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2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

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Published by mcfspatknust, 2020-07-29 08:16:21

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

Keywords: Community Empowerment,Scholarship,University Education,Scholars,Kwame Nkrumah,Arizona State University

NAME: Philip Asare Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 351
NAME: Priscilla Agyemang MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering
MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Philip Asare is motivated to ensure his knowledge,
experiences, and skills are relevant to his immediate
Priscilla Agyemang is a self-motivated, committed and society. Passionate about youth and education, Phillip
passion-driven individual, who aspires to be a Materials has volunteering experience in training young students
Engineer and a Professor. As a future professor, Priscilla about to transition to Senior High School, facilitating
plans to bring solutions to real-world problems and sessions on soft-skills, leadership, and entrepreneurship.
create a safer environment by providing innovative
solutions to challenges being faced in her country and He believes his experiences growing up in Ghana should
beyond. not just be a memory instead, a reason to develop his
skills so to be relevant to the society as he aspires to be
She envisions a world where young individuals, a professor and researcher into engineering education
especially women are empowered financially to the and advanced materials. He knows through personal
highest level of education by setting up an organization integrity, excelling in leadership and transformational
in her community where an annual art program will be communication, he will instill a sense of duty, love
organized to turn recyclable waste into beautiful portrait for humanity, hope and selflessness in his fellow
designs for an exhibition. countrymen to champion the course of making food
security and safety, education and energy better and
She believes being a transformational leader is all about available to all. Philip is an ardent reader and fascinated
bringing positive change to her society. by small scale fabrication and manufacturing.

“Being a Mastercard foundation scholar to me means, “A changemaker is one who imparts his knowledge and
I am a step away to become one of the greatest leaders skills in a practical and relevant way to his immediate
to bring positive change to my society.This family of society and the world, making it better than it used to be
scholars has also been an amazing opportunity for me to for everyone.”
learn what teamwork means and that, there are others
that share the same vision as mine.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 352 NAME: Abigail Ayipeh
NAME: Joseph Tamakloe MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Finance
MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 It has always been my dream to eradicate poverty in
my community and country at large through finance.
I am a conscious, vision oriented, highly industrious I aspire to become a financial analyst who will leave
individual with good intellectual reasoning and a mark in the financial sector of my country. I also
initiative. I possess a very good investigative and intend to become one of the most successful women
reporting skills. entrepreneurs in Africa. This dream would help create
jobs and get rid of poverty and unemployment in my
“Grasp the substance and leave the shadows”, I believe in country, Ghana.
the capacity of words and its ability to transform, shape
visions. I love to Impact people and direct them on their Being a beneficiary of this program will provide me
vision path. with a lot of avenues in achieving my goals. This is
because, I will gain knowledge in my field of study in
Regarding my visions, I intend reducing by engineering a different country; exposing me to different ways of
of Plastic Waste into advanced useful materials using analysing problems thus building upon my creativity
nanotechnology and solving energy related issues with and innovative skills.
renewable energy in Africa.
Again, I will like to setup a foundation that would
My passionate and selfless effort in making sure that the educate citizens on the need to make savings and
world becomes a better place for all of us has ignited in investment and how it can better their lives. I will also
me this persistent drive in making sure I actualize all my organise seminars to educate the youth on the need to
set visions to enhance room for professional growth and have a focused live. Having all this in mind, I hope I am
development. able to impact positively in my country and make the
world a better place.

NAME: Ebenezer Duah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 353
NAME: Philemon Anderson MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Business
Data Analytics Ebenezer Duah has a strong zeal to contribute to
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 creating a sustainable world through controlled
resources use and prudent development of sustainable
Philemon is a lifelong learner, highly values the infrastructures. He shares in the common optimism for
importance of teamwork, and believes it’s important Africa’s anticipated development but more so believes
to challenge the status quo in an effort for continual that it can only be actualized by effectively capitalizing
growth. the opportunities at hand presently. Witnessing
the strong linkage between self-discovery and high
In the future, Philemon desires to build performance, he co-founded the ‘Make It Happen’
multi-generational state-of-the-art IT facilities and initiative to motivate youth to believe in themselves
libraries for communities in his home country, Ghana. and build their capacities. Professionally, he aspires to
Philemon Anderson developed an early interest in explore how net-zero energy infrastructures can be
technology. As a child, he recalls having a keen interest integrated into the Ghanaian developing infrastructures
in learning how things ‘work’. He has turned that interest to build a robust and an economically sustainable nation
into a focus on technology and information systems. for future generations.
He plans to continue to learn how big data impact the
world and how to derive value from data and modeling, “Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar is the greatest
leading data-driven analysis and creating business opportunity attainable at this stage of my development;
advantages and making a difference in business and the it allows me to be involved and have an elevated voice,
economy. an empowered hand and a swifter foot in the direction
of positive impact.”
“I envision a world where students, irrespective of
gender, have access to libraries and ICT tools to succeed
in their academic and professional life.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 354 NAME: Crispin Foli
NAME: Theophilus Annan MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Crispin is a result-oriented persona and an embodiment
of the profound precept “a life well-lived is one lived
Theophilus is highly motivated to contribute to an for others”. Driven by his disposition to utter efficiency
African renaissance that encourages the confronting in service delivery, Crispin has exposed himself to the
of current challenges on the continent and promotes world of in-depth education with all its fantasy and
reclamation of culture, science and economics.With this diversity. He is persuaded that one becomes a step ahead
as his motivation, he seeks to explore higher academic in engineering innovative solutions to pervasive societal
and scientific opportunities to help improve health, problems in a bid to serve humankind when one is
specifically in rehabilitation engineering, in Ghana and armed with the requisite knowledge and information.
Africa at large.
In this light, he’s partaken in several problem-based
He is currently a member of the New African Project engineering projects and undertaken various crash
– A Non-Governmental Organization that seeks courses that range from the wonders of the world of art
to train young leaders with core values of integrity, through the mysteries of engineering. His dedication
discipline, teamwork and perseverance. He envisions a to innovative healthcare problem solving through
world where the systematic application of engineering simple yet innovative engineering approaches fuels his
sciences is employed to design, develop, test, evaluate determined pursuit of knowledge in the Biomedical
and distribute technological solutions to problems engineering field.
confronted by individuals with disabilities. Theophilus
enjoys listening to good music, loves to read and likes “Being a change maker takes a mindset and conscious
watching documentaries. determination; it means putting on the attitude needed
to effect an envisioned transformation. It means
“A Mastercard Foundation Scholar is an individual, on acknowledging the gap (need), understanding it,
whose shoulders the next generation can stand on to determining to bridge this gap (address the need) and
scale the heights in their respective fields of interest.” finally, doing just that.”

NAME: Francisca Kwakye Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 355
NAME: Frederick Ansu MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ghana Logistics
MAJOR: BSc/MS Mechanical Engineering PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
Francisca Agyapomaa Kwakye is currently studying
Frederick Ansu envisions a world where young Business Administration (Supply Chain Management)
engineers from various disciplines collaborate to at Arizona State University. Her desire to be an
come up with ideas which lead to low-cost solutions entrepreneur gained her the opportunity to work with
whose implementation results in poverty alleviation, one of the greatest entrepreneurs in the eastern region
improved health care delivery, job creation and of Ghana. She seeks to acquire knowledge in global
enhanced well-being of the common citizen. Frederick logistics to become a logistics analyst to be able to solve
has a passion for research and loves to work together managerial issues causing most industrial businesses
with other people to solve challenging problems. His in Africa to fail. Her ultimate goal and passion is to
recent project was the Global Health Design Initiative leave this world better than she met it by being the
(GHDI) which employs low-cost solutions to the health change she wants to see through the shaping of lives
challenges in several African countries. As an individual and continuously inspiring confidence and empowering
with entrepreneurial inclination and experience change in the lives of the less privileged.
acquired from his service as the president of the Society
of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Frederick aims at being “I envision a world where every child has the
a successful entrepreneur in the automotive industry in opportunity to achieve his/her potential.”

“I envision a world where young engineers from various
disciplines collaborate to come up with ideas which
lead to low-cost solutions whose implementation results
in poverty alleviation, improved health care delivery,
job creation and enhanced well-being of the common

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 356 NAME: Edna Attah
NAME: Frederick Anokye MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ghana Logistics
MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
Edna Attah is currently studying Supply Chain
Frederick is a self-motivated and well-organized Management with the hopes of completing a Master of
individual committed to making a positive impact in Science in Global Logistics at Arizona State University.
the lives of others wherever he finds himself. As part of Edna’s goal is to be able to contribute to Africa’s food
his service to society, he collaborated with a group of supply through improved farming methods, advanced
passionate colleagues in an attempt to increase computer food processing units, improved technological and
literacy rate by teaching Junior High School students irrigation systems and to increase Livestock production
basic computer skills. Currently, he is undertaking in Africa by making good use of the abundant
a project “Help me achieve my aim” which involves grasslands in Africa. Edna believes there are positive
helping young individuals who are academically possibilities in every problem and so the attitude of
brilliant by coaching and mentoring them to fully optimism has always increased her odds of success.
achieve their potentials and provide them with some
of their academic needs in his community. Frederick “Being a Mastecard Foundation Scholar means being a
strongly believes the next advancement in technology part of a family that gives me confidence to believe I can
solely depends on the materials available to us and make an impact in the world.”
is passionate about researching new materials and
improving current ones. He aimed at becoming a great
entrepreneur and help reduce the unemployment rate in
his home country.

“I envision a world where every individual irrespective
of the kind of family they are born into, have equal
access to quality education and is inspired to believe in
themselves and their abilities with empowerment to fully
assist them to reach their potential.”

NAME: Gloria Appiah Nsiah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 357
NAME: Daniel Katusele MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering
MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Gloria Appiah Nsiah aspires to be a great role model,
especially to women in engineering. She has experienced
Daniel Katusele is pursuing a dream of becoming a the adverse effects of industrialization and technological
prominent civil engineer and a researcher willing to advancement on her community and is very passionate
advance knowledge and tackle pertinent problems in about issues of environmental quality for the benefit
the field of structural engineering. He is an enthusiastic of man and nature as a whole. She believes strongly in
leader aspiring to train and educate the next generation making an impact, no matter how small, will change
of engineers and leaders, who, once equipped with lives generations after generations to come. This she
relevant knowledge and problem-solving skills, will hopes to achieve by becoming a consultant, researcher
challenge the status quo in the African continent and more specifically a lecturer to impact the lives of
and the world. Daniel upholds the idea that every young upcoming engineers. Gloria hopes to attain a
dream can turn into a reality; it can be brought to life masters degree in Environmental Engineering to help
through strategic actions, strong determination, and solve environmental issues in Africa and the world at
perseverance. large.

“I want to invest my talent in researching innovative “Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, to me, means
materials and design techniques to make infrastructures I have the privilege of being in a community with so
safer and cost-effective in the developing world.” much to learn from as I work to achieve my dreams.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 358 NAME: Gilgal Justice Ekow Manful Ansah
NAME: Hannah Annan MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
Logistics Gilgal is a learner who strongly believes that tomorrow
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 belongs to those who learn today. As such, he loves to
gather knowledge from all fields of study. He is currently
Hannah Annan aspires to pursue a career in supply in the very interdisciplinary Biomedical Engineering
chain management and be an entrepreneur in global program at Arizona State University and looks to learn
transportation. As a member of ASU Supply Chain from neural engineering research labs in the coming
Management Association, Hannah desires to make a years. He loves to teach primary and high school
significant impact in supply and logistics management students and have them explore their out-of-the-box/
with the knowledge and skills acquired in her non-conformist ideas. Seeing as most inventions were
educational journey. Her two months’ experience once considered “out of the norm”, Gilgal believes that
with the Ghana Fellowship of Evangelical Students a good and transformative education is one that fosters
(GHAFES) helped her support a worthy cause by the growth of “crazy” ideas.
mobilizing funds for missionary and leadership
seminars. Hannah desires to impart the discipline “I envision a world where brainstorming over world
of good sanitation and recycling in the people of her changing ideas is a norm for the people of Africa. A
community and make them understand the importance world where our wildest dreams become revolutionary
of sustainability. Her optimistic nature makes her believe realities.”
strongly that she is an agent of change, can make a great
impact and be an inspiration to her community and the
world at large.

“I envision a world where proper hygiene and good
sanitation are practiced, leading to an Eco-friendly
environment for humans, animals, and plants to

NAME: Josephine Asare Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 359
NAME: Juliana Afaribea MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ghana Logistics
MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Josephine Asare is an industrious and affectionate
person who is studying Business Administration
Juliana Afaribea is a focused civil engineering student (Logistics and Supply Chain Option) under the
and aspires to be a structural engineer. Excellence, MasterCard Foundation in Arizona State University
discipline and integrity have always guided her in life. (ASU) where she hopes to complete her undergraduate
She is keen on youth empowerment because she believes degree program and a one-year accelerated master’s
it can increase the capacity of the youth to make choices degree in Global Logistics. Miss Josephine has
that can transform their community. This vision has led undergone an internship with South Akim Rural
her into embarking on a project to train the youth in her Bank and Consolidated Bank Ghana (CBG) where
community with skills in bead making. she learned about corporate ethics, how to ensure
good interpersonal relationship through effective
She has collaborated with the Eagle Eye group from communication and the value of teamwork in the
the International Leadership Foundation to organize corporate environment.
seminars on sanitation in her community. Juliana
believes teamwork and selflessness can help solve major Her community commitment influenced her to engage
problems in Ghana, her country. She looks forward to in a volunteering activity with Little Flower Foundation
utilizing all resources around her to cause a positive which reaches out to the poor and the aged to provide
change. Her love for music is just amazing. necessities such as food and clothing to promote
socio-economic development in her community. She
“As a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, my goal is to has also engaged in a communal exercise that had a
become an active contributor in my community through focus on ensuring a clean environment to promote good
transformational leadership.” health and as a way to foster unity among the youth in
her community.

“Being a Changemaker means using your ideas or skills
to lead an initiative that will bring about a positive and
lasting change in your community.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 360 year, he served as the head of the Judicial Committee
for Civil Engineering Students Association (CESA) and
NAME: Jude Osei-Bonsu an integral member of the Ghana Engineering Students
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ghana Association (GESA) Judicial Committee, both of
MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 (KNUST), Ghana. Jude fundamentally believes that
diligence, humility, perseverance, acceptable level of
Jude Osei-Bonsu is a young industrious and amiable confidence and good interpersonal relationships are
student of Civil Engineering at Arizona State paramount to achieving his dreams and aspirations.
University and KNUST. He is driven by passion and a
responsibility to be instrumental in the development “Being a Mastercard Foundation
of Ghana through research, design, and construction scholar has no parallel with respect
of modern-day structures. His passion is directed to making one believe in his/her
towards becoming an expert in structural design and abilities, providing unflinching
construction and as a beneficiary of the Masteracrd support to help develop them, and
Foundation Scholars program, and to use his acquired eventually placing the individual in
knowledge, skills and techniques to build Africa a pole position to make meaningful
through contemporary research and construction. As contributions to the world. Since
an innate trait, Jude invariably desires to serve many becoming a Scholar, I have gained
others in diverse ways; especially the oppressed and more confidence in myself to use my
deprived. As such he has taken up many volunteering abilities to inspire others as well as
roles, most noticeably a pupil-teacher where he make a telling impact in this world. I
tutored and supervised over fifty (50) pupils graduate know I have the support to make my
and gain admission into high school as a science and dreams a reality and also complete
mathematics teacher. During the 2018-2019 academic my personal project of giving back to
the society that made me.”

NAME: Sabina Minta-Jacobs Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 361
NAME: Edward Klorbortu MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
Logistics Sabina is passionate about girl-child development in
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Africa and envisions a world where there are equal
opportunities for success for young girls living in poor
Edward Klorbortu is well-driven and looks forward to and deprived countries in Africa. She is a STEMinist
becoming a Lecturer and a renowned Industrialist in the and advocates for equal representation of STEM fields
few years to come. Having identified many economic for young girls.
challenges as it relates to production and manufacturing
sectors, he seeks to master practical concepts of value She also appreciates creativity and intellectual
chain systems which would be incorporated into these development which allows her to pursue knowledge
sectors to boost productivity in order to ensure a in diverse fields ranging from programming, design
coordinated industrialization of the African economy in thinking and robotics. Taking the opportunity to
the next ten to fifteen years. matriculate into Graduate school at ASU, she will be
studying and researching into mimicking organism
Edward was an active member and participant of behavior for robots, body mechanics and biomaterial
Youth Hub– a group of five scholars who took the design.Aside from her school work, she has volunteered
initiative of increasing agricultural sustainability in the with the Lions Club and International Society of
Akatsi South District of the Volta Region by educating Hypertension in creating awareness on some prevalent
farmers on the use of modern methods and systems of conditions world wide such as Breast Cancer and
farming. He is also the leader of the Sesime Initiative– Hypertension. She is on the path to becoming a change
a personal project which seeks to help boost the maker in Africa. She is a creative writer, poet, and an
general academic interest of lower primary students of artist.
Sesime Community Basic School as far as education is
concerned. “I envision a world where women and girls are given the
same opportunities to succeed.”
“Being a Changemaker means leading small positive
changes in your capacity to make a big impact on

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 362 NAME: Abena Owusu-Akyiaw
NAME: Juliet Addo MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Finance
MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Abena is determined to make a positive impact in the
business world and looks forward to being a Financial
Juliet is a spirited young Ghanaian who believes Analyst in the future. She finds deep satisfaction in
that with commitment and perseverance everything lending a helping hand to those in need at any point
is possible. She is currently a senior at Arizona in life. Her previous studies at Kwame Nkrumah
State University pursuing a degree in Biomedical University of Science and Technology have led her to the
Engineering. Juliet will pursue a career in the field of opportunity to study Finance at the W.P. Carey School
neural and rehabilitation engineering. Juliet seeks to of Business at Arizona State University. She has working
be a positive change leader and advocate for females in experience by working as a Customer Service Officer
areas pertaining to science, technology, engineering and with Juaben Rural Bank and Agricultural Development
math (STEM), and also seeks to be of positive impact Bank in Kumasi- Ghana. She is fascinated by the
in whichever sphere she finds herself. Juliet loves to financial industry and is especially focused on learning
volunteer with diverse organizations in tackling societal more about the current rise in crises in the financial
issues and creating awareness, as she sees it as her way sector. She hopes to be a part of solution-focused
of contributing her quota to society. This drive to make thinking and finding ways to eradicate or at least
a difference in her society led to her volunteering with minimize these crises to help in the development of the
the International Hypertension Society in creating economy and Africa as a whole.
awareness about hypertension. She also loves to take
advantage of every opportunity to make an impact in “I envision a world where there are equal educational
her world, no matter how small it may seem. opportunities for everyone and a world where people
have financial literacy to maximize the resources they
“A Changemaker is a person who inspires a positive have.”
transformation wherever she finds herself. A
Changemaker is resilient, and does not allow set-backs
to prevent her from reaching a set goal. A Changemaker
is a visionary and above all, a motivation.”

NAME: Mercila Borti NAME: Archibald Manu Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 363
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global MAJOR: BSc/MS Civil Engineering
Logistics PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
Archibald Manu is a self-motivated and passion-driven
Mercila Borti is a purpose-driven young lady who individual who aspires to be a structural engineer
strongly believes in the values of self-discipline and and an entrepreneur. He is determined to bring about
perseverance. In 2018, Mercila interned as a Back-office great developments in his homeland through creation,
Assistant with the mobile money department of maintenance, and improvement in infrastructure.
MTN Ghana, (a telecommunications company) Currently, Archibald is pursuing his bachelor’s degree
where she gained relevant job-related skills such as in civil engineering. He has work experience with
good communication, leadership, reporting, and Architecture and Engineering Service Limited and
customer relations skills. She also served as an Assistant Vodafone Ghana through summer internships. He is
Financial Secretary for the Students’ Chaplaincy a member of the board of directors of the leaders of
Council, Ushering Sub-committee in Kwame Nkrumah change foundation (LOC Foundation), an organization
University of Science and Technology (KNUST). that strives to ensure that the total potential of
our human resource is utilized by raising young
Mercila is passionate about contributing to entrepreneurs in communities, providing vocational
industrialization in her home country, Ghana, by and leadership training to young ones. He has also held
applying supply chain strategies to improve production important roles in projects leading to positive change.
and distribution processes. She is currently a member of Archibald believes with his hard work, consistency, and
the Supply Chain Management Association at Arizona steadfastness, he can make remarkable contributions
State University. She aspires to pursue a career in Supply to finding solutions to societal challenges related to
Chain Management and hopes to inspire a positive the construction of infrastructure. He looks forward
change in her society by engaging in philanthropic to being a part of the diversity of engineers who are
activities. shaping the world.

“A changemaker is someone who has the ability to create “I envision a world where individuals with diverse levels
a positive change in his or her society, by identifying a of educational achievement have the ability to develop
problem and taking the necessary actions to solve that and contribute their talents for building communities
problem.” and nations.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 364 NAME: Albert Essuman NAME: Angelina Obikyere
MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Logistics
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
Albert Essuman is a transformational leader and
a scholar in the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Angelina Maadekuor Obikyere is a determined Scholar
Program. He enrolled in Biomedical Engineering from the southern part of Ghana, West Africa, who
at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and envisions a world where every child would have the
Technology and is now a student at Arizona State opportunity to the best education. She believes in the
University. He has the desire and passion to improve the value of collaboration, teamwork, integrity, good work
health and financial conditions of his country and the ethics, and the importance of love. She is committed to
world as a global village. He has hands-on experience adding value to herself and reaching her goals with the
in biomedical engineering through various projects best possible result. She is currently a proud beneficiary
including the building of a design for an affordable of ASU’s International Accelerated Degree Program
hearing aid. He volunteered with the International in the 3+1+1 format by the Mastercard Foundation
Society of Hypertension where he helped in creating Scholars Program. She has experience in transportation,
hypertension awareness, prevention, and control. operations and management in the building and
He is also the founder and president of the Leaders construction industry through a one-year internship
of Change Foundation, a registered organization with Obifod Construction Company and Conpro
providing leadership and vocational training to the Construction Consultants Limited. Angelina desires to
youth especially the needy. Albert believes in the work with students who exhibit leadership skills and
revolution of the African Continent and hopes to lead also help cultivate the leadership potential in all students
various transformations in Africa through hard work, across Africa. She would also like to see the healthcare
determination, teamwork, and his sense of leadership. system in all parts of her country effective in years to
come. She is especially interested in the manufacturing
“I want to ensure the development of my community by of artificial intelligence robotics which will help add
developing and empowering the youth with skills and value to the health sector.
“A changemaker is a person who critically studies his/
her environment, identifies problems and comes up with
endearing solutions to these problems to cause a positive

NAME: Andy Ayivor NAME: Brian Ahedor Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 365
MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 PHASE: II, Cohort: 7

Andy Kings Ayivor is a team player who is open to Brian Ahedor is a Mastercard Foundation Scholar at
new ideas to build his performance and actualize his Arizona State University and also pursuing a degree
potential. He is a Mastercard Foundation Scholar in Materials Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah
majoring in Material Science and Engineering at University of Science and Technology, Ghana. He
Arizona State University. He worked with Seldel is currently majoring in Materials Science and
Construction and Engineering Limited where he was Engineering(MS) with great ambitions of becoming
part of the audit team which continually monitors a Material Synthesis Engineer and an Entrepreneur.
material purchases of the company. His experiences He is a hardworking person, a team player and goal
enhanced his ethics and scientific curiosities. He also oriented person with experience in various leadership
participated in the International Youth Foundation roles both in academia and societal interventions.
(IYF) workshop which seeks to address and teach He held the position as Chairman; Sponsorship
religious, entrepreneurship and leadership values. Committee (MATESA – KNUST, 2018) and also the
Andy has a specific interest in finding innovative Head of Research Team – I Know African Soccer Quiz
and entrepreneurial solutions to the most pressing Competition 2018 (Kantanka Television, Ghana). He
challenges facing our society. He envisions a world believes that engineering and industrialization are
where there is improved industrialization, affordable essential to achieving development and are the keys
energy and a clean environment through various to changing the lives of individuals in his society. His
recycling and scientific advancements. His goal is to ambition is inspired by the desire to create innovative
impact the knowledge obtained in materials synthesis materials to solve societal problems pertaining to health
into young talents to make a positive impact on Society. and sustainability and create jobs.

“Being a Mastercard scholar is a life-changing “Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar gives me the
opportunity which has geared my potential and vision of platform to join hands with other talented individuals to
positively influencing young generations.” impact the world most especially our communities.”

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 366 NAME: Belinda Ansomaa Okomeng
NAME: Benjamin Asiedu Owusu MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
MAJOR: BSc/MS Materials Science and Engineering
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Belinda Ansomaa Okomeng aspires to be an
accomplished engineer which inspired her to study
Benjamin A. Owusu is a life-long learner who has an Biomedical Engineering at KNUST. She plans to
inquisitive mind keen on solving challenges facing obtain her master’s degree and make her aspirations
the world through the lenses of an engineer. With his a reality. She is also hoping to do research work in
continuously acquiring knowledge and skills, he seeks tissue engineering. She is disciplined, diligent, selfless
to improve the lives of individuals from different walks and desires to make an impact on the youth and her
of life in diverse communities. He is an engineering country. She has engaged in many volunteer services
student with three years of tertiary education from the such as missions to less privileged towns and villages
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology surrounding Cape Coast. She is a transformational
in Kumasi, Ghana. He is currently a Mastercard leader as well who introduces positive changes
Foundation scholar at Arizona State University focusing wherever she finds herself. She was a member of the
his studies on materials science and engineering. He Biomedical Engineering Society Trade and Technology
aspires to be a researcher in energy-related materials, club that seeks to equip its members with innovative
composite and programmable materials. ideas, creativity, skills and knowledge for the field and
designing several projects. She is passionate about
“To be a Changemaker means to be able cause positive achieving her vision of making quality health care
and sustainable changes in the lives of people.” accessible to everyone in her community and hopes to
create the awareness that ailments and disabilities should
not be an impediment to a successful and normal life. As
such, she has gained experiences from interning at the
37 Military Hospital and hopes to gain much more skills
and knowledge to make her vision a reality.

“I believe one’s talents are given to benefit the
community and therefore hope to make use of mine
to make my community and anywhere I find myself a
better place for all.”

NAME: Cecilia Addai Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 367
NAME: Ophilia Frimpong-Manso MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global
COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Ghana Logistics
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Cecilia Kwakyewaa Addai began her collegiate career as
Logistics and Supply Chain Management student at the
Ophilia is passionate about girl child education Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
and strives to see the right of the girl child being in Ghana. She is currently at Arizona State University
protected. Lives of the vulnerable and food security as an International Student under the Mastercard
are her priority, and she strives to see agricultural Foundation Scholars Program. Cecilia envisions a world
transformation in Ghana. Her professional life has where education will be seen as a weapon for change
revolved around internships with Vodafone Ghana, a and not only for money making. She has held several
well-known telecommunication company serving 25 leadership positions, completed a 6-month internship,
countries in Africa, and St. Peters Cooperative Credit and other work and volunteer experiences in order
Union, a renowned financial institution in Ghana. She to advance the vision she has for herself. Her passion
served as a member of the organising committee in the is problem-solving, her dream is to be a motivational
School of Business Student Association at KNUST for speaker and counselor and her career choice is to
a year. She is passionate about being an ambassador become a logistics and supply chain analyst.
of societal transformation and an agent of community
development who champions the course of building “Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar has given me
networks, making impacts, empowering society and greater opportunity to realize my dreams.”
transforming lives exceedingly.

“I envision a world with equal access to educational
opportunities for the poor and especially the girl child
will come to play standing as the gateway and being
the master key to unlocking all limitless and daunting

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 368 NAME: Christabel Addison NAME: Osei Dua
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Global MAJOR: BS/MS Mechanical Engineering
Logistics PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7
Osei Dua is a phenomenal engineer in the making
Christabel Adjoa Addison is a sedulous Mastercard who is intrigued by machines and has a keen interest
Foundation Scholar pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Osei has a high
Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Arizona aptitude for problem solving and is always in search of
State University, USA. She is recipient of several avenues to apply himself in order to help alleviate the
awards including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Head of woes of those around him. Osei has worked on several
State Award which emphasizes on youth volunteering, projects including a community engineering project
acquiring unique skills, solving societal problems and on Renewable-Energy-Powered Irrigation Systems,
creativity. She believes that through hard work and in collaboration with the Barrett Honors College. In
determination, she will become an agent of change in addition to his career goals, Osei is a strong advocate
the agriculture, manufacturing and distribution sectors for good leadership and has served as Chairman of the
in Africa. Christabel is passionate about writing, women Trade and Technology Fair board of the Mechanical
empowerment, and innovation in logistics management. Engineering Students’ Association, KNUST, as well
She sees herself as a logistician, lecturer and renowned as a peer mentor. When not immersed in engineering
writer in the future. Her experience as an Assistant and projects, Osei enjoys singing. It is Osei’s mission
Internal Auditor in Ghana Railway Company Limited to eradicate hunger and poverty in Africa with
contributed to her great interest in the development revolutionary work in Robotics.
of transportation networks in Ghana. She sees all her
dreams becoming actions, and her actions leading to “Being a Mastercard Foundation Scholar means my
positive changes in the lives of many people. success is a measure of how many lives I can change for
the better and how better-off my community and the
“I envision a world where there is peace between among world at large is with me in it.”
and within humans; a world where everyone will be
heard, respected and given the opportunity to achieve
great things, regardless of gender.”

NAME: Patience Yeboah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 369
NAME: Pearl Atta Narh MAJOR: BSc/MS Biomedical Engineering
MAJOR: BS Business Administration/MS Finance
PHASE: II, Cohort: 7 Patience Yaa Yeboah is a lady who has the desire
to impart her acquired knowledge to the younger
Pearl Atta Narh is a young enthusiastic student! She generation. She works with Future Leaders Incorporated
values strong experience in her field of study and with (FLI) and Ignite Trust Foundation. These two
her strong academic and social tools, she is ready to organizations seek to help the younger generation
make a difference and impact society in the future. unearth their potentials and improve upon their skills
Her dream is to become a global financial analyst. through seminars. She is a Mastercard Foundation
Her passion is in financial literacy, economic growth Scholar, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. She
and good investment policies in the financial sector, aspires to be a renowned engineer in bio-mechatronics
particularly in Africa. She is equipped and dedicated. and rehabilitation. She believes in a world of equality,
regards integrity as a non-negotiable value and sees
Motivated by the quote that says, “the only way to every opportunity given to her as a feat to improve
discover the impossible is to go beyond the possible”. herself. The zeal to see changes in her community
She believes life is a learning process and has a lot to give led her to take leadership positions in some societies,
if only we can strive a bit harder. In addition, she values joining the United Nations Students Association of
teamwork and enjoys watching movies and reading. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
(UNSA-KNUST). Some of her volunteering activities
“Being a changemaker is a skill and a desire to impact with UNSA KNUST were partaking in a sanitation
people to desire to cause a change in the life of others project at the Adum market in Kumasi, the creation of
and themselves. It is skill therefore needs to be learned, awareness for Redgirl campaign, and a street feeding
developed and nurtured. I believe in possibilities and am program.
ready to cause a change.”
“I envision a world where everyone is allowed to bring
out what they possess within, have equal access to
resources to attain whatever they want to achieve.”


Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 370

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 371

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 372 Mastercard Foundation President
Visits KNUST

Ms. Reeta Roy, President and CEO of Mastercard “A Mastercard Foundation Scholar Alumna, Miss.
Foundation, paid a brief working visit to the Kwame Emily Otoo-Quayson and her project partner Miss.
Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Matilda Asantewaa Sampong, a third year Business
(KNUST) with a six-member delegation from the Administration student, won the Presidential Pitch
Mastercard Foundation; including her Chief of Staff, Season II competition,” he added. The Presidential Pitch
Ms Aissatou Diajhaté, and her personal assistant, Ms is a project designed and organised by the Ministry
Christina Levine. As part of her visit, Ms. Reeta Roy met of Business Development to offer young Ghanaian
the newly recruited scholars (Cohort 6 Scholars) of the entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 35 the
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST opportunity to market their business ideas and get
(MCFSP at KNUST) for the 2019/2020 academic year. financial assistance to implement those ideas.

In her speech, Ms. Reeta Roy, congratulated the scholars Mr. Frederick Ennin, President of the Scholars
and charged them not to only seek the “lecture-hall Community at KNUST, expressed his appreciation for
education” but equip themselves with leadership skills the support Mastercard Foundation is according young
to help them transform their various communities. She Africans and promised on behalf of the scholars and on
encouraged the scholars to do what is right and live by his own behalf to study hard and also avail themselves to
their ethics and values in any sphere of their stay on lead transformation in their respective communities.
campus; in essence, requesting them to be ethical and
transformative leaders.

She further encouraged the scholars to make use of the
Baobab Platform of the Scholars Program to share ideas
and network with other scholars across the globe.

Professor Kofi Owusu-Daaku, Lead for the Vice
Chancellor on the Scholars Program at KNUST, in
his welcome address thanked Ms. Reeta Roy and her
delegation for their continuous support. He used the
occasion to share some of the success stories of the
MCFSP at KNUST to the delegation.

Prof. Owusu-Daaku told the delegation that the scholars Ms. Reeta Roy
are performing very well in the class room and in their Mr. Frederick Ennin
communities. He mentioned that the pioneer graduating
class of 45 scholars had 50% of them attaining first class.
For the current graduating class of 86 scholars, 44%
attained first class with two (2) of the scholars being
the valedictorian for their Colleges; Edwin Amponsah
from College of Science and Joel Ansah from College
of Humanities and Social Sciences. He said, “it would
interest you to know that the overall best student of
KNUST in the person of Edwin Amponsah in the
University’s 53rd Congregation was a Mastercard

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 373

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 374 MCFSP at KNUST Orients 150
New Scholars

An orientation program was organised for the 150 psychological needs, individual needs, assessment of
newly recruited scholars under the Mastercard academic issues and additional support services for
Foundation Scholars Program at Kwame Nkrumah scholars. Fr. Jantuah entreated them to be visiting the
University of Science and Technology (MCFSP at Unit as often as they can.
KNUST) at the Great Hall Conference room. The newly Rev. Dr. (Sr.) Frances Emily Owusu-Ansah, Head
recruited scholars (Cohort VI scholars) comprise of 140 of KNUST Counselling Centre (KCC), oriented the
Ghanaians and 10 internationals with 100 of them being scholars on time management and achieving academic
females and 50 males. excellence. She advised them that they should always
The program which served as a platform to welcome plan their daily activities and live a balance life as
scholars, address issues concerning their scholarships scholars due to the demanding nature of tertiary
and their general stay on campus, saw several education. This, she believes, will help them meet their
personalities gracing the program as resource persons. physical, social/emotional, spiritual and intellectual
The Lead for the Vice Chancellor on the Scholars needs. She further encouraged them to cultivate good
Program at KNUST, Professor Kofi Owusu-Daaku, healthy friendships.
welcomed the scholars to the scholars’ community. He Rev. Dr. J. W. Acheampong, the Protestant Chaplain of
told the scholars that they have no reason to be ashamed KNUST, addressed the scholars on the need to blend
of yourselves and where you are coming from. pursuing academic excellence with their religious life
He congratulated the scholars on their achievements so on campus. He reminded the scholars of the need to be
far and cautioned them to value the opportunity which focussed in life. He employed them to be grateful for
has been given to them. He advised them to live an the opportunity they have been given to be part of the
ethical life on campus. Scholars Program.
Ms. Afia Ampomah Awuah, the Program Manager, He said that the purpose of them being at KNUST is
MCFSP at KNUST, gave a presentation on what the to study to prepare for life, but it is also a place to be
Scholars Program at KNUST is about, why they are spiritually matured and morally upright. He encouraged
here as scholars and what is expected of them. She them to develop an excellent spirit and stand up for
explained to them the need to lead transformation in integrity in all their correspondences.
their communities by coming up with developmental Taking her turn in the orientation program, Mrs.
projects; which is mandatory of every scholar. Bernice Peasah, Counsellor at the KCC, spoke to the
Introducing them to the Baobab platform, Ms. Awuah scholars on personal grooming and branding. She said
said that the Baobab platform connects all Mastercard that grooming is very important in an individual’s
Scholars around the world. She encouraged them to life for a positive self-image. She also admonished the
make good use of the platform since there are a lot of scholars to have a personal brand that will make them
opportunities available there. stand out amongst their peers.
In his presentation, Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Jantuah, Mrs. Peasah enlightened the scholars on the various
Counselor of MCFSP at KNUST, educated the scholars ways of keeping themselves clean at all times to boost
on the need for counselling as an individual and also their self-confidence.
took the scholars through the various counselling
support services available to them on campus. He
revealed that the Counselling Unit takes care of the

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 375

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 376 150 New Scholars Introduced to
University Management

One hundred and fifty (150) new Scholars comprising In a related development, the occasion was used to
one hundred and forty Ghanaians and ten international honour distinguished Scholars and Scholar Alumni
students on the Mastercard Foundation Scholars on the Scholars Program. They were awarded in
Program (MCFSP) at the Kwame Nkrumah University three different categories: Academics, Community
of Science and Technology (KNUST) have been Engagement Initiatives and Support Services/Active
formally introduced to management of the University at Participation of MCFSP-KNUST events.
this year’s Vice-Chancellor’s reception for the scholars. In the Academics category; Herman Nyuykonge
The reception, which took place at the Great Hall of Kumbong with a Cumulative Weighted Average (CWA)
the KNUST is mandatory under the provisions of the of 88.42 and Celestina Etornam Tsyawo with a CWA
Scholars Program. It affords newly admitted scholars, of 81.17 emerged as the best male and female Scholars
the opportunity to meet the Vice-Chancellor, the host of respectively among Cohort Three Scholars, for Cohort
the evenings’ program and members of management to Four Scholars Famous Tay Ghanyo with a CWA of 85.45
dine, network and interact with them. received the best male scholar award whilst Esther Anyi
Addressing the scholars, The Lead of the Atonge with a CWA of 80.31 emerged as the best female
MCFSP-KNUST for the Vice Chancellor, Professor Kofi scholar. Scholars Samuel Sosu with a CWA of 83.46
Owusu-Daaku, encouraged the scholars to be ambitious. and Benedicta Anilik with a CWA of 79.47 were also
Professor Owusu-Daaku stated that though, most of awarded as best male and female Scholars respectively
them are coming from deprived areas, their background among Cohort Five Scholars. 
does not matter as their new dispensation, coupled with Cohort Three Scholar, Herman Nyuykonge Kumbong
hard work will enable them excel, transform themselves reading BSc. Computer Engineering was adjudged the
and to give back to their communities, which is the overall best scholar in term of Academics.
philosophy underpinning the Scholars Program. The Community Engagement category saw Evans
He however, cautioned the scholars against any acts of Dzorkpata and Nicholas Kofi Adegbe winning the
misconduct saying that management would not hesitate category as Scholars and Celestina Ayatuure Azuure
to take them off the program. He also, announced plans emerging as the winner in the Scholar Alumni category
to increase next year’s intake of scholars to about 200. for their respective outstanding community engagement
He further revealed that the program in going forward projects.
would admit more females, students with different Dennis Kofi Pida and Erica Mawupemor Adormahe
abilities and those from displaced countries and won the Support Services and Active Participation of
communities. MCFSP-KNUST events category.
Professor Wilson Agyei Agyare, the Dean of Students, Joined by other scholars, the Cohort Six Scholars were
welcomed the Cohort Six scholars to the University and treated to good food, music and drama.
reiterated his Office’s commitment to their wellbeing.
He encouraged the fresh scholars to look out for other
students who may need any assistance and to inform
him or refer their peers to his outfit to help address their

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 377

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 378 KNUST Students Win the 2019 Edition of
the Presidential Pitch Competition

Mastercard Foundation Scholar Alumna, Miss. Emily providing seed capital Akufo-Addo assured
Otoo-Quayson and Miss. Matilda Asantewaa Sampong, for some of the nation’s that all contestants of
an alumna of the Department of Civil Engineering and a enterprising youth the competition will
third year Business Administration student respectively to enable them run receive comprehensive,
from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and successful businesses. structured training to
Technology (KNUST) have received GH¢60,000 as “Entrepreneurship is help build their business
investment package for emerging as winners of the 2nd a vital component of management capabilities,
Edition of Presidential Pitch Competition, 2019. economic growth and and will be equipped
They also received a GH¢40,000 personal donation has been embraced with skills in areas such
from President of the Republic of Ghana, His Excellency globally as one of the as finance, marketing,
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. most important drivers pitching, procurement
The two, who process sanitary pads using banana and of development. There is and risks management to
plantain fibre, beat nine others who presented their now a firm recognition enable them compete in
ideas and answered questions before a panel of judges, amongst governments the global market.
in the presence of the President, ministers of state and and international “There are also plans
members of the diplomatic corps, at the Presidential organisations that to attach the winners
Pitch event in Accra on Tuesday, August 6, 2019. the development of of the Presidential
Explaining the module of their business, Floyabana entrepreneurial talent Pitch to Ghanaian and
Pads, Emily and Matilda said the main target is the rural is key to addressing international companies
woman who cannot afford the mostly imported sanitary the challenges of to help build their abilities
pads on the Ghanaian market. They assured that the unemployment, especially to scale up,” he added.
grants provided to them by government would enable youth unemployment,” The Presidential Pitch is
them expand their business. he said. a project designed and
Presenting cash awards, ranging from GH¢25,000 to Whilst applauding the organised by the Ministry
GH¢60,000 to the contestants, the President, Nana quality of applications of Business Development
Akufo-Addo explained that these awards are grants, and received this year, as well to offer young Ghanaian
not loans, and represent government’s commitment to as the ultimate winners, entrepreneurs between
the President, Nana the ages of 18 and 35 the
opportunity to market
their business ideas and
get financial assistance to
implement those ideas.
The project is in line
with the President’s
vision to assist young
entrepreneurs to nurture
their business ideas and
improve livelihoods
to drive economic
growth. Two Hundred
competitors participated
in the competition.

KNUST Supports Winners of Presidential Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 379
Pitch Season II Competition

The Vice Chancellor of the Kwame Nkrumah University The Vice Chancellor congratulated the winners for their
of Science and Technology (KNUST), Professor success. ‘As a University, we are ready to give all the
Kwasi Obiri-Danso, has on behalf of the University support needed to champion this course’, he assured. He
donated One Hundred Thousand Ghana Cedis (GH was hopeful that the winners would develop the product
¢100,000.00) to the winners of the Presidential Pitch into a competitive brand for the good of Ghanaians.
Season II Competition. Miss Emily Otoo on behalf of her group expressed
Professor Obiri-Danso in addition also mentioned that gratitude to the management of the University for
the University would provide an office space, production the wonderful gesture. According to her, the pressing
site, machinery and other required assistance needed for needs of upcoming entrepreneurs is lack of office space
the production of the winning product, Floyabana Pad. and startup capital. She therefore promised that the
Professor Kwasi Obiri-Danso, said these when officials University’s support would be put to good use. She
of the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at appealed to others to support their industry.
KNUST (MCFSP at KNUST) paid a courtesy call on Present at the meeting was the Vice Dean of Students,
him to officially present the winners of the Presidential Dr. Otchere Addai-Mensah and other officials from
Pitch Season II, a Mastercard Foundation Scholar the Dean of Students’ Office.
Alumna, Miss. Emily Otoo-Quayson and Miss. Matilda
Asantewaa Sampong, an alumna of the Department
of Civil Engineering and a third year Business
Administration student respectively.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 380 Valedictory Speech by Edwin Amponsah
at the 53rd Graduation Ceremony, 2019

Edwin Amponsah, 2019 Overall Best Graduating we all affectionately refer to as Jeg), Dr Derick Owusu
Student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Asamoah (We will dearly miss his valuable life stories)
and Technology (KNUST). and all other lecturers in the Premier and Preferred
The Chairman and Members of Council, College of Science. I cannot forget my colleagues and
Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Provost friends-Opanyin Seth, J Maarouf, Lydia, the entire 2019
of the College of Science and other Provosts present, Actuarial Science Class, the Mastercard Foundation
College Registrar, Deans, Heads of Departments, Scholars and Secretariat at Kwame Nkrumah University
Members of Convocation, Special Invited Guest, of Science and Technology (KNUST). I am very grateful.
Senior Members, Senior and Junior Staff, Dear Parents, Our past years of stay on this beautiful campus have not
Amazing Graduands, Ladies and Gentlemen. been without its moments. Most of us vividly remember
I am Edwin Amponsah, a Mastercard Scholar, and our first day here, the first lecture and the first friends
with me is a young Mathematician- Miss Priscilla Ama we made here. Most of us still reflect on how we passed
Yinzima. I am deeply honoured and thankful to deliver that very difficult course and wonder at the little genius
this valedictory speech at this graceful ceremony on inside us. We have made lifetime friends and partners.
behalf of my colleagues.  At this moment, we celebrate We have seen ourselves evolve into great thinkers,
the successful end of a phase in our lives-the enervating entrepreneurs, leaders, and social workers.  We have
lectures, the difficult exams and the long solitary hours surmounted several difficulties-however, we sometimes
at the library-and mark the beginning of a new chapter. failed, some of us lost loved ones and others went
Today, we celebrate! Congratulations, Class of 2019! through very difficult situations. All these experiences
Ayekoo! I also want to specially congratulate Priscilla for have remarkably shaped, transformed, and prepared us
her achievement. It is a no mean feat. to face the world we are entering as graduates. Today,
On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank we bid farewell to this beautiful campus, tremendous
individuals who have helped us to be here today. First, lecturers and administrators, and awesome friends we
we are grateful to the Almighty God for His grace and have made here. Though our faces are full of smiles, our
favour in our lives. To our parents and families, we hearts are heavy with the sense of departure. However,
extend our never-ending gratitude for your ceaseless we are strengthened by the common purpose, heritage,
and passionate support, love and encouragement. To and ideals that we share-which will forever bind and
our distinguished lecturers, we are most grateful for connect us. This outgoing phase of our lives is but a
the knowledge you have passed to us, for your constant prologue to a new chapter for us to write our stories,
encouragement at the moment where we needed it most impact our communities, empower people and finally
and for making our sojourn in this great institution a execute the plan we have set aside for so long.
truly memorable one. Also, my profound appreciation We mark this transition with this joyous occasion aware
goes to the Mastercard Foundation for their generosity, of the challenges that lie in the journey ahead. Let us be
investment and commitment to improving the lives of reminded that this prestigious university, KNUST has
young people. Their investment in my education and adequately prepared us to face this new task -to achieve
that of many others have truly been life changing. No greatness and do exploits. As students, we experienced
one succeeds without the help of others. I would be the temptation to postpone our ideas to a later time.
always grateful to my parents. I appreciate my mentor We cannot count the number of times we said we will
Mr. Essuman (My headmaster at JHS and he is with do that one thing after school. Now is the time. The
me here today). I also appreciate my lecturers-Mr. V.K plan to take that course, start that business, create that
Dedu (I know most of us will fondly remember him foundation, and maybe speak to that lady or gentle-
and his stories about dimensions), Dr Ayekple (whom man-eventually. Let us act now. Let us take these great
ideas a piece at a time and bring them to fruition.

The need to assiduously Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 381
work on our plans can
be captured in the words
of Abraham Lincoln as,
“Things may come to
those who wait, but only
the things left by those
who hustle”.
oAfsowuer elinvteesratshnisepwhase
graduates, let us make
our deeds herald to the
world that there is a fresh
crop of intellectuals,
leaders, young people
who long after they are
gone would have their
works enshrined in the
footprints of time.

So, graduating class of
2019-Let us do it now.
Once again,
We did it!
God bless KNUST. God
bless us all!
Thank you.

Edwin Amponsah,
BSc. Actuarial Science
Scholar Alumnus

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 382

Edwin Amponsah,
BSc. Actuarial Science
Scholar Alumnus

Edwin Amponsah Emerges as the Overall Best Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 383
Graduating Student at KNUST’s 53rd Congregation

As part of measures to motivate and encourage a successful outreach to donate blood to the Komfo
students of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Anokye Teaching Hospital blood bank. Edwin has
and Technology, Kumasi (KNUST) to be innovative supported various initiatives to support communities
and take their academics serious, has awarded Master around KNUST. Apart from his active participation
Edwin Amponsah, the Overall Best Graduating Student in community work, He also played an active role in
of KNUST at the 2019's 53rd Congregation with a cash his department. He worked as a Deputy Education
prize of Five Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHc 5,000.00) Chairman in his department’s student association
and a Laptop. where he helped create a peer mentoring and tutoring
Edwin Amponsah, Mastercard Scholar, BSc. Actuarial program to support freshmen in the department. He
Science graduate, a change-maker, an actuarial was the KNUST Actuarial Club president and has
candidate and a machine learning enthusiast, grew up spearheaded several activities aimed at promoting
in a rural community in Ghana. Edwin was born into a student’s interest and growth in the Actuarial profession.
family of ten and first attended Senya D/A JHS where He began an ICT Education Program to train children
he emerged as the best student in the Senya Beraku in his community to acquire ICT skills. This initiative
community during the 2011 Basic Education Certificate has benefited about 35 children in his community.
Examination (BECE). He then continued his secondary He is currently the Co-Founder and Project Lead of
education at the Senya Beraku Senior High School Dreamhub; a social venture which seeks to train deaf
where he studied Business Programme. He worked as persons to acquire ICT skills and help them transition
a Mathematics teacher after his secondary education into self-employment or jobs.
where he mentored several students and coached the Edwin is very passionate about the development of
quiz team which later won the 2015 Mathematics and latent talents because he believes it is essential to the
Science Quiz in Senya Beraku. growth of an individual and survival of any society.
After a year of teaching at Jehovah Shammah Schools’ Having come from a financially challenged background
Complex, he gained admission to read BSc. Actuarial himself and his exposure to living in a deprived society
Science at KNUST under the Mastercard Foundation have shaped him to be self-driven in seeking innovative
Scholars Program (MCFSP) at KNUST. During his first solutions to problems he identifies. He believes that
year of study under MCFSP at KNUST, he underwent everyone can make a difference to the society he/she
several leadership seminars where he learned time lives in when given the support.
management, public speaking skills, collaborative Mr. Amponsah is driven by the passion to make a
leadership skills which have had immense impact on the difference to the lives of people around him and his
way he conducted himself on his stay on campus. community, and believes that excelling in his academic
During his schooling days in KNUST, he led a project work and participating in community engagement
team consisting of other Mastercard scholars that activities are integral to achieving that goal.
sought to encourage and support high school student In a related development, Master Edwin Amponsah was
to be innovative and problem-solvers. He also held adjudged the best graduating student at the College of
the role of the Project and Innovation Coordinator Science and the Faculty of Physical and Computational
at the Mastercard Scholar’s Council, KNUST. In this Sciences respectively in the 2019 College of Science
role, he supported other scholars to come up with Excellence Award where he received, USD$500,
ideas for implementation as a way of giving back to the financial package for Actuarial Science Professional
community. He also led the 2017 International Service Examination, a Certificate, study materials and a year
Day, a day set aside for Mastercard Scholar to give-back internship at the Prudential Life Insurance, Ghana.
to the community. The Service Day he led, championed

Joel Ansah,
BA. Sociology
Scholar Alumnus

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 384

Valedictory Speech by Joel Ansah at the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 385
53rd Graduation Ceremony, 2019

Joel Ansah, 2019 Best Graduating Student of College now insolvent. Our deepest and sincerest gratitude is
of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah not enough to repay what you have given us. To the
University of Science and Technology (KNUST). university management, your day to day efforts in
ensuring our welfare and the smooth running of the
Otumfour Osei Tutu II, Chancellor, Chairman of institution is very commendable and much appreciated.
Council, Vice Chancellor, Pro Vice Chancellor, Registrar, The hundreds of students from less endowed schools
Provosts of Colleges, Directors, Deans of Faculties, graduating today are very much appreciative of the
Heads of Department, Members of Convocation, university’s commitment towards its own core values,
Nananom, Ministers of State, Distinguished Guests, specifically, Diversity and equal opportunity for all, and
Parents/Guardians, Fellow Graduands, Ladies and efforts of the university management to provide all high
Gentlemen. school leavers irrespective of the school one completed
It is not only with great pleasure, joy and pride do I access to university education. Without the less
stand here as the valedictorian of the 2019 graduating endowed admission scheme, I would not be standing
class but also do so with stark humility. My fellow here today, and so would many of my colleagues seated.
graduands, I know you cannot wait for the ceremony I will crave the indulgence of management of the
to be over to take your numerous pictures in your University to explore more sources of funds for Students
new clothes and before your make-up wears away. Financial Services to provide financial assistance in the
Some more impatient ones amongst us are already on form scholarships and bursaries to needy but brilliant
Snapchat and Instagram posting videos and photos. In students. Having been a beneficiary of Mastercard
as much as I would entreat you to grant me your full Foundation, I appreciate the important role of the
attention, I would also be glad if you could make short scheme in the lives of needy students. I celebrate
videos of me and upload on your Instagram accounts, Mastercard Foundation today not only because of the
after all we are living in the twenty-first Century.  financial assistance offered me, but also for the many
In the lives of all present today, a great milestone has lessons and training given. May the program live long
been achieved. To the graduands, today we earn our to give many more young people the opportunity to be
first degrees and are being ushered onto the table of here. To our lecturers who painstakingly teach, coach,
men. To parents and guardians, today you see the results mentor and mark our horrible papers, some of you are
of your relentless toil, support, care and counsel you god-sent and your motivation, encouragement and
have given your wards since their first day in school push brought us this far. I must express the great pride
till this day as they are being celebrated and certified and satisfaction I feel this morning as the mouthpiece
as true scholars. To the university staff, today you of this amazing class. This feeling partly comes from
witness yet another crop of distinguished scholars and the fact that I am the one out of the lot who gets the
change leaders moulded by your own hands leaving chance to be here delivering this speech. This has been
school and ready to impact on the world and cause a long-standing dream of mine since I stepped foot on
the transformation of Ghana and the continent at campus, and through hard work and determination,
large. This is a moment that we all must be proud of, here I am now, exactly where I wanted to be four years
not only because we find ourselves seated here today, ago. If a student from such a less endowed school as
but most importantly because we have all played very mine, Three-Town Senior High School, can make it to
important roles in events leading up to this day. Our this podium on this day, you should know nothing can
hearts are filled with immense gratitude for our parents stand in your way to success if you really work for it.
and guardians, who did all they could to make this day This notwithstanding, my greatest feeling of satisfaction
a reality in our lives. Your prayers, advice, constant comes from the fact that I, together with my colleagues,
remittances among others have really sustained us have been able to brave the storms and survive the
through our stay here. For our sake, some of you are four-year battle on campus. This is no mean task.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 386 Four years ago, I was part of a group of naive, green speaking, good communication and public relations.
teenagers and young adults admitted into the prestigious Some have their skills sharpened and have developed
KNUST. To many of us at the time, little did we know strong networks with lecturers and fellow students.
our journey was going to be a sequel to the Biblical 40 Looking back on these past four years, one would admit
years’ journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, there is no better place to be than KNUST. We are
bedevilled with many battles and challenges coming grateful for the lessons and experiences acquired here
from all angles. Little did we know that we would be and we are sure memories of KNUST would forever
stretched to the limits, uprooted from our comfort zones linger on our minds.
and hoisted in unfamiliar and unfriendly territories. To the graduating class, graduating today does not mean
Right from our first week on campus when reality begun our struggles have come to an end or our challenges
to dawn on us, we realised that our high school teachers curtailed; it is the exact opposite as life would get no
deceived us. The freedom they promised existed at the easier. I admonish you to toughen up and be prepared
universities do not exist, or even if it existed at their for life after school. Experiences and lessons learnt
time, went on exile during ours. Right from the word here should be applied in our everyday lives for this
go, we were constantly bombarded with long and is the reason we have been trained. The resilience and
sometimes difficult lecture notes, articles, assignments, hard work we have exhibited here on campus, should
group works and class presentations. The thoughts be seen at our various places of work and service too.
of a fun filled life on campus, full of merry making Tough and difficult times would come and so we must
and partying that we envisioned before coming were toughen up and brace for impact. The good news is if
quickly banished from mind. We realised that to keep we survived four years at KNUST, what else wouldn’t
our heads above water, we had to gird our loins and we survive. As we graduate today, our friendships and
face the battle before us with all passion and alacrity relationships with one another must not end here but
needed. Some of us had to pretend to ourselves that rather be strengthened. Let friendships become strong
the study rooms were the night clubs we hoped for and networks, for with a strong network base, we can survive
thus burned the night candle there, forcing in complex the vagaries weather out there, and together, hand in
theories and formulae that would not even stick in our hand, we can build a strong and successful nation. As
minds. When we received calls from our friends’ back we go into the world today, let us know that we are the
home, we had to pretend everything was alright with change agents whom the world has eagerly awaited and
us and that the lives we were living on campus was all must let our impact be felt. The world into which we
that we had hoped for. In fact, we even went the extra go, is an ailing one and the communities surrounding
mile to convince them into joining us in this supposed us have tons of problems that need quick remedying,
‘heaven on earth.’ Some of us plodded on under very and this is a cause we must pursue. We must give back
tough circumstances, with unstable financial situations. to community at all cost, lest our education in a higher
There are those who struggled to get three square meals institution such as this profit no one. The world needs
a day and others too had to take part-time jobs around our creativity, ingenuity, dexterity and whatever quality
campus just to be able to barely fend for themselves. each and every one of us here possesses. The world
Yet through all the struggles and challenges, we have eagerly awaits our help and no matter what we do, we
made it. Comrades, we have been through fire and have must not fail them. We go out today, not to become part
come out refined. We have been through the furnace are of the existing problems, or stay unconcerned about
now moulded into resilient and reliable change leaders. the various challenges plaguing this nation, but in our
We have made it, and all and sundry present would own small ways, serve to build a better and formidable
understand when we scream our hearts out in joy today, nation. To the world out there, help is on its way. A new
because the journey has been tough. We are glad today, crop of social scientists, and lawyers today are poised
not only because we are graduating, but also because of to contribute their quota in giving back to society and
the priceless experiences we have gathered from our stay serving diligently, God and country.
here on campus. Through this journey, we have learned
very important life lessons. Some of us have developed Congratulations to all of us gathered here today, the
strong resilience, others perseverance, teamwork, public future is bright.

MCFSP at KNUST Commissions Mechanised Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 387
Borehole at Asakraka Community

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) water crisis, the president of the Scholars Council, Mr.
at KNUST as part of its yearly Scholars’ Service Day Cosmos Edem Kemavor led the scholars to contribute to
Celebrations, has commissioned a mechanised borehole help solve this challenge, she elaborated.
and donated stationeries to the Asakraka Community in The Chief of Asakraka, Nana Osei Tutu Amankwa II,
the Atwima Nwabiagya District in the Ashanti Region. expressed much gratitude to the scholars for coming to
Professor (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson, the Pro Vice their aid. He stressed on the importance of the borehole
Chancellor of KNUST, in her opening address said the to his entire community and promised to maintain it.
Service Day is set aside for MCFSP at KNUST scholars In a related development, the scholars engaged the
to give back to the community through communal community in creating awareness on health, agriculture
labours and improve the living standards of inhabitants. and education.
Having observed that the Asakraka Community faced

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 388 Academic Programmes Under the
3+1+1 IADP Increased

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) staff to have enhanced appreciation of research, research
at Arizona State University (ASU) and Kwame Nkrumah collaboration and research management.
University of Science and Technology (KNUST) 3+1+1 The Provost of the College of Humanities and Social
International Accelerated Degree Programme (IADP) Sciences (CoHSS), Professor Imoro Braimah on
which started with four (4) academic programmes; professional development seminar for administrators
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Human believed that, administrators who are the implementers
Resource Management, Biomedical Engineering and and policy makers of the University should lead the
Mechanical Engineering has now been increased efforts in creating knowledge about institutional
to seven (7) programmes, namely; Mechanical practices and procedures. Thus, the knowledge created
Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil would be fed into the policy and decision-making
Engineering, Materials Engineering, Logistics and process, he added.
Supply Chain Management, Business Analytics (BIT) According to Professor Braimah, the role in research
and Business Finance. helps to scientifically and objectively assess practices,
The Pro-Vice Chancellor of KNUST, Professor (Mrs.) procedures, rules and regulations; provide management
Rita Akosua Dickson, revealed this at the 2019 Faculty with the best guide to decision making; improve
Development Symposium (FDS) which was co-hosted transparency in management; and provides the
by Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) opportunity for evaluation and repositioning.
at Arizona State University (ASU), Kwame Nkrumah The Faculty Development Symposium is a ‘three
University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and phased-program’; the first part taken place in Arizona;
Ashesi University under the theme: ‘Team-Based the second organised by KNUST and the last phase to be
Knowledge Management and Research Collaboration’.  hosted by Ashesi University.
The Pro-Vice Chancellor of KNUST in her opening The Symposium which drew Registrars, Lecturers and
remarks said the 3+1+1 IADP is a partnership Administrators from the Ashesi University, ASU and
program; which selects brilliant but financially KNUST treated topics on decolonization of thought,
disadvantaged third year (3) students from KNUST team-based approach, approach to research and research
to complete their final year studies in Arizona collaboration for institutional advancement.
State University (+1) and proceed to undertake an
International Accelerated Master’s Degree (+1) if Professor (Mrs.) Rita Akosua Dickson
successful in their undergraduate studies.
The program, she said, is designed to create
opportunities for graduate studies and institutional
networking through knowledge transfer and capacity
She observed that over the years, research has generally
been seen as the preserve of Faculty. However, in recent
times, the University has taken some major steps to
gradually change this and create an atmosphere geared
towards teamwork, she added.
She hoped that the symposium would change mindsets
to build the capacity of administrative and financial

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 389

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 390

MCFSP at KNUST Launches Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 391
2019 Summer Camp

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program (MCFSP) Dr. Addai-Mensah however cautioned them against
at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and any acts of indiscipline and flouting the rules of the
Technology (KNUST) has launched its annual summer University as management will not hesitate to apply the
camp as part of its Vacation Enrichment Programmes. necessary sanctions to such culprits. He also encouraged
This year’s Summer Camp, which is being held from the Scholars to visit his outfit and other allied offices
the 27th of May to 1st June, 2019 is on the theme: whenever they encounter any challenges.
‘Empowering Scholars Through Skills Training for Participants at this year’s Sumer Camp would be trained
Community Development’. in satellite installations, swimming, bead making, Adobe
According to the Program Manager, Ms. Afia Ampomah photoshop etc.
Awuah, the exercise which started in 2014 has the The scholars will also be exposed to first aid
objective of equipping scholars with soft skills to enable administration, personality counselling, individual/
them stand out in the world. Ms. Ampomah Awuah community-based projects (ICBP), ethics and social
added that the camp provides scholars the opportunity responsibility and introduction to final year project
to simulate the entrepreneurial potentials to benefit their seminars. Other activities for the Camp include creative
communities. arts, movie night and a fun trip to some centres of
In his keynote address, Deputy Registrar of the College cultural and national heritage
of Science, KNUST, Mr. Vincent Ankamah-Lomotey,
said Ghanaian public and private universities produce
a minimum of 20,000 graduates for the job market
annually. He noted that out of this number an average of
6,000 are KNUST graduates who also compete for the
same jobs.
He encouraged the scholars to make use of this training
as resource persons and all activities are designed to
equip them with entrepreneurial and other skills to help
distinguish them from others on the job market.
Mr. Lomotey noted that the Scholars should imbibe
whatever they learn at the Summer Camp to help realise
the goal of the organisers as well as the Mastercard
Foundation Scholars Program.
The Vice-Dean of Students, KNUST, Dr. Otchere
Addai-Mensah, said the MCF Secretariat and by
extension, the Office of the Dean of Students recognises
the need for skills training in the total development of
the student. He therefore used the opportunity to advise
the Scholars to make use of the opportunity of the Camp
and as Scholars of the MCFSP at KNUST to better their
lives and communities.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 392 MCFSP at KNUST Orients KNUST-ASU
3+1+1 IADP Cohort 3 Scholars

The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at Kwame She also cautioned them on the use of social media and
Nkrumah University of Science Technology (MCFSP at oriented them to be mindful of what they say or debate
KNUST) has organised an orientation program for the on their social media platforms.
forty (40) successful cohort 3 applicants for the KNUST Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Jantuah, Counsellor of the Scholars
- Arizona State University (ASU) 3+1+1 International Program at KNUST, in his presentation told the scholars
Accelerated Degree Programme (IADP) for the next to know how to adapt well in the ASU environment
academic year. The orientation sought to address issues since they are going to be with different people with
pertaining to the Scholars Program and what is expected different cultures. He admonished them to help one
of Scholars of the 3+1+1 IADP. another and be each other’s keeper. He told them not to
Dr. Kofi Owusu Daaku, Lead for the Scholars Program change their culture but rather learn the new cultures
at KNUST, in his opening remarks congratulated the and also share the African culture with their future
scholars for successfully getting this far with their networks.
application. He advised those who do not have passports He also advised them to take their spiritual life serious
to quickly apply for some in order to meet the timelines even as they travel to a new environment.
set by the Scholars Program. Dr. Francis Davis, a Senior Lecturer at the Department
Dr. Daaku, told them to be mindful of the fact that of Mechanical Engineering spoke to the scholars about
they are ambassador of KNUST and that they should their Summer School session. He explained that, the
go out there and make KNUST, Ghana and Africa Summer School comprises of short courses organised
proud. He further advised them on several issues, for them before they are transitioned to ASU. He said
admonishing them not to ruin the existing reputation that, the summer school is an important aspect of their
KNUST have had from the excellent performances of selection criteria so they should be well prepared for it.
their predecessors (Cohort one and two Scholars). He He advised them to take their studies serious and work
also cautioned them to take their academics and studies very hard to avoid trails in their end of semester exams
serious, be punctual in class, continue with the hard as well as the Summer School exams.
work that has brought them thus far and exhibit good
leadership qualities as well as been ethically sound.
He again encouraged them to uphold the good conduct
they have been taught at KNUST and that they shouldn’t
go and engage in any bad acts which does not depict the
Ghanaian/African culture.
In her presentation, Mrs. Matilda K. Owusu-Bio, an
Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Supply Chain
and Information Systems, encouraged the scholars to be
proud of themselves for their achievements and always
bear in mind that they are smart and shouldn’t let the
new environment intimidate them should they leave
KNUST to ASU. She told them to use the opportunity
given them to change the narrative of what others think
of the African. Mrs. Owusu-Bio advised them to be bold
wherever they may find themselves and make KNUST

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 393

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 394 A Seminar on Life after University and the
Scholars Program Organised

As part of efforts to successfully transition Scholars in order to get that employment.
from the University and the Scholars Program to the job Rebecca therefore admonished the final year scholars
market, a program themed “Meet the Alumni”, has been to concentrate on their community go-back give-back
organised by the Alumni Association of the Mastercard projects and that it doesn’t end after school, it should
Foundation Scholars Program at Kwame Nkrumah continue and not consider it as burden. She advised
University of Science and the Technology (MCFSP them to be members of the MCFSP at KNUST Alumni
at KNUST) for the final year scholars of the Scholars Association.
Program. The program which took place at the Dean of Benedict Mawuli Agagli, a scholar alumnus also shared
Students’ Conference room sought to enlighten the final his knowledge about the Ghana National Service
year scholars on the steps to take and decisions to make Scheme. He said that it is mandatory for every Ghanaian
before they complete university; the possible challenges to offer his or her service to the nation, even if you study
and opportunities that awaits them. outside Ghana. He elaborated on the things one would
In addressing the final year scholars, Mrs. Eunice need in order to register for national service and the
Akosua Ofosua, President, KNUST Global Alumni thorough preparations you need to make before starting
Association shared her experiences on life after the the national service including getting a place to be
university and also took time to expose the scholars to posted to and many more.
what the KNUST Global Alumni Association is about. He also advised the scholars on their postings, that
She said everyone is a lifelong learner and alumni no matter where they are posted to, they should go
associations across all networks provide that platform and render their services to the nation and impart
for members to learn, share knowledge and network. lives as ethical and transformative agents. He also said
She therefore talked about the various chapters of that, without national service it will be difficult to be
KNUST Global Alumni Association. She said, currently employed in the public sector.
there are forty (40) strong chapters around the globe and Stephen Danquah, MCFSP at KNUST Alumnus,
wherever one may find himself or herself in the world, addressed the scholars on employment opportunities.
there is always a chapter to join for networking and He admonished the scholars to align their careers with
many other opportunities. She encouraged the scholars all the possible opportunities that are available. “Even if
to register and join the chapters wherever they may be there are no opportunities, look for some”, he said. He
in the world and pledged the support of her executives encouraged the scholars to start their job search early
towards helping the MCFSP at KNUST Alumni enough to avoid any form of disappointment.
Association in all their activities and projects they plan Mr. Danquah further advised the scholars on the need
to initiate. to be exceptional anywhere they find themselves and
Rebecca Tawiah, an alumnus of the Scholars Program, that; being exceptional is about understanding and
shared her experiences on her life after MCFSP at developing passion for what you do.
KNUST. She said it hasn’t been easy, thus now she has Other speakers at the event were scholar alumni
to cater for all her needs and other auxiliary expenses by Napoleon Donkor and Prince Adufah who also shared
herself with her meager allowance as a National Service their experiences on entrepreneurship and graduate
person. She talked about some benefits and challenges studies opportunities respectively.
after university. In a related development, Mr. Simon Awintuuma
She engaged the scholars on plans one needs to have Ndewin, President, MCFSP at KNUST Alumni
after completing the university on whether one wants Association took the prospective alumni of the Scholars
to further his or her studies, get employed, become an Program through excerpts of a draft constitution
entrepreneur or get married. If it is employment one proposed for the operations and governance of the
wants, the person should know the kind of job he or she Association.
want and the needed preparations the person may need

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 395

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 396 MCFSP at KNUST

2019 Summer Camp
Skills Training Sessions

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 397

2019 Summer Camp
Skills Training Sessions

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Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 400

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