 'Pillott, 'Gybbons, Halsbury, 'Handcock,
land, Coryton, Coxhead, *Creston, 'Pip'ard. 'Hara, 'Harrison, *Harvey,*Hebden,
*Crispie, *Delme, *Delmie, Depham, 5. Old. 'Herapath, Hendmarsh, Hindmarsh,
*Dongan, *Duncan, *Dungan, *Dy- 7. Musters, 'Wyld. 'Hooper, Horan, Husdell, Hutchin-
moke, Escot, Esscot, Evans, Farofeld, 8. Bond, Bun-owes, Chamond, 'Cornwall, son, H\att, Hyndmarsh, Ingles,
Fitzpaine, *Flinn, Forward, *Fowkes, 'Dickin, 'Duval, 'Duvall, Elvet, Inglis, 'Jackson, Jeffreys, Jeflries,
*Garrett, *Gaur)', *Goble, Goode, Eyston, Fell, Green, Hanman, John, Johnson, Jones, Joy, 'Karken-
*Gresley, *Gresque, Griffith, *Gys- 'Harborne, 'Holder, 'Hughes, Hunt, ton, 'Karldngton, Kedmarston, Keith,
singe, Haggerston, Halkett. *Har- Kempthorne, 'Kenyon, Lacy, Lee, 'Kevett, Kirkraan, Langrishe, Lay-
vey, *Hatcliffe, Holbeach, Holbech, Le Hunte, Lewis, Ley, Mumby, ton, Le Bailly, Leigh, Lewins,
*Homan-Mulock, Hustwick, *Kelton, Shershall, Silly, 'Tighman, Trayner. Llewellyn, Lloyd, Logan, Lome-
Ketland, *King, *Leith-Buchanan, 9. Egerton. lying, Lynn, M'Candlish, Macfie,
Lemon, *Leston, *Lloyd, Loterel, 10. Domenichetti, Markham. Macknight, Macknyi^hte, Maddock,
M'Clintock, M'Lintock, Maddock, li.'Bolbeck, 'Bolebec, 'Bolebeck, 'Butt, Madocks, March, .Slartyre, 'Mason,
Maurice, *NettIeship, 'Nicholas, Drayner, Halton. Matchett, Matthews, Mendip, Menet,
Noble, 'Norcliffe, North, Norway, l2.*Brockas, 'Brokas, 'Christian, Dee. Menett, 'Millard, Moncreiff, Mon-
Ogston, *Orr, * Palmer, Paynell, 13. 'Eman, 'Foley, Lewis. creitfe, Montaguta, Mores, Morres,
Phitton, Rawstome, Rishton, Rome, 14. Norwood. Mowatt, Moubray, Newenham, New-
Sheath, *Shelton, *Slator, Slingsby, lands, 'Newnham, Nicholl, Nicholson,
Staple, Staunton, Sterling, Stirling, Nickelson, Nicol, Nicolson, North-
wood, 'O'Hara, OTlosan,'01derbury,
PLATEStrange, Strangewayes, Strangeways, 9.-I. Grave.
Strangewicke, Strangways, Surtees, 2. Bain, Baine, Bidon, Castleman, Pier Orpen, 'Ottley, 'Packington, 'Parry,
Sulyard, Swainston, *Tate, Taylor, pont, Pierrepoint, Pierrepont. 'Passingham, Peace, Pearmain, Pears,
Turner, Underwood, Urswicke, Wal- 3. Edwards. Pepper, Per'-ivall, Picken, Pigg, Pome-
pole, *Webb, Wilde, Venn. roy, Poore, Powell, Pracd, 'Prattman,
3. Branscomb, Branscombe, Bronscomb, 4. Bellasis. Priddle, Primrose, Prouse, Read,
*Fenning, *More. 5. Bettesworth. Repley, Rishton, Robartes, Rock,
6. Hermon.
4.*Balscott, Beatty, Dry, Eastwood, 7. Jordan. Rogerson, Roughsedge, Rowlatt,
Rule, Rumbold, Rust, Scot, Scott, 4. Lund. Leigh, "Lomax, Maskelyne, "Pardor,
Sebright, Shields, Simpson, Stansfield, 5. Berrie, Berry, Boddington, Boddinton, "Pye, Shergold, Shiers, Stanbridge,
Standbridge, Taylor.
*Stevens, Stevenson, Steuart, Stewart, Bodington, Gapper, Lingard-Guthrie,
Stocken, Slockes, Stone, Strange, Woodcock.
Strode, Stroode, Stroud, Stroude, 6. Montefiore. 12. Bates, Carrick, Erskine, "Ferguson,
Stuart, *Stuckey, *SuIUvan, Sutton, 7.*Abney, Batley, *Bedford, Benett, Leash, "M'Crummen, M'Crummin,
Taswell, Tatlock, Thomas, Thorough- *Bennett, Bent, Beswick, *Beswicke, Maitland, "Richardson.
good, Tibbet, Tilford, Tot, Tyrell, *Carlyon, Chubbe, "Comport, *Cooke, l3.*Bedford, "Brown, "Cowmeadow,
Tyrrell, Vampage, *\Veldon, Wil- Crute, *Dock\vra, *Furguason, Dodson, "Stoit, "Stoyt, "Western,
cocks, *\Villianis, ^\intringham, Goodwin, Hallet, "Leather, *Morris, "Westeme, "Whitshed.
Wisham, Yates. *Platt, Rous, Rouse, *Yynall. 14. Munyard.
3. Allen, Braid, *Braytoft, Bridges, 8. Eestick, Boddington.
Cade, Capon, Charlton, Clarke, 9. Allan.
PLATECoulthard, Cumbrae - Stewart, Cun- 10. Barlow, Barrowe, Bennet, 'Bonnell, 14.-I. Ripley.
nington, Durand, Dyer, Eaines, *Breedon, *Bromhall, Bromilow,
2. "Acleham, "Aclehum, Tyssen.
Krmingland, Erskine, Esharton, Far- Buckworth, Capel, Capell, ""Cham-
pernowne, Clarke, "Denver, Dodding, 3. Fydell.
ange, Farquharson, Fergusson, Free- Fletcher, Goodrich, Guthrie, Hare, 4. Brindley, "Gildart.
man. Fyfe, Fvffe, *Grehan, Griffith, 5."Tailer, Taylor.
Griffiths, Hadilet, Hill, Hoberd, Heron, Knell. Knill, "Littledale,
*Lofft, Mapletoft, Nesham, Raven- 6. Benson.
Hobert, *Keresfonh. King, Lacy, 7. Watlington.
8. Duff, M'Dermott.
Lamphier, Leigh. Mac.Vwley Macduff. hill, *Russel, Russell, Seed, "Sleigh,
M'Kenzie, M'Phie, Maddison, Mag- 11. Walford, Walker. 9. Mohamud.
awIy-Cerati de Cahy.*.Mcrry,*MeyIer, Allan, Allen, AUeyn, AlUham, "AUyn, 10. Allestry, Arrol, Ferguson, Hay-New-
Milliken, Moncreiff. Moncreiffe, Mon- Altham, "BaUidon, Barrett, Doe, ton, Jeffery, Kukefield, Loane, New-
crieft", Moubray, Nichol, Nicol, Nolan, Franks, Lamborn, Lamborne, Pen-
ton, Scepter, Scot, Scott, Wikes.
Norton, Nowland, Ogilvie, Ogilvy, warne.
11. Willmott.
Osborne, Owen, *Page, Parsons, \i. Makdougal.
Percivall, Picton,*Pyot, Ravensholme, [3. AUhusen. , Chalmers, Clough, "Coghla ,
*Ribton, Russell. Sail, Scott, Seys, [4. Burke, Dobbin, Dodsworth, Edmond, Corben,"Dempster, Duff, Farquharson,
Shaw, Spence, Stainsbury, Stewart, Hagger, Hoy, Hoye, Jumper, Male- "Gandolfi, Gundry, "Hall, "Jelhcoe,
Stuart, Thomas, *Thornton, Tyers, doctus, Manduit. Kuckfield, M'Dowal, McDuff, "Mac-
Wilson, *\Vyse, *Voung. duff, M'Farquhar,"Mackery, Milligan,
4. Dennis, Ferrant, Gould, Killegrew-, PLATE 12.— I. Ardis, Dunbar, Ever- MiUiken, "Nevill, O'Dempsey, "Ogil-
vie, O'Kearin, Pakington, "Passing-
Laslett, Netterville, Tyrell.
5. *Beamish, *Bernard-Beamish, Somer- ingham, "King, "Lennard, Maddocks, ham, Pender, Sampson, Sapcot, Shaw,
ville. Panmure, Rolesley, Roscruge, Ros- Stafford, "Stewart, Sworder, Watling-
6. *BIomberg, ^Bromeall, *Burgheish, kinge, Scot, Scott, Skippe, Tudway, ton, "Woodlock, Young.
Cowan, Doxat, Leslie, Lesly, Lodge, Whiteside, Wise. 13. Pender.
*Norton,* Peachey, Storie, Stuckey, 2. Elvin. 14. Ansert, Macdonald, "M'Dowall.
Sutton, Wastneys. 3. "Ackhurst, Cohen, "Royse, "Wood.
7. Ameredith, *Anscell, *Ansell, *An- 4. Ogilvy, Plomer.
strell, *Atkins, *Browne, Catchmay, 5. Cue, Kew, MacMurroughone, Murphy,
PLATEO'Mnrphy, O'Murroughone, Plumer,
Comb, Combe, *Dayraan, Eldershaw, 15.— I. Cookson, "Hartsink,
Fleming, Hare, Hun, Markoe, Prest- Ridall, Riddall, Riddell, Ridehalgh, "Staff", "Vygor, Wagstaff.
wold, *Wase, Wasse, *White. TindaU. 2. "Ahngton, "Bowen, "Dalway, "Hayes,
S.'Abai'am, *Adams, Ball, De Beaumont, 6. Tyson. Heys, "Mirfin.
Champain, Colthurst, '"Cook, *Coxe, 7. Norwood, "Phippes. 3. Nicholson.
*Cratlord, Damoiy, *Dundas, Emme, 8. Harrison. 4. Bright, Canning, "Chough, "Close,
Ewing, *Fysher, Gates, *Godley, 9. Soper. Clough, Clowes, Cooper, Cutler,
Colder, •Guyan. Halloway, Harriet, lo."Bayley, NichoU. Dwaris, Edmondstone, "Emerson,
Holloway, Kellie, *Lloyd, *Lus- I. Davis. Glasco, "Gooderick. "Goodrick,
combe, M'Leay, M'Leish, Morrell, l2."Bendall, Blackwell, Blackwill, "Goodricke, Hadeswell, Hadiswell,
Would, Netterville, Offley, Pepper, Bonvill, "Du Cane, Fisher, Fulcher, "lUingsworth, Inwood, Jobbing, Ken-
Royse, Scot, Scott, 'Tompson. Halliday, Miles, "Neaves, Peck, "Ran- yon, "Langton, Emerson - Laslett,
9.* Andrews, *Arderes, Ayloffe, Black, dolph, Shields, Trant, Twedie.
M"MacGillafoyle, 'Murray, "Sims,
Dales, *Davidge, "Ellis, *Flower, 14. Brooks, Burd-Brooks. Stewart, Syme, Rawles.
Froyle, Hamill, Jevers, *Kempson, 5.*Buckminster, Kinahan.
*Kempston, Legh, Leigh, Lukin, 6. Caley, Galley, Cayley, Caylley, "Can-
PLATE*Machet, *Moore, Offord, Partridge, 13.— I. 'Bent, "Chafe, Dare. ning, Kemp, Kempt.
Peard, *Pinn, Penney, Slaning, Slan- 2. "Bedford, Bourch, Brown, "Buck- 7. Corker, 'Dillon, Elston, Euen, Ewing,
master, By, Cade, Chalmers,"Crombie, Frew, Gladhill, Henlock, Holbume,
ning, Tarby, Treby, Wastneys, Young. "Ciome, "Croome, "Dickinson, Dum- Hulburn, Inglis, "Ireton, Lamb,
mer, Farlough, Hathaway, Hatheway, Lambe, Liddel, Liddiard, Lidell, Orr-
10.* Hare, Ross.
11. Boys, *Bramble, *Brinkhurst,
*Carbonell, *Carbonelle, *Carbronel, Hayman, "Hayward, "Kenny, Ley- Ewing, Roberts, Starr, St. Lyz,
Carpenter, Cornewall, Cornwall, cester, Lvons, McKerrell - Brown, Willan.
*Criche, Dampier, Delilers, *Elford, Marke, Markes, Marks, Nolan, Orde, 8. Cooke, Cramp, "Dillon, "English,
*Fergus, Fichet, *Flood, Foord, Penny, Phillips, Plumerage, Scobell, "Esdaile, "Jones, "Lamb, "Lambe,
Ford, Garnet, *Garnons, Glasbrook, Terry. "Lawson, "Leward, "Lutman, *Mon-
(Jlazebrook, Jewkes, Lawless, 3. "Dymon. sell, "Pipon, Stable, "Stewart, "Stote,
4. Salomons. "Warmouth, "Welman.
Lawton, Malephant, Moda, Peach, 5. "Candler-Brown, "Fairclough, "Gib- 9.*Batt, "Clark, Ettrick, Menzies, "Sone,
"Suoone, Viell.
Peache, *Piozzi-Salusbury, Sadleir, bings, "Joyner, "Norman, "Plumerage,
Sadler, *Salusbury, Stanton, St.
George, Tuke, Tylgham, Wiberd. Pryce. 0. "Grover.
12. Meredith, Phillips. 6. "Brock, "Brocke, "Canning, Mansergh, 1. "Dare.
"Stratford, "Wyatt. 2. Davies.
PLATE ll.-i.*Mills. 7. 'Gibbon, Montaigne, Mountain. 3. Bvshe, Tones, Rishton.
9. Henstock. 4. B'ish, Boys, "Bresingham, "Britley,
2.'Brogden, Carpenter, Chesbrough, o. Baker, BuImar,Crossman, Edmondson,
Davies, Gilman, "Hughes, Penfold,
S. March. Gibbons, He, Isle, James, "Janes, Rushton.
PLATE 16.— I. Wellesley. Birnie, "Bladerike, "Blumberg, "Bon- 5. Crawley, Fuller, "Hobso'i, Lugdon,
2. Hughes, *RowIesIey, *Whiie. wick, Bow, Brandon, Brunwin, Lushington, "Melton, Nicholls, Nichol-
3. Alden, Aldon, Beach, *Braunch, Buckle, Burdett, Burghill, "Camays, son,*Nicoll,*Orrell, Sumner, Sugden,
Bruse, Bryant, Bunford, Caulkin, "Camoys, "Carr, Carter, Cator, Tayler, Taylour, Thornton.
Chetwode, Churchill, Clarke, Claver- Chalmers, "Chamberlayne, Cheese, 6. .'^Uerton, Archbold, Archebold, Auch-
ing, *Cleg, Cornell, Cowley, Dailey, Chevallier, Chiefly, Cin.sallagh, "Cod- terlony, Barr, Bariy, Betenson, Bet-
*Dillon, Dunsford, *Edwards, enham, "Codham, "CoppuU, "Corney, tenson, Betterson, Bettinson, Bettison,
Francis, *Gapper, Garrard, "Gilbert, Crokey, Crynes, "Cupplade, Dal- 'Burr, "Catlin, "Catlyn, "Craig,
*Goodwin, *Gridley, *Hallet, *Heart, rymple, "Dandridge, Davis, Deane, Currer, Cust, 'Cutberd, "Cutbert,
Hemmings, Heylyn, *Hobleday, Hol- Dedan, Dene, Denham, Dodswall, "Cuthberd, "Cutlibert, Danncey,
land, Hughes, * Ingoldesby, * In- Dodswell, "Dougall, Dowell, "Dow- Dansey, Dauncey, "Darvall, "Darwall,
goldsby, Jones, Kinchant, King, Lacy, ling, Dusgate, "Earl, "Earle, Ede- De Placetes, Drew, "Dunk, 'Fish-
*Lincolne, Lloyd, Long, Longfield, worth, Edgeworth, Edwards, "Erie, borne, Foulkes, Glynn, Gowans,
Maberley, Maberly, M'Brayne, *Mer- "Fairfax, Fairlie, "Fawether, "Fayre- Gregory, Gunthorpe, 'Gyfford, "Har,
rey, *Merry, Millbura, Mirrie, Miriy. weather. Flower, Flowre, "Foote, per, "Harrington, Plome, Hume,
MoUoy, Nelson, Nicholls, Nichols, Ford, Galbraiih, Gamier, "Gaynor, Huninges, Hunt, "Jefiferies, Jones,
Oulton, Philipse, *Skynner, "Sparkes, "Gel^ery, "Gervais, Gordon, Goulden, Kent, Lapthorne, "Layton, Lobb,
Spence, *Villiers, *Vaughan, Walsh, Grogan, Grubb, Gunner, Harper, "Mawhood, "Mawson, "Merrington,
Walslie, Warrand, Whieldon, Harridge, Ilaskins, Hawdon, Hawtre, Morar, North, "Packe, Penrose,
'Wrixoii-Becher. "Hebbs, Hende, Hendy, Hinde, "Pentland, Peters, "Placetis, Posyn-
4. Whieldon. Hodiara, "Holbrooke, Holmes, Home, worth, "Powell, Repley, "Rokwood,
5. 'Evans, *James, "Morgan, *Oxman, "Hopton, Hose, Hoskyns, Houblon, "Satherthwayte, Skottow, "Starling,
"Powis, *Symson. Hume, "Hutchens, "Hyde, "Jarrett, Sutton, "Taylor, "Tilyard, Trotter,
6.*Burlinson, Hughes, *Tillotson. Jeffeiyes, Jefterys, JefTryes, Jones, Veldon, "Vivian, "Wallace, 'Vorke,
7.*Bellairs, *Bromeley, * Bromley, Jones-Bateman, "Ketson, "Kettelby, Yorks.
*Clarke, *Dumaresq, *Dumaresque, "Kettleby, Kirkham, "Lambert, "Lan- 7. Wakeman.
Fremantle, *Stockvvood, *Stokewood. caster, "Lighton, "Long, Lorimer, S. "Bamfield, Bampfylde, Barnefield,
8. Quain. "Losse, Lowndes, Lynn, Lyon, Mac "Barnlield, "Baumfield, 'Brandon,
9. Burnaby. gregor, M'Gregor, Mackey,M'Knight, Bull, Cosard, Crown, Crowne, Dar-
lo.'Gilbert, "Jennings, Merser, Wildman. M'Leod, M'Naught, M'Nicoll, well, Davies, Davis, Difibrd, Dikens,
1 1. "Green, Griffith, Guinners, Hector, M'Quaid,M'Taggart,Mair,Markham, Dipford, Ditford, Domvile, Duperier,
Hepworth, Hutchings, "Inglis, "Jen- Marsh, "Marske, Martham,*Massing- Estwood, 'Fairfax, Gefl'ry, "Grubb,
kinson, Ligonier, "Nicholson, "Phili- berd. Massy, De la Maziere, Melders, "Harrington, "Hart, Henley,
poe, Tliornton. Meredith, Warter-Meredith, ".Morris, Hutchings, "Jarrett, Jefferay,
12. Ayde, "McMurray, "Murray. "Morson, Mortlock, Moulson, Munn, "Jepine, Kift, "Lynn, Marsh,
13. Hanbury. "Naylor, Nicolson, "O'Dowling, Pal- Mascall, Osborn, Osborne, Peache,
14. Chedworth, Doolan, Fortune, Harly, grave, Payne, Pearsall, Pearse, Peck- Pechey, Peecb, I', i:!. ^, V. ,:.:. Pony,
Hene, Henne, Rickets, Ricketts, over, Perks, Perris, Pickford, Pigou, Pindall, Pin^l.n ' • I'vndar,
Wall. Plasto, Portal, Potts, Pratte, Price, Simson, Sumih I - \\ .ulins;-
Rackham, Renwick, Richardson,
Wton, White, - • i. WMniir-. V,.nge.
"Rolfe, Ross, Rowland, Rowsewell, 9. Benyngton, Champenion, Cunning-
PLATE 17.— I. Aboril, Abrol, "Curl- Ryle, Saltren, "Scot, Scotland, "Scott, ham, Pomeroy, Popingay.
Scott-Douglas, Shelbery, Shelbury, li."Badd, 'Baud, 'Baude, 'Cambell,
ier, "Hoskyns, Plaiz, Playse, Wake- Silvester, Sim, Sime, Simm, "Sloane, 'Castilion, 'Castillon, "Elton.
man, Wettyn, Wettyng. Smith, Smyth, "Somers, Stebbing, 13. Bragg, 'Broadhurst, Brodhurbt, North,
2. Argal, Argles, Bates, Bawtre, Baw- Steel, Stewart, Surman, Tawse, White.
tree, Buchan, Bumey, Burnie, Chaig- "Throughston, Trimwell, "Trough- 14. Savignac.
neau, "Cogan, "Cole, "Doderidge, ton, Tuson, Unett, Virtue, "Vivian,
Edridge, Ennew, Farmar, "Fayre- Vyigus, Wakeman, Walter, Wanklyn,
weather, Hawden, Home, Houison, Weatherston, Whitchurch, White,
Hume, Inglett, Kettleby, Kittelby,
PLATEWhitington, Whitwell, Williams, 19.— I. "Andrea, 'Bowdan,
Kittleby, Knot, Knott, Leighton, Widenham, Wolin, Worge, Wrey, 'Jacques, 'Jaques, 'Yeldham.
Lighton, Long, MacKnight, Macleod, Wynne, Yeates, Yeats. 2. Davis.
M'Leod, MacMurdoch, Maitland, 9. Atfoe, Atsoe, Bee, Beck, Canton, 3. "Avenet, "Avenett, "Aynett, Delahay,
Marsham, "Maude, Merling, Murdoch, Colbeck, "Docksey, "Hamer, Heniy, "Sapie, Wardon.
"Nicholson, Nicolson, Ogilvie, "Pel- Home, Fergusson-Home, "Hubert, 4.'Carsewell, "Carswell, Statham, Wynd-
sant, Pickernell, Powell, Rawlins, Lyons," Peers, Sheridan, Wren. ham.
Romney, Scot, Scott, Monteath- 10. Cooper, Cowper, "Gamier, Gastrell, 5. Bulcock, Damerley, Duff, Hethering-
Scott, Smyth, Stanford, Steel, Jeffreys, Lloyd, Lowndes, Richard- ton, Hetherton, Ravis, Roche, Tyr-
Steele, Steell, Steuart, Stewart, Stuart, son, Stanslield, Walker. rell.
Toole, Tweddale, Virgin, Waddell. 11. Rathbone. 6. Dalling.
3. .\tlee, Atley, Damant, Dwyre, Gamell, 12. "Burghill, "Dunbar, "Gallightly, "Gel- 7. Abelhall, Ablehall, Ableshall, Binks
Gammill, Hunter, Kennell, Riccard. latly, "Gregorson, "M'Andrew, "Mac- "Carrell, Darnall, Darnel, Darnol,
4.*Bowell, Cater, "Jacomb. gregor, "M'Gregor, "M'Grigor, "Mur- "Franck, 'Guy, Hincks, Hinks,
5. Awdry, "Bland, Boyle "Bresier, ray, Northmore. "Horseford, 'Mason, Meoles, Nor-
Bruse, "Byles, "Byng, "Caundis, Davi- l3.*Alban, "Bludder, "Binder, "Bluther, land, "Nichols, "Philpot.
son-Bland, Doran, "Dudley, "Ellis, Dunfee, Jaques. 8. Beckett, a Beckett.
Fuller, "Gibon, Jones, "Long, 14. "Bolter, Egremond, 'Goodear, 'Good- g.'Hechins, "Hitchens, "Hitchins, Part-
McLaughlan, May, Nicholson, O'Sul- year, "Ogilvie. rich, Partridge.
livan, Pollalion, Sutton, Thornton, 10. "Boyle, "Maclachlan, "Shanke.
Ward, "Wise. ll.'Hawes, Nicholson.
6. A'Court, "Bulbec, "Bulbeck, "De 12. Anton, *Benett,*Bennet, Boles, David-
PLATELapasture, "Lowe, "Tapper, Thorn-
18.— I. "Campbell, Haiing- son, De Mardeston, "Dwyre, Hargill,
ton. ton, Harrington. Hawes, "HoUoway, "Jefferyes, Kel-
7."Edwards, "Jephson, Nicholson. 2.*Atlee, Blacker, CoUyer, Gregory, leher, Keteridge, "King, "M'Clymont,
8."Adyn, "Aiselbie, *.\islabie, -\nmers, Grimshaw, "Hunter, "Lanburn, Peter, ''Macgregor, Notley, Neilson, New-
Anners, Argall, Argell, .^rgiU, Arky- Petre. dich,Newdick,Newell,Osborn,'Pack,
bus, Ashton, Atherlc-y, .Vthcrly, .At- 3. Fellowes. Page, Penniman, Price, "Rayney,
kinson, Auld, Beal, "Beaurain, Bilesby, 4. Kemor, "Rosewarne. 'Reyny, Senton, Simeon, Y^'o'tton.
PLATE 20.-I. Rigley. PLATE —Michall, Michell, Mylbourne, *Paul,
25. I. Amary, Dawson,
2. Chetwode, Haldimand. Holl, Houell, Pickering, Price, Smith, Taylour,
Houle, Lawrence, Legatt, Lux- Touke, Trivett, Warton, Welford, 2. Gillespie, Grant, Justice, M'Combie,
moore, Luxmore, Molloy, Ramsey, Welsford. Mackintosh, Macpherson, Macritchie,
St. Lawrence, *Sherman, Tufton. 1 1. Hunt, *Impey. MacRitchie, Sutherland.
3.*Batten, Harland. 12. Bury, *Fewtrell, *Goldson, "Johnson, 3. Archdale, Archdall, Archedale, Len-
4. Bense, Benst, Benstead, Bensted, * Payne. nard, Leonard, Malet, "May, Osborne,
Delgamo. 13. Griggs. Panellee, Teys, Tye, Vine.
S.*Blount, Couldwell, Downe, *Ducie, 14. Knowsley, *Smyth. 4."BuIwer, "Bushrudd, "Denis, Jerveis,
Farmingham, Gargate, Mascall, Mau- Jervis, Jervois, Jervoise, Johnson,
ger, Newenton, Simmons. Lennard, "Lewthwait, "Lewthwaite,
6. Watling. Love, Lutwyche, Lyngarde, "Man-
nock, "Oliver, Plantney, Silver,
PLATE7. Copland, *FiIshed, Gysseling, Irvine. 23.— I. Delancey, DeLancey, Sweetman, 'Thonihagh, "Woodward.
5. Balfour, "Ben, Benne, "Brian,
9. Domeniclietti, Markham. Delancy, Neave. Browne, "Bryen, Budd, Churchar,
10. Fursman. 2.*Atsley, Eeaulands, * Biggs, *Brew-
11. Moore. sted, *Brewster, Davis, *Eckley,
12. Paruck. Gillson, *Lowndes, Wolferstan. "Crothers, "Crowder, Derhaugh,
3.* Blanch, *Blanchmaynes, *Blanck- "Fletewood, Fortescue, "Fortesque,
maynes, *Brand, *Carnegie, Cosgrave, Jacob, Jacobs, "Lanford, Langford,
Kekewich, Lade, *Reader. "Lewcas, Lewis, Masterson, Osborne,
Pope, Skerret, Skull, Travers, War-
PLATE 21.— I. *ArchboId, *Bennett, 4. "Barett, *Bracays, *Bracher, "Brakes,
*BeuzevilI, Boswell, Boughton, Bur- Grundie, Grundy.
dett, *Carnaby, *Cartwright, *Clay, 5. Bowes. 6. Hubert-Marshall, Marshall.
*Claye, Cooke, Davies, *Dogget, 6.*Dent, *Giflfard. 7.^Boorne, Bowyer, Paget.
Dundas, Fairlie, Fairly, Gisland, 7. Deaken, Deakin, Hengrave, *May, 8. Mahon.
Glin, Goodrich, Grassick, *Hebbe5, Putt, St. Philibert. 9. Fison.
*Latch, Le Geyt, Li-ile, *Luntley, 8. *Atkins, * Champion, * Champney, 10. "Allen, *Buthorpe, "Crooks, Hill,
Lymme, McGregor, Mascy, Masey, Close, Croughton, Parker, Pulteney. Poynes.
Maude, *Milner, Moston, Nearn, 9. Beasley. 11. Payne.
Peak, Pedley, Pine, Pirce, *Reynard- 10. Burnham, Carnegie, *Cole, Cooke, 12. Armeier, Armiger, 'Becton, Eiddell,
son, Ridsdale, Rowsewell, Rowswell, Garway, *Gowndes, Heddle, *Hide Biddelle, Biddle, Dovvley, P.iget.
Wheeler, Whitington, Whittingham, *Hyde, *Johnson, Lawson, *Lowndes, 13. Apiliard, "Aplegarth, "Aplegath,
Whyte, *Wilson, Wittingham. Martin, *Mundy, Parnham, Paul, "Appleyard, "Bourne, Coplestone,
2. *Beliald, Codd, Codde, Dunford, Long. PauU, Pawle, *Peareth, Pountney, Doore, *ElIeston, Ewers, "Fisher,
3. Deleval, Kateler, Kateller, Katerler, Simpson, "Sugden, *Transani, Tran- "Marlott, Walker.
Katherler, Royle.
14. Thornburgh.
4. Agruall, Alley, Alye, Cockerell, Grit- 11. Bland, "Brand, Fludd, Johnson, May,
ton. 12. Landon, Palmer. PLATE 26.— l.*Kater, M'Kellar.
5. Beavan, Bevan, Twickett.
6. Gremiston. i3.*Cacher, *Carnegy, *Crucks, "Dickens, 2. "Abbey, Crompe, Denton, Grant, Kean,
7. Dundas, Macdonald. Gairdner, "Harding, "Herdson, "Kyan, M'Bean, Macpherson,
8. Rushout. "Hume, Jaflfray, "Mare, *Marsh, "O'Cahan.
9. Cowell, Dundas. Osborne, Shields, Syms, Thomp- 3. Bailey, Bringham, Crump, Crumpe,
10. Boustead, Cowling, Holme, Holmer, son. "Gillespie -Slainton, Gordon, "Mac-
Homan, Hulme, *Hulyn, Lovis, 14. Catcher, Hachet, Hacket, Hackett, intosh, "M'Intosh, Mackintosh,
Machen, Machin, Maze, Sondes. "Pocklington. O'Cahan, "Sutherland.
li.*Brace, Dundas. 4 Addington, Blake, Caterall, "Catterall,
12. Hatch. Cropley, Gillies, Keate, Keats, "Pen-
PLATE —24. nington, Puddesey, Pudsey, Pusey,
I. "Bewet, Bocking,
PLATE —22. I. Bishe, 'Blanckley, "Bowet, Charlton, Delapoole, ICnatch 5. "Adams, Mackintosh.
6. Gillies, GiUis, Mackintosh, "Litton,
bull, *Lee.
Deycourt, Dunnage, Eardley, Griggs, 2. Beaver, "Bernes, "Blake, "Blick, Lowiie,Lowi7, M'Intosh, Mackintosh,
Huggins, Panton, SheirclifF, Shier- Bray, Cann, Catesby, "Freeland. "M'Pherson, Rae, "Richard.
Harvey, "Hervey,"Hervy,^Humfrey,
cliffe. Lee, "Mowbray, Partridge, "Pettet, 7. Decker.
"Pettit, "Puddesey, "Pudsey, Rainer, 8. Baillie, Brutton, "Bruzead, "Burke,
2.*Ashby, Beilby, * Biggs, Bodkin, "Raynor, "Rosseter, Shrimpton,
Charlton, Cholwell, Cockrell, Covert, Tayler, Taylor, Taylour. Dick, Heuer, Jelter, M'Bean,
Crouchley, Curtis, Fade, *Fitch, 3.^Adye, Clements, "Ferrers, "Howland,
G.nrton, Haseley, Kelt, Kirkland, Lee, "Loveden. M'Gilevr.ay, Mackintosh, Mackpher-
Leeper, Leper, 'Mackintosh, M'Lach-
Ian, Maclauchlan, Milroy, Nigon. son, Macpherson, M'Pherson,
M'QuiUar.d, MiUes, Palmer, Rickard.
9. Macpherson-Grant, Moffat.
*Peake, Prentis, Rice, Sarsfield, 4. Betts, Catesby, Fortescue, Gibbs, 10. Muriell.
Sexton, Stephen, Terrell, Wahond, Heart, Husee, Johnson, Panther. 11. Gillespie, MacBean,M'Bean, M'Intosh,
Warwick, Wilsford, Wriglit. 5. "Lee, Taylor, "Tidcastle, "Todcastle. Macintosh, M'Kean, Shivez, Tiller.
3. Walmouth. 6. Ffytche, Fitch, MacCurdy. 12. Arnald, Arnauld, "Cattley, Charteris,
4. Tarleton. 7. Brown. Charters, Chartres, Cooke, Keat,
5. Adey, Adry, Ady, Anstie, Cantelow, 8. Phillips, "Playford, Pott, Potts, IVIumford, Tibbett, Tibbits, Winter-
Cantelupe, Cooley, *Cowley, Daw "Rhodes, "Rodes, "Wentworth. botham, Withypoule.
beney, Hardwicke, Hexton, Lev 9.*Anderson, "Billingsley, Ipre, "Senior 13. Bourke, Burgh, Burke, De Burgh,
;e, Leversed lo.*Averey, "Avery, Barnaby, Bootle, De Burgo, "Gallwey, "Galwey, "Pott.
wick, Tenison, Hinchley, Lenche, Packenham. 14. Beauchatt.
6. Cockerell. II. Almiger, Cotell, "Cottell, "Cuthell,
7. Bunbuiy, Fitch. PLATE —"Cuthill, Hamill, Hovell.
8. Du Moulin-Browne. l2."Berns, Camville, Cockburn, Cur
27. I. "Brickhuist, "Brig-
9. Tenison.
tayne, "Hanslap, "Hanslop, Raymond, house, "Browne, "Home, Rixon,
10. Barban, Barbon, Braine, Brayne. "Shuter, Sutter. Walsingham.
Cantwell, Dennis, Godfrey, Harring- l3.^Chipman, Dick, "Dixie, "Garrard, 2."Cane, "Calmer.
ton, Hayes, *Hobson, Houby, Jeddon, "Hever, Hovell, "Pierson, Raymond, 3. Bolden, "Collar, Moyne, Stafford.
Lade, Little, Martyn, May, Michael, i4."Keane. 4. Dowland, Gibbe.
5.*Tyler. Dewhurst,Dounies,*Dowies,*Downes 5. 'Burthogge. 'Cook, 'Dennett, 'Dent,
6.*Blamore, Celey, Ciely, Colbrand, *Gernon, Goldfrap, 'Griffith, *Grif 'Gibon, 'Howard.
*Cosen,*Dixon,*Fannen, Forde, Gil fiths, Hampton, Honywood, Howard, 6. Banner, 'Bruton, 'Brutyn, Meek.
man, Greenwood, Nevill, Nicholls, Jeffreys, Jennings, Kent, Lawrence, 7. Horden.
Thillips, *Thornagh, Townrawe,
MLidiard, 'MacBain, 'Queen, Mac- 9. Wolf
Townroe. queen, M'Quinn, Malkin, Methuen, 10. Piatt.
7. Fullarton. Moreton, Morton, Munday, Mundy, 11. Howard.
8. Keates. Nicolas, NicoU, Nicolls, *Ouseley, i2.»Bodley, Western, Wolf, Woolf, Woolfe.
9. Hebeiden. Pratt, Putnam, Puttenham, *Rode,
II. Beauchamp, *Cliicheley, *Fermor, Rundle, Seal, *Seale, *Sealy, *Sharp,
*Fromonds, *Maisterson, *Maisterton, PLATE —Skeen, Skene, Skottowe, Spence,
32. I. * Abbot, Asherst,
*Smyth. Spotswood, Spottiswood, Swanston, Blaney, Blayney, Brigges, 'Dormer,
l2.*Birkat, *Bvrchett. Thorogood, "Thorowgood, *Thro- Hayes, Kerton, Kirkenton, Kirkton,
good, *Troogood, TuUy, Walsh, Pierrepont, Reinell, Reynell, Ross,
PLATE 28.— i.*Biddulph, •Bidulph, Warde, Webber, Weston, Wilbraham, Staunton, 'Todd.
*Davies, Davis, *Gore, *Madden. Wilson, *Woolfe, Worsolley. 2.'A5hhurst, 'Ashurst, 'Ashworth, 'Dun-
*Mousell, *Mussell, *Wilson.
2. Barcroft, Beardmore, *Bentley, 'Bid 6. Nicholson. net, Fox, 'Reynell, 'Reynolds,
dulph, Gore-Booth, *Carwarden, *CIe
borne, *Davies, Gore, Hervieu, Louis. 7.*Image, Pigott, *Rush. Staunton.
Price. 8. Abrook, Abrooke, Adams, AUix, 3. Fox, *Grey, 'Simeon.
3. Halberdyn, Watkins. Atkinson, *Bamburg, Barrv, Barton, 4. Todd.
4. Ashfield, De Bohun, Damory, Dog'
Beath, Bery, Blackie, Blaik'ie, Blakie, 5. Fox.
herty, Doherty, Folman, Garforth,
Kaines, Martindale, Quarrell, Smyth! Booer, Borminghall, Bower, *Brykes, 6. Reynardson, Williams.
Wolf, Wolfe.
5. Biddulph. Budworth, Burghall, Burn, *Byrkes, 7. Todd.
6.*Borlase, *Croachrod. *Cartwright, Causton, *Cawarden, S.'De Houton, De Mowbray, 'Fitz-
7. Oakden.
8. Lloyd. Cleborne, Gierke, Clibborn, Cliffe, Geoffry, Gandey, Gandy, 'Goldman,
9. Tolhurst. *Coddington, *Cooke, Crelie, Culy, 'Gracie, 'Hoar, 'Lavell, 'Lawrie,
10. Arundel, Ashfield, Ashurst, Batt,
Dewhurst, Donne, *Downes, Duane, 'Lepard, 'M'Cloud, 'Pendret, 'Pen-
Blundeston, Blunt, *Bracebridge,
Breton, Britten, 'Byam, *Chartsey, EUick, *Fitz- Stevens, Flood, *Ga- rith, 'Pondrell, 'St. Clere, 'Stranger,
*Cheyney, Coplestone, CroUy, Darell, thorne, Gildea, Girling, Gower, Grene,
Dodingsells, Doolman, Gawdy, *Gore, "Haize, Hammond, Hamond, Hamp- Toke, 'Wylie, Wyllie.
Gower, Gravatt, Gun, G^vyer, *Harts-
horn, Holland, Huband, *Johnson, 9. Reynall.
Lawley, Lawton, Leight, Lovell, Low,
Lowe, *Marche, Newenson, Nivison, ton, Hanna, *Heygate, Highgate, 1 1 Bridgeman. Crosthwaite, 'Forser, Fox,
Odingsell, *Odingsells, Owen, Perri-
man, Perryman, Preston, Reskinner, *HilI, Honywood, How, Ilinn, Jeffer- Fyler, Jobber, Kirk, Leslie, Parkin,
Tiderleigh, Travers, Trelawny, *Tre-
lawny-Salusbury, Tytherley, *Weston, son, Jennings, Jenyns, Jones, Kendall, Todd, Warter, Westmoreland, Whyte-
*WoIfe, Wolverstone, Yonge, Young.
11. Lloyd. *Law, *Lawrence, Leek, Lediard, head.
i2.*Barnwell, *Daniell, *Fleetwood, *Fol
let, *Follett, *Folliott, *Heway, Liddiat, Lloyd, Lovett, *Low, Lowe, 12. Farington, Fox, Fox-Strangways, Gil-
*Nash, Pascoe.
MLiipton, 'Queen, Maingy, Methuen, berd, Gunn, Hackvill, Ram, Todd.
Middlehurst, Middleton, Miller,
Moody, Moodye, Nethercoat, Nicholls,
33.-I. Fox.
*Payne, Pigot, *Pigott, Pratt, Pren- 2. Writington.
tice, Prittie, Pritty, *Prosser, Quin, 3. Fox.
Rowley, Rush, *Rushe, *Scratton, 4. Adcock, Addcock, Aston, Babington,
Scale, Seaton, Seel, Sharpe, Small- Bloomtield, Broke, Burry, Bury, Chol-
piece, Smalpece, *Smith, *Smyth, wich,Cholwick, Clark, Elderton, Free,
*Sprackling, Stiddolph, Sutton, Hall, 'Hinshaw, Hugham, Jollie,
*Tame, *Thornley, *Tomkinson, 'Lawrence, Lochore, Lowry, Morris,
Tompkinson, Trelawney, Tristram, O'Duana, Richards, Ross, Sutter,
Troutback, Trove, Ty^> Waldoure, Swiney, Tod, Todd, Waller, Whit-
Ward, *Warde, White, Wilbraham, bread.
*Wolfall,* Wolfe, *Woolfall, Worse- 6.*FIacket, Fox, Franklin, Gysors, Hop-
PLATE 29.— i.*Bonsor, Randall. ley, Worsley, Wynne. cot, Longsdon, Lyford, M'Pherson,
9. Candishe, Cavendish, Chedworth, Nichols, Papeworth, Papworth, Purser,
2. Biddulph, *Carden, *Cardin, Dane. Reason, Reson, Reynold, Reynolds,
*Curteis, Gant, Garnon, Gaunt,
*Ile5, *Knott, Lawley, *Preston. *Gernon, Goodson, *Kychard, *Loe, Ross, 'Rushe, Todd, Williams.
3.*Biddulph, Blenerhasset, Blennerhas- Lowe, Newland, Rowley, 'Style, 7. Reynolds.
sett, Buchan, Cudden, De la Fons, Wood, Woodward. 8. Bellet, Bellot, Cleeve.
Douglas, Kelk, Kelke, Morley, Mount- io*Peckshall, *Peshall, *Peele, *Phelps. 9. Raynolds.
aney, *Mountney-Plouckett, *Plun- ll.*Barnwell, *Barry, *Bradshaw, *Cour- 10. Badger, Braddyll, Bradhull, Brocket,
kett. teis, *Courteys. Dewhurst, Evans, Brockhill, 'Brockholes, Brocklehurst,
4. Beal, Beall, *CharIes, Ebsworth. *Hill, *Hux!ey, *Lawson, Methewen, Broke, Brokelsbey, Brokelsby, 'Brook,
Elmslie. Millar, *Miller, *More, *Reygnales, Brooke, Brooks, Gale, Grey, Lam-
5. Samuel, *Saniwell. 'Reynolds, Rowley, *Smythesby, beth, Parker, 'Warner.
6.*Brewster, *Carden,*Cartwright, *Car- 'Stiles, Stockton, 'Tighe, 'Ward, 11. Fox.
warden, Knipe, Thurstone. 'Willson, Wood, Wormington. 12. Brockhill, Brooke.
7. Ambrey, Ambry, Bath, Monteith, 12. Bath, 'Dewes, 'How.
Robertson. PLATE 31.— I- Freeman, Redesdale. PLATE 34.— i.'Balcombe, 'Balguy,
9. Neeld.
10. Warde. 'Barford, 'Berford, 'Barwis, 'Bernard
12. Garden. 2. Barwell, 'Cooke, Cumberland, Der- 'Brereton, Brooks, 'Chamber, 'Cham-
ham, Derule, 'Goodenough, Guston, bers, 'Lee, 'Legh, '.Milles, 'PolhiU.
—PLATE 30. I. Munday, Mundey, Hankey, 'Heblethwayte, 'Hoble- 2. Barnes.
thwayte, 'Hooper, 'How, 'Howe, 3. Berreton, Brereton, 'Ford, Gauntlet,
Mundy. 'Joyce, Kellet, Lewis, Lovatt, Mar-
Parker, St. Michael, St. Michell,
3. Sharpe. yon-Wilson, 'Norgate, Northam, Vincent, White.
4. Tighe. *0'Crean, Pennill, Petit, Smith, 4.*Creting, 'Cretinge, Debnam, 'Farrel,
5. Andrade, Bare, Barham, *Barry, Bel-
Upton, Van Whalff, Waterhouse. 'Farrell.
house, *Bletsho, Braham, *Bromflete, Welch, Welsh, Wilson, 'Wolfe. 5. Brookes, 'Chambers, 'Dicker, *Dich-
Cattle, Chibnall, Cleve, Clive, Clop- 3. White. field, 'Dycher, 'Finglas, 'Lee.
ton, *Cooke, *Cookesey, Delahey, 4. Davis. 6. Abot, Cottesford.
Algoe, *Beauchamp. 5. 'Charlton, Dunville, Woodcock. 12. Bard, Beard.
Alexander *Barker, *Deerham, *Dere 6. Alland, 'Bruyer, 'Bruyeres. 13. Boddington, Bodington, Browne,
ham, Eyvill, *Lee, Loveis, Stormyn.
Algeo, Algio, Algoe, Gwynne, Harvey 7. 'Brodie, Core, Guthry, Heber, 'Lambe Cahill, Scrymgeour, 'Scrymsoure.
Middleton, Pengelly, Scales. 14. 'Butler, Wyrrall.
Litt, Lyte, Lytte, Moone. S.'.Milford, Phipps.
Barnard, *Johnson. PLATEg.'AngeUis, 'Angles, Arden, Caston 39.— I. Broyn, Chaucer, Flet-
Barnard. Dighton, 'Ellington, 'Fokke, Forty
Milnes. 'Gibbons, Gibon, 'Graveshend, wick, Graydon, Willis.
*Barcroft, Barnard, Eearcroft, Berens MGybons, 'Hoghe, 'Homer, 'King, 2. Awdrey, Awndye, Breton, Bretton,
'Bernard, Betiine, Clock, Cloke. *Mathews,*NewIand,'Noble,*Payne. 'Hawkings, 'Ritchie, 'Menys,
Cohen, Couch, Couche, Craddock, 10. Bewshin. Saint Owen, 'Wetherton.
Cradock, Denhany, Grance, Hatton 11. Bance, Clements, 'Ekins, Irvine, 3. Bramwell.
Irving, Lavie, Leach, Leache, Randes, 4. Avery, Cressall, 'Gentill, 'Harbome,
Hornsby, Laing, Lvmesey, Lymesy, Topping.
Lyndsey, Mill, *Milles, *Mills, Nettle St. Quintin, Trowteback, 'Window. 5. Cliffe, Clyff, Clyffe, Gomm.
ship, Pendarves, Whittle, *Wight, 'Wyndowe, 'Wyrall, 'Wyrrall.
12. Erewes, Brews, Brumpton, Brympton, 6. Askentine, Asketine, Coats, Cotes,
Wynne-Pendarves. Dawbeney, Goldsmidt, Hammersley,
Ashley, Barker, Barnby, Beare, Brymton, Chesham, Cokfeld, Crew, Harvey, Leche, Minshull, 'MynshuU,
'Benson, Beikeley, Berkley, Brereton, Crewe, De Brewes, De Kokefield. Wadeson.
Brewerton, Cambell, Campion, Cam- 'Mills, Sands, Savage, Scudamore. 7. Selwin-Ibbetson, 'Selwyn.
pyon, Champayn, Chrisope, Deane, 'Skiddie, 'Skiddy. S.'Comberton, Cotter, Dunn, Dunne,
Dehaney, De Haney, Desborough, 13. Phillips. Laverick, Laverike, 'Laverock, Liddle,
Desbrow, Desbrowe, 'Dufrield, Emer- 14. 'Begbie, 'Craddock, 'Cradock, Fumes, Nefield, Nesfield, Scarlet, 'Scarlett.
son - Laslett, Forbes, Freckelton, Furnese, Furness. 9. Archbold, 'De la River, 'Delariver.
Freckleton, Galbraith, *Glazebruok, 10. Atton, Attone, Bramwell, Dobyns,
*Goodford, *Grazebrook, 'Grazer- Royston.
PLATEbrook, *Greysbrook, Groyn, Hall, 37.-l.*SIaden.
Hasard, Joseline, Josselin, Josselyne, 2.*Cholwich, 'Cholwick, 'Coulton, 'Dan- 1 1 Byirley, Eales, Fyvie, Heather, 'Holies,
Hotoft, Hotofte, Peirson, Pym,
*Lascelles, *Mimt, Newton, Oneby, mare, 'Hugford, 'Leversey, 'Levesey,
Urquhart, Vaughan.
Rawlins, Tilson, *Tiyon, Whyting. 'Mawer, Watts.
12. Bradestone, Bradston, Bradstone,
3. Bretargh, Fowkroy, Nanby.
Byerley, Byerly, Byorley.
4.'Badelismere, 'Badelsniere, 'Cooper,
PLATE —35. I.'Claver, 'Cleaver, 13. Brounker, Champney, Clayton, Evatt,
'Cow-per, Flint, Kennerley, *M 'Dowal. 'Hamage, Jenkins, Nevvsom, Petit,
Melveton, Pownall. 'M'Dowall, Nichol, Nicholl, De Se-
2. Amborow, Anborow, Anbury, Barker, grave, 'Sheriff, 'Sherrif, Simpson, Pettyt.
Beaumont, Benson, Bere, 'Betenham, 'Sutton, 'Temple.
14. Bermingham, Birmingham, Dobson,
'Betnam, Brereton, Chamberlain, 5. Haden, Slade, Squire. 'Dodgson, 'Domville, Eagles, 'Flegg,
'Cheyney, 'Craddock, 'Cradock, 6. Farrow, Gerbridge, Hadlow, Haring- 'Lambe, Littledale, M'Donall,
Fitz- Harry, Forth, Fulford, 'Gal- ton, Jay, Kempster, Scott, Under- 'M'Dowall, '.M'Dowell, M'Dowgal,
braith, Gimber, Langham, Longham, wood.
'M'Lea, 'Mereaunt.
Milburn, Philips. Phillip, Philps, 7. Foster-Melliar. 15. Estoft, Flanagan, Godschall, Herriot,
Spence, Vincent, 'Werdman, *Wird- S. Slader. Herriott, Morice, 'Newcomen,
Newsam, Newshani, Upton.
nam. 9. Brown.
3. Croone, 'Dun, "Dunn, Gray. PLATE —10. Brickenden,BrunseIl,Burnell,*Gnibbe,
4. Pownall. Lacey, Meers, Jlessent, Stalton,
40. I. FitzGerald, 'Fitz-
5. Barker, 'Barnack, 'Barnake, 'Carroll, Staylton. Gibbon, 'Hughes.
2. Barron, 'Bolckow, Marwick, Veie.
Kurd. I. Brown,
6. Gray. 2.'Lyngard, 'Lyngharde, Phillip, Skep- 3. Durant.
7. Pownall. per. 4. Douglas.
13. Jenkins. 5. Close, Closs, Keating, Quaplade,
9. Albyn, 'Dorington, 'Dorrington. 14, Goldtrap. Swinnerton.
10. Ekins, Elkings, Ncke, Northover, 6. Bradeley, Bradley, Edgcumbe, Has-
Twinell, Twinnell. PLATE 38.— I. Cardigan. 1am, 'Mount-Edgcumbe, Pyke.
1 1. Doran, Forbes. 7. 'Davie, Fillingham, 'Flower, Vere.
I2.'Asborne, 'Ashborne, 'Ashlmry, 2. Ashenden, Chester, Constantine, Dag- S. 'Arden, ArdeVne, 'Ardyn, 'Canton,
Cameron, 'Moody. worth, Eagle, 'Edwardes-Tucker, 'Crenway, 'Davies, 'Fitz - Gerald,
Julien, Maugham, Maughan, Uffleet, 'FitzGerald, Fitzgerald, *Fitz-Gib-
PLATE 36.— I. Alwin, 'Ahvyn, Ayl- Ufflet. bon, 'Fitzgibbon, 'Harding, 'Hum-
ffreys, Watkin-Wynne.
win. Walker. 3. Coudray, Coudrey, Coudry, 'Doran, 9. Albalanda, Arden, Arderne, Bacon,
'Emly, Garland, Garlant, Lowman,
3. Overbery, Overburv, 'Pickering, 'Marke, 'Pendleton, Scrymgeour, Bellew, Bleddyn, Bleeddyn, Bodkin,
'Sandwall, 'Sandwel'l, 'Sandwill. *Simmonds,*Simon,Smerdon,Tusser. Calton, Cantlow, Clotworthy, 'Col-
4. 'Angolisme, Austin, 'Banard, 'Ban- 4. 'Archer, Earle. ton, Craige, Craigg, Craigge, Craigie,
yard, Bellairs, Bellars, Boothby, 5.*Cornsley, Egerton, 'Langham, Craigyy,, Crewe, Crudgington, Crud-
ington, De Teissier, 'Durrani, East-
'Bromley, Buchanan, Carmarden, L'Estrangej Murray.
Carmarthen, 'Deane, 'Dodington, 6. Earle. vood. Fusion, Findlay, Findley, Fin-
Dumas, 'Dundas, Golding, Goulding- 7. 'Cocke, Donelan, 'Eyres, Fabian, lay, FitzGerald, 'Fitzgerald, Gairden,
ham, 'Hurry, 'Keefe, Kennard, Live- Macdougall, Milward, Powis, Powys, Gaisford, Gammon, Garden, Georges,
say, Livesey, 'Lizars, M'Dougal, 'Trewarthen, Umfreville. 'Grane, 'Grice, Gryce, Guinness,
M'Dowal, McDowall, M'Dowall, 8. Berger, Chrystie, Crab, Crabbe, Hammond, Harper, 'Harpur, Holies
Magnus, Meares, Mills, 'Morton, Deaves, Graham, M'Dougall, Mac- HoUis, Huddersiield, Huddesfield, Jeff-
Nettleton, Newcom, Newcombe, New- Dougall, M'Dowall, M'Owl, cott, Jephcott, Keogh, Kirke, Kough,
come, Newcomen, Newdigate, 'Ogil- Madox. Langley, Le Grice, Legryle, Lis-
vie, Penton, Pickering, Pole, Pole- 9. Bridall, Brydall, Hiatt, Payne- bone, Lisborne, 'Luttrell, McGenis,
Carew, Powell, Pridham, Prudhome, 10. Byford, Byfford, Corner, 'Dixwell, Magenis, MacKeogh, Maginnise,
'Rae, 'Raye, 'Rotherfield, Savage, Warren. 'Marckwick, 'Marwick, 'Merriman,
Stevenson, 'Thorley, Ure, Urrie, Baxter, 'Budgen, 'Dorman, Hounhill, Nisbet, Orpwood, O'Toole, Paytherus,
Uiry, Walter, Wetherton, 'Wogan, *Hownhill,*Littlebury,*Majoribanks, 'Phillipson, Rollo, Sandom, Sprot,
Whitehouse, Whitmarsh, 'Williams, 'JIarjoribanks, Rothings, Tweed- Swinny, Trotter, Ware, Weir-Vere,
Wilson, Wogan, Worrall. mouth, 'Warden, 'Wardle. 'Wildbore.
10. Bacon. 9. Gather)', Dickeson, 'Gordon, *Her Mintem, *Minteme, RadclifF, Rad-
1 1. *Humfreys, Massey, Yale. ring, Scott. cliffe, *Radclyffe, Ratcliffe, Ruxton,
12. Mappin. ic. Alford, Newbold, Sandford. Torney, Bargrave - Toumay, Wal-
13. Bacon, * Barrow, *Bolas, *Bolle, ii.*Breton, Raban. cot, Walcott, Wharton, Whitbroke,
* Bolles, * Boultbee, * Boultbie, 12. Lloyd.
*BoMles, *Burleigh, *Burley, *Dixon, 13. Brooke. 3. Acher, Ager, Auger, Alpe, Ancher,
Gordon, Gregory, *Linley, *Parr, 14. Norcop. Anchor, Anke, Ankor, Archer,
Ridpath, *Swinbum, *.Swinbiirne, Aston, Aucher, Awger, 'Bail-
Wall. ward, Bamber, Bate, *Baynham,
PLATE14. Annat, Annot, Annott, *Bridges, 43.— I. Abercome, *Adams, Beaumont, *Beauvons, *Beavons,
* Brydges, * Dogherty, * Doherty, Beverley, Bilsland *Bissland, Bulls-
Asheton, Ashton, Assheton, Asshet- land, Bloomfield, Bluck, Bodley,
*Durant, *Kelley, *KelIy, *Keylley, Bolaine, 'Boloine, Borman, Buck-
ton, Baillie, Bairnsfather, Baker, Bar- ley, Bulkeley, Bulkely, Bull,
Montagu-Pollock, Pollack, Pollock, *Bullen,Burnman,*Button,'Carnaby,
nesfather, Barton, Blair, Bradley, Brod-
Pollok. ley, Brokesby, Brookesby, Cambell,
Campbell, Clipsam, Cruikshank, Cruik- Chandler, *Clud, *Cludde, Cole,
PLATE —41- I. Baddeley, Badeley, shanks, Cunningham, *Davies, Down- Coleman, *Colvil, *ColvilIe,^Conyers,
Crofts, 'Dinnet, Drew, Finmore,
Borton, *Bowler, Brackesby, Bur- ing, Eel, Faulks, Foulkes, Foulks, Fishwick, Francoys, *Freke, Fyn-
French, Gabell, Gordon, Grant, Grob- more, 'Gore, Graden, Harruse,
wood, Calthorp, Calthrop, *Farell, ham, Haliday, Halliday, Heaven, Haughton, Hawton, Hay,*Herrick,
Gough, Greig, Haliday, Plarvie, *Ire- * Heyreck, Hobart, * Holinshed,
monger, Loveland, Tetley, Vair, War- Herring, Hubbert, Humphress, Hum-
dall, Whyt. Hol'lingshed, Home, 'Houghton,
2. Bacon, *Bunce, *Cracherode. phreys, Ingleby, Innes, Jordon, Kercy,
Kersey, Knaplock, Lawless, Le Mot- Hunter, Ingram, 'James, 'Jenkinson,
3. Barlay, Barlev. tle, Lloyd, Lunsford, Luxford, Lych- 'Lawler, Ledsam, 'Levins, 'Long-
4. Basset, Basset't, Beathell, Beke, Bethell, feld, Lychfield, M'AuUffe, M'Evers,
MacGan, McGuffie, Mclver-Camp- Mcroft, Lowfield, 'Clean, MacLeod,
Bythell, Blockney, Boxell, Bradeston, bell, M'lver, Morris, Peshall, Peter,
Bradston, *Broughton, Bythell, *Dow- Peters, Phillips, Powell, *Rande, Metham, Mylie, *Mytton, Noone,
dal, *Dowdall, *Emeryke, Erdeswike, Ridleworth, Rodney, Roberts, Rus- Noune, Nun, Nunn, Nunne, Ogle,
Freeman, Norwood, Polstrod, Postle- Oldaker, 'Overy, Percehay, Piggot,
thwaite, Prescot, *Purcell, Rand, sell, Sandford, Seaton, Seton, Sheils, Porter, Radclyfie, 'Ratcliffe, Rich-
ardson, Rudston, 'Sanford, Saun-
Sandford, Sandford -Wills, Sanford, Shiels, Stewart, Stirling, Tallerton,
Smith, Stafford, Woodward, Wrot- Tarley, Tasker, Thimbleby, Thin, ders, Scoffield, Sheppard, 'Smith,
Torley, Tyzard, Urquhart, Vaughan,
teley. Verner, Vernor, *Verschoyle, Warcop, Southern, Southwerth, Southworth,
Whyt, Williams, Winstanton, Wrotes- Spayne, 'Speney, Stark, Stork, Stud-
5. Barnaby, *Burbyche, Bushey, Bushy, ley, Wyatt, Wynn, Young. dert, 'Tailbois, 'Tallboys, 'Thorpe,
Home, *Hooper, *Langmeade, 2. Burbidge, Elam, Hucks, Mackenzie, 'Torrance, Trumbull, Turbull, Turn-
Lurford, *Sampson, Sheffield, *Wadham. bull, 'Tweedie, Wentworth-Blackett-
3.*Bedo, *Bedon, Brooksby, Campbell, Beaumont, 'Wharton, 'Whitney,
*Swinnerton, Young. 'Wickham, 'Widdrington, * Williams,
*Davies, Dclmege, Erskine, Gordon, Woodrof, Woodrow, 'Wykeham.
6.*Botilly, *Botley, *Botteley, *Chil-
worth, Kell, Kelle, Vernon. *Halyburton,Ingilby, *Ingleby,Jones, 4. Neat, Neate, 'Walcott.
Kirk, *Kirke, Lashmar, Lofiie, Lof-
7. Calthrop. tus, *Lovibond, *Lowcay, Lundie, 5. TiurnbuU.
8. Robson, Symonds, White. *M'Queen, *.VIayatz, Middleton, New- 6. 'Walcott.
9. Emeris.
10.* Lewis.
11. Calder, Dun, Dunn, Evington, Evin- ton, O'Quinn, *Pace, *Paley, Raison, 7. Ratcliffe.
ton, Gordon, Klee.
*Ralegh, *Raleigh, Rauleigh, Ray- 8. Albon, Albone, AUebone, Allibone,
12. Alford.
13. Evans. ment. Reason, Robson, *Solsby, Bull, Gosnall, Gosnold, Kimber.
14. Arel, .-Vrle, Bradbury, *Gawer, Hal-
*Swinborne, Swinhoe, Tery, 9. Radcliffe.
leweel, *Halley, Hunt, Strickland. *Toll,
Ashdown, Aston.
*Truesdale, Weale, Whichcote, Wrot- ll.*Barber,^Barbor,^Bassingbome,*Bayn-
tesley. ham, Bettes, Blunt, Brage, Bragg,
4. Ratcliff. Bragge, Buckel, Buckle, Buckley,
42.^1. Bosgrave, Burbage, 5.*Kitchener, M'Cleod, 'Cloud, Mack- Bukaleel, Bulkeley, BuUman, Cole,
Fenrother, *Ketton.
loide, Macleod, M'Leod, MacLeod, Culman, Delany, Eaton, 'Fane,
Baillie, Baird, Barton, Bayley, Bayly,
Burnet, Campbell, Chisholme, Clive, *Strongbow. Haighton, Harr>'son, Helton, Hey-
Cooke, Cruell, Cruikshanks, Crull,
Davis, Dennet, Downie, Duncan, 6. Calveley, Calverley. ton, Job, Killey, Kyle, Manners,
Edwards, Ffoulkes, Foulks, Geike,
Gordon, Gourlay, Gourley, Gourlee, 7. Stubbe. Massey, Massy, Morcraft, 'Ne\-il,
Halliday, Hamilton, Hughes, Hunter,
*Inne'.-ker, Jones, Lecky, Lockhart, 8. Bradley, * Bull, Carrant, Crofts, Nevile, Nevill, Neville, Norbury,
Ellioit-Lockhart, Longford, McDer-
mot, 'Donald, M'Tavibh, Magan, Dougal, Gowshell, Harvard, Havard, Norman, Oldgate, Owen, Parker,
Johnson, Kyrell, Lavfield, *Lifeilde, Phillips, 'Radcliff, RadcUffe, Rad-
Little, *Lyfield, M'Cann, M'Leod, clyffe. Say, 'Sechion, Southwerth,
Poole, *Stonestreet, TumbuU, A'en- Stewart, Tilson, Utreight, Wright.
ant, *Vincent, Whitbroke, Wright. l2.'Freeke, 'Freke, 'Scoffield, 'Scofield,
9. Vach. 'Whitney.
Myers, *Newsham, Nisbet, Nisbett, 10. Bolstred, Bolstrode, Boulsted, Boul-
*De Pearsall, *Peters, Powell, Pur- stred, Bulstrode, Bulteel, Bultell, De
Ranking, Romanes, Burg, Pembridge, *Tatchell. PLATE 45.— I. NeviU.
cell, 11. Veitch. 2.'Aldrich,'Bovile,'Bovy!e,*Bo\'yll,Bul-
Smart, Soulsby, Spence, Swinfen, 1 2. Cole, Sacker, Saker. beck,'Bull,*Bullmer, 'Bulmer, 'Card-
Swynfen, Taplen, Urquhart, Ver-
schoyle, Wallace, Waring, Whittuck, ington, Clovel, Clovell, 'Clypesby,
Yorge. PLATE 44.— I. Brough, Cosars, De- Ciypsby, Dacre, Daniel, D'Arcy,
3. Kemble.
De Hoghton, Dumaresq, Fitz-Lewis,
4. *Chitwynde, Erskine, Gordon, *Gwyn, laney, *Godeston, Grindlay, Grindley,
Hallam, 'Haughton, Hobart, 'Ho-
Hake, Halsey, Oswald. Hatfield, Henchman, Knesworth, bart - Hampden, 'Hody, Hogh,
5. Bavant, * MacCausland, Parry, Kneysworth, Love, Meager, *Orgill, Hoghton,'Hoo,'Houghton,'Huddy,
Proud, *Smyth, *Smythe, *Storks. James, 'Lonsdale, 'NeviU, 'Neville,
*StrangeboNv, *Thurwall, *Vanghan.
6.*Clerke, Eaton, Gordon, Hough, 2. Bertram, Bockland, Bocklande, Bur- O'Daniel, Pleshey, Polewheele,
*Long\vorth, Sandiford. nett, Bumey, Burnie, * Daintry, Polwhele, *Polwhill, 'Ridley, Sikes,
7. Baillie, Hill, Oglethorpe, Pearson. Gallon, *Gannon, Hastings, Haugh- Staynings, Tallboys.
S. Kersey.
Laton, *Heringe, Font, Minterin, 3. Ffinden, Finden.
4. James. Du Vemet-Grossett, Elder, 'Emery, 10. Emmet, Emmett, 'Fourdrinier, Ham,
5.*Doget, "Dogett, Doggell, *Ridley. Every, HornioldjHornyold, 'Launder, Hamme, Tennant, 'Trenance.
6. Sikes. Manaton, 'Manington, Mannington, ll.'Alate, AUatt, 'Allett, Christian,
7. Allam, Armit, Arniitt, Ainet, Bindon, Muirhead, Northcott, Northey, 'Pratt, 'Clarke, Conradus, 'Cuninghame,
*Bulman, *Cooper, Dilford, Oxcliffe. Sampayo, Yonge. Gerling, 'Goodrood, Hyde, *Ipres,
5. Clarke, Titz-Geffrey, Greham, James, 8. Young. 'Jarvis, *Ker, Keyte, Kite, Leigh,
Kestell, *Layman, *Moore, *Puise, 9. Alleet, Aylett. 'Prierse, 'Tayler.
*Sabin, *Sanders, *Saunders, *Ser- 10. Abbot, 'Barnes, Barret, Brereton, 12. Clavering-Savage.
vante, *Smith. Claude, Yaxley. 13. Cooke, 'Cosker, 'Gregoiy, 'Maurice.
9.*AgalI, *Aggs, 'Ashley, *Ashley- 11. Wright. 14. Bradstreet, Chads, Cherwood, Dench,
Cooper, *D'Arcy, *Lardner. 12. Bromewicli, Bromwich, Carleton, Car- Germin, Germyn, Makepeace, Ram-
0. James. rington, 'Cawson, Charlton, 'Chris- say, 'Ringer, Rochefort, Stuart.
1 Abingdon. tian, 'Court, 'Covert, Cusac-Smith,
2. *Barrowcourt,Bulmer,Cantelov.',James. Deeves, D'Eureux, Gale, IIow,
3. Kettlewell. PLATEHughes, HuUeys, HuUies, Lloyd,
50.— I. Easthope.
4. *B_urke, Cahil, Cahill, *Dolben, *James, Marden, Perkins, 'Praed, Preston, 2.'Creagh, Hall.
Kesterton, *Leete, Ogilvie, Ogilvy. Richardson, Smith, 'Smyth, Tregore, 3. Reeves.
'Truston, Wentworth, Younge. 4. Heyland, 'Hogge.
PLATE —46. I. Potter. 13. Noswarth, Yonge. 5. See 51, 13.
14. Abbot. 6. 'Fletcher, Williams.
2. Jenkinson, *Killing\vorth, Lancaster, 7. Slade.
Potter, \'oysey. 8. 'Atkins, Berryman, Elaney, Clarke,
3. Pilfold. PLATE 49.-I. Canington. 'Lloyd, Madrin, Slade, Slader.
9. Uderaj.
4. Norman.
5.*Astel, *Astle, Brudenell, Brudnell, 2. Brailsford, Steuart-Moncrieff. 10. Carey.
Clarke, Coyne, Dansie. 3. Gwilt. 11. Boodle, Devon, 'Hodgetts, 'Jacques,
6. Thomas.
7. De Capel-Brooke, Elliot, Elliott, Page, 4. Savage. 'Jakes, 'Jaques.
Seaman, *Tooky. 5. Abot, 'AUett, Beale, Bedingfield, 12. Avem, Binning, 'Breres, Magawley,
Christopher, Collier, Conyngham, Mawgawley, Savage, Weldy.
5. Clippingdale, *Hotor.. Corre, Cumberdedge, Cumberlege, i3.*Basto, 'Benett, 'Blackburne, Bryers,
9. Tucker. Cunningham, Curwen, Daniel, Daniell, CoIt,'Cook, 'Croall, 'Dethick, 'Eure,
10. Moss, Tin pson. Davies, Dicome, Discombe, Dobbs, 'Fletcher, 'Foyle, 'Gallay, 'Galle,
Eringtcn, Errington, Fownes, Free, 'Galley, 'Grady, 'Greening, 'Hamil-
ling, Fribourg, 'Furbisher, 'Furbusher, ton, 'Plepburn, 'Hoord, *Hord,
'Geale,*Godley, Goodacre, 'Griffen, 'Horseburgh, Horsefall, Horsfall,
PLATE 47. -l.*Bodyham, Brock, Head, Headlani,*Horncastle,*Horne, 'Hurd, 'Ibbetson, 'JoUes, 'JoUiffe,
'Ibbotson, Jemmet, Ker, Kidston, 'Kevel, 'Longbottom, 'Mallory,
Brownsword, *Calmady, Chamber- Kokington, 'Larpent, 'Law, Layer, 'Meynell, 'Monton, 'Ostle, 'Ostler,
layne, Corsar, Corser, Drummond, 'Lechford, 'Legge, Leigh, *Lewk- 'Parker, 'Parr, 'Percivall, 'Petley,
*Finch-Hatton, 'Messenger, Michell, nor. Lower, Lyell, M'Brair, M'Braire, 'Prescop, 'Ramsay, 'Roxburgh,
Morison, Morrison, Morryson, Nevoy, 'MahL'we, 'Mathew, Mathie, 'May- 'Rutherford, 'Rutherfurd, 'Sher-
Newenham, *Niven, *Peppin, *Prater, hew, 'Mayhewe, Me.akin, Meetekerke, brooke, 'Smith, 'Stead, 'Stedman,
Simon, *Smyth, Swift. Mermyon, Michelgrove. Montgomery- 'Steerr, Steerrs, 'Tait, 'Torrie,
2. 'Bourne, *Ho\vman. Cuninghame, Morleigh, Morton, 'Weddell, 'Yate, Young.
3. Dove. Neill,'*Netter, Newport, Nicholson, 14. Butt, Butts, Cavaler, Davey, 'Eving-
4. Bourne.
Oliphant, Perkinson, 'Ponehardon, ton, Foquett, Hall, Horsman,
5.*Angell, *Anngell, 'Bond, Burness, 'Punchardon, Ramadge, 'Ramsay, M'l.aughlan.
Drummond, Ellyott, Harris, Highett, Ramsey, 'Richardson, 'Samler, Sav-
*Hinde, Holliday, Hyett, *Hynde, age, Sherburne, 'Silver, 'Skidmore,
Lambert, Landwath, Massey, Mynn, PLATE'Smith, Smvth, 'Sparow, 'Sparrow,
51.— I. Redman.
Quin, Trafford, 'Walker. Stapleton, .S'wanley, 'Sylver, 'Taylor, 2. Baker.
6. Prest. Moodie, 'Tompkins, Vignoles, Villages, Wil- 3. Clive, Cother, 'Edgar, Greene,
7. Chick, Horspoole, Mair, kinson, 'Winsor, 'Wright, 'Wright- Grimes, ' Habingdon, Howgart,
son, Wynn.
Pyne, Valentine. 6. Ibetson. 'Humfrey, Pienie, Radborne, 'Tolle-
S.'Fenouillet, Jewitt, 'Lunn. mache. Tomb, Werden.
9.*Bing, Landon. 7. Abbat, 'Abbett, 'Abett, *Belyn, 'Bon- 4. 'Almericus, 'Barrett, 'Barrow, 'Bar-
1 o. 'Carnegie-Parker-Jervis.
net, Carrington, Castellain, Conyng- stow, Bodelsgate, 'Bruce, Butler,
11. Mitchell. ham, Creese, CuUowe, Cuninghame, 'Clarke, Coleman, Dethick, Earl,
12. Artindale. Cunningham, Cunynghame, Daniel, Earle, Essington, 'Evans, 'Evington,
Daniell, Danyell, Dobbs, Dunmill, Fletcher, Gale, Goorick, Gough,
PLATE 48.— I. Eickerstaffe, Fe.-id, Ensor, Fairlie, Fairly, FilioU, Flower, Grigg, Heaton, Heigham, Hewgill,
Fogg, Fogge, Folshurst, Foulshurst, Higham, Horsley, Jones, Kean,
Grey. Freeling, Frelon, FuUeshurst, Gales, 'Keirll, 'Kenah, Leigh, Lloyd, Man-
2. Ijerondon, Berondowne, 'Butler, Geale, Gillespie, Gilmer, Glading, nell, Martin - HoUoway, Meynell,
Collier, CoUyear, Colyear, 'Evans, Gorwood, Grant, Gunthorpe, Miller,*0'Grady,Partridge,'Pointing,
Glass, Knowles, Knowlys, Lodbrook, Gurwood, Gyves, Head, Heugh, Prichard, Prideaulx, Reeve, Rotland,
Lodbrooke, Mutton, Portmore. Home, 'Kemyng, Kitson, Knott, Roushland, Rushe, Rutherford, Rut-
3. Bracey, Brassy, 'Cuninghame, Finn, 'Larping, Law, 'Legh, Leigh, land, 'Smyth, Steed, Thursfield,
Fvnmore, Manton. Leukenor, 'Mainter, 'Maister, Man, Verst, Upwood, Warner, Whippy.
4- Bl'akely. 'Menell, Mille, Miller-Cunningham, 5. Acford, Ackford, 'Affordbie, Alex-
S.'-Barktley, 'Berkeley, 'Berkley, Oliphant, Peirce, Pery, Peterkin, ander, Belches, Belhaven, Belshes,
Phillott, Pilliner, Piper, Poulett, Bennie, Benny, Benzie, Binnie,
'Brewin, 'Dawtrey, Dudley, 'Ferrers,
'Goucell, 'Gowcell, 'Lecawell, Pownall, 'Preston, Ramsay, Ramsey, Binny, Blacker, Blaker, Blaney,
'Limbery, 'Limbrey, MacDonnell, Richardson, Ritchie, Sherborne, Bowen, Cockburn, 'Coleman, 'Col-
Powle, 'Raglan, 'Ragland. Sherburne, Sladden, Smith, Spils- lings, 'Collins, 'CoUyngs, 'Colt-
6. Awboni, 'Grey, 'Osborne, Osbourne, burie, Stewart, Stuart, Trevithick, man, 'Cookson, Copeland, 'Cop-
'Poole. Wombwell, Womerton. land, 'Creagh, Dance, 'Dannsey,
7. 'Baker, Baynard, Buchanan, Collyer, S. Head. Dansey, Darley, Daunsey , Dauvergeue,
Criktoft, Culpeck, Cunningham, 9. Basset, 'Bassett, 'Kenne. 'Dawnsey, De Cowey, Dick, Dunbai,
Eloeet, Gisborne, Hamilton, Hamii- 7. Jackson. "M'Kean, Portman, "Rees, "Temple,
ton-Tyndall-Bruce, Herrington, *Hol- S. Snell. "Thomas.
land, *Horsey, Horsfall, Ickyll, 9. Ince. 3. Arsike, Arssick, Arsycke, Arsyke,
Lewis, 10. *Dawson, Sinclair. "Carter, "Cheshire, Coock, Cook,
Jekyl, Jekyll, *Lambard, *Marr, 11. Bentick, Cromer, Cook, "Crompton, Laughlin, "Met-
M'Guarie, Macquarie, Hooton, Kerr,
*MiIlner, *Milner, Neat, *0'Shaugh- Trotter, Veale. calf, "Metcalfe.
nessy, Pritchard, Ramsay, *Roach, l2.*Duff. 4.*Devenport, Parker.
Rutherford, Sarebruche, *Smith, 5. Gressey, Home, Horner, "Hunt, Plum,
*Smyth, *Stockoe, *Stokoe, Stonard, "Sealy, Temple, Tutt, Tutte.
PLATE —Stud'holme, Timson, Twentyman, I- Alington, "Allen. 6. Sanderson.
Wliinfield, *\Vittshire. 7. Perrins.
Allington, Anderson, Barvvell, Bell, 8. "Casey, "Compion, "Courteene, "Flet-
6. Dancey, M'Cracken.
Boniface, Broadley, "'Bronker, Brough- cher, "Gander, "George, "Georges,
7. Allen, Allevne, *Assent, Bayley, "Glyn, "Glynn, Hood, "Hunton,
ton, *Carnsew, * Carter, Cartiles, "Kempson, "Loveless, "M'Kellip,
Chalkhill, Elrick, Folliott, Goodwin, "M'KiUop, Orange, "Sanson, "Skin-
Chaffin, Chafin, Clapperton, Cochet, ner, "Sotheby, "Southbey, "Southe-
*Green, Hackney, Johnson, Marchant,
*Cockle, Cookesey, Dawson, Echlin,
Ogih-y, Redman, Skelton, Stubs,
Edwards, Eure, Fall, * Fletcher,
Goche, *Grosvenor, *Giove, Headon, bye, "Tanner, "Trigg, "Waterhouse,
8. Clarke.' *Hewetson, Heydon, Jermyn, Lin- "Wells, "Wilkinson.
9. Davies, *Davis, *Pratter.
10. Hall. ford, Lovell, M'Fadyen, M'Faiden, Reynolds. Bestorike, Dun-
ii.*Athwat. Pointer, *Rigges, *Riggs, Russell, 9. Beston, Bestoricke,
12. Curtis, *Jones. lo.
13. Blaney, Blayney, Boston, Gary, Coult- Sanderson, Saxon, Shaw, Smith,
ning, Dun-Waters, Linwood, Waters.
hart, Darley, Dartey, Horsey. Smyth, *Spraggs, *Stapleton, Stock- I. "Bowser, "Bowssar, "Casey, "Dagget,
Maleverer. dale, Stout, Swiney, Swinnee, Talbot,
14. Wells. "Jorden, Swan.
Ufford, Warren, White, Williams, 2. Aber, Campbell, Fletcher, Kayle,
Wreahoke, Wyllie, Yea.
Purefey, "Shannon, Thomason.
2. .\lexander, * Allington, 'Brudenell,
*Cheere, *Chere, Church, Colwell,
PLATE —52. I. *Bagenholt, Bolton, PLATE•Dawson, Uugan, Duggan, *Ebury,
Boltone, Boltoun, Boulton, Bretrook, *Faithfull, * Flaxney, * Fothergill,
Gorman, Grosvenor, *Prosser. 56.— I. Alexander, "Barritt,
2.*Cochrane - Baillie, *Coles, Dear, *Gooch, *Grosvenor, Grove, *Hag-
Deare,*Hamborough,Tritton, Trotter. "Blood, "Bonner, "Clark, Conarton,
3. Horsford. gerston, *Haydon, *Huntley, *JoseIin, •Cotrel, "Cotrell, "Cottrell, "Cram-
4. Bensay, Cossar, Cosser, Danrey,
•Joselyn, *Keignes, Moesler, *Nut- phome, Duncombe, Egleston, Eyer,
Daubie, *Dod, *Dodd, Fulthorp, Ful-
hall, Temple, *PhiUp, *Rees, Saun- Fenn, Fisher, "Freston, Hadokes,
derson, *Sherington, *Smith, Talbot, Hall, Haswell, Hatfield, "Hayward,
Temple, "Warren, *\Vatson. Hill, "Hodges, "Houlton, "Huntbach,
Jones, "Kiddell, Kiddell (alias Ben-
thorpe, Gillow, *Murray, Osevain, 4. Durban. ner). King, Kinge, "Lee, Lodge,
Rideout, Ridout, Trotter, Vivian, 5.*Adani, * Adams, *Adarason, *Allen, M'Cay, M'Coy, Martin, Maxey,
Vyvyan. Maxie, Melvile, "Myggs, "Parke,
5. *Bathurst, Giron, Ryan. *Baynbrigge, *Bollen, *Hanipden, Phelps, "Powell, "Riddell, Shears,
6.*Butler, Cochran, Cochrane, Colt, Calton, Cogan, Coggan, *Cokyll, WalUs, Watt, "Whettell, Whitby,
Craddock, Cradock, Crocker, East,
Fuller, Garland, Gernon, Jackson, *Dancer, *Dibdin, Druitt, 'Duffield, Whittell.
Jeys, Johnston, Killach, Lent, M'Cul- *Echlin, *Feamly, Fernely, Fernley, 2.*Aldham, Allan, Blades, Blaydes,
loch, *Philips, Phillips, Plumett, Forester, Forrester, *Glover, 'Gros-
Plunket, *Plunkett, Steel, Trayton. venor, *Grove, Haggar, *Hampden, Blaydes - Mar\'el, Chittinge, Clark,
Trotter, Whitacre, Whitaker, Whit- *Higham, *Hill, Hirme, Huntly, Clarke, Clifford, Desbrowe, "Flam-
*Keynes, *Ludgershall, M'Fayden, sted. Griffin, Haigh, Hall, "Hameley,
taker. *M'Gowan, Marriot, Marriott, *Mar- "Haswell, "Heseltine, Jeaflreson,
yet, *Maryot, *Moris, Panter, *Rugge, Jefferson, "Knight, Kyrell,'M'Killop,
7. Colt, Hills, Rowles. Rumsey, *Talbot, "Watson, "Welles. Melveton, Morham, Parlby, "Prior,
8. Amosley, *Bayons, *Bayos, *Benning- 6. Dawson. Robinson, Tanner, Tayloure, Thayer,
"Watkins, Watters, Wilson.
ham, Colt, *Colthurst, Fust, Ham- 7. Hill.
8. Gooch. 3. Allan-Fraser.
brough, Jackson, Lorimer, Maturin, 4. Pye.
*Newdigate, O'Mallahan, O'Mallev, 9. "Alien, Bunton, Dobree, Drummond, 5."Tirringham, Tringham.
Gross, "Jenkins, Kyllingbeck, "Xor- 0. Amery, Amorie, Brampton, Bromige,
:o. Dewell, Dewelle, Hearn, Hearne, Darner, D'Amorie, Holme, "Martin,
Snowdon, Stone. Nesbitt, "Reanolds, "Reignolds,
10. Attelound. "Richards, Routh.
11. Fitz-Alan, Fitzalan, *Norfolk. li.*CheseIden, "Cheseldon, "Cheseldyne, 7. Harnson.
* Cheselton, " Chiseldine, Coneley, 8. Hill.
12. Trotter. Conelly, Connelley, Connelly, Con- 9. Benson, Bosum, "Davie, D.avy,
"Etelum, Goode, Laver.
13. Cooper, *Dering, Trotter, Upton. nely, Connolly, ConoUv, Jago,
14. Braddick. "Motham, Talbot.
12. Mashiter. 10. Whittall.
PLATE 53.-I. Jackson. 13. Smith. 11. Anion-.
Buckland, Buckle, Comyns, Crake, i2."Aselock, "Aslake, Aslack, Asloke,
2. Ackelom, Bendlowes, Cromie, De 14. Craker, Fairford, Hosier, Lawrence.
Lawrens, Micklethwaite. Baron, Barrel, Barrell, "Baskcomb,
Kyme, Fiott, Fitch, Fitz - Maurice, Bonest, Bonus, Bower, Bowre, Bukill,
*Gould-Lambart, Lambart, Lambert,
O'Cornyn. Carter, Chitty, "Clarke, Colvil, Col-
\'ille, " Conney, * Cony, "Cotterell,
3. Aslin, Bayard, *BindIosse, *Blaker, I- Burgoyne, Colne,
PLATE —Brixton, BriNtone, Challc-n-Gratwick, Ganiell, Gammel, Gamonill, Gam-
55. mell, "Godstone, Hall, Harrington,
Plaselden, Haslatine, "Haslett, Has-
*Cox, *Crompton, Dickman, *Fiott, Colney, "Eggington, Gessors, Ghrimes. taline, Highmore, "Hodge, Hull,
"Jones, "Kent, Lace, Lambeth, Lany,
*Lavender,*Luker,Metcalle,*Moyser, Hoofsteller, "Hustler, Norris, Nott. "Longeville, "Longueville, M'Donald,
Myers, *Newcombe, Page, *Petty- Notte, "Smith, Sturges, Temple, Top- M'Kellip, "Macmichael, Melvile, Mel-
FitzMaurice, Pitt, *Cheesment-Seveni, liffe, "Vaughan, "Wheeler.
Stamp, *Stoddard, Stompe, *Stud- 2."Brugh, "Croft, "Crofts, "Crompton, vill, Mountford, Moutrie, Ogilvie,
"Parke, Powell, Robins, Robmson,
dert, Weir. Cruchley Crutchley, "Fletcher, "Fur-
4. Lane, Tory, Torry. nace, "Furnes, "Fumese, "Fumess,
5.*Disker, *Diskers, 'Elsley, Lambert. "Gower, Harris, "Heneage, Herris,
6.*Benning, Kerchinall, Weir. "Hungate, "Hungatt, "Knight,
*Smith, Sturgis, *Tiriiiigham, Wr Arkmstall. 'Grevile, 'GreviUe, Halford, 'Hall,
Boldero, ' Boucher,
clier, Wedderburn. * Bouchier, 'Halyburton, Hamilton, ' Hawes,
13. Hill.
14. Collin. 'Bourchier, 'Burchar, Burnett, Hawles, Heathfield, Holfoid,
PLATE 57.- I. Allen, *Anguilla, 'Cave, 'Cliinn, Clarke, Cooper, 'Holman, Hunter, Jackson, 'Jermyn,
*Tresham. 'Cottingham, Cresswell, Dellaber, Johnson,|Johnsonn, 'Keigwin, 'Keins-
2. 'Arguilla, George.
3. *Brins, *,Stannus, Stenhouse, *Ston- 'Devall, Donelan, Donnelan, Fan- ham, Kenisham, ' Kidderminster,
house. shaw, 'Hall, 'Hampton, Hearne, M M* K ing, Langton, 'CuUum, 'George,
4. Allen.
5. Amere.v, Americe, ' Brain, Braine. lenner, Jenoure, Tenoyve, ^tywax, MacHugh, Macsagan, Mager,'Magor,
6. * Pointer.
7. Anderson, *Bentley, Merick, Nanfan, Joddrell, Join.i, l.ark.in, l.arken, Major, Manger, 'Martin, Mayor,
Nanphan, *Rigges, Stone. Lyygins,* M'i',,:i 1 ,1,1. \',i li, *l'ain. Mill, 'Moreton, Morton, 'Muckles-
Palmer, I'l" - luv.iite, ton, *Nevill, *Xicul, 'U'Donaglian,
*Smith,'Sprriii, 'Pagrave, Simmons, 'Spiy, 'Sutton,
, • M,„ther,
Surridge, Wau. h, W i«,,i,l. 'Taylor, 'Tiavcll, Walker, 'Vetts.
Tatton. Prigion, I'lni- ,,n, 'W,ilUer.
Boiitcher. Adams, loi,- 1, I::MlL-n, Boidell,
Schilizzi. Carpeni- 1, m:.' li, ,,, 'Clerke,
8. .Sawyer. Ahlfeldt. Colvilt.-, ' iiiiir, ( inir, Drury, Ford,
9. AUibane, Anderson, Boyes, Boys, Benweil, Benwell, 'Burghley, *Burgly, Fuller, Hunter, Leiroy, Lloyd, Lyn-
Concrley, Teale. M.ashiter. acre, Lynaker, M'Taggart, Mill,
IO.*Livingston. Kinardsly, ' Kinnersley, Kynardesley, Shififner, Stathum, 'Tany.
II.*Altelound, *Attelounde, *Broughton. Kvnnersley. Bacon, 'Flowde, Jones, Lun, Lunn,
12. Bendish, Bendyshe, Campion, Cramer, 'Allen, Fox. Raby, Ronaldson, Tifiin.
D'Eureux, Devereux, Doran, *Ed- Butler, 'Walker. Hampson.
wards, Evreux, Gosell, Gossell, Har- 'Hunter. 'Arablester, 'Arblester, 'Areblaster,
rison, *Hurlblatt, "Maningham, *Man- Longman. 'Beringtiin, Berring, Bird, Coleman,
ningham, Southouse. I "'... i ,1.1. I I;illington,Hallowtown.
13. Ackeroyd, Ackroyd, Akeroyd, Ak- II . i! nay, 'Jermyn, 'Nash,
PLATE 60.—royd, Arkroyd, Crockat, Crockett. i.'Braithwait, 'Brath- II .'. > ,: Wooton, Wootton.
wayte,*Lewis, 'Pigott, 'Potts,*Smith,
PLATE 58.— I. Calcraft, Silk. 'Tapp. •Durant.
2.*AIen9on, 'Bradley, 'Drummond, Linacre.
2. Ashmole, *Belders, *Boldtro, *Bol- Bernil, Birnal, Bimall, Clayley,
'Duncan, 'Ellison, 'Forbes, 'Gart- Colthurst, Curtis, Dickenson, Eng-
ders, *Boldorne, *Boldron, *Bryan, side, 'Cell, 'Gilbert, 'Gooch,
*Cabytott, *Calcraft, *Calebot, *Cave, 'Gordon, 'Graham, 'Greenhaugh- lish, Goylin, Joanes, Leigh, Lewis,
*Chelsum, *Christian, * Cochran, 'Groves, 'Hackvill, 'Legard, 'Love, Mathews, Morier, Nicholson, Pepper,
* Cochrane, *Cope, * Crawshaw, lock, 'MacGeoghegan, 'Maleverer, Plunkett, Read, Rumbold, Rutter,
'Marker, 'Mauleverer, 'Moring, Thomas, Wortling.
*Crowgey, *Drewry, Drury, *Duffe,
*Faimie, *Fernie, *Gamock, *Gay, 'Nightingale, 'Nihell, 'Patriarche, . Algar, Alger, Burgess, 'Cleaveland,
*Haly, *Havergal, Hemphill, *Hene- *Pigot, 'Pigott, 'Reuce, 'Roberts, 'Cleavland, 'Comber, Duddingston,
age, *Huncks, *Hunkes, *Hunter, 'Seckford, 'Thomlinson, 'Tylliot, Dudingstoun, Hully,*Key, R.indolph,
*Kerne, *Kinnedar, *Lescomb, *Lew- 'Williams. 'Saunderson, 'Valence, Viniconibe.
kenor, *Lewknor, *Lloyd, *Long, 3. Tapps. Nevill.
*Machani, *Meech, *Mulledy, 'Mur- 4.*Tash, 'Taylor. Cave, PhiUip.
ray, Nash, 'Nightingale, *0'Farrell, 5. Boot,Boote, Frome, Kenney, Stewart,
*0'Ferrall, *Palmer, *Pares, *Rayns- M'Arthur-Stewart. PLATE 62.— I. Tooth.
ford, *Ridley, *Silk, 'Smith, *Swail- 6. Ludgater.
Swale, *Wakeham, *\Vale, *Walker,
Witts, *Yarker. 7. See No. 9. 2. Ackworth. Aldrich, Annand, 'Bailey,
8. 'Barrett, Bradsay, Bradsey, Coleman, 'Barrett, 'Bashe, 'Basset, 'Bassett,
Duncan, Elphingston, Forkington, Bayley, 'Benon, Bold. 'Bomford,
4. Alhvright, Alwright, *Bro\vnlow, Freston, Gay, Greet, Halfour, 'Hall, 'Bonten, Chisenal, Chisenhall,
Chesterfield, Hard, *Kayle, Lang- Jackson, Lomax, 'Love, 'Prentice,
Clifford, CoUee, Colley, Colly, Cooke,
more, *Lewis, Parker, Turner, 'Wen- 'Prentys, Riddell, Thoroughgood, Cooling, 'Cornfoot, 'Cosby, Cross,
ham. Warren. Culling, Davies, De Morton, Duffin,
5. 'Ashmole, Daly, 'Hendon, 'Kennedy, 9. Thellusson. 'Everitt, 'Feyry, Foley, Fothering-
ham, Fothringham,*Franche, Gamage,
'MacDermot, 'MacDermott, *Mol- 10. Ford, 'Pett.
loy, 'MuUoy, O'Daly, 'O'MuUoy. II. 'Brothers, Cruck, Elphingston, 'Gercom, 'Griffin, Waldie-Griftith,
6. Jalfou. Fallone, Ford, 'Fylkyn, Galaad, Gay, Grimshaw, 'Hearing, KnoUes,
7. Calcraft. Green, Jaupin, Kyneston, M'Kay,
8. Jackson. 'Marston, Noble, O'Fallon, Riddell, Knowles, Lewis, 'MacCartney,
9. Farrell. Riddle, 'Roberts, Umpton, 'Younge,
10. Watney. l2.'Atkin, Atkins, Atkyns, Bratt, Lysons. Martyn, 'Martyr, 'Maule, 'Mearing,
Morgan, Murray, 'O'Mulrain,
'Pakenham, Parkhurst, Pleasance,
11. Aberdwell, Abredrobell, Inglebert, 13. NicoU. Read, Reed, 'Rowdon, 'Ryan,
14. Atkins. Sandes, Sands, Sandy, Sandys 'Sher-
land, Stern, Walshe, Williams, Wood-
12. Hingham, Peppard.
13. Marker. house, Worster.
14. Biscoe, 'Brisco.
PLATE 61.— I. Grissell, Hamerton. 3. Finch.
2. 'Adams, 'Awston, 'Barwell, 'Bel-
PLATE 59.— I. Baldock. cher, Belches, Belsches, Berington, 5. Fogan, Fargon.
Blayne, 'Bode, 'Chambers, 'Cham- 6. Campbell, Hanger.
2. Bourcher, 'Butler, 'Cunliffe, *De bre, 'Churche, 'Colman, 'Cooke,
laber, ''Edmonds, 'Frampton, 'Good Creasy, 'Cutts, Danet, Dannat,*Dan- 7. 'Elphingston.
nant, 'Dannett, 'Day, *De Vallance, 8. Murray.
dage, 'Half hide, 'Hill, 'Hunter, *Jey 'Dewing, 'Douglas, 'Drywood, 9. Arkell, Arkle, Elphingston, Floyd,
nor, 'M'Laggan, 'McGard, 'More Earlsman, 'Engledue, 'Farebrother,
Foote, 'Ford, 'Forde, 'Forstall, Hughes, Laurence, Lawrence, Read-
wood, 'Mountney, 'Naish, 'Napier, 'FouUer, 'Franklyn, 'Fulham, ing, Reding.
'Nash, 'Palmer, Paltock, 'Plumbe, 'Gabourel, Garvey, 'Gaussen, Gell, 10. 'Abbot, Aboat, 'Bailey, 'Beley,
*George, 'Georges, Gorge, Gorges, 'Benyon, 'Brady, Chamond, Chau-
Proctor, Proctor-Beauchamp,*ReeveS; Gosset, 'Gottes, Grandvell,'Grebell. mond. Chew, Clamond, 'Clement,
'Copley, Creevey, Crevy, Dolben.
'Rives, Ryves, 'Searle, 'Smith. 'Gardiner, Godwyn, Gooden, Good-
'Thompson, Tritton, 'Walker, Wig
ing, Goodwin, 'Goodwin, Griffith, Lewis, •Lidsey, Lowe, •Lowten, •Death, Douglas, Forsan, Greenway,
Hales, Halse, Halsey, *Havers,
MLucas, 'George, M'Haffie, Mc- Griffinhoofe, Ingram, Keene,"Keighly,
Hobhouse, *Hornes, Howales, *Hoy, Mahon, Majoribanks, Marjoribanks, "Knight, "Lawrence, Le Despencer,
Loveney, *Lownde, M'Craw, *Meggs, Meverell, *Morgan, Morral, Morwell, "Leslie, Lesly, Lesslie, Lindsay,
Mulsho, Mulshoe, Norton, •Palmer, Mountstephen, Mountsteven, Neagle, "Lyndley, •Marshe, Maxwell,
Pardoe, Parry, Payton, 'Peiton, •Newcourt, Newmarch, *Nichell, Milcham, Norton, Oldaker, Pawson,
Pennel, *Pescod, Peyton, Pleasance, O'Callan, Orme, Page, Pares, Parsons, Pemberton, Raikes, Ramsay, •Rayn-
Soote, Steers, Sweetman, Worley. Pateshall, •Pearson, Peers, Pigeon, ton, Rogers, Roberts, "Rudd, Short,
1. Banworth, *Bishoppe, Bisshop, Bis- Price, •Quash, Randall, •Reed, •Snelling, *S-prackling, Stafford,
shopp, *Brady, Colls, Greenfield, Jay, Reeves, Regan, Rix, *Robotham, •Stanier, Stevenson, Steward, Stew-
Mackmoragh, Macmore, Moriarty, Rosson, *Roys, Russell, Scot, Scott,
art, Stringer, Sypher, Tihiey, Trap-
Preston, *Trefusis. Shadwell, *Sill, Sparchford, Stead- nell, Treacher, •Wallford, Watkins,
2. Shute. man, Swayne, Swiny, *Talcott, Whitwell, •Wildman, *WilIiams.
Thompson, Twiss, Waller, Waters, 2. Acheley, Ackworth, Acworth, Adams,
PLATE 63.— i.*Fellgate, *Filgate. •Williamson. Allen, Aveline, Baird, Ball, Ballard,
3.*Morshead, *Woodyeare, Yong.
Bannatyne, Barton, Bayntun, Bayntun-
2. Ashfield, Bevan, Bevin, Bevill, Beville, 4. Besney, Bestney, Connocke, Coppin, Rolt, Beardmore, Benton, "Bereseth,
Bevin,*Bladen,*Chilton,Collin, Cross, •Correy, •Frampton, Griffin, Hopton, Berry, Bery, Birde, Blesby, Blesbie,
Cudmore, Cudnor, *Devlin, Dines, Kemeys, Lane, Page, Powell, Rowles, Bligh, Blythe, BoUardt, Braynton,
Egioke, Fairbairn, Finch, Garroway, Royden, Roydon, Stone, Tynte, "Brooke, Brown, Browne, Bryce,
Grandville, "Granger, *Granville, Vidler. Bund, Burgess, "Burland, "Burra,
•Greenfield, *Greenvile, Grenfell, Hal- 5. Browne, Forsyth, *Forsythe, Gillam. Burry, "Cambridge, Campbell, Car-
liwell, Hawkesford, *Hobson, •Hop- 6. Areskine, Ballantyne, Ballentine,
kettle, "Cartwright, Chaplin, Clark,
ton, Jermy, Jermyn, March, •Moulton, Bannatyne, *Beckingham, *Duke, •Collen, "Collin, "CoUings, Collins,
Murray, •Nevill, *0'Keefe, Orme, Erskine, Gladstanes, Glaidstanes, "CoUyn, "Cooke, Cotton, Cumby,
Paiton, *Paston, Payne, Peirce, Peney- Gledstanes, Parkhurst, Treves, "Wat- "Curry, •D'Aeth, Dane, Dang;erfield,
Dashwood, Dean, Deane.Dennis, Der-
stone, Pennyston, *Pope, Rew, St. son, West.
Leger, Shuldham, Stewart, Tapps, 7. Goloner, Moret. mott, Dimsdale, *Edmonds, Ednor,
Tinkler, Torr, Torre, Torvers, Tower, 8. Gladstone. "Edwards, "Ellison, *Elliston,*Everet,
Towers, Towry, Turpin, Wentworth, 9.*Aldersey, Alderson, Nonwike, "Everett, "Everitt, "Fetherston, Fetti-
Wenlock, Windsor-Clive, Wingfield, Thurston. place, Fettyplace, "Leslie, Forbes,
Worthy. 10. Phillips. Fotheringham, "Gainsborough, Gar-
3. Cleve, Cliffe, Clive, Evelyn, Finch, 11. Aeth, Brond, *Bround, Brounde, dener, "Gardiner, Gardner, "Geynes,
Finche, Wentworth. M'Call, Massam, •Sandford-Wills, •Gibbs, Godsal, Godsale, Godsall,
4. Margerison. Spooner, *Wills. Godsell, *Golding, *Gordnee, Gouch,
5. Bevan. 12. Darwin.
"Grange, "Green, "Greenaway, Green-
6. Aveling. 13. Plowes. logh, Greenway, "Grey, Griffeth,
7. Charley, Charnley, Jennins, Jupp, 14. Barclay, *Breant, Foot, •Reynhouse, "Ciriffith, "Grubb, "Grymes, Hague,
Hall, Hanham, •Hardy, Harrison,
Leslie. •Reynous. •Hawe, "Higgins, "Higgons, "Hodg-
8. Bandenell, Catharines, Catherens,
Cathems, *Catheryns, Eckford, Mac- son, "Hodson, "Hudson, Hughes,
PLATETieman, Napleton, *Penyston, Piers,
65-— I. "Adams, Morley. "PIughes-D'Aeth, "Humberston, "In-
Willoughby. 2. Jackson. gram, Jackman, Johnston, Kadro-
9. Tower. 3. Ballard, *Charles. hard, "Kay, Kelshaw, Kennicot,
10. Hopson, •Stanley. 4. Cheetham.
Kumerson, Lansley, Lasley, Lawrence,
11. Bevan. S.»Byde, Watts. Leslie, Lesly, *Lightfoot, "Lindley,
12. Griffith. 6. Mounsey. Line, Linton, Lyne, M'lver, Man-
l3.*Collin, *Collins, Craven, Fulwar- 7. Ralph, Relf, Rutson, •Trevors. field, Mansfield, "Marche, ilassie,
Craven, *Greenfield, *Grenfell, *Ump- 8*ColIen, *Collin, •Collins, •Cutting,
"Mauncell, Micklethwait, Mickle-
ton, *Upton. •Blackman, Zeal. thwaite, "Millidge, Milbome, Mileham,
I4.*Chetham, Gardiner. 9. Fitz-Simon, Gabb, Keyes, Turisden. Morgan, "Mott, Moulden, Muckle-
10. Henshaw.
waite, "Mysters, Nalder, Neal, Neale,
PLATE —64. 11. Bastable, Beauvoir, Buckley, Cole- Newbold, Nicklin, "Ogden, Ormath-
l.*Beaufey, *Beaufoy, ridge, "Cookman, •Corie, "Cory, Cow- waite, "Parsons, Patten, "Peryan, Pery-
•Chamley, •Cholmeley, *Cholmonde- brough, Cowbrugh, "Crawford, De ent, Phetoplace, Raikes, "Ramsey,
ley,Cholmley,^Cholmondley,*Hanain, Montacute, •Gardiner, •Gamier, Raparus, Reade, Reading, Reay,
'Ha 'Ha "Gidley, "Glastenbury, Gorham, Gos- Reeve, Reynolds, Richards, Ricroft,
2. Adams, Akarys, .\kaster, *Allen, Iike,Gostwick,Gostwyke, Gott, Haro-
Riding, Rosington, Rossington,
Antram, Aunger, Ballard, Bannatine, kins, "Hayes, Henvill, Hobson, Roycroft, Ryan, Ryecroft, "Sharpe,
Bannatyne, *Blackman, •Blackmore, I'Anson, "Inkersall, "Kno.x, "Lamp- "Shelley, "Shelly, Sinclair, Sissons,
•Blunden, *Bonde, Boyer, Bradfoot, son, "Letham, "Lethem, M'Call, "Smith, "Smyth, South, Stanley,
Braidfoot, Brenlee, *B'right, •Brum- •Mansham, Marsham, Masham, Mont- Stinton, Stirlin, Stump, Sutton,
stead, Canning, Cater, Chadbom, Chat- hermer, •Parnall, Peckwell, *Price, Subsey, Taber, Tempest, "Thornton,
terton, Chester, Chesterman, *Chetum Selenger, Shirt, Short, Slocombe, Todrick, Torrin, Tyas, Tyes, Tyer-
•Clark, •Clarke, Cockshutt, •Cole, "Wigott, •Wolmer. man, Vaux, "Vessey, Waldo, Walsh,
*Coling, Collins, •Cory, •Cosens, Cuff, 13. Newton. Ward, Warren, Watkins, "Watts,
Dalby, *Derwin, Diddier, Didear, 12. See 67 I, and 67 3. Waynflete, Welsh, Winde, Wilcock,
Ditton,Dodson,Dolby,Dolseby,^Duke 14. Bamme, Baum, Baume, Fenton, Willard, White, West, •Wolcott,
Dupuy, Eveleigh, *Fitz-Hugh, Fol- Kingdom, Longhurst, Mackiegan, Wybergh, "Wylde-Brown, Young.
lett, *Forman, *Fouracre, *Frogmer, Tutt. 3. Everett.
•From , Garde, Gardiner, * Gent,*Gilly, 4. "Brown, Cooke,
Gardner, Smith,
PLATE —•Girling, *Girhngton, Godfray, God-
5."Baynton, •Bayntun, "Rolt-Bayntun,
frey, Grantham, Greenhill, Greinvile,
66. I. Adcane, Akarys,
•Griffin, Grimshaw, •Gurnbleton, Akeris, Akers, Akiris, Akyris, Alder, Best, Beynton, Browne, Gardner,
*Gyrlyn, Hall, Hallowes, *Hamers. Aired, Auverquerque, Belmour, Berry, Pemberton, "Smith, Tempest, Trent-
ley, •Hammersley, Hancocke, *Head- Betenson, •Byer, •Byers, Campbell,
lam, •Hockly, •Holbeck, Holmes, Chaderton, Clegg, "Collis, Collins, 6. Cay, Channsy, Chansey, *Green, HU-
laire, Hillarie, Kay, Kayp. ,
Holroyd, •Holroyde, Hughes, King, Cooke, Corry, Cress, Cresse, Cressy,
•Kiikyn, Lane, •Leeth, LesUe, Lester, Croste, Cruden, Cudmore, Cyfer, 7. Rhodes.
Greenway, *Haffenden, *Leadbitter. 7.^Baldwin, *Baldwyn, Cadye, Kadye. 10. Aldewinckle, Aldewincle, Aldewinkell,
Collins, Pegler. 8.*Big, Bigg, Bigge, Botteler, Bot- Aldwinckle, Aldwinkle, *Crichton.
Areskine, Chase, Erskine, Folvill, tiller, Farncomb, Jessop, Martin, ii.^Beecroft, Midleham, Warren, Warre.
Folleville, Parkinson, *Toke. Martyn. 12. Venables.
Boyle, Camp, Camoe, *Dycer, *Ellet- 9.*Dawson, Fitz - Eustace, Hesse,
son, *Elliot, *Eyre*s, *Foxall, God- Kydermaster, Pilcher.
salve, *Goldsworthy, *Mar5h, *Pem- 10. Botteler, Butler. PLATE 71.— I. Aske,Aspall, Barton,
berton, *Rackham, *Ralphson, *Ray- 11. Brand, Callis, Lightbourne, Thornton. Beath, Beith, Bieth, Bonham,
mond, *Sharp, Shelley, *Stringer, 12. Ash, Babthorp, Cooper, Cowper, Bright, Castell, 'Constable, Cos-
Watson, *\Vebbe. Fakeyt, Jessop, Oliph, Olive, Strel- worth, Creed, Croft, 'Crofts, Cross,
Hales-Tooke, *Tooke. ley. Draycot, Draycott, Elloway, Fay,
Coldham, *Cox, *Fowell, *Fowle. 1 3. Browning, Fanshawe, Swan. Fettiplace, Glascock, Grey, Hardy,
Cross. 14. Bosne, Bosney, Brunet, Buggen, Hodilow, Hoddelow, Hoddylowe,
Buggin, Buggine, Daunt, Duckett, Immins, Irby, Kighley, Kightley,
PLATE 67-— i.*Bold,*Bolde,*Bould, Fairbrother, Jessope, Jokes, Maginn, Littleton, M'Lean, Messye, Meysey,
Winstanley. Moysey, Neale, Norys, Pemberton,
*Boulde, Bowles, Chancey, Chauncy, Porter, Reave, 'Reve, Riley, Rooke-
Chaiisy, *Churchill, *Core, Corey, wood, 'Skynner, Stewart, Stovin,
PLATECorry, Cory, Cox, *Curry, De- 69.— I. Farington, Ffarring- Tonkin, Walsingham, Warren, West-
spencer Fitz-Alan, Founder, Foun- ton. ropp, Wilkin, Wright, Wycliffe.
2.'Armeston, Armestone, Bagenhall,
dowre, Franks, Halton, Jlildesley, 3. Copildike, Copledike, Copledyke,
Somervale, Somerville, Somerville, Bagnall, B.anks, Bee, Beke, Bes-
Mauduit, Montacute, Morley, Spen- ville, Bicknoll, Blake, Bodenham,
cer, Stone, *Stonne. Squires.
2. Iliggins, Maunduit. 4. Jenkens, Jenkyns, Reece. Borodaile,Bringhurst,^Carbery,^Car-
malt, Carthew, Caulfeild, *Clark,
3. Cure. 5. Archer, Bignell, Reynolds.
4. Raffles. 6. Bageley, Bagley, Dawes. Crichton, Crosley, Cross, Cutler,
Dannsey, Dauntesey, Dauntesy,
5. Hall. Ayson, Bythesea, 7. Weld. Davis, 'De Winton, 'Draycot, Dray-
6. Amond, Ashton, S. Palmer.
Kellam, Killome. 9. Crookshank, Fitz-Henry, Kilgour, cote, 'Draycott, 'Dyndy, Edmondes,
Lowden, Mabball, Mabbatt, Maule,
7. Adam, Adams, Addams, Adeane, Panmure, Trueman, Truman. 'Fanshaw, Fenn, 'Golden, 'Golding,
Ashbrenham, Ashburnham, Brett,
Browne, Gepp, Gilbert, *Hind, Haccombe,^Hall,Heingrave,*Jones,
Brickenden, Pears. Keighley,^Kighley,^Morgan,*North,
Chettle, Edwards, Inman, Montagu,
Hynde, Kay, Montagu, Shorter, 10. Pemberton,^Prichard, Reeve, Reeves,
Stephens, Willans. Reve, Smith, Smyth, Thomas,
Rawdon, Rich, Shettle,Wix.
8. Wallford, Walton. Urmestone, Wathe, ' Weljster,
12. Severs, Croker, D'Oiley, D'Oyley,
9. Archdall, Archdell, Barker, Bausefield, Whadcock, * Wilding, Wilkins,
Bausfield, Bray, Cotsford, Craye, Wright.
Estercombe, Farnam, Furbisher, Gil- 13. Borlase, Venables.
i4.^Desney, Fitton, Fitz-Hugh, Levens, 3. Buckler.
bert, Gregge - Hopwood, Grigson, 4. Wright.
Pyrton, Richardson, Steers, Trevor,
Hudson, Jenks, Johnson, Lascells, Twist, Widevile. 5. Price-Green.
6. Reilly, Riley.
Laward, Laware, Lawarre, Leslie,
Lloyd, Lockton, Meredith, Palmer, 7. Dennis, Palmer.
8. 'Cadurcis, Cutler, 'Greenstreet, Hamig-
Pinkney, Plaisto, Plaistow, Playstow,
PLATEPlumstead, Pole, Reeves, *Shove, ston, 'Hammington,^North,*Pember-
70.— I. Archer,^Barratt,*Bar- ton, Raymond, Yonge.
Spateman, Stanier, Stone, Tellau, rett, Bursted, Buthall, Collier, Corn-
Tempest, Thomlinson, *Tylnev, wall, Croft, Crofts, Danvers, De Boys, 9. Pritchard.
Unett, Warre, Webley, West, Wil- De Winton, Dine, Dive, Drake, 10. Sampson.
liamson. Dunock, Estanton, Farrington, Fitz- 11. Gilbey, Gilbie, 'Gilby.
10. Amond, Basquer, Bishop, Boraston, Waryne, Gaddesden, Gobel, Gough, 12. Sanderson.
Griffith, Hampton, Herbert, Holer-
Borastor, Coggs, Essex, Gilbert,
Locksmith, Moss, Mosse, Povey, ton, Hogg, Inchbold, Judson, Kings-
bury, Lowdes, Lowe, 72.— i.'BaUenger,Butterfield,
Mabbe, M'Hutcheon, Monck, Nol- Chisholme, 'Cunningham, Gallaway,
combe, Wheeler, Wheler. linghurst, Palmer, Peacock, Penleaze, Galloway, Ingo, Thornton, Vanhithe-
1 1 Bland, Daubus, Dingdale, Dugdale, Rathdowne, Rich, Rodon, Rust, St. son. Weld, Williamson.
Eliot, Elliot, Elliott, Elyot, Barbe, Salvin, Seton, Shorthose, 2. St. Hill.
Elyott, Gill, Goodwin, Grandi- Somerville, Werkesley, Werkesly, 3. Beath, Beith, 'Bright, Chrighton,
ville, Granville, Greenvile, Keye, Wesley, Wilkins, Will.s, Workesley,
Montagu, Montague, Murrell, Worsley, Wyvill, Worsley. Crichton, Crighton, Howdon, Lang-
Mrish, Langrishe, 'Gavin, Sugden,
O'Meighan, Prestwood, Scott, 2. Ashfield, Collyer, Croft, Dawes, Walton, Williams, Williamson.
Short, Sinclair, Slaney, Kenyon- De Anvers, Dungannon (Viscount), 4. Baily, Benyon-De Beauvoir, Wright-
Slaney, Sl.any, Tinney. St. Barbe. Biddulph, Brailsford, Cadog.an
I2.^Hickson, Hixon, Vincent. 3. Brindley,Brinley,Herbert,Hill-Trevor, (Earl), Carrier, Chandos, Clarke,
Trevor, Wakeling. Cooke, Deering, Dingley, Dyneley,
PLATE 68.-1. Watson. 4.^Audley, Bromflet, Bronslet, Folliot, Ewbank, Gillam, Glascock, Homfray,
FoUiott, Gray, Grey, Hanford. lenison, Mayne, Rider, Spratley,
2.^Tilley, Watson. 5.^Fitz-Randolph, Warren. Vaughan, Whight, White, William-
3. Moss. 6. Shepperson. son, Wright, York, Young.
4. Ashe, Baker, Cordall, Cosens, Eshe, 5. Fanshaw, Fanshawe, Pordage,*Terrey.
7. Prodgers. 6. Byam, 'Jeffreys, Davies, *Fitz-Hum-
Heely, Hutchinson, Langley, Leedes, 8. Dormere, Drake, Edwards, Fitz-
Leeds, Leigh, Monck, Monk, Le frey, Homfray, 'Humphrey, 'Jones,
Moyne, Mudge Nugent, G'Bierne, Waryn, Kayle, Kele, Leighton, Price, Thomas, *Watkins, Williams.
Moyle, Pearse, Pyrton, Stop- 7. Babington, Baptist-Browne, Boron,
Okes, Peacock, Peacocke, Pressly, 'Brent, Browne, Castleton, Coxwell,
ford. Dalton, Dewe, Glasier, Grotrian,
Reynolds, Twiss, Twysden. 9. Ayre, *Burton, Bushnell, Clifford, Hawte, Kenmare, Man, '.Massing-
5. Ash, Ashe, Baird, Boucherett, Broome,
Elmen, Fanshawe, Hepworth, Innes, berd, Mihvard, I'oyniny,.
Curson. Kanell, Karvill, Kervell, Kitching,
Melborne, Sales, Sault, Seaton, Seton-
6. Baillie, Benger, Cooke, Hewelt, Hun-
loke, Hutchinson, Prendergast, Trevor, Karr, Sikes, Strachan, Strahan, Vezay, S. Carlile, Carlyle.
Twisden, Twysden. Vezey, Victor, Wakefield. 9.'Blackie, Blackley, 'Blakey, *Chib-
nail, *Culnet, *Farlow, Knevett, *BiIlinghurst, Ble..et, Blesset, Bras- 4. Harrison, Hele.
Knevit, *Pemberton. De-Fer, Brendon, Broadbelt, Brother- 6. 'Brown, Claridge, Findlater, Smyt'.i,
10. Bridger, Briger, Budd, Coldham, Fitz- ton, Brown, Browne, "Brownlee, Waring.
Thomas, Ratsey. *Brownlie, Bussie, Buttress, Byshoppe, 7. 0?'.iiond.
11. Archer, Brawne, *Deynes, Gawthern, *Bythesea, Charles, Cheslie, Cheur- 8. Trist.
Mayne, Mornell, Nind, *Northen, euse, Chiesly, Chislie, Chipperfield, 9. Thrupp.
Rea, Ree, Rider, Ryder, De Rythrie, Clervaux, Cole, *Cook, Tomish, Cot- to. Bowne, Bowyn, Grimwood, 'Gurlin,
*Stanhope, Surtees, Williamson, ton, Crombie, Crumb, Cullen, *Cus- Maunell, Sweet.
Wright. sans, Cutles, *Davison, *De Courcy, [I. 'Hide, 'Kinlock, 'Magnall, 'Mayer,
i2.*Croughton, *Hoveden, *Howenden,
Delane, De Visme, Dixon, Dobbie, 'Monro, 'Moriarty, Naylour, Nor-
*Walker. Dobie, Drake, Dumbleton, Edwards, reys.
l3.*Knighton. Englefield, Ernie, Ernley, Ethelstan, [2. Heald.
14. Baptista, Palmes. Ewerby, *Eynes, Farie, *Fenner, [3. Antwisel, Antisell, Clegg, Stratton.
Fisher, 'Fleming, *Forbes, *Fownes, [4. 'Miles.
Fox, Francis, Eraser, Fulthorp,
PLATE 73.— I. *Douglas. Gambler, Garshore, Garthshore,
2.*Barnsley, Castleton, Chester, *Cree- PLATEGartshore, Gasselyn, Gasselyne, Gil- 77-- 1- Gleg, Glegg, 'Harries,
ton, *Cathrow, *Uurant, Farington, bert, *GIover, Godfrey, Goodall, Kennedy, Lloyd, 'Sproule.
Farrington, Glover, Lindon, Loader, *Graben, Greaves, *Green, *Greer, 2.'Brandford, Bridge, 'Child, *Hill.
Lowther,Orme,Pirton,*Ring,*Salvin, * Gusthart, Guyot, * Habingdon, 3. Adams. Bruse,
*Seaton, *Seton, *Stewart, *Teman, *Haines, *Halpen, *Halpin, Harris, 4. Agnew, Barker, 'Bouvier, Breos,
*Winsloe. *Hasted, 'Haynes, Hereford, * Heynes,
Candler, Chalmers, *De
3. Barrett, Crespin, Crespine, Crispin, Hooker, *Howley, *Humby, *Hut- Dethicke, Drever, Leyborne, Oli-
Lownes, *South. ton, Jeppe, Kendall, Kingford, phant, Ramsay, Weston.
4.*Brereton, Fitzjaraes, *Honford, Knight, *Laffan, *Lally, Ledwich, 5. Affleck, Allan, Allen, Anelche,
*Lightborne, *Lightbourne, *Lind- Ashby, Atkinson, Aubyn, Balfour.
5. Hurst. sey, Lloyd, Lye, *Lyndesey, Band', 'Bingham, 'Blathwaite, 'Blath-
6.*Compton, Sloggett {or Tresloggett). Macleod, Marlay, Martin, Martyn, wayt. Borough, Borthwick, Boyson,
7. Ireys. Mather, Mathew, Matthew, Mawdes- Buchanan, Burch, Burche, Burgli,
8.*Fitzpatrick. ley, *Mead, Meade, Messer, Messing, Burrough, Busteed, 'Carus, Clial-
9.*Monk. Monro, Morby, Morris, Moseley, mers, Clarke, Clogston, Coton,
lo.*Appleyard,*Ashpitel,Beauvoir,Briggs, Mosley, Nisbet, Noble, *None, Och- Gumming, Curie, D'Acre, Dacre,
Bury, Castleton, *Cole,*Coles, Dalton, terlonie,*0'Conarchy, OdehuU, Odcll, Daulbeny, Dorannan, Dudley, Dudly,
De Beauvoir, D'Oley, Drax, *Evett, Oldbeife, Ouchterlony, Page, Paige, Dugmore, Farquhar, Forbes, Foun-
*Firmin, Fitz - Osbert, Forman, Pavminter, Pattle, *P'enyston, Philli- tain, Gloag, 'Glodrydd, Harris,
*Hewer, Ichingham, Ilchingham, more, Piesse, Pilford, Pinney, Poulain, 'Hodgetts. Howison, Hyde, Jack-
*Ilbery, Knyvett, Man, Mann, *Moor- Priaulx, Prynne, Purton, Ramsay, son, Jarrat, Jarret, Jarvie, Jeggins,
side, *Norton, *Okeover, Owen, Ranson, Raymond, Read, Reade, Jegon, Kinloch, Kinlock, 'Kitter-
Raven, *Raymond,*Spealt,*Switham, Reeves, Remnant, *Rhodes, *Rohde, master, Knox, Lacy, Laffer, Lang-
*Swyngham, *Svvytham, *Watson. Ross, Rous, *Samuel, Sandilaiids,
11. Kirk. Scopholme, Sloan, *Sockwell, Sou- Mtree, Lempriere, 'Andrew, Macfar-
Mlane, Macgregor, M'Nish, 'Vicar,
12. Swithinbank. chay, Stannard, *Strachey, *Strathy, Maher, Mansell, 'Mansfield, Marley,
Struthers, Tatum, *Thestlethwavte, Maxwell, Melvill, Melville, Mil-
PLATE 74.—I. Badham, *Borthwick, *Thistlethwayte, Tickel, Tick'ell, borne, Monro, Monrose, Montgomery,
Toriano, Tovey, Turbervill, Turber- Moores, Morton, Munro, Newbigging,
Brignall, Jerard, Jerrard, Tovey, ville, Vaudin, Venner, *Venor, \'en- Niblet, Niblett, Norwood, O'Uona-
Zorks. van, O'Donovan, Pole, 'Pynson,
2. Ashbee, *Ascotti, Asscoti, Atkinson, our, Vibert, Wadman, \\'.ig,, Walker, Reid, Richards, Schank, Shank,
*Ward, *Warde, Wav. Welili, Web-
Ballingall, Blaxland, Boyle, *Bro- ber, *Wheeler, 'Whcler, Whetham, 'Sherwin, Simpson, Smail, Small-
grave, *Browne, Cassy, Crumble, *Whitcombe, White, Wilberforce, piece, Smith, Streeter, Stronach,
De Vismes, *Garbett, Gays, Glascott, Wild, WilUams, *Willi.im- Browne, Townsend-Farquhar, Trivett, Tromi-
Glasscott, Goodman, Greaves, *Hac- Williams-Wynn, *Willymott, Wilson, nell, Tromynell, Widdowson, Wid-
kett, Hanrott, Harrison, *Kedslie, W'ishart, *Wormleighton, 'Wright, worthy, 'Wood, Ypres.
Kilner, Kingdon, *Langton, Lindsay,
'Wycherley, Wylde, W'pn. 6. Luce, Marker.
Lloyd, Longsdon, *Loveaay, Lum- 3. De Breteville, Dobbins, Dobins, Love- 7. Haslam.
ley, Meade, Noone, Reid, Rossiter, lace, Roberts. 8. Child, Childe.
*Sotheron, *Southerne, Stephen, 4. Osmond. 9. Sagar.
Strong, Stronge.
5. 'Bacchus, Crook, Forbes, Roiey, Rofy, 10. Agnew, 'Baillie, Baratty, Barron,
3. Hesketh, *Hesketh-Fleetwood. Rogers, Salt, Sandilands, Strong, 'Holcroft, 'Monro, Singleton, Stray,
4.*Austin, Browne. Surman.
5. See No. 2. 11. Thackeray.
6. Campbell.
7. Mardake. 7. I I I niicl. Graham. 'Graham- 12. Bice, Bis5, Glegg, 'Hawksmo're, Mor-
8. Carrht.
9. Peacock. Miilin_ c. ::liric. Hallow, 'Madock, den, 'Xorden, Onslow, Sandford,
lo.*Coles, *Colles, *Joynson, Roberts.
R.j.id, Koades, *Stephenson,*StirUng, White.
8. Brown, Browne, Copwood, Nove. 13. Darrell, Du MouHne, 'Lathom, 'Stan-
10. Mawdesley. ley, 'Walley.
ll.*Brown, •Dickson. 1 1. 'Lewes. 14. Heale, Hele, Kydermaster, 'Marler,
i2.*Eynes, Hayne, Heane, Heynes. 12. Lewis. Marter, O'Donovan, Steggall, Styles,
13. De Massue. Worden.
l4.*Abingdon, *Brown,*Cipriani, *Honor,
PLATELe Blanc, *Loudoun, *Lumley,
PLATE -*Maze.
76. —I. Baldock, 'Corsane, 78. *Bell, "Bingh:
Kinglake, Kinloch, Maxwell, Monro,
Monteith. 'Burrowes, *Bu
2. Abingdon, Ahrends, 'Ashby, Bure, 2. Smith.
PLATE 75.— I. Acres, Acris, Dagget, Carrington, Chappeace, Cosyn, Dapi- 3. Gennys.
Ernst, Mawbey, Mawbrey. fer, Devenshire, Gwillanne, Jackson, 4. Henley.
2, Acheson, Anwyt, Auchterlonie, Auch 'Maver, Monro, Munro, "Murray, 5. Weston.
terlony, Aughterlony, Baker, Barker, Osmond, Rej-nold, 'Reynolds, Ross, 6. Gepp.
Bame, Bedingfitld, Benge, Bigsby, Rutter, Tarbock, Torbock, W"oolley. 7. Hemming.
8. Thackeray, *Thackray. 4. Bairstow, Bristow. Richards, Roberts, RoUaston, RoUes-
9. Kensit. 5. Addison. ton, Rosher, Ross, *St. Clair, Side-
10. Barne. 6. Aglionby, Aidgmam, Baron, Booker, serf, Sidserf, Smithers, Sydserf, Syme,
Longden. Browne, Bruch, Carnegie, Chelten- Vaulx, 'Vaus, Wall, Westhorpe, Whis-
I2.*Birket, *Birkett, Clinch, Clynch, ham, Chipchase, Cockman, De hawe, Weston, Westropp, Wright.
Straton. Barentine, Delamain, De Lisle, De 2. Abbey, Abday, Abdey, Abdy, .\inslie,
13. Chalmers. Ufford, Dixon, Dopping, Drago, Alison, Allison, Amler, Argentre,
Agbury, *Birch, *Boger, Byrch, Elson, Flounders, Gourlay, Greaves, Atkinson, Aubrey, Awbrey, Baird,
*Cranford, *Henslow, *Sweetnam. Grellier, Hampton, Harrison, Bishop, Bisshop, Brown, Browne,
Hooke, Houghton, JoUey, Jolly, Bruneck, Bund, Cheales, Haldane,
—PLATE 79. i.*Grome, "Groom, Marston, *Mewess, Mewsse, Mitton, Cleiveland, Gierke, Datmer, Donald-
Morgan, Moxon, Newbury, Oldfield, son, Edwards, Ellison, Evans, *Exall,
Hhoome. Otway, Perkins, Petrie, Powney, Feld, Fineaux, Fontain, F'ontaine,
;. .Moure, Moorton, \'aniham. Pulliiis, Ramsay, Reid, Rooke, Fountain, Furlong, Fyfe - Butler,
;. \>e Ferras, Lathom, ^Stanley. Smitli. >::-!; '. Mephens, Stevens, Fyneux, Gardner, Gilfillan, Gil-
4. I'.irker. *'StM, l'.irrant,*Tryce, fillian, Gleneagles, Glyn, Gold,
5. A. lams, Leybourne. Uliin.l, \\ :. Waithman, "VV'il- Goodsir, Gorm, Gosling, Gosolyn,
0. rhidde, *Farnham, Moore, More, Graham, Guybyon, Guylemin,
liamson. WMe-iil.
Peraberton. 7. Usticke. Hacket, Hadden, Haldane, Halden,
7.*Acland, Graham, Madeley, *Moir, 8. Williamson. Hamden, Hoare, Hammond,
Scot. 9. Pruen. Hampden, *Harland, Henmdge,
•S Tockfield, Haynes, Malbanke, Steer, 10. Rebow. Hide. Hoar, 'Hoare, '''Hore,
-udley. 11. Warrington. Hyde, 'Illidge, Jackson, Jollyffe,
-i.ham, Graham - Maxwell, Hard- 13. Darby. MKindon, Kingdon, Lidderdale, 'Fail,
re, Hoseason, Sagar-Musgrave. 14. Calandrine. M'Fell, Mackannel, Mackennal,
,^. KoLhe. M'Kindlay, Mackinlay, Maclure,
PLATE —Cokefield, M'Lure, Madam, Meer, Merydale,
12. Boreman, Cockfield, 82. I. Aisincourt, Ashmore, Middleton, Mittlewell, Monro, Mor-
gan, Newbery, *Newman, Norreys,
Gotham, Grafton. *De Boyville, Charles, Coe, *Coop,
13. Browne, *Henshaw, *Robothani, *Ro- Coope, *Finglasse, Kelham, Kil- Owen, Phillips, Pickard, Princess,
bottom. Stones. more, Mitton. Pulse, Ramsbottom, Raughter,
14. Lumsden, Pole 2. Aldridge, Aldrige, Anderson, Badde- Reeve, Rolleston, Rolston, Rorke,
ley. Baker, Bindley, Bingley, Bingly, St. Clair-Erskine, St. Quinlin,*SaIter,
Fenwick, Brander, Calderwood,
Christie, Cooper, Courtis, Crawford, Scregt;-. ^, '.. -^-, 1, 1.:. -luick-
PLATE 80.— fbrth.Sii - ', -:,;ed-
2.*Adler, AUanson, Alston, *Alstone, Crawfurd, Davidson, Eddington, Iey,So,„:, ,-,,., :. , l.i„in,
*Atkinson, Bcdingfield, * Bethell, Fenwick, Fer.mvick, Fitz-William, Torin, \\,il-e, \\,,m, -, \\.,lder-
Birch, * Bissell, ""Broome, Buckley, Fraser, Gostlin-. 1 .iil in,, r.iierson, bourne, Wedderburn,"\\ dmnt,'\\ ool.
Carlland. Clack, 'Cook, *Cooke, Hankinson, Ml lever,' 1 house, Wyberg.
Cou-^ins, *Crax, Curie, *Egleby,*Eg- Ingledon, Iul;!, li, i ;. lercy, 3. Pirie.
Uonl)y, Gill, Gleg, Glegge, Gower, Jersey, John-:' 1 . v v. M''Gill, 4. Rawson.
Graham, Greenaway, *Harby, Haw-
Mao'il'. \| • I , Maekwilliams. 5. See No. 2.
kins, "Hillman, Hore, Kearsley, M.icl.. . - \i . . Mitchell, Moll, 6. Weston.
Kearsly, Kiblile, Marlev, Maxwell, Mori. ^: , -. li, I'hin, Plumtre, 7. Hamond.
Menzies, Paston-Bediiiglield, Purland, PlunUT , I ::;. K'dconiyn, Robert- S. Peters.
Reid. Sivedale, *Skorie, Slater, son, RusM-Il, St.' Clair, Scroope, Sey- g. Cooke, Dunsford, Hadwen, Milnes,
^Sniait. "Steele, *Stevens, Stephens, mour, Shaw, Sinclair, Snodgrass, Rose, Stratton, Wilmot.
W- ardr,.)., Wilcotts, Wilcox, *\Yil- Stewart, Theobald, Timbrell, Toft, 10. Binks, Crofton, Elliston, Heynes,
liam,, \Mshart. Vernev. Welili. Win^rove, Woodcock. Kynaston, Sharp, Smith, *Vaulx,
3. Anderson, Greby, Lendon, Stretton.
4. Bolourd, Connack, Grey, Messent. 3.*Fitz-Ci^lieiii. ! -1 Klierne, Garbet, Warde, Wodnester, Woodnester.
5. Baxter. I
6. Blakeney, Cauley, Cawley, *Cloake.
7. Blower, *Brenan. Linsl.ill, ">': ,, Morgan, Poger, 11. Burd, Byrde, Eliston, Ellison.
8. Ballett, *Burns, Essex, Estcourt,
Pynel;. l,.i,, ., lany, Trower, 12. Fickling, Inwards, Laurin, Nobbes.
Packenham, Pagan, Pakenham, Ray-
mond, Strong, Webb. Whilmi,, WyUic..-.. 13. Whitburn.
9. Vandyk, Vandyke.
4. Tatler. i4.^Alphe, Bousfield, Dalston, Drax,
5. Custance, Dickenson, Gent, Gray, Freeford, Freford, Gilbert, Jake-
Longe, Mounehense, Sandon, Scot, man, Mandel, Maudele, Maudell,
Seymour, Seymour-Crossley, Solers. Mawdley, Umfrevile, Venn, West-
6. Quantock, Treys, Vanden-Bempde- ropp, Woodall, Wocdburn.
10. Agneu, Agnew, Egan, Mackillop, Johnstone.
M'Killop, btubbs. 7.^Bromell, Chamber, *Hackett.
PLATE 84.-I. Barlow.
11. Barlow.
12. *Ashcomb, Hughes, *Newenton, *New- 9. Christie, Eyre. 2. Aysingcourt, Aysyngcourt, *Beathell,
ington, *Vishcomb, 10. Campbell. Beckwith, Beckworth, Berey, Be-
13. Chambers, *Cornish, *Cotton. 11. Dring, Higden, Higdon, Kennaway, thell, 'Bigg, Bigge, Biggs, 'Boden-
field,'Clegat, Craford, Deacons, De
14. Babington, *Bebington, Bowdon, Leeson, Templeman, Viney. St. Martin, Evans, Games, Gardi-
ner, Godard, Handheld, Handvile,
Casey, Casse, Channy, *Charlton, i2.^BIockley, Bockley, Loudon.
Hantvile, 'Harbe, *Harbey, Hen-
Charnell, ""Cotton, Cressy, Delves, 13. Mitchell.
ville, Hundville, Kniveton, *Knyfton,
*Fcl!, FowiiLS, Francis, Gent, Giaby, 14. "Ongley.
i,r>;v, 1,1 Ma-:i. Kensington,
gi., "' . Medbcott, Paken- Leids,Merlyon, Orlebar, Sadler, Shiel,
h,M Smith, Smyth, Stein, Stephens,
PLATEr.ukins, Parkyns, 83.-I. Andlaw, Armory, Theshmaker, Tresse, Wilmer.
Pniij^, l'i::i:i< , 1 j,;,irles, Rodney, Scar- Banks, B.axter, Bruce, Challenge^ 3. Connock, Hammond, Marten, Martin,
Martyn, Morison, Morow, Morrison,
lett, Seory, Stoner, Warrington, Dallender. Davie, Delawar, Divie.
Webb, Wh'itcombe, Wycombe. Divvie, Dobell, Dykes, Elfe, Eling
ham, Elphe, Essex, Golofer, Colston, Slaughter, Stevenson, Trewent.
PLATE 81.— I. Estcourt. Gorrey, Gorrie, Graham, Greenwell, 4. Mongredien.
5. Deedes.
^.Colclough, *W^ebb, Winn. Hafifenden, Hammond, Keene o. Baddiford.
Kynn, Locke, M'Leod, Murray,
3. 'Custance, Waterlow, Webb. Ouchton, Peple, Rawdinson, Redhead, 7. Baddiford.
8. Hardy. *Bryan, *ConneU, Drummond, 10. Jerniugham, Smith, Smyth.
9. Banks. Faulkner, 11. Belcher, 'Pachnum.
12. Alison, Allison, Blackett, Blair, Blakit,
lo.*Adney, *Arnold, *De Pudsey, Eaton, 9. Frank.
*Goldsworthy, Greenlaw, Lighten, 10. Gay. 'Brakyn, 'Bridon, 'Bryden, 'Carpen-
dale, 'Carse, ColUson, Collisone,
Linton, *De Pudsey, Skelton. ii.*CaiTol, 'Carroll, *Chapple, *Cowie
11. Barlow, Bride, *Browne, *Dale, 'Dickins, 'Francois, Franks, Hetley, Cotton, Crafford, Craford, Craigie-
*Joynt, Kirkley, Kirkly, Leslie, Hewet, Hewett, 'Hewitt, Kerslake, Halkett, Cruickshank, Daisie, Deasie,
Lesly, *Morgan, Owen, *Parkyns, 'Luck, Welcome, \Vhitmore. Elmsey, Fawkne, 'Ferrer, Forbes,
•Wallace. 12. Bott, Cleland, Gonne, Jenney, Leech, 'Graham, Halkerston, Halkett,
12. Aguilar, *Money, *Murray, *Walcot, Leeche, Strutt. Hawker, 'Hawkewood, 'Hawkshaw,
Walcott, *Wolcott, WoUcote, Wool- i3.*Clealand, Dormer, 'Gouge, Hobbs, Hide, 'Middleton, 'Murphy, Nickol-
'Jobson, M'Kellip, M'Killop, Sher son, 'Piddle, Pirrie, 'Ranson, *Roos,
13. Gilbert, Macklin, M'Lin, Pranell, man, 'Straton, Strutt, Tanner, *Ros, Ross, RudaU, Ruddall, 'Seton,
Prannell, Tripp. Thomason. Smither, Stephenson,'Twyre, Wright.
14. Owen. l4.*AcIand, Akeland, Akland, CUfton, 13. Anderson.
15. Kaer, Lane, Lanis. Jenny, Troyte. 14. Tasell.
PLATE PLATE — PLATE —85.— I *Craufuird, 'Crawford, 87. 89.
*Crawfurd, *Drummond, *Falconer,
I- Ainsworth, Anes- I. 'Baker, 'Blacket,
worth, 'Atkinson, Aynesworth, Ayns- 'Blackett, Couchtree, * Courtry,
Goulding, *Hawkins, *Kemp, *Ken- worth, Bolton, Bowyer, 'Brown, Bur- Darlston, 'Davidson, Gill, G)ll,
nedy. row, Carpenter, Chalmers, Chambers, 'Hachet, 'Harty, Hall, Hawkins,
2. Akeland, Ashoe, Atherton, Athorpe, Chapan, Chesham, Chimside, Clag Jervis, Molynes, 'Smart, Willes,
Atterton, Bather, *Baxter, Beilby, stone, Clark, Cleland, Colepeper, 'Williamson.
Bell, Bielby, Blagrave, Bolton, Bos- 'Colthurst - Brabazon, Congrave, 2. Bartlett.
cawen, Bowen, Brabant, *Bradney, Congreve, Cooke, 'Crawe, *Cul 3. Hawkshaw.
Chalmers, Chambers, Clements, pepper, Cunliffe, 'Dillon, Doig 4. Alphe, Dalston, 'Dam, Fearon,
Cooper, Costello, Cotton, Cousins,
Drummond, Eastfield, 'Eld, Ellicott Martyn, Maudley.
Culpeper, *Drummond, *Du Bois, Falconer, Fallon, Finucane, 'Fitz 5.*HaUifax, Holden, Moore, 'More,
Enery, Fawkes, Featherstonhaugh, Nicoll, 'Fotherby, Gargrave, George, 'Thoyts.
Forbes, Frank, Franks, Graham, Glenham, 'Grey, Halhead, Hanmer, 6. 'Charley, Chorley.
Grain d'Orge, Grandorge, •GuUine, Harding, 'Harris, 'Ilawke, Hay, 7. Radford.
Hacon, Hadly, *Hatton, *Hawk, Henly, Jennings, Lanyon, Le 8. Godman, Holden, Lowe, 'Mathew,
Hawke, Hay, *Hewitson, Hewitt, Mesurier, Lowe, Pape, Partington, 'Matthew, 'Merchand, 'Merchant,
Hide, *Hill, 'Howson, *Incledon, Paton, Pepe, Pole, Pool, Poole, Read, 'PhilUps, Pinker.
Kno.x, *Lacon, Lacy, *MacCostello, Slaughter, Straton, Throckmorton, 9. Degge, Stott.
M'Emery, *MacEmery, MacEniery, Willis. 10. Goodair, Goodere, 'Radford.
*M'Morran, *Bowen-IVIiller, *Mor- 2. Beckquet, Borough, Burgh, Carthew, 11. More, Partridge.
Colquitt, Farnell, Goss, Greig, Lad- i2.'Camard, 'SoreL
land, *Morrice, *Nangle, NicoU,
brook, Ladbrooke, Nuth.ill, Paulet,
*Northland, *Nutcombe, Oliphant,
'Pawlet, Powlett, 'St. John.
0'Naghten,0'Nolan,Orrock,*Patoun, PLATE 90.—I. Alephe, Blund, Breb-
Patton, Perkinson, Plaiters, Platers, 3. Aldhouse.
*Porteous, *Pratt, *Ralston, Ridge- 4. Falcon. ner, Bremner, 'Cockburn, Cooper,
way, Rose, RudaU, Rudhall, *Rythe, 5. Bell. Dicom, Dicons, Giftard, 'Giftord,
Sparhawk *Stratton, Tripp, Wall, Greet, Haggard, 'Hancock, Heath,
6. Hammond.
Watt, 'Webber, Wyld, *Yarworth. 7.*Boulton, Edgell. Law,*Mears,Oakes,'0'Connor,'Red-
3- Hay. 8. Carroll, O'CarroU. dish, Reynolds, 'Rigdon, Seckford,
4. Banbury, Bandbury, Cassel, Cassell, 9. Abberbury, Aberbury.
Chapman, Drummond, *Kagg, Low. la 'Atkinson,, Holme, McEUigott. Seckforde, Smallbrook, 'Thwaytes,
Tredcroft, 'Watkin, Wayneman,
5. Lees. II. 'Bird, Read, Reade. Wenman, White, Worship.
6. Maxwell, Ralston.
12. 'Basset, 'Bassett, 'Bell, Blacket, 'Car- 2. 'Delamere, Hildyard, Le Blond, 'Nixon.
7. Blundell, Boterwike, Fownes, Gauler, roll, 'Donavan, 'Donovan, 'Douglas, 3. Cockain, Cockaine, Cockayn, Cock-
Gawler, Grogan.
'Haward, Haywood, 'Heywood, ayne, Cokayne, Fettiplace, Gideon,
8. Morrice. 'Knowling. WjTaU.
9. BeLfarge, Belfrage, Dighton, Kirke- 4. Hardey.
6. Bownes, 'Branch, Branche, Brews,
PLATEland, Kirkland, Lownde, Skynner, 88.— I. Shakespear.
Brewis, Brooke, Charlesworth, Dow-
2. Abercromby, Arthur, 'Crees, Drum- nie, Farmar, Farmer, Fergushill.
10. Hadley.
mond, Forbes, Hawksley, Hawks- Goldington, Groves, Fermor, Ogilby,
11. Athorpe.
worth, Hawley, Hayes, Hoby, Hol- Witmore.
12. Jackerell.
head, Jenning, Jenny, Justice, Le 7. Caldwall, 'Kingley.
13. Atherton, *Balfour, Dillington, Knox, Roulx, M'Crobie, 'Mansel, Mansell, S.'Bateman, 'Bramley, 'Brislay, 'Brom-
Middlefon, Ranfurly, *Towneley,
Marsham, Maunsell, Mitchelson, ley, 'Brysilly, 'Coventry, 'Ecleston,
Moubray, Norris, O'Donovan, 'Fesant, 'Hoey, 'Holden, 'Hoy,
14. Barker,*Hewitt,*Magill,*Sacheverell
Soame, *Wood. Ormsby, Paton, Patton, Poole, 'Ilbert, 'Kershaw, 'Montriou, *Pem-
'Pooler, Price, Saint John, 'Smith- ber, Perchard, 'Phesant, 'Reid,
Fifield, Straiton, Trockmorton, Throg- 'Tierney, 'Walwyn, 'Wintour, 'Yar-
PLATE 86.—I. Hawksley. morton, Twedy. mouth.
3. 'Arthur, 'Brabazon, Dobyns, Glem- 9. Caldwell, 'Jodrell, Parker.
2. Bell. ham, Hamby, Hansard, Key, 10. Browne, 'Heath, 'Uvedell.
3. Burg, Hardieman, Hardyman, *Jebb, Meacham, Oliphant, Shaw, Shawe, 11. Lloyd.
Maguire, Trist. Simpson, Simson, Smyth, Thores, 12. Allison.
4. Thompson. Yate. 13. Gatty.
5. Bradney. 4. Locke. 14. Darnell
6. Bottonley, Edridge, Grandford, Leves 5. Shakespeare.
que, *Trinder. 6. Cunard.
7. Barker, Du Port, *Enery, Naper, 7. Spiller. PLATE 91.— I. Donaldson, Greenough,
Napper. S. Anderson, Tibbits. 'Hamilton, Illsley, Ilsley.
8.*Boswell, *Brabourne, *Brabon, 9. 'Plorrocks, 'Ridgeway. 2. Acheson, Adys, Aird, Airth, -Aitche-
PLATEson, Ailkenson, Aitkinson, Akenhead, 5. Albeney, Alberry, Albery, Alder- 94r-i. Pease.
Alcock, Alexander, Alicock, Allen, son, AUardice, Allen, AUsop, AUsup, 2. Archbold, Blair, Burns, Collins, Dela-
Allicock, Allicocke, Ard, Atchison, Alsope, Ardington, Arthington, port, Hagen, Halifad, Hay, Lem-
Barloss, Beltoft, Beltofts, Blackiston, Baldwin, Balston, Barclay, 'Barker, priere, ^Iore, Vallack, 'Wirgman,
lilackstone, *Blakeston, Blakiston, *Barrow, *Beckwith, Blanckagam, Zinzan.
Bland, Bolles, Bolls, Brown, *Bryce, Bradston, Brasier, Brazier, Brummel, 3. Baird.
Burgon, *Chambre, Glutton, Coates,
Coats, Cock, Cockburn, Cockburne, Brummell, Buchanan, Burt-Marshall, 4. * AUaway, * Alloway, Colwick, Colwyke,
*Calderwood, Campbell, Chalmers, Hazard, Newenham, Newmarch,
Cocke, *Cockeine, Cockridge, Cocks, Clayton, Collingwood,Cowcher,Creed, 'Young.
*Cocksedge, Cockworthy, *Coghill,
Dabetot, Dabitot, Daniels, Darroch, 5. Ackers, Andrews, Blair, * Burges,
Cookworthy, *Coppin, Corrie, Corry, David, Davy, *D'01ier,*Dowdall,Duf- 'Clarke, Cobbett, Colvile, Colwall,
Cotes, *Cox, Coxon, Coxson, *Crabter, field, Duguid, Durie, Dury, Dylkes, Dalbiac, 'Davy, Delafield, Doughty,
Crow, Currie, Cush, Cushe, De la Edwards, *Exeter, Fairholm, Fair- Dove, Finnan, Moore, Over, Peace,
Fosse, Delaite, Dewar, Dounie, Down- holme, *Finnie, Leith-Forbes,*Foulis, Pockley, 'Royer, Stokes, Stowell,
field, Downie, Ducarel, Emmerson, Fowlis, Francis, 'Frederick, Gaird- Tarpley, Taverner, Taylor, *Went-
Erington, Errington, Erthe, Forbes, ner, Garioch, Girvan, Golbourn, worth-Shields, Wenyeve.
*Fort, *Forte, Gael, Gallimore, Gaily, Gonvill, Goodwright, Gordon-Cum- 6. Hoadley.
*Glascock, Glynne, *Gokin, Grant, ming - Skene, Goulbum, Grayhurst, 7. Edwards, 'Hamond.
Grave, Gnibbam, Grubham, Guion, Gypses, Hall, *Hanson, Harkness, 8. Tweedy.
Guyon, Hancock, Handcock, Hellier, Higgan, Hill, Hodgson, Hodson, 9. Cropper.
Helyar, Helyard, Hildyard, HiUiard, Hopkin, Hunter-Marshall, Ireland, 10. Brock, Corby, Edgell, Kandishe,
Hillyard, Holden, Ingram, Innes, Irland, Irrland, Irwin, *Jackson, Jes- Longden, Swynerton.
Irvine, *Johnson, Kellawaye, Kello- sop. Jolly, Kennison, Laing, Lang, 11. Cardale.
way, King, Kognose, Laing, Landle, Langdon, Law, Learmonth, Leith, 12. Halifad, Hoadley.
Langley, Law, Laws, Lee,*LeGallais, Lemoine, *Lendrum, Leslie-Duguid, 13. Duxbury.
Le Vavasour, *Littell, Lodwich, Lod- Leveret, Lord, Lumley, Makepeace, 14. 'Bradbury.
wick, Mackworth, M'Worth, Mallet, PLATE —Marshall, Mayo, Monnoux, Morant, I. Arundel, Blake,
Mathieson, Mathison, Morris, Nor-
Morland, Mower, Moyes, Murray,
wich, Nowlan, Nowland, Ormistone, Mussenden, *Newmarch, Newsham, Bourdelain, Bourdillon, Cardiffe,
Perrin, *Pew, *Price, *Pryce, Rig, Newville, Noyes, Oldham, Omer, Duperon, Eland, EUand, Eyland,
Rigg, Rochford, Rowdon, *Shep- O'Sheehan, Pearson, Petrie, Phaire, Fyske, 'Greathead, Heyland, How,
herd, Simons, Sinclair, Slater, Stan- Pigott, *Pinford, Plunkett, Porteous, 'Larcom, Lawson, Overton, Proctor,
dish, Carr-Standish, Stephens, *Syer, Prior, 'Puller, Rathbone, Revett, Tempest.
Tamworth, Thorpe, Tunstall, Vava- Ribton, Ross, Rubridge, St. Clair, 2. 'Adams, Anstay, Anstee, Anstey,
sour, Vawdrey, Weston, Williams, Salt, Sand, Saptie, Scarisbrick, Scott, Anstie, Applebee, Argenton, 'Bell,
Wykes. Shanan, Shand, Shearman, Sinclair, Bickerton, Blesson, Blessone, 'Brady,
Goodsir. Skirrow, 'Smith, Southcomb, Stuart, *Carlife,*Cofiyn,Forde,Gould,*Hard-
Churchman, Cocksey, Cookesey, Cook- Surdevile,Tattersall, Tallis, Thorburn, ing, Headley, Hedley, Jervis, Keene,
sey, Coventry, Gerney, Jopp, Justice, 'Tothill, Towle, Travess, Trimmer, Lusher, Mallabar, Monckton, Monke-
WjTuan. Turvile, Vicars, Wade, Waldie, Walker, ton, Rathlow, 'Rocke, Torrens, Ward,
Bidlake, Cocksedge, * Cokseged, Walters, Walkinshaw, Ward, Warner, 'Winter.
Duberley, Duberly, *Hayton. Whannell, Whittington. 3. Nott.
Acheson, Aitchison, Atcheson, Black- 6. Francis. 4. Balls - Headley, Binns, Birdwood,
burn, Blackburne, Lever. 7. Elphingston. Blackwell, 'Blake, Bonney, Bostock,
'Cairns, Cargill, Chadock, Crymes,
Baber, *Brome, *CoghiIl, Cramer, S. Page.
*Dewar, *Lelam, *Montgomery, 9. Shaw. 'Dowdall, Fitzhugh, Fuller, Grimes,
Hague, Hudson, M'Gill, Martyn, Nic-
O'Slatterie, Slatterie, 'Theobald, 10. Borough, Fitz-Ronard, Lant, 'Phayre, cols, O'Gormley, O'Nowlan, Oulton,
*Thwaites. 'Ruspini, Sherman, Spry, Sprye.
James. 11. Aberbuthnet, Arbuthnot, Deale, Gul- Pickett, Pigot, 'Pine-Coffin, Proctor,
Byers, Byres, Grieve, Kymberlee, land, Lethim, Ramsay, 'Walker. Sanford, Smith, Stott, Stringer, Thom-
son, Waddington, Walkingshaw,
KjTTiberley, Moses, Tame. 12. Boston, Cam, Camm, Miles, Swinton, Waud, Wiggon.
Ferguson, Glover, Illingsworth, lUing- Swynton, Thomkins, Torrings.
worth. 13. Irwin, Meggison. 5. 'Adams, Adderstone, 'Addreston,
Brocklebank. l4.*Dacre3, Somersett. Aderston, Aderstone.'Asen, Bidwell,
Almewake. Alnwick, Laing, Nutl, Bigot, Bigott, 'Bird, Camac, Camic,
Bala PLATE 93.— I. Thesiger. Coe, Crimes, Denton, Douglas, Drys-
dale, 'Edwards, Fortick, Fournier,
2. Burgace, Burgas, Burgase, Burgass, Glasgow, Glen, Glenn, Gossip, Greig,
Conran, M'Kowan, Reidheugh, Rod- Greive, Grive, Hansard, 'Hartley,
PLATE 92.— I. Alsop, *Tallis. dick. Hayman, Hill, M'Cubbin, 'Moiling,
3. Godden, Coding. 'Gynn, 'Langley. 'Molyng, 'Newton, Nutt, Nuttall,
Ohver-Rutherfurd, Priest, P^utherford,
2. Atwood, Ball, Cant, Chardin, Char- Littlefield, Oldfield, Ouldfield.
nock, CoUens, Collins, *Columbine, 4. Joye. Sandford, Smith, Strother, Struthers,
5. Tetlow. Tempest, Walkinshaw, Weeden,
Cooper, Dakeman, Dassett, De Car- 6. AUsopp. Weedon, Wsstby, White.
donnel, Dilke, *Dove, Dow, Dowd, 6. Ward.
Dowdal, Dowdall, Dowds, Dowson, 7. Salt. 7. Adlyn, 'Cormac, 'Cormack, Dews-
Dylke, Fitz - Simond, *FitzSymon, 8. Duxbury. bury, Jewsbury, 'M'Cormack, M'Cor-
Forbes, Formby, *Foscott, *Foxcote, 9. Charney, 'Higgins, Hinde-Hodgson,
Graham, Greensmith, Grindlay, Grind- mick.
Hodgson, 'Hodson, Kenyon, Malton.
ley, GuUine, Ireland, Leith, Lem- 10. Baillie, Bevil, Bevile, 'Bookey, 'Bos 8. 'Bradley, Hartley.
priere. *Long!and, M'Gallock, M'Gas- well, Comberford, Dowie, 'Foulis, 9. Holdich.
sock, M'Guffock, Marshall, Mathews, Gordon, Heron, 'Hull, 'Jenings, 10. Russell.
Mitchener, Nicholls,*Noble, Norbery, Narbon, 'Otgher, 'Prydeux, 'Randall, II. 'Allen, 'Bird, Hendley, 'Hide,
Norbury, O'Keefe, Peterkin, Peterkyn, Sheddau, 'Wintoun, 'Wrangham. 'Hotton, 'Kidd, 'M'Gill, 'Martin,
Rous, Sinclair, Sly, Tenison. 11. Apsey, Elliot, Lowndes, Lownd: 'Newman, 'Norvill, Thorp.
3. Botreaulx, Botreaux, *Crathome, Del- 'Puget, Shand, Smith-Shand. 12. Chaddock, Chadock, Chadwick, Darn-
lee, *Drummond, Flitt, Wilcox. 12. Larke, 'Wheler. ley, Dighton, Hackote, Hacote,
4. Brander, Burye, Durie, Dury, Hodges, i3.*Bolron, 'Dopping. Jeffrey, Murray, Purfield, Pury,
I Tandy, Temple, Woryndon.
Knife, Skey, Smyth, Wiggett. i4.'Caryer.
P T.A TH1 96.— I. *M'Aben, *M'Carin, Gammell, Gauldesborough, Hendry, 10. Atkinson, 'Hildershaw, Jane, Jeane,
*Vawdrey. Hume, Jegon, Keir, 'Lechmere, Loch, Lock, Spark, Sparke.
2.*Cunninghame, Fithier, Hoggeson,
Leechman, Leeshmam, Leith-Forbes, 1 1 Younghusband.
Kay, Lyal, Lyall, Lyell, Lyle, Alander, Leverton, Meadows, 'Meara, De 12. Boden, Carey, Cary, 'Ellis, 'Guest,
Milne, Mylne, Newman, Pilmure,
Raiidill, Snigg, Snigge. Medewe, Moorhouse, Nash, O'Collins, Hamlyn, Killicke, Lachlan, Magawley,
•;.*Arundel. O'Cuilean, O'Cuillean, O'Meara, O'Melaghlin, O'Shea, O'Shee, Shee,
4. Fowler, Hill.
5. Apleyard, Appleyard, Barton, Bay- 'Burnham-Pateshall, Pell, Peterson, Sinnott, Twycross.
ford, *Berminghani, Boucher, Bou- 'Peusay, 'Pile, Rising, Steward, i3.*Buist, Sbee, Stilwell.
chier, Bredel, Broughton, *Burton,
Bayford, Byford, Calverley, Catt, Tweddell. 14. Moore. -^
Catton, *Clutton, Dover, Esmond,
*Fowler, Gaston, Gottington, Grese- 2. Ainsley, Ainslie, Beggar, Begger,
ley, Harbin, Harwood, Horn, Home,
Jennoway, Kirkland, M'Taggart, 'Biggar, 'Bigger, Bill, 'Cobbe,
Massey, Massie, *Massy, Midford,
Minnoch, Nicholas, O'Dugenan, Old- PLATEFisher, Godfrey, 'Graham, Grieves, 100.— I. Bartlett.
ham, *Oiiliy,*Ramus, Rumsey, Savell,
Savile, Savill, *Saville, Scott, Thorn, 'Haughton, Henrie, Holbeance.'Hol- 2. Emerton, Hamerton, Hoppe,
Willoughby, Wilton, *Wilton, Wood- Malcolm, Malcom,
ley, Wynall. beche, 'Home, Jefis, Ketchin, Kitchin, Maconchy,
6. Band, *Battie, Dess, Desse, Fowler,
Hawkes, *Hud5on, Humble, Nicholas, Machen, 'Paterson, Peaterson,*Perne, 'Pleckford, Sellers.
Snell. 'Puxty, 'Saltonstall, 'Saltonston, 3. Eastwood.
'Samon, 'Savile, Sprott, Stratoun,
7.*Woodrof, *Woodroffe, *Woodrow. Thacker, Tillotson, Wakering, 'Wil- 4. Barttelot.
8.*Bal<er, Champernonne, Champer- kinson. 5. Attwood, 'Machonchy, 'Muntz.
6. Hackford, 'Leach, Patton, Spooks,
nowne, Clabrock, Cleybrooke, *Dan-
dern, *Edgar, Feake, Feeke. 3. Cooper, Couper, Cupper. 'Tatham.
9. * Elliot, Ferguson - Davie, * Fisher, 4. Macken. 7.*Angell, Dand, 'Dendy, Fazakerley.
*Fysher, Goldsmith, *Meares, *Still. 5. Gubbay. 8. Lindsay.
!0. Beckman, *Bereford, *Bond, *Bunn,
*Smart. 6. Briggs. 9. Benvil, Benvill, Blachford, Brod-
11. Dease, King, Mellish, Steel, Steele, 7. Bagne, Hague, Cromwell,
Trotman, Vallance. Lomas, hurst, Sellar.
12. Edgar. Playfair, Spooner, Vincent.
10. Coote, Copeland, 'Copland, Crost,
S. Allien, Chandler, Chaundler, 'Sneyd- 'Edmonstone, Fagan, Hutchinson,
Edgeworth, Gibson, Gyles, 'Lindley, 'Keppel, Scales, Stafford, Swann,
Lumley, Mackenzie, Mansuen, Man- Sybyle, Vipont.
suei. Mead, Melhuish, O'Donoghoe, 11. Blount (alias Crokel, Croke, Rowdon.
O'Heron, Osborne, Paterson, Pateson, i2.*Chalke, 'Folkarde, 'Gievile,' Greville,
Patison, Patterson, Pattison, Pollen, 'Grey.
Pulleine, Pullen, Pulleyn, Reid.Rudge
PLATE —'.Shaw, Sherlock, 'Stackpole, Steuart,
Stewart, Stuart, Thruxton, Thureng,
101. i.'Ghest, Guest.
Thurgryn, Thurxton, Tyldesley, 2. Beecham, 'Gist, 'Gest,
'Wayne, Woodcock. 3. Torbock, Vale.
PLATE 97.— I. Cock, Fagge, *Harp 4. AbeiTiethy, Boreston, Borreston,
9. Arthur. 'Dunnage,
way, *Harpwaye, *Impey, *Manyng 10. Hinchin-Kemp, Kemp. 'Danvers, Desbrisay,
ham, *Trivett, *Tryvett.
2. 'Brown, Caldecot, Carrick, *Carvick, 11. Gibson-W'att. Fairfowl, Farbridge, Goodchild,
Clomyle, *Clovell, *Clovile, *CIo
vyle, *Folkenorlh, *Folkeworth, *Gib 12. Daniell, 'Parbury. 'Kirkham, LethieuUier, Lethulier,
son, *Goodwing, Haltridge, *Har-
13. Stuart. Parrot, Pearson, Peerson, Penot,
rison, *Hasling, James, Lindsay,
Milroy, Peckham, *richford, *Pitch^ 14. 'Ambrose, Apilston, Arthur, Coulson, Pierson, Smith, Tarbock.
ford, *Portlock, *Pycheford, Ray,
*Trout, White, Wray. CuUen, Dixon, 'Dunphy, Ellice, 5. Baker, Blackwell, 'Charlton, 'Daile,
3. Wyatt.
4. Walker. Everard, Fotheringham, Gibson, Gib- 'Grenwelle, 'Hedges, 'Lilly, Mellish,
5. Banning, Dickman, *Echard, Lindsay.
Redpath. sone, Gotobed, Harris, 'Hepenstal, 'Murray, Pomfrett, 'Swire, 'Webster.
6. Wallace. Lakington, Lapington, Leishman, 6. Abden, Beauchamp, 'Blatchford,
7. Ray. Lumley, M'lnroy, O'Hangheme, 'Borough, 'Bruget, Coates, Coats,
8. Cock, Cook, Cooke, Davys, Digbv
Packer, Playfair, Pullen, Pulleyn, Dolphin, Dunstable, Edlin, Glocester,
Eden, Escott, Ferrers, Eraser, *Gun
ning, Koke, Lindsay, M'Gee, M'Ghie, Reid, Rosier. Stewart, Stuart, Gloucester, O'Kerney, Swallman.
Pearson, Piggot, Piggott, Ranken
Ray, Saulton, Smith, Smyth, Val Throughston, Tilsley, Wright. 7. \\Tiieldon.
entine. Van Straubenzee, Wallace,
Wyatt. 8. Abernethy, Bowring, Eyre, Froggat,
9. Alfrey, AUfrey, *King, *Naunton.
lo.*Contry, 'Dewelles, *Espeke, *Fowler, Froggatt, Knoell, Knoll, Knolle,
*Hutton, *Martyn, *Payne, Russell,
*Smith, *Smyth, *Thimblethorp. PLATE — Knowles, M'llwham, Rennie.
ii.*Be3t, Hewster, 'Kelley, 'Kelly 99. I. Booker, Eastman, 9. Tremlow, Twemlow.
12. Davey,Delamote, Delamotte, *Hogan Loges, .Saul, Saule. 10. Avagour, Avougour, 'Copinger,
Smith, Tryon, Vass.
13. Coke, Cooke. 2. Atherton, 'Athurton, 'Atterton, Curran, Curren, Hartford, Hertford,
14. Alfi ey, AUfrev, Le Mesurier, Manfield
Bolden, Brenton, Brough, 'Campbell, Knowell, Turtle.
Cary, 'Clark, Clarke, Gierke, Creek, 11. Danvers, Goodchild, Hare, Hester,
'Crossley, Dale, Dolphin, Enderbie, Hutchinson, Kingswell, Pierce, Ram-
Enderby, Freer, Guest, 'Gutteridge, say, Soden.
'Guttridge, 'Haldenby, Hamlyn, 12. Heath.
Lauchlan, Lawchlan, Lindsay, 13. Abemeathy, Ludlow, 'Parret, Parrott,
Loghlan, Magawley, Mair, Moilliet, Perrot, 'Perrott, Thurlow.
Muller. Pla^kStt. Robertson, 'Rooke, 14. Avenant, Avenon,
*Si.i I II, --i.iiioii. *Sinclaire, 'Terry,
T^ ' . Wyborn.
3.*C I ; PLATE: -c,*Copland,*Mayce, 102.— I. Ash, Breyton.
2. Becke, 'Bruges.
4. Calder, Can'ibell, Campbell, Chamber- 3. Barnes.
lain, Chamberlayne, 'Heseltine. 4. Brassey.
5. Baines, Garden, Sherlock, Wise.
5. 'Acock, Alcock, 'Atherton, 'Crom- 6. 'Boreley, 'Borseley, 'Borsley, Corn-
melin, Gilpin, 'Horsefall, 'James.
6. Heard, 'Ochterlony. wall, Donand, GuUon, Wingfield.
7. Adger, 'Coupland, Swabey, Usher. 7. Calder.
PLATE —98. 8. Calder, Donithein, Strettell, Wagner, 8. Sheldon.
I. Aguillan, Atkins Walker. 9. Getham.
'Bambell, *Beck, Borthwick, Brom 9. Chalie, Coldstream, Donithorn, 10. Carthew, Coote, Jackson.
head, Buckston, Buxton, Clavedon, Gobion, *Loch, Louthfuttis, Rooe, 11. See No. 5.
'Cooper, Cramond, Culverton, Gamlin Seaton, Seton, Solley, Solly. 12. Coote.
PLATE —103. I. Aberbuthnot, 7. Lumsdean. net, Beynham, Blondevill, Blonville,
'Carrington, *C!arke, Dirwyn, Fynes, S. Chichester, *Eastoft, Hughes, O'Brien, Bosvargus, Busvargus, Cawthorne,
Holbiche, Merrill, Peacock, Pitson, Ratclift'e, Rochester, Rote, Soloman. Cornewall, Cornish, Cornwall,
Piirdie, Purdy, *Smitli, Smyth, 9. Arason, Boult, Brofike, Clerveaux, Craister, Crastein, Craster, Crockett,
Sowerby, Toml'in, Vigures. Crane, Cranstoun, Cramwell, Croker, Crook, Donnithorn, Edwin,
2, Arixirthnet, Arhiithnot, Banaster, *Crawley, *Crosse, Eldrington, Elmore, Fitz - Hewe, Fitz - Hugh,
Banester, Bew, '^Comerford, Currell, *Fodringay, *GambIe, *Gambell, 'Flower, Foulerton, Gatacre, Gould-
Douglas, Eberstein,Gauden,Goodison, Heme, Heron, Hughes, Morphew, smith, Heller, Hughes, Johns, Jones,
Hampden, Kidwell, "Lylgrave, *Perin, Napier, Ratclifl, Rochester, Sleath, Kirwan, La Roche, Ledsam, Llan-
Sankey, *Smyth, Tisdale, Tisdall, Sprot, Storar, Storer, Storey. warne, Mackie, M'Kie, M'Morran,
Waltham. 10. Borrowes, Borrows, Coe, Coo, Magrath, Mahewe, 'Massenden,
3.*Beck, Bourn, Bourne, *Bradford, Pitt, Taylor. Mayow, Morgan, 'Mussenden,
Carver, Ham, Ilamy, Peacock, Sted- 11. Anderton, Bolt, Boult, Brooke, NichoU, Orchard, 'Oweu, Parlar,
Bunch, Browne, Campbell, Chater. Pearce, Pechell, Protheroe, Rashleigh,
4."*Fordam, *Fordham, *Kett, *Lathem, *Cracroft, *Cross, *Crosse, Dale, Raven, Raynford, Rice, Shearwood,
*Letham, *Littlewood, O'Donoghue, Denton, *Eaton, EIrington, *Ewen, Slingsby, Sniallbones, Taunton,*Toms,
*S(inier, 'Sommer, *Stott, *Verdier, Farnaby, * Fowler, Gardiner, Tonkin, Wallis.
Wyvcll. *Goldsmith, Greenhalgh, Greenhaugh,
5. Denne, De Ros, Manners, Roos, Ross- *Greenwell, *Grenewell, *Hearn,
PLATE*Lapworth, *.\Iathew, *Mat'.hews,
Lewiii, Rosse. 108.— I. Pickersgill.
6. Haselfoot, Hassellfoot. Moriskines, Morphew, Morskin, 2. Piper, Plumerdon.
7. Abeleyn, Aberbuthnet, Aberbuthnot, O'Brien, Pinner, Pitt, *Quinlan, 4. Kerdeston. Champion,
Arlnirthnet, Arbuthnot, Banastre, Roebuck, Rote, *Smytheman,*Somer, 5. Campion, Campyon,
Banester, Eartclott, Beck, *Blithe, Starkey, Starkie, Starky, Steel, Still,
Needham, Strickland.
Chaniell, Douglas, Vicarey, Vicary, Storer, Storey, Thurston, Torlesse, 6. Aylemer, Aylener, Aylmer, Bunnell.
\"ikarv, Veo. Thruston, Thurston, Upjohn, *\Vhite. 7. Genn, Rotham, Sprencheaux, Spring-
hose, Thomas.
S. Callrnv, Durrant, Hanmer, Harcourt, 12. Andby, Andey, Andy, Banck, Banke,
8. De Cardonnel, Kay, Kaye, Nagle.
Iluddleston. Huddlestnne, Hurley, Colthurst, Faith, Jetfryes, Standon.
Maniii, Dxlev, Sorrell, Vaux,\Vaning- 13. See Plate 79, No. 7. 9. Hockin.
14 *^Browne Diwn Dawne Fraigneau. lo.'Rochford, Donegan.
Gibson Mnll 1 1. 'Jennings, King, Robin, Rochfort,
Lmlee Brn^\nlee 'Stott, Stoughton.
12. Nagle, 'O'Sullivan Mor.
PLATE 106— I Bill Chaiteris,
*Choke 'Dotchen Fithie Hagen,
*Moncrief Plough *Staller Story PLATE 109.-I. Scntt.
2 *\\ n "< In Isyp "Ronan Sang- 2. Brooke, 'Helton, 'Tringham.
Meicci 4. Dyne, Dynne.
Story 5. Heywaid, Otway.
14 Lhat) Lhif> 5 *Rawb m kayson 6. Addison, Adelsorf, Affleck, Auchin-
6 'Thomas leck, Blomefield. Blomfeild, Bloom-
PLATE 104-1. B.anks. field, Blow, Brinckman, 'Clay, Coin,
7 Sang ter
2. Baighton, *Boughton, Brisbane, Bris- 8. Cawthorne. De Ginkell, Foresight, Gerard,
Ixin, Kinder, *.Mercer, Starky. 9.*De Ferrieres, Garroway, Gillon, Gower, Harbert, Juchen, Manmaker,
Merryton, 'Oidway, Porteen, Sand-
3. Barham, Barnardiston, *Lytton, Peart, Lluellyn, Macdonell, Sangster, Wes berg, Van Jucken, Wingfield, Wintle.
7.*Bay, Calshill, Clarke, 'Conyers, Daw-
combe, "i'ounge.
10. Porte. ney, Dawny, Dean, 'Edmonds,
Goodlad, Holland, Hyde, 'Jones,
4. De Butts. M11. 'Donald, 'Pindar. 'Jumper, 'Mills, 'Minett, 'Parke,
Petoe, 'Rowbache, 'W'elchman,
5. Fennison, *Herne, *Heron, Terworth, IS. Taunton.
' Moabray, O'Hara, Phine, Wanng, 14. Meyrick.
6. Drysdale. Wyrley.
7. Cadman, Gibson, Hanby, PLATE 107.- 8. Bass, 'Bulteel, Eredy, Folion, 'Gipp,
Johnson, 'Sonibanck, Tanke, Van
[ 2'\dims \ibin CioNhall D mldson
S. Hughes.
! y. Feat.
i io.*Browne, Lydall, Lyddall. Macdonald MacDonald Mat 1 nell 9. Howard.
! II. Bowden, *Bo\vdon, Bussell, Codd. MacDonell McDonell St A.ubin 10 and II. Clay, Claye, Cley.
! *Cranmer, *Cranmore, Cranston, 3 Barsane Bartane Baiton Letkett I2.*Bagg, Bagge, 'Blomberg. *Bor,
Cranstoun, Fythey, Fythie, *Hack 'C 1 h Fei linni
1-asii Borough, 'Biydges, Burrowes,
H H Mj shaw, Hale, *Herne, *Heron, Kinder
11 1 t I Burrows, 'Englebert, 'FrancheviUe,
Kutchin, Ryley. 1 \1 'Graham, 'Greara, 'Grimes, Hasle-
foote, 'Hoste, 'MacArthur.
\ \\ W I II
L Ih L
12. Ch.ambers.
j 13. Chichester, Tuckey, Yonge, Young. 4 \ 1
i 14. Lan'Tstaft'. C all II ucll Roole Syhestci
PLATE —105. PLATE5 C 1 ham 'Coryngham 'Coineille 110. -I- Kynnerton, Roke-
Cowt erne 'Cra ster Craw 'Cromei
I. Crews, Crewse Eaen 'Flower 'Rol eby, 'Rook w'ood, 'Spoftbrth.
Cruse, Cruwys. 'Rookbj Stewart 2. Van Allen.
2. Beaumont, Flower, *Gun, *Lathom, 6 'Cickei Lgerley, Eggeily 3. Anthonisz, Bareth, Watts.
Van, Woulfe. 7 ''^ni^.ht 4.*Acton, *x\llardace, 'Allardice, *AUer-
3. Adiierley, Atherley, Browne, *Crosse S Jones dyce, 'Gainbon, 'Gamon, 'Jameson,
'Jamieson, *Kers, Mortimer, 'Nordet.
Dale. 9 Bowdler Chitwood Ratchfte
4. Bankes, *Gibsou. 10 Coibett, C edney , Hopkins, 'Russell 5.*Apeele, 'Apsley, 'Cassan, Chamond,
5. Brett, *Dalbie, *Dalby, Marrant. 11. Agnew, Boyton, 'Horwood, Leland 'Chaumond, 'Crag, 'Cragg, 'Dclins,
6. *Anges;een, Broese, Brookman 'Edmonds.
Denham, Gattie, Gatty, *Hall 12. Corrance, 'Corrance-WTiite, Urren. 6. Amerdley, Gilroy.
'Harris, *Heris,Pettyt, Petyt, Shore 14. Amyand, Aletse, Averinges, Baillie y.'Ainge, --^nge, Beckley, Beckly, Bick-
Sotheram. Bazilie, Bazely, Becket, Beggs, Ben ley, Beykle, Bistley, Bystley, Camden,
Clark, Clarke, Collier, *Collyer, Copenger, 'Huddesdon, 'Hudson, St. 3. De Cetto.
Delafield, Dugnall, Henshall, Whit
Maur, Sapy, Sapye. 4. Balm, Balme, BoUingbroke, Boiling-
lock. 6. Ceely, Cely, Deraw, Hambleton, 'Wil- brook, BoUinsbrook.
8.*Blencowe, Tennant. ford. 5. Athill.
9. Camber.
7. Ue Chandew, Drummond, Fontain, a.'Blome, Conyston, Eldridge, Iliff,
lo.*Brook, *Brooke, Falkiner, Faulkner. Fontaine, Knevet, Poynton. Maillard, 'Meers, Sherard, Sherrard,
Rickford, 8. Codd, Codde, 'Craik, *Drayton, Duk- Shippard.
11. Farrar, Farrer, Farror, Ferrier, Gra ley, 'Dunkley, 'Fitz-Roger, Foxley, 7. Agmondisham, Agmundesham, Ander-
dock, Gradocke, Warne, Wolridge, Godwin, 'Holden, Jausselin, Jocelyn, son, Balberney, Beetham, Blair,
Wolrige. Jocelyne,'Johnson,Kendrick,*Lattin, 'Brocket, Brun, Buck, Cocks, Cogges-
12. Frost, *G.-imul, Hackwell, Hakewill, Paumier, 'Tippetts. hall, Crickman, De HoUyngworthe,
Heusch, Van Hagen. 9. Goulstone, Gulston, Gulstone. 'Den, 'Denne, Denholm, 'Dickson,
13. Marshall. 10. Aime, Aine, Binckes, Bincks, Binks, Dingwall-Fordyce, Downes, Fordyce,
Fordyce - Blair, 'Galland, Gordon,
14. Alchorn, Barrett, *Constant, *De 'Darlington, Dean, Usher.
VeuUe, Douglas, Elsworth, Felbridg. 11. Aher, Aldworth, Cleather, Clunie, Graeme, Graham, Gullan, Holling-
Flood, GamoU, 'Hackwell, 'Hartley, Hauston, Houston, Houstoun, foass, worth, Holyngeworthe, Hopson,
*Kellock, *Langton, *Peake, *True Syward, Watkinson. 'Howell, 'Karbyll, Macartney,
man, Truman. 12. Boxall, Boxell, Brittain, Brittaine, M'Min, M'Minn, M'Myne, 'Maxwell,
Seymer. Medford, 'Millman, 'Milman, Park,
PLATE 111.— I. Otway, Withie. 1 3. 'Browne, Marchmont, Singe, Synge, Perkin, Robarts, Scott, Simmer,
Hutchinson-Synge. Skae, Symmer, Towers, Van, Webb,
2. Pixley. 14. Aberton, Aburton, Cuthbert, Cuth- Wroughton.
3. Askwith, Gordon, Pie, Pye, Rudde. burt, Gratton, Latouche, Moore. 8.'Dodinglon, Jones, 'Smyth.
4. Brackenridge. 9. 'Carill, Carrell, Carrol, Cocks, 'Corn-
5.*Baring, Clauson, *Davies, Duntze, wallis. Cox, Den, Denne, Fulton,
PLATE*Guille, 'Smith, 'Spelling, Taylour.
114.-I. Cardew, Copleigh, 'Graison, 'Hartley, Horrocks,
6. Austin, Otway. 'Dabridgcourt, 'Gueva, Hakeliott. 'Robarts, 'Shepard, 'Shepherd.
7. Pelissier. 2. Delius, Fletcher, Fridag, Friday. lo.'Bowen, Dickson.
8. Bingley, 'Frome. 3. Arden, Brigham, Delabere, Denis. 11. Badcock,Cavanagh, Cavenagh, 'Dick-
g.'Bayne, 'Beaghan, Greenall. 4. Arderne, 'Harris, 'Linnet, Raines, son, Maxwell, Soden, Sodey, Sodon.
10. Capel, Cappell. Reymes, Reynes, Spitty, Waldegrave, 12. Addey, Addy, 'Adey, 'Adrey, *Ady,
11. Frost. 'Warner. Anderson, Balderney, Barkeley,
12. Annandale, Beeching, Bempde, Bur- 5. Delius. 'Bowen, Buckland, 'Claxson, Cocks,
chett, Capp, Champion, Johnstone, 6. Brownell, Fitzwilliam Hankley, Har- 'Dobell, Freshfield, Furser, Furzer,
Fairholm, Johnson, Johnston, John- wood, Haule, Scroop, Scroope, 'Jones, 'Kinsman, Mackannell,
stone, Johnstoun, Knight, Walden. Scrope, Shell. Mansel, 'Nedham, Needham, Nix,
13. Bonniman, Gibb, Johnson, Johnston. 7. Reppes, Repps. Reynolds, Rothe, 'Thelwall, 'Truro,
Knight, Langmead, 'Lofthouse, Mon- S.'Harrison, 'Holland, De Kierzkowski, Young-Reynolds.
trose, Vanden, Wailes, Wiggins. 'Lambert, *Le Bon, 'Lewys, 'Mar- 13. Arnison.
14. Knight. vel, 'Mortimer 'Ouldsworth, 'Philip, 14. Outhwaite.
'Plum, 'Plume, 'Posingworth, *Pos-
singworth, 'Posyngworth, 'Promoli,
PLATE 112.— I. 'Asterlley, 'Astery, PLATERothschild 'Scales, 'Scrope, 'Smyth, 116.— I. Brandt, De Clinton,
Audeley, De Bary, 'Esterley, Evers- 'Surtees, 'Surtes, 'Swertchoff, *Tat- Maxwell.
head, 'Glennon, Kilgour 'Ligo, Muil- ham, 'Von Mueller, 'Willet, 'Wil- 3. Austen, .Maxwell, Penniecook, Panny-
man, Spurling. lett. cuick.
2. Reeve, Roscow. 9. Promoli. 4. Anncey, Anncy, Clark, Ellwood, Flat-
3. Cumberland, Greenhall, Hallwell, 10. Pede, Uvedale. tesbury, Fleeming, Knight, Longevile,
Halwell, Halywell, Hollings, Lang- 11. Astley. Prescott, Skipton.
horn, Langhorne, Vanneck. 12. Alabaster, Albaster, AUebaster, Arb- 5.'Burnby, 'Burneby.
4. Lucas, Sword, Swourd, Ventris. laster, Bragg, Burke, 'Cow, 'Cowe, 6. Flockhart.
5. Elham, Gervays, Leath, Leatt, Mare- 'Cowee, 'Cowey, 'Cowie, Hardwike, 7. 'Rodger, Rogers.
wood. 'Hardy, 'Harebread, Hatfield, Hit- S.'Gannoke, 'Gethin, Hersey, Philips,
6. Hobbes, 'Molson, 'Preston, Scott. field, Reye, Tudway. Somervil, Sommerville, Vernon.
'TothiU. 13. Aldam, Anstis, Ardeme, Astley Bra 9. Bell, De Clinton, D'Engaine, Den-
7. Bentham, 'Valence, 'Valomess. ham, 'Braye, 'Brooke, *Cann, Clere, gaine, 'Grape, Lennon, Millard.
'Clinton, Dellabere, Denny, Dennys, 10. Crawford, Crawfurd, Dealtry, Frances,
g.'D'Eye, 'Eye, Howard, 'Seymer, 'De Worms, DoUabe, Dowker, 'Druitt, Francies, Fraunceis, Fraunces, Fraun-
'Smyth. 'Dutton, Felbrigge, Fursdon, God- ceys, Grymes.
10. Bell, Chirbrond, Dickson, Douglas. weston, Granson, Hastings, How, 11. Ellard, Eveleigh, 'Gowland, Manduit,
Driver. Duff, Falconer, Fitz-Walter^ Howe, Jalmes, Johnes, Jones, Joy, Mandut, Manduyt, Oram.
Flynt, Goddin, Landeth, Londeth,
Langley, Legge, Lewis, Luttrell, l2.'Bradshaw, Bucke, 'CoUingwood,
Mayne, Pringle, Samby, Sandpy. O'Brenon, Parker, Rupe, 'Smith, Drought, Keith, Longstaff, Swallow.
11. Lutterford. Smyth, Surkas, Tindale, Tindall, 1 3. 'Banks, Bradshaw, 'Brand, Hislop,
12. D'Osten. 'Tynedale, Waldegrave. 'NetUes, Walker.
13. Glover, Hallman, Halman. 14. Waldegrave, Walford. 14. Bradshagh, Bradshaigh, Bradshaw,
PLATE PLATE —113.— I. Aifler,Aigler,Ayler,
PLATE —Brand, Campbell, Daccomb, Fitz-
115. I. Blofeld, Bonamy, 117. I. Barwick, Ellard,
Boyd, Capel, Capell, De Costa, De la
Raynard, Graham, 'Lorimer, Melvill, Barr, Douglas, Dyne, Dynne, Eden, 'Lindear, Lynecar, Lynegar, Neale,
Melville, Moens, Raynold, St. De- Edon, Edwards, Egerton, ElUs, 'Roe, 'Rogers, Williams.
nouac, De Spencer, Tonzel, 'Wod- Gibeme, Grentmesnell. Kathrens, 2. Bunyard, Delavere, Elcock, France,
chuU, Woodhead. Kathrins, Latimer, Leroux, Mompes- Furney, Giesque, Kensing, 'Parker,
2. Foxcote, Meux, Petrie. son, Phillpot, Relhan, Scroope, Puckering, Roe, Yardley.
3. Ayler, Filkin, Filkyn, Har\-ey, Pedler, Shardelow, Sharp, 'Surtees, Tame, 3. Anables, Annabell, Annable,
Renney, TuUock.
Verhulst. Annables, Brees, Breeze, Brockbank,
4. Neweke. 2. Broughton, Enys, Mompesson, Busk, Clelland, Cochran, Cochrane,
5. Bock, Cawodley, Cawoodley, 'Clark, Montpenston. Compton, Coppendale, Gordon, Halli-
burton, Halyburton, *Litster, M'Cor- PLATB -'Eardley, France, 'Gethin, 'Hard-
qudell, M'Corquodale, MeaIes,Nether- 121, i.'Andr, Pick-
wick, 'Heysham, Kensing, 'Maxwell, wick. Power.
' sole, Noel, Parry, Passmore, Rae, •Puckering, Roe, 'Stradling, 'Suck- 2.*Amias, Andrew, Andrews, Apted,
*Robinson, Scott, Slade, Strachan, ling, TroUope, 'Yardley. Astrie, Audouin, Aurd, Bailey,
Stradling, Writington. 14. Everington. Basevi, Bayley, Baynbridge, Bayn-
4. Green. brigge, 'Beadle, Beckwith, 'Bedle,
5. Armony,*Barfoot, *Bayning, *Bro\vne, 'Bedell, Belasis, Bell, 'Bellas,
Bellasis, 'Bellasis, 'Bellewe, Belling-
Bush, Champ, Eustace, Fodringham, ham, 'Bene, Bickwith, 'Blythe,
PLATE —Forster, Fothergill, *Frohock, 'Full-
119. I. Cayle, Colvil,
wood, Garstyde, Harte, Hill, Lisle, Colville, 'Strachan. 'Boardman, 'Boorne, Boultbee,
Lowen, Maguire, Maynard, 'Newport, 2. Allwood, Alwood, 'Barley, Barnevelt, Boyse, Bradford, Broadley, Brockdon,
, O'Connell, Puleston, Raeburn, Ra- Bridgewater, 'Cannock, Chittock, Browne, Budorshide, Budoxhead,
leigh, Rawley, *Robinson, Scott, 'Courthope, 'Finlayson, 'Fisher, Bulworth, Burleigh, 'Busby, 'Bushby,
*Scrivenor, Smyth, Stanley, 'Steward, FuUwood, Fulwood, Giblett, Green, Byrdall, Cahan, Cahn, Cahun, 'Cantis,
*Stuart, Tench, Thorold, Trevanion, 'Greenly, Hall, 'Harward, 'Humble, Carling, Carr, Carre, 'Chapman,
Trevenyon, Townshend, *Trollop, Langworthy, Larkworthy, Lone, 'Clavel, 'Clavell, 'Claville, *'Clot-
Williams. 'Lonsdale, Love, 'Opie, Pestell, worthy, Colbran, Colleton, Collington,
6. Eustace. Power, Primout, Primouth, 'Robin- Colquhoun, Couts, Crawfurd,
7.*Shield. son, 'Smith, Smyth, Sniythe, 'Snigg, Creketot, Dear, Dick, Dickson,
S. Agmondesham, Almard, Audry, 'Snigge, 'Spouse, 'Stawell, 'Tirrey, Dirom, Dixon, Doling, 'Dorington,
Billing, Billinge, Boddam, Bolland, 'Webb, 'Wilde, 'Wylde. Dorn, Downes, 'Draper, Edington,
Bowen, *Bowman, Brice, Burrowes, 3. Heap. Egerton, 'EUacombe, 'EUicomb,
Burrows, Busk, Corns, Creake, 'EUicombe, 'Everton, Fawset, Faw-
Denovan, Devereaux, Devereux, Du- 4. Wild. sset, Finlason, 'Floyer, Forbes,
5. Norreys, Norris, Von Sturmer.
vernet, Duvernette, *Ellerton, Erisey, 6. Green. Forteath, Foster, Fouler, Franks,
Evans, *Felt, Forster, Foster, Eraser, 7. Horton. Fraser, Frisel, Gahn, George, 'Gethin,
Frothingham, *Fulwood, Gadsby, 8. Andrewes, Andrews, 'Fraser,*Gordon, Gifford, Goff, Goffe, Goosbrey, Gor-
Gage, Glanvile, Glanville, *Gradwell, 'Lister, Lloyd, Rowe, Semple. don, Green, Greene, 'Greenough,
Green, Greene, Grove, Grundin, 9. Foster, 'Foyster. 'Griffith, Grimston, Gunler, Han-
Hand, Hart, Hindman, Hughes, 'Hurt, 10. Goddard, Hutchon, Justine, Justyne, ning, Hargrave, Haiman, 'Hart,
Hutchison, Jones, Lally, *La Serre, Ketford, Lewis, Mortimer, Quelch. 'Harte, Harlgule, HartguU, Hart-
Lewin, Lewyn, *Leycester, Lisle, ll.'Belasyse, Leicester, Parker 'Pledger, land, 'Hartree, Hartshorne, 'Hast,
Lloyd, MacKindlay, Marnell, Master- 'Roane, Rogers, Stolyon. Hemenhall, Herries, Hill, 'Hills,
son, Mathias, Maynard, *Molowney, 1 2. 'Calibut, 'Crosell, De Romara, Godard, Hird, Hoad, Hoare, Horner, Humble,
*Moore, Nicholson, Noel, Novell, Goddard, Goddart, Gordon, Macken- Hunt, Hunter, Hunter - Arandel,
Nowell, *0'ConneU, Parker, Park- zie, Mantell, Mantle, Northage, *Sto- Hutchison, Hutton, Jones, Karr,
house, Patrick, Pepper, Plant, Polden, veld, Windsor. Keith, Ker, Kerr, Kewley, 'Kitchiner,
Pollard, Puelesdon, Pulesdon, Pulles- 13. 'Anderson, 'Austyn, Braylesford, Knightley, Ladbrooke, Audouin-
ton, Radway, Rickthorne, Roberts, Braylford, 'Davison, Gellibrand, Lamb, 'Lawrence, Lea, Lee, Leith-
Robertson, Robinson, Rodie, 'Rogers, Gordon, Heap, Joule, Richmond, Forbes, Lethbridge,Leybourne, Lister,
Rose,Rosse, 'Rykthorne, Scot, Scote, Stark. Lizars, Lloyd, Locker, 'Loggan,
Scott, *Erskine-Scott, Screven, Scri- i4.'AnncelI, Auncell, Gordon, Hext, Logon, Lovat, Loyd, Lyde, Lyster,
M'Adam, M'Dougall, M'Guire,
ven,*Shortall, Sisson, Steade, Steede, Heysham, Hoare, Lingard, Plonckett,
'Steward, 'Stradling, Thomas, Plonket, Plonkett. 'Machell, 'Mauchael, 'Mauchel,
Thorold, Townsend, 'Townshend, M'Kimmie, Macleay, M'Phaill, Mar-
Trevanion, Trollop, Troup, 'Turfeet, shall, Mason, Maxwell, Perceval-
Maxwell, Mescow, Mortimer, 'Mor-
Urquhart, Walker, Walkington, Ward, toffe, 'Mortoft, Mortymer, Myreson,
PLATEWear, Weare, Wordesworth, Wrench, Nell, Norcliffe, Norman, Noyes,
I2O.-1. Fitter. O'Connell, Ord, Osbaldiston, 'Over-
stone, Pain, Parker, 'Parkhurst,
Wynne, Yarrow. 2. Dilhvyn. Peele, Peirce, Penning, Penyng, Pevel-
esdon, Piggot, Plowden, Popham,
9. Cage, 3. Bellingham, Blyth, Blythe, Goulborne Leybourne-Popham, Polken, Raikes,
'Randall, Raynsford, Rayson,'Reade,
10. Bowen, Boydell, Fray, Fraye, Motion, Green, Haworth-Booth, Hicks, Horse- Rede, Riddel -Carre, Ridgley, Rid-
Parker, Randall, Ruff. fall, Horsfall, Howorth, Hugford,
11. Green. Huggerford, 'Huls, Hulse, Lloyd,
12. Hell.ert. Roper, Smith, Smythe, Wilfoord.
13. Pollard. 4. Chaytor.
5. 'Bellingham, James, Wylie.
6. Bates. ley, Rigaud, Riggeley, Riginaiden,
7.'Baspoole, 'Bedell, 'Bettes, Betts, Roberts, Robinson, Roe, 'Rogers,
PLATE —118. Boorne, 'Brown, 'Bulworth, 'Col- Romayne, Rone, Ronne, Roper,
barne, Doyle, Farmer, Gilbert,
I. Jones, Puleston, Row, Sage, Scales, Scott, Sempill,
Thorpe. 'Gooch, Gothard, Green, Greene, Semple, Shepley, Simmons, 'Slayer,
2. 'Greaves, Glanvile, Glanville, Maunde, 'Harleston, 'Harlstone, Harman, Smith, 'Smyth, Spens, Standley,
Patrickson, Plowden, 'Roberts, Hawarden, 'Hawes, Hibbins, Holmes, Stanley, Stirling, Stirling- Maxwell,
'Rogers, 'Townshend, Wye. Lister, Lyster, Marshall, 'Parmiger, Strachan, 'Thomson, 'Tugwell. Try-
dell, Verulam, Vigors, Walker, Wood-
3. Densy, Fortune, Keane, Leith, Mal- Sheridan, Shirley, Stennett, Stennitt, head, Woodman, 'Wright, Wybrants,
lard, Northcote, Parker. Stirling, Trinder, Ugletreight, West-
4. Barne. rope, Wbitaker. Wychcombe, Wylde, 'W'ynchcombe,
5. Hart.
6. Parker. S.'Cadell, 'Colborne, Eraser. Yles, Young, Younge.
7. Chilcote, Chilcott, Don, Donn, 'Ripon, 9. Chandois, Chandos, Clendon, Craford,
3. Marshall, Pickup.
'Robinson, Shee. Crawford, 'Haney, 'Hanney, Herting-
ton, 'Houghton, Murray, Power. 4. Wadham, 'Woodham.
5. Amos, Annesley, Arundel, Barrow,
8. Jacoby. 10. Ackroyd, 'Betts.
Beckwith, 'Bedall, 'Bedell, Bell,
9. 'Taylor. 11. Lambert. Bellingham, Blyth, 'Bois, Bolles,
10. Harrison. i2.*Ballenden, Bellenden, Cairns, Crau- Bondiville, Bonvile, Boteshed,
11. Edwards. furd, Crawford, Crawfurd, Gwyn, Botockshed, Bowles, Brackshaw,
12. De Mandevile, M'Cabe, Partrickson, 'Loder, Newbigging, Wickliff, Wyck- Bridge, Broadockshaw, Brodockshaw,
Patrickson, Shepard, Sheppard, liffe. • Buck, Buckley, 'Buxton, Caddell,
Windsor, 'Yardeley, 'VarJley. 13. Elwon. Cadell, Cahurta, Campbell, Cathie,
l3.*Benolt, 'Buckeridge, Cathiope, Drew, 14. Dudley. Chapman, Charlett, 'Churchward,
Clapcott, Collingwood, Colquhon, *Gardiner, Gell, Gordon, Graham- 6. Anderson, 'Shaw.
Colquhoun, Copenger, Crawford, Maxwell, Griffith, 'Griffiths, *Har- 7. Reading.
Crowton, wood, *Hay-Gordon, Hay, Heaton, ~ 'Brocket, H.art-Davis.
Dalrymple, Cuerden, Cureton, HoUingbury, *Hoppey, Hunter, Hun
*Dancastle, Denny,
Dirom, *Dolling, *Doncastle, Done, ;er-Blair, *Hur Hill, Noel.
Downes, *Doyle, *Draper, Duff, *Langford-Nii'' 'Byne.
Edward, Fawcett, Forbes, Foster, 'Amys, Bisshe, Collet, Crotty, 'Davo-
'Littleton, " ! M Mac-ay,''
I •
*Fo\vbei-y, Fowles, Fraser, Fulton, kenzie,M'K' : .1 '\ Mnllcson, ron, 'Dottin, Earner, Grogan, Hatton,
Gaddes, Gaddez, Geddes, Geddies, *Morant, Mchl: nv .l-i iiin' 1. "Xeedes, Hooker [alias Vowell), 'Husscy,
*Gibb, *Gideon, Gifford, 'Gilbert, 'Nibbs, Nisbei, iNorton, Usmand,
MJephson, Lecky, Leigh, 'Donald,
Gillbanks, *Gonor, Gordon, Gould, Park, Parker, Partis, *Pate, Peck- '0'Davoren,Prickett, Seymour, Ward,
Grandgeorge, *Grandorge, *Grain well, Penman, Fount, 'Power, *Pry- Welstead, Welsted, Welstod, 'Win-
d'Orgc, *(".iecn, Greene, *Grimston, thereh, Raynford, Raynsford, 'Robin- ter, Yardeley.
r,,i:,', !^-i:.. i^.niicr, *HaU, Hardres, son, Salle, Skyrme, 'Stagg, Steventon, 13. Bonython.
II 'I , , Harnous, Harris, Studley, 'Stubbs, Sulyard, Taylor, l4.'Amyas, 'Cornwallis, Enswell, Ent-
, ' 1 laworth, Heaton,
II. ' Thompson, Thomson, Trye, What- wissel, Houston, Janson, Lloyd.
II. ,: . IV. 11 •, iiv, Herns, *Hicks, ley, Wheatley, Williams, Windle,
*IliL;-s lUIi. Hobbins, *HuIles. Winyard, Worhead, 'Wycliffe.
*Huls, *Hulse, *Hul,sey, Hunter, 6. Hawortb. PLATE 125.— I. Emmot, Emmott,
Hyde, Keith, Keverdon, Kinder, 7. Chapman. Garrat, Garratt, 'Heacock, 'Kerdift'e,
Kirkpatrick, Knightley, Knightly, S. Beech, Hunter. Lounde, Lownde.
Kuerden, Kyle, *Kylom, Laird, 9. Byrde, Pace, 'Pate. 2. Benn.
Lascells, Laven, Leighton, Libby, to. Baker. 3. Fitz-Rause,*Hatton,*Hutton,'Twisle-
Linten, Litster, Lloyd, Lockett, Lovi- 11. Badger, Baghot, Cely.
bond, M'Adam, Macadam, M'Gil- 12. Loder. 4. Crew, 'Davies, 'Dobell, 'Doble, East-
Mlivray, *Machell, 'Murray, M'Nally, 13. De la Poer, Eustace, Poore, Power day, Estday, Hawkins, Underbill,
Manntell, Margouts, Martin, Marton, Waterford. Ward.
Maxwell, Graham-Maxwell, Meikle, 14. EUis. 5.*Chauser,'Chawcer,Deane,*De Rivers,
Moldford, Mortimer, Morgan, Morti- 'De Ryvers, 'Edward, 'Gaven,
more, Murray, Nodin, Nott, Nourse, Kymes, *De Rivers.
PLATENoyes, Ogilvy, Paley, *Parke, *Parker,
123.-i.*Dietz, Egg, 'Gib- 6. Crossley.
Peat, *Peerman, Peirson, Penwyn, bines, 'Gibbins, Nassau. 7. Ascough, Aysscough, Keynier, Moels,
Perott, *Peri-y, Phelan, *Pigeon, 2. Jeune. 'Mules.
Plompton, Plomton, Popham, Porter, 3. Crisp, Nassau, '(VDonnel, 'O'Don- 8. Davis.
Power, Poynton, Raper, Rockley, nell, Offley, Roche. g.'Botevile, 'Boteville, 'Bouteville,
Roe, Rogers, Rokley, RoUo, *Roo, 4. Vachell. Clesby, Da Costa, 'Ellerton, Mayn-
Rooe, Rotheram, Row, Rowe,
Ryvell, Scott, Seaton, Sempill, 5. Catznellage, Chauster, *De Waetor, stone. Mead, 'Steede, 'Thynne.
'Dunlop, Wayer. 10. 'Ascough, 'Ascue, Chamberlain, Cham-
Semple, Skene, Snape, Snappe, Snepp, 6. DuncoTnbe, Dunscombe, Fresh, Sa- berlaine, Chamberlayne, Mainwaring,
Spence, Spring, Springe, Stanford, ward, Seward. St. Amond, Trussell, Wooldridge,
Stanley, Stawtun, Stepkins, Steven- 7. Delafeld, Delafield, Vachell. Woolridge.
ton, Sulliaixl, *.Sutherland, Tatenhall, 8. Cheney, Cheyney, Crownall, Horn, 1 1. 'Ascough, 'Askew, 'Askue,'Ayscough,
Tridencck, "Tiislram, rppleby, Wel- 'Home, Morrell, Sherland, Silly, 'Craycraft, 'Crecroft.
fitt. Westall, Whatelev, *Wheat, Sully. l2.*Ashfordby, Asken, Askene, Aston,
*\Vheate, Wolrige - Gordon, Wyld, 9. Henley. Astonne, 'Ayscough, Barnardiston,
Chamberlain, Chamberlayn, 'Cham-
Yimiiger, Voung-Scott. 10. Callander, Callendar, Cleves, Culli-
6.*Boulstiee, *Buls'tree, Forster, Giffard. ford, Fittz, Futroye, 'Oliphant, Ros- bers, 'De laChambre, 'Delechanibre,
7. Boitliwick, Cart, Caw, *Finlayson, coe, Steinmetz. Macklin. Mainwaring, MiUington,
*Qyre, Zouch, Zouche.
Tipper, Wigton. 11. Dymoke, Wells- Dymoke.
8. Connell, Ellison, Knightley, Lister, 12. De la Vach, Delavache.
M'Connell, McConnell, *Mulchinock, 13. Fewster, 'Peterswald. PLATE 126.-I. Jaudrill.
O'Connell, Powers. 14. Merle, Minchin, Rivers.
9.*Cottington, Errington, *Greene, 2.'Amenton, 'Arnold, *Atwood, Bar-
Stanley. PLATE —124. I. Alford, Barrow, well, Blackburn, 'Bicknor, 'Byke-
10. Hargreaves. nor, Calamount, Chyner, Clobery,
1 1 Hargrave. 'Bolton, Cassie, Colclough, Col- 'Colburn, 'Dorrell, 'Douce, 'Dun-
12. Adenstoun, Adingstoun, Adinstoun, cloughe, 'CoUvile, Colvil, Colville, ning, Fetherston, Fetherstonhaugli,
Alm^, Robarts. 'Colvin, Dicconson, Dickens, Fydell, Fitter, Garde. 'Garton, 'Geary, 'Gery,
13. Bu.shby. 'Golding, Handby, Harpden, 'Hellier, 'Glascock, 'Gonson,*Gonston, 'Good,
14. Eure, Wilkinson, Williamson. Heriet, 'Kingston, 'Hunston, Hunt, Gosselin, Gosselyn, 'Green, 'Grum-
Jennet, Jennett, Katerloy, Katherley, stead, 'Gunson, Gunter, 'Hains,
PLATE —122. I. *Black, 'Drake, Montgomery, Moynley, S'oton, Patti- *Hamilton,'Hodges,Hodson,Holden,
son, 'Pierson, Pyrry^,' Railton, Rich- 'Joskin, 'Joskyn,Lingwood,*Lorance,
Edge, *Foxwest, *Hill, *Hose, Kettle, ard-on. Shepherd (alias Thwaites), 'Lowtham, 'Lye, 'MacGeorge, Mar-
Lambavd, *Lambert, Morgan, *Rains- 'Shrawley, Stockley, Talland, Under- shall, Pentagrass, Pocock, 'Prender-
ford, *Sainbadge, *Sandbach. wood, 'Vere, Whitebread, Woodriff, gast, *Pyne, Quyxley, 'Randal, 'Ran-
2.*Bas5et, *Bassett, Court, Morgan. 'Wyngate, Yardley, Yardly. dall, 'Randolph, 'Randulph, Raper,
3. Colb.iine, Dodds, Fiske, Flote, 2. Conran. 'Rigby, Rigbye, Rippon, Roberts,
Gardner, Harcla, Harcle, Peploe, 3.*Boulton, Clements, 'CoUett, Coyle, Roper, Rose, 'Sanders, 'Scholten,
Welley, Willey, Willy. 'Fincham, Gregor, Hawkes, 'Hippis- 'Scholton, 'Smyth, Snow, Stacey,
4. Brignac, Clench, Clenche, De Carteret, ley, Innes, 'Keen, 'Keene, 'Kene, Stevenson. 'Tipping, Wemyss, Whit-
Dowbiggin, Hardress, Malynes, Mor- 'Periy, Pery, Ragon, Riddock, Wtingtoii. ..; -..-,-. ;:!. ^ atcN *Vonge.
gan, Newington. Thwaites, Troup, Tyler, Underwood, 3. Bayli.. I: ! lain.-, Fesant,
5. Adean, *Agan, : .
Anne, Austyn, 'Webb, 'Webbe, ^\^litbread, Whit- Gatl. I - - M. 1' \-. Hawthorn,
Avenayne, Avenar, Avenel, Avenele, bred, Wooley. Hawlli--:;,<-. !l..:i.:. Ka/i-nL-in, Martin,
Aveneyle, Avenyle, Averill, *Benclei;, 4. Gaylien, 'Howton. Porter. 'Quick, Roope, VoUer.
Bispleam, Bucknall, Busbridge, S.'Bickley, 'Cocks, 'Forth, 'Hind, 4. Bagnall, 'Breach, 'Buggine, 'Bur-
Calder, Christopher, Clare, Crozier, 'Hynde, 'Kene, JLacdougale, *Mer- goigne, 'Burgoyne, 'Eyre, 'Welch,
Domville, D'Oyley, Frend, Friend, lay, 'Readshaw, 'Richardson. Welsh.
5.*Capps, *Durning, *Fallesby, ''Grange, 6. Hollway. dock, Penruddocke, *Pert, *Ram,
'liarris, *Naper, *Napier, *Snagg, 7.*Bettie, *Betty, *Brownlow, Fleeming, *Sackvile, Sackvill, Swayne, Syden-
*Snagge, *Spring, *Trenfield. 'Fleming, *Harbottell, *HolIoway, ham, Weatherley, \Veaver, Wetherly.
6. Adshade, Adshead, *Aype, Byfitld, *Jessop, *Waterton. 7. Lambton, Lampen, Lechingham,
Cadwoodley, Caldwoodley, Calwod- 8. Grossman. M'Turk.
ley, Carew, Chittock, *Chiisope, 9.* Fleming, Jackson. 8.*Bertram.
Coxton, Delaney, Delany, Delatune, 10. Fairfax. 9. Nembhard, Nemphartz.
*Denby, Edwards, Galliers, Gollop, II.*Hill, Louthian.
10. Deschamps, Fowkes, Narboon, Nar-
Homes, Howison, Ireby, Jameson, 12. Anthony, Antonie, Antony, *Bayly, boone, Prowse.
Joce, Kardaile, Kardoyle, *Kemp, *Boughton, *Bover, Bushe, Candeler, 11. Baggeley, Bigelow.
Laban, L.enaghan, Liard, *Manderson, Candler, *Copley, *Cox, Craik, Craw- 1 2. *Lambton-Dawson.
Mant, * Parkinson, Sandby, Shewen, ford, Crawfurd, *n.ance, *De Buckton, 13. Clarke, Grimsbie, Grimsby, *Sheild,
Smyth, Webley. *Edrington,*T"": -, ri<'iririiing,*Gason, Vincent.
7. EdNvards. Greatore.x. II !! ,. *Hurle-
*Muskett, Whitgrave. stone, Jaclv '!i i. Ixnightly,
Verral. Lamplu"t;h, I -;; •:.. \,;vl.ua, Oddy,
Farmer. PLATE*Rigby, Ruthveu, .^ay. Inns, Waller,
131.— I. Punshon.
Remfry. Wifliams. 2. Austin, Beaufice, Beawfice, Boggie,
Beckwith, Binge, Board, Bostock, 13. Litchfield, Ruthven. Bogie, Borron, *Cork, Crosbie, Cros-
Fetherston, Fethevstonehaugh, Fether- 14. Athanray, Bagot, *Dayrell, Delaval, by, Davidson, Delature, Dowdal,
stonhaugh, Hamilton, Hooper, Hyde, Uyer, Gardiner, *Garfoot, Garforth, Dowdall, *Dyson, Farrington, *Fer-
Joyce, 'More, Raper, Vane. Gason, Jones, Kvngesley, *Maccles- guson-Davie, *Fitz-Warren, *Hyde,
field, Ruthven, Sedley, Sideley, Sidley, Jones, Lamb, Lammin, Langholme,
14. Ri Swynerton, Swynnerton, Sydney, *Lewis, *Llewellyn, Lluellin, Mal-
Wettenhall, *\Vhettnall, Whitington, mains, Normand, Parry, Pascol,
PLATE —127. i.Chatterton, Cox, Far- Vate, Vates. Pryce, Richards, Rowe, Williams.
3. Davy.
ley, *Fo\vle, Power. 4. Milne.
2.*Cropley, *Langdon, LeTaylor, *Linch, 5. Llewelyn.
6. Brandram.
*Lynch, *Salkyns. PLATE 129.-
3. Copinger. 2. Burkett, Lloyd. 7. Sidebottom.
4.*Cooke, *Dax, Raymont. 3. Bainbridge, Bainbrigg, Bainbrigge, 8. Piatt.
5. Byng, Dennis, *Dighton, Prendergast, Bainbrigge-Le Hunt, Bambridge, 9.*David,*Davie,*Francis,*Lamb, Rids-
*Torrington. Baynbrigge, ^Button, *Russell. dale. Sheepshanks.
6.*Cranfield, Hawkins, Pocock. 5.*Amyat, *Amyatt, *Apletree, "Batters- 10. Battersby.
7. Crosley. bee, *Battersby, *Baynton, *Blaxton, 11. Lamb.
8. Rotlnvall. Board, Boord, Borde, *Boynton, i2.*Biggs, *Brandreth, *Crouch, *Crowch,
9. Bagnall. *Brune, Bruyin, Bruyn, *Carvill, *Davis, Elfred,
10. Agad, *Bermingham, *Chapman,
*Crow, *Chandos - Pole, Estewer, 13. Arbuckle, *Blossome, *Blossun,
* Chatfeild, *Cliatfield, *Darby, Estower, *Fleet, *Garth, *Gibball, Budds, *Colde, *Colfe, *Colt, Elliot,
*Memes, *Pennant, *Porter, Towers, *Goat, *Goate, *Handcock, *Har- Elliott, Gage, Kershaw, Manwell,
Trotter. vill. Hay, HoUowell, *Hugworth, Neal, Pascall, Rawlings, St. Clere,
li.*Adlington, *Dyne, *Hendley, Porter. Kemp, *Kervyle, *Lowndes, *Mac- *Shepheard, Sheppard, Staple, *Sten-
12. Gurteen. mahon, *Malby, *Napean, *Nepean, ynge, *Yea.
*Painter, *Penhallow, *Reresby, 14. Benton, Clack, *Grose, *Rowan.
14. Porritt. *Russell, Sacheverell, *Sullivan, War-
ren, Williams, Worthington.
PLATE 128.-i.*Herd. PLATE —6. Connel, Connell, Ringewood, Ring-
132. I. Hart, Ridgeway,
2.*Anthony, *Chevers, Russell, Snagg, 7. Russell. Ridgway.
2. Amphlet, Amphlett, 'Cardinal, Caw-
8. Clark, Clarke, Ince, *Kingeston,
ton, Derby, Goldfinch, *Hammon,
3. Pon^.'^Yate, Vales. Kingston.
Howel, Howell, Oliphant, *Parker,
4. Hamilton. 9. Campbell, *Fyers, *Wooding. 'Singleton, 'Weston.
5. .\ddlington, Adimgton, *Baggalay, 10. Bardwell, 'Bartholomew, *Bartolo- 3. Ridgway.
4.'AppeIton, 'Appolton, Maw.
*Baily, Baird-Hay, Bawtre, Bennet, mew, *Kimpton, *Kympton.
Berkhead, *Benicke, Birmingham, 11. Worthington.
Bowerman, Bowreman, Brooke, 5. Hart.
Brownlow, Buckton, *Bulwer, *Bun- e.'Jaye.
ney, *Bunny, Bush, Bushe, Catt;-, 7. Abberbury, 'Bourges, Bradford, Sur-
PLATEChetwynd, Clebury, Clobery, Clow- 130.— I. Ashby, *Aspland, ges, Burgis, Butter, Camel, Camp-
berry, Cokeningham, *Copoldyke, Baggeley, Belgrave, Bilsdon, *Boade, bell, Carron, Clove, Clynch, 'Collins,
Coppinger, Cox, Crutenden, Cuyet, *Capper, Chester, Gierke, Copinger, Columball, Courthope, 'Cowsfield,
Darrell, Dayrell, *Deton, *Detton, *Cromer, *Curtis, Dalavall, Dalton, Crichton, 'Crow, 'Crowe, Darwen,
Dorrell, *Dyer, *Eveleigh, Fleem- Dreux, *Ethelston, Gray, Greive, Darwin, Dauglish, 'Denn, 'Draper,
ing, Fleming, Frank, Frewke, *Ful- Grey, Knolas, Knolls, Knowles, *Led- Edmiston, Edmistone, Edmondstone,
merston, *Futter, Garnham, Gayford, lie, *Marriot, *Marriott, Mitton, Eldres,*Everslield,Fordyce, Framyng-
Gifford, *Gorton, *Haley, Hands, Mytton, *Orby, Orreby, *Peel, 'Rams- ham, 'FuUarton, Kahl, Lockwood,
Hay, *Jackson, Kidd, Kiddall, botham, *Ramsden, Ruthven, Ward- M'Gilvray, 'Morland, 'Musner, Pal-
* Knight, Leveson, Leyson, Littleboy, man. Currie, *Davy, *Dewar, ley, 'Pattenson, 'Phillipson, Stother,
Litton, M'Call, 'Malley, Mar, Marm, 2. Currey, * Haul tain. Hoard, Price, Stutvile, Sutherland, 'Wheler, Wood-
*Marwood, Meredyth, Methoulde,
Evans, burne, Woodthorpe.
Methwold, Morton, Outram, *Plum- Stopford. 8. Crisp.
stock, Prattenton, Prattinton, Prit- 3. Knowles. 9.'Betagh, Clere, Coffin, 'Freckelton,
chard, *Reade, Rigby, Robley, Ruth- 4. Marsh, -V ester.
ven, Sapcotes, Sapcott, Sares, Sar- 5. Farley. 'Freckleton, Leslie, 'Machell, 'Mar-
shall, 'Matchell, 'Merbury, 'Muchel!,
gent, Shales, Stratford, Sevrson, 6. Birket, Capper, Cousen, Cousin, Pepys.
Sweeting, Temmes, Traherne, Warde,
Wethered, *Whittington, Wornack, Cremer, Cupholme, De Dreux, De- 10. Cammell.
Worrall, *Yeatman.
lavall, Dus;,eaux, Grigson, Huson, 11. Crisp.
Martineau, Mee, Newnham, Penrud- 12. Pattison.
PLATE 133.— I. Betham, Bethome, wood. Holt, 'Lasman, 'Mervyn, 4. Abram,Congalton, Congilton, Harnet.
Young. 5. Sewell.
*Davy, Kirby, Knowles, Knowlys, 3. NicoUs. 6. AUatt.
Kyrby, Pelley, Pelly, Sanders, Vil- 4. Amcots, Ayncotts, 'Baldwin, 'Brough- 7.*Beebee, Brade, Browne, 'Bullock,
ton, Corbet, 'Davis-Goff, *Des Vceux,
lettes. ' Edmondstone, 'Flesher, *Goff, Calderwood, Creirie, Criiie, Gausen,
'Graves, 'Hill, 'Ireton, 'Newhouse, Gaussen, Honeywill, M'Crire, M'Cri-
2. Anderson, *ApIeton, *Appleton, Bas- 'Nicholls, 'St. Aubyn, 'Skerrit. rick, M'Rerik, Marshall, Petty, Petty-
tard, Clarke, Eliot, Elliot, Elliott, FitzMaurice, Shillinglaw, Suttie,
Ellyot, EUyott, Fountaine, Gardner, 5. Carteret, Corbet, Gilbert, Griffith, Templer.
*Huyshe, Keble, *Lander, *Larder, 'Rundle. 8. Gresham.
Oliphant, Parker, Putland, Smith, 9. Daubeney.
Throckmorton, Uvery, Westby, Yate, 6.'Warton, 'Wharton. 10. Bateson.
Yeveiley. 7. Amcot, Amcotes, Amcots, Amcotts, 1 1. 'Baxter, Bogg, Bouge, Bugge, Colwich,
3. Bestroe, Bestrow, *Carington, 'Car- Barrow, Barzey, Billesworth, Blewitt, De Rivers, Norrington, Novelle, Ran-
son, Dawbeney, Doleman, *Elliot, dall, Randolfe, Randolph, Wakefield,
Forican, *Huskisson, Ledgcomb, Bloundell, Blundell, Buries, 'Collin-
Lynes, Jladdocks, Oliphant, * Potter. son, Creswell, 'Dennistoun, 'Dighton, Yellowley.
Pratt, *Quelch, Risdon, Sanders, Sar- Dowsing, Feauliteau, Forest, Gilbard, 12. Babington.
gant, Sargeant, Saunders, *Smith. Gilbert, Gilbert-Davies, *Goff, Greyn-
Sutton, Throckmorton, Throgmorton. dour, Harvye, 'Hasell, 'Hazlewood, PLATE 138.— I. Farmer.
Hervey, 'Hillersden, 'Hillesden,
4. Snafford. Hingenson, Holt, Ireton, Lee, Littler, 2. Campbell, Douglas, Fitz-John, Julian,
5. Rosher. 'Loveday, Lovell, Malone, 'Mervyn, Julion, Macbride, Selkirk, Stead.
Perceval, Skereth, Smithson, ThjTine,
6. Webb. Tippets, 'Weld-Blundell, Woodgate, 3. Farmer.
7. Watt. Woodnoth, Woodward. 4. Delaval, Douglas, Dundas, Ebhert,
8. Abrahall, Albam, Birom, Byrom,
8. Keir. Calamy, Claxton, 'Curie, Gooding, Fitz-Harbert, Gill, Goddard, 'Shaflo,
9. Alexander, *Brander, Carson, *Cobb. Griles, Grills, Harris, Hersay, 'Jones, Shaftow, Smijth, Smyth, Snuggs,
Kempt, 'Kerle, 'Kyrle, Lufers, Main- Townsend,
Concanon, Crooks, De Betum, Foun stone, Mayneston,' Powtrell, Speake, 5. Huntley, 'Landon, 'O'Flahertie,
taine,*Framlingham,*Hynes,KnolIis, Speke, Weedon, Whitwange, Whit- 'O'Flaherty, 'O'Flarty, 'O'Haharty,
Knollys, Knowles, Laws, *Luff, Mac- wong. 'O'Halloran, 'Pratt, 'Warner.
9. Green, Greve, 'Gre\'is. 6. O'Hanlan.
Mkinder, 'Kinder, *Malin, Mascall, 10. 'Giles. 7. Gascoign.
11. Cresswell, Bethune. S.'Westcar.
O'Concannon, Oliphant, *Packington 12. See Plate 134, Nos. 6, 9, 13.
*Sarmon, Smith, Strafford, *Whirple, 10. Pyke.
*Fountayne-Wilson. 13. Clermont, Du Fou, Kyme, ^Ianchester, 1 1. 'Carpenter.
10. Nuthoobhoy. Miller, 'Nangotham, 'Nangothan,
11. Astley - Corbett, Beaimiont, Corbet 12. Gascoyne.
'Corbett, St. Paule. Robe, Sinclair.
i2.*Burdus, *Burduss, Littler. PLATE 139.-I. Gumey.
14. Claxton.
PLATE —134. I. Balfour, Bethune 2. Buckton, Buketon, Fassett, Garmston,
PLATE 136.— I. 'Carpenter, 'Coney, Garnatt, Molton, Moulton, Yeates.
2.*Bygan. 'Cony, Lonesby. 3. Clarke, Gillet {alias Chandler).
3. Bethune, Brewster, Burdenbroke, Ful 4. Cron, Crone.
a.'Booth, 'Meryet, 'Sweetingham, 5. 'Pike, Pyke.
larton, Hately, Holmden, Holmeden,
Kellam, Kellnm, Kinnaird, Bethune 'Swetenham. 6. Candler, Garling, Robsert.
Lindsay, Lindsay, Merks. 7. Franklin, Franklyn.
4.*Bariff, *Barriff, *Beriffe, Cooke. 3.*Birch, Brown, Browne, 'Byrch, Cran- S.'Tooker, Whalley.
5. 'Alexander, *Aprece, Homfray, Horn
fray - Addenbrook, *Jaye, *Otto, well, 'Hase, 'Lievre, 'Muttlebury, 9. Huttoft.
Schneider, Sinclair, *Symons. 10. Langston.
6. Attye, Aty, Atye, Blayney, De Butts •O'Malley, Winthrop. 11. Garrioch, Garrock, Gorges, Hodgson,
Chawner, Craufurd, Crawford, Ermine
*Fedelow, Hault, Hurlston, Keith, 4. Conesby, Coningesby, Coningsby, Hook, Ord, Salmond, Saresbery.
Lewis, Bethune-Lindsay, M'Culloch, Conisbie, Coney, 'Conney, Cony, 12. Biitweesil, Clapp, Corbally, Couper,
Robe, Stanton, *Watson.
7. Coleridge. 'Hewetson. Crab, Dudman, Gourlay, Hebert,
8. Alexander, Baynham,Beaver,*Beevor, Hoddy, Hody, .MacCan, MacKcnna,
Bell, *Besook, Bevers, Beynham 5. Dessen, Dychfield, Fyler, 'Grilles, Maclaughlan, M'Lean, Penrose,
Brookes, Brooks, *Coram, *Corham Grylls, Penny, Philpot, Prestage, Redingham, Salmond, Willeigh,
*Danskine, Dimsdale, 'Eaton, 'Fen
wick, 'Howel, 'Howell, Maclagan. Prestwich, Prestwick, Prissick, Speke, Willeley.
M 'Lagan, 'Molineux, Sadleyr, *Sym Sydney, Woodford. 13. 'Moult.
14. Archard, Busk, Buske, 'Fodon,
cock, 'Symcott, 'Trowell. 6. Packington, 'Pakington, 'Rabett.
9. Abarough, Abarow, 'Atbarough, 'At 'Gascoigne, Hoby, Merritt.
7. Black. Fitzgerald, FitzGerald,
borough. Crew, Dalley, Daly,'Dickey, S.'Berners,
'Dickie, Glen, Glenn, 'Houlton, Judd
Jude, Lowe, 'Maccaunach, Wat Fitz - Gerald, Fitz-Zimon, Gerard,
mough, Watmoughe.
10. Aberigh, Aermine, Airmine, Armine, 'Harris, 'Hays, 'Middleton, 'St.
Bradwarden, Elworth, France, Goold
Manchester, 'Soltau-Symons, Tagg. John, 'Scott, Zymon.
11. Barrie, Bethune, 'Beveridge, Ludlow
St. Germyn, Sinclair, Tayler. g.'Hodges, M'Connel. PLATE —140^
12. Gardin, Graden, Greiden.
l3.*Dodds, *Dods. 10. Inys. I. Durham, Fitz -
14. Smith.
11. Alderford. Richard, Kergourdenae, Nanfan,
PLATE 135.-i.*Levinz, Lynne.
12. Abriscourt, Abuscourt, Abustourt, Vickery.
2. *Ash, Baldwin, Foulke, 'Hasellwood,
'Haselwood, 'Haslewood, 'Hassell 'Hair, Hastday, Joel. 2. Hellen, Vandeput.
l3.*Cadicott, Cranage, Dan, Dann, Gove.
3. Bennet, Holebrooke, Upton.
14. Aldirford, Slauter, 'York, 'Yorke. 4. Brickdale, 'Durham, Geoghegan,
Luson, Maxfleld, Shilton, Stannard.
PLATE —137. I. Beatson, 'Busbie, 5. Arnold, Askeam, Askeham, Bert-
whistle, Birtwesill, Brown, Byrt-
Byres, Connel, Connell, 'Hokeley,
Innes, Mastone. whysell, 'Caesar, Carmenow, Car-
2. Abercrombie, Abercromby, Bathgate,
Beatson, Betson, Fettas, Fettes, Fitz- minow, Carmynow, Cassels, Colston,
pen. Gentle, Innes, Maher, Maxtone,
Meryon, Stewart, Tibbitts, Tuthill, Coulson, Coulston, Courtenay, Court-
Whitelaw. ney, 'Curtis, Delves, Durham, Faw-
3. Ferrers, Steuart, Stewart. cet, Fawcett, Ffrench, 'Field, Freer,
French, Godolphin, Grierson, Gwynne,
Henraghty, James, Kennedy, '.'Key
don. Kingdom, Kingdon, Lawrence,
*Lawrie, Mackmure, Mallam, Metge, 9. Bamford, Baumford, Horncastle, 10. Bertie, Jack, Myrton, *Perton, *Pur-
Monypenny, *Morin, Nedham, Nutter, Knight, Tully, Vivian.
Orme, Pugii, Raitt, Reardon, Remnant, 10. Ameel, Ameil, .-^rnied, Boors, Dela- 11. Asbumer, Aserburne, Ashbume, Ash-
Rinimer, Ryton, *Sargant, *Sargeant, mare, Dunkin, Ellis, Phillips, Ship- burner, Asherburne, *Ashworth,
Septuans, *Sergeant, *Sergison, ton. Corp, Hexman, *Hone.
Shone, Simmons, Solay, Soley, 11. Lagenham, Mole. 12. Bartolozzi, Bayen, Cockett, Grandson,
Sj-monds, Weyland, Young. 2. Boreham, Borham, *Cavendish, Flay, *Haw, Shackleton, Shakelton.
6. Anderley, Crafton, Malton, Seagar, Granville, Johns, Roffey, Tudor. 13. Acton, Andson, Ashlin, Bertie, Brad-
Seager, Spear. 13. See No. 4. bourne, Bradburne, Broadwood,
7. P.-inting, Panton. 14. Hatsell. Christall, Pine - Coffin, Commolin,
8. Frankland, *Franklin, Franklyn, Hunter, M'Gregor, Noy, *Thrale,
•Smith. Walker, Walsam, Walsham, Willing-
9. Bhmden, Earl, Holmes, Lewis, Mar- ton.
14. Tankard.
PLATE —lay. St. Pere, St. Pierre, Sent-Pier.
and, 143. I. Brandwood, Dur
Easton, Ellames, Faconbridge
10. Bellismo, Horton, Lane. Hensley, M'Millan, Meredyth, Mow 15. Cairns.
11. Albany, Beresford, Casaer, *Degon, bray. Seamark, Sparrow, Stelton.
De Rouillon, Dolphin, Durham, 2. Aickman, Aikenhead, Aikman,
Fortun, Gillum, Guillam, Gwillam, PLATEAncketill, Forrest, Gordon, Hamilton,
Hambley, Hanibly, *Heringham,
Kennedy, Lyssers, Lyzzers, Roclay, O'Keover, Ronald, Wood.
St. Andrea, St. Andrew, Sherlock, 145.— I. See No. 2.
Smith, Smythe, Whitington, Young. 3. Hamilton.
2. Air, Aldjo, Aljoy, Auldis, Auldjo,
12. Francklin, Franklin.
4. Quain. Belches, Biset, Bisset, Bissett, Bough,
5. Accome,Adson, .'Vikin,.Aitken, Aitken- Crosbey, Crosbie, Cunningham, Cun-
head, Akenhead, Anderson, Anke
ninghame, Dalgleish, Fownes, Gre-
tell, Asterby, *Ayliffe, Braidwood, gory, Hamilton, Lauder, Laurie,
Brantingham, Brentingham, Clerk. Lawder, Lawrie, Limesey, McEwan,
Clunie, Cockram, Courtis, Crum,
PLATE 141—1. Ellis. Cunningham, Deinston, De Ponthieu Mackenan, Mackeuan, Mackewan,
Dufrene, Elliot, Elliott, Falstoffe, M'Lowe, M'Vicar-Affleck, Nairn,
2. Ballantine-Dykes, Banester, Dikes, Forrest, Godby, Gordon, Grant, Hali- Plaine, Roddam, Scrogie, Smellet,
burton, Halliday, Hamilton, Hog, Smollet, Smollett, Stewart, Struth,
Dykes. Hogg, Hogue, Hurst, Ince, Kesstell, Tailefer, Trower,Watson, Wellwood.
3. Lambert, Sea. 3. Tomlins.
4. Aunsham, Awnsam, Bullingham,
Bustin, Cenino, *Follye, Hede, Lowd-
ham, Pringle. Danbv, Lowyn, Kinninmond, Latta, Leeks, Leving, 4. Hansfell.
5. Banester, Bridger, Lilley, M'Crae, Macrea, Mayn, Men- 5. Agnew, D'Urban, Grant, Hadestock,
M'Kaile. dorf, Monteith, Morton, Muirside, Shadford, Shadforth, Streveling, Tra-
6. Crowder, Heigham, *Henniker, Mac- quair, Travers.
.Arthur, Macarthur, Main. Nigell, Nigill, Paver, Pix, Ponton, 6. Conquest, Doyne, *Holme, Kempsey,
Ramsay, Righton, Roots, Rose,
7. Fludyer, 'Lay, *Ley, M'Hattie, *Tankarde.
Mathews, *SuckUng. Rowntree, Saurin, Scardlow, Sharp, 7.*Bradley, Huger.
Smith, Southey, Strange, Taylor, 8. Bisset, Boughs, Bush, Bushe, Bussche,
8. Abbot, Billers, Carpenter, Galay, Templeton, Thrale, Threele, Tierney,
Titterton, Tree, Warley, Wilding, Falkner, *Hankwood, Holbeach,
Gilbertson, Kingsbury. Wolrich, Wolrige, *Woh:yche, Wool-
9. Bolger. Aldeborough, Aud- rych. 9. Ashbumham, Byrom, Owen, Owens,
10. Aldborough,
11. borough, Bottlesham, Delalynd, De- 6. Riley. Dexter, 10. Telfer.
lalvnde, Garraway, Grieve, Hoke, 7. Hamilton. Christie, Handcock, Hendey, Hendy,
Hole, Hooke, Hooker, St. Owen, S. Hamilton. 11.
9. Altree, Larra. 2. Tosh.
Snape, Snepp, Storey. 10. Alison, Anderson, Cooper, 3.
Elston, *Folet, Hesehrigge, Hogan, Gainsby, Greenlees, Greenless.
*Londham, Mayor, Shipey, Shippey, Garman, Garmon. See Plate 144, Nos. 8 and 12.
1 1. 'Hamilton, Monteath. Bonham, Boymen, Boynam, Boynan,
Tracy. Copson, Lefever, Lefevre, Pyne,
12. Brock, "Brooking, Cabot, Cowan. Tait.
12. Saunders. i4.*Br.indling.
Frodsham, Graham, Hadfield, Has- *Thrale,
sard, Hughan, Judge, Le Febvre, 13. Hamilton, *Taverner,
*Threlle, *Woodstock.
*0'FieneUa, Pilgrim.
Marten, 14. Abercrombie, Abercromby, Ancke-
Pilgrime, Pringle, Spence, Thyly, till, Anketell, Anlaby, Basnet, Beran PLATE 146—1. Farwell.
ger, Berenger, Bosom, Bosome, Bos
Winch. sum, Chambers, Forrest, Fox, France, 2. Canham, Ducie, Duffy, Dunies, Ken-
Garrioch, Hanlaby, Harries, Hewlett, net, Kennett, Redder, Walford, Wall-
1 3. Burnard. Hog, Hooley, Mowat, Penteney,
14. Baniaby, Barnard, Bidwill, Bottell. Thorns, *Town, *Towne, Watson, ford.
Bower, Brindesley, *Browne, Brow 3. See No. 5.
nell, Clarke, Cowan, Curtoys, Dish 4. Boulby, Bowlby.
ington,*Green, Hazard, King, Kings 5. Conroy, Drummond, FuUwood, Gil-
cote, Luke, MulhoUand, Murray,
Pardoe, Prior, Pritchard, Pryer, Pryor mour, Kinaird, Kinnaird, Laurie,
Schelley, Shelmerdine, Smith, Solo PLATE 144.— I. Balfour, MLawrence, Lowry, M'Arther, '.Ar-
mons. Blagrove thur, Manditt, Manduyt, Maudit,
Dyxton, Fergusson, Fleeming, Flem Sibbald, Tytler.
Haming, Gariock, Gordon, Haniill, 6.*Bollens, *BoIeyn, *Bolleyn, *Bollin,
PLATE 142.— I. Malton. mill, Hope, Leighton, Newbigging Dunbar, Forbes.
Place, Pulley, Sandilands, Sparshott 7. Alley, Forty, Hawle, Mamer, *Stil-
2. .\ighton.
3. Martin. Stysted. lington.
4. Cavendish, Fleming, Honnor, Honor, 2. France, *Hirst, *Hurst.
3. Bellasses, Bellasis, Crouchfield,Crutch 8. Bloye, *Dellatre, Jafifray, Marchall,
Huxley, Lante, M'Candlish, Mathilez, Richmond, St. Leger, Vowell.
Melton, Morison, Pringle, Simpson. field, *Fenton, Garrow, Somerford
Watson, *Wingate. 9. Casey, Hargraves, Heyford, Hey-
Southern. forde, Montgomery, Neale, Neele.
5. Van Notten. 4. Waller. io.*Biigham, Broadstone.
5. Penfold, 'Pinfold. 11. Kinnaird, Ladd, Ladde, Sandilands.
6. Alexander. 6. May. 12. Aylford, Aylnford, Conran, Gemell,
7. Bradby, Fleming, Foy, Hewetson
7. Elmsall. Gemill, Gemmell, Smith.
Holcomb, Holcombe, Lees, Le Flem
8. Macgregor, M'Gregor, Melles. 13. Johnston.
9. Scrivington. l4.*Blackwood, Parkes, Radford, Tumour.
PLATE —147. I. Archbald, Archi- . Adderly, Alton, Aitoune, Aytoun, 11. Barr, Bettescombe, Burge, Finlay,
bald, Crawford, Hastie, Innes, Ken- Bull, Eraser, Gleig, *Hesketh, Mar Hagell, Murray, Plank, Planke, Rusted,
nedy, Lithgow, Niven, Paterson, mion, Pether, Shaw, Stowers, Thorn Somery, Tothill.
Porlerfield, Small, Thompson, Thom- son, Timins. 12. Borgoine, Botell, Bothell, Coryton,
son, Tompson, Whithers. . Baggs, Lynan, Meschines, ValangC; Kay, Lisle, Randes, Rands.
2. Emeric de St. Dalmas. Wallange, Waringe. 13. Colquhon, Colquhoun, Duer, Massing-
3. McNevins, Montgomery, *Nevins,
. Currey, Currie, Foxton, Hoole, Rush bird, Mathison, Murray, Ross, Sprigg,
Niven. brooke, Sparrow. Weller
4. Baines, Bone, Dempster, Gall, Hod- .*Ames, Annand, Bogle, Brown. Euch i4.*Ardern, *Mavdwell, Rous, Russell.
kinson, Small. anan, Burkin,Cht.-i.^K . '"'' l\.r!;i- ,lv 15. Abenhall, Ableshall.
5. Lingen. ClelIand,Danheck. i' I- u,
6. Grierson. :
7. Bareu, Barew, Grance.
8. Daubeney. Dunlop, Dupre, 1 - '•. ' 11 PLATE 152.'— I. *Andrews, Bag-
9. Burghersh, Folebome,*Hoskins,*Laiw- 1
shole, Bagshote, Barton, Blackshame,
rence, *Paggin. Googe, Grubham, J jh^m n. I .r.iii it. Dupa, Duppa, Graham, Gruben, Law-
10. Aylesbury, *Bracebridge, *Brasbridge, Learmonth, Lehoop, l.ethoop, Lidi.lel, rence, O'Reilly, Querleton, Querlton,
Tolley, Trelawney, Wight.
Dymock, Djmiok, Dymoke, *E\vers, "Marsden, Mushet, Pinkerton, Rose, 2. Huth, Lang.
*Fynney, Goff, Gofte, *Sheen, Varley, 3. Dabbins, 'Dobbin.
Wagstaff, Whithers. Ross, Vanheck, WTiilham, Yorstone. 4. Amand, Amane, Amarme, Don,
ii.*Fancourt, Jebb. Granado, Hedges, Poynings, Virtue,
12. Boddy, Body. . Dorville, *Dupre. Wauchope.
13. Coldham-Fussell. 5. Rhan, Wrench.
14. Strangman. .*Aslin, *Aslyn, *Asslan, Currey. 6.*Perins, *Perring, Pomerov.
7. Bourden, Champagne, Old, Strang,
PLATE 148.— I. Clepole, Danvers, . Angeville, Angevine, Angevyne, An- Strong.
S. Apperley, *Burfoot, *Kidd, Parkins,
Fenton, Wardor. vers, Baker, Cashen, Chambre,Clason, *Parkyns, Perryn, Willaume.
2. Absalem, Absolom, Absolon, Ascum, 9. Ahem, Broun, Brown, Burnet, Finu-
Classon, English, Hailstones, Kings- cane, Garginton, Garwinton, Grumley,
Barnett, Blizard, Borough, Boutfleur! Symonds.
Burgess, Cairnes, Caron, Chastelin, ford, Limesie, Meignell, Rochfort, 10. Milnes.
Cheslin, Clarke, *Cleypole, Coape,
*Compton, Cope, *Courtauld, Cowie, Rodatz, Rome, Ross, *Sennicots, 11. Parsons.
Dealtry, Deyvil, Docton, Doketon,
Dokerton, *Douthwaite, Durant, Stevenson, Tilly, Wheeler, Wiley. 12. Hales.
*Edmond, Ellis, Estote, *Eyringhain,
*Fantlaroy, *Fauntleroy, Fisher, .*Atwater, EUisworth, Lillie, Wad- 13. Craigg, Craigie, Fall, Lely, Mewberv,
*Fletcher, *Foyler, French, Gay, Orr, Parkhill, Sideserf, Sidserf, Spee-
ham. ding, Sydserfe, Walker.
. Thorndike. 14. Milnes.
. Caltoft, Collinson, Vigne.
. Bassinges, Hill, Roos, Ross, Zachert,
. Brodribb.
. Alton, Aytoun, Baker, Delap, Invera-
rity, Mayhew.
PLATE 150.— I. *Brabant, Gayns
ford, Gaynsforth, Hearne, Ross,
Goulton, Grant, *Greathead, Greet- 2.*Arden, *Blaydes,*Dankeck, *Halgoet,
PLATE —head, Hamill, Hammil, Hill, Hin-
Innes, MacAlpine, *M'Chlery, *Per- 153. I. *BenwelI, *Dod,
son, *Hucks, *Kramer, Leycester, ceval, *Percival, *Thomson, *Tose, Dodd, Lewthwaite.
Lyndwood, JMacaul, M'Caul, Michel- »Tosh, Yoi4i. 2. Alvas,Alves, Alvis, A!yis,Aust,AuBte,
son, Montgomery, Morech, Morris, 3. Denham, Foss, Hepburn, Merrey, Barney, Barns, Baron, Barron, Bell,
Mountford, Mountlort, Newdegate, Southam, Steuart, .Stewart. Berney, Blair, Bliss, Bouling, Brett,
Newdigaic. XeH|iiiii. 1 Ikt-ton, Okton, 4. Cen-ington, *Langthorne. *Bunten, *Bunting, Burket, Eurkett,
O'Keanl.i:, I rK,,,,<i,i„. Pancefoot, 5. Alles, Allez, *Dobree,*Emslie,*Emsly Burleton, Burlton, Catcher, Cheap,
Cheape, Chelsum, Close, Compj-on,
Pickeriny. r'.rtin.,ii. ICix.le, Richards, M'Gouan, M'Gowan, Perceval, Sit-
Rogers, Rdlana, .'-ch..rtield,Schofield, siU, Walkfare. Comyn, Crawford, Crawfurd, Crump,
Sherbrooke, Smith, Sparkes, Taddy, 6. Heathcoat. Cumine, Cuming, Cummin, Dale. Dan-
Tod, Townshend, Udney, Unton, 7. Burdett, *Elmslie. son, Darby, De Blaquiere, Dodds,*Doe,
Vaughan, Warden, Willcocks. 8. Cardiff, Carstairs, *Devere. Dolman, Donald, Donaldson, *Ducket,
3. Drewett. 9. Cossar, Cosser, Ferguson, Fergusson, *Duckett, Ellis, Este, Falconer, Falk-
4- Jutting. Gardner, Innes, M'Innes. nor, Fawlconer, Ferrier, *Fetherston-
5. Mountford. 10. Barnet, Bland, Burnet, Christie, Hut- haugh. Field, Fitton, FoUer, Folvill,
7. Crompe, Crump, Crumpe, Falch. chins, Irvine, Niven, Wakinshaw, *Frevile, *Garbridge, Gilliot, Gillot,
S. Birch, Brook, *Buckner, Burgh, W'ilkes. Girle, Glastonbury', Goklie, Gold-
*Crooke, Eady, Hartstonge, Hart- il.*Henbury, Innes, *Wilkie. ing, Goudie, Gouldie, Gregor,
stronge, Jackson, Newell-Birch, Row- 12. Dunn, Dunne, Foleborne, Irvine, Gregorie, Grenrille, Gwatkin, Har-
lands. Smvthe. rower, Heathfield, Hesketh, Hes-
9. Aphery, Baldrie, Baldry, Balm, Bridge- kett, Hiders, *Higgins, James, Jones,
man, Conyers, Falconer, Fawkenor, Kelso, Keltic, Kelty, *Kempton,
Lawson, Lovell, M'Laws, Maltby,
PLATEFawkner, *Fitz-W'illiam, Harvey, 151.— I- Bie, Bosworth, By,
Harvie, Hen-ey. Lefevre, M'Taggart, Bye, Hamilton, Mackie. Masterbon, Merefield, Michael, Aliln
Marishall, Marshal, Marshall, *Wan- 2. Chadwick,Coane,*Fitton,Gray, Rait, Milnes, Mitchell, Modjford, Oatl),
ton, Wauton. Torre, Watson. O'Flaherty, Paul, Pa\ton, Petei
lo.*Bohun, Caning, Ewes, Manico, De 3.*Amidas, Burnside, Coyney, Coyny, borough, Phillips, Piatt Puce,
Newburv, Redford, Sealy. Drywood, Jewel, Lindsay, Morrison, RandoU, Reath Rcdc Reed *Keid,
me.11. Farby, 'ir, -X. .i. ^ n 1: , -, v, St. Maure, Seymour, Sharp, Tibbs, Roby, Routl 1 1 «ind
Watson, W'ood. Sandbach •-- 1 \ nth
12. Airey, .1 :iller,
Cairnc-, - - : Murd, 4. Symonds. Sicklemorc ^ ill ur\
^ n^n 11
Currycr, 1' M "|i.-\'-a.. : i 'urg, 5. Neave, Neve, Le Neve. Spur\\a}e ^1 ^
.^., .,
*Epitre, Erisey, l-i.ldcs, '1-itton, 6. See No. 12. Stevens, Stc\cn-,in Ste\\nson,
Golden, Hamilton, Herries, La Barthe, 7. Chadwick. Tippet, ^ allance Vanderplank,
Lampard, Rorie, St. Andrew, *Spran- 8. Bourdon, Burdon, Jermain, Jermayne, W W W Walter ameford atur auchop,
W W W Wauch 1 e au^h
ger, Wifield, Winckworth. Livingston, Livingstone, Moncrief, hetcioft hite.
I'erkins, Reding, Stewart. Will I \\ 1 Hilton Wmton,
PLATE —149. 9. Forrester. *\\ i\
I. *Abcot, *Abcott, 10. Bucket, Field, Irvine, Jefferyes, Jef- 3. Li .
Anketel. fries. Tell) W