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2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

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Published by mcfspatknust, 2020-07-29 08:16:21

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

Keywords: Community Empowerment,Scholarship,University Education,Scholars,Kwame Nkrumah,Arizona State University

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 2

His Royal Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II
Asantehene and Chancellor of KNUST

Table of Content Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 3

Educating Ethical
and Transformational

08 Foreword by Professor Kwasi Obiri-Danso,
11 Vice Chancellor
Background Information of Mastercard Foundation (MCF)
18 and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
24 MCFSP at KNUST Scholar Alumni Community Report
Where Our Scholars Come from in Ghana and Africa
136 Scholars Profiles (Cohort Three)

276 Scholars Profiles (Cohort Four)
Scholars Profiles (Cohort Five)
396 MCFSP at KNUST in Partnership with ASU

416 MCFSP at KNUST News

MCFSP at KNUST Gallery
Cohort Two Graduation

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 4 Executive
Advisory Board

The Chairman Professor Kwasi
Mr. Yaw Vice Chancellor
Nimoh-Baffour & Member
Finance Officer
& Member Professor Kofi
Professor Wilson Lead & Member/Secretary
Agyei Agyare
Dean of Students
& Member

Professor William Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 5
Otoo Ellis
Former Vice

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 6 MCFSP at KNUST Secreteriat

LEAD POrwofuessuso-Dr Kaaokfui


together Program Officer, Counselling
to serve Program Manager 11. MS. ABIGAIL MONNEY
the future 2. MR. EMMANUEL EBO OCRAN
Program Officer, Counselling
We desire a transformative Accounting Liaison with HQ 12. MR. PETER KWABENA ESSIEN
life for all at the KNUST
Mastercard Foundation; through FO Program Officer, Career
Our team serve to develop 3. REV FR. DR. STEPHEN
future leaders for Africa. Development (IMI)

Chief Counseller Program Officer, Liaison (CEMP)

Program Accounting Support Progam Assistant, Counselling

Deputy Program Manager, Progam Assistant, Data Analyst
Recruitment & Admissions

Program Officer, Communication Progam Assistant, IT Support

& Branding and Travels

ANSAH Progam Assistant, Counselling
Program Officer, Scholars
Program Assistant, Scholars
Welfare and Logistics
8. MR. DANIEL QUANSAH Support Services
Program Assistant, Recruitment
Program Officer, IT Support and
and Admissions
Program Officer, Monitoring &
Program Assistant,
Communication & Branding

Program Assistant, Career

Development (IMI)

Program Assistant, Alumni


Deputy Program Manager & Program Officers Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 7

56 78

9 10 11 12

Program Assistants

14 15 16 17 18
19 20
21 22

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 8 Foreword

Education should be a right for everyone on paper, but KNUST was a proud scholar of the Program - Mr. Edwin
it is hardly so in reality; and therefore, gaining access to Amponsah – a brilliant mind and a passionate scholar.
quality university education is a dream we all aspire to But for the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of our
realize. As an academic, I recognize that the training of scholars in the graduating class of 2020 were on track
young minds should be geared towards their commitment to being valedictorians, with the prospective overall
to service and dedication to duty. This is a Herculean task, best student of KNUST being a scholar, for this year’s
which nonetheless, can be achieved through a passion (commencement) congregation. Mastercard Foundation
and a zeal to impart these as we shape the character these Scholars Program investment in KNUST, no doubt, is
young scholars. Thus, I identify with the vision of the yielding rich dividends.
Mastercard Foundation to provide an opportunity for There are good signs ahead for the future; in that amidst
the brilliant but needy, to learn, prosper, be ethical and the COVID-19 pandemic, when our scholars are on
then go back and give back to their communities. As they break from school and into their communities, they
unite these little lamps they light in their communities, have demonstrated strong sense of duty to giving back
they ultimately help transform Africa. and contributing their quota to the fight against the
I believe that empowered with the right tools, our coronavirus even without the Program’s prompting.
scholars can achieve whatever they set their minds to do. This goes to show that we are not only training them
Thus, providing them access to quality tertiary education, academically, but they are committed to making a change
giving them exposure to corporate working experience in their societies.
and equipping them with basic practical skills to create I am also proud that the majority of our scholar alumni
employable ventures, these scholars should be heading in have transitioned successfully into the corporate world,
the right direction. I can proudly boast that although most self-employment, entrepreneurship ventures and others
of these young scholars are first-generation university are pursuing higher education. I have no doubt that our
students in their families, they have risen above all odds insistence on going back to give back have yielded such
to become role models to their families, communities, tremendous rewards that Africa shall continue to reap
countries and the continent. From advocacy, community over generations to come.
engagements to initiating small business start-ups and Looking back to the success of this Program, we are proud
social enterprises to create employment opportunities as academics to say that we were all a part of these young
for their community members, and other innovative people’s wonderful journey through life. I look into the
ways of solving societal problems; they are truly agents of future with great joy as we continue to sharpen the minds
change. Hopefully we are raising leaders who are ethical, of 750 scholars in our Phase 1 and 1,500 scholars in our
transformative and academically talented. Phase 2.
I look back with nostalgia to the graduation ceremony
of our first Cohort of scholars two year ago; where 50% Professor Kwasi Obiri-Danso
graduated with first class honours degrees (Suma cum Vice Chancellor
laude). The story was no different last year with the
second cohort of graduating scholars; in which two of our
scholars were valedictorian speakers in their respective
colleges; College of Science and College of Humanities
& Social Sciences.
Several others won excellence awards in their respective
disciplines. Furthermore, the overall best student of

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 9

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 10 Organogram of
the Mastercard
Foundation Scholars
Program, KNUST



A Deputy Program Manager
8 Program Officers
A Chief Counsellor
9 Program Assistants
A Program Accounting Support Personnel
An Accounting Liaison Personnel

Background Information of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 11
Mastercard Foundation (MCF) and
Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science And Technology (KNUST)

Collaborate: We listen and respect diversity in people
Mastercard Foundation is an independent, global and ideas. We act ethically.
organization based in Toronto, Canada, with more than Innovate: We constantly challenge ourselves and others
$9 billion in assets. Through collaboration with partner to be bold – to explore, test and create scalable solutions
organizations in 46 countries, it is creating opportunities to poverty.
for all people to learn and prosper. Achieve: We seek results and long-term impact. We set
The Foundation’s programs promote financial clear objectives, track performance and share learnings.
inclusion and advance youth learning, mostly in
Africa. Established in 2006 through the generosity MASTERCARD
of Mastercard Worldwide when it became a public FOUNDATION SCHOLARS
company, the Foundation is a separate and independent PROGRAM
The policies, operations, and funding decisions of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program is a $500
the Foundation are determined by its own Board of million, 10-year initiative to educate and prepare young
Directors and President and CEO. people – particularly from Africa – to lead change and
make a positive social impact in their communities.
Vision & Mission of MCF Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program provides
access to secondary and higher education for young
Our Vision people who are committed to giving back to their
communities. It is designed to provide students with
Opportunity for all to learn and prosper. holistic support, including the following:
Comprehensive Scholarships Students receive financial
Our Mission support for fees, uniforms, books and supplies,
transportation, accommodation, and stipends.
Mastercard Foundation advances youth learning and
promotes financial inclusion to catalyze prosperity in
developing countries.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 12 Skills Training Students benefit from enrichment in
areas relevant to employment success, such as critical
thinking, communications, and entrepreneurship. Academic Talent Scholars value learning and have the
Transition Support Students receive support during drive to complete their education.
their transition into secondary school, university or Commitment to Giving Back Scholars have a
the workforce with mentoring, career counseling, demonstrated commitment to improving their
internships, leadership development, and other life skills communities.
coaching. Potential to Lead Scholars will become role models,
Give-Back Component An integral component of the mentors, and problem solvers.
Program is the commitment from the Scholars to give The Program will serve an estimated 15,000 young
back to their communities and countries of origin. people at the secondary and university levels. It has
Students demonstrate this commitment through a particular focus on Africa, which has the world’s
volunteerism and community service, as well as other youngest population structure. The continent is
forms of experiential learning. experiencing unprecedented economic growth; yet, it
Alumni Network Graduates of the Scholars Program faces the lowest secondary and university education
will be connected through an alumni network that offers enrolment rates in comparison with the rest of the
information, resources, and opportunities to consult world.
with other graduates.


Students selected for Mastercard Foundation
Scholars Program are provided with opportunities to
realize their full potential. Through Foundation
partners, they receive holistic financial, academic, and
emotional support as they transition from secondary to
university education and into the workforce. Scholars
will build core competencies such as critical thinking,
problem solving, and working across diverse groups to
ensure their success in the global economy.
Partner institutions will identify and select young
men and women from economically disadvantaged
communities who have demonstrated the following

$20 Million Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 13

to make it easy for others to learn and
be useful to their communities and

750 Scholars

to be trained to help develop communities
and economies

Ten Years

10-year initiative to educate and
prepare young people


creating an environment for leadership
in innovation and technology

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 14

KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 15

Historical background Once established, the College began to grow and in
1957, the School of Architecture, Town Planning and
The Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Building was inaugurated and its first students were
Technology grew out of the Kumasi College of admitted in January, 1958, for professional courses in
Technology which was established by a Government Architecture, Town Planning and Building Technology.
Ordinance on 6th October, 1951 The College was As the College expanded, it was decided to make the
officially opened on 22nd January, 1952 with 200 Kumasi College of Technology a purely science and
Teacher Training students transferred from Achimota technology institution. In pursuit of this policy, the
College in Accra at the coast, to form the nucleus of this Teacher Training College, with the exception of the Art
new College 250 kilometers up country in the forest belt. School (considered as running Technological programs),
In October, 1952, the School of Engineering and the was transferred in January, 1958, to the Winneba
Department of Commerce were established and the first Training College (whose nucleus has become part of the
students were admitted. From 1952 to 1955, the School present day University of Education Winneba).
of Engineering prepared students for professional In 1959, the Commerce Department was transferred to
qualifications only. In 1955, the School embarked on Achimota to form the nucleus of the present School of
courses leading to the University of London Bachelor Administration of the University of Ghana, Legon.
of Engineering External Degree Examinations. A
Pharmacy Department was established in January, 1953, Accession to University
with the transfer of the former School of Pharmacy from Status – The birth of KNUST
Korle-Bu Hospital, Accra, to the College.
The Department ran a two-year comprehensive course In December, 1960, the Government of Ghana
in Pharmacy leading to the award of the Pharmacy appointed a University Commission to advise it on the
Board Certificate. future development of University Education in Ghana,
A Department of Agriculture was opened in the same in connection with the proposal to transform both the
year to provide a number of ad hoc courses of varying University College of Ghana and the Kumasi College
duration, from a few terms to three years, for the of Technology into two independent Universities in
Ministry of Agriculture. A Department of General Ghana.
Studies was also instituted to prepare students for the Following the report of the commission which came
Higher School Certificate Examinations (Advance out early 1961, the Kumasi College of Technology was
level) in both Science and Arts subjects and to give thus transformed into a full-fledged University and 1961
instruction in such subjects as were requested by the and re-named Kwame Nkrumah University of Science
other departments to make successful candidates eligible and Technology (after the President of the 1st Republic
for degree courses they offer. of Ghana) by an Act of Parliament on 22nd August,
1961. It was officially inaugurated on Wednesday, 20th
November 1961.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 16 The University’s name was changed to University of In summary, the vision can be stated as “Advancing
Science and Technology after the military coup d’état knowledge in Science and Technology for sustainable
of 24th February, 1966 which overthrew Osagyefo development in Africa”
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. However, by another act of
Parliament, Act 559 of 1998, the University has reverted Our Mission
to her original name of Kwame Nkrumah University of
Science and Technology, (KNUST) Kumasi. To provide an environment for teaching, research and
entrepreneurship training in Science and Technology
STRATEGIC MANDATE, for the industrial and socio-economic development of
VISION, MISSION & CORE Ghana, Africa and other nations. KNUST also offers
VALUES of KNUST service to community, is opened to all the people of
Ghana and positioned to attract scholars, industrialists
Our Strategic Mandate and entrepreneurs from Africa and other international
The Act of establishing the University defines its
mandate, which essentially is to provide higher Our Core Values
education, undertake research, disseminate knowledge
and foster relationships with the outside persons and • Leadership in Innovation and Technology
bodies. The strategic mandate of the University is • Culture of Excellence
derived from Science and Technology in its name. • Diversity and Equal Opportunity for All
• Integrity and Stewardship of Resources

Our Vision

To be globally recognised as the Premier Centre
of excellence in Africa for teaching in Science and
Technology for development; producing high calibre
graduates with knowledge and expertise to support the
industrial and socio-economic development of Ghana
and Africa.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 17


Serving others
and solving

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 18 The MCFSP at KNUST Alumni Community Report

By President of the Scholar Alumni Community

Having assumed office in June 2018, I recognized the are pursuing a postgraduate degree with 3 doing so
enormous task placed on me and my team to getting outside the country. This barely affords us time to
the community working. We set out to laying the meet in person to plan our activities. Also, majority of
foundation for succeeding executives to build upon. members have shown little to no interest in the activities
By this, we designed a one-year strategic plan which was of the Alumni Community.
subdivided into two: (1) establishment of administrative More also, considering that the Alumni community
structures and (2) implementation of maiden programs. members are still struggling to gain their feet out there,
Under the administrative structures, the executives set we are unable to collect dues and this greatly affects our
up a committee to draft a constitution for the Alumni project planning and implementation.
community. Out of this constitution, six (6) committees Our membership so far stands at One Hundred and
have been formed namely; Thirty-Two (132). Consisting of 46 Scholar Alumni
• The Judicial Committee from Cohort One, Class of 2018 and 86 Scholar Alumni
• The Welfare Committee from Cohort 2, Class of 2019.
• IT and Publicity Committee This is how far we have drove the community.
• The Audit Committee
• Projects and Community Engagements Committee

These committees together with the executive board
form the administrative structure of the Alumni
community. Aside the creation of these committees, we
have also created various social media handles/accounts
on socoal media platforms such as; Facebook, twitter,
Instagram and Whatsapp.

We have successfully implemented two initiatives.
These are; "Meet the Alumni", a program which the
maiden edition was held on the 15th February, 2019
and the "Alumnus of the Month" imitative to celebrate
achievements of our members.

As part of the Alumnus of the month initiative, Mr. Simon Awintuuma Ndewin,
achievements of fifteen (15) Alumni have been President of the Scholar Alumni Community
celebrated for their successes in their endeavours. Email Address: [email protected]

Also, quite a number of members have benefited
from our welfare scheme in various forms including
monetary. Several community projects have been drawn
awaiting selection, fund raising and community entry,
only to be stalled by the COVID-19.

Despite the above achievements, we have been
challenged in some ways. Five out of the six executives

Scholar Alumni Community Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 19

1 23

4 56

President Financial Secretary

Vice President Organizing Secretary

General Secretary Relations Officer

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 20 A BRIEF PROFILE OF MR. NDEWIN: I am an
entrepreneur and currently the founder of Na God’s Win
Bakery. I am also a writer and a politician. I am hoping
to become a lecturer and a Member of Parliament. I do
not share the view that politics is a dirty game. I see it
as a platform on which right decisions or policies ought
to be made for the betterment of all. I belief in fairness,
justice and equality.

NAME: Simon Awintuuma Ndewin NAME: Npoagne Issahaku Tawanbu
ORIGIN: Garu-Tempane, Upper East Region, Ghana ORIGIN: Lonto, Kpandai District, Northern Region.
CURRENT LOCATION: Cape Coast, Central Region, CURRENT LOCATION: 01069 Dresden, Germany
Ghana QUALIFICATION: BSc Natural Resources
QUALIFICATION: BA. Culture and Tourism Management, MSc Tropical Forestry, MSc Forests and
CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Studying at University Livelihoods in Developing Countries
of Cape Coast for MPhil. Tourism Management CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Studying at Dresden
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] University of Technology, Germany and University of
Copenhagen, Denmark for MSc Tropical Forestry and
MESSAGE TO CURRENT SCHOLARS: Have you MSc Forests & Livelihoods in Developing Countries
ever seen any man who has retired from civil service at respectively.
65 embarking on professional footballing? Such a season EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
will be past! When your season of stardom is over, it is
alumnus of this prestigious Scholarship, I see the MCF
Whiles on the program, think and make the necessary scholarship as not just a life-changing experience but
decisions about your life, decisions about your passion. also a steppingstone for scholars to develop unmatched
Else, when you leave the program any road will lead leadership and academic capabilities required to excel at
you anywhere. Decide now and take advantage of every level across the globe.
the numerous resources of the program accordingly.
Though the scholarship opportunity doesn’t guarantee
you success, it has what it takes to shape your future for
good. Just put up the right attitude.

Note that the difference between people with great
impact and those with less impact lies in the discovery
of ones calling – passion. You know why, outside your
passion you are less creative. Until you discover this in
time, the transformative agenda of the scholarship will
be defeated.

Therefore, I encourage you to let your pre-MCF life Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 21
experiences and challenges guide your actions as a
scholar whiles focusing on adding value to yourselves
and pursuing your academic and professional goals in a
determined manner. This is because vision-driven and
successful people do not succumb to excuses but rather
they turn their misfortunes and challenges into valuable

Be optimistic and take your destiny into your own hands
by redefining yourself and rewriting your own story,
which is what I believe the MCF scholarship represents.

Your families and communities are looking up to you.
So please do not disappoint them because if you fail,
they fail.

I wish you the best and enjoy all the interesting NAME: Rebecca Tawiah
experiences and opportunities that MCF offers. ORIGIN: Assin Aworoso, Central Region, Ghana
Vice President of MCF KNUST Alumni Association QUALIFICATION: BSc. Disability and Rehabilitation
and an Erasmus Mundus Candidate studying the Studies
European Commission´s fully funded Double MSc CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Studying at KNUST for
degree in Sustainable Tropical Forestry at the Dresden MPhil. Disability, Rehabilitation and Development.
University of Technology, Germany and the University EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Npoagne is a go-getter and a highly ambitious young MESSAGE TO CURRENT SCHOLARS: “I admonish
man with an unbending desire and passion to build a scholars to make the most out of the scholarship
life-long career in research and sustainable development opportunity and strive for excellence in all aspect of
by not only fronting as a voice for nature but also their lives for the disadvantaged in society look up to
advocating for inclusive and equity natural resources them for a liberation”.
governance for youth and rural poor communities.
I do believe that my success is inextricably linked to that BRIEF PROFILE OF MS. TAWIAH: I am an action
of my family, community, and the entire society. It is this oriented individual and aspires to perpetuate the
conviction coupled with the belief that I am the master knowledge of disability and to help provide easy access
of my destiny, which has inspired me to persist even in to public services for persons with disability thereby
the face of hard economic and social conditions that promoting an inclusive society as well as development
characterized the early part of my life history. among persons with disabilities in Ghana, Africa and
I am working to contribute solutions to the current the world at large.
situation of climate change driven by deforestation and
forest degradation and create a world where access to " provide easy
forest-related ecosystem services is a basic right for all access to public services
especially forest-dependent rural communities. for persons with disability
thereby promoting an
inclusive society."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 22 A BRIEF PROFILE OF RAPHAEL: I am the Financial
Secretary of MCFSP at KNUST Alumni Association,
NAME: Raphael Suurbaare Aangkaakpe and currently pursuing a masters degree on the Queen
ORIGIN: Boo-Lawra, Upper West Region, Ghana Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship at the University
CURRENT LOCATION: Botswana of Botswana, Botswana. Learning at the University
QUALIFICATION: BA. Geography and Rural of Botswana has been an opportunity for me to
Development network with other students and build strong research
CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Studying at University partnerships beyond the borders of my country. My
of Botswana for MSc. Environmental Science on the decision to pursue MSc. Environmental Sciences was
Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship. informed by my long-term career goal of becoming
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] an international consultant on global environmental
policies and development.
kindly make hay whiles the sun shines. I want to urge In the medium term, I aspire to make a difference in
scholars to take a lesson from the ant according the the development cycle, working to improve particularly
Holy book (Proverb 6:8). It is obvious that the manna the livelihoods of rural dwellers in Ghana and the world
will stop dropping one day and you have to provide for at large, an advocate in climate change and agriculture
yourself. Thus, like the ant make provision for the time on behalf of smallholder farmers and the marginalized
ahead. In short, scholars should envision life after school who are directly dependent on the environment for their
and prepare for it. Because life is a reflection of the livelihoods.
choices you make.
"My decision to pursue
MSc. Environmental
Sciences was informed
by my long-term career
goal of becoming
an international
consultant on global
environmental policies
and development."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 23

NAME: Mavis Adu NAME: Celestina Ayatuure Azuure
ORIGIN: Kokofu-Abuoso, Ashanti Region, Ghana ORIGIN: Nabango, Upper East Region
CURRENT LOCATION: Kumasi, Ashanti Region CURRENT LOCATION: Toronto Ontario, Canada
CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Studying Midwifery at CURRENT ENGAGEMENTS: Working at the
St. Patrick’s Nursing University of Toronto, Canada and at World Young
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] Women Christian Association in Geneva-Switzerland.
Studying Master of Information at the University of
affected with the words of others but rather believe in EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
yourself by adapting the spirit of resilience when you fail
to accomplish a task. MESSAGE TO CURRENT SCHOLARS: Somebody’s
life is positively changing by the little impact you are
BRIEF PROFILE OF MS. ADU: I am a motivational making, so be positive and believe in your abilities!
speaker who also fulfill whatever I set my mind on and
treat others with respect irrespective of who you maybe BRIEF PROFILE OF MS. AZUURE: I am an
because I believe that the one who you may look down emerging information and knowledge management
on today might be your helper in the future. professional passionate about setting policies, extracting,
synthesizing, storing and ensuring applicability and
I always believe that I usability of knowledge. A researcher and entrepreneur
have the capacity and with inter-cultural competence. Knowledge Manager
ability to change the live of passionate about enhancing strategic value of knowledge
vulnerable people in our within organizations and enthusiastic community
society. activist passionate about finding solutions to societal
problems. I have extensive experience in community
building and empowerment initiatives. I have keen
interest in supporting, developing, motivating and
creating space for women and teams to do better and
drive continuous improvement.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 24 Where our Scholars come from 37
in Ghana (540 Scholars)
37 7 Upper East Region

Scholars Scholars 3
Upper West Region Savannah Region
16 North East Region

Scholars 16
Bono East Region
Northern Region

25 7

Scholars Scholars
Bono Region Oti Region

15 92 55

Scholars Scholars Scholars
Ahafo Region Ashanti Region Eastern Region

16 66 61 41

Scholars Scholars Scholars Scholars
Western North Region Central Region Greater Accra Region Volta Region


Western Region

Where our Scholars come from Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 25
in Africa (600 Scholars)


Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 26

NAME: Quan Peter Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 27
SHS: St. Joseph Seminary Senior High School,
NAME: Amonoo-Benson Nana Ken Mampong, Ashanti Region.
SHS: Adisadel college Senior High School, Cape Coast, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: LLB
Central Region ASPIRATION: International Human Right Lawyer
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Biology, CORE VALUES: Justice, Integrity and Excellence
ASPIRATIONS: Medical Doctor Background of Project:
CORE VALUES: Respect and love
As a MasterCard scholar and a prospective human right
It has always been my goal to be of service to individuals lawyer, transforming lives in my community has been
in all ways that seem to improve human existence my heartbeat. For the past three years under tutelage and
on earth. I aim at helping the sickling in our society benevolence of the MasterCard foundation, I have been
through extensive research into the human system and an instrument of change through a community-based
improving health care in society as a whole. project entitled “Pulling down the walls of poverty.”
This societal transformative project aims at relieving
I would have a feather in my cap if I could motivate the poverty and its effects from residents of my community
citizenry to stand up for and achieve what they believe by equipping them with basic soft skills essential as an
in because, if it can be dreamt of then it can be achieved alternative livelihood. The project is principally designed
so as to serve as a spark to ignite the revolution in our to train residents especially, the unemployed on how to
country and continent as a whole. prepare different brands of liquid soap, detergents and
shower gel as well as encouraging them to establish their
Community Project. own businesses.

As part of a large group we embarked on a project to Impact of Project
help students who suffer to understand basic concepts
in mathematics and science by creating an app and a Currently, I have successfully trained fifteen individuals
forum where the above-mentioned subjects are taught on the said industry. I look forward to establishing a
and protected in our local languages. As of now the Twi large-scale soap production industry that will create
version is done and the Ga near completion. With good a long-term employment for the trainees and other
graces the app will be launched no time soon for the members of the community.
betterment of the Ghanaian population.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 28 NAME: Asane Grace is to provide incentives, stationeries, funds, needed
SHS: Sefwi Wiawso Senior High School, Sefwi materials (for hospitals and schools) and motivational
Wiawso, Western Region. talks for the youth.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Ba French Impacts of the Project
ASPIRATIONS: Bilingual Secretary The foundation has so far supported and still supporting
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Creative and Hardwork 5 JHS pupils with stationeries, donated to Sefwi Wiawso
Hospital with gloves, tables and patients seats in which
I strongly agree with Jim Rohn with his saying” they were lacking and it was in collaboration with
discipline is the bridge between goals and Malcom construction company limited, located in
accomplishment”. Languages are what I love best Sefwi wiawso, donated to kumasi Central prisons with
especially French. Speaking different languages apart foodstuffs and some other things they needed and it
from the mother tongue is lovely and can also help in was in collaboration with Gideons Charity Foundation
communication better. at UCC and recently this new year we donated to the
widows at Sefwi and also had a small get together
Therefore, it is my dream to be a bilingual secretary in with them. Our next mission to be fulfilled will be in
one of the French embassies in Ghana. It is also my wish Kumasi. We are still deliberating on it because we want
to help my community by encouraging and erasing the to do something different which includes the youth,
bad perceptions about learning languages, specifically, particularly in Senior High schools.
French in the various basic schools in my community.
NAME: Seidu Sakibu
I hope that through this many lives would be motivated. SHS: Damongo Senior High School, Damongo,
Savanna Region
Background of Project PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Quantity Surveying
and Construction Economics
Xender’s charity foundation is a certified non- ASPIRATION: Chartered Surveyor.
governmental organization which seeks to support and CORE VALUES: Discipline, Commitment, Integrity.
help the needy, women, especially widows, needy but I aspire to lead change in my locality and society. I have
brilliant pupils and the youth. The foundation has its
office at Sefwi Juaboso. It’s an integration of students
from different institutions and nurses (helps us in blood
donation exercise). The foundation believes that “the
world provides enough for every man’s needs and not
every man’s greed”. Therefore, the aim of the foundation

a strong passion to transform my community in its Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 29
economic, social and infrastructural development.
I strongly believe that change is best achieve by NAME: Akola Mbey Denis
empowering others and living a life worth emulating. It SHS: St. Charles Minor Seminary Senior High School,
is also my desire to become a source of inspiration to the Tamale, Northern Region
younger ones. I want to be a pioneer in the fight against PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer
illiteracy, poverty and corruption. engineering
It is to this end that I undertook various community/ ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur, Lecturer and an
voluntary projects in my community over the years. Evangelist
Among them, include the peer educators club and the CORE-VALUES: Hard work, discipline, determination
Samaritan project. and perseverance.
The peer educators club was a session that was geared
towards coaching and creating awareness on pertinent It is my desire to become an upright person, a person
societal issues such as HIV and AIDS, Adolescent of high reputation and a mentor for people in the
reproductive health, Sexual transmitted infections and society. Becoming the caliber of person, I want to be,
early parenting. hardwork, discipline and determination are hallmarks.
The Samaritan projects targeted the poor in my I therefore have to work hard and achieve all my goals
community. It entails gathering and procuring of items and aspirations in life and make a great impact in my
of clothing, footwear and bags and delivering them community and the nation as a whole.
to those who could not afford them. Under the same
project, we embarked on an educative campaign to teach Community Involvement- Basic Computer Training for
our market women the act and habit of savings. Children in Zebilla
Overall, I would say the impacts have been great. We
were able to coach a considerable number of the youth My giveback project is in Zebilla, the capital of the
on the issues stated above including helping them Bawku West District in the Upper East Region of Ghana.
choose careers. The Samaritan project helped 15 people The aims and objectives of the project are; to help
in diverse ways. children appreciate ICT, to equip children with basic
IT skills and to improve computer literacy in Zebilla by
It is my hope to continue 2020. Our target is to train four hundred children (400)
enlightening, strengthening, by the year 2020. For this summer, our coverage was
and empowering the people fifty (50) children.
in my community to bring
about a transformative
society. With courage and
commitment, we would
transform society together.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 30 basic facilities that the school needs which includes
washing basin stand, a water facility and an improved
NAME: Darko Jemima toilet facility as well. The plea was made known to the
SHS: Asukawkaw Senior High School, Asukawkaw, Oti Honorable Member of the Constituency and in 2019, all
Region the facilities afore mentioned were provided.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Settlement Way Forward
Planning I envision to see the students of Ashongman M/A J.H.S
ASPIRATIONS: Planner excel in their academic performance and this is going
CORE VALUES: Honesty, Tolerance and God Fearing to be achieved by creating a conducive teaching and
learning environment which has already been done
Background of Project and the way forward is to conduct award winning
ceremonies to award students who excel in their
Project Title: Capacity Building academics which will result in creating competition
I embarked my project in my Alma matter Ashongman among students to excel academically. I look forward
Municipal Assembly (M/A) Basic school located at to help improve the performance of the students of
Ashongman in the greater Accra region of Ghana. Ashongman M /A Basic School.
It is my vision to see the students excel in their
academics for them to be able to get scholarships to NAME: Addae-Tawiah Patrick
further their education. This can be ensured trough SHS: Sefwi Wiawso Senior High School, Sefwi
motivating them to learn harder and envision a world Wiawso, Western North Region
of greater opportunities and also creating a conducive PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Chemical Engineering
environment to enhance effective teaching and learning. ASPIRATIONS: To Be Able to Help Others
CORE VALUES: Hardwork, Dedication and Patience
With the first initiation (2017), a motivational speech Background of Project:
on the topic Secrets to better academic performance was Mobile network in Sefwi Wiawso Datano in the Western
made to the Junior High School students of Ashongman North region has been a longtime problem for the entire
M/A J.H.S and they were also enlightened about the community and my project seeks to help make this
MasterCard scholarship at the tertiary and senior high network better.
level. Afterwards a donation of ten bags of cement was
given by me to support in finishing the classrooms to
create a conducive teaching and learning environment.

In 2018, I wrote a letter to the Assembly member and
the District Chief Executive to alert them on some

Impact of The Project support them with some food items and clothes, and Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 31
Together with some elders in the community, we have also with some toiletries to enhance their personal
reached out to MTN Ghana and they have started the hygiene. Some of these children also a have strong desire
building of a tower to enhance the mobile network in for reading though they had only few reading materials
the community. in their reach. Hence there was the need to provide a
And for experience, working with others to help a few learning materials to inspire them to do better and
community has really increased my confidence among to improve their academic performances.
people. I also intend to regularly check on them to see how this
project has generally impacted their lives, and award the
best performing students and other students who have
improved academically in order to motivate them to
keep up or do more.
Impact so far
Food items and toiletries have been donated to support
these children with some assistance from few others.
And this has been of great impact to them, and to
an extent, has helped curb the shortages they usually
experience. Seeing the great potentials in these younger
ones, I deemed it a great opportunity to support them
with my best and be a part of their transformation.
And with consistency, I believe this act of service would
go a long way to transform their lives and make them
feel loved.

NAME: Defeatsror Benedicta "I have learnt to
SHS: Anlo Zion College, Anloga, Volta Region. impact lives of others
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Environmental even in the simplest
Science ways. This I find
ASPIRATIONS: Environmental Scientist fulfilling; to see others
CORE VALUE: Honesty, Humility and God fearing. happy and inspired
through our little
Background of Project efforts."

Through the seminars and training sections, I have
learnt to impact lives of others even in the simplest ways.
This I find fulfilling; to see others happy and inspired
through our little efforts. My recent project was focused
on providing food items, toiletries, clothes and books to
children in an orphanage home in my vicinity. On a visit
to one of these homes, I got informed that despite been
catered for, the sufferings in these orphanage homes
are inevitable due to inconsistencies with the supports
offered by their benefactors. I therefore decided to

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 32 I built a portable hand-washing station that helps in
handwashing after using the public toilet. This in effect
NAME: Komla Wilson Kumah is a measure to curb the menace of cholera outbreaks
SHS: Kadjebi-Asato Senior High School, Kadjebi, and food poisoning.
Volta Region Having said this, I also formed a team of seven (7)
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biomedical persons; all of whom are university students. This
Engineering team is made up of two biomedical engineers, two
ASPIRATIONS: Professor, General Practitioner and medical (fourth and fifth year) students, a medical
Research Scientist laboratory student, a biochemistry student and a nurse.
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, God-fearing, My mentor, Mr. Agortimevor Anthony, patronizes the
Excellence and Honesty association. Our aim is to bring a change to the lifestyles
of inhabitants of this community by educating them on
Background of Project their health needs and how to keep their surroundings
clean. So far, we have embarked on three (3) different
Practically, life is a conjunction of sequences of outreaches and they have proven successful. With
self-evolution and personal development in a chosen recognition of our efforts and pursuit, the District
field or endeavor. I represent a fraction of the millions Assembly in collaboration with other executives have
of people in this world who choose to influence helped with providing bins for public refuse disposal.
positively, the lives of people in terms of environmental Our next package is to outlay the fruition of the next
development and individual growth. impact. The group has planned to roll out a program
dubbed “The B-High School Tour.” This is a program
In the hearts of a District called the Kadjebi district, is aiming at creating a forum for students from the basic
the Zongo community. A deprived community as it is, and high school in the community to discuss their
most of her challenges include poor waste management interests for the future and serving as guides and
and ineffective sanitation practices: a condition that led inspirations for their future success.
me to gathering ideas on how to solve this problem. Impact of the Project
Through the help of a clean-up campaign I rallied, the We have been able to achieve a massive reduction of the
Zongo-community has become an attractive and clean health cases reported at the community clinic especially
site. In addition, it is consistent because of the vision and especially, cholera and malaria infections.
and insights I harnessed. Owing to unavailability of an
appropriate hand-washing system at the public latrine, Our endeavors have also spark the
interest of some stakeholders to
providing for the community. Most of
the youths are also motivated to strife
for excellence and for those who are
not in school; they have realized the
need to be educated so that they are
able to achieve their dreams.

in Goma City and DRC as a whole. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 33
So far, we have worked with 23 young people and three
highly motivated young leaders from this program are
currently investing in the agricultural sector to increase
food production for their community while raising
funds for their education in high school. We have a good
number trying to do something for their communities
as well.
It’s a challenging experience and at the same time
exciting as it gives an opportunity to grow and to
learn much about ourselves and various issues in our
My experience as a MasterCard Scholar has impacted
my every day journey toward the man I need to be for
myself, my community, and my country at large.

NAME: Kambale Aristide "My project provides
SHS: Himbi Institute, North Kivu Province, an opportunity to learn,
D.R.Congo network and to give back
ROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Environmental to our communities.
science Brief, an opportunity to
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer become part of a much
CORE VALUES: Service beyond self, Humility, larger community of
Integrity, discipline and determination change-makers particularly
in Goma City and DRC as a
I have a conviction that being surrounded by great whole."
personalities is one of the greatest opportunities that
will move you toward your goals. To me, life is all about
choices; we choose who we want to be and work hard to
get there.

Driven by the zeal to be part of the global community of
change-makers, I have developed a passion to consider
service beyond self as a way to help my community.

The boost Initiative project is an initiative based on
the idea that supports and inspires a generation of
transformative leaders to drive change in their local
and global communities and be role models for others.
Essentially is all about the generation of leaders and
entrepreneurs, who are principled, value-based, who
are driven and passionate by excellence in all domains
they found themselves in. This project provides an
opportunity to learn, network and to give back to our
communities. Brief, an opportunity to become part of a
much larger community of change-makers particularly

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 34 as we brought dignitaries such as Master Louis Lamis
(CEO of liezer legacy and productions) and master
Teddy Adjei Yaboah (leadership coach and motivational
speaker) to come and nurture the brains of these highly
motivated students who want to take leadership role
on campus and outside campus. We were able to train
42 students from the faculty of Art, KNUST. We look
forward to extending this project to other colleges and
the university at large.

NAME: Djibril Rashad NAME: Sandra Narh
SHS: St. Joseph Senior High Technical School, Bekwai, SHS: Oti Boateng Senior High School, Koforidua,
Ashanti Region Eastern Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Industrial Art PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Political Science
ASPIRATION: Motivational Speaker ASPIRATIONS: Air hostesses and an Entrepreneur.
CORE VALUES: Integrity and Futuristic CORE VALUES: Determination, Integrity and Hard
Background of Project
Upon my experience, I have really developed the passion
The world is spinning towards a perfect future and to sponsor children especially orphans to further their
leadership is fast becoming the most efficient and education., Also it had been my dream to be endowed
predominant tool that serves as a perfect ingredient for with knowledge to set upon companies that will produce
the world we envision. In the sphere of contributing the needs of the community. This will help reduce the
this quota, M.I.H “Make It Happen”, a foundation that rate of unemployment in my community and nation as
believes that the world needs civilization and civilization a whole. Since with God, all things are possible, I believe
depends greatly on its leadership, seeks to train students my dream will be successfully accomplished.
“aspirants” on KNUST campus what it takes to be a
leader, the need to contribute to humanity when given
power to lead not steal from humanity. We seek to train
individuals with the passion and interest of holding any
leadership position

Impact of Project

The first phase of the project was completed last year
as M.I.H partnered with the faculty of art, KNUST
to organize a leadership seminar dubbed leadership
edge “leading with the head, heart and hand” for all
the students under faculty aspiring for any leadership
position. This leadership seminar saw a huge turn out

at the times when the projects were embarked on or Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 35
initiated. These three projects include; “Skill training for
NAME: Miriam Osei young unemployed females in Nsuotem, a community
SHS: Bibiani Senior High School, Bibiani, Western in Bibiani,” “SaniHealth talk and donation to primary
Region and junior high schools”- aim at investing in the welfare
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Settlement of some students in Bubai Primary and Junior High in
Planning Bubai, a community in Asokore Mampong, Kumasi and
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Philanthropist lastly, the Street-Child Aid Project.
CORE VALUES: Humility, Persistence and Honesty Impact of the Project
The impact so far has been great. With the skill training,
Background of Project one out of the seven trainees have made a business
out of the skills acquired with the start-up capital in
The Miriland Project is geared towards solving societal the form of ingredients, tools and equipment needed
problems as a give back to humanity. The main target for pastry making. Through the SaniHealth Project, a
for this project is children between the ages of (1-17) first-aid kit, Veronica bucket, Water Basin, Liquid soaps,
years with limited opportunities in meeting their Napkins were donated to Bubai Junior High populace.
basic needs, and most preferably, educational needs. Twenty needy students who upon several circumstances
The project considered to invest in the welfare of the could not afford their stationery on time were also given
said category of the population, not just because they full stationery for the 2019/2020 academic year. The
are vulnerable, but sees beautiful talents and amazing remaining proportion of the junior high population also
potentials going wasted due to inadequate support had part of their stationery. 150 street and Slum children
from their guardians/parents. For three years now, were feed and clothed on the 25th of December, 2019,
three different major projects have been initiated. as a way of creating awareness and getting sponsorship
The first project has been completed whereas two are for implementing of long-term goals pertaining to the
still on-going. Communities that have had its share Street-Child Aid Project. The pictures below give a
of the impact are, Nsuotem a community in Bibiani, snapshot of the undertaken projects.
and Bubai, Amakom and the Slum community which
are also in Kumasi, Ashanti region. Key factors that "The main target for
influenced the initiation of these projects are based on my project is children
personal experiences in life and unpleasant situations between the ages of
that existed in the afore mentioned communities as (1-17) years with limited
opportunities in meeting
their basic needs,
and most preferably,
educational needs."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 36 NAME: Regina Boakye Yiadom
SHS: Akrofrom Senior High Technical School, Obuasi,
NAME: Osei Baffour Ansah Ashanti Region
SHS: Kumasi High School, Kumasi, Ashanti Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. French
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Architecture ASPIRATIONS: to be a good example to my
ASPIRATION: Architect community, serve my community and help those who
CORE VALUES: A mind of others. are in need. I also intern to be a good teacher and
It is amazing to hear a section of the youth in my CORE VALUES: Handwork and Love
community describe education as rubbish. Should I
blame them? Background of Community Project

Majority of the youth in my neighbourhood, Bantama Atwima Gyekye is the community where I am doing
seem to have a certain mind about career pursuit. With my project. Gyekye is a small village located near
an initiative I brought forth together with a team of Atwima Trabuom. Beginning of my project, I learnt
tertiary students in my community, a section of our that the members of my community were having issues.
youth has received counselling and guidance to re-enter Therefore, I decided to drill a borehole with the help of
schooling specially to receive education which is known the leaders in the community for them but realized the
to be the key to humanity. MP in that area has a big plan for them.

Educational gatherings are held weekly especially during Therefore, I decided to do another project, which
vacations featuring career counselling with the aim of is helping those who have no job, but are willing to
touching more lives and also give much guidance to the do something in life. There is unemployment in my
seemingly guideless youth of the township of Bantama. community, what they do is farming. Some have farms
but others are just there doing nothing because of
With support from parents and some other concerned unemployment so, I decided to be of help and I have
partners, we keep on seeing the lives of the youth of my been able to buy a fridge for one woman who wanted to
community receiving an impact in several ways. sell fish and I am still finding ways and means to help
others who need my help.
I aspire to see more impacted lives under my watch and
my concern for others. I am gaining a lot of experience, I have realized there are
many people out there who need help and are willing
to get opportunities that are not coming their way. In
addition, as a proud scholar, it is my wish to help others
who are in need and make them proud of themselves. It
is my desire to put smile on other peoples face.

I never hesitated to serve my visitors with my drink if Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 37
I had any available, knowing it was much thicker than
NAME: Ruth Adwoa Yankson the rest on the market, and tastier. It had never occurred
SHS: Ghana Senior High School, Koforidua, Eastern to me to start a business with it, until my mind got
Region. occupied with the way my friends told me over and
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer Science again how delicious my Sobolo was, and how it’d be
great to start a business with it.
ASPIRATIONS: Having gone through quite a That gave birth to my brand; Unique Sobolo. I began
number of job opportunities available in the vast with my aunt at Obuasi, taught her the recipe in order to
study of Computer Science, I pinned down Business complement her pastries. On the 30th of March, 2020, a
Systems Analyst, as it corresponds with my calling new branch will be established in Kumasi with a vendor,
of entrepreneurship. Some say a jack of all trades and a cook who will also be a vendor.
is handicap, but I find it is the very best for me to Impact of The Project
combine my skill sets in one broad occupation to Through this project, I have seen that, though we wish
fulfil my dream of making major impact on the lives expectations will be just in time, delay barriers give us
of many a fellow human; turning the lives of people no other option than to be unwillingly patient. Surely,
around for the better. I have been able to help my Aunt Beatrice, but that is
nowhere near my actual target of the number of people I
CORE VALUES: Driven by solid rock of love in my had wanted to help. I find it hard to blame unfavourable
heart, I cannot help being sincere; sincerity building circumstances; I bear the blame on my shoulders, and
in me, integrity; if there is anything I can be in any hope that things will turn out better before the end of
situation, it is to be true to my maker, myself, and my February, 2020.
Through my community
Background of Project project, I have seen
that, though we wish
I yearned to make an entrepreneurial impact on my expectations will be just in
community. From selling ice cream, to pastries, printing time, delay barriers give us
press, and then fashion design, I kept probing my mind no other option than to be
for the best business to start with. Along the way, I learnt unwillingly patient.
how to prepare Sobolo, a local hibiscus drink, from my
uncle’s wife, Mrs. Tetteh, back at home. This I began
preparing for my own consumption in school.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 38 traditional council of these communities who also
showed great interest and approved that the project is
a good one and it was going to help. A board was then
formed to help in the accomplishment of the project.
Eleven (11) people have been gotten on board and they
include 1 medical doctor, 7 nurses, 2 health consultants
and myself as the initiator and planter. We have been
able to undertake the first and second phases of the
project successfully and we are working on expanding
it to other communities because feedback received after
the program was highly positive.

NAME: Safo Kwaku NAME: Abdul- Karim Wumpini Fuseini
SHS: St. Joseph Seminary Senior High School, SHS: Kintampo Senior High School, Kintampo, Brong
Mampong, Ashanti Region Ahafo Region
Administration (HRM) Rural Development
ASPIRATIONS: Chief HR Officer and an ASPIRATIONS: An Educationist and a Lecturer/GIS
Entrepreneur Specialist
CORE VALUES: God-fearing, Discipline, CORE VALUES: Patience, Respect, Honesty, Hard
Hardworking and Honesty. work, Perseverance and Determination.

Background of the Project Background of Project

One of my aims is to lead or be a part of a project that in It has always been my ultimate goal to become an
a way contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals. Educationist and a motivated lecturer/GIS expert to
My first target was on Goal 3 (Ensuring healthy lives and change people’s lives, particularly the disadvantaged
wellbeing for all).

“Your Health, our concern” was chosen to provide
health education and health screening to the people
of some chosen communities in Mampong Ashanti.
Information gathered revealed that aside the basic killer
diseases in Ghana, the rate of hypertension and diabetes
were on the increase, but there is little attention paid to
these diseases and mostly, the case is worsened because
people do not identify them early.

Impact of the Project
Two communities were chosen in Mampong namely
Penteng and Krobo. We were able to meet with the

Ghanaian or African community through community NAME: Adjei Mireku Michael Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 39
participatory projects initiation. Henceforth, I launched SHS: St. Fidelis Senior High School, Tease, Eastern
a community project together with friends in 2017 that Region.
aimed at improving the socioeconomic conditions of the PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science.
less privileged communities that all seem to be on the ASPIRATIONS: Financial Consultant and Actuary
same boat through empowerment and skills training. CORE VALUES: Hard work and Determination

The name of the foundation was changed from Bright As part of my concern, my ultimate aim is to invest in
Stars Foundation to AWAS-Gh (Awakening Society students who are academically good but financially
Ghana) in 2018. AWAS-Gh operates in line with the challenged because having worn the clothes of poverty
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals of eliminating and knowing how hot it feels, I think investing in
extreme poverty, hunger and illiteracy. such potentially good student’s will help safeguard the
upcoming generation from poverty. I am from a derived
Impacts of the Project community where students perform abysmally and
suffers academic challenges which makes learning tough
The project has benefited many people through soap/ since most of the facilities required to intensify their
detergent making, student funding, student motivation performance academically is limited. I drafted a letter
and education since its inception. From 2017 to date, indicating some possibilities and appropriate measures
about 60 people have been trained on soap/detergent that will help enhance the academic standard of the
making and (18) 30% of these people have started their students thereby organizing extra classes for the students
businesses in detergent making in Adupe in the Central during weekends and vacation
Gonja district of Ghana. Some students in Sankpala
JHS have also received free mentorship, exercise books We have implemented the idea and its ongoing and
and textbooks to aid them in their academic pursuit. statistics has shown an improvement in last year’s
One student from Adupe has also received a funding of B.E.C.E examination. I will keep working tirelessly with
GHS1000.00 in 2019 to aid him pay his admission fee the administration until we get the problem combated
at KNUST to study mathematics. This progress so far,
has motivated Inspired Women and Girls (IWAG), a
northern based NGO to collaborate with us in achieving
our goals and objectives.

• Everyone has a role to play in society whether rich

or poor, good or bad, literate or illiterate. Just let
your role in society touch many souls and bring
positive change. That development could be the
only legacy you’ll be remembered for long after
your departure.
• You’ll never be successful until you change
someone else’s life positively.
• In conclusion, AWAS GH has self-motivated and
committed members to bring the change we expect
in the Ghanaian society.
• Education: the powerful tool to eliminate global
poverty, hunger and illiteracy.
• Empowerment: the means to self-realization.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 40 Some or most of these ladies have dropped out of
school; having an uncertain future. This has led to a
NAME: Adedi Jeff Christian repeated cycle of poverty.
SHS: Boso Senior High Technical School, Boso,
Eastern Region Therefore, our project seeks to enable these school
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness drop-outs as a result of financial constraints and
Management stigmatization due to teenage pregnancy to acquire
ASPIRATIONS: Chartered Accountant, Lecturer and vocational skills that will enable them have a bright
Entrepreneur future.
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Humility, Integrity and • To also create self-employment for these less
privileged young ladies and those to come.
“The invention of electricity was never a continues • To also reduce family interdependency and the
improvement on candle but doing and thinking of
something new. Let us begin something new today and repeated cycle of poverty.
generations to come will forever sing of our glory” • To also bring hope and smile on the faces of these

Background of Project less privileged young ladies.

Having lived in a community where teenage pregnancy Impact of the Project
is on the rampage, a pilot survey indicated that poverty
was the root source of this social canker. Young ladies, As at 2019, the selected trainees have covered two years
due to lack of financial support and parental care tend of the program.
to care for themselves and also try to find means of
support. These young ladies end up in the hands of However, they are both pregnant. The decision initially
unwise men who take advantage of their situation. These was to withdraw them from the program and begin with
young ladies get pregnant as a result. new people but through consultation and advices from
opinion leaders and the trainer, it is better to continue
In an attempt to raise money to cater for the child and with these ladies. Therefore, the trainees have been
themselves, end up in the hands of more wicked and allowed to continue with the program until time of
unwise men who also take advantage of their situation. delivery.

They will be given maternity leave for a period of 3 to 5
months and later resume training.

It is expected that the trainees
would master their apprenticeship
irrespective of their circumstances,
and emerge as self-reliant and prolific
seamstresses, train others in support
of the initiative’s objective so as
to achieve the long-term objective
of the program; to reduce poverty
through offering vocational skills to
young ladies.

A few months later I was appointed brand ambassador Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 41
for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Community
NAME: Andrew Akuaku Platform; building relationships with consumers to
SHS: Saint Francis Senior High/Technical School, create loyalty and passion for the brand, educating
Akim Oda, Eastern Region consumers about the features and benefits of the
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science product, and designing presentations for informal and
ASPIRATION: I aspire to use my career as a tool formal training processes, allowing me to collaborate
to create investment opportunities in renewable effectively and connecting to like-minded peers who
resources/energy while reducing the risk of climate share my dreams, and passions to make the world of
change in Ghana’s growing economy. young people engaging and better.
CORE VALUES: Innovation, Creativity, Integrity, A year later, I started Net Impact Kwame Nkrumah
Courage, Reliability and Environmentalism University of Science and Technology. With 400 +
chapters in nearly 40 countries, the Net Impact network
Background of Project: is a diverse and determined force for good. Net Impact
inspires and equips emerging leaders to build a more
Community Youth Empowerment (CYE) was born in just and sustainable world. At Net Impact Kwame
Accra, Sakumono, 2017, to bring together young people Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, we
from different backgrounds to collaborate on developing work with students, creating workshops that allow them
opportunities from existing ones which includes taking to work on real-life problems teaching them about the
responsibilities in making the environment clean. benefits of environmentally sustainable ideas for our
communities. Through this experience, I have learned
Impact of the Project to lead the development of projects, growth strategies,
vision, goals, and programming
The testing of CYE went successful, recording more
than 67 young people participating in the pilot stage. To Over the years, I have
move the project further, it will require commitment explored opportunities and
and consistency during the first period which to me strategies that work and
would be a difficult task considering the distance as those that don’t work and
a freshman, thus, dropped the plan for more easy these experiences would
opportunities that will prepare me for the work ahead; serve as standards to my
which includes networking, exploration, collaboration community give-back
etc. projects in the years ahead.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 42 Coming up with this initiative I have to learn how to
team with others to do the impactful, how to collaborate
NAME: Asantewaa Rebecca and tolerating other people’s differences. This project so
SHS: Mankessim Senior High Technical School, far has trained twenty young girls. And out of them five
Mankessim, Central Region are engaging in the selling of chips and spring roll as
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. History business to see to the welfare of their family.
ASPIRATION: Midwife Through this initiative I have come to realised that
CORE VALUES: Love, Truth and Integrity together we stand and divided we fall. Paying attention
to every one’s view was very key since it was a team
FAD CHANGE is a community based project being project. As we commenced I learnt how to keep calm
promoted by three young ladies known to be Freda Naa during a conversation and respecting others views and
Kwaku, Asantewaa Rebecca and Dorcas offei. These opinion. I got to know that the development of the
is yearly done at Mpoas3, a community located in the community is not in the hands of the government but
Greater Accra of Ghana. Empowering young ladies in rather the individual. Knowing places in the Greater
this community to have a vocational skill. We chose Accra Region was also a great thing to experience and
ladies because they tend to suffer more when they are this happened because of the search for a community
force to drop out of school. Therefore, our intention that needed help through our initiative.
is to train them, groom them and provide a source of I believe that Africa can be a better place when we go
employment for them. The name FAD is an abbreviation back to our root to set things straight.
of the people who initiated the project.
NAME: Atum Daniel
FAD CHANGE provided all the available material and SHS: Naalya SS Namugongo, Uganda.
ingredients for chips, spring rolls, doughnut, rockies and PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy.
also bake cakes and any product that we can get from ASPIRATION: A Pharmacist
flour. These initiative is not only training the young girls CORE VALUES: Grace and Truth
but provides assistance through finance as their start-up
capital for business, engage them in the selling of the
product that is being produced. Seeking their welfare
is one of the initiative priority. Our expectations from
embarking on this project are; training young ladies
in a vocation, grooming them to be responsible in the

Background of Project NAME: Nimako Benjamin Kwaku Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 43
I did my project with USAID ASSIST organization. It is SHS: Abuakwa State College, Kibi, Eastern Region
a non-governmental organization supporting Ministry PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics
of Health to strengthen the health system and improve ASPIRATION: Biostatistician
family health care and HIV prevention and care in 15 CORE VALUES: Faithful, Humble, Patience,
districts in Northern Uganda. Self-Control, Longsuffering and Leadership
It focuses on mother, new born, and child health,
family planning, nutrition services and prevention My community Narhman/ Bohye found in the heart
of tuberculosis and malaria. Concerning mothers of the Dome Kwabenya Constituency, had a lot of
especially those in the villages who basically have no challenges which I recognised. But the most awkward
means of employment, the organization teaches them of them was the absence of a community health centre
small scale skills and businesses that would help them which has made accessibility to health care very difficult
earn a way of living. These includes poultry keeping, and the increasing number of failures in Mathematics
goat rearing, tailoring, among others after which those and Integrated Science in Senior High School graduates.
who have undergone the training would be given either
poultry, goats, tailoring sewing machine, depending Bringing some stakeholders on board, we organized a
on which training you undertook so that you can start health walk which involved the young and the old in my
the business. I went to the organization and told them I community and was crowned with a health screening
would like to volunteer as part of the training team since session where most of the people who could not afford
I have knowledge about poultry keeping as I have done to go to the hospital were taken care off for free
it before as a family business. What we basically did was
first to go within the different villages to register eligible Also, alongside some friends, we prepared the Senior
people and later called them for training. We trained High School graduates who had failed in Mathematics
them and those who completed the training where then and Integrated Science to take the private exams
given things to start from. popularly called Nov/Dec and out of the 16 people we
taught 15 of them passed both courses.
Impact of Project
What I learned most about this project was basically Lastly, after thorough survey of SHS graduates who go
how to deal with different kinds of people from different to tertiary schools, there were just a handful who over
communities and they are people older than you are. the years could further their education. So, I sent a
It was also a great experience for me as I got to learn proposal to a University in the community to provide a
a lot of other new things concerning other fields like scholarship scheme for SHS graduates who are brilliant
goat rearing, more about poultry keeping, etc. from my but needy and it is still pending approval.
fellow trainers.

As I conclude, I want to say this
project as impacted a lot of lives as it
covers 15 districts. They are moving
from villages to villages. As I type this
right now, hundreds and thousands of
people have started their businesses
while others are still on the training
sessions with more recruitments still
to come.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 44 well. With the help of the teachers, we started evening
studies but for some reasons it has been on a halt.
However, I could not continue last year due to some
reasons but I still have my community at heart and
hoping to do more in the years ahead.

NAME: Britwum Prosper NAME: Racheal Dabrah
SHS: St. Joseph Senior High Technical School, Bekwai, SHS: St. Francis Girls’ Senior High School, Wa, Upper
Ashanti Region West Region
Administration (Management) Administration
ASPIRATIONS: Philanthropist and Administrator ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Supply Chain
CORE VALUES: Self-Believe and Determination Manager
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Integrity and Honesty
Background of Project:
I did my community project in a community around the Being part of the MCFSP at KNUST have been a
Lake Bosomtwe called Esaase Lake Side for two schools wonderful experience. This foundation has given an
namely: Esaase Lake Side Methodist Primary School and environment to interact with diverse cultural groups
Esaase Lake Side Roman Catholic Junior High School. that have grown with passion and zeal to make a
What I did was concerning sanitation and education so difference in my community.
I bought six dustbins for both schools, football and a
pump for Junior High School and I encouraged them to Background of the Project
learn hard if they want to climb higher on the academic
ladder. The MCFSP at KNUST has given me an opportunity
to advance in the aspect of solving the sanitation
Impact of the Project: issues in my community. “The time to clean our city
I experienced that, there is more blessings in giving of any dirt begins individual action for collective clean
than to receive because the schools appreciated what I communities.” by Lailah Gifty Akita
did for them, thanked me for doing so and used me to
encouraged their students. Moreover, the students were
obliged to put rubbish into the dustbins than putting
them on the floor or under their desks. The Junior High
School won inter schools football tournament the next
year as my donated football helped them to prepared

In 2017, I began a project dubbed “every home NAME: Edem Fie Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 45
cleanliness.” This project seeks to curb the menace SHS: Kadjebi-Asato SHS, Kadjebi, Volta Region
of indiscriminate disposal of refuse in a community PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Architecture
called Kpalsi South in the Northern Region of Ghana. ASPIRATIONS: Architect and Urban designer
Quite a number of factors caused the poor sanitation CORE VALUES: Selflessness, Purpose-driven and
in my community. Some of them were indiscriminate Integrity
disposal of refuse by household because of lack of Academic and life choices have been a great challenge
refuse dumping site and lackadaisical behavior of the for school children in and around my community.
home to keep their environment tidy. As such, I took Many find it difficult in discovering their potentials,
it upon myself to start this project that seeks to solve developing these potentials and making the right and
this menace. Together with some members of the suitable choices for their education.
community, we visited the various homes and educated I have therefore introduced a project to help students
them on good sanitation and its impact on the lives in my community discover their potentials, develop
of community members. After which we generated a them and make good and suitable choices through
cost-efficient way of curbing this menace by generating counselling, seminars and talk shows. This project
a four feet hole behind each household for refuse has begun with students of Kadjebi Asato Senior
dumping. This will be covered, burnt and re-dug when High School where I organised past colleagues in
necessary. various tertiary institutions to share their high school
Impact of the Project experience, educate the students on the various
Over the years, I have been able to impact almost 30 programmes at the tertiary level and their requirements
households in my community. During this period, I and the factors to consider while selecting programmes.
also advised the community members to employ the Another integral aspect of helping kids develop
services of ZoomLion Ghana that come for their refuse creativity is to make available learning games in very
every week in the month at a fee. So far, most of the remotes areas.
households have been able to patronize this initiative I aspire to help build our towns and cities through
and dustbins were distributed to them. These household problem solving urban design.
are sometimes visited to check whether their sanitation
has improved over the years. In August 2019, there was I envision a community in which the right people with
an outbreak of poliomyelitis in my community which the appropriate skills and knowledge take the right
was easily transferred in the schools. In my effort to help opportunities to establish the right development at the
curb this outbreak, I provided the Kpalsi Zion Primary right time.
and JHS school with some handwashing equipment to
reduce the transfer of this disease.

“There is an easy way of finding
the job to be done today, just look
around your environment; take note
of the places that need cleaning and
the place that need decoration; do
one at a time!” -Israelmore Ayivor

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 46 and to put a smile on the face of my family, the members
in my community and the country at large.
NAME: Teye Emelia Through the extra classes that was organized for the
SHS: Yilo Krobo Senior High School, Somanya, pupils, majority of them were able to pick up from
Eastern Region. where they have left. The provision of stationeries,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biochemistry. uniform and other learning materials also motivated
ASPIRATIONS: Dietitian and Philanthropist. them to take their studies seriously. The first batch
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Consistency and Humility. would be writing their BECE this year.
There is constant motivation and check up to assess their
Background of the Project performance and progress in school, and it has been
positive so far. I often hear from them through their
I undertook my project at Akatewiah community, a parents who also continually express their gratitude for
small community located in the Eastern part of Ghana. the impact.
This community records a high rate of school drop I’m very much impressed to see the rapid progress in
outs each year due to lack of J.H.S. facilities in the their performance and attitude towards education.
community, inadequate fund for the parents to further
their wards’ education in the neighbouring villages and NAME: Etornam C. Tsyawo
laziness on the part of the pupil (walking to school in SHS: OLA Senior High School, Ho, Volta Region
the neighbouring villages). PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemical
As the saying goes “education is the key to unlock ASPIRATION: Professor of Chemical Engineering
success” I have taken it upon myself to make sure that CORE VALUES: Integrity, Commitment and
the vulnerable also get access to it and my main focus Excellence
was on the dropouts in Akatewiah community. My project was based on promoting youth
development through education and skills training.
Impact of the Project This project was carried out in the Atuabo community

In my first profile, I made mention of my utmost
priority which is “giving back to my community”. My
aim was to make a difference in the lives of the people
in my community by assisting young adolescents to
identify and develop their capabilities through various
means. My vision was to bring about positive change

in the Western Region of Ghana. It was a one-day NAME: Frederick Ennin Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 47
program, where young girls from the ages of 10 to 22 SHS: Bibiani Senior High School, Bibiani, Western
were informed of how to make choices in terms of their North Region.
education. They were also informed on the avenues PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Medical Laboratory
available for entrepreneurship. This program laid the Technology.
foundation of the main goal of the project, which is, ASPIRATIONS: To become a better person and
empowering young people through education and skills Philanthropist for societal transformation.
training. CORE VALUES: Respect, Determination and
Through this program, some of these girls, especially Tolerance.
those of them in the junior high and senior high schools
got to know how to choose their programs of study Frederick Ennin is a young positive self-motivated,
moving forward in their education. Those of them who enthusiastic and pragmatic individual. He envisions to
have dropped out of school also got the opportunity to build people and contribute to creating a workforce to
learn about entrepreneurship and some ideas as to how maximize positive impact for societal transformation.
to start a business or learn a trade.
The program served as an avenue for these young Frederick has passionate for problem solving research
ones to get mentored on what they would want to do works. He enjoys contributing feasible solutions to
with their lives. Currently, some of them are being broadly relevant societal pressing issues. Frederick has
mentored on the factors to consider in choosing their good interpersonal relationship and negotiation skills.
programs of study in the university and how to apply for He is a good team player, tolerant, task focused and firm.
scholarships. Frederick has acquired much experience from serving
The next phase of this project will focus on helping on a number of students’ leadership committees such as
about ten of these young girls who have dropped out of President, Vice President and Speaker of Senate.
school to receive training in emerging trades. It is worth
mentioning that the Ghana National Gas Company Frederick’s profession goal is to create an alliance
is a major sponsor of this project as it is part of their towards quality, affordable and accessible healthcare
corporate social responsibilities. service for people especially across West Africa through
implementation of preventive healthcare approaches.
With the believe that giving up is a greater factor to
failure, Frederick prefers taking calculated risks as
alternatives to problem solving.

Frederick’s community give back project was started by
realization of challenges in the Bibiani Municipality and
youth involvement in community development. This
project has encouraged many youth of the municipality
and enabled them appreciate their role in community
development. Currently, he is work with a team of
health students to provide quality healthcare service for
community with less access. This project will also help
detect silent and other forms of diseases, prevent their
spread and reoccurrence.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 48 This has helped improve the health conditions of
members of the community with regards to keeping a
NAME: Hassan Madinatu Sarah clean environment.
SHS: St. Anne’s Girls Senior High School, Damongo, Experience as a Scholar
Northern Region The Mastercard scholars programme has exposed me
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Social Work to leadership seminars which has greatly improved my
ASPIRATION: Lecturer leadership skills. It has made me realise how important
CORE VALUES: Hard work, Humility and Integrity it is to give back to our communities. Through this
programme, I have had the opportunity to undertake
Background of the Project internships with reputable organisations like Vodafone
Ghana and this has greatly and positively added to my
In my community, it is very common to see refuse academic career. There has been the organisation of
improperly disposed especially in gutters which are summer camps with sessions of skills training such as
meant for drainage. This causes a blockage in the bead making, catering and makeup among others. Based
drainage system and also serves as breeding grounds on these, I have learnt a lot of which I can rely on as
for mosquitoes and consequently leads to increasing other sources of income. These experiences have been
cases of malaria and other diseases caused by bad life changing and unforgettable.
sanitation. My project is therefore aimed at ensuring
proper sanitation in my community. As such, its vision NAME: John Ebenezer Agyin
is to see a community that is devoid of diseases more SHS: Faith Assemblies of Senior High School, Kumasi,
especially diseases caused by bad sanitation. So far, I Ashanti Region
have sensitized members on the need to keep a clean PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics
environment and also enlightened them on some ASPIRATION: Pilot
diseases like cholera and malaria. As part of the project, CORE VALUES: Humility, Love and Faithfulness
a clean-up exercise was undertaken in the community Having been highly honoured with the opportunity to
and I encouraged members to do so at regular intervals become part of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars
to ensure that the place is continually kept clean. Program at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

This project has so far been impactful as the chief
and elders of the community has made it a norm for
clean-up exercises to be undertaken in the community
every month. Members of the community have also
learned and adhered to proper ways of disposing refuse.

Technology, I have come to understand that to whom also the way I have discovered myself through each one Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 49
much is given, much is expected. There is the need to of them. The recent project I embarked on invigorated
give back to the community where we came from. my fight for social justice, but also reconfirmed what I
I am currently working on a community project in want to make my life purpose.
my Junior High School to help finish an abandoned My last community project, I organised a group of
uncompleted school building to reduce the young people mostly university and senior high school
overcrowding in the school. students from community to come and find a solution
This problem of the overcrowding in the school to what I thought was the most pressing problem,
originate from the government cancellation of the stigmatization of people with disabilities. Due to unique
morning and afternoon session of going to school into history of my country in regards to the genocide, we
only one session. have a quite a number of people with varying nature
With the help of God, my effort and other leaders in the of disabilities. The community has developed over the
community we have been able to raise some amount to years but you can’t say the same about people with
start the work we hoping to finish some of the rooms to disabilities. We organised seminars in two high schools
reduce the pressure on the available ones. and a number of primary schools in my community,
to talk about stigmatization and bullying culture that
NAME: Kayumba Julius has been the norm of the day in most schools. This
SHS: Riviera High School, Kigali, Rwanda was to change the perception but to also motivate and
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Human biology/MBCHB offer moral support to students with disabilities, that
ASPIRATION: Medical doctor they can also follow their dreams, graduate school and
CORE VALUES: God fearing, hard work and respect contribute to the development of the community and
and equality for all. even the country. We talked to parents during the end
Community project has overtime become one of the of the of month community clean up commonly called
most exciting and most important part of my program Umuganda, we urged them that their children with
as a scholar. This has been through the impact my disabilities have the same potential just like the rest
projects have had over my community over years but of the children and that they should not be denied a
chance for education and an opportunity to pursue their
The highlight of my project was the time I spent
volunteering at a community center for people with
disabilities that’s run by the catholic nuns. I tutored
student’s maths and English, helped in taking and
picking them from school and played games with them.

During this whole time, I reflected a
lot in what I wanted to be the focus
of my life, what I stand for and these
famous words echoed in me that
only a life lived for others is a life

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 50 NAME: Jovia Okyere
SHS: OLA Girls’ Senior High School, Kenyasi, Ahafo
NAME: Asare Josephine Asor Region
SHS: Ghana Senior High School, Koforidua, Eastern PROGRAMMES OF STUDY: BA. Political Studies
Region ASPIRATIONS: Administrator and Lawyer
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business CORE VALUES: Tolerance, Determination and
Administration Perseverance
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Logistician
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard work and My community project was to provide financial
Perseverance. assistance to a medically confirmed epileptic patient at
a town called Wamanafo in the Bono region. This lady
I am a passion driven individual who believes in in question dropped out from school due to her ailment
the philosophies of Watt Disney which says “All our which was making her going unconscious in public,
dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue mostly in school. This was due to financial challenges in
them.” As part of my aim, I strive to achieve academic purchasing the necessary drugs she needed.
excellence through hard work, perseverance and
humility; a guiding principle to the attainment of my Therefore, the financial assistance covered her medical
dream as an entrepreneur and a philanthropist to help bills and NHIS registration in order to minimize the
bring positive change in my community. medical bills, as well as a daily pocket money for feeding
in school.
In order to effect a transformative change in my
community, I aspire to be a mentor and a role model Fortunately, she completed the junior high school
to the young ladies in my community, to believe in successfully and wanted to learn dressmaking after.
their capabilities and ensuring that they take advantage Preparations were being made to enrol her when she
of every opportunity that comes their way. For it is decided to visit her father in the Central Region where
believed that through hard work, determination and she met her untimely death.
perseverance, there is no limitation on what one can
achieve irrespective of their gender or situation. In this case, my project is expected to take a different
direction now, of which several alternatives are being
looked at.

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