cWofo !* : :yfoL a;fa] f; / gful/stf
Chapter 18 : Permanent Residency and Citizenship
tkfO+s{ f] cWofudg cj:yf
z/0ffyLs{ f ?kdf ha tkfO+{n] cdl] /sf 6]Sg'xG' 5, To;a]nf tkfO+{nfO{ oxfF a:g]
clwsf/ lbOPsf] x'G5 . t/ tkfO+{nfO{ oxfFsf] …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ dflgPsf] xF'bg} . ;?' df
tkfO{+n] oxfFsf] …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ / kl5 cf©n" ] rfxd] f oxfFsf] gful/s aGg kfpgx' 'G5,
h;sf nflu tkfO{+n] s]xL k|lqmof k/" f ug'{k5{ . c:yfoL afl;Gbf, :yfoL afl;Gbf /
gful/s h:tf cWofudg cj:yfnfO{ c+u]h| Ldf …Oldu|;] g :6\of6;Ú\ elgG5 . :yfoL
afl;Gbf aGg tkfO+{n] cdl] /sL gful/stf tyf cWofudg ;]jf -o'P; l;l6hglzk
PG8 Oldu;]| g ;le;{ h] , o'P;l;cfOP;_ gfds sfofn{ o;Fu ldn]/ sfd ug'k{ 5{ .
o'P;l;cfOP;n] c? bz] af6 cfP/ cdl] /sfdf a;fa] f; ug]{ gofF afl;Gbfsf ljj/0f
/fV5 / :6o\ f6;\ ©]g{ d2t u5{ .
Your Immigration Status
When you first arrive in the United States as a refugee, you are autho-
rized to live here but you are not considered a “permanent resident.” There
are steps you must take, first to become a permanent resident and then, if
you choose, to become a citizen. In order to become a permanent resident
you must change your status with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Ser-
vices (USCIS).
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:yfoL afl;Gbf aGg'
:yfoL afl;Gbf eg]sf] Tof] JolSt xf], h;nfO{ oP' ;l;cfOP;n] :yfoL ?kdf
cd]l/sfdf a:g / sfd ug{ clwsf/ lbPsf] x'G5 . :yfoL afl;Gbfsf] :6\of6;\
hgfpg Pp6f :yfoL afl;Gbf sf8{ lbOG5, h;nfO{ af]nLrfnLsf] efiffdf …lu|g–sf8Ú{
elgG5 . cd]l/sf cfpFbf cWofudg ljefun] lbPsf] :6o\ f6;\sf cfwf/df lug| –sf8{
kfpg] tl/sf ©/s 5g\ . z/0ffyL{sf ?kdf tkfO+{nfO{ cdl] /sfn] NofPsf] xf] eg]
sfg'gcg';f/ oxfF cfPsf] Ps jif{df lug| –sf8s{ f nflu cfjb] g lbg kfpg'x'G5 .
Becoming a Permanent Resident
A permanent resident is someone who has been granted authorization
by USCIS to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. As
proof of that status, a person is given a Permanent Resident Card, com-
monly called a “Green Card." Depending on the status you had when you
arrived in the United States, there are different ways to obtain a Green
Card. Refugees are required by law to apply for a Green Card one year
after they arrived in the United States.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
184 Permanent Residency and Citizenship
lu|g–sf8s{ f nflu cfjb] g
tkfO+{nfO{ c+u|h] L sd cfpF5 eg] lug| –sf8{sf nflu cfj]bg lbg] tl/sf
cK7\of/f] xG' 5 . To;}n] ;fyL, 5/l5d]sL, jf gftfuf]tfdWo] h;n] klxn] g} lu|g–sf8{
lnPsf] 5, pxfFnfO{ ©f/dx? / kl| qmofaf/] ;fW] gx' f;] \ . lug| –sf8{sf] cfj]bg lbFbf
k|Tos] z/0ffyLn{ ] cfO–$*% gfds ©f/d eg'{k5{ . of] ©f/d o'P;l;cfOP;sf]
ja] ;fO6 (www.uscis.gov) df kfOG5 jf o;sf] Ps k|ltsf nflu kg' jf{; ;+:yf
jf cGo ;fdb' flos ;+:yfnfO{ eGgx' f];\ . cfO–$*% ©f/d;lxt cfO–($ sf]
©f6] f]skL / kf;kf6] { cfsf/sf bO' { kl| t ©f]6fx? a'emfpg'xf;] \ . rf}wbl] v &( jif{–
aLrsf k|To]s z/0ffyL{n] hL–#@%P gfds ©f/d klg eg'k{ 5{ .
tkfO+{n] cfO–^(# ©f/d klg ae' mfpgk' 5{ . of] ©f/ddf tkfO+{n] nufPsf ;a}
vf]kx?sf] hfgsf/L x'G5 . of] ©f/ddf lrlsT;s -l;len ;hg{ _ sf] x:tfIf/
x'G5 / ©f/d xflnPsf] vfdnfO{ aflx/af6 6fFrf nufOPsf] x'G5 . of] ©f/d tof/
kf/]jfkt lrlsT;sn] tkfO{+;Fu z'Ns lng;S5g\ .
©f/dx?df ;fgf–;fgf tYox? /fVg] vfnL 7fpFx? xG' 5g\ . sg' vfnL 7fpFdf
s] eg'{kg{] xf] /fd/| L a‰' g'k5{ . clg Wofg lbP/ eg{k' 5{ . o'P;l;cfOP; k7fpg'cl3
bf]xf¥] ofP/ hfFRgk' 5{ .
Applying for a Green Card
Applying for a Green Card is a difficult process, especially if you read
and understand only a little English. Ask your friends, neighbors, or rela-
tives who already have a Green Card if they could help you understand the
forms and procedures. To apply for a Green Card, each refugee must com-
plete an I-485 form. This form can be obtained from the USCIS website
on the Internet (www.uscis.gov) or you can ask your resettlement agency
or other community agency to give you a copy. Together with the I-485,
you must provide a photocopy of your I-94 and two color photographs of
correct size. Each refugee between ages 14 and 79 must also complete a
Form G-325A.
You must also provide an I-693 form signed and sealed in an envelope
by a Civil Surgeon that lists all of your immunizations. The Civil Surgeon
may charge a fee for this service.
There are many details that must be done correctly, so make sure you
understand and have completed everything correctly before sending your
application to USCIS.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
afofd] l] 6«S;\
lug| –sf8{ kfpF egL lbPsf] tkfO+{sf] cfj]bgnfO{ oP' ;l;cfOP;n] ;dLIff
u5{ . To;kl5 pSt sfof{non] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f kq k7fpF5 . pSt kqdf tkfO+{sf]
:yfyL a;f]af; / gful/stf 185
a;f]af;glhss} f] oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] sfofn{ odf hfg ;do tfl] sPsf] x'G5 . kqdf
n]lvPsf] ;dodf tkfO+{ pSt sfof{nodf hfgk' 5{ . ToxfF tkfO+{sf cf+}nfsf 5fkx?
lnOG5 . cf+}nfsf 5fkx?n] tkfO+{ s'g} cfk/flws ultljlwdf ;fdn] eP÷gePsf]
hfFr ul/G5 . pSt sfof{nodf tkfO{+sf cfFvfsf] tl:a/ klg lnOG5, h;nfO{
…/]l6gn :SofgÚ elgG5 . tkfO{+sf] cGtjft{ f{ klg lng ;lsG5 .
After USCIS has reviewed your application for a Green Card, they will
send you a letter that tells you when you have an appointment to go to a
local USCIS office. At that appointment they will take finger prints so they
can do a criminal background check. They may also take a special photo
of your eyes, called a retinal scan, or may want to conduct an interview
with you.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:yfoL a;fa] f;sf nflu cgd' f]bg
lug| –sf8{ kfpF egL lbPsf] tkfO{+sf] cfj]bgnfO{ o'P;l;cfOP;n] ;dLIff u5{ .
tkfO+{sf] cfjb] g :jLst[ eof] eg] pSt sfof{non] tkfO{+nfO{ lug| –sf8{ k7fpF5 .
lug| –sf8{ xg' ' eg]sf] tkfO{+sf] :6\of6;\ …:yfoL afl;GbfÚ df ablnPsf] xf] . …:yfoL
afl;GbfÚ sf] :6\of6;\ kT| os] bz jif{df ;lsG5 / gjLs/0f ugk'{ 5{ . lug| –sf8n{ fO{
;/' lIft /fVgx' f;] \ . tkfO{+n] lu|g–sf8{ x/fpg' eof] eg] csf{] sf8{ agfpgsf nflu
oP' ;l;cfOP;df cfjb] g lbg'k5{ .
Approval of Permanent Residency
USCIS will review your application. If they approve, they will send
you a special letter with your Green Card that gives you permanent resi-
dent status. You must renew that status every ten years. Always keep your
Green Card safe. If you do lose it, you can apply to USCIS for another
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ha tkfO{ a;fO“ ;g'{x'G5
tkfO{+ gofF ckf6{d]G6 jf 3/df a;fOF ;g'{eof] eg] cf©" ;/]sf] bz lbgleq
oP' ;l;cfOP;nfO{ 7]ufgf ©l] /Psf] hfgsf/L lbgk' 5{ . a;fOF ;/k] l5 kl/jf/sf
;a} ;b:osf] gofF 7u] fgfsf nflu Pcf/–!! gfds ©f/d e/]/ o'P;l;cfOP;sf]
sfofn{ odf k7fpg'xf;] \ . kT| os] ;b:osf nflu ©/s–©/s ©f/d x'gk' 5{ . of]
©f/d sDKo6' / ko| fu] u/]/ oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] ja] ;fO6df klg eg{ ;lsG5 .
When You Move
If you move to a different apartment or home, you must inform USCIS
in writing within ten days of moving. This must be done for each family
186 Permanent Residency and Citizenship
member who has moved. You must do this by mailing a completed form
AR-11 for each family member to the USCIS or may do it by computer at
the USCIS website.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;l' jwfsf] ;Ldf
gful/s gagG' h]n sx] L ;/sf/L ;l' jwf lglZrt ;dosf nflu dfq lbOG5 .
h:tf] M gful/s gag]sf] afl;GbfnfO{ P;P;cfO -;lKndG] 6n ;]Sol' /6L OGsd_ gfdsf]
;'ljwf ;ft jifs{ f nflu dfq pknAw xG' 5 . …P;P;cfOÚ ;l' jwf slxNo} /f]lsFb}g eGg]
7fGbf ;ft jif{kl5 kfsf] pd/] sf ckfª\u z/0ffyLn{ ] cefj em]Ng'kg{] xG' 5 .
Limits on Benefits
Some government programs have limits on the length of time non-citi-
zens are able to receive benefits. For example, SSI (Supplemental Security
Income), has a 7 year limit for non-citizens. This limit can cause a crisis
for older refugee immigrants who are disabled and did not realize that their
SSI might be ended.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gful/s aGg] lg0fo{
cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf lng] lg0f{o Pp6f JolStsf] hLjgsf nflu lgs}
dxÎjk0" f{ xG' 5 . cd]l/sfsf] gful/s aGg cfjb] g lbg] lg0fo{ ug{' eg]sf] tkfO+{n]
cd]l/sfkl| t argj4tf hfx/] ug{' xf] / cdl] /sL ;+ljwfgdfly tkfO+{n] a©fbf/L
b]vfpg' xf] . gful/s ePjfkt tkfO{+n] w/] } clwsf/x? / ;x'lnotx? kfpgx' 'G5, tL
cd]l/sL gful/stfsf c+z xg' \ .
Deciding to Become a Citizen
Deciding to become a U.S. citizen is a very important decision in an
individual’s life. If you decide to apply to become a U.S. citizen, you will
be showing your commitment to the United States and your loyalty to its
Constitution. In return, you are rewarded with all the rights and privileges
that are part of U.S. citizenship.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gful/s xg' '
cdl] /sf cfPsf] ldltn] kfFr jif{ kU' bf tkfO+{ oxfFsf] gful/stfsf nflu
cfjb] g lbg ofU] o xg' 'x'G5 . cdl] /sfsf] gful/stf kfpg] kl| qmofnfO{ c+uh|] Ldf
…g]r/' nfOh];gÚ elgG5 . gful/s aGg' eg]sf] yk clwsf/ / ;xl' not kfpg'
tyf lhDdj] f/L a9\g' klg xf] . c? b]zsf] gful/stf Tofu]/ oxfFsf] gful/s aGbf
cd]l/sfkl| t tkfO{+ a©fbf/ klg xg' cfjZos 5 . gful/s aGg ug'k{ g{] k|lqmof
©/s dflg;sf ©/s xG' 5g\ . gful/s aGgsf nflu cfjb] g lbg'cl3 x'g'kg{]
:yfyL a;fa] f; / gful/stf 187
cfjZos cfwf/ M
• lats] f] kfFr jif{dWo] sDtLdf #) dlxgf cd]l/sfdf a;s] f] xg' k' 5{ .
• gful/stfsf nflu cfjb] g hg' oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] lhNnfaf6 lbg] xf,] To;
lhNnfdf cfj]bg lbgc' l3sf] # dlxgf a;]sf] xg' 'k5{ .
• ;fwf/0f c+u|h] Ldf afn] rfn ug{ ;Sg] xg' k' 5{ .
-afN] g ghfGg]sf nflu s]xL ljsNkx? lbOPsf 5g\ ._
• cdl] /sL Oltxf; / ;/sf/af/] ;fwf/0f hfgsf/L lnPsf] xg' 'k5{ .
-o;nfO{ gful/s–zf:q elgG5 ._
• cd]l/sL ;+ljwfgsf] l;4fGt hfg]sf] / :jLsf/s] f] xg' k' 5{ .
• bz] lgsfnf -cfˆgf] bz] l©tf_{ jf avf{:t cfbz] sfof{Gjog x'g afFsL ePsf]
xg' 'x'Fb}g .
• c;n cfr/0f ePsf] xg' k' 5{ .
Becoming a Citizen
Five years after your arrival date, you are eligible to apply to become
a citizen of the United States. “Naturalization" is the process of becoming
a U.S. citizen and comes with rights, privileges, and responsibilities. It
requires loyalty to the United States and, usually, giving up citizenship to
other countries. Rules and processes can be different for different people.
Before applying, individuals must:
• Have been in the United States for at least 30 months of the last five
• Have lived in the USCIS district where you plan to file for citizenship
for at least three months before filing.
• Be able to communicate in basic English (there are exceptions).
• Know basic information about U.S. history and government (called
• Know and accept the principles of the Constitution.
• Have no outstanding deportation or removal orders pending.
• Be of good moral character.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfj]bg k|lqmofsf nflu tof/L
gful/stfsf nflu cfjb] g lbgc' l3 tkfO+{n] ug{k' g]{ tof/L oL xg' \ M
• c+u|]hL hfGg'k5{ .
• cdl] /sL Oltxf; / ;/sf/af/] cWoog ug{'k5{ .
• gful/s ePkl5sf clwsf/ / lhDdj] f/Lx?af/] hfGg'k5{ .
Preparing for the Application Process
Before you apply for citizenship, you should prepare by:
• Studying English.
188 Permanent Residency and Citizenship
• Learning about U.S. history and government.
• Learning about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gful/stfsf nflu cfj]bg
gful/stfsf nflu Pg– $)) -gr] '/nfOh];gsf nflu lbOg] cfj]bg–©f/d_ k/" }
e//] oP' ;l;cfOP;df ae' mfpg'k5{ . pSt ©f/dsf ;fydf tkfO{+sf] lu|g–sf8s{ f] ©f]6f]–
skL, kf;kf6] { cfsf/sf b'O{ kl| t ©f6] fx?, / gful/stf zN' ssf] r]s jf dlg–c8{/
k7fpgk' 5{ . o;afxs] yk hfgsf/L rflxP o'P;l;cfOP;sf] ja] ;fO6df x]g{
;lsG5 jf oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf ©fg] ug{ ;lsG5 M
• clxn] nfUg] cfj]bg–z'Ns slt xf] <
• s] d]/f] gful/stf cfjb] g–z'Ns ldgfxf xG' 5 <
• s] d}n] yk ©f/dx? klg ae' mfpg'k5{ <
Applying for Citizenship
Submit to USCIS a completed form N-400 (Application for Naturaliza-
tion). With the form you must also send a photocopy of your Green Card,
two standard passport-style photographs, and a check or money order for
the fee amount. Contact USCIS (www.uscis.gov) for information about
• the current fee
• if you can be excused from paying the fee
• if you must submit extra forms.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gful/s aGgsf nflu k/LIff / cGtjf{tf{
Pg–$)) ©f/d btf{ ePkl5 tkfO+{ a:gg] lhs}sf] o'P;l;cfOP; sfof{nodf
cf+}nfsf 5fkx? lnOG5 . To;kl5 o'P;l;cfOP;n] tkfO+{sf] cGtjf{tf{ lng /
g]r'/nfOh];g 6:] 6 lng ;do tf]s/] kq k7fpF5 . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf tkfO{+ hfg
g;Sg] xg' 'eof] eg] tTsfn tkfO{+ hfg' elgPsf] sfofn{ odf va/ ug{x' f;] \ . csf{]
;do ldnfpg w]/} dlxgf nfUg] ePsfn] klxnf]k6ss} ;dodf hfg' / an] fdf kU' g'
lgs} /fdf| ] x'G5 . cGtjft{ f{sf qmddf o'P;l;cfOP;sf cl©;/n] tkfO+{sf] cfj]bg /
ki[ 7e"ldaf/] ;f]Wg'x'G5 . ;fFrf] af]Ngx' fn] f . cGtjf{tf{ ;lsPkl5 c+uh|] L / gful/stf
lbg] 6]:6x? x'G5g\ .
6:] 6x? kf; ug{, tkfO+{n] M
• c+u]h| Lsf tLgdWo] Ps jfSo z'4 k9\g'k5{ .
• c+uh|] Lsf tLgdWo] Ps jfSo z'4 nV] g'k5{ .
• gful/s–zf:qsf bzdWo] 5 j6f kZ| gsf] ;xL pQ/ lbg'k5{ .
c+u|h] L–af]nfO;DaGwL 6:] 6 cGtjft{ f{ lnPs} a]nf lnOG5 . tkfO+{ oL 6]:6dWo]
s'g} Psdf ©n] xg' 'eof] eg] ^) / () lbgsf aLrdf ©l] / 6:] 6 lbg ;Sg'x'G5 .
:yfyL a;fa] f; / gful/stf 189
bf]xf]¥ofP/ lbg] 6]:6 Psk6s dfq x'G5 . bf;] f| k] 6s klg tkfO+{ ©n] x'ge' of] eg]
©l] / cfjb] g lbgk' 5{ / ©l] / zN' s ltgk{' 5{ . oL 6]:6x?df ;f]lwg] k|Zg / pQ/
ePsf ;fdu|Lx? oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] ja] ;fO6 www.uscis.gov df k9g\ 'xf;] \ .
The Naturalization Test and Interview
USCIS will send you an appointment for an interview and to take the
naturalization test after you have submitted Form N-400 and have had
your fingerprints taken at a local USCIS facility. If you cannot go to the
appointment, contact the USCIS facility as soon as possible. Rescheduling
may take several months, so it is important that you go to your appoint-
ment and be on time. During the interview, a USCIS officer will ask about
your application and background. Be honest. Once the interview is com-
plete the English and civics tests will follow.
To pass the tests, you must be able to:
• Read one of three sentences correctly in English
• Write one of three sentences correctly in English
• Answer six of ten civics questions correctly
Spoken English is usually tested during the interview. If you fail any
part of the tests, you can take them again between 60 and 90 days. You can
retake the test only one more time. If you fail a second time, you will have
to reapply and pay the fee again. Study materials are on www.uscis.gov.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ljz]if kl/l:ylt, ldnfg / ckjfb
tkfO+{nfO{ c+u]h| Lsf] 6:] 6 lbg 5'6 lbOof] jf 6]:6 g} lbg' k/g] eg] tkfO+{sf]
gful/s–zf:qsf] 6:] 6 lnOG5 . olb tkfO+{ c+u|h] L af]Ng hfGg'xG' g eg] cfˆgf]
dfte[ fiffdf 6:] 6 lbg ;Sg'xG' 5 . cf©"nfO{ c+uh]| L gcfpg] hfgsf/L o'P;l;cfOP;
sfof{nodf ;s;] Dd rfF8f] lbgk' 5{ . zf/Ll/s jf j[l4;DaGwL ckfª\u x'gx' G' 5 eg]
tkfO+{nfO{ b'j} k/LIff lbg' gkg]{ klg xg' ;S5 . o:tf] cj:yfdf 6:] 6sf nflu
tf]lsPsf] ;doeGbf klxn] g} 8fS6/ jf dgf]j}1flgsn] e/]sf] Pg–^$* gfdsf]
©f/d oP' ;l;cfOP;df a'emfpg'k5{ . gr] '/nfOh];gsf ;a} ljlw k/" f ug{ cK7o\ f/f]
kg{] u/L tkfO+{df zf/Ll/s jf dfgl;s v/faL 5 eg] o'P;l;cfOP;n] 6]:6sf nflu
©/] abn u5{ .
Special Circumstances, Accommodations, and Exceptions
If you are exempt from, or allowed not to take, the English test, you
must take the civics test. You may take it in your native language if unable
to take it in English. Speak to USCIS about this as early as possible. You
may be exempted from both tests because of a physical or developmental
disability. Submit Form N-648 (completed by a doctor or psychologist) to
190 Permanent Residency and Citizenship
USCIS before your test date. USCIS will change the testing environment
if you have physical or mental impairments that make it difficult to com-
plete the naturalization process.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lg0fo{ k|fKtL
tkfO+{n] cGtjf{tf{ / b'j} 6]:6 kf; ug{e' of] -jf k/LIff lbg 5'6 kfpge' of_] eg]
tkfO{+nfO{ …a©fbf/Lsf] zkyÚ lng af]nfOG5 . tkfO+{n] Pg–$$% gfds Pp6f ©f/d
kfpgx' 'G5 . pSt ©f/d gful/stfsf] zky ;df/fxsf] ;"rgf -lgDtf]_ xf] . zky
;df/f]x, cGtjf{tf{ / 6]:6x? Ps} lbg klg xg' ;S5g\ . zky ;df/f]xdf hfFbf
tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] :yfoL afl;Gbfsf] sf8{ -lug| –sf8_{ l©tf{ ug'{k5{ . pSt ;df/f]xdf
tkfO+{n] cd]l/sL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkqsf ?kdf …;l6{l©s]6 c© gr] /' nfOh;] gÚ
kfpgx' G' 5 . To;kl5 cfˆgf] glhss} f] ;f;] n ;]So'l/6L sfof{no hfgx' f];\ . cfˆgf
JolStut ljj/0fdf ©/] abn ug'x{ f;] \ . gful/s ePkl5 kfpg] yk ;/sf/L ;'ljwfsf
nflu cfˆgf] of]Uotfx? :yflkt ug'{xf];\ .
Receiving a Decision
If you pass the interview and both tests (or are exempted), you will be
invited to take the Oath of Allegiance. You will receive a Form N-445,
Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony. This may take place the same
day as the interview and tests. You must return your Permanent Resident
Card to the USCIS at this time. In its place you will receive a Certificate
of Naturalization as proof of your new U.S. citizenship. Go to the nearest
Social Security office to update your information and establish eligibility
for certain benefits.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lg/Gt/tf / c:jLsf/
6]:6df ©]n x'ge' of] jf oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf sfuhkqx? k'ug] g\ eg]
klg tkfO{+nfO{ gful/s agfpg] kl| qmof hf/L g} /xg ;S5 . tkfO+{nfO{ bf];|f]
cGtjft{ f{sf nflu, ©]l/ 6]:6 lbgsf nflu / yk sfuhkqx? k]z ug{'xf];\ elgG5 .
tkfO+{ 6]:6df Psk6s ©]n xg' ' eof] eg] csf{] Psk6s dfq lbg kfpgx' 'G5 .
olb tkfO+{nfO{ oP' ;l;cfOP;n] uNtL u/s] f] h:tf] nfUof] eg] pSt sfofn{ osf
cl©;/nfO{ ;g' j' fOsf nflu cg'/fw] ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 . tkfO{+sf] c:jLs[t kqnfO{
s] ug{ ;lsG5 eg/] pkfo l;sfOlbg ;Sgx' 'G5 . c:jLs[t kq cfPkl5 ©f/d
eg{x' f];\ / zN' s;lxt #) lbgleq k7fpgx' f;] \ . olb tkfO+{n] u/]sf] clkn uNtL;fy
c:jLst[ u/]h:tf] nfu] ;+3Lo lhNnf cbfnt -oP' ; l8l:6S« 6 sf]6_{ df k'gljr{ f/sf
nflu lgj]bg ug{ ;Sgx' 'G5 . k|foMh;f] tkfO{+sf] kqdf tf]lsPsf] ldltcg';f/ tkfO{+n]
gful/stfsf nflu kg' M lgjb] g ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 . ;a} ©f/d / z'Ns a'emfpgx' f];\ .
:yfyL a;fa] f; / gful/stf 191
cf}+nfsf 5fk lng / ©f]6f] lvRg cg/' fw] ug{x' f];\ . b'O{k6s 6:] 6 kf; ug{ g;s–]
sfn] tkfO{+sf] lgjb] g c:jLst[ ePdf tkfO+{n] t'?Gt csf]{ lgjb] g lbg ;Sg'–
x'g]5 . t/ hfFr kf; ug{ ;S5' eGg] cfF6 gcfpGhn] kv{/] a;]sf] /fdf| ] x'G5 .
Continuations and Denials
Your case may be continued if you failed a test or USCIS did not re-
ceive your documents. You may be asked to return for a second interview,
to return for a retest, or to provide additional documents. You will be given
only one more chance to pass a test that you failed.
If you feel that USCIS was wrong, request a hearing with an immigra-
tion officer. You should receive information on how to do this with your
denial letter. File the form and send the fee within 30 days of receiving the
letter. If you feel your appeal is wrongly denied, file a request for review
in U.S. District Court. Usually, you may reapply for citizenship after the
date indicated on your letter. Resubmit all forms and fees, and have your
fingerprints and photographs taken again. If denied because you failed a
test two times, you may reapply immediately, but it is better to wait until
you feel you can pass.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
clwsf/ / ;x'lnotx¿
gful/stf kfPkl5 o:tf clwsf/ / ;xl' not kfOG5g\ M
• kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ cdl] /sfdf a;f]af;sf nflu Nofpg cfj]bg lbPsf] cj:yfdf
kf| yldstf .
• s]xL cg'bfg / 5fqjl[ Qsf nflu of]Uo .
• gful/sn] dfq vfg ldNg] hflu/sf nflu of]Uo .
• ckfª\un] kfpg] ;l' jwfsf nflu of]Uo -sg' } /fHodf gful/stf ePkl5 dfq o:tf]
;l' jwf kfpg] ePsfn]_ .
• cfˆgf] gfd dtbftf–;r" Ldf btf{ ug{ / rg' fjx?df dt v;fNg ofU] o .
• cd]l/sL /fxbfgL -kf;kf]6_{ kfpg ofU] o .
Rights and Privileges
Citizens have rights and privileges that include:
• Priority when applying to bring family members to live in the United
• Eligibility for certain grants and scholarships.
• Eligibility for jobs open only to citizens.
• Eligibility for disability benefits (in states where citizenship is re-
192 Permanent Residency and Citizenship
• Ability to register to vote and to vote in elections.
• Eligibility for a U.S. passport.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfdf hGds] f afnaflnsf
s'g} aRrf cd]l/sfdf hGdG5 eg] hGd]s} ;dodf pm :jtM Ps cdl] /sL gful/s
xG' 5 . To;}n] gful/stfsf nflu hGdbtfs{ f] k|df0fkq h?/L xG' 5 .
Children Born in the U.S.
Any child who was born in the United States is automatically a citizen
at the time of birth. The child’s birth certificate is therefore necessary to
prove citizenship.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfaflx/ hGd]sf afnaflnsf
cfdf jf afan' ] cdl] /sfsf] gful/stf lnPkl5 cd]l/sfaflx/ hGds] f] c7f/
jif{dl' gsf] s'g} aRrf :jtM gful/s aG5 . gful/s aGgsf nflu Pg–^)) ©f/d
e//] cfjZos z'Ns;lxt oP' ;l;cfOP;sf] sfof{nodf k7fpgk' 5{ . ©f/d / zN' s
ae' mfPkl5 aRrfsf] gful/stfsf] k|df0fkq tkfO+{sf] 7]ufgfdf k7fOG5 .
Children Born Outside the U.S.
A child under the age of 18 who was born outside the U.S. automati-
cally becomes a citizen when one parent has become a citizen. To prove
citizenship, however, a form N-600 must be filed with USCIS along with
the necessary fee. In return the child will be sent a Certificate of Citizen-
cWofo !( : cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L
Chapter 19 : About the United States
sx] L tYo
tkfO{+ cd]l/sf cfOk'Ug' ePsf] 5 / oxfF k'g:yfl{ kt xg' 'ePsf] 5, To;n} ] tkfO+{n]
xfdf| ] bz] af/] sx] L hfGg'k5{ . of] b]z slt 7n" f] 5 < oxfF s:tf] ;/sf/ xG' 5 <
o;sf] Oltxf; s:tf] 5 < To;u} /L tkfO+{n] oxfFsf] gful/stf lng lbOg] gful/s–
zf:qsf] kl/Iffsf nflu o:tf w/] } tYox? hfGg cfjZos xG' 5 . To;f] eP lsg
clxn] g} ;?' gug{] <
Some Facts
Now that you have arrived and have been resettled in the United States,
you should know a few things about our country. How big is the country?
What is its government like? What is its history? You will need to know
many facts when you take the civics test for citizenship. Now is the time
to begin learning.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfsf] If]q˚n
If]q©nsf cfwf/ cdl] /sf ljZjsf rfy} f] 7n" f] b]z xf] . cd]l/sfeGbf ?;, Sofg8f
/ rLg 7n" f 5g\ . cdl] /sfsf] If]q©n sl/a #& nfv !& xhf/ ju{ dfOn 5 .
gk] fnsf] Ifq] ©n sl/a %& xhf/ ju{ dfOn / e6" fgsf] !% xhf/ ju{ dfOn 5 .
To; lx;fan] gk] fneGbf cd]l/sf sl/a ^% u0' ff 7"nf] / e6" fgeGbf sl/a @ ;o
%) u'0ff 7n" f] 5 .
194 About the United States
;Fus} f] gS;fdf Pp6} gfksf cd]l/sf, gk] fn / e"6fg b]vfOPsf 5g\ . gS;f
x/] ]/ gk] fn / e6" fg slt ;fgf /x]5g\ eGg] :ki6 x'G5 .
The Size of the United States
The United States is the fourth largest country in the world in land area.
Only Russia, Canada, and China are larger. The U.S. has about 3,717,000
square miles of land. Nepal has about 57,000 square miles of land and
Bhutan has only 15,000. The U.S. is 65 times the size of Nepal and is al-
most 250 times bigger than Bhutan.
The map shows the U.S., Nepal, and Bhutan at the same scale. You can
easily see how much smaller Nepal and Bhutan are.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;g\ @)!) sf] hgu0fgfcg';f/ cdl] /sfdf #) s/f]8 *& nfv $% xhf/
% ;o #* hgf dflg; a:5g\ . ljZjsf c? bO' { bz] rLg / ef/tdf dfq
cdl] /sfeGbf a9L dflg; 5g\ . g]kfndf sl/a @ s/f]8 &) nfv dflg; a:5g\
eg] e"6fgdf & nfv dflg; a:5g\ . e6" fgsf kT| o]s dflg;a/fa/ cd]l/sfdf $
;o %) dflg; xG' 5g\ .
According to census of 2010 the United States is the home of
308,745,538 people. Of the world’s many countries, only China and India
have more people. Nepal is home to about 27,000,000 people. Bhutan is
home to about 700,000. For each person living in Bhutan, there are about
450 people living in the U.S.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/0ffyL{ k'g:yfk{ gf
tkfO+{sf l5d]sL jf c+uh]| L sIffsf ;fyLx? c? b]zaf6 cfPsf z/0ffyL{ xg'
;S5g\ . cdl] /sfn] jiff{}b]lv z/0ffyLx{ ? kg' :yflk{t ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . cdl] /sfn]
z/0ffyL{ k'g:yfl{ kt ug{] gLlt lnPsf] 5 . ;g\ @)!) df &# xhf/ ! ;o #!
z/0ffyL{nfO{ cdl] /sf NofOof] . pgLx? ljleGg &* dn' s' af6 cfPsf xg' \ . ;g\
@)!) df cd]l/sf cfPsf sn' z/0ffyL{dWo] e"6fgL z/0ffyLs{ f] ;+Vof !@ xhf/ #
;o ( /Xof] . To:t} c7f/ xhf/eGbf a9L O/fsaf6 / !^ xhf/eGbf a9L adf{af6
z/0ffyL{ cfPsf lyP . c? xhf/f+} z/0ffyL{ s+uf], O/fg, ;f]dflnof, Ol/l6«of cflb
bz] af6 cfP . cfpFbf jif{x?df ljZjsf ljleGg d'n'saf6 jif]l{ g &) xhf/eGbf a9L
z/0ffyL{nfO{ kg' :yf{kgf ug{] cgd' fg ul/G5 .
Resettling Refugees
You may now have neighbors or students in your English classes who
are refugees from other countries. The United States has had a policy of
cdl] /sfaf/] hfgsf/L 195
accepting refugees for resettlement in our country for many years. In 2010
there were 73,131 refugees admitted to the U.S. They came from 78 dif-
ferent countries. Of these, 12,309 were Bhutanese refugees. More than
18,000 came from Iraq and 16,000 from Burma. Thousands more came
from Congo, Iran, Somalia, and Eritrea. More than 70,000 refugees from
all around the world are expected to be resettled in the U.S. in each of the
coming years.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
krf; /fHox¿
cd]l/sfdf %) /fHox? 5g\ . ;a} /fHosf /fhwfgL 5g\ . kqfrf/sf nflu
vfddf 7]ufgf n]Vbf / cGo k|of]hgsf nflu cf©" a;]sf] /fHosf] b'O{ cIf/sf]
5f6] s/L k|ofu] ul/G5 .
The 50 States
There are fifty states in the United States. Each state has a capital city.
For mailing addresses on envelopes and for other uses state names are
often written as a two letter abbreviation.
State Name -/fHosf] gfd_=========Abbr. -5f6] s/L_========Capital City -/fhwfgL zx/_
Alabama -cnfafdf_======================AL================================Montgomery -dfG] 6ufd] /L_
Alaska -cnf:sf_=========================AK================================Juneau -hg' f]_
Arizona -Pl/hf]gf_========================AZ================================Phoenix -l©lgS;_
Arkansas -cfsG{ ;_=======================AR================================Little Rock -ln6n /s_
California -Sofln©f]lg{of_=============CA===============================Sacramento -:ofqmDofG6f_]
Colorado -sf]nf/] f8f]_=====================CO===============================Denver -8]Ge/_
Connecticut -sgl] 6s6_===============CT===============================Hartford -xf6{©8_{
Delaware -8n] fj/_=========================DE===============================Dover -8f]e/_
Florida -ˆnf]l/8f_============================FL===============================Tallahassee -6Nnfxf;L_
Georgia -hlho{ f_===========================GA==============================Atlanta -c6nfG6f_
Hawaii -xjfO_{ ================================HI================================Honolulu -xf]gf]nn' _'
Idaho -cfO8fxf]_==============================ID================================Boise -afO] hL_
Illinois -OlngfO] _============================IL================================Springfield -l:k|ªl\ ©N8_
Indiana -OlG8ofgf_=========================IN===============================Indianapolis -OlG8ofgfkf]ln;_
Iowa -cfof]jf_=================================IA===============================Des Moines -8 df]Og_
Kansas -SofG;f;_=========================KS==============================Topeka -6lksf_
Kentucky -s]G6sL_======================KY==============================Frankfort -ˆo| fª\s©6{_
Louisiana -n'Olhofgf_==================LA=============================Baton Rouge -Aof6g ?h_
Maine -dg] _====================================ME============================Augusta -cu:8f_
Maryland -d]l/Nof08_===================MD============================Annapolis -cGgfkfl] n;_
Massachusetts -df;fr';6] ;\ _=======MA=============================Boston -af]:6g_
196 About the United States
State Name -/fHosf] gfd_=========Abbr. -5f]6s/L_=====Capital City -/fhwfgL zx/_
Michigan -ldl;ug_========================MI===========================Lansing -NoflG;ª_
Minnesota -ldg];f]6f_====================MN==========================Saint Paul -;]G6 kn_
Mississippi -ldl;l;kL_==================MS===========================Jackson -HofS;g_
Missouri -ldh'/L_===========================MO==========================Jefferson City -h©] ;{g l;6L_
Montana -df]G6fgf_=========================MT===========================Helena -xn] ]gf_
Nebraska -g]af| :sf_========================NE============================Lincoln -lnÍg_
Nevada -g]ef8f_==============================NV===========================Carson City -sf;g{ l;6L_
New Hampshire -Go' XofD;/_=======NH===========================Concord -s+s8{_
New Jersey -Go' h;L{_====================NJ============================Trenton -6G]« 6g_
New Mexico -Go' d]lS;sf_] ===========NM==========================Santa Fe -:ofG6f ©]_
New York -Go' of]s_{ =======================NY===========================Albany -cNagL_
North Carolina -gy{ Sof/f]nfOgf_===NC============================Raleigh -¥ofnL_
North Dakota -gy{ 8sf6] f_===========ND===========================Bismarck -laHdfs_{
Ohio -cf]xfof]_===================================OH============================Columbus -sf]nDa;_
Oklahoma -cfS] nxf]df_====================OK==========================Oklahoma City -cfS] nxfd] f l;6L_
Oregon -cf]/]ug_===============================OR===========================Salem -;n] d_
Pennsylvania -k]G;ne]lgof_============PA===========================Harrisburg -x]l/;ju{_
Rhode Island -/f8] cfONof08_========RI============================Providence -kf| ]le8G] ;_
South Carolina -;fpy Sof/fn] fOgf_===SC==========================Columbia -sf]nlDaof_
South Dakota -;fpy 8sf6] f_=========SD==========================Pierre -lko/_{
Tennessee -6g] ];L_===========================TN===========================Nashville -Gofzlen_
Texas -6]S;;_===================================TX==========================Austin -cl:6g_
Utah -o6' f_=========================================UT==========================Salt Lake City -;N6 ns] l;6L_
Vermont -ed{G6_===============================VT==========================Montpelier -dfG] 6lklno/_
Virginia -elh{lgof_===========================VA==========================Richmond -l/Rd08_
Washington -jfl;+u6g_==================WA==========================Olympia -cfl] nlDkof_
West Virginia -j:] 6 elhl{ gof_==========WV=========================Charleston -rfN;6{ g_
Wisconsin -lj:sfG;g_=====================WI==========================Madison -Dofl8;g_
Wyoming -jfof]ldª_=========================WY========================Cheyenne -zfog_
cd]l/sfsf] /fhwfgL jfl;+u6g l8=;L= -l8l:6«S6 c© sfn] lDaof_ xf] . jfl;+u6g
/fHo / /fhwfgL jfl;+u6g l8=;L= Pp6} xf]Ogg\ . oL b'O{ gfdn] slxn]sfxLF
em'SofpF5g\ . olb s;n} ] …d jfl;+u6gaf6 cfPsf] xF'Ú eGge' of] eg] tkfO+{n] pxfF
jfl;+u6g /fHo jf jfl;+u6g l8=;L= sxfFaf6 cfpg'ePsf] xf] eg]/ ;fW] gk' 5{ .
cd]l/sfsf sx] L cwLg:y e"–efux? klg 5g,\ t/ tL e"–efux? /fHo
xfO] gg\ . tL efux? M k'c6f]{ l/sf], uc' fd, o'P; elhg{ cfONofG8;,\ cd]l/sg ;df]cf,
gbg{ { Dofl/cfgf cfONofG8;\ / cGo x'g\ . oL låkx? cfGw| dxf;fu/ / k|zfGt
dxf;fu/df 5g\ .
cdl] /sfaf/] hfgsf/L 197
The capital of the country is Washington D.C. (District of Columbia).
The state of Washington and the capital Washington D.C. are not the same.
That can be confusing sometimes. If someone tells you “I am from Wash-
ington.”, You should ask if they mean the state of Washington or Wash-
ington D.C.
The United States also has possessions that are not states. They are
islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and include Puerto Rico, Guam,
U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, and oth-
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfdf ljleGg rf/ txdf ;/sf/x? x'G5g\ M /fli6«o, /fHo, sfpG6L /
:yfgLo ;/sf/ .
/fli6«o ;/sf/nfO{ b]zsf] ;+ljwfgn] JofVof u/s] f] xG' 5 . ;/sf/sf tLg
c+ux? 5g\ M sfok{ flnsf, Joj:yflksf / Gofokflnsf . sfo{kflnsfsf] g]tÎ[ j
cdl] /sfsf /fi6k« ltn] ug{x' 'G5 . k|To]s rf/ jif{df hgtfsf] dtaf6 /fi6k« lt
r'lgG5 . sfo{kflnsfn] ljleGg sfo{qmd ;~rfng u5{ / dn' 'sdf sfg'g nfu'
u5{ . cd]l/sfsf] Joj:yflksfnfO{ s+u|]; elgG5 . s+u|];n] sfg'g agfpF5 . s+u|;] sf
b'O{ ;ef 5g,\ Pp6f l;g6] xf] eg] csf{] kl| tlglw–;ef xf] . l;g]6df k|To]s /fHoaf6
bO' { hgfsf b/n] Ps ;o l;g]6/ -l;g6] –;b:o_ /xG5g\ . kl| tlglw–;efdf $ ;o
#% ;b:o /xG5g\ . k|ltlglw ;efsf ;b:o hg;+Vofsf cfwf/df tLg} /fHoaf6
lgjf{lrt xG' 5g\ . l;g]6/x? / kl| tlglw–;ef ;b:ox?nfO{ hgtfn] cf©" a:g] /fHo
jf lhNnfaf6 dt lbP/ rG' 5g\ . Gofokflnsfsf] g]tÎ[ j ;jf]R{ r cbfntn] u5{ /
;/sf/sf] o; c+udf ($ lhNnf cbfntsf ;fy} kg' /fj]bg cbfnt x'G5g\ .
cbfntdf ;g' j' fO{ xG' 5 / ©fh} bf/L tyf bj] fgL d'2fdf ©;} nf x'G5 . cbfntL
sfjf{xLx? ;+3Lo sfgg' df cfwfl/t xG' 5g\ . GofofwLzx?sf] lgo'lQm /fi6«kltn]
ug{'xG' 5 . sfg'gn] ;+ljwfg ldRof] jf ldrg] eGg] lg0fo{ ;jf]{Rr cbfntn] u5{ .
olb ldr]sf] 7x/ eof] eg] sfgg' sfof{Gjog xF'b}g .
k|To]s /fHo ;/sf/sf] agf6] /fli6«o ;/sf/;Fu ldN5 . k|To]s /fHosf] cfˆgf]
;+ljwfg xG' 5 . /fHosf] sfok{ flnsfsf] gt] [Îj lgjfl{ rt ueg/{ n] ugx{' G' 5 . /fHosf]
Joj:yflksfsf ;b:ox? ToxL /fHosf hgtfn] lbPsf] dtaf6 r'lgG5g\ . /fHosf]
cbfntn] cfˆgf] sfg'gcg';f/ ©f}hbf/L / b]jfgL d2' f ©;} nf u5{ . Pp6f /fHosf]
;/sf/sf] agf6] csf{] /fHosf] ;/sf/sf] agf]6;Fu ldNb}g . To;n} ] cf©" a;s] f]
/fHoaf/] hfGg] k|of; ugx{' f;] \ .
/fHox? ;fgf efu} f]lns PsfOx? ldn]/ ag]sf x'G5g\ . oL ;fgf PsfOnfO{
kb| z] -sfpG6L_ elgG5 . sfpG6Ldf klg ;fgf] ;/sf/ x'G5 . sfpG6L ;/sf/sf
sfd / lhDd]jf/L /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ . w/] h} ;f] /fHo -;ad} f xfO] g_ sf sfpG6L
198 About the United States
;/sf/sf sfofn{ odf tkfO+{n] sx] L lglZrt ;j] f / ;l' jwfsf nflu cfj]bg lbgk' 5{ .
cd]l/sfdf # xhf/ ! ;oeGbf a9L sfpG6Lx? 5g\ . -n'lhofgf /fHodf sfpG6LnfO{
kfl/; elgG5, h;sf] cy{ …6fn] Ú, …OnfsfÚ jf …a:tLÚ x'G5 . cnf:sfdf sfpG6LnfO{
a/f] elgG5, h;sf] cy{ …gu/Ú x'G5 ._
;/sf/sf] ;aeGbf ;fgf] PsfO :yfgLo ;/sf/ xf] . k|To]s zx/, gu/ jf
ufpFdf cfˆg} k|sf/sf] ;/sf/ x'G5 . :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] gt] [Îj kf| oMh;f] zx/ jf
gu/sf hgtfn] r'lgPsf JolStn] u5{g\ . :yfgLo ;/sf/sf] dftxtdf kx| /L /
clUg–lgoGq0f ljefu xG' 5g\ . :yfgLo ;/sf/n] :sn" x? ;~rfng, af6f] ddt{ ,
v]nsb' –d}bfg tyf kfsx{ ? Joj:yfkg u5{g\ . sxLFsxLF :yfgLo ;/sf/ x'Fb}gg,\
h;sf] sfd sfpG6L ;/sf/x?n] u5g{ \ . cd]l/sfe/ &) xhf/eGbf a9L :yfgLo
;/sf/x? 5g\ .
b]zsf ljleGg /fHo / If]qsf sfpG6L tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/x? ljleGg tl/sfn]
©/s xg' ] ePsfn] tkfO+{n] cf©" a;]sf] If]qsf ;/sf/af/] hfGg h?/L xG' 5 .
There four levels of government in the United States: national, state,
county, and local.
The national government of the United States is defined by its Con-
stitution. There are three branches of government: executive, legislative,
and judicial. The Executive Branch is headed by the President of the Unit-
ed States who is elected by the people every four years. The Executive
Branch is responsible for running the programs and enforcing the laws of
the country. The Legislative Branch, or Congress, is where the laws are
made. Congress has two chambers, the Senate and the House of Repre-
sentatives. Each state has two Senators but the 435 Representatives are
divided among the states on the basis of population. Senators and Repre-
sentatives are elected by the people of their state or district. The Judicial
Branch is headed by the Supreme Court and consists of 94 district courts
as well as appellate courts. The courts hear and decide criminal and civil
cases involving federal laws. The judges are appointed by the President.
The Supreme Court can decide whether a law violates the Constitution. If
so, that law cannot be enforced.
Each state government is similar in form to the national government.
Each state has its own constitution. Each state’s Executive Branch is head-
ed by an elected Governor. The members of each state’s legislature are
elected by the people of that state. State courts decide criminal and civil
cases under state law. The details of each state’s government structure can
be quite different. You should try to learn about the state that you are liv-
ing in.
cdl] /sfaf/] hfgsf/L 199
States are made up of smaller geographical units called counties.
County government functions and responsibilities can be quite different
in different states. In many states (but not all) county government offices
are the places where you must apply for certain social service programs
and benefits. There are more than 3,100 counties in the U.S. (In Louisiana
a county is called “parish”. In Alaska a county is called “Borough”.)
The smallest unit of government is local government. Each city, town,
and village has its own form of local government. Generally, however,
they are headed by officials who are elected by the people in their city or
town. Local governments generally have police and fire departments, run
the public schools, clean and repair the streets, and manage playgrounds
and parks. In some places there is no local government and these functions
are the responsibility of county governments. There are more than 70,000
different local governments in the U.S.
Because of the many ways that county and local governments can be
very different in different states and regions of the country, you should
learn about their responsibilities and functions in your own community.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
o'/f]kn] Lx? cfpg ;?' ug{' / pklgjz] :yfkgf ug{ yfNg'cl3 clxn]sf]
cdl] /sfdf /y} fg] cdl] /sLx?sf] a;f]af; lyof] . tL /y} fg] cd]l/sLnfO{ slxn]sfxLF
…cd]l/sg OlG8ogÚ klg eg]sf]÷nv] s] f] kfOG5 . lKndy ufpF -clxns] f] df;fr;' 6] ;\
/fHodf_ ;g\ !^@) df :yfkgf eof,] h'g a]nfotLx?sf] klxnf] a:tL lyof] .
To;kl5 :k]g, km| fG; / cGo o/' fk] ]nL dn' 'sx?af6 afl;Gbfx? klg cfP / cGo
ljleGg :yfgdf a:g yfn] .
;g\ !&&) ;Dddf cfGw| dxf;fu/sf] lsgf/fsf] If]qsf] hg;+Vof @ nfv kl' u–
;s]sf] lyof] . oL @ nfvdf w/] h} ;f] Oª\uNof08af6 cfPsf lyP . Oª\uNof08s}
pklgj]z lyof] / Oªu\ Nof08sf] zf;g lyof] .
s]xL pklgj]zx?n] c+u|h] -Oª\uNof08sf_] ;/sf/sf sfd–sfjfx{ Lsf] lj/fw]
u/] . oL pklgjz] x? Psh'6 eP / Oªu\ Nof08af6 :jtGq ePsf] 3f]if0ff u/], h;sf]
kl/0ffd o4' eof] . cd]l/sL o'4 ;g\ !&&% b]lv !&*# ;Dd nl8of] . Oª\uNof08nfO{
cdl] /sLx?n] x/fPkl5 ;'?sf !# /fHox? Ps eP/ g} /lx/x] / ;g\ !&*& df
jtd{ fg ;+ljwfgsf] cfwf/df ;+oQ' m /fHo cd]l/sf :yfkgf eof] .
;?' sf afl;Gbfx? -h;nfO{ ;+:yfksx? klg elgG5_ k"jL{ zx/x?af6
klZrdt©{sf sl[ if If]qdf a;fOF ;/] / gofF a:tLx? agfP . cdl] /sfn] km| fG;
/ ?;;Fu yk e"ld lsGof] . o4' df :k]gaf6 c? e"ld lhTof] . o;/L cd]l/sfsf]
If]q©n a9b\ } uof] .
200 About the United States
clkm| sLx?nfO{ bf;sf ?kdf cd]l/sf NofPsf] b'O{ ztfAbL eO;Sof] . blIf0fL
/fHox?sf] cy{tGq bf;x?sf] >ddf lge{/ lyof] . kftnf] a:tL ePsf] klZrdL
Ifq] df bf;ky| f hf/L /fVg] jf g/fVg] eGg] Pp6f k|Zg pAh]sf] lyof] . bf;k|yf
/ cGo ljifon] ubf{ blIf0f t©s{ f /fHox?n] cdl] /sfaf6 5'l§P/ a]Un} /fi6«
agfpg rfx] . of] lg0fo{ sf sf/0f cd]l/sfdf ux[ o4' eof] . of] o4' pQ/ / blIf0fsf
/fHox?aLr ;g\ !*^! b]lv ;g\ !*^% ;Dd ePsf] lyof] . o4' df sl/a ^ nfv
dflg;n] hLjg ud' fP . pQ/t©s{ f /fHox?n] o'4 lht] / bf;ky| fsf] cGTo eof] .
cd]l/sL afl;Gbfx? klZrdt©{ a;fOF ;g]{ qmd hf/L /fv] . o;af6 /}yfg]
cdl] /sLx? cfˆgf] e"ldaf6 lj:yflkt eP . klZrdL e"efux?df hg;+Vof a9b\ } uof],
cflv/Ldf tL If]qx?nfO{ gofF /fHosf ?kdf ;dfjz] ul/P . /y} fg] cd]l/sLx?sf
nflu cnu sx] L ed" L -h;nfO{ ;+/lIft elgG5_ tof/ kfl/of] .
Pl/hf]gf ;g\ !(!@ df cd]l/sfsf] $* cf+} /fHo aGof] . ;g\ !(%( df b'O{
/fHox? ylkP, Pp6f ;b' "/ pQ/df …cnf:sfÚ / kz| fGt dxf;fu/l:yt 6fk'x?sf]
;d"x …xjfOÚ{ .
klxnf] ljZjo4' -;g\ !(!$–!(!*_ df cd]l/sf ljZjzlQmsf lrlgof] / bf];|f]
ljZjo4' -;g\ !(#(–!($%_ sf a]nf / To;kl5 cem a9L zlQmzfnL aGof] .
The land that is now the United States was populated by indigenous
Native Americans (sometimes called American Indians) before Europeans
began to arrive and establish colonies. The village of Plymouth (in what is
now the state of Massachusetts) was established in 1620 and was the first
British settlement to survive. Settlers from Spain, France, and other Euro-
pean countries also arrived and settled in various locations.
By 1770 the eastern region near the coast of the Atlantic Ocean was
populated by nearly 2,000,000 people, mostly settlers from England living
in a number of colonies under rule by England.
The colonies resented some of the actions taken by the English govern-
ment. They banded together and declared their independence from Eng-
land, resulting in war. The American Revolution was fought from 1775 to
1783. After the Americans had defeated England, the 13 original colonies
continued to band together and formed the United States of America under
the current constitution in 1787.
Settlers (also called pioneers) moved from the eastern cities and farms
westward and established new settlements. The United States purchased
more land from France and Russia and took land from Spain as a result
of war.
Africans had been brought to America as slaves for two centuries. The
southern states had an economy that depended on using slaves for labor.
cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L 201
There was a question whether slavery would be allowed in the sparsely
populated lands to the west. This and other issues resulted in the southern
states trying to secede from the U.S. and form their own separate country.
The result was the American Civil War. This war between the northern
states and the southern states lasted from 1861 to 1865 and resulted in
more than 600,000 deaths. The north won the war and slavery was abol-
ished everywhere in the country.
American settlers continued to move westward and displace the Na-
tive Americans from their land. As the population increased in western
territories, they were eventually admitted as new states. Some land (called
reservations) was set aside for Native Americans.
Arizona became the 48th state in 1912. Two more states were admit-
ted in 1959: Alaska in the far north and Hawaii, a group of islands in the
Pacific Ocean.
The U.S. emerged as an international power following World War I
(1914-1918) and even more so during and after Word War II (1939-
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
yk dxŒjk0" f{ tYox¿
cflwsfl/s gfd M ;+o'St /fHo cd]l/sf
/fhwfgL M jfl;+u6g, l8=;L=
/fli6«o :jtGqtf M ;g\ !&&^ h'nfO{ $
cfbz{ jfSo M O{Zj/df xfdf| ] cf:yf 5 -Og u8 jL 6«:6_
7n" f zx/x¿ M Go' ofs] {, n; PGhn;, l;sfuf,] Xo:' 6g, l©nf8]lN©of, l©lgS;, ;fg
PG6fl] gof,] ;fg l8ofuf], 8Nnf;, ;fg xfh] ]
cUnf] efu M dfpG6 DofslsGn,] cnf:sf, ;d'b| ;txeGbf @),#@) l©6 -^,!($
ld6/_ dfly
xf]rf] efu M 8y] EofnL, Sofln©f]lg{of, ;d'b| ;txeGbf @*@ l©6 -*^ ld6/_ tn
7n" f] /fHo M cnf:sf
;fgf] /fHo M /f8] cfONof08
d'Vo kjt{ >[+vnfx¿ M /sL kj{t, cKkfnflrofg kj{t
d'Vo gbLx¿ M ldl;l;kL, ldh'/L, sfn] f/] f8f]
dV' o efiff M c+u|]hL, :kl] g;
d'b|f M o=' P;= 8n/
/fli6o« r/f M d'8n' f] lrn
/fli6«o ˚"n M un' f©
/fli6o« ufg M b :6f/–:kª] \uN8 Aofg/
202 About the United States
Other Important Facts
Official Name: United States of America
Capital City: Washington, D.C.
National Independence: July 4, 1776
Motto: In God We Trust
Largest Cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadel-
phia, Phoenix, San Antonio, San Diego, Dallas, San Jose
Highest Point: Mt. McKinley, Alaska, 20,320 ft. (6194 m.) above sea
Lowest Point: Death Valley, California, 282 ft (86 m.) below sea level
Largest State: Alaska
Smallest State: Rhode Island
Major Mountain Ranges: Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains
Major Rivers: Mississippi, Missouri, Colorado
Language: English, Spanish
Currency: U.S. Dollar
National Bird: Bald Eagle
National Flower: Rose
National Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cd]l/sfdf ko| f]u ul/g] kfqf] ljZjsf c? w]/} bz] x? / ;+o'Qm /fi6;« +3n] k|of]u
ug{] h:t} kfqf] xf] . of] kfqf] cf}krfl/s e6" fgL / gk] fnL kfqfe] Gbf ©/s x'G5 . of]
klZrdL kfqf]sf] klxnf] dlxgf hgj/L xf] . cdl] /sfdf hgj/L dlxgfdf lxpFb xG' 5
/ of] jif{sf] ;aeGbf 7G8L dlxgf xf] .
The Calendar
The Western Calendar in use in the U.S. is the same calendar that is
used in many countries and by the United Nations. It is different from the
official Bhutanese and Nepali calendars. The first month of the year in the
Western Calendar is January. In the U. S. January is in the winter, the cold-
est time of the year.
Month ==============================================Days in month
-dlxgfsf] gfd_ -dlxgfdf xg' ] lbg_
January -hgj/L_================================31 -#!_
February -©a] '|c/L_==============================28 -@*_
March -dfr{_=======================================31 -#!_
April -ck]|n_========================================30 -#)_
cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L 203
Month ==============================================Days in month
-dlxgf_ -dlxgfsf lbg_
May -d_] ===============================================31 -#!_
June -hg' _===========================================30 -#)_
July -hn' fO_{ =========================================31 -#!_
August -cu:t_===================================31 -#!_
September -;]K6D] a/_==========================30 -#)_
October -cS6fa] /_==============================31 -#!_
November -gfe] D] a/_==========================30 -#)_
December -l8;]Da/_===========================31 -#!_
kT| o]s rf/ jifd{ f ©a] '|c/Ldf Ps lbg ylkG5 / pSt ljzi] f jifd{ f ©a] '|c/L dlxgf
@( lbgsf] xG' 5 .
Every fourth year, the month of February has an extra day making 29
in those special years.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ldlt nV] g] tl/sf
slxns] fxLF cdl] /sLx? ldlt …d] !!, @)!!Ú n]V5g\ . pgLx? Hofbfh;f] ldlt
n]Vg] 5f]6f] tl/sf ckgfpF5g\ M …%÷!!÷!!Ú jf …)%÷!!÷@)!!Ú . of] egs] f]
…dlxgf÷lbg÷jifÚ{ xf] . o;df klxnf] c+s dlxgf, bf;] f| ] lbg / t];f| ] jif{ xf] . tkfO+{n]
;/sf/L jf s'g} cflwsfl/s sfuh–kqdf x:tfIf/ uge'{ of] eg] To;df ;wF}h;f] ldlt
n]Vg'k5{ . To:tfd] f ldlt 5f]6s/Ldf n]Vg ;Sgx' 'G5 .
Writing a Date
Sometimes Americans write dates like “May 11, 2011”. But they also
often use a short way to write a date: “5/11/11” or “05/11/2011” This means
“Month/Day/Year". You can understand these by noting that the first num-
ber is the number of the month, the second number is the day in that month,
and the third number is the year. When you sign official documents you
will usually need to include a date. You can use the short form.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
/fli6o« kj÷{ labfx¿
cd]l/sLx? jif{sf ljleGg lbgdf /fli6«o kj{ dgfpF5g\ . tL lbgx?df ;fj{hlgs
labf x'G5g\ . oL rf8kj{÷lbj;x? wd{lg/k]If, wfld{s jf cd]l/sfsf cfˆgf ljzi] f
5g\ . /fli6«o rf8kj{÷lbj;sf oL bz lbg /fli6«o -;+3Lo_ ;/sf/sf sfof{nox?
labf xG' 5g\ . tL sfof{nosf sd{rf/LnfO{ tna kfpg] u/L labf lbOG5 . w]/} lghL
Joj;fo, a}+s, /fHo tyf :yfgLo ;/sf/sf sfofn{ o, / :s"nx? klg oL lbg
kf| oMh;f] aGb x'G5g\ .
204 About the United States
gof“ jifs{ f] klxnf] lbg eg]sf] hgj/L ! xf] . gofF jifs{ f] :jfut hgj/L ! sf]
cl3Nnf] /ft g} ;?' xG' 5, ha cd]l/sLx? Ps} 7fpFdf e]nf xG' 5g\ / cfpFbf] jif{
v;' L Pj+ ;d'Ggt /xf;] \ eGg] sfdgf u5{g\ . w]/} cdl] /sLx?n] gofF jif{e/df k"/f
ug{ ;+sNkx? u5g{ \ .
dfl6g{ n'y/ lsª hl' go/ lbj; labfsf] lbg xf] . of] hgj/Lsf] t;] |f] ;fd] af/
k5{ . of] lbj; clk|msg–cdl] /sg kfb/L /]e/]G8 dfl6g{ n'y/ lsª h'lgo/sf] :dl[ tdf
dgfOG5 . pxfFnfO{ clx+;fTds af6f]af6 cfdhgtfsf] gful/s clwsf/ kfpg cys
ko| f; ug]{ JolStsf ?kdf lrlgG5 .
jfl;+u6gsf] hGdlbg ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . cd]l/sfsf] klxnf] /fi6«klt hh{
jfl;+u6gsf] ;Ddfgdf dgfOg] of] lbj; ©a] '|c/Lsf] t];f| ] ;f]daf/ k5{ . of] lbj;nfO{
/fi6k« lt lbj;sf ?kdf klg lrlgG5 . w]/} ;dx" n] o; lbg ljutsf ;a} /fi6«kltsf]
ofu] bfgnfO{ ;+:d/0f u5g{ \ .
:df/s lbj; -d]dfl] /on 8_] d] dlxgfsf] clGtd ;fd] af/ kg{] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg
xf] . ;'?df of] lbj; cdl] /sL u[xo4' df dfl/Psfx?sf] ;+:d/0fdf dgfpg cfofh] gf
ul/of] . kl5 of] lbj; ;a} o4' df dfl/Psf cdl] /sLx?sf] ;+:d/0f lbj; aGof] /
clg ;a} dt[ cdl] /sLx?sf] ;Demgfdf dgfpg yflnof] . of] lbj; sa:| tfg, rr{ /
cGo ;fjh{ lgs ;ef:yndf dgfOG5 . ;a}sf] ;+:d/0fdf cd]l/sL em08f ©x/fpg]
Jofks rng 5 .
:jtGqtf lbj; hn' fO{ $ -h'nfO{ kmf]y_{ df k5{ . of] lbg /fi6«sf] hGdlbg
xf] . ;g\ !&&^ h'nfO{ $ df cdl] /sfn] …:jtGqtfsf] 3fi] f0ffkqÚ ux| 0f u/s] f] xf] .
o;} lbgsf] ;+:d/0fdf h'nfO{ $ df :jtGqtf lbj; dgfOG5 . o; lbg jgefh] /
bz] elSt sjfh, ;fFemdf ;ªu\ Lt sfo{qmd tyf cft;afhL ul/G5 . o; lbj;df klg
Jofks ?kdf cdl] /sL em08f ufl8G5g\, 6fFluG5g\ .
>lds lbj; -n]a/ 8]_ ;K] 6]Da/sf] klxnf] ;fd] af/ k5{ . ;+3Lo labfsf] of] lbj;
vf;u/L >d ug{] hgtfsf] ;Ddfgdf dgfOG5 . >lds lbj;df k|foMh;f] sjfh
ul/G5 . w/] } cd]l/sLx?sf nflu of] lbgn] udL{ labf ;lsP/ :sn" x? vN' g] ;do
cfPsf] ;+st] u5{ .
sfn] Da; lbj; cS6f]a/sf] bf];f| ] ;fd] af/ kg]{ ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] .
;g\ !$(@ cS6fa] / !@ df O6fn]nL ;d'bo| fqL lqm:6f]©/ sf]nDa; gofF e"ld
-clxn]sf] cdl] /sf_ cfOk'us] f lyP .
e"tk"j{ ;l} gs lbj; -e]6]/G; 8_] gf]eD] a/ !! df dgfOG5 . ;?' df of] lbj; klxnf]
ljZjo4' n8s] f cdl] /sLx?sf] ;Ddfgdf dgfpg yflnPsf] lyof] . kl5 ;a} o4' df
n8s] fx?sf nflu of] lbj; ;dlk{t ul/of] . o; lbj;df e"tkj" { ;}lgsx?sf ljleGg
;+:yfn] sjfh cfofh] gf u5{g\ .
Yof°;\ luleª\ 8] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] / of] gf]e]Da/ dlxgfsf] rf}yf] lalxaf/
dgfOG5 . ;g\ !^@! sf] x]dGt Ct'df lKndy ufpF, df;fr';6] ;\ df a:g yfns] f
cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L 205
gofF afl;Gbfn] /fd|f] ©;nsf nflu tLg–lbg] pT;j dgfP . oxL pT;j g} dn' s' sf]
klxnf] YofÍ;\ luleª\ lyof] eGg] w/] }sf] dfGotf 5 . YofÍ;\ luleª\ pT;j /fli6«o
k/Dk/f aGof] / of] lbj; dgfpg] lbg clxn] klg klxnf] pT;jdf kl:sPsf
k/Dk/fut vfgfx? M r'nfl] eq ksfPsf] 6sL,{ qm]ga]/Lsf] 5fk] ;wF} kl:sg] ul/G5 .
6sL{ Ps k|sf/sf] r/f xf] eg] qmg] a]/L Pp6f ©n xf] .
lqm;d; 8] l8;]Da/ @% df k5{ / of] ;+3Lo labfsf] lbg xf] . lh;; qmfO:6
hlGdPsf] lbgnfO{ O;fO{ -lqml:rog_ x? lqm;d;sf ?kdf dgfpF5g\ . of] rf8df
3/ ;hfpg] / 3/–cf“ugdf aQL afNg], ;hfOPsf] ;Nnf]sf] ?v -lqm;d; 6«L_ /fVg],
pkxf/ lbg,] / z'esfdgf sf8{x? k7fpg] ul/G5 . o:tf ultljlw clxn] u/} –O;fO{
;d'bfodf klg bl] vG5 .
cGo kj÷{ labfx¿
oL rf8x?afxs] cd]l/sLx?n] cGo ljzi] f rf8x?nfO{ klxrfg lbPsf 5g\ / tL
rf8x? dgfpg ;S5g\ . tL rf8x? uf| pG8xu 8,] EofnG] 6fOG; 8,] ;]G6 Kofl6S« ; 8,]
O:6/, db;{ 8,] ˆNofu 8], ©fb;{ 8] / xnf]ljg x'g\ .
ljleGg hflt / wflds{ ;d"xn] cd]l/sfdf cfˆgf] dxÎjsf rf8 dgfpF5g\ .
pbfx/0fsf nflu oxb' Lx? /fz] xfzfgfx / ofd] lsKk/, dl' :ndx?n] /dhfg, /
d]lS;sgx?n] l;Gsf] bL dfof] dgfpF5g\ . cdl] /sfdf tkfO{+n] :jtGqtfkj" s{ cfˆgf]
e"6fgL, g]kfnL, lxGb" jf cGo rf8x? dgfpg ;Sg'x'G5 .
National Holidays
Americans celebrate a variety of national holidays throughout the year.
American holidays can be secular, religious, or uniquely American. Fed-
eral government offices are closed and workers are given days off with pay
for ten holidays. Many private businesses, banks, state and local offices,
and schools are usually closed on these holidays as well.
New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins
the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and
prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions.
Martin Luther King Day is a holiday celebrated on the third Monday
in January. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., was an African-Ameri-
can clergyman who is recognized for his tireless efforts to win civil rights
for all people through nonviolent means.
Washington's Birthday is a holiday observed the third Monday of
February to honor George Washington, the first President of the United
States. This date is commonly called Presidents' Day and many groups
honor the legacy of past presidents on this date.
Memorial Day is a holiday observed the last Monday of May. It origi-
nally honored the people killed in the American Civil War, but has become
206 About the United States
a day on which the American dead of all wars, and the dead generally, are
remembered in special programs held in cemeteries, churches, and other
public meeting places. The flying of the American flag is widespread.
Independence Day is July 4. This holiday honors the nation's birthday
- the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It is a
day of picnics and patriotic parades, a night of concerts and fireworks. The
flying of the American flag is widespread.
Labor Day is the first Monday of September. This federal holiday hon-
ors the nation's working people, typically with parades. For most Ameri-
cans it marks the end of the summer vacation season and the start of the
school year.
Columbus Day is a holiday celebrated on the second Monday in Oc-
tober. The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator
Christopher Columbus landed in the New World.
Veterans’ Day is celebrated on November 11 and honors Americans
who had served in World War I, but it now honors veterans of all wars in
which the U.S. has fought. Veterans' organizations hold parades.
Thanksgiving Day is a federal holiday celebrated on the fourth Thurs-
day in November. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrim settlers in Plymouth Mas-
sachusetts held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many re-
gard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving. The Thanksgiving feast
became a national tradition and almost always includes some of the tradi-
tional foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce.
Christmas Day is a federal holiday celebrated on December 25. Christ-
mas is a Christian holiday marking the birth of the Christ Child. Decorat-
ing houses and yards with lights, putting up Christmas trees, giving gifts,
and sending greeting cards have become holiday traditions even for many
non-Christian Americans.
Other Holidays
In addition to these holidays, Americans recognize and may celebrate
other special days. These include Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, St.
Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Flag Day, Father’s Day, and Hal-
Different ethnic and religious groups in America also celebrate days
with special meaning to them. For example, Jews celebrate Rosh Hasha-
nah and Yom Kippur, Muslims celebrate Ramadan, and Mexicans cele-
brate Cinco de Mayo. You are free to celebrate your own Bhutanese, Ne-
pali, Hindu or other holidays here in the U.S.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cd]l/sfaf/] hfgsf/L 207
˚/s–˚/s ;do
cd]l/sf lgs} 7n" f] 5 . klZrdsf] Ps /fHo Sofln©f]lgo{ fdf eGbf tLg
306fcl3 k"js{ f] /fHo Dof;fr;' 6] \;df 3fd pbfpF5 . To;}n] cd]l/sL dxflåksf
$* /fHonfO{ ljleGg rf/ ;do–If]qdf afF9LPsf] 5 M k"jLo{ , dWo, kxf8L / kz| fGt
;do–If]q . k"jL{ ;do If]qe/ Pp6} ;do x'G5 . t/ dWo ;do–Ifq] df Ps 306f
l56f] x'G5, kxf8L ;do–Ifq] df bO' { 306f l56f] xG' 5 eg] kz| fGt ;do If]qdf
tLg 306f l56f] xG' 5 . of] gSzfn] cnf:sf / xjfO{ /fHoafx]ssf] ;do–Ifq]
bv] fPsf] 5 . k"jL{o ;do ;fFemsf] ^ ah]sf] eP dWo ;dodf % ah], kxf8L ;dodf
$ / k|zfGtdf # ah]sf] xG' 5 . k"ja{ f6 klZrd hfFbf Ps 3G6fsf b/n] 36fpFb}
hfgk' 5{ .
Time Zones
The U.S. is very large. The sun rises in Massachusetts three hours be-
fore it will rise in California. For this reason the 48 states of the continental
U.S. are divided into four time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain, and
Pacific. Clocks in the Eastern Time Zone will all read the same time. But
clocks in the Central Time Zone will read one hour earlier, clocks in the
Mountain Time Zone will read two hours earlier, and clocks in the Pacific
Time Zone will read three hours earlier. This map shows the time zones for
all states except Alaska and Hawaii.
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306f l56f] 5 . xjfO{ /fHo xjfO{ ;do–If]qdf k5,{ hxfFsf] ;do k|zfGt ;doeGbf
b'O{ 306f l56f] 5 .
208 About the United States
Almost all of Alaska is in the Alaska Time Zone where clocks are one
hour earlier than clocks in the Pacific Time Zone. Hawaii is in the Hawai-
ian Time Zone where clocks are two hours earlier than clocks in the Pacific
Time Zone.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
8–] nfO6 ;l] eª
cd]l/sLx? jif{sf] b'O{k6s 38Ldf ;do ldnfpF5g\ . dfr{ dlxgfsf] bf];f| ]
cfOtaf/ ;?' ePsf] dWo/ftkl5 @ ah] 38L 3d' fP/ Ps 306f ylkG5 . To;a]nf @
ahn] fO{ # ah] agfOG5 . tkfO{+n] Tof] /ft Ps 306f lgb|f ud' fpgx' 'G5 . tkfO{+n] 38L
3'dfpg la;g{ 'eof] eg] csf{] lbg sfd jf :s"n kU' g l9nf] x'g;S5 . s]xL dlxgfkl5
gfe] D] a/sf] klxnf] cfOtaf/ ;?' ePsf] dWo/ftkl5 @ ah] ©]l/ 38L 3'dfP/ Ps
306f 36fpgk' 5{ . To;a]nf @ ah]nfO{ ! ah] agfpg'x'G5 . To;f] ePkl5 Tof] /ft
Ps 306f a9L ;T' g kfpgx' 'G5 . tkfO+{n] gf]e]Da/sf] klxnf] cfOtaf/ 38L 3d' fpg
la;g{ e' of] eg] csf{] lbg sfd jf :sn" Ps 306f rfF8f] x'gx' G' 5 .
Daylight Savings Time
Twice a year American’s change the setting on their clocks. At 2:00
a.m. on the second Sunday in March you move your clock or watch for-
ward one hour. What was 2:00 a.m. becomes 3:00 a.m. You lose one hour
of sleep. If you forget to do this, you may be late for work or school the
next day. Months later, at 2:00 a.m. on the first Sunday in November, you
turn your clock back one hour. So 2:00 a.m. becomes 1:00 a.m. You gain
an extra hour to sleep. If you forget to set your clock backward in Novem-
ber, you may be an hour early for work or school the next day.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu ;fj{hlgs k:' tsfno
cd]l/sfaf/] yk hfgsf/L rfxgx' 'G5 eg] :yfgLo k':tsfno hfg'k5{ . k|To]s
zx/ / gu/df sDtLdf Pp6f k:' tsfno xG' 5g\ . k:' tsfnosf sdr{ f/LnfO{ cdl] /sf
/ cdl] /sfsf] Oltxf;;DaGwL lstfa sxfF 5g\ eg/] ;f]Wg'xf];\ . w]/}h;f] k':tsfnodf
lstfax? c+uh|] Ldf xG' 5g\ eg] s]xL zx/df :k]lg; efiffdf klg xg' ;S5g\ .
Learn More at a Public Library
If you want to learn more about the United States, you should visit a
local public library. Every city and town has at least one library. Ask the
librarian to show you where books about the country and its history are
located. The books in the library will be in English and, in some towns,
maybe also in Spanish.