during the course of registration. The organization is NAME: Ojuang Atsieno Diana Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 101
made up of a team of four which was formed in May SHS: Koyonzo Secondary School, Mumias, Kenya.
2017 and was registered in December 2017 with the PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Medical Laboratory
major aim of providing leadership and vocational ASPIRATION: Achieving my dreams and life target.
training to the youth in need. There is a saying that life CORE VALUE: Humanity.
without battle is without victory, upon all the difficulties
we faced during the registration, now the foundation is Jigger Eradication
registered under the Registrar General Department of
Ghana. To start the execution, the foundation agreed Amongst all the ongoing development in Kenya, there
to begin its operations at Asamankese a town in the remains the unnoticed epidemics that commonly
Eastern Region of south Ghana and later extend it to affect the minorities often health-oriented epidemics.
other parts of Ghana. The foundation recently also Amongst them includes Tungiasis/Chigloe/Jigger
wants to venture into Yoghurt production and other parasitic infestation. The flea burrows into the skin, toes,
social activities. soles, and heel causing itching and local irritation as the
Impact of the Project: flea develops fully depriving the individual of nutrients,
The journey has not been easy but we are ready to leading to anemia and eventually malnutrition,
do greater things. The organization has enrolled one especially amongst toddlers.
lady into hairdressing in June 2017 and also visits
her from time to time to check up on her. We started Since it commonly affects the rural riparian homes,
with long term vocational training and realize the stigmatization due to physical malformations associated
challenges that come with it in terms of financing the eventually leads to recession of infested individuals
beneficiaries during their course of training. Recently denying them the freedom to fully partake in the
the organization is working on Yoghurt production community or individual building practices. These
which is a short term training and this time around we findings led to my focus on their eradication in various
plan on training the members of the foundation first. homesteads and primary schools as my target project.
After that, the members will go to the community and
impact the knowledge of their beneficiaries. As at now, In the homesteads and schools that I have managed to
the members have been trained and are left with the recruit, often I would manually remove the fleas after
beneficiaries to be set up. which I would provide managerial treatment products. I
This process has been delayed due to some challenges would also educate them on cleanliness and appropriate
we faced as an organization in terms of financial and so ways to help curb reinfection.
many other things.
We are doing our part
as a team to make this
dream a reality and we
know by God’s grace we
will achieve it because
nothing is impossible if
you believe in God.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 102 NAME: Fianko Oforiwaa Angela I later met with the PTA committee of Ayeduase R/C
SHS: Yaa Asantewaa Senior High School, Tanoso, primary and JHS to put before them this project I had
Ashanti Region started. Having an interest in the project and the plan I
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business had to pursue it, they allocated some classrooms that I
Administration (Accounting) could use for the teaching sessions; chalks, books, and
ASPIRATION: Chartered Accountant pens were also provided to ensure the success of this
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Humble, Obedient and project. They further gave me the course outline that is
Selfless. used for teaching as per the Ghana Education Service to
Background of Project ensure that the right things are being taught. Also, some
teachers come around sometimes to assist in teaching.
“Let’s Join to Help”
Aside from teaching them by the course outline,
Being a student with society’s well-being at heart, I saw we specifically use Fridays to educate students from
the need to create a system that would enable me to primary six (6) to JHS about careers, personal hygiene,
improve my community and educating the youth was and sex. A nurse in my community is normally invited
the best among the several alternatives I had. Educating to tackle this session; dignitaries from our parish church
the youth will be beneficial to the community being also joined in this activity.
that, everyone who is educated will contribute his or her
quota to the development of the society and this pool of Although this project is emanating positive outcomes,
resources that will be generated will immensely affect some challenges are being faced. They are:
the community positively. • Lack of members to help in executing the classes
• Financial constraints
Impact of Project • Irregularities of students
I started the project in 2016 with the help of five (5) Finally, these free vacation classes have reduced the
friends who volunteered to help alongside some parents number of youth who stay home doing nothing during
that supported financially. Various resources were the long vacation. It has improved its eagerness to learn
needed for this project which was a burden to me at hard and become prominent people in the future.
the start but these people supported in ways they could
which helped to build the foundation of the project.
NAME: Emmanuel Asamoah Essuman NAME: Ofori Kobina Akyea Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 103
SHS: Oyoko Methodist Senior High School, SHS: Swedru Senior High School, Swedru, Central
Koforidua, Eastern Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biological Sciences PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Petrochemical
ASPIRATIONS: Life Coach, Career Guidance Engineering
Consultant, Transformational Speaker and TV Host ASPIRATIONS: Professional Engineer and Clergyman
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Passion, Faithfulness, And CORE VALUES: Optimistic, Valiant and Nimble
A world where everyone has a positive mindset creates
Kingdom Youth Leadership (KYL) is the name of my a ripple of sustainable development. Predicting with
organization with the sole aim of helping the youth certainty the negative influence the elder generations
discover and develop their leadership potential and have on the upcoming generation results in an unstable
become the best version of themselves via interviews future for my community.
and seminars.
The youth in Agona Swedru is faced with a negative
Behind every glory, there is a story. We are not focused influence on early riches through devious ways. Some
on only hosting influential leaders who have the right of these youth with no strong will for positive gains fall
character to share their stories, ideas, philosophies, and prey to this prevailing negative influence hence putting
principles that have made them successful with the their future at high risks.
youth but also young leaders who are also doing exploits
in their unique way. We celebrate and encourage them The New Name project initiated by a group of young
to do more. determined youth-led by myself aims to nullify this
effect in the best feasible way. The group which started
Kingdom Youth Leadership began its program on the as a four-member committee has grown into a strong
16th of March, 2019 at the Dean of Student Conference formidable team of ten members. The team has been
Room on Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and able to reach out to leaders of the community for
Technology campus. their support and has been granted the green light to
We had a good number of students who came to learn commence activities.
about how to Become A Fearless Speaker by author and
speaker Kofi Boakye Antwi. The feedback was great and By projecting the success of this long-term project, we
this has boosted the morale of the team. Because we hope to see young people aiming higher to make it in
know and believe that souls and minds were changed, life positively and giving back to the community.
ideas and convention challenged. Feedback has revealed
that people believe in what we are doing.
In the future, we have goals and plans of traveling
to the sixteen regions of the country before we host
our programs outside the country. Kingdom Youth
Leadership will be aired at the end of every month.
From school to school, church to
church, campus to campus and
everywhere. So, keep on building,
keep working, do not stop, show up
every day and never stop believing,
and above all, start before you are
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 104 NAME: Mensah Jennifer it an assignment that includes homework and or taking
SHS: Akontombra Senior High School, Sefwi them for their studies for a specific time.
Akontombra, Western Region. Prior to this, there was a deliberation on the project in
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Construction 2017 concerning our proposal to build a library in the
Technology and Management community, few stakeholders including the traditional
ASPIRATION: Project Manager authority, the authorities of both Akontombra Senior
CORE VALUES: Tolerance and Humility High School and the primary schools in the community,
as well as the clergy (the Local Council of Churches),
Background of Project: had a meeting for the consideration of the proposed
project. A project team was formed to make the
Project Title: A Library (Mini Standard) To Enhance the plans for the project. Unfortunately, their quest in the
Academic Performance of Students process, along the line, got slackened by the demise of
the chief in the area. However, about the project, we
The project seeks to establish a mini-library system in plan to organize vacation classes for the pupils in the
the Sefwi Akontombra community where students and community to prevent streetism during vacation. The
pupils of the community will have access to required vacation classes were organized in 2018 which targeted
textbooks and other related reading materials and to Junior High School pupils. It recorded an appreciable
provide a congenial study environment for learning. number of pupils attending, though it was the first of a
It is aimed at improving the standard of academic kind. We look forward to soliciting for funds to start the
performance of pupils in the community by addressing whole project and finish by the end of 2019.
the issue of pupils not being able to speak the English Impact of Project
Language fluently and not getting good grades in their We were able to mobilize the pupils with the help of
respective examinations, because of inadequate access fellow tertiary students, where we worked as a team.
to reading and textbooks. The project will also help to Personally, it was okay working with the team because
eradicate the hurdles parents go through to acquire it brought out the best of individuals and helped in
textbooks for their wards due to a lack of bookshops in smooth organization.
the community. The turnout was good and parents are looking forward
to the continuity of the vacation classes.
The mini-library system will ensure that there is a stock
of books in a designated room where students would
apply for any book needed for their academic works, be
NAME: Felicity Adawula Awennanya Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 105
SHS: Navrongo Senoir High School, Navrongo, Upper
East Region. NAME: Nyankum Ruth
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Economics SHS: Mpohor Senior High, Mpohor, Western Region
ASPIRATIONS: An Entrepreneur and Motivational PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Disability and
Speaker Rehabilitation Studies
CORE VALUES: Self-Discipline and Respect for ASPIRATION: Audiologist
Humanity CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Determination and
Background of Project:
Poverty is rampant in our societies which most times
Enhancing Academic Excellence Through Speech and lead to many negative or illegal behaviour such as
Prize Giving stealing, prostitution among others. Given this, the
project is entitled ‘Alleviation of Poverty through Skill
I leave in a community where education is believed to be Training’ which aim to help the wards of single parents
the best option to be successful in life but in the course acquire skills in making liquid soap and parazone in
of our educational journey, most people give up after other to support their parent as well as themselves. This
completing Junior High School which leaves just a few project was undertaken in a community called Assakae
who move to the next stage in education. This is due to in the Western part of Ghana.
poor academic performance and inadequate capital for
further studies. The performance of BECE candidates I believe that making an impact on one person who
in my community has been deteriorating over the years will bring change is better than many people which will
and an increasing number of pupils do not go to Senior not be of any benefit in their lives. In this skill training,
High School. seven (7) people were trained on how to make liquid
soap and parazone of which they can now do it on their
In view of this, I decided to undertake my project own. The way forward is to get more trainers on board
in the field of education by organizing a speech and also get marketers to market the product of which
and prize-giving day in my formal school which is we have targeted nursing mothers, school matrons as
Chuchuliga Junior High School, with the objectives of well as the individuals.
motivating, encouraging, and inspiring them to pursue
their dreams. We award the top three students in each
class at the end of every academic year with textbooks
and stationery. This is to motivate them to study hard
and be able to move to the next level of their education.
So far, this project has provided stationery, textbooks
and a seminar on time management and how to
blend house chores with academics for the students in
Chuchuliga Junior High School. There has also been
an improvement in the number of students who make
it to Senior High School. I have learned that it is very
important to celebrate ourselves and others for the little
things they achieve, giving a little present to someone
for their effort help them to achieve greater things in life.
Also, it does not take much to make someone smile.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 106 They said the most urgent of the problems listed above is
the power supply since there are frequent power outages
NAME: Napoleon Baah Oppong in the community. They see this as important because
SHS: Dadieso Senior High School, Dadieso, Western they now undertake surgical operation and they have
North Region no backup generator so if in the course of undertaking
PROGRAMME: BSc. Business Administration surgery and the light goes off the person’s life will be
ASPIRATIONS: Entrepreneur and Philanthropist at stake. As a result, we formed a committee to solicit
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Determination, funds for the purchase of a plant (as a backup generator)
Discipline and God-Fearing for the hospital. During the market survey, the feasibility
studies showed the generator will cost around GHc
Background of Project 38,000-40,000. We wrote to institutions in the district
including banks, cocoa companies, and prominent
When I was enrolled on this program, I thought individuals to come to our aid.
of improving lives of other people and this led me
to undertake a project with my colleagues dubbed Experience
“Converting Dadieso Health Centre into Fully Fledged
Hospital.” Inhabitants of this community die due to First and foremost, I would give thanks to the Almighty
inadequate tools and equipment in the clinic. As a result God for giving me such an opportunity to be part
of that, severe cases are transferred to either Juaboso of this family, I am privileged. Being part of MCFSP
or Enchi a nearby town of about 45 miles and in the over the years has enabled me to widen my scope of
process some of the victims lost their lives. It is in this thinking, educational and social life. I have come to
vein that we have decided to spearhead the conversion realize that the future lies in our hands. With this, there
of the clinic to a fully-fledged hospital. We met with is a saying that “success usually comes to those who are
the executives of the health clinic to examine the too busy to be looking for it”. This makes me walk with
progress of the project so far and to know some of the determination, hard work, and God-fearing. Being
urgent problems facing the institution. The team made involved in a series of seminars and summer camps
mention of a quite number of problems like; lack of organized by MCFSP has made me improve upon my
accommodation for staff members, inadequate power presentation skills, leadership skills, communication
supply (Dumsor), inadequate water supply, lack of beds, skills, ability to counsel and approach others. I wish for
lack of surgical equipment, lack of laptops for office the standard I wish for myself. Being part of the family
works. has to be a blessing to me and my family. During my
first year, I had the opportunity to work as an intern
with Vodafone Ghana and my second year working with
GCB Bank Ltd in my town. I working with this bank
in my town served as a motivation to the youth in my
community. This has equipped me with valuable skills
for the job market. As part of its summer camp being
organized on campus, scholars are allowing visiting
tourist Centre’s in Ghana, this has made my known a
lot of place in Ghana. Places I never taught of in mind.
Places like Kakum National Park, Cape Coast Castle,
Mountain Afajato and Manhyia Palace.
I have come to realize giving back to society is a core
mandate to every member of a community.
With this, I would like to say “Ayekoo” to the CEO, the
Lead, and the program manageress for this foundation
and the entire secretariat for impacting people’s lives.
Achievements Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 107
The first phase of this program begun in August 2017.
NAME: Meshack Annobil The total cost of GHc 261.00 for paints and turpentine
SHS: Enyan Denkyira Senior High Tech. School were bought solely by me of which I donated them to
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Sociology the headmistress of Baifikrom M/A Primary and J.H.S
ASPIRATION: My main aspiration is to become the on 19th August, 2017. These materials were meant for
Governor of Bank of Ghana. the painting of the primary block of stream ‘A’ on the
CORE VALUES: Smart, Simple, Perfect, Integrity and school premises.
Love Impact of the Project
Students often put much effort into their academics
My community project is named Easy Transformation when they figure out some kind of support from
Program which is taking place in a community called external bodies. The output for painting the school
Baifikrom in the Central Region of Ghana. It is a structure is that the students will learn effectively and
program because it involves inter-related projects. It is develop trust for the community. Due to this support
divided into two phases; Phase I and Phase II. Phase I from the society, the students encourage themselves
encompasses two main projects namely: to learn seriously to help the society in one way or the
other somewhere in the future.
• Renovation of community school buildings Also, the footsteps of us the initiators of change are
• Establishment of quality metal signboard emulated by the young ones and for that matter when
they grow, they will all join hands in driving the success
indicating the name of my community of our community. As a result of this, the needs of
Baifikrom will be provided through diverse angles
The renovation of the school is mainly about the among individuals in the community.
painting of the school buildings and it is going to be
progressive because of substantial deterioration when "The output of my
emulsion paints are used. The signboard is going to be at Project regarding the
both ends of the community. painting of school
structures have caused
Phase II is about the establishment of a technological students to learn hard
business in Baifikrom. The business is about the printing and develop love for the
of written words or designs in shirts. Smart and simple, community school."
perfect, integrity and commitment are the core values
bounding this program.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 108 NAME: Richard Mensah keeping of surroundings clean will influence the parents
SHS: St. Joseph Senior High Technical School, or guardian to also acts in the same way when they see
Ahwiren-Bekwai, Ashanti Region it’s a good behaviour their wards are putting up.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business Experience and Impact of the Project
Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain With the provision of waste cans for collecting and
Management) tractor for disposing of the refuse, the waste, especially
ASPIRATIONS: Supply Chain Specialist and a solid waste management of Prestea is improving
Philanthropist gradually and we hope to have a clean Prestea by 2020.
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Discipline, Persistent I conducted a survey to find out the problems faced by
Determination and Rectitude the schools concerning sanitation and how they can
be solved. Problems faced by the schools and solutions
Background of Project identified are;
Lack of waste bins for storing litters of paper and other
The Prestea Catchment Waste Management Project is materials makes the students litter the compound with
a partnership project between Golden Star Resources these materials. With regards to this, letters have been
Limited (Bogoso/Prestea) and the correlation of NGO’s sent to the district assembly for assistance and wealthy
in Prestea and myself to address the sanitation needs of individuals to solicit for funds which will be used in the
Prestea and its environments. The Environment Health provision of bins for the schools
Office is in charge of the supervision and monitoring Most of the public schools don’t have places of
of the project. The main aim of this project is to convenience and in this regard, the Environmental
address and improve sanitation needs of Prestea and its Health Officer and the Urban Council have introduced
environment through proper disposal of waste and the a directive that allows student free entry into the public
provision of education on how to handle and dispose places of convenience provided they are in school
of waste in our homes and workplaces. Students in the uniform and also within the school hours.
basic schools are our target audience as it will be difficult
for us to reach out to each individual in their homes.
The students are going to be sensitized on how to keep
their homes clean and what to do to keep the homes
clean and healthy. Through this, the change in behaviour
of the student towards proper waste disposal and
NAME: Katusele Daniel Mutahwa NAME: Owoo Vivian Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 109
SHS: Mwanga High School, North Kivu, D.R. Congo
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Civil Engineering SHS: Komenda Senior High Technical School,
ASPIRATION: Civil Engineer, Lecturer and Komenda, Central Region
CORE VALUES: Honesty, Optimism, Humility and PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Integrated Rural Art
Innovation and Industry
My community project focuses on supplying safe
drinking water to all residents of Goma, a city located in ASPIRATIONS: Versatile Artist and Motivational
the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Speaker
More than half of the population in Goma live in poor
and challenged communities. Sanitation and pollution CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Humility, Respect and
issues are prominent in the area and these lead to a Determination
fast-spread of water-related diseases. Both waterborne
and water-washed diseases are frequently observed and “Youth Skills Liberation” is the name of my Community
throughout the city. This is primarily due to the lack Project. This initiative seeks to equip the youth with
of portable water for personal and domestic hygiene. vocational skills, address the problem of teenage
Goma also happens to be a fast-growing city, which pregnancy, early parenthood, and unemployment
poses a challenge to the state-owned company in charge which has been dominant in my Community and the
of supplying water to cover the entire city. surrounding towns. The initiative also aims at ensuring
sustainable economic independence among the youth.
The city is located in a volcanic region and lies on a
rock; this does not allow extracting groundwater for It is my vision to set the initiative up as a vocation to
consumption and restricts the entire city to rely on create employment opportunities for all who wish
water from the Lake Kivu. The lake is polluted to some to learn and train to become self-employed. Though
extent due to waste dumping and has a salty taste, which managing and ensuring the progress and sustainability
remains in the water even after chlorination. Some of the initiative hasn’t been easy, I have still been able to
consumers find it unsafe to drink and resort to buying cause a great impact on the lives of most of the youth in
expensive imported drinking water based on what they my Community.
can afford.
Because of this, I resolved to address this problem in Currently, fifty-five (55) youth have been impacted with
two steps. The first step is to thoroughly investigate the skills in beading through this initiative and this has
problem, understand the extent to which people are given job and employment opportunities to a greater
affected. The second step is to propose a technology that number of them. I am looking forward and hoping to
will treat the water at a cheaper price and will reduce to extend the training to the surrounding towns as well
the minimum if not to entirely remove the salty taste of as adding more vocational such as macramé, millinery,
Lake Kivu water. fabric manipulation, and fashion designing.
We are called to be innovative
engineers who seek to make an
impact, tackle challenges and
rebuild the world. It is high time we
took insightful actions that gave
sustainable solutions to problems.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 110 of young women and inculcate in them, the spirit of
productiveness and entrepreneurship through craft. My
NAME: Hagar Asantewaa Awuni project seeks to help young women, especially teenage
SHS: Sunyani Senior High, Sunyani, Bono Region mothers, acquire basic vocational skills which will help
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Optometry them to be productive and bring them profit to either
ASPIRATIONS: A Renowned Optometrist and continue their education or set up businesses of their
Entrepreneur own and train others as well.
CORE VALUES: Determination, Perseverance and Impact of the Project
Hardwork Thirty (30) individuals, both male and female
teenagers, and one teenage mother have been
Background of Project trained in basic macramé so far. The areas of training
included the weaving of lanyards, bracelets, box, and
My community project was carried out in my hometown diamond-shaped key holders, sandal tops and handbag.
and current place of residence, Chiraa. Chiraa is a During and after the training, the participants made
small farming town located in the Bono - East region. and sold some artefacts such as bracelets, lanyards, key
According to Google Map, Chiraa is 17km from holders and sandal tops.
Sunyani, in the Bono region, and 45km from Techiman, Macramé has proven to be a very profitable venture.
the regional capital of Bono – East. More women, both teens, and adults have shown
interest in learning the art while those with the basic
My project, entitled ‘Changing Lives through Craft’, aims skills seek to improve themselves with more complex
at reducing the unemployment rate in Chiraa through designs.
skills acquisition such as macramé, beads making and Due to the above reasons, I seek to learn and enhance
other vocational skills. my skills in macramé, bead making, and other craft and
also obtain human and financial support to be able to
Many of the youth in Chiraa, especially women, are achieve the objectives of my community project.
unemployed. This is mainly due to poverty and idleness.
Those who can acquire certain skills or complete their
education with a diploma or degree often leave Chiraa
to work in other towns. Most of the workers especially
teachers, are from Sunyani. The project title was chosen
because I seek to change the poverty and idle lifestyle
NAME: Jacob Ayang Achumboro NAME: Sandra Oduro Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 111
SHS: Bolgatanga Senior High School, Bolgatanga, SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Takoradi,
Upper East Region Western Region
Medicine ASPIRATIONS: Broadcaster and Editor
ASPIRATION: I aspire to be a successful business man CORE VALUES: Love and Integrity
so I can employ my community youth as part of my
give-back to society. Background of Project
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Strength and Honesty
Background of Project Water is very essential for survival and has been proven
My Project is an initiative that seeks to improve scientifically that it makes up about 70% of the body’s
education in the Sandema Community by capitalizing fluid. Thus, its shortage or inaccessibility creates some
on a Mentorship program. The project runs by pairing level of discomfort in the body and disruption in going
up mentees that are handpicked by a criterion with about one’s domestic activities smoothly. For this reason,
mentors of high community repute. The roles of the I decided to embark on a project titled “Water for Life.”
Mentors are to know their mentees at the family and The reason being that the inhabitants of my community
academic level and provide sound academic guidance. face some challenges in accessing water, especially in the
We believe with the right coaching, the academic dry season. This is because the only well they generate
potential in students will reach its maximum. water from is in a dilapidated state hence cannot
Impact of the Project produce much water for their use. This project seeks
After going through a lot of processes to ensure the to renovate the well so that it will produce the water
Sandema District Assembly is well aware of the project, needed by people for use.
we kick started our pilot cohort with six (6) boys in
the basic school level. It was especially difficult to get The project is in three phases of which I am currently
girls on the project now because of the logistics that in the third phase. The first two phases dealt with
must be met before signing up females and as such we the surveying of the well and coming up with the
have enrolled only boys. Reports from the parents of best means to renovate it. The second phase was the
these boys have been positive. Their corresponding purchasing of the requisite materials needed to renovate
basic school teachers report an improvement in their the well to serve its purpose. The materials needed
attention in class and general attitude towards school. are nine culverts with a concrete covering and these
have been provided for the renovation which is yet
Since the project only to commence. When this is done, the people will be
actually started last relieved of the stress they go through just to get water.
year, it is difficult to
measure its impact in
society but general
feedback indicates
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 112 NAME: Mawusi Adzo Arnong The second phase, which started in 2017, is focused on
SHS: St. Kizito Senior High Technical School, Mepe, students who did not perform well.
Volta Region In partnership with Avorgbedor Famous in cohort four,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Environmental free extra classes in Science, Mathematics, and English
Science has been organized for under performing JHS one
ASPIRATIONS: Environmental Engineer and students in the community. The project is centered on
Educationist Science and Mathematics, but we believe that mastering
CORE VALUES: Determination, Responsibility and English, the language of study, is a plus in understanding
Integrity what is taught and also helps in answering questions,
hence, its addition. Four JHS one students (two boys,
The Healthy and Brilliant Minds project is an two girls) from each of the six schools in the community
educational project that seeks to bridge the gap between make up the 24 students are undergoing the extra
brilliant and “unintelligent” students in Mepe, a classes till they write their Basic Education Certificate
community in the North Tongu District of the Volta Examination. They are provided with stationery to make
Region. learning easier and more efficient.
We believe that the academic success of a student
The project started in 2017 when I partnered with a is a collaborative effort of the student, teachers, and
Mepe-based organization (Mepe Education Congress) parents. We, therefore, planned to influence these
that conducts competitive exams to students in the three stakeholders: the extra class tackles the students’
community in Science, Mathematics, and English and under performance; plans are being made to organize a
award the best three in each subject. After we compiled seminar for Science, Mathematics, and English teachers
the exam marks, I noticed two categories of students; in the JHS; and we also plan to pay visits to parents
brilliant losers thus students with high marks but not in at home to motivate them and also discuss the way
the first three and students who did not perform well. I, forward for their children and wards.
therefore, decided to help both categories of students.
We know it will be difficult to shape the academic
In the first phase of the project, I awarded 4th orientation of these students but the difficulty is not
position students who had above 70% in Science and impossibility and as such we are ready to take on the
Mathematics, during our Speech and Prize giving day. challenge.
The good news is, the community’s beauty queen bought
into the idea and also awarded 4th position students in
NAME: Sandra Owusu NAME: Victoria Dede Enormahe Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 113
SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Adiembra, SHS: Ada Senior High Technical School, Sege-Ada,
Western Region Greater Accra Region
ASPIRATION: Human Rights Advocacy Consultant Rehabilitation Studies
CORE VALUES: Cleanliness, Honesty and ASPIRATION: Disability Advocate
Commitment CORE VALUES: Commitment, Hardworking and
Background of Project
Background of Project
My project title is ETMS (Equipping Teenage Mothers The name of my community project is ‘Help Me
with Vocational Skills) and it is being undertaken Acquire a Skill.’ It seeks to help a teenage mother acquire
at Kwesimintsim Zongo in Takoradi. The project is dressmaking skills so she can live an independent life
deemed to last for three (3) years. and also be able to support her husband and children.
The project is in two phases. Phase one entails selecting Impact of the Project
two teenage mothers to enrol them into any vocation; She has started her apprenticeship already and has also
specifically, hairdressing and tailoring; of their choice. stared petty trading so that she can be able to fend for
Phase two includes assisting the two trained teenage herself in the course of learning. This will help her not
mothers to set up and furnish a workplace for them and stop learning because of lack of funds. I have bought
also take in other ladies in the same situation to help a sewing machine for her and have also given her a
them at a lesser fee. start-up capital for her petty trade. There is a youth
employment project which also trains youth to acquire
The objectives are; to break the poverty cycle associated skills and she has enrolled in that program too. She used
with teenage mothers and their children by equipping to call me for the financial assistance but since I gave her
them with vocational skills they can work with to earn a start-up capital for her petty trade, she had stopped
a living; and to enhance if not accurate but laudable calling for funds. I believe it is good to teach someone
financial responsibility and independence on the part of how to fish than to provide the person with fish always.
teenage mothers in my community. If you are not there, the person might have gone hungry.
But if you teach him how to fish, he will fish in your
Experience and Impact of the Project absence and also have food on the table.
I have assisted a teenage mother of seventeen years to
be trained as a hairdresser. She is fulfilled that at long
last she can do something for herself and her child. Her
training cost five hundred Ghana Cedis (500.00). She
started with full passion but along the way she tried to
prove stubborn. With the help of a dear friend (Alhassan
Mubarak Aziza) and her madam, we re-energized her
to put her back on track. As at now she is well versed in
the training and exploring her field to be the best. She is
a fast learner.
I look forward to training yet another
teenage mother. When I look back,
I get much peace that I can help
Mother Ghana in my small way.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 114 Being part of the MasterCard Foundation Scholars
family has been one of the best experiences I have
encountered. The aspect I love most and would
encourage to be continued is the skill training that we
go through during the Summer Camp. Also, various
seminars have helped me improve my leadership skills.
Before becoming part of this noble family, I had no
intention of finding problems in my society talk less of
solving but now I have developed a different mindset
which is to be a problem-solver wherever I find myself.
The excursions are one of the best aspects of the summer
camp. The Afadjato experience to be precise was my
most loving experience although we all had our shares
of tiredness.
NAME: Osei Bonsu Priscilla I hope for more and better
SHS: Anglican Senior High School, Kumasi, Ashanti experiences in the future.
Region I will end by saying,” At
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy the end of your life, it is
(Pharm D) not the amount of money
ASPIRATIONS: Gynecologist and Entrepreneur earned that is important
CORE VALUES: Tolerance, Respect, Hard Work and but the number of lives you
Compassion impacted”. Long live MCF,
long live KNUST, and long
Life is a very important and relevant asset which when live Ghana.
properly taken care of, can yield great result. This is why
I have taken it upon myself to touch lives in all aspects.
The name of my community project is “TOUCHING
LIVES.” This project is aimed at touching the economic
and educational aspects of life, for now. With time, other
aspects are going to be tackled.
To start with was the educational aspect which was
aimed at helping Junior High School leavers gain
scholarship into the Senior High School. This could
not hold due to the “FREE EDUCATION” policy. God
blessed Living Waters Experimental School is a basic
school located at New Suame with its Junior High
section at Anomangye. This school is the basic school
I completed. Recently the school has taken a bad shape
and I intend to help reshape it and bring it back on its
feet not by me alone but with other old students of the
school. As it stands now nothing evident has been done.
NAME: Saale Digre Oscar Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 115
SHS: Ullo Senior High Scholl, Jirapa, Upper West
Region NAME: Nyarkoh Kingsford
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Geography and SHS: Adisadel College, Cape Coast, Central Region.
Rural Development PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Land Economy
ASPIRATION: An Industrial Geographer ASPIRATIONS: Valuer Industrialist and Entrepreneur
CORE VALUES: Optimistic and Ambitious CORE VALUES: Honesty and Discipline
Background of Project Background of Project
Brighten up project is a transformational project that
Farming and Rearing -Agriculture. is aimed at whipping up the interest of a deprived
The more the world is industrialized the more the community in education. The need for the project arose
problems arise. That is every simple technology comes as a result of lack of interest in education judging from
with its problems. Why cannot we try the rudimentary the high rate of school dropout, the poor performance
use of the environment? of basic school pupils and unwillingness to further
education beyond Senior High School in the beneficiary
This let me venture into the project farming and rearing community.
which seeks to expand and include the rural poor and There are three components of this project namely; paint
others and solve their problems. up thus renovation and painting of a 6unit classroom
block, play up buying of playing equipment for the
There cannot be a flowing river without source, I began school and train up where there would be mentorship
by acquiring new breeds of ruminants. As these animals for the pupils.
increase, I give at least two animals to interest who will
be willing to work under the following conditions. Impact of the Project
Old and faded walls of the six-unit classroom block,
Members: serving the beneficiary community and one other
• Must be ready to care for the animals. community was painted which has given the school
• Should cultivate crops in addition to the rearing. a facelift causing smiles on the faces of residents and
• Should be ready to release at least one animal for pupils.
the next group.
• Must not indiscriminately destroy the
The project aimed at solving the numerous problems of
the VingVing community in my hometown and beyond.
Some of these challenges include poverty, environmental
hazards, poor education, and many others.
Impact of the project
I have succeeded in acquiring breeds of goat and sheep.
The first distribution will take place in late 2019 and the
cycle continuous.
The minor impact currently is the use of these animals’
excreta as manure for farming food and commercial
crops such as millet, maize, groundnut, and others.
I have always been optimistic and ambitious in
achieving my aims and this project is not exempted.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 116 Doing your best for humanity is the least that any man I asked myself ‘’Do they have a parent? Are the parent
can do to help the human race. By this project, I hope alive or dead?’’ but I was shocked when they told me
to see the illuminated group of individuals, using their their parents are all alive. They do not care what they
intellect to develop the Nkran/Wassa community. The eat or sleep, that was how their parents went through to
work done so far is not an end in itself but a means to survive in life so their lives are in their own hands.
an end. I seek to gain the attention and co-operation
needed to carry out the major task, to cause students to I told them obtaining your dream is about sacrifice, if
be enthusiastic in acquiring the best and highest form of you want to achieve something you have to forgo some
education to be illuminated to solve societal problems. things to achieve what you want. Sleeping with men or
given birth cannot solve their problems; it rather adds
more. I used one lady as an example who sold pure
water to learn seamstress. Now, if you see the life of this
lady, you would never think she has gone through any
hardship before, she now gets a contract from abroad
and also saws wedding dresses.
• Be responsible for every action that you make.
• Do not be fooled by what you want;
• Do not be dumped by what you feel.
• Think, Resist, Say ‘’NO’’ standstill.’’
NAME: Leticia Sam Cudjoe Essien NAME: Amoaku Jeff
SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Takoradi, SHS: Nyakrom Senior High School, Agona Nyakrom,
Western Region Central Region
Rural Development ASPIRATION: Prominent Economist
ASPIRATION: Cartographer CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard Work and
CORE VALUES: Perseverance and Respectful Perseverance
Background of Project
So far, I was able to obtain GHc 500.00 (17 bags
of cement) from Christ Redemption school. But
I embarked on another project titled stop teenage
pregnancy in Kwesimintsim. I interacted with (3)
One (19) years with (2) kids. The other one 17years, 6
months pregnant. The last one is 14 years living with her
The ultimate desire and interest has always remained NAME: Sarah Boahemah Dankwah Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 117
impacting lives with the idea that the success of a man SHS: Ghana National College, Cape Coast, Central
is not measured by the amount of wealth he possesses, Region
instead, the lives he impacts. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biological Sciences
Gomoa Adzentem community was impacted by the ASPIRATIONS: Health Practitioner and A Researcher
GA D/A Meter Project which was aimed at obtaining CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Integrity, Humility
meter for the aforementioned community’s D/A Basic Hard Work and Determination
School. It must be noted that the community has I envision a world where individuals do not work
electricity and the school has been wired, yet no meter solely for their gain, but the common good of people
to enable them to tap from the mains. I championed in society. Having had the opportunity to attend a
this course together with the principal of the school private school and have taught in a public school, I
following a discussion between us. It was not easy, some have seen the huge disparity between public and private
encountered hindrances towards accomplishing the basic schools in terms of speaking and writing of the
state-of-the-art include; financial problems, shortage of English language. In private basic schools, students
meters and limited time. However, the project became are exposed to extensive reading and writing sections
a success. Now studies at night and ICT lessons have which builds their confidence while climbing up the
been made easier and also some churches worship in academic ladder but there is no such thing in public
the school because they have access to electricity power school. To help bridge this gap, I was inspired to start
unlike before. Some experiences with regards to this The Reading Club Initiative in 2017 which sought to
project include; how to manage time and resources promote reading in the public basic schools. I donated
which will be helpful in future projects. Whatever some books and started the first reading club at the
happened, there has been a change that will manifest Pakyi No.1 D/A primary school in July 2017. The club
itself in the lives it touched. I am looking forward to has had some high-achieving students from KNUST
embarking on other developmental project for the come to the school to inspire and motivate, as well as
benefit of all. “I can do all things through Christ who teach the pupils how to build their reading and writing
strengthens me.” skill. This has resulted in an improvement in the reading
and writing skills of most members of the club. There
has also been an increase in attendance and general
academic performance of the reading club members.
Over the years, the initiative has evolved into the
United 4 Care Foundation. As a non- governmental
organization, United 4 Care aims at bringing together
high achieving young people, especially tertiary students
and young entrepreneurs to advocate for the young
child, aid in the rehabilitation of street children as well
as provide educational support and mentorship for poor
and vulnerable children in public basic schools and rural
and poor urban communities.
As a result, the Reading Club Initiative has transformed
into the Literary Club Initiative to promote reading
and writing and provide mentorship for pupils in
public basic schools. The initiative’s objective is to set
up literary clubs in twenty public basic schools by the
end of 2020. The foundation is, therefore, seeking the
support of various stakeholders to help achieve this
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 118 the school. The project also seeks to motivate students to
pursue higher education and build more capacity for life.
NAME: Serwaa Emmanuella Now the students have become acquainted with graph
SHS: Ola Girls’ Senior High School, Kenyasi, Ahafo work and there has been a need to expand it to other
Region schools. I am soliciting for more funds and approval
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biological Sciences from the Ghana Education Service so that other schools
ASPIRATIONS: Microbiologist and Lecturer can benefit from the initiative.
CORE VALUES: Humility, Care and Excellence Until we exit from the earth, we will never stop
Throughout kindergarten, we have known the best enriching ourselves. Our world is far advancing and
method of teaching and learning to be practical and each day places a burden on us to acquire more skills to
visual aids. However, the method seems to depreciate cope with the changing environment. However, I believe
as one moves ahead on the educational ladder. The that each person is born with a unique gift and until
courses become more difficult and theory-based and they are utilized, we will always see ourselves as weak.
students are expected to know and understand better Moreover, I do not count my weaknesses as inabilities
since they are ‘mature’. Moreover, most students have but as special abilities, I need to unearth and polish.
tagged mathematics as a difficult subject meant for only
‘’brilliant students’’. They have lost interest in it which I have seen the scholars’ community
mostly accounts for their poor performance. However, as a great avenue and I am willing
Teaching and Learning Materials, TLM’s have been to improve upon myself and
recommended in our mathematics syllabus to make be outstanding. Annual, project
teaching easier and more practical. The Education presentations have served as a
Service provides these materials but not entirely. platform to improve my public
Therefore, I saw the need to boost students’ interest in speaking skills. I hope to gain more
mathematics through TLMs. The aim of “Appreciating vocational skills and better the lives
the Mathematical World Project” is to encourage more of others.
practical work to refine students’ understanding and
increase performance in mathematics.
I partnered with two Junior High Schools and we were
able to provide graph boards, drawing instruments
and cardboards for the schools. The final year students
supported the project as their give-back commitment to
NAME: Seidu Yahya Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 119
SHS: Amanten Senior High School, Amanten, Bono
East Region NAME: Seim Kojo Isaac
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness SHS: Juaso Senior High Technical School,
Management Ashanti-Region
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Love, Hard Work and Engineering
Determination ASPIRATIONS: Chemical Engineer and A Soldier
CORE VALUES: Humility and God Fearing
Help a Child to Read and Spell Initiative
Provision of Potable Drinking Water for Wassa
I have been doing many short-term projects during Anyinabrim Community
vacations. My long-term project is a reading one for
basic school students. I took up this challenge when The community of study is Wassa Anyinabrim which
I realized the problem of poor reading habits among is located in the western region of Ghana. It is a
students in Ejura of the Ashanti region of Ghana. This community with about one thousand five hundred
resulted in low performance in both spoken and written citizens (1500). It is found within the Amenfi Central
English which translates to poor performance in both constituency. There are several challenges that the
their internal and final examinations. In my effort to community is encountering, among them is lack of
find a solution to this problem, I formed reading clubs potable drinking water.
in some basic schools through a local NGO (Rural Smile
Foundation) to encourage the students and provide an Due to this challenge, I took it upon myself to assist my
enabling environment for reading. community in getting a potable and quality source of
Currently, reading clubs have been formed in seven
basic schools with a total number of about 350 students. The issue was addressed to the assemblyman of the
Teachers from the various schools are chosen to serve community, Honourable Dan Seim as to how we can
as reading coordinators in their schools. The schools get our people good and safe water. The assemblyman
involved are Future Leaders Foundation, Ejuraman bought the idea and we wrote a proposal to China Aid
Educational Complex, Haraman Sharafai Islamic which is a Non-Governmental Organization that is into
School, Ejura T.I. Ahmadiyya Basic School, Miminaso assisting less endowed communities. But unfortunately
Basic School, Ejura Model Basic School, and Ebenezer for us, the proposal wasn’t considered. We went further
Preparatory School. An NGO, Biblionef Ghana supplied to decide on another plan and low and behold, it worked
us with reading materials in 2017 and 2018 to facilitate successfully.
the reading program. These books are kept in the Ejura
Municipal Assembly Library where the various reading
coordinators take the books for members of the clubs
and return for another batch of books after reading.
I believe everyone should have the opportunity to read.
Reading should be a right and everyone should have
reading materials at their disposal. A reader today is
a leader tomorrow. The future of our nation depends
on how much knowledge the young ones acquire
through reading. I am, therefore, working on increasing
the numbers of reading clubs and also secure locally
written books which are best fitted for the students’
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 120 Way Forward NAME: Raphael Aidoo
• The inhabitants of the community were given some SHS: Nyakrom Senior High School, Agona Nyakrom,
Central Region
task to do towards the achievement of the project. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Food Science and
• All the male was assigned to pay twenty Ghana Technology
ASPIRATIONS: Food Process Engineer and
cedis (20.00) and to the female, ten Ghana cedis Philanthropist
(10.00). This idea brought some money into the CORE VALUES: Integrity, Determination and
community’s coffers. Discipline
• With this amount of money and support from the
District Chief Executive (DCE) of the constituency, Background of Project
the community came up with a mechanized A community-based project is an excellent initiative
borehole. towards making the world a better and conducive place
• The borehole was designed in such a way that, for all humanity. I believe in the adage that “If a man
pipes were laid underground from the source to wants to see a change, he does not only brood on the
two substations in the community where people change he wants to see but acts accordingly in making
can go and draw their water. his thoughts tangible”.
Concerning this, I took the initiative of “Training
Project Impact the Trainers” that is about building a team of young
Before the start of the project, the inhabitants were people that are enthusiastic about causing changes in
getting their water from the contaminated water bodies their communities. The team is being trained and fully
due to the activities of illegal mining. Concerning this, equipped by expertise in various fields to enable them to
people were contracting various forms of water-borne initiate community projects on their own and as a team
diseases. as well.
But with this project, all these issues had to stop; the Experience and Impact of the Project
people are living happily when it comes to getting It becomes a worry when no one is ready to support you
portable water. and that people do not see the future of what you want
to start. There have been a lot of discouragements but
We seek forward to providing more substations for the within me, I knew what I wanted and the importance
community to make it convenient for them. of my project. So far, the project is being a success and
that a sub-team has even started working on a project at
“You can observe a lot just by watching.” Agona Nkum, a town in our district. I will end by saying
this, “consider not how minute or simple a project may
“You can make a difference if only you take the right be, for success is not marked by size”.
"A community-based
project is an
excellent initiative
towards making the
world a better and
conducive place for
all humanity."
NAME: Vorsah Edith The first step was to identify problems facing our Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 121
SHS: Dorfor Senior High School, Juapong-Volta communities. From the research we made, these are the
Region pressing issues we found:
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Geography and • Poor sanitation
Rural Development • Teenage pregnancy
ASPIRATIONS: Medical Geographer and • Health problems
Philanthropist • Unemployment
CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Humility, Optimistic and
Innovative We found it a great deal to address these issues, not only
to reduce it but put a stop to it to make the lives of the
Background of Project people better and comfortable for them to live by 2025.
Kekeli Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organization Our first project was held at Dorfor Attitekpui-Tagadzi
that was formed on 20th August, 2017. This in the Volta Region of Ghana on 21st July, 2018. The
organization is formed with the purpose to organize all project was a cleaning exercise in the community
tertiary students from the North Tongu District to come and the community clinic, St. Anne’s Polyclinic. We
together to have a common goal. Our goal and aim are organized the youth to help in the exercise.
to help the underprivileged and also solve social and
economic problems. As a team, we cannot do it alone The second part of the project was a public education
so we brought students and stakeholders on board to on the causes and effects of teenage pregnancy, health
achieve this common goal. education, financial management, parental care and
the importance of education and how it can improve
Our Vision development. The chiefs and stakeholders were invited
We envisioned a world, where all who are in need are for the program and they were glad to see that such an
given helping hands. effort from us to develop the community.
Our Mission Impact of the Project
Our mission is to solve some pressing issues in our
community by the year 2025. The chief of the community, Togbe Saho IV promised
that he is ready to sponsor any of our projects that we
will undertake again.
We were able to clean choked gutters that normally
cause minor flooding in the community.
The source of finance for the project was from the
contributions of some of the members of the foundation
and also some from the Elders and the Chief of the
There was teamwork where every member was able to
contribute ideas to help in organizing the project.
Personally, it was okay working with a team, because
it brings out the best of individual and helps in the
easy and fast organization. And also I was the financial
secretary of the foundation.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 122 taught the community members to boil their waters
before drinking to kill the germs. Exercises were carried
NAME: Ukoth Kasimiro Ukoth Ungang out to sanitize to the community environment for
SHS: Rejaf Secondary School, Central Equatorial State, them to breathe in the fresh air and chlorine tablets
Juba South Sudan distributed as planned and the two doors economic
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agriculture latrine is built.
ASPIRATION: A Poultry Farmer The joy of every work is to get it done, so the experience
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Persistence, And Respect I learned is that doing things with others to see smile on
Background of Project: others faces is so good despite the criticisms from those
saying how would you implement it, ooh we do not have
Water, Sanitation, And Hygiene what it takes to go about financing the project but for
me it created plans knowing each morning I have to get
I did this project due to contamination issues arising something done. Before I could come to school I was
at the water source, leading to several diseases among already seeing some impact owing to the project, people
which children and elderly people are susceptible. were boiling and using the chlorine given to them to
Diseases such as malaria, cholera and other serious fight the issue at hand and that created cohesion in the
ill-health diseases such as guinea worm diseases, community. Challenges arise as some individuals were
typhoid, and dysentery. complaining to be paid in digging the latrine and thus
decreases the number of participants engaged in the
The project aimed at purifying drinking water for the implementation of the project but that did not stop us
community members and schedule sanitation exercises from going ahead.
to keep the community disease-free environment. I and
my team champion the initiative of building two-door So far this is what I have
latrines for the community to minimize the incidence accomplished and will still look
of defecating about the water source area. This was into the community problems to
supported by the chief of the area and the community formulate ideas to solve such issues.
members at large, contributions were made to execute
the initiative.
Initially, my team and I agreed on providing chlorine
tablets as a means of purifying the water and we as well
NAME: Yvonne Siphiso Chari Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 123
SHS: Rushinga High School, Mash-Central, Zimbabwe
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Social Work NAME: Francis Yonye Yituo
ASPIRATION: Social Worker SHS: Queen of Peace Senior High School, Nadowli,
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Integrity and Fear of God Upper West Region
I envision a society full of justice and equity where the ASPIRATIONS: Financial Analyst and Consultant
vulnerable minorities are empowered to be independent CORE VALUES: Selflessness, Perseverance and
and stand on their own feet. I value empowering other Fairness
people who have lost hope to regain their self-esteem
and dignity. Community Project – The Journey So Far
My community projects Over the last two years, I have undertaken two
Title: Keeping every girl in school and empowering community projects; the first project was on the side of
young women sanitation and the other on education. I undertook both
projects in the community I currently reside in, which
Aim: The project is mainly focusing on keeping girls in is Mangu situated in WA the capital of the Upper West
school and empowering young women in rural areas, Region.
linking them to resources they need to pursue their
education or projects for young women. Well, the first project as I mentioned earlier was
related to sanitation, I undertook this project in 2017
Vision: A country where every girl and a young woman as an attempt to curb the indiscriminate dumping of
are educated and economically independent. refuse that was becoming the order of the day in my
community. I, in collaboration with our assembly
In collaboration with Camfed District Committee member, undertook steps to address the situation at
Rushinga, during the vacation l moved around hand. Our attempts yielded results as we were able to
the secondary schools within my district giving acquire two large metallic refuse containers from the
motivational talks and peer counselling to girls and Wa Municipal Assembly for my community. This phase
boys to be committed to their academics. Follow up on was followed by an intensive community clean-up by
school dropouts and encouraging them to go back to myself, ZoomLion Ghana and some volunteers from
school. I also talk and work with young women who the community. This didn’t end there, this phase was
did not manage to further their education to the tertiary
level, guiding and linking them with resources such as
loans and grants to start or boost their businesses.
So far, I have managed to return
seventeen (17) girls and teen mothers
to school. Twenty-three young
women received their first loans,
nine got second loans and they are
starting and boosting their businesses
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 124 also followed by a series of sensitization through our
local radio station and signboards, on the need to keep
the Mangu community and its environs clean. I will say NAME: Tutu Edwin Savino
this project was a success, as it did not only curb the SHS: Mim Senior High School, Mim, Ahafo Region.
sanitation menace in my community but it also inspired PROGRAME OF STUDY: BSc. Business
me to do more. Administration (Accounting)
My second project which I undertook in 2018 was ASPIRATION: Chartered Accountant
entirely different from the first, this time around I CORE VALUES: Hard Work, Justice and Integrity
went to the education side. My focus was on St. Cecilia
Catholic primary school in Mangu. This is a school I have chosen to put all my best in transforming my
that is attended by most children in the community, community through education with a strong belief that
however, this school like most schools in the UWR is “if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn
faced with lots of challenges ranging from infrastructure more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
to teaching material. In an attempt to tackle these With this regard, I have collaborated with some teachers
problems, I’ve divided this project into different phases in my community to provide free tuition for students
all in an attempt to improve the infrastructure of the who cannot read as at their stage five (5) in primary
school. With that regard, I re-floored one of their education, to help them catch up with their colleagues in
classrooms which was degraded to the bare ground. The the same stage who can read.
school staff and the headmistress in particular were very
helpful in providing water and sand for the re-flooring It is obvious; the basis of education is reading and
process. Well, I will say this phase was a success and writing. For any student who reaches the upper primary
in the right direction in making teaching and learning and struggles to read, the student is in no doubt, having
more effective and efficient for students of St, Cecilia a problem. From experience, reading discourages most
Catholic school. students to drop out of school.
All in all, I will say these experiences hasn’t only given
me the opportunity to give back to my community This project started in June 2018, it seeks to transform
and the world that has given me a lot, but, it has also 45 students in three years, ending May 2020. It selects its
given me a different perspective about life, a life beyond students by issuing forms to various government schools
oneself and that we can all be the change that we so in the community. It does follow-ups to those who take
much desire in this world. the forms and, explain every detail to their parents. A
student whose decision is consistent with his or her
"I collaborated with the
Assemblyman in my
community and undertook
steps to address some
sanitation issues. Our
attempts yielded results
as we were able to acquire
two large metallic refuse
containers from the Wa
Municipal Assembly for
my community."
parents, in favour of our project, is selected. We enrol 15 NAME: Ziema Obadiah Songsoglee. Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 125
students every year. SHS: Daffiamah Senior High School, Daffiamah,
Upper West Region:
Achievements: PROGRAM OF STUDY: BA. Publishing Studies.
ASPIRATIONS: Publisher, Writer and Agent of
We have trained 15 students since the day of Societal Change
commencement and have 7 students to be able to read, 2 CORE VALUES: Integrity, Godliness and Hard Work
students stopped, and the rest making their effort to pick
the concept. Background of Project:
The name of my community project is “The Obadiah
Challenges: Foundation”. It was formed in 2017 with the aim of
improving the standard of living of people through
• The project is just a year old but has gone through a education, provision of jobs for the young and providing
series of ups and downs: humanitarian assistance to the society at large. The
foundation has been narrowed down to education. It
• There are inconsistencies in the students’ seeks to provide pupils with the necessary assistance
punctuality financial or emotional in making education easy and
possible for them to realize their dreams and aspirations.
• Some students were reluctant but the force of their
parents Impact of the Project:
If I have not learned anything from this project, one
• Financial issues since we have to provide free thing I cannot forget is the fact that although you may
materials to the students be in the fight against the ills of society, others are also in
to fight against those who fight against the ills of society.
Way forward: The following are some successes of “The Obadiah
Foundation” over the years:
We have planned to meet the parents of these students • A seminar was organized for pupils of Sombo R/C
frequently, to help them assess the performance of their
wards. This will draw their attention to the effectiveness Junior High School “B” on the 18th July 2018.
of this transformative process. The topics that were handled include:
• Keys to effective studies
• Education; myths and hindrances
• Relationships
• Breaking family barriers (making it to the top
amidst family background)
It is my vision to organize such seminars not only for
pupils but also for the youth of Sombo to help many
to come out of the misconceptions and hindrances of
attaining greater heights in life.
Twenty JHS pupils, ten from each of the two selected
schools will be given stationery before the new term
begins. This is to motivate and help them in their
I am also working on helping a girl who was given an
artificial leg during her childhood. She has not been able
to change the artificial leg and she has outgrown the leg.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 126 acquire the necessary skills in IT that will build them up
for the future.
NAME: Sosu Godsway This project is being carried out by me and two other
SHS: Anlo Zion College, Anloga, Volta Region friends of mine who are supporting.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Publishing Studies
ASPIRATION: Banker Objectives of Project:
CORE VALUES: Hardworking, Determination, And • To teach the children how to read and read fluently
Integrity • To train them to be smart and alert through some
Background of Project basic calculations
• To guide and teach them how to perform certain
Child Education
To start with, I will like to use this opportunity to basic tasks on the computer
say a very big thanks to MasterCard Foundation
Scholarship Program at KNUST (MCF) for granting Experiences and Impact of the Project
me the opportunity to be on this wonderful scholarship All things being equal, we were able to organize the
program. I believe it is a privilege showed me to further children for the training during the past two long
up my education to be a turning point in my community summer vacations. During the first long vacation (thus,
and Africa as a whole. when I was in the first year), we started the training with
“Child Education” as the title of my community project, 30 children which include 20 boys and 10 girls in my
is about educating children who are in primary three (3) community. T-shirts were given to all the children to
to primary six (6) and cannot read English at all, or who be wearing to class. English storybooks were also given
can read but cannot read fluently to learn how to read, to them to be reading at home after the classes. We had
training them to be smart and also guiding and teaching a very educative time with them and they were also
them on how to perform certain basic tasks using the responding to training.
computer. Even though the children were improving during the
As a matter of fact, we can all attest to the fact that last two summer vacations, we intended to measure the
technology is forever increasing and children who are impact of the project on them during the upcoming
upcoming generational leaders need to be updated with summer vacation through some quizzes and exercises.
the new changes in technology hence, I decided to take
them through this training so that they can be able to
NAME: Agyapong Gloria The next phase of the project took place last semester Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 127
SHS: Methodist Girls’ Senior High School, Mamfe, at G.C.D Primary School and Akwatia G.C.D L/A
Eastern Region. quarters. A letter was written to the GES office to
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Meteorology and permit me to undertake my project in the said schools.
Climate Science We started with the first school with pupils in class
ASPIRATIONS: To Become an Aviation Meteorologist one where we took them through how to pronounce
and Someone who is a Beacon of Hope to Children in and join some words together. The kids were also
the Society allowed to write out words that were familiar to them
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Truthfulness and on cardboards and they were helped with how to
Perseverance pronounce them. We later had a reading session where
the kids were given the chance to read from a textbook
Background of Project with some help. Next, we went to G.C.D Primary
School; we engaged students of classes one and two
Education, I believe, is a necessity for every child living and took them through a series of exercises on word
within the borders of Ghana irrespective of his or her pronunciation and breaking word into syllabuses. It was
background, gender or age. I get sad almost every time realized that some had challenges in pronouncing some
I hear about the poor performances of students in the words which my team is working on it to make them
English paper. Growing up in a community where better readers. One of the major achievements we have
mining is the main occupation of the inhabitants, it is chalked so far is the increase in the number of excellent
not surprising to find children within the ages of 5 and grades in the last year’s Basic Education Certificate
9 who cannot read than to even identify a letter of the Examinations (BECE) as compared to subsequent years.
alphabet. This, in the long run, affects final year BECE In 2017, the number of "ones" in the English language
students in their English paper. There has been recurring paper was eleven (11) which increased to 20 in 2018 in
poor performances in the English paper over the past Akwatia G.C.D L/A JHS. We are looking forward for
years. I believe in a world where everyone gets an equal improved performances in the coming years. Also, one
chance and right to education irrespective of his or her child who did not even know a letter of the alphabet,
geographical background. Having had the chance of a talk less reading, can read fluently now. We have been
good reading background is what I believe has propelled able to institute a reading session in two schools in their
me to where I am now. The reasons brought to light the timetable. The reading is done on Fridays.
need to introduce a project called “I love to read.”
Way Forward
This is an early childhood literacy program that seeks My next aim is to form a reading club in my community
to encourage reading among the children of Akwatia. It and schools. I also want to get more hands-on-deck to
also seeks to assist BECE students with their challenges help me with my project. I believe by the end of 2020,
in the English paper. The “I love to read” initiative has a the average kid in my community would be able to read
motto which is; “Reading is the key to life.” and the performance of the BECE would be boosted.
I am eternally grateful to Mastercard Foundation for
In the first year, I was able to form a project monitoring the numerous opportunities offered me. I was awarded
committee called Akwatia Tertiary Students and the Dr. Whittaker award as the best female Meteorology
Associates (ATSA) to help me implement my project. and Climate Science student in the second year. I have
We started with Akwatia G.C.D JHS where we had had holistic training through seminars, workshops,
intensive classes with them with the help of their English and conferences. Mastercard has imbibed in me the
tutor. We took them through comprehension skills and sense of giving back. I have also learned that you can
the various ways to read through a passage to get the effect change in your small area no matter how small
answers quickly which include skimming, scanning or minute that change is. I am excited about the future
and the reading itself. Basic composition skills were because I know I am going to make a great impact and
also treated. The next phase of the project took place at contribute my quota to solve societal problems.
Websters Academy where according to the headmistress,
most of the pupils in KG.2 could not even identify any
letter of the alphabets.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 128 A committee was set to monitor and I served as head of
the committee and in my absence are other members.
NAME: Veronica Agyakwa we assessed the use of the facility to know how efficient
SHS: Nyakrom senior high school, Agona Nyakrom. and effective it was through the responses from the
Central region. members of the community. It appeared that, the
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Human Settlement situation was better compared to the previous cases
Planning. which could lead them to attracting diseases.
ASPIRATIONS: Planner and Philanthropist Impact of the Project
CORE VALUES: Determination, Integrity and Through this project, the people of my community
Humility recognized me for providing them with potable water
for about one and half year now. Just recently had notice
Background of the project that the assembly had commence the reconstruction of
the pipelines. I got the opportunity to meet people such
I embarked on a water project for my community which as the MCE, the Director of the Safe Water Ghana and
is Agona Nkum, where there was no potable water the local authority in my community. It has given me
for about three years. It happened as result of road the exposure and also served as the medium to serve my
construction which destroyed the pipelines towards community.
accessing potable water.
Following this project was other
Out of my initiative, I had an engagement with the local activity like going to the basic
authorities and a Non-Governmental organization (Safe schools to donate learning materials
Water Ghana) who are well endowed with the how to and organizing seminars so as to
resolve the situation. The Municipal Chief Executive encourage and inspire the young
assured me that the pipeline would be restored as part of girls.
their plans for the subsequent years but comprehended
with my initiative to serve as an immediate intervention
to my community. After the assembly’s approval,
together with the NGO and some elected members went
through certain requirements and the community was
provided with four polytanks placed at vantage points
for easy access by people within the catchment zone.
NAME: Kuunoba Theophilus NAME: Obeng Emmanuel Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 129
SHS: Queen of Peace Senior High School, Nadowli, SHS: Opoku Ware School, Kumasi, Ashanti region
Upper West Region PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biochemistry
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc Electrical and ASPIRATIONS: It has always been a fervent belief of
Electronic Engineering mine to see people prosper and be able to fully live
ASPIRATIONS: Electrical Power System Engineer and their dreams devoid of hindrances. I want to live a life
an Entrepreneur that impacts and inspires the next person
CORE VALUES: Humility and Self-Determination CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hardwork, Excellence and
Background of project Respect.
As a Mastercard scholar and a potential engineer,
it is my greatest ambition to impact a long-term Background of project
transformational change in the lives of the indigenes of Helping people reach the highest they can in their
my abode – Sampina. educational career is one thing that brings me a lot of
To make my aspirations a reality, I am embarking on satisfaction and joy. For this reason, myself and a fellow
a community-based project which is entitled Chance scholar who shares this same passion have successfully
for Optimism. This is a societal transformative project formed Science and Maths clubs in schools in Agogo.
that aims at relieving poverty and its effects from The clubs are aimed at providing the motivation for
residents of Sampina by equipping them with basic these students through the wide range of exciting
soft skills essential for self-employment. The project is activities we have planned organizing in the course of
predominantly tailored to train inhabitants especially, the term.
the unemployed on how to prepare different brands
of moulded soap, liquid soap and bar soap as well as Impact of the project
encouraging them to establish their own businesses. With the help of our selfless and devoted teachers who
Currently, five women in the community have been serve as coordinators for our club, the Science and
fully trained on the said target and two of them are into Mathematics club is very active and running in thirty
production. schools in the district. It has also been realized that
twenty-five out of these thirty schools with the clubs
My aim is to establish running recorded significant improvements in their
a scalable soap performance in the Mathematics and Science subjects in
production industry that the Basic Education Certificate Examination.
will create short - and
long-term employment
for the trainees and
other members of the
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 130 NAME: Aboagye Solomon
SHS: Berekum Presbyterian Senior High School,
NAME: Juliana Afaribea Berekum, Bono Region
SHS: Ghanata Senior High School, Dodowa, Greater PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Petrochemical
Accra Region Engineering.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Civil Engineering ASPIRATION: Processing Engineer.
ASPIRATIONS: Structural Engineer CORE VALUES: Discipline and competence.
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Excellence and Integrity
Through my pursuit of academic excellence and My ambition is to achieve a good education with
community leadership, it is my desire to lead a clean ultimate goal of becoming a processing engineer. With
Ghana revolution through education and engineering of this dream I want to make it a priority of developing my
effective drainage systems. My participation in the 2018 community and my country at large.
Baobab Summit has enlightened and given me a lot of
ideas in relation to collaboration and innovation. I have I look forward to promoting agriculture by making it
been so keen on youth empowerment because I know it possible for people in my community to develop an
can increase the capacity of the youth to make choices interest in agriculture by investing in planting of farm
that can transform the community. This vision has led crops and setting up of poultry farm on large scale.
me into embarking on a project to train the youth in my
community with skills in bead making. I hope to use my high level of
As part of my volunteering works, I have collaborated education to influence people about
with the Eagle Eye group from the International the essence of education so as to
Leadership Foundation to organize seminars on help them to attain a high level of
sanitation in my community. It is my desire that the education to achieve their vision,
youth in my community would develop a healthy sense become leaders in the community
of self-worth, self-respect, and purpose as they prepare who will also bring new ideals to
for their future with the skills they would discover. I develop their community.
believe teamwork and selflessness can help solve major
problems in our communities and I look forward to
utilizing all resources around me to cause a positive
deteriorated windows and as a result causes lessons Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 131
to cease till rain is over. This has rendered academic
NAME: Hagan Emmanuel work in these classes ineffective for the past periods as
SHS: Kwegyir Aggrey Senior High Technical School, testified by the headmaster.
Anomabo, Central Region As a transformed upcoming leader for my society,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Land Economy success in my opinion is determined by the value we
ASPIRATIONS: Astute Valuer, Land Economist and add to the lives of people in both our environs and the
Lecturer diaspora. This has motivated me to map up strategies
CORE VALUES: Love, Teamwork, Hardworking and in mitigating such rigor in the school. The success of
Integrity for Transformation the project has been borne out of funds obtained from
personal savings and contributions from residents of
Background of project the community whose children are students of the
My community project dubbed, “The Quality Education educational facility.
Project” is meant to ensure improvements in education Progress
for greater future performance of residents in the The initiative has managed to renovate the windows
community and to impact the nation on a broader of two classrooms, a total of about 6 double windows.
perspective. The main focus is on the promotion of These classrooms had intense experience of the climatic
quality education through improved facility serving to problems indicated implying an unconducive academic
contribute to Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development environment for pupils whether rain or shine. Many
Goals. It then targets on renovating deteriorated acknowledgements have been received from the school
classroom windows in the community’s public and only authorities and parents whose children are beneficiaries
school, Mprumem Methodist Primary and JHS. of the community’s only school.
Going forward, I hope to ensure more of community
Impact of the project engagement, fiscally, in completing the project and to
Measures have been developed to curb the problem contribute to mitigating other pressing problems in the
not because of it existence but upon the discovery community.
of its adversities towards academic activities such as I believe, that each and every individual has the capacity
classroom studies, examination etc. in the school. to lead: to influence a change and shift paradigms.
Aside the alarming effect of heavy wind and intensive Hence, I define leadership as a duty course characterised
sunshine, rain water seeps through the removed and by the knowledge, skills and the passion to lead.
My Project's main focus
is on the promotion of
quality education through
improved facility serving
to contribute to Goal
4 of the Sustainable
Development Goals.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 132 NAME: Essuman Albert NAME: Kwaku Freda Naa Dedei
SHS: Edinaman Senior High School, Elmina, Central SHS: Akim Swedru Senior High School, Akim Swedru,
Region Eastern Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Biomedical PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Sports and Exercise
Engineering Science
ASPIRATIONS: Tissue Engineer and Entrepreneur ASPIRATION: Sports and Exercise Scientist
CORE VALUES: Hard work, Determination and CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Respectful, Humility,
Respect Perseverance
As a MasterCard scholar and a person who has had
experience of staying among people who sees little or Sanitation has been a major concern in my community.
no value in education especially because they cannot And this is why I intend on embarking on this project.
afford the financial cost of education, I am motivated The mentality many have come to live with is that “filth
to help my community erase the catastrophic thinking is a normal thing” and that is affecting most people in
that without money you cannot succeed in the academic my community. I hope to change that mentality and also
arena. become a role-model for the younger generation in my
My aspiration of being a tissue engineer and an community.
entrepreneur is driven by the great desire and passion I
have to help in solving the health and financial problems Filthiness in not normal, and I want to
of my community and the world as a global village help change this perception.
With my hard work, determination, teamwork and sense
of leadership, I am of no doubts that in a near future I strongly believe my training here at
we would together achieve the dream of better health, KNUST will help me in embarking on
education and financial independence for the poor but this journey.
willing hearted.
I doubt not the power of togetherness of the willing
hearted and I believe that working with people of the
same dreams we can one day make the world a better
place only restricted by our dreams and fantasies.
Let the Needy Smile is a substituent of Success Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 133
Foundation which I envision tomorrow as the land for
the youth who are talented and brilliant but do not the
support to open the door of their success.
Aims and Objectives
• To create a conducive environment for the less
privileged students in the community.
• To reduce the rate of School dropout in the
NAME: Abina Alexander NAME: Abdul Baaki Mohammed Hardi
SHS: Tamale Senior High School, Tamale, Northern
SHS: Berekum Presbyterian Senior High School, Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Telecommunication
Berekum, Bono Region Engineering
ASPIRATION: Telecommunication Engineer
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Chemical CORE VALUES: Kindness and Truthfulness
Engineering I am working on designing a simple and less costly toilet
unit to curb the high rate of increasing open defecation
ASPIRATION: Quality Control Officer and an in my community. The project is aimed at small
households and community based schools.
This project is themed; Innovation for
CORE VALUES: God Fearing, Togetherness, community Development.
Hardworking, and Integrity
I am currently involved in a community project named
Success Foundation. Success foundation is a project
which is geared towards academics and social welfare of
the youth in the Berekum west constituency “JINIJINI”.
Success foundation consists of two entities:
• A Remedial Institute
• Let the Needy smile
Success Remedial Institute is an academic body which
has the vision of providing an extra tuition for students
in both S.H.S and J.H.S. This institution was established
in June, 2017. Currently the institution offer tuition in
the field of Mathematics, Integrated Science and English
Aims and Objectives
• To help the students indulge in these area of study.
• To minimize the rate at which students fail in these
three courses.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 134 Professionally, I aspire to
explore how net-zero energy
buildings can be integrated
into the Ghanaian developing
infrastructures to build a
robust and an economically
sustainable nation for the
future generations.
NAME: Duah Ebenezer Through my involvements with the ‘LAY foundation’ and
SHS: Adisadel College, Cape Coast, Central Region. serving as a co-founder of the ‘Make It Happen initiative’,
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Civil Engineering. I have contributed to efforts to create opportunities for
ASPIRATIONS: Green designs Engineer, the underserved in my spheres. As much as I believe that
sustainability advocate and a philanthropist. every person deserves opportunities, I also uphold that
CORE VALUES: Prudence, Excellence and Integrity. each person has to engage responsibly in the quest to
improve the socio-economic quo.
I have a personal goal to create programs that will give
opportunities to the youth to harness their potentials.
I find the gap of inaccessibility to diverse idealistic
views, inhibitive to raising a versatile and astute future
generation who will take on the numerous challenges
that confront Africa.
As a beneficiary of the MasterCard foundation scholars’
program at KNUST, I was immensely impacted by the
constructive seminars I had the chance to partake in; I
have been equipped with formative skills which makes
me poised to effect any positive change I aspire, through
creative and collaborative engagements.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 135
NAME: Edward Klorbortu
SHS: Abor Senior High School, Abor, Volta Region
PROGRAM OF STUDY: BSc. Business Administration
(Logistics and Supply Chain Management)
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Industrialist
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard work and Determination
Edward Godsent Klorbortu is a young conscientious scholar who is determined
to learn and effect positive change in society through education and a coordinated
industrialisation of the Ghanaian economy.
He envisions a world where orphans and the less-privileged in society are given the
necessary love, care, education and support to help develop their hidden potentials
in order to overcome adversities and circumstances of their birth.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 136
The second issue is the rise in the temperature of Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 137
classrooms from 11:00 am to around 3:30 pm. This
NAME: Abaya Kofi Mensah unfavourable weather condition distorts concentration
SHS: Dzodze - Penyi Senior High School, Dzodze, during learning hours. The results of this are the truancy
Volta Region of students and the irregularity of teachers to the
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: Doctor of Pharmacy classrooms.
ASPIRATION: Revolutionist The proposed solutions for better academic
CORE VALUES: Service, Love and Loyalty performance include establishing a sustainable teacher
to student mentorship scheme and providing ceilings
The yearly turnout of Dzodze-Penyi Senior High School in classrooms. This is to address both the emotional
through WASSCE is over 600 students. The percentage and academic constraints of students and to reduce
of students that qualifies to pursue tertiary education the sudden rise in room temperature from 11 am on
is less than 40%. This alarming situation put me in a sunny days. In light of this, I put together a group of past
dilemma. I always ask: “Who dropped the baton?”, students who also believe that something can be done,
“What is not being done right?”, “Could it be that there and we are developing an action plan to implement
are people who cannot have a clean sheet in WASSCE?”, the solutions identified. We started by putting funds
“Could it be that teachers are not knowledgeable together and procured some recommended books by
enough to help salvage the situation?” I passed through Primetime limited to the schools Science and Maths
the same system but I made it. I can attest to the fact Quiz team to aid their preparation. Currently, we are
that though not the very best, the human resource is developing workable systems to implement the solutions
competent enough as far as teaching is concerned. That suggested. We are also opened to any form of advice
led to the discovery of basal problems contributing to and suggestion from anyone who may come across this.
poor performance. There are no sustainable system to
address the emotional health of the students. Teachers "There are no sustainable
believe that the students are bad, and students, on the systems to address the
other hand, tagged some of the teachers as wicked. emotional health of the
This disparity between the two parties left the student students. Teachers believe
body to struggle with problems that could be addressed that the students are bad,
to enhance their focus and motivation towards their and students, on the other
academics. hand, tagged some of the
teachers as wicked."
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 138 Impact of the Project
Even though the two-classroom block is yet to be
completed, it has given the students hope that soon they
would be studying in a conducive environment as their
colleagues in other schools
NAME: Acquah Benjamin NAME: Adagenera Judith
SHS: Aburaman Senior High, Abura Dunkwa, Central SHS: Gowrie Senior High School, Bolgatanga, Upper
Region East Region
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Medical Laboratory PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Statistics
Technology ASPIRATION: Biomedical Statistician
ASPIRATIONS: Biomedical Researcher CORE VALUES: Honesty, Determination and Hard
CORE VALUES: Discipline, Humility God fearing and Work
Hard work
It is very sad to see the youth we all believe to be the
I am Acquah Benjamin, I come from Abura-Edumfa in future of our country indulging in activities that do not
the Central region of Ghana. My passion is motivating only destroy them but also distort their bright future.
others to rise up in every situation because I believe that
‘A chain is strongest at the weakest point.’ Have we ever wondered about what exactly their reasons
could be to indulge in such activities? Is it poverty,
Background of the Project unemployment, parental control or we cannot actually
tell? Living in a community where there is a high rate
Abura Dunkwa Saint Stevens Catholic School lacks of teenage pregnancy, notoriety, drunkenness, and
the facilities that enhance good academic work. The smoking, I have had the desire to help change the story
primary five and six classrooms are in a deplorable state of my community.
that affects sound academic work. For instance, when
it rains, they would have to halt the academic work and I sit at the roadside and I cannot count the number
join the JHS 1 and 2 classes. Close to that poor structure of teenage mothers, mentally challenged people who
is a bar with a sound system which always makes noise are mostly the youth, I go to the market and it is
and disturbs the favourable environment needed for flooded with these same categories of people. Some,
academic work
So, Ezekiel Osei, a MasterCard Scholar, KNUST and I
went to the school to help continue a two-classroom
block that the PTA of the school had started with bags of
cement and with our strength.
in their quest to make ends meet, tend to beg, others they say is the bedrock of every successful society" Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 139
have to move to the southern sector to work to make being it formal or informal. Therefore as part of
a living just because they indulged in activities which the ‘Go-Back-Give-Back’ section, as required of the
interrupted their education. It is heart breaking to get scholars’ program from each scholar, I have taken the
to the streets of Kumasi and about 70% of the youth in mantle upon myself to help promote and improve the
“kayaye” is from the north struggling sometimes with education of school children in the upper primary and
their children at their backs. junior high level of the Seventh Day Adventist School
So, my question was what can I do to help my S.D.A in the Agotime-ziope district assembly through
community? Anthony J.D’Angelo said,” When solving reading comprehension. The project thus entitled’’
problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at Improving Reading and Comprehension, Guidance to
the leaves”. So, I decided to research into the courses of higher education’’. Students in the said school find it
teenage pregnancy and alcoholism in my community difficult to read and understand the content of the text,
and realised that the courses are little or no sex a course to help improve this situation gave birth to
education, poverty, unemployment, among others. my project. Thus, the project Improving Reading and
From the information gathered for my research, I intend Comprehension was an educative one which benefited
to help my community through education. the students of the said school in both reading and
speaking. The main aim was to instil, encourage and
NAME: Agnes Adzo Agbobada help these young ones to appreciate the importance of
SHS: Agotime Senior High School, Agotime- Kpetoe, reading comprehension and how it will help them in
Volta Region the long run. A major problem encountered was the
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BA. Geography and inadequate textbooks or reading materials in the school.
Rural Development A proposal was written to the district education office
ASPIRATIONS: Counsellor/Lecturer by the help of the acting headmistress to help provide
CORE VALUES: Patience and Honesty reading materials for the school. We are yet to get a
My vision has always been empowering and improving reply from them, but we had the opportunity to make
the lives of the many socially disadvantaged children a change in that, a meeting was held for all heads of
in my community and Ghana at large. "The education the various schools in the district to set aside forty-five
minutes each day for reading under supervision. In a
way to encourage these young ones, I gave a number of
exercise books to the students which would help them
write down the difficult words and find their meanings.
This will also help in their level of understanding as well
as enriching their grammar and vocabulary; all these are
important in the comprehension process. I can boldly
say that to some extent, these students have improved
in their reading and comprehension skills from the few
meetings I had with them with the help of their English
teacher Miss Sena and she promised to help manage the
club while I am in school.
I believe it is the responsibility of
every successful individual to initiate
change and impart the lives of others.
Freely I received, freely I will give
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 140 NAME: Aidoo Prince but this idea was changed to helping needy but brilliant
SHS: Mozano Senior High School, Mozano, Central student just as MasterCard is doing for me. The main
Region reason why I changed my mind was that, as I was
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business discussing with the Headmaster on how to renovate
Administration (Accounting) the school, one of the student came to tell him that, his
ASPIRATION: Auditor & Financial Analyst grandmother said he should go pluck coconut and sell
CORE VALUES: Humility and Honesty before he can pay his printing fees. After hearing this, I
became so sad and decided to redirect the resources for
The spirit of Senior High School (SHS) student and even renovate the school to helping these students. With the
Junior High School (JHS)pupil to climb the academic help of the Headmaster we selected six students who are
ladder to the next levels is one of the major problems in genuinely struggling to pay for petty things in the school
my community. Also, there is poor speaking and reading but are academically good. The package comes with
skills of English among the basic school pupils. So, numerous benefits, some are; exercise books, notebooks,
with the quest of helping curb these major issues, I am pens and pencils, mathematical sets and rulers, classes
embarking on two projects of which I believe with time, fees, printing fees etc.
it will help these issues I took inspiration from this “At the end of the day it’s not
Firstly, the F.A.B. Approach. This approach says that, about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished
the pupils are expected to have story books from the it’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better.
school’s library. We conduct weekly intensive reading It’s about what you’ve given back.”-Denzel Washington
and monthly assessment for them to show the progress
so far. This assessment is basically on whether the child NAME: Akakpo Ebenezer
is a Fluent (F) reader, Average (A) reader or Below (B) SHS: Tema Manhean Senior High Technical School,
average. Tema, Greater Accra Region
After one year of implementing this strategy, we PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Development
can bold say that the habit of reading has increased Planning
significantly and has indirectly improve the ability of ASPIRATIONS: I aspire to contribute to the
pupil to speak and write English and I hope to extend Development of Society, to be an Entrepreneur, I also
this approach to other schools in the community and in aspire to be an Advocate for Voiceless in the Society
the district. CORE VALUES: Discipline, Hardworking, Humility,
Moreover, I wanted to renovate my Junior High School, Loyalty and Honesty
Background of the Project NAME: Anaab Judith Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 141
The project started in 2016, after I had completed by SHS: Fumbisi Senior High/Agric School, Fumbisi,
Senior High School education. I had the passion and Upper East Region
saw it as a responsibility to help motivate students who PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Mathematics
have lost hope in studying and give them a reason ASPIRATION: Financial Analyst / Lecturer
to keep their heads high above the waters. I seek CORE VALUES: Determination and Love for All
to improve educational performance through peer
mentoring. I believe this method is effective because by Growing up in a community where majority of the
educating students and giving the needed guidance will people are peasant farmers and yield little or sometimes
go a long way to boost their self-esteem and confidence nothing after working hard in the sun due to inadequate
that they can also make it. knowledge pushed me to undertake this project titled,
Impact of the Project “Promoting Rice Production in My Community”.
So far, I have had six students I personally mentored During this project, fifteen (15) farmers were given
gain admission to the university, they are reading weedicides and trained on proper methods of rice
programs such as BSc. Rehabilitation, BSc. production and application of weedicides who now help
Hospitality and Tourism Management, BSc. Business their colleague farmers whenever the need arises.
Administration and BA. Political Studies all in KNUST.
I helped some of the students to raise capital and fund In addition, I created a group with the help of a
their education by talking to their church to sponsor colleague in my community Junior High School titled,
them and so far, I have three students that are receiving “Debate and Leadership Team” where students are being
funding from their church and some also benefiting trained on how to become co-transformational leaders
from GNPC scholarship on KNUST campus. because I believe that together, we can change the
Seeing how helpful the project has been, the community to what we want it to be. They are also taken
headmistress of the school has extended invitation for through article and debate writing, and presentation
the program to be re-organized yearly for the students. which has improved their confidence, writing and
I have been able to expand the scope of facilitators by presentation skills.
bringing more students to help with the program and I also had the opportunity to be an intern with Vodafone
also contribute towards providing support to the school Ghana; I learnt skills like time management, teamwork
which include contributing towards the construction of and others which have equipped me for the job market.
a sick-bay. The sick-bay is to cater for the health needs of
the student. In fact, being part of the Mastercard Scholar’s
Personally, the project has help improve my community has been a great privilege and I must say
presentation, leadership skills and public speaking that I am being transformed.
techniques which is helping me in my official
The project has been impacting
lives positively in my community, in
the year 2019, there were several
progress and the following will
highlight some of them.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 142 NAME: Appiah-Fosu Norbert a problem and you refuse to tackle it, expect no one to
SHS: Pope John Senior High School, Akim-Achiase, tackle it for you and it will continue to wait as a burden
Eastern Region till you eventually tackle it. A principle I believe in
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agribusiness and take with me in every decision and action I take
Management in my daily life. Therefore, I took it upon myself to
ASPIRATION: Great Entrepreneur continue this project solely being and independent
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Tolerance, Humility, and of the government since I cannot watch other people
Optimistic encounter similar issues and suffer from them
The previous government, after identifying some slow I agreed to supply three (3) pieces of four (4) by eight (8)
but dangerous effects of chalk crystals on both teachers inches whiteboard each to the remaining JHS as a starter
and students, took an initiative to prevent the high use which I was able to supply two pieces to the first JHS. It
of chalk at Akim-Achiase by distributing whiteboards saddened my heart although greatly moved, to see the
to the various Junior High Schools. But as a result of joy on the teachers’ faces as they received my small act
political instability in the country, this project struggled of kindness. They kept mentioning my name and heroic
its sustainability. This resulted in only three out of five action to the students and this moved me more to what
JHS benefiting from this scheme. The other schools who else I could do with little effort to the good of others.
could not benefit from the project found it difficult to Last semester, I visited the school that benefited; I saw
get highly qualified teachers, and sometimes with luck, for the first time a teacher in that school taught before
the ones they get also feel reluctant to teach the students GNAT meeting, this was quite unusual to me. The
effectively under such conditions. This ultimately affects students confirmed that it was the second time they
the students’ performance in their final exams; an were doing it because they claim chalk crystals were
experience I share with other victims. dirty in nature, but markers have a neat nature so they
used to avoid it before.
This has been a major challenge facing the educational
system in such remote environment for about I would end by saying that,
eight years and more with no promise of potential the whole world is not
improvements. needed to cause a change
which will have great
There is a favourite quote I always refer to, which says, impact; great changes don’t
“it’s either you or no one” meaning, whenever there is just happen. They start by
people taking initiatives,
which I believe anyone at all
including you, can be that
I must say that this project had gone a long way to Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 143
change the mind-set of the youth on education. Parents,
having their minds reoriented, are ever ready to render
the best they could for their ward’s success not only in
education but also in life.
Over the past two years as a MasterCard scholar, I have
learnt and improved on my communication skills,
interpersonal relationship with both staff and colleagues,
and I have built my confidence level.
I aim at acquiring the highest education and the best
training in other to influence my generation positively
in all fields of life.
NAME: Baiden Felicity NAME: Begyere Bartholomeo
SHS: Bibiaani Senior High Technical School, Bibiani, SHS: Queen of Peace Senior High School, Nadowli,
Western Region. Upper West Region.
Climate Science
ASPIRATION: Philanthropist ASPIRATIONS: Financial Manager and Data Analyst
CORE VALUES: Service, Integrity and Prayer CORE VALUES: Integrity and Kindness
With a life of integrity, prayer and true service, I aspire Growing up as a child, I have seen and experienced
to be a philanthropist to improve the well-being of the the real-life difficulties in this town, people have been
youth in my community, Ghana, Africa and the world challenged with severe poverty, non- reliable water
at large. source, students do not have uniforms to wear, and all
these are largely due to financial difficulties. I opted
Having been found favoured with the MasterCard to tackle the water problem and to give assistance to
Foundation Scholars Program, KNUST, I have come to needy students in the school. I have two projects, my
understand that giving back passionately to community lifetime project, which is ensuring that there is a reliable
is needful as a scholar. source of water and short- term projects, which is giving
Currently, I am working on a community project
in the area of Youth Welfare and Empowerment.
This project seeks to encourage children, youth and
parents on the importance of education, and to enrol
school-dropouts back to school in other to earn better
lives for themselves and to impact positively into the
next generation.
I interacted with the pupils of Methodist Primary
school and many of them genuinely showed interest in
education, and the school-dropouts were convinced to
go back to school. Also, I engaged the youth and the
parents of Wassa-Akropong in a radio show on why
youth must be educated and especially the girl child.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 144 assistance to students in the form of donation of books, I am a hardworking and a motivated young man who
pens and to some extent uniforms to needy but serious seeks to combine academic and work experience in
students. Recently, the District Chief Executive came to challenging roles within any field of work I find myself.
our aid by repairing some of the boreholes and giving The journey through my tertiary education with
some areas pipelines. He has the plan of extending the support of MasterCard foundation scholarship
them to every home, this was not largely due to my at KNUST has been success and memorable one
effort alone but the efforts of the youth, as we posted so far. The opportunity of being part of the MCF
some pictures on the nature of our drainage system on community has helped me to acquire skills in the field
the various social media. Also, the one village one dam of leadership, teamwork, and entrepreneurship. I have
initiative by the government has helped reduce the acute been empowered to also demonstrate a commitment to
water shortage in my community. As it stands now, improve my community and the nation at large.
water issues have been subsided, thanks to the president Background of the Project
of the land. This was done when I was in school. This As part of my responsibility to transform my
year, I donated reading and writing materials to fifteen community and the nation at large, I have passionately
(15) needy students who could not afford to buy new volunteered in a Senior High School outreach which was
stationery for the next academic year. I offered voluntary organized by the KNUST SRC in collaboration with Join
teaching as well. This is how far I have come on my give Hands Ghana as a mentor.
back to the community. The outreach was organized for some selected schools
in the Ashanti region of Ghana. The schools we visited
NAME: Benjamin Baah were St. Louis Senior High, Kumasi Senior High and
SHS: Adiembra Senior High School, Sekondi Takoradi, Seventh Day Adventist Senior High School.
Western Region Mentoring, at its core, is letting young people know that
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business there is someone who cares about them and assuring
Administration (Human Resource Management) them they are not alone in dealing with their day-to-day
ASPIRATIONS: Human Resource Consultant and challenges.
Lecturer Impact of the Project
CORE VALUES: Efficiency, Commitment, Reliable We mentored students in the personal, academic, social,
and Hardworking and professional aspects. We also created the awareness
of various scholarship opportunities that can support
the students after their secondary level of education. At
the end of the outreach, we were able solve and relief
the students of the problems some of them were going
through. We have also established contacts with the
students to help address issues they may encounter. I
ultimately believe that mentorship can connect young
people to personal growth and development, and as well
as socio-economic opportunities.
“The growth and development of
people is the highest calling of
leadership” - Peter F. Drucker.
Impact of the Project Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 145
From the point of realising this problem, I did a lot of
consultation and research from those who are already in
the industry as to how to bring such idea into existence.
At a glance, I thought it was easy to implement it straight
away without any hustle. But the consultants made me
aware that it requires a lot of technical and operational
works before such establishment can commence. Some
of the basic documents like certification, quality manual,
license and others were made known to me. And since
I do not have any background in pharmaceuticals, all
those basic documents mentioned above could not be
met, even a qualified pharmacist who will be in-charge
is also required. Although, I have not been able to start
due to limitation of resources and make positive impact
that I intend to see in my community, but I hope to start
it this year God willing.
NAME: Boakye Yaw
SHS: Ahafoman Senior High/ Technical, Goaso, Ahafo
Administration (Supply Chain Management)
ASPIRATION: I aspire to make a change in the lives of
other people in my community, as a “give-back”.
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Diligence, Discipline and
Background of the Project
My name is Boakye Yaw. And the name of my
community is Fawohoyeden-Dottom, which is located
in the Ahafo Region, Asunafo North to be precise.
There are other seven (7) neighbouring villages aside
where I reside, which come together as Asuboi-Ahenkro
Electoral Area. Where I am is the smallest within the
Electoral Area but that is where they all come to make
comfort. The most predominant occupation in my
community is farming. So, I did a lot of brainstorming
to find out how to improve their health and as a result
increase their productivity, since a healthy man is
a wealthy man. To that effect, I realised that there
is a problem that needs to be addressed and that is
difficulties in getting access to first aid medicine like
paracetamol, tetracycline, penicillin-v and other pain
killers to release their pain after work. This triggered me
to think of establishing a Pharmacy shop, since none is
found within the Electoral Area.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 146 Experience / Impact of the Project So Far
This is a problem that needs a lot of attention and
time. Also, the feedbacks may come at a slow rate. But
whatever the case, I have been able to get the various
headmasters of the basic schools in my community
on board and they are willing to help me carry out the
project. I have also been able to motivate and inspire
quite a number of students and they have gotten to
know why they should keep on being in school. I have
known the problems certain students are facing which
force them to stay outside the classroom and I am trying
to make the necessary arrangements in order to solve
them. Some of the students I spoke to are now back to
school and are punctual in school.
NAME: Felix Donkoh NAME: Gifty Abena Achamfoli
SHS: Mozano Senior High School, Gomoa Eshiem, SHS: Kpando Senior High School, Kpando, Volta
Central Region Region
ASPIRATIONS: My main aspiration in life is to be ASPIRATION: Lawyer
happy and to be a noble statistician. CORE VALUES: Integrity, Hard Work, Honesty and
CORE VALUES: Ability to inspire and motivate Respect
others, display high integrity and honesty, humble
and help to develop others, very analytical and fast in It has been a little over two years when I was accepted
solving problem, sociable and friendly into the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Programme
at KNUST. I have attended leadership seminars which
Background of Community Project have greatly shaped how I perceive challenges that we
face day in and day out.
My project is named ‘Get them back to class’ and it is
aimed at helping to reduce the rate at which students
absent themselves from class in my community. The
reason behind this project is that I noticed some major
problems in my community some of which include:
Drug abuse, Teenage pregnancy, School drop-out,
Truancy in various schools.
Having the passion to solve these problems, I chose
to tackle truancy first. This is because it is the major
problem which serves as a root-cause of other problems.
The basic school as a whole is the target but the primary
level has been tackled now and I hope to move forward
in the times to come.
Currently, I have started a community project that in my community, students struggle to identify their Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 147
is geared toward helping my community especially potential and the choice of right programmes to study
children to learn how to maintain personal hygiene and at the senior high and tertiary levels. My project seeks
keep their surroundings clean. It is also about abolishing to assist students and also guide them on their choice
the culture of depending solely on the government of academic programme to pursue. The project is also
when it comes to matters of sanitation in our various aimed at improving academic performance in BECE and
communities. “The sanitation of our country is the WASSCE examinations.
responsibility of all of us.” I undertook my project at Balai D/A JHS, where
MCF Scholars programme has really made me an I assisted in teaching and awarding students who
outstanding person in my community, I really appreciate performed better to encourage them to work harder to
the unity among the scholars and the programme staff. realize their dreams. With the help of the teachers in
God bless GHANA! my community, we have been able to organise vacation
classes for the Junior High School students with the aim
of paying attention to specific individual problems; that
is individuals who cannot read and write properly and
perform basic numerical computation.
It is my motive that students in my community should
be able to improve their academic performance,
developed the skills and ability of personal studies and
to have the zeal for academic excellence. I believe that
through education my community can become a better
place and individuals will have a good quality of life.
My experience so far has been good, for the first time,
I thought of an initiative and executed it, and so on my
part, the project boosted my confidence and I believe
that I can be an agent of change in my community.
NAME: Hillary Nsumile I believe growth and
SHS: Kpandai Senior High School, Kpandai, Northern development can be
Region achieved through education
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Agriculture Science so in going forward, I have
ASPIRATIONS: Lecturer and Agricultural Economist. decided to bring on board
CORE VALUES: Humility, Persistence and other university students in
Determination the community to make the
project a great success.
Background of Project
Coming into the MasterCard Foundation Scholars’
community, one thing I have learnt is that education
is the best tool to change the African continent.
Academic excellence has been a challenge for students
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 148 Impact of the Project So Far
The health screening was finally conducted on the
11th August 2018 but before that, health talk or health
awareness was presented by a Physician Assistant, Miss
Harriet Appiagyei. Two hundred and seventy-six people
were screened. Some were counselled by a Medical
Doctor and the Physician Assistant based on the results
and they were referred to the district hospital for further
medication and treatment. Since a person around an
HBAsg positive individual is prone to the virus we did
a follow up to check the household of the persons who
were reactive to the HBAsg test.
NAME: Isaac Arddey NAME: Isatou Cham
SHS: Osei Tutu II College, Tetrem, Ashanti Region SHS: Marina International School
ASPIRATION: I want to become a chemical ASPIRATIONS: Financial Analyst
pathologist. CORE VALUES: Self-Determination, Competence and
CORE VALUES: Teamwork and Integrity Cooperative
Background of Community Project Background of Project
Community-based project is one which covers a wide
variety of different areas within a community or a group The Gambia has a land area of about 10,689km^2, with
of network entities. Atonsu Kuwait is a community a population of about 1,882,450 people.
in the Ashanti Region. The pressing challenge of the
community in recent times is large count of death The Gambia is one of the most densely populated
issues. As a scholar and a leader of change, I aimed at countries in Africa, thus, posing pressure on the
tackling the above problem to reduce the huge number provision of social services. The health sector, despite
of death records in my community and so my vision remarkable achievements registered in the past, is still
was to ensure 100% awareness on cardiovascular
diseases and other kinds of chronic diseases such as
diabetes, HBsAg and HCV. My mission was to create a
community of well-informed individuals on the dangers
of cardiovascular diseases and health in general. My
project seeks to conduct health screening and health
talk or campaign for the people in the community.
The health screening was actually conducted to cover
basic five key health indicators. The five key health
indicators include; Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI),
Blood Pressure (B.P), Blood Sugar Level and Hepatitis
B. Due to inadequate resources and fund, I decided to
start the health screening with my church and use it as a
test sample to know how the people in the community is
been affected.
under great pressure due to a number of factors like high NAME: Manu James Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 149
population growth rate, insufficient funds and logistic SHS: Kintampo Senior High School, Kintampo, Bono
support, the inadequacy of supplies and equipment, and East Region
deterioration of physical infrastructure. PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Environmental
The postpartum period begins immediately after the Science
birth of a child. The mother’s body including hormone ASPIRATIONS: Environmental Engineer,
levels returns back to the normal non-pregnant state. Environmental Health Practitioner and Philanthropist
This period is the most critical and yet the most CORE VALUES: Determination, Diligence and
neglected phases of the lives of the mothers and newly- Discipline
born babies. Risk of morbidity and mortality during the
post-partum period is high for mothers and children in Background of Community Project.
sub-Saharan Africa. Only a small proportion of women
in developing countries receive adequate postpartum Improving Basic Education
care. In the case of The Gambia, less than 30% do and in
very poor regions, as low as 5% of women receive such “The function of education is to teach one to think
care. intensively and to think critically intelligence plus
Over a few months, we managed to raise awareness of character – that is the goal of true education”- Martin
the risks during the postpartum period as many are still Luther King, Jr.
unknowledgeable when it comes to this delicate period.
As a result of this, many mothers are inclined to neglect In view of the above quote, this project was selected out
themselves. We have also created a portfolio through of the lots as a result of the poor performance of the
which many institutes both government and private in BECE candidates in my community. In collaboration
the country can get involve and help the project move with some concerned undergraduates in my community,
forward. Though some of our requests have not been we initiated this project to improve the academic
adhered to yet, we have gotten positive feedback from performance of the students.
Upon doing enough research, I found out that the
students do not study after school especially in the
evening they rather engage in watching telenovelas. In
order to engage them, we organised free evening classes
for them because I believe that, “An investment in
knowledge, pays the best interest”.
Besides, “education without good character is vanity”-
Manu James. I, therefore, invited a motivational speaker
to speak to them in order for them to build good morals,
get the courage to study and aim higher.
Measures were also put in place to conduct annual
quizzes for the students on the Surano ‘A’ Community
Information Center as a means of improving the
confidence level of the students.
Impacts So Far: One of the greatest impacts of the
project is the formation of preps in various schools,
most of the students performed better at the end of
year examination, most of the students got to know the
importance and why they are in school, most of them
were able to study on their own (Preps) and there were
positive results.
Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program at KNUST 150 NAME: Lydia Ahoah Further to this education, I identified individuals
SHS: Nkroful Agriculture Senior High School, who I think were financially well off and could help
Nkroful, Western Region provide a good number of dustbins for the community.
PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. Business Unfortunately, this objective was not achieved due to
Administration (Management) their inability to provide funds for the dustbins.
ASPIRATION: I aspire to be an entrepreneur so that I Given that I was determined and knowing it is always
can empower others. good to push forward even when the situation seems
CORE VALUES: Integrity, Honesty and discouraging, I did not give up. Alternatively, I
Determination. petitioned the department in charge of sanitation in my
municipality. My encounter and discussion with them
Project Background made them promised to provide twenty (20) dustbins to
Elubo is the name of my community. It is located in the my community.
Jomoro Municipal Assembly in the Western Region of Though the promised dustbins are still not available
Ghana. My community as a border town happens to be upon several follow-ups, one can observe a positive
the economic hub of the said municipality. This makes change in my community. This change can be seen in
Elubo a busy place. their attitudes as far as littering is a concern. At this
juncture, although the dustbins are yet to be provided,
However, sanitation is one of the problems we face one can observe the impact of the education given
as a community. The state of the environment makes on sanitation in my community. One can witness an
it unpleasant hence, my determination to help my improvement regarding sanitation.
community find a solution to this problem.
This makes me believe that my
Experience and Impact of the Project So Far community will be a better place to
The issue of sanitation in my community is due to live for some days to come.
the government’s inability to provide dustbins in my
community. In the cause of helping my community
to be clean and healthy, I first of all educated them on
sanitation issues and this led me to the chief palace
where I was given the opportunity to sensitize the
people on the need to keep the environment clean and