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Kelly's Directory of Devonshire & Cornwall - 1893
Part 3 - Cornwall & Advertisements

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-07 18:46:22


Kelly's Directory of Devonshire & Cornwall - 1893
Part 3 - Cornwall & Advertisements


eountv, hundred ~nd petty sessional division of Trigg, union attached to a farm, is a long building, with a gabled wing

of Bodmin, county court district of Camelford, rural deanery and mullioned windows, and has an embattled entrance

and archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The tower of three stories, bearing the date 166o, when the

collegiate church of St. Endelienta, standing on high ground, whole was rebuilt by John Mathew esq. ; fragments of

is a building of Lundy Island granite and stone, in the Per- earlier work may be seen built into a cart shed. On a high

pendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave of five bays, cliff at Doydon Head, near Port Quin, stands a square mono-

aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower with lith known as '' Long Cross," originally the shaft of a cross ;

pinnacles, containing 6 bells, all re-cast in 1734: in the nave it is about 4 feet 3 inches high, and bears on one face a.

are some good carved bench ends, displaying the emblems partly effaced inscription, of which only the words" BROEGAN

of the Passion, and the arms of Grenville and Roscarrock: H[IC]IACIT" can be clearly made out; these are conjectured

the north aisle retains an aumbrey, and in the north wall is a to refer to Brechan, a Welsh prince and father of S~. Ende-

newel staircase: in the south aisle is a piscina, and in the lienta : in the garden of Tresungar House is the head of

porch a stoup, with the shields of Cheynduit and Trevenor another cross, with cylindrical arms : off Port Gaverne is

above, and in front a demi-angel holding a shield with the " Chapel Rock," and the headland here has an entrenchment

arms of Roscarrock : the font is a plain ovoid basin on a of uncertain date : some ancient roads traverse the parish.

cylindric3.l shaft and octagonal base: in the north-east angle The principal landowners are Lord Robartes, E'l.rl Fortescue,

of the chancel is a large altar tomb, on the upper slab of Mrs. Lean, James Hill esq. and Charles Menheniek esq.

which are the matrices of brasses : in the south aisle is The soil is light ; subsoil, Nck. The chief crops are barley,

another altar tomb, the sides of which exhibit deeply re- wheat and roots. The area is 3,776 acres; rateable value,

cessedarches, with ogee heads, and a banding of quatrefoils £5,012; the population in 1891 was I,IJ6, 874 being in

along the base; it has po inscription : there are a few mural Port lsaac.

tablets, including one to Jabez Roscarrock, 1582, and others Port Isaac, 1~ miles north from the church, is a small
to the Philp family; and there are also several inscribed fishing town witll a harbour, accessible to vessels of about.

• floor stones dating from 1700 : the church was restored in 150 tons. Here is a lifeboat station and rocket brigade•

1877, at acostof £5oo, and has qo sittings. On the south The church of St. Peter, erected at a. cost of £1,6oo, is a.

side of the church is a sundial. The register of baptisms building of granite and stone in the Early English style, con-
dates from the year 1732 ; marriages, 1735; burials, 1738. aisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and a turret con-

The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £177, taining one bell: it has 300 sittings. The Wesleyan chapel

gross yearly value £226, including 27 acres of glebe, with here dates from about 1806, but was rebuilt in I835, and

residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since seats i2n501sp4e6r,saonnds;setahteirneg is also a Free Methodist chapel,
1879 by the Rev. Reginald Heber Treffry M.A. of Lincoln built about 400.
College, Oxford : attached to this church are three sinecure
prebends, t,hat of Bodmin or the King's, yearly value PoRT GA.VERNE, to the east of and immediately adjoining
£ 130 148. with 16 acres of glebe; Trehaverock, 10s. Port Isaac, is a small inlet, where slate is shipped. Coal
with 21 acres; and Mornays, £ 133 158. with 22 now and grain are imported and warehouse1 here.

held respectively by the Rev. A. L. Palmes M.A. rector of Parish Clerk, Samuel Apps.

Eythorne, the Rev. R. H. Treffry M.A. rector, and the Rev. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

J. J. G. Every n.A. vicar of Lanhydrock. AtTRELIGHTS is a Port Isaac.-Mrs. Mary Mitchell, sub-postmistress.

Bible Christian chapel, erected about 1837, with So sittings, Letters received through Wadebridge R.S.O. arrive at

and a Free Methodist chapel, built in 1887, with 100 sittings. 10.30 a. m. & 3.40 p.m.; dispatched at 9.10 a. m. for the

Roscarrock, from the time of Richard I. up to 1673, was the North & 3 p.m. for London & the South

seat of the ancient family of that name, who also held a WAT..L LETTER BoxEs, Church, 3·35 p.m. & Port Gaverne,

moiety of the manor of Bodanan, long the chief se'l.t of the cleared 8.45 a.m. & 2.30 p.m. week days only

Chenduit family; the manor of Roscarrock is now held by A School Board of 5 membet·s was formed Oct. 21, 1874;

Mrs. Lean, of Falmouth, and that of Bodanan by the Lyne John Hawke, Port lsaac, clerk to the board; Phillip

family ; the manor of Trefreake, sometime belonging to the Blake, attendance officer

Roscarrocks, was lately in the Peter and Cardell families; Board School (mixed), built in 1877, at a cost of £2,400, to

Earl Fortescue is lord of the manor of 'frevre: the barton of hold 300 children ; average attendance, 218 ; Williarn

Tresungar gave rise to an ancient family of that name, who Martin, master; Miss Mary Hughes, infants' mistress

resided here in the 15th and 16th centuries; the house, now CARRIER.-Richard Prout, to Wadebridge & back, daily

St. Endellion. Richards Thomas, Port Gaverne hotel, Hicks John, butcher

Hill James, Park villa Port Gaverne Hills Thomas Henry, carpenter

Treffry Rev.ReginaldHeberM.A.Rectory Rose William H. farmer, Trewether Hinch Thomas, ship owner

COMMERCU.L. Symons Henry, fat'mer, Trevathan Hinch Thomas, jun. master mariner

Apps Samuel, boot & shoe maker Tucker·John, farmer, Roscarrock Johnson Thos. & Co. grocers k drapers

Bishop Mark, farmer, Port Gaverne Vivian John, farmer, Pennant Lark Celecia (Mrs.), apartments

Brewer Vivian, farmer, Trewethert Young Henry, farmer, Trelights Lark Mark, Dolphin inn, & carpenter

Brown John, farmer, Tollerugyet Port Isaac. Lark Richard, carpenter
Brown Richard, wheelwright, Trelights Lobb Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper

Bunt John, blacksmith, Trelights Barclay Rev. Arthur Denny B.A.camb. Lobb Richard, mason

EdwardsRichd. Jn.farmer,Homerpark [curate in charge] May Albert., draper & grocer

Guy Mark, co"l, lime & manure mer- George Richard Julyan May Thomas, ship owner

chant, Port G11.verne · Guy Warwick Richard May Thomas, jun. ship's master

Hambly Abraham, blacksmith, Port Keat John T Mitchell Thomas, ship's master

Gaverne Perkins Whitfield M.D. Tredethlyn Mitchell Thomas, tailor

Hambly Chas. blacksmith, 'frewetha Williams Henry Oaten Beatrice (Miss), shopkeeper

Hawke Harry, painter, Trelights COMMERCIAL. Parsons Richard, shoe maker

HawkeyElizh.(Mrs.), farmer, Trelights Bate Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Perkins Whitfield M. D. admiralty sur-

Hewitt gardener, Portquin Bate Thomas, mason geon, Tredethlyn

Hills 'rhos. sail maker, Port Gaverne Blake Phillip, assistant overseer Prout Phillipa (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Ivy William, farmer, Burrow park Brown James Joseph, shoe maker Prout Richal'd, carrier

Lanyon Edwin, farmer Bunt Nicholas, mason Rimmick Thomas, carpenter

Lobb Nathan, farmer Dnstow John, ma~ter mariner Roose Richard, Golden Lion P.H

Male Richard, shoe maker George Richard Julyan M.B., c.M.Edin. Saundry William, greengrocer

May William, farmer, Trewethick surgeon & medical officer & public Smith Charles, fishmonger & farmer

Mitchell Robt.shipwright, Port Gaverne vaccinator,No.Idi&trict,Bodmin union Smith John, fishmonger & farmer

Morris James, farmer, Trewether Guy WarwickRd.coal mer.& ship owner Stephens Elizh. (Mrs.), grocer & draper

Oaten John & Hy. farmers, Tregaverne Hambly James, shopkeeper Thomas Henry, market gardener

Pascoe Lonisa C. (Mrs.), ladies' school, Hawke John, ship owner, & clerk to the Tonkin Charles, boot & shoe maker

Trefreock school board Tremaine Moses John, shopkeeper

Pascoe 'fhomM, farmer, Trefreock Hawke Thomas, ship owner Udy James, miller (water) & farmer

Peake James, farmer, Treswarrow Haynes James, coxswain of life boat Williams Edwin, master mariner

Power George, farmer, Tresungar Haynes Leah (Mrs.J, shopkeeper Worden William, butcher I!; farmer

ST. ENODER is a parish 2} miles south-south-westfrom diocese of Truro. The river Gannel rises in this parish,

St. Columb Road station on the Newquay branch and 5 which also affords the chief source of tqe river Fal. The
north from Grampound Road station on the Great Western church bf St. Ennodorus is an ancient building of granite
railway, m north-by-east from Truro and 5 south-south- in the Early Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consi~ting

west from St. Columb : the parish is in the Mid division of of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles, north tran-
the county, hundred and petty sessional division of Pydar sept, sonth porch and an embattled western tower, with
and Powder, union and county court district of St. Columb, pinnacles, containing 5 bells: the tower was partly rebnilt

rnral deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of C'lrnwall and in 1686: there is a Norman font and a few good bench ends:


there are monuments to Dorothy (Arundell), wife of Columb, 2! m~les south-west from the parish church, 2

Anthony Tanner, gent. ob. 1634; to Anthony Tanner, ob. south-east from Newlynand 7 north-north-east from Truro:
1742, erected by George Penwarne; to John Freseyse, yeo- it is said to have been a town of considerable importance in
man, r6-6, and a number of modern date: at the east end the time of the Saxons, but has now dwindled down to a
is a memorial window inserted by the parisllioners, to the small village: the borough returned two members to Par-

Rev. Samuel M. Walker, rector from 1828: the church was liament from the 6th year of Edward VI. (r552), until it
thoroughly restored in r87o, the interior refitted and three was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832. It was never
new windows added, at a cost of £8so: there are sittings incorporated, but was governed by a portreeve, annually
for 6oo persons. The register dates from the year 1571. elected by a jury at the court leet of the high lord. Among
'fbe livihg is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £243, net the parliamentary representatives of this borough may be
income £240, including 20 acres of glebe, with residence, in named Richard Carew, the Cornish historian, Sir Walter
the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1892 by the Raleigb and Col. Clive. The manor of Michell was, in the

Rev. William Horsburgh B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin: time of Edward I. the property of Walter de Raleigh, whose
the living is endowed with the great tithes of three fields son Peter sold it to Ralph de Arundell. John de Arundell,
only: the impropriate tithes amount to £463 yearly. There in the year 1301, certified his right to a market or fair on his
are three Bible Christian chapels in the parish, viz. at Sum- manor called "Modeshole," which appears to have been
mercourt, :Fradclon and Retyn; and Wesleyan chapels at allowed in the same manner as it bad been previously
Summercourt and Michell. There are china clay works granted to his predecessor, W'alter de Raleigh. The market
and a tin mine in this parish. Carvinick House, in this has been long discontinued, but an annual fair is held on the

parrsb, built by Anthony and Grace Tanner, in 1699, is now 15th of October for cattle and sheep.

occupied as a farmhouse. Dr. Edward Last Smith, of PosT OFFICE, Fraddon.-Richard Best Hore,sub-postmaster.

Torquay, is lord of the manor of Pen hale. The principal Letters arrive from St. Columb R.S.O. at II. 15 a.m.;
dispatched at 3m_o10nepy. m. week days only. Summercourt
landowners in the parish are Viscount Falmouth; Christo- I is the nearest order office & telegraph office at St.

pher Henry Tho~as Ha~kins esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Trewi-!
than: ~robus; Rrchard Gully Benne~ esq. B.~., D.L., J.P. of Denis. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
Tr~.rllran House, St. Columb ~Imor; Mrchae~ Henry PosT OFFICE, Michell.-Charles Tamblyn, sub-postmaster.

Wilhams esq,- D. L., J.P. of Pencalemck, St. Clei.?ent s; Jona- Letters arrive from Grampound Road at 8.20 a. m. ; dis-
than Rashleigh esq. B.A., D.L., J.P,. ?f Menabdly, T~ward- patched at 4-35 p.m. Summercourt is the nearest

reath, and Mrs. Stephens. The sorl IS loamy; subsorl, clay money order oflice, & telegraph oflice at Grampound Road.
and spar. The chmf crops a~e wheat, barley, oats, man- Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

golds and potatoes. Tb~ area IS 6,8-:7. acres, p~rtly arable, PosT & M. 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity &; Insurance Office,

pastur~ and meadow, and the. remammg P?rti?n an open Summercourt.-Miss Jane Harvey Liddicoat, sub-post-

waste' rateable value, £7,I88, the populatiOn m 18gi was mistress. Letters arrive from Grampound Road at 9·40

I,II4. a.m.; dispatched 3.10 p.m. week days only. Gram-

"rSummercourt, a hamlet about three quarters of a pound Road is the nearest telegraph oftice
ALL LETTER Box, Blue Anchor, cleared at 3· 5 p. m. week
mile south from the church of St. Enoder, is intersected days only
by the road from Truro to St. Columb. It has an annual
National School (mixed), established in 1828, for 150 chil-
fair, held on the 25th of September, for cattle and horses. dren; average attendance, no; Freclk. Waddleton,mastr

IMichell, or ST. J\hCHAEL, formerly an ancient Parlia- Benny's 'bus to Truro, from Summercourt, on wed. & sat.

mentary borough, partly in this parish and partly in the at 9 a.m. & to St. Columb from Summercourt on thurs.
parish of Newlyn, is on the high road from 'fruro to St. at 4.30 p.m

St. Enoder. IJane John, farmer. Little Resparva Crowlc Henry, farmer

LMarked thus *letters should be addressed Jane Richard, farmer, Retew ' Crowle Thomas, farmer

St. Colurnb R.S.O.] *Kessell John, shopkaeper, Blue Anchor Hore Richard Best, draper & shop-

.. Liddicoat Thomas (.Mrs.) & Sons, keeper (branch), Post office
Horsburgh Rev. "Yrlham B.A. [rector] farmers, Burthy row
M~r~yn Jos~ph Kmg, Retyn Jane John, mason
Wrlhams M1chael Henry, Arrallas Liddicoat Thos. jun. farmer, Benallack Lampshire Abraham Dean, farmer
1Ylartyn Joseph King, yeoman, land Warden Richard, farmer & carrier

COMMERCIAL. agent & valuer, Retyn Worden Richard, farmer

Arthur George, farmer, Ennis Minear Arthur, farmer, Retew

Bassett John, farmer & cattle dealer, Minear John, farmer, Melangoose Michell.

Goonrounson Nankivell John Henry, farmer, Trevisa Dunstan John, farmer
Harris Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bassett John, farmer, Trefullock *Xicholls John, farmer, Blue Anchor Hawke Harry, mason
Hawke William, mason
Bassett Richard, shopkeeper & cow- 1 Osborne Frank, farmer, Retew Manhire Frederick, farmer
Manhire Richard, jun. butcher
keeper, Brighton Rose Joseph, farmer, Nantillow Philp Daniel, blacksmith
Tamblyn Cbas.draper & tea dlr.Post ofli
Bettison Henry,farmer, Penrose Sophia Rose Simeon, farmer, Rosewin Tamblyn David,wheelwrt.& registrar of

Bice Fanny, Philippa & Kate (Misses), Rose Thomas, farmer,HigherPenscawn births &deathsforNewlyn sub-district

farmers, Glebe *Roskilly Richard, farmer, Penhale

Bice James, farmer, Burthy Retew China Clay Works (Albert Bul-

*Bice Luke, farmer, Blue Anchor lock, res. agent)

Boundy James, farmer, Retew Richards John Henry, farmer, Troan

*Brenton William,shoe ma.BlueAnchor RichardsSamuel,granite quarry,Burthy

Brewer "\Villiam Hy. farmer, Bedanna Rose James, farmer, Lower Penscawn Summercourt.

*Bullock Arthur, farmer, Penhale Skinner John, farmer, Resparva gate

*Bul1ock Hart,wheelwrght.Blue.Anchor Snell Edwin, farmer, Nanpean Clayton John, Garnet house

Bullock John, farmer, Barton SpearThos.miller & farmr.Arrallas mill COMlllERCIAL.

Bullock Thomas, farmer, Trewhela StephensRichd.Henry,farmer, Halvenna Bassett Francis, farmer

Bullock William, farmer, Retew Stribley John (Mrs.), farmer, Resparva Benny Philippa (Mrs.), bus proprietor

Chapman John, farmer, Hendra *Tonkin Frederick, Blue Anchor P.H & carrier

Chapman RobertHy.farmer,Boswollow Trebilcock Joseph (Mrs.), farmer, Per- Bishop Simon, saddler

Clemow James, farmer, Tresawna rose Udda Brenton James, watch maker

Cole Thomas, farmer, Trefullack Wheal Benallack China Clay Works Burt John,mason & collector of taxes

Cornwall Constabulary (Francis Bart- (Edward Hocking, res. agent) Currah Henry, shoe maker

. lett, constable) Wheal Parsons China Clay Works Flamank Richard Henry, butcher

Drew James, farmer & farm bailiff to (James Martin, res. agent) Huddy Mary Jane (Miss) & Elizabeth

e:x:ors. of W. Langdon esq. Carvinack Wheat Remfry China Clay Works (John Ann (Mrs.), farmers, Summercourt

Flamank John, farn:er, Little Penhale Evans, manager) Jenkyns Philipp!. (Miss), dress maker

Great Halwyn China Clay Co. (W. J. Williams Edward, farmer, Chytane Liddicoat Jane Harvey (Miss), shop-

North, agent) Williams James Hy. farmer,Halvenna keeper, Post office

Grigg John, farm bailiff to M. H. Williams Nicholas, farmer, Troan Martin William, London inn, & farmer

Williams esq. Arrallas / Williams Richard,farmer,Gunnabarren Nancarrow Ann (Mrs.), grocer & drapr

Grigg John, jun. farmer, Resparva Williams Richard, miller & farmer, Osborne Richard, cowkeeper

Grigg William, farmer, Nankervis Nanpean mills Rundle Richard, blacksmith

Harding Richard, farmer, Trenithan Williams ~amuel, farmer, Polmenna TamblynJohn,assistant ovP.rseer& frmr

Hawkey William & Son, farmers, *YellandArthr.blacksmith,BlueAnchor Tamblyn Richard, carpenter

Trewinion, Gonhskyn · Trebilcock John, carter

Hawkey Henry, farmer, Pencorse Fraddon. Trevarton Anna (Miss), dress maker

Helliar John, farm:!r, Trevossa Trevarton James, mason

Hocking Edward, cowkeeper, Retew Bullock Juseph, farm)r Williams Nicholas Joseph, shopkeeper


ST. ERME is a parish on the road from Truro to Tucker esg. whose ancestor, William Beauchamp, married,

Bodmin, 3! miles nol"th-nor~h-east from Truro, and 5 west in the beginning of the last century, a daughter and co-heiress

from Grampound Road station on the Great Western of William Courtenay esq. ; the building, which appears to
railway. in the Truro division of the county, western have been erected by the Courtenays, is now inhabited by
division of the hundred of Powder, petty sessional division Mr. George Hawke, farmer. William Cola Pendarves esq.
of Powder West, Truro w1ion and county court district, J.P. who is lord of the manor, Michael Henry Williams esq.
rural deanery of Powder, arch deaconry of Cornwall and D.L., J.P. of Pencalenick, St. Clement's; Viscount Falmouth;
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Bermes, Situated in the Digby Collins esq. D.L.,J.P. of Newton Ferrers and Edmund
most elevated part of the parish and near to the high Beauchamp-Beauchamp esq. D.L., J.P. of Trevince, Redruth,
road, is a building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, con- are the chief landowners. The chief crops produced are
sisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, transepts and a wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area of the parish is
noble embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 4,507 acres; rateable value, £3,951 ; the population in 18gr
bells : the church was rebuilt in 1820 on the site of a former was 462.

decayed building, the tower of which, being more modern TRISPIN, a hamlet in the parish of St. Erme, is half-a-mile
north-west from the church, on the high road from Truro
than the rest, remains in a good state of preservation: there
to Bodmiu. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 1s46.
is a carved stone font of Early English date: and in the
vestry is a brass, with kneeling effigies and seven quartered TRESILLIAN is a hamlet, partly in St. Erme, Probus and
shields of arms, to Robert Trencreeke, of Trencreeke in Merther, 3 miles south-east from St. Erme and3~ north-east
from Truro, on the St. Clement's creek of the river Fal. A
Creed,esq.l' counseler at lawe," J.P. 1594, and Anis (Vivian), mission chapel was erected here in 1878 and there is also a
hwiisfewoiffe,Jo15h9n6;Coaonkde there are others to Johan (Haydon),
of Tregassaw, 163o, and John Jago, of Wesleyan chapel.

Truthan esq. 1652, besides a number of modern memorials: PosT OFFICE, Trispin.-Mrs. Ann Maria Rickard, sub-post-
mistress. Letters through Truro, the nearest money order
there are sittings for 300 persons. 'fhe register dates from & telegraph office; arrive at 9·45 a. m.; dispatched at 3
p.m. week days only. Postal orders are issued here, but
the year 1671. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge not paid

£415, average £391, net yearly value £310, including 86 ScHOOLS:-
A School Board of 5 members was formed April 26, 1875;
acres of glebe, with house, in the gift of William Cole F. Truscott, Truro, clerk to the board

Pendarves esq. and held since r867 by the Rev. Thomas Board (mixed), built in 1878, at a cost of about £soo,

Sellwood Stephens 1\LA. of Worcester College, Oxford. for 90 childr.3n; average attendance, 65; Miss Alice
Steer, mistress
Truthan, I mile north-north-west from St. Erme church National, Tresillian (mixed), for 6o children ; average
attendance, 46; & entirely supported by Mrs. M. H.
town, was successively the scat of the Borlase, Jago and Williams ; Miss S. G. Murton, mistress
CARRIERS (passing through Trispin) : -
Williams families; it is now the property of Digby Collins Benny, from St. Enoder to Truro, every mon. wed. & sat.
returning same days
esq. D.L., J.P. and the residence of James Bendy esq. J.P. Prater, from Newquay to Truro, every mon. wed. & sat. ·
returning same days
Trevella, formerly a ·seat of the Langhernes, is now the

property of Michael H.Williams esq. and occupied as a farm-

house by Mr. Joseph Lean: the house was burned dowa in

r815 and rebuilt by George Simmonds esq. then owner: it

is pleasantly situated, surrounded by plantations, and is 5

mil~s north from Truro. Treworgan has been successively

a seat of the Trencreeks and Polwheles ; it is now occupied

as a farmhoude by Mrs. George Hawke. Trahane Vean, once

the seat of the Courtenay family, belongs to E. Beauchamp

St. Erme. Cleave Richard, farmer, Res:Igga Vercoe John Henry, farmer, Truthan
WoodleyJohn, farmer? Trewaters
[Marked thus • receive their via *Collett John, shopkeeper & farmer,
Probus R.S.O.] Tresillian Trispin.

Gatley Miss, Manor house, Tresillian Elliott Albert Henry,farmer, Killeserth Adams Francis, farmer
Hendy James J.P. Truthan Hawke George (Mrs.) & Wm. farmers, Brewer Charles Henry, boot maker
StephensRcv.Thos.SellwoodM.A.ltectry Cayzer John, carpenter
Treworgan Johns William, blacksmith & beer ret
COMMERCIAL. *Hawke George, farmer, Trehane Veau Northey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Adams Anne (Mrs.) & Son, farmers, Jewell James&William,farmers,Penhale Oates Samuel, flour & coal dealer & as-

Trevispin Lean Joseph, farmer, Trevella sistant overseer
Bice Zachariah Charles A. farmer, Magor Ralph Jory, miller (water), Reed Abraham, blacksmith
Rickard William,"WhiteHart P.H.&frmr
Tregassa l'vlill town Rooke James, carpenter
Bovey George, farmer, Egloserme Meager Thomas, farmer & forage mer- Thomas Thoma.s,shoe maker & shop"kpr
*Carne \V. & E. C. coal, corn, ma!lure & Vercoe John, farmer, Lower Trispin
chant, Pengilly
building material mers. m::~.ltsters & Morton Jn.Hearle,frmr.Treworganvean
lime burners, Tresillian; office at Osborne Robert, farmer, Pencoose
Truro. See advertisement *Rich Thomas, farmer, Polsue
Roberts John, farmer, Ennis

ST. ERTH is a parish and village on the Hayle river and high. The register dates from the year 1563. The living is

estuary, with a station on the Great \Yestern railway, 2 a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge

miles south from Hayle, 7 north-east from Penzance and £ 206~ with residence and 105 acres of glebe, in the gift of the

322~ from London, in the Western division of the county, Dean and Chapter of Exeter, and held since 1886 by the

Penwith hundred, pet.ty sessional division of Penwith East, Rev. Conway Richard Dobbs Carter M.A. of Trinity College,

Penzance union and C;)unty court district, rural deanery of Dublin. There is a Mission chapel on the Bosworgy estate,
Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. where services are held by the vicar, and there is also a
A portion of the town of Hayle is in this parish. The river Wesleyan chapel and a mixed school in connection therewith.

is here crossed by an ancient bridge. The church of St. Erth, In the church town is a cross, 7 feet 2 inches high, and a

dating from about the 15th century, is a building of stone, foot and a half wide, with a square head, carved on one
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, side with a representation of the "Crucifixion'' and on the

south porch and an embattled western tower 54 feet high, other with a Greek cross. Trewinnard, the Trewindoi of

with pinnacles, and containing 3 bells, the treble and tenor Domesday, is the principal place in this parish: the house
dated 1783 and the second 1820: a curious feature of the has been greatly altered, but still contains the old state

building is that the arcades of six bays which divide the nave coach (the first of its kind introduced into Cornwall) of Sir
and aisles rise gradually from the west-end, suggesting that Christopber Hawkins hart. F.R.s., F.S.A. d. 6 Ap. 1829, when
the original floor was laid in steps: the stained east window this title became extinct ; about half a mile from St. Erth
is a memorial to Lawrence H. 0. Woodd; and in the south bridge, on the summit of a hill, is a Roman entrenchment.

aisle is a memorial window to the Rev. Alfred Wilson Mills The poor have £r ss. yearly, distributed in bread. Francis

M. A. vicar 1864-86, presented by the parishioners in 1886: Rashleigh Rodd esq. J.P. of Trebartha hall, North Hill, who
in the north aisle portions of the old carved oak beams is lord of the manor, the DL1ke of Leeds, Lord St. Levan,
remai!l: the monuments, all cf modern date, are both the Rev. St. Aubyn Bender M:olesworth-St. Aubyn M.A.,J.P.
num~rous and costly: in 1874, the church was entirely of Clowance, Crowan, and Francis Granville Gregor esq. D.L.
rebuilt on the old lines as far af; possible with the old mater- are the chief landowners. The soil is various ; the subsoil is
ials ; the chancel being repaired, a new organ erected and killas ani ironstone ; there is a stratum of sand,. used by
the church re-seated throughout at a total cost of £3,000: iron founders in moulding. The chief crops are wheat,
there are sittings for 3o6 persons: the churchyard has been barley, oats and green crops. The acreage is 4o092; ra.tfl-

enlarged; within it, and near a flight of steps, stands the able value, £7,865; the population in 18gr was 1,985.
head of an ancient cross, elegantly carved as a quatrefoiled Parish Clerk, John Blight..
rose, with five large bosses, and four smaller ones between PosT OFFICE.-Frank Trevaskis, sub-postmaster. Le~ters
the l~ves. In the village stands another cross, about 6 feet forwarded by foo;; from Hayle, arriving at 9.30 a.m. &

DEV. & CORN. 69


' p.m. ; dispatched to Hayle at 2.55 & 6.30 p.m. ScHOOLS : -
Hayle is the nearest money order & telegraph office. National (mixed), for 200 children; average attendance,

Postal orders are issued here, but not paid roo ; endowed with £7 in St. Erth ; William John Henry

Phipps, master ; Miss Mary Elizabeth Trembath, mistrss

WALL LETTER Box, near church, cleared at 2.55 p.m. week Wesleyan, erected in 1872, for 120 children; average

days only attendance, 82 ; Miss Ellen Pender, mistress

[Marked thus t receive their letters through Goldsworthy William,frmr.Trewinnard Pearce JohnRichd.farmer,Kerthenwood
{Marked thus~~e~~i~~ ~b.~i~iltters through Hammill John,farmer, Killinwon
Lelant R.S.O.] Pope Joseph, farmer, Trenadrass
Hart Charles Frederick, Victoria inn Richards George, farmer, Porthcnllnm

Carter Rev. Conway R.D. 111.A. Vicarage Harvey John, farmer, Church town Rogers James, farmer, Trelean

Goodman Mrs. Rockclose house Hicks Thomas, farmer, Tremellin Rosewarn~Jas.miller(water),Trannack.

Phillips Mrs. Woodbine villa Hocking John, farmer, Tregethas Rowe Michael, farmer, Trannick

COMMERClAL. Jacka Thomas, shopkpr. Church town Smith George, farmer, Trenhayle

AndrewRalph,tin dressr.Tremelling cot James Robert, greengro. Church town Stephens John, farmer, Kerthenwood

Bawden Josiah, boot & shoe maker Jenkyn Joseph,carpenter&farmer,Praze Stevens John, shopkeeper, Church towa

Blight & Co. grocers Michell Henry, jun. farmer, Tremelling Thomas Richard, New inn

Cardell Nurance1(Mrs. ),frmr.Trann\ Michell Henry, sen. farmer, Treadrea Trevaskis Frank, carpenter,& post office

"tCardell William, farmer, Bosworgy Morgan John, farmer, Treloweth Trevethick Hy. Harvey, farmer, Tolroy

Cause Frederick, station master Munday Thomas, Star inn TrewhellaJames, farmer, Tregenhorne

Daniel Vivian, farmer, Kuskease Newton William, farmer, Treven tTrewhella Matt.farmer, Roseangrowse

Eustice James, farmer, Trelean Nicholas John, farmer &assistant over- Trowson Thomas, farmer, Jericho

Firstbrook John, farmer, Gear seer, Chynoweth tWallis William, farmer, Bosence

l''irstbrookThos.shopkeepr.Church town Nicholas J onathan, carpenter Williams Henry, farmer, Boddevt>rran

Gilbart Jas. shovelmanfr. Batterymill Odgers James, shopkeeper, Praze tWilloughby Mary Jane (Mn), Lamb

Goldsworthy Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Osbornel:<'rances(Mrs.),farmer,Trevessa & Flag P.H

Trelissick "tOsborne Matthew, farmer, Gurlyn

ST. ERVAN is a parish 7 miles west from Wadebridge' soil is schist; subsoil, stone. The chief crops are wheat and
station on the Great Western railway, 4 south-by-west from barley. The area is 3,142 acres; rateable value, 1£'3,772;

Padstow and 5 north from St. Columb, in the Mid division,, the population in 1891 was 337·

of the county, ~undred and petty sessi~nal. division of Pyder, ' PENROSE is a hamlet 1 mile west. A fair is held here on
St. Columb umon and county court d1str1et, rural deanery May 25th· ' .
of Pyder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. .
The church of St. Ervan is an ancient building of stone, in RUMFORD, half-a-mile east, ts also a hamlet.

the Perpendicular style, consisting o( chancel, nave, south Sexton, Thomas Raby.

porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, Letters are received through St. Issey R.S.O. LETTER

containing 3 bells: there are 200 sittings. The register of Box cleared 1.30 p.m. week days only. Padstow is the

b:1ptisms and burials datM from the year 1677 ; marriages, nearest money order & telegraph office

1674. The living is a rectory, average yearly value from A School Board of 5 members was formed January 12,

tithe rent-charge £299, with residence and 84 acres of 1875; Rev. H. N. Barton M.A. chairman & hon. clerk to

glebe, ill the gift of and held since 1853 by the Rev. Henry the board

Nowell Barton 1\I.A. late fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford. Board School (mixed), carried on in a building erected in

Here is a Wesleyan and two Bible Christian chapels. The r856 by subscription, & let to the board at a nominal

manorial rights are divided. The principal landowner is yearly rent of twenty shillings ; it will hold 200 children;

John Charles Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle. The average attendance, 51 ; Miss Winsor, mistress

BartonRev. HenryNowell M.A.[rector], Harris James, farmer, Bears down Raby Francis, shoe maker, Rumford

Rectory Hawke Malicha, Maltsters' Arms P.H Rowe Harry, farmer, Trembleath

HawkenAlfredJas.Grigg M.A.Pantruse E:awke Philip, farmer, Bogee Sandry John, farmer, Mount misery

Hawken James, Pantruse Hawken Henry, farmer, Tt·enouth tlandryJohn,jun. farmer,Trevengenow

COMMERCIAL. Hawken James, auctioneer & farmer, Sandry Nicholas, farmer, Troraval

Brenton John, farmer, Music 'Vater Pantruse Sandry Peter, blacksmith & farm3r,

Brenton Wm. Henry,carpenter, Penrose Hawken Thomas, farmer, Treglinick Rumford

Brewer Richard, miller (water) Key William, farmer Sandry Silvester, farmer, Trewinnick

Brewer Thomas, carpenter, Rumford Lobb Thos.Tandry,shoe maker&farmer Strongman Paul, shoe maker & shop-

Chapman Jas. farmer, Trewinnick corn Old Charles, farmer, Penrose keeper, ltumford

Cock Joseph, farmer, Penrose Old Francis, farmer, Treburrick Tippett James, mason

Dawe Josiah, farmer, Penrose Old Henry, blacksmith, Rumford Tippett William, mason, Penrose

Dawe William, carpenter Old Thomas, shoe maker, Penrose Tom Gregory, farmer, 'frethewy

Dawe William, jun. farmer Old William, farmer, Treleigh Tremaine John, farmer, Treginnezar

ST. EVAL is a scattered parish on the coast, 8 miles discovered in the north wall: over the south porch is a sun-

north-west from St. Columb Road station on the Newquay dial inscribed "We shall Die All :" there are 250 sittings.

branch of the Great We3tern railway, 5 north-west from St. The register dates from the year 1695. The living is a

Coll1mb Major and 6 south,south-west from Padstow, in the vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £84, net income £156,
Mid division of the county, hundred and petty sessional including 40 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of

division of Pydar, St. Columb union and county court dis. the Bishop of Truro, and held since r886 by the Rev. John
trict, rural deanery of Pydar, archde·o~.conry of Cornwall and Lock. The vicarage house was restored durin!t the incum-
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Eval, or Uval, is an bency of the Rev. J. Ellis, who died in r88o. Here is a Free

ancient building chielly in the Perpendicular style, consisting Methodist chapel. The far-famed Bedruthan Steps, con·

of chancel, nave of five bays, north transept, south aisle, sisting of several distinct tiers of rocks, rising perpendicu-

south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, larly from the sea, are in this parish ; the "Voga," or
in the Perpendicular style, containing 5 bells, two of which "l<'ogou," is a subterrananean chamber or cavern, ~ithin a
were re-cast in 1892 at a cost of £77, by Mr. William Aggett, triple entrenchment, in a secluded valley near Porthcothan,

of Chagford: the tower, h\l.ving fallen down, was rebuilt in on the estate called "Trewoofe '' or "Troove;" the cavern

1727 at an expense of £400, partly raised by subscription is 36 feet in length and about 6 feet high, the breadth being
among the Bristol merchants, to whose shippin~ it served as about 5 feet ; the sides are lined with rough stones, simply

a land-mark before the erection in 1847 of the Trevose light- piled up, and the roof consists of stone slabs; from this
house : there are remains of a hagioscope and rood loft, and chamber a passage leads to another similarly constructed :

a curious small arch between the first and second bays of the cave is said to have on one occasion afforded shelter to a

the main arcade, probably over a founder's tomb: there are party of Royalists when pursued by the troopers of Sir

monuments to the family of Leach, 1672-1709 ; William Thomas Fairfax: there are also here several tumult, beside3

Trevethick M.A. 1692-3, and Charity, his wife, r688, besides an ancient British encampment called ''Red Cliff Castle!'
some modern memorials: the church was completely re- On the sea coast, near Bedruthan steps, are S!:lveral o~her
stored in r889 under the care of Mr. JohnD.Sedding, architect, remarkable caverns. Among the imm;~nse rocks is one
of London, a~ a cost of £ t,071, £4oo of which was given by J. which resembles a lady wearing a crown, and having on a

C. Williams esq. of St. Austell: the bells have been re-hung, full and flowing costume; it is fancifully said to be a like-

the flooring re-laid and the aisle passages re-pa.ved, a new ness of Queen Elizabeth. The m:mor of Trethewell, now

communion table erected and the church re-seated; the belonging to the Spry family, supplied a high sheriff to the
ancient bench ends, some of which data from the 15th county at least six times, from John Manfan esq. in 1428 tl)

century and bear the emblems of the Passion, the royal arms 1489 : the old manor house has disappeal."ed, but the
of Henry VI, and other subjects, being carefully preserved: manorial mill still exists. Edward William Bryd~es Will-

during the alterations a window of presumed Saxon date was yams esq. D.L., l.P. of Carnanton, Mawgan-in-Pydar, anti


the trustees of John Andrew esq. are landowners. The soil the nearest money oruer office & telegraph office is at St·
is of various kinds ; the subsoil is, in some places, a rough
stony clay and in others slate. The chief crops are wheat, Columb R.S.O
barley and oats. The acreage is 2,875 ; rateable value,
£2,427; the population in 1891 was 245· WALL LETTER Box by School, cleared at 12.30 p.m. week
days only
Sexton, William Leverton.
A School Board of 5 members was formed March 5, 1875;
Letters arrive at about n a.m. through St. Issey R.S.O. ; 'fhomas Rundle, clerk to the board

Board School (mixed), built in 1877, for 70 children; average
attendance, 36; Miss Selina J. Daniels, mistress

Andrew Tremain, Treveth!l.n Binny John, farmer, Treborrick Hender Edmund, farmer, Treviskar
Hellyar Miss, Engollen Brewer Samuel, farmer, Church town Old Charles, farmer, Glebe
Lock Re\r, John, Vicarage Brewer William, farmer, Trevemidor OldChas.shoema.&shpkpr.Treburrick
"Tremain John, Sea View house· Dunstan Joseph, farmer, Carnewas Riscorla John, blacksmith & farmar
Dnnstan Luke, farmer, Traviskar Rundle John, farmer, Trethewell
COMMERCIAT.. Epplett John, miller Rundle John Biddick, farmer, Trereare
Andrew Tremain, yeoman, Trevethan
Axworthy Francis, carpenter Garland William, thrashing machine Rundle William, farmer, Engollen
Binny J ame.s, farmer & overseer, Efllio.s proprietor, Church town Trebilcock James, farmer, Gt. Engollen

Hellyar William, farmer, Tregona

ST. EWE is a parish on the river Tnsey and containing a third at Kestle. In the parish stands a portion of an

many hamlets and detached residences ; it is 6 miles south- ancient cross, consisting of two broad square steps and a

west from St. Aust.ell, where is the nearest railway station, pedestal. The charities amount to £4 3s. 6d. yearly, which

~md 3 west-north-west from Mevagissey, in the Mid division is distributed every Easter Monday,and there are four alms-
()( the county, western division of the hundred of Powder, houses founded b.v the Tremayne family. Fairs were
petty sessional division of Powder East, St. Austell union and formerly held here on the second Monday in April and

county court district, rural desnery of St. AusteH, arch- October, but are now abolished. Heligan, first built by

deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of Sir John Tremayne,, in r692, and rebuilt
All Saints, or St. Ewes, or S. Tues, is an ancient building of about the ye~r r81o by the Rev. H. H. Tremayne, is the

Pentewan stone in the Early Decorated style, consisting of seat of John Tremayne esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. ; it is about 5

chancel, nave, south aisle, north transept, or Treganan aisle, miles south-west from St. Austell, and is surrounded by
north and south porches, and a tower of two stages, with extensive grounds very tastefully laid out, with a lodge at

.spire and containing 3 bells, two dated r684 and the tenor each entrance. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe L.L. is the
r826: there are monuments to the Mohun, Seymour and chief landowner: the lords of the chief manors, J. Tremayne

Scobell families, and to John Williams Hope esq. late of esq. Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. D.L., J.P. of

Amsterdam in this county: the east window is a memorial Trewithan Probus, Edward Coode esq. D.L., J.P. of Polapit

to Frederick Stephens esq. of Hembal, erected by his widow; Tamar, Launceston, George A. Carlyon and John Charles

and in the south aisle are memorial windows to Harriet, wife Williams esq. :M.P. of Caerhays Castle, are the. other
()f Francis Hicks esq. late of Plymouth, and to Perys principal landowners. 'l'he soil is rich loam; subsoil, slate.

Edmund Tremayne, of Heligan, inserted by his parents : The crops are wheat; and barley with roots. The acreage is

the north-east window in the chancel is a memorial to the 5,749; rateable value, .{;5,780; the population in r891 was

Rev. Tbom'ls John Trevenen, 28 years rector of the parish, 998.
who died in t86+, erected by his surviving children: the PoLMASSICK, half a mile south, on the banks of the river

church was restored in 1881 at a cost of upwards of [,2,ooo: Luney; CROSWIN, quarter of a mile north-east; KESTLH,
the original rood screen, a very fine speciman of Decorated I~ miles south-east, and LOWER STICKER, 2! north, are

Gothic work, and elaborately carved, has been replaced on hamlets.

its ancient site: there are 300 sittings: in 1887 the church- Sexton, William Toms.
yard was enlarged by the addition of a quarter of an acre·of Letters through St. Austell, arrive at 9.50 a.m. ; the

ground fenced in by a wall, at a cost of [,6s,given by the land- nearest money order & telegraph office is at Mevagissey.

()Wners. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from WALL LET rER BoxEs, Churcb. town, cleared at 3·5 p.m. ;

the year rs6o; of births from r653, and of burials from Hewas Water, cleared at 4·5 p.m. week days only
IS59· 'fhe livin~ is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £488, ScHOOLS:-

net inc;)me £358, including roo acreg of glebe, with resi- A School Board of 5 members was formed 10 February,

deuce, in the gift of Sir C. B. Graves-Sawle bart. of Penrice, 1876; Joseph l\Iitchell, Gorran, clerk to the board; John

and George R. G. Carlyon esq. of Tregrehan, jointly, and Kent, Pengillas, attendance officer
held since 1886 by the Rev. Nigel Neville M.A. of St. John's Board, St. Ewe (mixed), for rro children: average attend-

Colleore, Cambridge. There are three Bible Christian ance, 8o ; l<'rederick Prowse, master ; Mrs. Prowse, mist

.chapels in the parish, one at Polmassick, seating about 6o Board, Lower Sticker (mixed), built in 1878, for 120

persons, another at Paramore, with about 200 sittings, and children; average attendance, 66; Mrs. Knowles, mistress

{Marked thus .:. receive letters direct from Gill Charles, shoe maker, Polmassick Parnall William, farmer, Tregilgas

St. Austell.] Gillard Samuel, land stewatd to John Phillips John & James, farmers, Bosue

Neville Rev. Nigel M.A. Rectory Tremayne esq. D.L., J.P. Heligan *Richards Saml.farmer, Little Polgooth

Rowe Ri!!hard, Crosswin Ham Frdk. Arth.farmer,Levalsa downs Rickard John, Crown inn

*Theed Willhm Swinburne,Nansladron *Heaman Caleb, farmer, Lower Sticker Robins Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, Vose

Tremayne John B.A., D.L., J.P. Heligan *Heam<tnJohnJasJarmer,LowerSticker RosevearJn.miller(water),Heligan mill

Tremayne Jn.Claude Lewis J.P. Heligan Hicks Francis Roberts, farmer, Corran SearleEdmund,farmr.&oversr.Trudgian

COMMERCIAL, Rocker Paul, farmer, Dairy Seecombe Joseph, farmer,shopkeeper &

*Alien James, farmer, Lower Sticker Holman James, farmer, Treberrick overseer, Church town

*Alien Robel't, farmer, Lower Sticker *Hooper Thomas, farmer, Hewas water *Serpell Wm. farmer, Levalsa downs

Barnicoat Tbomas,blacksmith &farmer, *Hore Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Rose hill Stark Stephen Bartley, farmer, Killball

Pengrugla Hore William, farmer, Levalsamere Stephens William, farmer, Pengelly

Bovey Waiter, farmer, Church town Isaac Wilham,pig dealer,LittlePolgooth *Stocker Harriett(Mrs. ),frmr.'fregenna

Burnett Daniel, farmer, Kestle Jennings John, farmer, Lanuah Teague Richd. miller (water) & farmer,

*Chapman William,pig dealer, Polgooth JenkinsJane(Mrs. ),shopkr. Low. Sticker Polmassick.

Chenoweth Richard, farmer, Treglan JohnsJane(Mrs. ),farmr.&shopkr.Kestle Teague William, carpenter, Polmassick

Chesterfield Samuel, boot & shoe ma. *.Johns Josiah, f~lrmer, Hewas water Tonkin James, Polgooth inn, Polgooth

Church town *JohnsWm.butcher&frmr.Hewaswater *Treleaven Edwin, fanner, Nansladron

Clark William, farmer, "Luney *Kendall Jemimah (Miss), shopkeeper, *Truscott Saml. jun. farmer, Paramore

Clemo James, farmer, Little Polgooth Hewas water *Truscott Wm. farmer, Lower Sticker

*Cood Carolina (Mrs.) & Son, car-, Kent John, farmer, school attendance *Varcoe John, farmer, Pothole

penters, Hewas water offieer & assistant overseer,Pensigillas Vellanoweth Henry, farmer, Polsue

Coon James, farmer, Little Polgooth KentWm.farmer & shopkpr.Polmassiek Venning John, farmer, Lanhadron

Daddow Samuel, farmer, Part Pengelly Lobb J ames & Henry, farmers, Kestle Vincent NicholasGill,farmer,Trevethick

Davey Robert & William, farmers, *Lnke Renben, farmer, Polgooth Vincent Robert Hy. farmer, Trelissick

Skews tenement *MaCTor Richard, farmel', Levalsa *Vivian William & Arthur, farmers,

Davis Elizh. (Mrs. ),farmer, Tregonning Matthews William, jun. farmer Lower Sticker
Dingle William, farmer, Carnmoggas ~hy Edward Body, butcher, farmer & Warne John, fa,.,nnmer, Trelewick

*Dowrick Hy. blacksmith, Hewas water carrier, Polgooth Wellington Richard, farmer, Penhall
W~i~ebair Wait. blacksmith,Polmassick
Dungey James Davies, farmer, Tucoyse l\'litchell Richard, farmer, Killball

Dunn Charles, farmer, Rescorla *Olver Cyrus, farmer, Lower Sticker WIIhams Joseph,farmer, Levalsa downs

FrancisThos.Julyan,farmer,Polmassick 1Parnalll\loses, farmer, Treworrick Yelland William, farmer, Tucoyse

• DEV. & CORN. 69"'



• F A L l\1 0 U T H •

F.A.LlfOU'riT is a sea-port, market and union town and a the number~ tonnage and flags of the vessels, principally for
municipal borough, is also a joint parliamentary borough, orders, and exclusive of coasters, which arrived at Falmouth
having been constituted as such by the Reform Act of 1832, during the year 1892 :-English, 643, 659,522 tonnage ;
and consisting of the borough of Penryn, the parish of Norwegian, 254, 120,465 ; German, 215, 162,699 ; Italian,

Falmouth, part of the parish of Budock, and part of the 94, 73,847 ; Danish, 79, 24,624; Swedish, 68, 28,151;

• township of St. Gluvias, to which also part of the parirn of Dutch, 35, 27, 100 ; French, 34, 29,785 ; Austrian, 9, 4,777;

Mylor was added by the Boundary Act, r868 (31 and 32 Greek, 7, 4,285 ; American, 5, 7,979; Russian, 7, 3,778 ;

Vict. c. 46) ; and the borough returned two members until others, 9, 4,740; grand total, 1,459 vessels; 17151 7752 tons..
the passing of the" Redistribution of Seats Act, r885," when •rotals for 1891, 1,485 vessels, r,o44,210 tons; 189o, 1,518~
the number was reduced to one. The town is the head of a 98r,o86. The Trinity pilotage for 12 months ending 31st

county court district, and in the Truro division of the county, of December, 1892, amounted to £8,172 os. 6d.

hundred and petty sessional division of East Kerrier, rural The imports of Falmouth comprise grain, coal, timber
deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese (Baltic and American), guano, cattle, artificial manure~

of Truro; it is 312 miles from London, 92 from Exeter, 6o bones, phosphate, bricks, slates &c. ; its exports are

from Plymouth, 1r south from Truro, 24 east from Penzance china-clay, tin, granite, hemp and wire rope, pilchards,

and II south-east from Redruth, and is the terminus paper, arsenia and ochre, which, being the staples of the

of the West Cornwall (Great Western) railway, by which the county, are shipped from the ports within the Fa!, botl~

metropolis may be reached in eight and a half hours. coastwise and foreign. It has also an extensive oyster and

Falmouth was incorporated by a charter granted under trawl fishery. The port has about 30 steamers for tow-

the 13th of Charles Il. dated October 5th, r66r, and its in- age and boarding purposes, and 7 pilot cutters. There

corporation was continued under the Municipal Corporations are also breweries, granite works, bone mills and flou~

Act, 1835 (5 and 6 William IV. c. 76) : by an Act passed in mills in the neighbourhood.

1664 (16 Charles 11.), the town was made a separate and About a mile south of St. Mawes Castle (across the Creek

distinct parish ; and by another Act in 1670 (22 Charles II. ), bearing its name), and forming the eastern extremity of the

the boundaries were defined and the right of presentation to port, stands the Trinity Lighthouse, constructel of granite,.

the rectory and the q nay dues fixed. The borough was also and erected on St. Anthony's Point about the year 1828; it

extended in 1892, and nuw includes the whole of the parish has a light which revolves three times a minute and with a

of Falmmith and part of the parish of Budock, and is divided second light below directs vessels to a course clear of the-

into 4 wards. Manacle Rocks, which lie about six miles off the harbour.

The Corporation consists of a mayor, four aldermen and There is a st'3ep and precipitous rock in the middle of the-

twelve councillors, who also act as the urban sanitary channel called the" Black Rock," upon wbich a solid beacon,.

authority. The borough has a commission of the peace of crowned by a hollow globe, is erected.

fifteen justices, by whom petty sessions are held every I<'almouth has given the title of earl to the families of

Monday and Thursday, but the influx of shipping frequently Berkeley (r664) and Robartes (1679), and of eU'l and

calls for extra attendance. The holding of quarter sessions, viscount to that of Boscawen (1720), now held by the Right

and the offices of recorder and coroner were discontinued in Hon. Evelyn Edward Thomas Boscawen, 7th viscount;

1865, under the Act 28 and 29 Victoria, c. 103. George Fitzroy, a natural son of Charles 11. by Barbara.

The town is about ~~miles in length, but narrow, and (Villiers), Duchess of Cleveland, was also created Viscount

built on a site mostly northward of the narrow isthmus con- Falmouth (1674).

necting the peninsula of Pendennis with the main land, and The church of King Charles the Martyr, built in 1662-3,.

from the citadel of Pendehnis on the western shore to St. at the expense of Charles 11. James Duke of Ynrk and other

Mawes Castle on the shore opposite, at the entrance to the distinguished patrons, is a large and plain edifice of stone

estuary of the Fal is a distance of one mile ; and the estuary and granite in a Debased Perpendicular style, and consists of

includes the spacious inlets of Carrick (or Carreg) roa!Js, St. chancel, nave, aisle, vestry and a tower, originally of three-

Just Pool, Mylor Creek, and the inner harbour of Falmouth, stages, but raised to four stages in the year 18oo to allow of

opening to an inland navigation of great extent and im- the reception of a clock; it is embattled and has pinnacles

portance, embracing the towns of Penryn, St. Mawes, Devo and three bells, hung in 1861 at a cost of about £330: the

ran, Tregony and Truro. church was paved and otherwise improved in 1706, at the

Falmouth has the advantage of possessing one 'Of the finest cost of Robert Corker, and in 1812 it was lengthened east-

and most capacious harbours in the country. As many as ward at an expense of {,1,643: there are a large number of

350 to 400 sail have taken shelter here at various times during monuments of modern date, and sittings for 1,700 persons.

the winter months. Attached to the port are two foundries The register of baptisms dates from the year r663;
for the building and repairing of steamers. There are also marriages and burials, r664.

several wood shipbuilding yards. The docks, built in r86o, The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £6g,

have an area of 120 -acres, and comprise a tidal harbour of with residence, net yearly value £1,227, subject to a pension

about 42 acres, with a depth at the discharging berths of £350 to preceding rector, in the gift of R. C. Denton

varying from r8 feet to 23 feet at low water spring tides, esq. and held since 1882 by the ReY. Brian Christopherson

and two graving docks-one 350 feet long, so feet wide, M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, surrogate and rural

with 14 feet water over cill at spring tides, and the other 537 dean of Carnmath. The value of the living arises from a

feet long, 71 feet wide, with 22 feet water over cill at spring rate of 16 pence in the £ leviable under Acts 16 Chas. II, c.

tides. There are extensive warehouses and a crane to lift 40 r8, and 23 Chas. 11. c. 20, on all buildings within the town

tons, together with building yards, factories, and all other and parish, producing now £1,700, and ttthes £8o; there

conveniences for repairing ships and taking in and discharg- are also certain dues payable by vessels passing the

ing cargoes ; the entrance is about 6oo feet wide, and has a Black Rock Beacon, which in 1888 produced [2o 4S. one

depth of 20 feet of water at low tide. A station on the Great half belonging to the Corporation of Falmouth, one fourth

Western railway,adjoiningthe docks, was opened here in r863. to the rector and one fourth. to H. R.H. the Duke of Corn-

The principal firms are Messrs. Cox anu Co. engineers and wall, these, however, are not collected now. The Rev.

ship builders, who employ over 350 persons ; Messrs. Pool, Charles Adolphus Walker, who resides at Falmouth, has

Skinner and Williams, ship builders ; Messrs. W. and E. C. held since 1891 the appointment of chaplain of the Seamen's

Carne, rope makers, brewers and shipping agents, and Mission for the Port and Harbour of Falmouth.

Mr. William Henry Lean, ship builder. All Saints' Church stands at the corner of Albany road and

The port of Falmouth is the central port of the West Corn- Killigrew street, on a site presented by the Earl of Kimber-

wall district, which includes Truro, lPenzance and the Scilly ley; the foundation stone was laid November 2nd, 1887, by

Island~, and is considered as possessing the same relative H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and the church was consecrated

importance to the commercial interests of the nation as in 1890 by the Bishop of Barbadoes, acting for the Bishop of

Portsmouth and Plymouth present in a naval or Govern- Truro, the total cost being over £6,ooo. It is a building of

mental point of view. The limits of the port have been Plymouth limestone with Ham Hill and Doulting dressings,

defined to extend from Dodman point, the limit of the port in the Early English style,from designs by 1\lr. J. D. Sedding,

of Fowey, to Messick point, limit of Truro,and the Lizard the architect, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, shallow tran-

limit of Penzance. Fishing boats and their implements are septs, vestries, with a connecting ambulatory, west and

distinguished by letters, F. H. The old Government sailing north port:hes and a circular turret over the north porch con-

packets were established at Fahnouth for more than a cen- taining one bell : there are 700 sitting,.;..

tury before the introduction of Transatlantic steam naviga- All ::laints' Mission room in Killigrew street, has been ex-

tion, and since that period the advantageous geographical tensively repaired and improved and was re-opened in

position of the port, its capacious sh.eet of water, safety of February, 1893 ; it has 250 sittings.

anchorage and facility of ingress and egress, have become The Catholic chul'ch, dedicated to St. Mary, in Killigrew

extensively recognized, and as a port of call for vessels of street, erected in 1820-1, is a building of stone with granite
all nations, it stands unrivalled. The following is a list of dressings, in the Transitional Norman style, and consists or

DIREC'fORY.] CORN"\VALL. FALMOtlTli "-"ou..,·.-J

chancel, na>e, aisles and a lofty round tower with spire till xo p.m. and the maximum and minimum temperature

containing one bell : there are nine memorial windows to for the preceding 24 hours are observed each day at 10 p.m.

the Polglase family, and two memorial windows with a The rainfall is measured daily at 10 a.m. The rain is

~ommunion table of polished granite have been erected by collected in a self-recording rain gauge, which registers the

the family of Freeman. total amount collected and the hours on which it fell. Bright

The Friends' Meeting House, Gyllyng street, erected on sunshine is also recorded automatically, the sun's rays being

the site of the original structure, dating from 1So3, is a brought to a focus by a solid sphere of glass four inches in

plain building of stone, and has 200 sittings. diameter, and registered on a prepared card. In 1886 a set

The Jewish Synagogue, Gyllyng street, is now disused. of magnetographs, provided by grant from the Royal

The Baptist chapel, in Market street, erected in 1877 at a Society, recording continuously the vertical and horizontal

<!ost, including schools, of £8,ooo, is a building of granite force of the magnetic currents and also the declination, was

.and stone in the Gothic style, and has &oo sittings. fixed in a chamber in the basement of the building. The

The Congregational chapel, High street, originally built in observatory is under the direction of the Meteorological

1662, was rebuilt in 1715 ; the present chapel, erected in Council, London, and the results of the observations are

!1853, will seat 750 persons. The Bible Christian chapel, sent to the Meteorological office weekly. It IS under the

Berkeley vale, was built in 1867, and will seat soo persons. local management of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic

The Primitive Methodist chapel, Chapel row, built in x86g, Society and is used as a climatologicalstation.

has g6o sittings. The Wesleyan chapel, Killigrew street, The Royal Cornwall Sailors' Home and Infirmary for Sea-

.erected in 1791 and rebuilt in 1876, is an edifice of stone and men of all nations, situated at Bar and established May 17,

.granite in the Decorated style, and cost, with site, over 1852, is a large structure of brick available for about sixty

£6,ooo: it will seat 1,2_<;0 persons. 'fhe Wesleyan chapel, inmates : His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Duke

Pike's hill, was built in 1867, and will seat 65o persons. of Cornwall K.G. is the patron.

There is a Seamen's Bethel on Quay hill, established in Falmouth Cottage Hospital, at 1 Albert cottages, was

1848, holding 400 persons. founded in 1883 and contains 7 beds; it was fol'merly

The Salvation Army has a place of meeting in Webber supported by voluntary contributions, but now by paying

street, holding about 1,ooo persons. patients.

The Cemetery, 8 acres in extent, belongs to the borough A Hospital is now ( 1893) about to be erected at the top of

'(){ Falmouth, and is near the Swanpool ; one portion, ap- Killigrew street, Mr. Passmore Edwards having given

propriated for the Established Church, was consecrated by £1,500 for that object.

the Bishop of Exeter, 19th May, 1857; the other part is for The Cornwall Home for Destitute Little Girls, opened in

Dissenters : each portion has its own chapel; and the whole October, 187I, is a building of local stone, relieved with

is under the control of the town council. granite and brick, and commands very ex:tensive views of

The Town Hall, in Killigrew street, is a building in the both land and sea.

Italian style, erected in the year 1866 from designs by Earle's Retreat Almshouses in Trelawney road, erected in

Messrs. Reeves and Butcher, of London, at a cost of £4,000: 1869 at the cost of George Earle esq. a native of Falmouth

it contains an office for the transaction of the business of the and late a resident of Hobart Town, form a block of build-

county court, the registrar's office, high bailiff's office and ings in the Gothic style, with a small chapel for the use of

jud~es' apartments; there is also a large hall for magisterial the inmates, usually about 32 in number.

business. The Widow's Retreat Almshouses, built in x8m, at the

The municipal insignia of this borough comprise two maces expense of John, 1st Baron Wodehouse and Samuel Tregelles

.and a town seal; the maces,of silver-gilt, are each about 3 feet esq. on land belonging to the former, at the foot of Mount

in length and have baluster shafts ; the heads, supported by Zion, are for 10 poor widows of good character.
scroll brackets, bear the royal arms of Geo. I. and those of There are charities of £14 annual value, £4 1os. for

the borough; round the tops are circlets of crosses and fleurs- apprenticing and £9 1os. distributed in bread and money.

de-Iis, from which spring open arched crowns ; on the flat In 1779 Mrs. Ann Davell, of Chiswick, bequeathed the

top are the royal arms in relief, and the foot knop of the sum of 29s. yearly to be applied alternately towards the

sb.aft is enriched with foliaged work; both maces, as appears support of a poor widow and towards clothing and appren-

from an inscription on the shafts, were presented to the ticing the son of a poor widow.

corporation in 1726, by Martin Killigrew esq. ; the circular In 1892 Octavius Alien Ferris esq. late of St. Pancras,

-seal bears the device of a double headed eagle displayed, Middlesex, bequeathed the residue of his estate, which

-charged on each wing with a castle and on the breast with a amounted to £9,735, to the undermentioned municipal

r~ck on which is a pole. boroughs :-Truro, Falmouth, Penzance, Camborne and

The Custom House is a low stue:coed building, with a Redruth, for the purpose of instituting or aiding in the

.portico supported by six pillars of the Corinthian order. institution of a free library in each town where a free

The Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society, Church street, library did not exist, and of aiding the funds of the free

was founded in 1833 for the encouragement of the fine and library which might already exist in any of the aforesaid

industrial arts : the society holds an annual exhibition and towns. Each of the towns mentioned received the sum of

.competition in the fine arts, mechanics, photography, £I ,947 for this purpose.

.and natural history. In the Polytechnic Hall is the Public Arwenack Manor House, the property of the Right Hon.

Dispensary and Humane Society, f11unded in r8o7; the dis- the Earl of Kimberley K.G. lord of the manor, was built by

pensary had in 1891-1892 an average of 456 patients. Here Sir John Killigrewin the year 1571. Duringthewarsof the

also are the public subscription library, founded in r833, and Commonwealth the greater part of the mansion was burnt

containing 6,ooo volumes ; ,and the Falmouth Naturalists' down: there are, however, considerable remains, part of the

Society, established in 1887, and having about 12omembers. premises being occupied as the manor office.

The Savings Bank, a plain buildmg of granite, was Kerrisvean, in Woodlane, is the seat of Sir Joseph Whitwell

erected in Church street, in 1887, at a cost of £8oo : at the Pease hart. M.P., D.L., J.P.; Grove Hill, also in Woodlane,

back is the Freemasons' Hall, built in 1885 at a cost of is the residence of Robert Fox esq.; and Marlborough, about

.£r,3oo, and consisting of ante-room and large lodge room a mile west of the town, that of Captain George Parker

with necessary offices underneath : this is the oldest Free- Bull.

masons' lodge in the county. Opposite the Manor House of Arwenack is an obelisk, 40

The General Post Office, in Church street, is a building feet high, erected A.D. 1737-8 by Martin Killigrew (the last

<in a Classic style, erected in 1867, at a cost of £1,300. of that name), to the memory of Sir Peter Killigrew ob.

The Market House, on the Moor near the centre of the 1704, and as an ornament to the harbour, at a cost of £455;

town, is the property of the Earl of Kimberley K.G, and was it was originally in the Grove, but was removed in the year

-erected in 1812, at a cost of £2,500 : the market day is :r836 to make room for new buildings in Grove place and

Saturday : the Corporation, as the Urban Sanitary Authority, erected on the hill towards the sea at Lansdowne road, and

are lessees of the market for 21 years, from 1875· in 1871 was brought back by order of the Earl of Kimberley

The Volunteers' Drill Hall, in Berkeley vale, erected in and erected in its present position, which is the nearest

1874, is a building of stone 84 feet long, so feet high, with possible to its original site.

a reading room, armoury and sergeant instructor's quarters. Pendennis and St. Mawes Castles are on either side the

-It is also let for public entertainments and will hold 700 entrance of the harbour. The former, which stands on the

persons. west side, at a height of about 200 feet above the sea level,

The Falmouth Meteorological and Magnetical Observatory, is a fortress of the Tudor period, occupying a considerable

:formerly situated on the Bowling Green hill and erected in area, and is strongly derended by bastions and outworks. In

the year :r867-8, has been removed to a more commodious 1644 Queen Henrietta Maria took shelter here previous to her

building, erected in 1884-5, at the top of Killigrew street : on embarkation for the Continent, and in 1646, being invested

the roof is placed a self-recording anemometer, regiqtering by the forces of the Parliament, it was gallantly defended

every hour the velocity and direction of the wind ; the for a space of six months by Sir John Arundell kt. of

pres~ure and temperature of the air are also registered by Trerice, then 86 years of age, but eventually surrendered

continuous photographic curves, from self-recording instru- on the 31st August in that year; it had previously received

ments. Eye observations of pressure, temperature and Prince Charles, when on his way to the Scilly islands. On

weather are taken at the even hours of the day from IO a. m. Pendennis hill is a rocket life saving apparatus, provided by


the Board of Trade. The RGyal Cornwalll\Iiners' Artillery parish, £21,039; in 1891 the population of Falmouth parish

Militia, forming the 2nd Brigade of the 7th (Western was 6,925, which includes a floating population of 1,168.

Division) of Garrison Artillery, have their head quarters By the scheme of 1892, the old town of Falmouth, the

here in Pendennis Castle; the brigade was stationed at' parish of Falmonth & all Penwerris (being part of the parish

Falmouth during the Russian war and occupied the barracks of Budock), are now within the Municipal .Borough of Fal-

at these castles, the defences whereof were at that time mouth, arranged as under:- Including Floating
repaired and greatly increased. The views from the various Population.
terraces, west and south, and also from the environs and Population.
walks, are of a most extensive character. The Royal 3.270
Engineers, Falmouth Section, Coast Battalion, have quarters Smithick Ward............... 2,978 2,551
also in the castle. At Falmouth is also statiOned the rst Arwenack ·ward •.....•..... 2,259 4,ozg
Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery, Western Trevethan Ward ...•.....••• 3o737
Division, Royal Artillery, and the rst Volunteer Battalion Penwerris Ward ............ 2,199 -2-,49-1
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry. The sub-marine

Population of Municipal Boro'... u, 173

mining establishment, on the Bar, was built. in 1892. The population of the Parliamentary Borough in 1891 was
Pendennis Castle-drive was formed around the headland of
17,533, which includes Penryn, Falmouth, Flushing, Budock
Pendennis by the inhabitants of Falmouth in the year r865. (part of), Mylor (part of) & St. Gluvias (part of).
There are several good hotels, the principal being the
At AsHFIELD are the wire, hemp and manilla rope works
"Falmouth," facing the bay, with the "Pendennis" to the
of Messrs. Stephens and Son, which, with residence and
westward ; the Green Bank hotel, which is pleasantly situated grounds, cover 30 acres, and are the most extensive in the
and commands views of the harbour, castle and surrounding West of England, and employ about 70 persons.
scenery and has a quay adjoining; and the "Royal'' in
Market street. PENWERRIS is an ecclesiastical parish, formed July 3,
1848, from the parish of Budock, and adjoins the town of
The public garden, called "Kimberley. Park," at Berkeley Falmouth on the north. The church, on Stratton place,
erected in 1827 and opened January g, 18z8, is a plain rect-
Vale and about 7 acres in extent, was laid out and presented angular building of stone, consisLing of nave only, with a
to the inhabitants in 1877 by the Earl of Kimberley K.G. as
an ornamental recreation ground. Opposite to the northern western gallery, and is estimated to bold 594 persons, 304
part of Falmouth and communicating by a ferry is the sittings being free. The register dates from the year 1848.
village of FLUSHING, long famed for the salubrity of its 'fhe living is a vicarage, net yearly value £251, in the gift
climate and well sheltered from the easterly winds. The
Earl of Kimberly K.G., P.c. who is lord of the manor, and of the vicar of St. Gluvias, and held since r873 by the Rev.
Arthur Risson Basset esq. of Tehidy, who is a minor, are
the principal landowners. Adoniah Schuyler Sutton B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford.

The area is 240 acres; population in 1891, 1,or7.

The area of the parish is 651 acres, excluding 255 of which National School, Penwerris (mixed), built in 1863, for 120

are water; rateable value of the town, £8,712; and of the children; average attendance, So; Miss E. G. Lane, mist

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance & Stamp PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,.

Office, Church street.-Newberry Cox, postmaster. Open Market Strand.-.Mrs. Clara Best, sub-postmistress. Box

from 7 a.m. till 9 p.m.; 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. for money cleared at 9.40 & 10.40 a.m. & 2.1o, g, 4, 6.15 & 9 p.m.;.

orders. Telegraph office always open (side door) sundays 4 p.m
OuTWARD MAILS. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,.

LETTER MAILS. Bowling Green.-Miss E. Matthew, sub-postmistress.

London (day), all parts excluding Cornwall, except Penryn, Box cleared at 9.40 a.m. & 2. 10, 3-so, 6.10 & 9 p.m. ;

6.40 a. m. (extra ~d. stamp, 6.45 p.m.); registered until snndays 3.50 p.m

9 p.m. previous evening PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

Portscatho & St. Mawes 8 a. m.; registered until7.30 a.m; Bar.-:Miss Charlotte Maunder, sub-postmistress. Box

Plymouth, Devonport &c. 8 a.m. (extra !d. stamp, 8.15 cleared at 9.40 a.m. & 2.5, 3·45, 6.5 & 9 p.m.; sundays

a.m.); registered until 7.30 a.m 3·45 p.m
1st delivery Falmouth 8.35 a. m. ; Tegistered until 7.40 a.m PosT &: M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~
North mail (all parts) ro a.m. (extra ~d. stamp, 10.15 a.m.); Green Bank.-Miss E. Truscott, sub-postmistress. Box

registered until 9.30 a.m cleared at 9.30 a.rn. & 2.5, 3.5o, 6.5 & 9 p.m.; sundays

North mail, supplementary all parts ro.45 a.m. (extra ~d. 3.50 p.m •

stamp, II a.m.); registered until ro.r5 a.m Member of Parliament.

Plymouth & Devonport &c. 2. 10 p. m. (extra ~d. stamp, William George Cavendish Bentinck esq. J.P. 5 Richmond
2.25 p.m.); registered until 1.40 a. m
terrace, Whitehall s w & Carlton clubs w, London
2nd delivery Falmouth 2.50 p.m
2nd delivery St. ::\1awes & Portscatho 2. 25 p.m. ; registered Returning Officer-The Mayor.

until 1.55 p.m Corporation.
West Cornwall, except Penzance, Redruth & Hayle 2.50 a. m.
(extra !d. stamp, 3 p.m.); registered until 2.20 p.m
MAYOR-Alderman Thomas Webber.
London (night), all parts & abroad, also Penzance, Hale,
Redruth, Truro & Penryn 4·5 p.rn. (extra }d. stamp,4.40
Smithick ·ward. Arwenack Ward.
Ip.m.); registered until 3·35 p.m
~George Henry Fox
LonDon (day), all parts except Penryn 6.zo p.m. (extra ~d.

Istamp, 6.30 p.m.); registered until5.50 p.m

North mail-Ireland, Scotland, Wales &c. (sundays only)

8.20 a. m.; registered until7.50 a. m
*Samuel Collins

Trevethan '\;Vard. Penwerris Ward.

*Thomas Webber ~Ernest Bullmore

I Smithick Ward.
Arwenack Ward.

fWilliam Henry Lean tJohn Shelton Kelway

LET'.rERS. tHenry James Rusden tCharles Deeble

London (ni15ht mail), all parts, delivery a-t 8.35 a.m *Frederick James Bowles *Joseph Goodenougb Cox

North & all parts, delivery at 3 p.m Penwerris Ward. Trevethan ·ward.

London (day mail), all parts, delivery at 7.25 a. m tJohn Plomer Cregoe ~Herman UstiCke Broad

PARCELS. *tHWeinllri•vamL iddicoat tWilliam Walton
OuTWARDs-Hour of posting. Banks *Joseph Grose
Portscatho, St. Mawes & Falmouth, 1st delivery, 9 p.m. Marked thus ! retire in 1893.
preVI• ous even•mg :!\farked thus t retire in 1894.
Cornwall, Devon, Somerset & Rants 10 a.m Marked thus *retirE' in 1895.
London, Bristol, South of England, Scotland & Ireland
Marked thus ,- retire l.a 1898.

Devon, Rants &c. 2. ro p.m Town Clerk, John Henry Genn, 23 Church street
.Falmouth 2nd delivery 2. 10 p. m Borough Treasurer, Tom R. Grylls, Killizrew street
West Cornwall (except Redruth & Penzance) 2.50 p.m Public Analyst, J. J. Beringer, Roskear, Camborne
Auditors, John Frederick Dingle & William Treweeke
All parts above Newton Abbot, Penryn, Penzance, Redruth, Veterinary Inspector, Ed ward Richd. Smythe, 2 Harbour ter
Serjeants-at-Mace, John Edgcombe, Gylling street & John
Truro & Hayle 4·5 a.m
All parts & abroad 6.20 p.rn Pascoe, Gylling street

Falmouth 3rd delivery 7 p.m URBAN SANITARY AUTHORITIES.
All parts & abroad (snndays only) 9 p.m. previous evening


London (night) & all parts 8.35 a..m FoR THE MuNICIPAL BoROUGH-THE CoRPORATION.
North (night) & all parts 3 p.m Clerk, Thomas Smale Skinner, 18 Middle terrace
Treasurer, William Michell Grylls, Bank, Killigrew street
London (day) & all parts 7.25 p.m


Medical Officer of Health, William King Bullmore M.D. 2 broker ; Harry Dacres Polglase, assistant clerk & bailiff.
The court is held monthly, at the Town hall. The district
Bank place

Surveyor, William Henry Tresidder, 14 Norfolk road comprises Constantine, Budock, St. Gluvias, Mylor, Mabe,

Collector, Joseph Robert Corlyon, Market strand Mawnan, Perran-ar-Worthal & the borough of Penryn;

Inspector of Nuisances, Edwin Dinner, 15 Wellington terrace there is a court of record under the charter

PoRT SANITARY AuTHORITY (for Falmouth & Truro). For Bankruptcy Purposes the County Court District is in-

Clerk, Thomas Smale Skinner, x8 Middle terrace cluded in Truro ; Geo. A. Jenkins, Penryn, official receiver

Medical Officers of Health, William King Bullmore M.D. 2 Certified Bailiffs under the " Law of Distress Amendment

Bank place & Edward Sharp, Truro Act, x888,'' William John Barnicoat, 41 Church street;

Inspector of Nuisances, Charles Barnicoat, Market place Samuel Tresidder, jun. x6 Church street

Borough ],fagistrates. County Police Stations, 33 Market street & Prince street,

The Mayor & Ex-Mayor William H. Harris, inspector; I sergeant & 7 constables
Custom House, Arwenack street, Edward Corby, collector;
Broad Sydney, 9 Florence place
Bullmore Frederick Charles, x Stratton place Customs Watch House, Quay, Joseph Blight, J. N. P.

Cox Henry Herbert, Hillside, Wood lane Hamilton & John Bradfield, examining officers
Fox Nathaniel, 41 Market street
Docks, Frederick J. Bowles, secretary, superintendent &
Grose Joseph, .sr Market street
dock master; William Treweeke, accountant; John B.
Grylls William Mitchell, The Cottage, Melville road Tilly, engineer; Capt. E. J. K. Nicholls, deputy dockmastr
Harris Arthur Ben, 5 Bank place
Harbour Commissioner::.' Office, Arwenack street ; William
Hunt James H. 4 Wood Lane terrace Jenkins, clerk
Lean William Henry, Armyn villa
Market, Killigrew st. Joseph Robert Corlyon, toll collector
'VMoore Edward Head, 20 Church street Meteorological & Magnetical Observatory, Killigrew street,

Newman alter Francis, Market street Edward Kitto F.R.lllet.soc. superintendent; Wilson Lloyd
Pooley Richard Charles Mason, Grove house, Wood lane Fox F.R.Met.soc. hon. sec
Reed Capt. George Henry Baynes R.N. 8 Tehidy terrace
Solomon William Henry, Market street Odd FP-llows' Hall, High street
Vi7ebber Thomas, 2 Park crescent
Public Dispensary & Humane Society,Church street,William
Clerk, John Henry Genn, Church street King Bullmore M.D. acting surgeon ; all the medical men
The magistrates' meetings are held at the Town hall, every
in ihe town act as hon. surgeons; G. N. Carne & Ernest
monday & thursday at n o'clock A. Banks, hon. secs

Royal Cornwall Sailors' Home, Quay, Alfred Benjarnin

Duckham, sec. & superintendent

County Magistrates. Royal National Lifeboat Station, The Docks, Capt. G. H. B.

FoR EAST KERRIER PETTY SEssiONAL DIVISION. Reed R.N. president; John Eva Downing, hon. sec

Beauchamp-Beauchamp Edmund esq. D.L. Trevince, Red- Subscription Library, Church street; George Lanyon, sec
Town Hall, Killigrew street, Mrs. Mary J ane Gutheridge,
ruth, chairman
Bull Col. Marshal! Valentine Roscarrick, Budock, Falmouth keeper for town council; Mrs. Elizabeth Couch, keeper
for county court
Enys Francis Gilbert esq. D L. Enys, Penryn
Granger His Honor Judge Thos. Colpitts, Wood lane, Falmth Volunteer Fire Brigade, Church street, William Johns,
Vernon place, captain ; George Liddicoat, Erisy terrace,
Horsford Thomas Moor Alphonse esq. Bosvathick, Penryn
hon. sec.; engine station, The Moor
Jose John esq. Mellingey, Perranwell Station R.S.O
Kinsman John Knill esq. Antronhill, Mabe, Penryn
PenderLt.-Col. Wm. Rous Tresilan, Budockvean, J<'almouth Cornwall & Devon Miners' Artillery l\Iilitia (Western Divi-

Tremayne Col. Arthur D.L. Carclew, Perran-ar-Worthal, sion R. A.); bead quarters, Pendennis Castle; Lieut.-Col.

Perranwell Station R.S.O . C. B. Rashleigh, corn.; Hon. Major F. J. Hext, inst. of

Vawdrey Rev. A. A. 11-I.A. The Vicarage, St. Gluvias artillery; Capt. F. M. Close R.A. adjutant

Clerk to the Magistrates, Geo. Appleby Jenkins, Penryn Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's) Vol. Artillery, Western
Petty Sessions are held on the second & last wednesdays in Division, Royal Artillery, Drill shed, The Bar; Hon. Col.

every month, at the Town hall, Penryn W. R. Gilbert c.B. corn. ; Hon. Lieut.-Col. T. W. Fie!d,

The following places are included in the Petty Sessional major; Capt. Wm. Hy. Mills R.A. adjutant; Joseph

division :-Budock, Constantine, :Falmouth, Gwennap, Rogers, quarter master; No. ro company, Hon. Major
Mabe, M~wnan, Mylor, Perran-ar-Worthal, St. Gluvias W. H. Christoe; W. K. Bullmore M.D. surgeon-lieut
Royal Engineers, Falmouth section, Coast Battalion ; head
& St. Stythians
quarters, The Bar; Lieut. Benjamin Sugg, commanding
Consuls & Vice-Consuls. Militia Engineers, t:lubmarine Miners R. E. ; Hon. Lt.-Col.
America (United States of), Howard Fox, consul ; George
A. Tremayne, corn.; Lieut.S.G.Johnson, inst.ofmusketry
Henry Fox, deputy consul & vice-consul ISt Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Argentine Republic, William Naylor Carne, consul
Austria & Hungary, William Broad, vice-consul (comprising A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J &K companies),
Belgium, Howard Fox, consul head quarters, Drill hall, Berkeley vale; Hon. Col. G. J.
Brazil, George Henry Fox, vice-consul Smith, commanding; W. E. Rosewarne, major; Hon.
Chili, J. G. Cox, vice-consul Major C. W. Boot, instructor of musketry; Brevet-Major
Costa Rica, Howard Fox, vice-consul Geo. A. Ashby, adjutant; Hon. Capt. W. J. Tyack,
Denmark, James Henry Hunt, consul quarter master; Tom A. Grylls, capt. of C company;
Ecuador (Republic of), Howard Fox, vice-consul Hon. 8urg.-Major R. C. M. Pooley, medical officer; Color-
France, L. Debos, vice-consul Sergt. William Dilley, drill instructor
Germany, Robert Fox, vice-consul
Greece, George Henry Fox, vice-consul FALMOUTH UNION.
Hawaiian Islands, Cecil R. Broad, consul Board day every alternate tbursday at theWorkhouse, Budock
Holland, William Broad, vice-consul
Honduras, Howard Fox, vice-consul The Union comprises the followmg parishes, viz. :-Budock,
Italy, Howard Fox, consular agent Constantine, Falmouth town & parish, Mabe, Mawnan,
Liberia (Republic of), Howard Fox, consul Mylor, Penryn, Perran-ar-Worthal & St. Gluvias. The
Mexican Republic, John McClymont Carne, vice-consul populat.ion in 1891 was 23,970; area, 25,295 acres; rate-
Netherlands, William Broad, vice-consul
Ottoman Empire, George Henry Fox, vice-consul able value, £.79,7I7.
Peru, Cecil R. Broad, consul Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, John H.
Portugal, George Henry Fox, vice-consul
Russia, Howard Fox, vice-consul Genn, 23 Church street, Falmouth
Salvador, Robert. Broad, vice-consul Treasurer, William M. Grylls
Spain, George Henry Fox, vice-consul Relieving & Vaccination Officers, Falmouth district, Josiah
Sweeden & Norway, Howard Fox, vice-consul
Uruguay, William Broad, vice-consul Moyle, III Killigrew street, Falmouth; Penryn district,
Edward Toms, Broad street, Penryn
Medical Officers, Constantine district, Montagu Waiter Roe,
Constantine ; Falmouth district, Frederick Charles Bull-
more, Stratton place, Falmouth ; Mylor district, Edward
Head Moore, 20 Church street, Falmouth ; Penryn dis-
trict., Roger Hughes Jones L.R.C.P.Lond. Penryn

Public Establishments. Public Vaccinators, Constantine district, Montagu Waiter

Cemetery, Swanpool road, James Vinson, keeper or sexton Roe, Constantine ; Falmouth district, Arthur Ben Harris

Chamber of Commerce, Arwenack street, the Right lion. M.D. 5 Grove place, Falmoutb ; Mylor district, Edward

the Earl of Kimberley K.G.president; Frederick J. Bowles, Head Moore, 20 Church street, Falmout.h ; Penryn district,

sec. ; Robert Milford Tweedy, treasurer Roger Hughes Jones L.R.C.P.Lond. Penryn

Coast Guard Station, Pendennis hill, Henry Hutchings, Superintendent Registrar, John H. Genu, 23 Church street,

chief officer J<'almoutb; deputy, Edward Ruse, 28 Church st. Falmouth

County Court Office, Killigrew street, His Honor Thomas Registrars of Births & Deaths, Constantine sub-district,

C. Granger, judge; Harry Tilly, registrar & high bailiff; Charles Edward Reynolds, Constantine; deputy, Miss

James Penrose Po1glase, clerk & high bailiff's assistant & Fanny Reynolds, Constantine ; Falmouth sub-district,


Joseph R. Cor1yon, Market street, Falmouth; deputy,: Seamen's Bethel, Quay hill, Mr. J. C. Badger; 6.30 p.m.;

Herbert J. R. Corlyon, Market street, Falmonth; Mylor .. thurs. 7 p.m

sub-district, William Hemy Tong, Tregatreath, Mylor; Schools.

deputy, Miss Ellen E. Tong, Tregatreath, Mylor; Penryn Grammar, Killigrew street, formerly the Falmouth classical

sub-district, William Rowe TreSidder, Penryn; deputy, & mathematical school, established in the year 1824 as a

Robert Tresidder, Penryn proprietary school, & surrounded by its own grounds, of

Registrars of Marriages, Simon Roberts, 13 Albany road, about an acre, used as a recreation ground for the pupils:

Falmouth; deputy, Wm. John Barnicoat, 12 .Albany rd it was closed about I855 & in 1857 was opened as a

Workhouse, Trescobeas, in the parish of Budock, I! miles Grammar school ;

north-east of the town; it is a stuccoed building with A School Board of 7 members was formed in I876 for the

stone dressings, erected in I852 & will hold 170 inmates; United District of Falmouth borough parish; William

John George, master ; Frederick Charles Bullmore, med- J enkins, 39 Chur'"h street, clerk to the board; John Paine,

ical officer; Miss Jessie J. Coad, matron; Miss Ada L. Berkeley vale, attendance officer; meet at board room, 39

Hocking, schoolmistress Church street on third monday in each month at 7 p.m

RURAL SANITARY AuTHORITY. I Board, Webber's hill, built in 1879, for 158 boys, 172 girls &

Meets monthly at board room, Budock, thursdays 2.30 p.m 130 infants; average attendance, 157 boys, 140 girls &

Clerk, John Hy. Genn, 23 Church street, Falmouth 135 ]nfants ; 'fbomas Richard Blamey, master; Mrs.

Treasurer, William M. Grylls Frances llilton Blamey, mistress; Miss Kate Gray,

Medical Officer of Health, James Blarney, Broad st. Penryn infants' mistress ·

Inspector of Nuisances, S. Cox, Market street, Penryn British, Smithick hill, built in 1859, for 26o boys, 300 girls

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COliMITTEE. & 270 infants; average attendance, 170 boys, 175 girls &

Meets at the ~Workhouse monthly. I66 infants; Samuel Roberts, master; Mrs. Francis

Clerk, John H. Genn, 23 Church street, Falmouth .Am1ie Roberts, mist.; Miss Ellen ~Etcbell, infants' mist

Attendance & Inquiry Officers, Josiah Moyle, I II Killigrew National, Wodehouse terrace, built in r8og, for 215 boys,

street & "\Villiam Henry Tong, Tregatreath, Mylor 215 girls & ISO infants; average attendance, 140 boys,

Public Officers. 139 girls & 142 infants; William John Shoosmith, master;
Mrs. Minnie Carter, mistress ; Miss Ellen S. Martm,
Admiralty Surgeon & .Agent, James Francis Holland Owen infants' mistress
L.R.C.P.Edin. I Wodehouse terrace St. lvlary's Catholic School (mixeQ.), Killigrew street, built
in I 886, for roo children; average att.endance, 34 ; :J1iss
Certifying Factory Surgeon, William King Bullmorc M.D. Louisa Joll, mistress
2 Bank place

Collector of Market Tolls, Jsph. Robt. Corlyon, Market strand

Collector of Queen's Taxes, Wm. Chas. Bullen, Trelawney rd Newspapers.

I-tarbour Master, Samuel Collins, Io Norfolk road Falmouth Packet &; Cornwall Advertiser, Market strand;
Inland Revenue Officer, Timothy Jn. Thucll, 6 CJaremont ter
Insp;)ctor of County Police, Wm. Hy. Harris, Police station, Lake & Co. proprietors ; published on sat
Falmouth & Penryn Weekly Times; office, Commercial
33 Market street
Stamp Distributor, Newberry Cox, Post office, Church st 'i buildings, Arwenaek street ; Cornish Telegraph Co. Lim.
Surveyor to the Board of Trade, William Harvey Bisset, Penzance, proprietors; published on friday evenings.
See advertisement
.Arwenack street Falmonth News Slip, 28 Arwenack street ; William Tregaskis,
Surveyor of Shipping, William Burrows, Arwenack street publisher ; published on sat

Places of Worship, with times of services. Falmouth Gazette & Penryn Review, 4 & 13A, Church street;

King Charles the Martyr Church, Rev. Brian Christopherson Edwin T. Olver, publisher; published on sat. See advt

M. A. rector; 8 & I I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; 8 a.m. daily ; Conveyances.
wed. II a.m. & 7 p.m.; fri. It a. m

All Saints' Church,Killigrew street; 8 & II a.m. & 6.3op.m.; Railway Station, Thomas Henry Hocking, station master.

fri. 7.3op.m An omnibus from the Green Bank & Royal hotels to meet

Mission Room (.All Saints'), Killigrew street; II a. m. child- all trains
ren's service & address; 6.30 p.m. evening prayer & CoACHEs TO :-
HELSTON .& PENRYN-l\Iail omnibus, Croser, James &

Penwerris Church, Rev. Adoniab Schuyler Sutton B.A. Penlerick, leave the Market strand every day at 9 a. m.

vicar; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m & 4 & 6 p.m. sunday excepted

St. Mary Catholic, Killigrew street, Rev. Canon William P~<,NRYN & REDRUTH-From Market strand, at 9 a. m. & 5
Cassey M.A. priest; mass 9.30 & II a. m.; catechism 3 & p.m. ; Hocking, from Market strand, at 5 p.m. daily

rosary, instruction & benediction 6.30 p.m.; daily mass CoNSTANTI.-.E-Courage, from The Moor, on tues. thurs. &

8 a m. summer & 8. 30 p.m. winter ; holidays of obliga- sat. at 5.30 p.m
tion, rosary & benediction 7 p.m
Sr. DAY-Ball & Son, mon. thurs. & sat. at 4, from
Society of Friends' Meeting House, Gylling street, n a.m. Market strand

& 6.30 p.m. ; wed. II a.m PENRYN, PERRANWHARF, DEVORAN & TRURO-Allen, from

Baptist, :!\Iarket street, Rev. Charles Trim Johnson, II a.m. Market strand, mon. tues. thurs. & sat. at 4 p.m

& 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.15 p.m To MANAOCAN (Richards), wed. & sat. 3·3~, from The

Congregational, High street, Rev. Clement Arthur Ferdi- Moor
nand Bryer; u a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
PENRYN (Penlerick), from Market strand, at 10 a.m. &
Earle's Retreat Chapel; 3 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
I2.15, 2.45, 3·45, 5.3o, 7-IS, 8.30 & 9.30 p.m. & on sat. at
Bible Christian, B>rkeley vale, Rev. Richard Henry Little ; Io p.m
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m
Pnmitive Methodist, Chapel row, Rev. J. Hall, of Truro ; Water Conveyance.

II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m The British & Irish Steam Packet Company's vessels leave

Wesleyan, Killigrew street, Rev. John P. Elton; II a.m. & Falmouth Dock's Pier head for Plymouth, Southl;Lmpton,

6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Portsmouth & London, monday & friday, at 8 morning ;

Wesleyan, Pikes hill, Rev. James Joseph Bosward; II a.m. for Dublin, tuesday & friday afternoon, at 5 ; & for Liyer-

& 6.30 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m I pool on mondays ; W. & E. C. Carne, Market st. agents

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Barker Joseph, I3 Marll;>Orough road Blackmore Charles N. L. Market street

Ahier John,4Treverdun pl.Trelawney rd Barker Miss, 'frelawney villa, 'frelaw- Blarney Thomas Richard, 8 Erisey t()r

Anderson Henry Edward,8Woodlane ter ney road Blarney Thomas Richard, jun.Pensih·a,

Anderson Waiter, Woodlane cottage, Barnicoat "\VilliamJohn,r2.Albanyroad Melville road

Woodlane Barnicoat William Jn.2 Polwhaverel ter Blight John, jun. 1 Frobisher terrace

Anderton Edward Dixon c.c. Oakroyd, Barrett Cator~ 8 Wodehouse terrace lllight John James, 3 Erisey terrace

Woodlane Bath Mrs. 3 West place Boex Norbert Joseph, I6 Harbour ter

.Andrew Mrs. IO Claremont terrace Baugh Henry, I Upland terrace Bond Arthur, 3r Berkeley vale

Aylmer Major-Gen. Henry R.A. Pen- Beard Miss, 3 Claremont terrace1 Bone Mrs. I Victoria cottages

dower, Woodlane Bellamy Jsph.E. B. Dolvean,lVIelville rd Bonham Wm. Stephen, 4 Harbour. trr

Ayres John, I6 Middle terrace Bennett Miss, 5 Bar terrace Bosisto Miss, I Albany road

Bailey Joseph James, 4 Merrie place Bennett Robert Henry, North parade Bosward Rev. Jas. Joseph [Wesleyan},

Bailey Wm. Hy. Grove villa, Woodlane Benney .Albert, 3 Beacon terrace 14 Florence terrace

Baker William John, 6 Bassett place Benney Daniel, 22 Harbour terrace Boulderson Miss, 7 Florence terrace

Balasdon J oseph, II Trelawney road Benney Mrs. I4 Kimberley road Bowden Mrs. 46 Kimberley road

Banks Edward, 13 Park terrace Benney Mrs. 4 Marlborough road Bowden William Henry, 10 Middle ter

Banks Mrs. I3 Wellington terrace Best Cyrns, 14 Woodhouse terrace Bowles FrederickJames,4Lansdowne rd

Banks William M.R.c.s., M.B. 3 Duns- 1 Billett Capt..Archibald,nClaremont ter Brecknell Miss, 41 Kimberley road
tanville villas- '· I Bisset Wm.Harvey,Erin ldg.Greenbank Bremner John, 7 Florence place



Breton Mrs. Rose bank, Melville road Deeble William, 9 Woodlane terrace Hosking Mrs. I8 Bar terrace

Bridges Guy, r7 Woodlane t~"rrace Denton illrs. 7 Wood lane Hosking Mrs. II Erisey terrace

Broad Cecil Robert, 14 Woodlane ter Deshon Rev. Hy. Chas. M. D. 3 Park ter Hoskins John, 8 Dunstanville terrace

Broad Herman Csticke, The Nne, Dinner Edwin, IS Wellington terrace Howard William Paul, I West place,

Melville road Diplock Bramah Jo!.leph, 3 Florence ter Albany

Bro-id Mrs. Robert Richard 3 Witton Downing John Eva, 4 Hank place H ugoeTrebanionGurney, IClaremnt.ter

villas, Woodlane Downing J olm Eva, jun. I 5 Florence ter Humphris William, 5 Kimberley place

Broad Sydney, 9 Florence place Downing J oseph Chesterfield, Boskenna Hunt James Henry, 4 Wooulane ter

Broad \Villiarn, Woodlane Downing Mrs. I Park crescent Incledon Fredk. J n. IS Dunstanville ter

Brombead Miss, 3 Wodehouse terrace Downing William Lobb, 2 West place Ingersoll Philip, Belmont

Brooking Julian, Ei'lstney, Alb.1ny road Duckham Alfred Benj. r8 Arwenack st Ingram WilliamAyerst,6Wodehouse ter

Bronglmm l\Ii~s, 4 Trelawney road Earle Fredk. Hobart, 9 Wodehouse ter Ives Mrs. I2 Florence terrace

BrownDnl. ITre•·erdun pl.Trelawney rd Earle Frederick Lewis, 3 Albany road Jacket Thomas, 3 Dunstanville terrace

Brown Misses, Gyllyngvase,l\leh·ille rd Ega•1 ~Iiss, 17 Middle terrace Jago Edward, I Harriett place

llryer Rev. ClemPnt Arthur Ferdin::md El ton Rev. John P.[Wes. ],2llellevue ter James Charles Edwin ( fieet-paym<~.ster

LCongre. ], 14 Tre'>ethan terrace Endean William, 8 Stratton terrace R.N.), Belmont

Bull Capt. Geo. Parker, :Marlborough Eustice George Lefevre, 26 Budock ter James Tobias, 10 \Vindsor terrace

Hull Mrs. I2 Duustam·ilb terr,Jce Fai rhurst 1\lrs. 3 Harriett place J ane William, 9 Erisey terrace

Bull Mrs. 9 Harbour terrace Fitz-Gerald :Major-Gen. Charles, Lans- Jeffery Mrs. I2 :Florence place

Bull Mrs. .Marlboroug'1 do wne house, Lansdowne roa\i Jenkin Miss, 4 Dunstanville terrace

l~ullen Robt. Hy. 5 \V1tton vils. WooJla Fox Francis, 2I Albany roJ.d Jenkins William. 53 Kimberley road

13ullen William, I r Chfton pl<~ce Fox George Hy. Wodeuouse pl. Wood la Jeps~n Henry, 8 Albany road

Hullen William Charles,Gienville house Fox lloward, Rosehill, Woodlane Job Mrs. 5 Harbour terrace

Trelawney road Fox Nathaniel J.P. 41 Market street John .\[iss, 2 Upland terrace

Bullmore Edward: 7 Kimberley place Fox Robert, Grove hill, \Voodlane J ohns .Miss, I6 ~Iarlborou~h road

Bullmore Ernest, 17 Dunstanville ter !<'ox Wilson Lloyd, Carmino,Melvtlle rd J ohnson Rev. Charles Trim [Baptist],

Huilmore Fredk. Chas. I Stratton plact> Francis Benjamin, I4 Dunstanville ter 38 Kimberley ro:1d

Bullmore Mr~. 3 Stratton place Francis 'Misses, 2 Stratton place Jolmson Mrs. 5 Lansdowne road

Bullmore William, 9 Tehidy terrace Freeman Miss, 18 \'Voodlane terrace Jones John, 6 Bar terrace

Bullmore William King lll.D. 2 Bank pl Friend Mrs. 28 vVodehouse terrace Jo:.1es Mrs. 2 North parade

Bullocke Mrs. I I Clareml)nt terrace Furber Mrs. 114 Killigrew street Jordan .Misses, 7 Erisey terrace

Bmchett James Day, 4 Stratton place Furze ·waiter, 20 Harbour terrace Jordan Mrs. 20 Middle terrace

Bunion. Kicholas, 24 Bar terrace GaneRev.Chas.Eilf.A.[curateJ,rPark ter Jose Mrs. Northbrook villa, Stratton ter

Burrows Wm.Jas.Robts. 19 Harbour ter Gaul Fredk. Lyon M.A. I Park terrace Keene Rev. Charles Vernon Peacock

Bul't Charles, I4 Bar terrace Gay Mrs. Hosevean, Woocllane terrace M.A. Woodlane

Burton John, Mount Wise, Pikes hill Gaze Harry, 4 Penwerris cottages Kelway Charles lloyd, 10 Lansdowne rd

Camcron John, I2 Bar terrace Arthur, 6 Clare terrace Kelway George, 9 Harbour terrace

Cardew Colonel Ambrose,9 Geach Frederick Chas. 37 Kimberley rd Kendall Mrs. 4 Kimberley road

CarJew Illrs. 7 ''Voodlane crescent Geach Mrs. 4 Beacon terrace King Charles llertram, 2I Berkeley vale

C'arne George Newhy, I4 Clare terrace Genu John Henry, I3 Woodlane ter Kitto Edward, Observatory

Carne J ohn~'IcClymont, 13 Stratton ter Gibson John, 3 Upland terrace Knowle.i Alfred, Penwerris terrace

Carne Wm. Kaylor, 44 :.Iarket s'reet Gilbert Mrs. 2 Victoria cottages Krabbe Mrs. 2 Trclawney road

Carter George, 28 Buclock terrace Goodfellow Robert Mitchell, 20 Dun- Krieger WilliamChriotian,6Florence ter

Carter Mrs. 4 Park terrace stanville terrace Lake Miss, 47 Kimberley road

Cary J ames Francis, St. Clare's Goodoff Theodore, 21 Budock terrace Lane John, 2 Langton terrace

Clary l'r1rs. Moroa~, Melville ro:1d Googh Thomas Rowe, 2 Claremont ter Lanyon George, 3 Stratton terrace

Cassey Re'"· Canon William M.A. Granger His Hon. Judge Thomas Col- Lanyon Misses, 6 Ktmberley place
LashbrookeAlexander, 23Wodehouse te:-
[Catholic], Killigrt>w street pitts, I Witton villas, Wooulane

Chard Arthur, 20 Herkeley v·1le Green Mrs. 23 Budock terrace Lawder-Eaton Gerard,Pennance house,

Christoe WiUiam Henry, Penruudock Grernwood Thomas, I7 Bar terrace Woodlane

Christopherson Rev. Brian r.r.A. [ rectotJ, Gritliths Mrs. North parade Lawrence Henry, 3 Clare terrace
Grose Mrs. s Claremont terrace
2 Witton villas, Woocllane Leaity J ames George, 2 Middle terrace

(']arke l\Irs. 4 Upland termce Gry!Is Wm. :.Vlitchell,TheCot. Me! ville rcl Leaity Mrs. 25 Dunstanville terrace

Cleames Mrs. I3 Florence place Gundry Miss, 7 Middle terrace Lean John, IO Bar terrace

Clemow Joel, I Erisey terrace Guppy Thoma~ Stokes Jli.D. (retired), Lean 1\Irs. I I Stratton t.errace
Clift :\Irs. I6 Wo1ehouse terrace I Cambridge place Lean Willmm, 9 Albany road
Cocks l\lrs. I I Albany road Lean William Henry, Armyn villa, Bar
Coggins l\Iiss, I8 Harbour terrace Gustersou George Hy. 4 North parade Leggo Mrs. I Harbour terrace
Coleman Mrs. Kimberley Guthridge Misses, 9 Norfolk road Lewis Capt. Geor.!le, 10 Park terrace
Colenso Thomas Henry, 29 Bar terrace Haly John, 26 Wodehouse terrace Lewis Arthur, II Park terrace
Ham Mrs. 17 Wodchouse terrace
Lewis Thomas, Brook vi!. Trelawney rd
Collins J\Irs. I5 Erisey terrace Hamilton James, 9 Albert cottage Lexow Mrs. I2 Middle terrace
Cooper Miss, Dolvean, .1.\Ielville road Hammond George, 5 Beacon terrace
Libbey Capt. Saml. R.N. 3 Cambridge pi
Cooper B.obert, 3 Trehidy trrrace Hampton Mrs. 2Q Budock terrace

Cooper Thomas, 2 Penwerris cottageg Hancock Mrs. 7 Budock teruce Liddicoat Henry, I3 Erisey terrace

C()plin Alfred Richard, 16 Erisey terrace Hancock :Mrs. 7 W odehouse terrace Linney Charles, 5 Florence terrace

Coplin .John, 2I Waterloo road Handley Misses, 7 Clare terrace Little Rev. Richard [Bible Christian],

Corder :Mrs. 2 Windsor terrace Hardy Rev. Edward Jones M.A. I9 7 Herkeley vale
Corder H.ichard, 69 Killigrew street Little MJChael, 7 S~ratton place
Kimberley road

Corfield Mrs. I4 Erisey terrace Harris Arthur Ben. M.n. 5 Grove place Little Mrs. Lilly house, Albany road

C'orfield William, 5 Trehidy terrace Harris 1\Iiss, 35 Berkeley vale Lobb Mrs. II Clare terrace

Corlyon George, 2 Albany place Harris Mrs. 19 Berkeley vale Lowry Edward, 4 Wellington terrace

Corlyon Herbert, 8 Trevethan terrace Harrison Mrs. IO \\'o::lehouse terrace Lucas Mrs. 6 Harbour terrace

Corlyon Joseph Robert,9 Trevethan ter Hartland William, I Langton terrace Luen Charles, 29 lludock terrace

Coward Henry John, I8 Wo lehouse ter Harvey Henry, II ''Vodehouse terrace .McCourt Miss, 23 Albany road
Coward Thomas, 9 Marlboroul.!'h road Harwood Robert, ro Tehidy terrace McGill John, 20 Albany roacl
Cox Henry Herbert, Hillside, Woodlane Haslope Lancelot Llewellyn, 8 Wood- Mackenzie Henry Somerset, Penwenack

Cox James Newberry, 5 Frobisher ter lane crescent l'viansel Herbert, 5 Grove pl"ce

Cox Joseph Goodenongh, LanJ.rth Hayes Mrs. 33 ''Vodehouse terrace Manse] Mrs. 5 Grove place

house, Albany road Hean John Thorn, I8 Marlborough rd Marshall Mrs. 6 Tehidy terrace
Heath John Trounce, 3 Bellevue ter Martens Emile Charles, I3 Bar terrace
Cox Newberry, 8 Clare terrace :Martin Miss, I9 Albany road
l\Iartvn Mrs. 8 Park terrace
Coyle J oseph, 4 Restormel terrace Hemy Charles Napier, Churchfield, ~lath•ews Mrs. II Bowlin~ green
Cregoe John Plomer, 7 Tehidy terrace Kimberley place .)latthews Miss, 5 Stratton terrace
CrispinRichardThomas, r3Kimberley rd Mead James, 27 Dunstanl'ille terrace
Crosby Mrs. 4 Stmtton terrace Hill Misses, 4 Tehidy terrace
C'attance Mrs. IO \'Vodehouse terrace Hockin~ Thomas Henry, I2 Clare ter l\lead John, 7 Dunstannlle terrace
:\'lead Mrs. 5 Erisey terrace
Daniell William Henry, 31 Budock ter Hodge Thomas, 17 Kimberley road
Dash George, 2 Tehidy terrace Hoigkin Thomas n.c. L. Tredourva,

Melville road
Hollacombe James, 8 Kimberley road l\ledd Mrs. 2 Florence place
Davey Albert, 42 Kimberley road Meyrick John Thos. 2 Woodlane terrace

DJ.vidson C bas. Trevena, L:o~.nsdowne rd Holrnes Thomas, r6 Kimberley road Meyrick William, 36 Market street

Davis Richard, 4 Kimberley place Hooper Miss, q. Stratton terrace Michell William R. Consolidated bank.
Dawe Charles Hill, I Grove place Hope Mrs. I5 Albany road

Dawkins John, 19 Dunstanville terrace Hosking Capt. Thomas, 4 Bellevue ter Killigrew street


Midlen Mrs. I8 Albany road Putt Mrs. I Tehidy terrace Thomas Wm. Anthony, 4 Claremont ter

Milrlren Mrs. SI Kimberley road Pye Mrs. 7 Waterloo road Thomas Wm. Edwd. 2 Arwyn cottages

Millet William Geo. 12 Market, Strand Pye Timothy J. 7 Woodlane terrace Thuell Timothy John, 6 Claremont ter

MillsCapt. Wm.HolroydR.A.3Florence pl Peader John, 3 Middle terrace Tilly Chas. Parker, 36 Kimberley road

Mills Charles, 40 Kimberley road Reed Captain George Henry Baynes Tippett William Francis, I Park terrace

Mills Miss, 5 Woodlane terrace R.N. 8 Tehidy terrace Tonkin Benjamin, r r Lansdowne road

Mills Misses, 8 Florence terrace R.eynolds Edgar Jn. Robt. 4 Harriett pl 'fonkin Thos. Joseph, 31 Wellington ter

Mitchell John, 20 Budock terrace Richards Richard Chas. 3 Kimberley pl Trebilcock Mrs. 13 Harbour terrace

Mitchell Jn. Dure, Manor ho. Arwenack Roberts John, 19 Middle terrace Tregelles Misses,Xorthbrook,Melville rd

Mitchell Miss, Greenbank hotel Roberts Peter, 23 Bar terrace Tremayne Mrs. 5 Florence terrace

:Modee Herman, II Bar terrace Roberts Samuel, 9 Trelawney road Tresidder Miss, 34 Wodehouse terrace

Mogg Mrs. 10 Florence place Roberts Samuel, 24 Wellington terrace Tresidder Samuel, 32 Wodehouse ter

Mollett Ralpb, 5 Kimberley road Robins Nicholas, II Arwenack street Tresidder Samuel Jolm Louttit, 23 Dun-

Monks Rev.Gilbert[curate],6Upland ter Robinson Charles Wm. s Cambridge pl stanville terrace

Moore Edward Head J.P. 20 Church st Rodd Rev. H. Tremayne 1\LA. Lhon. Tresidder Wm. Henry, I4 Norfolk road

Moore Joseph Wait. 3 Harbour terrace canon Truro Cathedral], Gwinear Trethowan Hy. Stevens, 2 Grove place

Moore Mrs. ro Woodlane terrace lodge, Woodlane crescent Trevena Mis.;;, 12 Park terrace

Moorman Isaac Baker, 8 Florence place R.ogers Charles Hy. 4 Camhridge place Trevena Mrs. I Trelawney road

Morcom Miss, 26 Dunstanville terrace Rogers Geo. Boulderson, I Kimberley pl Trevena Nicholas, IS Harbour terrace

Morphew Miss, 6 Stratton terrace Rogers Mrs. 5 Florence place Trevise Andrew, 10 Florence terrace

Moss Ernest Henry, I Waterloo road RogersRegin'd.N.Tremedden,Vvoodlane Trevise Edward, 12 \\-'odebouse teruce

l\ioxon Mrs. 4 1\'itton villas, "V\'ood lane Rogers lVIrs. Wm.Penalverne, Woodlane Trevise James, 10 Clare terrace

Nalder Frederick, 5 Wood lane crescent Rogers Mrs. 2 \Voodlane crescent Treweek .Francis, 8 Lansdowne road

N ash Miss, 3S Wodehouse terrace Row Mrs. S Treverdun pl. Trelawney rd Treweeke Wllliam, 8 Bar terrace

Nicholls James, 2 Wodehouse terraee Rowe John, 2 Park terrace Trible Mrs. 27 Budock terrace

Nicholls Joseph Rickard, 2 Treverdon Rowe Richard Cory, IS Budock terrace Troon Robert, 11 Kimberley road

place, Trelawney road Rusden Charles, I6 Bar terrace Truscott Mrs. 4 Woodlane crescent

Nicholls William, I7 Upper Brook st Rusden James, 19 Bar terrace Tucker Charles A. 6 Woodlane terrace

North Miss, 6 Florence place Sampson Richd. Alfd. 3 Marlborough rd Tucker Mrs. 6 Woodlane terrace

Noye John, u Middle terrace Sandry'Thomas Hy. Pendennis house Tulloch Mrs. J. G. McD. Tannachie,

Oates William, 7 Claremont terrace Sandwith Rev. Claude S. H. [curate], 1 Woodlane

O'Grady Standish 'fhomas (staff sur- IS Wodehouse terrace Turner Edwin Thomas, 3 Treverdon

geon H.M.S.Ganges),7 Cambridge pl Sara Nicholas1 Bar house, Bar place, Trelawney road

Olivey Mrs. 6 Stratton place Sargent Misses, 2S Wodehouse terrace Tweedy Robert Milford, Polmenna,

Oh·er Edwin Thos. 9 Lansdowne road ] Saxon Mrs. 109 Killigrew street Lansdowne road

Olver Mrs. Charles, 29 Dunstanville ter Scoble James, 2 Restormel terrace Tyacke Mrs. 2 Stratton terrace

Olver Mrs. Thos. 3r Dunst.anville ter Scott Chas. Bowden, IS Lansdowne rd U'.Glow Edwin, 1I Tehidy terrace

Osier Miss, 12 Upper Brook street Selley Mrs. s Stratton place Valentin Rupert, 18 Kimberley road

Oswald Miss, 17 Middle terrace Sharpe Mrs. 14 Albany road Vawdrey Mrs. I2 Park terrace

Owen Harry Louis, 13 Clare terrace Sherman William, 19 Budock terrace Vercoe William Hy._.2r Berkeley vale

Owen James Francis, Holland, I Wode- Sherris Richard, 5 Clare terrace Vigurs l\Iiss, 21 Chnrc~1 street

house terrace Shoosmith William Jn. 13 Waterloo rd Vinson Rd. Thos. King,105 Killigrew st

Palmer Chas. Howard, Penwerris ter Simmoncls Miss, r & 2 Florence terrace Vivian James, 13 Middle terrace

Palmer Robert, 14 Middle terrace Sims Alfd. Rufus Jsph. 33 Berkeley vale Walker Rev. Charles Adolphus [chap-

Pascoe Frederick Wm. 12 Harbour ter SkinnerAifd.Ernst.Aucubacot..Grovehl lain to the missions to seamen], 43

Pearce Mrs. 14 Marlhorough road Skinner George, 7 Bar terrace Kimberley road

Pearce Mrs. 7 Stratton terrace 1 Skinner Jn. Jonathan, 6 Trelawney rd Wallace Joseph, 16 Budock terrace

Pearson Mrs. 2+ Norfolk road Skinner Mrs. 1 Restormel terrace "\Varren Charles, I7 Budoc:k terrace

Pease SirJoseph Whitwell bart.1\I.P.,D. L. Skinner Thomas Smale, r8 Middle ter Waters Harold, 3 Frobisher terrace

J.P. Kerrisvean; & 24 Kensington Sliney John William, 6 Dunstanv1Ile ter Waters Mrs. Gyllyngdune, Melville rd

Palace gardens w & Reform & Brooks' Smale Mrs. 7 Langton terrace Waters Mrs. Holyrood, Woodlane

clubssw &CityLiberal clubEcLondon Smith William, 4 Frobisher terrace Webb Edwin, 17 Marlhorough road

PelloweJn. Trevelyn, 18 Dunstanville ter Smith William Boase, 10 'frelawney rd Webber Albert Ed ward,s Market strand

Pender George, I6 Lansdowne road Smythe Edward Richard M.R.c.v.s. 2 Webber Thomas J.P., c.c. 'Voodville,

Penlerick Hy. Stratton ho. Stratton ter Harbour terrace The Park

Penlerick Joseph, 8 Harbour terrace Sole Mrs. I North parade 'Verry Capt. Jn. Daw, IS Trevethan ter

Peunell Charles Jn. 2 Kimberley place Spear Wm. John, 2I Dunstansville ter WestlakeSamsonTreliving,2Frobishr.ter

Perry Jonathan Stephens, 'fregaer, Spry Mrs. IS Bar terrace Whitfield RobertThomas,26Waterloord

Melville road Spry Richd. Jas. Fredk. Devonshire ho Wicker Mrs. 44 K1mberley road

Phillips Arthur, 3 Grove place Stangbye JohanHolmbo,IsMarlboro' rd Williams Charles Henry, S Gyllyng st

Phillips Miss, 8 Middle terrace Stephens John, .Asbfield Williams Edwd.Beling,45 Kimberley rd

Phillips Mrs. 9 Park terrace Stephens John Gilbert,The Cot.Asbfield Williams Frederick, 13 Norfolk road

Philp Mrs. 3 Woodlane crescent Stephens :Mrs. 103 Killigrew street Williams Frederick, 3 Restormel terrace
Pickford Charles, 3 Penwerris cottages IStill Mrs. 2 Dunstanville terrace
Williams John Treweek, S Norfolk road
Pill Charles James, II Harbour terraoze I StrongmanJn.Hackett,32Wellington ter Williams Miss, 28 Dunstanville terrace

Polglase James Penrose, 78 K1lligrew st 1 Sugg Lieut. Benjamin, 8 Trelawney rd Williams Mrs. r Bellevue terrace
Polglase Jn. Jas. Cleopbas, 46 Market st /Summers Hy. Fras. Chas. 18 Budock ter Williams Mrs. 9 Middle terrace

Polglase Misses, so Kimberley road Button Rev. Adoniah Schuyler B.A. Williams Peter, 7 Albany road

Polglase'fimothyCornelius,46Marketst [vicar of Penwerrisl, 12 Stratton t~r Williams Thomas, 33 Wellington terrace

Pool Francis, 4 Glyn cottages, Bar Swann Rev. Thomas \Vm. 7 Park ter Williams Wm. Henry, 12 Lansdownerd

Pooley George, 9 Dunstanville terrace Symons Edwd. Trevarrion, Melville rd Willimott Wm.l\lortlock, Kimberley rd

Pooley Richd. Chas.Mason 111. K.Q.C.P.I., Symons John, ro Albany road Willmer Frederick Joseph, 5 l'ark ter

L.R.C.s.r., J .P. Grove ho. "'oodlane Symons William, 5 Albany road Willmore Arthur, 4 Florence terrace

Pope Miss, 8 Marlborough road Tallack John, 9 Bar terrace Willoughby Mrs. 2 Dunstanyille villas

Pope Mrs. Woodlane 'fargetLt.Arth.Thos.R.N.8Camhridgepl Wilson Alexander, St. Cuthbert's

Porteous Mrs. 13 Lansdowne road Taylor William, 2 Clare terrace Wood Edward, Penwerris terrace

Price James, 7 Marlborough road Thomas Capt. Philip, 12 Erisey terrace Wordsdell Jomthan, 16 Dunstanville ter

Prince Mrs. 2 Cambridge place Thomas Mrs. 5 Trelawney road Young Henry, 3 Bellevue terrace

Prior Charles Elliott., I Norfolk road Thomas Philip, 14 Harbour terrace Younghusband Misses, 9 Florence ter

Prior Edwin, 2 Erisey 1errace Thomas Stephen, I Marlborough road

COl\IllfERCIAL. Anderson Henry Edward, go'f'ernment diver & salvage con•
tractor, 8 Woodlane terrace

Abbot William, marine store dealer, Upton slip, Church st Andrew Edward James, pilot, 4 Norfolk road

Abrahams Joseph, shopkeeper, so Smithick hill Andrews John, confectioner, 9 Arwenack street

Adams Robert Wilson, grocer, IS Arwenack street Andrews Samuel, baker & confectioner, 4 Prince st

Addiscott Elizabeth M. (Mrs.), lodging ho. I2 Woodlane ter Angel Elizabeth (Mrs.), upholsteress, I Gro'f'e cottages

Agland William Henry, shopkeeper, II Beacon street . Angel George, lodging house, Swanpool street

Ahier Jn. prof. of languages, 4 Treverdun pl. Trelawney rd J Angove William, stone mason, 13 Bassett street

Ahrens Paul Jasper, Alexandra hotel, 63 Killigrew street Ano-wyn Benjamin, lodging house, 6 Arwyn cottages

Alien Samuel, 1'hree Tuns P.H. 16 High street Baggot Henry, channel pilot, Swanpool street

.Aim Anthon Otto, ships' chandler, 46 & 47 Anyenack street Bailey & Toy, masons, 4 Gyllyng street


Bailey Henry Charles, joiner, i Gyllyng street Bullen Williath Charles, assessur & eollector of Queen's

Bailey William Hemy, ironmonger, I5 Church street taxes, Glenville house, Trelawney road

Baker William, lodging house, 30 Bar terrace Bullmore Ernest, solicitor & notary public, 42 Church street

Baker William Henry, boot maker, Middle terrace Bullmore Frederick Charles, surgeon & medical officer Fal-

Ball Edward John, harbour p1lot, 9 Budock terrace mouth district & workhouse, 1 Stratton place

Ball Mary (Miss), lodging house, 13 Dunstanville terrace Bullmore William King M.D. surgeon, medical officer of
health to urban sanitary authorities & port sanitary
Balsdon Joseph, spirit vaults, 64 Church street

Banks Edward, draper, 48 Market street authority for Falmouth & Truro, surgeon in charge of

Banks William M.R.c.s.Eng., M.B.Lond. surgeon, 3 Dun- troops at Pendennis castle & eurgeon-lieut. ISt Cornwall

stanville villas Volunteer Artillery & certifying factory surgeon, 2 Bank pl

Barbery Matilda (Mrs.), boot maker, 6 Church street Bullocke Charles Henry, watch maker, 56 Church street

13arker Anthony, trinity pilot, 26 Wellington terrace Burley l<'rancis, joiner, Well lane

Barnard John, outfitter, 14 Church etreet Burrows William, surveyor of shipping, Commercial build-

Barnicoat Charles, mason & inspector of nuisances for port ings, Arwenack street

sanitary authority, Market place Burt Charles & Son, ship builders, Bar
Barnicoat E. s. (Miss), dress maker, 30 Budock terrace Burton John, naturalist, 27 Market street

Barnicoat John Charles, builder, 32 Budock terrace Burton John, jun. chipa & glass dealer, I9 Church street

Barnicoat Wm. Jn. dep. registrar of marriages, I2 Albany rd Burwood James, baker, 62 Church street

Barnicoat William John, mason, see Corder & Barnicoat Campbell Neil, boat owner, 2 Quay street

Barrett Cator L.S.A. surgeon, 8 Wodehouse terrace · Carlyon Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 26 Arwenack street
Barrett Nicholas, fruiterer, I9 Webber street
Carne W, & E. c. brewers, wine, spirit, ale & porter mer-

Bartley Anna (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Glyn cottages, Bar chants, aerated water manufacturers, maltsters, rope

Barwis Robert, shopkeeper, 2 Webber street manufacturers, corn & flour factors, general commission

Bascombe William Henry, builder & general house agents, ship brokers & shipping agents, agents for the

decorator, 33 Vernon place Peninsular & Oriental Royal Mail, British & Irish, London

Basher William Henry, bookbinder, 79 Killigrew street & Liverpool line of steamers, 44 Market street & Docks

Basher William John, photographer, 79 Killigrew street Pier head ; & at Truro. See advertisement

Bassett Mary Ann (Mrs ), lodging house, Wodehouse ter Carver Alfred Augustus, watch maker, 32 Market street

Bate Sydney,, master mariner, 8 Beacon street Cemetery (John H. Genn, clerk to the burial board; James

Batten, Ca,.ne & Carne's Banking Co. Limited Vinson, keeper), Swanpool road

(Charles N. L. Blackmore, manager); open from IO to 3; Chapman Philip, hair dresser & tobacconist, 2I Market st

fridays, 10 to 12.30, Market st. ; draw on London & Chapman Sara (1\:liss), manageress of Falmouth hotel

Wes:minster Bank Limited,(Lothbury Eo Chard John & Son, fishmongers & marine stora dealers, 29

Batting William Norman, tailor, 51 Church street Market street & Fish strand

Bayly Elizh. Jane Lawson (Miss), dress ma. I Webber's hill Chard Charles, pilot, 3 Chapel terrace

Beaton John, shoe maker, 23 Smithwick hill Cb.ard Kate Lucretia (Mrs.), milliner, 7 Well lane

Beattie Alice Ada (Miss), milliner, I03 Killigrew street Chard Mary (:Mrs.), lodging house, 27 Wodehouse terrace

Beaver Jesse, coffee house, 3 Swanpool street Chard William, harbour pilot, 5 Marlborough rorld

Behenna Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 45 Killigrew street Chesterfield Sarah Jaue (Mrs.), lodging ho. 11 Merrill pl

Bellamy FranklinJosepb ,architect&surveyor,4Market strand Chipman George, ironmonger, 3 Killigrew street

Belletti Joseph, baker, gt Killigrew street Christophers John, boot makel', 3 Victoria cottages
Church Institute (Frederick J. Bowles & William John C.
Bennett Henry Vivian, shopkeeper, ns Killigrew street
Benney Daniel, master mariner, 22 Harbour terrace Gummow, hon. secs.), Polytechnic hall, Church street

Benney James, Dolphin inn, 36 Arwenack street Clarke Robt. & Co. tailors, outfitters & hatters, 38 Market st

BestClara(Mrs. ),fancy repository&post officE:',I&2Killigrew st Clarke Mary Ann (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 63 Church street

Best Cyrus, car proprietor, 25 Gyllyng street Clarke William 'l'bomas, tailor, 30 Gyllyng street

Betts William, boot & shoe maker, 9 Victoria coUages Cleave Lois (Miss), dress maker, Vernon place

Rickford Nicholas, harbour pilot, I3 Budock terrace Clemow Joel, grocer, 23~ High street

Billett Richard, Summer Hill hotel, I Chapel terrace Clook J oseph, jobbing gardener & lodging ho. 2 Alb:1ny road

Bisset William Harvey, surveyor to the Board of Trade, Coast Guard Station (Hy. Hutchings, chief off.), Pandennis hl

Arwenack street · Cock John W1lliams, grocer, see Corlyon & CocK

Blackmore Charles N. L. manager of Messr.i!. Batten, Ca.rne Cock William, boot maker, I Beacon cottages

& Co.'s Bank, Market street Cocking Joseph, Royal Oak P.H. 7 Prince street

Blake Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Trevethan ter Collins Gustavius Lowry, pilot, 11 Norfolk roaJ

Blarney William Henry, accountant & assistant overseer for Collins Joseph, shopkeeper, 3 Church street

the parish of Falmouth, 4 Windsor terrace Collins Mary (Miss), lodging house, I3 Wodehouse terrace

BleeJames & S:m,coach builders&wheelwrights,Herkeley vale Collins Sctmuel, harbour master, 10 Norfolk road

Blenkinsop Richard Rowe, hosier, 45 Church street Collins Samuel, lodging house, 2 Norfolk road.

Blight & Sons, cabinet makers, 59 High street & Beacon st Congdon Alfred Augustus, oil dealer, 3 Wellington terrace

Blight John, jun. electrical engineer, electric bells fitted & Conservative Working :\fen's Club (G. Lowder E':l.ton, pre-

maintained, speaking tubes; sole agent for the patent sident; William Stephen Bonham, sec.), Arwenack st

burglar's matting, I Frobisher terrace. See advert Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, see Bolitho & Co. Limited

Blight Jos'lph, tide surveyor H.M.O. 20 Norfolk road Cook Lividia (Mrs.), furniture broker, 20 High street

Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Co. L1m. (Con- Cook Richard, gene1·al dealer, 24 Budock terrace

solidated Bank of Cornwall) (Tom R. Grylls, manager; Cooke Thomas, builder, xoo Killigrew street

opeu from IO to 3; fridays, IO to r2.3o), Killigrew st. ; Coombe James, lodging house, 6 Marlborougb road
draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. Cooper Thoma~, master mariner, 2 Pen werris cottages

London E c Coplin Alfred Rd. hair dresser & tobacconist, 5 Killigrew st

Bowden Thomas Roberts, dairyman, 10 Victoria cottages Corder & Barnicoat, masons, 69 Killigrew street

Bowles Frederick J ames, sec. & superintendent of the Docks, Corlyon & Cock, grocers & lodging house keepers, Bar

Dock offices, The Docks Corlyon Joseph Robert, auctioneer &c. see Rowe & Corlyon

Bradfield John, officer H.M. customs, IO Budock terrace Corlyon Joseph Robert, collector of rates & market tolls for

Brander Alexander Kay, marme artist, 15 Middle terrace the borough of Falmouth, 6.\, Market street
Cornish Bank Limitel (branch) (Robert l\Iilford Tweedy~
Bray Edwin, lodging house, 6 Gyllyng street

Bray Richard, boot & shoe maker, 53 Killigrew street manager), Church street; draw on Smith, Payne &

Bray Samuel, cowkeepar, I7 Berkeley vale Smiths, London E c. See advertisement

Bray William Henry, Foresters' Arms P.H, r6 Killigrew st Cornish Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 29 Smithick hill

Bremner John, fleet paymaster R.N. & district paymaster Cornwall & Great Western Parcels Office (J. C. Wall, agent;

coast guard, 4 Minnie place Edwin Richard Robert Richards,manager), 49 Churchst

Brice Thomas Francis, lodging house, 12 Marlborough road Cornwall Home for Destitute Little Girls (Miss Mary Ann

Brimacombe Richard, painter, 8 Church street Thoma.'l, matron), Bellevue terrace

Brimacombe Thomas, painter &c. Berkeley vale County Court Office (His Honor Thomas C. Granger, judge ;

Broad W1lliam & Sons, merchants, shipping agents & agents Harry Tilly, registrar & high bailiff), Killigrew street

to Lloyds, underwriters to Paris, Havre &c. & foreign Courtier Edwin John, insurance agent, 5 Dunstanville ter

consuls, Arwenack street Coward Thomas Henry, pilot, 9 Wellington terrace

Brokenshire Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer, Io Beacon st Cox & Co. engineers & ship builders, Tue Docks

Brown Chnles Henry, hair dresser, 34 Arwenack street Cox Newberry, postmaster & stamp distributor, Church st

:Brown Mary (Miss), dress maker, IOI Killigrew street Crewes J ames, boot maker & lodging house,1 Woodlane ter

Bryant Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Porhan street Curnow Mathew, hotel proprietor, see Wernhard & Curnow

Buckley J osephWilliam, FalmouthGasCo. Chu_rch st Curran Patrick, beer retailer, 31 Killigrew street

Bull George Henry, tea dealer, x8 Upper Brook street Custom House (Edward Corby, coll. ), Arwenack street

Bullen Thomas Henry, lodging house, go Berkeley vale Daniel John Charles, boot ml\ker, 5 Chapel terrace


Darker Fred, photographer, see Major & Darker Falmouth Liberal & Radical Club (Henry Somerset Mac-

Dash George, oyster merchant, 2 Tehidy terrace kenzie, president; T. H. Williams. sec.), Market strand

Davy Charles Perrow,registeredshoeing smith, Royal Hotel Falmouth Naturalist Society(J. B. 'filly, hon. sec. & treas.),

yard, Wynn's hill. See advertisement Polytechnic hall, Church street

Dawe Amelia (Miss), fancy repository, 59 Cburch street Falmouth News Slip(William Tregaskis,printer & publisher;

D;iwe William, blacksmith, 12 Webber street published on saturday), 28 Arwenack street

Deeble Joseph Harry & Sons,ship chandlers,25 Arwenack st Falmouth Packet & Cornwall Ad~·ertiser (Lake & Co. pro-

Deeble Charles, outfitter, 38 Church street prietors; published saturdays), Market strand

Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (branch) (Nicholas Falmouth & Penryn Weekly Times (Cornish Telegraph Co.

Robins, manager); open IO to 3, fridays 10 to I2.30; II Limited, Penzance, props.; published friday evening);

Arwenack street; draw on Barclay, Bevan & Go. London office, Commercial buildings,A\'wenack street. See advt

Dewstoe Anuie D. (Mrs.), ladies' school, xo Dunstanville ter Falmouth Savings Bank (Samuel 'fresidder, jun. sec. &

Dineen Clara (Miss), dress maker, 83 Killigrew street actuary), Church street

Dineen· James, lodging house, Arwyn house, Bar Falmouth Soup Kitchen (Thomas Webber, hon. treasurer;

Dingle Jn. Fredk. accountant & insurance agt. I Beacon ter Charles Phillips, sec.), Smithick hiJJ

Dinner Edwin, parish surveyor & inspector of nuisances for Falmouth Subscription Library(George Lanyon, hon. sec.),

Falmouth parish rural sanitary authority, ISWellington ter Polytechnic hall, Church street

Dinnis Jane (Mrs.), Seven Stars l'.H. I Berkeley place Falmouth Working Men's Club (H. C. Bailey, manager), 4

Direct Spanish Telegraph Co. Limited (Norbert Joseph Bell's court, Market street

Boex, superintendent), 25 Church street Felton Richard, lodging house, 52 Wellington terrace

l){)wning & Son, drapers, milliners, dress makers, family Fittock Jasper Harrold, pilot, Gyllyng street
mourning & carpet warehouse, so Market street
Ford Emma & Eliza C~iisses), lodging house, 4 Florence pi

Downing John Eva, jun. colliery agent for the South Ford Robert, accountant, 4 Florence place

of England & surveyor of grain cargoes, 4 Bank place Fox G. C. & Co. merchants & ship agents, foreign consuls &

Drew Alfred Frederick, pork butcher, 46 Church street agents for marine insurance, in France, Germany, Nor-

Drew Michael, channel pilot, Well lane • way, Russia & New York, 48 Arwenack street
Drew Octavim, car proprietor, 22 Church street Fox NathanieB, furnishing & general ironmonger, sani·

Duckham Lewis R.A. chronometer maker & admiralty chart tary engineer, cutler, plumber & dealer in sewing

agent, 18 Arwenack street machines, 41 Market street

Duke of Cornwall's Ist Volunteer Battalion Light Infantry Fox Wilson Lloyd, solicitor & notary public, solicitor to Fal-

(Hon. Col. G. J. Smith, commander; W. E. Rosewarne, mouth D1strict Building Society, sec. to Falmouth British

major; Brevet Major Geo. A. Ashby, adjutant; Hon. Capt. Schools, Commercial chambers, Arwenack street

W. J. Tyack, quartermaster; R. C. M. Pooley, surgeon- Francis Edward John, dairyman, 14 Budock terrace

major; C Co. Capt. Tom R.Grylls; William Dilley,color- Francis Waiter Henry, currier, leather cutter & seller &

sergt. instructor); headquarters, Drill hall, Berkeley vale general grindery warehouse ; portmanteaus & bags kept

Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery, in stock, 4 Market street ·

Western Division R. A. (Hon. Col. W. R. Gilbert c.B. Franklin Thomas, music seller, 41 High street

commanding; Capt. William Henry Mills R.A. adjutant ; Freemasons' Lodge (John Fredk. Dingle, sec.), 12 Church st

Joseph Rogers, quartermaster) (No. IO Company) Hon. Furlong Elizabeth (Mrs.), 1!feengrocer, 5 Quay hill

Major W. H. Christoe, commanding; W. K. Bullmore Gay Simon, cart owner, 3 Merril place

lii.D. surgeon-lieut. ; Drill shed, The Bar Geach Artlmr, general & fancy draper; millinery & hosiery

Dunning & Sons, family butchers & purveyors ; yachting & in all its branches ; family mourning at the shortest

shipping supplied, 7 Market street. See advertisement notice, Manchester house, 14 Market street

Dunning Samn ~1, butc:1er, 30 Arwenack street Gedny George Henry, draper, 42 Market street

Dunstan Alfred Frederick, shopkeeper, 15 Prince street Genn John Henry, solicitor & notary public, town clerk &

DunstanEd wd. r~gist~red shoeing smith, TheQuarry. See advt clerk to borough justices, clerk to Falmouth union,assess·

Dunstan John Thomas, plumber, 3 Prince street ment committee, school attendance committee, rural

Dunstan Marie Louise (Miss), milliner, 9 Berkeley vale sanitary authority & supt. registrar to Falmouth union,

Dunstan Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Berkeley vale 23 Church street

Dunstan Thomas, cabinet maker, Smithick hill George Helena (Miss),manageress Royal Hotel,Market st

DunstoneMary (Miss), stationer, 43 Arwenack street George Willia~m, baker & confectioner ; picnic parties &

Earle Frederick Hobart, printer, Quay schools catered for ; the celebrated house for bride cakes ;

E lger Frank Charles, art1st, IO Prince street established x865; 25 Market street. See advertisement

Eiger Henry, greengrocer, 6 & I 3 Prince street Gibbons Caroline (1\'Irs.),fishmonger, Fish mrkt. Church st

Eustace Joseph, cab proprietor, Smithick hill Gibbons John George, butcher, 26 Smithick hill

Eva Samuel, builder, 17 .Albany road Gill William Charles, naturalist, 8 Gyllyng street

Evans Edwin, butcher, 2I Webber street Gladdis Eliza (Mrs.), grocer, 10 Vernon place

Exelby Robert, channel pilot, 6 Victoria cottages Goldsworthy John James, mason, 29 Wellington terrace

Falmouth Association for Befriending Servants (Miss Julia Goldsworthy \Villiam, mason, II Waterloo road

Sterling, treasurer), New street Gooding Waiter John Matthews, tailor, 34 Market street

Fahnouth Brewery Co. (W. & E. C. Carne), Killigrew Goodman Samuel, Sergt.-Major Ist Vol. Artillery (Western

street. See adverti!5ement division), I Grove place

Falmonth Chamber of Commerce (Robert Milford Tweedy, Goodman William, cabinet maker, 30 Wellington terrace

treasurer ; Frederick J. Bowles, sec.), Arwenack street Goodoff Theodore, interpreter, 2I Budock terrace

Falmouth Coal Supply Limited (J. McClymontCarne, Googh Thomas Rowe, tobacconist, 44 Arwenack street

sec.), l\larket strand ; registered office, 44 Market st Gray Thomas George, boat builder, Well yard

Falmouth Coaling Co. (W. H. Daniell, sec.), Arwenack st Green James, coal dealer, 23 Berkeley vale

Fa.lmouthCo-operativeSociety(EdwinWebb,sec. ),IsMarket st Green lleuben, boot & shoe maker, 92 Killigrew street

Falmouth Cottage Hospital (for paying patients) (R. C. Green Richard, trinity pilot, 21 Harbour terrace

.Mason Pooley M.K.Q.C.P.I.,L.R.c.s.I. surgeon; Mrs. Fitz- Greenbank Fa~nily & Commercial Hotel (Miss

gerald, lady superintendent), I Albert cottages Martha Mitchell, proprietress), Greenbank. See advert.

Falmouth Cricket Club (F. J. Wilmer, hon. sec. & treas) Greenway George, lodging house, 25 Dunstanville terrace

FalmouthDispensary( Wm.KingBullmore M.D.actingmedical Gregory Caroline (Mrs.), lodging ho. 3 Glyn cottages, Bar

officer; G. N. Carne & A. Banks, hon.secs.), 24 Church st Gridley William Henry, channel pilot, Swanpool street

Falmouth District Building Society (Samuel Tresidder, jun. Grose & Son, drapers, 51 I\Iarket street

sec.), 16 Church street Grylls Tom R. manager of the Consolidated Bank of Corn-

Falmouth District Pilot Boat Association (George Carter, wall, Killigrew street

sec.), Commercial buildings. Arwenack street Gundry Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 5 New street

Falmonth Dock Co. (Frederick J. Bowles, sec. superinten- Gundry Thomas Cornelius, grocer, 44 Church street; 14

. dent & dockmaster), The Docks • Waterloo road & 19 New street

Falmouth Fishery Co. (William Henry Williams & Edward Gundry William, hair dresser & tobacconist, 29 Church st

Trerise, secs.), 17 Arwenack street Gutheridge James Harvey, grocer, 30 Killigrew street

Falmouth Gas Co. (William Corfield, sec. ; Joseph William Gutheridge Mary (Miss), lodging house, IS Woodlane ter

Buckley, manager), Church street Haly Margaret (Mrs.), milliner, 5I Wellington terrace

Falmouth Gazette & 'Penryn Review (neutral) (Edwin T. Hamilton James, tide surveyor, 9 Albert cottages ·

Olver, publisher), 4 & 13A, Church street. See advert Hamlyn Anne (Mrs.), lodging ho. Gyllyng cot. Melville rd

Falmouth Grammar School (vacant), Killigrew street Handley Fanny & Mary Jane (Misses), preparatory school,

Falmouth Harbour Commissioners Office, Arwenack street 7 Clare terrace

Falmouth Hotel Co. Limited (Miss Sara Chapman, Harbour Master's Office (Captain Samuel Collins, harbour

manageress; Joseph Rogers, sec. Truro) master), Customs house, (Juay

Falmouth Liberal Association (W. J. Barnicoat, hon. sec.), Hardy Rev.Edwd.Jones M •.A.private boys' schl. 19 Kimbrly. rd

I Church street Hare John, lodging house, 5 Park cottages


Barman Dorothea (Mrs.), Crown& Anchor P.1I. 6 Market st Kinsman Simon, grocer. 2 Lister street

Harries Hessie (Miss), dress maker, 20 Waterloo road Knight James Wasley, clothier, 4 Arwenack street

Harris & Owen, surgeons, 5 Grove place i..ake & Co. printers & stationers & publishers of the Pal-

Harris Arthur Ben AL.D. physician & public vaccinator to mouth Packet, Market strand & Church street

Falmouth district, 5 Grove place Lambrick Thoma:;~ Pascoe, lodging house, Pendennis drive

. Harris Emmanuel, shopkeeper, 3 Webber street (adjoining the Falmouth hotel grounds)

Harris James, dealer in sewing machines, perambulators, Lashbrooke & Hunt, merchants & ship owners, Arwenack st

books & all kinds of jewellery, I Albany place Lashbrooke Richard Henry, King's Head hotel ; omnibuses

Harris Joseph, lodging house, 2 Wellington place to meet alJ trains ; biliiards, hot & cold baths,32 Church st

Harris William Henry,inspector of county police,33Market st Lawrence Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 2 Fish Strand quay

Harrison William .Marsden, photographer, 40 Church street Lawrence Emma (~Irs.), furrier & feather cleaner, I Kiln-

Hart Amelia (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Trevethan terrace berley road

Harvey John, master mariner, 2 l\1arlborough road Lawrence John Edwin, refreshment house, 8 \Vebber street.

HarveySelina (Mrs. ),grocer & wine &spirit mer.47 Market st Lea1ty J ames George, master mariner, 2 Middle terrace

Hawke James, boot maker, 3 l\Iarket street Lean William Henry, ship builder, Bar

Hawke William John, boot maker, 2 Market street Lelean Henrietta (Mrs.), lodging house, I7 Harbour terrace

Haywood Francis, general dealer, I2 'l'revethan terrace Lelean John Bassett, clothier, 23 Arwenack street

Head James Henry, grocer, 42 High street • LeMasurier Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker, 6 High street

Hellings Robert Edward, tailor, 3 Webbers hill Lewis Albert John Fenton, furniture broker, 44 High street

Hemy Charles Napier, artist, Churchfield, Kimberley place Lewis Ernest, master mariner, I Glyn cottages, Bar

Henderson Wm. Ship hotel & boat builder, 38 Arwenack st Lewis George, master mariner, IO Park terrace

Hick John Colman, china & glass dealer, S.J. Church street Lewis Samuel, mason, 23 Harbour terrace

Hicks Alfred, saddler, 35A, High street Liddicoat Hcn~ry, grocer & wine & spirit merchant;

Hicks James Sampson, outfitter, 36 & 37 Church street agent for Devenish & Co. brewers, Weymouth; 3 & 4

Hicks John, shoe maker, IS Berke!ey vale Market strand & I Church street

Hicks Lily (1\Iiss), milliner, 9 Lister street Lofts William, grocer, 2 Prince street

Hocking Charles, coffee tavern, 9 K1lligrew street Loosemore Samuel Francis, channel pilot, The Ropewalk

Hocking Fanny (Miss), lodging house, 2 Bar terrace Lory Richard, lodging house, 7 Berkeley place

Hocking John, tailor, 23 Norfolk road Lovegrove Sarah Emma (Miss), lodging house, Rosemullion

Hocking John Henry, butcher, 86 Killigrew street Lowry Charles Henry, butcher, I9 High street

Hocking Robert, grocer, 33 Smithick hill Lowry Emma (Miss), lodging house, I6 Norfolk road

Hodge Richard, refreshment house, 5 Church street Lowry William John, tr.inity pilot, 2 Merrie place

Holder Thomas George, ship chandler, 45 Arwenack street Luen Charles, master mariner, 29 Hudock terrace

Holdroff Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, IS .Berkeley place Lyons Henry, coal dealer, 49 Killigrew street

Holland Charles, hair dresser, 32 High street McNamara Cornelius, custom house officer, 16 Berkeley vale

Holmes Thos. teacher of music, I6 Kimberley rd.. See advt Maguire James, shopkeeper, I6 Gyllyng street

Hopkins Minnie (Miss), dress maker, 3 Lister place Major & Darker, photographers, I6 Arwenack street

Hosking Annette Emma (Mrs.), fancy repos. IO Arwenack st Marshall William Harry, professor of music, I9 Dunstan-

Hosking Benjamin, boot & shoe maker, 26 Killigrew street ville terrace

Hosking John, boot maker, 4 Webber street Martin .J, & Son, grocers, tea dealers, flour & provision
merchants & agents for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine
Hoskins NichoBas, baker & grocer, so Church street & spirit merchants; ships supplied on the shortest
Houghton John, car proprietor, rs Wodehouse terrace

Houghton William .Lanyon, lodging ho. IS Wodehouse ter notice &at wholesale prices, 29 & 30 High st. ; & at Penryn

Howard William Paul, marble & monumental mason ; all Martin Henry Skews, grocer, 32 Arwenack street

kinds of memorial work executed in marble, granite, port- Martin J ames, baker, 23 High street

laud or slate, Killigrew street Martin Jane (Mrs.), certif. midwife, 5 Raleigh place

Hughes Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 13 Trevethan terrace Martin Robert, temperance hotel, Quay street ·

Hughes Josiah, marble & monumental mason, II Martjn W1lliam, grocer & baker, 37 Arwenack street

Budock terrace. See advertisement Mathew Elizabeth (Miss), fancy draper & sub-postmis-

Hunt James Heury, merchant, see Lashbrooke & Hunt tress, Bowling green

Hutchings Hy. chief officer of coast guard, Pen1ennis hill Matthews Jane (l\1rs.), lodging house, II Dunstanville ter

lngram John, shopkeeper, I Trevethan terrace Mauuder Lo;·eday Jane (Miss), shopkeeper & sub-post office,

Ingram 'Villiam Ayerst, artist, 6 Wodehouse terrace The Bar

Isaac William, undertaker, IO 'Vellington terrace May Charles, grocer & tailor, 4I Smithick hill

Jackett William, greengrocer & wood dealer, 22 Webber st May Edward, hair dresser, 2I Arwenack street

James Henry, harbour pilot, 4 Budock terrace ~Iayne Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 39 Killigrew street

Jane Henry & Son, smiths & agents to the leading cycle Medlin Joseph, Fountain P.H. 20 Market street

makers, Cycle depot, I7 & r8 High street Medlin William, ma..'lon, 3 Bassett place

Jane Jane Forbeck (Miss), fancy dealer, 48 High street Mercantile Marine Club (George Henry Gusterson, sec.),

Jane William, blacksmith, Webber street 33 Arwenack street

.JefFery Mahala Earle (Mrs.), furnished apartments; Meteorological & Magnetical Observatory (Wilson Lloyd

elevated position, southern aspect, extensive sea view, 12 Fox F.R. Met. soc. hon. sec. ; Edward Kitto F. R. Met. soc.

I<'lorence place superintendent), Killigrew street

Jeffery Philip, Wellington inn, 2I w~llington tGl'rlif:!~ Meyrick John & William, drapers & outfitters, 35

Jenkin John, greengrocer, 5 Prince street & 36 Market street

Jenkins William, solicitor & notary public & clerk to the Miller Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 9 Merrill place

united district school board & the Falmouth harbour Millett u. & Son, boot makers, I2 Market strand

commissioners, 39 Church street Millett Andrew Robert, smith, Church street

Jennings George, joiner, 8 Wellington terrace Mills Bessie (Miss), lodging house, good view of the eea, 5

Jepsen Henry, ship chandler, Quay Woodlane terrace

Jewell Adolphus, boat owner, 5 Minnie place Minson Rboda & Clary (Misses), dress n:akers, I4 Webberst

Job Joseph, shopkeeper, 59 Killigrew street Mitchell Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Berkeley place

Job Robert Henry, coal dealer, North quay Mitchell John D. resident agent to the Earl of Kimberley;

Job William, lodging house, 36 Wodehouse terrace sec to the Pendennis Lands committee & sec. to the Kim-

Johns Emily Mary (Miss), girls' school, 58 Killigrew street berley Park committee, Manor offices, Arwenack

Johns George Brown, boot maker, I2 Arwenack street & 39 Mitchell Lydia (Miss), butcher, I2 Killigrew street

Market street Mitchell Martha (Miss), Greenbank family & commercial

Johns Peter, butcher, 3I High street hotel, Greenbank. See advertisement

Jobns William, grocer, 37 Vernon place Mitchell Wm. market gardener,Park cottage, Kimberley rd

Johnson Alexander Andrew, dyer & cleanei", 82 Killigrew st Moore Edward Head, surgeon & medical officer & public

Johnson .Margaret (Mrl'.), shopkeeper, I6 Webber street vaccinator :\lylor district, 20 Church street

J ones Nellie (Miss), dress maker, 22 Smithick hill Morrell Edward, draper, milliner, dress maker & furnishing

Jones Theophilus, tobacconist, 2 Market strand warehouseman, I4 .Market strand

Kelway .J. & G. builders & contractors, 9 Chapel terrace Morris Francis, plumber, 7 New street

Kelway Mary (Miss), lodging house, 8 Chapel terrace Moseley Edward William, commission agent, I Church st

Kent Charlotte Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 24 Arwenack street Moses Thomas King, shopkeeper, 46 Smithick h1ll

Kent William Montague, watch maker, jeweller & Mosney George, lodging house, Camilla ho.Melville road

optician ; every description of ·watch, & jewellery re- Moss Ernest Henry, carpenter, joiner, builder & un-

pairs; musical boxes cleaned, repaired & put in thorough dertaker, painter, paperhanger, picture frame maker,

order at moderate charges, 24 Arwenack street plumber & gasfitter; estimates given, I Waterloo road

Kimberley Park Committee (John Dure Mitchell, sec.), Moss William Henry,house & insurance agent,54Killigrew st

Manor house, Arwenack Moyle Grace (Miss), milliner, III Killigrew street


Moyle Josiah, relieving, vaccination &school inquiry officer, I Polglase J. J. C. & T.C. ironmongers, 46 Market street

Falmouth district, III Killigrew street Pollard Henry, farmer, Trevethan farm

Mundy John, boot & shoe maker, IS Lister street Pool, Skinner & Williams, engineers & ship builders, Bar

Myers Charles Fredk. boot maker, II Raleigh place Pooley Richard Charles Mason M.K.Q.C.P.I., L.R.c.s.I. phy-

Nancholas Elizabeth (Miss), milliner, 39 Kimberley road sician &surgeon, surgeon-captain Royal Medical Reserve,

Newcombe Richd.Ambrose&' materials dlrs.Bar surgeon-major 1st Vul. Batt. Duke of Cornwall's Light

Newcombe Sergt.-Maj. Geo. sub-marine mining estab. Bar Infantry, surgeon to the Falmouth Cottage Hospital,Grove

Newman Walter Fras. pharmaceutical chemist, 8 Market st house, Woodlane

Nicholls Benjamin, fruiterer & seedsman, Market strand Pope John, Sea View P.H. 41 Wodehouse terrace

Nicholls John, carpenter, 10 Bassettstreet Port of Falmouth Club Company Limited (Henry John

Nicbolls John King, baker, 33 Killigrew street Coward, hon. sec.), Arwenack street

Nicholls .Toseph Rickard, auctioneer & valuer, 58 Church st Porter James, dining rooms, 21 High street

North Elizabeth (Miss), ladies' morning school, assisted by Preston Elleu (Mrs.), laundress, 22 Berkeley vale

a resident governess & efficient masters, 6 Florence place Price Thomas, working cutler, 47 Smithick hill

Northcote Jane (Mrs.), laundress, 101 1\:illigrew street Prior Charles Elliott, sail maker; canvas, tarpaulins &

Notwill Elizabeth (Miss), grocer, 9 Church street twines supplied; wagon & tent covers made to order ; sails

Noye Edward, grocer, 13 Berkeley place made&repaired on the shortest notice, Upton slip, Church st

Oatey Thomas Henry, fruiterer & florist, British Prior James, tailor, 13 Arwenack street

marine shells, & algae, & cornish 'Ferns; collectors Prior James, tailor, 8 Norfolk road

assisted with specimens & all info::.-mation, 61 Church st Prior Thomas John, builder, 5 .Aibany place

Odd :Fellows' Hall, High street Frisk John, Dock & Railway hotel, Bar

Odgers Fanny (Mrs.), Oddfellows .Arms P.H. I Quay street Pye Timothy J. builder, contractor, undertaker, cabinet

O'Hagan Carolina Elizabeth (Mrs.). clothier, 1911:larket st maker, painter, paperhanger, glazier, bellhanger, picture

Old Henry, tailor, 10 High street frame maker &c. ; ecclesiastic & domestic lead lights, 7

Old William, violin maker & repairer, 3-J. Vernon place Woodlane terrace

Oliver George, boot dealer, 3I Market street Quick Sampson, lodging house, 25 Bar terrace

Olver Edwin Thomas, printer & publisher of the Falmonth Quintrell John Dowrick, master mariner, 16 Wellington ter

Gazette & Penryn Review, 4 & 13A, Church street ' Rail Francis, shopkeeper, 52 Killigrew street

Olver Julia (Mrs.), fancy repository, 13 Church street Redruth Brewery Co. Lim. (William Rowe, manager), Bar

Osborn James, grocer, Marlborough road Reed Edith & Lily (Misses), dress makers, 5 High street

Osborne & Co. grocers &c. 7 Market strand & at Truro Reed John, pork butcher, 33 Church street

Osborne Elizabeth Mary {Mrs. ),lodging ho.4 Wodehouse ter Reed Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 5 High street

Osborne William, joiner, Britons yard, High street Reed William, boot maker, 2 Swanpool street

Overstow John,musical instrument repairer, I Berkeley vale Reehl John,coach builder; every description of vehicle built

Owen Emma (Mrs.), pawnbroker, 51 High street on the most improved principle, Berkeley vale
Owen Frederick, baker & confectioner, sole agent for the I Renfree Janet (Miss), teacher of music, I7 Kimberley road

Hovis bread, in :Falmouth & district, 12 Berldey place. 1 Rescrow Em ma (Miss), dress maker, 87 Killigrew street
See advertisement Reynolds Etl gar John Robert , B.Sc. Pe nwerr
i s

Owen Harry Louis, watch & chronometer maker, Grammar School for boys

jeweller & op·~ician, iron ships swung for the adjust- i Reynolds Frederick Hicks, grocer, 27 Church street

ment of their compasses; chronometers rated by time Reynolds Maria (Mrs.) lodging house, II Florence terrace
signal, per private wire,direct from the Royal observatory, 1 Richards Ann (Mr~.) laundress, 90 Killigrew street
Richards Eliza (Mrs.), furni~ure broker, 33 High street
Greenwich; l\Iarket street

Owen James Francis Holland L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm, Harris & Richards Joseph, shoe maker, 15 Smithick hill

Owen), surgeon & .Admiralty surgeon & agent Rickard George, block maker, 33 Arwenack street

Paine .Annie (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 Kimberley road Roach Francis, plumber, 4 High street

Paine Edwin, hair dresser, 5 Arwenack street Roach John, boat owner, 26 Berkeley vale

Paine John, school attendance officer, 12 Kimberley road Roberts Ephraim, chimney sweeper, Summer court

Parkyn Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 High street Roberts Matilda (Mrs.), lodging house, 66 Killigrew street

Parsons Philip, painter, 4A, High street Roberts Simon, registrar of marriages, 13 Albany road

Pascoe & Co. boot & shoe makers, 49 Market street Roberts Thomas Hoskin, cabinet maker, 10 Market street

Pascoe Ellen (Miss), grocer, I8 Killigrew street Roberts William Luce, upholsterer, Hulls lane, Quay

Pascoe Gmce (Miss), shopkeeper, Bar Robins Nich. mngr. of Devon&Corn wall Bank,nArwenack st

Pascoe James, mining engineer, xo Harbour terrace Robinson Chas. Wm. professor of music, 5 Cambridge place

Pascoe John, baker, High street Robinson Charlotte (Miss), shopkeeper, 57 Killigrew st

PascoeJohn, town crier & bill poster, 7 Gyllyng street Robinson Elizabeth (Miss), laundress, 57 Killigrew street

Pascoe John Henry, farmer, Gyllyngvase farm Robinson Louise Fra.nces (Mrs.), girls' school, Wood lane

Pascoe lVIichael Bowden, coal merchant, North quay Rogers Alfred, builder, 12 Berkeley vale

Pascoe Sarah (Miss), fancy repository, 35 High street Rogers Charles Henry, builder, I2 Waterloo road

Paterson John, lodging house, 14 Clare terrace Rogers James, tailor, 43 High street

Payne Freeman, furnished apartments, 20 Bar terrace Rogers Reginald N. solicitor & co:nmissioner for o:1ths, 7

Pearee Charles, boot & shoe maker, 8 Arwenack street Arwenack street

Pearce Richard, master mariner, 27 Vernon place Rolling William, boot maker, 43 High street

Pellow Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodgin~ house, 22 Budock ter Rollins John, baker, 12 Beacon street

Pellowe Alfred James, butcher, 16 Cross row, MooJ;" Rose William, shoe maker, 16 Beacon street

Pellowe Henry, lodging house, 3 Trelawney road Rosevear Helena (Mrs.), lodging house, I~ Berkeley vale

Pellowe John Trevelyn, coal merchant, Green bank Rowe & Corlyon, auctioneers, valuers, estate & emi()'ration

Pendennis Habitation of the Primrose League (Gerard agents, 6A, Market street "'

Lawder-Eaton, ruling councillor), High street Rowe & Sons, butchers & potato & provision dealers, 7

Pendennis Hotel, Falmouth Hotel Co. Limited Killigrew street. See advertisement

Penlerick Henry, draper, 12 Market street Rowe John Albert, furniture dealer, 9 High street
Penler~ck Josepb, butche~, 14 Ber.keley place
Rowe Julia (Miss), dress maker, 35 Wellington terrace

Penlenck Mary Ellen (Miss), lodgmg house,I6 Woodlane ter Rowe Samuel Charles, dairyman, Lister place

Pennell Charles John, boys' school, 2 Kimberley place Rowe Thomas Hugo, butcher, 29 Arwenack street

Penryn,Falmouth& Flushing Conservative Association(pres. nowe William, greengrocer, I07 Killigrew street

W. N. Carne esq.; R. N. Rogers esq. hon. sec.), High st Rowe William, ship owner, 7 Killigrew street

Perry Char!es, outfitter, 49 _,~rv;enack street . Rowling Alice (Mrs.), public bakehouse, 2r Smithick hill

Perry Harriett (Mrs.), proVIsion dealer, see Stms & Perry Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society (Sir Joseph W. Pease

Perry Hettie (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 :Middle terrace bart. M.P. president; Edward Kitto, sec.), 24 Church st
Perry Sophia (Mrs.), lodgin~ house, to Berkeley vale Royal Cornwall Sailors' Home (Alfred Benjamin Duckham,

Peters John Henry, confectwner, 31 Church street superintendent), Quay

Phillips A.rthur Robert L.D.s.Eng. dentist, 3 Grove place Royal Cornwall Yacht Club (Major Jn. Mead, hon. sec.),

Pbillips John Henry, Duke of Cornwall P.H. :Market strand Greenbank

Phillips John Henry, New Market inn, Webbers hill Royal Hotel, Falmouth, Limited(MissHelena George,

Phillips Thomas, grocer, 53 High street manegeress; J. McClymont Carne, sec.), Market street.

Phillips William, Globe hotel, 41 Arwenack street See advertisement

Phillips William Whitford, New inn, I High street Royal National Lifeboat Station (Capt. G. H. B. Reed R.N.

Pickford & Co. carriers (John Tillman, man.), 17 Market st president ;John EvaDowning,hon. sec. & treasnrer),Docks

Pidwell Joseph, jeweller, 3 Norfolk road Rule Peter, farmer Marlborough farm

Pinhay William Henry, baker, 2 Chapel terrace Rnndell Thomas Bulloeke, grocer, 26 Market street

Pttts Edwin, but-cher, 17 Church street Rusden Henry James, hoot maker, 39 Arwenack street

Pits Margery (:\'Irs.), butcher, 23 Killligrew street Rusden John, boot maker, Mount ~ion


Rusden Philip Lawrie, Ship & Castle P.II. 7 Church street Thomas Grace (Mrs), grocer, 35 Killigrew street

Rusden Phoobe (Mrs.), lodging house, II Woodlane terrace Thomas Harriet (Mrs.), dress maker, IO Berkeley place

Rusden Richard Lowry, outfitt!iJr, 22 Arwcnack street Thomas Henry, lodging house, 24 Wodehouse terrace

Ruse William,nurseryman, seedsman&tiorist,28 Church st Thomas Ma.rgaret (Mrs ), lodging house, 24 Gyllyng street

Sager Carl, Commercial hotel & ships' chandler, Quay bill Thomas Mary Ann (.Miss), matron of Home for Destitute

St. Ledger James, master mariner, 2 Vernon place Little Girls, Bellevue terrace

Sampson James, cabinet maker, 7 Wellington terrace Thomas Mary Ann(Mrs.),Queen's Arms P.H. I Market strand

Sanders Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, 8 Upper Brook street Thomas Philip, master mariner, 14 Harbour terrace

Sanders Thomas, coal dealer, 2 Lower Brook street Thomas Thomas Dunstan, cabinet maker, 5 Lower Brook st

Sandoe Emma Ann (Miss), dress maker, 29 Wodehouse ter Thomas William Edward, ship & boat builder, Bar yard

Sandry Thomas Henry,Lloyd's ship surveyor, Pendennis ho Thomas William Henry, lodging house, 7 Trelawney road

f:>ara Herbert, chemist & druggist, 1 Arwenack street Thomas William V. the " Lawson" high-class tem-

Sargent E. J. (Miss), costumier, 25 Wodehouse terrace. perance hotel ; central position, adjoining the pier,

See advertisement Market strand

Saunders Thomas Summers, butcher, 21 New street Thuell Timothy Jn. inland revenue officer, 6 Claremont ter

Saunders William, lodging house, 27 Bar terrace Tidbury William, baker, 6 Arwenack street

Savage Edward, Temperance hotel, II Market street 'filly Harry, solicitor & notary public, commissioner for

Sawle James, pilot, 12 Vernon place takin~ affidavits in Stannary & Admiralty courts, high

Scoble Thomas Plomer, grocer, 36 Wellington terrace bailiff & registrar of county court, clerk to commissioner

Scott George, channel pilot, The Ropewalk of taxes & perpetual commissioner for taking acknowledg-

Seamen's Bethel (Miss K·:ttherine Fox, hon. sec.), Quay · ments of deeds by married women, 41 Church street

Serle Jacob, boot maker, 6 Erisey terrace Tong Henry, shoe maker, 19 Beacon street

Sedgmond Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 28 High street Town Hall (i\'Irs. Mary Jane Gutheridge,keeper), Killigrew st

Seymour David, coal dealer, 12 Trevethan terrace Toy John, lodging house, 70 Killigrew street

Share Philip, painter &c. ro Waterloo road Toy Thomas, mason, see Bailey & Toy

Shepard Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Minnie place Tregaskis William, printer, 28 Arwenack stree~

Simmons Mary (Mrs.), King's Arms hotel; private sitting Trcgeagle Ann (Miss), grocer, 4 New street

rooms, smokmg rooms & every accommodation for Tregeagle Francis, trinity pilot, 5 Webber street

parti~s. Market strand Tregidgo Sarah (:\Irs. ), tripe dresser, 18 Webher sheet

Sims & Perry, provision dealers, 8 High street 'fregunna Richard, general dealer, 14 Killigrew street

Sims Joseph, lodging house, I5A, Beacon street Tregunner Annie Cample (:\Iiss), milliner, 27 Berkeley v.1le

Skin John, tailor, 22 Norfolk road 'l'residder Henry, builder, Chapd terrace

Skinner Alfred E. builder, undertak~r, surveyor & valuer; Tresidder Inkermann, grocer, 93 Killigrew street

agent to the Sun Fire & Life Office, Swanpool street. Tresidder Samuel, jun. auctioneer, r6 Church street

Ree advertisement 'fresidder William Henry, borough surveyor & inspector of

Skinner Charles, farmer, Whitethorn farm nuisances, 14 Norfolk road

Skinner Charles, tinsmith, I Wynns hill Trestrail Mary (Miss), grocer, 13 Berkeley vale

Skinner George, engineer & ship builder (firm, Pool, Skinner Trethowan Henry Stevens, ship & boat builder, Bar

& Williams) Trethowan Madeleine (Miss), girls' school, 2 Grove place

Skinner Harry Clifford, farmer, Beach View farm Trevena Mary Elizabeth (Miss), boarding & uay school for

Skinner John Char!es, plumber, 5 Victoria cottages girls, 12 Park terrace. See advertisement

Skinner Thomas Smale, clerk to the Falmouth & 'fruro Trevithick Eliz':1 (Mrs.) & Elizabeth (Miss), milliners,

port sanitary authority, & clerk to borough of Falmouth feather dressers & fancy drapers; mourning orders receive

urban sanitary authority &insurance agent, x8 Middle ter special attention, 22 High street

Skinner William George, plumber, ro Berkeley place Treweeke Bertha. (Miss), t.eacher of violin, 8 Bar terrace

Smith, Paul & Archer, stewards to the Earl of Kimberley, Troon Carolina (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Wellington place

Manor offices, Arweuack Trounson S. & T. grain merchants, The Docks

Smith Aaron, cab proprietor & refreshment house; all Trounson Thomas Carpenter, watc!l. maker, 42 Church st

descriptions of carriages kept on hire, 2 & 3 Arwenack st Truscott & Son, butchers, & post office, 9 Prince street

Smith Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r Bassett street Truscott Edward Charles, Whitd Hart P.H. Swanpool street

Smith Stephen, fruiterer, 20 Arwenack street Truscott Herbert Charles, Kimberley hotel, Killigrew street

Smith William Boase, artist, 10 Trelawney road Truscott Richard, butcher, 42 Arwena..:k street

S mythe Edwd. Rd. l\L a. c.v. s. veterinary surg. veterinary Truscott William Thomas, butcher, I :Market street

inspector to corporation & county council, 2 Harbour ter Turner William Dingle, Star & Garter Y.H. 52 High street

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (W. H. Tweedy Rt. Milford, manager Cornisb Bank Lim. Church st

Solomon, hon. sec) Tyler John Spencer, lodging house, 48 Kimberley road

Soderlund Ellen (:.\Irs. ), lodging house, 28 Bar terrace U'Glow Edwin, music dealer, 9 Market street

Solomon William Henry, chemist & druggist, 40 Market st Valler Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Clare terrace

Spargo James, tailor, 5 Berkeley place Veale Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 Killigrew street

Spear Brothers, coach builders, Green bank Vincent Henry Hod~son, insurance agent & assistant O\'er-

Spear Absalom, lodging house, Green bank seer & collector of rates for the parish of Budock, I Pen-

Spry Richard James Frederick, quay master & Arwenack werris cottages

1\Ianor bailiif, JVIanor offices, Arwenack Vincent Philip, trinity pilot, I Wellington terrace

Stangbye Hans, ship broker, 6 Grove place Vincent Sharwck, pilot, 7 Norfolk road

Stangbye Johann Holmboe, outfitter, 46 Arwenack street Vinson James, sexton, .Falmouth cemetery

Stephens .John&. Son, hemp & wire rope manu- Vinson William, stone mason, 105 Killigr·ew street

facturers, Ashtield Vivian & Sons, coal dealers, North quay

Stephens Grace Ann (Miss), dress maker, 34 Berkeley vale Vos Mary Ann (Mrs.), G1·eyhound P.H. 18 Church street

tltevens Mary & Bessie (J.Iisses ), lodging house, Cliff road Vos Nathan, Marine hotel, Quay hill, & ship chandler, 40

Stevens & Webb, builders, Gyllyng street Arwenack street

Stevens Andrew, chemist & dentist, & agent for W. & A. Wade John George, baker & confectioner, 53 High street
Gilbey Limit~d, wine & spirit merchants, 52 Church st Walton William, who. & retail tea dealer, 99 Killigrew st

Stevens Matthew, ironmonger, 10 Church street Ward William Charles, boot maker, 41 High street

Strongman Wm. Lawson, boot maker, 22 'Vellington ter Warren Eliza (Mrs.), greengrocer, 13 Smithick hill

Strout Charles Brown, lodging house, 30 Dunstanville ter Warrea, Richard, butcher & army & navy contractor, 19

Studden E. M. (Mrs.), first-class lodging house,Tregenna, Arwenack street

Cliff road Warren William B. builder, 23 Wellington terrace

Submarine Mining Estabhshn:ent (Lieut. Benjamin Sugg, Water Works Co. (J. G. Cox, manager), The Docks
officer in charge), Bar
Waters James, boot maker, 16 Market street

Subscription Room• (private proprietary club) (Ernest Waters John, jobbing garuener, 3 North parade

Bullmore, sec.), 53 Church street Watts Emma CMrs.), shopkeeper, 4 Trevethian hill

Summers Charles, loiging house, 20 'Vodehouse terrace Wearne Joseph, clock & watch maker, 28 Iligb. s~redt

Sye Thomas Rowe. Killigrew inn, 95 Killigrew street Webb Edwin (firm, Stevens & Webb), builder

Sye William, shopkeeper, 49 High street Webber Albert Edward,confectioner &biscuit manufacturer,

Symonds John, butcher, 47 Killigrew street army & navy contractor & dealer in game, 5 1\hrket

Target Lieut. Arthur Thomas R.N. divisional officer of H. M. strand. See advertisement

Coastguard, Pendennis hill Webber John, watch maker, 30 ~Iarket street

Thomas Annie & l\Iary (i.\Iisses), dress mas. 6 Wellington ter Wernhard & Curnow, Albion hotel, Grove place

Thomas Kate & Bessie (:\lisses), cress makers & milliners, Westlake Samson Treliviug, master mariner, 2 l''robisher ter

34 High street Wheeler James, channel pilot, 17 Swanpool street

Thomas Austin James, farmer, Beacon farm Whidford Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, 3+ Wellington terrace

Thomas Charles, carpenter, The Quury Whitburn Nicbolas, shopkeeper, roA, High street

1104 FALl\IOUTH. [ K E L L Y 7S

White John, bill sticker, 12 Prince street Williams John, provision dealer, 15 Norfolk road

Wbitford Edmund Peter, boot & shoe maker, Rope walk Williams Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Wodebouse terrace

Willcocks George, saddler & harness maker; portmanteaus, Williams Phillippa (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Claremont ter

trunks, bags & dress ba!!kets, ro Market. strand Williams Priscilla (Mrs.), milliner, 8 Quay bill

Williarns Fredevick & Charles Henry, sail & ships' Williams Richard, insurance agent, 4 Dunstanville villas

color makers, Church street; Williams Richard James, cabinet maker, 27 Wellington ter

Williams & Co. ships' chandlers & sail mas. 33 Arwenack st Willmore Arth.gro. 47 Church st. &corn &flour dlr. The Bar

Williams James & Son, farmer!!, Penwerris farm, Ashfield Wills John Peter, insurance agent, 1 Dunstanville villas

Williams Carolina (Miss), lodging house, 22 Wodehouse ter Wills William Bickford, temperance hotel, 27 Arwenack st

Williams Edward Beling, builder, contractor, undertaker, Wilmer & eo.chemists & druggists,dealers in photographic

gasfitter, paperhanger, painter, plumber, blacksmith &c. plates,chemicals&c.;dark room for amateurs,8l\Iarkt.strand

The Quarry Wilson John, coffee tavern, 20 Arwenack street

Williams Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, Trelawney cottages Winterhalder Mathew, umbrella repairer, 1 Webber street

Williams Elizabeth (Miss), lodging ho. 22 Dunstanville ter Woolcock George, grocer, 1 & 2 Minnie place

Williams Hugh, trinity pilot, 97 Killigrew street Woolcock Thomas Henry, car proprietor, Erisy terrace

Williams James, refreshment rooms, 17 Killigrew street Young Men's Christian Association (Francis J. Fox &George

Williams James, trinity pilot, 8 Claremont terrace Henry Gedny, hon. secs.), 13 Market strand

WilliamsJas.Neville,hair dresser&tobacconist,Market strand Young Women's Christian Association (Miss Alice Freeman,

WilliamsJn.enginr.&ship bldr.(firm,Pool,Skinner&Williams) sec.), Market street

ST. FEOCK is a parish on the west side of the estuary mansion of stone in the Classic style, situated in the midst

called Carreg road, 5 miles south from Truro, in the Truro of well-wooded grounds and gardens of about 100 acres in

division of the county, western division of the hundred of extent, on the banks of the river Fal, I! miles north-east of

Powder, petty sessional division of Powder West, Truro the church. Near the church is Porthgwidden, the property

union and county court district, rural deanery of Powder, of Mrs. Arthur Tremayne, of Carclew, and now (1893)

archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. By an Order occupied by Mrs. John Bolitho ; it is a plain building of stone,

in Council, dated January 17, 1873, the district of St. John, with a tower at the south end, and surrounded by pleasure

Devoran, was sepal'ated from this parish, and created a grounds and gardens of about 20 acres in extent ; both

distinct ecclesiastical parish; it is given under a separate these seats command extensive views of Falmouth harbour.

heading. The church of St. Feoca is a building of stone in ~~miles north-west is Killiganoon, formerly the seat of the

the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five late Admiral Spry, now the pl'operty of and occupied by

bays, aisles, north transept, south porch and a detached John ~lesser Bennetts esq. The Hon. John Richard de Clare

western tower, with pyramidal roof, containing 3 bells: the Boscawen, who is lord of the manor, Carew Davies Gilbert

chancel, separated from the nave by a low screen of alabaster, esq. D. L., J.P. Col. Arthur Tremayne J.P., D.L. of Carclew,

has a reredos of freestone, alabaster and gold, and coloured Perranarworthal, and Lord Robartes and Francis Gilbert

mosaic: the east and south windows in the chancel and the Enys esq. n.L., J.P. of Enys, St. Gluvias, are the chief land·

east window of the south aisle are stained : the monuments owners. The soil is a friable loam; the subsoil is argil-

are modern: the church was almost entirely rebuilt about laceous schist. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and

1874, and has 346 sittings: it is said to have been the last turnips. The area is 3.765 acres (of which 675 are water):

church in which divine service was conducted in the Cornish rateable value, £5,264; the population in 1891 was 641,

language: the south entrance to the churchyard is through exclusive of Devoran. ·

a lych gate, and over it is a room where parish meetings Parish Clerk, Carew Davies Gilbert esq.

were formerly held: a lych gate of granite and oak was Deputy Parish Clerk, Thomas Venning.

erected in 1893 to the memory of the Rev. Thomas PosT OFFICE. -Samuel Lilly, suh.postmaster. Letters

Phillpotts M. A. for go years vicar of this parish (1844-74) through Devoran R.S.O. ar rdiiv~e<paattch1e0d. 10 a.m. &p.4m.p.fmo.r
and hon. canon of Truro, to whom there is also a brass & from Truro at 12 p.m. ;
tablet in the north aisle, erected by his widow, in 1890. at 2 . 20
The register dates from the year 1681. The living is a
London mmoaniley&o4rdpe.rm&. for down mail. Devoran is the
nearest telegraph office. Postal orders

vicarage, average t1the rent-charge £156, net yearly value are issued here, but not paid

£146, with residence and 5 acres of glebe, in the gift of the WALL LETTER BoxEs, Church Town, cleared at 2 •10 & 3.55
Bishop of Truro, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Car) p.m. ; Penelewy, at 2 . 45 p.m. ; no sunday collection
Friedrich Mermagen B ..A.. of Trinity College, Dublin. There
is a Wesleyan chapel at Gonpiper, built in x866, and another National School (mixed), for x6o children; average attend-

at Penpoll, erected in 1861, both places being 1 mile north· ance, 34 boys, 26 girls & 26 infants; 'fhomas Venning,

west. There are charities of £ r8 yearly value. At King mastel' ; Miss Laura Williams, mistress : the school was

Harry's passage is a steam ferry connecting the Roseland renovated in r8g2, at a cost of about £8o

district with the city of Truro, a distance of 5 miles. Tre- CARRIERs-William Mellen, to Boscawen street, Truro, wed.

lissick, the seat of Carew Davies Gilbert esq. D.L., J.P. is a & sat. ; & George Appleton (wagonette), wed. & sat

[Marked thus t receive letters through Crapp Mary & Elizh. (Misses), shopkprs Pengelly James, farmer, Algarnick

Truro.] Cracker George, gardener to Hon. Mrs. Pouting James, market gardener

Beatty Mrs. Pill Davies Gilbert tRetallack Robert, farmer, La Feock

Bennctts John Messer, Killiganoon tDixon Thomas, blacksmith, Sandoes 1 tRetallack Wm.farmer, HigherTrevella

Bolitho Mrs. John, Portbgw1dden & Gonpiper Richards Henry, greengrocer, Gonpiper

tCrowle Thomas, Lower Trevella Dunstan Stephen, farmer tRickard Richard, steam ferry keeper

tGilbertCarewDaviesJ.P.,D.L.Trelissick tElliott Samuel, farmer, Roundwood 1 at King Harry passage

tGilbert Hon. Mrs. Davies, Penhale, Verris William, shipwright . ' tSanders Jas. farmer, l\lount Pleasant

Trelissick Green John, New inn tSangwin William, head gardener &

Hall John, Grove End villa Harris Richard, builder, Penpoll home steward to C. D. Gilbert esq.

tLe Warne James, Penelewy James John, jun. farmer, Loe vean 'l'relissick

Mermagen Re\". Carl Friedrich B.A. Kellow John, coal merchant, Pill Searle Matthew, fruit grower, Loe vean

Vicarage Lilly Mary L. (Mrs.), shopkpr. Trevella Shellew Richard, sail maker, Harcourt

Rickard Martin, Looe Lilly Samuel, shoe maker, Post office Simmons James, shoe maker

COMMERCIAl.. tMagor Richard, farmer, Tregew Simmons Richard, shopkeeper

Appleton George, wagonette proprietor, tMartin Samuel Hearle &JosephHenry, StephensThos.farmer,Park cot.LaFeock

Cross close shopkeepers, Penelewy tTregunna Albert, fruit grower, Cow-

tBarnes Joseph, colt breaker tMayBenjamin,boot&shoe ma.Penelewy lin.g's creek

Bersey SamL (Mrs.), market gardener May Henry, cattle dealer, Penpoll 'Trenhail John Hock, farmer, Feather·

Brabyn John, grocer Mellen Wm. farmer & bus proprietor cock hill

tBurley Jacob John, fruit grower, Cow- tMichell John (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers, TrethowanJn.master mariner,Gonpiper

lings creek Nancassick tWakeham John,gardenertoC. D. Gil-

Carter William, cowkeeper, Cross lanes Micbell Ralph & Thos. farmers, Trolver bert esq

tChapman William, farmer, Frogmore Michell William, estate carpenter to C. tWilliams Henry, farmer, Pill farm

Chirgwidden Henry, mason D. Gilbert esq Williams James, carpenter, Pill

Cock James, farmer, Townsend tNicholls John, farmer, Harcourt tWilliams Richard, farmer, Trevella.

tCollins John, gamekeeper to C. D. Nicholls Samuel, farmer, Porthgwidden Williams Richd. fruit grower, Loe vean

Gilbert esq. Trelissick

FLUSHING is a small village and ecclesiastical parish, Vict. c. 46 ), this place is included in the pa:r:liamentary

formed June 10, 1844, from Mylor civil parish, in tile Truro borough of Penryn and Falmouth. On account of the mild-

division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division ness of the climate, Flushing is much frequented by invalids;
of East Kerrier, Falmouth union and county court district, it is separated from Falmouth by the Penryn river, a wide

rural deanery of Carnmartb, archdeaconry of Cornwall and creek, crossed by ferry boats, and is 21 miles east from

diocese.of Truro. By the Boundaries Act, r863 (3r & 32 Penryn. The church of St. Peter is a. sm!lll buildin.s of

DIRECTORY.] FvW.K¥• ll0j

stone in tha Norman style, opened for divine service in 1 Parish Clerk, Thomas :\Ienhennett.

February, 1842, and consecrated in August of the same ,year, PosT, M. 0. & 'f. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Otfice.-
the total cost being about £1,200: it consists of nave, with Michael Hambley, postmaster. Letters through Falmouth,
apse, "'lorth porch and a western turret containing one bell : arrive at 8.45 a.m. & 3.30 & 7·I5 p.m.; dispatched a~
the organ was formerly in Exeter Hall, London: in 1871
the church was renovated and restored at a cost of £170, 9.15 & u.15 a.m. & 3·35 & 8.40 p.m.; sundays 10 a.m.
and a vestry added : the church is now (1893) being re- WALL BoxEs (cleaTed at):
stored, at an estimated cost of over £2oo : there are 300
sittings. The register dates from the year 1873· The liv- Tregew, 9.25 a.m. & 3.20 & 8.15 p.m.; sunday. 9.25 a.m
Little Park, 9.30 a.m. & & 8.25 p.m.; no sunday
ing is a vicarage, net yearly value £176, with residence, in
the gift of the vicar of Mylor, and held since 1889 by the collection
Rev. Francis Forbes Savage, of University College, Durham. Church Town, 9· 35 a. m. & 2. 55 p. m.; no sunday collect.ion
There is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 18r6, a Bible Christian Upper Flushing, 9.15 & n.Io a.m. & 3.15 & 8.40 p.m.;
chapel, built in 1833, and a Primitive Methodist, erected in 9.50 a.m. sundays

1866. In the Yillage is a reading room with a library of H.M.S. GANGES (Training Ship for Boys):-
over 400 volumes. Trefusis, the seat of the ancient family Commander, Capt. John R. Prickett
of that name, of which Lord Clinton is the pre.~nt repre- Cbaplr1in & Naval Instructor, Rev. William Oxland llf.A
sentative, has recently been rebuilt and is beautifully Staff Surgeon, Standish T. O'Grady
situated on a bold headland jutting out into Falmouth har- Staff Paymaster, James A. Bell
bour ; .it is at present unoccupied. An oyster fishery is Surgeon, Jerome Barry M.D
carried on here. H.M. ship "Ganges," a training ship Assistant Paymaster, Theodore J. Lanyon

for boys, lies off Flushing. Off this headland, in 1814, National School (mixed & infants), built in 1871, for 300

the " Queen" transport was wrecked in a gale and 195 children ; average attendance, 88 boys & girls & 78 in-

lives were lost. The population in r891 was 995· fants ; Bruce Gregg, master ; Mrs. E. M. Gregg, mistress

PLHVATE RESIDENTS. Norway Mrs. Lawn cliff Harris Margaret (Miss), dress maker,

O'GradyStandishT.(staff surgeonR.N.), St. John's place

Austen Lieut. E. L. R.N. H.M.S.Ganges H. M. S. Ganges Harris William James, apartments

Badger J ames Canning Olivey Mrs. Tregew villa Hitchins John, mason

Barry Jerome (surgeon R.N.), H. M. S. Oxland Rev. Wm. M.A. [chaplain R.N.], Hocking Ann (Mrs.), shoe maker

Ganges H. M. S. Ganges Hodges Horace, oyster merchant

Bell Ja.mes A. (staff paymaster R.N.), Prickett Capt. John R. (commander Lee Robert, boat builder, Little Falmth

H. M. S. Ganges R.N.), H. M. S. Ganges Menhenick Richard, Standard inn

Bersey John, 2 St. Peter's terrace Punnett Mrs Nicholls Richard, dairyman, Tregew

Braimer Lieut. James Louttit R.N. St. Richards Mrs. Tregew Pearce Alfred, shoe maker

Peter's terrace Savage Rev. Francis Forbes, Vicarage Perkin Thos. apartments, St Peter's ter

Brown John, St. Peter's terrace Taunton Mrs. Tregew Pittick Joseph, master mariner

Bryant Nathaniel, Coventry street Vaillant Miss, Tregew Pryor Mary (Miss), grocer& draper,

Cloak John, St. Peter's terrace Vaudrey Misses, Clinton house fancy repository & patent medicine

Cloak Miss, St. Peter's terrace Yates Mrs. Rockside house vendor

Cooke John Trevor, The Cottage COMMERCIAL. Reading Room (Joseph Tong, sec)

Corbett Lieut. Godfrey E. R.N. H. M.S. Beer William Edwin John, baker Rees David, blacksmith

Ganges Bird Robert John, farmer, Tregew Rees Robert, boat proprietor

Daniell Richard, St. John's place Bray John, dairyman,St. Peter's ter

Davies William Henry Bray John, farmer, Tregew Roach John, farmer, Trevissome

Doble Matthew, Tregew villa BrewerChas. Nicholas,coal mer.& grocer Rollason Thomas Edwin, butcher

Doble Misses, Tysillick cottage Crocker Eiizh. Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rowe & Sons, grocers

Freeman ,John Albert, New Quay house Dumble William, insurance agent Spurrier Thomas, carpenter

Gregor Miss, St. Peter's terrace Dunstan George Richard, Seven Stars Thomas Richard Francis, butcher &

Hardy William J inn, & dairvman farmer, Gonreath & Bellair

Harris John, St. John's place Fisher Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments Tong Joseph, shopkeeper & carpenter

Hockin Misses, Little I<'almouth FlushingCricketClub (J oseph Pryor,sec) Tregenza Richd. boat bldr. Killen quay

Johns John Samuel, Tregew Garland Geo. Paul, apartments, St. Williams Thomas, cowkeeper

Lanyon Theodore T. (assistant pay- Peter's tenace Worth George, masteT maTiner

master R.N. ), H. M. S. Ganges Geach William, farmer, Trefusis rarm Young Women's Christian Association

Mayne Josiah, Tregew Hambley Michael, grocer, Post office (Miss Emma S. Punnett,. hon. sec)


FOWEY, once a horough, is a market town and shipping under the management of the Fowey Harbour Commis-

port, township and parish, with a station on the Great sioners ; it is easy of access, and sheltered from the south-
Western railway, 287 miles from London, 6south from Lost- west gales; ships drawing not more than 16 or 18 feet of
withiel and 9 south-east from St.Austell, in the South Eastern water easily find refuge in this harbour, but a lighthouse on
division of the county, east division of the hundred of Pow- West Point is very much needed, mariners being afraid to
der, petty sessional division of Powder Tywardreath, St. make for it in thick weather, and vessels being thus very
Austell union and county court district, rural deanery of St. frequently embayed or driven on shore. As a health
Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truto. resort Fowey is considered to be one of best in England on
The town of Fowey is on the western side of the harbour account of its mild and equable temperature. The town
and river of that name, and on the eastern side is the is lighted with gas, by a company formed at Bodmin, and is
suburb and township of Polruan, in the parish of Lanteglos supplied with wateT from works here, purchased by the St.
and Liskeard union. The railway from this place to New- Austell Rural Sanitary Authority, June 24, 1893, under
quay is called the Cornwall Minerals railway and is worked the style of the Fowey Waterworks Co. Limited. The
by the Great Western railway, who also work the Cornwall streets are clean and well kept. Fowey was formerly a
line, with which this line is connected at St. Blazey. The municipal and parliamentary borough, and was governed
line to Lostwithiel is at present disused, but plans are now by a portreeve until its incorporation by a charter of James
(1893) in preparation by the Cornwall Minerals Co. for II.; a new charter was granted by William and Mary in 16go,
relaying this line and connecting it with the new Goon- and, another in 1819 by George Ill. by which the corpora-
barrow branch and the Great Western line at l<'owey. Dur- tion consisted of a mayor, recorder, eight aldermen, town
ing the period of the Crusades (mg5-1271) Fowey was an clerk and assistants: in 1827 a writ was issued against the
important place, and at this port numerous vessels were corporation for the abuse of their privileges, and judgment
equipped for successive expeditions to the Holy Land ; in the ha,·ing been recorded against them, the municipal Lody
reign of Edward Ill. it furnished 47 ships and 770 men for the ceased to excerise their functions, and no officers have since
inYestment of Calais in 1346; the town was several times been elected; and the corporation, which li!M become obso-
attacked by the French, who, however, were stoutly met, lete, was finally abolished by the "Municipal Corporation
and compelled to re-embark; the harbour was anciently Act, 1883." The insignia. of the defunct corporation, now
protected by St. Catherine's fort, a stronghold built on the in the possession of J. Rashleigh esq consist of two maces
rocky heights near the mouth and by another on the opposite and a borough seal: the maces, of silYer-gilt, are 3 feet
shore, both now ruinous: here, on 2nd September, 1644. a 2 inches in length; the shafts and knops are richly chased,
portion of Lord Essex's forces, under the command of Major- and scroll brackets support the heads, which are ornamented
Gen. Philip Skippon, surrendered to Charles I. The harbour, with caryatidal figures and the national emblems, crowne:l;
by an order of the Board of Trade in SeptE'mber, 186g, is round the top of each runs a fillet, inscribed:-" Clavis :

DEV. & CuR.Y. ...0


Burgi : de : Fowy : in : Comitatu : Cornubi:e," and above trade carried on here is of a general character, including the

this is a circlet of crosses and fleurs-de-lis ; the hall-marks exportation of china clay, iron ore, and the importation of

give tl::e dates 1684-5. The seal of steel bears the device of coal. For the loading and unloading of china clay, iron

a ship in full sail, with a legend and the date 1702 ; there ore and coals, there are four jetties, each fitted with machinery

was also a silYer seal, now lost. The borough sent repre- worked by hydraulic and steam power, and capable of tip-

sentatives to a national council 14Edward Ill. (r3n-1), but ping about 2,ooo tons daily if necessary. The proposed re-

first returned members of Parliament 13 Elizabeth (157o-1) opening of the Lostwithiel and Fowey railway will give

and continued to return two members until its disfranchise- increased facilities for imports and exports, and three new

ment by the Reform Act of 1832. The church of St. "Fim- jetties will in that event be erected. The market day is on

barrus is a noble edifice of Pentewan stone in the Perpendi- Saturday. The fairs are held on Shrove Tuesday, 1st of

cular style, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, south May and 1oth of September. The Sailor's Home and Rest,

porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, Fore street, erected in r8go, under the auspices of the

erected in 1350, and containing a clock and 8 bells, two of Seamen's Christian Friend Society, at a cost of about

which were added in 1877 at a cost of £240: the stained £r,7oo, contains :23 rooms, including reading, recreation,

east window, a memorial to the Meredith family, was smoking and refreshment rooms, bedrooms and bathroom,

designed by Dr. Drake, a descendant of Sir Francis Drake, a mission room to seat 8o 'persons and premises for the

the famous navigator: the stained west window was given caretaker. Fowey Cottage Hospital, established in 186o, is

by Mrs. Stopford-Sackville, of Point Neptune, in memory of supported by voluntary contributions, and contains 8 beds~

her father, William Rashleigh esq. sometime M.P. for East the hospital was re-established in 189o, and is now used by

Cornwall : a stained window, filled with nautical subjects, the inhabitants of the town and surrounding parishes as

was placed in 1876 as a memorial to the late Admiral well a.s by sailors : 6o in-patients and about roo out-patients

Pnrcell and his son, Commander Purcell R.N. by the family, were treated during the yrar 1892. The charities include

and there are other stained windows : the reredos was pre- one left by William Rashleigh esq. of Menabilly, for r6 poor

sented by the present vicar, as a memorial to his wife: widows of the town, each of whom receives 2s. 9d. per week

there is a slab bearing the effigy in brass of a man in civil and clothing, and 2os. 6d. at Christmas: there are other

costume, probably of the Treffry family, the figures of his sums which are now distributed in prizes to the children of

wife and several children, with the inscription being lost ; the Board Schools. On one of the quays is an obelisk, erected

on another slab is the brass effigy of a man in a long furred by subscription in commemoration of the landing here of

robe, above his bead two shields of the arms of Rashleigh, Her Majesty the Queen and the late Prince Consort, in

and below, figures of six girls; the effigies of his wife and September, 1846; and one mile from the town, near Castle-

other children are missing, and only a fragment of the dour, on the Lostwithiel road, is a curious and ancient

marginal inscription remains ; the slab has been inscribed monolith, of irregular shape, 8 feet in height and about 2

at a later date to Robert Rashleigh gent. of Combe, oh. 27 feet wide at the base, inscribed, " CIRVSHJS HIC JACIT CVNO·

September, 1708 ; on a slab adjoining this is a brass effigy MORI FILIUs." Place, the seat of Charles Ebenezer Treffry

and an inscription to .Alice (Lanyon) wife of John Rashleigh esq. J.P. on the north of the church, originally built in the

esq. ob. 20 August, xsgr, and to her husband ob. .August IO, I rth century, and rebuilt in the reign of Hen. VII. was

1582; at the head was a shield of arms, now missing : there restored and enlarged by the late J. T. Treffry esq. (d.

are also several fine monuments to the Treffry and Rashleigh 185o); it has a modern embattled tower, but retains some

families, which have been restored by Dr. Drake, and one, interesting work of the Tudor period, including bay windows

with effigy in marble, to John Johns esq. : the east end of with rich panelling, and shields of arms and an old hall and

the north aisle, said to date from 1336, originally formed a porch. Point Neptune, a modern stone mansion, beauti-

chapel : the na\'e has a good wagon roof of oak, supported fully situated on the west side, and near the mouth of the

on corbels, adorned with figures of angels holding shields, harbour, is the marine residence of Mrs. Stopford-Sackville.

exhibiting the emblazoned arms of the founders of and bene- On the road to Par, about half a mile from Fowey, is Car-

factors to the church, painted by Dr. Drake : the carved nethick, the residence of William John Graham esq. ; the

pulpit dates from r6or : the south porch is rib-vaulted in house, erected about 1889, has extensive views of sea and

stone and has an upper storey, used as a muniment room: land ; the grounds are now being laid out. Here was

the church was restored in r876, at a cost of £4,976, when formerly a hospital, dedicated to St. Blaize. Charles

a new organ was erected, but this instrument was replaced Ebenezer Treffry esq. J".P. and Jonathlln Rashleigh esq. of

by another in 1892 at a cost of about £soo: there are 950 Menabilly, Tywardreath, are the principal landowners. The

sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1543; soil is light loam ; subsoil, shale and rock. The chief crops

marriages, 1568 ; burials, 1603. The living is a. vicarage, are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area of the parish

average titbe rent-charge £129, grose income £rsg,with resi- is 5,631 acres (including so of water); rateable value, £7.821;

dence and 6 acres of glebe, in the gift of Charles Ebenezer the population in 1891 was 1,957·

Treffry esq. J.P. and held since 1867 by the Rev. Handtield Deputy Parish Clerk, Thomas 1\Iorris.

Noel Purcell M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, surrogate and J.P. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Here is a Congregational chapel, erected in 1887 at a cost of (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
£1,500, in place of an earlier building, erected in 1797; it is wall added).-Mrs. Emma Gould, postmistress. Letters
an edifice of stone, with a turret, and will seat 250 persons: arriV"e at 7.15 a.m. 1.35 & 7.:1.5 p.m.; dispatched at ro.5o
the Bible Christian chapel, erected in 1883 at a cost of about a. m. (with an extra ~d.stamptill II a. m.), 5.25 p.m. (with
£750, will hold r6o persons; the Wesleyan chapel, built in an extra ~d. stamp 5·35 p. m. ),&Io p. m.; sunday dispatched
r8o1, has 250 sittings. A cemetery of half an acre, formed at 5.25 & ro p.m
in 1873 on the hills above the town, was enlarged in r8go to \VALL LETTER BOXES:-
more than an acre in extent,and is under the <'ontrol of a burial Passage street, cleared at 10.40 !,l.m. 5·5 & 9 p.m
board of nine members. The Town Hall is a plain building of Jt'owey hotel, cleared at 10.20 a. m. 4·45 & 9 p. m
stone, situated near the Town quay, and is used as an oc- Private hotel, cleared at I o. r5 a. m. 4· •lo & 8. 30 p. m
casional court house and for public entertainments and Cob's Well, cleared at 10.25 a.m. 4.50 & 8.45 p.m. ; all
meetings, the lower part being set apart for the weekly meat week days only
market; it will hold 400 people. The Working Men's
Institute, situated on the Town quay, is an extensive brick The Commissioners meet at the Clerk's office on the rst
building, erected in 1878 at a cost of £r,2oo, and containing wednesday in the month, Albertus Dingle, chairman;
reading and bagatelle rooms, library of 700 volumes, and a Robert A. Read, Thomas H. Gibbons, Richard H. Williams,
hall seating about 300 people, which is let for public enter- Edward Rillston, Samuel Blade, William Francis Hannan
tainments and meetings: visitors are permitted the use of & William H. Watty
the institute on application to the secretary, by paying rs. Harbour Master, Thomas Slade
per quarter. The Young Men's Christian .Association holds Clerk to the Board, William John Graham
its meetings at this place, and the Young Women's Asso- Harbour Dues Collector, Thomas Slade
ciation at their own hall adjoining the Town hall. The
Masonic Lodge, an edifice of brick with stone dressings, was PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
erected in 1882 at a cost of £7oo. A Foresters' court was Cemetery, William Jn. Graham, clerk to the burial board
·established in 1863, with a capital of £3,500, and has now Cottage Ho'!pital, Arthur Percy Davis, Thomas St. Patrick
(1893) 340 members. The 3rd battery of the Duke of Tuckey M.B. Sandon Davis & William Henry Boger,
Cornwall's 1st Volunteer Artillery, Western Division, Royal surgeons
Artillery, have their head quarters here. Fowey hotel, Custom House, Thomas Robert Owen, superintendent ;
erected in 1882 and enlarged in 1891 at a cost of [,IO,ooo, Albert Eli Bee~, preventive officer; principal coast officers:
is the property of the F,:rwey Hotel Co. Limited: the build- Par, Charles Stuart; Charlestown & Pentewan, Frank
ing occupies an elevated site, overlooking the entrance to Rogers
the harbour and commands extensive and delightful views Town Hall, John Mitchell, manager

by sea and land ; it is now lighted throughout with elec- VoLUNTEERS:-

tricity, and has a verandah running along the seaward Duke of Cornwall's 1st Volunteer Artillery, Western Divi-

front. A town band has been formed, whichlplays twice a sion, Royal Artillery (3rd Battery), Archibald Carnall.

week du-ring the summer months on the esplanade. The c.tptain ; 8ergt. Patrick Dugan, drill instructor


PUBLIC 0 FFICERS :- building of red brick with stone dressings, erected in 1879-
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Certitying Factory Surgeon, So on the hil1s above the town, at a cost of about £2,500 ;
it was reorganized in I876 under a scheme of the Endowed
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Fowey District, Schools Commissioners, & reopened in I88o ; & in, I8go
St. Austell Uhion, Arthur Percy Davis, Abergarwyd a new wing was added, at a cost of £450 : the schoo I
Assistant Overseer & Collector & .Assessor of Taxes,Edmund has a yearly endowment of £8o, left by Shadrach Vincent
Hill esq. for educating IO poor boys, who are called Vincent's
Clerk & Receiver to the Gramm~r School, Al bertus Dingle
Clerk to the 'fywardreath Highway Board, William John mscholars, & there are other boarders & day scholars
Graham, Fore street
Lloyd's Agents, Lowry & Davis educated at fees fixed by the governors, who are nine
Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, St. Blazey District, St. number ; Andrew Newland Deakin B.A.Lond. head master;
Austell Union, Thomas St. Patrick Tuckey M.B., Samuel Tindall B.A. vict. unh'. second master; F. A,
Esplanade Ashby Lond. univ. assistant master; Albertus Dingle,
Quay & Market Lessee, Edward Rillston clerk & receiver
Vice-Consul for Sweden & Norway, Alfred Pattison Davis
A School Board of 5 members was formed February .l6,
PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-
I875; William John Graham, clerk to the board
St. :Fimbarrus Church, Rev. Handfield Noel Purcell M.A. Board, built with house for master in I876-7, at a cost of

vicar; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m over ,£2,5oo, & enlarged in I884, for ISO boys, roo girls
Congregational, Rev. Thomas Edmund Damerell; II a.m.
& roo infants; average attendance, I05 boys, 75 girls &
& 6 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m 8o infants ; Richard Williarns Smitham, master ; Miss
Bible Christian; 11 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m. fortnightly Mary Parkes Kelly, mistress; Miss Fanny Roach, infants'
Wesleyan; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. fortnightly mistress

ScHOOLs:- Railway Station, Willia.m Symons, station master
The Grammar School is an extensive & finely situated
CARRIER TO TRURO.-Mitchell, from Lugger inn, tues.
& fri

• Rogers Francis, The Retreat Buckingham James, mastel" mariner
Rogers Murray, Place cottage Lostwithiel street

Andrew William, Rose hill Rowe Simeon, I Dolphin terrace Carnall Archibald, yeoman, Lescrow

AshbyF.A.(asst. master),Grammar sch Rundle Mrs. Cob's well Carnall John, corn, flour, salt & potato

E<1.te Mrs. Lostwithiel street Sackville Mrs. Stopford, PointNeptune merchant ; shipping supplied,Forest

Roger William Henry, 2 Marine ter Simon F. A. Castle ruin Cemetery (William John Graham, clerk

Bolton John, Esplanade Blade Thomas, I Esplanade terrace to the burial board)

Brokenshaw Mrs. Harbour terrace Sparnall Mrs. Esplanade Claybyn Ephraim, grocer, North street

Carlyon Mrs. Tristrem house Thane Rev. John Dancer Clemens J n. boat builder &c. Station rd

Carnall Mrs. Fore street Thomas Miss, 2 Albert terrace Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, see

Damerell Rev. Thomas Edmund [Con- Tindall Samuel B.A. (second master), Bolitho & Co. Limited

gregational], Sea view Grammar school Copplestone Jonn. boat prop.Passage st

Daniel John. Passage street Tre:ffry Charles EbenezerJ.P. Place Copplestone Joseph Trewin Collins

Davis Alfred Patttson, Abergarwyd Treffry George, North Corner cottage master mariner, North street

D::~.vis Arthur Percy, Myrtle house Vatcher Mrs. Lindon Cornish Bank Lim. (sub-branch) (John

Davis Mrs. North street White Miss, St. David's, Esplanade Edward Pearse Hocken,agent) ; open

DJakin Arthur Newland n.A. (head Willi.ams Mrs. Custom House hill daily,Io to 3; wed. Io to I ; sat. IO to

master), Grammar school Yeo Gerald Francis F.R.s. Bolton house 4; draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths,

Denison Francis John, Esplanade COMMERCIAL. London E c. See advertisement

Denison Mrs. Old vicarage Adams Catherine (Mrs.), tobacconist & Cornish Tllomas, master mariner, 3

Dingle Albertus, Whitleigh stationer, Fore street Harbour view -

Dingle Miss E. North street Adams William Trewin, boot & shoe Cornish Wm. master marnr. I Albert ter

Durant Henry William, Passage street maker, Fore street Couch Nathaniel,coal merchant & china

Edmonds The Misses, Esplanade Algar Samuel, shopkeeper dealer, Fore street

Foster Claude, 2 Albany villas Allchin & Hill, auctioneers Crabb Annie (Miss), launtlress, Castle

Frost Miss, Beach cot. St. Catherine's Ancient Order of Foresters (Court Tre£- cottage, Esplanade

Gore Maj. Annesley Paul, Lucknow cot fry, No. 4, I 84) (Henry Simons, sec) Custom House (Thos.Robt. Owen,supt)

Gould ~Irs flarncent Joseph, master mariner, Davies Jn. Chas. butcher, Town quay

Graham Willi:nn John, Carnethick Passage street Davis & Boger, surgeons

Hannan Wm. Francis, Dolphin house Bartlett Jeremiah, carpenter, painter, Davis & Toyne, ship brokers, Fore st

Haye Mrs wheelwright & undertaker, Newtown Davis Alfred Pattison, general mer-

Render .Mrs. Esplanade Bate Wm. master mariner, Passage st chant, vice·consul for Sweden & Nor-

HenriquesLieu ·,Wm. Quixarno(inspect- Beal Edwd. master mariner, Union pl way ; agent for the Association of

ing officer of coast guard ),Harbour ter Beal Olive Elizabeth (Miss), milliner & Underwriters, Glasgow & Liverpool,

Henwood Mrs. Hillside villas dress maker see Lowry & Davis '

Hern ~rthnr Harris, I Albany villas Beal Richard John, master marmer, 4 Davis .ArthurPercy(firm,Davis&Boger),

Hewett Richard, Victoria cottage Harbour view surgeon, admirality surgeon & agent,

Hewett Miss, Vict:>ria cottage Beal 'Vm. 1'\. master mariner, Fore st certifying factory surgeon, medical

Hicks ~Tiss, Esplanade BeerAlbertEli. custom house preventive otlicer & public vaccinator, Fowey

Hicks Mrs. North street offic~r, Esplanade district, St. Austell unioll

Hocken J n. Ed wd. Pearce, 8 Yictoria ter Beer William, Railway hotel Denison Francis & Robert, tailors &

Jacobs Frank, The Haven IJehenna Richard, master mariner, 5 outfitters, Market street

Johnson Mrs. Esplanade Victoria terrace • Dennison Joseph Whetter, draper,

Kendall Mrs. Passage street Bennett John, grocer, Passage street Church square

Kerr Mrs. Endiang IJennett John Messer, solicitor, Forest Dennison Thomas, house decorator, Old

Lamb Mrs. Summerville,' Esplanade rd Blaney James, mason, Victoria place Vicarage

Mallett Freclk. William, 2 Place view lll11wev Adolphus, master mariner, 2 Dingle Albertus, general merchant &

Muller Mra. Marine villa Harbour view ship owner

Morse Sydney Bobe Ann Eliz'lbeth(Mrs.),dress maker, Duke of Cornwall's Ist Volunteer Bri-

Owen Thomas Robert, 6 Victoria tet" 5 Clarence terrace gade, WesternDivision,RoyalArtillery

Papping Charles,sen. Jessamine cottage Boger William Henry Jri R.c.s.Eng., (3rdBattery) (Capt.ArchibaldCarnall,

Paull Henry, North street L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm, Davis & Boger), commandant; Sergt. Dugan Patrick,

Phelps Herbert Dampbier, Belle vue surgeon, 2 Marine terrace ' drill instructor)

Pickering Wm. Alex. 3 Marine parade flolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Dunn George, dairyman, New town

Piper George Vincent, Esplanade road & Co_ Limited (Consolidated Bank of Easlick John, shoe maker, Cob's well
Purcell Rev. Handfield Noel M.A., J.P. Cornwall) (branch) (Arthur Harris Fowey Club (C. E. 'freffry esq. J.P.

[vicarl, Vicarage llern, sub-manager) ; open daily IO president; Murray Rogers, hon. sec)

Purcell Mrs. Florence villas to 3 ; wed. Io to I ; sat. Io to 4 ; draw Fowey Cottage Hospital (Arthur Percy
Qlliller-Couch .Arth. Thos. The Ha>en on Willi,tms Deacon & Manchester & Davis; Thomas St. Patric!r Tuckey
R.~.wlings Richard James Pennington, Salford Limited, London E c
M.B. Sandon Davis & William Henry

St. C<~.tberine's cottage Brett Sarah (Mrs.), aparts. Sea view Boger, surgeons)

Reilley Miss, Esplanade llroadA1fd.shopkpr.& basket ma..Fore st Fowey Gas Works \Samuel Render,

Roach Robet•t, Esplanade road Brokenshaw George Beer, ship owner & manager)

Rogera :M:aj.-Gen. Rt..r Murray, Sea new coal merchant Fowey Hotel (John Willhm;, m.mag<!r)

I DEV. & CORN. 10•


Fowey Hotel Co. Limited (Thomas Jago Jane (Mrs.), laundress, North st Rollins Thomas, mariner,Forest

Gundry, chairman ; William John James Thos. Hy. blacksmith, Newtown Rowe Simeon, draper, Fore street

Graham, sec) JobDavid,King of Prussia hotel,Town qy Rowe Wm. boat proprietor, Fore street

Fowey Steamtug Co.(Hy.Paull,mangr) Julian Edmund, cabinet maker, Forest Rundle Jn. master mariner,Victoria pi

FFouwrsee•y Waterworks Co. Limited r oad Knight Chas. & Frdk. butchers, Forest Rundle Richard, farmer, Lankelly
William, sail mak er, Station Lacey W. S. & Son, block mas.North st St. Catherine's House, first class private

Gale James,master mariner, Fore street LangmanThomas,ship smith,Passage st hotel (Mrs. G. B. Brokenshaw, pro-

Gilbert Wm. market gardener, Forest Lewarne Edward, builder, North street prietoress), Esplanade. See advert

Goodman Henrietta Mary(Mrs. ),apart- Lovering William Hy. plumber, Forest I Sailors' Home & Rest (Thomas Lloyd,
ments, 3 Clarence terrace Lowry & Davis, wine & spirit, coal & manager), Fore street

GouldEmma(Mrs. ),postmist.Post office genrl. mers. & Lloyds' agents, Forest I Samuel Jas. apartmnts. I Victoria ter

Graham & Graham, solicitors, Fore st Lugg William James, draper, outfitter, Seamen's Christian Friend Society

Graham Hy. master mariner, North st boot factor &c. Fore street (branch) (Rev. G. J. Hill, sec. ; Hy.

Graham James Newton (firm, Graham Mallett & Son, ironmongers & house James, local missionary), Forest

k Graham), solicitor, Fore street furnishers Seidler J n. master mariner, Passage st

Graham William John (firm, Graham Martin Raymond Richard, master mar- Seilitz Charles, refreshment rooms, &;

&Graham),solicitor,commissioner for iner, Station rol!.d boat proprietor, Station road

oaths, notary public, clerk to Fowey Miles Eliza Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Slade Thos. harbour master & harbour

echool board, burial board, harbour Lostwithiel street dues collector, Harbour office

board,'fywardreath district highway Mitchell Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, 7 Slogget William, master m:uiner,. 2:

board, Fowey ia! inspectors; sec. to Victoria terrace Esplanade terrace

Fowey Hotel Co. Limited, Fore street Mitchell John, land agent to C. E. Tref- Steeples William Stanley, chemist &

Grammar School (Arthur Newland fry esq. J.P. Estate office druggist, l<'ore street

Deakin B.A. head master ; Albertus Mitchell Joseph, travelling draper, 7 SweetCbas.,Hy.master mrnr.Esplanade

Dingle, clerk & receiver) Victoria terrace Tamblyn Edwin, painter &c. North st

Grose & Son,boot & shoe manufacturers Moegenburg Albert Franz, master mar- Tarry Joseph, ship chandler, Station rd

Gully John William, master mariner, 4 iner, Passage street Thane Rhoda Ann (Mrs.), girls' school

Place view Morkam Jas. fruiterer, Custom Ho. hill Thomas James, rope maker, Esplanade

Ham Isabella (Mrs.), shopkpr. North st Morse Sydney L.R.c.s. & L.R.C.P.Edin. Thomas James (Mrs.), apartments,.

Hannan W. F. & Co. ship brokers &c. physician & surgeon Esplanade

Dolphin house Mutton John, master mariner,North st 'fomsJsph. master mariner, Esplanade

Harris Ellen (Miss),aparts. 4 Albert ter Nicholls Robert, farmer, Trenant Toms Susannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,

Hawken William Charles Hornibrook, Noble Robert, aparts. Florence villas Lostwithiel street

Globe inn, Fore street Northcote Fanny Jane (Mrs.), refresh- Town Hall (John Mitchell, manager)

Hearn Henry, coffee rooms, & black- ment rooms, & shopkeeper, Forest Toyne Charles Louis, ship broker, see

smith, Fore street Owen Thomas Robert, superintendent Davis & 'l'oyne

Helier& Co.bookbinders&printrs.Fore st of customs, Custom house Tucker Robert Laskey,farmer,Polglaze

Helier Richd. ship carpenter, Station rd Page Jn. Hy. engineer, Passage street Tuckey Thomas St. Patrick M. B.,

Helleur Jn. Hy. shoe ma. 8 Clarence ter Papping Charles, jun. master mariner, surgeon, & medical officer & 1mblic

Bender Wm. Rd. confectioner, !<'ore st Union place vaccinator St. Blazey district, St_
Bern Arthur Harri~, sub-manager to Papping Harriet (Miss), dress maker, Austell union, Esplanade

.Solitho,Williams,Foster, Coode, Grylls Jessamine cottage Varco George, Lugger inn, Fore street

& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Peake Richard Thomas, port sanitary Varco Robert, watch maker, Market st

Cornwall) & agent for the West of inspector, 3 Esplanade terrace VickersWm.Thos.butchr.Lostwithiel st

England Fire & Life Insurance Co Peake Wm. boot & shoe ma. Market st Wakeham Jane (Mrs. ),baker, Albert pl

Hicks Benjamin, farmer, Penventinne Peake William (Mrs.), flpartments, 3 Watty William, boat builder, North st
Hicks Wm. Augustin, saddler, Forest Victoria terrace
WellingtonGeo.Wm. builder,Passage st

Hill Edmund, fancy repository, assist. Pearce Henry, farmer, Little Pinnick Wellington James, chemist & druggist.

overseer, collector & assessor of taxes Penrose John, farmer, Coombe Lostwithiel street

Hocken John Edward Pearce, agent to Perrian Susan (Mrs.), shopkpr. Forest West Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 2 Vie-

the Cornish Bank Limited Perry 'Villiam,master mariner,North st toria terrace

HockenRd.master mariner, 3 Albert ter Phillips William, ship broker, Northst Westlake John, farmer, Hill hay

Hockin Ann (Mrs.), grocer, Fore street Pike John, draper & outfitter, Forest White Jane & Ellen (Misses), grocers~

Hockin Mary Ann (Miss), glass &china Piper Alfred Daniel, master mariner, 3 Passage street

dealer, North street Harbour view White Charles, farmer, Great Pinnick

Hodge William. watch maker, Fore st Pirer Edmund Vincent, grocer, Forest WhiteLouisa(Mrs. ),fruitr.Lostwithiel st

Hollow Richard William, master mar- Piper Lias,master mariner,3Place view Willcock Louisa (Mrs.), draper, Lost-

iner, r Place view Pulman Waiter Hy.Ye Olde Ship hotel withiel street

Hooper Ann (Mrs.), dairy, Station rd Rawlings Richard James Pennington, WiseWm.Hy.master mrnr.4Victoriatr

Hooper Hy. boot & shoe ma. Market st accountant, Somerset court, Fore st Working Men's Institute (Hy Simons,

Hooper William Hen. farmer, Trazare Reeves Thomas, fruiterer, Town quay sec.), Town quay

Hosking Everard, farmer, Lawhire Richards Geo. apartments, Hillside vils Yeo John, commissioned coastguard

Basking Joseph, saw mills Richards Thomas, Commercial hotel boatman, Passage street

Hosking Wm. apartments, Harbour ter Rickards John, hair dresser, Forest Young Men's Christian Association

Ruddy Robert, hair dresser,Town quay Rillston Edward, grocer, provision (Thomas Sleeman, sec)

HunkingRundle,dairyman,Lit.Lawhire merchant & shipowner Young Women's Christian Associatioa

Isbell John Pain, painter &c. North st Rillston Geo. draper & tailor, Forest (Mrs. Treffry, sec)

IST. GENNYS is a parish on the north coast of Cornwall, charge £123, net income £gg, including 27 acres of glebe
5 miles north-west from Otterham station on the London with residence, in the gift of the Earl of St. Germans, and
and South Western railway, r6 north-east from Launceston held since 1862 by the Rev. Charles Harry Walker ~r.A. of

station on the Great Western and London and South Worcester College, Oxford. Here is a chapel for United

Western railways, II~ south-south-west from Stratton, 12 Methodists, built in 1842,and one for Bible Christians, built

south-west from Bude, ro north from Camelford and 7 about 1863. The manorial rights are divided. Lieut.-Gen.

north-east from Boscastle, in the North Eastern division of Charles Batchelor, Sir GeorgeStncleyStucleybart. n.L., J.P.

the county, hundred and petty sessional division of Les- of Moreton, Bideford, Devon, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales

newth, Stratton union, county court district of Camelford, K.G. as Duke of Cornwall, John Cock Jewell esq. of Saltash,

rural deanery of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and Mr. J. J. Smeeth, and Mrs. G. Bake, of Lanteglos-by-

diocese of Truro. The parish consists wholly of lofty hills Camelford, are the chief landowners. The Cambeak,

and deep valleys, and its scenery generally is highly Dizzard point and Castle pomt are three headlands on the

romantic and picturesque. The church of St. Genesins is coast in this parish; High Cliff, near Crackington haven, is

an ancient building of stone, in the Early English style, con- 735 feet above the sea level, and Dizzard head soo feet. The

sisting of chancel, nave of f9ur bays, aisles, south porch and soil is clayey ; subsoil is slate. 'fhe chief crops are wheat,

Ia low western tower, 22 feet high, with a pyramidal roof 10 barley, oats and roots. The area is 5,516 acres (including

feet in height, and containing 4 bells, all cast in 1791: there 30 of water) ; rateahle value, £2,849; the population in
are numerous memorials of the qth and r8th centuries, and t8gr was 430.

in the churchyard a tomb of granite to Benet Mil, ob. 1593, The following are hamlets, with their distances from the

Itand Christopher Bligh : the church was restored in 1871 church :-RosCARE, miles south-east.; TRENCRICK, 2~
under the direction of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect, at an miles east; CoxFORD, half a mile east; CRACKINGTON

expense of £r,too, when it was reseated and a vestry HAVEN, three-quarters of a mile south-west; DIZZARD, 2

added: there are 28o sittings. The register dates from the miles north-east; SWEETS, rt miles south; HILL, 2 miles

year 1702. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- south; PENKUKE, 2 miles south-east.


PosT OFFICE, s~. Gennyil or Wainhouse Corner.-H. A School Board of 5 members was formed Nov. 14, 1874;
Sandercock, sub-postmaster. Letters through Stratton W. Tinney, Bay park, clerk to the board & attendance
R.S.O. arrive at IO.IO a.m.; dispatched at 3.15 p.m.
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Boscastle. Board School, built in 1876, for 8o children; average attend~
Postal orders are issued here, but not paid ance, so; John J. Bell, master; Mrs. Rose Jane Bell,


St. Gennys. Shepherd Ann (Mrs.), farmer,Treworty Hill.

Parminter J ob.n, '!'relay Smeeth J ob.n J ewell, yeoman, Tresmorn Miller John, farmer

Walker Rev.OharlesHarryM.A.Vicarage Spry Charles, carpenter, Orackington Penkuke.

COMMERCIAL. Stacey William, yeoman, Tresmorn Marshall Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer

Brookham Wm.Hy.farmer,Bastardmill Tilley Thomas, farmer, Flandel's Moyse Henry, farmer

Gory Albert, blacksmith 'rinney Edward, farmer, Church town Roscare.

Cory William, farmer, Hallegather Tinney William, farmer, Bay park

Folley Thomas, Red Lion P.H Ward John, farmer, Orllckington Grose Waiter

Greenwood John, farmer, Broomhill ho Ward Stephen, farmer, Hole Petherick Mrs

Hicks John, farmer, Tre1ay Wickett William, s.l!oema. Crackington Smeeth Humphrey
Holman William, farmer, Pengold
Coxford. Drake Edward, farmer

Marshall Francis, carpenter, Orannow Cowling William, farmer Jewell Humphrey, farmer

Moyse William, farmer, Cleave CraGkington Haven. Sandercock William, shopkeeper

Moyse William, jun. farmer, Basterd Sweets.

Nicholls Christr. farmer, Newton corner J ewell Charles Ernest
Rich Richard, cowkeeper, Catchgate Carter Samuel, miller (water) & farmer Sandercock Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkpr

Bwh William, farmer, Tremaynd Dingle Thomas, farmer, Ludon Trencrick.

"Rogers Digory, farmer, Pengold Dizzard. Bond Ann (Mrs.), farmer

"Sandercock Daniel, farmer, Crannow Heal James, farmer Greenaway Richard, farmer

.Sandercock Henry, farmer, Roundhays Hicks John, farmer, East Dizzard Luxton Mark, farmer, Trencrick

'Sandercock William, farmer, Wooda Jose Stephen, farmer, West town Wonnacott William, farmer

ST. GERMANS is a large village and parish on the Lyn~ November sth, 1854:" the ancient font, which was broken •

her creek, with a station on the Great Western railway, up in 1793 and its fragments thrown in the north tower,
256l miles from London, 8 south-west from Saltash by road, was restored by the Rev. T. Furneaux, vicar, in 1840: the

9 north-west from Devonport and 8 south-east from Lis- priory on its suppression was _valued at £,227, and was
'keard; it gives name to a union and is in the South Eastern granted to the Champernownes in I54I, by whom in 1565
division of the county, southern division of the hundred of it was alienated to John Eliot esq. : the church was restored
East, petty sessional division of East South, Liskeard county in 1889 at a cost of £,2,ooo, and it is now ( 1893) about to
court district, ruml deanery of East, archdeaconry of be new•roofed at an estimated cost of £.1,700: there are 500

Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The town returned repre- sittings: in 1785, that portion of the churchyard lying
sentatives to Parliament from 1562 till t.he passing of the within the grounds of Port Eliot was levelled and a new ceme·

Reform Act of 1832. The church of St. Germanus was tery laid out on the opposite side of the road, in which is the

originally attached to a monastery of Austin Canons, vault of the Eliots. The register dates from the year 1590.
founded here by Bishop Leofric in 105o, and in 931 was the The living is a vicarage and peculiar; the rectorial tithes

seat of the see of Cornwall, united to that of Orediton on the were commuted in 1843 at £.1,649• of which the vicar

death of Byrhtwold, 13th bishop of Cornwall, about 1030; receives £,233 yearly; net yearly value £,2go, with residence

the see of Petrocstowe, or Bodmin, was removed here in and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Dean and Canons of
'981 : the church is a structure of local stone and granite, in Windsor, and held since 18go by the Rev. Waiter Westma-

tb.e Norman, Early English and later styles, and consists of cott M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. The Wesleyan chapel,

chancel, nave, south aisle, north transept, Moyle chapel, built in 1753 and rebuilt in 1825 and I88I, is a plain edifice
south and west porches and two western towers, one of of stone, seating about 250 persons. There is a cattle fair
which, the south-western tower, contains a clock and 6 bells, held here on the 28th of May. The Freemasons have a lodge

all cast in 1775; and there was once a peal in the north here, and meetings are held on the Thursday of or before

tower also: the west front, which is Norman, consists of a the full moon. The St. Germans Mutual Improvement
gable pierced with three round-headed windows, below Society was established in 1868, and in 1892 the Earl of St.
which is a projecting gabled porch with a deeply recessed Germans provided for the use of the members two large

Norman doorway: the north tower is Norman in its two rooms in the Town Hall buildings, one for a library contain-

lower stages, with plain round-headed windows of one light ing 500 volumes, and reading room, and the other for a

in each; the upper story is octagonal, with pointed Early recreation room. The poor have £t 149. yearly distributed

English windows in each face and an embattled parapet; in bread, and on the north side of the town are 12
the south tower is Norman in its lower stage only; it was almshouses, erected by one of the Moyle family, to the in~
also at one time octagonal, but is now square with a battle- mates of which one shilling and a peck of wheat distri-

mented parapet of Perpendicular date; both towers have buted yearly on New Year's day by the owner of the estate

newel stairs in the thickness of the walls: the nave, 102 feet charged, who is also bound to keep the dwellings in repair.
in length, is of six bays; it retains two Norman pillars on Port Eliot, the seat of the Earl of St. Germans D.L.,
the south side, but its eastern portion is Perpendicular: the J.P. is a large embattled mansion of stone, irregularly

south aisle, rebuilt in 1261, is Early Decorated and Late built, on the site of the ancient priory, in park-like
Perpendicular and contains canopied sedilia, a Decorated grounds of about soo acres, the higher portions of which

drain, a granite stoup and an ancient miserere chair, the command very extensive views of the surrounding country;

movable seat of which is rudely carved with figures of a in the dining-room, which occupies the site of the monastic
hunter carrying game, and attendant dogs: in this aisle is refectory, there is a series of portraits by Sir Joshua
also the costly and elaborate monument with effigies of Reynolds. of members of the Eliot family, and there

Edward Eliot esq. of Port Eliot, 17=• and his two wives, by are also some other good pictures by old masters; the
Rysbrack ; one of the windows has the arms of Scawen chief entrance to Port Eliot, built in 1848, is a Gothic struc~
and Spry, and there are memorial windows to Louisa and ture, bearing the arms of the family. The Earl of St.
Elizabeth, daughters of Charles, second Marquess Corn- Germans, who is lord of the manor, and l\'Irs. Somers~

wallif', and to the late Earl St. Germans : two memorial Cocks, of London, are the principal landowners. The soil
windows have also been placed in the south wall at the cost is loam and clay ; subsoil, argillaceous slate and limestone.
of Earl St. Germans, one in 1873 to Lady Oaroline Eliot, The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The
and the other in 1877 to Harriet, widow of John, first earl area of the parish, including Tideford and Hessenford, is

of St. Germans: the narrow north aisle was taken down 91997A. 2R. t6P. of land and 298 of water, and of St. Ger-
towards the end of the last century: the south porch has mans alone about 2,317; rateable value, £t41 I58 2s. The
two entrance arches, a stone roof and battlemented parapet : population, including the now separate ecclesiastical parishes
.on the north side is a memorial window to the Rev. Tobias ofTidefordand Hessenford, was in 189t, 2,389; St. Germans

l<'urneaux M.A. 47 years incumbent of this parish, erected alone in 1891 was 743·

by his children in 1876: there are various memorials to the Polbathic is a small hamlet in this parish about I mile

families of l\'Ioyle of Bake, baronets, I661-1762; Glanvill, south-west from the village, and has a Wesleyan Reform
1599·1847; Boger, I755·92"; and Eliot, Earl St. Germans, chapel. Here are the agricultural engineering works of l\'Ir.
'1:]6t-1864, with others : a cenotaph was erected in 1854 by William Brenton, employing about 30 persons. "St. Ger~
the tenants of the St. Germans estate, which bears the mans Hut," about 4 miles from the village, is a. seaside
following inscription:-" to the memory of the Hon. Gran~ resort belonging to the Earl of St. Germans, and is much

ville Charles Cornwallis Eliot, second son of the Right Hon. frequenteq by pleasure parties from Plymouth and the
Earl of St. Germans and Jemima his wife, Lieutenant and neighbourhood ; application for visiting must be made
Captain of the Ooldstream Regiment of Foot Guards, who through the head gardener at Port Eliot. A market is held

fell wbile acting as Adjutant in the battle of Inkerman, here second Tuesday in each month.


Downderry, 4 miles south-west, is a small fishing place Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Frederick

in the civil parish of St. Germans, but ecclesiastically with W. Cleverton, Saltash

Hessenford. Treasurer, Richard Foster, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall.

Parish Clerk, J obn Hawke. Liskeard

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office Relieving Officers. North district, Christopher Rawling,

(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn- Saltash; South district, R. W. Hancock, St. John's, Antony

wall added).-Miss Jane Geake, postmistress. Letters Vaccination Officers, The Registrars of Births.& Deaths

from London 5.15 a.m. & 3.15 p.m.; from the North at Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district, John

11.45 a.m. ; from South Cornwall at r.go & 7.50 p.m. & Wallis Gill L.R.C.P.LOnd. St. Germans; No. 2 district,

from Plymouth at 5.30 p.m.; dispatched to South Corn- Charles William Chubb, Torpoint ;'No. 3 district, Edwin \

wall at 4.40 & II a.m.; to the North at 1.5 p.m. & to James Worth, Millbrook & Alfred Bruce Cheves M.A.,

London at 7.10 p.m.; sunday, S·IS a.m. arrive & 7.10 M.D. Millbrook ; No. 4 district, Richard Carter Revell,

p. m. dispatched Saltash; No. 5 district, George Preston L.R.C.P.Edin.•

SuB-PosT OFFICE, Polbathic.-Cbarles Smith, sub-post- D.P.H. Saltash

master. Letters arrive from St. Germans R.S.O. at 6.25 Superintendent Registrar, Frederick W. Cleverton, Saltash

a.m. 2.5 & 4.10 p.m. ; dispatched thereto at 10.5 a.m. Registrars of Births & Deaths, Antony sub-district, R. W.

12.25 & 6.5 p.m Hancock, St. John's, Antony; deputy, Mrs. Hancock, St.

WALL BoxEs, near Railway Station, cleared at 12.40 a. m. John's, Antony ; St. Germans sub-district, Henry Pol-

& 6.15 p.m.; Lower town, 10.20 a.m. & 6.20 p.m. week- green, St. Germans ; deputy, Miss Catherine Polgreen, St.

days only, & Manor Cross at 4.50 p.m Germans; Saltash sub-district, Christopher Bawling,

PUBLIC OFFICERS:- Saltash; deputy, F. A. Rawling, Saltash

Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Henry Polgreen Registrar of Marriages, W. W. Harvey, Saltash; deputy, F.

Inspector of Police, Joseph Bassett A. Rawling, Saltash

SCHOOLS:- Workhouse, Torpoint, a building of stone erected in 1838, to

Endowed (boys only), endowed with £1,249 £2i per Cent. hold 205 inmates ; W. Symons, master; Rev. F. C. Car-

Consols & 9 acres of land, by Nicholas Honey in 1657 ~ dew M.A. chaplain ; Charles William Chubb, medical

the school will hold 100 children ; average attendance, officer; Mrs. M. J. Symons, matron. The children attend

45; William George Broad, master the National & Wesleyan schools

Earl of St. Germans (girls & infants), built in 1830 & en- RURAL SANITARY .AUTHORITY.
larged in 1891 for 125 children, at a cost of about £250, Meets every alternatethurs. 11 a.m. at Workhouse,Torpoint.
defrayed by the Earl of St. Germans ; average attendance,
Clerk, Frederick W. Cleverton, Saltash
66; Mrs. Stephen Hancock, mistress Treasurer, Richard Foster, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall,
Railway Station, Richard Priest, station master
Board day, alternate thursdays at 10.45 at the Workhouse, Medical Officer of Health, John Bedford Kerswill llf.R.C.P.
Edin. Fair field, St. Germans
Inspector of Nuisance~, S. P. Hosking, Landrake
The union comprises the following places :-Antony, Botus,

Flaming, Landrake with St. Erney, Landulph, Maker, ScHooL ATTENDANCE CoM:tlnTTEE.

Pillaton, Quet.hiock, Rame, Saltash, Sheviock, St. Germans Meets on Thursday monthly at Torpoint.

with Tideford & Hessenford, St. John's, St. Mellion & St. Clerk, Frederick W. Cleverton, Saltash

Stephens-by-Saltash. The area of the union is 42,728 .Attendance Officers, R. W. Hancock, St. John's, Antony ;.

acres; rateable value in 1893, £74,852; the population C. H. Rawling, St. Stephens, Saltash

in 1891 was 17,827 Inquiry Officer, R. W. Hancock

St. Germans. Couch Isaac, blacksmith, ironmonger of land & assessed & income taxes &

FRlVATE RESIDENTS. & coal merchant registrar of births & deaths & vacci-

Creber William Francis, farmer & mer- nation officerfor St.Gerruanssub-dist
St. Germans Earl of D.L., J.P. Port chant, Lanjore ; stores, Polbathic Rogers Daniel, linen draper &c
Eliot; & 13 Grosvenor gardens & Geake Thos. Hy. merchant & shipowner Salter George, saddler & ironmonger
Travellers' club, London s w
Gill John Wallis L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon, Scantlebury John, head gamekeeper to-
Brenton George Henry
Claridge Thomas & medical officer & pubiic vaccinator, the Earl of St. Germans
Fisher Mrs. Cliff cottage • Ist district, St. Germans union
Geake Miss, Newport Hall Gcorge, head gardener to the Earl• Polbathic.

of St. Germans Trevan William

Geake Thomas Henry, Cuddenbeak ho Hancock Richard, road surveyor COMMERCIAL.

Gill John Wallis, East bill Harris James, shopkeeper, Trerule foot Bersey Albert, butcher

Hicks Miss, Belle vue HawkeFdk. Saml.carpntr.bldr.&statnr Brenton William & Co. agricultural

Jago John Rowse, Lynher cottage Hawke George Wm. boot & shoe maker implement makers, engineers, mill-

Kerswill John Bedford, Fairfield Jenkin Mary (Mrs.), Eliot Arms corn- wrights & patentees

Newport Theodore mercial hotel & posting house Chiswell Lawrence, boot maker

Paige Richard Edwin J.P. TrebouL Kerswill John Bedford M R.C.P.Edin. Chiswell Lawrence, jun. boot maker

Pearce Albert physician, & rued. officer of health Couling James, blacksmith

Tapson Miss, Elm cottage to rural sanitary authority, Fairf:ield Creber William Francis, farmer & mer-

Waiters Francis, Roseland Paige Richard Edwin J.P. 'farmer, chant ; residence, Lanjore

Westmacott Rev. Waiter M.A. Vicarage Treboul & Criffie Maslin Jacob, farmer

Parker Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Sons, drapers May Nicholas, Halfway House P.H

COMMERCIAL. & grocers,Treboul cross &Downderry Oliver Robert, corn & seed merchant

Bersey William, boot & shoe maker Pearce John Lanyon, grocer Parker Reginald William, butcher

Blewett, Goard& Co. millwri?hts Pearce Samuel, tailor Pearce Robert & Son, millers (water-

Brenton George Henry, building sur- Pick James, wagonette proprietor & steam)

veyorl& farm steward to the Rt. Hon. Pitt Sarah (Miss), grocCT Smith Charles, shopkeeper,&post office

Earl of St. Germans Polgreen Catherine (Miss), deputy Smith Richard, builder

Bolson John, grocer & baker registrar of births & deaths Smith Robert, bak~r

Bray George & Sons, butchers Polgreen Henry, clerk to commissioners Smith William, carpenter

GERMOE is a township, parish and village on the high joining parish, and died in 1766: there are 150 sittings: in

road from Helston to Penzance, 5 miles east from Marazion the north-east corner of the churchyard is a stone seat, called
road station on the West Cornwall (Great Western) railway the chair of St. Germoe, or throne of King Germocus, and
and 6 nol'th-west from Helston, in the Truro division of the said to have been erected by the Millyton family of Penger-

county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Ker- sick; the structure measures, internally, about 9 feet by 3

rier West, Helston union and county court district, rural feet, and the front consists of two pointed arches, each 6 feet
deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese in height, on three circular columns; at the back is a seat
of Truro. The church of St. Germoe is an ancient building divided into three compartments, the centre one inclosing
of stone in the Perpendicular style, with portions of Tran- the can·ed head of a figure in granite, surmounted by a
sition, Norman and Early English date, and consists of Saxon crown: the church was thoroughly restored and re-
chancel, nave of five bays, north aisle and two side chantries, seated with open benches in 18~2 at a cost of £2,000. The
south porch and an embattled western tower with crocketed register dates from the year 1682. The living is a vicarage,
pinnacles, containing 3 bells, all dated 1753: the font, of consolidated with that of Breage, average vicarial tithe rent-
native elvan, is curious from its misshapen form and rude charge £466, joint net yearly value £477, with 5 acres of
sculptures ; the howl of another font also remains: there glebe, in the gift of the Ctown, and held since 1888 by the
are no inscriptions in the chureh: the church plate bears the Rev. Jocelyn Barnes M.A. of Worcester College, Oxford, who
date 1732, and was presented by Francis, second Earl of resides at Breage. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Balwest.
Godolphin, who then oecupied Godolphin manor in the ad- Foote's charity provides £2 2s. for the school and £~ 2s. for


the poor: there is also a sum of [,g for widows, left by a PosT 0FFIC:&:.-Miss Martha Paull, sub-postmistress. Letters
former Duke of Leeds. At Great Work mine in this parish, through Marazion R.S.O. arrive at 11 a.m.; dispatched
gunpowder was first used in 1688 for blasting purposes. at 2 p.m. Goldsithuey is the nearest money order office
T RESOWAS, half a mile east and BosCREAGE, 1 north-east, are & Marazion the nearest telegraph office. Postal orders
villages in this parish. The Duke of Leeds, the Rev. St. are issued here, but not paid
Aubyn Bender Molesworth-St. Aubyn M. A., J.P. of Clowance,
Crowan, and William Buller esq. are lords of the manor and A School Board of 5 members was formed August 23, r87r;
chief landowners. The soil is loamy; the subsoil is granite. H. H. Nicbolas, Breage, clerk to the board ; Edmund
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and broccoli. Johns, Church town, attendance officer
The acreage ts 1,287 acres; rateable value, /,1,864; and the
population in 1891 was 497· Board School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 180 children;
average attendance, 86; James Kilynack, master; Miss
Sexton, Edward Collick. Laura Rickards, mistress

COMMERCIAL, JohnsEdmund,shoe maker,Church twn Richards Henry, shopkeeper

Ball Peter, farmer Keskeys Robert, farmer Richards John, farmer, Tresowas

Coad John, farmer, Rejarden Laity William, farmer, Trennal Richards Thos. shoe maker, Tresowas

Eustice Paul, carpenter New Great Work Tin Mine (William Rowe Philip, farmer

Great Work Tin & Copper Mines (Great Stephens,mgr.; Fred.Thomas,purser) Thomas William, boot maker & shopkpr

Work Mining Co. Limited) (Joseph Paull John, 'bus proprietor ·waters William, farmer

Prisk, manager & purser) Paull Martha (Miss), shopkpr. Post off Wheal Grey Clay & Brick Works (John

Hosken Wm.'fhos.Hardy,smith&farrier Pellor Samuel, Dolphin inn Martin, manager & purser)

Jacka James, farmer, Ninnes Piper James, shopkeeper Williams James, farmer, Tretheweg

James John, shopkeeper, Great work Prout George, farm~r, Chycarne

GERRANS, or ST. GERRANS, is a parish about 7 miles 1College, Cambridge. Here are Bib:e Christian and Wesleyan

south-west from Tregony, 9 south from Truro, 4 north-east chapels. Henry Harris esq. formerly of Rosteage, by will

from St. Mawes and 12 south-west from Grampound Road dated nth July, bequeathed a charity of the annual value of

station on the Great Western railway, in the Mid division of £9 2s. 6d. for distribution, and in 1867 Captain Charles

the county, west division of Powder hundred, petty sessional Baker R.N. gave /,200 stock for the poor of the parish and

division of Powder South, Truro union and county court for the repair of the family vault. On the Curgurrell estate

district, rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall is a round earthwork, called" Dingerin," and in the side of

and diocese of Truro ; it adjoins the parish of St. Anthony- a cliff near Creek ~tephen is a subterranean passage, some-

in-Roseland and is hounded on the east by the English Chan- times called "The Mermaids' Hole." A cattle fair is held

nel and on the west by a creek of St. Mawes harbour. This yearly, at Trewithian in Gerrans, usually in May. Rosteage

place derives its name from a king, Gerennius, who, before (the fair vale) was held by the Kempe family from 1619 to

the year 596, came from Wales, driven thence by the Saxons, IJ80. Trewince, the property of the trustees of the late

and being well received by the people in Cornwall, fixed Richard Spry esq. is now occupied by John Thomas esq.;

upon a place then called Curgurrell, where he is said to have the mansion, a good building of freestone, was erected in

built a castle and a kingly residence with numerous fortifi- 1750. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners and Francis Gil-

catwns ; after living there some years he appointed his so:o. bert Enys esq. J.P., D.L. of Enys, St. Gluvias, who are lords

his successor, and dying in the year 596 was buried near of the manor, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as Duke of Corn-

that spot; some time after, his son, in reverence to his wall and J. G. Cregoe esq. are the principal landowners.

father's remains, had them removed to and deposited in a The soil is light, shallow and fine earth ; subsoil, killas with

place called Carne Beacon-an immense elevation about two elvan dykes. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, turnips

miles from Curgurrell-a gold boat with silver oars, and an and grass. The area is 2,870 acres, of which 215 are water;

urn being ipterred with his remains: in November, 1855, a rateable value, £4,004: the population in 1891 was 790.

fruitless search was made for the supposed relics, but the Sexton, Thomas Sye.

results attained evidently showed that it had been a place of Letters through Falmouth, arrive at ro a.m. & 4 p.m.

bariallong ages ago. The first church is supposed to have Portscatho is the nearest money order & telegraph office

been built previous to the year 590, by order of Gerennius, National School (mixed), built in 1863, for 140 children;

who was subsequently canonized, yet history says that, in average attendance, 54 boys, 42 girls & 25 infants ;

the year 1334, Gerrans was only a chapel dependent on St. Benjamin Linzell, master
Anthony, for in a deed of confirmation of churches and Trewithian and Portscatho (the boat-pool) are

chapels to Plymouth Priory, by Bishop Grandison, 1334, villages; the latter, the largest in the parish, is pleasantly

"the prior and convent" are said "to hold in possession situated at the southern extremity of Gerrans bay, and about

the church of St. Antoninus '1 "and the chapel of Gerrands half a mile below the church. Gerrans is frequented as a

dependent upon it." The existing church of St. Gerendus, watering place in the summer season, and pilchard and

erected in 1262, in the Early English style, and rebuilt in mackerel fishing is carried on to a small extent. There is a

r849-50, is a building of stone consisting of chancel with Congregational chapel at Portscatho: also a reading-room,

aisle and arcade of two bays, nave of five bays, south aisle, supported by subscription.

north transept, south porch and an embattled western tower Pos-r, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

with spire, erected in 1636, containing 4 bells, two of which Portscatho (Railway Sub-office. Letters should have

are dated 1830 and 1753, and all were recast in r88o, the R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Stephen Johns, postmaster.

dates being retained: the spire was restored in 1890 at a Letters arrive at g.20 a.m. & 4·5 p.m. ; dispatched

cost of {,102: there is a good modern chal\cel screen, a pis- at 8.25 a.m. & 3·5 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 9.20 a. m.;

cina and an aumbry and several of the windows are stained, dispatched at 8.25 a. m

in the aisle is a fine monument of marble to Edward Hobbs, Pos-r OFFICE, Trewithiau.-William Snell, sub-postmaster.

of Tregassa, gent. ob. 1718: there ave 200 sittings : the Letters through Grampound Road arrive at g. ro a. m.;

churchyard contains a fine old granite cross, 7 feet high and dispatched at 3.22 p.m.; sundays, g.22 p.m. Portscatho

2 wide. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from is the nearest money order & telegraph office

the yea; 1538 ; buri~ls 1539· The living is a rectory, en- WALL LETTER Box, Gerrans.-Cleared at 7·55 a.m. & 2.40
~owed m 1261 by Bishop Bronescombe, lord of the man?r, p.m.. sundays at 7 . 55 a.m
ttthe rent-charge commuted at £3o6, average£194, gross m-
' .

come£2go,netyearlyvalue£r98,with residenceaH.d 1tacres Coast Guard, Portscatbo, Thomas Pope, chief officer
of glebe, in the gift of the Bi!'hop of Truro, and held since 1 CARRIERS.-Nicholls, to Truro, wed. & sat.; Butland, to

r88g by the Rev. Charles Ernest Randle Cowan M.A. of Caius Truro, wed

Gerrans. Butland Joscph & Charles, carriers & tGayRichd.Edwn. farmr.High.Rosevine
posting establishment ; open & close Hawkin Henry, farmer, Lanhay
[Marked thus t letters through Grampound carriages & wagonettes supplied on Hill James & George, coal & oil dealers
the most reasonable terms Hill George, farmer, Tregassick
Road.] Hill James, carpenter
Chenoweth Charles, saddler Hitchings Elizabeth (Miss), laundress
Barnett J ames Randle Cocking Emma (.Miss), dress maker Hoatten William, insurance agent
Cowan Rev. Charles Ernest Jane William, boot maker
Coryn Chas. nurseryman, Mountview Lobb Arthur, farmer, Polaughan
lii.A. Rectory Cregoe Stephen, carpenter
Lobb Richard, Tregear Davies Joseph, farmer, Lanhay Michell Jn. Hy. (Mrs. ),farmer,Rosevine
Thomas John, Trewince Emmett Peter, gardener to John Nicholls John Henry & Wm.coaldealers
Thomas Samuel, Tregassa Nicholls Jane (Mrs.),farmer,Tregassick
West Edward Edgar Thomas esq Nicholls Nicholas, farmer, Trewince

COMMERCIAL. Evans Charles, Royal Standard Pearce Charles, blacksmith

Andain William, blacksmith inn, comfortable apartments for Pearce Philip, g,rocer
Blight Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper visitors at reasonable r~tes, new
Butland Francis, farmer stables & coach house, good accommo- ::5tentiford Grace (Mrs.),shopkeeper
dation for picnic parties


Stodden Richard, market gardener Peters Jonathan Peters Edward, Plume of Feathers P.H
Reading Room (Hy. Armstrong, sec)
Thomas Herbert, farmer, Tregassa Peters Mrs Smith Willlam Henry, fish merchant

Thomas James, farmer, Metherscallyn Roberts Mrs Stodden Emily (Miss), apawtments

Vellenoweth James, farmer, 1\:lerrows Sawle George Thomas James Frederick, farmer

Vincent John, cab proprietor Sawle Mrs

Webb William Hy. registrar of births & Stodden Mrs 'fhomas Samuel Henry, farmer

deaths for St. Gerrans sub-district & Wilks Capt. James Truran Frederick, boot & shoe maker

marriages for Truro union COli:IIERCIAL. Truran Mark, carpenter .

Portseatho. Beard John, lodging honse Trewithian.
Chenoweth Simon, carpenter

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. · Cock William, tailor Aubrey William H. Curgurrell
Armstrong Henry Coast Guard (Thos. Pope, chief officer)
Cowan Misses, Rosevine Escott John, carpenter

Crews Capt. Charles Johns Stephen, butcher, Post office Ball Samuel, carpenter

Ellis John Johns William, carpenter Chapman George Adolph, farmer

Greet Mrs Lobb John, relieving & vaccination Chapman William, farmer

Gumma Thomas officer,Roseland district,Truro union, Chipman George, farmer, Lanhoose

Hannaford Mrs. Ash Polaughan · Collett Francis, farmer, Lanhoose

Harrison Rev. - [Congregational] Lowry Emblin (Mrs.), lodging house Congdon J onathan, farmer

Hayes Mrs Nicholls Chas. assist. oversoer & aparts Hugo William Arthur,farmer,Treleggan

Hetberington Misses Nicholls Edward, carrier Lobb Samuel, farmer, Tregear

James Isaiah, Cliff cottage Nicholls Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper. Michell Ralph, jun. farmer, Treleggan

Jones Mrs Nicholls Thomas, carrier Pomery Amelia (Miss),preparatory scbl

Lower Charles Nicholls William Henry, carrier Robms Mary (Mrs.), Trewithian inn, &

May James Oxenberry Hedley, grocer shopkeeper

l\'lichell Mrs Peters Charles Eldred, draper, grocer, Snell William, boot maker, Post office

Oxenberry John baker, ironmonger & geneul house Vellenoweth James, farmer, Merrows

Paull Miss furnisher & patent medicine vendor

ST. GLUVIAS is a parish adjoining the town of Penryn since r889 by the Rev. Alexander Alien Vawdrey Ill. A. of St

and partly within that parliamentary bol'ough, 2. miles John's College, Cambridge. The burial ground, about one

north-west from Falmouth, in the Truro division of the acre in extent, given by the late J. S. Enys esq. in r87r, is

county, hundred and petty sessional division of East Kerrier, situated close to the church and has a mortuary chapel of

union and county court district of Falmouth, rural deanery granite in the Gothic style, erected in 1873 in memory of

of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Mrs. Phillpotts by her husband. The Wesleyan chapel, in

Truro. The church of St. Gluvias, standing on the border Ponsanooth, built in 1843, seats soo persons, and has a

of the estuary of Falmonth harbour, is an edifice of stone, burial ground a-:l.joining: there is a smaller chapel at Tre-

and, with the exception of the tower, was rebuilt in the last luswell; both are in this parish. The reservoir of the

centmy in a Modern Classic style: it consists of chancel, Falmouth waterworks is partly in this parish. Roscrow hill

nave, aisles, an additional south aisle, south porch, and an is 586 feet and Enys hill 307 feet above low water mark.

embattled western tower, with turret, containing 6 bells, all Enys, thfl residence uf Francis Gilbert Enys esq. D.L., J.P.

cast in r8o8: there are monumental tablets to the families is a mansion of granite and St. Stephen's stone, within a

of Pendarves and Roskrow, 1643-83; Enys, 161 r-1857; park of so acres; Roskrow, the seat of the family of that

memorials to John Grills, merchant, ob. 1673 ; Henry name until th~ reign of Henry VI. was demolished in x8go.

Carverth, ob. x684, and others of the 17th century; and in Arthur Francis Basset esq. who is lord of the manor; Col.

the south aisle a brass with effigies and inscription to Thomas Arthur Tremayne D.L.• J.P. of Carclew, Mylor; D. Henry

Kyllygrewe, gent. circa 1484, and Joan and Eli1..abeth, his Shilson and F. G. Enys esqrs. are the principal landowners.

wives; there are also a number of monuments of modern The soil is loamy; subsoil, granite. The chief crops are

date: the church was thoroughly restored in x883, at a wheat, barley, oats and green crops. The area is 2,6oo

cost of [3,500, and is now chiefly in the Perpendicular style ; acres of land, 14 of water, and 31 of foreshore ; rateable

the galleries have been removed, the interior entirely re- value, £5,095 ; the population in 1891 was ggx.

seated, a new roof fixed, and the bells re-hung; the chancel Sexton, Stephen Nicholls.

was also rebuilt, the tower thoroughly repaired, and new Letters through Penryn, which is the nearest money order

buttresses and porch erected on the south side of the church: & telegraph office, arl'ive at 7.40 a.m

the stained east window is a memorial to Louisa, wife of Ponsanooth is a large village, principally in this parish,

the late Archdeacon Phillpotts, and the west window to and partly in St. Stythians and Perran-ar-wortbal. The

the late Major F. 0. Griffin R.A. : the organ was rebuilt in chapel of ease is a building of granite in the Gothic style,

1891, at the sole cost of Mrs. Enys: in x8go a memorial was consisting of chancel and nave, and has 130 sittings. A

erected in the church to t.he Venerable W. J. Phillpotts M.A. burial ground of about half an acre was laid out in x8g3.

archdeacon of Cornwall and vicar of the p1irish with S. There was anciently a chapel at Cosawes, near here, dedicated

Budock, 1845-89; this consists of an elaborate embellish- to St. Mary Magdalene. In this village is a viaduct, the

ment of the eastern wall of the chancel in opus sectile or loftiest on this portion of the Cornwall railway, 650 feet long

opaque glass mosaic work, the whole of the space above and and 140 feet in height.

around the easterl\ window being divided for this purpose PosT OFFICE, Ponsanooth.-Arthnr James, sub-postmaster.

into traceried panels: above the window is the figure of Letters for the village through Perranwell Station R.S.O.

Our Lord seated in glory with angels holding trumpets, arrive at 8.30 a. m. & 3.15 p.m.; dispatched at 3·55 &

and on each side of the window are full-length figures of the 6.10 p.m. ; sunday, dispatched at 12.10 p.m. Perran-ar-

four greater prophets and the four evangelists bearing scrolls worthal is the nearest money order & telegraph office.

with their names; the whole, designed by J. P. St. Aubyn Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

esq. and ~:-:ecuted by Messrs. Powe~l, tog~the: wi~h the A School OBpoiaerdBoefnn5e m embers was f ormed O&ct.at2t9e,nd1 3a7n5ce;
accompanJmg.tablet,_cost over £200. the s1de bght 1!1 the James tt clerk to th e board
chancel was filled with coloured glass as a memorml by fficer '·
children of tile late archdeacon : there are sittings for • •
persons. The register dates from the yoefarPe1n6r4y5n. Boar~ 1876, f~r x6o
900 living is a vicarage, with the chapelry School (m1xed), Ponsanooth, erected m

The children; average attendance, 125 ; John Alonzo Dingle,

annexed, tithe rent-charge, commutation value, £365, master

gross yearly value (with grant) [300, including r2 acres The National school is situated within the borough of

,of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held Penryn

St. Gluvias. 1 Chubb John Henry, district surveyor, Lawrey Martin, farmer, Treluswell

Blarney Joel, Bellavista Falmout.h highway board, Belmont Lawrey Willitl.m James, assistant over-
seer, Treluswell
Donald David Boswell, Kernick Clemens Thomas,nurseryman, Gabbons
Manning Albert J ohn,tnarket gardener,
Enys Francis Gilbert D.L., J.P. Enys Dunstan Chillon, Lemon Arms P.H.
Rowe Edward, Kernick Burnt house Mills Henry, home steward & gardener
1¥" awd rey Rev. Alex. Allen M. A., J.P. Dunstan William, farmer, Bisson
Vicarage Evans Frederick, farmer, Chywoon to F. G. Enys esq. D.L., J.P. Enys
Nicholls Stephen, market gardener
Wickett William Crang, Treluswell Gay James, farmer, Parkengue
Goodman Edwd. blacksmith, Burnt ho Pearce William Henry, farmer
COMMERCIAL. Hea.rle Robert & Samuel, frmrs. Devies Phillips Richard Paul, William & Alfred,

Barbers Calvin, teacher of music, Hearle James, farmer, Gwarder farmers, Roskrow
RapsonJane(Miss),beer retlr.Watergate
Burnt house Hearn William, farmer, Gorrangorras Read James Forrester, tanner
Rogers Richard, farmer, Gonreeve
Bastain Henry, farmer, Pascoe Job William, farmer, Gonhilland

Bennett Henry, wheelwright, Treluswel1 Knowles John Hy. farmer, Treluswell


- COMMERCIAL. Martin Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer
Rogers Robt. farmer, Little Gonreeve Andrew James, wholesale pork mer Martin George, cooper
Rowe Edwin, farmer, Kernick Andrew Jane A. (Mrs.), grocer Martin William, grocer & draper
Sanders John, dairyman, Barrasmoor Bennett J ames Opie,shoe maker & clerk Odgers Thomas, farmer, Cosawes
'fhomas Alfred, carpenter, Burnt house Paddy Edwin James, shoe maker
'fhomas Alfred Chas. farmer, Busvannah to school board Pill John, cooper
Trenear Richard, farmer, Poplar cot Dingle John, shoe maker Rawling James, grocer & draper
'freneer Robert, farmer, Gonreeve · Hall & Sons, gunpowder magazine (Jos. Rawling James Andrew, miller (water)
Treneer Robert, jun. market gardener Roberts Joseph Thos. gunpowder agent
Treneer Sarah Jane (Miss), dress ma Thomas Uoberts, agent) Thomas Alfred, carpenter
•rresidderSamuel,farmer,Job's tenemnt Hill Waiter, Victory inn,& mattress ma Timmins George, Stag Hunt P.H
Vine William, dairyman, Gonhin;py James Arthur, carpenter, Post office Trevena Albert, mason
Wickett William Crang & Co. brewers, Julian WilleyTrenoon, miller (water) Trevena Richard, mason
Kennall GWipowder Co. (magazine), Vellenweth Henry, farmer, Treffry
Treluswell Wilkinson Vincent, blacksmith
Yi.ilco:::k Richard,farmer,Lit.tleGonreeve Cosawes; oilice at Kennall vale Williams William R:1iley, shoe mJ.ker
Martin Annie Jane(Mrs.), frmr. Mankey
Ponsanooth. MarLin Charles Gordon, carpenter
Martin Edward, farmer, Gadlies, Little
Wardley Rev. Oliver [Wesleyan]
Swelden & Lilgey

GODOLPHINisavillageandecclesiasticalparish,formed heir, the estate returns. On Candlemas Day {February
February 6, I8-t6, from the parish of St. Hre~ge, and is 4~ 2nd), before sunrise, the reev~ must appear at the outel."
miles north-west from Helston and 2 miles south from do::~r and give three dis~inct knocks, saying, "Oh yes! oh

Xancegoll,m station on the Helston branch of the Great yes! oh yes! Here come I, the reeve of the Manor of Lam-

Western railway, in the Truro division of the county, hun- burne, to demand m,v Lord's dues: eight groats and a penny

dred of Kerr:er, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, in money, a loaf, a cheese, a collar of brawn and a jack of
Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of the best beer in the house; God save the Queen and the Lord

Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and dwcese of Truro. of the Manor." This must be repeated at the inner door and
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1851, is a at the table in the I:J.all, after which his demand is satisfied.

building of stone with granite facings in the Gothic style, At Great Work Mine,in St. Germoe parish, g11npowder was
consisting of chancel, lofty nave, aisles separated from the first used in 1688 for blasting purposes ; and at Wheal Vor,
nave by arcades of four arches, north port:h and a small tur- also in this parish, the first colliery engine was erected in

ret on the western gable containing two bells : there are 467 1710. The population are chiefly engaged in mining. The
sittings. The register dates from the year 1851. The living principal landowners are the Duke of Leeds, Charles Tre-

is a vicarage, net yearly value from Ecclesiastical Commis- lawny esq. and Lord Churston. The soil is light, resting on

sioners £147, with residence, in the gift of the Crown and granite and spar. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats
the Bishop of Truro alternately, and held since 1879 by the and roots. The population in 1891 was I,o6I.
Rev. Samuel Rundle, jun. 1\LA. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Roberts.
rural dean of Kirrier and surrogate. Godolphin House, a PosT OFFICE, Godolphin Cross.-Benjamin Edwards, sub-

quadrangular structure of granite, situated in ·a large and postmaster. Letters through Helston arrive at 11.35
well-wooded park and now occupied as a farm house, was a·.m.; dispatched at 1.20 p.m. Porthleven is the nearest

the se~lt (cir. 1706) of the Earls of Godolphin, but the money order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued

present building is only a portion of the original Charles here, but not paid

I I. it is reported, slept here when on a journey to St. Michael's This parish is included in Breag~ School Bo'il.rd district

Mount. Sir Francis Godolphin kt. M.P. for Cornwall in Board School, Herland Cross (mixed), erected in 1876, for

xs88-g, was the first to introdU(.'C a stamping machine for I6o children; average attendance, s8; Samuel Martin,

tin ore into Cornwall. A high lordship is paid by the Duke master; Miss Mary Louisa Dil.vies, mistress

of Leeds, the present owner, to the St. Aubyn family, as CARRIER.-John Berryman, to Helston, on sats.; to Pen-

reeve of the manor of Lamburne, to which falllily, failing an zance, on tues. & thurs. returning same day

Rosewarne Roseveare, Godolphin house Harry John, farmer, Ruthdower Riddington Edwin, surveyor & mine
agent, Polladrass
rural dean & surrogate], Vicarage James Richard, farmer, Herland cross
COlHIERCIAL. Laity William, farmer, Trescowe Rosewarne Roseveare, farmer, Godol-
Nichola.s William, farmer, Pengwedna phin house
Adams Paul Thomas, farmer, Trenear Pearce James, farmer, Trescowe
Adams Wm. Hy. farmer, Chystodden Pearce:\' icholas, frmr .&carmn. Tre3cowe Rawe John, blacksmith, Herland cross
.hailey Jas. carpntl.". & bldr. Herland cross PolkinghorneJas.shoe ma.Herland cross Sampson William, farmer, Sparnon
BennettsCeleia(Mrs.),frmr.Herlancl crss Polmountain Isaac, hrmer,LittleGilley Shepi:J.ard Wm. Hendy, farmer, Pengilly
Bennetts John James, farmer, Sparnon Pool Christian (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Stephens Rd. shopkeeper,Herland cross
Blight Ge~,>rge, farmer, 'fregoning Thomas Wm. (Mrs.), farmer, Herland
BrianElizh.(Mrs. ),poultry dlr.Trescowe Herland cross Trelaar Alice (Mrs.), farmer & shop-
Carne John, farmer, Tregoning Pope James, farmer, Tre11cowe
Cornish John, farmer, Redallan Pope Jeremiah, farmer, Trescowe keeper, Trescowe
Edwards B~nj. & Son, farmers, Herland Pope John, mine agent, Trescowe corn Treloar Jane Morris (Mrs.), farmer,
Edwards George, blacksmith, Gweclna Pope Josepll, Godolphin Arms P.H
Edwards Samuel, carpenter, Colsluick Pryor J 1hu, fMmer, Penfl'wedna Trescowe
Edwards William, farmer, Colsluick Pryor William, farmer, Pengwedna Tyack George, farmer, Herla:J.d cross
Harris Stephen, mine agent, Polclown Reynalds George&Sons,tailors,Herland Uren John, C:'trrier, Tregoning hill
Harry Charles, seed & manure m:!r- Vingoe John, farmer, Whealvor
cross & Nancegolian ·waiters \ViUiam,farmer, Trescowe corn
chant & shopkeeper, Herland cross Richards Thomas, farmer, Whealvor White James, butcher, Herland cross
Williams Jn.Jas.farmer, Penbaleanclrea


GORRAN, or ST. GoRAN, is a parish and village on the figure of a man and various emblems: the tower is a well-
coast of the English Channel, 8~ miles south from St. known sea mark and is a conspicuous object for many miles
Austell station on the Great Western railway and 3 south- round: a new roof was erected in 1870, from designs by
south-west from Mevagissey, in the Mid division of the J. P. St. Aubyn esq. and in 1875 the body of the church was
county, east division of the hundred of Powder, petty ses- restored by the same architect: there are 365 sittings. The
sional division of Powder East, St. Austell union and county register of baptisms aud burials dates from the year 1661 ;
court district, rural deanery of St. Austell, archdaaconry of marriages, 1668. The living is a vicarage, commuted tithe
Cornwall a.nd diocese of Truro. The church of St. Goran, rent-charge £401, average £303, net yearly value £230,
erected in the 16th century, is a building of stone in the Per- with residence and 1 acre of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop
pendicular style, and consists of chancel and nave, unitedly of Truro, and held since 1869 by the Rev. Charles Richard
uf eight bays, south aisle extending along both, north Sowell B.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan
transept, south porch and a lofty embattled western tower, chapel at High Lanes and a Bible Christian chapel at Bos-
with four pinnacles, built in 16o6, and containing 6 bells, all winger, and at Gorran Haven are Wesleyan and Congrega-
cast in 1772, one of which is broken : there are two piscinre : tional chapels. The " Deadman" (Scand. clod, a round-

the nave and aisle retain some good benches with well- topped hill, and Celt. maen, a stone) is a bold headland, 379

carved ends, many of them bearing initials : there is an feet in height, on the summit of which is placed the signal
ancient monument in the nave to Richard Edgcumbe, of house of the coast guard. Trevennen is the residence of
Bodrugan esq. ob. 1655, and a brass to William Algernon Stephen Henry Dickerson esq. The principal landownel."s
Slade-Gully M. A. d. 1870, with other modern memorials; are the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe L.L. who is lord of the
some once existing here to tile Travanions have now dis- manor, John Tremayne esq. D.L., J.P. of Heligan, St. Austeli,
appeared: there are two stained windows and some frag- John Charles Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle, St.
ments of old glass in the aisle : in the chancel stands Michael Caerhayes, Mrs.Slade-Gully, William Cole Pendarves
a curious oak chair, elaborately caned at the back with the B.A., D.L., J.P. of Pendarves, Camborne, and T. G. Graham



esqrs. The soil is a rich loam; subsoil, killas and clay. flourished in the reign of Edward Il. but became extinct

The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area after the battle of Bosworth :Field, August !21, r485, when

is 4,725 acres; rateable value, £5,498; the population in thegreaterpartofthepropertywasgiventotbeEdgcumbes;

r89r was 928. the pier was rebuilt in r888 by J. C. Williams esq. M.P. of

TREVEOR, I mile south-west, TnEVARRICK, Ii north-west, Caerhayes Castle, at a cost of several thousand pounds.

PENARE, r~ south, REscAssA, r! west, TREGAVARAS, r~ south- Bodrugan (the house on the down) is now a farm house, and

west, and BoswrNGER, l south, are hamlets. Gorran Haven is known only as a small fishing place.

About I mile south-east from the church is the village of Opposite the haven is the "Gwineas" rock.

GoRRAN HAVEN, or, as it is sometimes called, PoRTEAST. Sexton, William Tregilgas.

Here is an ancient chapel in the Late Tudor style, supposed PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-Miss

to have been built by the Bodrugan family about the middle Olive Oliver, sub-postmistress. Letters from St Austell

of the rsth century; it is a rectangular building of stone, arrive at 8.25 a.m. ; dispatched at 4·5 p.m. The nearest

with a curious and interesting pentagonal tower, and was re- telegraph office is at Mevagissey

stored in I885, at a cost of nearly £6oo, under the direction Coast Guard, Gorran Haven,- Maboney, chief officer

of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, as honorary architect: the east A School Board of smembers was formedJuly 6,1876, with

window is the. work of the Rev. W. Willimott M.A. vicar of St. l\Iichael Carhayes contributory with 2 members;

Quethiock I878-88 : the building has been conveyed by the Robert Henry Lanyon, clerk to the board ; William Henry

Earl of Mount Edgcumbe to the Ecclesiastical Commis- Michell, attendance officer

sioners. Gorran Haven was, doubtless, at one time, a place Board E'chool, built in 188o, at a cost of £1,6oo, for 190

of some note, as may be inferred from its old pier, supposed j children ; average attendance, so boys, 32 girls & 34

to have been built by the Bodrugans, an ancient family who infants ; Jsph. Treneer, master ; Miss Mary E. G-rose, mist

Dickerson Stephen Henry, Trevennen Kitto Jacob, farmer, Cooks Pearce Jane (Mrs.) & Sons, farmers•

Sowell Rev. Chas. Richd. B. A. Vicarage Kttto William, saddler Tregarrick

COMMERCIAL. Knight Williarn, farmer, Streets Pill Margaret (Mrs.), miller (water) &

Barron William, farmer, Galowras Lanyon Robert, farmer, Treveague farmer, Galowras

Bassett Thomas, farmer, 'frevarrick Lanyon Robert Henry, farmer & clerk Pill Richard, boat builder,Gorran haven

CarvethJas.Melhuish,farmer,Lancallen to school board, Trewolla Pomery Philip, shopkpr. Gorran haven

Chenoweth Francis, farmer, Methrose Lawry John Canning,farmer,Tregarton Pound Waiter, farmer, Trevennen

Chesterfield John, shoe ma. High lanes Lawry William, far1ner, Treveor Richards Agnes (Miss), shopkeeper,

Chesterfield Stephen,farmer,Boswinger Liddicoat Simon, sen. farmer,Hemmick Menagwins

Coast Guard (- l\Iahoney, chief Martin Jane (Mrs.) & Son, wheel- Richards William, Barley Sheaf P.H. &

officer), Gorran haven wrights, High lanes blacksmith

Dingle Joseph, shoe maker Michell & f:lon, farmers, Boswinger Rickard William, farmer, Rescassa

Fisher John, blacksmith, Rescassa Michell Joseph, farmer, Tregondean Robins Nicholas, farmer, Polsue

Fisher Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Michell William Henry, jun. fa1·mer & RowseLomsa(Mrs.),farmer,Penvorgate

Gorran haven assistant overseer, Penare Shear Gabriel, shopkpr. G(ll'ran haven

Francis Edwin, farmer, Penare Mingo John, farmer, Rescassa Smith William, carpenter &c

Harvey Wm. shopkeeper, Gorran haven Nicholls William, farmer, Trevarrick Spears Wm. farmer, Mount Pleasant

Hennah John, farmer, Gorran haven Nott MaryJane(Mrs.),farmr.Tre'l"arrick West-, farmer, Trevascus

Hill James, butcher Oliver & Harvey, grocer:i & drapers, '"-'better F. & J. farmers, Benhurden

Jory William, blacksmith, Treveor Post office Whetter AlbertEdward,farmr.Trelispin

Kendall William, farmer, Bodrugan Oliver Edward,carpenter,Gorranhaven Whetter John, farmer, Lambledra

Kendall William, jun. farmer, Cotna Oliver Richard, farmer, Rice Whetter Ptter, farmer, Boswinger

Kerkin Charles, farmer, Tregavarras Oliver Thomas, mason, Gorran haven Whetter William, farmer, Trevesson

Kerkin John, farmer, Trevarrick Parnall Augustus Saml. farmer, Trewall Wills Margaretta(Mrs. ),frmr. Treninick

Kerkin William Henry, farmer, Penare

GRADE is a parish on the coast, 2 miles north-east from 1 (Grade) £295, joint gross y~arly value £400, net £255, in-

the Lizard, ro south-south-east from Helston terminal 1 eluding 12 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
station of a branch of the Great Western railway, and Rev. C. H. G. Vivian B.A. rector of Creed, and held since
I8 south-west from Falmouth, in the Truro division of the I888 by the Rev. John Jervis Mallock M.A. Exeter College,
county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Oxford. St. Ruan's well, about a quarter of a mile east of

Kerrier West, Helston union and county court district, rural the church, is a structure of granite, and has been restored ;
deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of the water is beautifully clear, and in summer remarkably
Truro. The chul'ch of St. Grade and the Holy Cross, rebuilt, cool. Viscount Falmouth, who is lord of the manor, Lord
with the exception of the tower, in I862, is an edifice of Robartes and Joshua Sydney Daveyesq. J.P. of llochym, are
stone in the Early Decorated style, and consists of chancel, the chief landowners. The soil is partly clay and partly
nave, south porch and an embattled western tower, with loam, overlying clay, greenstone, serpentine and horn-blende.
pinnacles, containing 3 bells, of which the first two are dated The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The area is

1832 and I6I8 ; the tenor has an inscription in Old English 1,98I acres; rateable value, £I,466 ; the population in r8g1
characters : the chancel has a piscina, sedile and credence was 293.

table, and there are four stained windows, including the east CADGWITH is a romantic fishing village, half mile north-

window, given by the late rector, and several memorials to east, partly in this parish and partly in that of Ruan :Minor.

theErisey family, formerly in the south aisle; one, reset and A life boat is stationed here; a little to the south of the
placed at the east end of the nave in 1862, being a large slab village is an extraordinary natural excavation, called the

of Delabole stone, with brasses to James Erisey, ob. 17th "Frying Pan," which has a mean depth of 200 feet and an
October, 1522, and Margaret (Durant) his wife; this area of 2 acres, and 1s reached by the sea at tlood-tide.

memorial includes effigies of both, the former being in plate BeTDnJhe·<eUrunet·inisCwlaeakrkechoaJamosht, guard station ,at Cadgwith Cove;
nchJ.Ioehf nbsoaCt madanw, aitnhd. 8 men.
aarnmm· osucrr1·opvt"ewrna, haanudbaetrkth; ebealonwg1aesreoffigt hueress1aobf 1fo0ucrhislhd"treelndsanodf
arms of a chevron between tnree escutcheons, each charged PY ' . 'g
with a griffin s~greant: the other monuments have been ' PosT & T. O_. Cadgw1th.-Joh~ Carter, sub-postmaster.
placed in the tower: in the churchyard is a tomb with Lettersrecmved ~1.2o a.m.; d1spatched_1.35P·m. Letters

arms to Hugh Mason, gent. I67I : there are 140 sittings. through Ruan l\.Imor R.S.O. Ruan Mmor 1s the nearest
The register dates from the year I70'J. The livmg is a rec- money order office

tory, with that of Ruan Minor annexed, tithe rent-charge The children of this parish attend the school at Rnan Minor

Davey Joshua Sydney J.P. The Bunga- Hartley Elizh. (Mrs.),farmer,Cadgwith Pengilley Alexander, farmer, Trice
low, Kennack cove Hocking William, farmer, Hill farm Pollard Henry, farmer, Kuggar
Hoskin William, farmer, Hervas Pollard Thomas, farmer, Kuggar
Smith Mrs. St. Ruan Ivey Wearne, farmer, Goonvean Richards Richard, farmer, Gwendreath
Jane Anthony, fisherman, Cadgwith Richards William, farmer, Gwendreath
Bosustow Richard, farmer Knowles George, farmer, Corgerick Rogers JohnWicks (Mrs.),frmr.Poltesco
Boulden Thomas, farmer
Cock Thomas, farmer, Kingey Knowles John, farmer, Gwavas Rowe William, farmer, Amvoase
Exelby John, farmer, Bruggan Medlyn Chas.(Mrs. ),farmr.Gwealgooth Stephens William, farmer, Kuggar
George James, farmer, Ledra Mitchell Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper ThomasPeter, farmer, Whitehouse

Harris Peter, miller (water)

GRAMPOUND (grand-pant), also called at an early A.ustell, in the Mid division of the county, west division of

period" Ponsmur," is a. small town, formerly a borough, the hundred of Powder, petty sessional d1vision of Powder

and pleasantly situated in a valley, 2 miles south-west from East, St. Austell nnion and county court district, rural

Grampound Road station on the Great Western railway, 8 deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese
east-north-east from Truro and 5~ south-west from St. of Truro. The river Fal divides the parishes of Probus and


Creed, and is crossed by a substantial stone bridge of two to the grounds of Veryan vicarage. In the old chapel there

arches, erected in 1834. 'fhe town is chiefly in the parish were sittings appropriated to the mayor and corporation,

of Creed, a small portion to the west of ~he bridge being m and it is said that on the day of choosing the mayor, which
Probus parish; it is, however, a township, and is rated for took place in the Town Hall, if the corpo~tion could not

the relief of the poor separately from either Creed or Probus. agree, they retired into the chapel, wnere they remained

This is supposed by some to have been the Voluba of the until they were unanimous in their choice. Here are Con-

Romans; it was a borough by prescription and charter, and gregational, Bible Christian and Wesleyan chapels. An

returned two members to Parliament from 1551 until its extensive business is done in leather, there being three

1 disfranchisement in 1821 for corrupt practices. The cor- tanneries here. The Town Hall and market house, in the

poration, constituted by a chartet of James II. and which centre of the town, is a building of stone, surmounted by a

ceased to exist at the same date, consisted of a mayor, eight cupola, containing a clock: the hall is used as a reading

aldermen, a recorder and town clerk. The ancient corporate room and has a library, opened in x87o, containing over 200

insignia, now (1893) in the possession of Mr. William volumes ; in the same room are the Royal arms taken from

Croggon, of Grampound, consist of a mace and borough the old chapel and bearing the name and date of King John :

seal: the mace, of silver, 15 inches long, has a plain banded near the Town Hall stands the Market Cross, a monolith of

shaft and a flattened head, on the top of which are the royal Pothole stone, now about 12 feet in height. The nominal

arms of James I.: round it is the legend," THOMAS HANCOCK market day is Friday. On the banks of the Fal are several

· MAIOR OF GRANPONr," and the date 1618; the circular silver entrenchments. Cbristopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq.

seal bears the device of a bridge over a stream, and on the D.L., J.P. of Bignor Park, Pulborough, Sussex, is lord of the

bridge appear the arms of Richard (Plantagenet), Earl of manor and chief landowner. The area is 170 acres; rate-

Poitou and Cornwall (ob. 1272), who was a benefactor to the able value, £990; the population in 1891 was 495·

town ; on the margin IS a legend. Here was formerly a PosT, M. 0. & 'r. 0., S. H. & Annmty & Insurance Office.-

chapel of ease, licensed August 3rd, 1421, and dedicated to St. James Henry Lugg, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from

Nunn, or St.Naunter; it was used for divine service up to 1815, Grampound Road at 7·39 a.m. week days & sundays;

but fell into ruins about the year 1820; in 1827 evety vestige 6.54 p.m. week days only. Box closes at 10.15 a.m. &

of it had been carried away, and from that time until 1869 4.42 & ro p.m.; dispatched the following morning at 5.41

the site was used as a playground and sheep market : in a. m.; night mail 4.48 p.m.; office hours, 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.;

that year, through the exertions of the Rev. Philip Wooll- telegraph, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m

combe, late rector of Creed, a new chapel was erected on the WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 4.27 p. m. week days only
old site, and consecrated by Bishop Trower (commissary for National School (mixed), built in 1854, for 135 children;
Dr. Philpotts, Bishop of Exeter) on the 3oth of June in the average attendance, 100; it has an endowment of £r5
same year ; it is a building of stone in the Early English from a charity, given in the reign of Queen Anne, by
style, consisting of apsidal chancel, with a reredos beautifully John Huller esq. of Morval~ Frederick Simons, master;
carved in Caen stone, nave, with lofty open roof, south Miss Hannah Jane Clemmow, assistant mistress
porch and a turret containing one bell: divine service is
performed by the rector of Creed : there are 250 sittings. Market Hall, William Andrew, manager

Some remains of the old chapel, including a very pretty rose CARRIER.-James, to Truro, mon. wed. thurs. & sat.; to St.

window, were built into a cottage or lodge at the entrance .A.ustell, fri

Harry Donald Moore, Penwynn Bennett William, draper & grocer Paynter William, mason

Crewes J ames Francis Bray Waiter, Dolphin P.H 1 Richards Agnes (Mrs.), baker

Croggon Miss Clemmow Arthur John,relieving officer Richards Alfred, builder

Croggon William for Western dist. St. Austell union : Richards Robt. Teague,King's Head P.H

Hill Mrs. Bonython Clemmow Richard, farmer , Scholar Thomas, market gardener

Smith Mrs Clemmow Wm. house decoratr. & grocr · Solomon Richard, poultry dealer

Trethewe•v Miss Coad Arthur, carpenter ' Tank Samuel Edward, miller (water &
Croggon J osh. & Son, tanners & curriers & corn merchant ; & farmer

Andrew William, assistant overseer Curtis John, shopkeeper at Creed

Barnicoat J ames, blacksmith Gel!ard William, clerk of the works to Teague Henry, shoe maker

Barry Donald Moore L.F.P. & s. alas. C. H. T. Hawkins esq 'j Teague John Henry, blacksmith

surgeon, & medical officer & public James James R. & Sons, carriers Tiddy Richard, mason

vaccinator, Grampound district, St. Jeffery William Dadson,draper & grocr Tregunna Richard, carpenter

Austell union, Penwynn Julian Thomas, dairyman Tucker John, grocer & draper

Bennett Charles, butcher Luke Philip, boot maker Tucker Nicholas, butcher

Bennett Frank, mason Library & Reading Room (William Tucker Susan (Mrs.), dress maker

Bennett John, mason Andrew, sec) Wellington A.brabam & Son, tanners

Bennett Richard, tanner Market Hall (William Andrew, mangr) Wyatt Fred, market gardener

• PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
James McCoskrie, postmaster. Letters arrive at 6.30 &
GRAMPOUND ROAD is a thriving village in the 11.45 a.m. & 1.9 & 6.40 p.m.; dispatched at 6.30 & 11.45
a. m.· & 5.40 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 6.30 a. m.; dis-
parishes of Probus and Ladock, with a station on the Great patched at 5.40 p.m. Telegrams transmitted for Tre-
Western railway, about 7! miles north-east from Truro, goney
about 6£- south-west from St. Austell and 293 from London;
it is in the Mid division of the county, petty sessional divi- Church School (mixed), erected in 1872 by the Rev. R. F.
sion of Powder South and county court district of ~t. Wise, rector of Ladock, & his sister, for so children, &
.Austell. Here is a chapel of ease, erected in 1878 and enlarged in 1893 to hold 70; average attendance, 67 ;
enlarged in 1888, to seat 200 persons. There is also a Anthony John Polglass, master
Wesleyancbapel, built in 1866, and a reading room supplied
with the London and local papers, and supported by subscrip- Railway S~ation, John Olver, master
tion. Cattle markets, held here on the fourth Monday in
each month, are very numerously attended; there is also CARRIER" TO TRURO.-George James' 'bus, wed. thurs. &
an extensive show of fat catUe annually, about a fortnight sat. & to St. Austell, fri
before Christmas, and a horse show is held here in March or

Andrew Pryn, Tresleigh Commercial Hotel & Posting Establish- McCoskrie Frederisk Wallace, architect

Brewer Alexander Dingle, Green bank ment (Herbert Henry Hoare, pro- & surveyor

Care John, Florence villa prietor) ; visitors to this hotel will Oates John, carpenter

Comyns Rev. Thomas Melhuish [curate find every accommodation & terms Olver John, station master

in charge of Grampound Road & reasonable; open & closed carriages Railway family & commercial hotel,

curate of Ladock] & brakes for tourists, parties &c. ; agricultural house & posting estab-

James Henry Harris, Bellevne house posting at lowest possible charges lishment (Fredk. Jones, proprietor);

Jnleff William, West house Dingle John David, grocer & draper good trout fishing in the neighbour-

McCoskrie James, Glencairn house Griffin Edwin, dealer hood & every accommodation for

Tank Samuel Edward, Morrab house Hoare Herbert Hy. see Commercial hotl visitors
Reading Room {A. J. Polglass, sec)
Tank Thomas, Morrab house James & Co. merchants
James George, carrier, 'bus proprietor Salmon Grace (Mrs. J, shopkeeper
Truscott Elias, Florence villa
& general posting establishment ; Searle William, butcher
good stabling ; also emigration agent Symons Zacharias,blacksmith & whlwrt

Andrew Pryn, cattle dealer & farmer Jones Frederick, see Railway hotel Tank Thomas, corn merch•.mt

Brewer Alexander Dingle, auctioneer Jose William Hy. carpenter & builder West of England Bone & Manure Co.

Chenoweth Arthur, saddler Juleff Wm. monumental & architec- (of Pefiryn) (Nathaniel T. Martin,

Cock J ames, shopkeeper turalsculptor,adjQining Railwy.statn representative)



GULVAL is a parish, township and village, 1 mile north- of producing 6o tons of ice per week. At Rosemorran is an

east from Penzance terminal station of the Great Western ancient round-headed cross, 3 feet high, and at Bleu (i.e.
main line and 2 west from Marazh~n, in the Western divi- parish) Bridge, which is merely a crossing stone, is a mono-

sion of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional lith of granite, 5 feet 9 inches high, inscribed " Quenatavus

division of Penwith West, Penzance union and county court Icdinui filius.'1 Trevayler, the seat of the Veale family, is

district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Corn- now occupied by Sir George Cumming Fitz-Gerald hart.

wall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Gulval is a Robins and William Bolitho esqrs. are lords of the manor;

building of granite, mainly of the 16th century, and consists the legatees of :Miss John and Colonel Sir George Cumming

of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, north transept with Fitz-Gerald bart. of Trevaylor, are chief landowners. The

organ chamber on the east side, south porch and an em- soil near the sea is chiefly killas, a species of clayey
battled westem tower with pinnacles containing 6 bells, slate, an~ is extremely productive, while on the higher

hung in 1889 by subscription as a memorial of the 5oth year side it is light with granite beneath. The chief crops

of the incumbency of the present vicar : the chancel retains are vegetables for the London and other markets ; potatoes

a piscina and credence and there is a curious monument, and broccoli are grown on .the lower ground, a large portion

erected in 16::q, to the Davills family: all the windows but of the higher being in dairy farm ; a little wheat, with oats,

one are stained: in 1858 the church was reseated and partially barley and roots, are grown. The area is 4,357 acres (190 of

restored at a cost of £6oo: in 1885, during the rebuilding which are water); rateable value, £8,o86; and the popu-

of the east wall of the chancel, t.he upper portion of an lation in 1891 was 1,446.

Anglo Saxon cross of Early date was discovered built into DrNG-DONG mine, in this parish, is one of the oldest in

it; this, together with fragments of a cros':! of later date, Cornwall, but has not been worked since 188o.

found buried in the churchyard, IS now (1893) placed west Parish Clerk, Richard Foster Bolitho esq.
of the porch: in 1891-2 the. church was new-roofed through- Deputy Clerk, Edwin :Major.

out, the 13th century north transept rebuilt as a memorial PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

to members of the Bolitho family, and a north aisle and Mrs. Mary Tredrea, sub-postmistress. Letters through

organ chamber added, from designs by :Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, Penzance arrive at 8.9 & 4·35 p.m.; dispatched at

architect, and the church was reopened by the Bishop of 3.15 & p.m

Truro, 10 Oct. 1892: further improvements, including the I PosT OFFICE, New Mill.-Charles Osborne, sub-postmaster.

reflooring and decoration of the chancel, are now (1893) Letters received from Penzance at 10.15 a.m.; dispatched

being carried out: during the last two years about £5,000 at 1.55 p.m. There is no dispatch or delivery on

has been expended on .the church, which now affords 420 sundays. Gulval is the nearest money order & telegraph
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year office

1599; marriages and burials, 1598. All the registers, from WALL LETTER Box, Church Town, cleared at 3.15 p.m. &
their commencement down to 1812, are now in print. The 6.45 p.m.; no sunday collection

living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge as commuted £361, SCHOOLS:-

average £275, gross yearly value £473, with 20 acres of A School Board of 5 members was formed May 29, 1871,
glebe and residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and with Madron contributory with I member; T.H.Cornish,

held since 1839 by the Rev. William Wriothesley \Vingfield Penzance, clerk to the board ; Edward White & William
B.~. of Christ Church, Oxford, and surrogate. The mission White, Pendeen, attendance officers

church of All Saints, at Trythall, is a building of granite, Board, Gulval Cross established in 1872, for 160 children;

erected in 1885 from designs by J. P. St. Aubyn esq. and enlarged in August, 1892, by the addition of a new room,

consists of chancel, nave, porch and vestry: the font and at a cost of £277; average attendance, g8 boys, 53 girls
pulpit are very fine, the latter being of alabaster with pillars & so infants; George Richard Glasson, master; Mrs.

of green marble: the east window is stained: there are 120 Thomasine Richards Manning, infants' mistress '

sittings. There are Wesleyan chapels at Trevarrack, Gear Board, Trythal (mixed), built in I8]7, for 120 children;

and Trezelah, a Bible Christian chapel at Carfm;y, and a average attendance, 66; James Tregear Chapple, master

Free :Methodist chapel at New Mill. The charities are of 1 Police Inspector (of the Fenwith western division), Edward
small yearly value. Here are extensive ice works, capable 1 :Matthews, Chyandour

Gulval. ! James Richard, farmer, Trezelah Roberts Jas. & Son, market gardeners,

Jeffrey William, farmer & market gar- Trevayler
[For remainder of Gulval names see dener, Boscrowan
Rodda Stephen, carpenter, Trythogga

PENZANCE.] Jelbert Jas.& Geo. wheelwrts.Ridgeovan H.owe Jane Mary (Mrs.), farmr. Punjou

Britland John, Chincorhick Jelbert John, farmer, Newngellas Rowe John, farmer, Lower Trennack
:FitzGerald Sir George Cumming bart.
Jelbert William, farmer, Trythall Sellick GRorge, grocer, Church town
Grenfell George Pascoe, Chyenhall JelbertWm.Hy.blacksmth.Gulval cross Stone John, farmr. Bosulval & Crankan
James :Mrs. Burlawenna
Roberts William, Gulval cross Kavern John, dairyman, Hosulval Stone William Jn.blacksmith,New mill
Wingfield Rev. William Wriothesley
Lawrey Edwin, market gardener, Rose- 'Thomas Mary (:Miss), market gardener
B.A. [vicar], Vicarage
m0rran & farmer, Tolverth

Lawrey Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Thomas Robert, market gardener &

Gulval cross farmer, Plemming

Lawrey Stephen, market gardener, Thomas William, market gardener &

COMMERCIAL. Hallnoweth farmer, Ridgeovan

Allen Richd. Geo. Old inn, Church twn Lutey Richard, farmer, Carfury Tregoning Alfred, farmer, Church town

Barfield William, mason, Carfury Lyle Eleanor (:Mrs.), dress maker, Bur- Tregoning Hy. blacksmith, Church twn

Hazeley Geo. & Son, flour mills (water) ley grove Tregoning James, farmer,Church town

(James Bazeley Phillips, manager) :Mallard John Alfred, market gardener, 'fregoning William, potato merchant

Bazeley George & Son, ice works Rosemorran Treloar 'l'homas, farmer, Resoon

Berriman Jn. farmer,Higher Gear farm :Mann William Henry, farmer, Trye Trembath James, farmer,Carnequidden

Bramwell Robert M. & t:lons, Penzance :Micbell John, farmer, Trye & Boscrege

Steam Flour mills :MicheU Stephen, farmer, Lower Gear Trevennen John, farmer, Hellengove

Brush Jas. gardnr.Gobbins Nicbolls .Jas. farmer, Lower Chysauster Tripp Jn.miller (water), Trythogga mill

Brush Henry, farmer, Tredinnick Noy Edward, farmer, Tolver Uren Rd.Hy.farmer,HigherTrescrowan

BrushHy.jun.fa.rmer,HigherChysauster "Yoy James, farmer, Trythall Uren William, farmer, Trevayler

Clarke Joseph, farmer, Besoljack Noy Thomas, farmer & assistant over- Uren Wm. Hy.potato buyer, Long Rock

Corin Benjamin Carne, market gar- seer, Trythall Willey Joseph, farmer, Trythall

dener, Church town Noy Thomas, farmer, Boskednan Williams Jn. farmer,Little Rosemorran

CorinWm.Carne,carpenter,Church twn Noy Tom, farmer, Carfury Williams Joseph, farmer, Bosulval

Couch Sophia(:Mrs.),beer ret.LongRock Oliver William, farmer, Church town Trevarrack.

:Edwards Francis, carrier, Trythogga Oliver John, market gardener, Trenow Phillips James Bazeley

Freeman John, Sons & Co.Limited, New Osborne Charles, grocer, draper, & post Roberts James Henwood, Park Clies

Mill granite quarry, New mill office, New mill Eddy James, shoe maker

J<'riggens Ann (:Mrs.), farmer, Trezelah Pengelly Richd. farmer, Lower Crankan Tamblyn William Henry, grocer

.Tames James, farmer, Kenegie Richards John, market gardener Tredrea Mary \Mrs.), grocer, Post office

GUNWALLOE (otherwise called Winington) is a parish a small headland and said to be, like that of St. Anthony, a

on the coast, north-west of the Lizard, 4 miles south from votive structure, is one of the oldest churches in Cornwall;
Helston terminal station of a branch of the Great Western it is a building in the Perpendicular style, consisting of
railway and 12 south-west from Falmouth, in the Truro chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and a detached
division of the county, western divisinn of the hundred of tower standing 14 feet from the west end of the church, with
Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, Helston pyramidal roof, and containing 3 bells, each of which has
union and county court district, rural deanery of Kirrier, an inscription in old English characters: the tower is of
.archdeaconry of Cornwall and. diocese of Truro. The church two stages, and on three sides the walls are formed of the
' of St. Wanwallow, singularly placed on the western side of solid rock against which it stands: in 186Q-71 a thorough


restoration took place at a cost of £55o, when the church according to"an ancient custom, by permission of the lord of

was new roofed throughout, the chancel rebuilt and extended the manor, at the request of the mayor and corporation of
two feet, the stonework of the windows restored and the Helston, who pres~mted at the same time a leather p1,1rse
church reseated: in the south aisle and porch the beams containing 1~d. as a consideration; the meeting of the two
are old and very quaintly carved: the remaining fragments great volumes of fresh and salt water on these occasions
of the ancient rood screen have been placed in the panels of produced a wild and singular spectacle and the uproar was
the north and south doors; these fragments are painted and tremendous: in 1807 H.M.S. "Anson," of 40 guns, was
represent the four evangelists with their proper symbols: wrecked on the bar, when the captain and part of the crew
there are 240 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from were lost-: shipwrecks frequently occur on this co1st,
the year 1717 ; marriages and burials from 1716. The especially in Poljew Cove. Capt. John Peverell Rogers R.A.
living, consolidated with Cury, f.orms a vicarage, gross yearly of Penrose, l'orthlev£>n, is lord of the manor, and holds a
value £I2o, with residence and I! acres of glebe, in the court annually; he is also the chief landowner. The soil is
gift of Captain John Peverell Rogers R.A. and held since killas, or slate stone, and the subsoil spar and killas. The
1878 by the Rev. Joseph Chambers B.A.T.c.n. The parish Towans, a sandy plain of about ISO acres, is covered with
feast is held on the last Sunday in April. Here is a Free several inches of soil, and affords summer grazing for
Methodist chapel, re~;tored in 1883, and seating 6o persons; sheep. Tbe chief crops are wheat and barley. The area is
and at Berepper a Wesleyan chapel seating 40 persons. I,469 acres; rateable value, [1,460; the population in 189I
There are charities to the amount of £4 annually, distri- was 176.

buted in money. There was an ancient well adjoining the CHYVARLOE is a hamlet 2 miles north of the church; and
church, but the sand from the sea has so washed up as to BEREPPER is a hamlet I~ miles north.

fill"it. At the western extremity of the parish is Looe Bar, Parish Clerk, Richard Ranson.
forming by its obstruction the expanse of water called
"Looe Pool," which hr.s a total circumference of 7 miles: Letters through Helston, arrive at 10·30 a.m. Cury Cross
in rainy seasons this lake sometimes exceeds its usual leve\ Lanes is the nearest money order & telegraph offica

by 8 or 10 feet, and in order to carry off the overflow an WALL LETTER Box at Berepper, cleared at u. 15 a. m

adit or channel has recently ( 1893) been cut through Infant School, Berepper, for 30 children; average atten-
the rock to the sea ; formerly, in order to prevent a dance, 22; Miss Annie Lugg, mistress
flood, it became necessary to cut t.he bar; this was done, The elder children attend the school at Cury ·

Chamber& Rev. Joseph B.A. Vicarage Day Joseph T. farmer, Chyvarloe MitchellRichd. Perry, farmer, Sowanna

Welch Capt. David Nairne R.N. Halze- Freeman John, farmer, Winnington Moyle John, farmer, Chyvarloe

phron house Harris Thomas John, farmer, Berepper Oates Wm. (Mrs.), farmer, Trenoweth

COMMERCIAL. Hendy Sidney, farmer, Chypie Oppy Henry, farmer, Trenoweth

Bray John, carpenter, Lane Hock William Henry, farmer, Berepper Paul Josiah, farmer, Chymbder

Culitance William Charles, Ship inn Lukies Thomas, farmer, Chinalls H.ichards Edward John, farmer, Gwills

Dale Charles, farmer, Nanspean Lugg Henry, blacksmith, Berepper Rowe John, farmer, Hingey & Toll

Dale James, farmer, Anhay 1 Mitchell Francis, farmer, Chyvarloe

GWENNAP is a large and populous parish and village Aubyn M.A., J.P. of Clowance, Crowan, and Edmund Beau-

off the road from Falmouth to Redruth, in the North 1 champ-Beauchamp esq. D.L., J.P. are lords of the manor and

Western division of the county, hundred of Kerrier, petty chief landowners. The soil is partly granite and partly killas.

sessional division of Kerrier East, Redruth union and county The chief crops are oats, barley and green crops. The area

court district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of the parish is 7,940 acres; rateable value, [I3,495; the

of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. GwennapChurch Town is 4 population of the civil parish in I89I was 6,269.

miles south from Scorrier Gate station on the main line and Carharrack is a large village I mile north, through

3 west from Perran station on the Falmouth branch of the which passes the mineral railway from Redruth to Deveron
West Cornwall section of the Great Western railway and 3 Quay in Kea parish. The Church Mission chapel of St.
miles south-east from Redruth. The church of St. Wennappa Piran, erected in 1884, is a building of local stone in the
is an ancient building of granite in the Perpendicular style, Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch
and a western turret containing one bell. 'fhere are Wesleyan
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south porches and Bible Christian chapels, and a Mechanics' and Literary
and a detached tower with pyramidal roof containing 6 Institute.
bells: the church was restored at intervals between the
years I863 and I883, the north porch, vestry, buttresses
and the tracery of the windows being renewed and the font CROFTHANDY, I~ miles north, has a Wesleyan chapel.

replaced by one of polished granite : during the process of ScoRRIER is a place in this parish. At Scorrier Gate is a

restoration a piscina of Late Decorated work and the base l'!tation on the West Cornwall section of the Great Western

of a. five-shafted frnt of Purbeck marble were discovered: railway. At Fourburrow are the kennels of the Fourburrow

in 1882 the gallery was removed and the church reseated hounds; J. Williams esq. master. Truro, Redruth, Fal-

throughout and a new organ erected : there is a monument m outh and Helston are convenient places for hunting

to James Pearrow, gent. of St. Burian, ob. 169I, and John, visitors. Here the four hundreds of Powder, Pyder, Pen-

his son, and a large number of modern memorials : the with and Kerrier meet. Scorrier House, the seat of John

east window is to Sir 'Villiam Williams hart. d. 24th March, Williams esq. is a modern mansion standing in beautiful

I87o, and there are others to Col. Richard Williams, d. 25th and extensive grounds.

December, 1867; Mrs. Beauchamp Tucker, of Trevince, and TREVARTH is half mile west, and near it is an extensive
to the Rev. S. B. Drury, a former curate: there are 300 hed of fire clay. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.

sittings. The register dates from the year I658. The ToLGULLOW is a village 2! miles north-by-west in St. Day
living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge {,325, net
income [230, including 68 acres of glebe, with residence, ecclesiastical parish. PENNANCE is a hamlet I mile west.
in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of 'fruro. At Scor- Parish Clerk, Charles James.

rier is a temporary mission room, served by the clergy PosT OFFICE, Gwennap.-Wm.Lean Bailey,sub-postmaster.

of St. Day parish church. There are Wesleyan chapels at Letters through Redruth by foot post, arrive at 9· I5 a.m.

Frogpool and Sunny Corner, and for Bible Christians at & 3.30 p.m. ; dispatched at I0.5 a. m. & 3.30 p.m.; son-

Carharrack and 1Hick's Mill. A Cemetery of 2 acres was days, arrive at ro a.m. ; dispatched at a.m. The

formed in I855 at a cost of £r,2oo, and is under the control nearest money order & telegraph office is at St. Day.

of a Burial Board of 7 members. There are arsenic works Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

at ,Point, 2~ miles east-by-north from the Church town. WALL LETTER llox, Comford, cleared at IO. 10 a.m. & 3·35

Gwennap Pit, celebrated as the spot where the Rev. John p.m. week days; a.m. sundays

Wesley addressed the miners of this district, is a spacious POST OFFICE, Carharrack.-James Wal!ace Towan, sub-

grassy amphitheatre formed in r8o3, on the side of the postmaster. Letters arrive through Scorrier R.S.O. by

eminence known as '' Carn Marth," and has been found foot post at 9.25 a.m. & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 3.25 &

very convenient for large outdoor assemblies; it has 7.25 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is

been entirely reconstructed, a'nd is now encompassed by a at St. Day. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

wall about 8 feet high : the circumference at the top is 340 PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

feet and the sloping sides are arranged in thirteen tiers of Scorrier R.S.O. (Letters should have R.S.O. Cornwall

steps or seats about sixteen inches high and three feet wide, added).-John Bawden, postmaster. Letters arrive here

leavmg a considerable area at the bottom : it has been found & are sorted for St. Agnes, Blackwater, St. Day, Chace-

capable of seating about two thousand persons, and is now water, Mount Hawke & other surrounding places: London

the property of the Wesleyans, who hold great meetings & all parts, arrive, 7.25 a.m. 2.5, 4.20 & B.IS p.m.; dis-

here on Whit Monday and otber special occasions. Trevince patched, 7 & I0.5o a.m. 4.50 & p.m. ; North mail,

is the residence of Edmund Beauchamp-Beauchamp esq. arrive, 2.5 p.m. ; dispatched, 10.50 a.m. ; Plymouth,

D.L., J.P. Jonathan Rashleigh esq. n.. A., D.L., J.P. of Brbtol &c. arrive, 7.25 a.m. & 8.I5 p.m.; dispatched,

Menabilly, Tywardreath, Lord Clinton, Lord Clifford of 2.5o, 4.50 & 7·I5 p.m.; Penzance, arrive, 7.25 a.m. 2.5,

Chudleigh, the Rev. St. Aubyn Hender Molesworth-St.• 5.25 & 9 p.m.; dispatched, 7.15 a.m. 2.5 & 4.15 p.m


PosT OFFICE, Cn<;garne.--Joseph Rowse. sub-postmaster. A School Boarrl of 7 members was formed Feb. 13, 1874;

Letters arrive from Perranwell Station 9.50 a.m. G. S. Bray, Redruth, clerk to the board ; James Davey,

& 3.30 p.m. ; & are dispatched at 10.5 a. m. & 3.40 p.m. attendance officer

Perranwell Station is the nearest money order & telegraph Board School, Cusgarne (mixed), built in 1887, for rso

office children ; a-rerage attendance, ro4; Mrs. Mary Emma

WALL LETTER Box, Frogpool, cleared at 9.3'o a.m. & 3.50 Spencer, mistress

p. m. week days only Railway Station, Scorrier Gate, Jn. Stevens, station master

Gwennap. Micbell Jn. mine agent, Low. Tre-rethan Dunn John, grocer
Mitcbell Josepb, farmer, Frogpool Dunstan William, farmer
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Moyle Caroline (Mrs. ),farmer, Frogpool Edwards Wm. Carab,commercial school
Nicholls James, farmer, Tretbarrnp Ellery James, shopkeeper
Andrew Mrs. Penpons Nortbey Jeremiah, farmer, Consols JohnsMaryAnn(Mrs.),SteamEngineP.R
Barratt Mrs. Carnmarth OatsJohnHy.butcher & farmer,Coombe Johns Nellie (Miss), girls' school
Beauchamp-Beauchamp Edmund D. L., Oli-rer Jas. Cornish Arms P.R. Frogpool Jory Henry & Sons, aerated water mfrs
OliverWm.Fox & Hounds P.H.Comford Kent Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper
J.P. Trevince Opie Thomas, farmer, Grambler farm Kinsman John, mason

-Brav Mrs. Hick's mill

Doidge ThoJDas

Ford Edmund S. Pengreep Peters Samuel, farmer, Gilly vale Lock Waiter, blacksmith

Higgins Joseph, Penpons PhillipsHugh,jun.farmer,Manorwidden Mechanics' Literary Institute (Elisha

Hughes Miss, Coombe Point Stamping Mills (W. J. Trythall, Tredre, sec)

Labouchere-Sparling Albert Sidney, proprietor) Odgers Joseph, pork butcher

West Trevarth house Pryor Athanasius, land steward to J. C. Pelmear Richard,' shopkeeper

OatesRev. Wm.[Bible Christn.],Coombe Williams esq. 11J.P. Burncoose Pelmear William, farmer & carrier

Pen~illy Charles, Poplar grov.} Ralph Mary (Mrs.),farmer,Carnmarth Penrose William Henry, butcher

Phillips Mrs. Rose hill · Randall William, Miners' Arms P.R Prater Wm. Williams,boot &shoe makr

Pryor Athanasius, Bnrncoose · Reed Henry, farmer, Church town Rooke John Richard, tailor & draper

Rogers Edward Powis, Richards Elisha,farmer,Low. Tre-rethan ThomasThos. Mayne, Seven Stars P.R

Spargo John Cornish, Frogpobl · Rowe Henry, blacksmith,Merrymeeting Towan Jas. WallaC'e·, grocer, Post office

Tregaskis Mrs. Hick's mill '· Rowse James, farmer, Pulla Trebilcock Richard, painter & glazier

Trevillion James, Comford · • Rowse John, miller (water),Point mills Trebilcock Wm.Jas.farmer,-carnmarth

Uren Zacharias, Comford · : SchrammAlbert,boot mkr.Church town Tredre Thomas, shopkeeper

Vivian Mrs. Treviskey Sowden Jn. Albert, farmer, Hick's mill Treweek John Williarns, shopkeeper

Williams John Charles M.P. Burncoose Tiddy Josiah Martin, miller (steam & Treweek Wm. farmer, Lit. Carharrack

Williams Miss, Treviskey . water), Hick's mill Vivian & Sons, coal merchants ,

, . Trembatl;l James, farmer, Ninnis Wakem James, wheelwright

COMlllER('IAL. . Trenerry Abraham, cowkeeper, Fur- Webster Joseph, shopkeeper

Andrew William, farmer, Go;errow & na~;e Splatt Scorrier.

Tresamble Trevince Chemical Works (W. J.

Andrew Wm.John,farmer,Sunny oorni· Trytha\l, proprietor) Conybeare Charles Augustus Vansittart
M.P., B. A. Tregullow ; & Savile club
IBailey Wm. Lean, farmer & shopkeeper/ Trewren Ja-mes, farmer, Tret.harrup
Post office, Church town ' · I Veale Henry, farmer, Trebowling w & National Liberal clubs w,Londn
BaillieWilliam,land !lteward to Edmund 1 VerrariJas.frmr.& carrier,Goongumpus Letcher Mrs. Tolgullow

Beauchamp-Beauchamp· esq. l>.L., 'Veri'an John, farmer, United commons Michell Henry Ashton, Tolgullow

J.P. Comford ' '\Villiams William, carrier & farmer, Morris Col. Montague Chomeley, Tol-
Bartlett Martha (Mrs.)~ Six Bells ~.H. Furnace Splatt · ·
gullow house

Church town , . WilloughbyRichard, farmer,Tresamble Williams John, Scorrier house

Reer William, farmer, Tredague Woolcock rVfilliam,sho:pkee'[ler,Frogpool Williams Percy D. Four Burrow house

BennettEliza (Mrs.), fa.rmr. Hick's mill , · Jenkin James, timber merchant &c

Bennett John, farmer, Chycoose , . . .Carharrack. Mills Joseph, jobmaster, Tolgullow •

Berryman Thos. farmer, Chygenter Barnett. Charles, Elm 'rree villa Old Charles, blachmith

Bissoe Ochre Manufactory (W. I. Bray Philip • Shuker Frederick William, land steward

Trythall, proprietor), Chycoose Edwards William C:trah_ to John Williams esq. Tolgullow

Cannon Nicholas, farmer, Trevarth F;vans ThoiJ¥ls . ,. .• Stevens John, station master G. W.R

Cemetery (Thomas Reed, clerk to the Iliff Rev.KennethDurnford B.1A.rcurate] Tregoning Wm.Jno.grocr.&wheelwrght

burial board) ' Kinsman Edwin, Little C a r h a r r a c k 1 • Williams Richard, Fox & Hounds P.H

Clinnack Richard, shopkeeper, Frogpool Lavers Martin, Trewithney · Cusgarne.
CollinsElzbth.(Mrs.),cowkpr.Tresamble Russell Edward :Nye · • •: •.

Cornwall Arsenic Co. (Stephen Henry Whaling William " ' · ·· Jory William

Davey, agent); works, Point WinterRev. Wm.Skinnei"Da.inty [We$"1, Simmons William
Curnow Thomas, farmer, Tretharrnp Spilrgo Stephen
Davey 'Villiam,, Ti-evarth · · • · · · ' ·: .. "OM~EROlAL. · • •, " Spargo Thomas

Dunstan James, farmer, Merrymeeting' A1Ien Joseph John, mason - ' , · · 1 ,., 'frythall William John

Dunstan Joseph, farmer, Chycoose · Andrews WiUiamHy. farmr. Woodbine Verran Mrs

Gould John Nicholas, · farmer, Court· Bawden Richard, farmer- · 1 •' • · r t ManleySolomon,farmr. HigherCusgarne

farm & Pengoose · · · · Blarney Mary Ja.Re ·(Mrs.); shopkeeper I'ascoe William Mitchell, miller (water)

Green Richard, boys' school, Tre-rarth Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), grcr. & tea dlr Rowse FFed & Richard, builders, Lower

Gribble Saml. farmer, Trebowling Vean Brown George, ]Joot maker . •., _,. Gusgarne

James Chas.assistant overseer,Comford Bunt Benjamin John, farmer y Rowse Joseph, ironmonger, Post office,

Knotwell James, farmer, Tre-rethan Carbis iilicholas, ginger beet' maker • • Lowei' Cns!{arne

Knotwell James Hy. fal'mer, Busveal Carbis Thomas,'· 'farmer ·' · '· ,, -Trythall William John, farmr. & mercht

KnuckeyMary(Mrs.),shopkpr.Frogpool Davey William,' ael'ated watel.fmalinft- Vetran Martin, farmer, Low. Cusgarne

May Abraham, farmer, :Furnace Splatt Dower Williatrr; shopkeeper • , · ·' ·· Williams Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr

t ..:· ' - ~ ' 'lj .-

GWINEAR is a parish a.ud vJllage, with a station called '

the building,by a flc:reen pf pitch pine, anu is used for special
Gwinear Road,. 1 mile north-east, on-.the (Jrea,t W~tern ,se:rvices: tl;u~ 8jll3t- windo~, ~rected qy th~ vicar, is a memo-
railway, 3 miles. east from Hayle, 8 south-west froJU Re.ct- rial to ,Alfred Symm;~d& Nash : in the north. aisle, built by

ruth and 316 from London, in the North Western. division the ArnndeUs,, of Lanberne,. is a marble monument to
the count~·. hundred of. Penwith1 petty sessional _Elizabeth (Lanyou), wif~ of John Aiundell, of Sithny, esq.
of Penwith East, Redruth union and county court division1
of district, .ob. 1p83, and some others ~f modern d~~:te: the church is
rural deanery cl Penwith, archdeaconry of. Cornwall and .seated w~th upen pews for 350 persons. _In the eh urch,yard

diocese of Truro. The ehnrch of St. Gwinea,r, or St. Wy~ar. ~s an ancieJAt c~p~, brqught from Connot:downs, Gwythian,

standing at an elevation of 240 feet ab(}ve the .sea le-rei, IS a where it ha<J, been ~S3d t.o form part of a g~teway ; it _is 6

building of stone .chiefly. in the Perpendicular .style,· ,and high, and has a ta,pering shaft and round head, tha
<:onsists of chancel, nave, aisles, separated from the nav.e by latter carved w~th a S,t. Andrew's cross. .The_register dates
arcades of four arches on the south side and si+ ,on the from the y~r 156q. , The l.iving is a vicar:,tge, average tithe

north, transept; south porch and an embattled western rent-cha-rge £~27, net yea'"ly value £235, including 32 acr~
tower of native elvan, built about 14411 with lofty pinnacles of gl~be, witP residence, in the gi,ft of the Bishop of. 'rruro,
·and containing 6 bells, all 1767; the p\llpitandfront. and held since 1888 by tbe Rev. 4rthur John ferry M.A:. of

of the choir stalls are of richly carved old oak, and there are Oriel Qollege1 Oxfo.r;d.. , There are Wesleyan chapels at
piscina niches in the chancel and nortl,t .aisla; the panelling Church Town, Roseworthy, Carnhell Green 'and Wall. Here

of the rood-screen exhibits richly designed foliage and scroll- ,are the works of the Ros,eworthy Hammer Mills Compimy,
work, and on some of the benches a.nd pews appear the arms , ~·here boilers, ~hovels an4 chains are made. .Many Roman

of Lanyon and Penneck : tl!e aisle is parted from the rest of coins ancl other remains have been found here. Gen. the


Right Hon. Sir Redvers Henry Bul:er v.c., K.C.M.G., P.c.• nearest money order & telegraph office is at Copperhouse.
c. B. is lord of the manor, and the Duke of Leeds, Lord Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

Robartes; W. H. H. Hartley esq. of Rosewarne, Camborne; PosT OFFICE, Rosewarne.-William Middlin,sub-postmaster.
Lieut.-Col. Shadwell Morley Grylls J.P., D.L. and John Letters arrive from Hayle at ro. ro a. m. ; dispatched 2.15
'frem-'ine esq. J.P., D.L. are chief landowners. The soil is p.m.; week days only. Postal orders are issued here, but
rather clayey; the subsoil is clay. The chief crops are not paid
wheat, barley and oats. The area is 4,400 acres; rateable

value, £6,19 r; the population in r89r was r,548. ScHooLs :-
R03EWORTHY, 2 miles north-east, CARYHELL GREEY, 1 National (mixed), for 72 children; average attendance,
mile east, and WALr,, 1 mile south-east, are hamlets.
Sexton, John Kneebone. 55 ~ Miss Frances Paddy, mistress
Wesleyan, Wall (mixed), erected in 1853 for 230 children;

POST OFFICE.-William Pearce, sub-postmaster. Letters average attendance, I04; Joseph Fox, master ; Miss

received from Hayle at 9-45 a.m. & 6.30 p. m. ; dispatched Annie Fox, mistress

at 2.35 & 6.40 p.m. by foot ; week days only. The Railway Station, Thomas Sprackbn, station m-:tster

Marked thus * letters received through Ivey Edwin, farmer, Trevaskis *Phillips John Thos. farmer, Caruhell

Camborne.] Jackson William, farmer, Lamin *Pooley Henry, farmer, Carnhell green

James Rev.JohnCourtenay [Wes.], Wall James Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Gwi- Pooley James, cattle dealer, Rosewarne

Perry Rev. Arthur John M.A. Vicarage near downs RobertsWm.boot&shoemaker,Reawala

Simmons Henry, York house Johns William, farmer, Taskus Rosewarne Charles, farmer, Lanyon

Thomas James, Reawala Kneebone Jn. wheelwright, Rosewarne *RosewarneHerbt.farmr.Coswinsawsen

*Veal John, Rose hill, Ro.;eworthy Laity George, farmer, Polkinghorne Rosewarne Richd. Hy. farmer, Trungle

COIIIMERCIAL. *Laurence Edward, farmer, Weath *Rosewortby Hammer Mills Co. boiler,
*Luke Thomas, farmer, Carnbell green shovel & chain manufrs. Roseworthy

*BanfieldDorcas(Mrs. ),farmer,Carnhell *Michell George Henry, farmer, Men- Bowe John, farmer, Trenawin

Banfield Thomas Hy. farmer, Bosparva ner downs *Rowe Jn. Hy.shopkeeper,Carnhellgrn

Beckerleg William, farmer, Glebe Michell James, farmer, Caloose Rowe Thomas, farmer, Trenawin

*Berryman Job, farmer, Gear Michell John, farmer, Caloose *Sowell Edwd.blacksmith,Carnhell grn
Bone John George, farmer, Trenowth
*Dennis Henry, farmer, Roseworthy Michell Jas. farmer, Roseworthy wood Stephens Celia (Mrs.),farmer,Trcvaskis

Middlin William, post office, grocer, *Thomas Lavinia (Mrs.) & Son,;,

Eustice George, farmer, Bosurrel draper, general dealer, & agent for farmers, Catebedron

*Eva Elizabeth (Mrs.) & John, farmers, the Guion line maq steamers, Rose- Thomas John, Royal Standard P.H

Roseworthy warne & Carnhell green Tippett Nichls. farmer, Low. BosparYa

Glasson Thomas, Halfway House P.H. *.Mitchell Edward, wheelwright, Carn- *Tonkin Francis, farmer, Roseworthy

Fraddom hell green *Treloar Benjamin, farmer & miller
(water), Roseworthy wood
Goldsworthy Thos.shopkpr.Church twn *Noell Simeon, farmer, Deverall

Harvey Margaret (Mrs.) & Thomas Oleavy Richd. boot&shoe ma.Rosewarne Treloar J ames, farmer & miller (water),

Hill, farmers, Tregotha Pearce John, farmer, Higher Gooneva Drannaek mill

Hosking James Henry, farmer, ·wall Pearce Peter, farmer, Low(lr Gooneva Trewhella Matthew, farmer, Trenearth

Huthnance Henry, farmer, Drannack *Penalnna Richard, Pendarves Arms Tripp James, farmer, Coldharbour

Huthnance William, agent for Curtiss P.H. Carnhell green *Trudgeon Robert, farmer, Haw downs

& Harvey,gunpowder manufacturers *Pendray James, farmer, Bosprowal *Uren Moses, farmer, Penhale

Rosewarne Perkins William, farmer, Tappard Waiters John, farmer, Drewollis

G WYTHIAN (or GwiTHIAN) is a village and parish in 'chapels at Church Town and Connet·downs, and a United

St. Ives Bay, 2~ miles north-east from Gwinrar Road station Methodist Free Church at Connerdowns. About a quarter

on the Great Western railway, 3 north-east from Hayle, 8 'mile distant from the church are the remains of an ancient

west from Redruth and 5 west from Camborne, in the North i oratory, now almost buried in the sands; according to

Western division of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty · Leland, this is as old, if not older, than that of St. Piran, at

sessional division of Penwith East, union and county court l'erranzabuloe, which is anterior to the Norman Conquest;

district of Redruth, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry a curious feature is the absence of any carved stone what-

of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The river Conner enters ever; the structure is internally about 49 feet long by rs

the sea a little to the north of the church town. The church wide. Trevarnon Rounds, in this parish, is an earthwork of

of SS. Felix and Gothian, rebuilt, with the exception of the considerable extent, with a moat and rampart, and appears

tower and a small portion of the chancel wall, in r866, is a to have been occupied during the Civil War. On GoDUEVY

cruciform building of stone and granite in the Decorated IsLAND, the property of the trustees of the late G. L. Basset

style, consisting of chancel, nave and transepts, south porch esq. (d. r888), is a lighthouse, begun in January, r858, and

and an embattled western tower 53 feet high,with pinnacles, t]rst lighted March r, r859. The principal landowners are

and containing 3 bells, all cast in 1753: the chancel inclines the trustees of the late G. L. Basset esq. of Tehidy, and the

to the north, and is separated from the nave by a low granite family of the late Rev. William Hockin. The remains of

screen; the stained east window was the gift of the present the manor of Conerton are owned by the Paynter family.

rector; another window in the chancel is a memorial to the The soil is various; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are oats

Rev. ,'V, Drury, a former curate, r865: the chancel retains and barley. The area is 2,454 acres, 315 of which are water;

sedilia and a piscina, and there is a communion table and rateable value, £2,582 ; the population in r89r was 649.

reredos of oak : outside the east wall of the church is a Sexton, Henry Hendra.

monument, with arms, to Thomas Hockin, r767, and John PosT 0FFICF, Connerdowns.-Thomas Richards, sub-post-

Hockin, his son, vicar of Okehampton, 1778 : there are 174 master. Letters through Hayle arrive 9·35 a. m. ; dis-

sittings. The churchyard is entered by a lych gate con- patched 10.25 a. m. & 2.40 p.m.; week days only. Postal

structed from the materials of the remo\·ed south arcade, orders are issued here, but not paid

and contains an ancient round-headed cross, with a boss in Letters for Church Town, through Hayle, arrive at II a.m.

the centre of the head. The register of baptisms, marriages The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Copper-

and burials dates from the year 156o. The living is a house

chapelry attached to Phillack, tithe rent-charge (Gwithian) I WALL LETTER Box cleared at 2 p.m. week days on~y

£235, with 5 perches of glebe, joint net yearly income£230, ScnOOLS :~

in the gift of and held since r853 by the Rev. Frederick National, Connerdowns, for 120 children; average attend-

IHockin M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge, and hon. ance, 79; Miss Jane Briston, mistress

canon of 'fruro, who resides at Phillack; the Rev. Clement National, Church Town, for 45 children; average atten:l-
Cockerton Gillett is resident curate. 'fhere are Wesleyan · ance1 30; Miss Emma Vellenoweth, mistress

Gwythian. Hockin Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Pendray James, farmer, Nancemalling

Gillett Rev.Clement Cockerton [curate] Church Town & Tolseathin Prout Wilham, grocer, Conerton

COlllHERCIAL. HoskingJane(Mrs. ),farmer,Trevarnoyn Rickard John Henry, farmer, Conerton

Andrewartha Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Ireland Joan(Mrs. ),PendarvesArmsP.H Stephens David, tin dresser & buyer,

Up.ton James Nicholas, farmer, Godrievy Beach house

Bawden ·william, farmer, New mill James Thos. shopkeeper, Church Town TreYaskus Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,

Christopher Paul Quick, farmer, Angew Jennings John, shopkpr. Church Town Mount Pleasant

Cbristopher Sidney, f11rmer, Nantarr.ow Jones Nathaniel, farmer, Hope farm Conn erdowns.
Cock Charles, farmer, Pennance Vean 1\'Iitchell Benjamin, farmer, Treeve lane

Cock James, farmer, Pennance National Explosives Co. Limited (The) Eva Samuel, wheelwright

Cock William,farmer,:Xantarrow downs (J. W. Wilkinson, manager), dyna· Floyd Peter, The Turnpike inn

English Arsenic Co_ (Capt. J. Thomas, mite mannfacturt:rs . Harper James, fanner

manager), New mill 1Newton Henry, farmer, Nancemelling Jordan Josiah, farmer I



J ory Nicholas, carpenter Richards Thos. shopkeeper, Post office Thomas Thomas, farmer

Marks James Henry, farmer Rodda Anna Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper Tonkin George, shopkeeper

Mitchell Thomas, shopkeeper Sampson Richard, farmer Williams Richard, shopkeeper

Oates Thomas, blacksmith Thomas Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), farmer Willonghby Oliver,frmr.Hammondslan

Pearce Thomas Henry, wheelwright

-HALSETOWN is an ecclesiastical parish, formed June net yearly value about £I7o, with residence and 2 acres of

5, I846, out of the parish of St. Ives, and is I mile south- glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Frederic Harrison Hichens M.A.

west from St. Ives terminal station of a branch of the Great rector of St. Stephens, Canterbury, and held since I892 by

Western railway, and6north fromPenzance, in the Western the Rev. Richard Edward Griffin M.A. of St. Jo,hn's College,

division of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional Oxford. St. l\Iary's Mission church is at Halsetown village,

division of Penwith West, Penzance union and county court and there is a Wesleyan chapel, built in I832, and a Bible

district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall Christian chapel. Earl Cowley P.c., K.G., G. C. B., Mrs.

and diocese of Truro. The church of St. John, erected in Jenkyn, and Messrs. Bolitho are the principal landowners.

I866 at a cost of £2,300, is a structure of granite and Bath The soil is light ; subsoil, killas and granite. The crops are

stone, in the Early English and Decorated styles, consisting oats, barley, wheat and roots. The population in I89I was

of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and a I,2oo.

western tower 66 feet in height, with a gabled roof and con- Letters through St. Ives R.S.O. arrive at 9.2oa.m

taining one bell: the site and £2,ooo were given by Robert WALL LETTER Box, Wesleyan chapel, cleared at II.45 a.m.

Hichens esq. of St. Ives: there are sittings for about soo week days only. St. Ives is the nearest money order &

persons: at Penbeagle, near the church, stands an ancient telegraph office

and much worn granite cross. The register dates from the National School (mixed), for so children: average attend-

year I848. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £rso, ance, 42; Mrs. Susan Webb, mistress

Chellew John Hoskin Wilmot (Mrs.), Halsetown hotel Uren Amelia (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Griffin Rev.Richd. Edwd. H.A.Vicarage Pollard James, shopkeeper Wearne Thomas, farmer

Jenkyn Mrs. Halsetown house Rowe Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper

HAYLE is a manufacturing town, in the townships and league; and one for .8ible Christians at High lanes. There

parishes of Phillack, in Redruth union and county court dis- is also a Literary Institution. An Educational Institute is

trict, and St. Erth in Penzance union and county court' now (I893) being built here at a cost of /..:2,000, at the ex-

district, and is seated by the estuary of the Hayle, in St. pense of Passmore Edwards esq. of London, on a site given

Ivss Bay, with a station on the Great Western railway, 3 by Francis Gilbert Enys esq. D.L., J.P. of Enys, St. Gluvias.

miles south-east from St. Ives, 9 north-east from Penzance Hayle has three excellent commercial hotels, "The White

and 3I9 from London, in the Western division of the county, Hart,'' "Commercial" and "Cornnbia," and several inns.

hundr ed of Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith IiTrhoen trade consists chiefly of the importation of grain, coal,
East. A portion of the parish of Phillack, under the name and timber, for which there is a great demand; flour is

of St. Elwyn, was constituted a separate ecclesiastical dis- exported, and there are extensive iron works. The most im-

trict 8 Feb. 1870, and is in the rural deanery of Penwith, portant industrial establishments jn Cornwall are here

archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The Local located. The engineering works and shipbuilding yard of
Government Act of 1858 was adopted here March I6, I866. 1 Messrs. Harv·ey and Co. Limited employ in all about I,ooo

There are two local boards-one including the western part persons; they are largely engaged in the making of steam

of the town with a small portion of the rural district of St. engines and boilers, as well as mine machinery and in ship

Erth, the other the eastern part of the town with the re- building, and have also extensive forges and rope manufac-

mainder of the parish of Phillack. The former has 9 and tories. At Hayle and Copperhouse are two important flour

the latter IS members. There is a safe and commodious mills, worked on the roller system, and belonging to Messrs.

harbour for vessels of 8oo tons, the entrance being over a Hosken, Trevithick, Polkinhorn and Co. Limited ; Messrs.

bar of sand, the accumulation of which is prevented by the Pool have a factory at Copperhouse for making the fine

erection of floodgates and a good passage is thus secured for wire-work which is used in the Camborne and Redruth tin

vessels at all ordinary tides. The town is lighted with gas mines. The copper smelting has been entirely transferred

by a company formed in r889 and supplied with water from to Swansea. It may be noted here that copper mining, ex-

reservoirsatMellanear. ThechurchofSt.Elwyn,orElvinns, cept in the cases of tin mines, which also yield copper, is

erected in 1886-8, at a cost, including fittings, of £4,500, is almost extinct in Cornwall. Messrs. Williams, Harvey and

a building of elvan stone and Breage granite, in the Early Co. have tin smelting works at Mellanear. In this parish

English and Decorated styles, from designs by Mr. J. D. is maintained the famous Loggansmill herd of Bates' short-

Bedding, architect, of London, and consists of chancel, with horns. 'fhe area is 727 acres; and the population in 189I

vestry and organ chamber, and a north chapel, clerestoried was, of Hayle local board district I, 142 and of Phillack local

nave, aisles, south porch, and an embattled tower on the board district 4,009; and of St. Elwyn parish, 1,673·

north side ~9 feet i~ height: the c~ancel, a memorial to t~e PosT,M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Pen-
la~ ~~· ~. Hockm, rector of Ph1llack, and Margaret, his pol terrace.-Thomas George Collings, postmaster. De-

Wife, IS mclosed on the west by a screen of Bath and Poly- liveries commence from London & all parts 8.5 a. m. 3 &
p~ant stone, er~ctedat the cost o~ Mrs. Charles Vawdrey 3;nd 7.I5 p.m. Box cleared for Penzance, Lelant, St. Ives &
Miss Vawdrey, m memory of their parents : the communiOn Marazion, 7· IS a.m. ; Plymouth & all places east of
table wa! pr~sented by George V~wdrey esq.; and ~he
Plymouth, 7·55 a.m.; Plymouth, South Devon & Corn-

wrought 1ron mclosure of the sacrarmm by Mr. W. Tredm- wall, IO a. m.; North mail, I0.50 a. m. ; Penzance, I2.40
yr.nick: in the_northchapelis a lect~rn, wrought and presented
a.m.; Plymouth & Cornwall, 1.55 p.m.; Penzance, 2.15
by J. Wilson esq. c.E. : ~hat m the nave, of brass work,
was gwen by Mrs. John VIVIan and Mrs. Young: the organ, p.m. ; London & all parts, 3.55 p.m. ; Marazion, St.
Ives & Penzance, 4.50 p.m. : London & all parts, 6.20
erected by subscription in IB75, at a cost of l,2oo, for the p.m.; Penzance, 6. 40 p.m.; London, Plymouth & West
temporary church of St. JoJm! has been enl.arged and im- Corn~wall, 8 p.m
p~oved, partly by the s.ubscriptiOns of the chmr: the Perpen- PosT, M.. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
d~cnlar font ~as contributed b~ the ~embers of th~ female Copperhonse.-Mr~. ElizabethBanfield, sub-postmistress.

Bible class: m I892 severalstamed wmdows were mserted Letters dispatched at 9.40 a.m. I.30::, 3.2o, 5.50 & 7.30
p.~. ;
at the east end to the late W. J. Rawlings esq. of Downes PosT & Msn. nd0a. ys0,.,3.2s.0 p.m - Insurance Office,
House, Hayle.: _the arcades of the nave are o_r Bath stone, B. & Annuity &
and have semiCircular arch~s: th_e tower, designed to some Foundry hill.-Mrs. ElizabetQ. Medlin Taylor, sub-post-

extent after that of LostWithiel, IS of two stages, the lower mistress. LETTER Box cleared at 9.50 a. m. 1.35, 3.30, 6-

being square, and the upper octagonal, with angle but- & 8 p.m. ; sundays, 9·35 a.m
tresses, embattled parapet and slated roof c attached is a
projecting stair turret: and at the top of the lower stage a LocAL BoARDs.
balcony, affording an extensive view of the surrounding HAYLE.-Offices, Market square.

scenery: the first floor of the tower gives access to the north Board day, every fourth tuesday, at 4.30 p.m.
chapel, and on the second is a musicians' gallery, looking, Clerk, Edwa~d Boase, Hayle .

Iinto the church: there The I
registers of St. Elwyn's
are sittings for 400 persons. Trea:surer, Richard Foster JB~omhetshoMudge, Bonaer .
begin in x888; before that date MediCal Officer of Health,
are included in those of Phillack. The living is a perpetual' Surveyor~ Inspector of NUlsances, George Henry EustJce,

curacy, net yearly value £x86, including tithe rent-charge Brookvale .
£Ioo from the parish of Phillack, in the gift of the rector of Collector, George Robmson, Mount Pleasant

l'hillack, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Arthur Gordon PHILLACK.-Offices, Copperhom:e.

Stallard M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan Board day, the second tuesday in each month at 7 p.m.

chapels at Copperhonse and Foundry; the former has a li- Clerk, Vivian Pearce, Bellevne

brary and a lecture hall,renovated in 1892 at a cost of l:x,soo. Treasurer, T. R. Bolitho, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall,

There are Free Methodist chapels at Hayle, and Ventou- Hayle


Medical Officer of Health, William Fidler Cleaver L.R.C.P.I Public Vaccinator, Phillack district, Redrnth union, Thos
wnd. Penpol terrace Mudge, Bonaer

Surveyor, George Henry Eustice, Brookvale Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages for Phillack sub-

Collector &Inspector of Nuisances, Wm. Caddy, Penpol rd district, Redruth union, Charle:J Hosking, West end

The Hayle Local Board is the Authority. St. Elwyn, Rev. Arthur Gordon Stallard M.A. incumbent;
Clerk, Edward Boase, Hayle 8 & II a. m. 3 & 6 p.m. & eYery evening at 7 p.m
Medical Officer of Health, James Mudge, llonaer Bible Christian, High lanes; II a. m. & 6 p.m
Inspector of Nuisances, George Henry Eustice, Brookvale United Methodist Free Church; II a. m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs.

VOLUNTEERS. 7·15 p.m
United Methodist Free Church, Ventouleague, II a.m. &

ut Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Artillery Volunteers, 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Rev. George Edwin,
Western Division Royal Artillery (No. 6 Company), Hon. Wesleyan, Copperhouse; II a.m. & Polkinghorne & Rev.
Major Henry Harvey Trevithick, commanding ; Banfield Samuel Rouse Wil-
T. Vivian, hon. assistant surgeon; Sergt.-~1ajor Kent R.A. 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Wesleyan, Foundry; II a. m. & 6 kin
drill instructor
p.m.; tues. 7 p.m

rst Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry ScHooLs:-- ·

(G Company), Capt. Vivian Pearce, commanding; Church, St. John's road, for 130 boys, 100 girls & 100 in-

Color-S3rgeant MJ.rtin Killin, drill instructor fants; average attendance, 75 boys, 70 girls & 98 infants ;

VICE-CONSULS & CoNSULAR AGENTS. W. J. Blewett, master; Miss Elizabeth A. Rogers, girls'
Austria & Hungary,E.J.Mathews(consular agent),Penzance mistress; Miss Juliette Kelynack, infants' mistress
Denmark & France, E. J. Mathews (vice-consul), Penzance Wesleyan, Copperhouse, for 230 boys & 100 infants ; aver-
Honduras, E. J. Mathews (vice-consul), Penzance age attendance, 144 boys & 76 infants ; Thomas Jolly
Liberia, E. J. Mathews (consul), Penzance Porter, master; Miss Van Linschooten, mistress
Portugal, E.·J. Mathews (vice-consul), Penzance Wesleyan, Foundry (mixed), for 280 children; average at-
tendance, 170; John Opie, master; Miss Mary Kate
Norway & Sweden, John V1vian, Meadowside, Hayle Hosking, mistress

PUBLIC OFFICERS : - Railway Station, Thomas Albert Williams, station master

Certifying Factory Surgeon & Medical Officer, Hayle dis- CARRIERS TO : -

trict, Pcnzance union, James Mudge PENZANCE, CAMBORNE & REDRUTH-William Clemo, daily

Inland Revenue Officer, Walter Thomas Jennison, Clifton ST. ERTH STATION-Champions 'bus twice daily to meet

terrace morning & evening mails

PRIVATE RE~IDENTS. ; Spray Bigglestone, Commercial road Caddy William, collector & inspector of
· Spray Samuel Cooper, Hayle terrace nuisances to Phillack local board,

Bickle Jebus, Foundry hill Spray William John, Hayle terrace Penpolroad

Blarney William Francis, Bodriggy Stallard Rev. Arthur Gordon [incum- ret.Commercial rd

Bone John Greenwood, Greenwood bent of St. Elwyn], Elwyn house Champion Henry, White Hart hotel

Bowden John, Foundry hill Stephens Mrs. Poplar villa Champion Nannie (Mrs.), shopkeeper,

Burall Mrs. Bodriggy villas Stevens veorge, Taradale house Penpol terrace

Ca.rah Henry, Penpollane Symons John William, Croft hill Cleaver William Fidler L.R.C.P.LOnd.

Cleaver William Fidler, Penpol terrace Trenerry Mrs. Mount Pleasant surgeon & medical officer of health to

Downing James, Sea view 'frevithick Charles, Pencliff Phillack local board, Penpol terrace

Dupen Mrs. Commercial road 'frevithick Henry Harvey, Tolroy Clemmow William John, master mari-

Elhs Christopher, jun. Bodriggy house Vincent Mrs. Hayle terrace ner, Penpol terrace

Ellis Christopher, sen. Penpol house Vivian Mrs. Penpol terrace Cock Wm.Green&Co.outfittrs.Westend

Eustice George Henry, Brook Vale ho Vivian John, l\Ieadow side Cogan Matthew, boot factor, Forest

Gilbert William, Hayle terrace Wagner William, Station villa CongdonWilliam,whlwrght.Bodriggy st

Gilbert William Henry, Bay View house Warren Henry John, Mellanear villa Coombe Edwin Thos. furn.dealr.l<'ore st
Giles Mrs. Commercial road Webb John, Hayle terrace Couling Woodman, tobacconist, Forest
Hambly Richard, Laurel villa West Miss, Foundry hill Cowling Jn. Geo. shopkeepr.Penpol hill
Harvey Francis J.P. Glamnor Wilkin Rev. Samuel Rouse [Wesleyan], Cornwall (1st) (Duke of Cornwall's)
Haney Francis Haniel, Trelissick villa
Rodfield villa Artillery Volunteers, Western Divi-

Harvey Mrs. H. N. The Downs Wilkinson John Wimbele, Riviere sion, Royal Artillery (No. 6 company)

Hodge Samuel, 2 Park view Williams John Broad, Bodriggy (Hon. Major Henry Harvey Trevi-

Hosken Samuel, Penmare Williams John :Magor, Bodriggy thick,commanding; BanfieldT.Vivian,

Hosking Mrs. Foundry hill hon. assistant surgeon ; Sergeant-

James Mrs. Commercial road COMMERCIAL. Major Kent R.A. drill instructor)
Jenkin Mrs. Commercial road Dale Erwin, Cornubia hotel, Commer-

Jones George, Hayle terrace Andrew Francis,carpenter,Copperhouse cial road

Livingstone James, Ladbroke house Angove Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Pros- Dunn John, carpenter, Commercial rd

Menzies David, B;,driggy house pect place . Dupen Joanna (Miss), ladies' school,

Michell Stephen, Bellevue Ball Ethan, shopkeeper, Fore street Penpol teuace

Mudge James, Bonaer • Banfield Edward John Lovering, prin- Easterbrook WilmotJane (~Irs.),baker,

Mudge Thomas, Bonaer ter, stationer &c West end

Mudge Zachary Belling, Bonaer Barnicoat Lucy (Miss), milliner, West Ellis Christopher & Son, Hayle brew..

Nicholls Michael, West villa end ery, Copperhouse

Oliver Richard, Mellanear house Bazeley George, grocer, Fore street Ellis John Frederick,wine & spirit mer-

Osborn Joseph George, Mount Pleasant Bazeley James, draper & grocer, Fore chant & aerated water manufacturer

Paynter Richard, Mellanear · street & Penpol terrace Eustice George Henry, surveyor to

Peake Mrs. Chapel terrace Bennetts William John, photographer, Hayle & Phillack local boards &

Pearce Gilbert Bennett, Rose villa Commercial road inspector of nuisances to Hayle local

Pearce Miss, Hayle terrace Biggleston Nicholas Henry, paperhangr board, Brookvale

Pearce Vivian, Bellevue Blewitt William Thomas, chemist, & Frost William, jeweller, Fore street

Polkinghorne Rev. George Edwin [Wes- agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Gendall James Aswell, shopkeeper,

leyan], Wesley house wine &spirit merchants Commercial road

Pool Frederick, Bodriggy Boase Edward, solicitor & commissioner George Catherine Jane (Mrs.), shop-

Pool Henry, Bodriggy of oaths & clerk to the Hayle local keeper, Bodriggy street

Pool James, Copperhouse board & port sanitary authority, George 'fhomas,painter,Commercial rd

Pool Mrs. Station villa solicitor to the Hayle Gas Co.& town Gilbert John, shopkpr. Commercial rd

Pool Paul Bennett, Fore st.Copperhouse clerk of St. Ives; & at Penzance Giles Richd. mast. marnr.Commrcl. rd

Porter Thomas Jolly, Bodriggy Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Glasson Christiana (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.

Rawlings William Samuel, Penpol ter & Co. Limited (Consolidated Hank of Mount Pleasant ,

Richards James, Churchfield cottage Cornwall) (branch) (Henry Roach, Glasson Mary (1\Irs. ), outfitter, Forest'·

Rosewarne fohn, Millbrook house manager), West end; draw on Bar- Graham John, custom house officer,

Rosewarne William Ernest, Hillside clay, Bevan, Tritton,. Ransom, Bou- Clifton terrace

Rule Mrs. I Park view verie & Co. London E c Gudge "fhos. linen drpr. 1\Int. Pleasant

Rutter 1\Irs. Commercial road Bowden Thomas, s'1opkeepr. St. John st Gudge Thos. master rnarinr. Hayle ter

Shellard Albert E van, Commercial road Broad llr- Sons, drapers, Copperhouse Hambly drssr.Commercl. rd

DEV,. & CORN. 71


Hammill William, wholesale english & to Hayle local board &port sanitary Runnalls Richard, butcher, Fore street

foreign fruit, potato & rabbit mer- authority, medical officer, Hayle dis- Sampson Thomas, butcher, West end

chant, Commission agent, china & trict, Penz.anre union & certifying Sleeman Geo. Wm. boot ma. Comrcl. rd

glass dealer &c factory surgeon, Bonaer Smith John Pearse, cooper, Clifton ter

Harris Bessie Lander (Mrs.), boot Mudge Thomas L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon SprayBifl'glestone,ship chndlr.Penpol ter

dealer, Fore street & public vaccinator, Phillack district, Spray Mary Catherine (Mrs.), stationer,

Harris John Edwin, printer &stationer, Redruth union, Bonaer West end

Copperhouse Mudge Zachary Belling L.R.C.P.LOnd. Stevens Elnr. (Mrs.), shopkr. West end

Harris Richard, hair dressr.Foundry sq surgeon, Bonaer Stiling Geo. Eaycroft, draper & grocer,

Harris Wm. Jn. tailor, Commercial rd Newton & Son, house decorators, Com- Chapel terrace

Harvey & Co. Limited, engineers & ship mercial road Taylor Elizabeth Medlin (Mrs.), shop-

builders Newton William Fuller, paperhanger, keeper, & post office, Foundry hill

Hawke John, blacksmith, Loggans Penpol hill Taylor Thomas Augustu!!, first class ac-

Hawke Jn. Thos. seedsman, Market sq Nicholas Richard, boot maker, Fore st commodation for visitors, families &

Hayle Gas Co. Limited (Henry Thomas, Oates James, boot maker, Penpol ter tourists ; one of the most delightful

manager & sec) Oates Nannie Mitchell (Miss), shop- resorts in Cornwall ; lovely beach &.

Hock in Henry & Son, drapers, Forest keeper, West end sands, acres of soft turf; arrange-

Hodge Richd.tinplate worker,Penpol ter Oliver Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ments made for picnic and school

Hosken, Trevithick, Polkinhorn & Co. Commercial road parties &c. ; close to statio:r:t ; Bay

Limited, millers, corn, seed, manure Oliver Thomas, fruiterer, Fore street View house, Towans

& implement merchants ; telegraphic Oliver William Hy. shopkr. Comrcl. rd Terrill John, builder, Hayle terrace
address, "Cornubia, Hayle;" & at OuldFrancis,shopkeeper,Commercial rd Thomas John, assistant overseer for
Paynter R. H. & Co. metal perforators, Gwythian, Mount Pleasant
Toms Eliza Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,.
Hosken William John, Carwin farm :M:ellanear
Market place
dairy & Carwin & Pulsack farm!!, Pearce John, butcher, Fore street
Pearce Vivian, clerk to Phillack local Trathen Christr. fruiterer, Penpol ter
Hayle terrace Tredinnick & Son, saddlers & harness

Hosking Charles, grocer, & registrar of board, JJellcvue
births & deaths for Phillack sub- Penrose Elizabeth & Maria (Misses), makers, Fore street
TreneryEldred,chmst.&seedsmn.Fore st
district, Redruth union, West end ladies' school, Foundry hill

James Samuel, butcher, Copperhouse Polkinghorne John, Steam Packet hotel, Tresidder Martin, Royal Standard P.H.

James William Jn. temperance rooms, Wharf Penpol terrace

Penpol terrace Polkinghorne Robert, grocer, Penpol hill Uren Ernest Fredk. chemist, Copperh()

Jenkin Elizh.(Mrs.), sbopkeeJ!r. Forest Pool James & Frederick, general iron- Veal Eerbert, blacksmith, St. John st

Jenkins William Chas. grocer.'Market pl mongers, Fore street, Copperhouse Vivian Jn. vice-consul & consular agent

Jennison Waiter Thos. inland revenue Pool Paul Bennett, grocer & draper, for Norway & Sweden, Meadow side

officer, Clifton terrace Fore street, Copperhouse Volunteer Battalion ( ISt) Duke or Corn-

Jory William, shopkeeper, Bodriggy st RichardsJacob,beer retlr.Commercial rd wall's Light Infantry (G Company}

Juleff & Co. boot factors, Fore street Richards James, cabinet maker, Fore (Capt. Vivian Pearce, commanding;

Kevern Richard, sewing machine depot, street & Church street, Copperhouse Col.-Sergt. Martin Killin, drill instr)

Fore street Richards Thos. blacksmith, Comrcl. rd Wagner Wm private school, Station vil

KneeboneMry.(Mrs.),frmr.Bodriggyfrm Roach Henry, manager of Bolitho, West John Hy. watch maker, Forest
Lavis Peter, marine store dlr. Market sq Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Whi thread Elizabeth (Miss),boot dealer~

Literary Institute (John Sweetnam Co.'s Bank, West end Commercial road

Broach & John Harvey Trevithwick, Robert John, boot maker, Church st Williams Earvey & Co. tin smelting

jun. secs) Robinson Geo. accountant & collector to works, Mellanear

LoveMry.Enh.(Mrs.),shpkpr.Penpol ter the Haylelocal board, Mount Pleasant Williams Elijah, boot maker, Chapel la

Matthews .Fk.Wm. wtch. ma.Comrcl.rd. Rowe Ellen Carolina (Miss), fancy re- Williams Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,

Matthews Thomas, boot ma. Church st pository, Copperhouse St. John street

Mitchell Edward, Commercial hotel, Rowe Frederick, tailor & breeches Williams J ohn,shopkeeper,Ventonleague

Copperhouse maker, ·west end Williams Thos. boot maker, Penpolla

Monson George F. & Co. wholesale tea Rowe Hy. Welfare, butcher, West end Willoughby Oliver, draper & clothier,

dealers, Commercial road Rowe Thomas, butcher, Commercial rd :Fore street

Mudge J ames, surgeon & medical officer Runnalls John, butcher, Penpol terrace Wyatt l''rancis, boot maker, West end

HELLAND is a township and parish, bounded on the consists of part of the shaft a.nd the round head, which is

west and north by the river Camel, 3 miles north from Bod- 1acarervtewdowaintchieanGt reeaerkthcwroosrsksw, iatbhoinutaa border. In this parish
min station on the Great Western railway, in the South quarter of amiledistant

Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty sessional from each other, on the high ground to the east of the river

division of Trigg, union and county court district of Bodmin, Alan ; Lower Helland Castle, the northernmost of the two,

rural deanery and archdeaconry or Bodmin and diocese of is elliptical in form, and consists of a single rampart and

Truro. The church of St. Helena is an ancient building of ditch in a very perfect condition, the diameter being 300

stone, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, feet in one direction and 26o in the other ; Penhargard

south aisle of four bays, extending along the whole of the Castle, about a quarter of a mile west of the farm of that.

chancel and part of the naYe, south porch and a low western name, comprises three ramparts somewhat irregularly

tower with pyramidal roof, containing 8 bells, added in 1888, placed, but generally arranged in a circular form, and at

at a cost of £4<X>, on the rebuilding of the tower: on the several points from 12 to 15 feet in height. The old manor

north side of the nave is a sort of transept, built by the Rev. house of Penhargard, existing a-bout rBrs, and exhibiting

Francis J. Eext B.A. rector (18r7-42), to serve as a school: much ornamental carved work, has been replaced by a.

the aisle has a priest's doorway : the windows in this aisle modern house, in one of the windows of which is a shield of

retain some ancient glass, including the arms of Giffard and arms "arg. on a fess between 3 mullets, gu. 3 a!muiets of

Raleigh, and sacred monograms: the font is a plain circular the field," with two knights in armour as supporters, helm~

work of granite, set in the south wall: in the chancel is a mantling, and as a crest a ''Sagittarius ; " below is the date

memorial to the Rev. Francis John HextM.A. rector, d. Jan. 1632. The greater portion of the manorial privileges of

22, 1842 ; and one with partially effaced inscription to Roger Helland Giffard or Over Helland, held in the rsth and

Squire M.A. rector (r6o2-32), and there are some modern r6th centuries by the Colyn, Calwodley and Arundell

memorials to the Kempthorne and Eooper families : in the families, now belong to George Nickell esq. Lord Robartes

south aisle is a floor slab, incised with the figure of a man in is lord of the manor of Nether Eelland, anciently held by the

a long-sleeved gown, and inscribed to Humfrey, son and heir Coryton and Roscarrock families. The principal landowners

of Thomas Calwodley, ob. r6th century; on each side the are Lord Robartes, George Nickell esq. W. J. Penny

head ofthe figure are the shields of Calwodley and Carminow, esq. Mrs. Pomery, owner of Boconnion, also formerly a

representing his marriage with Joan Carminow in 1493-4: manor, and Mrs. Hooper, of Trequites, St. Mabyn, owner of

the church plate consists of a modern chalice and paten of the barton of Penhargard, an ancient manor, but now dis-

silver, given by the Rev. r·. J. Eext: the church affords 175 membered. The soil is clay and marl; subsoil, clay and

sittings. The register dates from the year 1722, The living sand. The chief crops are oats and barley. The area is

is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge .£166, net yearly value 2,483 acres; rateable value, £x,8s6; the population in x8;~r

£rso, including 27 acres of glebe, wtth residence, in the gift was 199.

of the trastees of the late Capt. JohnMorshead R.N. and held Sexton, John Glanville.

since 1890 by the Rev. Richard Goode Hutt. There is a HELLAND BRIDGE and BowDEN are villages in this parish ;

Wesleyan chapel on the high road leading to Bodmin Road at the former there is an ancient bridge of four arches o\·er

station, erected in 1835, and seating9o persons. In private the river Camel.
grounds here stands~ po'J$ion of ,.an ancient cross, brought PosT OFFICE, Helland.-:Mrs. Phillipa Rowe, sub-post-
from Boconnion farrrl, where it •was in use as a door step; it mistress. Letters arrive at 9 a. m. Letter Box cleared


at 4.25 p.m. Bodmin is the nearest money order & tele· dispatched at 4·5 p.m. The nearest money order & tel~

graph office • graph office is at Bodmin

PoST OFFICE, Helland Bridge.-Francis Derry, sub-post- National School (mixed), for 43 children; average attend·

master. Letters through Bodmin arrive at 8.30 a. m. ; ance, 19; John Henry Swift, master: Mrs. J. Swift, miEt

Hutt Rev. Richard Goode, Rectory Draydon Geo. shopkpr. Helland Bridge Nickell George, farmer & •landowner,
Pomery Mrs. Boconnion Helland Barton
Derry Francis, boot maker, Post office,
COMMERCIAL. Helland Bridge Strout George, farmer, Coldrinick
Alford William, farmer, Callenough Symons Richard, weaver, Clerkenwater
Brokenshaw John, carpenter Dyer Joseph Hawken, farmer, Helland
Coppin Wm. Henry, farmer, Broads Wills James, farmer, Higher & Lower
Draydon John & Son, blacksmiths, Hel- Bridge cottage Kernick
Lanxon Abel, farmer, Waterland
land Bridge & Longstone, St. Mabyn Littleton James, farmer, Lower Helland Wills Wm. James, farmer, Bowden
Weary Wm. Frank, farmer, Glebe farm
Mutton Ernest, farmer, Boconnion
Nicholl Thomas, f:;j.rmer, Penhargard

HELSTON, formerly called Helleston (the "fortress on stained east window was a bequest by George Simon Borlase, '

the marsh"), is a municipal borough, market and union who died 19th March, 1837, and there is a memorial windoW'
town and bead of a county court district, and was formed to Thomas George Davey, who died in South Africa in r889 ~
into an ecclesiastical parish Dec. 5, 18451 from the parish of the organ was erected in 1868 at a cost of £5oo: the church
Wendron; it is situated on the western side of a hill, on the has been thoroughly restored and re-seated, and has 900
high road from Falmouth to Penza.nce and on the river sittings : in the churchyard is a sun-dial raised on a pillar of
Cober, 10 miles south from Camborue, 10 miles south-west granite, with the town arms and the date 1792; an ancient
from Peuryn, ro east from Marazion, 13 miles east from cross is built into the wall at the entrance, and the head of
Penzance, 10 south-south-west from Redruth, 17 south-west another was placed in 1893 on the grave of the late Frederick
from Truro, n south-west from Falmouth and gr8 from Pcnberthy, opposite the tower door. The register of baptisms
London, and is the terminus of a branch of the Great and marriages dates from 1599 ; burials, 1598. The living
Wester:p. railway from Gwinear Road, in the Truro division is a vicarage, average yearly value from tithe rent-charge
of the county, western division of the hundred of Kerrier, £335, with house, in the gift of Queen's College, Oxford,
petty sessional division of Kerrier West, rural deanery of and held since r868 by the Rev. Joseph Sidney Tyacke M.A.
Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. of Exeter College, Oxford, hon. canon of Truro, proc!or in
The town is of ancient date and undoubtedly owed its rise Convocation and surrogate. A mission church, of stone,
and importance to the tin mines around it, which have been with granite facings, adjoining the cemetery, in Meneage
extremely productive: it formerly had its castle and defences. street, was erec-ted in 1:882, at a cost of £8o6, principally
Sb.:teen charters have, from time to time, been granted to given by the Trevenen family; it consists of chancel and nave~
it; the earliest now extant being that of King John, granted and will seat 120 persons and is served from St. Michael's.
in r2or, as a confirmation of an earlier one: the charter of By a very ancient and curious custom prevailing here from
King Jobn was confirmed and enlarged by succeedin_g time immemorial, the 8th of May in every year is regarded as
monarchs,and in 1585 the borough was formally incorporated a general holiday; at an early hour parties are formed which~
by Elizabeth; a new charter was granted in 1774 by George headed by bands of music,dance through the principal streets~
IlL and continued in force until modified by the operation which are decorated with branches of trees and flowers, chant-

of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835 (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. ing a quaint old ballad; this festival is called the "Furry,"
76). 'fhe Corporation now consists of mayor, four aldermen and the dance "fade," but the origin of these terms is un·
and twelve councillors, who act also as the urban sanitary known. The Baptist chapel in Wendron street is a building
authority. The borough has a commission of the peace. in a quasi-Norman style: the Free Methodist chapel, built
In the reign of Edward I. Helston was made a coinage town, in r84o, is in Church street, and will seat 6oo persons: the
and it also returned two members to Parliament from 1294 Wesleyan chapel in Coinage-hall street is a building of native
until the Reform Act of 1832 reduced the number to one, granite and Plymouth limestone, erected in 1888-g, at a cost,
and in 1885. by the "Redistribution of Seats Act" of that including the site, of £5,ooo. and will seat nearly r_,ooo
year, the borough was deprived of its independent representa- persons ; the ceiling is divided into 48 panels, richly moulded

tion and merged in the county. The river Cober, in its and decorated; the fittings are of pitch pine and mahogany:
course to the sea, about three miles from Helston, expands the Bible Christians' chapel is in Meneage street. A ceme-
into a sheet of water called Loe Pool, a fine lake about7 miles tery of two acres, with a mortuary chapel, situated in
in circumference, and caused by a sand bank at the mouth Meneage street, was formed in 1875 at a cost of £x,6oo,
of the river, the overflowing of which, in wet seasons, when 1 and is under the control of a burial board of 9 members.
the lake rose 8 or 10 feet above its usual level, caused serious The Town Hall, standing in the centre of the town, where
floods, to relieve which, the mayor and Corporation, the four principal streets meet, is a building of granite
according to ancient custom, were wont to solicit permission ashlar and contains a guildhall, council chamber and magis-
from the lord of the manor to cut the bar, presenting at the trates' rooms, the lower portion forming a drill hall ; in the
same time a leather purse containing 1~d. ; the bar being guildhall hangs a paintmg of "Christ Derided," by Lane;
opened, the pent-up waters, rushing out, met the incoming in the tympanum of the pediment on the principal front is
tide, producing a singularly wild and impressive spectacle, a clock, and the town arms, carved in Bath stone. The
but an adit, communicating from the lake to the sea, has municipal insignia consist of two maces and a corporate
recently been cut through the rock, so that the height seal: the maces, presented to the corporation in 1777 by
of the water in the Loe can be regulated, and it has not been Francis, Lord Godolphin, have ebony shafts of the baluster-
necessary to cut the bar for nearly 20 years. The town is pattern, with rich foot kuops or terminals of silver; the
lighted with gas by a company formed in 182o, and supplied mace heads, attached by long enriched hollow joints or
with water from local wells. The town is remarkable sockets, are adorned with scroll and foliaged work, and
for its salubrity, being quite sheltered from the north and medallions containing representations of St. Michael en-
east winds : the principal streets form a cross and have a countering the Dragon, with a fortified town in the back-
constant flow of water through them arising from a well ground ; the heads are finished with circlets and a cresting
north-east of the town. In the western part anciently stood of fleur-de-lis and crosses, from which spring the open arches
a hospital of St. John the Baptist, of which a few remains of the crowns; the hall marks indicate 1776-7: the circular
exist. The church of St. Michael is a large rectangular seal bears the same device, with slight differences, as on the
building of Elvan stone, with granite dressings, erected in medallions, surrounded by a legend: the mayor's robe is of
l763 by I<'rancis, second and last Earl of Godolphin, who died scarlet, trimmed with sable, and the sergeants-at-mace also
17th January, 1766, and consists of chancel and nave with wear a special costume. The public buildings, erected in
galleries on three sides, south porch and a western tower 96 1888-g, at a cost of £2,ooo, comprise the Godolphin hall to
feet in height, built of granite ashlar, in three stages, and seat 6oo persons, committee, recreation and other rooms,
terminating in a quatre-foiled parapet with pinnacles, con- and the old Grammar school is now incorporated and used
taining 6 bells, all recast in 1825 from a former pea] given as a reading room. The County Police station is in Wendron
by Francis, Earl of Godolphin, in 1767, wha was al~ the street. The principal support of the town is derived from
donor, in 1763, of the massive chandelier : the handsome re- agriculture and mining ; the latter in former years was a.
redos of glass mosiac was presented by J. Rogers Pascoeesq. very important industry; the Great Work, Wheal Vor and
of London and the font of Beere stone and serpentine by Godolphin mines being in this district : there are two flonr
persons who had been baptized in the church : mtached to mills, a tannery and two foundries. The meai; market, in
the door of the south porch are brass effigies of a man and Church street, is neat the Town Hall, and was erected in
his wife and three children, and on the wall above is a brass 1&37-8, from designs by Mr. W. Harris, architect, of Bristol.
plate inscribed to Thomas Bovgins, merchant, ob. 1:602: The market is held on Saturday. Fairs are held on Whitsun
there are memorials to the Glynn and Grylls families, 1771- Monday, 2oth July, 9th September- and 28th October. La.rge
1834; to those of Moore, 1782-18o6 ; Borlase, 1837-43; cattle markets are held here on the second and la:!!t Wednes-
'l'reTe!!cn, 1810-38; Pasmore, 1837-62, and others: the day in each month. There are twelve parishes on the

*. D.l!.Y.. & COlt~ • 7 !


southern side, to which Helston is the nearest market town. is a well, with stone benches round the interior. Nansloe,

The head quarters of D Company, Ist Volunteer Battalion, the residence of Henry Rogers esq. situated on the banks of

Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, is in the Corn Exchange. the Loe Pool, commands a beautiful view of the pool and
The Dispensary, in Church street, was established in 18og the adjacent woods; the grounds extend over 365 acres;
for poor persons not in receipt of parochial relief, and is well the older portion of the house, which the present proprietor
supported. Tbe poor bave the interest of £6o yearly from has greatly enlarged and improved, dates from about I730.
Penberthy's charity, which is distributed by the trustees. Penhellis, the residence of F. V. Hill esq. is beautifully situ-

At the foot of Coinage-hall street, adjoining the bowling ated on the slope of a hill at the north-west end of the town ;

green, is a monument erected by subscription to the late it has very well laid out grounds, which contain manybeau-

Humphrey Millett Grylls esq. in I834; it is of granite ashlar, tiful specimens of flowering shrubs and a splendid ornitho-
with buttresses and four tall octagonal pinnacles, and is sur· logical museum, all the specimens in which were shot in the

rounded by iron railings. The bowling green, a pleasant county, and include a water rail caught by the beak by an
spot, commanding a good view of Loe Pool, was formerly the oyster at Helford river near Helston. The principal land-
site of a royal castle, of which there are now no traces. In owners are Capt. John Peverell Rogers R.A. of Penrose,
Cross street is the circular head of a cross, with a Maltese Porthleven, the Corporation, the Duke of Leeds, Lord
cross, in low relief: in the garden of W. C. Ba.ddeley esq. is Robartes, the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. J.P.
another round-headed cross, 4 feet 9 inches high, removed of Trelowarren, Mawgan, and Henry Rogers esq. The area

from Gweal Mayow, near Helston, and the carved head of a is 292 acres; rateable value, [9,173; the population in 1891

&econd, found at Trewane, in St. Kew parish : near Helston was 3, rg8.

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. BoROUGa;MAGISTRATES.

-John James, postmaster, Meneage street, Hel~ton Best John, Coinage-hall street

HouRS OF ATTENDANCE.-For sale of stamps, registration of Cotton Richard, Wendron street

letters, issue of postal orders &c. week days, 7 a.m. to 8 Cunnack George James, Cross street

p.m. ; sunday, 8 a.m. to IO a.m. For Money Order Dale William, Coinage-hall street

business & Savings Bank withdrawals, Annuity & Insnr- Hill Frederick Vivian, Penbellis

ance business, issue of licences & payment of postal orders, Kendall Edward Pownoll, Coinage-hall street

week days, 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. ; saturday, 9 a. m. to 8 p.m. ; Martyn Richard Skewes, Coinage-hall street

Savings Bank deposits, 7 a. m. to 8 p.m. For 'felegraph Penrose William, Coinage-hall street

business, week days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sunday, 8 to IOa.m Clerk, Henry Montague Rogers, Meneage street

INWARD MAILS. The magistrates meet at the Guildhall every alternate sat-
urday at Io a.m
Hour of Letters & Parcels. Hour of

9.30 a.m......London (night) & all parts............. 8.47 a.m. Bickford-Smith William esq. Trevarno, Helston, chairman
Vyvyan Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne bart. Trelowarren,
North of England, Scotland &
Davey Joshua Sydney esq. Bochym, Cury R.S.O
I Wales; Southampton & South Rogers Capt. John Peverell R.A. Penrose, Helston

3·45 p.m... mouth & Devonport; Cornwall Rows Richard Gundry, Coinage-hall street, Helston
Vivian Arthur Pendanes esq. Bosahan, St. l\Iartin R.S.O

lHelston Rural Posts.................. { g.Io p.m. Clerk to the Magistrates, :Frederick Vivian Hill, Cross st
{London (day) & Ireland ; Exeter, Jl 3·45 p.m. Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every third wed-
6.go p.m. Plymo uth & Devonport; Cornwall 6 p.m .
nesday in the month at I2 noon. The following places
are included iu the petty sessional division :-Breage,

• Cury, Germoe, Grade, Gunwalloe, Landewednack, Man-
accan, Mawgan-in-l\Ieneage, JHullion, Ruan Major, Ruan
0UTWARD MAILS -LETTERS & PARCELS. Minor, St. Anthony, St. Keverne, St. Martin-in-Meneage,
Cury Cross Lanes, The Lizard & Ruan Minor, 8.30 a.m. ;
parcels, 8.30 a.m. Helston Rural Deliveries, 9 a.m. ;
parcels, 8.45 a.m. North & South West of England; PuBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:-
Ireland, Scotland &c.; Exeter, Plymouth & Devonport; Cemetery, Meneage street; James Dryden Hosken, Godol- .

Cornwall, 9 a.m. ; parcels, 8.45 a.m. West Cornwall, phin road, clerk to the burial board
County Court, 'fown ball, His Honor Thomas Colpitts
Devonport, Plymouth &c. I.2o p.m. ; parcels, I p.m. Granger, judge; Henry Rogers, registrar & acting high
2nd Town Delivery, 3.20 p.m. Porthleven, 3.20 p.m. ;
bailiff. The county court is held bi-monthly in the Town
parcels, 3.Io p.m. London (day), Exeter, Plymouth & hall ; the district comprises the following places, viz.:-
Devonport ; Cornwall, 5.50 p.m. ; parcels, 5.30 p.m.
3rd Town Delivery, p.m. DAILY.-Ist Town De- Breage, Helston, Ruan Minor, Crowan, Landewednack,
St. Anthony-in-Meneage, Cury, Manaccan, St. Keverne,
livery, 9 a.m. London (night) & all parts, 3.20 p.m. Germoe, St. Mawgan-in-Meneage, St. Martin, Grade,
(with extra ~d. stamp, 3.40 p.m.); sundays, 3·5 p.m. Mullion, Sithney, Gunwalloe, Ruan Major & Wendron
For Bankruptcy purposes this court is included in the
(with extra ~d. stamp, 3.25 p.m)

Corporation. Truro district; G. A. Jenkins, Truro, official receiver

I892-3. Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment

MAYOR-Councillor Albert Edward Ratcliffe. Act," William Moore Moreton, Charles Courtenay Hocking
& Edwin John Anthony, Helston
*Frederick Vivian Hill IALDERMEN.§Robert Cade County Police Station, Godolphin road, William Henry
Beare, supt. ; the district comprises the whole of Helston
§Ri0hard Skewes Martyn §William Dale & Falmouth unions & St. Day & St. Gwennap ; the local
force consists of I supt. I inspector & 3 sergeants & 25
CoUNCILLORs. constables

tJohn Michael Martyn tGeorge Beringer

tCharles Courtenay Hocking tAlbert Edward Ratcliffe Dispensary, Church street,Walter Wearne & Charles Fredk.

tJohn Martin Richards *William John Winn Seville, surgeons; Thomas Taylor~ sec

tJohn Oates Eva I *Alfred Charles Cade Inland Revenue Office, St. Michael's terrace,Meneage street,
!Thomas Taylor *Charles Frederick Dale
John Fole•v, officer
tJohn Goldsworthy Reed *John James Town Hallt Coinage-hall street •
Marked thus t retire in 1893.
Marked thus retire in 1894. VOLUNTEERS.
Marked thns retire 1895.
in xst Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
(D Company), Hon. Major Edward W. Carus-Wilson,
Marked thus § retire in 1898.

Auditors, Thomas Gould Winkworth, Coinage-hall street; commander ; Alexander Pengilly & Percy Bickford-Smith,

Thomas Heynes, jun. Coinage-hall street

OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN" SANITARY lieutenants; Col.-Sergt. Richard Threlfall, drill instructor
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Board day, a,lternate saturdays at :t1.30 a. m. at the Work
Joseph Walker Tyacke, Coinage-ball street
house, Helston.
Treasurer, William Edward Thomas Bolitho, Penzance The union comprises the following parish2S :-St, Anthony•
Borough Accountant, James Hendy, Wendron street
Medical Officer of Health, Walter Wearne, Meneage street in-Meneage, Breage, Crowan, Cury, Germoe, Grade,
Borough Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, Odger Eva, Gunwalloe, Helston, St. Keverne, Landewednack, Manac-
can, St. Martin1 St. Mawgan-in-Meneage, Mullion, Ruan
Penrose road Major, Ruan Minor, Sithney & Wendron. The area of
Collector of R~tes, James Hendy, Wendron street
the uniQn is 73,333 acres; rat.eable value, £89,297; the
population in 1891 was 22, II7.


Clerk to the Guardians & Assessmen• Committee, Frederick Collector of Assessed Taxes, William Edward Oates,
Vivian Hill, Cross street, Helston Godo~phin road

Deputy, Albert Edward Ratcliffe, Cross street, Helston Stamp Distributor, Charles Wakeham, Coinage-ball street

Treasurer, Richard Foster Bolitho, Consolidated Bank of Surveyors to Highway Boards, Henry Jenkin, Wendron, &
John H. Shephard, Lizard road, Helston

Relieving & Vaccination Officers-No. I, or Wendron district, PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services : -

S. Moyle, Crelly, Wendron; No. 2, or Meneage district, St. Michael's Church, Church street, Rev. J oseph Sidney
S. H. James, Culdrose, Wendron Tyacke M.A. vicar; Rev. William Jamcs Jeffery & Rev.

Medical Officers, Breage district, Banfield Teague Vivian, Richmond Dickson Purves B.A. curates; n.s a.m. & 6.5

Crowan, HayJe; *Helston district, Waiter Wearne, p.m.;, 7 p.m

Meneage street, Helston; St. Keverne district, Edward J. Mission Church, Meneage street (served from St. Michael's),

Levertoc-Spry, St. Keverne; *St. Keverne No. 2 district, tues. 7· 15 p.m. ; daily, summer, 8 ; winter, 10.10 a. m

Harry Appleton, Landewednack; *Sithney district, Baptist, Wendron street; 11 a. m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m

Richard Orlando Arnold L.F.P.S.Gias. rorLhleven; *Wen- Bible Christian, Meueage st1·eet; u a. m. & 6 p.m.; mon.

dron district, Charles Frederick Seville M.B. Cross street, 7 p.m
Helston. ['fhose marked thus *are also public vaccina- United Methodist Free Church, Church street, Rev. Joseph

tors for the same districLs] Latham & Rev. Joseph Bentley ; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. ;

Superintendent Resistrar, Frederick Vivian Hill, Cross thurs. 7· 15 p.m
street, Helston; deputy, Albert Ed ward Ratcliffe, Cross Wesleyan, Coinage-hall street, Rev. Arthur Shipham, Rev.
John Banfield Gedye & Rev. Ernest Rhodes ; n a.m. & 6
street, Helston
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Breage. sub-district, Francis p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m

Carter, Rinsey, Breage; Crowan sub-district, Miss Kate SCHOOLS:-
M. Trevenen, Skewes, Crowan ; Helston sub-district,
Robert Cade, Meneage street, Helston ; St. Keverne sub- A School Board of 5 members was formed March 20, I87I ;
James Bendy, Wendron street, clerk to the board
district, Thomas John J oyce, St. Keverne; Wendron sub- National, Church street, erected & endowed in 1828, for
district, Samuel Moyle, Crelly, Wendron
300 children, by Miss E. Trevenen, of Cross street, &
Registrar of Marriages, Robert Cade, Meneage st. Helston since enlargecl for 550 children; average attendance, n6
boys, 120 girls & 88 infants ; Thomas Taylor, master;
Workhouse, Meneage street, is a large building of stone with Miss S. Lugg, mistress; Miss Elizabeth Ann Treloar,
granite dressings, erected in I858, & will hold 273 persons ;
James John Lugg, master; Waiter Wearue, medical infants' mistress
officer; Mrs. J. J. Lugg, matron Wesleyan Day, Wendron street (mixed & infants), for 230

• children; average attendance, 8I boys, 59 girls & 63
infants; Wm. Hall, master; Miss Mary Edith Veall, mist

Meets at Workhouse on saturdays, monthly, at 3 p.m. Railway Station, William James Cowan, station master

Clerk, l''rederick Vivian Hill, Cross streat, Helston
Treasurer, Richard Foster Bolitho, Coinage-h'1ll street . OMNIBUSES : -

Medical Oilicer of Health, Narcis Richard Haswell, Helston CAMBORNE-Davey, daily, at 10 a. m

Inspector of Nuisances, North district, W. Broad, Porth- CONSTANTINE-Courage, sat. 6 p.m

leven, !Ielston ; Meneage district, T. J. J oyce, St. Keverne CuRY-Hills & Lyne, wed. & sat. 5.30 p.m

FALMOUTH-James, daily, 10 a.m. ; Penlerick, 4 p.m. &


Meets at Workhouse on saturdays, montllly, at 2.30 p.m. GRADE-Pollard, wed. & sat
LrzARD-Blackwell (brake), daily, summer months; &
Clerk, Frederick Vivian Hill, Cross street, Helston
Attendance Officer, John W. G. Bartlett, Boscawen, Mawgan Lyne, mon. wed. & sat. twice, 9.30 a.m. & I p.m
MARAZION-James, daily, m a. m. & Osborne, 2.30& 6 p.m

MuLLION-George, wed. & sat

PUBLIC OFFICERS : - PENRYN-James, daily, 10 a.m. ; Penlerick, 4 p.m. &

Assistant Overseer, John Hendy, Wendron street Crosier, 6 p.m
PENZANCE-James, daily, Io a. m. & Osborne, 2.30 & 6 p.m
Certifying Factory Surgeon & Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, PoRTRLEVEN-Wills, wed. & sat
Waiter Wearnc, Mcncage street REDRUTH-Davey, daily, at 10 a.m

Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, Edwin J. Anthony,

Church street VANS TO:-

Clerks to Highway Board, North Helston, Frederick Vivian COV.ERACK-J. Roberts, wed. & sat

Hill, Cross street; South Helston, J. Walker Tyacke, MANACCAN-Trezise, wed. & sat

Coinage-hall street ST. KEVERNE-Tripp & Wills, wed. & sat

PRIVATE RESIDEHTS. Jeffery Frederick Wm. Meneage street Rosewa-rne Mrs. 'Vendron street

Anthony Edwin John, Penrose road Jeffery Rev. Wm. Jas. [curate], Cross st Rowe William, Lizard road

Baddeley William Clinton, Cro,;s street Jose Mrs. Monument street Rows Richd.GundryJ.P.Coinage-hall st

B.1rker Misses, Coinage-hall street KendallEdwardPownoll,Coinage-hall st Scorse George, Church street

Bentley Rev. Joseph [United Metho- Kerby Richard, Meneage street Seville Charles Frederick M. B. Cross st

dist], Godolpbin road Lanyon George, Coinage-hall street Shipham Rev. Arthur [Wesleyan],

Best John, Coinage-hall street Latham Rev. Joseph [United Metho- :Monument road

Bond George Freethy, Monument road dist], Godolphin road Taylor Thomas, Chu-rch street

Cade Richard Henry, Church street Martin Mrs. The Cottage, Cross street Thomas Alfred Randle, Wendron st
• Carlyon John William, Cross street Martyn John Michael, Coinage-hall st Toy Henry, Coinage-ball street

Carter George Henry, Cross street Martyn Richd. Skewes, Coinage-hall st Trengrouse Miss, Coinage-hall street

Christophers John, 4 St. Mtchael's ter Mitchell Miss, Coinage-hall street Trengrouse WilliamTrevenen,Lizard rd

Cotton Richard, Wendron street Moreton James, Cross street Troup Misses, :Monument place

Cudlip Mrs. Penrose road Moreton Misses, Cross street TyackeRev. Joseph Sidney M.A. [vicar,

Cunnach George J ames, Cross street Moreton William Moore, Cross street hon. canon of Truro & surrogate],

Dale Charles Frederick, Cross street Moyle Miss, Penrose road Vicarage, Cross street

Dale Fred, Wendron street Oates Mrs. Colchestei· vils.Godolphin rd Tyacke Joseph Walker, Church street

Davey Thomas, Coinage-hall street Pascoe Mrs. Coinage-hall street Wakeham Charles, Lady street

Gedye Rev. John Banfield [Wesleyan], Pascoe Mrs. Monument place Wearne Waiter, Meneage street

Coinage-hall street Pellew James Edward, Lizard road Willey Jn. Hartley villas, Godolphin rd

Grant Arthur Thomas, Colchester viis. Pengilly Alexander, 2 Hartley villas, Williams William, Godolphin road

Godolphin road Godolphin road Wood John Davis c.E. Church street

Haswell Narcis Richard,Meneage street Purves Rev. Richmond Dickson R.A. Woolcvck Miss, l\1eneage street

Bendy James, Croswolla villa, Go- [curate], St. Michael's ter .Meneage st W oolcock Miss S. .Meneage street

dolphin road Quintrell Ed ward, Penrose road CO::Ill\IERCIAL.

Heynes Thomas, Cross street Hail Wm. Colchester viis. Godolphin rd. Addison Jsph. hair ~resser, Meneage st

Hill Frederick Vivian, Penhellis Ratcliffe Albert Edward, Penhellis Andrews John Winstanley, confectioner,

HooperJsph.Hy.[missionary], Reed John Goldsworthy, Coinage-ball st Coinage-hall street

Hosken Charles, Cross street Rhodes Rev. Ernest [Wes.], Wendron st Angove J osiah,earthenw-r. dlr. Church st

James John, Market place Roberts Misses, Church street Anthony Edwin J. accountant, sec. to

James Thomas Bath, Hartley villas, Rogers Henry, Nansloe Savings Bank & clerk to commis-

Godolphin road Rogers Henry 1\Iontague, Meneage st sioners of taxes, Church street


Antb.ony Jn. greengro. Coinage-hall st Cotnish Bank Limitecl (John ,Tames, Hendy Jame~, borough accountant,

Arthur Mary Ann (.:\Irs. ), boot maker, manager), Market place; draw on clerk to school board & assistant

Cburch street Smith, Payne & Smiths. London E c. overseer, Wendron street

Badcock Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, See advertisement Heynes Thomas & Son, grocers, Coin-

Godolphin road County Court (His HonorT.C.Granger, age-hall street

Banfield J osepli J ohn,farmer,Lower grn judge; Henry Rogers, registrar), Hill Frederick Vivian (firm, Grylls, HilL

Banfield Luke, shoe maker, Meneage st Coinage-hall street & Hill), solicitor & perpetual com-

Barker Elizabeth & Mary (Misses),girls' Conrtier Thomas~ grocer, Church street missioner (&in the Stannaries), supt.
school, Coinage-hall street
Cour.tis Edwd. Geo. grocer, Church st registrar & clerk to the guardians of
.Bassett James, butcher, Wendron street Conrtis Ernest, shoe maker, Church st Helston union, to the school attend-
.Bassett James, butcher, Lizard road Cowan William James, station master, ance committee, to the North Helston
Bassett John, butcher, Meneage street Godolphin road
. highway board & to the WestKirrier

Bassett Simon, butcher, Meneage street Crapp Wm. coffee house,Coinage-hall st petty sessions; steward for the
.Bather Edward,ironmonger,Meneage st Cunnack George James & Sons, tanners following estates :-the Duke of

"Batten, Carne & Carnes Banking Co. & cnrriers, Meneage street; Lady Leeds; Rev. Sir Vyell D. Vyvyan
Limited (James Edward Pellew, street & St. John's
bart. ; Rev. St. Aubyn H. M. St.

manager), Wendron street; draw on Cunnack Amy (Mrs.),. Btationer, Coin- Aubyn, Clowance; Col. Grylls R.A.

London & Westminster .Bank Lim. age-hall street Lewarne; Sir W. Trevelyan bart.
Lothbury E c
Curnow Elizabeth C. (Mrs.), Rodney Nettlecombe court, Somerset & Per-

Beaglehole William, mason, Lower grn inn, Meneage street - ran-nthnoe; trustee of the late Rev.

.iBeare William Henry, supt. of police, Dale Wm. & Co.drapers,Coinage-hali st William Veale, of Trevayler; & of

Police station, Godolphin road Dale Chas. Fredk. solicitor, Wendron st the late Rev. R. G. Grylls & others,

Behenna Sarah (Mrs.), apartments, Davey Thos. 'bus propr.Coinage-hall st Cross street

Monument place Daw William John, shopkpr. Church st Hoadley Charles Camber M.R.c.v.s.

Bennett John, pianoforte dealer & Day Edwin (Mrs.), grocer, Church st veterinary surgeon, Church street

music seller, Meneage street Dennis&Sons,drapers&c.Coinage-hall st Hocking Charles Conrtenay, auctioneer,

Benney Thomas, carrier, Lower road Dispensary (Walter Wearne & Charles house & estate agent & emigration

.Beringer J oseph & Son, watch mak.ers, Fredk.Seville M.B.surgns. ),Church st agent, Meneage street

Meneage street Downing Chas. hair dresser, Meneage st Hocking Nicholas, blacksmith, Church

13eringer Lily (Miss), agent for the Downing Wm. hair dresser, Meneage st street

British&Foreign .Bible Soc.Meneage st Dudley John, tailor, Meneage street Hosken, Trevithick, Polkinhorn & Co.

.Bishop Emma (Miss),shopkpr.Lower rd Dunstan Edward, outfitter, Meneage st Limited, corn merchants, Meneage st

BishopJn.Trise,btchr.&frmr.Lower grn Dunstan Margaret Jane (Mrs.), shop- Hosken James Dryden, clerk to burial
Blackwell Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress keeper, Wendron street
board, Godolphin road

maker, Monument road Eathorne Edwin John,potato merchant, Hosking Richard, cooper, Wendron st

Blackwell Waiter, Angel hotel, 2 St. Michael's terrace HuthnanceHarriet (Miss),dressmaker,
family, commercial & posting house, Eddy John, watch maker, Church st
Cross street

Coinage-hall st.; bus to meet all trains Eddy Wm. cabinet ma. Coinage-hallst James&Son,honsefurnishrs.Meneage st

Boaden Mary (Miss), fancy repository, Eddy Wm. Chas. painter &c. Church st James John, manager of the Cornish
Market place
Ellis John, italian warehouseman & Bank Limited, Market place

.Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Goode, wholesale & retail provision dealer, James Peter, carpenter, Wendronstreet

G-rylls & Co. Limited (Consolidated ham & bacon curer, pork butcher & James 'fhomas Bath, ironmonger,
Ban~ of Cornwall) (branch) (E. P. poultry dlr. & confectionr. Market pl plumber, gasfitter, tinplate worker &
Kendall, manager), Coinage-hall Ellis Sampson, rope maker, Meneagest bicycle agent, oils, lamps, heating
.street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Ellis William, rope maker, Meneage st apparatus, fishing tackle &c.

Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. Eva Clara (Miss),glass,china &earthen- Meneage street

London E c ; telegraphic address, ware dealer & tobaccnst. Wendron st J enningsGeorge,cabinet ma. Meneage st

Bolitho, Helston Eva John Oates, builder, contractor & ·JoryEdwin&James,masons,Meneage st

Bond Elizh.Ann(Mrs. ),smith,Bullock la surveyor, Wendron street Kempthorne Alerino (Miss), shop-

Bond George Freethy, professor of Eva Odger, borough surveyor & sani- keeper, Church street

music, Monument road tary inspector, & builder, Penrose rd Kendall Edward Pownoll, manager of

:Bowden Jn.Fras.SixBellsP.H.Chnrch st Fine Nicaolas, Prince's Arms P.H. Bolitho, Williams, Foster, GoOO.e,

Bray John, dairyman, Godolphin road Coinage-hall street Grylls & Co. Limited Consolidated

Bray William, farmer, Lizard road Foley John, inland revenue officer, St. Bank, actuary to Helston Savings

Brewer Peter Samuel, grocer, & livery Michael's terrace, Meneage street Bank, & treasurer to the Helston,

stables, Meneage street Freemasons• Lodge (No. 318) (John Crowan, Germoe, Mawgan & St.

British & Foreign Bible Society Depot Martin Richards, sec.), Cross street Martin school boards, Helston &

(Miss Lily Beringer,agt.),Meneage st Geach Annie (Miss), grocer, Meneage st Penryn turnpike trust, South Helston

Broadhurst Jas. carpenter, Wendron st Gill Agnes (Miss), tailoress, Church hill highway board & Helston burial

Broadhurst Wm.carpentr. Porthleven rd Gill John, boys' school, Gwealhellis board, Coinage-hall street

Bnstin Adeline (Mrs.), Star P.H. Coin- Glnyas John, saddler, Coinage-hall st Kerby Richard, land agent, Meneage st

age-hall street Grant Ann Elizabeth (Miss), tobacco- Kneebone William Thomas, leather

Cade&Co.seed&manure mrs.Meneage st nist, Wendron street cutter, Meneage street

Cade Alfred Charles, deputy registrar Grant Waiter, watch ma. Wendron st Lander Benj. hair dresser, Nettles hill

of marriages for Helston union, & of Great Western Railway Co.'s Parcel Lander Chas. shoe maker, Wendron st

b1rths & deaths for Helston,Mawgan, Office (Thomas Davey, agent), Coin- Lander James, tailor, Church street

Cury & Gunwalloe, Wendron street age-hall street Lander John, printer, Wendron street

Cade Robert,registrar of births &deaths Green Elizabeth (Mrs.), basket maker, Lander Richd. shoe maker, Penrose rd

for Helston sub-district & marriages Meneage street LaneWm. Puckey, watch ma.Meneage st

for Helston union, Meneage street Grylls, Hill & Hill, solieitors, Cross st Lanyon George, ironmonger & saddler,

Carlyon Elizabeth (:\1rs.), stationer, Gundry Grace (Mrs.), dress maker, Church street

Meneage street Church street Literary Institution & Library (John

,carne W. & E. C. wine & spirit mer- Gweek Company, coal & timber mer- Toy, jun. & William Edward Oates,

chants (George Gregor, manager), chants, Godolphin road hon. secs.), Public hall, Wendron st

Market place ; & at Falmonth & HarrisJas. job & post mastr.Meneage st Lory Charles, Helston Arms P.H.

•rruro. See advertisement Harris Saml.Rutter,saddler,Meneage st Wendron street

'Carne William, Bell inn,Meneagestreet Harrison William Marsden, photo- Lugg Harriet (Mrs.), wheelwright,

Cemetery (James Dryden Hosken,clerk grapher, Coinage-hall street Meneage street

to the burial board), Meneage street Harvey & Co. Limited, coal merchants, LnggWm.temperance htl.Godolphin rd

Charles Thomas, potato dlr. Wendron st Monument road Lukies John, grocer, Godolphin road

CheffersWilliam, mason,Meneage street Haswell Narcis Richard, surgeon, & Martin John Hennet, chemist, Coinage-

Chegwidden Henry, dairyman &carrier, medical officer df health, Helston rural hall street

Lower road sanitary district, 1\'Ieneage street Martin William, refreshment rooms,

Chenoweth Wm. haulier, Lizard road Hawke Bros. boot mas. Coinage-ball st Coinage-hall street

Choak Ann (Mrs.),shopkpr.Meneage st HawkeJohn& Son,butchers, Wendron st Martyn John & Son, grocers, Church st.

CoganMatthew, b~t wareho.Meneage st Hawke Wm. whitesmith, Lower green & millers (water), Helston mills

ColensoHannah(Miss),dress ma.Lady st Head William, shopkeeper, Meneage st Martyn John Michael, auctioneer, &
Colenso Mary Jane (Miss), milliner, Helston Gas Co. (John Gill, manager auditor to Savings Bank & managing
& .sec.), Lower road clerk to Grylls, Hill & Hill, solicitors,
Wendron street

CookEdward, shoe maker, Wendron st Helston Public Rooms Co. Limited Cross street
Cope Emma (Miss), dress maker, (George Henry Carter, see.), Wen- Moon i Philip Henry, basket maker,

Wendron street dron atreet Meneagestreet


MoretonBrothers,hardware,implement, Richards HoratioArthur,grcr.Chnrch st Thomas James, whaelwright, Lizard rd

corn, seed & manure merchants & Richards James Andrew, monumental Thomas Thomasine (Mrs.),'refreshment

cycle agents, Coinage-mU street & at mason, Meneage street rooms, Wendron street

Penzance Richards J n. Martin,builder,Meneage st Thomas William, hairdresser,Church st

Moreton Willia.m Moore, auctioneer, Richards Thomas, Blue Anchor inn, Thomas William,pork butcher, Coinage-

valuer & house & estate agent, Coinage-hall street hall street

Coinage-hall street Richards William Isaac, insurance Town Hall, Coinage-hall street

Moyle Alfred, hair dresser, Wendron st agent, 5 St. Michael's terrace Toy John, iron founder, Meneage street

Moyle Bennett, temperance hotel, Roberts Josiah, confectnr. Meneage st Treloar Henry, farmer & dairyman,

Church street Roberts William,builder,l\Ieneage street Lower road

Mundy Thomas, farmer, Penrose road Roberts Wm. shoe maker, Wendron st TremaineHenry,boot maker,Meneage st

Nichola.s Thomas, shopkeeper,Churchst Roberts William George, earthenware Trembath Humphrey, grocer, Coinage-

Oates SamL Thos. New inn, Church st dealer, Wendron street hall street

Oates William John, smith, Meneage st Rodda Joseph Billin, saddler, Church st Trengrouse & Son, seed & manure mer-

Oates Wm. mine agent, Godolphin rd Rogers & Son, solrs. Coinage-hall street chants, Meneage street

Oates William Edward, collector of Rogers Henry (firm, Rogers & Son), Trevaskis William John, photographer,

assessed taxes, Godulphin road solicitor, commissioner to take affi- Nettles hill

OdgersChas. Bottrall,haulier,Meneage st davits in the Supreme courts & 'frevithick William, grocer, Meneage st

Oliver Thomas, butcher, Meneage st perpetual commissioner for taking Tripp Wm. carpenter, Meneage street

Oliver William, grocer, Meneage street acknowledgments of deeds bymarried Tyacke Joseph Walker, solicitor & com-

Partridge Samuel John, Horse & Jockey women, sol1citor to the Helston burial missioner for oaths, town clerk &clerk
P.H.&livery & bait stables, Meneage st board, treasurer of Sithney & Wen- to South Helston district highway

Pascoe Edwin, horse dealer, Lizard road dron school boards, liberal registra- board, Coinage-hall street

Pascoe James, cattle dealer, Meneage st tion agent & registrar & acting high Uren Jabez Wright, plmbr. Meneage st
bailiff of county court, Coinage-hall st Veale Elleu (Miss), s:1pkpr. Meneage st
Pearce Edwiu, bukher, Lizard road
Pearoe Wm. James,.sadJler, Meneage st Rogers Henry Montague, solicitor & Volunteer Battalion (1st) Duke of Corn-

Pellew James Edward, manager for clerk to the borough justices, Coin- wall's Lig-ht Infantry (D Co.) (Hon.

Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co. age-hall street Major Edward W. Cams-Wilson,

Limited, Wendron street Row & Co. boot makers, Meneage s~reet commandant; Alexander Pengilly &

Pengilly Alexander, solicitor, Market pl Rowe Nicholas, hair dresser, Coinage- 1 Percy Bickford-Smith, lieutenants;
Penrose William,g-rocer,Coinage-hall st hall street Color-Sergt. Richard Threlfell, drill

Perry Harry, shopkeeper, Meneage st Rule Henry, whitesmith, Meneage st instructor)

Perry Thomas, shopkeeper, Meneage st Sandry Fras. Peter, hairdsr. Meneage st Wakeham Chas. &Son,chemists,&agnts.

Peters Jas. market gardener, Lizard rd Savings Bank (E. P. Kendall, actuary; for W. & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit

Polglase William Henry, serpentine Edwin J.Anthony,sec.),Uhurch street mrchnts.&stamp office,Coinage-hall st

worker, Wendron street Scors~ William, butcher, Croswolla Wearn Charles, blacksmith, Lizard rd

Polurrian House Co. Limited (Alfred Searle Josiah, mason, Lady street Wearne Joseph Hy. mason, Meneage st

Randle Thomas, sec.),Meneage street Seville Charles Frederick M. B. surgeon, Wearne Walter, surgeon, & medical

Pryor John, fruiterer, Penrose road & medical officer & public vaccinator, officer of health for the borough of

Pyatt Richd. brush maker, Meneage st Wendron district, Helston union, Helston & medical officer & public

-QuintrellEdwd. prof. of music, Penrose rd Cross street vaccinator for Helston No. r district,

Ralph Harry, butcher, Meneage street Shephard John H. highway surveyor for Helston un-ion, & of the workhouse &

Ralph Richd. butcher, Coinage-hall st South Helston district, Lizard road certifying factory surgeon& admiralty

Rapson Rd. Gundry,draper,Meneage st Singer Manufacturing Co. (William surgeon & agent, Meneage street

Ratcliffe Albert Edward (firm, Grylls, 'frevethan, agent), ~Ieneage street Willey Samuel, baker, Wendron street

Hill & Hill), solicitor, & deputy clerk Sleeman & Co. wine & spirit merchants Williams & Son, iron founders, Lady st

to guardians, Helston union,& deputy & brewers, Meneage street Williams Ehza (l\ilss), ironmonger,

superintendent registrar, Cross st Smith Henry,photgrphr. Coinage-hall st Coinage-hall street

Read & Roberts, drapers & milliners, Smith James, biU poster, st Williams John, ironmonger, Meneage st

Meneage street & Wendron street Staples Wm. carpenter, Coinage-hall st Williams Jn. mast. mariner, Meneage st

Redrutb Brewery Co. Limited (Richard Stevens Margaret (Mrs.), Seven Stars Williams 1\<brgaret & Bertha (Misses),

Orchard, agent), & mineral water P.H. Coinage-hall street ladies' school, Church street

manufacturers, Meneage street Symons John, boot maker, Meneage st Williams Elizabeth (Miss), Globe P.H.

Reed John Q, wool & corn & forage Thomas Alfred R. solicitor &-commis- Wendron street

merchant, Meneage street sioner for oaths & secretary to the Wills John, Red Lion P.H. Church st

Reynolds Louisa & Emily (Misses), Polurrian House Co. Lim. Meneage st Wills William, pork butcher,Meneage st

fancy goods repository,Coinage-hall st Thomas Barzillai, draper & tailor, Winkworth T. & Co. outfitters,Coinage-

Reynolds William Henry, cab pro- Meneage street hall street

prietor, W"endron street Thomas Francis, refreshment rooms, Winn Wm. John, builder, Godolphin rd

Richards Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, &board- Meneage street Woolcock Richard, printer, Meneage !'it

ing house, Coinage-hall street

HERODSFOOT is an ecclesiaslical parish, formed Dec since 1889 by the Rev. Geor~e Brereton Hooper M.A. of

5, 185r, from the civil parishes of Duloe, Lanreath and St Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Here is a chapel for Bible
Pinnock, 5 miles sou~h-west from Liskeard, where is the Christians. The principal landowners are Cecil Edward

nearest railway station, in the South Eastern divisiOn of the Bewes esq. J.P. of Hillside, Ridgeway, Plympton, and Sir

<:ounty, eastern division of the hundred of West, petty William Lewis Salusbury-Trelawny bart. D.L., J.P. of Tre-

sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county lawne, Pelynt. 'fhe soil is light; subsoil, killas. The chief
court district, rural deanery of W"est, archdeaconry of Bod- crops are the ordinary routine of grain and roots. The

min and diocese of Truro. The church of All Saints, con- area is 1,6oo acres ; the population in 1891 was 346.

secrated in r8so, is a small building, in the Early English Letters through Liskeard, via St. Keyne, arrive at 8.30 a.m.

stylt!, consisting of chancel and nave, south porch and a Duloe is the nearest money order & Liskeard the nearest
western turret containing one bell: in r88o a new organ was telegraph office
~rected: the church will seat r6o persons. The register

dates from the year r85o. The living is a vicarage, tithe WALL LETTER Box cleared at 5.20 p.m

rent-charge £6g, net yearly value £ror, with residence and National School (mixed), built in r853, for 70 children;

z acres of glebe, in the gift of the rector of Duloe, and held average attendance, 35; Samuel Brown, master

Hooper Rev.Geo.Brereton M.A.Vicarage Dingle Simon, farmer, Pendruskit Pearn William, shopkeeper

Trevillion John, Rose cottage East Cornwall Gunpowder Co. Limited Pengelley William, machinist

COMMERCIAl.. (Charles Isaac, manager), manu- Pomeroy Edwin, boot maker

Algar Richard, farmer, Killagorick factory; offices, Liskeard Richards George Albert, farmer

Arthur John, farmer, Killagorick Greet John, mason Wills James, farmer, Trewen

Broad John, farmer, Coombe Hambly Richard, farmer, Bephillick Wills James, jun. farmer, Trevawden

Broad Charles, farmer, Caglenna lVIallett Edwin, farmer, Pendruftle Yeo William, farmer, West. park

Broad Nicholas, farmer, Landare Medland Joseph farmer, Coombe

HESSENFORD is a village and ecclesiastical parish, division of East South, union of St. Germans, county court

formed March 26, r852, from the civil parish of St. Germans, district of Liskeard, rural deanery of East, archdeacom•y of

and is in a deep valley on the river Seaton, over which there Bodmin and diocese of Trnro. The church of St. Anne,

is a bridge of 3 small arches, 4 miles west from St. Germans built in r832, and consecrated September 26th, 1833, was

station on the Great Western railway and 6 south-east from rebuilt in r87r at the cost of the then vicar, and is an edifice

Liskeard, m the South Eastern division of the county, of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,

southern division of the hundred of East, petty sessional nave, aisles, south porch and a small western tower with


spire containing one bell : the stained east window is a 1by summer visitors. The Mission chapel of St. Nicolas,

memorial to the Rev. G. Golding, formerly vicar of Hessen- built in IB84 by the Rev. J. T. Fisher B.A. late vicar of

ford: the west window is a memorial to Mrs. Abraham : · Hessenford, is an edifice of stone in the Early English style,

the reredos is of carved stone inlaid with mosaic: there are and has a belfry containing one bell: a pulpit was erected

300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1832. The in I893: there are Ioo sittings. The Wesleyan chapel and

living is a vicarage, .average tithe rent-charge £29, net schoolroom were built in x8go, at a cost of £650: the chapel

yearly value £283, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of affords sittings for about I50 persons. Th~ Downderry

St. Germans, but pro hac vice, the Dean and Chapter of Working :Men's Club and Reading Room, erected at a cost

Windsor, and held since I886 by the Rev. Horace Newman of £4oo, opened in 189:x by the Right Hon. the Earl of

Wheeler M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Wesleyan Mount Edgcumbe, is a structure of local sandstone with

chapel, Minard Cross, was erected in I86o. In Hessenford brick dressings, and is well supplied with local and general

wood are some remains of an ancient chapel. The Earl of newspapers and has a library of several hundred volumes ;

St. Germans D.L., j-.P. who is lord of the manor, aud Mrs. bagatelle and other games are also provided: Capt. Brian

Somers Cocks, of London, are the principal landowners. Williams is president.

The soil is marl a~d clay; subsoil, frees tone and slate. The PosT OFFICE, Downderry.-Mrs. Sarah Norris, sub-post-

chief crops are corn, roots and potatoes. The area is 6,ooo mistress. Letters from St. Germans R. S. 0. the nearest

acres; the population in :x8gr was 948. money order and telegraph otlice, arrive at 8.20 a.m. &

Sexton, James ~\'ebber. 5.30 p.m.; dispatched n.2o a.m. & 4.15 p.m. Postal

PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Jane Ruth Hoskin, sub-postmistress. orders are issued here, but not paid

Letters arrive from St. Germans R.S.O. at 7·35 a. m. ; ScHOOLS:-

dispatched at 5.25 p.m. The nearest money order & National, Hessenford (mixed), for 40 children; average-

telegraph office is at St. Germans. Postal orders are attendance, 37; Mrs. Mary Peggy Horwill, mistress

issued here, but not paid National, Deviock (mixed), built in 1844, for 91 children·;

Downderry, 3 miles south, is a small fishing place, average attendance, about 55; Albert Marshall Harding~

pleasantly situated above Whitesand Bay and backed by a master; Mrs. Harding, mistress

range of hills, from which a good view of Rame Head and National, Catchfrench (mixed), built in 18sB, for 73.

Eddystone lighthouse/is obtained; it has improved of late children; average attendance, 46; Mrs. Rebecca Barrett,

years, and has a coast guard station, and is much frequented mistress

Hessenford. Lucas Richd. Oliver, farmer, Bonialva co:c~mERCIAL.

Pole Mrs. St. Anne's cottage Matthews 'Yilliam, farmer Anclrew Richard & John, carpenters

Pole Miss, St. Anne's cottage Moore Edwin, boot & shoe maker Andrew Wm. blacksmith & shopkeeper

Tatham Misses, Catchfrench Morcombe Richard, Cornish Arms P.H. Broad William, farmer

Wheeler Rev. Borace Newman M.A. & miller (water) Broad William, jun. apartments

[vicar] Mortimer Richt1rd, farmer, Minard Ccast Guard Station (Frederick Chap-

Wither Miss, St. Anne's cottage Pomeroy William, tailor man, chief boatman in charge)
Raby Hugh Snell, farmer, Triffie Flashman Clara Lucy (Mrs.), aprtmnts

COMMERCIAL. Roberts Joseph, agent for Mrs. Cocks, Foot James, builder

Banbury Richard, farmer, Treliddon St. Anne's villa Gray Thomas, apartments

Hennett William, farmer, Trerieve Roberts William Henry, farmer, Bake Harfoot Thomas, tailor

Body Edwin, farmer, Milladon Scantlebury John, farmer May Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments

Bray Brothers, farmers, Treyone Screech Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper Mitchell Francis, builder,& apartments

Bray John Francis, Copley Arms P.H Snell James, dealer in poultry Mitchell Mary Ann Williams (Mrs.),.

Bunny Thomas, boot maker, Narkurs Stanton William, farmer, Carcoe apartments; every comfort & ac-

CarpenterElizh.(Mrs.),frmr.Carracawn Stanton Will!am, jun. farmer, Treyone commodation for visitors, Oak Bee cot

Clark Job, wheelwright Stephens Benjamin,farmer, Penquite Mitchell William, builder & contractor.

Clog William John, farmer, Tregunnick Thomas Wm. Hy. farmer, Catchfrench Oak Bee cottage

Coad William, farmer, Trerule Mitchell Wm. Henry, wagonette propr

Couch Henry, blacksmith Norris Sarah (:Mrs. ),shopkpr.Post ofti<.-e·

Couch William, blacksmith & shop- Downderry. Parker Elizabeth & Sons, grocers

keeper, Narkurs Abrabam John Sambell JaneAnnie (Mrs.),SeaViewhH

Foot James, carpenter, Narkurs Hill Arthur Tiltman Frederick, apartments
Hancock John, farmer Jarvis Mrs T1• ltman Henry, a•partments

Hancock Samuel, farmer, Care Kemm Rev. Thos. [curate in charge] Toms Mrs. apartments

Hoskin Jane Ruth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nettle William Wakeham William, apartments

Post office Phillips CoL George Hutchinson Warne William, apartments

Kitt William, carpenter Rickeard William Wills Whaler Misses, preparatory school

Lord Henry, farmer, Trewall Williams Mrs Working Men's Club & Heading Room

Lower John, farmer, South Bake Williams Captain Brian {Capt. Brian Williams, president)

ST. HILARY is a parish, township and village, 3 miles tithe rent-charge £295, gross yearly value £36o, with 38

east from Marazion Road station on the West Cornwall acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Duke of Leeds
section of the Great Western railway and 6 east from Pen- and Gen. the Rt. Hon. SirRedvers Hy. BullflrP.c., K.C.M.G.

zance, in the Western division of the county, hundred of and held since I89o by the Rev. William Henry Hughes,.

Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith West, Penzance of Queen's College, Birmingham, and domestic chaplain to-

union and county court district, rural deanery of Penwith, Lord St. Levan. The rectorial tithe rent-charge is now in

archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church the hands of 25 lay impropriators. There are Wesleyan

of St. Hilary, situated on an eminence, and rebuilt in x853, chapels at Halmanning, Penburthey Cross and Tregurtha,_
is an edifice of granite, in the Decorated style, from designs and one at Relubbus, erected in 1875, besides a chapel for

by Mr. W. White, architect, and consists of chancel with Bible Christians on Rosudgeon Downs. A new cemetery is
aisles and arcades of three arches, nave of four bays, quasi- now (1893) being laid out in connection with the church.

transepts, aisles, south porch and a western tower with Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of

spire, 78 feet high, and containing 3 bells, two dated 1674and Trewithan Probus, who is lord of the manor, the Duke of
one dated :x8o4: the previous church, erected in the reign of Leeds, Lord St. Levan, and Gen. the Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers
Henry VII. in the Perpendicular style, was destroyed by Henry Buller P.c., K.C.M.G., K.c. n., v.c., J.P. of Downes,..
fire on the night of Good Friday, 1853, 'the small tower Crediton, Devon, are the principal landowners. The soil is

which originally belonged to a cruciform church of the reign stiff clay; subsoil, killas. The chief crops are wheat,
of Edward III. alone escaping: two inscribed stones then turnips and broccoli. The area is 2,786 acres; rateable
found in the old walls are now placed near the south value, £3,883; the population in 1891 was 956.
entrance ; one of these, though much worn, is believed to
read thus :-"Imp. Caes. Flav. Val. Constantino Pio. Nob. PRUSSIA CovE, 2 miles south-south-east, is a pleasant

Caes. Dim. Constantini Pii. A'V!f. Filio:" in I863 a memo- watering place in this parish ; HIGHER DowNs, half mile

rial window was erected in the south aisle to John Maughan south-east; LowER DowNs, 1 south; RosunGEON, 2 south;.
Conuell, buried at Montmartre, Paris, r6 Sept. 1845: in and TRENALLS, ~~ south-east, are hamlets, and RELUBtms~
r89:x a memorial east window was erected to the Rev. I east-north-east, a small village.
Sampson Kingsford M.A. for 20 years vicar of this parish Sexton, Thomas Roach.
( x87o-go) : there are 450 sittings : the churchyard is ex-
ceptionf!.llY distinguished by its numerous and costly tombs PosT OFFICE, Relubbus.-Mrs. Mary Ann Oats, sub-post-
and monuments, including one to the family of Davies, mistress. Letters through Marazion R.S.O. which is als0o
:x699, and others of modern date to those of Penneck, the nearest telegraph office, arrive at ro. 50. ,Box cleared
Blewett, Cole, Maugham, Millett and others: interments at 2.20 p.m. Nearest money order office, Goldsithney.
have ceased, except under certain condit.ions. The register Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
dates from the year :x6g2. The living is a vicarage, average WALL LETTER Box, Churchtown, cleared 2.35 p.m


A School Board of 5 members was formed April 2 6, 1875 i ' Board School (mixed), erected in 1877. for 230 children;

William Angove, clerk of the board; Edward White, average attendance, n 4 ; John Rees, master
Pendeen, Penzance, attendance officer

Hughes Rev. William Henry, Vicarage James Thomas, Hawkins Arms inn, & Richards Henry,farmer, RelubbusVean

King Francis, Church town farmer, Relubbus · Richards John, farmer, Trenalls

COMMERCIAL. James William, farmer, Halmanning Roach Sl. Jolly Tinners P.H. Churchtn

Alien Jn.shopkeeper,Relubbus highway James William, farmer, Kestal Roberts William, farmer, Freightons

Angove William, farmer, assistant King James, farmer, Relubbus Vean Sampson Thomas Francis, farmer,

overseer & collector of assessed taxes, King Wm. shopkeepr.Relubbns highwy Pedugwarry

Relubbns highway Laity .Alfred Hy.farmer, Retallack mills Searle John, farmer, Rosudgeon

Beunett Thomas, farmer, Trenewyack Laity George, farmer, Trevabyn Semmens Samuel, farmer, Trevarthian

Berryman Jane (Mrs.), miller (water), Laity John, farmer, Colensoe Smithan Ernest,wheelwright, Relubbus

Carbis mills Laity Joseph, farmer, Bostrase Treglown William & John, farmers,

BerrymanWm.Blight,farmer,Trewhella Laity Ralph, farJ;ller, Chyrease Tregurtha downs

Buckett Thomas, Falmouth Packet inn, Laity Richard Ford, farmer, Retallack Tregurtha Downs United Tin Mines

& farmer, Carter's downs Laity Silas, farmer, Tregilsoe (William Wighton, proprietor ;

Curnow Stephen, farmer, Church town Laity Silas Hood, farmer, Gears Henry G. Ricbards, agent)

& Middle Colensoe Laity Thomas, farmer, Retallack Trownson Joel, farmer, Rosudgeon

Floyd Joseph, farmer, Belvedere Lory Hugh Line, farmer, Colensoe Vellenoweth William, farmer & wheel-

Gard Elizh. (Mrs.) ,lodg. ho.Prussia cove Oats Mary .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, wright, Rosudgeon

Hosking .Ambrose, shopkeeper, Relub- Post office, Relubbus Williams Anthony, farmer, Penberthy

bus highway Osborne Elijah, farmer, Tregurtha Williams :Margt. (Mrs. ),frmr. Penberthy

Hosking John, dairyman, Trelease Osbornew·m.farmer,NorthTreveneague Williams Rd. omnibus propr. Relubbus

James John, seed & manure merchant, Reed Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Tregembo Williams William .Angove, carpenter,

Church town Richards Harry, ldgng. ho. Prussia cove Relubbus highway

James Thomas, farmer, Treveneague & Richards .Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Re- Williams William Ladner, farmer, Enys

Trelease lubbus highway

ILLOGAN, or ST. ILLOGAN, is a large and populous heading, and also includes 165 officers and inmates in Red-

mining parish, on the Bristol Channel, 2~ miles north- ruth workhouse.

west from Redruth, 3 north-east from Camborne and PARK BoTTOM, Ii miles south-south-west; RoscROGGAN~

2 north from Carn Brea station on the West Cornwall 2 miles south-west, with a Wesleyan chapel; ToLSKETHEY,

section of the Great Western railway, in the North Western I! east-by-south; and ToLVADDON, ~~ south-west, are

division of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional places here.

division of Penwith East, Redruth union and county court BmnaE, half a mile north, is a hamlet on the road from

district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Redruth to Portreath, and has a Wesleyan chapel.

Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Illogan is a FoREST is a hamlet, 5 miles south, with a Wesleyan chapeL

building of stone, with granite quoins, re-erected in 1848, in LoscoMBE is a hamlet, 5 miles south ; Four Lanes and

the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, Penventon are places here.

north and south porches and an ancient embattled tower, NANCEKUKE is a hamlet, I mile north.

with pinnacles, stanning at some distance north-west of the PoRTH TowN is a hamlet, 3 miles north, and has aWes-

church, and containing a clock and 6 bells, all recast in 1889 leyan chapel.

by Mears and Stainbank at the cost of Mrs. Basset, of Tehidy, TRESKELLARD is a hatnlet, 3 miles south, with a Primitive

in memory of her late husband, G. L. Basset esq. to whom Methodist chapel. ·

a memorial window was also erected by public subscription Carn Brea is a hamlet, 3 miles south-south-east of

at Easter, 1889: all the monuments formerly in the old Illogan and I south-west of Redruth, and has a station on

church have been carefully refixed in the present structure, the West Cornwall railway. The hill, a rocky elevation 740

and include, on the east wall of the north aisle, a brass with feet above the level of the sea, was supposed by Borlase,

effigies, inscription and figures of 10 children, to James chiefly on fanciful grounds, t.o have been the central place of

Basset esq. ob. February 8th, 1603, and Jane (Godolphin) worship for the Druids in this part of the county, and one

his wife, besides many later memorials of family, one of the many huge rocks is called "The Sacrificing Rock : "

of which, commemorating Francis, first and only baron de on the east are the remains of a castle, and on the west side

Dunstanville and Basset, who died February 14th, 1835, has of the hill traces of a circular fortification: on the summit
a bust of the deceased nobleman by Richard Westmacott is a lofty monument, of native granite, consis~ing of a.

R.A. ; there are various other memorials of modern date : pedestal, 42 feet square and 14 feet high, supporting an

the church affords 7II sittings: in the churchyard is an octagonal column with finial, erected by the county in 1836

ancient granite cross, 5 feet high. The register of baptisms to Francis Lord de Dunstanville and Basset ; the whole
dates from the year 1539 ; marriages, 16oo ; burials, IS-J.O. structure is 90 feet in height, and from the summit, reached
The living is a rectory, commutation tithe rent-charge by a stairway in the interior, a most comprehensive view of

£682, average £512, gross income £622, including 67 acres this great mining locality may be had; the cost of its
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Arthur Francis erection was under £I,ooo, but a considerable sum in

Basset esq. and held since 1884 by the Rev. Harry Oxland. excess of this was collected, and a large portion was invested

There are J<'ree Methodist chapels at Illogan Downs and for the purpose of giving £Io annuities to miners who had

Paynter's Lane End; Wesleyan chapels in the village and at lost their sight by accidents. On the death of Lord Dun-

Voguebilough, and a Primitiye l\Iethodist chapel, built in stanville, 14 Feb. 1835, the title of de Dunstanville became

1859, at a cost of £I 5o, and rebuilt in 1889. The "Harris extinct, his only daughter succeeding to the barony of

Memorial" at Cross Lanes is a large and handsome building, Basset; but on her death, unmarried, 22nd Jan. I855, that

erected at a cost of £750 by Mrs. William Harris, of Bank title also became extinct. Here are the locomotive repairing

House, Redruth, in memory of William Harris esq. of Pool, works of the Cornwall railway, a fuse factory and a Wes-

in this parish, and of Bank House, Redruth. .At Broad leyan chapel. Bosleake, Carnarthen and Tregajorran are

Lane is a library and reading room, established in 1878 and places here, and at 'fregajorran is a Wesleyan chapel. On

maintained by James 'fangye esq. at his sole cost, for the the eastern side of the hill stands an ancient tower or castle,

use of the parish. Mary's Well is a drinking fountain, built originally, acording to William of Worcester, writing in

erected, together with a drinking trough for cattle, by the 1478, by Sir John Basset. The Tincroft and Carn Brea

late G. L . .Basset esq. Tehidy, the seat of .!.rthur Francis mines employ about 1,5oo persons.

Basset esq. has been a seat of the Basset family for several CARNKIE is a village, 4 miles south of Illogan and ~~

centuries, and for some time their chief residence; the first miles west of Redruth, on the south side of Carn Brea hill.

of the family belonging to this place being William Basset, Here is a wooden mission room, erected at a cost of £ ISO•

son-in-law to Alan-de-Dunstanville, who lived about the year by the late G. L. Basset esq. ; there are also Wesleyan and

1140: the late John F. Basset esq. about I865, enlarged and Primitive Methodist chapels. Here are the Wheal Basset

nearly rebuilt the mansion, which stands in a park, com- and South Frances United mines.

prising, with shrubberies and plantations, nearly I,ooo ILLOGAN HIGKWA.Y is a scattered village, I~ miles south,.

acres; the house contains an admirable collection of pictures the road from Redruth to Camborne. The Redruth Union

by ancient and modern masters. .Arthnr Francis Basset Workhouse here is a building of stone and granite, in tbe

esq. who is lord of the manor, and Lord Robartes, are the Elizabethan style, erected in 1838, at a cost of about

chief landowners. The soil is loamy ; subsoil, principally £13,ooo, and will hold 450 inmates. There are Wesleyan,.

clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The l''ree Methodist and Primitive Methodist chapels. Blowing

area is 8,493 acres; r.tteable value, £32,327; the population House is a place here. Conveyances from Camborne t~

in 1891 was g,312, which includes the inhabitants of part of Redruth, and vice veJ•stl, pass through at regular periods

the district parish of Tuckingmill, which was taken from the throughout the day. The Wheal .Agar mine employs 350

parish of Illogan, and which will be found under a separate persons.


Pool is a large village, 2 miles south, on the road from 1 PosT, M. 0. & T, 0., S, B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

Redruth to Carnbocne, about equi-distant from each, fmd Portreath.-1\:lrs. Rosa Georgina Pep.berthy, -sub-post-

half a mile north of Carn Brea railway Station. The chapel mistress. Letters through Redruth arrive at 9·45 a. m. &

of ease at 'frevenson Moor, erected in t8o6-g, by Lord de 7.10 p.m.; dispatched at 2.45 & 7.25 p.m
Dunstany~le, and endowed by him ~ith la~d .at 'freloweth pWALL LETTER Box,
of the ongmal value of £42 yearly, 15 a bmldmg of stone, pm cleared at 2 •55 & 7 . 30 m. ; sundays
12 ·45 · ''
with granite quoins-, in the Perpendicular style, and comists S. B. & An~mt. y
of chancel and nave, south porch and a western embattled f!·•PosT, M. 0. & 'f. & Insurance Office,

tower,with pinnades,containingclock and one bell, presented Carn Brea (Ratlway Sub-Office. .Letters should have
R._S.O. Cornwall adde~).-Mrs. Emtly Holway, sub-post
ibnur1i8a8l3grboyunthde, late G. L. Basset esq.: there is an attached ~Istress. Letters arrtve at 7·45 a. m. 2.35 & 5-30 p.m.;
consecrated by Dr. Benson, Bishop of Truro

(r877-82), and now Archbishop of Canterbury, inJuly,r88o: dtspatched at 6.40 & to. to a.m. & 4.20 & 6.40 p.m

the chapel affords 250 sittings. There are also Wesleyan WALL LETTER BoxEs--Carn Brea station, cleared at 7·35

and Free Methodist chapels. The Basset Literary Institute, & 9.40 a.m. & 4 p.m. : Peace, 3.20 p.m. & Pool, 9·55 a. m.

built in 1878 by subscription, is well supplied with books, & 4.10 & 6.15 p.m. week days only

daily and weekly papers and magazines. Here is also a PosT OFFICE, lllogan Highway.-Mrs. Grace Hooper, sub-
County Police Station. with residences for two constables
and two cell~ for prisoners. Here is an iron foundry, and postmistress. Letters through H.edruth arrive at 8.50
a. m. & 6 p. m. ; dispatched at 4 p. m. The nearest money
the East Pool mine, employing 750 p~rsons. Conveyances order & telegraph office is at Carn Brea. Postal orders
from Camborne to Redruth pass through the village at are issued here, but not paid
l'egular intervals during the day. Trevenson is the residence WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 9.50 a.m. & 3.50 p.m. week
of William Teague esq.
days only
Portreath (or BASSF.T CovE), r~ miles north-west, 4
from Camborne and 4 from Redruth, is a seaport with PosT OFFICE, Porthtowan.-Mrs. Mary L. Hocking, .sub~ •
four docks, a pier about a quarter of a mile long and ware- postmistress. Letters through Redruth arrive at 10.35
houses ; the construction of the latter was commenced in a.m. ; dispatched at 2.15 p.m. Portreath is the nearest
1760: previous, however, to this, there was a dock on the money order & telegraph office

Tehidy side, completed by Lord de Dunstanville about 1781. SCHOOLS:-
There is a railway from the open port, for minerals only, A School Board of 7 members was formed May 24th, r87r ;
joining the main line at Carn Hrea. Messrs. D. W. Bain, J. L. 'fregenza, Pool, clerk to the board; R. Ellis, attend-
Son and Co. of this place, have several steamers employed in ance officer
.exporting copper ore and importing coal, iron and lime, with Illogan Board (boys), for 230 children; average attend-
which the mines in the adjacent districts are supplied. St. ance, 132; John William Dainty, master; (girls) built
Mary's chapel of ease is a building of stone, in the Early in 1845 ; average attendance, 88 ; Miss Emma 'fippett,

English style, erected in r841 from desings by Mr. Whit- mistress ; infants, 56 ; Miss Alice Cocksedge, mistress
Barncoose Board (mixed), built in 1891 & enlarged 1893,
wick, architect, and restored in t88o, at a cost of £170,
and consists of chancel and nave, western porch and a bell- for 320 children; average attendance, 157 & us infants;

cot containing one bell : there are sittings for 256 persons. Thomas Oates, master ; Miss Brenda Dingle, infants' mist
Here are also Wesleyan and Free Methodist chapels. At Pool Board (boys), built for t8o children.; average attend-
Nance, overlooking Portreath, are the remains of an ancient ance, 135; William Jago, master; (girls) built in 1872,
for r6o girls; average attendance, 76; :Miss Amelia
Nichols, mistress
PosT OFFICE, Illogan.-l\'Iiss Fanny Brooks, sub-postmis- Nancekuke (mixed), built in 1873, for too children; aver~
tress. Letters through Redruth, arrive at 9.25 a.m. &
6.20 p.m. ; dispatched at 3.30 & 6.20 p.m. The nearest age attendance, 53 ; Miss Laura James, mistress
money order & telegraph office is at Portreath. Postal Carnkie (mixed), built for 210 children; average attend.
orders are issued here, but not paid
ance, 125 & 53 infants: John Henry Mallard, master;
lVIiss Florence Huzzey, infants' mistress
WALL LETTER BoxEs-Park Bottom, cleared at II.I5 a.m. Infants', Pool, built in r845, for t6o children ; average at-
week days only; Tehidy South Lodge, cleared at 9.40 tendance, II5; Mrs. Anne Louisa Dyke Nancarrow, mist
a.m. & 3.30 p.m. week days only, &at Broad Lane, cleared Portreath (mixed), built in 188o, for roo children; average
at 3·45 p.m.; sundays, 1.35 p.m
attendance, 107; Miss Mary Hannah Letcher, mistress
PosT OFFICE, Paynters Lane End.-Mrs. Ellen Trevarthen,
sub-postmistress. Letters through Redruth arrh·e at Carn Brea Railway Station,Chas. H.W. Isaac, station master a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 3-35 & 6.15 p.m. CARRIER TO REDRUTH.-Charles Wills, from Broad Lane,

Portreath is the pearest money order & telegraph office. every fri. ; John Seymour & Henry Harding, from Port-

Postal orders are issued here, but not paid reath, every fri

Illogan. J effery James, grocer & draper, Broad la Garland John, farmer

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. tJenkin Jacob, farmer, Roscroggan Luke Henry, blacksmith
Kempthorne MaryAnn( Mrs. ),frmr.Park Rodda James, tin streamer
{Marked thus t letters through Camborne.] Letcher Joseph, butcher Rouse Joseph, farmer, Cambridge
Library & Reading Room (J ames Sedgeman William, tin streamer
fBartle Charles Davey, 'fuckingmill hill Smith Richard, grocer
tBasset Arthur Francis, Tehidy Tangye, sec.), Broad lane Treseder John, farmer, Laity
tBasset Mrs. Tehidy LukeMrtha.Elizh. (Miss),shpkpr.Downs Uren John, miller (water)
Burgess Mrs. Edward, Nance Mitchell James, farmer, Merrose Willoughby John, farmer, Chegarder
Burgess Mrs. George, Ivy cottage
tEveritt Joseph, Mount Whistle tMitchell John, farm bailiff to A. F. CarnBrea.
Goddard Henry Robertson, Fairfield COMMERCIAL.
Harris John, Broad lane Basset esq. Tehidy Home farm Arthur Richard, grocer & drapar
Harris William, Broad lane Nancarrow Ann (Mrs. ),shpkpr.Broad la Brunton William & Co. fuse manufctrs
Oxland Rev. Harry, The Rectory Carn Brea Tin Mines (Carn Brea Min-
Penberthy James Paull Henry, farmer, Carvanol ing Co.) (William T. White, manager;
Tangye James, Avary cottage Penberthy John, wheelwright John Trevethan, purser; John
Tombs Mrs Penrose William, shopkeeper Daddow, Wm. Thomas & John Pen-
Phillips Alfred, Robartes Arms P.H
COMMERCIAL. Phillips Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper
tPrisk Richard, New inn, Park bottom

tBailey Alfd. Hy. grocr. Tuckingmill hi tR·chards Charles, farmer, Park hall, captains; James Martin
Bath Henry Arnall, grocer & draper Rogers Richard, farmer, Trengrove Stephens, accountant)
tScott John, grocer, Tucking-mill hill
Beale W1lliam, shopkeeper - Tredinniclt J oseph, grocer & farmer Cowlin Richard, grocer
)layne Thomas, farmer, Carnarthen
Bennett William, farmer, Feadon tTredinnickStephn.shopkpr.Park bottm Oak William, farmer, Carnarthen

tBennett William, farmer, Magor
Blight Joseph,jun. farmr.Voguebilough tTreziseEdwinJas. grocr. Tuckingmill hi Paull Richard, farmer
Trezise Stephen, farmer, Tolskithey
Blight Richard, grocer & draper Paull William, farmer, Tregajorran
Camborne Unionist.Association (branch) tVincent Charles, farmer, Roscroggans Pearce Gilbert, tin streamer
(W.Sampson,sec. ),Paynter'sLane end Wills Edward, farmer, Illogan down Polkmghorne Wm. farmer, Tregaorran
Willoughby Wm. tin streamer, Broad la Drisk Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), farmer
Colenso Thomas, stone mason

Eddy Henry, farmer Bridge. Pryor Thomas, farmer

Evans Richard, farmer Tank William Reed George Henry, farmer, Bosleake,

Fox Wm.Jn. farmr. ~ landowner,Rayle COMMERCIAL. Tincroft Tm, Copper & Arsenic :Mine

Gribble Nicholas, shopkeeper, Downs BlightJoseph, stone mason, Cambridge (TincroftMiuingCo.) (WilliamTeague,
manager; Frederick William Dabb,
Grimaldi William, blacksmith, Tehidy Chappel William, joiner

Hambly John, rate collector & collector Crothers John, farmer purser; John Hammill & George Nan-

of taxes, Broad lane Daddow John, Bridge inn carrow, captains; Chllrles H. ,Paull,

Haynes Richard, shopkeeper, Broad la. Fox & Co. tin streamers a.ccountant)


ILLOG1N. 1131

West CbrnwaU Railway Locomotive Loscombe. Semmens William, greengrocer

Works (John Ivey, manager) Jenkin Grace (Mrs.), farmr. & shopkpr Serpell John, farmer

Williams Samuel, tin streamer Martin James, farmer Stephens Richard & Son, engineera

Wills Thomas, shopkeeper Newton John, farmer, Penventon Stephens James John, pork butcher

Carnkie. PetersThomasJames, farmer,Four lanes South Wheal Crafty Tin & Copper Mine
'frethowan Charles,farmer,Lanyon frm (Henry James Lean, purser; Josiah
Martin Mrs
Nancekuke. Thomas, manager ; William Pascoe
COMMERCIAL. & John M. Phillip, agents)
COMMERCIAL. Stoneman Ed ward Jn.carpenter&baker
Camborne Unionist Association Tabor Charles James M.B. surgeon, &
(branch) (W. Thomas, sec) Allen John, miller (water) medical officer & public vaccinator,
Illogan district, Uedruth union,
Eddy Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Christopher William John, farmer
Ham John, farmer Henley house
Jenkin William, shopkeeper Laity Sarah (Mrs.), farmer & grocer Thomas Charles, shopkeeper
Marti:r;t Elizabeth (Mrs.), beer retailer Tregenza J n. Lear, clerk to school board
Martin John, farmer Lawry Samuel, farmer Treglown A. & E. M. grocers, drapers
Martin John, Globe inn
Martin 'l'homas, farmer May Richard, farmer & outfitters, cycle & emigration agts
Opie Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Trevithick John, shopkeeper ,
Priske Henry, farmer, Filtcrick Mewton Edward James, farmer Trezise Stephen, tin streamer
Richards John Pope, farmer Uren Richard, shoe maker
Richards William James, farmer Mewton J ames, farmer Williams Susan Jane (Miss), ladies' schl

Richards John, blacksmith

Roscrow G.eorge, farmer

Tallaek Nicholas, farmer

Thomas William, farmer

Toy John, farmer •

South Frances United Tin Mines Pool. Williams Zacharias, farmer

(t:5outh Frances Mining Co.) (Cor- [Letters through Carn Brea. R.S.O.] Willoughby William Phillips & George

nelius Bawden, purser ; William PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Henry, butchers & farmers; & at

Hooper, John Opie, W. H. Richards & Burgess John Tucking mill

R. Williams, agents; F. W. Blarney, Clark Mrs Willoughby Katherine (Mrs.), grocer

accountant) Daine Rev. William Ralph M.A. [curate] &draper

ThomasWm.shopkpr.& carpenter,Peace Hosking Mrs Willoughby Thomas, corn & manure

Thomas William, jun. shopkeeper Jenkin Thomas Nichol dealer & farmer, Tehidy Barton

West Wheal Frances Tin Mine (R. H. Mayne Mrs • Yeo Henry, horse breaker

Pike & Son, pursers ; J osiah Thomas, Nancarrow Mrs Portreath.

manager; Nicholas Temby & Wm. Paull Henry, Agar terrace Bain David Wise J. P. Glenfeadon
Blarney Francis William
Thomas, agents; J. Rowe, clerk) Roberts Misses Blight Joseph Richards
Polkinhorn Henry
Wheat Basset Tin & Copper Mine (Wheal Serpell William Mitchell William
Basset Co.) (Richard Rendle, purser ; Tabor Charles James M. B. Henley ho Neame Harry Bayden
William James, manager; Charles Teague William, Trevenson Richards Alfred, Treloweth
Tregay Mrs
Clemens & James Andrew, agents) Tonkin Mrs
Williams Zacharias
Forest. Willoughby George Henry

Phillips John M. Pencoys Willoughby l\lrs. Henry

Mayne Joseph, farmer, Low.Grilles frm COJ\fMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL.

Opie Ch3rles, farmer, Forest farm Bartle F. & Sons, brass & iron founders, Bain David Wise, Son & Co. merchants
manufacturer$ of mining machinery, & shipowners
Paull Richard, farmer, Grilles farm specialite in pulverizers, Basset fndry Bellina Ellen (Mrs.), refreshment rms

Illogan Highway. Basset Literary Institute (R. Reynolds, Bellina George, photographer

PRIVATE RESIDENTS, curator) Camborne Unionist Association (C. H.

Beringer Richard Ernest Blarney Thomas Henry, butch3r Richards, sec)

Daddow John Bracket Tin Stream Co. tin streamers Cock William John, master mariner
Corin Philip Burne, apartments, Sea
Daniel Ralph, .Agar villa (Joseph Richards, manager)
View house, furnished, situated on
Eudey John Bray Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Camborne UnionistAssociation(branch) theNorth coast ofCornwall; extensive
Hocking James sea & landscape views, inclosed

Hodge William (W. Jago, sec) grounds

Penhale John Cocking William, farmer, TrQloweth
Cook's Kitchen Tin Mine (R. H. Pike & Chegwin Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper
Penhale Malachi Deverell Son, pursers; J osiah Thomas, Evans Stephen, tin streamer

Prideaux Alfred ger ; Charles Thomas & I<'rancis Fox Jane Rosina (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Rodgers. Mrs Fox John, master mariner

Stephens Martin Gilbert, capts)
Curnow Lambert, shoe ma. & shopkpr Fox Samuel, lodging house
Symons Mrs Golds worthy Colou, grocer & draper

Thomas William Curry Henry, shopkeeper Greenslade Charles, master mariner

Trevethan John, Pendeen Doble John, paperhanger Greenfell Anthony, master mariner

Trezise Stephen, Tredinnick Dunn & Son, carriers Harding Henry, omnibus proprietor

COMli[ERCIAL. Dunstan Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper
East Pool Copper, 'fin, Arsenic & Wool- Hellyar William Francis,Portreath hotl
Bawden Samuel, shopkeeper
Blowing House Tin Streaming Co. (G. fram :Mine (J. H. Mayne, purser; Hocking John, tin streamer
C. F. Bishop,manager; John Penhall, Langdon Alfred, stone mason
P. Pearce, sec) LetcherThomas,agent to GreatWestern

Carter Henry, grocer S. Curtis & John Bishop, agents) Railway Co. & farmer

Dunstone John, shoe maker . Evans Richard, tin streamer Martin Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Durant Waiter, shopkeeper Hand James, blacksmith
Holway Emily (:Mrs.),shopkpr.Post off Penberthy J ames, shopkeeper
Eastman Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper P ortreath InstitutelJ. R. Blight,hon. sec)

Ellis Richard, attendance officer, Illo- Jenkin Eliza (Mrs.), beer retailer Retallack Charles, blacksmith

gan school board May William, wheelwright Russell John, refreshment rooms

Gray William Henry, grocer & builder Mayne John, ironmonger Seymour John, carrier

Hocking John, shopkeeper Miners Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer
Hooper Grace (Mrs.), grocer, Post office New Cook's Tin Mine (R. H. Pike & Trathen William, carpenter
Son, pursers; Josiah Thomas, mana- Tregoning Mary Ann (Mrs.), coffee ho
Jewell & Co. tin streamers Treloar John, pilot

Kistle Thomas, carpenter ger; William 'fhomas, captain) Vines Thos.Jas. chief coastguard otlicer

Odgers Harriet Ann (Miss), milliner Nile Richard, shopkeeper Webster Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Partridge Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeepr Phillips Phillip, hair dresser
Penrose Richard, minera1 water mnfr Phillips Wm. seed merchant &registrar Wills Charles, Basset Arms P.H

Rosevear Katherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper of births & deaths for Illogan sub-dist Porth Towan.

Rowe William, Railway inn Phillips William'fhos.monumntl.mason Clarke William Joseph
Sibly William Mitchell, watch maker Plint Eliza (Mrs.), grocer Dungey Henry, Clarence cottage
Stephens Samuel Henry, tin streamer Pooley Edward, joiner Sarah William Henry
Thoma,s John, smith & boiler maker Prout Thomas, shopkeeper Gill Annie (Mrs.), refreshment rooms
Thomas Richd. road surveyor, Agar cot PrettejohnHarry,Plume of Feathers htl Hampton Henry, farmer
Wheat Agar Tin Mine (Wheal Agar Reynolds Joseph Aug. travelling drapr Lawry James, farmer
Reynolds Richard, shopkeeper
Adventurers) (Cornelius Bawden, Roberts John, builder & contractor Treskellard.
purser ; Ralph Daniel, manager &
Hocking Tabitha (Mrs.), farmer
M. D. Penhale, capt) Rogers Solomon, Basset Arms P.H
Jewell John Henry, farmer
Willoughby William Phillips, farmer, Rowe William, grocer
- Saunders Tom, watch maker, dealer in Nile J ames Henry, grocer
Barn coose all kinds of musical instruments Richards Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer
Winn John, tin streamer


ST. ISSEY is a parish and village on the high road from street, Piccadilly, London, who are lords of the manor, Mrs.

Wadebridge to Padstow and on a branch of the navigable Ford, John Charles ·williams esq. M.P. of Werrington Park,
river Camel, 4 miles west from Wadebridge station on the Launceston, and Francis Paynter esq. are the chief land-
Great Western railway, 6 north from St. Columb Major, 4 owners. The soil is clayey and loamy; the subsoil is schist
south-by-east from Padstow and IO north-west from Bod- or soft slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley, mangolds
min, in the Mid division of the county, hundred and pett.y and potatoes. The area is 3,499 acres of land, 32 of tidal

sessional division of Pyder, St. Columb union and county water and I63 of foreshore; rateable value, £4,170 ; the
court district, rural deanery of l'yder, archdeaconry of population in I89r was 557·
Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Issey, TREDINNICK, I mile south; TRELOW, rl south : CANALID-
entirely rebuilt in r87I, is an edifice of stone, in the Gothic GEY, I~ south-east; TRENANCE, half-a-mile south; TRE-

style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an VANCE, a quarter of a mtle east; and TREGONCE, r! north

embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: from the church, are hamlets.
the cost of restoration was£3,ooo, inclusive of a new organ ; Parish Clerk, William Menhinnett.
in I883 the chancel was re-decorated and painted at a cost PosT OFFICE (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
of £Ioo: there are sittings for 232 persons. The register R.S.O. Cornwall added).-1\Irs. Elizabeth Ann Shepherd,
of baptisms and marriages dates from the year I596; postmistress. Letters arrive, per rail from London, at
burials, I6o2. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- 8.50 a. m. ; North, at 2.5 p.m. ; dispatched to London at
charge £I7I,net income £240, including SI~ acres of glebe, 4·55 p.m. ; North, at 10.45 a. m. The nearest money
with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of order & telegraph offices are at Padstow & Wadebridge.
Truro, and held since I88g by the Rev. Samuel Pascoe. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
There is a Congregational chapel, built in I88I, and aWes- Public Elementary School (mixed), built in I868, for I20
leyan Methodist chapel. In this parish is the Legossic mine, children; average attendance, 70 ; Miss l\lary E. Tonkin,
a circular intrenchment, and there are some remains of mistress
Halwyn, an ancient residence of the Champernownes. The CARRIERS.-Wills' omnibus passes through several times

trustees of the late Rev. Samuel Paynter M.A. of I3 Bolton daily; also Pope & Udy, daily

Pascoe Rev. Samuel, Hawkey Thomas Eales, farmer & land- Martin William, farmer, Halwyn
Paynter Francis May Richard, farmer
owner, Tredore Menhinnick William Henry,shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. Nichols Thos. & Hart, farmers, Trelow
Axford John, farmer, Carthew Hawkins Thomas, farmer, Tredinnick Olver Mary (Mrs.) & Edward John,
Best Waiter & E. grocers
Best Christopher, tailor Hawkins Wm. Thos. farmer, Canlidgey farmers, Lower Halwin
Biddick Frederick, carpenter Olver William James, Ring of Bells P.H
Biddick William, carpenter Hender John, farmer, No .Man's land Osborne James, shoe maker & farmer
Biddick William Henry, carpenter PearceJoseph,miller(water),Tredinnick
Chapman James, farmer, Tredinnick Henwood Hart, blacksmith Pinch Francis Henry, farmer, Trevear
Drew Benjamin, shoe maker Salmon Thomas, jun. farmer, Treligiou
Gool William, stone mason Henwood Richard Hawkins, farmer & Salmon William, farmer, Trenance
Gregar John, shoe maker Stone ·wm. farmer, Halfway house
Hancock John, farmer, 'l're,;once landowner, Penrose Trevethan Zaccheus, shoe maker
Hawken & Son, farmers & millers Veal! Elizabeth (Miss), farmer
Hicks Thomas Henwood & JohnTyacke, Welch William, blacksmith
(steam & water), Millingey ·woodward Samuel, farmer, Trewince
Hawken Henry, farmer & carpenter farmers, Middle Halwin & Trevilgas
Woodward TbomasJas.frmr. Tregonce
Hawken Samuel, shopkeeper & farmer Hicks J. Magor, reg. of births & deaihs Yelland James, farmer, Trevorrick ·
Hawken Thomas, farmer, 'fre;'ance
Horswell Harry, farmer, Trevorrick
Hawkey James, farmer
Hugo 'Villiam Hy. farmer, Newbarn

Lang Edwin, shopkeeper & farmer,

Tredinnick ·

Lawrence John, police constable

Lean John & Wm. farmers, Blabel

Letcher Jameson, saw mills, Sea mills

Lobb Thos. Charles, farmer, Canlidgey

Lobb Henry, farmer, No Man's land

ST. IVE (locally pronounced St. Eve) is a parish and corner of this parish is a curious isolated hill, washed at its

village, on the high road from Callington to Liskeard and base on two sides by the river Lynher; on its summit is an

Hodmin, between the rivers Lynherand Tidi, 4~ miles north- ancient encampment, probably British, called "Cadson

east from Liskeard, and 5 north-east from Menheniot station Bury ; " and. at Tokenbury is another small encampment.

on the Great Western railway, in the North Eastern division At 'frebigh was anciently a preceptory of Knights Templars.

of the county, middle division of the hundred of East, petty founded about 1ISO by H. de Pomeroy and Reginald Marsh~

sessional di\'ision of East Middle, Liskeard union and county its possessions were valued at i,"81. The Glasgow Caradon

court district, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bod- copper mine is in this parish. Sir Henry Bourchier Toke

min and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Ivo is a. build- Wrey hart. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the manor, Earl Comp-

of stone and grey granite, in the Decorated and l'erpendicu- ton r.r.P. Digby Collins esq. D.L., J.P. of Newton Ferrers,

lar styles, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, south William Coryton esq. J.P., of Pentillie Castle, Pillaton.

aisle, north transept, massive south porch and a western David William John Horndon esq. D.L., J.P. of Pencrebar, •

granite tower, with a cluster of three pinnacles at each Callington, .Miss Strode, of Newnham Park, Plympton,

angle, and containing 5 bells, dated respectively I844, I775, and William Pollard esq. of Woolston, are the chief land-

I8271 I8o6, 1790 and 1754: some of the old I4th century owners. The soil is free and light clay ; subsoil, clay

work at the east end is particularly fine, and the east win- slate. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley and turnips.

dow is a beaut1fnl work of the Decorated period and has an The area is 5,780 acres; rateable value, .£s,oi8; the

elaborately carved niche on either side: there are also three population in I891 was I17I6.
fine sedilia of the Decorated period and a piscina and in the Parish Clerk, John Stetridge.

transept is another piscina and a hagioscope: on the north PosT OFFICE.-William Herring, sub-postmaster. Letters

side of the chancel is an arched recess, and there are two through Liskeard at 8.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.20 p.m,

memorial windows and a large monument to John Wrey Pensilva is the nearest monev order office & Liskeard the

and his wife, dated 1597: the pulpit, made in 1700, is pro- nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,

fusely ornamented with debased carving, and there is a but not paid

carred oak lectern=. there are memorials to the families of I WALL LETTER Box, Charaton Cross, cleared at 3in_40I8p2.9m, for
D~son, I669- 1 712 , l::laltren, I695-I7~6; and Helyar, I8o6-
National School (mixed), Church Town, built
26 • and to llla~nch Wrey, ob. 1 595 • John Wrey esq. ob. So children· avera~e attendance 70 · Waiter Pugh
1597; John Demmoe, ob._ I68o? Joh? Lyne, 37 years rec_tor, master; Mis~ Elizab~th Hawkin, m'istre~s
ob. 179I ; and others of h1s family: m the south porch Is a .. • '

holy water stoup : the sun dial on the porch is inscribed ~ENSILVA ~s a large VJllage, 221 miles no~h.,west, 1nha~n~ed
"Quotidie Morior, 1695:" the church was restored and re- ch1e~y by mmers, an~ has a school-r~om lJCe~se~ tor d1vme
seated in oak in I883-4, under the direction of Mr. R. Med- serviCe. Here are ~ esleyan _and B1ble ChriStia_n chap_els,
ley Fulford F.R.I.B.A. at a cost exceeding £x,ooo, and has and a place of ~·orsh1p belo~gu!g to the :Methodist Umted

270 sittings. The register dates from the year I685. The Church. The populatiOn IS about I,3oo.

living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £326, net PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

yearly value £184, including Bo acres of glebe, with resi- Pensilva. -John Browning, sub-postmaster. Letters

dence, in the gift of the Crown, and held since I844 by the through Liskeard arrive at 8.5 a. m.; dispatched at 3.25

Ven. Reginald Hobhouse M.A. of Balliol College, Oxford, and p.m. Liskeard is the nearest telegraph office

surrogate. There is a 'Vesleyan chapel in the village and National .School, Pensilva, built in 1841• for 260 children;

one at Marsh gate, and also a Wesleyan Reform chapel. The a\'erage attendance, 48 boys, 57 girls & so infants ; Chas.

• charities amount to £IS yearly value. In the south-east Hy. Hammer, mastet•; Mrs. Eliza Hooper, infants' mistrs
St. Ive. Andrew George, farmer, Low Keason Carpenter Frederick, farmer, Trebeigh

Hobhouse Ven. Reginald M.A. [rector & Bennett Arthur Geo. farmer, Ludcott Collins Patrick, farmer, Gang

surrogate], Rectory Bolitho HarryEdwd.Butcher'sArms P.H Crocker Arthur, farmer,Low Penquite

· COMMERCIAL. Bond Samuel, farmer, Heathfield Davey S.:~.muel, farmer, Higher Keason

Alford Edward, farmer, Trevallack Borlase John Henry, farmer, Gate Denning Thomas, farmer, Woodfield


Dennis John Joseph, carpenter Wenmoth Nicholas, farmer, Dunnerdake Eva Francis, farmer & fish dealer

Gilbard George D. farmer, Hay Wevell Richard, blacksmith, Gang :{<'ursman John, farmer, Tremeer

Goldsworthy John, farmer, Low. Crift Pensilva. FursmanJn. jun.farmr.Highr.Charaton
Grose John, farmer, Appledore Gilb(l.rd Samuel, carpenter

Grose John Henry, assistant overseer, Coad John Gilbert Carolina (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Appledore Elliott Joseph, Tokenbury Gilbert Daniel, general dealer

Harris George, farmer, Thornton :Marriner Rev. Francis B.A. [curate] Harris Philip, farmer

Hawken Edward, farmer, Venn Pollard William, Woolston Harris Wm. David, farmer & dealer

Hawken Joseph, farmer, Moordown COMMERCIAL. H·:1wke George, shopkeeper

Higman John, farmer, Sleeve Aire George, farmer Hocking William, farmer

Hooper Thomas, farmer Bath Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Hosldn J' (Mrs.), Victoria hotel,

Hoskin Christian(Mrs. ),farmr.Penquite Bickford James, farmer, Byewood Silva cross

Hoskin George, carpenter, Parkfield Bond Edward, farmer, Middle hill H'oskin Richard, farmer

J ane John, farmer, Durnaford Bond John, farmer, Tokenbury Keast Frederick, shopkeeper

Jane William, farmer, Dunnerdake Bowden Thomas, farmer, Charaton Kelly James, shopkeeper

Landry Samuel, farmer, Cholwell Browning John, shopkeeper, Post office Kelly William, shoe ma. Charaton cross

May Ernest, farmer, Great Leigh Carkeet Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Matthew Edward, farmer, 1\lillawn

May Richard, farmer, Bicton Cauuter Samuel, butcher & farmer Mutton John, farmer, Penharget

Mutton William, farmer, Redland Chapman Richd. farmer, Low Woolston Osborne William, shopkeeper

Mutton William, shoe ma. Parkfield Cock Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Slade Pascoe Stephen, farmer, Woolston

Olver William, farmer, Higher Crift Colwill Thomas, farmer, Midwood Pollard James, shopkeeper

Pearse William, farmer, Woodcockseye Co-operativeStores(J ehuRichards,mgr) Rogers Absolom, farmer, High wood

Richards Thomas, farmer, Ford Crapp Mathew, farmer, Slade park Roseorla John, general dlr. Middle hill

Rowe William, mason Daniel Mark,blacksmith,Charaton cross Sargent George, boot maker

SandercockWm.blacksmith,NewBridge Davey Thos. carpenter & wheelwright Slade John. shoe maker

Scourey William, blacksmith Delbridge John, farmer, Hay Sleeman Sydney, farmer, Scrowsdon

Snowden John Thomas, shopkeeper Delbridg-e Wm. farmer, Lit. Woolston Trevett William, shopkeeper

Stephens Richard, farmer, Cadson Drake William, farmer Warne Matthew, farmer, Ashlake

Truscott Richd.farmer,East Trevallack Drew William Henry, tailor Williams Richard, farmer & landowner

ST. IVES is a municipal borough and parish, on the cross and vauqujshing the dragon ; over the head of the saint

north coast of Cornwall, and the terminus of the St. Ives is a scroll with the invocation, "~andt #(icadl .unr p-t.u
branch from St. Erth, of the Great Western railway, 9 nobis," and below the figures an inscription : here is also a
miles north-north-east from Penzance, 15 miles west from brass to the original members of the St. Ives Artillery corps :
Redruth, 22 miles west-north-west from Falmouth, 22 there are monuments to the Sise family, 1642, and others of
miles west-south-west from Truro and 325 from I.ondon, in more modern date to the families of Stephens, 1729-r852;
the Western division of the county, hundred of Penwith, Hichens, I77o-r85r ; Hocking, 1800-49; and others: the
petty sessional division of Penwith West, Penzance union church will seat 6oo persons. The churchyard, which is
and county court district, rural deanery of Penwith, arch- near the sea, is defended from the waves by a strong and
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Formerly it high wall. In the churchyard is an unusually fine cross
was called Porthia, and before the arrival of St. la, or Ives, with a flattened octagonal shaft and a square panelled head
c. 450 A.D. it is said to have been known as Pendinas, from carved with a crucifix, over which is a crowned head repre-
the headland which marked its position. St. Ives is recorded senting the first person of the Trinity and other subjects; it

as a borough in rsss, when it was governed by a portreeve was discovered in the churchyard in 1832 and is 10 feet 6

and burgesses; it was first incorporated by Charles I. in inches in height, and in I 852 was re-erected on a new base
1639, which charter, forfeited in r685, was renewed by James by Robert Hichens esq. The register dates from the year
I I. in 1686, and this charter remained in force until modified r686. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge£175, pay-
by the operation of the Municipal Corporations Act,r835 (5 & able to Lelant, gross yearly value £283, with residence,
6 Wm. IV. c. 76). The Corporation now consists of a mayor, built in 184o, in the gift of the vicar of Lelant, and held
four aldermen and twelve councillors. The Corporation act since r86g by the Rev. John Balmer Jones M.A. of Trinity
as the Urban Sanitary Authority. The borough returned College, Cambridge. In connection with the parish church
two members to Parliament from the year 1558 until the there is a mariners' chapel, which has a mission district
passing of the Reform Act of r832, when it lost one member, assigned to it. The Congregl\f;ional chapel, formerly belong-
and by the Redistribution of Seats Act, r885, it was deprived ing to the Countess of Huutiugdon's Connexion, is in Fore
of its independent representation and with the district of Pen- street ; it was erected in 18oo, and has sittings for 200
zance and St. Just it now forms the St. Ives or Western persons. 'fhe Wesleyau chapel, in Chapel street, is a
division. The borough has a commission of the peace. The spacious building, seating 1,4oo persons. The Primitive
town is irregularly built and has very narrow streets, but Methodist chapel, in Fore street, erected in 1831, has 8oo sit-
there are terraces of good private houses and many modern tings, and there are smaller chapels at Balnoon and Treval-
villas, and on entering the town from Hayle the general ap- geu. The Bible Christians' chapel, in Back road, was erected
pearance of the place is charmingly picturesque ; it is lighted in r858, and has 400 sittings. The Methodist New Con-

with gas by a company. The town council have applied to nexiou chapel, in Chapel street, will seat 700 persons. A

the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow £7,000 Cemetery, with two mortuary chapels, was formed in 1855,

for the purposes of sewerage and water supply and for the at a cost of £soo, and is managed by a burial board of 5

provision of public conveniences. The church of St. Ya, or members 'fhe charities are small. 'fhere is a subscription
Ia, is a fine old building of granite, erected in the early part reading and news room, and a masonic lodge, No. 1272.
of the rsth century, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, The Town Hall and meat market, erected in 1832, at a cost
seyarated from the nave by arcades of seven arches, south of £r,ooo, is a plain but substantial building. The munici-
chapel, called the Trenwith aisle, south porch, and an em- pal insignia include two mac~s, a covered loving cup and a
battled western tower, 84 feet in height, with lofty pinnacles corporate seal; the maces, of silver, form a pair, being
resting on angels, and containing a clock and 2 bells, cast in exactly alike in every particular, and ar~ 24 inches in length
1830: the tower was restored and repainted at a cost of £go with plain banded shafts and semi-globular heads, divided

in 1872 :in 1853-4 the church was repaired and reseated at into compartments by nude caryatid figures, one compart-
an expense of £900, and the chancel restored by the late ment containing a branch or tree of ivy, and the rest the
Nathaniel Pyne esq. as agent of the Earl of Mornington: the inscription "Richard Hickes, Maior of St. Ives, 1639 ; "the
curious font of granite was also restored at the same time heads are double crested, and on the flat top3 are the royal

by J. N. Tremearne esq. at a cost of £3o; on its base are arms between the letters C.R.: the cup of silver-gilt, pre-

four figures of demons, and on the bowl are four other sented in 1640 by Sir Francis Basset kt. M.P. and recorder of
figures representing angels: in r859 the church was entirely St. Ives, is with the cover 33 inches in height, and is richly
repaved at a cost of £150, defrayed by the late Robert chased with foliated work in relief: the open worked spire-
Hichens esq. of London, and in r887-9 it was new roofed at like finial &f the cover is surmounted by the figure of a ma.n
an outlay of £soo: the eagle lectern, copied from that in in armour, holding in his right hand a bow, his left resting
Wantage church, Berkshire, was presented in 1866 by the on a shield bearing the arms of Basset ; round the inside of
Rev. J. B. Jones M.A. the present vicar : the east window is the base is an inscription in six rhyming lines : the circular
a memorial to members of the family of Stephens, of Tre- silver seal, affixed to a handle of curiously blown glass, was
genna, r8o4-35, and there are also memorial windows to the given in 1690 by James Praed esq. of Trevester, and displays
families of Hichens, 1835-64. Yonge, 1888, and Tremearne, the borough arms, "arg. an ivy branch vert," surrounded
1889: at the east end of the Trenwith aisle is a slate slab, by scroll work and a legend. A new seal was presented in
in which have been reset the fragments of a brass to Otho 1890 by E. Hain, jun. J.P. of St. Ives.
Trenwyth esq. ob. 1462-3, and Agnes his wife; these now The population here are almost entirely dependent on the
include only the kneeling effigy of Dame Agnes and a small fishing industry. pilchards and herrings being at times in
figure of ~t. Michael, baaring a shield with an irradiated great abundance: the pilchards are cured and p1.ckedinhogs-


beads, and are chiefly exported to Italy, and the mackerel Jar pyramidical monument, of granite ashlar, the sides of

to supply the London and other markets. Boat building is which are each about 25 feet in length; it was erected by John
carried on to some extent ; there are also sail and netting Knill, of St. Ives, and has a receptacle in the basement in-
manufactories. The only remaining fair is held on the tended by him for his place of sepulture ; ou the south side

Saturday nearest St. Andrew's Day. St. Ives bay, which is are the words "Johannes Knill, I782," on the east side the

a creek under J<'almouth and a life-boat station, affords ex- inscription " I know that my Redeemer liveth," and on the
cellent shelter, except against north-east gales, which too third or south-west side the word "Resurgam," with the
frequently prove fatal to such vessels as may not be moored arms of Knill: the monument stands on a square platform
within the pier. By an Order in Council (x886) the works of granite, and is inclosed with iron railings and gates. Mr.

and property of the St. Ives harbour were vested in the Knill bequeathed certain property and moneys in trust t()

Corporation, who were authorized to borrow £32,000 for the mayor, incumbent, and collector of customs at St. Ives,

purposes of construction; the pier, originally built in I767- to he expended yearly in a singular and grotesque celebra-

70 at a cost of £ IO,ooo, under an Act of Parliament passed iu tion, which is still strictly observed. Mr. Knill, who eventu-

1767, after a personal survey and report from John Smeaton, ally became a bencher of Gray's Inn, died March 29th,
the celebrated engineer, of Newcastle, was repaired and ISII, and was buried, not in this mausoleum, but in St.

lengthened; a new pier is now (I893) in course of construc- Andrew's, Holborn. 'fregenna Castle, erected about 1773,
tion at a cost of £8,500. There is also a pier on wood piles, by Samuel Stephens esq. under the direction of Mr. Wood~
erected in I864-6, at a cost of about £I5,ooo, but this is architect, of Bath, and for many years the residence and
rapidly falling into decay. The construction of a breakwater, property of the Stephens family, is now an hotel. The prin-
begun in I8I6, was abandoned after an outlay of £3o,ooo. cipallandowners are the Right Hon. Earl Cowley P.c., K.G.,
Adjoining the harbour is Porthminster Cove. There is a G.C.B. the Duchess of Cleveland, the Earl of Sandwich, and
battery of 3 g\lns on Pendinas, still called the "Island" the Messrs. Bolitho. To the north-east of the parish the soil
(although now connected with the other portion of the pro- is composed of compact and slaty felspar rock, traversed by
montory): the battery is under the charge of a sergeant of metalhferous veins. The area of the parish is I ,o19 acres;
the coast brigade and one gunner. The building on the site rateable value,·£14,938; the population of the municipal
of the ancient chapel of St. Nicholas has been converted into parish and borough in I8gr was 6,094.
a store house. On a hill south-east of St. Ives is a triangu-

Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office Vic'<::-'~onsuls & Consular Agents.

(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Cornwall Austria & Hungary, E.J.Mathews(consular agent),Penzance

added). -Postmaster, Morgan Anthony, Fore street. Belgium & Liberia (Republic of), E. J. Mathews (consul),
Letters arrive at 8.35 a.m. 3.IO & 5.40 p.m.; sundays at Penzance

8.20 a.m. ; dispatched at 7· IS a. m. Penzance; 9.30 a.m. Denmark & France, E. J. Mathews (vice-consul), Penzance

all parts; 1.30 p.m. Penzance; 4·5 p.m. London; 5·45 Germany &Portugal, E. J. Mathews (vice-consul), Penzance
p.m. all parts (except West Cornwall); 7·45 p.m. London; Honduras, E. J. Mathews (vice-consul}, Penzance
sundays, 4.25 p.m. all parts
WALL BoxES :-Fore street, cleared at 8.20 a.m. I.Io, 3.30 Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage,
& 7 p.m.; sundays, 3.30 p.m.; South terrace, at 8.I5 Frank Harvey, Hayle
Thomas Row Harry, Barnoon terrace
p..m. 3· IO & 7 p.m.; sundays, 3· 10 p.m. ; Stennack, I.5,
3.30 & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 3.30 p.m. ; Railway station,

8.20 a.m. 3.20 & 7 p.m. ; sundays, 3.20 p.m. ; Ayr lane, John Graham (correspondent)

8.20 a.m. I.IO, 3.30 & 7 p.m.; sundays, 3.30 p.m.;

Street-an-pol, 8.Io a.m. I.IO, 3.30 & 7 p.m. ; sundays, Public Establishments.

3.30 p.m.; Wharf, 8.20 a.m. 1.10, 3.30 & 7 p.m.; sun- Borough Police Station, Back street ; the force consists of
one sergeant & 4 constables; 'Villiam Jones, sergeant
days, 3.30 p.m
Cemetery, Back street, Thomas Rosewall, Mornington house,
Corporation. clerk to the burial board

I892·93· Coast Guard, H.alph F. Ley, chief officer; Richard Dell
MAYOR, John Michael Nicholl!!. chief boatman

*Craze William ALDERMEN. Life Boat, James Murphy, coxswain; W. T. Tresidder, hon.
*Roach John sec. & treasurer
I §Christopher John
I §Hambly Willhm Public Hall, Fore street, William Faull, sec
Stamp Office, Fore street, Morgan Anthony, distributor

tBerryman Philip Bennetts :):Read Robert Sawle

tComley Lander Elvin *Hain Edward, jun

tHollow John *Hawke Philip Kingcome Public Officers.

"tJenkyn Charles, jun Watty Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, George Thomas Albert Staff
L.R.c. P.lrel. Chyanporth
:):Blight William *Nicholls John Michael
Assistant Overseer, Richard Stevens, Barnoon cottage
:):Daniel Joshua *Trawhella William Agent to Lloyd's, J. T. Short, Fore street
Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Michael Nicholls L.R.C.P.
tHarry Thomas Row
Marked thus t retire in 1893. Lond. Penwyn
Clerk to the Harbour Commissioners, Edwa.rd Boase, Street-
*Marked thus t retire in 1!!94.

Marked thus retire in 1895.
Marked thus§ retire in 1898.

Mayor's .Auditor, Charles Jenkyn, jun an-put

Elective Auditors, John Stevens & John Gyles Oliver Collector of Harbour Dues, William Paynter

OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION AND URBAN SANITARY Collector of Market Tolls & of Water Rates, James Bennett,
AUTHORITY. Street-an-pol

Collector of 'faxes, Richard Stevens, Barnoon cottage
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Harbour Auditor, W1lliam Woolcock
Edward Boase, Street-an-pol
Harbour Master, Capt. Samuel Barber
Treasurer, Francis Jennings, Tregenna place
Medical Oflicer & Public Vaccinator, St. Ives District, Pen-
Medical Officer of Health, John Michael Nicholls L.R.c.P. zance Union, George Thomas Albert Staff L.R.C.P.Irel.
Lond. Penwyn
Borough Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, John Grenfell, Registrar of Births & Deaths for St. Ives Sub-district, Peu-
Collector of Rates, William Trevorrow, Tregenna place zance Union, John Bray Anthony, Street-an-pol

Town Crier, Charles Paynter, Fore street Places of Worship, with times of services.
Bill Poster, James Quick, Back lane
St. .Andrew's Church, Rev. John Balmer Jones M.A. vicar;
Borough Magistrates, Rev. Charles Frederick Jones B.A. curate; 8 & II a.m.

The Mayor (J. M. Nicholls) 3.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; daily, morning & evening

Craze William, Nanjivey Mariners' Mission Chapel, Wharf, 6.30 p.m. ; 7 fri

Daniel Joshua, Bellair terrace Bible Christian, Back road; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; 7 tues

Hain Edward, jun. Treloyhan Congregational (Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion), Fore

Paynter William John, Shun Lee street, Rev. Thomas Morgan; I0.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ;

Rosewall George Bennett, The Terrace 7 thurs

Staff George Thomas Albert, Chyanporth Methodist New Co&nexion, Chapel street, Rev. Joseph

Williams George, Salubrious villa Whitton; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; 7 mon

Woolcock Peter, Bowling Green terrace ' Primitive Methodist, Fore street, Rev. James Crompton;

Clerk, William Tolmie Tresidder, Street-an-pol 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; 7 wed

IThe magistrates meet at the Town hall, the ISt & 3rd wed Wesleyan M~t~odist, ~hapel street, Rev, Thomas Richards
nesday in every month, at II p.m & Rev. Wllham Elhs; 10.30 a.m. & 6p.m.; 7 mon


Schools. I75 infants; Thomas .Aaron Kay, master; Miss Mary 0 .

.A HSc.hso.oWl Baorarerdn,oBf o7wmlienmg bGerresewnatsefrorarcmee,dclFeerbkrtuoatrhye7,b1oga7r6d;; Parker, mistress; Miss Harriett Hare, infants' mistress
National (mixed), St• .Andrew street, for 214 children;
John Stevens, Fore street, attendance officer
average attendance, II7 boys & 79 girls; Waiter Seaman,
Board (boys, girls & infants), Stennack, erected in I88o, for
850 children; average attendance, 239 boys, 2u girls & master; Miss .A. Cock, assistant mistress
Railway Station, Charles Louis Williams, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hollow Mrs. 4 The Terrace Richards Rev. Thos. [Wes.], .Albany ter

.Adams John, II The Terrace Hughes Miss, Talland road Richards Mrs. Barnoon terrace

.Anthony Mrs. Tregenna terrace Jenkin George, 5 Richmond terrace Richards Mrs. 5 Draycot terrace

Badcock William, Talland road Jenkyn Mrs. 26 The Terrace Richards Mrs. North terrace

Badcock Mrs. 2 The Terrace John Miss, .Albert place Roach John, Chapel street

Bamfield Robert Hichens, The Terrace Jones Rev. Charles Frederick B.A. Roberts John, Tregenna terrace

Brown Henry Downing, The Terrace [curate], 26 Bowling Green terrace Robinson Henry, 4 Richmond terrace

Care Jacob, Barnoon terrace Jones Rev. John Balmer M.A. Vicarage Rodd Mrs. .Albany terrace

Care Miss, Tregenna place Kernick John May, I8 The Terrace Rosewall Geo. Bennett, 27 The Terraee

Chell.ew Thomas John, Draycot terrace Laurence Sidney Mortimore, I Rich- Sampson Mrs. Talland road

Christopher John, 14 The Terrace mond terrace Seagrim Montague, 6 Bowling green

Cooper John, North terrace Leslie Stephen, Talland house Smedley Mrs. Tregenna terrace

Couch Daniel, Tregenna terrace Llewellyn Mrs. .Air cottage Staff George Thos. .Albert, Chyanporth

Cromptou Rev. James [Primitive Lowe Mrs. Sampson, Barnoon terrace Stevens Edward Freeman, The Terrace

Methodist], 5 Tregenna terrace Luke James, II Richmond terrace Talmage Mrs. 9 Richmond terrace

Cruse Miss, Tregenna terrace Luke John Daniel, I4 Richmond ter Thomas Henry, 2I Bowling Green ter

Cundy Miss, 4 Draycot terrace Mathew Miss, Pyne villa, The Terrace Thomas Miss, 21 The Terrace

Curnow Mrs. 22 Bellair terrace Morgan Rev. Thomas [Countess of Tresidder Wm. Tolmie, 8 The Terrace

Daniel Joshua, Bellair terrace Huntington's Connexion], Tregenna Trevaskis Henry, Barnoon terrace

Dickson William, Godrievy house cottage Treweeke George, Eden house

Docton William, I2 Bellair terrace Nicholls John Michael, Penwyn Trewhella William, Brunswick house

Dyer Lovall, 2 Richmond terrace Noall Mrs. Tregenna terrace Trewhella Miss, The Terrace

Ellis Rev. Wm.[Wes.], I3 Richmond ter Noy Richard, The Terrace Vincent Mrs. 2 Draycot terrace

Faull Mrs. North terrace Noy William, North terrace , Wearne Thomas, Barnoon terrace

Faull Mrs. Tregennaterrace Olsson Julius, Porthia White James, 8 Richmond terrace

Foale Rev. Wm. [Co:ng.], 14 Bellair ter Paynter William John, Shun Lee Whitton Rev. Joseph [Methodist New

Fuller Edmund George, I Barnoon ter Permewan Mrs. The Terrace , Connexion], Chapel street

Goodman Mrs. 12 Richmond terrace Pollard James, 6 The Terrace Williams Edwin, Barnoon terrace

Hain Edward, The Terrace Quick John, 7 Richmond terrace Williams George, Salubrious villa

Hain Edward, jnn. J.P. Treloyhan Quick Mrs. 4 Barnoon terrace Williams Charles Louis, 7 Draycot ter

Hain John, Barnoon terrace Read Jas. Consolidated Bank of Cornwall Woolcock Peter, Howling Green terrace

Hamlyn Mrs. 19 The Terrace Read Robert Sawle, .Albany terrace Yonge Miss, The Terrace

Harry .AnthonyRoskruge,23TheTerrace Richards Edward, 3 Richmond terrace Young Tonkin, 13 The Terrace

Harry Thomas Rowe, Barnoou terrace Richards George, II Tregenna terrace Young Mrs. 8 Draycot terrace

Heatborne Mrs. The Terrace ' Richards Mrs. 22 The Terrace

COMMERCIAL• Carbines James, market gardener, Bavella

.Adams James, fishmonger, Fore street Carbines James, shopkeeper, Fore street

.Andrew Frank, veterinary surgeon, 4 .Alma terrace Carbines John Hart, grocer, Tregenna place

.Andrew John, boot & shoe maker, Chapel street Carbines Thomas, ship & anchor smith, Beach

.Andrews John, trinity pilot, Back road Care Grace (Mrs.), greengrocer, High street

Anthony John Bray, registrar of births & deaths for St. Ives Care Henry, master mariner, 2Q Bowling Green terrace

su'Q-district, Penzance union, Street-an-pol Care John, builder, Street-an-garrow

.Anthony Morgan, stamp distributor & postmaster, Post Care John, seine owner, Victoria road

office, Fore street Care William Henry, builder, .Alma terrace, Stennack

.Ashton Edward, photographer, Tregenna hill Cemetery (Thomas Rosewall, clerk to burial board), Back st

.Ashton Nicbolas Taylor, chemist & druggist, Market place Chard Joseph, boot maker, Barnoon hill

Baragwanath Elizabeth Harris (Mrs.), Sloop inn, Wharf Chellew James, master mariner, 3 Draycot terrace

Baragwanath John, butcher, High street Chellew Thomas John, solicitor, Skidden hill

Baragwanath Richard, farmer, .Ayr Clark Henry, umbrella maker, Skidden hill

Barber Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, St. .Andrew street Cocking .Ann Couch Watty (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fore street

Barber Mary .Ann (Mrs.), Union inn, Fore street Cocking Charles, shopkeeper, Teetotal row

Bassett James Luxton, tailor, High street Comley Lander Elvin, oatfitter & manufr. of oil skins, Fore

Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co. Limited (Philip Congdon Nicholas, shipwright & boat builder, Beach

Marrack, manager), open daily II to 3, thurs. 11 to I, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, see Bolitho & Co. Limited

Tregenna place; draw on London & Westminster Bank Cooper William John, grocer, Fore street

Limited, London E c Cornwall Fishing Co. seine owners (Joshua Daniel, agent)

Bazley & Co. seine owners (Henry Trevaskis, ageut) Cothey Edward, trinity pilot, Back road

Beale Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Back road Couch .Anthony, trinity pilot, Fore street

Behenna Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. .Andrew street Couch Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fish street

Bennett Jas. coll. of market tolls & water rates, Street-an-pol Craze James Penberthy, boot & shoe maker, Tregenna pl

Bennetts Wilmot (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street Craze Robert, boot maker, Back road

Berriman Elizh. J ane (Mrs.) & Samuel, farmers, Hellesveor Craze Thomas, farmer, Corva

Berriman Philip Bennetts, farmer, .Ayr Craze William, farmer & market gardene"r, Nanjivey

Berriman Philip Bennetts, jun. farmer, .Ayr Cu:rnow Catberine (Miss), dress maker, Fore street

Berriman William, apartments, 20 The Terrace Curnow Charles William, confectioner, Tregenna place

Best & Son, ironmongers & saddlers, High street Curnow John, boot maker, Fore street

Boase Edward, BOlicitor, town clerk, clerk to the urban Curnow Lavinia (Mrs.), apartments, 12 The Terrace

sanitary authority, clerk to the harbour authority & clerk Curnow Matthew, shoe maker, Wharf

to the Hayle local board & port sanitary authority, & sec. Curnow William, boot maker, Virgin street

Porthminster House Co. Limited & commissioner for Daniel George, cabinet maker, Street-an-pol

oaths, Street-an-pal Daniel John, cabinet maker, Skidden hill

Boase John Charles, draper, Fore street Daniel John, shopkeeper, Teetotal row

Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Gt•ylls & Co. Lim. (Consoli- Daniel Joshua, coal merchant, Fore street

dated Bank of Cornwall)( branch) (James Read, manager), Daniel Matthew, watch maker, Tregenna place

open daily IQ a.m. to 3 p.m. except thurs. IQ a. m. to I Daniel Patty Quick (Miss), shopkeeper, Chapel street

p.m. Street-an-pal; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Daniel William, commission agent, The Terrace

Ransom~ Bouverie & Co. London E c Date John, market gardener & tin tlresser, Trenwith

Bolitho & Co. seine owners (Joshua Daniels, agent) Davies John, Castle inn, Fore street

Bruce William, shopkeeper, Fore street Docton & Son, tailors, High street

Bryant Loveday (JI.iiss), private school, 27 Bowling Green ter Docton Jane (Mrs.) & William, drapers, High st. & Forest

Bryant Robert, boat builder & shipwright, Island Dunn William, market gardener, Parken creet

Bryant Thomas, master mariner, Tregenna terrace Dupen Ellen (Miss), private school, Tregenna hill

Burrell Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, C~anchy Dyer Lovall, artist, 2 Richmond terrace .

Burrell William, carpenter, 24 Bowling Green terrace Ebenezer Fishing Co. seine owners (Eldred Faun, agent)

Burrell William, jun. carpenter, Digay Edwards Francis, farmer, Trowanj


Edwards :Matthew Stevens, farmer, Trevalgen Lander Thomas, shopkeeper, Wharf

Elford Jane Smith (Mrs.), baker, Tregenna hill Lang Maggie (.}Iiss), dress maker, Wharf

Elford Nathaniel, boot maker, St. Andrew street Langford Patience (Mrs.), shopkeeper, The Stennack

Ellis Mary Ann (:Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street Lanham James Kemptl)orne, fancy repository, & agent for

England & Son, fishing net manufacturers, rope & twine W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit mers. High street

dealers & fish merchants, North place. See advert Laurence flidney Mortimore, artist, r Richmond terrace

English Orlando Alien, rope & cutch dealer, Beach & Forest Leddra Charles Kent, builder, 16 Bellair terrace

Faull Eldred, ironmonger & plumber, 26 Fore street Leddra Richard, master mariner, 3 Alma terrace

:Faull William, ironmonger, 3 Fore street Luke J ames, ship & anchor smith, Beach & grocer, Forest

Francis :Mary (Mrs.), tea dealer, Fore street Major John, shopkeeper, Back road

George Thomas, apartments, Tregenna place Major Samuel, butcher, :Market place

Glasson Jakeh, Cornish Arms P.H. Trelyon :Marrack Philip, manager of Batten, Carne & Carne's Bank·

Gooch James, master mariner, 8 Bowling Green terrace ing Co. Limited, Tregenna place

Goodman Thomas Price, grocer, High street Martin Thomas, farmer, Trevalgen

Grenfell Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Albert place Michell Samuel, wheelwright & grocer, Chapel street

Grenfell Honour (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street Mitchell James, shopkeeper, Street-an-pol

Grenfell John, borough surveyor & inspeetor of nuisances, Newlyn & Guh•allce Works Co.; store, Beach (Peter Wool-

Street-an-garrow cock, manager)

Grenfell Kate (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Draycot cottages Nicholls Brothers, builders, Stennack

Guppy Wil!iam, outfitter & boot warehouse, Fore street Nicholls John ~Iichael L.R.C.P.LOnd. surgeon, & certifying

Rain Edward & Son, steamship owners, Manor house factory surgeon & medical officer- of health to urban

Hain & Oliver, shopkeepers, Fore street · sanitary authority, Penwyn

Hain EG.ward, master mariner, 3 Bowling Green terrace Nicholls William, shopkeeper, Back road
Ninnes Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, Fore street
Rain :Marjery (Miss), shopkeeper, Market place
Hamlyn Edwin, cook, confectioner & bread & biscuit baker, Ninnes Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wharf
Ninnes James, master mariner, r8 Bellair terrace
Borough bakery

Harris Rebecca (Mrs.), grocer, Fore street Ninnes Joseph, smith & brazier, Gabriel street

Harris Robert, bedding manufacturer, High street Noall Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper, Digay

Harris Robert, farmer, Hellesveor Noall George, grJcer, St,. Andrew street

Harry Thomas Rowe, master mariner, ro Barnoon terrace Noall Jane (Mrs.), apartments, u Barnoon terrace
Noall Lizzie (Miss), hosiery maker, Market place
Hart Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Gabriel street
Hawke Philip Kingcome Watty, organist at St. Andrew's, I7 Noall Richard, apartments, 2 llowling green
Noall Sampson Thomas, mason, 15 Bellair terrace
Bellair terrace
Olds William, butcher, Market
Heddon Francis, hair dresser, Fore street
Oliver Nathaniel, apartments, 3 Tregenna terrace
Herbert Edward, grocer, Wharf
Pascoe & Co. marble masons, Street-an-pol
Herbert William, grocer, Chyanchy
Hoare Isabella (Mrs.), apartments, 26 Bowling Green ter Paynter Charles, town crier, Fore street

Hoeking Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Tregenna hill Paynter George, blacksmith, Consols

Hodge Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, Victoria place Paynter :Marga.ret Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 9 The Terrace

Hodge John, master mariner, 3 Bellair terrace P~ynter Ri<·hard, Star inn, St. Andrew street

Hodge John, master mariner, 9 Bowling Green terrace Paynter Witliam, boat builder, seine owner & collector of

Hodge John, ship chandler, Beach harbour dues, The Beach

Hodge Margaret (Mrs.), stationer, Fore street Pearce Isaac, blacksmith, The Stennack

Hodge Richard, shopkeeper, Street-an-pol Pearce Isaac, butcher, Salubrious place

Hollow John & Son, fish salesmen & coal merchants, Digay Pearce James, butcher, Market
Pearce James, grocer, Stennack
Hollow Thomas & John, farmers, Trevalgan

Hollow Jane (:\'Irs. ), grocer, Fore street Pearce John, butcher, Market place

Hollow Robert, butcher, High street Pearce John, butcher, Tregenna place

Hollow William, Golden Lion P.H. Market place Pearce William, butcher~ Market

Honey John, shopkeeper, Fore street Pearce William, apartments, Albany terrace •

Hosking Henry, Wheat ~heaf P.H. Chapel street Pearson Honor (Mrs.), temperance rooms, Tregenna place

Hosking William Henry, market gardener, Trenwith Penberthy James, butcher, Fore street

Humphrys James, hair dresser, Fore street Penberthy Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street

Husband John, farmer, Consols Penberthy :Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street

Institute & Reading Room (W. Badcock, sec.), Fore street Penberthy William, tin dresser, ::ltennack
Jacobs Henry Edwards, master mariner, 5 Barnoon terrace Permewan Richard Henry, draper, Tregenna place
Jacobs Henry Edwards, jun. watch maker, Tregenna place Phillips Peter, greengrocer, High street
Phillips William, shopkeeper, Back street
Jacobs Philip Roach, hair dresser, High st.reet
Praed Richard, hair dresser, Fore street
James Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper. Gabriel street
Prynne Fanny (Mrs.), milliner, Tregenna place
James Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Fore street
Prynne George, commission agent, Tregenna place
Jenkyn Charles, shoe maker, Tregenna place
Public Hall Co Lim. ( William Faull, sec.), Fore street
J enkyn George, seine owner
Quick Alice (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wheal Dream
Jenkyn George, jun. carpenter, The Warren
Quick James, bill poster, Back lane
Jenkyn John, carpenter, Bowling Green terrace
Quick J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Digay
Jenkyn Mary (Mrs.), shoe maker, Chapel street
Quick John, sail maker, Wharf
Jenkyn Richard, boot maker, Chyanchy ·
Jenkyn Thomas, chemist, druggist & dentist, Market place Quick Paul, farmer, Penbeagle

Jennings Fras. borough treasurer & boot ma. Tregenna ter Read James, manager of Consolidated Bank of Cornwall,

Jennings James, seine owner Street-an-pol

Jennings William, grocer, The Stennack Rees Emmeline (Mrs.), apartments, The Terrace

Johns Robert, plumber & ironmonger, Market place Rich James, shopkeeper & baker, Chapel street

Johns Thomas Trewhella, commission agent, Albert place Richards Edward, master mariner, 16 Bowling Green ter

Jones Richard, china dealer, Island road Richards Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Tregenna terrace

J ulian Richard, miller (water), Town mills, The Stennack H.ichards Henry James, painter, Dove street

Kemp Samuel, hair dresser, Wharf road Richards Honour (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street

Kernick & Craze, seine owners Ricbards Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Norway square

Kernick John :May, local steward to the Duchess of Cleve- Richards Jane (l\Irs.), shopkeepe.r, Chapel street

land, r8 The Terrace Richards Nicholas, farmer, 21 Bellair terrace

Keskeys Emanuel, Queen's hotel; first-class accommodation Richards William, master mariner, North terrace

for commercials & tourists; 4 minutes from beach & Richards Phillis (Mrs.), farmer, Trowan

station, High street Richards Robert, fruiterer, Fore street

Kevern M. T. (Mrs.), families, visitors & tourists will find Richards Thomas, sail maker, Beach

every accommodation, combined with the comforts of a Ricbards William Couch, shopkeeper, St. Andrew street

home & on the most reasonable terms, close to station & Roach John, corn, seed, fiour, forage & manure merchant,

beach, The Restaurant, Tregenna place & representative .Anglo-Continental Guano Works Co.

Kitchen Joseph, farmer, Hendra late Ohlendorff"s, Borough stores, Dove street

Kitchen William, farmer, Polmanter Roberts William & Son, drapers, High street

Laity William Henry, grocer, The Wharf Robinson Henry, artist, 4 Richmond terrace

Lander James & Adam, general merchants, The Quay Rodda Charles, butcher, Fore street

Lander Charles, fish merchant, 4 Bowling Green terrace Rogers Philip, market gardener, Trenw:ith

Lander Chas. jun. fish salesman, 30 Bowling Green terrace Ro,;e wall James, farmer, Folly

Lander Jane Johns (Miss), shopkeeper, Shoot street Rosewall Thos. cltJrk to the buri!U board, :Mornington ho~

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