cWofo $ : ;fdflhs ;j] fx? / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf
Chapter 4 : Social Services and Public Assistance
sd cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ d2t
tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; ePsf] zx/ jf gu/df cgs] g ;fdflhs ;]jfsf nflu
lgof]u -;+:yf_ x? xG' 5g,\ h;n] tkfO{+ cfTdlge{/ aGg] k|of; ul//xs] f an] f ;xfotf
pknAw u/fpg ;S5g\ . sx] L ;fdflhs ;j] f sfo{qmdx? :jo+;j] L ;+:yfx?åf/f /
c? s]xL :yfgLo, /fHo jf ;+3Lo ;/sf/x?åf/f ;~rflnt x'G5g\ .
Help for Low Income Families
Your city or town has many social service agencies that may provide
you with assistance while you are striving to become self-sufficient. Some
social service programs are operated by voluntary organizations and others
are operated by local, state, or federal governments.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lghL ;xfotf
cd]l/sLx? cfˆgf] ;do / k};fnfO{ :jo+;]jfdf vrG{ 5g\ . pgLx? ;fdflhs
;]jf ug{] lghL ;+:yfx?df©{t o:tf] ;j] f ug{d' f uf}/j 7fG5g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu
tkfO{+sf] k'gjf;{ ;+:yf Pp6f lghL ;+:yf xf], h;n] tkfO{+sf] ;db' fodf z/0ffyL{nfO{
kg' :yfk{ gf ug{] lg0fo{ u/]sf] x'G5 . To;u} /L tkfO+{sf] zx/df cGo lghL ;+:yfx?
klg xg' ;S5g,\ h;n] ljleGg lsl;dsf ;xfotf pknAw u/fpF5g\ . o:tf ;+:yfn]
©lg{r/, nQfsk8f, jo:ssf nflu c+u|h] L sIff, hflu/sf nflu k/fdz{, bfe] fif]
;xfotf, jf cfkftsflng cfjf;sf] Joj:yf u5g{ \ . tkfO+{sf] kg' jf{; ;+:yfn] To:tf
lghL ;+:yfx?af/] atfpF5g\ / To:tf ;+:yf;Fu ;Dks{ ug{ ;xof]u u5{g\ .
Private Assistance
Americans are proud of volunteer time and money they give to private
social service organizations. Your resettlement agency, for example, is
a private organization that has decided to help refugees settle in your
community. There are other private organizations in your town that may
provide other kinds of assistance. They may provide furniture, clothing,
English language classes for adults, job counseling, translation assistance,
or emergency housing. Your resettlement agency can tell you about them
and may help you contact them.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
˚"8 :6ØfDk
cd]l/sL ;/sf/n] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ Pp6f sfo{qmddf©t{ vfBfGg
vl/bdf ;xfotf u5{ . of] sfo{qmdnfO{ afn] LrfnLsf] efiffdf …©8" :6\ofDkÚ elgG5,
34 Social Services and Public Assistance
oBlk o;sf] cf}krfl/s gfd …k/" s kfi] f0f ;xfotf sfoq{ md -:gfk_Ú xf] . of]
sfo{qmdnfO{ /fHon] ;~rfng u5{ / o;sf lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ .
k'gjf;{ ;+:yfn] tkfO+{ cdl] /sf cfPnuQ} ©"8 :6o\ fDk sfo{qmdsf] ;xfotf
kfpgsf nflu cfjb] g lbg d2t ug5{] . tkfO+{ pSt sfoq{ mddf©t{ kfOg] ;xfotfsf
nflu ofU] o x'g'x'G5 jf xg' x' G' g / k|Tos] dlxgf slt ;xfotf kfpg] rflxF tkfO{+sf]
kl/jf/sf] cfsf/, tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL, tkfO+{sf] vr{, / tkfO{+;Fu slt gub 5
eGg]df e/ k5{ . ^) jife{ Gbf a9L pd]/sf JolSt / ckfª\ux? eg] of] ;l' jwfsf nflu
ljzi] f of]Uo dflgG5 .
©"8 :6o\ fDksf nflu tkfO+{n] lbPsf] cfj]bg :jLs[t eof] eg] tkfO+{n]
…On]S6«f]lgs a]gl] ©6;\ 6«fG;©/Ú -Ola6L_ gfds Knfl:6ssf] sf8{ kfpg'xG' 5 .
©"8 :6o\ fDkjfkt tkfO+{sf] dfl;s lx:;f /sd dlxgflkR5] sf8{df :jrflnt ?kdf
/flvlbOG5 . tkfO+{n] of] sf8{ vfBfGg vl/bsf nflu :6f]/x? / cGo 7fpFdf k|ofu]
ug{'k5{ . of] sf8{ cGo 3/fo;L ;fdfg, /S;L, ;'tLh{ Go j:t' jf tTsfn vfgldNg]
vfgs] '/f lsGg'kbf{ ko| f]u ug{ ldNbg} .
Food Stamps
The U.S. government provides low income families with assistance in
purchasing food. This program is usually referred to as “Food Stamps”
although its official name is Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP). The program is run by the states and some rules are different in
each state.
Your resettlement agency will help you apply for the food stamp program
soon after you arrive in the U.S. Whether you are eligible to receive food
stamp assistance and how much you might receive each month depends
on the size of your family, your income, your expenses, and how much
money you have. There are special eligibility considerations for people
over 60 years old and for those who are disabled.
If you are approved, you will receive a plastic Electronic Benefits
Transfer (EBT) card. Your monthly allotment of food stamp money will
be automatically added to that card each month. You can use the card to
purchase food at grocery stores and other locations. You cannot use this
food stamp money to buy household supplies, alcohol, tobacco, or ready-
to-eat hot foods.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf kf]if0f sfo{qmd -ljs_
8Anc' fO;L -ljs_ ;+3Lo jf /fHo:t/sf] dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf kf]if0f
sfoq{ mdsf] 5f6] s/L gfd xf] . …ljsÚ sfo{qmdn] uej{ tL / rf/ jife{ Gbf sd
pd]/sf lzz'sf] x]/rfx ug{'kg]{ Go"g cfo ePsf dlxnfnfO{ ;xfotf u5{ . of]
;fdflhs ;j] fx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf 35
sfo{qmdn] kfi] f0f;DaGwL lzIff / uej{ tL dlxnf, ev{/ cfdf ePsL dlxnf, lzzx' ?
/ lk|–:sn" hfg] gfgLx?nfO{ :j:y /fVg kf}li6s vfBfGg pknAw u/fpF5 . 7"nf
zx/ / gu/df o:tf] ;l' jwf kfpgsf nflu lgj]bg lbg] sfof{nox? xG' 5g\ . tkfO{+
a;]glhs} o:tf] sfofn{ o sxfF 5 eg]/ kg' jf;{ ;+:yf;Fu ;f]Wg'k5{ . o:tf] ;'ljwfsf
nflu lgj]bg lbFbf kl/jf/sf] cfDbfgL, aRrfx?sf] pd/] , tkfO{+n] ©"8 :6\ofDkjfktsf]
;'ljwf kfP÷gkfPsf], / cGo hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ .
WIC is the short name for the federal/state Women, Infants, and
Children Nutrition Program. WIC assists low-income pregnant women
and women with children up through age 4. It provides nutrition education
and nutritious foods to help keep pregnant women, new mothers, infants
and preschool children healthy. There are offices where you can apply for
WIC in larger towns and cities. You should ask your resettlement agency
for the closest location to your home. You will need to indicate your family
income, age of your children, whether you are receiving food stamps, and
other information when you apply.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dl] 8s]8 :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;+3Lo / /fHo:t/sf] Ps sfo{qmd xf] . o; sfoq{ mddf©{t
Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/n] 8fS6/, c:ktfn / cGo :jf:Yo ;j] fx? lnPjfkt
ltg{] /sddf ;xfotf ul/G5 . of] ;l' jwf kfpg rflxg] ofU] otf / ;]jfx?sf lgod
/fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . tkfO{+ cdl] /sf cfPnuQ} k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] a;fa] f; ePsf]
/fHodf d]l8s]8 ;l' jwf kfpgsf nflu cfjb] g lbg ;xofu] u5{ .
Medicaid is a federal and state program to help pay the bills of low
income families for doctors, hospitals, and other health care services. Each
state has different rules for eligibility and services that it will pay for. Your
resettlement agency will help you apply for the Medicaid program in your
state soon after you arrive in the U.S.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
d]l8so] /
d]l8so] / ;+3Lo :jf:Yo ladf ;'ljwf xf] . o;n] a"9fkfsf / ckfª\unfO{ :jf:Yof]–
krf/df ;xfotf u5{ . of] ;'ljwf kfpg] JolSt ^% jif{ jf Tofe] Gbf a9L pd/] sf]
xg' 'k5{ . t/ ;a} ^% jif{ jf Tofe] Gbf a9L pd]/sf] JolSt of] ;l' jwfsf nflu of]Uo
xF'b}g . cdl] /sfdf sDtLdf bz jif{ sfd u/]sf] / /fh] uf/ ePsf a]nf dl] 8s]o/ s/
a'emfPsf] xg' k' 5{ .
36 Social Services and Public Assistance
bz jif{ /fh] uf/ ePs} xg' k' g{] ePsfn] ^% jif{ jf ;fe] Gbf a9L pd]/sf z/0ffyL{n]
kf| oMh;f] d]l8so] / ;l' jwf kfpFb}gg\ .
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for elderly and disabled
individuals. Persons who are 65 years old or older are eligible for Medicare
if they have worked at least ten years in jobs and paid Medicare taxes as
part of that employment.
Because of the ten year employment requirement, elderly refugees are
not generally able to receive Medicare benefits.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
…P;P;cfOÚsf] k"/f cy{ …;lKndG] 6n ;S] o'l/6L OGsdÚ xf] . of] bl[ i6ljxLg,
ckfªu\ , ^% jif{ s6s] f / yf/] } cfDbfgL ePsf JolStnfO{ gub ;xfotf lbg] ;+3Lo
sfo{qmd xf] . of] sfo{qmd …oP' ; ;f];n ;S] o'l/6L P8\ldlg:6];« gÚ gfds sfofn{ on]
rnfpF5 . tkfO{+n] hg' sfof{nodf cfˆgf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ lngx' G' 5, ToxL
sfof{nodf of] ;l' jwfsf nflu cfjb] g lbg'k5{ . of] ;l' jwf kfpg] cfwf/x? tkfO{+sf]
cfDbfgL / hDdf ;|f]tx?df e/ k5{ . ckfª\u xf] eGg] cfwf/df P;P;cfO kfpg
h] k|dfl0ft ugk{' 5,{ Tof] Tolt ;lhnf] 5g} . tkfO{n] cf©" ckfª\u ePsf] k|dfl0ft
ug{] d]l8sn sfuhftx? ;+sng u//] a'emfpg'k5{ . kg' jf{; ;+:yf jf cGo ;fdflhs
;]jf;DaGwL sfofn{ on] …P;P;cfOÚ ;l' jwf kfpg cfj]bg lbg] k|lqmofaf/] hfgsf/L
lbg d2t ug{ ;S5g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ of] ;l' jwf kfpg ofU] o 7x¥ofOof] / P;P;cfO
;'ljwf kfpg'eof] eg] ;f];n ;]Sol' /6L P8\ldlg:6];« g sfof{non] tkfO{+sf] cj:yfsf]
lgoldt hfgsf/L dfUg5] .
z/0ffyLx{ ?n] …P;P;cfOÚ gub ;xfotf a9Ldf & jifs{ f nflu dfq kfpF5g\ .
cdl] /sf cfPsf] kfFr jifk{ l5 gful/stf lng ;lsG5 / gful/s ePkl5 of]
;xfotfsf] Dofb ylkg ;S5 . ;?' df cfpFbf cf©"nfO{ ;ft jif{ kfpg] of] ;l' jwf lgs}
nfdf] h:tf] nfU5 . t/ cf©" :yfoL afl;Gbf dfq ePsf v08df & jif{df of] ;l' jwf
;lsG5 eg] gful/s ePsf v08df Dofb a9g\ ;S5 eGg] aˇ' g cfjZos 5 .
SSI is the short name for Supplemental Security Income, a federal cash
assistance program for people who are blind, disabled, over age 65 and
have little income. This program is operated by the U.S. Social Security
Administration. You apply for this program at the same office where you
applied for your Social Security card. Eligibility will be determined based
on your income and total resources. Proving that a disability is serious
enough to be eligible for SSI is not easy. You will need to collect and
;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fjh{ lgs ;xfotf 37
provide copies of your medical records relating to your disability. Your
resettlement agency or another social service agency in your community
may be able to help you understand the application process. If you are
eligible and receive SSI benefits, the Social Security Administration will
ask you to verify and update information about your situation regularly.
Refugees are only eligible to receive SSI cash assistance for a
maximum of 7 years. An extension may be possible for those who have
been naturalized and have become U.S. citizens. Seven years may seem
like a long time at first, but it is important to understand that this assistance
will end for those who are Permanent Residents and not citizens.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
…6o\ fg©Úsf] k"/f cy{ …6D] kf/] /L cl;:6G] ; ©/ lg8L ©l] dlnhÚ xf] . of] afnaRrf
ePsf] kl/jf/sf nflu ;+3Lo÷/fHo:t/af6 lbOg] gub ;xfotf sfo{qmd xf] . of]
sfoq{ mdaf6 ;xfotf kfpg ljleGg cfjZostf k/" f ePsf] x'g'k5,{ ;'ljwf klg
aU] nfaU] n} 5g\ eg] o; sfo{qmdsf gfd /fHolkR5] ©/s 5g\ . tkfO+{ cfˆgf !*
jifd{ l' gsf afnaRrf;lxt cdl] /sf cfpge' Psf] 5 eg] of] sfo{qmdsf] ;xfotfsf
nflu lgjb] g lbg k'gjf{; ;+:yfn] ;xofu] u5g{ \ .
tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfPkl5 klxnf] aRrf hlGdof] eg] 6o\ fg© ;xfotf kfpg tkfO+{
a;g] lhs} sxfF / s;/L cfj]bg lbg] eg]/ kQfnufpg'k5{ . s]xL ckjfbafxs] of]
;'ljwf hLjge/ a9Ldf s'n ^) dlxgfsf nflu xG' 5 .
TANF is the short name for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families,
a federal/state cash assistance program for families with children. This
program has different requirements, different cash benefits, and even
different names in different states. If you arrive in the U.S. with minor
children under the age of 18, your resettlement agency will assist you in
applying for this program.
If you have a first child after you resettled in the U.S., you will need to
determine where and how to apply for this program in your community.
With few exceptions, there is a lifetime limit of 60 months that you can
receive benefits from this program.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotf
6o\ fg© jf P;P;cfO kfpg cofU] o z/0ffyLx?n] …z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotfÚ
sfo{qmddf©{t gub ;xfotf kfpg ;S5g\ . of] sfoq{ md tkfO{+sf] /fHo, kg' jf{;
;+:yf jf cGo lghL :jo+;j] L ;+:yfn] rnfPsf x'g ;S5g\ . tkfO{+ 6o\ fg© jf
38 Social Services and Public Assistance
P;P;cfO kfpg cof]Uo 7x/] kg' jf{; ;+:yfn] of] ;'ljwfsf nflu cfj]bg lbg
;xof]u u5{ . of] ;l' jwf cd]l/sf cfPsf] ;'?sf] * dlxgfsf nflu dfq xG' 5 .
Refugee Cash Assistance
Refugees who are not eligible for TANF or SSI may receive cash
assistance under the Refugee Cash Assistance program. This program
may be operated by your state, by your resettlement agency, or by another
private voluntary agency. Your resettlement agency will help you apply if
you are not eligible for TANF or SSI. This program lasts for only the first
8 months after arrival in the U.S.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cgb' fg ldnfg
sg' } kg' jf;{ ;+:yfx?n] z/0ffyL{ gub ;xfotfsf] ;§f cgb' fg ldnfg sfo{qmddf
;xefuL u/fpF5g\ . o;df ;xefuL x'g] z/0ffyL{nfO{ ;s;] Dd rfF8f] hflu/df nufpg]
sfl] zz ul/G5 . To;sf] ;§fdf sfo{qmddf©t{ yk gub ;xfotf / hflu/ aGbf]a:t
tyf k/fdz{ lbG5g\ . of] sfo{qmdsf] ;xof]u cdl] /sf cfPsf] klxnf] rf/ dlxgfsf
nflu dfq xf] .
Matching Grants
Some resettlement agencies offer this program instead of Refugee Cash
Assistance. Refugees who enroll in this program promise to get a job as
soon as possible. In exchange they are provided increased cash assistance
and job placement and counseling. This program lasts for only the first 4
months after arrival in the U.S.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfjf; ;xfotf
ckf6{dG] 6 ef8fdf lnP/ a:g' dxFuf] klg xg' ;S5 . tkfO+{sf] k'gjf;{ ;+:yfn]
klxnf] ckf6d{ G] 6sf] aGbf]a:t / To;df cTofjZos ;fh;Hhf ug{ d2t u5{ .
cdl] /sL ;/sf/n] Gog" cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ jf;:yfgsf] Joj:yfsf nflu bO' 6f
7"nf sfo{qmdx?df©t{ ;xfotf u/s] f] 5 . Pp6f ;fjh{ lgs cfjf; -klAns xfplhª_
xf] . of] cfjf; Joj:yf ljz]if ?kdf Gog" cfo ePsf kl/jf/sf nflu ;+/lIft xf]
/ o;nfO{ :yfgLo cfjf; ;+:yfn] ;~rfng u/]sf x'G5g\ . bf];|f] cfjf; ljsNk
efr} / sfo{qmd -xfplhª RjfO; efpr/ kf| ]uf| d_ xf] . slxns] fxLF of] sfoq{ mdnfO{
…zfvf *Ú -;]S;g *_ klg elgG5 . of] bf;] |f] sfoq{ mdcGtut{ Gog" cfo ePsf
kl/jf/nfO{ cfˆgf] ckf6{d]G6 lbnfpg cgb' fg k|bfg ul/G5 . bj' } sfo{qmddWo] s'g}
Ps sfo{qmdcGtut{ sf] ;xfotf kfpg tkfO{+n] :yfgLo cfjf; lgof]udf cfj]bg
lbg'k5{ . cfjb] gdf cfˆgf] cfDbfgL, vr{ / ;|f]t pNn]v ug{'k5{ . o; sfo{qmddf
;xefuL xg' z/0ffyLx{ ? / cdl] /sL gful/sx?nfO{ a/fa/s} ofU] otf k|fKt xG' 5 .
;fdflhs ;j] fx¿ / ;fj{hlgs ;xfotf 39
cg'bfg lglZrt ePsfn] o:tf] sfoq{ mddf cfˆgf] kfnf] t?' Gt gcfpg ;S5 . s]xL
;do sg' {'kg]{ klg xg' ;S5 . tkfO+{n] ;fjh{ lgs cfjf; jf zfvf * efr} / kfpg
# jif{ jf Tof]eGbf a9L ;do sg' k'{ g{] xg' ;S5 .
Housing Assistance
Renting an apartment can be very expensive. Your resettlement agency
helps locate and provided basic furnishings for your first apartment.
The U.S. government funds two large programs for housing assistance
for low-income households. Public housing is typically special housing
developments reserved for low-income households and operated by local
housing authorities. The Housing Choice Voucher Program, sometimes
called “Section 8” provides a subsidy to low income households who find
their own apartment owned by private landlords. Both programs require
you to apply at your local housing authority and provide information on
your income, expenses, and resources. Refugees are eligible on the same
basis as U.S. citizens. Because of funding limitations, there may be a
waiting list. You may need to wait 3 years or more before you can obtain
public housing or a Section 8 voucher.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
pmhf{ ;xfotf
…PncfOPrOPkLÚ sf] k/" f cy{ …nf] OGsd xfd] OghL{ cl;:6]G6\; kf| ]uf| dÚ -Gog"
cfo cfjf; pmhf{ ;xfotf sfo{qmd_ xf] . of] sfo{qmd ;+3Lo ;/sf/sf] ;xof]udf
;~rfng x'G5 . o; sfo{qmdn] Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/nfO{ 3/ ttfpg jf Po/–
slG8;g ug{ ;xfotf u5{ . cd]l/sfsf] pQ/ efudf d'VotM of] ;xfotfn] UofF;,
OGwg tn] , bfp/f jf lah'nLh:tf pmhf{ ;f| ]taf6 3/ ttfpg ;3fpF5 . cdl] /sfsf
blIf0fL efudf dV' otM udL{df 3/ lr:ofpg Po/–slG8;gdf ;xfotf ug{ ;S5 .
…PncfOPrOPkLÚ sf nflu cfjb] g lbgsf nflu zx/ jf gu/df o;sf sfof{no
x'G5g\ . tkfO{+sf] a;f]af; ePglhs} sg' 7fpFdf o;sf] sfofn{ o 5 eg]/ k'gjf;{
;+:yf;Fu ;fW] gk' 5{ . pmhf{ ;xfotfsf nflu cfj]bg lbFbf tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf]
cfsf/, cfo, 3/ef8f, 3/ ttfpg] jf Po/–slG8;gsf] vrn{ ufot 3/fo;L ;]jfx?
ko| fu] u/]jfkt ltg'{kg]{ lanx?, / cGo hfgsf/L kz] ug'k{ 5{ .
Energy Assistance
LIHEAP is the short name for the federally funded Low Income
Home Energy Assistance Program. LIHEAP assists the lowest income
households to pay for home heating or air conditioning. In the north of
the U.S., the assistance is usually for gas, fuel oil, wood, or electric heat
to keep a home warm in the winter. In the south of the U.S. it may be used
primarily for air conditioning to keep a home cool during the hot months.
40 Social Services and Public Assistance
There are offices where you can apply for LIHEAP in towns and cities.
You should ask your resettlement agency for the closest location to your
home. You will need to provide personal information such as your family
size, income, rent, utility bills including heating or air conditioning costs,
and other information when you apply.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;fjh{ lgs ;xfotf / 5n5fd
oL ;a} ;xfotf sfoq{ mdx?n] tkfO+{sf] lgj]bgdf e/f;] f u5g{ \ . tL lgjb] gx?df
tYof+s, gftf–;DaGw, kl/jf/sf ;b:osf] pd]/, tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL, tkfO{+sf] vr,{
tkfO{+sf] sf/sf] d"No, tkfO{+;Fu ePsf] s'n gub, 3/df sf]xL ckfª\u eP pgsf]
cj:yf cflb h:tf ljleGg hfgsf/L dfluPsf] xG' 5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf ;fFrf] /
Odfgbf/ eP/ pQ/ lbg' l7s xG' 5 . cfjb] g / cGtjf{tf{df sK6\ofO+{ ug'{ jf em"6f]
hfgsf/L k]z ug'{ u}/sfg'gL xf] . tkfO{+n] em"6f] afn] ]sf] jf 5n5fd u/s] f] ©]nf k¥of]
eg] ;l' jwfx? ;a} sfl6g ;S5g\ / tkfO+{n] ck/fw u/]sf] 7xg{ ;S5 . cGttM
tkfO{+n] cdl] /sL gful/s aGg] dfs} f ud' fpg ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Public Assistance and Fraud
Public assistance programs rely on applications in which you are asked
to provide information on the number, relationship, and age of people in
your family, your income, your expenses, the value of your car, how much
money you have, the nature of any disability, etc. It is important that you
provide accurate and honest answers. It is illegal to lie on applications and
in interviews, or provide fraudulent information. If you are found to have
lied or committed fraud, you could lose all of your benefits and be convicted
of a crime. You could be prohibited from becoming a U.S. citizen.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;fjh{ lgs ;xfotfsf nflu lgjb] g lbg] sfd ;lhnf] 5g} . olb tkfO+{ c+uh]| L
a'ˇg'xG' g eg] emg} ufxf| ] x'G5 . tkfO{+n] of] ;l' jwf kfpg lgj]bg lbPkl5 ;DalGwt
sfof{nodf tkfO{+sf] cGtjf{tf{ x'G5 . cGtjf{tf{df jf tkfO+{sf nflu cfjZos sfuhft
en] f kfg{ ;xfotf ug{] bfe] fif] -b'O{ efiff af]Ng] JolSt_ pknAw u/fpg' pSt sfof{nosf]
sfg'gL lhDd]jf/L xf] . tkfO+{n] ;fdflhs ;]jfsf] sfofn{ odf cfˆgf s'/f /fVg jf
oLdWo] s'g} sfoq{ mddf cfjb] g lbgsf nflu ;do ldnfpg'eof] eg] cf©n" fO{ g]kfnL
bf]efif] rflxG5 eg/] eGg'k5{ . bf]efifn] ] ;l' jwf;DaGwL sfo{qmdx?af/] tkfO{+nfO{ /
tkfO+{n] ©sf{Psf hjf© pSt sfofn{ osf k|ltlglwnfO{ a'emfpg ;xfotf u5{g\ .
Applying for public assistance programs is not easy. It is especially
difficult if you do not understand English. Public assistance programs have
;fdflhs ;]jfx¿ / ;fjh{ lgs ;xfotf 41
a legal duty to provide an interpreter for you at the time you meet with
someone in an agency who will interview you or gather your information.
When you are setting an appointment in a social service agency to discuss
or apply for one of these programs, you should tell the agency that you
will need a Nepali interpreter. The interpreter will help you understand
the program and will help the agency understand your answers to their
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;'ljwfsf ljj/0f b?' :t /fVg'
slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+sf hfgsf/Lx? ©]l/G5g\, h:tf] M tkfO+{sf] 7]ufgf, tkfO+{sf] cfo
jf 3/ef8f, jf kl/jf/df a:g] ;b:osf] ;+Vof . o:tf kl/jtg{ x? eP eg] tkfO{+n]
;fjh{ lgs ;xfotf lbO/x]sf] sfofn{ odf oL hfgsf/L lbg'k5{ . o:tf kl/jt{gx?
ePsf] hfgsf/L ;se/ bz lbgleq lbgk' 5{ .
Keeping Program Information Current
Sometimes your information changes, such as where you live, the
amount of your income or rent, or who lives in your house. You have a
responsibility to inform the office of any programs that are providing you
public assistance with information about these kinds of changes. Often the
requirement is that you provide the new information within ten days.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfTdlge/{ aGg] nIo
cdl] /sL ;fjh{ lgs ;xfotf sfoq{ mdx? ;xefuL JolSt cfTdlge{/ gxG' h]n
lglZrt ;dosf nflu ;xfotf ug{ agfOPsf x'g\ . c? cd]l/sLx? h:t} tkfO{+sf]
nIo ;s;] Dd rfF8f] cfTdlge{/ aGg] x'g'k5{ .
nQfsk8f, ©8" :6o\ fDk, 6\ofg©, P;P;cfO / cGo o:tf sfo{qmdx?
hLjge/sf nflu xfO] gg\ eGgd] f tkfO+{ ;wF} ;r]t xg' k' 5{ . ;a}h;fs] f] lglZrt ;do
tfl] sPsf] 5 .
cdl] /sf a:b} hfFbf tkfO+{sf] c+u]h| L ;l' w|G5 / tkfO{+n] /fd|f] sfd kfpg'x'G5,
To;kl5 ;fjh{ lgs ;'ljwfdflysf] tkfO{sf] lge{/tf :jtM sd x'Fb} hfG5 .
Goal of Self-sufficiency
American public assistance programs are designed to help people during
limited periods when they are not self-sufficient. Your goal, like that of all
Americans, must be to become self-sufficient as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that donations of clothing, food stamps, TANF, SSI, and
these other programs are not meant to be a permanent part of your life. In
many cases, they have explicit time limits.
42 Social Services and Public Assistance
As you gain experience living in the U.S., as you learn more English,
as you find better paying jobs, your dependence on public assistance will
naturally be reduced.
cWofo % : :jf:Yo ;]jf
Chapter 5 : Health Care
cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;j] fx¿
cdl] /sfdf cfˆgf] :jf:Yosf] Vofn ug'{ / :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf s:tf] 5 eg/]
hfGg' lgs} dxÎjk0" f{ xG' 5 . cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;]jfx? lgMzN' s 5}gg\ / w]/} dxFuf]
kg{ ;S5g\ .
Health Services in the United States
It is important to take care of your health and understand how the health
care system works in the United States. Health services in the United States
are not free and can be very expensive.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
j}1flgs ljlwx¿
cdl] /sfsf :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf :jf:Yo lj1fgdf cfwfl/t 5g\ . 8fS6/x?n]
tkfO+{nfO{ s:tf] 5 eg]/ ;fW] 5g,\ t/ pgLx?n] :jf:Yo;DaGwL c? hfgsf/L klg
kfpF5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO{+sf] tfn} lng ;S5g\ . tkfO{+sf] z/L/sf] tfkqmd gfKg
/ /Strfk x]g{ ;S5g\ . tkfO+{sf] /utsf] gdg' f jf lk;fa gd'gf lng ;S5g\ .
tL gdg' fx? k|ofu] zfnfdf k/LIf0f ul/G5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO+{sf] PS;–/] lnP/ jf
z/L/sf] cGo sg' } ks| f/sf] :Sofg u//] Nofpg'xf];\ klg eG5g\ . o:tf ;a}
k/LIf0fx?sf kl/0ffdx? x/] /] pgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] pkrf/ ug]{ jf ladf/af6
s;/L arfpg] eGg] lg0fo{ u5g{ \ .
Scientific Methods
The U.S. health care system is based on health sciences. Doctors will
ask you how you feel but they will get other information too. They may
weigh you on a scale. They may take your temperature and measure your
blood pressure. They may take a blood sample or a urine sample and have
those tested in a laboratory. They may order an x-ray or other type of body
scan. The results of all of these help the doctor decide how to treat you or
prevent an illness.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
k|f/lDes :jf:Yo hf“r
cdl] /sf cfPnuQ} kg' jf;{ ;+:yfn] tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf] :jf:Yo k/LIf0fsf]
aGbf]a:t ldnfpF5 . cd]l/sL :jf:Yo ;'ljwf Joj:yf;Fu tkfO+{sf] of] klxnf] ;fIffTsf/
xg' ]5 . of] k/LIf0fn] tkfO+{ jf afnaRrfnfO{ s'g} :jf:Yo ;d:of 5 jf 5}g eGg]
kQfnufpF5 . :sn" hfge' Gbf klxn] afnaRrfnfO{ s]xL clgjfo{ vfk] x? lbOG5g\ .
oL vf]kn] pgLx?nfO{ la/fdL x'gaf6 arfpF5g\ .
44 Health Care
First Health Screening
Shortly after you arrive in the U.S., your resettlement agency will ar-
range a health screening for you and your family members. This will be
your first contact with the American health care system. This screening
will identify any health problems that you may have or that your children
may have. Children will be given immunizations (shots) that are required
before they can attend an American school. These shots prevent illness.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lghL :jf:Yo ladf
cd]l/sfdf :jf:Yo ;]jf dxFuf] 5 . vf;df cf©"n] kfPsf] :jf:Yo ;l' jwfjfkt
z'Ns ltg'{ kT| o]s JolSt–JolStsf] lhDdj] f/L xf] . w]/}h;f] dflg; :jf:Yo ladf
sfoq{ mddf e/ k5{g\ . w]/} /f]huf/bftfn] cf©"sxfF sfd ug]{ JolStsf] :jf:Yo ladf
ul/lbG5g\ . ladfjfkt lt/]sf] k;} f tnaaf6 s6f}tL ul/G5 / To; s6ft} L /sddf
/fh] uf/bftfn] sx] L yk/] dfl;s ladf /sd hDdf ul/lbG5g\ . Pp6f kl/jf/sf nflu
:jf:Yo ladf ubf{ dlxgfsf] Ps xhf/ 8n/eGbf a9L nfUg ;S5 .
ladLt JolSt la/fdL ePdf :jf:Yofk] rf/sf] ;a} vr{ of vr{sf] sx] L /sd ladf
sDkgLn] ax] f]5{ .
Private Health Insurance
Health care in the U.S. is expensive. In principle, individuals are re-
sponsible for paying for health services they receive. Most people rely on
health insurance programs. Many employers provide their employees a
health insurance program. Money is deducted from the employee’s pay-
check and, together with additional money contributed by the employer, is
used to pay the monthly cost of health insurance. A health insurance policy
for a family may cost more than $1,000 per month.
If an insured person becomes sick, the health insurance company cov-
ers all or a part of the medical bills.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:jf:Yo /v] bv] df ;/sf/L ;xfotf
:jf:Yo ;]jf dxFuf] ePsfn] j4[ , s]xL ckfª\u JolSt, Go"g cfo ePsf kl/jf/sf]
:jf:Yof]krf/df ;xfotf ug{ dl] 8s]o/ / dl] 8s]8 gfds ;/sf/L sfoq{ md 5g\ .
Government Assistance for Health Care
Because costs are so high, the government has programs called Medi-
care and Medicaid to assist older people, some disabled persons, and low-
income families.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:jf:Yo ;]jf 45
d]l8so] /
d]l8s]o/ eg]sf] ;+3Lo ;/sf/sf] :jf:Yo ladf ;'ljwf xf] . o;n] a9" fkfsf
/ ckfªu\ nfO{ :jf:Yof]krf/df ;xfotf u5{ . of] ;'ljwf kfpg] JolSt ^% jif{ jf
;f]eGbf a9L pd/] sf] x'gk' 5{ . t/ ;a} ^% jif{ jf ;fe] Gbf a9Lsf] JolSt of] ;l' jwfsf
nflu ofU] o x'Fbg} . cd]l/sfdf sDtLdf bz jif{ sfd u/s] f] / /fh] uf/ ePsf a]nf
dl] 8so] / s/ ae' mfPsf] xg' 'k5{ . bz jif{ /fh] uf/ ePs} x'g'kg{] ePsfn] ^% jif{ jf
;fe] Gbf a9L pd/] sf z/0ffyLn{ ] k|foMh;f] dl] 8so] / ;l' jwf kfpFbg} g\ .
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for elderly and dis-
abled individuals. Persons who are 65 years old or older are eligible for
Medicare if they have worked at least ten years in jobs and paid Medicare
taxes as part of that employment. Because of the ten year employment
requirement, elderly refugees are not generally able to receive Medicare
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
d]l8s8] :jf:Yo;DaGwL ;/sf/L ladf sfoq{ md xf,] h;n] Go"g cfo ePsf
kl/jf/nfO{ sx] L jf k/" } :jf:Yo ;]jfx? lnPjfkt ltg]{ /sddf ;xfotf u5{ .
afnaRrf;lxt cd]l/sf cfPsf] z/0ffyL{ kl/jf/n] of] ;'ljwf kfpF5 . olb tkfO+{n]
…;lKndG] 6n ;]Sol' /6L OGsdÚ -P;P;cfO_ ;l' jwf kfO/xge' Psf] 5 eg] klg dl] 8s]8
kfpg'xG' 5 . dl] 8s]8 ;l' jwf s;n] kfpF5 eGg] ;DaGwdf k|To]s /fHosf lgodx?
©/s 5g\ .
Medicaid is a government health insurance program that helps low-in-
come families pay for some or all of their medical bills. Refugee families
with children can get Medicaid when they come to the U.S. You can also
get Medicaid if you are receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Every state has different requirements for who can get Medicaid.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dl] 8s8] sf nflu cfj]bg
tkfO+{ cdl] /sf cfPkl5 k'gjf;{ ;+:yfn] dl] 8s8] ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu cfj]bg
lbg d2t u5{ . dl] 8s]8 ;l' jwf kfpg] lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s 5g\, To;n} ] tkfO{+sf]
/fHodf s] s:tf hfgsf/L rflxG5 eg/] a'ˇg cfjZos x'G5 . ;fdfGotM tkfO+{n]
kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] hfgsf/L lbgk' 5,{ ;as} f] ;f];n ;S] ol' /6L sf8{ bv] fpg'k5{,
/ tkfO{+ sfg'gL ?kdf cdl] /sf lelqPsf] kd| f0f k]z ug{k' 5{ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] cfo–
;|ft] v'nfpg'k5{, tkfO{+sf] a}+s–vftfdf ePsf] /sdaf/] atfpgk' 5{ tyf 3/ef8f,
46 Health Care
lahn' L, 3/ ttfpg kg{] vr{ cflbsf] hfgsf/L lbgk' 5{ . tkfO{+ ckfª\u xg' x' 'G5 eg]
ckfª\utfsf dl] 8sn k|df0fx? k]z ugk{' 5{ . tkfO{+ of] ;'ljwfsf nflu of]Uo xf] jf
xf]Og x]l/G5 / ;'ljwf kfO/xgsf nflu s]xL dlxgfsf] cGt/df o:tf kd| f0fx?
b]vfO/xg' k5{ .
Applying for Medicaid
Your resettlement agency will help you apply for Medicaid after you
first arrive in the U.S. The exact rules are different in each state, so you
will need to learn what information is required in your state. Generally you
will need to provide information about everyone in your family, show their
social security cards, and show that you have been legally admitted to the
U.S. You will also need to show proof of your income, how much money
you have in a bank, the rent you pay for your apartment, electricity, heat,
etc. If you are disabled, you will be required to provide medical records
that show your disability. Your eligibility will be checked and you will
need to prove that you are still eligible every few months.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
d]l8s]8sf] ko| f]u
tkfO+{n] dl] 8s8] ;l' jwf kfpg' eof] eg] tkfO+{nfO{ Pp6f ;fgf] sf8{ lbOG5 .
tkfO+{n] pSt sf8{ cfˆgf] cf}ifwfk] rf/df ;+nUg 8fS6/, lSnlgs jf c:ktfndf
bv] fpgk' 5{ . pSt sf8n{ ] tkfO{+nfO{ :jf:Yo ;'ljwf lbnfpF5 . s'g–} sg' } c:ktfn /
8fS6/n] eg] dl] 8s]8 rnfpFbg} g\ . To;/L sxLF dl] 8s8] rn]g eg] cfi} fwfk] rf/sf]
lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ug{k' 5{ .
Using Medicaid
If you are eligible for Medicaid, you will be given a small card that you
must show at the doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital. That card will allow
you to receive health care services. Some hospitals and doctors do not ac-
cept Medicaid. If they do not accept Medicaid, you will be responsible for
paying your bill.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dl] 8s8] ;l' jwfsf] ;Ldf
z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf cdl] /sf cfPsf] ;ft jif{;Dd tkfO+{n] dl] 8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg–'
xG' 5 . s'g} /fHodf ;ft jife{ Gbf a9L dl] 8s8] ;'ljwf x'g] rflxF ToxL /fHosf] lgoddf
e/ k5{ . afnaRrf gePsf jf cfDbfgL /fd|f] ePsf z/0ffyL{ d]l8s]8 ;l' jwfsf nflu
of]Uo gxg' ;S5g\ .
Limits on Receiving Medicaid
As a refugee, you can receive Medicaid for up to seven years after you
arrive to the United States. It is optional for states’ Medicaid programs to
:jf:Yo ;]jf 47
cover you more than seven years. Refugees who do not have children or
who make too much money may not qualify for Medicaid.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/0ffyL{ dl] 8sn ;xfotf
olb tkfO+{ dl] 8s]8 ;'ljwf kfpg cofU] o 7xg{' eof] eg] tkfO{+sf] cf}ifwf]krf/
vr{ cdl] /sf cfPsf] klxnf] cf7 dlxgf z/0ffyL{ dl] 8sn ;xfotf -/]ˆo'hL d]l8sn
Pl;:6G] ;_ gfds sfoq{ mdn] ax] f5] { . Tof] cf7 dlxgfkl5 of] ;l' jwf kfpgx' G' g .
Refugee Medical Assistance
If you are not eligible for regular Medicaid, a program called Refu-
gee Medical Assistance can pay for your medical bills for the first eight
months after you arrive in the United States. After those eight months, you
will no longer be eligible for this program.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:jf:Yo ;'/Iff
olb tkfO{+sf] lghL :jf:Yo ladf, /]ˆoh' L d]l8sn Pl;:6]G;\, jf d]l8s]8 5g} /
tkfO+{ pkrf/sf nflu 8fS6/sxfF jf c:ktfn hfg'eof] eg] ;a} d]l8sn lanx?
cf©}Fn] r'Stf ugk{' 5{ .
Health Coverage
If you do not have private health insurance, Refugee Medical Assis-
tance, or Medicaid and you need to go to the hospital or see a doctor, you
will have to pay all the medical bills yourself.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
8fS6/ jf :jf:Yo;DaGwL lSnlgsx¿
tkfO+{ la/fdL xg' 'eof] eg] 8fS6/sf] cl©; -sfof{no_ jf x]Ny lSnlgs hfg–'
x'G5 . tkfO+{nfO{ vfk] lng'k¥of] jf /ut hfFRgk' ¥of] jf cfˆgf] :jf:Yo l7s
eP÷gePsf] hfFRg] h:tf :jf:Yo ;'ljwf rflxP klg ToxfF hfg'x'G5 . Psk6s
ToxfF uP/ ;j] f lnPjfkt tkfO{+n] %) b]lv Ps ;o %) 8n/;Dd ltg{'kg{] xg' –
;S5 . tkfO+{sf] lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf dl] 8s8] 5}g eg] :jf:Yo ;]jfjfktsf] lan
cf©F}n] rS' tf ug'{k5{ .
Doctors and Health Clinics
A doctor’s office or health clinic is where you go if you feel sick, if you
need health services like vaccinations or blood tests, or for check-ups to
make sure your health is good. One visit to a doctor may cost $50 to $150.
Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
48 Health Care
hfR“ g] ;do
w]/h} ;f] 8fS6/sf] cl©; / lSnlgsaf6 s]xL ;j] f kfpg' 5 eg] klxn] g}
©fg] u//] ;do lng'k5{ . tkfO+{nfO{ hfFRg jf k/LIf0f ug{ ldnfOg] ;do sx] L lbg
jf xKtfkl5 xg' ;S5 . o;/L ldnfOPsf] ;do la;{g' x'Gg . Tof] ;dodf k'Ug l9nf]
ug{'xG' g . lbOPsf] ;doeGbf s]xL klxn] g} 8fS6/sf] cl©; / lSnlgsdf kU' g'–
xf;] \ . !* jif{eGbf ;fgf] pd/] sf afnaRrfsf] k/LIf0f ug{ hfFbf aa' f jf cfdf ;fy}
x'gk' 5{ .
Most doctor’s offices and clinics require you call to make an appoint-
ment. Appointments may be a few days or even weeks after you call. When
you have made an appointment for you or a member of your family, it is
important that you keep the appointment. Do not be late. Arrive at the doc-
tor’s office or clinic before your appointed time. Children under the age of
18 must have their mother or father with them at all appointments.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lgoldt :jf:Yo k/LIf0f
tkfO{+ / kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ jifs{ f] Ps k6s 8fS6/n] hfFRg'k5{ . tkfO+{ :j:y
g} eP klg 8fS6/n] tkfO+{sf] k/LIf0f ug{x' G' 5 . /fu] n] RofKg'eGbf klxn] g} o:tf]
lgoldt k/LIf0f u/] tkfO+{ ladf/ x'g'eGbf klxn] ;d:of eP ©n] f kg{ ;S5 .
Routine Medical Exams
It is important that you and your family go to the doctor once a year
for a “check-up.” The doctor will examine you even if you feel healthy.
By having a check-up, some diseases can be found before they become
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
8fS6/nfO{ e6] \bf
8fS6/sxfF hfFbf cf©n" fO{ s:tf] eO/x]sf] 5 eg]/ ;a} eGgk' 5{ . 8fS6/n]
eg]sf] tkfO{+n] al' em/xg' ePsf] 5÷5}g klg eGg'k5{ . tkfO+{nfO{ yf]/} c+u]h| L
cfpF5 eg] 8fS6/, lSnlgs jf c:ktfnn] bf]efif] ;j] f pknAw u/fpgk' 5{ .
8fS6/;Fu s'/f ug{ cf©"nfO{ bf]efif] dfUg' tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ xf] . bf]efifs] f] sfd
ug{] JolSt tkfO+{n] 8fS6/ e]6]s} 7fpFdf cfpg;S5g\ jf 6l] n©fg] af6 ;xfotf ug{
;S5g\ .
Seeing a Doctor
When you visit a doctor, it is very important to tell the doctor how you
feel and that you understand what the doctor is saying. If you have limited
English skills, the doctor, clinic, or hospital should provide interpretation
:jf:Yo ;j] f 49
services. It is your right to ask for an interpreter to help you communicate
with the doctor. The interpreter may be a person who will join you at your
appointment or may be on the telephone.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bfe] fif]sf] k|ofu]
:jf:Yo ;j] fdf sfd ug]{ bf]efifx] ?n] :jf:Yo;DaGwL hfgsf/L cgj' fb ug{] tflnd
lnPsf x'G5g\ . pgLx?n] tkfO+{nfO{ gk] fnLdf a'emfpF5g\ / tkfO+{n] egs] f] c+u|]hLdf
abn]/ 8fS6/nfO{ ;'gfpF5g\ . olb tkfO+{n] aˇ' ge' Pg eg] 8fS6/ jf bfe] fif]nfO{
bfx] f¥] ofOlbg cg'/fw] ug{'xf;] \ . kZ| g ;f]Wg g8/fpgx' f];\ .
bf]efif]x?n] ;a} hfgsf/L lgtfGt / ufK] o /fVg'k5{ . To;sf] cy{ pgLx?n]
tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo, cfi} fwf]krf/ jf k/LIf0fsf nflu lbOPsf] ;do;DaGwL hfgsf/L
s;n} fO{ eGg ldNb}g . tkfO+{ 8fS6/;Fu /fd/| L c+u]|hL af]Ng hfGg] geP;Dd
:jf:Yofk] rf/sf] ;dosf nflu bfe] fif]sf] ;j] f dfUg'xf;] \ . afnaflnsfsf] c+uh]| L /fd|}
eP klg o:tf an] fdf pgLx?nfO{ bf]efif]sf ?kdf ko| f]u gug{x' f];\ .
Using an Interpreter
A health care interpreter has been trained to interpret medical informa-
tion so you can understand it in Nepali and to make sure that your doctor
understands what you are saying. If you do not understand the doctor, you
should ask the doctor or interpreter to repeat what they are saying. Do not
be afraid to ask questions.
Interpreters are required to keep all information private and confiden-
tial. This means they cannot speak to anyone else about your health, medi-
cal treatment, or medical appointments. When you make an appointment
you should always ask for a Nepali interpreter until your English is good
enough to talk with the doctor. Never use children as interpreters, even if
their English is very good.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
clu|d :jLs[lt
tkfO+{n] 8fS6/sf] cl©;, lSnlgs jf c:ktfnaf6 :jf:Yo ;j] f rfxg'eof]
eg] pkrf/ ug{ :jLsl[ t lbPsf] Pp6f sfuhdf tkfO+{n] x:tfIf/ ug{k' 5{ . c7f/
jif{dl' gsf gfgLx?sf] pkrf/ ug'k{ bf{ To:tf] sfuhdf tkfO+{n] x:tfIf/ ug{k' 5{ .
o;/L cuf8L g} lnOg] :jLsl[ tnfO{ …OG©D8{ sG;]G6Ú -clu|d :jLsl[ t_ elgG5 . olb
tkfO{+ c+uh]| L a'ˇgx' 'Gg eg] Tof] sfuhdf s] n]lvPsf] 5 eg]/ ;fW] g jf a'ˇg kfpg'
tkfO{+sf] clwsf/ xf] .
Informed Consent
When you seek certain health care services, at a doctor’s office, clinic,
or hospital, you may be asked to sign a paper to give them permission to
50 Health Care
treat you. You will also need to sign a paper for them to treat your children
who are less than 18 years old. This is known as “informed consent.” You
have the right to be told what the paper says if you cannot read English.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO+{nfO{ csf]{ Pp6f sfuhdf klg x:tfIf/ ug{ nufOG5, To;df :jf:Yo
;j] f pknAw u/fpg] JolStn] tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo tyf JolStut hfgsf/L s;n} fO{ lbg]
5}gg eg/] nl] vPsf] xG' 5 . tkfO{+n] pSt sfuhdf x:tfIf/ ug'{sf] cy{ tkfO{+n]
pSt sfuhdf nv] ]sf] ;a} s'/f aˇ' g' ePsf] 5 eGg] 7x5{ . tkfO{+n] To;df sx] L
JolStsf] gfd nV] g ;Sgx' G' 5, h;nfO{ tkfO{+sf] cj:yf jf pkrf/af/] s/' fsfgL ug{
ldN5 . o:tf gfddf tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg, tkfO{+sL >LdtL, pd/] ku' ]sf] ;Gtfg, jf tkfO+{n]
e/fz] f ug{] JolSt s;}sf] xg' ;S5 . tkfO+{n] pSt sfuhdf s;s} f] gfd pNnv]
uge{' Pg eg] :jf:Yo;j] sn] s;};Fu klg tkfO+{sf] cj:yf jf pkrf/af/] 5n©n ug{
ldNbg} . olt;Dd ls >Ldfg jf >LdtL;Fu klg 5n©n ug{ ldNbg} .
You will also be asked to sign another paper, one that states that the
health care provider will not share any of your health and personal informa-
tion with anyone else. When you sign the paper, it means that you under-
stand and agree. You may list on the form names of people that you give
the provider permission to discuss your condition or treatment with. This
might include your husband, wife, adult child, or other person that you
trust. If you do not list anyone, then the provider will not be able to discuss
your condition or treatment with anyone, not even your husband or wife.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfsf 7"nf zx/x?df w/] } c:ktfnx? xG' 5g\ . ;fgf zx/df Pp6fdfq
c:ktfn x'g ;S5 . tkfO+{ la/fdL x'ge' of] eg] 8fS6/n] tkfO+{nfO{ c:ktfn k7fpg'
x'G5 . tkfO+{ c:ktfn egf{ ePkl5 tkfO{+sf] :ofxf/sf nflu Pp6f sf7] f, g;x{ ?
/ 8fS6/ lbOG5 . ljzi] f k/LIf0f ug{ ;lsG5 / cfi} fwLx? klg lbg ;lsG5 .
la/fdL eP/ c:ktfn egf{ xg' ' dxFuf] x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] s] s] k/LIf0f ugk{' 5{ /
tkfO{+nfO{ s:tf] cf}ifwL rflxG5 To;sf cfwf/df c:ktfn vr{ lbgsf] Ps xhf/
8n/ jf Tofe] Gbf a9L nfUg ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] :jf:Yo
;j] fjfktsf] lan cf©F}n] r'Stf ug{k' 5{ .
Large cities in the U.S. have many hospitals. Smaller towns may have
only one hospital. Your doctor may send you to a hospital if you are very
:jf:Yo ;]jf 51
sick. If you are “admitted” at a hospital, you will be given a bed in a room,
nurses and doctors will care for you, special tests may be done, and you
may be given medicines. Staying in a hospital is very expensive. It may
cost $1,000 per day or more, depending on what tests and medicines are
required. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be re-
sponsible for payment.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfkftsflng :ofxf/
w/] }h;f] cfkftsflng :jf:Yo ;]jfx? :yfgLo c:ktfnsf] …Odh]G{ ;L ?dÚ jf
…ch{G] 6 so] / ;G] 6/Ú df pknAw xG' 5 . crfgs xg' ] :jf:Yo ;d:of, Hofg
hfl] vddf kg]{ cj:yf / r/d :jf:Yo ;d:ofx? ePdf dfq cfkftsflng :jf:Yo
;j] f lngk' 5{, h:t} M
• xf8 efFlrP jf v'g axg] h:tf uDeL/ 3fOt] ePdf .
• ;f; ©]g{ sl7gfO ePdf .
• rt] gf ud' fP jf a]xfz] ePdf .
• ljiffSttfsf] z+sf ePdf .
• cfTdxTofsf] k|of; u/d] f .
• d5' f{ k/] jf sfFkd] f -sfFdd] f_ .
• crfgs nfl6P jf xft–uf]8f rnfpg c;dy{ ePdf .
• crfgs uwg{ ;lxt crfSnL 6fpsf] bv' ]df jf r]tgf u'dfPdf .
• ;f; ©]g{ ufxf| ,] xftx? lr;f eP / kl;gf cfP/ 5ftL, sfFw, jf kfv/' f bv' ]df .
cfkftsflng cj:yfafxs] pkrf/sf nflu OdhG]{ ;L ?ddf slxNo} ghfg'xf];\ .
8fS6/sf] cl©;df ©f]g ugx{' f];\ / hfFRgsf nflu ;do ldnfP/ dfq hfgx' f];\ .
OdhG]{ ;L ?ddf pkrf/ ug{ hfgk' ¥of] eg] tkfO{+sf] /f]u yfxf kfpg ul/g] 6]:6x?
/ /fu] lgsf] kfg{ lbOg] cfi} fwLcg;' f/ ToxfFsf] vr{ sDtLdf %)) ;o 8n/ jf a9Ldf
!) xhf/ 8n/eGbf dfly k'Ug ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s8] 5}g eg] cfkft–
sflng sIfdf kfPsf] ;j] fsf] lan rS' tf ug{] lhDd]jf/L tkfO{+sf] xG' 5 .
Emergency Care
Most emergency health services are provided at a local hospital “emer-
gency room” or “urgent care center.” Using emergency care is only for
sudden, life threatening, and extreme health problems. Examples include:
• Severe injuries including possible broken bones or bleeding.
• Difficulty breathing.
• Loss of consciousness, fainting.
• Suspected poisoning.
• Attempted suicide.
• Seizures or convulsions.
52 Health Care
• Sudden numbness or inability to move an arm or leg.
• Sudden severe headache with neck pain or change in consciousness.
• Pain in chest, shoulder, or arm with shortness of breath, cold hands,
Do not go to an emergency room for treatment for something that is
not an emergency. Call your doctor’s office and make an appointment to
see your doctor.
An emergency room visit may cost as little as $500 or more than $10,000
depending on the tests and medicines that they provide you. Without pri-
vate health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for payment.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
PDan' G] ;
pkrf/ cfjZos ePsf] cfkftsflng cj:yfdf la/fdLnfO{ ;'/lIft / rfF8f]
c:ktfnsf] OdhG]{ ;L ?dsf k'¥ofpg sl7g xg' ;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf (!!
df ©fg] ug{'xf;] \ . ©f]g p7fpg] JolStnfO{ s] ;d:of k/s] f] 5 atfpg'xf];\ /
PDa'nG] ; k7fOlbg' eGg'xf;] \ . Pp6f PDa'n]G; / cfkftsflng dl] 8sn ;d"x tkfO{+
ePsf 7fpFdf cfpF5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLsf] cj:yf / s;/L o:tf] eof] eg/]
;f]Wgx' 'G5 . o:tf k|Zgsf] pQ/ rfF8f] / k"/f lbgx' f];\ . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{
…P:6r]« /Ú df /fv]/ PDa'nG] ;df /fVgx' 'G5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfnsf]
cfkftsflng–sIf -Odh]{G;L ?d_ n}hfg'xG' 5 . pSt 6f]nLn] slxn]sfxLF kl/jf/sf]
Ps ;b:onfO{ nfg ;Sgx' 'G5 . t/ ;fdfGotM la/fdL nu]kl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:o / cGo
;xofu] Ln] uf8Lsf] aGbfa] :t u/L c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf kU' gk' 5{ .
PDa'nG] ;sf nflu tkfO+{n] % ;o 8n/ jf Tof]eGbf a9L ltgk'{ g]{ xg' ;S5 .
PDa'nG] ; vr{ la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfn k'¥ofpFbf nfUg] ;dodf e/ k5{ . lghL :jf:Yo
ladf jf d]l8s8] 5}g eg] PDa'nG; ;j] fjfktsf] lan cf©F}n] rS' tf ugk{' 5{ .
In a medical emergency, getting safely and quickly to an emergency
room at a hospital can be difficult. Telephone 911. Tell the operator the
problem and ask for an ambulance. An ambulance and emergency medical
team will be sent to your location. They will ask questions about the con-
dition of the patient and the cause of the emergency. Try to answer them
quickly and fully. They may place the patient on a stretcher and then into
the ambulance. They will take the patient to the emergency room at the
hospital. Sometimes they may also be able to take one family member, but
usually family members and others will have to find their own transporta-
tion to the hospital emergency room.
A trip in an ambulance may cost $500 or more depending on the time
:jf:Yo ;]jf 53
it takes. Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be respon-
sible for payment.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfk] x¿
Ps JolStaf6 csfd{] f ;g]{ /fu] nfO{ ;+qmfds /f]u elgG5 . vf]kx?n] To:tf
/f]u lgoGq0f u5g{ \ . :sn" hfg] gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?sf] pd/] ;Dddf nufpg] ;a}
vfk] nufPsf] x'g'k5{ . lu|g–sf8{ kfpgsf nflu cfjb] g lbFbf g} tkfO+{n] ;a} vfnsf
vfk] nufPsf] xg' k' 5{ . 8fS6/ jf lSnlgsdf tkfO+{n] sg' s'g vf]k nufO;s]sf] 5
eg]/ xl] /G5 / cfjZos vf]k nufOG5 . tkfO{+n] kl/jf/sf kT| o]s ;b:osf] lnlvt
vf]k–ljj/0f lngk' 5{ . pSt ljj/0fdf sg' vfk] slxn] nufOPsf] xf] eg/] nl] vPsf]
xG' 5 .
kl/jf/sf ;as} f] vf]k–ljj/0f ;'/lIft /fVgx' f];\ . sg' –} sg' } a]nf oL ljj/0fsf
kl| tlnlk -©f]6fs] kL_ x? tkfO{+ jf afnaRrfsf nflu rflxg ;S5 .
Immunizations are responsible for the control of many infectious dis-
eases, diseases that can be given from one person to another. Your children
must have up-to-date immunizations in order to attend school. You will
need up-to-date immunizations when you apply for your Green Card. Your
doctor or clinic can check your immunization history and give you any
needed immunizations. You should get a written report for each family
member that shows when and what immunizations they have received.
Keep those reports in a safe place as you or your children may need
copies of them.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
d]l8sn k/LIf0fx¿
8fS6/n] tkfO{+nfO{ ljz]if k/LIf0f -6:] 6_ x? u/]/ Nofpg'xf];\ eGg ;Sg'x'G5 .
To;a]nf tkfO+{ k|of]uzfnf -Nofaf/] ]6/L_ hfgk' 5{, ToxfF /ut lbg'k5{ jf cGo 6:] 6x?
ul/G5g\ . s]xL 6]:6x? c:ktfnd} klg ul/G5g\, 6]:6 ubf{ tkfO{+nfO{ egf{ ul/Fbg} .
6:] 6dfq ul/g] la/fdLnfO{ …cfp6–k;] G] 6Ú elgG5 . tkfO+{ cfp6–k];]G6 xf] . tkfO{+sf
ljleGg 6:] 6 u//] ljZn]if0f ubf{ tL Nofaf/] ]6/Lx?n] Pp6f 6:] 6sf] Ps ;o 8n/ jf
Tof]eGbf a9L lng;S5g\ . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf dl] 8s]8 5g} eg] oL 6:] 6x?sf]
lan cf©}Fn] r'Stf ugk{' 5{ .
Medical Tests
Your doctor may order special tests to be done. You may need to go to
a laboratory to have blood taken or to have other tests done. Sometimes
the tests will be done at a hospital but you will not be admitted. You will
54 Health Care
be an “outpatient.” Laboratories that do the tests and analysis may charge
$100 or more for each test. Without private health insurance or Medicaid
you will be responsible for payment.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
PS;–/,] Pdcf/cfO / l;6L :Sofgx¿
tkfO+{sf leqL c+udf s] eO/xs] f] 5 eg]/ 8fS6/n] cem hfGg vf]Hg ;Sg'x'G5 .
o;sf nflu pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ PS;/,] Pdcf/cfO :Sofg, jf l;6L :Sofg h:tf 6:] 6
u//] Nofpgx' f;] \ eGg ;Sgx' 'G5 . oL cfwl' gs ljlwx? xf8, k]6, 6fpsf]sf] leqL efu,
jf z/L/sf cGo efusf] ©f]6f] lvRg] sfd xg' \ . Pp6f PS;–/]sf] Ps ;o 8n/ jf
;fe] Gbf a9L kg{ ;S5, k|To]s Pdcf/cfO jf l;6L :Sofgsf] ! xhf/ % ;o 8n/ jf
;f]eGbf a9L kg{ ;S5 . lghL :jf:Yo ladf jf d]l8s]8 5}g eg] o:tf ;]jfjfktsf]
lan cf©}Fn] rS' tf ug{k' 5{ .
X-rays, MRI And CT Scans
Your doctor may want to know more about what is happening inside
your body. To do this, your doctor may order an x-ray, an MRI scan, or
a CT scan. These are all ways that a doctor can get a photograph of your
bones, stomach, inside of your head, or other part of your body. Each x-ray
may cost $100 or more, each MRI or CT scan may cost $1,500 or more.
Without private health insurance or Medicaid you will be responsible for
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ldgfxf / cflys{ ;xfotf
w/] } 8fS6/, lSnlgs, / c:ktfndf ladf gul/Psf tyf Go"g cfo ePsf
la/fdLnfO{ sxLF s]xL ldgfxf / sxLF lgMz'Ns pkrf/ ul/lbOG5 . olb cfˆgf]
d]l8s8] jf lghL ladf ul/Psf] 5g} eg] ldgfxf / lgMzN' s pkrf/ kfpg sxfF, s;/L
/ s:tf] lgj]bg lbgk' 5{ egL 8fS6/nfO,{ lSnlgs, / c:ktfndf ;fW] gx' f;] \ . lgj]bg
lbFbf tkfO{+sf] cfDbfgL / cGo hfgsf/L dfluG5 . tkfO+{sf] lgjb] g :jLs[t eof] eg]
pkrf/–vr{df lgs} 5'6 x'g ;S5 .
Discounts and Financial Assistance
Many doctors, clinics, and hospitals provide discounts or even free
care to patients who have no insurance and very little income. If you do
not have Medicaid or private health insurance, ask your doctor, clinic, or
hospital how to apply for any discount or free care. They will ask you to
provide proof of your income and other information. If you are approved,
they may make a large reduction in your bill.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:jf:Yo ;j] f 55
8fS6/åf/f cfi} fwL l;˚fl/;
8fS6/n] tkfO+{sf nflu s]xL cf}ifwL l;©fl/; ug'x{ 'G5 . pxfFn] tkfO+{sf nflu
ul/lbPsf] cf}ifwLsf] l;©fl/;nfO{ …k]|l:qmK;gÚ elgG5 . ToxL …k|]l:qmK;gÚ sf cfwf/df
sg' } ©fd{;] Ldf tkfO+{n] cfi} fwL lsGg kfpgx' G' 5 . ˚fd];{ L eg]sf] Pp6f bf]sfg xf], hxfF
ljleGg vfnsf cf}ifwL a]lrG5g\ . slxns] fxLF 8fS6/n] sfuhL kl]| :qmK;g lbg'x'G5,
h'g sfuh lnP/ tkfO{+ ©fd;{] L hfg'x'G5 / cf}ifwL lsGgx' 'G5 . To:t} 8fS6/n]
tkfO+{n] eg]sf] ©fd]{;Ldf …kl]| :qmK;gÚ k7fpg'xG' 5 jf ©f]gaf6 tkfO+{nfO{ lbg] cf}ifwL
gfd l6kfOlbg' ePsf] xG' 5 . ha tkfO{+ cfi} fwL lng ©fd;]{ L hfgx' 'G5, cfˆgf] ladf
ul/Psf] sf8{ ;fy} nfg'k5{ . tkfO+{sf] ladf jf dl] 8s8] eP klg cf}ifwLsf] k;} f eg]
ltgk'{ g{] xg' ;S5 . of] z'NsnfO{ …sf]–kÚ] -;x–eS' tfg_ elgG5 .
Your doctor may decide that you need prescription medicine. A pre-
scription is what the doctor gives you that allows you to buy special medi-
cines at a pharmacy. A pharmacy is a special store where many kinds
of medicine can be bought. Sometimes the doctor will give you a paper
prescription that you take to a pharmacy to buy the medicine. Or the doctor
may ask you which pharmacy you will go to and will send the prescription
to that pharmacy by telephone. When you go to the pharmacy to get your
medicine, you should have your insurance card. You might have to pay a
fee for the medicine - even if you have insurance or Medicaid. This fee is
called a co-pay.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfi} fwL ;j] g
nl] vP jf elgPcg';f/ cf}ifwL ;]jg ug'{ePg eg] cf}ifwLn] sfd ubg{} g\ .
cfi} fwL ke| fjsf/L xF'bg} g\ . 8fS6/n] s]xL cfi} fwL vfg' eGg'eof] eg] tkfO+{ lgDg
s'/f a'ˇg' k5{ M
• tkfO+{n] of] cfi} fwL lsg vfO/xg' ePsf] 5 <
• 8fS6/n] lbPsf] cfi} fwLnfO{ s] ug'k{ 5{ <
• lbgsf] sltk6s vfg] / slxnb] ]lv vfg 5f8g\ ] <
• s] cf}ifwL vfgf;Fu} vfgk' 5{ <
• cfi} fwLsf s'g} cGo c;/x? 5g\ <
cf}ifwL vfFb} hfFbf cln ;Grf] nfu] klg 8fS6/n] eg]cg;' f/ cf}ifwL vfO/xg'–
k5{ . cf}ifwL vfFbf v/faL u¥of], cK7\of/f] dx;'; ug'{eof] jf PnhL{ eof] eg] cfi} fwL
vfg aGb ugx{' f;] \ / 8fS6/sf] cl©;df ;Dks{ ugx'{ f];\ .
Taking Medicine
Medicine is not effective if you do not follow the directions correctly.
When a doctor has told you to take certain medicine, it is very important
56 Health Care
that you understand:
• Why you are taking medicine.
• What to do with the medicine the doctor prescribes.
• How many times a day you need to take the medicine and when to stop
taking it.
• If you need to take the medicine with food.
• If the medicine has any side effects.
It is important to continue taking your medicine as instructed by your
doctor even if you start to feel better. If you have a bad reaction, feel
worse, or have an allergic reaction, stop taking the medicine and contact
the doctor’s office immediately.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfi} fwLsf] e08f/0f
h'g} klg cf}ifwL gfgLx?af6 6f9f /fVg'k5{ . rfaL nfUg] jf gfgLx?n] ge6] \g]
7fpFdf cf}ifwL /fVgx' f;] \ . tkfO+{sf nflu nl] vlbPsf] cfi} fwL kl/jf/df c? s;}nfO{
jf ;fyLefOnfO{ vfg glbgx' f];\ . 8fS6/n] h;nfO{ hfFrs] f] xg' 'x'G5 / cfi} fwL pxfFs}
nflu lbPsf] xG' 5 .
Storing Medicine
Make sure you store any medicine away from children. Keep it in a
locked cabinet or in a place where children cannot get to it. Never share
prescription medicine with family or friends. Prescription medicines are
only for the person the doctor saw and gave the prescription to.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bft“ sf] :jf:Yo / bGt–lrlsT;s
tkfO+{sf bfFtsf] x/] rfx :jf:Yo x]/ljrf/dWo] Pp6f dxÎjk"0f{ c+z xf] .
cd]l/sf cfPkl5 tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ bGt–lrlsT;s -8]lG6:6_ sxfF hfg]
;do ldnfOG5 . 8]lG6:6n] tkfO+{sf bfFtdf sg' } ;d:of 5÷5g} / bfFt ;©f ug{
h?/L 5g÷\ 5}gg\ eGg] x]gx'{ G' 5 . tkfO+{n] sg' } tftf] jf lr;f] vfgs] /' f vfFbf jf
lkpFbf bfFt b'V5 eg] 8]lG6:6nfO{ bfFt hFrfpg] ;do ldnfpgx' f];\ . k'gjf;{ ;+:yf;Fu
8]lG6:6af/] ;fW] g'xf];\ / tkfO{+ a:g] /fHodf d]l8s8] n] bfFtsf] pkrf/ vr{ a]xf]5{ ls
a]xf]bg}{ eg/] a'ˇgx' f;] \ .
Dental Health and Dentists
Caring for your teeth is an important part of health care. After you
arrive in the U.S. you and each member of your family should have an
appointment with a dentist to see if you have any problems and to do a
thorough cleaning. If you have pain in your teeth when you eat or drink
something hot or cold, you should get an appointment to see a dentist. Ask
:jf:Yo ;]jf 57
your resettlement agency about dentists and whether Medicaid in your
state will pay for dental care.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dfgl;s :jf:Yo
sg' } dflg;sf] dfgl;s :jf:Yo /fd|f] x'G5, ha p;n] cfˆgf] bl} gs lqmof–
snfk /fd/| L lgjf{x u5{, c?;Fu ;DaGw /fV5, lg0f{ox? lnG5, ;d'bfosf nflu
of]ubfg lbG5, tgfj jf sl7g kl/l:ylt ;DxfNg ;S5, / sx] L xb;Dd v;' L xfl;n
u5{ . t/ o;sf ljkl/t efjgfTds ;d:ofx?, h;nfO{ afn] LrfnLsf] efiffdf dfgl;s
la/fdL elgG5, nfO{ jf:tljs dl] 8sn cj:yfx? dflgG5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf JolStsf]
:jf:Yo / v';Ldf afwf k'U5 .
s;n} fO{ dfgl;s ;d:of 5 eg] p ;Gsfxf xf] eGg ldNb}g . olb tkfO{+nfO{
dfgl;s ;d:ofx? 5g\ eg] nfh gdfGg'xf;] \ jf ck/fwafw] gugx'{ f];\ . c?
s;n} fO{ dfgl;s ;d:ofx? 5g\ eg] p;nfO{ nfhdbf{] cj:yfdf gk'¥ofpgx' f];\ jf
ck/fwLnfO{ h:tf] gug'{xf;] \ . dflg;sf] z/L/sf] sg' } efudf klg lrlsT;f;DaGwL
;d:of xg' ;S5 . dfgl;s ladf/Lx? klg lrlsT;f;DaGwL ;d:of xg' ,\ hf] ;Lw}
lbdfu;Fu ;DalGwt x'G5g\ .
Mental Health
Someone has good mental health when he or she can function well in
daily life, relate to other people, make decisions, contribute to the com-
munity, handle stress and difficult situations, and achieve some degree of
happiness. Emotional problems, sometimes called mental illness, are real
medical conditions that disrupt a person’s health and wellness.
Having a mental illness does not mean someone is crazy. Do not feel
shame or guilt if you have emotional problems, and do not place shame or
guilt on anyone else who may have emotional problems. People can have
medical problems with any part of the body. Mental illnesses are simply
medical problems relating to the brain.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/0ffyL{x¿ / dfgl;s :jf:Yo
cd]l/sf cfpg] z/0ffyL{x?nfO{ efjgfTds ;d:ofx? x'G5g\ . pxfFx?sf hLjgdf
36]sf tLtf cge' jx?n] kL8f / tgfj x'G5 . e"6fgL z/0ffyLx{ ? gk] fnsf ljleGg
z/0ffyL{ lzlj/x?df aL; jif{ a:ge' Psf] 5 . pxfFx?n] vfgf tyf ;Lldt lzIff Pj+
/fh] uf/Lsf cj;/sf nflu ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf ljleGg lgsfox? / c? ;+:yfx?df
e/kg'{ kYof{] .
clxn] gofF 7fpF, cfˆgf] d'ns' eGbf 6f9f kg' :yfl{ kt xg' e' Psf] 5 . tkfO{+nfO{
c+u|]hL gcfpFbf] xf], cdl] /sL rfnrng a'ˇg' ePsf] 5}g xfn] f . gofF 7fpFdf
58 Health Care
hLjgcgs' "n agfpg' cf©}Fdf lgs} ufx|f] x'G5 . o:tf w/] } gdL7f cg'ejx?n]
efjgfTds kL8f / tgfj yK5g\ .
Refugees and Mental Health
Refugees who come to the U.S. may have emotional problems and
experience distress and tension because of traumatic experiences in their
lives. Bhutanese refugees have lived in refugee camps in Nepal for twenty
years. There you were dependent on United Nations agencies and others
for food and limited educational and employment opportunities.
Now you have been resettled to this new, faraway country and may not
know much English or understand American culture. Adjusting to a new
place and way of life can itself be very difficult. These traumatic experi-
ences can contribute to emotional distress and tension.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lbUbf/L ;a}nfO{ nfU5, t/ ;fdfGotM of] cf©F} x/fpF5 . t/ w/] } xKtf;Dd
lbUbf/L nflu/Xof] / bl} gs hLjgdf o;n] ke| fj kf¥of] eg] To;n] lg/fzfsf ?k
lnG5 . lg/fzfsf s]xL ;femf nIf0fx? o:tf x'G5g\ M lgs} lg/fz cge' j, l/Sttf,
lrGtf, nuftf/ wk8] L jf ysfg, w]/} emsf{©] sf]{ jf cwo} t{ f, clgbf| jf clws ;do
;'Tg,' sg' } lqmofsnfkk|lt hfFu/ gbv] fpg', / ef]s x/fpg' jf w/] } vfg' . lg/fzfn]
zf/Ll/s ;d:ofx? hGdfpF5g\, h:t} M k]6 jf 6fpsf] b'Vg] ;d:of . dl] 8sn
Ifq] df sfo{/t Jofj;flosx?n] o:tf ;d:ofx?sf] pkrf/ u5g{ \ . pgLx?n]
s/' fsfgLsf dfWodaf6 ul/g] y/] ]kL, cfi} fwf]krf/ jf bj' } k4lt ckgfpF5g\ . sf]xL
lg/fz JolSt;Fu kl/lrt xg' 'x'G5 eg] p;k|lt rf;f] lbg'xf];\ / d2t ug'x{ f];\ . p;sf
s/' fdf Wofg lbg'xf];\ . p;nfO{ lg/fzfaf/] 8fS6/;Fu s/' f ug{ xf};nf lbg'xf];\ .
Sadness is a feeling everyone experiences, but usually it passes. If the
sadness lasts for several weeks and interferes with daily life, it may be de-
pression. Common symptoms include persistent feelings of hopelessness,
emptiness, anxiety; constant exhaustion or fatigue; excessive irritability or
impatience; difficulty with or excessive sleeping; loss of interest in activi-
ties; and loss of appetite or overeating. Depression may also cause physi-
cal health problems, like stomach aches or headaches. Medical profession-
als can treat and often cure it through talk therapy, medications, or both.
If you know someone who is depressed, offer your concern and support,
be willing to listen, and encourage the person to speak with a doctor about
their depression.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:jf:Yo ;]jf 59
c¿ vfnsf dfgl;s ladf/Lx¿
lg/fzfsf cltl/Qm dflg;nfO{ cGo dfgl;s ladf/Lx? klg xG' 5g\, h;sf]
pkrf/ ug{] w/] } pkfox? 5g\ . tL ladf/LdWo] s]xL kd| 'v ladf/Lx? xg' \ M
• 7"nf b3' 6{ gfkl5sf] xg' ] tgfj;DaGwL ;d:of -kf]:6–6D« ofl6s :6;]« l8;c8/{ ,
lkl6P;8L_ ;fdfGotM zf/Ll/s xdnf, k|fsl[ ts ljklQx?, cft+ssf/L ultljlw, jf
;G} o o'4 h:tf sg' } 3fts hf]lvdk"0f{ cj:yf jf cTolws eoeLt b3' {6gfkl5
bl] vG5 . of] ;d:ofaf6 ke| fljt JolStx?nfO{ lat]sf 36gfsf] ;+:d/0f, b'M:jKg
jf To:tf ;Demgfx?n] bbg{ fs 36gfsf] af/Daf/ cg'et" u/fpF5 . o;af6
dflg;x?df PSsf;L emlGsg] jf ck/fwafw] ug],{ Jou| x'g] jf 8/fpg] h:tf tLj|
cge' t" klg x'G5g\ .
• eoeLt cj:yf -Koflgs l8;c8/{ _ M ©l] /–©]l/ cfO/xg] cfsl:ds qf; Koflgs
l8;c8/{ sf] dV' o nIf0f xf] . s'g} sf/0f lagf sg' } JolStn] ckem{6 / tLj| 8/
jf Jou|tf cg'ej u5{ eg] Tof] Koflgs l8;c8{/n] ePsf] xf] . of] s]xL ldg6] df
x/fpF5, t/ slxn]sfxLF w]/}a/] klg x'G5 / bf]xf]l/G5 .
• dgf]efhg -l:shlkm| gLof_ M of] dfgl;s la/fdL ePsf JolStdf jf:tljstfnfO{
aˇ' g] jf ae' mfO JoSt ubf{ kl/jt{g bl] vg] Ps vfnsf] u0' f ljsf; xG' 5 . o:tf
la/fdLnfO{ s;}n] af]nfPsf] h:tf] nfU5, dlted| x'G5, cf©"nfO{ cs}{ JolStsf
?kdf cge' "t u5g{ \ . l:shlkm| gLof ePsf] JolSt c?nfO{ z+sf ug{] kj| [lQ
-Kof/fgf]of_, xRsg] jf clt Jofsn' x'g] xG' 5 .
olb tkfO{+ cf©F} jf c? s;n} fO{ dfgl;s la/fdL eP h:tf] nfUof] eg] lrlsT;f
;xfotf lng'xf;] \ . 8fS6/nfO{ e]6g\ x' f;] \ . pxfFnfO{ ;a} nIf0fx? atfpgx' f];\ .
pxfFn] dgfj] 1} flgs, dgfl] rlsT;s, k/fdz{bftf jf lrlsT;f If]qsf] s'g} Jofj;flos
JolSt;Fu hFrfpgsf nflu l;©fl/z ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Other Types of Mental Illnesses
In addition to depression, there are many other types of mental illness,
and many ways to treat them. Among the most common are:
• Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur after intense trauma
or extremely frightening events, such as physical assault, natural disas-
ters, acts of terrorism, or military combat. People with PTSD usually
have flashbacks, nightmares, or memories that cause them to experience
the traumatic events again and again. They may also have outbursts of
anger or intense feelings of guilt, anxiety, or fear.
• Panic disorder. Recurring panic attacks are the main symptom of a
panic disorder. A panic attack occurs when someone experiences sudden
and intense feelings of fear or anxiety without cause. It usually lasts a
few minutes, but can be longer or repetitive.
60 Health Care
• Schizophrenia. This mental illness is characterized by changes in the
perception or expression of reality. People may hear voices, see halluci-
nations, or believe that they are someone else. Schizophrenia can cause
paranoia, withdrawal, or extreme agitation.
If you believe you or someone you know may have a mental illness,
seek medical assistance. Begin by speaking with your doctor, explain your
symptoms, and he or she may recommend a psychologist, psychiatrist,
counselor, or other medical professional.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
slxns] fxLF cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?;Fu 6f9f a:bf, kl/jf/df tLj| ;+3if{,
kfl/jfl/s lx+;f, jf u/} sfgg' L nfuc' fi} fwsf] k|of]un] dflg;df tLj| efjgfTds ;+s6
pTkGg x'G5 . sf]xL JolSt a9L pbf; eof] eg] cf©"n] cf©}FnfO{ rf]6 nufpg jf
dfg{ sf]lzz ug{ ;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf To:tf JolStnfO{ Jofj;flos JolStx?sf]
tTsfn ;xfotf rflxG5 .
cfTdxTofsf] r]tfjgL lbg] s]xL ;+st] x? o:tf x'G5g\ M
• ;fdfGo lg/fzf, d[To' jf cfTdxTofsf af/]df s'/f ul//xg' .
• labf xg' ] a]nf ePsf] h:tf] ug{,' h:tf] M cfˆgf lrhx? c?nfO{ lbg' jf …nf} x},
labfÚ eGg' .
• cf©" /dfpg] u/s] f ultljlwaf6 klG5g' .
• kl/jf/ jf ;fyLx?af6 6fl9g' . ;Dksd{ f ga:g' .
• cf©n" fO{ xfgL ug]{ Jojxf/ ug,{' h:tf] M lgoldt nfu'cf}ifw jf /S;L ;]jg .
olb s;}n] cf©F}nfO{ rf6] k¥' ofpg vf]H5, jf cfTdxTofsf] k|of; u5{ jf To:tf
ljifodf s/' f u5{ eg] (!! df ©f]g ug{x' f;] \ . s;n} ] o:tf] u//] klg …s;}nfO{
geGg' xÚ} eG5 eg] klg d]l8sn Ifq] sf dflg;nfO{ o; ljifodf atfpg' lgs} /fdf| ]
x'G5 . tkfO{+ cf©F}n] klg cf©"nfO{ rf]6 nufpge' of] jf cfTdxTof ug]{ ljrf/ cfof]
eg] (!! df ©f]g ugk{' 5{ .
Sometimes a long separation from loved family members, intense fam-
ily conflicts, violence in the family, or use of illegal drugs can cause very
strong emotional distress. When people are very depressed, they may try
to hurt or kill themselves. They need immediate professional help.
Some suicide warning signs include:
• Talking about general hopelessness, death, or suicide.
• Talking or acting as though they plan on going away, for example giving
away possessions or saying goodbyes.
• Avoiding activities they used to enjoy.
:jf:Yo ;]jf 61
• Avoiding contact with family or friends.
• Adopting more self-destructive behaviors, like frequent use of drugs or
If you know someone who has tried to hurt himself or herself, or has at-
tempted to commit suicide or talked about doing it, call 911. It is important
to tell a medical professional about the situation, even if the person asks
you not to tell anyone. If you have tried to hurt yourself or have thoughts
of committing suicide, you should also call 911.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
nfuc' f}ifw / /S;Lsf] sn' t
/S;L / s'g} u/} sfgg' L nfuc' f}ifwx? ljiffb x'g,\ Tof] eg]sf] To:tf lrhn]
dflg;nfO{ bM' vL, gsf/fTds jf lvGg agfpF5 . slxns] fxLF b'MvL jf lvGg ePsf]
dflg;n] /S;L lkpF5 jf u}/sfgg' L nfu'cfi} fw ko| f]u u5{ / cfˆgf b'Mv e'Ng
vf]H5 . olb tkfO{+ jf c? s;}nfO{ nfuc' fi} fw jf /S;Lsf] sn' t 5 eg]
8fS6/sf] cl©;, c:ktfn jf k'gjf{; ;+:yf;Fu sn' t 5f8g\ ;xfotf dfUgx' f;] \ .
o:tf] ;d:ofdf d2t dfUg k6Ss} g8/fpg'xf];\ .
Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol and some illegal drugs are depressants, meaning they can make
a person feel sad, negative, or depressed. Sometimes people who are sad
or depressed drink alcohol or take illegal drugs to try to forget about their
problems. If you or someone you know may be abusing drugs or alcohol,
you can ask for help at a doctor’s office, hospital, or resettlement agency.
Do not be afraid to ask for help.
cWofo ^ : vfB ;'/Iff tyf kf]if0f
Chapter 6 : Food Safety and Nutrition
:j:y kl/jf/
vfg]s/' f aflx/ vn' f /fVge' of] eg] oLgsf sf/0f ls/f, d";f, / 5r' 'Gb|f
3/leq cfpg ;S5g\ . o:tf ls6 / hLjn] /fu] klg NofpF5g\ . vfgf
tof/Ldf ;©f;U' 3/sf] Vofn ugf{n] / vfgf htg;fy yGsfpgfn] bl" ift vfgfsf
sf/0f x'g] la/fdLaf6 tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/ ;/' lIft /xG5 . bl" ift vfgfaf6 x'g] ladf/x?–
kvfnf, Hj/f,] k6] bv' fO, lbuldu, afGtf xg' \ .
Keeping Your Family Healthy
If you leave food out, it may attract insects, rats, and mice into your
home, all of which can bring diseases. Good hygiene in food preparation
and storing your food correctly helps keep your family from getting sick
from spoiled food. Sickness from spoiled food may include diarrhea, fe-
ver, abdominal cramps, nausea, or vomiting.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfgf tof/L
vfgf tof/ kfg'{ jf ksfpgc' l3 ;fa'g–kfgLn] xft w'g'xf];\ . r'Nxf] jf l;Í–
5p] sf] ;tx -efG;fsf] l8n– sfpG6/ 6k_ jf 6]a'ndf ;Lw} vfgs] /' f -t/sf/L, df;'
cflb_ /fv]/ rSsn' ] gsf6\g'xf];\ jf g6S' of| pgx' f];\ . sf6s'6 ug]{ af]8,{ Kn]6 jf
cGo sx] L tx /fv]/ sfpG6/ 6ksf] /Iff ug{x' f];\ . tnf÷eO' Fdf /fv]/ klg vfgs] '/f
gsf6\gx' f;] \ . vfgs] '/f tof/ ePkl5 sfpG6/ 6k / sf6\g] -6'So|fpg_] af]8{nfO{
;fa'g–kfgLn] ;©f ug{'xf];\ . o;f] ubf{ l8n ;©f x'G5 / la/fdL kfg]{ AofS6l] /of
/f]lsG5g\ .
Food Preparation
Before beginning any meal preparation, wash your hands with soap and
water. Do not chop or slice food with a knife directly on a countertop. Use
a cutting board, plate, or other surface to prevent damaging the countertop.
Never cut food on the floor. After preparing food, wash the counters and
cutting boards with soap and water to keep counters clean and to prevent
bacteria that may cause sickness.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfgfsf] ;/' Iff
ksfPsf] vfgfnfO{ Knfl:6sn] g9fsL, kGgL jf sk8fn] g5f]kL nfdf] ;do;Dd
To;} g5f8g\ 'xf];\ . vfgs] /' f 5fk] /] /fVg' / /l] k|mlh/6] / jf lkm| h/leq /fVg' pQd
x'G5 .
64 Food Safety and Nutrition
Keeping Food Safe
Never leave cooked food out on the counter for long without covering
it with plastic wrap, foil, or a cloth. It is better to cover food and keep it in
the refrigerator or freezer.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sf“rf] / ksfPsf] vfgfsf] k|ofu]
sfFr} vfg] vfgf, h:t} M ©n©"n / t/sf/Lx?nfO{ vfge' Gbf klxn] kvfNg'–
k5{ . sfFrf] df;n' fO{ ksfpg' / vfg'eGbf klxn] kf]sf] kf/]/ jf aGb a§fdf xfln s]xL
lglZrt ;dosf nflu /l] km| lh/6] /df /fVgk' 5{ . df;,' c08f, / t/sf/L ksfpg tof/
kfg'{cl3 xft wg' x' f];\ . kfs]sf] vfgf, ljz]if u/L df;', vfgsf nflu tftf] x'gk' 5{ eg]
/]lk|mlh/6] /df yGsfpFbf ;n] fPsf,] kfs] f] kfl/Psf] jf a§fdf /flvPsf] xg' 'k5{ . laxfg
ksfPsf] vfgf a]n'sfsf] vfgf vfg] an] f;Dd sf]7fsf] tfkqmddf /fVg'xG' g .
Handling of Raw and Cooked Food
Foods that are meant to be eaten raw, like fruits and some vegetables,
should be rinsed in water first. Raw meat should be covered and kept in
the refrigerator only a limited time before cooking and eating. Wash your
hands before beginning to prepare meat, eggs, and vegetables for cooking.
Cooked foods, especially meat, should be kept hot for eating or should be
cooled, covered, and then be placed in the refrigerator. Food cooked in the
morning should not be left at room temperature until an evening meal.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
/l] k|mlh/6] / / lk|mh/
olb ksfPsf] vfg]s/' f kl5 vfgsf nflu /fVg'x'G5 eg] o;nfO{ 5fk] /] jf
lasf{] ePsf] Knfl:6ssf] a§fdf xfn]/ dfq /]lk|mlh/]6/df /fVg'k5{ . ha tkfO{+sf] vfg]
a]nf xG' 5, ta ttfpg ;Sgx' G' 5 . /l] k|mlh/]6/sf v08x? slxn]sfxLF ;fa'g–kfgLn]
;©f ug'{xf];\ .
Refrigerator and Freezer
If you are saving cooked food to eat at a later time you should always
cover it or place it in a plastic container with a cover and then put it in
your refrigerator. When you are ready to eat the food, you can re-heat it
on your stove. Once in a while clean the shelves in the refrigerator with
soap and water.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ef“8fjtg{ sf] ;˚fO
vfgf vfPkl5 efF8f dfˇg] ;fa'gn] ;a} efF8fjtg{ d:sfpg' k5{ . d:sfPkl5 ;a}
efF8fjt{g kfgLn] kvfNg'k5{ . csf]k{ 6s rnfpgsf nflu efF8fjtg{ ;'Vvf ePsf] xg' –'
vfB ;'/Iff tyf kfi] f0f 65
k5{ . tkfO+{sf] ckf6d{ ]G6df efF8f dfˇg] pks/0f -l8;jf;/_ 5 eg] To;sf]
ko| fu] ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 . l8;jf;/df 5'§} lsl;dsf] efF8f dfˇg] ;fa'g rflxG5 . h"7f
efF8f /fte/ l;Í / l8ndf To;} g5f8\gx' f;] \ . ;fª\nf, d;" f / ls/f cfpg ;S5g\
/ ladf/ kfg{ ;S5g\ .
Cleaning of Dishes and Cookware
After a meal, all dishes, cookware, and utensils that have been used
should be cleaned with dish soap. After washing, rinse everything with
water and dry before storing away for the next use. If your apartment has a
dishwasher, you may use it and will need special dishwasher soap. Do not
leave any dirty dishes and cookware in the sink or on counters over night.
Roaches, mice, or insects may be attracted and could cause illness.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
˚fx] f]/sf] lj;h{g
gvfPsf 7f;] vfgfnfO{ ;wF} plrt tl/sfn] yfGsf] nufpg'xf;] \ . ©fx] f/] xfNg]
efF8f]leq Knfl:6ssf] yn} f] /fVgx' f;] \ / ToxL Knfl:6ssf] yn} fd] f kg]{ u/L ©fx] f/]
xfNgx' f;] \ . ©f]xf/] xfNg] efF8fd] f ls/f gk?g\, Wofg lbg'xf]nf . 3/a6] Ln] bv] fPsf]
7fpFdf ©fx] f/] el/Psf] Knfl:6ssf] y}nf] ldNsfpg' xf;] \ .
Disposal of Garbage
Always dispose of solid uneaten food correctly. Line garbage bins in
your apartment with plastic garbage bags and place garbage in those plas-
tic bags. Make sure that insects cannot get into the garbage bins. Dispose
of the garbage bags as instructed by your landlord.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kf]l;nf] vfgf
vfPsf] vfgf :jf:Yosf nflu /fdf| ] eof] eg] tkfO+{nfO{ cfgGb cfpF5 .
cdl] /sfsf] sl[ if ljefu -og' fO6]8 :6]6;\ l8kf6d{ G] 6 c© Plus| Nr/_ n] kfl] ;nf]
vfgfaf/] ;'emfj lbg] u/]sf] 5 . pSt ljefun] lbPsf] cfd;e' mfjsf] gfd …d/] f] yfnÚ
-dfO{ Kn6] _ xf] . pSt ljefun] lbPsf] pSt ;e' mfjdf vfgfnfO{ ljleGg kfFr jud{ f
afFl8Psf] 5, tL ju–{ cGg, t/sf/L, ©n©"n, bw" jf bw" af6 ags] f cGo kl/sf/
/ kf| l] 6g xg' \ . pSt ljefun] tL kfFr lsl;dsf vfgfx?sf] dfqf ldnfP/ ;wF}h;f]
vfg ;e' mfp lbPsf] 5 .
Eating Healthy
When you eat food that is good for your body, you feel better. The Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture (USDA) gives advice to Americans
on healthy eating. Their most general advice is called “My Plate.” They
divide nutritious foods into five categories: grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy,
66 Food Safety and Nutrition
and protein. They recommend an appropriate mix of these five groups to
be eaten regularly.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dfl} ns gk] fnL vfgf
76] cdl] /sL vfgfeGbf 7]6 e"6fgL jf gk] fnL vfgf lgs} kfl] ;nf xg' –
;S5g\ . l7s dfqfdf vfFbf bfn–eft, ;fu–;AhL, bxL, e6\df; jf cGo u8] fu8' L,
vL/, dfd] f] cflb h:tf cGo gk] fnL vfgfx? lgs} :j:ys/ vfgf xg' \ . hf] zfsfxf/L
xg' 'x'Gg, pxfFx?sf nflu s'v/' f, e8] fsf] df;' / df5fn] bfndf kfpg] kf| ]l6gsf] sfd
u5g{ \ . v;Lsf] df;' cdl] /sLsf cfd–vfBfGg :6f]/x?df gkfpg ;Sgx' 'G5 . v;Lsf]
df;' Pl;ofnL jf ef/tLo vfBfGg kfpg] :6f/] x? / :yfgLo kzk' fnsx?sf uf]7df
kfpg ;S5 . wfld{s cfwf/df 5]sy'g gxg' ] JolStn] ufO{, aª\u/' , ;'Fu'/sf df;'
kfpg ;Sgx' G' 5 .
Basic Nepali Foods
The typical Bhutanese or Nepali diet may be more nutritious than the
typical American diet. Eaten in appropriate combination, dal bhat, sag,
sabji, dahi, bhatmas, khir, momos, and other Nepali foods are a very
healthy diet. For those who are not vegetarian, chicken, lamb, and fish are
common meats that are available to supplement protein found in dal. Goat
meat, however, is not normally available in American stores although it
may be available in special Asian or Indian markets or from a local farm-
er’s farm. For those who do not have religious objections, beef, pork, and
ham are also available meats.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
˚n˚n" / t/sf/Lx¿
©n©"n / t/sf/L vfg' lgs} dxÎjk0" f{ x'G5 lsgeg] z/L/nfO{ :j:y /fVg] w]/}
kf| sl[ ts le6fldgx? logLx?d} kfOG5g\ . z/L/nfO{ rflxg] le6fldgx?sf nflu ljleGg
/+usf ©n©"n / t/sf/L vfg] ugx{' f;] \ . ;j{q kfOg] ©n©"nx? M :ofp, ;G' tnf, gf:kftL,
cª\u/' , cf?, cfn'av8f, P]+;]n' / v/ah' f x'g\ . ;jq{ kfOg] t/sf/Lx? M kfn'ªu\ f,] ©n" sfa] L,
af| ]sfpnL -xl/of] ©n" sf]aL_, ;n] ]/L, l;dL–af8] L, ufh/, s]/fp, 6df6/, ©;L{, ds} / aGbf
x'g\ . t/sf/Lsf] dN" o / :6f]/x?df kfpg–] gkfpg] jf sd kfpg] eGg] rflxF df;} d–
cg;' f/ ©/s x'G5 .
Fruit and Vegetables
It is important to eat fruit and vegetables because they provide you with
many natural vitamins that your body needs to be healthy. To get the vita-
mins your body needs, eat different colored fruit and vegetables. Common
fruits include apples, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, berries, and
melons. Common vegetables include spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, cel-
vfB ;/' Iff tyf kfi] f0f 67
ery, beans, carrots, peas, tomatoes, squash, corn, and cabbage. The price
and availability of vegetables in stores will vary by season.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
t/sf/Lsf] tof/L
s'g} t/sf/L sfFr} vfg ;lsG5, h:tfM] ;nfb agfP/ ;fu, 6df6/, ufh/ /
sfFqmf] . s'g} t/sf/L ksfP/ vfOG5 . ksfpg] tl/sf ljleGg vfnsf x'g ;S5g\,
h:tM} kfgLdf pdfn/] , a©fP/ jf tf/]/ klg vfg ;lsG5 .
Preparing Vegetables
You can eat vegetables uncooked - like in salads with lettuce, tomatoes,
carrots, and cucumbers. You can also eat vegetables by cooking them in
boiling water, steaming, or frying them.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;Unf] cGg
;Unf] cGgnfO{ /];f -s];f| _ sf] dxÎjk"0f{ ;f| ]t dflgG5 . vfgfdf x'g] /];fn]
kfrg k0| ffnLnfO{ ;xL cj:yfdf /fV5, sx] L /f]ux?sf] /f]syfd u5{ / df6] fk] g
/fS] 5 . ;Unf] cGgsf pbfx/0fx? M pl;gf rfdn -af| pg /fO;_, ;Unf] ux'Fsf]
kfp/f6] L, ;Unf] ux'Fsf] rfprfp, / hf}+af6 ags] f] l;l/cn xg' \ . ;]tf] rfdn,
h:tf]M af;dtL rfdn ;Unf] cGg xfO] g . ;Unf] cGg vfgsf nflu tkfO{+ v/} f]
-pl;gf_ rfdn ksfP/ eft vfg ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Whole Grains
Whole grains are an important source of fiber. Fiber can help keep your
digestive system regular, prevent certain diseases, and control your weight.
Some examples of whole grains are brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole
wheat noodles, and cereals such as oatmeal. White rice such as basmati
rice, is not whole grain. You might try to cook some brown rice bhat to eat
more whole grains.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lrNnfs] f] dfqfdf sdL
lbgxF' vfg] vfgfdf lrNnfs] f] dfqf l7Ss ug'{xf;] \ . vfgf ksfpFbf l3p / tf8Lsf]
t]n -kfd cfon_ sf] ;f6f] abfdsf] t]n, dss} f] t]n, Sofgf]nf -tf]/Lsf] Ps k|hflt_
sf] t]n, h}tg' -clne_ sf] tn] rnfpg'xf;] \ . lrNnfs] f] dfqf sd ugf{n] tkfO{+n]
cfˆgf] jhg l7Ss /fVg ;Sg'xG5, xb[ of3ft / s]xL vfnsf SofG;/ xg' af6
aRg'x'G5 .
vfgfdf klg k|fsl[ ts ?kdf lrNnf] sd ePsf vfgs] '/f, h:t} M sv' '/f, df5f,
©n©"n / t/sf/L 5fGgx' f];\ . a§fdf aGb ul/Psf vfgfeGbf tfhf vfgs] '/f lgs}
tfultnf x'G5g\ . lrNnf] a9L xflnPsf vfg]s'/fx? M lrK;, la:s'6, s]s, tf/s] f]
68 Food Safety and Nutrition
cfn', tf/s] f] sv' '/fsf] df;' / lkhf x'g\ . lrNnfs] f] dfqf a9L ePsf vfgf :jf:Yosf
nflu xflgsf/s dflgG5g\ lsgeg] o:tf vfgf dw'dx] -lrgL/fu] ÷ax'd'q /fu] _, d6' 'sf]
/fu] / df6] f]kgsf sf/0f x'g\ .
Reduce the Amount of Fat
Limit the amount of fat you eat every day. When you cook, choose
liquid vegetable oils, such as peanut oil, corn oil, canola oil, and olive oil,
instead of butter and palm oil. Limiting the amount of fat you eat will help
you maintain your weight and may help lower your risk of heart disease
and certain cancers.
Chose foods that are naturally low in fat, like chicken, fish, fruit, and
vegetables. Fresh food is better than packaged food. Examples of foods
that have high fat are chips, cookies, cakes, french fries, fried chicken, and
pizza. Foods with high fat are bad for your health because they can cause
diabetes, heart disease, and weight gain.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
g'gsf] dfqf sd ug'{
g'gsf] a9L dfqf tkfO+{sf] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s xg' ;S5 . vfgf ksfpFbf
g'gsf] dfqf sd ug{'xf;] \ . gg' sf] dfqf sd ePsf vfgf vfgfn] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf]
/Qmrfk -An8 k|];/_ lgoGq0f ug{ ;Sg'xG5 . gg' sf] csf]{ gfd …;fl] 8odÚ xf] .
Reduce the Amount of Salt
Too much salt can be bad for your health. Reduce the amount of salt
you use when cooking. Eating foods low in salt helps to control your blood
pressure. Sodium is another word for salt.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lrgLsf] dfqf ;Lldt ug{'
lrgLsf] a9L dfqf klg tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s xf] . lrgLsf] dfqf
a9L ePsf ko] kbfy{ h:t} M ;f]8f / ©n©n" sf /; l7Ss dfqfdf lkpgx' f];\ . o:tf
k]o afnaflnsfnfO{ sd lbgx' f];\ / sd ug{ l;sfpgx' f;] \ . kl/jf/df ;a}n] vfg]
rsn6] / vfgfkl5 vfg] u'lnof] h:tf ld7fO{ klg sd vfg] ug{'xf];\ . sd u'lnof]
vfgfn] df6] fOFbg} / bfFt ls/fn] vfFb}g .
Limit the Amount of Sugar
Too much sugar is harmful to your health. Limit drinks that contain a
lot of sugar, such as soda and fruit drinks, especially for children. Limit
sweets, such as candy and dessert, that you and your family eat. Eating less
sugar will help you maintain your weight and control tooth decay.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfB ;'/Iff tyf kfi] f0f 69
:j:y afnaflnsf
tkfO+{sf 5f/] f5f]/LnfO{ kf]l;nf] vfgf lbg' dxÎjk0" f{ xf] . 7"nfnfO{ h:t} ;fgf–
nfO{ klg kf]l;nf vfgf rflxG5, t/ dfqf eg] cfsf/ / pd]/cg';f/ ©/s
x'G5 . gfgLx?sf bfFt / xf8x? alnof agfpg pgLx?n] b"w vfgk' 5{ .
afnaflnsfn] lrNnf] a9L ePsf vfg]s'/f h:t}M lrK;, sl' sh -la:s'6_ / tof/L
vfgf -©f:6 ©8" _ vfg' xG' g . afnaflnsfn] l7Ss dfq ;f8] f vfg'x'G5 . hlt w]/}
;f8] f vfof,] Tolt w/] } lrgL vfOG5 . gfgLx?n] kf}li6s vfgf vfP eg] pgLx?n]
k9fO, vn] sb' cflbdf /fdf| ] u5{g\ / pgLx? cgfjZos df]6fpFb}gg\ .
Healthy Children
It is important to give your children healthy food. Children need the
same healthy food as adults, but in amounts appropriate to their size and
age. Make sure children drink enough milk to build strong bones and teeth.
Children should not eat a lot of high fat foods, such as cookies, chips, and
fast food. The number of sodas children drink should be limited as most
sodas have high amounts of sugar. When children eat healthy food, they
do better in school and avoid becoming overweight.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;fgf gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf
;fgf gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf vj' fpg] ;do egs] f] …kf:gL ug{] an] fÚ xf] . ;fgf
gfgLnfO{ 7f]; vfgf vj' fpg ta yfNg], ha p –
• kfFrbl] v 5 dlxgfsf] xG' 5 .
• c8;] gnfuL a:g yfN5 .
• 6fpsf] / 3fF6L ;lhn} 3d' fpg jf c8fpg ;Sg] x'G5 .
• vfg rf;f] lbG5 / rDrf glhs n}hfFbf dv' vf]N5 .
t/ aRrf Ps jif{sf] gx'Gh]n ©n©"nsf] /; vj' fpg h?/L 5g} . vj' fpg]
ljrf/ ug'e{ of] eg] Ps lbgdf $ b]lv * cfG} ; v'jfpgx' f];\ . af]tnaf6 ©n©n" sf]
/; gv'jfpg'xf];\ . rDrfn] v'jfpgx' f;] \ . ;G' tnf / 6df6/sf] h'; gvj' fpg' /fdf| ]
xG' 5 .
Solid Foods for Babies
The traditional “Rice-feeding ceremony” marks the time when a baby
is first fed solid food. You can begin to feed a baby solid food when the
• is five to six months old.
• no longer needs support to sit up.
• can turn his/her neck and head.
• is hungry and can open his/her mouth if spoon is offered.
It is not urgent to feed fruit juice to a baby that has not reached the age
70 Food Safety and Nutrition
of one year. Feed only four to eight ounces of juice in a day. Do not feed
juice from a bottle. Do not feed orange or tomato juice.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfgf vfg] lglZrt ;do
5f/] f5f/] L / cf©" ;fy} a;]/ vfgf vfg] ;dodf 5f]/f5f/] Ln] lbge/sf s] s] u/]
eg]/ hfGg] dfs} f ldN5 . To;}n] ;a} ;fy} a;]/ vfgf vfg] ugx{' f;] \ . o:tf] an] fdf
cfˆgf ;+:sl[ t, k/Dk/f / dN" o–dfGotfsf s/' f klg ugk{' 5{ . kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:o
Ps;} fy a;/] vfgfn] gfgLx? lg/fu] L xG' 5g\ / :sn" df pgLx?n] /fd|f] u5g{ \ . ;fy
a;]/ vfgfn] kl/jf/sf ;a} Ps–cfk;df lgs6 /lxG5 .
Healthy Meal Time
Use family meal time to find out about your children’s day and to share
your culture and values with them. Children who eat with their family on
a regular basis are healthier and do better in school. Eating together also
helps families stay more connected to each other.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kf]l;nf vfBfGg kfOg] bfs] fg
vfgfdf s] s] vfg] eg/] of]hgf agfpg'xf;] \ / vfBfGg vl/bdf hfg'cl3
lsGg'kg{] vfBfGgsf] ;r" L agfpg'xf;] \ . t/sf/L / ©n©"n dxFuf kfOP eg]
hdfOPsf jf a§f–aGb t/sf/L / ©n©n" lsGgx' f;] \ . b'O{ sDkgLn] agfPsf Pp6}
vfBfGgsf] d"No bfFh]/ x]gx'{ f];\ . ;:tf] lsGgx' f];\, k;} f art ugx'{ f];\ . cf©n" fO{
rflxFg] vfBfGg–dWo] d"No–36fOPsf jf 56' df /flvPsf xg] 'x{ f;] \ . cf©"nfO{ lgoldt
rflxFg] vfBfGg lsGg] :6f/] kfPkl5 klxnf] t k};f art xG' 5, bf];f| ] tkfO+{ /
kl/jf/sf nflu kfl] ;nf vfBfGg lsGg ;lhnf] x'G5 .
Shop for Healthy Foods
Plan your meals and make a list before going food shopping. If fresh
fruit and vegetables cost too much, buy frozen or canned ones. Compare
brands and buy the lowest cost brand to save money. Look for sales or
discounts on food you need. By knowing your food store, you can save
money and buy healthy foods for you and your family.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfBfGg lsGgsf nflu oxfF ljleGg vfnsf bfs] fgx? xG' 5g\ . ;k' /dfs6{] nfO{
/;b bf]sfg klg eGg] ul/G5 . oL bfs] fg 7"nf xG' 5g\ . ;'k/dfs]6{ df w/] } k|sf/sf
vfBfGg kfOG5g\ . tkfO{+ a;]sf] ckf6{d]G6af6 o:tf bfs] fg 6f9f xg' ;S5g\, ToxfF
kU' g tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] uf8L lnP/ hfgk' 5{ jf a; r9\g' kg]{ xg' ;S5 . cf©" a;g] lhs}
;fgf bf]sfg xG' 5g,\ h;nfO{ …;l' jwf bfs] fgÚ elgG5 . o:tf bf]sfgdf tof/L vfgf
vfB ;/' Iff tyf kf]if0f 71
/ ko] kbfy{ h:tf ;Lldt vfgs] '/f dfq a]lrG5g\ . s'g vfBfGgsf] dfn] l7Ss xf]
eGg] kQfnufpg aU] nfaU] n} bf]sfgdf kfOg] Pp6} vfg]s'/fsf] df]n bfFh]/ xg] k'{ 5{ .
7n" f bf]sfgdf eGbf ;fgf bfs] fgdf ToxL s/' f slxn]sfxLF dxFuf] xG' 5 .
Food Stores
There are different kinds of stores where you can buy food. Supermar-
kets, also called grocery stores, are large and have many, many kinds of
foods. They may be a long distance from your apartment and you may need
to drive or take a bus to them. In some neighborhoods there are smaller
stores, called “convenience stores,” that sell a limited number of foods,
especially snack foods and drinks. You should compare the prices for the
same foods among different stores to determine which ones generally have
the best prices. Often, but not always, you will discover that the prices at
small stores are higher than at larger supermarkets.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
si[ fssf] ahf/
zx/glhs} ©nfOPsf s[lif–pTkfbgx? s[ifsx?n] zx/df a]Rg NofpF5g\, o:tf
ahf/ …s[ifssf ahf/Ú xg' \ . o:tf ahf/ v'nf 7fpFdf jf 3/leq hxfF klg
nfUg;S5g\ . o:tf ahf/ lbgxF' jf xKtfsf] s'g} lglZrt lbg jf lbgx?df nfUg
;S5g\ . o:tf ahf/sf ©n©n" / t/sf/L tfhf x'G5g\ . si[ fssf] ahf/df uP/
s[lif–pTkfbg lsGg' g]kfn jf e6" fgsf xf6df uP/ lsgh] :t} xf] . o:tf ahf/sf
sl[ if–pTkfbg lslglbFbf :yfgLo s[ifs kl/jf/x?nfO{ d2t klg xG' 5 .
Farmers' Markets
A “Farmer’s Market” is a location where farmers who live near your
city bring their produce to sell. It may be indoors or outdoors. It may be
every day or only certain days of the week. The fruits and vegetables are
generally very freshly picked. Shopping at a farmer’s market is more like
food shopping in Bhutan or Nepal. When you buy food at a farmer’s mar-
ket you are also helping local farm families.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfgfdf ljj/0f
cd]l/sfdf sfg'gtM kf]sf jf a§fdf /fv]/ al] rg] ;a}h;f] vfgs] '/fsf] aflx/
sfuh -krL{÷afw] kq_ 6fFl;Psf] jf /flvPsf] x'G5 . pSt kf]sf jf a§fdf /flvPsf]
vfgfaf/] krLd{ f hfgsf/L lbOPsf] x'gk' 5{ . krL{df pSt vfgs] /' f tof/ kfbf{
ld;fOPsf vfB–;fduL| x?sf] ;r" L ;dfj]z xG' 5 . To;u} /L pSt vfgs] '/fdf xfd|f]
z/L/sf nflu cfjZos lrgL, g'g, kf| ]l6g, lrNnf] / cGo kf]ifs tÎjsf] dfqf klg
n]lvPsf] x'G5 . tkfO{+ /fd/| L c+u]h| L k9\g hfGgx' 'G5 eg] klg krLd{ f nl] vPsf]
kf]if0f;DaGwL hfgsf/Lsf] cy{ c?af6 a'ˇg ;Sgx' G' 5 .
72 Food Safety and Nutrition
Food Labeling
By law, most packaged and processed foods sold in the United States
must have information about the contents printed on the package or con-
tainer. This will include a list of the ingredients in the prepared food. It
will also include information about how much sugar, salt, protein, fat, and
other nutrients the product contains. Even if you can read the English well,
you may want someone to explain the meaning of the nutritional informa-
cWofo & : hflu/ / /f]huf/L
Chapter 7 : Jobs and Employment
sfdsf nflu tof/
tkfO{+ cdl] /sf cfPkl5 gofF 3/df a:g yfNg' xG' 5 . clg tkfO{+ sfddf hfg
tof/ xg' k' 5{ . tkfO+{n] cdl] /sfdf sfd ug'{ cfjZos x'G5 . sfd eof] eg] ;/sf/L
;xfotf jf gft]bf/sf] e/lagf tkfO{+ cf©}F / tkfO{+sf] cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf] x/] rfx ug{
;Sgx' G' 5 .
Ready for Work
After you arrive in the United States and start to adjust to your new
home, it is time for you to get ready to go to work. Having a job in the
United States is very important because it allows you to take care of your-
self and your family without having to rely on assistance from the govern-
ment or relatives.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfd ugs'{ f] dxŒj
sfd u//] tkfO{+sf xftdf k;} f k/k] l5 3/ef8f / lanx? ltg{x' 'G5, vfg]s/' f /
nQfsk8f lsGg kfpgx' 'G5 . o;nfO{ …cfTdlge{/ x'g'Ú elgG5 . cdl] /sfdf sfd ug'{
egs] f] ljsNk xfO] g, pd/] ku' ]sf kT| os] JolStsf nflu clgjfo{ xf] .
Importance of Working
Having a job provides you with money to pay your rent and bills, and
buy food and clothes. This is called being self-sufficient. Working is not a
choice in the United States, but a necessity for almost every adult.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfdsf ks| f/
oxfF ;fdfGo tLg vfnsf d'Vo hflu/x? x'G5g\ M cbIf hflu/, sz' n hflu/
/ Jofj;flos hflu/ . a]Unfa]Un} hflu/sf nflu leGgfleGg} txsf] Ifdtf / tflnd
rflxG5 .
cbIf jf ;'?cftL hflu/nfO{ yf/] } tflnd jf cg'ej rflxG5 . o:tf sfdsf
pbfx/0fx?df xf6] nsf] eF8f/,] rdg] fu[xdf ;j] s, rfs} Lbf/, vfB–bf]sfgdf e08f/0f
ug{] dflg; k5{g\ . o:tf sfdsf nflu /fd|f] :t/sf] c+u|]hL rflxGg . c+uh|] L
kl9/x]sf / cGo ;Lk l;ls/xs] f] cj:yfdf w]/} z/0ffyL{n] o:t} sfd u5{g\ .
sz' n hflu/sf nflu tflnd / pRr :t/sf] c+uh|] L rflxG5 . o:tf sfdsf
pbfx/0fx?df uf8L dd{t ug{] sflnu8, >+[uf/ ug]{, sDKo'6/–kf| ljlws, gl;ª{ \u–;xfos
k5{g\ . sg' } sz' n sfd ug{sf nflu cg'dlt–kq cfjZos kg{ ;S5 . tkfO{+n]
cfˆgf] b]zdf kfPsf] cg'dlt–kq oxfF dfGo xF'b}g . tkfO+{n] c+uh]| L cWoog u/L
74 Jobs and Employment
cdl] /sfd} tflnd kfPkl5 cf©" a;]sf] /fHoaf6 cg'dlt–kq kf| Kt ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Jofj;flos hflu/sf nflu snh] sf] lzIff k|fKt u/]sf,] w/] } /fd|f] c+u|]hL ePsf]
/ pRr txsf] ;Lk ePsf] xg' 'k5{ . o;sf pbfx/0f M lzIfs, kl/rfl/sf -g;{_,
OlGhlgo/, j1} flgs, nv] fkfn -csfpG6G] 6_, nfOa|l] /og x'g\ . tkfO+{ cfˆgf] b]zdf
o:t} sfd u/s] f] / o; Ifq] sf] cg'dlt–kq -nfO;G] ;_ ePsf] JolSt eP klg oxfF yk
cWoog ug'{kg]{ / oxfF To:t} sfdsf nflu oxfF k/LIffdf ;fd]n eP/ csf{] cgd' lt–
kq lng' kg]{ x'g ;S5 .
Types of Jobs
There are three general types of employment: unskilled jobs, skilled
jobs, and professional jobs. Each type of job requires a different level of
skill and training.
Unskilled or entry-level jobs require little training or experience.
Examples include hotel housekeeper, restaurant server, janitor, stocker in
food store. These jobs usually do not require a high level of English.
Many refugees work in these jobs while they study English and learn other
Skilled labor jobs require training, and a higher level of English. Ex-
amples include auto mechanic, beautician, computer technician, nursing
assistant. Some skilled jobs may require licenses. Licenses from your
homeland may not be accepted. You can study English and seek training
in the United State to receive a license in your state.
Professional jobs usually require at least a college education, very
good English, and a high level of skill. Examples include teacher, nurse,
engineer, scientist, accountant, librarian. Even if you were licensed and
did this kind of job in your homeland, additional study and recertification
tests may be required before you can do the same kind of job in the United
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfdsf] vf]hL
tkfO+{sf] kg' :yfk{ gfdf ;+nUg ;+:yf jf /fh] uf/;DaGwL ;+:yfn] tkfO+{nfO{ hflu/
-sfd_ vf]Hg d2t ug5]{ . tkfO+{n] tL ;+:yfnfO{ cfˆgfaf/]df atfpg'xfn] f . tkfO+{n]
cfˆgf] ljut, sfdsf] cg'ej, ;Lkx? / ?lraf/] atfpg' kg]5{ . tkfO+{n] cfˆgf]
wfld{s–ljZjf;sf cfwf/df gug{] sfdaf/] klg v'n:t kfg'{xfn] f . o:tf s/' fn] tkfO{+n]
ug;{ Sg] sfdaf/] aˇ' g pxfFx?nfO{ d2t k'U5 .
Finding a Job
Your resettlement agency or an employment agency will work with
you to help you find a job. Talk to them about your background, work ex-
hflu/ / /f]huf/L 75
perience, skills, and interests. Mention any jobs you cannot take because
of religious beliefs. They will help you understand what type of job you
can find.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfd vfH] g] tl/sf
• w]/} sfdsf] hfgsf/L lrghfgsf dflg;s} dfWodaf6 xG' 5 . To;}n] ;fyL,
gftfuf]tf / j/k/sf ;a;} Fu hflu/ v'n]sf] / cj;/x?af/] s/' f ug'x{ f];\ .
• c+u|h] Lsf] sIff lnof] / cdl] /sL rfnrngaf/] l;Sof] eg] tkfO{+nfO{ oxfF sfddf
hfg tof/ xg' d2t xG' 5 .
• cdl] /sf cfpg] lalQs}sf s]xL dlxgf sfd kfpg ;lhnf] 5}g . nugzLn eP/
sfd vfH] gx' f];\ / lxDdt gxfg{'xf;] \ .
Tips to Finding a Job
• Many jobs are found through people you know. Talk with friends, rela-
tives, and others in the community about job openings and opportunities.
• Taking English classes and learning about American culture will help
you to prepare for working in the United States.
• Finding a job in your first months in the United States is not always
easy. Be persistent and do not give up.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
hflu/sf nflu lgjb] g
w/] }h;f] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ hflu/sf nflu lgjb] g lbg nufpF5g\ .
sx] L o:tf 7fpFdf tkfO{+n] lbg] lgj]bgsf] ©f/d x'G5 . sfuhsf] x'G5 . cGo sx] L
lgj]bg OG6/g6] af6 lbg] vfnsf xG' 5g\ / OG6/g]6df eg'{kg]{ x'G5 . bO' {dWo] s'g}
tl/sfaf6 lgjb] g lbP klg To;df tkfO{+sf] z}lIfs–ofU] otf / sfdsf] cg'ejaf/]
hfgsf/L dfluG5 . Pp6} hflu/sf nflu w/] } dflg;n] lgjb] g lbG5g\ . /f]huf/bftfn]
tkfO{+sf] lgj]bgsf cfwf/df afn] fpg] lg0fo{ u5{g\ . To;n} ] lgj]bg lbFbf jf ©f/dsf
?kdf lgj]bg ebf{ ;©f / z'4 xg' ' lgs} cfjZos xG' 5 .
Job Application
Many potential employers will ask you to complete a job application.
For some businesses, the application form is on paper. For other busi-
nesses the application is on the Internet and you will need to complete it
online. In either case, the application will ask for information about your
education and your prior work experience. More people may apply for the
same job and the employer will use their applications to decide whom to
ask for an interview, so it is important that you complete the application
neatly and accurately.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
76 Jobs and Employment
sx] L hflu/sf nflu /f]huf/bftf;Fu ;a} vfn] tYo /fVg ldNg] jf dfUg]
vfnsf] lgjb] g gxg' ;S5 . To;sf] ;§f pxfFx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ …/H] o'dÚ] lbgx' f];\
eGg'x'g5] . /]Hod' n] ] tkfO+{sf] z}lIfs–ofU] otf, sfdsf] cg'ej / tkfO{+n] rfxs] f]
sfdaf/d] f :ki6 kf/]sf] xg' 'k5{ . …/H] o'd]Ú xftn] nl] vPsf] x'gx' 'Gg . 6fOk ul/Psf]
xg' k' 5{ . cf©n" fO{ /fdf| ] …/]Hod' ]Ú tof/ kfg{ cfpFbg} eg] klxn] …/H] o'dÚ] agfO;ss] f
;fyL;Fu d2t lng'xf];\ .
For some jobs, employers will not have a standard application. Instead,
they will ask you to give them your resume. Your resume should highlight
your education, work experience, and type of job that you are seeking. It
should be typed, not hand written. If you are unfamiliar with how to write
a good resume, you should ask a friend who has done this to help.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cGtjft{ f{sf] tof/L
cGtjft{ fd{ f hfFbf o:tf tof/L ug'x{ f;] \ M
• hfgk' g]{ 7fpF, ;do, ldlt / e6] \g'kg{] JolStsf] gfd hfGg'xf;] \ .
• ;doeGbf cl3 kU' g] Joj:yf ldnfpgx' f];\ .
• skfn sf6g\ 'xf;] \ . ;©f / ;l' snf] n'uf tof/ kfgx{' f;] \ .
• k]; ug{'kg{] dxÎjk0" f{ sfuhft, h:t} M ;f];n ;]Sol' /6L sf8,{ kl/ro–kq -cfO8L
sf8_{ jf cGo Nofpg' elgPsf kd| f0fkq jf sfuhft cflb tof/ kfg'{xf;] \ .
• cf©n" ] sfd ug{] ;+:yf, sfofn{ o cflbsf af/]df k|z:t hfgsf/L vfH] g'xf]; /
k9g\ 'xf;] \ .
• /H] o'dd] f nl] vPsf ;a} tYo ofb kfg{'xf];\ .
• cf©"n] ;fW] g] kZ| gx? tof/ kfg'x{ f];\ .
• cf/fd ug{'xf];\ . ylst cj:yfdf cGtjft{ f{df hfg' gk/f];\ .
• cf©"n] xfl;n u/s] f ;Lk / cge' jaf/] eGg tof/ x'gx' f];\ .
• vfgf l7Ss vfgx' f;] \ . cGtjft{ f{df hfgc' l3 r'/f6] ÷/S;L vfPsf] /fd|f] x'Gg .
How to Prepare for a Job Interview
Make these preparations for your interview
• Know the place, time, date, and name of the person who will interview
• Arrange to arrive before the time of the interview.
• Have clean hair and wear neat, clean clothes.
• Bring your social security card, photo ID, and other papers that have
been requested.
• Find and review information about the business.
hflu/ / /f]huf/L 77
• Review the information in your resume.
• Prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
• Be rested. Do not be tired at the time of the interview.
• Be ready to talk about your work experience and skills.
• Do not each much and do not smoke or drink alcohol before the inter-
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfdsf nflu cGtjf{tf{
cGtjft{ f{ eg]sf] tkfO+{ / tkfO+{sf /fh] uf/bftfaLr xg' ] a}7s xf,] h;df pxfFn]
tkfO+{nfO{ x]//] jf tkfO{+sf af/]df hfg]/ sfd ug{ ofU] o eP÷gePsf] 7x/ ug{'
xg' ]5 . w/] }h;f] /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfddf nufpgc' l3 cGtjf{tf{ lng' cfjZos
7fG5g\ / lnG5g\ . cGtjft{ fd{ f hfFbf tkfO+{n] o:tf aF'bf Vofn ug{ h?/L 5M
• ;dodf cGtjft{ f:{ yndf kU' g'xf];\ .
• cfˆgf sfdsf cg'ej / ;Lkaf/] eGg tof/ x'g'xf];\ .
• ;'xfpFbf] -plrt_ n'uf nufpg'xf];\ . ;©f;U' 3/ /xg] cfr/0f b]vfpgx' f];\ .
• cfFvfdf cf“vf x]/]/ s'/f ugx{' f];\ . d:' s'/fpg'xf]; . cGtjf{tfs{ f/;Fu xft ldnfpg–'
xf;] \ .
• cf©"n] hflu/ kfPdf s] sfd ugk{' 5{ eGg] ;fW] g'xf;] \ .
• cGtjf{tfs{ f/n] tkfO{+sf] c+u|h] L afN] g] / a'ˇg] Ifdtf hfFlr/x]sf xG' 5g\ eGg] Vofn
ugx{' f];\ .
Job Interview
A job interview is a meeting between you and an employer to see if you
are a good fit for the job. Most employers require a job interview before
they decide to hire you. For the job interview, it is important that you:
• Arrive to the job interview on time.
• Prepare to talk about your work experience and skills.
• Dress appropriately and practice good hygiene.
• Make eye contact, smile, and shake hands with the employer.
• Ask questions about what you will do on the job.
• Remember that the interviewer will be evaluating your ability to speak
and understand English.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cGtjf{tfk{ l5sf lzi6frf/
cGtjf{tf{kl5 klg sx] L sfd afFsL x'G5g\, tL o:tf x'G5g\ M
• cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPsf] hfgsf/L kfPkl5 ;a} cGtjft{ f{sf/nfO{ wGojfb eGgx' f;] \ .
• cGtjft{ fs{ f] kl/0ffd cf©n" ] s;/L yfxf kfpg] eg/] ;fW] g'xf;] \ .
• cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPsf] !–# lbgleq kqdf©{t jf Od]ndf©t{ wGojfb–kq nV] g'xf;] \ .
78 Jobs and Employment
o:tf] Odn] jf kqdf cGtjf{tf{ lnFbf eGg la;]{sf ljifodf klg nV] g ;lsG5 .
• cGtjf{tf{kl5 klg tkfO{+nfO{ ©f]gdf©t{ s/' f ug{ vf]Hg] ;+efjgf ePsfn]
sDkgL jf sfof{noaf/] yk hfgsf/L lnP/ a:g'xf];\ .
Post Interview Courtesy
After the interview you should do these things:
• Thank the interviewer at the end of the interview.
• Ask how you will know the result of the interview.
• Send a thank you letter or email to the interviewer 1-3 days after the in-
terview. You can also write about anything you forgot to discuss during
the interview.
• Sometime after your interview, you may be contacted by phone. So col-
lect some more information about the company and be ready.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfd yfNgc' l3
/f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ hflu/ lbG5g,\ pgLx?n] tkfO+{ o:tf s'/f atfpg5] g\ M
• tkfO{+sf] Hofnf jf tna slt xG' 5 <
• tkfO+{sf] Hofnf jf tna slxn] lbOG5 <
• tkfO+{sf] sfd ug{] ;do–tflnsf s:tf] x'g]5 <
• tkfO+{n] xKtfdf slt 306f sfd ug{'kg]5{ <
• sfd ubf{ :jf:Yo ;/' Iff, 3/fo;L labf / la/fdL labf h:tf ;l' jwf 5g\ eg]
tkfO{+n] s] slt kfpgx' G' 5 <
Starting A Job
When an employer offers you a job, they should tell you:
• How much the wage or salary will be.
• When you will be paid.
• Your work schedule.
• How many hours a week you will need to work.
• If you will receive benefits, like health coverage, vacation days, and
sick days.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfddf ;˚n /xg] s]xL h'lStx¿
• /fh] uf/bftfn] lbPsf] ;do–tflnsfcg;' f/ sfd ug'{xf;] \ .
• l7s ;dodf sfddf k'Ugx' f];\ .
• sfddf kU' g l9nf] x'g] eP ;k' /efOh/nfO{ va/ ug'{xf;] \ .
• la/fdL eP dfq la/fdL–labf lng'xf;] \ .
• sfddf lbg la/fpg] gugx'{ f];\ . la/fdL xF'bf jf 3/–kl/jf/df ckem{6 sfd k//]
hfg g;s] ;k' /efOh/nfO{ va/ ug'x{ f;] \ .
hflu/ / /fh] uf/L 79
• e/kbf,{] cfb/fyL{, lhDdj] f/ / lxti} fL x'g'xf;] \ .
• tfl] sPsf] kf]zfs nufpgx' f];\ / :j:y cfr/0fsf] kfngf ugx{' f];\ .
• ;'/lIft /xg agfOPsf lgod kfngf ug'x{ f;] \ . tkfO+{nfO{ rf]6k6s gnfuf;] \ .
• sfddf ©fg] ug{] jf cfPsf] ©f]g p7fpg] gug{'xf;] \ .
• gofF lhDdj] f/Lx? / sfdx? lngx' f];\ . d]xgt uge'{ of] eg] kbfG] glt -a9j' f_ x'g
jf tna a9g\ ;S5 .
• olb tkfO+{ ul//x]sf] sfd 5f8g\ rfxg'x'G5 eg] sfd 5f8\g] ldltn] sDtLdf b'O{
xKtfcl3 ;'k/efOh/nfO{ hfgsf/L lbg'xf;] \ .
• ;'k/efOh/;Fu /fd|f] ;DaGw /fVgx' f;] \ . ha tkfO{+ csf]{ 7fpFdf hflu/ vfg
hfgx' 'G5, pxfFn] gofF 7fpFsf /fh] uf/bftfnfO{ tkfO{+sf] cfr/0faf/] atfpg' k/]
/fd|f s'/f elglbgx' G' 5 .
Tips for Success on the Job
• Follow the work schedule your employer gives you.
• Always arrive to work on time.
• If you are going to be late, call your supervisor.
• Take time off for illness only when you are very sick.
• Try not to miss a day of work. If you have to miss a day of work because
you are sick or you have a family emergency, call your supervisor to let
them know.
• Be reliable, respectful, responsible, and friendly.
• Follow the dress code and maintain good hygiene.
• Follow safety guidelines so you do not get hurt.
• Do not make or receive personal phone calls during work time.
• Take on new responsibilities and tasks. Working hard may help you get
a promotion or pay increase.
• If you decide to quit your job, tell your supervisor at least two weeks
before you are going to leave.
• Keep a good relationship with your supervisor. When you move to an-
other job, the supervisor can say nice things about you to your next
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfddf k'?if / dlxnf
kl/jf/df bfx] f/] f] cfDbfgL eof] eg] 3/df w/] } k;} f lelqG5 . kl/jf/ cfTdlge/{
x'G5 . To;}n] cdl] /sfdf w/] }h;f] 3/af6 klt–kTgL bj' } sfd u5g{ \ .
To;u} /L dlxnf / k'?if Ps} 7fpFdf sfd u5{g\ . dlxnfn] klg k?' ifn] u/]h:t}
sfd u5{g\ . dlxnfsf] xflsd k?' if / k'?ifsf] xflsd dlxnf x'g;S5g\ .
80 Jobs and Employment
Men and Women in the Workplace
In the United States, both husband and wife often work because having
two incomes helps families be self-sufficient.
It is also common for women to do the same jobs as men and for wom-
en to supervise male employees.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfdsf] ;do–tflnsf
sfd ug]{ ;fdfGo ;do Ps xKtfdf rfnL; 306f x'G5 . olb tkfO+{n] rfnL;
306feGbf a9L ;do sfd uge'{ of] eg] tkfO+{ cltl/St–;do sfd u/]jfkt
kfl/>ldssf] xsbf/ x'g'xG' 5 .
Work Schedule
A normal work week is forty hours a week. If you work more than forty
hours a week, you may be entitled to receive overtime pay.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sd{rf/Lsf clwsf/
sfd ug]{ 7fpFdf tkfO+{sf] clwsf/ cd]l/sL gful/s;/x xG' 5 . /f]huf/bftfn]
sfd ug{]nfO{ z/0ffyL,{ pd]/, j0f{, wd,{ hflt, lnª\u jf ckfªu\ sf cfwf/df e]befj
ug{ ldNb}g . c;/' lIft cj:yfx?df sfd u/]jfkt tkfO{+sf] ;'/Iffsf nflu ljleGg
cdl] /sL /fh] uf/ sfg'g 5g\ .
Employee Rights
You have the same rights in the workplace as a U.S. citizen. Employers
cannot discriminate against employees based on refugee status, age, race,
religion, ethnicity, sex, or disability. There are also employment laws in
the United States that protect you from unsafe working conditions.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
e'StfgL kfpg'
sfd u/]jfkt tkfO+{n] kfPsf] /sd cfo -cfDbfgL_ xf] . s/ jf /fS] sf
/sd 36fP/ tkfO+{n] ;fdfGotM lglZrt /sd kfpg' xG' 5 . cfos/ egs] f] tkfO+{n]
;/sf/nfO{ ae' mfpg] /sd xf] . tkfO{+n] ae' mfpg] s'n s/ …tkfO{+n] slt cfDbfgL
ug{'x'G5 / tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/ sqf] 5Ú eGg]df e/ k5{ .
Getting Paid
Income is the money you receive when you work. Your pay usually has
a certain amount subtracted from it called taxes or withholding. Income
tax is money you pay to the government. The amount of taxes you pay
depends on how much you earn and your family size.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
hflu/ / /f]huf/L 81
cfo -cfDbfgL_
tkfO+{n] tf]lsPsf] cjlwe/ sfd u//] sdfPsf] /sddf s/ jf /f]Ssf /sd
gsfl6Psf] sn' /sd hDdf tna xf] . vb' tna eg]sf] s/ jf :jf:Yo ladf sf6]–
kl5sf] sn' /sd xf] . olx vb' tna tkfO{+n] …eS' tfg rs] Ú df©{t kfpgx' G' 5 .
Gross pay is your pay before any deductions have been subtracted
from it. Net pay is your pay after deductions have been subtracted from
it, such as taxes and health insurance. This is the amount you will receive
on your paycheck.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfOs+{ f] tna s;/L eS' tfg ul/G5 <
tkfO{+n] tna e'StfgL rs] sf ?kdf, gub jf tkfO+{sf] a}+s–vftfdf hDdf xg' ]
u/]/ kfpg ;Sgx' 'G5 . tkfO+{nfO{ hlxn] klg eS' tfgL ljj/0f ePsf] …eS' tfg /l;bÚ
-k] :6a_ lbOG5 . …e'Stfg /l;bÚ n] tkfO{+n] sdfPsf] /sd / To; /sddf s'g
ljifodf s] s6f}tL u/]/ slt tkfO{+nfO{ lbOof] eGg] :ki6 n]lvPsf] xG' 5 . tkfO+{sf]
/f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfd u/]jfkt gub lbg'eof] / …e'Stfg /l;bÚ lbg'ePg eg]
tkfO+{x? bj' }n] sfg'g tf8] s] f] 7x5{ .
How You May Be Paid
Your pay may be given to you by check, by cash, or may be directly
deposited in your bank account. You should always be given a pay stub.
The pay stub is a piece of paper that tells you how much you were paid,
how much was deducted and for what purpose. If your employer pays you
in cash and does not give you a pay stub, both you and the employer are
breaking the law.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sL ;/sf/n] s/jfktsf] /sd ;fdflhs ;/' Iff -;f];n ;]So'l/6L_, sfg'g
sfof{Gjog, lzIff / ;fj{hlgs oftfoft cflbsf] nfutdf vr{ u5{ . hf]sf]xL
cdl] /sfdf a:5 / cfDbfgL u5{ eg] sfgg' cg;' f/ kT| o]s jif{ p;n] s/–l©tL{ ©f/d
eg{' k5{ / s/ ltg{k' 5{ .
The U.S. government uses taxes to help pay for things such as social
security, law enforcement, education, and public transportation. Anyone
who lives in the United States and earns an income is required by law to
file a tax return every year and to pay any taxes they owe.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
82 Jobs and Employment
Gog" td Hofnf
cd]l/sfdf Ps sfdbf/sf] Gog" td Hofnf p;n] sfd ug]{ /fHocg;' f/ ©/s
kg{ ;S5 . tkfO{+sf] /fh] uf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ Gog" td HofnfeGbf sd lbg'
sfg'glj?4 xf] .
Minimum Wage
In the United States, the minimum wage an employer can pay you de-
pends on the state where you work. It is against the law for your employer
to pay you less than the minimum wage.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cflht{ cfo–s/ pwf/f]
cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf] Pp6f ljz]if sfo{qmd 5, h;n] sfd ug{] sx] L JolStsf
nflu cfly{s ;l' jwf lbg] u5{ . o;nfO{ cflht{ cfo–s/ pwf/f] -cG8{ OGsd–6o\ fS;
qml] 86_ elgG5 . olb tkfO+{sf] cfDbfgL sd 5 / kfNg'kg]{ 5f/] f5f]/L w]/} 5g\ eg]
cfo–s/ a'emfPkl5 tkfO{+ of] ;'ljwf kfpg ofU] o x'g'xG' 5 . of] ;'ljwfdf s/ lt/k] l5
sx] L /sd l©tf{ kfOG5 / Ps jif{df a9Ldf % xhf/ 8n/;Dd xg' ;S5 . t/ of]
;'ljwf eg] tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/sf] cfsf/ / cfDbfgLdf e/ k5{ .
Earned Income Tax Credit
The United States has a special program that provides financial benefits
to some people who work. This is the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
If your family’s annual income is low and if you have children to support,
when you file your income tax, you may be eligible to receive these ben-
efits. The benefit could be as much as $5,000 for the year, but it depends
on the size of your family and the amount you earn by working.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
hflu/df a9j' f
cd]l/sfdf tkfO+{n] ug{] klxnf] sfd To;cl3 cGt st} u/s] f] sfd;Fu gldNg
;S5 jf sfdaf6 yf]/} cfDbfgL xg' ;S5 . t/ oxfF sg' } sfd uge{' of] eg] To;n]
cem /fdf| ] sfd vfH] g cge' j lbG5 / ;Lk l;sfpF5 . tkfO+{n] ;f]r]cg';f/sf] sfd
gkfP klg h] sfd u5'{ eg]/ :jLsfg'{ lgs} dxÎjk0" f{ xG' 5 .
Job Upgrading
Your first job in the United States may not be related to your former
profession or pay a lot of money, but it will give you experience and skills
to find a better job. It is important to accept a job offer even if it is not what
you expected.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――