'l'he register of baptisms and burials dates from wooded park of about 300 acres, well stocked with deei".
the year 1709; marriage.•;;, 1712. The living is a. The mansion, plainly but substantially built of stone, stands
rectory, with that. of Braddock (or Broadoak) an- on rising ground surrounded by well-grown trees and shrubsr
nexed, average tithe rent-charge [.3o6, joint net yearly and commands very tine views of tbe park; extensive addi-
value £,2o9, with 84 acres of glebe, in the gift of J. B. tions to the house were made in 1883 ; in the south front,
Fortescue esq. and held since 1874 by the Rev. Vernon 110 feet in length, and partly built by the first Lord
Harcourt .Aldham M. A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, and Camelford, is a gallery 65 feet long, containing many family
Honorary Canon of Truro. There is a 'Wesleyan chapel at and other portraits by distinguished artists; on an eminence
Couch's Mill, and one for the Bible Christians about a mile a short distance from the house stands an elegantly pro-
distant. An ancient round-headed stone cross was re- portioned obelisk, 123 feet high, erected by Lord Camelfordr
erected on an elevated site, called" Druid's hill," in this in 1771, to the memory of Sir Richard Lyttleton K.B. who
parish, in 1846 ; it is placed on a massive square pedestal, died Oct. 1, 1770: here also is a memorial to the late F. lVL
raised od three steps, and the total height is about 18 feet. Duke of Wellington K.G. consisting of five trees planted on
Another cross, 7 feet high, removed from Lanlivery, was the day of his funeral,9 Nov. 1852 and surrounding a small
placed on a double hexagonal pedestal in 184o, by G. M. stone bearing an inscription. John Bevill Fortescne esq.
Fortescue esq. and an inscription added to the Right Hon. J.P. is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil
William Wyndham, Baron Grenville P.C.,D.C.L., F.S.A. and is rather light; subsoil, spar and clay. The chief crops are
sometime Chancellor of the University of Oxford, who died wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 2,065 acres;
Jan. 12, 1834. Near this place, at Braddock Down, a rateable value, £,1,983 ; the population in 1891 was 314.
battle was fought Jan. 19, 1643, between the king's troops, CoucH's MILL is a village ' mile south of Boconnoc and
commanded by Sir Ralph Hopton and Sir Bevil Grenville, and 3 miles east of Lostwithiel.
the forces of the Parliament, under Col. Ruthven, Governor Letters through Lostwithiel, the nearest money order &
of Plymouth, when the latter were completely defeated and telegraph office, arrive at 7.40 a.m
driven across the Tamar: the obelisk stands within forti- WALL LETTER Box, Couch's Mill, cleared at 10 a.m. week
fications thrown up by the Royalists. Boconnoc, formerly days only
the property of the Pitt family, Barons Camelford, and now WALL LETTER Box, at Boconnoc, cleared at 4.30 p.m
the property and seat of John Bevill .Fortescue esq. J.P. is Parochial School (mixed), built for 6o children; average
situated about 3 miles north-east of Lostwithiel, in a richly- attendance, 54 ; Miss Minnie Prisk, mistress
Dnnbar William, Ford Dunbar William, home manager to J. Phillips William, farmer, Nethertown
Fortescue John Bevill D.L., J.P
Parr Rev. John M.A. [curate], The B. Fortescue esq Rabley William, carpenter to J. B. For-
Stewardry Harris Edward Scautlebury, farmer, tescue esq. Obelisk lodge
COMMERCIAL. Botallick Richards William, farmer, Cuttapitt
BrokenshireJsph. boot ma.Couch's mill Hicks Daniel, blacksmith, Couch's mill Searle James, shopkeeper, Couch's mill
Couch Jonn. miller (water) & farmer, Hocken William,carpenter,Couch's mill 1 Smith John, farm bailiff to J. B. For-
Couch's mill Honeycombe Thos. farmer, Menaburle tescue esq. Ford
Knott William, farmer, Polpiece Stephens James, farmer, Hill
. BOD~1IN .
BODMIN, the capital of Cornwall, is a municipal borough, 1 franchised as a borough and merged in the South Eastern
market and union town, head of a county court district, division.
township and parish; it is in the South Eastern division of Bodmin has given the title of Viscount to the Roberts or
the county, hundred and petty sessional division of Trigg, Robartes family, Barons Roberts of Trnro and Earls of
rural deanery and archdeaeonry of Bodmin and diocese of Radnor, all which titles became extinct in 1764, but in 1765
Truro. The town is pleasantly seated in a val!ey near the the new peerage of Earl Radnor and in 186;) that of Lord
centre of the .county, 32 miles from Plymouth, on the road Robartes were created.
to Falmouth, 34 from the latter town and 274 from London Various derivations have been suggested for its name, and
by rail, 20 north-east from Truro, 50 north-east from Pen- among these "Bod-rnynach" (Cym. Cel. ), the dwelling of
zance and 32 north-east from Redrnth. the monks; and "Bod-mynydd," the dwelling in the hills.
The branch of the Great Western railway from Bodmin In 1351 Bodmin suffered severely from a visitation of the
Road to Hodmin was opened for traffic in 188'7. The Wade- plague; in various years from 1563 to 1590 there was great
bridge branch railway, opened in 1888 for pa~o~senger and mortality, and iri 1571 a pestilence raged in the place with
goods traffic, belongs, as far as Boscarn, exclusively to the unusual virulence. From an early period the town was the
Great Western Ratlway Co. who have running powers on to scene of popular insurrections, especially in June, 1497,
Wadebridge on the London and South Western Co.'s line, when Thomas Flammock or Flamank and Michael Joseph
which also connects Bodmin with Wadebridge, for goods headed a rising against the taxes levied in order to pay the
traffic only, by an independent route between Boscarn and expenses of the war against the Scots. In September of the
Bodmin. The South Western Railway Company have a same· year, the pretender, Perkin Warbeck, landing at
branch for goods and minerals only from Wadebridge to Whitesand bay, near St. German's, proceeded to Bodmin, and
Wenford Bridge, in the parish of St. Breward; this was con- causing himself to be proclaimed there as Richard IV. then
strncted in 1834 and acquired by the company in 1845. marched into Devonshire. In 1549 Bodmin was the centre
Bodmin appears to have been possessed of municipal of an insurrection in the west against the suppression of the
privileges, granted by its lords, from an early period, and monasteries and the changes in religious formularies: the
the burgesses are mentioned in the Pipe Roll for II90 malcontents, assembling in the town under Henry Bray, then
(I Richard I.), but until the dissolution of the priory, the mayor, and other leaders, marched out, and in July laid
prior was the actual lord of the town, and all privileges siege to Exeter, which the citizens bravely defended for 35
held by the burgesses were received through the prior and days, and were then relieved by the royal forces, the rebels
convent. The earliest charter is that granted by Richard being eventually defeated at Clifton Heath, 7th August,
(Piantagenet), Earl of Poitou and Cornwall, and brother to 1549, and driven back into Cornwall. During the Civil War
Henry Ill. and this was confirmed by Edward I. in 1285, the town was occupied alternately by both parties, and in
and succeeding monarchs up to and including Edward IV. 1642-3 was the head quarters of Sir Ralph Hopton just
In the reign of Elizabeth the town was regularly incorpor- previous to his victorious engag-ement with the Parliamen-
ated by charter dated II March, 1562-3, but this instrument tary forces at Braddock Down, January 19, 1642-3 ; and the
being found imperfect, a new charter was issued 30 April, further success of the Royalists at Stratton, in the north of
1594: James II. also granted a charter to the town 27th the county, 16th May, 1643, was the cause of the letter of
March, 1685, but this was annulled at the Revolution, thanks from Charles I. to the Cornish people, a copy of
and that of Elizabeth, which had been surrendered, was which is at Baldhu. In July, 164.t, the Earl of Essex took
revived and remained m force until the issue of the charter possession of the town, and held it until driven out about
of George Ill. 27th August, 1798, although the Corporation, August 10 by Sir Richard Grenville, who was joined on the
owing to dissensions, had been practically extinct for the day following by the king in person, but after a successful
previous nine years. 'fhe Corporation, remodelled 'under skirmish with the Roundheads at Tywardreth 31st August,
the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835 (5 and 6 WIJliam IV. 1644, the king finally left the county, and in 1645 Bodmin was
c. 76), now consists of a. mayor, four aldermen and r2 again occupied by the Parliament. In 1769 an Act of Par-
councillors ; the Corporation act as the urban sanitary liament was passed for improving the roads in and leading
authority, and the borough has a commission of the peace. to the town, through which the chief highway now passed,
The borough returned two members to Parliament from 23 and this Act was amended in various yE"ars from 1786 to
Edward I. ~1294-5} until the" Representation of the People 1835, and by 1836 two coaches ran daily through the town
Act, 1867,' by which the number was reduced to one only; from London.
under the "Redistribu1ion of Seats Act, x885,'' it was dis- The town consiSts prircipally of one streetJ mnning ca5t.
and west, from which others branch out ; on the south side July, 1633 ; here also is a mural tablet to Cicely (Ward),
rises the Beacon Hill, which is; crowned by the Gilbert obelisk; wife of Bernard Achym, ob. 13th June, 1639, with incised
i.t is well paved and lighted with gas, and has a constant kneeling effigy and 20 English rhyming lines, a shield of
supply of water at high pressure from a spring known as arms, and emblems, and the fragments of another memorial
•• Butter Well," near Dnnmere, to the north-west; the cemented and framed, with portions of an inscription to a
. water is here forced to a height of 451 _feet and conveyed to lady of the Achym family, ob. 1557 ; the south chancel aisle
a reservoir on the Beacon hill, south of the town, from has a stone to John Bullock, gent. ob. r658, and a marble
whence it is distributed through pipes to the different parts slab to Charles Blight, gent. mayor 1658 and 1677, ob. uth
Qf the town : a bill has been passed by Parliament for powers December, 1684, and Elizabeth his wife, ob. 17or ; in the
to supply the town with water (by gravitation) from Hame- corresponding north aisle is a monument to Edward Hoblyn,
tathy in the parish of St. Breward. gent. ob. 28th December, 1688: there are besides a number
During the greater part of the roth century, the bishops of ancient memorials in an imperfect condition, and those of
Qf Cornwall were seated at Bodmin, and did not remove to modern date record the names of four vicars, viz. :-Jasper
St. German's till about A. D. 980. Wood M.A, 37 years vicar, d. 1716; Anthony Hosken B.D. 36
The priory church of St. Mary and St. Petrock, the largest years Yicar, d. 21st November, 1766; John Wallis M.A.
parish church in Cornwall, is an edifice of stone, chiefly in mentioned above, and John Pomeroy M. A. 35 years vicar, d.
the Perpendicular style, with some portions of Norman and 17th August, 18r3, as well as of the Gilbert, Moyle, Oakley,
Early English work, and consists of chancel and nave, Liddell, Pennington and other families : the church was
together of nine bays, with aisles extending the whole length partly rebuilt, 1469-72, and the west front in 1814; the later
of both, south porch with parvise, and an embattled tower restoration has been carried on, at intervals, from about
Qf t-hree stages on the north side, with four tall pinnacles, 1867 up to r886, at a cost, including windows and other
and containing a clock and 8 bells, recast in 1767 ; it is r51 gifts, of over £ xo,ooo; the organ was renovated in 1893 :
feet in length by 65 wide, dimensions which correspond as there are 700 sittings: the church is surrounded by a
nearly as possible with those given by the Chronicler churchyard, at the east end of which, and adjoining the
William of Worcester; the tower was originally surmounted vicarage garden, is the chantry chapel of St. 'l'homas the
by a spire, reaching a height, together with the tower, of Martyr, an elegant structure of the Decorated period,
:rso feet, but this was destroyed by lightning 9th December, forming a parallelogram, the length internally being 44 feet
1699, and a sum of £227 was expended in repairing the 9 inches and the width I 8 feet, with a porch on the south
damage done to the fabric and bells: the three easternmost side : the east window has elegant tracery, and in the south
bays are inclosed by wood screens, constructed in part from wall are triple seclilia and a piscina; below the chapel is a
the old bench ends : the stained east window, presented in vaulted crypt ; the building is now in a decayed state, and
1824 by Lord de Dunst'lnville, has been removed for overgrown with i\'Y: in the church was also a chantry
the insertion of a more modern window: the south chancel dedicated to St. John the Baptist, and endowed in 1474 by
aisle retains a piscina and a priest's door, and there are Stephen Naylor, of Bodmin. The register of baptisms and
traces of the rood loft stair<~ : the rood screen was removed burials dates from the year 1558 ; marriages, 1559 ; all are
in r775 : in the north chancel aisle is the tomb of Thomas in an excellent state of preservation, and there is an Index
Vivian, prior of Bodmin and titular bishop of Megara, ob. Nominnm, compiled by the Rev. J. Wallis, a former vicar.
rst June, 1533; this altar tomb, originally in the priory The churchwardens' accounts, preserved by the Corporation,
church, is of grey stone, about 7 feet long by 3 in height, begin in 1484. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
and bears a recumbent effigy of the prior, vested, wearing a charge £291, net yearly value £222, with residence, in the
mitre and holding his pastoral staff ; at the corners a1 e gtft of the trustees of the late Captain Gnstavus Lambart
mutilated figures of angels, and the panelled sides are Basset, and held since 1887 by the Rev. William Augustos
enriched with figures of the Evangelists and of angels bearing Fenwick M. A. of St. Jo'm's College, Oxford.
the arms of the priory and those of Vivian ; on the margin St. Leonard's chapel of ease, at the west end of the town,
is an inscription in Lombardic capitals; the monument, as is a small rectangular building of stone, formerly used as !t
recorded on an inscribed brass on the top, was repaired in stable; it was restored in 1884 at a cost of £150, and has 150
1819 by Sir Vyell Vyvyan hart. and again more recently by sittin~. There was anciently a chapel of the same name
the present Rev. Sir V. D. Vyvyan hart.: many ancient further west.
bench ends, besides those incorporated in the screens, 'rhe Mission church at Nanstallon, erected in r884, in con-
remain, !lnd some of these exhibit grotesque carvings: the nection with the parish church, is a building of stone in the
pulpit and reading desk are also finely carved, and some of Gothic style, consisting of chancel and aisles, with sittings
this work appears to have been executed in 1492, by one for So.
Matthy More, carpenter: the church has wagon roofs, ribbed The Catholic church and Priory are at Town End ; the
and plastered, and adorned with carved bossP.s, executed church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a small building of stone,
1469-72, and exhibiting shields of arms and grotesques : the consisting of chancel and nave, and has sittings for uo
font is a fine example of the Transition Norman style ; a persons.
Gothic cross, with a carving of the " Crucifixion," is also The Bible Christian chapel, Higher Bore street, was built
preserved: the embattled south porch has a parvise of two in xSsr, and will hold 400 persons. The Wesleyan Methodist
stories, about n feet square and reached by a turret staircase chapel, Fore street, erected in 1803 and rebuilt in 1839, was
on the north side; on the south front of the porch are three enlarged and partly rebuilt in r887, and will seat 850
canopied niches: there are memorial windows in the church persons.
to the Rev. John Wallis M. A. 49 years vicar, d. 6th December, 'l'he Free Methodist chapel, Pool street, was built in 18421
1866; William Robert Hicks esq. mayor 1865-6; and two and has 400 sittings.
others, erected in 1891-2 to the officers and men of the Duke Lady Huntingdon's chapel, Fore street, erected in r87r at
of Cornwall's Light Infantry, who fell in the Zulu and a cost of £1 ,o5o, is a building of local stone, with Bath stone
Egyptian campaigns of 1879 and 1882-5: the church con- dressings in the Gothic style, and has sittings for 430 persons.
tains a large number of monuments and inscriptions, many 'fh~ Cemetery, at the top of Rhind street, belongs to the
bemg of early date; in the chancel IS an ancient slab town. There are at present no mortuary chapels, but the
heanng a floriated cross and a marginal inscription to Nonconformist body are now (1893) erecting one from
Thomas le Moyle, probably one of the mayors of that name designs by Mr. Menear Oliver: the Cemetery is controlled
in the first half of the 15th century; in the nave is a slab by the vicar and churchwardens and by a Nonconformist
with incised cross and initials, and round the verge an in- cemetery committee ; in the oldest portion, originally glebe
scription to John Vyvyan, ob. qth March, 1545; next the belonging to the vicarage, stands the ruined tower of the
east wall is a slate slab insct:ibed to Richard Durant, mayor ancient church of the Holy Rood, destroyed at the time of
in 16rt and 1624, ob. 2oth May, 1632,and Loveday (Mitchell), the Reformation; two acres, purchased for a sum of .£3oo,
ob. 1589, and Katheren (Turny), ob. r6o8, his wive&, and has belong to the church, one acre, bought for £roo, totheNon-
10 English verses and effigies of the wives and 20 children : conformists, and three acres have been added, at a cost of
near the prior's tomb is a stone with inscription to Thomas £350, by the Urban Sanitary Authority.
Corye, mayor, 1591, ob. February, 1592 ; a broken slab, with The Town Hall, or Guildhall, is in Fore street. The in-
part of an achievement of arms, has also a mutilated legend signia of the Corporation include four maces and a corporate
to William Kendall, ob. I]th December, r6o4,. and an seal : the two smaller and earlier maces, r5! inches in
epitaph of 10 Latin lines ; on the floor of the north aisle is a length, are of silver, with semi-globular heads, on the fla\
slab with the arms of Maynard impaling Michell, probably top of which are the royal arms of James I. the initials I. R.
commemorating Nicholas Maynard and Jane (Michell), his and the date 1618: the two great maces of silv-er-gilt, 2
wife, ob. illa r6ro ; next it is another inscribed to Pbilip (eet 8j- inches long, form a pair, and are alike in every
Michellesq. andBlanche (Carmiuow)9 his wife, ob.illa 13th respect : the shafts, richly chased and banded, hav-e spread·
·September, z673: there are mural slabs in the north aisle ing bases, and open scroll brackets support the heads,
surrounded with small shields of arms, to Bernard :Ftamank, difided by winged and foliaged female figures into four
ob. 25th October,. r6s8, and his wives Elizabeth (House), oh. compartments, containing the national emblems, crowned;
1632, and Bridget.(Tremayne) : in the 11outh chancel aisle is from the cresting above spring open arched crowns, sur·
a ledger of slate with the arms of the Merchant Adven- mounted by the orb and cross ; on the flat top of the heads
turers,. and inscription ti,o Peter Bolt, .~erehan. i~ eb.. 2... 6th are the royal arms and supporters of William Ill. and M..ry,
• ~ . l' • ~ .... ~(
and the motto, "IE MEIN TIEN DRAY" (Je maintiendrai), erected, and in 1884, another, which, toJether with its site,
and on the flat base of the shaft a representation of the town cost upwards of £2o,ooo, was built from the designs of Mr.
seal and an inscriptiQn in Latin showing the maces to have Norman, of Devonport, and Mess'l's. Hine and Odgers, of
been presented in 1690 by Charles Bodvill (Robartes), 2nd Plymouth; it consists of a main block, 375 feet in length,
Earl of Radnor: the corporate seal of silver is vesica-shaped with wings of 78 feet, and has a covered way connecting it
and represents a king (probably JEthelstan) sitting on a with the other buildings of the asylum, affording a walk of
canopied throne ; above is a triple-towered castle and round about 330 yards in. length; communicating with this block
the verge a legend. The Corporation also possess a two- is a dining and recreation hall, 8o by 34 feet : the asylu31
handled silver loving-cup, with cover, 17 inches high, pre- is now available for 760 patients; the average being, males
sented in 1760 by Sir William Irby hart. afterwards Baron 305 and females 366, so being private patients. In an outer
Boston, and a silver snuff-box, given in 1812 by the Rev. inclosore is the chapel, erected 1859-61, at a cost, with sub-
William Flamank D.D. then mayor. The very ancient and sequent enlargement, of t) ,515; it consists of upsidal
curious ivory casket or reliquary now held by the Corpora- chancel, nave of two bays, south aisle, transept, porches and
tion is traditionally that in which, according lio Benedict, vestry and a turret containing one bell : below the chapel
abbot of Peterborough, Roger, prior of Bodmin, brought is a crypt: there are sittings for about 350 persons. The
back the relics of the blessed St. Petrock, which had been Visiting Committee meet::~ on the Monday in each
carried away to Brittany by Martin, one of the canons of month.
Bodmin, in II77; the ca.sket is 18 inches long, ro high ttnd 'fhe Masonic .Hall is in Turf street.
12 in width, the sides of the cover being sloped off, and is The M. U. of Oddfellows hold their meetings at the Bod-
formed of thin plates of ivory, fastened with ivory rivets and min Coffee tavern and the Foresters have a small hall in
banded and clamped with brasswork ; the exterior is orna- Fore street.
mented with medallions of interlaced work and quaint The 3'l'd Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
figures of birds in gold and colours ; and on the top is a (Royal Cornwall Rangers Militia) stores occupy a con-
small square handle ; in the opinion of competent critics spicuous position on the Lostwithiel road ; there is also an
this highly interesting reliquary dates from the 12th or 13th inclosed drill ground for the depot of the 1st battalion (32nd
cent.ury, and is of oriental workmanship. The mayor wears foot) and 2nd battalion (46th foot) of the Duke of Cornwall's
a robe of scarlet cassemire, trimmed with sable and black Light Infantry Regiment, forming the 32nd Regimental
velvet and lined with white silk; the ex:-mayor wears a robe Dist'l'ict.
of blue mazarine trimmed with black bear skin; the two The head quarters of the 2nd Volunteer battalion of Duke
senior aldermen wear robes of black cloth, with velvet of Cornwall's Light Infantry are also in the town.
collars, and trimmed with black fringe ; the town clerk, The Market House, in Fore street, was erected by the Cor-
mace bearers and crier also wear robes. · The past and poration in 1839-40, at a cost of £3,ooo, for meat, poultry
present mayors are about to purchase and present to the and butter. The market is held here every Saturday. On
town a mayoral chain. the site of the former butter market is a clock turret, con-
The County Hall and Assize Courts, in Mount Folly taining a clock, presented to the town by Capt. Collins R.N.
square, in which the a.ssizes and quarter sessions and county of Trewardale, Blisland.
courts are held, were erected in 1837 under a private Act of Fairs for cattle and horses are held on January 25, on one
rarliament, obtained in the previous year, and form a plain day at Easter and on two days at Whitsuntide, July 6 and
but substantial building of granite ashlar, from designs by Dec..6. A cattle market is held the first Monday in every
Mr. Burt, of Launceston ~ up to the time of their erection month except those on which fairs are held.
the assizes had generally been divided between this town Sandoe's Royal hotel, in the centre of the town, is exten-
and Launceston, and were held here in the ancient church sive, conveniently arranged and well conducted.
of the Grey Friars, which was taken down to make room for The" Town Arms" is also a convenient and well m~nage:l
the new courts and public rooms. house.
The :Mayoralty House is a building of stone, erected by The East Cornwall Uospital and Dispensary, Mount Folly
the Corporation near the same site, for the use of the judges square, eshblished in 1844• is a substantial builJing of stone,
during the assizes. arranged to receive 15 in-patients, and is entirely supported
Bodmin Public Rooms, erected in 1892, at a cost of. by voluntary contributions: the average number of in-
£3,5oo,irom designs by Messrs. Railing and Tonar, archi- patients is 45, out 430.
tects, of Exeter, form a handsome building of local stone St. Guron's Orphanage, established in January, 1865, and
and granite with freestone dressings, occupying part of the certificated for reeeiving vauper children, is for the main-
site of the ancient Franciscan monastery, some remains of tenance of 14 girls from xo to 16 years old : they are ed :1cated
which were remoYed to make room for it. It comprises a and trained for domestic service and situations found for
large hall So by 40 feet, with a stage at the northern end, a them on reaching a proper age, and when out of place from
small hall and cloak and dressing 'l'ooms : the building is any cause except misconduct, they are a;ain received into
heated throughout by hot water and well lighted : the large the home : the orphanagd is supported by a few small
hall will hold 8oo people and is let for concerts, meetings, subscriptions, laundry work, rent of rooms let, and pay-
entertainments &c.. ments with any children who ha\'e friends in a po::>ition to
The Literary Institute, situated in Mount Folly square, render assistance: about half the children have been taken
was established m 1843 and has a library: the building was from Bodmin workhouse, for whom the guardians allow 2s.
formerly part of the old poor-house, and has been granted a week each until they reach the age of 13 : the home is
by the town for the purposes of the institute. under the management of Mrs. Gilbert, an\1 is regularly
Bodmin is the head quarters of the county police, who also visited and reported upon by the Government and Dioc3sau
act in the town but are controlled in this respect by the inspectors.
County Council. The County Police Station, opposite to The principal charities are Chamond's. or the Dunmere
the Priory, was erected about 1867, from the designs of Mr. charity, founded in 1624 by John Chamond, and de'l'i\·ed
Goorlyear. from 7A. oR. 25P. of land, the income from which is distri-
Her Majesty's prisons, formerly the County Gaol, at buted in blankets; Brown's, of [.250, invested in 3 per
Berrycombe (Burcom), about half a mile north-west of the Cent. Consolidated Annuities, and distributed on New Year's
town, on the slope of an eminence facing southwards, were day by tb.e mayor, in sums of 2s. 6d. among the poor of the
originally erected unde'l' a local Act of Parliament, 18 borpugh and parish t and Pope's, of [.2o, arising from the
Geo. Ill. c. rr(I777-8), and rebuilt in 18ss-sa from designs benefaction (:March 13th, 1813) of William Pope. of Bodmin,
by Mr. Porter, architec~ of London; it includes cells for 129 yeomaq, and distributed at Christmas and Easter, in sums
prisoners, ~idences for the governor and chaplain, and a of 2s. tbh•ve the vicar and church wardens . a mile south or ·
chapel ~ in 1888 two blocks of buildings formerly used for On Beacon hill, about a quarter of the
Imprisoned debtors and women, were detached, an.? consti- town, is a monument, erected in 1856-7, to Lieut.-Gen. Sir
tuted by Admiralty warrant a Royal Naval prison, and were Waiter Raleigh Gilbert bart. G.C.B. of the J;Jengal Army, a
opened as such 3 .April in that year. di-lltinguished commander in the Indian campaigns of
The Gounty Lunatic Asylum, a little t.o the west of the I845-6, who died May 10, 1853; the melllorial consists of
town on a site of about nine acres, granted by the Corpora.- an obelisk 144 feet in height. on a square base, the whole
tion, consists. of eight blocks of buildings radiating from a being of local granite ; on the south tace cf the monument,
centre, with annexes and detached blocks subsequently on a projecting slab, is a long inscription recording hi~
erected and residences for the various officers :.- the fir.~t~ public services.
portion, for 100 patients, was built in 1820, from the designs Bodmin was fol'"'1L long time the residence of the eminen~
·of Mr. Foulstone~ architect, of Plymouth, at a cost of mechanician; LawrenceJiolker Potts M.D. who he~e invented
£•6,019: in 1842 the "high building" was adde~ at a cost the hydraulic pile-driving apparatus.
of £3,757, from designs by Mr. G. Wight.wick, architect, . Antiquities.--Several ancient roads ar~ .still traceable in
of PLymouth, and in 1848 a "new building," from plans. by the par1sh ; one of these to the north-east pa;;ses from the
the same architect, was built for £6,r:xxJ: a furtbert:nlarge- dirQctlOR qf Penca.rrow near the eastern side of Dunmere
ment was made in 1867 by t-he erecti~n of the Carew block, Camp and towards Boscarne; anothe.r, brauching fro;n it,
at an expense of £6,66z, from the designs of :Messrs. Norman ru.ns from ~scame and by the ford of the river Al.m to.
and Hine, of Plymouth ; in 1873 an additional building was Castle Kynoc, or. Canyke, and a third skirts thi.$ en~r"'nch-
ment on the south and east, branching north-east to Car- This monastery was dissolved, with the other lesser houses,
dinham. There is a tumulus on the west side of Castle in IS46, and the site and buildings granted to the Vyvyan
Canyke and others on the downs in the neighbourhood, but; family, from whom they were purchased in IS66 by the
three formerly on Beacon hill have disappeared. Cast.Ie Corporation; the friary church, a fine structure ISO feet in
Kynoc, or Canyke, one mile south-east, is a nearly circular length by 6o high, with a large east window of the Decorated
earthwork, consisting of ramparts, now much broken up, in- period, long served as an assize court, was removed in I837
closing an area of about I8 acres, and, being situated at a for the erection of the new courts, and in the course of this
height of s2o feet above the sea level, affords an extensive work a skeleton was discovered in a tomb built into one of
view. Dnnmere Camp, situated in the wood of that name, the walls, and many graves were met with under the flooring:
about 2 miles north-west, is an entrenchment of oval shape columns from the interior are to be seen in the town, one of
commanding the Alan valley, with a single vallum, broken which was placed in the churchyard by the Rev. John Wallis,
only by the entrance at the north-east, and a fosse from 8 to late vicar ; another has been erected in the lobby of the
18 feet deep ; Tregaer Camp, near N anstallon, about 2~ miles Public Rooms : the gate house in Fore street, now converted
west, discovered about ISIO, is a Roman work, originally into a dwelling house, and occupied by Marshall and Son,
forming a parallelogram nearly IIo by 86 yards, but only drapers, was modernized in I8S4-51 and its external details
portions of the vallum on the north, west and south sides plastered over. In the new market house is preserverl a
now remain; near the site copper coins of Vespasian (A.D. singular stone vessel belonging to the friary, which served
69) and a brass coin of Trajan (A.D. 98·II7) have been found. as a corn measure ; it is octagonal in shape, and bears the
Within the limits of the parish of Bodmin several interesting inscription, "How ever ye selL B. F. IS63. Your measure
examples of ancient crosses still exist, one of these, 7 feet fyll. R. F. 1826; '' there is also here an ancient bell, also •
8 inches in height, with a round bead, has been set upon a from the friary, I foot 4 inches across at the mouth, the
new square base, attached to which is a small semi-circular surface of which is relieved by a series of horizontal ridges:
trough ; thewbole now forms a drinking fountain and stands it is now rung at the opening and closing of the market.
near the Prison : a similar cross, 6 ft. 4 in. high, once at There were also here several hospitals. That of St.
the top of Castle Street hill, now covers a well in a neigh- Lanrence, a lazar house, existed in the 13th century. and its
bouring meadow: within the cemetery at the Berry and chapel was consecrated by Thomas Brentingham, bishop of
close to the tower is another round-beaded cross, 4 ft. 3 in. Exeter, 27t.h August, 13'l2 ; the hospital received from
high. Carminow Cross, which stands by the road, south- Queen Elizabeth, 9th March, 1582, a charter of incorporation,
east of Castle Canyke, is broken, but; has a fine round head, and James I. conferred upon it additional privileges; it
3 feet across. At Calliwith, some distance north-east of the consisted as a corporate body of a master or governor and
town, is another cross, 5 ft. 3 in. high, also round-headed, 39 brethren and sisters," being leprous people," but towards
but with the arms of the cross projecting: in the churchyard the end of the 18th century such persons could not be found
stands part of the shaft of a cross, 3 ft. 4 in. in height, the to maintain the foundation, and in t8os, by an Order of the
sides of which are ornamented with figures, rudely carved : Court of Chancery, the hospital estates w~>re transferred to
the square head of a cross, possibly belonging to this shaft, the County Infirmary, which is therefore now bound to
also remains ; it was pinnacled at the top, and on a sunk receive any leprous persons who may claim t;he benefits of
panel on one side is a sculptured group of the " Crucifixion ; " this charity; of the chapel, which in 1814 was ruinous and
at the ends are figures of bishops. used as a stable, some fragments remain.
Scarlet's Well, probably deriving its name from a family The hospital and chapel of St. Anthony stood in Chapel
of Scarlet residing here in the qth century, is a fine spring lane, and there was a hospital of St. George in another part.
or well about a mile west of the town, remarkable for its of the town ; near the town there were also chapels of St.
purity and abundance, and is still reputed to possess medi- Anne and St. M:argaret at Chapel Hayes and :Margate
cinal qualities. respectively.
Towards the end of the sth century a recluse, afterwards 'l'be number of guilds and fraternities once existing here
canonized as St. Guron or Goran, founded a hermitage in was very considerable, and as many as 45 are found
the valley, then densely wooded, where the town of Bodmin recorded ; the guild of the Holy Rood, established at the
now stands ; here he was joined, as is supposed, by Petrock, Berry, was one of the most prominent, and had a chapel
a Cornish chieftain, who afterwards proceeded to the mon- with a burial ground annexed ; the ruined tower of the
astery of Clonard, eo. Meath, Ireland, for the purpose of chapel is still standing, and the burial ground, forming part
theological study, and on his return, the hermitage being of the vicarage glebe, was inclosed with adjoining land, in
resigned to him by Goran, be founded a monastery on the t8sg, to form a new Cemetery.
spot, under the rule of St. Benedict, a site being given by A large number of tokens were issued by traders in this
Constantine II. (542-6), successor of the famous King Arthur, town during the 17th century, of which several examples,
and here, on his death, which, according to some writers, bearing the names of Harris, Manaton and Wills, are
occurred at Padstow, be was buried ; the place was burned extant.
by the Danes in 981 and at the Conquest the priory was The Curfew is still rung here at 8 o'clock in the evening,
despoiled of much of its landed property; William Warlewast, and a curious custom called "Paul's Pitcher'' used to be
bishop of Exeter (n07-36) refounded it for Austin Canons; observed on the e'"e (Jan. 24th) of the festival of St. Paul,
it was eventually surrendered 27th Feb. 1538, by Thomas when, after nightfall, boys stole along the streets, and threw
Wand!swortb, prior, Richard Oliver, sub-prior and nine pitchel.'M into such doorways as may be left open : the
canonS, the lands of the monastery being then about tiO andent practice of vie wing the borough boundaries, was
acres, and the income [170; the site and lands were sold revived and duly ce:ebrated during Rogationtide 1866, by
by the king, 2nd June, IS4S, to Thomas Sternhold, groom the late W. R. Hicks esq. then mayor.
of the robes to Henry VIII. but better known as a versifier Mr. M. H. Marks is lord of the manor, the principal
of the Psalms, for the sum of £t,ooo; the property was landowners are Lords Robartes and Vivian, the Molesworth
subsequently laeld by the Rashleigh and Pennington families, family, Captain F. J. Hext, Major Shanks, the Hoblyn
by whorn the buildings were pulled down or largely altered ; family, William F. Phillips, Captain C. E. Serjeant, Mrs.
the church (95 by so feet) having been already destroyed; Collins, W. J. Penny esq. and Truro Infirmary.
and afterwards it passed to Sir Elijah Impey kt. some time The area of the municipal borough is 2,785. and of the
a judge at Calcutta, and being thereafter resumed by the entire parish 6,191 acres; rateable value of the borough,
Penningtons, descended to the Gilbert family, to whom the £17o320; and beyond the borough, [3,163; the population
estate now belongs ; some fragments of carved stone from the of the municipal borough in 1891 was 51151, including
priory buildings may be seen on one side ofthe road opposite officers and inmates in the workhouse, H. M. Prisons, the
the church, where the monastery stood. Barracks and County Lunatic Asylum.
The house of Grey or Franciscan friars here was certainly The outlying hamlets are NANSTALLON, 2 miles west, and
in existence in 1253, but the circumstances of its foundation ST. LAWRENCE, 1 mile west-south-west, the latter is noted
are uncertain, although the Plantagenets, Earls of Cornwall, for its fairs, whieh are among the largest and best attended
and one John de London, a merchant, appear to have shared in the county, and are held on October 2gth for sheep, and
in establishing it; the site of this house was at Mount Folly, October 3oth for horses and bullocks ; also for sheep, bul-
and within its precincts were buried Sir Hugh Peverel kt. locks and horses on August 21st.
and Sir Thomas Peverel kt. both benefactors to the friary. Parish Clerk, William Rnwe, Market street.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, ampton, South-West of England, Plymouth, Exeter, Fal-
Fore street.-H. R. P. Ward, postmaster. mouth, Penzance, Truro&c. II-45 a.m.; Padstow. St.
Issey. Wadebridge &c. 12,20 noon; Falmouth, Penzance
Money orders are granted & paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; & 'fruro, 3· IS p.m. ; Plymouth, Wadebridge &c. 3.50
p.m. ; London (night) & all parts, 5·35 p.m. (extra.
saturday 9 a. m. till 8 p.m. Telegrams sent from 8 a. m. stamp, 6 p.m.) ; Plymouth, Exeter & all parts, 9 p.m.
Sundays-London.& ·.all parts, 5.30 p.m. (extra stamp.
till 8 p.m.; sundays 8 till 10 a.m. Stamps &c. 7 a.m. to
6 p.m)
8 p.m. ; sunday, 7 to 10 a.m
:MAIL DISPATCHES.-London rst (day), Exeter & Plymouth,
8.10 a m.; North of England, Scotland & Ireland, South-
DELIVERIES OF LETTERS, PARCELS &c.-London (night) & R. Collins, registrar & high bai!iff ; William Rowe, regis
.all parts, 7.30 a. m.; Padstow, St. Issey, Wadebridge &c. trar's clerk. The distrit:."t comprises the following places,
North of England, Scotland, Southampton & South-West viz. :-Bodmin, St. Winnow, Lanlivery, Lostwithiel, Lux-
of England, Plymouth & Cornwall, 1.20 p.m. ; London ulyan, Lanivet, Egloshayle, St. Minver, St. Mabyn, Blis-,
(rst & 2nd day), Plymoutll, Exeter, Ireland, Padstow, land, Cardynham, Helland, Lanbydrock, Withiel, War-
Wadebridge &c. 6.30 p.m.; West Cornwall, 8.15 p.m leggon, 'femple & part of the town of Wadebridge
ToWN SuB-OFFICE, Higher Bore street.-Miss S. F. Well- Certified Bailiffs under the" Law of Distress Amendment
ington, receiver. Box cleared at 6.50 & II.20 a. m. 5·I5 ,Act, r883," William Rowe, County Court office, Market
& 8.45 p.m.; sunday, 9.10 a.m street; A. Jago, Fore street; Richard Rundle, Lostwithiel
WALL LETTER BoxEs & times of clearance:- County Hall, Mount Folly square, Henry Sewell Stokes,
Asylum, 6.45 & II.I_5 a.m. 5-10 & 8.40 p.m.; sun. 9·5 a.m clerk of the peace for the county
Castle Hill, 7-IO & II.45 a.m. s.IO & p.m.; sunday, County Lunatic Asylum, Higher Bore street, Lord Robartes
Q·45 a.m D.L., ol.P. chairman of committee of visitors; Richard
Lower Bore street, 6.55 & n.25 a m. 5.2o & p.m. ; Adams L.R.C.P.Edin. medical supt.; Henry Albert Layton
.'lunday, 9.15 a.m J•• R.C.P.Edin.& William Woodward L.R.C.P.LOnd. as.;;istant
~Iarket place, 7 & 11.30 a. m. 5.25 & 8.55 p.m. ; sunday, medical officers ; Rev. William Iago B.A. chaplain & libra-
9.20 a.m rian ; Charles H. Rowe, clerk of asylum & steward ; John
Pool st. 7·5 & rr.4o a.m. 5-IS & g.1o p.m.; Sl'ln. 9·5 a.m Budge Crocker, storekeeper; Miss Eliza Templar Vicary,
Bt. Nicholas street, 6.30 & I r a.m. 5. ro & 9.20 p.m. ; sun- matron ; Miss Laura Ekless, matron of' private portion
day, ro a.m County Police Office, Priory lane, Col. Waiter Raleigh Gilbert
Railway Station, 10.55 a.m. 5·5 & 9.15 p.m. ; no collection c. B. chief constable; Henry Miller esq. deputy; John
{)n sunday Newcombe, superintendent; Reginald B. Anderson, sur-
Corporation. geon. The local force consists of 2 constables
1892·3· Her Majesty's Civil Prison, Williams Stevens, chief warder-
MAYOR-Col. William Henry Parkyn. in-charge; Rev. Charles Boutfiower Simpson M.A. chap-
lain; B. G. Derry M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical
ALDERMEN. officer; Joseph Barker, clerk. Average number of pri-
*Augustus C. Sandoe I §Charles H. Hext soners: males, 41; females, 3; 15 of this average were
*John M. H. Cardell §Richard Taylor Cardell prisoners dismissed the navy
tThomas Baron ICouNCILLORs. East Cornwall Hospital & Dispensary, Mount Folly, Reginald
tMark Guy tJohn Cahart Bean Anderson, surgeon; Henry Durett Foster, hon. sec. ;
tJohn Pethybridge tWm. H. Buscombe R. T. Cardell, dispenser ; Mrs. Ewens, matron
tJohn H. Stranger *Robert Roscorla
tEdward H. Higgs *Richard Grose Fire Brigade Engine Station, Crockwell street, B.F.Edyvean,
*Wm. J. P. Jenkins captain. & 18 men
lThomas H. Spear
*Thomas Hicks Foresters' Friendly Society Hall, :Forest.Wm.H.Sheather,sea
Literary Institute, Mount Folly square, Lord Robartes, prc.s
Mayor's Auditor, Edwin H. Higgs, Oakleigh Masonic Hall, Turf street, William Rowe, treasurer
Meat Market, Fore street
Auditors, William Grylls Hayes, Higher Bore street & Oddfellows (M. U. Independent Order of, Loc ge 5640), Bod-
William Rowe, County Court office
min Coffee tavern, William Rowe, sec
:Marked thus t retire in 1893. Probate Registry, Market street,W.H. L. Shadwell, registrar
Public Rooms, Mount Folly square, Mark Guy, sec
Marked thus t retire in 1894.
Royal Naval Prison, Capt. Pearson Campbell Johnstone R.N.
Marked thus "' retire in 1895.
Marked thus § retire in 1898.
deputy governor; Rev. Charles Bouttlower Simpson 1\LA.
OFFICERS OF THE CoRPORATION & URBAN SANITARY chaplain; B. G. DerryM.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical
AUTHORITY. officer; Rev. A. H.White, Catholic chaplain; John James,
clerk & storekeeper
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Stamp Office, Market street, William Rowe, distributor
Robert P. Edyvean, Mount Folly square
Treasurer, Hy. D. FosterJ.P.Consolidated Bank of Cornwall
Medical Officer of Health, Bartholomew Gidley Derry MILITARY.
L.R.C.P.Lond. Fore street Regimental District No. 32.
Borough Surveyor&; Inspector of Nuisances, Edmund John The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Oliver, 2 Fore street Depot, Barracks, Lostwithiel road.
Inspector of Common Lodging Houses, E. J. Oliver, Forest Commanding Regimental District, Col. M. M. Gillies '
Collector of Rates, Josias Phillipps, Berry cottage Station Paymaster Regimental District, Lieut.-Col. T. C. Fox
Town Crier, 1<'. Jago, Pool street 3rd Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.
Mace Bearers, Jas. Oliver, Pound lane & J. Inch, Castle st (Royal Cornwall Rangers Militia.)
Head Quarters, Barracks, Lostwithiel road.
County Magistrates for the Petty Sessional Division Commanding, Hon. Col. The Hon. C. G. C. Eliot
Adjutant, Capt. R. J. Wilbraham
MorsheadSirWarwickChas.hart. Tregaddick, Blisland,Bodmn Quartermaster, Hon. Capt. H. C. Hart
Foster Henry Durett esq. Treledan, Bodmin VOLUNTEERS.
Henderson George esq. ~pringfield, Castle hill, Bodmin
2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Hext Francis John esq. B.A. 'fredethy, Bodmin
(comprising A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & I Companies);
Potter Wm.Roberts Crawford esq.D.L. Gonvena,Wadebridge head quarters, Honey street; Hon. Col. L. C. Foster,
Young-Jamieson Harry James esq. St. Petrocks, Bodmin commanding; Hon. Lieut.-Cols. R. Parson & B. Childs,
majors ; Capt. M. F. Hitchins, instructor of musketry;
Clerk to the Magistrates, John Richard Collins, 47 Fore st Capt. H. G. Morris, adjutant; Hon. Capt. J. K. Martyn,
Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Washaway, every quartermaster ; E Co. Capt. & Hon. Major Peter Baron ;
Rev. E. S. Shuttleworth M.A. acting chaplain
secob.d monday in each month (except September) at II
a.m. The following places are included in the petty ses-
sional division :-Blisland, Bodmin parish, Egloshayle,
Endellion, Helland, St. Kew, Lanivet, St. Mabyn, St. llODMIN UNION.
Minver Highlands & Lowlands, Temple, St. Tudy, St. Board day, alternate saturdays, at r p.m. at the Board
room, Workhouse
Borough Magistrates.
The following parishes &. places constitute the Union:-
Mayor & Ex-Mayor,ex-officio Henderson Geo. Castle hill Blisland, Bodmin borough & parish, Cardynham, Eglos-
Alms Col. Thos. Fredk. Hill, Higgs Edwin Humphrey, hayle, Endellion, Helland, St. Kew, Lanhydrock, Lanivet,
Berrycombe Oakleigh Lanlivery, Lostwithiel, Luxulyan, St. 1\Iabyn, St. Minver
Baron Thos. The Mayoralty Parkyn Col. Wm. Henry, Highlands, St. 1\Iinver Lowlands, Temple, St. Tudy,War-
Cardell John Martin Harvey, The Elms leggan, St. Winnow & Withiel. The area of the union is
Penventon house West Charles Augustus M.D. 88,372 acres; rateable value in 1892 £roo,r6r; the popu-
Foster HenryDurett,Treledan Church Stile house lation in ;r891 was I8,194
Clerk, Juhn Richard Collins, 47 Fore street. Clerk to the Guardians & .Assessment C omm itt e e7 Preston
Borough petty sessions are held at the Guildhall e\·ery Gilbert Wallis, Market street, Bodmi n
friday at 10.30 a.. m. Treasurer, H. D. Foster, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall
Public Establishments. Relieving Officers, North district, Charles Menhenick, St.
Mabyn; South district, John Ga!ty, Higher Bore street,
County Court, Mount Folly square, is held bi-monthly, Bodmin
commencing February, at ro a.m. on the 2nd or 3rd Vaccination Olficer, Mark Henwood Marks, Honey s:reet,
friday, His Honor Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge; John .Hodm in
DEV & COR:X. 66
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Richd. :Places of Worship, with times of services:-
Julyan George M. B., c.M. Port Isaac; No. 2 district, St. Petrock's Church, Rev. William Augustus Fenwick M.A.
Frederick George Stewart, Egloshayle ; No. 3 district, vicar; 8 & II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily 9·45 &5 p.m. ex-
Bartholomew Gidley Derry L.R.C.P.LOnd. 63 Fore street, cept wed. when it is 7.30
Bodmin ; No. 4 district, Reginald Bean Anderson, Castle St. Leonard's Chapel of Ease; 6. go p.m. ; 2nd sun. of the
street, Bodmin; No. 5 district, .Arthur Guy Salmon M.D. month 9·45 a. m. ; thurs. (winter) 7.30 p.m
The Chesnuts, Bodmin; No. 6 district, John Hunter Catholic Church of St. Mary, St. Leonarrl's, Rev. Father
Sewart L.R.C.P.Edin. Lostwitbiel; No. 7 district, William Augustine H. White c.R.L. priest; mass II a.m. ; vespers
Robert Newton Cole M. D., M.Cb. St. Tudy
g. go p.m. & devotions, sermon & benediction 6.30 p.m. ;
Superintendent Registrar, Preston Gilbert Wallis, Market holy days of obligation, mass Io a. m. ; daily mass, 8 a.m
street, Bodmin; deputy, Robert Philip Edyvean, Mount Church Mission Chapel, Naustallon; sun. 3 & 6 p.m.; wed.
Folly square, Bodmin
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Bodmin sub-district, John 7·30 p.m
Lady Huntingdon's, Fore street; Rev. William James Bull;
Gatty, Higher Bore btreet, Bodmin; deputy, William n a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Rowe, Bodmin; Egloshayle sub-district, Tom Buller, United Free Church, Pool street, Rev. John Whale; II a.m.
Rock, St. Minver; deputy, J. Profitt, Penmain, Wade- & 6.go p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m
bridge; Lanli¥ery sub-district, Miss Mary Verran, Lan- United Free Church, Fletcher's bridge; II a. m. & 6 p.m. ;
livery; deputy,.John Wood, Lostwithiel; St. Mabyn sub- thurs. 7 p.m
district, John J. T. Andrew, St. Mabyn; deputy, Richard Wesleyan Methodist, Fore street, Rev. John T. Waddy &
H. Andrew, St. Mabyn
Rev. Henry C. Bassett; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7.30.
Registrar of Marriages, Mark Henwood Marks, Honey st. p.m
Bodmin ; deputy, Harry Liddell, Higher Bore st. Bodmin Bible Christian, Higher Bore street, Richard Kelly; II a.m.
The Workhouse, near the top of Rhind street, built in I842, & 6 p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
at a cost of about £s,ooo, is a plain but substantial stone Salvation Army Barracks, Edwin Upex, capt. ; services, 7
building, & will hold 250 inm:'ttes ; Thomas Whale,
master; Hartholomew Gidley Derry, medical officer . & II a.m. & 3.& 6.30 p.m. on sun.; daily, 8 p.m
Mary E:iz lbeth Whale, matron ; Grace Pooley, school- ' Schools,
mistress; Miss Elizabeth Lampier, nurse A School Board of 5 members was formed for the municipal
RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. borough in 187I ; William J. Adams, clerk to the board;
Robert Weale, Higher Bore street, attendance officer
Clerk, Preston Gilbert ~'allis, Market street, Bodmin
National (boys, girls & infants), New road, built in r864, on
Medical Officer of Health, Thos. Mudge, Tower hill, Bodmin a site given by Lord Robartes, at a cost of i),rso, for 200
Treasurer, Henry D. Foster, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall boys, 200 girls & ISO infants ; average attendance 131
Inspector of Nuisances & Surveyor, William John Jenkins, boys, roo girls & 107 infants; Harold Harvey A.C.P.
St. Nicbolas gate, Bodrnin
master; Miss Emily Blackler, mistress; Miss Emily
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. Linzell, infants' mistress
Meet every alternate Board day on completion of Union Board (mixed & infants), Fore street, built in r884, at a cost
of £2,500, for 290 children; average attendance, 70
Clerk, Preston Gilbert Wallis, Market street, Bodmin
Attendance Officer, Elias Tabb, St. Mabyn boys, 45 girls & 50 infants; Waiter F. Yates, master ;
Miss L. Lucas, infants' mistress
Inquiry Officers, Charles Menhenick, Church town, St. Railways.
Mabyn & John Gatty, Higher Bore street, Bodmin Bodmin G. W. R. Station, William Smale, station master
Public Officers. Bodmin & \Yadebridge Railway Station, E. King, superin-
tendent (for goods only)
Assistant Overseer, J osias Phillipps, Berry cottage Great Western Parcels Heceiving Office, .A.C. Sandoe, Royal
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Arthur Guy Salmon 1\I.D., hotel, agent
M. B., B.s., L.R.C.P., M. R.c.s. &c. The Chesnuts Conveyance.
Chief Constable of County Police, Col. W. R. Gilbert C.B. Omnibus from WRo. •yRa.l hotel & Town Arms hotel, meets all
The Priory ; deputy chief constable, Jn. Miller, Priory la trains at G. station
Clerk to the River Camel Fishery Board, vacant CAMELFORn.-Omnibus leaves the Royal hotel at a.m.
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Josias Phillipps,
returning at 2 p.m. every day •
Berry cottage
Clerk to the County Council, Henry Sewell Stokes, Mount Carriers.
Folly square (Vans for Goods & Passengers.)
County Coroner for Bodrnin district, Edmund Gilbert Ham- CAMELFORD-E. H. Weeks, from Royal hotel, at 4.30 p.m.
ley, Fore street; deputy, R. P. Edyvean, Mount Folly sq LresvKeEn•A• tRuDes-.Etdhwudrs.H. a&msbalty, 9 a.m.returningsameday
Inspector of Weights & Measures for the Eastern Division of
Cornwall, Arthur T. Ainsworth, Turf street ST. AUSTELL-Penhaligon & Carlyon, mon. & fri. at 9 a.m.
Registrar of the Probate Registry, W. H. L. Shadwell, returning same day
Market street ST. KEw-Blewett, leaves ' Queen's Head,' sat. at 6 p.m
Stamp Distributor, \Villiarn Rowe, Market street ST. BREWARn-E. Broad, sat
Superintendent of Police, John Newcombe, Priory lane ST. MABYN-S. Thomas, thurs
Surveyor of Taxes, Joseph J. Farrell, Market street S·r. TUDY-E. H. Weeks, tues. thurs. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Crabb Chflrles, Church square Hart Capt. Henry C. (quarter master
Adams Richard, Asylum Dawe Aifred, St. Nicholas street Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry),
Adams William John, Rosevallen Derry Bartholomew Gidley, Fore street The 'Barracks
Allin Francis J. 2 Beaconsfield terrace Dickinson Mrs. Church square Harvey Huold, 3 Beaconsfielcl terrace
Alms Lieut.-Col. T. Frederick Hill, Edyvean Bernard Flamank, Castle st Bender Samuel, Turf street
.Berrycombe Edyvean Miss, Berryfield Henderson Geo.J. P.Springfield,Castle hl
Anderson Reginald Bean, Castle street Edyvean Mrs. Windsor house Henderson Miss, 'furf street
Baron Peter, Lidcut EdyveanRt.Phillips,Westberry,Rhind st Henry Mrs. St. Nicholas street
Bawden William Arthur, Fore street Elliot Brigade-Surg. .Augustus Fredk. Hext Charles, Hawken, Polgwin
Bellamy George R. St. Leonard's house M.D., M.s. Park hill Hitcbens Miss, St. Nicholas
Belton Rev. Thomas (Catholic], St. Everett William, Turf street Hicks Daniel, Town end
Mary's priory Farrell J oseph J. Kirland house Higgs Edwin Humphrey, Oakleigh
Billing John, Castle street Fen wick Rev. Wm. .Aug. M.A. Vicarage Higgs Mrs. The Frieries
Brewer Wm. Ricbards, 52 Fore street Foster Henry Durett J.P. Treledan Honey Mrs. Kingberry, Rhind street
Buckley Rev. Eric Rede B.A. [curate], Fox Lieut.-Col. Thomas C. (station Hooper Mrs. Outlands cottage, Dun-
5 Beaconsfield terrace paymaster 32nd Regimental district), meer; & Trequites, St. Mabyn
Bull Rev. Wm. Jas. [Cong.],Springfield Barn park Iago Rev. Wm. :B. A. (chaplain of County
Burgess Col. Harry Miles (late R.A. ), George Mrs. Orange terrace .Asylum & hon. surrogate], Westbth
Halgavor Gilbert Col. Waiter Raleigh C.B. (chief J ago Alfred, 66 Fore street
Chapman Capt. Frederick H. (Duke of constable of Cornwall), Priory Jago John, Yewberry
Cornwall's Light Infantry), The Gillies Col. Mark Marshall, Rockleigh J ohns Mrs. Fore street
Johnston Capt. Pearson Campbell R.N.
Barracks Grigg John, Crockwell street
Cardell Jn.MartinHarvey,Penventon ho Guy Jonatban, Higher Bore street (deputy governor of Royal Naval
Collins John Richard, Fore street Guy Mark, Trehere prison), Winsor cottage
Collins Mrs. 45 Fore street Harnbly Abraham, 65 Fore street Jones Rev.Norbert[Catholic],St.)lary's
prw• ry
Coom Felix Elford, Fore street Hamley Edmund Gilbert, Fore street
Coom John Wallis, Fore street Bards Thomas, I Beaconsfield terrace Juleff Charles Edwarcl, The Hillyers
Kelly Rev. Richard [Bible Christian], Randall Miss, Turf street Treverran Mrs. Crannick lane
Town end Randall Richard L. Mount Folly llq Treverton John, Fernside
Kennedy Lieut. John M.B. (Duke of Rawlinson Lieut. George B. M. (Duke Treverton William, Fore street .
Cornwll's.Lightinfantry);TheBarrcks of Cornwall's Light Infantry), The Turnbull Major Charles F. T. (Duke of
LayardRev.I.[Cathlc.),St.Mary's priory Barracks Cornwall's Light Infantry),Newnham
Layton Henry Albert L.R.C.P.Edin. (as- Rogers Miss,.Mount Folly square Turner Edward, Turf street
sistant medical officer), Asylum Rowe Charles Henry, Asylum · Vercoe Mrs. Castle terrace, Castle st
Liddell Harry, Higher Bore street Rowe William, Market street Vincent Mrs. Castle street
Liddell Henry, Lower Bore street Rowse Joseph, Lancarffe Waddy Rev.John T.[Wesleyan],Turf st
Liddell John, Orange terrace Salmon Arthur Guy M.D.LOnd. The Wallis Preston Gilbert, Yewberry
McAdam Rev. Cuthbert [Catholic], St. Chesnuts Wearey Abel, Lower Bore street
Mary's priory Sandoe Augustus Coombe, Fore street Webber Samuel, 7 Gordon terrace
Martyn William, The Quinta Sandoe William Augustus, Berry house Webster Mrs. Higher Bore street
Michell Edward Carmynowe, Steppes Shackell Charles H. W. Fore street West Chas.Aug.M.n.Church Stile house
Miller John (deputy chief constable of Shanks Major George K. M. St. Anne's, West Mrs. Castle street ·
Cornwall), Priory lane Dunmeer • Whale Rev. John[United Free Chnrch],
Morris Captain Henry George(Adjutant Simpson Rev. Charles Boutflower M.A. I Emma place, Castle street
2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of [chaplain H. M.civil &naval prisons], White Rev. Augustine H. c.R.L. [Oath-
Cornwall'sLightlnfantry),Royal hotel Prison olic], St. Mary's priory
Mudge Thomas, Towerhill Spear Mrs. Beacon house Wilbrabam Captain RalphJ. (Adjutant
Oke Mrs. Higher Bore street Stephens John, Lower Bore street 3rd Batt. (Militia) Duke of Cornwall's
Paddon Edwin, Hillside, Fore street Stephens Mrs. Hillside, Castle street Light Infantry), The Barracks
Parkyn Deputy Commissary-General Stephens Nehemiah, Castle street Williams Miss, St. Nicholas street
Col. William Henry, The Elms Stephens William, Higher Bore street Winter William, Shanklin cot.Gaollane
Pascoe James Mills, Rhind street Stevens Nicholas, 58 Fore street Woodward William L.R.C.P.Lond. (as-
Pascoe Mrs. Town end Stokes Henry Sewell, Castle street sistant medical officer), Asylum
Peters Henry, Town end 'fellam Richard Vercoe, Lower Bore st Worthy Miss, Turf street
Pethybridge John, The Frieries Tonkin Mrs. Church square Yates Waiter Frank, Wynnitun
Pinch Nicholas John, Market street Tonkin Thomas Pearce, Mount Folly sq Young-Jamieson Harry James J.P. St.
Pope Matthew, Beech croft Treleaven John Cole Grose, Turf street , Petrocks
COMMERCIAL. Capital & Counties Bank Limited (The) (C.H. Hext, mana-
ger), Fore street ; draw on head office, 39 Tbreadneedle
street, London E c
Adams Richard, farmer, Rosevallen
Ainsworth Arthur Thomas, inspector of weights & measures Cardell Rd. Taylor, chemist & grocer, Forest. & Honey st
for the Eastern Division of Cornwall, Turf street Carhart John, ironmonger, Fore street
Allin Francis John, coal merch!lnt, Railway station Carhart Thomas, blacksmith, Pool street
Anderson Reginald Bean, surgeon, & medical officer & public Carlyon Waiter, shopkeeper, Higher Bore street
vaccinator, No. 4 district, Bodmin union, Castle street Cartwright Robert, ,New inn, St. Leonards
Arnall George M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, Fore street Cemetery, Rhind street
Barker Joseph, clerk, Her Majesty's civil prison Chapman Richard, farmer, Halgavor •
Baron Thomas, yedman, Mount Folly square Chapman William, chimney sweeper, Higher Bore street
Baron Thomas, jun. farmer, Lidcut Clemoes John Guy, farmer, Lower Bodinnel
Bartlett Kezia (Mrs.), Globe inn, Honey street Coad Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Higher Bore street
Belling George Fisher, dentist, Honey street Coates George, farmer, Little Kirland
Bennett Charles, draper &c. Fore street & Turf street Cocking William, shopkeeper, Downing street
Beswetherick & Brewer, tailors & outfitters, Mount :Folly sq Colenso Hugh, farmer, Lower Margate
Bidgood Levi, mason, Stanley terrace Collins Jn. Rd. solicitor, commissioner for oaths, perpetual
Billing John, brewer & maltster, Priory lane commissioner for married women, clerk to the magistrates
Billing John Peter, Queen's Head P.R. Fore street for the petty sessional division of Trigg, registrar & high
Bloomdale China, Stone & Clay Co. (C. H. Shackell, solici- bailiff of county court, clerk to the borough magistrates,
tor, purser & sec.); offices, Fore street; works, St. sec. to the Dunmeer Chamond charity, 47 Fore street
Stephen's, Grampound road Commons Thomas, shopkeeper & eating house, Turf street
Bodmin Firt> Brigade (B. F. Edyvean, capt. ), Engine station, Coom John W. clerk to Trigg highway board, Fore street
Crockwell street County Court (His Honor Thomas C. Granger, judge;
Bodmin Public Rooms Co. Limited (Mark Guy, sec.),Monnt John R. Collins, registrar & high bailiff; William Rowe,
Folly square registrar's clerk), Market street
Bodmin Royal Naval Prison (Capt. Pearson Campbell John- County Hall (Henry Sewell Stokes, clerk of the peace for
stone R.N. deputy governor; Rev. Chas. Boutflower Simp- the county), Mount Folly square
son M. A. chaplain; Rev. A. H. White, catholic chaplain; County Lunatic Asylum (Richard Adams, medical superin-
B. G. Derry L.R.C.P.Lond. medical officer; John James, tendent; Henry Albert Layton L.R.C. P.Edin. & William
clerk & storekeeper Woodward L.R.C.P.Lond. assistant medical officers; Rev.
Bodmin Tradesmen's Society (John Dennis, sec.), Bodmin William Iago B.A. chaplain & librarian ; Charles Henry
Coffee tavern Rowe1 steward & clerk; Miss Eliza 'l'emplar Vicary &
Bodmin Waterworks Co. (J. Pethybridge, sec.); offices, Miss Laura Ekless, matrons), Town end
Fore street County Police Office (Col. W. R. Gilbert C.B. chief con-
Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Ccode, Grylls & Co. Limited stable), Priory lane
(Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) (H. D. Foster, manager), Crabb B. H. & Co. auctioneers & valuers, timber, coal &.
Mount Folly square ; draw on Williams Deacon & Man- manure mers. & mechanical engineers, Railway wharf
chester & Salford Bank Limited, London E c Crabb Edward Thomas & Mary (Miss), printers & book-
Bonady Mary (Miss), dress maker, Honey street sellers, Fore street
Bond Arthur John Frederick, photographer, Fore street Dawe Samuel, boot & shoe maker & china dealer, Fore st
Bray John Edwin, grocel', Honey street Day Ann H. (Mrs.), George & Dragon P.H. St. Nicholas st;
Brewer William Richards, dentist, 52 l<'ore street Dennis John, architect, Town end
Bricknell Charles, baker, Lower Bore street Derry Bartholomew GidleyL.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon,& medical
Bricknell William, baker, Fore street officer &public vaccinator, No. 3 district, & medical officer
Bright Richard G. branch manager for the Singer Manufac- of workhouse, Bodmin union, & medical officer of health,
turing Co. 86 Fore street Bodmin urban sanitary authority &surgeon Her Majesty's
Broad, Hender & Scott, carriage builders, Railway wharf civil & naval prisons, Fore street
Britt William Rees, beer retailer, Higher Bore street Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (W. A. Bawdent
Brown James T. C. builder, Fore street manager), Fore street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, 'fritton,
Buckingham John, dining rooms, Fore street Ransom, Bouverie & Co. Lombard street, London E c
Burrough George, grocer, St. Leonards Diamonrl Henry, shopkeeper, Fore street
Burrow Richard, cooper & basket maker, Pool street Doney & Evans, stone masons, Higher Bore street
Burton Edward Joseph, hair dresser, Fore street DowriCk John, corn merchant & seedsman, Pool street;.
Buscomb Phillippa (Mrs.}, shopkeeper, St. Nicholas street & clovers, eavers, mango1d, turnip, rape &c.; new garden &
flower seeds ; Iriah ~ymonds & Co.'s artificial manures
flour dealer, Pool street
Buscombe William Henry, grocer & builder, 22 Fore street Dowrick William !Ienry, seed merchant, Honey street
Butler Annie (Miss), dress maker, Stanley tenace Dymond Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), grocer, Lower Bore street
Butler Thomas, Cornish Arms P.H. Crockwell street Dymond William, shopkeeper, Lower Bore street
• DEV. & CORN. 66:Jo
East Cornwall Hospit~I & Dispensary (Reginald B. Ander· Jane William Henry, gun & hardware dealer, Fore street
son M.R.C.S.Eng. hon. surgeon; Henry D. Foster, hon. Jenkins Henry, cowkeeper, Potram
sec. & treas. ; R. T. Cardell, dispenser; Mrs. Ewens, Jenkins William John, architect & surveyor & inspector of
matron), Mount Folly square nuisances to the rural sanitary authority, St. Nicholas gte
Ede Emma (Mrs.), milliner, St. Nicholas street Juleff Charles Edward,organist parish church, The Hillyers
Edyvean Robert Phillipps, solicitor & town clerk & commis- Kendall & Co. drapers & boot & shoe dealers, Fore street
sioner for oaths & dep.supt. registrar of births, marriage" Kendall Lizzie (Miss), milliner, St. Leonards
& deaths, Mount Folly square Lander F. & T. watch makers, 77 Fore street
Elford Robert, band master to the 3rd Bat. of Duke of Corn- Lander John Henry, boot & shoe dealer, St. Nicholas street
wall's Light Infantry, Mill street Lander William, miller (water), Berrycombe
Elston Sergt.-Major William H. drill instructor toE Co. of Langdon 'fhomas, farmer, Dunmeer
the Duke of Cornwall's 2nd Vol. Batt. Light Infantry Liddell E. & H. G. booksellers & stationers, 7 Fore street
Regiment, St. Nicholas street Liddell & Son, printers, Fore street
EYans Charlotte (Mrs.), dress maker, St. Leonards Liddicoat Nicholas, boot & shoe maker, Honey street
Evans Harriet (Miss), dress maker, St. Leonards Literary Institute (Lord Robartes, president), Mt. Folly sq
Everett Tubal Cain, tailor, 38 Fore street Lord Robartes' Offices (J. Lewarne, agent); attendance
J<'arrell J oseph J. surveyor of taxes, Market street saturday, Turf street
Featherstone Philip, builder, 5 Gordon terrace Mallet Charles, market gardener, Little Kirland
Fish & Son, farmers, Lavaddon Marks Clara (Mrs.), draper, Honey street
Ford John, insurance agent, Lower Bore street Marks Mark Henwood, registrar of marriages & vaccination
:Foresters' Friendly Society (William H. Sheather, sec.) ; officer for Bodmin union, Honey street
hall, Fore street Marshall & Son, drapers, Fore street
Foster Henry Durett J.P. manager of the Consolidated Bank Marshall Alfred, farmer, Margate
of Cornwall, treasurer to the corporation & to Bodmin Martin Henry, cabinet maker, Honey street
union & rural sanitary authority, Consolidated Bank of Martin Tbomasine Deacon (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 Emma
Cornwall, Mount Folly square place, Castle street
Garland & Son, plumbers, Fore street Masonic Hall (William Rowe, treasurer), Turf street
Gas Works lJames Thomas, manager) Matthews John, farmer, Dairy farm
Gatty John, registrar of births & deaths for No. 3 Bodmin Meager John, shopkeeper, Mill street
sub-district & relieving officer for south district, Bodmin Merryfield Peter, farmer, Pendewey
union, & inquiry officer to school attendance committee, Mills Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Crockwell street
Higher Bore street Moyse William James, superintendent Pearl Life Assurance
Gearing Warren, chief warder, Naval prison Co. 8=! Fore street
Gill & Skinner, saddlers, Fore street Mudge Thomas, surgeon, & medical officer of health to rural
Gill Arthur M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon, Fore street sanitary authority, Tower hill, Castle street
Glanville Julian, farmer & auctioneer, Penbugle National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Goodfellow Edward John, cabinet maker, 50 Fore street (Bodmin Aid Committee) (J. J. Farrell & C. F. Sandoe,
Goss Joseph, boot & shoe maker, Higher Bore street hon. secs)
Great Western Railway Co.'s Parcel Receiving Office (A. C. NettingMatilda(Mrs. )&Catherine(Miss),millnrs.Low.Bore st
Sandoe, agent), Royal hotel, Fore street Newcombe John, superintendent county police, Priory lane
Griffin William, baker, Lower Bore street N"icholls William Henry, sergeant county police, Yewberry
Grose Richard, carpenter, ToWn end Northam Helen (Miss), dress maker, Castle street
Guy Mark, solicitor & commissioner for oaths & election Northcut William, rope maker & confectioner, St. Leonards
agent for the Right Hon. Leonard Courtney M.P. & sec. Oddfellows (M. U. Independent Order of, Lodge 5640)
to the Bodrnin Public Rooms Co. Limited, St. Nicholas (William Rowe, sec.), Fore street
street; & at Padstow, Wadebridge & Camelford Oliver Edmund John, borough surveyor & inspector of
Ham Francis, mason, Castle street nuisances & common lodging houses, 2 Fore street
Ham Martin, corn & flour dealer, St. Nic:holas street Oli\"er Menear, architect & surveyor, Crockwell street
Hambly Edward, carrier, Higher Bore street Oliver Nancy (Mrs.), boot & shoe dealer, 2 Fore street
Hamley Edmund Gilbert, solicitor & coroner for Bodmin Parsons Richard Thomas, dairy, St. Nicholas street
district, Fore street Pascoe Henry, grain crusher, Lower Kirland
Harding Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, St. Leonards Pascoe William, miller (water), Boscarne mill
Harris Edward, mason, Higher Bore street Pearse John A. farmer, Penguite
Harris Spry, farmer & butcher, Priors Barn Pearse Waiter, thrashing machine owner, Middle Margate
Hartley Charles, hair dresser, 9 Fore street Pellow Thomas, confectioner & grocer, Honey street
Harvey Susan (Miss), stay maker, Fore street Penhaligon William Henry, carrier, Higher Bore street
Hawke & Co. corn merchants & millers (water), Dunmeer Perry William, dairyman, Castle street
Pethybridge John, solicitor &commissioner for oaths, sec. to
mills ; stores, Pool street
Bodmin Gas Consumers' Co. Limited & to the Bodmin
Hawke Anna _Huller (Mrs.), saddler, Mount Folly square
Water Works, Fore street
Hawke Ernest, hair dresser, 103 Fore street
Hawlte Mary Ann (Miss), saddler & harness maker, Forest Phillipps Josias, collector of rates, assistant overseer & clerk
to the commissioners of taxes, Berry cottage
IIawke Richard, shopkeeper, Higher Bore street
Philp & Co. auctioneers, Honey street
Hawke Rosa (Mrs.), dress maker, Lower Bore street
Hawken Mary (Mrs.), Barley Sheaf P.H. Lower Bore street Pyle Lillian (Miss), dress maker, Stanley terrace
Hayes William Grylls, Garland Ox l'.H. Bigher Bore street Rank Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Stanley terrace
Henderson Abraham, fishmonger, Higher Bore street Raymond AbelM.goldsmith&working jeweller,St.Nicholas st
Henwood William, shopkeeper, Honey street Redruth Brewery Co. Limited (James Andrew Jane, branch
Her Majesty's Civil Prison (William Stevens, chief warder- manager), wine, spirit & ale merchants, Crockwell street
in-charge; Rev. Chas. Boutflower Simpson M.A. chaplain; Richards Thomas, dairyman, St. Leonards
B. G. Derry, medical officer; Joseph Barker, clerk) Roscorla R. & Son, furniture dealers & house decorators, 19
Hext Charles Hawken, branch manager of Capital & C{)Un- &: 20 Fore street
ties Bank Limited, Fore street Rowe Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Higher Bore street
Heygate John, grocer & provision dealer, & agent for W. & Rowe Charles Henry, clerk & steward to County Asylum
A. Gilbey Limited. wine & spirit merchants, Fore street Rowe John A. builder, Higher Bore street
Hick John, butcher, 4 Beaconsfield terrace Rowe William, accountant, county court registrar's clerk,
Hicks & Sons, drapers & tailors, 17 & 42 Fore street certified bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment
Hicks Alfred, painter, Castle street Act, borough auditor & parish clerk & deputy registrar of
Hicks William, shopkeeper, Pool street births & deaths, County court office, Market street
Higgs Edwin Humphrey & Co. general merchants Rowland Herbert, grocer, Crockwell street
Higgs Annie (Mrs.), stationer, 3 Fore street Rowse Joseph, farmer & land owner, Lancarffe
Higgs Elizabeth (Mrs.), ironmonger, 27 & 28 Fore street Rowse William, farmer, Norton
Hore Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Leonards
Royal hotel, of'amily, commercial &. posting
Hoskin William, jobbing gardener, Lower Bore street house (A. C. Sandoe, proprietor), Fore street. See advt
Hugo Frederick, shopkeeper, Lower Bore street Runnalls Frank & Henry, farmers, Turf down
Hugo James, dyer, Crockwell street Runnalls James, farmer, Turf down
ffugo Robert, plumber, Crockwell street Salmon Arthur Guy M.D., L.R.C. P.Lond., M.R.c.s.Eng., M.B.,
Jago Frederick, town crier, Po l street B.S.Lond. univ., L.S.A.Lond. &: member of convocation of
Jago Grace (Miss), milliner & dress maker, 54 Fore street London university, surgeon, & medical officer & public
dago .John A. butcher, II Honey street vaccinator No. 5 district, Bodmin union, certifying factory
Jago William Henry, butcher & shopkeeper, Crockwell st surgeon & surgeon to H.M. post office, the Great Western
James John, clerk Bodmin Royal Naval prison, Morton villa Railway Co. Bodmin district & to Bodmin 'fradesmen's
Jane Albert Charles, provision dealer, J<'ore street Society, The Chesnuts
St. Guron's Orphanage (Mrs. Marianne Gilbert, lady Treverton &Son, boot & shoe makers, Fore street
manageress), Castle street Truscott Robert, shopkeeper, Dunmeer
Sandercock Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fore street Tucker Jessina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Mill street
Sanders Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Coldharbour Tucker John, painter, Market street
Sandoe A. C. & Son, wholesale & retail wine & spirit mer- Tucker Sampson, travelling draper, 8 Cribbage terrace
chants, Fore street. See advertisement Vague Richard, dairyman, Fore stredt
Sandoe Augustus Coombe, Royal hotel, family, commercial Vercoe & Co. linen & woollen drapers, 5 Fore street
& posting house, l<'ore street. See advertisement Verran Ellen (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. Pool street
Sandoe Charles Frederick, solicitor, I<'ore street Verran John C. farmer, Plas Newydd
Sandy Charles Andrews, hair dresser, Crockwell street Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Sandy Mary (Mrs.), dressmaker, Crockwell street (Hon. Col. L. C. Foster, commanding; Capt. H. G.
Sangwin John & Sons, tailors, Honey street Morris, adjutant; E Company, Hon. Major P. Baron,
Scott Jamas, oil & color man I5, & chemist 39, Fore street commanding; Sergeant-Major William H. Elston, drill
Seccombe Fanny (Miss),milliner & dress maker, Crockwell st instructor); head quarter.i!, Honey street
Shackell Charles Henry Walcot, solicitor, Fore street Walker Osborne, schoolmaster naval prison, r Cribbage ter
Sibly Nicholas, farmer, St. Lawrence Wall Charles Job, builder, Fore street
Singer Manufacturing Co. (Richard G. Bright, branch Wallis Preston Gilbert, solicitor, notary public, clerk to
manager), Fore street guardians of Bodmin union & to rural sanitary authority,
Skinner Charles Stribley, see Gill & Skinner supt. registrar Bodmin district, Market street
Skinner William, boot maker, Fore street Weale Robert, grocer, Higher Bore street
Sleeman E. & B. (Misses), bakers, Fore street Webster & Sons, tailors, J<'ore street
Smale William, station master, St. Nichola3 street Webster Thomas, jun. mason, Higher Bore street
Smartt Waiter L.R.C.P.uel. surgeon, The Chesnuts Webster Thomas, sen. confectioner, Higher Bore street
Snell William, shopkeeper, Lower Bore street Wehrley William, watch maker, Fore street
S Jlomon George, plumber, Higher Bore street Welch Jo->eph & Son, grocers, Honey street
Sowden George, butcher, Fore street Welch Joseph, refreshment house, Honey street
Spear Johrr & Son, coach builders, Fore street West Chas. Aug. M. D. physician & surg. Church Stile ho
Spear Brothers, butchers, 7I Fore streat West Samuel, draper & haberdasher, Fore street
Stephens William & Son, leather glove & gaiter makers, Westlake George, draper, 40 Fore street
Lower Bore street White Mary Ann (Mrs. J, shopkeeper, I Fore street
Stephens Charles, shopkeeper, Higher Bore street Whiting Brunsw'ick, Borough Arms P.H. Dunmeer
Stephens Joseph, linen drap~r. Fore street Wilcock William Henry, painter, Crockwell street
Stevens William, shopkeeper, Lower Bore street Williams Annie & Ellen (Misses), dress makers, Stanley ter
Stevens Wm. chief warder-in-charge Her Majesty's civil prisn Williams Charles, farmer, Boscarne
Stokes Henry Sewell, s!llicitor & clerk of the peace for the Williams Charles Broad, farmer, Copshorne
county, & clerk to the county council, ~hunt Folly square Joseph, farmer, Mount Charles, Dunmeer
Stranger John Hy. boys' school, Harleigh bo. St. Nicholas st Williams Robert, dairyman, Higher Bore street
Stripp & Sons, grJcers & provision dr.alere, Fore street Williams William P. carpenter, Stanley terrace
Thomas James Henry & Co. corn & coal merchants, Forest Woolcock Joseph, carrier & goods agent for G.W.R. Co.
Tonkin William & Thomas, ironmongers, 8 Fore street Higher Bore street
Tonkin Ellen (Miss), young ladies' school, Fore street Woolcock Laura (Miss), dress maker, St. Nicholas street
Town Arms hotel (Nicholas Robins, proprietor), Fore street Worth Joseph Henry, amp & oil dealer, Lower Bore street
Tregilgas Henry, foreman of roads, Plas Newydd cottage Yeo Brothers, horse dealers, Pool street
Treleaven John, watch & clock maker, 36 Fore street Zimber Charles F. watch maker, Honey street
BOLVENTOR is a small village and ecclesiastical parish, £g6, with residence and two acres of glebe, in the gift of
formed in r84g, from the parishes of Alternun in Launceston Francis Rashleigh Rodd esq. .J.P. and hflld since 1892 by the
union, St. Neot in Liskeard union, and Cardinham in Bod- Rev. Sylvanus Gregory. The vicarage house was also built
min union: it is near the river Fowey, on the high road by the late F. Rodd esq. of Trebartha Hall, at a cost of about
from Bodmin to Launceston, IO miles from Bodmin station [2,ooo, and he also partially endowed the living to the extent
on the Great Western railway and 12 south-west from of [46 a year. The principal landowner is Francis Rash-
Launceston, in the North Eastern division of the county, leigh Rodd esq. J P. of Trebartha Hall. The soil is black
hundred of Lesnewth, petty sessional division of North Mid- peat ; subsoil, granite. The chief crop is hay. The area is
dle, county court district of Launceston, rural deapery of 6,360 acres; the population in rBgr was 327.
Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocase of Truro. Sexton, George Nottle.
The church of the Holy Trinity, erected at the cost of the Letters through Launceston arrive at Ii:.30 a.m. Lewan-
late Francis Rodd esq. and consecrated 3 July, I848, is a nick & North Hill are the nearest money order o;ffices & the
cruciform structure of granite and stone, in the Gothic telegraph office is at Bodmin. WALL LETTER Box cleared
style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and at I2.40 p.m
a turret over the crossing, containing one bell: there are 150 Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for 55 children;
sittings. The register dates from the year 1848. The living is average attendance, 50 ; William De:l.con, master; Miss
a vicarage,tithe rent-charge [2B,average £ Ig,net yearly value Bessie Cocks, assistant mistress
IGregory Rev. Sylvanus [vicarage]
1 Cock John, blacksmith & farmer Dawe Isaac, farmer
Bray Daniel, farmer, Codda 1Colwell Edward, shopkeeper Stephens Thomas, shopkeeper &farmer
BoscASTLE (a corruption for Botre'l.ux's Castle) is a small The parish of FoRRABURY contains the greater part of
seaport town, in the parishes of Minster and Forrabury, Boscastle, and extends to the sea shore. 'l'he church of
beautifully situated in a romantic valley near the north St. Symphorian is a building of stone, in the Early Norman
coast of the county, 4~ miles from Camelford station, opened and Early English later styles, consisting of chancelt nave,
August, 1893, on the Launceston and Wadebridge sec tion north and south transepts, or chapels, south porch and an
of the London and South Western railway, and it is embattled western tower of three stages, with pinnacles,
r8 miles west from Launceston, I7 north-east from Wade- containing one bell, cast in I 8I 2 : the north transept is entered
bridge, 18 north from Bodmin and 6 north from Camelford, through a plain Norman arch : the circular font, of Tintagel
in the North Eastern division of the county, Lesnewth hun- green stone, is ornamented with lattice and zigzag work:
dred and petty sessional division, Camelford union and some of the bench ends and the pulpit are carved ; the
county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Minor, arch- former exhibit emblems of the Passion, figures of animals
deaconry of Bodmin and dwcese of Truro. The harbour of and one of a priest; the latter dates from the early part of
Boscastle, a creek appertaining to the port of Padstow. is of the I:;th century, and has panels inclosin.! arabesque work:
some importance, since the lofty hills inclosing it afford a there are memorials to several rectors and to various other
good shelter, and there is no other harbour near; in order persons: the church has 200 sittings : the communion plate
to break the swell of the sea, which is considerable, and to includes a chalice dating from 1779-80 : in the churchyard
'facilitate trade, a small pier was erected here at an early are stones inscribed to Mary (Cottle), wife of Samuel
date; it was repaired by the inhabitants about 1584, and Robins, rector of Revalga, oh. r688 ; to Roger Gayer, gent.
again in 1740, by Cotton Amy esq. Lime, coals and general ob. 25 Dec. 1647, and Joan, wife of John Tubb, ob. 1644;
merchandise are imported, and attempts ha\"e been made to south of the churchyard stands an ancient circular-beaded
est'l.blish a pilchard fishery: the scenery around is rugged, monolith, 5 feet 7 inches in heigh~ and I foot 4 inches wide,
but magnificent, and as a summer residence it is in every with a Maltese cross incised on the obverse side of the head,
way delightful. 'There formerly stood, near the centre of and on the reverse a Greek cross. The register dates from
the town, a chapel dedicated to St. James the Apostle, some the year I7IO. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-
fragments of which yet remain; in I Boo it was new roofed, charge £46, gross yearly value £78, including residence and
I 1 acres of glebe, in the gift of Major-Gen. Phillipps-Treby
but subsequently was allowed to go to decay.
and H. P. Leschallas esq. and held since 1885 by the Rev. Lord Robartes are the chief landowners. The soil is dark
Edward Moubray Phillipps-Treby, who is also rector of the loam ; the subsoil, rock and slate. The chief crops are wheat,
adjoining parish of Minster. There is a Wesleyan chapel at barley, oats and turnips. The area. is soB acres, and the
Boscastle, seating 250 persons ; a Bible Christian chapel, population in 1891 was 310; the rateable-value of Forrabury,
built about 1859, and Free Methodist chapel, rebuilt in 1825 which includes a part of Boscastle, is £I,2II, and the rateable
and seating 400. There is an almshouse for six poor people value of the other part of Boscastle is included with Minster.
of good character, endowed by the will of Sir John Cotton kt. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
dated 16 Jan. 1701, with a sum of ss. weekly, to be divided (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
amongst the inmates in doles of 8d. and IS. Forrabury wall added).-Henry Cory Harris, postmaster. Letters
Common, to the north of the church, and 39 acres in extent, arrive at 7·55 a.m.; dispatched 4.10 p.m
is used for feeding stock. Near the junction of the roads WALL LETTER BOXES cleared at 3·35 p.m. & 3·40 p.m
from Tregeare in St. Kew and Tintagel, is the base of a very Police Station, Charles Richards, police constable
fine wayside cross which once stood here; the shaft, 8 feet 5 A School Board of 7 members for Boscastle United District
inches high, and elaborately carved with interlaced work, was formed February 17, 1875; it comprises Forrabury,
stood for some time on l'rekeek farm in Minster parish, and Minster & Trevalga ; James Lambe Mitchell, clerk &
was used to support part of the working power of a threshing attendance officer to the board
machine, but it has now (1893) been replaced in its original Board School (girls & infants), built in 1879 ; average atten-
position. In the parish are several ancient roads. Fairs dance,45 girls & 26 infants ; Miss Martha A dams, mistress;
are held Au,ooust sth and November 22nd, for lambs, sheep Miss Louisa Miles, infants' mistress
and cattle. Penally House is the residence of Col. William Harbour Master, William Nicholls
Sloggatt Hawker D.L., J.P. H. P. Leschallas esq. is lord of Omnibus runs daily to & from Camelford Railway station
the manor, and Col. William Sloggatt Hawker; William CARRIERS.-John French, to Launceston, tues. & sat.
Sloggatt Rosevere esq. of the Manor House, Tavistock, and occasionally ; John Sandercock, to Launceston, wed. & sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cotton Peter, Napoleon inn Parsons James, shoe maker & farmer
.Hawker Col. William Sloggatt D.L.,J.P. Couch Richard, grocer & draper Pearn William Thomas, carpenter
Penally house Cowhng 'fhomas, butcher Petherick John, miller (water)
Hawker Mrs. Penally house Force 'fhomas, shoe maker Prout John, blacksmith
Maeers Edwd. 'Valtr•. Lewis, Barnpark Gard John, horse trainer Rickard James, farm bailiff to H. P.
Mitchell James Gard William, mason Leschallas esq
Panter John, Jordan house Gilbert William, farmer Sandercock William, shopkeeper
Phillipps-Treby Rev. Edward Moubray Harris & Smith, tailors & drapers, & Sharrock John, grocer
post office Squire Daniel & John, manure mers
J. P. Rectory
HawkerW. Sloggatt, general merchant, Symons Frances (Mrs.), farmer
Scott Wiiliam, Paradise
Thomas Alfred Moor, Belvedere house clerk to the guardians & to the rural Symons John, carri~e proprietor
sanitary authority & assessment & Symons Pentycost, farmer
Wade Arthur, Orchard house
school attendance committees of Venning Elizabeth & Salome (Misses),
Wade Charles, Penagar house
Camelford union & supt. registrar of milliners '
Ward Daniel, Fulford
Camelford district Wade Arthur, surgeon & med. officer
Wade Ralph, Melbourne villa
J ewell Frederick, draper & grocer Boscastle dist. Camelford union &
COMMERCIAL. Keals Grace (Miss), dress maker registrar of births & deaths, Orchard
Banbury Solomon, farmer Keals William, butcher house
Bartlett Richard, mason Kernick John, blacksmith Wade Charles L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician
Bath William, The Ship P.H Kinsman Thomas, boarding house, & surgeon & public vaccinator, &
Brendon Rundle, Wellington hotel, convenient for boating, bathing &c. medical officer of health, Boscastle
· family, commercial & posting house fine cliff scenery,good accommodation, dist. Camelford union, Penagar ho
Brown Jabez & Co. general merchants Clifton house 'Wivell Martyn, private hotel & board-
Huller Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper MoyseJane (Mrs.), apartmnts. Pillar ho ing house with beautiful sea view,
Bullock Arthur, shopkeeper & carpentr Olde Mark, saddler ; horse & carriage to terms very moderate, posting i..."'l all
Burnard William, carpenter let on hire at moderate charges its branches
: BOTUS FLEMING is a township, village and parish, Marshall M.A. of New Inn Hall, Oxford, and M. A. of London
near the river Tamar, 3 miles north-west from Saltash University. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. The
!ltation on the Great Western railway and 9 north-east from charities amount to £2 IOS. distributed yearly in cloLhing.
St. Germans, in the South Eastern division of the county, Much of the land is cultivated as market gardens. Moditon-
south division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division ham, the seat of Matthew Loam esq. is a building of stone,
of East South, union of St. Germans, county court district in the French castellated style, erected in the time of
of Stonehouse, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bod- Charles II. ; here a treaty was signed in 1689 by John
min and diocese of Truro. The ~hurch of St. Mary, dedi- (Granville), Earl of Bath, the governor, for the surrender
ca.ted in 1259, is an ancient structure of Pentewan stone, in of the castles of Pendennis and Plymouth to the Prince of
the Early Bnglish and Perpendicular styles, consisting of Orange; the mansion stands in park-like grounds, 200 acres
.chancel, nave of five bays, north aisle, south porch and a in extent. Hatt is the residence of Col. William Penn
western tower of three stages containing 6 bells, dated re- Symons. The principal landowners are Col. Symons and
spectively 1784, 1766, 1727, 1842 and 1727 (2) : in the north Matthew Loam esq. The soil is loam and marl; subsoil,
aisle, under a low obtuse arch, is the recumbent figure of a slate and freestone. The chief crops ara wheat, barley,
knight in armour, said to represent Stephen le Fleming, the roots, potatoes and market garden produce. The area is 1,I38
founder of the church, temp. Rich. I.; the other monuments acres; rateable value, /,r,ss9; the population in 1891 was
are of modern date: the church was new roofed and other- 203.
wise restored in 1873, at a cost of £8oo, and is fitted with Sexton, William Perkins.
· open benches seating 1.Bo persons: i~ the centre of ~ ~eld PosT & T. 0. Hatt R.S.O. (Railway Sub-office. Letters
north _of the church IS the pyram1d~l tomb of Wilham should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-John Edgcumbe,
Martyn .esq. M.D• .of Plymout~, who ~1ed .22nd Novem.ber,
. 1762, a!ld was buned ~ere by h1s own duect10n. Th? regJ..ster postmaster. Lette rnsearerecsetivmedonaety5o.3r0d a. m.; dispatched
. of baptisms af! dates from the ye~r 1549 , burmls, at 6.40 p.m. The er office is at St.
Mellion. Postal orders are issued here but not paid
1548. The hvmg IS a rectory, average tithe rent-charge .'
£172, gross yearly value £224, net £ 72, including 6o acres of WALL PosT Box, Botus Flemmg, cleared at 6.30 p.m
glebe, with residence, in the gift of G. and W.Wetb esqrs. and School (mixed), for 32 child1·en; average attendance, 2r ;
·tb.e Re-v. Ernest Josiah Towne B. A. of 10, New Street square, supported in part by the rector & landowners of the
London, E.c. and held since 18go by the Rev. Thomas Ansell parish; Miss Harriet Maddafork, mistress
Loam Matthew, Moditonham Goodman John, farmer, Popham Stevens George, farmer
Marshall Rev. Thos. Ansell M.A.[rector] Grigg Richard Arthnr, farmer, Marra- Summerfield Austin, market gardener
Symons Col. W1lliam Penn, Hatt Summerfield John, market gardener
COMMERCIAL. Summerfield Samuel, market gardener,
Barrett Sampson, Holland's inn Hawke Waiter, farmer Moditonham
Batten Richard, farmer, Bicton May J oseph John, market gardener
Bennett RichardElliot,market gardener, Summerfield Wm. farmer, Church Twn
Blatchford Thomas, farmer Phippin Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Cross Waiters William, farmer
Came Samuel, farmer, Villaton Prideaux Thomas, farmer, Westown Wilcocks JrJhn, farmer
Prideaux William. farmer, Moditon Wright William, farmer
Roberts William, blacksmith
Shears Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer
:BOYTON, is a village and parish, on the road from Laun- south and west, the river Tamar forming the eastern
ceston to Holsworthy, in a portion of the county almost sur- boundary and separating it from Devonshire; it is 4 miles
rounded by the county of Devon, which bounds it on the from Tower Hill station on the Halwill Junction and Laun-
cesoon section of the London and South Western railway, 5 dalen Hall, Oxford. Here are Free Methodist and, Bible
north from Launceston railway station and 9 west-by-south Christian chapels. The principal landowners are H.R.H.
~rom Holsworthy, in the North Eastern division of the the Prince of Wales K.G. as Duke of Cornwall, Major Joseph
county, Stratton hundred, petty sessional division of East HoltJ.P. of the Grange, Farnborough, Hants, Edward Coode
North, Launceston union and county court district, rural csq. D.L., J.P. of Polapit-Tamar, Werrington, Ralph Baron
deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and Rogers esq. and John Bayly esq. of Seven 'frees, Plymouth.
diocese of Truro. The Bude and Launceston canal, now The soil is clayey; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat,
dis11sed, intersects the parish on its extreme eastern limit, oats and barley. The area of the parish is 4,460 acres ;
following closely the course of the Tamar. The church of rateable value, £2,102 ; the population in 189I was 342, ex-
'fhe Holy Name is an ancient building of stone, in the Per- clusive of the hamlet of Northcott, which is in Devonshire,
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, and is given in Kelly's Directory of that County.
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower, Deputy Sexton, Samuel Hillman.
with pinnacles, containing 5 bells : the chancel retains an PosT OFFICE.-James Parsons, sub-postmaster. Letters
ancient piscina, with credence, and the east window is received through Launceston at 8.35 a.m. ; dispatched at
i!tained: the roofs of the chancel and nave are of carved oak 4· IO p.m. Launceston is the nearest money order office &
and in the south aisle are two piscinre and a priest's door : Tower Hill railway station the nearest telegraph office.
there is a tablet to William Symons J.P. ob. I662, who re- Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
stored to the parish the small tithes and altarage : the A School Board of 5 members was formed November 13,
.church was restored in 1876 at a cost of about £85o. The 1874, for Boyton & Northcott, with North Tamerton as a
register dates from the year 1568. The living is a vicarage, contributory parish, with 2 members; W. Perry, Dorset
average tithe rent-charge £I5I, net yearly value £164, in- farm, clerk to the board
cluding 26 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gilt of and Board School (mixed), erected in 1875, for 84 children;
held since 1870 by the Rev. Thomas Waiters M.A. of Mag- average attendance, 54; John Raddall, master
Perry Thomas, Dorset Ellacott George, farmer, Darracott pk Perry William, farmer, Dorset
Walters Rev. Thomas M.A. Vicarage Galsworthy Ambrose, farmer, Westcott Phillips John, shoe maker
COMMERCIAL. Gubbin Fanny(Mrs.), farmer,Bennacott Reed Nathaniel, farmer, 'Vest Cory
Hoskin Isaac, blacksmith Rowe Thomas, farmer, North Bear
Badcoek John, farmer, Villaton Jones Frecl, farmer, Cory lane Rundle James, farmer, Langdon
Braund Jn. Bernard Lang,frmr.Newton Jones John, farmer, Beardon Skinner John, farmer, Darracott
Colwill Thomas, farmer, Hutton Metherell Erlward, farmer, Brabridge Soby Josias, farmer, South Bear.
<Jowling Charles, farmer, Bennacott Neal Joseph, farmer, South Bear Soby Josias, jun. tailor
Davey John, boot & shoe ma. Cory Ja Parnell Stephen, farmer, Langdon Werring Henry, farmer, North Bear
Davey John, Duchy Arms P.H. & fr:nr Parsons J a.mes, shopkeeper & ffl,rmer, Werring John, farmer, West Cory
Davey William, farmer, East Cory Post office
13REAGE is a parish near the coast, on the road between stands a single columnar rock, known as " the Bishop.''
Helston and Marazion, 3 miles west from Helston terminal Breage was once a prosperous mining centre, but little or no
station on a branch of the Great Western railway, 7 east tin mining or streaming is now carried on. Foote's charity,
from Marazion and 8 south from Gwinear, in the Truro of £8 8s. yearly, is distributed as follows :-£2 2s. to the
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division school ; £2 2s. for the poor, and £4 4s. to the parish of
-Qf Kirrier (west), Helston union and county court district, Germoe; there is also a sum of £7 I6s. for poor widows of
rural deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and this parish. The Duke of Leeds, Lord Churston J.P. and
-diocese of Truro. The church of St. Breage is an ancient Charles Trelawny esq. and Edward Coode esq. J.P., D.L. of
building of stone and granite, in the Perpendicular style, Polapit Tamar, are lords of the m!mor and principal land-
-consisting of chancel, nave, aisles separated from the nave owners. The soil is light; subsoil, granite. The chief
by arcades of seven arches, transepts, south porch and an crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 7,16I acres
-embattled western tower, surmounted by four pinnacles and (including I05 of water); rateable value, £9,2IO; the popu-
-containing a clock and 2 bells, dated I831 and I77I : in lation in I891 was 2,751.
the north transept are portions of the old carved oak roof, RrNSEY is a village on the sea coast, 2 miles south-west;
with elaborate corbels and beams: the east windows of the
.chancel and south aisle are memorials respectively to Cal'o- TREW, I mile north; CARLEEN, Or CAERLEON, I! miles
line Isabella Wilson, I846-54, and Elizabeth Wilson, 1780-
1866; the west window of the same aisle commemorates the north j KENEGGIE, 4 miles west; PENGERSICK, 3 miles
marriage ofT R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales, :March west, is the site of an ancient castle, built in the 16th cen-
1oth, 1863, and was erected by the parishioners : there are
monuments to the Coode family, 167I-94, and others of tury, and formerly the residence of the Millytons ; most of
modern date: Margaret (Blagge), wife of Sidney, first Earl
of Godolphin K.G. was buried here, September 27th, I678 : the building is now ruinous, but a battlemented tower of
in the south aisle are three helmets, two bearing the Godol- three stages (temp. Hen. VIII.) still remains; ASHTOWN is
phin crest : there are goo sittings : in the churchyard, near
the south entrance, stands the head of an ancient cross : the I mile west from Breage ; other villages iu this parisl:l are
HENDR.A., 2 west-south-west, TREscow, 4 north-west, TRE-
VERVA~, 2 west-south-west, and HERI.AND, 2 north-north-
west; PORTHJ.EVEN, 2! south-:,outh-east, is a fishing village,
partly in tllis parish and partly in Sithney.
.church was thoroughly restored and reseated with open PosT 0FFICE.-Miss Mary Nicholas, sub-postmistress. Let-
benches in I891, at a cost of £4,ooo. The register of ba-p- ters through Helston auive at 10.30 a.m. ; dispatched at
tisms dates from the year 1607; marriages and burials, 2.15 p. m. Porthleven is the nearest money order & tele-
1559. The living is a vicarage, with that of Germoe an- graph office
nexed, average vicarial tithe rent-charge £"466, joint net AsHTOWN SuB-0FFICE.-Miss Bessie King, sub-postmistress.
yearly value £477, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in Letters arrive at 11.2.') a.m. from Helston; dispatched
1he gift of the Crown, and held since 1888 by the Rev. 2 p. m. Porthleven is the nearest money order & telegraph
Jocelyn Barnes M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. There office
is a :Mission church at Ashtown. There are Wesleyan SCHOOLS:-
chapels at S. Breage, Carleen, Ashtown, Hendra, Trenwheal A School Board of 5 members was formed April 4, 1871 ;
and Keneggie; Bible Christian chapels at Churchtown, Her- H. H. Nicholas, clerk to the board
land Cross and Ashtown and Free Methodist chapels at Board, Wheal Vor (mixed), for 140 children; average at-
Ashtown and Rinsey. In this parish is Godolphin HiU, 495 tendance, so; Miss Ma.ry Pope, mistress
feet, and Tregoning Hill, 596 feet abm'e the sea level; on the Church, at St. Hreage Church Town, supported by the
.summit of the latter are the remains of an entrenchment, vicar of the parish; average attendance, 150; William
measuring about 106 by 92 yards; on the western declivity Pidgeon, master; Miss Ellen Treloar, mistress
of the hill is a well, and part of its southern base is dotted CARR£ERS.-Thomas Henry Beckerleg, to Penzance, tues. &
with tumuli: along tl:le cliffs at Methleigh are many graves thurs. ; J oel Rosewarne & Stephen H.oar, to Helston, wed.
of bodies washed in by the sea ; and at Trewavas Head & sat
Barnes Rev. Jocelyn M.A.TheParsonage Blight Thomas, farmer, Trevena Curtis John, mine agent, Keneggie
Broad Mrs. Church Town Breage Granite Quarry Co. (Thomas Cnrtis John, jun. farmer, Keneggie
Peake Rev.GeorgeCharles B.A.[curate], Eustice, purser & manager) Davey Stephen, farmer, Chynoweth &
Higher road BryantJohn, shoe maker,Church Town Trevena
Read John Henry, Calebnas row Carter Francis, farmer & registrar of Eustice Edmund Truscott, Temperance
Roberts Humphrey, Church Town births & deaths for sub-districts of hotel, Ashtown
COMllmRCIAL. Breage & Germoe, Rinsey Eustice William George, Lion & Lamb
Andrewartha Jas. Eade,farmr. Keneggie Coast Guard Station (Board of Trade P.H. Ashtown
Andrews William Curtis, Coach & rocket apparatus No. 276) (George Gilbert John Henry, farmer, Trevorian
Horses P.H. Keneggie Cox, chtef boatman) Harry Constance(Mrs. ),shpkpr.Ashtwn
Bennett Paul, farmer, Tolmanor Cock Wm. Trela.wney's Arms P.H. Trew Hosken William, farmer, Pembro
James Jsph. Harry,shopkeepr.Ashtown Nicholas Hy.Hebbard,builder,shipping Rowe William, farmer, Tregew
James William, farmer, Trevorvas agent & clerk to the school boards of Sampson Richd.&,Hendra
Johns William (Mrs.), shopkeeper Breage & Germoe, Church Town Stephens James, farmer, Tremearne
Joyce Jn.Adams,wheelwt. Church Town Nicholas Mary (Miss), postmistress Smith Geo.farmr.Sunnyvale,Pengersick
King Bessie (Miss), shopkeeper, Post Perry David, farmer, Crava Symons Ann(Mrs.),Starinn,Cburch Tn
office, Ashtown Richards Alfred, farmer, Pellor Thomas Hy. Davey, farmer, Keneggie
King Wm.draper&grocer,Church Town Richards John, farmer, Rosemaber Thomas John, farmer, Trevorvas
Kitto Fras.& Christr.farmrs.Pengersick Richards Phillippa, shopkeeper Toy J ohannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Trew
Kitto Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Pengersick Richards Thos.Mitchell,frmr.Treworlas Tredrea James, shopkeeper, Church Tn
Kitto MaryAnn(Mrs.),shpkpr.Keneggie Richards William, farmer & assistant Tregear John, farmer, Pentreath
Lukey Joel, farmer, Leseave overseer. Trenalls Tregoning Clay & :Brick Works (John
Marks Henry, farmer, Keneggie Richards William,jun.farmer,Keneggie Martin, manager & purser)
:Matthew l''ras. Wm.&Son,frmrs. Trenno Richards William (Mrs.), farmer, Little TreweekeGeo.frmr.&cttle. dlr. Trequean
Matthew James, farmer, Trevalence Methleigh Tripcony John, farmer, Hendra
Metal & Flow Mine (Stephen Pope Rogers William, Queen's Arms P.H. Tripcony Thos. Hy. farmer, Trevorwas.
Curtis, manager) Church Town Williams Frank, blacksmith,Church Tn
Michell Henry, farmer, :Methleigh Rowe Jacob, farmer, Sethone
ST. BREOCK, or ST. BREOKE, is a parish bounded on living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £73r, gross
the north and east by the river Camel, 7 miles north-weE-t income £g6g, including 94 acres of glebe, with house, in the
from Bodmin and about i mile from Wadebridge station on gift of and held since r878 by the Rev. William Prest Pardoe
the Great Western railway, in the Mid division of the county, Matthews 11r.A. of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and J.P.
hundred and petty sessional division of Pyder, St. Columb Here is a Bible Christian chapel, built in r36g. There are
union and county court district, rural deanery of Pyder, two slate quarries on the river Camel, but these are not now
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The town being worked. In this parish is the "Giant's Quoit," a
of Wadebridge extends into this parish. The church of St. Druidical altar, and on Hustyn Down are two barrows.
Breoke is an ancient building of stone, in the Decorated and Mrs. Ford, who is lady of the manor of Pawton, Charles
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, Glynn Prideaux-Brune esq. D.L., J.P. and Messrs. Key,
transepts, south porch and an embattled western tower con- Nickell and Cleave are the chief landowners. The soil is clay
taining 5 bells: there are several monuments: in the south slate; the subsoil, slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley
aisle are some brass effigies, c. 1520, belonging to a memorial and oats. The area is 7,976 acres of land, and 65 of water
to the Tredeneck family of this parish, includmg the figure of and tidal water and 200 of foreshore; rateable value, £7,819~
a man in a furred robe, his two wives and seven girls: there the population, including Wadebridge, in x8gr was 1,763.
is also a small inscribed brass to Christopher Tredeneck esq. BuRLAWN hamlet is 2 miles south-east from the church.
sheriff of Cornwall 1530·1 and who died in 1531; and a brass and has a mission chapel, opened in 1888 and seating roo·;
shield, much defaced, with the arms of Tredeneck quartering and TRRVANSON, r mile north.
other coats, and monuments to the Viel and Tyacke families: Parish Clerk, George Paull.
there are three memorial windows, two to the Molesworth Letters through Wadebridge R.S.O. which is the nearest
family and one in the southern transept to the family of money order & telegraph office, arrive at 9.30 a.m
Pride11ux-Brune: the church was restored and reseated in A School Board of 5 members was formed Jan. 26,1875, foc
x88x at a cost of £r,7oo, the interior portion of the roof the united district of St. Breock & Egloshayle; R. Boney,
being entirely renewed and a carved pulpit and lectern Wadebridge, clerk to the board
added: there are 450 sittings. The register of baptisms The children of this place attend the board school at Wade-
dates from the year r563; marriages and burials, 1561. The bridge
St. Breock. Harris George, wheelwright West Sml.farmer,Treverder&Burlawn.
Harry R1chard, boot & shoe maker Williams David & Edgar, farmers, Dun-
Anderson Capt. R. E. Tregunna house Hawke George, farmer
Box Richard, Whitecross Hicks Nicbotas,blacksmith,White cross veth & Tredinnick
Matthews Rev. Wi~liam Prest Pardoe Williams Joseph, farmer, Little Huslyn
Kessell Joseph, farmer, Hustyn Wills Sl.miller&farmr.(water),Pawten
:r.t.A., J.P. [rector], Rectory Kessell Samuel, farmer, Tregunna
Key John & Thomas Henry, farmers Burlawn.
& landowners, Pawton Carter Richard, carpenter
Ball James, farmer Key Hart, farmer, Penquain Harris William, shoe maker
Biddick Peter, farmer, Tredruston Key Samuel, farmer, Carlhart Hockin George, farmer, Pengelley
Blake Jane (Mrs. ),shopkpr. White cross Kestle Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Blake Richard, farmer Key Thomas Edward, rarmer,Bodellock Kestle Wdliam Henry, farmer
Lobb Joseph, farmer, Glebe May Selina (Mrs.), farmer
Box John, farmer, White cross Me:1hennittJn. miller(water),Polmorla Reynolds William, blacksmith
Brown Philip George, farmer, Perlees Northcote Richard, farmer, 'l'relytte Spear William, butcher & farmer
:Buscomb John, farmer, Roskear Northcote Thomas,farmer,Tregwindles West Samuel, farmer
Caddey Joseph, farmer, West close Paynter James, farmer, Penhale
Chapman Hart, farmer, Tregunna Trevanson.
Chapman Samuel, farmer, Penhall Rounswell William, carpenter
Thomas John, miller (water), Hustyn Frost Miss, Trevanson house
Cheve Richard, farmer, Hustyn gate Vercoe Charles, farmer, Huslyn Blake Henry, farmer
Collins James, farmer, Manscow Waiters John, farmer, Penhale Key Sylvester, farmer
Curtis George, farmer, Haycrock Roberts William, farmer
Gilbert John, Farmers' inn West James, farmer, Hay
Goude Richards Y. farmer, Treraven
ST. BREWA'RD is a village and large parh>h, 7 miles man and has short cylindrical columns with fluted caps, on
north from Bodmin station and 10 north-by-west from the square bases; the font, also Norman, has a singular basin,
Bodmin Road station on the Great Western railway and 5 diminishing from a square base to a circular form at the top;
south from Camelford, in the North Eastern di,·ision of the over the south door are the royal arms of William Ill. and
county, hundred and petty sessional division of Trigg, the inscription '' 1700. W.R."; there are some good bench
Camelford union and county court district, rural deanery of ends, carved with shields of arms and emblems of the
Trigg Minor, archdeacoury of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. "Passion:" on a low altar tomb in the south aisle are
There is a terminal station at Wenford bridge in this parish kneeling elligies in relief of a man and his wite, and a mutr-
of a branch of the London and South Western railway from lated inscription to Christopher Rogers, gent. ob. May rs,
Wadebridge,butfor goods and minerals only; this branch was x6o-t- ; in the chancel is a tablet, erected in r6og by John
opened in 1834 and transferred to its present owners in r845· Adams, to his father Lewis Adams, 36 years vicar here, olT.
'fhe parish is bounded on the west and north by the river August 23, r6o7 ; it has kneeling effigies in relief of the vicar
Camel and its tributary the Alan, and on the south-east by the and his wife : in the south aisle is a large monument of slate
Delank, another tributary. The scenery here is very fine, and with inscription and arms to William Billing, of Lanke, gent.
the river Camel is noted for its salmon and trout fishing. The ob. 1654, and another to Nicholas Burrough, gent. 1654 : the
church of St. Breward, as it now stands, was probably built church was thoroughly restored in I 864, under the directi011
by William Briwere or Bruere, Bishop of Exeter (1224-45), of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect, and has 200 sitting-s. A
who added the 13th century work to the then existing small portion of the glebe given by the vicar, with the-
Norman church; it is a building of stone, in the Decorated consent of the Dean and Chapter, was added to the church-
and Perpendicular styles, with some Norman portions, con- yard in x887, and consecrated by the Bishop of Truro, the
sisting of chancel with north chapel, nave of four bays, with cost of preparing the l!;round being defrayed by the parish-
north transept and aisle, south aisle, extending the whole ioners; in the newly incorporated land there stands a fine
length of the nave and chancel, south porch and an em- example of an ancient cross. The register dates from the
battled western tower with crocketed pinnacles, containing year 1558. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-
6 bells, 5 of which were re-cast by I<'. Pennington, in a small charge £2201 net ye:1rly yalue £238, including 70 acres of
garden east of the church, in 1758: the north arcade is Nor- glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter~
D I R E C ' f O R Y ~J CORNWALL. BUD.E. 104;)
Truro, and held since t887l;>y the Rev. Richard Henry Boles, Chapel, on the western side of the parish, and in a. seques•
of St. John's College, Oxford. There is a. mission chapel at tered valley, is an ancient. well ; the structure is dilapidated,
Penpont. There is a Free Methodist chapel at Lower Lanke but the arched entrance remains, and there are vestiges neal"
and a Bible Christian chapel at Limehead. Fairs are held of ecclesiastical buildings, possibly part of the destroyed
on the first Thursday after June 241 and the Thursday chapel of St. James. Sir William Wallace Rhoderic Onslow
nearest September 25. The highest eminences in the county, hart. D.L., J.P. of Hengar, St. Tudy, is lord of the manor. The
Brown Willy 1,380 feet and Rough Tor, locally pronounced principallandownersareLordRobartes,JohnBevillFortescne
"Rowtor," 1,296 feet above the level of the sea, are in this J.P. of Boconnoc, William Henry Pole-Carew esq. D.L., J.P. of
parish, which is chiefly situated on a granite formation; both Anthony, George Collins esq. of Plymouth, William Millel"
these hills are crowned with rocks and surrounded by ex- esq. and J. R. Morshead Glencross, of Lavethan. The soil
tensive moors, relieved in places by patches of cu1tivated is various; toubsoil, granite. The chief crops are wheat and
lanj; on the easternmost peak of Rough Tor stood the chapel barley. The area is g,237 acres ; rateable value, £2,762;
of St. MIChael, the foundations of which may yet be traced ; the population in t8gi was 779·
the stone arch of the doorway, removed in 1836, is now the I HIGKEHYEBRRLIDAGNEK,E2, ~~~msioluets hs;ouLtOhW, sEiRtuLaAteNdKoEn, the river DeLank ;
entrance of the Britannia inn, between Camelford and Alter- 2 south; PENPONT,
nun. On Garrah, a tor near, are numerous remains of pre- 2± south; PENQUITE, I south and Sw.ALLOCK, I north-east,
historic antiquities, and in the immediate locality, square are hamlets.
and circular enclosures of granite and earth, kistvaens and Parish Clerk, Albert Harris.
a barrow; several ancient roads, now difficult to trace, inter- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
sect the parish. The circular head of an ancient cross is Charles Henry Hawken, sub-postmaster. Letters are
built into the wall of a house at Great Lanke. Middlemoor received through Bodmin, arrive at 10.2oa.m.; dispatched
Cross, a shaft with rounded head, over 6 feet high and 9 at 3·5 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Camelford,
inches thick, stands by the road from Swallock to Roughtor ; but it is expected there will be a teleg·raph office here by
there are also two bases of crosses in the parish. At Lower the end of the year
Lanke are several interesting houses of the Tudor period. National School (mixed), built in 1852, for 130 children;
The celebrated Eddystone granite quarries are here. At average attendance, 92; Charles Davy, master
Billiug Miss, Penpont Elford Philip, farmer, llametathy NankivelWilliam,farmer,Shallow brdge
Boles Rev. Richard Henry, Vicarage Elford H.obert, farmer, Chaple North Cornwall Hounds (J. Ca.mpbell
Hawken Miss, Rose cottage I<'ord John (Mrs.), farmer, Swallock
Miller William, Deaconstowe Green George, farmer, Whitehead esq. master)
Parsons Mrs. Harley cottage Harris William, farmer, Bradford Petbick Wm.Hy.farmer,Hantergantick
Tom Nicholas, Higher Lanke Hawken Benjamin,farmr. Lower Lankc Pett Ed.ward Geo. carpenter,Keybridge
Hawken Henry, farmer, Stanon Philp John, farmer, Belatherick
COMMERC£AL. Hawken Joseph, carpenter, Limb head Polkinghorne Benjamin, Glen-View
Bartlett Francis, farmer, Penrose Hawken Mark, farmer, Penpont
Batten Philip, farmer, Oasehill Hawken Wm.Hy.carpenter, Limb head temperance hotel; situated in one of
Bell Jameg Heland, farmer, Keybridge Hosken Archelaus, farmer the most healthy & picturesque parts
Best Richd. & Thos. farmers, Lanke ho Hosken Nehemiah Wm. farmer,Newton of Cornwall, families & tourists will
Broad Edward, Old inn, Church Town Hosken Thomas, farmer, Irish find every accommodation
Broad Thomas, farmer, Palmar's Hosken Thomas, shoe maker Roberts l\Iichael, farmer, Church Town
Brown Willy Tin Co. Limited (George Hosken William,farmer,Middle Candra Rowland Joseph, farmer, Ivy
Inch Frank, farmer, Heneward Runnalls Thomas, farmer, Fendavey
R., manager) Jasper Richard, farm bailiff to John Runnals Sl.frmr.& miller(water),Comb
Campbell Archibald, Wenford inn Spare & Hawken, drapers & ~rocers
Chapman Edwd.blacksmith,Limb head Evelyn esq. Vernicar Spare Zachariah, shopkeeper
Cole Jonathan, farmer, Candra Masters William, farmer, West Rose Stephens Joseph, farmer, Swallock
Colonel John H. farmer, East Rose Miller William, yeoman, Deaconstowe Symons John, farmer, Lamphill
Eddystone Granite Quarries Limited Nankivel Richard, stone mason Wills James, farmer, Camperdown
(E. M. Bannerman, manager)
BROADOAK (or BRADOCK) is a parish 3 miles south- M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, hon. canon of Truro.
west from Donblebois station on the Great Western railway There is a Wesleyan chapel at West Taphouse, originally
and 7 west-south-west from Liskeard, in the South Eastern erected about 1828, and rebuilt in 1883. On Braddock
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division Downs are several ancient barrows in which rude arms have
of West, Liskeard union and county court district, rural been found. On January 19, 1643, the forces of Charles I.
deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of under Sir Ralph Hupton and Sir Beville Grenville, obtained
Truro. The church of St. Mary is an ancient building of an important advantage here over a much larger Parlia-
stone and granite, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of mentary force, commanded by Col. Ruthven, governor of
double a,isles with chancel, transept and a western tower of Plymouth; on Saturday, August 31st, 1644, Lord Essex,
two stages with pinnacles containing 5 bells, all recast in closely pursued by the king, abandoned his army, which
1845 by Mears, from a previous peal of 4• with additional afterwards forced a passage through the royal troop~ and
metal: the base of the rood-screen remains, but the upper escaped to Plymouth. John Bevill Fortescue esq. M.A.,
part is now in Boc·::mnoc church: some of the bench ends n.L., J.P. of Bocounoc, is lord of the manor and chief land-
bear the arms of the Ringwood family and the uate 1634: owner. The parish is said to be remarkably healthy and its
the pulpit is cinque-cento: in the windows are the arms of climate peculiarly favourable to sufferers from ague. The
Pitt, Fortescue and Ryder: the font of Pentewan stone, is soil is rather light; the subsoil is spar and clay. The crops
Early English: the organ, designed by Sir John Stainer are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 3,367
11ms.n. axon. was presented by the late Lieut.-Col. C. D. acres ; rateable value, .£,'2,480; the populatian in 1891 was
Fortescue in 1887 : the chancel was reseated in the same 285.
year, the church having been restored some time previously: WEST T.APHOUSE is a hamlet 1! milPs north-west from the
there are sittings for 150 persons. In the churchyard is an church. ·
originallychgate. The register of baptisms dates from the Letters through Lostwithiel, which is the nearest money
year 1571 ; burials, 1555 ; marriages, 16rg. The living is a order office, arrive at 10 a.m. ; telegraph office at Double-
rectory annexed to that of Boconnoc, average tithe rent- bois station. WALL LETTER Box at West Taphouse
charge, .£3o6, net yearly value {,2og, with residence and 8.-t- cleared at 3.30 p.m
acres of glebe,- in the gift of John Bevill Fortescue esq. J.P. National School (mixed), erected in 1875, for 6o children;
and held since 1874 by the Rev. Vernon Harcourt Aldham I average attendance, 32; Mi:Js E. A. Edwards, mistress
Aldham Rev. Vernon Harcourt M •.A. , Edwards Daniel, farmer, Wheaton Pyne Joseph, West Taphouse inn
[hon. canon of Truro & rural dean of Feby Henry, farmer, Bagston Reynolds James, farmer, Pencastle
Vrest], Rectory FebyWm.Hy.miller,Crickapit'Naterml Saunders Wm. Jas. farmer, Bedwindle
COlllMERCIAL. Hosking Richard, farmer, Babbington Spear William, farmer, Colveton
Blewett George Thomis, blacksmith, I\·ey Wearn, farmer, Penventon ~ymonds Jabez, carpenter, Cripston
·west Taphonse Oliver John, farmer, Largingate Symonds Joseph, farmer, Derrycombe
BlewettJoshua,farmer,Middle Taphouse Pearce Rd. farmer, Treganver & Penwtr Tuckett Clarence, farmer, Tithe hall
Bunt William, farmer, Penadlake Penno Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Drift Vl'illiamsFras.Holman,farmr.Trewindle
Burt James, farmer, West Taphouse Porter William, gamekeeper to J. B. Williams James Hy. farmer, Clinnicks
Chapman Thomas, farmer, Bellasize Fortescue esq. Kilmanent
:BUDE, or BunE lliVEN, is a small seaport and bathing worthy terminal station of a branch of the London and
resort at the mouth of the river ~trat, amidst beautUul ~outh Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the
coast and inland scenery, and was formed into an eccle- county, Stratton hundred, petty sessional division and
siastical parish August :m, 1836, from the civil parish of union, Bolsworthy county court district, rural deanery of
Stratton, being 2 miles west from the town of that name, Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. ln
20 north-west from Launceston and 9! west from Hols- 1888 an embankment and promenade, 500 feet lonJ, was
made, under the direction of Mes~rs. Sullivan and Baker. beacon, about 300 feet in height. To the north-east is
The Bude canal was constructed between I8Ig and 1826, " Binhamy Castle," a moated square area, traditionally the
at a cost of £r28,ooo, but is not now in working order site of a fortified residence, built c. 1335, by Ralph de
further than Heal .Bridge, a distance of about z miles. Blanchminster; at Yedbury are indications of an ancient
The church of St. Michael and All Angels is a building of Roman encampment, 327 by 250 feet in area. Near here,
stone in the Early English style, erected from designs by and immediately north of Stratton, is Stamford Hill, on
Mr, Wightmck, at the sole cost of the late Sir Thos. Dyke the Broom Hill estate, where a decisive battle was fought
Acland bart. who also endowed it : it was consecrated May t6, r643, between the Parliamentary forces under the
September 29, 1835, and enlarged in I876, and consists of Earl of Stamford and Sir George Chudleigh, and a body of
chancel, nave, transepts, north porch and a western belfry the king's troops, commanded by Sir Ralph Hopton and
containing a clock and z bells : in I892 the church was re- Sir Bevil Grenville, when the rebels, though far superior
seated, and there are now sittings for 340 persons : in the both in numbers and equipment, were completely defeated
churchyard are buried a portion of the crew of the and dispersed; in Poughill there are two houses bearing
~· Bencoolen," wrecked in this harbour, October zi, I862; the date 162o, said to have been occupied by the royal
the ship's figure-head has been set up as a memorial. commanders the night before the battle. The downs afford
The registers date from the year I836. The living is a delightful rambles along the coast for several miles. There
vicarage, gross yea.rly value £175, with residence, in the is a coast guard station and rocket apparatus, with tele-
.gift of the Right Hon. Sir T. Dyke Acland hart. P.C. and phonic communication to Hartland and Clovelly. The Castle,
hold since I8gx by the Rev. Barton Reginald Vaughan Mills a modern stone mansion, was built by the late Sir Golds-
M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford. The Wesleyan chapel, worthy Gurney kt. inventor in r839, of the Bude light, an
with Sunday school attached, was bmlt in 188o, at a cost arrangement of two or more concentric argand burners, one
.of £ I,972, and is a building of limestone, with freestone rising above the other; Sir G. Gurney died February 28,
dressings, and will seat 250 persons; in x886 a vestry was 1875; and the house is now the property of Charles Morgan
added at a cost of £r5o. The Free Methodist chapel was Cowie esq. Efford Down, the residence of Arthur Mills esq.
built in 1879, at a cost of £ 1,ooo, and has 220 sittings. D.~:.., J.P. is a handsome building of brick, pleasantly Slt-
There is a reading room, and a Parochial hall and Mission uated on a hill near the sea, and surrounded by a plantation
room in connection with St. Michael's church, holding of fir trees. The principal landowners are F. J. 'l'hynne esq.
300. The Seamen's shelter and Working Men's clnb was D.L., J.P. the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke Acland bart.
erected by voluntary contributions in r8g2, at a cost of £xoo. P.c., F.R.G.s., F.L.s., F.c.s. of Killerton, Exeter, who is lord
On the Chapel rock, now joined to the mainland by the of the manor, and the trustees of the poor of Stratton. The
breakwater, there was formerly a chapel, dedicated to the soil is a light loam ; subsoil, various.' The chief crops are
Holy Trinity and St. 1\:lichael, but of this structure no traces wheat, barley and roots. The area of the ecclesiastical
nowremam. parish is 810 acres; the population in 1891 was 1,057·
Bude, during the summer months, is much resorted to LYNSTO:SE, a hamlet half-mile south, and a portion of
for sea-bathing, and the number of visitors has greatly RonDSBRIDUE, three-quarters sout], are included in
increased during tne last few years ; the beach is a sandy Bude ecclesiastical parish.
level, extending 6 or 7 miles in length, with a breadth of
I~ miles at ebb-tide, and being at once soft and firm, is Sexton, Richard Abbott.
well adapted either for walking or riding ; the approaches PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
from the surrounding neighbourhood are level and pleasant ; (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have RS.O. North
the sand contains 78 per cent. of carbonate of lime; it is Devon added).-Miss Heard, postmistress. Letters arrive
-consequently of great value for wheat lands, and immense by mail cart at 7.30 a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 8.35
,quantities are daily carried away by cart and boat. This a. m. & 5· ro p.m. on week days
haven being open to the Atlantic, enjoys a y-ery pure Coast Guard Station & Rocket Apparatus, Francis Hallams
atmosphere, and the climate during winter is mild, the & 3 men in charge
plat!e being free from frosts and snow. The mean annual Lifeboat Station, Henry Stapleton, cox, & 12 men
temperature is 50°, mean winter temperature 45°; average National School (mixed), built in 1849,& enlarged in 1866 &
rainfall for past m years 32"84, average number of rainy in 1891, for 186 children; average attendance, I23; Jas.
,days 149. A stone breakwater, of about 900 feet in length, Arthur, master; Miss Ellen Jane Oke, mistress
has been built to protect the entrance to the harbour, and CONVEYANCE:-
a basin formed capable of holding vessels of 300 tons ; at Brendon's coaches, in connection with the London & South
spring tides the harbour has an average depth of 20 feet. Western railway, leave Brendon's hotel as follows:-
The pier head and sea-wall of the breakwater, erectM in For HoLSWORTHY daily, meeting the 10.50 a.m. train to
1823, were destroyed by the sea in r838. There are good London, returning same day from the station, on arrival
hotels, many good houses, and a sufficiency of convenient of the II a.m. train from ·waterloo. An extra coach runs
Jodgings, and on the Summerleaze downs are a number during the summer months to meat the I2 o'clock train
.of houses, commanding: extensive views seawards. The from Holsworthy, returning same day on arrival of the
golf links of x8 holes belong to the North Cornwall Golf 9 a.m. train from Waterloo, & one leaving llolsworthy
club. The lifeboat stationed here was presented to the 9.25 a. m. returning from Bude 5 p.m
National Lifeboat Institution in I863, in memory of Eliza· To BIDEFORD during the summer months daily at 9· rs,re-
beth Moore Garden, wife of the late Theophilus Garden esq. turning from Bideford 3.50; passengers to Bideford have
.of King'!! county, Ireland; it bears her name. A fair is the privilege of breaking their journey at Clovelly
held here on September 22. A little business in corn, coal, To BosCASTLE, TINTAGEL & CAMELFORD, at 11.45 a.m.
<:ulm, manure, timber, slate and sea sand (used for agricul- meeting the North Cornwall coach for Wadebridge, St.
tural purposes) is carried on. On COMPASS POINT, west of Columb & New Quay during the summer months, mon.
the harbour, is au octagonal tower, 20 feet high, built for wed. & fri. returning following days at 12.25 p.m. from
the coast guard by Sir T. D. Acland; southward is Efford Camelford
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Mills Arthur D.L., J.P. Efford down, Barrett Alfred, apar~ments; three
.Armitage Miss, Thistledown, Summer- Bude haven sitting rooms & six bedrooms, good
leaze Mi1Js Rev. Barton Reginald Vaughan sea view, facing the harbour, 9
Avery Misses M.A. Vicarage Summerleaze crescent
Baker William Xicolls Harold, 4 West cliff Barrett George, jun. master mariner,
Banbury John William, Strand house Potter Mrs. Efford Down cottage 4 Morwenna terrace
Bartlett William Hy. Othello buildings Sanders Misses, Windsor house Barrett George, sen. master mariner,
Bohen Mrs. Hartland terrace Scott Misses, The Villa Leven cottage
Bridgeman Mrs. I Beech villas Shephard Mrs. 5 Hartland terrace Barrett Henry, apartments
Brown Jabez, Angove house Smith Coulson Durham, Bellevue Barrett Henry, painter & paperhanger
Burrows \Villiam, 10 Breakwater road Smith Mrs. Parker, Bellevue Barrett Thos. apartment.s, 3 Beech viis
Cowie Charles Morgan, The Castle Squire Rev. Thomas George [Wesleyan], Beer Edward Arthur, cabinet maker,
Cracker Mrs. Belvidere 5 Queen's terrace 4 The Crescent
Davey Oliver, Bencoolen villa · Tregaskes Nicholas Henry, 2 Bellevue Bickford James, apartmnts.Garden ter
Delmar Mrs. Hartland house Treloar Rev. John [United Methodist Bolitho,Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls
Dickinson Mrs. 4 Hartland terrace Free Church], 7 Breakwater road & Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of
Doble Daniel, Falcon terrace Venning Daniel, Upton cottage Cornwall) (J. W. Banbury, agent);
Goman Mrs. Stafford cottage Wickham Rev. Laurence Hawtrey B.A. draw on Williams Deacon & Man-
Hollier Henry John, Rose mount [curate] chester & Salford :Bank Limited,
Marshall The Misses, Falcon row COMMERCIAL. London E c
Maynard Mrs. 2 Morwenna terrace Andrews James Carter, organist of St. Box William Henry, saddler
Maynard Mrs. r Spring cottage Michael's &Al1Angels',6Morwenna ter Bray Edward, market gdnr.Falcon row
Metherell Miss Badcock Alfred, boot maker Brendon George, jun. Falcon & Bude
Miles Major Herbt. 6 Hartland terrace Badcock John, apartments, Leven eot hotels
Brinton Wm. master mariner, King st slate, co1l, salt, manure & grain & & linseed cake,china,glass & earthen•
:Broad Robert, blacksmith lime merchants, bar.iron& steel ware- ware, petroleum & benzoline & ship
:Broad Robert (Mrs.), apartments ; two housemen, agricultural & builders' agent
sitting rooms & five bedrooms, with general ironmongers & ship owners Pethick Brothers, builders & contractrs
or without attendance, good land Horrell Philip, master mariner Pethick Mary, Emily & Fanny(Misses),
views, Oeston Park cottage J ohns Daniel, flour dealer apartments ; southern aspect, good
Brock Ann (Mrs.), apartments ; three J oll Mary (Mrs.), horses & carriages on sea & land view facing the harbour,3
bedrooms & one sitting rm.Westview hire, charges moderate, Tapson ter- West cliff
Bude Harbour & Canal Co. (Nicholas race (next door to Globe hotel)
Philp Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, 2
Sullivau, superintendent) Lang·Ann(Mrs. ),aprtmnts.2Spring cots The Crescent
Bude Haven Improvement Committee Lashbrook Fredk.fishmngr. 10 Queen st Pidgeon Thomas, apartments, War•
(James Arthur, sec) Leakey Edith (Mrs. ),apartments:; good wick cottage
Bude Haven Steam Saw Mills Co. south aspect, on the downs, sheltered Pratt Frederick, apartments
Limited (James Arthur, sec) from the westerly winds, Summer· Pulkinghorne Charles, boot & shoe
Burnard Emily (Mrs.), apartments ; leaze t'rescent maker, posting & livery stables,
with or without board,good sea view, Legg Henry, wheelwright charges moderate ; apartments
Summerleaze Lewis Nathaniel, apartments,Summer- Rooke William Henry, apartments, 3
Burnard William Henry, grocer leaze crescent Granville terrace
Bnrrows Saml. painter & paperhanger Lock Richard, jobbing grdnr.Falcon ter Rowe James, blacksmith, 12 Queen st
Carter Charles, ship builder London & South Western Railway Co. Sampson Ann (Mrs.), baker,Garden ter
CarterTamzan( Mrs. ),apartments; with Booking Office, Passengers & Parcels Shazel Barnabas, master mariner &
or without board, good sea view, 7 (Robert Wilkins, inspector) furnished apartments; good sea view,
Snmmerleaze crescent Lovell Timothy (late Coumbe), family one sitting room, one dming & five
Cater Susan (Mrs.), apartments, 4 grocer, draper & fancy goods estab- bedrooms in each cottage, 1 & 2
Granville terrace lishment ; Frith's photographs of the Hazel cottages
Chapple Edwin, grocer neighbourhood&c. (established 1812) ; Sluggett William, master mariner
Ching William, builder, Belmont house & The Square, Holsworthy Spearman Wm. apartments, 4 Bellevue
Chubb John, farmer, Upton farm Marshall Henry, butcher, High street Squire Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 10
Clatworthy John, apartments, 7 Mor- Marshall John, farmer, Up. Lynstone The Crescent
wenna terrace Marshall Saml. jobmaster, Up.Lynstone Stacey Peter, farmer, Berries
Cobbledick George, baker Marshall Wm. farmer, LowerLynstone Stanbury Ellen (Mrs. ),apartments, Gar-
Cook Bessie(Mrs.),apartments,five bed- Martin Sophia (Mrs.), dress maker den terrace
rooma & two sitting rooms,good sea & Mason Robert, apartments, Marine ter Stapleton Henry, ship builder
land views, Alford ho. Summerleaze Matthews Wm. apartments, 3 Bellevue Stapleton Mary (Mrs.), apartments;
Cook Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, May J<'rederick,apartments,2Garden ter four .sitting rooms, seven bedrooms,
Falcon terrace May Summerleaze cres & servant's room,I & 2Rock cottages
Cook Jane (Miss),aprtmnts. 2Marine ter Maynard Rachel (Mrs.), apartments, Stevens David, master mariner
Cook John Box, master mariner, 8 Morwenna terrace Stevens James, master mariner
Alfo:rd house Maynard William, master mariner, Sullivan Nicholas, superintendent to
Coumbe Mary Elizabeth (Mrs.), apart- Jessamine cottage the Bude Harbour & Canal Co
ments, 5 Morwenna terrace Maynard William Henry, tailor & gen- Summerleaze Lawn Tennis Club (G.G.
Davey Oliver, general mer. & ship ownr eral outfitter, hairdresser, perfu- H. Gurney & H. Blundell, hon. secs)
Densham Jemima (Mrs.),watch maker meries & all toilet requisites, tobacco- Terdray Charles (Mrs.), apartments,
Dingley, Pethybridge, White & Ding- nist, pipes &c. ; all kinds of walking II Morwenna terrace
ley, bankers; open mon. & thurs. u sticks, fishing rods & tackle & golf Thorn E. May (Mrs.), boarding house,
to 3 p.m. ; draw on Union Bank of requisites; London newspapers & Pendennis
London Limited, London E c periodicals, The Crescent Thorn Edwin (Mrs.), apartments, 5
Edwards & Sons, jobmasters Miller & Son, tailors & drapers Bellevue
Fish Lucy (Miss), 2 Granville terrace Moore George Bate, apartments, 9 Thorn Samuel, photographer, stationer
I<'ox, Fowler & Co. bankers (open tues. Breakwater road & library
& fri. 11 to 3 p.m.), 9 The Crescent; Morris Richard, chimney sweeper Tickle Jas. apartments, I4 The Crescent
draw on Lloyds Bank Lim. LondonE c Morris Thomas, master mariner, Gar- Tregaskes Nicho!as Henry, agent for
Found Thomas, harbour master den terrace Messrs. Vivian & Son~
Gearing Hy. apartments,2 :Beech villas Monntjoy Hugh, mariner, 5A., Trewin James, apartments, Swiss cot
Gilbert Daniel, family btchr. &aprtmnts l\iorwenna terrace Vickery & Sons, butchers &farmers, &
Glover Susan (Mrs.), Globe commer- North Cornwall Golf Club (Rev. E. P. apartments ; two sitting rooms & six
cial hotel & temperance house & Hebblethwaite, sec) bedrooms, good sea & land views,
refreshment rooms, with accommo- Oliver William, apartments, 2 Mor- facing the harbour, with pri~·ate.>tab
dation for picnic parties wenna terrace ling & coach house, Morwenna
Goodman Fanny (Miss), laundress, 3 Paine Lewis, boot & shoe maker Vivian & Sons, manure,corn,coal,culm,
The Crescent Parsons Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, salt, timber, deals, flooring, laths,
Goodman Thomas James, jobbing ro Morwenna terrace slate, iron, steel, nails, bricks, tiles
gardener, Othello buildings Peardon Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, &c. merchants; agent,N.H. Tregaskes
Green Mary (Miss), dress maker 4 Marine terrace Walkey Titns, draper
Hall James, apartments, 4 Garden ter Pellow Brothers, chemists, tea dealers Ward Thos. apartments,Garden terrace
Hallams Francis, chief officer of coast & family grocers, & wine & spirit Whitefield James, aparLments, Othello
guard . merchants buildmgs
Hallett George, master mariner Pellow James Crocker, dentist & agent Whitehead Thos. boarding ho.Erdiston
Hallett George (Mrs.), apartments, to the Sun Fire & Life Insurance Wickett Charlotte (Mrs.), fruiterer&:::
9 Morwenna terrace office, Summerleaze villa Wickett Samuel, cabinet maker
Hallett Jas.master mariner, Clifton cot Penfound Annie Langford (Mrs.), fur- Wilkins Robt. apartments,3 Tapson ter
Hamley John, apartments nished house with good sea view, Wonnacott Samuel, London inn, &
Hamley Richard, boot ma. 1 r Queen st Bella Vista, Summerleaze good accommodation for lodgers
Hancock & Sons, tailors Penwarden David, butcher Wood & Son, grocers, & post horses &
Heal Ann Cobbledick (Miss), beer retlr Penwarden Mary Ann (Mrs.), apart- carriages at reasonable charges, The
Heard & Co. grocers, The Crescent ments, 3 Morwenna terrace Strand
Heard Miss, postmistress Perkins Digory, lodging house, 8 Break- Wood Henry, apartments, Windsorter
Heard Ross Macpherson, builder water road Yeo James,cabinet ma. 13 The Crescent
Heard Ross (Mrs.), apartments; two People's Institute & Visitors' Reading Yeo William, apartments,Summerleaze
sitting rooms & six bedrooms, good H.oom (W. H. Bartlett, hon. sec) Yeo William Henry, apartments; two
sea view, Gram·ille house Petherick William Waiter, corn, coal, sitting rooms & five bedrooms, good
Hockin & Co. Limited (John William salt, seed & manure merchant,cotton sea view, 5 Granville terrace
.Banbury,managing director),timber,
BUDOCK (or ST. :Bunocx:) is a parish and village 2 miles Cornwall, who lived A. D. 5oo, and was nephew to St. Tilo,
west from Falmouth and 2 south from Penryn, in the Truro Bishop of Llandaff, or from St. Budocus, Bishop of Dol,who
division of the county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional lived during the 5th century. The church of St. Budocus is
division of Kerrier East, Falmouth nnion and county court an ancient edifice, supposed to have been erected in the reign
district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Corn- of Edward IV. and consists of chancel, nave, south transept,
wall and diocese of Trnro ; a portion of the parish is included north aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower
in the parliamentary borough of Penryn and Falmooth. with pinnacles and containing 6 bells, hung in r882: there
Budock takes its name either from Bodocus, a prince of is an ancient illuminated oak screen, and on the floor of ·the
chancel lies the brass of John Killigrew esq. of Arwenack, from it by a broad bar of grwel; its deepest part is 13 feet
ob. 1567, the first Captain of Pendennis Castle, and Elizabeth below the level of the sea at high water spring tides. PEN-
(Trewinnard), his wife, it comprises effigies of both, the DENNIS CASTLE, situated iu this parish, on the western
male figure being in armour; and above these are three entrance of Falmouth Harbour,was first built byHenryVIII.
shields of arms, that in the centre, with crest and mantling, and being at an elevation of 198 feet above the sea, presents
displays the quartered coats of Killigrew, Boleigh, Petit, a. very noble and commanding appearance; in 1646, being
Carminow, and others; four of these also appear on the then held for King Charles I. by bir John Arundell of 'fre-
shield on the right, and the remaining shield has Killigrew rice, it was attacked both by land and sea by the Parliamen-
impaling Trewinnard ; at the foot is an inscription which tary forces, under Sir Thomas Fair.fax, from March to
includes the name of his eldest son, Sir John Killigrew kt. August, when the garrison, for want of food, were compelled
ob. :March 5, 1583-4, and Mary (Wolverston), his wife, with to surrender; in 1717 it was considerably injured by light-
others of that name : there is also a memorial to Sir ning ; the Castle, now forming an irregularly constructell
Nicholas Parker kt. of Rattan, ob. March g, 1619 ; and a fortification, of about I 4 acres in extent, is garrisoned by
number of modern monuments: the east window is a small detachments of Royal Artillery, and contains a resi-
memorial to Robert Jope Kinsman esq. and Susanna his dence for the lieut.-governor, armoury, barracks, magazine
wife, 1855: the west window of the aisle and five others are and storehouse; it commands the entrance to Falmouth
also memorials: there are 250 sittings. The register dates Harbour. Arthur Rison Basset esq. who is a minor, is lord
from the year 1603. The living is a vicarage, average tithe of the manor. :Mrs. Tonkin, of Penwarne Mawnan, Miss
rent-charge £319, net yearly value [290, including 4 acres Peard, Thomas Moor Alphonse Horsford esq. J.P. of Bosva-
of glebe, and residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, thick, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, A. R. Basset esq.
and held since r8go by the Rev. William Henry Hodge, of Harry Tilly esq. Robert and Henry Backhouse Fox, George
St. Aidan's. There are Wesleyan chapels at Treverva and Glasson esq.C.E.A.Reynolds esq.and the Misses Sterling are
at Budock Water. The poor have £"2 12s. from Robyn's the principal landowners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, slate
charity. a charge on fields known as'' bread lands," on the and spar and granite. 'fhe chief crJps are wheat, barley,
Barn Farm, which is distributed in bread, and £1 ws.from turnips and pasture. The area is 3,900 acres of land and
Randall's charity, £r of which is divided among poor 445 of water, tidal water and fot·eshore; rateable value,
widows of the parish on St. John the Evangelist's day in £"II 841; and the population in 18gr was 2,414, includtng
each year and ros. to the clergyman for preaching a sermon purt of Fa!mouth and the officers and inmates in the Fat-
on the same day. The Convalescent Home, Penjerrick, was mouth Workhouse.
erected in 1872 at the expense of the late R. W. Fox esq. Parish Clerk (deputy), Ralph l\Iollett.
F.R.s. and will hold 6 patients. At Trescobeas is Falmouth SuB-POST 0FFICE.-William Pascoe, sub-postmaster. Let-
Union Workhouse. Penjerrick, the seat of Miss Fox, is a ters through Falmouth, which is the nearest money order
commodious house, situated about 3 miles south-west from & telegraph office, arrive at 10 a. m. & are dispatched at
Falmouth, with well-arranged grounds; Boslowick, the seat 2.30 p.m .
of Harry 'filly esq.; 1\Ienehay, of William A. Fawcus esq.; WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 2.45 p.m.
Roscarrick, of Col. Marshal! Valentine Bull J.P. and The on week days only
Crag, of the Misses Sterling, are the chief residences. Col- National School, Budock Water (mixed & infants), for 200
lege, the site of an ancient college, adjoins Penryn. The children; average attendance, 30 boys, 25 girls & r6
Swan Pool, a lake about 66o yards in length and 540 in infants ; Ralph .Mollett, master ; Miss Elizabeth Ann
breadth, was formerly an arm of the sea, but is now divided Bone, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Courtier Edwin John, insurance agent Pearce Wm. & Son, corn merchants
I[For other names see FALliiOOI'H.] Dale R1chard, farmer, Higher Argal Pearce Richard, (armer, Crill
Adams Maxwell Peers Pennance cot Dale Thomas, blacksmith, Treverva . Peters John, farmer, Goosegill
BullCol.MarshallValentineJ.P.Roscarrck Downing Edward John, wheelwright, Phillips Charles, farmer, Hillhead
Fawcus William Albert, Menehay Treverva Roberts Samuel, farmer, Tregenver
Fox Miss Penjerrick Drew Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Tregedna RogersG.W.&Son,builders,contractors,
Frampto~ Martin, Woodfield
Fynn Arthur Frederic, Penmorva Dunstan George, farmer, Treverva undertakers, wheelwrights & genem1
Evans John,,!-t~mer, Roseglos .
house decorators, Golden bank
Gedye John, Kergillhck For_ward V\ Ilham, master manner, Rowe Sirnon Henry, farmer, Tregonhay
Hodge Rev. William Henry, Vicarage Golden bank Rowe William Plorner,farmer&butcher,
Gay Samuel, f~rmer, Trescobeas Lower Kergilliack
Ingersoll Philip, Belmont
Picton Francis Harold, Penmare GeachArth.r.G.Ilbert,farmer,Mongleath Sampson William, grocer
Rogers George Wade, Golden bank Geach BenJamm, farmer, Eglos Saunders Jn. blacksmith,Budock water
Sterling The Misses, The Crag ~each James, farmer, Tr~wen Smith Mary (Mrs.),shopkeeper,Budock,
'filly Harry Boslowick George Wm. master of Unwn workhouse water
Tuke Henry Scott Cape Pennace Hendra Richard Hy.farmer,T~enoweth Smith William, farmer, Lamanver
Hendy Wm. Henry, farmer, BICkland Thomas Henry, farmer, Prislow
COMMERCIAL. Hocking.Jane(Mrs. ), farmr. Tregoneggy Toy Charles, shoe maker,Budock water
Andrew Rd. Trevena, farmer,Menehaye Hodge Edward, farmer, Trelevern Tremayne John & Henry, farmers,
Rath John, farmer, Lamanver Hodge Henry, farmer, Penrose Trewoon
BerrymanAlfd.farmer,Hard-to-corne-by John Thomas, farmer, Roscarrick Tremayne John, farmer, Lower Argal
Blee Michael, farmer, Lower Crill Johns William, brick ma. Higher Argal Tresidder Mary (Miss), shopkeeper,
B9ne Elizabeth Ann (Miss), Trelowarran Martin Mary (Miss), matron of Con- Buclock water
inn, Budock water valescent home Tresize William, carpenter & wheel-
Bone James, farmer, Pennance mill Nicholls Richard, farmer, Prislow wright, Hudock water
Bowdee Wm. Hy.shoe ma.Budock watr Nicholls William, farmer, Trescobeas Tuke Hy. Scott, artist, Cape Pennance
Chadwick Edwd. farmer,Budock water Olver Jo~eph, farmer, Rosemerryn Vivian Wm. John, farmer, Penjerrick
Coad Jessie (Miss), matron of Union Pardon John, carpenter, Budock water Warren Richard, farmer, Bickland
workhouse Pascoe William, miller (water), Roscar- Williams Hy.farmer,Higher Kergilliack
Convalescent Home (Miss Mary Martin, rick mill WilliamsWm.Edwd.farmer,Cuckoo mls
matron), Penjerrick Pascoe Wm.Jas.carpenter,Budock watr Wills William,farmer, l:'ennance
ST. BURYAN is a parish, 7 miles south-west from Pen- stone coffin lid of tp.e 13th century, found in the churchyard
zance terminal station of the Great 'Vestern main line, and and bearing an inscription in Norman-French to Clarice.
4 east from the Land's End, in the Western division of the wife of Geoffrey de Bolleit or Boleigh, still t.he name of a.
county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of Pen- farm in the parish: the font, of granite, is Early English:
with West, Penzance union and county court district, rural the church was repaired in r814, and restored and re-seated
deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese with open benches in 1875 : there are 425 sittings. The
of Truro. The church of St. lluriana, said to occupy the register dates from the year r653. St. Burian continued
site of a collegiate church of Austin Canons, founded by to be a deanery and royal peculiar, including the adjoining
Athelstan A. D. 930, in honour of St. Buriana and dedicated parishes of St. Levan and St. Sennen until the death (April
Aug. 26, 1238, is situated on an eminence 400 feet above the II, r864) of the Very Rev. Fitzroy H. R. Stanhope, last
level of the sea and is a building of granite, chiefly in the dean, when under the provisions of the Act, 13 and 14 Vict.
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, but with some Norman c. 76, the deanery and peculiar jurisdiction were abolished,
remains, and consists of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, the rectory remaining and being endowed, together with
south porch and an embattled western tower 90 feet in the rectories of St. Levan and St. Sennen out of the income
height with pinnacles and containing 3 bells; the remains of of the dissolved collegiate foundation. The living is now a
a chancel screen, partially destroyed with other interesting rectory, average tithe rent-charge £434, net yearly value
antiquities in 1814, still exists, and is of exceedingly rich £3so, with 4 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of
and bold workmanship, carved, coloured and gilt; and H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. and held since 1882 by
there are also four ancient stalls: the entrance to the rood- the Rev. Richard James Martyn M. A. of St. John's Colle.!e,
1oft may be traced on the south side, and iu the tow~r is a Cambridge. There is a mi,;sion church at Lamorna.
leyan chapels at Borah and Crows-an-wra and Wesleyan and originally have surpassed anything of its kind in the county.
Bible Christian chapels at Church Town. In this parish Trewoofe passed by the heiress of the Levelis family to the
was born in or about 1577, Willi:\m Noy :r.r.P. for St. Ives, Vospers of Liskeard, who disposed of it in 1704; it is now
1625, and attorney-general Oct. 31, x631 ; he is said to have the property of Mr. John Richards. A feast is held on the
devised the now historical tax called "ship-money," so Sunday nearest to May 13th, and a fair on the first Tuesday
vigorously resisted by Hampden ; he died at Tunbridge in March, yearly, for sheep and cattle, and horse races are
Wells, Aug. 6, x634. The buildings of the college formerly held every Easter Monday. The Rev. John Tonkin B.A.,
existing here were extant in part until the time of the J.P. who is lord of the manor; Lord St. Levan, Viscount
Protectorate, when it is said they were destroyed by one Falmouth, Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. J.P. of
Shrubshall or Shrubsole, governor of Pendennis Ca~tle under 'frelowarren, Mawgan-in-Meneage; Commander E. A.
Cromwell. Mention is said to be made of the college in Bolitho, :Major Ross, Captain Camborne Haweis Paynter
Domesday. Near Bosliven are the ruins of an ancient and Mr. John Richards, are the chief landowners. The
chapel or chantry. At Crows-an-wra stands a rude circular- soil is black growan ; the subsoil is granite. The chief crops
headed cross about six feet high ; in the Church town is are wheat, barley, oats and potatoes. The acreage is 6,964;
another, on a square base, and in the churchyard, the rateable value, £9,803; the population in x89t was 1,288.
quatre-foiled head of a third cross, raised on three steps; Sexton, John Richards.
opposite Boskenna gate is a round-headed cross about four PosT, :M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
feet high, with a boldly carved Latin cross upon it, and Churchtown. (Railway Sub-office. Letters should have
close by it, two other crosses: at Vellansager is a similar R.S.O. Cornwall, added).-John Rich•uds,sub-postmaster.
cross three feet in heigh~, on a circular base; at Nun Careg Letters arrive at 8.55 a. m. & 5 40 p.m. ; dispatched at
another, with a double incised cross on the round head ; and 8.2,5 a.m. & g.25 p.m
at Choyne a cross 2 feet 3 inches high and 2 feet 7 inches WALL LETTER BOXES:-
broad with a figure on it ; there are also in this parish Trenugga, cleared xo.x5 a.m
several Druidical remains, consisting of circles, cromlechs, Lamorna, cleared u.go a.m
cairns, pillars and logan stones; the Druidical circle at Penberth, cleared 10.55 a.m
Boscawenun, seventy-three feet in diameter, now consists of Crows-an-wra, cleared xo.15 a.m
19 stones and one in the middle, the original number being Sparnon, cleared 2.30 p.m
doubtful. Two miles south of the Church town, and at the
mouth of the stream forming the boundary between this
parish and St. Levan, is Penberth, a well-sheltered cove National (mixed), built in 183o, for 200 children; average
with magnificent coast scenery, in which crab and lobster
fishing is carried on. Treverven House is the -residence of attendance, 73 boys, 68 girls & 40 infants ; John Waiter
theRev. John TonkinB.A., J.P. andBoskenna,"of Capt. Cam- Stone, master
borne Haweis Paynter. At Trewoofe, in this parish, are National, Lamorna (mixed), for so children; average
attendance, 40 ; Miss Elizabeth A. Williams, mistress
the remains of an old mansion of the Levelis family, which CoNVEYANCE.-Omnibus, Joseph Thomas to Penzance, tues.
from their extent and situation show that the house must 1 thurs. & sat. returning same day
Davey Richard, Church Town Hoskin William, farmer, Chyangwens Prowse Obed, miller (water) & farmer,
Hall Rev. Matthew, [Wes.],Church Twn Hosking James, farmer, Boscawen rose Clapper mills
.Tames Arthur Hodge, Burnuhall Hosking John, farmer, Borah Prowse Thomas, tailor, Church Town
Johns William 'freave Hutchings Edwin, Ship inn, good Richards J ames & George, carpenters &
Mann James, Parc-an-Cady accommodation for tourists, &stabling, builders, Church Town
Martyn Rev. Rd. J as.lii.A. [rectr. ],Rectry Church Town Richards James, smith, Newtown
Paynter Captain Camborne Haweis, Hutchings Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Oakhill Richards John, farmer, landowner &
Boskenna J ackson Wm.Edward,farmer, Sanctuary surveyor
Tonkin Rev. Jn. B.A., J.P. Treverven ho J agoAshleyTiiseed, physician & surgeon, Roberts Dorcas (Mrs.),aprtmts.Boscean
COJIMERCIAL. Church Town Roberts Henry, farmer, Rospannels
Jeffery William, farmer, Tregifian Roberts Joseph, farmer, Tregadgwith
Audrewartha Thomas, insurance agent, J elbart J n. Treeweek, mason,Polpeninna Roberts William, farmer, 'l'reave
Church Town J elbart Parismas, farmer &c. Church Tn Rodda William, farmer, Alsia
Bennetts John, farmer, Bunker's hill JelbartWilliamJohn, mason, Church Tn Rogers George, farmer, Chynance
Bennetts Thomas, farmer, & registrar Jelbert Lydia & Bessie (Misses), apart- Rowe James, dairyman, Selena
for births & deaths, St. Buryan sub- ments, Penberth Rowe Joseph, farmer, Bosanketh
district, Penzance union Jenkin Charles, farmer, Tregadgwith Rowe :Martin, farmer, Trewoofe Wartha
Berriman George, farmer, Trevedran J ohns John, dairyman, Selena Rowe Michael, farmer, Bolanken
Berrimau Geo.mkt.gdnr.Crows-an-wra Johns Shem Ham, insur.agt.Church Tn Rowe William, farmer,.. Tregadgwith
Berryman Jessie (Mrs.), apartments, Laity Henry, farmer, & land steward to St. Buryan Farmers' Machine Co. (John
Chff house, Lamorna Captain Paynter, Tregurnow Richards, sec.), Church Town
Blewett Wm.Hy. shoe ma. Church Twn Land's End Co-op.Dairy Co. Ltd. (John Thomas Agnes (Miss), grcr. Church Tn
Boase Charles, shoe ma. Crows-an-wra Richards,sec. ),rgstrd. office, ChurchTn Thomas Benjamin, carpntr. Church Tn
Botheras John, dairyman, Parc-an-Cady Lawry Peter, farmer, Trewoofe Thomas Henry, farmer, Trevedran
Boyns Nicholas, farmer, Bosanketh Lawry Richard, farmer, Sparnon Thomas Henry, shoe ma. Church Town
Care Henry, farmer, Boskenna Ley John, beer retailer, Lamorna cove Thomas John, farmer & miller (water),
Cargeeg Richard, farmer, Cardinney Lugg William, mason, Rosewall Lower Alsia
Chappell William, farmer, Boscarne Maddern John, farmer, Boleigh Thomas John Weymouth, grocer
Cltellew William, farmer, Chycandrew Mann Albert, carpenter, Church Town Thomas Nicholas, farmer, Lower Leah
Clemens William, smith, Church Town Mann John, farmer, Pendrea. Thomas Honor (Mrs.), frmr. Trevorian
Cornwall xst (Duke of Cornwall's) Vol- Mann Richard, farmer, Tregadgwith 'fonkin Enoch, farmer, Trelodava.s
unteer Artillery Western Division Mason Amos, farmer, Bolanken Tonkin Richard, farmer. Trelodavas
Royal Artillery (u Company) Matthews Christopher, carptr.Newshop Tonkin Thomas, farmer, Penmennor
(CaptainArth. H.James, commander; Matthews Robert,shopkeeper, Lamorna Tregurtba Esther (Mrs.), apartments,
Sergt.-Major Wm. May, drill instrctr} Matthews William, dairymn.Noonzerras Church Town
Daniel John & Son, farmers, Treave Merrifield John, dairyman, Selena Tregurtha Henry, draper, Church Twu
Dennis Samson, dairyman, Downsbarn 1\Iildren Edward, farmer, Boskennal Tregurtha. Reginald, miller (water) &
Edmonds Thomas, farmer, Higher Leah Murley John Thomas, farmer & miller farmer, Bottoms
Eddy Thomas, mason, Lamorna (water), Trembothick Trewern Ely, farmer, Dormanick
Eddy Wm. Mann, frmr. Boscawen vean Oats Wm. market grdnr. Higher Treave Trewern James, farmer, Rosemodras
Edmonds Richd. Jas.farmer,Trevorgans Oats Wm. Thomas, farmer, Noonzerras Trewern ''Villiam, farmer, Rosemodras
Ellis Cornelius, farmer, Treave Osborne Charles, dairyman, Newtown Trewhella John, smith, Church Town
Garton & Co. King's Arms P.H Osborne John, farmer, Westmoor Trudgeon J ohn&James,frmrs.Tresidder
Gwennap James, farmer, Treverven Pearce Josiah, farmer, Trevider Veale Philip, grocer, Church Town
Gwennap Thomas, farmer, Treverven Penberth Fishing Co. (Arthur H. Wa.llis John, farmer, Trevorgans
Harry Thomas, but-cher, Church Town James, manager) Wallis John, jun. market gardener,
Harvey Edwin, farmer, Trewoofe & Pengelly Wm. farmer, Boscawen'oon Burnuhall cliff
Boleigh Phillips Matthew, farmer, 'frevore 'Vallish Humphrey, frmr. Crows-an-wra
Harvey John, farmer, Boseawen'oon Prowse Ephraim, mason, Church Town Wallish Pascoe, farmer, Boscarne
Harvey Pascoe, farmer, Trevorgans Prowse Grace (Mrs.),drs.mkr.Newtown Warren Albert, dairyman, The Gilley
Harvey Samuel, farmer, Pridden Prowse James, farmer, Rosemodras Warren Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Crean
Hicks J<'hn, farmer, Trelew Prowse James, farmer, Trevedran ·warren John, farmer, Bosfrankan
Hollow John, farmer, Tredinney Prowse James Henry, farmer & milier Warren John Henry, fal'lller, ChurchTn
Hosking John, farmer, Boscarne (water), Trewoofe Warren Thoma9, dairyman & grocer,
Hoskin John, farmer, Trevorrian Prowse John (Mrs.),farmer, Trevedran Bosfrankan
Warren William, farmer, Bosleven Williams George Burton, furnished Williams Joseph, shoe maker, Newtown
Warren William, farmer & shopkeeper, apartments; good boating & fishing & Woolcock Henry, farmer, Tresider
Workmen's Benefit Club (Benjamin
Crows-an-wra refreshments, Lamorna cove
Warren William Thomas, insurance Williams James, farmer, Trevedran Thomas, sec)
agent!, Church Town Williams John, farmer & miller(water), Workmen's Reading Room (Parismas
White William, dairyman, Bolanken •rresider J elbert, sec)
Williams J oseph&John, masons,Sparnon
CALLINGTON is a small market town, township and by an arch into two portions resembling a nave and chan<!el,
parish, on the road from Liskeard to Tavistock, and also on and the stream discharges itself through the western door-
that from Launceston to Saltash, 9 miles north from Saltash way : the chapel was restored some time since by Lady
station on the Great Western railway, 15north-by-westfrom Ashburton. On Kit Hill situated on Hingston Down,
Plymouth, n south-by-east from Launceston, and g west- anciently Hengesten-dune, about 1~ miles to the north of
by-south from Tavistock station on the London and South the town, are the remains of an ancient camp, 1,067 feet
Western and Great Western railways, in the North Eastern above sea level ; from this point very fine views are obtained.
division of the county, Middle division of the hundred of The Earl and Countess Compton, who are lords of the
East, petty sessional division of East Middle, Liskeard union manor, Miss Strode, of N ewnham Park, Plympton St.
and county court district, rural deanery of East, arch- 1\Iary, Devon, and the representatives of the late David
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The town was Wm. John Horndon esq. are the principal landowners. The
formerly a parliamentary borough, and returnE-d two mem- soil is loamy; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are roots,
bers, until it was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832. corn and pasture. The area is 2,302 acres ; rateable value,
A portreeve and other officers are chosen annually at the £5,771; the population in 1891 was 1888.
court leet held by Earl and Countess Compton, who are FROGWELL is a village in this parish.
owners of the manor. The town, which stands on a gentle
declivity, is lighted with gas from works belonging to the Parish Clerk, William Bullen.
Callington Gas and Coke Co. and supplied with water by a PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
company formed in r866 from a spring at Kit Hill; a new (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S. 0. Cornwall
reservoir was constructed in 1892 to contain 3o,ooo gallons added).-John Stokes Philp, postmaster. The Londo.n
of water. The present terminus of the East Cornwall mail arrives at 6.30 a.m. & is dispatched at 6.20 p.m.
Mineral railway is at Kelly Bray, one mile from the town. North mail arrives from Tavistock at 5.20 p.m. & dis-
patched at 9·5 a. m. Letters from Liskeard arrive at g. go
The church of St. Mary. dedicated August 31, 1438, is a a.m.; dispatched at 5.20 p.m.; from Plymouth at 7·45
building of granite, in the Perpendicular style, erected in p.m. ; dispatched at 8.5 a.m. Sunday letters arrive 6.30
1438, and consists of chancel, clerestoned nave of four bays, a.m. ; dispatched at 6.20 p.m. Money orders are issued
aisles, embattled south porch and an embattled western & paid from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. ; saturdays until8 p.m
tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 6 bells: in the
south aisle the steps to the rood loft remain : the Norman
font has a square basin, with carved heads at the corners: CouNTY MAGISTRATES FOR EAsT MIDDLE PETTY SESSIONAL
four of the windows are memorials: in the chancel is a brass
with effigies to the founder, or rebuilder of the church,
Collins Digby esq. D.L. Newton Ferrers, Callington R.S.O.
Nicholas Ashton, a justice of the Common Pleas, 1444, and chairman
sometime M.P. for Helston, Launceston and the count.y
Coryton William esq. Pentillie castle, St. Mellion R.S.O
during the period 1422-37, ob. 1oth March, 1465-6, and Dingle John Williams esq. Darley, Linkinhorne, Callington
Margaret (Brooke, or Bro!•e) his wife; the effigy of the Dingle William esq. Callington R.S.O
judge represents him in a wig or cap and a robe lined with Hullah Rev. Canon Thomas M.A. Recwry,Calstock,Tavistock
fur; his wife wears a long fur-trimmed dress; there are
matrices of children and shields, and a marginal inscription, Jago-Trelawny Major-General John, Coldrennick, Liskeard
not nnw perfect; below the figures is an epitaph toNicholas Clerk to the Magistrates, Edward Lethbridge Marsack
Ashton in twelve Latin liues : on the north side is an altar Petty Sessions are held at the court house, adjoining
tomb of alabaster, with panelled sides indosing shields of Golding's hotel, first thursday in every month at II a.m
arms and bearing a recambent figure of alabaster in armour The following places are included in the Petty Session~!
of Sir Robert Willoughhy, first Lord Willoughby de Broke Divison : Callington, Calstock, Linkinhorne, Pillaton,
K.G. ob. 1502; the effigy is clothed in the mantle of the St. Ive, Quethiock, South Hill, St. Mellion, St. Dominick
Garter, and wears the collar and badge; on the soles of the & Stoke Climsland
feet are the figures of two monks with rosaries : there are PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- & 2
Cemetery, William Pearce, clerk to the board
also a number of modern memorials: in 1858-9 the church County Police Station, John Hacker, inspector
was restored internally under the direction of J. P. St. constables
Public Hall, James Chubb, lessee
Aubyn, architect, at a cost of £ r,ooo, and in 1882 was
enlarged by the addition of a second north aisle at a cost of
£ 1,6oo, a chancel screen and choir stalls of carved oak being
added at the same time and a new clock fixed at a cost of VOLUNTEERS:-
£155 : there are 390 sittings. In the churchyard stands an 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
ancient cross 8 feet high, with an elaborately carved square (B Company), E. L. ::Vlar.sack, captain
bead, much mutilated, and an octagonal shaft. The regis- PUBLIC OFFICERS :-
ter dates from the year 1558. The living is a rectory, Assistant Overseer, William Pearce, jun
annexed to that of South Hill, average tithe rent,cbarge Clerk to Highway Board, John Peter Blight ·
£571, joint net yearly value [453, including 250 acres of Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Edward Lethb1idge
glebe, with residence at South Hill, in the gift of the Marsack
Countess Compton, and held since 1886 by the Rev. John Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 5 district,
Sbaw M.A. of St. Catharine College, Cambridge. Here is a Launceston Union, Harry Davis L.R.C.P.I.ond. M.D.;
Wesleyan chapel, built in 1845, a Free Methodist chapel No. 7 District, Liskeard Union, Robert .Bissell Mole
( 1852), Bible Christian chapels ( r85o), one for Plymouth L.R.C. P.Edin
Brethren (1862) and Salvation Army barracks. A Ceme- Surveyor of Highways, George Hawkins
tery of 2 acres was formed in 1877, at a cost of £goo, and PortreeYe, Harry Davis M.D
has a fine mortuary chapel ; the burial board consists of 9 Rate Collector, William Pearce
members. Heye Charity consists of two fields, the rent of Registrar of Births & Deaths & Relieving & Vaccination
which, about £I6 yearly, is givt>n to the poor. In this Officer for Callington sub-district, Richard Bennett
neighbourhood there are several mines and a tannery. The Registrar of Marriages for Callington district, J. Venning;
~ket house was built in 1832. The weekly market is on deputy, James Chubb
Wednesday, and is well supplied with provisions, corn and Town Crier, Henry Wright
various merchandise. A large cattle market is held on the
first Wednesday in every month. Here are the head quar- PLACES OF .WORSHIP, with times of service:-
ters of the B company 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Corn- St. Mary's Church, Rev. John Shaw M.A. rector; Rev.
wall's Light Infantry, which musters about roo men. The Henry Hammond, curate ; u; a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; wed.
Freemasons' hall was erected in 1879, at a cost of £6oo, and n.go a. m. ; fri. 7 p m -
adjoining the Temperance hotel is the Public Hall, built in Wesleyan, Rev. Richard Hill; 11 a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; trJ.eS.
1884, ho~ding soo persons. Dupatb. Well, in this parish, 7.30 p.m.; with 500 sittings
and about one mile south of the town, is a spring of clear Bible Christians, 11 a.lll. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. 7-30 P.til• ;
water flowing into and through an ancient chapel or baptis· with 400 sittings
tery : the building, which is in good preservation, though Plymouth .Brethren, u a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; wed. 7 p.rn.:
now grey with age, is constructed of granite and roofed with with 200 sittings
huge slabs; at the angles are rude pinnacles, and on the United Methodists, u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.3o run.;
west gable is a kind of open turret : the interior is divided with 400 sittings ·
LAUNCESTON-James Rickard, on sat
soNational (mixed), for 400 children; average attendance, LISKEARn-John Reynolds, from' Sun,' every sat
PLYMOUTH-James Rickard, on tues. thurs. & sat
91 boys & girls & infants; Joseph Jenkins, master; SALTASH-William Bond, from his own house, every day;
Miss Emily Grylls, mistress
James Rickard, e,·ery day
Wesleyan (mixed), for 28o children; average attendance, Coach to Liskeardleaves at 5.30 p.m.; to Tavistock at
156; Richard Hocking Veall, master; Miss Mary 9.30 a.m. ; to Saltash at 8.5 a.m.::&· 6.20 p.m.; return-
Batten, mistress ing at 9 a.m. daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brown Samuel, draper Johns Alfred, baker
Babb Mrs Brown William, marble mason, East Kitto William, marine store dealer
Bennett Henry, jun. Tavistock row
Blight John Peter Cornwall marble works Knight Jn.miller(water),frmr.Frogwell
Body Henry Sargent
Brown Mrs Buckingham Enoch, greengrocer Lakeman George Thomas, Bull's Head
Buckingham Richard John
Chalk Fredenck C. E Buckingham James, boot maker P.H. & house decorator
Davis Harry, jun Buckingham Richard John, blacksmith LangdonAnnie(Mrs. ),grocer& fancy dlr
Dingle William J.P
Facey Mrs Budge, Son & Co. jewellers Lean John, shopkeeper
Gifford Mrs
Golding Miss Budge ElizaJane(Mrs. ),farmr. Frogwell Maker & Son, tailors
Goodman William
Hammond Rev. Henry [curate] Buzza William, carpenter Maker John & William, printers
Hancock Richard
Hawke George, Tavistock villa Callington Gas & Coke Co. (James Marsack Edward Lethbridge, solicitor,
Hawkins George, Tavistock row
Henwood Mrs Venning, sec) commissioner for oaths, clerk to the
Hill Rev. Richard [Wesleyan]
Horndon William Hext, Pencrebar CallingtonPublicRooms &CoffeeTavern county magistrates & to the commis-
Jasper William, sen
Jeffrey Mrs. Rosewood cottage Co. Limited (R. H. Veall, sec) sioners of taxes, & agent to the Con•
Kempthorne Mrs
Lucas George Callington Waterworks Co. Limited solidated Bank of Cornwall
Marsack Edward Lethbridge, Haye
Mason John George (J. Venning, sec) Mason Peter, mineral water manufac-
Metherell Mrs. Tavist.ock row
Mole Robert Bissell Capital & Counties Bank Limited (sub- turer & tea merchant
Morris James
Pearce Charles Thomas branch) (J. Venning, agent) ; draw Mole Robert Bissell L.R.C.P.Edin. sur-
Philp Edward on head office, 39 Threadneedle st. geon, medical officer & publio vac-
Rule Mrs
Rundle Edward London E c cinator, No. 7 district,Liskeard union
Serjeant Robert, Pengelly
Carder Samuel, plumber Parrott Alice (Mrs.), dress maker
Sleep John
Southey Samuel William Causley John, coach builder l'arrott Henderson, painter & glazier
Spear Christopher
Spear John Gumb Cemetery (William Pearce, clerk to the Parrott Mary (Miss), dress maker
Spry William
Stephens James burial board) Parsons Daniel, cattle dealer
Symons William
Willcock John Chubb James, coffee tavern & deputy Paul Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), Sun inn
Wilton. Mrs registrar of marriages for Callington Pearce John, baker & farmer
district, Liskeard union Pearce William, mason
Cornish Bank Limited (sub-branch) ( R. Pearce William, sen. farmer
Hancock, agent); draw on Smith, Pearce Wm. jun. farmer &asst.overseer
Payne &Smiths,London EC. See advt Pearn William H. boot maker
Cousens William, Market inn Pellow & J ane, fly proprietors
Cradick J oseph, farmer Perry, Spear & Co. Limited, general
Crowell Henry, dairyman merchants; & at Halton quay
Crowle Frederick Wm. hair dresser Phillips Josiah Nicholas, grocer &c
CundyElizh.Ann(Mrs. ),farmr. Pengelly Philp J n.Stokes,stationer,printer&book-
Davis Harry L.R.C.P.Lond., M.D. sur- seller & agent to Dingley & Co. bankers
geon, & medical officer & public vac- Pike John, draper & tailor
cinator, No. 5 dist. Launceston union Poad Charles, shoplreeper
Davis Harry, jun. L.R.C.P. phys. &surg Poad Henry, farmer, Haye
Dawe John, chemist & grocer Poad John, mason
Dawe Joseph, shopkeeper Pomroy James, farmer, Bearland
Delbridge Mary (Mrs.), Coachmakers' Pomroy John, boot & shoe maker
Arms P.H · Pomroy William, boot & shoe maker
Dingle William & Co. tanners Reynolds John, tailor
Dingley, Pethybridge, White & Dingley Richard William, photographer
(branch), bankers (John Stokes Rickard Charles, butcher
Philp, agent); draw on Union Bank Rickard Cornelius,baker & confectioner
COMMERCIAL. of London, London E c Rickard James, carrier & farmer
Dunstan Elizabeth & Emma (Misses), Rickard John, shopkeeper
.Angwin Susan (Mrs.), milliner fancy drapers Rogers Wm. Peter,boot ma.&seedsman
Barkell Anna Maria (Miss), dress ma Dymond William Wenmouth, iron- Rowter Kate (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Barkell James, farmer, Colquite monger & saddler · Ryder George, colt breaker
Batten Thomas, refreshment rooms Easterbrook .Albert, draper Ryder George, dairyman
:Bennett Alfred, farmer, Pencrebar Edwards John, baker & grocer Samble & Buckingham, saddlers
Bennett Edward, baker Golding Elizabeth {Mrs.), Golding's Serjeant Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bennett Richard, registrar of births & commercial, family & posting hotel Shovel Abraham, tailor
deaths & relieving & vaccination Gregory Matthew, mason Snell Edward, farmer, Pengelly
officer for Callington sub-district, Griffin Samuel, blacksmith Southey Albert, saddler
Liskeard union Gunnislake Gas Co. (J. Venning, sec) Spear John Gnmb & Son, wine & spirit
Betty Thomas Cardew, insurance & Hambley Peter, farmer, Westcott merchants &mmeral water manufac-
emigration agent Hambley William John, shopkeeper turers & auctioneers & land agents
Blight Edward, watch maker &shopkpr Hancock Jane P. (Mrs.), linen draper Sturtridge William, farmer, Trehill
Blight John Peter, solicitor, clerk to the Hancock Richard, solicitor, commis- Tonkin Maria (Mrs.), dress maker
highway board &commissioner in all sioner for oaths, & agent to the 'fownsend Richard, tailor
the courts & steward of the manor of Cornish Bank Limited Treais William, provision dealer &
Calstock Harris James, grocer mineral water manufacturer
Body George, draper Hawke Mary (Mrs.), dairyman Trehane Grace (Miss), dress maker
Bolitho, Williams,Foster, Coode, Grylls Hawkins George, surveyor of highways Trevithick Richard, shopkeeper
& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Henwood Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepr Treweek George, painter
Cornwall) (agency) (E. L. Marsack, Hicks James, farmer, Dupath Treweek John, basket maker
[ agent): draw on Williams Deacon & Hicks Lewis L.n.c.s.Irel. dentist Treweek Richard Heale, boot maker
Manchester & Salford Bank Limited, Hicks Thomas Reed, farmer · Vivian & Sons, general merchan~
London E c
Holman John, baker {Thomas Grenfell, agent)
Bolitho Thomas, coach builder Huggins John, grocer Venning J ames,stationer &c. ; registrar
Bond Hubert, butcher Irwin Richard, builder of marriages for Callington dist.
BondWilliam,Commercial hotel & coach Jackman James, dairyman Liskeard union & emigration agent &
proprietor; agent for the Great Jago Brothers, wheelwrights agent to the Capital & Counties Bank-
Western Railway Co Jago James, insurance agent ing Co. Limited
Box John, butcher · Jane Samuel, farmer, Haye Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of
Brendon Bros. ironmongers & farmers Jasper John, baker Cornwall's Light Infantry (B Co.)
Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.) & E. grocers Jasper John, farmer, Fnllerford (Captain E. L. Marsack)
Brown Jane (Mrs.), milliner Jasper Thomas, baker Walkey Kate & Matilda (Misses), china
Brown Louisa (Miss), dress maker Jasper William, coach build~r & glass dealers!_.
I I\Yarrick James, marine store dealer Williams Jn.Thos.watchmak~r&grocer Wright Henry, town.crier
WarwickChristiana (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wilton Joseph, common lodgmg house Yelland John, saddler
CALSTOCK is an extensive parish, village and township, I ambassador to France, has been. ~emoved to the domestic
within the port of Plymouth, on the beautiful river Tamar, chapel; the gro~mds are m~gmficent~y wooded a?d the
which forms the chief part of the Eastern boundary of the scene~y r n the river :ramar m t_he netghbourhood IS very
Ichoaumn tay~da nfdorisvensasveilgs aobfl e10fo0r beautiful. Mrs. W1lhams, who IS lady of the manor, the
small vessels as far as Morwell- Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.c., n.c.L., L.L. John Mason esq.
tons to the locks at Nutstakes,
5 miles east from Callington, 14 north-east from Liskeard, an_d _th~ Messrs. Bowh~Y. are th~ principal landowners. T?e
and 6 south-west from Tavistock stations on the Great I soll1s hght; the subs:nlls gramte and clay slate. The ch1~f
·western and London and South Western railways, in the crops are wheat, oats, barley and pasturage. T~e ~rea lS
North Eastern dh·ision of the county, Middle division of the 6,133 acres; rateable value, £13,7;z4; the populatiOn m 1891
hundred of East, petty sessional division of East Middle, was 6,150.
Tavistock union and county court district, rural deanery of Gunnislake, 2 miles north of Calstock, is an improving
East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The village, pleasantly seated on the river Tamar, on which is a
Callington and Tavistock high road passes through this salmon weir; the Callington and Tavistock high road here
rarish. The church of St. Andrew, which stands on a corn- crosses the river by a bridge, and passes through the village,
manding eminence, is an ancient building of Cornish granite which is Jiahted with gas. The Tavistock and Liskeard
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four coach pass;s through this place. St. Ann's chapel of ease,
bays, aisles, a mortuary chapel, built in 1588, and belonging erecteq in I88o, at a cost of £2,400, consists of chancel, nave
to the Edgcumbe family, vestry, south porch and an em-
battled western tower, with octagonal pinnacles, containing of four bays, aisles, north and south porches and a turret
a clock and 6 bells, cast in 1773 : in the chapel, among containing 2 bells. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, a Bible
others, are the tombs of Richard Edgcumbe, ob. 1588, and or Christian chapel, built in 1863 ; a Free Methodist chapel,
J-emima, daughter of John, rst Baron Crew, of Stene, and erected in o1m8p77an, ya nd one for the Brethren. The Kit Hill
wife of Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich, ob. 1674: in the Granite C have v ery extensive quarries here: the
north arcade of the nave are some ancient mural painting-s: granite is a stone of fine grain and of uniform colour, mu~h
the east window is a memorial to Isaac Rosekilly, d. 1883:
harder than ordinary Cornish granite and from this and its
similarity to Scotch granite is much preferred by London
in the south aisle is a copy of the letter of thanks from contractors for paving purposes; it has been largely used in
Charles I. sent to all the parishes in Cornwall, and dated the construction of the Thames Embankment, in the new
1643: in the porch are the remains of a holy water stoup Blackfriars Bridge, in the fortifications around Plymouth·
.and a deeply carved tombstone commemorating Griffith and Devonport and the works at Keyham yard; for some
Stevens, ob. 1591, and John Stevens, ob. 1620: there are years the Lo(;al Boards in the neighbourhood have been
.330 sittings. The churchyard was enlarged in 188o to th.ree supplied from this quarry and large quantities are sent to
acres and an additional acre was added in 1887. The extst- London. Mr. E. fltory has also a quarry here. The Wes-
ing register dates from the year 1656. The living is a leyan Sunday school here was enlarged in 1888 for the pur-
rectory, tithe rent-charge commuted at £400, average £335, pose of holding public meetings, concerts &c. and will seat
n~t yearly value £.196, including 61 acres of glebe with resi-
4fo5r0 persons. A small market is held here every Saturday
deuce, in the gift of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. and provisions.
held since 1865 by the Rev. Thomas Hullah M.A. of Brasenose Honeycombe, the property of Jlrlrs. Williams, and now
College, Oxford, hon. canon of Truro, surrogate and J.P. All unoccupied, is 2 miles north-west from Calstock and is plea-
Saints, HARROWBARROW, erected in 187I, at a cost of about santly situated.
[,7oo, as a chapel of ease to the parish church, consists of
apsidal chancel, nave, north porch and a western bellcote CoTEHELE QuAY is 2 miles south-west from Calstock.
containing one bell. St. Michael and All Angels, Latchley, Large quantities of coal, timber and manure are imported.
is also a chapel of ease. There are Wesleyan chapels at ALBASTON is Ii miles north-west; CHILSWORTHY, 3 miles
Calstock, built in 187o, Albaston (1866), St. Ann's (1881) north-west; HARROWBARROW, about 3 miles west-by-north;
and Latchley ( r824) ; Free MPthodist chapels at Calstock here is a school chapel ; LATCHLEY, 4 miles north-north-west,
and Gunnislake; Bible Christian chapels at Albaston, is on the banks of the Tamar; METHERILL, 2 miles west ;
Metherill and East Harrowbarrow, and Baptist chapels at ST. ANN's CHAPEL, 2i miles north-west.
Calstock and Metherill. A burial board of 9 members was Parish Clerk, John Williams. ·
formed in 1859. A cemetery was formed at Drakewalls and PosT, M. O. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
a portion thereof consecrated in 1888: it has a mortuary Calstock.-Mrs. A. J. Rowe, postmistress. Letters
chapel and is under the control of the burial board. There through Tavistock received at 7·30 a.m. ; dispatched at
are many copper and tin min_es, b_ut. the only opnrem_scneo0wf gpr.amn.ted&&5p.3a0id week days onlv
working are the Drakewalls tm mme, and t he 12.10 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 9 a.m. till 6 j.
Wales mine at Harrowbarrow: a considerable number of the Money orders are from
miners at the Devon Great Consols Mines, in the adjoining & until 8 p.m. Saturdays
oounty, live in this district. Messrs. Th-?mas Westlake & ~o.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
have brick works both here and at Gunmslake, and there IS a Gunnislake.-John Turner, sub-postmaster. Letters
through Tavistock received at 7 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.;; dis-
brewery and a tannery. Large quantities of coal, timber
and manure are imported. In May, 1872, the_ Eas~ Cor~- patched at 10.5 a.m. & 5·5 p.m. Money orders are
wall Mineral Railway Company opened 9 statwns m this granted & paid from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & until 8 p.m.
parish, but only three, viz :-Calstock, Incline and Drake- Saturdays
walls are now used. The Saltash, Three Towns and District PosT OFFICE, Albaston.-Mrs. Jane Cock, sub-postmistress.
Steam Boat Company Limited have vessels which trade from Letters arrive from Tavistock via Gunnislake at 8 a. m. ;
here to Plymouth. Harewood House, once the seat of Sir dispatched at 4.20 p.m. Gunnislakeis the nearest money
'William Lewis Salusbury-Trelawny hart. and now unoccu- order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
pied, is half a mile east from Calstock and occupies one of but not paid
the most delightful sites on the banks of the Tamar. Cote- PosT OFFICE, Harrowbarrow.-William Trefry, sub-post-
bele House, the residence of the Lady Ernestine Edgcumbe, master. Letters arrive from St. Mellion R.S.O. at g.2o
()ne mile west from Calstock, is an ancient and most interest- a. m.; dispatched at 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order
ing mansion of the Tudor period, and one of the best remain- office is at St. Mellion & nearest telegraph office is at St.
ing specimens in this country of medireval domestic architec- Dominick. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
ture; it is situated on an eminence on the western bank of PosT OFFICE, St. Ann's Chapel.-William Burnman, sub-
the Tamar~ almost surrounded with wood, very pleasant postmaster. Letters arrive from Tavistock via Gunnis-
views of the river being obtainable from some of the upper lake at n8e_a4r0esat .mm.o;nedyispoartdcehred&
windows: the house consists of two courts with an embattled is the
.gate tower ; and the buildings include a banqueting ball orders are issued here, but not paid
with a fine open timbered roof and suits of armour ranged
along the walls; the windows are enriched with the armorial WALL LETTER BoXEs.-st. Ann's, cleared at 4· 1o p.m. ;
:Shields of the Cotehele family, from whom the estate passed Latchley at 3·50 p.m.: Harrowbarrow at 4·4° p.m.;
by marriage to that of Edgcumbe in the reign of Edward Metherill at 4.10 p.m.; Cotehele Quay at 5 p.m.; Drake-
Ill.; most of the rooms are hung with interesting tapestry ·walls at 4 p.m. ; Dimson at 4·35 p.m.; & Chilsworthy at
chape1 rtcensed
and attacbed to the house · a d omes tt' c by Le4t.t2e0rsp.fmor. wCleeeakveda&ys oMnelytherill should be directed " St.
the late Bishop Phillpotts, and originally licensed as an Mellion" R.S.O. Letters for Latchley and Dimson should
oratory by Bishop Stafford, I2th May, 14II : it has a stained
east window and services are conducted here every t:3unday be directed Gunnislake, Tavistock
afternoon by the rector or one of his curates ; in the grounds PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
stands another chapel erected by Sir Richard Edgcumbe in Certifying Factory Surgeon· & Medical Officer, Calstock
the reign of Richard HI.; a cenotaph here in be-simile ol t.i~trict, Ta' istock Union, Albert Bowhay L.R.C.P.Iond.
his tomb at Morlaix, where he died (1499) while acting as Gunnis'ake '
IRelieving & Vaccination Officer & Registrar of Births & Wesleyan, Latchley; n a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m. ; with
Deaths, Calstock Sub-district, Tavistock Union, Andrew 150 sittings
Bray, Gunnislake Wesleyan, St. Ann's Chapel; 3 & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m. :
Clerk to Burial Board, John Williams 0 h 80 S " tt 0 g s
Wit I m
PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services : - A School Board of 7 members was formed Feb. 26, I874;
Mrs. A. J. Rowe, clerk to the board; John Bennett, Gun-
St. Andrew's Church, Rev.Thomas Hullah M. A. ,J.P. rector; nislake, attendance officer
II a.m. 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Board (mixed & infants), Delaware read, Gunnislake, ior
All S<tints Chapel, Harrowbal'row; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; 220 children; average attendance, I63; Robert Leverton,
wed. 7 p.m master; Miss Eliza Moore, mistress
St. Ann's Chapel of Ease, Gunnislake; II a. m. & 6.30 Boal'd, Gunnislake (infants), erected in I878, for 150
p.m. i wed. 7 p.m
Cotehele House Chapel, 3.30 p.m children; average attend. 100; Miss Alice Shutt, mistress
Board, Latchley (mixed), rebuilt in I8gi, for 150 children;
B~pt!st, Metherill, 2.30 & 6 p.m; tues. 7.30 p.m. ; ISO
stttmgs average attendance, 86; Miss Maria George, mistress
Baptist, Calstock, IO a. m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m.; with Board (infants);Calstock, for II4 children; average attend-
ance, 83; Miss Marion Down, mistress
220 sittings Board, Gnnnislake (mixed), erected in I87I, for 250 child-
Bible Christian, Albaston, II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m.; ren ; average attendance, I20 boys & IOO girls ; John
with 200 sittings . Morgan, master
Bible Christian, East Harrowbarrow; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; Board, Harrowbarrow (mixed), erected in I879, for 200
tues. 7 p.m. ; with zso sittings children ; average attendance, ISO; William Henry
Bible Christian, Gunnislake; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 White, master
p.m. i with 55° sittings .; wed. 7 ~.m.; cNational (mixed), Calstock, for 200 children; avera,~
PBWliybl"lmtehoCluOhtOrhisSBtl"jtrate"mnt,hgrMsene,thGeruinllmi·s11a1kae. m. & 6 p. m p.m.; amtatesnt edran., cl".Ye·:.1,rsg. oSnbsoaynsCa&n t•gst"t rls., Geo. Beavt"s
;I I a.m. 6 WI"tl1 43 ress ann,
n, m
So sittings C.ARRI.ERS : - . .
IUnited ::\Iethodist Free Church, Calstock; 1 I a. m. & 6j Martm, frol!l Gunmslake to Tavtstock, mon. tues. wed.
p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m. ; with 1 50 sittings. thurs. & fr1. ; to Launceston, sat ,
Bennet~, from ~ar~owbarro~ through St. Ann s Chapel &
Wesleyan, Albaston; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. ; Gunmsla~e to favtst?ck daily
with 200 sittings
Wesleyan, Calstock; n a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m. ; W. Warwtck, to Callmgton, wed. ; Tavtstock, frt. & to
with 300 sittings · Launceston, sat.
Wesleyan, Gunnislake; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m.; 1WATER CoNVEYANCE TO PLYl\IOUTH.-On tues. thurs. & sat.
with 6oo sittings ' Saltash, Three Towns & District Steam Boat Co. Limited
Calstock. *Down Henry, farmer, Chilsworthy Paul Stephen, agent to the Tavistock
[Marked thus~ should be addressed Gunnis- Down Henry, builder Bank (Fox, Fowler & Co)
DurberMaryAnn( Mrs.), Ashburton hotl Pearce William, butcher
lake, Tavistock & thus t should be ad-
dressed St. Mellion R.S.O. Cornwall.] East Cornwall Mineral Railway Co. (W. Pomroy Richard Henry, fruiterer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sowden, manager) *Pomroy Samuel,market gardnr. Kelly
Caldwell Mrs. Tharsis villa Foote Charles, baker tPrince of Wales's Mining Co. (C. B.
tEdgcumbe Lady Ernestine Emma Fox, Fowler & Co. (Stephen Paul, agt. ); Parry, sec)
Horatia, Cotehele house
Grenfell Thomas draw on Lloyds Bank Lim. London Prout Susan (Mrs.), Tamar inn
*Franks Thomas Cuthbcrt, fire brick & Reardon Mary Ann (Mrs.), milliner
Hoskin Mrs. Gellings park
clay works (William Burnman, man- Richards Harriett (Mrs.), refreshment
Hullah Rev. Thomas M.A., J.P. [rector ager), Hingston
& hon. canon of Truro], Rectory rooms, Tamarview
Lloyd Rev. Albert [Wesleyan] Gill John, farm bailiff to Lady Edg- Rickard Mary Charlotte (Mrs.),butcher
eombe, Trchill tRisdonWm.Jas. wheelwrigbt, Metherill
Pidgeon Rev. Alfred [Baptist] Glanville John, farmer, Hatches Rodda Samuel, grocer
Reed James Henry, Tamar terrace Glanvillc Joseph, farmer, North park Rowe AnnJoll(Mrs.),grocer,&post office
*Rowe Mrs. Heath cottage Grenfell Lily (Miss), ladies' school Rowe James~ shopkeeper
Spear Gideon Ebenezer, Kelly villa Grenfell Thomas, agent to Messrs. Rowse Robert, farmer
Spear William Gideon, Kelly villa Vivian & Sons, coal merchants Samuel Jonathan,merchant & shipownr
Tree William, Kelly villa Grenfell Thos. jun. ship & insurance agt Searle James, beer retailer
Trnran Samuel George, Gellings park Grylls Martin, farmer, Cleave Simmons Edwd. coal merchant,Cotehele
\Varne Mrs Harrison Frederick, carpenter & joiner quay
Wilcocks John, Plum cottage t HarvieElizh. (Mrs.),shopkpr.Metherill Skinner John,Naval & Commercial inn,
Wilcocks Mrs. 'lamar terrace Hawkins Thomas, shopkeeper & mineral water manufacturer
Wilkinson Mrs. Tamar terrace tHeathman Absalom, farmer tSleep Robert, farmer, Seven stones
Woodd Henry Turnor, Kelly villas Hillman Jabez, grocer Smale William, Steam Packet hotel
COMMERCIAL. Hockaday William, farmer *Snow 'Vm. market !rardnr.Drakewalls
Adams Joseph, grocer Hocking Thomas, grocer Sowton iJohn, grocer-
Baker Nieholas, farmer, Todsworthy. Horne John, market gardener tSpear John, farmer, Metherill
Bennett James, farmer, Mount Pleasant tHunn Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkpr.Metherill Statton Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
*Bennett Stephen, farmer, Coombe Husband Carolina (Mrs.), shopkeeper *Steer Daniel, farmer, Treradgin
Bickle William, tailor & baker *Jewells John, farmer, Cox park *Stenlake Chas.shopkeeper,Chilsworthy
*Bowhay Joseph, farmer & landowner, Johns Josiah William, farmer *.Stenlake James, grocer, Chilsworthy
Drakelands t J onesWm.fruit grower,Metherill cross *Stenlake Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,
Brailey William, farmer, Sandways Kit Hill Granite Co. (Edward B. Mul- Chilsworthy
Bulford Lionel, grocer & butcher lins, sec. & manager) 'l'errill Ann Richards (Mrs.), draper &e
tClarke Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, KinghtAgnes(Mrs.),frmr.Harewood fm TruranFk.Chas.ironmngr.&ship chndlr
Higher Metherill Lampin Henry, greengrocer Vanstone Samuel, farmer, Newhonse
tClarke John, Carpenters' Arms tLangsford Charles, farmer, Cleave Vivian & Sons, coal, manure & salt
Metherill Langsford Wm.mllr.(water),Glamorgn merchants (Thomas Grenfell, agent)
Clifton William, farmer, Slimeford Lucas Emma (Mrs.), dairyman Vosper George, but-cher
Cock John, New inn Lucas George, baker Warne Digory, carpenter
Collvin Beatrice (Miss), ladies' school, t LuxtonGeorge,farmer, CoteheleBarton Warne George, farmer, Hollow gfoeen
North park Luxton John Henry, farmer, Trehill Warne John, tailor
*Cm·dwell Williarn, farmer, Cox park *Martin Wm.farmer,Higher Brookland Warne Waiter, carpenter
Cork William Henry, stationer tMatthews (John) & Dawe (Joseph), Warwick William, farmer & carrier
Danescombe Mining Co. (Arthur S. butchers, Metherill WebsterDavid Penrose,refreshment rzns
Hughe & W. Sowden, proprietors) t1':1atthews Jane(Mrs. ),farmr.Metherill Westlake Thomas & Co. brick & tile
tDawe Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Metherill Matthews John, blacksmith makers(red & fire)& arsenic manufrs
tDawe J oseph, farmer, Metherill Nillson Per, fruiterer Whitford William, farmer
Dingley, Pethybridge, White & Dingley Parkin Francis, farmer, Heath cottage *Woolcocks Geo. farmer, Todsworthy
\branch), bankers (James H. Reed, Parkin John, farmer, Newton *Woolcocks John, farmer, Chilsworthy
agent); draw on Union Bank of Lon- Paul Fredk. John, tailor & outfitter Worth John Henry, baker
don Limited, London E c Paul J ames Down, dairyman Worth Samuel, refreshment rooms
DEV. & UORN. 67
[ K E L L Y 78
Gunnislake. Down Thomas, mining engineer Townsend Lucy Ann & Emma Sturt
PRIVATE RESIDEYTS. Drake .Walls Mining Co. Lim. (James (Misses), grocers & drapers
Bennett Campbell, Hingston house Hosking, manager) Townsend Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer & drpr
Bolt Thomas Henry, Dimson Gimblett George, shoe maker Trathen Charles, shopkeeper, St. Ann's
Bowhay Albert, Anerley villa Gimblett Mary (Mrs.), shoe maker Trefry Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Chynoweth Mrs. Hingston vil.St.Anu's Glanvill Thomas, farmer, St. Ann's Trodd E. & Co. bone & manure mer-
Gill John, beer retailer chants; & at Saltash
Cocking George
Darnell Rev.Alfd.[curate], More well vw Green Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Truscott William, ironmonger
Harvey John, East view Gunnislake Gas, Coal & Coke Co. & Turner John & Son, tailors
Johns Bennett, Sandhill house general merchants (J. Venning, sec) Wadge William, farmer, Whimple
Knight Luke, Beilswood house Harris Agnes (Mrs.), grocer Wakem John G. butcher, St. Ann's
MorganJohn Edgar, :Feruleigh villa Harvey William, butcher Wakem John Henry, shopkeeper
Palmer Misses, Downfield vil. St.Ann's Heyden Joseph, chemist & grocer, & Wakem Sarah (Mrs.),shopkpr. Latchley
agent for W. & A. Gilbey Lirn. wine Wallis Thomas, insurance agent
Proctor Lieut. Joseph, Wellpark
& spirit merchants Webber CharlesEd wd. butcher,St.Ann's
Richards John, St. Ann's
Higman William, boot & shoe maker Webber 'fhomas, grocer, St. Ann's
Ror1da Henry, Drakewalls
Robinson Rev. John S. [Wesleyan], Hockaday Henry, farmer, Dimson Weeks Jacob, farmer
Wesley villa Johns (Richard) & Edgcumbe (Thomas Weeks Wllliam, builder
Seccombe Miss L. C. Kingswood park Edward), grocers & drapers Whitford Henry, grocer, Dimson
Sims Mrs. Alma cottage J ohnsWilliamHenwood, farmer,Sandhill Whitford John Henry, grocer, Dimson
Smith J ames Sargent, St. Ann's Knight John, blacksmith Williams Frederick, baker
Viant Mrs. Goldworthy house Knight ~rk, builder WilliamsJane(Mrs. ),shpkpr.Drakewalls
Warne Rev. Jabez [Bible Christian] Knott Richard, farmer, Delaware Williams John, boot ma. Chapel street
Williams John, Prospect villa Lake John, tailor & draper Young Ripruf, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Lanyon John, shopkeeper Albaston.
Lavis John, grocer
Andrews John, grocer Lavis Thomas, ironmongeJ.O Bowhay Benjamin
Andrews William, pork dealer &c Lean Charles, Tavistock hotel Bowhay Mrs
Annear Joseph, stationer Lock Jobn, shoe maker, Drakewalls Glanville Mrs. 2 Gnawton terrace
Bailey Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Latchley Lock Samuel, shoe maker Lavers Mrs
Bailey Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Latchley Loar Mrs. 3 Gnawton terrace
Bennett John Vennanough, sanitary Martin John, carrier Seccombe Alfred Smith, View villa
Martin John, farmer, Latchley
inspector & school attendance officer Martin William Harry, grocer COMMERCIAL.
Bickle George, butcher
Bickle James, farmer, Pit farm rooms&general dealr Bowhay Edward & Brothers, brewers,
Bidgood James, farmer Moor John, wheelwright, St. Ann's maltsters, tanners & landowners
Bidgood Nicholas, farmer Moor Wm. medicine vendor, St. Ann's
Bolt Charles & Son, granite merchants, Morrish William, farmer, Latchley Cock Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Davey John, greengrocer
Hingston quarry & Sandock house Mullis William, farmer,•Latchley Grills William, butcher
Bond Abraham, Commercial hotel & Normington James,grocr.Drakewalls pl Harris Joel, farmer
Northcote Joseph, farmer, Latchley J ago Sarah & Sons, builders, general
posting house
Bowhay Albert L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon, Peachey Frederick James, baker smiths & wheelwrights
James Joseph, Queen's Head P.H
& medical officer, Calstock district, PedlaJ.O Arthur, ironmonger :Martin Joseph, butcher & farmer
Tavistock union & certifying factory Pedlar Charles, fancy dealer Nicholas William, shopkeeper
surgeon, Anerley villa Pendrey Waiter Charles, general dealr Parker William, farmer
Bowhay John, auctioneer, Tamar mills Paul Lewis, shopkeeper
Braund John, draper&; outfitter Pengelly Georga, farmer, Latchley Rosekilly Isaac, builder
Bray Andrew, reg. of births & deaths & Perry, Spear & Co. Limited, general Skinner John, baker
relieving & vacc. officer,Calstock sub- Skinner Simon, baker
district, Tavistock union merchants, Drakewalls ; & at Halton Steer Nicholas, farmer
quay, St. Dominick
Phillip'3 Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Pyatt George, brush maker
Burnman John, Rifle Corps inn,St.Ann's Quick Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Harrowbarrow.
Buruman William, shopkeeper, & post Richards John, Commercial hotel Bennetts Miss
office. St. Ann's Rodda William, draper Eva Thomas, Coombe villa
Chnbb R chard, farmer, Latchley Rogers Jane (Mrs.),shopkeeper,Dimson COM:\IERClAL.
Coath Robert Pill, grocer, draper, Rowe Antony, farmer, Okenhays Barker Thomas, farmer
farmer & haulier, Delaware house Seccombe John Carpenter, mine agent Bray Charles, shopkeeper
CockingJohanna(Mrs.),shopkr.St.Ann's Seccombe LeonoraC.(Miss),private schl Congdon Charles, farmer
Cocking John, farmer, Latchley Shenale Betsy (Mrs.), grocer & draper Coombe Mining Co. (Arthur S. Hughes
Cocking Thomas, Rising Sun P.H. & Shore Emanuel, hair dresser & W. Sowden, proprietors)
farmer, Latchley Sleep Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper Eastley Fredk.farmr.Ea.Harrowbarrow
Cocks Francis,butcher & general dealr. Sleep Frederick, farmer, Bittams Fitze Josepb, market gardener
'l'amar house, St. Ann's Slocombe William, shoe maker Harrowbarrow Working Men's Club
Cox John & SymonsJohn, carpenters & Spargo Margt. (Mrs.), glass & china dlr (Thomas Brown, sec)
builders Stephens Edward Bloye, shopkeeper, Isbell William, blacksmith
Crossman Agnes (Mrs.), insurance agt Latchley Kelly John Hendy, farmer, West Har-
Davey Jn. Henry,butcher & shopkeepr Story Edward, quarry owner rowbarrow
Dingley, Pethybridge & Co. bankers Strick William, mining engineer Perkin George, miller (water)
(James H. Reed, agent) ; draw on Strong Thomas, farmer, Hawkmoor Philp John, farmer
UnionBank of LondonLim. London EC Strong William, farmer, Hawkmoor PoadHenry,farmer,EastHarrowbarrow
Doidge Richard & Son, builders & con- Strong William, farmer & coal mer Sandercock Thomas, shopkeeper
tractors, Drakewalls Symons Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Cocks Sando Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Down&; Castle, grocers Georgina (Miss), drapers & dress mas Trefry William,shopkeeper,&post office
Down Samuel B. clothier Took Richard, seedsman White Thomas, shopkeeper ,
CAMBORNE is a market town and parish, with a pinnacles, containing 8 bells, of which the tenor and another
station on the West Cornwall section of the Great Western were added in r882: there are several fine monuments to
railway, 3 miles south-west from Redruth, 14 north-east the Pendarves family from 1655 to 1853, and various
from Penzance, 14 north-west from Falmouth, 12 west- others of modern date : in the south aisle is a magnificent
south-west from Truro and 312 from London, in the North heraldic window, placed as a memorial to E. W. Wynne
Western division of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty Pendarves esq. M.P. by his widow, Tryphena, in 1864; and
sessional division of East Penwith, Redruth union and there are three other stained windows: the reredos of Sienna
county court district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, arch- marble was erected in 1761, at the cost of Samuel Percival
deaconry of ()ornwall and diocese of Truro. The town is esq. : near the porch is an ancient cross, and below the
governed by a Local Board of 12 members, formed May 13, communion table is an ancieht altar slab, inscribed, "Leviut
r873, under the "Local Government Act of 1858," by whom jusit hie altare pro anima sua;" it was formerly built into
a system of main drainage has been carried out at an outlay the exterior wall of the transept, but in 1862 was removed
of nearly £4,300; it is well supplied with water by a to its present position: the church was restored in r862, at
company from reservoirs at Crowan, and the streets a cost of £r,soo; and a new south aisle added in r879, at a
are lighted with gas. The church of St. Martin is an total cost of £4,000 : there are 750 sittings. The register
ancient building of granite, in the Later Perpendicular dates from the year ISJ8. The living is a rectory, average
style, consisting of chancel, nave of seven bays, aisles, south tithe rent-charge £609, gross yearly value £704, including
trc~nsept, south porch and an embattled western tower with 55 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Arthur
Francis Basset esq, and held since I858 by the Rev, William ab()ut 16o members. The Tin Mine in this parish
Pester ChappelM.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, hon,canon employs about 1,300 persons. The B Company of the 1st
of 'l'ruro, and surrogate. The Catholic chapel, on Beacon Volunteer Battaiion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, has
hill, dedicated to St. John the Baptist, was built in I859 an armoury at 1Wheal Gurry. Fairs are held on the 7th of
and has 300 sittings. The Bible Christian chapel, Trelo- March, Whit-Tuesday, 29th of June and uth of November,
warren street, was rebuilt in x87I and will seat 6oo persons. yearly. The charities amount to about £67 yearly, of
The Primitive Methodist chapel, Trevensen street, erected which £3o is applied to education, £3 for repairs of church
in I85o, at a cost of £x,<!>33, will seat 430 persons. There and £34 distributed in money and fuel. The Public Dispen·
are Free Methodist chapels in North Parade and at Ros- sary, Fore street, was established in I842, and is supported
croggan; and Wesleyan chapels in Chapel streflt (I,26o by voluntary subscriptions; about I8o patients are treated
sittings), Centenary street (I,200 sittings) and in Ros- annually. Camborne was the birth-place, I3 Ap. I77I1 of
croggan. The Cemetery, in Hayle road, consisting of 3£ the great engineer, Richard Trevithi~;k, the inventor, in
acres, was opened Sept. 15, I88g, and has a mortuary I796, of the high pressure steam engine, patented in 1802,
chapel ; it is under the control of a burial board of nine and of the locomotive for railways, whose system was
members. The Market hall, a spacious quadrangular edifice adopted and applied by Mr. George Stephenson ;"l'revithick
{)f stone with granite dressings, was erected by the late John also originated the ballast engine, and was the engineer, in
Francis Basset esq. in 1866, at a cost of about £4,ooo, and x8o4, of the first, but unsuccessfully attempted, Thames
has a clock tower with four illuminated dials; there is a Tunnel, carried x,ooo feet under the Thames: it was at
large assembly room over the market hall, and another in Camborne that Trevithick and Andrew Vivian, also a native
which the magistrates hold their sittings. The Working of this place, first tried the locomotive about the year x8oo :
Men's Institute, a plain but substantial building of stone, the site of their workshop, in which the first engine was
situated at the junction of Market place and Fore street, made, is now inclosed in the grounds of Rosewarne. ArLhur
and erected in 1872, at a total cost of £1,ooo, was the gift Woolf, the inventor of double cylinders for engines and
{)f the late G. L. Basset esq. of Tehidy, to the officers of the other improvements, was also born here. Two weekly
Tehidy Working Men's Club, at a nominal rent of rs. newspapers are published here: the "Cornish Post and
yearly, the only restriction being that the donor should Mining News" and the "Western Star." Rosewarne is
resume possession in the event of the club proving a failure; the residence of William Henry Harris Hartley esq. Arthur
it contains a spacious and well-lighted reading room, pro- Francis Basset esq. who is lord of the manor, and the Rev.
vided with daily and weekly papers, n. library added in Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. of Trelowarren, Maw·
x881, a concert room, billiard room and a refreshment bar. gan, William Cole Pendarves esq. .T.P., D.L. of Pendarves,
~rhe Camborne Mining and Science and Art Sohools adjoin 'freslothan, William Henry Harris Hartley esq. and the re-
the institute ; the building is of stone with granite dressings presentatives of the late C. W. Reynolds esq. of 'frevenson,
and was erected in r883, at a cost of about £1,400, and an are chief landowners. The soil is loamy and some slate;
additional sum of £ x, 100 has since been spent on the fabric the subsoil is clay. The crops are wheat, barley and oats.
and fitbings: the site was given by the late G. L. Basset The ar~a is 6,931 acres; rateable value, £39,465; the popu-
esq. who wa:'l also a chief contributor; there are about 36o lation in I891 was q,7oo; the population of the ecclesiastical
.students attending the classes, viz. 20~ in the science and district is 7,890. ·
x6o in the art school. The Literary Institute, in Chapel CAMBORNE BEACON is a. landmark and village, I mile
street, founded in r8zg, comprises a library and news-room, south; here is a Wesleyan chapel. .
and a museum containing specimens of minerals of the dis- BREA is a village, half a mile east, and has a Btble
trict ; there are about I8o members. In Chapel street is Christian chapel.
also the Smith Memorial Wesleyan Institute, erected in PENGEGON (or Pengigan) is a village, half a mile south..
I887 to the memory of the ]ate Geor,513 Smith esq. LL.D., east, and has a Wesleyan chapel.
F.S.A. ; it comprises a library and reading room and has Sexton, John Bennetts.
Official Establishments. Local Institutions &c.
Pos-r, M. 0. & 'l'. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- MEMBERS.
Miss Emily Jane Tippet, postmistress Four of whom retire annually.
Houas OF ATTES"DANCE -For sale of stamps & registration Fred. William Thomas, chairman (I895).
Iof letters. week days 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sunday 7 a.m. to John Berryman (I896) Richard Rowe (x8g5)
Io a.m.; issue of postal orders, week days 7 a. m. to 8 p.m. William Henry Bunt (I896) Josiah Rowe ( I895)
& payment from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. For money order & James Negus (I896) Charles Thomas (1894)
sa\·ings bank, annuity & insurance business & issue of Richard Nettle (1895)
licences, week days 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; sa.turdays 9a.m. to James Reynolds (1894) II Edward Vine (x8g4)
John Whitworth (1894)
8 p.m. Savings Bank deposits are received 9 a.m. to 8 Alfred Dunldn (1896)
p.m. For telegraph business, week days 8 a. m. to 8 p.rn.; Clerk, John Rule Daniell, Chapel street
sundays 8 to IO a.m Treasurer, Arthur Pate Nix, Bolitho & Co.'s Bank
DrsPATCR OF LETTERS -MAILS. Medical Officer of Health, Robert Erskine M.D., M.Chr Bas-
Lonion (day) Plymouth & Devonport (monday only), 6.20 set road
a.m.; *Hayle, Penzance &c. 7·5 a.m.; *Camborne, first ~urveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Thos. Negus, T~hjdy rd
town delivery, 8 a.m.; North of England, Ireland & Scot- Collector, William Eddy, Wellington road
land; Southampton, South West of England, Cornwall, COUNTY :M.lGISTRATES FOR EAST PENWITH PETTY
Plymouth & Devonport, 10.15 a. m.; Penzance,12.20 p.m.;
Hayle, Peuzance &c. (day), 2 p.m.; Plymouth & Devon- Pendarves William Cole esq. B.A., D.L. Pendarves, Cam-
port, Truro, 2.15 p.m.; second town delivery, 2.55 borne, chairman
p.m.; *London (night) & all P'\rts, excepting Hayle, Baiu David Wise esq. Glenfeadon, Illogan, Redruth
Penzance &c. 4.25 p.m. (extra td. stamp 4·35 p.m.);
Hain Edward, jun. esq. St. h'es R.S.O
Helston, Hayle, Penzance &c. (day), 4.25 p.m.; London
Harvey Francis esq. Glanmor, Hayle
(late night), Cornwall, Plymouth & Oevonport (night),
Hockin Thomas Edmund esq. M.A. Wellwood, mverston,
6.35 p.m.; third town deliveryt 7.20 p.m.; Plymouth &
Lanes '
Devonport; & places above, 8.10p.m.; London (day), Ply-
Lanyon .Alfred esq. Tolvean, Redruth
mouth & Davonport (saturdays excepted), 8.30 p.m.;
Molesworth-St. Aubyn Rev, St. Aubyn Render M.A. Clow.
rural posts by foot messengers, 8 a.m
ance, Camborne
Marked thus * mails are made up on sunday only.
Penrose John Farran esq. Parkhenver, Redruth
There are 8 collections & 3 deliveries of parcels
Pike Waiter esq. Boundervean, Camborne
TowN DELIVRRIES include all letters &c. posted in the head-
Rabling William esq. Pare Bracket, Camborne
office letter box: up to half-an-hour of the time fixed for
Clerk to the Magistrates, John Rule Daniell,Chapel street
the commencement of the next deliv~ry
Petty Sessions are held the third tuesday in every month
Delivery From .Arriving
at The following places are included in the petty sessional
rst, 8.25 a.m....All Parts .....•........, .................. division :-Camborne, Crowan, Gwinear, Gwithian, lllo-
2nd, 2.55 p.m.••North of England & Scotland; gan, Phillack, St. Erth, St. Ives, Redruth & Uny Lelant
Cornwall, Devonp,Jrt, Exeter, PUBLIC ESTABLISRMENTS : -
Plymouth, Southampton &c ... 2.20 p.m Camborne Fire Brigade, Fire station, B"sset street; Josiah
3rd, 7.20 p.rn...Cornwall, Devonport, Plymouth, Rowe, chief officer
Scotland & London ...... .•. ..• •.. - -
Cemetery, Hay1e road, F. J. Lee, elerk to the burial board
On sundays the first delivery only is made. County Police Station, Moor street, John Coombe, supt.;
the local force consists of 9 con'ltable~ & 1 S::lrgeant
LOCAL BOARD. • Dispens~ry, Robert Erskine M.D.& J.T.Thom:~.s, snrgeons;
Offices Chapel street. W. J. Battershill, sec
Board day, every alternate friday evening at 7 p.m.
l • DEV. & COR..~. 67*
Literary Institute, Arthur H. Thomas, hon. sec. Chapel st Wesleyan, Chapel street; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7
Market Hall & Assembly Rooms, Market place, Mrs. Hilda p.m
Jane Tangye, lessee Methodist New Connexion, Trelowarren street, Rev. Sidney
Stamp Office, Miss E. J. Tippet, distributor Ozan Rider ; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
ISt Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Li~ht Infantry
(B Co.), Armoury, Wheal Gnrry; Hon. Major C. W. Camborne Mining & Science & Art Schools, Fore street, H.
Boot, commanding; W. G. Kemptborne, lieut.; A. B.
Boot, 2nd lieut.; Surgeon-Lieut J. T. Thomas, medical T. Robinson, sec.; John Jacob Beringer F.c.s. principal;
F. J. Gardenner, art master
PUBLIC OFFICERS : - A School Board of 9 members was formed June 17, 1873;
Certifying Factory Surgeon, Robert Erskine :&r.D.,
Basset road Henry James Lean, Chapel street, clerk to the board:
Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes for East Division of Pen- Edward Nettle Simons, Beacon terrace, attendance officer
with, John Rule Daniell, Chapel street Basset Road Board School, erected in 1847 & now (1893)
Collector of Poor Rates, William Eddy, Wellington road being rebuilt for 700 children ; average attendance, boys~
Public Vaccinator, Camborne District, Redruth Union, 135; girls, 159; infants, 112; Charles Davis, master;
Charles Henry Butlin, Chapel street Miss Emily Tonkin, mistress; Miss Mary Davey Mills~
infants' mistress
Medical Officer, Camborne District, Redruth Union, Robert Beacon Board School (infants), built in 18go, for II2 chil-
Erskine M.D., Basset road dren ; average attendance, 83 ; Miss Adelina Beatrice
Registrar of Births,Deatbs & Marriages for Camborne Sub- Stephens, mistress
district, John Charles Burrow, 37 & 38 Trelowarren st Roskear Board School, built in 1876, for 870 children;
Relievin~ & Vaccination Officer for Camborne District &
School Attendance Officer for Gwinear, Phillack & Gwi- average attendanee, boys, 280 ; girJs, 220 ; infants, 240 ;
thian, John Letcher, Basset Road villas Thomas Burge, master ; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Burge,
mistress ; Miss Kate Chappel, infants' mistress
Town Crier, Charles Rosevear, Rose cottage, Camborne National School, College street, built in 1845, for 300 chil-
dren; average attendance,z2o boys; 82 girls & 68 infants;
James Martin, master; Miss Mary Emmeline Mundy.
mistress; Miss Saran Uren, infants' mistress
PLAClt:S OF WORSHIP, with times of service:- Catholic, Beacon hill, built in 1864, for 50 children; average
St. Martin's Church, Camborne, Rev. William Pester attendance, 22; Miss Annie Papps, mistress
Chappel M.A.rector; Rev. W.A.Cousins M.A.Rev.Arthr.Hay NEWSPAPERS:-
Aitken Nankevill B.A. & Rev. Frederick Edmund Watkins The Cornish Post & Mining News, East Charles street ;
B.A. curates; 8 & II a,m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m.; William Black, printer & publisher; published friday.
daily, 7.30 a.m. summer, 7 p.m. winter See advertisement
MissionChurch,Trelowarren street,Clergy of ParisbChurch; Western Star, Fore street; 'l'homas Nicol Jenkin, proprie-
7 p.m.; fri. 7 p.m tor & publisher ; published sat
St. John the Baptist Catholic, Rev. Edward James Barry, Railway Station, Laurence Charles Webber Reed, station
priest; 8.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8.30 a.m master
Bible Christian, Trelowarren street, Rev.William L.Gibbs; CARRIERS TO:-
10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; fri. 7 p.m HAYLE-.Andrew Clymo, every morning, II. 15 a. m
Primitive Methodist, Trevensen street, Rev. William Had- HELSTON-Henry Richards, every sat. at 6 a.m
dow; 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m PENZANCE-Andrew Clymo, every morning, 11.15 a.m
" United Methodist Free Church, North parade, Rev. George REDRUTH-Thomas Davey, 12 a. m. daily; John Richards,
Cbrimes Percival & Rev. Robert Baker; 10.30 a.m. & 6 9 a.m. & 4 p.m. daily; John Cock, 9 a. m. & 2 p.m. daily;
p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Samuel Symons, 9 a.m. & 4 p.m. daily ; William Berri-
Wesleyan, Centenary street, Rev. William Henry Thomp- man, fri. only; & John Henry Richards, fri. only
son, Hev. Charles Harrison & Rev. William Waiter Wal- TRURO John Clemo, jun. daily, at 10.45 a.m
ton; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m LEEDS TowN-William Berriman & Ricbd. James, fri. only
Camborne. Fiddick Thomas, Woodbine house Nankivell John, 13 South terrace
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Fiddick Thomas, jun. Beacon house Negus James, Bas>et street
Abraham Mrs. Basset road I<'ludyer Lieut.-Col. Charles, Fair view Newton Edward Wilton, Tehidy road
Abraham Thomas, Sea View terrace Gardenner Frederick John (art master Odgers Mrs. 18 Trevenson terrace
Arthur John Sims, Pendarves road of School of .Art), Redbrooke villa Painter Mrs. Pendarves road
Bailey Mrs. 12 Trelowarren street Gibbs Rev. William Lane [Bible Chris- Parker Mrs. Rosewarne
Bailey William, Basset road tian], Albert street Pascoe Miss, Penvu house
Baker Rev. Robert [United Methodist], Gilbert John William, .Alverton villas Pascoe William, 1 Roskear villas
Roskear GGiilnbeevretrMFrrsa.nTkeAhivde•ylirnogaBd.A. Beacon vis Paull Mrs. Tehidy road
Banfield William Henry, Market square raull Henry Baynham, Tehiliy office
Bartle William James, College street Haddow Rev. William [Primitive Meth- Pearce Mrs. Dolcoath cottage
Bate Miss, Basset road odist], Dolcoath road Percival Rev. George Chrimes [United
Battershill William John, 10 South ter Harris Mrs. 16 South t.errace Methodist], Dolcoath road
Bennetts Mrs. Beacon bill Harris-Bickford Abraham M. D. Forest Pike Waiter J.P. Boundervean
Bennetts ·william, Trevenson street Hartley William Hy. Harris, Rosewarne Provis William, Basset street
Beringer John Jacob F.C.s. (principal Hockin Mrs. May villa, Pendarves road Rabling John, Albert street
of Mining & Science & Art schools), Hocking John, Beacon villas Rabling Mrs. Henry, Beacon terrace
Basset road Hodge Mrs. Beacon villas Rabling Mrs. William, Beacon terrace
Bickford Mrs. Basset Road villas Hodge William, Basset Road villas Rabling William J.P. fare Bracket
Bond William, Basset read Holman James Miners, Beacon terrace Rawden Mrs. 5 Basset street
Boot Mrs. Trevu villa Holman Mrs. Camborne Veor Reynolds James, Beacon terrace
Bottrall Francis Clog, 13 Fore street Holman John Henry, Basset villa Richards Artb. Abrabam,Wellington rd
Brown John, Wellington road
Hosking William, x Redbrooke terrace Richards William Batten, Beacon bill
Budge Charles, Basset road
Hutcbinson Mrs. Wellington street Rider Hev. Sidney Ozan [Methodist
Budge Mrs. Seafortb, Pendarves road Isaac Charles Henry Warren, Chapel bo New Connexion], .Albert street
• Bunt Jabez Henry, West Holme
Jackson John, Elm house Robinson Hrbt.Treweeke,Redbrooke ter
Butlin Rev. William Wright B. A. [vicar J ackson Richard, z Basset street Roscorla Mrs. Basset road
of Penponds], Basset Road villas Jeffrey Mrs. Beacon hill Rowe J ap1es, Basset Road villas
Butlin Charles Henry, Chapel street Jenkin Edward Pooley, Tebidy road Rowe J osiab, 2 Lambart viis.Tehidy rd
Carter Mrs. 17 South terrace Jenkins Thomas Gill, Beacon villas Rowe William, Tehidy road
Carter Mrs. John, Homefield Jewell Alfred, Fore street Rowe Wm. I Lambart viis. Tehidy rd
Champion John, Dolcoatb road Jones Owen Clayton M.B. Chapel street Rule Mrs. Vean house
Cbappel Rev. William Pester M.A. [rec- Kay Miss, Red brooke · Ruse Mrs. Tebidy road
1or,bon. canon & surrogate], Rectory Kempthrone William Granville, Trelo- Seccombe Mrs. Basset road
Cbeux Frederick Re~nald, 8 Fore st warren street Shakerley Sampson, Basset road
Chinnock Thomas, Wellington road Lidgey William, Pendarvis road Shaw Mrs. 20 Basset street
Cousins Rev. William Adolpb li.A. Lowry Thomas Sbaw, Bank house Snell James, Beacon villas
[curate], .Alverton villas Luke Frederic, Commercial street Stephens Samuel, Brookville
Curry Matthew, Dolcoatb road Menadue Thomas, Trelowarren street Temby Miss, Basset road
Edwards Josepb Grenfell, Basset street Miller Fred, Wheal Gurry Terrill James, Wellington road
Ellery William, Chapel street Mitchell Thomas, Tehidy road Thomas Artb.Hannibal,MountPleasant
Erskine Robert M.D. Basset road Movie 1\frs. Beacon terrace• Thomas Charles Vivian, Boslew
Evans William Charles, 6 Basset street Nankivell Rev. Artbur Hay Aitken B. A. Thomas Frederfck Wm. St. Leonards
Eustice Mrs. Montpellier [eurate], Fore street Thomas Mrs. Mount Pleasant
Thomas Josiah, Tregenna Bond William, architect, Basset road Daniell John Rule (firm, Daniell &
Thomas Josian Telfer, Basset road BosankoJane(Miss),millinr. Dolcoath rd Thomas), solicitor & commissioner
Thomas Miss, 4 Tehidy road ma.6Trelowarren st for oaths, clerk to the local board &
Thomas Mrs. Wm. Hy. 14 Basset road Bosustow Mary (Miss), dress maker, 14 clerk to the commissioners of taxes for
Thomas William, Beacon villas South terrace east division of Penwith, clerk to
Thompson Rev. William Henry [Wes- Box William & Co. grocers, Church st magistrates for East Penwith division
leyan], The Sidlands Bray William Jas. hair drsr. College st & secretary of Helston Railway Co.
Tippet Mrs. Dolcoath road Brokemhire William, seedsman, 19 Tre- Chapel street
Tonking John Herbert M.B. Chapel st lowarren street Davey John, rope ma. 67 Trelowarren st
Trevan Mrs. 4 Tehidy road BrooksThs. Hy. auctnr. 32Trelowarren st Davey Saml. & Son,rope mas.Tehidy rd
Tyack Hon. Capt. William John (quar- Bryant Jn. jun. greengrocer, Cross st Delbridge Abraham, mason, Tehidy rd
ter-master of ISt Volunteer Battalion Budge John Hosking & Charles,drapers Dennis William Henry, boot & shoe
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry & grocers, Church street maker, Basset road
Regiment), Alverton villas Bunney Chas. Hy. builder, College st Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited
Tyack Charles, 8 Church street Bunney John, boot dealer, 8 Wesley st (John Whitworth, manager), Market
Tyack Charles Edward, Trevu Bunt & Sons, shoe warehouse,Market pl place; draw on Barclay, Bevan,
Vincent Misses, Bas~et street BurreeAlfd.drill instructor,WhealGurry Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co.
Vivian James Frank, St. Martin's villa Burrow John Charles, photographer & Lombard street, London
Vivian John, Trevu registrar of births,deaths & marriages Dispensary (W. J. Battershill, sec. ;
Vivian Joseph, Camborne Veor for the sub-district of Camborne, 37 Robert Erskine M.D. &J. T. Thomas,
Waiters William, 12 South terrace & 38 Trelowarren street surgeons), Fore street
Walton Rev. WilliamWalter[Wesleyan], Butlin Charles Henry, surgeon & public Dolcoath Tin Mine (Josiah Thomas,
Beacon Hill terrace vaccinator, Camborne district, Red- purser & manager ; Frederick W.
lVa.tkins Rev. Frederick Edmund B.A. ruth union, Chapel street Thomas & John Champion, clerks ;
[eurate], Fore street Buzza William, shopkeeper, Wesley st Waiter Pike, auditor; Nicholas Tres-
Whear Mrs. Beacon hill Cadwell Thomas Henry, watch & clock trail, engineer; James Johns, Edwin
Whitworth John, Pendarves road maker, Basset road Prideaux, George Davey & William
Willis Thomas, Dunstansville Camborne Commercial School (F. Mar- James, underground agents)
Williams Henry, May vil. Pendarves rd tin, principal; W. J. Ivey, assistant Dovey Chas. baker & plumber, I Forest
COMMERCIAL. master), Pendarves road Duckham&Johns,grocrs.Tre!owarren st
Allan Charles Joseph, chemist & drug- Camborne Fire Brigade (Josiah Rowe, Duckham Jas. Hy. painter, Basset st;
gist, Commercial street chief officer), Basset street DnnkinAlfd.bldr.&ironmonger,Cross st
Allen Hugh & Co. tailors, Market sq Camborne Gas Co. Lim.(W. Bailey, sec. DunkinWm.Hy.drpr. u6Trelowarren st
Angwin Jane (Mrs.), dairy, 63 Tre- & manager); offices, Gurney's lane builder,North rd
venson street Camborne Mining & Science & Art Eathorne Elizabeth (Mrs.),dress maker,
.Arnall Richard, ironmonger & wire School, Fore street (H. T. Robinson, College street
worker, Basset road sec. ; John James Beringer F.c.s. Eddy William, collector of poor rates &
Assembly Rooms & Market Hall (Mrs. principal; F.J.Gardenner,art master) of local board rates, Wellington road
Hilda Jane Tangye, lessee), Market pl Camborne Unionist Association (Nicho- Edwards Mary Hyne & Elizabeth
Bailey John, tailor, 8 Chapel street las Temby, sec.), Basset street (Misses), stationers, Basset road
Banbury SI. dresser, Church st Camborne Posting Co. Limited (F. J. Ed wards Chas. dairy, 48 Trelowarren st
Barbary John, builder, contractor. car- Lee, sec.), cab proprietors, Chapel st Edwards Susan Ann (Mrs.), confec-
penter & joiner, house decorator & Camborne Printing & Stationery Co. tioner, 4 Trelowarren street
undertaker, Dolcoath road Limited (J. C. Burrow, manager), Erskine & Thomas, surgeons, Basset rd
Barnett Edward,draper, Trelowarrenst printers, stationers, booksellers, pub- Erskine Robert M.D., (firm,
Bartle Thomas, grocer, Market place lishers &; relief stampers, Market Erskine &Thoma;:; ), surgeon, certify-
Railey Thos. Wm. shopkpr. 45 Union st place. See advertisement ing factory surgeon, medical officer of
Bailey William, auctioneer & sur- Camborne Public Rooms Co. Limited health to local board & medical officer
veyor, assessor of fire losses, certifi- (W.G.Kempthorne,sec. ),Trevenson st for Camborne district, Redruth union
cated bailiff under the Law of Dis- CamborneRadicalClub(WilliamBlewett, & medical examiner for Army &
tress Act,r888 ; offices,Gurney's lane ; sec) Militia recruits, Basset road
telegrams," Bailey,Camborne." See Camborne Water Co. (John Champion, Eslick William, cutler, Gas street
advertisement sec.), Tolcarne street Evans Henry, chimney sweeper, 59
Barnicoat Fredk. farrier, Gurney's lane Casley Wm. coal dealer, Wellington st Union street
.Ba.rrett Wm. coffee tavern, Trevenson st Cemetery (Francis John Lee, clerk to Fiddick Thomas, jun. L.D.S.Irel.& A.P.s.
BastionThos.shoe ma. ro4Trelowarren st the burial board), Hayle road dental surgeon, Beacon ho. The Cross
Bahenna Richd.Sobey,printer,3 Fore st Champion Thomas John, shopkeeper, Fleetwood Charles Mitchell, organ
Bennett Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 40 Travenson street builder & tuner, 15 Centenary street
33 Trelowarten street Chenoweth Hrbt. paintr.Trelowarren st Floyd Wm. Jn. painter, Carnarthen st
Bennett Henry James, farmer & auc- Clemo Jn. jun. carrier, Stray Park lane l''rost John, watch mkr. Commercial sq
tioneer, Rosewarne. See advert Clifton Albert Jas. mason, Dolcoath rd Gay James, stone mason, 9 South ter
.UennettJoseph,advertisement manager, Clifton 'l'homas, hair dresser, Cross st GeorgeTheophilus,builder,Wellingtn.rd
commission &exhibition agent (agent Cock John, carrier, ror Trelowarren st George Thos. shopk~eper, 40 Union st
for Cornwall at the late London ex- Cock Louisa (Mrs.),shopkeeper,Treven- Gerrard George John, watch maker, 26
hibitions), I Vyvyans street sonstreet Vyvyans street
Bennctt Wm. coach painter, North rd Cocking Thos.shopke3per, Roskear row Gilbert John, boot ma. 24 Tolcarne st
Bennetts John, joiner, College street Cocking Wm. Plough inn, College st Gill Richard, shopkeeper, Moor street
Bennetts Mary (Mrs.), drs. ma. Cross st Cocking Wm. Hy. carrier, Vyvyans st Gill Thos. Hockin, tailor, College row
Bennetts Rd. grocer, 2-1- Trelowarren st Collins Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Gill-Jenkins Daniel, mining engineer,
Bennetts William, grocer & carpenter, 6o Union street 7 Basset street
59 Trelowarren street Coombe Jn. supt. county police, Moor st Ginever Frank Aveling B.A. boys'
Beringer & Co. chemists, Commercial st Cornish Bank Limited (Frederic Luke, school, Beacon villas
B3rriman Geo.shopkeeper,Trevenson st manager), Commercial street; draw GlanvilleJohnson,dining rms.Church st
BerrimanHy.linen drapr.Commercial sq on Smith, Payne & Smiths, London Goldsworthy Jn.tailo>r, 5 Trelowarren st
Berryman Thos. shopkeepr. Dolcoath rd Cornish Post & Mining News Co. Lim. Grenfell Thomas James, insurance
Bishop Benedict, tailor, Trevenson st (The) (William Black, printer & agent, Dolcoath road
Bishop Blanche (Miss), dress maker, publisher), East Charles street. Hancorne Edward Mansel, sewing ma-
Trevenson street See advertisement chine agent, 24 Fore street
Black William, printer & publisher of Cornish &Co. coachbuilders, South ter Harris-Bickford Abraham M.D. phy-
the "Cornish Post & Mining News," Cornwall Boiler Co. Limited (The) (H. sician, Fore street
East Charles street. See advert J. Warren 1\f.I.M.E. mangr.), Roskear Harris Amelia(Mrs.),shopkpr. Wesley st
"Blewett William, grocer, 19 Cross st Cornwall Mine Supply Co. Lim. (The) Harris Wm.coal&hay
Blythe J oseph, florist, r6 Trevenson ter (MartinRowe, manager & sec.), rope Harris Eliza(Mrs. ),shopkeepr.Wesley st
Bohtho, Williams, Foster,Coode, G-rylls &. brush makers, Spray park Harvey & Co. Limited (Camborne &
&Co.Lim. (ConsolidatedBank ofOorn- Cornwall North-Western Constitutional TrUio branch), timber importers
wall) (branch) (late Miners' Bank), AssociatiOn (Camborne branch) & coal & iron merchants (William
bankers (Thomas Shaw Lowry, man- (Thomas Mitchell, hon.sec.), Union st Hodge, agent) ; & at Trnro
.ager), Chapel street; draw on Bar- Craze John Harvey, boot & shoe maker, Harvey Frederick, shopkeeper, Enys rd
clay,Bevan,Tritton, Ransom,Bouvei'ie 129 Trelowarren street Harvey Hy.Jas.saddler,
& Co. London E c Curtis Mary (Mrs.), Unicorn inn, HarveyWm.Hy.Vivian,grocer,Tehidy rd
Bond George Freethy,teacher of music, Market place Ha~let & Son, plasterers, Centenary st
Basset road Daniell & Thomas, soEcitors, Chapel st Heale Ann (Mrs.),shopkeeper,College st
Heath Wm.Hy.dining rooms, Church st l\1ajor&Darker,photographers,Church st Rabling & Co. Limited, timber mer-
Heynes Thos. & Son, grocers, Market pl MarksThos. Bartle, baker,Trelowarren st chants, steam saw mills & packing
Hick James, butcher, 41 Trevenson st Martin John, soda water manufacLurer, case manufacturers, dealers in coal~
Higgins Annie (Miss), milliner, 10 Ade- 28 Trelowarren street iron, steel, nails, oils, grease, tallow~
laide street Martin Jn.Michael, shopkpr.I Wesley st lime, bricks & cement, Union street.
HillFrank,blacksmith,35Trelowarren st Martin Mary (Mrs.), shopkpr.College st See advertisement
Hil!HughRichd.tailor, 32Trelowarren st MartinWm. shipping agt.56Trevenson st Rawlings Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.
Hockin Sarah (Miss), stay maker, 62 Masonic Hall (Lodge 1544) (F. J. Lee, Roskear row
Centenary street sec.), Fore street Redbrooke College (lady principal, Miss-
Hockin Wm. Webb, grocer, Market pl Masonic Hall (Mark Lodge 417) (J. E.J.Kay),Newnham college,Cambrdg
Hocking Wm. Jas. engineer, Beacon rd Whitworth, sec.), Fore street Reed Thomas Sergeant,shoe warehouse,
Holman Brothers, engineers & iron Medlyn Wm. grocer, 72 Trelowarren st 8 Trelowarren street
founders, Wesley street Menadue Thomas Herbert, currier, Rees Richd. Ablett, plumber, Union st
Holman James, wheelwright, Union st Trelowarren street Reeve William John, public accountant
Hopgood Richard John, watch maker, Michell Jn. boot warehouse, Market sq & auditor, sec. of Camborne & Dis-
32 Trelowarren street Mildren Thomas James,joiner &builder, trict Starr-Bowkett Building Society.
HowesWilliam,shopkeepr. Trevenson st 21 Fore street Chapel street
Hugo Chas. confctnr. 14 'frelowarren st Mills Elizabeth & Son, cabinet makers, Reynolds Wm. Hy. shopkpr. Cross st
Ivey Edward &Son,butchers, 125 Trelo- 115 Trelowarren street Richards & Son, shoe wareho.Church st
warren street . Mills Frank, builder, Wellington road RichardsBennett,sbopkr.,54Centenary st
Ivey Edward Paull, butcher, Cross st Mitchell John, grocer, 42 Centenary st Richards John, glass & china dealer &
Ivey Joseph, confectioner, Market place Mitchell Joseph, grocer, 2 Wesleystreet bus owner, I Cross street
Ivey Joseph, hair dre<;ser, Basset road Mitchell Mary Emma (Mrs.), dress Rickard John, shoe maker, I4 Cross st
Ivey Thomas, Reynold's Arms P.H. maker, 19 William street RobbinsMary( Mrs. ),shopkpr.College st
Trevenson street Mitchell Philip, farmer, Trevu farm Roberts & Terrill, fancy drapers, IO &.
Jackson John, farmer, Dolcoath road Mitchell Wm. Hy. farmer, Rosewarne II Trelowarren street
Jackson John Ernest James, grocer, Moffatt Thos. bacon factor , Roberts Joseph, boot maker, College st
Basset road Mogridge Harry, eating house, Cross st Roberts Richard, shopkeeper, Church st
James Abraham, dairyman, Crane Moore Tom&Co.outfitters,Commercl. st Rodda John, beer retailer, Church st
James Annie (Mrs.), fancy repository, Morshead Fanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rodda John, farmer, Beacon hill
I2I Trelowarren street North parade RogersEd wd.cabnt. ma. 1 Trelowarren st;,
James Annie (Miss),milliner,uUnionst Murdock Edward Crawford, mining Rosevear Charles, town crier & bill
James Wm. grocer1 16 Trelowarren st engineer, Lower Rosewarne poster, Rose cottage
Jarvis Tbos. glass &china dlr. Basset rd Nance William, dining rooms, 3 Trelo- Rough John,tailor,4 Commercial square
J enkin Eliza (Miss), shopkpr. 22 !<'ore st warren street Rowe William & Co. mine share dealers,
Jenkin John, smith & oven maker, n8 Nankivell Alfred John, grocer, Cross st 5 College street
Trelowarren street Negus James, mine purser, Basset st Rowe Alfred, printer & stationer, Com--
Jenkin Thomas Nicol, proprietor & Negus Thomas, surveyor & inspector of mercial street
publisher of the "Western Star," nuisances, Tehidy road Rowe Anne (Miss), shopkpr. College st
Fore street Nettle Richard, builder, 9Chapel street Rowe John, eating house, Church lane ;:
Jenkins Mary .Anna (Miss),dressmaker, Nettle Wm. chairma.&shopkr.North rd & agent for W. & A. Gilbay Limited,.
Enys road NewlandJn.commercial trav. Beacon rd wine & spirit merchants, Market pl
Jennings Bridget (Mrs.), wardrobe Newton Edward Tippet & Son (late Rowe Martin, shopkeeper, Roskear row
dealer, Union street lVilton), opticians, mathematical in- Rule Francis, basket maker, 64 Trelo-
Jewell Mary (Miss), milliner, Market pi strument & chemical & scientific warren street
Jewell Matthew Henry,grngro.Crossst apparatus manfrs.jewllrs.&c.Cross st Rule Joseph, tin streamer, Tehidy road
Job Maria (Mrs.),shopkeeper, 15 Forest Nicholls Wm. mine share dlr. Basset st RnleJohnGerrance,shopkr.'frevenson st
Johns Edward, butcher, Cross street Nicholls Wm. Jn.drug stores,Market sq Rule John Thomas, maker, 12,3.
Johns Richard, greengrocer, 109 NobleGeo. fruiterer,n9 Trelowarren st Trelowarren street
Trelowarren street Oates Eliza (Miss), dress ma. College st Rule William David, Vyvyan Arms P.H.
Johns Thos. Bowden, grocer, Cross st OdgersWm.Hy.Railway hotl.lleacon rd Trelowarren street
Jones Owen Clayton M.B. surgeon, see OliverGeo. boot&shoe wareho.Market sq Rule Wm. Hy. mine share dlr.Beacon hl
Tonking & J ones Oliver John, shopkpr.5o Trelowarren st Rnssell Solomon Thomas, hair dresser,
Kempthorne William Gram·ille, solici- Oliver 'fhomas, collector of income tax, Union street
tor, Cross street Tehidy road Sandry William James, photographer,.
Kennick Ann (Mrs.), shapkr. Collegest Opie Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 93 Trdowarren street
King Wm. fancy repositry.'frevenson st Trelowarren street Sara Edward Tregaskis, iron founder,
KnightElzh. (Mrs. ), Opie Nicholas, butcher, Church street Railway foundry
Laity Thos. hosier, I02 Trelowarren st Orchard Fras. baker, 25 East Charles st SaundersEdwd. apartments, I I South ter-
Laity Wm. Basset Arms P.H. Basset rd Pare Bracket Ladies' Boarding School Savings Bank (Samuel Stephens,
Lakey Edmnnd, assistant actuary of (principal, Mrs. E. Martin, formerly actuary) ; open saturday, 4 to 6 p.m
Savings Bank, Beacon hill head governess & lecturer, Bristol Sear! John Chas. sugar boiler, Albert st
Lanyon AJfd. &Co. tin stemrs. Rosewarne college) Shakerley John Glasson & Sampson,.
Lawry John, cowkeeper, Carnarthen st Parkin Arthur Thos. grocer, Market pi grocers, Market place
Lean Henry James, mine purser, audi- Pascoe George, shoe maker, 62 Union st Simons Edward Nettle, school attend~
tor of Savings Bank & clerk to the PascoeNichls. butcher,62Trelowarren st ance officer, Beacon terrace
school board, Chapel street Pascoe Richard, painter, Cross street SimsPhillipa(Mrs. ),shopkpr. 7Wesley st
Lee Francis, jun. paperhanger, 122 Pascoe Samuel, apartments, Fore street SingerManufacturingOo. (branch)(Wm.
Trelowarren street Pascoe William John, tobacconist, 7 John Clifton, manaxer), Cross street
Lee Francis John, assistant overseer & Trelowarren street Skewes Hy.joiner&buildr.I8Adelaide st
clerk to the burial board,Wellingtn.rd Paull Wm. builder & grocer, Beacon hl Smith Memorial Wesleyan Institute
Lee Matthew, butcher, Union street Paull William George Frood, builder &
(J. •r. Thomas & M. Curry, hon.
secs.), Chapel street
Letcher John, relieving & vacc. officer, grocer, Cross street
Camborne district, Redruth union & Pengelly Annie & Eliza (Misses), ladies' Smith l\iary (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,66 Cen-
school attendance officer for Gwinear, school, Basset street tenary street
Phillack &Gwithian, Basset Rd. villas Phillips Anna & Ellie (Misses), berlin Sowell John, grocer, 124 Trelowarren st
Lethlean Jn. Eudey,builder, 5 South. ter wool warehouse, Cross street SLoddern James, plumber to the Cam-
Lethlean Elizabeth Jane (Miss), news Phillips Wm. grocer, 41 Trelowarren st borne Water Co. 44 Union street
agent, Basset road Pidwell Peter, plasterer, I5 Chapel st Stone Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Cross st
Libby John, tinplate worker, Cross st Pike Robert Hart & Son, pursers of Stone Soloman, hair dresser, I5 Trelo-
Liddicoat Saml. Jn. painter, North rd mines, 22 Basset street warren street
Literary Institute (Arthur H. Thomas, Polglaze Elizabeth Ann (Miss), dress StrawsonChas. boot ma. IoCentenary st
boo. sec.), Chapel street maker, 41 Wesley street Sutton Wm. Hy. plumber, Roskear row
Lowry Thomas Shaw, manager of Boli- Polkinghorne Phillipa (Miss), shop- Symons Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.
tho & Oo. 's Bank, Chapel street keeper, Cross street 103 Trelowarren street
Luke Frederic, manager of the Cornish Prowse Elizabeth (Mrs.) ,shopkeeper, 78 Symons Thos.joiner&builder,Tehidy rd
Bank Limited, Commercial street Carnarthen street TangyeAmelia( Miss),mlnr. 22 Vyvyan st
Luke Josiah, shopkpr. 32 Trevenson st Pryce Mary Trevenen (Miss), milliner, Tangye Ellen (Mrs.), china & glass
Luke Richard, tea dealer, Vean terrace 127 Trelowarren street dealer, Commercial square
McDonald Grace Northey (Mrs.), dress Quintrell Mary Ann (Mrs.),shopkeeper, Tangye Hilda Jane (Mrs.), land agent
maker, Centenary street 11 Moor street & lessee of the Market hall & Assem-
Maine Hy. Thos. grocer, Commercial sq Quintrell William, shopkpr. Wesley st bly rooms, Chapel street
Taylor Richard, tailor, outfitter, hatter TurnerThos.stonemason,Ea.Charles st Williams Mary (Mrs.), beer retailer, I7
& hosier; all kinds of mining cloth- Tyack William John & Charles, furnish- Trelowarren street
ing, Basset road ing & general ironmongers, saddlers Williams Mary Jane (Mrs.), dress
Tehidy Estate Office (Henry Robertson & harness makers, agricnltnral im- maker, 2 Centenary street
Goddard, receiver & agent ; Henry plement agents, plumbers,zinc & tin- WilliamsStephen,commsn. agt. Albert st
Baynham Paull, surveyor & cashier; plate workers, Church street Williams William, beer retlr. Church st
John Hosking, mineral agent; Ernest Tyack & Co. drapers, Market place Williams William, boot maker, Fore st
Chas.Webster,assistnt.clerkofworks) Tyack Em<~.nuel, tailor, Chapel street Williamson Robert, Commercial hotel;
Temby Eliza(Mrs.), Tyack'e Hotel (Eetab. 1795) families, tourists & commercial,
Temby Henry Victor, dr:tper,Market pl (James Rowe, proprietor), family, billiards & posting, Commercial sq
TerrellElzh (Mrs.),shpkpr.44Wesleyst commercial, billiards & posting, Willis Thomas,draper,2 Trelowarren st
Wills Thomas, shoe maker, Victoria st
Terrill Elizabeth Jane (Miss), fancy Market place
draper, see Roberts & Terrill Tyrrell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wills William, boot maker, North road
Thomas John Rabling & Son, grocers, 49 Trelowarren street Working Men's Club (William Edw.
Trelowarren street Uren drssr.34 Trelowarren st White, sec.), Fore street
Thomas & Sons, tailors & hatters, II4 Vial William,White HartP.H.Market pl Yeo John Palmer, horse trainer, Wel-
Trelowarren street Vine Annie Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 23 lington road
Thomas Arthur Hannibal, solicitor, Trelowarren street Yeo Samuel Thomas, hair dresser, 130
Market square Vine Henry,auctionr.23 Trelowarren st 'frelowarren street
Thomas Charles, greengrocer, Cross st Vivian J n.& Brother,drapers,Market pl Young Women's Christian Association
Thomas Charles Vivian, solicitor & Vivian Elizabeth (Miss), apartments, (Miss Julia Butlin, sec.), 36 Trelo-
commissioner for oaths, see Daniell ro South terrace warren street
& Thomas Vivian Hugh Phillips, cooper & wire Beacon.
Thomas Edwin, cabinet maker, 117 worker, Commercial square
Trelowarren street Vivian Joseph, farmer & miller(water), Hocking Rev. Richard [curate of
Thomas Eliza Jane (Mrs.), milliner, 70 & mineral agent for Rev. Sir Vyell D. Treslothan]
Trelowarren street Vyvyan hart COMMlilRCIAL.
Tholl'l:as Elizabeth Mal'y (Mrs.), shop- Vivian Wm. temperance hotl.Market pl Bartle John, hair dresser
keeper, 3 Wesley street Volunteer Battalion (rst) Duke of Bennetts William John, shopkeeper
Thomas Flora Margaret (Miss),tobacco- Cornwall's Light Infantry (B Co.) Cock William Roberts, shopkeeper
nist, Market place (Capt. & Hon. Major C. W. Boot, Dunstan Oliver, groeer •
Thomas Frederick,hair drssr.Chapel st commander; W.G.Kempthorne,lieut.; Harris William Symons, farmer
ThomasJn.Hy.cabinet makr.13Cross st A. B. Boot, 2nd Iieut.; J. T. Thomas Hosking Edward, monumental mason
Thomas Josiah Telfer L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon-lieut.), Wheal Gurry Johns Stephen, coal dealer
I WalesEdwn.Edmonds,butcher,2Cross st Laity Jacob Thomas, shoe maker
surgeon, see Erskine & Thomas
Thomas Louie·(Miss), dress maker, 10 Wales Jn. Edmonds, butcher, Union st Lampshire Henry, Pendennis Arms P.H
Basset street Wall James Creswell, goods agent Nile Richd. William Whear,shopkeeper
Thomas Rosina(Miss),shopkpr.2Fore st G. W. R. Railway station Old Richard Henry, taxidermist
Thomas Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, 8 Waiters William, solicitor, B<~.ssett rd R<~. wden Elizh. (Mrs.), dress maker
South terrace Warne Mabel (Miss), dress maker, 4 Smith Edwin, shopkeeper
Thomas Wm. Hy. wine mer. Market pl Adelaide street Tonkin George, boot & shoe maker
Tonkin John, shopkeeper, Dolwath rd Trythall John, shopkeeper
Tonking & Jones, surgeons, Chapel st Webster Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), shop- Walmeley Harry,auctioneer, valuer,
Tanking Charles Harvey, chemist, Tre- keeper, Roskear row contractor & horticultural builder
lowarren street WebsterJane(Miss), roBassett st Brea.
Treleaven & Sons, cabinet makers, 6 Western Star (Thomas Nicol Jenkin,
Commercial street proprietor & publisher; published Bennett Henry, tin streamer
TreneryJsph.butchr.127Tl'elowarren st every saturday), Fore street Cowling Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Trethowan Wm. mason, Wellington rd Wheal Grey China Clay Co. (F. W. Dunn John, farmer
Trevillion Stephen, grocer, Cro3s street Thomas, sec.); works, Germoe; Ivey Joseph, shopkeeper
Trezenza Charles Ellis, boys' school, office, Camborne Pollard William, coal dealer
Basset road Whitford William, painter, Basset rd Rodda James, tin streamer •
Trezise John, boot maker, 15 Basset st Whitworth John, man<~.ger of Devon & Rowe Richard, tin streamer
Trezona. Joseph, tobacconist, ro Tre- Cornwall Banking Co. Lim.Ma.rket sq Thomas George, Brea inn
lowarren street Wickett William Crag- & Co. wine & Vine Edward, tin streamer
Trezona Richard,photographer,Cross st spirit merchants, Basset street Pengegon.
Trounson William Nicbolas, joiner & Williams Humphrey Trembath &; Co.
builder, Trelowarren street outfitters, Market place Vivian Hngh Phillips, Pengegon house
Tucker Priscilla (Miss),boot warehouse, Williams Annie (Mrs.), pawnbroker & Sims Mrs
126 Trelowarren street fancy repository, Market place Perry John, shopkeeper
Turner Charles,mason,I EastCharles st WilliamsCordelia Worden(Mrs.),fancy Rodda James, farmer
Turner Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 71 draper, 12 Trelowarren street Stephens William, farmer
Trelowarren street Williams Edwd.plastel'er,North parade 1Temby Edward, draper & grocer
CAMELFORD, formerly a corpol'ate borough, is a small Pitt family of Boconuoc, but it became extinct on the death
market and union town, on the river Camel, in the parish of Thomas, 2nd baron, in a duel iu r8o4. The source of the
aof Lanteglos, and is the head of a county court district and Camel is at Davidstow. The chapel of St. Thomas Becket,
magisterial division, 16 miles west from Launceston, 12 licensed by Bishop Stapledon, Jan. 4th, 1312, has long been
north from Bodmin, II north-east from Wadebridge; the destroyed. 'Ihe parish church of St. Lantey, at Lanteglos,
Launceston and Wadebridge section of the London and is about r! miles south-west from the town. Here are
South Western railway via Camelford and Wadebridge to Wesleyan, Bible Christian and Free Methodist chapels.
Padstow and Bodmin, begun in 1889, and now in course The Town Hall, erected over the market house in r8o6, by
of construction, is completed as far as Delabole, and in John, 6th Duke of Bedford K.G. is a building with a cupola,
August, 1893, a station called Camelford Road, I~ miles containing aclock and 2 bells, one inscribed "W. Prideaux,
north, in the parish of Minstel' was opened to serve this mayor, 1699," and the other dated r8o7. The insignia of the
town which is on the North Cornwall coach route from extinct corporation include a mace and a bol'Ongh seal; the
Tresmeer to Padstow; it in the North Eastern division mace, of silver gilt, 19 inches in length, was presented in
"Of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of 1669 by Ambrose Manaton esq. and has a plain shaft, with
Lesnewth, rural deanery of Trigg :Minor, archdeaconry projecting bands and a terminal knop; the head, divided
of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. This borough sent into compartments by demi-figures terminating in scroll
two representatives to Parliament from 1552 until the work, bears the national emblems, crowned; there is a.
passing of the Reform Act of 1832. The town received its cresting of crosses and fleurs-de-lis, and on the flat top
first charter from Richard (Plantagenet), Earl of Poitou and appear the royal arms of the Stuarts within a garter, and
Cornwall, in 1259, by which it was made a free borough, crowned. The seal exhibits a figure of a camel crossing a.
and this charter was confirmed by several succeeding mon- river, within a. marginal inscription; it probably dates from
archs; the last charter of incorporation was granted by the latter part of the 16th century. The Public Assembly
Charles 11. July 24th, r66g, under which the corporation Rooms in Fore street are used for entertainments and lee-
consisted of a mayor and eight capital burgesses, a recorder, tures, and will hold 300 persons. 'Ihe H Company 2nd
deputy recorder, common clerk and sergeant-at-mace; the Volunteer Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light IJl-
municipal body has now, however, ceased to exist, having fantry have their head quarters hAre. The market day is
been abolished by the "Municipal Corporations Act, r883" Friday. The fairs are held on the first Friday after the 10th
(46&47Vict.c.x8). Camelfordgavethetitleofbarontothe of March, 26th of May, and 17th and 18th of July, and
106! CAl\'l:ELFOlm. CORN\YALL. (KELLY's
September 6th and first Friday after the 1oth of November. ster,Forrabury, Trevalga, Tintagel, St. Teath,Michaelstow,
At Camelford is a small flour mill and a saw mill. The pop- Lanteglos-by-Camelford & St. Clether. The area of the
ulation of the town and parish in 1891 was 1,370. union is 51,866 acres; rateable value in x8g3, £37,422;
l'osT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- the population in x8g1 was 6,6o6
Jobn Evelyn, postmaster. Letters arrive at 7.40 a. m. & Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, W.
are dispatched at 4.30 p.m. Money orders are granted & Sloggatt Hawker, Boscastle
paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; saturday, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m Treasurer, Richard Foster, Lanwithan, Lostwithiel
Relieving & Vaccination Officer for the Union, William
Medical Officer, Eoscastle district, Arthur Wade, Boscastle
Rev. Prebendary Richard Bryn Kinsman M.A. Vicarage, Tin- Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Camelford district,
tagel, Camelford, chairman
ErnestJohn Jerome L.R.C.P.Edin. Camelford
Sir Wm. Wallace Rhoderic Onslow bart.D.L.Hengar,Bodmin Public Vaccinator, Boscastle district, Charles Wade L.R.C.P.
Richard Harris esq. Boscastle R.S.O
Lond. Boscastle
Col. William Sl(lggatt Hawker D.L. PenaJly, Boscastle R.S.O Superintendent Registrar, W. Sloggatt Hawker, Boscastle;
Rev. Robert James Roe M.A. Rectory, Lanteglos, Camelford deputy, James .Mitchell, Boscastle
Rev. Edward Moubray Phillipps-Treby, Rectory, Forrabury, Registrars of Births & Deaths, Boscastle sub-district, Arthur
Boscastle R.S.O
Wade, Boscastle ; Camelford sub·district, William Rowe,
Clerk to the Mag-istrates, Wm. Dinham King, Camelford Camelford
Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall the second friday Registrar of Marriages, John Evelyn, Camelford
every month at 12 noon
The Workhouse, a plain building of stone in two parallel
Tue folbwing places are included in the petty sessional lines, connected by a covered way, was built in 1858 at a
division :-Advent, Davidstow, Lesnewth, St. Juliot, cost of £1,200, for 8o inmates; John Joseph Short,
Lanteglos, St. Gennys, Otterham, Minster, Forrabury, master ; Ernest John J erome L.R.c. P .Edin. medical officer;
St. Clether, Trevalga, Tintagel, St. Teath, Michaelstow, 1\Irs. Mary Short, matron
'freneglas, Warbstow
PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:- Meets at Workhouse, on alternate Board days.
County Court, Town hall, His Honor Judge Granger; W. Clerk, W. Sloggatt Hawker, Boscastle
D. King, registrar & high bailiff. Court is held every two Treasurer, Richard Foster, Lanwithan, Lostwithiel ·
months. The following places are comprised within its Medical Officers of Health, Boscastle district, Charles Wade,
jurisdiction, viz.:-Lanteglos-by-Camelford, Lesnewth, St. Boscastle; Camelford dist. Ernest Jn. Jerome, Camelford
Gennys, Jacobstow, Michaelstow, St. 'feath, St. Breward, Inspector of Nui~ances, Matthew Wickett, Camelford
St. Kew, 1::-lt. Tudy, Endel).ion & Port Isaac, Camelford, SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMl\HTTEE.
Tintagel, Tre\·alga. Minster, .Forrabury & Boscastle, Meets at Workhouse, on alternate Board days.
D~vidstow, Otterham, St. Juliot, Advent & St. Clether Clerk, W. Sloggatt Hawker, Boscastle
Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment AttendancP Officer, Francis Philp, Pengelly St. Teath
Act," Wiiliam Henry Hayne. Camelford & John EYelyn N.ttional School, built in 1843, for 288 children; average
}?rancis Philp, Delabole, Teath attendance, 63 boys, 53 girls & 37 infants ; Hugh Oliver
Police Station, Hchd.l'\icholls, inspector,& 4 police constables Pengelly, master; Mrs. A. Pengelly, mistress; Sir J.
Public Assembly .Rooms, Fore street, John Hooper, manager Smith left 41A. 2R. 36P. the rent of which, £43, is ap-
& proprietor plied to edneation
Town Hall, William Coombe, keeper Tile North Cornwall coach leaves the railway station daily
VOLUNTEERS. for Wadebridge, St. Columb, Newquay; & Padstow &
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (2nd Volunteer Battalion) omnibus also daily for lloscastle & 'l'intagel
(H Company), Capt. Horace Hayes Montgomery Lawrence CARRIERS TO : -
CA~fELFORD UNIOS". llODllfiN-Gilbert, tues. thurs. & sat. ; also luggage van
Board day, alternate fridays at 2 p.m. at the workhouse. daily, returning the same days
The union comprises the following parishes :-Advent, St. LAUNCESTON-Luggage vans leave on alternate days &
Ureward, Davidstow, Otterham, Lesnewth,St.Juliot,Min- 'Thomas Edwards on sat
PRIVATE RI!.SIDENTS. Cann William & Son, masons Jerome Ernest John L.R.C.P.Edin.certi-
Billing Robert, Tregoodwell Capital & Counties Bank Limited (sub- fying factory SLlrgeon&medical officer,
Blank William, Bridge house branch) (Horace IIayes Montgomery & medical officer of health & public
Cottle John Lawrence, agent), Fore street: draw vaccinator,Camelford district,&medi-
Datson Rev. Joshua [Bible Christian] on Capital & Counties Bank Limited, cal officer to the Workhouse, Fore st
E\·elyn John 1 Threadneedle street, London E c King Wm. Dinham, solicitor & clerk to
H'l.yne D1gory Chapman Joseph, saddler, Fore street the county magistrates & registrar &
Hayne William Henry Collins John Richd. solicitor, Forest high bailiff of county court, !<'ore st
Hurdon Edward James Colwill Ascott, blacksmith Langdon Jn.& Son, vet.surgeons,Fore st
J erome Ernest John
Coombe John, Weston inn, Fore street Lang-don Richard Joli:ffe, rate collector
King William Dinham, Fore street Coombe Oliver, wheelwright & assistant overseer, Fore street
Lawrence Horace Hayes Montgomery, Cornish John, shopkeeper LanxsonThos.sddle.& st
Pohnear Coumbe William, baker & farmer Lawrence Horace Hayes Montgomery,
Pearce Theophilus Deale Jamelc', shopkeeper, Fore street solicitor, Fore street
IPearse Misses Ada & Emma, Manor ho Dennis Edward, mason
Lobb Samuel, builder
Pins')n Capt.Albert Andrew, Camel cot Dingley, Pcthybridge & Co.'s Bank Mitchell Henry, carpenter
(Edward James Hurdon, agent), Pearce Edwin, farmer
Reed John
Fore street; draw on Union Bank of Pearce Geo. Edwin, ironmonger,Fore st
Roberts Mrs
London Limited, London E c Pearce Sidney, farmer & cattle dealer,
Rosevear Thomas Pope, Fore street
Ede Maria Louisa (1\Irs.), china & glass Lane end
Rundle Charles, Tregoodwell
warehouse, Fore street Philp Francis, school attendance officer
Simpson Rev. John Wm. [Wesleyan]
Ede Waiter, watch maker, Fore street Public Assembly Rooms (John Hooper,
Stephens Richard, Fore street
EdwardsThos. Walt. shopkpr. &carrier proprietor), Fore street
Wakefield Thomas Edwin
Elmford Robert, farmer, Colloden Richard William, stone mason
Evelyn & Son, auctioneers, valuers, & Rogers & Hons, coach builders, ma-
Worden Mrs. Waverley cottage
post office, Fore street chinists & steam saw mills
Evelyn John, postmaster & of Rowe William, relieving & vaccination
Arnall George, watch maker, Forest marriages officer for union & registrar of births
Arthur William, White Hart P.H.Fore st Foale J ames, draper, Fore strtet & deaths for No. 2 Camelford sub-dist
Banbury Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, Foale Prudence (Miss),costumer,Fore st Rundle Hannah & Matilda (~1isses),
Victoria row GreensladeAnnie(Mrs. ),prov.dlr.Fore st drapers & grocers
Beals James Hy. photographer, Forest HawkeyMaryAnn(Mrs. ),shpkpr.Fore st Slee Geo. & Son,boot & shoe dlrs.Fore st
Blarney James, boot maker, Fore street Hayne Digory, miller (water & steam), ~locumbe Rd.Bros.boot makers, Forest
Blank William,currier& leather merchnt seedsman&generalmerchant,Forest Sowden William Hender, draper &
Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Hayne William, baker, Fore street grocer, Fore street
& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Hayne Wm.Hy.auctnr.&valuer, Forest Stephens Richd.Hennett&Sons,butchers
Cornwall) (agency) (John Evelyn, H::Jckin John, watch maker, Fore street Stranger Richard Northcote, grocer &
agent),Forestreet; draw on Williams Hooper John, builder, Fore street draper, Fore street
Deacon & Manchester &Salford Bank Hopper William, cattle dealer Symons James, King's Arms family &
Limited, London E c Hurdon Edward James,chemist,Fore st commercial hotel & posting house,
Bray Charles, boot maker Inch Fras. Guy, tinplate worker,Fore st Fore street
Burns Tom Bell, ironmonger, Fore st Inch Samuel, blacksmith, Fore street Tingcombe Edwin, boot maker, Forest
Tippett Joseph Bridgman, fancy reposi· VolunteerBattalion (2nd) Duke of Corn- • Weeks Ernest, general carrier, Forest
tory, Fore street wall's Light Infantry (H Company) Weeks Thomas, Darlington P.H. Forest
Tonkin Wm. Mason's .Arms P.H. Forest (Capt. Horace Hayes Montgomery Westaway Jn. painter & stone en;sraver
Treweeks Brothers, builders & cabinet Lawrence) WickettMatthew,inspectorofnuisances
makers, Fore street Wakefield & Son, printers & booksellers, Wilkins John, shopkeeper, Fore street
Vanstone Elizh. (Mrs. ),shopkpr.Fore st Fore street Worden John, boo~ maker
Vine Wm. Hy. basket maker, Forest Watson Mary .Ann (Miss), ladies' school
CARDINHAM, or CARDDIHAM (Celtic, Cae1·-dinas, the by forty-two wide; alongside it is a ruined chamber,
rocky fortress), is a township, parish and village, 4 miles probal;>ly once an oratory, the water, flowing through the
east-north-east from Bodmin and 3i north-north-east from doorway, spreads into a pool in front: close by on the side
Bodmin Road station on thd Great Westem railway, in the of the road is a !"tone marked "I. B.," supposed to have
South-Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty formed the base of a cross; one mile north from the church,
sessional division of 'Yest, Bodmin union and county court on a farm belonging to Mr. J. Hate, stand the remains of an
district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and ancient circular entrenchment, nine feet high, with a foot-
diocese of Truro. The Alan stream, a small tributary of path which seems to have been protected against an enemy
the river Fowey, has its source in th1s parish. The church and used for obtaining water; half a mile south of the
of St. Mewbred is an ancient building of stone in the village is a similar earthwork. At Well town is an inscribed
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, stone five feet five inches high. Glynn, the seat of Lord
south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles Vivian K.C.M.G., c.B., F.R.G.s., D.L., J.P. situated close to
containing 5 bells : the chancel retains its sedilia: on the the banks of the river Fowey, is a substantial modern
tl.oor at the east end of the north aisle, removed here from mansion of stone, standing in well-wooded grounds of
the chancel in I8J2, is a curious brass of a priest in a about 40 acres, and is at present occupied by Colonel
cassock, and girt with a sword; below is an inscription to Edward St. Aubyn J.P., D.L. Lord Vivian and others are
Thomas Awmarle, appointed rector here 22nd Sept. 1356, lords of the manor; and Lord Robartes, Lord Vivian,
and praying for mutual supplication, "Rogo vos fratres pro Francis John Henwood esq. of Tremoor Lanivet, the Execu-
me et ego pro vobis is quantum po3sum:" there are aiso tors of John Basset.t Collins esq. of Bodmin, and Frederick
attached two shields of a.rms and in the church is a monu- Ernest Remfry esq. of 'fruro, are the chief landowners.
ment to Nicholas Glynn, ob. 1699: the east window is a . The soil is various; the subsoil is granite and slate. The
memorial to the Rev. Thomas Grylls, a former rector, and chief crops are barley and oats; there is good grazing for
there is a memorial window in tl!e chancel to his wife : the sheep and bullocks. The area is 9,534 acres ; rateable \Talue,
church affords 300 sittings: in the churchyard stands an £4,721 ; the population in 1891 was 590.
ancient cross. The register dates from the year I70I, and MrLLPOOL is a hamlet, one mile north from the church.
up to r7r8 is a transcript. The liYing is a rectory, average Parish Clerk, John Laury.
tithe rent-charge £387, net income £369, including 216
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of E. CoJde esq. PosT OFFICE.-William Male, suh-po3tmaster. Letters are
and held smce 1390 by the Rev. Francis Paul James Hendy received from Bodmin by foot post at 9·45 a.m. ; dis-
patched at 3.20 p.m. 'l'he nearest money order & tele-
li.A. of St. John's College, Oxford. There is a. Wesleyan graph office is at Bodmin. Postal orders are issued here
chap~l here, and a Free chapel at Millpool. .At
Deviock is a round-headed cross, five foot high and about but not paid
two feet wide, and at Tresl::J.y a similar cross, standing on a A School Board of 5 members was formed May 13, 1872 ;
mound by the road side ; on Treslay Down stands a large William Male, ~lerk to the boa:d
bead of a. third cross. About a quarter of a mile north of Board SclloJl (mixed), erected m t88I, for 9~ children;
Cardynham church, are the remains of the "Holy Well," average attendance, 62; Arthur Jackson, master
built in the south-east corner of an inclosure eighty feet long! CARRIER TO BomnN.-Thomas Greenway, sat
Flamank William Dingle Nicholas, farmer, 'Carblake Mitchell 'fhomas, resident agent to
Hendy Rev.Fras. Paul Jas. B.A.Rectory Hambly William, carpenter, .Awlvilla Lord Vivian, Hendra
St. Aubyn Col. Edwd D.L., J. P. Glynn Higgs Ann (Miss),farmr.Higher Tawna Pennan John, farmer, Hole
CO.i\11\IERCIAL. Hoar Benjamin1 farmer, Glynn Barton Nort.hcottThs.frmr.Dreason & Colsloggt
Bate & Sons, stone masons, Mill pool JaneAlfredSamuel,farmer,'l'awna moor Retallick John B. farmer, Glebe farm
Bate EdiVard, farmer, Colvanick Jory Charles, carpenter, Mill pool Riddle Edward, farmer, 'freslea
Bate John, farmer, Teason Keat William,miller(water),Preeze mill Riddle Edward John, farmer, Newland
Bate Mary (1\Irs.), farmer, Park KnightThos.&,Highr.Treslea Riddle George Lord, farmer, Kings wood
Bate Thomas Lang, farmer, Penpoll l Langdon George, farmer, Meadonwell Riddle John, farmer, Calliwith
Bawden James, farmer, Carbilla barn Langdon John. farmer, Tremoorland Roose Elijah, farmer, Mill pool
Best George, farmer, Tresauce Lander Christopher, farmer, Carbilla Runnalls John, farmer, Welltown
Bunt Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Dunnishill Lander John, boot & shoe ma. Mill pool Runnalls Robert, farmer, Welltown
Bunt Petherick, farmer,Old Cardiuham Lawry Henry, farmer, Old Cardingham Stephens Richard, farmer, Higb:er hill
Carbine Edward, farmer, Cardeast Lawr_rJohn,farmr.Treswithwick&Praze Tonkin Joseph, farmer,Lower Carblake
Chapman Thos.farmr.Cardinham lodge Lyle Lewis, Volunteer inn 'freveddoe Mining Co. (Nicholls &;
Cole Frank, miller (water), Glyun mill Male William, shoa m3.ker, Post office Warne, managers & proprietors) ;
Coppin 'Villiam Henry & Sou, farmers, Maniton Thomas, farmer, Colvannick offices, Fore street, St. Austell ·
Ludcott & Devoick May John, farmer, Sina White Joseph, farmer, Galgeath
Coppin William Hy. farmer, Lemar May Samuel, farmer, Tawna 1 Wilton Cha};les, blacksmith
CARNMENELLIS, whi.:h takes its name from Carn- ~'l.ethodist chapels at Edgecumbe, Penmarth, Porkellis ani
Menelez, a lofty hill reaching a height of 822 feet above the at Burrows ; a Free Methodi::.t chapel at Burrows and a
sea level, is an ecclesiastical parish, formed January 9, 1846, Bible Christian chapel at Carnkye. On the summit of Oarn
from the Civil parish of Wendron, and is near the road rom Menelez Hill are the foundations of what was apparently an
Redruth to Helston, 4~ miles south from Redruth station oratory ; three cairns crown the summit, and there are
on the Truro and l'en:~;ance section of the Great We3tern numerous granite boulders of f<l.nciful shapes on which are
railway, and 6 west-by-north from Penryn, in the Truro rock basons. Here is a tin mine, though not now worked.
division of the <·ounty, hundred of Ke1Tier, petty sessional On the western slope of Golvadnek Hill are remains of early
division of Kerrier West, Helston union and countv court British dwellings. "The Giant's Quoit," a huge block of
district, rural deanery of Kirrier, archdcaconry of Cornwall stone formerly here, 30 feet long by 25 broa.d, has been
and diocese of Truro. The church of the Holy Trinity, broken up and used for building material. The principal
erected in 1850, at a cost of£ r,o35, is a building of gramte landowners are the Hartley family. The soil is peaty,
in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porcb. resting on granite. The princip'l.l crops are oats and barley.
and a small western turret containing one bell : the font, of The acreage is over s,ooo, of which much is waste. The
Norman type, was found at E:iithney church and was pre- population in 1891 was r,67o.
sented to the Rev. W. Broadley, first vicar of Carnmenellis, RAME is a scatte1•ad village, 2 miles south-ea'lt.
by the Rev. Canon Rogers: the church was restored in 1887 PORKELLIS is a village, 2 miles south.
and will seat 450 person<>. In tne churchyard is an ancient Parish Clerk, William Combellack.
granite cross, found some years since in the bed of a river at
'folcarn. The register dates from the year 1851. The living PosT OFFICE, Porkellis.-Mrs.Eliza J ohm:o, sub-postmistress.
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £2o4, net yearly
value £230, including 4 acres of glebe, with residence, in Letters through Helston arrive at 11.20 a.m. ; dispatched
the gift of trustees, and held since 1893 by the Rev. Ceml at r.30 p.m. Helston is the nearest money order & tele-
graph office
Richard Hoggins, of New Inn Hall, Oxford. The mission Letters for other part of district through Penryn & Redruth,
church of St. Christopher, at Porkellis, is a building of stone, the last being the nearest money order & telegraph office,
built in 188r, and has 150 sittings. There are Wesleyan arrive about II a.m •
WALL LETrER Box, Half-way House, Rame, cleared at 2.35 (formerly National; transferred to the School Board in
p.m. on week days only
188o), for 152 children; a\·erage attendance, 65; Charles
WALL LETTER Box, near the Vicarage, cleared at 2.10 p.m. James, master
week days only CARRIERS.-William & James Opie, Porkellis to 'ijedruth,
Carnmenellis District (mixed), Wendron Boaxd School fri. ; Porkellis to Helston, sat
(Marked thus]iirr letters through Jenkin Thomas, farmer, Carthew Pryor Thomas, shopkeeper, Carnkye
[Marked thus letters through Jewell William, Star inn, Porkellis tRail Willtam, farmer, Rame
Hedruth.] !Johns John Fras. farmer, Halabezack Rapson Thos. farmr.& shpkpr. Porkellis
tHoggins Rev. Cecil Richard, Vicarage tKemp Robert, farmer, Calvadnack Rapson Thomas, jun. farmer, Halwin
tPhillips Rev. Thomas Henry [curate] tKemp John, farmer & builder,Carnkye Reed Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Halabezack
COMMERCIAL. tKistle Charles, farmer & shopkeeper, Reed John William, farmer, Porkellis
tAndrew John, farmer, Menorlue Menherion Reed Lavinia (Mrs.), farmer, Medlyn
Andrews James, farmer, Carnkye tMartin James, butter mer.Rame cross tReed Sheba, farmer, Higher Retanna
tBishop James, farmer, Rame !Martin Wm. shopkeeper, Menherion Reynolds Richard, farmer, Boswin
tBiatchford William, farmer,Menherion tMatthews James, farmer, Nancrossa tRichards Alfred, poulterer, Rame
Caddy Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Medlyn Jn.& Matthew, farmers,Lizerea tRicbards Henry, farmer, Fiscar
Whiteallis Moyle John, farmer, Colvennor tRiehards James, farmer, Fiscar
Caddy Matthew, butcher, Whiteallis tMoyle William, farmer, Rame tRichards Wm. carpenter, Menherion
Caddy William, draper, Halwin tOliver John, farmer, Penmarth tRichards William By. shopkpr. Rame
Care Matthew, frmr. & shpkpr.Carthew upie William & James, farmers & om- Richards Wm. Pascoe, farmer, Porkellis
tChampion George, farmer, But.triss mbus proprietors, Halwin Roach John, farmer, Halwin
Chittock James, farmer, H<tlwin Opie Bennett, Travellers' Guide P.H. tRoberts Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer &
tCollins Nicholas, farmer, Menorlue Kennap shopkeeper, Rame cross
Colson John, farmer, Lizerea bridge tOpie Gertrnde (Mrs. ),farmer, Colvenor Roberts John, farmer, Lizerea
Combellack David, farmer, Kennap tOpie Thomas, farmer, Menorlue tRoberts John, farmer, Nancrossa
Combellack William, farmer & general tPascoe John, farmer, Fiscar Spargo Josiah, farmer, Carnkye
dealer, Porkellis Pascoe Nicholas, farmer, Lizerea Spargo William, farmer, Carnkye
Doney William, farmer, Boswin Pascoe Richd. boot & shoe ma. Porkellis tStenning Ann(Mrs.),Golden Lion P.H.
Dower Elizabeth (Mrs. ),farmer,Kennap Pearce William John, miller (water) & Menherion
Th:Jwer Jsph. farmer& shopkpr. Kennap farmer, Tolcarne-Wartha tSymons Bmanuel,Halfway House P.H.
Dower Samuel, carpenter, Lizerea Penalurick Thos. Hy. shopkpr.Porkellis Rame
Dunstan John, farmer, Trussal Peneluna Alexander, tin dresser,Halwin tThomas Fras. frmr. &shpkr.Penmarth
Dunstan Jn. Fifteen B:1lls P.H. Porkellis tPeneluna William, farmer, Calvadnack 1 Thomas James, farmer, Halwin
Eathorne \Villiam Hy. farmer, Carnkye Perry James, farmer, Carthew tThomas William, farmer, Ret.mna
Eva Joseph, wheelwright, Halwin 1 Perry John, farmer, clerk to school tTregonningWm.Hy.farmr.Calvadnack
'!'Gay Josiah, farmer, Edgcumb~
I board, assistant overseer, agent for tTregonning William Thomas, smith
'i'Grig.; James, shopkeeper, Buttriss gte / manures &c. Boswin :J:'freloar Bennett, farmer, Calvadnack
Hannibal Thomas, farmer, Lizerea Perry John Spargo, farmer, Buskenwyn 'freloar Thomas, farmer, Halabezack
Harris Thomas, farmer, Nansloe +Perry Peter, tin buyer &farmer, Fiscar Tresidder John, farmer, Carnkye
tHawkins Samuel, farmer, Calvadnack tPooley James, farmer, Mount Wise tTrewin James, boot & shoe ma. Rame
Husking Edward, farmer, Burrows :j:Pooley Robert, grocer, .Halabezack Oren James, blacksmith, Porkellis
tivey Richd.Donald, farmer, Menherion :j:Prisk Eliza (Mrs.), farmer Veal Richard Jas. wheelwright,Porkellis
tJeffery Henry, farmer, Menherion Prisk Hercules, farmer, Carnbonellis Vincent Stephen, carrier, Porkellis
Jeffery Waiter, blacksmith, Carnkye Pryor Benja.min John, farmer & shop- :I:Williams Andrew, farmer, wheelwright
tJenkin Ghristopher, farmr.Calvadnack keeper, Porkellis & shopkeeper, Penmarth
Jenkin Henry, shoe maker, Halwin Pryor John, wheelwright, Carnkye tWilliams Nicholas, farmer, Rame
I Pryor Thomas Henry, farmer & shop- J tWilliams Thomas, farmer, Rame
Jenkin John, farmer, Carnkye
tJenkin Nicholas, farmer, Calvadnack 1 keeper, Medlyn
Williams Thomas, farmer, Tolcarne
CHACEWATER is an ecclesiastical parish, formed to Captain Brooks, of the Peninsular and Oriental Company's
July u, 1837, from the parishes of Keuwyn and Kea. The service: the church will now seat 6oo persons. The
township of CHACEWATER is in the parish of Kenwyn, with re~isier dates from the year 1837. The living is a vicarage
the exception of a few dwellings at the easL end, which are net yearly value £280, with residence, in the gift of the
in the parish of Kea; it has a station half a mile north-west vicar of Kenwyn, and held since r89o by the Rev. Richard
on the West Cornwall section of the Great Western railway, 5 1 Fraser Fraser.Frizell. Here are Wesleyan, Primitive Metho-
miles west from Truro, 4 east from Redruth and 305 from 1 dist and Bible Christian chapels. A new institute and read-
London, in the Truro division of the county, west division I ing room is now (1893) about to be erected, at the sole cost
of Powder hundred, petty sessional division of Powder \~est, of John Passmore Edwarcls esq. of London, on a site given
Truro union and county court district, rural deanery of by Viscount Falmouth. An annual fair is held here on June
Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of 'I'ruro. 24th, a prize cattle and horse show in July and a weekly
The church of St. Paul, placed on elevated ground, and market on Saturdays. The principal landowners are
rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in r892 at a cost, in- Viscount Falmouth, Lord Clinton, and Lord Robartes. The
eluding gifts, of £z,soo, from the designs of Mr. Edmund soil is yellow marl; subsoil, shelf. The chief crops are oats
Bedding, of Plymouth, is a plain edifice of stone, in the and barley. The population in r89r was 2,053.
aEo1·naser1elbsyeEa11nn:dgtlahisewh nesatsytveleer,n, 4c.t5oonwfseeiesrt,tienm·rgecohfteeic·dghham·tn•cWre8lI',t2hc8leaar.nebsdatrorcreoi1nedtroanom· afm·'veI·gS, sPoJsTuh, n1·uu·.H0·a1•1,&sTub• -0p.o,stm• Bas•t&er,ACnnhmac'teyw• &atIenr.surLanetcteerOsffaicrer1.·_ve
separated from the aisles by arcades of gramte arehes and PfraotmcheSdcoa. rtri6er&R1.0S.aO·m. a· t& 2.20 & 6. 3o p.m. · dis-
polyphant piers: the stained east window was presented by . '
the rector and vestry of St. 1.\'Iary's, Truro, from which A School. Board of 5 members was formed m 1875; R.
church it was removed: the pulpit of Serpentine marble Dobell, JUn. clerk to the board
was erected in memory of the episcopate of the Right Rev. National School (mixed), built in 1846, & leased to the
G. H. Wilkinson, second bishop of Truro (r883·9r): the School Board in 1873; it will hold 350 children; average
]ectern of oak includes a figure of St. Paul, executed by 1.\'Ir. attendance, 72 boys, 73 girls & 70 infants ; B. Gritfiths,
Harry Hems, of Exeter : the organ has been considerably master ; Mrs. 1\'Iary Harris, infants' mistress
enlarged and repaired: the font was erected as a memorial Railway Station, John Roberts, station master
PRIV.A.TE RESIDENTS. Harvey Richard Williams Rapson Mrs
Richards John Thompson, Salemhonse
Barnett Mrs Harvey William Richards William Williams, Glen view
Rowe James
Bawden William, Greenbank Hugoe William Pylle Rowe Thomas, North hill
Bray Frank Jeffery Stephen, Chacewater hill Skinner Mrs. Buckingham place
'fonkin Joseph
Carne Mrs Juleff Mrs Tonkin Thomas
Trevethan Henry
Chapple Mrs. Upton grove Martin Mrs. Ivy cottages Waram Miss, North hill
Crothers James, Rose cottage May Mrs Ware Joseph
Waters Mrs
Crothers William James Mitchell Mrs Williams John, Willow cottage
Davies Mrs Moyle Joseph, Ivy cottage COMMERCIAL.
Aver Luke, farmer, Kerling
Faull Miss NMoor•vtiheeMy .aTtothhnew
Fraser-FrizeU Rev. Rd. Fraser, Vicarage
Gradwell Gerald, Rose villa Oates Mrs
Gradwell John, Rose villa Pascoe Mrs
Graff Rev. Edward Charles [curare] Pearce Mrs. Vi'hite hall
Hamblyn Mrs Pellow Mrs
Barkla John, farmer, Penstraze moors Hugoe William Pylle, surgeon & med- deaths for the Kea sub-district & re-
Bassett Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Berryrnan Susan (~'lrs.), grocer ical officer & public vaccinator, Kea & lieving officer, Kewyn district, Truro
Bragg Felix, Britannia hotel
Bray John, Queen's Head P.H West Kenwyn district, Truro union union, Cbacewood
Jenkin William Henry, grocer Paull Thomas, boot & shoe maker
Jenkins Thomas, farmer, Sebeock Paull Wm. market grdnr. Greenb()ttom '
Bray Joseph, farmer, Salem Johns Thomas, farmer, Penstraze Pearce Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper
. Bray Wilham, grocer & inspector of Kellow Thomas, farmer, Wheal Busy Pearce James Henry, travelling draper
nuisances to Truro rural san. auth Killifreth Tin & Copper Mine (Thomas Pearce Richard John, butcher
Butson Cyrus, shoe maker F. Trownson, purser; John Michell, Penrose J ames, hair dresser
Chacewater & District Prize Cattle & manager; Oliver Northey & R. A. Phillips & Olver, drapers
Hor~W Show (Luke Aver, sec) Jame~, agents) Phillips & Sandow, drapers
Courtier Emma (Mrs.), grocer Kneebone Richard, blacksmith Pomeroy George, boot maker
Doble Elizabeth (Mrs.), g::ocer & draper Knight Edward, grocer Richards John Thompson, mining en~
ElfordEliza(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Greenbottm Manley Mary Jane (Mrs.), draper gineer, Salem house
Furze Robert, butcher Manuel Tho:>. Hy. farmer, Killewerras Rowe James, farmer
Geach Titus, farmer Matthews Oliver, grocer & corn dealer Rowe William, mason
GlamTille William John, agent to Prud- May' Rebekah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rowse Herbert, ironmonger
ential Assurance Co. Lim. North hill Cbacewater hill Sandow Joseph, farmer
Googh William, boot maker Merrifield Edward, Red Lion P. H Sa.rd James Henry, farmer,Wheal Busy
Gradwell & Co. brewers
Messa Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Rose cot- Stephens John, farmer, Kirley
GrayMary(Mrs. ),farmer,Chacewater hl tage, Greenbottom Teague Richard, tin mer. Twelveheads
HallJohn,carpenter,& draper,Post office Moyle Edwin, beer retailer Tiddy Carolina (Miss), Crown inn
Ham Richard, King's Head P.H Moyle "''illiam Henry. carpenter Tressidder Rober~, grocer, Killifreth
Hamley John Henry, sergeant of police Nicholls John Henry, boot & shoe ma Trethevan Henry, mine & share dealer
Hammet Chipman, butcher Olver Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopke~per Tyack James (Mrs.), stationer
Harris William Hodge, ironmonger Osborne Ed ward, tinman, Greenbank Williams, Williams & Co. (J. Crothers~
Harvey Richard Williams, mundic mer Paul Joseph, farmer, Kirley agent), coal merchants
Harvey William, assayer Paull John, farmer & postmaster Williams Alfred, linen draper
Hick Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker
Paull Nicholas, registrar of births & Williams Wm.(Mrs.),farmer,Church ill
Hill Sampson, farmer
CHARLESTOWN, formerly called" West Polmear," of the manor. The principallandownersarethe trustees of
is a small seaport town and ecclesiastical parish, formed Edward John Sartoris D.L., J.P.; Angustus George Crowder
Sept. 15, 1846, from the eastern part of the parish of St. J.P. of 8 Montague square, London w; Lieut.-Col. .A. S.
Austell, and obtained its present name from its patron, Hext J.P. of Trenarren; Mr. I. W. Kellt~y, Edward Coode esq.
Charles Rishleigh esq.; the district contains several hamlets, J.P. of Moor cottage: Henry Edward Lambe esq. of Rugby;
and is If miles. east-by-south from St. Austell, the nearest George Richard Gwavas Carlyon B.A., D.L., J.P. of Tregre-
railway station, and is bounded on the south by St. Austell han, Par, and the Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe P.c., L.L. The
bay, and is in the Mid di\•ision of the county, the eastern acreage is about 1,600; the population in 1891 was 2,8o8.
division of the hundred of Powder, the petty sessional divi- Sexton, John Pascoe.
sion of Powder East, St. Austell union and county court posT, M. o. & T . 0 ., s. B. & Annm"ty & I nsurance Office._
district, l'ural deanery of St. Austell, archdeaconry of Corn- Mrs. Eliza Melhuish, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
wall and diocese of Truro. It has a good quay and harbour, from St. Austell at 8.25 a.m. 2 •35 & 7-55 p.m.; dispatched
the property of Messrs. Crowder and Sartoris, with dock space at 5-50 & 10.40 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ; sundays,
for 18 coasting vessels, and a crane capable of lifting 15 tons. a.m. ; d"1spat c hed 4.30 p.m arn·ve ou .25
The pier, begun in 1791, was enlarged in the next year, and rst Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
subsequently a basin was excavated out of the solid rock, Western Division, Royal Artillery (No. 4 Battery), Hon.
available for vessels of 400 tons, not exceeding 15 feet in Major William. Tw. .LoMvaesroinn,g;mHeodwicaarld M. Lovering, Iieut. ;
draught, The exports are china clay, and the imports coal, Snrgeon-Capt. officer; Rev. A. H.
timber, iron, coke and limestone. The church of St. Paul, Ferris M ..A. acting chaplain
consecrated in 1851, is a cruciform building of stone, in the
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, tran- Holmbush, a mining village, is about r! milt>s east from
sept and uorth porch: the nave and aisles are divided by St. Austell, on the road to St. Blazey, and close to the
arcades carried on granite piers, alternately round and octa- Wheal Eliza tin mines, now closed.
gonal: there are memorial windows to the Rev. C. S. Wool- PosT OFFIOE.-John Palmer, sub-postmaster. Letters
cock, first incumbent of the church, and others : the church through Par Station R.S.O. arrive at 8.55 a.m. & 4.30
affords 450 sittings. The register dates from the year 1846. p.m.; dispatched at 9 a.m. & 4.40 p.'m. Charlestown is
The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £160, in the gift the nearest money order &telegraph office. Postal orders
of the Crown and Bishop of Truro alternately, and held are issued here, but not paid
since 1869 by the Rev. Alfred Henry Ferris M.A. of Magda- ScHOOLS:-
len Hall, Oxford, and rural dean of St. Austell. There is a St. Austell :Board, Charlestown (mixed & infants), erected
Wesleyan chapel, built in 1827, with 320 sittings. A foundry for 130 children ; average attendance, 104; Mrs. l\lary
is carried on here by the Charlestown F'oundry and Iron Moore, mistress
Works Co. Lim. H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. is lord Boscoppa (mixed & infants), erected 1889, for qo children
Charlestown. Annear Richard, farmer Custom House (Frank Rogers,princiral
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bassett Charles, farmer, Polmear officer)
Bulteal Henry James Best Frederick, wheelwright, Tre- Daw Richard, farmer, Merthen
Endean William leaven's Cross lane Ellery William Henry, coal merchant
Ferris Rev. Alfred Henry M.A. [vicar & Bettison Thomas, cattle dealr. Brays pl Frost James, blacksmith
rural dean1 Vicarage Breen John Edward, wagon builder, Furmidge Josepb, farmer, Campdown
Foster Col. Charles, Crinnis house carpenter, wheelwright, undertaker Giles Frank, water rate coil. .Hoscoppa
Harding Richard & general smith ; establishedssyears Heath William, boot maker
Hitchins Mrs Brooks Joseph, dairyman Hockin Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Knight John, Laurel cottage Bulteel Henry James, land agent & Hockm John, shipwright
Lichenich Antoine, Marine villa manager of Charlestown estate & Hocking Thomas, master mariner
Lovering William Thomas, The Grove harbour office Hodge John, butcher
Luke Mrs. The Villa Burnard Isaiah, school board attend- Hore Philip, farmer, Trethurgy
Luke William Henry, The Villa ance officer, Slades Hore William, farmer, Grey
Moss Samuel, Boscundle Charlestown Estate & Harbour Offices 1 Hunkin Sampson, mason, Slades
Mutton WilHam (Henry James Bulteel, manager) 'Joliffe John Henry, butcher & farmer
Parnall John Charlestown Foundry & Iron Works Jones Wm. gen. shopkeeper, Quay row
Truscott Mrs Co. Limited (C. W. Bradhurst, sec) Jury Frederick, architect, Slades
Truscott Simon Coade John, see Rashleigh Arms hotel Kmgdon James, farmer & carrier7
Williams Richard Harris c.E. Cuddra Coast Guards (Daniel Mcintyre, chief · •rrethurgy
officer) Knight John, cooper & farmer, The
Cornwall (1st) (Duke of Cornwall's) Cooperage
Adams T. E. & Co. ship chandlers, Volunteer Artillery, Western Division Knight Thos. dairyman, High.Burlawn
grocers, ship owners & brokers, Royal Artillery (No. 4 battery) (Hon. Knuckey Isaac, shopkeeper, Brays place
general commission agents &c. ; tele- Major W. T. Lovering, commander; Lee Thomas, boot maker
graphic address "Adams, Charles- Howard M. Lovering, lieut) Luke William Henry, insurance, com-
town, Cornwall" Creba John, blacksmith, Trelea,·en's mission & general agent
Alien Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Boscoppa Cross lane Martin Robert, clay agent, Phernysick
Medlin Richard, wheelwright, Trego- Rickard William, grocer, Trenowah Werry Nicholas, posting establishment
nissey Lane end Roberts James, grocer Werry Thomas, boot dealer, & butcher
Melhuish Eliza(Mrs.), grocer, & draper, Robins Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Boscoppa Williams Richard Harris C.E. mining
Post; office Rolling Richard, shoe maker engineer, Cuddra
Moore John C. dock master Rowe Thomas, boot maker, Treleaven's
MorcomWm. farmer&carrier,Trethurgy Cross lane Holmbush.
Opie William, farmer, Cuddra Rowett Rd. farmer& carrier,Phernysick
Osborne Christopher,farmer, Trenowah Rowett Robert Merritt,farmer &carrier, Abbott John, farmer
Pascoe Andrew, shopkpr. Sandybottom Sandybottom Curtis John, boot maker
PascoeNicholas, Carlyon inn,Sauybottm 'l'hriscutt & Bale, china clay producers Daniel Richard King, farmer, &; auc-
Pearce Joseph, shopkeeper, 'frenowah &merchants tioneer, Trelawney
Penhall Isaac, grocer, Trenowah Trevail William Henry,farmer, Menear Fnrmedge Joseph, farmer
Phillips Rebecca (Mrs.),lodg.ho. & grcr Truscott Simon, ship owner Joliffe Richard, farmer
Phillips William, farmer, 'frenowah Treffry Clunes & Co.timber & gen.mers Mallalne George, butcher
llashleigh Arms Hotel (by the sea), Turner John Henry, relieving officer, Northcote James, butcher, & dairyman
(Jobn Coade, proprietor), 1! miles Eastern district, St. Austell union, Palmer John, shopkeeper, Post office
from St. Austell station; private Boldventure Paul Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper
rooms for families, including drawing TurnerWm.Jenkin, farmer, Boldventure Thomas George, Holmbush inn, & coal
& coffee room~ &c. with use of Uren James, grocer, Boscoppa merchant ; good stabling & every
piano ; visit >rs will find every accom- Walkey Joseph Henry, tea & oil dealer accommodation for travellers
modation, with comfort, at moderate Warwick Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper,'fre- Turner Joseph, linen draper
charges; post horses & carriages on leaven's Cross lane
hire, fishing, boating &c
ST. CLEER is a village and parish, 2~ miles north from some Druidical remains known as the "Trethevy stone," a
Liskeard, in the South-Eastern division of the county, hun- cromlech of granite, consisting of three upright stones, and
dred and petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union one large slab in an inclined position; the "Hurlers,"
aad county court district, rural deanery of West, archdea- another ancient monument, probably consisted, when per-
conry of Bodmin and dwcese of Truro. Part of this parish feet, of three contiguous circles, bearing from N.N.E. to
was included within the borough of Liskeard, under the S.S. W.; of these 11 stones are still standing and 17 pros-
charter granted to that borough in 1586. The Liskeard and trate. On St. Cleer down is the reservoir of the Liskeard
Caradon railway for the conveyance of minerals passes water works. The Misses Norris are ladies of the manor.
through. The church of St. Cleer is a building of stone in The principal landowners are the Misses Norris, Trehawke
the late Perpendicular style, CJnsisting of chancel, nave, Kekewich esq. D.L., J.P. of Peamore, Exeter; William
aisles, south porch and a western tower of granite in three Nicholas Connock Marshall esq. J.P. of Treworgey; Lord
stages, 97 feet high, with pimmcles at the angles and two Robartes; Richard Foster esq. D.L., J.P. of Llanwithan,
buttresses at each angle, also terminating with pinnacles Lostwithiel; Thomas Robins ~olitho esq. D.L., J.P. of Penal-
rising above the parapet: the tower contains 6 bells, verne, Penzance; Rev. James Glencross M.A. of Luxstowe;
all cast in 1789: in tne north wall of the chancel is a hagio- Rev. Saltren Rogers M.A. vicar of Gwennap and Captain
scope; a piscina also remains: the font is Early English: John Peverell Rogers R.A., J.P. of Penrose, Helston. The
on the north side is a Norman doorway, with zigzag mould- soil is of a light character, with a stony bottom. The chief
ings: there are memorials to the families of Jope, I844-54; crops are wheat, oats, grass and barley. The acreage is
Connock, I757-I804, and Langford,16q, with a curious and ro,934; rateable value, £7,286; and the population in 1891
lengthy inscr1ption: the church was repaired about I87o, was 2,124.
when the chancel was new roofed, the windows reproduced TREMAR CooMBE is a village i mile east; here are Wes-
in Polyphant stone and the Norman doorway restored: there leyan Reform and Primitive Methodist chapels.
are 550 sittings. The register dates from the year I678. TREMAR is a village ~ mile east, where is a Wesleyan
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £242, net chapel.
yearly value £195, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in RAILWAY TERRACE is a village I mile north-east, and has
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since I844 by the a Bible Christian chapel.
Rev.John Richard Pretyman Berkeley B.A.of Trinity College, HEDGATE is a hamlet I~ miles west.
Dublin, and surrogate. There are Bible Christian and Free CRow's NEST hamlet is Il north-east; here is a Wesleyan
Methodist chapels. The cemetery, nearly an acre in extent, chapel.
with a mortuary chapel, but unconsecrated, is the property Parish Clerk, John Oliver.
of a private company. The police station was built in I859· PosT OFFICE.-William James Harris, sub-postmaster.
A short distance east of the church, on the descent of the Letters through Liskeard arrive at 7.30 a. m. ; dispatched
road, are the remains of the ancient well or baptistery of St. at 4.50 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office
Cleer, formerly inclosed w1thin a small chapel, part of the is at Liskeard. Postal orders are issued here, but not
entrance of which, with other portions, remains: on one paid
side of the well stands an ancient cross, about7 feet 2 inches WALL Box, Railway terrace, cleared at 4.20 p.m
high, with a cross in relief on both sides of it; the cross has WALL Box, Tremar Coombe, cleared at 4.30 p.m
been restored in memory of the Rev. John Jope, 67 years SCHOOLS:-
vicar, from x8o6; and the well by the Rogers family. In a A School Board of 5 members was formed July 22, 1874,
pathway field between Redgateand St. Cleer, are two ancient to which St. Neots contributes 2 additional members;
stone monuments, one of which, about 7 feet high, is sculp- W. Harris Rule, Liskeard, clerk to the board; Sampson
tured on one side, and seems to have been part of the shaft Wilton, Redgate, attendance officer
of a cross ; the other is a square plinth, known lo~.:ally as Board (mixed), built in I877, for 220 children; average
"Other Half Stone," and inscrihed, in letters of the 9th attendance, 105 boys & girls & 23 infants; Lewis
century :-•· DONIERT ROGAVIT PRO ANIMA," i.e. Skentelbery, master
~. Doniert prayed for his soul;" this Doniert was king of Board~ Trekeive steps (mixed), built in 1876, for 86 chil-
Cornwallin the 9th century and is said to have been drowned dren; average attendance, 36; Charles Kellew, master
about 872 or 873. The charities amount to £8 10s. y~arly. Lord Robartes', Railway terrace (mixed), built in I867, for
There are chalybeate springs in this parish, and about a mile I70 children; average attendance, 109: George Tennant,
north of the church, on a close of land called "Trethevye," master
.Berkeley Rev. John Richard Pretyman Cock Nicholas, farmer, Gourmain Higgings John, farmer, Pontius Piece
B.A. Vicarage Cock William Hy. butcher, Polwrath Hoar John, farmer, Trewalla
Bryant John, Oakfield house Co-operative Society (Richard Kelly, Hocking John Francis, Stag P.H
Norris The Misses, Rosecraddoc house manager), Railway terrace Hodge Reuben, grocer, Tremar
. Daniel Matthew,farmer, NorthTrekeive Holman William, farmer, Carkeek
COMMERCIAL. Dawe Erederick, farmer, Crow's nest Holman Wm. farmer, Carpenter farm
Adams Thomas, farmer, Treweatha Deacon Thomas, blacksmitll Honey William,farmer, HigherTrengale
Arthur William, farmer, Rosecraddoc Doney Thomas, Sportsman's Arms P.H Honeycomb William, wheelwright
Austin William, farmer, Hendrifton & Elliot Sarah (Miss),farmer,Gullamaine Hooper Uriah, farmer, Venland
Trewarrick Eveley R,ichard, farmer, Hatwood James Samuel, farmer, Trethinnick
J3atton John, farmer, Trenouth Forrest William Henry, grocer Kelly Capt. J. manager of New Cara-
Best John, shopkeeper, Crow's nest Fnrse James, farmer don & New West Caradon Copper
.Bray Nicholas, farmer, Ford Furseman WilliamHenry,farmer,Crylla Mining Cos
Buzza Thomas, farmer, Tretharrup Gilbard George Dennis, farmer,Newton Lord Elizabeth (Mrs.), Market hotel
Cemetery (Thomas Goodman, sexton) Goodman Grace (Mrs. ),farmer,Stantan Maddevor William, farmer, Fersnewth
Cloke Christopher V. farmer, Siblyback Goodman Thomas, shopkeeper Martin Wm. shopkeeper,Common moor
Cock Jonathan, farmer, Lampritton Hicks Albert & Ernest, millers (water), May Richard, farmer, Watergate
'frenouth Mellow Mary (Mrs.), Sun inn
Cock Joseph, carpenter, Redgate
' St. Cleer Co-operative Stores (John Stephens Richard, farmer, Trecarne
Mitchell John, farmer, Sph·its
Nicolls Thomas, farmer, Penhale Brooks, manager) Stephens Richard, farmer, Tremar
Olliver John & Charles, carpenters Sargent John, farmer, Bokenna Tink Garance, farmer, Trt:mellick
Olliver Wm. Hy.monumental engraver Saunders Mark, farmer, Trelethick Tonkin William, farmer, Redgate
Phillips Anna Maria(Mrs.),grocr.&drpr Sibly Thomas, shoe maker Verran William, farmer, Polagenna
Pollard Edward, farmer, Penquite Sleeman Edmund,frmr.High.Tretharip Wilton Sampson, blacksmith & school
Roseveare Wallace, farmer, Lestetha Snell William, farmer, Wayland attendance officer, Redgate
Rowe George, farmer Sowden I<'rancis, farmer, Hendra Wilton Thomas, shopkeeper
ST. CLEMENT'S, with the hamlet of MALPAS (pro- Pencalenick, the property and residence of Michael Henry
nounced "Mopus "),is a large parish, a portion of which is Williams esq. D.L., J.P. is a mansion of stone, erected from
comprised within the borough of Truro: it is on the banks designs by Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect, of London, and
of the St. Clement's Creek, 2 miles south-east of Truro, charmingly situated on a knoll, rising steeply from the banks
where is the nearest railway station, in the Truro division of the St. Clement's Creek, fJf the river Fal; the buildings,
of the county, west division of the hundred of Powder, petty gardens, walks and plantations are very picturesque when
sessional division of Powder West, Truro union, rural viewed from the road at Merther. Penair, the residence of
deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese Addis Edward Archer esq. was formerly the seat of the
of Truro. The church of St. Clement is an ancient building Launce family, but after successive sales passed into that of
of stone, chiefly in -thePerpendicular style, consisting of chan- Vivian ; Rear-Admiral Reynolds, father of the late Ad-
eel, nave of six bays, south aisle, north transept or Polwhele miral Sir Barrington Reynolds K.C.B. who married a sister
chapel of the 13th centur,y, south porch and an embattled of the late Rev. John Vivian, converted the house into a
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 4 bells : there is a substantial mansion of freestone, as a residence for himself :
monument to Rear-Admiral Robert Carthew R_eynolds, of from the house there is a good new of diversified country :
H.M.S. St. George, 98 guns, wrecked off Cape Rysenstein, the grounds are sheltered by extensive woodlands, and are
on the coast of Jutland, December 24, 18n : there are a beautifully laid out. Polwhele, the seat for many centuries
nnmber of other memorials, all of modern date, and eleven of the family of that name, is the residence of Thomas Rox-
memorial windows: in 1844, and later years, a number of burgh Polwhele esq. 1\LA., J.P., D.L. and is about 1! miles
ancient mural paintings were discovered; thes~ include on north-east of 'fruro. Bodrean, the residence of Wadham
the north wall of the nave a fig-ure of St. Christopher and on Knatchbull esq. is pleasantly situated about 3! miles north-
the east splay of the aisle windows a female saint, the "'l'ri- north-east from Truro. Killagordan, the residence of Mrs.
umphal Entry into Jerusalem," or "The Flight into Egypt," 'fomn, is about ~~ miles north from Truro. Lanilly, the
and the "Crucifixion:" the principals of the roof are also residence of Thomas Henry Vyvyan esq. J.P. is about 3
painted: the church was restored about r867, and has 200 miles north-north-east from Truro. Pemnount is the resi-
sittings. East of the churchyard,rnear to the vicarage house, dence of Edward Shipphard Carus-Wilson esq. M.A., J.P.
stands a very ancient monumental stone, formerly used as Michael Henry Williams esq. who is lord of the manor,
a gate-post to a field in this parish,and inscribed'' ISNIOCVS Thomas R. Polwhele esq. Arthur Champion P. Willyams
VIT.ALIS FILIVS TORRICI;" on the head is carved a esq. of Carmanton, St. Columb and Miss Devonshire are the
plain Greek cross within a circle. The register dates from chief landowners. The soil is inclined to clay ; subsoil,
the year 1543. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- loam. The chief crops are corn, turnips and partly pasture.
charge £264, net yearly value £2o2, with residence and 1! The acreage is 3•494; rateable value, £13,489; the popu-
acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held lation in 189r was 3,983.
since 1872 by the Rev. Alien Page Moor M.A. of Trinity Col- Parish Clerk, Richard Penhaligon, jun.
lege, Cambridge and Oxon. F.R.o.s., l\I.R.A.s. hon. canon of MALPAS is 2 miles south from Truro, and has a Friends'
Truro, and hon. fellow of St. Augustine's College, Canterbury. Meeting house. Shipbuilding is carried on here. A large
A Mission chnrch was erected at Malpas in 1883, and has number of coins of Severus (A.D. 193-211 ), Valerian (253-6o)
sittmgs ff'r 100 people ; there is also a Mission church at and other Roman emperors was discovered near to this spot.
Buckshead,seating 4opersons; a Mission room at Woodlands, PosT & TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Malpas.-Mrs. Jane Drew, sub-
with 15 sittings, and a chapel for Bible-Christians in the postmistress. Letters through Truro received at 8.45
parish. 'fhe parish Sunday school is held at St. Clement's a.m. & 2.50 p.m. ; dispatched at 8.45 a.m. & 2.50 a.m.
Church Town. There is a cemetery in the village a little south Trafalgar square, Truro, is the nearest money order office
of the church, forming an addition to the churchyard. The School, Malpas, for 24 children; average attendance, 20;
charities amount to£ ro yearly, distributed in bread and fuel. Miss McGown, m·stress
St. Clement's. Cleave Thos. Henry, farmer, Tresimple Sholl WilliamJn.Ship inn,Church town
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. CockingNicholasJn.farmr.Lit.tleLanilly Spargo Mrs. farmer, Tregolls
Archer Addis Edward, Penair
Buse Mrs. Buckshead house Drew Richard Wm. farmer, Sanctuaries Steer Joseph, farmer, Lower Tregurra
Faull James, farmer, Buckshead Stephens Robt.shipwright,Chnrch town
Carus-Wilson Edward Shipphard M.A., Ford Peter, farmer, Lower Penair Stone George, farmer, Penair
'\'hite William Hy. farmer, Lansangath
J.P. Penmount Harvey John, farmer, Park
Carus-Wilson Edwd. Willyams,Penmnt Hawkey John, farmer, Coldrose
D1xon Robert, Penarth Hearle Samuel, jun. farmer, Park farm Malpas.
Knatchbull ·wadham, Bodrean Hitchin<"~Jn. farmr.& dairyman, Polqnick
Moor Rev. Allen Page M.A., F.R.G.s., Kitto Joseph, farmer, Trennick Adams Arthur Elford, Belle Vue
M.R.A.s. [vicar . & hon. canon of Lean Paul, farm bailiff to Michael H. Coad 1\'Irs. Thomas
Truro], Vicarage "'illiams esq. D.L., J.P. Menadews Coad Mrs. William
Polwhele Thomas Roxburgh M. A., D.L., Michael Charles,farmer,l..ittle Trennick Bennetts John, Park tavern
J.P. Polwhele Morcom Edwin, farmer, Penhillick Benney Richard, jun. pilot & lessee of
Tomn Mrs. K1llagordan Nicholls Richard, farmer, Downs Truro Port dues
Vyvyan Thomas Henry J.P. Lanilly RetallackEdward,farmer,Bodrean farm Custom House (Donald R. Sturdy, out-
Whitley Mrs. Penarth Retallack John, farmer, Lambessow door officer)
Williams Michael Henry D.L., J.P. Roberts James, farmer. Lanilly farm Drew Richard William, farmer
Pencalenick RobinsJn.frmr.&carrier,Buck's bottom Elliott Henry, butcher
COl\IMERCBL. Rodda Jas. T hos. farmr. HigherTregurra Scoble & Davies, shipwrights
Adams Robert, farmer, Little PolwhelQ St. Clement's Cemetery Scoble Jane (1\'Irs.), grocer
Berriman John, farmer, Nance Scawswater Saw Mills Co. (Arthur M. Scoble William, market gardener
Brown Amelia (Mrs.), farmer, Vineyard Visick), steam saw mills,Scawswater ; Wright Henry, Ship P.H ,
Burley John, farmer, Nancemoor office, High cro.<: s, Truro
ST. CLETHER is a parish on the Inney stream, a another bell is now (1893) about to be added, at a cost of
tributary of the Tamar, which is noted for its trout fishing, £6o: the east window is a memorial to the Rev. Jonathan
and is 9 miles west from Launceston, 5! north-west from Phillips-Carpenter, some time vicar, who died in 184r, and
Otterham station, opened August, 1893, on the new branch was presented by Mrs. Carpenter: the church was wholly
of the London and South Western railway from Launceston rebuilt, except the tower, in 1865, and will seat 150 persons.
to Wadebridge, 7 by road east from Camelford and 17 The register dates from the year 1640. The living is a
north-east from BCldmin; the parish is in the North Ea..<~tern vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £68, net yearly value
division of the county, Lesnewth hundred and petty sessional £140, including 72 acres of glebe. with residence, in the gift
division, Camelford union and county court district, rural of John Carpenter-Gamier esq. :M.A. and held since r884 by the
deanery of Trigg Minor, archdeaconry of Bodmin and Rev. Francis Partridge, of St. .Aidans. Here are ·wesleyan
diocese of Trnro. The church of St. Clether is an ancient and Bible Christian chapels. The charities amount to 29s.
building of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of yearly. Not far from the church, in a field called "Chapel
chancel, nave of three bays, south ai'lle, south porch and an park," are the ruins of an ancient chapel, with the remains
embattled western tower of three stages, containing 4 bells, of an altar. Basil, in this parish, was a seat of the Tre•elyan
of which the first and tenor are respectively dated 168o and family ; of the ancient mansion, part of which is now a
:1758; the other two have inscriptions in Old English letters; farmhouEe, there are considerable remains; the estate is
watered by the river lnney, over which there is a stone Letters through Launceston arrive at II.I$a.m. every week
bridge of three arches : on the banks o1 the river is a granite day. Camelford is the nearest money order & telegraph
cros~, nearly 7 feet in height, and there are three others on office
the barton, which is 827 acres in extent. H. Carlyon esq. A School Board of 5 members was formed August 16, 1875;
C. Venning, Cairo, Otterham, clerk to the board
is lord of the manor, and Graham White esq. Richard and
John Northey are chief landowners. The soil is of a
mixed nature; the subsoil is slate and rock. The chief of Board School (mixed), built in 1876, for 55 children; a\·er-
the land is in pasture. The acreage is 2,960 ; rateable value, age, 45 ; Thomas Clogg, master
£2,II9; the population in 1891 was 197. •
Partridge Rev. Francis, Vicarage Hill George, farmer, Treg~;.lland Sleep James, farm bailiff to Tboma.
CO:MlUJRCIAL. Ktte Joseph, farmer Pearce esq. New park
Bray Thomas, farm bailiff to Ephraim Northey John, farmer Snow Francis, farmer, Cold Northcote
Gimblett esq Northey Richard, farmer, Treboy Taylor Sampson, farmer, Trem~er
Burnard Thos. farmer, Up. Woolgarden L'e:trse Henry, farmer, Old park Veale William, farm bailiff to Edward
Chambers William, farm bailiff to Pearse Hugh, farmer, Higher B!1sil Kittow esq. Ven park
William Tink esq. Glebe Pearse Hugh, jun. farmer, Tamill Venning Edward, farmer, Lower B11sil
Gregory John, farmer, Abovelanes Rickard Jane (Mrs.), farmer Venning George, farmer, Tremeer
Hawkelsaac, frm. bailiff toJn. Kit~ow esq Rickard Richard, farmer, New house Venning James, farmer, Trefrank
Heard Alfred, blacksmith Rowe John, farm b'liliff to Alfred J. Venning John, farmer, Abovelanes
Herring Thomas, farm bailiff to Henry Hender esq I' Vosper Richard, farmer, Tremeer
Gimblett esq ;
COLAN (or ST. COLAN) is a parish on a stream called the members of the Creser family ; in the south aisle• is one 1o
Ryalton, near the north coast of Cornwall, 3 miles north- John and Elizabeth Rouse, of Trebudannon, and one in the
north-west from St. Columb Road station on the Newquay tower to the Rev. Matthew Nixon Brougham M.A. vicar 1872-
branch of the Great Western railway, 4 miles south-west 81: there are sittings for 176 persons. The register dates from
from St. Columb Major, in the Mid division of the county, the year 1665. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge
hundred and petty sessional division of Pydar, St. Columb .£"145, average £uo, net yearly value£1o7, including 17 acres
Major union and county court district, rural deanery of of glebe, with house, in the gift of the .Bishop of Truro, and
Pydar, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The held since 1892 by the Rev. Charles John Louis Lavanchy.
church of St. Colun is an ancient buildin~; of stone, in the A new Wesleyan chapel was erected at Mountjoy in 1892,
Early English and Perpendicular styles, stated in an inquisi- and the old one is now used as a Sundav school. The annual
tion of the bishops of Lincoln and Winchester to have been feast is held on the first Sunday after.the first Thursday in
erected by Waiter .Branscombe, bishop of Exeter, about 1250, May. An ancient circular encampment exists here, near to
and by him assigned to the Augustine Canons of his College which a flint implement was discovered by W. P. Hoblyn
of Glasney, near Penryn: it consists of chancel, nave of five esq. in 1870. At Lady Nance, in this parish, is an ancient
bays, north aillle, south transept, south porch and an well or spring, to which it is said in former days people
embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 3 resorted in order to ascertain their fortunes for the coming
bells : in the south wall of the chancel is a large slab, year by throwing crosses of wood into the water and watch-
formerly on the floor, with brasses to John Cosowarth, of ing if they sank or swam. The Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne
Cosowarth esq. receiver-gPneral of the Duchy of Cornwall, Vyvyan bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan, and William
ob. 20 Dec. 1575 ; these include effigies of himself in armour, Paget Hoblyn esq. ~r.A., J.P. of the Fir Hill, Colan, are the
his wife Dorothy (Lock), se,·en sons and one daughter, two chief landowners. The soil is clay slate; the subsoil is clay
shieids of arms and a marginal inscription : in the wall of the slate. .Brown umber is raised on the estate of W. P. Hoblyn
ncrth aisle is a slab of slate with another brass to :ffrancis esq. in this parish. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
Bluet, ob. 20 May, 1572, and Elizabeth (Colon), his wife, turnips, oats and mangold wul'tzel. The area is 1,973
with effigies of both, standing on either side of an impaled acres; rateable value, £,2,079 ; the population in 1891 was
shield of arms, and below these figures of 13 sons and nine 222.
daughters ; the verge of the slab bears an incised inscrip- MouNTJOY is a township ~ mile south; BosouGHA.N1 a
tion, and below the brass is an admonition as from the hamlet nearly half a mile from the church.
deceased: thel'e are other memorials to the Rev. John
Gurney, a former vicar of this parish, d. 1790, and to James Letters by foot post arrive at 10.15 a. m. through St.Columb
Magor Ca.rdell, d. 1864: the rood stairs remain in the south R.S.O. St. Columb Mmor is the>t money order
wall, and some portions of the screen, well carved, still & telegrapb office
exist: the tower was rebuilt and the bells rehung in 1879, at WALL LETTER BoxEs-by church, cleared at 2.45 p.m. week
a cost of £490, and the church was thoroughly restored in days only; & Mountjoy, cleared at 3·5 p.m. week days
z884, when it was reseated and refloored, the chancel only
repaved and a very elabol'ate brass lectern placed: at the A School Board of 5 members was formed Dec. 29, 187-t-; R.
same time the east window was filled with stained glass as a Rundle, jun. St. Columb Minor, clerk to the board
memorial to the Rev. John Creser, for 34 years vicar of this BoanJ School ~mixed), for so children; average attendance,
parish, and other windows inserted in the north aisle to 1 30 ; Miss Agnes Edith Gouk, mistress
Colan. Ralph.Arundell,farmer,TheFirHill farm ParkynJoseph,farmr.HigherBosoughan
Hoblyn Capt. William Ernest Paget, Rickard Felix, farmer, Penhill Rundle Richard, farmer
The Fir bill RoskellyEmma(Mrs.),frmr.Lower town Mountjoy.
Hoblyn Wm. Paget M.A.,J.P.The Fir hill Rowe Frank, farmer, Coswarth
Lavanchy Rev. Charles John Louis,The Bundle Thomas, farmer, Colan Barton Gill Russell, carpenter
Vicarage Hu~o Henry, market gardener
Lavanchy Mrs. The Vicarage Bosoughan. Libby William, blacksmith & farmer
Lean Christopher, Polwyn Ralph William Caddy, farmer
Bettison James, farmer, White cross Hawke William, farmer, Salathials Trebilcock George, shoe maker
Kingdon William, miller (water) & Higman James, shoe maker Veale Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
farmer, Melancoose
ST. COLUMB MAJOR is an ancient market town and· chancel with aisles, transepts, nave of three bays, aislJs, north
parish, on the road from Camelford to Truro, at the head of , and south porches, and an embattled western tower, stand-
the vale of Lanherne, and is head of a union and coanty · ing on open arches, with pinnacles, and containing 8 bells:
court district, 2i miles north from St. Columb Road station in 1676 the chancel, originally 10 feet longer, was injured by
on the Newquay branch of the Great Western (Cornwall an explosion of gunpowder: the south chancel aisle was for-
Minerals) railway, 244 from London, 8 south-west from merly a chapel, built or rebuilt before 1427 by Sir John
Wadebridge and x6 north-east from Truro; it is in the Mid Arundell kt. of Lanherne, and under which several members
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of this family are buried: in the nave floor, on the south side,
of Pydar, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of Cornwall is the very fine brass, one of the most elaborate and interest-
and diocese of Truro. In 1865, under the provisions of the ing in the county, originally placed in the Arundell chapel,
Local Government Act, a reservoir was <:onstructed and to Sir John Arundell K.B. and kt. banneret, ob. Feb. 1545,
water laid on throughout the town; the cost ot both gas and and Elizabeth (Grey), his 1st wife, andKatherine (Grenville),
water supply being £1,400, whichsnmwasraised by redeem- his 2nd wife; the brass includes effigies of all three, and of
able loans charged on the rates of the district. By an order five out of eight children ; there are also six quartered shields
of theLocalGovernment Board the district was in 1878 merged of arms and the matrices of two others, a banner and some
into the rural sanitary district of the union. The church inscriptions ; a ribbon border of brass, witb mscription now
of St Columba is a building of Pentewan and Caen stone, in imperfect, surrounds the whole: occupying a corresponding
the Early Decorated aull Perp~ndicular styles, consisting of position on the south side of the nave, on a single stone about
7 feet long, are brasses with effi~1es of parents and children is on Thursday. The cattle markets are held on the third
and shields of arms to Sir John Arundell kt. ob. 17 Nov. 1590, Monday in every month, except March and November, when
and his wife .Anna (Stanley), ob. 22 Sept. 1602; and also to fairs are held in lieu thereof ou the first Thursday after
his son Sir John Arundell esq. ob. 22 July, r633, and Anne Mid-Lent Sunday and the first Thursday after the 12th
{Jernegan), his wife: in the church is also a monument to November. Jenkyns' charity, of £2oo, given by James Jen-
Robert Hoblyn, author of a work on the Stannary Laws, d. kyns in 1628, and now realizin~ £'6o ros. yearly, i!il for dis-
I7 No'T· 1756 :part of the north chancel aisle, inclosed by a tribution in money and is vested in the hands of 12 trustees,
carved screen, forms a vestry : the benches in the north and being landowners resident in the parish ; the treasurer for
south aisles still retain the ancient bench ends, most of which the time being has the care of the ''Green Book," a well-
are exquisitivelycarved: in 1846, during repairs, much fresco preserved volume, containing interesting entries relating to
painting was discovered, and beneath the floor an altar stone, parochial matters from 1585; there is a reference in it to an
now placed on four granite shafts and re-erected in the chan- older register not now in existence. A parish nurse was es-
cel: the stone stairs to a parvise over the south porch still tablished here in r887, and works under the direction of a
remain : the font, of early date, is ornamented with gro- committee of ladies. About two miles south-east from the
tesque faces: the organ was built in 1878, at a cost of [640: town stands CASTLE-AN-DINAs, a. large and nearly circular
there are 570 sittings : in the churchyard is a small granite British or Danish encampment, consisting of a double vallum,
cross of curious design, 3 feet in height and 2 feet 9 inches with an inne-r area of about 1,700 by r,soo feet; the circmn-
in breadth; and there is another by the south porch of more ference of the outer circle being about 964 paces and that of
ancient date, 5 feet 6 inches high, 2 feet wide and r foot thick, the inner about 750 paces: Castle-an-Dinas, which may be
with a nearly obliterated inscription. The register of bap- rendered "the castle on the fortified headland," is the pro·
tisms dates from the year 1540; marriages, 1544; burials, perty of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. On the dow.p.s,
I539· The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge about two miles from St. Columb, towards Wadebridge, are
£r, 142, net yearly income [,1,470, including 42 acres of nine stones placed in a straight line, and known by the
glebe, four glebe houses and parsonage house, in the gift of name of "the Nine Maidens," seven of them being still erect;
the Rev. Edmuud Joseph Walker, and held since 1869 by the the highest stands about 8 feet out of the ground; these are
Rev. Henry Laurence Ventris M.A. of Queens' Qollege, Cam- now the property of Henry Jenkin Rowse esq. of Canwrgey.
bridge. 'fhe Mission church at Indian Queens is a building The ancient and exciting game of hurling with a silver ball
of stone, erected in r884, at a cost of [400, and has 150 is still practised here on Shrove Tuesday and the Saturday
sittings. The Congregational chapel, :Fore street, a building- week followin~ in every year. The parish feast is held on
of stone, erected in 1790 and enlarged at various times, will the nearest Sunday to the 17th November. Here are the
seat 350 persons. The Bible Christian chapel, Fore street, head quarters of the G Company 2nd Volunteer Battalion of
built in r8or, is an edifice of stone, with sittings for about the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. On an eminence
250 persons; there is also a small chapel belonging to the north of the town is Trewan, an embattled structure of the
same denomination at Talskiddy, and another at Black Cross. 15th century, with a granite entrance hall of Elizabethan
'fbe Free Methodist chapel, Fore street, erected in 1876, at a date; the house was restored and enlarged by the late
cost of £1,000, is a building of stone in the Gothic style, Richard HenryS. Vyvyan esq. D.L., J.P. and is now in the
seating 250 persons, with a Sunday school attached. The possession of the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan bartJ.P.
Wesleyau chapel, Fore street, is a building of stone in the of Trelowarren, Mawgan in Meneage. The manorial rights
Gothic style, erected in 1868 at a cost of £2,ooo, and will seat in the parishes are vested in the representath·es of the late
500 persons ; the basement is used as a Sunday school: there FrancisCambornePaynter esq .and Messrs. Whitford and Sons.
is also a Wesleyan chapel at Indian Queens, erected in 1887 The principal landowners are H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as
at a cost of over [7oo, and seating 300 persons, and a third Duke of Cornwall, Edward William.Brydges Willyams esq.
at Trebudannon. In r856, on the parish churchyard being n.L., J.P. of Carnanton, Mawgan in Pydar, Rev. Sir Vyell
closed for interments by Order in Council, a Burial Board of Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. J.P. John Charles Williams esq.
9 members was formed, and one and a half acres of land( lLP. of Caerhays Castle, Henry Jenkin Rowse esq. M.A.
about half a mile south-west from the town, were purchased Colonel Arthur 'fremayne D.L., J.P. of Carclew, Perranar-
aud laid out, and two mortuary chapels erected; the total worthal, Thomas Robins Bolitho esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Pen-
cost, £1,200, was raised by mortgage of the parochial rates alverne, Penzance, and the representatives of John Rowse
and made repayable by annual instalments during twenty esq. and W. flhilson esq. The soil is various; subsoil, marl.
years: the cemetery was enlarged in r878 by the addition of The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, mangolds and turnips.
one acre. The Town Hall, a building of stone, with a base- The area of the parish is 12,687 acres i rateable value,
ment, used as a meat market, was erected in 1848; the petty £r3,58o; the population in 1891 2,6r2, including 6o officers
sessions and county court are held here, and it is besides and inmates in the workhouse ; the population of the town
used for other public purposes. There is a Mechanics' Insti. is r, 159. .
tution and news room, with Temperance hall, built in 1874. Verger, Charles Coade.
'rhe Constitutional Club in Fore street has rwmembers, and GAVERIGAN (orGAVRIGAN), 4 miles south·by-east, GLuvux
the Liberal Club in Union square 92 members. The town is half-a-mile north, INDIAN QuEENS 3i south, on the road
the centre of a large agricultural district, and on market days from Bodmin toTruro, RuTHVOS 2~ south-by-east,'foLsKIDDY
the sale of cereals and other produce is considerable. A 1 north, TREBUDANNON 2 south-west, 'fREGASWITH r west,
charter for a market here was granted to John Arundell by TREGATILLION half-a-mile south-east, 'l'REKENNING three-
Edward Ill. in 1333 at Berwick-on.Tweed, for his services on quarters of a mile south, 2!TREVARRE~ south, are villages
the occasion of an incursion into Scotland. The market day in the parish.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office Vyvyan Rev. Sir Vyvell Donnithorne bart. Trewan, St.
& Stamp Office (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have Columb R.S. 0 .
R.S.O.Cornwalladded).-Richard Berryman, postmaster Hoblyn William Paget esq. 1\I.A. Fir hill, Colan, St. Columb
Incoming Mails :-London night mail arrives at 8.30 a.m. ; R.S.O
North mail arrives at 2.15 p.m.; London, Newquay & St. Mattbews Rev. William Prest Pardoe JLA. Rectory, St.
Columb Minor, 7 p.m Breock, Wadebridge
Box closes for dispatch :-Newquay & St. Columb Minor at Prideanx:-Brune Chas. Glynn esq. n.L. Prideaux pl. Padstow
7 a.m. & 12.40 p.m. , for country districts at 8 &.m. ; Richards William Martyn esq. 'l'reator, Padstow
north mail, east, west & Par station, 10.45 a. m. ; London. W:illiams Michael esq. M.A. Morfa, Newqnay & Gnaton
night mail, 4·45 p.m. ; sunday at 4 p.m. ; the office is hall, Devon ·
open for general business from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sun- Willyams Arthur Champion Phillips esq. D.L. Tolcarne,
days, for telegraphing, from 8 to 10a.m. ; messages may Mawgan~ St. Columb H.S.O
be sent to all the principal telegraph offices at any time of Edward William Brydges esq. D.L. Carnanton,
the night, by calling the postmaster & paying an extra fee , St. Columb R.S. 0
WALl. LETTER BoxEs : - . Clerk to the Magistrates, Thurstan Collins, Bank street
:Fair street. clearei ra.-40 a ..m. & 4.40 p.m. ; sundays, Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the last tnMday in
ro.Io a.m · , the month at It a.m. The following places are included
Bridge, cleared 10.30 a.m. & 4.25 & 7·5 p.m. ; sundays, in the petty sessional division :-St. Breock, Colan, St.
9.40 a.m · . Colnmb Major, St. Columb Minor, Crantock, Cubert, St•
. Black Cross, cleared at 3·55 p.m .Enoder, St~ Ervan, St. Eval, St. Issey, SL. Mawgan, St.
Indian Queens, cleared at 2.50 p.rn Merryn, · Newlyn East, Padstow, Petherick Little, St.
Talskiddy, cleared at 4 p.m Wenn & Withiel
Trebudauuon, cleared at 3.50 p.m PuBLIC EsT&BLISHMENT.S : -
COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR. EASl' PYDER PETTY SESSIONAL Cemetery, Arthur Edwd. Murray, clerk to the burial board
County Court, held at 10a.m. in the 'l'own hall, bi.monthly,
• Bennet Richard GuUy esq. B.A.., D.L. Tresillian house, New· on dates fixed by the judge ; His Honor Thomas Colpitts
lyn East, Grampound Road, chairman Granger, judge; George Browne Ovllins & Thnrstan
Collins, joint registrars & high bailiffs : the parishes · RuRAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
within its jurisdiction are St. Breock, Colan, St. Columb Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, on alternate
Major, St. Columb Minor, Crantock, Cubert, St. Enoder, thursdays, at 3 p.m.
St. Ervan, St. Eval, St. Issey, St. Mawgan, St. Merryn, Clerk, George Browne Collins, Bank street, St. Columb
St. Newlyn, Padstow, Little Petherick & St. Wenn Treasurer, Joseph Passingham Dunstan, Consolidated Bank
Official Receiver, G. Appleby Jenkins, Truro of Cornwall
For Bankruptcy purposes the district is included in Truro Medical Officer of Health, John Cawful Mackay L.R.c.P.Edin.
Certified Bailiffs appointed under the " Law of Distress J<'ore street, St. Columb
Amendment Act, I888," James Hawken, Pentruse, St. Inspector of Nuisances, Roger Gill Hawken, Fore street
Ervan; Silas Rickeard, Trenance, Newlyn East & Brice ScHooL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE.
Colliver, Bank street, St. Columb Meets at the Board room, Workhouse, on same day,
County Police Station, New road, Joseph Voss, inspector, at 3.30 p.m.
& 2 constables Clerk, George Browne Collins, Bank street, St. Columb
Masonic Lodge, Duke of Cornwall, No. 1529, Victoria Attendance Officer, Charles Kessell, Fore street
street, Thomas Gatley, treasurer PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
Mechanics' Institute, Abel Goldsworthy, sec. Bank street Assistant Overseer, George Burrow, Cornish Bank
Town Hall, Market street, W. M. Cardell, sec Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Thurstan Collins, Bank st
VOLUNTEERS. Clerk to the Highway Board, Geo. Browne Collins, Bank st
and Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Collector of Assessed Taxes, Edwin Jenkin, High. Tresawle
Town Crier, Michael Cornish, East backway
(G Company); head quarters, The Armoury; Hon.
Maj. W. M. Cardell; Color-Sergt. Godfrey, drill instrctr PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
St. Columba Church, Rev. Henry Laurence Ventris M.A.
ST. COLUMB MAJOR UNION. rect or; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; mon. t ues. & sat . 8 a.m. ;
Board meetings every alternate thursday at the Board room, thurs. ro a.m. ; wed. & fri. II a.m. & 7 p.m. in winter &
Workhouse, at '2 p.m. 7.30 in summer
The union comprises the parishes of St. Breock, Col an, St. Bible Christian, Fore street, Rev. George Daniel ; I r a.m.
Columb Major, St. Columb Minor, Crantock, Cubert, St. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7.1 5 p.m
Enoder, St. Ervan, St. Eval, St. Issey, St. Mawgan, St. Bible Christian, Talskiddy ; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m
Merryn, St. Newlyn, Padstow, Little Petherick & St. Bible Christian, Black Cross; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; mon.
Wenn. The area of the unicn is 78,579 acres; rateable fortnightly, 7 p.m
value, in 1893, £85,896; the population in 189I was Congregational, Fore street; vacant; II a. m. & 6 p.m.;
I5,318 wed. 7.I5 p.m
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George United Methodist Free Church, Fore street, Rev. Henry
Browne Collins, Bank street, St. Columb Soulby; II a. m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7.15 p.m
Treasurer, Joseph Pas;;ingham Dunstan, Consolidated Bank Mission Church, Indian Queens; sun. 6 p.m
of Cornwall, St. Columb United Methodist Free, Indian Queens; 2.30 & 6 p.m.;
Relieving Officer for the Union, James Magor, Bridge, St. wed. 7 p.m
Wesleyan, Fore street, Rev. Robert Corlett Cowell : II
Columb a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7· 15 p.m
Vaccination Officer, William Julian, Fair street. St. Columb
Medical Officers, No. 1, St. Breock district, Hillyard Wm. Wesleyan, Indian Queens; n a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Haydon, Wadebridge; No. 2, Padstow district, Henry Wesleyan, Trebuddanon; 2.30 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m
Frederick Marley L.R.C.P.LOnd. Padstow; No. 3, St. SCHOOLS:-
Columb Major district, Frederick Dunbar Sutherland A School Board of 5 members was formed December 3rd,
McMahon L.R.C.P.Edin. Bank street, St. Columb; No. 4, I872; R. Berryman is clerk to the board; CharlesKessell,
Newlyn East district, Chambre Robert Corker Vigurs, Fore street, St. Columb, attendance officer
Newlyn East; No. 5, St. Columb Minor district, Nevell Board (mixed), built in 1873, at a cost of £2,170, for 270
Edmond Norway L.R.C.P.Lond. Newquay; No. 6, Mawgan children; average attendance, 258; John Lane, master
district, Frederick Dunbar Sutherland McMahon L.R.C.P. Board (mixed), Indian Queens, built in I878, at a cost of
Edin. Bank street, St.. Columb £I,soo, for ISO children; average attendance, 140;
Public Vaccinators, No. 3 St. Columb Major & No. 6, Maw- William Job Nicholls, master •
gan districts, John Cawful Mackay L.R.C.P.Edin. St. St. Columb Road Railway Station, William Catton, station
Columb ; other districts same as Medical Officers master. Hoblyn's 'bus meets all trains
Superintendent Registrar, George Browne Collins, Bank 'BussEs RUN TO:-
street, St. Columb; deputy, Joseph Passingham Dun- NEWQUAY-Prater, from Union square, thurs. at 7 p.m
stan, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, St. Columb 'PADSTOw-Carlyle, from Red Lion hotel, sat. at 3 p.m
Registrar of Marriages, William Julian, Fair street, St. ST. ENODER-Benny, from Red Lion hotel, thurs. at 9 p.m
Columb; deputy, William ParnallJenkin, Western house, TRURO-Carlyle, from Red Lion hotel, fri. at I p.m.;
St. Columb Hoblyn, from his house, wed. & sat. at 8 a.m. returning
Registrars of Births & Deaths, St. Columb sub-district, at 4 p,m. from the Hoyte hotel, High Cross; Hoskin,
Jas. Magor, Bridge, St. Columb ; deputy, Mrs. Mary Ellen from Red Ljon hotel, mon. & thurs. at I p.m
Magor, Bridge, St. Columb ; Newlyn East sub-district, WADEBRIDGE-Hoskin, from Red Lion hotel, tues. & fri.
David Tamblyn, Michell ; deputy, Frederick W. M. Mit- InaJt u3lpy.,mAugust
chell, Grampound Road; Padstow sub-district, J. Magor & September the North Cornwall coach
Hicks, St. Issey: deputy, T. Hawken, Millingey, St. lssey passes through to Newquay, on mon. wed. & fri. at 8.go
The Workhouse, on the east side of the town, is a buil~ing p.m. from Red Lion hotel & arrives from Newquay on
of stone, erected about 1840; its registered accommoda- tues. thurs. & sat. at a. m.; the coach also runs each
tion is for I8o ; William Thomas Davey, master; no weekday to & from Camelford railway station. Hoblyn's
chaplain; John Cawful Mackay L.R.C.P.Edin. medical 'bus also runs to Newquay in the summer months, every
officer ; Mrs. Annie Davey, matron fri. at 10.30 a. m. returning from Newquay at 7 p.m
St. Columb Major. Glanville Miss, Union hill Smith Henry, Trevomick
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gratrex Rev. Jonathan James :M.A. Soulby Rev. Henry [United Free
Arthur Mrs. Fore street [curate St. Calumba], Rock cottage Methodist], Bridge
Best Mrs. Fair street Hawke William James, New road Sowell Rev. Richard Herbert B.A.. [cu-
BowlingChas.Wm.Whateley,Rosemellyn Julian Evan, Hillside, Bridge hill rate St. Calumba), Bank street
Burrow George, Cornish Bank Mackay John Cawful, Melness, Forest Tonkin John, Bridge
Cardell Geo. Parminter, Lanhinsworth Martyn The Misses, Ashleigh Tonkyn Mrs. North street
Cardell Wm. Magor, Lower Carlogas McMahon Frederick Dunbar Suther- Trerise John, Lanherne view
Chynoweth John, Walhalla house land, Bank street Ventris Rev. Hy. Laurence M.A. Rectory
Collins George Browne, Carlogas Murray Arthur Edward Vyvyan Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne
Collins Thurstan, Penmellyn Nicholls Capt. William Francis, Tre- hart. J.P. Trewan
CowellRev. Robert Corlett[Wesleyan], kenning house Whitford Henry, Treventon
Fair street Nicholls Mrs. Trekenning he-use Whitford Mrs. Edward, Glencairn
Cowling William, Fair street Northy Mrs. Fair street Whitford-Hawkey Edward Thomas
Crossman Wm. Walter,Rock cot. Bridge Paynter Misses, Fore street Theophilus, Bospolvans
Daniel Rev. Geo. [BibleChristian], Bridge Phillips Miss, Bridge COIDIERCIAL.
Darke Misses, Fair street Polkinhorn Mrs. Fore street Andrew John, yeoman, Barn
Drury-Lowe Vincent, Trekenning Prentis Mrs. Hill house, Bridge Ball Kate (Miss), milliner, Fore street
Dunstan Jsph. Passingham, Springfield Roberts Henry, Fair street Bartlett Harriet (Mrs.),shopkpr.Bank st
Gatley John, Fore street Roskruge Richard, Bridge Bassett Richd. farmer, Castle-an-Dinas
Geake John, Fair street Rowse Henry Jenkin M.A. Carworgey Bazley & Gre6or, tailoN & outfittel;S,
Geake William, Bank house Rowse Mrs. Union hill Fore street
Bedfot'd Ellen Joice (l\lrs. ), dress · Cornish Michael, bill poster & town James Charles Colwell, cabinet maker
maker & milliner, Bank street crier, East Backway & paperhanger, Broad street
Bennallack Wm. Hy. mason, Bridge County Court (His Honor Thos.Colpitts Jenkin Richard & Son, skins & hides &
Benney Edward, printer & bookbinder, Granger, judge; George Browne wool dealers, Western house
Bank street Collins & Thurston Collins, joint Jenkin Bessie (Miss), apartments,
Berryman Mary L. (Miss), organist to registrars & acting high bailiffs) Western house
Parish church, Union square County Police Station (Joseph Voss, Jenkin Edwin, seedsman & farmer &
Berryman Richard, clerk to school inspector), New road coil.of assessed taxes,Highr. Tresawle
board & postmaster, Post office Crapp Jas.H.painter,Bank st. See advt Jenkin Wm.grocer & boot dealr.Fore st
Bettison John, farmer, Quoit farm Crewse Jane (Mrs.), parish nurse, Vic- Jenkin William Parnall, coal merchant
Bice Luke Veale, farmer, Nanswhyden toria street & deputy registrar of marriages,
Bice Richard R. butcher & cattle dealer, CrossmanThos. Ring ofBellsP. H.Bank st Western house
'frevithick Crowle James Hy.hairdresser,Broad st Julian Alfred Edmund, printer& book-
Bolitho, Williarns, Foster, Coode, Curtis Joseph, steam thrashing machine seller, Broad street
Crylls & Co. Limited (branch) owner & general mer. Victoria street Julian George, shoe maker, Bridge
(Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) Dench John, blacksmith, White cross Julian Maria (1\'Irs. ),shopkeeper,Fore st
{Joseph Pas,;iugham Dunstan, man- Drew William, farmer, Tregatillian Julian Wm. registrar of marriages, vac.
ager)~ draw on Williams Deacon & Dunstan John, farmer, Trewan cottage oilier. &coli. to theguardians, Fair st
Manchester & Salford Bank Lim. Dunstan Joseph Passingham, manager Kessell Charles, school attendance officr
London; Broad street & at Newquay Consolidated Bank of Cornwall ; Kestle John, farmer, Goss moor
Bond Thomas, carpenter, Bridge hill treasurer St. Columb highway & New Landry Daniel, farmer, White cross
Bond WJlliam, tailor, Fair street quay local boards & St. Colnmb Lanxon Robt. Jas. coach builder,Fore st
Borlase B. L. D. (Mrs.), milliner, at L. Major, St. Columb Minor, Colan, Liberal Club(WilliamHy.Polkinghorne,
M. Walkers, Bank street Crantock, St. Eval, St. Mawgan & hon. sec.), Union square
Bowling Charles William Whateley, St. Wenn school boards & deputy Liddicoat Fred, Barley Sheaf inn, &
solicitor, see Murray & Bowling
supt. registrar, Broad street builder, Union square
Brewer Charles, proprietor Red Lion Dunstan William Hy. butcher, Fore st Liddicoat Hy. Thos. carpenter, Fair st
family, tourist & commercial hotel & Dyer Mary (Mrs.), coffee rooms, Me- Liddic~at Samp, photographer, Forest
posting house, Fore street. See advt chanics' Institute, Bank street Liddicoat Tom, brewer, Railway inn,
British & Foreign Bible Society's Depot Evans John Richard, manager Wheal Fair street
(L. M. Walker's), The Mart, Bank st Remfry CuinaClay wks.St.Columb rd Liddicott Thos. Antony, mason, Fair st
Bullen Richard, boot maker, Bank st Freetby Robert, farmer, Halloon Mackay John Cawful L.R.C.P. Edin.
Bullmore George Green, agricultural Garland Frank, thrashing machine pro- physician & surgeon, public vaccin-
seed & implement merchant&c.Broad prietor, New road ator Nos. 3 & 6 districts, medical
street; also at Newquay (address GatleyJohn & Henry, frmrs. Trekenning officer of health to rural sanitary
letters to Newquay). See advert Gatley Mark, draper, Fore street authority & medical officer of work-
Bullock Albert, shopkeeper, Moorland Gatley Richard, farmer, Crugoes house & Lanherne convent, Melness,
place Gatley Thomas, draper, Union square Fore street
Bunt Daniel, oil dealer, Bridge Gatley Wm. boot & shoe maker, Forest McMahon FrederickDunbar Sutherland
Burgess Mary (Miss), confectioner & Gatley Wm. farmer, Higher Nankelly L.R.C.P. Edin. physician & surgeon, &
baker ; orders promptly attended to ; Geach Thos. farmer, Lower Trenouth medical officer toNos. 3 & 6 districts
Cadbury's cocoa.& chocoktte, Bank st Geach Thos. highway surveyor, Bank st & to Ancient Order of Foresters,
Burrow George, manager Cornish Bank Gill William, farmer, Pennatillie Bank street
Limited, treasurer Padstow local Godfrey Calor-Sergeant Thos. Edwin, Magor James, relieving officer for the
board & Roche school, sec. St. Columb drill instructor, Victoria street union & registrar of births & deaths
Gas Co. Limited & assistant over- Goldsworthy Abel, dairyman, Bank st No. 2 St.Columb district, St. Columb
seer, Fore street Griffiths Ev-an, chemist, & agent for union, Bridge
Butt Wm.Hy. teacherofmusic,Unionsq W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & Magor :Mary Ellen (Mrs.), deputy
Cardell George Parminter, yeoman, spirit merchants, Union square registrar of births & deaths, St.
Lanhainsworth Grigg James, farmer, Goss moor Columb sub-district, Bridge
Carhart Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr. Bank st Harvey & Coade, stationers & berlin & Martyn William Henry, mason, Forest
Carne John, farmer, Criftoe fancy depot; agent for "Western Masonic Lodge (Thomas Gatley, treas)
Catton William, station master Morning"&"Weekly News," "Church Mechanics' Institute(AbelGoldsworthy,
Cemetery (Arthur Edward Murray, in theWest,'' "RoyalCornwallGazette" sec.), Bank street
clerk to the burial board) & for Pullars dye wks.(Perth),Bank st Merifield Wm. Thos. butcher, Fore st
Chapmau .Benj. farmer, Rosevannion Harvey Frederick T. F. R. c. v. s. veter- Murray & Bowling, solicitors, Union
Chapman Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Castle- inary surgeon, Fair streat square; &at Newqu::ty
an-Dinas Hawke Chas. gro. & genl. dlr. Marketpl Murray Arthur Edward (firm, Murray
Chapman John, farmel', Tremayne Hawke Charles Harris, miller (water), & Bowling), solicitor & commissioner
Chapman Joseph Ascot, New inn Town mills ; res. New road for oaths & clerk to the burial board,
Chapman Simon, farmer, Dennis Hawke William Thos. draper, Bank st Union square
Chynoweth John, yeoman, Walhalla ho Hawken John &Thos.frmrs.Tregamere Nail Wm. market gardener, Brighton
Coath Hessie (Miss), ladies' Hawken John, glass, china & earthen- Nance Joseph, farmer, Polita
boarding & day school, Bank street ware dealer, Market phce North Cornwall Brick & Tile Co. Lim.
Cobeldick&Co.grcers. &seedsmen,Fore st Hawken Mary M. (Miss), drapr.Forest brick & tile manufacturers, Balloon;
Collins George Browne & Son, solicitors Hawken Roger Gill, inspector of nuis- & at Newquay
&acting high bailiffs to county court, ances to rural sanitary authority, Northcott Wm. farmer, Borlase Vath
f Fore street
Bank street O'Hagan Jas. plumber, West Back lane
Collins George Browne (firm, Collins S: Hellyar George, farmer, Tresinney O'Hagan John, tinplate worker, Fair st
Son), solicitor, clerk to board of Hicks & Polkinhorne, butchers, Fore st Oke Edward, painter & glazier, Fair st
guardians, St. Columb Major union, Hicks Joseph, farmer, Retallick Oke Wm. artist & photographer,Fair st
rural sanitary authority, assessment Hicks Thomas, y.eoman, Tregamere Osborne Sidney, painter, Fair street
committee, highway board, superin- Higman Rachl.&Son~ fmrs.Killeworgey Parish Nurse (Mrs. Jane Crewse), ,.ic-
tendent registrar & joint registrar of Higman James, blacksmith, Fair street toria street
county court, Bank street Higman William, miller (water) & Pearce William J ames, carpenter &
Collins Thurstan (firm, Collins & Son), farmer, Killeworgey builder, Fore street
solicitor & joint registrar of county Hoare Edward, painter, Fair street Penna Thomas, farmer, Halveor
court & clerk to the commissioners of Hoblyn Carolina (Mrs.) & Son, omnibus Phillips John Henry, Queen & Railway
taxes for the division of Pydar, clerk proprietors, carriers, & agents to the inn, St. Columb road
to justices for Pydar & Newquay local Great Western Railway Co. Broad st Phillips J oseph Edward, monumental
board, Bank street Hoblyn Richard, farmer, Fair street mason (branch), Fore street
Colliver Brice, certified bailiff to county Hoblyn William, apartments, Bank st PolkinghorneGeo. Browse,paintr. Forest
court, Bank street Hoblyn William, omnibus prop. Forest Polkinghorne James,corn & coal dealer,
ColliverJonathan_Garland,grocr.Bank st Hocking John, market garde¥r & Fore street
Commons John, f.umer, Goss moor farmer, Trugo cotta!;e Polkinghorne William Henry,
Cornish Bank Limited (Geo. Burrow, Houghton Charles, builder, Fair street outfitter, Fore street
manager), Fore street; draw on Howard William Woodnutt, land sur- Powell John, coach builder, Fair street
Smith, Payne & Smiths, London E c veyor & valuer ~ crier of the court of Powell Wm. John, cycle & commis-
Cornish Elizh. (Miss), dress ma. Fair st general quarter sessions for the sion agent, & agent for the Patriotic
Cornish John, wheelwright, Fair street county. Bank strest Life & Fire Assurance Co. Fair street
DEV. & COR~. 68
Red Lion family, tourist & commercial Tabb Ellen (Mrs.), saddler, Fore street Gavrigan.
hotel &posting house (Chas. Brewer, Tamblyn Thomas, dairyman, Bridg~ The Indian Queens China Clay & Brick
TaylorMary(Miss),dress maker,Bank st & Tile Works (A. E. Jonas, propr.),
proprietor), Forest. See advert Teagle Thomas, farmer, Tregatillian Postal address, P. 0. Box 8
Richards William, surgeon-dentis~ (at-
Tippett William Stacey, mason, Forest Gill John, farmer
tends fortnighly), Bank street TonkynArthur,baker &confectr.Fore st Penrose John, blacksmith
Rickard Enoder, farmer, Trenouth Tonkyn John, butcher, North street
Tonkyn Murlin, butcher, Union hill . Spear Thomas Hicks, farmer
Rickard Jonathan, farmer, Hall Tonkyn William, draper, Fore street Tamblyn Henry, farmer
Rickard Pascoe, farmer, Pencrennys
Rickeard Israel, farmer, Enniswargy
Rodliff William, farmer, Rosedinnick TownHall(W.M.Cardell,sec.),Market st Gluvian.
Rogers Jn. marine store dlr. Market pl Trebilcock Jas. Pearce,boot ma. Markt. pl Crapp John, jobbing gardener
Rogers Mary Jane (Miss), King's Arms Trebilcock Richard, farmer, 'fregaswith Hawkey William, farmer
Trebilcock Wm. farmr. Lwr.Bospolvans Jenkin Henry Row, mason
P.H. Fore street Tremaine John, auctioneer & valuer Stephens William, farmer
Rogers Richard J n. tailor, St. Columb rd
Rowe Fredk. farmer, Trevlthick East & yeoman, Fair street Indian Queens.
Rowe James, farmer, Reterth Tremaine John, farmer & carrier, Lit-
Rowe William, carpenter, Armoury cot tle Retallick .arenton Jas. shopkeeper & shoe maker
Rowse Henry Jenkm 1\LA. barrister, Trerise Edward, jun. farmer, Trugo Commons Thomas, farmer
Carworgey Truscott Eva (Mrs.), farmer, Treliver Crowle John, farmer
Rundle Reuben, farmer, Rosesurrants Truscott John, carpenter, Black Cross Dean Samuel, cowkeeper
Rundle Richard, farmer, Tre~oose Truscott Williarn, farmer, Tresaddern Jane Thomas, carpenter
St. Columb Constitutional Club (Wm. Truscctt,Wm.Tom,blcksmth.Black Crss Osborne Robert, farmer
Walter Crossman, sec.), Fore street Tucker Edith (Miss),dress ma.Bridge hl Tonkyn Daniel, carpenter
St. Columb Co-operative Drug Stores Tucker John, ·leather & closed upper
(The) (Jabez Vivian Williams, pro- merchant, Bank street Ruthoes.
prietor), Broad street Tucker Thos. blacksmith, West Back la Bray Abel, farmer
St.Columb Cricket Club (Jn. 0. Walkey, Veale Richard, yeoman, Rosesuggan Brokensbire John, farmer
sec) Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Crowle Daniel, farmer
St. Columb Gas Works Co. Limited Cornwall's Light Infantry (G Co.) Goudge Richard YeHand, farmer
(Georg-e Burrow, Cornish Bank, sec) (Hon. Major W.M.Cardell, comman- Grigg Robert, farmer
St. Columb Rifie Volunteer Band (Ser- der; Color-Sergt. Godfrey, drill in- Kestle Thomas, cowkeeper
geant Enoder Rickard, band master) structor),head quarters,TheArmoury Liddicoat J obn, farmer
St. Columb TemperanceSociety (Sidney Walker L. M. bookseller, printer, book- Talskiddy.
binder, general commercial & fancy
Osborne. sec.), Bank street
Salmon Thos. & Son, farmers, Halver la stationer, glass, china &c. agent for Allanson Thomas,farmer&wool merchnt
Salmon Chas. boot & shoe ma. :Fore st the Perth dye works,TheMart,Bank st Capell William, farmer
Salmon Geo. butcher & farmer, Fore st Walkey John, manager to Mr. George Chapmau John, farmer
Salmon Wm. watch & clock ma. Forest Green Bullmore, Fair street Frayn Thomas, farmer
Salmon Wm. Wait. farmer, Rosedinnick Webber John, blacksmith, Bridge Rodliff Richard, farmer
SandryPeter,rabbit dlr.Winnard's perch Webber William Henry, watch maker, Tink William, wheelwright & farmer
Seymour James, apartments, Fair st Market place
Spear William, farmer, Lower Tresawle West Addicott, draper, milliner & hat-
Stephens & Co. general merchants, ter, Fore street Lakey Charles James, Elmsleigh
Halloon, see St. Columb Minor West Martin Addicott, accountant, Rowse Mrs. John, Elmsleigh
Stephens John, farmer, Trewolvas Fore street Julian Alfred, farmer
Stephens John Billing~ saddler & iron- Whitford & Sons, solicitors, Fore street Serpell Albert Edward, farmer
monger, !<'ore street Willcocks George Alexander, ironmon- Trebilcock William Parkyn, farmer
Stephens Thomas, farmer, Hill head ger & electrical engineer, 1\Iarket pl Trevarren.
Stephens William, blacksmith, Union hi Williams Arthur, Prudential agent, Bennetts Kate (Mrs.), poulterer
Stick James, farmer, Fair street & Victoria street
Williams John, dairyman, Fore street Dyer Charles, dairyman
Trevithick West
Stick James, jun. farmer, Bosworgey Wills Grace 'fremaine (Miss), ladies' Grose Mary Ann (Mrs.), poulterer
Strongman Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, boarding & ilay school, Lansdowne, Lang Francis H. M. farmer
Rowse Wil1iam Henry, shopkeeper
Broad street Fair street
IST. COLUMB MINOR is a parish and village, on a are of carved oak, and the pulpit is of Portiand stone on a
stream called the Ryalton, which flows into the Bristol granite base and enricht~d with shafts of green marble be-
Channel near Newquay Bay, and is r~ miles north-east from tween the panels and bears the chief masonic symbols: on
N ewquay station, on a branch (Cornwall Minerals line) of the east side of the west door is a very large painting of the
the Great Western railway, 12 miles north from Truro and royal arms of Charles Il. presented to the parish by that.
6 west from St. Columb Major, in the Mid division of the king as a mark of his royal favour on account of the loyalty
county, hundred and petty sessional division of Pydar, St. of the inhabitants towards his father, Charles I. : there ar~
Columb union and county court district, rural deanery of 230 sittings. 'fhe register dates from about 1560. The
Pydar, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of 'fruro. The living is a vicarage, including the parish of Newquay, gros&
church of St. Columba is an ancient building of stone in the yearly value £300, including 33 acres of g-lebe, with resi-
Late Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of dence, in the gift of Lord Churston, and held since 1883 by
chancel with aisles, nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and the Rev. Isaac Broad-Eade, surrogate. There are Wesleyan,
an embattled western tower, with pinnaeles, containing 6 Bible Christian and Free Methodist chapels in the village,
bells, cast and hung in r883 by Taylor and Sons, of Lough- and also a Wesleyan chapel at Lane. A Cemetery of half
borough, when also the pinnacles of the tower were renewed, an acre was formed in 1874 at a cost of £300, and is under-
at a total cost of about £320: the chancel retains its piscina, the control of a Burial Board of 9 members. A fair is held
and the rood stairs also remain: there are a number of on the 9th June yearly, in the village, for oxen and sheep.
stained windows presented by Dr. James Nicholls, of Tre- Tb.e parish feast is on the nearest Sunday to the rsth of No-
narren, Newquay, and his family, and by the Martyn family, vember. The manor of Rialton or Ryalton, the Rielton of
of Trevemper: in the north aisle is a memorial window t<J a Domesday, which had been given by the Earls of Cornwall
son of the present vicar: within tl:!e porch is the date 1669: to the Priory of Bodmin, was leased by Queen Elizabeth,
there are ,slate monuments to Richard- Budd, 42 years curate with the manor of Reterth and Retraigh, and the bailivate
of this parish, d. 1787; Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Pol- of the hundred of Pydar, to Richard Senhouse; they were
lamounter esq. ob. 1640; Mary, wife of John Sammon, ob. afterwards gnnted to Sir Francis Godolphin and when in
1638 ; Margaret, wife of Richard Stone, ob. 1658 ; and r684 Sidney Godolphin was made a peer, he was described
Richard Sleeman, yeoman of this parish, ob. 1670 : around in the patent as Lord Godolphin of Rialton ; the lease
the effigy of a man in civilian dress, boldly carved in slate, eventually became vested in the Duke of Leeds, who in-
and marked "R.E." is this motto, "Mors mea est vita berited all the Cornish estates which belonged to the Godol-
mihi :" there is also a tablet to the Rev. Nicholas Ford phins; the mansion house at Rialton was much augumented
Chndleigh B.A. vicar here from r841 till 1884, d. 1891: the by Thomas Vh:rian, the wealthy prior of Bodmin, who-
communion plate was presented, in 1750, by Francis, 2nd occasionally resided here and died in 1533, and whose tomb-
Earl of Godolphin, and bears his arms ; the flagon is of mas- is in Bodmin church. In the court of Rialton Priory house
sive silver and will hold nearly a gallon; the church was re- is a well, contained in a gabled building, with a good arched
stored in r889 at a cost of about £2,5oo, under the super- entrance; at the back is an elegant niche, with a pedestal:
vision of the Rev. Prebendary Hingeston Randolph M.A.. a considerable part of the house was destroyed by fire, and
rector of Ringmure, when it was refioored, reseated and the subsequently these interesting remains have nearly all bzen
aisle passages repaired: the lectern, choir stalls and desks &wept away; a solitary fragment attached to the mill house
now alone exists. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales K.G. who is Receiving' Office, Quintrel Downs.-Jn. Stephens Udy, sub-
lord of the manor of Rialton ; the Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke postmaster. Letters through St. Columb Minor R.S.O.
Acland hart. P.C. of Killeroon, Exeter: the Rev. Sir Vyell Box cleared a.t 3.50 p.m. Postal orders are issued here,
Donnithorne Vyvyan hart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan, but not paid •
and Lord Churston J.P. are the principal landowners. The '
soil is sandy and loamy ; the subsoil is killas. 'fhe chief
crops are wheat and barley. The area is 5,330 acres ; rate- Receiving Office, Lane.-John Andrew Jenkin, sub-post-
able value, including Newquay, £13,274; and the popula- master. Letters through Newquay. Box cleared at 3-55
tion in r8gr, including r,Bgr in Newquay; was 3,052. p.m. St. Columb Minor is the nearest money order &
telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not
The town of NEWQUAY is in this parish (see separate
heading). WALL LETTER BoxEs:-
Parish Clerk, James Carne. The Carne family have now
Porth, cleared at 10.20 a. m. & 3.50 p.m
held this office for three generations.
:PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- Rialton Mill, cleared at 4.20 p.m
(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should be addressed St. Tregustick, cleared at 3.40 p.m
Columb Minor R.S.O. Cornwall).-Mrs. Julia Ann Trebil- Treviglas, cleared at 4.20 p.Ill
cock, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive at 9.15 a.m. & 2.25 A School Board of 5 members was formed 12 January, 1875; •
J. Pearce, Newquay,clerk to the board; James Henwood,
p.m. & on sundays at 9.20 a. m.; dispatched at 7.50 a.m. •
for Newquay, ro. 15 a.m. for London & North mail & 4·35 attendance officer
p.m. for London Night mail ; & on sunday at p.m.
The office is open on sundays from 8 a. m. to ro a. m. for Board School (mixed), built in 1876, at a cost of £r,8oo, for
telegraph business, sale of postage stamps & registration 200 children; average attendance, 112; William John
of letters J uliff, master ; Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Juli.ff, mistress
[Marked thus * letters received through Henwood William,shopkeeper & mason, Roberts George Nicholas, carpenter,
Newquay.] Church town Church town
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hocking John, farmer, Quintrel downs Roberts Rd. blacksmith, Parken's shop
*.Bolton Frederick, Trenance cottage James Richard, farmer, Mannells Roberts Richard, shoe maker, Treviglas
Broad-Eade Rev. Isaac [surrogate], James Wm. farmer, Hendra Paul Roberts Thomas, shoe ma. Church twn
Vicarage *Jenkiq John Andw.blacksmith& agri- Rowe Joseph, farmer, Porth
Brooke Harry, Greenbank, Porth culturalm'lchinist,& shopkeeper,Post Rowse James E. butcher, Church town
Cardell John, Trethiggy office, Lane Rowse 'fhos.miller(water)& frmr.Rialtn
Lewarne Nicholas, Higher Porth Karkeek Henry, horse breaker, Church Rundle Richard, farmer, Kestle
Martyn Edwd. Albt• .Albert cot. Porth town Rundle Wm. farmer, The Bridge
Shipton Mrs. Glenmoor cottage, Porth Kent William, farmer, Trenance St. Columb Minor Reading Room
Stephens Alexander, Porth Veor Kestle John Ch'ls. farmer, 'fregustick (James E. Rowse, sec)
Stephens William, Porth Veor Lawry. Edward, sho~ maker, Treviglas *Se'lrle John Andrew, farmer, Legonna
*Tangye Richard, Glendorgal Libby Elizabeth (Mrs.), Temperance *Sleeman Robert Henry, dairyman,
Veale Mrs. Beach house, Porth hotel, Porth Trenance hill
*Vivian John, Lamorna *Libby John, King's Head P.H. Lane Spear James, farmer, Higher Porth
Whitford Miss, Beach house, Porth *Libby Sidney, farmer, Trencreek Stephens A. & Co. ship owners,
COMMERCIAL. Libby Thomas, shopkeeper, Trencreek general merchants, wholesale & retail
Argall John, malt.ster, Church town Lobb James, farmer, Hendraveor dealers in coal, corn, slate, timber,
Argall SI. Farmers' Arms P.H. & farmer Marshall Mary (Mrs.),farmer, Trewince cement, bricks, pipes & gates ; stores,
Barrett Nicholas, blacksmith & farmer, *Martyn Silas Edward, ironmonger & at Porth, St. Columh rd. & Quintrel ;
Treviglas coal & manure merchant & farmer, telegrams & letters, St. Colurnb
Best Arthur, Union inn, Quintreldowns Trevemper bridge Minor
Bice Zaccheus .Andrew,farmr.Gustiveor Martyn William Clifford, apartments, Stribley Wm.Geo.shopkpr.Church town
Blewett Mark Jenkin, farmer, Treloy Larus villa, Porth Tinney Elias, wheelwright, Treviglas
Brabrym Richard, tailor, Church town *May Daniel, miller (water) & farmer, Tinney James, farmer, 'fregenna
Brenton lVilliam, cowkeeper, Trencreek Treninick 'frebilcock James, farmer, Treisa'l.c
-li-Cardell John, farmer, Tretheras Merifield Robert, cowkeeper, Trencreek Trebilcock Joseph, farmer, Trebarva
Cardell John, yeoman, Trethiggy Moffatt .John, carpenter Trebilcock JuhaAnn(Mrs.),shopkeeper,
Cardell Richard, farmer & horse dealer, Moffatt Thomas, tailor & shopkeeper & apartments, Post office
TrebehmB *Morcomb Richard, blacksmith, Lane *Trebilcock Simon, market gardener &
Cemetery (J. Pearce, Newquay, clerk Morris & Co. brewers & maltsters, dairyman, Trenance
to the burial board) Doublestyles; & wine & spirit mer- Trebilcock Thomas, farmer, Trebarva
Cocking Jas. shoe ma. Quintel downs chants, Chapel hill, Newquay 'frebilcock Wm.mast. marinr.Church tn
Cocking Thomas, farmer, Church town Nicholls Emily (Mrs.), farmer, Rialton Tremaine James~ farmer, Bejowan
*Cocking William, farmer, Trenereek Barton Tremaine William, farmer, Chapel
*Cowling Henry, farmer, Church town Nicholls Henry Francis, farmer, Tre- Udy John Step!lens, grocer, draper &c.
*Crews John, mrkt. gardener,Trenance wasick & Penrose Quintrel downs
Ellery Wm. shopkeeper, Treviglas Nicholls John, farmer, Trevelgue Veall Henry, farmer, Trevithick
*George James, shoe maker, Trenance *Ould William Isbell, carpenter, Vercoe Lucy (Miss), ladies' school, Tre-
George John, farmer, Trethiggy villa Trenance thiggy villa
Giles Mathew, apartments, Porth Pearce Philip, lodging ho. The Retreat Welsh Samuel,dairyman, Low. Trevilly
Hellyar Reuben, farmer, Gusteveau Phillips John, farmer, Quintree downs Williams John Bassett, draper &grocer,
*Henwood Henry, farmer, Hendra Plummer James, farmer, Manuells Church town
Henwood James, mason, & school *Rawlings Henry, florist & market Williams Mary (Mrs.),farmer,Bedugga.
attendance officer, Treviglas gardener, Trenance hill *WiltonWm.jobbing gardenr.Trenance
CONSTANTINE is a parish and large village, on brasses and other memorials to members of the Trefusis,
the Belford river, 7 miles south-west from Falmouth, and Carminowe, Pindarves, Grylls, Vivian, Bolitho, Pender and
6 east from Helston, is the nearest railway station, Rogers families: there is also a very interesting palimpsest
in the Truro division of the county, hundred and petty brass to Richard Gerveys esq. ob. 1574, and Jane (Trefusis)
sessional division of East Kerrier, Falmouth union and his wife and r6 children, with effigies and an inscription ;
county court district, rural deanery of Kerrier, archdeaconry the obverse displays of effigies of both under a double arch,
of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. the male figure being in civil costume; between them is a
Constantine is a foundation of great antiquity, there being quartered shield, and in a long compartment beltJw are the
evidences to prove that a church (apparently collegiate) was figures of 8 boys and 8 girls; the whole is inclosed in a
in existence here at the time of the Domesday stlrvey; it marginal inscription, showing that both were buried on the
must long have held, and still holds, a very important posi· same day, Oct. 2, 1574; this brass on being taken up for
tion in the neighbourhood, and is most beautifully situated, restoration by Mr. J. G. Wailer F.S.A. in r86o, was found to
commanding a full view of the thickly-wooded estates of be palimpsest, the reverse exhibiting the head and breast of
Trelowarren and of the fertile valley above the lovely estuary a knight in armour, c. 1375, of Flemish work; the head
of the Helford ; it is a building of very fine proportions, rests on a diapered tunic, supported by angels, and the tunic
constructed chiefly of granite and consists of chancel, nave, is heraldic, being char?ed with a bendlet between 3
aisles, Bosahan aisle or chapel, north porch and an embattled crescents ; the brass, exhibited at a meeting of the Soc.
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, all cast in Antiq. Loud. :Nov. 15, 186o, has now been replaced: ~t the
1809: five of the windows are stained : the rood loft stairs, east end of the Bosahan aisle is a brass to John Pendarves esq.
sedilia and a stoup in the south porch remain: there are ob. r6 July, ~6r6, Melior (Gean·eis) his wife, ob. 17 Mar.
DEV. & COR...~ 68* .
16o7, and two children ; it hns effigies of both, kneeling green crops ; a large proportion of the land is pasture.
before a table, and a child behind each parent ; above is a The area is 7,900 acres of land and 475 of water and fore-
shield of arms, impaled, and at the foot an inscription ; shore; rateable value, [9,268 ; the population in 189r
there is also a monument to Jane (Penticost), wife of was 1,765.
William Thorns, ob. 1597, and others of later date : the work DuRGA~ is a hamlet and fishing village, 4 miles south-east
of restoration was commenced in 1859• when a sum of £635
was expended on the interior: in 1878 massive and beautiful on the river Helford, and near its mouth.
roofs were placed over the chancel, nave and aisles, at a cost
of over /.:1,200: in 1883 the restoration of the tower and GwEEK, anciently" Wyke," is a hamlet and seaport, 2!
the Bosahan or Trefusis aisle, and the enlargement of the
miles south-west, partly in the parish of Wendron and on
churchyard was carried out, a large addition to the latter
Helford harbour, and from this place Helston and the
adjacent country obtain various supplies.
being given by the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan hart. POLWHEVERAL, half a mile south-east, on the Helford
of Trelowarren: there are sso stttings. The register dates river; PORT NAvAs CovE (the little port) 2 miles south-
from the year 1581. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent- east, and SEWORGAN, 2 miles north-west, are other hamlets.
charge [486, average £366, net yearly value [240, includ- Parish Clerk and Sexton, John Willmet.
ing IO acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. Annuity & Insurance Office.-
and Chapter of Truro, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Cbarles Reynolds, sub-postmaster. Letters throu1rh
Arthur Harrison B.A. of Christ College, Cambridge. Here Penryn at 10.30 a.m.: dispatched at 2.15 p.m. .No
are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. There is a delivery on sunday. The nearest telegraph office is at
library containing nearly soo volumes. The charities are Penryn
£2 !early value, distributed in money. Here are large PosT OFFICE, Gweek.-Richard Collins, sub-postmaster.
quarries of excellent granite, a small iron mine not now Letters through Helston, which is the nearest rhoney
worked, an extensive oyster fisl'l.ery on the Helford river, order & telegraph office, arrive at n a.m.; dispatched at
and two grist mills. At Bonallack and Budock Vean are 1.40 p.m. week days only. Postal orders are issued here,
some remains of ancient chapels, and at Boscawen a subter- but not paid
ranean passage called" Pixy Hall," about 30 feet long, with WALL LETTER Box, Merthen, cleared at I p.m. week days
walls of unwrought granite. The Tolmen, or Maen rock, a only
huge oval mass of granite, 33 feet long with an average SCHOOLS:-
width of 17 feet, and weighing 450 tons, was formerly sup- National (boys), built in 1836, for 120 children; average
ported on two other blocks of stone, so that persons were attendance, 64; John Benjamin Courtney Sm1ger, master;
able to pass beneath it, but was unfortunately thrown down (girls) built in 1864, for 200 children; average attend-
during some quarrying operations in 1870, A furlong west ance, 72 ; Miss Edith Stuthridge, mistress
of High Cros~ are the remains of a circular fort, about so National (Gweek) (mixed), for 50 children; average
yards in diameter. The Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne attendance, 26 ; Miss K. Hill, mistress
Vyvyan hart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan-in-Menage, and CoNVEYANCE (for passengers & parcels) : -
Lord Clinton JP. are the chief landowners. The manor of FALMOUTH-Peter Courage, on tues. thurs. & sat
Merthen is in this parish. The soil is light loam ; subsoil is Hl!lLSTON-Peter Courage, on sat •
granite and chy slate. The chief crops are barley and REDRUTH-Peter Courage, on fri
[Marked thus C> letters through Helston.] Gundry Joseph, farmer, Treeva Roe 1\Iontagu Waiter, surgeon, & medi-
• Backhouse Edward, Trebah Gundry Richard, farmer, Treworwick cal officer & public vaccinator for
Baddeley Frederick Clinton, Bonnallack Harvey Henry, farmer, Trengove Constantine dist. of Falmouth union
Harvey John, farmer, 'freculliacks *Rogers Frank, general smith, Gweek
Harrison Rev. Arthur B.A. [vicar]
. Horsford Thomas Moor Alphonse J.P. Hearle Jas.Michael,farmr. Trewardreva Rogers George B. farmer, Bosvarren
Horsford Rowling, farmer, Boswarrick Rogers "\Villiam, farmer, Treworval
Jenkin Joseph, farmer, Retallack Rowe Edward, farmer, Brill
Mayne Rev. James B.A. Ponsavarren
Pender Lieut.-Col. William Rous Tre- Jenkin Richd. miller (water), Treviades Rowe John, fa;,rmer, Brill
silian J.P. Budock vea n Jenkin William Henry, miller (water), Rowe John, shopkeeper
Roe Montagu Waiter
Rogers George B.. Bosvarren Trewardreva mill Rowe Joseph, farmer, Inow
Tyacke John, Merthen·
Jenkins Joseph (Mrs.),farmer,Trebavah Rowe Parmenas, shoe maker
Johns Andrew, farmer, Carvedrass Rowe Richard, farmer, Carwythenack
Jose Frederick, farmer, Treviles ' Rowe Richard, farmer, Trevassick
Knowles Joseph, farmer, Lestraines Rowe Thomas & Son,farmers,Treviades
Benney Edward Hy. farmer, Trecoyes Knowles William, farmer, Carythenack Rowe Walt.frmr.& coal mer.Trebarvah
Benney George, farmer, Polenguy Library ( , librarian) H.owe William, carpenter
Benney Richard, farmer, Tolvan Matthews John, farmer, Goongillings Seccombe John, farmer, Gweek wallows
Bishop James, farmer, Trevancy Morgan Julian, farmer, Nanjarrow Simmons Cain, farmer
Bishop Willhm, blacksmith & farmer, *Moyle Isaac, farmer, Gweek Skewes Fanny (Mrs.), farmer
Court toll Moyle William,shoe maker & shopkeepr Symonds Edward, farmer, Carvedrass
Bowden Jn. & Wm. farmers, Trenarth Medlyn Brothers, butchers Symonds Ernest, carpenter
Bowden Benjamin, farmer, Trengilly MydlenChristopher & Thomas,farmers, Symonds John, farmer, Carvedrass
:Bowden Brothers, farmers, Seworgan Tresahor Thomas Philemon, Cornish Arms P.H.
Bowden Francis, shoe maker, Seworgan Mydlen Kate (Mrs.), farmer, Higher & & carpenter
Bowden Michael, farmer, Seworgan Lower Treglidgwth Tonkin Joseph, shoe maker
Caddy Thomas, farmer, Little Treve:1se Noble Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer Tredwen John, farmer, Comfort
Caddy William,farmer,Higher Trevease Ould George, farmer, High cross Tredwen William Henry, builder
*Collins Richard, grocer, Post office, Pascoe Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Polwartha Tremayne Cuthbert, farmer,Trebarvah
Gweek Pengelley William James, farmer, Tremayne John, horse dealer, Portna-
*Collins William, miller (water), Gweek Carythenack vas cove
Conservative Club & Reading Room Penlerrick John, farmer, Boshan *Tremayne William, farmer, Gweek
(John B. Coul"tney Seager, hon. sec) Phillips Thomas & William, farmers, Tremayne William, farmr. Chegwidden
Cooke Edward, shoe maker Treworval Tressider John, tailor
Cooke William, greengrocer Phillips Arabella(Mrs. ), frmr.Bosvathck Tressider Samuel, tailor
Courage Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper Rail William, farmer, Calamansack Trethowan George, miller (water),
Courage John, farmer,& assistant over- Rashleigh William, Queen's Arms P.H Polwharval
seer & tax collector, Mount Pleasant *Reed James, wheelwright, Gweek Trethowan James, farmer, 'frevaney
Courage John, farmer, Driff Reed Richard, farmer, Tregantellen Trethowan John, mason ·
Courage Peter, farmer & carrier Reynolds Charles Edward, registrar of Vivian John, shoe maker
Dale Richard, farmer, Treleggan births & deaths for No. 4 Constantine Vivian Richard, farmer, Trecombe
Dunstan Benjamin, farmer, Seworgan sub-district, Calamansack Waiters Alfred, farmer, Naphaen
Evans Frederick, farmer, Lestraines Reynolds James, shopkeeper *Waters Peter, Ship inn, Gweek
Freemah John, Sons & Co. Lim. quarry Reynolds Richard, farmer, Boswijack Williams Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
' owners; offices at Penryn. See advt Reynolds William, farmer, Boswijack Williams John, shopkeeper, Seworgan
Gluvius John, farmer, Trevease Reynolds William, farmer, Mount view Willmet John, shoe maker
*Griffiths John, grocer, Gweek Richards William Hy.frmr.Busvearren Wills James Brown, farmer, Callevan
Gnndry John(Mrs.)&Son,frmrs.Trebah Roberts Edward, monumental mason Wills William, farmer, Mainperne
CORNELLY, anciently called "Grogoth," is a town- trict, rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall
ship and parish on the river Fal, half a mile west from Tre- and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Cornelius is a build·
gony, 3! from Grampound Road station on the Great Wes- ing of stone, in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,
tern railway, and 7 east from Truro; in the Mid division of nave of two bays, north aisle, south porch and a low em-
the county, west division of Powder hundred, petty sessional battled western tower, containing one bell: the chancel was
division of Powder South Truro union and county court dis- rebuilt in October, 1886: there are IOO sittings. The
register of baptisms dates from the year 1563; marriages, picturesque and interesting; it is the property of Francis
1679 ; burials, I559· The living is a vicarage, average Granville Gregor esq.lord of the manor and chief landowner.
tithe rent-charge £I~ 10s., net yearly value £36, including The soil is shelf; subsoil, shelf. The chief crops are wheat,
10 acres of glebe, m the gift of the vicar of Probus, and held barley, oats and turnips. The area is 1,297 acres; rateable
since 1868 by the Rev. Lewis Morgan Peter M.A. of Exeter value, £1,235; the population in 1891 was 84.
College, Oxford, who is also rector of Ruan Lanihorne, and Sexton, John Corkhill.
resides at Treviles. 'l'rewarthenick House, a plain stone Letters from Gramponnd Road via Tregony arrive at 9.30
building (now unoccupied), is a commodious mansion, on a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
the western side of the river Fal, in grounds of about 50 Tregony
acres in extent ; the various plantations and lawns and the This place is included in Tregony United School Board
windings of the ri\·er combine to make the scenery highly district, formed Sept. 28, 1875
Alien Hy. gamekpr. to F. G. Gregor esq I Evans John, Gregor Arms P.H Pascoe William. gardener to F. G ·
Gregor esq. Trewarthenick
Bennetto Thomas, farmer, Penpoll Hotten John, farmer
Elliott John, farmer, Killiow, Penvose Pascoe Stephen, farmer, Grogarth Yelland J ames, farmer, Mellingoose
& Trelaska
CRANTOCK (or ST. CRA~TOCK) is a parish and village on propriator, and held since 1878 by the Rev. Henry John
the north· coast of Cornwall, at the mouth of the river EllioLt Smith M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. At the
Gannel~ 2 miles south-west from Newquay station, on a dissolution of monastic houses there were here a dean, nine
branch (Cornwall Minerals line) of the Great Western rail- prebendaries and four vicars choral, and revenues amount-
way, 10 west-south-west from St. Columb Major, in the ing to £8g 15s. 8d. ; out of which Christopher Sanders, the
Mid division of the county, hundred and petty sessional last dean, received a pension. There is a Wesleyan chapel.
division of Pydar, St. Columb Major union and county The Well of St. Carantocus is in the centre of the village,
court district, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of and over it is a rude covering of stone about 5 feet high and
Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The collegiate church of 4 wide. The principal landowners are Christopher Henry
St. Carantocus was founded by William Bruere, Bishop of Thomas Hawkins esq. l.P., D.L. of Trewithan, Probus ;
Exeter (1224-45), in the time of Henry Ill. for a dean and Viscount Falmouth and Messrs. William Martyn, of
ten prebendaries and is a building of local sandstone, Pempoll ; William Martyn, of Saltash, and William Francis
chiefly in the Perpendicular style, whh some portions of Johns. The soil is loam and sand; subsoil, killas. The
Early English date, consisting of chancel, nave of two bays, chief crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 2,552
aisles, south porch and a western tower containing 6 bells: acres (of which 95 are water); rate!!.ble value, £2,562; the
the chancel retains a Decorated piscina and a niche with population in 1891 was 301.
stone shelf : there are some remains of the screen, and the Sexton, Harold .Morcom.
rood stairs are used as an approach to the pulpit through PosT OFFICE.-Charles Henry Jenkin, sub-postmaster.
one of the piers : the silver chalice of the communion Letters through Grampound Road arrive about 9.45 a. m.
service is dated 1576: the font, of native elvan, is dated & are dispatched at 2.55 p.m. Newquay is the nearest
1474 : in the church is preserved a piece of sculpture in money order & telegraph office
alabaster, the intention of which is not known ; fragments
of stone coffins may still be found scattered about: there A School Board of 5 members was formed July 20, I874;
are 200 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from 1615; Charles Henry Jenkins, clerk to the board
marriages and burials, I559· The living i~ a vicarage, net Board School, built in 1876, at a cost of £4oo, for 6o
yearly value £71, including 30 acres of glebe, with resi- children; average attendance, 41; Miss Annie Widden,
dence, in the gift of Lord Churston, who is also the lay im- mistress
King Capt. Arthur W. Tregunnel house House Henry, farmer & steam thrash- Martyn William, yeoman, Penpoll
Martyn Edward Lawer ing & reaping machine proprietor Plummer Joseph, farmer, Leseliston
Smith Rev.Hy.Jn.Elliott M. A. Vicarage House Henry Arthur,farmer ,Trevemper Richards Thomas, farmer, West Pentire
House John, farmer, Winsor Rowe Alfred Augustus, farmer, Trerew
COMMERCIAL. House Nicholas, farmer, Cairn Rowe Peter, farmer, Trethellan
Jenkin Charles Henry, shopkeeper & Rowe Richard, farmer, West Pentire
Blewett Thos, Jarvis, farmer, Trevowah overseer, Post office Salmon Jonathan, miller (water) &
Chegwidden Alfred, mason Jenkin William, farmer, Trevowah farmer, Trevemper
Chegwidden Waiter, shoe maker Johns Edward Lawer, grocer & draper Sleeman Minnie (Miss), dress maker
Crowle Francis James, carpenter Johns William Francis, farmer & land- Sleeman Salathiel, farmer, Trewothiel
Ueorge Jane (Mrs. ),shopkpr. & aprtmts owner, Treringy Stephens Jas.miller (water),Treagoe ml
George 1\'lary Brewer (Miss), dress ma Jory Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments :r'rebilcock Joseph, blacksmith
Hawke Clara & Carrie (Misses), apart- Kneebone Joseph, farmer, Trevella Wearne Edward, farmer, Treagoe
ments, St. Ambro's villa · Martyn Richard Johns,farmer,Trewolla
CREED, with GRAMPOUND chapelry, is a parish and including 30 acres of glebe, with house, in the gift of C. H.
township, 3 miles south from Grampound Road station on T. Hawkins esq. and held since r888 by the Rev. Charles
the Great Western railway, 6 south-west from St. Austell Henry Gerald Vivian B.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford.
and 8 east from 'fruro, in the Mid division of the county, Garlenick House,the property of John Gwennap-DenysMoore
west division of Powder hundred, petty sessional division of esq. J.P. and now occupied by Mrs. Pilkington-Jackson, was
Powder South, St. Austell union and county court district, re-built early in the present century, and is pleasantly
rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and situated in a wooded valley. Christopher Henry Thomas
diocese of Truro. In this parish is the major part of the Hawkins esq. D.L., J.P. of Trewithan, Probus, is lord of the
disfranchised borough of Gramponnd. The river Fal, which manor. The principal landowners are the Earl of Mount
separates this parish from Probus, is crossed at Grampound Edgcumbe P.c., D.C.L., r•. L. Viscount Falmouth, Lord
by a substantial stone bridge of two arches. The church of Robartes, George R. G. Carlyon D.L., J.P. John Tremayne
St. Crida is a building of stone, in the Perpendicu1ar style, esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Heligan, St. Austell, John Charles
consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, north Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhays Castle, St. Michael Caer-
transept, south porch and an embattled western tower, hayes, Michael Henry Williams esq. n. L. ,;r. P. of Pencalenick,
built in 1733, with four pinnacles and containing 3 bells, of the trustees of the late Rev. John Daubuz B.A. and John
which the treble is undated; the second hag an inscription Gwennap-Denys Moore esq. J.P. of Trewithen, Grampound
to St. Thomas, in Old English lotters; the tenor was cast in Road. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, mar] and clay.
1633: in the transept is a stoup, with a Norman shaft and The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. This is
Decorated hood moulding: the rood loft stairs and part of purely an agricultural district. The area is 2,666 acres ;
the screen remain: there are memorials to Thomas Denys rateable value, £3,043; and the population (exclusive of
gent. 1589, and Marion, his wife, 1570, and Henry Denys Grampound) in 1891 was 244.
B.C.L. their son, 1602, with others of a. later date : the Parish Clerk, William Andrew.
church has 200 sittings. The register,incorporating Gram- Letters through Grampound Road arrive at 8 a.m. Gram-
pound, dates from the year 1653· The livmg is a rectory, pound is the nearest money order & telegraph office
average tithe rent-charge £342, gross yearly value £392, The school for this parish is in Grampound
Dundee Col. Robert H. Quarry park Daddow Josiah, fanner, Trewinnow Nettle Richard, farmer, Trekain
Pilkington-Jackson Mrs. Garlenick ho DungeyFrances(~Irs. ),frmr.Ventonwan Reynolds Samuel, farmer, Treswallan
VivianRev.Chas.Hy.GeraldB.A.Rectory EmmettThos.miller(water),Baileys mill Roberts Samuel, farmer, Tregidgio
COMMERCIAL. Filkins Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Pengilly Smith Hy. Daniel,butcher,Hewas water
Grigg Joseph, farmer, Nantellan Stephens Edwin, farmer, Garlenick
ArthurMargt. (Mrs. ),farmer,Trevillack Hawken Joseph&John,farmers,Nancor Stephens John, farmer, Polglaze
BroadWilliamHy.farmer,Trewarmenna Lane John, farmer, Corwinnick Tank Samuel Edward, farmer, Tre
Clark Richard, farmer, Trencreek Ma,g:or John, farmer, Pennanse villack ; & miller at Grampound
Croggan Thomas, farmer, Tregonjohn Michell Richard, farmer, Pencoyse Tretheway Samuel, farmer
CROWAN is a township and parish, near the road from ton branch of the Great Western l'ailway. There is a
Camborne to Helston, 4 miles south from Camborne station Wesleyan chapel with a cemetery attached.
on the West Cornwall section of the Great Western railway, R hI 1·8 112. il b ·h a Wesleyan
and near the Praze and Nancegollan stations on the Helston ALEATH am et sout -east, Wit
mi es
branch of the same line, in the North Western division of the chapel.
county, Penwith hundred, petty sessional division of Pen- TowNSHJ<JND is a village 4 miles west-south-west, and has
with East, Helston union and county court district, rural & Wesleyan chapel.
deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of LEEDS TowN, so named after the Duke of Leeds, is a
Truro. The church of St. Crewena, restored and repewed village on the road from Hayle to Helston, 3 miles west from
in I!l72 at a cost of upwards of £2,000 (exclusive of the Crowan church, and 4 miles south-east of Hayle. The
chancel, restored by the patron), is a building of granite, in mission church of St. James, opened in August, I882, by
the Gothic style, with soma incongruous Classic additions, Dr. Benson, late Bishop {)f Truro, is a building of stone in
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western the Earty English style, and consists of chancel, nave, north
tower, 70 feet high, with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, re- porch and a bell turret containing one bell: the church was
hung in 1882 at a cost of £too: the north aisle contains built by subscription at a cost of £soo, the font being given
several monuments to the St. Aubyn family, and also the by the builder, Mr. William Carah, of Praze, and has sittings
ancient brasses of the St. Aubyns (1400-1599), of which en- for IOO persons. Here is also a Wesleyan chapel and a Bible
gravings are given in Polwhele's "History of Cornwall;" Christian chapel.
these were in I893 bedded in slate and replaced in the aisle: PRAZE, or Praze-an-beeble, is a village I mile north-west,
the existing memorials range from 1629 to 1839 : in the south with a station on the Helston branch of the Great Western
·aisle is a memorial window to Henry Jenkin of Kerthen, railway. There are Wesleyan and Free Methodist chapels.
r86o; the stained east window was given by Mrs. H. J. A yearly cattle and pleasure fair is held here on the I5th
Molesworth-St. Aubyn, in memory of her husband; another July, and a feast is also held on the nearest Sunday to
_-at the end of the south ais'1e is a memorial to the wife of Candlemas (2nd February). ·
George Hickman Johns esq. of the Indian civil service and Parish Clerk, Rev. St. Aubyn Hendar Molesworth-St.
son of the late vicar, who died at Poonab, India, in 1876, Aubyn M.A.
and J. Tremenheere Johns, also a son of a former vicar, wbQ PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
was drowned at Oxford in 1855: on the exterior east wall is Praze.-Samuel Webb, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
a memorial to Richard Tregeare, with a quaint inscription, via Camborne at 10.35 a.m.; dispatched at 2.55 p.m
~668: in 1892 a vestry and organ chamber were built by thP. 1 PosT OFFICE, Leeds Town.-John Rowling, sub-postmaster.
patron of the living, and an organ erected by Mrs. Moles-, Letters arrive via Hayle at I0.35 a.m. ; dispatched at
worth-St. Aubyn, in memory of her father and mother: there p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid. Praze
:are sittings for about 400 persons. The register of baptisms is the nearest money order & telegraph office
dates from the year 1692; marriages, 1696; burials, 1697. PosT OFFICE, Nancegollan.-Thomas Henry James, sub-
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £3571 postmaster. Letters arrive via Helston at II.5 a.m.;
net income £323, with residence and 40 acres of glebe, in dispatched at 1.35 p.m. week days only. l'ra.ze is the
the gift of the Rev. St. Aubyn Bender Molesworth-St. nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
Aubyn M.A., l.P. of Clowance, and held since 1889 by the are issued here, but not paid
Rev. Charles Rowland Wynne de Cerjat. Here are reser- PosT OFFICE, Townshend.-Peter James, sub-postmaster.
voirs for the supply of the parishes of Crowan, Camborne Letters arrive via Hayle at 1r.5 a.m. ; dispatched at I.25
and Illogan, and holding about 26,ooo,ooo gallons. The in- p.m. Praze is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
habitants are chiefly occupied in mining and agriculture. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
'Clowance, the seat of the Rev. St. Aubyn Bender Moles- WALL LETTER Box, Crowan Churchyard wall, cleared at
worth-St. Aubyn M.A., J.P. is a mansion of granite, situated 2.20 p.m. week days only. Letters through Camborne
in a well-wooded park containing a lake formed by one of the ScHOOLS :-
branches of the river Hayle and surrounded by a high wall A School Board of 5 members was formed January I31
-about 4 miles in circumference: the mansion was twice 1874; J. White, clerk to the board
burnt down within 6 years (1837 and I843), but has been Board (formerly National) (boys), built in I813, for 216
rebuilt : it contains a collection of pictures by eminent boys; average attendance, 73 ; Lorenzo Trevethan,
masters. The Rev. St. Aubyn H. Molesworth-St. Aubyn master: (girls) built in 1844, for ISO ; average attend-
M.A. who is lord of the manor, the Duke of Leeds and Lord ance, 52; Miss Hannah Warne, mistress
Churston are the chief landowners. The soil is loam; sub- Board, Leeds Town (mixed), built in 1878 & enlarged in
soil, principally granite. The chief crops are wheat, barley, 1893, for 250 children; average attendance, 189; Charles
oats and roots. The area is 6,504 acres; rateable value, Harvey, master; Mrs. Harriet Berryman, mistress
£8,478; the population in 189I was 2,468. Praze Board (infants) (formerly the Improvement Society's
CROWAN BEACON rises to an altitude of Bso feet; near it building); average attendance, so; Mrs. Mary Barbary,
is a large mass of stone called " Black Rock : " here is a Wes- mistress
leyan chapel. RAILWAY STATIONS:- -
BENNERTON, 3 miles west ; BOLITHO, 2~ mile9 east; CARN Praze, William Pearce, station master
TREMAYNE, I~ miles north-east; and DRYM, 2 miles west- Nancegollan, Philip Brenton Hancock, station master
south-west, with the remains of an ancient encampment, are OMNIBUSES (passing through) : -
all hamlets. CAMBORNE TO HELSTON-Thos. Davey, morning & evening
HoRSEDOWNS is a hamlet 2 miles west, with a Wesleyan CAMBORNE-Richard James, from Horsedowns
-(lhapel. HELSTON-R. J. T. Berryman, from Townshend, on sat
KERTHEN is a hamlet 4~ miles south-by-west from Crowan PENZANCE-William Berryman, from Townshend, tues.
.Church. tburs. & sat. ; & Richard James, from Horsedowns, thnrs.
NANCEGOLLAN is a hamlet I! miles west-by-south on the via St. Erth
'l'oad from Camborne to Helston, with a station on the Hels- REDRUTH-William Berryman, from Townshend, on fri
Crowan. Hill Thomas, farmer, Halgarrack Trevenen Kate(Miss),registrar of births
de Cerjat Rev. Charles Rowland Wynne, James Peter, farmer, Dower & deaths for Crowan sub-district,
Vica\'3-ge Jenkin George, farmer, Clowance wood South Crenver
Molesworth-St. Aubyn Rev. St. Aubyn Jennings John, farmer, Carn Trevenen William, jun.farmer, Crenver
Render M.A., J.P. Clowance Lavers Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Dower Waiters Edward, farmer, Carne
COMMERCIAl.. Noble John, farmer & butcher, Gurnick Waiters Richard Jas. farmer, Bolankan
Abraham Samuel, farmer, Cardinham Orchard William, blacksmith Webster William, farmer, Clowance wd
Bennetts Richard, farmer, Bodrivial Rapson Wm. & Sons, farmers,Clowance White John,builder,& clerk to the school
Berryman Henry, farmer, Cargenwen Reynolds Samuel, farmer,Skewes Coose board
Berryman William, farmer, Poleo Roberts Christopher, farmer, Carne Williams Harry, butcher & farmer,
Bree Albert, farmer, Skewes Roberts John, farmer, Carne Bnscaverran
CarahJohn, butcher&farmer,Cargenwen Roberts Peter, boot & shoe maker 'Williams Matthew, farmer, Gew
Cory Richard, farmer & butcher, Lower Rodda Thomas, farmer, Carvolth Williams William, farmr.Newton round
Cargenwen Rowe Hannibal, farmer, Hellogan Dennerton.
Edwards William, builder Rowe William, farmer, Trevoole
Eva James, farmer, Hellogan Stevens William, farmer, Borthog Hosking John, farmer
Ivey VVearne,farmer
Eva Michael John, farmer, Trenoweth Symons Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Faull Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Oatfield Tenby Jas. Hy.&Jn. farmrs.Trenoweth Rodda Thomas, farmer, Benner down
Gay William, farmer, Borthog Tenby William, farmer, Carvolth Rogers Francis, farmer, Benner down
Glasson John, farmer, Trevoole Semmens Edwin, farmer,Lit.Bennerton
GluyasElizaElln.(Mrs. )MinersArmsP.H ThomasHannibal, farmer, Bnscaverran Yates Henry, farmer
Thomas Henry, Cornish Mount inn
Hampton Jarnes, farnaer Thomas Wm. Hy. farmer, Glebe farm
IlicheiiS Christopher, farmer, Tregear Thomas William James, miller (water) Champion Bennet, farmer
Champion John, farmer Cock James, goocer & farmer Johns James, shopkeeper
Champion Richard, farmer Daniell John, farmer, Truthwall Laity Henry, farmer & stud horse pro•
Curry Thos.farmer&butcher,Black rock Harvey Mary (Mrs.)~ farmer, Carzise prietor, Praze Stud farm
Dower Esther (Miss), farmer Harvey Thomas, farmer, Carzise Martin, Matthews & Co. Limited (H.
Mills Edward, farmer Hocken Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Edwards, manager), general mers
Skewes James, farmer Jenkin Elizh. Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Mildren William, shoe maker
J enkin Mary (Miss), butcher Moyle Wm.Thos.registered vet.surgeon
Carn Tremayne. Jenkin Henry, butcher & cattle dealer Philp James Palmer, blacksmith
Date Susan (Mrs.), farmer Jenkin William, builder Prideaux Gilbert, farmer, Trerise
Evans William, farmer
Heather James, farmer Laity Samuel, seed &manure merchan• Ralph William, wheelwright
Kitto J ames, farmer
Kitto J oseph, farmer & butcher Luke Mary Ann (Miss), Leeds Town inn Rowe Alexander, butcher
Tresidder Peter, farmer
Williams Thomas, farmer Mitchell Thomas, farmer, Burnt downs Symons Thomas Stephen, grocer, &
Mundy James, shoe maker assistant overseer
Pearce Edwin, farmer, Noon¥ares Tiddy William, Royal Standard inn
Pearce John, farmer, Noonvares & blacksmith
Drym. Rowling John, shopkeeper, Post office Webb Samuel, grocer, Post office
Simmons John, farmer, Carzise j Ra.leath.
(Marked thus * receive their letters through Thomas Robert, Temperance hotel Moyle John, Vellanewsen
Hayle.] Trevart~en Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Harvey John, farmer Trevaskts Thos. shopkeeper & carpenter COMMERCIAL
James James, farmer Trevaskis William John, photographer Andrews Samuel farmer.
*Richards Richard, miller (water) Curry William f~rmer
*Sampson Richard, farmer Trewhela James, farmer, Carzise Davies Matthe~ farmer
Webster Joseph, tailor
-*Sampson William, farmer Williams Richard John, grocer Faull John
Gilbert Jo;eph, f~rmer
Horsedowns. Woolcock John, farmer, Noonvares
~dwards Jachin, blacksmith Gluyas William, farmer
.JamesEsther(Mrs. ),shopkeeper&carrier N ancegollan. Goldsworthy John, farmer
Jewel! William, farmer
Libby Mary (Miss), shopkeeper Geach Philip, farmer
Matthews John, farmer
Rodda Matthew, farmer & shopkeeper Hosking John, blacksmith
Matthews Joseph, farmer
Sims John, farmer James Thos. Hy. shopkeeper, Post office Trezise Samuel, farmer, Vellanewsen
Kerthen. James Frederick James. carpenter Waiters William Martin, farmer
Kerkeek John, farmer, Pengelly Wills Richard, shopkeeper
Berryman Richard John Thomas, Mildren William Henry, shoe maker
Reynolds George & Sons, tailors Townshend.
farmer & omnibus proprieter
Bettons Mary (Mrs.) & Son, farmers Rowe Alfred, farmer, Polcrebo
Bree Thomas & William John, farmers Trezise John, farmer & shopkeeper Vivian Banfield
Pearce John Rowe, farmer Williams Wm. Hy. farmer, Trelabnas Connor J ames, shopkeeper
l'earce Nicholas, farmer • Hampton Alma (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Leeds Town. Praze. James Peter, shopkeeper, Post office
James Josiah, wheelwright
.Jordan Thomas Skeat James, Trethannas house Laity Charles & Angove, stud horse
Rosewarne William . propri•etors
• COMMERCIAL. Carah Anne & Emma(Misses),shopkprs Taylor John, shoe maker
Aver Michael, farmer, Polglase Carah William, builder ThomasJosiah,Townshnd. inn,&wheelwt
Berryman William, farmer & omnibus Commins Benedict, farmer, Trefewha Vivian Banfield & John, surgeons
proprietor, Paul's down Edwards Richard, shopkeeper Vivian Banfield, surgeon, medical
<Jamborne UnionistAssociation(branch) Ed wards Thomas, stone mason officer & public vaccinator, 4th dis-
(Samuel Laity, sec) Hampton J ames, farmer, Trethannas trict, Helston union
()hristopher Thos. farmer, Burnt downs Hosking William, St. Aubyn's Arms P.H Winn John, blacksmith
CUBERT, or St. CuBERT, is a township, parish and the gift of and held since 1850 by the Rev. Charles Henry
village near the coast of the Bristol Channel, 5 miles south- Hosken B.A, of Queens' College, Cambridge. Here is a
~outh-west from Newquay station on a branch of the Great Wesleyan chapel. In a cave at the north-eastern point of
Western railway, 10 north-north-west from Truro statiOn the bay is a spring of fresh water, approached by a flight of
on the Great Western railway, and 11 south-west from St. 15 steps cut in the rock, and called the "Holy Well."
Columb, in the Mid division of the county, hundred and Chenoweth, in Domesday "Chenowen," and formerly the
petty sessional division of Pydar, union aml county court seat of the Chynoweths, is now occupied as a farm house.
district of St. Columb, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry Carines, formerly the residence of the Davies family, now
of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Cuth- belongs to that of Hosken. The trustees of the late James
bert, standing on an elevation, is an edifice of stone in the Theodore Hosken esq. J.P. are lords of the manor and chief
Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, landowners. The soil is various ; subsoil, killas. The
1,ransepts, south porch, and a western tower with an oc- chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 2,518
tagonal upper stage and low spire, and containing 3 bells : acres (75 of which are water); rateable value, £2,532; the
the tower and spire were struck by lightning and consider- population in 1891 was 3II.
ably damaged on Monday, April10, 1848, but were repaired TREVEAL, half a mile north; TRESEAN, three-quarters
in 1852, when the church was restored under the direction north ; and TREWORGANS, I north, are hamlets.
()f G. E. Street esq. R.A.: a memorial window to Mrs. Hos- Sexton, William Rubber.
ken, of Carivick in this parish, was erected in 188o: there Sus-PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Emma Anthony, sub-postmistt-ess.
are monuments to Arthur Lawrence, ob. 1669, and Humfrey Letters through Grampound Road arrive at 9.20 a.m. &
Lawrence, ob. 1689, and modern memorials to the family of dispatched at 3.20 p.m. week days only. 'fhe •nearest
Hosken and others : the church has 170 sittings. The money order office is at St. Newlyn East & telegraph
register of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1733 ; office at Newquay. Postal orders are issued here, but
marriages, 1734: in the parish register it is mentioned that not paid
in the year 1564 St. Cubert was visited by a pestilential Church of England School (mixed), for64 children; average
disease, of which seventy persons died in a few weeks. The attendance, 44 ; Miss Annie Williams, mistress
living is a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent- Chenoweth's bus to Truro on wed. &; sat. returning same
charge £135, including 20 acres of glebe, with residence, in day
Grose Mrs. Tretoil house Brokenshire Elias, farmer, Treguth MorcombRd.shopkpr.&butcher, Trevea.l
HoskeuRev. Chas. Henry B.A. Vicarage Brokenshire Samuel, farmer, Landlovey Phillips Saml. & Sons, farmers, Treveal
Mawdesley Albert L. Ellenglaze Chenoweth Arthur, farmer & bus pro- Phillips Richard, farmer, Tresean
Phillips John, farmer, Trebiskin
COMMERCIAL. prietor, Church town Pbillips William, jun.farmer,Ellenglaze
Chenoweth Stephen, carpenter, Treveal Rickard Charles, farmer, 'freworgans
Andrew John, farmer, Carines Delbridge Thomas, farmer, Chenoweth Rickard Joseph, farmer, Trebiskin
Andrew Thomas, farmer, Lit.Colgrease George Richard, mason Rickard Samuel, farmer, Lewanick
Anthony Emmanuel, shopkeeper & Hooper Jsph. & Son, farmers, Trelaske
House John, farmer, Winsor Rodliff Thomas, carpenter, & refresh-
refreshment rooms, Post office HouseWilliam,blacksmith,Church town ment rooms, Church town
:Benny Wm. shoe maker, Church town Mitchell John, farmer, Treworgans
:Blewett Charles, farmer, 'frebellan Stephens Francis, farmer, Trevornick
Bray John, farmer, 'fresean Mitchell William, farmer, Treuissick
Williams John Libby, farmer, Carwick
CUBY is a parish adjoining Tregony on the north of that l there are 400 sittings. The register is incorporated with
town, 4! miles south from Grampound Road station on the 1 that of Tregony. The living is a vicarage, annexed to the
Great Western railway, 7~ l'!outh-west from St. Austell and rectory of St. James, Tregony, average tithe rent-charge
7t east from Truro, in the Mid division of the county, west £r49, joint net yearly value £269, including 8r acres of
division of the hundred of Powder, petty sessional division g-lebe, in the gift of the repl'esentatives of the late Rev. P.C.
of Powder south, Truro union and county court district, Marshall, and held since r89o by the Rev. John Fry Reeves,
rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and who resides at Tregony. The principal landowners are
diocese of Truro. Part of the town of Tregony is within Viscount Falmouth and John Charles Williams esq. :M.P. of
this parish. The church of St. Cuby, rebuilt, with the Caerhays Castle, St. Michael Caerhays. The soil is a rich
exception of the tower, in 1828, stands to the north of loam ; subsoil, slaty schist. The chief crops are wheat~
Tregony and has been used by the inhabitants of that place barley, oats and roots. This is a purely agricultural district.
since the destruction of their own church; it is a building The area is 2,262 acres; rateable value, £2,510; the popu-
of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of nave, north lation in 1891 was 141.
transept, south porch and an embattled western tower with Sexton, James Greet.
four pii.macles, containing one bell, date~ 1787: . there is a Letters from Grampound Road arrive at Tregony at 8.10
memorial to Hugh Poi_rteX:o~ esq. 1614, bes1des varwus others a.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
of modern date: bmlt m to the south-west corner of the Tregony .
church is a famous monumental stone of the third or fourth The. . . . the T~egony . School Board
century called "The Cuby Stone," bearing the names of mcluded m Umted
three Romanized Britons, viz.: "Nonnita," "Ercilius," distriCt, formed September 2 ' 1875
and " Virigatus: " there is an ancient and interesting font : The children attend the Board school at Tregony
Davey Robert, farmer, Great Holboat Holman Thomas Andrew, farmer, Thomson Peter, farmer, Tregonyhayn
Elliott Thomas Wm. farmer, Rosevallen Goviley Major Thomson P. & G. W. T. farmers &
Freethy Ralph, farmer, Newton Julyan Richard, farmer, Great Gargas manure agents, Carvath
Grigg James Alfred, farmer, Pittsdowns Knight John Thomas, farmer, Holboat Treloar Thomas, farmer, Glebe farm
Hawkins John, farmer, Little 6-argas Treffry Sarah(Mrs.),frmr.Govileyveanl
CURY is a township and parish, 5 miles south-south-east Count of Mortein, half-brother of William the ConquP.ror;. •
from Helston terminal station of a branch of the Great during the Civil wars Bochym was a place of refuge for the
Western railway and r2 south-west from Falmouth, in the Royalists, and there are still pointed out in the" oak romp."
TrurQ division of the county, western division of the hundred secret staircases and sliding panels in the wainscot, but a
of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, Helston portion of the building is of much more ancient date; the
union and county court district, rura,l deanery of Kirrier, late Stephen Davey esq. father of the present owner, caused
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese o(Truro. The church a thorough restoration to be made in accordance with plans
of St. Corantyn or St. Ninian is a building of granite, and elevations fotmd among the family papers ; the house
chiefly in the Late Decorated style, consisting of chancel and now occupies three sides of a square and consists of a centre
nave of six bays, north aisle, south transept or Bochym, and north wing, the other wing being formed by a large and
which belongs to the manor of Bochym, south porch and an handsome coHservatory ; the house is panelled throughout,
embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells, the library in Italian walnut, the dining room in oak, and
the treble da$ed r847 and the others 1761: the Norman door- there are many beautiful pieces of old carved oak furniture;
way at the south entrance dates from the uth century and in the dining-room is a four-fold screen of well-preserved
its tympanum is enriched with carved work of interlaced hand needlework, representing twelve figure subjects; and
rings : at the junction of the chancel and transept is a the collection of .china is both extensive and valuable, some
remarkable hagwscope, and in the chancel wall is a "leper's of the examples of Dresden ware being unique : attached is
window:" there are no monuments : the church was restored a very complete model farm, managed upon thoroughly
in 1873-41 when Vlany relics of the former building were scientific and practical principles; all the buildings comprisecl
brought to light: the old pews were replaced by open seats in it are most complete and were re-arranged by the present
and the carved woodwork of the roof carefully cleaned and proprietor. The principal landowners are J. Sydney Davey
preserved: there are 250 sittmgs : in the churchyard is a esq. J.P. the trustees of the late Glynn Grylls esq. and the
monolithic granite cross, 9 feet high and of great antiquity, trustees of Miss Lyle. The soil is exceedingly fertile, especially
and some tombs to the families of Lyle and Davey. The on the south; the subsoil is killas and greenstone, or horn-
register of baptisms and burials dates from the year r69o; blende rocks. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
marriages, r69r. The living is a vicarage consolidated with turnips. The aret~. is 2,845 acres, induding 75 acres of
that of Gunwalloe, gross yearly value £120, with residence, water ; rateable value, £3,249 ; the population in 1891
in the gift of Captain John Peverell Rogers R •.A.. and held was 354·
since 1878 by the Rev. Joseph Chambers B •.A.., T.C.D. who Parish Clerk, John Martin.
resides at Gunwalloe. At White Cross is a United Free· PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office;
Methodist chapel, with :;ittings for so people, and aWes- I Cury Cross Lanes (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should
leyan chapel holding 6o persons. The parish feast is on the have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Miss Mary Ann Rowe;
nearest Sunday to the 2nd November, or to All Souls' day. postmistress. Letters arrive at 9.30 a. m. & are dispatched
Bochym, the seat of Joshua Sydney Davey esq. J.P. stands at p.m
near the high road from Helston to Lizard, about 5 miles National School (mixed), built in 1849, for 94 children;
from the former place; this estate appears in the Exchequer average attendance, 56 ; the infants' schoJl in connection
Domesday as "Buchent," and was then held by Robert is at Gunwalloe; John Martin, master
Boaden William, Cross lanes Carlyon Sampson, farmer, Hendra Richards Richard &Joseph, carpenters,
Davey Joshua Sydney J.P. llochym Chygwidden Thomas, smith Whitecross
Hendy Joseph Day George, farmer, Treloskan & Gilly Rowe Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper~
James Rev. Thos. [Wes.], Bonython ho Day Geo. John, farmer, Melleanwa,rne · Post office, Cross lanes
Kempthorne Jn.Buckingham,Namplgh Freethy John, farm~r, Burnow Rowe Wm.Courteney,farmer,'rregiddle
COMMERCIAL. George Henry, farmer, Nanfan Thomas Carter, farmer, Skewes
Boaden William & James, butchers, Gilbert Sampson,Wheel inn,Crosslanes Thomas Henry, farmer, Trenoweth
Cross lanes Hendy Sidney, farmer, Polgreen Thomas John, farmer, 'fregideon
Boaden Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Trevergy J enkin Sampson, miller, Melleanwarne Trezise Tbos. blcksmth.& miller,Polglaze
Boaden William, farmer, Poleskan LawrenceElizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Polwin Wenlock Richard (Mrs.),grocer,Church
Boaden William, farm bailiff to Joshua Lory James, farmer, Colvennor town
Sydney Davey esq. Bochym Olivey James, Old inn Williams Brothers, farmers, Bonython
DAVIDSTOW is a township and parish on the main a western tower of three stages with pinnacles containing 6
road from Launcaston to Camelford and Wadebridge, 3 bells, the first two dated IJOJ, the third .1783 and the next
miles north-east from Camelford, 13 west from Launceston two 1726; the whole cost of reconstruction, amounting to
stations on the Great Western and London and South £2,500, was defrayed by Miss Pearse, of Launcestou, in
Western railways and 3 miles south from Otterham memory of her family, who had been landowners and in-
station, opened August, 1893, on the new branch of the habitants in the parish for many generations : the lay
latter railway from Launceston to Wadebridge, in the rector, Michael Williams esq. at the same time enriched the
North Eastern division of the county, Lesnewth bun- east end with three stained windows in memory of his
dred and petty sessional division, Camelford union and father Sir William Williams; his sister, Mrs. Hornby
county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Minor, arch- Buller, and the Hon. Ashley Carr-Glyn; and also presented
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The rivers an organ and church plate; another stained window was
Camel and Inney have their source in this parish. 'fhe given by Mrs. Pearce: the bells were re-hung in 1881 and a
church of St. David, rebuilt on the site of the former treble added, raising the peal to six : the font is octagonal
church, is an edifice of stone in thA Early English style, con- and of curious design : there are various memorials to the
sisting of c!J.ancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south po:ch an::l families of Bettenson, 1663-93; Pearse, 1638-1835; John
DAY. 1081
Wills, gent. ob. 1647; Francis Nicholls esq. ob. 1674 ; Alse owners. The soil is light; the subsoil is rock. The chief
Muchell, ob. 1694; and Richard Martyn, ob. 1698: the crops are wheat, oats and roots. The area is 6,756 acres ;
church affords 250 sittings. The register dates from the rateable value, £3,729; the population in x891 was 393·
year 1709. The living is a vicarage, average yearly value PosT. 0FFICE.-Charles Martin, sub-postmaster. Letters
from tithe rent-charge £183, with residence and 26 acres of through Camelford arrive at 9·35 a.m. ; dispatched at
glebe, in the gift of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall, and held 2.40 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
since 1891 by the Rev. Richard Gazely Parker B.A. of at Camelford. Postal orders are issued here, but not.
Christ's College, Cambridge. Here are .Bible Christian and paid
United Methodist Free Church chapels. St. Kitt's hill, on WALL LETTER Box, close to the Vicarage, closed at 3 p.m.
the western side of the parish, is 985 feet above the level of
A School Board of 5 members was formed November 26,
the sea. The charities amount to £7 yearly. H.R.H.
1874"; William French, clerk to the board ; Charles Martin,
the Duke of Cornwall K.G. is lord of the manor. Miss
attendance officer
Pearse, John Claude Daubuz esq. D.L., J.P. of Killiow Kea,
Lieut.-Col. Shadwell M(Jl'ley Grylls D.L., J.P. of Lewarne Board School, built in 1876, for7o children; average attend-
House, St. Neot, and Capt. James Haye R.N. are chief land- ance, 54; James Alien, master; Miss Mary Saltern, mist
Parker Rev. Richard Gazely B.A. :French James, farmer, Bath platt Langford Charles, shopkeeper
Vicarage Gillard William, farmer, Treglasta Metherel Phillip, carpenter, Tremail
COMMERCIAL. Gimblett Ephraim,farmer,Church town Motton William, farmer, Tremail
Greenwood John, farmer, Tredwen Parkin Samuel, farmer, Tregeen
Baker Digory, farmer, Treworra Greenwood Josiah, Victoria inn Peter EdwardJn.farmer,HigherPenhale
Baker Thomas, shopkeeper Gynn Richard, farmer, Trembary Philp Richard, farmer, M'lorhead
Billing Joseph, farmer, Trevivian Ham John, farmer, Trewassa Rundle William, farmer, Hendra
Billing William, farmer, Calcade Ham John, farmer, Treslay Saltern Joseph, farmer, Trevivian
Hurnard William, farmer, Grigsdown Hancock William, farm bailiff to Seldon William, farmer, Trevivian
Cook Thomas, carpenter, Tremail Richard Gynn, Treslay Smith John, farmer, Hendawle
Cook Thomas, farmer, Higher Tremail Hayne Gerrance, farmer, Lanbrenny Snell George, farmer, Tremail
Cook William, farmer, Grigsdowu Hayne John, farmer, Trewassa Stephens Albert,shoe maker,Holworthy
Cory John, farmer & blacksmith Hayne George, farmer, Tremail Stephens James, farmer, Trewinnow
Crooper J oseph, farmer, Tremail • Jeffery John & Henry, farmers, Stephens Thomas, Holworthy inn
Curtice William, farmer, Penhale Hendraburnick Tubb James, farmer, Haldwell
Ellicott William, farmer, Trewassa J enkins George, carpenter, Ha!worthy Tucker William, farmer, Treseat
French William & John, farmers, Jollow Edward, farmer, Tresoke Vosper Jn.Prout,farmer,Trevilians gate
Hendraburnick Keast Daniel, farmer, .Abbots Hendra Wills George, farmer, Tredene
ST. DAY, or ST. DYE, is a town and ecclesiastical parish, tide. The soil is partly granite and killas. 'l'he pQpula-
formed August 14, 1835, from the civil parish of Gwennap, tion in 1891 was 2,292, including the rural parts of the
and is ri miles south from Scorriergate station on the West parish, the names of the inhabitants of which are given with
Cornwall section of the Great Western railway and about 2 Gwennap.
miles north-by-east of Redruth; it is in the North Western PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.
division of the county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional -Mrs. Elizabeth .Ann Michell, sub-postmistress. Letters
division of Kerrier East, Redruth union and county court though Scorrier R.S.O. arrive at 8.35 a.m. & 6.20 p.m.;
district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Corn- dispatched at 6 & 9·55 a.m. & 3·45 p.m.; on sunday only
wall and diocese of Truro. The church of the Holy Trinity the first delivery & dispatch take place
is a large building of granite in the Gothic style, consecrated PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
in 1828, and consists of nave with eastern apse, aisles and a Collector of Market Tolls, Thomas Henry Letcher
western tower with pinnacles and a small spire: in the apse Collector of Rates & Taxes, James Hart, West end
are three stained windows, one of which is a memorial f{) Medical Officer, Gwennap district, Redruth union, & Cer-
the late Sir William Williams hart. of Tregullow, d. 24 tifying Factory Surgeon, George Michell, Vogue terrace
March, 187o, and another to Mrs. Buller; there is also a Stamp Distributor, Mrs. Elizabeth .Ann Michell
memorial window to Carolina (Eales), widow of Sir William Town Crier, Henry Matthews
Williams hart. d. 17 Feb. 1886, placed by her grandson,
Michael Williams esq.: the organ was erected in 185g, at a
cost of 200 guineas, and enlarged in 188o: the church was .A Church school room was built in 1893 by J. Passmore
restored in 1891, and affords sittings for x,2oo people. The Edwards esq. of London, in memory of his late uncle
register dates from the year 1833. The living is a vicarage, Mr. John Edwards, & opened by the donor 6 May, 1893
gross yearly value £250, with residence, in the gift of the Board School (boys, girls & infants), built in I878, under the
vicar of Gwennap, and held since x8gr by the Rev. John Gwennap school board, for 440 children; average attend-
James Murley. On what is called the "Gorland" there ance, 95 boys, 85 girls & xoo infants; Peter Jennings,
formerly stood a church, of which na traces now remain in master; Miss Ellen Lawn, girls' mistress; Miss B. A.
$itu, but some fragments of pillars and 2 crosses are to be Burridge, infants' mistress
seen in the grounds of Tregullow House. There are Primi- CARRIERS TO : -
tive Methodist and Wesleyan chapels. The Market House, FALMOUTH-James Ball, mon. tues. thurs. & sat
in the centre of the town, is a partially covered building TRURO-Jones & Kinsman, mon. wed. & sat.; Benjamin
and has a lofty tower containing a clock : the market day is Gribble, mon. wed. & sat
Saturday. A fair is held in the third week after Whitsun- REDRUTR-Jones & Kinsman, fri.; Benjamin Gribble, fri
Gribble Benjamin, carrier ·
Barratt William, Vogue Annear David, shopkeeper, Trevethan Halse James, shopkeeper, Fore street
Hawden Mrs. Vogue terrace Apps Rd. Hy.shoe dlr. & draper,Fore st Hart James, collector of rates & taxes
Chynoweth John, I Vogue terrace Avent Geo.earthenware dlr.Scorrier st West end
Gidley William, Scorrier street BaggoLtChas.photogrphr.Hawthorne vil Hensley NicholasWm.grocer, Church st
Gill Mrs. Vogue Ball William, blacksmith HolmanElizaLee(Miss),statnr.Church st
Gray Mrs Barrat Hugh, shopkeeper, Little Beside Holman Stephen, painter & glazier
Grenfell Mrs. Stanley villa Bawden Charles, mine agt. Poldice ho Hooper Eliza (Mrs.), butcher, Fore st
Gribble Mrs. Vogue Bawden Elizabeth {Mrs.), shopkeeper Jeffery Thomas Henry,shopkpr. Vogue
Hall Rev. Alfred Charles [Primitive Blewett Joseph, shopkeeper, Forest Jeffrey Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper
:MethodistJ, Scorrier street Jeffrey Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Cannon Frank, hair dresser
J ewell Mrs. Vogue Chynoweth Richd.Hart,draper & tailor Jones & Kinsman, carriers, Vogue ter
Knuckey Fraucis, Vogue hill Corfield Charles M.P.S. chemist Kinsman Edwin, mason
Lawn Richard, Fore street Courtis John, carpenter, Chapel street Kinsman Joseph, mason
Michell George, Vogue terrace Courtis Mary (Mrs.), boot maker Kinsman Maria (Miss), da:y school
Michell Mrs Davey Annie (Mrs.),cowkeeper,Busveal Kinsman Simon, draper, Church street
Murley Rev.JohnJas. [vicar],Vicarage Davey John, cattle dealer, Vogue Knuckey William. dairyman, Husveal
Pope Mrs. Vogue Davey Stephen, butcher, Ninnis Legg Samuel, pork butcher, Forest
Rooke John, Carew house Duff Michael, Lion inn, Scorrier street Letcher Thomas Hy. builder, house k
Simmons Henry Latimer, Vogue house Eustace John, blacksmith estaLe Lords of St.Day&others
'fabbs Miss, Burwithin house Fradd James, tea dealer, Fore street Leverton John,painter & gilder,Fore st
Teague Charles Dysart, Little Beside George Richard & Rebecca. (Miss), Lewis Thomas, carpenter, Vogue
Tippett Mrs. The Cedars confectioners, Fore street Luke John, coal dealer
Trewart.ha Elii!ha Gilbert Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Martin John, farmer, Ninnis
Trinbath James, Ninnis Church street 11\latthews Henry, town crier
Trounson Thomas :Francis, Vogue Gill Wm. Henry,shopkeeper,Sco::rier st, l\Iay Benjamin Davey, shoe maker
Micbell Elizh. Ann (Mrs.),postmistress' Phillips-Jobn, grocer, Church street ThomasCharlesEdward,Star inn,Vogue
Michell George, surgeon, & medical Pyatt Joseph, brush maker Thomas Henry, shoe maker
officer, Gwennap district, Redruth Reynolds Elizh.Jane(Mrs. ),grcr.Fore st ThomasRichd.Hewett,jewelr.Church st
union& certif. factory surg.Vogue ter Richards Alfred, shopkeeper Trevethick William, shoe maker
Michell Theophilns, tailor & outfitter Richards Mary Ann (Mrs.),greengrocer Unity SafetyFuseCo. (WilliamBennetts,
Mills Thomas Richards, ironmonger, Rowe Arthur Burton, watch maker manager), Little Beside
auctioneer, valuer & general corn- St. Day Fire Brick & Clay Co. Limited Vivian Philippa (Miss), milliner
mission agent. See advertisement (S. H. Lee, sec) Whitburn Stephen S. draper, Fore st
Nicholls Capt. John Blarney~ surveyor, Sara Albert, grocer, Scorrier street Whitford John Morcom, grocer
metallurgist & mining engineer, Smith J oseph, The Hotel, first class ac- Williams Sarah Ann (Mrs.), Cornish
Vogue terrace commodation to commercials,Forest Arms P.H
Nicholls John, butcher Stevens Joseph, farmer, Totcarne Williams William, mason
Oppy Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Vogue Teague & Sons, butchers & farmers Youren James, butcher, Church street
Paull Charles, saddler
ST. DENNIS, in Domesday Lan-Dines (the church of rent charge [25a, average £2o6, net yearly value [127,
the hill), is a township and parish, bounded on the north- with residence and 4 acres of glebe, in the gift of John
west by the river Fal and contaming several small villages Bevill Fortescue esq. and held since 1852 by the Rev. John
and hamlets; it is 3 miles east-south-east from St. Columb Glynn Childs B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There is
Road station on the Newquay brat1ch of the Great Western a Free Methodist chapel, enlarged in 1892 at a cost of £195,
railway, 5 miles north-by-west from Burngullow station on and a Bible Christian chapel, to which a new schoolroom is
Great Western railway and 7 north-west from St. Austell, now (1893) being added, at a cost of about £300. There
in the Mid division of the county, eastern division of the are also chapels for Bible Christians at Whitemoor :,tnd at
hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder East, Enniscaven. The St. Dennis Reading Room and Recreation
St. Austell union and county court district, rural deanery Society was established in 1892. The feast of St. Dennis is
~f St. Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of celebrated annually on October gth, if it fall on a Sunday;
1.'ruro. St. Uennis Junction Mineral station is Ii miles if not, on the Sunday following. In this and the adjoining
west from St. Dennis. The Fowey and Newquay lines of parish of St. Stephen's are some of the largest clay works in
railway pass through the parish. The church of St. Dennis, the county: china-stone is also dug out in great abundance,
~ituated on a conical hill, in the midst of an old entrench- and large quantities· of china clay and porcelain stone are
ment, near the gorse moors, and protected on the north by dispatched by the Quay tramway. Viscount Falmouth, who
.a plantation of firs, was rebuilt in 1847 and is a plain but is lord of the manor, Messrs. Gill and Ivimey, of London,
substantial building of native porcelain stone, rectangular and the Hawkey trustees, are the principal landowners. The
in plan, with a semi-hexagonal roof and an embattled soil is clay; subsoil, disintegrated granite. The land is
western tower of two stages, with short pinnacles and con- principally pasturage. The acreage is 3,230, but the rated
taining 3 bells, of which the treble and tenor are dated 1651 area is 1,966, remainder uncultivated; rateable value,
and 1738; the second bell is dated u67: near the south £9,446; the population in 1891 was 1,302.
porch is an aneient granite cross, about six feet high: the TRELAVER, a quarter of a mile south, and HENDRA, half
porch, which has been modernized, and the tower, are all a mile south, are villages; ENNISCAVEN is another village, I
that remain of the old church, which consisted of two aisles mile north-east.
and a north transept, and contained a reputed Saxon font: Parish Clerk, Thomas Bullock.
the arcade, removed to Nanpean, in the parish of Flt. PosT & T. 0.-'fhomas Bullock, sub-postmaster. Letters
Stephen's in Brannell, in 1847, has been incorporated in a through St. Austell, arrive at 9· 15 a. m.; dispatched at
new church at that place. St. Dennis churchyarcl was in- 3·35 p.m. Nanpean is the nearest money order office.
closed by a wall in 1826, its boundary having previously Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
been marked by a trench only: there are 340 sittings. The Church of England School (mixed), for 191 l}hildren; aver-
register dates from 1687. The living is a rectory, tithe age attendance, 176; John Reed, master
Childs Rev. John Glynn B.A. Rectory Dingle Henry, farmer, Trerice MellowWm.cowkeeper,Cornega downs
Varcoe John, Hendra Dyer Joseph, farmer, Enniscaven Newton Richard, farmer, Menna
GriggCharlo~te(Mrs. ),frmr.Enniscaven MinearBetsy(Mrs. ),farmer,Enniscaven
COMMERCIAL. Grigg Henry, cowkpr. Gathers downs Morcom Tom, watch maker
Allen James, cowkeeper, Downs Grigg James, farmer, Menna Osborn James, farmer, Trerico
Alien Samuel, farmer, Gothers Grigg Richard, farmer, East park Osborn John, cowkeeper,Menna downs
Alien William, cowkeeper, Gathers Grigg Richard, farmer, Penrose Pascoe John, outfitter
Bassett Daniel, farmer, Trerice Grigg Robert Varcoe, china clay mer- Pedlar Almond, stone cutter,Hendra h
Bennetto Tom, stone cutter · chant & tax collector, Hendra Reading & Recreation Room (Tom
BennettsWilliam&Son,masons,Trelaver Grigg William, farmer, Gathers Morcom, sec)
Best John, grocer & draper, Trelaver Hocking Simon, farmer, Trerice Rundle William, cowkeeper, Carne
Blewett John, farmer, Carsella Hocking Thomas Mason, farmer & Stephens Fred, farmer, Hendra lane
Eoscawen Hotel (erected in 1893 in assistant overseer, Trerice StrongmanAlfd.Ernest,boot ma.Trelvr
place of "Miners' Arms," now closed); Hooper John Parcoe, see Boscawen hotl TbomasChrstphr. Chas. Commercial inn
every accommodation for commer- Hooper Richard, prov. dealer,Trelaver Thomas Narcissa Ellen (Miss), grocer,
cials & tourists visiting the China Hore Alfred Best, grocer, Trelaver Trelaver
Clay districts; good stabling & post- James William Henry,coal mer.Gullies Toy Joseph, mason, Trelaver
ing establishment (John Parcoe Kellaway Millwood, saddler Tremaine John, shopkeeper, Trelaver
Hooper, proprietor) Kent Benjamin, farmer, Menna Trethewey Charles, farmer, Carnegga
Bray Joseph, cowkeeper Kent Daniel, carpenter, Hendra Trudgian John,jun.organ bldr. Trelavr
Brenton William Chas.builder,Trelaver Kent James, farmer, Penrose Trnscott Henry, farmer, Trelaver
Brokenshire William, farmer, Carne Kent Robert, farmer, Enniscaven 'l'ruscott Thomas,farmer, Carn cottage
Bullock Tom, carpenter, Trelaver Kent William, farmer, Hendra Varcoe John, farmer, Gathers
Bullock Thomas, tailor Kestle John, shopkeeper, Hendra Varcoe Keziah (Mrs.), farmer, Penrose
Bunt David, farmer, Menna Key Hart, cowkeeper, Gathers downs Varcoe Moses, farmer, Gathers
Bunt James, farmer, Carnes Key James, farmer, Domellick Varcoe Richard, blacksmith
Code Richard, farmer, Trelaver Martyn David & Son, masons, Trelaver Varcoe Rd. farmer & clay mer.Bodella
.Coon Thomas, farmer, Bodella Mellow Rich~rd, farmer, Rolepole Yelland Richd. butcher&frmr. Trelaver
Crowle John, shopkeeper Mellow Saml.cowkeeper,Cornega downs Yelland William, blacksmith, Trelaver
DevonshireTabitha(Mrs.),farmr.Menna Mellow Thomas, farmer, New moor
DEVORAN is a village and ecclesiastical parish, formed Works," is now the harbour or creek of Devoran, the
.January 17, 1873, out of the civil parish of St. Feock, and is conservators of which are the Redruth and Chacewater
QU Restronguet Creek, an inlet of Falmouth Harbour, I mile Railway Company, first constituted by Act of Parliament in
-east from Perranwellstation on the Falmouth branch of the 1823 and reorganized by an amended Act in 1853: the
Great Western railway, 7 north from Falmouth and 4l prosperity of this place is chiefly owing to the railway, the
south from Trnro, in the Truro division of the county, terminus of which is close to the harbour; there al'e also
hundred of West Powder, petty sessional division of Powder wharves for the shipping of copper ores from the great
West, Truro union and county court district, rural deanery mining district of Gwennap, and for the importation of coal
~f Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. for the supply of the works; but this being a mineral line
From about 1820 until 1839 this place was the site of an ex- only, passengers are not conveyed on it. The chureh of St.
tensive tin mine ; but the proprietors then shut up the John is a building of stone, in the Early English style,
works, and the mouth or opening to the mine has been erected in 1855-6, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch
almost completely filled up by sand and earth washed up by and a tower with spire, containing one bell : there is a brass
the tide; on the site of the mine called "Carnon Stream in the chancel to John Phillpotts esq. of Porthgwidden, in
this parish, for many years M.P. for the city of Gloucest~r, Richard de Clare Boscawen, of Tregye, are the principal
and Sarah, his wife, both of whom died in 1849 ; and to landowners. The soil consists of the debris of decomposed
Ulysses Theophilus Hnghes esq. of Gravesend, in the county slate ; the subsoil is entirely slate. The population of St.
()( Glamorgan, d. x8og, and Rachel Penelope, his wife, d. John's in 1891 was I 1075·
1826, whose only surviving children, the Rev. Thomas Phill- Parish Clerk & Sexton, George Dnngey.
potts M.A. formerly vicar of Feock, and Mary Anna Penelope, PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
his wife, erected this chancel to their memory A.D. 1856 : (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O_ Corn-
nve windows in the chancel are stained and the remainder wall added).-Miss Sarah Bishop Pascoe, postmistress.
are partly stained: in 1886 a brass lectern was presented in Letters arrive from London at 7·45 a. m. 2.25 p.m. (north
memory of Richard Michell Sampson by his children : there mail) & 7·45 p.m. ~ dispatched at 6.30 & 10.20 a.m. (north
are sittings for 200 persons. The register dates from the mail), 2.20, 4·35 (London mail) & 6.30 p.m. ~ snndays
year 1873. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value al:lOut at 4·35 p.m. only
£170, with residence, in the gift of Lord Robartes, and held VVALL LETTER BoxEs:
since r888 by the Rev. Arthur Williams. 'fhere is a small Carnon down, cleared at 8.30 a.m. & 4.10 p.m. ; sundays
mission room at Point, in which divine service is held twice at 9.30 a.m
weekly by the vicar. There is a Wesleyan chapel in the Carnon gate, cleared at 4 p.m. week days only
village, erected in 1861, and another at Carnon down, built Carclew terrace, cleared at 4.20 p.m. week days only
in 1825. The library and reading rooms, over the Market Chapel hill, cleared at 4 p.m. week days only
hall, are supplied with the local papers and magazines, and Point, cleared at 9-50 a.m. & 4 p.m.; on snndays at 8.20
there is a small attached library. At Point, about 1 mile a. m
below Devoran, are extensive tin smelting works belonging PUBLIC EsTABLISHMENTs : -
to the Penpoll Tin Smelting Company, whose chief offices I~ibrary & Reading Room, VVilliam Pascoe, sac. ; Waiter
are in London, and near the harbon.- are the solder works of Paull, librarian
the Metal Refining Company, belonging to Mr. Richard Market Hall, Richard Laskey Tucker, keeper
Clark. An extensive trade is also done here in the cultiva- Redrnth & Chacewater Railway, James Williams,snperin·
tion of oysters by Messrs. T. Kemp and Co. who supply the tendent & sec. ; Joseph Frederick 'fyacke, clerk
London and other markets from their beds in the river Fal. National School, for 18o children; average attendance, 55
A market for meat and vegetables is held on Friday in the boys, 44 girls, 36 infants ; William R. Cock, master ;
Market hall, a small stone building erected by Lord Robartes, Miss Laura Berryman, assistant mistress
but it is very sparsely attended. Lord Robartes, who is lord CARRIERS.-James Mitchell, to Truro, wed. & sat.; to Red-
of the manor, Col. Arthnr Tremayne D.L., J.P. of Carclew, rnth, fri.; .Frederick Martin, to Truro, m on. wed. & sat.;
Perranarworthal, Viscount Falmonth, and the Hon. John to Redruth, fri
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. *Burrows Amos, farmer,Ringwell farm MitchellRchd.ship agt.St.John's terrace
[:Marked thus • receive their letters through *BurrowsBenj.cowkeeper,Carnon down Mitchell Robt. wood dlr. Laurel cottage
Perranwell R.S.O. & should not be Burrows Wm.H.farmer, Chycoose croft Mitchell Thomas, farmer, Penpoll
addressed Devoran.] . Chellew William, shipowner, Point Mitchell William, blacksmith
*Bennetts John Messer, Killiganoon Coad John, draper Nicholls Charles, potato & marine store
*Boscawen ,Hon. John Richard de Cock James, master mariner, Chypit dealer, Belmont terrace
Clare, Tregye *Crawl Mrs. Elizabeth,farmer,Jewel vil *Nicholls Thomas, butcher, Carnon gte
Boyle Wm. PercivalMajor,Landydrock CnrnowRobertRichd.coal mer.Point ho Olive Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker,
Brown Philip James, St. John's terrace Daniel William, farmer, Chypit farm Belmont terrace
Bryant William, St. John's terrace Devoran Library & ReadingRoom(Wm. OwensDavid,master marinr.Belmnt.ter
Chellew William, Point Pascoe, sec.; WalterPaull, librarian) *PengellyJas.carrier&frmr.Carnon dwn
Collins Peter, St. John's terrace *Dnnstan.John,farmr.Higber 'fresithick Penpoll Tin Smelting Co. Limited,
Dinney John, Point Dnnstan John Giles, farmer & butcher, Penpoll ('Thomas Teagne, manager)
Donald William, Market street Tregoose *Pouting George,farmer,Come to Good
Dyer Richard, St. John's terrace *DunstanNicholas,wheelwt.Carnon dwn Redrnth & Chacewater Railway Co.
Hawkins Mrs. Belmont terrace *DnnstanWm.shopkeeper,Carnon down (.James Williams, supt. & sec.;
Hodge VVilliam Frederick,St. John's ter Dnnstan William, jnn. carpenter Joseph Frederick 'fyacke, clerk)
Kemp Thomas, St. John's terrace DyerRichd.master marinr.St.John's ter Rees Georgina (Miss), school, Penpoll
Lidgey William, Holmleigh liEzard Thomas, farmer, Carnon hill Rowe Hugh, master mariner
Lindsey Colin, St. John's terrace FarqnharsonEliza Stevens(Miss),school Skewes:Benjamin, shoe maker
Martin Misses, Belmont terrace *Gay Nicholas, farmer, Carnon down Stephens James, master mariner, Point
Mitchell Robert Treener, Belmont George Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper Tallack Ebenezer, farmer, Narrobo
Nettle William, St. John's terrace Gilbert Elizh.(Mrs.),RobartesArmsP.H TallackNicholas,frmr.&rate col.Narrbo
Paull Mrs. St. John's terrace Gribble John, ironmonger *Teagne John, farmer, Carnon Crae
*Polkinghorn Mrs. Trethewey Hnsson John Hocking, rope maker *TeagneSaml.blacksmith,Carnon down
Richards Henry, St. John's terrace *Johns Thomas, farmer, Keatrevella *TeagneStephen, farmer,Ca.rnondown
Rowe Hugh *Johns Thomas, farmer, Ringwell •Trenhaile Miss Olivia, farmer, Lower
Sampson Misses, Park view Kemp Thos.&Co.coal,iron& oyster mers Tresithick ·
Stephens Mrs. St. John's terrace Langdon.John,carpntr.St.John's terrace *Tucker Richard Laskey, farmer &
Stephens Richard, Chycoose Lidgey William,agent to Messrs.Vivian butcher, Mid Devoran
*Stone Mrs. Cobler's pool & Sons, coal merchants, Port Talbot Tyack Richard, shoe ma. St. John'ster
*Symons Mrs. Claremont villa & Swansea Vivian&Sons(of PortTalbot&Swansea),
Teagne Thomas, Penpoll *LobbThos.medical botanist,Carnon gt coal mers. (VVilliam Lidg-ey, agent)
Tresize Orchard, St. John's terrace *Lock Joseph, farmer, Carnon down Williams Elizabeth Jane(Miss),farmer,
Treweek John, St. John's terrace *Loer Charles, farmer, Lower Carnon Penpoll
Williams Rev.Arthur [vicar], Vicarage Martin Frederick, carrier Williams James, accountant & supt. of
VVilliams Misses, Alma Martin John, mason, Belmont terrace the Redrnth & Chacewater Railway
Wiiliams Mrs. Frank, St.John's terrace Martyn James, grocer & baker Co. Devoran house
Woolcock William, Point May Nicholas, travelling tea *Williams Jeremiah, shopkeeper &;
COMMERCIAL. MetalRefining Co.solder manufacturers farmer, Carnon down
*Andrew Charles Henry, farmer & pig &c. (Richard Clark, proprietor) *Williams.JohnWarren,farmer,Mt..Agar ·
jobber, Mount Hope *MichellJohn,shopkeeper,Carnon down *WilliamsSamnel,frmr.HigherDevoran
Bath Edward Henr~·, shopkeeper, Point *Michell Richard, carrier, Carnon down Williams Thomas Mills, chief engineer.
*Bennett Mark,policeconstbl.Carnon hl Michell Tobias, grocer Belmont terrace
*BilkeyRichard,farm bailiff to the Hon. Mitchell Eliza (Mrs.), grocer Wilton Jane (Miss), apartments
John D. Boscawen, Tresithick *Mitchell James, carrier, Carnon down Woolcock James, farmer
BlameyJohn Henry,Crown&Anchor P.H Mitchell Jeremiah, master mariner, *WoolcockJohn,cowkeeper,Carnon dwn
BorrowWilliamHill,master mariner,St. Belmont terrace WoolcockThos.Sampson,grocer & drapr
John's terrace Mitchell J oseph, pilot *VVoolcockWilliam,farmer,Camon d wn
Boyle William Percival Major, surgeon, Mitchell Mary (Miss), grocer, The Quay *Woolcock VVilliam, farmer & pork
Landydrock Mitchell Philip,deputy harbour master, butcher, Carnon hill
*Burley Richard, farmer, Tresithick Belmont terrace . Yeoman Mary (Miss), dress maker
ST. DOMINICK is a parish and village, on the navigable deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of
Truro. The church of St. Dominic is a phin building of
river Tamar, which forms its eastern boundary, 3 miles stone, with granite dressings, in the Perpendicular style,
south-east from Callington, 8 north from Saltash, where consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch
is the nearest railway station, and 12 north from Plymouth, and an embattled western tower, containing 6 bells: in the
chancel is a piscina, and the rood-loft stairs remain : at the
in the North Eastern division of the county, middle divi~ioJ.
east end of the south aisle is a large tomb, with effigies, to
of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of East
Middle, Liskeard union and county court district, rural
Ambrose Rous, dated 1659, and Maudlin (Osborne), his fruit. The area is 3,226 acres (including Ioo of water);
wife; there are memorials to the Clarkes of Halton, rateable value, £4,356; and the population in 1891 was
1721-49; to the families of Horndon and Jane and to 781.
Nicholas Sharsell, rector, 1671 : tbere are 270 sittings. 'fhe AsHTON, 1 mile west; BuRRATON, 1 mile south-east ;
register dates from the year 1611. The living is a rectory, ETHERIC or BoTHETHERIC C&oss, r! miles south-east, are
average tithe rent-cnarge £289, gross yearly value £4oo, hamlets here. HALTON QuAY is 2 miles south, where large
including 106 acres of glebe, wiLh residence, in the gift of the quantities of coal, timber and manure are imported and
Rev. Frank Ley Bazeley M. A. rector of Holy Trinity, Exeter, lime exported.
and held since 1853 by the Rev. Richard Hugh Keats Buck Sexton, John Pomeroy.
B.A. of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, hon. canon of
Truro. Here are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. By PosT & T. 0.-James Rabbage, sub-postmaster. Letters
the side of the road leading from Chapel Farm to the Tamar received through St. l\'Iellion R.S. 0. at 7· 55 a. m. ; dis-
is the Holy Well, at the back of which is a niche; the whole patched at 5·45 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but
structure is now much overgrown. A fair is held on the not paid. The nearest money order office is at tlt. :Mellion
first Thursday after the 12th of .May yearly for cattle. The R. S. 0. WALL LETTER BoxEs : Hunter's Oak, cleared
s.soEarl of Mount Edgcumbe P.C.' D.C.L., L.L. who is lord of the 5·30 p.m. & Halton Quay, cleared at p.m
manor, and William Augustus Coryton J.P. of Pentillie ScHOOLS:-
Castle, Pillaton, are the chief landowners. The soil is free National (mixed) for go children; average attendance, 45
and light clay; the subsoil is on slate and stone. 'fhe chief Wesleyan, for wo childen, average attendance, 69; Miss
crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, mangold wurtzel and Hannah McDonald, mistress
Buck Rev. Richard Hugh Keats B.A. Herring Edmund, farmer, Bohetheric Parkin Mary (Mrs.),farmer,Burcoombe
[rector & of Truro],Rectry Herring William, farmer, Brendon Perry, Spear & Co. Limited, genl.mers.
Jones Rev.JohnHy.[curate],Bohetheric Hicks John, farmer, Gooseford Halton quay; & at Kelly Bray, Stoke
COMMERCIAL. Hughes Henry, blacksmith,Danescombe Climsland
Babb Joseph, farmer, Baber Jones Thomas, farmer, Radland Poad Samuel, mason, Ashton
Babb William, farmer, Strips Haye Jope George, market gardener Poad Samuel, jun. mason
Baker Alfred, boot maker, Cross Jope William, farmer, Dairy mill Poad Samuel Bewis, mason
Bennett Mary Jane (Mrs.), market Knight Samuel, farmer, t:ipur house Rabbage James, grocer, Post office
gardener, Bohetheric Langman Mary(Mrs. ),farmer,Smeaton Rosekelly Richard, farmer, Baber clift
Bond John Harvey, farmer, Stockwell Langsford Char'les, miller (water), Sargent .MaryAnn(Mrs.),shoe ma.Cross
Bridgman George, farmer, Haye Cotehele mill Sleeman Wm. carpenter, Bohetheric
Congdon Richard, farmer, Berry farm LangsfordJamesD.farmer,Birchenhays Snell Benj. fruit grower, Radland mill
CousensJn.carpenter& asst.oversr.Crss LawryJas.frmr.&fruit grwr.Bohetheric Snell George, farmer, Ashton
Cousens Mary Ann (Mrs.), Butchers' LucasMaryAnn(Mrs.),CornishArmsP.H btriplin Richard, carpenter
Arms P.H. & carpenter, Cross Martin George, barge owner,Bohetheric Stripling William Baker, fruit gro1ver
CradickJacob&,Heath:field .Martin George, farmer, Ashton 'falbot James, farmer, Halton Barton
Cradick Abraham, farmer, Trehill Martin John, shopkeeper, Bohetheric Tamblyn Elizh.(Miss), farmer, Kelly pk
Cradick lieorge, farmer, Chapel Martin Joseph, barge owner,Bohetheric 'freajs Josepb, shoe maker,Radland ford
Cradick Isaac, butcher Martin Thomas, brewer, Towell Trewartha James, miller (water),
Downing John, farmer, Green bank Martin Thomas, jun. butcher Barrotts mill
Grills Alfred, farmer, Burraton Mason Sarah (Mrs.), market gardener Vosper Albert, farmer, Murden
GrillsElizh.Ann(Mrs. ),farmer,Smeaton May William, farmer, Corneal Vosper Edwn.fruit grwr. Woodland cat
Grills Stephen, farmer, Fursdon May William, farmer, Welltown wood Vosper Thos. market gardener, Quarry
Hambly Peter, farmer, Westcot Parkin Charlotte(Miss),farmer,Corneai Vosper Wm. butcber&frmr.Bohethoric
Hawk Mary (Miss), farmer, Eastcott Parkin Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Burraton Worth Samuel, farmer, Treehill
DULOE is a parish and village, 3 miles north-north-west Scott's Greek Lexicon," was rector here 184o-so. A Mission
from Looe terminal station on the Moorswater and Looe School Chapel was erected at Hill in 1888, chiefly at~the cost
railway, 5 south-west from Liskeard, on the high road of the late Rev. T. A. Bewes M. A. of Plymouth: it has 6o
between those places, in the South Eastern division of the sittings. Here is an Association Methodist cnapel. Near
county, eastern division of the hundred of West, petty Stonetown, about two hundred yards north-east of the
sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county. court church, stands a small Druidical circle, about 15 feet in
district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bodmin diameter, composed of six or eigiJ.t monoliths of white
and diocese of Truro. The church of ~t. Cuby, st.anding on quartz, one of which is 9 feet high. St. Cuby's or St.
an elevation, is a large and ancient edifice of stone, in the Keby's Well is situated a little more than a mile from the
Early English style, consisting of chancel with north aisle, church ; the spring flows into a basin of granite, the sculp-
nave, north aisle, transepts, south porch and a tower on the tured work on which is now much defaced. Near Duloe is
south side with pyramidal roof and containing 6 bells, dated Bosant Cross, which has a tall, straight shaft, with cham-
respectively 1861, 1753, r869, 186r, 1755 and 1753: the fered edges, and is placed on a slight elevation. The chari-
rood stairs remain in the north wall of the chancel aisle: ties amount to £9 9s. yearly. Trenant Park is a modern
the pulpit is of carved oak, and the font, an octangular work mansion (unoccupied), in extensi\'e grounds of about 200
of bold design, is of granite: in 1882 the marble reredos and acres, bounded on three sides by the rivers Duloe and Looe,
a ;new organ were erected: in the chancel aisle is an altar which umte at Trenant Point, on the south-east, above
tomb to Sir Jobn Coleshill kt. dated 1483, with recumbent which rises a headland on which is a temple overlooking
effigy in plate armour and collar of SS.; another monu- Looe harbour. Cecil Edward Hewes esq. J.P. of Ridgeway,
ment, defaced in 182o, commemorates Sir John Arundell kt. Plympton St. Mary, who is lord of the manor, Lord
of Trerice, M.P. for Tregony, temp. Charles I. and governor of Robartes, Sir\Villiam Lewis Salusbury-Trelawny bart. D.L.,
Pendennis Castle, which he held for the king for six months J.P. of Trelawne, Pelynt, and EdwardOoode esq. D.L., J.P. ()f
during the year 1646, being then 87 years of age; he died in Polapit Tamar, Launceston, are the principal landowners.
1647; there ara also memorials to the families of Milles, The soil is generally light and free ; subsoil, sbelfy. The
Bewes, Grigg, Trevellion and others: the stained east chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is
window was erected by Mrs. Peel, in memory of her bus- 5,844 acres; assessed acreage, 5,651; rateable value,
band, Thomas Peel esq. of Trenant Park, m this parish, and L,'4,523; the population in 1891 was 826, including the
in 1888 a memorial window to H. Bewes esq. was placed in portion of the ecclesiastical parish of Hcrodsfoot belonging
the Bewes aisle : the church was completely restored in to this p,ui.:;h.
r863, and has 380 sittings. The register dates from the year Posr&M.O.O., s. B. & Annnity & Insuranca Office (Railway
r668. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).
£472, net yearly value £273, including 45 acres of glebe, Miss Louisa Cola, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
with residence, in the g!ft of Balliol College, Oxford, and at 6. 10 a. m.; dispatched at 6. 17 p.m. week days & noon
held since 1850 by the Rev. Paul Bush M.A. of St. Mary on sundays. The nearest telegraph office is at Looe
Hall, Oxford, and honorary canon of Truro. The late Very
Rev. Robert Scott D. D. dean of Rochester and some time Parochial School (mixed), built in 1872, for 120 children;
master of Balliol College, Oxford, co-author of "Liddell and average attendance, 90; Reginald Couch, master
[Marked thus* receive their letters through *Broad John, farmer, Coombe Couch Henry, farmer, Colehender
Broad Nicholas, farmer, Landare Couch Reginald, schoolmaster, &
St. Keyne R.S.O.]
Broad Thomas, boot maker · assistant overseer
Bush Rev. Paul M.A. Rectory Brown George, farmer, Tremadart Cossentine Jn.Harris,frmr.Lanwarnick
*Congdon Albert, Badham Butters Joseph, smith, Hill head Deacon Joseph, tea dealer, Badham
Cock Nicholas, farmer Dingle Simon, farmer, Pendriscott
COM.liiERCIAL. Cole LoGisa (Miss), shopkpr. Post office Glanville John, blacksmith
*Alger Richard, farmer, Killigorick & Congdon Albert, te!l planter & Importer, Hambly Wm.&Rd. Bros.frmrs.Penquite
Hambiy ~Iary CUrs.), f,umr.Bophi!iick
Penhale Badharn
*Arthur John, farmer, Killigorick
Bowdcn William, tailor, Tredinnick
Hitcbins William, farmer, Benoak 1*Medlen Joseph, farmer, Coombe Symonds Robert, farmer, Pendriscoot
*Hocken Wilham, farmer, Tredinnick ; *MitchellChristopher,farmr.Killegorick Tamblin Robert, registrar of births &
& at Leyland & Coombe farms Mitchell Thomas, farmer, Lantnndle deaths for Looe sub-district,Liskeard
Hoskin John, farmer, Polpiver Mutton William, farmer, Trenant union, Tredinnick
*Luc!l.s Stephen, farmer, Penbugle Olver John Williams, auctioneer & Tamblin William, farmer, Puffiland
Mallet Jas.& Son,carpentrs. Tredennick farmer, Westnorth farm TomsNathaniel, farmer, Bodbrane
Mallet Edwin, farmer, & inspector o.f Palmer James, farmer, Coldrennick Toms Nathaniel, farmer, Lanwarnick
nuisances for the Liskeard rural Pearce Thomas, farmer, Pendriscott Toms William, farmer, Hill
sanitary authority, Pendruflle *Pearn Joseph, boot maker, Herodsfoot *Treleven Peter, farmer, Hallas
MayGideon,shpkpr.&shoe ma. Trednnck *PearnWilliam,manure mer.Herodsfoot Vice John, farmer, Stonetown
May Joseph, jun. farmer, Polteyonna Pollard Richard, farmer, Crooksball White Simon, mason, Tredennick
*May Samuel, farmer, Benoak Serpell George, farmer, Treworgey WillcocksWm. miller(water),Tremadart
*May Thomas, farmer, Westnorth mill5 Serpell George, jun. farmer, Tredallett Williams Peter, farmer, Hill
Medlen John, farmer, The Glebe Slade Christopher,Plongh inn,& butchr
EGLOSHAYLE is a township, village and parish on : intended to form a Greek cross ; three Of these being more
the river Camel, and bounded in part by the river Alan,! deeply sunk than the remaining one, have given this relic
half a mile south-east from Wadcbridge station on the its current name. Of two ancient chapels once existing in
Great Western railway, 6~ north-west from Bodmin and 9~ 1 the parish thers is now no trace. Mr. John Pollard, of
north-west from Bodmin Road station, in the North Eastern ' Egloshayle, left £2oo, the interest of which, at present (1893)
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division amounting to £5 ros. is. divided between the po'or and the
of Trigg, Bodmin union and county court district, rural Sunday school. Pencarrow, now the seat of Mrs. Richard
deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. J<'ord, standing in a hollow and surrounded by woods and
The river Kestell, which flows near the village and empties plantations, was partly rebuilt by Sir John Molesworth
itself into the Alan, affords good trout fishing, and in its bart. M.P. in 1765, and completed by his son, Sir William
ll)wer reaches salmon and salmon peel are caught. The Molesworth bart. lii.P. who also greatly improved the gardens
church, said to be named after St. Helie, n. canonized Welsh and grounds; the former are laid out with terraces in the
sovereign, is a building of stone, in the Early English and Italian style, and the latter contain many rare trees and
Perpendicular styles, with modern additions; it was restored shrubs ; the mansion, which has three fronts, is plain, but
in 1867 at a cost of £r,6oo, and consists of chancel, with substantial, and contains a valuable collection of pictures
south or "Kestell '' aisle, and organ chamber on the north and articles of vertu, and a magnificent library, including
t.ide, nave of four bays, south aisle, north transept, south MS. copies of the Heralds' Visitations of 1573 and 1620; it
porch and a lofty embattled western tower 82 feet high, stands in grounds of 14~ acres in extent, and at the top of
with crocketed pinnacles and containing a clock and 6 bells, the park is an earthwork, called "Pencarrow Castle," con-
recast by Rudhall, of Gloucester, in 1756: the dripstone of sisting of three nearly concentric ramparts, each separated
the entrance to the tower, is ornamented with figures of 1 from the next by a deep fosse; the inner vallum incloses an
angels bearing· shields, one displaying the device of John area of25oby2oofeet; thecentralonemeasuresabout39oby
Lovybond, c. 1461-75• and the other the presumed arms of 360 feet; and the exterior rampart, which is now incomplete,
the Kestell family: the 5outh porch retains a holy water 520 by 6oo feet. On the estate of Great Kelly is the ancient
stoup : the font, of Norman date, consists of a square camp called "Kelly Rounds," or "Castle Killibury," of
basin, with rudely arcaded sides, supported on a massive which portions only now remain; it originally consisted of
cylindrical base and on small shafts at the angles; it also two high concentric ramparts, separated by a deep fosse and
bears an inscription now illegible: the stone pulpit of Perpen- strengthened by another on the outer side, the innermost
dicular date has been enlarged and exhibits some curious vallum inclosing an area of 396 by 330 feet; other earth-
details: in the tower are the remains of a monument to the works lie near which on the south-east formed a double
Kestell family, originally erected in the Kestell aisle in 1581 barbican, and on the north-west a semicircular wall: some
by John Kestell, of Trevegon, and bearin~ dates from 1520 ancient roads also traverse the parish. Mrs. Ford (as re-
to 1578; three of the compartments are filled with inscrip- presenting the Molesworths) and John Tremayne esq. n.A.,
tions and the fourth has a shield of arms, and above is a n.L., J.P. of Heligan, are the principal landowners. The
quartered shield with crest and mantling under a~ arch; a Ecclesiastical Commissioners, in right of the See of Exeter,
fifth compartment is lost: there are also memorials to Sir are lords of the manor of Bernere, or Burnayre, under an .
John Molesworth hart. ob. June, 1723, and Jane (Arscott), order in Council, 29 June, 1859. The manor of Pencarrow,
his wife, ob. l\Iay, 1719, and their family; to Barbara anciently held by the Dynham and Stapledon families, was
(Morice), wife of Sir John Molesworth bart. ob. 17 Ap. 1735; partitioned in the 14th century and furt.her dismembered
and to Sir Arscott Ourry :M:olesworth bart. ob. 23 Dec. 1823: about 1590, and a portion only is now held by the Moles-
in the tower are monuments to the Rev. Henry Peers M.A. worths, who also own the manors or bartons of Pendavy
vicar, 1761-93• and to John Consett Peers, capt. R.N. ob. II and Overleigh: the manors of Treworder and Lamayle, or
Nov. 1798, and t') the King and Carstairs families : on the 1 Lemail, and the barton of Croane belong to the family of
external walls of the church, as well as in the churchyard, Tremayne. The soil is light loam; subsoil, stone. The
3re many other memorials: in the churchyard stand the chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is
upper portions of two ancient crosses : there are 340 sittings. 5,668 acres of land, 53 of water and 143 of foreshore ; rateable
The registers date from the year r6oo. The living .is a value, £7,133; the population of the parish (including a
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £304, net yearly value portion of the town of Wadebridge) in 1891 was 1,368.
£29$, including 27 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift SLADES BRIDGE, half a mile south-east; WASHAWAY, 2~
of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1891 by the Rev. south-east; BomEvE, I north-west; FoRD, 2~ east; and
George Durno M.A. of King's College, Aberdeen. In the GoNVENA, 1 north-west, are places here.
village is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1817 and rebuilt in Sexton, Thomas Cleave.
1824. and there is another at Washaway, built in 1836: there PosT OFFICE, Egloshayle.-::\Iiss L. Mathews, sub-post-
is also a Free Methodist chapel, erected about 1838, but mistress. L3tters arrive through Wadebridge R.S.O. at
since enlarged and holding 550 persons: and one at Slades- 9· 10 a. m. Letters dispatched at ro.35 a. m. 4.30 & 7·55
bridge, seating Ioo. Washaway Mission chapel, built in 1882 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
at a cost of about £6oo, will seat 8o persons. A cemetery PosT OFFICE, Slades Bridge.-Miss Louisa Rowe, sub-po&t-
was formed in 1857, from a portion of the glebe, under the mistress. Letters received through Wadebridge R.S.O.
provisions of the Act, 43 Geo. Ill. c. 108; it consists of a arrive 9.25 a.m.; dispatched at 10 a.m. 4.20 & 7.30 p.m.
close of land, formerly called "Polgriggons," and is 2 roods Wadebridge is the nearest money order & telegraph office
ro perches iu extent. On the north side of the churchyard, PosT OFFICE, Washaway.-John Luke, sub-postmaster
next the gate, is an ancient cross, about 3~ feet high, with a (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
round head, bearing a. :Maltese cross; on the opposite side of • wall added). Letters arrive at 7.10 a. m.; dispatched at
the gate is another stone, 3 feet high, with an elongated and 5.15 p.m. Higher Bore street, Bodmin, is the nearest
rounded head, carved with a fteur-de-lis; at Washaway is money order office & Bodmin head office the nearest
the round he!>.d of another, embedded in a hedge by the telegraph office
roadside and bearing a.fteur-de-lis. On the high road from This place is included in the United S<'hool Board district of
Wadebridge to Camelford, and at the point where the road St. Breock & Egloshayle. 'fhe children of this parish
from "Kelly Rounds" intersects it, stands "Three Hole attend the Board schools at Wadebridge
Cross," a monolith, 7 feet 4 inches in height, with a round School, Washaway (mixed), for so children; Miss Da.wson,
head, which has a central boss and around it rude piercings, mistress
Egloshayle. Durno Rev. George M.A. Vicarage Harris Mrs. Beulah villa
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Flynn Rev. Robert Francis Th..&.K.C.L. Hellyer John Sussex, Clapper
Barnett Major, Costislost Jago Alfred Charles Trenant
Barnett Misses, Costislost [curate of Egloshayle] Johns Simon, Egloshayle road
Colaman Mrs. The Retreat Ford Mrs. Richard, Pencarrow Kellett Harry [United Free Methodist
Hambly Major Samuel Symons, West-
Crook Benjamin Noah, Church villa preacher]
park house
Lander Henry, .Allendale B.uscombe Samuel, farmer, Burlawne Mathews J ames,shopkeeper, & assistant
Leamon Edward, Hill side Cleave Thomas, shoe maker overseer, Post office
Ltttle Miss, .Allendale CockElizabeth(Mrs. ),farmer,Treworder Menhenick Richard, carpenter
Martyn John Davey Wm. farmer, Higher Treworder Menhenitt Henry, miller (water), Pen-
Martyn Samuel Symons DavisonJohn,private schl.Egloshayle rd carrow & Kestell mills
Martyn Thomas, Gonvena Fradd Rose {Mrs.), farmer, Ttedannick Menhinick John, farmer, Burniere
l'ascoe Henry Gill James, farmer, Park Moore John Moore, Earl St. Vincent P.H
Pearce Miss Goodfellow Thomas, carpenter Perry William, farmer, Muttons
Phillips William, Court place Greenwood Wm. coach builder, Ford Perry Zachariah, farmer
Pollard Edward, Westpark terrace Grose William, farmer, Trevilder Pollard Richard, farmer, lkldieve
Potter William Roberts Crawford J.P., Hamley Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Phillips William, farmer, butcher &
D.L. Gonvena Hawker Charles, shopkeeper
cattle dealer, Court place
Stewart Frederick George Hawkey Robert, farmer,Gt. Trevragon Roberts William, farmer, Lower Croan
Symons Mark, Bridge house HawkeyWm.Anthny.&Sons,coach bldrs Scott Edwin, blacksmith, Ford
Symons Samuel, Gonvena Higgs Mary (Miss), girls' school Sheppard Wm.shopkeepr.Egloshayle rd
Thomas Ernest F. Croan Higman Michael, farmer, Treyleatt Thomas Ernest F. farmer, Croan
West Miss Hill Francis, shopkeeper Wilcocks Geo. farmer, Lower Treworder
Wilton George, Rose clifi Hooper Joseph, shopkeeper WillcocksJas.Harwood,frmr.Tregorden
COMMERCIAL. Hoskin Charles, blacksmith William Thomas, carpenter & joiner
Bastard Maria (Mrs.), miller (water), Hoskin Elizh.(Mrs. ), farmer, Lane end Slades Bridge.
Hingham Hosking Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Bailey .Albert, farmer, Bodieve Egloshayle road Hoskin Hart, carpenter
Battershall George, market gardener, Jago Alfred Charles\•. Prinn Richard, blacksmith
Lower Tregleath Grammar school, Trenant Rowe Louisa (Miss), shopkpr. Post office
Biddick Hart. farmer, Kestell Johnston Sergt.-Major, drill instructor Salmon Richard, wheelwright
Biddick Wm. miller (watet'),Tregarden (F Co.) 2nd Volunteer Battalion Stevenson Francis George, estate agent
:Blight 'Ihos.Edward,farmer, Pendavey Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry to l\Irs. Ford
Blight William, farmer, Pendavey Ke~>tel John, umbrella repairer Washaway.
Brabyn William Henry, ship builder Lander John, farmer, Clapper
Brown John, shopkeeper Lander William, farmer, Lemail Parson Richard, Washaway inn
Burnard Edwin, farmer, Trevarner Mathews Ambrose, wheelwright Williams Philip, farmer
EGLOSKERRY, which derives its name from its: queathed [.ro for preaching a sermon in the church every
church of St. Cyriacus, is a village and parish, bounded on Sunday morning : in addition to the above there is a charity
the north by the county of Devon, 4 miles west from Laun- derived from the parish Hams or Marshes, the rents of
ceston, with a station on the Launceston and Wadebridge which, amounting to £10 yearly, are applied to the repairs
section of the London and South Western railway, in the of the church; these lands were given by the Blanchminster
North Eastern division of the county, northern division of family. At Tregeare is a Wesleyan chapel. This parish
the hundred of East, petty sessional division of the north was taxed in Domesday Book, under the name of "Pen-
division of East, Launceston union and county court district, heale," a large manor extending over the whole of the
rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and parish and neighbourhood. The Manor House, in the occu-
diocese of Truro. The church, variously assigned to St. pation of Samuel Palmer Simcoe esq. is a building of granite
Cyriacus and St. Petrock, but also said to have been dedi- ashlar, with embattled parapet, and is a fine example of an
cated to SS. Ida and Lydy, September 14th, r26o, is an ancient manorial residence ; some portion of the structure
ancient building of stone, in the Early Perpendicular style, is attributed to the Grenvilles in the r6th century, but for
consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north transept, the most part it was the work of Paul Speccott esq.; the
south aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower 59 principal rooms, pa.nelled with oak, display shields of arms
feet high, with pinnacles, and containing one bell; two other and contain statues of distinguished literati, and the coffered
bells, it is said, were sold toNorth Petherwin about a century ceilings and fine staircase window are also rich in heraldry ;
ago: there are monuments to the Speccott family, 1636- the grounds, covering an area of about three acres, contain
1705 ; to the Lethbridge family, r833·6r ; and to the Rev. fishponds and groves of chestnuts and oaks and a fine
H. A. Simcoe, late vicar, .Ann, his wife, r84o, and other avenue of lime trees leads up to the house. The estate of
members of his family; and various memorials of later Tregeare, belonging to Edward G. Baron Lethbridge esq.
date: the stained east window contains the Royal .Arms, J.P. is partly in this parish and partly in that of Lan-
those of the Duchy of Cornwall and the national emblems: east. Samuel Palmer Simcoe esq. who is lord of the manor,
in the aisle are a helmet and gauntlets, and here also is an Edward Galton Baron Lethbridge esq. of Tregeare, the re-
effigy in alabaster of an Italian flower girl : the font is of presentative of the late Professor J~ C. Adams LL.D. M.A. of
Norman date: the church was restored and reseated in r887 Cambridge, the trustees of the late George B. :Marke esq.
at a cost of £r,ooo; during the restoration a carved stone Ralph Baron Rogers esq. and Mr. Samuel Bate are the
representing the Agnus Dei was found built into the south principal landowners. The soil is clayey ; subsoil, clay.
wall, and is now placed over the south door: there are 235 The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is
sittings : in the churchyard is the tomb of William Erisey, 3,o68 acres ; rateable value, £2,866 ; the population in
ob. r688. The register dates from the year 1576. The 1891 was 470.
living is a vicarage, with the chapelry of Tremaine annexed, Deputy Sexton, Richard Dawe.
net ye~rly va~ne £125, with residen,..?e and 11 acres of PosT OFFICE (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
g!ebe, m the gift of Samn~l _Palmer Simcoe esq. and held R.S.O. Cornwall, adde1).-Richard Rundle Pethick, sub-
sm~ ~8;:'7 by the Rev. W1llu_tm Sloane Sl_oane-Evans B.A. postmaster. Letters arrive at a.m. ; delivery corn-
of rnmty Colle~e, Cam~mdge. Here IS a Wesleyan
mences at 6.40 a. m.; dispatched at 6.5 p.m.; no delivery
chapel. There IS a chanty of {,2 12s. for b~ead to the or dispatch on sundays. Launceston is the nearest
money order office ; telegraph at the railway station
poor, c~arged on the manor of Paris Garden, Chnst Church,
Blackfrmrs road, London, the property of E. G. Baron
Lethbridge esq. J. P. of Tregeare; it was left by George National School, for 84 children; average attendance, 6o;
Baron, formerly of this parish, who died in r686, being then Samuelllalhatchet, master; Mrs. E. 0. Balhatchet, mist
a merchant in Wood street, London; Mr. Baron also be- Railway Station, William Finch, station master
Simcoe Samuel Palmer,Penheale manor Frayn Francis Philip, blacksmith Reed Richd. Simcoe Arms P.H.& farmer
Sloane-Evans Rev. William Sloane B •.A.. Gtylls Samuel, farmer, Newton Sambell Cyrus, jun. butcher & farmer
Vicarage Hall Richard, farmer, Tor Sleeman John, farmer, Badharlick
VowlerGuillimReginld.Penheale manor Holman Jsph. farmer, East Down end Smale William, farmer, Badharlick
Keast William Dngger, farmer, West Smith Waiter, farmer, Tredundle
COMMERCIAL. Down end Stenlake Thomas, farmer, Treludick
Bate Frank Albert, farmer, Skinnish Lane Thomas, farmer Stenlake William (Mrs.), farmer, Pen-
BateSaml.farmer& landowner,Trebeath Langdon William, farmer, Hole heale, Bart.on
Bate William, farmer, Treburrow Lillicupp Hy. farmer, Port Penheale Trood Thomas Pomeroy & Co. coal,
Blatchford Samuel, farm bailifi to E. Pearce Samuel Rowe, miller (water), corn & manure merchants; head
G. B. Lethbridge esq. Tregeare Badharlick office, Launceston
Bloye Thomas, farmer, Coombe Keale Pethick Richard Rundle, shopkeeper & Veale Philip, carpenter
Cooke William, farmer coal &c. merchant Yowler Guiilim Reginald, estate agent
Couch John, farmer, Badharlick Pethick William Henry, carpenter for Miss Gurney, Samuel Palmer
Davey Thomas, mason, Tregeare Prout Samuel, farmer, Tregeare Simcoe esq. &others, Penheale manor
Dawe Richard, mason Rawle Frank, shoe maker Waiters William, farmer, Tregeare
ST. ENDELLION is a township and parish, si miles way, 6 miles north-east from Padstow and ro south-west
north from Wadebridge station on the Great Western rail- from Camelford, in the North Eastern division of the