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Whether you want to see inside a volcano, understand every component of an engine, or learn the difference between a stegosaurus and a stegoceras, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary will reveal all.

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Published by Read My eBook for FREE!, 2020-03-04 14:00:04

Ultimate Visual Dictionary (DK)

Whether you want to see inside a volcano, understand every component of an engine, or learn the difference between a stegosaurus and a stegoceras, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary will reveal all.

Presenting a huge range of information from a unique perspective, with more than 33,000 terms explained and expertly annotated, the Ultimate Visual Dictionary allows readers to analyze a multitude of objects in

unparalleled detail.

Ejector knob Screw

Nut Plain end
Spring Switch end
Ejector bracket casting casting
cover Selector switch

Ejector assembly Variable time
Ejector knob
control knob
Crumb tray
Fixing screw
Inner cage Screw

Center element
wire cage

End baffle

Screw Foot
Element Plain end
retaining stop Stainless-steel casting Screw
End element
Center element

End element
wire guard



shaft at high speed. The shaft connects, in turn, to a system of gears that rotates
a chuck even faster. Clamped by the chuck, a sharp bit cuts out the hole, and
at the same time the bit’s screw-shaped grooves channel the waste out of Armature
Armature spindle
the hole. For drilling hard materials, many power drills have Commutator
a hammer mechanism; when this is operated a ratchet in Fan
the gearcase causes the chuck and bit to pound in and
out as they drill. A hand drill, although slower and
less forceful than a power drill, is easier to control.
For cutting wide holes, carpenters often prefer a
brace-and-bit. This acts like a lever: the bowed
handle of the brace moves a larger Motor case
distance than the bit, turning the bit Field coils
with extra force.


Brush Washer
Lead wire

Top insert Hammer mechanism
Brush holder Screw hole

Chuck key Hammer
holder actuator

Trigger On/off trigger

Cable Spring



Thrust plate Chuck key
Ratchet Gearcase cover
Spindle Bit

Chuck keyhole
Gearcase POWER DRILL mechanism actuator

Washer Spring Gearcase
washer cover screw
Chuck key
Gearcase screw
hole handle

Pinion wheel
Exhaust Chuck



Air inlet Handle

screw Jaw


House of the future

to be more environmentally friendly
Cellulose fiber Vertical batten
and energy-efficient than older insulation
dwellings, by making better use Plasterboard SIDE AND REAR
of materials and intelligent control
systems. The Integer house was Vertical batten
designed by Cole Thompson
Red cedar
Associates, Bree Day Partnership,
boarding Noggin
and Paul Hodgkins Associates, and
built in conjunction with the Building
Skirting board sun room
Research Establishment in the UK.
One of its key features is a large sun
room that warms one side of the Breather Floating floor
house. Extensive use is made
of recycled, natural, and renewable
materials and energy. The walls are Cables and
made from timber and insulated with
fiber from recycled newspaper; waste
water from the bathrooms is saved
and used to flush the toilets; and Gutter collects
a wind turbine and solar panels rain water for use
in the yard
contribute some of the electricity
requirements. Many elements were
prefabricated off-site for ease of Composter for
recycling kitchen
construction. The Integer house uses waste
only half the energy and a third less
water than a traditionally built house.
vents from
Turfed roof helps bathroom Automatic
to regulate louvers cool
temperature sun room

reduce heat

Red cedar
walls that do
not require
painting or

Intelligent electronic Hatch for home
door-lock deliveries



FM and TV antenna feeds
into an integrated Photovoltaic panel Sedum turf
multimedia network generates electricity

Solar collector Security light Mineral wool
heats water

Timber trellis

Automatic Root-proof membrane
louvers to cool
sun room

roof deck

Window to upper
floor home office

Timber bay
window to living
and dining area
Earth bank insulates
lower floor

Blinds that open and
close automatically in
response to sunshine



Renewable energy

do not become depleted as we use the energy. control
When a fossil fuel such as coal is burned, it is
gone forever, but a renewable source remains
available no matter how much is used. The
Hub controller
tides, waves, flowing water, sunlight, and the
wind are all renewable sources of energy.
Wind and water energy are captured by a
hub cover
device called a turbine. The turbine spins and
drives an electricity generator. Energy from
sunlight, or solar energy, is changed into
electricity in two main ways. One uses
mirrors to concentrate solar energy and
magnify its heating effect which is used to
change water into steam to drive turbines.
Photovoltaic cells change sunlight directly
into electricity. A cell is made from two layers
of silicon. One gives out electrons (negative
particles) and the other receives them.
Sunlight knocks electrons out of atoms where
the two layers meet, separating them from
the positive particles. The electrons are
attracted to one layer of the cell, the positive
particles to the other layer. Electrons are
naturally attracted to the positive particles, Blade hub
but to come together again, the electrons Blade bearing
must flow out of the cell, through an external
electric circuit, or load, and back to the other
side of the cell, creating a charge. The cell Rotor lock
supplies electric current for as long as light
keeps falling on it.
Turbine floodgate
opened by winch Main
Road bridge across allows trapped floodgate
an estuary water to flow out closed as
to the open sea tide falls
Open sea
Rising tide
passes through
main floodgate
Winch into estuary

floodgate Escaping water
closed, trapping drives turbine
water behind it


Oil cooler
Wind vane


HOW A GENERATOR Slip ring Carbon
WORKS collects current brush
from coil collects
from slip
magnetic pole
Wire coil rotates
inside magnet
Wind or
water flow
through turbine
rotates shaft
Hydraulic South Moving the wire past a
unit magnetic pole magnet makes a current
flow through it
Electronic North
Yaw ring controller
magnetic pole
Coil makes
half a turn
Yaw control

Direction of current
SOLAR POWER reverses every half turn
magnetic pole
coating Electric SECOND HALF TURN
Glass Electrons current
flow out powers
of cell external Solar panel
Sunlight load containing

Junction Power
P-type Electrons wires
silicon flow back
to cell
Light knocks Waterproof
Back contact electrons out cable
grid of atoms connector


Cloning technology Spare cells from

egg development

acid) contains thousands of units called genes that carry Nucleus with
instructions for development, growth, and repair of the living
creature. During normal reproduction, half the mother’s genetic material
material contained in an egg cell joins with half the genetic
material from the father carried in a sperm cell, to form a
unique new genome (set of genes) for a new life. During the
early stages of embryo development, the fertilized egg divides
Egg cell Egg cell
into stem cells, which have the potential to become membrane
specialized into the hundreds of cell types in a Nucleus with
body. Through therapeutic cloning, stem cells THERAPEUTIC CLONING genetic
can be produced in a laboratory. It is hoped that material Polar body
(spare genetic
in the future this technology can be used to grow material) forms
new tissue that can be transplanted back into the Egg as part of final
donor to treat illness, without fear of rejection— cell with egg cell division
polar body
when the body recognizes a transplanted part
Fragments of DNA stain as
as “foreign” because it has different genes, and Zona dark “bar code” bands
tries to destroy it. In another form of cloning, pellucida
(outer casing
performed experimentally using animals, genetic of egg cell)
material from a donor animal has been inserted
into an egg from another animal that has “Plug” of
been emptied of its own genetic zona
material, to produce an
animal genetically
identical to the donor.

Suction through micro- Gentle suction GEL IMAGE SHOWING DNA
pipette holds egg steady through micro- PROFILE
Micro-needle Zona plug
inserted through egg discarded Egg cell
cell membrane provides
conditions for
Polar body Discarded multiplication
removed parts no
Egg genetic
material in
Zona (casing) Egg cell

Donor genetic
Egg cell into egg cell
genetic Stem cells
material “Enucleated” egg cell (unspecialized or
(lacks nucleus with undifferentiated cells)
CENETIC MATERIAL REMOVED FROM EGG genetic material) collected from donor


Zona pellucida
(protective Maternal genetic Two sets of genetic material
casing around material from come together at fertilization
egg cell) nucleus of egg to form new genome
Polar body Stem cells treated with
disintegrates chemicals to encourage

Pancreatic Myocardial Neurons
cells (heart muscle) (nerve
cells cells)

Sperm Fluid
cell Paternal genetic
material from
head of sperm

Egg cell begins
to divide

Stem cells

Zona Early embryo Stem cells of early
gradually at ball-like embryo, with potential Lymphocytes
breaks blastocyst stage for specialization
down (white blood cells)

Chemicals and
growth factors are
added to encourage
the egg to divide
Layer of dividing
stem cells
Genetic material
Cells Base layer
prepared Genetic
in tissue material
culture inserted Multiplying Birth of clone—
into egg cells of early “identical twin”
Egg cell cell embryo of genetic donor
as its own
Cells from
genetic donor

Egg cell
Egg cell Electric shock Embryo implanted in
nucleus stimulates egg womb of surrogate
removed cell division mother
Egg cell with nucleus



Robots Neck joint

Motorized fingers Battery
Shoulder joint
carry out a variety of
tasks on their own,
with little or no human
Battery charge
control. Most robots are indicator
mechanical arms used to build
things in factories. The end of the
robot’s arm can be equipped with
different tools for gripping, drilling,
cutting, welding, and painting. Robot
toys have become popular, too. They
incorporate sensors that respond to
sounds and sometimes touch. Some of them
can even understand spoken words. Scientists are
also trying to create more advanced, humanlike
robots that can see, hear, learn, and make their own Rigid torso
decisions. ASIMO, a robot developed by the Japanese
car manufacturer Honda, is one of these advanced
humanoid robots. ASIMO stands for Advanced Step
in Innovative MObility. It looks like a small astronaut Hip joint
wearing a backpack. ASIMO can walk, talk, carry things,
recognize familiar faces, and respond to its name. It was
the first robot that could walk independently and climb
stairs. There are robot toys, too, in the shape of animals
with simple artificial intelligence.


Knee joint
from sensors
Preprogrammed Information
instructions from sensors
SENSORS interpreted by
CPU to modify
LIGHT actions
PROXIMITY Ankle joint
Padded foot



Wrist joint


Floor mounting

CAR-BUILDING ROBOTS Vehicle body Welding tool

Head touch
Arm up-down sensor Nose touch Back touch
joint sensor sensor
Eye LED Tail
Wrist joints


Arm out-in
Flexible neck
Touch sensor

Whipping tail
rotation Sonic sensor

Leg joint


lenses to bend light. Some special-purpose optical microscopes
used in industry and research are designed for observing
particular materials, such as living cells. They produce
magnifications of up to about 2,000. Electron microscopes
produce magnifications of as much as 50 million, although
2 million is more typical. Their images are formed by means
of electrons focused by magnetic lenses. There are two main
types: scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) scan electrons
back and forth across the surface of a specimen; transmission
electron microscopes (TEMs) transmit electrons through a
thin slice of the specimen.

Video camera column

Right Condenser
eyepiece aperture
Filter turret
Objective lens specimen
Left eyepiece Manipulator
Manipulator aperture
Imaging system
Vacuum valve


Specimen Binocular

Viewing screen


HOW A TEM WORKS HITACHI S-3500H Evacuated column
Electron MICROSCOPE Screen
Electron gun
stream Image
Aperture Aperture
plate creates

focuses Vacuum
electron pump
Specimen beam cabinet

Objective lens HOW A SEM WORKS
image formed
by electron Electron Electron gun
beam stream
Aperture creates
Aperture electron beam
Specimen Projector lens plate
enlarges and Condenser lens focuses
projects the Scanning coils primary electron beam
image direct electron
beam across the Screen
Phosphor specimen
screen glows Binocular
when hit by eyepieces
electrons to
create the

Objective lens
Cooling refocuses
electron beam
Screen stage Secondary
electrons from the
specimen surface
Specimen surface hit
by primary electrons
Underside of

Image controls

Space telescope IMAGES TAKEN Pillar

of gas
SPACE TELESCOPES ORBIT THE EARTH hundreds of miles above the ground,
their instruments collecting light from stars and galaxies. Telescopes in space
have a clearer view than those on Earth, because they are unaffected by the
Earth’s atmosphere, which absorbs or distorts much of this radiation. There are
a variety of types of space telescope designed to observe different types of light.
The Hubble Space Telescope observes infrared, ultraviolet, and visible light. It
can detect objects that are 100 times fainter than those any telescopes on Earth
can see. When this 12-ton (11,000-kilogram), 43-foot (13-meter) long telescope
was launched by the Space Shuttle in 1990, it was found that its primary mirror CONE NEBULA
was faulty and its images were blurred. Astronauts fitted extra optics to correct
the problem in 1993. Crew handrail
Space shuttle remote High-gain Aft shroud
manipulator system radio
(robot arm) antenna
Solar Rotating control
array joint sensor
instrument unit

8-foot (2.4-meter)
Aperture door

13-inch (33-cm)
Epoxy resin
Crew handrail

Door hinge



gas Young “Tadpole” Newly “Spirograph”
emissions star galaxy formed stars nebula

Instrument bay Interstellar
cloud Young star
remains —LL Ori
Batteries Space shuttle remote
manipulator system
(robot arm)

Instrument Aperture
module High-gain radio door acts
Space antenna for like a
communication camera
HUBBLE SPACE with satellites lens cap
Aperture allows
light into the
mirror housing
Solar array housing
Solar array
collects solar
energy for
operating Light shield
instruments blocks out
handrail for Thermal insulation
astronauts to to protect against
hold during extremes of
maintenance temperature

Aft shroud
handrail High-gain radio antenna


Probing the solar system

in the solar system. They take photographs
and gather data that cannot be collected
using Earth-based equipment. Some probes
fly past or orbit around planets or moons,
while others land. Two Voyager space
probes flew past the outer planets in the
1970s and 1980s. Two Viking spacecraft
landed on Mars in 1976. The Magellan
spacecraft landed on Mars in 1997 and
released a rover vehicle to explore High-gain
the surface. The Mars antenna
Exploration Rover (MER)
Sun sensor Visible and
Mission landed two rovers
in 2003. The Cassini space
Helium spectrometers
probe reached Saturn in tank
2004, and in 2005 its Remote sensing
mini-probe, Huygens,
landed on one of its Wide-angle
moons, Titan, and camera
became the first
probe to land thermoelectric
on a moon of generator
another planet.


Fields and
Attitude control
Huygens mini
probe Main


Heat shield Reaction wheel Lower




Panoramic Navigation
camera camera
(Pancam) (Navcam)

Heat shield
Star scanner
Propellant tank
Low dain
antenna Cruise stage Cruise
Pancam mast Backshell contains lander module
assembly craft and rover
frequency MARS EXPLORATION Third stage
antenna motor
High gain
Rover antenna
Delta II
Magnet array equipment launch vehicle
second stage

Solar array
Aft bogie
Bogie wheel

Front hazard Aft
avoidance rocker
Rocker box
Forward Instrument deployment
rocker deployment actuator


Political map of the world

This map depicts the political boundaries
of the world’s nations. There are currently
196 independent countries in the world—
a marked increase from the 82 that existed
in 1950. With the trend toward greater
fragmentation, most recently with the
creation of Southern Sudan in July 2011,
this figure is likely to increase. The largest
Franz Josef Land
country in the world is the Russian SVALBARD
(to Norway)
Federation, which covers 6,592,800 square Novaya Zemlya
miles (17,075,400 sq km), while the smallest (to Norway)
is the Vatican City, covering 0.17 square miles
(0.44 sq km). Under the Antarctic Treaty of ICELAND
1959, no countries are permitted territorial (to Denmark) SWEDEN FINLAND
claims in Antarctica. EST. Eur opean
B. & H. Bosnia & Herzegovina (to Spain) ALGERIA LIBYA EGYPT BAHRAIN
BULG. Bulgaria GAMBIA SENEGAL CHAD SUDAN YEMEN Socotra Laccadive Andaman
(to Yemen)
CRO. Croatia LIBERIA CAMEROON (July 2011) SOMALIA (to India)
(to UK)
(to Austr
(to Mauritius)
LAT. Latvia ST HELENA ZAMBIA MAYOTTE (to France) (to Australia)
(to UK)
BOTS. REUNION (to France)
MON. Montenegro AFRICA
PORT. Portugal (to St Helena)
Gough Island
ROM. Romania (to Tristan da Cunha)
RUSS. FED. Russian Federation Prince Edward Islands & ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES
SLVK. Slovakia (to South Africa) (to France)
SLVN. Slovenia
S.M. San Marino (to Australia)
SWITZ. Switzerland
TAJ. Tajikistan
THAI. Thailand
TURKMEN. Turkmenistan
U.A.E. United Arab Emirates
UZBEK. Uzbekistan A N T A R C
VAT. CITY Vatican City
ZIMB. Zimbabwe



Europe North & Central America E.g., MEXICO ................. Independent state
E.g., FAEROE ISLANDS ........ Self-governing territory
Africa South America
(to Denmark) (parent state)
Asia Antarctica E.g., Andaman Islands .... Non self-governing territory
Australasia & Oceania (to India) (parent state)

evernaya Zemlya
New Siberian Islands Queen Elizabeth Islands
(to Denmark)
Baffin Island
Arctic Circle
(to US)
R ussia
Aleutian Islands (to US)
Kurile Islands
GOLIA (to Russ. Fed.)
(to France)
(to UK)
Ryukyu Islands (to US) Guadelupe M DOM. REP. VIRGIN ISLANDS (to US)
(to Japan) (to Mexico) TURKS & CAICOS ISLANDS (to UK)
S (to UK) Tropic of Cancer
(to US)
(disputed) (to US) (to Mexico) NAVASSA I. HAITI DOMINICA
(to US) (to Neth.)
(to US) Equator
NAURU (to US) (to Ecuador)
alia) EAST TIMOR (to NZ) E
(to Australia) (to NZ)
(to France) (to France) PARAGUAY Tropic of Capricorn
NIUE (to NZ) San Felix Island
(to Australia)
SAMOA San Ambrosia A
NORFOLK ISLAND (to US) PITCAIRN Easter Island Sala y Gomez Island CHILE
(to Australia) ISLANDS (to Chile) (to Chile) N
Lord Howe Island Kermadec Island (to UK) (to Chile) I
(to Australia) (to NZ) T URUGUAY
Juan Fernandez Island
(to Chile) N
Tasmania R
Chatham Island P A C I F I C
(to NZ) A
Bounty Island O C E A N
Campbell Island (to NZ) FALKLAND ISLANDS
(to NZ) (to UK)
Macquarie Island (to Australia)
(to UK)
Antarctic Circle

Time zones

The world is divided into 24 time
–2 –1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
zones, measured in relation to 12 noon
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), on the
Greenwich Meridian (0°). Time advances +7
by one hour for every 15° longitude east of –3 0 +1
Greenwich (and goes back one hour for +3
every 15° west), but the system is adjusted
in line with administrative boundaries. +1
Numbers on the map indicate the number +2
of hours that must be added to, or
subtracted from UTC to calculate the time
in each zone. Thus, the eastern United +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
States (–5) is 5 hours behind UTC.
The 365-day Gregorian calendar was -1 +4 +4 +5
introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 0 +2 +5
and is now in use throughout most of the -1 +8
Western world. Every four years (leap year) +3 / 2 +4 / 2
an extra day is added. Below are the names 0 +5 3 +6
+5 / 4
of the months (and number of days). +2
+3 1
January (31) July (31) 1 +6 +6 / 2
February (28, 29 in August (31) -1 0 +1 +5 / 2
leap years) September (30) +3 +7
March (31) October (31) –1
April (30) November 1
+5 / 2
May (31) December (31) +3
June (30)
0 0 0
The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar 0 +2 +4
adapted to the solar year. It normally has 12 1
+1 +6 / 2
months but in leap years, which occur seven 0
times in every cycle of 19 years, there are 13
months. The years are calculated from the +3
Creation (which is placed at 3761 BC); the
months are Nisan, Iyyar, Sivan, Thammuz,
Ab, Elul, Tishri, Hesvan, Kislev, Tebet, ATLANTIC +2 I N D I A N
Sebat, and Adar, with an intercalary month OCEAN O C E A N
(First Adar) being added in leap years.
The Muslim calendar is based on a year of
12 months, each month beginning roughly Greenwich Meridian
at the time of the New Moon. The months +5 +5
are Muharram, Safar, Rabi’I, Rabi’II, Jumada
I, Jumada II, Rajab, Sha’ban, Ramadan,
Shawwal, Dhu l-Qa’dah, and Dhu l-Hijja.
The Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar,
with a year consisting of 12 months. 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00
Intercalary months are added to keep the
calendar in step with the solar year of 365
days. Months are referred to by a number
within a year, but also by animal names
that, from ancient times, have been
attached to years and hours of the day.


+8 +9 +10 +11 +12 –12 –11 –10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2

–4 0
International Date Line
+11 –9 Arctic Circle
+10 –8 –7

–10 –4
+10 –5 –3 / 2
+9 O C E A N
–11 Tropic of Cancer
+8 +10 –10 –4 / 2
+9 +11
+13 +14 –5
–9 / 2
+11 –10 –10 –3
+9 / 2
Tropic of Capricorn
+8 –8
+13 –6
+10 +11 / 2
+9 / 2 –3
+10 / 2
+12 / 4
–3 –4
20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00
Antarctic Circle


Length I 1
1 foot (ft) 12 inches (in) II 2
1 yard (yd) 3 feet III 3
1 rod (rd) 5½ yards IV 4
1 mile (mi) 1,760 yards V 5
Mass VII 7
1 dram (dr) 27.344 grains (gr) VIII 8
Length 1 ounce (oz) 16 drams IX 9
1 centimeter (cm) 10 millimeters (mm) 1 pound (lb) 16 ounces X 10
1 meter (m) 100 centimeters 1 hundredweight (cwt) 112 pounds XI 11
1 kilometer (km) 1,000 meters (long) XII 12
1 hundredweight (cwt) 100 pounds XIII 13
Mass (short) XIV 14
1 kilogram (kg) 1,000 grams (g) 1 ton (long) 2,240 pounds XV 15
1 metric ton (t) 1,000 kilograms 1 ton (short) 2,000 pounds XX 20
XXI 21
Area Area XXX 30
1 square centimeter 100 square millimeters 1 square foot (ft 2 ) 144 square inches XL 40
(cm 2 ) (mm 2 ) (in 2 ) 1 square yard (yd 2 ) L 50
1 square meter (m 2 ) 10,000 square centimeters 9 square feet LX 60
1 hectare 10,000 square meters 1 acre 4,840 square yards LXX 70
1 square kilometer 1,000,000 square meters 1 square mile 640 acres LXXX 80
(km 2 ) XC 90
Volume C 100
Volume 1 cubic foot 1,728 cubic inches CI 101
1 cubic centimeter (cc) 1 milliliter (ml) 1 cubic yard 27 cubic feet CC 200
1 liter (l) 1,000 milliliters CCC 300
1 cubic meter (m 3 ) 1,000 liters Capacity (liquid and dry measures) CD 400
1 fluidram (fl dr) 60 minims (min) D 500
Capacity (liquid and dry measures) 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) 8 fluidrams DC 600
1 centiliter (cl) 10 milliliters (ml) 1 gill (gi) 5 fluid ounces DCC 700
1 deciliter (dl) 10 centiliters 1 pint (pt) 4 gills DCCC 800
1 liter (l) 10 deciliters 1 quart (qt) 2 pints CM 900
1 decaliter (dal) 10 liters 1 gallon (gal) 4 quarts M 1,000
1 hectoliter (hi) 10 decaliters 1 peck (pk) 2 gallons MM 2,000
1 kiloliter (kl) 10 hectoliters 1 bushel (bu) 4 pecks

Length Length
Centimeters inches 0.3937 Inches centimeters 2.5400
Meters feet 3.2810 Feet meters 0.3048
Kilometers miles 0.6214 Miles kilometers 1.6090
Meters yards 1.0940 Yards meters 0.9144
Mass Mass
Grams ounces 0.0352 Ounces grams 28.3500
Kilograms pounds 2.2050 Pounds kilograms 0.4536
Metric tons long tons 0.9843 Long tons metric tons 1.0160
Metric tons short tons 1.1025 Short tons metric tons 0.9070
Area Area
Square centimeters square inches 0.1550 Square inches square centimeters 6.4520
Square meters square feet 10.7600 Square feet square meters 0.0929
Hectares acres 2.4710 Acres hectares 0.4047
Square kilometers square miles 0.3861 Square miles square kilometers 2.5900
Square meters square yards 1.1960 Square yards square meters 0.8361
Volume Volume
Cubic centimeters cubic inches 0.0610 Cubic inches cubic centimeters 16.3900
Cubic meters cubic feet 35.3100 Cubic feet cubic meters 0.0283
Capacity Capacity
Liters pints 1.7600 Pints liters 0.5683
Liters gallons 0.2200 Gallons liters 4.5460



a + a Simple addition 2a + addition
a + b = c + d Subtract b from either side a = c + d - b - subtraction
ab = cd Divide both sides by b a = cd ÷ b × multiplication
(a + b) (c + d) Multiplication of bracketed terms ac + ad + be + bd ÷ division
a 2 + ab Use parentheses a(a + b) = equals
(a + b) 2 Expand terms in parentheses a 2 + 2ab + b ≠ does not equal
a 2 —b Difference of two squares (a + b)(a-b) > greater than
1/a + 1/b Find common denominator (a + b)/ab < less than
a/b ÷ c/d Dividing by a fraction is the same a/b × d/c ≥ greater than or equal to
as multiplying by its reciprocal ≤ less than or equal to
∞ infinity
π pi (3.1416)
° degree
10 18 quintillion exa- E ≈ is approximately equal to
10 15 quadrillion peta- P ∠ angle
10 12 trillion tera- T ∏ parallel to
10 9 billion giga- G ∑ summation
10 6 million mega- M u, u vectors
10 3 thousand kilo- k f(x) function
10 2 hundred hecto- h ! factorial
10 1 ten deca- da √ square root
10 -1 one-tenth deci- d ξ universal set
10 -2 one-hundredth centi- c A ∩ B intersection
10 -3 one-thousandth milli- m A ∪ B unison
10 -6 one-millionth micro- u A ⊂ B subset
10 -9 one-billionth nano- n Ø null set
10 -12 one-trillionth pico- p
10 -15 one-quadrillionth femto- f
10 -18 one-quintillionth atto- a
Note: The American system of numeration PHYSICS SYMBOLS
for denominations above one million is used SYMBOL MEANING
in this book. In this system, each of the SYMBOL MEANING + plus; together with
denominations above one billion (1,000 α alpha particle − single bond
millions) is 1,000 times the preceding one. β beta ray • single bond; single
γ gamma ray; photon unpaired electron; two
ε electromotive force separate parts or
BIOLOGY SYMBOLS η efficiency; viscosity compounds regarded
λ wavelength as loosely joined
SYMBOL MEANING μ micro-; permeability = double bond
ο female individual ν frequency; neutrino ≡ triple bond
(used in inheritance charts) ρ density; resistivity R group
male individual σ conductivity X halogen atom
(used in inheritance charts) c velocity of light Z atomic number
female e electronic charge
× crossed with; hybrid
generation BETWEEN 1 AND 10 NOTATION
offspring of the second
F 2 10 1 10 1 1 3 10 1
150 1.5 10 2 (= 100) 1.5 3 10 2
274,000,000 2.74 10 8 (= 100,000,000) 2.74 3 10 8
TEMPERATURE SCALES 0.0023 2.3 10 -3 (= 0.001) 2.3 3 10 -3
To convert from Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C): C = (F—32) × 5 ÷ 9
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit: F = (C × 9 ÷ 5) + 32
To convert from Celsius to Kelvin (K): K = C + 273 TRIGONOMETRY
To convert from Kelvin to Celsius: C = K - 273
Angle A sin A cos A tan A
0 0 1 0
30 1/2 √3/2 1/√3
Celsius -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 45 1/√2 1/√2 1
Fahrenheit -4 14 32 50 68 86 104 122 140 158 176 194 212 60 √3/2 1/2 √ 3
Kelvin 253 263 273 283 293 305 313 325 333 343 353 363 373 90 1 0 ∞


Shapes: Plane

Two-dimensional shapes are termed plane (or flat) shapes. Plane
shapes constructed with straight sides, as illustrated here, are PERIMETERS
called polygons. They are categorized according to the number of The formulae for
sides they have—for example, three-sided polygons are known as calculating the areas and
perimeters of simple plane
triangles. A polygon that has sides of shapes were devised by
equal length and internal angles of Classical Greek
equal size, such as a square, mathematicians.
is said to be regular.

A triangle (three-sided A triangle with only two sides A triangle with one angle
polygon) with no and two angles equal. as a right angle (90º).
equal sides or angles.
r = radius
d = diameter = 2 r
Circumference = 2 π r
Area = π r 2
(π = 3.1416)

A regular triangle. A regular quadrilateral. A quadrilateral with all sides
All angles are 60º. All angles are 90º. equal and two pairs of
equal angles. a c


Height = h
Sides = a, b, c
Perimeter = a + b + c
Area = ½ b h
A quadrilateral with four right A quadrilateral with two A quadrilateral with one pair
angles and opposite sides of pairs of parallel sides. of parallel sides.
equal length.



Sides = a, b
A five-sided polygon. A regular A six-sided polygon. A regular An eight-sided polygon. A Perimeter = 2 (a + b)
pentagon is shown above. hexagon is shown above. regular octagon is shown above. Area = a b


Shapes: Solid

Three-dimensional shapes are known as solid shapes and SURFACE AREAS AND
include spheres, cubes, and pyramids. A solid shape with a VOLUMES
polygon at each face is called a polyhedron. Volume refers to the
amount of space that a
solid object occupies. Its
surface area is the sum of
the area of each of its faces.


A four-sided polyhedron. A A regular hexahedron. A polyhedron with r
regular tetrahedron is shown. All sides are equal and eight sides.
all angles are 90º.
Surface area =
2 π r h + 2πr 2
Volume = π r h
Height = h
Radius = r

A polyhedron of constant A polygonal base and A doughnutlike, ring shape. l
cross-sections in planes triangular sides that meet h
perpendicular to its at a point.
longitudinal axis.


Surface area =
π r l + πr 2
Volume = ⅓ π r l
Height = h
A round shape, as in a Formed when a sphere An egg-shaped solid object Side = l
ball or an orange. is cut exactly in half. whose cross-section is a circle
or an ellipse.


Surface area =
CONE RIGHT CYLINDER HELIX 2 (a b + b c + a c)
An elliptical or circular A tube-shaped, solid A twisted curve. The Volume = a b c
base with sides tapering to a figure. A right cylinder has distance moved in one
single point. parallel faces. revolution is its pitch. Sides = a, b, c


Index Adductor tubercle 225 African elephant 200-201 Air cooling baffle 402 Gothic church 470,
Motorcycle engine 366
African plate 59
V8 engine 404
Adenine 216
Medieval church
Adhara 18, 21
Aft anchor 395
Adipose tissue 215, 235
Air cooling scoop 365
Aft door 416, 572
Adjustable antenna 591 Aft bogie 615 Air cooling fan 427 Akna Montes 37
Adjustable damper 518 Afterbay 314 Air-cushioned sole 543 Ala 213, 223
Adjustable link 362 After breast rope 387 Air data probe 420 Alar groove 213
A Acer pseudoplatanus 131, Adjustable vane 563 After bridge 395 Air exit 592 Alarm vibrator motor 558
Air filter
Alba Fossae 43
Adjusting screw 560
Aa lava 273 Acer sp. 127 Admiralty anchor Type Jet engine 418 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Alba Patera 43
Abacus Acetabularia sp. 116 ACII 386 Supersonic jetliner 416 Harley Davidson FLHS Albategnius 40
Ancient Egyptian Acetabular labrum 225 Admiralty pattern anchor Afterburner nozzle 421 Electra Glide 363 Albertosaurus 84
temple 459 Acetabulum 386 Aftercastle Pegasus Quasar Albireo 20
Ancient Greek building Eryops 81 Adrenal gland 215, 257 Sailing warship 377 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Albumen 192
460 Ornithischian 82 Adventitious buds 154 Square-rigged ship 375 ultralight 427 Albumen gland 177
Medieval church 469 Saurischian 82 Adventitious roots Aftercastle castle-deck Air hose 442 Alcohol fermentation 313
Neoclassical building 483 Acetylene headlight Aechmea miniata 162 gunport 377 Air impingement starter Alcor 19
Abalone 176 336-337 Canadian pond weed After compass platform 418 Alcyone 20
Abaxial epidermis 139 Achenes 150 158 395 Air inlet Aldebaran 18, 21
Abaxial surface Achernar 20 Couch grass 113 After fashion piece 381 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Alderamin 19
Butterwort leaf 161 Achilles tendon 232-233 Fern 121 After funnel Power drill 601 Alethopteris 67, 278
Fern pinnule 121 Acid Horsetail 120 Battleship 395 Air intake Algae 56, 112, 116-117
Mulberry leaf 130 Intaglio printing 446 Ivy 131 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Concorde, the 416 Desmid 112
Water hyacinth leaf 158 Reversible reaction 312 Monocotyledon 126 Afterpeak 392 Double-decker tour bus Earth’s evolution 56
Water lily leaf 159 Salt formation 312 Potato 128 After muffler 427 333 Fossil record 279
Welwitschia leaf 123 Acidalia Planitia 43 Rock stonecrop 128 After spring rope 387 Formula One race car Lichen symbiote 114
Abbey of St. Foi 468 Acidic solution 446, 448 Tree fern 112 Aft fairing 415 356, 357 Algal cell 114
Abdomen Acid-resistant ground Vegetative reproduction Aft galley unit 417 Lockheed Electra Algal layer 114
Crab 172 446-447 154-155 Aft hydroplane 396 airliner 406 Algebra 621
Crayfish 172 Acid-secreting stomach Water fern 158 Aft main door 414-415 MCW Metrobus 332-333 Algedi 20
Human 211 cell 217 Water hyacinth 158 Aft rocker 615 Modern military Algenib 19, 20
Insect 168-169 Acipenser sturio 180 Water lily 159 Aft shoulder 560 aircraft 420-421 Algieba 18
Rattlesnake 185 Acorn 131 Advertising 368 Aft shroud 612, 613 Single-decker bus 333 Algol 19, 20
Scorpion 170 Acoustic guitar 512-513 Advertising panel 333 Aft spar 415 Turbojet engine 418 Alhambra 488
Shrimp 172 Acropolis 460 Aechmea miniata 162 Agate burnisher tip 432 Turboprop engine 419 Alhena 18, 21
Spider 171 Acrosomal cap 259 Aedicule Aggregate fruits 148-149 Vacuum cleaner 592, Alicante 450
Abdominal aorta 215, 255 Acroterion 460-461 Ancient Roman Bramble 130 593 Alidade 377
Abdominal artery 173 Acroteuthis 278 building 463 Development 146-147 Air intake box 425 Alimentary canal 248-249
Abdominal cavity 215 Acrux Renaissance building Aghulas current 297 Air-intake duct 354, 573 Alioth 18
Abdominal segment Centaurus and Crux 21 474, 476 Agnatha 178 Air intake vent 341 The Big Dipper 19
Butterfly 169 Southern stars 21 AEG Turbine Hall 495 Agropyron repens 113 Air mass 296 Alkaid 18
Crayfish 172 Acrylic ink 448 Aegyptopithecus 75 Ahead /astern controls 390 Air outlet 356, 427 The Big Dipper 19
Eurypterid fossil 79 Acrylic paint techniques Aeration zone 293 Aileron Air passage Alkali metals 310
Extinct shrimp 79 443 Aerial ARV light aircraft 424 Lambeosaurus 99 Allantoic fluid 192
Abductor digiti minimus Acrylic-primed board 442 Frigate 397 BAe-146 components Parasaurolophus 99 Allantois 192-193
muscle 231, 233 Acrylics 442-443 Honda Insight 354 414 Air pistol 548-549 All-around bicycle 360
Abductor pollicis brevis Actinia equina 166 Renault Clio 349 Curtiss biplane 398-399 Air plants 162 “All clear” position 330
muscle 231 Actinides 310 Aerial mammals 104 Hawker Tempest Air pressure 303 All-enclosing fairing 369
Aberdeen hook 562 Actinium 310 Aerial rig 397 components 409 Air pump Alley 544-545
Abies Concolor 66 Actinothoe sphyrodeta 166 Aerial root 162 Lockheed Electra Oscillating steam Alligator 186
Abomasum 198 Action 321 Aerial shoot 155 airliner 406 engine 391 Allison 250-C20J
Aboral surface Action lever 514 Aerial stem 119, 155 LVG CVI fighter 405 Steamboat 391 turboshaft engine 423
Sea urchin 175 Active galaxy 12 Aerodynamic balance Schleicher glider 426 Air reservoir valve 327 Allium sp. 143
Starfish 174 Active volcano 272 414-415 Aileron control wire 403 Air resistance 552 Allosaurus 71, 85
Abortive ovule 151 Igneous and Aerodynamic hub cover Aileron hinge strut 403 Air rifle shooting 548 Allotropes 311
Abortive seed 146 metamorphic rocks 275 604 Aileron mass balance 424 Air sac Alloy disc 517
Abrasion Mountain building 62 Aerodynamic roof 354 Aileron operating arm 398 Chicken’s egg 192 Alloy frame 368
Glacier 286 Actuating lever system Aerodynamic tubing 360 Aino Planitia 36-37 Scots pine 122 Alloy wheel
Weathering and erosion 330 Aerodynamic underside Air Air scoop Formula One race car
282 Acuminate leaf apex components 354 Atmosphere 300 ARV Super 2 424 356, 357
Absolute magnitude 136-137 Aerodynamic windshield Oceans and seas 296 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Honda VF750 364-365
Hertzsprung-Russell Acute leaf apex 137 346 Weather 302-303 Air spaces Renault Clio 350-351
diagram 23 Adam’s apple 212, 244-245 Aerofoil guard 329 Air ambulance 422 Clubmoss stem 120 Suzuki RGV500 368-369
Stars 22 Adam’s ring “Aero” handlebars Airbag suspension 331 Mare’s tail stem 135 All-terrain bicycle 358
Absorption lines 22-23 Neptune’s rings 50 360-361 Air bladder 117 Moss 119 Alluvial cone 282
Absorptive hyphae 114 Structure of Neptune 51 Aerosol spray fixative 430, Air-brake Root 132 Alluvial fan 282
Abutment 484-485 Adaptation 112 440 BAe-146 components Stem 135 Alluvium-filled basin 282
Abyssal plain 298 Dryland plants 156-157 “Aerotuck” position 360 415 Wetland plants 158-159 Almach 19, 20
Acacia tree sap 438 Wetland plants 158-159 Aesculus hippocastanum Schleicher glider 426 Airspeed-indicator tube Pegasus and
Acadagnostus 64 Adaxial epidermis 139 130 Tornado 421 ARV light aircraft 425 Andromeda 19
Acamar 19 Adaxial surface Aesculus parviflora 137 Air-brake coupling hose BE 2B wings 404 Al Nair 19, 20
Acanthostachys strobilacea Butterwort leaf 161 Afferent arteriole 257 326 Airspeed pitot tube 404 Alnilam 18
112-113 Mulberry leaf 130 A-frame Air-brake jack 421 Air taxi 422 Alnitak
Acanthostega 80 Tree mallow leaf 131 Concorde 416 Air brushes 442 Air temperature 300 Horsehead Nebula 16
Acanthus leaf 460 Water hyacinth leaf 158 Gliders, hang-gliders, Airbus 380 572-573 Air temperature probe Orion 18
Accelerated electron 319 Water lily leaf 159 and ultralights 426 Air chamber 118 BAe-146 components Alouatta seniculus 203
Acceleration 320-321 Welwitschia leaf 123 Africa Air cleaner 412 Alpha Centauri 21
Electric train 328 Add address button 576 Cretaceous period 72-73 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Bell Jetranger Alpha Hydri 20
Motorcycle 364 Add attachments button Earth’s physical Renault Clio 351 helicopter 423 Alpha Mensae 20
Access door 333 576 features 264-265 Air compression 326 Air vent Alphard 18, 21
Accessory drive pad 419 Address options button Great Rift Valley 60 Air-conditioning 496-497 Bicycle helmet 360 Alpha Regio 36-37
Accessory pouch 548 576 Jurassic period 70 Air-conditioning Hockey helmet 540 Alpha ring 48
Access panel 329, 333 Adductor longus muscle Late Carboniferous compressor 344, 354 Suzuki RGV500 368-369 Alphecca 18, 21
Access slot 585 225, 226 period 66 Air-conditioning duct 417 Air ventilator inlet 405 Alpheratz 19, 20
Accidentals 502-503 Adductor magnus muscle Middle Ordovician Air-conditioning pump Aisle Pegasus and
Accretion disc 27-29 227 period 64 344 Airbus 380 572 Andromeda 19
AC electric train 328 Adductor muscle 173 Quaternary period 76-77 Air-conditioning Ancient Egyptian Alphonsus 40
Acer Lumiread e-reader Adductor pollicis muscle Tertiary period 74-75 refrigerant pipe 344 temple 458 Alpine skiing 552-553
568 231 Triassic period 68 Air-cooled engine Cathedral dome 484 Alps 60, 265

Alrami 21 Amniotic fluid 192, 260 Angiospermophyta 112, Airbus 380 573 Blériot XI monoplane Apical meristem 134
Alsatian dog 195 Amniotic sac 260 126 Battleship 395 401 Apical notch
Alstroemeria aurea 129 Amoebocyte 166 Angiosperms 279 Crab 172 LVG CVI fighter 405 Seaweed 116
Altair 19, 20 Amphibia 182 Angle bar 393 Crayfish 173 Anti-lift wire 399 Thalloid liverwort 118
Altar 470 Amphibian 80-81, 182-183 Angle buttress 471, 472 Frigate 397 Antimacassar 329 Apollo 41
Alternating current 328 Earth’s evolution 56 Angle-of-attack probe 420 Global positioning Antimony 311 Apomixis 146
Alternative engines Fossil 278-279 Anglerfish 180 system 590, 591 Antipodal cell 147 Apophysis 119
346-347 Primitive 68-69, 78 Angling 562-563 Insects 168-169 Anti-reflective coating 605 Apothecium 114
Alternator Amphibole 275 Angoulême Cathedral Malacostraca 172 Anti-reverse drive 562 Appalachian mountains
Diesel train 326 Amphitheater 464-465 468-469 Roman corbita 372-373 Anti-roll bar Late Cretaceous period
Ford V6 12-valve Amplification Angular mountain ridge Shrimp 172 Renault Clio 350-351 67
engine 344 Drums 518 295 Volleyball net 534 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Mountain building 62
Jaguar V12 engine 345 Electronic instruments Angular notch 249 Antennule 173 Anti-submarine torpedo Quaternary period 77
NPT 301 turbojet 418 520 Angular process 194 Anterior antebrachial tube 397 Satellite map 264
Renault Clio 351 Guitar 512 Angular unconformity 276 muscle 86 Anti-surge baffle 344 Tertiary period 75
Alternator belt 351 Stringed instruments 510 Anhydrous copper Anterior aorta 170 Anti-torque tail rotor 423 Triassic period 69
Altitude scale 377 Vibraphone 516 sulfate 313 Anterior arch 222 Antitragus 242 Apparent magnitude 22
Alto clef 502 Xylophone 516 Animal cloning 607 Anterior brachial muscle Anti-vibration engine Appendix
Altocumulus cloud 302 Amplifier 520 Animal life Brachiosaurus 91 mount 411 Chimpanzee 202
Alto mute 507 Amps 316 Electromagnetic Gallimimus 86 Antler hammer 109 Human 249
Altostratus cloud 302 Ampulla radiation 314 Anterior branch of spinal Antler harpoon 109 Rabbit 196
Alto voice 502 Ear 242-243 Primitive 78 nerve 223 Antlia 18, 21 Appendix orifice 249
Aludra 21 Fallopian tube 258-259 Animal remains Anterior chamber 241 Antoniadi 41 Apple 148-149
Alula 191 Sea urchin 175 Fossils 278 Anterior chamber of Antorbital fenestra Apple iMac 567
Aluminum 311 Starfish 174 Sedimentary rocks 276 cloaca 185 Baryonyx 83 Apple iPad 568-569
Earth’s composition 39 Ampullar nerve 242 Animal stances 82 Anterior crural muscle Camarasaurus 91 Apple Macintosh PCs 566
Earth’s crust 58 Anal canal 249 Animals 56, 67, 78 Brachiosaurus 90 Diplodocus 90 Approach 543
Aluminum alloy backing Anal clasper 169 Anions 308 Gallimimus 86 Plateosaurus 88 Apse 465, 469, 481
346 Anal fin Ankle Anterior dorsal fin Anura 182 Aquarius 19, 20
Aluminum arrow shaft Bony fish 180-181 Anchisaurus 89 Bony fish 181 Anus Aquatic mammals 104
548 Lamprey 178 Corythosaurus 98 Dogfish 179 Barnacle 173 Aqueduct 236
Aluminum beam 560 Anal fin ray 180 Edmontonia 95 Lamprey 178 Bony fish 181 Aqueous humor 241
Aluminum bonnet 354 Anal flap 200 Herrerasaurus 86 Anterior fontanelle 220 Butterfly 169 Aquiclude 292
Aluminum cowl 401 Analog signals 580 Human 211 Anterior horn 223 Cow 198 Aquifer 292
Aluminum flush-riveted Anal sphincter muscle Iguanodon 96 Anterior median fissure Crayfish 173 Aquiferous system 166
skin 407 249 Pachycephalosaurus 223, 238 Dolphin 205 Aquila 19, 20
Aluminum gearbox Anchisaurus 88-89 100 Anterior median vein 253 Domestic cat 195 Ara 20
casing 366 Anchor Psittacosaurus 103 Anterior nasal spine Elephant 200 Ara ararauna 190
Aluminum racket 544 74-gun ship 380 Stegoceras 101 220-221 Human 249, 258, 261 Arabesque
Aluminum shield 612 BAe-146 components Stegosaurus 92 Anterior petal 141 Octopus 176 Islamic building
Aluminum wheel 406, 412, 414 Triceratops 102 Anterior root 238 Rabbit 196 488-489
615 Battleship 394-395 Tyrannosaurus 84 Anterior semicircular Sea urchin 175 Neoclassical molding
Aluminum wire figure Frigate 397 Ankle joint canal 243 Snail 177 480
455 Junk 376 Brachiosaurus 90 Anterior sepal 141 Spider 170 Arabia
Alveolar artery and vein Roman corbita 372 Diplodocus 90 Anterior tentacle 177 Starfish 174 Cretaceous period 72
247 Square-rigged ship 375 Euoplocephalus 94 Anterior tibial artery 253 Tortoise 187 Jurassic period 70
Alveolar bone 247 Tea clipper 392 Human 219 Anterior tibial muscle Anvil 242 Arabian Desert 265
Alveoli 254-255 Types 386 Parasaurolophus 98 Albertosaurus 84 Aorta Arabic number system
Amaryllis 155 Wooden sailing ship Plateosaurus 88 Iguanodon 97 Anterior 170 591
Amateur rules 532 379 Stegoceras 101 Anterior tubercle 222 Bony fish 181 Arachnids 170-171
Amazon Basin 39 Anchor bearing 413 Struthiomimus 87 Anterior wing of shell 176 Dogfish 179 Arachnoid granulation
Amazon Kindle e-reader Anchor buoy 379 Triceratops 102 Antheridium 117 Dolphin 205 237
569 Anchor cable Tyrannosaurus 84 Fern 121 Dorsal 179, 181, 182 Arachnoid mater 237, 240
Amazon River 264 74-gun ship 380 Ankylosaurs 83, 92, 94-95 Moss 119 Human 215, 250-251, Aral Sea 265
Amazonis Planitia 43 Sailing warship 376 Anne’s Spot 47 Antherozoids 116-117 252, 255, 256-257 Araneae 170
Ambiens muscle Anchor chain 386, 395 Annual growth ring 125 Fern 121 Posterior 170 Araucaria araucana 68
Albertosaurus 84 Anchoring 386-387 Annuals 128 Moss 119 Spider 170 Arcade
Iguanodon 97 Anchor-joint 492 Annular river drainage Anthers 140-143, 145 Ventral 179 Ancient Roman
Ambulacral groove 79, Anchor rode 372 288 Dicotyledons 126-127 Apatite 271 building 464-465
175 Anchor rope 372-373 Annular tendon 241 Fertilization 146-147 Ape 108, 202-203 Baroque church 479-481
Ambulatory corridor 465 Ancient Egyptian building Annulet 460 Pollination process Aperture 610, 612, 613 Gothic building 470-471
Amelodentinal junction 458-459 Annulus 144-145 Aperture door 612, 613 Medieval church
247 Ancient Greek building Fern 121 Anthozoa 166 Aperture door mounting 468-469
American alligator 186 460-461, 462 Mushroom 115 Anthracite coal 280 612 Twentieth-century
American beaver 197 Ancient Greeks 542 Annulus of trunk 201 Anthriscus sp. 135 Aperture plate 611 building 495
American black bear 195 Ancient Roman building Ant 168 Anthropoids 202 Apex Arcadia Planitia 43
American squash court 462-465, 474 Anta 461 Anthurium andreanum Beetle wing 168 Arch 484-485
545 Ancillary drive belt 347 Antarala 490-491 143 Butterfly wing 169 Ancient Roman
American squash game Ancillary drive pulley 345 Antarctica Antibodies 253 Calligraphy characters building 462, 464-465
544 Ancorale 372 Cretaceous period Anticlinal fold 60 445 Asian building 490-491
Americium 311 Andamenti 451 72-73 Anticline 60-61, 62 Clubmoss shoot 120 Baroque church 479,
Ammonia Andes Earth’s physical Anticline trap 280-281 Fern frond 121 480
Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 Cretaceous period 73 features 264-265 Anticlinorium 61 Fern pinnule 121 Calligraphy characters
Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Earth’s external Jurassic period 70 Anti-collision beacon Horsetail shoot 120 445
Structure of Neptune 51 features 39 Late Carboniferous 422-423 Leaf 136-137, 154-155 Cathedral dome 487
Structure of Uranus 49 Jurassic period 71 period 66 Anti-corrosion paint 413 Lung 255 Features of a coastline
Ammonite 278-279 Quaternary period 77 Quaternary period Anticyclonic storm system Moss 119 295
Ammonite shell 267 Satellite map 264 76-77 Cloud features of Pegasus XL SE French temple 484-485
Ammonium dichromate Tertiary period 75 Tertiary period 74-75 Neptune 50 Pine shoot 125 Gothic church 470-473
312 Triassic period 69 Triassic period 68 Jupiter 44-45 Snail shell 177 High jump 543
Ammonium Androecium 140-141, Antarctic Circle Structure of Saturn 47 Tongue 244-245 Islamic building 488-489
hydrosulfide 143 Satellite map 265 Anti-friction pad 552 ultralight 426 Medieval building
Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 Andromeda 19, 20 Surface currents 297 Anti-glare lens 553 Apex wire 426 466-469
Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Andromeda Galaxy 14, 19 Antarctic circumpolar Anti-glare screen surface Aphelion 30-31 Nineteenth-century
Ammophila arenaria 113 Anemometer 605 current 296 584 Aphrodite Terra 36-37 building 492-493
Ammunition 548-549 Anemonia viridis 166 Antares 18, 21 Antihelix 242 Apical bud Renaissance building
Ammunition box 408 Anemophilous pollination Antefixa 461 Anti-lift bracing wire Bulb 155 474-475
Amnion 192-193, 260 144 Antelope 198 Avro triplane 403 Pine shoot 125 Archaeopteryx 57, 84, 85
Amniotic egg 80 Angiogram 214 Antenna Blackburn monoplane 401 Apical foramen 247 Arched brace 473

Arched doorway 474, 475 Armor Artillery loop 389 Saturn 47 Automatic cylinder B
Arched facade 493 Battleship 394 Artillery wheel 334 Uranus 49 lubricator 342
Archegoniophore 118 Gun turret 396 Artiodactyla 104, Venus 37 Automatic direction- B-17G Flying Fortress
Archegonium Ironclad 393 198-199 Water cycle 288 finding aerial 423 bomber 408
Fern 121 Armored dinosaurs 92 Artist’s easel 437 Atoll 298-299 Automatic door 328-329 Baboon 202
Liverwort 118 Armored seat back 409 Artist’s signature 437, Atoll development 299 Automatic louvres 602, Bach 35
Moss 119 Arm out-in joint 608 445 Atomic mass 309, 310 603 Back
Scots pine 122 Armpit 211, 234 Artist’s stamp 445 Atomic number 310 Automatic pen 444 Block and tackle 383
Archery 548-549 Armpit bight 388 Art nouveau style 495 Atomic weight 310 Automatic Train Elephant 200
Archery screen 377 Armrest 329, 407 Arundinaria nitida 131 Atoms 306, 308-309, 596 Protection (ATP) 330 Horse 198
Archimedes 40 Arm rotation joint 608 ARV Super 2 light aircraft Chemical properties Automobile freight car Human 210
Architrave Arms of Brazil 394 424-425 310 327 Lion 195
Ancient Egyptian Armstand dive 558-559 Arzachel 40 Chemical reactions 312 Autopilot 412 Backboard 532
temple 458-459 Arm up-down joint 608 Ascender 445 Periodic table 310 Autumn wood xylem 134 Back bone 222
Ancient Greek temple Arrector pili muscle 235 Ascending aorta 251 Atrial diastole 250 Auxiliary air intake 420- Back check 514
461 Arricio 434 Ascending colon 249 Atrial systole 251 421 Back contact grid 605
Ancient Roman Arrow head 109 Ascraeus Mons 43 Atrium Auxiliary generator 327 Background radiation 10
building 463, 465 Arse 382 Asexual reproduction 154 Hong Kong and Auxiliary power unit 417 Back/Home button 586
Baroque church Arsenic 311 Ash Shanghai Bank 498 Auxiliary Power Unit Back judge 526
479-481 Arsia Mons 43 Mountain building 62 Human 215, 250-251 (APU) exhaust 572 Back line 535
French temple 485 Arsinoitherium 57, 75, Rock cycle 266 Sponge 166 Auxiliary power unit inlet Back pocket 528
Gothic building 473 104-105 Volcano 272-273 Attached column 415 Backrest
Neoclassical building Art deco style 495 Ash chute 395 Ancient Roman Aves 188 ARV light aircraft 425
478, 482-483 Twentieth-century Ash-cinder volcano 272 building 465 Avimimus 87 Lockheed Electra
Renaissance building building 494, 495 Ash eruptions 272 Baroque church 480 Avogadro 41 passenger seat 407
476-477 Artemon 372 Ash head 540 Gothic building 473 Avro triplane IV 402-403 Backs
Archivolt Arterial system Ashlar 464, 486 Medieval building 468- Avro Tutor biplane Handball 535
Baroque church 479, Brain 252 ASIMO humanoid 469 402-403 Hockey 540
481 Kidney 256 608-609 Neoclassical building Away swing bowler 338 Soccer 524
French temple 485 Arteriole 252 Asia 479 Awning 499 Volleyball 534
Gothic church 471 Artery Cretaceous period Attachment-bracket 424 Ax 109, 374 Backshell 615
Medieval building Abdominal 173 72-73 Attachment clip 575 Axial gland 175 Back sight 549
467-468 Alveolar 247 Earth’s physical Attachment lug 404 Axial instrument unit Backstay 378, 379, 380
Renaissance building Anterior tibial 253 features 264-265 Attachment plate 424 612 Backstay stool 381
477 Axillary 253 Himalaya formation Attack line 534 Axial tilt Back strap 560, 561
Arch of aorta 253 Basilar 252 62-63 Attack radar 420 Earth 38 Backstroke 558-559
Arch of Titus 463 Brachial 253 Hominids 108 Attic Jupiter 44 Backup battery 567
Arch-plate 493 Central retinal 240 Jurassic period 70 Baroque church Mars 42 Backward defensive
Archway 493 Common carotid 215, Middle Ordovician 480-481 Mercury 34 stroke 538
Medieval church 469 251, 253 period 64 Cathedral dome 487 Moon 40 Backward dive 558
Molding 485 Common iliac 215, 253, Quaternary period Neoclassical building Neptune 50 Backwash 294
Arctic Circle 257 76-77 478, 483 Pluto 51 Back zones 534
Satellite map 265 Coronary 250-251, 253 Tertiary period 74-75 Attic vase 372 Saturn 46 Bacteria 56
Surface currents 297 Digital 231, 253 Triassic period 68 Attitude control thruster Uranus 48 Bactrian camel 199
Arctic Ocean 265 Dorsal metatarsal 253 Asian buildings 490-491 614 Venus 36 Baculum 144
Arcturus 18, 21 Epibranchial 179 Asian elephant 200-201 Attraction 316-317 Axilla 211 Badger 194
Hertzsprung-Russell External iliac 215, 225, Asparagus setaceous 64 “A” turret 394 Axillary artery 253 Badminton 544-545
diagram 23 253 Ass 198 Auda 491 Axillary bud 134 BAe-146 jetliner
Area measurements 590 Femoral 225, 253 Association football Audio clock settings 521 Dicotyledon stem 127 components 412-415
Areas 622, 623 Gastric 253 524-525 Audio codec chip 587 Durmast oak 131 Baffin Island 264
Areola 160 Hepatic 248, 252-253 Astatine 311 Audio software sequencer Leaf scars 154 Baffle 341
Areole 156 Interlobular 256 Asterias rubens 175 521 Axillary vein 253 Baffle plate 347
Arête 286-287 Internal carotid 243, Asterina gibbosa 175 Auditorium 479 Axinite 270 Bage, C. 492
Argentina 331 252 Asteroids 52-53 Auditory canal 242 Axis Baggage compartment
Argon Internal iliac 215, 253 Solar system 30 Auditory meatus Azolla sp. 158 door 423
Atmospheric Lateral plantar 253 Asteroxylon 78-79 Chimpanzee 202 Horse 199 Bagneux Church 468-469
composition 301 Orbital 179 Asthenosphere 58-59 Seal 204 Human 222 Bahada 282
Mars’ atmosphere 43 Peroneal 253 Astragal Auger 374 Seed 152-153 Bail 538
Mercury’s atmosphere 35 Popliteal 253 Church of the Sorbonne Augusta National Golf Pine cone 122 Bail arm 562
Periodic table 311 Posterior cerebral 252 486 course 546 Axis of rotation Bailey 466
Venus’ atmosphere 37 Posterior tibial 253 Ship’s shield 395 Aureole 471 Jupiter 44 Bail handle 336
Argyre Planitia 43 Pulmonary 182, 251, Astragalus 183 Auricle 242 Mars 42 Bailly 40
Ariel 48 253, 254-255 Astrolabe 376, 377 Auricular surface 223 Mercury 34 Baird’s beaked whale 205
Aries 19, 20 Pulp 247 Astronavigation dome 408 Auriga 18, 21 Moon 40 Bait fishing 562
Aril Radial 231, 253 Asymmetric ridge 283 Aurora 38, 301 Neptune 50 Balaenoptera musculus 205
Lychee fruit 148 Renal 256-257 Atacama Desert 264 Australasia 264-265 Pluto 51 Balance 232
Yew seed 123 Splenic 253 Atalanta Planitia 36 Australia Pulsar 28 Balance and muscle
A ring 46-47 Sternal 173 Athletics 542-543 Cretaceous period Saturn 46 coordination 237
Aristarchus 40 Subclavian 215, 251, Atlantic Ocean 264-265 72-73 Uranus 48 Balance weight
Aristillus 40 253 Quaternary period 77 Jurassic period 70 Venus 36 Jaguar VI2 engine 345
Aristoteles 40 Superior mesenteric Tertiary period 75 Late Carboniferous Axle Mid West rotary engine
Arkab Prior 21 253, 256 Atlas period 66 Avro triplane 402-403 411
Arkansas hone-stone 452 Superior thyroid 244 Baroque building 482 Middle Ordovician Blackburn monoplane Balancing drilling
Arm Testicular 257 Horse 199 period 64 400 Mid West rotary engine
74-gun ship 380 Ulnar 231, 253 Human 222 Quaternary period Bus 333 411
Calligraphy characters Umbilical 260 Moon 40 76-77 Curtiss biplane 399 Wankel rotary engine
445 Vertebral 223, 252 Atlas mountains Railroad track gauge Honda VF750 365 347
Gorilla 203 Artesian water 292 Earth’s external 331 Lockheed Electra Balanophyllia regia 167
Human 210 Arthropoda 168, 170, 172, features 39 Satellite map 265 airliner 407 Balata surface 546
Lion 194 278 Quaternary period 77 Tertiary period 74-75 LVG CVI fighter 405 Balcony 493
Roman anchor 372 Articular capsule 232 Satellite map 265 Triassic period 68 Steam locomotive Islamic tomb 489
Starfish 174 Articular cavity Atmosphere Australian Desert 265 324 Nineteenth-century
Volkswagen Beetle 341 Hip joint 225 Earth 38-39, 64, Australian rules football Axle bolt 425 building 493
Armature Metatarsophalangeal 300-301 524, 528-529 Axon 239 Renaissance theater
Power drill motor 600 joint 232 Jupiter 45 Australopithecus 77, 108 Aythya fuligula 188 477
Sculpture 452, 454-455 Artificial elements 310 Mars 43 Lower jaw 107 Azimuthal map projection Rococo style 478, 482
Armature spindle 600 Artificial fly 562-563 Mercury 34-35 Tertiary period 74 265 Sailing ship 378, 379,
Arm bud 260 Artificial light 319 Neptune 51 Autofeather unit 419 Azo yellow 442 381
Armed sports 556-557 Artificial lure 563 Pluto 51 Autogiro 422 Azurite 306 Baleen whale 204

Ball Origin and expansion of Bat Jaguar V12 engine 345 Berardius bairdi 205 Beak 190
Australian rules football universe 10-11 Baseball 537 Motorcycle gearbox 366 Berberis sp. 130-131 Earth’s evolution 57
528 Barrel Cricket 539 Rotary engine output Berkelium 311 Feathers 191
Baseball 537 Gun turret 397 Bat (animal) 105 shaft 411 Berries 148-149 Feet 190
Basketball 533 Wood capstan 387 Batholiths 274-275 Bearing assembly 425 Bersey electric cab 342 Fossil record 279
Cricket 538 Barrel joint 508 Batsman 538-539 Bearing housing 344 Berthing ropes 387 Wing 191
Football 526 Barrel vault 484-485 Batten Bearing mount 411 Beryl 270 “Bird feet” 96
Gaelic football 528-529 Ancient Roman 74-gun ship 381 Bearing seal 359 Beryllium 310 Bird-hipped dinosaur 82,
Golf 546 building 463-464 Junk 376 Bearing sleeve 338 Beta Hydri 20 92, 96
Handball 535 Baroque church 479 Wall construction 602 “Beast feet” 84 Beta Mensae 20 Bird of prey 188
Hockey 540 Medieval church 468 Batter 536-537 Beaten gold 432 Beta Pictoris 21 Bird pollination 144
Hurling 541 Nineteenth-century Battery Beaters 516, 518-519 Beta ring 48 Bishop pine 124-125
Lacrosse 541 building 493 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Beats 502 Betelgeuse 18, 21 Bismuth 281, 311
Netball 535 Barrier beach 294 Bersey electric cab 342 Beaver 196-197 Hertzsprung-Russell Bit 601
Racketball 545 Barrier reef 299 Digital video camera Becket 383 diagram 23 Biternate leaves 137
Rugby 524, 530-531 Barry, C. 493 582 Becket Chapel 467 Orion 18 Bit-guard 555
Soccer 524 Bars 516-517 Hubble Space Bed Universe 10-11 Bitt
Squash 545 Bar swivel 562 Telescope 613 Relief printing press Betula grossa 74 74-gun ship 380-381
Tennis 544 Baryonyx 83, 84-85 Inverter 355 449 Betula lenta 76 Roman corbita 373
Volleyball 534 Baryte 270 Kirby BSA racing Sedimentary rocks 276 Betulites 74 Bitter end, Hawser 387
Ballast 324 Basal disk 167 sidecar 369 Bedding plane Bevel gear 335 Bituminous coal 280
Ball bearings 358-359 Basal scale 114 Battery assembly 355 Cave system 285 Bevel pinion 338 Bivalves 79, 176, 278-279
Ballflowers 470-471 Basalt 274-275 Battery box 327, 424 Coastline 294-295 Beverley Minster 484 Blackbacked gull 193
Ball marker 547 Basaltic lava 272 Battery carrier 338 Bedford cord upholstery Bezel 584 Black bean 153
Ball size number 525 Bascule 493 Battery compartment 407 336 Bhagirathi Parbat 62 Black belt 556
Baltica 65 Base Battery cover 579 Bedplate 390 Bianco di San Giovanni Blackberry 130, 146-147
Baltimore oriole 193 Ancient Greek temple Battery cooling fan 355 Bedrock 298 434-435 Blackberry Curve 8520 589
Baluster 461 Battery electronic control Delta formation 291 Biathlon rifle 549 Blackburn monoplane
Asian building 490 Ancient Roman module (ECM) 355 Bee 168, 379 Bib 557 400-401
Gothic building 473 building 463, 465 Battery overspill 422 Bee hummingbird 193 Bi-block engine 337 Blackburn, Robert 400
Neoclassical building Asian building 491 Battery strap 339 Bee pollination 144-145 Biceps brachii muscle 226 Black dwarf 24-25
483 Baroque church 479, Batting gloves Beeswax 384 Biceps femoris muscle Blackheaded gull 189
Balustrade 481 Baseball 537 Beethoven 35 227 Black ink cartridge 574
Asian building 490 Dome 484, 486, 487 Cricket 539 Beetle 168 Bicycle 360-361 Black ink-cartridge clamp
Baroque church 479-480 French temple 485 Battlemented cornice 471 Begonia 129, 155 Bicycle anatomy 358-359 574
Cathedral dome 487 Gothic church 470, 472 Battlements 466-467 Begonia x tuberhybrida Bicycle riding 315 Black holes 28-29
Gothic church 472-473 Medieval church 469 Battleship 394-395 129, 155 Biennials 128 Galaxies 12
Neoclassical building Neoclassical building Bauxite 268 Behavior 108, 237 Biflagellate cell 116 Massive stars 26-27
478, 483 478, 483 Bay Belaying pin 382 Bifurcate ligament 232 Black Mesa 277
Nineteenth-century Renaissance theater Building 468, 469, 494 Belemnites 71, 278-279 “Big Ben” 493 Black rhinoceros 199
building 493 477 Coastline features 295 Belfry Bigbore rifle shooting Black Sea 265
Renaissance theater Sheet lead 383 River features 291 74-gun ship 380 548-549 Blackstonia perfoliata 144
477 Twentieth-century Bay-head beach 294 Church of St. George in Big end Black walnut 137
Twentieth-century building 494 Bay-leaf garland 480 the East 481 Flat-four cylinder Black widow spider 171
building 495 Twin bollards 386 Bayonet fixing 352 Bell 508 arrangement 340 Bladder
Balzac 35 Baseball 536-537 Bay window 477 Bell 206 Jetranger 423 Four-stroke cycle 343 Bony fish 181
Bamboo 131 Base line BE 2B bomber 404-405 Bell 47G-3B1 422-423 Jaguar straight six Chimpanzee 202
Banana 146 Calligraphy lettering Beach Bellatrix 18 engine 344 Dolphin 205
Banded ironstone 277 445 Coastline 294-295 Bell chamber 493 Mid West engine 410 Domestic cat 195
Banded milk snake 184 Tennis 544 River development 289 Bell crank 391 Trojan engine 342 Elephant 200
Bandy 540 Basement 483 Beacon 407, 422-423 Bell housing 347 Big-end bearing 335 Human 215, 257,
Bank of England 482 Basement membrane of Beaded edge tire 336 Bell joint 508 Bight 388 258-259, 261
Banner 375 Bowman’s capsule 257 Beadlet anemone 166 Bello 35 Big toe 232-233 Lizard 185
Bar Base of phalanx 230 Bead molding 459 Bell Regio Bile duct 189, 249 Rabbit 196
Musical notation 502 Base plate 552 Beak Radar map of Venus 36 Bilge keel 395, 397 Soccer ball 525
Relief-printing press Bases 536 Ankylosaurus 94 Structure of Venus 37 Bilge keelson 393 Swim 178, 180-181
449 Basic movements 237 Attic vase 372 Belly Bill Tortoise 187
Bar area 573 Basic shield volcano 272 Bird 188-190 Bird 188 Danforth anchor 386 Urinary 181
Barb Basidium 115 Ceratopsian 100 Caiman 186 Running block 383 Bladder wrack 117
Angling 562 Basilar artery 252 Chelonian 186 Dolphin 204 Sail hook 384 Blade
Cnidocyte 167 Basilar membrane 243 Dolphin 204 Elephant 201 Bilobed leaves 123 Butterwort 161
Barberry 130-131 Basilican system 468 Euoplocephalus 94 Horse 198 Bin base 592 Calligraphy drawing
Barbette Basilica of St. Madeleine Hatching chick 192-193 Lion 195 Bin cover handle 593 board 445
Battleship 394 468 Iguanodon 97 Lizard 184 Bin cover retaining clip Danforth anchor 386
Gun turret 396 Basilic vein 253 Moss 119 Sail 384 592, 593 Dicotyledon leaf 127
Bar code 606 Basket Octopus 176 Viola 511 Binder 464 Fencing foil 557
Bare end Basketball 532 Ornithopod 96 Violin 510 Binder bolt 361 Golf clubs 547
Reef knot 388 Ski pole 552-553 Panoplosaurus 94 Belly-band 555 Binding 383 Hockey stick 540
Single sheet bend 387 Basket arch 472, 484 Protoceratops 102 Belly fairing 572 Acoustic guitar 512 Kayak paddle 560
Barium 310 Basketball 532-533 Psittacosaurus 103 Belt Iron paddlesteamer Leaf surfaces 136, 138
Bark Basket star 174 Stegosaurus 92 Jupiter 44-45 392 Monocotyledon leaf 127
Bishop pine stem 125 Basking shark 179 Beaked whale 204 Structure of Saturn 47 Binding medium 440 Propeller 390
Epiphyte 162 Bas-relief carving 491 Beaker 312 Belt armor 394 Bin handle 592 Roman rudder 373
Lichen 114 Bass angling 562 Beam Belt color 556 Bin handle clip 592 Sculling oar 560
Perennials 130-131 Bass bridge BAe-146 jetliner 414 Belt drive 366 Bin lower seal 592 Seaweed 116-117
Stem 134 Concert grand piano Gothic church 473 Belt pulley 345 Binnacle box 378 Vegetative reproduction
Woody plants 130-131 515 High-tension 496 Belt tensioner 344, 364 Binocular eyepieces 610, 154
Bar keel 392 Upright piano 514 Iron paddlesteamer 393 Belvedere 476 611 Venus fly trap 160
Barkhan dune 283 Bass clarinet 504 Modern building Bench officials Bin upper seal 592 Volkswagen Beetle 341
Bar line 502 Bass clef 502 497-499 Ice hockey 550 Bin upper seal seating 592 Wetland plants 158-159
Barnacle 172-173 Bass drum 504-505, Nineteenth-century Lacrosse 541 Biology symbols 591, 621 Wind turbine 604
Barnard’s Star 23 518-519 building 492 Bending 318 Bipedal dinosaur 84, 96, Blade bearing 604
Baroque style 478-483 Bass formation 277 Single skull 560 Bends 387 100 Blade counterweight 406,
Barosaurus 82 Bass joint 508 Bean Benguela current 297 Bipinnate leaf 137 422
Barred spiral galaxy Bass notes 512 Black 153 Satellite map 264 Biplane elevator 398-399 Blade hub 604
Galaxies 12-15 Bassoon 503, 504-505, 508 Broad 152 Benz, Karl 334 Biplanes 402-403, 408 Blade pitch control 604
Milky Way 14-15 Bass/Play mode 586 Bear 104, 106, 194-195 Benz Motorwagen 335 Bipolar neuron 239 Blade-root attachment
Objects in universe 11 Bass voice 502 Bearing Benz six-cylinder engine Birch 74, 76 422-423
Bastille 466 Electric generator 317 405 Bird 84, 188-191

Blade tip sealing shroud Bodyshell Parasaurolophus 99 Longboat 380 Braided polyester 388 Suzuki RGV500 368
419 Renault Clio 348-349 Bony dorsal shield 78 Rigging 382 Braided stream 286 Brake pipe
Blanking plate 411 Volkswagen Beetle 341 Bony fish 180-181 Sailing warship 376 Braiding ARV light aircraft 424
Blast bag 396 Body tackles 528 Bony frill 100 Tea clipper 392 Dragon prowhead 374 BAe-146 components
Blaslocyst 607 Body temperature Bony nodule Wooden sailing ship River features 290 414
Blast-pipe 325 regulation Pachycephalosaurus 378-379 Brailing rope 372 Lockheed Electra
Blending 440 Dinosaurs 92 100 Bowsprit cap 382 Brail line 372 airliner 406-407
Blériot XI monoplane 401 Mammals 104 Prenocephale 100 Bowtell molding 475 Brain Brake pivot bolt 361
Blériot, Louis Body wire 557 Bony ridge 100 Box 477 Bird 189 Brake plate 365
Early monoplane 400 Bodywork 348-349 Bony shelf 100, 101 Box boiler 392 Bony fish 181 Brake quadrant 335
Pioneers of flight 398 Race cars 356 Bony spike 100 Box fold 61 Butterfly 169 Brake rigging
Blindage 377 Volkswagen Beetle 341 Bony strut 83 Box freight car 327 Chimpanzee 202 British Rail Class 20
Blind arch Bodywork mounting point Bony studs 92 Boxing 556 Crayfish 173 diesel engine 327
Asian building 491 364 Bony tendons 96 Box-leaved milkwort 144 Dogfish 179 “Ellerman Lines” steam
Cathedral dome 487 Boeing 747-400 412 Boom Box-section tubular Dolphin 205 locomotive 324-325
Gothic church 470 Bogie axle 326 Battleship 394-395 cradle frame 364 Domestic cat 195 Brake rod 337, 339
Blind door 478 Bogie frame 325 Curtiss Model-D pusher Box sister keelson 393 Elephant 200 Brake servo 351
Blind pull 336-337 Bogie main landing gear 399 Boxwood staff 377 Hominid 108 Brake shield 351
Blind release bar 552 416 Double topsail Brace Human 236-237 Brake shoe 330
Blinds 603 Bogie wheel strut 615 schooner 385 Asian building 490 Lizard 185 “Deltic” diesel-electric
Blind-side prop 530 Boiler Guest boat boom 394 Barrel vault 485 Octopus 176 locomotive 327
Blind spot 241 Box boiler 392 Hong Kong and Dome 486 Rabbit 196 Drum brake 365
Blind tracery 493 Donkey boiler 392 Shanghai Bank 498 Double topsail Spider 170 “Ellerman Lines” steam
Blind trefoil 473 Steamboat with paddle Longboat 380 schooner 385 Braincase 108 locomotive 325
Blind window 478 wheels 391 Rigging 382 “Ellerman Lines” steam Brain cavity 100 Renault Clio 350
Block and tackle 382-383 Steam locomotives Sailing dinghy 561 locomotive 324 Brainstem 236 Brake slip 395
Block carving 470 324-325 Boom guy block 382 Gothic building 473 Brake 332, 350 Brake torque arm 364
Block cube 270 Boiler pressure gauge 325 Boomkin 380 Neoclassical building Brake actuating chain 327 Brake vacuum pump 324
Block disintegration 282 Boiler water level 325 Bootes 18, 21 479 Brake arm 552 Braking
Block-fault lake 293 Bole base 432-433 Bordino Steam Carriage Nineteenth-century Brake back plate 340, 350 Motorcycle 364
Block-fault mountain 62 Bollard 334-335 building 493 Brake block 360 Train 330
Blocking pad 550 Battleship 395 Borealis Planitia 35 Roman corbita 372 Brake bridge 361 Braking control system
Blocks 310 Frigate 397 Borneo 265 Sailing warship 377 Brake cable 365 330
Blood cells 253 Mooring and anchoring Boron 311 Trombone 506 Brake calliper Braking distance 331
Blood clotting 253 386-387 Boss Wooden sailing ship 378 ARV light aircraft 424 Bramante 35
Blower control 325 Bolson 282 Church roof 468-469 Brace-and-bit 600-601 Disc brake 365 Bramble 130, 146-147
Blower isolator valve 325 Bolster 378 Hurley 541 Brace block 373 Harley-Davidson FLHS Branched leaf venation 127
Blow hole 508 Bolt Viking karv 374 Bracer 548 Electra Glide 363 Branches
Blowhole 205 Church of St. Pierre Bothriolepididae 65 Brachial artery 253 Honda VF750 364-365 Bishop pine 124
Blubber 204 499 Botryoidal habit 270-271 Brachialis muscle 226 Husqvarna Motocross Clubmoss 120
Blue-and-yellow macaw 190 Lower deadeye 383 Bottom ballast 377 Brachial plexus 238 TC610 368 Crab cactus 129
Blue cell 584 Shackle 386 Bottom bracket 358 Brachial valve 278 Renault Clio 351 Dicotyledons 127
Blue-green alga 56, 78 Toaster 598 Bottom hose 351 Brachiocephalic trunk 251 Suzuki RGV500 368-369 Horsetail 120
Blue light 318 Bolted anchor 425 Bottom plate 390, 392-393 Brachiocephalic vein 253 Wagon bogie 331 Perennials 130-131
Blue line 550 Bolt hole Bottom race 359 Brachiopods 278-279 Brake cylinder 327, Seaweed 117
Blue supergiant star Drum brake 365 Bottomset strata 283 Brachioradialis muscle 226 350-351 Sporophore 114
Hertzsprung-Russell Mid West rotary engine Boudin 60-61 Brachiosaurus 88, 90-91 Brake disc Woody plants 130-131
diagram 23 411 Boulder beach 295 Brachylophosaurus 98 ARV light aircraft 424 Branchial heart 176
Stellar black hole 29 Twin bollards 387 Boulder clay 286 Bracing 513 Renault Clio 351 Branching bracteole 151
Blue whale 204-205 Bolt rest 548 Bounce pass 535 Bracing cable 427 Wagon bogie 331 Branchiostegal ray 181
Bluff 289 Bolt rope 372, 384 Boundary Bracing strut 401-402, 423 Brake drum 339-340, 342 Branchlet 114
Blunt button 556-557 Bolts 548-549 Cricket 538 Bracing tube 364 Brake duct 357 Branch trace 125
Blu-ray player 584 Bomb 404, 408 Mantle crust 39 Bracing wire Brake fluid 365 Brassavola nodosa 162
BMW R/60 motorcycle 362 Bomb aimer’s viewing Outer core-mantle 39 Blériot XI monoplane Brake hose 351 Brass bevel 336-337
Board panel 408 Boundary line 401 Brakeless wheel hub 369 Brass housing for ignition
Ice hockey rink 550 Bomb door 408 Australian rules football LVG CVI fighter 405 Brake lever cable 343
Modeling 455 Bomber 528 Wright Flyer 399 ARV light aircraft 425 Brassica sp. 132
Pastels 441 Modern military Badminton 545 Bracken 121 Benz Motorwagen 335 Brass instruments 504-505,
Boarding 464 aircraft 420 Cricket 538 Bracket Bicycle 359 506-507
Board mounting 450-451 World War I aircraft Squash 545 Baroque church 479 Eddy Merckx racing Brazil 331
Boat boom 395 404-405 Bow Cathedral dome 484 bicycle 361 Brazilian battleship
Boatbuilder’s tools 374 World War II aircraft 74-gun ship 381 Gothic building 473 Harley-Davidson FLHS 394-395
Boat handling derrick 395 408-409 Kayak 560 Islamic tomb 489 Electra Glide 363 Brazilian current 296
Boat slide 378 Bomb rack 404 Sailing dinghy 561 Medieval building 466 Kirby BSA 369 Brazilian Highlands 264
Boat winch 394 Bonaventure mast 377 Stringed instruments Neoclassical building Suzuki RGV500 369 Bread 598
Bobstay 379 Bonaventure topcastle 377 510 478 White Steam Car 342 Breakfast room 483
Body Bonaventure topmast 377 Wooden sailing ship Renaissance building “Windcheetah” racing Breakwater
Anchisaurus 89 Bonaventure top yard 377 378 475 HPV bicycle 361 Battleship 395
Discus 542 Bonaventure yard 377 Bowball 561 Bracket shell 58 Brake master cylinder Frigate 397
Dunkeld wet fly 563 Bonded brick wall 492 Bow drill 109 Bracteoles Harley-Davidson FLHS Single scull 561
Motorcycle 364-365 Bonding Bower anchor Dehiscent fruit 151 Electra Glide 363 Breast
Sauropodomorpha 88 Chemical reactions 312 Battleship 395 Ice-plant 129 Honda VF750 364 Bird 188
Stringed instruments 510 Covalent 309 Sailing warship 377 Live-forever 129 Suzuki RGV500 368 Horse 199
Body bag 426 English bond 485 Wooden sailing ship Bracts 141-143 Brake mount 424 Human 211
Body cells 216-217 Gases 307 379 Bromeliad 113 Brake pad Breast auger 374
Body cradle 398 Ionic 308 Bow front 483 Dicotyledon flower 127 Disc brake 365 Breast bone 218
Body drop 556 Liquids 307 Bowl 445 Durmast oak 131 Eddy Merckx racing Breast stroke 558-559
Body joint Bone cell 217, 225 Bowler 538 Florists’ bicycle 361 Breastwork 380
Flute 508 Bone marrow smear 225 Bowline 388, 389 chrysanthemum 129 Renault Clio 351 Breather paper 602
Piccolo 508 Bones Bowling crease 538 Guzmania lingulata 163 Wagon bogie 331 Breather pipe 422
Body landing gear 572 Fossil 278 Bowman’s capsule 256 Ice-plant 129 Brake pedal Breccia 276-277
Body mount 338 Human 224-225, 230, Bowman’s space 257 Indehiscent fruit 150 Harley-Davidson FLHS Breech 396
Body organs 214-215 232 Bow ornament 375 Live-forever 129 Electra Glide 363 Breech block 396
Body padding 526 Bone structure 108 Bowpost 561 Peruvian lily 129 Honda VF750 364 Breeches 557
Body sections Bone surface 807 Bows 548 Rose 131 Oldsmobile bodywork Breech wheel 396
Insect 168 Bony crest Bow section 392 Slender thistle 129 337 Breve rest 502
Scorpion 170 Baryonyx 83 Bow-side oar 560 Wind-pollinated plant Renault Clio 350 Brick arch 324
Spider 170-171 Corythosaurus 98 Bowsprit 144 Steam-powered Brick pier 495
Body shell 518-519 Lambeosaurus 99 Iron paddlesteamer 393 Bract scales 122 Cugnot 334 Brick vault 492

Brick wall 492 Aechmea miniata 162 Bushing 314 Calcaneum 183, 199 Canadian football 524, Ancient Roman
Bridge Apical meristem 134 Butt Calcareous ooze 299 526-527 building 458, 463, 465
Acoustic guitar 512-513 Begonia 129 Bassoon 508 Calcareous plates 172 Canadian pond weed Asian building 490, 491
Battleship 394-395 Bishop pine 124 Lacrosse crosse 541 Calcareous tufa 284 158-159 Baroque church 479,
Cello 511 Broomrape 163 Tennis racket 544 Calcite (calcium Canal 481
Double bass 511 Clematis flower 131 Butt cap 563 carbonate) Sea urchin 175 Cathedral dome 487
Electric guitar 513 Dicotyledons 127 Butte Blue chalk 430 Starfish 174 Domed roof 486
Frigate 397 Durmast oak 131 Igneous rock structures Carbonates 269 Canals 42 French temple 485
Golf course 546 Florists’ 274 Cave 284-285 Canaries current 296 Islamic mosque 488
London Bridge 466-467 chrysanthemum 129 Weathering and erosion Fossils 278 Cancel button 575 Medieval building
Medieval castle 467 Horse chestnut 130 283 Mohs scale 271 Cancellous bone 224 467-469
Modern building 498 Larkspur 141 Buttercup 127, 132-133 Sedimentary rocks 277 Cancer 18, 21 Neoclassical building
Viola 511 Lily 140 Butterfly 168 Testing candle wax 313 Candelabrum 476 478, 483
Violin 510 Lime 143 Butterfly knot 389 Calcite curtain 285 Candle lamp 335 Ptolemaic-Roman
Bridge pin 512 London plane 134 Butterfly plate 382 Calcite ossicle 174 Candle wax 312-313 period 459
Bridges 330 Moss 119 Butterfly swimming Calcite ridge 284-285 Canes Venatici 18, 21 Renaissance building
Bridle 555 Oxalis sp.121 stroke 558-559 Calcium 310 Canine tooth 476-477
Bright Angel shale 277 Pine needle 125 Butterwort 160-161 Earth’s composition 39 Bear 106, 194 Romanesque style 468
B ring 46-47 Rhizome 155 Butt extension 563 Earth’s crust 58 Chimpanzee 202 Capitate bone 230
Britain 331 Root tuber 154-155 Buttock Seawater salt content Human 246 Capitulum 129, 142
Brittle stars 174-175 Rose 131 Horse 198 296 Hyaenodon 107 Cap line 445
Broad ax 374 Rowan twig 131 Human 210 Calcium line 23 Lion 194 Capricornus 19, 20
Broadcom Persona tablet Stolon 154 Button head rivet 392 Caldera Opossum 106 Capstan 387
569 Water lily 159 Button-quilted upholstery Igneous rock structures Smilodon 107 74-gun ship 380
Broad disk 79 Buddhist style 490 336 275 Toxodon 106 Iron paddlesteamer 393
Broad lace trim 336-337 Budh Planitia 35 Buttress 484 Lake formation 293 Canis familiaris 195 Wooden sailing ship
Broadside 378 Bud scale Baroque church 478-481 Volcano 272 Canis Major 18, 21 379
Broken pediment 481 Bishop pine 124 Dome 486 Caledonian mountains Canis Minor 18, 21 Capstan screw 514
Bromeliads 112-113 Dicotyledon stem 127 Gothic church 470-473 Late Carboniferous Canister 394 Capsule
Epiphytic 162-163 London plane 134 Medieval building 466, period 67 Cannon 376, 394 Dry fruit 150-151
Bromine 311 Pine shoot apex 125 468-469 Triassic period 69 Cannon bone 198-199 Moss 112, 119
Bronchi 254 Buffer Nineteenth-century Calendars 618 Cannondale bicycle 361 Captain’s cabin 379, 381
Bronchial nerve 254 “Deltic” diesel-electric building 493 Calf 210 Canoeing 560-561 Captain’s seat 416
Bronchial tree 254 locomotive 327 Butt section 562 Californian purple sea Canopus 15 Captain’s shelter 394
Bronchial vein 254 “Ellerman Lines” steam urchin 175 Canopy Capybara 196-197
Bronchiole and alveoli 254 locomotive 324-325 Californium 311 1906 Renault 336-337 Carapace 172-173, 187
Bronchus Italian State Railroads Calliactis parasitica 166 ARV light aircraft Carbon
Frog 182 Class 402 328 C Calligraphy 444-445 424-425 Atomic mass 310
Human 215, 255 “Rocket” steam 3C275 (quasar) 11 Calliper assembly 365 Bell-47 helicopter 422 Bows 548
Bronze casting 452 locomotive 324 Caarduus tenuiflorus 129 Callipers 452 Daimler engine 343 Candle wax 312-313
Bronze finishing tools 454 Buffing pad 328 Cab 324, 327 Callisto 44 Ford Model T 339 Coal formation 280
Bronze mast truck 372 Bugle 506 Cabane strut 404 Caloris Basin 34-35 Hawker Tempest Minerals 268
Bronze statue 455 Bulb Cabbage 132 Caloris Montes 35 components 409 Periodic table 311
Broomrape 163 Renault Clio 352 Cab-end bogie 327 Calypte helenae 193 Oldsmobile engine 336 Small stars 24-25
Browband 554-555 Vegetative reproduction Cabin Calyptra 119 Schleicher glider 426 Structure of red
Brow horn 102 154-155 74-gun ship 380-381 Calyx 140 Schweizer helicopter supergiant 26
Brow horn core 103 Bulb horn Iron paddlesteamer Allium sp. 143 423 Carbonates 269
Brown alga 116 1906 Renault 337 392-393 Centaury 144 Canopy latch 425 Carbon atom 138
Brown scales 121 Ford Model T 338 Wooden sailing ship 379 Human 256 Canopy rail 409 Carbon bush 605
Brown seaweed 116-117 Bulbil I54-155 Cabin air-discharge Simple succulent berry Canson paper 441 Carbon dioxide
Brow ridge Bulbourethral gland 259 aperture 414 149 Cant frame 381 Earth’s atmosphere
Australopithecus 108 Bulkhead Cabin air duct 417 Cam 344 Cantilever beam 494 300
Gorilla 203 ARV Super 2 425 Cabin air-pressure Camarasaurus 91 Cantilever brake 358, 361 Gas 312-313
Homo sapiens 108 Flat freight car 327 discharge valve 413 Cambium 126 Cantilever brake boss 359 Mars’ atmosphere 43
Browser menu 577 Bulkhead stiffener 393 Cabinet rasp 452 Cambrian period Cantilevered shade 495 Photosynthesis 138
Brush 432, 444, 600 Bulkhead trim 407 Cabin trim 406-407 Fossil record 279 Cantle Respiratory system 255
Brushbar 592, 593 Bulldog clip 430 Cable 600-601 Geological timescale 56 Racing saddle 555 Scrubber compartment
Brushbar drive belt cover Bullet 397, 549 Cable entry point 598 Camcorder 582 Showjumping saddle 397
593 Bullet block 373 Cable guide 358-359, 360 Cam cover 554 Structure of comet 53
Brushbar motor control Bullet-shaped guard 278 Cable holder 395 Jaguar straight six Canvas Venus’ atmosphere 37
593 Bull-head rail 331 Cable retaining gland 598 engine 344 Acrylic paint 442 Carbon graphite racket
Brush holder 600 Bullnose chisel 452 Cables and ducting 602 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Oil paint 436 544
Brushing boot 554 Bull’s-eye 549 Cable stop 365 72° VTO engine 356 Preparation 437 Carbonic acid 284
Brush lettering equipment Bulwark Cacti Camera module 581 Canvas shroud 362 Carboniferous period
444 74-gun ship 380 Desert survivors 112 Camellia 137 Canvas support 437 56-57, 66-67
Brush rest 444 Ironclad 393 Dryland adaptation 156 Camels 198-199 Canyon Reptiles 80
Brush tool articulation Bumblebee 168 Herbaceous flowering Camera 608, 611 Sedimentary rocks Carbon ink stick 444
593 Bumper plants 129 Digital 580-581 276-277 Carbonized wood 430
Bryce Canyon 276 Bus 332-333 Cadmium 311 Digital video 582-583 Weathering and erosion Carbon monoxide
Bryophyta 118 Honda Insight 354 Cadmium red 436 Camera pouch 426 282-283 Mars’ atmosphere 43
Bryophytes 112, 118-119 Renault Clio 348-349 Cadmium yellow 438 Cam follower Cap Venus’ atmosphere 37
Bryozoans 279 Volkswagen Beetle 341 Caecum Ford diesel engine 347 Alga 116 Carbon powder 311
Bryum sp. 112 Bung 313, 560 Bird 189 Jaguar straight six Fungus 114-115 Carbon-rich earth layers
Buccal cavity Bunkers 546-547 Brachiosaurus 90 engine 344 Radicle tip 153 66
Bird 189 Bunk space 397 Chimpanzee 202 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Wood capstan 387 Car-building robots 609
Chimpanzee 202 Bun lamp burner 339 Cow 198 Velocette OHV engine Wooden sailing ship Carburetor
Dolphin 205 Buntline 372 Digestive 176, 173 367 378-379 ARV light aircraft 425
Domestic cat 195 Buon fresco 434-435 Gut 170 Cam lobe 344 Capacity measurements Mid West twin-rotor
Elephant 200 Buoy 379 Human 249 Camouflage 409 590 engine 411
Pachycephalosaurus Buoyant wetland plants 158 Octopus 176 Camouflage coloration Cape gooseberry 149 Pegasus Quasar
100 Burmese pagoda 490 Pyloric 181-174 192 Capella 18, 21 ultralight 427
Rabbit 196 Burning reaction 312, 313, Rabbit 196 Campaniform capital 458 Cape Royal 277 Two-stroke engine 366
Tortoise 187 315 Rectal 174 Campanile 477 Capillary fringe 293 Carburetor cover 369
Buccal mass 176 Burnisher 432, 446 Caelum 18 Camptosaurus 70, 97 Capillary network 254 Carburetor hot-air intake
Buccinator muscle 229 Bursting charge 397 Caernarvon Castle 466 Camshaft 343-345 Capital pipe 422
Bucket seat 361 Buses 332-333 Caiman 186-187 Camshaft gear 367 Ancient Egyptian Carburetor hot air lever
Bucket tappet 344 Business class cabin 572 Calamus 191 Camshaft sprocket 345 building 458-459 425
Bud Bush 605 Calcanean tendon Camshaft timing gear 344 Ancient Greek building Cardiac notch 248
Adventitious 154 Bushes 130-131 232-233 Canada 331 458, 460-461

Cardiac region of stomach Carving Caudex 113 Centaurus A (radio Cerebral vessel 237 74-gun ship 381
179 Asian building 490-491 Caudo-femoral muscle 97 galaxy) 13 Cerebrum 212, 236-237, Sailing warship 376-377
Cardiac stomach 174 Gothic building 470 Cauliculus 460 Centaurus and Crux 21 238 Temple of Neptune 460
Cardiac vein 250 Sculpture 452 Caulophryne jordani 180 Central Asia 64 Cereoid cactus 129 Wooden sailing ship
Carduus tenuiflorus 129 Carving mallet 452 Cave bear skull 77 Central bulge 12, 14 Cerium 310 378
Cargo-carrying boat Caryopses 113, 150 Caves 284-285 Central canal 238 Ceropegia woodii 157 Channelled wrack 116
Dhow 376 Casa de las Conchas 476 Coastline 294-295 Central computer control Ceruchi 372 Chapel
Junk 376 Casa del Fascio 495 Glacier 286 328 Cerussite 269 Baroque church 479
Liberty ship 392 Caspian Sea 265 Cavetto molding Central deflector 612 Cervical musculature Gothic church 470
Roman corbita 372-373 Cassette compartment lid Ancient Egyptian Central electrode 306 Euoplocephalus 94 Medieval church 469
Tea clipper 392 582 building 458-459 Central nervous system Gallimimus 86 Chapel pier 467
Cargo derrick 392 Cassini Division 46, 47 Baroque church 479 238 Cervical nerves 238 Chaplet 454
Cargo hatch 376 Cassini space probe 614 French temple 485 Central peak Cervical plate 92-93 Chapter-house 472
Cargo hold 372, 392 Cassiopeia 19 Gothic building 472 Degas and Brönte 34 Cervical rib 84, 96, Charcoal drawing 430-431
Car, hybrid 354 Cassowaries 188 Renaissance building Venus’ craters 36 100-101, 103 Charentais melon 149
Caribbean plate 59 Cast alloy wheel 346 477 Central retinal artery 240 Cervical vertebrae Charge
Caribbean Sea 264 Cast aluminum wheel Cavies 196 Central retinal vein 240 Archaeopteryx 85 Four-stroke cycle 343
Carina 21 spider 336 Cayley, Sir George 398 Central shield 187 Arsinoitherium 104 Modern engines 344
Carinal canal 120 Castanea sativa 136, 150 CCD (Charge-Coupled Central sulcus 236-237 Bird 189 Charged atom 306, 308
Carina plate 173 Castanets 504, 517 Devices) 570 Center Brachiosaurus 91 Charged particle 316
Carling 380 Casting 452, 454 C clef 502 Australian football 528 Crocodile 186 Charging with ball 533
Carmel formation 276 Cast-iron 492-493 CD /DVD drive 567 Basketball 532 Domestic cat 195 Charon 50
Carnallite 271 Cast-iron chair 331 Cedar-tree laccolith 274 Canadian football 526 Elephant 201 Chart house 394
Carnassial teeth 194 Cast iron cylinder barrel Ceilings 463, 484 Football 526 Eryops 80 Chase 395
Carnivores 104, 194-195 363 Celestial equator Lacrosse 541 Hare 197 Chassis
Jurassic period 70 Castle-deck gunport Stars of northern skies Netball 535 Horse 199 Digital camera 580
Theropod 84 376-377 18-19 Rugby 530 Human 212, 222, 245 First cars 334-335
Triassic period 68 Castles, 374, 466-467 Stars of southern skies Centerboard 561 Iguanodon 96 Ford Model T 338
Carnivorous plants Castor 18, 21 20-21 Center buckeye coupler Kangaroo 206 Kirby BSA sidecar 369
160-161 Castor canadensis 197 Celestial poles 18 326 Kentrosaurus 93 Microwave
Pitcher plant 113 Cat 104, 194-195 Celestial sphere 18 Center circle Lizard 184 combination oven 596
Carotid canal 220 Catalyst 355 Cell Australian rules football Parasaurolophus 99 Monocoque 363
Carp 180 Catalytic converter 344, Alga 116-117 528 Plateosaurus 88 Motorcycle 362,
Carpals 350, 356 Body 217 Basketball 532 Platypus 206 364-365
Bird 189 Catamaran 560 Building 469, 485 Ice hockey 550 Rhesus monkey 202 Microsoft Zune HD 587
Bird’s wing 191 Cataphoresic coating 348 Chusan palm leaf 130 Netball 535 Seal 204 Oldsmobile chassis
Domestic cat 195 Cataphyll 152 Clubmoss stem 120 Soccer 524 Stegoceras 101 337
Elephant 201 Cat block 381 Collar 166 Center console 353 Stegosaurus 93 Panhard-system
Frog 183 Catcher’s mask 536 Dicotyledon 126-127 Center court 545 Struthiomimus 87 Volkswagen Beetle 340
Hare 197 Catch glove 550 Epidermal 166 Centered rudder 375 Toxodon 106 White Steam Car 342
Horse 199 Catena 372 Epiphytic orchid 162 Center element 599 Tuojiangosaurus 93 Chassis earth terminal
Kangaroo 206 Catenary 328, 330 Fern rachis 121 Center field 536 Tyrannosaurus 84 597
Lizard 184 Caterpillar 168, 169, 611 Horsetail stem 120 Center flag 529 Cervix 258-259 Chassis electrical plug
Platypus 206 Eggs 192 Leaf 126, 139 Center forward 540 Cervus elephas 199 357
Rhesus monkey 202 Catharina 40 Marram grass 113 Center gangway 329 Cesium 310 Chassis frame 338
Seal 204 Cathead Monocotyledon 126-127 Center Georges Pompidou Cetaceans 204-205 Chassis number 327
Carp angling 562 74-gun ship 380 Moss 119 496-497 Cetiosaurus 91 Chataya arch 491
Carpathian mountains 77, Battleship 395 Mushroom 115 Center girder 393 Cetorhinus maximus 179 Châteaux 474, 476-477
265 Cathedral of St. Lazare Photosynthesis 138-139 Center half 540 Cetus 19, 20 Chat selector button 576
Carpels 140-141 468 Pine 124-125 Center halfback 528, 529 Chaffinch 193 Chattra 491
Dehiscent fruit 151 Cations 308 Pore 166 Center half-forward 528, Chain Chattravali 490-491
Fertilization 146-147 Catkin 144 Root 132-133 529 Bicycle 358-359, Chauffeur’s seat 334
Fruit development Catted anchor 381 Root tip 152 Center line 413, 415 360-361 Checkerbloom 136
148-149 Cattle 104, 198 Sinus 112 Fencing piste 557 Drum kit 518 Check pawl 562
Insect-pollinated plant Caucasus 265 Spirogyra sp. 117 Ice hockey 550 Wheel and axle 320 Cheek
144 Caudal fin 178, 179, Stem 134-135 Soccer 524 Wooden sailing ship 74-gun ship 381
Lemon fruit 148 180-181 Wetland plants 158-159 Center-line beam 426-427 378 Dunkeld wet fly 563
Ovary 140 Caudal musculature 90, 95 Cella 461, 463, 485 Center line keelson 393 Chain bobstay 382 Horse 199
Stigma 140 Caudal plate 92-93 Cell body 239 Centrifugal brake 562 Chain drive Human 212
Style 140 Caudal spike 92-93 Cell membrane 217 Centrifugal compressor Motorcycle clutch 362 Running block 383
Carpel wall 148, 151 Caudal vertebrae Cell nuclear membrane 418 Werner motorcycle 366 Sailmaker’s mallet 384
Carpophore 151 Ankylosaurus 95 216 Centrifugal effect 297 Wright Flyer 398-399 Stegosaurus 92
Carpus Archaeopteryx 85 Cell nucleus 217 Centriole 217 Chain locker 393 Cheek horn 103
Crab 172 Crocodile 186 Cell nucleus residue 234 Centripetal river drainage Chain motif 491 Cheek-piece
Crayfish 173 Diplodocus 90 Cello 503-505, 510 288 Chain plate 382 Harness racer 555
Human 218 Domestic cat 195 Cellphones 588-589 Centrum 187 Chain swivel 386 Showjumper 554
Carrara white marble 453 Elephant 201 Cells 607 Cephalapsis 65 Chain wale 376-377 Cheek pouch 98, 196
Carriage 413, 570 Eryops 81 Cellulose fiber insulation Cephalic groove 173 Chajya 489 Cheek teeth
Carriage drivebelt 574 Euoplocephalus 95 602 Cephalic vein Chalcedony 271 Ankylosaurs 92
Carriage shaft 571 Gallimimus 86 Cell wall Human 253 Chalk 430 Carnivores 194
Carrick bend 387, 389 Hare 197 Alga 112, 116 Octopus 176 Tempera 432 Ornithopods 96
Carrion crow 193 Horse 199 Leaf 139 Cephalopods 176, 279 Gesso 434 Tetralophodon 104
Carrot 128, 132 Iguanodon 96, 97 Palisade mesophyll 139 Cephalothorax Pastel making 440 Theropods 84
Carrying fork 334 Kangaroo 206 Root 132 Crayfish 173 Fresco 434 Cheese 382, 388-389
Carrying wheel 324 Kentrosaurus 93 Spirogyra sp. 117 Malacostraca 172 Sedimentary rocks 277 Cheiracanthus 65
Cartilage Lizard 184-185 Stem surface 156 Scorpion 170 Chamber Cheirolepsis 65
Auricle 242 Parasaurolophus 98 Celsius temperature scale Shrimp 172 Building 465, 491 Chekhov 35
Bony fish 180 Plateosaurus 89 590 Spider 170-171 Gun turret 396 Chela 170, 172, 173
Meatus 242 Platypus 206 Cement-based adhesive Cepheus 19 Chambers Chelicera 79
Wrist 230 Rhesus monkey 202 450 Ceramic end-piece 319 Seaweed 116 Chelicerae 170-171
Cartilaginous fish Seal 204 Cement gland 173 Ceratopsia 83, 103 Stomach 198 Chelicerates 279
178-179, 180 Stegoceras 101 Cement-rendered wall Ceratosauria 83 Substomatal 139 Cheliped
Cartouche 458 Stegosaurus 93 494 Ceraunius Tholus 43 Chamfered corner 485, Crab 172
Cartridge starter 408 Struthiomimus 87 Cenozoic era 57, 74, 76 Cercidyphyllum sp. 72 488, 494 Crayfish 173
Caruncle 213 Triceratops 102 Fossil record 279 Cerebellum 212, 236-237, Championship golf Chelonia 186
Carved sculpture 452, 453 Tuojiangosaurus 93 Censer 488 238 courses 546 Chemical bond 307
Carved stone 488 Tyrannosaurus 84-85 Centaurium erythraea Cerebral areas 237 Change 321 Chemical change 280-281
Carvel-built hull 376, 391 Westlothiana 81 144 Cerebral ganglion 169, Chang Jiang 265 Chemical energy 314-315
Carvel planking 376, 377 Caudate nucleus 237 Centaurus 18, 21 177 Channel Chemical equations 312

Chemical properties Choanocyte 166 Cirrus cloud Clincher wheel 339 Cobra lily 160-161 Ancient Roman
Electrons 308, 310 Choir 468-469, 470, 472 Neptune 50 Clinker-built hull 375 Coccosteus 65 building 462-463
Substances 306 Choir manual 514 Structure of Mars 43 Clinker-built oak planking Coccygeal cornu 223 Cathedral dome 484,
Chemical reactions Choir-screen 470 Weather 302-303 375 Coccygeal vertebrae 222 487
312-313 Choir-stall 470 Citrus limon 148 Clints 284-285 Coccyx 218, 222 Neoclassical building
Chemical sedimentary Choir stop 514 City bus 332 Clitoris 258 Cochlea 242-243 483
rocks 276 Chondrichthyes 178 Civet 194 Cloaca Cocking lever 549 Colonnaded story 494
Chemical symbols 312, Chondrostean fish 69 Cladding 494, 496, Bird 189 Cockpit Color 270
591 Chong Ch’ol 35 498-499 Brachiosaurus 90 Airbus 380 573 Color changes 312-313
Periodic table 310-311 Chordae tendineae 251 Cladode 129 Dogfish 179 Avro biplane 403 Color ink cartridge 574
Chemical weathering 282 Chorioallantoic Cladonia floerkeana 114 Euoplocephalus 95 Kayak 560 Color ink-cartridge
Chemise 466-467 membrane 192 Cladonia portentosa 114 Frog 182 LVG CVI fighter 405 clamp 574
Chemistry symbols 621 Chorion 260 Clam 176 87 Modern military Color light signals 330
Cherry 148 Choroid 240 Clamp Lizard 185 aircraft 420-421 Color wheel 439
Cherry wood 512 Christian architecture 468 Cross-stave 377 Spider 170 Sailing dinghy 561 Colorado River
Chert 277 Christmas rose 139 Intaglio printing 313 Tortoise 187 Schleicher glider 426 Earth’s evolution 57
Cherub 472 Chromate ion 312 U-tube 446 Cloacal opening 185 Cockpit canopy 409 Grand Canyon 277
Chervil 135 Chrome passivation 348 Clarinet 503-504, 508 Clock operator 532 Cockpit coaming 425 Valley 277
Chest Chrome plating 347 Classical-style Clock tower 493 Cocoa 148 Colosseum 462, 464-465
Gorilla 203 Chrome trim strip 341 architecture 474, 478, Cloister 472 Coconino sandstone 276 Colpus 144
Human 211, 214 Chromium 482 Cloning technology Cocos nucifera 135 Columba 18, 21
Lion 194 Mineralization zones Clastic sedimentary rocks 606-607 Cocos plate 59 Columella 119, 145
Chestnut 198 281 276 Close-stowing anchor 386 Cod 180 Column
Chest padding 551 Oxide 312 Claves 517 Cloud deck 50-51 Codiaeum variegatum 136 Ancient Egyptian
Chest pass 532, 535 Periodic table 310 Clavicle Cloud features Coelenterata 166 building 458-459
Chest protector 527 Chromosphere 32-33 Bird 189 Neptune 50 Coeliac trunk 256-257 Ancient Greek building
Chevet 469 Chrysalis 168 Bony fish 181 Saturn 46 Coelodonta 76-77, 104 458, 460
Chevron 81, 85, 87, 89, 93, Chrysanthemum Eryops 80 Venus 36 Coelophysidae 69 Ancient Roman
95-96, 98, 101-102 morifolium 129 Human 211, 218 Clouds Coelurus 87 building 458, 462-463,
Chevron fold 61 Chryse Planitia 43 Kangaroo 206 Earth’s atmosphere 301 Coenobium 116 465
Chevron-tread tire 336 Chrysler Building 495 Rhesus monkey 202 Jupiter 44-45 Coffer 463, 485 Baroque church
Chi1 Orionis 18 Chrysocyon brachyurus Clavius 40 Mars 42-43 Coffered vault 485 480-481
Chi2 Orionis 18 195 Clavus 373 Neptune 50-51 Coffering 475 Cathedral dome 487
Chiastolite hornfels 275 Chuck 601 Claw Saturn 46-47 Cogged drive belt 344 Cave system 285
Chihuahuan Desert 264 Chuck key 601 Albertosaurus 84 Uranus 48-49 Coil spring French temple 485
Chile 331 Chung-ta-wei 376 Anchisaurus 89 Venus 36-37 “Ellerman Lines” steam Gothic church 473
Chimney Church Archaeopteryx 85 Water cycle 288 locomotive 324 Islamic mosque 488
Bordino Steam Carriage Santa Sophia 487 Beetle 168 Weather 302-303 Motorcycle 364 Medieval church
334 Sorbonne 486 Bird 188 Cloud shadow 50 Coil suspension spring 468-469
“Ellerman Lines” steam St. Botolph 473 Bumblebee 168 Clouds of dust and gas “Deltic” diesel-electric Modern building
locomotive 325 St. Eustache 477 Caiman 187 Life of massive star 24 locomotive 327 496-498
Iron paddlesteamer 393 St. George in the East Chick 193 Milky Way 14-15 “Eurostar” multi- Monocotyledonous
“Rocket” steam 478, 481 Crab 172 Nebulae and star voltage electric train flower 126
locomotive 324 St. Maclou 470, 472 Crayfish 173 clusters 16-17 329 Neoclassical building
Chimney-shaft 467 St. Maria della Salute Dinosaur 83 Origin and expansion of Wagon bogie 331 478-479, 483
Chimney-stack 476, 483 478 Herrerasaurus 86 universe 11 Coke hopper 334 Nineteenth-century
Chimpanzee 202-203 St. Maria della Vittoria Kangaroo 207 Small stars 24 Cold air intake 420 building 492-493
Chin 478 Lizard 184 Cloudtop temperature Cold-air unit 417 Renaissance building
Bird 188 St. Paul-St. Louis Marble sculpture 452 Structure of Jupiter 45 Cold front 302-303 477
Human 211, 212 478-479 Pachycephalosaurus Structure of Neptune 51 Cold occlusion 302 Coma 52-53
China St. Pierre de Libreville 100 Structure of Saturn 47 Cold-water pipe 405 Coma Berenices 18, 21
Ball games 524 496, 499 Psittacosaurus 103 Structure of Uranus 49 Cold-water upwelling 296 Combat sports 556-557
Late Carboniferous St. Serge 469 Scorpion 170 Clove hitch 388 Coleoptera 168 Combination lever 325
period 66-67 Church-roof boss 468 Spider 171 Cloven hoof 198 Coleus sp. 134 Combustion 326
Middle Ordovician Chusan palm 127, 130 Stegoceras 101 Clubmosses 64, 66, Collagen and elastic fibers Combustion chamber
period 64-65 Ciconia ciconia 188 Terrapin 187 120-121 252 Capacity 366-367
Ornithopod 96 Cigarette lighter adapter Tyrannosaurus 84 Clump cathead 395 Collapsed crater 293 Iron paddlesteamer
Railroad track gauge 331 and speaker cable 590 Clawed feet 190, 206 Clustered column 469 Collar 393
Thyreophorans 92 Ciliary body 241 Clay 298 Clutch 364, 366 Cathedral of Notre Jaguar straight six
Chinese calendar 618 Cincture 477 Clay daub 465 Clutch and flywheel 340 Dame de Paris 473 engine 344
Chinese characters 445 Cinder 272 Clay modeling 452, 455 Clutch cable 350, 363, 365 Sea anemone 167 Jet engines 418-419
Chinese junk 376 Cinder cone Clay mounds 286 Clutch center plate 351 Snail 177 Combustion cycle 410
Chinese white 438 Igneous rock structures Clear space 534 Clutch cover 363 Collar-beam 473 Comets 30, 52-53
Chin groove 199 274 Cleavage 270 Clutch lever 363, 369 Collar bone 211, 218 Common bile duct 252
Chin guard 553 Volcanic structure 273 Clef 502 Clutch pedal 350 Collar cell 166 Common blackheaded
Chin gun turret 408 Cinema, home 584-585 Cleithrolepis granulatus Clutch pressure plate 351 Collar of horsetail 120 gull 189
Chinle formation 276 Cinnabar 271 69 Clutch release bearing Collecting duct 256 Common brittle star 175
Chin rest 510-511 Cinquefoil molding 471 Cleithrum 80 351 Collecting tubule 256 Common carotid artery
Chin spoiler 346 Circle 479, 622 Clematis 130-131, 137 Clypeaster 279 Collective lever 422 215, 251, 253
Chipmunk 196 Circle area measurement Clench nail 375 Cnidocytes 166-167 Collenchyma 126, 134-135 Common centaury 144
Chirostenotes 87 590 Cleomedes 40 CNS 238 Colliding plates 272 Common crus 243
Chisel 452-453 Circle pad 579 Cleopatra Patera 37 Coal Colloids 306 Common digital extensor
Chlamydomonas sp. 116 Circuit 316 Clerestory 459, 472, 479 Earth’s evolution 57 Colon muscle 84, 97
Chlorenchyma 120 Circuit board 579, 582, Clew 373 Mineral resources Butterfly 169 Common elder 143
Chloride 296 585, 589 Clewline 379, 385 280-281 Cow 198 Common English ivy 131
Chlorine 311 Circuit board plug 596 Cliffs Power stations 314 Human 215, 249, 259 Common horse chestnut 130
Chlorophyll 138 Circuit breaker 314 Coastlines 294-295 Sedimentary rocks 276 Rabbit 196 Common horsetail 120
Chloroplast 139 Circular mountain lake River’s stages 289 Steam locomotive 324 Colonette Common Iguana 82
Photosynthesis pigment 293 Sedimentary rocks Coal-forming forests 57 Gothic church 473 Common iliac artery 215,
116, 138, 162 Circulatory system 276-277 Coal measures 61 Islamic building 488 253, 257
Chlorophyta 116 252-253 Climate Coaming 381 Medieval building Common iliac vein 215,
Chloroplast 138-139 Circumference 622 Carboniferous period Coastal spring 292 467-469 253, 257
Alga 112 Cirque 286-287 66 Coaster 374-375 Neoclassical building Common ivy 137
Chlamydomonas sp. Cirque formation 287 Geological time 56 Coastlines 294-295 479 Common lime 143
116 Cirque Napoleon 478-479 Oceans and seas 296 Cave 284 Renaissance building Common link 386
Envelope 139 Cirri 172 Weather 302 Cobalt 474 Common mulberry 130
Epiphytic orchid 162 Cirrocumulus cloud 302 Climatic change Mineralization zones Colonnade Common peroneal nerve
Internal view 139 Cirrostratus cloud 302 Coastline 294 281 Ancient Greek building 238
Spirogyra sp. 117 Cirrus 173 Geological time 56 Periodic table 311 460-461 Common rafter 473, 486

Common starfish 175 Extrusive igneous rocks Conservation of Energy Jaguar V12 engine 345 Structure of Jupiter 45 Corpus spongiosum 259
Common tern 193 275 Law 314 Mid West two-stroke Structure of Mars 43 Corridor 465
Common time 502 Fracture 270 Conservatory 602, 603 engine 410 Structure of Mercury 35 Corries 286-287
Communication 108 Sedimentary rocks 277 Console 579 Coolant passage 346 Structure of Neptune 51 Corrugator supercilii
Communications aerial 424 Concorde 416-417 Constellations 18-21, 613 Coolant pipe 354 Structure of Pluto 51 muscle 228-229
Commutator 600 Concrete 492, 494, Constratum 373 Coolant pump 410 Structure of Saturn 47 Cortex
Commuters 363 496-499 Constrictor snakes 184 Coolant rail 345 Structure of Uranus 49 Apical meristem 134
Compact bone 224-225 Concrete shielding 314 Construction sculpture Cooling device 611 Structure of Venus 37 Canadian pond weed
Compact disc 584, 586 Concrete shoe 499 452 Cooling fan 345, 567 Core-engine jet pipe 412, 158-159
Companion cells 132-134 Concrete track 328 Contact 352 Cooling fin 415 Clubmoss stem 120
Companion ladder 381 Concrete wall 463, 465, Contact grid 605 Drum brake 365 Core jet pipe 419 Dicotyledon 127
Companion way 380 496 Contact metamorphism Mid West rotary engine Core temperature Epiphytic orchid 162
Company logo 572 Condensation 307 274 411 Structure of Earth 39 Hair 234
Compass Nuclear power station Contant d’lvry 478 Two-stroke engine 366 Structure of Jupiter 45 Horsetail stem 120
Battleship 394 314 Contest area 556 Velocette OHV engine Structure of main Kidney 256
Vault decoration 485 Testing candle wax 313 Contests 367 sequence star 24 Lichen 114
Compass and rangefinder Condensation level 302 Head-butting 100 Cooling intake 534 Structure of red giant Monocotyledon 127
platform 394 Condenser 342 Shooting 548 Cooling perforations 597 25 Moss 119
Competent bed rock 61 Condenser aperture 610 Continental crust 58-59 Cooling tank 335 Structure of red Pine 125
Competition motorcycles Condenser housing 611 Mineralization zones Cooling tower supergiant 26 Radicle 152
368-369 Condenser lens 611 281 Center Georges Structure of Saturn 47 Rhizome 155
Competitions Conducting tissue 119 Mountain building Pompidou 496-497 Structure of Sun 33 Root 132-133
Archery 548 Conductor 62-63 Nuclear power station Structure of Uranus 49 Stems 134-135
Diving 558 Electrical circuit 316 Ocean floor 298 314 Corinthian capital 460, Water hyacinth 158
Judo 556 Generating magnetism Continental drift 58 Cooling water tank 335 463, 479, 481 Water lily 159
Rowing 560 317 Continental margin Co-orbital moons 46 Corinthian column Corundum 271
Skiing 552-553 Orchestra 504 sediments 299 Coping-stone 495 463-464, 479-480 Corvus 18, 21
Complete mesentery 167 Conductor’s stand 505 Continental rise 298 Copper Corinthian entablature Corvus corone 193
Composite capital 478 Condylaictis sp. 166 Continental Sea 73, 75 Mineral resources 463 Corynactis viridis 166
Composite column 478 Condyle Continental shelf 280-281 Corinthian order 460, 462 Corythosaurus 96, 98
Composite pilaster 478 Carnivore 194 Ocean floor 298 Minerals 268 Corinthian pilaster Cosmic background
Composite volcano 272 Human 220 Prehistoric Earth 69, 71 Periodic table 311-312 463-464, 480-481 radiation 10
Composter 602 Cone 623 Rock cycle 267 Copper body-shell 519 Coriolis force 296-297, Cosmic ray 301
Compound eye Cones Continental slope Copper face 384 300 Costal cartilage 218
Beetle 168 Bishop pine 124 Ocean floor 298 Copper nitrate solution Cork Costal facet 223
Bumblebee 168 Gymnosperms 122 Offshore currents 296 312 Oboe 508 Costal margin 168, 169
Butterfly 169 Igneous and Rock cycle stages 267 Copper ore 306 Stems 134-135 Costal shield 187
Crab 172 metamorphic rocks 274 Continents Copper plate nib 444 Woody dicotyledons 127 Cotter pin 383
Crayfish 173 Pine 122 Formation of the Earth Copper sheathing 392 Corms 154-155 Cotton duck canvas 437,
Damselfly 168 Scots pine 122 38, 56 Copper sulfate 313 Corn 112 443
Malacostraca 172 Smooth cypress 123 Earth’s physical Coprates Chasma 43 Cornea 241 Cotyledon 126, 152-153
Shrimp 172 Volcanoes 272-273 features 264-265 Copulatory bursa Corner arc 524 Development 132
Compound inflorescence Welwitschia 123 Geological time 56 Butterfly 169 Corner seal 347 Dicotyledon 126
131, 142 Yew 123 Contrabassoon 504-505 Snail 177 Cornet 506 Dry fruit seed 150-151
Compound leaf 130-131, Cone sheet 274 Contractile vacuole 116 Coracoid Cornice Embryo development
136 Cone stalk 124 Control cabinet 396 Bird 189 Ancient Egyptian 147
Compound pier 468-469 Cone surface area Control circuit 328 Diplodocus 90 temple 458-459 Epigeal germination
Compound pulleys 320 measurement 590 Control buttons 585 Euoplocephalus 94 Ancient Greek building 153
Compounds 268, 306, 308 Cone volume Control column Gallimimus 86 460-461 Hypogeal germination
Compound succulent fruit measurement 590 ARV light aircraft 425 Triceratops 102 Ancient Roman 152
148-149 Congas 519 BE 2B bomber 404 Turtle 187 building 462-465 Monocotyledon 126
Compound umbel 143 Congo Basin 39 Curtiss biplane 398-399 Tyrannosaurus 84 Asian building 491 Pine 122
Compressible gas 365 Congo River 265 Control-column aperture Coral 78, 166-167 Baroque church Root development 132
Compression Conical bore 507 425 Atoll development 299 479-481 Seed 152-153
Faults and folds 60 Conical dome 476 Control flag 552 Fossil record 279 Dome 484, 486 Succulent fruit seed
Glacier 286 Conical map projection 265 Controller 332 Corallina officinalis 117 French temple 485 148-149
Igneous and Conical spire 466, 476 Control line 561 Coral reef Gothic church 470-473 Couch grass 113
metamorphic rocks 274 Conical volcano 272 Control panel 571, 595, Earth’s evolution 56 Islamic tomb 489 Coucy-le-Chateau 466-467
Mineral resources 280 Conifer 596 Ocean floor 298 Medieval building Coulomb 316
Mountain building 62 Cretaceous period 72 Control panel and disc Cor Anglais 504-505, 508 466-467, 469 Counter
Rock cycle 266 Earth’s evolution 57 tray cover 584 Corbel Neoclassical building Calligraphy lettering
Compression ring Fossil record 279 Control panel boards 597 Cathedral dome 487 478-479, 482-483 445
Ford diesel engine 347 Gymnosperm 122-125 Control panel fascia 597 Medieval building 467, Nineteenth-century Counterbalancing weight
Jaguar straight six Jurassic period 70 Control panel microchips 469 building 493 506
engine 344 Triassic period 68 596 Neoclassical building Renaissance building Counter, galley 573
Compression stroke 343 Coniferophyta 122 Control panels 594 482 474-477 Counter rail 381
Compressor 418 Conjugation 117 Control panel wiring 595 Nineteenth-century Twentieth-century Counter timber 381
Compressor piston 344 Conjunctiva 241 Control platform 390 building 493 building 494 Counterweight
Compsognathus 70 Connecting rod Control reservoir drain Renaissance building Cornucopia 480 Flat-four cylinder
Computer Bordino Steam Carriage 326 477 Corolla 140, 142-143 arrangement 340
and Email program 334 Control rod 314, 424 Rococo style 478 Corona Four-stroke cycle 343
677 Flat-four cylinder Control room 397 Corbita 372-373 Earth’s atmosphere 300 Hong Kong and
Electronic instruments arrangement 340 Control stalk 353 Cor Caroli 18, 21 Palazzo Strozzi 475 Shanghai Bank 498
520 Four-stroke cycle 343 Convection cell 33 Cordaites 67 Sun’s atmosphere 32-33 Jaguar V12 engine 345
Laptop 567 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Convection current 38 Cordate leaf bases Corona Australis 19 Output shaft 347
Modern bodywork 348 Jaguar straight six Convective zone 24, 33 136-137 Corona Borealis 18, 21 Relief printing press
Tablet 568-569 engine 344 Converging plates 63 Cordite case 396 Coronal section through 449
Computerized ignition Jaguar V12 engine 345 Conversion 530 Cordite handling room 396 brain 236-237 Rotary engine output
system 344 Mid West two-stroke Convex portico 483 Cordite supply shuttle 396 Coronal suture 220 shaft 410
Concave brace 477 engine 410 Cook /grill tray 596 Core Coronary artery 250-251, Trojan engine 342
Concave molding 482 Steamboat with paddle Cooking 108 Earth 38-39 253 V12 cylinder
Concave wall 478, 481 wheels 391 Cooksonia 56 Helix Nebula 17 Coronary sinus 250 arrangement 345
Concealed lighting 572 Connecting wire 598 Cooksonia hemispherica Massive stars 26-27 Corona temperature 33 Country code 576
Conceptacles 116-117 Connective tissue cells 64 Moon 40 Coronet 198, 554 Coupling
Concert grand piano 515 Connectors 569 Coolant 314 Neutron stars and black Coronoid process 194, 220 Conventional hookscrew
Concha Conning tower 394, 397 Coolant inlet 424 holes 28-29 Corpus albicans 258 328
Ear 242 Conocephalum conicum Coolant jacket 410-411 Small stars 24-25 Corpus callosum 236-237 “Ellerman Lines” steam
Nasal 221, 241 118 Coolant outlet Structure of comet 53 Corpus cavernosum 259 locomotive 324
Conchoidal fracture Con-rod 340, 343-345 ARV light aircraft 424 Structure of Earth 63 Corpus luteum 258 Coupling rod 325

Couronnement 472 diesel engine 327 Cronaca 474 Structure of Mars 43 Cuspate foreland 294 Cypress 123
Course Humber engine 343 Crook 508 Structure of Mercury 35 Cusped arch 489 Cypselas 150
Asian building 491 Jaguar straight six Crop Structure of Venus 37 Cuspidate leaf apex 137 Cyrillus 40
Medieval building engine 344 Bird 189 Crustaceans 172-173 Cutaneous nerve 238 Cystic duct 248
466-467 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Butterfly 169 Arthropoda 170 Cuticle Cytoplasm
Neoclassical building Mid West two-stroke Octopus 176 Cretaceous period Bishop pine needle 124 Chlamydomonas sp. 116
483 engine 410 Snail 177 72-73 Dryland plants 156 Diatom 116
Nineteenth-century Oldsmobile engine 336 Crop-duster 410 Fossil 279 Golden barrel cactus Human 217
building 492-493 Trojan engine 342 Crops 315 Crustal movement 156 Palisade mesophyll 139
Court referee 535 Velocette OHV engine Crop-sprayer 410, 422 Coastline 294 Hair 234 Root cell 132
Court 367 Cross Faults and folds 60 Haworthia truncata 157 Thalassiosira sp. 116
Basketball 532 Werner motorcycle 362 Baroque church 480 Mineralization zones Leaf 139 Cytosine 216
Handball 535 Crankcase breather pipe Dome 486-487 280 Lithops brom fieldii 157
Netball 535 402 Motif 472 Mountain building 62 Marram grass 113
Volleyball 534 Crank handle 339 Crossandra nilotica 145 Rock cycle 266 Monocotyledon leaf 126
Court seal 375 Crankpin 343 Crossbar Volcano 272 Nail 231 D
Courtship display 188 Crankshaft Calligraphy characters Crustal plate boundary 39 Rose stem 135 Dacron 548
Courtyard 465, 466 Benz Motorwagen 335 445 Crustal plates 58-59, 60 Rush stem 135 Dacron sailcloth 384
Coussinet 460 Flat-four cylinder Eddy Merckx racing Crustose lichen 114 Wetland plants 158 Dacron skin 426
Covalent bonding 308-309 arrangement 340 bicycle 360 Crutch Cuttlefish 176 Dactylus 172-173
Cove 381 Four-stroke cycle 343 Gaelic football 529 Viking karv 375 Cutty Sark 392 Dado
Coved dome 478, 485 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Handball 535 Crux-Centaurus Arm 14 Cyanotrichite 269 Baroque church 481
Cover point 541 Mid West two-stroke Hurling 540 Crypt 467 Cycadophyta 122 French temple 485
Cover support 570 engine 410 Rugby 530 Crypt-window 481 Cycads 68, 122-123, 279 Neoclassical building
Coverts 188, 191 Oklsmobile engine 336 Cross-bed set 283 Crystalline external crust Cycas revoluta 68, 123 479
Cow 198 Oscillating steam Crossbow 548 28 Cycas sp. 68 Renaissance building
Cowhide face 384 engine 391 Cross-bracing 497-499 Crystalline stalagmitic Cyclic-pitch lever 422-423 476
Cowling fastener 408 Straight four cylinder Cross-country skiing 548 floor 284 Cyclone assembly 592 Dagger 472
Cowling panel 407, 412 arrangement 345 Crosse 540-541 Crystallization 307 Cyclonic storm Dagoba stupa 490-491
Coxa Two-stroke engine 366 Crossing 469-470, 477 Crystal Palace Exhibition Structure of Earth 39 Daimler double-sleeve
Beetle 168 Velocette OHV engine Crossing tower 468 Hall 492-493 Structure of Mars 43 valve engine 343
Crayfish 173 367 Cross-member 338-339 Crystals Structure of Neptune 50 Daimler, Gottlieb 334
Scorpion 170 Crankshaft counterweight Cross-piece 376-377, 387 Faults 60 Cyclostomata 178 Daisy gypsum 269
Coxswain 560 344 Cross-pollination 144 Intrusive igneous rocks Cygnus 19, 20 Dakota sandstone 276
CQR anchor 386 Crankshaft pulley 344, Cross-staff 377 275 Cylinder D’Alembert 41
Crab 172 355 Cross-stave 376-377 Mineral features Diesel train 326 Dalmatian coastline 295
Crab apple 126 Crash bar 362-363 Cross tube 423 270-271 Early engines 342-343 Da Maiano, B. 474
Crab cactus 129 Crash cymbal 518 Cross wall of hypha 115 Minerals 268-269 “Ellerman Lines” steam Damped anti-shock swivel
Crab Nebula 28 Crash helmet 552 Crosswise strut 512 Solids 307 locomotive 325 base 584
Cracks 284-285 Crater Crotchet rest 502-503 Crystal systems 270 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Damper
Cradle frame Mercury’s North Pole 35 Croton 136 Ctenidium 176 Modern piston aero- Piano 514
Honda VF750 364 Northern stars 18 Crouch 543 CT scan 214 engines 410 TGV electric high-
Weslake Speedway Oceanus Procellarum Croup 198 Cube 623 Motorcycle 362, 366 speed train 329
motorcycle 369 40 Crow 193 Cubic crystal 270 Oldsmobile engine 336 Wagon bogie 331
Cradling 541 Southern stars 21 Crown Cubic system 270 “Rocket” steam Damper bar 516
Crane 498 Surface features of Bird 188 Cubital fossa 211 locomotive 324 Damper body 365
Cranial nerves 238 Mars 42 Building 484, 490 Cuboid bone 232 Cylinder barrel Damper pedal
Cranium Crayfish 172-173 Danforth anchor 386 Cucumis melo 149 Mid West two-stroke Concert grand piano
Ankylosaurus 94 Crayon 448 Harp 511 Cud 198 engine 410 515
Archaeopteryx 85 Creative Zen Stone 586 Head 212 Cuesta 283 Werner motorcycle 362 Tubular bells 516
Australopithecus 108 Creeping stems 154 Relief-printing press Culm 131 Cylinder block 339 Upright piano 514
Bat 105 Clubmoss 120 449 Cumulonimbus cloud 302 Cylinder-cooling gills 407 Vibraphone 517
Camarasaurus 91 Strawberry 128 Rigging 382-383 Cumulus cloud 302 Cylinder drain cock lever Damper unit 425
Diplodocus 90 Cremasteric fascia 259 Roman anchor 372 Cuneate leaf base 136-137 325 Damp lime-plaster 434
Elephant 201 Cremocarp 150-151 Sail hook 384 Cuneus 465 Cylinder head Damselfly 168
Eryops 80 Crenellation 466 Shackle 386 Cup 509 72° V10 engine 356 Dancette-pattern mosaic
Euoplocephalus 94 Crepidoma 461, 481 Teeth 247 Cup mute 507 ARV light aircraft 425 489
Homo sapiens 108 Crescent-shaped dune Timpanum 519 Cupola 466, 479, 493 British Rail Class 20 Dandelion 150
Hyaenodon 107 283 Crowning cornice Cupressus glabra 123 diesel engine 327 Danforth anchor 386
Iguanodon 96 Crest Ancient Roman Cup-shaped mouthpiece Daimler engine 343 Danger area 556
Kentrosaurus 93 Building 479, 488, 493 building 464, 465 506-507 Jaguar straight six Danilova 36
Lambeosaurus 99 Fold formation 60 Baroque church 479 Cup surrounding stomata engine 344 Dark mica 274
Moeritherium 105 Horse 199 Renaissance building 157 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Dark nebulae 16
Opossum 106 Lizard 184 474-475 Cupula 242 Mid West two-stroke Darlingtonia californica
Pachycephalosaurus Ship’s shield 395 Crown wheel Cupule 150 engine 410 160-161
100 Crested porcupine 197 Benz Motorwagen 335 Curium 311 Oldsmobile engine 336 Dart sac 177
Panoplosaurus 94 Cretaceous period 72-73 Ford Model T 338 Current 296-297 Two-stroke engine 366 Darwin 43
Parasaurolophus 99 Fossil record 279 Cruciform column 492 Current electricity 316 Velocette OHV engine Da Sangallo, G. 474
Plateosaurus 88 Geological time 56-57 Cruciform pedestal 481, Cursor control device 367 Dash 353
Prenocephale 100 Crevasse 287 487 (CCD) 573 Cylinder liner Dashboard
Protoceratops 102 Crevice 284 Cruck frame 466 Curtain 477, 497 Jaguar Straight six 1906 Renault 337
Stegoceras 100 Crevice tool 593 Cruise electronics module Curtain wall 466, 496, 498 engine 344 Bordino Steam Carriage
Stegosaurus 93 Crew handrail 612, 613 615 Curtiss, Glenn 398 Mid West two-stroke 335
Struthiomimus 87 Crew’s seat 416 Cruise stage 615 Curtiss Model-D Pusher engine 410 Ford Model T 338
Styracosaurus 102 Cricket (animal) 168 Crumb tray 598-599 398-399 cylinder shape 623 Dashboard radiator
Toxodon 106 Cricket (game) 538-539 Crupper 555 Curved buttress 478-481 Cylinder surface area 336-337
Triceratops 103 Cricoid cartilage 255 Crusafontia 56 Curved cornice 462 measurement 590 Dash panel 353
Tuojiangosaurus 93 Cricothyroid ligament 244 Crus cerebri of midbrain Curvilinear tracery 470, Cylinder volume Dash radio speaker 353
Tyrannosaurus 84 Cricothyroid muscle 229, 237 472 measurement 590 Data cartridge 591
Crank 320 244-245 Crus of diaphragm 255 Cuscuta europaea 163 Cylinder wall 343 Data plug 591
Brace-and-bit 601 C ring 46-47 Crust Cushion Cylindrical fault 61 Data plug socket 591
Eddy Merckx racing Cringle 384 Moon 41 Doric capital 460 Cylindrical map Daucus curola 128, 132
bicycle 360 Crista 242 Ocean floor 298 Rowing positions 373 projection 264 Daughter bulbs 154
“Ellerman Lines” steam Crocket 471-472 Pulsar 28 Cushion star 175 Cyma recta 475 Daughter plants 154
locomotive 325 Crocodile clip connector Regional Cusp Cyma reversa 460, 472 Davit 395
Crank bolt 358, 360 316 metamorphism 274 Asian building 488 Cymatium 475 D-block 310-311
Crankcase Crocodiles 68, 73, 186-187 Structure of comet 53 Gothic building 472-473 Cymbals 504-505, 516-517 DC converter 355
BE 2B bomber 404 Crocodylus niloticus 186 Structure of Earth Structure of a tooth 247 Drum kit 518 DC converter connection
British Rail Class 20 Crocoite 271 38-39 Cuspate fold 61 Cyme 129, 143 355

DC current 328 Delta Hydri 20 Destination screen 332 Differential 356 Motorcycle 364-365 Dome of the Rock 487
DC socket 586 Delta II launch vehicle Detachable bud 154 Differential housing 338 Suzuki RGV500 368-369 Dome timbering 486
Dead-ball line 530 second stage 615 Detachable ink reservoir Diffuser 356 Disc brake calliper 364, Dome volcano 62, 272
Deadeye Delta ring 48 444 Digestive caecum 173, 368-369 Donjon 466-467
74-gun ship 380 Deltavjalia vjatkensis 81 Detachable rim 339 176 Disconformity 276 Donkey boiler 392
Longboat 380 “Deltic” diesel-electric Detector 610 Digestive enzymes 160 Discovery Rupes 35 Donor genetic material
Rigging 382-383 locomotive 326-327 Detergent tray 594, 595 Digestive gland Discus 542-543 606, 607
Roman corbita 373 Deltoid leaf 137 Detergent tray holder 595 Snail 177 Disk Door
Sailing warship 377 Deltoid ligament 232 Detergent tray recess 595 Spider 170 Basal 167 Ancient Egyptian tomb
Deadnettle 135 Deltoid muscle 226-227 Deuterium nucleus 22 Digestive glands /zones Crab 166-167 458-459
Dead organisms 278 Demountable wheel Deutscher Werkbund Butterwort 161 Liverwort 118 Ancient Roman
Dead plant encrustations 338-339 style 495 Monkey cup 161 Pedal 167 building 463
284 Dendrite 239 Devonian fish 65 Venus fly trap 160 Sea anemone 166-167 Baroque church 479
Dead Sea 292-293 Dendritic copper 268 Devonian period 64-65, 80 Digestive system Starfish 174 Bell 206 jetliner 423
Deadwood 381 Dendritic gold 268 Fossil record 279 Cow 198 Starfish fossil 79 Double-decker touring
Debris Dendritic river drainage Geological time 56 Human 248-249 Disk drag 562-563 bus 333
Glacier 286-287 288 Primitive life 78 Digit 105 Disk florets 129, 142, 145 Gatwick Express
Mountain building 62 Deneb 19, 20 Devon minnow 563 Digital artery 231, 253 Displacement reactions “People Mover” 328
Ray crater 34 Hertzsprung-Russell Dewlap 184 Digital camcorder 582-583 312 MCW Metrobus 332-333
Decathlon 542 diagram 23 Dextral strike-slip fault 61 Digital camera Display button 585 Microwave
Decidual plate 260 Deneb Algedi 19, 20 Dhow 376 3-D digital camera 581 Display controller chip 581 combination oven 596
Deciduous plants 130-131 Deneb Kaitos 19, 20 Diabase sill 277 Digital camera with Display panel Neoclassical building
Deciduous teeth 246 Denebola 18, 21 Diagonal bracing 401 interchangeable lens Blu-ray recorder 584 478
Deciduous trees 72 Dens 222 Diagonal reinforcement 581 Display screen 585, 596 Renaissance theater 477
Deck Density 374 Digital SLR 581 Display screen and Renault Clio 349
Greek trireme 373 Formation of black hole Diagonal strut 399 Underwater digital control circuits 585 Single-decker bus 333
Roman corbita 373 29 Diagonal turn 388 camera 581 Distal convoluted tubule TGV electric high-
Deck beam Massive stars 26-27 Dial Digital extensor muscle 256-257 speed train 329
74-gun ship 380 Small stars 24-25 Clocktower 493 94 Distal end of radius 231 Washer-dryer 594
Ironclad 393 Stellar black hole 29 Sundial 377 Digital flexor muscle 84 Distal interphalangeal Door catch 341
Paddle steamer 390, Dentary 181 Diameter 622 Digital media slot 567 joint 231 Door catch with safety
393 Dentary bone 96, 102, 107 Atoms 308 Digital nerve 231 Distal phalanx 219, 230, cut-out 595
Roman corbita 372 Dentate leaf margin Earth 30 Digital sampler 520-521 232 Door frame 412
Deck house 373, 376 Hogweed 129 Fluorine-19 atom 309 Digital vein 253 Distal tarsal 183 Door glass 348
Deck lantern 392 Ice-plant 129 Fluorine-19 nucleus Digital video camera Distance lines Door handle 341, 348
Deck planking 393 Live-forever 129 309 582-583 Gaelic football 529 Door hinge 612
Deck rail 373 Mulberry 130 Jupiter 26, 44 Digitate leaf 137 Rugby 530 Door jamb 478
Decorative letter 445 Rock stonecrop 128 Jupiter’s moons 44 Digits Distance running 542 Door key and lock 348
Deep cracks 284-285 Dentil Life of massive star Bird 189 Distance signaling 330 Door lock 596, 602
Deep current systems Ancient Roman 26-27 Bird’s wing 191 Distilled water 444 Door metal cap 595
296-297 building 462 Life of small star 21-26 Frog 182 Distiller 397 Door molding 353
Deepened valley 295 Baroque church 479, Mars 30 Kangaroo 207 Distributary Door porthole 595
Deep floor 393 481 Mars’ moons 42 Rabbit 196-197 River features 290-291 Door safety cut-out
Deep mid wicket 538 Cathedral dome 487 Mercury 30 Rat 196 Rivers 288-289 mechanism 596
Deep-ocean floor 298 French temple 485 Moon 40 Salamander 182 Distributor Door trim panel 353
Deep-ocean floor Neoclassical building Neptune 31 Seal 204 Hawker Tempest Mark Doorway 474-475, 479,
sediments 299 478 Neptune’s moons 50 Dike 274 V 408 481, 495
Deep peroneal nerve 238 Renaissance building Planets 30-31 Dike swarm 274 Jaguar straight six Door wiring loom 595
Deep relief carving 453 475 Pluto 31 Dilator muscle 241 engine 344 Doppler 41
Deep square leg 538 Dentine 247 Saturn 27, 46 Dilsea carnosa 117 Jaguar V12 engine 345 Dorado 21
Deer 104, 198-199 Deoxyribonucleic acid Saturn’s moons 46 Dimetrodon loomisi 67 Renault Clio 351 Doric capital 460
Deer hopper dry fly 563 strand 139 Stars 22 Dinghy 560 Distributor drive shaft Doric column 460, 464
Defenders Deperdussin, Armand 400 Sun 32 Dinosaur cladogram 83 345 Doric half-column 464
Ice hockey 550 Depressed arch Uranus 27, 48 Dinosaur 56-57, 80, 82-83 Distributor fixing point Doric order 460
Lacrosse 541 Ancient Roman Uranus’ moons 48 Fossil record 279 346 Dormancy
Soccer 524 building 462 Venus 30 Dionaea muscipula 160 Diving 558-559 Horse chestnut bud 130
Defending zones 550 Islamic building Diamond 311 Dione 46, 614 DNA 139, 216, 606 Seed 152
Defense 526, 535 488-489 Mineral features Dip 60 Dobro resonator 513 Dormant volcano 272
Defensive back 526 Depressions 302 270-271 Diplodocus 70, 88, 90-91 Dock 554 Dormer head 493
Defensive end 526 Depressor anguli oris Native elements 268 Dip pen 430 Document panel 407 Dormer window 476, 493,
Defensive tackle 526 muscle 228-229 Diamond-shaped painting Dipping bed rock 60-61 Document table 571 495
Deflation hollow 283 Depressor labii inferioris knife 436 Dipping lug foresail 385 Dodder 163 Dorsal abdominal artery
Degreased bare metal 348 muscle 229 Diamond whetstone 452 Diprotodon 76 Dog 104, 194-195 173
Dehiscence 150-151 Depth charge 394 Diaphragm Dip-slip fault 61 Dogfish 178-179, 192 Dorsal aorta
Fern spore 121 Derailleur cage plate 358 ARV Super 2 424 Dipstick 354 Dog-leg hole 546 Bony fish 181
Pollen sac 144 Deranged river drainage Chimpanzee 202 Dipstick tube 346, 356 Dog-leg staircase 481 Dogfish 179
Dehiscent fruits 150-151 288 Domestic cat 195 Dipterus valeciennesi 81 Doline 284-285 Frog 182
Dehydration 152 Dermal armor 95 Elephant 200 Direct current 328 Dolomedes fimbriatus 171 Dorsal blood vessel 169
De-icing leading edge Dermal papilla 235 Human 215, 254-255 Direct current (DC) inlet Dolphins 204-205 Dorsal fin
414, 415 Dermis 234-235 Rabbit 196 571 Dolphin striker 382 ARV light aircraft 424
Deimos 42 Derrick 392, 395 Diastema 106 Direction bar 414 Domain name 576 Bony fish 181
Deinonychus 73 Descender 445 Diatom 116 Direction-finding-aerial Dome 484, 486-487 Concorde, the 416
Deinotherium 77 Descending colon 249 Diceros bicornis 199 fairing 408 Ancient Roman Dogfish 179
Dekla Tessera 37 Desert 39, 57 Dichasial cyme 143 Direct method mosaic building 462 Dolphin 205
de la Cierva, Juan 422 Carboniferous to Dicksonia antarctica 70, creation 450 Asian building 490-491 Lamprey 178
Deleted items folder 576 Permian period 66 112-113 Direct-vision panel Baroque church 480-481 World War II aircraft
Delete mail button 576 Earth’s physical Dicloelosia bilobata 65 ARV light aircraft 425 French temple 485 408-409
Delphinium 150 features 264-265 Dicotyledon 126-127, Bell-47 helicopter 422 Islamic building 488 Dorsal fin ray 181
Delphinium orientalis 141 Rock cycle 266 141-143 Dirt track motorcycle Medieval building 467, Dorsal interosseous
Delphinium sp. 151 Weathering and erosion Dicyothyris 278 racing 368 469 muscle 233
Delphinus 19, 20 282-283 Didelphis 106 Disc brake Neoclassical building Dorsal lobe 158
Delta Desertification 57, 76 Didelphis virginiana 207 Harley-Davidson FLHS 478 Dorsal mantle cavily 176
Coastline 294 Desiccated clay 283 Dielectric sandwich 584 Electra Glide 362-363 Renaissance building Dorsal margin of shell
River features 290 Design Diesel-electric train 326 Honda CB750 363 475-477 176
River 288-289 Fresco 434-435 Diesel fuel injection 326 Honda VF750 364 Domed receptacle 142 Dorsal metatarsal artery
Rock cycle 266-267 Modeled sculpture 452 Diesel motor Husqvarna Motocross Domed roof 489 253
Delta Andromedae 19 Mosaic 449 compartment 397 TC610 368 Domed topdeck 401 Dorsal plate 78, 92-93
Delta Crucis 21 Deslandres 40 Diesel, Rudolph 326 Lockheed Electra Domed turret 493 Dorsal scale 184, 186
Delta formation 291 Desmid 112 Diesel train 324, 326-327 airliner 407 Dome metalling 486 Dorsal scute 95

Dorsal spine base 78 Drain-pipe 492 Drum brake Volcano 272 Earth-ball fungus 115 Echinocactus grusonii 156
Dorsal venous arch 253 Drain plug 339 BMW R /60 362 Dust collection bin 592 Earth bank 603 Echinoderms 174, 279
Dorsal vertebrae Drakensberg 265 Motorcycle 364-365 Dust lane Earth connection 598 Echinus 460
Archaeopteryx 85 Dravidian finial 491 Vespa Grand Sport 160 Centaurus A 13 Earth formation 56-57 Echinus escelentus 175
Brachiosaurus 90 Dravidian style 490 Mark 1 363 Horsehead Nebula 16 Earth pigments 434 Echo-sounding 298
Diplodocus 90 Drawbridge 493 “Windcheetah” racing NGC 2997 (spiral Earthquake anatomy 63 Ecliptic
Eryops 80 Drawbridge windlass 467 HPV bicycle 361 galaxy) 12 Earthquake region 39 Inclination of planetary
Euoplocephalus 94 Drawing 430-431 Drumhead 387 Optical image of Earthquakes orbits 31
Gallimimus 86 Drawing board 430, Drum inlet elbow 595 Rings and dust lanes 48 Crustal movement 58 Stars of northern skies
Iguanodon 96 444-445 Drumlins 286 Trifid Nebula 16 Faults and folds 60 18-19
kentrosaurus 93 Drawing instruments 430 Drum pad 520 Dust particles 53 Mountain building Stars of southern skies
Parasaurolophus 99 Drawing materials 430 Drums 518-519, 520 Dust shroud 340 62-63 20-21
Pareiasaur 81 Dreadnought-type Drum suspension springs Dust storm 43 Earth’s atmosphere 38-39, ECM 355
Plateosaurus 88 battleship 394 595 Dust tail 52-53 78, 300-301 Ecphora 75
Stegoceras 101 Dressing-room 477 Drupelets 146-149 Dutch cubist style 495 Earth’s composition 39 Ectoderm 167
Stegosaurus 93 Dribbling Drupes 131, 148-149 Dutch shoe 377 Earth’s core 38-39, 63 Eddy Merckx racing
Struthiomimus 87 Basketball 532 Dry air 303 Dutch triple fiddle block Earth’s crust 38-39, 58-59 bicycle 360-361
Tuojiangosaurus 93 Gaelic football 528 Dry brush 438-439 383 Igneous and Edible sea urchin 175
Tyrannosaurus 84 Handball 534-535 Dry capacity DVD /CD control buttons metamorphic rocks 274 Edmontonia 95
Dorsum 213 Soccer 524 measurements 590 585 Lake formation 292 Eel 180
Double-arm pantograph Drill 600-601 Dry fresco 434-435 DVD /CD drive turntable Volcano 272 EEPROM memory chip
328 D ring 46-47 Dry fruits 150-151 585 Earth’s crustal plates 62, 587
Double bass 503-505, 510, Drip-cap 482 Couch grass 113 DVD /CD laser-reader 585 64 Efferent arteriole 256-257
511 Drive 543 Durmast oak 131 DVD /CD on-screen menu Earth’s energy 314 Effervescence 312
Double bassoon 504-505 Drive belt 354, 335, 344, Sycamore 131 display button 585 Earth’s evolution 56-57 Effort 320-321
Double-decker bus 332-333 362 Dry gallery 284-285 DVD /CD processor Earth’s external features Egg cells 606-607
Double decomposition Drive bracket 405 Drying agent 313 microchip 585 39 Eggs 192-193
reaction 312-313 Drive chain 366, 368 Dry lake bed 283 DVD /CD sliding tray 585 Earth’s formation 38, 56, 64 Amphibian 78, 80
Double-dipper palette Drive end 317 Dryland plants 156-157 DVD /CD stop button 585 Earth’s interior Baltimore oriole 193
attachment 436 Drive gear 411 Dryopteris filix-mas DVD display button 585 Ocean floor 298 Bee hummingbird 193
Double-ended hull 375 Driven gear 410 120-121 DVD player 584-585 Rock cycle 266 Bird 188
Double flat 502 Driven pulley 335 Dryosaurus 70 Dwarf crocodile 82 Structure 39 Butterfly 168
Double halyard 373 Drive pillar 424 Dry pericarps 150 Dwarf shoot 124-125 Earth’s layers 38 Capsule 192
Double helix 216 Drive plate 345 Dry season 293 Dynastes hercules 12 Earth’s magnetic field 38 Carrion crow 193
Double-planet system Drive point 346 Dry wash 283 Dyson DC05 vacuum Earth’s mantle 38-39, Case 192
Earth 38 Driver 547 Dual click gear 562 cleaner 592-593 58-59 Chaffinch 193
Pluto 50 Driver protection 357 Dual ignition plug 427 Dysprosium 311 Earth’s orbit 297 Chicken 192
Double-pyramid crystal Driverless train 328 Dual seat 364 Earth’s physical features Common tern 193
270 Driver’s platform 324 Dubhe 18 264-265 Dinosaur 82
Double reed 508 Driver’s radio aerial 357 The Plough 19 Earth’s rotation 38 Dogfish 192
Double rope becket 383 Driver’s seat Dubika 490 E Atmospheric circulation Frog 182-183, 192
Doubles 544 Bordino Steam Carriage Duck 188 Ear and winds 300 Giant stick insect 192
Double samaras 335 Duck-billed platypus Calligraphy characters Oceans and seas 296 Greater backblacked
Dry fruit 150-151 “Deltic” diesel-electric 206-207 445 Satellite mapping 264 gull 193
Sycamore 131 locomotive 327 “Duckbills” 96 Elephant 200 Earth’s satellite 38 Hatching 192-193
Double scull 561 “Mallard” express Duct 496, 497 Gorilla 203 Earth’s surface Human 258, 260
Double sharp 502 steam locomotive 325 Duct of Bellini 256 Hare 196 Atmosphere 300-301 Indian stick insect 192
Double topsail schooner Paris Metro 328 Ductus deferens 259 Horse 198 Earth’s physical Leaf insect 192
385 Drive shaft Dugout 536 Human 210, 212, features 264 Maiasaura 98
Dowel Jet engine 419 Dumb iron 336, 342 242-243 Formation of the Earth Membrane 193
Mid West single rotor Renault Clio 351 Dummy front door 339 Kangaroo 207 38-39 Ostrich 193
engine 410 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Dunkeld wet fly 563 Rabbit 196 Geological time 56 Quail 192-193
Mortiee-and-tenon Drive sprocket mounting Duodenum Rat 196 Mineral resources 280 Reptile 66, 184
fastening 373 spline 366 Bird 189 Eardrum Mountain building 62 Titanosaurid 91
Dowel hole 410-411 Drive-wheel 601 Cow 198 Chick 193 Oceans and seas 296 Willow grouse 193
Downfolds 60 Driving band 397 Elephant 200 Frog 182 Precambrian to Egg tempera 432
Downhaul 385 Driving chain 335 Frog 182 Human 243 Devonian period 64 Egg-tooth 192-193
Downhill skiing 552 Driving pulley 335 Human 215, 248-249 Lizard 184 Rock cycle 266 Egg white 192
“Downs” 526 Driving rein 555 Rabbit 196 Earles fork 362 Earth’s tilt 38 Egg yolk binding medium
Downthrow 60 Driving saddle 555 Tortoise 187 Early desertification 57 Earth wire 594 432
Down tube 360 Driving sprocket 335 Duplex tubular cradle Early engines 342-343 Earwig 168 Egypt 331
Dox formation 277 Driving wheel 324-325 frame 363 Early English East Africa 331 Egyptian building 458-459
dpi (Dots Per Inch) 570 Drizzle 302 Duradon 384 Perpendicular-style East Asian buildings Eichhornia crassipes 158
Draco 19, 20 Dromiceiomimus 86 Dura mater 223, 237, 240 tracery 472 490-491 Eighteenth-century
Draft mark Droop nose 416 Durmast oak 131 Early English-style East Australian current building 492
Frigate 397 Droop stop 422-423 Dust window 472 297 Baroque 481
Wooden sailing ship Drop 381 Asteroids, comets, and Early monoplanes East Greenland current Neoclassical 478,
379 Drop arm meteoroids 52-53 400-401 296 482-483
Drafts folder 576 Ford Model T 339 Mars 42-43 Early passenger aircraft Eaves Eighth-century building
Draft tube 314 White Steam Car 342 Moon 41 406-407 Ancient Greek building 490-491
Drag Drop-down window 334 Nebulae and star Early tram 332 461 Einsteinium 311
Biplanes and triplanes Drop glass 341 clusters 16-17 Early voyagers 374-375 Ancient Roman Eisila Regio 36-37
402 Drop goal 530 NGC 2997 (spiral Earphone 586 building 462, 464 Ejaculatory duct 259
Cycling 360 Drop handlebar 361 galaxy) 12 Earpiece 588 Islamic tomb 489 Ejecta
Early monoplane 400 Dropkick 530 Overhead view of our Earplug 558 Modern building 499 Degas and Bronte 34
Early passenger aircraft Drop tank 408 galaxy 14 Earth 38-39 Neoclassical building Features of supernova 27
406 Drop window 332 Solar system 30 Cretaceous period 73 482 Ray crater 34
Drag knob 563 Drowned coastline Venus’ atmosphere 37 Energy emission from Renaissance building Venusian craters 32
Drag link 294-295 Dust cap 359 Sun 22 477 Ejector assembly 599
19th century Drowned valley 295 Dust cloud Jurassic period 71 Eaves board 490 Ejector exhaust 408
paddlesteamer 391 Drum 486 Geological time 56 Objects in universe 11 Eccentric 392 Ejector-seat roof hatches
Ford Model T 339 Ancient Greek building Large Magellanic Cloud Phases of the Moon 41 Eccentric rod 391 421
White Steam Car 342 460 12 Primitive life 78-79 Eccentric rotor journal Ekeing 381
Dragon prowhead 374 Baroque church 481 Mars 42-43 Quaternary period 77 347 Ekman spiral 296-297
Drag spindle 562 Cathedral dome 487 Milky Way 14-15 Solar eclipse 32 Eccentric shaft 347, 411 El-Ainyi Mosque 488
Drag washer 562 Relief printing press Nebulae and star Solar system 30 Eccentric-shaft bearing Elapsed time display 577
Drainage systems divide 449 clusters 16-17 Tertiary period 75 410 Elasmobranchs 178
289 Washer-dryer 595 Origin and expansion of Tides 297 Echidna nebulosa 180 Elastic fiber 252, 254
Drain mast 412, 415 Drum and door seal 595 universe 11 Triassic period 69 Echidnas 206 Elastic rocks 60

Elbow Electric transmission 326 BAe-146 components Enclosed DVD /CD Lockheed Electra English bond brickwork
Anchisaurus 89 Electric trolley 332 415 compartment 585 airliner 406-407 485
Corythosaurus 98 Electric window motor BE 2B tail 405 Encroachment 527 Motorcycles 362, 364, English Decorated style
Edmontonia 95 349 Blackburn monoplane End 388-389 366-367 470
Gorilla 203 Electrode 306 400 End baffle plate 598-599 Oldsmobile engine English ivy 131
Horse 199 Electromagnet 317, 598 Hawker Tempest End block 512 336 English Perpendicular
Human 210 Electromagnetic components 409 End effector 608 Pegasus Quasar style 470, 472
Iguanodon 97 induction capacitor 600 Elevator operating arm EN-EL12 rechargeable ultralight 427 Engraving 446
Lion 194 Electromagnetic radiation 399 battery 581 Pioneers of flight Enif 19, 20
Psittacosaurus 103 314-315, 318 Elevator-operating End element 598-599 398-399 Pegasus and
Stegoceras 101 Electromagnetic bracket 401 End-grain wood block 449 Renault Clio 350-351 Andromeda 19
Stegosaurus 92 spectrum 318-319 Elevator push-rod End-line Velocette overhead Ensign staff 396
Triceratops 102 Electron 308, 316 424-425 Basketball 532 valve (OHV) 367 Entablature
Elbow guard 553 Atomic number 310 Elevator rocking arm 404 Football 526 Volkswagen Beetle Ancient Greek building
Elbow joint Fluorine-19 309 Elevator trimtab 424, 409 Men’s Lacrosse 540 340 460
Brachiosaurus 91 Electron beam 611 Elevator wire 398 Volleyball 534 Engine aft bulkhead 421 Ancient Roman
Diplodocus 90 Electron detector Eleventh-century building End link 386 Engine air intake building 462-465
Eryops 80 assembly 611 466, 468 Endocardium 250 BE 2B bomber 404 Baroque church
Euoplocephalus 94 Electron gun 611 Elevon 416-417, 421 Endocarp 146-147, Concorde 416 480-481
Human 218 Electron gun housing Elevon-jack fairing 416 148-149 Formula One race car Cathedral dome 487
Parasaurolophus 99 610 Elevon power control unit Endoderm 167 356, 357 French temple 485
Plateosaurus 88 Electron microscope 610 417 Endodermis Hawker Tempest Neoclassical building
Stegoceras 101 Electronic controller 605 “Ellerman Lines” steam Bishop pine needle 124 fighter 409 478-479, 482-483
Triceratops 102 Electronic control signals locomotive 324-325 Canadian pond weed Schweizer helicopter Entasis 461
Tyrannosaurus 84 330 Elliott steering knuckle stem 158-159 423 Enter button 585
Elbow pad 527, 551 Electronic control-unit 336 Dicotyledon 127 Tornado 420 Enter key 590
Elder 130-131, 140 143 connector 356 Ellipsoid orb 486 Epiphytic orchid 162 Engine and propeller Enteromorpha linza 117
Electrical braking 330 Electronic drums 520 Elliptical galaxy 11-12 Fern rachis 121 thrust frame 398 Entomophilous
Electrical cells 316-317 Electronic engine control Elliptical orbit 30 Horsetail stem 120 Engine bearer 343 pollination 144
Electrical charge (EEC) unit 418-419 Elliptic leaf 137 Mare’s tail stem 135 Engine block 347 Entrance
imbalance 316 Electronic games 578-579 Elm 144, 150 Monocotyledon 127 Engine cover Islamic tomb 489
Electrical circuit 316 Electronic ignition unit El Nath 18, 21 Pine root 125 Formula One race car Medieval building
Toaster 598 351 Elodea canadensis Root 132-133 356, 357 466-467
Electrical contact 319 Electronic impulses 584 158-159 Water hyacinth root 158 Honda VF750 374 Modern building
Electrical effects 316 Electronic instruments Elodea sp. 159 Endomysium 228 Oldsmobile bodywork 496-499
Electrical energy 314-315 520-521 Elongating root 133, 153 Endoperidium 115 337 Neoclassical building
Electrical harness 414 Electronic signals 512 Elrathia 64 Endoplasmic reticulum Two-stroke engine 366 483
Electrical inverter 422 Electronic warfare mast Eltanin 19 239 Vespa Grand Sport 160 Nineteenth-century
Electrical plant 496 397 Elytron 168 Endopod 172 Mark 1 363 building 493
Electrical relay 596 Electrons 605 Email 576, 577 Endoscopic view Volkswagen Beetle 341 Twentieth-century
Electrical relay box 330 Electron shell 308-309, Email address 576 Alimentary canal 248 Engine cowling building 494
Electrical service 310 Email program 576, 577 Vocal cords 245 Airbus 380 573 Entrenched meander 290
compartment 407 Electron stream 611 Email sender 576 Endoskeleton 174 ARV light aircraft Entresol 467
Electrical supply 316 Electron transfer 308 Emarginate apex 136 Endosperm 147 424-425 Enucleated egg cell 606
Electrical wiring harness Electrostatic forces 308, Embellisher 353 Endosteum 225 Avro biplane 403 Enzyme 160
418 316 Embolos 372 Endothecium 144 Concorde 416 Eocene epoch
Electric bass guitars 512 Electrostatic generator Embrasure 466-467, 469 Endothelium 252 Hawker Tempest Fossil record 279
Electric cable 517 316 Embryo 607 End-pin 510 components 408 Geological timescale 57
Electric car 342 Electrothermal de-icing Cotyledon 152-153 End-plate Lockheed Electra Eon
Electric charge 308 panel 416 Dry fruit seed 150-151 Formula One race car airliner 407 Fossil record 279
Electric coil 317 Element retaining stop Fertilization 146-147 356-357 Pegasus Quasar Geological time 56-57
Electric current 316-317, 599 Germination 152-153 Modern piston aero- ultralight 427 Epée 556-557
328. 603 Elements 306, 308 Human 260 engine 410-411 Engine crankcase 327 Epibranchial artery 179
Electric equipment Atomic mass 310 Reptile 80 End-plate aerodynamic Engine drive belt 354 Epicardium 250
compartment 329 Minerals 268 Seed leaf 152 skirt 357 Engineering 496 Epicenter 63
Electric fuel pump 422 Periodic table 310-311 Succulent fruit seed End zone 526 Engine front mount Epicotyl 152-153
Electric generator 317 Elephant 90, 104, 200-201 148-149 En echelon fractures 418-419 Epicranial aponeurosis 237
Electric guitar 512-513 Elephas maximus 200 Embryonic root 150, 60-61 Engine front support link Epidermal cell 166
Electric heating elements Elevated green 546 152-153 Energized electrode 584 417 Epidermis
597 Elevating wheel 396 Embryonic shoot 147 Energy 314-315 Engine fuel pump 417 Apical meristem 134
Electric ignition control Elevation 498 Epigeal germination Chemical reactions 312 Engine instruments 425 Canadian pond weed
362 Elevator 153 Electron shells 310 Engine lid 341 stem 159
Electricity 316-317 ARV light aircraft 424 Hypogeal germination Light 318 Engine lifting eye 347 Clubmoss stem 120
Electricity connector to BAe-146 components 152 Renewable 604-605 Engine mounting Dicotyledon 126-127
brushbar motor 593 415 Pea seed 150 Energy conversion 138 ARV light aircraft 425 Epiphytic orchid 162
Electricity generation Bell-47 helicopter 423 Pine 122 Energy emission from Blackburn monoplane Fern rachis 121
Diesel train 326 Biplanes and triplanes Seed axis 152-153 Sun 22 401 Flower 142
Electric train 326 402-403 Embryo sac 146-147 Engaged column 469 Honda VF750 364 Horsetail stem 120
Magnetism 317 Curtiss biplane 399 Emergency canopy Engaged pediment Modern piston aero- Human 234-235
Electricity supply 590 Early monoplanes release handle 420 462-463 engine 411 Leaf 139
Electric locomotive 324, 400-401 Emergency door control Engine 342-347, 410-411, Pegasus Quasar Marram grass 113
328-329 Hawker Tempest 332-333 418-419 ultralight 427 Monocotyledon 126-127
Electric motor components 409 Emergency escape hatch 1906 Renault 337 Velocette OHV engine Moss 119
Diesel train 326 Schleicher glider 426 406 1-liter VTEC 354 367 Multilayered 162
Electric train 328 World War 1 aircraft 405 Emergency exit 416-417 72° V10 356 Engine pylon 412 Pine needle 124
Tram 332 Wright Flyer 399 Emergency oxygen ARV light aircraft 425 Engine rear mount Pine stem 125
Electric motor/generator Elevator arm 425 cylinder 417 BAe-146 jetliner 415 Pegasus Quasar Prickle 135
357 Elevator chassis box 415 Emergent coastlines BMW R /60 362 ultralight 427 Radicle 152
Electric motor housing Elevator control cable 294-295 Bordino Steam Carriage Turboprop engine 419 Rhizome 155
354 399, 403 Emission nebula 11-12, 334 Engine room 326 Root 132-133
Electric power line 328, Elevator control rod 409 14, 16-17 Diesel 326 Engine timing gear 336 Stem 134-135
402 Elevator control wire Empire State Building 494 Early monoplane Engine warning display Water hyacinth 158
Electric power socket 422 Bell-47 helicopter 47 Enamel 400-401 573 Water lily 159
Electric scoring system Bleriot XI monoplane Islamic buildings 488-489 Hawker Tempest Englacial moraine 287 Epididymis 259
556-557 401 Teeth 247 components 408 Englacial stream 286 Epidote 269
Electric street tramway Curtiss biplane 399 Enceladus 46 Helicopter 422-423 England 92 Epigeal germination
332 LVG CVI fighter 405 Encke 40 Honda CB750 363 English baroque style 152-153
Electric toaster 598 Elevator drive wheel 399 Encke Division 46-47 Honda VF750 364 480-481 Epiglottis
Electric train 328-329 Elevator hinge Enclosed bridge 397 Kirby BSA 369 Elephant 200

Human 212, 244-245, Eurasia 76 Exhaust pipe flange 411 External occipital crest Trilobite fossil 78 False fruit 148-149
248, 255 Eurasian plate 59 Exhaust port 220 Tyrannosaurus 84 False ram bow 394
Epiphysis 230 Europa 44 “Deltic” diesel-electric External pubo-ischio- Westlothiana 87 “False ribs” 218
Epiphytes 112, 162-163 Europe locomotive 326 femoral muscle 97 Eyeball 241 False septum 151
Epithelial cell 217 Cretaceous period 72-73 Four-stroke cycle 343 External skeleton Eye bolt 381 Falx cerebri 237
Epithelium 254 Earth’s physical Mid West 75-HP engine Insect 168 Eyebrow Fan
Epoccipital bone 102 features 264-265 410 Malacostraca 172 74-gun ship 381 Jaguar straight six
Epoch Electric train 328 Two-stroke engine 367 Spider 171 Human 212 engine 344
Fossil record 279 Electric tram 332 Velocette OHV engine External spermatic fascia Eyelash 212 Jet engines 418-419
Geological time 56-57 Jurassic period 70 367 259 Eyelid Microwave
Epoxy resin frame 612 Loading gauge 331 Wankel engine 347 External urinary meatus Caiman 186 combination oven
Epsilon Centauri 21 Middle Ordovician Wankel rotary cycle 346 258 Human 213 596-597
Epsilon Crucis 21 period 64 Exhaust silencer 423, 427 Extinct geyser 275 Snake 184 Power drill 600
Epsilon Hydri 20 Quaternary period 76 Exhaust stack 405 Extinction Terrapin 187 Fan blade
Epsilon ring 48-49 Railroad track gauge Exhaust steam water Dinosaur 56, 74, 82, 104 Eyepieces 610, 611 Renault Clio 353
Epson Stylus Photo 895 331 injector control 325 Life 66 Eye plate lug 382 Turbofan 419
color inkjet printer Tertiary period 74-75 Exhaust stroke 343 Pleistocene mammals Eyespot 116 Fancase 418
574 Triassic period 68 Exhaust system 368 76 Fan drive shaft 345
Equal-shock intensity European field elm 144 Exhaust tract 410 Extinct volcano 62, 272 Fan duct nozzle 412
lines 63 European hard-screw Exhaust valve 343-345 Igneous rock structures Fan dust shield 597
Equator coupling 402 Exhaust valve push-rod 275 F Fan fold 61
Atmosphere 300 Europium 311 400 Mountain building 62 F-14 Tomcat fighter 420 Fang 170
Quaternary period 76 “Eurostar” multivoltage Exhaust vent Ocean floor 298 Fabric 384 Fan transformer 597
Saturn 47 electric train 328-329 British Rail Class 20 Extrados 484-485 Fabric covering Fan motor 351
Satellite map 265 Eurypterid fossil 79 diesel engine 327 Extra period 532 Aluminum and steel Fan vault 484-485
Surface currents 297 Eustachian tube 243 Drill 601 Extrusive rocks 274, 275 wing 403 Farming ax 109
Equatorial air 300 Eustreptospondylus 85 “Union Pacific” Eye BE 2B tail 405 Fascia
Equatorial current Euthynteria 460 locomotive 326 Allosaurus 85 Blériot XI monoplane Ancient Roman
296-297 Evacuated column 610, Exine 144-145 Amphibian 182 401 building 463-464
Equatorial furrow 144 611 Exit door 333 Anchisaurus 89 Steel-tube fuselage 403 Baroque church 479,
Equatorial Zone 45 Evaporation 307 Exocarp 146-149 Angling hook 562 Fabric lacing 405 481
Equestrian sports 554-555 Event horizon 28-29 Exoccipital bone 183 Beetle 168 Fabric skin 401 Cellphones 589
Equisetites sp. 66 Evergreens 130-131 Exocet missile launcher Bird 188 Fabric softener section Dome 486
Equilateral triangle 622 Everlasting pea 129 397 Bony fish 181 595 French temple 485
Equisetum arvense 70, 120 Evolute shell 278 Exodermis 162 Brachiosaurus 91 Fabry 41 Gothic building 472
Equuleus 19, 20 Evolution Exoperidium 115 Bumblebee 168 Facade Medieval building 467,
Era Earth 56-57 Exopod 172 Butterfly 169 Ancient Greek building 469
Fossil record 279 Living things 278 Exoskeleton Caiman 186 461 Modern building 498
Geological time 56-57 Excretory pore 177 Insect 168 Carnivore 194 Ancient Roman Neoclassical building
Eraser 430 Excurrent pore 166 Malacostraca 172 Chick 192-193 building 465 482
Erasing stick 448 Exfoliation 282 Spider 171 Corythosaurus 98 Baroque church Renaissance building
Erbium 311 Exhaust Exosphere 300 Crab 172 480-481 476-477
Erect limb stance 82 Catalytic converter 355 Exothermic reactions 312 Crayfish 173 Gothic church 470-472 Renault Clio 353
Erh-wei 376 Ford diesel engine 347 Expander bolt 359 Crocodilian 186 Modern building Fast forward button 577
Eridanus 19, 20 Modern mechanics Expandible sponge 448 Deer hopper dry fly 563 496-499 Fat
E ring 46 350-351 Expansile jaw 85 Devon minnow 563 Neoclassical building Cells 217
Erosion 282-283 Paddlesteamer 391 Expansion lever 325 Dhow 376 478, 483 Tissue 215, 235
Coastline 294-295 Exhaust clamp 362 Expansion of sail 378-379 Dogfish 178 Nineteenth-century Faultline
Lake formation 293 Exhaust collector ring Expansion slot 567 Dolphin 204 building 493 Lake formation 292
Ocean floor 298 403, 406 Expelling plate 397 Elephant 201 Renaissance building Mountain building
River features 290-291 Exhaust cone 419 Expiration 255 Figurehead 374 474 62-63
Rock cycle 267 Exhaust connection 427 Exploding shell 396, 397 Forward-facing 194 Facade pediment 481 Weathering and erosion
Sedimentary rocks 276 Exhaust diffuser 418 Expressionist style 495 Frog 182 Facade wall 470 283
Eryops 80-81 Exhaust downpipe 350 Extended cave system 285 Gallimimus 86 Face Fault plane 60
Escalator 497-498 Exhaust fairing 419 Extended port air-brake Gorilla 203 Deadeye 383 Faults 60-61, 292
Escape /back button 589 Exhaust gas recirculation 421 Greek and Roman ships Human 211 Mineral resources
Esker 286 valve 344 Extensor digitorum brevis 372 Sailmaker’s mallet 384 280
Esophagus Exhaust heat shield 345 muscle 233 Herrerasaurus 86 Face mask Mountain building 62
Barnacle 173 Exhaust manifold Extensor digitorum Horse 198 Fencing 557 Oil and gas traps 281
Bird 189 1906 Renault 337 longus tendon 233 Human 211, 212, Football 526 Showjumping
Brachiosaurus 91 ARV light aircraft 425 Extensor digitorum 240-241 Hockey goalkeeper competitions 554
Butterfly 169 Jaguar V12 engine 345 tendon 231 Iguanodon 97 540 Fault spring 292
Chimpanzee 202 Mid West two-stroke Extensor hallucis brevis Kangaroo 207 Ice hockey goalkeeper Fault structure 60
Cow 198 engine 410 muscle 233 Knot 388 550 Fault trap 281
Dogfish 179 Renault Clio 351 Extensor hallucis longus Lamprey 178 Lacrosse goalkeeper Fava bean 133, 152
Dolphin 205 Exhaust nozzle 418 tendon 233 Lion 194 541 F-block 311
Domestic cat 195 Exhaust pipe Extensors of hand 227 Lizard 184 Slalom skiing 553 FCC cable 571
Elephant 200 Avro biplane 403 External anatomy Median 170 Facet 222-223 F clef 502
Human 212, 215, 245, Bell-47 helicopter 422 Body 210-211 Octopus 177 Faering 374-375 Feather 188, 191
248 BMW R /60 362 Brain 237 Pachycephalosaurus Fag end 387, 388 Feathered float 391
Lizard 185 Brazilian battleship 395 Ear 242-243 100 Fahrenheit temperature Feathering 440-441
Rabbit 196 Harley-Davidson FLHS Foot 233 Psittacosaurus 103 scale 590 Feather shuttlecock
Snail 177 Electra Glide 363 Hand 231 Rabbit 196 Fairing 364, 369 544-545
Spider 170 Formula One race car Sperm 259 Rat 196 Fairing of landing gear 413 Feather star 174
Starfish 174 356 External auditory meatus Rattlesnake 185 Fairing panel 415 Feed add button 577
Tortoise 187 Hawker Tempest Homo erectus 108 Rigging 382-383 Fairlead Feed bilge pump 391
Estonioceras perforatum fighter 409 Homo sapiens 108, 220, Salamander 182 Battleship 395 Feeder station 328
65 Honda CB750 363 242 Scallop 176 Frigate 397 Feed list 577
Estuarine mud-flat 295 Honda VF750 364 External crust 28 Scorpion 170 Rigging 383 Feed name 577
Estuary 288, 290-294 Kirby BSA 369 External elastic lamina Seal 204 Roman corbita 373 Feet
Eta Centauri 21 Lockheed Electra 252 Shrimp 172 Fairway 546 Human 232-233
Eta Mensae 20 airliner 406-407 External iliac artery 215, Simple 170-171 Falciform ligament 248 Theropods 84
Eta Orionis 18 Oldsmobile engine 336 225, 253 Snail 177 Falco tinnunculus 189 Fei Tecnai G2
Eta ring 48 Pegasus Quasar External iliac vein 215, Snake 185 Falkland current 296 transmission electron
Eta Sagittarii 21 ultralight 427 253 Spider 170 Fall 382 microscope 610
Etching 446 Suzuki RGV500 368 External monitor port 567 Stegoceras 101 Fallopian tube 258-259, 261 Feldspar 267, 269, 275
Ethernet port 566 White Steam Car 342 External nostril 184 Stegosaurus 92 False acacia 136 Felloe 390
Euathlus emilia 170 World War I aircraft External oblique muscle Terrapin 187 False anthers 141 Felt blanket 447
Euoplocephalus 94-95 404-405 226 Triceratops 102 False door 458-459

Felt-covered beater 516 Husqvarna Motocross Tyrannosaurus 84 Helicopter 423 First quarter 41 Flat bottom 391
518-519 TC610 368 Fibulare 183 Lockheed Electra First rate ship 378 Flat-bottomed rail 331
Felt-tip pen 444 Kirby BSA 369 Ficus carica 148 airliner 407 First slip 538 Flat chisel 452
Female Lockheed Electra 406 Ficus sp. 137 Lungfish 81 First transition metals 310 Flat cone 272
Body 210, 211 Motorcycle 364 Fid 383, 384 LVG CVI fighter 405 First violin 503, 504-505 Flatfish angling 562
Pelvis 218, 258 Suzuki RGV500 369 Fiddle block 378, 383 Pectoral 178, 180-181 First wheel set 329 Flat-four engine 340
Reproductive organs Volkswagen Beetle 341 Held arrow 549 Pelvic 179-181 Fish Flat freight car 327
259 Weslake Speedway Field coil 600 Schleicher glider 426 Bony 180-181 Flat horse-races 554
Female apex 119 motorcycle 369 Fielder’s glove 537 Tornado 421 Breathing 180 Flat laminae 138
Female cones Fender eye bolt 339 Field events 542 Ventral 179 Cartilaginous 178 Flat roof
Bishop pine 124 Fender jazz bass guitar Field goal 526-527 World War II aircraft Fossil 279 Ancient Egyptian
Gymnosperm 122 513 Fielding 538 408-409 Holostean 73 building 458
Pine 122, 124 Fender stay 337, 362, Fielding team 536 Final drive and gearbox Jawless 178-179 Neoclassical building
Smooth cypress 123 363 Field judge 526 340 Fish davit 379 483
Yew 123 Fender stratocaster guitar Field positions 538 Final-drive sprocket 335 Fisherman’s schooner 385 Twentieth-century
Female flower organs 513 Fields and particles Fin-attachment skin 415 Fishing tackle 109 building 494-495
140-143 Fenestration 474, 494 instruments 614 Find key 590 Fish-scale tile 476-477, Flat seam 384
Female flower remains Fermentation 313 Field umpire 528 Fine leg 538 486 Flat seizing 383, 389
148 Fermium 311 Fifteenth century Fine linen canvas 437 Fishtail nectaries 160 Flat soffit 464
Female flowers 143, 144, Fern 120-121 Mihrab 488 Fine-toothed marble claw Fissure 247 Flattened pericarp 151
148 Fossil 66, 279 Renaissance building 453 Fissures 157 Flattened petiole 160
Female gametes Life-cycle 121 474-475 Finger Fissure volcano 272 Flattened stem 129
Fertilization 146-147 Prehistoric Earth 68, 70, Style 462, 470 Anchisaurus 89 Five-line stave 502 Flat-topped plateau 275,
Gymnosperm 122 72 Terrace 490 Gorilla 203 Five yard mark 540 282
Seots pine 122 Tree fern 112-113 Tracery 472 Human 211 Fixative 430, 440 Flat-topped seamount 298
Seaweed 116-117 Ferrel cell 300 Fig 137, 148 Iguanodon 97 Fixed float 390 Flat wire seizing 383
Yew 123 Ferrite core 571 Fighters 404-405, 408-409, Pachycephalosaurus 100 Fixed gear 346-347, 411 Flavian amphitheater 464
Female receptacles 117 Fertile horsetail stem 420 Psittacosaurus 103 Fixed lug 383 Flax-spinning mill 492
Female reproductive 120 Fighting 556 Stegoceras 101 Fixed-spool reel 562 Fleet number 333
organs Fertile oasis 283 Fighting platform 374 Theropod 84 Fixing screw 599 Flesh-eaters 194
Fern 121 Fertilization 146-147 Figurehead Fingerboard 510-511, 513 Fjord 294-295 Flesh-eating dinosaur 70
Fruit 148 Fern 121 74-gun ship 380-381 Finger-claw 83, 85 Flagella 166 Flesh tones 433
Moss 119 Gymnosperm 122 Wooden sailing ship Finger hole 508 Flagellum Fleshy aril 148
Plants 144 Scots pine 122 379 Finger key 507 Beetle 168 Fleshy axis 143
Femoral artery 225, 253 Seaweed 117 Figure-eight turns 387 Fingerless glove 527 Chlamydomonas sp. Fleshy fruit 146-147
Femoral musculature 86 Festoon Filament Fingernail 231 116 Fleshy hair 140
Femoral nerve 238 Ancient Roman Alga 116 Finger recess 571 Moss 119 Fleshy infolded receptacle
Femoral vein 253 building 462-463 Dicotyledon flower Finger tab 548 Seaweed gametes 117 148
Femoro-tibial muscle 84 Cathedral dome 487 126-127 Finial Snail 177 Fleshy scale leaf 155
Femur Neoclassical building Fern 121 Asian building 490-491 Sperm 259 Fleteh 548
Albertosaurus 84 478-479 Fertilization 146-147 Baroque church 479, Flag halyard 380 Flexible hose shrouding
Archaeopteryx 85 Fetal skull 220 Flowers 140-141, 143 481 Flagmast 395 593
Beetle 168 Fetlock 199, 554 Fungal 114-115 Gothic church 470-471 Flag pin 547 Flexible ribbon cable 580
Bird 189 Fetus 260-261 Jellyfish 167 Islamic building Flagpole 495 Flex kink guard 594
Brachiosaurus 90 Fiber 134-135 Light bulb 319 488-489 Flaking rock 282 Flexor digitorum longus
Butterfly 169 Fiberglass 548 Nebulae and star Medieval building 468 Flamboyant tracery 472 muscle 233
Crocodile 186 Bow 548 clusters 16-17 Neoclassical building Flame 312-313 Flexor digitorum tendon
Dinosaur 82 Bucket seat 361 Sun 32-33 478 Flamingo 188, 190 231
Domestic cat 195 Canopy frame 425 Moss 119 Nineteenth-century Flamsteed 40 Flexor hallucis longus
Elephant 201 Fuel tank 425 Pollination 144 building 493 Flange 492, 498 muscle 233
Eryops 81 Racket 544 Filbert hog hair brush 436 Renaissance building Flanged plate 425 Flexor pollicis brevis
Euoplocephalus 94 Reinforced plastic cover File status indicator 577 476 Flank muscle 231
Frog 183 329 Filicinophyta 120 Finish line 542, Bird 188 Flexor retinaculum
Gallimimus 86 Wheel guard 369 Filiform papilla 244 554-555 Cow 198 muscle 231
Hare 197 Fiber insulation 602 Filing 455 Fin leading-edge Flanker Flexors of forearm 226
Horse 199 Fiber plate 366 Filled shell 310-311 attachment 415 Canadian football 526 Flexors of hand 227
Human 218-219, Fibrils 32 Fillet Finned tail 80 Rugby 530 Flexor tubercle 85
224-225 Fibrin 253 Ancient Greek temple Fin-root aerial fairing 421 Flank spike 95 Flex rewind 593
Iguanodon 96-97 Fibrous capsule 256 461 Fin tip 415 Flap Flight 543
Kangaroo 206 Fibrous habit 271 Dome 486 Fin tip fairing 421, 424 ARV light aircraft 425 Flight-control hydraulic
Kentrosaurus 93 Fibrous pericardium 250 French temple 485 Fin trailing edge 415 Formula One race car jack 416
Lizard 184 Fibrous septum 245 Gothic building 470 Fir 66 356, 357 Flight-control mixing unit
Parasaurolophus 98 Fibula Neoclassical molding Fire 108 Hawker Tempest 417
Pareiasaur 81 Albertosaurus 84 480 Fireball 10 components 409 Flight-control rod 423
Plateosaurus 88 Brachiosaurus 90 Renaissance building Firebox 324-325 Lockheed Electra Flight controls 412
Platypus 206 Crocodile 186 475, 477 Fire-escape 497-498 airliner 406 Flightdeck door 573
Rhesus monkey 202 Diplodocus 90 Riling transom 381 Fire extinguisher 328 Tornado 421 Flightdeck windshield 573
Scorpion 170 Domestic cat 195 Film and transparency Fire-extinguisher Flap drive screw 413 Flight feathers 188, 191
Seal 204 Elephant 201 holder 570 discharge indicator 412 Flap lever 425 Flight instruments 425
Spider 171 Eryops 81 Filter 576 Fire-hole 325 Flap seal 413, 414 Flight refueling
Stegoceras 101 Euoplocephalus 94 Filter access flap 594 Fire-making tools 109 Flap tip 414 receptacle 421
Stegosaurus 93 87 Filter rim casing 592 Fireman’s seat 325 Flap torque tube 424 Flint 277
Struthiomimus 87 Hare 197 Filter seal 595 Fire opal 270 Flap track 413 Flint tools 108-109
Toxodon 107 Horse 199 Filter screw cover 595 Fireplace 466-467 Flap-track fairing 413, Flipper
Triceratops 102 Human 219, 232-233 Filter turret 610 Fire-resistant clay 454 415, 572, 573 Dolphin 204
Tuojiangosaurus 93 Iguanodon 96-97 Fimbria 258-259 Fire-resistant curtain 497 Flared bell Seal 204
Turtle 187 Kangaroo 206 Fin Fire-resistant panel 496 Brass instruments Flitch-plated wooden
Tyrannosaurus 84 Lizard 184 Anal 178, 181 Fire-tube boiler 334 506-507 chassis 342
Fencing 556-557 Parasaurolophus 99 ARV light aircraft 424 Fire tubes 324-325 Woodwind instruments Float 390-391
Fender Plateosaurus 88 Avro biplane 402 Firewall 406, 425 508-509 Floating disc brake
1906 Renault 336-337 Platypus 206 BAe-146 components Firewire ports 560 Flash lamp 580 364-365
BMW R /60 with Steib Rhesus monkey 202 415 Firewire socket 587 Flash steam generator 342 Floating floor 602
chair 362 Seal 204 Blackburn monoplane Firing 452 Flash tube 397 “Floating” rib 218
Cannondale ST 1000 Stegoceras 101 401 Firing chamber 575 Flask 312-313 Flocked pastel board 441
touring bicycle 361 Stegosaurus 93 Caudal 178-181 Firing pin 549 Flat Floodgate 604
Ford Model T 338-339 Struthiomimus 87 Concorde 416 Firn 287 Musical notation 502 Flood-plain 289-291
Harley-Davidson FLHS Toxodon 107 Devon minnow 563 First century 462-464 Twin bollards 386 Floods 290
Electra Glide 363 Triceratops 102 Dorsal 178-179, 181, “First down” 526-527 Flatbed scanner 570-571 Floor
Honda VF750 364 Turtle 187 205 First pilot’s seat 408 Flatboard 384 Gun turret 396

Ironclad 393 Succulent fruit 148-149 Pine 124-125 Ford Model T 338-339 Rigging 382 Nautiloid 65
Longboat 380 Sycamore 131 Rhizome 155 Ford turbocharged diesel Roman corbita 372 Palm bark 74
Modern building Water lily 159 Seedling 152-153 engine 347 Sailing warship 376 Shark teeth 67
496-498 Flow splitter 418 Stem bulbil 155 Fore-and-aft rigged lateen Wooden sailing ship Starfish 79
Nineteenth-century Fluff filter impeller 595 Yew 123 sails 376 379 Swamp plant 64
building 492 Fluid 306 Foliated capital 469 Fore-and-aft sails 384 Fore staysail 379, 385 Sweetgum leaf 76
Twentieth-century Fluke Foliated frieze 469, 479 Fore-and-aft schooner 385 Forest-dwelling mammals Titanosaurid egg 91
building 494-495 74-gun ship 380 Foliated panel 479 Forearm 74 Trilobite 78
Floor anchor 407 Danforth anchor 386 Foliated scrollwork 472 Gorilla 203 Fore throat halyard 385 Fossil skeleton
Floorboard 464, 486 Fluorescent light 318-319 Foliated volute 476 Horse 199 Fore top 379 Archaeopteryx 85
Floor-joist 464 Fluorine 308-309, 311 Foliate papilla 244 Human 210 Fore topcastle 376 Bat 105
Floor-mounted base 608 Fluorite 271 Foliose lichen 114 Movement 227 Fore topgallant mast 379 Parasaurolophus 98
Floor pan 340 Halides 269 Foliose thallus 114 Forearm guard 548 Fore topmast 376, 379 Pareiasaur 81
Floor torn 518-519 Flush-riveted aluminum Follicle Forearm pass 534 Fore topmast stay 376, 379 Struthiomimus 87
Florence Cathedral 475, fuselage 423 Dehiscent dry fruit Fore bitt 380 Fore topmast staysail 385 Westlothiana 81
487 Flush-riveted metal- 150-151 Fore breast rope 387 Fore topmast staysail tack Foster, N. 496, 498
Florets 142 skinned wing 406 Hair 235 Forecarriage 335 382 Foul lines 536
Florists’ Flush window 494 Ovary 258 Forecastle Fore topsail 379 Fouls 532
chrysanthemum 129 Flute 503, 504-505, 508 Fomalhaul 19, 20 74-gun ship 380 Fore upper topsail 385 Foul tackle 524
Ultraviolet light 145 Fluted pilaster 462 Fontanelle 220 Sailing warship 376 Forewing 169 Foul tip 537
Florida current 296 Fluted pinnacle 481 Font color button 576 Square-rigged ship 375 Fore yard 376, 379 Foundation
Florists’ chrysanthemum Fluted shaft 478 Font menus button 576 Forecastle castle-deck Fore yard lift 385 Ancient Roman
129 Flute tube 325 Food storage gunport 376 Forged iron anchor 392 building 464
Flower bud Fluting 461, 463 Bulb 155 Forefoot Fork Iron paddlesteamer 392
Aechmea miniata 162 Flutter kick 559 Corm 155 Caiman 186 ARV Super 2 425 Modern building 496
Broomrape 163 Fly 168 Embryo 147 Diplodocus 90 Eddy Merckx racing Nineteenth-century
Bulb 155 Fly-by-wire side stick 573 Rhizome 155 Edmontonia 95 bicycle 361 building 492
Clematis 131 Fly fishing 562 Root tuber 155 Elephant 90 Harley-Davidson FLHS Foundry plug 387
Florists’ Fly-half 530 Scale leaf 155 Iron paddlesteamer 393 Electra Glide 363 Fountain pen 444
chrysanthemum 129 Flying boat 406 Seed 152 Stegosaurus 92 Honda CB750 363 Four-aspect color light
Hibiscus 127 Flying buttress Succulent 156-157 Fore hatch tackle 379 Motorcycle 364 signal 330
Ice-plant 129 Gothic building 470-473 Swollen stem 113, 155 Forehead Vespa Grand Sport 160 Four-chambered heart
Live-forever 129 Medieval building 466, Foot Bird 188 Mark 1 363 104
Oxalis sp. 157 468-469 Anchisaurus 89 Dolphin 204 Fork blade 359 Four-cylinder 12-HP
Peruvian lily 129 Nineteenth-century Bird 190 Elephant 200-201 Forked beam 380 engine 399
Rose 131 building 493 Caiman 186-187 Horse 199 Forked connecting-rod Four-cylinder motorcycle
Water lily 159 Flying Fortress bomber Corythosaurus 98 Human 211, 212 342 363
Wind pollination 144 408 Cow 198 Foreleg Fork end 383 Four-footed dinosaur 88,
Flowering plant 57, 70, 72 Flying helmet 404 Diplodocus 90 Caiman 186 Fork slide 365 92, 96, 100
Flowering shoot 155 Flying jib 385 Duck 188 Elephant 201 Formeret 469, 479 Four-pulley system 320
Flowers 140-143 Flying reptile 70 Elephant 90 Lizard 184 Fornax 19, 20 Four-stroke combustion
Brassavola nodosa 162 Flying tackle 531 Gorilla 203 Terrapin 187 Fornix 236-237 engine 366
Bromeliad 113 Fly rod 562-563 Harp 511 Forelimb Fortifications 466 Four-stroke cycle 343
Broomrape 163 Flywheel Herrerasaurus 86 Anchisaurus 89 Forum of Trajan 463 Fourteenth century 474
Buds 140-141, 143 Benz Motorwagen 335 Horse 198 Bird 188 Forward bulkhead panel Arch 488
Clematis 131 Early engines 342-343 Human 210 Corythosaurus 98 406 Gothic building 471-473
Color 140, 144-145 Etching press 447 Iguanodon 96 Edmontonia 95 Forward deck 561 Medieval building
Dicotyledons 126-127, Mid West rotary engine Kangaroo 207 Frog 182 Forward defensive stroke 466-467
141-143 411 Pachycephalosaurus Hare 196 538 Roof 490
Dodder 163 Oldsmobile engine 336 100 Herrerasaurus 86 Forward dive 558 Style 470
Epiphytes 162-163 Renault Clio 351 Relief-printing press Iguanodon 97 Forward door 415, 417 Fourth mast 376
Everlasting pea 129 Steamboat 391 449 Kangaroo 207 Forward-facing eyes 194 Four-wheel bogie 417
Florists’ Flywheel retaining thread Sails 374, 385 Pachycephalosaurus Forward fairing 415 Fovea 224
chrysanthemum 129 411 Slug 176 100 Forward-firing machine- Fowler flap 413, 414
Guzmania lingulata Flywheel with balance Snail 177 Psittacosaurus 103 gun 405 Foxes 194
163 weight 347 Stegoceras 101 Rabbit 196 Forward funnel 393, 395 Fracastorius 40
Ice-plant 129 FM and TV aerial 603 Stegosaurus 92 Rat 196 Forward fuselage Fracture 270
Involucre 129 Focker, Anthony 404 Toaster 598-599 Salamander 182 structure 401 Fractured rock 34
Monocotyledons 126, Fo’c’sle 380 Tyrannosaurus 84 Stegoceras 101 Forward galley 416 Fragaria x ananassa 128,
140-141, 143 Focus 63 Tube 174 Stegosaurus 92 Forward hydroplane 397 150
Peruvian lily 129 Focusing lens 581 Webbed 188 Thyreophorans 92 Forward main door 412 Fra Mauro 40
Pollination 144-145 Fog 42-43 Westlothiana 81 Triceratops 102 Forward ramp drive 417 Frame
Rose 131 Fog-lamp 349, 353 Football 524, 526-527 Tyrannosaurus 84 Forward rocker 615 74-gun ship 381
Russian vine 131 Fog light 332, 363 Footboard 335 Forelock 199 Forward rollover ARV light aircraft 424
Scented 144 Foil 556-557 Foot brake 363 Fore lower topsail 385 structure 357 Bicycle 358-359
Stem arrangements 143 Foilist 557 Footbridge 493 Fore mast Forwards 532, 534-535 Cannondale SH600
Ultraviolet light 145 Foil pommel 557 Foot-fault judge 544 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Forward short leg 538 Digital video camera 582
Vegetative reproduction Folded rock 60, 266 Foot mat 363 Roman corbita 372 Forward spar 415 Hybrid bicycle 361
154 Impermeable rock 281 Foot pedal 366, 514 Sailing warship 376 Fossa ovalis 251 Concert grand piano
Water lily 159 Mineral resources 280 Footplate 324 Square-rigged ship 375 Fossil fuel 280-281, 515
Yew 123 Strata 60-61 Footrest Wooden sailing ship 314-315 Concorde, the 416
Flower scars 154 Folded schist 274 Curtiss biplane 398-399 379 Fossilization 278 Harley-Davidson FLHS
Flower spike 143, 155 Folding foot rest 572 Suzuki RGV500 368 Fore mast course 379 Fossil record 279 Electra Glide 363
Flower stalk Folding mountain range Weslake Speedway Foremast hole 380 Fossils 278-279 Honda VF750 364
Brassavola nodosa 162 274 motorcycle 369 Fore mast topgallant sail Acanthostega skull 80 Ironclad 393
Bulbil 154 Folding step 326 Footrest hanger 364 379 Ankylosaurus tail club Longboat 380
Clematis 131 Folding table with Foot rope 378-379, 382, Fore mast topsail 379 95 Medieval house 466
Dry fruit 150-151 integral keyboard 573 385 Forepeak 393 Birch leaf 74, 76 Modeled sculpture 452
Fertilization 146-147 Fold mountains 62 Foot throttle 427 Fore royal stay 383 Blue-green algae 78 Modern building 496
Florists’ Fold of mucous Foramen cecum 244 Fore sail 372, 385 Brachiopod 65 Motorcycle 364
chrysanthemum 129 membrane 249 Foramen magnum 220 Fore sail halyard 380 Clubmoss 66 Oscillating steam
Fruit development Folds 60-61 Foraminiferans 279 Foreset strata 283 Eurypterid 79 engine 390
146-147 Foliage leaf Force 320-321 Fore shroud 379 Fern 66 Racing bicycle 360
Monocotyledons Bishop pine 124 “Force play” 536 Foresight Graptolite 65 Racket 544-545
140-141, 143 Bud 124 Ford Cosworth V6 Rifle 549 Horsetail 66 Relief-printing press
Oxalis sp. 157 Bulb 155 12-valve engine 344 Target pistol 549 Hyaenodon skull 107 449
Rose 131 Germination 152-153 Ford Cosworth V6 Foreskin 259 Jawless fish 78 Single scull 560
Rowan 131 Monocotyledon 126 24-valve engine 344 Fore spring rope 387 Land plant 64 Steam-powered Cugnot
Russian vine 131 Parasitic plant 162 Ford, Henry 338 Fore stay Lungfish 81 335

Steel 494 Frontal sinus 212, 245 Fuel sprayer 418 Fuselage bottom skin 424 Moss 112, 119 Canoeing 560
Upright piano 514 Front axle Fuel supply pump 327 Fuselage bracing wire Gamma 18, 21 Downhill skiing 552
Weslake Speedway 1906 Renault 336-337 Fuel tank 403, 426 Gamma Centauri 21 Hydroelectric power
motorcycle 369 Ford Model T 338 Avro triplane 402 Fuselage mid-section 412 Gamma Hydri 20 station 314
Frame angle 360 Honda VF750 365 Benz Motorwagen 335 Fuselage nose-section 412 Gamma Mensae 20 Gate clamp 560
Frame drum 518 Husqvarna Motocross BMW R /60 362 Fuselage skin 402 Gamma radiation 10 Gate-house 467
Frame head 340 TC610 368 Concorde, the 417 Fuselage spine fairing 414 Gamma ray 22, 318-319 Gateway 460
Frame-mounted fairing Kirby BSA 369 “Deltic” diesel-electric Fuselage tail-section 415 Gamma ring 48 Gatwick Express “People
364 Front brake cable locomotive 326 Fuselage top skin 424 Ganges River 288 Mover” 328
Fram Rupes 35 Bicycle 359 Harley-Davidson FLHS Fuses 591 Joule 314, 316 Gauge 330-331
Francis turbine 314 Eddy Merckx racing Electra Glide 363 Fusion crust 52 Ganges plain 63 Gauge class 325
Francium 310 bicycle 361 Helicopter 422-423 Futtock shroud 378 Ganges River delta 288 Gauged arch 492
Frapped turn 389 Front brake lever 363 Honda VF750 364 Ganglion 173, 177 Gauntlet 540, 557
Free nerve ending 235, Front bumper 332 Lockheed Electra Gangway Gavialis gangeticus 186
239 Front cantilever brake 359 airliner 407 74-gun ship 380 G clef 502
Freestyle swimming Front crawl 558-559 LVG CVI fighter 405 G Colosseum 464 Gear band 336
stroke 558 Front cylinder exhaust Pegasus XL SE Gabbro 267, 274 Sailing warship 377 Gearbox
Free-throw line 532-533, pipe 368 ultralight 426 Gable Ganymede 44 ARV light aircraft 425
535 Front derailleur 358-360 Renault Clio 350 Gothic building 470-473 Gape Ford Model T 339
Freewheel 361 Front hazard avoidance Suzuki RGV500 369 Medieval building 467, Angling hook 562 Harley-Davidson FLHS
Freewheel lock nut 358 camera 615 Volkswagen Beetle 340 469 Dolphin 204 Electra Glide 363
Freewheel sprocket 360 Front leg 168-169 Werner motorcycle 362 Nineteenth-century Garboard strake 393 Motorcycle 364, 366
Freezing 307 Front light Weslake Speedway building 492-493 Gargoyle 473 Renault Clio 351
Freezing level 302 Bicycle 360 motorcycle 369 Renaissance building Garmin Etrex handheld Volkswagen Beetle 340
Freight car 327 Paris Metro 328 White Steam Car 342 476 GPS 591 Wind turbine 605
Freight service 326 Italian State Railroads Wright Flyer 398 Gabled arch 471 Garnet 267 Gearbox bevel drive 418
French baroque style 479, Class 402 328 Fuel tank breather 369 Gacrux 21 Garnet-mica schist 267 Gearbox case 410
482 Frontoparietal bone 183 Fuel tank cradle 422 Gadolium 311 Garnierite 270 Gearbox drive spline 410
French bowline 388 Frontozygomatic suture Fuel tank filler cap 369 Gaelic football 528-529 Garudimimus 86 Gearbox fixing stud 356
French Flamboyant style 220 Fuel tank filler neck 350 Gaff 380, 385 Gas 306-307 Gearbox mount 413
470 Front spring 337 Fuel tank filler nozzle 427 Gagarin 41 Asteroids, comets, and Gearbox oil scavenge line
French trotter 554 Front wheel Fuel tank sender unit 340 Gait 554 meteoroids 52-53 419
Fresco 434-435 Bicycle 359 Fuel tank top skin 425 Galactic center 14, 18, 20 Chemical reactions 313 Gearbox unit 413
Freshwater bay 291 Front wing 168 Fuel tap 366 Galactic nucleus 12-13 Massive stars 26-27 Gear cable 359
Freshwater angling 562 Frost wedging 282, Fuel vent pipe 422 Galactic plane 14-15 Mineral resources Gearcase 601
Freshwater lake 286-287 Fulcrum 320-321 Galaxy 10-15, 613 280-281 Gearcase position 600
Lakes and groundwater Froude’s early test Full back Galena 268 NGC 2997 (spiral Gear change 363
292 propeller 391 Australian rules football Galeocerdo cuvier 179 galaxy) 12 Gear-change rod 351
Weathering and erosion Frozen rubber puck 527 Galilean moons 44 Small stars 24-25 Gear lever
283 550-551 Canadian football 526 Galium aparine 150 Stellar black hole 29 1906 Renault 337
Freshwater turtle 186 Fruit Football 526 Gallbladder Gas blanket 300 Husqvarna Motocross
Fret 512-513 Bramble 130 Gaelic football 529 Domestic cat 195 Gas cloud TC610 368
Fret-pattern mosaic Couch grass 113 Rugby 530 Human 248, 252 Earth’s formation 56 Renault Clio 350
488-489 Development 146-147 Full back line 529 Rabbit 196 Milky Way 14 Two-stroke engine 366
Fretwork 461, 491 Dry 150-151 Full-elliptic leaf spring Tortoise 187 Nebulae and star Gear lever knob 340
Frieze Durmast oak 131 334-335 Galle ring 50-51 clusters 16-17 Gear lever surround 352
Ancient Egyptian Peach 131 Full-elliptic steering Gallery Origin and expansion of Gear ratios 361
building 459 Pitcher plant 113 spring 337 74-gun ship 381 universe 10-11 Gear retainer 562
Ancient Greek building Rowan 131 Full forward 528-529 Ancient Roman Gas current 29 Gear shift 359
461 Succulent 148-149 Fumaroles 272-273 building 465 Gas deposit 57, 281 Gear system 358, 366
Ancient Roman Sycamore 131 Funaria hygrometrica 119 Baroque church Gaseous exchange in Gears
building 463, 465 Fruit wall 148-149, 150-151 Funaria sp. 119 479-480 alveolus 255 Drills 600
Baroque church 479, 481 Fruticose lichen 114 Functionalism 496 Cathedral dome 487 Gaseous water 49 Motorcycle 366
Cathedral dome 487 Fruticose thallus 114 Function button 585 Frigate 397 Gas exchange 134 Gelatine roller 447
French temple 485 “F” turret 394 Function display 520-521 Medieval building Leaf 138-139 Gemini 18
Medieval church 469 Fucoxanthin 116 Fundus 258 466-468 Photosynthesis process Gemma 118
Neoclassical building Fucus spiralis 116 Fungal filament 114-115 Modern building 138 Generative nucleus 147
478-479, 482 Fucus vesiculosus 116, 117 Fungi 112, 114-115, 133 496-497 Root 132 Generator 317
Renaissance building Fuel/air intake pipe 337 Fungia fungites 167 Renaissance theater Sunken stoma 156-157 British Rail class 20
476 Fuel and oil heat Fungiform papilla 244 477 Wetland plants 158 diesel engine 327
Twentieth-century exchanger 418 Fungoid-structure Wooden sailing ship Gas formation 280-281 Diesel train 326
building 495 Fuel and oil tank 398-399 encrustations 284 378-379 Gas giants Electric train 326
Frigate 396-397 Fuel cap 348, 369 Funicle 150 Galley 372-397 Jupiter 44-45 Nuclear power station
Fring 46-47 Fuel contents indicator Funnel Galley area, business Neptune 50-51 314
Fringed crumble cap 115 413 Battleship 395 class cabin 572, 573 Saturn 46-47 Van de Graaff 316
Fringilla coelebs 193 Fuel-cooled oil cooler 419 Frigate 397 Gallimimus 82, 84, 86-87 Solar system 30-31 Wind turbine 605
Fringing reef 299 Fuel drip tray 411 Iron paddlesteamer Gallium 311 Uranus 48-49 Generator cooling fan 327
Frog 182-183 Fuel filler and vent 403 392-393 Galois 41 Gaskin 198, 554 Generator housing 411
Double bass bow 511 Fuel filler cap Lizard 185 Galvanized “D” shackle Gas loop 32-33 Generator rotor
Eggs 183, 192 Curtiss biplane 398 Octopus 176-177 386 Gas molecule 53 Hydroelectric power
Fossil 278 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Steamboat with paddle Gambrel roof 490 Gassendi 40 station 314
Violin bow 510 Fuel filler neck 340 wheels 391 Game target shooting Gas shell 16-17, 25 Mid West engine 410
Frog kick 559 Fuel filter 419 Funnel guide 126 548 Gas tail 52-53 Generator unit 314
Frond Fuel heater 419 Funnel stay 395 Gamete 154 Gastralia 85, 87 Genetic material 606, 607
Fern 120-121 Fuel hose 425 Furcula 189 Brown seaweed Gas traps 281 Genioglossus muscle 245
Seaweed 116-117 Fuel injection 344, 356 Furled forecourse sail 375 116-117 Gastric artery 253 Geniohyoid muscle 245
Tree fern 112-113 Fuel inlet 419 Furled lateen main sail Bryophyte 118-119 Gastrocnemius muscle Genome 607
Front air dam 354 Fuel-jettison pipe 417 376 Fern 120-121 Albertosaurus 84 Genital plate 175
Frontal bone Fuel-jettison valve 406 Furled lateen mizzen sail Fertilization 146-147 Euoplocephalus 94 Gentlemen’s room 477
Bony fish 181 Fuel manifold 418-419 375, 376 Gymnosperm 122 Human 226-227 Geographic pole 38
Chimpanzee 202 Fuel nozzle 418-419 Furnerius 40 Moss 112 Iguanodon 97 Geological time 56-57, 279
Human 212-213, Fuel pipe Furrow 282 Pine 122 Gastroepiploic vein 253 Geranium pratense 144
220-221 Concorde 417 Furud 21 Vegetative reproduction Gastropod mollusk 75 Gerberette 497
Frontalis muscle 226, Curtiss biplane 398 Fused carpels 140, 144, 154 Gastropods 176, 279 Gerbil 196
228-229 Jaguar V12 345 151 Yew 123 Gastrovascular cavity Germanium 311
Frontal lobe 236-237 Fuel reservoir 368 Fused petals 142, 145 Gametophyte 167 German-style baroque
Frontal notch 213 Fuel sediment bowl 339 Fused receptacles 149 Bryophyte 118-119 Gas turbine 418 482
Frontal process 221 Fuel shut-off valve cable Fuselage 401, 409, 424, Fern 120-121 Gate Germany 326
Frontal rib 161 419 572, 573 Liverwort 118 Building 467, 490-491 Germinal epithelium 258

Germination 152-153 Pedal 177 Goal Starfish 174 Greater palatine foramen Fossilized jawless fish
Cabbage seed 132 Poison 170, 176 Australian rules football Gondwana 220 78
Epigeal 152-153 Rectal 179 528 Cretaceous period 72 Greater trochanter of Snail 177
Fern spore 121 Salivary 177 Gaelic football 529 Jurassic period 70-71 femur 224-225 Groyne 294
Hypogeal 152-153 Silk 170 Hockey 540 Late Carboniferous Greater wing coverts 188 Grundtvig Church 495
Mushroom spore 115 Venus fly trap 160 Hurling 541 period 66-67 Greater wing of sphenoid Gruppo Seven Cubist 495
Pine 122 Glans penis 259 Ice hockey 550 Middle Ordovician bone 220-221 Grus 19, 20
Pollen grain 146-147 GLARE upper fuselage Lacrosse 541 period 64-65 Great Lakes 264 Gryphon 461
Gesso 432, 453 572 Rugby 530-531 Gong 504, 516 Great manual 514 Gryposaurus 96, 99
Get mail button 576 Glass 307 Soccer 524 Goniastrea aspera 167 Great Mosque 484 Guanine 216
Geyser 272-273, 275 Buildings 492, 494 Goal area Gonopore Great Red Spot 44-45 Guard
Gharial 186 Photovoltaic cell 605 Gaelic football 529 Barnacle 173 Great Rift Valley 60 Basketball 532
Ghost anemone 166 Tesserae 450 Handball 535 Sea urchin 175 Great saphenous vein 253 Fencing foil 557
Giant redwood 112 Glass bulb 319 Soccer 524 Snail 177 Great stop 514 Football 526
Giant slalom 552 Glass cooking turntable Goal attack 535 Starfish 174 Greek ship 372-373 Guard cell 138-139
Giant stars 22-23, 26 596 Goal circle 535, 541 Goose-feather quill 444 Greek-style fret ornament Guardrail 391-392, 395
Gibbon 202 Glass curtain 497 Goal crease 541, 550 Goosegrass 150 483 Guardstop 541
Gibson Les Paul guitar 513 Glass deflector 325 Goal defense 535 Goose neck 388 Green (golf) 547 Gubernator 373
Gig 395 Glass enamel 450 Goal judge 550 Gopher 196 Green alga 112, 116-117 Gudgeon 375
Gilded band 490 Glass flask 312 Goalkeeper Gopuram finial 491 Green calc-silicate Gudgeon pin 345
Gilded cross 487 Glass mosaic 489 Australian rules football Gorge mineral 275 Gudgeon strap 378
Gilded orb 487 Glass muller 436, 440 528 Cave 284-285 Green cell 584 Guest boat boom 394
Gilded rib 487 Glass pane 494 Gaelic football 529 River features 290 Green chlorophyll Guiana Highlands 264
Gilded truck 378-379 Glass paper 441 Handball 534-535 Gorilla 202-203 pigment 116, 138 Guidance control sensor
Gilding materials 431, Glass plate 570, 571 Hockey 540 Gothic architecture 468, Green earth 434-435 612
432 Glass prism 318 Ice hockey 550 470-473 Green fluorite 269 Guide hair 126
Gill Glass slab 436, 440 Lacrosse 541 Gothic book script Green gland 173 Guide mark 535
Bivalves 176 Glass tube 319 Netball 535 lettering 445 Greenhouse effect 36, Guide wheel 328
Bony fish 180-181 Glass wall 496, 499 Soccer 524-525 Gothic stone arch 467 300-301 Guinevere Planitia 36, 37
Dogfish 178-179 Glazing Goalkeeper’s equipment Gothic torus 470 “Greenhouse gas” 301 Guitars 510, 512-513
Fungi 114-115 Acrylic paints 442 540 Gouge Greenland Gula Mons 37
Lamprey 178 Modern building Goalkeeper’s gloves 525 Relief printing 446, 449 Cretaceous period 73 Gulf of Mexico 264
Newt 182 496-499 Goalkeeper’s helmet Woodcarving 454-453 Late Carboniferous Gulf Stream 296
Salamander 182 Twentieth-century 550-551 Gour 284-285 period 66 Gull 189, 193
Tadpole 183 building 494 Goalkeeper’s kicker 540 Goya 35 Middle Ordovician Gulley 538
Gill filament 180 Glazing bar 499 Goalkeeper’s pad 550 GPS 590-591 period 64 Gully 289
Gill opening 178 Gleba 114-115 Goalkeeper’s shirt 525, Grab handle 362 Satellite map 264 Gum 247
Gill raker 180 Glechoma hederacea 154 550 Graben 61 Green light 318, 330-331 Gum arabic 438
Gill slit 178-180 Gleditsia triacanthos 137 Goalkeeper’s stick 550 Graben lake 293 Green seaweed 117 Lithographic printing
Gilt ironwork 482, 490 Glenoid cavity 80 Goal line Gracilis muscle 226-227 Green snakelock 446, 448
Ginger 155 Gliders 426-427 Australian rules football Graded wash 439 anemone 166 Pastel making 440
Gingiva 247 Global positioning system 528 Graffian follicle 258 Green starboard Gun
Ginkgo 68, 70, 72, (GPS) 590-591 Football 526 Graffias 21 navigation light 406 1.3 kg gun 395
122-123, 279 Global warming 301 Handball 535 Gran Chaco 264 Greenwich Meridian 3 pound gun 395
Ginkgo biloba 68, 123 Globe 264 Hockey 540 Grand Canyon 57, 226-227 Satellite map 264-265 4½ in gun 397
Ginkgophyta 122 Globe Theater 477 Ice hockey 550 Grand piano 514-515 Surface currents 296 4¾ in gun 394
Ginkgo pluripartita 72 Globular cluster 12, 16, 21 Rugby 530 “Grand Prix” world Gregorian calendar 681 11 cm gun 397
Giornate 434-435 Globule 24, 26 Soccer 524 championships 368 Grid lines 445 12 cm gun 394
Giraffa camelopardalis Glomerulus 256-257 Goal line referee 535 Grandstand 555 Griffon 461 12 in gun 394
199 Gloriosa superba 143 Goal net 524, 534, 550 Granite-aggregate slab Grikes 284 30 cm gun 394
Giraffe 198-199 Glory lily 143 Goalposts 499 Grille Battleship 394
Girder 493 Gloss finish Australian rules football Granite cladding 494 “Eurostar” warning Frigate 397
Girdle 116 Acrylics 442 528 Granular stalk 114 horn 329 Measurements 394
Girdle scar 123 Oil painting 436 Football 526 Granum 139 Roman Mill 464 Sailing warship 376
Girth Glossopteris 67 Gaelic football 529 Grape hyacinth 155 Grill/griddle 596 Wooden sailing ship
Harness racer 555 Gloster Meteor fighter 408 Netball 535 Graphics card 567 Grimaldi 40 378, 379
Showjumper 554 Glove box 425 Rugby 530 Graphite 268, 311 Grip Gun battery 395
Gizzard Gloves Goal shooter 535 Graphite pencil 430 Sailmaker’s fid 384 Gun carriage 377
Bird 189 Baseball fielder 537 Goal square 528 Graphite stick 430 Sailmaker’s mallet 384 Gun deck 380
Brachiosaurus 91 Cricket batsman 539 Goal third 535 Grapnel-type anchor 376 Gripe 379 Gun loading cage 396
Euoplocephalus 94 Cricket wicket-keeper Goal umpire 528-529 Grasping tail 202 Groin Gunnery control radar
Gallimimus 86 539 Goat 198 Grass 113 Arches and vaults 485 dish 397
Glabella Fencing 556-557 Goat hair brush 438, 442 Grate 324 Human body 211 Gunnery spotting top 394
Human skull 213, 221 Football 527 Calligraphy 444 Grating 380-381 Groin pad 527 Gunport 381
Trilobile fossil 78 Ice hockey 551 Goat hake wash brush 438 Graver 449 Groin vault 479, 484-485 Sailing warship
Glacial deposits 286-287, Lacrosse goalkeeper Gobi Desert 265 Gravitation (gravity) Grommet 373, 375, 384, 376-377
292-293 541 Goggles Atmosphere 300 426 Wooden sailing ship
Glacial periods 56-57, 76 Racketball 545 Harness racing 555 Force and motion 320 Groove 379
Glacial sediments 299 Sailing 560 Skiing 552-553 Neutron stars and black Rope starter 335 Gun position 397
Glacial streams 286 Skiing 552-553 Swimming 558 holes 28 Serving mallet 384 Gun section 392
Glacier Bay 286 Soccer goalkeeper 525 Gold 31, 268, 280-281, 438 Oceans and seas Grooved racing tire 356, Gunship 422
Glacier features 286-287 Glucose 138 Gold chalcopyrite 271 296-297 357 Gun turret 396-397
Glaciers 286-287 Glulam wall-plate 499 Golden barrel cactus 156 Universe 10 Groove for FCC cable Battleship 394
Prehistoric Earth 66, 76 Gluon 309 Golden lion tamarin 203 Gravitational pull 296-297 571 Frigate 397
River’s stages 289 Gluteal fold 210 Gold leaf 432 Gravity-feed fuel tank Grooving 383 World War II aircraft
Rock cycle 266-267 Gluteus maximus muscle Fresco 435 405 Grotesque figure 476 408
Weathering and erosion 227 Illumination 444-445 Gray Cliffs 276 Ground handling wheel Gut cecum 170
282 Gluteus medius muscle Smalti 450 Gray matter 236-237, 238 422 Gutenberg discontinuity
Glacier snout 286, 289 225 Vitreous glass 451 Gray squirrel 197 Ground ivy 154 39
Gladiolus 154-155 Gluteus minimus muscle Wood sculpture Gray whale 204 Ground-mapping radar Gutter 486, 492, 602
Gland 225 highlighting 453 Grease 446 420 Guyot 298
19th century Glyph 460 Golf 546-547 Greaser 339 Groundmass 268-269 Guzmania lingulata
paddlesteamer 391 Gnathostomata 178, 180 Golgi complex 217 Great Bear Lake 264 Ground roller 447 162-163
Axial 175 Gneiss 274 Gomphoi 373 Great cabin 379, 381 Groundwater 292-293 Gymnosperm 122-125
Butterwort 161 Gnetophytes 122 Gonad Great Dark Spot 50-51 Volcanic structure 273 Gynoecium 140
Cement 173 Jellyfish 167 Greater blackbacked gull Grout 450-451 Gypsum 271
Green 173 Gnome seven-cylinder Octopus 176 193 Growing point 153 Gyroscopic gunsight
Monkey cup 161 rotary engine 400 Sea anemone 167 Greater flamingo 190 Growing tip 79 409
Mucous 177 Gnomon 377 Sea urchin 175 Greater omentum 214 Growth line

H Concert grand piano Hardwood laminate limb Tennis racket 544 Rabbit 196 Cricket 539
Thyreophoran 92
Snail 177
Football 526-527
Habit 270-271 Mosaic 450 Hardwood panels 432 Ulna 231 Spider 170 Hockey goal keeper 540
Habitat 112 Target pistol 549 Hardwood sticks 517 Violin bow 510 Systemic 176 Hurling 541
Dryland plants 156-157 Upright piano 514 Hardy 450 Headband 544 Tortoise 187 Ice hockey 550-551
Wetland plants 158-159 Hammer actuator 600-601 Hare 196-197 Head beam 380 Heartbeat sequence Lacrosse goalkeeper
Hackle 563 Hammer-beam roof 470, Harley-Davidson FLHS Headboard 381 250-251 541
Hackly fracture 270 473 Electra Glide 362-363 Head-butting contest 100 Heart bulge 260 Skiing 542
Hadar 21 Hammerhead shark 179 Harmika 491 Head crest 96 Heartwood 125 Helmsman 372-373
Hadley cell 300 Hammer throw 543 Harmon, A.L. 494 Head cringle 384 Heat 314-315 Hemal spine 180
Hadrosaur 96, 98-99 Hand Harmonically-tuned Head data cable 574 Chemical reactions Hematite 268
Hadrosaurus 96, 99 Anchisaurus 89 exhaust system 356 Head data cable support 312 Hemicyclapsis 56
Hafnium 310 Human 210 Harmony 574 Global warming Hemisphere 623
Hagfish 178 Iguanodon 97 Drums 518 Head earing 375 300-301 Hemispherical dome 477,
Hail 302 Pachycephalosaurus Percussion instruments Headers Igneous and 486-487, 490-491
Hair 234-235 100 516 Brickwork 485 metamorphic rocks 274 Hen coop 395
Cobra lily 160 Primate 203 Harness Nineteenth-century Heat absorption 92 Hepaticae 118
Golden barrel cactus Stegoceras 101 Avro triplane IV 402 building 492 Heated filament 319 Hepatic artery 248,
156 Tyrannosaurus 84 Equestrian sports 555 Head horn 94 Heater element contacts 252-253
Inflorescence 140, 142 Handball 534-535 Harness racing 554 Head joint 508 348 Hepatic portal vein 253
Insulating 104, 107 Handbrake 337, 339-340, Harness strap 409 Headlight Heater unit 353 Heptathlon 542
Mammal 104 350 Harp 504, 510-511 Bordino Steam Carriage Heat exchanger Heracleum sp. 151
Marram grass 113 Handbrake control shaft Harpoon point 109 335 Concorde 417 Heracleum sphondylium
Monocotyledon 126 338 Hash mark 541 Bulbs 352 Nuclear power station 129
Pitcher plant 113 Handbrake quadrant 339 Hastate leaf 128 Ford Model T 338-339 314 Heraldic device 372
Root 132 Hand brake wheel 331 Hatch Renault Clio 349, 353 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Herbaceous plants 126,
Venus fly trap 160 Hand drill 600-601 Cargo 376 Volkswagen Beetle 341 Heat exchanger air intake 128-129
Water fern leaf 158 Handheld gun 408 For home deliveries 602 Headland 294 421 Structure 112-113
Hair bulb 235 Handle Iron paddlesteamer 393 Headlight Heat exchanger exhaust Woody 130-131
Hair cell 242-243 Belaying pin 382 Single scull 561 BMW R /60 362 duct 420 Herbaceous stems 134
Hairdryer 315 Brace-and-bit 601 Hatch board 372 “Eurostar” multi- Heat exchanger hot-air Herbivores
Hair follicle 234-235 Steam iron 594 Hatch coaming 381 voltage electric train exhaust 421 Carnivora 194
Hair gel 306 Handlebars Hatching egg 192-193 329 Heating element cover Jurassic period 70
Hair-like sepal 142 Bicycle 358-359 Hatchling 98 Harley-Davidson FLHS 597 Marginocephalian 100
Hair shaft 235 BMW R /60 362 Hathor Mons 37 Electra Glide 363 Heating elements 594 Ornithopodian 96
Hakatai shale 277 Cannondale SH600 Haunch 484 Italian State Railroads Heating element terminal Prosauropods 88-89
Hale-Bopp Comet 53 hybrid bicycle 361 Haustoria 163 Class 402 328 cover 597 Sauropodomorphian 88
Halfback 526, 529 Cannondale ST 1000 Haustration of colon 249 MCW Metrobus 332 Heat radiation 92 Triassic period 68
Halfback flank 528 touring bicycle 361 Haversian system 225 Single-decker bus 333 Heat shield Hercules 19, 20, 40
Half-column 464, 468-469 Eddy Merckx racing Hawker Tempest 408-409 “Union Pacific” Jet engine 419 Herds 88
Half-court line 545 bicycle 361 Hawksmoor, N. 478, 481 locomotive 326 Motorcycle 363 Hermaphrodite duct 177
Half-forward 529 Suzuki RGV500 368 Haworthia truncata 157 Vespa Grand Sport 160 Space probes 614 Hermit shale 276
Half-forward flank 528 Handle connector 593 Hawse hole Mark 1 363 Heat trapping 300 Herodotus 40
Half-fruit 151 Handling 74-gun ship 381 Head linesman 526 Heaver for wire serving Herrerasaurids 68, 86
Half hitch 388 Motorcycle 360 Sailing warship 376 Headphone jack 578, 586, 383 Herring-bone pattern 488
Half-shaft Touring bicycle 364 Wooden sailing ship 587 Heaving line 389 Hertzsprung 41
Ford Model T 338 Hand protector 368 378 Head rail 380-381 Heavy chemical elements Hertzsprung-Russell
Formula One race car Hand rail Hawse piece 381 Headrest 27 diagram 22-23
356 “Ellerman Lines” steam Hawse pipe 393, 395 Airbus 380 273 Hedera colchica 137 Hesperidium 148
Half turn 543 locomotive 324 Hawser 386-387 ARV light aircraft 425 Hedera helix 131, 137 Hestia Rupes 37
Halide 269 Modern building 498 Hawser fairlead 395 Formula One race car Heel Heterocentrotus
Halite crystal 277 Renaissance building Hawthorne 35 356 Horse 198 mammillatus 175
Hall 477 Haystack boiler 334 Hawker Tempest Human 210 Heterodontosaurus 83
Asian building 491 Sailmaker’s mallet 384 Haze 37, 47 fighter 409 Rudder post 392 Heteropoda venatoria 171
Hypostyle 458 Serving mallet 384, Head Mazda RX-7 346 Heel molding 594 Hexagon 622
Medieval building 388 74-gun ship 380 Renault Clio 349, 352 Heine 35 Hexagonal system 270
466-467 Ship’s wheel 390 Allosaurus 85 TGV electric high- Heka 18 HF radio aerial 408
Modern building 496, TGV electric high- Beetle 168 speed train 329 Helen Planilia 36 HF radio aerials fairing
499 speed train 329 Brace-and-bit 601 “Windcheetah” racing Helianthus annulus 142 417
Neoclassical building Twentieth-century Bumblebee 168 HPV bicycle 361 Heliconia peruviana 143 Hibiscus 126-127
483 building 194 Butterfly 169 Head rope 387 Helicoprion bessonowi 67 Hide 105
Halleflinta 275 Hands 230-231 Caterpillar 169 Headset 361 Helicopter landing-pad Hide grip 384
Halley’s Comet 52 Handstand 543 Ceratopsian 100 Headstock 498 Hieroglyphs 458-459
“Hall-keeps” 466 Hand throttle 427 Deer hopper dry fly 563 Acoustic guitar 512-513 Helicopters 396, 410, High altar 470
Hallux Handy Billy 382-383 Double bass bow 511 Electric guitar 513 422-423 High-altitude cloud 45, 50
Anchisaurus 89 “Handy man” 108 Double topsail Honda VF750 364 Helium Highboard diving 558
Archaeopteryx 85 Hanger 498 schooner 385 Head tube 359-361 Jupiter 44-45 High-density minerals 280
Herrerasaurus 86 Hang-gliders 426-427 Dunkeld wet fly 563 Headward erosion 290 Massive stars 26 High-energy particle 301
Human 232 Hanging valley 286-287 Femur 224-225 Headwaters 288 Mercury’s atmosphere High-energy radiation 22
Tyrannosaurus 84 Hapteron 116-117 Frog 182 Hearing 237, 242 35 High-explosive projectile
Halo 14 Hard disk drive 567 Hammer 542 Heart Neptune’s atmosphere 396
Halogen headlight bulb Hard endocarp 146-147, Human 211, 212-213 Bird 189 51 High-gain antenna 615
352 149 Insect 168 Bony fish 181 Pluto’s atmosphere 51 High-gain radio antenna
Halogens 311 Hard granite 283 Lacrosse crosse 541 Branchial 176 Periodic table 311 612, 613
Halo ring 44 Hard hat 554 Lamprey 178 Butterfly 169 Saturn 46-47 High-jump 542
Halyard Hard-headed beater 516, Pachycephalosaurus Chimpanzee 202 Small stars 24-25 Highland coastline 295
Double topsail 518-519 100 Crayfish 173 Sun 32 High-level jet streams 300
schooner 385 Hard metals 310 Phalanx 230 Dogfish 179 Uranus’ atmosphere 49 High nose 357
Junk 376 Hardness 270-271 Prosauropod 88 Dolphin 205 Helium-3 nucleus 22 High-performance
Longboat 380 Hard palate 212, 245 Racing bicycle 360 Domestic cat 195 Helium-4 nucleus 22 microscopes 610-611
Rigging 382 Hard rock 60 Racing saddle 554 Elephant 200 Helium line 23 High-pressure areas
Roman corbita 372, 373 Faults and folds 60 Rattlesnake 185 Euoplocephalus 94 Helium tank 614 302-303
Viking karv 374 Glacier 286 Sail 375, 384 Frog 182 Helix 242, 623 High-pressure bleed
Hamada 282-283 River features 290-291 Sauropodomorph 88 Gallimimus 86 Helix Nebula 17 venturi connector 419
Hamal 19, 20 Weathering and erosion Serving mallet 388 Human 214-215, Helleborus niger 139 High-pressure
Hamate bone 230 282 Snail 177 250-251 Hellenic plate 59 compressor 418
Hammer 242, 285 Hard trim 352 Sperm 259 Lizard 185 Helmet High-pressure cylinder
Antler 109 Hardwood implements Stegoceras 101 Mammal 104 Baseball batter 536 342
Athletics 542 452 Stegosaurus 92 Octopus 176 Bicycle 360 High-pressure turbine 418

High-pressure zone 300 Anchisaurus 89 Hong Kong and Shanghai Hot water jet 273 Pareiasaur 81 Fungus 114-115
High-speed trains 328-329 Human 211 Bank 496, 498 Hound 378 Plateosaurus 88 Mycorrhizal association
High Spring tide 296-297 Kangaroo 207 Honshu 265 Hour line 377 Stegoceras 100 133
High temperature gas 306 Lion 195 Hood Household appliances 315 Struthiomimus 87 Hypocotyl 152-153
High-tension beam 496 Midway Gardens 495 1906 Renault 337 House of the future Toxodon 106 Hypodermis
High-tension ignition lead Stegosaurus 92 Battleship 394 602-603 Triceratops 102 Gynosperm 125
344 Hip girdle 80 Ford Model T 339 Housing Tyrannosaurus 84 Human 235
High tension wire 315 Hip joint 218, 224-225 Gun turret 396 Alpine skiing 552 Humic acid 284 Hypogeal germination
High tide 296-297 Brachiosaurus 90 Jellyfish 167 Electric motor 342 Hunter-killer submarine 152-153
High-velocity air duct 420 Diplodocus 90 Pitcher plant 160 House spider 171 396-397 Hypoglossal nerve 244
High voltage cable 314, Gallimimus 86 Renault Clio 349 Howe 36 Hunter’s bend 388 Hypogymnia physodes
355 Parasaurolophus 98 Volkswagen Beetle Howea forsteriana 126 Hunting 108, 548 114
High-voltage connector Plateosaurus 88 340-341 Howler monkey 202 Huntsman spider 171 Hypostyle hall 458-459
355 Stegoceras 101 Hood bag 346 HP Pavilion DV4 laptop Hurdle races 554 Hypothalamus 236
High-voltage magnetron Struthioinimus 87 Hood catch 336, 349 566 Hurdling 542 Hypsilophodon 72, 82
supply 596 Hip pad 527 Hood end 374 Hti 490 Hurling 540-541 Hypural 180
Hi-hat cymbal 518 Hippeastrum sp. 155 Hood frame 339 Huang He 265 Hurricane 302-303 Hystrix africaeaustralis
Hilbert 41 Hipped roof 476-477 Hood iron 334 Huayangosaurus 93 Husk 150 197
Hillman anti-kink weight Hippocampus kuda 180 Hood-mold 479, 481, 486 Hub Husqvarna Motocross
562 Hippophae rhamnoides Hood-release cable 349 1906 Renault 336 TC610 368
Hilum 136 Hood-release handle ARV light aircraft 424 Huygens mini-probe 614
Dehiscent fruit seed Hippopotamus 198 341 Benz Motorwagen 335 Hyaenodon 74, 107 I
151 Hippopotamus amphibus Hoof 198, 554 Bicycle wheels 358-359 Hyaline cartilage 225
Epigeal germination 77 Hoofbone 105, 198 Blackburn monoplane Hybrid bicycle 360-361 I bar 393
153 Hippuris vulgaris 135 Hooflike nail 36-37 400-401 Hybrid car 354 IBM-compatible PCs 566
Hypogeal germination Hip-rafter 490 Hook Bordino Steam Carriage Hybrid power 355 Ice 66, 307
152 Hispano Mark V 20-mm Angling 562 334 Hydra 18, 21 Glacier 286-287
Succulent fruit seed cannon 409 Cricket 538 Eddy Merckx racing Hydrated copper sulfate Weathering and erosion
148-149 Historiated boss 469 Deer hopper dry fly 563 bicycle 361 313 282
Himalayas Historiated keystone 469 Devon minnow 563 Paddle wheel 390-391 Hydraulic actuator Ice age 56
Earth’s physical Hitachi S-3500H scanning Rigging 383 Pegasus Quasar attachment 413, 414 Ice-age mammals 76
features 264-265 electron microscope Sail 384 ultralight 427 Hydraulic brake calliper Ice block
Geological time 56-57 611 Hooked beak 190 Propellers 390 424 Ice-fall 287
Formation 60, 62-62 Hitched hauling end 383 Hooked pericarps 150 Renault Clio 351 Hydraulic brake hose 369 Lake formation 293
Mountain building Hitch-kick 543 Hooked riffler 454 Wright Flyer 399 Hydraulic brake pipe 414 Ice cap 287
62-63 Hitch pin Hooker 530 Hub and brake drum 350 Hydraulic fluid Ice crystal 302
Quaternary period 77 Concert grand piano Hoop 380, 425 Hub bearing 351 Disc brake 365 Ice cube 307
Tertiary period 74 515 Hoover Factory 495 Hubble Space Telescope Spring/muffler unit 365 Ice erosion 287
Himeji Castle 490 Upright piano 514 Hop 543 612-613 Hydraulic grab 396 Ice-fall 287
Hind foot Hittorff, J.I. 479 Hopper freight car 327 Hub bolt 338 Hydraulic hand-pump 421 Ice hockey 550-551
Caiman 187 Hobbles 554 Horizon 576 Hub brake shoe 338 Hydraulic hose 369 Ice margin lake 286
Stegosaurus 92 Hock 195, 198 Horizontal bed rock 61 Hub cap Hydraulic unit 605 Ice-plant 128-129
Hindgut 173 Hockey 540-541 Horizontal cleavage 270 1906 Renault 336 Hydrocarbon 313 Ice sheet 76
Hind leg Hock joint 554 Horizontal muffler 329 Ford Model T 339 Hydrochloric acid 312 Ichthyosaur 70-71
Amphibian 182 Hog hair brush 432, 434 Horizontal fissure 255 Renault Clio 350 Hydrochoerus Ichthyostega 56, 80
Beetle 168 Hog’s-back 283 Horizontally opposed Hub carrier 351 hydrochaeris 197 Icons 576
Bumblebee 168 Hog’s back jump 554 engine 362 Hub controller 604 Hydroelectric power- Icterus galbula 193
Butterfly 169 Hogweed 129, 150-151 Horizontal movement 60 Hub nut 350 station 314 Idle control valve 344
Caiman 187 Hohenbuehelia petaloides Horizontal, stabilizer 423 Hub quick release lever Hydrogen 308, 310 Idocrase 270
Elephant 200 115 Horizontal tailplane 572 361 Candle wax 312-313 Igneous intrusion 274
Frog 182 Hoisting cage 396 Horn Hub seal 350 Covalent bonding 309 Igneous rock 266-267,
Hare 196 Holden 43 Ford Model T 339 Hudson Bay 264 Jupiter’s atmosphere 45 274-275
Iguanodon 97 Holdfast 116-117 Glacier 286-287 Hull Massive stars 26 Igniter 418
Lizard 185 Holding 527 Mooring 387 Carvel-built 376, 391 Mercury’s atmosphere Igniter plug 419
Rabbit 196 Holding timekeeper 556 Musical instrument Clinker-built 375 35 Ignition amplifier 345
Terrapin 187 Hold pillar 393 503, 504 Cross-section 378 Nebulae and star Ignition coils 354
Hind limb Hole and peg joint 373 “Union Pacific” Double-ended 375 clusters 16-17 Ignition control 362
Anchisaurus 89 Hollow disk wheel 361 locomotive 326 Greek and Roman ships Neptune’s atmosphere Ignition lever 338
Corythosaurus 98 Hollow pith cavity 120 Vespa Grand Sport 160 372-373 51 Ignition lock 362
Edmontonia 95 Holmium 311 Mark 1 363 Iron and wood 392 Nuclear fusion in Sun Ignition switch 337
Frog 182 Holocene epoch Horn balance 414, 415 Hull plank 373 22 Ignition trigger housing
Iguanodon 96 Fossil record 279 Horn bulb 339 Human body 210-211 Salt formation 312 410
Kangaroo 207 Geological timescale 57 “Horned faces” 100 Human classification Saturn’s atmosphere 47 Iguana iguana 82
Pachycephalosaurus Holostean fish 73 Horny beak 96 108 Small stars 24-25 Iguanodon 73, 96-97
100 Homarus sp. 73 Horse 104-105, 198-199 Human Powered Vehicles Sun 32 Ileocaecal fold 249
Prosauropod 88 Home cinema 584-585 Horse chestnut 150, 137 (HPV) 358, 360 Uranus’ atmosphere 49 Ileum
Psittacosaurus 103 Home key 578 Horse-drawn vehicle 532 Humans 57, 76, 108, 202, Hydrogen alpha line 23 Bird 189
Rabbit 197 Homeosaurus pulchellus Horsehair bow 510-511 315 Hydrogen atom 138, 596 Frog 182
Rat 196 71 Horsehead Nebula 16 Humber engine 343 Hydrogen beta line 23 Human 226, 249
Salamander 182 Home page 577 Horse riding 554-555 Humboldt current 296 Hydrogen fluoride 308 Rabbit 196
Stegoceras 101 Home plate 536 Horseshoe arch 484 Humerus Hydrogen gamma line 25 Iliac crest 224-225
Stegosaurus 92 Home run 536 Horsetail 120-121 Archaeopteryx 85 Hydrogen gas 312 Iliac fossa 224
Theropods 84 “Home” signal 330 Horsley Church 473 Arsinoitherium 104 Hydrogen nucleus 22 Iliac spine 224
Thyreophoran 92 Hominid 74-75, 108-109, Horst 61 Bird 189, 191 Hydrogen requirement Iliacus muscle 225
Triceratops 102 202 Horu Geyser 272 Brachiosaurus 91 138 Ilio-femoral muscle 84, 97
Tyrannosaurus 84 Homocephale 101 Hose base 593 Crocodile 186 Hydrogen sulfide 51 Ilio-fibular muscle 84, 97
Hindlimb bone 105 Homo erectus 108 Hose cuff electrical link Diplodocus 90 Hydroplane 396-397 Ilio-ischial joint 82
Hind wing 168-169 Homo habilis 108 593 Domestic cat 195 Hydroxide 268 Iliopsoas muscle 226
ARV light aircraft 425 Homo sapiens 57, 76, Hose electricity supply Elephant 201 Hydrus 20 Ilio-pubic joint 82
BAe-146 components 108-109 connector 592 Eryops 80 Hyena 194 Ilio-tibial muscle
412-415 Honda CB750 362-363 Hose slider 592 Euoplocephalus 94 Hymenoptera 168 Albertosaurus 84
Hinge 571 Honda Insight 354 Hose slider seating 592 Frog 183 Hyoglossus muscle 244 Euoplocephalus 94
Hinge bracket 414 Honda VF750 364-365 Host plants 162-163 Gallimimus 86 Hyoid bone 244-245, 255 Iguanodon 97
Hinge cell 113, 160 Hone-stone 452 Hot-air de-icing duct 414 Hare 197 Hypacrosaurus 99 Ilium
Hinged bin /cyclone cover Honesty 150-151 Hot mineral springs 272 Horse 199 Hypaethral temple Archaeoptetyx 85
593 Honeycomb coral 167 Hot spot Human 218 460-461 Bird 189
Hingeless bivalve shell 79 Honey guides 140-141, Black holes 29 Iguanodon 96 Hyperesion 373 Diplodocus 90
Hingeline 60 145 Earth’s crust 58 Kangaroo 206 Hyperlink 577 Eryops 81
Hip Honey locust 137 Ocean floor 298 Kentrosaurus 93 Hyphae Euoplocephalus 94

Frog 183 Jurassic period 70 Compound umbel 143 Inner tepal 126, 140, 143 Pioneers of flight 398 Inverter cooling fan 355
Gallimimus 86 Himalaya formation Dichasial cyme 143 Inner tube 359, 424, 507 Internal crust 28 Inverter cooling fan
Human 218 62-63 Raceme 129 Inner vane 191 Internal elastic lamina 252 connector 355
Iguanodon 96-97 Late Carboniferous Single flower 143 Innings 536, 538 Internal fuse overload Inverter housing 355
Kentrosaurus 93 period 66 Spadix 143 Inorganic substances 280 protection 585 Inward dive 558, 559
Ornithischian 82 Middle Ordovician Spherical umbel 143 Inscription 488 Internal iliac artery 215, Io 44
Parasaurolophus 98 period 64 Spike 143, 155, 162 Insectivorous plants 113, 253 Iodine 311
Plateosaurus 88 Mountain building Infraorbital foramen 221 160-161 Internal iliac vein 253 Ion 308
Saurischian 82 62-63 lnfraorbital margin 213, Insects 168-169, 279 Internal jugular vein 253 Ionic bonding 308
Stegoceras 100-101 Quaternary period 221 Cretaceous 72-73 Internal skeleton 174 Ionic capital 460
Stegosaurus 93 76-77 Infrared radiation Plant food 160-161 Internal spermatic fascia Baroque church 481
Struthiomimus 87 Railroad track gauge 318-319 Pollinators 144-145 259 French temple 485
Toxodon 107 331 Energy emission from Inselberg 283 Internal urethral orifice Renaissance building
Tuojiangosaurus 93 Tertiary period 74-75 Sun 22 Insoluble solids 312 257 476
Tyrannosaurus 84 Threophorans 92 Infrared map of our Inspection cover Internal urethral Ionic column
Illuminated manuscript Triassic period 68 galaxy 15 Avro biplane 403 sphincter muscle 257 Baroque church 481
432 Indian ocean 73, 75, 77, Infrared board 579 Lockheed Electra International referees French temple 485
Illumination 444-445 265 Infrared camera 578 airliner 407 signals 533 Neoclassical building
iMac 566 Indian stick insect 192 Infrared receiver 580 Inspection door 407 International rules 532 483
Image controls 611 Indicator Infrared projector 578 Inspection panel 417 International squash Ionic half-column 464
Imaging system housing “Deltic” diesel-electric Infrared sensor 609 Inspiration 255 544-545 Ionic order 460
610 locomotive 327 Infraspinatus muscle 227 Instep 211 International track gauge Iota Centauri 21
Imaging the body 214 Bus 333 Infratemporal fenestra Instrument bay 613 331 Iota Pegasi 19
Imago 168 Harley-Davidson FLHS Baryonyx 83 Instructor’s cockpit 403 Internet 576-577 Iota Sagittarii 21
Immature pitcher 161 Electra Glide 363 Camarasaurus 91 Instrument console 420 Internet service provider iPhone 4 588
Immature spur 141 Honda CB750 363 Diplodocus 90 Instrument deployment (ISP) 576 Ipomeoa batatas 154
Impasto 436-437, 442 MCW Metrobus 332 Heterodontosaurus 83 device 615 Internode Iran 331
Impeller 347 Volkswagen Beetle 340 Lambeosaurus 99 Instrument landing Canadian pond weed Ireland 331
Imperial-Metric Indicator assembly 352 Panoplosaurus 94 system aerial 420-421 158-159 Iridium 311
conversions 591, 620 Indicator board 542 Parasaurolophus 99 Instrument module 613 Horsetail 120 Iridocorneal angle 241
Imperial unit Indicator lamp 353 Plateosaurus 88 Instrument panel Ice-plant 129 Iris
measurements 590 Indicator lens 341 Protoceratops 102 ARV light aircraft 425 Live-forever 129 Human 213, 226, 241
Impermeable clay 292 Indirect method mosaic Triceratops 103 Bell-47 helicopter 422 London plane 134 Linear leaf 137
Impermeable mudstone creation 450-451 Infratemporal foramen Renault Clio 353 Rhizome 155 Octopus 177
292 Indium 311 106-107 Schweizer helicopter 426 Rock stonecrop 128 Iris lazica 137
Impermeable rock Indo-Australian plate 59 Ingres paper 441 Insulating column 316 Rose stem 130 Iron 311
Cave 284-285 Inducer 418 Initial cave 285 Insulating hair 104, 107 Stem 134 Earth’s composition 39
Lake 292 Induction stroke 343 Ink 430, 444 Insulation 300 Stolon 154 Earth’s crust 58
Mineral resources Indus 20 Ink-cartridge replacement Insulator lnteropercular bone 181 Golf club 547
280-281 Indusium 121 button 574 Electric circuit 316 Interosseous ligament 232 Magnetic domains 317
River’s stages 289 Industrial Revolution 492 Ink cartridges 574 Generating magnetism Interphalangeal joint Meteorite 52
Impermeable salt dome Inert gas 311, 584 Ink dabber 446 317 Baryonyx 85 Nineteenth-century
281 Inferior articular process Inkjet nozzle 575 Hydroelectric power Human 231, 233 buildings 492
Impermeable shale 292 225 Inkjet printer 574-575 station 314 Interplane strut 599, Structure of Mercury 35
Impost Inferior concha 212, 241 Ink outlet hole 574 Intaglio printing 446-447, 404-405 Structure of Venus 37
Ancient Roman Inferior extensor Ink pad 445 448 Interradicular septum 247 Iron armature support
building 465 retinaculum 233 Ink reservoir 444, 575 Intake manifold 351, 354 Interrupter gear 404 455
Cathedral dome 484 Inferior meatus 245 Ink roller 448, 449 Intake pipe 335 Interstellar cloud remains Ironclad 392-393
Gothic building 473 Inferior mesenteric vein Ink sac 176 Intake port 346 613 Iron club 546-547
Islamic building 488 253 Ink stick 444 Integral ink reservoir 444 Intertragic notch 242 Iron filings 317
Medieval building 466, Inferior nasal concha 221, Ink stone 444 Integrated transparency Intertrochanteric line 225 Iron hull 392-393
469 241, 245 Inlay 488-489 unit (TPU) 570, 571 Intertropical convergence Iron oxide
In-board 561 Inferior oblique muscle Inlet 295 Integrated transport zone 300 Earth pigments 434
Inboard elevon 417, 421 241 Inlet cone 418 system 332 Interventricular septum Flesh-colored
Inboard elevon-jack Inferior orbital fissure 221 Inlet manifold Integument 251 pigments 433
fairing 416 Inferior rectus muscle 241 Daimler engine 343 Ovule 147 Intervertebral disc 212, Sanguine crayon 430
Inboard end 387 Inferior vena cava 215, Jaguar V12 engine 345 Scots pine 122 218, 223, 245, 261 Sedimentary rocks 267,
Inboard engine 415 252-253, 257 Mid West single-rotor Intelligent electronic Intestinal muscle 226 277
Inboard lift spoilers 413 Infertile swamp 288 engine 411 door-lock 602 Intestine Iron oxide dust 42
Inboard trimtab 413 Infield 536-537 Inlet manifold tract 345 Intentional foul 533 Bony fish 181 Iron paddlesteamer
Inbound line 526 Infilled swamp 291 Inlet-over-exhaust (IOE) Interalveolar septum 254 Butterfly 169 392-393
Inbox folder 576 Inflated petiole 158 engine 362 Intercellular leaf space Chimpanzee 202 Iron pyrite 79, 270
Incandescent light 318-319 Inflation valve 405 Inlet port 345, 367 139 Cow 198 Iron railing 493
In-car GPS 590-591 Inflorescences 140 Inlet rotor 347 Interception 526 Crayfish 173 Iron roof 479
In-car mounting bracket Aechmea miniata 162 Inlet tract 410 Inter-City travel 332 Dogfish 179 Iron ship 392-393
assembly 590 Bromeliad 113 Inlet valve 345, 345, 362 Intercolumniation 461, 485 Dolphin 205 Iron, steam 594
In-camera memory chip Catkin 144 Inner bin fin 592 Intercompressor bleed Elephant 200 Iron tracery 493
580 Compound 142-143 Inner bud scales 134 valve 419 Frog 182 Iron tire 334
Incident laser light 319 Couch grass 113 Inner cage assembly 599 Intercompressor diffuser Gallimimus 86 Ironwork 478, 482
Incisive canal 245 Dodder 163 Inner clutch drum 366 pipe 419 Human 214 Irregular galaxy 10-12, 15
Incisor teeth Stem arrangements Inner core 38-39, 41 Intercostal muscle 91, 255 Large 195, 202 Irreversible reactions 312
Bear 194 143 Inner counter 445 Interdental papilla 247 Lizard 185 Ischial tuberosity 224
Chimpanzee 202 Inflorescence stalk Inner cyclone cone 592 Interdental septum 247 Sea urchin 175 Ischium
Elephant 201 140-143 Inner dome 484 Interglacial period 76 Small 182, 185, 187, Archaeopteryx 85
Human 245, 246 Aechmea miniata 162 Inner floret 129, 142 Integer house 602, 603 195, 198, 200, 202 Bird 189
Lion 194 Brassavola nodosa 162 Inner jib downhaul 585 Interior light 353 Spider 170 Crayfish 173
Rabbit 196 Everlasting pea 129 Inner jib halyard 385 Interlobular artery 256 Tortoise 187 Diplodocus 90
Rodent 196 Indehiscent fruit 150 Inner jib stay 382 Interlobular vein 256 Intrados 469, 484 Eryops 81
Toxodon 106 Peach 131 Inner jib tack 382 Interlocking spur 289 Introitus 258 Euoplocephalus 94
Incline 468 Peruvian lily 129 Inner layer of cortex Intermediate housing 346 Intrusive rocks 26, 275 Frog 185
Incompetent bed rock 61 Rowan 131 Dicotyledon 127 Intermediate lamella 225 Invasion stripes 409 Human 218, 224
Incomplete mesentery 167 Russian vine 131 Epiphytic orchid 162 Intermediate ring 563 Invertebrates Iguanodon 96
Incurrent pore 166 Succulent fruit 148 Monocoyledon 127 Internal capsule 237 Earth’s evolution 56 Ornithischian 82
Incus 242 Vegetative reproduction Wetland plants 158-159 Internal carotid artery Fossil record 279 Parasaurolophus 98
Indehiscent fruit 150 154-155 Inner mantle 44-47 243, 252 Insects 168-169 Plateosaurus 88
Index finger 230-231 Wind-pollinated plant Inner martingale stay 383 Internal combustion Marine 65 Saurischian 82
India 144 Inner membrane 139 engine Inverted ovolo 486 Stegoceras 100-101
Cretaceous period Inflorescence types Inner planetary orbits 31 First cars 334 Inverter 355 Stegosaurus 93
72-73 Capitulum 129, 142 Inner posts 528 Motorcycle engine 366 Inverter board 570 Struthiomimus 87

Triceratops 102 Jewish calendar 618 Kawasaki industrial robot Kidney-shaped palette 436 Human 221 Lancet 471
Tyrannosaurus 84 Jib boom 379, 382 609 Killer whale 205 Protoceratops 102 Lancet arch 473, 484
Ishtar Terra 36-37 Jib fairhead 561 Kayak 560 Killick 386 Lacrimal canaliculus 241 Lancet window 470-472
Islamic buildings 488-489, Jib halyard 380 Kayenta formation 276 Kiln 452 Lacrimal gland 241 Land 39
Islamic mosaic 489 Jibsail 378, 379, 385 Kazakstania 65 Kimberlite 268, 275 Lacrimal punctum 241 Amphibians 80
Islands 291, 294 Jib sheet 385 Kedrostis africana 113 Kinetic energy 314-315 Lacrimal sac 241 Animals 64
Isocline 61 Jib stay 382 Keel Kinetic sculpture 452 Lacrosse 540-541 Atmosphere 301
Isolated single boulders 286 Jib tack 382, 383 Battleship 395 King pin 338 Lacuna Plants 56, 64
Isolated steep-sided hill Jockey 554-555 Bird 189 King-post 473, 479 Bones and joints 225 Rivers 288
283 Jockey wheel 358 Frigate 397 Early monoplane Clubmoss 120 Vertebrates 82
Isolator valve 325, 327 Jodhpurs 554 Ironclad 393 400-401 Mare’s tail 135 Landau body 334
Isosceles triangle 622 Joint Iron paddlesteamer 392 Pegasus Quasar Wetland plants 158-159 Landau iron 334
Isoseismal lines 63 Cave 284-285 Longboat 380 ultralight 427 Lacustrine terrace 286 Landing 477
Isotopes 310 Coastline 295 Sailing warship 377 Pegasus XL SE Lada Terra 36, 37 Landing and taxiing light
ISP 576 Faults and folds 61 Viking ship 374-375 ultralight 426 Ladder 414
Israel 293 Jointed plug 19 Wooden sailing ship King-post strut 401 74-gun ship 381 Landing gear 406-407,
Isthmus Weathering and erosion 378 King spoke handle 390 Battleship 394 424-425, 573
Reproductive system 282 Keel boat 560 Ring strut 464 Frigate 396 Landing-gear muffler 423
258-259 Jointed leg 79, 168 Keeled lesene 486 King vulture 190 Iron paddlesteamer Landing gear door
Water hyacinth 158 Jointed pincer 79 Keeler 41 Kirby BSA racing sidecar 392, 393 BAe-146 components 414
Italian State Railroads Jointed solidified lava 292 Keelson (Kelson) 560 369 Roman corbita 372-373 Concorde 416
Class 402 328 Jointed stem 131 19th century paddle Kittiwake 190 Train equipment 330 Hawker Tempest
Italic Roman lettering 445 Joints 224-225, 608 steamer 391 Kiwis 188 Wooden sailing ship components 409
Item link 577 Joist 464, 486 Ironclad 393 Knee 378 Lockheed Electra
Itonaco 434 Jones, H. 493 Keep 466 Anchisaurus 89 Ladder way 395-396 airliner 406-407
Ivy 130-131, 137 Jordan 293 Keeper ring 562 Corythosaurus 98 Lady Chapel, Salisbury Landing gear drag strut
Jordan River 293 Kelvin temperature scale Faering 375 Cathedral 470 401
Journal 347 590 Gorilla 203 Lagomorpha 196 Landing gear fork 407
J Joystick 361, 520 Kendo 556 Horse 199 Lagoon Landing gear front strut
400, 404
Atoll development 299
Judo 556-557
Human 211
Kentrosaurus 92-93
Jack 514 Jugal bar 201 Kepler 40 Iguanodon 96 Coastline 294-295 Landing gear hydraulics
Jacket-wall 466 Jugal bone 96, 102-103 Keraia 372 Kangaroo 207 River features 290-291 417
Jack-rafter 473 Jugal plate 94 Keratin 234 Lion 195 Lagoon Nebula 21 Landing gear leg 424
Jack staff Juglans nigra 137 Kestrel 189 Pachycephalosaurus Lagopus lagopus 193 Landing gear rear cross-
Battleship 394 Jugular vein 215 Ketch 384, 385 100 ‘ Lagostomus maximus 197 member 400
Frigate 397 Juice sac 148 Kettle 286 Psittacosaurus 103 Lake Baikal 265 Landing gear rear strut
Square-rigged ship 375 “Jumbo jet” 412 Kettle drum 519 Rabbit 197 Lake Erie 264 400-401
Wooden sailing ship 379 Jumps 552, 554 Kettle lake 293 Stegoceras 101 Lake Huron 264 Landing gear strut 405
Jacob’s ladder 378 Jump seat 337 Post-glacial valley 286 Stegosaurus 92 Lake Michigan 264 Landing light
Jagged fracture 270 Jump shot 532, 535 Kevlar 384, 388 Tyrannosaurus 84 Lake Nyasa 265 BAe-146 jetliner
Jaguar straight six engine Junction Key Wooden ships 381 Lake Ontario 264 components 414-415
344 Electrical circuit 316 Concert grand piano Knee joint Lakes 292-293 Bell-47 helicopter 422
Jaguar V12 engine 345 Giornata 434-435 515 Brachiosaurus 90 Glacier 286-287 Lockheed Electra
Jali 488-489 Photovoltaic cell 605 Home keyboard 520 Diplodocus 90 Groundwater system 293 airliner 407
Jamb Junction board 355 Motorcycle clutch 366 Euoplocephalus 94 Igneous rock structures Schweizer helicopter
Ancient Roman temple Juncus sp. 135 Musical notation 502 Human 219 275 423
463 Junior ratings’ mess 397 Steel lock 360 Parasaurolophus 98 River features 290 Landing skid
Baroque church 479 Junk 376 Synthesizer 520 Plateosaurus 88 River’s stages 289 Avro triplane 403
Medieval church 468 Junk mail folder 576 Upright piano 514 Stegoceras 101 Rock cycle 266-267 Blackburn monoplane
Neoclassical building Junk ring 343 Woodwind instruments Struthiomimus 87 Weathering and erosion 400-401
478, 482-483 Jupiter 30-31, 44-45, 614 508-509 Toxodon 107 283 Helicopter 422-423
Nineteenth-century Jupp-Reese winglet 572 Keyboard 521, 566, 611 Triceratops 102 Lake Superior 264 Wright Flyer 399
building 492 Jurassic period 70-71 Keyboard instruments Tyrannosaurus 84 Lake Tanganyika 265 Land movement 59
Jami Masjid 488 Fossil record 279 514-515, 520 Knee of the head 378 Lake Victoria 265 Land plants 56, 78
Javelin 542-543 Geological time 57 Key guard 509 Knee pad 527, 534 Lakshmi Planum 37 Landscape features
Jaw Jury mast knot 389 Keypad 589 Knee roll 539, 554 Lambda Andromedae 19 290-291, 294
Brace-and-bit 601 Justicia aurea 144 Key rod 509 Knife Lambda Pegasi 19 Land surface removal 282
Hand drill 601 Juvenile volcano 275 Key signature 502 Palette 436 Lambdoid suture 220 Land turtle 186
Human 212, 220-221 JVC Everio camcorder 582 Keystone 484 Relief printing 446, Lambeosaurus 96, 98-99 Lane
Power drill 601 Ancient Roman 449 Lamb, T. 494 Athletic track 542
Rope 389 building 463, 465 Knighthead 380 Lamella 139 Swimming pool 558
Jawbone Baroque church 479, Knots 388-389 Lamina 136 Lane time-keeper 558
Allosaurus 85 K 481 Knuckle 210 Butterwort 161 Langrenus 40
Australopithecus Kabe 375 French temple 485 Koala 207 Couch grass 113 Language 108
107-108 Kaibab limestone 276 Medieval church 469 Kochab 18 Dicotyledon leaf 127 Langur 202
Ceratopsian 100 Kaibab Plateau 277 Neoclassical building Kope 372-373 Human 222-223 Lantern 486
Dolphin 204 Kaiparowits formation 478, 482 Korolev 41 Leaf 138 Baroque church
Horse 105 276 Renaissance building Krypton 311 Monocotyledon leaf 127 480-481
Human 220, 247 Kaiparowits Plateau 277 476-477 Kuan Han-ch’ing 35 Seaweed 116-117 French temple 485
Ornithopod 96 Kalahari Desert 265 Keyway 390 Kubernetes 372 Succulent 113 Neoclassical building
Shark 178 Kalanchoe Kick-stand 363 Kuiper belt 30, 50 Vegetative reproduction 478-479
Snake 184 daigremontiana 154 Kick-starter 363, 366 Kunzite 271 154 Twentieth-century
Theropods 84 Kalasa finial 489 Kidney Kuroshio current 297 Water hyacinth leaf 158 building 494
Jawless fish 78, 178-179, Kalos 372 Bird 189 Water lily leaf 159 Wooden sailing ship
180 Kame delta 286 Bony fish 181 Laminaria digitata 379
JBL Spyro speakers 586 Kame terrace 286 Brachiosaurus 90 116-117 Lanthanides 310
Jeer 377 Kangaroo 206-207 Dogfish 179 L Laminates 548 Lanthanum 310
Jejunum 249 Kappa Pegasi 19 Dolphin 205 Labellum 126, 145 Lamium sp. 135 Lanyard
Jelly 192 Kara Kum 265 Domestic cat 195 Label mold 481 Lamp 570, 571 Lifejacket 561
Jellyfish 78, 166-167 Karv 374 Elephant 200 Labia 258 Lamp bracket 336, 342 Oar 373
Earth’s evolution 56 Kasugado Shrine of Enjoji Frog 182 Labial palp 168 Lamp cluster 341 Rigging 382-383
Fossil record 279 490 Gallimimus 86 Labrum 168 Lampland 43 Roman corbita 373
Jet engine 412, 418-419 Kasuga-style roof 490 Human 215, 256-257 Laburnum x watereri 137 Lamprey 178 Lap 542
Jetliners 412-415 Katastroma 373 Lizard 185 Laccolith 273-275 Lampropeltis ruthveni 184 Lapilli 272
Jet pipe 418-419, 423 Kaus Australis 19, 20 Octopus 176 Lacerta 19, 20 Lampropeltis triangulum Lap strap
Jet pipe connection 419 Sagittarius 21 Rabbit 196 Lacertilia 184 annulata 184 ARV light aircraft 425
Jetstream 300, 418 Kaus Borealis 21 Snail 177 Lacrimal apparatus 241 Lamp shield 350 Curtiss biplane 398
Jewel anemone 166 Kaus Meridionalis 21 Tortoise 187 Lacrimal bone Lanceolate leaf 120, 131, Lockheed Electra
Jewel Box 11 Kawana House 496 Kidney ore hematite 268 Bony fish 181 136 passenger seat 407

Pegasus Quasar Latissimus dorsi muscle Water hyacinth 158 Leather ball making 525 Vegetative reproduction Letronne 40
ultralight 427 227 Leaf blade Leather grommet 373 154-155 Lettering 444-445
Laptop computer 566, 567 Latrodectus mactans 171 Butterwort 161 Leather hood 334 Veins 136, 138-139 Levator anguli oris
Laptops 567 Lattice-beam 496-497 Dicotyledon 127 Leather ink dabber 446 Venus fly trap 160 muscle 229
Large intestine Latticed screen 488-489 Leaf surface 136, 138 Leather pad 557 Water fern 158 Levator labii superioris
Brachiosaurus 90 Latticed shade 495 Monocotyledon 127 Leather upholstery 337 Water hyacinth 158 muscle 229
Chimpanzee 202 Lattice-truss 499 Vegetative reproduction Leather valance 337 Water lily 159 Levator palpebrae
Domestic cat 195 Lattice window 492 154 Leathery exocarps 148 Welwitschia 122-123 superioris muscle 241
Euoplocephalus 94 Lattice-work 493 Venus fly trap 160 Leaves 136-137 Xerophyte 156-157 Levee 289-291
Human 214 Laurasia Wetland plants 158-159 Abaxial surface 123, 130 Yew 123 Level-wind system 562
Large Magellanic Cloud Cretaceous period 62 Leaf insect 192 Adaxial surface 123, Le Corbusier 494 Lever 320-321
Hydrus and Mensa 20 Jurassic period 70-71 Leafless branch 120 130 LEDs 608 Le Verrier ring 50-51
Our galaxy and nearby Late Carboniferous Leaflets 136-137 Aechmea miniata 162 Leda Planitia 36, 37 LG Optimus 2X 588
galaxies 15 period 66-67 Everlasting pea 129 Apex 136-137 Ledge 381 Liang K’ai 35
Stars of southern skies Laurentia 65 Fern 120-121 Apical meristem 134 Leech 374, 384 Libellulium longialatum
20-21 Laurentian Library Horse chestnut leaf 130 Barberry 130-131 Leechline 375 73
Large mammals 57 474-475 Mahonia 130-131 Bishop pine I24 Left edge guide 575 Liberty ship 392
Larkspur 141, 151 Lava 62 Monocotyledon 126 Brassavola nodosa 162 Leg Libra 18, 21
Larus marinus 193 Igneous and Pinna 121, 136-137 Bromeliad 112-113 Amphibian 182 Library 483, 496
Larus ridibundus 193 metamorphic rocks Rose 131 Broomrape 163 Caiman 186-187 Licence holder 332
Larva 168 274-275 Rowan 130 Butterwort 161 Crab 172 Lichens 114-115
Laryngeal prominence Mountain building 62 Sago palm 123 Canadian pond weed Crayfish 172-173 Lid
212, 244-245 Rock cycle 266 Tree fern 112-113 158-159 Crocodilian 186 Moss 119
Larynx Volcano 272-273 Leaflet stalk 137 Carnivorous plants Elephant 200 Pitchers 161
Amphibian 182 Lava eruptions 272 Leaf-like structures 160-161 Frog 182 Ships for war and trade
Human 214-215, 244 Lava flow 273 141-143 Cheekerbloom 136 Gorilla 203 377
Laser ranger 420 Contact metamorphism Dehiscent fruit 151 Chusan palm 130 Human 210 Lid assembly 571
Lateen sail 375, 376, 384 274-275 Dicotyledon flower 127 Classification 136-137 Kangaroo 207 Lierne 469
Lateral angle 213 Mars 42 Guzmania lingulata 163 Clematis 130-131 Lizard 184-185 Life 56, 78-79, 300
Lateral bracing strut Rock cycle 266 Ice-plant 129 Clubmoss 120 Relief-printing press Lifeboat 394
402-403, 416 Lava fragments 272 Live-forever 129 Cobra lily 160 449 Lifeboat davit 395
Lateral branch Lavatera arborea 131 Peruvian lily 129 Couch grass 113 Salamander 182 Life buoy 395
Adventitious roots Lava types 273 Slender thistle 129 Dicotyledon 126-127 Scorpion 170 Life-cycle
158-159 Lavinia Planitia 36-37 Wind pollination 144 Dryland plants 156-157 Shrimp 172 Brown seaweed 117
Horsetail 120 Lawrencium 311 Leaf margin 129 Durmast oak 131 Spider 170-171 Fern 121
Vegetative reproduction Layering Aechmea miniata 162 Epiphyte 162-163 Tadpole 183 Insect 168
154 Fresco 434-435 Slender thistle 129 Fern 120-121 Terrapin 187 Moss 119
Lateral bud 134 Pastel colors 440 Vegetative reproduction Florists’ Tripod congas stand Mushroom 115
Begonia 129 Lay-up shot 532 154 chrysanthemum 129 519 Plants 112
Dicotyledon 127 LCD see Liquid crystal Leaf notch 154 Germination 152-153 “Leg before wicket” 538 Scots pine 122
Horse chestnut 130 display (LCD) Leaf primordium 134 Guzmania lingulata Leg bud 260 Lifeguard 332
Leaf scars 154 LCD monitor 583 Leaf scar 162-163 Leg pad 539, 551 Lifejacket 561
London plane tree 134 Leach 374, 384 Begonia 129 Haworthia truncata 157 Leg protector 551 Life of massive star 26-27
Rhizome 155 Lead Elder 130 Hinge cell 113 Leg slip 538 Life of small star 24-25
Rowan twig 131 Mineralization zones Horse chestnut 130 Hogweed 129 Legumes 150 Life-raft 416
Stem bulbil 155 281 Ice-plant 128-129 Horsetail 120 Leibnitz 41 Liferaft cylinder 397
Stolon 154 Minerals 268 London plane 134 Intercellular space 139 Lemercier, J. 486 Lift
Lateral canal Periodic table 311 Rock stonecrop 128 Ivy 131 Lemming 196 Athletics 543
Human 247 Lead covering 487 Leaf shape 136-137 Kedrostis africana 113 Lemon 148 Center Georges
Starfish 174 Leading block 394 Leaf sheath 129 Lamina 136 Lemur 202-203 Pompidou 497
Lateral caudal Leading edge Leaf spring 338 Lithops bromfieldii 157 Lemur catta 203 Double topsail
musculature 87 Avro biplane 403 Leaf spring suspension Liverwort 118 Lena River 265 schooner 385
Lateral column 223 Avro triplane 403 327 London plane tree 134 Lenoir, Etienne Roman corbita 372
Lateral control wheel 401 BAe-146 components Leaf stalk 128, 136-137 Maidenhair tree 123 Early engines 342 Sailing warship
Lateral control wire 404 413, 414-415 Chusan palm 130 Margin 136 First cars 334 376-377
Lateral dorsal aorta 179 BE 2B tail 405 Clematis 131 Marram grass 113 Lens Wooden sailing ship
Lateral epicondyle 225 BE 2B wings 404 Cobra lily 160 Midrib 136 Flatbed scanner 570 378
Lateral fault 61 Blackburn monoplane Common horse Monkey cup 161 Human body 241 Lift bracing wire
Lateral fault lake 293 401 chestnut 130 Monocotyledon 126-127 Microscope 610, 611 Biplanes and triplanes
Lateral lacuna 237 Concorde, the 416-417 Dicotyledon 127 Moss 112, 119 Lens cover 581 403
Lateral line 181 Hawker Tempest Everlasting pea 129 Mulberry 130 Lens cover assembly 582 Early monoplane
Lateral malleolus 233 components 409 Florists’ Orange lily 154 Lenticels 130-131, 134 400-401
Lateral mass 222 Lockheed Electra chrysanthemum 129 Oxalis sp. 157 Lentiform nucleus 237 Pegasus Quasar
Lateral moraine 286-287 airliner 406 Kedrostis africana 113 Parasite host 163 Leo 18, 21 ultralight 427
Lateral plantar artery 253 Northrop B-2 bomber Maidenhair tree 123 Passion flower 130 Leo Minor 18, 21 World War I aircraft
Lateral plate 78 421 Monocotyledon 126-127 Peach 131 Leonaspsis 279 404-405
Lateral rectus muscle Pegasus Quasar Mulberry 130 Photosynthesis 134, Leonid meteor shower 52 Lifting handle 336
240-241 ultralight 427 Oxalis sp. 157 138-139 Leontopithecus rosalia 203 Lifting lug 330
Lateral root 133 Wright Flyer 399 Passion flower 130 Pine 122, 124-125 Lepidodendron 66-67 Lift spoiler 413, 414
Broomrape host 163 Leading-edge aerial 421 Peach 131 Pitcher development Lepidoptera 168 Lift wire 399
Carrot 128 Leading-edge fairing 425 Seedling 153 161 Lepidotes maximus 73 Ligament
Dicotyledon 127 Lead-in wire 319 Strawberry 128 Pitcher plant 113, Leptoceratops 103 Bifurcate 232
Germination 152-153 Lead iodide 313 String of hearts 157 160-161 Lepus 21 Cricothyroid 244
Horse chestnut 130 Lead nitrate 313 Tree fern 112 Primordia 134 Lesbian leaf pattern 460 Deltoid 232
Seedling 152-153 Lead shot 517 Tree mallow 131 Rock stonecrop 128 Lesene Falciform 248
Strawberry 128 Lead wire 600 Vegetative reproduction Rose 130-131 Ancient Roman Foot 232
Sweet pea 128 Leaf axis 137 154-155 Rosettes 162-163 building 462, 465 Hip joint 224
Lateral root scar 128 Leaf bases 128, 136-137 Venus fly trap 160 Rowan 130 Baroque church Iliofemoral 224
Lateral sepal 141 Aechmea miniata 162 Water lily 159 Sago palm 123 480-481 Interosseus 232
Lateral shield 187 Couch grass 113 Wind pollination 144 Scots pine 122 Dome 486 Ovarian 258
Lateral shoot 156 Dicotyledon 127 Leaf succulents Seedling 152-153 French temple 485 Periodontal 247
Lateral strike-slip fault 61 Florists’ Haworthia truncata 157 Slender thistle 129 Gothic church 473 Plantar
Lateral sulcus 237 chrysanthemum 129 Lithops bromfieldii 157 Smooth cypress 123 Renaissance building calcaneonavicular 232
Lateral tepal 126 Guzmania lingulata Lithops sp. 156 Stomata 139 476-477 Posterior
Lateral vein 136, 159 162-163 Leaf trace 127 Strawberry 128 Lesser trochanter of cuneonavicular 232
Lateral ventricle 237 Hogweed 129 Leaf venation 129 Tendrils 161 femur 225 Posterior
Lath 464 Monocotyledon 126-127 Leafy liverwort 118 Toadflax 129 Lesser wing covert 188 tarsometatarsal 232
Lathyrus latifolius 129 Sago palm 123 Leafy thallus 114 Tree fern 112-113 Lesser wing of sphenoid Pubofemoral 224
Lathyrus odoratus 128 Seedling leaf 152 Lean-to roof 468-470, 472 Tree mallow 131 bone 221 Talonavicular 232

Zonular 241 Linseed oil 436 Local control cabinet 396 Lower yard 395 Macrospicule 33 Main sheet
Ligature 508, 509 Lintel Lock button 600 Low gain antenna 615 Macs 566 Longboat 380
Light 314-315, 318-319 Building 459, 494 Lock forward 530 Lowland coastline 295 Macula 240-241 Roman corbita 373
Chemical reactions Coastline 295 Lockheed Electra airliner Low Neap tide 297 Madagascar 265 Sailing dinghy 561
312 Lintel course 483 406-407 Low pressure areas 300, Madreporite 174, 175 Viking karv 375
Renaissance building Lion 194-195 Locking lever 590 302-303 Madrillus sphinx 203 Main shroud 378
474 Lion crest 395 Lock nut 351, 359 Low pressure gases 306 Maenianum summum 465 Mains lead 597-598
Seed germination 152 Lionfish 180 Locks 360 Low tides 296-297 Magazine 548-549 Main spar bridge 413
Translucent “window” Lip Lock washer 358-359 Low-voltage supply 596 Magellanic Cloud 15, 20 Mains power on /off
157 Flower 126, 145 Locomotion 104 Loxodonta africana 200 Maginus 40 switch 585
Twentieth-century Human 212-213 Locomotives 324-329 Lozenge 471, 485 Maglev train 328-329 Mains spade contacts
building 495 Lamprey 178 Lodging knee 381 Lubricant 366 Magma 594
Ultraviolet 145 Pollination 145 Loft 477 Lucarne window 480-481, Igneous and Main stay 377, 379
Light aircraft 410, 424-425 Lip of trunk 200-201 Log basket 334 486 metamorphic rocks 26 Mains supply lead 594
Light Emitting Diode 583 Lip plate 508, 508 Logic board 581 Lufengosaurus 89 Mountain building 63 Maintenance button 574
Lighterman’s hitch 389 Lip tension 506 Loin Luff 384-385 Ocean floor 298-299 Main topcastle 377
Light hour 14 Liquidambar styraciflua Horse 198 Lug 382, 386 Rock cycle 266 Main topgallant mast 377,
Lighting hole 393 76 Human 210 Lugger 384 Volcanoes 272 378
Light level sensor 581 Liquid capacity London Bridge 466-467 Lug sail Magma reservoir Main topgallant sail 379
Lightning 45, 316 measurements 590 London plane tree 134 Junk 376 Igneous rock structures Main topgallant stay 379
Lights Liquid crystal display Longboat 380 Sail types 384 275 Main topmast 377, 379
Bicycle 360 (LCD) Long bridge 515 Lumbar nerves 238 Volcanic structure 273 Main topmast topcastle
MCW Metrobus 332 Apple iPad 568 Long-distance cycling 360 Lumbar vertebrae Magnesium 310 377
Light screen 394 Garmin Etrex handheld Long-distance running Crocodile 186 Earth’s composition 39 Main topsail 379
Light shield 612, 613 GPS 591 542 Domestic cat 195 Earth’s crust 58 Main topsail halyard 385
Light switch 339 HP Pavilion DV4 laptop Longeron 403, 424 Hare 197 Seawater salt content Main topsail yard 379
Lightweight plastic intake 567 Longitudinal channels Horse 199 296 Main top yard 377
manifold 354 JVC Everio camcorder 120 Human 222-223 Magnesium alloy oil sump Main turbine 397
Light-well 487 582-583 Longitudinal fissure Kangaroo 206 pan 354 Main wale 381
Light year 14 Nikon Coolpix S1000PJ 236-237 Platypus 206 Magnesium housing for Main wheel 426, 593
Lignite 280 580 Long jump 542-543 Rhesus monkey 202 air intake 355 Main wing bracing-strut
Lignum vitae bearing Liquid helium 45 Long leading-link fork 362 Seal 204 Magnesium riser 548 401
387 Liquid hydrogen 44-47 Long leg 538 Lumbrical muscle 231 Magnet 598, 605 Main wing-strut 427
Ligulate ray floret 129 Liquid ink 444 Long off 538 Lump hammer 452-453 Magnet array 615 Main yard
Lilienthal, Otto 398 Liquids 306-307 Long on 538 Lunae Planum 43 Magnetic axis 28 Dhow 376
Lilium bulbiferum 154 Litchi chinensis 148 Long pass 532 Lunaria annua 151 Magnetic compass 423 Sailing warship 377
Lilium sp. 133, 138, Lithification 266 Long radius turns 552 Lunate bone 230 Magnetic field 38 Wooden sailing ship
140-141, 155 Lithium 308, 310 Longrod stabilizer 549 Lunette 480 Magnetism 316-317 379
Lily Lithium fluoride molecule Longship 374-375 Lung Magneto Maize 127
Bulbil 154-155 308 Longshore drift 294-295 Amphibian 182 Avro triplane 402 Major calyx 256
Flower 140-141 Lithium-ion battery 589 Long-travel suspension Bird 189 Hawker Tempest Major coverts 188, 191
Leaf surface 138 Lithium-ion rechargeable 368 Brachiosaurus 91 components 408 Malachite 433
Limb battery 579 Long-wave radio 318 Chimpanzee 202 Wright Flyer 399 Malacostraca 172
Mammal 104 Lithium-polymer battery Look out periscope 396 Dolphin 205 Magneto drive 367 Malaysia 331
Paddlesteamer 390 569 Loom 560 Domestic cat 195 Magnetometer 614 Male
Reptile 80 Lithographic printing 446 Loop 388-389 Elephant 200 Magnetosphere 38 Bladder 257
Structure of a fold 60 Lithographic printing Looped prominence 32-33 Euoplocephalus 94 Magnetron assembly 596, Body 210, 211
Limber hole 393 equipment 448 Loophole Frog 182 597 Pelvis 259
Lime 143 Lithops bromfieldii 157 Medieval building Gallimimus 86 Magnetron cooling fan Reproductive organs
Lime-resistant pigment Lithops sp. 156 466-469 Human 214-215, 252, 596, 597 259
434 Lithosphere 58-59 Renaissance building 254-255 Magnetron cooling fan Urinary tract 257
Limestone Little finger 230-231 477 Lizard 184-185 mounting 597 Male apex 119
Cave 284 Little grebe 190 Loop of Henlé 256 Rabbit 196 Magnetron perforated Male catkin 144
Contact metamorphism Little toe 232-233 Loose forward 530 Snail 177 heat sink 597 Male cone 122-123, 24
274 Live-forever 128-129 Loose-head prop 530 Snake 184 Magnitude 22 Male fern 120-121
Faults and folds 60 Liver Lopolith 274 Spider 170 Magnolia 57, 72 Male flower organs
Fossilized blue-green Bird 189 Lora 127, 130 Tortoise 187 Mahonia 130-131 140-143
alga 78 Bony fish 181 Lorises 202 Lungfish 80, 81 Maidenhair tree 122-123 Male flowers
Lower Carboniferous 60 Chimpanzee 202 Lost-wax casting method Lunule 231 Maillot 386 Fertilization 146-147
Limestone block 470 Dogfish 179 454 Lures 562-563 Main deck passenger door Gymnosperms 122
Limestone cladding 494 Dolphin 205 Lotus flower 488 Lutetium 311 573 Painter’s palette 143
Limestone false door 459 Domestic cat 195 Lotus petal 489 LVG CVI fighter 405 Main deck windows 573 Seaweed 116-117
Limestone spring 292 Euoplocephalus 94 Loudspeaker 520 Lychee 148 Main engines 614 Succulent fruit 148
Limestone strata 284 Frog 182 Lounge 392 Lycoming four-cylinder Main fan 596, 597 Wind-pollinated plant
Lime water 313 Gallimimus 86 Louvre 493, 498 engine 423 Main fan electrical supply 144
Limonite groundmass Human 214, 248, 252 Love-in-a-mist 150-151 Lycoming six-cylinder 597 “Mallard” express steam
268-269 Lizard 185 Lowell 43 engine 422 Main-line signaling locomotive 324-325
Limpet 176 Rabbit 196 Lower Carboniferous Lycopodophyta 64, 120 system 330-331 Mallet
Linaria sp. 129 Tortoise 187 Limestone 60 Lymphocytes 253 Main motor casing 593 Marble carving 452
Line 562 Liverworts 112, 118-119 Lower crankcase 410 Lynx 18, 21 Main printed circuit board Ships and sailing 383,
Linea alba 226 Livestock freight car 327 Lower crux of antihelix Lynx helicopter 396 (PCB) 591 384, 388
Linear dune 283 Living organisms 306 242 Lyra 19, 20 Mainrail head 379 Tubular bells 516
Linear leaf 129, 137 Lizard 184-185, 382 Lower deadeye 382-383 Lysosome 217 Main sail Malleus 242
Linebacker 526 “Lizard-feet forms” 88 Lower deck 393 Dhow 376 Malpighian tubule
Line guide 563 Lizard-hipped dinosaurs Lower-energy radiation Roman corbita 373 Butterfly 169
Line judge 526 82, 88-89 22 Sailing rigs 385 Spider 170
Line of sight 41 Llama 198 Lower epidermis 139, 159 M Square-rigged ship 375 Malus 373
Linesman Load 320-321 Lower equipment module M22 (globular cluster) 21 Main screen 584 Malus sp. 126
Badminton 545 Loading arm 396 614 Macaques 202 Mains earthing wire 596 Malus sylvestris 149
Gaelic football 529 Loading gauge 330-331 Lower eyelid 213 Macaws 190 Mains electricity supply Mammals 104-107
Ice hockey 550 Load space 334 Lower fin 423 Mach 41 lead 585 Carnivora 194
Soccer 524 Lobby 498 Lower haze 37 Machine-gun 404-405 Main sequence star Cetacea 204
Tennis 544 Lobe Lower LCD assembly 579 Machine heads 512-513 Massive stars 26 Cretaceous period 72
Volleyball 534 Liverwort 118 Lower lobe of lung 215, Mackenzie-Peace River Objects in universe 11 Earth’s evolution 56-57
Lingual nerve 244 Venus fly trap 160 254-255 264 Small stars 24 Fossil record 279
Lingual tonsil 245 Lobed leaf 129, 131 Lower seed axis 152-153 Mackerel angling 562 Stars 22-23 Jurassic period 70
Link 386 Lobsters 172 Lower topsail 385 Maquette 455 Mains flex 594 Lagomorpha 196
Linocut 446 Lobule 242 Lower-wing attachment Macrobius 40 Mains flex clamp 594 Large 57
Linoleum block 446, 449 Local Arm 14 404 Macrofibril 234 Main sheer strake 393 Marsupalia 206

Monotremata 206 Marble veneer 462 Iron paddlesteamer 392 Mechanics 350-351 Mesohyal 166 Lizard 184
Pinnipedia 204 Marchantia polymorpha Junk 376 Mechanism of respiration Mesophyll 135 Parasaurolophus 98
Primates 202 118 Longboat 380 255 Bishop pine needle 124 Plateosaurus 88
Proboscidea 200 Mare Crisium 40 Roman corbita 373 Medallion 476 Dicotyledon leaf 126 Platypus 206
Rodentia 196 Mare Fecunditatis 40 Sailing 561 Media guide button 577 Marram grass 113 Rhesus monkey 202
Shrewlike 70 Mare Frigoris 40 Sailing warship 376-377 Medial epicondyle 225 Monocotyledon leaf Scorpion 170
Small 56 Mare Humorum 40 Submarine 397 Medial malleolus 233 126 Seal 204
Tertiary period 74-75 Mare Imbrium 40 Tea clipper 392 Medial moraine Palisade layer 139 Spider 171
Ungulates 198 Mare Ingenii 41 Three-masted square- Glaciers 286-287 Spongy layer 139 Stegoceras 100-101
Mammoth 107 Mare Moscoviense 41 rigged ship 375 River’s stages 289 Mesosphere 300 Struthiomimus 87
Mammut 75 Mare Nectaris 40 Viking karv 375 Medial rectus muscle Mesothorax 168 Toxodon 107
Mammuthus 76, 77, 104 Mare Nubium 40 Wooden sailing ship 240-241 Mesozoic era Triceratops 102
Mandapa 491 Mare Orientale 41 378-379 Median canal 243 Cretaceous period 72 Metathorax 168
Mandarinfish 180 Mareotis Fossae 43 Mast band 382 Median cubital vein 253 Dinosaurs 82 Metaxylem 127, 132-133
Mandible Mare Serenitatis 40 Master cylinder Median eye 170 Fossil record 279 Meteor 52, 301
Acanthostega 80 Mare Smithii 41 Disc brake 365 Median glossoepiglottic Geological timescale 57 Meteorite
Ankylosaurus 94 Mare’s tail 135 Harley-Davidson FLHS fold 244 Jurassic period 70 Asteroids, comets, and
Arsinoitherium 104 Mare Tranquillitatis 40 Electra Glide 363 Median nerve 238 Reptiles 80 meteoroids 52
Baryonyx 83 Mare Vaporum 40 Honda VF750 364 Median sulcus 244 Triassic period 68 Earth’s atmosphere 38
Bat 105 Margaritifer Sinus 43 Master shipwright 374 Median wing coverts 188 Mess 397 Moon 41
Bear 194 Margin Master’s sea cabin 381 Medieval castles 466-467 Message area 576 Ray crater 34
Beetle 168 Lamina 116-117, 161 Masthead Medieval churches Message display area 576 Meteorite impact 34, 40
Bird 188-189 Leaf 129, 136-137 Roman corbita 373 468-469 Metacarpals Meteoroids 52-53
Bony fish 181 Needle 124 Viking karv 375 Medieval houses 466-467 Archaeopteryx 85 Solar system 30
Camarasaurus 91 Water lily leaf 159 Wooden sailing ship Medinet Habu, Egypt 459 Arsinoitherium 104 Methane
Chimpanzee 202 Marginal shield 187 378 Mediterranean Sea 74, Baryonyx 85 Jupiter 45
Crayfish 173 “Margined heads” 100 Mast head bend 389 265 Bird 189, 91 Neptune and Pluto
Crocodile 186 Marginocephalians 83, Masthead pulley for tye Mediterranean sea Brachiosaurus 91 50-51
Diplodocus 90 100-103 halyard 375 anemone 166 Cow 198 Saturn 47
Elephant 201 Maria 40 Mast hoop 385 Medium-wave radio 318 Diplodocus 90 Uranus 48-49
Eryops 80 Marine invertebrates Mastoid fontanelle 220 Medulla 114, 234, 256 Domestic cat 195 Methane cirrus clouds
Euoplocephalus 94 65 Mastoid process 220, 242 Medulla oblongata 212, Elephant 90, 201 50-51
Hare 197 Marine plants 56 Mast partner 381 236-237 Eryops 80 Metis Regio 36
Heterodontosaurus 83 Marine reptiles 57, 70 Mast step 392 Medullary cavity 224 Euoplocephalus 94 Metope 460
Horse 199 Marine sediments 280 Mast truck 372 Medullary pyramid 256 Frog 183 Metric-Imperial
Human 220-221, Marine turtles 186 Matar 19 Medullary ray 125 Gallimimus 86 conversions 620
244-245 Mariopteris 66 Match play 546 Medullosa 66 Hare 197 Metric unit
Hyaenodon 107 Markab 19, 20 Maternal blood pool 260 Megaspores 122 Horse 198-199 measurements 590
Iguanodon 96 Markeb 21 Maternal blood vessel 260 Megazostrodon 104 Human 218-219, 230 Metridium senile 166
Kangaroo 206 Marlin 388 Mathematical symbols Megrez 19 Kangaroo 206 Metrobus 332-333
Lambeosaurus 99 Marlinspike 383, 389 621 Meiolania 77 Lizard 184 Metrolink tram 332
Lion 194 Marmosets 202 Mato Grosso 264 Meissner’s corpuscle Parasaurolophus 99 Mexican hat plant 154
Moeritherium 105 Marram grass 113 Matter 306-307 234-235, 239 Plateosaurus 88 Mexican mountain king
Panoplosaurus 94 Mars 30, 42-43, 615 Electrical charge 316 Mekong River 265 Platypus 206 snake 184
Parasaurolophus 99 Mars Exploration Rover Identification 312 Melanin 234 Rhesus monkey 202 Mexican true red-legged
Phiomia 105 (MER) 615 Mature ruptured follicle Melanosaurus 68, 88-89 Seal 204 tarantula 170
Plateosaurus 88 Mars Exploration Rover 258 Melon 149, 205 Stegoceras 100 Mexico 331
Protoceratops 102 spacecraft 615 Mawsonites spriggi 65 Melting glacier 286, 289 Toxodon 106 Mezzanine 467, 496
Rattlesnake 185 Marsh 293 Maxilla Meltwater 287, 289 Triceratops 103 Miaplacidus 21
Rhesus monkey 202 Marsupials 104, 206-207 Ankylosaurus 94 Meltwater pool 286 Tyrannosaurus 84 Mica 26, 270
Seal 204 Martellange, E. 479 Baryonyx 83 Membrane Metacarpophalangeal Mice 104, 196
Stegoceras 100-101 Martingale 382, 557 Bear 194 Chloroplasts 139 joint 85 Michelangelo 35
Styracosaurus 102 Martingale stay 383 Bony fish 181 Chorioallantoic 192 Metal cook/grill tray 596 Micrasterias sp. 112
Toxodon 106 Mary Rose 376 Camarasaurus 91 Egg 193 Metal grill /griddle 596 Microfilament 217
Triceratops 103 Mascaron 487 Chimpanzee 202 Shell 192 Metalliferous muds 299 Microneedle 606
Turtle 187 Mask 460, 487, 536 Diplodocus 90 Thylakoid 139 Metalling 486 Microorganisms 38, 78
Tyrannosaurus 84 Ancient Roman Elephant 201 Memory stick 581 Metal modeling Microphone 581
Mandrills 202-203 building 465 Eryops 80 Mendel 41 implements 452 Micropipette 606
Mane 194, 199 Cathedral dome 484 Euoplocephalus 94 Mendeleev 41 Metal needle pad 384 Microporous filter 592
Manganese 281, 310 Neoclassical building Frog 183 Mendelevium 311 Metal nib 444 Microprocessor
Manharness knot 389 482 Horse 105 Meninges 237 Metal riser 455 Personal computer 567
Manifold connector 355 Masonry apron 487 Human 212, 220-221, Menkalinan 21 Metal runner 455 Digital camera 580
Manilla rope 389 Mason’s mark 470 244-245, 246, 248 Menkar 19, 20 Metals 310 Microscopes 610-611
Manipulator 610 Mason’s tools 485 Iguanodon 96 Menkent 21 Metal tire 324 Microsoft Kinect 578
Man-of-war 378 Mass Lion 194 Mensa 20, 21 Metal wire conductor Microsoft Zune HD 587
Mansard roof 490 Atoms and molecules Pachycephalosaurus 100 Mental foramen 213, 316-317 Microsporangium 122
Mantellisaurus 96-97 309, 320 Prenocephale 100 220-221 Metamorphic aureole 26 Microspores 122
Mantle Earth 30 Stegoceras 100 Mentalis muscle 229 Metamorphic rocks 26, Microsporophyll 122
Earth 38-39, 58-59, 63 Jupiter 26, 44 Toxodon 106 Mental protuberance 221 274-275, 266-267 Microtubule 217, 239
Mars 43 Mars 30 Maxillary fenestra 90 Mental svmphysis 220 Metamorphosis Micro-USB (Universal
Mercury 35 Mercury 30 Maxilliped 173 Mentolabial sulcus 213 Amphibian 182 Serial Bus) socket 589
Moon 41 Neptune 31 Maxwellian diagram 318 Menu key 590 Frog 183 Microwave oven 315
Mollusks 176-177 Planets 30-31 Maxwell Montes 36, 37 Merak 19 Insect 168 Microwave radiation 10
Neptune 51 Pluto 31 Mazda RX-7 346 Merchants’ Exchange 493 Metasoma 170 Microwave combination
Pluto 51 Saturn 31 McLaren Mercedes MP4- Mercury 30, 34-35 Metatarsals oven 596-597
Regional Stars 22 13 356-357 Mercury (metal) 281, 311, Albertosaurus 84 Microwaves 318, 596
metamorphism 274 Uranus 31 MCW Metrobus 332-333 319 Archaeopteryx 85 Midbrain 236
Uranus 49 Venus 30 ME 262 fighter 408 Mericarp 151 Brachiosaurus 90 Middle ear ossicles 242
Venus 37 Massive habit 270-271 Meadow cranesbill 144 Meristematic cells 154 Crocodile 186 Middle finger 230-231
Maple 127 Massive stars 26-27 Meadow rue 137 Merlon 466 Domestic cat 195 Middle leg
Map projections 264-265 Mass measurements 590 Meadow sage 145 Mermaid’s purses 192 Elephant 201 Beetle 168
Maracas 504, 516-517 Massospondylidae 89 Meander 461 Mersenius 40 Eiyops 81 Bumblebee 168
Marble 274 Mass-production 338-339, Meanders 288-289, 290 Merus 172, 173 Euoplocephalus 94 Butterfly 169
Marble block 453 492 Measurement units 620 Merycoidodon 75 Frog 183 Middle lobe of lung 215,
Marble breaking Mass transportation 332 Meatus 242-243 Mesa 275, 277, 282 Hare 197 254-255
equipment 450 Mast Mechanical semaphore Mesentery 167, 182 Horse 199 Middle meatus 241,
Marble mosaic 489 Battleship 394 signal 330 Mesocarp 146-147, 148, Human 218-219, 232 245
Marble sculpture 452 Frigate 397 Mechanical weathering 148-149 Iguanodon 96-97 Middle nasal concha 212,
Marble tessera 450 Greek galley 372 282 Mesoglea 167 Kangaroo 206 221, 241, 245

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