4. Production
4.1 The students create invitation card by using activity 5 as a guide.
4.2 The teacher gives the color and paper to students
4.3 Students present in front of the class.
4.4 The teacher takes student’s task to show in the board.
5. Wrap up
5.1 The teacher reviews the vocabulary and the invitation to a friend to join you
for an activity.
5.2 Teacher says good bye to the students.
Knowledge (K)
Task Measurement Tools Evaluation Criteria
Students are able to Question and Answer Observation form At least 80 percent
get how to invitation
to a friend to join Tools Evaluation Criteria
you for an activity New Frontier 2’s Identify the
correctly. (K) vocabulary of
Book questions by listening
Practice (P) the audio at least 80
Tools percent
Task Measurement Observation form
Students are able to Question and Answer Evaluation Criteria
write an invitation to 80 percent of
a friend to join you students participate
for an activity in activity.
correctly. (P)
Attitude (A)
Task Measurement
Students actively Activity present in
participate in the front of the class.
activity. (A)
8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 2. New Frontier 2’s Book
1. Flash cards ( Power point )
3. YouTube
What happened during my lesson ?
How do I improve my lesson next time ?
( Donnapa Pan-anan )
Student Teacher
(Mrs. Ngamphaka Inthapunya)
Trainer Teacher
(Mr. Pongsawat pongkan)
Head of foreign language department
(Mr. Prithpol Chalee)
The Deputy director of the school
Observation form for “Writing invitation to a friend”
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students
get how to invitation write an invitation to actively
to a friend to join a friend to join you
First – Last name you for an activity for an activity participate in
correctly. (K) correctly. (P) the activity. (A)
Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
1. เด็กชายกดิศษิ ย์ วจิ ิตร
2. เด็กชายกติ ติพิชญ์ ศรมี นตรี
3. เดก็ ชายดลยฤทธิ์ ภารจานงค์
4. เดก็ ชายตลุ า จนั ทร์ชมภู
5. เด็กชายบารวิน วิจิตร
6. เด็กชายภาณวุ ชิ ญ์ ดวงตา
7. เด็กชายรณกร ชามนตรี
8. เด็กชายศิวชั แสนทวีสขุ
9. เด็กชายศวิ ายุ หลวงเมอื ง
10. เดก็ ชายอษั ฎาวุธ ชยั รักษ์
11. เด็กหญงิ กญั ญาพร งอยภูธร
12. เด็กหญงิ กลั ยธ์ ิดา ปองไป
13. เด็กหญิงกง่ิ กาญจน์ แก่นนาคา
14. เดก็ หญงิ กุลจริ า สนทิ วงศ์ชัย
15. เดก็ หญงิ ขวญั สิรดา โสภาศรี
16. เด็กหญงิ จรรยพร ประการแก้ว
17. เด็กหญิงฉตั รชนก ศรบี ณั ฑติ ย์
18. เดก็ หญิงชนิดา บวั ขาว
19. เด็กหญิงชญั ญานชุ แสนอว้ น
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students actively
get how to invitation write an invitation to participate in the
First – Last name to a friend to join a friend to join you activity. (A)
you for an activity for an activity
20. เด็กหญิงชตุ กิ าญจน์ อาจวชิ ยั correctly. (K) correctly. (P) Pass Fail
21. เด็กหญิงฐิตมิ า ออ่ นละมลุ
22. เดก็ หญิงธญั ญารตั น์ ครองเมอื งแสน Pass Fail Pass Fail
23. เดก็ หญิงธนั ยพร ผวิ สวา่ ง
24. เด็กหญิงธารธารา สแี สด
25. เด็กหญิงนฐั ธิดา แสงกอง
26. เดก็ หญิงนทั ธมน ขนุ อนิ
27. เด็กหญิงบณั ฑิตา จนั ทา
28. เด็กหญิงปภาวรนิ ทร์ พนู ไธสง
29. เด็กหญิงพชั รมยั พทุ ธสอน
30. เดก็ หญิงพมิ พว์ รยี ์ ชนะภมู ิ
31. เดก็ หญิงพมิ ลรตั น์ บรุ นิ ิตย์
32. เดก็ หญิงมญั ฑติ า บญุ หาญ
33. เดก็ หญิงระพพี รรณ บสู่ ขุ
34. เด็กหญิงรชั นีพร สายเเกว้
35. เดก็ หญิงวราภรณ์ ศรพี ลชยั
36. เด็กหญิงศศิธร สดุ ตา
37. เด็กหญิงสริ นิ ทรา พลบรู ณ์
38. เดก็ หญิงสนุ ฏั ฐา แสงพา
39. เด็กหญิงสพุ ตั รา สยี างนอก
40. เดก็ หญงิ อรกญั ญา กัปโก
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students actively
First – Last name get how to invitation write an invitation to participate in the
to a friend to join a friend to join you activity. (A)
41. เด็กหญงิ จริ ชั ญา สายราช you for an activity for an activity
correctly. (K) correctly. (P) Pass Fail
Pass Fail Pass Fail
Subject : English Level : Grade 8 Unit : 2 Topic : Let’s Have Some Fun
Time : 50 minutes Semester : 1
School : Nongbuapittayakarn School Date : On the 29th Of July, 2021
Student Teacher : Donnapa pan-anan Trainer Teacher : Mrs.Ngamphaka Inthapunya
Standard 1: Language for Communication
Standard FL1.1: Understanding and ability in interpreting what has been heard and read
from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with reasons.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of
information; efficient expression of feeling and opinions
Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concept and view on
various matters.
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and the differences between language and
culture of the native speaker and Thai speaker, and ability in using accurate and appropriate
Standard FL3.1: Using foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development, seeking knowledge and broadening one’s world view
Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situation: in school,
community and society.
Standard FL4.2: Using foreign languages as basic tools for further education, livelihood
and exchange of learning with the world community
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/1: Act in compliance with requests, instruction, clarifications and
simple explanations heard and read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/2: Accurately read aloud paragraphs, news, advertisements and
short poems by observing the principles of reading.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/3: Specify/write sentences and paragraphs related to various forms
of non-text information read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/4: Choose the topic and the main idea, tell the supporting details
and express the opinions about what has been heard and read, as well as provide the
justifications and the simple examples for illustrations.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/1: Converse appropriately to exchange information about
themselves, various matters around them and various situations in daily life.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/2: Use orders, instructions, clarifications and explanations according
to the situation.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/3: Speak and write appropriately to express needs, offer help and
agree and refuse to give help in various situations.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/4: Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give information,
describe and express opinions about what has been heard or read.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/1: Speak and write to describe themselves, their daily routines,
experiences and news/incidents of interest to society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/3: Speak and write to express opinions about activities or various
matters around them and experiences, as well as provide brief justifications.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/1: Use language, tone of voice, gestures and mannerS appropriate
to various persons and occasions by observing social manners of the native speakers.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/2: Describe the festivals, important days, lifestyles and traditions of the
native speakers.
Indicator 2.2 Grade 8/1: Compare and explain the similarities and the differences
between pronunciation of various kinds of sentences and word order in accordance with the
structures of sentences in foreign languages and Thai language.
Indicator 2.2 Grade 8/2: Compare and explain the similarities and the differences
between the lifestyles and culture of native speakers and those of Thais.
Indicator 3.1 Grade 8/1: Search for, collect and summarise the information/ facts related
to other learning areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking/ writing.
Indicator 4.1 Grade 8/1: Use language for communication in real situations/ simulated
situations in the classroom, school and community.
Indicator 4.2 Grade 8/1: Use foreign languages in conducting the research, collecting and
summarizing knowledge/various information from the media and different learning sources for
further education and livelihood.
This lesson is going to teach vocabulary and write an invitation to a friend to join you for
an activity. Students can write and talk about negative and answer sentences.
Terminal Objective
Students are able to write an invitation to a friend to join you for an activity.
Students are able to write and talk about negative and answer sentences.
Behavioral Objectives
1. Students are able to get how to invitation to a friend to join you for an activity
correctly. (K)
2. Students are able to do worksheet correctly. (P)
3. Students actively participate in the activity “Speaking to your friend” (A)
5.1 Vocabulary:
Arrive = มาถงึ Leave = ออกจาก
Ask = ถาม Message = ขอ้ ความ
Congratulations = แสดงความยินดี Reply = ตอบกลับ
Excuse = ขอโทษ Sorry = เสยี ใจ
5.2 Skill: Writing
5.3 Function: Use English to as a tool to communicate
1. Warm up
1.1 The teacher greets the students.
1.2 The teacher writes vocabulary on website on the board.
- Could you open the door for me, please?
- Would you mind opening the door for me, please?
1.3 Students translate the meaning of sentences.
2. Presentation
2.1 The teacher teaches little bit about Requests, offers and invitations.
Reference : https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/english-grammar-reference/requests-offers-
3. Practice
3.1 The teacher gives student to do worksheet
about invitation by using this web as a guide.
4. Production
4.1 The teacher gives student to do worksheet.
4.2 Teacher checks the correctness of worksheet.
Reference: https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-worksheets
5. Wrap up
5.1 The teacher reviews the vocabulary and the invitation to a friend to join you
for an activity “Speaking to your friend”
5.2 Teacher says good bye to the students.
Knowledge (K)
Task Measurement Tools Evaluation Criteria
Students are able to Question and Answer Observation form At least 80 percent
get how to invitation
to a friend to join Tools Evaluation Criteria
you for an activity Worksheet Identify the
correctly. (K) vocabulary of
Tools questions by listening
Practice (P) Observation form the audio at least 80
Task Measurement
Students are able to Question and Answer Evaluation Criteria
do worksheet 80 percent of
correctly. (P) students participate
in activity.
Attitude (A) Measurement
Activity present in
Task front of the class.
Students actively
participate in the
activity “Speaking to
your friend” (A)
8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 2. New Frontier 2’s Book
1. Flash cards ( Power point ) 4. Worksheet
3. YouTube
What happened during my lesson ?
How do I improve my lesson next time ?
( Donnapa Pan-anan )
Student Teacher
(Mrs. Ngamphaka Inthapunya)
Trainer Teacher
(Mr. Pongsawat pongkan)
Head of foreign language department
(Mr. Prithpol Chalee)
The Deputy director of the school
Observation form for “Speaking to your friend”
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students actively
get how to invitation do worksheet participate in the
to a friend to join correctly. (P) activity “Speaking
First – Last name you for an activity to your friend” (A)
correctly. (K)
Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
1. เด็กชายกดศิ ษิ ย์ วิจิตร
2. เด็กชายกิตติพชิ ญ์ ศรมี นตรี
3. เด็กชายดลยฤทธิ์ ภารจานงค์
4. เด็กชายตลุ า จันทรช์ มภู
5. เด็กชายบารวนิ วจิ ติ ร
6. เดก็ ชายภาณวุ ิชญ์ ดวงตา
7. เดก็ ชายรณกร ชามนตรี
8. เด็กชายศวิ ัช แสนทวีสขุ
9. เด็กชายศิวายุ หลวงเมือง
10. เดก็ ชายอัษฎาวธุ ชยั รักษ์
11. เดก็ หญิงกญั ญาพร งอยภูธร
12. เด็กหญงิ กลั ยธ์ ิดา ปองไป
13. เดก็ หญิงก่ิงกาญจน์ แกน่ นาคา
14. เดก็ หญิงกุลจริ า สนิทวงศช์ ยั
15. เดก็ หญงิ ขวัญสริ ดา โสภาศรี
16. เด็กหญิงจรรยพร ประการแก้ว
17. เด็กหญิงฉตั รชนก ศรบี ณั ฑิตย์
18. เด็กหญิงชนิดา บวั ขาว
19. เด็กหญิงชญั ญานชุ แสนอว้ น
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students actively
get how to invitation do worksheet participate in the
First – Last name to a friend to join correctly. (P) activity “Speaking
you for an activity to your friend” (A)
20. เดก็ หญิงชตุ กิ าญจน์ อาจวชิ ยั correctly. (K) Pass Fail
21. เดก็ หญิงฐิตมิ า ออ่ นละมลุ Pass Fail
22. เดก็ หญิงธญั ญารตั น์ ครองเมืองแสน Pass Fail
23. เด็กหญิงธนั ยพร ผิวสวา่ ง
24. เด็กหญิงธารธารา สแี สด
25. เด็กหญิงนฐั ธิดา แสงกอง
26. เด็กหญิงนทั ธมน ขนุ อิน
27. เดก็ หญิงบณั ฑติ า จนั ทา
28. เด็กหญิงปภาวรนิ ทร์ พนู ไธสง
29. เดก็ หญิงพชั รมยั พทุ ธสอน
30. เด็กหญิงพมิ พว์ รยี ์ ชนะภมู ิ
31. เดก็ หญิงพิมลรตั น์ บรุ นิ ิตย์
32. เด็กหญิงมญั ฑติ า บญุ หาญ
33. เด็กหญิงระพพี รรณ บสู่ ขุ
34. เดก็ หญิงรชั นีพร สายเเกว้
35. เดก็ หญิงวราภรณ์ ศรพี ลชยั
36. เดก็ หญิงศศิธร สดุ ตา
37. เดก็ หญิงสริ นิ ทรา พลบรู ณ์
38. เดก็ หญิงสนุ ฏั ฐา แสงพา
39. เดก็ หญิงสพุ ตั รา สยี างนอก
40. เด็กหญงิ อรกญั ญา กปั โก
No. Students are able to Students are able to Students actively
First – Last name get how to invitation do worksheet participate in the
to a friend to join correctly. (P) activity “Speaking
41. เด็กหญิงจริ ัชญา สายราช you for an activity to your friend” (A)
correctly. (K) Pass Fail
Pass Fail
Pass Fail
Subject : English Level : Grade 8 Unit : 2 Topic : Let’s Have Some Fun
Time : 50 minutes Semester : 1
School : Nongbuapittayakarn School Date : On the 30th Of July, 2021
Student Teacher : Donnapa pan-anan Trainer Teacher : Mrs.Ngamphaka Inthapunya
Standard 1: Language for Communication
Standard FL1.1: Understanding and ability in interpreting what has been heard and read
from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with reasons.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of
information; efficient expression of feeling and opinions
Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concept and view on
various matters.
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and the differences between language and
culture of the native speaker and Thai speaker, and ability in using accurate and appropriate
Standard FL3.1: Using foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development, seeking knowledge and broadening one’s world view
Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situation: in school,
community and society.
Standard FL4.2: Using foreign languages as basic tools for further education, live hood
and exchange of learning with the world community.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/1: Act in compliance with requests, instruction, clarifications and
simple explanations heard and read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/3: Specify/write sentences and paragraphs related to various forms
of non-text information read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/4: Choose the topic and the main idea, tell the supporting details
and express the opinions about what has been heard and read, as well as provide the
justifications and the simple examples for illustrations.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/1: Converse appropriately to exchange information about
themselves, various matters around them and various situations in daily life.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/2: Use orders, instructions, clarifications and explanations according
to the situation.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/4: Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give information,
describe and express opinions about what has been heard or read.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/5: Speak and write to express their own feelings and opinions
about various matters around them, various activities, as well as provide brief justifications
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/1: Speak and write to describe themselves, their daily routines,
experiences and news/incidents of interest to society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/2: Speak and write to summarize the main idea, theme and topic
identified from analysis of matters/ news/incidents of interest to the society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/3: Speak and write to express opinions about activities or various
matters around them and experiences, as well as provide brief justifications.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/1: Use language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate
to various persons and occasions by observing social manners of the native speakers.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/2: Describe the festivals, important days, lifestyles and traditions of
the native speakers.
Indicator 2.2 Grade 8/2: Compare and explain the similarities and the differences
between the lifestyles and culture of native speakers and those of Thais.
Indicator 3.1 Grade 8/1: Search for, collect and summarize the information/ facts related
to other learning areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking/ writing.
Indicator 4.1 Grade 8/1: Use language for communication in real situations/ simulated
situations in the classroom, school and community.
Indicator 4.2 Grade 8/1: Use foreign languages in conducting the research, collecting and
summarizing knowledge/various information from the media and different learning sources for
further education and livelihood.
This lesson is going to teach vocabulary and write an invitation to a friend to join you for
an activity. Students can write and talk about negative and answer sentences. Students can
relay about personal information.
Terminal Objective
Students are able to write an invitation to a friend to join you for an activity.
Students are able to write planning information.
Behavioral Objectives
1. Students are able to get how to invitation to a friend to join you for an activity
correctly. (K)
2. Students are able make sentences to invite friends correctly. (P)
3. Students actively participate in the activity in class. (A)
5.1 Vocabulary:
Cruise ship = เรือสาราญ เรอื ท่องเที่ยว
Engine = เคร่อื งยนต์
Rude = หยาบคาย ไม่สุภาพ
Separate = แยก
Workshop = หอ้ งปฏิบตั กิ าร
5.2 Skill: Writing and Speaking
5.3 Function: Use English to as a tool to communicate
1. Warm up
1.1 The teacher greets the students.
1.2 The teacher shows the vocabulary on slide and students pronounce it.
1.3 Students translate the meaning of sentences.
2. Presentation
2.1 The teacher teaches little bit about Requests, offers and invitations.
2.2 Teacher and students translate the meaning together.
3. Practice
3.1 Students listen CD 2-08 and pronounce the vocabulary again.
3.2 Students do exercise page 28 activity 2
3.3 Teacher and students checks the correctness of exercise together.
4. Production
4.1 Students make sentences to invite friends to house.
4.2 Students write in the notebook and hand in to teacher.
4.3 Teacher checks the correctness of sentences.
5. Wrap up
5.1 The teacher reviews the vocabulary and the invitation to a friend to join you
for an activity.
5.2 Teacher says good bye to the students.
Knowledge (K)
Task Measurement Tools Evaluation Criteria
Students are able to Question and Answer Observation form At least 80 percent
get how to invitation
to a friend to join Tools Evaluation Criteria
you for an activity Notebook Identify the
correctly. (K) vocabulary of
Tools questions by listening
Practice (P) Observation form the audio at least 80
Task Measurement
2. Students are able Writing sentences to Evaluation Criteria
make sentences to 80 percent of
invite friends invite friends. students participate
correctly. (P) in activity.
Attitude (A) Measurement
Activity present in
Task front of the class.
Students actively
participate in the
activity in class. (A)
8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 2. New Frontier 2’s Book
1. Flash cards ( Power point )
What happened during my lesson ?
How do I improve my lesson next time ?
( Donnapa Pan-anan )
Student Teacher
(Mrs. Ngamphaka Inthapunya)
Trainer Teacher
(Mr. Pongsawat pongkan)
Head of foreign language department
(Mr. Prithpol Chalee)
The Deputy director of the school
Observation form for “Writing to invite friends”
Students are able to 2. Students are able Students actively
No. get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
to a friend to join invite friends
First – Last name you for an activity correctly. (P) activity in class.
correctly. (K) (A)
Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
1. เด็กชายกดศิ ิษย์ วิจิตร
2. เด็กชายกิตติพิชญ์ ศรมี นตรี
3. เดก็ ชายดลยฤทธ์ิ ภารจานงค์
4. เด็กชายตลุ า จนั ทรช์ มภู
5. เดก็ ชายบารวนิ วจิ ิตร
6. เด็กชายภาณวุ ชิ ญ์ ดวงตา
7. เดก็ ชายรณกร ชามนตรี
8. เดก็ ชายศิวชั แสนทวีสขุ
9. เดก็ ชายศวิ ายุ หลวงเมอื ง
10. เด็กชายอัษฎาวธุ ชัยรกั ษ์
11. เดก็ หญิงกญั ญาพร งอยภูธร
12. เด็กหญิงกัลยธ์ ิดา ปองไป
13. เด็กหญงิ กง่ิ กาญจน์ แกน่ นาคา
14. เดก็ หญิงกุลจิรา สนิทวงศช์ ยั
15. เด็กหญิงขวญั สริ ดา โสภาศรี
16. เด็กหญงิ จรรยพร ประการแกว้
17. เดก็ หญิงฉตั รชนก ศรบี ณั ฑิตย์
18. เด็กหญิงชนิดา บวั ขาว
19. เดก็ หญิงชญั ญานชุ แสนอว้ น
No. Students are able to 2. Students are able Students actively
get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
First – Last name to a friend to join invite friends activity in class.
you for an activity correctly. (P) (A)
20. เดก็ หญิงชตุ กิ าญจน์ อาจวชิ ยั correctly. (K)
21. เด็กหญิงฐิตมิ า ออ่ นละมลุ Pass Fail Pass Fail
22. เดก็ หญิงธญั ญารตั น์ ครองเมอื งแสน Pass Fail
23. เดก็ หญิงธนั ยพร ผวิ สวา่ ง
24. เดก็ หญิงธารธารา สแี สด
25. เด็กหญิงนฐั ธิดา แสงกอง
26. เดก็ หญิงนทั ธมน ขนุ อนิ
27. เด็กหญิงบณั ฑิตา จนั ทา
28. เด็กหญิงปภาวรนิ ทร์ พนู ไธสง
29. เด็กหญิงพชั รมยั พทุ ธสอน
30. เดก็ หญิงพมิ พว์ รยี ์ ชนะภมู ิ
31. เด็กหญิงพิมลรตั น์ บรุ นิ ิตย์
32. เดก็ หญิงมญั ฑติ า บญุ หาญ
33. เด็กหญิงระพีพรรณ บสู่ ขุ
34. เดก็ หญิงรชั นีพร สายเเกว้
35. เดก็ หญิงวราภรณ์ ศรพี ลชยั
36. เด็กหญิงศศธิ ร สดุ ตา
37. เด็กหญิงสริ นิ ทรา พลบรู ณ์
38. เดก็ หญิงสนุ ฏั ฐา แสงพา
39. เดก็ หญิงสพุ ตั รา สยี างนอก
40. เด็กหญงิ อรกญั ญา กปั โก
No. Students are able to 2. Students are able Students actively
First – Last name get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
to a friend to join invite friends activity in class.
41. เด็กหญงิ จริ ัชญา สายราช you for an activity correctly. (P) (A)
correctly. (K)
Pass Fail Pass Fail
Pass Fail
Subject : English Level : Grade 8 Unit : 2 Topic : Let’s Have Some Fun
Time : 50 minutes Semester : 1
School : Nongbuapittayakarn School Date : On the 3rd Of August, 2021
Student Teacher : Donnapa pan-anan Trainer Teacher : Mrs.Ngamphaka Inthapunya
Standard 1: Language for Communication
Standard FL1.1: Understanding and ability in interpreting what has been heard and read
from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with reasons.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of
information; efficient expression of feeling and opinions
Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concept and view on
various matters.
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and the differences between language and
culture of the native speaker and Thai speaker, and ability in using accurate and appropriate
Standard FL3.1: Using foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development, seeking knowledge and broadening one’s world view
Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situation: in school,
community and society.
Standard FL4.2: Using foreign languages as basic tools for further education, live hood
and exchange of learning with the world community.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/1: Act in compliance with requests, instruction, clarifications and
simple explanations heard and read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/3: Specify/write sentences and paragraphs related to various forms
of non-text information read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/4: Choose the topic and the main idea, tell the supporting details
and express the opinions about what has been heard and read, as well as provide the
justifications and the simple examples for illustrations.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/1: Converse appropriately to exchange information about
themselves, various matters around them and various situations in daily life.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/2: Use orders, instructions, clarifications and explanations according
to the situation.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/4: Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give information,
describe and express opinions about what has been heard or read.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/5: Speak and write to express their own feelings and opinions
about various matters around them, various activities, as well as provide brief justifications
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/1: Speak and write to describe themselves, their daily routines,
experiences and news/incidents of interest to society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/2: Speak and write to summarize the main idea, theme and topic
identified from analysis of matters/ news/incidents of interest to the society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/3: Speak and write to express opinions about activities or various
matters around them and experiences, as well as provide brief justifications.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/1: Use language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate
to various persons and occasions by observing social manners of the native speakers.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/2: Describe the festivals, important days, lifestyles and traditions of
the native speakers.
Indicator 2.2 Grade 8/2: Compare and explain the similarities and the differences
between the lifestyles and culture of native speakers and those of Thais.
Indicator 3.1 Grade 8/1: Search for, collect and summarise the information/ facts related
to other learning areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking/ writing.
Indicator 4.1 Grade 8/1: Use language for communication in real situations/ simulated
situations in the classroom, school and community.
Indicator 4.2 Grade 8/1: Use foreign languages in conducting the research, collecting and
summarising knowledge/various information from the media and different learning sources for
further education and livelihood.
This lesson is going to teach vocabulary and write an invitation to a friend to join you for
an activity. Students can write and talk about negative and answer sentences. Students can
relay about personal information.
Terminal Objective
Students are able to write an invitation to a friend to join you for an activity.
Students are able to make weekend plans for someone visiting your hometown.
Behavioral Objectives
1. Students are able to get how to invitation someone to your hometown
correctly. (K)
2. Students are able make sentences to invite friends correctly. (P)
3. Students actively participate in the activity “Role play” (A)
5.1 Vocabulary:
Cruise ship = เรือสาราญ เรอื ท่องเที่ยว
Engine = เครือ่ งยนต์
Rude = หยาบคาย ไมส่ ภุ าพ
Separate = แยก
Workshop = หอ้ งปฏบิ ตั กิ าร
5.2 Skill: Writing and Speaking
5.3 Function: Use English to as a tool to communicate
1. Warm up
1.1 The teacher greets the students.
1.2 The teacher reviews vocabulary Lesson A – Lesson D
1.3 The teachers asks student about lesson A - D
For example: Do you want to play tennis with me?
Do you want some pizza?
Would you like to play basketball?
2. Presentation
2.1 Students look at book page 28 activity 3 and guess “What do you think the
video will be about ?”
2.2 Teacher plays clip video and answer what video about.
3. Practice
3.1 Students do the activity 4 and 5
3.2 Students make sentences by using activity 4 and 5 as a guide but change the
vocabulary and translate the meaning of sentences.
3.3 Teacher and students checks the correctness of sentences together.
4. Production
4.1 Students make a group divided into 4 groups.
4.2 Students role play by using video clip as a guide and present to front of
4.3 Teacher checks the correctness of sentences when they speaking.
5. Wrap up
5.1 The teacher reviews the vocabulary and activity that we do already.
5.2 Teacher says good bye to the students.
Knowledge (K)
Task Measurement Tools Evaluation Criteria
Students are able to Question and Answer Observation form At least 80 percent
get how to invitation
someone to your Tools Evaluation Criteria
hometown correctly. Observation form Identify the
(K) vocabulary of
Tools questions by listening
Practice (P) Observation form the audio at least 80
Task Measurement
Students are able Writing sentences to Evaluation Criteria
make sentences to 80 percent of
invite friends invite friends. students participate
correctly. (P) in activity.
Attitude (A) Measurement
Activity present in
Task front of the class.
Students actively
participate in the
activity “Role play”
8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 2. New Frontier 2’s Book
1. Flash cards ( Power point )
What happened during my lesson ?
How do I improve my lesson next time ?
( Donnapa Pan-anan )
Student Teacher
(Mrs. Ngamphaka Inthapunya)
Trainer Teacher
(Mr. Pongsawat pongkan)
Head of foreign language department
(Mr. Prithpol Chalee)
The Deputy director of the school
Observation form for “Speaking and Writing to invite friends”
Students are able to Students are able Students actively
No. get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
someone to your invite friends
First – Last name hometown correctly. correctly. (P) activity “Role
(K) play” (A)
Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail
1. เดก็ ชายกดศิ ษิ ย์ วิจติ ร
2. เด็กชายกิตติพิชญ์ ศรมี นตรี
3. เดก็ ชายดลยฤทธ์ิ ภารจานงค์
4. เด็กชายตลุ า จันทรช์ มภู
5. เดก็ ชายบารวนิ วจิ ติ ร
6. เด็กชายภาณุวชิ ญ์ ดวงตา
7. เด็กชายรณกร ชามนตรี
8. เด็กชายศวิ ัช แสนทวีสุข
9. เดก็ ชายศวิ ายุ หลวงเมอื ง
10. เดก็ ชายอษั ฎาวุธ ชยั รกั ษ์
11. เดก็ หญิงกญั ญาพร งอยภูธร
12. เดก็ หญิงกัลยธ์ ิดา ปองไป
13. เด็กหญิงกิ่งกาญจน์ แก่นนาคา
14. เดก็ หญงิ กุลจิรา สนทิ วงศช์ ัย
15. เดก็ หญงิ ขวัญสิรดา โสภาศรี
16. เด็กหญงิ จรรยพร ประการแกว้
17. เด็กหญิงฉตั รชนก ศรบี ณั ฑิตย์
18. เดก็ หญิงชนดิ า บวั ขาว
19. เดก็ หญิงชญั ญานชุ แสนอว้ น
No. Students are able to Students are able Students actively
get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
First – Last name someone to your invite friends activity “Role
hometown correctly. correctly. (P) play” (A)
20. เด็กหญิงชตุ กิ าญจน์ อาจวชิ ยั (K)
21. เดก็ หญิงฐิตมิ า ออ่ นละมลุ Pass Fail Pass Fail
22. เดก็ หญิงธญั ญารตั น์ ครองเมอื งแสน Pass Fail
23. เด็กหญิงธนั ยพร ผวิ สวา่ ง
24. เดก็ หญิงธารธารา สแี สด
25. เดก็ หญิงนฐั ธิดา แสงกอง
26. เด็กหญิงนทั ธมน ขนุ อิน
27. เด็กหญิงบณั ฑิตา จนั ทา
28. เด็กหญิงปภาวรนิ ทร์ พนู ไธสง
29. เดก็ หญิงพชั รมยั พทุ ธสอน
30. เด็กหญิงพมิ พว์ รยี ์ ชนะภมู ิ
31. เดก็ หญิงพิมลรตั น์ บรุ นิ ิตย์
32. เด็กหญิงมญั ฑติ า บญุ หาญ
33. เด็กหญิงระพพี รรณ บสู่ ขุ
34. เด็กหญิงรชั นพี ร สายเเกว้
35. เด็กหญิงวราภรณ์ ศรพี ลชยั
36. เด็กหญิงศศิธร สดุ ตา
37. เดก็ หญิงสริ นิ ทรา พลบรู ณ์
38. เดก็ หญิงสนุ ฏั ฐา แสงพา
39. เด็กหญิงสพุ ตั รา สยี างนอก
40. เดก็ หญงิ อรกญั ญา กัปโก
No. Students are able to Students are able Students actively
First – Last name get how to invitation make sentences to participate in the
someone to your invite friends activity “Role
41. เด็กหญงิ จริ ชั ญา สายราช hometown correctly. correctly. (P) play” (A)
Pass Fail Pass Fail
Pass Fail
Subject : English Level : Grade 8 Unit : 2 Topic : Let’s Have Some Fun
Time : 50 minutes Semester : 1
School : Nongbuapittayakarn School Date : On the 5th Of August, 2021
Student Teacher : Donnapa pan-anan Trainer Teacher : Mrs.Ngamphaka Inthapunya
Standard 1: Language for Communication
Standard FL1.1: Understanding and ability in interpreting what has been heard and read
from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with reasons.
Standard FL1.2: Possessing language communication skills for effective exchange of
information; efficient expression of feeling and opinions
Standard FL1.3: Ability to speak and write about information, concept and view on
various matters.
Standard FL2.1: Appreciating relationship between language and culture of native
speakers and ability in using language appropriately.
Standard FL2.2: Appreciating the similarities and the differences between language and
culture of the native speaker and Thai speaker, and ability in using accurate and appropriate
Standard FL3.1: Using foreign languages to link knowledge with other learning areas, as
foundation for further development, seeking knowledge and broadening one’s world view
Standard FL4.1: Ability to use foreign languages in various situation: in school,
community and society.
Standard FL4.2: Using foreign languages as basic tools for further education, live hood
and exchange of learning with the world community.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/1: Act in compliance with requests, instruction, clarifications and
simple explanations heard and read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/3: Specify/write sentences and paragraphs related to various forms
of non-text information read.
Indicator 1.1 Grade 8/4: Choose the topic and the main idea, tell the supporting details
and express the opinions about what has been heard and read, as well as provide the
justifications and the simple examples for illustrations.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/1: Converse appropriately to exchange information about
themselves, various matters around them and various situations in daily life.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/2: Use orders, instructions, clarifications and explanations according
to the situation.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/4: Speak and write appropriately to ask for and give information,
describe and express opinions about what has been heard or read.
Indicator 1.2 Grade 8/5: Speak and write to express their own feelings and opinions
about various matters around them, various activities, as well as provide brief justifications
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/1: Speak and write to describe themselves, their daily routines,
experiences and news/incidents of interest to society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/2: Speak and write to summarize the main idea, theme and topic
identified from analysis of matters/ news/incidents of interest to the society.
Indicator 1.3 Grade 8/3: Speak and write to express opinions about activities or various
matters around them and experiences, as well as provide brief justifications.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/1: Use language, tone of voice, gestures and manners appropriate
to various persons and occasions by observing social manners of the native speakers.
Indicator 2.1 Grade 8/2: Describe the festivals, important days, lifestyles and traditions of
the native speakers.
Indicator 2.2 Grade 8/2: Compare and explain the similarities and the differences
between the lifestyles and culture of native speakers and those of Thais.
Indicator 3.1 Grade 8/1: Search for, collect and summarise the information/ facts related
to other learning areas from learning sources, and present them through speaking/ writing.
Indicator 4.1 Grade 8/1: Use language for communication in real situations/ simulated
situations in the classroom, school and community.
Indicator 4.2 Grade 8/1: Use foreign languages in conducting the research, collecting and
summarising knowledge/various information from the media and different learning sources for
further education and livelihood.
This lesson is going to teach vocabulary and write an invitation to a friend to join you for
an activity. Students can write and talk about negative and answer sentences. Students can
relay about personal information.
Terminal Objective
Students are able to write an invitation to a friend to join you for an activity.
Students are able to make weekend plans for someone visiting your hometown.
Behavioral Objectives
1. Students are able to get how to do day trip plan correctly. (K)
2. Students are able to planning activities correctly. (P)
3. Students actively participate in the activity “Role play” (A)
5.1 Vocabulary:
Cruise ship = เรือสาราญ เรอื ท่องเทีย่ ว
Engine = เครือ่ งยนต์
Rude = หยาบคาย ไมส่ ภุ าพ
Separate = แยก
Workshop = ห้องปฏิบัติการ
5.2 Skill: Writing and Speaking
5.3 Function: Use English to as a tool to communicate
1. Warm up
1.1 The teacher greets the students.
1.2 The teacher writes the word “foreign exchange student”
1.3 The teacher and students translate this word together.
2. Presentation
2.1 The teacher writes this word on the board “free time activities”
and translate it.
2.2 Teacher asks student “What did you do on weekend?” and Students write
free time activity on the board.
3. Practice
3.1 Students read book page 29 activity 6 choose the favorite place and activity
that you interested.
3.2 Students share their idea with friends and choose just 1 activity to planning
to traveling.
3.3 Teacher and students checks the correctness of sentences together.
4. Production
4.1 Students make a group divided into 4 groups.
4.2 Students role play by using activity 8 to speaking.
4.3 Teacher checks the correctness of sentences when they speaking.
5. Wrap up
5.1 The teacher reviews the vocabulary and activity that we do already.
5.2 Teacher says good bye to the students.
Knowledge (K)
Task Measurement Tools Evaluation Criteria
Students are able to Question and Answer Observation form At least 80 percent
get how to do day
trip plan correctly. (K) Tools Evaluation Criteria
Observation form Identify the
Practice (P) vocabulary of
Tools questions by listening
Task Measurement Observation form the audio at least 80
Students are able to Writing a day trip. percent
planning activities
correctly. (P) Evaluation Criteria
80 percent of
Attitude (A) Measurement students participate
Activity present in in activity.
Task front of the class.
Students actively
participate in the
activity “Role play”
8. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 2. New Frontier 2’s Book
1. Flash cards ( Power point )