NAME: Appiah Erica Adjoa NAME: Yakubu Abdul-Baaki Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 251
SHS: Methodist Girls’ Senior High School, Mamfe, SHS: Tamale Islamic Senior High School, Tamale,
Eastern Region Northern Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication
Management Engineering.
ASPIRATIONS: Agripreneur, Philanthropist & Teen ASPIRATIONS: Network Engineer and Data Analyst
Counselor CORE VALUES: Discipline, Honesty, Friendly and
CORE VALUES: Strong willed, Compassionate, Politeness.
Humility, Honest and Just
My community is not an exception when it comes to
Background of the Project poor academic performance in the country. This is
caused by inadequate teaching and learning materials,
“Help a Child Develop the Habit of Reading” came about poor infrastructure and inadequate teaching staff.
when I noticed that in my community, Madina to be This makes a lot of students perform poorly and
specific children stay out too late. The children in this consequently drop out of school. As such, people in this
context is people between the ages of six to seventeen. community lose interest in education and youth of this
To some of the children it is due to the nature of their community engage in social vices such as drugs abuse,
parent’s work, thus their parents don’t close from work scam and prostitution.
early and even if they do they are most of the time
caught up in traffic therefore they get to the house very As a leader and an ambassador for change, I have
late. Due to this you find these children loitering about chosen a project “Enhancing academic performance
during late hours instead of being at home. To reduce in Savelugu”. This project brings the conscious effort
the rate at which these children stay out, I came out to provide teaching and learning materials and make
with the idea of setting up a reading club. The objective better the existing infrastructure. It also seeks in helping,
is to help these children develop a new source of motivating and encouraging students to learn and
entertainment thus reading as a hobby, so then although discover inner potentials. This is done by showing them
they will go out during the evenings, they will go home the opportunities that awaits them if they take their
early to read their story books. education seriously. It is my aim to enliven the people of
my community through education.
Impact of the Project
The club members are now very fluent in reading and “Education is the only tool that can spin the wheel of
also very good at spelling words they couldn’t spell change in our communities”
previously. There has also been improvement in their
academic performance. This is evident when some of the
parents called to tell me there had been an improvement
in their terminal report in their just ended third term
I have learnt personally throughout this project. I have
learnt to be patient especially when helping the very
young ones to understand since they have diverse ways
of understanding, I have also learnt another style of
parenting, I have learned to appreciate the importance
of asking your children or siblings how their day was
because that is the time you hear nice stories about the
kind of friends they are hanging around with. I have also
become friends with the children.
I will conclude with a quote by Emilie Buchwald
‘Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.’
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 252 Creating employment for the untrained and the
uneducated youth through skill training initiative was
NAME: Hagar Amponsah instituted as result of the influx of unemployment
SHS: ST. Louis Senior High School among the youth and its adverse effect my community
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness faces for the past years. This initiative basically seeks to
Management promote entrepreneurship by training them to acquire
ASPIRATION: Philanthropist, Counsellor, Public/ skills which will aid in creating job for the uneducated
Motivational speaker and a Farmer youth that are unemployed and also, enhance living
CORE VALUE: God fearing, Principled, Work Ethics, condition among the people which in the long run,
Integrity, Honesty. develop the community and the nation as a whole.
Impact of the Project
Background of the Project Through this initiative some young ladies are being
trained in pastries and yoghurt production. Among
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – which three (3) have made up their minds to further
Benjamin Franklin. Unemployment is one of the most their training at a vocational school (upon completion)
challenging issue my community faces especially among to gain more insight. They now receive orders to prepare
the youth. The larger number of these unemployed pastries for occasions and the money derived is used to
youth are the untrained and the uneducated, that is; sponsor themselves.
those without any skilled training or formal education (i. Sometimes, you do not need all the resources to be able
e. basic and secondary school leavers without any form to support someone or contribute to the development
of skilled training, teenage mothers and those without of the community. The little we possess can bring some
any formal education). Demand for their services for change. This is what I have come to appreciate from this
work are relatively low, considering the increasing project.
demand for skilled workers and or the educated in our
generation. These groups in the community are the very
ones whose standard of living are very poor. Hardly are
they able to provide for their basic needs in life. In view
of that, they tend to engage in activities which retard the
progress of the entire community (such as; increased
teenage birth rate, child labour, pick pocketing), and all
other sorts of vices in the society.
NAME: Dungayere Babamonwe Josephine NAME: Monica Awenbiisitemi Akanzanfara Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 253
SHS: Our Lady of Lourdes Girls’ Senior High School, SHS: Sandema Senior High School, Sandema, Upper
Navrongo, Upper East Region. East Region
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BA. Religious Studies PROGRAM: BSc. Business Administration
ASPIRATIONS: Counsellor, Lawyer ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur, Marketing Specialist,
CORE VALUES: Self-Confidence, Honesty, Chartered Accountant
Self-Discipline and Determined. CORE VALUES: Humility and Integrity
Background of the Project Giving the opportunity as an MCF scholar has been a
foundation for me to do what I have always dream to do,
I captioned my community project, “Early Childhood it has enabled me and given me the opportunity to do
Literacy”. This project seeks to teach children between something about the many problems in my community.
the ages of four and ten to write, read, speak and My community is much challenged in many ways of
express themselves in English Language. The academic which the youth is much affected, basically my project is
performance of these children shall improve and that is about empowering the youth, but has so far started with
the objective of my community project. ladies. I stand to help, advice and support young girls to
build and add value to themselves, not to engage in early
Impact of the Project marriages and teenage pregnancies.
I am among the very few people to get university I intend to influence them to be educational minded
education in my community. Thanks to MasterCard first before any other thing follows, in addition they will
scholarship. I am forever grateful. With my little be giving some skills training to make them responsible
experience with the MasterCard and university as well as the boys who will not be able to attain higher
education, I realize that, the largest room in this world education.
is the room for improvement. We can always become
better and we can always make impact. The start of this project made me noticed that to cause a
change; much is needed, a lot of commitment, and more
Now, I have come to know that I can become and that of leadership abilities, it is equally building me up in
is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. I many ways. I hope and intend to impact more lives and
realized that in life, if you want to make impact, you do empower societies.
not limit your service. If you limit your service, you will
miss some of the opportunities God brought your way “That smile after a mix of tears and sweat is
to make impact. unforgettable”
I believe that anything that is worth dreaming is worth
pursuing and hence achieving. Life is a matter of having
a dream that will keep you going.
Therefore, I owe my life to serving my community and
humanity as long as I live.
...seeks to teach children between
the ages of four (4) and ten (10) in
my community to write, read, speak
and express themselves in English
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 254 Background of the Project
Project Name: Improving Sanitation in My Community
NAME: Famous Ghanyo Tay My community project focuses on improving sanitation
SHS: Ghana Secondary Technical School, Takoradi, in my community, particularly at my Junior High
Western Region School. I undertook the project in Kojokrom, a town
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Electrical/Electronic in Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly in the
Engineering Western Region of Ghana.
ASPIRATIONS: Electrical Engineer and Graphic Impact of the Project
Designer As part of my visitation to the school to assist the
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Integrity, Honesty and teachers in tuition, I noticed the school lacked dustbins,
Equity had no toilet facility and other related sanitation
I aspire not to only become a renowned Electrical As part of the project dubbed “Improving on Sanitation
Engineer but also to encourage and assist young people in My Community” I volunteered in a clean-up exercise
to achieve equally their dreams and aspirations. organised by the assembly man to desilt the choked
gutters, weed and spray bushy areas with weedicides.
I strongly believe that in this world, you are not
successful until you help someone. I also donated dustbins and brooms
to my former JHS. Together with
Experience as a MCF Scholar other past students, a pep talk was
organised for the final year students
My two (2) years study in KNUST as a MasterCard where we shared our academic and
Foundation Scholar has been memorable and personal life experiences with them.
life-transforming experience. Being a scholar has
improved my leadership skills, creativity (Photoshop
Designs) and also strengthened my world of networking
through leadership training programs and interactions
with scholars from diverse background.
I am much grateful to God and to the leadership and
staff of MCFSP at KNUST, I say thank you for providing
me with a platform to achieve my dreams.
NAME: Musah Jamilla NAME: Arthur Justice Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 255
SHS: St. Fidelis Senior High School, Afram Plains SHS: Shama Senior High School, Shama, Western
Tease, Eastern Region Region
Engineering Administration
ASPIRATION: Chief Metallurgist ASPIRATION: Lecturer and Enterpreneur
CORE VALUES: God fearing, Hardworking, CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Commitment and
Perseverance and Excellence Respect for all
Cared for the Aged Project I always ascribe praises and adoration unto our Maker
My community project was undertaken at Ajumako in Heaven for His protection, love and mercy. I also
Mando, a small town in the Eastern region. I began my thank all the executives of MasterCard Foundation
project taking a keen look at my community. My whole Scholars Program at KNUST for even accepting me as
purpose was to look through the entire community and one of their scholars and the kind of transformational
find out the challenges that hinder our development. training they are giving me. I am so much grateful
The identified problems ranged from poor sanitation, for being a member of this reputable family, a loving
teenage pregnancy, poor quality education and the most family, a family of one vision and mission and leaders of
pressing one is inadequate health facilities. People in my integrity
community have to travel to the next community for
medical attention. Some even lose their lives through Growing up in a community where failure of students
the process. in external exams is moving from bad to worse makes
me traumatize as a young upcoming transformational
Impact of the Project leader aspiring to become a lecturer. In view of that
I decided to take up the challenge and provide a I have taken it upon myself with the help of other
long-term solution to the problem hence my project is colleagues of the same idea to help pupils and students
of long-term in nature. I started small during the 2018 at Botodwina in the Mpohor Fiase District in the
summer vacation where I organized a health screening Western Region.
exercise dubbed; “Cared for the Aged”. This targeted
mainly the aged ones who could not visit the hospital Our vision: Good foundation and improved standard
regularly for check-up and medical care. The areas of of education in Botodwina.
focus were their blood pressure, temperature, and sugar
level as well. Mission: To provide better teaching services and
I wrote a proposal to the Ghana health service training and availability of reading materials.
(Ajumako Mando) for permission to undertake a
health screening with the help of a step-brother who is
a medical practitioner and also to a Non-governmental
organization (Mich Expression Foundation) for drugs
and tools for the screening.
On the 10th of August 2018, the health screening
exercise was organized and about 400 people were
screened. Drugs were given to them and those with
critical health conditions were referred to a specialist.
Way Forward
Am looking forward to writing proposals to the MP,
DCE, Chief, NGOs and also from my own personal
savings to helpv provide a better health facility for the
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 256 Last year we started by organizing extra and vacation NAME: Mohammed Osman
classes to help students revise what they have been SHS: Bimbilla Senior High School, Bimbilla, Northern
taught in class and also tackle topics teachers could not region
teach in the term. Students were also enlightened on PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Development
how to study in groups and individually. We also met Planning
the Parents-Teacher Association to speak to them on ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Planner
how we can improve the performance of students. CORE VALUES: justice, dedication, vision and love
This year we are looking forward to seek for financial
support in order to be to provide the students with Getting to know that success in life does not only mean
needed studying and reading materials to facilitate their amassing wealth but also about making impact or
academic performance. We will also collaborate with transforming the lives of others, I took it upon myself
the teachers so that we help the during school hours to always make an impact on others life irrespective of
in teaching and organizing students. Quiz and trial the measure of that impact. Being part of Mastercard
exams would be organizing fortnightly to assess the Foundation Scholars Program has equipped me with
performance of students. myriad of experiences. Through the regular leadership
Seminars, I have become an influential being, I can
‘’Education is the passport to the influence any decision-making process with what I
future, for tomorrow belongs to learnt. These seminars have helped me in harnessing the
those who prepare for it today’’. Is my potentials in me which will actually help in overcoming
prayer that everything we have put in my weaknesses.
place and planning to bring on board
concerning this project would be real Teenage pregnancy was a canker to the progress of
and achievable because we can do all Girl-child education in my community (Gbungbalga
things through God who strengthens in the Northern region of Ghana). There was therefore
us. the need to urgently find a solution to address the
situation which plague the community in recent times.
A committee of five including myself was set-up to
educate students especially girls on the need to finish
their education. The exercise was carried out in the basic
schools of the community and was later on extended to
the houses which intended to educate both parents and
teenagers ways to avoid teenage pregnancies. Though
many challenges came our way, we were able to fertilize
the ideas we nested on ways to address the situation
(teenage pregnancy). There has being improvement
from the recent updates received. Teenage pregnancy
has drastically reduced in the community especially
among students’ body. Though complete eradication
has not been achieved there has still being few cases of
the record teenage pregnancy. In that case our belts will
remain tight as we go on with the fight against teenage
Achieving an end to teenage pregnancy in my
community will remain a greater desire of mine.
Accomplishing this goal or addressing this challenge
will have a spillover effects on other problems in the
Impact of the Project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 257
For the achievements and experiences I can say I
NAME: Kwofie Richard Yaw achieved a lot, because I think the best impact one can
SHS: Nsein Senior High School, Nsein-Western Region give to his/her community specifically school going
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA Political Studies children is education. Again by engaging in sports and
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer, Political Analyst and games, it helped motivated pupils who were good in
Entrepreneur that field to work harder since success in life cannot be
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Hard work and appreciated to academics only but other things also.
Determination Also at the end of the exams the students did very well.
I also had the chance to have an engagement with my
Background of the Project community especially children and teachers in the
As a human being, the life you live should be about • I impacted the pupils in the following ways:
making an impact on someone’s life as John Bunyan • I taught Citizenship Education from class four to
once said in a quote that, ’you have not lived today until
you have done something for someone who can never class six
repay you’’ and this is an undeniable fact. In my quest • I also taught Fante at some point in time
to impact on the inhabitants of my community as part • I also supervised class six whenever they have
of my community give-back project, I went to teach at a
school during the vacation. reading lesson
• Engaged in extra-curriculum activities like sports
Joy Academy Preparatory School is located in the
Mpohor district in the Western Region of Ghana. As and games with the pupils
a native of Mpohor who have also lived there since • As I teach, I inculcated in the pupils the need to
my infancy I have notice several problems ranging
from teenage pregnancy, school drop-out, inadequate study hard so they can pass their exams and move
teachers, poor sanitation, lack of recreational facilities forward
to poor road network. I chose to solve one of these In conclusion, I look forward to solve other problems in
problems stated above during the long vacation. I chose my community nevertheless my teaching would not be
to solve the problem of inadequate teachers in my left to oblivion.
community because it was the one I could do with ease.
...engaging in sports and
games, it helped motivated
pupils who were good in
that field to work harder
since success in life
cannot be appreciated to
academics only but other
things also.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 258 NAME: Marfo Collins Ampiaw Impact of the Project
SHS: Kwanyako Senior High Technical, Agona So far, some of the students who found it difficult to
Kwanyako, Central Region deal with simple algebra are now able to. They have also
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication gotten to know some simple technique regarding to the
Engineering use of calculators.
ASPIRATIONS: Field Enigineer and Entrepreneur Since I am working in hands with the teachers of
CORE VALUES: Justice, Silence, Obedience and the school, I have experienced some criticism from
Humility them and I am still experiencing it. I have realized
that as leader, things will not work out easily for you
Background of the Project and therefore you have to put much effort to achieve
whatever goal you have set.
Eradicating poor performance of students of kwanyako Way Forward
senior high in mathematics and science by assisting Together with Assistant Headmaster of the school are
them in those areas. planning a way of rating the teachers output at every end
• The project is based on helping the students of of the term (currently semester) or perhaps at the end of
the academic year.
Kwanyako Senior High School in Science and Besides, after carefully ratiocinating about the problem,
Mathematics. it has been observed that the basis of the students is very
• The school is located in Agona Kwanyako in the essential. Therefore, measures will be put in place to find
Central Region of the Ghana. out the root cause of this problem in the school as well
• Though being less endowed school, it has been as in the basic schools.
performing well in some years ago. Furthermore, as part of the plans ahead, farming is a
• But in recent years, the school has been recorded major occupation in the town and I have to find ways
to be part of the schools who perform poorly in the to address the problems they are facing such as poor
Agona District in the Central Region. farming methods and a few to talk about.
• This poor performance is as result of student failing
Mathematics and Science and being able to pass
the other subjects.
• It is a 5-year project (2018-2023) initiated to curb
that problem.
• It was initiated and started in 2018.
• Measures are being put in place to engage the
teachers of the school fully in this project.
NAME: Solomon Akutinga NAME: Zawi Nasiru Barikisu Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 259
SHS: Navrongo Senior High School-Upper East. SHS: Assin Manso Senior High School, Assin
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness Manso-Central Region
Management. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Geological
ASPIRATIONS: Financial Analyst and CEO. Engineering
CORE VALUES: Humility, Determination and ASPIRATION: Petrogeologist
Innovation. CORE VALUES: Humility, Hardwork and
Sikaneberima is the name of my community. It is located
in Bono East region of Ghana. This community faces Education has become a necessity to a country’s
several problems including: Lack of potable water, development. The role of quality education in a
high teenage pregnancy, poor academic performance country’s development led to the decision to embark on
of students and drug abuse. Lack of potable water has a community project in the educational sector.
been a major problem when I was a kid up to date. A
single borehole was dug for the community in 2012 The project is carried out in Madina, a suburb of Accra,
by World Vision (WV) but, it got spoiled some few at the LA NKWANTANANG 5&6 BASIC SCHOOL by
years afterwards. The community abandoned the myself and my other team member. The vision of the
borehole and resorted to a stream for water. The stream project is to improve academic excellence, help eradicate
was very unhygienic for drinking but they had no school dropout and enhance teaching and learning in
option. My project is therefore aimed at ‘’AVAILING our community.
by facilitating the repair of the old borehole. I was able The name of the project is “BREAKING BARRIERS
to personally fund the rehabilitation of the old spoilt TO IMPROVE EDUCATION”. This project seeks to
borehole in the community. The repaired borehole eliminate any problems students would face during their
is at present, the only source of potable water in the study by providing learning materials such as desks and
community. marker boards, organisation of motivational talks to
help reduce the rate of school dropout due to teenage
The community now have access to potable water to pregnancy and drug abuse.
support their daily life activities. They used to fetch
water from a stream which caused several waterborne
diseases. This problem has therefore been alleviated by
my project.
I am also glad to point out that, the pedagogy I have
received from the MasterCard Foundation Scholars
Program (MCFSP) at KNUST has revealed to me that,
I have a greater potential of solving several problems in
my community. Also, the success in the first phase of my
project has motivated me to do more.
I am currently working to secure funds to drill
a new borehole for the community. My aim is to
totally eliminate water problem in this community.
Subsequently, other pressing needs would also be
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 260 NAME: Malik Abubakari we organized a free vacation school for these students,
SHS: Nandom Senior High School, Nandom, Upper where they were taken through career guidance, moral
West Region. teaching and sensitization to higher education. This
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Quantity Surveying and vacation classes would be something that would be
Construction Economics continual.
ASPIRATION: Structural Engineer
CORE VALUES: God fearing, Humility, Innovative Impact of the Project
and determination • Students were transformed through the moral
Background of the Project teaching sessions
• Also 300 students benefited from the project and
Growing as a person who is always optimistic to put
smile onto the faces of the hopeless in my community, I outstanding students during the classes were
strived in my own little way to help the few that I could awarded to encourage them to learn harder.
but was unable to deliver. • Students were also motivated to learn hard by the
achievements of some of the teachers especially I as
The opportunity to be the light, which will shine on an MCF scholar.
the youngsters in my community who have difficulties • Students who did not have interest in pursuing
in realizing their future dreams came my way when higher education were also sensitized towards
I was offered the MasterCard foundation scholarship higher education.
in KNUT to pursue my undergraduate degree. This
therefor translated my vision into mission and hence Moving forward,
my give-back to community project. In the upper west
region, low performance of Senior High (SHS) School In order to achieve and touch more lives, Youth
students in their WASSCE was identified and this was Alliance for Zongo Development (YAZDEF-GHANA)
due to factors such as teacher not being able complete was formed which am currently working with.
syllabi, inadequate preparation of students, lack of YAZDEF-GHANA foundation is aimed at not only
examination tips, etc. academics but also women empowerment, sanitation,
entrepreneurship and welfare of children and the youth.
Also, inability of some parents to afford private vacation With this, our communities especially the zongos can
class for their wards were problems faced by the become better places to live.
municipality. In collaboration with EDUFUN-KNUST,
NAME: Yateng Fred Lonyog NAME: Umu Salamata Jalloh Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 261
SHS: Ko Senior High School, Lawra-Berwong, Upper SHS: Annie Walsh Memorial School, Freetown, Sierra
West Region Leone.
ASPIRATIONS: Historian Engineering
CORE VALUES: Discipline and Unifier ASPIRATIONS: Biomedical Engineer and Lecturer.
The project of “empowering the youth in knowing CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Determination, Hard
some of the basic skills in computer” before getting work and Integrity.
into secondary and the tertiary institutions. It is right
undertaken place at Berwong in the Lawra district My dream is to see a community where girls are
to help empower the youth skills in computer before empowered and a decrease rate of teenage pregnancy
getting into second cycle and tertiary institution. I and school drop-out.
believe in sharing the little that I have to my neighbours
and help transform their lives as well. Also, it is not My project is based on sensitizing high school students
about becoming rich before you could help a neighbour (mostly girls) in my community on teenage pregnancy
but the little that you have, be it in kind or services and school drop-out. Teenage pregnancy mostly leads to
will make life better. The project is to eliminate fears school drop-out and school drop-out is the root cause
that terrifies youth in my community when they hear of so many problems in my community like; poverty,
of a computer mouse which sound strange to them. I rape, drug abuse, robbery, smoking, alcoholism, among
targeted those who are still in Primary and Junior High others. My aim is to raise awareness about teenage
School that will help equip them the little skills that pregnancy and school drop-out and to educate girls
they had obtain during the training. As the saying goes on ways of preventing these problems. I believe that
“nothing is small”. by raising awareness and educating them on these
The project had helped the youth to know some part of problems will save more girls from being a victim.
the computer. Many of the youth had benefited from
it because it’s now equip them with the knowledge
of knowing the parts of the computer like mouse,
keyboard, functional keys, screen etc. They’ve now know
the functions of some parts of the computer.
Also, the training helped them in their typing skills.
Many of them can now at least type small. They can
now identify keys on the keyboard that will help them
improved their typing skills. Most at times we were
based on the words document that is the most basic in
all. They can type and save document, highlight text
using formatting toolbar.
I had some difficulties in persuading parents and
guidance to allow their wards to turn up for the training.
It is quite obvious that some do not allow their wards
to attend during the training session. They held the
notion that children normally help them on their
farms after normal school hours. This was very critical
during the farming season where parents and guidance
expects their wards to be on their farms after normal
school hours. This always brought about low count of
attendance for the training.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 262 can only be solved by strengthening the education
system, directing the interest to more of the practical
NAME: Oppong Paul oriented education than exams and promotion based
SHS: Dadieso Senior High School - Dadieso, Western education.
North Region Education is what remains after one has forgotten what
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Sports and Exercise one has learned in school. By Albert Einstein
Science Impact of the Project
ASPIRATIONS: Exercise Physiologist, Biochemist and My life has been blissful and transforming since the very
Sports Nutritionist first day of joining this lovely family. I have been able to
CORE VALUES: Gender Equity, Academic Excellence acquire extra values such as integrity, positive character,
and Integrity. quality exemplary leadership skills and better way of
socializing. I achieved all these through the series of
Background of the Project seminars, dinners and the trips we have been engaging.
I came here knowing only the people who attended my
Pursuing academic excellence has always been my senior high school, but I can now boldly and confidently
priority. mention of not less than 500 different people across the
length and breadth of this country and even beyond of
Poor academic performance and school drop-out which I have personally made friends with. In all, it has
is among the numerous problems facing Nnuaso been fun, entertaining and educative for being part of
community. This motivated me to embark on the project this family of transformation leaders.
entitled free vacation classes and education sensitization.
I formed a team of committed members of which we God bless KNUST, God bless
provide academic tuition to both JHS and SHS students MasterCard foundation scholars’
of Nnuaso community and its environs. We also program at KNUST.
provide educational talks to both parents or guardians
and students through the public address system of the
community. Our success so far; 5 students who dropped
out of school have gone back to class. Going forward, I
am hoping that through this initiative which is maiden
in the community will foster the academic zeal in the
students so that at the end we would all experience the
better and quality of education we envision. I believe
that the problems our various societies are facing today
NAME: Lartey Agyeiwaa Deborah NAME: Twenewaa Akosua Barbara Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 263
SHS: Asuom Senior High School, Asuom, Eastern SHS: Sumaman Senior High School, Suma Ahenkro,
Region Bono Region
ASPIRATION: An Estate Manageress ASPIRATIONS: Valuer and Real Estate Analyst
CORE VALUES: Compassion and Truthfulness CORE VALUES: Honesty, Humility and Discipline
Being a scholar from MasterCard and as part of my My project aims at promoting girl child education
community project, a short awareness session on in my community. The objective is to reduce teenage
Personal Hygiene was conducted with students of pregnancy through sex education in the various schools
Future Leaders’ International school - Akwatia, and in my community. There is a saying that, if you educate a
also, donated items to aid in observing hygiene at man you educate individual but if you educate a woman
school. The project was titled “Ameliorating Personal you educate a whole nation. I believe that one of the
Hygiene” which aims to demonstrate the significance fastest way to save the world is by having knowledgeable
of preserving good Personal Hygiene and illustrate women because they are the pillars of everything.
the importance of complete cleaning to sustain a good
health and a better personality. Under this project, motivational speeches were delivered
to students in various schools in my community to
Universally, the amplified rate of communicable diseases encourage the girls to focus on education, as education
among school age children has been attributed to their is the surest way to liberate oneself from shackles of
negligence of Poor Personal Hygiene. They ought to poverty. Health personnel were invited to give the
be taught and steered by adults to be able to adopt students sex education to sensitize them on dangers
certain activities about their health and well-being. To associated with premarital sex and teenage pregnancy.
successfully address the matter, parents, teachers, and Female students were also made aware of the negative
other stake holders must slog out processes to take and impact of teenage pregnancy on their education and
encourage children to adopt good hygiene practice. future.
By so doing, I took it upon myself to embark on an
awareness session. As a result of this project, the level of teenage pregnancy
has reduced as compared to the situation before. In
The rationale behind this is to encourage the students addition, the girls are now encouraged and poised up to
to take responsibility of their health and cleanness in a pursue higher education. I believe in the saying that, if it
friendly environment to remain mentally, physically and must be done, it must be done well. For that matter, the
socially healthy. little that we can do to bring change in the life’s of others,
we need to do it and do it well and this will go a long
It is expected that this awareness way to make the world a better place to be.
will prompt the school authorities
and the Parent-Teacher Association
to collaborate and identify key
areas of health needs among school
children, and establish appropriate
health intervention. “ONE WHO
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 264 this association has broken the barrier of the long lived
mindset, "nothing good can succeed in Ackaakrom”
NAME: Sumana Hawa and has brought unity among the youth and the whole
SHS: Otumfuo Osei Tutu II College, Tetrem, Ashanti community. Vacation classes was organized for the
Region pupils of Ackaakrom. A Reading Club was initiated
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biological Sciences with currently two hundred and fifty (250) participants
ASPIRATIONS: Scientist, Microbiologist, and through this two drop-outs have now gone back
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Motivational Speaker. to school. Also proposals have been written to seek for
CORE VALUES: Team Player, Determination, funds.
Diligence, Respect, Equity, Perseverance, Leadership, Going forward, the association in the line of realizing
Creativity and Above All God-Fearing. its goals, is looking forward to mobilize enough
funds through the proceeds from its minor projects
Background of the Project (groundnut, cassava and maize production), donations
from philanthropist and proposals.
Youth unemployment and extreme poverty are hunting My Experience as a Scholar
the people of Ackaakrom community. As a concerned I had no hope of bringing my dreams to a reality until I
youth of this community, I saw the need to intervene. had the privilege to be part of the scholars' community
I consulted some opinion leaders of the community of the Mastercard foundation scholars’ program at
and formed an association called Ackaakrom Youth KNUST to pursue Biological Sciences as a program of
Empowerment for Change (AYEC) of which I am the study. The climax of it all is the numerous seminars,
president. which include series of transformation leadership by
International Leadership Foundation ILF, summer camp
The association focuses on eradicating youth activities, dinners and many more that I have attended.
unemployment and its adverse effect on the people of These seminars have really developed my capabilities
Ackaakrom and beyond by providing skills or vocational and have sharpen my leadership and speaking skills.
training to the youths who are financially disadvantaged. They have transformed me into a motivational speaker
We also look forward to provide academic assistance to in my community, especially to the youths. I talk to
the pupils of Ackaakrom through vacation classes. my people on the need to lead a life which will not
cause harm to others but benefit all. Through this my
Our achievement so far; the association have been people are now contributing to the development of the
officially launched and through the launching, funds community and nation building as a whole since they
were raised to embark on the genesis of the project, are all willing to be trained to help in the change making
process. Now I can proudly say that the seed (Sumana
Hawa) that MasterCard Foundation Scholars' Program
planted, has germinated, yield and is producing more
fruits. MasterCard Foundation Scholars' Program, the
Expertise Agriculturist to cultivate the world to be like
Garden of Eden.
Its been awesome for been part of
this like-minded family of scholars.
God bless all scholars as we embark
on our societal transformation goals.
indicated that 22% of Ghanaians of school going Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 265
age are into drug abuse. (Source,
NAME: Owusu Adjei Nana • Last but not least, Ghana is ranked 1st and 3rd
SHS: Boa Amponsem Senior High School, Dunkwa- in Africa and world respectively in the use of
On-Offin, Central Region marijuana.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mathematics • These and many other reasons motivated me to
ASPIRITION: Mathematician (professor) undertake this project.
CORE VALUES: Love, Hardworking and patience Impact of the Project
Since this is a progressive project which has been
Background of the Project started, the results cannot be measured. I know as time
goes on success will be on our side. One achievement I
The title of my project is “Say no to Drug Abuse”. The think we were able to attain was the fact that about 200
vision for this project is to make drug abuse the least pupils benefited from this talk. After the talk, my team
among the youth in my community. The objectives also in my absence went to the schools to check how they
behind this project is to; were faring and also hammed again on the need to avoid
• Educate pupils on the abuse of drugs (all kinds of or minimize the abuse of drugs.
This year, I am planning to add career counselling to
drugs). my project. I believe that pupils especially need to be
• Help link the pupils already into this abuse of drugs oriented on their career. I once asked a student, 'what
do you want to become in future' and the answer was
to appropriate people to help counsel them. medical doctor. What course do you intend to offer and
• The reasons why I chose Drug Abuse but not any the response was I like reading so I would read general
arts. I then realized how he had missed his target of
other project are; becoming a medical doctor. Career counsel helps us
• The 2017 report released by the ministry of health to understand what we want to achieve in life and the
process we have to follow before we can get there. I also
shows that 17% of the youth now a days engage believe this would enable them choose rightfully and
themselves in Drug Abuse. also not follow friends.
• Also the World Health Organization in 2015
released a report showing 17million people "I am planning to add
worldwide are into drug abuse representing 0.28%. career counselling to
• The acting head of education of the Narcotics my project. I believe
Control Board, Ernestina Adjei said the UN report that pupils especially
need to be oriented on
their career choices."
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 266 some lives when I started. Lives of others have started
transforming as they have tended to heed to some of the
advices I gave during the talk. And I intend to do more
with much funds and time at my disposal.
NAME: Habib Jamilatu NAME: Nangpelle Francis Vedogfu
SHS: University Practice Senior High, Cape SHS: Kanton Senior High School, Tumu, Upper West
Coast-Central Region. Region.
ASPIRATIONS: Become an entrepreneur and real Engineering.
estate manager. ASPIRATION: Geomatic Engineer
CORE VALUES: Religious, trustworthy and truthful. CORE VALUES: Determination, Integrity, Honest and
Hard Work
My community project is based in Kotokuraba which
is found in Cape Coast in the Central Region. There are Background of the Project
various problems that need to be attended to but my In my community just like any other is faced with
aim is to do my possible best to organise talk shows on certain problems and challenges. The major and
certain pressing issues and with some funds buy few most pressing problem in my community is POOR
items and donate as well. This journey that I have set for EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM.
myself has not been easy and would not be easy in the
future but I will strive through it. I personally started schooling in my community basic
school and there was no improvement in my academic
Initiating this project has got some experience that I performance until I left to join a different school
liked to share. It made me realize that though I had my Techiman. Students in my community face a lot of
own issues at home, others’ problems were and are much challenges as far as schooling there is concern ranging
worse than mine. Getting to know the reasons why some from inadequate teaching staff, inadequate teaching
teenagers involve in certain acts that they are way young and learning materials to lack of motivation. Pupils
to be a part of is just disheartening. Some indulge in perform poorly in their terminal and final examinations
such acts not willingly but because they think they have
no choice and also due to the responsibilities they have
to carry on their shoulders as they are the breadwinners
of their home-taking care of both their parents and
As much as there were obstacles that almost stood in
the way as the project was being started, certain impacts
I can say whether small or great were made unto
since I started schooling there up to date due these NAME: Osei Nancy Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 267
factors. With this my project titled; IMPROVING SHS: Nafana Presby Senior High School, Sampa, Bono
Improve upon academic performance. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science
Project Title: Improving Education in my CORE VALUES: Determination and Hardworking.
Community, Suke.
Since education is the key to success; both formal and
Aim: My project is to improve upon academic informal, I decided to tackle on the education system in
performance in the community and my target group my community to help students in my community and
is the basic school pupils and the senior high school the communities around us. So my focus was on two
students. schools. That is Esaase and Kokoben. My first target was
to teach at the public school in my community and also
Impact of the Project share exercise books and pens to a primary school in my
Since these challenges cannot be solved at ones, I have area.
decided to tackle them one by one. Per my experience in
the basic school one of the most pressing challenge is the Firstly, I went to see the authorities in the school I
inadequate teaching staff and due to that I assisted the wanted to teach in and was asked to write a letter by
teachers in teaching during my vacation. I also realize headmaster to make it formal, so I wrote the letter and
that the students lack motivation and I took that into submitted it, I was asked to go and come back later
consideration during teaching. because they have to discuss they have to discuss it
before accepting. I went the following day and I was
They still use chalk in teaching in my community basic asked to teach to Integrated Science. I taught there for a
school and it get difficult for teachers to get water to while and also shared souvenirs to brilliants students to
wash their hands after teaching. Teacher do not also do congratulate them on a good work done. I later went to
a lot of writing on the chalk board due to that. I also kokoben primary school to give them books and pens. I
realized that it gets difficult for the little pupils to pump went there to seek for permission if I could go and share
water from the borehole to quench their thirst. the books and pens to them and the staff said yes, so I
In view of this, I donated three mechanized robber went there with the help of my uncle we went to share
containers with tabs at the bottoms which will serve as the books and pens to the students.
water reservoir for hands wash and pupils to drink.
So in all I was able to impact in the life of the students
by improving in the academic work and social life,
since I was open, they felt free to come me if anything
was bothering them in their academic work. And I
also experienced a lot during my period of teaching,
in teaching u have to be patience, hardworking and
"Formal &
is the key to
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 268 In the subsequent years, Rosy nugget booklovers club
will be established in more schools across the length and
breadth of the town to make the long-term vision of the
club a reality.
I earnestly believe that once you learn to read, you will
be free forever and the more things that you read, the
more things you will know, this project will help bridge
the reading gap among children in my community
in order to light a fire in their thinking abilities for
NAME: Nsakie Queenstar NAME: Redemptor Jephias Zhou
SHS: Ngleshie Amanfro Senior High School, Greater SHS: Pakame High School, Midlands, Zimbabwe
Accra Region. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Herbal Medicine
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness ASPIRATIONS: Pharmacologist
Management. CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Versatility,
ASPIRATIONS: Agribusiness entrepreneur and a Dependability & Optimism
CORE VALUES: God fearing, Honesty, Integrity and Background of the Project
Sihlengeni is a small village in Umzingwane District in
Jojen in his quote said “A reader lives a thousand lives Matebeleland South Province, Zimbabwe. Every year
before he dies. The man who never only one”. This students drop out of school for gratuitous reasons. These
quote forms the basis for me choosing to the creation include: lack of motivation, pregnancies and others
of reading clubs namely Rosy nuggets booklovers club, drop out to hustle, in risky, illegal gold rich mines of
in my community as my give-back community project. Gwanda. In alliance with two fellow M.C.F scholars
The objective of the club is to influence the reading habit we have been making coordinated efforts to mentor
of its members and sharpen their analytical skills to students. As a team, we’re in the process of registering
develop them holistically. an Organization named T.R.Y Foundation (Together
Ngleshie Amanfro-Toptown a suburb of the Ga-south
municipal assembly of the Greater Accra region, is my
community and I intend getting members on board
for the club through the various schools and child
development centres situated in the community.
Apparently, the club has been established at the
Godsway child development Centre which aims at
grooming children to become responsible adults, the
club has fifteen (15) active members, with over twenty
(20) books ranging from novels, career guidance, and a
very conducive place for meeting at the centre.
for a Responsible Youth) which takes an empathetic Background of the Project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 269
approach to its mentees through a ONE MENTEE ONE ‘Investment in infrastructure is a long-term requirement
MENTOR MANTRA. Among us founders, some having for growth and a long-term factor that will make growth
been schooled in rural areas, our belief is that we’re the sustainable’ Chanda Kochhar
perfect motivation due to the awesomeness and striking The absence of infrastructure in schools has been noted
similarities in our stories. Our Organization creates an to cause low population, poor teaching conditions,
interface where high school students link with those decrease student’s attendance and decrease academic
in tertiary institution. We also hope to support these excellence among others.
students in all other ways within our aptitude. It is in this vein that I have decided to provide basic
Impact of the Project infrastructures to schools so as to create a smooth
TRY Foundation is in the registration process. It has also atmosphere for teaching and learning.
made contact with one school in the aforementioned
District and has managed to have the first cohort of BIQE (Basic Infrastructure and Quality Education) is a
mentees. We’ve also recruited five mentors who are four-year Project in four phases, that seeks to provide
undergraduates at NUST, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. To sum, basic facilities to schools within Agona Asamang in the
the Organization is currently constituted by students Sekyere East District of Ashanti Region.
from three universities: KNUST, Ashesi and NUST and
hopes to spread across Zimbabwe’s breadth and width. School infrastructure is the key base for effective
teaching and learning in schools as well as an important
NAME: Konadu Rosemary component in ensuring successful education. Its
SHS: Konadu Yiadom Senior High Technical School, availability can have a profound impact on both teachers
Agona Asamang, Ashanti Region and students. The goal of BIQE is to increase school
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Settlement attendance of students, enhance staff motivation and
Planning improve academic performance of students.
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and an Urban Planning The vision of this project is to ensure that there will be
Consultant infrastructural development by the next four years.
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humanity, Humility and Current phase of the project; a urinal has been
Hard work constructed for Konadu Yiadom SHS, which seeks to
provide an aesthetically pleasing environment and to
help students dispose off waste appropriately.
As the adage goes ‘A healthy mind lives in a healthy
body’. Physical health is imperative for mental health.
With the provision of this project, it will affect the
health, behaviour, learning, growth and achievement of
students and teachers in a more positive way.
I am optimistic that by the end
of the fourth year there will be
infrastructural development in
schools within the community and
this will promote teaching and
learning which will help to increase
the academic performance of
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 270
NAME: Asumadu Bismark Mensah NAME: Sakyi George
SHS: Anglican Senior High School, Yamfo Ahafo SHS: Esiama Senior High and Technical School,
Region. Esiama, Western Region
Administration (Accounting/Banking) Biotechnology
ASPIRATIONS: Financial Analyst, Entrepreneur, ASPIRATION: Plant Breeder
Philanthropist. CORE VALUES: Integrity, Competence and
CORE VALUES: Respect, Humility, Discipline, Fun, Perseverance
Leadership, Love and Peace.
Having the zeal to impact on my community I thought
As it is said ‘cleanliness is next to Godliness’ and I it wise to focus on my community JHS, Asomase
personally also deem cleanliness as peace. Due to this D/A JHS. The school happened to be neglected by
I embarked on cleanliness awareness in some basic the community in which no developmental project
schools in my community. I educated the schools can be seen, why because is a government school
(pupils) on how and why to keep their school premises and members within the community are waiting on
clean. This education was to elaborate on health hazards government for improvement. This brought about the
that filthy surroundings cause and the advantages of initiation of my community project “Renovation of
keeping your environment clean. Blackboards” in Asomase D/A JHS which is located in
the Ellembelle District, Western Region. As the name
Donation of dustbins, brooms and dust collectors were suggested, the project seek to refurbish the school
given to one of the schools’ who did not have in their blackboards as well as the school building, this is to
premises. create a conducive environment that enhances teaching
and learning. One may urge to modernize the use of
So far the education has been chalk to write on board, yes that could have been perfect
extended to nearby schools and but the school gave detailed reasons as to why their
gradually it is curbing unnecessary existing blackboards should be renovated rather than
littering on schools’ premises. introducing white marker boards. Therefore, as a scholar
and a listener to my community, I decided to consider
the views of the people, thus, it wouldn’t be rational if I
persist to introduce a marker boards and it tend to be a
white elephant.
Buckle down the success of the project, so far, resources NAME: Eric Antwi Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 271
had been pulled together to renovate three blackboards, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Land Economy
and the side floor of the school building was also partly SHS: Juaso Senior High Technical School, Juaso,
cemented. In fact, the school needs infrastructural Ashanti Region
development as part of its improvement as their building ASPIRATION: Property Valuer/ Entertainer
is almost collapsing. In my way forward, I envision to CORE VALUES: Tolerance, Self believe and Optimistic
tackle on the school building, to overhaul the building
structures that will give a strong building to secure a Assin Dawomako is a small town in the Assin South
comfort rooms for teaching and learning. “I’m part of district, Central region. This town of which I happen
my community therefore I must impact my community to hail from has nothing to write home about in terms
positively”. of development. This is basically so because of higher
illiteracy rate in the town.
"As a scholar and a
listener to my community, The community personal revision program (PREP)
I decided to consider the is a method I have adopted to create a conducive
views of the people, thus, atmosphere for the basic school students in my town
it wouldn’t be rational if to study on their own since such environment is
I persist to introduce a completely non-existing in their respective homes.
marker boards and it tend
to be a white elephant." Impact of the Project
Since the parents who are the guardians of these
students do not appreciate education themselves. My
first task was to convince the parents on the need to
invest in their ward’s education. I was also able to
educate them on the need to reduce the chores packed
on their wards so as to allow them to partake in the
community PREP. Now the second thing I did was to
find volunteers to control and monitor the students
during the PREP. They are also to make sure each child
gets home safely after the PREP. This was also achieved
with little effort.
Way Forward
Now everything is in its right direction and the Assin
Dawomako community PREP will commence in June
2019 hopefully. I have arranged a meeting with the
town elders and parents to give them more insight on
the need to embrace or support the program in order to
make it successful. I believe that this program will help
my community children to climb the academic ladder a
little bit higher which will go a long way to curb all those
problems caused by illiteracy and ignorance.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 272 NAME: Aboor Jennifer Anaba
SHS: St Francis Girl’s Senior High School, Jirapa,
NAME: Quaicoe, Frederick Oliver Upper West Region
SHS: Benso Senior High Technical Institution PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Petrochemical
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agricultural Engineering
Biotechnology ASPIRATION: Petrochemical Engineer
ASPIRATIONS: Agricultural Biotechnologist CORE VALUES: Humility and appreciation
CORE VALUES: Humble, Determination and
Respectful “Acquiring literacy is an empowering process, enabling
millions to enjoy access to knowledge and information
I am a boy who likes to investigate deeply into what I which broadens horizons, increases opportunities and
hear from my friends and my parent and I will never rest creates alternatives for building a better life.” Kofi Annan
until I find out that what they tell me is true or not. I like
asking questions from friend that is based on everyday Living in a community where education is a choice
life activity that always restart my life when I see that am not a priority, a want and not a need, it has become my
lost and base on this my friends call me “Rest not” concern to fight this worry in my own small way. This
led to the initiation of a project to help reduce illiteracy
Base on my character I feel so easy to talk to my friends rate in my community by encouraging kids to read.
or an elderly person when something is wrong with me. The project has provided an enjoyable and easy way for
children to develop literacy skills. It is a joy seeing that
I want to be a breeder in future from the (GMO): the interest for reading in these kids is growing each and
Because some years to come there will be shortage of every day as they play and learn.
food as I can see base on the way the economy is going
but as a breeder you can cross-over some product to give Reading is a fundamental literacy skill. In reading, one
more yield of food so that people will get something to is informed and transformed. I believe literacy is an
eat when the time comes. important tool for daily life in a modern society, a road
to progress and a bulwark against poverty.
My goals are to one day improve
upon the standard living of people in
Ghana when the time comes.
NAME: Abigail Akoto Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 273
SHS: Akrofuom Senior High Technical School,
NAME: Adjei Emmanuel Junior Akrofuom, Ashanti Region
SHS: Asawinso Senior High School, Asawinso, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Sociology
Western North Region ASPIRATIONS: Social Worker
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agricultural Science CORE VALUE: Respect for All
ASPIRATION: Ambassador and International
Farmers Advocate One of the best things that have ever happened to me
CORE VALUES: Diligence, Discipline and God is being part of the Mastercard Scholars Pro-gram in
Fearing KNUST. I can call myself a sociologist and that alone
I am grateful. By the end of my training process some
All in my life, I have always been driven by one few years from now, I envision to be well groomed leady
predominating cause; to complete with my best and to ready to handle any challenge in the world of work.
be better than my best. There is more to encounter within the passage of time
but so far my experience as a scholar is worth sharing.
Sitting my final high school exams last year and after
that attending a leadership Conference and workshop Through many leadership sessions organized by the
made me realize the definition of a Community. MasterCard Secretariat in KNUST and others, values
such as honesty, hard work, perseverance and integrity
I owe my Community a lot hence, bettering the status of amongst many others have been imbibed in my mind.
the people in my community.
On my individual level I undertook a community
My aspiration is to become an ingenious International project on environmental sanitation in July 2019 in the
Farmer’s Advocate. Adansi, Akrofuom community where the people were
educated on the need to keep their environment clean.
Adjei Emmanuel Jnr wants to help in national
development through public service and spearhead They were educated on the cause,
farming activities to alleviate poverty. effects and how important it is for
them to keep their environment
Again, I speak to young people on issues like time
management and personal growth development. I
believe in talking less and acting more.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 274 Giving back is not only
a service to man but
also to our creator
and it has made me a
better person as I have
also learnt from as a
students and a scholar.
NAME: Appiah Mercy Serwaa Impact of the Project So Far
SHS: New Juaben Senior High School, Koforidua, Most teachers will bear to the fact that teaching can be
Eastern Region very challenging. Nevertheless, the joy in realizing that a
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Architecture student has been able to understand and apply a concept
taught is very overwhelming. This initiative has helped
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to impact the lives of some of the students to become more confident.
those around me by becoming the best of myself, a One of the major challenge is to get all equipment
great Architect and structural engineer. One of my and materials needed for students. I believe learning,
aspirations is to help others discover their potentials especially math is not always about books but also
and dreams because I believe vision is driven by one’s include games that stimulates ones thinking, watching of
passion. videos and others.
CORE VALUES: What I believe should govern
one’s behavior is integrity as well as hard work and
Background of Project
Coaching as trivial as it is perceived is one of the
most powerful tools in education. When on gets the
right coaching and environments their potentials
are unveiled. I have had the chance to be taught and
coached which has helped me discover my talents hence
I seek to also extend a helping hand to the young ones
by teaching and coaching.
The math club is means to create an environment that
helps students learn from each other as they share ideas.
I am also learning some Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 275
skills like liquid soap
making, beads making and
weaving which I will use to
teach the girl’s on how to
make and save money after
school to help them get
hold of their future.
NAME: Lydia Fordjour Due to some challenges I faced last year I could not
SHS: Sacred Heart Senior High School execute this project, but rather I made a donation to
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemistry an orphanage. With the help of my sister we bought
ASPIRATIONS: A Chemical Engineer and a Motivator some pads and panties for the girls in an orphanage
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Integrity and in Sunyani called Hanukkah children’s home. I pray
Discipline and hope that this year by God’s grace I will be able to
execute my project.
My main project is to motivate the young girls in my
senior high school to gain entrepreneurial skills. My
high school which is sacred Heart Senior High School
is located in a small town in Sunyani called Nsoatre in
the Bono Region. It is a small farming town where the
young ladies after completing high school lack either the
motivation or the finance to continue their education.
They tend out to spend the rest of their lives roaming in
the town and eventually getting pregnant and starting a
family at young age.
This brings about my project to motivate the girls and
also teach them some handy skills by creating a girl
empowerment club in the school. With the help of some
of my female mates who made it to the college, we will
be using our lives and stay on campus to motivate the
girls. Some already have the misconception that due to
how infamous the school is there is no future for them.
The motivation will aim at clearing this kind of thinking
from their minds and set them up for better things.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 276
know it will equip me with the right skills and I need to Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 277
be able to fit into the business world. Throughout my
life, I have keenly observed that the only avenue that
God has always uses to bless my life is the society. So
basically, I am for the society and that is why I feel I owe
it a responsibility. My aim may not be in line with my
career, but I just want to do anything that will impact my
I am of the great conviction that, in
our own little ways, we can change
the world.
NAME: Abigail Amoah NAME: Msouobu Gueuwou Shester Landry
SHS: Prestea Senior High Technical, Prestea, Western SHS: Lycee Bilingue Yaounde, Yaounde, Cameroon
Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer Science
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. History ASPIRATIONS: Artificial Intelligence Researcher
ASPIRATIONS: An Orator, an Entreprenueral, CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humility, Respect
Philantropist and a Political Journalist.
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Intergrity And Service My community faces many challenges with poverty,
to Mankind. unemployment, hunger, pollution and poor quality
education. I envision a world where people think
Amoah Abigail is my name, born on the 25th of more about environmental sustainability, because
January 1999 and raised in Cape Coast, a suburb in the it’s important to improve society and protect future
central region of Ghana. I read general art in Prestea generations. Additionally, a world were Quality
High School and currently read History in KNUST. Education can be at the reach of everyone and where
As a very ambitious but less privileged young lady like Artificial Intelligence defeats the odds.
myself, I have had the exposure to environments where
most talents were been wasted due to lack of finances,
discouragement and even gender discrimination. As
such, I have always desired to impact the lives of the
vulnerable in my own small world. Never for once have
I hesitated to assist someone when I could. Serving
others is my passion, seeing everyone progressing is
the kind of world I always imagine; a world where
those born with privileges embrace the less privileged
and not see equality to be an oppression, I believe that,
personal achievement is worthless when it cannot be
used to transform others, and that only way we gain
self-significance is by empowering and elevating others.
MasterCard Foundation Scholarship is one of the best
opportunities I have ever been blessed with. And I
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 278 NAME: Alagbo Anastasia
SHS: St. Thomas Senior High Tech. School,
NAME: Wisdom Adzaho Asamankese, Eastern Region
SHS: Ave Senior High School/ Akatsi North / Volta PROGRAM OF STUDY: BA. Political Studies
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics ASPIRATION: To become a Policy Analyst and
ASPIRATION: To become a Famous Biostatistician in Entrepreneur
the Future CORE VALUES: Integrity, Patience, Discipline
CORE VALUES: Empathy, Teamwork, Innovation,
Creativity and Respect I hail from Krodua, a village located in the Eastern
region of Ghana. I attended st Thomas Senior High
Being a Mastercard foundation scholar who value School at Asamankese. In 2018 I had the opportunity
Empathy, Creativity, Innovation, Respect and Teamwork to join the KNUST scholar community in other to
and have interest in Education, I will use my talent and further my education. Being a scholar has thought me
gift of mentoring and coaching to empower primary and to develop interest in opportunity that challenge me in
secondary students so that they develop their leadership finding solution to problem around me
skills as well as their personality.
I have always wanted to help people and always
My experiences so far as a scholar has created in interested in social topics. My aspiration is to become
me confidence and the ability to handle individual a POLICY ANALYST after my post graduate studies
projects and also effectively work together in team (political studies). I believe that, problem can be
towards a common goal and I would like to express my addressed by choosing the policy option that may be
gratitude to MasterCard foundation for their training best for your situation. Therefore, I anticipate to employ
and Mentorship programs that has cause this vast a wide range of research tools and methodologies in
transformation. order to develop a careful evidence-based understanding
of the problem at hand from every possible angle.
I believe personally that “minus me the world is
incomplete”. This self-motivation empower me to I want to become a mentor to the youth in my
contribute my quota towards development wherever I community by giving them mentorship and training
found myself. with the skill I will acquire in my studies. It is my highest
priority to become a POLICY ANALYST to serve my
country Ghana and the world as a whole.
NAME: Asupungu Robert Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 279
SHS: Kanton Senor High School, Tumu, Upper East
NAME: Amissah Ruth Rebecca Region.
SHS: Aburaman Senior High School,Abura-Dunkwa, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA Social Work
Central Region ASPIRATIONS: A preacher & a world class business
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Civil Engineering man.
ASPIRATION: To Be an Inspiration To All. CORE VALUES: Humility, truthfulness, commitment
CORE VALUES: Compassion, Positvity, Positive and God fearing.
Influencer and Integrity
My inspiration in life has always been my own life story.
I believe our future is dependant on what we do today. Being born in a village without electricity and making it
We always have a ‘today’ until we are no more so I take this far is what motivates me and gives me the assurance
every new day as an opportunity to improve myself and of a greater future. I have a desire that is on fire to live
work towards my goals regardless of the falls and fails I behind a legacy that will last forever though I myself
have encounter in the past. Those dark days are meant to will not live forever. I have made up my mind not to
push me forward and not drag me back. disappoint my generation and never to leave it as I have
met it. I desire to utilize the privilege and honor offered
Everyone has the ability to make an impact and i want me by MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at
to do my best to make the world feel my little touch at KNUST to acquire, equip and develop myself for the
all times. greater course that lies ahead of me.
I love good books and music and i want to be a While our politicians exercise every morning in order
structural engineer. to reduce fats, many others wake up each morning
with their pillows wet with tears because of hunger and
the hardships faced by the less privileged. My vision
is to grace the disgraced, embrace the embarrassed,
inspire the despised and above all make Christ known
in this crooked and twisted generation. I must die not
as an individual but as an institution, a company or an
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 280 ideas, singing, admiring nature, learning new skills like
hairdressing and drawing.
Above all, I enjoy learning and always seek to learn and
identify ways to implement acquired knowledge. If there
is anything virtuous and of good report, I seek after
these things.
NAME: Barney Sedinam Annie NAME: Mhlanga Sisekelo Cebo
SHS: Awudome Senior High School, Awudome Tsito, SHS: Mcozini High School, Luve, Manzini-Swaziland
Volta Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Civil Engineering
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Development ASPIRATIONS: Water Resource Engineering and
Planning Environmental Protection
ASPIRATIONS: With my desire to help the vulnerable CORE VALUES: Passion, Determination,
in the society and uplift the afflicted, I aspire to be a Responsibility and Accountability
human right lawyer in order to achieve this dream.
CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Chastity, Integrity, Having grown up in a community where water supply
Honesty, Truthfulness and Charity. is not as prominent as it should be considering all the
water resources we have as a community, I had to rise
I am a person who is highly interested in helping others up for the challenge and seek solutions as to how can
with all my effort and seeks to help them realize their issue this be arrested. I have lived to see water bodies
potentials. I feel inner joy when I make positive impact exploited with no positive outcome, water bodies
in the lives of others hence I believe strongly that in polluted by business elites with no environmental
order for me to be happy in life, I need to always seek policies to protect the water bodies in which numerous
for opportunities to help others with all my might, mind lives depend on. I have seen the whole the whole Capital
and strength. of the country, Mbabane, going without water when
we have a river flooding across the city. I have seen the
I have great interest in national developmental issues whole city of Manzini going days without light, yet we
and it is my ultimate vision to make positive impact in have the Swaziland Electricity Company, which was
the nation with the knowledge I acquire in my academic
and leadership skills.
My skills include; computer literacy, research work,
critical thinking to provide solutions to problems,
works excellently independently and learning group
My hobbies include: chatting with my friend and enjoys
discussing and acquiring developmental knowledge and
given the right to destroy the wonders of Mantenga NAME: Boadu Evelyn Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 281
Waterfalls to install turbines to aid in hydro-power SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Sekondi -Western
generation in the country, question is, has it helped in Region
any way? For all my life I have lived to see these things PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Bsc. Land Economy
happening from afar while I stand at a distance blaming ASPIRATIONS: Chartered Surveyor
this one and that one, when I have nothing to offer. CORE VALUE: Compassion, Perseverance, Optimistic
I feel like, despite being a small nation like that, we have and Loyalty
enough resources to make our own lives better and A wise man once said-“to whom much is given much is
better but the only thing we are lacking is expertise and expected from such individuals.”
competence. My instinct is to change Swaziland and
Africa for a better tomorrow, where our communities As a scholar, I deem it a great responsibility to work
would be self-sustained. harder and attain the highest form of education and
excelling in my field of study.
I see myself as an agent of change and transformation
to my community, family and the world at large, hence
I strongly believe that been able to touch and offer an
aiding hands to impact lives is key in this walk of my
life, coming from a deprived and remote community
it has always been of great concern on my part to do
something substantial in my community.
My keen goal is to see that, the quality of education in
my community is at it’s maximum. It’s heartbreaking to
find out that the youth in my community thinks Senior
High School is the end of the educational ladder.
It my ultimate aim to help change this
perception in my community.
NAME: Edward Afram
SHS: Sumaman Senior High School, Suma- Ahenkro,
Brong Ahafo Region
ASPIRATION: A Property Valuer
CORE VALUE: Honesty and Hardworking
I am ambitious and passionate about transforming
and impacting others’ lives positively, especially the
impoverished ones. I believe in helping others dreams
becoming a reality, hence I always avail myself for
learning and hardworking.
My participation in this noble
foundation has oriented me on good
character formation.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 282 MasterCard Foundation scholars program, I’m currently
pursuing an undergraduate degree in BA. Sociology
with Political Studies as minor. Among several other
dreams, it is my ultimate goal to become the President of
the republic of Ghana one day in order to promote the
world being of my community, Ghana, Africa and the
world as a whole
NAME: Lenuba Peter NAME: Osei Vincent.
SHS: Sekyedumase Senior High School, Sekyedumase, SHS: Bibiani senior high technical school, Bibiani,
Ashanti region. western region.
ASPIRATIONS: Politician, Lawyer and Entrepreneur. engineering.
CORE VALUES: Tolerance, Hard work and cAhSaPnIgReA. TION: an entrepreneur and a person of
CORE VALUES: competency, commitment, integrity
I was born and raised by Mr and Mrs Abaiyel who are and loyalty.
both peasant farmers. My family hail from Sampina
within Nadowli district in the Upper West region of My main goal in life is to climb higher the education
Ghana. However, my parents migrated southward to ladder, be equipped with both theoretical and practical
Jema in the Brong Ahafo region where I started my knowledge in order to establish businesses and employ
primary education in a community called Chirehin. people so as to reduce the rate of poverty, teenage
On several occasions, my father used to stop me from pregnancy and school drop out in my community.
going to school in order for him to train me well to
take over his farm when he grows old or when he My vision of being a person of change has propelled
dies. At primary three, my class teacher never stopped me to embark on a project named: ‘community
coming to my father to seek explanation from my development through skill training’. This project seeks to
parents whenever I absent myself from class because I provide skill training for people between the ages of 18
was the best student in the class. Through my teacher’s and 25 who are needy and are willing to acquire skills to
intervention, my parents allowed me to be regular in improve their lives. Currently I have been able to enrol
school instead of the farm. After my primary school, I
got enrolled in St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Junior high
school at Jema where I sat for the Basic Education
Certificate Examination in 2007.Due to financial
constraints, I remained in the house for seven years
before I accumulated money and entered Sekyedumase
Senior high school in 2014 where I read general Arts.
I sat for the West Africa Secondary School Certificate
Examination (WASSCE) in 2017.By kind courtesy of the
two people into bread baking and they will be done with Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 283
their training by June this year (2020). After completing,
I will then support them with a startup capital to
start their own mini businesses. I have also submitted
proposals to some people of influence in my community
and its environs to help me fund the project. My aim
for this project is to create job opportunities for at least
thirty people in the next 4 years. I strongly believe in the
saying ‘success is not achieved on a silver platter’, so I
will continue working tirelessly until all my goals in life
are fulfilled.
Being a MasterCard scholar for almost 2 years now
has instilled in me the sense of team work, tenacity,
excellence and hardworking.
NAME: Kwasi Evans NAME: Osman Mamudu
SHS: Ghana Secondary Technical School, Takoradi, SHS: Assin Manso Senior High School, Assin Manso,
Western Region Central Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer Science PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication
ASPIRATIONS: AI and Robotics Engineer Engineering
CORE VALUES: Determination and Hardwork ASPIRATION: I aspire to become a network engineer
To whom much is given, much is expected. I believe and machine learning enthusiast who is well vested
much has been offered to me as a person therefore I also in technology and innovations to help bridge the gap
owe posterity a tenth of the lot that has been given to between Ghana and the other developed countries in
me. terms of technology.
You don’t need to be rich to give, you don’t have to be CORE VALUES: Loyalty, Integrity, Open-mindedness,
poor to receive. Consistency, Honesty, hard work.
I was born on the 12th day of October,1999 at Kasoa
in the central region of Ghana. While in Junior High at
Assin Adubiase Methodist, I was awarded as the best
B.E.C.E candidate of my school, from there I furthered
my education at Assin Manso Senior High School.
While at Assin Manso, I was part of the National Science
and Math Quiz team and the lead contestant where
I helped my school to be placed second during the
2015 central regional championship and proceeded to
quarter-finals at the national competition.
Due to my hardworking and the task ahead of me to
make myself well vest in technology and innovations, I
was awarded the most outstanding and best WASSCE
student at Assin Manso SHS.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 284 I am passionate about helping people to change the way
they do things in order to maximise output especially
through the use of technology. I love reading and
playing video games.
NAME: Amadu Kwabena NAME: Rashid Rashida Diana
SHS: Aduman Senior High School, Aduman, Ashanti SHS: St. Francis Girls’ Senior High School, Jirapa,
Region Upper West Region.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Electrical/Electronic PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Ba. Culture and Tourism
Engineering ASPIRATION: An Entrepreneur, A Feminist and A
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to be among the engineers Social Worker
that will make technological impact on Africa through CORE VALUES: Compassionate, Diligent, Resilient
ethical leadership, entrepreneurship and innovation. and Transparent.
CORE VALUES: Hard work, excellence and integrity.
I dare to see a community where every woman has the
I, Kwabena Amadu was born in Chereponi in north east right to be Heard and treated Fairly, where every woman
region of Ghana where I got my basic education. is Independent and Respected; where every woman is a
Survivor: I mean a Fighter. It is my topmost priority to
I have held numerous leadership Positions throughout aid in education and also to put smiles on the faces of
my educational ladder. At Senior High School I was the women, children and young women. In my community,
Bible study coordinator for my church (Christ Apostolic women are marginalized and it does not help them to
Student and Associates) and General Secretary of develop their full potentials. I therefore want to advocate
Admass Science Club. I was also the senior school for women to be given their free-will to have a say in
prefect at my Primary School. All this has contributed to matters affecting them. Because of my love for education
making me a responsible person. I was a lead contestant and young women, I took part in the sensitization
for my School in the 2017 National Science and Maths on teenage pregnancy in the various schools in Bole
Quiz where we got to the quarter final stage of the District which has minimized the rate at which teen
competition as first timers. girls become pregnant in my district. I am currently
the patron of the Change Makers Club in the St. kizito
Volunteerism has also been part of my journey. I B Junior High School in Bole and a Peer mentor where
volunteered to teach Tambong JHS after completing I mentor students (Both girls and boys) for a brighter
SHS for the reason that the number of teachers available future.
were inadequate. I also volunteered to join a mission
team from my church headquarters to go to villages
within the Chereponi district to share the word of God
and distribute clothing and food items.
NAME: Tambol Nkpeek Patrick Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 285
SHS: Aduman Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti
Region NAME: Ewudzie Eunice Ama Panyin
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication SHS: Kumasi Wesley Girl’s high school, Kumasi,
Engineering Ashanti Region
ASPIRATIONS: Professor of Electronics and PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Physician
communications, Telecommunication Consultant Assistantship
CORE VALUES: Hardwork, Personal Integrity, ASPIRATIONS: Medical Doctor
Togetherness CORE VALUES: Determination and humility
Everyone has a dream and a goal that they want to I am in the person of Ewudzie Eunice Ama Panyin and
achieve in life however our goals are different and so do in a family of eight. I come from Adwumako Owane in
our challenges. My name is Tambol Nkpeek Patrick a the Central region. I come from a very humble and a
cohort five scholar pursuing BSc. Telecommunication blessed family of whose impact has brought me this far. I
engineering at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science am trained to be a woman of standard and to love God.
and Technology (KNUST). My aspiration is to graduate
from this programme and further my education in this I am a girl who is determined and therefore do not
field, do my masters and even become a professor in look at present situations to determine what one could
Electronics and communication to contribute my effort become in future. I strongly believe everyone is unique
for development of Ghana and for that matter Africa. in his or her own way. I am honest, God fearing and
It is also my passion to work as a telecommunication believe that anyone can become whatever he wants to
consultant in a firm. be in life no matter his state or background. It is my
dream to become a prominent person in future who is
For my core values I believe in hardwork, personal interested on impacting in the lives of many towards
integrity, togetherness and self-esteem/motivation. At achieving their goals in life.
first the vision may seem impossible but with hardwork
and determination, and with God everything is I am very keen on supporting people who live in poverty
possible. I want to see Africa leaving in peace devoid of and girls who are deprived of formal education. God
corruption and poverty. I want to see Africa become the being my pillar and helper, I will contribute to reducing
next super power of the world. It is therefore my duty as poverty in my country and the world at large and
a MasterCard Scholar to work hard and network with putting smiles on the hopeless.
people to realize my dream.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 286 training received from the International Leadership
Foundation(ILF), I am looking forward to becoming
a future leader in my community so that we can move
together so as to arrest that canker. I strongly believe
that for you to move far you must move with people and
therefore, I prefer collectivism to individualism.
In fact, I never knew I could also make it to this level
until the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at
KNUST came to my aid and kept an indelible smile
on my face. May I at all times exceed limits so as to
transform my Community, District, Region and Ghana
at large. So help me God.
Ayekoo!!! MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program
NAME: Peter Awine Awingura NAME: Theodore Teidjain
SHS: Zuarungu Senior High school, Bolgatanga, SHS: Achiase Senior High School, Akim Oda, Eastern
Upper East Region. Region of Ghana
Management Planning
ASPIRATIONS: Agricultural Economist and Lecturer ASPIRATION: Urban and Regional Planning,
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard work and Self Entrepreneur, and a Lawyer
discipline CORE VALUES: Equity, Hardworking, and
innovation, Teamwork, Honesty
I envisage a community where the youth sees education
to be of less importance. I am in the person of Theodore Teidjain. I hail from
Dodowa Manya in the eastern region of Ghana, born
I was born and bred at Zorko in the Bongo District of and bred at Ashaiman in the Greater Accra region.
the Upper East Region. I attended Gambrongo D/A
Primary School and proceeded to Sumbrungu-Kolgo
Junior High School where I had my Basic Education
Certificate. I continued to the above mention Senior
High School and read Agriculture Science programme
and finally pursuing BSc Agribusiness Management
at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology with the help of Mastercard Foundation
Scholars Program at KNUST.
I have an unceasing fervour to use my analytical
acuity as a future Economist and Lecturer to catapult
my community especially the youth from illiteracy
to literacy and to dismiss the notion that riches are
not obtained from formal education. Sometimes, it
is disheartening as a concern citizen to see a greater
number of people whose lives have been in a complete
mess due to ignorance. With the mentorship and
The emerging inequality, increase unemployment, NAME: Enoch Mensah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 287
environmental pollution, land litigation, Increase in SHS: Assin Manso Senior High School, Assin Manso,
crime rate, slums, flooding, and the high incident of Central Region
teenage pregnancy leading to school drop-out within PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Bsc. Chemical
my jurisdiction as a young boy influence my vision to Engineering
emerge as a visionary and a prominent figure where ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become a senior process
all these issues arising as a result of bad manners, engineer who is well vested in technology and
and improper planning with regards to politics will innovations to help bridge the gap between Ghana and
be transmogrified to bring about equity, increase in the other developed countries in terms of technology.
employment, environmental conservation and proper CORE VALUES: Dependability, Reliability, Loyalty,
housing plan to create a sustainable environment for Commitment, Open-mindedness, Consistency,
human development. Honesty, Efficiency.
Not-withstanding, with my ambition to become an
ethical Planner in my community, Ghana and to I was born on the 13th day of December,1999 at Assin
the world, Am passionate about giving back to my Foso in the central region of Ghana. Am a proud native
community where I use various platforms to inculcate of Akuapim Larteh in the Eastern region of Ghana.
to the youth on the need to start something on their
own (small scale business), educate and teach young While in Junior High at Foso Methodist, I was awarded
ones at the junior and high schools to aspire to higher as the best B.E.C.E candidate of my school and was
height irrespective of their parents financial background also awarded Cocoa Membership Board scholarship to
using practical example of myself to ignite the zeal to further his education at Assin Manso SHS.
aspire higher height. Aiming to bridge the gap between
the rich and the poor, families through my effective While at Assin Manso, I was part of the National
communication skills are being educated to invest Science and Math Quiz team where I helped my school
in others who need support. My heartfelt gratitude to be placed second during the 2015 central regional
to Mastercard Foundation through its leadership championship.
conferences has equipped me with the necessary
leadership skills. Due to my hardworking and the task ahead of me to
make myself well vest in technology and innovations, I
was awarded the best I.T student in the in the year 2016.
Being a teacher at Fruitful Life international school at
Assin Foso, I helped the school to be placed second
best BECE school in the whole Foso Municipality in
the year 2018 which has never happened in the history
of the school. Being the mathematics teacher, I helped
the school to record 5ones in mathematics out of the
32 candidates and with the least grade being 4 which
was also the school’s first time of recording such a
performance in mathematics.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 288 and children under 5 years especially). The feedback
that reached us from the district health in the area
NAME: Tandoh Francis Kone indicates that the malaria cases recorded in Shama has
SHS: Shama Senior High School, Shama. Western reduced drastically. The second phase of my community
Region Ghana project is going to be education on Hepatitis B and
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemistry Diabetes Test together with free screening. I am always
ASPIRATION: Medicinal Chemist, Investor and enthusiastic and positive that through my hard work, I
Entrepreneur will be able to serve my community to the highest peak.
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Humility, Discipline, This I do by trusting God. Looking forward I aim to do
Equity and Generosity. more than expected.
Growing up with no parenthood (no biological parent)
My community project basically involves making life for couple of years before I came under the control
better for humanity regardless of proximity through of my aunty was a hard nut to crack as far as my life
sensitization and public education which will cast the is concerned because I could not feel the experience
minds of people on the need to live a good healthy life of having Mum and Dad around to inspire me after
across the country (majoring in my community Shama). being the best student right from Primary School to
the SHS level. I therefore want to use this directory as
So far, with the project currently rolling on the an opportunity to thank the MasterCard Foundation
floor every year, I have been able to collaborate with Scholars Program at KNUST for giving me the biggest
others and come up with a foundation (ANESVAD chance to advance and pursue my course in life at the
Foundation) that seeks to improve the health status very crucial and critical point of my life. I strongly
quo of everyone through this public education. This believe in the ‘Golden Rule’ that “you ought to do unto
is done especially on radio stations and community others exactly what you want others to do unto you”. I
centers. As it stands now, I initiated my first project in uphold this virtue by giving to the less privileged and
June 2019 dubbed (STOP MALARIA NOW) where the the needy freely without a second thought. My dream
community was sensitized on the malaria disease and its is to be a world class medicinal chemist(pharmacist),
complications. The education took it roots from Radio an investor, entrepreneur, ethical leader and serve as
Shama through to Shama Catholic church auditorium. a role and a model of excellence to the youths in my
Through the various sectors that came into play, free community and beyond. My goal in life is to establish
mosquito nets (about 200) where distributed freely to pharmaceutical firms, build industries, coach people
everyone who attended the program (lactating mothers to succeed aimed at reducing unemployment in my
country and the world at large.
My ultimate priority is to be a game changer, a highly
recognized personality who has ever lived on this planet,
Doctor, Pharmacist, Chemist, Teacher, Pastor, Legend,
Leader, Investor, Entrepreneur and a model of excellence
to the youth in my community and the world at large.
"My project involves making life
better for humanity regardless of
proximity through sensitization and
public education."
NAME: Opoku Solomon Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 289
NAME: Twumasi Ampofo Edmund SHS: Akrofuom Senior Technical School,
SHS: Pope John Senior High and Minor Seminary, Adansi-Akrofuom, Ashanti Region.
Koforidua-Eastern Region
ASPIRATION: Data Scientist & Lecturer and Industry.
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Dedication, Perseverance
and Humility ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Entrepreneur.
The mere possession of knowledge is power but the CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Love, Integrity, And
control and understanding of the knowledge one has is Humility.
It has always been my dream to become a scholar. This
Growing up as a child I learnt the importance of has however driven me to work beyond my capacity.
education and how it has changed countries and Nevertheless, I am a proud MasterCard Foundation
continents. Africa as a continent has done it best by Scholar at KNUST. The Scholars program has widened
producing literates however, I believe more can be done. my scope and horizon in believing that, there is nothing
Education is enlightenment and should liberate those impossible under the sun provided you seek hard work,
who possess it. determination and prayers. Don’t give up so easily, “the
sky is not your limit”. With their support, my university
My dream therefore is to be an activist for good and education challenges have been solved totally. I am
liberating education for Ghana and the continent. A forever grateful to MasterCard Foundation Scholars
form of education that produces fully baked African Program.
youths who are fully equipped to combat the woes of
Africa is my desire. As the saying goes “to whom much is given, much is
expected”. This quote always urges me to put much
I can not wait to transform the African continent in effort in anything I do but not to waste this wonderful
the education sector, and I know that with God and the opportunity. My dream is to eradicate poverty, create
Mastercard Foundation community that dream will employment and eliminate the problem of sanitation
surely be realized. facing my community and country.
Impacting in other people’s life is my burning desire. I
want to be the reason behind their happiness because
this world wouldn’t be better a place if there is nothing
like helping each other. I want to be a role model to the
youth in my community. Transformation Is Possible.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 290 NAME: Njini Nathan Fofeyin NAME: Abo Teye Solomon
SHS: Cameroon College of Arts, Science and SHS: Asesewa Senior High School, Asesewa, Eastern
Technology, CCAST Bambili - North-West Region, Region
Cameroon. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Meteorology and
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: B.Sc. climate science
Telecommunications Engineering ASPIRATIONS: To be a business man and a
ASPIRATIONS: Network Engineer; Research and meteorologist
Development. CORE VALUES: honesty, trust, accountability,
cCoOmRmEitVmAeLnUt ES: Integrity, Hard-work and integrity, competence, leadership, respect, spiritual.
After high school, I had a life changing experience I am from Akorkorma Kpeti, a village near Asesewa. I
to attend the Open-Dreams summer academy. This am a young leader who helps others, takes risk, makes
program made me aware of community engagement difference and takes pride in advancement. I have
with the mindset to change the status quo. By this, I interest in Education, Agriculture and Science. I took
became aware of several things and engaged myself pride in those areas because they determine the growth
more in community service for change. I had previously of an economy. I believe that Education will check the
held positions in my Church in the youth wing; thinking of the people and Agriculture and science
Secondary and High school as a prefect and club will multiply production in the country. My audience
coordinator; but did not have the mindset of impacting are going to be young children and rural areas. This is
and transforming these communities and societies. because children suffer from child abuse of which I was
By attending the summer academy, getting involved a victim and many other things like school dropout, rap,
in community volunteerism through SOPISDEW teenage pregnancy and more. I will focus also on rural
Cameroon and eventually landing in KNUST, I have areas because they have poor Educational facilities and
been enlightened that leadership is not about positions that is where Almost every one engage in Agriculture.
but about creating impact in a community and The way I will go about this is to Encourage them with
someone’s life. I have come to appreciate the importance inspirational words, support them financially, physically
of the right mindset in leadership. By this experience, I and mentally. I know there are going to be challenges
have been motivated and elated by the environment and like fear of failure and criticism but with my values
network of people on campus to build both myself and which are integrity, competence, leadership etc I will
learn skills for greater impact. feed my talents like resolving problems, encouraging
people, implementing and more, to others to help them
achieve their goals.
NAME: Abraham Ofori Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 291
SHS: Simms Senior High School, Fawoade–Ashanti
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mathematics NAME: Richmond Amenyo
ASPIRATIONS: To become one of the great leaders in SHS: Ofori Panin Senior High, Tafo, Eastern Region
my community and Ghana, to become a Mathematics PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biochemistry
Lecturer in calculus ASPIRATION: I want to world recognized
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humble, hard work, pharmaceutical research scientist diving deeper into
Religious and Respectful. the pool of medical and disease research and drug
My name is Abraham Ofori, a second year mathematics CORE VALUES: Open-mindedness, Determinism,
student in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Creativity, Spirit of Adventure and Loyalty
and Technology, Kumasi.
Growing up, I realized early how short the days of
I live at Fawoade, in the Ashanti region of Ghana. human was and full of trouble. In this problem-solving
institution we call life, I believe all we need is to
I am a person who seems to cause positive change in my take the rightful place that belongs to us leaders and
locality and with this my dream project is to improve contribute our quota to the betterment of our lives and
education in my community. communities.
Introducing the people to free online I am highly determined towards the
education like the University of the attainment of the highest university
People and scholarship opportunities degree in the above-named
available. programme to help manage the
uprising issues of disease that are
I am really interested in using now said to be terminal if not curb
mathematics to solve problems. them completely.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 292 community by means of creating and introducing some
job opportunities. I have come to understand that the
journey to the bigger picture begins with the dots, hence
the need to appreciate the little beginnings. To whom
much is given, much more is required.
NAME: Sesi Christine Mawufemor NAME: Tegee Mabitiba Victor
SHS: Tuobodom Senior High Technical School,
SHS: Peki Senior High Technical, Peki-Wudome, Volta Tuobodom, Bono East Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business Administration (Accounting)
Administation (International Business) ASPIRATIONS: An Entrepreneur, Chattered
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker, CORE VALUES: Hard work, Integrity, Humility and
Girl-Child Educationist and International Marketor. Discipline
CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Integrity, Humility and I live at Yeji which can be found in Bono East region of
Humanitarian. Ghana. Before I became part of the MasterCard Scholar’s
Program at KNUST, I was very coward and scared to
Growing up without a father in the home opened my lead. But through the various or series of International
eyes to the many capabilities of a woman. My mother’s Leadership Foundation seminar (ILF) which was
ability to single-handedly take care of four children organized by the Dean of Students has make a lot of
gave me the impression that every girl child could do impact in my life and gave me confidence, courage to
better if exposed to best of mental, academic, skills and lead and transform life in my community, Ghana and
emotional training. Africa at large.
My experiences over the years have imprinted on my In Ghana, we are dedicated to our mindset, and we
heart a strong desire for growth in the areas of women cannot change anything if we don’t change our mindset.
involvement in community development, youth In the beginning of my life, I thought success was all
empowerment and skills training. However, this desire about yourself till I notified that success is all about
remained nothing but a seed buried in the misery of impact you make in once life.
life until the intervention of the MasterCard Scholars’
Program at KNUST. The opportunity to be on the
program has provided the leverage to be well groomed
to give back to my community. I can testify of the
impact of the series of ILF seminars on my confidence
level and the ability to be inclined to the needs around
Should I be given the opportunity, I would gladly love
to support teenage mothers and school dropouts in my
In view of that, I decided to become an entrepreneur NAME: Princess Abrokwa Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 293
and chattered accountant to create job opportunities SHS: Attafuah Senior High Technical School, Akim
for the jobless or unemployed youth in my community, Oda, Eastern Region
our motherland Ghana and Africa and also manage PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business
their finances to eradicate poverty, so that the youth can Administration
accomplish their visions or goals. ASPIRATIONS: Chartered Accountant
My main aim as a scholar is to educate female child CORE VALUES: Honesty, Truthful and Beauty
because I realized that most of them, especially my Akosua Serwaa as I liked to be referred to. I am the
community are not able to make it up to the tertiary second born of my parents, Mr and Mrs Abrokwa. I
level which is a headache and a major concern to all the schooled at Attafuah senior high at Oda in the Eastern
members in the community. region.
NAME: Yaotey Eugenia I am currently studying BSC Business Administration at
SHS: Presbyterian Senior High School, Begoro, KNUST.
Eastern Region. ‘Leadership which is about one life influencing another.’
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Metalsmithing and Being part of this wonderful family, I have learnt to
Jewellery Technology influence myself and others from the seminars organise
ASPIRATION: An Industrialist and Motivational by this noble family. Life which is a great struggle has
Speaker. exposed me to many challenges but also taught me
CORE VALUES: Inventive, Risk Taking, Honesty and to never give up on my dreams and aspiration. I have
Integrity. always want to live my life as an Entrepreneur to create
I define myself as Eloquent, Unique, Genius, job opportunities for others who have found it quite
Energetic and Natured to Ignite Africa. I believe in difficult to make it financially. I also admire to set a pace
self-employment and that no one should be over in both my community and my family, therefore I know
dependant on others. My main objective is to help the I will never rest until ‘I see my good to better and my
youth in my community to identify and develop their better to best.’ So it is never too late start whatever one
skills. Solving the problems and improving the standard wants to achieve in life.
of living of my community is my greatest priority.
I believe in trusting His process and
not doubting His ways.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 294 Foundation. Moreover, I am also the Public Relation
Officer (PRO) for Hands of Grace Multimedia & IT
College, Education Advisor at Rescue the Perishing
School Complex and finally, an author (Tertiary
Scholarships Guide).
Nevertheless, it has always been my greatest desire to
become a positive role model and give support and
opportunities to brilliant but less privileged youth within
and beyond my domain to have access to higher quality
Quote: “Your net wealth depends on
your network”.
NAME: Stephen Abuakwah NAME: Awuley Savera Tsotsoo
SHS: Kwanyako Senior High School (KWASTECH), SCHOOL: Prampram Senior High School, Prampram,
Central Region-Ghana. Greater Accra Region.
Administration ASPIRATIONS: a Profound Journalist, an Astute
ASPIRATIONS: A world class CEO & a Lecturer Lawyer, an Orator and an Entrepreneur.
wCoOrRk.E VALUES: Humility, God fearing and Hard CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Responsible, Sociable
and Resilient.
‘The greatest person in life, is the one who was able to
mingle with the least and made them became great too’. I have learned to understand that success is when you
This force has however, shaped me as an ambitious and impact the lives of people positively so as to make a
action driven young man, who enjoys working and change in their lives. This is something I take at heart
finding solutions to challenging problems. because I truly understand when someone needs help,
not necessarily with money but even friendship. To
It was a great privilege of my life when I was offered
the opportunity to be part of this awesome family of
Scholars’ program at KNUST. MasterCard Foundation
Scholars Program at KNUST has exposed me to
countless platforms that has really equipped me with
every quality and skill that is deemed necessary for the
attainment of my aspiration and to aspire for higher
laurels in life.
It has been my greatest objective to create classes of
companies, where even the layman can be employed to
earn a living. As it stands, as a zealous and enthusiastic
personality in impaction, I also dream to be a lecturer
for the betterment of the life of others.
Currently, I am the founder and Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of Ask Consult, Activist for Kingdom Youth
Consultancy Service and the Coordinator for Miriland
be available for someone to lead on you and to talk NAME: Ahensah Christian Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 295
to you about whatever problem they find themselves SHS: Bepong Senior High, Kwahu Bepong, Eastern
in. As someone I desire to be great, I believe that my Region.
greatness will be achieved and successful when I have PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA Poltical Studies.
impacted the lives of those around me. This is why ASPIRATION: To Become a Political Scientist, An
I’m undertaking a project dubbed “Education for the Entrepreneur and Graphic Designer
I, Savera Awuley saw the need that there are some CORE VALUE: Competent, Respect, Integrity and
school children in my community (Prampram) who lack Hardworking.
some basic necessities like school uniforms for school
life. This is not because their parents are irresponsible I have come to realized that, the only measure of success
but rather, day in day out their parents try to work hard is determinative on the number of live one has made
to make ends meet so they can cater for their children impact to. Any position we found ourselves in life, is
academically by paying for the school fees of their wards not only for our benefit, but also for the betterment of
among others. This is the reason why I have decided to others. Therefore, we should do the little things we can
help such needy but brilliant students. In most cases, to put a smile on the faces of people around us and in
such students feel shy to participate in class because they our communities. Making impact is my passion and my
are mocked or teased by their fellow colleagues. This passion is to make impact. When passion is blend with
makes them feel uncomfortable to even raise up their action, there is always a positive transformation.
heads in class, to even try to answer or ask questions but
in exams, they perform marvelously well. Most of these This have made me to undertake a project called
pupils come to school with their school uniforms torn appetite for education in New Jerusalem D/A Primary
and some even in house attires. Sewing school uniforms School, in the Eastern region of Ghana. The project
for these needy but brilliant pupils will help them to is meant to motivate and stimulate the appetite and
participate actively in class and not feel shy but rather the interest of children in education through annual
see themselves as part of their corresponding classes and organization of science and math quizzes, giving of
classmates. awards to student in different categories, kids’ football
In conclusion, undertaking this project will help my competition and computer literacy. I believe that an
community in the educational sector because these little impacted life can be as powerful as the hand of a mighty
ones are the future leaders of our great nation and Africa man and a very good instrument to change the world.
at large.
As someone who desires to be
great, I believe that my greatness
will be achieved and be successful
when I have impacted the lives
of those around me. This is why
I’m undertaking a project dubbed
“Education for the Needy”
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 296 NAME: Amponsah Oscar
SHS: Obuasi Senior High Technical School, Obuasi, NAME: Batong Abudu Barikisu
Ashanti Region SHS: Kanton Senoir High School, Tumu, Upper West
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemical Region
Engineering. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Business
ASPIRATIONS: Professor in Chemical Engineering. Administration (Human Resource Management)
CORE VALUES: Diligence, Integrity and Excellence ASPIRATIONS: An Advocate for Humanity and an
I would describe myself as a well- presented, humble CORE VALUES: Self Discipline, Dedication and
and hardworking man who desires the chance of perseverance
learning new skills. I have a mature outlook, good
interpersonal relations skills and winning mentality. I am a young girl from Pulima in the Sissala West
I always like to get the task I have been given and the District of the Upper West Region. Having resided
aims I have set achieved in a professional and efficient there, where few girls are privileged to be enrolled into
manner. I proved these skills throughout my studies at tertiary education, I then happen to be the only female
college and my teaching field. This got me a promotion in my family to make it to this level.
in my teaching field and led to my appointment as a
deputy church secretary. I would be much delighted to see the young ones in
my community further their education and not being
I was part of the team that represented Obuasi senior trapped into early marriage and teenage pregnancies.
High Technical School at the National level of the This is why I intend to take it upon myself to encourage,
Science and Maths Quiz for the first time in so many motivate, inspire, support and be an example for others
years in the year 2016. With this opportunity, I learnt so to look up to through speech and prize giving, so as to
many new skills that I applied them in my teaching field. achieve their dreams and aspirations in life and also
I organized weekly science and maths quizzes, which to know their worth to the community and the world
helped the pupils a lot. This led to a record in my life, at large. For this I say “When you educate a boy, you
that each of my pupils who wrote the B.E.C.E had one. educate an individual and when you educate a girl, you
educate a nation.”
With all these achievements in education, I am currently I also intend to be their mouth piece, who will voice
embarking on a project of forming a non-profitable their problems to the appropriate bodies for actions
organization that shall seek the development and to be taken, and also use my entrepreneurial skills
empowerment of the Ghanaian educational system
through a more practical and modernized way of
learning. To maximize potentials and improve abilities.
to train the young girls and women in the various NAME: Biboagma Sanyan Joseph Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 297
entrepreneurial skills which will help them fend for SHS: Bimbilla Senior High School, North Region
themselves, which will prevent them from indulging in PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics
immoral activities for survival. ASPIRATIONS: Economist
CORE VALUES: Humility, Justice and Passion for
NAME: Ayinlooya Evelyn Natashia Ayinpoka Excellence
SHS: Ola Girls Senior High School,
Kenyasi-Brong-Ahafo My heart leaps in merriment; Thanks to MasterCard
PROGRAMME: BSc. Biological Sciences Foundation Scholars Program for ‘’medicating’’ my
ASPIRATION: Biological Scientist dreams that almost lost its lustre/beam to poverty.
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Humility and Honesty I hail from Sanguli in the northern part of Ghana. I
‘Educating Girls in present will give sweet fruit in future’ euphorically enjoy writing poems and short stories; I
I am a lady who is so optimistic about my dreams love talking about nature on paper.
and give no room for negativity. I believe that with ‘’Heaven and earth have never agreed better to frame a
hardwork and perseverance one can achieve her goals. place for man’s habitation’ ’This greatly augmented my
I am so passionate about the Girl-Child Education. In passion for action and excellence. I strongly believe that
my Community where most girls are not able to acquire hard work beats talent when talent fail to work hard, this
higher level of education due to poverty and lack of has always kept me on wheels with winners.
mentorship. I believe if these young girls are educated
and given effective mentorship, they would be able to My eyes always blaze on scenes of injustice, owning to
unleash their potentials. This would help shape the lives this I want advocate for the rights of women especially
of this young ones for the betterment of the Community in my community where society have betrayed the rights
and the Nation as a whole. of women to tradition. I would help empower the youth;
especially the women through Agribusiness “I want to
be an answer to a billion cry of people ‘’for God is God.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 298 NAME: Foginawora Basangbe Joshua
SHS: Kanton Senior High School, Tumu, Upper West
Region. NAME: Jacqueline Agyapomaa
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Quantity Surveying and SHS: Antoa Senior High, Kumasi, Ashanti Region
Construction economics PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. French
ASPIRATIONS: Quantity Surveyor and an ASPIRATION: A great Lecturer, Entrepreneur and a
Entrepreneur philanthropist
CORE VALUES: Patience, Humility, Perseverance, CORE VALUE: Humility, Godfearing, Caring,
Persistence, Leadership skills and Determination. Determination and Sacrifice
I am Foginawora Basangbe Joshua a native of I grew up in a community where education is an option
Paga-Nakolo, a community in the Kassena-Nankana for a child, becoming a teenage mother or father is like
West District in the Upper East Region of Ghana. I am fashion, without the youth thinking of their future.
a young man who is much desired in supporting the As I grew up, I told myself that I want to be different
less privilege in my society especially, children who and special, I want to become a role model to others
dropped out of school due to lack of financial support and with determination, prayers and with the help of
and parental negligence. As I believed that education is Mastercard Foundation Scholarship my dreams have
the best weapon to combat poverty in my community, become a reality.
Ghana and Africa at large. My expectation for this battle
is to measure success by bringing smile to the faces of I have the passion of encouraging both parents and
the vulnerable in my society. children on the importance of education or the
importance of acquiring a vocational skill to enhance
‘Leaving a legacy is my vision, your life.
dedication and perseverance to fight
for it is the mission, achieving it, is my I also have a great Vision of establishing an orphanage
target and celebrating it is the broad home in other to take care of the orphans and put a
smile at the faces of the oppressed’. smile on their face as Mastercard Foundation has given
me, especially the kids on the street whom my heart
always beat for whenever I see them on the street.” I
envision a future full of smiles, joy and happiness in
everyone’s face” I strongly know and believe that this
vision will also become a reality.
The above mention features are all elements of integrity Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 299
and these qualities have been obtained by the help of
Mastercard foundation Scholars Program.
I see a new community where people’s ideologies are
fully of development not selfishness, greediness and
NAME: Adjei Priscilla NAME: Gbekley Theodora
SHS: Zion Senior High School, Anloga, Volta Region
SHS: Sumaman Senior High School, Suma Ahenkro, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Publishing Studies
Bono Region ASPIRATION: Teacher
CORE VALUE: Hardworking, Diligence and Integrity.
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Food Science and
Technology My aspiration of becoming a teacher by profession
brings great determination in achieving excellence in
ASPIRATIONS: Dietician and nutritional therapist everything I do especially in my education. With that, I
focus on my studies to come out with flying colours in
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, God fearing and team my examination.
As I made up my mind to be an influential person in my
Living in a community where girl child education is a community and the country at large, I attend seminars
challenge because of the social vices and women being which equip me with the needed skills in building my
inferior in authority. Such a community needs a person capability and confidence in my leadership skills. I also
who stands out, a person of integrity and selfless who read lots of books on motivation and leadership to
is ready to stand out and make a difference, and set a obtain knowledge and skills needed in order to become
trend that a whole generation will follow. Community a leader of change in my community.
development is my polarity as I aim to attain higher
ambitions in my career academician. Being part of
the loyal family of MCF, I have been exposed to the
realities of life. Being an influential person matters
in life and with the help of Mastercard Foundation
Scholars Program, I have gained the ability to attract and
influence people everywhere I found myself through
seminars organized by the secretariat. The mentality
of giving back has also been part of me. Thoughts and
ideologies of people are always geared towards their
personal success forgetting about the people around
them, which is an element of selfishness. “Personal
success leads to total dependence but with general
success the rate of dependency is overcome”.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 300 NAME: Kinyomoan Benjamin
SHS: Bimbilla Senior High School, Bimbilla, Northern
Region NAME: Mahama Grace Oparebea
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics SHS: Benkum Senior High School, Larteh, Eastern
ASPIRATION: Statistician and a Businessman Region
CORE VALUES: Hardworking and Caring PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Mathematics
ASPIRATIONS: Teacher and Entrepreneur
At the verge of the bottomless pit of dead dreams was CORE VALUES: Obedience, Hardworking, Love and
where the omnipresence God used the MasterCard Sacrifice
Foundation Programme to catapult me to the throne of
solutions to touch lives with all kinds of problems. My I am a young and energetic lady who is so requisite of
dead dreams were brought back to life by the grace of my goals and aspirations. I have the passion of changing
God and I have been overly refined and fully charged lives and making impact in my community.
with all that it takes to transform lives by the MCF.
I believe in the saying, “What Men Can Do Women Can
My passion is to eradicate poverty and make most of Do Better” In view of this I love to help people especially
the Africans to realize their purposes of being part of girls in the field of science particularly mathematics
this continental zone called Africa. People are out there which is an area presume to be for the boys in my
crying for help and others are trying to even cause community and feared by the girls.
suicide because of their challenges but I am ever ready
to hunt for them with solutions to their problems. we I want to be a mathematics teacher
are the ones Africa has been waiting for and this is the in order to serve as a role model to
time to put smiles on people’s faces. Changing lives is my girls in the community. I will also
a credit affair. Until you begin to change lives, your life change that perception and make
would never be defined. Let’s hold each other’s hands them develop an interest in science
and move Africa to the highest peak of the world. Every by giving them training, mentorship
unexamined life they say is indeed not worth living and and learning materials which will
therefore, solving other people’s problems make one’s enable them to excel.
existence meaningful. Thank you.