;f+:sl[ ts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f 133
to live successfully in America. You will make choices about what parts of
American culture to adopt and what parts of your traditional culture you
will maintain. As a very simple but specific example of a cultural choice,
you will decide between eating meals in the traditional manner with your
hand or eating in the American manner with fork, spoon, and knife. Each
person and each family will be making these choices for themselves.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;f:+ s[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;/+ If0f
k/Dk/fut vfgfx?, ;ª\uLt, wflds{ ;+:sf/x?, /fli6o« rf8kjx{ ?, kf]zfs, gT[ o
/ efiff tkfO{+n] cf©";Fu} NofPsf k/Dk/fut e6" fgL÷g]kfnL ;+:s[ltsf afXo c+zx?
xg' \ . ha tkfO+{n] cf©n" fO{ cdl] /sL ;+:sl[ tcg's"n agfpgx' G' 5, To;} an] f cfˆgf
gfgLx? / cfpFbf] k':tfsf nflu cfˆgf] /xg;xgsf] ;+/If0f / ;+j4g{ ug{] ljifodf
;f]Rg'k5{ . o;sf cltl/Qm tkfO+{n] cd]l/sLx?nfO{ cfˆgf] ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbf kl/lrt
u/fpg d2t ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 .
Protecting Cultural Heritage
Traditional foods, music, religious rites, national festivals, clothing,
dance, and language are all outward parts of the traditional Bhutanese/
Nepali culture you have brought with you. While you adapt to American
culture, you should consider how you can help preserve and protect your
traditions for your children and for future generations. In addition, you can
help introduce Americans to much of your cultural heritage.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;fdb' flos ;:+ yfx¿df ;xeflutf
gk] fnsf z/0ffyL{ lzlj/x?df a:b} cfPsf e6" fgLx?nfO{ cd]l/sfn] s]xL jif{cl3
Nofpg yfn]sf] xf] . ;g\ @))* df oxfF cfPsf kl/jf/x?n] cdl] /sfdf s]xL jif{
latfO;Sg'ePsf] 5 . pxfFx?n] cf©" kg' :yfl{ kt zx/ / /fHodf s]xL cge' j
;Dxfln;Sg'ePsf] 5 . ;?' df cfPsf cfk|jf;Ln] w]/} zx/df e6" fgLx?sf] ;fd'bflos
;+:yf :yfkgf uge{' Psf] 5 . To:tf ;+:yfx?n] ev/{ cfPsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ gofF
kl/l:yltcg'sn" xg' d2t u5{g\ . o:tf ;+:yfn] ;+f:sl[ ts sfo{qmd / ljz]if kjx{ ?,
h:t} M b;+}, ltxf/, k/Dk/fut gofF jif{ j}zfv !, cflbdf pT;j cfof]hgf u5g{ \ .
o:tf ultljlwn] k/Dk/fut ;+:s[ltsf] dxÎjk"0f{ kf6f]nfO{ sfod /fVg d2t u5{ .
cf©" a:g] ;db' fodf e"6fgL ;+:yf 5g\ jf 5}gg\ / yk hfgsf/Lsf nflu sf];Fu
;Dks{ ug'{k5{ eg]/ kg' jf{; ;+:yfnfO{ ;fW] g'xf;] \ . :jo+;]jsn] :yfgLo ;+:yfx?nfO{
;f+:sl[ ts sfoq{ md tof/ kfg{ d2t ug{'k5{ .
Participate in Community Organizations
America has been accepting Bhutanese refugees from the camps in Ne-
pal for only a few years. Those who arrived in 2008 have now lived here
134 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
for some years. They have much experience living in the city and state in
which they were resettled. In many cities, the earliest immigrants created
a Bhutanese community organization. These organizations often help the
newest arrivals adapt to their new lives. They also help organize culture
shows, and celebrations of holidays like Dashain, Tihar, and Baisakh 1, the
traditional New Year. These activities help maintain important parts of the
traditional culture. Ask your resettlement agency about whether there is a
Bhutanese organization in your community and who you should contact
to learn more about it. Volunteer to help your local organization prepare
cultural activities.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
g]kfnL efiffsf] k9fO–n]vfO
kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:ox? c+u|h] L l;ls/x] klg 3/df kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?n] ;wF}
gk] fnL afn] L/x] xG' 5 . o;f] ubf{ afnaflnsf bO' { efiff l;Sb} x's{G5g\ . cdl] /sfdf
gk] fnL k9\g] / n]Vg] df}sf lj/n} ldN5 . cdl] /sfdf afnaflnsf xs' {b} hfFbf df}lns
;+:sl[ tdWo] rfF8f] nfk] xg' ] Pp6f dxÎjk"0f{ c+z …cfˆgf] efiffdf k9\g] / nV] g] Ifdtf
nfk] x'gÚ' xf] . To;n} ] kl/jf/sf jo:s ;b:ox?df cfˆgf afnaflnsfnfO{ gk] fnL
efiffdf ;fIf/ agfpg] c7f6] 5 eg] efiff l;sfpgsf nflu s'g} Pp6f sfoq{ mdsf]
ofh] gf agfpg'k5{ .
Reading and Writing in Nepali Language
Even as each family member is learning English, families will continue
to speak Nepali at home. This will ensure that children will grow up bilin-
gual. In America, however, there are few opportunities to read Nepali and
even fewer to write Nepali. One component of culture that can be lost very
quickly as children grow up in America is the ability to read and write in
their native language. Adults should consider whether they believe it is
important to transmit literacy in Nepali to their children and, if they do,
plan a means to do so.
cWofo !@ : clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfgg'
Chapter 12 : Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws
cdl] /sfsf] sfg'g–Joj:yf
cd]l/sfsf] sfgg' –Joj:yfsf s]xL dxÎjk"0f{ tYox? oxfF 5g\ M
• sfgg' To:tf] lgod xf,] hf] ;an} ] kfngf ug}{k5{ . cd]l/sfdf /fli6«o -;+3Lo_,
/fHo / :yfgLo :t/sf sfgg' x? xG' 5g\ .
• k|x/Lsf] sfd /Iff / ;xof]u ug'{ xf] . pgLx?n] sfg'g sfof{Gjog -nfu'_
u5g{ \ .
• cbfntn] sfg'gsf] JofVof u5{ / sf]xL bf]ifL jf lgbfi{] f ePsf] ©};nf u5{ .
oxfF cWofudg cbfnt, kl/jf/ cbfnt / 6«fl©s cbfnt;lxt ljleGg k|sf/sf
cbfntx? xG' 5g\ .
oxfFsf] sfgg' –Joj:yf a‰' ge' of] eg] o;n] tkfO{+ / tkfO{+sf] kl/jf/ ;/' lIft /xg
d2t u5{ / sfgg' L–emdn] fx? kbg}{ g\ .
Legal System in the United States
Here are a few important facts about the legal system in the United
• Laws are rules everyone must follow. There are national, state, and lo-
cal laws.
• Police protect and help people and enforce laws.
• Courts interpret laws and decide if people are innocent or guilty.
There are different types of courts, including immigration court, family
court, and traffic court.
Understanding the legal system will help keep you and your family
safe and out of trouble.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO{s+ f clwsf/
cd]l/sfsf] Ps sfg'gL afl;Gbfsf lgDg clwsf/x? xG' 5g\ M
• dgdf nfus] f s'/f eGg kfpg] -jfs :jtGqtf_ .
• cfˆgf] wd{ dfGg kfpg] -wflds{ :jtGqtf_ .
• /+u, wd{ jf hft h] eP klg ;dfg Jojxf/ kfpg] .
• kh' f{lagf tkfO{+sf ;/;fdfgsf] vfgtnf;L ug{ vfh] d] f c:jLsf/ ug{ kfpg] .
• k|x/L jf cWofudg clwsf/Ln] sx] L ;f]wd] f rk' /xg kfpg] .
• d'ns' sf s'g} :yfgdf klg a:g / sfd ug{ kfpg] .
• ;fj{hlgs :s"n jf sn]hdf k9g\ kfpg] .
• 3/ / af6f]df lx+;faf6 ;/' lIft /xg kfpg] .
136 Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws
• cbfntn] bf]ifL kd| fl0ft gu?Ghn] lgbfi]{ fsf ?kdf dfGotf kfpg] .
• cfˆgf] ;DklQ /fVg kfpg] .
• sfgg' L ?kdf of]Uo ePkl5 :yfoL afl;Gbf -lug| –sf8_{ / gful/stfsf nflu
cfj]bg lbg kfpg] .
Your Rights
As a legal resident in the United States, you have the right to:
• Speak freely.
• Practice your religion.
• Be treated equally regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background.
• Refuse to allow someone to search through your belongings without a
• Remain silent when questioned by police or immigration authorities.
• Live and work anywhere in the country.
• Attend public schools and colleges.
• Be safe from violence in your home and on the streets.
• Be considered innocent of any crime until proven guilty in a court.
• Own property.
• Apply for permanent residency (green card) and citizenship when you
are eligible.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO{+sf lhDd]jf/L
tkfO{+sf tn pNnv] ul/Pnufot sx] L lhDdj] f/Lx? klg x'G5g\ M
• sfg'gsf] kfngf ug{x' f;] \ . slxns] fxLF yfxf gkfO{ sfg'g ldRg'eof] eg] klg
tkfO+{n] ;hfosf] efuLbf/ x'gk' g{] x'g;S5 .
• ;+3Lo -/fli6o« _, /fHo :t/ / :yfgLo :t/sf s/x? ltg'{xf;] \ .
• gofF 7fpFdf a:g yfns] f] bz lbgleq ;/sf/nfO{ …7u] fgf ©]l/Psf]Ú hfgsf/L
lbgk' 5{ . of] hfgsf/L lbg …Pcf/ – !!Ú gfdsf] ©f/d eg{x' f;] / …oP' ;
l;l6hgl;k PG8 Oldu;|] g ;le{;h] Ú sfof{nodf k7fpgx' f];\ .
• tkfO+{ !* jifb{ l] v @% jif;{ Ddsf] k?' if x'gx' 'G5 eg] cfˆgf] gfd …;n] l] S6e
;le{;Ú gfds sfofn{ odf btf{ u/fpgx' f];\ .
Your Responsibilities
You also have responsibilities to do certain things, including:
• Obey all laws. You can be punished if you break a law, even when you
did not know about it.
• Pay federal, state, and local taxes.
• Fill out an AR-11 form and send to US Citizenship and Immigration
Services within 10 days every time you move to a new address.
clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g 137
• Register for Selective Service if you are a male between 18 and 25
years old.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lx;+ fTds ck/fw
cfˆgf] >Ldfg÷>LdtL, afnaRrf, ;fyLefO jf ckl/lrt JolSt s;n} fO{
zf/Ll/s ?kdf 3fOt] agfpg' ck/fw xf] . lx+;fTds ck/fwsf] ;hfo kqmfp / y'gf
xg' ;S5 .
Violent Crime
It is a crime to physically hurt someone, including a spouse, children,
friends, or strangers. Acts of violence may result in arrest and imprison-
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
rfns;DaGwL sfgg'
rfns;DaGwL lgod /fHolkR5] ©/s x'g ;S5g\ . uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+sf] pd/]
ku' ]sf] 5 / uf8L rnfpg rfxg'xG' 5 eg] tkfO+{n] cf©" a:g] /fHosf] df]6/–jfxg
ljefu -l8kf6{d]G6 c© df]6/ leSn, l8PdeL_ df hfgk' 5{ / cg'dlt–kq -nfO;]G;_
kfpg cfj]bg lbgk' 5{ . nfO;]G; kfpgc' l3 d'Vo tLg k/LIffdf pQL0f{ xg' 'k5{, tL
xg' \ – tkfO+{sf] cfFvfsf] Ifdtf hfFRg] k/LIff, Jofjxfl/s ;8s k/LIff -;8sdf uf8L
rnfpg ;Sg]÷g;Sg] eGg] Ifdtf;DaGwL k/LIff_ / /fHosf] uf8L rnfpg] lgod–
sfgg' sf] k/LIff .
cdl] /sfdf uf8L rnfpgn] ] a‰' g'kg]{ sx] L dxÎjk"0f{ tYox? oxfF 5g\ M
• rfns cg'dlt–kq -nfO;G] ;_ lagf uf8L rnfpg' u/} sfg'gL xf] .
• /S;L jf cGo nfu'kbfy{ vfP/ uf8L rnfpg' u/} sfgg' L xf] .
• ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?sf nflu agfOPsf ljz]if ks| f/sf l;6df /fv/] dfq
uf8Ldf lnP/ lxF8g\ 'k5{ .
• w/] h} ;f] /fHox?df rfns / ofq' ;a}n] l;6–a]N6 nufPsf] xg' 'k5{ .
• w/] }h;f] /fHox?df uf8L rnfpg] cg'dlt–kq kfpg !^ jif{ k'us] f] x'gk' 5{ eg]
s]xL /fHodf ;f9] rf}w, kGw| jf ;q jif{ k'u]sf] xg' k' 5{ .
• w]/}h;f] /fHox?df uf8L xfFSbf ©f]gdf s/' f ug{ jf dfa] fOnaf6 6]S:6 Dof;h]
-;Gb]z_ k7fpg'nfO{ u/} sfgg' L dflgG5 .
lgod pNn3+g ubf{ hl/jfgf ltg'k{ g{], y'gfdf kg'{kg]{ xg' ;S5 jf cf©" jf c?nfO{
rf]6k6s nfUg ;S5 .
Driving Laws
Driving laws can differ in each state. If you are an adult and want to
drive a car, you must go to an office of your state’s Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) and apply for a driver’s license. You will have to pass a
138 Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws
vision test, a test about your state’s driving laws, and a practical road test.
Here are a few important facts about driving in the United States:
• It is illegal to drive without a driver’s license.
• It is illegal to drive while under the influence of alcohol or other
• Young children must be in a special child car seat while riding in a
• In most states, the driver and passengers must wear seat belts.
• In most states 16 year olds are able to obtain a license; in other states it
may be 14½ , 15, or 17.
• In many states, it is illegal to talk or text on a phone while driving.
Breaking driving laws could result in paying a fine, going to jail, or
causing injury to yourself or others.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
of}g–;DaGw;DaGwL sfgg'
w/] }h;f] /fHodf k;} f lt/]/ jf dGh'/ eP/} klg c7f/ jifd{ 'lgsf JolSt;Fu
ofg} –;DaGw /fVg' u/} sfg'gL x'G5 . cfˆgf] sfd ug{] 7fpFdf ofg} –;DaGw;DaGwL
l6sf–l6Kk0fL, cg'/fw] / ultljlw ug'{ klg u}/sfgg' L dflgG5 . o:tf sfo{nfO{
of}g–pTkL8g u/]sf] elgG5 / o;s} f sf/0f tkfO+{sf] hflu/ hfg ;S5 .
Laws Related to Sex
It is illegal in most states to pay someone for sex and for adults to have
sex with someone less than eighteen years old, even if the child agrees. In
the work place, it is illegal to make offensive comments, requests, or ac-
tions relating to sex. This is called sexual harassment and you could lose
your job.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
3/n] '–lx;+ f
cdl] /sfdf 3/n] –' lx+;f Ps k|sf/sf] ck/fw xf] . ;a}sf] lx+;f/lxt hLjg lhpg]
clwsf/ x'G5 . 3/n] '–lx+;f egs] f] >Ldfg–>LdtL, kd]| L–k|]ldsf / kl/jf/sf] jo:s
;b:ox?aLr x'g] ceb| Jojxf/ xf] . x'g t kl/jf/df >Ldfg of >LdtL bj' h} gf
3/]n'–lx+;faf6 kLl8t xG' 5g,\ t/ *% k|ltzt dlxnf o:tf] Jojxf/af6 kLl8t ePsf]
kfOG5 .
Domestic Violence
In the United States, domestic violence is a crime. Everyone has the
right to live a life free of violence. Domestic violence is abusive behavior
between a husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, one adult family
member against another. While both men and women can be victims of
clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g 139
domestic violence, eighty-five percent of domestic violence victims are
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
b'Joj{ xf/sf k|sf/
3/n] '–lx+;f eGgfn] zf/Ll/s, of}g, efjgfTds jf cfly{s b'Jo{jxf/x? x'g\ .
zf/Ll/s bJ' o{jxf/sf pbfx/0fx? M s;}nfO{ ws]Ng,' ;dfTg,' lxsf{pg,' r8\sfpg,' nft
xfGg,' / lkN;fpg÷' kf]Ng' x'g\ . of}g b'Jo{jxf/ egs] f] ljjflxt >Ldfg jf >LdtLnufot
s;s} f] OR5fljk/Lt ofg} –;DaGwsf nflu anh©tL ug{' xf] . efjgfTds bJ' oj{ xf/–
sf pbfx/0fx? M gfd lauf//] afn] fpg', x]nf ug{', ;tfpg] lgotn] s;;} Fu ;Dks{
ug'{ jf s;}nfO{ k5o\ fpg', cf©Gtaf6 s;}nfO{ 5'6fP/ n}hfg', wDSofpg', t;fp{ g',
s;n} fO{ c+uh]| L–sIff lng glbg', c?sf] ©f]g ;G' g' jf c?sf] Odn] xg] '{ cflb
xg' \ . cflys{ bJ' o{jxf/sf pbfx/0fx? M s;}nfO{ hflu/ vfg glbg' jf vfPsf] hflu/df
/xg glbg', c?sf] x/lx;fa cf©n" ] lgoGq0fdf lng,' k};f n'sfOlbg' / ;fyLefO jf
>Ldfg–>LdtLn] sfd u/j] fkt cfPsf] r]s cg'dlt lagf lng' cflb x'g\ .
Types of Abuse
Domestic violence can include physical, sexual, emotional, or econom-
ic abuse. Examples of physical abuse are pushing, grabbing, hitting, slap-
ping, kicking, and burning someone. Sexual abuse is forcing sexual activ-
ity against someone’s will, including between married partners. Examples
of emotional abuse are name-calling, insulting, obsessively contacting or
following someone, keeping someone from their family or friends, making
threats, intimidating another person, not allowing someone to take English
classes, and monitoring another person’s phone calls or mail. Examples of
economic abuse are not allowing someone to get or keep a job, maintain-
ing control over financial resources, hiding money, and taking a partner or
spouse’s paycheck without permission.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bJ' o{jxf/ x'b“ f kfOg] ;xfotf
cdl] /sfdf tkfO{+sf] >Ldfg jf >LdtLn] tkfO+{nfO{ b'Jo{jxf/ u/]df ck/fw u/s] f]
7x5{ . o:tf] cj:yfdf tkfO{+sf] ;/' lIft /xg] xs x'G5 . o;sf nflu k|x/LnfO{ ©fg]
ug'x{ f;] \ . pxfFx? tkfO{+sf] 3/ cfpg'x'G5 . olb tkfO{+ c+u]h| L af]Ng'x'Gg eg] g]kfnL
/ c+uh]| L afN] g] bfe] fif] vfH] g'xf];\ . o:tf] cj:yfdf bfe] fifs] f ?kdf afnaflnsfsf]
ko| f]u gug'x{ f];\ . kx| /Ln] ©f]gsf dfWodaf6 bf]efif;] Fu ;xfotf klg lng
;S5g\ . tkfO+{sf] >Ldfg jf >LdtLn] ck/fw u/]sf] 7x/ eP k|x/Ln] kqmfp ug{ klg
;Sg'xG' 5 . kqmfp ubf{ kx| /LnfO{ 36gf–btfs{ f sfuhft k/" f ug{ / btf{ gDa/ lbg
cg/' fw] ug{'xf;] \ . 36gf–btf{ ug{] k|x/Lsf] gfd / pxfFsf] Aofh–gDa/ klg lng'xf];\ .
140 Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws
o:tf tYox? lnFbf 36gfaf/] s] s] sfjf{xL eO/x]5 eGg] hfGg ;lhnf] xG' 5 .
cbfntn] Pp6f cfbz] hf/L u5,{ h;nfO{ …;'/Iff cfbz] Ú elgG5 . of] cfb]z tkfO{+
/ 5f]/f5f/] LnfO{ b'Joj{ xf/ ug{] JolStaf6 ;'/lIft /fVg] csf]{ pkfo xf] . o; cfbz] –
df©{t GofofwLzn] b'Jo{jxf/ ug{] JolStnfO{ 3/ 5f8\g / >Ldfg, >LdtL jf ;fy} a:b}
cfPsf] JolSt tyf 5f]/f5f]/Laf6 6f9f a:g cfbz] lbg ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Getting Help from Abuse
If your partner is abusing you, he or she is committing a crime in the
United States. You have the right to be protected. Call the police. They will
come to your home. If you do not speak English, find someone who can in-
terpret for you – but do not use a child. The police can also use an interpreter
who speaks Nepali through a telephone phone service. If the police believe
your partner has committed a crime, they can arrest him. If this happens, ask
the police to complete an incident report and get the report number. Also,
get the name and badge number of the police officer making the report. This
information will help you follow up on the status of the case.
A “protection order” issued by the court is another way to keep you
and your kids safe from an abusive partner. With a “protection order” a
judge can order an abusive person to leave his home and stay away from
his spouse or partner, and children.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
wd" |kfg / /S;L
;a} /fHodf @! jife{ Gbf sd pd/] sf JolStn] lao/, jfOg jf cGo s'g}
vfnsf /S;L vl/b ug{' u}/sfgg' L xf] . tf]lsPsf] :yfg, h:t} M dw'zfnf -af/, /S;L
vfg] 7fpF_ jf rd]gf–ux[ -/i] 6/' fF_ afxs] ;8s jf ;fjh{ lgs :yndf /S;L lkpg'
;fdfGotM u/} sfg'gL xf] . /S;L;DaGwL cGo sfg'g /fHolkR5] ©/s x'g;S5g\ . ;a–}
h;f] /fHodf !* jif{ gk'u]sf JolStn] l;u/]6 jf ;t' L{af6 ags] f cGo pTkfbg vl/b
ug'{ klg u/} sfgg' L xf] . sx] L /fHon] ;fj{hlgs :ynx? h:t} M rd]gf–ux[ , :sn" ,
gf6s3/ / cGo :yfgdf w"dk| fg ug{ k|ltaGw nufPsf 5g\ .
Smoking and Alcohol
It is illegal in every state for someone under the age of 21 to purchase
beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages. It is usually illegal to drink alco-
holic beverages on the street or in public places except designated bars or
restaurants. Other laws regarding alcohol may vary by state. It is illegal
in every state for someone under the age of 18 to purchase cigarettes or
other tobacco products. Some states and communities prohibit smoking in
public places, such as restaurants, schools, theaters, and other locations.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g 141
;n] l] S6e ;le;{
tkfO{+ !* bl] v @% jif{;Ddsf] k'?if x'g'xG' 5 eg] tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] gfd …;]n]lS6e
;le;{ Ú df btf{ u/fpg}k5{ . o;/L gfd btf{ ug{k' gd]{ f z/0ffyL{, :yfoL afl;Gbf /
gful/s k5g{ \ . cdl] /sf cfpg]lalQs} jf !* cf+} hGdlbg dgfPsf] #) lbgleq o;
;j] fdf cfˆgf] gfd btf{ u/fpg'k5{ . …;n] ]lS6e ;le;{ Ú Pp6f ;/sf/L lgsfo xf] .
vfFrf] k/]sf an] f ;/sf/n] o; ;j] fdf btf{ ePsf o'jfnfO{ cdl] /sf ;g] fdf sfd ug{
afn] fpF5 . clxn]sf] cj:yfdf ;]gfsf ;a} ;b:o :jo+;]js xg' \ / etL{ xg' clgjfo{
5}g . o; ;j] fdf gfd btf{ u/fpg x'nfs sfof{no hfg ;lsG5 jf OG6/g]6sf]
dfWodaf6 klg ug{ ;lsG5 . tkfO{+n] o; ;j] fdf cfˆgf] gfd btf{ ug{ rS' ge' of] eg]
tkfO+{ cd]l/sfsf] gful/stf kfpgaf6 alGrt x'g ;Sgx' 'G5 .
Selective Service
If you are a man ages 18 through 25 and living in the U.S., then you
must register with the Selective Service System. This includes refugees,
permanent residents, and citizens. Registration must be done by men soon
after arriving in the US or within 30 days after a boy has his 18th birthday.
Selective Service is the government agency that can call people to serve
in the U.S. military if necessary. Presently, all members of the military are
volunteers and no one is required to serve. Registration can be done at any
post office or on the Internet. If you fail to register you may not be able to
become an American citizen.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kl/jf/sf] sf]xL ;b:on] sfd u/]/ jf cGo s'g} ;|f]taf6 k;} f sdfof] eg] jifs{ f
cGTodf tkfO+{n] cfos/ ltgk'{ 5{ . o;sf nflu cdl] /sL cfGtl/s /fh:j ;j] f -o'P;
OG6/gn /]e]Go' ;le{;, cfOcf/P;_ gfds sfof{nodf cfos/–l©tf{ -OGsd 6o\ fS;
l/6g_{ sf nflu !)$) ˚f/d e//] k7fpgk' 5{ . sx] L /fHo / zx/df jife{ / sdfPsf]
s'n cfDbfgLsf] ljj/0f klg k]z ug'{k5{ . of] ljj/0f–kq e/]kl5 tkfO+{n] ;/sf/–
nfO{ a'emfpgk' g{] /sd slt xf] jf ;/sf/af6 tkfO+{n] slt /sd l©tf{ kfpg'x'G5
eGg] yfxf x'G5 . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf s/;DaGwL o:tf ©f/d e//] ae' mfpg' tkfO+{sf]
lhDd]jf/L xf] . o:tf ©f/ddf w]/} ljj/0f eg{'kg]{ ePsfn] cln ufxf| ] nfUg ;S5 .
sx] L ;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?df o:tf ©f/d eg]{ :jo+;j] s xg' ;S5g\ . tL :jo+;]jsn]
lgMzN' s ©f/d el/lbG5g\ . tf]lsPsf] ;dodf s/;DaGwL ©f/d geg'{ jf s/ gltg{'
u/} sfgg' L sfd xf] .
Income Taxes
If someone in your immediate family earns money from a job or other
sources during a year, at the end of that year you must file a report, called
142 Rights, Responsibilities, and Laws
an income tax return (or 1040 form), with the U.S. Internal Revenue Ser-
vice (IRS). Many states and some cities also require you to submit an an-
nual report of income earned. When you complete the reports, you will de-
termine how much money you must pay the government in income taxes
or how much money the government owes you. It is your responsibility to
submit the necessary forms before the date they are due. Some community
agencies may have volunteers who can provide free assistance in complet-
ing the complicated forms. It is illegal to not file a tax return when it is due
or to not pay the taxes owed.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sx] L bz] x?df k|x/L kfz] fsdf cfPsf dfG5] c?sf nflu 8/nfUbf x'g;S5g\
jf To:tf JolStn] 3'; lng ;S5g\ . cd]l/sfdf k|x/Ln] cfdgful/ssf] ;'/Iff /
gful/snfO{ d2t u5g{ \ . olb sxLF ck/fw x'g nfus] f] jf eO/xs] f] b]Vg'eof],
tkfO+{nfO{ s;}n] wDSofof] jf cfˆgf] ;/' Iffsf nflu s] u/f+} s;f] u/f}+ eGg] cj:yf
cfof] eg] (!! df ©f]g ugx{' f];\ . kx| /Ln] s] eG5g\, ;'Ggx' f];\ / eg]sf] dfGgx' f;] \ .
olb pgLx?n] tkfO{+;Fu s/' fsfgL ug{ rfx] eg] gtlsg{ x' f];\ jf gefUg'xf];\ . ;wF} gd|
xg' x' f];\ . k|x/LnfO{ xft gxfNg'xf];\ jf k|x/L;Fu gaf‰gx' f;] \ . k|x/LnfO{ lrof–kfgL
vr{ eg/] 3;' lbg gvf]Hg'xf;] \ lsgeg] of] ck/fw xf] .
The Police
In some countries, people in uniform may be dangerous or may take
bribes. In the United States the police protect and help people. Call 911 if
you see a crime, if you have been threatened, or if you are worried about
your safety. Obey the police. If they want to talk to you, do not run away.
Always be polite. Do not touch or shout at the police. Do not offer money
to a police officer because that is a crime.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO{+ kqmfp kg'e{ of] eg]
tkfO+{ kqmfp kge'{ of] eg] kx| /L–rf}sL nluG5 jf hfgx' G' 5 . ToxfF ts{–ljts{ jf
emu8f gugx{' f];\ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf nflu jlsn /fVg kfpg] clwsf/ xG' 5 . tkfO{+n]
;xofu] sf nflu t?' Gt …jlsnÚ dfUg ;Sgx' G' 5 . jlsn gcfpGh]n tkfO+{n] sg' }
kZ| gsf] hjf© lbg' kb}g{ . em6" f] gaf]Ng'xf;] \ . em6" f] af]Ng'eGbf afN] b} gafN] g' /fd|f]
xG' 5 . bfi] fL jf lgbf{]if ©};nf ug{] sfd cbfntsf] xf] . tkfO{+ o:tf] ©;} nfsf nflu
cbfnt hfg ;Sg'x'G5 . cbfntL sfdsf nflu tkfO{+n] jlsn / bfe] fif]sf] ;xfotf
lng ;Sg'x'G5 . oL klg tkfO+{sf clwsf/ x'g\ . olb tkfO{+ jlsn jf bfe] fifn] fO{
nfUg] vr{ ug{ ;Sg'xG' g eg] cbfntn] o:tf] ;l' jwf pknAw u/fpF5 .
clwsf/, lhDd]jf/L, / sfg'g 143
If You Are Arrested
If you are arrested, you will go to a police station. Do not argue or fight.
You have the right to a lawyer. Ask for one immediately. You do not have
to answer questions until your lawyer is present. Do not lie. It is better to
say nothing than to lie. You may go to court to decide if you are guilty of
the crime. It is your right to have a lawyer and an interpreter help you. If
you cannot afford them, the court will provide them.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ck/fw / l˚tL{ -b]z lgsfnf_
cd]l/sfsf] sfg'gL :yfoL afl;Gbf eP/ klg tkfO+{n] sx] L To:tf ck/fw uge'{ of]
eg] tkfO+{ h]n kg{ ;Sgx' 'G5, gful/stf gkfpg ;Sg'x'G5 jf tkfO+{nfO{ tkfO{+s}
b]z l©tf{ k7fpg ;lsG5 . To:tf ck/fwx? lgDg x'g\ M
• cfˆgf] >Ldfg÷>LdtL, ;fyL–;xofu] L÷;femb] f/ jf 5f]/f5f]/LnfO{ wDSofpg] sfd
jf b'Jo{jxf/ u/]df .
• s'g} JolStnfO{ u}/sfgg' L ?kdf cdl] /sf leqg ;xofu] u/d] f .
• kl/jf/sf] vr{ar{df ;xof]u gu/d] f .
• u}/sfgg' L nfuk' bfy{sf] a]rlavg jf k|ofu] u/]df .
• anfTsf/ jf xTofh:tf h3Go ck/fw u/d] f .
;fd'bflos ;j] f–;l' jwfx? kfpg ;/sf/nfO{ cfu|x ubf{ lbOg] cfj]bgdf em6" f]
ljj/0f eg'{, ;/sf/L sdr{ f/LnfO{ 3;' jf lrof–vr{ lbg', of}g;DaGw /fVg' jf o:tf
sfddf d2t ug{' klg u/} sfgg' L sfd xg' \ .
Crime and Deportation
Even if you are a legal permanent resident, certain crimes may send
you to jail, stop you from becoming a citizen, or get you deported. These
• Threatening or abusing your spouse, partner, or children.
• Helping someone enter the United States illegally.
• Not supporting your family financially.
• Using or selling illegal drugs.
• Committing violent crimes, such as rape or murder.
It is also illegal to provide false information on public benefits appli-
cations, to tip or bribe public officials, or to exchange sexual favors for
money or help.
cWofo !# : ;'/Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx?
Chapter 13 : Safety and Emergencies
afnaflnsfsf] ;/' Iff
afnaflnsf 3/aflx/ vN] bf cleefjssf] /v] b]v x'g'k5{ . ;8s jf uf8L kfls{ª–
:yndf vN] g' ;/' lIft x'Fb}g . ToxfF v]Nbf pgLx?nfO{ sf/n] 7Ss/ lbg ;S5 .
rf]6k6s nfUg;S5 / dT[ o' klg x'g;S5 .
;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ kfgL5]p jf kfgLdf PSn} 5f8g\ x' F'b}g . o:tf 7fpFx? M gbL,
tnfp, ©fx] /f / 3/sf] g'xfpg] 8'F8 -afy6a_ xg' \ . ;fgf gfgLx? b'O{ OGreGbf sd
kfgLdf klg 8'Ag ;S5g\ . ;fgf gfgLx?nfO{ e¥ofª / afy?ddf hfg glbg'xf];\ .
Totf hfg glbg ;fgf] b}nf] xflnlbg'xf;] \ . Tof] bn} f] nufOlbg] ugx'{ f];\ .
Child Safety
Children should always be supervised by adults when playing outside.
Playing in the street or parking lot is not safe because children can be hit
by a car and be hurt or even killed.
Never leave a small child alone in or near water. This includes streams,
ponds, fountains, and even the bathtub in your home. A child can drown in
less than two inches of water. Use safety gates to keep small children away
from stairs and out of bathrooms.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;8sdf ;/' Iff
;8sdf slxNo} glxF8g\ x' f];\ . ;8s–k6] Ldf jf ;8s;Fu}sf] vfnL 7fpFaf6
lxF8g\ 'xf;] \ . hxfF kfof,] ToxLFaf6 af6f] gsf6g\ x' f];\ . ;+st] kfPkl5 -xl/of] aQL
ank] l5_ dfq af6f] sf6g\ x' f];\ . af6f] sf6\gc' l3 klxn] b]a]| clg bflxg] xg] x{' f;] \ /
sf/x? gcfPsf] kSsf ePkl5 dfq af6f] sf6g\ 'xf;] \ . /ftL lxF8b\ f pHofnf] /+usf]
sk8f -jf 6Nsg] sk8f_ nufpg'xf;] \ . To:tf] sk8f nufpFbf sf/–rfnsn] tkfO+{nfO{
5nª{ b]V5g\ .
;fgf gfgLx?n] PSn} cf©F} slxNo} af6f] gsf6g' \ . uf8L b3' {6gfaf6 aRg
pgLx?n] cfˆgf cleefjs jf cf©"eGbf 7n" fsf] ;xfotf lng' k5{ . cln 7n" f
gfgLx?nfO{ ;8s s;/L sf6g\ ] eg]/ l;sfpg'xf];\ .
Street Safety
Never walk in the street. Always walk on the sidewalk or on the ground
next to a street. Use crosswalks and look for walk signals to tell you when
it is safe to cross a busy street. Before crossing, always look left and right
to make sure no cars are coming. At night, always wear light colored cloth-
ing so that drivers can see you better.
146 Safety and Emergencies
Young children should not cross the street by themselves. They should
cross with a parent or another adult to avoid getting hurt by a car. Teach
older children how to safely cross the street.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
3/sf] ;'/Iff
cf©" 3/d} ePsf a]nf eP klg 9f]sf aGb ugx'{ f;] \ . rf]/L jf cGo ck/fw
/fs] yfd ug{ 3/aflx/ hfgk' bf{ ‰ofn aGb ug'x{ f];\ . glrg]sf] dflg;sf nflu slxNo}
9fs] f gvfN] g'xf;] \ . kf];fsd} cfPsf] eP klg klxn] pgsf] kl/ro–kq bv] fpg
nufpgx' f];\ . cfˆgf gfgLx?nfO{ glrg]sf] dflg; cfP slxNo} 9fs] f gvfN] g' eg]/
l;sfpg'xf];\ .
Home Safety
Always keep your apartment door locked, even when you are home.
Shut and lock your windows before you leave to prevent theft and other
crimes. Do not unlock or open your door for anyone you do not know. Ask
strangers, including people in uniform, to first show you their identifica-
tion. Teach children not to open the door to strangers.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
efG;fdf ;'/Iff
rn' f] UofF; jf lahn' Lsf] d2tn] aNg] vfnsf x'G5 . vfgf a;fPsf] 5 eg] aln–
/x]sf] r'nf] 5f8/] efG;faf6 aflx/ ghfg'xf;] \ . vfgf ksfO ;s]kl5 rn' f] aGb ug{
gla;{g'xf;] \ .
efG;fdf cfuf] ;lNsP, kfgL jf kL7f] h:tf] w'nf] ˆofFs/] cfuf] lgefpg] ko| f;
gugx'{ f;] \ . o:tf] cfuf] l3p–t]n e'6g' xfNbf Hjfnf lg:s]/ jf lrNnf] kf]lvP/ nfUg
;S5 . cfuf] ;fgf] 5 eg] Hjfnfdfly s/fxL 5fK] g] 9Ssg 9o\ fKk /fv]/ cfuf] dTy/
kfg'x{ f;] \ . o;}aLr rn' f] aGb ugx'{ f;] \ . cfuf] glgeG' hn] 9Ssg TolQs} 5fl8lbg–'
xf;] \ . rn' f]df a;fPsf] efF8fn] fO{ ;n] fpg lbgx' f];\ . xf]; ugx{' f];,\ cfufn] ] kf]Ng jf
tftf] efF8f]n] 8fDg ;S5 .
of] pkfo sfd nfug] jf cf©" g} glhs} hfg g;lsg] 7"nf] cfuf] eP, ©fo/
PS;l6ª\lUj;/ -cfuf] lgefpg agfOPsf] /ftf] efF8f_] glhs} eP k|ofu] ugx{' f;] \ .
Kitchen Safety
Your kitchen has either a gas or electric stove. When using the stove to
cook, do not leave the kitchen. When you are done using the stove or oven,
make sure to turn it off.
If a fire starts in your kitchen, never use water or flour to put out cook-
ing fires. If the fire is small, put a pan lid over the flames to smother a
grease or oil fire. Turn off the heat and leave the lid in place until the pan
;/' Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿ 147
cools. Be careful not to burn yourself. If that does not work or the fire is
too big to get close enough, use a fire extinguisher if one is nearby.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfuf]af6 ;/' Iff
3/a6] Ln] tkfO{+sf] ckf6d{ ]G6df clUg;r" s oGq -cfuf] nfus] f] ;"rgf lbg] 306L_
pknAw u/fpg' k5{ . clUg;r" s oGq ;w}F rfn' cj:yfdf xg' 'k5{ lsgeg] olb cfuf]
nfUof] eg] of] …lak lak=== Ú ub}{ 7"nf] :j/df s/fpF5 . tkfO+{nfO{ ;ts{ u/fpF5 .
Hofg–hf]lvddf kg{ lbFb}g . cfjZos kbf{ clUg;"rs oGqdf Aof6L« ©]g]{ lhDd]jf/L
rflxF tkfO+{sf] xf] . of] oGq leQf jf l;lnªdf h8fg ul/G5 . of] oGqnfO{ slxn]
klg v':sfP/ g/fVgx' f];\ . o;sf Aof6L« glgsfNg'xf];\ .
©fo/ PS;l6ª\lUj;/ Ps ks| f/sf] cfuf] lgefpg jf lgoGq0f ug{ agfOPsf] oGq
xf] . ckf6{dG] 6 jf lalN8ªdf of] oGq sxfF–sxfF /flvPsf 5g\ / o;sf] ko| fu] s;/L
ug{] eg]/ 3/a]6LnfO{ ;fW] g'xf;] \ .
olb cfuf] w]/} 7n" f] 5 / ©fo/ PS;l6ª\lUj;/n] lgefpg ;lsG5 h:tf]
nfUbg} eg] tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf ;a} hgf 3/aflx/ lg:sgx' f;] \ / (!! df ©fg]
ug'x{ f;] \ . tkfO{+sf ;/;fdfgeGbf tkfO{+sf] hLjg lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ xf] .
olb tkfO{+ ;t' ]sf] jf p7s] f] an] f cfuf] nfu]sf] ;+st] ub{} …lak lak=== Ú sf] cfjfh
cfP, l3;|b} aflx/ lg:sg'xf;] \ . p7b\ f w'Fjf x'G5 . ;f; ©g] { ufx|f] x'G5 . e'OF;Fu}sf]
xfjfdf ;f; ©]g{ ;lhnf] xG' 5 . sf]7fsf] wF'jf / tftf] xfjfn] tkfO+{sf] Hofg hfg
;S5 . ;T' g]–sf]7faf6 aflx/ hfg] af6f] cfufn] ] 5l] sPsf] 5 eg] aflx/ lgSng] csf]{
af6fs] f] k|aGw ugk{' 5{ .
nufO/xs] f] sk8fdf cfuf] nfUof] eg] e'OFdf ;'Tgx' f;] \ / n8La8L -cfufn] fO{ lylrg]
u/L otfaf6 ptf / ptfaf6 otf kN6g'_ ug{x' f];\ . cfuf] lgek] l5 dfq p7g\ '–
xf];\ . afnaflnsfx?sf nu' fdf cfuf] nfu,] …6Ss cl8g', ;'Tg' / n8La8L ugÚ{' eGg]
l;sfpg'xf];\ .
Fire Safety
Landlords must provide a smoke alarm in your apartment. The smoke
alarm must always be working because if there is a fire, it will beep very
loudly to alert you and save your life. You are responsible for replacing
batteries in your smoke alarm when needed. Smoke alarms are usually
mounted on a wall or ceiling. Never take the smoke alarm down perma-
nently or leave the battery out of it.
A fire extinguisher is a device used to put out or control fires. Ask your
landlord to show you where fire extinguishers are in your apartment or
building and how to use a fire extinguisher.
If a fire is too big and you do not think you can put it out with a fire
148 Safety and Emergencies
BUILDING AND CALL 911! Your life is more important than your
If the smoke alarm sounds when you are sleeping or if you have a fire
when you are awake, crawl on the floor to get to an exit. You can breathe
better near the floor. Smoke and hot gases higher in the room can kill you.
Make sure that there is a second way to get out of your bedroom if a fire
blocks your escape.
If your clothes catch fire, fall down on the floor or ground and roll back
and forth until the fire is put out. Teach children that if their clothes catch
fire to “Stop, Drop, and Roll.”
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
(!! eg]sf] s] xf] <
cd]l/sfdf cfkftsflng cj:yfdf ;xofu] sf nflu (!! gDa/df ©f]g ul/G5 .
o:tf]–o:tf] cj:yfdf (!! df ©f]g ul/G5 M
• tkfO{+ cf©F} jf c? s;n} fO{ tTsfn pkrf/ cfjZos eP PDa'nG] ; af]nfpg .
• cfunfuL ePdf .
• s'g} ck/fw eO/x]sf] bv] d] f .
• k|x/L eP lgoGq0f xg' ] vfnsf 36gf h:t} M s"6lk6, rf/] L jf ;Defljt lx+;s
l:yltdf .
What Is 911?
In the United States, 911 is the phone number you dial to get emer-
gency help. Call 911 to:
• Get an ambulance for emergency medical help for yourself or someone
• Report a fire.
• Report a crime.
• Report a situation that requires a police officer on the scene, such as an
assault, burglary, or a potentially violent situation.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
(!! df ˚f]g ug{'
ha tkfO{+n] (!! df ©fg] ug{x' 'G5, ta kfFrbl] v 5 ;s] ]08;Dd s]xL cfjfh
cfpFbg} . To;kl5 dfq …ck/]6/Ún] tkfO{+;Fu s'/f ug'{xG' 5 . ck/]6/sf] hjf©
cfpGhn] sg' {x' f;] \ . cfjfh cfPg eg]/ ©f]g g/fVg'xf;] \ . tkfO+{nfO{ …k|x/LÚ,
…cfufÚ] jf …PDa'nG] ;Ú s] rflxPsf] xf] ck/6] /nfO{ eGgx' f];\ . 36gfaf/] yk hfgsf/L
lbg tkfO+{nfO{ efiffsf] sl7gfO{ 5 jf tkfO{+nfO{ c+uh]| L af]Ng cfpFbg} eg] tkfO{+
s'g efiff af]Ngx' 'G5, …ck/]6/ÚnfO{ eGg'xf;] \ . pxfFn] bfe] fif] -cg'jfbs_ vfH] g] ko| f;
ug'x{ 'G5 .
;/' Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿ 149
36gfaf/] ck/]6/nfO{ ;s];Dd k|z:t hfgsf/L lbgk' 5{ . ck/6] /nfO{ tkfO+{n]
lsg ©f]g ug'{ ePsf] xf,] sxfFaf6 ©fg] uge{' Psf] xf] / s:tf] cfkft k/s] f] 5
eGgx' f];\ . ck/6] /n] ;fw] s] f ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ lbpGhn] ©fg] g5f8g\ x' f;] \ . pQ/
lbFbf gcflQg'xf];\ . ©f]g rflxF g/fVg'xf;] \ .
Calling 911
When you call 911, there may be silence for five to six seconds and
then your call will be answered by an operator. Wait for the operator to
answer. Do not hang up. Tell the operator what you need, “police,” “fire,”
or “ambulance.” Tell the operator what language you speak if you do not
speak enough English to give more information. The operator will try to
get an interpreter.
You will need to provide the operator with as much information as
you can. Tell the operator why you are calling, and where and what the
emergency is. Stay on the phone until you answer all of the operator’s
questions. Remember to stay calm. Do not hang up.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
s:tf] cj:yfdf (!! ˚fg] ug'{ xG' g
uDeL/, Hofg–hf]lvddf kg]{ cfkft–cj:yfx?df dfq (!! df ©f]g ugk{' 5{ .
cfkftsflng cj:yf 5}g eg] (!! df ©f]g ugx'{ G' g . cf©" hfgk' g{] 7fpFsf] af6f]
;f]Wg jf 9f]sf gvf]lnP/ cf©" 3/aflx/ k/]sf] cj:yf h:tf 36gfdf s] ug'{ eg/]
(!! ©f]g ub{} gug'{xf;] \ . (!! df ©f]g u/j] fkt bdsn jf PDa'nG] ; cfOk'u]/ cfkft–
sflng cj:yf g/xs] f] kfP eg] ©f]g ug]{nfO{ hl/jfgf xg' ;S5 .
When Not To Call 911
Calling 911 is only for serious, life-threatening emergencies. Do NOT
call 911 if there is NOT an emergency. Do NOT use 911 for things like
asking for directions or if you are locked out of your home. You may be
fined if you call 911 and an emergency vehicle arrives when there is no
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
k|x/Ln] k|Tos] zx/ jf a:tLdf sfgg' sfof{Gjog u5{g\ . kx| /Lsf] sfd
gful/ssf] ;/' Iff ug'{ xf] . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] 6fn] –l5d]sdf kx| /Lx? cfˆgf] sf/, k}bn
jf ;fOsndf lxFl8/x]sf] b]Vgx' G' 5 . tkfO{+n] kx| /L–;j] fsf] ;Ddfg ug{k' 5{ . pgLx?;Fu
8/fpg' kb{g} . pgLx?sf] sfd ;a}sf] /Iff ug{' xf] . kx| /L bv] /] gefUg' xf]nf . sg' }
;]jf jf ljifodf kx| /LnfO{ lagfsf/0f k};f glbgx' fn] f . olb k|x/Ln] tkfO{+;Fu sx] L
;fW] g cfP eg] ;xof]uL aGg'xfn] f . tkfO+{ c+uh]| L /fd/| L af]Ng hfGg'x'Gg eg] cf©n" ]
150 Safety and Emergencies
afN] g] efiff sg' xf] atfpgx' f]nf . pgn] bf]efif] ©n] f kfg{ sfl] zz u5g{ \ . tkfO{+nfO{
s'g} ck/fwaf/] ;r" gf lng cg'/fw] ul/of] eg] kx| /LnfO{ hlt;Sbf] hfgsf/L lbg–'
xfn] f / ;a} k|Zgsf] hjf© lbgx' f]nf .
In every city and town, the local police enforce laws and ensure public
safety. You may see police officers on patrol in your neighborhood in cars
and sometimes on foot or bicycle. You should respect the authority of the
police but do not be afraid of them. Their job is to protect everyone. Do
not run away from a police officer. Do not offer money to a police officer
for any reason. If a police officer approaches you and asks for information,
try to be helpful. If you do not speak much English, tell the police officer
what language you speak and the officer may try to find an interpreter. If
you have requested police in order to report a crime, give them as much
information as possible and answer all of their questions.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO{+n] cfunfuL ePsf] ;"rgf lbg'eof] eg] :yfgLo clUg–lgoGq0f ljefun]
36gf–:yndf bdsn / cGo pks/0fx? k7fpF5 . tkfO{+n] pSt pks/0f;Fu}
cfPsf] 6f]nLn] egc] g;' f/ ugk'{ 5{ / pgLx?nfO{ sfd ug{ ;lhnf] xf];\ eg]/ cln
k/ xl6lbg'k5{ . pgLx? cfˆgf] sfddf s'zn x'G5g\ / s:tf] cfufd] f s;/L sfd
ug'k{ 5{ eGg] pgLx?nfO{ yfxf xG' 5 . cfufnfuLsf] ks| [lt ©/s–©/s vfnsf] xg' ]
ePsfn] s'g–} s'g} cj:yfdf 9fs] f / ‰ofnx? ©6' fpg' kg]{ klg xg' ;S5 . sf]xL
JolSt hfl] vddf k/s] f] 5 eg] pgLx?n] p2f/ ug{] sf]lzz u5g{ \ .
If you report a fire, the local fire department will respond by sending
fire trucks and equipment to your location. You should then obey orders
by fire officials and get out of their way. They are professionally trained
and know what should be done in different kinds of fires. Depending on
the situation they may need to break doors and windows. They will try to
rescue anyone who may be in danger in the fire.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
PDan' ]G;
s;s} f] Hofg–hfl] vddf kg]{ vfnsf] 36gfaf/] va/ ug{'eof] eg] Pp6f
PDa'n]G; / cfkftsflng pkrf/ 6f]nL tkfO{+ ePs} 7fpFdf k7fOG5 . pSt 6f]nLsf
;b:on] la/fdLsf] cj:yf / cK7\of/f] kgs{' f] sf/0f ;f]Wg]5g\ . To:tf k|Zgsf] pQ/
rfF8f] / a‰' g] u/L lbgx' f;] \ . pSt 6fn] Ln] la/fdLnfO{ …P:6«]r/Ú df /fv]/ PDa'nG] ;df
;/' Iff / cfkftsflng cj:yfx¿ 151
r9fpg] ug'{x'G5 . pxfFx?n] la/fdLnfO{ c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf -OdhG]{ ;L ?d_
nh} fg'x'G5 . pSt 6fn] Ln] slxns] fxLF kl/jf/sf] Ps ;b:onfO{ nfg ;Sgx' 'G5 .
t/ ;fdfGotM la/fdL nu]kl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:o / cGo ;xofu] Ln] uf8L aGbfa] :t u/L
c:ktfnsf] cfkftsflng–sIf k'Ugk' 5{ .
If you report a life threatening medical emergency, an ambulance and
emergency medical team will be sent to your location. They will ask ques-
tions about the condition of the patient and the cause of the emergency. Try
to answer them quickly and fully. They may place the patient on a stretcher
and then into the ambulance. They will take the patient to the emergency
room at the hospital. Sometimes they may also be able to take one family
member, but usually family members and others will have to find their
own transportation to the hospital emergency room.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kLl8t eP, ;xfotf dfUgx' f;] \
tkfO+{ sg' } ck/fwsf] l;sf/ xg' 'eof] eg] tkfO{+n] k|x/L;Fu ;xfotf dfUg'k5{ .
tkfO{+ ;8sdf nl' 6ge' of], 3/df rf]/L eof], s;n} ] cfqmd0f u¥of] jf 3fOt] kf¥of] eg]
tkfO{+n] (!! df ©f]g ug'k{ 5{ / k|x/LnfO{ ;Sbf] rfF8f] d2t ug{ cg/' fw] ug{k' 5{ .
When a Victim, Seek Help
If you are a victim of a crime you should seek help from the police.
If someone robs you on the street, if anything is stolen from your home,
if someone attacks you and harms you, you should call 911 and request
police help as soon as possible.
cWofo !$ : ;~rf/
Chapter 14 : Communication
3/sf] ˚f]g
kg' jf{; ;+:yfn] tkfO+{sf] ckf6{d]G6df Pp6f ©fg] sf] aGbfa] :t ul/lbG5 . o:tf]
©fg] nfO{ afn] LrfnLdf …NofG8 nfOgÚ elgG5, lsgeg] o;sf tf/x? ©f]g sDkgL;Fu
hf]l8Psf xG' 5g\ . sg' } Ps a:tLsf 3/ / Joj;fox?df ;fdfGotM Pp6fdfq
6l] n©fg] sDkgLsf] ;]jf xG' 5 .
3/aflx/ hfFbf vf; u/L c+uh]| L afN] g ghfGgs] f ;fy} ;?' –;?' df c? ;a}n]
3/sf] 6l] n©fg] gDa/ / cf©" a;s] f] ;8ssf] gfd;lxt 3/–gDa/ n]v]/ afS] g–'
k5{ . olb tkfO{+ x/fpg' eof] jf 3/df ©fg] ug{k' ¥of] eg] cfˆgf] hfgsf/L c?nfO{
bv] fP/ d2t kfpg ;Sgx' 'G5 .
Home Telephone
Your resettlement agency may help arrange a telephone for you in your
apartment. This kind of telephone is sometimes called a “land line” be-
cause it is connected by wires to the telephone company. In each commu-
nity there is generally only one company that installs land lines in homes
and businesses.
Everyone in your family, especially anyone who does not speak Eng-
lish, should carry a small piece of paper with your apartment phone num-
ber and street address when you go out of your apartment. If you get lost
or need to call your home, you will be able to show the information to
someone who might be able to help.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;n] ˚fg] ÷df]afOn ˚fg]
tkfO{+n] afs] /] lxF8g\ ] ;]n©f]g -df]afOn ©f]g_ rfxgx' 'G5 . cd]l/sfdf ;]n©fg]
;j] f lbg] dV' o 5÷;ft j6f sDkgL 5g\ . ltg} sDkgLx?dWo] s'g} Pp6faf6
;]n©f]g lng ;Sg'xG' 5 . ;fdfGotM o:tf sDkgLn] tkfO{+;Fu ;Demft} f u5g{ \ .
;Demf}tfdf ;]jf, ;'ljwf / ;t{ n]lvPsf x'G5g\ . dlxgf–dlxgfdf Go"gtd ;j] f
zN' sjfktsf] lan e'Stfg ug]{ ;t{ /flvPsf] pSt ;Demft} f bO' { jif;{ Ddsf] xG' 5 .
tkfO+{n] pSt ;Demft} fdf x:tfIf/ ug'k{ 5{ . sg' } ;n] ©f]g ;:tf xG' 5g\ / 6l] n©f]g
;]jfdfq lbG5g\ . c?n] nv] ]/ ;Gbz] -6]S:6_ k7fpg / OG6/g]6 x]g{ ldNg] ;'ljwf
lbG5g,\ t/ lgs} dxFuf x'G5g\ . To;}n] o:tf ;]n©f]g sDkgL;Fusf] ;Demft} fdf
x:tfIf/ ug'{cl3 To;df n]lvPsf ;a} aF'bf cf©n" ] ae' m]sf] xg' k' 5{ . tkfO+{sf] c+uh]| L
/fd|f] 5}g eg] efiff a'‰g] / bf]efif] x'g ;Sg] gft]bf/÷Oi6ldq;Fu d2t dfUg'xf;] \ .
cf©;" Fu ;n] ©f]g ePkl5 3/sf] ©f]g grflxg ;S5 . 3/sf] ©fg] s'g
154 Communication
sDkgLsf] xf,] To;sf] sfofn{ odf va/ u/]/ NofG8 nfOg sf6\g cg'/fw] ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 .
3/df c?;Fu ;]n©f]g 5g} jf 3/df kfsf] pd/] sf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? x'gx' G' 5 eg]
pxfFx? ;Dksl{ agf / PSnf] xg' 'x'G5 .
Cell Phone
You may want a cell phone that you can carry with you. In the U.S.
there are six or seven major companies that provide cell phone services.
You can buy a cell phone from one of them. Usually they require that you
sign a contract that commits you to paying a minimum monthly amount
for each month for two years. Some cell phones are very cheap and pro-
vide only telephone service. Others include text messaging and Internet
access and are more expensive. Before you sign a contract with a cell
phone company, make sure you understand everything. If your English
is not very good, take someone with you who can interpret and help you
When you have a cell phone you may decide that you do not need a
home phone also. You can request the company that provides your land
line to disconnect the land line. But it would be unsafe to do this if there
is someone living in your home, such as an elderly relative, who might
sometime be alone and without any phone.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
6]ln˚fg] gDa/x¿
Pp6f 6l] n©f]g gDa/df tLg efu xG' 5g\ . pbfx/0fsf nflu M -***_–%%%–!))!
df klxnf] efu *** If]q hgfpg] ;+st] -Pl/of sf]8_ xf] . bz] sf zx/x? /
Ifq] x?sf cfˆg} Pl/of sf]8x? xG' 5g\ . of] pbfx/0fsf] bf];|f] efu %%% nfO{
PS:rG] h elgG5 . k|Tos] zx/ jf gu/df w/] } PS:rG] hx? x'g ;S5g\ . pbfx/0fsf]
t];|f] efu !))! rflxF Pp6f PS:rG] haf6 ljtl/t ©f]g gDa/ xf] .
Telephone Numbers
A telephone number has three parts. For example: (888)-555-1001. The
first part (888 in the example) is the Area Code. Cities and regions of the
country have their own area codes. The second part of the number (555
in the example) is the Exchange. Each town or city may have many ex-
changes. The third part of the number (1001 in the example) is the phone
number in the exchange.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
6]ln˚fg] sf lzi6frf/
tkfO+{n] c? s;n} fO{ ©f]g ug{x' G' 5 eg] pxfFn] …x]nfÚ] jf …xfoÚ eg/] hjf©
©sfp{ gx' 'G5 . To;kl5 tTsfn tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] gfd eGgk' 5{ . olb tkfO+{n] cfˆgf]
;~rf/ 155
gfd eGge' Pg eg] pxfFnfO{ cf©" sf;] Fu af]ln/xs] f] 5' eGg] yfxf x'Fbg} / pxfFn]
tkfO{+sf] gfd ;f]Wgk' g{] xG' 5 . ha c? s;}n] tkfO{+sf] 3/df ©fg] u¥of] eg] tkfO{+n]
…xn] f]Ú eGgk' 5{ / …d======== x'FÚ -jf cfˆgf] gfd eGgx' f];\_ . To;/L ©f]g ug]{ jf
©fg] p7fpg] JolStn] cf©" sf;] Fu s'/f ul//xs] f] 5' eGg] yfxf kfpF5 . t/
©f]g ug]{ jf p7fpg] JolSt cfˆgf] ;fyL jf gftb] f/ xf] eg] pxfFn] tkfO+{sf] cfjfh
lrGg'x'G5, gfd eGg} k/g] . gfd eg]/ s'/f ug{ yfNg' ;aeGbf /fdf| ] tl/sf xf] .
s'/fsfgL ;lsg] an] fdf …afOÚ{ eGgx' f;] \ .
Telephone Etiquette
When you call someone’s telephone, they will answer by saying “Hel-
lo” or “Hi.” You should then tell them your name. If you do not state your
name, they may not know who is calling them and will have to ask you.
When someone telephones your home phone, you should say “Hello” and
then say “This is …….” (whatever your name is). That way the caller will
know who has answered the phone. If the other person is a very close
friend or relative who will recognize your voice, you will not have to state
your name. Usually, however, it is the best way to start a conversation. You
end a telephone call by saying “Bye” to the other person.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gk] fn jf e"6fg ˚f]g ug{
3/sf] ©f]g jf dfa] fOn ©fg] af6 ;Lw} g]kfn jf e6" fg ©f]g ubf{ dxFuf]
k5{ . Sofg8f glhs} 5, t/ klg Sofg8fdf s;n} fO{ ©f]g ugk'{ ¥of] eg] klg dxFuf]
x'G5 . To;u} /L e6" fg jf gk] fn ©f]g ug'{ lgs} dxFuf] xG' 5 . t/ of] ©fg] vr{
36fpg] Pp6f pkfo 5 . cd]l/sfdf w/] } s]xL sDkgLx? 5g\, h;n] …OG6/g];gn
slnª\ sf8{Ú x? aR] 5g\ . o:tf] slnª\ sf8{ ko| fu] u//] tkfO{+n] kl| t ldg6] lglZrt
k};fdf s'g} vf; bz] df ;:tf]df ©fg] ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 . g]kfn, e6" fg jf Pl;of
©fg] ugs{ f nflu 5'§} slnª sf8{ klg xG' 5g\ . tkfO{+n] lglZrt /sddf o:tf sf8{
lsGg ;Sg'x'G5, h:t} M @) 8n/sf] lsGge' of] eg] To;af6 lglZrt ldg6] ©f]g ug{
;Sgx' G' 5 . o:tf] sf8{df ljzi] f ;+st] -sf8] _ lbOPsf] xG' 5 . tkfO{+n] slnª\ sf8d{ f
nl] vPsf] 6]ln©f]g gDa/df ©fg] u/k] l5 pSt ;+st] klg xfNg'k5{ . To;kl5 cf©"n]
©f]g ug{ rfxs] f] csf{] b]zsf] gDa/ 8fon u//] s'/f ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 .
o:tf OG6/g;] gn slnª\ sf8{x? ljleGg :6f]/x?df lsGg kfOG5g\ . ef/tLo
jf g]kfnL vfgf aR] g] :6f]/x?n] klg o:tf sf8x{ ? aR] 5g\ . tkfO{+;Fu qm]l86 sf8{
5 eg] OG6/g]6df klg o:tf sf8{ jf sDkgL;Fu ;do lsGg ;lsG5 .
gk] fn jf e"6fg a:g] tkfO+{sf gft]bf/ jf ;fyLefO;Fu sDKo'6/ / OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf
5 eg] lel8of–] Rof6af6 s'/fsfgL ug{ ;lsG5 .
156 Communication
Calling Nepal or Bhutan
It is very expensive to telephone anyone outside of the U.S. from your
home phone or cell phone. Even calling someone in Canada can be expen-
sive. Telephoning a number in Bhutan or Nepal is very expensive but there
is a way to minimize that cost. There are many companies that sell inter-
national calling cards. These cards allow you to call numbers in certain
foreign countries for a fixed amount per minute. There are specific cards
for calling Nepal or Bhutan or Asia. You buy a card by paying a certain
amount of money, say $20, and that gives you a fixed number of minutes
that you can use. You are given a special personal account code. When you
telephone the calling card’s special telephone number, you then must enter
your account code, and then enter the telephone number you are trying to
call in another country.
You can buy these international calling cards at some stores. Often
stores that sell Indian or Nepali foods will also sell international calling
cards. You can also buy international calling cards or time on the Internet
but you must have a credit card to pay.
If your relatives and friends have computers and Internet access in Ne-
pal or Bhutan, you can talk with them using video-chat technology.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
6l] n˚f]g lan
tkfO+{nfO{ 6]ln©fg] ;'ljwf lbg] sDkgLn] dlxgflkR5] ©f]gsf] lan k7fpF5g\ .
;]n©f]g sDkgLn] klg dlxgf–dlxgfdf lan k7fpF5g\ . tkfO{+n] o:tf] lan ;dodf
eQ' mfg ug{k' 5{ . tkfO+{n] nuftf/ bO' { jf tLg dlxgf lan ltg'{ ePg eg] sDkgLn]
©fg] sfl6lbG5g\ . o;n] kl/jf/nfO{ g} cK7o\ f/f]df kf5{ .
Telephone Bills
The telephone company that provides your home phone will send you a
monthly bill. A cell phone company will also send you a monthly bill. You
should pay these bills every month. If you do not pay your telephone bills
for two or three months in a row, a telephone company will disconnect
your phone. That will be unsafe for your family.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
6l] nlehg
af| 8] sf:6 6]lnlehg k|0ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t sfo{qmdx? 6]lnlehgdf b]lvg
PG6]gfn] ;+s]tx? l6Kg'k5{ . clxn] o;/L 6l] nlehgsf ;+s]tx? l6Kg] kl| jlw
ablnPsf] 5 . kg' jf;{ ;+:yfdf©t{ k|fKt 6l] nlehgx?df l8le8L hf]8]/ l©Ndx?
x]g{ ldNg] vfnsf eP klg clxns] f 6]lnlehgn] P8fK6/ gfds pks/0f geO{
;~rf/ 157
gofF cÍ b]lvg] ;+s]tx? gl6Kg ;S5g\ . af| 8] sf:6 6]lnlehg k0| ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t
sfoq{ mdx? lgz'MNs xG' 5g\ .
Broadcast television uses TVs equipped with antennas to receive the
broadcast programs. Recently the technology to receive these signals has
changed. Old televisions that may be donated to resettlement agencies
may not be able to receive the new digital signals without an adapter, even
though they can be connected to DVD players. Broadcast TV is free.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sa] n' l6eL
s]an' l6eL sDkgLx?n] yk l6eL ;]jf lbG5g\ . o:tf] ;]jfdf af| 8] sf:6 6]ln–
lehg k|0ffnLaf6 k|;fl/t sfoq{ mdeGbf w]/} Rofgn / sfoq{ mdx? xG' 5g\ . tkfO{+sf]
ckf6d{ G] 6df s]a'n l6eL hf]l8Psf] 5 eg] sa] n' l6eL sDkgLdf ©f]g u/]/ cfˆgf]
6l] nlehgdf hf]8\g ;Sg'xG' 5 . sa] 'n l6eLsf] k|;f/0f xg] ]{ xf] eg] dlxgf–dlxgfdf
k;} f ltg'{k5{ . s]a'n l6eLsf] lan :yfgLo sDkgLcg;' f/ / tkfO{+n] slt Rofgn
x]g{'xG' 5 To;}adf]lhd w]/–yf/] xG' 5 .
Cable TV
Cable companies provide additional TV services, including many
more channels and programs than broadcast TV. If there is cable access in
your apartment, you can telephone the cable company and have cable TV
turned on and connect it to your TV. You will need to pay a monthly bill.
The amount of the bill will depend on your local cable company and the
number of channels that you want to receive.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfsf ;ah} ;f] 3/df OG6/g6] hfl] 8Psf] xG' 5 . ckf6{d]G6df a:g
yfn]kl5 l9nf–] rfF8f] tkfO+{nfO{ sDKo6' / / OG6/g6] rflxg ;S5 . :sn" hfg]
gfgLnfO{ cem rfF8f] sDKo'6/ / OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf rflxg ;S5 . sg' } :s"nsf sfdsf
nflu o:tf ;'ljwf clgjfo{ g} xG' 5g\ . NofG8 nfOg ©f]gsf] sDkgL jf sa] n' l6eLsf]
sDkgLn] tkfO{+sf] 3/df OG6/g]6 ;'ljwf lbg ;S5g\ . To:t} :of6n] fO6 l6eL
sDkgLn] klg OG6/g6] ;'ljwf lbG5g\ . OG6/g6] h8fg ugc{' l3 5/l5ds] L
jf ;fyLefO;Fu ;Nnfx u/L sg' sDkgLsf] /fd|f] / ;:tf] ;l' jwf 5 egL kQf–
nufpgx' f];\ . sDKo6' /df OG6/g]6 hf8] /] dfq kU' bg} , cf©"nfO{ Od]n xg] k'{ ¥of] eg]
OG6/g6] s;/L hf]8g\ ,] OG6/g]6df ljleGg ljifoaf/] s;/L vf]Hg] / OG6/g]6sf] c?
ko| f]u s;/L ug]{ eGg] yfxf 5g} eg] OG6/g]6 hf8] g\ cfpg] k|fljlws, hfGg] ;fyLefO
jf Oi6ldqnfO{ ;fW] g'xf;] \ .
158 Communication
Most homes in the U.S. are connected to the Internet. Soon after you
are settled in your apartment, you may want to obtain a computer and ac-
cess the Internet. School age children, in particular, may want a computer
and Internet access right away. Some schools may even require it. Your
local land line phone company and your local cable TV company may
be able to provide Internet access at your home. Satellite TV companies
also can provide Internet access. You should discuss this with neighbors
and friends to determine what the best service and price for your location.
You should also ask for their help if you do not know how to set up your
Internet for email, web browsing, and other uses.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
jN8{ jfO8 ja] -8An'8An'8An'_
jN8{ jfO8 j]a -jf afn] LrfnLdf j]a_ sf] ;xfotfaf6 tkfO{+n] OG6/g]6df w]/}
ljifosf af/]df xg] ,{ k9\g jf l;Sg kfpgx' 'G5 . jN8{ jfO8 j]asf] 5f6] s/L
8An'8An'8An' x'G5 . pbf/x0fsf nflu M www.aksharica.com, of] cd]l/sfdf lg:sg]
gk] fnL Goh' n6] / …cIfl/sfÚ sf] j]a;fO6 xf] . g]kfnL / cGo w]/} efiffsf o:tf
c;+Vo j]a;fO6x? 5g\ . e"6fg / g]kfnsf ;dfrf/x? ePsf j]a;fO6x? 5g\ .
w]/} j]a;fO6x? gk] fnL efiffdf 5g\ . cd]l/sfdf kg' :yf{lkt e"6fgL z/0ffyL{x?af/]
;dfrf/ / hfgsf/Lx? ePsf j]a;fO6x? 5g\ . gk] fnL rnlrqx? x]g{ / g]kfnL
tyf lxGbL uLtx? ;'Gg ldNg] j]a;fO6x? klg 5g\ .
World Wide Web (WWW)
The World Wide Web (or simply web) allows you to see, read, and
learn about almost everything. Short form of 'World Wide Web' is WWW.
One example is www.aksharica.com, which is the website of Nepali news-
letter 'Aksharica' in the US. There are many websites in Nepali and in
other languages. There are websites with news from Bhutan and Nepal
and many are written in Nepali. There are websites with news and infor-
mation for Bhutanese refugees who are now settled in the U.S. There are
also websites where you can watch Nepali movies and listen to Nepali and
Hindi songs.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
OG6/g6] sf] ;'/lIft k|of]u
cfˆgf gftfuf]tf / ;fyLefOnfO{ Od]n k7fpFbf / pxfFx?n] k7fPsf Odn] kfpFbf
/dfOnf] x'G5 . t/ tLg} Od]ndWo] sg' n} ] cK7\of/f] kf5g{ \ . tkfO{+n] lrGb} glrg]sf
dfG5] jf sDkgLn] k7fPsf Odn] nfO{ …:kfdÚ elgG5 . o:tf Odn] n] cK7\of/f] kfg{
;S5g\ . o:tf ckl/lrt Odn] d]6\gk' 5{ . glrg]sf dflg;n] k7fPsf o:tf Odn] df
;~rf/ 159
tkfO+{sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L gDa/, qm]l86 sf8{ gDa/, kf;j8{ jf cGo s'g} JolStut
hfgsf/L k6Ss} lbgx' G' g .
k5fl8 …=hLcfe] LÚ ePsf OG6/g6] ;fO6x? dfq cd]l/sL ;/sf/sf cflwsfl/s
j]a;fO6 x'g\ . tkfO+{n] …=l;cf]PdÚ, …=PgO6LÚ, …=cf]cf/hLÚ df 6'lËg] jf …=hLcfe] LÚ
afx]s c? h];'s}df 6l' Ëg] 7]ufgfaf6 Odn] kf| Kt uge'{ Psf] 5 eg] To:tf Odn]
cd]l/sL ;/sf/ jf o;sf dGqfnosf cflwsfl/s Odn] xg' ;Sb}gg\ .
OG6/g]6df cZnLn ;fduL| / afnaflnsfn] xg] { gldNg] vfnsf v/fa hfgsf/L,
tl:a/ jf bZ[ ox? klg xG' 5g\ . To;}n] afnaflnsfn] sDKo6' / jf OG6/g6]
rnfPsf a]nf s] ul//xs] f 5g,\ cleefjsn] ;rt] xg' 'k5{ . afnaflnsfn] klg
rnfpg] ePsfn] sDKo'6/ ;asf cfFvf kg]{ 7fpFdf /fVg'k5{ . pgLx?n] s]
ul//x]sf 5g,\ b]Vg ;lsG5 .
Safe Use of the Internet
You may enjoy sending and receiving email from friends and relatives.
But there are also emails that can cause problems. Emails from people or
companies that you do not know, called spam, can cause problems. They
should be deleted. Do not give your social security number, credit card
number, password or any personal information to unknown persons who
request it by email.
Only Internet sites including the “.gov" indicator are official govern-
ment websites. If you receive any e-mail from an address that is from a
“.com”, “.net”, “.org,” or anything other than “.gov,” please be aware that
it is not a legitimate e-mail from the U.S. Government or of its any depart-
There are some bad things on the Internet too, including pornography
and other things that you will not want your children to see. You should
be aware of what your children are doing when they are using a computer
and are on the Internet. The best way to do this is to keep your computer
in your living area where you and everyone in the home can see what you
child is viewing or doing.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfsf ;ah} ;f] dV' o zx/df sDtLdf Pp6f b}lgs cvaf/ ks| flzt x'G5g\ .
o:tf cvaf/n] zx/ / o; j/k/sf, /fhgLlt;DaGwL tfhf ;dfrf/ tyf ©f]6fx?sf
;fy} cfpFbf lbg, ;ftf jf dlxgfx?df xg' ] sfo{qmdsf ;"rgf k|sflzt u5g{ \ .
xf,] oL ;a} klqsf c+uh]| Ldf x'G5g\ .
/fli6o« :t/df lrlgPsf sx] L cvaf/x? klg 5g\ . oL cvaf/x?n] /fli6o«
tyf cGt/f{li6o« ;dfrf/x? k|sflzt u5g{ \ . o:tf klqsfx? M Go' ofs] { 6fOD;\,
160 Communication
oP' ;P 6'8,] jfn l:6«6 hgn{ , jfl;+u6g kf]:6, / n; PGhn; 6fOD;\ xg' \ . oL ;a}
cvaf/sf j]a;fO6x? 5g\, hxfF tkfO{+n] cvaf/df 5flkPsf s]xL ;dfrf/ klg
k9\g ;Sg'xG' 5 .
cvaf/x?sf] k|ofu] n] c+u]h| L ;'wfg{ ;lsG5 . c+uh]| L ;'wfgs{ f nflu cvaf/ k9g\ ]
xf] eg] lgMz'Ns kfpg] pkfo klg 5 . cvaf/sf] uf| xs ag]sf cf©;" Fu sfd ug]{
;fyLefO;Fu k'/fgf c+sx? dfu]/ k9\g ;Sg'xG' 5 . tkfO{+sf] c+u|]hL ;w' fg{ d2t k'Ug]
eP pxfFx? tkfO{+nfO{ cvaf/ lbg v';L xg' x' G' 5 .
All major cities in the U.S. have at least one local daily newspaper.
The newspaper will provide the latest news and photos about your com-
munity, politics, and lists of upcoming events. Of course this will all be in
There are also a few newspapers that are recognized as national news-
papers. These cover mostly national and international news. These include
New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and
Los Angeles Times.
All newspapers have websites where you can read some (but usually
not all) of what they print.
You can use newspapers as a way to improve your English. You prob-
ably do not even need to pay for the paper if you use it for this purpose.
You can ask friends or co-workers who may have subscriptions to a news-
paper if they would be willing to give you a newspaper that is a few days
old. They will probably be happy to do that if you tell them that you will
use it to improve your English.
cWofo !% : aa' f–cfdf / afnaflnsf
Chapter 15 : Parents and Children
/fd|f] ;DaGw agfpg'
afnaflnsfsf nflu afac' fdfsf w/] } lhDdj] f/L x'G5g\ . afac' fdfn] afnaflnsfnfO{
kf]if0f tyf dfof lbgk' 5{, zf/Ll/s tyf efjgfTds ljsf;df of]ubfg k¥' ofpg'k5{,
pgLx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] lgwf] ugk'{ 5{ . afac' fdf / gfgLx?aLr k|uf9 ;DaGw /Xof] eg]
pgLx?n] /fd|f] dx;;' u5g{ \ / clg ku| lt u5g{ \ . To;n} ] o:tf] ;DaGw sfod /fVg
pgLx?;Fu k9\g,] vN] g], :s"nsf af/d] f s'/fsfgL ug{] jf Oi6ldqx?nfO{ e6] \g hfg]
ug'{k5{ . gfgLx?n] /fd|f] dx;;' u?g\ / cfTdljZjf; a9fpg eGg] rfxg] xf] eg]
kf| T] ;fxg lbg'k5{ .
Building Good Relationships
Parents have many responsibilities to their children, including nurtur-
ing and loving them, supporting their physical and emotional develop-
ment, and making sure they are safe. Children feel and do better when they
have a strong relationship with their parents, so it is important to develop
this bond by reading together, playing games, talking about school, or vis-
iting relatives. Encourage your children to feel good and confident.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
afnaflnsfsf] ljsf;sf nflu cleefjsn] yk o:tf sfd ug{ ;lsG5 M
• tkfO+{sf gfgLx?n] 6]lnlehgdf s] x]b{5} g / OG6/g6] df s] u5{g\ eGg] rf;f]
lng'xf];\ .
• slt ;do 6l] nlehg xg] ]{ / lel8of] u]dx? v]Ng] eg/] tfl] slbgx' f];\ .
• gfgLx? k9g\ ] :s"ndf :jo+;j] f ug'x{ f;] \ / lzIfslzlIfsfnfO{ e]6\gx' f];\ .
• :s"naf6 ©sk]{ l5 / xKtfsf] cGtsf b'O{ lbg -zlgaf/ / cfOtaf/_ gfgLx? s]
u5{g\ eGg] Vofn ugx{' f];\ .
• gfgLx?nfO{ a]n'sf ;'Tg] Pp6} ;do tfl] slbg'xf];\ .
• cf5] \ofg, ef8fjtg{ jf nQfsk8f ;/;©fO{ h:tf 3/fo;L sfd lgoldt ug{
nufpgx' f];\ .
• xKtfe/df ;Sbf] w/] k} 6s gfgLx?;Fu a;]/ vfgf vfg'xf;] \ .
• kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:o;Fu} a;]/ u©uf© ug{] ;do lgsfNg'xf;] \ / Tof] ;dodf ;a}
;Fu} a:g] ugx'{ f;] \ .
Be Involved
Some other ways you can guide your child’s development include:
• Know what your children watch on television and do on the Internet.
162 Parents and Children
• Limit how much time they can watch television or play video games.
• Volunteer in their schools and meet with their teachers.
• Know what they do after school and on the weekends.
• Set a time at which they need to go to sleep.
• Assign regular chores, like cleaning bedrooms, washing dishes, or do-
ing laundry.
• Eat meals together as often as possible.
• Choose a time for family to talk regularly.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
afnaflnsfsf] /v] bv]
afnaflnsf ;'/lIft 5g\ eGg] rflxF cleefjsnfO{ kSsf] xg' k' 5{ . pgLx?sf]
;'/Iffsf] lhDd]jf/L cleefjssf] xf] . afx| jif{eGbf sd pd]/sf gfgLx?nfO{
3/df PSn} 5f8g\ 'xG' g . 3/df cf©" gx'g] jf lhDdj] f/ l5d]sLn] x]g{ ;Sg] cj:yf
5}g eg] gfgL xg] {] dflg; xg' k' 5{ . gfgL x]g{] dflg;nfO{ c+u]|hLdf …aa] L–l;6/Ú
elgG5 . a]aL–l;6/sf] pd]/ sDtLdf !% jifs{ f] xg' 'k5{ . gfgLx? 3/df PSn} 5f8\g
ldN5 jf ldNbg} , o;/L a'‰g ;lsG5 M
• slt jifs{ f eP / slt kl/kSj 5g\ <
• pgLx? kl/l:ylt a'em/] ;xL÷unt 5'6o\ fpg ;Sg] / lgod kfngf ug{ ;Sg]
ePsf 5g\ jf 5g} g\ <
• cfkftsflng cj:yfdf gfgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO,{ c? 7"nf dflg;nfO{ jf 5/l5d]sL,
/ cfkftsflng cj:yfdf ;xfotf ug{] lgsfodf s;/L ;Dks{ ug]{ 5g\ < To:tf]
hfgs] f 5g jf 5g} g\ <
• s] tkfO+{sf] 3/ / 5/l5d]s ;'/lIft 5 . ck/fw x'g] u/s] f 5g\÷5}gg\ <
• tkfO{+ slt ;dosf nflu 3/aflx/ /xg'xG' 5 <
Child Supervision
It is also the parents’ responsibility to make sure their children are safe.
Children under 12 years old should not be at home alone. If no family mem-
bers or neighbors can watch your children when you are away, find a babysit-
ter (usually at least 15 years old) to watch them. Some things to consider
when deciding if your children are ready to be left home alone include:
• How old and how mature they are.
• If they have shown good judgment and followed rules well.
• If they know how to reach you, other adults or neighbors, and the au-
thorities in case of an emergency.
• If your house and neighborhood are safe from crime or not.
• How long you will be away.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
aa' f–cfdf / afnaflnsf 163
afn–bJ' oj{ xf/ / afn–pkI] ff
slxn]sfxLF cleefjsn] afnaflnsfnfO{ plrt :ofxf/ ubg{} g\ . afnaflnsfsf]
:ofxf/ ubf{ xg' ] bO' { c;©ntfx? afn–bJ' o{jxf/ / afn–pk]Iff x'g\ . pk]Iffn] ubf{
afnaflnsfsf cfwf/et" cfjZostf ;dt] k/" f xF'bg} g\ . afnaflnsfsf] lgu/fgL gug'{,
kfl] ;nf vfg]s'/f glbg' jf :jf:Yof]krf/ gug,{' :sn" uP÷guPsf] cQfk] Qf] gx'g'
h:tf pbfx/0fx?nfO{ pkI] ff u/s] f] dflgG5 .
afn–b'Joj{ xf/ egs] f] afnaflnsfnfO{ sg' } xflg ug{' jf xflg xg' ] cj:yfdf 5f8g\ '
xf] . afn–bJ' ojx{ f/ zf/Ll/s, of}g jf efjgfTds xG' 5g\ . zf/Ll/s bJ' oj{xf/ eGgfn]
lxsf{pg,' nft xfGg', ;dft/] xNnfpg÷' wsN] g' jf c? sg' } tl/sfaf6 afnaflnsfnfO{
3ft x'g' xf] . afnaflnsfsf] ofg} –b'Joj{xf/ eGgfn] jo:sn] afnaflnsfnfO{ cgl' rt
?kdf 5'g', of}g ultljlw jf o:tf lrq÷bZ[ o b]vfpg' cflb h:tf jo:s JolSt /
afnaflnsfaLr of}g lqmofsnfk x'g\ . efjgfTds b'Jojx{ f/ eGgfn] lgoldt cfqmf;]
kfV] bf, qf; bv] fpFbf jf xfR] ofP/ gfd laufl/ lbg] vfnsf cfgLafgLn] afnaflnsfsf]
ljsf; jf cfTd;Ddfgsf] ;'emae' mdf rf]6 nfUg' xf] .
Child Abuse and Child Neglect
Sometimes parents do not take appropriate care of their children. Child
abuse and child neglect are serious failures to properly care for a child.
Neglect is not providing for a child’s basic needs. Examples of neglect are
not supervising a child, not providing needed nutrition or medical care, not
making sure they go to school.
Child abuse is doing something that harms a child or puts the child at
risk of harm. Child abuse can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Examples
of physical abuse are striking, kicking, shaking, or otherwise harming a
child. Child sexual abuse is any sexual activity between a child and an
adult, and includes inappropriate touching and showing a child sexual
activity or images. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behavior that hurts a
child’s development or sense of self-worth and can occur through constant
screaming, threats, or name calling.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
afn–;/' Iff ;]jfx¿
kT| o]s /fHodf afn–bJ' o{jxf/ jf afn–pkI] ff;DaGwL sfd–sfjfx{ L ug]{ ;/sf/L
lgsfo xG' 5g\ . k|Tos] /fHon] o:tf ljifonfO{ cf–cfˆgf] tl/sfn] JofVof u/]sf
xG' 5g\ . o:tf lgsfosf] gfd …afn–/If0f ;j] fÚ -rfON8 kf| 6] ]lS6e ;le;{ h] x?_ jf
…afnaflnsf tyf kl/jf/ zfvfÚ -l8lehg c© lrN8g«] PG8 ©]ldlnhx?_ jf o:t}
ljifo–ldNbf] x'g ;S5 . sg' } kl/jf/df afn–bJ' oj{xf/ jf afn–pk]Iff ePsf] ph'/L
k/] pSt lgsfosf s];–js{/ -dfldnf x]g{] sdr{ f/L_ n] afns jf aflnsf ;'/lIft
eP÷gePsf] 6+'uf] nufpg 3/df cfpg;S5g\ . w/] h} ;f] kl/jf/ a:g] 3/df pSt
164 Parents and Children
lgsfosf sd{rf/L cfpFbg} g\, t/ cfP eg] ;fFrf] afN] g'xf];\ / zfGt eP/ ;xof]u ug'{
/fdf| ] xG' 5 . tkfO+{ c+u]h| L afN] gx' 'Gg eg] sf]xL bf]efif]sf] aGbfa] :t x'gk' 5{ . o:tf]
cj:yfdf afnaflnsfnfO{ g} bf]efifs] f ?kdf ko| fu] gugx'{ f;] \ .
pSt lgsfon] o:tf cj:yfx?df kl/jf/nfO{ s;/L kl/l:yltdfly sfa' kfpg
;lsG5 eg]/ js} lNks pkfox? lbP/ ;xofu] u5g{ \ . To:t} lgsfo;Fu ePsf
;+efljt ;]jf / ;f| ]taf6 d2t lbnfpg lgsfo tyf kl/jf/aLr ;DaGw sfod u5g{ \ .
pSt lgsfon] kl/jf/df afnaflnsf c;/' lIft ePsf] 7x/ u/] eg] afns jf aflnsf–
nfO{ gftb] f/, kfNg] cleefjs jf sg' } cfjf;df nu]/ /fV5g\ / otf 3/sf] cj:yf
;w' fg]{ sfd u5{g\ . afns jf aflnsf 3/df c;/' lIft /xs] f] ©n] f k/] p;sf] eljio–
af/] lg0f{o GofofwLzn] ug{'kg]{ klg xg' ;S5 .
Child Protective Services
In each state there is a governmental agency that responds to reports
of child abuse or neglect. Each state sets its own definition of these terms.
The name of the agency may be “Child Protective Services” or “Division
of Children and Families” or something similar. If a family is reported for
possible child abuse or neglect, a caseworker from that agency may visit
the family to make sure the child is safe. Most families are never visited by
a CPS worker, but if they visit you, it is important that you are honest and
co-operate calmly. Make sure there is an interpreter if you do not speak
English well. Do not use your children as interpreters.
The agency can provide help and support to families by teaching them
alternative methods to handle situations and connecting families with ser-
vices or resources that may help them. The agency will place children with
relatives, foster parents, or in shelters if it is determined that the home is
not safe for the child and then work with the family to improve condi-
tions. If this happens, the decision about the child’s future may be up to a
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
3/sf 7n" f–a8fnfO{ k};f sdfpg], kl/jf/sf nflu ufF; / af;sf] aGbfa] :t ug,{]
lan ltg{] / ljleGg sfof{no;DaGwL sfuhftx? b?' :t /fVg] h:tf w/] } sfddf
;xfotf rflxg ;S5 . afnaflnsfnfO{ :s"ndf ;xh x'g / pd]/ a9\b} hfFbf tgfj
a9g\ ] kl/l:yltdf klg ;xfotf cfjZos xG' 5 . Ps–csfs{ f sfd k/" f ug,{ nIo
xfl;n ug{ / tgfjsf] ;fdgf ug{ cfk;df ;xfotf ug{'k5{ .
Adults have many things they may need support with, including earn-
ing money, providing food and a home for their families, and managing
a'af–cfdf / afnaflnsf 165
bills and official paperwork. Children also need support as they adjust to
school and deal with the pressures of getting older. Support one another by
helping each other accomplish tasks, reach goals, and cope with stress.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
5f/] f5f/] L;u“ s'/fsfgL
5f/] f5f]/L;Fu s'/fsfgL ubf{ pgLx?nfO{ a'‰gs' f ;fy} pgLx?n] c?;Fu s;/L
;+jfb ug'{kg{] /x]5 eGg] l;Sg d2t kU' 5 . ;/n, :ki6 / k|ToIf s'/f ugx'{ f;] \ .
tkfO+{n] cfˆgf 5f/] f5f/] LnfO{ eg]sf] s/' f bf]xf¥] ofpg ;Sg] Ifdtf pgLx?df xg' k' 5,{
h;sf] cy{ tkfO{+n] egs] f] pgLx?n] ae' ms] f] xg' 'k5{ . pgLx?sf OR5fdf ljsNkx?
lbg'xf];\ / tL ljsNkdWo] sg' } klg cf©" ;lhn} dfGg tof/ ePsf] a'emfpgx' f];\ .
cfjZostf k/] sg' } ljsNk lsg tkfO+{nfO{ dfGo 5g} eGg] :ki6 kfl/lbg'xf];\ . 5f]/f–
5f/] L czfGt eP eg] pgLx?nfO{ ;fDo kfg{ cf©" gd| / zfGt eP/ afN] gx' f;] \ .
pgLx? hª\luPsf a]nf pgLx?n] xfd|f s'/f ;'Gg lgs} ufx|f] xG' 5 .
Talking to Children
Communicate with children in a way that will help them understand
and learn how to communicate well with others. Be simple, clear, and
direct. Your child should be able to repeat what you said back to you.
Give them choices that you are comfortable with and accept their deci-
sions from those options. If needed, explain clearly why some choices
are unacceptable. If children become upset, speak patiently and quietly
to calm them down. It is difficult for them to listen when they experience
intense emotion.
cWofo !^ : kl/jf/ lgofh] g, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;"lt
Chapter 16 : Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and
Giving Birth
kl/jf/ lgof]hg
s]xL bDkltx? slxn] ;Gtfg hGdfpg] eg/] ofh] gf agfpF5g\ . kl/jf/ lgof]hg
egs] f] cf©" slxn] uej{ tL x'g] / slt ;Gtfg hGdfpg] egL lgoGq0f ug]{ pkfo
xf] . >Ldfg–>LdtLn] cfk;df 5n©n u/]/ ;Gtfgaf/] o:tf lg0fo{ ug{'k5{ .
tkfO{+nfO{ cfˆgf] wfld{s cf:yfsf cfwf/df ljz]if k|sf/sf] kl/jf/ lgofh] gsf] tl/sf
ckgfpg' k5{ eg] cf©n" ] dfGb} cfPsf cf:yfx?af/] ;Nnfx lng'k5{ . tkfO+{ cfˆgf]
cf:yfcg;' f/ ug{ rfxg'x'G5 eg] hGdlg/fw] sf To:tf lglZrt k|sf/sf] pTkfbg
ko| fu] ug{ tkfO{+ :jtGq x'g'x'G5 . hGdlg/fw] sf pkfox?n] k?' if jf dlxnfnfO{ afFemf]
agfpFbg} g\, o;n] uej{ tL slxn] xg' ] eGg] dfq lgoGq0f u5g{ \ .
Family Planning
Some couples plan when they want to have children. Family planning
is a way to control when you get pregnant and how many children you
want to have. The man and woman should decide after talking about it
together. If your religious faith offers specific guidance on family plan-
ning, you should consult your own faith practices. If you choose to do so,
you have the right to use certain products called birth control. The use of
birth control does not make you infertile or barren, it just controls when
you get pregnant.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uel{ g/fw] sf pkfox¿
olb tkfO+{ hGd–lgoGq0f ug{ rfxgx' 'G5 eg] tkfO{+nfO{ sg' vfnsf] ;fwg pko'Qm
xG' 5 eg]/ lrlsT;s;Fu ;Nnfx lng h?/L xG' 5 . ue{lg/f]w ug{ k'?ifsf nflu
sG8d, dlxnfsf nflu sG8d, vfg] ue{lg/f]w, vfk] -;O' _{ , 8fokm| fd / hggl] Gbo| df
/fVg] pks/0fx? -cfOo8' L_ h:tf w]/} ;fwg jf ;'ljwfx? x'G5g\ . uef{wfg
/fS] g ue{ a:g] ;dodf tkfO+{ zf/Ll/s ;Dks{ gu/L a:g ;Sg'xG' 5 . cd]l/sfdf ue–{
lg/fw] x? rng–rNtLdf 5g\ / lgs} ;/' lIft 5g\ . t/ sg' } klg ;fwg jf pkfonfO{
ue{lg/f]wsf] /fdjf0f dflgFb}g . tkfO{+nfO{ ;Gtfg hGdfpg dgnfUof] eg] vfO/x]sf]
jf ko| f]u ul//x]sf] ue{lg/f]w tTsfn aGb ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Birth Control Options
If you choose birth control, it is important to talk to your doctor about
the type of birth control that may be right for you. There are many birth
control options, including male condoms, female condoms, oral contra-
168 Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth
ceptives, shots, diaphragms, and intrauterine devices (IUD). You can also
choose to avoid sexual intercourse during the part of your cycle when you
could become pregnant. In the United States, birth control is widely used
and very safe. However, no method of birth control is completely guaran-
teed to prevent pregnancy. You can stop using birth control if you want to
have children.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uel{ g/fw] sf ;fwg kfpg] 7fp“
uel{ g/f]wsf ljleGg ;fwg jf ;l' jwfx? lrlsT;ssf] sfof{no, ©fd;]{ L, lSnlgs
jf :6f/] df kfOG5g\ . slxn]sfxLF o:tf ;fwg jf ;l' jwf lsGgsf nflu lrlsT;sn]
nl] vlbPsf] sfuh rflxFg;S5 . o:tf ;fwg jf ;l' jwfsf] d"No 7fpFcg;' f/ ©/s
xg' ;S5 . olb tkfO{+n] cf}ifwf]krf/sf nflu d]l8sn–ladf ug'{ePsf] 5 eg] ToxL
ladfn] uel{ g/fw] df nfUg] vr{ wfGg ;S5 . cf}ifwfk] rf/df nfUg] vr{ / kfpg]
;'ljwfaf/] s] s;f] ubf{ /fdf| ] x'G5 eg/] lrlsT;s;Fu ;Nnfx ug'{xf;] \ .
Getting Birth Control
You can get birth control from the doctor’s office, pharmacy, clinic,
or store. Sometimes you need a prescription to buy birth control. Each
birth control product has a different price. If you have medical insurance,
it might cover the expenses. Talk to your doctor about finding assistance
for the costs.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dlxnfsf] hLjgdf uef{j:yf lgs} dxÎjk0" f{ x'G5 . o:tf] an] fdf lgoldt
:jf:Yo–k/LIf0f ug'x{ f];\, k|;j cj:yf / k|;l" tsf nflu tof/ xg' 'xf];\ . o;sf nflu
cfˆgf] >Ldfg / 8fS6/;Fu tf/tDo ldnfpgk' 5{ . o:tf] a]nfsf nflu kl/jf/, Oi6ldq
/ :jf:Yo;j] snfO{ ;/–;xfotfsf nflu cfu|x ug'{xf;] \ .
Pregnancy is a special time in a woman’s life. While pregnant, get
regular prenatal health care and prepare for labor and delivery with your
partner and doctor. Ask for help from family, friends, and health care pro-
fessionals during this time.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uefj{ :yfdf :ofxf/
tkfO+{ cf©" uej{ tL eP h:tf] nfUof] eg] 3/d} hfFr ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf]
hfFr ug]{ ;fwg v'bf| k;n jf ©fd{;] Ldf kfpg ;Sg'x'G5 . ue{jtL hfFr ubf{ …xf]Ú
-kf]lhl6e_ cfof] eg] cfˆgf] lgoldt hfFr ul//xs] f lrlsT;snfO{ t?' Gt ;Dks{
kl/jf/ lgofh] g, uefj{ :yfdf :jf:Yo / k;| l" t 169
u/L :jf:Yo–k/LIf0fsf nflu ;do ldnfpgx' f;] \ . uefj{ :yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;;' f/
;+ej eP;Dd rfF8f] ;?' ug{'k5{ . uef{j:yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;';f/ eGgfn] ue{jtL /
pgsf] ue{sf] lzz'sf] :ofxf/–;;' f/ xf] . tkfO{+ o;k6seGbf klxn] g} uej{ tL eO–
;s]sL eP klg uef{j:yfdf ul/g] :ofxf/–;';f/ cem dxÎjk"0f{ xG' 5 . cd]l/sfdf
w]/h} ;f] uej{ tL dlxnfx?n] 8fS6/sf] x/] rfx kfpF5g\ . o:tf] cj:yfdf x/] rfx
ug]{ 8fS6/nfO{ cA:6«l] 6;g jf ufOg]snfl] h:6 -cf]aL÷lhjfOPg_ elgG5 . cd]l/sfdf
;ah} ;f] aRrfaRrL c:ktfndf hGdfOG5g\ . aRrfaRrL hGdfpg] Joj:yf klg
c:ktfndf ldnfOPsf] xG' 5 . 8fS6/;Fu lgoldt hrfpFgfn] sg' } klg :jf:Yo;DaGwL
;d:of bl] vgf;fy t?' Gt To;sf] pkrf/ ul/G5 .
Prenatal Care
If you think you are pregnant, you can take an at-home pregnancy test.
You can buy these at a grocery store or pharmacy. If the result is positive,
schedule an appointment with your regular doctor right away. You should
begin prenatal care as soon as possible. Prenatal care is health care for the
pregnant woman and for her unborn child. Prenatal care is very important,
even if you have been pregnant before. In the United States, most women
get prenatal care through a doctor known as an obstetrician/ gynecolo-
gist (or OB/GYN), and give birth at a hospital. Doctors can find and treat
health problems early when they see you regularly.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uef{j:yfdf lrlsT;snfO{ e]6b\ f
uefj{ :yfdf :jf:Yo–k/LIf0fsf nflu lrlsT;ssxfF hfFbf pxfFn] M
• tkfO+{sf] cfˆgf] / kl/jf/sf] k/' fgf] :jf:Yo ljj/0faf/] atfpg'xf;] \ eGgx' 'G5 .
• tkfO{+sf] sDd/eGbf tn / lt3f| dflysf c+ux? tyf ;Defljt SofG;/ hfFRg
ul/g] k/LIf0f …kfk l:do/Ú nufot k"/} z/L/sf] hfFr ugx{' 'G5 .
• Nofa -ko| fu] zfnf_ df k7fP/ hfFRgsf nflu /ut / lk;fa lngx' 'G5 .
• /Strfk -An8–k];| /_, prfO / tfn} gfKg'xG' 5 .
• aRrf hGdg] ldltaf/] n]vfhfv] f ugx{' 'G5 .
• aRrfsf] d'6s' f] w8\sg hfFRgx' 'G5 .
Prenatal Visits with Doctor
During prenatal visits, the doctor will:
• Ask for personal and family health history.
• Do a complete physical exam, including a pelvic exam and pap smear
(test to detect possible cancer).
• Take blood and urine.
• Check blood pressure, height, and weight.
170 Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth
• Calculate the due date, a date near which the baby will be born.
• Check the baby’s heart rate.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vfg xg' ] / gx'g]
• …cfO/gÚ;lxt kof{Kt kf]ifs tÎjx? vfgx' f];\ . cfO/gn] ue{df /x]sf] lzzn' fO{
kofK{ t clS;hg lbnfpg d2t u5{ .
• ©n©"n, t/sf/L, ;Unf] cGg tyf SoflN;odsf] dfqf a9L ePsf vfg]s/' f / sd
hDg] vfnsf lrNnf;] lxt ;Gt'lnt vfgf vfgx' f;] \ .
• s©L, lrof / xNsf ko] h:tf Sofl©g ePsf÷xflnPsf emfn] sd lkpg'xf];\ .
Do’s and Don’ts – Food
• Get enough nutrients, including iron, which helps your baby get oxy-
• Eat a balanced diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and foods
high in calcium and low in saturated fat.
• Do not drink large amounts of caffeinated beverages such as coffee,
tea, and soft drinks.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kfngf ug]{ hLjgzn} L
• ue{jtL xF'bf wd" |kfg, /S;L jf cj}w nfu'cf}ifw ;]jg gug{'xf;] \ .
• lgs} tftf] kfgLdf 8'aN' sL gdfgx{' f];\ jf ggx' fpgx' f];\ .
• kz| :t ;do ;'Tgx' f;] \ / wk]8L gugx'{ f];\ .
• xKtfsf] kfFr lbg lbgxF' #) ldg]6 -cfwf 306f_ xNsf Jofofd ugx{' f;] \ .
• ls6gfzs -ljif÷ljiffbL_, ;/;©fO{ ug{] emfn] , ln8 -l;;f_, ds{/L -kf/f]_ / 3/
/+ufpg] /+u h:tf /;fog cflbaf6 6f9} a:gx' f;] \ .
Do’s and Don’ts - Lifestyle
• Do not take very hot baths.
• Sleep well and avoid stress.
• Exercise moderately for 30 minutes five days a week.
• Avoid chemicals like insecticides, cleaning supplies, lead, mercury,
and paint.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfly{s ;xfotf / d]l8sn ladf
w]/h} ;f] /fHodf cf}ifwf]krf/ ladf gul/Psf JolStx?nfO{ uef{j:yf, k;| l" t
;]jf / k;| "ltkl5sf] :ofxf/sf nflu …dl] 8s8] Ú gfds ;/sf/L ;'ljwfdf©t{ cflys{ –
kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uef{j:yfdf :jf:Yo / k|;l" t 171
;xfotf ul/G5 . dlxnf, lzz' tyf afnaflnsf -8An'cfO;L_ gfds sfoq{ md kfi] f0f
sfo{qmd xf] . of] sfoq{ mdn] ue{jtL, k|;l" tkl5 / aRrfnfO{ :tgkfg u/fpg] cfdfsf
nflu tyf kfFr jif{dl' gsf afnaflnsfnfO{ kfi] f0f tyf cflys{ cfjZostfsf] vfFrf]
6fg{ s'kg pknAw u/fpF5 . o:tf] sfo{qmdsf lgodx? /fHolkR5] ©/s x'G5g\ .
To;}n] ;/sf/L ;'ljwf lbg] sfof{no jf k'gjf;{ ;+:yfdf ;Dks{ u/L cf©" pSt
;'ljwfx? kfpg of]Uo eP÷gePsf] / ;'ljwf kfpgsf nflu lgjb] g lbg] tl/sfaf/]
hfgsf/L lngx' f];\ .
Financial Assistance and Medical Insurance
In most states, Medicaid pays for some or all of prenatal care, delivery
services, and post-partum care for those people who do not have private
health insurance. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is a
nutrition program that offers coupons for specific foods to pregnant, post-
partum, and breastfeeding women; and children under five with nutritional
and financial need. States’ programs differ, so contact your social services
office or resettlement agency for information on eligibility and the appli-
cation process.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
k;| l" tsf nflu tof/L
k|;l" tsf nflu >Ldfg / lrlsT;s jf g;{sf] ;xofu] df hGd–ofh] gf -ay{ Knfg_
tof/ kfg{'xf;] \ . o:tf] ofh] gf k;| j -k;| "ltcl3sf] cj:yf_ / k|;l" t tof/Lsf] lg0fo{
ug{] Ps pkfo xf] . o:tf] of]hgfdf cf©n" fO{ ;lhnf] nfUg] bfe] fifs] f] ;Dks{
hfgsf/L, k;| l" t–sIfdf hfg ldNg] gftb] f/ jf Oi6ldqx?sf gfd / bv' fO a9]
cfˆgf nflu s] ug{ rfxg' x'G5 eGg] klg v'nfP/ n]lvlbgx' f;] \ . lzzs' f] hGdaf/]
ug{ ldNg] jf ug{ gldNg] vfnsf tkfO{+sf s'g} wfld{s jf ;f+:s[lts cf:yfx? 5g\
jf To:tf] ;dodf sg' } vf; vfgs] /' f vfg' xG' g eGg] 5 eg] Tof] klg pSt of]hgfdf
;dfj]z ul/lbg'xf;] \ . tkfO+{sf c? aRrf 5g\ / tkfO{+ c:ktfn hfFbf jf k;| j
cj:yfdf /xFbf pgsf] x]/rfx s;n] ug{] xf], Tof] klg pSt ofh] gfdf vn' fO–
lbg'xf];\ . aRrf hGd]kl5 pgnfO{ lgoldt b]vfpg] lrlsT;s -h;nfO{ lkl8cl6«;g
elgG5_ sf] xf] <, pxfFsf] gfd ofh] gfdf nl] vlbPsf] x'g'k5{ . pSt …hGd–of]hgfÚ
lrlsT;s / cf©n" ] aRrf hGdfpg] c:ktfnnfO{ lbg'xf;] \ . ;a} lg0fo{ x? cuf8L g}
ug{e' of] eg] k;| j / k|;l" tdf x'g] jf ul/g] ;a} sfd ;lhnf / tgfjd'Qm xG' 5g\ .
Preparing for Delivery
Make a birth plan with your partner and doctor or nurse-midwife. This
is a tool used to communicate decisions about labor and delivery. Include
contact information of preferred interpreters, a list of people allowed in
the delivery room, and pain management choices. If you have religious or
172 Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth
cultural beliefs about birth or do not eat certain foods, include this in your
birth plan. If you have other children, decide who will take care of them
when you are in labor and go to the hospital. You should decide who will
be your child’s doctor (called a pediatrician) after the birth and that name
should be in your birth plan. Share your birth plan with your doctor and
with the hospital where your delivery will take place. Making decisions
beforehand will make everything easier and less stressful during the labor
and the delivery process.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
s;/L c:ktfn k'Ug] <
lzz' hGdg] ;do ePsf] 5 / k|;j cj:yf ;?' ePsf] xf] jf xfO] g eGg]df
tkfO+{ cem} clglZrt eP lrlsT;snfO{ ©fg] ugx{' f;] jf ;Lw} c:ktfn hfg'xf];\ .
w/] } dlxnfnfO{ Joyf nfu]sf] h:tf] cg'ej x'G5, jf:tjdf To:tf] ePs} x'Fbg} . To:tf]
cj:yf cfP, ;+sf]r gdfGgx' f];\ . tkfO+{nfO{ k|;j cj:yf eP, c:ktfn hfg'xf;] \ .
ToxfF uP/ egf{ xg' 'xf;] \ . egf{ xg' ' eg]sf] tkfO+{ c:ktfndf ue{jtLsf ?kdf btf{
x'g' xf] . oxL ;dodf c:ktfnsf sdr{ f/Ln] tkfO+{sf] :jf:Yo–ladf;DaGwL hfgsf/L
vf]Hg EofpF5g\ .
Going to the Hospital
If you are ever unsure if you’re going into labor, call your doctor or go
to the hospital. Many women go into “false labor”, believing they are in
labor when they really are not. Do not be embarrassed if this happens to
you. When you are in labor and go to the hospital, you need to go through
admissions. This registers you as a patient in the hospital. Hospital staff
will also collect your health insurance information at this time.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
c:ktfndf s] xG' 5 <
tkfO{+nfO{ :jf:Yo;DaGwL sg' } cK7\of/f 5}gg\ eg] c:ktfn egf{ ePkl5 k;| "lt–
sIfdf nluG5 . pSt sIfdf tkfO{+sf nflu Pp6f lj:t/f / tkfO+{sf ;fy hfg'ePsf
>Ldfg jf cGo ;xofu] L a:gsf nflu Pp6f s';L{ xG' 5 . Pshgf lrlsT;sn] tkfO{+
/ lzz'nfO{ k|;jdf s] eO/x]5 eg]/ lgu/fgL ug{' xg' 5] . k|;j cj:yf nfdf] xg'
;S5 . s;n} fO{ lgs} bV' 5 . o:tf] b'vfO sd ug]{ cf}ifwL lbgx' f];\ eg]/ lrlsT;s;Fu
cg/' f]w ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . w]/}h;f] lzz' cfdfsf] hggl] Gbo| x'Fb} aflx/ lg:sG5g\ . of]
:jefljs hGd xf] . slxns] fxLF uej{ tL xF'bf c? ;d:of 5g\ eg] lrlsT;sn] aRrf
hGdfpg zNolqmof -ck/;] g_ ug{] lg0fo{ klg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . o:tf] zNolqmofnfO{
…l;h]l/og ;]S;gÚ -5f6] s/Ldf …l;–;]S;gÚ_ klg elgG5 . zNolqmof ubf{ tkfO+{sf]
k]6 lrl/G5 / ToxL lrl/Psf] efuaf6 lzz'nfO{ aflx/ lgsflnG5 . zNolqmofaf6
aRrf hGdfpg] cfdfnfO{ k"/} ;Grf] xg' s]xL ;do nfU5 / pxfFnfO{ 3/df cln a9L
kl/jf/ lgof]hg, uefj{ :yfdf :jf:Yo / k;| "lt 173
g} :ofxf/;;' f/ ug{ h?/L xG' 5 . ay{ Knfgdf n]lvPsf] 5}g eg] c:ktfn 5f8–]
kl5 lzzs' f] :jf:Yo k/LIf0f ug{] lrlsT;s -afnlrlsT;s_ sf] xG' 5 eGg] tkfO+{n]
lg0f{o ug{k' 5{ / c:ktfnaf6 lzz'nfO{ 3/ Nofpg'cl3 tL lrlsT;ssf] gfd klg
c:ktfnsf sd{rf/LnfO{ l6kfpg' k5{ .
At the Hospital
Once you are admitted to the hospital, if you have no complications,
you will be taken to a labor and delivery room. There will be a bed for you
and a chair where your partner or other support person can sit. A doctor
will monitor you and your baby to see how you are both tolerating labor.
Labor can be very long and painful for some women, and you can request
medicine to help with the pain. Usually, the baby will be born by natu-
ral vaginal birth. Sometimes, however, if you have a high-risk pregnancy,
your doctor might decide to perform a cesarean section (also called a c-
section) where the baby will be removed through an incision that will be
made in your abdomen. Women who have had a c-section require a longer
recovery period and extra support at home after the birth. Make sure you
tell the hospital staff the name of the doctor (pediatrician) who will care
for your baby after you leave the hospital.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gjhft lzzn' fO{ 3/df :jfut
;do pkoQ' m ePkl5 lrlsT;sn] tkfO+{ / lzz'nfO{ 3/ hfg lbg'xG' 5 . ;fdfGotM
of] ;do Ps jf bO' { lbgdf g} xG' 5 . ljzi] f cf}ifwf]krf/ ug{ cfjZos 7x¥ofOPsf
gfgLnfO{ c:ktfndf /flvG5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf gfgLx?nfO{ pkrf/ ul/g] sIf
…gjhftsf nflu uxg :ofxf/ sIfÚ -PgcfOl;o"_ df /fVg ;lsG5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf
lzzn' fO{ c:ktfn /fVg] ;do cln w/] } lbgsf] x'g ;S5 . gjhft lzzn' fO{ 3/
NofpFbf gfgLsf nflu rflxg] sf/–l;6sf] aGbf]a:t 5 jf 5}g kSsf ugx{' f];\ .
Taking Your Baby Home
The doctor will discharge you and your baby from the hospital when
the time is right. Usually this is within one or two days. New babies who
need extra medical attention, however, may be admitted to the neonatal
intensive care unit (NICU) and stay in the hospital longer. Make sure you
have a properly installed car seat to bring your baby home in.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
3/df s] ug]{ <
lzzn' fO{ ;do lbg'k5{ . pg};Fu a:gx' f];\ . pgsf] :ofxf/sf nflu lrlsT;sn]
h] h] ;Nnfx lbge' Psf] 5 eg] pxfFsf tL ;Nnfxcg';f/ sfd ug'x{ f];\ . tkfO{+ jf
lzz'af/] sx] L ;f]Wg'k¥of] jf bO' {dWo] s;}nfO{ sx] L c;fdfGo cj:yf cfP h:tf] nfUof]
174 Family Planning, Prenatal Health, and Giving Birth
eg] lrlsT;snfO{ ©f]g ugx'{ f;] \ . lrlsT;s klg tkfO{+ / tkfO+{sf] lzz'nfO{ :jf:Yo–
k/LIf0fdf cfPsf] /fdf| ] dfGgx' G' 5 . aRrfsf] k/LIf0fsf nflu aRrfs} lrlsT;s jf
kfl/jfl/s lrlsT;snfO{ e]6g\ ] ;do ldnfpgx' f];\ . Tof] e6] df csf–]{ csf{] k6s ul/g]
lgoldt k/LIf0fsf nflu tf/tDo ldnfpgk' 5{ .
uej{ tL jf ;T' s/] LnfO{ Gof;|f,] lvGgtf, lr9–lr9o\ fO jf lgbf| srkr x'g] vfnsf
;d:of xg' ' Psbd c;fdfGo cj:yf xf] . To:tf ;d:ofn] cfˆgf] jf gfgLx?sf]
:ofxf/;;' f/df k|efj k5{ . o:tf an] fdf dlxnfn] cf©}FnfO{ jf ;Gtfgx?nfO{ kL8f lbg
;lS5g\ . tkfO{+nfO{ o:tf ;d:ofn] ;tfPsf] cg'ej eof] eg] t'?Gt lrlsT;snfO{
va/ ug'x{ f;] \ . o:tf ;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ug{] pkrf/x? -pkfox?_ 5g\ . pkrf/
kl5 tkfO+{ km] l/ cf/fd dx;'; ug'{ xG' 5 .
At Home
Spend time with your baby, and follow any instructions the doctor gave
you on how to take care of him or her. If you have any questions or suspect
that something is not normal with you or your baby, call your doctor. He
or she will also want to see you and your baby for a follow-up visit. Make
an appointment with your baby’s pediatrician (doctor for kids) or family
doctor to establish regular care for your baby.
It is not unusual for women who are pregnant or have had a baby re-
cently to experience sadness, depression, anger, or sleep problems that
affect their ability to care for themselves or their children. Sometimes they
even have feelings about hurting themselves or their babies. If you have
any of those feelings, call your doctor right away. There is treatment for
these feelings and you will feel better again.
cWofo !& : hLjgsf kd| v' 36gfx?
Chapter 17 : Major Life Events
gof“ el" ddf k/Dk/fut ;+:sf/
gk] fnLefifL e6" fgL ;db' fon] ub{} cfPsf cfˆgf k/Dk/fut hGd, ljjfx /
d[To'sf ;+:sf/x? cdl] /sfdf klg To;/L g} ug{ ;lsG5 . t/ oxfFsf /fHosf]
sfg'gcg';f/ tL ;+:sf/df yf]/} ©/] abn cfjZos xG' 5 . oxfF yk sx] L sfgg' L
cfjZostfx? klg k/" f ug'k{ 5{ .
cfˆgf kfl/jfl/s ;+:sf/x?df cd]l/sfdf hGds] f ;fyL, l5ds] L jf ;xsdLx{ ?nfO{
af]nfpg] ug'{xf];\ . o:tf cj;/x? g} pxfFx?nfO{ cfˆgf ;+:sf/x?;Fu kl/lrt
u/fpg] pQd tl/sf x'g\ .
Traditional Ceremonies in a New Land
Most ways that Nepali-speaking Bhutanese have traditionally marked
births, marriages, and deaths can be continued unchanged in the U.S. There
are a few aspects of traditional ceremonies that will need to be altered to
comply with the laws of your state. There are also additional legal require-
ments that you will need to meet.
Inviting a few native-born American friends, neighbors, or co-workers
to your family celebrations can be a good way to introduce them to your
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lzzs' f] hGdn] hg' ;s' } ;+:sf/ ePsf kl/jf/df klg cbe\ "t v';L NofpF5 .
uej{ tL / ue{sf] lzzs' f nflu cdl] /sfdf dV' o ?kdf …a]aL ;fj/Ú gfdsf] ;+:sf/
ul/G5 . slxn]sfxLF …aa] L ;fj/Ú lzz' hGdk] l5 u/] klg w]/}h;f] of] ;+:sf/ lzzs' f]
hGdeGbf sx] Lcl3 g} ul/G5 . cfdlGqtx?n] cfdf / lzzn' fO{ pkxf/ lbG5g\ .
cd]l/sfdf tkfO+{ cfˆgf] rngcg;' f/ aRrf hGdFbf v';LofnL dgfpg :jtGq
x'g'x'G5 .
cd]l/sfdf w/] } lzz'x? c:ktfndf hGdG5g\ eg] sx] L dfq ;F'8]gLsf] ;xfotfdf
3/df hGdG5g\ .
The birth of a new baby to a family is a wonderful joyful event in
all cultures. Often in America a relative or close friend will host a baby
shower for the soon-to-be mother and unborn baby. Sometimes the baby
shower will be after the baby is born, but usually it is before. Guests give
presents to the mother for her or for her baby.
176 Major Life Events
In the U.S. you are free to celebrate the birth of a child according to
your own culture.
Most births in the U.S. take place in a hospital although some births
may take place at home with a midwife in attendance.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
hGdbtfs{ f] k|df0fkq
aRrfsf] hGdbtfs{ f] klxnf] kd| f0fkq 8fS6/, c:ktfn jf ;F'8]gLn] lbG5g\ .
To;kl5 hGdbtf{ tkfO{+ a:b} cfPsf] /fHol:yt ;/sf/L sfof{nodf ug'{k5{ .
aRrf hGdg]lalQs} lbOg] klxnf] hGdbtf{ k|df0fkqdf aRrfsf] gfd nV] g'k5{ .
cfˆgf] ;+:sf/cg';f/ gfd /fVg] sd{ aRrfsf] hGdkl5 ul/g] eP klg aRrfnfO{
kl5;Dd afn] fpg] gfd p;sf] hGdeGbf klxn] tof/ kf/]/ /fvs] f] xg' 'k5{ . aRrfsf]
hGdbtfs{ f] kd| f0fkqdf n]lvPsf] gfd g} p;sf] sfgg' L -cflwsfl/s_ x'G5 .
hGdg]lalQs} lbOPsf] k|df0fkq kl5 ;/sf/L sfofn{ odf btf{ u/]kl5 ;f] sfofn{ on]
cfk} rfl/s hGdbtf{ k|df0fkq lbG5 . of] k|df0fkqdf aRrfsf] gfd, p;sf] hGdldlt,
cfdfafa'sf] gfd / cGo hfgsf/L ;dfjz] xG' 5 . cdl] /sfdf hGds] f] lzz' :jtM
cd]l/sL gful/s xg' ] ePsfn] of] hGdbtf{sf] kd| f0fkq lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 .
of] hGdbtf{sf] k|df0fkqn] g} pm cdl] /sL gful/s xf] eGg] kd| fl0ft u5{ . s'g}
a]nf ToxL aRrf cd]l/sfdf hGd]sf] xf] egL k|dfl0ft ugk{' ¥of] eg] tkfO+{n] hGdbtf{sf]
k|df0fkq bv] fpgk' 5{ / o;sf] kl| tlnlk k]z ugk'{ 5{ . aRrf 7n" f] ePkl5 p;sf] gfd
dtbftf–;"rLdf btf{ ug{ jf cdl] /sL kf;kf]6{ -/fxbfgL_ kfpg p;sf] hGdbtf{sf]
kd| f0fkq g} rflxG5 .
Birth Certificate
The birth of a child must be certified by a doctor, hospital, or midwife
and then be registered with an office in the state where you live.
The baby’s name must be written on the birth certificate at the time
of birth. For this reason, even if you are planning to have the traditional
name-giving ceremony shortly after the baby’s birth, you must have the
baby’s name selected and ready before the time of birth. Whatever name
goes on the birth certificate will be the legal name of the child.
After the birth is registered, you will be able to get an official govern-
ment birth certificate that will include the name of the child, the date of
birth, the name of the parents, and other information. This birth certificate
is very important because every child born in the U.S. is automatically a
citizen of the U.S.
The birth certificate will be evidence that the child is a citizen. There
will be situations where you need to show evidence that the child is born
in the U.S. and you will need a copy of the birth certificate. When the child
hLjgsf k|dv' 36gfx¿ 177
is an adult, the child will need the birth certificate to register to vote or to
get a U.S. passport.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO{+sf] ;+:sl[ tdf aRrfsf] kf:gL ug{] h:tf] ;+:sf/ cd]l/sL ;+:s[ltdf 5}g .
To;f] eP klg tkfO+{n] e6" fg jf gk] fndf u/]h:tf] tl/sfn] kf:gL ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 .
Rice Feeding Ceremony
In American culture there is no equivalent of the rice feeding ceremo-
ny. However, you are free to celebrate this as you would in Bhutan or in
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ljjfx x/]s ;db' fodf ©/s tl/sfn] ul/G5 . ljjfx ;a} ;+:s[ltsf] dxÎjk0" f{
kfl/jfl/s ;+:sf/ xf] . cd]l/sfdf lxGb," O;fO,{ d'l:nd, ox'bL, / cGo s'g} cf:yfsf]
eP klg cfˆgf] ;+:sf/cg;' f/ ljjfx ug{ ;lsG5 .
hGdh:t} ljjfx klg ;/sf/L sfofn{ odf btf{ ug{'k5{ . ljjfx btf{ ug]{ k|lqmof
/fHolkR5] ©/s eP klg o;sf s]xL :j?k p:t} x'G5g\ . cf©" a:g] /fHodf
ljjfx–btf{ kl| qmof s:tf] 5 a'‰g'xf;] \ .
Marriages are important family events in all cultures although the wed-
ding ceremonies that celebrate them vary widely. People from Hindu,
Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and other faiths in America are free to cel-
ebrate marriages according to their own traditions.
Marriages, like births, must be registered with the government. While
this process may be different in each state of the U.S., some aspects are
common. You should determine the specific details in your state.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ljjfx cg'dlt–kq
ljjfx Pp6f k|lqmof xf,] of] k|lqmofsf] klxnf] v8' \lsnf]df ;fdfGotM ljjfx cg'dlt–
kq -Dofl/h nfO;]G;_ lng' k5{ . of] nfO;G] ; ljjfx ug{ af6f] vfN] g] sfg'gL
sfuh xf] . pSt cg'dlt–kq kfpgsf nflu tkfO+{n] :yfgLo zx/, gu/ jf sfpG6L
sfof{nodf cfjb] g lbgk' 5{ . tkfO+{n] lax] ug{c' l3 Dofl/h nfO;G] ; lnPsf] x'gk' 5{ .
cfjb] g lbFbf b'js} f] ©f]6f;] lxtsf] kl/ro–kq -©f]6f] cfO8L_ jf tkfO+{x? sf] xf] egL
lrgfpg], sxfF a:gx' G' 5 eGg] kd| f0f k]z ugs'{ f ;fy} z'Ns ltgk{' 5{ . cfjb] gdf cGo
s]xL yk hfgsf/L rflxg;S5 .
Dofl/h nfO;]G; lnPkl5 tkfO{+ cfˆgf k/Dk/fcg;' f/ ljjfx ug{ ;Sgx' 'G5 .
178 Major Life Events
ljjfx k/' f]lxt jf cGo s'g} cflwsfl/s JolStsf] pkl:yltdf ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . To:tf
cflwsfl/s JolStx?df /fHon] tfs] ]sf JolSt jf …hl:6;–c©–b–lk;Ú cfx] bfsf
JolSt klg xg' ;S5g\ .
Marriage License
Generally, the first step to getting married is to obtain a marriage li-
cense. This is the legal document that allows you to marry. Generally you
can apply for the license at a town, city, or county office. You should get
your marriage license in advance of the wedding. You will need to show
a photo ID or other proof of who you are, where you live, and pay a fee.
There may be other requirements as well.
After you have your marriage license, your wedding may be performed
by a priest or other official of your religion, by a justice-of-the-peace, or
by other persons given authority to perform marriages by your state.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
ljjfx–btf{sf] k|df0fkq
ljjfx ul/lbg] JolStn] ljjfx–btfs{ f] ©f/d el/lbgk' 5{ . tf]lsPsf 7fpFx?df
x:tfIf/ u/]kl5 of] dxÎjk0" f{ sfuh ljjfx–btf{ ug]{ ;/f]sf/ sfofn{ odf k7fpg–'
k5{ . ToxfF tkfO{+sf] ljjfx cflwsfl/s ?kdf btf{ xG' 5 . ;ah} ;f] 7fpFdf ljjfx–
btf{sf nflu zN' s ltg{'k5{ .
cdl] /sfdf lax] u/]kl5 tkfO+{sf w]/} sfg'gL, cfly{s / s/;DaGwL ;l' jwf tyf
lhDdj] f/L a9\5g\ . sg' –} s'g} a]nf tkfO{+ sfg'gL ?kdf ljjflxt xf] eg]/ k|df0f kz]
ug'{k¥of] eg] ljjfx–btf{ k|df0fkq b]vfpgk' 5{ .
Marriage Certificate
The person who performs the wedding ceremony must complete a mar-
riage certificate. This important certificate, with all necessary signatures,
must be delivered to the appropriate government office so that the mar-
riage can be officially recorded. In most communities you will need to pay
an additional fee.
Being married has many legal, financial, and tax benefits and responsi-
bilities in the U.S. You must have a marriage certificate if you are asked to
prove that you have been legally married.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dT[ o'
kl/jf/sf] s'g} Ps ;b:o jf ;fyLefOsf] d[To' x'g' ;as} f nflu b'Mvb 36gf
xf] . ljleGg wd{ of ;+:s[ltdf sfhlqmof tyf ;+:d/0f ug{] tl/sf / ;dodf klg
leGgtf kfOG5 . cdl] /sL sfg'g kfngf ug{ d[To;' DaGwL lxGb" ;+:sf/sf sx] L
hLjgsf kd| 'v 36gfx¿ 179
k/Dk/fut ljlwx?df kl/jt{g ug{ cfjZos xG' 5 .
cd]l/sfdf w]/}h;f] dflg;sf] d[To' c:ktfn -jf wdz{ fnf÷x;\lk;\ xfd] _ df xG' 5g,\
hxfF 8fS6/x? / g;x{ ? x'G5g\ . c:ktfndf cfˆgf] gft]bf/sf] clGtd cj:yf 5
eg] 8fS6/ tyf g;{x?;Fu cf©"n] s:tf] clGtd;+:sf/ ug]{ xf] eg/] atfpg'k5{
/ pxfFx?sf] cgd' lt lngk' 5{ . tkfO{+n] ks| 6 u/s] f] dd{k|lt pxfFx?n] ;xfge' "lt
bv] fpg' x'g5] .
s;s} f] d[To' 3/df eof] eg] k|x/LnfO{ va/ ug{'k5{ . k|x/Ln] dT[ oa' f/] hfgsf/L
lnG5g\ . k|x/Ln] Tof] ;fdfGo dT[ o' xf] / xTof cflb xf]Og eGg] 7x/ ug'{k5{ .
The death of a family member or close friend is a difficult time for
everyone. Different religions and cultures have different ways to give time
for mourning and remembrance. Important aspects of traditional Hindu
ceremonies surrounding death must be modified to comply with American
Most deaths in America occur in hospitals (or hospice homes) where
doctors and nurses are present. If your loved one is nearing death in a
hospital, you should talk with the doctors and nurses about rituals you
wish to perform and obtain their permission. They will usually be very
When a person dies at home, the police must be called. The police need
to investigate to make sure that the death was a natural death and not the
result of a crime.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dT[ ob' tfs{ f] kd| f0fkq
s;}sf] d[To' ePsf a]nf c:ktfn, x;\k;\ jf 3/df x/] rfx u/]sf 8fS6/n]
x:tfIf/ u/]sf] dT[ o'sf] kd| f0fkq lbgx' G' 5 . pSt k|df0fkqdf dT[ o'sf] ;do, cj:yf
/, sf/0f nl] vPsf] x'G5 . d[To' ePnuQ} bfx;+:sf/ ug{c' l3 kl/jf/sf ;b:on] of]
k|df0fkq lnPsf] xg' 'k5{ . of] k|df0fkq ladf bfaL ubf{ kz] ug{ rflxg ;S5 . s'g}
/fHodf bfx;+:sf/sf nflu s]xL ;fjh{ lgs ;xfotfcGtut{ cfly{s ;xof]u kfOG5 .
of] ;xfotf kfpg klg pSt k|df0fkqn] d2t ug;{ S5 .
Death Certificate
A doctor who had been caring for the person at the time of death,
whether at home or in a hospital, must sign a death certificate that states
the time, circumstances, and reason for the death. This certificate is nec-
essary before the body can be legally disposed of. It is important for the
immediate family to obtain copies of the official death certificate. The
certificate may be used to file insurance claims. In some states the death
180 Major Life Events
certificate may assist in obtaining some public assistance in paying for
cremation or burial.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sfdf bfx;+:sf/ ug]{ clwsf/–k|fKt 3f6 -o'g/n xfd] _ xG' 5g\ . oxfFsf
w]/} ˆo'g/n xf]ddf sfd ug{] sd{rf/Lx?nfO{ lxGb" ;+:sf/ s:tf] xG' 5 eGg] yfxf
gxg' ;S5 . k'gjf;{ ;+:yf jf e"6fgL ;db' fo;DaGwL ;+:yfx?n] bfx;+:sf/sf nflu
glhs}sf] ˆog' /n xfd] vf]Hg d2t u5{g\ . ˆog' /n xfd] n] bfx;+:sf/ u/j] fkt k};f
lnG5g\ . bfx;+:sf/ / ;fgf] lqmof–sds{ f nflu sx] L xhf/ 8n/ nfUg ;S5 . of]
vr{ tkfO{+sf] :jf:Yo–ladf -xN] y OG:of/] G] ;_ jf dl] 8s]8n] ax] f]bg{} .
Funeral Home
Funeral rites are organized through a licensed funeral home. Many
funeral homes in America may be unfamiliar with Hindu funeral rites.
Your resettlement agency or Bhutanese community organization will be
able to suggest a funeral home that will best help you make arrangements
in your town or city. Funeral homes charge for their services. The cost for
cremation and a small ceremony may be few thousand dollars. These costs
are not covered by health insurance or Medicaid.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dT[ o' ePsf] @$ 306fleq bfx;+:sf/ ug{] tkfO+{sf] k/Dk/f wfGg oxfF k|foM ;+ej
x'Fb}g . tkfO+{n] @$ 306fleq bfx;+:sf/ ug{] k/Dk/f 5 eg/] :ki6 cg'/f]w ug'{eof]
eg] ˆog' /n xf]dn] ;+:sf/ / ;fgf] lqmof–sd{ ;s;] Dd rfF8f] ug{ sf]lzz u5g{ \ .
sfgg' L kl| qmof / ;do–tflnsfcg;' f/ clGtd;+:sf/ qmd;Fu} ug{'kg{] xg' fn] ˆo'g/n
xfd] n] xfd|f] ;docg;' f/ sfd ug{ ;Sbg} g\ .
cd]l/sfdf sxLF klg bfx;+:sf/ v'nf 7fpFdf ug{ ldNbg} . o:tf] ;+:sf/
ljzi] f aGbfa] :t ePsf ˆog' /n xf]ddf dfq ul/G5 . ;+:sf/kl5 ˆo'g/n xf]dn] zjsf]
s]xL z]if pko'Qm efF8fd] f /fv]/ kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{ lbG5g\ .
The tradition of cremation within 24 hours of death is often not pos-
sible. If you make a clear request, the funeral home will try to schedule a
ceremony and cremation as quickly as possible. But they are constrained
by the law and by other funerals that they already have scheduled in their
In almost all communities in the U.S. it is not possible to cremate a
body in the open air. Cremation of a body in America is done in a special
hLjgsf kd| 'v 36gfx¿ 181
facility operated by a funeral home. The funeral home will provide the
family with the remaining ashes in an appropriate container.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lqmof–sd{ -zfs] kg{] ;do_
lxGb" k/Dk/fcg;' f/ zf]s k/]sf] kl/jf/n] 3/ jf dlGb/df !# lbgsf] lqmof–
sd{ ug{ ;lsG5 . w/] h} ;f] cd]l/sL /fh] uf/bftfn] zf]s k/s] f kl/jf/sf ;b:onfO{
sfdaf6 Ps jf b'O{ lbg dfq …3/ labfÚ lbG5g\ . tL /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+ labfkl5
sfd ©sg{ 'x'G5 eGg] cfzf u5{g\ . sg' } /fh] uf/bftfn] art labfaf6 ldnfP/
tkfO+{nfO{ rflxP hlt 5'§L lbg ;S5g\ . olb tkfO+{sf] glhs}sf] sfx] L gft]bf/sf]
cj:yf gfh's 5 / pxfF clGtd cj:yfdf xg' x' 'G5 eg] cf©"n] ug{k' g]{ sd{ / rflxg]
;doaf/] ;'k/efOh/nfO{ atfpgx' f];\ . ;'k/efOh/ / tkfO+{aLr labfaf/] ;xdlt xf];,\
xg' ;s] tnaL labf;lxt sfddf ©s{g] ;do 6+'uf] nufP/ labf a:g'xf;] \ .
Mourning Period
The 13 day Hindu mourning period can be observed and necessary
rites can take place at the home of the deceased person or in a temple.
Most American employers will give only one or two days of paid “family
leave” to workers at the time of a death of a close family member. They
will expect you to return to work after those days. Some employers may
agree to let a worker take unused vacation leave to extend the time away
from work. If a relative is very sick and may die, you should explain to
your supervisor that you may soon have a death in your family and may
require time off for the mourning period. You and your supervisor should
both agree when you will return to work and whether you will be paid for
any time off.