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2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

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Published by mcfspatknust, 2020-07-29 08:16:21

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

Keywords: Community Empowerment,Scholarship,University Education,Scholars,Kwame Nkrumah,Arizona State University

Additionally, with the burning desire to see change, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 201
be an agent of societal transformation and contribute
NAME: Believe Adzisam to sustainable community advancement through
SHS: Peki Senior High Technical School, Volta Region entrepreneurship, I initiated the Believe’s Empire in
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BA Culture and Tourism June, 2019, a project which seeks to empower the youth
ASPIRATION: Teacher and Entrepreneur in Gbi Wegbe in the Volta Region of Ghana to become
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humility and God-fearing job creators through acquiring skills in making tie and
dye and batik to contribute my quota towards reducing
Background of Project the rate of unemployment in the com-munity towards
poverty eradication and job creation. With the little skill
I am someone with high integrity and hardworking who I have acquired in the field of making tie and dye and
has passion and always compassionate to cause change batik, I have seven (7) young people under training to be
and transformation in the life of others thus, I see myself equipped with the requisite and relevant skills and apply
to be a subject of change and transformation. Poised it to be able to create jobs for them-selves.
for change, groomed for transformation and inspired Impact of Project
to make impacts, I aspire to be a teacher of inspiration This initiative has made a significant impact by
to the young people and the future generation, and strengthening the parent-children relationship, bonded
also dream to contribute to sustainable community and reunited families, made the children develop respect
development through entrepreneurship. for authority and improved their academic performance
significantly. With this, I feel fulfilled and have lived
As an evidence of my commitment to shed the light of purposefully and responsibly.
transformation unto others, I have taken an initiative Indeed, the benchmark for measuring success is tied to
titled ‘Kiddie Impact’ in 2018 at Akpafu Adorkor in the the impact made and not the amount of work done.
Oti Region of Ghana. This initiative aims at addressing
the problem of indiscipline among the children in the "I aspire to be a teacher
community, seen from the viewpoint of poor parenting of inspiration to the
and has directly and indirectly affected the academic young people and
performance of these young ones and eaten deeply into dream to contribute to
fabrics of the community make up. To tackle such an sustainable community
unmeasurable problem, I had a Disciplinary Committee development through
formed in collaboration with the Assemblyman and the entrepreneurship."
opinion leaders in the community to promote the child’s
welfare in terms of proper parenting styles.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 202 and newly born babies. Risk of morbidity and mortality
during the post-partum period is high for mothers and
NAME: Cox Aji Fatou children in sub-Saharan Africa. Independent predictors
SHS: Gambia Methodist Academy, The Gambia. of the cause some of these were lack of post-natal care
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Theoretical and applied due to the insufficiency of some basic materials allowing
Biology (Biological Sciences) for less contamination in the ward. Priority area for
ASPIRATIONS: Becoming an expert in my field of action include infection prevention in the ward for the
study and assuming a leadership position. mothers and babies.
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Stewardship, Leadership Impact of the Project
and Character The Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital is the only
tertiary hospital in the Gambia to which all referrals
Background of Project in the Gambia are sent. It is the apex teaching hospital
in the country. Maternity in the Gambia is free and
The Gambia is amongst the least developed countries provided for by the government. Due to this, the basic
in the world. The upturn in performance of the materials needed for less contamination are short in
economy has been boosted by the service sector supply and causing infection of mothers and babies
including tourism. The health sector despite remarkable in the ward. We came to the conclusion of getting the
achievements registered in the past is still under things the women desperately needed in the wards for
great pressure due to a number of factors like high less contamination. A bank account was opened and
population rate, insufficient funds and logistic support donation letters were sent to some ministries, offices and
and inadequacy of supplies and equipment. In the a few family members to raise funds for the project. The
course of research for this project, we met a matron vacation 2019 was the fundraising phase of the project.
that talked to us about a study of neonatal admissions An amount of D6650 (an equivalent of approximately
and quality of care and outcome study in the Edward GHC 660) was raised mostly from family and friends
Francis Small Teaching Hospital in the Gambia. We and few offices we wrote to. The amount of money
were able to gather that about 29% of the mothers gathered will be used to purchase the items needed for
suffered intrapartum related conditions such as bacterial completion of the project.
infections during their period of stay in the maternity
ward. Post-partum period begins immediately after the "Risk of morbidity and
birth of a child. This period is the most critical and yet mortality during the
the most neglected phases of the lives of the mothers post-partum period is
high for mothers and
children in Sub-Saharan

healthy, cheap and locally available material as well as Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 203
enlightening them about the Human Papilloma Virus
NAME: Kunyumbu Ulemu Harriet (HPV) that causes cervical cancer and the need to get
SHS: Kalibu Academy High School, Chileka, Blantyre, vaccinated when the government is having their annual
Malawi. HPV vaccine campaign.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics. Impact of Project
ASPIRATIONS: To be a beacon of hope to the youth in Over the past year and a half, Atsikana pa Ulendo has
my community, country, Africa and the world at large. managed to host more than 27 successful meetings
CORE VALUES: Respect, Loyalty, Honesty and with a total attendance of approximately 212 of females
Integrity. present at the meetings held in various schools across
the southern region who have been taught how to
Background of Project make and maintain reusable sanitary towels that can be
used for a total of 18 to 24 months depending on the
My community project was inspired by the multiple frequency of usage and how well they are maintained.
number of girls in my community that miss a Last year Atsikana pa Ulendo started reaching out to
considerable number of school days due to their lack of Non-Governmental Organisations such as Adventist
adequate menstrual health knowledge and necessities. Drug Relief Agency (ADRA), CAMFED Malawi and the
As a result of this, majority of the female student’s Ministry of Health in hopes of securing a partnership
population performs very poorly in their academics and financial assistance to be able to expand and
as compared to the male student’s overall class impact the central and southern regions of Malawi as
performance. I started Atsikana pa Ulendo to break the well. There has been no success yet as pertaining to the
barriers and the stigma that surrounds menstrual health partnership/ assistance from the NGO’s but we remain
in my community but also to ensure that adolescent hopeful.
girls have the same learning opportunities and chances
as the males do, giving them equal chances to perform " break the barriers and
at their very best. Atsikana Pa Ulendo is an initiative the stigma that surrounds
that educates young females on the importance of good menstrual health in my
menstrual hygiene practices that are not only safe for community and ensure that
them to use but also affordable as many of them cannot adolescent girls have the
afford to buy the common sanitary napkins found same learning opportunities
in shops. Thus my core aim is teaching them how to and chances as the males
make and maintain reusable sanitary napkins from do."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 204 and other projects that are already been undertaken.
Soon, it will begin and the community of Westlands will
be relieved of their predicaments.
Impact of the Project
So far, the residents have shown high expectation for
the construction of the bridge and their support to help
out in any way possible to see the materialization of this
goal. After few visits to the Rotary meetings, I can testify
to the commitment of the Rotary Club to construct the
bridge in due time.

NAME: Essikpe Etornam Randy NAME: Fuseini Hanifa Mumuni
SHS: West Africa Senior High School, Adenta, Greater SHS: St. Fidelis Senior High School, Tease, Eastern
Accra. Region.
Engineering Rural Development
ASPIRATION: Tissue Engineer and Author ASPIRATIONS: GIS Analyst and a great fashion
CORE VALUES: Assertiveness and Integrity designer
CORE VALUES: Hard work and persistence
Background of Project
I live at Westlands, a town in the Great Accra Region Mastercard foundation has given me one of the most
of Ghana. Westlands is quiet a big community with all valuable assets no one can take from me, and that
kinds of people. Majority of the residents being middle is education. For the few years I’ve been with this
income earners. community, I have grown into a more confident young
A major problem that has bedevilled the community lady ready to take up any challenge.
for a very long time now is the unavailability of a bridge
over a large gutter that separates Westlands from the My outlook of life has changed, as I have moved from a
neighbouring town, Pillar Two. Several efforts to get once self centered girl to a more matured Lady looking
the attention of the authorities to the grievances of the out for the best for her community.
people have fallen on death ears.

As a transformative leader studying in this noble
institution and having received training from the
MasterCard Scholars Program here, I had to take a step
in helping solve the problem. After deliberations with
some of the residents, the assembly man and opinion
leaders, I knew I was taking the right steps in the right

In conjunction with the assembly man, I was able to get
Rotary Club Westlands, which is a subsidiary of Rotary
International to help with the project. Currently the
project has not begun yet due to financial constraints

Through the leadership seminars organized for the NAME: Olorunshola Oluwadamilola Esther Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 205
Mastercard scholars, I have taken up roles and joined SHS: Ezekiel International College, Lagos, Nigeria.
a number of associations that aim at making society PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Human Biology
better. ASPIRATION: Someday, I’ll stand between live and
In view of this, I came up with a project named “kae death and I hope to be able to make the right choice
wa’kye” (remember your routes). A project which is of preventing so many from going down to their early
based in Afram plains in the eastern region and aims at graves.
encouraging young females especially, to stay in school, CORE VALUES: Discipline, Humility and Hard work.
by providing them with school uniforms and other
resources which they need to facilitate learning. So far, On close observations and questionings, I realized an
13 students have benefited from the project and I look upsurge in the number of the abandoned, orphans,
forward to assisting more. abused and children with special needs in my
Embarking on this community project has exposed me community. On my quest of helping these children live a
to a lot of people and opened my eyes to how brilliant better life, I decided to spend time with them, this time
children have been reduced to nothing but pushing not to attend to their physical needs but to help them
trucks and carrying heavy loads for survival. This has develop intellectually.
made me more passionate and ever willing to assist as
many of them as I can. Little saint’s orphanage situated at Abuleegba, Lagos,
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here Nigeria since 1994 serves as a home to these less
on earth” privileged children and provided a good platform
I believe this project will have a long term social impact for me to give back to them. It was indeed a great
not only on the individuals supported, but also on my challenge trying to teach these students because of their
community and Ghana at large. poor educational background and apathy to school
I am very happy to be a beneficiary of the MasterCard work. Firstly, I had to change their orientation about
foundation and grateful for the all the life changing and academics, daily encouraging them that they are not in
beautiful experiences. any way different from other children. Later on, upon
discovery that they all learn at different pace, I decided
to teach them the basics (alphabets and arithmetic)
individually. This was a slow process but it eventually
yielded good results as there was a noticeable change of
attitude to-wards their books.

I was also able to write proposals to technological
companies in Lagos, drawing their attention to come
to the aid of these children by providing computers so
that they can acquire a new skill and catch up with the
fast-growing world. Although this need has not been
met yet, I believe that will much persistence they will
eventually decide to invest in the lives of these children.

For a period of two weeks, the coaching session birthed
a new mind-set in the children as some of them showed
an encouraging notion to their academics. They were
also able to learn fundamental concepts in their own

I look forward to going back to them during this
summer to continually enlighten them and prepare
them for the future.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 206 Mentorship and leadership training: club members
will be trained on how to be good mentors and leaders
NAME: Ofori Richard through mentorship and leadership seminars.
SHS: Kwabeng Anglican Senior High Technical Aim of the Project
School, Kwabeng, Eastern Region To improve students’ academic performance and reduce
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mechanical rampant school dropout in Kwabeng community
Engineering To inspire, unlock creativity, innovation, and passion
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to be a Systems Control and in students for Science, Engineering, and Technology
Analysis Engineer and a public speaker by using the motivational effects of robotics to develop
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, integrity, creativity and Science and technology skills. When students are able to
critical thinking build their own robots, it helps in building well-rounded
leadership skills including self-confidence, emotional
Background of Project intelligence, communication, and stewardship.
Unlocking Creativity, Innovation, and Passion for Impact of the Project
Science Engineering and Technology We have been able to form the club with a current
membership of 40 (the number has been reduced
Robots design and programming: Club members will as a requirement form Ghana Robotics Academy
be trained on how to build basic robots and programme Foundation). I am at my best to secure funding through
them to function and interact with their environment funding proposals and fundraising to be able to buy
and to solve a particular problem. Best groups will be the LEGO kits and other items to bring the project to a
selected to represent the club/school at the national completion.
level in the Robotics Inspired Science Education (RiSE) We are working hard to register the club in March, 2020
organized by Ghana Robotics Academy Foundation. to boost its credibility for funding.
Training will be borne by members from Ghana The nature of the project has helped me network
Robotics Academy Foundation with organizations such as Ghana Robotics Academy
Foundation and other stakeholders.
Termly engineering design project: students will be
challenged to identify problems in their community and "Club members will
come out with an engineering idea to solve it through be trained on how to
engineering design. build basic robots and
programme them to
function and interact
with their environment
and to solve a
particular problem."

majority concerning their lifestyles that affects their Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 207
health both directly and indirectly and not necessarily
NAME: Philips Amedeo Ransford Kpevu the cause of spirits and making the youth aware of
SHS: Otumfuo Osei Tutu II College, Tetrem, Ashanti dangers involved in substance abuse. This could only
Region be achieved by taking the community through series of
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: B.SC, Nursing health awareness programs such as health education,
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to be a specialist nurse in health screening and others.
cardiology and a health advocate Impact of the Project
CORE VALUES: honesty, loyalty, opened minded, I have run series of health talks and presentations in
positivity and efficiency the community. This opened up on some lifestyles
that compromises our health in the community
Background of Project and getting rid of the ideas of punishment from the
gods and other superstitious believes. These health
I leave in a community where majority believe that presentations have seen individuals taking their health
everything that happened to them is the cause of evil into good consideration. For example, I had health
spirit or punishment from gods. These believes has gone presentations on breast and cervical cancer awareness
far to affect the health of the people in the community in three different communities in my town. This health
especially infants, pregnant women and the aged. presentation has seen many women who visited the
these believes are continually increasing and channels town hospital for breast examination to be done for
need to be created to avoid or prevent them. This is them and undergo HPV test and to obtain the vaccine
because it’s negative impact on the community has led for HPV.
to an increased rate of morbidity and mortality of the Secondarily, environmental health talk was conducted
vulnerable group in the community. in one of the communities where I made them aware of
the importance of leaving in a clean environment. In the
Drug and substance abuse among the youth is also one next weekend communal labour was organized which
of the problems affecting the community concomitantly has seen a massive number of the community members
with the belief in evil spirit and gods. participating to remove chocked gutters, burying of
empty cans, making ways for water to pass during rains
These problems are due to lack of education concerning and others.
their health. Therefore, there is the need to educate the
community on regular bases to let them be aware of "Drug and substance
their health. This will help create the awareness of the abuse among the
youth is one of the
problems affecting my

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 208 NAME: Sandra Yeboah law. With the law in place and the correct leaders to go
SHS: Apeguso Senior High School, Apeguso, Eastern according to the rules and regulations, I am positive this
Region idea will help overcome open defecation.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Meteorology and Moving on to the next which is the improper way
Climate Science of dumping refuse, I plan on writing proposal to
ASPIRATIONS: I inspire to be an international the leaders of the community to help provide bigger
meteorologist and an entrepreneur. dustbins at certain points on the street which will be
CORE VALUES: Humility, Perseverance and picked up every morning to a dumping site.
Selflessness. Last but not the least, personal hygiene is the primary
method of solving sanitation issues. Talks on personal
As a meteorology student, I read about the world’s hygiene will be organized in all the schools in the
climate and its changes most of the time. It is known community. With this I trust that when the knowledge is
that as the years go by, the Earth climate becomes worst being passed on to the children, they will as well pass on
and it affects human life in many ways. Poor sanitation to their parents and siblings at home.
is the major reason why the Earth climate is at stake. So far one communal labour has been organized and I
am hoping measures are put in place to ensure that it is
Mastercard foundation has given me the opportunity to done regularly. The river which passes through is being
give back to my community by helping solve the issue of cleared regularly to prevent the flood. Also there sign
poor sanitation in my community post in the town warning people from open defecation.
As time goes on I am sure more will be done to ensure
I am from Tettegu-Weija in Accra, Ghana. My good sanitation.
community is facing lots of problems including poor
sanitation, poor road network, and improper parental NAME: Sarah Baalapuo
control. I am currently embarking on a project to help SHS: Lawra Senior High School, Lawra, Upper West
solve poor sanitation to prevent many deadly diseases Region.
including cholera, malaria, Lassa fever and many more PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Agricultural
and also decrease the rate at which the Earth climate Biotechnology
is at stake. The people of my com-munity practice ASPIRATIONS: To become someone that society can
open defecation, improper dumping of refuse and poor rely on for positive change and transformation
personal hygiene. CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Diligent and Honest.

Concerning the open defecation, I plan to fight for a
law that ensures that if one is found practicing open
defecation, he/she should be fund or made to face the

Background of Project. women involved and the quantity of soap produced at a Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 209
The project as the title suggests ‘Improving the Lives of sitting. This is chiefly due to the lack of funds. The target
Women in Cherekpong-Gabile Through Job Creation’ is to supply to the community and beyond and with
is about improving the lives of women at the village time that would be achieved.
where I hail from through hands on work that would Lastly, the project has become very popular as more
earn them money to help support in the running of their women want to take part. But the lack of funds is
respective families. preventing that from happening and the goal of reaching
The general impoverished state of the women in my out to more women in the community is defeated.
community birthed this project. Something needed to
be done to help assuage the situation. Also, the project NAME: Francisca Nyaba
needed to be a venture that would whip up the interest SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Oda Senior High School,
of the women and make them want to participate Akim Oda, Eastern
willingly since the project was all about them. Hence PROGRAMME OF STUDY: LLB
the idea of the production of local soap ‘Azuma Blows’ ASPIRATION: To impact as many lives as possible;
which is very well known in my community. because true success is measured by our ability to use
The soap has already gained cult status in my our lives to make an impact and a difference in the
community and hence no surprise the women were lives of others.
really enthused about the whole idea. But the availability CORE VALUES: Respect, honesty, optimism and
of funds restricted the number of women that could service to people.
participate in the project. Something that I was sad Background of Project
about but could do nothing at the time. I therefore I donated chairs to my basic school for PTA meetings
started with just three women with the hope to increase in my first year and organized a lecture on security
the number as funds become available. alertness at Oda Senior High school as my second
Impact of the Project project. These projects were undertaken as a means of
The impact of the project has been good but not as responding to present challenges and also to give back to
expected. A reason that is due to the number of women the community. Embarking on these projects has given
participating in the project which still stands at three. me a sense of connectedness and fulfillment.
One of the objectives of the project was to help augment
the family finances of the women involved in the
project. I would say that has not been fully achieved yet,
but still on course to achieve that. For most of the sale
of the production of the local soaps, the proceeds gotten
has resulted in profit yet and that is why the women have
not fully benefited yet. But the cause of the loss is known
now, and measures are being put in place to solve it.
Another objective was to create a soap production
centre in my community. This has been achieved as the
market base is increasing after each production and sale
of soap. This has made the soap more affordable to the
people of the community which was another objective
of mine. The demand most at times outweigh the
production supply. This has to do with the number of

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 210 so far we have been able to keep in touch with the leader
of their school, and we contribute some amount each
vacation to help them in their needs. In future we are
hoping to bring more people on board, in order to help
children mostly in furthering their education, since the
sisters don’t really have enough funds, most of them
when they finish primary, they face a challenge to pay
their fees. We hope better for future.

NAME: Schiphra Yumvuyizere NAME: Atonge Esther Anyi
SHS: Ecole des Sciences de Musanze, Musanze, SHS: Bilingual Grammar School, Molyko Buea,
Northern Province, Rwanda Cameroon
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Optometry PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Petroleum
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become, an optometrist, a engineering
science researcher and a lecturer ASPIRATION: Reservoir engineer
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Accountability, Diligence, CORE VALUES: Determination, Hard work and
Perseverance and Discipline Integrity

The community project that I embark on, is helping the Enhancing the education system using information
children in the orphanage at Centre des jeunes et des technology in Yaoundé Cameroon
infants handicap in Kigali city. Our group of Scholars
from Rwanda, embark on this community project, The project has been very successful as in many of
where during our vacations we visits the children, we the kids that were taught the different programming
help the children’s caregivers by cleaning the place and languages such as scratch program, Proteus, C program,
by feeding the children, we contribute some money, Arduino’s and a lot more during the boot camp got
and donate as much as we can afford the things mostly to appreciate technology. After the program, most of
hygienic products to the orphanage to help the children them were able to program games using the different
and the books they mostly use to study. We chose this languages taught especially the C program.40 kids
project because it was more convenient for us, since we registered for the first stage which will be our first
spend most of our time here in Ghana, we are able to cohort of the project undertaken. This coming summer
still be in touch with the sisters at the school and know
how the children are doing. This project was so much
impactful to us because, it taught me that no matter
how small, touching lives and transforming community
is my responsibility. It installed in me the spirit of
teamwork and patience. The project was more helpful to
the children because spending time with them brought
happiness in them, we did tutorials with some of them,

vacation we will continue to empower more kids by easily located along the black Volta, this town is of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 211
teaching and encouraging them towards the science different lingual diversities and the youth encompasses
fields. The different projects realized by the kids are as most of the population of this town.
follows: Over the years, Buipe has been stricken with lots of
Light energy optimization system (Help economize the challenges ranging from the internal chieftaincy feud
amount of electricity used by corridors, security lights, to the flooding case of 2011, also not forgetting of other
etc. Helps switch the bulb only when there are motion problems like the issue of sanitation, drugs Abuse,
and darkness in the area). teenage pregnancies and the list continues.
Automatic Egg Incubator (Facilitates egg hatching for After my enrolment in the Kwame Nkrumah University
poultry farmers) of science and Technology to offer Geography and
Pick up the drive (PUD): the platform that connects and Rural development and as a scholar of the Mastercard
facilitates people and cabs (French de-pots). Foundation Scholars program, I thought about my
Automatic street lighting system: To help reduce the community and the little things I can do to make an
traffic around town. impact, there the thought of starting a movement came
Robotic toy car: For children to learn about robots and to mind.
how they are programmed. What was this movement about? it was basically about
organizing a group of young minds to embark on the
NAME: Yakubu Abdul-Hakim education of the community on some challenges we saw
SHS: Jema Senior High School, Jema, Brong East as a part of the community as inhibiting the growth of
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Geography and the youth. So, I invited some colleagues of mine to join
Rural Development hands in starting this educational project.
ASPIRATIONS: Development Planner, Agric Impact of the Project
Entrepreneur Basically, we have undertaken two projects since we
CORE VALUES: Servitude, Hard Work and Humility started this movement, with the first one being the
Background of Project DRUG ABUSE PROJECT and the subsequent being the
Buipe is a town in the savannah region which can be Adolescent Reproductive Health Education with which
the first phase of the project is complete.
In fact, these projects have taught us a lot about how
to deal with people and also the need to make a proper
community entry in whatever community you want to
undertake your project in and personally, I have never
been so proud of myself until we did the evaluation of
the first project that we saw the impact of this project.
Also, as mostly said, experience being the best teacher,
I have learnt a great deal from the fact that we don’t
individually have the power to do great things unless we
are accompanied by others and the fact that humility,
respect, hard work and the drive to serve others is a way
to lead an impactful life.
To me success is about the number of lives you have
imparted and the priceless smiles an individual brings
to others.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 212 Science). Most of the youths are in the house hustling
and bustling because of failure in these subjects. Only
NAME: Solomon Prah about 10% of the students are able to further their
SHS: Edinaman Senior High School, Elmina, Central education in the tertiary institutions.
Region High rate of teenage pregnancy and drug abuse. Some
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business of the teenage girls get pregnant be-cause of failure to
Administration, Accounting further their education due to poor performance in
ASPIRATION: Accountant school. Some of the guys also engage themselves in
CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Excellence, Honesty abusing drugs like marijuana, alcohol, tramadol etc.
and Discipline, From the above challenges, I chose to help solve some of
the challenges by organizing vacation classes.
Background of Project: Impact of the Project
Through the classes that my friends and I organize
My project is about organising vacation classes during the long vacation, I realized that there are many
for Junior High School (JHS) students in Ntranoa things that I can help my community with especially
community. My friends and I, who are the teachers, the students. At first, I never thought there is something
focus on teaching the 3 main core-subjects that is valuable in me with which I can be of help to this
English, Mathematics and Science. It starts at 9:00am student until we started the classes. A very big thanks to
and ends at 1:00pm from Mondays to Fridays. Mastercard Foundation for enlightening me on this.
During the classes, my friends and I saw that most of the
Ntranoa is one of the prominent communities located students have difficulties especially with Mathematics.
in K.E.E.A District in the Central Region of Ghana. It Some basic concepts like addition, subtraction, division
has a population of about 1,400 where most of them and multiplication of fractions and decimals; addition
are farmers. It has a very big school which starts from and subtraction of negative numbers; word problems of
K.G. to JHS. The Junior High School has a population linear equation and inequality etc. Through the vacation
of about 280 where some of the students come from the classes, we were able to help most of the students in
various communities around. The main challenges of terms of these areas. Most of the students came to
this community are: appreciate some of the topics that at first they taught it
was so difficult to do.
Poor performance of students in both JHS and SHS in We also realized that some of the students especially
the three (3) core-subjects (English, Mathematics and the adolescent girls engage in pre-marital sex and later
become pregnant after their JHS education. Some of
the adolescent boys also engage in abusing drugs and
alcohol. So my friends and I used ourselves as example
to encourage the students to abstain from this social

The students were very happy and
attentive to us when we talked about
these issues. So far this is the little I
can say about my community project.

Impact of the Project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 213
So far, my team and I have undertaken series of health
NAME: Makomba Emmanuel education on how to take care of their kids, we went
SHS: Ghana Senior High School, Tamale, Northern to various churches and individual homes to educate
Region mothers on how to give balance diet to their kids. So
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Nursing far we have only done one health screening in the
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become a Paediatrician community for kids (malaria screening). Those who
and Philanthropist were tested positive were referred to the community
CORE VALUES: Integrity and determination clinic for treatment.
The community actually embrace us and gave us the
Background of the Project necessary support. The people in the community
were happy seeing young people ready to support the
I was raised up in a community where educational community. Even though we had some successful
standard and health of the people are way below the belt. projects, there are some we were not able to undertake
Growing up, I was exposed to many people, particularly due to lack of funds and logistics. Basically, the major
children suffering from preventable and curable challenge we faced was the issue of funds since most of
diseases. Many of these children end up not performing the health projects are capital intensive.
well in schools and subsequently reducing literacy rate All in all, there have been some ups and downs in the
in the community. Many of the children ended up losing projects. We are looking forward to write proposals to
their lives as a result of poor treatment and education on major stake holders in the community and other NGOs
the various health conditions. in order to be able to aid our projects. Also we are going
to recruit other new nursing students and a residence
It has been my responsibility as a scholar to give back to nurse from the community to ensure the continuity of
my community. So, I considered tackling this menace the project.
since the future of the community depend on these kids.
I organized all the student nurses in the community in a "I was exposed to many
form of association with the aim to educate mothers on people, particularly children
how to take good care of their kids in terms of dieting suffering from preventable
and personal hygiene. Also to encourage pregnant and curable diseases. Many
women to attend ante- natal care as well as advise them of these children end up
on behaviours that affect their unborn children. We also not performing well in
do basic health screening for kids and even the elderly. schools and subsequently
reducing literacy rate in the
community. "

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 214 The challenges I encountered during the project
was funding because it took time for the students to
understand why they should contribute to buying the
Through this project, I have learnt how to undertake a
community-based project to make impact. I have also
gained much experience in convincing people to buy
into my ideas. It has strengthened my network with my
former school and other stakeholders who helped in
making this phase of the pro-ject successful

NAME: Yamoah Veronica NAME: Zion Bonzo
SHS: T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High, Gomoa Potsin, SHS: Baidoo Bonsoe SHTS, Agona Nkwanta, Western
Central Region Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Religious Studies PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become an educationist, ASPIRATIONS: Public Speaker, Politician,
lawyer and human right activist. Entrepreneur and Philanthropist.
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Resilience, Integrity and
Creativity CORE VALUES: Integrity, Honesty, Determination,
Discipline, Adventurous and Self-Motivation
Background of Project: White Board Project
Objectives: My project was about creating awareness among the
To replace chalkboard in Budumburam D/A JHS, youth in the technology evolution in the 21th century.
Central Region with whiteboard With that regard, my team which comprised four
members and myself together with some stakeholders
To eliminated the risk associated with the use of organised a one-month free I.C.T training classes for the
chalkboard J.H.S and S.H.S graduates in the community.

To ensure effective learning amongst students and The specific objectives of the project were to; provide
teachers basic knowledge in computer and help students master

Project execution
I was able to donate two white boards to Budumburam
D/A JHS. The project was successfully execut-ed
through the contributions of students and

Impact of The Project
So far, two of the three classrooms have their chalkboard
replaced with whiteboard. There has been an
improvement in teaching and learning.

typing skills with the aim of preparing them on the use NAME: Safowaa Yaa Kantinpo Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 215
of ICT to facilitate learning in their tertiary education SHS: Apostle Safo Senior High School, Gyinyase,
or for life. Ashanti Region
The training commenced on Monday 25th June 2018 PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mechanical
and ended on Friday 20th July 2018 at 4:30 pm each Engineer
day. At the end of the one-month training, the students ASPIRATION: Renowned Mechanical Engineer
appreciated I.C.T and understood the essence of CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Integrity, Selflessness
pursuing a career in IT. Most of them were able to type and Perseverance
very well without looking on the keyboard.
Again, myself together with other three colleagues Background of the Project
saw the need to give back to our Alma Mata. During
summer of 2019, we had our internships in Baidoo Atafoa is a sub community of Pankrono in the Ashanti
Bonsoe SHTS where we renovated the washroom at the region. In the area where I live, there is a source to
Boys dormitory which was in a very deplorable state. portable water but members of the other side of the
My vision for life has been “To be a leader with passion community have to cross a river to get access to the
for the welfare of others and to have an impact in my water.
community, my Nation and the World at large”.
With regards to the “GO BACK GIVE BACK The river has no bridge or any other thing that helps in
PROJECT” as a MCFSP scholar, I savvy it as an crossing and therefore members have to walk through
opportunity to help me contribute my quota in building it as they carry the water from the other end to their
my community. houses. The case worsens when it rains and the river
“Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by overflow its bank. To us at the other end, it is a very big
Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life challenge. This project seeks to solve this problem by
Believing that It is Stupid” said Albert Einstein and this providing a bridge.
has been one of my favourite quotes. I believe that if we
all understand and release the potential that’s has been Impact of the Project
dormant in us, we are all going to change the world
TOGETHER. Met with the assembly members to discuss my
intentions to solve this problem of which he
commended and gave me the go-ahead.

I consulted a carpenter who came out with the plan
and any other thing concerning the construction of the
bridge. And then a wooden bridge was constructed.

My way forward is:

• To construct more bridges at other points where
the river flows too

• To improve the materials used in construction to a
metal sheet this will relatively last longer

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 216 NAME: Haruna Tahiru NAME: Acquah Christopher
SHS: Wulugu Senior High School, Wulugu-Walewale, SHS: Twifo Praso Senior High School, Twifo Praso,
Northern Region. Central Region
ASPIRATION: Social Scientist. Engineering
CORE VALUES: Excellence, Highly productivity, ASPIRATION: To impact as many lives as possible;
Prodigy, Tranquillity and Equality because true success is measured by our ability to use
our lives to make an impact and a difference in the
My community project is titled ‘Transforming lives of others.
Duu Community’ CORE VALUES: Respect, honesty, optimism and
service to people.
I started a series of developmental and pacesetting
activities in order to salvage my community even before Background of the Project
I came to school. But last year, I found it expedient to
undertake this particular project named, Transforming Vision farms is my impact to my community. Vision
Duu Community. A project targeted at alleviating totally farms is a firm that seek to establish agricultural centres
the social infirmities suffered by my community and in various communities of Assin municipality, we are
to provide an opportunity for all. Education, economic a team of four and I’m the founder. We establish crop
and religion are the main areas of concern. But since it farms together with animal farms in some selected
is a long term project, I started with education and came centres and seek to employ various small-scale farmers
out with a series of actions such as Operation Every and the youths in the community. This establishment
Child can Read (OECR), Operation No Fail in Duu is still ongoing and hoping to expand its farms at the
Junior High School in 2021 (ONF21) and improving the end of this year. The team hope to support the youth
performance in Duu D/A Junior High School. These are in the community in their academics and social life as
the successes recorded (impact) so far. well. I want to see the same smile that has been put on
my face on all the youth and the farmers in the Assin
My major problem has been funding. However, I believe Municipality and beyond together with their families.
strongly without an iota of doubt that even though
we have not achieved the golden desire we have to
materialize at the instance, it is undeniable a fact that my
people are never where they were prior the coming into
forth this initiative, also my resolve to transform this
little community is still unbroken

NAME: Gertrude Akosah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 217
SHS: Kumasi Wesley Girls Senior High School,
NAME: Akyaamaa Agnes Kumasi, Ashanti Region
SHS: Attafuah Senior High Technical School, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Geological
Akim-Oda, Eastern Engineering
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness ASPIRATION: I aspire to be a Geophysicist
Management CORE VALUES: loyal, visionary, hardworking and
ASPIRATIONS: it is my dream to become a very honest
successful Agribusiness Entrepreneur, creating jobs for
my community Background of project
CORE VALUES: I believe integrity is the main drive The girl child survival movement is a project that seeks
of every human life in accordance with obedience, to empower girls from homes with financial problems.
tolerance, honesty and truthfulness. The aim of this project is to equip these young girls with
saleable skills such as beading, crocheting and making
I did a project which deviates from my aspiration of tie and dye designs. The project also seeks to inspire
dubbed Creating first aid awareness which I don't regret these young ladies to study hard and become the best
because that problem was very abysmal to be witnessing versions of themselves.
this modern era and due to my passion for healthy
living. I believe each and everyone’s health is his or her Impact of Project
responsibility and therefore we can do somethings to Currently, girls in the Patasi MA Junior High School
save ourselves in times of trouble before someone saves are my target group. During the vacation, I went there
us which might be too late. The projects focal point and volunteered to teach them science and mathematics
was educating households on how to first treat injuries during their school days and after school, with the help
before getting aid from medical Assistants. The project of visual arts teacher, we organize and equip these ladies
end with me giving each households I visited a first aid with beading skills. By the end of the last year sessions,
kit containing scissors, gauge, cotton lint, gentian violet, we were able to make necklaces, ear rings as well as
spirit and other things needed as a first aider. bracelets. Ladies with problems academically also
approached me easily with their problems and I found
means of helping them.
I hope to be able to train people who can take up the
training sessions during the periods that I am in school
so as to ensure effective continuity and sustainability.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 218 NAME: Obeng Estella NAME: Mary Tweneboah
SHS: Manso Adubia Senior High School, Manso SHS: Mpohor Senior High Mpohor, Western Region
Adubia, Ashanti Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Religious Studies
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Geography and ASPIRATIONS: Social Worker
Rural Development CORE VALUES: Discipline and honesty
ASPIRATIONS: To be a beckon of hope to teenage
mothers and a geographic doctor Background of Project
CORE VALUES: I believe in feminism, in the African The habit of reading has become a major challenge
woman’s capabilities. I also believe in hard work with faced by students in rural communities. Reading skill
integrity. is very vital in our everyday life for the fact that it
enables one to be conscious of his or her environment.
Background of Project: I identified a problem when I got the opportunity to
Teenage pregnancy disrupts the educational progress of interact with a student from Eagle Crest Senior High
young girls in Africa. Manso Aponapong community School which is located in Oppong Valley in the western
is no different. The effects of teenage pregnancy have region of Ghana. The problem identified was lack of
had its toll on my community increasing poverty, self-confidence when it comes to speaking in English
illiteracy rate and the number of teenage mothers in my which was as a result of non-availability of readable
community. I have taken it upon myself and made it materials to expand their vocabulary. I took upon myself
my goal to minimise the level of teenage pregnancy in to curb this issue by donating readable materials to the
my community by educating young girls on the effects school to establish a library for the school. My journey
of teenage pregnancy and encouraging them to focus of providing a solution to this issue started on 12th
on education and adding value to themselves. As well February 2020.
as help young girls who have already fallen victim by
putting them back in school if they desire or train them Impact of the Project
in skills Read is the name of my project which aims at building
the confidence level of students in English language
Impact of the Project and also aid in accuracy and fluency in English. The
In collaboration with the assembly man of Manso experience so far has been educative and fascinating for
Aponapong, the headmaster of Manso Aponapong the fact that many students had the zeal to learn English
D/A JHS and masters of specific skills training like hair but lack of readable materials was a hindrance to their
dressing and dress making(seamstress) this project has goal in vocabulary expansion. My project has solved
been able to help six teenage mothers in my community. this issue which has helped students in vocabulary
expansion and has increase the confidence level of
students in Eagle Crest senior high.

NAME: Baidoo Isaac Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 219
SHS: St James Seminary Senior High School, Sunyani,
NAME: Adenyina Evans Achana Bono Region
SHS: Navrongo Senior High School, Navrongo, Upper PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Business
East Region Administration
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Civil Engineering ASPIRATION: Lecturer
ASPIRATION: Pastor and A Civil Engineer CORE VALUES: Integrity, Discipline and Equality
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humility, Determination,
Love for God and Mankind Background of the Project

Community Project I envision a community where all the children could
speak and write effectively. To solve a problem, you
My community base project is focus on making an should first recognise a need, and secondly you should
impact on children. I believe strongly that the best way have the passion to influence that need. My community
to tackle a problem confronting a generation is to tackle project is about helping children in my community read
it with posterity in mind irrespective of the immediate and write well. It is about instilling a reading culture in
result you get. The problems confronting my community the kids in my community. Reading has a lot of benefits
are many, but the most pressing ones are teenage on child development. This is why I have introduced
pregnancy, school dropout and drugs abuse. I therefore the Help Me Read and Write initiative to help kids in
decided to help in solving some of these problems by my community appreciate the benefits of reading and
forming a movement called The Younger Generation writing. The project aims at instilling the culture of
Movement. reading into the students in my community. The project
seeks to concentrate on kids especially those at the
The aim of this project is to support children lower primary level. As part of the initiative, we would
educationally, spiritually, and culturally. The project establish the reading and writing club to help mentor
has started with a number of 10 children. Financial these kids to read and write effectively. It is my hope to
support would be given to support these children, also, see kids in my community read and write confidently.
mentorships, extra classes and prayer meeting will be
organized to help in bringing this dream into reality in
my community.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 220 the community, which are unemployment, teenage
pregnancy, and school dropouts. I embarked on a
vocational training project to equip single mothers
and school dropouts. This project will help reduce
unemployment om the side of my target group and will
improve their standard of living by enrolling them on
hairdressing and catering skills.

Impact of the Project
First two people have been enrolled in catering and
hairdressing with the required equipment in which they
are expected to complete the training in three years.

NAME: Klutse Georgina NAME: Habib Farid
SHS: Ada Senior High Technical School, Ada, Sege, SHS: Kpandai Senior High School, Kpandai, Northern
Greater Accra Region.
ASPIRATIONS: Impacting on moral values in my Engineering.
community ASPIRATIONS: Engineer, IT entrepreneur, Lecturer,
CORE VALUES: Motivation, God fearing, Respectful, Professor.
Loyalty, Honesty, Positivity and Integrity CORE VALUES: Determination, Discipline, and Faith.

Emerging from a community where there is high Background of The Project
illiteracy rate, teenage pregnancy, single parenting and
other societal issues, it has always been my quest to do The identified problem is poor environmental and
something about them, and today I deem it a privilege personal hygiene in Hulafau Islamic School. Most
to contribute my quota in solving these pressing societal infections and sanitation related diseases such as
problems. I look forward to becoming an Auditor and cholera, typhoid are spread in schools, which reveals
a great Mathematician so that I can motivate the young that if even there are no records of infections or diseases
ones and provide financial assistance to the development amongst the students, the poor sanitation and hygiene
of young girls within my community, also making the condition is a threat which needs to be addressed as
world a better place.

Also being a loyal and ethnical person, I want to also
impact on the moral values of my community. To
encourage members of the community to be there
for each other and be the keeper of one another. I
am determined to set a good example for others by
becoming a motivational tool and to amplify the voice
of females.

Background of the Project
Weija is a community located at the Ga South of Greater
Accra Region. There are numerous problems facing

soon as possible. NAME: Bipuah Ajara Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 221
This and many other reasons lead to the initiation of SHS: Tumu Senior High Technical School, Tumu,
my project titled “Improving Sanitation and Hygiene in Upper West Region
Hulafau Islamic School” PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Ba. Geography and Rural
Both sanitation and hygiene are crucial to prevent Development
dangerous diseases and maintain a good health. Both ASPIRATIONS: Teacher and Community
aim cleanliness, hygiene is related to the human body. Development Analyst
Maintaining a good personal hygiene is a precaution in CORE VALUE: Determination, Respect, Integrity and
preventing pathogenic micro-organisms among people. Hardworking
Whereas sanitation is mainly related to the safe disposal
of waste around human beings. I am a second year Geography and Rural Development
The project does not seek to educate students of Hulafau student and a Mastercard Scholar at KNUST. My
Islamic school only, but to visit other schools in Kpandai journey so far has been one of greatest thing one can
in other to project this project to the town as a whole. talk off. This program has actually transformed me
Also, to visit the residents of Kpandai to talk/educate both socially and academically this is because series of
their parents about the topic of discussion, to embark on counselling and leadership seminars has been provided
public education through FM stations and Information by the scholar’s program to equip scholars in all aspects
Centre in order to effectively reach out the people of of life. Which I indeed benefited a lot from it.0
The main aim of this project is to create a healthy and The project I am working on is about how teenage
safe environment for students, educate and encourage pregnancy can be reduced in my community (Nabulo).
students to practice good sanitation and hygiene, which I started this project last year during the long vacation
will go a long way to promote academic growth. even though nothing has been done much but I was able
Impact of the Project to advice the Junior High students on how to take good
I visited Hulafau Islamic school last year and care of themselves in order to avoid teenage pregnancy
educated them on the need to practice personal and and the consequences involve when one found herself,
environmental hygiene. I also organized a cleaning why they should take their studies serious and the
up exercise in the school which I fully involved in, in benefits they will be likely to get when they work harder
order to set an example and effectively send my message
across to the students.
I also provided some sanitation materials such as
brooms, bucket and dustbins for cleaning in the school.
By doing this, and effectively carrying out my way
forward for this project, it will create and promote a safe
and healthy learning environment for the students and

This will go a long way to promote
academic growth as I learnt that
students who practice good personal
and environmental hygiene, are those
who perform very well at school.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 222 17th August 2018 and the time was 9:00am to 1:00pm.
Students who participated received stationary at the end
NAME: Otsen Emmanuella of the tutorials.
SHS: Ola Girls Secondary School, Kenyasi, Brong
Ahafo Region Vocational Skills for the Youth
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business We are in a country where unemployment is the issue
Administration (HRM) of the day and my community is of no exception.
ASPIRATION: Lawyer, HR Manager and In attempting to help in solving the problem in my
Entrepreneur community, I decided to share the skill that I have with
CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Honesty, Modesty and five youth in Adankwame. These skills include macramé,
Committed. dress making and beads making. Am still working on
these skills in other to perfect them. I had a sampled
Background of Project macramé top, a skirt and a straight dress I sewed using
thread and needle. A Tailor promised to recruit the guys
Imaging being in a community where everyone comes who will be interested in sewing.
back to share the knowledge they have obtained with
those who couldn’t get the opportunity to do so. Impact of Project
Students who were not able to partake in the extra
Mathematics and English Tutorials for Five Senior High classes because of financial difficulties were able to learn
School (SHS) one Students in Adankwame and understand topics they did not before the classes.
They were motivated to learn hard at the mention of
Adankwame is my community located at Kumasi various opportunities in the university such as the
(Abrepo Junction road). Mastercard Scholars Program.

I realized some students are always at home during For a better community let’s all try our best to help one
vacation whiles classes was ongoing. another and I believe we can go higher and far with a
little bit of kindness and care.
I approached these students and asked them why they
are not partaking in the ongoing extra classes. Most of
their answers were because of financial difficulties. I
decided help these students so I secured a class room
from my former school’s (Adankwame R/C JHS)
headmaster. The classes started from 6th August 2018 to

NAME: Chishiba Chilimba use engineering design skills gained so far to design a Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 223
SHS: Kapiri Girls Technical School, Central Province, homemade water purifier and ensure that the purifier
Zambia works as intended by curbing the setbacks cited by most
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Biomedical Engineering residents.
ASPIRATIONS: To be an influential Biomedical
engineer in the world of science and innovations, NAME: Ampomah Racheal
policy and decision-making. SHS: St. Joseph Seminary Senior High
CORE VALUES: diligence, open-mindedness, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Quantity Surveying
resilience, honesty and commitment and Construction Economics
ASPIRATION: To Make a Difference in People’s Lives.
I believe good human health is the backbone of progress CORE VALUES: Being Myself, Love for others.
because it pertains to human effort. Hence, if neglected One thing I learnt under the sun; we are all born leaders.
individual, communal, national and worldwide Leaders of ourselves, and leaders of Africa.
development cannot flourish. It is therefore a dire need We are all born with special qualities to raise mother
that daily requirements such as water and food are Africa high and the whole world.
rendered safe before consumption else harm will be • Do you accept this leadership?
done to the body. This happens not to be the case in my • Do you accept this mandate?
community because majority of the residents obtain Let us live for Africa, let us make changes, because that
drinking water from the stream and rarely if not at all is who we are.
treat it before consumption. I am a change maker. I am born for this purpose.
I am the answer to the cry of many. I am the answer
I undertook a project in Miloso community not only to to the cry of Africa, and I am the answer to cry of the
unveil the already known methods of purifying drinking whole world.
water but also bring to life a suitable solution. The core
root of the problem in the community alludes to the fact "Don’t just inspire to make a living,
that the source of drinking water for most residents is inspire to make a difference."
an open source thus very vulnerable to contamination.
In response to this challenge, I obtained consent from
the District Health Office to conduct a study in the
area which comprised interviews with the residents
and conduction of bacteriological tests of water from
several sources. I went on further to partner with the
community health worker to analyse the water related
cases at the local health post which showed that infants
and the elderly tended to be susceptible to diarrhoeal
diseases. By interacting with several residents we also
learnt of some barriers that they faced in practising the
water treatment method in existence.

After having conducted the study, I proceeded
to extensively research about local materials yet
scientifically proven to effectively purify water. I came
across activated charcoal which has found applications
in many areas where toxin and bacterial removal is a
necessity. The activated charcoal shows to be the most
effective as at now and not only does it purify the water,
but it is also a natural resource and is fairly inexpensive,
it is the best nature-friendly option for purifying
drinking water. The prospect phase of this project is to

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 224 cumbersome therefore unemployed parents were
equipped with basic skills in liquid soap making, shower
gel, liquid antiseptics, washing powder and tie and dye
with the help of my team members.
The project as at now has help reduced absenteeism in
school unemployed parents who use their wards as their
farm labours and sales person during school hours. This
confirms an old English adage “give a man a fish and
you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed
him for a lifetime”.

NAME: Baiden Bright Baidoo NAME: Bernard Osei Boakye
SHS: Aperade Senior High School, Eastern Region, SHS: Aduman Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti
Ghana Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Development PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Medical Laboratory
Planning Technology
ASPIRATION: Research Analyst, Reverend Minister ASPIRATIONS: To be an expert in the field of
and Economic Planner Biomedical sciences
CORE VALUE: Justice, Discipline and Perseverance CORE VALUES: Honesty, Loyalty, Consistency and
The problem of the world today cannot be solved if one
does not sacrifice to address it personally. As citizens, Background of the Project
each one has a role to play in bringing out communities Teach A Woman to Sew and Break the Cycle of Poverty
to a desirable state of which I’ve been taking it upon in Donkoro Nkwanta
myself to tackle the aspect of human development
of which education remains a focal point in the Donkoro Nkwanta a town in the BONO region
development of every society. specifically Nkoransa south is a farming community
which has a high number of teenage mothers and
My project seeks to address the root cause of poor as such are drop out of school and as a native of the
academic performance among the public schools of
Akim Aperade. The various root cause of the problem
was identified and address with the help of parent,
teacher and school authorities. As part of my journey
to address this challenge various strategies were used
of which textbooks were donated to Akim Aperade
Presbyterian Basic School and a month and half evening
classes conducted. The end of my part of the evening
classes has constantly receive further continuity of
which evening classes is now compulsory to all pupil
living within the community.

Unemployment on the part of some parents including
teenage mothers makes the achievement of the vision

community and as a proud Mastercard scholar I reliased NAME: Akyirem Francis Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 225
that we are all born to make mistakes and be corrected SHS: Assin North Senior High Technical
so I cannot just judge my friends, sisters for their act PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Natural Resources
but rather how to help them out in their teen parenting. Management
Hence the project “Teach a woman to sew and break the ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Entrepreneur
cycle of poverty”. CORE VALUES: Love, Discipline, Hardworking and
I took this initiative with my mother and Madam Pat Consistency.
(Seamstress), with the intention to help teenage girls
who are drop out of school and those teen parenting I My two years of experience with MCF Scholars Program
thought of it that them getting some skill to do will help at KNUST has given me better and deeper knowledge
relieve them a little hence came the idea sewing, my about leadership. Through the various leadership
mother played a key role in this because she offered me seminars and other awesome trainings, I have come to
with her sewing machine that I should start with, there appreciate the fact that one must not occupy a special or
was a woman whom I knew use to sow but because of well recognized position before he or she can exhibit his
financial challenges has closed down her business. I or her leadership abilities.
with my mother approached her and share this idea of
mine with her and she agreed to that we will give her I am currently embarking on a dual community project;
some capital to start her business again and in so doing free science and maths classes and annual Maths and
we will be bringing the teen parenting mothers to her Science transformation game competition, which is
for them to be trained at a cost free and we will provide purported to sharpening the brain of J.H.S students
all their tools needed an agreement was made. Madam in the aforementioned subject areas. My mission is
Patricia was given Two hundred Ghana cedis to start her to motivate the student`s communities to pursue an
business over again and some sewing threads were also in-depth study in maths and science that have become a
provided. A teen mother by the Akua Serwaa is the teen very big challenge to most students and also to inculcate
parent we started with because she relates to Madam in them the habit of learning.
Patricia. The teen mother was giving an already used
sewing machine from my mother and some threads and Impact of The Project
other materials to start with in June 7, 2019. There is now science and maths clubs in the various
Impact of the Project basic schools in my community where pupils are
So far so good with four months to a year since we specially groomed for the annual competition game.
started this project two teen mothers have benefited Previously in my community students’ performance in
from this and with the proposals feedback we are the Basic Education Certificate Examination (B.E.C.E)
getting from the MCE and Chief of the community we was very poor, especially in the areas of science
are looking forward of expanding the madam Patricia’s and maths, but last year’s results showed immense
business in order to provide more opportunities. improvement.
With this project a lot of stealing, substance abuse and
teenage pregnancy has been massively reduced in my

The way forward is to ensure that
school dropout and teen mothers get
something to do for a living.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 226 the little things you do for them. I give not because I
have a lot and can spare some but I give because I know
how it feels to have nothing.

NAME: Attisogbe Rosina NAME: Amehoho Josbert
SHS: KNUST Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti SHS: Boa Amponsem Senior High, Dunkwa-Offin,
Region Central Region.
ASPIRATIONS: Pharmacist and Counsellor Engineering
CORE VALUES: Courage, Perseverance and Hard ASPIRATION: Technology Futurist
Working CORE VALUES: Honesty, Perseverance, Love and
Background of the Project
The lives of young people in my community in the More than ever before in human history, we share
orphanage homes who feels left out and unloved is a common destiny. We can master it only if we face
what I focused on. These children either become the it together and that is why we the united nations,
bread winners of the family or are left to cater for Kofi Annan (Former UN General Secretary). I see a
themselves. This makes them vulnerable to dangers community to be a very place where different races of
that may come. These children work hard to survive the people are abolishing but the common good is what
or some of them end up being left to the orphanage to stand, and in doing so development flourish in such
be taken care of since parent see them as burden. As community always.
part of my project I visit the orphanage home “ALL
NATION ORPHANAGE” to support and put smiles on Starting the change is a community based project
the faces of these young ones who feel left out. I gather being undertake in a submerge town in the Prestea
clothing, food stuffs and amount of money that I can get Huni-Valley District Assembly, Western South Region.
to support this project. So far donations were made last This project was inspired by a speech Prof. Mrs. Ibok
year 2019. Oduro delivered in unarguably one of the best thing
that has ever happened to me on my pursue of higher
My passion is to see these young one’s excel in life like education that is our four series training in ILF and
every other child so that they can have a bright future. I she said “suppose she is to be the president of the this
have had some experiences which includes sharing even our noble country, her priority will be to change the
the little I have left, planning my time and managing
my savings. This project has also helped me to make
partners who can support me in cash or kind which is
necessary for my project since I can’t provide all things
for the orphanage and how to improve people’s life with

behaviour pattern of the people”. Thinking about this NAME: Aboagye Joseph Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 227
piece I question myself as a person that what can I do SHS: New Nsutem Senior High Technical School,
as someone who aspire to be the bridge to success of Bunso, Eastern Region
the underprivileged? In my quest for an answer I found PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics
out that if we all become ambassadors for change in our ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer
society the world could found the lost love which has led CORE VALUES: Obedience, Hard work and
to struggle for basic needs of the people. Contentment
The project focus on education and sanitation as in line
with the 3rd and 4th SDG set by the General Assembly Background of the Project:
of the United Nations. A talk and a number of dustbins My projects are on Education, and the provision of
was given to the basic school in the locality. This is a conducive sanitized refuse dump for the purpose
believed to change the attitude of the students where of preventing the ineffective use of the public toilet
most are littering around with a reason that there are no which is closer to the refuse dump and the prevention
dustbins and also in long term I believe more investment of malaria which is affecting the life of people residing
(time, money) in such is going to affect the behaviour around the area. In terms of education, my aims include;
pattern of the children as growing up. In addition, assisting in the preparation of JHS and SHS students for
various classes were organized for the High School their final exam, assisting a needy SHS brilliant graduate
students with the help of other colleagues. Mentoring who wish to further his education at the University of
isn’t exempted, where we share our experiences with Ghana, LEGON, supporting a kid with both speaking
them and counsel them on how best we can link up for and hearing impairment throughout her education
them to even reach where we might not arrive. and social life, and also assisting an SHS Agricultural
Lastly a basic school student was supported via investing graduate to establish animal farming (snail rearing, and
in his mother business. An amount was given to her to poultry farm).
help grow her business in order to support the boy and
other siblings of him. This was a boy who was among Impact of the Project:
the best student in his early stage of primary education I have been able to provide a proper place for refuse
but wasn’t part of the upper middle class considering his disposal in order to prevent the refuse from getting
examination result and it was found out to be a financial close to the toilet facility and also to reduce the risk of
constraint and hence above. people getting malaria and other likely diseases in the
I believe it's possible but it is only enough when we act community. This I do by clearing and spraying all the
on the little we have gathered as knowledge. weeds around and creating proper channel for refuse
disposal, and also sensitizing the community through
the information center about the need to avoid such
a bad habit. I have also started setting up the building
structure for the snails (which has costed an amount of
GHS 280 out of GHS 840). I have helped the brilliant
student gain admission to the University of Ghana
(2018/2019) by paying part of his fees. This is also
the first time a student in the school has obtained a
single number since 2007. I am also pursuing a sign
language course to enable me equip myself in order
to communicate effectively with the child with both
speaking and hearing impairment so I can identify her
major needs and find appropriate solutions for her (this
is because nobody in the town is able to communicate
with such people).

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 228 young girl to stay in the house, more to the point the
parents does not care about their children whereabouts
NAME: Adekilae Frank Anyoka and the child can do anything he/she likes with such
SHS: Chiana Senior High School, Navrongo, Upper tender age.
East Region Also lack of education also constitute child marriage
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Natural Resources in my community because teenagers do not know the
Management implication of child marriage and how it will affect their
ASPIRATIONS: Natural Resources Manager and future, and their mothers doesn’t have time to sit with
Motivational Speaker them to discuss issues concerning their reproductive
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Faithfulness, Justice, health and how they should handle it. As a young
Determination and Perseverance transformational leader I have deem it necessary to put
up all possible measures to ensure that these menace is
Having my country and community at heart and eradicated within the shortest possible time.
having lived my entire life in rural area, I had developed So far with the help of my community clinic staffs, I
empathy and concern for girl-child and how they are was able to organize an educational talk for Junior High
being handle in my community. The most vulnerable School in my community, which focus on the effect
and risk prone to me are the teenagers in the society, of child marriage and it implications in their lives and
which needs an extra-care and concern in their growing some books and pens were shared among the students
up life but that is not the case in my community. as a motivation. I learnt a lot during the project, which
helps me understand that you cannot accomplish any
My community is characterized by rampant child tax without collaborating with people and more to the
marriages with its diverse effect such as illiteracy, point to work with a group of people you must have the
domestic violence, poverty, school drop-out, and spirit of endurance, patience, persistence and tolerance.
teenage pregnancy. This is because my community is
dominated by poverty and most of the parent think
that having a girl child is lucrative means of getting rich
because of the bride price they will receive from the
groom family.

With this perception in their mind, they always try to
find ways of intimidating the girl child and make home
unfavorable and inconvenience for the likeness of the

NAME: Ameyaw Samuel • Help students in the community choose careers Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 229
SHS: Kumasi Academy Senior High School, Kumasi, based on their strengths which will help them fulfil
Ashanti Region their dreams in life.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication
Engineering • Give them the hope that they can make it despite
ASPIRATIONS: Data Scientist, Counselor, Network the situation they find themselves in.
CORE VALUES: discipline, humility, hardworking, We have been able to reach three schools namely Father
respectfulness. Crishe R/C J.H.S, Rockanje Presby. Exp. J.H.S. and
Ahwiaa R/C J.H.S since the inception of this project.
As a Mastercard Scholar, I believe in giving back to the That is, we have been able to interact with about 200
community as not an act of compulsion but something students so far. Through these interactions, I have learnt
I would actually want to do to impact lives in my a lot from these students which has made me look at life
community. One of the aims of MasterCard foundation in multiple perspectives. My public speaking skills has
is to reach out to people so that they can also spread the really been sharpened through this project.
message of the need to impact lives in the community Impact of the Project
they are living in. As a beneficiary of such a scholarship The project is young though but I think with the little
I would like to therefore use this opportunity to reach we have done we have given the students a sense of
out to other people who were not privileged to continue vision and direction. We have been able to let students
their education due to one reason or the other. have the end in mind so as to prepare towards it the
future effectively. I think the real impact will be seen
Background of the Project when these students get programs of their choice to
pursue in the Secondary schools based on the guidance
This project is a group project between Gyesie Andrew and training, we have given them. As the first batch of
(Cohort 4) and myself. Andrew and myself hail from students we have spoken to will write BECE this year.
Old Tafo in the Ashanti region. Old Tafo is privileged
to have many social amenities and infrastructure such "As a Mastercard Scholar,
as schools, hospitals, ultra-modern football pitch I believe in giving back
etc. The community is faced with social issues such to the community as not
as rampant teenage pregnancy, drug abuse The an act of compulsion but
Tafohene, MMDCs and the Member of parliament are something I would actually
doing their possible best to resolve and address these want to do to impact lives
issues. Recently the police did a patrol at the various in my community."
places known to be the inhabitation of drug abusers
and this action has reduced the instance of drug abuse.
We saw that education is one of the key areas which
the community needed assistance in and as observant
members of the community we decided to focus on
education which needed the much attention. We
therefore wanted to not just teach students but help and
mentor them on how to choose a career.

Also, give them the hope that they can also make it by
working hard as we ourselves are living testimonies.

Objectives of the project
• Help them get a purpose and vision in their

educational journey:

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 230 NAME: Ali Mariama NAME: Boakye Frederick Kwaku
PROGARAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics SHS: KNUST Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti
SHS: Damongo Senior High School, Damongo, Region
Northern Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Biology
ASPIRATION: Teacher (Mb.Ch.B)
CORE VALUES: Respect for all and Integrity OASthPeIrRsATION: To Be a Source of Inspirations to
CORE VALUES: Friendly, Sociable, Reliable and
Background of Project Committed.
My project entails improving upon the lives of teenage
mothers in my community through skills training; such Background of the Project
that they will have something doing on their own in
order to take care of themselves and their families at My community project entitled “GOOD HEALTH IS
large. I went to one of the women who is already into WEALTH” is aimed at improving the health conditions,
dress making to inquire about it, and she said I needed providing a clean environment for a happy living and
a sewing machine, needles, pins, a chair, tape measure, a to reduce the rate of morbidity and in extreme cases
uniform and an amount of money (GHC500) before the mortality in Adukrom-Nima. The project is structured
person can start, so I negotiated with her and she agreed such that various activities such as clean-up exercises,
that I can bring GHC400, I have paid half of the money. fumigation exercises, health and vital signs check- up
and education on the need to keep the environment
The teenage mother I'm supporting was very happy clean will play a major role.
because she has two kids who she is taking care of by
herself. Impact of the Project

Impact of the Project Fumigation exercise was the main sub project that was
It was not easy for me due to its financial statues and embarked on. The main aim of this sub project was to
other challenges such as discouragement from some tackle the vectors of diseases such as vectors of malaria,
people. But I still tried and am able to enrolled one nuisance and biting flies, fleas and cockroaches in
person for now I have been able to pay the rest of the order to improve health conditions of the inhabitants of
money and also bought a new sewing machine from Adukrom-Nima.
my personal savings at a cost of GHC400. Everything
amounted to GHC800.

problem, Equations and among the others. I also Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 231
realized that some of them didn’t know how to use the
NAME: Bentil Ebenezer calculator in solving simple mathematical problems
SHS: Mozano Senior High School, Gomoa Eshiem, and equations, so we looked at that section too. I also
Central Region. advised them in the course of the classes and made them
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business understand that mathematics is not a difficult subject,
Administration (Accounting/Banking). if they only develop the habit of solving more questions
ASPIRATIONS: Chartered Accountant and an on their own and if they find any difficulty, they should
Entrepreneur. seek for assistance from their teachers or friends who
CORE VALUES: Commitment, Hardworking, Caring, understands it. I wanted to extend the classes to a longer
Appreciative and Respectful. period but due to a reason I couldn’t. In all the vacation
classes was effective.
Background of The Project But in carrying this project there were some challenges I
I am Mastercard Scholar in KNUST who has been encountered.
trained to impact and give back to community, in order • Difficulty in mobilizing the students for the classes.
to cause change in our communities, countries and • Difficulty in getting a venue for the classes.
Africa at large. • Lateness.
My Project seeks to help Senior High School students in Impact of the Project
Gomoa Osamkrom who have challenges and perform Even though the classes didn’t last longer but at the
poor in Mathematics. Basically, is about a vacation end students were able to solve simple mathematical
classes I organized for SHS 2 Students in my community, expressions and equations, they also learnt how to use
Gomoa Osamkrom. So, I started this project last year the calculator well.
August 2018 with a quiet number of SHS 2 students Way Forward
and with the aim of reducing poor performance in I am hoping to see an excellent performance of students
Mathematics and inculcating the habit of learning in Mathematics. And I hope that the above initiative
Mathematics in them. I have taken, in the long run will help eradicate poor
performance of students in Mathematics so, that they
The classes took place at Osamkrom D/A JHS classroom can further their education to the Tertiary and in future
from Mondays to Fridays, 9:00am to 1:00pm. During become prominent people in my community and Ghana
the classes period, I took them through some basic at large.
mathematical concepts like; Three set problems,
Algebraic expressions, Factorization, Fractions, Word "I have been trained to
impact by giving back to
the community, in order
to cause change in our
communities, countries
and Africa at large."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 232 I always help in teaching whenever I am in community,
speaking to parents in gatherings about the importance
of their children education, etc. I personally award
the best performed students in their End of Term
Examination and encourage the Headmaster and his
staff to continue that in quizzes and examinations so as
to encourage the students to learn and improve their
performance. I will continue this and also employ other
measures in improving the academic performance in my
community school.

NAME: Anamoo Zakari Azombila NAME: Anasah Wawem Christopher
SHS: Bongo Senior High, Bolgatanga, Upper Region SHS: Ashaiman Senior High School, Ashaiman,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Actuarial Science Greater Accra
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to an Actuary and A budget PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics
Analyze ASPIRATION: Financial Statistician
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Obedient, Respectful, CORE VALUES: Respect, Hard work and
Patience, Tolerant, truthful and Patriotic. Determination

Success in life does not only mean acquiring wealth, I never thought of finding myself in the tertiary
being rich or being able to achieve your target goal but institution, but with the help of MasterCard foundation
is also about making impact in or transforming the lives scholars’ program I’m able to get to KNUST to study
of others. As a scholar of The MasterCard Foundation BSc statistics. I have had many experiences in many
Scholars Program, I took it upon myself to always make ways. Through leadership and transformative seminars
an impact on others life, irrespective of the measure organised by MasterCard foundation, I have learnt a lot
of that impact with the knowledge and experience of leadership skills and confidence which keep me going.
I acquire through my educational process and the Aside this, I have got to know places in other regions
regular leadership Seminars organized by the Program through the trip and excursion.
and other NGOs. These Seminars have helped me in
building my potentials, thus, knowing my capabilities
and weakness, how overcome my weaknesses and where
to impact my experience.

The major challenges in my community are inadequate
potable water supply and poor academic performance.
For the inadequate water supply, I am gathering facts to
write a proposal to Ahmadiya Water Supply Foundation,
Bolgatanga, for a borehole to my community but other
proposals will be written to the District Assembly and
other NGOs within Upper East for additional boreholes
in the community. On the poor academic performance,

Background of the Project NAME: Alado Anita Elorm. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 233
The educational system in my community has now SHS: Abutia Senior High Technical School, Abutia, Ho
decline in both population and performance as West, Volta Region.
compared to the previous years. As a native and a PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics.
concern indigene of Cherembo, a community located ASPIRATION: Pharmaceutical Statistician.
in the pru-west district of Bono-East region, I decided CORE VALUES: Integrity, passionate, hard work and
to find a way of getting the children who do not like perceiving good character of positive leader.
attending school to find schooling interesting. In view of
this, I bought some academic materials and distributed Background of the Project
to these children to make them attend school and also Working currently on a project which interns to
help some of them by nurturing and pouring into them experiment why asthma rate is increasing in high
faithfully to realise the importance of education. Since schools? As a statistics student, it is a privilege to dive
these academic materials cannot lure some of them, I into this and finalize what, actually may be the problem.
tried to speak to them one on one in other to convince With this project, the aim is to make sure all basic
them to go to school. Aside the problem of truancy, the schools in Ghana must accept to use white board and
school did not have enough teachers, so I talked to some marker instead of the use of the chalk and black boards.
of the SHS leavers in the town to help. I also render Since the dust of chalks used by our teachers are harmful
my service as a teacher to the school any time I’m on to the health of students or schools with this choice and
vacation and I go there. even teachers using them. It also came to the realization
Impact of the Project that these dusts are trap into the mucus layer of people
So far there has been an improvement in the attendance who inhale them.
as compare to before, also since the community is a
farming community, the SHS leavers find it difficult Impact of the Project
to go and help. In view of this, I’m working with other This project is to help impact on the quality of education
concern people in the community to find a way of in our various communities and Ghana as a whole to
getting some teachers. also help maintain good health of the future leaders
most especially the very little once who are most at times
exposed to these dusts. This may be an alternative for
adding a requirement for establishing schools in Ghana.

Challenge: the quest of channeling this to people who
will take actions to resolving it.

"My project is to help
impact on the quality of
education in our various
communities and Ghana
as a whole to also help
maintain good health of
the future leaders."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 234 their parents on how we all can help build the students
capacity and enhance effective learning in the home.
It was realized that, students extending to the very weak
ones have picked up and moving with the flow after
the application of the good studying and learning skills

NAME: Annor Elvis Wiafe NAME: Appiah Abass Lordina
SHS: Osei Kyeretwie Senior High School, Tafo, Ashanti SHS: Damango Senior High, Damango, Northern
Region Region
PROGRAMMEE OF STUDY: BSc. Chemical PROGRAME OF STUDY: BSc natural resources
Engineering management
ASPIRATION: Production manager ASPIRATIONS: environmentalists, Scientists,
CORE VALUES: Hard work, Perseverance and entrepreneur
Discipline CORE VALUES: respect, hardworking, decency,
faithful and Determination
Background of the Project
Community Based Project
Owing to the poor academic performance in the last
coming years of the Junior High School in Buoho in My project is being undertaken at Techiman- Tanoso
the Ashanti region, I deemed it necessary to contribute in the Bono-East region. It is a sanitation project, I have
my quota by identifying the reasons as to why this was named it "I care project", it aimed at improving the bad
happening. My community project sought to provide nature of the river in my communit.
measures which will seek to address the situation at
hand. As a saying goes " water is life, take care of it" and"
clean water means health ", my project seeks to creates
A meeting with the Headmistress was scheduled to help awareness about the benefit of clean water and the need
analyse the problem very well. An idea of organizing a for us as community members to keep our river clean.
vacation classes for the students came up at the end of
the meeting. A one month classes started intensively As part of this sanitation work, communal labour was
with all the teachers coming on board with me organised and undertaken at the river side to cleared
underpinning some of the teachers.

As the teaching was on going, I identified some personal
problems hunting the students and thus leading to
such abysmal academic performances. Measures such
as advising students on how to study and draw study
plan were in place. Moreover, visitations were made to
their houses with the motive of communicating with

and removed all dirt in the river and weeded around necessary to scale it to two. Helping the less privileged Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 235
the river to prevent it being prone to reptiles such as and fixing of water shortage problem in the community.
crocodiles, snake and others. This is a long-time project With regards to helping the less privileged, I decided
to seek to it that the river is always at its healthy zone for to select Galley family in the community mentioned
my community members above. In fact, this is a deprived family with size of six
However, I have also taken it to myself to improve upon (6) children of school going age but all from different
girl child education in my community, so in doing this, siblings of the same family. During the course of my
during vacation, I visit JHS Schools in my community visit to the village, I decided to offer a helping hand to
to meet all females and teach them about the important this family in my best possible way. I met with the entire
of a girl being educated and how to overcome certain family and discussed with them my mission toward
physical and emotional problems. their family. Low and behold all of them agreed to my
I will quote what Denzel Washington said" At the end terms to enrol their kids in school. But enrolling them
of the day it's not about what you have or even what come with difficulties in providing academic materials
you have accomplished. It's about who you have lifted which I decided to provide for them but on condition
up, who you have made better, it's about what you have that truancy will be devoid of them. So far I managed
given back" to provide all the six children with school uniform and
academic materials and I have been receiving positive
information about their performance in the school.
About the water project, the municipal assembly has
been able to come to our aid and fix the problem with
the boreholes but continuous dependence on the
assembly to solve water problem will make previous
problem resurfacing. So the proposal I and the
assemblyman put in place is what we are expecting
to kick working in the village after briefing the entire
community during the upcoming Easter festivity.

Am honoured to be MCF scholar in this great institution
and so far the feeling has been awesome with support
and care I been receiving through seminars, trips, games
and so on to build my moral uprightness.

NAME: Awuttey Richard Rosm K. "I provide six children
SHS: Abor Senior High School, Abor, Volta region. with school uniform
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics. and academic materials
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Entrepreneur. in my community and
CORE VALUES: Determination and Integrity. I have been receiving
positive feedback on their
Background of the Project performance at school."
“Being responsible to one’s community,” is a project
undertaken by me in a village called Kporkuve in the
Ketu-North Municipal of the Volta region. This project
is aimed at three core values initially but I deemed it

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 236 Impact of the Project
The benefits of this project are enormous and have
NAME: Atibila Asaane Bismark futuristic impact. As a man thinks, so he is. These
SHS: Navrongo Senior High School, Navrongo, Upper students are growing in an environment that gives them
East a negative mindset and influence which program them
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mechanical for failure and poverty.
Engineering Students were given new hopes, that they can succeed
ASPIRATIONS: A Mentor, Entrepreneur and an in life no matter their geographical locations and I
Industrialist used myself as an example and a few others who made
CORE VALUES: Love for all, Discipline and Kindness it to the tertiary institutions. Some teachers are in full
support now though they gave up on the students earlier
Background of the Project but after seeing my efforts to change things, they came
on board and the Headmaster told me I am welcome at
Thank you MCFSP for believing and investing in me. any time to help.
I now see beyond myself and the need to give back has The various topics that were delivered gave students the
become an essential reality in my life. Every person zeal to study hard and they were inspired and willing
craves to be valuable and important but how to do it to change their attitude in order to achieve academic
is the issue; Many are in a journey without purpose, excellence and to grow up to become responsible people
motion without direction and running races that are for in society.
others. I personally spoke to some students who were at the
verge of dropping out of school and encouraged them to
Project title: IMPROVING ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE continue and they changed their minds.
THROUGH DISCIPLINE IN DORONGO JHS. Students were taken through study methods and
Character and self-discipline are fundamental when classroom conduct and are now ok.
it comes to students’ performance. The hallmark of an I want to give people’s lives a meaning and a reason to
effectively functioning educational organization is an live.
effective system of discipline for both educators and
learners. In schools where discipline is a problem, the
culture of teaching and learning tends to move into
a downward spiral. Classroom disruption is a major
impediment to learning. I chose the above topic to
help reprogram the minds and secure the future of the
exuberant youth in Dorongo community.

NAME: Ayornu Sarah NAME: Boafo Olivia Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 237
SHS: Abetifi Presbyterian Senior High School, Abetifi, SHS: Akrofuom Senior High Technical School,
Eastern Region. Akrofuom, Ashanti Region
Rehabilitation. ASPIRATION: Real Estate Developer
ASPIRATION: Disability doctor, musician, counsellor, CORE VALUES: Honesty, Integrity, Determination
motivational speaker and philanthropist. and Handwork
CORE VALUE: God fearing, Integrity, Determination
and Hard work. It has been an educative life and a transforming journey
with MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program here
I live in a community where everybody is busy with in KNUST. With all these training, I have been able
their daily routine to earn a living. However, there is a to come out with the “B-SCHOOLS” project which
minor group who is left all alone, ignored and forgotten. aims at improving and building infrastructures for
The few who are being given some care seem not to schools. A growing body of research has found that
have the best care they authentically need. Growing up school infrastructure can have a profound impact on
I had a passion for the minor due to the experience I both teachers and students’ outcomes. With respect
encountered. to teachers, school infrastructure affects teachers’
recruitment, commitment and efforts, with respect
My vision, passion and objective are to be a channel to students too, it affects their health, behaviour,
and be of help to persons with disability and vulnerable engagement, learning and growth in achievement.
in my community and wherever I may find myself. I Thus, researchers have concluded that without adequate
have this passion because I lived with a person with infrastructure and resources, it is extremely difficult to
a disability and also my area of study. Has motivated serve large number of children with complex needs.
me to protect the rights, provide health, educational, This project is aimed at making education recreational
livelihood, social needs and empower them to promote for students in my community. I provide their basic
community development. needs and thinking of adopting various fun techniques
of making them love education. My project is in four
Low and behold, the MasterCard Foundation phases of I have completed one phase.
Scholarship Programme gave me the chance to
undertake a community project. And I chose I have built a 4 by 5 feet noticeboard for my former
a long-term project entitled, "Habilitating and SHS. This noticed board has impact the lives of students
Rehabilitation Persons with Disabilities" which aims at and teachers that they will get a place to paste their
the above mention. information. I will enjoin all and sundry to help impact
lives because together we can make a change.
The project is in phases. So far, I am on the creation
of awareness and sensitisation phase. Which includes
identifying the minor group which I achieved by
moving from home to home, get to know the problems
they are facing in the community and how they are
treated as a result of their conditions, talking and
educating caregivers on how to care for them and giving
them some word of encouragement. I believe I have
been a blessing and a source of hope to them. Due to
my interaction with them, they got to know and got
encouraged as well that there is somebody who cares
and has them in mind working hard to be of help to
them. Through that, my intentions concerning them
were made known to them.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 238 in the nostalgias of Nabugubelle. Collaborating with
teachers and my colleague SHS graduates, students
NAME: Boribi Musah Adam were made to get back to campus for the extra 2-hour
SHS: Tumu Senior High Technical School, Tumu, duration of study. From 7.30 pm to 9.30pm everyday
Upper West throughout the week.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Political Studies and Following a time schedule, students were given
Economics assignments or research works on subjects’ areas with
ASPIRATIONS: Public Affairs Consultant and respective topics to be done and assessed the following
Diplomat day by staff members. Doing so, students remained
CORE VALUES: Diligence and Integration highly concentrated and hardworking during every
prep session. This was one of the targets we intended
Thinking before speaking, I know, in 50 years to achieve. Also, the session created room for group
Nabugubelle community will not remember the clothes discussions among the students at certain times,
I bought for her, rather she will remember how I once students being engaged in these discussions was for
felt for her. clarifications and has been an amazing reform observed
so far. However, my absence at the village currently has
Being picked from the competitive fangs of the cheetah rendered this basic initiative dull since both teachers and
of a highly poverty stricken home with pauper-leaders colleague SHS graduates are not too active.
and no hope of economic salvation, it is a heartfelt and As if it was not enough, while I trust to making further
mountains of desires that I used this as a yardstick to impact in the education sector, I seek to brain map for
vend into the education sector, ensuring that excellence more ideas hence more other projects in other ambits.
thrives in there. In retrospect, reviving an extra All in all, the rationale behind all the above endeavors
two-hour duration of learning in Nabugubelle basic is to lay a strong trajectory of an effective learning by
school was not for fame but to anoint students with giving students educational insight to enrich their
the salvation of right focus thinking, “for their poor discipline so that they can gain admission of success into
performances”. and beyond the clouds of academic performances.

Going further, it is to straighten and strengthen their
crooked focuses and the apathy of learning residing
in them. Hence developing in them, perspectives of
looking at life with a well-built opinion.
What is more, having tasted and felt the oxymoron
of education to this extent of my coming, it can never
be left out, the manifestation of the already perfection

NAME: Akurugu Christopher Akuka NAME: Abdullah Jibril Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 239
SHS: Bawku Senior High School, Bawku, Upper East SHS: Nyakrom Senior High Technical School, Agona
Region Nyakrom, Central Region
ASPIRATIONS: A Geoscientist, Lecturer, Science
Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker ASPIRATIONS: a visionary leader with integrity
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humility and Hard work. who will help solve basic problems in education and
Background of the Project. CORE VALUES: Integrity, participation and
One of the main responsibilities as a Mastercard scholar
is to give back to your community. In fulfilment of this My project themed, “TIMED AWAKENING" aims
requirement, I undertook a project to fight the problems at helping people gain knowledge that will help them
of school dropout and child illiteracy in Widnaba realise their analytical potential to be able to handle
community. Widnaba is a village located in the western problems concerning progressive also aims at
part of Bawku west district Zebilla, whose economy training people to gain basic job skills to create wealth
is mainly based on farming and galamzey activities. for themselves and use these skills and their analytical
Child illiteracy and school dropout are some of the power to synergistically solve societal problems and
main problems confronting this village which is mainly subsequently solve national and international problems
because of lack of interest and commitment to formal
education. However, this project seeks to sensitize Impact of the Project
parents and children on the importance of education. Last year 2018, I grouped my Junior High School (JHS)
So far, the sensitization process was successful, through students and engaged them in seminars, academic
which some children and dropouts generated the tutorials and a quiz competition with prizes of text
interest to go to school. Effective follow up process is books, pens and books containing questions of the past
going on to ensure that they are enrolled to school. I am years. This year 2019, the team work and exams scores
looking forward to seeing one day that, all children in of the students, their attitudes towards education and
Widnaba community will be in school. teachers have remarkably improved. The understanding
of "education" is to me, the most fundamental resource
Impact of the Project that everyone must get. This year 2019, I would engage
the parents and some other adults in some basic creative
I have learnt a great deal for undertaking this project. arts and job skills to enable them raise money to support
Through the project, I got the opportunity to talk to their children in school.
our community chief, Assemblyman, Teachers and
some parents as well as other personalities such as the
Manager of Afrikids and the Coordinator of LINK
Community Development. This help to boost my
confidence level and exposed me to a lot of people
in the community. I also lent to socialized with some
students some of whom I serve as a mentor to them. I
also employed the support of two female friends who
are Comfed Scholars, and this instilled in me the sense
of teamwork and collaboration. Besides all these, there
were some few challenges such as fear to approach some
people, financial problems and difficulties for some
school dropouts to open up. I believe that education
is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to
those who prepare for it today

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 240 Impact of the Project:
Because I have not yet started, I have no solid and
confident experience except when I was gathering
information on the prices of the board and people who
will fix them was a stressful and I needed time to peruse
on it well before moving different people again

NAME: Adzormahe Erica Mawupemor. NAME: Kwakye Johnson Asiedu
SHS: Dorfor Senior High School, Juspong, Volta SHS: Dadieso Senior High School, Dadieso,
Region. Western-North Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agricultural PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Sports and Exercise
Biotechnology. Science
ASPIRATIONS: Molecular Biologist, Tissue Culturist ASPIRATIONS: Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Fitness
and Microbiologist Trainer and Entrepreneur
CORE VALUES: Humility, Trustworthy, Patience, CORE VALUES: Discipline, Hardworking,
Equality, Endurance and Perseverance. Commitment, Peace loving and Respect for all

Background of the Project: Background of the Project
Career Guidance and Coaching is a project I initiated
Donation of white marker boards to Mafi-Dugame with Bebu Abigail Ababio, a colleague Scholar from the
Junior High School and setting of internet cafe and same community (Suaman-Dadieso, Western-North
library (which is my long term goal for the community). Region). I identified that students in the community
Concerning the marker Boards, I have decided one lack practical skills and information about career choice,
per semester but could not achieved them in first year they go into any course, they lack motivation and drop
and second year first semester. Is my wish to start this out of School because they have lost interest in the
semester. The school lack a whole lot for Better academic course. To combat these problems, Abigail and I came
progress like good and qualified teachers, short duration up with this project. The project seeks to guide students
of teachers stays over, inadequate of student population,
unavailability of library and others. Is my wish to donate
marker boards which will stand a chance of attraction
for more teachers and more students since the act of
using chalk which most teachers do not like. I schooled
under tree anytime is about rain, then school has to be
close because the teacher need to go home with a canoe
I will not want my younger ones to suffer the same the
way. Most of the teachers too stayed in our town and
every day the do crossed the river to come to school.
Now the community has built three classroom blocks
for the school.

in making the right choice of courses and programmes NAME: Ransford Okine Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 241
that fits their capabilities, into Senior High Schools and SHS: Akontombra Senior High School, Sefwi
Tertiary institutions respectively. Akontombra, Western Region
It also seeks to reduce School drop-out, motivate PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business
students to enjoy education and in the long term, bridge Administration (HRM)
the gap between labour market needs and skills of ASPIRATION: Entrepreneur
labour force, and to reduce unemployment rate in the CORE VALUES: Integrity, Freedom and Justice
Impact of the Project Background of the Project
In 2018, the project saw a massive turn out of about The project was about Motivating the Students and
750 plus Students participating in its three (3) days Donating Learning materials to Brilliant but needy
seminar organized for Junior High School leavers students in Salvation Army 'A' School J.H.S located
and Senior High School Students in the community. in Agona Swedru in the Central Region. During my
We were privileged to have three (3) experienced community based project, I went to the school and
resource persons helping us in facilitating the seminar. talk to a Teacher who taught me when I was in Class. I
The experience was amazing. I learned a lot from discussed with him about the project and he led me to
the challenges we encountered in organizing the the school Headmistress and I explained to her about
seminar, and how to interact with people of different the project and she told me to go and make preparation
backgrounds and mentalities. I look forward to seeing a towards the donation and gave me a date that she will
great change and success in our project in the future. be less busy and it was during the Muslims Eid Ul Adha
I believe that no human is empty of ideas and abilities ( the small festival of the Muslims) ,so for that, she gave
for impact. Therefore, each of us has a role to play in the me a date for me to come and present the materials to
change we want to see. May God help us to achieve the the students due to the public holiday and also she told
Mastercard dream for our lives and the world. me they will be having a meeting with the Minister of
Education so, it will be better for me to come back on
Monday and do the presentation. So when the day was
due, I went to the market to buy the materials and went
to the school. She called the students I want to help and
called some of the teachers too and we took pics and
handed the materials to the students afterwards they
prayed for me.

I faced some challenges and some of them are; financial
problem and limited time. Financial problem in the
sense that I wanted to help the whole school but because
of financial issues I helped only few people in the school.

Impact of the Project

One day I went to the school during the demonstration
break and the teacher told me due to what I did for
the brilliant but needy students in the school, it has
motivated the students to learn hard so that next time
when I go there again to make any donation they will
also get some and he also added, even those that got
some of the materials are also learning hard.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 242 In all walk of life, one may encounter one problem or
the other which is undeniable. Initially when I started
NAME: Ire-Le Solomon the project, I was the only tutor with one laptop and
SHS: Ko Senior High, Wa, Upper West Region we always have the training in my compound which
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. History was not convenient since one laptop was used for
ASPIRATIONS: Medical Historian and Political the training. Through some concerned members of
Historian the community and myself, we went and met the
CORE VALUES: Ambitious, Collaborative, Adaptable, Headmaster of the junior high in that community for
Organised, Methodical, Reliable and Devout. class room to always have the training and if possible,
some help with our training materials to enhance it
Guo is my community, and it came to my mind that a efficiency. Fortunately, when we went the Headmaster
time will come if you don’t have any knowledge in IT, it accepted our requested and give as one class room and,
will be difficult for one to abreast with the contemporary the school ICT lab was given to as to always come and
high-tech employment. This has been something that do our training. The Headmaster was glad and even
always run through my mind ever since I completed applauded us and said if we have any problems, we
senior high school and thank God MCF has given me should not hesitate to tell him. Also, I was able to talk to
the opportunity and chance to explore in that area. Years someone who went ICT school and he agreed to joint
back, one NGO was setup and people were needed in me trained the people. Aside this provision we were
areas like typing, data entry, slides making and others able to made, in our first training in my compound,
but unfortunately none of the native in the community the trainees were able to do somethings like turning on
have the knowledge in that area and as such people and off the computer, able to play video and music, type
from somewhere were brought to come and work while small, sent files and folders from one place to the other
the people where there unemployed. From what I saw and almost all the basics of computer. Some were glad
in the past, I thought it wise and took it upon myself that at school after break they always go to the computer
that at least if I will not put a smile on the face of all lab and use the computers unlike first which they are
the people in the community but I will try assiduously always afraid to touch them. Securing of computer lab
to make some people proud through MCF. This and for the training, getting people on board to help and
many that pushed me to initiate a project called youth also the trainee been able to explore all the basics of
empowerment through IT so that if at least those that computer and equip them are the progress so far. I am
could not go further on the academic ladder, can get IT looking forward to letting them equip with all computer
related job in some NGOs or become self-employed, necessities to cope with modernity.
while those that can go high will brush up their career
warietahsi.t which will give them an upper hand in many

NAME: Monyimba Nisong am happy to say that I have improve the academic and Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 243
SHS: Kwanyako Senior High School, moral lives of the students I taught during cause of this
Agona-Kwanyako, Central Region project at Zenu.
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Biomedical Engineering
ASPIRATIONS: Renowned Biomedical Engineer NAME: Gyenin Emmanuel
CORE VALUES: Hard work, Resilience, Obedience, SHS: Asankrangwa Senior High School, Asankrangwa,
Perseverance and Excellence Western Region
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Environmental Science
Background of the Project ASPIRATION: See equality among men.
My community is Zenu, a town located in Ashaiman in CORE VALUES: love, humility, respect and honesty.
the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. There are a lot of Background of the Project:
problems facing the inhabitants of Zenu. One of these As young people in our community, we decided to
problems is low level of punctuality at school decreasing undertake a project that will help improve the academics
the level of academic excellence in my community. I of the children in our community. We organized a quiz
decided to teach some dull and stubborn students that competition, and in the process we also educated them
I selected with the help of my younger brother. This on the need to take their studies serious. The quiz was
project was aimed at helping dull and stubborn children organized between basic schools in Asankrangwa, the
to achieve academic excellence and morality in order to capital of Asankrangwa Municipal Assembly. The school
become great leaders in the community. This in the long and the students who performed were given awards to
run would impact my society in the field of academics encourage them and others to take their studies serious.
and morality. I chose few of them in order to make the Impact of the Project
impact great. The names of the children are Gideon, So far, the project has helped to improve the academics
Peace, Priscilla, Joshua, Abigail, Junior, Nana, Ebenezer of some of the schools who took the project serious,
and Rita. because the quiz helped the teachers to identify how
their students actually performed against other schools,
Impact of the Project and from there, changes that will result in improving the
Gideon used to find difficulty in Mathematics and performance of the students could be done.
Science. But now he knows how to study effectively
because of the time management skills I inculcated in
him. He now understands most of the fundamentals
of Science and Mathematics. He used to be a stubborn
boy who finds it difficult to stay at home, but now he is
about 70% better morally. He was in J.H.S 1 at the time
I was undertaking the project. Peace and Priscilla were
taught together because they were both in class 5, at
the time I was teaching them. Peace and Priscilla were
my greatest achievement because they are now very
good at mathematics which they used to struggle with
before I started the project. Joshua was in J.H.S 2 at the
time I was implementing the project. He is now very
good in the Chemistry aspect of Integrated Science.
Abigail, Junior and Nana, these three Children used to
be stubborn and had poor English language education,
but because of this project majority of their moral and
academic flaws have been corrected. Ebenezer was in
J.H.S 2 at the time I was implementing this project. He is
now good at Integrated Science. As for Rita, she did not
make massive improvements but her Basic Mathematics
skills were taken care of with the help of this project. I

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 244 NAME: Robert Doe NAME: Ruth Tetteh
SHS: Takoradi Senior High School, Takoradi, Western SHS: Ada Senior High Technical School, Ada, Greater
Region Accra Region
ASPIRATIONS: Programmer and Lecturer ASPIRATION: Journalist and Writer
CORE VALUES: Respect, Realism, Good Humour CORE VALUES: Honesty and Discipline

Background of the Project: Background of the Project
There is a saying that “all work and no play does make It is a great opportunity being in KNUST as a
Jack a dull boy”. With this in mind, the children of MasterCard Foundation Scholar, the activities, ranging
Sekondi tend to abuse the resting package the saying from leadership seminars to summer camps and many
goes with. After a thorough observation it was realized others, have transformed and exposed me to people
that, the pupils after close from school, tend to spend from diverse backgrounds, not only have I been made
their whole afternoon and sometimes evenings at privy of our differences as humans but also to our
Computer game shops in the neighbourhood. This tends unique abilities as individuals.
to lay worry on parents amid the recent kidnapping
“Wahala”. The children arrive home very late and even In my quest to eradicate teenage pregnancy which
lack the needed time to prepare even for the next is rampant in my community, I initiated a project
academic day. With their safety and academic life at entitled ‘Teenage Pregnancy Sensitization’ which seeks
stake, I brought up an initiative to curb this canker. to educate teenagers on matters relating to teenage
Rather than stopping the kids from going there to waste pregnancy and its menacing effects. The project was
their time, it would be encouraging to take advantage undertaken in various schools in my community
of this situation to help them where needed the most. where students were educated on the effects of teenage
Most schools in the community lack computers to pregnancy and also, on the need to take their academics
aid the teaching and learning of Information and serious. Students were also presented with some
Communication Technology (ICT). learning materials; a little way of empowering them in
their studies. The impact so far, has plunged in me the
Impact of the Project urge to do more.
I sought for the support of some computer game
operatives to organize IT classes on the Microsoft Suite I strongly believe that living for others is a phenomenon
which is a desideratum even in the corporate world of nature which ought to be realized and also in the
for the kids gratis. This initiative would go a long way fact that every individual, in one way or the other has
towards helping to compensate for the lack of practical a unique ability of effecting a difference in the world,
lessons in school and would serve as an aid to acquire hence the motivation to contribute my quota in the
basic skills for life. development of my community.

they need wider education on proper rubbish disposal as Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 245
well as extending the act onto the streets and gutters and
NAME: Appiagyei Marion Owusu practising proper hygiene.
SHS: Kwabeng Anglican Senior High Technical Exposition of the market women in the community to
School, Kwabeng, Eastern Region the dangers associated to poor sanitation and providing
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. French solutions on how they will dispose the rubbish
ASPIRATIONS: Paralegal and Translator properly. Also the basic schools in the community
CORE VALUES: Leadership, Compassion, Humour, will be enlightened more on the need to stop littering,
Determination and Balance practising proper hygiene and having a sense of
discipline in their relation to the environment. Advocate
Background of the Project for the provision of dustbins at vantage points by the
appropriate authorities.
The issue of sanitation has been a major challenge for Impact of the Project
many developing nations in Africa in which Ghana is In the long run, I believe this project, when effectively
no exception. This is due to the inability to create proper implemented, will go a long a way to help reduce or
disposal points for solid waste, lack of enforcement better still eradicate the most basic issues of poor health
of sanitation laws, population growth, poor financing like malaria, cholera among others. Also instil proper
of sanitation policies, rural-urban migration, poor hygiene and environmental discipline in the youth. Also
sanitation infrastructure, lack of sanitation technologies, the exposure that comes with it will serve as a stepping
bad attitude towards sanitation among others. It is stone in solving other pressing issues in the community.
based on these that I decided to embark on sanitation “I envision a community where the youth, especially the
issue since my community is also been affected by poor females, are empowered to do more with the skills and
sanitation. The name of the project is “IMPROVING knowledge obtained”.
SANITATION AND HYGIENE”. This project seeks to
change people’s attitude towards sanitation, ensuring "My project seeks
proper sanitation in my community and practising to change people’s
proper hygiene. attitude towards
sanitation, ensuring
The target community is Akyem-Akrofufu, a town proper sanitation in my
in the Atiwa West District, Eastern Region. The community and practising
community has their own refuse dump site and also proper hygiene."
they clean their various homes as usual, nonetheless,

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 246 Impact of the Project
Through this community project, I have been able to
NAME: Cudjoe Ebenezer build self-esteem and encounter dignitaries who on
SHS: Baidoo Bonsoe Senior High Technical School, normal grounds, would not have met. It has also given
Agona- Ahanta, Western Region me the opportunity to be of immense help to others, I’m
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: B.A Economics glad that I’m able to pay my quota to the development of
ASPIRATION: Lecturer my community in my own little way.
CORE VALUES: Determination, Hard work and God The impact so far has been encouraging.
fearing First of all, the performance of the students after the
talk with them has been immensely outstanding as
Background of the Project compared to the previous terminal results and mock
examinations. And we are hoping that these results
My community project seeks to educate and make will reflect in this year’s Basic Education Certificate
privy the need for formal education and precautions Examination (B. E.C. E) of the school.
against teenage pregnancy among teenage students in Moreover, I realized that students who used to loiter
my community and its environs. These were achieved around and waste their time doing nothing have
mainly through teenage pregnancy education. Students desisted from it after knowing and understanding the
were educated on the need to take their studies serious benefits that comes with academic excellence.
and sensitized on the opportunities available after To conclude, with the positive outcomes so far, I’m
successful completion with excellent grades which was highly motivated to continue this project and other
spiced up with the presentation of reading and writing initiatives I couldn’t implement due to financial
materials to students to encourage their studies. constraints and other setbacks. With the mindset,
passion and zeal to cause positive change everywhere
Parents were also educated on how to handle issues of I find myself especially in education and alleviating
their wards, most especially at their adolescent stage poverty, I will pursue till the best comes out from the
and were also motivated to pay keen attention and care community I find myself.
for their wads education other than wallow in certain
social functions, the likes of buying funeral clothes at
the expense of the needs of their wards and to motivate
them to help bring out their best.

NAME: Diing Diing William Chol NAME: Kese Afia Konadu Harriet Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 247
SHS: Jomo Kenyatta Boys High School, Nakuru SHS: Ola Girls’ Senior High School, Kenyasi, Ahafo
County, Kenya Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Biochemistry PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy
ASPIRATION: Scientist ASPIRATION: Clinical Pharmacist
CORE VALUES: Kindness and Compassion CORE VALUES: Respectful, Honest, Diligent

My intrinsic motivation is a duty to my community, a Being part of this noble family has being a great avenue
duty which I have seize gladly. for me a once shy girl to come out of my shell and
exhibit my full potentials. In my quest to minimize
As a Mastercard scholar I have had many opportunities or eliminate if possible the myth surrounding science
which have improved my capacity and every skill I being a difficult subject, I embarked on a project which
learned is what I’m using to create transformation in my seek to encourage teenagers most especially girls in
community. During my summer holiday I embarked on my community to pursue science in SHS. It is quite
a capacity building. unfortunate that many children are made to believe that
science is a difficult subject even before they start upper
I partner with Alumni from young Africa leadership primary school education. I believe that no one is born
initiative (YALI) and some staffs from American dumb and the ability to perform in a particular subject
Embassy. The aim of the project was for us to share our is primarily based on your interest in that particular
stories, struggles and how we thrive through our trying subject. My major aim was to eliminate the myth
moments with students at Juba university. surrounding science and hence, I started my project by
holding a meeting with the young girls of Acherensua
We also held leadership training every Thursday and Methodist School and at the meeting, I encouraged
on Fridays we watch documentaries of great leaders them to develop interest in reading science, I had a
such as Nelson Mandela, after that students will share talk with them on how they can study effectively and
their insight of the things they have learned from the shared my experiences with them as someone who was
documentary and how they can apply them to create once afraid to pursue science but now a pharmacist to
change in their lives. be. I aspire to make greater impact in my community.

Moreover, I also embarked on health project however
it is a long term project so I will be improving it to the
next level every year.

Parting Short. “There are few things
that really I mean really really,
matter to human, food, shelter,
peace of mine, access to clean water,
proper education, and access to
good health care, therefore I will do
whatever it takes to ensure people
in my community have access to

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 248 School Complex by collaboration with some teachers
and headmaster respectively. A remarkable part is
NAME: Irene Alorvor the teaching of the practical aspect of Basic Design
SHS: Tsito Senior High Technical School, Ho-West, Technology which aided the Glory-land Junior High
Volta Region. School (JHS) students (especially the visual and bodily
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Fashion Design kinaesthetic learners) to best understand and learn the
ASPIRATION: Fashion Designer (Entrepreneur), theory for examination success and skill acquisition.
Professor/Lecturer (Teacher) Impact of the Project
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Discipline, Love, Honesty The impacts at the end of this first phase project
and Respect include; Tsito Senior High Technical School students
motivated and ready to develop positive attitudes
Background of the Project towards education for brighter future, E.P JHS 2
Students motivated to concentrate on their education
“Peer and Youngsters Mentorship for Quality Education” and put it unto God first, overcome their fears and voice
is a give back project I embarked on within three weeks their concerns to responsible people for mentorship
in my communities (Tsito Senior High Technical and teaching. Glory-land students were poised to
School, E.P Basic School and Glory-Land School study and be educated but not just school. Simply,
Complex) all in the Volta region of Ghana. The target academic excellence and skills acquisition is the impact.
group was the youth especially those in both S.H.S and The mentorship also included talks on adolescent
Basic school who lost hope for education due to the reproductive growth. They become happy and ready to
numerous discouragements encountered day in day out. change for the better.
I identified the problem of negative attitudes towards I look forward to continue the mentorship and coaching
formal education and its adverse effects on these future and even make it better.
leaders so decided to volunteer, serve as a role model
to mentor & encourage them to develop interest and
positive attitudes towards education to their own
advantage and brighter future.

In view of these, mentorship was held at Tsito Senior
High School in collaboration with an old student,
teachers and the school’s administration which ended
up a great success. There was also mentorship at E.P
Basic School, Agbozume as well as a Glory-Land

NAME: Dadzie Emmanuel NAME: Manghor Dede Portia Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 249
SHS: Adisadel College, Cape Coast, Central Region SHS: Sefwi Wiawso Senior High School, Western
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Petrochemical Region
Engineering PROGRAM: BSc Food Science and Technology
ASPIRATION: Chemical Process Engineer ASPIRATIONS: Food Packaging Specialist and
CORE VALUES: Hard work, Determination, Integrity Entrepreneur
and Humility
CORE VALUES: Truth, Diligence and hard work
There are a lot of public schools in Tema New Town
where I stay, but almost all these public schools lack The thought of community service was a bore to me
nursery facilities. This has made it very difficult for before I became a Scholar and began my community
most parents to enrol their wards in the public schools. based project. I dreaded starting my community project
Parents are left with no other choice than to send their although I knew I had to do it. To my surprise it was
wards to the private schools since those private schools not what I expected. Community service was not a
have nursery facilities. Most parents therefore end up painful experience; it was a very enjoyable and beneficial
paying lots of money as school fees for their wards. experience.
These huge sums of money become a burden on the
parents, causing them to withdraw their wards from Service learning involves a concerted approach to both
the private schools once their children graduate from serve the community and to develop the individual
nursery. Some parents also go through a lot just to enrol through services. General volunteering involves just
their wards in the private schools. serving the community. I aimed at improving the
health and educational aspects in my community.
To solve this problem, I decided to write a proposal Being a volunteer on community projects not only
to management of St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Basic means you can make a real difference, it will also help
School, my former Junior High School(JHS). This you experience your own personal growth, develop
proposal was aimed at bringing to the notice of the invaluable new skills, and gain a genuine sense of
school management that there was a need to construct achievement while engaging with your communities.
a nursery facility. They took it to consideration and later
accepted the proposal. I always walk saying these quote from Steve Jobs which
says “If you are working on something that you really
With assistance from the School Management care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls
Committee, the Parent Teacher Association, the St. it.” I have wished of seeing my community to be the
Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, the St. Peter’s Catholic most cleaned in the country. Mastercard Foundation
Old Student Association of which I am a member has invested a lot in me and I am ready to go out to also
and others, construction of a nursery facility has been change the world. Becoming a community volunteer is
started. This I believe will go a long way to ease the a fantastic way to make a real difference to a developing
burden of parents who wish to send their wards to be community and to help improve the lives of people in
enrolled in St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Basic School. need.
Admission of children will mean that children will
start from nursery until they finish JHS. Parents will
no longer pay huge sums of money as school fees as
they did in the private schools. It is also anticipated that
employment would be offered to Teachers to staff the

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 250 NAME: Atambire James Azuure My first step taken to ensure that I achieve my goal is the
SHS: Zebilla Senior High School, Zebilla, Upper East formation of Ayone Student Union known as ASU. This
Region. I did was to ensure that, there is unity among the youth,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics a forum for sharing our views and to pursue the very
ASPIRATION: lecturer common goal of improving academic excellence in the
CORE VALUE: Integrity Discipline and Selfless community.
Service We started providing free tuition to students to improve
their learning and also visiting the basic school and
I hail from a community in the Bongo District of the other senior high schools to motivate students to learn
Upper East Region called Ayone. This is a community hard and live to their potentials.
with about ninety percentages of her populace This project was initiated in June 2018 during the
depending on basket weaving and subsistent farming. summer holidays therefore no significant impact has
My community project is captioned “providing been felt yet, however; in this 2019, the performance
academic excellence in Ayone community”. I have of candidates who will be writing the BECE in June is
realized that students from this community who sit for estimated to increase by ten to twenty percent.
the BECE and WASSCE examinations often perform This is just the beginning of my goal to improving
badly. This community has only one basic school and academic excellence in Ayone community. Having in
2018 for instance, out of thirty-one candidates who sat mind that I am that very future leader who cannot go to
for the June BECE; only four of them were qualified sleep with the deafening pleas for salvation coming from
to enter into the second cycle institution representing these young helpless ones, I will forever make the sky
thirteen percent. my limit.

After successive times of attempting to discover the ...visiting the basic school and other
reason for this rampant failure, I realized that most of senior high schools to motivate
the students do not even know why they attend school students to learn hard and live to
talk less of knowing where they are going in life. I also their potentials.
discovered that parents do not supervise their wards
on educational issues especially when the children are
in the house. Poverty is also one of the major causes as
some parents cannot provide the basic needs of their
children. Finally, there is pressure on students during
farming season.

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