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12 Rogaland Rogaland in southwestern norway is mainly Why farm fsh when you can fnd oil? a coastal region with deep, cold fjords, white you can fnd Grieg Seafood Rogaland’s fsh farms in the picturesque beaches and small islands. The salmon we farm Ryfylke fjord basin, just north of Stavanger. The town of Stavanger is well known as the administrative centre for the successful north in Rogaland is primarily consumed in Continental Sea oil and gas industries. With big oil money so close at hand, why Europe. would people here want to work as fsh farmers? it is no secret that industries compete for the best people in this Our ventures in Rogaland, norway, are a result of mergers with and scarcely populated country. We need better innovations to secure acquisitions of smaller fsh-farming companies in the region. during our values and our future. We think of aquaculture as a sustain- the last fve years, the company has made substantial investmentsin able use of the natural resources along norway’s coast. as long as both smolt production and farming facilities. This has enabled deep- we handle our environmental challenges well, we can provide large water fsh farms that reach down to 40 metres, where the ideal quantities of healthy food with minimal impact on nature. however, temperature for farming conditions can be maintained year-round. the industry depends on innovative solutions to maintain our most important asset – the clean, cold, oxygen-rich fjords where we grow Grieg Seafood Rogaland has 3 smolt licenses with which we operate our fsh. our salmon hatchery. The salmon farming activity in Rogaland has 16 growout licenses, and Grieg Seafood also is responsible for Our best people know this, and they work hard every day to fnd harvesting and freezing. in the frst quarter of 2011 Grieg Seafood better solutions so we can continue to produce the world’s best aSa bought 100% of Erfjord Stamfsk aS, a broodstock (roe) salmon for future generations. company. We employ about 90 people including Erfjord Stamfsik. Value Chain Brood- Freshwater Seawater harvest processing Sales stock Key fgures 2010 Sales revenue: TnOk 476 100 harvest: TOnS 12 839 (gutted weight) EBiT/kg: nOk 10,20 (gutted weight) GLOBaL Gap: ERFJORd STamFiSk: ThE OpERaTiOnS in ROGaLand aRE CERTiFiEd in aCCORdanCE WiTh ERFJORd STamFiSk aS in SULdaL On ThE nORWEGian SOUTh WEST COaST ThE dEmandinG GLOBaL Gap SChEmE. (WWW.GLOBaLGap.ORG). ThiS iS pROdUCES BROOd STOCk FOR ThE nORWEGian SaLmOn indUSTRy. ThE a vOLUnTaRy CERTiFiCaTiOn aGREEmEnT ORiGinaLLy dEvELOpEd FOR COmpany’S TOTaL pROdUCTiOn COvERS 18 % OF nORWEGian FiSh FaRmERS aGRiCULTURaL pROdUCTiOn, BUT haS RECEnTLy BEEn TRanSFORmEd TO ThE nEEd FOR SaLmOn EGGS. GRiEG SEaFOOd nOW OWnS 100% OF ThE COmpany. RELEvanT paRamETERS FOR ThE maRinE FaRminG indUSTRy. pLEaSE viSiT WWW.ERFJORd.nO FOR mORE inFORmaTiOn.