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Whether you want to see inside a volcano, understand every component of an engine, or learn the difference between a stegosaurus and a stegoceras, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary will reveal all.

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Published by Read My eBook for FREE!, 2020-03-04 14:00:04

Ultimate Visual Dictionary (DK)

Whether you want to see inside a volcano, understand every component of an engine, or learn the difference between a stegosaurus and a stegoceras, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary will reveal all.

Presenting a huge range of information from a unique perspective, with more than 33,000 terms explained and expertly annotated, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary allows readers to analyze a multitude of objects in

unparalleled detail.

Middle phalanx 219, 230, Mirfak 19, 20 Moeritherium 105 Mortar 432 Lizard 184 Extensor hallucis brevis
232 Mirzam 18, 21 Opossum 106 Mortice 373 Pitcher plant 161 233
Middle rail 381 Missile launcher 397 Phiomia 105 Mortise 486, 492 Rabbit 196 Flexor digitorum
Midfielders Mississipian period 56 Toxodon 106 Morus nigra 130 Rat 196 longus 233
Gaelic football 529 Mississippi Delta 290-291 Mold 278 Mosaic 450-451 Sea anemone 166-167 Flexor hallucis longus
Lacrosse 541 Mississippi-Missouri River Molded bracket 484 Islamic building Seal 204 233
Soccer 524 264 Molded corbel 493 488-489 Sea urchin 175 Flexor pollicis brevis
Midgut 173 Mississippi River 291 Molding 485 Tools 450 Snail 177 231
Mid-latitude band 36 Mist 306 Ancient Egyptian Mosque 484, 488 Spider 170 Flexor retinaculum 231
Mid-latitude cyclones 302 Mistle thrush 190 temple 458-459 Mosses 112, 114, 118-119 Starfish 174-175 Genioglossus 245
Mid-ocean ridge 281, Mistletoe 162 Asian building 490 Epiphytic 162 Mouth diffuser 430, 440 Geniohyoid 245
298-299 Mitochondrial crista 217 Baroque church Life-cycle 119 Mouthpiece Gluteus medius 225
Mid-off 538 Mitochondrial sheath 259 480-481 Structure 119 Brass instruments 506 Gluteus minimus 225
Mid-on 538 Mitochondrion 217, 239 Dome 486-487 Moth 168 Clarinet 508 Hyoglossus 244
Midrib Mitral valve 251 Gothic church 471-472 Motherboard Tenor saxophone 509 Iliacus 225
Dicotyledon leaf Mixosaurus 57 Medieval building 466, Digital camcorder 583 Trumpet 506 Inferior oblique 241
126-127 Mizar 19 469 Personal computer Wind synthesizer 521 Inferior rectus 241
Durmast oak leaf 131 Mizzen backstay 378 Neoclassical building 567 Movement Intercostal 255
Fern fronds 121 Mizzen bitt 381 479-480, 482 Motherboard cable 578 Gas particles 307 Internal urethral
Hogweed leaf 129 Mizzen course 379 Renaissance building Mother’s milk 104 Objects 320 sphincter 257
Ice-plant leaf 129 Mizzen mast 475-477 Motion 320-321 MP3 players 586 Lateral rectus 240-241
Live-forever leaf 129 Dhow 376 Ship’s shield 395 Motion sensor 579 MRI scan Levator palpebrae
Liverwort 118 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Molding tool 454 Motocross motorcycle Head 214 superioris 241
Monkey cup 161 Junk 376 Molds 114 racing 368 Brain 236 Lumbrical 231
Moss leaf 119 Sailing warship 377 Molecular orbitals 308 Motor air intake 593 Mt. Everest 264 Medial rectus 240-241
Spiral wrack 116 Square-rigged ship 375 Molecules 306, 308-309 Motor assembly 574 Mu Andromedae 19 Myohyoid 245
Sweet chestnut leaf 136 Wooden sailing ship Mollusks 176-177 Motorcycle chassis 362, Muav limestone 277 Opponens digiti minimi
Tree fern 113 378 Belemnite 71 364-365 Muccini brush 434 231
Venus fly trap 160 Mizzen sail 375, 385 Nautiloid 69 Motorcycle engines Mucosa 248 Opponens pollicis 231
Water lily leaf 159 Mizzen shroud 378 Molten bronze 454 366-367 Mucosal gland 254 Orbicularis oris 245
Midships fence 373 Mizzen stay 378 Molten core 39 Motorcycle racing 368 Mucous gland 177 Papillary 251
Midships section 392 Mizzen top 378 Molten rock Motorcycles 362-363 Mucronate leaf apex 137 Pectineus 225
Midwater current 297 Mizzen topcastle 377 Igneous and Motorcycle sidecar 362, Mucus-secreting Peroneus brevis 233
Midway Gardens 495 Mizzen topgallant sail 379 metamorphic rocks 274 369 duodenal cells 217 Peroneus longus 233
Mid West single-rotor Mizzen topmast 377, 378 Matter 306 Motor-driven bogie axle Mud 267, 273 Psoas major 225, 257
engine 411 Mizzen topsail 379 Ocean floor 298 326 Mud crab 279 Pyloric sphincter 249
Mid West twin-rotor Mizzen yard 376-377, 378 Plate movements 58 Motor electronic control Mud flat 295 Soleus 233
engine 411 Moat 466-467 Rock cycle 266 module (ECM) 355 Mud pools 272-273 Sphincter 241
Mid West two-stroke Mobile sculpture 452 Volcanoes 272 Motor end plate 228, 239 Mud river 298 Styloglossus 244
engine 410 Modeling 452 Molting 171 Motorhead 592, 593 Mulberry 130 Superior longitudinal
Miele washer-dryer 594, Modeling tools 454 Molybdate 269 Motorized buses 332 Muliphen 21 245
595 Modem 576, 577 Molybdenum 310 Motor neuron 228, 239 Mullion Superior oblique 241
Mihrab 488 Moderator 314 Mongooses 194 Motor operating signal Gothic church 470, Superior rectus 241
Milan Cathedral 473 Modern buildings 496-499 Monkey cup 161 330 472-473 Tensor tympani 243
Milankovic 43 Modern engines 344-345 Monkeys 202-203 Motor whaler 397 Modern building Thyrohyoid 244
Milk snake 184 Modern humans 57 Monitor Motte 466 497-499 Tibialis anterior 233
Milk teeth 246 Modern jetliners 412-415 Digital camera 580 Mouchette 472 Renaissance building Tibialis posterior 233
Milky quartz 268, 271 Modern military aircraft Monoceros 18, 21 Mounds 286 476 Urethral sphincter 257
Milky Way 14-15 420-421 Monoclinal fold 60 Mountain bikes 358, 360 Small-scale rock Vastus lateralis 225
Northern stars 18 Modern piston aero- Monocline 61 Mountain building 56, 58, formation 60-61 Vastus medialis 225
Solar system 30 engines 410-411 Monoclinic system 270 62-63 Twentieth-century Muscovite 269
Stars of southern skies Mode switch 586 Monocoque chassis 363 Mountain hollows 286 building 494 Muscular septum 176
20 Modified cuticle 157 Monocoque shell 348 Mountain lake 288 Multicellular animals 56 Mushroom anchor 386
Mill 462, 464, 492 Modified lateral shoots Monocotyledonous petals Mountain ranges Multicellular organisms Mushroom coral 167
Millstone grit 60-61 156 140, 143 Earth’s physical 78 Mushrooms 114, 115
Milne 41 Modified leaflets 129 Monocotyledonous sepals features 264 Multicellular soft-bodied Music 514, 586
Milton 35 Modified leaves 126, 140, 143 Faults and folds 60 animals 56 Musical Instrument
Mimas 46 Barberry 130-131 Monocotyledons 126-127, Geological time 56 Multifoil 472 Digital Interface (MIDI)
Mimosa 21 Cobra lily 160 140-141, 143 Igneous and Multifunction display 573 system 520-521
Mimulopsis solmsii 145 Dryland plants 156-157 Monodon monoceros 205 metamorphic rocks 274 Multigabled roof 492 Musical manuscript
Minaret 488-489 Everlasting pea 129 Monograptus convolutus Mountain building 62 Multiplait nylon 388 502-503
Mineral-filled fault 60-61 Golden barrel cactus 65 Ocean floor 298 Multiplate clutch 364, Musical notation 502-503
Mineral-rich deposits 156 Monolithic shaft 463 Plate movements 59 366 Musical score 502-503,
298 Pitcher development 161 Monoplanes 400-401, 402, Mountain ridge 295 Multiple fruits 148-149 505
Minerals 268-269 Spines 156 406 Mountain ring 34 Multiplier reel 562 Music gallery 477
Carnivorous plants 160 Strawberry 128 Monotremes 206-207 Mountains 62-63, 267 Multi-ply tire 416 Musicians 504
Epiphytes 162 Modified shoots 156 Montes Apenninus 40 Mountain spring 288 Multipolar neuron 239 Music software 520
Fossils 278 Modified stipules 128-129 Montes Cordillera 41 Mounting bracket 590 Multitouch interface 568 Muslim calendar 618
Mineral features 270-271 Modillion Montes Jura 40 Mounting bush 365 Mu Orionis 18 Mussels 176
Mineral resources Baroque church 479 Montes Rook 41 Mounting splines 366 Mu Pegasi 19 Mussosaurus 68
280-281 Neoclassical building Monteverdi 35 Mouse 521, 566, 611 Musa ‘lacatan’ 146 Mutes 506-507
Photosynthesis 138-139 478 Montgolfier brothers 398 Mouse and collar 379 Muscari sp. 155 Muttaburrasaurus 97
Wetland plants 158 Renaissance building Monument 470 Mouth Musci 118 Muzzle 199, 397
Xylem vessel 134 475 Moon 40-41 Barnacle 173 Muscle 226-229 Mycelium 114-115
Mineral spicules 166 Moenave formation 276 Objects in universe 11 Bony fish 180-181 Abductor digiti Mycorrhizal association
Mineral spring 273 Moenkopi formation 276 Solar eclipse 32 Cobra lily 160 minimus 231, 233 133
Mineral wool 603 Moeritherium 104 Tides 296-297 Cow 198 Adductor longus 225 Myelin sheath 239
Minim 502 Mohorovic discontinuity Moonquake region 41 Crayfish 173 Adductor magnus 227 Mylar 384
Minmi 95 39 Moons Dogfish 179 Adductor pollicis 231 Myocardium 250-251
Minor calyx 256 Mohs scale 270-271 Jupiter 44 Dolphin 204 Abductor pollicis brevis Myofibril 228
Minor coverts 188, 191 Molar tooth Mars 42 Elephant 200 231 Myohyoid muscle 245
Mint 109 Arsinoitherium 104 Neptune 50 Frog 182 Anal sphincter 249 Myometrium 260
Mintaka 18 Australopithecus 107 Saturn 46 Gorilla 203 Arrector pili 235
Miocene epoch Bear 106, 194 Solar system 30 Horse 199 Cricothyroid 244-245
Fossil record 279 Chimpanzee 202 Uranus 48 Human 211, 212, Dilator 241
Geological timescale 57 Elephant 201 Mooring 386-387 244-245, 248 Dorsal interosseous 233 N
Mira 19, 20 Horse 105 Moorish arch 484 Jellyfish 167 Energy system 315 Nail
Mirach 19, 20 Human 246 Moraine 286-287, 292-293 Kangaroo 204 Extensor digitorum Corythosaurus 98
Miranda 48 Hyaenodon 107 Moray eel 180 Lamprey 178 brevis 233 Edmontonia 95

Elephant 90 Cathedral dome 484 Nerve NGC 4486 (elliptical Nonreturn valve 367 Blackburn monoplane
Human 231 Gothic church 470-473 Ampullar 242 galaxy) 12 Nonskid tire 337 400
Iguanodon 96-97 Medieval church Bronchial 254 NGC 5236 (spiral galaxy) 11 Nonslip flooring 573 Nose wheel
Stegosaurus 92 468-469 Cervical 238 NGC 5754 (colliding North America ARV light aircraft 425
Triceratops 102 Ship’s wheel 390 Cochlear 243 galaxies) 9 Appalachian Mountains Curtiss biplane 398
Nair Al Zaurak 19, 20 Navel 211, 260 Common peroneal 238 NGC 6656 (globular 62 Pegasus XL SE
Naismath, James 532 Nave plate 390 Cranial 238 cluster) 21 Cretaceous period Tornado 420
Namib Desert 265 Navicular bone 232 Cutaneous 238 NGC 6822 (irregular 72-73 ultralight 426
Naos 461, 463, 485 Navigating bridge 394 Deep peroneal 238 galaxy) 11 Earth’s physical Nostril
Nape 188, 210 Navigational aerial Digital 231 Nib types 444 features 264 Bird 188
Napier Saber 24-cylinder 423-424 Femoral 238 Niche Jurassic period 70 Chick 193
engine 408 Navigation area 577 Hypoglossal 244 Ancient Roman Late Carboniferous Crocodilians 186
Naris Navigation buttons 577 Lingual 244 building 462 period 66 Dolphin 205
Anchisaurus 89 Navigation camera Lumbar 238 Asian temple 491 Middle Ordivician Domestic cat 195
Ankylosaurus 94 (Navcam) 615 Median 238 Baroque church 480 period 64 Elephant 200
Arsinoitherium 104 Navigation display 573 Optic 240 Cathedral dome 487 Quaternary period Frog 182
Australopithecus 108 Navigation light 573 Posterior tibial 238 Gothic church 471-472 76-77 Gorilla 203
Baryonyx 83 Navigator’s cockpit 420 Pudendal 238 Islamic building 488 Tertiary period 74-75 Horse 198
Brachiosaurus 91 Navigator’s seat 408 Pulp 247 Medieval building 467 Triassic period 68 Human 213
Camarasaurus 91 Navka 37 Radial 238 Neoclassical building 482 North American Kangaroo 207
Corythosaurus 98 Nazea plate 59 Sacral 238 Renaissance building Cordillera 71 Lion 194
Edmontonia 95 Neanderthals 108 Sciatic 238 476 North American period 56 Lizard 184
Eryops 80 Neap tides 296-297 Spinal 223, 238 Nickel 37, 49, 281, 311 North American plate 59 Monkey 202
Euoplocephalus 94 Nebulae 16-17 Superficial peroneal 238 Nickel-iron 270 North Atlantic current 296 Rat 196
Homo erectus 108 Cone 612 Superior laryngeal 244 Nigella damascena 151 North Atlantic Gyre 296 Rattlesnake 185
Homo habilis 108 Galaxies 12-13 Thoracic 238 Nikon Coolpix S1000PJ North Atlantic Ocean 39, Seal 204
Homo sapiens 108 Great, Orion 613 Ulnar 231, 238 580-581 71, 73 Nostril pocket 80
Hyaenodon 107 Life of massive star 26 Vestibular 243 Nile crocodile 186 North East Africa 64 Notes 502, 506
Iguanodon 96 Milky Way 14-15 Vestibulocochlear 243 Nile River 264-265 Northeasterly wind 303 Nothosaurian reptile 69
Lambeosaurus 99 NGC 1566 (Seyfert Nerve cell 217, 237, 239 Nimbostratus cloud 302 Northeast monsoon 297 Notre Dame de Paris 470,
Moeritherium 105 galaxy) 13 Nerve cord 173 Nimbus cloud 302 Northeast trade winds 473
Opossum 106 Omega 613 Nerve fiber 235 Nineteenth-century 300 Nozzle
Panoplosaurus 94 Small stars 24 Nerve ring 175 buildings 479, 482, North Equatorial Belt 45 Concorde, the 416-417
Parasaurolophus 99 Structure of nebula 24 Nervous system 176, 492-493, 494 North Equatorial current Jet engines 418-419
Plateosaurus 88 Neck 238-239 Ninth-century building 296-297 Tornado 421
Protoceratops 102 Acoustic guitar Nervous tissue 166 490 Northern Hemisphere Vacuum cleaner 593
Smilodon 107 512-513 Netball 534-535 Nintendo 3DS 578 296-297 NPT 301 turbojet 418
Stegoceras 100-101 Anchisaurus 89 Network port 566 Nintendo Wii Fit Plus 579 North Galactic Pole 15 N-type silicon 605
Stegosaurus 92 Calligraphy character Neural spine Niobe Planitia 36, 37 North magnetic polar Nu Andromedae 19
Styracosaurus 102 445 Arsinoitherium 104 Niobium 310 region 28 Nucellus 147
Triceratops 102-103 Corythosaurus 98 Bony fish 180 Nippers 450 North Pacific current 296 Nuchal plate 187
Tyrannosaurus 84 Electric guitar 513 Brachiosaurus 90 Nipple North Pacific Gyre 296 Nuchal ring 95
Narrow gauge track 331 Golf club 547 Eryops 81 Human 211 North polar aurora 45 Nuchal shield 187
Narwhal 205 Harp 511 Euoplocephalus 95 Marsupials 206 North polar ice cap 43 Nuclear energy 314
Nasal bone Horse 199 87 Nissl body 239 North Pole Nuclear fusion
Ankylosaurus 94 Human 211, 224-225, Iguanodon 96 Nitrate ions 312 Atmospheric circulation Massive stars 26
Bear 194 247, 258-259 Parasaurolophus 98 Nitrates 160 and winds 300 Small stars 24
Frog 183 Iguanodon 97 Plateosaurus 89 Nitrogen Coriolis force 297 Stars 22
Human 220-221 Pachycephalosaurus Stegoceras 100-101 Atmospheric Jupiter 44 Sun 32
Lion 194 100 Stegosaurus 93 composition 301 Mars 42 Nuclear “hunter-killer”
Panoplosaurus 94 Rat 196 Toxodon 106 Helix Nebula 17 Mercury 34 submarine 396-397
Protoceratops 102 Sauropodomorpha 88 Triceratops 102 Mars’ atmosphere 43 The Moon 40 Nuclear power station 314
Toxodon 106 Sculling oar 560 Tuojiangosaurns 93 Periodic table 311 Neptune 50 Nuclear reactions 315
Nasal cavity Stegoceras 101 Tyrannosaurus 85 Pluto’s atmosphere 51 Pluto 51 Nucleolus 216, 239
Chimpanzee 202 Stegosaurus 92 Neurofilament 239 Venus’ atmosphere 37 Pulsar 28 Nucleoplasm 216
Domestic cat 195 Stringed instruments Neuron 239 Nitrogen dioxide gas 312 Saturn 46 Nucleus
Elephant 200 510 Neurotransmitter 239 Nobelium 311 Uranus 48 Asteroids, comets, and
Human 245, 248 Tenor saxophone 509 Neutralization 312 Noble gases 310-311 Venus 36 meteoroids 52-53
Rabbit 196 Theropod 84 Neutrino 22 Nock 548 North rim 277 Atoms and molecules
Nasal horn 104 Violin 510 Neutron 22, 28 Noctis Labryrinthus 42, 43 North Temperate Zone 45 308, 309
Nasalis 229 Necking 381 Neutrons 308, 309, 310 Nocturnal mammals 104 North Tropical Zone 45 Chlamydomonas sp. 116
Nasal passage 200 Nectar 142, 160-161 Neutron stars 28-29, Node Northwesterly wind 303 Cnidocytes 167
Nasal plug 205 Nectaries 141, 144-145 26-27 Bamboo 131 Nose Egg cell 606, 607
Nasal septum 213, 221, 160-161 New Guinea 265 Brassavola nodosa 162 B-17 bomber 408 Endosperm 147
241 Needles New mail button 576 Canadian pond weed Concorde, the 416-417 Fungal cell 115
Nash 21 Bishop pine 124 New Moon 41 158-159 Iron 594 Galaxies 12-13
Nasion 221 Pine 124-125 News item summary 577 Couch grass 113 Horse 198 Generalized human cell
Nasolacrimal duct 241 Scots pine 122 News reader window 577 Dicotyledons 127 Human 211-212, 216
Nasopharynx 245 Yew 123 New State Paper Office Horsetail 120 244-245 Muscle cell 228
Natal cleft 210 Nefertiti Corona 37 482 Ice-plant 129 Lion 194 Neuron 239
Natal cocoon 24, 26 Negative electric charge Newton (N) 320 Live-forever 129 Lockheed Electra Overhead view of our
Native elements 268 316 Newton, Isaac 320 Modern buildings 497 airliner 406 galaxy 14
Natural bridge 290 Negative ions 308, 310 Newton meter 320-321 Rhizome 155 Rabbit 196 Palisade mesophyll cell
Natural elements 310 Neo-Baroque style Newton’s Motion laws Rock stonecrop 128 Rat 196 139
Natural fly 562 492-493 320-321 Rose stem 130 Noseband 554, 555 Pollen 122
Natural forces 314 Neo-Byzantine style Newts 182 Stems 134 Nose clip 558 Pollen tube 147
Natural glass 306 492-493 New World monkeys Stolon 154 Nose cone 418, 560 Roots 132
Natural gut strings 544 Neoclassical style 478-483, 202-203 Strawberry 128 Nose cover 357 Scots pine pollen 122
Natural lakes 292 496 New Zealand 265, 272 Node of Ranvier 228, 239 Nose cowling 412 Side view of our galaxy
Natural satellites 40 Neodymium 310 Next /Previous track Nodule fields 299 Nose-end bogie 327 14
Natural sponge 438 Neo-Gothic style 492-493 control 587 Nodules 128 Nose-gear Synergid 147
Nautiloid mollusk 69 Neo-Greek style 492-493 Next file button 577 Noggin 602 ARV light aircraft Thalassiosira sp. 116
Fossil 65 Neon 35, 311 Next key 568 Nonconformity 276 424-425 Nuctenea umbratica 171
Navajo Mountain 277 Nepenthes mirabilis 161 NGC 1566 (Seyfert galaxy) Non-drive end 317 Concorde, the 417 Number systems 620
Navajo sandstone 276 Nephron 256 13 Nonesuch House 467 Tornado 420 Nunki 19, 20-21
Nave Neptune 31, 50-51 NGC 2997 (spiral galaxy) Nonexplosive eruptions Nose horn 102, 103 Nu Orionis 18
Ancient Egyptian Neptunides polychromus 12 272 Nose landing gear 573 Nut
temple 458-459 12 NGC 4406 (elliptical Nonflowering plants 68 Nose ring Deadeye 383
Baroque church 479 Neptunium 311 galaxy) 11 Nonmetals 310 Avro biplane 403 Dry fruit 150

Durmast oak 131 Baroque church 479, Olympus BX51W1 optical Orbicularis oculi muscle Organic material Outlet manifold 411
Toaster 598 481 microscope 610 226, 229 deposition 281 Output tray 574
Nutcrackers 321 Cathedral dome 487 Olympus Mons 42-43 Orbicularis oris muscle Organic remains 276-277, Outrigger 373, 377
Nutlets 150 Oerlikon gun position 397 Omasum 198 228-229, 245 280 Outwash fan 286
Nutrients Off-road motorcycle Omega Centauri 21 Orbicular lamina 158 Organ of Corti 243 Outwash plain 287
Carnivorous plants 160 racing 368 Omicron Andromedae 19 Orbicular leaves 137 Oriel window 467 Outwash terrace 286
Epiphyte supply 162 Offshore deposits 294 Omicronl Canis Majoris Orbit “O Ring” drive chain 366 Ovary
Phloem sieve tube 134 Ogee 395 21 Acanthostega 80 Orion 18, 21, 24 Barnacle 173
Plant transport 139 Ogee arch 488 Omicron2 Canis Majoris Ankylosaurus 94 Orion Arm 14 Bony fish 181
Nylon and silicon cloth Ogee-arched motif 490 21 Archaeopteryx 85 Orion Nebula 15, 17, 18 Brachiosaurus 90
384 Ogee curve 472 Omicron Orionis 18 Arsinoitherium 104 Orion’s belt 15-16 Butterfly 169
Nymphaea sp. 159 Ogee-curved dome 486 Omicron Sagittarii 21 Australopithecus 108 Ornament Chimpanzee 202
Nyssa sylvatica 137 Ogee-curved roof 489 Omnivores 84 Baryonyx 83 Asian building 491 Crayfish 173
Ogee molding 475-477, 481 Omohyoid muscle 229 Bear 194 Baroque church 479, Dogfish 179
Ogee tracery 493 Onboard information Bird 189 481 Epigeal germination
panel 573
O Ohms 316 One-toed ungulates 198 Bony fish 181 Cathedral dome 487 153
Fertilization 146-147
Islamic building 488
Camarasaurus 91
O 2 sensor 353 Clutches 366 Onion dome 467, 486-488 Chimpanzee 202 Neoclassical building Flower 140-143
Oak 74 Diesel trains 326 Onion-skin weathering Diplodocus 90 483 Gallimimus 86
Oar Energy storage 315 282 Elephant 201 Ornithischia 68-69, 82-83 Human 258-259
Greek and Roman ships Mineral resources On/off/pause button 586 Eryops 80 Marginocephalians 100 Hypogeal germination
372-373 280-281 On-screen display 577 Euoplocephalus 94 Ornithopods 96 152
Junk 376 Oil bottle dripfeed 336 Onyx 268 Heterodontosaurus 83 Stegosaurs 92-93 Insect pollination 144
Longboat 380 Oil cooler 347, 364, 605 Oocyte 258 Homo erectus 108 Thyreophorans 92 Lizard 185
Viking ships 374-375 Oil-cooler duct 415 Oogonium 117 Homo habilis 108 Ornithomimosaurs 86-87 Rose 131
Oarweed 116-117 Oil cooler matrix 347 Oort Cloud 30, 52 Homo sapiens 108 Ornithopoda 83 Spider 170
Oasis 283 Oil deposit formation 57 Oospheres 116-117 Horse 199 Ornithopods 96-97, 98-99 Succulent fruit 148-149
Oberon 48 Oil deposits 281 Fern 121 Hyaenodon 107 Ornithorhynchus anatinus Tortoise 188
Ob-Irtysh River 265 Oil dipstick 344 Moss 119 Iguanodon 96 207 Ovate leaf
Objective aperture 610 Oil duct 151 Ooze 298 Inner planetary 30 Orobanche sp. 163 Ice-plant 129
Objective lens 610, 611 Oil feed 411 Open cluster 16 Lambeosaurus 99 Orogenesis 62-63 Live-forever 129
Object mass 320 Oil feed pipe 345, 366, 367 Open gun mounting 394 Lion 194 Oropharynx 245 Strawberry 128
Oblique-slip fault 61 Oil filter Opera House, Paris 493 Lizard 184 Orpiment 270-271 Ovda Regio 36, 37
Oboe 504-505, 508 1-liter VTEC engine Opera House, Sydney 496, Opossum 106 Orthoclase 269, 271 Oven compartment 597
Obovate leaves 137 354 499 Outer planetary 31 Orthorhombic system 270 Overarm pass 535
Observer’s cockpit 405 Ford diesel engine 347 Opercula 180 Pachycephalosaurus Os 258-259 Overhand knot 388
Observer’s windshield 404 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Opercular bone 181 100 Oscillating cylinder 390 Overhand serve 534
Obsidian 275, 306 Turbofan engine 418 Operculum Panoplosaurus 94 Oscillating electric field Overhead camshaft
Obstruction light Turboprop engine 419 Bony fish 180-181 Parasaurolophus 99 318 engine 368
572 Oil-fired power station Cnidocyte 167 Plateosaurus 88 Oscillating magnetic field Overhead control panel
Obturator canal 224 315 Giant stick insect eggs Platypus 206 318 573
Obturator membrane 224 Oil formation 280-281 192 Prenocephale 100 Oscillating steam engine Overhead pass 532
Occipital bone 202, 220 Oil muffler 364 Indian stick insect eggs Protoceratops 102 390-391 Overhead valve engine
Occipital condyle 107, Oil paints 436-437 192 Rattlesnake 185 Osculum 166 (OHV) 367, 369
194, 220 Oil pipe banjo 345 Leaf insect eggs 192 Rhesus monkey 202 Osmium 311 Over-reach boot 555
Occipital lobe 236-237 Oil-pressure regulating Moss 119 Smilodon 107 Ossicles 79, 174 Overs 538
Occipital region 106 valve 419 Ophidia 184 Stars of northern skies Ossicles of middle ear Oversailing fascia 477,
Occluded fronts 302-303 Oil pump Ophiothix fragilis 175 18 242 482, 486
Ocean currents 296-297 Humber engine 343 Ophiuchus 19, 20 Stars of southern skies Osteichthyes 180 Overthrust fold 61
Ocean floor 298-299, Mid West single-rotor Ophthalmos 372 20 Osteocyte 225 Overturned fold 61
266-267 engine 411 Opisthodomos 461 Stegoceras 100-101 Osteolaemus tetraspis 82 Overwing emergency exit
Oceanic crust Velocette OHV engine Opisthosoma 170-171 Styracosaurus 102 Osteon 225 572
Earth’s crust 58-59 367 Opossums 206, 207 Toxodon 106 Ostiole 117 Oviduct
Mineralization zones Weslake speedway bike Opponens digiti minimi Triceratops 103 Ostium Barnacle 173
281 369 muscle 231 Tyrannosaurus 84 Crayfish 173 Brachiosaurus 90
Mountain building Oil rig 315 Opponens pollicis muscle Orbital artery 179 Sea anemone 167 Butterfly 169
62-63 Oil side lamp 336-337 231 Orbital cavity 220 Spider 170 Crayfish 173
Ocean floor 298 Oil sump Opportunity 615 Orbital motion 31, 52 Sponge 166 Dogfish 179
Oceanic seahorse 180 Honda VF750 364 Optical drive 567 Orbital plane Ostrich 188, 193 Lizard 185
Ocean ridges 58-59 Humber engine 343 Optical map of our galaxy Earth 38 Otters 194 Spider 170
Oceans 39, 296-297, 301 Modern engines 344-345 14-15 Jupiter 44 Otto cycle 342 Tortoise 187
Ocean trenches Velocette OHV engine Optical microscope 610 Mars 42 Otto, Nikolaus 342 Ovolo 486
Ocean floor features 367 Optic chiasma 236 Mercury 34 Ouranosaurus 97 Ovolo molding
299 Oil tank Optic disk 240-241 Neptune 50 Outboard ammunition- Cathedral dome 487
Offshore currents 296 Bell-47 helicopter Optic nerve 240 Pluto 51 feed blister 409 Gothic church 472
Plate movements 58 components 422 Option connector 571 Saturn 46 Outboard elevon 421 Neoclassical building
Oceanus Procellarum Harley-Davidson FLHS Opus incertum 463, 465 The Moon 40 Outer bud scale 134 480
40 Electra Glide 363 Opus quadratum 465 Uranus 48 Outer casing fitment 597 Ovotestis 177
Ocellus 176 Lockheed Electra Opus sectile mosaic Venus 36 Outer core 38-39, 41 Ovules 140-143
Octafoil 47l airliner 406 488-489 Orbitals 308-309, 310 Outer ear Bishop pine 124
Octagon 622 Turbofan engine 418 Oral arm 167 Orbital speed (velocity) Brachiosaurus 91 Dehiscent fruit 151
Octahedron 623 Turboprop engine 419 Oral cavity 248 Mercury 34 Stegoceras 101 Fertilization 146
Octastyle portico 462 Oil traps 281 Oral disk 166-167 Solar system 30-31 Stegosaurus 92 Pine 122
Octave 557 Oldsmobile 336-337 Oral surface 175 Orb spider 171 Outer electrons 310-311 Scots pine 122
Octopus 176-177 Old World monkeys Orange citrine 271 Orchestra layout 504-505 Outer envelope 25-26 Smooth cypress 123
Ocular end 377 202-203 Orange halite 269, 277 Orchestral instruments Outer fertilized floret 142 Yew 123
Oculus Olecranon 85 Orange light 318 504-505 Outer jib downhaul 385 Ovuliferous scales
Ancient Roman Olenellus 64 Orangutans 202 Musical notation Outer jib halyard 385 Bishop pine 124
building 462-463 Oleo lock-jack 414 Ora serrata 241 502-503 Outer jib sheet 385 Pine 122
Gothic church 472-473 Olfactory bulb 181 Orb 486 Orchestras 504-505 Outer jib stay 382 Scots pine 122
Medieval building 466, Oligocene epoch Baroque church 480 Orchestra shell 495 Outer lamella 225 Smooth cypress 123
469 Fossil record 279 Cathedral dome 487 Orchids 126, 133, 162 Outer mantle Yew 123
Neoclassical building Geological timescale Gothic church 471 Orcinus orca 205 Jupiter 44-45 Ovum
483 57 Neoclassical building Ordovician period 64-65 Saturn 46-47 Ancient Roman
Roman corbita 372 Olivine 479 Fossil record 279 Outer tepals building 462
Odd-toed ungulates Igneous rock 267 Nineteenth-century Geological time 56 Glory lily 143 Fertilization 146-147
198-199 Meteorites 52 building 493 Primitive life 78 Lily 140 Scots pine 122
Odontoblast 247 Silicates 269 Renaissance building Organ 514, 502-503 Monocotyledons 126 Oxalis sp. 157
Oeil-de-boeuf window Olivine gabbro 275 477 Organic compound 313 Outfield 536 Oxbow lake 293

River features 290 Palace of Westminster Pantile 464, 482 Parietosquamosal frill Hi-hat cymbal 518 Dogfish 179
River’s stages 289 492-493 Pantograph 328, 330 102-103 Piano 514 Pelvis
“Ox-eye” window Palais de Fontainebleau Pan troglodytes 202 Paripteris 66 Rossin Italian time-trial Bird 189
Baroque church 479, 476 Paper Paris Metro 328 bicycle 361 Bony fish 181
481 Palais de Versailles 482 Acrylic paint 442 Paroccipilal process Pedal-muffler bar Dinosaur 81
Cathedral dome 487 Palatine Chapel Calligraphy 444, 445 Iguanodon 96 mechanism 516 Domestic cat 195
Oxides 268 Aix-le-Chapelle 484 Pastels 440 Plateosaurus 88 Pedal stop 514 Elephant 201
Oxygen Palatine tonsil 212, Printing processes 446, Parrel Pedestal Hare 197
Atmospheric 244-245 447 Dhow 376 Ancient Roman Horse 199
Atom 596 Palatoglossal arch 244 Watercolors 438 Longboat 380 building 462 Human 256, 258, 259
Composition 301 Palazzo Stanga 482 Paper feed components Sailing warship 377 Baroque church Kangaroo 206
Early microorganisms Palazzo Strozzi 474-475 575 Viking karv 375 480-481 Lizard 184
78 Pale calcite 26 Paper hopper 574 Parrel beads 384 Dome 484, 486-487 Platypus 206
Earth’s composition 39 Pale feldspar 26 Paper output stacker 574 Parrel tackle 376 French temple 485 Rhesus monkey 202
Earth’s crust 58 Paleocene epoch Paper stumps 440 Parthenon 461 Harp 511 Seal 204
Earth’s formation 38, Fossil record 279 Paper support 575 Partial solar eclipse 32 Neoclassical building Turtle 187
64 Geological timescale Papilla Partial veil 115 479 Penalty area 524
Helix Nebula 17 57 Flower 140 Particle attraction 307 Renaissance building Penalty box 524
Mars’ atmosphere 43 Paleontology 278 Hair 235 Particle properties 318 476 Penalty kick 530
Mercury’s atmosphere Paleozoic era Renal 256 Passiflora caerulea 130 Pedice 168 Penalty spot 529, 540
35 Fossil record 279 Tongue 244 Passing brace 473 Pedicel Pencils 430
Periodic table 311 Geological time 56 Papillary muscle 251 Passion flower 130 Brassavola nodosa 162 Pencil sharpener 430
Photosynthesis 138 Palette 143, 436 Pappus 142 Passive stack vents 602 Clematis 131 Pencil slate sea urchin
Seed germination 152 Palette knife 436 Papyriform column 459 Pastels 440-441 Dicotyledon flower 127 175
Structure of red Paling 466, 477 Parabellum machine-gun Pastern 198-199, 554 Dry fruit 150-151 Pendentive 479, 484, 488
supergiant 26 Palisade mesophyll 126, 405 Pasteur 41 Fertilization 146-147 Penguins 188
Respiration 255 159 Parabolic dune 283 Patagonia 264 Florists’ Penis
Oxygenated blood 255 Palladium 311 Paraboloid roof 496, 499 Patella chrysanthemum 129 Barnacle 173
Oxygen bottle 408 Palm Parachute seed dispersal Domestic cat 195 Flowers 140-141, 143 Dolphin 205
Oxygen group 311 Danforth anchor 386 150 Elephant 201 Fruit development Human 211, 259
Oyashio current 297 Hand 211 Paradise palm 126 Hare 197 146-147 Snail 177
Oyster fungus 114 Roman anchor 372 Paragaster 166 Horse 199 Oxalis sp. 157 Pennant number 397
Oysters 176 Sailmaker’s 384 Parallel dunes 283 Human 219 Pitcher plant 113 Pennsylvanian period 56
Ozone 64 Tertiary plant 74 Parallelogram 622 Platypus 206 Rose 131 Penny washer 383
Ozone layer 300 Palmar arch 253 Parallel river drainage Rhesus monkey 202 Rowan 131 Pens 430
Palmaris longus tendon 288 Scorpion 170 Russian vine 131 Penstock 314
231 Parallel shaft 382 Spider 171 Succulent fruit 148-149 Pentagon 622
P Palmar vein 253 Parallel venation 126 Patellar surface 225 Sycamore 131 Pentaradiate symmetry
Parana River 264
Vegetative reproduction
Palmate leaves 130, 136
Pachycephalosaurus 69, Palmate venation 129 Parapet Neoclassical building 154 Pentroof 490
83, 100 Palmette 460-461, 479-480 Ancient Roman 480 Water lily 159 Penumbra 32
Pachypteris sp. 68 Palmoxylon 74 building 465 Renaissance building Pedicle of vertebra 223 Pepo 149
Pachyrhinosaurus 103 Pamirs 265 Asian building 491 476 Pedicle valve 278 Pepper-pot lantern 481
Pacific coastline 295 Pampas 264 Baroque church 481 Pause /play control 577 Pediment Perch 180
Pacific Ocean 264-265, Panavia Tornado GR1A Dome 486 Paved floor 492 Ancient Greek building Percolation 280
272 420-421 Gothic church 470-472 Pavilion 489, 495 460 Percussion instruments
Pacific plate 59 Pancam mast assembly Islamic tomb 489 Paving slab 499 Ancient Roman 516-517
Pacing races 554 615 Medieval building 467 Pavlova 37 building 462-463 Drums 518-519
Pacing sulky 554-555 Pancreas Neoclassical building Pavlovia 278 Baroque church 480-481 Electronic 520
Pacinian corpuscle Bird 189 478, 483 Pavo 20 Neo-Baroque building Orchestral
234-235 Bony fish 181 Nineteenth-century Pavonis Mons 43 493 arrangement 504-505
Pack-ice 296 Chimpanzee 202 building 493 Paw 195 Neoclassical building Perennials 128, 130-131
Packing tissue Dogfish 179 Twentieth-century Pawl 380 478 Pereopod 172-173
Dicotyledon leaf 126 Domestic cat 195 building 494 Pawl slot 387 Renaissance building Perforated shroud 592
Fern rachis 121 Frog 182 Parapet rail 483 Paxton, J. 492-493 476 Perianth 140
Golden barrel cactus Human 215, 249 Paraphysis 117, 119 Pazzi Chapel 475 Pedipalp 170-171 Pericardial cavity 250
156 Rabbit 196 Parasaurolophus 98-99 PCB see printed circuit Peduncle 140, 142-143 Pericarp 148
Haworthia truncata 157 Tortoise 187 Parasitic anemone 166 board (PCB) Aechmea miniata 162 Dry fruit 150-151
Horsetail stem 120 Pandas 194 Parasitic cone 272-273 PC card adapter 574 Brassavola nodosa 162 Embryo development
Leaf succulents 157 Panduriform leaves 136 Parasitic plants 162-163 PCs 566 Everlasting pea 129 147
Lithops bromfieldii 157 Pane 494 Parasitic volcano 275 PDAs 568, 588 Florists’ Fruit development
Monocotyledon leaf Panel 485 Paraxeiresia 373 Pea chrysanthemum 129 146-147
126 Asian building 491 Parceling 388 Dry fruit 150 Indehiscent fruit 150 Succulent fruit 148-149
Roots 132-133 Baroque church Parchment Danforth anchor 386 Peach 131 Sycamore 131
Stem 134-135 479-481 Gilding 432 Peach 131, 148 Peruvian lily 129 Pericranium 237
Stem succulents 156 Cathedral dome 487 Imitation 445 Peacock 20 Rowan 131 Pericycle 127, 132
String of hearts 157 Gothic building 473 Pareiasaur 81 Peak halyard 380 Russian vine 131 Periderm 125
Water lily leaf 159 Islamic building 488 Parenchyma Peat 280 Succulent fruit 148-149 Peridium 115
Padded coaming Medieval building 466, Dicotyledon leaf 126 Peccaries 198 Toadflax 129 Perihelion 30-31
Avro biplane 403 469 Dryland plants 156-157 Pecopteris 66 Vegetative reproduction Perimeters 622
BE 2B bomber 404 Modern building Fern rachis 121 Pectineus muscle 225-226 154 Perineum 258
Paddle 496-498 Golden barrel cactus Pectoral fin Wind-pollinated plant Periodic table 310-311
Eurypterid fossil 79 Neoclassical building 156 Bony fish 180-181 144 Periodontal ligament 247
Kayak 560 478-479 Horsetail stem 120 Lamprey 178 Peephole 412, 414 Periodontium 247
Paddlesteamer Nineteenth-century Monocotyledon leaf 126 Pectoral fin ray 181 Pegasus 19, 20 Periosteum 225
19th century 390-391 building 493 Pine stem 125 Pectoralis major muscle Pegasus Quasar Peripheral nervous
Iron 392-393 Renaissance building Roots 132 226 ultralight 426-427 system 238
Paddle wheels 390-391, 475 Stems 134-135 Pedal board 514 Pegasus XL SE ultralight Peripteral temple 460-461
392 Twentieth-century Water lily leaf 159 Pedal cluster 340 427 Periscope 396, 397
Padmakosa 489 building 494 Parent plant 154 Pedal disc 167 Peg-box 510-511 Perissodactyla 104,
Page key 590 Panel board connector Parietal bone Pedal-driven bicycle 358 Pegmatite 26 198-199
Page locator 577 570 Bony fish 181 Pedal gland 177 Peg of vertebra 222 Peristome tooth 119
Pagoda 490 Pangaea 66, 68-69, 70 Chimpanzee 202 Pedalia 372 Pelagic clay 299 Peristyle 461
Pahoehoe 272 Panniers 360, 361, 362 Human 220-221 Pedals Pelecypoda 176 Peritoneum 249, 257
Painted Desert 277 Panoplosaurus 94 Parietal fenestra 102 Bass drum 518 Peloneustes philarcus 71 Permeable limestone
Painting knives 436, 442 Panicle 131 Parietal lobe 236-237 Bicycle 320, 358-359 Pelota 540 Caves 284-285
Painting tools 442 Panoramic camera Parieto-occipital sulcus Eddy Merckx racing Pelvetia canaliculata 116 Lake formation 292
Pair-cast cylinder 343 (Pancam) 615 236-237 bicycle 360 Pelvic fin Permeable rock 292
Paired cylinder 342 Pantheon 462-463 Harp 511 Bony fish 180-181 Permeable sandstone 292

Permian period 66-67 Plateosaurus 88 Bishop pine 124 Pin Pitch Mars 42-43
Fossil record 279 Platypus 206 Coconut palm stem 135 Capstan 387 Brass instruments 506 Mercury 34-35
Geological time 57 Rhesus monkey 202 Water lily leaf 159 Dome timbering 486 Drums 518 Neptune 50-51
Peroneal artery 253 Seal 204 Photosynthetic region 157 Pinacocyte 166 Musical notation 502 Pluto 50-51
Peroneus brevis muscle Stegoceras 100-101 Photosynthetic tissue Pineal body 212, 236 Percussion instruments Saturn 46-47
227, 233 Triceratops 102-103 Cacti 156 Pine hull 373 516 Solar system 30-31
Peroneus brevis tendon Turtle 187 Dicotyledon leaf 126 Pines 122, 124-125 Propeller action 390 Uranus 48-49
233 Tyrannosaurus 84 Horsetail stem 120 Pinguicula caudata 161 Screw thread angle 320 Venus 36-37
Peroneus longus muscle Phalanx Marram grass 113 Pinion Woodwind instruments Planking
233 African elephant 201 Monocotyledon leaf 126 Benz Motorwagen 335 508 Ironclad 393
Peroxisome 217 Archaeopteryx 85 Rush stem 135 Ford Model T 338 Pitched roof Longboat 380
Perseus 19, 20 Arsinoitherium 104 Photovoltaic cell 603 Hand drill 601 Ancient Roman Roman corbita 373
Perseus Arm 14-15 Baryonyx 85, 87 Photovoltaic panel 603 Pinna building 462, 464 Sailing warship 377
Persian ivy 137 Horse 105 Phyla 116 Elephant 201 Gothic church 471-472 Tea clipper 392
Personal computer Human 219, 230 Phyllode 160 Everlasting pea 129 Medieval building Plantar calcaneonavicular
566-567 Plateosaurus 88 Phylum 116 Fern 121 466-468 ligament 232
Personal digital assistants Stegoceras 100 Physalis peruviana 149 Gorilla 203 Nineteenth-century Plant bodies 116
(PDAs) 568 Struthiomimus 87 Physeter catodon 205 Human 242-243 building 492 Plant capital 459
Personalized mail folder Toxodon 107 Physical weathering 282 Kangaroo 207 Renaissance building Plant-eating dinosaurs 68,
576 Phallus impudicus 114 Physics symbols 621 Leaves 136-137 476-477 70
Personal lighting 572 Phanerozoic eon 279 Pi2 Orionis 18 Rabbit 196 Twentieth-century Plant matter 280
Personal music and video Pharyngeal tubercle 220 Pi3 Orionis 18 Rat 196 building 495 Plant remains
586-587 Pharynx Pi4 Orionis 18 Sago palm 123 Pitcher 536 Fossils 278-279
Perspective drawing 431 Bony fish 180-181 Pi5 Orionis 18 Tree fern 112-113 Pitcher plants 113, Mineral resources 280
Peru current 296 Dogfish 179 Pi6 Orionis 18 Pinnacle 160-161 Sedimentary rocks 276
Peruvian lily 129 Human 212, 244 Pia mater 237, 240 Baroque church 479, Pitches Plants 56, 66
Petal molding 480 Sea anemone 167 Piano 503, 514 481 Australian rules football Electromagnetic
Petals 140-143 Sea urchin 175 Piano nobile 474, 494 Gothic church 470, 528 radiation 314
Clematis 131 Phascolarctos cinereus 207 Piano, R. 496 472-473 Baseball 536 Flowering 57, 70, 72
Color 140, 144-145 Phaseolus sp. 153 Piazza 474 Medieval church 469 Cricket 538 Fossil record 279
Dicotyledons 126-127 Phases of the Moon 41 Pi Canis Majoris 21 Nineteenth-century Gaelic football 529 Non-flowering 68
Everlasting pea 129 Phekda 19 Piccolo 504, 508 building 493 Lacrosse 540 Plant variety 112-113
Fertilization 146 Phellem Pictor 21 Renaissance building Pitching wedge Plasma 306
Insect pollination 145 Pine root 125 Pier 484 476 Baseball 537 Plasma display 584
Monocotyledons 126 Stem 134-135 Ancient Egyptian Pinnate leaves 136-137 Golf 547 Plasma screen 584
Peruvian lily 129 Woody dicotyledon 127 temple 459 Mahonia 130-131 Pitfall traps 160 Plaster 452, 464-465
Rose 131 Phi Andromedae 19 Ancient Roman Rowan 130 Pith Plasterboard 602
Water lily 159 Phidias 35 building 465 Sago palm 123 Apical meristem 134 Plastic bumper 354
Petavius 40 Philippine plate 59 Baroque church 480 Pinned sheepshank 389 Bishop pine stem 125 Plastic fletch 548
Petiole 128, 136-137 Phillips, Horatio 402 Gothic church 470 Pinnipedia 204 Dicotyledon stem 127 Plastic front wings 354
Chusan palm 130 Philoxenus 35 Medieval building Pinnule 121, 137 Epiphytic orchid 162 Plastic insulator 316, 317
Clematis 131 Philtral ridge 213 467-469 Pinocytotic vesicle 217 Horsetail stem 120 Plastic rackets 544
Cobra lily 160 Philtrum 213 Renaissance building Pintle strap 378 Monocotyledon root 127 Plastid 116
Dicotyledons 127 Phiomia 104 476-477 Pinus muricata 72, Pine stem 125 Platanus x acerifolia 134
Everlasting pea 129 Phloem 138 Twentieth-century 124-125 Stems 134-135 Platband 481
Florists’ Bishop pine 124-125 building 494-495 Pinus sp. 122, 124-125 Pith cavity 135 Plate
chrysanthemum 129 Clubmoss stem 120 Pier buttress 469-471, 486 Pinus sylvestris 122 Pitot head Etching press 477
Horse chestnut 130 Dicotyledons 126-127 Pietra dura inlay 489 Pi Pegasi 19 ARV light aircraft 425 Motorcycle clutch 366
Kedrostis africana 113 Dodder host 163 Piezoelectric inkjet Pipette 312 BAe-146 jetliner “O Ring” drive chain
Maidenhair tree 123 Epiphytic orchid 162 printhead 575 Pips 148-149 components 412 366
Monocotyledons Fern rachis 121 Pigments 433, 434, 436 Pi Sagittarii 21 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Plateau
126-127 Horsetail stem 120 Pigs 104, 198 Pisanosaurus 68 Concorde 416-417 Neptune’s rings 50
Mulberry 130 Marram grass 113 Pilaster Pisces Austrinus 19, 20 Hawker Tempest Structure of Neptune 51
Oxalis sp. 157 Monocotyledons 74-gun ship 381 Piscis 19, 20 fighter 409 Plateaus 276-277
Passion flower 130 126-127 Ancient Greek building Pisiform bone 230 LVG CVI fighter 405 Plate boundaries 62, 273
Peach 131 Parasite host 163 461 Piste 556, 557 Schweizer helicopter Plate clip 587
Rock slonecrop 128 Photosynthesis 138 Ancient Roman Pistol shooting 548 423 Platelets 253
Seedling 153 Pine root /stem 125 building 463-465 Piston Tornado 420 Plate movements 58-59
Strawberry 128 Radicle 152 Asian temple 490-491 Disc brake 365 Pitot mast 407 Faults and folds 60
String of hearts 157 Root 132-133 Baroque church Early engines 342-343 Pituitary gland 212, 236 Mountain building
Tree fern 112 Sieve tube 134 479-481 “Ellerman Lines” steam Pivot 62-63
Tree mallow 131 Stem 134-135 Cathedral dome 484, locomotive 325 Astrolabe 377 Platen 449
Vegetative reproduction Water hyacinth root 158 487 Ford diesel engine 347 BAe-146 jetliner Plateosaurus 69, 88-89
154 Water lily leaf 159 Gothic church 471 Mid West two-stroke components 414 Plate tectonics 58-59
Venus fly trap 160 Phloem fibers 134-135 Neoclassical building engine 410 Drum brake 365 Platform
Water Inacinth 158 Phloem sieve tube 134 478, 483 Modern engines Sundial 377 Cathedral dome 487
Water lily 159 Phobos 42 Renaissance building 476 344-345 Viking ships 374-375 Early tram 332
Wind-pollinated plant Phoebe Regio 36 Pileus 114-115 Relief-printing press Pixel 570, 571 Medieval building
144 Phoenicopterus ruber 190 Pillar 449 Place kick 530 467-468
Petiolule 137 Phoenix 19, 20 Asian buildings 490-491 Steam locomotive 324 Placenta Modern building 498
Petrol 315 Phorusrhacos 74 Domed roof 486 Two-stroke engine 366 Dry fruit 150-151 Platform diving 558
Peugeot, Armand 334 Phosphates 269 Gothic church 472 Velocette OHV engine Fern pinnule 121 Platlorm stage 477
Phacops 64 Phosphate /sugar band 216 Ironclad 393 367 Human 260 Platinum 311
Phaeophyta 16 Phosphor imaging screen Renaissance building Volkswagen Beetle 340 Succulent fruit Plat lesene 480
Phaet 21 611 477 Piston engines 410-411, 148-149 Plato 40
Phalaenopsis sp. 126 Phosphor lining cell 584 Twin bollards 387 424 Placental mammals 74, Platypus 206-207
Phalanges Phosphorus 311 Pillow lava 298 Piston rod 324, 334, 390 104 Platysma 229
Cow 198 Photomicrographs of skin Pilotis 494 Piston valves Placer deposits 280 Playa 283
Crocodile 186 and hair 235 Pilot light 594 Brass instruments 506 Plagioclase feldspar 275 Play button 585
Diplodocus 90 Photons 318 Pilot’s cockpit Cornet 507 Plains viscacha 197 Player’s bench
Domestic cat 195 Photo print button 570 LVG CVI fighter 405 “Ellerman Lines” steam Planck 41 Basketball 532
Elephant 90 Photo select button 575 Tornado 420 locomotive 325 Plane shapes 622 Football 526
Eryops 80-81 Photosphere 32-33 Pilot’s cradle 398-399 Flugelhorn 507 Planetary nebula Handball 535
Frog 183 Photosynthesis 112, 116, Pilot’s seat Stringed instruments Nebulae and star Ice hockey 550
Hare 197 134, 136, 138-139 Airbus 380 573 510 clusters 17 Volleyball 534
Horse 198-199 Carnivorous plants Avro biplane 402 Trumpet 506 Small stars 24-25 Play /pause control 577
Kangaroo 206 160-161 Curtiss biplane 398 Tuba 507 Planetary rotation 30 Plaza 498
Lizard 184 Organelle 116, 139 Pegasus Quasar Pisum sativum 150 Planets Pleiades 14, 16, 19, 20
Parasaurolophus 99 Photosynthetic cells 139 ultralight 427 Pitatus 40 Jupiter 44-45 Pleistocene epoch

Fossil record 279 Pollen grains 144-145 Battleship 394 Power drill 600-601 Pressure Modern bodywork 348
Geological timescale 57 Fertilization 146-147 Dome 487 Power button Formation of black hole Modern trim 352
Pleistocene period 76 Pine 122 Frigate 397 Home cinema 585 29 Programme display 577
Plenum chamber 344-345 Scots pine 122 Portico Inkjet printer 574 Igneous and Program name 577
Plenum ring 418 Pollen sac wall 144 Ancient Greek building Personal computer metamorphic rocks 274 Projectile 396
Pleopod 172 Pollen tubes 460-461 566-567 Mineral resources 280 Projector assembly 581
Plesiochelys latiscutata 73 Fertilization 146-147 Ancient Roman Power levers 573 Stellar black hole 29 Projector lens 611
Plesiosaurs 70-71 Scots pine 122 building 462-463 Power output 360, 366 Volcanic features 273 Prokaryotes 78
Pleurotus pulmonarius Pollination 144-145, 122 Neoclassical building Power/play/pause button Pressure line 418 Prolegs 169
114 Pollux 18, 21 482-483 586 Pressure plate 366 Promethium 311
Plica circulare 249 Polonium 311 Renaissance building Power plug 591 Pressurized cabin 406 Prominence 32-33
Plicate lamina 127 Polycarbonate plastic bin 475 Power stations 314, 315 Pressurized keel box 417 Pronaos 461
Pliers 321 592 Portugal 331 Power steering belt 351 Pressurized strut 425 Pro-otic bone 183
Plinth Polyester 388 Portuguese bowline 388 Power steering pump 344, Pressurized water reactor Propagative structures
Baroque church 480 Polygala chamaebuxus Position guide 447 351 314 154-155
French temple 485 144 Positive electric charge Power stroke 343 Presta valve 361 Propellant 396
Islamic tomb 489 Polygnotus 35 316 Power-to-weight ratio Presynaptic axon 239 Propellant tank 615
Modern building 499 Polygonum Positive ions 308, 310 328 Presynaptic membrane Propeller 390-391
Neoclassical building baldschuanicum 131 Positive metal comb 316 Power transistor heat sink 239 ARV light aircraft 425
479, 483 Polyhedral dome 486-487 Positive terminal 316, 317 (dissipator) 585 Preview monitor slot 575 Battleship 395
Renaissance building 476 Polypropylene rope 388 Positron 22 Power transistors 585 Preview monitor socket Biplanes and triplanes
Twentieth-century Polythene 306 Post 481, 486 Practice projectile 396 574 402-403
building 494-495 Polytrichum commune 119 Postabdominal spine 169 Pradakshina 491 Previous file button 577 Early monoplanes
Pliocene epoch Polyurethane insulation Postacetabular process 82 Praesepe 18 Previous key 568 400-401
Fossil record 279 603 Postcentral gyrus 237 Prairie style 495 Previous /next track Ford diesel engine 347
Geological timescale Pome 131, 149 Post-crural musculature Praseodynium 310 buttons 585 Frigate 396
57 Pommel 554 90 Pratt & Whitney Canada Previous track control 587 Hawker Tempest
Plough anchor 386 Pond weeds 158 Posterior antebrachial turbofan engine Prickers 383 components 408
Plug-ins 521 Pons 212, 236-237 musculature 86, 91 418-419 Prickle Lockheed Electra
Plug lead conduit 337 Poop break 373 Posterior aorta 170 Pratt & Whitney Canada Blackberry 147 airliner 406-407
Plugs 272-273 Poop deck Posterior arch 222 turboprop engine 419 Bramble stem 130 Pegasus Quasar
Igneous rock structures 74-gun ship 381 Posterior border of vomer Pratt & Whitney radial Rose stem 130 ultralight 427
274 Iron paddlesteamer 392 220 engine 406-407 Slender thistle 129 Pioneers of flight
Plumage 188 Roman corbita 373 Posterior brachial muscle Praxiteles 35 Primary bronchus 215 398-399
Plume 45 Poop rail 86, 91 Preacetabular process 82 Primary colors 439 Submarine 396
Plumose anemone 166 74-gun ship 381 Posterior branch of spinal Precambrian period 56, Primary-drive gear 366 World War I aircraft
Plumule 147, 152-153 Wooden sailing ship nerve 223 64-65, 279 Primary flight display 573 404-405
Plunge 60 378 Posterior cerebral artery Precambrian seas 78 Primary flight feathers Propeller-bolt collar 411
Plunge pool 289, 291 Poor metals 310-311 252 Precentral gyrus 237 188, 191 Propeller brake pad 419
Pluto 31, 50-51 Popchu-Sa Temple 490 Posterior chamber 241 Precious metals 311 Primary follicle 258 Propeller drive flange
Plutonium 310-311 Popliteal artery 253 Posterior chamber of Precipitate 312 Primary leaf 121 ARV light aircraft 425
Plywood roof deck 603 Popliteal fossa 210 cloaca 185 Precipitation 288, 302-303 Primary mirror 612 Modern piston aero-
Plywood skin 404 Porch 470-471 Posterior column 223 Predatory dinosaurs 84 Primary mirror housing engines 410-411
Pneumatic tires 358, 555 Porcupines 196-197 Posterior crural muscle 87 Predatory theropods 88 613 Propeller drive gearbox
Podetium 114 Pore Posterior cuneonavicular Predentary bone Primary mycelium 115 427
Podium 463, 499 Bishop pine needle 124 ligament 232 Arsinoitherium 104 Primary remiges 188, 191 Propeller drive shaft 408
Point Blackberry 147 Posterior dorsal fin Iguanodon 96 Primary root 132-133 Propeller-hub spinner 407
Angling hook 562 Dryland plants 156-157 Bony fish 181 Lambeosaurus 99 Germination 152-153 Propeller shaft
Cricket 538 Elder stem 130 Dogfish 179 Protoceratops 102 Seedling 152-153 Brazilian battleship 395
Double bass bow 511 Epigeal germination Lamprey 178 Triceratops 103 Primary teeth 246 Wright Flyer 399
Sailmaker’s fid 384 153 Posterior horn 223 Prefix 577 Primary thallus 114 Propeller shaft boss 395
Sculpting tool 452-453 False fruit 148 Posterior nasal aperture Prehensile tail 202 Primary xylem 125, 135 Propeller-shaft bracing
Violin bow 510 Gas exchange 138, 158 220 Prehistoric foods 109 Primates 108, 202-203, strut 398-399
Point bar Golden barrel cactus Posterior nasal spine 220 Pre-load adjustor 365 279 Propeller shaft rear
Mississippi Delta 291 156 Posterior part of tongue Premaxilla Primer 348, 436 bearing 410
River’s stages 289 Haworthia truncata 157 245 Baryonyx 83 Primitive crocodilians 68 Propeller speed probe 419
Pointed arch 466, 467, Leaf 138-139 Posterior petal 141 Arsinoitherium 104-105 Primitive life-forms 64 Propeller spinner 408, 409
469, 472 Liverwort 118 Posterior root 223, 238 Bony fish 181 Primitive mammals 206 Propodus 172, 173
Pointed hog hair brush Monocotyledon leaf 126 Posterior semicircular Chimpanzee 202 Principal arteries and Propylaeum 460
434 Nuclear membrane 217 canal 243 Elephant 201 veins 253 Prosauropoda 83
Pointed riffler 454 Perennial bark 130-131 Posterior sepal 141 Frog 183 Principal rafter Prosauropods 88
Pointed sable brush 444 Pollen grain 144-145 Posterior tarsometatarsal Iguanodon 96 Ancient Roman mill 464 Proscapular process 187
Pointing 383 Seed 153 ligament 232 Lambeosaurus 99 Dome 486 Prosimians 203
Poison duct 170 Sponge 166 Posterior tentacle 177 Premolars Gothic building 473 Prosimii 202
Poison gland Water absorption 150, Posterior tibial artery 253 Australopithecus 107 Printer 574-575 Prosoma 170, 171
Octopus 176 153 Posterior tibial nerve 238 Bear 106, 194 Printer cover 574, 575 Prostate gland 257, 259
Spider 170 Wetland plants 158 Posterior tubercle 222 Chimpanzee 202 Printing block 449 Prostyle colonnade 483
Polacanthus 95 Woody plants 130-131 Posterior vena cava 182 Horse 105 Printing papers 447 Protactinium 310
Polar band 36 Woody stems 134 Posterior wing of shell 176 Human 246 Print making 446-447, Protective clothing
Polar body 606, 607 Porifera 166 Posterolateral horn 94 Lion 194 448-449 Cricket 539
Polar bottom water 296 Porocyte 166 Post-glacial stream 286 Prenocephale 100-101 Prism 318, 623 Football 528
Polar easterlies 300 Porous limestone 284 Post-glacial valley 286 Preopercular bone 181 Prismatic habit 271 Ice hockey 550-551
Polar fronts 302 Porous stipe 114 Post-modernism 296, 496 Preparatory drawing Privy 380 Protective eyewear 544
Polar hood 36 Porphyritic andesite 275 Post-motor micropore 430-431 Probactosaurus 97 Protective gaiter 422
Polaris 14, 18-19 Porpoises 204 filter 592 Prepubic process Probes, space 614-615 Protective outer layer 125
Polar jet stream 300 Porrima 21 Potassium 35, 58, 286, 310 Iguanodon 96 Proboscidea 104 Protective root covering
Polar nuclei 146 Porsche, Ferdinand 340 Potassium chromate Parasaurolophus 98 Proboscis 169, 201 153
Poles 297, 300 Port solution 312 Stegosaurus 93 Procambial strand 134 Protective scale 134
Pole star 14, 18 Trojan two-stroke Potassium dichromate Prepubis Procerus muscle 229 Protective scale leaf 155
Pole vault 542 engine 342 ions 312 Ornithischian 82 Processing cooling fan Protein body 112
Polian vesicle 175 Wooden sailing ship Potassium iodide 312-313 Stegoceras 100-101 567 Protein fibers 166
Political map of the world 379 Potassium nitrate 313 Prepuce 259 Processing light 575 Protein matrix 166
616-617 Portal 476, 480 Potassium permanganate Preserved remains 278 Processional path 470 Protein synthesis site 139
Poll 199 Portal vein 252 306 Press Procompsognathus 87 Proterozoic eon 279
Pollen 140, 142, 144-145 Porta Nigra 462, 465 Potato 128 Etching 447 Procoptodon 76 Proteus 50
Dicotyledon flower 126 Port bower anchor 377, Potential energy 314, 315 Lithographic printing Procyon 8, 21 Prothallus 121
Fertilization 146-147 395 Potholes 284 446 Procyon lotor 195 Prothorax 168
Pollen-forming structures Port foremast 376 Pouch 206 Relief-printing 449 Production line Protista 112, 116
122 Porthole Power bar 552 Pressed steel wheel 340 Mass-production 338 Protoceratops 102-103

Protogalaxies 10-11 Pulp horn 247 object) Sea urchin 175 Hare 197 Gun turret 396
Proton 308, 316 Pulp nerve 247 Galaxies 12 Radial river drainage 288 Horse 199 Ranks 514
Atomic mass 310 Pulsar 28 Objects in universe 11 Radial spoke 47 Human 218, 230-231 Ranunculus sp. 127,
Atomic number 310 Pumice 275 Origin and expansion of Radial studio easel 437 Iguanodon 96 132-133
Fluorine-19 309 Marble carving 453 universe 10-11 Radial wall 465 Kangaroo 206 Raphe 153
Nuclear fusion 22 Pump Quasar nucleus 13 Radiation 38 Lizard 184 Rapid-fire pistols 548
Protonema 119 Nuclear power station Quaternary period 57, Electromagnetic 314 Parasaurolophus 99 Rapids
Protostar 24, 26 314 76-77 Energy emission from Pareiasaur 81 River features 290
Protoxylem Testing candle wax 313 Fossil record 279 Sun 22 Plateosaurus 88 River’s stages 289
Dicotyledon root 127 Pump drive belt 410 Quatrefoil 471-473 Galaxies 12-13 Platypus 206 Rare earths 310
Monocotyledon root 127 Pump drive shaft 411 Quaver 502 Nebulae and star Rhesus monkey 202 Rare gases 311
Root 132-133 Pump piston 391 Quayside 387 clusters 16 Seal 204 Ras Algethi 20
Proventriculus Pupa 168 Queen-post 473 Ozone formation 64 Stegoceras 100-101 Ras Alhague 19, 20
Bird 189 Pupil Quercus palustris 74 Universe 10 Struthiomimus 87 Rasp 452
Crayfish 173 Caiman 186 Quercus petraea 131 Radiative zone Toxodon 106 Raspberry 149
Prow 372, 375 Human 213, 226, 241 Quick-release base 590 Structure of main Triceratops 102 Rat 104, 196
Prowhead 374 Pupil’s cockpit 403 Quick-release mechanism sequence star 24 Turtle 187 Ratchet
Proxima Centauri 18 Puppis 18, 21 425 Structure of Sun 33 Radius arm 357 Brace-and-bit 601
Proximal convoluted Purchase 382-383 Quick-release strap 360 Radiator Radius rod Fixed-spool reel 562
tubule 256-257 Purchase wire 394 Quill 1906 Renault 336-337 Avro Tutor biplane 403 Ratcheted base 590
Proximal interphalangeal Pure substances 306 Drill 601 ARV light aircraft 424 Ford Model T 338-339 Ratchet mechanism 601
joint 231 Purfling 510, 511 Feather 191 Ford Model T 338-339 Radome Ratchet wheel 334
Proximal phalanx 230, 232 Purkinje’s cells 237 Writing tool 444 Hawker Tempest BAe-146 jetliner 415 Rating 378
Prunus persica 131 Purlin 473 Quinacridone red 442 fighter 409 Concorde, the 416-417 Ratings’ mess 397
Psathyrella candolleana Pusher propeller Quit key 590 Honda VF750 364 Tornado 420 Ratline 376, 379
115 Pegasus Quasar Quiver 548 Kirby BSA 369 Radon 311 Rat’s tail 384
Pseudocarps 148-149 ultralight 426 Quoin Renault Clio 351 Radula 176-177 Rat tail 389
Pseudo-Corinthian capital Pioneers of flight Baroque church 481 Wright Flyer 399 RAF Central Flying School Rattlesnake 185
476 398-399 Medieval building 466 Radiator-access cowling badge 402 Raw sienna 434
Psi Sagittarii 21 Push moraine 286 Nineteenth-century 408 RAF roundels 403, 409 Raw umber 434
Psittacosaurus 100, 103 Push-rod 365, 367 building 492 Radiator air vent 368 Raft 496 Ray
Psoas major muscle 225, Putter 547 Renaissance building Radiator apron 339 Rafter Branchiostegal 181
257 Putting green 546 476 Radiator coolant 326 Ancient Roman mill 464 Caudal fin 180
Pterapsis 65 Putto 476 Radiator fan 326 Dome 486 Dorsal fin 181
Pterichthyodes 65 Putty eraser 430, 440 Radiator filler neck 339 Gothic building 473 Jawless fish 178
Pteridium aquilinum 121 “P” wave 63 Radiator header tank 408 Modern building 499 Liverwort 118
Pterois volitans 180 Pygal shield 187 R Radiator hose 339 Nineteenth-century Mercury 34
Pteron 460-461, 463 Pygostyle 189 Rabbit line 380 Radiator outlet 409 building 492 Near side of the Moon
Pterosaurs 70-71 Pylon 314 Rabbits 196-197 Radiator pipe 364 Raft spider 171 40
Pterygoid bone 183 Pylon fairing 427 Raccoons 194-195 Radiator shell 339 Rail Parenchyma cells 134
Pterygoid hamulus 220 Pylon forward fairing 573 Race car 356-357 Radicle Electric tram 332 Pectoral fin 181
Pterygoid plate 220 Pylon strut 427 Raceme 129 Dry fruit 150 Kayak 560 Ray crater 34
Ptolemaeus 40 Pyloric cecum Rachilla 137 Embryo development Neoclassical building Ray florets
Ptolemaic-Roman period Bony fish 181 Rachis 136-137 147 483 Florists’
459 Starfish 174 Bipinnate leaf 137 Epigeal germination Relief-printing press chrysanthemum 129
“P” turret 395 Pyloric duct 174 Couch grass 113 153 449 Sunflower 142, 145
P-type silicon 605 Pyloric region of stomach Everlasting pea 129 Hypogeal germination Train 330-331 Reactants 312
Pubic bone 261 179 Feather 191 152 Wooden sailing ship Reaction wheel 614
Pubic ramus 257 Pyloric sphincter muscle Fern 121 Radio 379 Reactive metals 310-311
Pubic symphysis 258 249 Hogweed 129 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Rail chair 324 Reactor core 314
Pubis Pyloric stomach 174 Pinnate leaf 136-137 Renault Clio 353 Railing Reactor space 397
Archaeopteryx 85 Pyramid 458, 623 Rowan leaf 130 Streamed internet 577 Asian building 490-491 Rear axle 338
Bird 189 Pyrenees 77, 265 Tree fern 112 Radio aerial 426 Cathedral dome 487 Rear axle adjustor 364,
Diplodocus 90 Pyrenoid 112, 116 Tripinnate leaf 137 Radio antenna 395 Medieval building 467 368
Eryops 81 Pyrites 268 Racing bicycle 360 Radio galaxies 12-13 Nineteenth-century Rear bearing 411
Gallimimus 86 Intrusive igneous rocks Racing chain 361 Radio image 13 building 493 Rear brake 362
Human 218, 224, 259 275 Racing colors 554-555 Radio-isotope thermo- Renaissance theater 477 Rear brake cable 359, 360
Iguanodon 96 Pyroclasts 272 Racing saddle 554 electric generator 614 Railroad crest 326 Rear brake calliper 368
Ornithischian 82 Pyromorphite 269 Racing sidecar 368-369 Radio lobe 13 Railroad system 324 Rear brake pedal 368
Plateosaurus 88 Pyroxene 52, 267 Racing “silks” 554-555 Radio mast 494 Rain 302 Rear bulkhead 417
Saurischian 82 Pyxis 18 Racing tire 365 Radio operator’s seat 408 Rain erosion 294 Rear cantilever brake 358
Stegosaurus 93 Formula One race car Radio plugs 425 Rain gutter 412, 415 Rear case 591
Struthiomimus 87 356-357 Radio speaker 353 Rainwater Rear chassis plate 597
Tyrannosaurus 84 Q Suzuki RGV500 368-369 Radio tuner aerial socket Caves 284 Rear cylinder exhaust
Pubofemoral ligament 224 Racketball 544-545 (FM) 585 Weathering and erosion pipe 368
Pudenda 211 Quadrant arch 468 Racket sports 544-545 Radio tuner FM /AM 282 Rear derailleur 358, 360
Pudendal nerve 238 Quadrate bone 181 Radar selector 585 Raised beach 295 Rear door 339
Puffballs 114 Quadratojugal bone Modern jetliners 412 Radio-ulna 183 Raja clavata 179 Rear dropouts 358
Pugin, A.W.N. 493 Frog 183 Modern military Radio wave beam 28 Raked windshield 333 Rear hatch 349
Pull-down edit menu Heterodontosaurus 83 aircraft 420-421 Radio-wave emission 15 Raking cornice Rear hub quick-release
button 577 Quadrilateral 489 World War II aircraft Radio waves Ancient Greek building spindle 358
Pulley bolt 360 Quadripartite vault 469 408 Electromagnetic 460-461 Rear indicator 362
Pulley rim rear brake 362 Quadrupedal dinosaurs RADAR antenna 397 spectrum 318 Ancient Roman Rear lamp
Pulley wheel 88, 92, 96, 100 RADAR for gunnery and Pulsar 28 building 462-463 Oldsmobile trim 337
Simple pulleys 320 Quadruplanes 402 missile control 397 Radio image of Baroque church Volkswagen Beetle
Van de Graaff generator Quark 309 Radial artery 231, 253 Centaurus A 13 480-481 340
316 Quarter back 526 Radial canal Radium 310 Neoclassical building Rear leaf spring 338
Pulmonary artery Quarterdeck 380-381 Jellyfish 167 Radius 478 Rear light
Frog 182 Quarterdeck house 376 Sea urchin 175 Archaeopteryx 85 Raking stempost 376 Bicycle 360
Human 251, 253, Quarter gallery 381 Starfish 174 Arsinoitherium 104 Ram 372 Italian State Railroads
254-255 Quarter glass 348 Radial cartilage 180 Baryonyx 85 Ramaria formosa 114 Class 402 328
Pulmonary semilunar Quarter light 340-341 Radial diffuser 418 Bird 189, 191 Ramentum 112, 121 Paris Metro 328
valve 251 Quarter panel molding 352 Radial engine Circle 622 Rammer 396 Rear limit line 557
Pulmonary trunk 251, Quarter trim panel 352 Curtiss biplane 398-399 Crocodile 186 Ramp 467, 494 Rear-mounted propeller
255 Quartz Lockheed Electra Diplodocus 90 Ram scoop Pegasus Quasar
Pulmonary vein 251, 253, Color 271 airliner 406-407 Domestic cat 195 BE 2B bomber 404 ultralight 426
254 Metamorphic rock 267 Radial groove 365 Elephant 90, 201 Tornado 420-421 Pioneers of flight
Pulp artery and vein 247 Oxides /hydroxides 268 Radial nerve Eryops 80 Rangefinder 398-399
Pulp chamber 247 Quasar (quasi-stellar Human 238 Euoplocephalus 94 Battleship 394 Rear oil lamp 336

Rear shelf 352 Small stars 24-25 Relay baton 543 Rest Double bass 511 Rigol 381
Rear shock absorber 340 Stars 22-23 Relay running 542 Musical notation 502 Elephant 201 Rim
Rear subframe 364 Red howler monkey 203 Release 537, 543 Newton’s first motion Eryops 80 Bicycle wheel 358-359
Rear tail light 329 Red light 318 Release adjustment screw law 321 Euoplocephalus 94 Kayak paddle 560
Rearview mirror Main-line signaling 552 Resurgence 284-285 Gallimimus 86 Paddle wheel 391
1906 Renault 336 system 330, 331 Release button 425 Retaining bolt hole 366 Hare 197 Tam-tam 516
Formula One race car Red light photon 318 Release catch 590 Retaining screw 562, 563 Herbaceous (lowering Twin bollards 386
357 Red marble 450 Release lever 563 Reticulum plant 128 Rim brake 330
Renault Clio 353 Red port navigation light Release spring 563 Digestive system of a Horse 199 Rim clamp 337
Receiver 406 Relief 458 cow 198 Kangaroo 206 Rim of pitcher 161
American squash 545 Red sandstone 277 Relief printing 446 Southern stars 20 Lizard 184 Rim plate 390
Badminton 545 Red seaweeds 117 Relief printing equipment Retina 240-241 Medieval church 469 Rim section 390
International squash Red spot 44-45 449 Retraction jack 417 Modern building 499 Rind 149
545 Red supergiant Relieving arch Retractor muscle 167 Pareiasaur 81 Ring
Racketball 545 Massive stars 26-27 Ancient Roman Retreating glacier 286 Pegasus Quasar 74-gun ship 380
Tennis 544 Stars 22-23 building 462, 465 Retrices 188 ultralight 426-427 Mushroom 115
Receiving line 545 Reduction gearbox Medieval building Retroarticular process 83 Pegasus XL SE Roman corbita 372
Receptacles Early piston aero- 466-467 Return 486-487 ultralight 426 Ring 1986 U1R 48
Algae 116 engines 410-411 Remiges 188, 191 Rev counter 369 Plateosaurus 88 Ring 1986 U2R 48
Dicotyledon flower 127 Jet engines 419 Remote control 584, 585 Reversed bend hook 562 Platypus 206 Ring 6 48
Dry fruit 150-151 Turboprop engine 419 Remote control sensor Reversed dive piked 559 Rhesus monkey 202 Ring bolt 373
Fertilization 147 Redwall limestone 277 585 Reverse dip-slip fault 61 Seal 204 Ring canal
Flower 140-36 Red warning light Remote sensing palette Reverse dive 558 Snake 185 Sea urchin 175
Rose 131 Italian State Railroads 614 Reverse-flow combustion Stegoceras 101 Starfish 174
Seaweed 116-117 Class 402 328 Removable archery chamber 418 Struthiomimus 87 Ring dyke 26
Succulent fruit 148-149 Paris Metro 328 screen 377 Reverse lever 342 Toxodon 107 Ring finger 230-231
Recessed arch 488 Redwood trees 70 Renaissance buildings Reverser handle 325 Triceratops 102 “Ring of Fire” 272
Recessed hinge 414, 415 Reed pen 444 474-477 Reverse shock wave 27 Tyrannosaurus 84 Ring of trunk 201
Rechargeable battery Reef knot 388 Renal artery 256-257 Reversible reactions 312 Violin 510 Rings
Digital camera 581 Reef point 385 Renal column 256 Reversing shaft lock Westlothiana 81 Jupiter 44-45
Nintendo Wii Fit Reel Renal papilla 256 control 325 Riband 381 Neptune 50-51
Plus 579 Angling equipment Renal pelvis 256 Reversing wheel 392 Ribbon connectors 585 Saturn 46-47
Recharge area 292 562-563 Renal sinus 256 Revivalist style 493-494 Ribbon Lake 287 Uranus 48-49
Reclining seat 572 Fencing piste 557 Renal vein 256-257 Rewind button 577 Ribbon window 499 Rings 4 and 5 48
Recoil cylinder 396 Frigate 397 Renault (1906) 336-337 Rhamphodopsis 65 Rib cage Ring scar 130, 131
Reconnaissance camera Reel foot 562-563 Renault Clio 348-353 Rhamphorhynchus sp. 71 Carnivores 195 Ring-tailed lemur 203
420 Reel scoop 562-563 Renault logo 348 Rheas 188 Human 218 Rink corner 550
Recorded information 521 Reel seat 563 Renewable energy Rhenium 310 Ribosome Riojasaurus 89
Recording light 583 Reentrant angle 485 604-605 Rhesus monkey 202 Chloroplast 139 Ripple finish 451
Record/Stop button 586 Reentrant corner 479 Renoir 35 Rhinoceroses 198-199 Human cell 217 Riser
Rectal cecum 174 Referee Repeater indicator 333 Rhizine 114 Rib vault 469, 484-485 Bronze casting 454, 455
Rectal gland 179 Basketball 532 Repeating pattern 307 Rhizoids 118-119 Gothic building 470 Staircase 477
Rectangle 622 Football 526 Replum 151 Alga 116 Medieval building 467 Rising air
Rectangular block 623 Gaelic football 529 Reply all button 576 Fern 121 Renaissance building Atmospheric circulation
Rectangular cross-band Ice hockey 550 Reply button 576 Liverwort 118 477 and winds 300
374 Judo 556 Reproduction Moss 119 Rice paper 445 Precipitation 302
Rectangular pier 465, 467, Lacrosse 541 Algae 116-117 Rhizomes 154-155 Ride cymbal 519 Rising land 294
480 Rugby 530 Cloning 606-607 Fern 121 Ridge Risorius muscle 229
Rectangular river Soccer 524 Fertilization 146-147 Herbaceous flowering Epigeal germination 153 Rissa tridactyla 190
drainage 288 Swimming 558 Flowering plants 140 plants 128 False septum 151 Ritchey 43
Rectangular window Volleyball 534 Liverwort 118 Horsetail 120 Gothic building 473 River Amur 265
Ancient Roman Referee’s crease 550 Moss 118-119 Water hyacinth 158 Modern building 499 River banks 289, 290
building 465 Refe’ree’s equipment 524 Vegetative 154-155 Water lily 159 Nineteenth-century Riverbed 289
Asian building 490 Referee’s signals Reproductive canal 94 Rhizophore 120 building 492 River capture 288
Baroque church 481 Basketball 533 Reproductive chamber Rho1 Sagittarii 21 Seed 153 River cliff 289, 290
Medieval building 466 Football 527 116 Rhodium 311 Twentieth-century River course 288
Renaissance building Reflection 318 Reproductive organs Rhodophyta 116 building 495 River development 289
474, 476 Reflection nebula 16 259 Rhomboideus major Ridge and furrow roof 492 River drainage patterns
Rectum Reflector Reproductive structures muscle 227 Ridge-board 473 288
Bird 189 Ford Model T 339 Flower 140-143 Rhomboid leaves 137 Ridge-rib 469, 485 River features 290-291
Butterfly 169 Oldsmobile trim 337 Pollination 144 Rhombus 622 Ridges 286-287 River flow 290
Chimpanzee 202 Refraction 318-319 Reproductive system Rhopalium 167 Ridge tile 464, 476 River mouth 290
Cow 198 Refractory (heat-resistant) 258-259 Rhynchosaurian reptile 71 Riding bitt 372 Rivers 288-289
Dogfish 179 skin 421 Reptiles 80-81, 184-187 Rhynchosaurs 68-69, 71 Riding jacket 554 Earth’s physical
Dolphin 205 Refrigerator freight car Carboniferous period Rhyolite 274-275 Riffler 452, 453, 454 features 264
Elephant 200 327 66 Rhyolitic lava 272 Rifle 548, 549 River features 290-291
Frog 182 Régie Autonome des Dinosaurs 82-83 Rhythm Rift valley 58 Rock cycle 266-267
Human 215, 248-249, Transports Parisien 328 Fossil record 279 Drums 518 Lake formation 292-293 Weathering and erosion
258-259, 261 Regional metamorphism Jurassic period 70 Percussion instruments Rig 384-385 282
Lizard 185 274 Present-day 82 516 Riga brush 434 River source
Rabbit 196 Regional weather 302 Rhynchosaurian 71 Rhythm pattern selector Rigel River features 290
Starfish 174 Registers 514 Synapsid skull 67 520 Northern stars 18 Rivers 288
Tortoise 187 Regolith (soil) 41 Triassic period 68 Rib Orion 18 River’s stages 288-289
Rectus abdominis muscle Regula 461 Reptilia 184, 186 Acoustic guitar 512 Southern stars 21 River terrace 290-291
226 Regulator Repulsion 316-317 Archaeopteryx 85 Star magnitudes 22 River valley 288, 289, 290
Rectus femoris muscle “Mallard” express “Request identification” Avro triplane 403 Rigger 560 Rivetted plates 392
226 steam locomotive 325 aerial 421 Baroque church 479 Rigger’s gauge 382 Road spring 340
Recumbent fold 61 “Rocket” steam Reradiated heat 300-301 BE 2B tail 405 Rigging 382-383 Roband 372, 374
Red algae 116 locomotive 324 Reredos 470 BE 2B wings 404 Iron 392 Robie House 495
Red blood cells 217, 253 Regulator valve 325 Rescue strap 561 Bird 189 Sailing dinghy 561 Robinia pseudoacacia 136
Red-brown crocoite 271 Regulus 18, 21 Reservoir 314 Blackburn monoplane Wooden sailing ship Roboreptile 609
Red card 524 Rein 554 Reset button 560 401 378-379 Robots 608-609
Red cedar boarding 602 Reinforce 395 Resin canal Bony fish 181 Rigging rail 376 Robot dogs 609
Red cell 584 Reinforced concrete 494, Bishop pine needle 124 Brachiosaurus 90 Rigging tools 382-383 Roche 41
Red deer 199 497 Pine root /stem 125 Concorde, the 417 Right-angled triangle 622 Roches moutonnées 286
Red dwarf 23 Ties 330 Resistance 316 Crocodile 186 Right cylinder 623 Rock compression 60
Red earth 433, 434-435 Reinforced plinth 499 Resonator 513 Diplodocus 90 Right edge guide 575 Rock crystal 271
Red filter signal light 407 Rein terret 555 Respiration 255 Dome 486-487 Right whales 204 Rock cycle 266-267
Red giant Relative atomic mass 310 Respiratory system 254-255 Domestic cat 195 Rigid rock 60 Rock debris 295

Rock deformations 60, 61 Roll spoiler 414 Hypogeal germination reticulum 217 Ruckstell axle 339 Running part 382
Rocker 446 Roll-spoiler hydraulic 152 Rough terrain motorcycle Rudder Running rail 328
Rocker arm 366 actuator attachment Ivy 131 racing 368 ARV light aircraft 424 Running rigging 382-383,
Rocker-beam 496-497 414 Kedrostis africana 113 Rough-textured paper Avro biplane 402 385
Rocker cover 347, 354 Rolls-Royce Olympus Lily 155 439, 441 Avro triplane 403 Running shoe 543
Rocker deployment Mark 610 turbojet 417 Monocotyledons Roulette 446 BAe-146 jetliner 415 Running track 542
actuator 615 Roman anchor 372 126-127 Rounce 449 Battleship 395 Running wheel 328
Rock erosion 282 Roman architecture Mycorrhizal association Round arch BE 2B bomber 405 Runs 538
Rocker keypad 591 462-465 133 Ancient Roman Blackburn monoplane Rupes 34
Rocker pad 590 Roman corbita 372-373 Oxalis sp. 157 building 464-465 401 Rupes Altai 40
“Rocket” steam Romanesque style 468, Pine seedling 122 Baroque church Blériot XI 401 Rush 135
locomotive 324 470 Potato 128 479-480 Concorde 416-417 Russian vine 131
Rocket launcher 397 Roman mill 464 Rock stonecrop 128 Dome 484, 486-487 Curtiss biplane 399 Rustication
Rock fracture 60 Roman number system Seedling 152-153 French temple 485 Dhow 376 Neoclassical building
Rock ground mass 269 591 String of hearts 157 Gothic church 473 Frigate 396 479, 482-483
Rocking beam 334 Roman ships 372-373 Sweet pea 128 Medieval building Greek and Roman ships Renaissance building
Rocking elevator arm Roof boss 468 Sweet potato 155 467-469 372-373 474-475
424 Roof construction 603 Vegetative reproduction Nineteenth-century Iron paddlesteamer Rusts 114
Rocking lever 342 Roof dome 332, 333 154-155 building 495 392 Ruthenium 311
Rock layer Roofed space 479 Water hyacinth 158 Renaissance building Junk 376
Caves 284 Roofing tile 482 Water transport 138 474-475 Lockheed Electra
Faults and folds 60 Roofless temple 460 Root scar 128 Round-arched window airliner 407
Rock lip Roof molding 352 Root succulents 157 Ancient Roman Longboat 380 S
Cirque formation 287 Roofs 484 Root tip 132-133 building 465 LVG CVI fighter 405 62 Sagittarii 21
Tarn lake 293 Ancient Egyptian Radicle 152-153 Baroque church 481 Northrop B-2 bomber Sabik 20
Rock mounds 286 temple 458-459 Root tubers 154-155, 157 Dome 486 421 Sable brush
Rock particles 266-267 Ancient Roman Rope and paterae Medieval building 466, Sailing dinghy 561 Acrylics 442
Rock pavement 282-283 building 462 decoration 459 468-469 Sailing warship 377 Calligraphy 444
Rock pedestal 282-283 Asian building 490 Rope band 372 Neoclassical building Schleicher glider 426 Oil paints 436
Rock prisms 61 Baroque church 481 Rope hole 386 478 Submarine 396 Tempera 432
Rocks Dome 486 Rope molding 395 Round ball 524 Tornado 421 Watercolors 438
Faults and folds 60-61 Gothic building 470-473 Rope parrel 373 Round-corner single Viking boats 374-375 Sabers 556-557
Fossils 278-279 Hammer-beam 470, 473 Rope preventer 378 limousine coachwork Wooden sailing ship Saberur 557
Igneous and Islamic building Ropes 388-389 336 378 Saber warning line 557
metamorphic rocks 488-489 Rope serving mallet 383 Roundel World War II aircraft Sacajawea 37
274-275 Medieval building 467, Rope strand 384 Avro biplane 403 408-409 Saccule 243
Mineral resources 280 468 Rope woolding 379 Hawker Tempest Wright Flyer 399 Sacral foramen 223
Minerals 268 Modern building Rope work 388 fighter 409 Rudder cable Sacral nerves 238
Rock cycle 266-267 496-499 Rorquals 204 Roundhead nib 444 ARV light aircraft 424 Sacral plexus 238
Sedimentary rocks 276 Neoclassical building Rosa sp. 130-131, 135 Roundhouse 380 Avro biplane 402 Sacral promontory 223
Weathering and erosion 479, 483 Rose 130-131 Round pin 335 Rudder chain 378 Sacral vertebra 183
282 Nineteenth-century Rose quartz 271 Round shot 378 Rudder head 376 Sacral vertebrae
Rock salt building 492 Rosette Round thimble 384 Rudder hinge Diplodocus 90
Halides 269 Renaissance building Epiphytic plants Route information 332 Avro biplane 402 Eryops 81
Sedimentary rocks 476-477 162-163 Route key 590 Blériot XI monoplane Human 223
276-277 Twentieth-century Neoclassical building Rover 528 401 Iguanodon 96
Rock scar 284 building 494-495 480 Rover equipment deck Rudder mass balance 424 Parasaurolophus 98
Rock stonecrop 128 Root Rosette Nebula 11 615 Rudder pedal 425, 573 Plateosaurus 88
Rock strata 60, 61 BAe-146 jetliner Rossby waves 300 Rowan 130-131 Rudder post Stegoceras 101
Fossils 278 components 413, 415 Rossin Italian time-trial Rowing 560-561 BE 2B bomber 405 Sacristy 470
Rock stress 60, 61 BE 2B wings 404 bicycle 361 Rowing boat 375 Blackburn monoplane Sacrum
Rock tension 60, 61 Tooth 247 Rostellum 16 Rowing positions on a 401 Crocodile 186
Rocky Mountains 73, 75, Root canal 247 Rostral bone 102, 103 Greek trireme 373 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Domestic cat 195
77, 264 Root cap Rostrum RSS (really simple Rudder power control unit Elephant 201
Rocky planets Broad bean 133 Crayfish 173 syndication) feeds 577 417 Hare 197
Mars 42-43 Radicle 153 Dolphin 204 Rubber bungee shock Rudder strut 399 Horse 199
Mercury 34-35 Root growth 282 Rotary engine 346-347 absorber 425 Rudder tip fairing 424 Human 218, 223, 259
Solar system 30-31 Root hairs 132 Blackburn monoplane Rubber cord suspension Rudder trimtab 409 Kangaroo 206
Venus 36-37 Root nodule 128 400 402-403 Ruden 372 Lizard 184
Rococo style 478 Root of tail 198 Modern piston aero- Rubber guide wheel 328 Rudimentary ear 260 Rhesus monkey 202
Rod 562-563 Root parasite 163 engines 410-411 Rubber mounting bush Rudimentary eye 260 Seal 204
Rodentia 104, 196 Root-proof membrane 603 Rotary valves 507 365 Rudimentary liver 260 Saddle
Rodents 196-197 Root rib 413 Rotating beacon 407 Rubber puck 550-551 Rudimentary mouth 260 Acoustic guitar 512
Rod-shaped structure 144 Roots 132-133 Rotating drum 595 Rubber roller 449 Rudimentary vertebra 260 Bicycle 358-359
Rogers, R. 496 Adventitious 112-113 Rotating joint 612 Rubber sealing strip 413 Ruellia grandiflora 145 Cannondale SH600
Roll 400 Amaryllis 155 Rotational period 36 Rubber-sprung wheel Ruffini corpuscle 235, 239 hybrid bicycle 361
Roller Begonia 155 Rotor 400-401 Ruga 248 Eddy Merckx racing
Mid West single-rotor Brassavola nodosa 162 Mid West rotary engine Rubber tire 402 Rugby 524, 530-531 bicycle 360
engine 410 Broomrape host 163 411 Rubber-tired running Rugby League 530-531 Horse racing 555
Motorized brushbar Carrot 128 Rotor and seals 347 wheel 328 Rugby Union 530 Show jumping 554
floor tool 593 Cell division 133 Rotor blade 423 Rubber wheel-guard 328 Rules of algebra 621 Werner motorcycle 362
“O Ring” drive chain Clubmoss 120 Rotor chamber Rubber wheels Rumen 198 Saddle clamp 360
366 Couch grass 113 Mid West single-rotor Paris Metro 328 Ruminants 198 Safety area 556
Painting tool 442 Dehiscent fruit 150 engine 410 “People Mover” 328 Rumpler monoplane 400 Safety barrier 552
Printing equipment 447, Dicotyledons 127 Wankel rotary engine Rubbing Run 536 Safety belt 356
449 Elongation region 133 346 Charcoal drawing 431 Runners Safety binding 552
Tenor saxophone 509 Embryo 147 Rotor gear 346-347 Relief printing 446 Bronze casting 454-455 Safety harness 357
Roller-bearing axle box Epigeal germination Rotor gear teeth 411 Rubbing ink 448 Rock stonecrop 128 Safety valve
327 153 Rotor house 314 Rubbing strake Strawberry 128 Bordino steam carriage
Roller-blind 497 Epiphytes 162-163 Rotor hub Mazda RX-7 346 Vegetative reproduction 334
Roller path 396 Fern 121 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Roman corbita 372 154 Steamboat 391
Rollers 596 Germination 152-153 Schweizer helicopter Rubbing strip 353 Running 542 Safe working load mark
Rolling hitch 388 Ginger 155 423 Rubens 35 Running back 526 383
Rollover button 577 Gladiolus 155 Rotor journal 347 Rubidium 510 Running block 383 Sagartia elegans 166
Roll paper holder 575 Golden barrel cactus Rotor lock 604 Rubus fruticosus 130, Running board Sagitta 20
Roll paper holder adapter 156 Rotor mast 422-423 146-147 Ford Model T 339 Sagittal crest 107, 194
575 Grape hyacinth 155 Rotunda 462-463, 482 Rubus idaeus 149 1906 Renault 337 Sagittal section through
Roll paper manipulation Horse chestnut 130 Rough 546 Ruckman 528 Volkswagen Beetle 341 brain 236
button 574 Horsetail 120 Rough endoplasmic Rucknover 528 Running martingale 554 Sagittarius 19-21

Sagittarius Arm 14 Ancient Roman Scaphonyx fischeri 69 Basketball 552 Sea anemone 166-167 Seat stay 358, 360
Sago palm 123 building 462 Scapula Cricket 538 Sea angling 562 Seat support strut 398
Sahara 39, 264-265 Saurischia 82-83, 84, 88 Archaeopteryx 85 Gaelic football 529 Seabed Seat tube 358, 360, 361
Sail Sauropoda 83 Arsinoitherium 104 Hockey 540 Fossils 278 Sea urchins 174-175
Roman corbita 372-373 Sauropodomorpha 83, 88 Bird 189 Hurling 540-541 Ocean floor 298 Seawater
Square-rigged ship 375 Sauropodomorphs 88-91 Bony fish 181 Netball 534 River features 290 River features 290
Types 384-385 Sauropods 70, 88 Brachiosaurus 91 Rugby 530-531 Rivers 288 Salt content 296
Viking karv 374 Savannah 74 Crocodile 186 Tennis 544 Seabed profile 299 Seaweeds 116-117
Sail batten 376 Save as draft button 576 Diplodocus 90 Volleyball 534 Sea buckthorn 136 Seaworm 78
Sailcloths 384 Saxboard 561 Domestic cat 195 Seorper 449 Seacat missile launcher Sebaceous gland 234-235
Sail foot control line 375 Saxophone 504, 508-509 Elephant 201 Scorpion 170, 278 397 Secondary baffle 612
Sail hook 384 Scala 372-373 Eiryops 80 Scorpiones 170 Sea-cave 295 Secondary bronchus 215
Sailing 560-561 Scale (musical) 502 Euoplocephalus 94 Scorpius 19, 20 Sea-cliff 294-295 Secondary colors 439
Sailing rigs 384-385 Scale leaf scar 124, 155 Gallimimus 86 Scotia 463, 485 River features 291 Secondary conduit
Sailing warship 376-377 Scale leaves Hare 197 Scots pine 122 Sea creature remains 298 272-273
Sailmaker’s whipping 382 Bishop pine 124 Horse 199 Scraper 46 Sea cucumber 174 Rock cycle 266
Sailmaking tools 384 Bulb 155 Human 210, 218 Scraper ring 344 Sea daisies 174 Secondary crater 34
Sail patterns 379, 384 Corm 155 Iguanodon 96 Scratchplate 513 Sea-dwelling organic Secondary flight feathers
Saiph 18 Epiphytic orchid 162 Kangaroo 206 Scree 282-283 structures 78 188, 191
Salamanders 182 Hypogeal germination Lizard 184 Screen Seafloor spread 58 Secondary follicle 258
Salient 466 152 Parasaurolophus 99 Computer 576, 577, 611 Seahorse 180 Secondary mirror 612
Salisbury Cathedral Pine 122, 125 Pareiasaur 81 French baroque Sea level 66 Secondary mycelium 115
470-471 Plumule 152 Plateosaurus 88 building 482 Sea-level variations 294 Secondary phloem
Saliva 244 Rhizome 155 Platypus 206 Hydroelectric power Sea lilies 174 134-135
Salivary gland Sago palm 123 Rhesus monkey 202 station 314 Sea lion 204 Secondary remigcs 188,
Butterfly 169 Stem bulbil 155 Seal 204 Islamic building Seals 204-205 191
Snail 177 Scalene triangle 622 Stegoceras 101 488-489 Seam Secondary rotor 317
Salmon 109, 180 Scalenus medius muscle Struthiomimus 87 Screen printing 448 Rivetted plates 392 Secondary suspension 327
Salmon angling 562 229 Toxodon 106 Streamed internet Sail 584 Secondary thallus 114
Salmon bend gouge 452 Scale of degrees 377 Triceratops 102 video 577 Seaming twine 384 Secondary vascular tissue
Salmson radial engine Scales Tuojiangosaurus 93 Twentieth-century Seamounts 298 134
398-399 Asteroxylon 79 Turtle 187 building 494 Sea of Japan 265 Secondary xylem 125,
Salt Bishop pine 124 Tyrannosaurus 84 Screen bulkhead 381 Search field 576, 577 134-135
Dead Sea 293 Bony fish 180 Scapular muscle 91 Screen lens 589 Searchlight 394-595 Second-century building
Seawater sail content Bract 122 Scarlet star 162-163 Screen printing 446, 448 Seas 296-297 462
296 Brassavola nodosa 162 Scarph 395 Screw 320 Igneous and Second electron shell 509
Saltasaurus 72, 91 Caiman 186 Scars Acoustic guitar 513 metamorphic rocks 275 Second mast 376
Salt-dome trap 281 Cartilaginous fish 178 Horse chestnut 130 Double bass bow 511 Rivers 288 Second-row forward 530
Salt formation 312 Crocodilians 186 Leaf 128-30, 134 Power drill 600 Satellite map 265 Second slip 538
Salt groundmass 277 Dicotyledons 127 Rowan twig 131 Toaster 598 Seasons 72 Second toe 232
Salt lakes 292 False fruit 148 Scavenge oil line 419 Violin bow 510 Seat Second violins 503,
Samaras Fern fronds 121 Scelidosaurus 71 Screw coupling 525 1906 Renault 337 504-505
Dry fruit 150 Insects 168 Scent 144 Screw down greaser 556 Driver’s 325, 328 Second wheel set 529
Sycamore 131, 150 Lepidoptera wings 168 Scheat 19, 20 Screw fitting 319 Faering 375 Secretory gland 161
Samarium 311 Lizard 184 Schedar 19 Screw hole 600 Fireman’s 325 Secretory thyroid gland
Sambucus nigra 130-131, Mushroom 115 Schickard 40 Screw joint 413 First cars 334-335 cells 217
143 Ovuliferous 122-124 Schist 26 Screw link 386 Ford Model T 339 Secretory vesicle 216
Samotherium 74 Pine cone 122 Schizoearpic dry fruits Screw locking nut 563 Greek trireme 573 Secure anchor 386
Samsung Galaxy Tab 569 Pine shoot apex 125 150-151 Screw pressure adjustor Harley-Davidson FLHS Security light 605
San Andreas fault 58, Rattlesnake 185 Schleicher K23 glider 426 447 Electra Glide 363 Sediment
62-63 Sago palm 122 Schlumbergera truncata Scriber 446 Honda CB75O 565 Coastlines 294-295
Sand-bars 290 Tree fern 112 129 Scroll Honda VF750 564 Fossils 278
Sand box 326, 327 Yew 123 Schooner 384-385 Cello 511 Husqvarna Motocross Glaciers 286-287
Sand dunes Scallop 176 Schrodinger 41 Double bass 511 TC610 368 Lakes 292
Rock cycle 267 Fossil 278 Schubert 35 Viola 511 Kayak 560 Mineral resources 280
Weathering and erosion Scalloped hammerhead Schwann cell 228, 239 Violin 510 Longboat 380 Mountain building
282-283 shark 179 Schweizer 300c 423 Scrolled buttress 478 Motorcycle 364 62-65
Sand groundmass 277 Scalp 234, 236-237 Sciatic nerve 238 Scroll motif 470, 491 Racing sulky 355 Ocean floor 298-299
Sanding pipe 329 Scaly lichens 114 Scientific notation 621 Scroll molding 466 Renault Clio 352-355 River features 290-291
Sand-pits 546 Scaly skin Scintigram 214 Scroll ornament 476, 479, Showjumping saddle Rivers 288
Sandstone Anchisaurus 89 Scissor brace 475 485 554 Rock cycle 266-267
Marble tomb of Itimad- Corythosaurus 98 Sciuris carolinensis 197 Scroll-shaped corbel.482, Suzuki RGV500 368 Sedimentary rocks
Ud-Daula 489 Dinosaurs 82 Sclera 213, 240 487 TGV electric high- 276-277
Sedimentary rocks 276 Edmontonia 95 Sclereid 159 Scrollwork 472 speed train 329 Igneous and
Sand wave 299 Echthyostega 80 Sclerenchyma Scrotum 211, 259 Vespa Grand Sport 160 metamorphic rocks 274
Sand wedge 547 Iguanodon 97 Fern rachis 121 Scrum-half 530 Mark 1 363 Rock cycle 266-267
Sandy deposits 298 Pachycephalosaurus Horsetail stem 120 Scrummages 530 Weslake Speedway Sedna Planitia 36-37
Sandy spit 295 100 Marram grass 113 Scull 561 motorcycle 369 Sedum rupestre 128
Sanguine crayon 430 Psittacosaurus 103 Monocotyledon leaf 126 Sculling 560 Seat angle 360 Sedum spectabile 128-129
Sankey diagram 314 Reptile 80 Stems 134-135 Scull oar 560 Seat assembly 425, 553 Seed
Sappho Patera 37 Snake 184 Sclerenchyma fibers 135 Sculpted wing-root fairing Seat attachment rail 416 Apomixis 146
Sapwood 125 Stegosaurus 92 Scleroderma citrinum 115 573 Seat back rest frame 337, Apple 149
Saratoga Race Course 553 Triceratops 102 Sclerotic ring 90, 99 Sculptor 19, 20 352-353 Cape gooseberry 149
Sarcolemma 24 Tyrannosaurus 84 Scooter 50-51 Sculptural decoration 467 Seat beam 399 Dehydration 152
Sarcomere 24 Westlothiana 81 Score 388 Sculpture 452-455, 493, Seatbelt attachment point Dispersal 148-151
Sarcophilus harrisii 207 Scandinavia 64, 69 Scorecard 547 495 573 Dormancy 152
Sarcoplasmic reticulum Scandium 310 Scorer Sculptured testa 151 Seat belt catch 352 Dry fruit 150-151
24 Scan head 571 Basketball 532 Scumbling 440-441 Seat control panel 572 Embryo development
Sarcorhamphus papa 190 Scanner 570-571 Fencing contest 557 Scupper 595 Seat cushion 407, 425 147
Sarracenia purpurea 113 Scanning coils 611 Judo contest 556 Scute 186 Sea temperature 303 Fig 148
Sartorius muscle 226 Scanning electron Lacrosse 541 Scutellum 168 Seat frame 353 Germination 132,
Satellite 264 microscope (SEM) 610, Netball 535 Scutum 19 Seating 465 152-153
Satellite cable 586 611 Volleyball 534 Scutum plate 175 Seat mount 340 Goosegrass 150
Satellite map 264-265 Scan to email button 570 Scoria 273 Scyphozoa 166 Seat pan 409 Gymnosperms 122
Satellite speaker 586 Scan to web button 570 Scoring Sea Seat post 358, 360 Hilum 148-149, 151-153
Saturated zone 292-293 Scapania undulata 118 Australian rules football Anticline trap 281 Seat post quick-release Hogweed 151
Saturn 46-47, 614 Scape 168 528 Fossils 278 boll 358 Honesty 151
Solar system 31 Scaphoid bone 230 Badminton 544 Hurricane structure 303 Seat spring 335 Larkspur 151
Saucer dome 486-487 Scaphoid fossa 242 Baseball 536 River features 290-291 Seat squab 335, 337 Lemon 148

Love-in-a-mist 151 Semitendinosus muscle Algae 116-117 6 in shell 397 Hypogeal germination Medieval church 469
Lychee 148 227 Bryophytes 119 Building 464, 476 152 Side bench 380
Melon 149 Send button 576 Flowering plants Chelonians 186 Pine 125 Side brace and retraction
Parts 152-153 Sender’s name 576 140-147 Crab 172 Vegetative reproduction jack trunnions 414
Pea 150 Senior ratings’ mess 397 Mosses 118-119 Dorsal margin 176 155 Sidecar
Pine 122 Sensory antenna 168 Seaweed 116-117 Egg 192-193 Shoot apex 125 BMW R/60 362
Raspberry 149 Sensory hinge 160 Spirogyra sp. 117 Exploding 394, 396-397 Shooting 548-549 Motorcycle racing
Root development 132 Sensory tentacle 176 Seyfert 41 Fossil 278 Shooting circle 540 368-369
Scots pine 122 Sent mail folder 576 Seyfert galaxies 12-13 Massive stars 26 Shooting positions 548 Side chapel 469-470, 479
Smooth cypress 123 Sepal 140-143 Shackle 382, 386 Mollusk 176-177 Shoreline Side counter timber 381
Strawberry 150 Clematis 131 Shackle pin 382 Octopus 176 Coastlines 294 Side-cowling 408
Succulent fruit 148-149 Dicotyledons 126-127 Shaft Rib 176 Continental-shelf floor Side drum 504-505
Sweet chestnut 150 Dry fruit 150-151 Ancient Egyptian Rudiment 176 298 Side fairing 415
Sycamore 131, 151 Everlasting pea 129 column 459 Scallop 176 Short line 545 Side forequarter hold 556
Wind dispersal 150 Fertilization 146-147 Ancient Greek temple Small stars 24-25 Shorts Side gear 347
Wings 150-151 Monocotyledons 126 461 Snail 177 Australian rules football Side housing 346-347
Yew 123 Peruvian lily 129 Ancient Roman Standing block 382 529 Side lamp 338-339
Seed axis 152-153 Pitcher plant 113 building 463, 465 Terrapin 187 Hurling 541 Sidelight 332, 333, 362
Seed coat 132, 152-153 Pollination 145 Arrow 548 Ventral margin 176 Soccer 525 Sideline
Dry fruit 150-151 Rose 131 Asian building 490-491 Shell bogie 396 Volleyball 534 Badminton 545
Embryo development Succulent fruit 149 Badminton racket 545 Shell case 397 Short saphenous vein 253 Basketball 532
147 Sepal remains 146-147 Electric generator 517 Shelled invertebrates 56 Shortstop 536 Football 526
Epigeal germination Sepal sheath 141 Feather 191 Shelley 35 Short-wave radio 318 Handball 535
153 Separated carpels 151 Femur 225 Shell-like fracture 270 Shot Hockey 540
Hypogeal germination Separator 576 French temple 485 Shell room 396 Field events equipment Men’s lacrosse 540
152 Septime 557 Golf club 547 Shelly limestone 267 542 Netball 535
Succulent fruit 148-149 Septum 115 Harness racer 555 “Shiaijo” 556 Gun 378 Tennis 541
Seed fern 278 False 151 Hydroelectric power Shield 394-395 Shot garland 381 Volleyball 534
Seed leaves 126, 152-153 Interventrieular 251 station 314 “Shield bearers” 92 Shot put 543 Side marker lamp 346,
Dry fruit 150-151 Nasal 213, 241 Javelin 542 Shielded receiver 591 Shot-put circle 542 349
Embryo development Placenta 260 Kayak paddle 560 Shield plate 570 Shot-put fan 542 Side-mounted engine 398
147 Sequencer 521 Medieval church Shield volcano 42 Shoulder Side plate 562
Epigeal germination Sequoiadendron sp. 70 468-469 Shin Anchisaurus 89 Side pod 356, 357
153 Series electrical circuit Modern building 498 Herrerasaurus 86 Cello 511 Side reflector 562, 363
Hypogeal germination 316 Neoclassical building Human 211 Corythosaurus 98 Siderite band 277
152 Serif 445 478, 483 Shinarump member 276 Double bass 511 Side rudder 374-375
Pine 122 Serous pericardium 250 Nineteenth-century Shin guard Gorilla 203 Side-shooting 541
Succulent fruit 148-149 Serpens Caput 18, 21 building 493 Slalom skiing 553 Harp 511 Side vent 329
Seedlings Serpens Cauda 19, 20 Phalanx 230 Soccer 525 Horse 199 Side wall 545, 558
Epigeal germination Serpentes 184 Power drill 600 Shinty 540 Human 210 Side-wall line 545
153 Serpentine neck 374 Roman Corbita 373 Sbinumo quartzite 277 Iguanodon 97 Sideways erosion
Hypogeal germination Serrated tooth 84, 85, 88 Sculling oar 560 Ship 387 Rabbit 196 River features 290
152 Serrate leaf margins 129 Ski pole 553 74-gun ship 379, Rigging 382-383 Rivers 288
Pine 122 Serratus anterior muscle Squash racket 545 380-381 Stegoceras 101 Sierra Madre 264
Seed-producing organs 226 Shaft drive 366 Ship of the line 380-381 Stegosaurus 92 Sierra Nevada 57, 75
148-149 Server 534, 544 , 545, Shale Ship’s cannon 376, 394 Viola 511 Sieve tubes 134
Seed scar 122 576 Contact metamorphism Ships of Greece and Rome Violin 510 Sieving beak 188
Seed stalks 150 Server Service 544 274 372-373 Shoulderblade 210, 218 Sif Mons 37
Seed wings 151 Service area 534 Grand Canyon 277 Ship’s shield 394-395 Shoulder cowling 412 Sight 394
Seek bar 577 Service box line 545 Shallow carvel-built hull Ship’s wheel 378, 390, 394 Shoulder girdle 80 Sight pin 549
Segmental arch 492 Service court 544, 545 391 Shipwright 374 Shoulder joint Sight screen 538
Segmental pediment 462, Service crane 605 Shallow Hats 293 Shiv 383 Brachiosaurus 91 Sighting hood
478 Service door 415 Shank Shiver 383 Gallimimus 86 Battleship 394
Segnosauria 83 Service judge 544, 545 Anatomy of a hook 562 Shock absorber Human 218 Gun turret 396
Seif dune 283 Service line 544, 545 Danforth anchor 386 1906 Renault 336 Parasaurolophus 99 Sighting rule 376-377
Seismic activity 58 Service shaft 498 Hook 383 ARV light aircraft 425 Plateosaurus 88 Sights 548-549
Seizing 383, 384, 387, Service zone 545 Roman anchor 372 Football helmet 527 Triceratops 102 Sigma Canis Majoris 21
388-389 Serving 388 Sail hook 384 Honda CB750 363 Tyrannousaurus 84 Sigmoid colon 249
Selaginella sp. 120 Serving mallet 383, 384, Shackle pin 382 Honda VF750 364 Shoulder pad 426 Signal flag compartment
Select key 578 388 Shannon bone 198 Renault Clio 350 Shoulder padding 551 397
Selector fork 366 Servo control-unit fairing Shape Suzuki RGV500 368 Shoulder pass 535 Signal gear 395
Selector switch 598-599 417 Chemical reactants 312 Vespa Grand Sport 160 Shoulder spikes Signaling systems
Selenite 270 Servo-tab 414, 415 Matter 306-307 Mark 1 363 Edmontonia 95 330-331
Selenium 311 Sesamoid bone 198 Periodic table 310 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Euoplocephalus 94 Sikorsky, Igor 422
Self-pollination 144 Seta 112, 119 Shapes (plane; solid) 622 Shock-absorbing platform Shoulder wheel throw 556 Silence 502
SEM 601, 611 Set-back buttress 481 Sharks 178-179, 180 553 Showjumping 554 Silencer
Semaphore signal 330 Set square 445 Sharp 502 Shock-absorbing spring Shreve, R.H. 494 Harley-Davidson FLHS
Semen 217 Settings control panel 574 Sharpey’s fiber 225 401, 405 Shrewlike mammals 70 Electra Glide 362
Semiarch 470-471 Settings display 574, 575 Shaula 19, 20 Shock-strut 401 Shrimp 172 Renault Clio 350
Semibreve 502-503 Setting select buttons 575 Shave 374 Shock waves 27 Fossil 79 Suzuki RGV500 368
Semibulkhead 425 Seven Sisters 14 Shaving foam 306 Path 63 Shrine 490-491 Vespa Grand Sport 160
Semicircle 532 Seventeenth century 474 Shearing 61 Athletics 543 Shroud Mark 1 363
Semicircular canals 243 Building 479-481, 488 Sheave 383 Basketball 533 Dhow 376 Weslake Speedway
Semicircular tower 465 Capital 490 Sheave for cat tackle 380 Golf 547 Longboat 380 motorcycle 369
Semiconductor 306 Dome 486-487 Sheep 198 Handball 535 Rigging 383 Silencing heat exchanger
Semidome 484, 482, 488 Roof 490 Sheepskin numnah 554 Rowing 560 Roman corbita 373 404
Semielliptical arch 484 Style 478 Sheer 374 Shoes Sailing dinghy 561 Silicate core 51
Semielliptic leaf spring Tomb 489 Sheerplank 380 Baseball 537 Sailing warship 376 Silicate dust 53
342 Seventh century Sheer pole 373 Football 527 Shrubs 130-131 Silicate material 39
Semilunar fold 249 Building 491 Sheer strake 375, 393 Hurling 541 Shuffle button 586 Silicate rock 39
Semi-metals 310-311 Sevier fault 276 Sheet 372, 375, 382 Riding 554 Shutter button 581 Silicates 269
Seminal receptacle 169 Sex cells 154 Sheet anchor 395 Rugby 531 Shutter for gun 394 Siliceous ooze 299
Spider 170 Fertilization 146-147 Sheet bend 389 Sailing 560 Shuttlecock 544-545 Silicon 26
Seminal vesicle 259 Gametophyte plants 120 Sheet feeder 575 Ski 552 Shuttle switch 586 Earth’s composition 39
Semiquaver 502 Gymnosperms 122 Sheet-iron louvre 493 Soccer 525 Sickle motif 491 Earth’s crust 58
Semisolid core 37 Liverwort 118 Sheet lead 383 Shoot Sidalcea malviflora 136 Periodic table 311
Semisolid outer core 41 Moss 118-119 Shelf formation 282 Broomrape 163 Side aisle Variety of matter 306
Semisprawling stance 82 Sextans 21 Shell Embryo 147 Cathedral dome 484 Siliquas 150-151
Westlothiana 81 Sexual reproduction 379 cm shell 397 Horsetail 120 Gothic church 472-473 Silk gland 170

Sill 26 Sea urchin 175 Ankylosaurus 94 Sliding seat 561 Periodic table 310 Harp 511
Ancient Roman mill Siphonoglyph 167 Australopithecus 108 Sliding window 333 Seawater salt content Upright piano 514
464 Sirius Baryonyx 85 Sling fixing point 349 296 Viola 511
Renaissance building Canis Major 21 Bear 194 Slip face 283 Sodium hydroxide 312 Violin 510
475 Northern stars 18 Bird 189 Slip faults 61 Sodium lines 23 Sound channels 584
Twentieth-century Our galaxy and nearby Camarasaurus 91 Slipher 43 Soffit 464, 484, 498 Sound hole
building 494 galaxies 15 Chimpanzee 202 Slope structure 60 Soft eye 382 Acoustic guitar 512-513
Sill trim 353 Southern stars 21 Crocodilians 186 Sloping roof 486 Soft hair brush 436, 338, Cello 511
Silly mid-off 538 Spectral absroplion Diplodocus 90 Slug 176 440 Double bass 511
Silly mid-on 538 lines 25 Domestic cat 195 Slumped cliff 295 Soft-headed beater 516, Viola 511
Silurian period Star magnitudes 22 Elephant 201 Slur 503 517, 519 Violin 510
Fossil record 279 Sirius A 25 Euoplocephalus 94 Smallbore rifle shooting Soft metals 310 Sound module 521
Geological time 56 Sirius B 23 Fetal 220 548 Soft palate 212, 245 South Africa 64
Silver Site icon 577 Gharial 186 Smallbore rifle target 549 Soft pastels 440 South America 264
Mineral resources Sixteenth century Hadrosaurs 96 Small intestine Soft pedal 514, 515 Cretaceous period
280-281 Building 476-477 Hare 197 Brachiosaurus 90 Soft rock 72-75
Minerals 268 Staircase 472 Heterodontosaurus 85 Chimpanzee 202 River features 290 Jurassic period 70
Periodic table 311-312 Style 462, 470 Homo erect us 108 Cow 198 Weathering and erosion Late Carboniferous
Streak 271 Size (glue) 431, 432, 436 Homo habilis 108 Domestic cat 195 282 period 66
Silver lines 430-431 Skarn 26 Horse 199 Elephant 200 Software effect plug-in Middle Ordivician
Silver molybdenite 271 Skate Human 108, 212, 218, Euoplocephalus 94 521 period 64
Silver nitrate solution 312 Chondrichthyes 178 220-221, 222, 236-257 Frog 182 Solanum tuberosum 128 Quaternary period
Silverpoint 450, 431 Ice hockey 550, 551 Hyaenodon 107 Human 214, 249 Solar array 612, 613, 615 76-77
Silver wire 430 Skeletal muscle 228 Iguanodon 96 Lizard 185 Solar array supporting Tertiary period 74-75
Silvery metals 310 Skeletal muscle fiber 228 Kangaroo 206 Tortoise 187 arm 613 Triassie period 68
SIM (Subscriber Identity Skeleton Lambeosaurus 99 Small Magellanic Cloud Solar cell 603 South American plate 59
Module) card slot 589 Archaeopteryx 85 Lion 194 Hydrus and Mensa 20 Solar collector 605 South Asian buildings
Simple electrical circuit Arsinoitherium 104-105 Lizard 184 Our galaxy and nearby Solar day 34 490-491
316 Baryonyx hand 85 Marginocephalian 100 galaxies 15 Solar eclipse 32 South Atlantic Gyre 296
Simple eye 170-171 Bat 105 Moeritherium 105 Stars of southern skies Solar flare 32-33 Satellite map 265
Simple leaves 136-137 Bird 189 Octopus 176 20 Solar panel 496, 605 South Atlantic Ocean 39,
Entire 130 Bony fish 180-181 Opossum 106 Small stars 24-25 Solar power 605 73
Hastate 128 Cow’s fool 198 Pachycephalosaurs 100 Small theropods 87 Solar radiation 300-301 Southeast trade winds
Herbaceous flowering Crocodile 186 Pachycephdlosaurus Small-scale rock Solar system 38, 30-31, 300
plants 128-129 Diplodocus 90 100 deformities 61 614-615 Southeasterly wind 303
Lanceolate 131 Domestic cal 195 Phiomia 105 Smalti 450 Solar wind South Equatorial Belt 45
Lobed 131 Klephant 201 Plateosaurus 88 Smalti mosaic 450 Earth’s magnetosphere South equatorial current
Simple machines 320 Eryops 80-81 Platypus 206 Smartphones 588-589 38 296-297
Simple Machines Law Frog 185 Prenocephale 100 Smash 534 Structure of comet 53 Southerly wind 303
320 Hare 197 Protoceratops 102 Smell 244 Sun 32 Southern Hemisphere
Simple succulent fruits Horse 199 Rattlesnake 185 Smilodon 107 Solarium 494 296-297
148-149 Human 218-219 Rhesus monkey 202 Smokebox 324, 325 Solar Wings Pegasus Southern polar region 64
Single bass note siring Iguanodon 96 Seal 204 Smoky quartz 268 Quasar ultralight 427 South Galactic Pole 15
515 Kangaroo 206 Smilodon 107 Smooth cypress 125 Sole of foot 234 South Indian Gyre 297
Single-celled micro- Kentrosaurus 93 Stegoceras 100 Smooth endoplasmic Soleplate 593 South magnetic polar
organisms 78 Lizard 184 Styracosaurus 102 reticulum 216 Soleplate roller 593 region 28
Single clump block 375 Parasurolophus 98-99 Synapsid reptile 67 Smudging 430, 431 Soleplate surround 594 South Pacific Gyre 296
Single cylinder 335 Pareiasaur 81 Tortoise 77 Smuts 114 Soleus muscle 227, 233 South Pacific Ocean 39
Single-decker bus 352, 333 Plateosaurus 88-89 Turtle 187 Snail 176-177 Solfataras 272-273 South polar ice cap
Single flowers 140-141, Platypus 206 Skull bones 81 Snake-head ornament 375 Solid body 512, 513 Structure of Mars 43
143 Rhesus monkey 202 Skullcap 555 Snakes 184-185 Solid crystals 306 Surface of Mars 42
Single front driving wheel Seal 204 Skunks 194 Snap head 392 Solid heart thimble 385 South Pole
334 Snake 185 Skylight Snare 518 Solidified lava Atmospheric circulation
Single-glazed Spider 171 Battleship 394 Snare drum 518 Lake formation 292 and winds 300
conservatory 602 Sponge 166 Building 495, 494 Snort mast 597 Volcanoes 272-273 Coriolis force 297
Single-leg main landing Stegoceras 100-101 Iron paddlesteamer Snout Solid ink stick 444 Earth 58
gear 407 Stegosaurus 95 392-393 Anchisaurus 89 Solid rubber tire 335 Jupiter 44
Single overhead cam Struthiomimus 87 Skyscraper 494 Caiman 186 Solids 306-307 Mars 42
engine 363 Toxodon 106 Slab Croeodilians 186 Chemical reactions 312 Mercury 54
Single-piece skin 413 Triceralops 102-103 Ancient Egyptian Dogfish 178 Solid shapes 622 The Moon 40
Single-pulley system 320 Tuofiaiigosaiirus 95 building 458-459 Edmontonia 95 Solutions 306, 312-313 Neptune 50
Single reed 508, 509 Turile 187 Modern building 499 Herrerasaurus 86 Sonic sensor 609 Pluto 51
Singles 544 Tyrannosaurus 84-85 Twentieth-century Iguanodonts 96 Sombrero 12 Pulsar 28
Single scull 560, 561 Westlothiana 81 building 494 Jawless fish fossil 78 Somites 79 Saturn 46
Single sheet bend 387 Sketch book 450 Slaked lime 434 Pachycephalosaurus SONAR bulge 397 Uranus 48-49
Single-sided trailing-link Skid 402, 404 Slalom 100 SONAR torpedo decoy 396 Venus 56
fork 363 Skid beam 380 Skiing 552 Rat 196 SONAR transducer array South rim 277
Single wing hold 556 Ski goggles 552, 555 Canoeing 560 Snow 597 South seeking pole 517
Singularity Skiing 552, 553 Slalom clothing 553 Glaciers 286-287 Sonic boom 416 South Temperate Belt 45
Formation of black hole Skilled movements 257 Slalom equipment 553 Weather 302 Sonoran Desert 264 South Temperate Zone
29 Skin Slalom gate 552 Snowflake moray eel 180 Sony B-series MP3 player 45
Stellar black hole 29 Amphibian 80, 182 Slat 421 Snowflakes 302 586 South Tropical Zone 45
Sinistral strike-slip fault Drumhead 518 Slate 274, 275 Soane, J. 478, 482-483 Sony DAV-S300 585 Space 300-301
61 Lizard 184 Sleep button 585 Sobkou Planitia 35 Sony W-series walkman Space probes 614-615
Sink-holes 284-285 Reptile 80 Sleeper 324, 331 Soccer 524-525 586 Space shuttle astronaut
Sinking land 294 Snake 184 Sleeve port 343 Soccer uniform 525 Soot particles 313 613
Sinopia 434, 435 Succulent fruits 148-149 Sleeve valve 543 Socle Sophocles 35 Space shuttle remote
Sinous venosus sclerae Waterproof 81 Slender thistle 129 Ancient Egyptian Soralium 114 manipulator system
241 Skin and hair 234-235 Slick racing tire 365 temple 458 Sorbus aucuparid 130-131 (robot arm) 612, 613
Sinuous cell wall 156 “Skin-grip” pin 424-425 Kirby BSA 369 Baroque church 479 Soredia 114 Space telescope 612-613
Sinus Skin lap-joint 413, 414, Suzuki RCV500 369 Cathedral dome 487 Sori 120-121 Spadix 145
Frontal, 212, 245 415 Slide 396 Gothic church 472 Sostenuto pedal 514, 515 Span 484
Green alga 112 Skin tones 441 Slide bar 325 Medieval church 469 Sound 314-315 Spandrel
Renal 256 Ski pole 552 Slide brace 507 Neoclassical building Coastline 295 Gothic church 471
Superior sagittal 212 Skirting board 602 Slide locking lever 396 478-479 Musical notation 502 Islamic building
Sinus Borealis 69 Skis 552 Slide track 561 Renaissance building Soundboard 488-489
Sinus Irid um 40 Skull Slide valve 590 474 Acoustic guitar 513 Neoclassical building
Siphon Acanthostega 80 Sliding bed 447 Soda lite 269 Concert grand piano 482
Octopus 176-177 Alligator 186 Sliding curtain 329 Sodium 35, 58 515 Nineteenth-century

building 495 Volleyball 334 Spirketting 381 Toaster 599 Staircase turret 468 Sun 32-35
Renaissance building Spiky cupule 150 Spirogyra sp. 117 Spring and chassis unit Stairs 477 Star scanner 615
474 Spinal column 258 Spit 291 337 Stair tool 593 Star-shaped parenchyma
Spanish bowline 389 Spinal cord Splayed window-sill 475, Spring balance 320 Stairway 489 135
Spar Bird 189 482 Springboard diving 558 Stalactites 284-285 Star-shaped sclereids 159
BAe-146 jetliner Bony fish 181 Spleen Spring/muffler unit 365 Stalagmites 284-285 Stars of northern skies
components 415 Chimpanzee 202 Bony fish 181 Springing point 467, Stalagmitic boss 284 18-19
BE 2B tail 405 Dogfish 179 Chimpanzee 202 484-485 Stalagmitic floor 284 Stars of southern skies
Concorde, the 417 Dolphin 205 Domestic cat 195 Spring line 292 Stalk 20-21
Pegasus Quasar Domestic cat 195 Elephant 200 Spring perch 338 Algae 116 Starter 339, 558
ultralight 427 Elephant 200 Frog 182 Spring petiole 160 Barnacle 173 Starter cog 336
Spare tire 337, 339 Human 212, 217, 225, Human 215, 249 Spring shock absorber Dicotyledons 127 Starter motor
Spare wheel well 341 256, 258, 261 Splenic artery 255 338-339 Flower 140 Hawker Tempest
Spark plug 342-343, 410 Lizard 185 Splicing fid 383 Spring tides 296-297 Fungi 114-115 components 408
Spark plug cap 366 Rabbit 196 Splint bone 198 Spring-trap mechanism Liverwort 118 Mid West twin-rotor
Spark plug hole 346 Spinal ganglion 223, 238, Splinter bar 335 160 Monocotyledons 128 engine 411
Spark plug lead 344 243 Splintery fracture 270 Spring washer 601 Moss 112, 119 Renault Clio 351
Spar trunnion 409 Spinal nerve 223, 238 Split flap 406 Spring wood xylem 134 Pitcher plant 113 Volkswagen Beetle 340
Spat 426-427 Spindle 601 Split line 151 Sprint races 560 Seaweed 117 Starter ring 345
Spathe 145 Spine Split-open pollen sac 144 Sprinting 542 Stem succulent 113 Starling block 558
Horsetails 120 Aechmea miniata 162 Split rudder 421, 572 Sprilsail 378 Water lily 159 Starting handle 336-337,
Spawn 182-185, 192 Barberry 130-131 Spoiler 546, 349 Sprit yard 376 Stalked barnacle 173 338, 343
Speaker Bromeliad 113 Spoiler anchorage 413 Sprocket 358, 366 Stalked secretory glands Starling line (100m) 542
Digital video 583 Calligraphy character Spoiler arm 414 Spruce 513 161 Start print button 575
Electronic music 445 Spoke Spruce beam 560 Stalk scar 123 Stale room 392
system 521 Cnidoeyte 167 Bicycle wheel 358-359 Sprung chassis 334 Stall warning vane 412 Static air-pressure plate
Headphones 586 Diatom 116 Bordino Steam Carriage Spunyarn 388 Stamen remains 146-147, 412
System unit 567 Drvland plants 156 335 Spun yarn serving 383 150 Static discharge wick 406
Speaker assembly 580 Golden barrel cactus 156 Eddy Merckx racing Spur 169 Stamens 140-143 Static electricity 316
Speaker plug 591 Hemal 180 bicycle 361 Spur gear 574 Anther 140-143 Stationary gear’ 346-347,
Speak key 590 Herbaceous flowering Etching press 447 Spurious wing 191 Dicotyledon flower 411
Spear 382 plants 128-129 Paddle wheel 391 Squadron code 409 126-127 Slalor 410
Spear head 109 Human 218, 222-223 Ship’s wheel 390 Squamala 184 Fertilization 146-147 Statue 472, 478
Specimen 610, 611 Mahonia 130-131 Spoked wheel Squamosal bone 183 Filament 140-145 Statue creation 455
Specimen airlock 611 Modern jetliners 413, Bievcle 358-359 Squamous suture 220 Insect-pollination 144 Statuette 476, 481
Specimen stage 610, 611 415 Pacing sulky 555 Squainulose lichens 114 Monocotyledon flower Status indicator 577
Spectral absorption lines Neural 180 Spoke guard 358 Squamulose thallus 114 126 Staurikosaurus 69
22-23 Sea urchin 174 Spoke nipple 361 Square 622 Rose 131 Stay 325, 392
Spectral type 22-23 Starfish 174 Sponge roller 442 Square cut 538 Stamp 445 Staysail 378, 383
Specular hematite 268 Spine end fairing 421 Sponges 166-167 Square knot 388 Stance “Stealth” bomber 420-421
Speech 237 Spinner Fossils 279 Square leg 538 Dinosaurs 82 Steam 275, 507
Speed ARV light aircraft Spongocoel 166 Square-leg umpire 558 Hominids 108 Locomotives 324, 325
Forces 320 424-425 Spongy bone 224 Square masonry 465 Westlothiana 81 Nuclear power station
Gearbox 366 Hawker Tempest Spongy mesophyll 126, Square rib 486 Stanchion 373, 393 314
Speedball nib 444 components 408 139 Square-rigged ship 375 Standard 554 Oil-fired power station
Speedometer 362 Hawker Tempest Spongy tissues 156 Square sail 374, 378, 384 Standardized horse 554, 315
Speedometer drive 565 fighter 409 Spool 562 Square-section steel 555 Steam barrel 594
Sperm 258-259 Lockheed Electra Spoon 560 tubing 364 Standard European paper Steamboat with paddle
Spermatheca airliner 407 Spoon-shaped tooth 91 Square-section tire 362, 445 wheels 391
Snail 177 Turbofan engine 418 Sporangia 120-121 369 Standard knee 381 Steam car 334, 342
Spider 170 Spinneret 170-171 Sporangiophore 120 Squash 544, 545 Standby pitot head Steam chest 334
Sperm cell 217, 607 Spinner mounting disc Sporangium 79 Squeegee 448 416-417 Steam chest pressure
Sperm duct 195 406 Spore-case 79 Squid 176 Standing block 382 gauge 325
Spermoviduct 177 Spinning lure 562 Spore-producing Squinch 466 Standing lug mizzen 385 Steam condenser 397
Sperm whale 204-205 Spinose-dentate margin structures Squirrel 196-197 Standing part Steam control knob 394
Sperry-ball gun turret 129 Fern 121 Squirrel hair brush 458 Hawser bend 387 Steam dome 325
408 Spinous process 222-223 Fungi 114-115 Squirrel mop wash brush Rigging 382-383 Steam engine 390-391
Sphenethmoid bone 183 Spiny anteaters 206 Lichen 114 438 Single sheet bend 387 Steam generator 314
Sphenoidal fontanelle 220 Spiny leaflets 130-131 Moss 112 SST 416-417 Standing position 348 Steam grating 380
Sphenoidal sinus 212, Spiracle Spores St. John’s wort 145 Standing rigging 382-385 Steam iron 594
245 Acanthostega 80 Clubmoss 120 St. Basil’s Cathedral 487 Standoff half 530 Steam launch 394
Sphenoid bone 220 Caterpillar 169 Fern 120-121 St. Paul’s Cathedral Stapes 242 Steam locomotive 324,
Sphenopsids 279 Spider 170 Fungi 114-115 Arch 484 Staple 449 325
Sphenopteris latiloba 72 Spiral arm Horsetail 120 Baroque style 478, Starbirlh region 16 Steam pipe 334-335
Sphere 623 Galaxies 12-15 Lichen 114 480-481 Starboard side 374 Steam pipework 397
Spherical umbel 145 Milky Way 14 Liverworts 118 Dome 480, 486-487 Starch grains 139 Steam-powered Cugnol
Spheroid 623 Spiral ganglion 243 Mosses 1 18-119 Old 470, 472 Chlamydomonas sp. “Fardier” 334
Sphincter muscle Spiraling clouds 302 Mushroom 115 Stabilizer 397, 548 116 Steam release activator
Anal 249 Spiraling low-pressure Sporophores 114-115 Stabilizer-bar weight 422 Orchid root 133 594
Iris 241 cells 302 Sporophyles Stabilizer fin 396 Star clusters 16-17, 615 Steam whistle 392
Pyloric 249 Spiraling rain 305 Clubmoss 120 Stable elements 310, 311 Objects in universe 11 Steel 492
Sea anemone 167 Spiraling winds 302-305 Fern 120-121 Stack 295 Our galaxy and nearby Steel and concrete floor
Urelhral 257 Spiral scroll 460 Horsetail 120 Staff 377, 396 galaxies 14 498
Sphyrna Iewini 179 Spiral spring 449 Liverworts 118 Stage 477, 495 Star coral 167 Steel and titanium skin
Spica 18, 21 Spiral staircase 472, 476 Moss 112, 118-119 Stage-door 477 Star drag 562 416
Spicule 32, 33 Spiral tubes 342 Sports tire 365 Stained glass 470 Star dune 283 Steel beater 517
Spieules 166 Spiral valve 179 Sports wheel 340 Stainless steel cover 599 Starfish 174-175 Steel brace 493
Spider Spiral wrack 116 Sprag clutch 410 Staircase Fossil 79 Steel column 497-498
Arachnid 170-171 Spire Spray and steam knobs Ancient Roman Star formation in Orion Steel floor-plate 497
Bicycle 338, 360 Asian building 490-491 594 building 465 24 Steel frame 360, 364
Spider seat 334 Gothic church 470-471, Spray barrel 594 Baroque church 481 Starling 467 Steel girder framework
Spigot 387 475 Spray nozzle 594 Gothic church 470, 472 Star magnitudes 22 314
Spike Medieval building 466, Spray pump 594 Medieval building 466 Stars 22-25, 613 Steel lattice-beam 497
Aechmea miniata 162 468 Spreader 561 Modern building Massive stars 26-27 Steel lock 360
Dodder 163 Ninetee nth-century Spring 496-497, 499 Milky Way 14-15 Steel mullion 494
Double bass 511 building 493 Lakes and Neoclassical building Neutron stars and black Steel point 432
Flower 143 Renaissance building Groundwater 292 483 holes 28-29 Steel rails 330
Grape hyacinth 155 476-477 Motorcycle 366 Renaissance building Small stars 24-25 Steel-reinforced concrete
Thyreophorans 92-93 Spirit lamp 454 Power drill 600 474-477 Star clusters 16, 613 494

Steel sleeper 330 Kedrostis africana 113 Single scull 560 Monocotyledon leaf 126 Stretches 555 Pollination 144-145
Steel wheel 340, 350-351 Live-forever 128-129 Viking ships 374-375 Photosynthesis role Striated effect 442 Rowan fruit 131
Steeple 471, 481 Liverwort 118 Wooden sailing ship 138-139 Striation 46 Style of the gnomon 377
Steeplechase 554 Maidenhair tree 123 378 Pine needle 124 Strike Style remains
Steep ridge 283 Maple 127 Stern quarter gallery 379 Wetland plants 158 Baseball 536 Dry fruit 150-151
Steerboard side 374 Monocotyledons 126-127 Stern rope 387 Stone Baseball umpire signal Fruit development
Steerer tube 359 Moss 119 Stern section 392 Succulent fruits 148 537 146-147
Steering 350, 364 Parasitic plants 163 Sternum Lithographic printing Slope structure 60 Succulent fruit 148-149
Steering actuator 416 Passion flower 130 Bird 189 446, 448 Striker 524 Stylet 167
Steering arm 338-339 Peach 131 Domestic cat 195 Sculpture 452 Strike-slip fault 61 Stylobate 460
Steering box assembly 340 Perennials 130-131 Elephant 201 Stone canal 174, 175 Strike-slip fault lake 293 Styloglossus muscle 244
Steering column Sago palm 123 Hare 197 Stone plate 446, 448 Strike zone 536 Styloid process 220, 243
Benz Motorwagen 335 Strawberry 128 Horse 199 Stony-iron meteorite 52 Strindberg 35 Styracosaurus 102, 103
Ford Model T 339 String of hearts 157 Human 218 Stony meteorite 52 String Subacute leaf apex 136-137
Renault Clio 350 Vegetative reproduction Kangaroo 206 Stop lamp assembly 352 Acoustic guitar 512-513 Subarachnoid space 237
Volkswagen Beetle 341 154-155 Seal 204 Stop signal 330 Cello 511 Subclavian artery 215,
Steering gear 392 Water fern 158 Stern walk 395 Stopwatch 524 Concert grand piano 251, 253
Steering gearbox 339 Welwitschia 123 Stibnite 268 Storage locker 572 515 Subclavian vein 253
Steering head 335 Woody plants 130-131 Stick insect 192 Storage organs Double bass 511 Subduction 58
Steering idler 340 Woody stem 134 Stiff brush 436 Bulb 155 Electric guitar 513 Subduction zone 281
Steering knuckle 338 Yew 123 Stifle 198 Corm 155 Harp 511 Subframe 351
Steering link 335 Stem bases Stigma Rhizome 155 Upright piano 514 Subgenital pit 167
Steering oar 374 Bulbil 155 Damselfly 168 Scale leaf 155 Viola 511 Subglacial stream 287
Steering pump pulley 344 Guzmania lingulata Dicotyledon flower Seed 152 String arm 511 Sublimation 307
Steering rack 335, 350 162-163 126-127 Succulent tissue String course Sublingual fold 245
Steering spindle 336 Stem branch 129 Fertilization 146-147 156-157 Ancient Roman Sublingual gland 244-245
Steering stop 425 Stem bulbils 155 Flower 140-143 Swollen stem 113, 155 building 465 Submandibular gland 244
Steering tie-rod 340 Stem cambium 126 Pollination 144-145 Tubers 128, 155 Cathedral dome 487 Submarine 396-397
Steering tiller 334-335, Stem cells 606, 607 Stigma remains 146-147, Underground 154-155 Medieval building Submarine canyon 298
337 Stem head 376 150-151 Storage unit 573 466-467 Submerged atoll 299
Steering track-rod 337 Stempost Stilt 494 Store button 521 Nineteenth-century Submerged glacial
Steering wheel 74-gun ship 381 Stilted arch 468 Stores pylon 420-421 building 493 valleys 294-295
1906 Renault 337 Dhow 376 Sting 170 Stork 188 Stringed instruments 510, Submerged river valleys
Ford Model T 338-339 Longboat 380 Stinging cells 166 Storm 303 511 294
Renault Clio 350, 353 Sailing warship 376 Stinkhorn 114 Straddle wire 358, 359 Guitar 512, 513 Subopercular bone 181
White Steam Car 342 Viking ships 374-375 Stipe 114-115, 116-117 Straight 555 Orchestral Substitutions 532, 550
Steering wiffletree 337 Stem projections 156 Stippled effect 442 Straight four cylinder arrangement 504, 505 Substomatal chamber 139
Stegoceras 100-101 Stem segments 129 Stipule arrangement 345 Strings Substrate 112
Stegosauria 83 Stem succulents 113, Begonia 129 Straight gouge 452 Guitar 512-513 Substratum 115
Stegosaurus 71, 92 156-157 Everlasting pea 129 Straight handlebar 361 Racket 544 Subsurface current 297
Steib chair 362 Stem tubers 128, 154 Passion flower 130 Strake Violin 510 Subtropical jet stream 300
Stela 459 Stencil 446 Rose 131 Concorde 416-417 Strix aluco 190 Subwoofer 586
Stele Step Seedling leaf 152 Ironclad 393 Strobili 120 Succulent fruits 148-149,
Dicotyledons 127 74-gun ship 381 St. John’s wort 145 Roman corbita 372 Stroke judge 558 150
Monocotyledons 127 ARV light aircraft 424 Strawberry 128 Viking ships 374-375 Stroke play 546 Bramble 130
Root 132-133 BE 2B bomber 404 Stirrup Strapontin 337 Strokes 546 Development 146-147
Stellar core 17 Blériot XI monoplane Crossbow 548 Strap-shaped leaf 162 Stroke-side oar 560 Peach 131
Stellar spectral absorption 401 Ossicles of middle ear Strata 276 Stroma 139 Rowan 131
lines 22-23 Medieval building 467 242 Faults and folds 60-61 Stroma thylakoid 139 Succulent leaves 128,
Stellate parenchyma 135 Modern building 499 Saddle 555 Sedimentary rocks 276 Strongylocentrotus 157
Stem 134-135 Neoclassical building Stoa 460 Stratocumulus cloud 302 purpuratus 175 Succulent plants 156-157
Aechmea miniata 162 483 Ancient Roman Stratosphere Strontium 310 Succulents 112
Asteroxylon 79 Steam-powered Cugnot building 463, 465 Earth’s atmosphere Strop 383 Leaf 157
Bamboo 131 334 Islamic building 488 300-301 Strut Stem 156-157
Barberry 130-131 Twentieth-century Stock Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 Dome 484, 486 Stem and root 157
Battleship 394 building 495 74-gun ship 380 Mars’ atmosphere 43 Gothic building 473 Trailing stem 157
Begonia 129 Wooden sailing ship Danforth anchor 386 Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Marble sculpture Succulent stem 129
Bishop pine 124-125 378 Roman anchor 372 Stratum basale 235 support 453 Sucker
Brassavola nodosa 162 Stephenson, Robert 324 Stockless anchor 386 Stratum corneum 235 Neoclassical building Lamprey 178
Bromeliad 113 Stepped roof 481 Stöfler 40 Stratum granulosum 235 479 Octopus 176
Broomrape 163 Stepped stempost 375 Stoker’s seat 334 Stratum spinosum 235 Paddlesteamer 390 Sucking stomach 170
Calligraphy character Stepped sternpost 375 Stolons 154 Stratus cloud 302 Timpanum 519 Suction reduction control
445 Sterile hairs 117, 119 Stomach Strawberry 128, 150 Strut insert 340 593
Canadian pond weed Sterile ray 119 Barnacle 173 Straw butt 549 Struthio camelus 188 Sugar
158-159 Sterile ray floret 142 Bird 189 Streak 270-271 Egg 193 Fermentation 312
Chusan palm 130 Sterile shoot 120 Bony fish 181 Stream Struthiolaria 279 Formation 138
Clubmoss 120 Sterile whorl 116 Chimpanzee 202 Glaciers 286-287 Struthiomimus 84, 87 Photosynthesis 315
Corallina officinalis 117 Stern Cow 198 Groundwater system Stub axle 424 Transport 139
Couch grass 113 74-gun ship 381 Crayfish 173 293 Stud Sulcus terminalis 244
Crab cactus 129 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Dogfish 179 Spring examples 292 Ancient Roman mill 464 Sulfates 269, 296
Dicotyledons 126-127 Kayak 560, Dolphin 205 Streamed internet radio Gothic building 473 Sulfides 268
Dodder 163 Sailing dinghy 561 Domestic cat 195 on-screen display 577 Mid West single rotor Sulfur 39, 268
Eddy Merckx racing Wooden sailing ship Elephant 200 Streamed internet video engine 410 Periodic table 311
bicycle 361 378-379 Frog 182 on-screen display 577 Studding sail boom 378 Sulfur dioxide 37
Epiphytes 162-163 Sterna hirundo 193 Human 214, 248 Streamlined spinner 407 Studding sail yard 378 Sulfuric acid 36-37
Everlasting pea 129 Sternal artery 173 Jellyfish 167 Strengthening tissue Studio Elvira 495 Sulfurous gases 273
Florists’ Sternal bone 96, 102 Lizard 185 Fern rachis 121 Study 477 Sulky 554-555
chrysanthemum 129 Stern balustrade 373 Octopus 176 Horsetail stem 120 Stuffing box 390 Sumatra 265
Flower arrangements Stern carving 381 Babbit 196 Marram grass 113 Stump Sumigi 490
143 Stern framing 392 Ruminants 198 Monocotyledon leaf Coastline 295 Summer petiole 160
Golden barrel cactus Stern gallery 397 Snail 177 126 Wicket 538 Summit caldera 42
156 Stern lantern 379 Starfish 174 Stems 134-135 Stupa 490-491 Sump 343, 344-345
Guzmania lingulata Sternocleidomastoid Tortoise 187 Water lily leaf 159 Stupica 491 Sump pan 354
162-163 muscle 226-227, 229 Stomach throw 556 Stress 61 Sturgeon 180 Sun 32-33, 38
Hogweed 129 Sternohyoid muscle 229 Stomata Stretcher Style 140-143 Atmosphere 301
Horsetail 120 Sternpost Dryland plants 156-157 Brickwork 485 Fertilization 146-147 Comet tails 48
Ice-plant 128-129 Greek galley 372 Golden barrel cactus Nineteenth-century Monocotyledon flower Earth’s energy 314
Iron paddlesteamer 393 Roman corbita 373 156 building 492 126 Electromagnetic
Ivy 131 Sailing warship 377 Haworthia truncata 157 Single scull 560 Pitcher plant 113 radiation 314-315

Energy emission from Supporter 381 Swell pedal 514 Tabular habit 271 Tailplane Elephant 201
Sun 22 Supporting tissue Swell stop 514 Tacan aerial 420 Airbus 380 572 Frog 183
Light 318 Bishop pine stem 125 Swept titanium fan blades Tachybaptus ruficollis 190 ARV light aircraft 424 Hare 197
Milky Way 14 Dicotyledon leaf 126 572 Tack 375 BAe-146 jetliner 415 Horse 199
Objects in universe 11 Stems 134-135 Swifting tackle 377 Tackling BK 2B tail 405 Kangaroo 206
Oceans and seas Supraesophageal Swim bladder 178, Australian rules football Biplanes and triplanes Lizard 184
296-297 ganglion 173 180-181 528, 529 402-403 Platypus 206
Ozone formation 64 Supraoccipital bone 181 Swimmeret 172 Football 526 Blackburn monoplane Rhesus monkey 202
Solar eclipse 32 Supraoccipital crest 84 Swimming 558, 559 Rugby 531 401 Seal 204
Solar system 30-31 Supraorbital fissure 221 Swimming pool 558 Soccer 524 Blériot XI monoplane Tarsiers 202
Stars 22-23 Supraorbital foramen 221 Swimwear 558 Tactical air navigation 401 Tarsomere 13
Sun blind 573 Supraorbital margin 213, Swingarm 364, 368 (Tacan) aerial 420 Curtiss biplane 399 Tarsometatarsus 189
Sundew 160 220, 221 “Swing-wings” 420 Tadpoles 182-183, 192 Hawker Tempest 409 Tarsus
Sundial 376, 377 Supraorbital notch 213 Switch 316 Taenia 460 Lockheed Electra Beetle 168
Sunflower 140, 142, 145 Supraorbital ridge Switchboard room 397 Taenia colica 249 airliner 407 Bird 188
Sunken stoma 157 Chimpanzee 202 Switch end casting Taffrail 378, 381 Schleicher glider 426 Human 219
Sunlight and Stegaceras 100 598-599 Tail Tailplane fairing 415 Scorpion 170
photosynthesis 138 Styracosaurus 102 Switch gear 314 Amphibian 182 Tailplane root 409 Spider 171
solar power 605 Suprarenal gland 257 Swivel becket 382 Anchisaurus 89 Tailplane tip 407, 415 Tas-de-charge 469
Sun roof 341 Suprarenal vein 257 Swivels BE 2B bomber 404 Tailrace 314 Tasmanian devil 207
Sun scoop 498 Suprascapula 183 Mooring and anchoring Caiman 187 Tail rod 390 Taste 244
Sun sensor 614 Suprasternal notch 211 386 Calligraphy character Tail rotor 422-423 Taste bud 244
Sunspots 32-33 Surangular bone 102 Angling 562, 563 445 Tail-rotor drive shaft 422, Tau Orionis 18
Sun visor 350, 353 Surcingle loop 555 Swivel suspension ring Corythosaurus 98 423 Taurus 19, 20
Supai group 277 Surface areas 623 377 Crocodilians 186 Tail rotor gearbox 423 Taurus mountains 77
Superclusters 10 Surface currents 296-297 Swollen leaf base 154-155 Deer hopper dry fly Tail shield 78 Tau Sagittarii 21
Supercooling 307 Surface deposits 273 Swollen stem base 563 Tailskid Tawny owl 190
Supercool liquid 306-307 Surface layer 293 Guzmania lingulata Dolphin 205 ARV light aircraft 424 Taxiing light 414, 420
Superficial peroneal Surface ocean current 296 163 Dunkeld wet fly 563 Avro triplane 403 Taxus baccata 70, 123
nerve 238 Surface streams 284 Kedrostis africana 113 87 BE 2B bomber 405 Tea clipper 392
Superficial skeletal Surface temperature 39 Oxalis sp. 157 Hare 196 Blackburn monoplane Team crest 531
muscles 226-227 Stars 22 Swollen stem 154-155 Hawker Tempest 400-401 Team jersey 529
Superfluid neutrons 28 Structure of main Sword 556-557 components 409 LVG CVI fighter 405 Team name 533
Super-giant slalom sequence star 24 Sycamore 131, 150-151 Herrerasaurus 86 Tail spike 92 Tear fault 61
(Super-G) skiing 552 Structure of Mars 43 Sycamore beam 560 Horse 198 Tail spine 79 Technetium 310
Supergiant stars Structure of Mercury 35 Syconium 148 Ichthyostega 80 Tail unit 368 Technosaurus 69
Massive stars 26 Structure of Neptune 51 Syenite 275 Iguanodon 96 Tailwheel Tee 546
Stars 22-23 Structure of red giant Symbiosis Iguanodonts 96 Avro biplane 402 Teeing ground 546
Stellar black hole 29 25 Lichens 114 Kangaroo 206 B-17 bomber 408 Tee peg 547
Supergranule 33 Structure of red Mycorrhizal association Lion 195 Hawker Tempest Teeth
Superheater 325 supergiant 26 133 Lizard 184-185 fighter 409 Ankylosaurus 92
Superior articular facet Structure of Venus 37 Symbols Lungfish 81 Lockheed Electra Bear 106
222 Sun 33 Biology 591 Monkey 202 airliner 407 Caiman 186
Superior articular process Surface terrain 284 Chemistry 591 Ornithopods 96 Schleicher glider 426 Canine 194, 202
222-223 Surface vegetation 282 Communication 108 Pachycephalosaurus Tailwheel leg 401 Carnassial 194
Superior concha 212 Surface winds 300 Mathematics 591 100 Takeoff and landing skid Carnivores 194
Superior laryngeal nerve Surrogate mother 607 Music 502, 503 Prehensile 202 398 Ceratopsian 100
244 Surround sound 584 Physics 591 Rabbit 196-197 Takla Makan Desert 265 Cheek 194
Superior longitudinal Surround sound special Symphony orchestra 504, Rat 196 Talc 270-271 Chimpanzee 202
muscle 245 effect plug-in 521 505 Rattlesnake 185 Tallow coating 379 Crocodilians 186
Superior meatus 245 Surveillance RADAR 397 Synapsid reptile skull 67 Rigging 382-383 Talonavicular ligament Extinct shark 67
Superior mesenteric Suspended erratic 286 Synaptic knob 228, 239 Salamander 182 232 Hadrosaur 96
artery 253, 256 Suspension Synaptic vesicle 239 Sauropodomorpha 88 Talons 188 Hominid 108
Superior mesenteric trunk “Deltic” diesel-electric Sync port 587 Schweizer helicopter Talus 282-283 Horse 105
257 locomotive 327 Syncarpous gynoecium 423 Talus bone 232 Human 246-247
Superior mesenteric vein Motocross racing 368 140 Scorpion 170 Tamarins 202, 203 Iguanodont 96
253 Motorcycle 364 Synchiropus splendidus Ski 552-553 Tambourine 504, 518 Incisor 194, 196, 201,
Superior nasal concha Ultralight 426 ‘ 180 Stegoceras 101 Tam-tam 504, 516 202
245 Suspension arm 350-351 Synchronized elevator 423 Stegosaurus 93 Tandem wings 402 Lamprey 178
Superior oblique muscle Suspension linkage 362 Syncline 60, 61, 62 Tadpole 183 Tank 392 Leaf-shaped 88-89
241 Suspension spring 350 Synclinorium 61 Triceratops 102 Tank drain tap 407 Molar 194, 201, 202
Superior orbital fissure Suspension strut 340, 351 Synergid nucleus 147 Tyrannosaurus 84 Tank inspection access Ornithopod 96
221 Suspension top mount Synsacrum 189 Westlothiana 81 417 Premolar 194, 202
Superior ramus of pubis 340 Synthesizer 520 Tail area 78 Tank support 339 Rabbit 196
224, 257 Sustaining pedal 514, 515 Synthetic brush 436, 438 Tail boom 423 Tantalum 310 Rodents 196
Superior rectus muscle Suture 202 Synthetic flax 384 Tail bud 260 Tantalus Fossae 43 Theropod 84
241 Su-wei 376 Synthetic hog hair brush Tail bumper 417 Tapeats sandstone 277 Thyreophoran 92
Superior sagittal sinus Suzuki RGV500 368, 369 442 Tail club 95 Tapir 198 Venus fly trap 160
212, 237 Swab hitch 387, 389 Synthetic materials 306 Tail cone 416-417, 418 Tappet 343 Teeth development 246
Superior thyroid artery Swallow 383 Synthetic polymer 306 Tailcone fairing 572 Tappet adjustor 367 Tegenaria gigantea 171
244 Swallow-hole 284 Synthetic resin 442 Tail crest 187 Tap root 128 Telephone line 576
Superior vena cava 215, Swamp 290-291 Synthetic ropes 388 Taileron 420-421 Tarantula Nebula 26-27 Telescope, space 612-613
251, 252-253, 255 Swan neck ornament 373 Synthetic sable brush 442 Tail fairing 409 Large Magellanic Cloud Telescopic fork
Supernova Swash plate 344 Synthetic strings 544, 545 Tail feathers 188 12 Harley-Davidson FLHS
Massive stars 26-27 Swash zone 294 Synthetic wash brush 438, Tail fluke 205 Tarantulas 170-171 Electra Glide 363
Nebulae and star S waves 63 442 Tailgate 348 Target areas 556, 557 Honda CB750 363
clusters 16 Sweat duct 235 Syria Planum 42, 43 Tail gunner’s Target hole 546 Honda VF750 364
Neutron stars and black Sweat gland 234-235 System display 573 compartment 408 Target pistol 548, 549 Husqvarna Motocross
holes 29 Sweat pore 234-235 Systems connector 413 Tail-gun turret 408 Target shooting 548, 549 TC610 368
Supernova remnant Sweep rowing 560 System unit 567 Taillight Tarn 293 Motorcycle 364
Nebulae and star Sweep-rowing boat 561 BMW R /60 362 U-shaped valley Suzuki RGV500 368
clusters 16-17 Sweeping low throw 556 Harley-Davidson FLHS formation 287 Weslake Speedway
X-ray image of Crab Sweet chestnut 136, 144, T Electra Glide 362 Tarsal bone motorcycle 369
Nebula 28 150 Honda CB750 363 Albertosaurus 84 Telescopic muffler 326,
Supersonic flight 416 Sweetgum 76 Tabernacle 463, 474, 476 Vespa Grand Sport 160 87 329
Supersonic jetliners Sweet pea 128 Tab hinge 415 Mark 1 363 Iguanodon 97 Telescopic sight 548, 549
416-417 Sweet potato 154 Tablet computer 568-569 Tailpiece 510, 511 Tarsals Telescopic strut 416
Supersonic transport Swell manual 514 Tablet flower 488, 491 Tail-pin 510 Crocodile 186 Television 315
416-417 Swell of muzzle 395 Tabling 372, 384 Tail pipe 340 Domestic cat 195 Telltale 545

Tellurium 311 Tenor joint 508 Testicular vein 257 Third man 538, 541 Judo 556 Bordino Steam Carriage
Tellus Regio 36, 37 Tenor mule 507 Test is Third rail 328 Structure of a fault 60 334
Tellus Tessera 37 Tenor note strings 515 Barnacle 173 Third stage motor 615 Thrower 394 Musical notation 502,
Telson 172 Tenor saxophone 509 Dolphin 205 Thirteenth century Throw-in 532 505
Fossil 79 Tenor voice 502 Domestic cat 195 Building 467, 469-471 Thrushes 188 Tie-beam
TEM 610, 611 Tension Human 259 Style 470 Thrust 543 Ancient Roman mill 464
Tempe Fossae 43 Drums 518 Rabbit 196 Thirty-five mm file strip Thruster cluster 615 Dome 486
Tempera 432, 433 Faults and folds 60-61 Test tube 313 holder 570 Thrust fault 61 Gothic church 473
Temperate latitudes 302 Mountain building 62 Tetanurae 83 Thistle funnel 313 Thrust plate 601 Neoclassical building
Temperature Tension column 497 Tethus Regio 36 Thole pin 380 Thrust-reverser 421 479
Atmosphere 300-301 Tension control 552 Tethys 46 Thoracic cavity 255 Thulium 311 Tie plate 393
Chemical reactions Tension key 518, 519 Tethys Sea Thoracic leg 169 Thumb 211, 230-231 Tierceron 485
312-313 Tension member 499 Cretaceous period 73 Thoracic nerve 238 Thumb-claw Tie rod 334, 340
Formation of black hole Tension pulley 360 Jurassic period 71 Thoracic pleurae 78 Anchisaurus 89 Tiger seat 334
29 Tension rod 518, 519 Tertiary period 74, 75 Thoracic segment 79 Apatosaurus 83 Tiger shark 178-179
Germination 152 Tension screw 518 Triassic period 69 Thoracic vertebrae Baryonyx 83, 85 Tight end 526
Matter 306-307 Tensor fasciae latae Tetragonal system 270 Crocodile 186 Massospondylus 83, 89 Tight-head prop 530
Mineral resources 280 muscle 226 Tetrahedron 623 Domestic cat 195 Plateosaurus 88 Tile
Oceans and seas 296 Tensor tympani muscle Tetralophodon 75, 104 Hare 197 Thumbhole 384 Dome 486
Stellar black hole 29 243 Text 444 Horse 199 Thumb knot 389 Islamic mosque 488
Weather 302-303 Tentacle Textured papers 441 Human 222 Thumb piston 514 Modern building 499
Temperature and Coelentrates 166 Textured scraper 593 Kangaroo 206 Thumb-spike 96-97 Neoclassical building
pressure sensor 418 Jellyfish 167 TGV electric high-speed Platypus 206 Thwart 373, 375, 380 482
Temperature and steam Mollusks 176-177 train 329 Rhesus monkey 202 Thylakoid 139 Renaissance building
control dial 594 Scallop 176 Thalamian 373 Seal 204 Thymine 216 476-477
Temperature changes Sea anemone 166-167 Thalamus 236-237 Thoracolumbar vertebrae Thyreophora 83 Tiled roof 495
Atmosphere 301 Snail 177 Thalassiosira sp. 116 Elephant 201 Thyreophorans 92-93, Tilia sp. 134
Oceans and seas 296 Tenth century Thalictrum delavayi 137 Lizard 184 94-95 Tilia x europaea 143
Weathering and erosion Building 490 Thallium 311 Thorax Thyristor converter 328 Tiller
282 Style 468 Thalloid liverwort 118 Cirripedia 172 Thyrohyoid membrane Dhow 376
Temperature scales 621 Tepal scar 140 Thallus Human 211 244 First cars 334-335
Tempered pigment 432 Tepal Algae 116-117 Insects 168-169 Thyrohyoid muscle 229, Longboat 380
Temple 484-485 Flower parts 140, 143 Lichen 114 Thorium 310 244 Oldsmobile trim 337
Ancient Egyptian 458 Monocotyledons 126 Liverwort 118 Thornback ray 179 Thyroid cartilage 245, Roman corbita 373
Ancient Greek 460-461 Peruvian lily 129 Seaweed 116-117 Thoroughbred horse 554 255 Sailing dinghy 561
Ancient Roman 462-463 Terbium 311 T-handle auger 374 Thranite 373 Thyroid gland 214-215, Steamboat with paddle
Asian 490 Teres major muscle 227 Thar Desert 265 Thread 167 217, 244-245, 255 wheels 391
Temple blocks 516 Teres minor muscle 227 Tharsis Tholus 43 Three-blade main rotor Tibetan plateau 63 Viking ships 374-375
Temple Butte limestone Tergum plate 175 Thatched roof 477 423 Tibia Till and rotation
277 Egg 193 Thaumasia Fossae 43 Three-cylinder Anzani Archaeopteryx 85 Jupiter 44
Temple Cap sandstone Terminal box 317 The Big Dipper 19 engine 401 Beetle 168 Mars 42
276 Terminal bronchiole 254 Themis Regio 36 Three-cylinder engine Butterfly 169 Mercury 34
Temple of Amon-Re Terminal bud Therapeutic cloning 606 425 Crocodile 186 The Moon 40
458-459 Bishop pine 124 Theobroma cacao 148 Three-lobed stigma 143 Diplodocus 90 Neptune 50
Temple of Aphaia 461 Horse chestnut 130 Therapsids 104 Three-masted square- Domestic cat 195 Pluto 51
Temple of Athena Polias London plane 134 Thermal /electrical rigged ship 375 Elephant 201 Saturn 46
460 Rhizome 155 insulation 596, 597 Three-point line 532 Eryops 81 Uranus 48
Temple of Heaven 490 Root tuber 154-155 Thermal insulation 613 Three pounder 395 Gallimimus 86 Venus 36
Temple of Isis 459 Stems 134 Thermals 426 Three-toed ungulates 198 Hare 197 Timber 516
Temple of Mallikarjuna Stolon 154 Thermocouple bus-bar Threshold 463 Horse 199 Timber frame
491 Terminal ileum 249 419 Throat Human 219, 232-233 Ancient Roman
Temple of Neptune Terminal lake 286 Thermogram 214 Angling hook 562 Iguanodon 96-97 building 462, 464-465
460-461 Terminal moraine Thermosphere Bird 188 Kangaroo 206 Dome 486
Temple of Vesta 462-463 Glaciers 286 Earth’s atmosphere Danforth anchor 386 Lizard 184 Medieval building
Temple of Virupaksha Rivers 289 300 Human 212, 244-245 Parasaurolophus 99 466-467
490-491 Terminal pinna 136 Mars’ atmosphere 43 Lacrosse crosse 541 Plateosaurus 88 Renaissance building
Tempo 504 Terminal ring 259 Venus’ atmosphere 37 Racketball racket 545 Platypus 206 477
Temporal bone Terminus 286 Thermostat 411 Squash racket 545 Rhesus monkey 202 Timber head 380
Chimpanzee 202 Terrace Theropoda 83 Tennis racket 544 Scorpion 170 Timber rafter 492
Human 220-221, 242 Asian building 490-491 Theropods 84-87 Throatlatch 199 Seal 204 Timber trellis 603
Temporal lobe 257 Modern building Thesium alpinium 145 Throttle Spider 171 Time interval signal
Temporalis muscle 497-499 Theta1 Sagittarii 21 Avro triplane 402 Stegoceras 101 330
226-227, 229 Twentieth-century Theta Andromedae 19 Curtiss biplane 398 Stegosaurus 93 Timekeeper
Tendon building 494-495 Theta Pegasi 19 “Rocket” steam Struthiomimus 87 Basketball 532
Achilles 232-233 Terracotta clay 455 Thetis Regio 36 locomotive 324 Toxodon 107 Fencing contest 557
Annular 241 Terrain-following radar Thick skull 46 Suzuki RGV500 363 Triceratops 102 Handball 535
Calcanean 232-233 420 Thigh Vespa Grand Sport 160 Turtle 187 Judo contest 556
Extensor digitorum Terrapin 186-187 Anchisaurus 89 Mark 1 363 Tyrannosaurus 84 Lacrosse 541
longus 233 Terrestrial animal 74 Bird 188 Weslake Speedway Tibiale 183 Netball 535
Extensor digitorum 231 Terrestrial mammal 104 Corythosaurus 98 motorcycle 369 Tibial flexor muscle 97 Swimming 558
Extensor hallucis Terrigenous sediment 299 Gorilla 203 Throttle butterfly 345 Tibialis anterior muscle Time signature 502
longus 233 Tertiary bronchus 215 Horse 198 Throttle cable 350 226, 233 Time switch 598
Flexor digitorum 231, 87 Tertiary period 57, 74, 75 Human 211 Harley-Davidson FLHS Tibialis posterior muscle Time-trial bicycle 360
Palmaris longus 231 Fossil record 279 Iguanodon 96 Electra Glide 363 233 Time zones 618-619
Peroneus brevis 233 Tessellation 489 Kangaroo 207 Husqvarna Motocross Tibiofibula 183 Timing chain 343, 345
Tendril Tessera 450, 489 Lion 195 TC610 368 Tibiotarsus 189 Timing chest 343
Arabesque 480 Test 174-175 Psittacosaurus 103 Kirby BSA racing Tidal bulge 297 Timing gear 367
Clematis 130 Testa 152 Stegoceras 101 sidecar 369 Tidal currents 296-297, Timpani 503, 504, 505,
Dogfish egg 192 Dry fruit 150-151 Stegosaurus 92 Suzuki RGV500 369 298 518
Everlasting pea 129 Embryo development Triceratops 102 Weslake Speedway Tidal flow 296 Timpanum 519
Monkey cup 161 147 Tyrannosaurus 84 motorcycle 369 Tidal levels 295 Tin 311
Passion flower 130 Epigeal germination Thigh musculature 90 Throttle lever 419, 425 Tidal power 604 Mineralization zones
Tennis 544 153 Thigh pad 527 Throttle linkage Tidal river-mouth 295 281
Tennis racket 544 Hypogeal germination Thimble Ford Model T 338 Tidal scour 298 Squash 545
Tenon 152 Harness racing 555 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Tidal waves 58 Tinatin Planitia 37
Flax spinning mill 492 Succulent fruit seed Rigging 383, 384 Oldsmobile trim 337 Tides 294, 297 Tinted paper 441
Hull plank fastening 148-149 Third-century building Renault Clio 350 Tie Tip of dodder stem 163
373 Testicle 259 465 Throttle wheel 342 Basketball match 532 Tip ring 563
Tenor drum 518-519 Testicular artery 257 Third home 541 Throw Tip section 563

Tire Tone pattern selector 520 Torque tube assembly Elegance and utility Transverse colon 249 Triceps brachii muscle
1906 Renault 336-337 Tongs 321 425 336-337 Transverse dune 283 227
ARV light aircraft 424 Tongue Torrential rain 302 Ford Model T 338-339 Transverse foramen 222 Triceratops 100, 102-103
Avro triplane 402 Allosaurus 85 Torsional vibration Renault Clio 351 Transverse leaf spring 338 Trichome 156
BAe-146 jetliner 414 Caiman 186 muffler 410-411 Track shoe 543 Transverse line 535 Marram grass 113
Bicycle 358-359 Chimpanzee 202 Torsion bar 350 Traction motor 328 Transverse process Triclinic system 270
Blériot XI monoplane Corythosaurus 98 Tortillon 440, 441 Trade winds 300 Human 222-223 Tricolpate pollen grain
401 Cow 198 Tortoise 186 Traffic congestion 332 Plateosaurus 89 145
BMW R /60 362 Dolphin 205 Tortoise skull 77 Traffic surveillance 422 Tyrannosaurus 85 Tricuspid valve 251
Cannondale SH600 Domestic cat 195 Torus Tragus 242 Transverse rib 485 Triere 373
hybrid bicycle 361 Elephant 200 Ancient Roman Trailboard 379 Transverse strut 512 Trifid Nebula 16
Curtiss biplane 398 Human 212, 226, 244, building 463 Trailing arm 340 Trapezium 17, 622 Trifoliate leaves 128, 130
Double-decker tour bus 248 Asian building 490 Trailing edge Trapezium bone 230 Laburnum 137
355 Iguanodon 97 Dome 486 BAe-146 jetliner Trapezius muscle 226-227, Oxalis sp. 157
Eddy Merckx racing Lamprey 178 Gothic building 470 components 413, 414, 229 Triforium 469
bicycle 360 Lion 194 Medieval building 415 Trapezoid bone 230 Trigger
First cars 334-335 Rabbit 196 467-469 BE 2B tail 405 Traps Air pistol 549
General use 365 Rattlesnake 185 Renaissance building BE 2B wings 404 Butterwort 161 Biathlon smallbore rifle
Lockheed Electra Ski boot 552 475, 477 Hawker Tempest Cobra lily 160 549
airliner 407 T’on-wei 376 Shapes: solid 623 components 409 Monkey cup 161 Cnidocyte structure 167
MCW Metrobus 333 Tool and battery box 335 Total solar eclipse 32 Pegasus Quasar Pitcher plant 115, Trigger hair 160
Metal 324 Tool /brush-head Tote board 555 ultralight 426-427 160-161 Trigger mechanism 600
Motocross racing 368 connector 593 Touch-down 526 Trailing-link arm 414 Sundew 160 Trigger position 600
Motorcycle 365 Tool or wand cuff 593 Touch-in goal line 530 Trailing wheel 324 Venus fly trap 160 Triglyph 460
Pacing sulky 555 Tools Touch judge 530 Train equipment 330-331 Traveler 380 Trigon 488
Pneumatic 358, 555 Rigging 382-383 Touch line Training gear 396 Traveling 553 Trigonal system 270
Race car 356-357 Sailmaking 384 Rugby 530 Trains Travertine shell 464 Trigone 257
Renault Clio 352-353 Viking boatbuilding 374 Soccer 524 Diesel 326-327 Tray fascia 595 Trigonometry 621
“Rocket” steam Tooth Touchpad 566 Electric 328-329 Tread 477 Trike nacelle 426-427
locomotive 324 Acanthostega 80 Touchpiece 509 High-speed 328-329 Tread pattern 365 Trilete mark 145
Rossin Italian time-trial Anchisaurus 89 Touchscreen 568-569, Steam 324-525 Treasury of Atreus 461 Trilobate rotor 346
bicycle 361 Ankylosaurus 94 578-579, 587 Trams 332-333 Treble bridge 514 Tri-lobed tail 81
Single-decker bus 333 Arsinoitherium 104 Touch sensor 609 Transaxle 340 Treble clef 502 Trilobites 64, 78
Slick racing 365 Australopithecus 108 Tour buses 332 Transept Treble hook 562-563 Earth’s evolution 56
Suzuki RGV500 368-369 Baryonyx 83 Tour do César 466 Gothic church 470, 473 Treble note strings 515 Fossil record 279
Trials 365 Camarasaurus 91 Touring bicycle 360, 361 Medieval church Treble voice 502 Trim 352-353
Tubeless sports 365 Diplodocus 90 Tourmaline 269 468-469 Tree 66-67, 130-131 1906 Renault 356-357
Volkswagen Beetle 340 Dragon prowhead 374 Tower Transfer port 342 Energy storage 315 Oldsmobile trim 357
World War I aircraft Eryops 80 Ancient Roman Transformation 168 Epiphytes 162-163 Renault Clio 350-351
404-405 Euoplocephalus 94 building 465 Transformer 314, 328 Gymnosperms 122-125 Volkswagen Beetle 341
Tire carrier 357 Heterodontosaurus 83 Asian building 490-491 Transform fault 59 Tree fern 112-113 Trimala 491
Tire tread 360, 365, 368 Homo habilis 108 Clock 493 Transistor 584 Tree mallow 131 Trimtab 407, 414, 415
Tire wall 360 Human 108, 246-247, Gothic church 472 Transitional cell mucosa Tree root action 282 Trim tank 416-417
Tissue culture 607 248 Islamic building 488 257 Treenail 387 Trinity Chapel, Salisbury
Titan 614 Iguanodon 96 Medieval building Transition metals 310, 311 Trefoil Cathedral 470
Titania 48 Lambeosaurus 99 466-467, 468-469 Transit plug 397 Gothic church 470-473 Tripinnate leaves 137
Titanium 310 Moerithrium 105 Modern building Translucent crystal 271 Nineteenth-century Triplanes 402-403
Titanohyrax 74 Pastels application 440 496-497 Translucent impasto glaze building 493 Triple bar jump 554
Toad 182 Phiomia 105 Nineteenth-century 443 Trefoil arch 473, 484 Triple jump 542
Toadflax 129 Plateosaurus 88 building 492-493 Translucent white marble Trellis window 459 Triple spine 130-131
Toaster 598-599 Protoceratops 102 Renaissance building 453 Trellised river drainage Tripod mast 394
Toe Smilodon 107 476 Translucent “window” 157 288 Tripod stand
Albertosaurus 84 Triceratops 103 Twentieth-century Transmission 350-351 Trembler coil box 335 Congas 519
Anchisaurus 89 Tyrannosaurus 84 building 495 Transmission adaptor Trenail 387 Drum kit 518
Archacopteryx 85 Toothless beak Tower Bridge 492-493 plate 344 Trestle trees 378 Electronic drums 520
Bird 188 Ankylosaurs 92 Tower vault 469 Transmission electron Trevithiek, Richard 324 Modeling stand 455
Caiman 186-187 Corythosaurus 98 Towing fairlead 395 microscope (TEM) 610, Triac device 600 Radial studio easel 437
Corythosaurus 98 Euoplocephalus 94 Towing hook 335, 426 611 Trials tire 365 Tripping palm 386
Golf club 547 Gallimimus 86 Town Hall 495 Transmission system 326, Triangle Tripping ring 372
Gorilla 203 Theropods 84 Toxodon 76, 106, 107 366 Shapes: plane 622 Triquetral bone 230
Herrerasaurus 86 Triceratops 102 TPU connector 571 Transom Musical instrument Trireme 372-373
Human 211, 232-233 Topaz 271 Trabecula 250-251 74-gun ship 381 504, 517 Tri-spoke wheel 361, 368,
Iguanodon 96-97 Topcastle 373, 377 Trace fossils 278 Junk 376 Steamboat with paddle 369
Lion 194 Topgallant mast Tracery Longboat 380 wheels 391 Triton 50
Lizard 184 Battleship 395 Gothic building 470-473 North wing, Chateau de Triangle mosaic 489 Tri-wring screw 587
Pachycephalosaurus Sailing warship 377 Nineteenth-century Monlal 476 Triangular buttress 484 Trochanter
100 Wooden sailing ship building 493 Sailing warship 377 Triangular fossa 242 Beetle 168
Psittacosaurus 103 378-379 Trachea Transparency holder 570 Triangular horn 85 Scorpion 170
Stegoceras 101 Top hose 351 Bird 189 Transparent glassy crystal Triangular lesene 481 Spider 171
Tyrannosaurus 84 Topmast 377, 378 Brachiosaurus 91 271 Triangular pediment Trochlea
Toe clip 360 Topping lift 380 Chimpanzee 202 Transparent lower 462 Baryonyx 85
Toenail Topping-up valve 561 Dolphin 205 drumhead 518 Triangular-section Human 241
Elephant 200 Top-plate 464 Domestic cat 195 Transparent tissue 160 fuselage Trochoid housing 410
Gorilla 203 Top race 359 Elephant 200 Transparent wash 439 Avro triplane 403 Trojan two-stroke engine
Human 233 Topsail Gallimimus 86 Transpiration 136 Bell-47 helicopter 423 342
Toe piston 514 74-gun ship 379 Human 212, 215, Transponder aerial 423 Blackburn monoplane Trolley 332
Toe strap 358-359 Double topsail 244-245, 248, 255 Transportation lock 571 401 Trombone 504, 505, 506,
Toggle switch 513 schooner 385 Lizard 185 Transportation system 332 Triangulum 19, 20 507
Toilet 416, 485 Junk 376 Rabbit 196 Transport tissue Triangulum Australe 21 Tropeter 373
Tolstoj 35 Topset strata 283 Spider 170 Golden barrel cactus Triassic period 68-69 Trophoblast 260
Tomb 458-459, 489 Topside strake 393 Tortoise 187 156 Fossil record 279 Tropic formation 276
Tomb of Itimad-ud-daula Top sliding block 437 Trachelion 460 Monocotyledons 126 Geological time 57 Tropic of Cancer
489 Tornado GR1A 420-421 Trachycarpus fortunei 127, Photosynthesis 138- Triatic stay 385 Satellite map 265
Tomb of King Tjetji 459 Torosaurus 73 130 139 Tribune 467-468 Surface currents 297
Tombolo 294 Toroweap formation 276 Track 413 Transversary 377 Tributary Tropic of Capricorn
Tom-toms 518-519 Torpedo 394-397 Track control arm 340 Transverse arch 485 Coastlines 295 Satellite map 265
Tondo brush 434 Torque arm 364, 365 Track events 542, 543 Baroque church 479 Rivers 288 Surface currents 297
Tone editor control 520 Torquemeter mount 419 Track gauge 330, 331 Medieval church Tributary moraine 287 Tropical cyclone 302
Tonehole 509 Torque tube 338-339 Track rod 468-469 Tributary stream 289 Tropical orchids 162

Tropical rainforest 39, 66 Tupelo 137 Twin-wheel main landing Umbriel 48 Upper deck 380 User name 576
Troposphere Turbine gear 414 UMD drive ribbon cable Upper deck passenger U-shaped valley 286-287
Earth’s atmosphere 300 Energy 314-315 Twin-wheel nose-gear 379 door 573 Uterine wall 260-261
Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 Floodgate 604 417, 420 Umpire Upper deck windows 572 Uterus
Mars’ atmosphere 43 Jet engines 418-419 Twist 388 Badminton 545 Upper epidermis 159 Chimpanzee 202
Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Twist dive 558, 559 Baseball 536 Upper eyelid 213 Elephant 200
Venus’ atmosphere 37 Nuclear “Hunter-Killer” Twisted wire habit 271 Cricket 538 Upper fin 423 Human 258-259
Trout 180 submarine 397 Two-lobed stigma 142 Football 526 Upper finishing 381 Utricle 243
Trout angling 562 Turbo-charged diesel Two-pulley system 320 Hockey 540 Upper Frater 473 U-tube 313
Truck engine 327 Two-seater cockpit 421 Lacrosse 541 Upper gallery 379 Utzon, J. 499
Early tram 332 Turbocharger 356 Two-stroke combustion Netball 535 Upper head 387 Uvula 212, 245, 248
Greek galley 372 Turbofan engine 418-419 engine 366 Tennis 544 Upper jaw 212, 220-221,
Longboat 380 Landing gear 412 Two-toed ungulates 198 Volleyball 534 244-245, 246, 248
Wooden sailing ship Turbo impeller 347 Two-towered gate 467 Umpire signals 537 Upper jaw tusk 105
378-379 Turbojet engine 418-419 Tyagaraja 35 Una corda pedal 514, 515 Upper joint V
Trumpet 504, 506, 503 Landing gear 412 Tycho 40 Unarmed combat 556 Clarinet 508 V1 “flying bomb” 408
Truncate leaf base 137 Supersonic jetliner 416 Tye 377 Underarm pass 535 Cor Anglais 508 V12 cylinder arrangement
Trunk Turbo propeller 347 Tye halyard 374 Underframe 332 Oboe 508 345
Elephant 200-201 Turboprop engine 418-419 Tympan 449 Underground mycelium Upper lobe of lung 215, V4 engine unit
Mammoth 107 Turdus viscivorus 190 Tympanic bullet 194 115 254-255 British Rail Class 20
Phiomia 105 Turfed roof 602, 603 Tympanic canal 243 Underground stem 154 Upper octave key 509 diesel 327
Tree fern 112 Turgai strait 71 Tympanic membrane 243 Underground storage Upper rudder 416-417 Honda VF750 364
Woody flowering plant Turkish crescent finial 488 Tympanum organs 154-155 Upper seed axis 152-153 Vacuole
130-131 Turk’s head 383 Frog 182 Underground stream Upper sheer strake 393 Chlamydomonas sp.
Trunnion 395 Turnbuckle Quail chick 193 284-285 Upper topsail 385 116
Truss Avro triplane 402 Typhoon 302 Underground water Upper wireless and Diatom 116
Gothic church 473 Blackburn monoplane Tyrannosaurus 73, 84-85 Lake formation 292 telegraphy yard 395 Human cell 216
Modern building 401 Tyringham House 483 Rivers 288 Upright man 108 Palisade mesophyll
497-499 Curtiss biplane 398 Underhand serve 534 Upright piano 514 139
Steam boat with paddle LVG CVI fighter 405 Under plastron 557 Upright planks jump 554 Vacuum brake lever 325
wheels 391 Rigging screw 383 Under-turntable roller Upright poles jump 554 Vacuum circuit braker
Truss rod 513 Turn indicator 558 U ring 596 Upsilon Sagittarii 21 328
Try 530, 531 Turning force 320 UHF aerial 420 Underwater digital camera Upstream gates 560 Vacuum cleaner 592-593
T-section beam 492 Turning indicator 332, 333 UK loading gauges 331 581 Upthrow 60 Vacuum operated inlet
Tsiolkovsky 41 Turning judge 558 Ulmus minor 144 Underwater mountains Urachus 257 valve 362
T-type cantilevered fin Turning vane 357 Ulna 298 Ural mountains Vacuum pump cabinet
426 Turns 555 Archaeopteryx 85 Underwing fairing 425 Cretaceous period 73 611
Tu-144 416 Turntable 596 Arsinoitherium 104 Unenergized electrode Earth’s physical Vacuum reservoir 324
Tuba 504, 505 Turntable rotator 596 Baryonyx 85 584 features 265 Vacuum valve 610
Tube fret 174, 175 Turpentine 436 Bird 189, 191 Ungulates 198-199 Jurassic period 71 Vagina
Tubeless sports tire 365 Turret 486 Brachiosaurus 91 Unicellular organisms 56 Late Carboniferous Chimpanzee 202
Tuber Baroque church 481 Crocodile 186 Unified leaf pair 157 period 67 Elephant 200
Broomrape 145 Battleship 394-395 Diplodocus 90 Uniform motion 321 Triassic period 69 Human 258-259, 261
Dryland plants 157 Gothic church 470-471 Domestic cat 195 “Union Pacific” diesel Uranium 310 Snail 177
Horsetail 120 Gun turret 396 Elephant 90, 201 train 326 Uranium fuel 314 Spider 170
Potato 128 Medieval building 466, Eryops 80 Unipolar neuron 239 Uranius Tholus 43 Valance
Vegetative reproduction 468 Euoplocephalus 94 Unison 503 Uranus 48-49 1906 Renault 337
155 Nineteenth-century Gallimimus 86 Unit number 328 Solar system 31 Ford Model T 339
Tubercle building 493 Hare 197 Units of measurement 620 Ureter Volkswagen Beetle 341
Corythosaurus 98 Renaissance building Horse 199 Universal resource Bird 189 Valency electrons 310
Golden barrel cactus 476-477 Human 218, 230 locator (URL) address Bony fish 181 Vallate papillae 244
156 Turtle 72-73, 186-187 Iguanodon 96 577 Domestic cat 195 Vallecular canal 120
Sea urchins 174 Tuscan capital 465 Kangaroo 206 Universal serial bus (USB) Elephant 200 Valles Marineris 43
Starfish 174 Tuscan pilaster 465, 483 Kentrosaurus 93 ports 566, 567, 570 Frog 182 Valley
Stem projections 156 Tusche 446 Lizard 184 Universal serial bus (USB) Human 215, 256-259 Coastline 294
Tubular bells 504, 516 Tusche pen 448 Parasaurolophus 99 programmer 591 Lizard 185 Glacier 286-287
Tubular chassis 335 Tusche stick 448 Pareiasaur 81 Universal veil 114-115 Rabbit 196 Grand Canyon 277
Tubular drums 518 Tusk Plateosaurus 88 Universe 10-11 Snail 177 Mountain 62
Tubular open cradle Elephant 200-201 Platypus 206 Unmapped region Ureteric orifice 257 River features 290
frame 369 Mammoth 107 Rhesus monkey 202 Degas and Brönte 34 Urethra River 288-289
Tubular petioles 160 Phiomia 105 Seal 204 Structure of Mercury 35 Chimpanzee 202 Rock cycle stages 267
Tuck 381 TV mini-camera 356 Stegoceras 100, 101 Unnilennium 311 Domestic cat 195 Valley floor erosion 267
Tudor arch 484 TV power button 585 Stegosaurus 93 Unnilhexium 310 Human 256-257, 259, Valley head 289
Tufted duck 188 Tweeter loudspeaker Struthiomimus 87 Unniloctium 311 261 Valley rafter 473
Tug propeller 391 connectors 585 Toxodon 106 Unnilpentium 310 Rabbit 196 Valley spring 292
Tulip mount 563 Twelfth century Triceratops 102 Unnilquandium 310 Urethral opening 259 Vãlmiki 35
Tuner/amplifier link Building 466-467 Tuojiangosaurus 93 Unnilseptium 310 Urethral sphincter muscle Valve 359
cables 585 Church 469, 473 Turtle 187 Unreactive gas mixture 257 Valve chest 324
Tuner sellings memory Roof 490 Tyrannosaurus 84 319 Urinary bladder 181 Valve cusp 252
microchip 585 Style 468, 470 Ulnar artery 231, 253 Unreactive metals 311 Urinary system 256-257 Valve lifter 367
Tungsten Twentieth-century Ulnar nerve 231, 238 Unstable elements 310 Urinogenital opening Valve return spring 347
Mineralization zones buildings 494-495 Ultra-high frequency Unukalhai 21 Bony fish 181 Valve rocker 344, 402
281 Twin-blade main rotor 423 (UHF) antenna 615 Upcurved edge 191 Dolphin 205 Valves
Periodic table 310 Twin carbon-fiber disc Ultralights 410, 426-427 Upfold 60 URL 577 Bivalves 176
Tungsten carbide lip 450 brake 369 Ultramarine lapis lazuli 433 Upfold trap 280 Urn 478, 481, 487 Dehiscent fruit 151
Tungsten filament 319 Twin carburetors 427 Ultrasound scan 214 Upholstery 336-337 Urodela 182 Indehiscent fruit 150
Tunica adventitia 252 Twin-cylinder engine Ultraviolet light 145, 319 Upholstery brush 593 Uropod 172 Scallop 176
Tunica intima 252 Harley-Davidson 362 Ultraviolet radiation 22, Uplifted block fault Urostyle 183 Valve slide 506, 507
Tunica media 252 Pegasus Quasar 319 mountain 62 Ursa Major 18, 19 Valve spring 343, 344
Tuning adjustor 510-511 ultralight 427 Ultraviolet solar radiation Upper arm 210 Ursa Minor 18, 21 Valve system 506
Tuning pedal 519 Steam-powered Cugnot 300 Upper Belvedere 482 Ursus americanus 195 Vanadium 310
Tuning peg 510, 511 334 Umbels 143 Upper Carboniferous Coal Ursus spelaeus 77, 106 Van Allen radiation belt 38
Tuning pin 514, 515 Twin-domed forehead 200 Umbilical artery and vein Measures 61 U-shaped gouge 449 Van de Graaff 41
Tuning slide 506 Twine 384 260 Upper Carboniferous USB see Universal serial Van de Graaff generator
Tunnel Twin-lobed leaf blade 160 Umbilical cord 260-261 Millstone Grit 60-61 bus (USB) 316
Cave 285 Twin nose-wheel 420 Umbilicus 211, 260 Upper crankcase 410 USB ports 566 Vane 191
Trains 350 Twin rate spring 365 Umbo 176 Upper crux of antihelix USB port 566, 586 Van Eyck 35
Tunnel vault 485 Twin rear axle 333 Umbra 32 242 USB programmer Vang 378
Tuojiangosaurus 92 Twin rudder 372 Umbrella 491 Upper deadeye 382-383 assembly 591 Vanishing point 431

Vapor barrier 603 Cardiac 250 Ventricular systole 251 Vibraphone 504, 516, 517 Volkswagen Beetle Fungal tissue 115
Variable incidence air Central retinal 240 Venturi 424 Vibration-reducing fan 340-341 Glass 496
intake 420 Cephalic 176, 253 Venus 36-37 mounting 597 Volleyball 534-535 Gothic church 470
Variable incidence gust- Common iliac 215, 253, Solar system 30 Vibration-reducing Voltage 306, 316 Islamic building 488
alleviator 421 257 Venus fly trap 160 muffler foot 58 Voltage circuitry 597 Medieval building
Variable nozzle 416-417 Verdaccio 433 Vibrations Voltage reduction and 466-467, 469
Variable pitch aluminum- Dicotyledon leaf Verge 464, 492 Brass instruments 506 regulation circuits 585 Modern building
alloy blade 408 126-127 Vermiculated rustication Stringed instruments Voltage regulators 596 498-499
Variable pitch propeller Digital 253 482 510 Voltage stabilizer 597 Neoclassical building
396 External iliac 215, 253 Vermilion 433 Vibrato arm 513 Voltage transformers 596 479, 482
Variable time control Femoral 253 Vermilion border of lip Vibrato effect 516, 517 Volume 306, 307 Nineteenth-century mill
knob 598-599 Gastroepiploic 253 213 Vibrissa Volume control 492
Variegated lamina 131, Great saphenous 253 Vermilion Cliffs 277 Lion 194 Electronic instruments Ovary 140, 150
137 Hepatic portal 253 Versal lettering 445 Rabbit 196 520, 521 Renaissance building
Varnish 348, 436 Hogweed leaf 129 Vertebra 261 Rat 196 Streamed internet radio 476-477
Vasa recta 256 Inferior mesenteric 253 Bony fish 180 Seal 204 577 Twentieth-century
Vascular cambium Inferior vena cava 215, Cervical 212, 222 Vicia faba 133, 152 Home cinema 585 building 494
134-135 252-253, 257 Frog 183 Video Nintendo Wii Fit Wall anchor 407
Vascular plants 279 Insect 168, 169 Lumbar 222-223 Digital 582-583 Plus 579 Wall construction 602
Vascular plexus 235 Interlobular 256 Rattlesnake 185 Streamed internet 577 Personal music 586-587 Wall panel 406-407
Vascular strand 149 Internal iliac 253 Rudimentary 260 Video camera 610 Volumes 623 Wall painting 434
Vascular system 162-163 Internal jugular 253 Thoracic 222-223 Video input /output circuit Volume slider 577 Walrus 204
Vascular tissue 130 Jugular 215 Turtle 187 board 585 Volute Walter 40
Aerial shoot 155 Leaf 136, 138-139 Westlothiana 81 Viewfinder 582 Ancient Greek building Wand 592, 593
Apical meristem 134 Median cubital 253 Vertebral artery 223, 252 Viewing screen 610 460-461 Wand handle and
Bishop pine 124 Monocotyledon leaf 126 Vertebral body 223 Viewing window 581 Baroque church 479, brushbar controls 592
Canadian pond weed Palmar 253 Vertebral column 218, Viewing window objective 481 Wand /handle connector
159 Portal 252 222, 257 lens aperture 580 Dome 486 593
Clubmoss stem 120 Pulmonary 251, 253, 254 Vertebral foramen Viking ships 374-375 Islamic building 488 Wand telescopic link 593
Corm 155 Pulp 247 222-223 Villa Rotunda 475 Neoclassical building Wankel, Felix 346
Dicotyledon 127 Renal 256-257 Vertebral shield 187 Villa Savoye 494 478, 480 Wankel rotary engine
Dodder 163 Short saphenous 253 Vertebrates 56, 64, 104 Villi of mucosa 248 Renaissance building 346-347
Epiphytic orchid 162 Subclavian 253 Fossil record 279 Viola 503, 504, 505, 510, 476-477 Wannanosaurus 101
Fern rachis 121 Superior mesenteric Vertex 511 Volva 114-115 Wardrobe 416
Higher plants 118-119 253 Building 495 Violent eruptions 272 Volvox sp. 116 Wardroom 381
Horsetail stem 120 Superior vena cava 215, Human body 212 Violet light 318 Vomer 221 Warhead 394
Marram grass 113 251, 252-253, 255 Vertical air current 302 Violin 503, 504, 505, 510 Von Kármàn 41 Warm air 300, 302-303
Monocotyledon 126-127 Suprarenal 257 Vertical batten 602 Violoncello 510-511 Voussoir 484-485 Warm blood
Parasite host 163 Testicular 257 Vertical cleavage 270 Virginia opossum 207 Ancient Roman Mammals 104
Perennials 130-131 Tree mallow leaf 131 Vertical frame ladder 392 Virgo 18, 21 building 465 Theropods 84
Pine needle 124 Umbilical 260 Vertical movement Virtual mixing board 521 Neoclassical building Warm electronics box 615
Pine root /stem 125 Water hyacinth leaf 158 Faults and folds 60 Visceral cartilage 254 482 Warm front 302-303
Radicle 152 Water lily leaf 159 Lake formation 292 Visceral hump 177 Renaissance building Warm occlusion 302
Rhizome 155 Vela 18, 21 Vertical muffler 329 Visceral pericardium 474 Warm periods 56
Root 132-133 Velamen 162 Vertical pupil 186 250 V-shaped gouge 449 Warning horn 327, 329
Stem 134-135 Velarium 464 Vertical ridge 129 Viscous coupling 344-345 V-shaped valley Warning light 328, 356
Water hyacinth root 158 Velar scale 115 Vertical spindle 387 Visible and infrared River features 290 Warship
Water lily leaf 159 Vela Supernova Remnant Vertical stroke 445 spectrometers 614 Rivers 288-289 74-gun ship 379,
Woody plants 130-131 17 Vertical tailplane 572 Visible light 318-319 V-strut 404-405 380-381
Vas deferens Vellum 432 Very high frequency Vision 237 VTEC engine 354 Battleship 394-395
Domestic cat 195 Velocette overhead valve (VIIF) radio 318 Visor 416-417 V-twin engine 362, 363 Frigate 396-397
Human 259 (OHV) engine 367 Vesicle 148 Visual recognition 237 Vulpecula 19 Ironclad 392-393
Rabbit 196 Velum 373 Vespa Grand Sport 160 Vitreous glass mosaic 451 Vulture 190 Man-of-war 378-379,
Vastitas Borealis 43 Vena cava Mark 1 363 Vitreous glass tessera 450, Vulva 200 Sailing warship 376-377
Vastus lateralis muscle Frog 182 Vespa scooter 362, 363 451 Vyãsa 35 Submarine 396-397
225-226 Inferior 215, 252-253, Vessel Vitreous humor 240 Vyne 482 Wasatch formation 276
Vastus medialis muscle 257 Baroque church 479 Vitta 151 Washable pre-motor filter
225-226 Superior 215, 251, Gothic church 470 Vivaldi 35 592
Vault 484-485, 496 252-253, 255 Medieval church Vocal cords 245 Wash cant 378
Ancient Roman Vendelinus 40 468-469 Voices 503 W Washer-dryer 594-595
building 462-464 Veneer 462 Vesta Rupes 37 Volans 21 Wadi 283 Wash over dry brush
Baroque church 479 Venomous snake 184 Vestas A47 wind turbine Volcanic activity Wagner 35 439
Gothic building 470 Vent 604 Mineralization zones Wagon 324 Washburn 12-string
Medieval building Frigate 397 Vestibular canal 243 280 Wagon bogie 330 guitar 513
467-469 Igneous rock structures Vestibular membrane 243 Rock cycle 266 Wagon vault 485 Washer
Modern building 496, 275 Vestibular nerve 243 Volcanic eruption 26 Wahweap sandstone 276 Bicycle 358
499 Mountain building 62 Vestibule Volcanic gases 64 Waist Power drill 600-601
Nineteenth-century Rock cycle 266 Ancient Greek temple Volcanic island 58, 299 74-gun ship 380-381 Toaster 598-599
building 492-493 Suzuki RGV500 368 461 Volcanic lake 293 Human 210 Washer jet 353
Renaissance building Volcano 272-273 Baroque church 481 Volcanic lava Stringed instruments Washes 438, 439
477 Ventilation 462 Human body 212, 245 Jupiter 44 510-511 Washing machine 315
Vaulting shaft 468-469 Ventilator 422, 425 Medieval church 469 Mars 42 Waistband 548 Wasp 168
V-belt pulley 347 Ventilator exit 406-407 Neoclassical building The Moon 40 Waist gun 408 Waste heat 314-315
VCR connections 585 Ventral abdominal artery 483 Venus 36 Wale Waste water anti-siphon
Vedette boat 395 173 Vestibulocochlear nerve Volcanic mountain 62 74-gun ship 381 pipe hook 595
Vega 19, 20 Ventral antebrachial 243 Volcanic rock 298, 306 Roman corbita 373 Waste water pipe 595
Our galaxy and nearby muscle 94 VHF aerial Volcano 58, 63, 272-273 Sailing warship 376-377 Water 38, 66
galaxies 15 Ventral aorta 179 B-17 bomber 408-409 Jupiter 44 Walkway 497 Absorption 150
Vegetable oil 436 Ventral fin 179 BAe-146 jetliner 415 Locations 273 Wall Amphibian 80
Vegetative reproduction Ventral margin of shell Bell Jetranger Mars 42 Ancient Greek temple Changing states 307
154-155 176 helicopter 423 Mineralization zones 461 “Deltic” diesel-electric
Veil 114-115 Ventral nerve cord 169, Concorde 416-417 281 Ancient Roman locomotive 326
Vein 173 VHF radio 318 Mountain building building 462, 465 Energy generation
Alveolar 247 Ventral scale 184, 186 VHF omni-range aerial 62-63 Baroque building 314-315
Anterior median 253 Ventricle Bell-47 helicopter 422 Ocean floor 298 478-479, 481 Epiphyte supply 162
Axillary 253 Brain 236-237 Concorde, the 417 Vent 62 Carpel 148, 151 Fermentation 313
Basilic 253 Heart 215, 250-251, VHF omni-range and Venus 36 Cell 112, 117, 132, 139 Lithographic printing
Brachiocephalic 253 252 instrument-landing- Volkmann’s canal 247 Concrete 496 446
Bronchial 254 Ventricular diastole 251 system aerial 412 Volkmann’s vessel 225 Fruit 148-151 Mars 42

Molecule 138 Water pump Webbed feet 188, 190 Seal 204 Double-decker tour bus BAe-146 jetliner
Oceans and seas 296 Hybrid car 354 Web browser 577 Whisker boom 382 333 components 413, 414
Photosynthesis 138 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Web pages 577 “Whispering Gallery” 484 “Eurostar” multi- BE 2B wings 404
Pollination 144 Renault Clio 351 Webcam 566 Whistle voltage electric train 329 Beetle 168
Reversible reactions White Steam Car 342 Website address 577 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Gothic building 470-475 Biplanes and triplanes
312 Water pump pulley 347 Weight Life jacket 561 MCW Metrobus 333 402
Seed germination Water rail 345 Arch 484 Referee 524 Medieval building Bird 188, 191
152-155 Water reactor 314 All-round bicycle 360 Whistle lever 325 466-469 Blackburn monoplane
Solutions 306 Water-retaining cuticle 78 Bolts 548 White belt 556 Modern building 498, 401
Storage organs 156-157 Water salinity 296 Measurement 320, 590 White blood cells 217, 253 499 Bones 191
Transport 134, 139 Water-saturated Motorcycle engine 366 White Cliffs 276 Neoclassical building Bumblebee 168
Water and oil pump permeable rock Newton meters 320 White diamond 268 478, 482-483 Butterfly 169
assembly 356 Lakes and groundwater Weights 562 White dwarfs Nineteenth-century Cobra lily 160
Waterborne sports 292 Wei-wei 376 Small stars 24-25 building 492-493 Coverts 188
560-561 Mineral resources Welding tool 608 Stars 22-23 Renaissance building Curtiss biplane 398
Water-closet 483 280-281 Weld line 392 White feldspar 275 474, 476 Deer hopper dry fly
Watercolor 438-439 Watershed 289 Welt 122-123 White-gray crystal 271 Rococo style 482 563
Watercolor paint pan 438 Water shoot 560 Welwitschia mirabilis White light 318 Single-decker bus 333 Developing 192
Watercolor paper 439, Water softener dial 595 122-123 White matter TGV electric highs- Dry fruit 150-151
441 Water-soluble glue 450 Werner motorcycle 362 Cerebrum 236-237 peed train 329 Early monoplanes 400
Watercolor-style acrylic Water storage tank 497 Weslake Speedway Spinal cord 238 Twentieth-century Fealher 188, 191
painting 442, 443 Water-storing motorcycle 369 White of eye 213 building 494-495 Ford Model T 338
Water connection 342 parenchyma 156-157 West Africa 73 White oval Window blind 336, 572 Formula One race car
Water-cooled engine 366 Water supply West Australian current Jupiter 44-45 Window controls 576, 577 357
Water cycle 288 Gun turret 396 297 Saturn 46 Window-frame 486 Gliders, hang-gliders,
Water density 296 Steam locomotive 324 Westerlies 300 White spirit 436 Window glass 348 and ultralights 426
Water distribution 264 Water table Westlothiana 67, 80-81 White Steam Car 542 Window jamb 479, 482, Handball 535
Water droplets 45 Cave system 284 Westminster Abbey 484 White stork 188 483 Hawker Tempest
Waterfall 291 Lake formation 292 Westminster Cathedral White warning light 528 Windowsill components 409
Glacier 286 Water tank 493 White whale 204 Baroque church 479 Hockey 540
River 289-290 Bordino Steam Carriage Wet-in-wet wash 438, 439 Whorls Neoclassical building Ice hockey 550
Rock cycle 267 334 Wetland plants 158-159 Flower 140 482-485 Lockheed Electra
Water fern 158 “Ellerman Lines” steam Wet season 295 Green alga cell 116 Twentieth-century airliner 406
Water float 324 locomotive 324 Wet wash 438 Sepals 144, 149 building 494 Pine seed 122
Water hardness Steam iron 594 Wezen 18 Wicket 538 Window shade button 577 Pitcher plant 113
adjustment and filter While Steam Car 342 Canis Major 21 Wicket-keeper 538 Window stage 477 Rugby 530
flap lever 595 Water vapor Whaler 395 Wide-angle camera 614 Wind-pollinated plants Scots pine seed 122
Water hyacinth 158 Chemical reactions Whales 204-205 Widened joint 282 144 Showjumping fence
Water ice 312-313 Wheat 109, 150 Wide receiver 526 Windshield 554
Jupiter’s atmosphere Hurricane structure 303 Wheel Wide-screen plasma Airbus 380 573 Ski boot safety binding
45 Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 1906 Renault 337 display 584 BAe-146 jetliner 552
Mercury’s atmosphere Mars’ atmosphere 43 Alloy 356, 357 Wiener 41 components 412 Spurious 191
47 Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Bicycle 358-359 Wi-fi antenna 569, 579 BE 2B bomber 404 Sycamore 131
Structure of comet 53 Venus’ atmosphere 37 Diesel motor output 326 Wi-fi board 579 BMW R /60 sidecar 362 Wing assembly 413
Structure of Mars 43 Water cycle 288 First cars 354-335 Wii balance board 579 Concorde, the 416-417 Wing attack 535, 541
Structure of Neptune 51 Water vascular system Force /motion 320 Wii hand controller 579 “Deltic” diesel-electric Wing case 168
Water-ice fog 42 174 Ford Model T 338-339 Willow grouse 193 locomotive 327 Wing defense
Water-ice permafrost 43 Waterway 380, 393 Harley-Davidson FLHS Wind Double-decker tour bus Lacrosse 541
Water inlet connector 595 Watlle-and-daub Electra Glide 363 Atmosphere 300 333 Netball 535
Water inlet hose 595 Ancient Roman Mars exploration rover Ekman spiral 297 Ford Model T 339 Winged seeds
Water inlet pipe 595 building 462, 464-465 (MER) 615 Energy generation 314 Harley-Davidson FLHS Scots pine 122
Water inlet valves 595 Medieval house 466 Mazda RX-7 346 Oceans and seas Honda Insight 354 Sycamore 131, 151
Water jacket Wave 294, 298 Motorcycle 364 296-297 Electra Glide 563 Winged stem 129
Daimler engine 343 Erosion 294 Pacing sulky 555 Rock cycle 266-267 Hawker Tempest Wing end-plate 357
Ford diesel engine 347 Features 294 Paddle 390-391 Water cycle 288 components 409 Wing-feather impression
Humber engine 343 Properties 318 Renault Clio 350-351 Weather 302 Kirby BSA racing 85
Jaguar straight six Wave-cut platform 295 Rossin Italian time-trial Weathering and erosion sidecar 362 Wing fillet panel 409
engine 344 Waveguide 596, 597 bicycle 361 282-283 Lockheed Electra Wingframe 427
Water key 506, 507 Wavelength 318 Ship 378, 390, 394 Windspeed 303 airliner 406-407 Wing landing gear 572,
Watcr lily 158-159 Wavellite 269 Single scull 561 Windcheetah SL Mark VI Tornado 420 573
Waterline 380 Wavering pitch 516, 517 Volkswagen Beetle 340 “Speedy” racing HPV Windshield wiper Wing leading edge 573
Water obstacle 546 Wavy foliation 267 Weslake Speedway bicycle 561 “Deltic” diesel-electric Winglet 356
Water outlet 425 Wax modeling 452 motorcycle 369 Wind chest 514 locomotive 327 Wing mirror 354
Water passage 346 Wax riser 454 Wheel axle Wind controller 521 “Eurostar” multi- Wing piping 341
Water pipe Wax runner 454 BAe-146 jetliner 414 Wind deflector 341 voltage electric train 329 Wing-protecting skid
1906 Renault 337 Waxy cuticle 156, 157 Touring bicycle 360 Wind-dispersed seeds Italian State Railroads 398-399
Humber engine 343 Waxy fruit skin 149 Wheelbase 360 150-151 Class 402 328 Wing-root glove fairing
Wright Flyer 399 Waxy laminae 159 Wheelchair access 333 Wind erosion 282-283 MCW Metrobus 332 420-421
Water pressurizer 314 Waxy zone 161 Wheel fairing Coastline 294 Paris Metro 328 Wing-root mount 413
Waterproof acrylic paint Weapon-bay bulkhead 421 Blackburn monoplane Winding cornice 472 TGV electric high- Wing scar 122
442 Weaponry 375 400 Wind instruments 508, speed train 329 Wing stay 339
Waterproof cable Weasel 194 Pegasus Quasar 509 “Union Pacific” Wing strut
connector 605 Weather 302-303 ultralight 427 Brass 506, 507 locomotive 326 ARV light aircraft
Waterproof covering Weathercock 486 Pegasus XL SE Electronic 520 Volkswagen Beetle 341 424-425
Bishop pine needles Weathering 282-283 ultralight 426 Woodwind 508, 509 Windsor green 438 Avro triplane 402-403
124 Gothic church 471-472 Wheel fork 335 Windlass Windspeed 303 Curtiss biplane 398
Golden barrel cactus Medieval church 469 Wheel guard 324, 369, 593 Buildings 467, 477 Wind synthesizer 521 Wing supports 357
156 Mineral deposits 280 Wheel hub 414 Roman corbita 372 Wind turbine 604, 605 Wingtip
Haworthia truncata 157 Renaissance building Wheel nut 356, 357 Windlass bar 380 Wind-up 537 ARV light aircraft 424
Lithops bromfieldii 157 477 Wheel sets 327, 329 Window Windvane 375, 605 BE 2B wings 404
Monocotyledon leaf 126 Rock cycle 266 Wheel sparer 561 Ancient Egyptian Windward face 283 Hawker Tempest
Rush stem 135 Sedimentary rocks 276 Whelp 387 building 459 Wing components 409
Wetland plants 158 Weather radar 416 Whetstone 452 Ancient Roman 1906 Renault 336 Schleicher glider 426
Waterproof shell 80 Weather shutter for gun Whip 555 building 463, 465 Alula 191 Wingtip aerial fairing 421
Waterproof ski clothing 394 Whipping 384, 388 Asian building 490-491 ARV light aircraft Wing vein 168, 169
553 Weather-vane 471, 477 Whisker Baroque church 424-425 Wing warping 400
Waterproof skin 81 Web Lion 194 479-481 Australian rules football Wire armature 454, 455
Waterproof stowage box Frog 182 Rabbit 196 Dome 486-487 528 Wire bristle brush 519
427 Internet 576 Rat 196 Dormer 495 Avro biplane 403 Wire coil 605

Wire-ended cutting tool “Fardier” 334 Concert grand piano 515 X-ray emission 28 Year Zeugen 282
454 Wooden golf clubs 546, 547 Upright piano 514 X-ray image of Crab Earth 30 Ziggurat-style step-back
Wire-end tools 452 Wood engraving 446, 447 Wright brothers Nebula 28 Jupiter 30 494
Wire gauze pad 342 Wood engraving print 449 Modern piston aero- “X” turret 395 Mars 30 Zinc 281, 312
Wireless and telegraphy Wooden grip 549 engines 410 Xylem Mercury 26, 34 Zinc phosphating 348
yard 395 Wooden hearth 109 Pioneers of flighl Bishop pine 124 Neptune 31 Zinc plating 477
Wireless office 397 Wooden “key” 331 398-399 Clubmoss stem 120 Planets 30-31 Zingiber officinale 155
Wires 518 Wooden packing 397 Wright, F. L. 495 Dicotyledons 126-127 Pluto 31 Zion Canyon 276
Wire wheel 402 Wooden panel 473 Wright Flyer 398-399 Dodder host 163 Saturn 31 Zirconium 310
Wiring loom 596 Wooden sailing ship Wrist Epiphytic orchid 162 Uranus 31 Zona pellucida 606, 607
Wishbone 378-379 Corythosaurus 98 Fern rachis 121 Venus 30 Zone
Bird 189 Wooden sleeper 324, 331 Elephant 90 Higher plants 118-119 Yeast Jupiter 44-45
Formula One race car Wooden spoke 334 Human 211, 230-231 Horsetail stem 120 Fermentation 313 Structure of Saturn 47
357 Wooden-spoked wheel 339 Iguanodon 97 Marram grass 113 Fungi 114 Zone defenses 533
Withdrawal stride 543 Wooden stands 554 Stegosaurus 92 Monocotyledons Yellow card 524 Zonular ligament 241
Withdrawing-room 483 Wooden wheel 334 Triceratops 102 126-127 Yellow light 318, 331 Zoom keys 590
Withers 199 Woodwind instruments Wrist joint Pine needle 124 Yellow ocher 442 Zoomorphic head 374
Wolf 195 504, 505, 508, 509 Baryonyx 85 Pine root/stem 125 Yellow orpiment 271 Zosteres 572
Wolffian duct 179 Woodwork 467 Brachiosaurus 91 Radicle 152 Yellow River 265 Zosterophyllum
Wolf hair brush 444 Woody flowering plants Diplodocus 90 Root 132 Yellow warning arm llanoveranum 64
Wollastonite 271 126, 130–131 Euoplocephalus 94 Stem 134-135 330 Zubenelgenubi 18, 21
Womb 258-259 Woody pericarps 150 Human 218 Water hyacinth root Yellow-wort 144 Zubeneschamali 18, 21
Women’s lacrosse field Woody plants 126 Parasaurolophus 99 158 Yew 123 Zugon 373
540, 541 Woody scales Plateosaurus 88 Water lily leaf 159 Y.M.C.A. 532 Zygian 373
Women’s shot 542 Bishop pine cone 124 Robot 608 Xylem fibers 134-135 Yolk 192 Zygomatic arch
Wood Smooth cypress 123 Stegoceras 100, 101 Yolk sac 192 Bear 194
Golf club 547 Woody stem 134-135 Tyrannosaurus 84 Ytterbium 311 Chimpanzee 202
Sculpture 454 Woofer loudspeaker Wrist pin 390 Yttrium 310 Human 215, 220
Wood block 446, 449 connector 585 Wrist position 444 Y “Y” turret 395 Lion 194
Wood capstan 387 Woolding 376 Writing tools 444 Yacht racing 560 Yucca 126 Smilodon 106
Woodcarving 452, 453 Work 314 Wrought iron boiler 324 Yangchuanosaurus 85 Yucca sp. 126 Toxodon 107
Woodcut 446 Working chamber 396 Wrought iron rail 324 Yangtze River 265 Zygomatic bone 220-221
Wooden arrow 109 World War I aircraft Wuerhosaurus 93 Yard 382 Zygomaticus major
Wooden artillery wheel 337 404-405 Wulfenite 269 Battleship 395 z muscle 228-229
Wooden bar 516 World War II aircraft Double topsail Zygote
Wooden boarding 602 408-409 schooner 385 Zagros Mountains 75 Bryophyte 118-119
Wooden body 510 World Wide Web 576 Greek and Roman ships Zaire 265 Fertilization 146-147
Wooden body-shell 519 Worming 388 X 372, 373 Zap button 586 Plant formation 146
Wooden buffer 324 Worms Xerophytes 156-157 Steel 392 Zea mays 127 Primitive land plants
Wooden case 514, 515 Earth’s evolution 56 Xi2 Sagittarii 21 Tea clipper 392 Zeami 35 120
Wooden-domed deck 403 Fossil record 279 Xi Orionis 18 Viking karv 375 Zebra 198 Seaweed 116-117
Wooden driving wheel 324 Woven dacron 384 Xi Pegasi 19 Yardang 282 Zeeman 41
Wooden frame Wrack 116-117 X line 445 Yardarm 379 Zeilleria frenzlii 66
Harp 511 Wren, C. 478 X-ray 318-319 Yardsman 526 Zeppelin ipod speaker
Printing mesh 446, 448 Baroque church 480 Colon 214 Yasti 490, 491 dock 586
Sculpture 452 Cathedral dome 484, 487 Gallbladder 214 Yaw control 605 Zeta Centauri 21
Steam-powered Cugnot Wrest plank Hand 230 Yaw ring 605 Zeta Sagittarii 21



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