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2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

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Published by mcfspatknust, 2020-07-29 08:16:21

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory

2020 Mastercard Foundation-KNUST Directory provides information about the Scholars Program at KNUST, showcases Scholars, their programmes of study, origin, aspirations, core values and details of their community engagements.

Keywords: Community Empowerment,Scholarship,University Education,Scholars,Kwame Nkrumah,Arizona State University

NAME: Mensah Margaret Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 151
SHS: Achiase Senior High School, Achiase, Eastern
Region NAME: Nathaniel Koomson
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agricultural SHS: Mozano Senior High School, Gomoa Eshiem,
Biotechnology Central Region
ASPIRATION: I aspire to always be a woman known PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business
for the truth, stand for the truth and fight for the truth Administration
irrespective of where I find myself and I know that ASPIRATION: Human Resource Manager
with perseverance the sky is even below my limit in CORE VALUE: Hard Work, Transparency,
achieving greatness in life Accountability, Trustworthy
CORE VALUES: Truthfulness, Faithfulness,
Perseverance, Determination and Discipline I am developing my community through sanitation. My
community-based project is about sanitation in Gomoa
Background of Community Project Nyanyano, my aim is to make my community one of the
neatest communities in Ghana.
My community project is based on assisting my
community hospital in acquiring hospital beds. I intend My team (Nyanyano in ten years) and I are working
to offer such help to no other place than my community hard on the development of sanitation in my
hospital due to the fact that the population growth is community which in the long run will affect the health
increasing drastically. There has not been an expansion of the community members positively. Clean up exercise
of infrastructure so my people still rely on the limited and education on sanitation has been going on every
infrastructure which has resulted in patients who sit and Saturday.
receive treatment in plastic chairs instead of hospital
beds I chose this as my community project because I Our next step is to how to make money from the
once visited the hospital and seen a young girl suffering sanitation project.
from diarrhoea; instead of being treated on a bed they
sat her on a plastic chair because there was no bed space.

Experience and Impact of the Project So Far

Last year when I visited them, I organised a clean-up
exercise together with the people, we swept and
weeded around the hospital, I also provided detergent
to help improve sanitation in the hospital and we also
gave a talk on sanitation and I believe that the talk on
sanitation will help improve sanitation on the part
of doctors, nurses, patients and those who visit the

After the project, I have had several
encounters from different people
who came in with different ideas to
help support and sustain this project.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 152 Impact of the Project
The first edition of the entrepreneurship seminar was
more interactive as participants made meaningful
contributions to the discussion. The speakers also
gave to their best of ability, their experiences of
becoming successful entrepreneurs. In all, the
eight-hour comprehensive, interactive and educative
entrepreneurship seminar ended with much enthusiasm
in the participants as they were intensively educated
on developing their entrepreneurial skills, finding their
capabilities and making good use of their income and

NAME: Nyatefe Emmanuel NAME: Odoom Jahnissi Frimpomah
SHS: Tumu Senior High Technical School – Tumu, SHS: Methodist Senior High School, Saltpond, Central
Upper West Region Region
Administration (Business Information Technology) ASPIRATIONS: Chemist, Entrepreneur and a
ASPIRATION: Data Analyst Motivational Speaker
CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Discipline, and CORE VALUES: Voluntarism, Philanthropist and
Hardworking. Mentorship

Background of the Project Background of Community Project

My community project focuses on developing I believe a person is limited in what they can accomplish
economically marginalized and unemployed youth without good reading and comprehension skills, and the
through the provision of financial advisory services, more you read the more you know. In respect to this,
education, and entrepreneurial development initiatives. my community project was aimed at developing young
On 29th June 2019, my team and I organized the
maiden edition of the Sissala youth entrepreneurship
seminar in Tumu of the Upper West Region. Our
objectives of the program were:

To create platforms for the youth to meet entrepreneurs
who will share their experiences and give practical
advice on how to set up and run a business.

To create a common ground for youth to network
and form partnerships leading to the establishment of

To build capacities of young entrepreneurs on financial

To educate the youth on the importance of savings,
accessing funds and controlling expenditure.

people through reading. It is a project that is targeted at Background of the Project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 153
the age group between the ages of six and fifteen, which Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways
aims at developing their reading ability and also increase to prevent the development and spread of infections.
their comprehension capacity as youngsters. This Maintaining good personal hygiene includes skincare,
project is not focused only on reading club but also on hair care, hand and nail care, dental care and etc.
establishing a community library which would contain The most common way germs spread is through people’s
all other educative materials that would be useful for hand. So, it was because of this that I did my bit to
both the young and old in the community. salvage the situation.
My vision for this project is to develop children The project was focused on Teachers and Students of
holistically to become responsible and supportive adults Agric. M.A. Primary School which is situated at Agric. –
through the wider knowledge gained through reading. Nzema, Kumasi.
Impact of the Project So Far The aim of this project was to help inculcate the habit of
By the help of a Non-Governmental Organisation, a hand washing into the pupils of the school.
building has been secured for the community library So, the following was done as part of the project: I gave
which is going to be the venue for the meetings. It has a brief lecture on the importance of hand washing,
also created an opportunity for students to do private I demonstrated how to wash hands, I also donated
studies after school. Since a library has been stocked some items to the school and they were received by the
with some books, students are able to access supported headmistress, Madam Margaret Sarfo on behalf of the
books to their course of study. school.
The items donated to the school include; a medium-size
NAME: Ritmella Oppong Arhin bin with a tap installed, a set of liquid soap, hand
SHS: Anglican Senior High School, Yamfo, Ahafo sanitizers and towels.
Region Impact of the Project
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Akan Information I have gathered from teachers and students
ASPIRATIONS: Educationist in the school shows that the project has had a positive
CORE VALUES: Discipline and Determination impact. An example is that the students, in particular,
have cultivated the habit of hand washing.
The donation was mention in their PTA meeting and
hence motivated the parents to also contribute to buying
more of the items. So, the school has increased the items
for the hand washing due to students’ participation in
the exercise.

Aside from that, I have met members
of my community who have shown
appreciation for the donation and
they have encouraged me to continue
with the good work I am doing.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 154 NAME: Eduafo Justicia
SHS: Obuasi Senior High Technical School, Obuasi,
NAME: Valens Tuyizere Ashanti Region
SHS: Petit Séminaire De Ndera, Kigali, Rwanda PROGRAM: BSc. Midwifery
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biomedical ASPIRATION: I Aspire To Be Equipped With The
Engineering Knowledge And Skills In My Studies To Help Women
ASPIRATION: Being a transformative biomedical Experience Satisfactory Pregnancy, Labour And
engineer who would shape the future of medicine Puerperium To Help Reduce Maternal And Perinatal
CORE VALUE: Authenticity Mortality. Also, The Greatest Achievement Of Man Is
To Put Smiles On The Faces Of Individuals, Helping
Being a MasterCard Scholar at KNUST has been a great People In The Community And The Country Is My
opportunity for me in the sense that I have experienced Aspiration.
the beauty of diversity as well as being involved in my CORE VALUES: Respect, Loyalty, Tolerance and
community activities. My project is about teaching Open-Mindedness
young girls about their reproductive lives as “Zero
Teenage Pregnancy Campaign”. In Rwanda, as well as in Background of the Project:
many African communities, it is believed as a taboo to
talk to young people about reproductive lives, but it has The project, named JITA foundation, was initiated
led to early pregnancies due to little knowledge about by a colleague scholar with whom I now patner. The
their sexual lives. That is where my motive lies. foundation was designed to enrol female SHS leavers
to acquire entrepreneurship skills in hairdressing,
I have so far met 500 ladies. I visited them at dressmaking and soap making.
their schools and talked to them by having some
arrangements with their head teachers. It is always Impact of the Project
interactive where ladies asked their questions and ask
for clarifications of the rumours they had been told by Some ladies have been enrolled in hairdressing and
their friends. It has been a great experience as I had the dressmaking. We donated to an orphanage in Obuasi.
chance to network with my community leaders.

Vision Statement Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 155
Our vision is to educate, counsel and train the young
NAME: Adjei Serwaa Abigail girls in the community to effectively and efficiently use
SHS: Saint Jerome Senior High School, Abofour Old their potentials to help themselves, the community and
Town, Offinso, Ashanti Region Ghana as a whole.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business Objectives
Administration (HRM) The objectives of this project are to; To eradicate teenage
ASPIRATION: I aspire to become a public speaker and pregnancy, To inculcate in them God-fearing, To
leave a legacy wherever i found myself. provide counselling and career coaching services and
CORE VALUES: Justice, Faithful, God Fearing, also to provide educational assistance to brilliant but
Coaching, Respect, Moral, Family, Loyalty and needy, To provide skills training and vocational skills
Integrity. The mission and vision statements denote that this
project will not be based only on my effort but with the
Background of the Project. help of some stakeholders.
The project was undertaken in Abofour old town in Experiences and Impact of the Project
the Offinso South municipality in the Ashanti region This project has given me chances to come in contact
of Ghana. This project seeks to address the issue with some of the prominent peoples in the community
of teenage pregnancy and school dropout which is through my meetings with them. This project has
becoming rampant in the community. This project is enhanced my communication skill and also through this
aimed at eradicating teenage pregnancy, inculcating project I have developed myself.
the fear of God in them, providing counselling and God has been so good, through this project two girls
career coaching, skills training, helping the brilliant but have accepted to go back to school after dropping out
needy children and provide vocational training for the and one has accepted to learn skills since she claims she
dropouts. This project is a long-term project and it will is not good in academics.
be extended to nearby communities. Membership will It is my prayer that, this project change
be free.
and impact the lives
Mission Statement of the girls in my
Our mission is to put in place a collection of activities community. I see change,
that will help the girls in the community to realise their let us all be agents of it.
potentials to plan their future.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 156 NAME: Akulibile James at improving the communication system of the school.
SHS: Presbyterian Senior School, Berekum, Bono The following are the objects of this project; To eliminate
Region dictatorship system of ruling, To promote a free and fair
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness system of management, To promote the need to involve
Management. students in decision making, To enhance academic
ASPIRATIONS: Director General of COCOBOD excellence.
CORE VALUES: Optimistic and Respectful. Paul J. Meyer once said ‘communication as a human
connection brings career and personal success.’ So, with
MasterCard Scholar’s Foundation Programme at this quote, if the problem of communication is solved
KNUST is a program which aid in given massive it will take care of the rest of the problems identified
support to the brilliant but needy student to pursue their in the school. I, therefore, provided the school with a
tertiary education in their various course of study. But noticeboard to bridge the gap between the students and
these selected scholars are mandated to do a give-back the staff thereby promoting effective communication
projects in every long vacation. system.
Despite the challenges and all the criticism, the project
A give-back project is any developmental project that a ‘Enhancing Effective Communication In Kutre No 1
scholar may undertake to explore changes and impacts Presby Basic School’ was done successfully. I strongly
in their various communities. believe that with the information system being effective,
and free and fair management system being practice, the
Therefore, “Enhancing Effective Communication” is school is on the safer side to achieve the success which is
the name of my project. This project was done in Kutre academic excellence.
No. 1. This town is in the Eastern part of Berekum In the nutshell, effective communication is the most
of the Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. It has about a powerful tool to change the state of an institution since
thousand eight-hundred people of which the females it brings togetherness and builds networking. Therefore,
outnumbered the males. There are two basic schools we all should try as much as possible to be epitomes of
in the town; my project was centred in one of the effective communication.
schools thus, the Presbyterian basic school. Therefore,
the name of the project was; “Enhancing Effective
Communication in Kutre No.1 Presby School.” Effective
communication is the act of conveying information
from one point to the other through mutually
understandable signs and symbols. This project aims

NAME: Agnes Boadi Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 157
SHS: Akontombra Senior High School, Sefwi
Akontombra, Western North Region NAME: Dunyo John Kwame
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Land Economy SHS: St. Paul’s Senior High School, Denu, Volta Region
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Tolerance And Respect Engineering
ASPIRATIONS: Embedded Systems Engineer
Background of Community Project CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Humility, Love,
The “Girl Child” project is aiming at the welfare of the Optimism, Respect
girls in my community. Sefwi Ahibenso is a community
that girls are undermined, they still have the notion that Background of the Project
the place of a girl is in the kitchen. Only a handful of
females are educated in my community; the saddest part Tech and Innovation Bootcamp for students in Akatsi
of it all is that the majority of them drop out of school as South District
a result of teenage pregnancy and poverty.
Akatsi South District has experienced shortfalls in
The sole aim of my community project is to ensure that school enrolment over the past years. This, the school
the girls in my community are encouraged to pursue authorities attributed to the rise in internet fraud among
higher education. Due to teenage pregnancy, most of the the youths in the district. Students no more see a reason
girls who have dropped out of school. to be in school as they saw their counterparts dropped
out of school earning hugely from the fraudulent
First, in order to let my dream come through, my first internet activities. Thus, there was a need to find lasting
step is to solve the issue of teenage pregnancy. The solutions to this menace to save society.
first step I took to curb this problem is that I created
awareness that teenage pregnancy is real and can happen The Tech and Innovation Bootcamp was a six - week
to them as well. I visited the schools in my community computer programming tutorials organized for SHS
to talk to them about teenage pregnancy. The talk students in the District in July 2018. The Bootcamp
included; highlighting the importance of girl-child focuses on equipping students with computer
education, a one-on-one talk with them on the causes, programming skills to be able to develop and design
and the effects, and the most important aspect, how to smart devices to solve societal problems. The Bootcamp
prevent it. This exercise was very helpful and had an was run in two (2) sessions, morning and afternoon,
impact their lives because some of the girls were able to with 30 participants per session.
approach me to share their problems and some of the
things that are worrying them, and I am glad I was able
to help.

My next step is to tackle the issue of poverty among the
student. As the saying goes ‘root of all evil is money’
is the main cause of teenage pregnancy which result
in massive school dropout, I, thus, want to secure
a scholarship from an NGO namely The Girls Pass
Scholarship for some of the girls who find it difficult to
provide for their basic necessities.
I also want to create a platform for the girls in my
community in order to bring them together, where we
can meet and address issues affecting the adolescent
girls and to groom them for a better future. I strongly
believe in the empowerment of women.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 158 Impact of the Project NAME: Stephanie Maame Esi Benneh
The impact of the tech and innovation Bootcamp has SHS: Nyakrom Senior High Technical School, Agona
been great. Most participants were able to program Nyakrom, Central Region
the computer to perform the desired task. These skills PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. History.
are very necessary to put Africa at the forefront of ASPIRATIONS: Lawyer, Human Rights Activist and
development in the world. Historian
Five teams were created and each came up with CORE VALUES: Integrity, Perseverance and Discipline
prototypes of solutions to identified problems in the
community. Background of the Project:
They are: Obstacle avoider robot: A bot that employs
sensors to avoid obstacles as it moves, Smart Alcohol My community-based project was in Agona Kenyankor,
Detector: A simple device that beeps when it detects a small farming community in the Agona East District
alcohol, Smart Farmer Aid: A sensor network that of the Central Region of Ghana. From my findings, bad
enables remote monitoring of various agricultural sanitation and hygiene was a big problem which needed
parameters of great importance to crop productivity. immediate attention. Reports I also got from the CHIPs
Home Security Systems: A smart security system that compound also showed that there has been a lot of cases
checks intruder invasion and alerts homes owners in of malaria, diarrhoea, cholera and other related diseases.
times of emergencies such as fire and flood. I saw it important to improve sanitation conditions in
Solar Powered Traffic Lights Systems. A solar-powered my community. I took a day during my first summer
traffic lights that provide intelligence traffic regulation vacation in KNUST to call on the members of the
and monitoring community for communal labour which was a success.
These devices were showcased during the Trades and
Arts Exhibition of the Avenor Tutudoza (an annual Impact of the Project
trade and cultural festival of the chiefs and people of
Avenor Traditional Area in Akatsi South District). So far, after the communal labour, there has been a
The Bootcamp has motivated many students to stay in consistent monthly communal labour in my community.
school and study as interesting opportunities await them The initiative that I took has yielded good results. The
if they excel in these coding skills. people of my community now see the importance of
keeping their surroundings and community clean.
During the 2019 summer vacation, I collaborated with
the CHIPs compound to discuss the importance of
each and every individual having the NHIS card as
it could be of great importance in times of sickness.
That also yielded good results as there were a lot of
people in the community and its surroundings who
attended. They were also engaged in conversations that
answered all their questions concerning the NHIS cards.
I look forward to doing more for my community and
anywhere I find myself.

and educational aid and other fundamental needs. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 159
Everyone has problems, troubles, and griefs of some sort
NAME: Appiah Bernard in life but alms starts with those who learn to downplay
SHS: Akroso Senior High School, Akroso, Eastern their own problems, in order to extend compassion,
Region kindness, and love to others. Hence, the Foundation set
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Hospitality And aside its own pains to relieve the pains of others.
Tourism Management. We do not have to be millionaires to make significant
ASPIRATIONS: Pastor, Business Executive. difference. Just as every drop of water counts to form
CORE VALUES: Benevolence, Compassion, Integrity, an ocean, even small donations have the potential to
Relevance, Forbearance drastically improve an individual’s quality of life.
Impact of the Project
Founder Blessing’s Foundation The Foundation visited King Jesus Charity Home and
provided them with in 2018. The foundation was in a
The Blessing’s Foundation in partnership with charity successful partnership with “Feed the Sick” charitable
homes and charitable groups, seeks to cater for the group. It is a charitable project birthed by Pastor Jerry
welfare of orphans, destitute children and financially Martey, a nurse stationed at Trauma and Specialist
disadvantaged patients in the society. Hospital, Winneba. We shared some gifts and provided
blissful moods on the faces of patients who did not have
Background of the Project the privilege of celebrating Christmas with families and
loved ones in 2019 at the Korle-Bu Surgery Department.
Since the creation of this world there has been inequality
in every way and there will always be the rich and the
poor, the strong and the weak living together. Blessing’s
Foundation believes that charity should originate from
the heart.

However, charity originates from the heart as you have
the urge to give, ultimately to others in society. It is due
to this act of nature that makes it precious and soulful.

Blessing’s Foundation was therefore birthed to provide
a sense of belongingness and relief to orphans and
patients by supplying them with food, shelter, medical

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 160 and teenage mothers, brighten their future and also help
them have an aspiration and through that, I hope to
NAME: Nassa Roketa raise for the community and the country at large with
SHS: Nafana Senior High School, Sampa, Bono Region transformational leaders.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics Experience/Impact of the Project So Far
ASPIRATION: Computer Programmer The club has been reformed by its first president
CORE VALUES: Determination, Contribution, Amanfo Kwabena Ebenezer (Assistant Boys’ prefect
Integrity, Teamwork, and Love 2015/16) and I, with the support of the Assistant
Headmaster of administration, Rev. Kofi Sakyi, who has
Background of Community Project decided to be the patron of the club. Appiah Benjamin
Armokyi assisted in giving out questionnaires.
Bright Future of Adolescents (BFA) As a result, we had two meetings with the students who
have actually decided to join the club and the other two
This project was about the re-establishment of a club by the prefect and the patron.
which was undertaken in the year 2018. This club was The main aim is to establish this club in other schools
established by the school’s authorities with the help of outside the community to reduce teenage pregnancy
the District’s GES, HFFG organization and the Assistant and unemployment rate in Jaman North District. There
Boys’ Prefect who was the President in the year 2015. have been six (6) other alumni of the school who have
This project existed for two years. shown interest in being part of the club.
As the vice-president of the club, I succeeded in training
The club collapsed after our completion, due to the lack one teen mother in the community on milk candy and
of educational items and the educators who were elected bead making. I could also talk to some parents who do
had little or no knowledge on the club. not focus on the education of their children.
This one has been my focus this year (2019/2020
In the year 2018 within May and June, I contacted academic year) because parents who have their wards
the former president of the club with the idea of in these public schools in the community have the
re-establishing the club. mind-set that government is supposed to provide
everything for the child. We have decided to visit some
Dropping out of school and teenage pregnancy are schools to provide them with some stationery.
some of the major problems among the youth in my
community. My focus is to help the teenagers who are
still in school, those who have dropped-out from school

among the driving tools of all technological innovations. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 161
Hence, since a journey of thousand miles begins with a
NAME: Abil Gordon Akanbiebiik single step, I have organized free classes for high school
SHS: Sandema Senior High Technical School, graduates who are finding it as a challenge to enrol
Sandema, Upper East Region. into college because they have trails in Mathematics
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemistry and Science. Through the good education and
ASPIRATIONS: An Analytical Chemist and a transformative leadership training that the MasterCard
Research Scientist Scholarship Program has taken me through, I have
CORE VALUES: Patriotism, Loyalty and Honesty been able to overcome all kinds of shyness and fear
that used to be a nightmare. I have been able to help
Community Project many students to pass their exams and also meet the
qualifications to enrol in the tertiary institution through
It is usually torture to most Senior High School the organization of these classes. However, my main idea
graduates who have the dreams of continuing their of bringing this dream into reality, promoting Science
education at the college level but are unable to make it and Mathematics, is to solicit and raise funds that can
through because they could not make their passes in be used to construct a science research centre in my
Mathematics and Science elective subjects. As they pay community. This idea of building a research centre in
huge amount of money to attend classes and also to my community will help in facilitating science education
rewrite to better their courses, they end up giving up on by unravelling the reality of scientific knowledge
their education because they are unable to achieve the through practical works and other laboratory researches
mark that will grant them the qualification to enrol into and experiments. It will also motivate more students
any college. to move into the field of science since it will be more
practical than knowledge-based.
It is of this reason that I have envisioned to help promote
science and Mathematics education in my community.
It has always been my greatest desire to see my fellow
students enter into the field of Science and Mathematics.

As Science and Mathematics continue to rule the world
of today, it is pretty clear that the recent world will
continue to be a dungeon to any developing country
with no basis of Science and Mathematics, which are the

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 162 Experience/ Impact of the Project So Far
The action taken has really helped improve the
performance of the students academically as compared
to before. Study materials (exercise books, pens, pencils
etc.) were given to the students have encouraged the
less privileged ones and have increased their interest in

NAME: Asomah Emmanuel NAME: Mohammed Abdul-Kabiru
SHS: Presbyterian Senior High School, Berekum, Bono SHS: Achiase Senior High School, Achiase, Eastern
Region Region
Engineering ASPIRATIONS: Become A Legal Lawyer In Private
ASPIRATIONS: My major aspiration is to impact my Practice
community in many areas, especially in the education CORE VALUES: Reliability, Honesty, and Dedication
and economic sectors. I would make the youth
understand the essence of education by being a role Background of Community Project
model, a motivator and a mentor to them.
CORE VALUES: God-Fearing, Integrity and I think if a child gets the right education and guidance
Self-Motivation in his or her early life, it makes most things in the future
easy, so my community project is aimed at helping kids
Background of Community Project in my community get better educational foundations.
For my first project, I chose three schools; Holy Rock,
The project looks at the poor academic performance of M.A and Shalom, and provided educational materials
students, especially in Science and Mathematics which they needed to aid their academic work.
has been the major concern to the Berekum M/A Junior
High School in the Brong Ahafo Region.

This was as a result of the lack of teachers for the
Science subjects. The Mathematics teacher, who is also
the assistant Headmaster of the school has to teach his
subject and also the Science subject from form one
through to form three, which does not enhance effective
teaching of the above-mentioned subjects due to stress
on the part of the teacher.

Considering the situation at hand, I took it upon myself
to assist the teaching of the Science and Mathematics
subjects during the summer vacation. Moreover,
together with two other friends of mine, we have
organized free vacation classes for all the students in the
Junior High level in my community during vacation.

Experience/Impact of the Project So Far NAME: Mtunguja Kassimu Issa Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 163
To begin with, almost half of the kids at Holy Rock SHS: Ndanda High School, Ndanda, Tanzania.
did not have slates to write on which affected their PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Medicine (DVM).
participation in class because they could not take-home ASPIRATION: Doctor
assignments, practice how to write among others. After CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Perseverance,
providing these kids with the slates all the problems Stewardship, Servant Leadershp
mentioned above are history.
Moreover, I provided charts that are drawings of Impact of the Project So Far
animals, human parts and others to help the kids in
M.A government school to aid them better understand “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the
and memorize what they are taught. I also provided service of others; service to others is the rent you pay for
cardboards and pencils for drawing and writing during your room here on Earth”. Muhammad Ali
exams. Their teacher had to go round when teaching to
show pictures of what she is teaching but after providing As the president of a community service organization,
the charts, everything has become easier and it has last semester my organization raised more than 1,500
helped the kids as they are able to understand and USD Dollars for a local organization, The Children’s
memorize what they are taught at ease. Home Society. It was a last-minute fundraiser. We did
Last not least, it was time for the kids in Shalom School this over the course of a week, and it was right before
to write their end of term examinations and it comes the holiday season. There were 16 children who we were
with the issue of kids who lack the needed stationery for looking for help, and the goal of our project was to raise
the exam. I gave the kids pencils, erasers, sharpeners and 200 USD Dollars per child. Ultimately the organization
crayons which helped in the writing of the exam and just took the total amount raised and divided it by the
for daily class activities. I also gave them some exercise number of children; 179 USD Dollars per child. This
books for the next academic term in order to ease the money was to help get these underprivileged kids who
stress parents go through to get new books for their kids came from broken homes a good holiday season. What
when school re-opens. the math comes out to is that we made this happen
for approximately 9 children. I was the one who took
on this challenge, made and distributed fliers to the
majority of people in the Korogwe community. I
orchestrated the event, and I like to think that everyone
in our organization feels as good about it as I do. I get
goosebumps talking about it because it is one of the
things of which I am most proud; I really feel like I had
a positive impact on a few lives, and that is what I live
for I hope I made others in my organization feel the
same. “Everybody can be great because anybody can
serve. You do not need a college degree to serve. You
do not need to make your subject and your verb agree
to serve. You do not have to know the second theory
of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need
a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Martin
Luther King, Jr.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 164 a minute. For instance, I have been able to acquire
some money which served to purchase stationery
for a number of four children. The progress has been
minimal because of the challenges faced. These include
issues with inflation. The sums of money that had been
approximated to be enough to send at least three females
to school was not enough in the following year of the
project. Challenges were also faced in fighting diseases
and the weather towards a successful outcome of the
poultry. The experience has taught me that nothing
comes easily without working hard for it so in order
to be able to make a difference, an enduring attitude is

NAME: Chimanyiwa Tatenda Florence NAME: Ajebakwagane David Baniyigane
SHS: St Patrick’s High School, Gweru, Midlands SHS: Chiana Senior High School, Chiana, Upper East
ASPIRATION: To achieve the total emancipation of PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA Geography And
women Rural Development
CORE VALUES: Honesty and Loyalty ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur, GIS Specialist
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Determination,
Background of the Project: Perseverance

My community-based project illuminates the idea of Background of the Project
educating the girl child. As an individual who aspires
for the emancipation of women, I believe this can be Spending most of my life in my community and
achieved through education and in this instance in concerned about the challenges faced by my community,
the early stages of the girl child’s life. I chose this area the main challenge faced in my community poor
of impacting the community because in most African sanitation, ranging from open defecation, improper
societies the girl child’s education is disregarded in disposal of waste and poor knowledge on hygiene.
the sense that she is meant to be fulfilling domestic Other problems in my community are poverty, teenage
purposes. Hence, education creates a source of
empowerment and independence for each and every
individual hence this would be of great assistance
especially to the girl child. As a source of income, I have
been involved in poultry farming to acquire adequate
funds to send some of the girls to school who are
struggling financially. The project is therefore mainly
based in the rural areas which seem to record the
highest rate of uneducated female children.

Impact of the Project So Far:

The time recorded for the project so far has been
approximately a full year. In this period of time, I
have managed to make some change despite it being

pregnancies, school dropout and many more. NAME: Everest Antuona Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 165
This poor sanitation on my community has resulted SHS: Kaleo Senior High Technical School, Kaleo,
in poor health and disease breakout. When people get Upper West Region.
ill, they would do everything possible to get healed to PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Agricultural
the extent of selling all their foodstuffs which they are Biotechnology
supposed to consume till the next raining season since ASPIRATIONS: Crop Scientist/ Geneticist
we have only one season in a year. They can also sell CORE VALUES: Respect, Discipline, Hard Work &
their few animals which their only source of labour for Determination
farming. All these results in poverty since they are left
with nothing to eat and survive until the next season. Background of the Project
Upon identifying these challenges in my community, I
devised certain methods to avert them, which includes, I believe in the saying that “when you educate the
education on sanitation, health personnel talking to my girl-child, you educate the whole nation” that is why I
community members, proper ways of waste disposal, based my community project on girl-child education.
provision of vocational training like; hairdressing, My project seeks to support girls at the basic school
fashion design, bead making to alleviate poverty. level to get a good academic foundation so that they
too can become the future nurses, lawyers, doctors and
Impact of the Project other professions they might have dreamt of. I support
I decided to limit this project to my community Junior these girls by providing them with some of the learning
High School for the meantime. This school lacks the materials and necessities needed for them to carry on
necessary equipment to keep the school clean. They, with learning activities in a much comfortability. Last
therefore, gather theirs refuses at one corner of the summer break, I started my project at St. Louis primary
school compound. So, I bought two dust bins and school in the Kaleo/Nadowli district where eleven (11)
rubbish collectors for the school. Students now dispose less privileged girls who could not afford the school
of their waste into the dustbins. uniform were presented with new uniforms, this was to
I realize the power of teamwork; my friends who helped encourage and motivate them as well as their colleagues
me. to remain focus in their education even though they
may be less privileged. It was nice to be able to play a
positive role in the lives of these less privileged girls.

My project might not be able to provide all the needs of
these schoolgirls but the little that I can contribute as a
supplement to their parents’ efforts will see them a step
further in their education which is my priority. Girls for
that matter are delicate creatures, hence need special

"It was nice to
be able to play a
positive role in the
lives of these less
privileged girls."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 166 Impact of the Project
On the other hand, I have started my entrepreneurship
journey by training women and the school dropout to
make soap and pomade. The intention is to offer the skill
which they would rely on for personal and economic
gains. Seventeen women have already been trained
and more are yet to be trained. Nine of them are still
working with me to accumulate capital for their own

It does not cost a burning candle to light another.

NAME: Metor Vitus NAME: Edith Mambiri
SHS: Ko Senior High Schools, Nandom, Upper West SHS: Highfield High 1, Harare, Zimbabwe
Region-Wa PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics
TPoRuOriGsmRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Culture And ASPIRATION: Financial Analyst/Data Scientist
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer And Entrepreneur CORE VALUES: Passionate, persistence, hardworking
CORE VALUES: Compassion and Determination and positivity.

I have the altruistic passion to liberate others from the My community project is focused on providing
resilience for survival and with the practical yearn and amenities to the less privileged under the care of
zeal to bring to reality, the creative potentials in any orphanages. The situation in the care giving facilities is
being. that at most times there is lack of financial assistance
hence making the task difficulty. My initial focus on
My move, therefore, is on creating employment and Harare Children’s Home and the main provisions to be
inspiring the young to be educated, through a project given are the bedding and toiletries. I am planning to
to give this serendipity back to my community and the partake this project for a period of three years giving
nation at large. a focus of two years on the mentioned home since it
started from initial stage. My target group are thirty kids
Background of the Project that are currently in kindergarten.

With regards to my community project, I have so
far succeeded in accomplishing a sustainable annual
inter-school quiz for all JHS in Lawra Municipal
Assembly. The sustainability of this project is guaranteed
as I have formally collaborated with Lawra students
Union at KNUST and the Lawra Municipal Education
Office. This would continue even in my absence. This
puts students and teachers on their toes to do academic
work diligently.

The purpose of this project is to help kids in Harare “Dream Driven Team” is an initiative which aim is coach Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 167
Children’s Home during winter season as they tend to students in their studies and career. The team is made
share blankets during class sessions. So far, I managed to of senior high school students, tertiary students and
donate 3 blankets and a carton of soap that contains 24 professionals. At summer, extra classes are organized
bars which catered for 3 kids. I am expecting to end this for both senior high and basic school students to
project in two years where each of 30 children would help improve their academics and also build network
have personal bedding and toiletries. Going forward I between the students. Professionals also come to talk
am planning to expand to a larger number of children to students on identification of courses of career goals.
since fund solicitation from different individuals and To help build the network within the students and
groups is still in process. professionals, a week is selected which we identify
problems in a community and nurture solutions and
implement them which helps in the development of our
Impact of the Project
• Increased in the performance and identification of

career goals of students
• The team together the community inhabitants

helped reconstruct the community road.

NAME: Atingedebonga David Awe “Dream Driven Team” is
SHS: Gowrie Senior High Technical School, Bongo, an initiative which aim is
Upper-East Region coach students in their
PROGRAM: BSc. Mechanical Enngineering studies and career. The
ASPIRATIONS: To be a Machine Design Engineer. team is made of senior
CORE VALUES: Open-Mindedness, Innovative and high school students,
Perseverance. tertiary students and
Project Description

In quest of paying my social responsibilities I established
a team “Dream Driven Team (DDT)” in year August
2018. From a survey I did in my community, there was
lack of connection within and between students of
higher lever and those in the basic level. Also, there was
less or no network between students and professionals
which made it difficult for them to identify the courses
to pursue and their career goals.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 168

NAME: Fosuah Gloria NAME: Gurah Justice
SHS: Kofi Agyei Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti SHS: Akim Swedru Senior High School, Akim Swedru,
Region Eastern Region
ASPIRATION: Lecturer Planning
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Humility and Respect ASPIRATIONS: Planner and Entrepreneur
CORE VALUES: Justice, Humility and Optimism
It has always been my earnest desire to impact positively
in the lives of the people in my community and Background of the Project
through MCF, I have been given the opportunity to
do so. The problem I have chosen to solve is the high I hail from Akim Manso in the Eastern Region. I found
rate of teenage pregnancy in my community which is my in the same community with another scholar Kumi
Kronum in the Ashanti Region. It had been a normal George. We then formed a team with some other
thing for the females especially those in the government Tertiary students in the community to enlighten the
schools to get pregnant during or after their Junior High parents in the community on the need to make their
education. children’s education a priority to help bring out the
best in these children. This was based on a survey we
As a transformation leader, I had to do something about undertook in two Basic schools in the community. We
it. So I went to the Kronum M/A J.H.S and with the help found out that, some parents after the children closes
of the authorities, a program was held to educate the from school do not help assist them to study in the
students on the need to abstain from sex and take their house, and that the children do roam on the streets or be
education seriously. The program was fun and educating watching telenovelas. A Teacher continued that some of
as a result of the massive participation of both teachers the children sends home-works to the house and returns
and students. I also created a whatsapp group so that we with the assignment(s) undone.
could stay in touch even when I am in school. With these issues at hand, we went to some churches
to have a time with the congregation to enlighten the
My heart is filled with joy to know that there have been parents to invest in their children especially in their
no cases of teenage pregnancy since the program was education. Also, to seek the consent of the parents on
initiated and as a result of being given the opportunity to our intentions introduce the Prep Centre. We came
undertake the program every year in the school. out with a remedy and provided a conducive and

well-lighted prep center for the school-going children NAME: Mahama Jato Asuma Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 169
to get them back to their books while in the house. We SHS: Chereponi Senior High School, Chereponi,
were the Prep Masters while on vacation to maintain Northern Region.
sanity at the centre. In our absence, we hired a teacher PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science
to see to the progress of the preps. ASPIRATION: Healthcare Actuary
Impact of the Project CORE VALUES: Workaholism, Perseverance,
Since the introduction of the prep centre the Passionate and Ambitious
school-going children gets ample time in the house to
study in good environment to keep them focus. From Background of the Project:
the teachers, the rate at which the children do their
home-works relatively shoot up. Also, the children Many are times our societies face challenges meanwhile,
closing from school and still been able to study in the most of these challenges can be resolved with many
house relatively improve their academic performance. available interventions. ‘’Challenges are what makes
This was evidenced in the end of term reports of most life interesting and overcoming them makes life
students. meaningful’’ as said by Joshua J Marin. As a very young
Unfortunately, the kidnapping incidence at Tarkoradi passionate future transformational leader, problem
scared most Ghanaians with no exception the people solving and societal well-being is my passion. I feel
of my community. The parents therefore were afraid to upset any time I realise things are not in other and try
allow their wards to attend the evening preps. This has as I can, to find solutions to such problems to the best
led to the halt of the preps for some time now. Thank of my ability. I am embarking on a community project
You titled: Quality education and potable water for Sukaya

Impact of the Project

So far, I have written proposals to solicit for help
from some non-governmental organization and I
also voluntarily organise classes to my community
students during vacations to improve their performance
academically. I taught Mathematics, English and
Science for a month during the summer. Sukaya is a
community I believe vehemently, will develop if these
challenges which have hindered and mutilated this
community’s development is solved. I put up my best
in any endeavour I find myself to the possible best of
my ability and I believe strongly that, togetherness
with a collaborative effort, our communities, Nations,
Continents as well as the entire world shall be a better
place for us all.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 170 NAME: Mohammed Mesharch taking steps to make sure that the environment is clean.
SHS: Chereponi Senior High School, Chereponi, Therefore, this project is to make sure that the habit
Northern Region of cleaning the environment is inculcated into the life
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agricultural of young children in the community. This is to ensure
Engineering that the younger generation coming up will change
ASPIRATIONS: My aspiration has always been to their habits towards sanitation. For the start, a group of
be an Agricultural Projects Manager and to serve the young boys between the ages of 10 and 16 are organized
society and the whole world at large with integrity to embark on the project of keeping Tarikpaa clean
and diligence. I aspire to also undertake philanthropic especially the public facilities.
work so as to increase upon on the well-being of The steps taken are that, measures are put in place to
humankind. ensure that the toilet facilities are cleaned periodically.
ORE VALUES: Integrity, commitment and diligence. The reason why we are using young people between
the ages of 10 and 16 is to ensure that the project is in
Background of the Project session even in my absence.
Impact of the Project
Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical The community-based project has really been of good
measure that has probably done more to increase human help to me. It has increased my confidence and has also
life span than any kind of drug or surgery- Deepak taught me how to relate with community members. It
Chopra. Before I proceed, sanitation refers to what it has given me a platform to give back to my community
takes to make the conditions of public entities clean and and to also encourage my colleagues on the need to give
good for use. As a matter of fact, sanitation is one of the to our communities.
things that guarantees good living. The project has been helpful to my community since
there is an improvement in the state of the community’s
Tarikpaa is an agricultural village of about thousand toilet facilities and the boreholes. It has also united the
inhabitants. It is in the Northern region of Ghana young guys to rise for development.
precisely under Savelugu Municipality. As the above
implies, the major job of people there is farming and
nothing else. Tarikpaa is facing sanitation challenges
which includes poor conditions of the public facilities
of the community due to their own negligence. This
problem has persisted for decades and no action has
been taken against it. Not even the old are concern of

NAME: Larbi Ayisi Emmanuel Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 171
SHS: Asuom Senior High, Asuom, Eastern Region.
PROGRAMME: BA. Geography and Rural NAME: Nyekyeyel Joseph
Development. SHS: Piina Senior High School, Piina, Upper West
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become a lawyer and Region
eminent philanthropist in my Generation. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Determination, God Management
Fearing and Dedication. ASPIRATION: I aspire to be an influential leader who
will transform life of my community.
Background of the Project CORE VALUES: Hard work, respect, determination
My community project has been taken place in my and commitment.
hometown. Asuom in the Eastern Region of Ghana,
located within the Kwabibirem district. My project Background of Project
intends to help kick upstairs quality education among
by the youth in the community and also have unclouded It has always been my dream of doing something for
environment for their education by providing the the benefit my community, and that dream is becoming
necessary materials for the pursuit of their education a reality now! My project is entitled, FIXING OF
which include – study materials, mentorship and career WHITE BOARD in Eremon M/A Junior High School
guidance to help them in their academic ladder. in the Lawra Municipal Assembly. The project seeks to
improve teaching facilities, addressing of some health
Impact of the Project problems associated with the use of BLACK BOARD
Experience they say is the best teacher; this is absolutely and also attracts more teachers to the school.
true. In the course of pursuing or fueling change you
must stand out and be ready for all sort of criticism At present, one class has been fixed
and other negative comment. Determination to me is with white board and I am looking
what I have added to my values so far. I have learned forward of fixing the remaining
cooperation, consultation and coordination how it classes.
brings success with community leaders and also how
to deals with difficult leaders where they can also be
hindrance to achieving your aims or purpose.

However, the impact of the project has been
tremendous. To me project without impact is empty
activity. Currently the boy I sent to school is still
schooling which is great joy to me whenever I see him.
Again, life to me is about donation and not duration.
Life is also about legacy but not longevity. I feel at ease
helping others in the pursuit of their dreams. Also, my
second-year project which I did although I have not
been there again since school resumes, I believe it has
an impact on the students and soon the next project will
hit there and I will evaluate the second project as well.
Furthermore, though we are supposed to present on the
project we are doing, is paramount but I don’t rush so I
can present anything for presentation purpose. Due to
this a foundation (God’s Will Foundation) will be launch
to help them in all aspects regarding their education and
career guidance.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 172 NAME: Vanessa Serwaa Frempong NAME: Nkunu Diana
SHS: W.B.M Zion Senior High School, Old-Tafo SHS: Asuom Senior High School, Akyem Asuom,
Akyem, Eastern Region Eastern Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Midwifery PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Petroleum Engineering
ASPIRATION: To be the good thing that needs to ASPIRATION: To pioneer positive changes in the
happen to other people. lives of the less privileged and downtrodden people in
CORE VALUES: Honesty, dedication and hardwork. society.
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Humility and the Fear of
Background of the Project God
Sometimes the reason good things are not happening
to you is because you are the good thing that needs to Background of Community Project
happen to other people,’ - this has been my favourite for Most children of school going age are made to
years and has inspired me to do the little I can to put a accompany their parents to the farm as it is the main
smile on other people’s face. source of income. Most of these children grow up to
With this in mind and heart, I thought of the smile be unemployed and the ladies get pregnant at quite
project; to provide some sort of comfort in the lives an early age and the cycle repeats. I decided to tackle
of some little ones who are brilliant but needy in my the situation from the base. I spoke to some parents
community. and suggested that they send their wards to school
to increase their chances of a brighter future. I also
Impact of the Project suggested that the children should at the very least be
Just as planned, I went to the headmaster of a primary literate.
school in my locality to ask for help in identifying such
little ones in the school since I was to give to those Impact of the Project
who really need help. With his help and that of the I formed a community school where children come and
teachers, I was able to obtain names of 15 pupils; from are taught how to read and write. I taught them with
kindergarten to primary six (6) who were very brilliant the help of my friends who are indigenes and educated.
but needed some stationery for school. Most the children were able to excel. Some of the
I was very happy and privilege to have been able to put parents were convinced and their wards were enrolled
smiles on their faces by donating some stationery to in school.
these kids.
Through my project, I have come to appreciate and
respect other’s opinions on issues as well as know the
power of influence.

for small scale industry. We have been able to secure Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 173
partnership with the rural enterprise project and the
NAME: Baffour Agyei Prince business advisory to be rendering soap making training
SHS: Anglican Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti programs to other rural communities. The enterprise
Region is now under incubation at the Hapaspace through the
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemical sponsorship of British Council and GIZ.
Engineering July, 2019 the second phase will begin with cocoa
ASPIRATIONS: Process Engineer and Entrepreneur farmers being trained in basic agricultural practices such
CORE VALUES: Integrity and Persistence as pruning, fertiliser application, artificial pollination
and how to keep farm inventory in partnership with
Born and bred in a rural community where poverty Ghana Cocobod Bekwai.
is virtually handed down to the next generation I aside with Nelson Mandela when he said poverty is
just like inheritance. Like most Africa communities a man-made problem and can be eradicated by men.
there has been a cycle of poverty in community, I also believe that poverty is a multi-faceted problem
Aboaso-Odumase in the Ashanti Bekwai Municipality. and needs multi-facet approach. All men when given
This is due to set of factors that continually repeat itself the right tools (wings) can fly out of poverty. There is
in the lives of the members of the community. Research no noble work than to inspire and give a fellow man the
has shown that if no external intervention comes in tools that will put food on his table every day. Africa is
such communities, the people will continue to live in rising to the promise land and I am proud to share in
poverty from one generation to the other. I decided to her story.
be the external intervention by initiating the “Wings to
Fly” Project which seeks to provide skill training in soap "Currently 25
making, empowering agriculture, give family planning participants have
and financial literacy education to the target group been given hands-on
(single parents, unemployed youths and farmers) training in bar soap,
liquid soap, tablet
Currently 25 participants have been given hands-on soap, herbal and
training in bar soap, liquid soap, tablet soap, herbal and carbolic soap. "
carbolic soap. Five of the participants have been engage
in soap making business born out of the project (wings
to fly enterprise). The enterprise is registered under the
registrar general department and the National board

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 174 Irrespective of how stressful the project has been, I
have been able to learn how to collaborate with people,
NAME: Anokye Peter fish-out their problems and concerns, discuss with
SHS: Osei Tutu Senior High School, Akropong, the elderly in the process of problem solving. Another
Ashanti region experience is I have so learnt how to solve huge
PROGRAM OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy problems with limited amount of resource. Some of the
ASPIRATION: I aspire to be a world class Pharmacist problems includes financial constraints, absenteeism
CORE VALUES: Discipline, hard work, commitment and poor lighting system.
and respect As part of the way-forward I want to include a
mathematics teacher who care take care of the club even
Background of the Project in my absence and I believe that this will help with the
continuity of the club.
The project happens to be a mathematics club which
has been established in community called Nkwanta in In conclusion, I want to say that
the Ashanti region and seeks to provide students in the though the project has been small,
upper primary with assistance in terms of mathematics. there has been several improvements
The project has trained about twelve children who in the lives of the students involved
upon assessment are doing very well in mathematics in and myself too. In addition, I want to
their various schools. The main motivation behind the also say that life will be so easy if we
project is from the story of young girl who after being shared the little we get, we supported
impregnated by an irresponsible guy didn’t give up but the weak and wiped the tears of the
gave birth and continued the junior high school again one crying with our little.
into senior high. However, after all this commitment,
after her senior high school results came she passed all
but except core mathematics. I felt that mathematics
shouldn’t destroy peoples dreams after they’ve not given

The project has trained about twelve upper primary
students (eight girls and four boys) who are doing very
well in mathematics in their various schools. Other
parents have shown interest in the club and are willing
to let their children join.

NAME: James Mbroh NAME: Ebenezer Owusu Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 175
SHS: Enyan Denkyira Senior High/Tech. School, SHS: T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Fomena
Enyan Denkyira, Central Region. Adansi- Ashanti Region
Management. ASPIRATIONS: Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Business
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur, Lecturer, Farmer/ consultant, Relationship Counsellor and Inspirational
Rancher, Director of COCOBOD Speaker
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Honesty, Hard work, CORE VALUES: Integrity, discipline, Honesty and
Respectfulness Transparency.

Background of the Project Background of the Project

The title of the project is my community-based school, The project seeks to improve on the reading and
my priority. The main objective of the project is to comprehension and the speaking of the English
improve academic performance of the student in the language at the Agogooso D/A Basic school.
school, through provision of teaching and learning
materials and motivation to the students and teachers. My focus is basically on the Primary school. I have
The school in which I am doing the project is located at provided the students in the last 2 years 131 story books
Effutuakwa in Mfantseman West Municipal at Central and couple of wall charts to ensure books and materials
Region. I started this project one year ago by donating are available for this worthy cause.
cupboard to the school. And for the project to be
sustainable, I have planned to set up rabbit business Impact of the Project
that will be the source of fund for the project in the So far, at least most of the students are able to read
subsequent years even after school. and understand what they read. They have developed
interest in reading and that is making them to do better
Impacts of the Project in their both class works and examinations.
With the help of the teachers and the PTA, fundraising
The project has reduced the rate at which the teaching was organised on December 2019 to help raise funds
and learning materials get lost. Most of their teaching towards the building of a structure for the students in
and learning materials are kept in the house of student Kindergarten.
and bring it to school as when needed, and mostly the As a personal experience, this project has heightened my
student misplaces them or tools get damaged. Some of zeal to impact humanity because I believe life is all about
the items are also left openly in the classrooms which helping others to be better.
give access to the student to misuse them. All such
things happened because they were not having enough
cupboard to keep their materials. It has also reduced the
burden of the student, in that now most of their teaching
and learning materials are kept in the school.

The great thing I have learnt from the project is that
‘no matter how small the help will be, when given to
someone, will have great impact on the person. Though
Mastercard may not go and help the entire community
but through my project, I will make the community feel
the good work of Mastercard. Ayekooo!!!!!!! Mastercard

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 176 My experience in the Mastercard foundation has been
a good one since the programme expose me to various
leadership and personal training the programme
also help me to come up with initiative which will
help student in my community and also through the
community project I have been able to talk with the
elders and some noble people in my community.
I believe that Education is the means through which
positive change and development can be attain so I will
bring other people on board to help sustain the project.

NAME: Ettuh Wisdom NAME: Kayiranga Lilette Mika
SHS: Vakpo Senior High School, Vakpo, Volta Region SHS: Gashora Girls Academy, Rwanda
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Publishing Studies
ASPIRATIONS: Accountant and a Pastor PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy
CORE VALUES: Determination and Hardwork ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to become a young and
influential Pharmacist
Being a member of the Mastercard foundation at CORE VALUES: Determination, Discipline, Humility
KNUST introduce me to various opportunities of which and Confidence
am privileged to be part of scholar’s community which
comprise of people from different part of the world. Background of Project:
One thing that was the fact that education being used to Inyambo Initiative is a social venture seeking to train
transform the African continent. Education has been a women doing small scale businesses in rural areas in
challenge in my community, the quality of education in information technology and business development in
my village is below the standard The aim of my project Rwanda.
is to help improve the standard of education in my
community. This project came as a solution to limited exposure to
ICT among women especially in rural areas which limits
I undertook my project at Kudzra RC Primary School their businesses. We are therefore aiming at enhancing
were I assisted the teaching of English Language to help
them improve their writing and reading skills since most
of the student find it difficult to write and speak good
English. I and the Head Master in my community have
been able to bring out an initiative which allow student
to read every morning before class begin.

it is my aim that student in my community will be able
to speak and write good English which will help them
improve their academic performance and develop their
writing and speaking skill. I believe that through quality
education my community will be a better place to live.

their business performance, provide a better access to NAME: Pida Dennis Kofi Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 177
a larger market for their good and services, increase SHS: Akim Swedru Senior High School, Akim Swedru,
their use and acquaintance with technology to raise the Eastern Region
overall productivity levels not forgetting increase in the PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Optometry
country’s economic growth. ASPIRATIONS: Pastor, Optometrist and Artist
Impact of The Project CORE VALUES: Honesty, Humility, Determination
We have visited different women running small scale and Hardwork
businesses and we talked to them about our project.
They said our idea would be very helpful for them e.g in Background of Project
reducing loses made by lack of proper record keeping,
making their service or products known even outside As a Doctor of Optometry student, I also have passion
the nation using the internet, knowing the new fahion for art and I am into portrait designs. I have found
trends for tailors to attract new clients... Etc. Moreover, myself in a community where the inhabitants, mostly
we are currently planning on bringing different partners the youth, are into the art industry and quiet a number
on board and we are also seeking for funds. of them also have the desire, but no one to assist them
develop and improve upon their skills. These talents are
....increase their use hence lying dormant and my project, help me develop
and acquaintance with my talent, seeks to unleash these art potentials in them
technology to raise the so they can use it as a source of livelihood. The project is
overall productivity levels still in the developing stage. I have gotten the artists who
not forgetting increase in are ready to take the so far fifteen participants through a
the country’s economic thorough three-month training followed by subsequent
growth. batches

Impact of The Project

Unemployment is a major challenge in our days
and growing up I saw people going through several
hardships because they were not able to acquire any
employable skills and mostly lack the courage to start
and sustain their business initiatives. This is partly due
to the fact that such young people full of abilities do not
get the needed support to start their own business but
also look up to the government

to provide them employment. This project seeks to
create a reliable self-employment to those involved and
reduce the unemployment rate in the community after
they have improved their skills in the craft. I believe that,
to solve a problem, you need to divide it into smaller
units and tackle them one after the other and the best
way we can end poverty is helping the youth unleash,
nurture and develop their talents.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 178 teenage pregnancy, drug abuse etc.
The Tafohene, MMDCs and the Member of parliament
NAME: Gyesie Andrew are doing their possible best to resolve and address these
SHS: St Hubert Seminary Senior High School, issues. Recently the police did a patrol at the various
Santasi-Kumasi, Ashanti Region places known to be the inhabitation of drug abusers
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer and this action has reduced the instance of drug abuse.
Engineering We saw that education is one of the key areas which
ASPIRATIONS: Seasoned Entrepreneur in the next the community needed assistance in and as observant
few years, Entertainment Mogul and Computer members of the community we decided to focus on
Engineer. education which needed the much attention. We
CORE VALUES: Being committed to your discipline, therefore wanted to not just teach students but help and
humility, hard and smart work, respectfulness and mentor them on how to choose a career.
prayer. Also, give them the hope that they can also make it by
working hard as we ourselves are living testimonies.
Background of Project Objectives of the project
As a Mastercard scholar, I believe in giving back to the • Help them get a purpose and vision in their
community as not an act of compulsion but something
I would actually want to do to impact lives in my educational journey,
community. One of the aims of MasterCard foundation • Help students in the community choose careers
is to reach out to people so that they can also spread the
message of the need to impact lives in the community based on their strengths which will help them fulfil
they are living in. As a beneficiary of such a scholarship their dreams in life,
I would like to therefore use this opportunity to reach • Give them the hope that they can make it despite
out to other people who were not privileged to continue the situation they find themselves in.
their education due to one reason or the other. Impact of The Project
We have been able to reach three schools namely Father
This project is a group project between Ameyaw Samuel Krische R/C J.H.S, Rockanje Presby. Exp. J.H.S and
(Cohort 4) and myself. Samuel and myself hail from Ahwiaa R/C J.H.S since the inception of this project.
Old Tafo in the Ashanti region. Old Tafo is privileged to That is, we have been able to interact with about 200
have many social amenities and infrastructure such as students so far. Through these interactions, I have learnt
schools, hospitals, ultra-modern football pitch etc. The a lot from these students which has made me look at life
community is faced with social issues such as rampant in multiple perspectives. My public speaking skills has
really been sharpened and more enhanced through this
The project is young though but I think with the little
we have done we have given the students a sense of
vision and direction. We have been able to let students
have the end in mind so as to prepare towards it the
future effectively. I know the real impact will be seen
when these students get programs of their choice to
pursue in the Secondary schools based on the guidance
and training, we have given them. As the first batch of
students we have spoken to will write BECE this year.

Impact of The Project So Far Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 179
Consistency and determination have been a key driving
NAME: Maina Benjamin Gatemi force towards the actualization and the success of the
SHS: Nyahururu High School, Nyandarua, Kenya project in the midst of all challenges and problems
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Quantity Surveying and faced in the process. This project has been a backbone
Construction Economics to many who depend on it for their income. It has also
ASPIRATIONS: Proficient Quantity Surveyor and played a crucial role in eliminating the high rate of
Influential Leader unemployment being experienced in my community.
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hardwork and Persistence The project is also playing a vital role in environmental
conservation in my community as the youths are poised
Background of Project towards creating a sustainable environment in the
Hailing from a community that is not well endowed, My future aim is to expand this project and get
I have seen many of the youths who lack funds to engaged in other beneficial projects which will help
continue with their education dropping and leaving my community. This project will also form a basis for
school as soon as they are done with their primary other interactive activities such as cleaning exercises
school education. This has really awakened the zeal in in the community which will be highly beneficial to
me to play a key role in getting means by which they the community. My plan is to intensify my community
could raise funds however meagre it is for them to make project such that we will manage to apply for the Youth
a living out of it. Development Funds from the county government in
order to carry out more projects. In conclusion, I have
With this in mind, I made up my mind and decided to earnestly taken the role of transforming my community
start a self-help project for them to earn some income. because I believe I am the change I desire to see in my
I began a tree planting project from which they could community, my country, and Africa.
grow seedlings of various species of trees and sell
them to the surrounding community members and "I began a tree planting
institutions like schools in my area. The youths would project from which they
then benefit from the sales they made and use it for their could grow seedlings of
daily upkeep to sustain themselves. various species of trees
and sell them to the
surrounding communities
and institutions."

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 180 NAME: Arthur Solomon NAME: Sasah Benjamin Caxton
SHS: Baidoo Bonsoe Senior High Technical School, RSHegSi:oAnpam Senior High School, Apam, Central
Agona Ahanta, Western Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Construction
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Computer Science Technology and Management
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur /Lecturer ASPIRATION: One of Ghana’s Biggest Contractors.
CORE VALUES: Love, Respect For Others, God CORE VALUES: Truthful and Selfless
Background of Project
Background of Project I am from a community named Lakeside Estate, located
My community project seeks to build a better Baidoo at Adenta in the Greater Accra region.
Bonsoe Senior High Technical School. My community project is based on improving the
‘Getting them on board’ is the title of the project with sanitation conditions in the community by organizing
the main objective of building a strong old student the youth to embark on clean up exercises.
union with the spirit of giving-back to their alma mater, Some problems identified were poor road networks,
BBSHTS. lack of drainage systems and poor sanitation. I chose the
I believe that what you find disgusting to live with, are sanitation issue from the lot because I wanted to see my
for you to make delightful for others. community as one of the clean and healthy communities
in the Greater Accra. The capital city is noted to be one
We are a team of four (4) MCF scholars from Baidoo of the filthy cities in Africa and in the World. I strongly
Bonsoe Senior High Technical School undertaking this believe helping my community by keeping it clean and
project. healthy would also trigger other nearby communities
to do same which would end up minimizing the poor
Impact of the Project So Far sanitation conditions in the Greater Accra.
The project started last year by God’s grace. Interning
there was an opportunity to motivate the students and Impact of the Project
also to instil the spirit of giving-back in them. So far so good, positive results have been achieved over
the years, there have been great transformations at some
Renovation activities were undertaken on campus to set places where the project took place but not enough to
examples. put my community on top as the best. I’m still working
We renovated the boy’s dormitory washroom which was hard to improve the poor sanitation issues.
almost abandoned. Individually, the project has built my self-confidence
and also helped my public speaking as well.

NAME: Sharon Afi Prah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 181
SHS: Peki Senior High Technical, Peki-Wudome, Volta
NAME: Braimah Philipa Region
SHS: Bibiani Senior High School, Bibiani, western PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. English
Region ASPIRATION: Professor and Writer
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Culture and tourism CORE VALUES: Honesty and Compassion.
ASPIRATION: An entrepreneur
CORE VALUES: integrity and commitment Peace Awudi is a 3-year old nursery pupil whose parents
could not consistently afford her fees because both were
My aim in life is to achieve the best of education to the unemployed. Her mother, who for health reasons could
highest level so as to promote and enhance the wellbeing not continue her petty trade, had to depend on another
and welfare of people within my locality and the nation relative who assisted them occasionally.
as a whole.
Knowing very well what it felt like to be in the shoes
It has always been my passion since infancy to help of a girl whose childhood memories could be marred
reduce the poverty rate in my community. Because of by issues such as staying at home during school hours
this I embarked on a project named “self-employment because of financial challenges, I was moved to help in
for women” of which many women in my community my own little way.
were trained on bead making and bag making. Young
girls who have completed JHS but for some reasons Currently, Ms Evame (Peace’ mother) is undergoing a
have not been able to further their education were three-year apprenticeship in dressmaking, an initiative
encourage to partake in the training sessions in other to intended to help her cater for the family without total
sustain them in the future. In so doing, I aimed to build dependence on others.
their self-confidence and motivate them especially the
teenage mothers who drop out from school, to work Very soon, she would no longer be recorded as one of
hard and make better decisions in life so as to secure a the many unemployed people in Ho.
better future for their children.
This is how we change the world; a step at a time.
Also, to create jobs for poor women, provide income
and reduce poverty in my community and areas around

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 182 a larger market for their good and services, increase
their use and acquaintance with technology to raise the
overall productivity levels not forgetting increase in the
country’s economic growth.
We have visited different women running small scale
businesses and we talked to them about our project.
They said our idea would be very helpful for them e.g in
reducing loses made by lack of proper record keeping,
making their service or products known even outside
the nation using the internet, knowing the new fahion
trends for tailors to attract new clients... Etc. Moreover,
we are currently planning on bringing different partners
on board and also we are seeking for funds.

NAME: Justin Munyaneza NAME: Abdul-Rahman Mohammed
SHS: Ecole des Sciences de Musanze, Musanze, SHS: Worawora Senior High School, Worawora, Oti
Rwanda. Region
ASPIRATIONS: As a young African future leader Administration
passionate about the development of my community ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Lecturer
and the continent as well, due to the qualified CORE VALUES: Humility, Tolerance and Perseverance
education I’m getting with the continuous leadership
skills as a scholar, I aspire to be a fully equipped Background of Project
Optometrist who will bring to attention all the possible
causes of the eye problems in the community by My project was undertaken in Worawora in the
running numerous campaigns and eye screenings to Oti Region, a town in the Nkonya District. In my
provide treatment and reduce sudden blindness that community, I realized that kids don’t really take their
comes unknowingly in the community. academics seriously. Most students who sit for their final
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Determination, exams hardly perform. Teachers are willing to give off
Goal-Driven and Curiosity

As far as I will be concerned, blindness due to
unawareness of the eye diseases that can be preventable
and treated in early stages will be put to an end in my

Inyambo Initiative is a social venture seeking to train
women doing small scale businesses in rural areas in
information technology and business development in

This project came as a solution to limited exposure to
ICT among women especially in rural areas which limits
their businesses. We are therefore aiming at enhancing
their business performance, provide a better access to

their utmost best to make sure students are prepared NAME: Beatrice Sam Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 183
adequately before sitting for the final exams, but SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Adiembra,
students on the other hand are not ready to take up their Western Region
utmost responsibilities. They are of the view that one PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Culture and Tourism
goes to school in order to get a better paid job and make ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and a Tourist
a living with it. This leads to most students dropping CORE VALUES: Intergrity and Optimism
out of school to indulge in these kinds of part time jobs.
Most of these jobs are tricycle and woodwork jobs. Background of Project
About 60 percent of the JHS and SHS leavers in my
This and others led to the initiation of my community community are unable to further their education into
project titled “Mentoring Young Students (Basic and the Senior High School through to the university
Secondary Level) to Achieve Academic and Career because of poor performance, teenage pregnancy or
Success”, which kick started at the Mubarikiya Islamic financial constraints. Out of these SHS leavers are people
Basic School at Worawora Zongo Community. This who are good with their hands and can learn a skill or
initiative seeks to assist students in areas such as two to help them in their lives.
academic work, moral discipline, coaching on course
selection, effective ways of learning, provision of The Project Macramé is a community based project
learning materials and stationery to students who which seeks to reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy and
deem it, advisory services and others. This project was to develop and improve upon vocational education my
undertaken in collaboration with some friends and community, Ntankoful, located in the Sekondi-Takoradi
teachers whom are willing to support the initiative. Metropolitan Assembly in the Western Region of Ghana

Impact of Project To achieve this, it was announced in the community
for everyone who wishes to join in the skill training,
• Students saw the need for education hence started alongside a group of like-minded people like myself.
taking their academics seriously. We succeeded in making bracelets, bags, sandals,
keyholders, necklace and others, of which some have
• Students were motivated both intrinsically and taken it on as a trade and are making a source of living
extrinsically. out of.

• Students were taught on the effective ways of My way forward is to improve upon the skill training
learning. by not only teaching Macramé but also to add beads
making, millinery and Tie and die.
• Students were morally strengthened and
disciplined enough to take up academic Nelson Mandela once said,” it is in your hands to create
responsibilities. a better would for all who live in it-the privileged”, it is
my fervent desire to create a decent living for people in
• Effective time management through the drawing my society.
of personal time table which was subject
to verification and also creating a sense of
competition through quizzes

I would like to conclude with a quote from William
Butler Yeats which states that “Education is not filling a
pail but the lightning of fire”. And so this project seeks to
rekindle the bright beautiful light of education in these
young ones so that together we shall share the same
vision and mission, to be able to combat the plights of
our community together to make it a better place to be.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 184 NAME: Eshun Benjamin. NAME: Seglah Bright
SHS: Baidoo Bonsoe Senior High Technical School, SHS: West Africa Senior High School, Adenta Accra.
Agona-Nkwanta, Western Region. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Civil Engineering
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness ASPIRATIONS: To Be a Renowned High Way
Management. Engineer.
ASPIRATIONS: Accountant and Entrepreneur. CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Determination,
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard work and Passionate Perseverance.

Background of The Project. Project Description
Inculcating the spirit of giving In quest of paying my social debt as a I have established
This project is about renovation of boys’ washroom a running project entitled “The Edu-Craft Man’s
which was not in use because its inside was totally Conner”. Data from the West Africa Exams Council
demolished and was being used as toilet place by have shown that about 75% of students are not able
student. Students therefore have to go off campus and to make it to any tertiary institution after completing
take their bath when preparing for class in the morning SHS as a result of Gross failure or inability to afford it.
and even going to the evening studies. Due to this, unemployment and social vices such as
After realizing that problem, I together with other MCF internet fraud and armed robbery is on the hike in most
scholars decided to solve the problem by contributing an urban areas such as Accra which Dome Pillar II is of no
amount of GHC 1200.00 to buy the items needed which exception.
are tiles (20) pack, 5 bags of cements and 1 car of sand
and mason workmanship. “The Edu-Craft Man’s Conner” is an initiative which
seeks to equip the youth who are willing with some
Impact of The Project relevant artisan skills such as brick layering, plumbing
Now the students do not go outside the school to bath and steel bending and at the same time help get them
before coming to school, defecating in the right place get formal education. With the help of my father who
which also has ensure good environmental hygiene. is an artisan himself, we have been able to speak to
After the renovation, the govern body of the school senior artisan who have agreed to help the trainees
also implemented a policy called maintenance culture in a period of two years to gain the relevant skills for
in order to solve other problem which were not all that leaving based on some terms and conditions. While the
pressing. trainee is under training, we also try to get them the
Students do come to school early and even have peaceful chance to further their education at a technical institute.
learning or studies because they know have easy access This initiative very unique, in the sense that the person
to toilet and washroom. undergoing the training is not intimidated in one way

or the other when he goes to work, he is not treated as collaborated to embark on CAREER GUIDANCE Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 185
a normal apprentice but with some respect and This AND COACHING PROJECT in response to rapidly
initiative is very sustainable, as these trainees acquire rising wrong choices of courses and programmes made
the skills and gets certified. They are also willing to let by school-leavers in both the Junior High and Senior
this initiative continues hence will also impact in other High Schools which has over the years resulted in the
youth by teaching them these relevant skills, this will following problems below.
attest to the fact that “out of the eater came something We identified that; Students lack practical skills and
better to eat”. information about career choice, they therefore jump
Impact of The Project into any career, leading in drop out of school and
Currently two trainees are enrolled on the program, one because of that there has been a gap between labour
is learning welding and the other is learning plumbing market needs and skills of labour force, many ‘job
and is also currently in the Accra technical university, as hoppers’, high unemployment rate because of low
a part time student they are doing very well in acquiring awareness of career services.
the relevant skills in a faster pace as anticipated. Among all these problems, we identified that low
awareness of career services has been the principal
NAME: Abigail Ababio Bebu cause of the aforementioned problems. This triggered
SHS: Sekondi College, Sekondi, Western Region our choice of project which would enable us to tackle
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics all these problems since one problem leads to the other
ASPIRATION: Financial Auditor. from our analysis.
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Hardworking and Impact of Project
integrity. Our project has been given a lifespan of three (3) years
Background of Project to enable us measure our impact effectively. We started
It is a challenge that we are in an era where we do not last year and it was scheduled on Monday, 25th June to
know and understand ourselves and the world of work Wednesday 27th June, 2018. We were privileged to have
in order to make career, educational and life decisions. impacted over 750 plus lives. We are believing that by
A fellow MCF-KNUST scholar, Johnson Kwakye Asiedu the end of this project, students in my community will
and I from the same community; Dadieso, located in the be branded with their career dreams by making right
Suaman District in the Western-North Region of Ghana, choices of courses and programmes.
Picking a career usually, comes after picking a course.
If a student doesn’t pick the right course, it would
inadvertently affect their career choice. A recent study
showed that 1 in 3 students are unhappy with the course
that they picked. That is nearly half a million dissatisfied
university students! Such figures only point to one clear
truth – The importance of career guidance in schools.

...believing that
by the end of this
project, students in
my community will
be branded with their
career dreams by making
right choices of courses
and programmes.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 186 currently have 5 people who are also taking it up for a
business. The feeling of being able to make an impact
in my own little way is worth much and I look forward
to doing more in my community. Through this project
I have learnt to have a sense of responsibility and a part
to play in community development. This project has
helped in building my confidence and public speaking
abilities as well as interpersonal relationship with people.

NAME: Ametepey Saraphina Adzo Korkor NAME: Richard Amoah
SHS: St. Francis Senior High/Technical School, Akim SHS: Assin Manso Senior High School, Assin Manso,
Oda, Eastern Region Central Region- Ghana
Administration (Human Resource Management) ASPIRATION: I envision a world full of peace where
ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to be a great song writer every living being is satisfied with their conditions. A
and singer as well as an entrepreneur with multiple world devoid of hatred and injustice.
branches and franchises of my business all around the CORE VALUES: Love and respect for humanity.
CORE VALUES: Family, Humility, Respect and Participated in raising fund for the construction and
integrity installation of culvert in my community in 2018.

Background of Project Collaborated with the Torch Bearer Foundation in
organising peer education, skill training and other
Skill training is designed to provide or train people with activities in the Ayeldu community and its environs in
skills, abilities and needed knowledge to fill specific 2019.
requirement or occupy a position. My community
project focuses on skill training for youths and single
mothers in Adenta community in the Ga west municipal
district, Accra. The aim of this project is to equip
my trainees with requisite entrepreneurial skills and
knowledge to become entrepreneurs who will cause a
great amount of impact and change in my community
and the nation at large. The project covers the training
of skills such as catering, soap making, bead making and

Impact of Project
The project so far has been amazing. I have been able
to train about 17 young individuals and single mothers
in catering skills, funding 2 with their business and

NAME: Mutoniwase Clarisse Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 187
SHS: Fawe Girls’ School, Rwanda
NAME: Takyi Daniel Kofi PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Dental Surgery
SHS: Nafana Senior High School, Sampa, Bono ASPIRATION: Dentist
Region. CORE VALUES: Discipline, Patience, Open-Minded
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Natural Resource and Respect for others
ASPIRATION: Natural Resource Conservationist/ Background of Project
Manager There is a large number of orphans and needy children
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Integrity, in Rwanda, some of them have been abandoned by their
Determination and Hard work. own parents due to either they are born different (with
disabilities) or their parent live below the poverty line
My community project was about “reducing illiteracy” and are not able to raise their children, thus they decide
in my community by organizing free extra classes for to disown their own kids and leave them on the street.
students who cannot read and write in my village. My
personal interest is to achieve highest academic training Impact of the Project
and therefore want my people to achieve same to help In Rwanda there is an association that help these needy
transform my community and the nation as a whole. children to wipe away their tears by providing their
The project really helped privilege students since about agency needs and sponsoring for their educations.
half of them can now read and construct simple correct During vacation my friends and I organized “festival”
sentences. The project also motivated a lot of students for fundraising in aid of the support of that association.
who are not able to read and write and are willing to With the money collected we were able to pay the
participate in the next session in betterment of their medical insurances of 35 children and buy other school
academic performance. materials like books, penis, pads and etc.
Now in every vacation, we go to visit the association and
This community project engagement has boosted my socialize with the kids and entertain them as well. We
confidence and improve my level of leading in my are planning to form a social media platform that will
community and I’m hoping to do more to help my help us to keep in touch with those needy children so
community in the long run. that we can support then emotionally.
I believe that “There are no hopeless situations, there are
I am looking forward to transforming lives in my only people who have grown hopeless about them.”
community especially the youth through academic
training to help them pursue higher education for the
benefit of my community and the nation as a whole.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 188 conduct business transactions when the time comes. I
have volunteered to clean up our community market
and the home of an old couple in the neighbourhood
and formed allegiance with the community folks in the

NAME: Mary Acheampong Ghartey NAME: Guur Michael
SHS: Nsaba Presbyterian Senior High School, Agona SHS: Ko Senior High School, Nandom, Upper west
Nsaba, Central Region. Region
Engineering. Rural Development
ASPIRATIONS: My aspiration is to change the world ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Prison Officer
- to empower people to see the world as I see it and to CORE VALUES: Love, Integrity and Diligence
take initiatives that will change it for the better.
CORE VALUES: My core values are honesty and Background of Project
equity in all things.
I have passed through a lot of challenges in my
Background of the Project academics when I was at the basic and secondary level.
My desire to change the world has stemmed from However, I was able to succeed but I did not meet my
watching and learning from my father as I grew up. expectations. This drew me back to how my community
I never a more hardworking man in my life, keeping JHS is facing challenges especially the lack of teachers
the world clean one plastic at a time is my way of in some of the subject’s areas. This kept on draining
saying thank you to the creator of the universe for the the standard of academic performance of the students
wonderful planet we live on. Plastics are slowly taking in this my community school (YIKPEE M/A JHS); I
over the world and recycling them is the best way to therefore, thought of how best I could help to improve
catch up, basically I want the people of winneba to the standard of academic performance in the school.
raise capital for themselves by introducing them to the
potential of plastics. I did the necessary preparations, and channelled the
information to the Headmaster and other consent
Impact of Project individuals. Thereafter, I embarked on this project
My progress with this project is not much, currently I (Helping to improve the standard of academic
am selling plastic waste to companies to raise capital performance in the school)
to start a small business in my community where
the inhabitants can pay hospital bills, electricity and
water bills with plastics. I’ve had the opportunity to
interact with a waste team (Borla Daakye) that is into
what I have planned for my community and is making
progress. I’ve formed a partnership that will enable me

I started teaching the subjects that were lacking teachers, NAME: Godson Mawuli Tay Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 189
and this signalled me to get my colleagues so that if I SHS: Keta Business College, Keta, Volta Region.
get back to school they would continue. I pleaded with PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics
some of the senior High graduates to joint hands so that ASPIRATIONS: Charted Economist and Educationist
we could champion this course. Everything was going CORE VALUES: Integrity, Self-Determined and
well until the Government posted some of the NABCO Selflessness
teachers and they took over. I also awarded the neediest
but brilliant students with stationeries like pens, maths I embarked on a “Students’ Empowerment” program to
sets, exercise books etc. motivate and provide academic support to students in
I enrolled Gerald who was roaming aimlessly, to learn Tegbi a town in Keta Municipality in the Volta Region
tailoring and he is doing so, and I believe getting to time, of Ghana. Poor academic performance, school dropout,
more of them will be enrolled. I think getting vocational teenage pregnancies are among the numerous problems
skills is also paramount. that the youths of Tegbi. These problems are as results
Impact of The Project of lack of motivation, poor parental control and lack of
So far, there is significant improvement in the standard teachers in the local schools.
of performance of the students, and I believe this
will continue as far as teachers are available to take The project provides academic support through extra
them. Donating awards like stationeries is the newest class tutorials on Science, Mathematics and English
iniative ever seen in the school and this encouraged language. Students who excel are given awards and
hard working student to continue and motivate poor incentives to motivate others to do their best.
performing ones to ‘tighten their belts’
Moreover, regarding to the vocational training, Gerald The first phase of the project tackled the Junior High
obtained more of the skills and still learning the rest. School students who were preparing to sit for their
I therefore hope to enrol more if I get the requisite Basic Education Certificate Examination. Guidance
resources. on the BECE exam provided with a motivational and
In conclusion, I acknowledge and praise Mastercard coaching session to help release the tension associated
Foundation for transforming me signifantly and I wish with the exams since it’s the first time the students
to give it back to my community to bring transformation encounter such an examination. I put an award scheme
as I am doing so. in place to award well-deserving students at the end
of every academic year. On 26th July 2018, about 20
well-deserving students from primary four to J.H.S
two in Keta Bright Future Basic School were awarded
through the GMTay Award Scheme.

Student empowerment submit was organised at Keta
Business School to enlighten students on the need to
pursue academic excellence whiles exposing them to life
after high school with an emphasis on scholarship and
educational opportunities.

Going forward, the project will be extended to other
classes of students in order to maximise the impact.
The Empowerment Summit will be organised in two
additional schools.

I believe that the ripple effect of the small change
initiative in the lives of these young students will have an
impact in the community and Africa at large

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 190 Impact of Project
Title: Establish a Book Shop
NAME: Kporxah Freeman Genius About: The project seeks to address the problem of
SHS: Keta Senior High Technical School, Keta, Volta students travel far distances to get reading and learning
Region materials. My community has 8 basic schools with no
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Chemical SHS. Students who completed this Junior High Schools
Engineering (JHS) successfully go to the nearby community Senior
ASPIRATION: Process and Quality Control Engineer High Schools. They hardly get access recent textbooks
CORE VALUES: Humility, integrity, determination and other reference books for their studies when they
and self- motivation come back home. The target groups are the basic schools
and SHS. This is long term project.
Background of Project Aim: To reduce the hustle of where to get recent
books for studies, to make money and assist other less
I am a member of Volta Region Students’ Association privileged ones.
(VORSA), where I helped in organizing six weeks Progress so far: Land for this shop has been secured,
outreach through voluntary teaching, health screening, currently working on the container preparation and
Agric Education program in Adaklu District and its working with book authors like Aki-Ola Publication to
environs in June to July, 2019. The aim was to enlighten bring this project to light.
the less privileges in these communities. Beneficiaries: when the shop is established, it will
employ one person directly. It will also help save time
In January 2020, I organized a program entitle “What and money of parents (students) who like travelling far
Next After SHS Seminar” this took place at Keta to get reading materials for their wards (themselves)
SHS- my former school, to help equip the final year
students few things they need to know so as to make the
necessary preparation for the journey ahead. Either to
further their education, to trade or join the forces.

All the above were done through leadership training
and education received from the MasterCard scholars’
community. It was so beautiful and wonderful moment
seeing myself at the podium, helping to improve lives of
the younger generation. Living is to improve or impart
the lives of others.

NAME: Avorgbedor Famous Kwasi and therefore hope to organize a teachers’ seminar Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 191
SHS: Mepe St. Kizito Senior Technical School, Mepe, for Science, English and Mathematics for Junior High
Volta Region School teachers in the community. It is our goal to
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Geomatic continue this project as long as we have life in us.
ASPIRATION: I aspire to be Roads and NAME: Francisca Kendra Essilfie
Transportation Engineer in the near future. SHS: MPOSEC, Takoradi, Western Region.
CORE VALUES: Respect, Loyalty, Responsibility, PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Akan
Equality, Transparency, Achievement, and Competent ASPIRATION: I aspire to be a customer care agent
in order to provide friendly services to internal and
The Healthy and Brilliant Minds project is an external customers of an organisation.
educational project that seeks to bridge the educational CORE VALUES: Positivity, Respect, Honesty, Service
gap between brilliant and “unintelligent” students in to others and Patriotism.
Mepe, a community in the North Tongu District of the Background of Project
Volta region. I noticed that most of the children in my community
are fond of roaming around in their school uniform
As a lover of education, I decided to zoom in on the while classes are in progress. This is due to the fact that
educational sector for my community-based project they are being sacked out of class to go home for their
because I agree with Nelson Mandela’s quote that: fees or other levies which has delayed with its payment.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which can be And I educated parents on how to save daily towards
used to change the world”. their wards’ education. With this initiative, most parents
started saving at least two Ghana cedis daily.
The project was first started by Mawusi Adzo Arnong Impact of The Project:
of cohort three in the year 2017 in partnership with The feedbacks I received are encouraging and impressive
a Mepe-based organization called Mepe Education enough because most parents are now able to raise some
Congress (MEC) that conducts competitive exams to amount of money to cater for the welfare of their wards
students in the community in Science, Mathematics without waiting for the last day of payment.
and English language, and award the best three in each

As an individual who have passion for education and
with same vision as Mawusi Adzo Arnong from the
same community, we team up to undertake this project
together in 2018 to touch more lives in the area of
education in our community.

As a team, we extended the project to touch the lives
of 24 JHS students in the community by organizing
free extra classes in Science, Mathematics and English
for them. Four JHS one students from the six schools
in the community make up the 24 students who are
undergoing the extra classes till they write their Basic
Education Certificate Examination. They are provided
with stationaries to make their learning easier and more
efficient. We go around to take JHS textbooks from
students who are no more using them so as to give to
these students, because we cannot fully afford to buy
new ones for each student.

We believe that, the academic success of a student is the
collective effort of the student, teachers and parents,

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 192 Not only the church. The time I stated with the project,
the school was getting close to exams time. To get the
NAME: Asante Obour Sophia student on board was a major challenge. They were busy
SHS: Akontombra Senior High School, Akontombra, in class preparing for their exams. Most of the school
Western Region head master and headmistress too deny me from talking
PROGRAMME OF STUDIES: BA. History to the student, at the mercy of the exams. Another
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Researcher difficult experience I had was convincing parent to send
CORE VALUES: Honest and respectful their wards back to school or even enrolling them in
businesses. Most of the victims were ready to go into
Background of Project business or school. And some parent too faces financial l
constrained and delimited the victims go back to school.
I embarked my community project in a small town Notwithstanding all this difficult experience, there is
called Kodie-Akrofrom, in Ashanti Region of Ghana. some impact that this project had on community.
Afigya –kwabre District. This community faces several In the first place, there has been decrease in the rate
challenges including teenage pregnancy, high rate of of the teenage pregnancy. There is no way in this 21st
school dropout, open defecation. As mention few. century; teenage pregnancy can be eradicated in our
Among all this challenge, the most predominant one continent. But measures can be taken into place to
is teenage pregnancy. Over the years due to high rate reduce the rate of which it occurs. Though there is not
of teenage pregnancy, the town cannot boast of 1% of massive improvement but there is little improvement.
female educated elites. Am the first person to enter into In 2017 the town counted about 20-25 cases of teenage
tertiary institution. The highest they can go is SHS. Due pregnancy. But in 2018 the number reduced drastically
to this, I took it upon myself to educate them on the to 7.
consequences of teenage of teenage pregnancy, which
can in long round affect the socio-economic wellbeing Moreover, most of the teenage
of the town and the country as a whole. Various schools victims want back to school. Others
and churches were visited to raise awareness. were enrolled in handwork by their
Impact of the Project

I have difficult experience the execution of this project.
Most of the churches leaders were sometimes fell
reluctant to welcome me to talk to the church members.

NAME: Quagraine Ibrahim Mallam NAME: Adjiaber Thompson Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 193
SHS: Breman Asikuma Senior High School, Breman SHS: Bimbilla Senior High School, Bimbilla, Northern
Asikuma, Central Region. Region.
Engineering. ASPIRATIONS: A Lawyer and Sports Journalist of
ASPIRATIONS: Research Engineer, Inventor and International Repute
Entrepreneur. CORE VALUES: Diligence and God-Fearing
CORE VALUES: Excellence, Hard work and Integrity.
I have always valued education and believe is the most Background of Project
important tool to make a change in my community. This
is why I am passionate about helping children in my As a kid, you sometimes had to cry before some of
community by aiming at making them holistic students your educational needs were provided. Against this
with strong academic, practical and social knowledge background, I was motivated to help some primary
and skills. I believe in the saying of Nelson Mandela, school students in my community, in whose position I
that, “Education is the most powerful weapon which once was. As a result, I distributed exercise books and
you can use to change the world” and my give-back to pencils to these students in September 2018. This was
my community, is therefore to give hope and inspiration intended to lessen the burden on the parents of these
through education. students and to encourage the students to be serious
about their education. Although I could not distribute
Background of Project the books and pencils to the students in 2019 due to
This project seeks to address the issue of poor academic reasons beyond my control, the project is intended to
performance of students in my community. The run for the next couple of years.
academic performance of students in the school have
been declining at an alarming rate for the past 4 years. Impact of The Project
My vision is therefore to help improve the academic
performance of the students in the school. Also, tackling The books and pencils distributed to these kids are not
this holistically, I want to improve both the academic by any stretch of the imagination intended to be used
and extracurricular performance of the students and for the entirety of their primary school life. However,
also equip them with skills that will help them fit in any this has lessened the burden on their parents. Also,
environment they find themselves. the happiness with which these kids received the
Currently we have been able form a Science Club, educational materials is evident of the fact that such
establish a mini library and raise the academic a gesture will motivate them to be serious about their
performance of the students through this project. Our education.
next step is to collaborate with other NGOs interested
in improving Junior High Education to also help us in
developing the students. They will be able to help us in
giving the students career guidance tips, coding skills,
necessary exposure and other beneficial skills.

Impact of Project
I have been able to improve my problem solving skills,
communication and negotiation skills through the
implementation of this project. I have also been able
to interact with the children in my community, and be
able to inspire and motivate them. It feels great to be
a mentor and role model to these young and creative
spirits, and to be able to cause a positive change in my

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 194 of dropping out of school till she completes S.H.S and
also help her get some scholarship funds to further her
NAME: Amegatsey Linda Esinam tertiary education.
SHS: Nyakrom Senior High Technical School, I am also taking care of the stationery needs of about
Nyakrom, Central Region. three students (basic school) in the Awutu-Senya West
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Biological Sciences District and assisting them with academics and also
ASPIRATIONS: Microbiologist, Entrepreneur, organizing the vacation and extra classes for some
Philanthropist and an Icon of Positive Change students for free anytime I’m home since they can’t
CORE VALUES: Love, Discipline, Persistence, afford the ones with charges. Also, I have joined hands
Trustworthiness, Transparency, And Selflessness with other NGOs to undertake major life transforming
programs and projects in various remote areas in Ghana.
Background of Project Going forward, the foundation in the line of achieving
its goals is mobilizing funds through supports from
For the past decades, development in Ghana has always other philanthropists and donations and also putting
been city-based of which the remote areas rarely benefit strategic measures in place to make the world a better
even from philanthropist works such as donations and place for all.
the likes. Teenage pregnancy, lack of quality education, My Experience as a Scholar
poverty, lack of access to basic social amenities, etc. Though I was so optimistic about dreams, I least knew
are some of the major issues people of such remote how I was going to achieve them all until I had the
areas face. In as much as the Sustainable development privilege to be part of the scholars’ community of the
goals seek to be in effect in 30 years, I realized I could MasterCard foundation scholars’ program at KNUST
also contribute in my little way and that made me join to pursue Biological Sciences as a program of study of
hands with some like-minded people to set up the which I least liked. The best part of my life as a student
JARBSBREWS FOUNDATION, which is focused on is being part of the most wonderful community I have
helping the less privileged and also help develop other ever known (MCF Scholars’ community). A community
remote and typical villages in Ghana. As it stands now, which embraces, appreciates, loves, builds and
we (JARBSBREWS) in partnership with FAYTEX have encourages all. Not to talk of the fun-filled and educative
been able to make donations of stationery (pens, pencils, activities such as the numerous power-packed seminars,
books, chalks, colour pencils, etc) and sanitary pads to which include series of transformational leadership by
the students of Akim Akosombo D/A Basic school and the International Leadership Foundation ILF, summer
also took the burden of the academic needs of one very camp activities, dinners, travel opportunities and many
brilliant girl at the kindergarten, who is at the verge more. These activities have sharpened my leadership
and speaking skills and have molded me into a better
version of my inner self. I have been transformed into
the change and asset the world needs, especially to the
youths. I have come to know people from all walks of
life and have learnt a great deal of knowledge from them
as well. It has been a great privilege being part of this
powerful and life-transforming family as an average
Ghanaian student and I strongly believe it would/is
worth it soon.
To all (C.E.O., The Lead-MCFSP at KNUST, our
noble and able secretariats) who have been part of this
journey, God bless you all.

Boys who drop out of school indulge themselves into Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 195
commercial motor riding for a living. Innocent girls
NAME: Rita Dagba however., also get attracted to these meagre earnings of
SHS: Boso Senior High Technical, Anum Boso, these boys and eventually drop out of school as a result
Eastern Region of pregnancy.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Hospitality and My passion to impact generations had triggered me to
Tourism Management embark on the ‘HELPING HAND PROJECT’ which
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Motivational aims at reducing the rampant rate of teenage pregnancy
CORE VALUES: Perseverance, Authenticity, in the community which would in turn reduce the rate
Responsibility and the Fear of the Lord. Speaker of school dropout. This project also extends a helping
hand to the already dropout who might not prefer going
Background of Project back to school by enrolling them into any handy skills of
their choice.
The Helping Hand Project Impact of Project
I have been successful in training two dropouts how
The worse thing that can ever happen to you is to fail to make some snacks of which one of them is busily
your generation. The blueprints of success are the making money out of it. I have also begun educating
impacts you make on the generations that awaits you young teenagers on the consequences of teenage
and not your numerous accomplishments. pregnancy and drug abuse and the necessity to focus
on their education. Other forms of help are being
I envision a generation of young adults who will not administered to some of these young adolescents in
compromise anything for their true identity and terms of cash and kind. A teenage mother is currently
destinies of becoming transformational leaders who about to be enrolled into fashion(dressmaking).
leads change in their country. Desire is the fuel in the furnace of your ambition. Being
driven by passion, empowered by Genuity of purpose it
Severally we hear stories of youths who could have been shall be accomplished with focus and all determination.
potential leaders and instrumental vessels in improving
the development of the community being victims of "I envision a generation
teenage pregnancy, drug abuse and school dropouts, of young adults who will
poverty and unemployment as the results. not compromise anything
for their true identity and
These menaces are the most popular and commonly destinies of becoming
seen issues among the adolescent in my community transformational leaders
- Dodowa community in the greater Accra region. who leads change in their

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 196 To help make threshers available to majority of
the small-scale rice farmers in Adansi Asarekrom
NAME: John Wobil community, it was thought of to design an appropriate
SHS: T.I. Ahmadiyya Senior High School, Fomena, mechanically powered rice thresher machine to solve
Ashanti Region. the problem. The design and fabrication of the rice
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Electrical/Electronic thresher machine has been successfully carried out.
Engineering. The machine is capable of threshing and winnowing,
ASPIRATIONS: Creative, passionate, resourceful and thereby, giving a better method of threshing than the
adventurous entrepreneur. traditional methods.
CORE VALUES: Truthfulness, transparency and This rice thresher was made by wood. We could have
respect. used hard metals to develop the machine, but we were
limited financially. So, we need money to develop a
Background of Project movable metallic model since we would be transporting
the machine from one’s farm to another.
Rice is the largest cereal cultivated by many farmers Since the solution to the problem is found, we have
at Adansi Asarekrom community. Adansi Asarekrom started making business out of it. The wooden thresher
is near to New Edubiase, Ashanti Region, Ghana. machine is capable of producing an average of 750kg
Rice farming serves as a replacement of cocoa in the of rice within 7 hours. We intend to develop a movable
community because it is the second source of income for metallic structure with 2 to 5 feet shaft with cylinder
most farmers. Majority of the populace are small-scale radius of 50cm to 80cm which would use a Chanfa
rice farmers who often use traditional threshing diesel engine to enable us produce, at least, 3000 kg
methods; that is, using sticks to beat the panicle and a day. This thresher can be used by the small-scale
straws of the rice manually on a laid tarpaulin. Other rice farmers and it is a major break-through in farm
farmers gather the rice straws to form bundles and beat mechanization.
them against an object. Impact of Project
It reduces labour cost, it maximizes production/
These manual threshing methods result in low threshing productivity, farmers in their 70’s can still farm rice
outputs. The maximum production per man in an hour without threshing limitations, job opportunity, less
is 30kg; not to talk about its associated difficulties. The physical strength/ muscle power, it is faster, it reduces
traditional methods of threshing really consume time, the rotten rate of the rice grains when it stays long in the
it requires more labor, and sometimes result in rotten farm after harvesting, it is portable, it is affordable, it is
of the rice grains when it stays long in the farm after not electricity dependent.
"Rice farming serves
as a replacement
of cocoa in the
community because it
is the second source
of income for most

teach, inspire and motivate them. Through the project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 197
in 2018, a pavilion comprising of four classrooms was
NAME: Agbeko Gameli David made available for the children through the support of
SHS: Kadjebi-Asato Senior High School, Kadjebi, Oti their parents.
Region. The next phase of the project in 2019/2020 is aimed at
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Actuarial Science furnishing the four-unit pavilion classrooms, provide
ASPIRATIONS: Actuary, Data Scientist. teaching and learning materials, trained teachers and
CORE VALUES: Excellence, Faithfulness, Integrity register Mathias Primary School under the Ghana
and Stewardship. Education Service, Nkwanta North District.
Having formed a group by name Changing Lives
Background of Project Ghana in 2019, a voluntary group which comprises of
passionate, hardworking, young and purpose driven
My project is dubbed, “Building Quality Education; students from some tertiary and secondary institutions
Our Responsibility.” Mathias Primary School is in the across the country, we dream to make sustainable
Nkwanta North District of the Oti Region of Ghana impacts through our Give-Back projects. The challenges
and has a population of about one hundred pupils and have always been financing but I have met a lot of
two volunteer community members who teach the six resistance aside this one. It is true that a prophet is not
(6) levels of the school. The school was established in without honor except in his own house. But I will arise
the year 1981. Though the school commenced 29 years and persevere until the pupils of Mathias Primary are
ago, it is still struggling to educate her pupils. The school serve the good and quality education it deserves!
lacks infrastructure, teachers, teaching and learning
materials. I saw about one hundred pupils who sit under “If you can dream it, then
trees, subjected to bad weather conditions, delayed of you can achieve it. You
good and quality education and I knew it was time to will get all you want in
give them hope. life if you help enough
other people get what
Impacts of Project they want.” -Zig Ziglar

The first phase of the project inspired hope in parents to
join hands together and build their children’s education.
Children were motivated in the course of the project
with learning materials. It was also a time I devoted to

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 198 mindset. The students have now through the awareness
say no to guys that approach the sexually and they are
also motivated to focus on their education.
My way forward now is to involve those who have more
knowledge on the use of contraceptive such as doctors
and nurses and friends with the same plans to create a
better community for all and beyond.

NAME: Arhu Faustina NAME: Bruce Fredrick Dadzie
SHS: Dadieso Senior High School, Dadieso, Western SHS: New Nsutam Senior High Technical School,
North Region. Nsutam, Eastern Region
ASPIRATION: Advocator and community planner. Technology and Management
CORE VALUES: Respect for All, Kindness and Equity. ASPIRATIONS: Dreams Cannot Be Fulfilled Unless
Action Is Been Taken
It is my passion to see the youth in my community to CORE VALUES: Integrity, Honesty and Respect
live meaningful lives and become a better people to also
help create a change and better environment for the Background of Project
community and the younger ones. Its saddens me much
when the youth in my community end up dropping out Unemployment is something that the country is facing
from school and struggling to survive because of being including my community, so with this problem, I am
pregnant at a tending age. Teenage pregnancy is one of embarking on a project on which the individuals in
the major problem within the various challenges my my community (dunkwa aboabo/mfuom) it is two
community faces. This has motivated me to take a step communities in the central region, upper denkyira east
to help in one way or the other to impact in the lives of district precisely will benefit and find something to do
those around me and even beyond the boundaries of my and get something for their families.
community. My community project is about creating
awareness to help reduce teenage pregnancy. It is a long This project is a long-term project which will take years
term project which seeks to educate and motivate the to finish because supporting people is not something
youth and the use of contraceptives. The target groups
are the school pupils and school dropout.

The main objective of this project is to help reduce early
child birth which has caused most youth into unpleasant
conditions. The project was started in two schools at
Apowa in the Ahanta West Municipality, where I was
helped by a colleague in the education of students and
was finalized with giving out books and pens. So far,
after a fellow-up to the school, there is a change of

easy at all especially in the monetary aspect. NAME: Dorothy Danikuu Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 199
The main aim of embarking this project is to help SHS: Eremon Senior High/Technical School, Lawra,
individuals who has passion to work or do something Upper West Region
but not getting the necessary requirement (tools and PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agriculture
equipment’s) to start. ASPIRATIONS: A Lecturer and Social Entrepreneur
To help individuals in my community who are willing to CORE VALUES: Humility, Determination, Integrity,
work but have nothing(money) to start with. Love and Respect
At the end of the project:
Individuals who has passion to work or do something Background of Project
but not getting the necessary requirement to start will be
provided. My community project is all about educating the
There are some individuals in my community who are unprivileged children in my community who have
willing to work but have nothing to start with. So, at not had the opportunity to be in school because of
the end of this project, I will see to it that those who are reasons such; Financial constraints on the side of the
willing to work will find something to do. parents, Ignorance about how helpful education is to
Impact of Project them and finally superstitious believes about education.
I have experienced that, there is/are always a The project seeks to brighten the mind of the children
challenge(s) in helping others to get a stand in life in which in turn will help them make right and healthier
terms of financial support and others which is not choices for themselves for a better future, and to reduce
an easy task at all but rather through hard work and poverty and hunger in the community. In order to
determination. achieve the goals of the project, children in Fielmua
So the progress so far of my project is that, two Municipality of school going age who are not in school
individuals have been enrolled on this project and both are brought under the spotlight, negotiations are done
has started working. Where one is into pastries making with their parents to know the importance of education
and the other one into hair dressing. to the future and they are convinced to agree for
children to be sent to school. The children are provided
with school uniforms, bags and stationeries and are sent
to the local government school. Supervision are carried
out on intermittent basis to check if the students are in
school and how they are faring.

Impact of the Project

Fifteen students have so far benefitted from the project,
so far, the project have been able to provide school
uniforms for eleven out of the fifteen students, and
school bags and stationery for them. 5 of the students
are in the upper primary while remaining are in lower
primary. The project looks forward to help more
children in the Fielmua municipality reach their dreams
and bright future.

Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 200 NAME: Abraham Kudiabor added logistics for proper waste management and the
SHS: Abor Senior High School, Abor, Volta Region construction of a public place of convenience.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business The implementation of this project, though not
Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain completed, has resulted in a drastic improvement in
Management) the sanitation of the community and a tremendous
ASPIRATIONS: International Logistics Manager & reduction in the outbreak of preventable diseases such
Entrepreneur as cholera.
CORE VALUES: Honesty, Hard work, Perseverance “Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical
and Excellence. measure that has probably done more to increase
human life span than any kind of drug or surgery” -
Background of Project Deepak Chopra. Therefore, I owe it as an obligation to
As part of the ‘Go-Back, Give-Back’, I have initiated my community and nation to be of impact however
the Atiavi Sanitation Project dubbed “Improving the possible.
Sanitation of Atiavi.” The ultimate objective is to make I strongly believe this is the beginning of a much bigger
Atiavi one of the cleanest towns in the Keta Municipality impact.
and curb the consequential adverse health impact of Impact of Project
poor waste management on the community. There came times when the prospect of the future
looked questionable and dim beyond fathom.
The project started in August 2018 following a But being with the Mastercard Scholars Program at
community need assessment. By far, we have KNUST has exposed me to enormous self-discovery,
successfully engaged the members and leadership of the personal development, leadership, community
community in monthly clean-up exercises. Tools have engagement and networking opportunities at diverse
been secured from the Municipal Environmental Health levels through Seminars, Summer camps, Dinners and
and Sanitation unit for conducting the regular clean-up ‘Go-Back, Give-Back’. Now, I dare to foresee the future
exercises. The office has also helped in training and sparkle with glimpses of hope and possibilities.
inaugurating a zonal sanitation corps which is charged Among my many delightful experiences is the 2018
with safeguarding the sanitary of the Atiavi and its Mastercard Scholars Convening at Ashesi University.
environs. The convening has made me understand the role of the
youth in creating opportunities for the development
Again, proposals are underway to reach out to of Africa through collaboration and has contributed
Corporate bodies and Non-profits to solicit for immensely to my resolve to create opportunities for
national development through entrepreneurship.

The Mastercard experience is one I
would wish every Ghanaian youth
gets to experience too.

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