hflu/ / /f]huf/L 83
hflu/af6 al~rt
tkfO+{sf /f]huf/bftfn] tkfO{+nfO{ sfdaf6 x6fpg ;S5g\ . slxns] fxLF pgsf]
sfdn] ©fObf gsdfO/xs] f] x'g;S5 . slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+sf] sfd c:yfoL klg
x'g;S5 . clg slxn]sfxLF tkfO{+n] uNtL ug{'eof] jf c;'/lIft tl/sfn] ug'{eof]
jf ;k' /efOh/n] tf]s]cg';f/ sfd gu/s] f] x'g;S5 . ha tkfO{+nfO{ /f]huf/bftfn]
hflu/af6 al~rt u5{g,\ ta pgn] s] sf/0fn] x6fOof] atfpgk' 5{ .
Losing a Job
Your employer may terminate your work. Sometimes the reason is that
the business is not successful. Sometimes it is because your job was only
temporary. Sometimes it may be that you did something incorrectly or
unsafely or did not perform up to the standards of your supervisor. When
your job is being terminated, your employer should tell you why.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a/] f]huf/ ;'ljwfx¿
a/] fh] uf/sf nflu Pp6f ;/sf/L sfoq{ md 5 . o; a/] fh] uf/ ladf sfo{qmdaf6
cfˆgf] uNtLlagf hflu/af6 al~rt xg' ] sfdbf/nfO{ lglZrt cflys{ ;xfotf lbg]
ul/G5 . of] ;'ljwf kfpg tkfO{+n] :yfgLo a/] f]huf/ sfof{nodf lgjb] g lbg'k5{ .
o;;DaGwL lgod / tkfO{+n] kfpg;Sg] ;l' jwf /fHolkR5] ©/s xG' 5g\ .
Unemployment Benefits
The United States has an unemployment insurance program that pro-
vides some limited financial assistance to workers who lose their jobs
through no fault of their own. To receive such assistance you must apply
at a local unemployment office. The rules and amount of benefits differ in
different states.
cWofo * : JolStut ;/;˚fO / nQf–sk8f
Chapter 8 : Personal Hygiene and Clothing
JolStut ;/;˚fO
sfddf hfg] 7n" f dflg; x'g\ jf :s"n hfg] gfgLx? x'g\, ;an} ] cfˆgf] z/L/sf]
x/] rfx ug'{ lgs} cfjZos x'G5 . o:tf] x]/rfx ul/of] eg] cf©" / kl/jf/ ladf/
kb}g{ . tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf ;b:osf] z/L/sf] x]/rfx ug{sf nflu ljleGg vfnsf
pTkfbgx? kfOG5g\ .
Personal Hygiene
Taking care of your body is important for work, school, and to keep
you and your family from getting sick. There are many different products
to take care of your body.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
JolStut ;/;˚fOsf pTkfbg
JolStut ;/;©fOsf pTkfbgx?df z/L/sf] uGwgfzs -l8of]8/] G] 6_, AofS6l] /of–
gfzs ;fa'g, uGwgfzs ;fa'g, bGtdGhg, ZofDk", slG8;g/, nf;] g / c? s}og\ w/] }
5g\ . oLdWo] s'g pTkfbg s] sfdsf nflu ko| f]u ug]{ eg/] cndn xg' ;S5 .
Products for Personal Hygiene
Products include deodorant, antibacterial soap, deodorant soap, tooth-
paste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and many more. It can be confusing
what products to use for what purposes.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
JolStut ;/;©fOsf oL pTkfbgdWo] s'g}–s'g} rflxF xfdLnfO{ sL6f0fa' f6 6f9}
/fVgsf nflu ko| fu] ul/G5g\ . sL6f0fx' ? ;I' d hLj x'g\ . oLgn] xfdLnfO{ ladf/
kf5g{ \ . xfdf| cfFvfn] sL6f0f' bV] b}gg\ .
Some of these products are used to protect us from germs. Germs are
tiny, living things that can make us sick. Germs are too small for our eyes
to see.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
xft wg' '
sL6f0f' dfg]{ ;aeGbf pQd pkfo AofS6l] /of–gfzs jf uGwgfzs–;fa'gsf]
ko| fu] xf] . xft wg' ] afgLn] ?3f / Hj/f] h:tf ladf/ kfg{] To:tf ;'Id hLj ;lhn}
©}nb}gg\ .
86 Personal Hygiene and Clothing
Washing Your Hands
Using antibacterial or deodorant soap is the best way to kill germs that
spread disease. Washing your hands prevents the spread of germs that also
cause illnesses like colds and flu.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
xft slxn] slxn] w'g' k5{ <
o:tf a]nfdf xft ;w}F wg' x' f];\ M
• vfgf vfgc' l3, vfgf ksfpg'cl3 / vfgf 5'gc' l3 .
• zf}rfno uPkl5 .
• gfgLx?nfO{ wfO] kvfnL u/]kl5, gx' fP jf 8fOk/ ©l] /lbPkl5 .
• 3/aflx/ v]nk] l5 .
When to Wash Hands?
Always wash your hands:
• Before eating, cooking, and touching food.
• After using the bathroom.
• After cleaning a child or changing a child’s diaper.
• After playing outside.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;˚f z/L/
z/L/ :jR5 eP tkfO+{ :j:y /xg'x'G5 . uGwgfzs jf AofS6l] /of–gfzs
;fa'gsf] k|ofu] u//] gx' fpgfn] z/L/af6 bu' {Gw lgsfNg] sL6f0f' d5g{ \ .
Clean Body
A clean body keeps you healthy. Taking a shower or bath with deodor-
ant or antibacterial soap helps kill the germs that can make us smell bad.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
skfnsf nflu ZofDk" / slG8;g/
ZofDk"n] skfnsf] d}nf] / lrNnf] x6fpF5 . o;n] 6fpsfsf] 5fnf ©;' |f] x'gaf6
hfu] fpF5 . tkfO+{n] sDtLdf xKtfsf] bO' {k6s cfˆgf] skfn ZofDk"n] ;©f ugk'{ 5{ .
w/] } dflg; lbgxF' gx' fpF5g\ / skfn w'g ZofDk" ko| f]u u5{g\ . slG8;g/n] gx' fpFbf
skfn ©';f| ] xg' lbFbg} . ZofDkn" ] skfn wf]Pkl5 slG8;g/ k|of]u ug{k' 5{ . ZofDk" /
slG8;g/nfO{ Pp6} af]tndf ld;fP/ klg al] rG5 . bj' } Ps} 7fpFdf ePsf pTkfbg
lsGgfn] k;} f art xG' 5 .
Shampoo and Conditioner for Your Hair
Shampoo gets rid of the dirt and oil in your hair. It also keeps the skin
on your scalp from flaking. You should wash your hair at least two times
a week with shampoo. Many people shower and shampoo their hair every
JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f 87
day. Conditioner keeps your hair from becoming too dry after washing.
You should use conditioner after shampoo in the shower. Some products
combine shampoo and conditioner in one bottle which can help you save
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/L/sf] uGwgfzs
z/L/af6 cfpg] uGw sd ug{ sfvLdf nufpg] pTkfbgnfO{ uGwgfzs -l8of–]
8]/G] 6_ elgG5 . l8of]8]/G] 6– emf]n, hn] -3f]n_, l;sf{ cfpg] -:k]_| ?kdf kfOG5g\ .
sg' } l8of8] ]/]G6 ;t] f] /+usf xG' 5g,\ o:tf] /+usf] l8of8] /] ]G6 ko| f]u ubf{ sk8fdf ;]tf
bfu a:5g\ . /+u gePsf l8of8] /] ]G6 k|of]u ugf{n] o:tf bfu a:bg} g\ . k'?if / dlxnf
bj' n} ] l8of8] ]/G] 6 ko| f]u u5g{ \ . k?' if jf dlxnfsf nflu 5'§f5'§} lsl;dsf l8of]–
8]/G] 6 agfOPsf x'G5g\ .
Deodorant is applied under your armpits to reduce body odor. Deodor-
ants are available in liquid, gel, or spray. Some deodorants are white and
leave white powder on your clothing. Using a clear gel can help avoid this
problem. Deodorants are used by both men and women and most are made
specifically for either a man or woman.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bf“t df‰g'
luhf / bfFtsf] x/] ljrf/ ugfn{ ] bfFt lvObg} g\ / bfFt bV' g] ;d:ofn]
;tfpFb}g . dGhg nufP/ lbgxF' tLgk6s bfFt dfˇgx' f];\ . kT| o]s tLg dlxgfdf
gofF a'?; lsGgx' f];\ .
Brushing Teeth
Taking care of your teeth and gums prevents tooth decay and tooth-
aches. Brush your teeth three times a day with toothpaste. Buy a new
toothbrush every three months.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bft“ aLrsf] ;˚fO
bfFtsf cGt/sG' t/df /x]sf vfgfsf 6'qmf6'lqm -n]uf| ]_ x6fpg ˆn; -bfFt ;©f
ug]{ wfuf]_ ko| fu] ug{x' f;] \ . bfFt /fd|/L ;©f ug{ jifd{ f b'O{k6s bfFtsf] 8fS6/sxfF
hfgx' f;] \ .
Flossing Teeth
Use dental floss to remove food remains in your teeth. Visit a dentist
two times a year to have your teeth professionally cleaned.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
88 Personal Hygiene and Clothing
sk8f wg' ]
yf/] } k6s nufPsf jf ©fx] f/] bl] vPsf n'uf wg' x' f;] \ . o;f] ubf{ n'uf ;©f /
af:gfbf/ xG' 5g\ . 3fp–vl6/f cfpg glbg xKtfdf Psk6s tGbf / l;/fgLsf]
vfn] wg' x' f;] \ . n'uf w'g] sfd 3/wGbf h:tf] lgoldt x'g'k5{ .
Wash your clothes after wearing them only a few times or if they have
become visibly dirty. This keeps your clothes clean and smelling good.
Wash your bedding (sheets and pillow covers) at least once a week to pre-
vent skin rashes. Doing the laundry should be a regular chore.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sk8f wn' fO
tkfO{+ a;]sf] ckf6d{ G] 6df sk8f–w'g] :jrflnt dl;g xg' ;S5, h;nfO{
Snf]b;\ jf;/ elgG5 . ckf6d{ ]G6df 5}g eg] tkfO+{ a;]glhs} sk8f w'g] Joj;fo
nG8f« D] of6 xg' ;S5 . sk8f–wg' ] dl;g rnfpg l;Ssf rflxFg ;S5 . sk8f lnP/ uP–
kl5 pSt dl;gdf cfˆgf sk8f / sk8f–w'g k|ofu] ul/g] ;fag' xfNgx' f;] \ . dl;g
rnfpgx' f];\ . dl;gdf tkfO{+n] w/] } sk8f xfNg'eof] eg] To;n] /fd/| L sfd ub{}g .
sk8f w'g #) ldg6] jf a9L ;do nfUg ;S5 . sk8f wf]O ;sk] l5 dl;g aGb
xG' 5 . wf]Psf ;a} sk8fx? aflx/ lgsfNg'xf;] \ . tL sk8f …;'sfpg] dl;gÚdf
xfNg'xf;] \ . sk8f ;'sfpg] dl;gnfO{ 8f« o/ elgG5 . …8«fo/Ú df sk8f ;'sfpg 5'§}
k;} f rflxg ;S5 .
Doing Laundry
You may have a clothes washer in your own apartment, a machine that
automatically washes clothes. If not, there may be clothes washers nearby
in your apartment building or in a business called a laundromat. Those
nearby will probably require coins to operate. Put clothing and laundry
detergent into the machine. Then start the machine. If you pack too many
clothes into the washing machine it will not work correctly. The wash-
ing cycle may take 30 minutes or more. When the washing machine has
finished washing the clothes, take them out and put them in a different
machine, a dryer. The dryer may also cost money.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sk8f w'g] ;fa'g
dl;gdf n'uf w'g k|ofu] ug{] ;fa'gnfO{ …nG8L« ;fk] Ú elgG5 . nufpg] n'uf /
la5o\ fg} fsf sk8f w'g dfq …nG8«L ;f]kÚ k|ofu] ul/G5 . gx' fpg] ;fag' -hLp / skfn_
/ …nG8L« ;f]kÚ ©/s pTkfbg x'g\ . …nG8«L ;fk] Ú, 7f]; -wn' f_] jf emf]n x'g;S5g\ .
o:tf] ;fa'g sg' } :6f/] df jf …nG8«fD] of6Ú df lsGg kfOG5g\ .
JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f 89
Laundry Soap
Laundry soap is used to wash your clothes and bedding. Laundry soap
is different from the soap you use to wash your body and hair. The laundry
soap for clothes washing machines may be liquid or solid. You can buy
laundry soap in stores or at a laundromat.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
76] cd]l/sL klx/geGbf g]kfnL jf e6" fgL klx/g ©/s xG' 5g\ . cdl] /sfdf
tkfO{+n] OR5fcg';f/ n'uf nufpg ;Sgx' G' 5 . sk8f nufpFbf df;} d / cf©" sxfF
hfg] xf] Vofn ug{'k5{ .
Typical American clothing is different from traditional Nepali or Bhu-
tanese clothing. In America you are free to wear whatever clothing you
choose. When choosing what to wear, you should consider the weather
and where you will be going.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
k/Dk/fut n'uf
tkfO{+n] rfx]sf a]nf cfˆgf k/Dk/fut nu' fx? M ;f/L–rfn] f], bf}/f–;'?jfn, /
g]kfnL–6f]kL nufpg ;Sgx' 'G5 . t/ ;g\ @))! ;]K6D] a/kl5 sx] L cd]l/sLx?
gfn} f] klx/gdf s;}nfO{ bv] ] To:tf nu' f nufpgn] fO{ cljZjf; ug{ yfns] f 5g\ .
t/ yf/] n} ] dfq To:tf] z+sf ug{ ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] nufpg' ePsf] k/Dk/fut klx/g
b]vk] l5 w/] h} ;f] cd]l/sLx?n] :jfut ug{'sf ;fy} tkfO{+sf] ;+:sl[ taf/] hfGg OR5f
/fVg ;S5g\ .
Wearing Traditional Clothing
You are free to wear traditional clothing such as a sari, cholo, daur-
suruwal, and topi whenever you choose. However, since September 2001,
some Americans have become distrustful of those who wear clothing that
they are not familiar with. A few people may express suspicion. But most
Americans will welcome you and want to learn about your culture when
they see you wearing traditional clothing.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:s"n hf“bf nufpg] nu' f
ljz]if u/L sx] L ld8n :sn" / xfO:{ s"ndf s'g} vf; lsl;dsf nu' f dgfxL
ul/Psf] x'G5 . :sn" df s] nufpg kfOG5 jf kfOFbg} eGg] o:tf lgod k9\gx' f;] \,
hfGg'xf;] \ . lgod pNn3+g gug{'xf];\ . pQfpnf] bl] vg] vfnsf n'uf gnufpgx' f];\ .
:s"n hfFbf rKkn nufpg' xG' g, h'Qf nufpg' k5{ .
90 Personal Hygiene and Clothing
v]n vn] fpg] jf Jofofd ug{ nh} fg] lbg gfgLx?n] Ps hf]/ hu]8f nu' f :s"n
nh} fg clgjfo{ x'G5 .
Clothing for School
Some schools, especially middle schools and high schools, have rules
that prohibit certain types of clothes. You should learn the school rules and
not violate them. You should dress conservatively with clean clothes. You
should wear shoes that cover your toes, not sandals or flip-flops.
Many schools require children to bring extra clothes for those days
when they will have gym class or for playing sports.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
sfdsf nu' f
©/s vfnsf] sfddf ©/s n'uf nufpg' kg]{ xg' ;S5, h:tf] M vt] jf au+}rfdf
sfd ubf{ bxf| vfnsf a6' rflxG5g\ eg] c:ktfn jf gl;{ª xfd] df sfd ubf{
ljzi] f vfnsf ;6{ jf sldh rflxg ;S5g\ . sg' } sDkgLdf sfd ubf{ ToxL
sDkgLn] cfˆgf] ljzi] f /+u jf lrGx–clÍt sk8f lbg;S5g\ . To:tf nu' f ;©f
x'g'k5{ / sfd ubf{ xnrn ug{ ;lsg] ;l' jwfhgs xg' k' 5{ .
Clothing for Work
Different kinds of work require different kinds of clothing. For exam-
ple, outdoor work on a farm or orchard may require strong hard boots but
work in a hospital or nursing home may require special shirts or smocks.
Some employers may even provide their workers with shirts and blouses
with the company color or company logo. Clothes should always be clean
and not get in the way of your movement and activities on the job.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
hf8f]sf n'uf
cdl] /sfsf ljleGg 7fpFdf Ct'cg';f/ df;} d w]/} ©/s xG' 5 . cd]l/sfsf s'g}–
sg' } 7fpFx?df lxpFbdf lgs} hf8f] x'G5 . 3/aflx/ hf8f]df lg:sbf 7G8L xfjfaf6
arfpg] afSnf n'uf nufpg'xf];\ . Pp6f afSnf] n'ufsf] ;§f l7s}sf n'uf w]/} tx kf/]/
nufpg'xf];\ . k/" f v§' f 9fSg] u/L hQ' f / afSnf df]hf nufpgx' f;] \ . sfg / 6fpsf]
5fK] g] u/L 6fk] L clg 3fF6L 9fSg] u/L unaGbL nufpgx' f];\ . w]/} hf8f] 5 jf lxpF
k/]sf] 5 eg] k~hf nufpgx' f;] \ . 3/aflx/ lg:sg'cl3 slt hf8f] x'G5 eGg] hfGg
df;} d–hfgsf/L yfxf kfpgx' f];\ . 5f]/f5f]/L :s"n hfg'cl3 jf v]Ng lg:sgc' l3
Gofgf] xg' ] u/L nu' f nufOlbPsf] x'g'k5{ .
Clothing for Cold Weather
Weather is quite different in different places in the United States and in
different seasons. Some parts of the United States get very, very, cold in
JolStut ;/;kmfO / nQf–sk8f 91
the winter. When it is cold outside, you should wear clothes that are thick
and protect you from cold wind. Wear several layers of clothing instead of
one. Wear warm socks and shoes that completely cover your feet. Cover
your head and ears with a hat and your neck with a warm scarf. Wear
gloves on your hands when it is very cold or there is snow. Before you go
outside, listen to the weather report to find out how cold it will be. Make
sure children are dressed warmly before they go to school or go outside
to play.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
udLs{ f n'uf
cd]l/sfsf sx] L efux?df avf{df w/] } udL{ x'G5 . 3/aflx/ udL{ 5 eg] xn'sf
jf kftnf nu' f nufpgx' f];\ . udL{df aflx/ hfg' 5 eg] cfwf afx'nf ePsf] ;6{ /
xf©k]G6 nufpg'xf];\ . w/] } sfof{no, :6f]/, :sn" / cGo ejgleq Po/–slG8;g xG' 5,
lr;f] nfU5 eg] Gofgf nu' f n}hfg ;Sgx' 'G5 . To:tf sfofn{ o, :6f/] , :s"n / cGo
ejgleq k"/f afx'nfsf ;6{ nufpg ;Sgx' G' 5 .
Clothing for Hot Weather
Some parts of the United States get very, very hot in the summer. When
it is hot outside, you should wear light clothing. You can wear short sleeve
shirts and shorts when you will be outside. Because many offices, stores,
schools, and other buildings will be air conditioned, however, you may
want to carry a warmer piece of clothing, such as a long sleeve short, to
wear when you go back inside to shop, work, or for school.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cd]l/sLx? k/" } uf8] f 9fSg] vfnsf 5fnf jf sk8fsf h'Qf nufpF5g\ .
slxn]sfxLF ljzi] fu/L udL{ df};ddf dfG5x] ? cf}+nf aflx/ b]Vg] h'Qf jf rKkn
nufpF5g\ . :jf:Yosf sf/0fn] w/] } zx/sf :6f/] , rdg] f–ux[ -/]:6/' fF_, / cGo ejgn]
vfnL v§' f leq k:g gkfOg] lgod agfPsf x'G5g\ . To:tf] a]nfdf c? dfG5] s]
nufpF5g,\ s] u5{g,\ xg] x{' fn] f .
Americans usually wear shoes made of leather or cloth that cover the
entire foot. Sometimes, especially in the summer, some people may wear
open-toe shoes, sandals, or flip-flops. For health reasons, many cities have
laws that prohibit people from entering stores, restaurants, and other build-
ings in their bare feet. Observe what other people are wearing.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
92 Personal Hygiene and Clothing
klx/gsf ;fdfg / gfk
;a}sf nu' fsf] gfk xG' 5 . w/] } n'ufx?, h:t} M l6–;6{, kfOhfdf, s6\6,' :s6,{
dfh] f / kGhf cflbdf k|foMh;f] …PS;P;Ú, …P;Ú, …PdÚ, …PnÚ, jf …PS;PnÚ n]lvPsf]
x'G5 . …PS;P;Ú eg]sf] cltl/St ;fgf,] …P;Ú eg]sf] ;fgf,] …PdÚ egs] f] dWod,
…PnÚ egs] f] 7"nf] / …PS;PnÚ eg]sf] cltl/St 7n" f] xf] .
cGo nu' fdf cfsf/sf cfwf/df gfk tf]lsPsf] xG' 5, h:tf] M k?' ifn] nufpg]
k]G6df Psy/L gfk sDd/sf] xG' 5 eg] csf{y] /L gfk nDafOsf] xG' 5 . oL b'O{ gfk
OGrdf xG' 5g\ . kG] 6sf] cfsf/ …#$–#)Ú nl] vPsf] 5 eg] sDd/ #$ OGr / nDafO
#) OGr xf] . hQ' fsf cfsf/ cfˆg} gfkdf x'G5g\ .
Psk6s lsGbf l7Ss ldNg] n'uf jf h'Qf kfOof] eg] ToxL gfk st} sfuhdf
l6k/] /fVgx' f;] \ . csf{]k6s sk8f jf h'Qf lsGbf ToxL gfk sfd nfU5 .
Clothing Sizes
Clothing for all is marked with size information. Many clothes, such as
t-shirts, pajamas, underwear, skirts, socks, and gloves are often marked as
XS, S, M, L, or XL. “XS” means extra small, “S” means small, “M” means
medium, “L” means large, and “XL” means extra large.
Other clothing, however, will have a size given by measurements. For
example, men’s pants often have two measurements: the first is the size
around the waist in inches and the second is the length, also measured in
inches. Pant size '34-30' means the waist in 34 inches and the leg length is
30 inches. Shoes have the own special size measurements.
When you find the correct size of a particular piece of clothing or shoes,
it is a good idea to write the size down so you will know the next time you
are shopping.
cWofo ( : :yfgLo oftfoft / cfgf] uf8L
Chapter 9 : Local Transporation and Own Car
:yfgLo oftfoft
tkfO+{ a:g] ckf6d{ G] 6 zx/sf] Psflt/ x'g;S5 . nQf–sk8f tyf vfBfGg vl/b
ug{] bfs] fg, 8fS6/sf] sfofn{ o, c+uh]| L efiff sIff / sfd ug{] 7fpF zx/s} csfl{ t/
xg' ;S5g\ . Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpF ;lhn} k'Ug tkfO+{n] af6f] yfxf kfpgk' 5{ .
lxF8/] } k'luG5 eg] t lgs} /fdf| ] xG' 5, tkfO+{sf] cxfe] fUo . kb} nafx]s cfjthfjt
ug]{ ;fwgx?df a;, 6\ofS;L / ;fOsn xg' \ . 7"nf zx/x?df b|'t ultdf ;]jf lbg]
/n] / nf]sn /n] x? xg' ;S5g\ .
7"nf zx/afx]s cGoq clwsf+z cdl] /sLx? sf/df Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpF hfG5g\ .
Local Transportation
Your apartment, stores where you shop for food and clothing, doctors’
offices, English language classes, and work locations may all be in very
different locations in the city or town where you live. You will need to
learn how to get from one location to another as efficiently as possible.
Sometimes, if you are lucky, it will be possible to walk. Other means of
transport include buses, taxis, and bicycles. The largest cities may also
have subways and commuter trains.
Except in the big cities, however, most Americans drive cars to move
from one place to another.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kb} n
lgs} hf8f] / lgs} udLa{ fxs] kb} n lxF8\g' :jf:Yosf nflu ©fObfhgs xg' 'sf
;fy} Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpFdf kU' g ;aeGbf ls©fotL xG' 5 . kb} n lxF8\bf ;8sdf
glxF8\gx' f];\ . ;w}F kSsL–;8sk]6L, ;8s5]psf] vfnL 7fpF jf 3fF;df lxF8\g'xf;] \ .
zx/L ;8ssf rfa} f6fx?df kb} nofq'nfO{ af6f] sf6\g jf lxF8\g ;lhnf] xf];\ egL
ljzi] f vfnsf lgoGq0f–pkfox? /flvPsf xG' 5g\ . To:tf lgoGq0fsf ;xfotfn]
u'l8/xs] f uf8Lx?n] ;+s]t kfpF5g,\ uf8Lx? /f]lsG5g\ / tkfO{+nfO{ af6f] sf6g\
;do ldN5 . tkfO{+n] af6f] sfl6 ;s]kl5 dfq uf8Lx? lxF8\5g\ . To:tf lgoGq0fsf
pkfox? k|ofu] ug]{ tl/sf l;Sgx' f];\ . olb st} To:tf ljz]if pkfox? 5g} g\ eg]
/ftf] aQLdf af6f] gsf6g\ x' f;] \ . To:tf pkfo ePsf 7fpF jf cGo 7fpFdf af6f]
sf6\bf uf8L cfpFb} 5g÷\ 5}gg\ eg/] b'j}t©{ x]gx{' f;] \ . b'36{ gfaf6 aRg'xf];\ .
Except in the very coldest and very hottest weather, walking can be
healthy exercise as well the least expensive way to go from one place to
94 Local Transportation and Own Car
another. Never walk in the street. Always walk on a paved sidewalk or on
the dirt or grass that is near the road. At some intersections of city roads
there are special controls that let pedestrians stop the cars so they can cross
the streets. Learn how to use those controls. If there are no special con-
trols, never walk across a street in the direction of a red stop light. When
crossing any street, even those with special controls, always look both
ways to make sure that there are no vehicles that could injure you.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
s'g} zx/ / gu/x?df Ps 7fpFaf6 csf{] 7fpFdf k'Ug ;fOsn rnfpFbf ofqf
;l' jwfhgs tyf ls©fotL xG' 5 . ;8sdf uf8Lx? a9L u8' \g] ePsfn] ;fOsn
rnfpFbf lgs} xf]l;of/ xg' k' 5{ / 6«fl©s–lgodsf] kfngf ug{'k5{ . Jo:t ;8sdf
;fOsn xfFSg' lgs} hf]lvdk0" f{ xG' 5 . afnaflnsfn] Jo:t ;8sx?df slxNo}
;fOsn r9\g' x'Fbg} .
In some towns and cities, owning and riding a bicycle, can be an effi-
cient and low cost method to get from one place to another. Because of the
automobile traffic, however, you must be very careful and obey all traffic
laws. Riding a bicycle on a busy street can be very dangerous. Children
should never ride bicycles on busy streets.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
w/] } zx/ / gu/x?sf 6o\ fS;Ln] ef8f lnP/ ofq'x? cf;] f/k;f/ u5g{ \ . 6o\ fS;L
rflxPsf] 5 eg] 6o\ fS;L sDkgLdf ©f]g u//] afn] fpg ;lsG5 . 6\ofS;L af]nfpFbf
slt an] f, sg' 7fpFdf /, sxfF hfg] eGg' k5{ . 6\ofS;Ldf ld6/ h8fg ul/Psf]
xG' 5 . of] ld6/n] 6\ofS;L u8' s] f] b/" Lsf cfwf/df ef8fsf] lx;fa u5{ . 6\ofS;L
r9\g' eof] eg] ld6/df p7]sf] ef8f lbgx' f];\ / as; ylklbg'xf];\ . as;nfO{
c+u]|hLdf -l6k_ elgG5 . l6k lbFbf ;fdfGotM hDdf ef8fsf] !% bl] v @) k|ltzt
lbg' kg]{ x'G5 .
Most cities and towns have taxi services that will take you from one
location to another for a fee. You may have to make a telephone call to a
taxi company and tell them when and where you want a taxi and where
you are going. Taxis have meters that calculate the distance of your trip
and its cost. If you take a taxi, you must pay the fee and should also pay
the driver a “tip”, usually 15%-20% of the fee.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 95
;a}h;f] cd]l/sL zx/x?df :yfgLo ?kdf ;fj{hlgs a;x? rN5g\ . tL
a;x? rNg] af6f] lglZrt x'G5 . ;fgf zx/ / gu/sf a;x? ;a} 7fpFdf gkU' g
;S5g\ . sg' } If]qx?df a; g} rNb}gg\ . cf©" a:g] zx/sf] a; Joj:yfaf/] kg' jf;{
;+:yfnfO{ ;f]Wgx' f];\ .
Almost all American cities have local public buses that travel fixed
routes. In smaller cities and towns the system of routes may not be very
complete and some parts of the community may have no buses at all. Ask
your resettlement agency for information about the bus system in your
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a; la;fg} L
a;x? tfl] sPsf] 7fpFdf dfq /f]lsG5g\ / tL 7fpFx? a;–la;fg} L xg' \ . a;–
la;f}gLx?df ;fdfGotM a; lxF8\g] af6f]sf] gDa/ jf Tof] af6fd] f a; sxfF sxfF
kU' 5g\ / /fl] sG5g\ eg]/ n]lvPsf] xG' 5 . ToxfF a;sf] ;do–tflnsf xg' ;S5,
h;df sg' 7fpFdf slt ah] a; kU' 5g\ eg/] n]lvPsf] xG' 5 . To;n} ] cfˆgf] 3/ jf
ckf6{d]G6glhs sxfF a; /f]lsG5g\ eg/] yfxf kfpg'xf];\ .
Bus Stops
Buses stop only at specific locations called bus stops. Bus stops usually
have signs that indicate the route number or route name of the buses that
stop at that location. They may also have schedules that tell what time a
bus is expected to stop there. You should learn the location of the bus stops
that are closest to your home.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a; rNg] ;do–tflnsf / gSzf
a; rNg] zx/sf] af6fs] f] gSzf / ;do–tflnsf;lxtsf] Pp6f krL{ lgMz'Ns
kfOG5 . o:tf] krLs{ f] Ps kl| t cfˆgf] ckf6d{ ]G6df /fVbf lgs} ;lhnf] xG' 5 . a;sf
rfns;Fu To:tf] krL{ sxfF kfOG5 < eg]/ ;fW] g ;lsG5 . o:tf] krL{ ePkl5 cf©"
hfgk' g{] 7fpFsf] a; s'g xf] -slt gDa/sf] xf_] < a; slt a]nf cfpF5 < slt ah]
k'¥ofpF5 < slt ;do nufpF5 < h:tf hfgsf/L ;lhn} kfOG5 .
Bus Schedules and Maps
It is useful in your apartment to have a copy of the map and schedule
of your town’s bus system. Ask the driver of a bus where you can get a
copy of the schedule of buses and a map of the entire system. When you
have a map and schedule you can determine which buses will take you to
96 Local Transportation and Own Car
the locations where you need to go and what time buses will arrive at the
bus stops.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a; l6s6 / lgMzN' s ofqf ;'ljwf
a;sf] l6s6–b/ zx/lkR5] ©/s xG' 5 . sg' } zx/df a; r9b\ f ef8f
nfUb}g, t/ w]/}h;f]df kT| os] JolStnfO{ Ps 8n/, bO' { 8n/ jf Tofe] Gbf cln a9L klg
xg' ;S5 . zx/leq lgs} 6f9f;Dd hfgk' ¥of] eg] To;a]nf # 8n/ jf sd÷a9L
klg ltg'{ kg{] xg' ;S5 . s'g} zx/df a; r9g\ c' l3 l6s6 sf6\g' kg]{ xG' 5 .
sg' d} f rfns;Fu jf a;leqsf] dl;gaf6 l6s6 lsGg kfOG5 .
clwsf+z zx/x?df w]/} a;df lxFl8/xg] dfG5n] fO{ ;x'lnot b/sf] ef8f ltg]{
Joj:yf ldnfOPsf] x'G5 . To:tf] cj:yfdf r9l] kR5] l6s6 lsGg'eGbf lbge/, Ps
xKtf jf Ps dlxgfsf nflu Psdi' 6 l6s6 lsGbf ;:tf] x'G5 . ;xl' not b/sf]
l6s6 sxfF kfOG5 eg/] a;–rfns jf l5d]sLnfO{ ;f]Wg'xf;] \ .
Bus Tickets and Passes
The price of a ticket to ride on a bus is different in different cities. In
a few places it may be free, but usually it will cost $1.00, $2.00 or a little
less/more for each person. The cost to go a long distance on a city bus
system may be $3.00 or more. Some city buses require you to have a ticket
before you get on the bus. Other buses may allow you to buy a ticket from
the driver or a machine on the bus.
Most city bus systems also have special fees for people who use the
buses a lot. You may be able to buy tickets that let you ride for a day, a
week, or a month at less cost than buying a new ticket for each ride. Ask a
bus driver or a neighbor where you can buy these kinds of tickets.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
l;sfuf], Go' of]s,{ ;fgk|mflG;:sf,] c6\nfG6f, / dfofdL h:tf 7n" f cd]l/sL zx/df
/]n ;]jfx? 5g\ . dflg;x?n] cf©" Ps 7fpFaf6 csf]{ 7fpFdf hfg oLg} /]nx?df
e/ k5{g\ . o:tf /]nx?nfO{ …;a–j]Ú / …sDo'6/Ú /]n elgG5 . oL /n] df ofqf
ubf{ a;eGbf rfF8f] x'G5 / ;8sdf x'g] le8ef8df kl/bg} . a; h:t} /n] klg
tf]lsPsf 7fpFx?df /f]lsG5g\ / lglZrt ;dodf rN5g\ . To;u} /L Ps lbg, Ps
xKtf jf Ps dlxgfe/ /]n r9g\ Psdi' 6 ;:tf]df l6s6 vl/b ug{ ;lsG5 .
Subways and Commuter Rail
The biggest American cities, like Chicago, New York, San Francisco,
Atlanta, and Miami, have subways or commuter trains that move people
from one part of town to another faster than buses because they avoid
crowded city streets. Like bus systems, these have designated stops and
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 97
schedules and may have special passes that allow you to ride for a day, a
week, or a month.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cfgf] uf8L
uf8L -sf/_ lsGg' / cf©" uf8L–wgL xg' ' egs] f] dV' o / ljrf/0fLo nufgL
xf] . olt 7n" f] nufgL ug]{ lg0fo{ ugc'{ l3 s] ubf{ s;f] x'G5 < ljsNk / tYox?dfly
;fr] ljrf/ ug{'xf;] \ . uf8L lsGg] lg0f{ocl3 uf8L–wgLsf ?kdf tkfO{+sf w/] } lhDd]jf/L
xG' 5g\ . tL lhDd]jf/L k"/f ug'{k5{ . To;}n] uf8L lsGg'cl3 nfO;G] ; lng,] uf8Lsf]
ladf ug]{ / ;'/lIft ?kdf uf8L xfFSg] h:tf lhDd]jf/Laf/] dgg ugk{' 5{ .
Buying and Owning a Car
Buying and owning your own car is a major investment. Before making
this financial commitment, learn about the options and factors to consider.
Before deciding to buy a car, know what your responsibilities will be as a
car owner, including being a licensed, insured, and safe driver.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gof“ jf k'/fgf] uf8L
gofF uf8L -sf/_ x? ;Lw} sf/vfgfaf6 cfPsf x'G5g,\ hf] rnfOPsf xF'b}gg\ .
cd]l/sfdf a]lrg] l7s}sf] gofF uf8Lsf] cf};t dN" o sl/a @* xhf/ 8n/ k5{ . gofF
uf8Lx? l8n/x?df a]lrG5g\ . uf8Lsf] bf]sfgnfO{ l8n/lzk elgG5 .
k/' fgf] uf8L eg]sf] c? s;n} ] rnfO/xs] f] jf rnfPsf] / aR] g rfx]sf] uf8L xf] .
kfFr jif{ rnfPsf] uf8LeGbf bz jif{ rnfPsf] uf8L ;:tf] x'G5 . k'/fgf] uf8Ln] w/] }
dfOn b"/L k'/f u/s] f] x'G5, To;}n] To;sf] d"No sd x'G5 . k/' fgf] uf8L 5, lsGbf
;:tf] eof] eg/] klg x'Fb}g . o:tf] uf8LnfO{ rfF8} / w]/} dd{t ugk{' g]{ xg' ;S5 .
ddt{ df w]/} vr{ nfUg ;S5 . k/' fgf uf8Lx? klg l8n/df a]lrG5g\ . k/' fgf] uf8L
aR] g rfxg]n] cfˆgf] uf8Laf/] ;"rgf OG6/g6] jf klqsfdf lbG5g\ . l8n/df aR] g
/flvg] k/' fgf] uf8L x]l/–hfFrL lsGg'k5{ . uf8L hfFRg] sfd dd{t ug{] kf| ljlwsx?n]
g} u5{g\ . pgn] uf8Lsf] cj:yf s:tf] 5 < atfpg ;S5g\ . l8n/af6 al] rg]
s]xL k'/fgf uf8Lsf] klg Uof/]G6L xG' 5, eTs–] lau|d] f lglZrt lbgleq s]xL dd{t klg
ul/lbOG5 . ;fdfGotM o:tf] Uof/G] 6L Ps dlxgfsf] x'G5 .
New or Used
New cars come from the factory and have never been used before. The
average price of a new car sold in the United States is around $28,000.
New cars are sold at dealerships, which are car stores.
Used cars are vehicles that someone has owned before, and wants to
sell. A ten year old used car will generally cost less than a 5 year old
used car. The older a used car is and the more miles it has already been
driven, the less it costs to buy. But older, less expensive cars may need
98 Local Transportation and Own Car
more repairs sooner and repairs can cost hundreds of dollars. Used cars are
sold at dealerships or through people who advertise on the Internet or in
newspapers. Used cars sold by dealerships are usually tested by a service
technician who decides if the car is in good condition. Some used cars sold
by dealers will have a “warranty” that guarantees that the dealer will fix
certain kinds of problems in a certain time period, often 30 days.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
t]n -Uof;“ _ vr{
uf8Ln] slt UofF; k|ofu] u//] slt dfOn bf}8g ;S5, To;nfO{ UofF; dfOn]h
elgG5 . OGwg–ls©fot ug]{ uf8Lx?n] cf;} t uf8Lx?eGbf yf]/} UofF; ko| fu] u5g{ \
/ o:tf uf8Ldf af/Daf/ UofF; xfln/xg' kb{g} . OGwg ©f? ug]{ uf8L zx/–ahf/df
xfFSbf Ps Uofng UofF;n] @)–@% dfOn;Dd sb' \5g\ eg] /fhdfud{ f xfFSbf #)–$)
dfOn;Dd sb' 5\ g\ . OGwg–ls©fotL ug]{ uf8L lsGbf w/] } nufgL ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 /
;do laTb} hfFbf sd UofF; vr{gfn] tkfO{+sf] k};f art xG' 5 .
Gas Mileage
Gas mileage is the number of miles a car will travel based on the
amount of gasoline it uses. Fuel-efficient cars use less fuel than the aver-
age car, and need to be refilled with gas less often. A car with good gas
mileage gets around 20-25 miles per gallon (MPG) of gas when driving
in the city, and 30-40 MPG when driving on the highway. You may spend
more money to buy a fuel efficient car, but save money over time by pur-
chasing less gas.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8L vl/b
dgk/s] f] uf8L lsGbf ©/s l8n/x?df jf ©/s lj1fkgx?df nl] vPsf d"No
bfFHgx' f;] \ . gofF uf8L x]g]{ xf] eg] To;df ljleGg Uof/]G6Lx? lbOPsf xG' 5g\ .
To:tf Uof/]G6L s] sd] f 5g\ /fd/| L k9g\ x' f];\ . uf8L lsg]sf] lglZrt ;doleq uf8L–
pTkfbsn] lglZrt ;]jf jf ;/;fdfg lbg] ;t{ nl] vPsf] sfuh …Uof/]G6LÚ xf] . uf8L
lsGgc' l3 o;sf] cj:yf l7s 5 eGg] hfFRg uf8L xfFs]/ xg] '{xf];\ . o;nfO{ …6]:6
8f« OeÚ ug{' elgG5 . k'/fgf] uf8L lsGg'cl3 ds] flgsnfO{ hfFRg nufpgx' f;] \ . l;kfn'
ds] flgs sxfF e6] \g ;lsG5 eg/] ;fyLefO jf Oi6ldq;Fu ;f]w] x'G5 . cge' jL
ds] flgsn] uf8L /fd|f] cj:yfdf 5 jf 5g} eG5g\ . To;kl5 tkfO+{n] Tof] uf8L lsGg]
jf glsGg] lg0fo{ ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 .
Buying a Car
Compare prices of cars that you like at different dealerships or in ad-
vertisements. For new cars, read about the different types of warranties
with each car, and ask if there are extended warranties offered. A warranty
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 99
is a written promise that the car maker will provide certain services or
products for your car for a limited amount of time. Always test drive cars
to make sure they work well. Have a mechanic inspect the car if you are
buying a used car. Ask friends or community members for a good me-
chanic in your neighborhood. An experienced mechanic will tell you if the
car is in good condition or not, then you can decide if you want to buy it.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dN" odf df]ntfn]
cd]l/sfdf c? ;fdfg lsGg'eGbf uf8L lsGg' ©/s x'G5 . uf8L–ljqm]tfx?sf]
efpdf tkfO{+n] ;Sbf] df]ntf]n ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . uf8L lsGg hfFbf cln wfw} f} xG' 5
/ lgs} cndndf kl/G5 . To;}n] uf8L lslg;ss] f] ;fyLefO jf Oi6ldqnfO{ ;fy}
nfgx' f];\, hf] /fd/| L c+u|h] L af]Ng, aˇ' g / k9g\ hfGg] xg' \ . ©;' {b lnP/ hfg'xf;] \ .
uf8L–ljqmt] fx?n] n6k6 kf//] uf8Lsf ;d:of 5ns] f] jf a9L dN" o lnPsf] tkfO{+n]
kQf] gkfpg ;Sg'xG' 5 . w]/} k|Zgx? ;fW] g'xf];\ / xtf/ gugx{' f];\ . uf8L lsGg] 6+'uf]
x'G5 . ;xdltsf nflu Pp6f sfuh tof/ xG' 5 . To;df tkfO+{n] ;xL ug{'k5{ .
t/ ;xL ug{c' l3 pSt sfuh /fd/| L k9\gx' f];\ . ;xL u/]kl5 s/f/df pNnv] ePsf
;t{x? tkfO+{n] dfGgk' 5{ . tL ;t{x? l©tf{ x'Fbg} g\ . ©g] { klg ldNbg} g\ .
Negotiating the Price
Buying a car in the United States is different from making other pur-
chases. You can bargain with sellers to pay less money than they ask for.
Because buying a car can be stressful and confusing, take someone with
you who speaks, understands, and reads English fluently and has pur-
chased a car in the United States. Take your time. Car salesmen will often
try to rush you so that you do not notice any problems with the car or do
not understand extra costs. Ask lots of questions, and go slowly. Once you
have reached a deal with the seller, read the papers you sign very carefully.
Once you sign these papers, you cannot change your contract.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8Lsf] eS' tfgL
uf8L dxFuf xG' 5g\ . w/] } dflg;n] uf8L lsGg cfˆgf ;fyLefO–Oi6ldq jf a+}s;Fu
C0f lnG5g\ . s'g–} sg' } l8n/n] klg C0fsf] ka| Gw u5{g\ . olb tkfO{+n] a}+s jf
uf8L l8n/af6 C0f lng'eof] eg] s'n dN" osf] s]xL efu ;'?d} ltg{'k5{ . afFsL /sd
C0fsf ?kdf /xG5 . a}+s jf l8n/nfO{ dlxgflkR5] lglZrt /sd ltg'k{ 5{ . pSt
/sddf uf8Lsf] d"No -;fFjf_ / Aofh bj' } xG' 5 .
a+}sx?n] cfˆgf u|fxsnfO{ C0fsf nflu of]Uo jf cof]Uo eg]/ 56' \ofpF5g\ .
To;}n] uf8L lsGgc' l3 a}+sn] C0f lbG5 jf lbFb}g eGg] a'ˇg a+}s hfgk' 5{ . a}+s–C0f
kfpg tkfO{+n] a}+s;Fu /fdf| ] sf/fj] f/ u/s] f] …qm]l86 lx:6«LÚ x'g'k5{ of …qml] 86 lx:6«LÚ
100 Local Transportation and Own Car
/fd|f] ePsf] c? s;n} ] C0f lng] sfuhdf x:tfIf/ ul/lbgk' 5{ . tkfO+{n] C0f
ltg'e{ Pg eg] x:tfIf/ ug{] csf]{ JolStn] ltgk{' 5{ . a}+sn] tkfO+{nfO{ C0f lbg] jf
glbg] / a9Ldf slt /sd lbg] eGg] lg0f{o u5{ .
Paying for a Car
Cars are expensive and some people must get a loan from a family
member or a bank to pay for them. Some car dealers will also make loans.
If you get a loan from a bank or car dealer, you will have to pay a certain
portion of the price in cash and the loan will pay the remainder. You will
then have to pay the bank or car dealer a fixed amount each month for an
agreed number of months to pay back the loan plus interest.
You can go to a bank before you shop for a car to learn if you “prequal-
ify”, or are eligible, for a car loan. To prequalify for a loan, you need to
have a good credit history or you must have a co-signer who has good
credit. A co-signer is someone who is responsible for paying the car loan
if you do not pay. The bank decides whether to give you a loan, and the
maximum amount that they will loan to you.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8Lsf] nfnk'hf{
tkfO+{n] gofF jf k'/fgf] uf8L lsgk] l5 ljqm]tfn] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f sfuh pknAw
u/fpgk' 5{, h;nfO{ …uf8Lsf] nfnkh' fÚ{ -e]OSn 6fO6n_ elgG5 . pSt sfuh g}
tkfO{+ uf8L–wgL xf] eGg] v'nfpg] cfk} rfl/s b:tfj]h xf] . pSt sfuhdf uf8Lsf]
ks| f/ / ag]sf] jif,{ ljz]if uf8L kl/ro gDa/ -eO] Sn cfO8]lG6l©s];g gDa/,
eLcfOPg_ / cGo hfgsf/L xG' 5 .
Vehicle Title
When you buy a new or used car, the seller must provide you with a
paper called an “vehicle title.” This is an official document that states that
you are the owner of the car. It will state the type and year of the car, its
special vehicle identification number (VIN), and other information.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8L btf{
;8sdf uf8L xfFSg lgsfNg'eGbf klxn] cf©" a:g] /fHodf tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] uf8L
btf{ ugk{' 5{ . ha uf8L lsGgx' G' 5, k|foMh;f] ToxL an] f l8n/n] tkfO+{nfO{ c:yfoL uf8L
btf{ lbPsf x'G5g\ . of] c:yfoL btf{n] Ps jf bO' { xKtf sfd u5{ . oxL ;dodf
tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8L …l8kf6{dG] 6 c© df6] / e]OsN;Ú -l8PdeL_ df btf{ ug{'xf];\ . uf8L
btf{ ubf{ zN' s ltgk'{ 5{ . uf8L btf{ u/k] l5 pSt sfofn{ on] tkfO+{nfO{ wfts' f Ps jf
bO' { nfO;]G; kftf -Kn6] _ x? lbG5 . tL kftfx? uf8Ldf 6fF:gk' 5{ .
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 101
Car Registration
In order to drive a car on the roads, you must register your car with
the state where you live. When you buy a car, the dealer will usually give
you a temporary car registration that is good for a week or two. During
that time you must register your car with your state’s Department of Mo-
tor Vehicles (DMV) and pay a registration fee. When you have registered
your car and paid the fee, the DMV will give you one or two metal license
plates that must be attached to the car.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8L ladf
sfgg' L ?kdf uf8L xfFSg tkfO{+n] uf8Lsf] ladf u/fPsf] x'g'k5{ . tkfO{+n] ltg{–'
kg{] cfjZos Go"gtd ladf slt x'G5 eg]/ a'ˇg /fHosf] l8PdeLdf hfgx' f];\ .
sg' } /fHodf ladf u/] jf gu/]sf] gvf]h] klg C0f lbg] a}+ssf nflu ladf cfjZos
xG' 5 . b'36{ gf eO{ cfˆgf] uf8Ldf jf c?nfO{ Iflt k'u] ladfn] sx] L cflys{ ;+/If0f
k|bfg u5{ . ladf gLltcg';f/ tkfO{+n] lgoldt ?kdf lglZrt s]xL /sd ae' mfpg'
k5{ . o:tf] /sdnfO{ ladfsf] ls:tf -OG:of]/G; lkl| dod_ elgG5 . tkfO+{sf] b'36{ gf
eof] eg] ladfn] cfjZos s]xL /sdsf] lx:;f ax] f5] { . uf8L ddt{ ubf{ tkfO{+n] s6f}tL
/sd ltg'{k5{ / afFsL /sd ladf sDkgLn] ax] f5] { . ladf ePg eg] ;a} vr{ tkfO{+n]
a]xf]g'k{ 5{ . Tof] dd{t vr{ xhf/f}+ 8n/ xg' ;S5 / tkfO+{ C0fdf 8A' g ;Sg'x'G5 .
c?n] tkfO{+sf] uf8L c?n] rnfP/ jf tkfO+{n] c?sf] uf8L rnfP/ Iflt k¥' ofP
jf b3' 6{ gf ePdf ladf sDkgLn] vr{ gax] f]g{ klg ;S5 .
Car Insurance
Almost all states require you to have insurance to drive legally. You
should check with your state’s DMV to learn what the minimum insurance
requirements are in your state. Even if your state does not require insurance,
banks will require you to have insurance if you buy your car with a loan.
Car insurance gives you some financial protection if your car is damaged
or someone is hurt in an accident. You must pay a certain amount of money
(called the “insurance premium”) periodically for the insurance policy.
If you are in an accident, insurance may cover some of the related
costs. There is a “deductible” amount that you will have to pay before the
insurance will cover the remaining costs. Without insurance, you have to
pay all of the costs on your own, which could be many thousands of dol-
lars and put you into debt.
Insurance may not cover other people who drive your car or you when
you drive someone else’s car.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
102 Local Transportation and Own Car
uf8L lg/LIf0f
sx] L /fHodf ;/' Iffsf nflu ;a} uf8Lx? Ps jf bO' { jifd{ f Ps k6s lg/LIf0f
u/fpg'k5{ . cGo sx] L /fHodf k'/fgf uf8Lsf] dfq lg/LIf0f ul/G5 . sx] L
/fHodf o:tf] lg/LIf0faf6 uf8Ln] ˆofFSg] w'Fjfn] xfjfdf k|b"if0f ©n} fPsf] 5 jf 5}g
hfFlrG5 . tkfO{+sf] uf8Lsf] wF'jfn] pSt /fHodf tfl] sPsf] …jfos' f] u'0f:t/ dfkb08Ú
gfF£g' x'Fb}g . cfˆgf] /fHosf] ;jf/L lg/LIf0fsf cfjZostfx? cf©n" ] kfngf u/]sf]
;l' glZrt xg' 'k5{ . To;sf nflu l8PdeLsf lgod x]g'{xf;] \ .
Vehicle Inspection
Some states require all cars to be inspected for safety every year or
every two years. Other states require safety inspections only for older cars.
Some states also require cars to be inspected to be sure they meet air qual-
ity standards. Check with your state’s DMV and make sure that you have
complied with your state’s vehicle inspection requirements.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
OlGhgsf] tn] ©]g{] / 6fo/df xfjf sd–a];L ePsf] hfFRg] h:tf lgoldt /v] –
bv] ugfn{ ] tkfO+{sf] uf8Ln] /fdf| ] / w]/} ;do sfd u5{ . uf8L;Fu} lbOPsf] ;fg' k:' ts
k9g\ 'xf];\ . o; k':tsnfO{ …Dofgc' nÚ elgG5 . pSt k:' tsdf uf8Lsf] s'g efu /
slxn] s:tf] dd{t ug'k{ 5{ eg]/ nl] vPsf] xG' 5 . l;kfn' d]sflgsnfO{ cfˆgf] uf8L
b]vfpg'xf;] \ . pgn] /fHosf] cfjZostfcg';f/ lg/LIf0f / cGo sg' } klg cfjZos
dd{t u5{g\ .
Regular maintenance, such as changing the oil and checking tire air
pressure, will keep your car working for better and longer. Read the own-
er’s manual to learn about your car’s maintenance needs and schedule.
Take your car to a good auto mechanic to have them perform state required
inspections and any necessary maintenance.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
rfns cg'dlt–kq
;fj{hlgs af6fd] f uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+;Fu /fHon] lbPsf] dfGotf–k|fKt rfns
cgd' lt–kq -nfO;]G;_ x'g'k5{ . cg'dlt–kq;DaGwL lgod / ljlgod /fHolkR5]
©/s x'G5g\ . tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] /fHosf] l8PdeLaf6 klxnf] rfns cg'dlt–kq kf| Kt
ug{ s] s] ug{k' 5{ eGg] yfxf kfpg'xf;] \ . ;fwf/0ftofM cfFvfsf] Ifdtf hfFRg] k/LIff,
rfns;DaGwL lgodaf/] k/LIff / kx| /L jf l8PeLsf sd{rf/L;Fu ;8sdf uf8L xfFSg]
k/LIff kf; ug{'k5{ . tkfO{+ a;s] f] /fHon] kb| fg u/]sf] pSt cg'dlt–kq ePkl5
tkfO{+n] c? ;a} /fHodf uf8L rnfpg kfpgx' G' 5 .
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 103
Driver’s License
You must have a valid driver’s license issued by your state to legally
drive on public roads. The laws and regulations regarding licenses differ
in different states. You should check with your state’s DMV (Department
of Motor Vehicles) about what you must do to obtain your first driving
license. Generally, however, you must be able to pass an eye test, a written
test on driving laws, and a practical road test given by a police officer or
DMV official. The license issued by your state allows you to drive in all
other states as well.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;jf/L rfnssf lgod
;Demg'kg{] slx dxÎjk0" f{ lgod–sfg'g o:tf 5g\ M
• uf8L rnfpg tkfO{+;Fu dfGotf–kf| Kt rfns cgd' lt–kq -nfO;G] ;_ x'g'k5{ .
• w]/}h;f] /fHodf uf8L rnfpFbf jf ofqf ubf{ tkfO{+n] l;6–aN] 6 afFWgk' 5{ .
• ;fdfGotM s'g} lglZrt pd]/ jf tfn} sf gfgLx?nfO{ uf8Ldf lx8fpFbf pgLx?sf
nflu agfOPsf sf/–l;6df pgLx?nfO{ /fVgk} 5{ .
• w/] }h;f] /fHodf dfa] fOn ©f]gdf s/' f ub{} jf 6]S:6 -Dof;h] _ k7fpFb} uf8L
rnfpg ldNbg} .
• /S;L jf nfuk' bfy{ ;j] g u/s] f] cj:yfdf slxNo} uf8L grnfpg' xf];\ .
Driving Laws
Some important laws to remember are:
• You must have a valid driver’s license to drive a car.
• In most states, you must wear a seat belt while driving or riding in a
• Generally, children under a certain age or weight must ride in a special
car seat.
• In many states, you may not drive while texting or talking on a phone.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
uf8L b3' {6gf
tkfO{+sf sf/0f ;jf/L b'36{ gf eof] eg] To;} 5f8]/ efUg' u}/sfgg' L x'G5 .
tkfO+{ y'gfdf kg{ ;Sgx' G' 5 / z/0ffyLs{ f] kl/ro vf]l;g ;S5 . olb tkfO{+ jf c?
s;a} f6 b3' 6{ gf eof] eg] ;xof]usf nflu (!! df ©f]g ug'{xf;] \ . (!! df ©f]g ubf{
k|x/LnfO{ klg b'3{6gfsf] hfgsf/L lng afn] fpg'xf;] \ . b3' {6gfdf k/s] f] csf{] uf8Lsf
rfnsnfO{ cfˆgf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]ln©fg] gDa/ / ladf;DaGwL hfgsf/L lbgx' f];\ .
To;}u/L csf]{ uf8Lsf rfns;Fu pgsf] gfd, 7]ufgf, 6]ln©fg] gDa/ / ladf;DaGwL
104 Local Transportation and Own Car
hfgsf/L lng'xf;] \ . st} /fl] s/fvs] f] uf8Ldf tkfO{+sf] uf8Ln] 7Ss/ lbof] eg] pSt
uf8L–wgLn] tkfO+{nfO{ ;Dks{ ug{ ;lhnf] xf;] \ eGgsf nflu Pp6f sfuhdf ;Dks{
hfgsf/L -tkfO+{sf] gfd, 7]ufgf, ©fg] gDa/_ 5f8\gx' f;] \ . cfˆgf] ladf sDkgLnfO{
b3' {6gfaf/] atfpg k6Ss} l9nf] gug'x{ f;] \ .
Car Accidents
If you are in an automobile accident, it is illegal to leave an accident
that you caused; you could go to jail and possibly lose your refugee status.
If you or anyone else is hurt, call 911 for an ambulance. Also call 911 and
have the police officer come to document the accident. Give your name,
address, telephone number and insurance information to other drivers. Get
their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and insurance information. If
you hit a parked car, leave a note with your contact information so the
other driver can contact you. Call your insurance company as soon as pos-
sible to let them know what happened.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
gfgLx¿sf nflu sf/–l;6
cjZo klg tkfO+{ cfˆgf] gfgLnfO{ uf8Ldf ;/' lIft ofqf u/fpg rfxgx' G' 5 .
sl/a # jif{;Ddsf gfgLnfO{ k5fl8 ©lsP{ sf] sf/–l;6df /fv/] dfq ofqf u/fpg–'
k5{ . To:t} $ b]lv & jifs{ f gfgLnfO{ Ps 7fpFdf 6dSs afFw]/ /fVg ldNg] cufl8
©lsP{ sf] sf/–l;6df /fVg'k5{ . o:tf sf/–l;6af/] ;Nnfx dfUgx' f;] \ . kg' jf;{
;+:yfnfO{ eGg'xf];\ . k'gjf{; ;+:yfsf] ;Dks{df s'g} ;fdb' flos ;+:yf xg' ;S5, h;n]
;fk6df jf ;:tf] d"Nodf sf/–l;6 lbnfpg ;S5g\ .
Child Car Seats
Of course you want to keep young children safe when they ride in your
car. Infants and children up to about age 3 should ride in special rear-
facing child seats. Children who are from 4 to 7 years old should ride in
forward-facing child seats with special harness that holds them in place.
Ask for advice about car seats. Your resettlement agency may know of a
community agency that loans car seats or provides used seats at low cost.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;jf/L / kx| /L
tkfO{+n] tfl] sPsf] ulteGbf a9Ldf uf8L xfFSg'eof] eg] jf /ftf] aQL x'FbfxF'b} c6/]
u/L 6f« l©s lgod pNn3+g uge{' of] eg] k|x/Ln] tkfO+{sf] uf8L /fS] g ;S5g\ . tkfO+{sf]
uf8Lk5fl8 lemldSs–lemldSs aQL afNb} jf ;fO/g ahfpFb} k|x/Lsf] uf8L cfO–
/x]sf] 5 eg] cfˆgf] uf8LnfO{ lj:tf/} 5p] nufP/ ;'/lIft 7fpFdf /f]Sgx' f;] \ . kx| /Ln]
cfˆgf] uf8L tkfO{+sf] k5f8L /f]s] eg] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] uf8Lsf] OlGhg aGb ug'{xf];\
/ cf©" uf8Lleq a:g'xf];\ . ha k|x/L tkfO+{sf] uf8Lglhs cfpF5g,\ pgL cfPkl§sf]
:yfgLo oftfoft / cfˆgf] uf8L 105
l;;f vf]Ng'xf;] \ / cfˆgf b'j} xftn] :6]ol/ªsf] dflyNnf] efu ;dft]/ a:g'xf];\ . xft
vNtLlt/ xfNg] jf otf–ptf ug]{ gugx'{ f];\ . zfGt x'g'xf;] \ . pgn] tkfO{+sf] rfns
cgd' lt–kq -nfO;G] ;_ / uf8L–btf{sf] sfuh dfu] eg] b]vfpg'k5{ . pgn] tkfO+{sf]
uf8L vfgtnf;L ug'k{ 5{ eg] tkfO{+n] …xG' gÚ eGg kfpg' x'G5 . of] tkfO{+sf] clwsf/
xf] . k|x/Ln] tkfO+{nfO{ 6«fl©s lgod pNn3+g ug{e' of] eGg ;S5g\ / l6s6
lbg;S5g\ . w]/}h;f] l6s6df hl/jfgf n]lvPsf] xG' 5 . pSt hl/jfgf tkfO+{n]
ltgk{' 5{ . t/ hl/jfgflj?4 clkn ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5, cbfnt hfg ;Sgx' G' 5 / tkfO+{sf]
clkndf GofofwLzn] ©};nf ug'x{ G' 5 .
Driving and the Police
The police may want to stop your car if they believe you have broken
a law like driving faster than the speed limit or going through a red traffic
light. If you see a police car behind you with flashing lights or hear sirens,
steer your car to the side of the road and stop in a safe place. If the police
car stops behind you, turn off your car and stay inside. When the police
officer approaches your car, roll down your window and keep your hands
on the steering wheel. Be calm. You must show your driver’s license and
car registration if the officer asks for them. If a police officer asks to search
your car, you have the right to say no. The officer may say that you vio-
lated a law and give you a “ticket.” Most tickets state a fine that you must
pay. However, you can appeal a ticket, go to court, and a judge will decide
your case.
cWofo !) : /sd Joj:yfkg / a+}lsª
Chapter 10 : Money Management and Banking
cfo–Joosf] cg'dfg
tkfO+{ cfˆgf] cfDbfgL s] ug{x' 'G5 < slt vr{ ug{'x'G5 / slt arfpg'–
xG' 5 < gub Joj:yfkg s;/L ug]{ / vr{ s] sd] f ug{k' 5{ jf ul/G5 eg]/ Psk6s
l;Sg'eof] eg] art ug{ ;lhnf] x'G5 . tkfO{+sf] cfjZostfsf cfwf/df /sd vrg{ ]
/ art ug{] of]hgfnfO{ ah6] -cfo–Joosf] cgd' flgt n]vf_ elgG5 . dfl;s ah]6
tof/ kfgfn{ ] tkfO+{nfO{ kT| os] dlxgf s;/L vr{ ugk{' 5{ eGg] :ki6 x'G5 .
Pp6f sfuhdf kl/jf/sf ;a} ;b:osf] dfl;s cfDbfgL nV] g'xf;] \ . sn'
cfDbfgLdf sfdjfktsf] Hofnf÷tna, ©8" 6o\ fDk, 6o\ fg© -vfFrf] k/]sf kl/jf/–
nfO{ c:yfoL ;xfotf, 6]Dkf]//L Pl;:6G] ; ©/ lg8L k]mldlnh_ / cGo ;/sf/L
;xfotf÷;l' jwfx? k5g{ \ . To;;} Fu dlxgfe/ sg' sg' sfdsf nflu slt vr{ nfU5
nV] gx' f;] \ . vr{df 3/ef8f, lahn' L, 3/ ttfpg] tfksf] vr{, vfBfGg, nQfsk8f, a;–
ef8f, sf/sf] dfl;s C0f, sf/nfO{ UofF;, cf}ifwL, 6l] n©f]g, s]a'n l6eL, cGt/fl{ i6«o
cfkj| f; ;+u7g -cfOcf]Pd_ sf] ofqf–C0f cflb k5g{ \ . oL j:t' / ;'ljwf tkfO+{sf
cfjZostf x'g,\ tkfO+{sf OR5f xfO] gg\ .
cfˆgf] s'n cfDbfgL / s'n vr{ t'ngf ug'{xf];\ . tkfO{+sf] vr{eGbf cfDbfgL a9L
eof] eg] tkfO+{n] art ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 jf rfxs] f] sx] L ;fdfg lsGg ;Sgx' G' 5 .
Creating A Budget
What do you do with your money? How much do you spend and save?
Once you learn how to manage money and track spending, saving money
will be easier. A budget is a plan for spending and saving money based on
your goals. Creating a monthly budget will help you see how you spend
your money each month.
On a piece of paper, write down each of your family’s sources of income
for a month. These may include wages from jobs, food stamps, TANF, and
other public assistance. Next write down each of the things you will spend
money on during the month. These may include, rent, electricity, heat,
food, clothing, bus fares, car loans, gasoline for a car, medicine, telephone,
cable TV, repaying the IOM travel loan, etc. These expenses should be
only the things you need, not things you want.
Compare the total of income and the total of expenses. The amount of
income that is greater than your expenses can be saved or can be used to
buy some things that you want.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
108 Money Management and Banking
vr{sf] af“8˚f6“
ah]6nfO{ cfwf/ dfg]/ tkfO{+ k|To]s dlxgf ug]{ vr{ cgd' fg ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 .
clg ls©fotL k;ndf ;/;fdfg lsGg] jf sd lah'nL rnfpg] h:tf afgL ug]a{ f/]
;fR] gx' f];\ . eljiosf nflu k|Tos] dlxgf sx] L art ug{] sf]lzz ug{x' f;] \ . o:tf] art–
nfO{ k9fO vr{, sf/ jf 3/ lsGg cyjf cfkftsflng cj:yfdf k|of]u ug{ ;Sg–'
x'G5 . dflg;x? sfd ug{ g;Sg] ePkl5 a'9]; sfndf ;'v;Fu afFRg o:tf art
k|ofu] u5{g\ . art ug{ a+}s vftfdf k;} f /fVg yfNgx' f];\ .
Using Your Budget
Using your budget, you can see what you spend money on every month.
Think about how you might change your spending by shopping at cheaper
stores or using less electricity, for example. Try to set aside some money
every month for your financial future. Use these savings to pay for school,
to buy a car or house, or in an emergency. People also use savings to live
comfortably when they are too old to work. To start saving, put money in
a bank account.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
lan eS' tfgL
tkfO+{n] k|To]s dlxgf 3/ef8f, 3/n] ' ko| f]hgsf ;l' jwfx?sf] vr{ / cGo lanx?
ltgk{' 5{ . 3/n] ' ko| fh] gsf ;'ljwf eGgfn] 3/ ttfpg] tfk–z'Ns, lahn' L, 6l] n©f]g,
sa] 'n / Po/–slG8;g a'lemG5 . o:tf ;l' jwfx?sf] zN' s Hofb} dxFuf] xg' ;S5 .
sg' } ckf6{dG] 6df 3/]n' ko| f]hgsf ;l' jwfx?sf nflu ltg{] k};f 3/ef8fd} hf]l8Psf]
xG' 5 . tkfO+{n] sg' sg' 3/n] ' ko| f]hgsf ;l' jwfsf nflu k};f ltgk'{ 5{ eg]/ 3/a]6L;Fu
;fW] g'k5{ / aˇ' gk' 5{ .
Paying Your Bills
You must pay your rent, utilities, and other bills on time every month.
Utilities usually include heat, electricity, telephone, cable, and air con-
ditioning. Utilities can be very expensive. The amount of rent for some
apartments may include some utilities. You should ask your landlord and
understand what utilities you must pay.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
pmhf{ / k};fsf] art
3/ ttfpg] ©g];{ , lx6/ jf Po/–slG8;g/ rln/x]sf] 5 eg] 9fs] f / ˇofnx?
aGb ugx{' f;] \ . ydf:{] 66] gfdsf] pks/0fn] tkfO{+sf] ckf6d{ ]G6sf] tfkqmd sd–a];L
u5{ . hf8fd] f ydf]{:66] nfO{ ^% bl] v &) l8uL| aLrdf ldnfP/ /fVgk' 5{ . udL{df
tkfO+{sf] ckf6d{ G] 6df Po/–slG8;g 5 eg] ydf:]{ 6]6nfO{ &) bl] v &% l8u|LaLrdf
ldnfpg' k5{ . cf©" 3/aflx/ hfFbf an]sf aQL lgefpg' xf;] ,\ o;af6 lah'nLsf] k};f
/sd Joj:yfkg / al}+ sª 109
sd ug{ ;lsG5 . o:tf xf]l;of/L ckgfpg' eof] eg] 3/n] ' ko| f]hgsf ;'ljwfsf] lan
sd cfpF5 / vr{ sd xG' 5 .
Conserve Energy and Save Money
If the furnace, heater, or air conditioner is running, keep the windows
and doors closed. The thermostat controls the temperature in your apart-
ment. In the winter, the thermostat should be set between 65 and 70 de-
grees. In the summer, if you have air conditioning, it should be set between
70 and 75 degrees. Turn off the lights when you leave your apartment to
save money on electricity. When you do these things, your utility bills will
be lower.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;x'lnotdf lsgdn]
vfgf / cGo j:ts' f] d"No :6f/] lkR5] ©/s x'g;S5 . vl/bbf/Ldf lg:sFbf sd
dN" odf rfdn, b"w, bfnx? h:tf vfBfGg sxfF kfOG5 eGg] tkfO{+n] kQf nufpg'
k5{ . w/] } dflg;x? w]/} dxFuf ;fdfg lsGgs' f] ;§f d"Nodf 56' kfOg] s'kg rnfP/
/ ;'k/dfs6{ s} lrGx–c+lst ;fdfg lsg/] vfBfGgsf] vr{ 36fpF5g\ . slxns] fxLF
s[ifssf] ahf/df ;xl' notdf tfhf vfBfGg kfOG5g\ . ly|ˆ6 zk -art bfs] fg_ n]
;©f t/ k|ofu] ul/Psf n'uf, ©lgr{ / / 3/fozL ;fdfg gofFeGbf ;:tfd] f aR] 5g\ .
cfˆg} 3/–cfFugdf of8{ ;]n / u/fh ;]n /fv/] dflg;x?n] cf©n" ] rnfPsf ;fdfg
w/] } ;:tf]df a]R5g\ . of8{ ;]n / u/fh ;]n x'g] ;"rgf af6f] cf;kf; 6fFl;Psf jf
;"rL agfP/ klqsfdf 5flkPsf x'G5g\ .
Save Money Shopping
Prices for food any other items can be different at different stores. As
you shop, you should discover where you can get rice, milk, and lentils
for your meals at the lowest cost. Many people reduce their food costs by
using discount coupons and purchasing supermarket store brands instead
of more expensive items. Sometimes a farmer’s market will have fresh
food at a fair price. Thrift shops sell clean used clothing, furniture, and
household items at much lower prices than similar new items. Yard sales
and garage sales are where people sell used items from their homes at very
low prices. You may find signs for them in your neighborhood or they may
be listed in a newspaper.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
as}+ sf] k|of]u lsg ug]{ <
• ;'/Iff M a}+sdf /fv]sf] k};f cfuf], b3' 6{ gf / rf/] Laf6 ;/' lIft xG' 5 .
• ;:tf] M c? tl/sfeGbf a+}saf6 r]s ;f6]/ k};f lng, lanx? ltg{ jf c?nfO{
k;} f lbg ;:tf] x'G5 .
110 Money Management and Banking
• ;'ljwf M lan e'Stfg ug,{ rs] ;f6g\ / k;} f s] s:tf] sfddf ko| f]u eO/xs] f]
5 eGg] yfxf xG' 5 .
• eljiosf nflu cflys{ M eljiosf nflu rflxg] k;} f art x'g'sf ;fy} tkfO+{sf
nflu pkof]uL cfly{s ljj/0f tof/ x'G5 .
Why Use a Bank?
• Safety: In a bank, money is safe from fire, accidents, and theft.
• Cost: Cashing checks, paying bills, and sending money to someone is
usually less expensive at a bank than at other kinds of businesses.
• Convenience: It is easy to pay bills, cash checks, and track your mon-
• Financial Future: Banks help you save for the future and provide
useful financial records.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
as+} vftfx¿
a+}s vftf ePkl5 tkfO+{sf] k;} f ;/' lIft xG' 5 . k;} f rnfpg ;lhnf] xG' 5 .
dV' otofM bO' { vfn] a+}s vftfx? x'G5g\ M rNtL / art . tkfO+{n] Pp6f rNtL /
Pp6f art vftf vfN] g ;Sg'xG' 5 .
rNtL vftf -rl] sª csfpG6_ vf;u/L lan eS' tfg ug{ ko| fu] ul/G5 lsgeg] of]
vftfaf6 ehfpg' c? rNtL gub sf/f]jf/x?af6 ehfpg'eGbf ;:tf] x'G5 . tkfO+{n]
cfˆgf] vftfdf gub hDdf ug'{eof] eg] Tof] lgIf]k -l8kf]lh6_ xf] . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf]
vftfaf6 gub lgsfNg' eof] eg] Tof] eS' tfgL -ljb8«n_ xf] . tkfO{+sf] vftfdf /xs] f]
/sdnfO{ dfH} bft -Aofn]G;_ elgG5 . gub lemSg jf lan eS' tfg ug{ rs] sf6g\ x' f;] ,\
To;kl5 a+}sn] tkfO+{sf] vftfaf6 /sd eS' tfg u5{ . t/ r]s sf6b\ f cf©n" ] eS' tfg
ug{ kU' g] /sd vftfdf xg' 'k5{ .
art vftf -;l] eª csfpG6_ rNtL vftfeGbf ©/s vfnsf] vftf xf] . art
vftfdf /flvPsf] gubn] Aofh sdfpF5 . vftfdf gub /fvj] fkt a}+sn] lbg] /sd
Aofh xf] . pbfx/0f M tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] art vftfdf Ps ;o 8n/ /fVg'eof] eg] Ps
jif{kl5 bO' { 8n/ Aofh kfpg ;Sgx' 'G5 . art vftfdf gub hDdf ug'x{ f;] \ . pSt
/sd eljiodf sfd nfU5 / cfOkbf{ sfd nfUg] k;} f vftfdf hDdf xG' 5 .
Bank Accounts
With a bank account, your money is protected and still easy to use.
There are two main types of bank accounts: checking and savings. You can
have one of each kind.
A checking account is mainly used to pay bills because it is cheaper
than using other check cashing businesses. A deposit is when you put
money put into your account. A withdrawal is when you take money out
/sd Joj:yfkg / a}+lsª 111
of the account. The total amount in the account is the balance. To with-
draw money or pay bills, write a check so your bank will pay money from
your account. Make sure there is enough money in your account to pay the
check amount.
A savings account is different from a checking account. Money in
savings accounts earns interest. Interest is money the bank pays you for
keeping your money there. For example, if you put $100 in a savings ac-
count, after a year you might earn $2 in interest. Try to put some money
in a savings account each month so you can use it in the future and have
money saved for emergencies.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a}+s vftf vfN] g]
a+}s vftf vf]Ng cfˆgf nflu ;lhnf] a+}s /f]Hg'xf];\ . sfd ug]{ 7fpF jf
3/glhs} a}+s eP cf©"nfO{ vfFrf] kbf{ hfg ;lhnf] x'G5 . a+}s vftf vfN] gc' l3
a}+ssf sd{rf/L;Fu o:tf s/' f aˇ' g ;lsG5 M
• s] tkfO{+sf] a}+sdf art / rNtL vftfx? vfN] bf zN' s nfU5 <
• vftf vfN] bf Go"gtd /sd slt rflxG5 <
• vftfdf slteGbf sd /sd x'g] u/L k;} f lgsfNg' xF'b}g <
• d}n] Ps dlxgfdf sltj6f rs] ;Dd sf6]/ lbg ;S5' <
• d}n] Ps dlxgfdf dn} ] sltk6s;Dd k};f lgsfNg ;S5' <
vftf vfN] g a}+s hfg'xf;] \ . a+}ssf sdr{ f/LnfO{ cf©n" ] s:tf] vftf vf]Ng
rfx]sf] eGg'xf];\ . pxfFn] tkfO{+;Fu tkfO{+sf] ;f];n ;]So'l/6L sf8{ / ©f]6f];lxtsf]
kl/ro–kq -h:tf] M uf8Lrfns cg'dlt–kq jf lug| –sf8_{ dfUg' x'g5] . pxfFn]
tkfO+{sf] hGd–ldlt, 3/sf] 7u] fgf, / 6l] n©fg] gDa/ h:tf JolStut hfgsf/L
klg dfUg' xg' ]5 . vftf vfN] g a+}s hfFbf vftf vf]Ng kU' g] kof{Kt /sd afs] /]
hfg'xf;] \ . vftf vfN] g ;fdfGotM %) jf !)) 8n/ rflxG5 .
Opening a Bank Account
To open a bank account, pick the bank that best meets your needs. It
should be a bank near your home or your work so you can go there easily
when you need to. Here are some questions to ask the bank worker before
you open an account:
• Are there free checking and savings accounts?
• Do I need a minimum deposit to open an account?
• Is there a minimum balance required?
• How many checks can I write each month?
• How many withdrawals can I make each month?
Go to the bank you choose and tell a bank worker what kind of account
112 Money Management and Banking
you want. The worker will ask to see your Social Security card and a photo
ID card (like a driver’s license or Green Card). The worker will also ask
for personal information, including your date of birth, home address, and
telephone number. Take enough money to deposit to open the account,
usually $50 or $100.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
a+s} vftf zN' s
w/] } a+}sn] ljleGg ;]jfsf nflu z'Ns lnG5g\ . tkfO+{n] o:tf zN' saf/] s/' f
aˇ' g' ePg eg] a+}ssf sdr{ f/LnfO{ ;f]Wgx' f;] \ . tkfO+{sf] vftfdf dfH} bft lgs} sd
ePdf a+}sn] dfl;s ;]jf z'Ns lng ;S5g\ . o:tf] z'Ns sd lng] a+}sdf vftf
vfN] g'xf;] \ . art vftfaf6 Ps dlxgfdf lglZrt k6s dfq gub lgsfNg ldN5 .
a+}sn] tfs] e] Gbf a9L k6s gub lgsfNg' eof] eg] cltl/Qm z'Ns ltg'k{ 5{ . vftfdf
dfH} bfteGbf a9L /sd lgsfNbf tkfO+{n] ltg'k{ g{] zN' s eg]sf] rs] x? l©tf{ xF'bf jf
a9L k;} f lgsfn]jfktsf] zN' s xf] . pbfx/0f– tkfO{+sf] vftfdf &% 8n/dfq 5 / ;o
8n/sf] rs] sf6\ge' of] eg] tkfO+{n] w]/} z'Ns ltg{'k5{ .
Bank Account Fees
Many banks charge you money (fees) for different services. Ask a bank
worker if you do not understand any fees. A bank might charge you a
monthly service charge for having an account if the balance is too small.
Use a bank with a low service charge. There may be a limit to the number
of withdrawals you can make each month from a savings account. You will
have to pay a fee if you take out money more times than allowed. Bounced
or overdraft check fees are fees charged for taking out more money than
you have in your account. For example, if you write a check for $100, but
you only have $75 in your account, you will be charged a large fee.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dfl;s a}+s–ljj/0f
tkfO{+sf] a+}sn] tkfO{+nfO{ k|Tos] dlxgf ljj/0f k7fpF5 . pSt ljj/0fdf slxn–]
slxn] vftfdf slt gub hDdf ul/of] / slxn–] slxn] vftfaf6 slt lgsflnof] eGg]
nl] vPsf] xG' 5 . pSt kqn] dlxgfsf] cGTodf tkfO+{sf] vftfdf slt dfH} bft 5 /
s] s] zN' s nufOof] eGg] klg bv] fpF5 . pSt dlxg] ljj/0f tkfO{n] ;/' lIft
/fVgk' 5{ . tkfO{+;Fu ;a} vr{ kU' g] u/L /sd 5 eg] ©"8 :6o\ fDk, 6\ofg©,
;lKndG] 6n ;S] ol' /6L OGsd -P;P;cfO_ / klAns xfplhª h:tf sx] L ;fdb' flos
;xfotf sfo{qmdn] tkfO{+nfO{ ;'ljwf pknAw u/fOFbg} g\ . tkfO{+;Fu cfˆgf] a+}s
vftfdf slt gub 5 eGg] bv] fpg pSt ljj/0fx? To:tf] ;xfotf lbg] sfof{nodf
a'emfpgk' 5{ .
/sd Joj:yfkg / al+} sª 113
Monthly Statements
Your bank will send you a statement each month. The statement is a
report that shows the date and amount of each deposit made into your ac-
count and the date and amount of each withdrawal from the account. It will
also show the balance at the end of each month and any fees that have been
charged. You should save each monthly statement. Some public assistance
programs such as food stamps, TANF, SSI, and public housing will not
provide benefits if you have enough money to pay for all of your expenses.
They will require you submit copies of your bank statements to show how
much money you have in the bank.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vftfdf ;Lw} tna hDdf
w/] h} ;f] /fh] uf/bftfn] tkfO+{sf] tna ;Lw} a}+s–vftfdf hDdf ug{ rfxG5g\ .
o;f] ubf{ cf©n" ] r]s ae' m]/ vftfdf hDdf ug'{ jf gub ;f6g\ e' Gbf ;/' lIft xG' 5 .
tkfO+{sf] ;do aR5 .
/fh] uf/bftfn] tkfO{+sf] a+}s–vftfdf tna hDdf ul/lbG5g\ eg] pgn] vftfdf
slt /sd hDdf ul/of] eGg] :ki6 n]lvPsf] eS' tfg /l;b -k] :6a_ lbG5g\ .
Direct Deposit
Many employers are willing to deposit your pay directly into your bank
account. This may save you time and be safer than being given a pay check
that you have to take to your bank to deposit or cash.
If your employer does this, they will still give you a pay stub that
shows how much money was deposited into your account.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
8l] a6 sf8{
tkfO{+sf] vftf ePsf] a}+sn] tkfO{+nfO{ Pp6f 8]la6 sf8{ pknAw u/fpg ;S5 .
w/] } :6f]/df ;fdfg lsGbf of] sf8{ ko| fu] ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 . 8]la6 sf8a{ f6 tkfO+{n] vr{
ub{} hfge' of] eg] tkfO{+sf] rNtL vftfaf6 /sd lemlsG5 . tkfO{+sf] vftfdf ePsf]
/sdeGbf a9L /sd slxNo} vr{ gug'{xfn] f .
Debit Card
Your bank may provide you with a debit card. You can use it in many
stores to buy things. Money you spend with your debit card is automati-
cally taken out of your checking account. Do not spend more money than
you have in your account.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
114 Money Management and Banking
Pl6Pdsf] k"/f cy{ …c6fd] l] 6s 6n] / dl;gÚ xf] . gub lgsfNg'kbf{ tkfO+{n]
cfˆgf] 8]la6 sf8n{ fO{ Pl6Pdsf ?kdf k|ofu] ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . sg' } Pl6Pd
sf8x{ ? rnfP/ gub hDdf ug{ / cfˆgf] vftfdf slt k};f afFsL 5 egL hfFRg
;lsG5 . Pl6Pd k|ofu] u/s] f] z'Ns nfUg ;S5 . tkfO+{sf] vftf ePsf] a+}sn]
/fvs] f] Pl6Pd dl;gaf6 k};f lgsfNof] eg] zN' s sd x'G5 . Pl6Pd k|ofu] ubf{ sf8{
l5/fpg] Kjfndf l5/fpgx' f;] \ / To;kl5 dl;gn] lbPsf] lgbz{] gcg';f/ ub}{
hfgx' f];\ . oxfF cfˆgf] lkg -JolStut klxrfg gDa/_ 6fOk ug'k{ 5{ . cfˆgf] lkg
-gDa/_ s;}nfO{ geGgx' f;] \ . cf©n" ] /fVg] jf afS] g] s'g} sfuhdf cfˆgf] lkg slxNo}
gnV] gx' f];\ . sG7 ugx'{ f];\ . olb s;n} ] tkfO{+sf] lkg gDa/ yfxf kfof] / tkfO+{sf]
8]la6 sf8{ rf]¥of] eg] tkfO+{sf] vftfdf ePsf] ;a} /sd rf]l/g ;S5 .
ATM is short for “Automatic Teller Machine.” You can use your debit
card in an ATM to get cash. Some ATMs allow you to deposit money and
check your balance. It can cost money to use an ATM, but one with your
bank’s name on it is usually cheaper to use than others. To use an ATM,
put your debit card in the card slot, follow the instructions, and type your
personal identification number (PIN). Never tell anyone your PIN. Never
write your PIN on paper that you keep with you. If someone else knows
your PIN and steals your debit card they may be able to steal all the money
you have in the bank account.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
dxFuf ;/;fdfg vl/bf/Lsf nflu a}+sx?n] C0f klg lbG5g\ . o:tf] ;j] fjfkt
tkfO+{n] lglZrt cjlwsf nflu C0f kfpgx' 'G5 . o;/L tkfO+{n] lnPsf] C0fsf] ;fFjf
/ Aofh ltgk{' 5{ . C0f lng x:tfIf/ uge'{ Gbf klxn] C0f s;/L ltg]{, tf]lsPsf]
;do uh' |]df s] ug],{ Aofh slt ae' mfpg'k5,{ / cGo lgodx? tkfO+{n] /fd/| L ae' m]sf]
xg' 'k5{ . o:tf ljifodf sx] L ;fW] g dg nfu] a}+ssf sd{rf/L jf tkfO+{sf] kg' :yf{kgfdf
;xof]u ug]{ ;+:yfn] v6fPsf …s;] js{/Ú ;Fu ;f]Wg'xf;] \ .
Banks also give loans for big purchases. With a loan, you borrow an
amount of money for a certain period of time. You must pay back the
money and interest for borrowing it. Make sure you understand how to re-
pay the loan, when payments are due, the amount of interest you will pay,
and any other rules before you sign. Ask a bank employee or caseworker
if you have questions.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
/sd Joj:yfkg / al}+ sª 115
cGt/f{li6o« cfk|jf; ;+u7g -cfOcf]Pd_ sf] ofqf C0f
tkfO{+n] lt5'{ egL dGh'/L lbPsf] Pp6f C0f t tkfO{+nfO{ nflu;ss] f] 5, Tof]
tkfO+{nfO{ cd]l/sf Nofpgsf nflu xjfO{hxfh ef8fjfkt ltl/Psf] ofqf–C0f xf] .
tkfO{+ cdl] /sf cfPsf] s]xL dlxgfkl5 ofqf C0fsf] klxnf] lan cfpF5 . tkfO{+sf]
C0f k'/} rQ' mf geP;Dd kT| os] dlxgf tkfO+{n] pSt ofqf–C0f e'QmfgL ugk'{ 5{ . C0f
ltgfn{ ] tkfO{+n] cfˆgf] bfloTj s] xf] eg/] ae' m]sf] :ki6 x'G5 / sf/ jf cGo w]/}
d"Nosf j:tx' ?sf] vl/bdf a+}saf6 C0f rfxge' of] eg] C0f lng ;lhnf] x'G5 .
IOM Travel Loan
You already have one loan you have agreed to repay, the IOM travel
loan for the airfare that brought you to the America. A few months after
you arrive you will receive the first bill for your travel loan. You need to
make a payment each month until it is repaid. Paying the loan back will
prove you understand your responsibility and will make it easier when you
want a bank loan to pay for a car or other large purchase.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
qm]l86 ol' gogx¿
qm]l86 ol' gog klg a+}s h:t} cflys{ sf/fj] f/ ug]{ ;+:yf xf], t/ o;sf ;b:ox?
g} dflns x'gs' f ;fy} o;nfO{ Ps ;xsf/L ;+:yfsf ?kdf rnfPsf] xG' 5 . o;sf]
;b:otf kfpg ;?' df tkfO{+n] lgjb] g lbgk' 5{ . tkfO+{ ;b:o ePkl5 pSt ;+:yfdf
rNtL vftf, art vftf vfN] g kfpgx' G' 5 jf C0fsf nflu lgj]bg lbg ;Sgx' 'G5 .
cGo 7"nf Jofj;flos a}+seGbf qm]l86 ol' gogsf] art vftfsf Aofh b/ a9L x'G5
jf sf/ lsGg C0f lng] C0fsf] Aofhb/ cln sd x'G5 . tkfO+{sf] a;f]af; jf sfd
ug{] 7fpFglhs sg' } qml] 86 ol' gog 5 jf tkfO{+ ;b:o xg' of]Uo xg' x' 'G5 eg] To;af/]
aˇ' g' ©fObfhgs x'G5 .
Credit Unions
A credit union is like a bank, but it is owned by its members like a co-
operative. First you must apply to be a member. Once you are a member,
you can open a checking account, savings account, or apply for a loan.
Credit unions may have better rates for savings accounts or car loans than
commercial banks. It is a good idea to see if there is a credit union near
your home or work and if you are eligible to become a member.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
JolStut ljsf; vftf -cfOl8P_
Gog" cfo ePsf kl/jf/x?nfO{ ;xfotf ug{ ;Sg] Pp6f ljz]if art vftf
…cfOl8PÚ xf] . o;af6 tkfO{+nfO{ sf/ lsGg, 5f]/f5f/] Lsf] k9fO vr,{ 3/ lsGg, jf
cem egf}+ g ;fgf Joj;fo ;'? ug{;d]t d2t u5{ . cfOl8Pdf art u/]sf] Ps–Ps
116 Money Management and Banking
8n/n] artcg?' k kl| t©n / artsf nflu k|f]T;fxg b'j} lbG5 . cfOl8Psf] :yfkgf
;fd'bflos ;+:yfx?n] a+}s / qm]l86 o'lgogx?;Fu ldn/] u5g{ \ . tkfO{+n] cfˆgf]
cfOl8P -vftf_ vfN] g cfˆgf] ;db' fosf] sg' ;+:yfn] d2t u5{ eg/] ;f]Wgk' 5{ .
vftf vn' ]kl5 tkfO{+n] kT| os] dlxgf gub hDdf ugk{' 5{ / tkfO{+n] hDdf u/]sf]
/sd;Fu cGo ;|f]tx?af6 Tolt g} /sd tkfO{+sf] vftfdf ldnfg ul/G5 .
pbfx/0f M olb tkfO{+n] vftfdf kT| o]s dlxgf @)) 8n/ hDdf uge'{ of] eg]
To;df yk @)) jf $)) 8n/ /flvlbOG5 . cfOl8P -vftf_ ePsf sf/0f /sd
Joj:yfkg;DaGwL lbOg] w/] }h;f] tflnddf tkfO{+n] klg efu lng'k5{ .
Individual Development Account (IDA)
An IDA is a special savings account for low income families that may
help you to buy a car, to pay for a child’s education, to buy a home, or even
to start a small business. For every dollar saved in an IDA, savers receive
a corresponding match which serves as both a reward and an incentive to
save. IDA’s are set up by community agencies in cooperation with banks
and credit unions. You should ask what agency in your community will
help you set up an IDA. After your IDA is set up, up, you put money into
the IDA every month and that money is matched from other sources. For
example, if you put in $200 per month, an additional $200 or $400 may be
placed in the account for you. Usually you must also participate in a train-
ing program regarding money management to have an IDA account.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:yfgLo, /fHo / ;+3Lo -/fli6«o_ s/x? ltgx{' f;] \ . s/ eGgfn] :yfgLo, /fHo
/ ;+3Lo ;/sf/x?nfO{ cd]l/sfdf a:g] gful/sn] ltg{] jf lt/s] f] k;} f xf] . rS' tf
s/sf] /sd /fi6«sf] ;/' Iff, lzIff, ;8sx? / /fhdfu{df vr{ xG' 5 . tkfO{+sf]
cfDbfgL 5 eg] s/–l©tf{ -6o\ fS; l/6g_{ sf nflu ©f/d eg{'xf;] \ jf c? sg' } s/
eP ltg{x' f;] \ . s/ ltg{ sfgg' n] clgjfo{ u/]sf] 5 . tkfO+{nfO{ ©fObf k'Ug] o:tf
ljifo / ;+efljt cfDbfgLaf/] kg' jf;{ df ;xof]u ug{] ;+:yfn] v6fPsf …s;] –js{/Ú;Fu
;fW] gx' f];\ .
Pay local, state, and federal taxes. Taxes are money paid to the local,
state, and federal governments by people living in the United States. Taxes
pay for services such as keeping our country safe, education, and roads and
highways. If you earn an income, you will need to file a tax return and pay
any taxes you owe. This is required by law. Ask your caseworker for more
information on any of these topics and possible credits you can earn.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
/sd Joj:yfkg / a}+lsª 117
qml] 86
sf/h:tf dxFuf ;fwg lsGg'kbf{ C0f lngk' g{] x'g ;S5 . tkfO{+n] C0f lnP/
an] fdf ltg{'ePsf] 5 eg] a+}sn] tkfO{+nfO{ C0f lbG5 . ;fk6 lnP/ a]nfdf ltg{n' fO{
c;n–qm]l86 elgG5 . c;n–qml] 86 eGgfn] tkfO+{nfO{ C0f lbof] eg] tkfO{+n]
;dodf ltgx'{ 'G5 /, v/fa–qml] 86 eGgfn] tkfO{+n] ;dodf ltg{'xG' g eGg] a+}sn] a'ˇg
;S5g\ . qm]l86–c+s -qml] 86 :sf]/_ tkfO{+n] C0f lnP/ an] fdf lt/s] f] :ki6 kfg{] c+s
xf] . To;n} ] cGt/f{li6o« cfkj| f; ;+u7gsf] ofqf–C0f hlt ;Sg'xG' 5 Tolt / c?
C0f ;dodf lt/]/ c;n–qm]l86 agfpg'xf];\ .
To buy something expensive, like a car, you might need to borrow
money through a loan to pay for it. A bank will give you a loan if you have
good credit. Good credit means that banks think you will pay back money
you borrow, and bad credit means they think you might not. Your credit
score is a number that shows how good your credit is. Build good credit
by paying, on time, at least the minimum amount due on your IOM loan
and any other loan payments.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
qml] 86 ljj/0f
tkfO{+sf] qm]l86 ljj/0fn] tkfO+{sf] qm]l86–Oltxf; -tkfO+{n] afFsL lnP/ an] fdf
lt/s] f] ljj/0f_ 5nª{ kf5{ . a}+sx?, 3/a]6Lx?, /f]huf/bftfx? / c?n] tkfO{+;Fu
sfd ug{] a]nfdf tkfO{+sf] qml] 86–Oltxf; a'ˇg ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] OlSjˆofS;,
PS:kl] /og / 6f« G;o'lgog h:tf ;+:yfaf6 lgz'MNs qm]l86 ljj/0f kfpgx' 'G5 .
ToxfFaf6 k|fKt ljj/0fnfO{ /fd|/L hfFRg'xf;] \ . pSt ljj/0fdf ql' 6 ePsf] x'g;S5 .
q'l6 ©]nf k¥of] eg] pSt ;+:yfnfO{ ;r" gf lbg ;Sg'xG' 5 .
Credit Report
Your credit report describes your credit history. Banks, landlords, em-
ployers, and others may check your report to determine if they want to
work with you. You can get a free credit report each year from Equifax,
Experian, and TransUnion. Check your report every year to make sure it is
correct. If there is a mistake, write to the credit reporting agency.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
qml] 86 sf8{
qml] 86 sf8{sf] ;xfotfn] tkfO{+ clxn] s]xL ;fdfg lsGgx' G' 5, clg s]xL xKtfdf
dfq k;} f ltg'{ x'G5 . of] sf8{+ kfpg tkfO{+n] M
• cfˆgf] hGd–ldlt / 3/sf] 7u] fgf h:tf hfgsf/L lbgk' 5{ .
• cfˆgf] lgoldt cfDbfgL -h:tf] M sfd u/]sf 7fpFaf6 kfPsf] rs] e'Stfgsf]
k|df0f_ ePsf] bv] fpg'k5{ .
118 Money Management and Banking
• cf©"n] ;dodf k};f lt/]sf] k|df0f xg' k' 5{ .
qml] 86 sf8{ lngc' l3 o:tf] sf8{af/] ;a} hfgsf/L k9g\ 'xf;] \ . sg' } sf8{df w]/}
vfnsf z'Ns ltg{'kg{] xG' 5 .
Pp6f qm]l86 sf8a{ f6 pwf/f]df sf/f]jf/ ug{ ;Ldf tf]lsPsf] x'G5 . tf]s–]
eGbf a9L pwf/f] lng ldNbg} . olb s'g} sf8{af6 Ps xhf/ 8n/dfq vr{ ug{
kfOG5 elgPsf] 5 eg] tkfO+{n] Ps xhf/eGbf a9Lsf ;fdfg lsGg ldNb}g . sf8{
k|of]u u//] pwf/fd] f slt vr{ ug{ kfOG5 eGg] hfGgsf nflu sf8s{ f] k5f8L n]lvPsf]
6]ln©f]g gDa/df ©fg] u/]/ hfgsf/L lngx' f;] \ .
qm]l86 sf8{ rnfpFbf xf]lzof/L ckgfpg' eof] eg] tkfO{+n] afFsL lnP/ a]nfdf
lt/s] f] ljj/0f tof/ xG' 5, To;n} ] M
• dlxgfe/ vr{ ug{ ldN5 elg tf]lsPsf] /sd dfq vr{ ug'x{ f];\ .
• tfl] sPsf] ;doleq lan eS' tfg ug{'xf;] \ .
• cf©;" Fu eP hlt dfq /sd vr{ ug'{xf];\ . lan ltg]{ /sd cf©";Fu ;w}F
x'g'k5{ .
Credit Card
Credit cards let you buy something then pay for it a few weeks later. To
get one, you will need to:
• Give information such as birth date and home address
• Show proof of regular income (for example, your paycheck stubs)
• Have good credit
Read all the information about a credit card before you decide to get
one. Some cards have many fees.
A credit card has a credit limit, the maximum amount of money you
can spend with it. If the credit limit is $1,000, you cannot use that card to
buy things that total more than $1,000. Learn the credit limit by telephon-
ing the number on the back of the card.
If you are careful with your credit card, you will build good credit.
• Always use less than your credit limit.
• Pay your bill before the due date.
• Do not spend more money than you have. Always have enough money
to pay your bill.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cdl] /sL d'b|f
k|To]s cdl] /sL l;Ssfsf gfd 5g\ . ;aeGbf ;fgf] l;Ssf Ps ;G] 6sf]
xG' 5, o;nfO{ k]gL elgG5 . kfFr ;G] 6sf] l;SsfnfO{ lgsn elgG5 . bz ;]G6sf]
l;SsfnfO{ 8fod elgG5 . kRrL; ;G] 6sf] l;SsfnfO{ Sjf6/{ elgG5 . To:t} %)
;G] 6 / Ps 8n/sf klg l;Ssf kfOG5g\ . %) ;G] 6 / Ps 8n/sf l;Ssf sd}
/sd Joj:yfkg / a}l+ sª 119
kfOG5g\ / tkfO+{n] gbV] g klg ;Sgx' G' 5 . Ps, b'O,{ kfFr, bz, aL;, krf; / ;o
8n/sf sfuhL gf6] x? x'G5g\ . sfuhL gf6] nfO{ …lanÚ eGg] rng 5, h:tf] M Ps
8n/ lan, bO' { 8n/ lan, kfFr 8n/ lan cflb . 8n/nfO{ af]nLrfn] Lsf efiffdf …asÚ
klg eg]sf] ;l' gG5 .
American Money
Each American coin has a name. The 1 cent coin is called a “penny.”
The 5 cent coin is called a “nickel.” The 10 cent coin is called a “dime.”
The 25 cent coin is called a “quarter.” There are also 50 cent and one dol-
lar coins, but they are not used often and you may never see them. Paper
money is called a “bill". There are one dollar, two dollar, five dollar, ten
dollar, twenty dollar, fifty dollar and one hundred dollar bills. In slang, a
dollar is also called a “buck".
cWofo !! : ;f+:sl[ ts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f
Chapter 11 : Cultural Adjustment and Integration
;dfofh] g
cdl] /sfnfO{ …cj;/sf] e"ldÚ elgG5 . oxfF c;Lldt cj;/x? 5g\ .
To;}n] tkfO+{nfO{ cd]l/sf cfpg' /f]df~rs xG' 5 . gofF b]z Pjd\ ;+:s[ltdf a;fa] f;
tyf sfd ug{' tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf nflu rg' ft} Lk0" f{ klg x'G5 . of] cWofodf tkfO{+n]
cdl] /sfdf s] s] cfzf ug{ ;Sgx' G' 5 / oxfFsf] kl/l:ylt;Fu ldnh'n ub}{ hfFbf
cfOkg]{ ;d:of s;/L ;dfwfg ug'k{ 5{ eGg] 5n©n ul/Psf] 5 .
Coming to the United States is an exciting time with many possible op-
portunities available to you. It is also a challenging time for you and your
family as you must learn to live and work in a new country and new cul-
ture. This chapter will discuss what you can expect and ways to overcome
problems as you adjust.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;dfofh] g egs] f] xf] <
gofF b]zdf a;fa] f; / sfd ug{ l;Sg] kl| qmof g} ;dfof]hg xf] . ;dfofh] g
xg' ] qmd o;/L cl3a95\ , ;'?df – bl] vG5, clg hflgG5 / lj:tf/} crDd dfGg
5fl8G5 . ;dfof]hg x'gsf nflu kl/jtg{ xg' k' 5{ / gofF s/' f l;Sg'k5{ . h:t} M
• gofF dfG5x] ?;Fu e6] 3f6 x'G5 .
• gofF efiff l;lsG5 .
• kl/jf/sf] el" dsfdf kl/jtg{ x'G5 .
• lr/–kl/lrt 7fpFafx]sdf klg afFRg l;lsG5 .
What Is Adjustment?
Adjustment is the process of learning to live and work in a new coun-
try. It involves making changes and learning new things. For example:
• Meeting new people.
• Learning a new language.
• Taking on different family roles.
• Learning to live without familiar places and people.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;:+ sl[ t eg]sf] xf] <
;+:s[lt egs] f] s'g} Ps ;d"xsf dflg;sf] ;femf d"No, dfGotf / k/Dk/f–
x?sf] Pp6f ;+u|x xf] . ;+:s[ltdf s'g} Ps ;dx" sf] efiff, snf / dgf]efjx?
;d]l6Psf xG' 5g\ . dflg;x?sf] af]nLrfnL / Jojxf/n] pgLx?sf] dN" o / dfGotf
122 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
emNsfpF5 . gofF ;+:s[ltaf/] l;Sg' eg]sf] gofF bz] df a;f]af; ug{ l;Sg'sf] Ps
lx:;f xf] . tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] ;f+:s[lts lrgf/Lsf ;a} kIfx? Tofu]/ k"/} cd]l/sL
;+:s[lt cufNg' kbg}{ , of] ;dfhleq a:g / sfd ug{ dfq l;Sg' k5{ .
What Is Culture?
Culture is a set of beliefs, values, and traditions that a group of people
share. Culture can include a group’s language, art, and attitudes. These be-
liefs and values influence what people say and do. Learning a new culture
is part of learning to live in your new country. You do not have to change
completely and follow American culture, you just have to learn to live and
work within it.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;dfof]hgsf r/0fx¿
gofF b]z / /xg;xgdf ;an} fO{ p:t} vfnsf] cge' j x'Fbg} , w/] h} ;f] dflg;sf]
u'h|g] kl/l:ylt eg] Ps} 9fFrfsf] x'G5 . ;a}n] a'ˇg] s/' f rflxF s] xf] eg]
afnaflnsf;lxt a]UnfaU] n} dflg;n] 5f6] f] jf nfdf] ;dosf nflu yf]/} jf w/] } tn
elgPsf] h:tf] cge' j u5g{ \ .
The Stages of Adjustment
Not everyone’s experience is exactly the same, but there is a general
pattern most people follow as they adjust to a new country and culture. Re-
member that different people may feel these things more or less intensely
and for different lengths of time, including children.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
klxnf] r/0f M cfudg
ha tkfO+{ ljdfgaf6 pqg'xG' 5, To;kl5sf s]xL xKtf;Dd t kT| o]s rLh cb\e't
/ /f]df~rs nfU5g\ . dflg;x? bofn' nfU5g,\ cj;/x? cgluGtL xG' 5g,\ / ;a}
;d:ofx? ;dfwfg ePh:tf] nfU5 . tkfO+{n] cfgGb, ;/' lIft / /fxt dx;'; ug{
;Sgx' G' 5 .
Stage One – Arrival
When you get off the plane and several weeks after that everything
seems wonderful and exciting. The people seem kind, opportunities are
endless, and you feel like all of your problems are over. You may feel
happy, safe, and relieved.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
bf];|f] r/0f M jf:tljstf
cdl] /sfdf cfPsf] s]xL xKtfkl5 tkfO+{nfO{ cf©n" ] a'em]eGbf ©/s cg'ej x'g
yfN5 . tkfO+{n] cd]l/sfdf cGt/x? ©]nf kfg{x' 'G5 . 3/ ©sg{ kfP x'GYof] eGg]
;f+:sl[ ts ;dfofh] g / PsLs/0f 123
sfdgf ug{ yfNg'x'G5 . ;ayf]s ;fxf| –] ufxf| ] ePsf] cge' j ug{ ;Sg'x'G5 . bM' vL
xg' x' 'G5, l/; p75\ , lx:; kgx'{ G' 5 / xf/h] :tf] cg'ej eP/ ysys xg' yfN5 .
Stage Two – Reality
After several weeks in the United States, your feelings may begin to
change as reality starts to sink in. You see how different things are in the
United States. You may wish to go home. You may feel like things are too
hard. You may feel sad, angry, disappointed, and overwhelmed.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
t];f| ] r/0f M ;dfofh] g
oL cge' jx? ;fdfGo xg' \ / ;do laTb} hfFbf ;a} x6/] hfG5g\ . ;dfofh] g
lj:tf/} x'g] kl| qmof xf] . cGttM rLhlahx? la/fgf] / c;lhnf xF'bg} g\ . tkfO+{n]
gofF ;fyLx? ©]nf kfg'{x'G5 / ;fy} cf©"nfO{ Jo:t kfg]{ sfdsfh klg kfpgx' g' 5] .
clg b]z 5f8]/ cfPsf]df UnfgL xg' 5f8\5 . cd]l/sf g} cfˆgf] 3/ xf] eGg] cg'e"t
ug{ yfNgx' G' 5 .
Stage Three – Adjustment
These feelings are normal and in time, they will go away. Adjusting
is a slow process, but eventually things will not feel as strange and dif-
ficult. You will find new friends and things to do. You will not miss your
home country as much. You will start to think of the United States as your
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tkfO+{n] s] ug{ ;Sgx' 'G5 <
;dfof]hg kl| qmofdf cf©}F xg' ] xfO] g,\ tkfO{+n] cfˆgft©{af6 klg ug'{kg{] s]xL
dxÎjk"0f{ ko| Tgx? 5g\ M
• cfˆgf] j/k/ -jftfj/0f_nfO{ ;sf/fTds ?kdf x]g'{xf;] \ . rg' f}tLx?nfO{ pGglt
/ lzIff xfl;n ug]{ cj;/ ;Demgx' f];\ .
• l;Sg / cg's"n xg' ;do nfU5 eGg] a'ˇgx' f];\ . slxns] fxLF cf©" xf/]h:tf] x'g'
jf bM' vL xg' ' :jfefljs xf] .
• cln ;do lnP/ cf©"nfO{ /dfOnf] nfUg] sfdsfh ugx'{ f;] \ .
• 3/leq dfq} ga:g'xf];\ . gn'Sgx' f];\ . gofF dflg;x?;Dd k'Ug'xf;] \ / gofF
j:tx' ?;Fu kl/lrt xg' ] cfF6 ugx'{ f;] \ .
• cd]l/sLx?nfO{ ;fyLefO agfpg yfNgx' f;] \ .
• gofF bz] sf af/]df hfGgx' f;] \ . a'ˇgx' f;] \ . hlt w/] } l;Sg] sf]lzz ug'x{ 'G5, cf©"
j/k/sf dflg;af/] Tolt g} a'ˇg'x'G5 .
• kl/jf/ / ;fyLefO;Fu ;do latfpg] ugx{' f;] \ . pgLx?;Fu cg'ej afF8\g'xf];\ .
eGgx' f;] ,\ ;'Gg'xf;] \ .
124 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
What Can You Do?
Adjusting requires some important efforts on your part.
• Look for the good around you. See challenges as a way to grow and
• Accept that it takes time to learn and adapt. It is okay to feel over-
whelmed and sad sometimes.
• Take time to do things you enjoy.
• Do not hide at home. Find the courage to do things with new people
and to try new things.
• Make friends with Americans.
• Learn about your new country. The more you learn, the better you will
understand the people around you.
• Spend time with your family and friends. Share your experience with
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tgfj -lbUbf/L_ s] xf] <
cK7\of/f kl/l:yltx?df tkfO+{n] s:tf] Jojxf/ ugx'{ 'G5, ToxL g} tgfj xf] . tgfj
hLjgsf] Ps ;fdfGo c+z xf,] t/ of] :jf:Yosf nflu xflgsf/s xg' ;S5 . sg' }
;do, 7fpF jf kl/l:ylt Pshgfsf nflu tgfjk0" f{ eP, csf{ JolStsf nflu To:tf]
gx'g;S5 . tgfj x'g'sf] sf/0f kl/jf/df s;s} f] dT[ o', ljjfx, uefj{ :yf, gofF hflu/,
gofF 3/df ;bf,{ la/fdL / k};fsf] ;d:of xg' \ . gofF b]z / gofF /xg;xgdf cf©"
a;fOF ;gf{n] cjZo tgfj x'G5 .
What Is Stress?
Stress is how you react to difficult situations. Stress is a natural part of
life, but it can be harmful to your health. What is stressful for one person
may not be for another. Many things can cause stress, such as death of a
loved one, marriage, pregnancy, a new job, moving to a new home, illness,
and money problems. Moving to a new country and a new culture can
definitely cause stress.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;dfofh] gsf nflu cfgf] ;do lbg'xf];\
cd]l/sfnfO{ …cj;/sf] e"ldÚ elgG5 . of] d'ns' n] w]/} gofF cj;/x? kb| fg
u5{ . t/ klg z/0ffyL{sf] ;dfofh] gsf] ;?' jft lgs} sl7g xg' ;S5 .
z/0ffyL{x?n] em]Ngk' g]{ ljleGg r'gf}tLn] tgfj xg' ;S5 . tgfj x'Fbf s]
ug{] / gofF ;+:sl[ tdf s;/L 3'nldn x'g] eGg] hfGof] eg] lgs} ©fObf xG' 5 . cf©"n]
s:tf] cg'ej uge{' Psf] 5 eg]/ c?nfO{ ;g' fpg / ;fxf| ]ufx|f]df d2t dfUg ws
gdfGgx' f];\ .
;f+:sl[ ts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f 125
Give Yourself Time to Adjust
The United States offers many new opportunities. However, initial ad-
justment can be difficult. Refugees face many new challenges that can
cause stress. It is important to understand how to deal with stress and how
to adjust to a new culture. Do not be afraid to talk about how you are feel-
ing and to ask for help.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tgfjsf nIf0fx¿
dflg;x?n] ljleGg tl/sfn] tgfj dx;;' u5g{ \, tL dfgl;s, zf/Ll/s,
efjgfTds jf ;fdflhs tgfj x'G5g\ . tgfjsf nIf0fx? M 6fpsf] bV' g', lgbf|
gnfUg,' /S;L lkpg', as] fd] ePsf] cge' j ug{', lrRofpg', l/; p7\g' jf ;fyLefO–
Oi6ldqnfO{ 5Ng' cflb x'g\ .
Signs of Stress
People feel stress in many ways, including mentally, physically, emo-
tionally, or socially. Some of the signs of stress are: headaches, trouble
sleeping, drinking alcohol, not feeling like doing anything, crying, feeling
angry, or avoiding friends and family.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
tgfj Joj:yfkg ug]{ pkfox¿
cf©n" fO{ s] ubf{ tgfj xG' 5 / o;af6 dl' Qm kfpg] pkfo s] s] xg' ;S5g\ eg/]
hfGg' eof] eg] lgs} ©fObf x'G5 . Wofg -lrGtg_ u//] , kl/jf/ jf ;fyLefO;Fu u©
u//] , kofK{ t ;do ;'t]/, kfl] ;nf] vfgf vfP/, xfF;/] , lxF8]/, Jofofd u//] jf s;;} Fu
d2t lnP/ tgfj sd jf lgoGq0f ug{ ;lsG5 .
Ways to Manage Stress
It is important to learn what makes you stressed and how to manage
stress. To manage stress you can meditate, talk to family and friends, get
enough sleep, eat healthy, laugh, take a walk, exercise, or ask for help.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
l5ds] Lx¿;“u e6] 3f6
cdl] /sLx?sf] cfgLafgL / dfGotfx?af/] hfGg' clg tL ;fdflhs lx:;fnfO{
;x' fpFbf] tl/sfn] Jojxf/df ptfb{} hfg' g} ;f+:sl[ ts ;dfofh] gsf] Ps c+z xf] .
cd]l/sL / cdl] /sL ;+:sl[ taf/] hfGg ;'? ug{] Pp6f pkfo oxLF hGds] f] cd]l/sLnfO{
e]6g\ ' xf] . tkfO+{sf l5ds] L cdl] /sLx? xg' ;S5g\ . tkfO{+n] pxfFx?nfO{ ckf6{dG] 6
lalN8ªsf] 9fs] f, n'ufwg' ] 7fpF -nG8f« ]Dof6_ jf :6f]/ cflb 7fpFdf e]6g\ ;Sg'x'G5 .
e]6b\ f lrg–] hfg] h:tf] ug'{xf];,\ cK7o\ f/f] dfgh] :tf] gug{'xf];\, w]/} c+u|h] L ga'em]÷
gaf]n] klg …xn] f]Ú eGg'xf;] \ .
126 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
Meeting Neighbors
Learning about American behaviors and values and coping with them
is part of cultural adjustment. One way to begin to understand Americans
and American culture is to meet native-born Americans. You may have
American neighbors. You may meet them at the door to your apartment
building, at a laundromat, or store. Be friendly and say “Hello” even if you
do not understand much more English.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
c;n l5ds] L aGg'xf;] \
ckf6d{ ]G6df a:g] clwsf+z dflg;x? /ftL bz jf P3f/ ah;] Dddf ;'T5g\ . /ftL
!) ah]b]lv laxfg * ah];Dd 5/l5d]sLnfO{ afwf k'Ug] ultljlw /fS] gx' f];,\ h:t} M
gfgLx?nfO{ xNnf ug{ glbgx' f];\, ;fgf] :j/df s/' fsfgL ug'x{ f];,\ afhf gahfpg'xf;] \
jf ;fgf] kfgx'{ f;] \ . 5/l5ds] L;Fu s]xL c;xdltx? eP, xn ug]{ sfl] zz ug'{xf;] \ .
cf©"n] ;dfwfg ug{ ;lSbFg h:tf] nfU5 eg] 3/a6] L;Fu d2t lngx' f;] \ .
Being a Good Neighbor
Most people living in apartments go to sleep around 10 p.m. or 11 p.m.
Please keep children quiet, keep conversations at a low level, and do not
play music or make noise that neighbors can hear between 10 p.m. and 8
a.m. If you have disagreements with your neighbors, try to resolve them
together. If you cannot, ask your landlord to help.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;dosf] Vofn ug'{
cdl] /sfdf ;dolgi7 xg' ' lgs} dxÎjk"0f{ x'G5 . :sn" , sfd, 8fS6/;Fu k/LIf0f
ug{, uf8L l;Sg, kg' jf;{ ;+:yfsf sdr{ f/Lx?;Fu tf]lsPsf] a7} s jf ;fyLefOnfO{
e6] 3f6df hfFbf ;dodf k'Ugk' 5{ . tkfO+{ kj" l{ gwf{l/t ;dodf !) ldg6] eGbf l9nf]
xg' ] xg' e' of] eg] ©f]g u/]/ cf©" l9nf] xg' ] atfpg' k5{ / Ifdf dfUg' k5{ . 8fS6/n]
hfFRg] ;dodf l9nf kU' ge' of] eg] pxfFn] tkfO{+nfO{ ghfFRg ;Sgx' G' 5 / ghfFr] klg
hfFrj] fkt ltgk{' g]{ zN' s eg] lng ;Sgx' G' 5 .
Being on Time
In America, it is always important to be on time for everything: for
school, for work, for doctors’ appointments, for driving tests, for sched-
uled meetings with staff of your resettlement agency, for meeting friends.
If you are ever going to be more than 10 minutes late for an appointment,
it is important to telephone and let the person know that you will be late
and apologize. If you are late for a doctor’s appointment, the doctor may
not see you but still may charge you a fee.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;f+:s[lts ;dfofh] g / PsLs/0f 127
ufk] gLotf
cdl] /sLx? JolStut ufk] gLotfnfO{ dxÎj lbG5g\ . dflg;x? c?sf] 3/df
lgDtf] gkfO, ©fg] gu/L, jf To:tf] sx] L aGbfa] :t gu/L lj/n} hfG5g\ . cdl] /sLx?n]
tkfO{+nfO{ klxnf]k6s pgLx?sf 3/df af]nfPsf an] f tkfO{+n] s'g} sf7] fsf] 9fs] f
aGb ePsf] kfpg' xG' 5 / leq sfx] L a;s] f klg xg' ;S5g\ . 3/sf ;a}hgf aflx/
gcfpg ;S5g\ . of] pgLx?sf] JolStut OR5f xf] . kl/jf/sf sg' } ;b:o cfˆgf
sf]7fdf uf]Ko /xg rfxG5g\ .
Americans value their privacy. People usually do not visit the homes
of other people unless they have been invited, have telephoned, or have
made arrangements ahead of time. When an American invites you to her
home for the first time, you may find that some inside doors are closed.
This may be because some family members want to remain private in their
own rooms.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
cgfk} rfl/stf / gfdx¿
cd]l/sLx? w]/} cgfk} rfl/s x'g vfH] 5g\ . Psk6s kl/ro ePkl5 pgLx?
s/' fsfgL ubf{ jf afn] fpFbf k|foM klxnf] gfd k|of]u u5g{ \ . 8fS6/ jf lzIfs–
lzlIfsf h:tf Jofj;flos dfG5x] ?nfO{ ;Daf]wg ubf{ pko'St bhfd{ f y/ /fVg'k5{ .
h:tM} lzIfssf nflu …ld:6/ hfG] ;Ú pko'St xG' 5 eg] lzlIfsfsf nflu …ld; hf]G;Ú
;xL x'G5 . t/ dlxnf jf k'?if h] eP klg …8f= hf]G;Ú 7Ls xG' 5 . To;}u/L w]/}
cd]l/sLx? gfdsf] 5f6] f] ?k -pkgfd_ k|ofu] u5g{ \ . ;'?df o:tf pkgfdn] cndn
kf5g{ \ . Pshgf nf]Ugd] fG5]sf] gfd …/a6{Ú xG' 5, p;n] kl/ro lbFbf cfˆgf] gfd
…aaÚ atfpF5g\ . To:t} Pshgf dlxnf jf o'jtLsf] gfd …Plnhfj]yÚ x'G5, pgn]
kl/ro lbFbf cfˆgf] gfd …a]§LÚ atfpFl5g\ . o:tf cgf}krfl/s pkgfdx? af]nL–
rfnLdf dfq k|ofu] ul/G5g\ / cf}krfl/s sfuhkqdf nV] gk' bf{ jf x:tfIf/ ug'k{ bf{
k/" f gfd nl] vG5g\ . oxfF lbPsfafxs] o:tf pkgfdsf c? w]/} ckjfb 5g\ .
Informality and Names
Americans tend to be very informal. Once they are introduced, they
mostly use first names when speaking with each other. Use family names
with an appropriate title when, for example, when speaking to a profes-
sional such as a doctor or a teacher. “Mr. Jones” would be an appropriate
way to address a male teacher, “Ms. Jones” would be appropriate for a
female teacher. And “Dr. Jones” would be appropriate for either a male
or female doctor. Many American names also have short versions called
“nicknames.” This may be confusing at first. But a man with the first name
“Robert” may introduce himself by his nickname “Bob” and a woman
128 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
with the first name “Elizabeth” may introduce herself as “Betty.” You may
find that informal nicknames are usually used in conversation and more
formal, full names are used in written lists and signing papers. There are
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;fW] g gx'g] sx] L kZ| gx¿
cdl] /sLx? cfˆgf sx] L lghL ljifox? ufK] o /fV5g\ . cfˆgf Psbd glhss} f
;fyLx?afxs] c? s;}nfO{ tkfO+{n] To:tf ljifo;DaGwL k|Zg ;f]Wg jf 5n©n ug{
vf]Hg'eof] eg] s]xL cd]l/sLx? l/;fpg ;S5g\ . s'/fsfgL ubf{ o:tf ljifo 5Ng]
sfl] zz ug'x{ f;] \ M slt jifs{ f] x'ge' of] < slt k;} f sdfpg'xG' 5 jf tna slt 5 <
tkfO{+ sg' wd{ dfGgx' G' 5 < tkfO+{ lsg olt df6] fpg' ePsf] 5 < s] tkfO{+;Fu kz| :t
k};f 5 < 3/ lsGbf slt k};f xfNg'eof] < cflb .
Some Questions Not to Ask
There are some subjects that Americans keep very private. If you ask
questions or try to discuss these subjects, some Americans will be offend-
ed, especially if you are not very, very close friends. Try to avoid these
subjects when talking: How old are you? How much money do you make
at your work? What is your religion? Why are you so fat? Do you have a
lot of money? How much did you pay for your house?
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
b'O{ JolStaLrsf] b"/L
sfd ug{] 7fpFdf ;xsdL,{ 5/l5d]sL;Fu / ;fj{hlgs :yndf vf; u/L w]/h} ;f]
cd]l/sL csf{] JolSt;Fu s/' f ubf{ # jf $ l©6 6f9f pleg rfxG5g\ . olt 6f9f
pleP/ s/' f ubf{ pgLx?n] ;'lj:tf 7fG5g\ . cfˆgf] kl/jf/sf ;b:o / 3lgi7 ldq
eg] lgs} glhs pleg ;S5g\ . cd]l/sL;Fu s/' f ubf{ glhs hfg sf]lzz ug'e{ of]
eg] pgLx?n] tkfO{+nfO{ ldrfxf 7fG5g\ / kl5 x6\5g\ . o:tf] afgLkl| t ;rt] x'g]
k|of; ug'{xf];\ . s;};Fu s/' fsfgL ul//xFbf pxfF yf]/} k5f8L x6\ge' of] eg] tkfO+{
pxfFlt/ g;g'x{ f];\ . To;an] f pxfFn] aLrsf] vfnL 7fpF 36fpg vfH] ge' Psf] xf] .
a;, /n] , xjfO{hxfh / Plne]6/ -cf©F} dfly–tn ug]{ e¥ofª_ df dflg;x?
c?;Fu glhs geO 6f9} pleg] jf a:g] sf]lzz u5g{ \ . pbfx/0fsf nflu a;df
r9]kl5 w]/} vfnL l;6x? xF'bfx'Fb} Tof] 5f8]/ sg' } ckl/lrt JolStsf] 5p] df uP/
a:g'eof] eg] pgnfO{ cK7\of/f] dx;'; x'g ;S5, pgL ToxfFaf6 p7]/ csf]{ l;6 uP/
a:g ;S5g\ .
Personal Space
Most Americans tend to stand about 3 or 4 feet apart when they are
talking to another person, especially with colleagues at work, neighbors,
;f:+ sl[ ts ;dfofh] g / PsLs/0f 129
and in public places. This distance makes them feel comfortable. They
may stand closer together if they are members of the same family or are
very close friends. If you try to get too close to an American during a
conversation, he or she will feel that you are being aggressive and will try
to back away. Try to be aware of this, so if the person to whom you are
speaking backs away a little, do not try to close the gap.
In buses, trains, airplanes, and elevators, people will try to stand or sit
in locations where they will not be too close to others. For example, if you
take a seat right next to a stranger when there are many other empty seats
on a bus, the stranger may feel uncomfortable and get up and take another
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
z/L/sf] efiff
dflg;x? cfk;df ;+jfb ubf{ c+usf] k|ofu] sf ;fy} af]nLaf6 u5{g\ . hLpsf]
rfnaf6 k|s6 ul/g] ;+jfb klg efiff h:t} cfˆg} ;+:s[ltaf6 l;lsG5 . pbfx/0fsf
nflu w/] }h;f] cd]l/sL …xf]OgÚ eGg pgLx? cfˆgf] 6fpsf] bfofF–afofF u5g{ \ / …xfÚ]
eGg pgLx? 6fpsf] tn–dfly u5g{ \ . ptf g]kfnLx? eg] …xfÚ] eGg 6fpsf] o:;f]
Psflt/ 3'dfpF5g\ . cd]l/sLx? cfFvfdf cfFvf h'wfP/ s/' f ug{ dg k/fpF5g\ . c?
;+:sl[ taf6 cfPsf dflg; cfFvf–cfFvf h'wfP/ s'/f ub}{gg,\ To;df klg vf;u/L
dlxnf / k'?if s'/f ubf{ . s/' f ubf{ cf©n" ] cGoq xl] /of] eg] 5Ng vfh] ]sf] ;+st] sf
?kdf lnOG5 . cdl] /sLx? e6] x'Fbf xft ldnfP/ clejfbg u5{g\ . tkfO+{n] o:tf]
an] fdf xft ldnfpg' ePg eg] cd]l/sL ;xsdL{ jf xflsd -ka| Gws_ n] cgfb/ ug{]
afgL /x]5 eGg] 7fG5g\ . gofF /xg;xgsf dflg;n] s;f] u5g{ \ Wofg lbP/ x]g{' /
s:tf] Jojxf/ u5g{ \ hfGg' g} z/L/sf] ;+jfb l;Sg] ;aeGbf ultnf] tl/sf xf] .
Body Language
People communicate by using their bodies as well as by speaking. Most
body movements are a learned part of a culture, just like a language. For
example, most Americans typically signal “no” by moving their head left
and right but signal “yes” by nodding their head up and down. Nepalis,
however, might signal “yes” by tilting their head to one side. Americans
like to make eye contact when talking with each other. People from other
cultures, may avoid eye contact, especially between men and women. If
you look away, it may be taken as a sign of evasiveness. Americans shake
hands when greeting each other. If you do not shake hands at the appropri-
ate time an American worker or manager may view this as lack of respect.
An important way to learn appropriate body language in this new culture
is to observe people closely and see how they behave.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
130 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
kl/jf/df abln“bf] el" dsf
cd]l/sf cfpFbf / oxfFsf] gofF /xg;xg tyf efiff l;Sbf o;n] cfdf–a'af,
xh'/cfdf–xh'/a'af, slnnf] pd/] sf s6] fs]6L / ;fgf] pd/] sf gfgLx?nfO{ ©/s
tl/sfn] ke| fj kf5{ . o;n] Ps csf{l;tsf] ;DaGwx?df klg k|efj kf5{ . o;n]
cK7o\ f/f] kl/l:ylt klg Nofpg ;Sg] eP klg of] ;fdfGo kIf xf] .
Changing Roles in the Family
Moving to America and its new culture and new language will affect
mothers, fathers, grandparents, teenagers, and young children differently.
It can also affect their relationships with each other. This is all normal, but
it can cause difficulties.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
k?' if / dlxnf
cd]l/sfdf >Ldfg\ / >LdtL b'j}n] sfd u5g{ \ eGg] cfzf ul/G5 . >LdtLn] klxnf
hflu/ kfOFg eg] cf©n" ] hflu/ gkfpGh]n >Ldfgn] afnaRrfsf] :ofxf/ u5g{ \ .
>Ldfg\ / >LdtL b'j} sfd u5{g\ eg] aRrf x]g]{ lhDdj] f/L afF85\ g\ . slxn]sfxLF
>LdtLn] >Ldfgs\ f] eGbf a9L sdfpFl5g\ . cfˆgf] b]zdf /xFbf kl/jf/sf] lzif{ :yfgdf
/x]sf k?' ifn] g]t[Tj ud' fPsf] cge' "lt u5g{ \ / pgLx?nfO{ gofF 7fpFsf] hLjgz}nLdf
ldNg sl7gfO x'g ;S5 .
Men and Women
Men and women are both expected to work in America. If the wife
finds a job first, the husband may care for children at home until he also
finds a job. When they are both working they will need to share child care
responsibilities. Sometimes the wife will earn more money than the hus-
band. Men who are comfortable in the traditional role as sole leaders of
their families may find it difficult to adjust to their changed role.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
:s"n hfg] pd]/sf gfgLx¿
:s"n hfg] pd/] sf gfgLx?n] kf| oMh;f] cfˆgf cfdf–a'af / xh'/a'af–
xh'/cfdfeGbf rfF8f] c+u|h] L l;S5g\ . cleefjsn] cfˆgf gfgLx?af6 bf]efifs] f
?kdf ;xofu] lng ;S5g\ . gfgLx?n] 6]ln©fg] df hjf© ©sf{pg,] 8fS6/;Fu hfFRg]
;do ldnfOlbg], lr7L–kqx? kl9lbg,] l5d]sL jf 3/a]6L;Fu s/' f ul/lbg] u5{g\ .
To;n} ] z/0ffyL{sf gfgLx?n] ToxL pd]/sf cd]l/sL gfgLx?eGbf cfˆgf cleefjssf]
lhDdj] f/Lx? a9L lng ;S5g\ .
School Age Children
School age children will often learn English faster that their parents
and grandparents. Parents may ask their children to act as interpreters, to
;f+:s[lts ;dfof]hg / PsLs/0f 131
answer the telephone, to make appointments with doctors, to read the mail,
to talk with neighbors or landlords. Refugee children, therefore, may take
on more adult responsibilities than American children of the same age.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
vf;u/L slnnf] pd]/ -!# bl] v !( jif_{ sf s]6fs6] LnfO{ cdl] /sfdf kg' jf{;
ubf{ lgs} cK7\of/f] x'G5 . pgLx?sf] w/] } 306f :sn" df laT5, hxfF pgLx?n]
cfˆgf cd]l/sL lszf]/–lszf]/Lsf njfO–vjfO / cfgLafgL x5] g{ \, clg ;lhn}
To;sf] l;sf] ug{ ;'? u5g{ \ . ptf 3/df pgLx?n] cfˆgf] k/Dk/fut hLjgzn} L g}
ckgfpF5g\ eGg] ;fl] rG5, ls t n'uf xf];,\ vfg]s'/f xf;] \ of Jojxf/ xf;] \ . s]xL
cleefjsn] pgLx?sf] gofF hLjgz}nL ckgfPsf]df cfklQ hgfpF5g\ / o;n] 3/–
snx Nofpg ;S5 . of] pd/] sf s6] fs]6LnfO{ bO' { ©/s–©/s ;f+:s[lts rfnrng
ckgfpFbf ePsf] tgfj cfˆgf cleefjsnfO{ JoQm ug{ ;S5f}+ h:tf] nfUbg} . s]6f–
s]6LaLrsf] ldqtf / pgLx? bj' } ;Fu} xF'bfsf] Jojxf/n] tgfjk0" f{ cj:yf NofpF5 .
Resettlement in America can be especially difficult for teenagers. They
spend many hours in school where they observe closely the clothing, food,
and behavior of American teenagers and they begin quickly to adopt simi-
lar clothing and behavior. At the same time, in their home they are ex-
pected to maintain the traditional way of life, including clothing, food, and
behavior. Some parents may object to the assimilation changes they see in
their teenagers and family conflict may result. Teenagers may not feel they
can communicate the stress of being part of two different cultures with
their parents. This may be especially true regarding relationships between
boys and girls and their behavior together.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
kfsf] pd]/sf ;b:ox?nfO{ c+uh|] L l;Sg ;aeGbf cK7\of/f] x'G5 . To;n} ] hflu/
kfpg yk ufxf| ] x'G5 . pgLx?n] kl/jf/sf tGg]/L ;b:ox?sf] cfDbfgLdf e/kg{'
kg]{ xG' 5 . ;as} f] a]nf cfpF5 / hfG5 . a"9f ePsf ;b:ox?sf] a]nf lyof] . tGg/] L
;b:ox?sf] a]nf cfPsf] x'G5 . clxn] a"9fkfsf ePsf kl/jf/sf ;b:ox? klxn]
hf] kl/jf/sf nflu 1fg / cge' jsf] ;f| t] lyP, clxn] Tof] :yfg ud' s] f] dx;';
ug{ ;S5g\ . gofF /xg;xgdf ;fys{ sfd jf ljlzi6 el" dsfsf] cefj / g]kfnL
efiffdf dfq s/' fsfgL ug{ ;Sg] ePsfn] xh'/aa' f–xh/' cfdfx?n] cf©n" fO{ PSnf]
7fGg ;Sgx' G' 5 . o;n] pxfFx?nfO{ lg/fz agfpg ;S5 / cfˆg} k/' fgf] /xg;xgdf
©s{g] OR5f hfu]/ cfpg ;S5 .
132 Cultural Adjustment and Integration
Older adults often have the most difficulty learning English. For that
reason they may have greater difficulty in obtaining jobs. They may re-
main dependent on the income of younger members of their families. The
elderly may feel that they have lost their status as the source of knowledge
and experience in their families. Without meaningful work or specific role
in the new culture and with the limitation of being able to communicate
only in Nepali, the elderly may feel isolated. This can lead to depression
and a strong desire to return to their old culture.
――― ᴥ ᴥ ―――
;dfof]hgkl5 PsLs/0f xG' 5 . gofF 7fpF tkfO{+sf nflu s]xL cg'sn" ePkl5
tkfO+{ / kl/jf/sf ;b:o cd]l/sL ;db' fodf 3'nldn x'g yfNg'xG' 5 . gofF 7fpFdf
Ps jif{ latfPkl5 Tof] 7fpFsf] df};d, Ct'x?, cdl] /sfsf ;fjh{ lgs labfx?sf] qmd,
cf©n" fO{ dgkg]{ 6]lnlehg sfoq{ mdx?, vn] s"b, gk] fnL / e6" fgL vfBfGg vl/b ug{]
/fdf| :6f]/x?af/] yfxf xG' 5 . tkfO+{n] cfˆgf] sfd / l5ds] df gofF cd]l/sL ;fyLx?
agfpg'x'G5 . tkfO{+sf gfgLx?nfO{ pgLx?;Fu} :s"ndf k9\g] cdl] /sL ;fyLx?n]
cfˆgf] hGdlbgsf] kf6Ld{ f afn] fpg ;S5g\ / tkfO+{n] klg cdl] /sL ;fyLx?nfO{
cfˆgf] aRrfsf] hGdlbgsf] kf6Ld{ f afn] fpg yfNg'xG' 5 . cfpg] jifx{ ?df c+u]h| L
afN] g] / aˇ' g] Ifdtf ljsf; ug's{ f ;fy} cdl] /sfdf ;©n x'g rflxg] 1fg / cfgL–
afgLaf/] ae' mk] l5 tkfO{+nfO{ cem ;lhnf] x'G5 . To;kl5 cd]l/sL /xg;xgdf s;/L
;fd]n x'g] / cfˆgf] ;+:sl[ t s;/L arfO/fVg] eg/] lg0f{o ug{ ;Sg'xG' 5 . Pp6f
;fwf/0f t/ dxÎjk0" f{ pbfx/0f sfF6f, rDrf / :ofFuL ko| fu] u/]/ cd]l/sL tl/sfn]
vfgf vfg] ls cfˆgf] ;dfhdf rns] f] tl/sf– xftn] vfg] eg/] lg0fo{ ug{ ;Sg–'
x'G5 . k|Tos] JolSt jf kl/jf/n] o:tf] 5gf6} cf©F} ug{] xf] . b]vfl;sL ug{' kbg{} .
Integration follows adjustment. After your initial adjustment to your
new home, you and your family members will begin to integrate into
American society. After your first year in your new home, you will be
familiar with the weather, the seasons, the sequence of American holidays,
television programs you enjoy, sports, best places to shop for traditional
Nepali and Bhutanese foods. You will have made new American friends
at work and in your neighborhood. Your children may be invited to birth-
day parties of American school friends and you may invite their Ameri-
can friends to celebrate your child’s birthday. The following years will be
easier as you will have gained the ability to speak and understand English,
and you will have the knowledge and understand the behaviors necessary