with 81 acres of glebe, in the gift of trustees and held since Tomlinson Rev. Arthur Roger M.A. Rectory, St. Michael
1890 by the Rev. John Fry Reeves. There are Congrega- Penkivel, Probus R.S.O
tional, Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. A cemetery Vyvyan Thomas Henry esq. Laniley, near Truro
for Tregony and Cuby, about half an acre in extent, was Clerk to the Magistrates, Arthur E. Adams, Trnro
formed in 1872 at a cost of £goo, and is under the control Petty Sessions are held at the Oddfellows' hall the first moo-
of a burial board of nine members. In the centre of the day in each month, at u a.m. The following places are
town is a market house (now disused) with a stone tower included in the division :-Cornelly, Cnby, Gerrans,
and clock ; the nominal market day is Saturday. There is Lamorran, Merther, Philleigh, Portloe, Port Scatha, Pro-
a charity fund for six decayed housekeepers, originally be- bus, Buan Lanihorne, St. A.nthony, St. Michael Caer-
queathed by Hugh Boscowen esq. in 1696 : the income, hayes, St. Just, St. Mawes, Tregony St. James, Tresillian,
£97• in derived from 90 acres of land and the interest of Trewithian & Veryan
£400 railway stock. There was anciently here a Benedic- PuBLIC Es:rABLISHMENTS : -
tine monastery, a cell of St. Marie Du Val at St. Antbony in Cemetery, James Stephens, clerk to the burial board
Roseland, and afterwards of Merton, and dedicated to St. County Police Station, Thomas Da.vies, sergeant, & I con-
James. The area is 100 acres, including IO acres of waste; stable
rateable value, £776 ; the population in 1891 was 558. Oddfellows' Hall, Robert Luke, see
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity&InsuranceOffice.- PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
James Stephens, sub-postmaster. Letters through Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Tregony district,
Grampound Road, arrive at 8.10 a. m. ; dispatched at Truro union, Charles James Bennetts
4.12 p.m.; sunday, 4.12 p.m Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Cooke
SIONAL DIVISION. A School Board of 7 members was formed Oct. 18, 1875,
Peter Rev. Lewis Morgan M.A. Treviles, Ruan Lanihorn, for the united district of 'fregony, Cornelly & Cuby, with
Grampound Road, chairman Veryan contributory with 2 members; Ralph Freethy,
Kennerley Joseph Charles esq. The Haven, St. Mawes, clerk to the board; attendance officer, vacant
Grampound Road Board School, built in 1887, with master's residence at-
Moore John Gwennap Dennis esq. Trewithen, Probus, tached, at a cost of £ :E,3oo, for 165 children ; average at-
Grampound Road tendance, 46 boys, 37 girls & 44 infants; Richard Real,
Nowell-Usticke Robert l\Iicbael esq. Polsoe, Philleigh, master ; Miss Fanny Beard, mistress
Grampound Road CoNVEYANCE.-Greet's omnibus to Truro, mon. wed. & sat.;
Spry John Samuel esq. Place, St. Anthony-in-Roseland, to St. Austell, fri. ; Tonkin's omnibus to Trnro, mon.
Grampound Road wed. thurs. '&sat
Bennetts Charles James Corkhill John, farmer Strongman Amelia (Mrs.), draper &
Channon George HerbArt Cox Frederick, coal merchant grocer
Davies Mrs. Myrtle cottage DowrickThos.plumber &tinplate workr Stephens Mary Elizabeth (Miss), grocer
Dunstan Mrs
Elliott Mary J.Roberts & SarahHarriett I & draper, Post office
Eastman Rev. Lewis William [Cong] (Misses), see Town Arms hotel Thomas Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Reeves Rev. John L"ry, The Rectory Furze William, butcher · Tonkin James, mason
Wenham John Joseph Gerrans William, builder Tonkin Joseph, shopkeeper
Williams Miss Greet Caleb, carrier Tonkin Joseph, jun. carrier
COMMERCIAL. Harris Albert John, travelling draper 'fonkin Richard Holmes, builder
Barnicoat Ann (Mrs.), blacksmith Harris Thomas, carpenter Town Arms Hotel (near Grampound
Barnicoat David, boot maker Hocking John, road surveyor for Tre- Road), Mary J. Roberts & Sarah
Beard Absalom, coal dealer gony district Harriett Elliott (Misses), proprie-
Bennett Mary Grace (Miss), shopkeepr Holyoak John, shopkeeper tresses; tourists, familie~j·& ~ommer-
.Bennetts Chas.Jas. surgeon, & medical Luke Robert, shopkeeper cials will find every accommodation
officer & public vaccinator forTregony Morgan Fanny Eleanor & Lucy Rose combined with home comfort & most
district, 'fruro union (Misses), school for young ladies, reasonable terms ; private sitting &
Cemetery (James Stephens, clerk to Cuby cottage dining rooms; own dairy; wagon-
the burial board) Nicholls William Henry, potato mercht ettes & traps obtained on the shortest
Channon George Herbert, veterinary Oddfellows' Hall (Robert Luke, sec) notice
surgeon Reading Room Tregenza Samuel, china & glass dealer
Chenoweth Arthur, saddler Roberts Agnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper Tregunna John, grocer & draper
Constitutional Association (Thomas Roberts William Eplett, blacksmith Treloar Thomas, farmer
Cooke, sec) Snell Reginald Hawse, town crier Wellington Peter, King's Arms P.H
Cooke Thomas, inland revenue officer Stephens James, clerk to the burial Willcock John, shopkeeper
Coombe Nicholas, shopkeeper board, Post office • Woolcock John, travelling draper
TRELEIGH is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Jan. 9, don, N. Devon, the Rev. St. Aubyn HenderMolesworth-St.
1846, from the civil parish of Redruth; it is half a mile .Aubyn M.A., J.P. of Clowanee, Crowan, Thomas Pryor esq.
north from Redruth and 9 west from Truro, and is in the David Wise Bain esq. J.P. of Portreath, Illogan, and the re-
North Western division of the county, hundred of Penwith, presentatives of t.he late George Aunger Michell esq. The
petty sessional division of Penwith East, Redroth union and soil is light loam; subsoil, spar. The chief crops are grass,
county court district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, arch- roots, wheat, oats and barley. The area is 2, 220 acres; the
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of population in 1891 was I, 86g.
St. Stephen is a building of stone, in the Perpendicular Sexton, William 'frevena.
style, consisting of nave with eastern apse, transepts, south
porch and a turret containing one bell: there are three stained Letters arrive from Redruth, which is the nearest money
windows in the apse; an organ was introduced in 1S83 at a order & telegraph office
cost of £2oo, raised by subscriptwn: the church affordsgoo WALL LETTER Box cleared at Io a.m. & 4 p.m. week days
sittingt;. The register dates from the year 1852. The only .
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value L265, and house, in WALL LETTER Box, North Country, cleared at II. 55 a. m.
the gift of the Crown and the bishop alternately, and held & 3.25 p.m. week days only
since 1886 by the Rev. William Reid Erskine M.A. of Trinity Board School, under the Redruth School Board, erected in
Hall, Cambridge. The inhabitants are chiefly employed in 1875, for 200 children; average attendance, 70 boys, so
mining. The principal landowners are Lord Robartes, SiP girls & 40 infants ; Henry Downing, master ; Miss Kate
William Robert Williams hart. D.L. of Heanton Punchar- Richards, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Renfree Peter Alfred, Manor villa Born AlberyJohn, farmer,North downs
Angove Mrs. 4 Huller's terrace Rowe John, II Drump terrace Bray Charles W. picture frame maker,
Bands Mrs. Drump terrace Rowe Sampson Taylor, Trecarrel 20 Huller's terrace
Bennetts Henry, 4 Cardrew terrace Solomon John, n Drump terrace Eade Francis William, butcher
Dungey John, The Green Teague William, Smns house Glasson Richard, farmer
Erskine Rev. Wm. Reid M. A. Vicarage Tenberth Mrs. Cardrew house, Redruth GoldsworthyThomas,TreleigbArms P.n
Eslick Mrs. 5 Cardrew terrace highway Gribble Joseph, farmer, Sinus common
Gellard- Mrs. Rose villa, Drump road Treseder William Benry,North country Hampton Mary (Mrs.),frmr. Sinus corn
Gilbert Mrs. 6 Cardrew terrace Trevena John 'feague, Tolgus house Hancock Thos. builder, I Cardrew ter
Gilla.rd James Frederick, 10 Drump ter 1Webster F'rancis, Drump terrace Harper Hannah (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Hammill James, 7 Cardrew terrace COMMERCIAl,. Haynes George, Garden Arms P.H. &
Jackson Mrs. 2 Cardrewterrace farmer, North country
Martin John, Cardrew cottage Alien William, farmer, Park Erissey Hocking Jane (~rs.), shopkeeper,
Michell John, The Green BishopChas.,.Fredk.mineagnt.TheGreen Drump ro3d
Honeychurch Charles W. farmer, Wheal Nicholls Joseph Hy. cattle dlr. Cardrew Simmons James,fruit grower & farmer,
Harmony PascoeJane(Mrs.),farmr.North country Sinus common
Honeychurch Richd. farmer,Sinns corn Paull John, farmer, Forge Simmons Thomas, farmer,Shallow Adit
Hugo Thomas, farmer, Cardrew lane Penna Richd.book hawker,3 Buller's ter Snell Francis, farmer, Sinns common
Johns Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Sinus corn Perry William, boot ma. 18 Buller's ter Teague John, farmer, North country
Laity Daniel, farmer, Laity moor Peters Trevenen, farmer, Shallow Adit Teague William, yeoman, Sinus house
Laity John, farmer, Laity moor Phillips Charles, builder, Highway Tellam Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer,North
Laity Louisa (Mrs.), farmer,Laity moor PhilpAmelia(Mrs.),farmer, ParkErissey country
Merrifi.eld William,farmer,North downs Rabey Martin, farmer, Radnor Terrill William, cowkpr. Nth. country
Michell John, accountant, The Green Reynolds William,farmer,North downs Thomas Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Michell Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Richards Charles, farmer, Forge Thomas Joseph, fanner, Forge
North country Richards Josiah, farmer, Treleigh dwns Tippett Wm. shopkeepr. 34 Drump ter
Michell Richard, farmer, Treleigh farm Rickard J ames, farmer, Treleigh downs TresederJas.&Jn.farmrs.LaityMill farm
Mitchell David, farmer, North country RobertsElzh.(Mrs. ),frmr.Treleigh dwns Uren Tobias, farmer, Treleigh downs
Mitchell William, farmer, Sinus corn Rodda Thomas, farmer, Nortb downs White Francis, farmer, Sinus common
Moore William, farmer, Cardrew Roskrow Joseph, farmer, Laity Wills Richard, farmer, Tolgus
Mufford Charles T.farmer,ParkErissey
TREMAINE is a township and parish 2 miles north annexed to the vicarage of Egloskerry, joint net yearly value
from the old road from Camelford to Launceston, and on [125, with u acres of glebe, in the gift of Samuel Palmer
the Devonshire border of the county, and about I mile north Simcoe esq. and held since 1877 by the Rev. William Sloane
from Tresmeer station on the Launceston and Wadebridge Sloane-Evans RA. of Trinity. College, Cambridge, who re-
branch of the London and South Western railway,and 8 west- sides at Egloskerry. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. Samuel
north-west from Launceston, in the Nvrth Eastern division Palmer Simcoe esq. of Penheale, Egloskerry, is lord of the
of the county, north division of th~ hundred of East, petty manor and Ralph Baron Rogers esq. is the chief landowner.
sessional division of East North, Launceston union and The soil is chiefly clay: the subsoil is slate. The chief crops
county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Major, arch- are wheat and oats, and some of the land is in pasture. Tile
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of area is 960 acres ; rateable value, £630; the population in
St. Winwolausis an ancient building of freestoneandgranite 189r was no.
in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porch Sexton, William Lawrance.
and an embattled western tower, 31 feet high, with pin- Letters through Egloskerry R.S.O. arrive about 8 a. m. ; the
nacles, containing 2 bells: the font is Norman : there are 90 nearest money order office is at Launceston & telegraph,
sittings. The sum of £so was left by the late Rev. William Tresmeer stat.ion
Rogers M.A. rector of Mawnan, Cornwall, towards the WALL LETTER Box at Tresmeer station, cleared at 9.40
rebuilding of the church, which is in a very decayed state, a.m. week days only .
and the work will be begun as soon as possible. 'fhe This place is included in the Warbstow United School Board
register dates from the year 1726. The living is a chapelry, district, formed May 28, 1875
Cowling James, farmer, Gorracott Parnel\ Richard, farmer, Milford Prout Solomon, farmer, Grove
Rawle Claude Cridian, farmer
Gimblett Henry, farmer, Westcot Parsons Joseph, farmer, Trusell Wadge George, carpenter, Blackwater
Kittow Jonathan, clerk & attendance Parsons Samuel, farmer
officer to Warbstow school board
TRENEGLOS is a township and parish, on the road vicarage, incorporated with that of Warbstow, average
from Launceston to Camelford, r~ miles north-west from tithe rent-charge (Treneglos) £69, joint net yearly value
Tresmeer station on the Launceston and Wadebridge section £140, with residence and 3 1~ acres of glebe at Treneglos, in
of the London and South Western railway, 7! north-east the gift of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. and held since
from Camelford, 9 west from Launceston and 20 north- 1892 by the Rev. Leland Bowen Dundas. There IS a charity
east from Bodmin, in the North Eastern division of the of £3 yearly value, distributed in money, payable from the
county, Lesnewth hundred and petty sessional division, estate of Treglith, and the interest of £18 in the savings
Launceston union and county court district, rural deanery bank, bequeathed in I86I, which is divided between this
of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of place and Warbstow. Roger Kin7don Braddon esq. who is
Truro. The church of St. Werburgh is an ancient building lord of the manor, and John Palmer esq. are chief land-
of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, owners. The soil is light ; the subsoil is slate. The chief
nave of four bays, north aisle, south porch, and a western crops are wheat, oats and roots. The area is 2,730 acres;
tower containing 4 bells, all cast in 1712 and rehung rateable value, £1,162; the population in 1891 was 150.
in 1881 at a cost of £370: there is a tomb in the churchyard Letters through Launceston, arrive at 8.3oa.m. Tresmeer
to William Symons, gent. ob. 1673, and in the church a is the nearest telegraph office & Egloskerry the nearest
few modern tablets : the rood stairs, in the north wall, money order office
now form the entrance to the pulpit: there are 100 sittings. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 2.10 p. m
The register of baptisms dates from the year 1686, but is This place is included in the United School Board district of
deficient; marriages, 1695 ; burials, 1695. The living is a Warbstow, formed May 28, r875
Braddon Roger Kingdon, Treglith Braddon Richard, farmer, Higher Gimblett Emily (Mrs.), farmer, Keyrse
Dundas Rev. Leland Bowen, Vicarage
Netberscarsick Gimblett Robert, farmer, Keyrse
Baker 'Villiam, farmer, Trewonnard Chapman George, farmer, Trebreak Ridgman William, farmer, 'frewonnard
Bone Jethro, farmer, Lowerscarsick
Chapman Samuel, farmer, Churchtown Robbins William, farmer, Tregarry
Chapman Samuel, farmer, Tregenna Uglow Samuel, blacksmith
Davey Wilham, farmer, Trebreak
TRESLOTHAN is an ecclesiatical district, formed seat of William Cole Pendarves esq. D.L.,J.P. isa mansion of
July 4, 1845, from the civil parish of Camborne; it is 1i granite in the Classic style, standing in a park of 120 acres,
miles south from Camborne station on the Great Western with four acres of water forming a lake, with a cascade; the
railway, in the North Western division of the county, hun- grounds and plantations, formerly a mere barren waste
dred of Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith East, strewed with granite and almost destitute of vegetation,
Redruth union and county court district, rural deanery of were laid out by the late E. W. W. Pendarves esq. M.P. :
Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. near the garden is a curious grotto, built entirely of Cornish
The church of St. John, erected in 1841, is a building of minerals, and on the border of the grounds stands Carnwyn-
stone with granite quoins, in the Early English style, and nen cromlech, an ancient kistvaen, consisting of three up-
consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and a turret right stones supporting a top stone 12 feet long and 1I feet
containing one bell : there is an ancient font : this church wide ; near this cromlech was formerly a church, of which
occupies the site of an earlier structure, among the ruins of no vestige now remains. In the neighbourhood is a fine
which an inscribed and curiously carved piece of granite was spring of water c·alled "Silver Well." The principal land-
found : there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the owners are W. C. Pendarves esq. D.L., J.P. the Rev. St.
year 1841. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value [123, Aubyn Render Molesworth-St. Aubyn M.A., J.P. of Clow-
with residence, in the gift of William Cole Pendar\•es esq. ance, Orowan, and John Bevill Fortescue esq. D.L., J.P. of
and held since 1846 by the Rev. George Tippet Bull n.A. of Boconnoc. The soil is loam ; subsoil, granite. The chief
Trinity College, Dublin. In the churchyard is a mausoleum, crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is r,gso
erected in 1854, over the grave of Edward William Wynne acres ; the population in 18gr was 21240.
Pendarves esq. M.P. by his widow Tryphena Wynne Pen- Sexton, Thomas Hart.
darves. The Cemetery, near Troon, on the Camborne road,
consi~oting of Il acres, was opened in May, 18B5, and has a PosT OFFlCE,Troon.-Mrs.Mary Ann Rule,sub-postmistress.
mortuary chapel ; it is under the control of a burilll board Letters arrive, vi§. Camborne, at 10.20 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. ;
of nine members; J. T. Morshead, clerk. Pendarves, the dispatched, 3.30 & 4.30 p.m. Camborne is the nearest
money order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Dunn, mistress; Miss Rose Gartrell,
here, but not paid infants' mistress
WALL LETTER Box, Ramsgate, cleared at 9·45 a. m. & 3·45 .BoLENOWE is a hamlet, I~ miles east. Here is a Wesleyan
p.m chapel. CONDURROW hamlet is I! miles east, and has a
The school for boys & girls, founded & endowed by the late Primitive Methodist chapel, seating rso persons, and a
Mrs. Percival, has been taken down & the endowment Wesleyan chapel. - -
transferred to Camborne National school TROON or TREWOON is a village three-quarters of a mile
Board School, 'froon, under the Camborne School Board, ! north-by-east; there are Wesleyan and Free Methodist
built in 1875, for 300 children; average attendance, 8S chapels; at Plantation, near Troon, is another Wesleyan
boys, mo girls & 89 infants: John Toy Morshead, master; chapel.
Treslothan. Condurrow. Berryman John, joiner & builder
Bull Rev. George Tippet B. A. Vicarage· Dunn John, Condurrow Berryman William Henry, omnibus
Pendarves William Cole B.A., D.L., J.P. Rule Hannah (Miss), shopkeeper
Rule James, farmer proprietor & coal dealer
Pendarves Simmons John, jun. farmer
Sims Thomas, farmer Camborne UnionistAssociation (branch)
Sims William Arthur, auctioneer, (John Prideaux, sec)
Bath Charles, farmer, Gear farm valuer, surveyor, house, estate &
Cheffers Wm. farmer, Vellynsaundry commission agent ; dealer in corn,· Carter Thomas, shopkeeper
Edw!lrds David, farmer, Ramsgate forage, manures, seeds & implements
Eva Thomas Henry, farmer, Killevose of all kinds Davey Thomas, farmer
Gerrans John, farmer, Boswyn
Hart John, farmer, Knave-go-by South Condurrow Tin & Copper Mine Dennis John, farmer, Chicarn
Hart John, jun. gardener to W. C. ( R. H. Pike & Son, pursers ; William
Rich, manager; William Thomas & Dennis Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper
Pendarves esq . John Frederick Rich, agents)
James Benjamin, fa..,rmmer, Tolcarne Eva Samuel, farmer, Croft Mitchell
Jarnes Peter, farmer, Boswyn Wheal Grenville Tin Mines (Charles
King John, farmer, Tolcarne Frederick Bishop, manager; James Holman Ann (Mrs.), grocer
Pendray J ames, farmer, Chytodden
Richards William, shovel & pick handle Negus, purser; Joseph Hosking & Jenkin James, farmer, Croft Mitchell
Stephen Williams, captains)
maker, Gibraltar saw mills Jenkin William John, builder
Kendall Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Morshead John Toy, clerk to the burial
board .
Pascoe Elizabeth (Miss), milliner
Pearce Peter, farmer, Pellutes
Pengelly Richard, shoe maker
Polkinghorn Francis, wheelwright
Rodda John Thomas, steward toW. C. Troon. Prideaux James Arthur, stationer
Pendarves esq Hosking Joseph Rowe J ames .Benjamin, Greenville Arms
P.H. & farmer
Sims Thomas, farmer, Carnwynnen Rule James
Tripp Thos.hind to W. C. Pendarves esq Rule Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Vivian William, farmer, Stennack COMMERCIAL_ Post office
Adams Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Temby Edward, draper
Bolenowe. Ball Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Temby James, farmer, Croft Mitchell
Basanko Edwd. Marks, tinplate worker Thomas William, blacksmith
Berryman Samuel, shopkeeper Basteon Matthew, butcher Trebilcock Mark, shopkeeper
Rowe Joseph, farmer Basteon Richard, shoe maker Treslnthan Cemetery (J. 'f. Morshead,
Simmons John, farmer Bennetts Susan (Mrs.), grocer clerk to the burial board)
Stoneman John, farmer Bennetts William, farmer, Laity Trevithick Annie (Miss), milliner
Thomas Henry, shopkeeper & farmer Berriman Edwin, greengrocer Trevithick William, carpenter
Treglown Ursula(Mrs.),farmr.&shpkpr Berryman Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Varker Jane Charity (Mrs.), shopkpr
Vial John, farmer Berryman James, butcher Webster .1.\lary Jane (Miss), grocer
TRESMERE, or 'fRESMEF.R, is a parish and village, situ- the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1879 by the
ated on the river Altery, north of the old road from Lann- Rev. Henry Matthias Attwood Serjeant, of Queens' College,
ceston to Camelford and on the Devonshire border of the Cambridge. Here is a Bible Christian chapel. On Tresmere
county, with a station on the Launceston and Wadebridge Down is an ancient tumulus. Ralph Baron Rogers esq.
section of the London and South Western railway, 7 miles Mr. Ambrose Reed and Miss Pearse, of Launceston, are
west-by-north from Launceston, in the North Eastern chief landowners. The soil is dark loam; the subsoil is
division of the county, north division of the hundred of East, slate and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.
petty sessional division of East North, Launceston union The acreage is 1,490; rateable value, £1,034; the popu-
and county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Major, lation in r8gr was 184.
archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church Letters through Egloskerry R.S.O. arrive at 8 a. m.
<>f St. Nicholas, or St. Winwolaus, is a building of stone in Launceston is the nearest money order office; telegraph at
the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south the railway station
porch and a weRtern tower with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, WALL LETTER Box, Railway station, cleared at 9.45 a. m.
only one of which is now used : the chancel retains its week days only
piscina and the font is Norman : the church, with the WALL LETTER Box, Three Hammers, cleared about 4 p.m
This place is included in the Warbstow United ~chool Board
exception of the tower, was entirely rebuilt in 1 sso, at a
district, formed May 28, I87S
cost of £8so, and has 70 sittings. The register of baptisms Board School, Three Hammers (mixed), erected in 1879, at
dates from the year r62s; marriages, rs74; burials, r675;
there are records on the registers of the Rev. John Wesley
having preached here in I7.f.S, 1748, I7SO and 1751. The a cost of l,r,ooo, for 89 children; average attendance, so;
living is a vicarage, average, tithe rent-charge £93, gross Edward Davies, master; Mrs. Edward Davies, mistress
yearly value £u3, with residence and 17 acres of glebe, in RAILWAY STATION, William Stacey, station master
Serjeant Rev.Henry Matthias Attwood, I Fry Samuel, farmer, Grimshole Pulkingborne John, shopkeeper & coal
Vicarage Gimblett William, farmer, Helson
&e. dealer
COMMERCIAL. 1JKoihttnoswWJoilhlinamM, farmer, Trew Reed Ambrose, farmer & landowner
Bate William, farmer, Splatt artin, farmer Rogers Jn.miller (water),Treglum mill
Brookham Amos, blacksmith Matthew Thos. farmer, Church town Rowe William, blacksmith & shop-
Chapman James, farmer, Treburtle j Parsons George, farmer keeper, Splatt
Wickett Alfred, farmer, Lant' end
Frayn John, farmer Piper Edmund, farmer, North 'fregear
TREVALGA is a parish and village, about 4~ miles the rocky surface of which terminates in a sharp peak about
from Camelford station (opened August, 1893), on the 300 feet above the sea. The parish church of St. Petrock is
new branch of the South Western railway from Laun- an ancient building of stone, in the Transition Norman,
ceston to Wadebridge, 6 north-west from Camelford, 20 Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan-
north from Bodmin and 20 west of Launceston, in the eel with north transept or chapel, nave, south porch and
North Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty an embattled western tower of three stages, diminishing
sessional division of Lesnewtb, Camelford union and county towards the top and containing 3 bells, the first of which is
court district, rural deanery of 'frigg Minor, archdeaconry undated; the otber two were cast respectively in 1756 and
of Bodmin and diocese of Truro ; it stands on the shore of I773 : the transeptal chapel retains a piscina and a hagio-
the Bristol Ch'lnnel, which here rises with bold and lofty scope, and at the easttend is a bracket ; the walls are covered
stone cliffs without beach or strand sheer ont of the waves with ornamental work in colour of the 13th century: the
that dash ceaselessly against them. Tbis coast, which is, font, :of local greenstone, is circular, and dates from the
perhaps, the most grandly picturesque in the north of Corn- Norman period: there are some carved bench ends: the
wall, has adjacent to it se,•eral rocky islands, the haunt of chancel has memorials to the Toil"ehane family (I7go-r842),
countless sea birds, the most remarkable being Long Island, and to James May, rector, d. Oct. n, 1832; in the chapel
Iis a monument to Samuel Roscarrock, ob. Dec. I64o : in the reign of Elizabeth held by the Roscarrock family; in
I893, two memorial windows were erected in the chancel and the I 8th century it belonged to the Rickards, and was re-
in the tower by members of the family of the late R. built by Thomas Rickard in 1743, as appears from an in-
Bolitho Stephens esq. to their parents: the church was scription over the entl'ance. Redavallen, supposed to have
restored in I875 at a cost of £soo, and has go sittings: in been the manor house of the manor of Trevalga, is a curious
the churchyard is a very ancient gl'anite cross, 5 feet 8 antique mansion, built in the shape of the letter E; the walls
inches high and I foot 4 inches wide, with a Greek cross were once loopboled for defence, and in the splay of one of
on each side of the round bead ; here also are in- the windows is the date 1642. The manor of Trevalga, one
scribed st.ones to William Laskey, rector, d. 20 Oct. 1793; of the most ancient in the county, is conjectured to be iden-
to John Mitcbell Vi'ade, rector of Ashcombe and vicar of tical with the "Trevagav" of Domesday Book: at the
Barnstaple, d. 23 May, 182o, and to the Wade, Rickard and beginning of the I 3th century it was held by the Bassett
Trehane families. The register of baptisms dates from the family, and continued with them until I6oi, when it was
year 1538; marriages, 1539; burials, 1691. The living is sold, and then passed successively to the families of Welsh
a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £Io6, net yearly value and Northcote, from whom, in 1682, it was purchased by
£I2o, including 39 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift Mr. William Bolitho, of Exeter. Richard Bolitho Stephens
of the Dean and Chapter pf Truro, and held since 1889 by esq. and Nicholas Taylor esq. are now lords of the manor of
the Rev. Arthur Henry Cooke B.A. of Oxford University. Trevalga and chief landowners. The soil is light; the
There is a small Bible Christian chapel, erected in I872, and subsoil is blue slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
seating 84 persons. The Growa slate quarries are on tl.te roots. The grazing lands are remarkably good. The
nol'th-western cliffs, and on the south-western cliffs acreage is I, 299; rateable value, £1,055; the population in
mining operations for silver lead were formerly carried 1891 was 126.
on, but the works are now closed. Just outside the Sexton John Jewel! Church Town.
southern and most inland extremity of the parish is -' '
an ancient British mound, called "Cadon Barrow," Letters through Boscastle R.S.O. which is the nearest money
situated 1 ,on feet above the level of the sea, from which a
,·cry extensive panoramic view can by obtained. King order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a. m. WALL LETTER
Box cleared at 2. 30 p.m
Arthur's quoit, a large stone, probably the displaced cover This place is included in the Boscastle United School Board
of a cromlech, lies by the roadside, about half a mile to the district, formed Jan. 26, 1875
west of the village. Trehane Barton, in this parish, was in The children attend the Board school at Boscastle
Cooke Rev. Arthur Henry B.A. Rectory Baker John, farmer, Trenitton Nichols Elijah, farmer, Trehane
D'Aeth Henry William (fleet paymaster Boney John, farmer, Tredole Parsons James, farmer, Well town
R.N.), Coast view Brown Thomas, carpenter, Church twn Stephens John, farmer, Church town
COliiMERCJAL. Cottle Richard, farmer, Treforda Stephens William, farmer, Church twn
Elford Michael, farmer, Tregena Taylor John, farmer, Church town
Angove James, farmer, Tredole Hawken William, farmer, Cardew Taylor William, farmer, Redavallen
Bailey John, farmer, dhurch town Kernick Richard, smith, Church town
TREVERBYN, so called from the ancient duchy manor Sexton, Charles Luxon.
of" Treverbyn," is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Sept. 15, PosT OFFICE, Stenalees.-Arthur l\Iaunder Richards, sub-
1846, out of the northern part of the civil parish of St. postmaster. Letters through St. Austell, arrive at 8 20 a.m.
Austell, 3 miles north-east from St. Austell station on the & 2.30 p.m. ; dispatched 10.45 a. m. & 4.25 p. m. week
Cornwall line and 2 south-east from Bugle station on the days only. The nearest money order & telegraph office
Newquay branch of the Great Western railway, in the Mid is at St. Austell
division of the county, hundred of Powder, petty sessional CARTHEW is a hamlet, 2~ miles west. Here is a Bible
division of Powder East, union and county court district of Christian chapel; there is also a Working Men's Institute,
St. .Austell, rural deanery of St. Austell, al'chdeaconry of opened in 1884, and a public drinking fountain, erected as a
Cornwall and diocese of 1'ruro. In this parish is the old memorial to the late Elias Martyn.
manor of Trenans-Austell, the property of John Tremayne PosT OFFICE, Carthew_-Richard Richards,sub-postmaster.
esq_ The ancient church of Treverbyn formerly stood near Letters through St. Austell, arrive at 7.50 a.m. & 2.10
the farmhouse of Treverbyn l\Iinor, in a field now known as p.m.; dispatched 10.55a.m. & 4·35 p.m. week days only.
the" Church Meadow." The church of St. Peter, standing The nearest money order & telegraph office is at St.
near the northern boundary of the parish, is a building of Austell. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
stone in the .Middle-Pointed or Decorated style, consecrated CARNROSEMARY, or Bugle, the largest hamlet, is 2 miles
in 185o, and consisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a north-west from the parish church. There is a Primitive
turret containing one bell: there are memorial windows to Methodist chapel in Rescorla, built in 1873, and one at
Thomas Gill, formerly lord of the manor of Treverbyn, and Molinnis; a Wesleyan chapel at Stenalees, built in 1861;
to his wife and daughter: the church affords g6o sittings. and chapels for Bible Christians at Cal'thew and Bugle; the
The register dates from the year 1846. The Jiving is a latter was renovated and enlarged in 18go, at a cost of about
vicarage, gross yearly value £1571 with residence, in the gift £6oo; there is also a Free Methodist chapel at Greens plat;
of the Crown and Bishop of Truro alternately, and held since and at Rescorla an Unsectarian mission room.
:x884 by the Rev_ CharlesBennett RA. of Clare College, Cam- PosT OFFICE, Carnrosemary.-Luke Thomas, sub-post-
bridge. A building was erected in the village about 1883, for master. Letters through St. .Austell, arrive at 8. 35 a.m.
the use of the Sunday school and Bible classes ; it is intended & 2.40 p. m. ; dispatched at 10.30 a.m. & 4·10 p.m. week
also to serve as a lecture and reading ro liD, with space for days only. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
the reception of a parochial library. The principal land- at Roche. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
owners are the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.C., L.L. Sir ST. AusTELL BoARD ScHOOLS:-
()harles Brune Graves-Sawle bart. D-L., J.P. of Penrice, the Bugle (mixed), for 210 children; average attendance, 150;
trustees of the late Elias Martyn, Henry Edward I"ambe John Truscott, master; Miss Mary West, mistress
esq. John Tremayne esq. D.L., .J.P. of Heligan, and Messrs. Treverbyn (mixed), built in 1877, for 300 children; aver-
Gill and Ivimey, of London, who are the lords of the manor. age attendance, 160 ; William Boxhall, master; Miss
The soil is peat ; subsoil, disintegrated granite. The chief Mabel T0nkin, mistress
crops are barley and oats. The acreage is about6,ooo; and Carthew (mixed), erected in 188o, for mB children; aver-
the population in 1891 was 2,867. I age attendance, 99 ; Mrs. Eva Warrwick, mistress
Treverbyn. Coombe Samuel, captain of Kerrow Julyan William, captain of Wheel
Bennett Rev. Charles B. A. [vicarJ Moor clay works Martyn clay works
Collins Henry, carpenter, Carloggas JulyanWm.blacksmitb,Higher Lcvrean
Richards Chas. Percy, Treverbyn lodge Common Tom, captain of Ninestones Keam Thomas, carrier, Mount Pleasant
Sweet James, Screeda Knight P. & Son, general merchants
clay works Lewis Joseph Jane, jun. cattle dealer &
• COMMERCIAL. Crowle William, grocer, Ruddle moor
Alien Henry, carpenter Cundy Samuel, farmer, Penhedra farmer, Rescorla
Alien James, farmer, Trethurgy Dyer Saml. land & clay agent, Rosevean Lobb Richard, clay agnt. Ruddle moor
Bassett Thomas, farmer Ede Alfred, carrier, Carluddon Melluw Philip, farmer, Carrancarrow
Beazley Joseph, carpenter,Ruddlemoor Geach Edward, captain of Clay works, Mellow Waiter, carter, Ninestones
Benny John, carrier, Trenance down Gomm l\Ienear Wm. clay agent, Caudledown
Bray Richard, flour dealer, Carloggas Geach Samuel, farmer, Biscovallick Nicholls Fredk. Hart, farmer,Knightor
Champion Charles, captain of clay Gilbert William, china clay merchant Nicholls Hart, china clay producer &
works, Caudledown & farmer, Kerrow farmer, Resugga
China Clay Co. (The) Lim. (Captain Higman Joseph, farmer, Levrean Nicholls James, farmer, Carbean
D. Cock, manager), K~I'l'ow moor Hooper Henry, farmer, Biscovallick Nicholls Thos. farmer, Lower Hallaze
Coad William, blacksmith, Carclaze Job Arthur, bhcksmith, Bojea Oxenham Lewis, farmer, Carclaze
Pascoe Philip, farmer, Penhale Tonkin John, farmer, Molinnis Common James, farmer
Pascoe Silas, farmer, Bugle Trudgeon Samuel, grocer, Rescorla Crowle Edwin, carter
Payne J oseph, farmer, Alsebear Truscott Thomas, farmer, Newton Crowle John, shopkeeper
Pearce William, farmer, Boskell Warrwick Joseph, farmer, B1scovallick Dingles Richard, Sawles Arms P.H
Pedlar Waiter, farmer, Higher Bojea Wedlake Joseph, carpenter, Cleeves Germon John, boot maker
Peters Paul, clay agent, Trenance Wedlake Richd. carpenter, Wheal Anna Hooper Henry, blacksmith
Phillips Bros. coopers, Blowing house Bugle. Let.cher Henry, Carthew inn
Pinch Luke, captain of Clay works, Pinch 'fhomas, farmer & carrier
COMMERCIAL. Richards Richard, wholesale & retail
Richards Ernest Horatia, wholesale & Brenton John, butcher tea, grocery &provision dealer, miller
retail tea, grocery & provision dealer, Gerry John, mason (water), corn & flour merchant &
general draper & boot factor, Car- Knight JosephHenry, temperance hotel butcher, Post office
• loggas & Treverbyn shop &grocer Stenalees.
Richards Samuel, farmer, Penhale Merritield George, tailor
Roberts Henry, farmer, Higher Levrean Pascoe Charles, wheelwright Kellow Thomas, flour dlr. Stenaleeshill
Roberts Matthew, farmer, Rescorla Pascoe Jane (Mrs.), draper RichardsArthurMaunder,grocer,Post off
Robins John, carter, Gunheath Pascoe John, grocer Richards Ernest Horatio, wholesale &
Robins Philip, carter, Gunheath Stackhouse Jas. captain of Clay works retail tea, grocery, provision dealer,
Rosevear Nicholas, farmer, Rosevean Thomas Luke, shopkeeper, Post office general draper & boot factor
Sincock John, tailor Thomas Nicholas, captain of Clay wrks Richards James, general dealer
Stephens John, farmer, Trembear Warden Richard Inkerman, blacksmith Richards John, captain of Clay works
Stnrtridge Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wills William, Bugle inn Richards Richard, wholesale & retail
Levrean Carthew. tea, grocery &provision dealer, miller
Thomas John, shopkeeper, Trethurgy (water), corn & flour mer. & butcher
Thomas Nicholas, farmer, Trenance Martyn Miss, Carthew house Richards Thomas, captain of clay wrks
Thomas Reuben, farmer, Netley Thriscutt Tom Elias, Carthew house
TREWEN is a small parish, bounded on the south by Pembroke College, Oxford, who resides at South Petherwin.
the river Inney, 2 miles south from Egloskerry station on the There is a Wesleyan chapel at Piper's Pool. Nicholas W.
London and South Western railway and 6 west from Laun- Lobb esq. is a landowner, but there are other freeholders.
ceston, in theNorth Eastern division of the county, northern The soil is light and free; subsoil, slate. The chief crops
division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of are wheat, barley and oats, but there is some good grazing
East North, Launceston union and county court district, land. The area is 970 acres; rateable value, £1,074; the
rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and population in 1891 was 124.
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Michael is a small and Sexton, Thomas Doidge.
ancient building of granite, in the Early Perpendicular style,
consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south Letters through Launceston, arrive at about 10 a.m. Lew-
porch and a western turret containing one bell : in the annick is the. nearest ~oney order office, & telegraph,
churchyard is a large granite slab, inscribed to Ralph Honey, Egloskerry railway statiOn
ob. 1596: the church was restored in t863-4, and has 150 I WALL LETTER Box, Piper's Pool, cleared at 3 p.m. week
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1616; days only
marriages and bmials, 1617. The living is a chapelry an· WALL LETTER Box, Trenault, cleared at 3.15 p.m. week
nexed to the vicarage of South Petherwin, joint tithe rent- days only
charge commuted at £,297, average £232, net yearly value National School (mixed), Piper's Pool, three-quarters of a
£,2101 in the gift of the University of Oxford, and held since mile north-east, for about 40 children; average attend-
1891 by the Rev. Prockter Thomas Pulman B.C.L., M.A. of ance, 29
[Marked thus t letters are received through Colwill John, tailor & farmer, Trenault t J enkinJohn,miller(water),Trewen mill
Crocker John, farmer Martin Richard, carpenter, Piper's pool
Lewannick, Lannceston ; Piper's Pool & Davey William farmer Gospenheale Mules Richard, New inn, Piper's pool
Trenault letters should have Launceston DaweisaacNans' cawen,f'rmr.Menw'enick tParnell Thomas, farmer
only ad.ded·] .. . Frayn James, blacksmith, Piper's pool tParnell William, farmer
Lobb Nwholas Wdham, Trenault Smith Waiter, farmer, Gospenheale
Hill Simon, farmer, Trenault
COMMERCIAL. Jenkin George, wheelwright, Piper's pool
tChambers Samuel, farmer, Coombe
rr J{ tJ It 0. -
TRURO (Tre-rhiw, the dwelling on the sloping bank or ( II40-75), and illegitimate son of Henry I. ; it is undat•ed,
stream) is a city and municipal borough, head of a union but confirms a previous charter, granted about n3o by
and county court district and a port, with a station on the Richard de Luci, justiciar; definite municipal privileges were
Great Western railway, 250 miles from London by road and not, however, granted till about 1250; Queen Elizabeth, in
3oo! by rail, 23 miles south-west from Bodmin, 15 west-by- 1589, g-ranted a new charter, but under the provisions of the
south from St. Columb, 14 west-south-west from St. Austell, "Municipal Corporation Act, 1835" (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. 76)
II north from Falmouth, 9 east-north-east from Redruth, the city is divided into two wards, named respectively the
27 east-north-east from Penzance, 17 north-east from Ea!!tern and the Western, and is governed by a mayor, six
Helston, 34 south-west from Liskeard, 22 south-west from aldermen and eighteen councillors, under the style of the
Lostwithiel and 42 south-west from Launceston, in the mayor, aldermen and burgesses of Truro, the Corporation
Truro division of the county, western division of the hundred acting also as the Urban Sanitary Authority: the city has a
of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder West, in the commission of the peace: on Sept. 7, 1877, the borough was
rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and declared a city by the style of " The city of Troro in the
diocese of Truro. The city is situated in a valley and com- county of Cornwall : " the borough returned two members
prises the parish of St. Mary with part of the parishes of St. to parliament from 1295 until 1885, when, by the" Redis-
Clement and Kenwyn, and is washed on each side by the tribution of Seats Act" of that year, it was deprived of in-
two small rivers Kenwyn and Allen, which, after having dependent representation and merged in the county.
taken their separate courses to the east and west of the The Mayor of Truro was anciently held to be also mayor
town, unite with a branch of I<'almouth harbour commonly of Falmouth, and this right is recited in the charter of Queen
called Truro creek or river. At high water the waters Elizabeth, and again in the Herald's Visitation of 1622 ; in
form a fine lake, 2 miles in length, extending from 'Iruro 1709, this and other claims being disputed by the inhabitants
to Malpas, commonly called "Mopus ; " the channel is of of Falmouth, the Corporation of Truro proceeded on the 1st
sufficient depth to be navigable for vessels of upwards of 70 June in that year to establish their claim by perambulating
tons burthen to the town quay, in the centre of the borough. the borough, then affirmed to include all the country as far
The customs port extends from the quay down the river to as the Black rock at the mouth of Falmouth harbour : the
a line drawn from Messick point (limit of port of Falmouth) dispute was afterwards submitted to the conrts of law and
to Mylor church ; fishing boats and implements to be dis- decided in favour of Falmouth.
tinguished by letters T. 0. The Cornwall and West Corn- On~be renewal of the water bounds of this borough, once
wall sections of the Great Western railway join here, and in every six years, a singular custom connected with the
also the branch from Falmouth. tenures and rights of the Corporation is still perpetuated: on
"The earliest known charter .-of the borough of Truro reaching the extreme limits of its jurisdiction in the Truro
was granted by Reginald de Dunstanvill, Earl of Cvrnwall river, the mayor and town clerk, accompanied by such
members of the Corporation and other inhabitants as are thus removed, with the exception of the aisle, in I88o, was
present, go on shore; a writ for the sum of £999 19s. II£d. built in the first part of the 16th century on the site of
is then produced against a person selected for the purpose, two earlier structures, the first of which was dedicated in
who is arrested by the bailiff of the borough, on which two 1259; but the later work was chiefly Perpendicular, the
of the party offer themselves for bail, and the nominal pri- tower and spire being an addition of debased character ; in
soner is liberated. Formerly, at the election of the mayor, 1769 the church consisted of a nave and south aisle, each of
the lord of the manor obtained possession of the mace and seven bays, small north aisle of five bays, and south porch,
held it in his hands until sixpence was paid to him by every and was II4 feet in length and 38 wide.
householder residing within the town, but this impost, known The new cathedral of St. Mary, designed by J. L. Pear-
as "smoke money," has long ceased to be paid. son esq. R.A. in the Early English style of the early part of
The streets are regularly built, well paved and lighted the 13th century, is constructed on the exterior of Carnsen
with gas, the gas being supplied by the 'l'ruro Gas Company, granite with box stone dressings, Stephen's granite, with
and the water supply is furnished by a limited company, Doulting and Bath stone, being used for the interior; the
formed in 1875, with a capital of £2o,ooo; the pumping general plan comprises a choir of five bays, with retrochoir
station is at Tregurrow and the reservoir at St. Clement.'l. of two bays, eastern transepts, north and south aisles, and
A number of houses, called '' the Middle row," were removed attached to the !atter the south aisle of the old church; great
in the year 1794 and a spacious street, now called " Boscawen transept, each limb being of three bays, south porch, nave
street," formed in the centre of the city. The principal of nine bays, with aisles, south-eastern baptistery, south-west
thoroughfares, having water continually flowing through porch, and a central and two western towers with spires ;
them, are kept remarkably clean. the design also includes a cloister court on the north side,
Truro was formerly one of the towns having the privilege communicating with the north aisle of the nave and the
Af coining or more properly " stamping " tin and possessed eastern aisle of the north transept, and united at this point by
this right as early as the reign of King John. an ambulatory with an octagonal chapter house. The portions
The Stannary Courts for Cornwall and Devon are held of this plan at present carried out include the whole of the
at Truro usually in February, May, August and November, choir with its adjuncts, the great transept, the lower stage
the days being fixed at the close of each preceding sitting, of the central tower, the south porch, baptistery, a portion
which generally occupies about two weeks, and the Vice-War- of the two easternmost bays of the nave, and a tall belfry
den also often sits elsewhere, and holds intermediate terms, to tower at the west end of the old south aisle with broach
hear petitions for winding up companies. Here also is the copper-covered spire, together 135 feet in height, and contain-
office of the registrar of the court of the Vice-Warden of the ing a clock with chimes and 2 bells, the larger of which was
Stannaries, and of the assistant registrar of Joint Stock presented in 1770 by Hugh, 2nd Viscount Falmouth, at a
Companies formed for working mines within the jurisdiction cost of £150.
of the Court of the Vice-Warden of the Stannaries ; F. The whole of the flooring of the choir, together with the
Marshall esq. is the registrar. steps leadmg thereto, is laid down with Frosterly and serpen-
The Staunary Court was first held at Truro in the first tine marble, incorporating panelled designs in Devonshire
year of the reign of William and Mary, the Earl of Bath and various foreign marbles and lapis lazuli, the cost,
being lord warden, "when," says Lord Lansdowne, "there about £1,350, being defrayed by the deaneries of Bodmin,
was the most numerous appearance of ~entry of both coun- Kirrier and Pydar and by the local Church Society : the choir
ties that had ever been assembled together." The last proper is inclosed on either side between the piers by open
Cornish Stannary Parliament met at the Coinage hall, on grilles or screens of hammered iron : the northern bays were
the uth September, 1753. the gift of Lord Robartes, as a memorial to his father Thomas
In September, 1642, Sir Ralph Hopton, Sir Beville Gren- James, 1st Baron Robartes d. March 9, 1882, and J uliana,
ville and Sir John Berkeley, being in possession of the King's (Pole-Carew), his wife, d. April n, r88r, and bear the
warrant, entered Truro and raised a large body of men. armorial achievements of both families carved in stone, with
Sir Richard Grenville having suffered by a serious encounter mottoes and a legend from the Old Testament running along
at Lostwithiel with the Earl of Essex, in 1644, retreated the string course: the bays on the south side were given by
westward to Truro, and the earl then destroyed all the the Fortescue family in memory of the late Hon. George
Stannary records, which had been removed from the tower Fortescue, and bear the Fortescue arms and their well-
of Luxulyan church to the ancient exchequer at Lostwithiel. known punning motto ; above the arcade is an elegant tri-
On August 1Ith in the same year, Sir Richard again marched forium of coupled arches in each bay, inclosed by wide
eastward, taking possession of Lanhydrock House and Res- single arches enriched with dog-tooth ornament, the span-
pryn Bridge. In 1645 Truro had a visit from Prince drils being relieved by medallions similarly treated ; the clus-
Charles, who spent the greater portion of the autumn and tered vaulting shafts spring from corbels attached to the piers,
winter here. In August, 1649, Sir John Berkeley and Colonel and rising through the string course,which is continued round
Shingsley, having entered Cornwall for the purpose of in- them, are capped midway up the clerestory; this is light in
ducing- the county to strike a blow against the Parliament style but of noble proportions, and has tall coupled lights in
for Charles 11. were captured in the house by Col. Tre- each bay with a trefoil in the tympanum : the roof is plainly
vanion, and sent prisoners to Truro. vaulted and grained in stone, the principal ribs being slightly
According to Leland, Truro had one parish church, and enriched : the stalls for the chapter and choir are of Burmese
Kenwyn and Clement's streets, he remarks, have "several" teak in the Decorated style ; those for the members of the
churches, and "here the name Sainctes of the Paroch chapter, at present 30 in number, are without canopies and
chirches." The parish church alluded to by him was that were presented by many parishes in the diocese, as well as
oaf St. Mary ; the churches of St. Kenwyn and Clement's, by private persons, the 23rd stall being a memorial to the
giving name to those streets, are outside the city. late Bishop Philpotts by his family : the chairmen's seats
The ancient bishopric of Cornwall was seated, in the gth were chiefly the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Enys, and those for the
century, at the monastery of Dinurrin, a place which it now choir boys were given by the parishioners of St. Peter's,
seems difficult to identify ; subsequently the bishopstool was Eaton Square, London: the episcopal throne, also a memo-
translated to St. German's, then to Bodmin, and then again rial to Bishop Philpotts, is an elaborate structure of Burmese
to St. German's, until in 1027 it was united to Crediton by teak, in the Decorated style, in three divisions ; the central
- Lyfing, bishop of that see, and in 1046 both dioceses were division, containing the bishop's seat, being surmounted by a
merged by Leofric in the see of Exeter : a bill for the re- lofty pyramidal canopy, highly enriched with cusped arches,
constitution of the see of Cornwall was laid before Parlia- pinnacles and crocketing; the back of the whole is panelled and
ment in 1847, but without result; various other efforts were arcaded and finished with a cresting and lateral buttresses,
made in subsequent years with the same purpose, and the and below the canopy are the arms of the sees of Canterbury,
income required being at length obtained, the diocese of London and Truro, impaling those respectively of Archbishop
Truro was founded by Order in Council, dated Dec. 15, 1876, Benson and Bishops Temple and Wilkiuson; the seats on
1mder the provisions of a special Act (39 and 40 Vict. c. 54) of either side are for the chaplains ; the book desks are finely
the same year, separating Cornwall from the diocese of arcaded in front, and divided by moulded buttresses rising
Exeter and constituting it a distinct diocese and assigning the above the desk and terminating in carved figures of the four
parish church of St. Mary, Truro, as a temporary cathedral, doctors of the Latin Church ; under canopies on the front
subject to the rights of the patron and incumbent. On the of the centre compartment are figures of the three prelates
gth December, 1876, the Re\·. Edward White Benson D.D. mentioned above ; the whole, executed by Messrs. Luscombe
was nominated by Her Majesty as the first bishop of Truro, and Son, of Exeter, cost £350: the communion rails, of
consecrated April 25th, 1877, and enthroned on the rst May open brass work, costing [,so, were presented by the parish
following. At a Diocesan Conference held on October 25th of Newlyn East, and the richly carved mahogany table, the
and 26th of the same year, a committee was formed to in- gift of the late Miss E. Nankivell, cost £2oo; the sacrarium
quire into the condition of St. Mary's church, and it was or presbytery is inclosed on either side by stone screens, with
eventually determined to buil!) a cathedral on the site of the finely tabernacled sedilia in the Decorated style, and includ-
ehurch, retaining and restoring the south aisle, and incorpo- ing, on the south side, a piscina and credence, and on the
rating it with the new building, as the parish church of St. north a seat for the bishop : the panel work of these screenil
Mary, for the holding of parochial services, adding a smaU exhibits scenes from the life of Christ, and the five buttresses
tower with spire at the west end of the aisle. The church dividing each are adorned with a series of figures of 30
saints, and on the bishop's seat are statuettes of Archbishops "WILL'MO. 1548 ; " at the west end of the aisle is a newel
Becket and Laud; the total cost, defrayed by the deaneries stair\!llse leading to the clock tower : the wagon roof of the
of West and Stratton, was£x,xBo: the magnificent reredos, aisle, substantially constructed of wood, has been carefully
erected at a cost of £2,ooo by the deanery of Powder, and renovated.
executed by Mr. N. Hitch, of Kennington, is a very fine The piers supporting the great central tower consist of a
• work of Bath stone, illustrating, in its elaborately carved series of clustered shafts, rising from high moulded bases and
groups and imagery, "The Sacrifice and Exaltation of Our carrying elegant arches richly carved with dog tooth orna-
Lord;" it is arranged perpendicularly in three sections ; the ment, above which is the first stage of the tower, sur-
central division, which projects beyond and rises above the rounded by a handsome arcading, and intended eventually to
others, displays, in two canopied compartments, highly be finished with a grained lantern : the north transept, about
finished representations of the " Crucifixion" and "Our 10 feet longer than the southern limb, has eastern and
Lord in Majesty," below which is an arcading with nine western aisles, triforium and clerestory, and is lighted at the
figures of angels ; the buttresses on either side are enriched north end by three windo\VS of coupled lancets, and over
with double canopied niches in five tiers filled with statuettes these a large rose window, the tracery of which was pre-
of angels and the Evangelists; the lateral sections of the sented by Miss Gurney, the cost of the stained glass, £65o,
work, arranged horizontally in three tiers, contain groups being defrayed by the deanery of Penwith; this transept has
typifying the general idea of the design, and figures of the a gallery with open parapet, carried on a vaulting supported
apostles,and the buttresses dividing the work are covered with by fine columns : occupying the triforium on the east side
niches, inclosing figures of prophets and saints ; the whole is the organ chamber, containing a magnificent instrument
upper stage is finished with hanging tracery, but is perfectly by Willis, chiefly the gift of the deaneries of Carnmarth and
flat and without cresting or other ornament: the fine cross on St. Austell, a sum of £409 being also contributec! by Miss
the communion table, of silver gilt, richly chased and set with C. Wilkinson, and various smaller amounts by other donors,
jewels, was presented by Lady Magherar.aorne : the choir is the total cost being £3,630; the front of the organ, at
lit by six brass pendants of very grac-eful design, presented present only temporary, fills the triforium and clerestory in
by H. F. Willey esq. J.P. mayor of Exeter in 1893: the the two western bays of the choir : the north transept also
choir aisles, with the retrochoir, form a wide and continuous now contains the monuments formerly in the parish church.
ambulatory, which at the east end is relieved by arcading, including, on the north wall, a monument of alabaster and
in which brasses have been placed by the chapter to the marbles in the Renaissance style, with columns supporting-
memory of deceased canons : the central portion of the an entablature and pediment adorned with a shield of arms ;
retrochoir is occupied by two tiers of lofty arches in triplets, below are semi-recumbent effigies and an inscription to
detached from the main wall, which is pierced by corre- John Robarts esq. ob. March 21, 1614, and Philipe (Gavrigan)
sponding triplets of lancets, filled with stained glass repeating his wife; the whole has been effectively restored at the ex-
the subjects of the central division of the reredos, and pense of Lord Robartes : on the west wall are memorials to
forming the climax of an elaborate scheme of window the Vivian family, 18r6-55, including one to Lieut.-Gen. Sir
decoration to be carried through the whole cathedral when Richard Hussey Vivian bart. first Baron Vivian G.C.B.,
completed : in the retrochoir there are fine memorial win- o.c.rr. &c. d. Aug. 20, 1842, and another to John Henry
dows to the Rev. J. W. Maxwell-Lyte M.A.; Sir R. and Vivian esq. M.P. for Swansea, d. xo Feb. 1855: there is also
Lady Rowe and 'to ThomaR Simon Bolitho esq. D.L., J.P. d. here a monument of slate and alabaster to Richard Pen-
x887, erected by his widow and daughtera: the brass eagle darves, ob. 27 Dec. x667, and Sarah, his wife, and one, wi~ll
lectern, presented by Miss Harriet Lanyon, has scrolled shields of arms, to Owen Fitz Pen, alias Phippen, who, after
candle brackets, and detached standards supporting figures being captured by the Turks and taken to Algiers in 1620,
of the Evangelists ; the pulpit, placed at the entrance to in r627, with ten other Christian captives, Dutch and French,
the choir on the north side, was presented, at a cost of got possession of a 'furkish ship of 400 tons and 22 guns,
£350, by the Rev. Canon R. F. Wise M.A. of Ladock, and is which he brought into Cartagena, and having sold it for
constructed of Hoptonwood stone on a base of Frosterly £6,ooo, r~turned to England, and died at Laneron, 17th
marble, the plan being heptagonal; the upper stage is March, 1636; this monument was placed by George Fitz
divided into six: recessed compartments with foliaged cano- Pen, alias Phippen M. A. his brother and rector of St. Mary's,
pies, containing seated figures of " preachers of righteous- to whom, with Jane, his wife, there is also a memorial,
ness" from Noah to St. Paul; the lower stage forms an open 1591-1628: there is a tablet with inscription in Latin to the
arcading. Extending under the entire chancel and its late Dr. Thomas Hingston, of Edinburgh, and Queens'
aisles is a grained and vaulted crypt, carried on clustered College, Cambridge, d. 1837, erected by his college friends;
piers: access is obtained by stairs on both sides of the choir, and one, composed of alabaster sienna marble, with dark grey
and here are at present vestries and a temporary chapter slab of marble, with inscription in Latin, by the Archbishop
room. At the top of the stairs, on the wall of the north-east of Canterbury, to the late Professor John Couch Adams M. A.,
(choir) transept is a tablet to Mr. Edw. Hoblyn Pedler, of F.R.S. discoverer of the planet Neptune, who was born near
Liskeat"d, erected under the directions of the will of his Launceston in r8r6, erected by subscription, and executed by
sister Ann, of the same town ; Miss Pedler also, at the desire Mr. W. Juleff, sculptor, of Grampound Road, from designs
of her brother, whose fortune she inherited, left the muni- of Mr. J. L. Pearson R.A. architect; there are also brasses to
ficent sum of over £x5,ooo for the maintenance and endow- Thomas Haselle, ob. 1567, and to Cuthbert Sydnam, mayor
• ment of Truro cathedral. In the north aiale of the choir is in 1627, ob. 1630, with robed effigy and arms, placed by Jane
a memorial window to the late Mrs. Thornton, erected by his wife ; and one ofa civilian, to the Burges family, 1679-88,
Canon F. V. Thornton H.A. and in the north transept are erected in 1714 by Judith (Burges) relict of Robert Hoblyn,
memorial windows to the late Mr. PoleCarew, formerlyM.P. with more of later date : in the crypt are now placed two life-
for East Cornwall, and to John and Mary Roberts. size alabaster effigies of a man and his wife, taken from the
Between the south aisle of the choir and the old south aisle old church.
of the former parish church is a passage or ambulatory, The south transept, which forms a memorial to Dr.
rendered necessary in order to effect the junction of two struc- Benson, first Bishop of Truro and now Archbishop of Canter-
tures dissimilar both in style and in height : the multiplica- bury, in recognition of his successful efforts in organizing
tion of clustered shafts caused by this arrangement, and the the revived diocese, differs entirely in its ground plan from
other architectural expedients adopted in uniting the two the north transept, but is otherwise similar: the fine circu-
fabrics, add considerably to the general effect of the interior lar window, corresponding to that on the north side, is
and form a feature of singular interest; the old south aisle, filled with stained glass, presented at a cost of £500, by the
thus incorporated, now forms a small but complete parochial masters and boys of Wellington College, of which Dr.
church in itself, and has secured to it, under an Act of Benson was head master from 1859 to 1872: a handsome
Parliament passed in June, 1887, all the legal rights and chair and desk were presented in 1890-1 for the use of the
privileges of a parish church ; it was built between the mayors of Truro, by Mr. Councillor A. Laverton, then
years 1504 and 1518, in the Perpendicular style of that date mayor. Nearly adjoining this transept on the west is the
and consists of seven bays; the communion table is that of baptistery, a circular annexe projecting from the nave, and
the old church, and was the gift of George Phippen, rector, opening thereto by an arcade with shafts of Cornish serpen-
1624-48, a modern piscina and credence of stone, have been tine : it constitutes a memorial to Henry Martyn, the dis-
added: the old organ, built by Byfield in 1750, and subse- tinguished mathematician and missionary, and a native of
quently enlarged, has been re-arranged and rebuilt on the Truro, who died at Tokat, in Asia Minor, x6 Oct. 1812:
south side of the aisle : the font from the old church, now the interior has a groined roof, with rich carving-, sup-
placed here, is a work of Caen stone, profusely decorated with ported on clustered shafts surrounding the graduated
tracery and foliage: the east window of five ligh'.fi is filled platform on which stands the circular font, a fine work of
with stained glass comprising the emblems of the Evangelists, various marbles, executed at a cost of £250, raised by the
and shields emblazoned with the instruments of the Passion, Sunday school children of the diocese : the font cover of
together with appropriate texts ; some of the other windows oak, presented by the Diocesan Training College, at a cost
are memorials to 8arah Harvey, d. 1842; Louis Charles Dau- of £2oo, is circular at the base but rises into a spired
buz, d. 1839, and Wilrnot, his wife, d. x8q.; and Humphrey octagon with two tiers of gablets, richly crocketed, and
Willyams, d. 1846; in the three westernmost windows are al~ernating with crocketed pinnacles and other elaborated
various fragments of ancient glass, with the inscription details : the marble flooring of the baptistery was con-
tributed by the deanery of St. Austell, and the carving and sittings for 8oo persons. 'l'he register of baptisms dates
other work by the deanery of Kirrier: the space below the from the year 1852; marriages from 1865. The living is a
windows is arcaded. vicarage, net yearly value £145, in the gift of the vicar of
The best Tiew of the exterior is obtained from the south Kenwyn, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Frank Ernest
side, which includes t.be embattled south aisle of the old Lewis, of Queen's College, Birmingham. A new vicarage
church, much enriched with canopied niches and carved house was erected on the Falmouth road in x888, from
work, the southern limbs of the choir and great transepts, designs by Henderson and Son, architects, of Truro, at a
the clock tower, the baptistery with its pinnacles and conical cost of £, x,48o, the site being purchased from Lord Robartes
roof, and the fine south porch, named after the late Canon for about £I75·
Thomas Phillpotts, of Porthgwidden, who gave a sum St. Paul's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed February 7,
exceeding £x,ooo towards its erection; this is three-sided in 1865, out of that portion of the p1rish of St. Clement's
plan, with clustered piers supporting graceful arches and lying within the borough of Truro. The church, in the
tall pinnacled buttresses relieved by niches inclosing figures, Agar road, erected in 1848, is a building of stone in the
and rising above a qua.trefoiled parapet : the arches have Perpendicular style, consisting originally of chancel, nave,
triangular heads, highly elaborated, and the spaces above south aisle and south porch: in x884 it was restored under
are filled with diaper work medallions: all the principal the direction of J. D. Sedding esq. architect, of London,
gables of the cathedral are flanked by double buttresses and a new chancel erected of Pt~lyphant stone from
surmounted by open octagonal-spired turrets, those at the Lewannic, near Launceston, the lower stage of a tower
east end being surrounded with gablets: the central tower erected so as to form the east end of the south aisle, and
is at present covered in with a pyramidal roof, rising transepts added, beneath which are vestry and parish
sufficiently to form a marked feature in the general outline. rooms: the new chancel is divided from the nave by a
The entire building, when finished, will be about 300 feet in screen of carved oak, consisting of a central arch and two
uslength, with an area of 23,000 square feet ; of the corn- arched openings on either side with a rood loft above,
pleted portion, the choir is feet long and with its aisles erected as a memorial to Jessie Gardiner, by her husband:
62 feet wide, and has a total interior height of 70 feet; the the brass eagle lectern was the gift of Miss Mansel Tweedy,
great transept is 109 feet long and 58 feet wide ; the central .1 of Alverton : the east window is a memorial of the late Sir
tower and spire are intended to reach a height of 250 feet, 1 Philip Protheroe Smith, of Truro, d. 24 June, 1882, and
and the two western towers and spires 200 feet. The corn- there are four other stained windows: in x889 a north aisle
munion plate includes a gold set, comprising chalice, paten was built, and the roof of the nave raised : the total cost of
and flagon, anonymously presented and valued at £5oo; the alterations has been £g,g6o: there are 610 sittings.
the chalice and flagon are both richly adorned with chasing I The register dates from the year 1865. The living is a
and repousse work from designs by J. L. Pearson esq. R.A.; 1vicarage, net yearly value £66, with residence, in the gift
there is also a bishop's chalice of gold and silver gitt, mlode, of the vicar of St. Clement's, and held since 1890 by the
from articles of jewellery given by many different persons : Rev. John Elwin Eddis B.A. of Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
to the cathedral; the vessel itself is composed of the 1 The area is 316 acres; the population in 1891 was 3,400.
precious metals of these gifts, and the gems removed from The Catholic chapel, dedicated to St. Piran, in Dereham
them, about 300 in number, have been re-set in the knop terrace, Kenwyn street, was built in 1885 at a cost of about
and foot of tha chalice, with which is used a paten of gold £2,ooo, and will seat 150 persons; it is served from the
and silver gilt, adorned with repoussework and also set with· Priory, Bodmin.
jewels: there are also two other chalices, given by Preben- . The Society of Friends' meeting house, at Truro Vean,
daryKinsman and Miss Franks, three patens, a silver gilt •was built in 1825 and has sittings for 300 persous: Mrs.
bread dish, the gift of Lady St. Levan, a silver gilt flagon, Elizabeth Fry, the celebrated philanthropist, was present at
presented by H.R.H. the Princess of Wales, and a solid gold the opening service.
chalice, paten and credence flagon, the gift of the Rev. R. J. The Baptist chapel, in River street, is a building of stone,
Roe M.A. erected in 1789, rebuilt in I 8so, and will seat soo persons.
The foundation stones of the Cathedral were laid 20 May, I The Congregatwnal chapel, River street, built in 176r and
I83o, by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales K.G. Duke of Cornwall,' rebuilt in x857, is an edifice of stone in the Gothic style and
acting as Grand Master of the Freemasons, one at the north- has 450 sittings. The Bible Christian chapel, St. Clement
east angle of the choir and another in the nave, dedicatory street, is a plain building of stone, erected in 1835, and will
services being at the same time conducted by Dr. Benson, seat 6oo persons; another in Zelah lane, was built in 1859
then Bishop of Truro: the building was opened in the and enlarged in 1888. The Primitive Methodist chapel,
presence of H.R.H. on Nov. 3rd, r887. Messrs. Shillitoe Kenwyn street, is a building of stone, erected in 1878, and
and Son, of Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, were the builders. I has sittings for 350 persons. The Free Methodist chapel,
The amount expended up to October, 1888, was £n4,o81 St. George's road, built in 188o, is an edifice of stone in the
us. gd. raised by subscription. The Right Rev. John Gott I1 Gothic style, and will seat 550 persons. The Weslevan
n.n. the present bishop, was consecrated in St. Paul's chapel (St. Mary's), Chapel yard, Pydar street, erected in
Cathedral on the 29th Sept. 1891. I8gr, and renovated and enlarged in 1884 under the direc-
Tbe register of St. Mary's dates from the year 1590. The tion of Mr. S. Trevail, is a large rectangular building of
living ol St. Mary's is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge stone and granite, and has sittings for about I,6oo persons.
£212, net yearly value £78, with residence, in the gift of the There is also a Wesleyan chapel in William street, seating
Bishop of Truro, and held since 188g by the Rev. Cecil about 400 persons.
Frederick 1oseph Bourke M.A. of Corpus Christi college, The Methodist New Connexion chapel, Castle street, was
Oxford, sub-dean and hon. canon of 'fruro. built in 1834 and has 6oo sitting5. 1'here is a Wesleyan
St. George's is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Aug. n, Mission school in Calenick street, also used for divine service.
1846, out of the civil parish of Kenwyn: the church, which The burial-ground for the parish of St. Mary, about five
stands in the western, or Ferristown district, is a building of acres in extent, near to tbe site of the Old Castle, at the
stone in the Early English style, erected in 1855 from head of Pydar street, was formed and inclosed in the last
designs by the Rev. William Hashtm, then incumbent of century, and has since been twice enlarged: there is one
Baldhu, and consists of apsidal chancel, nave, transepts, mortuary chapel. ·
north porch and a tower, with plain parapet and pinnacles, Truro general cemetery, in St. Clement's hill, consisting
the ground floor of which is m:ed as a baptistery: the east of half an acre of ground, was laid out in I 840 by a company
window and others in the apse are stained : the west win- and is now disused except in the case of family vaults : a
dow, erected by subscription in 1866, is a. memorial to new cemetery, adjoining the abov.e, is now (1893) being laid
Alfred, son of William and Maria J enkins, who died in out by the Urban Sanitary Authority: it consists of 4A.IR.211'.
Chili, 24th 1nly, 1866; one in the chancel is inscribed to the of land, with a mortuary chapel and sexton's residence:
Rev. P.C. Wrench s.T.B.: the font was given anonymously: the total cost is estimated at £,2,500.
there are 525 sittings. The baptismal register dates from The Town Hall, erected in 1846, is a building in the
the year 1846. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value Italian style, with an elegant fronta~e surmounted by a
£xso, with residence, in the gift of the Crown and bishop turret containing an illuminated clock, presented by L. J.
alternately, and held since x88g by the Rev. Frederick Dampier esq. The municipal portion of the structure, com-
William Newman. The area is 235 acres; the population in prises, apart from the 'l'own Hall, a council chamber, police
xBgx was 3,050. station and the offices of the Sta.nnaries and fire brigade ; in
St. John's is a.n ecclesiastical parish, formed January 10, the west wall is an ancient tablet of stone, displaying the
t865, from the civil parish of Kenwyn. The church, at the town arms, with the inscription :-"DANIEL IENKEN, MAIOR.
top Of Lemon street, is a rectangular building of Stone in 8 WHO SEEKS TO FIND ETERNAL TREASVRE, MVST VSE NO
quasi-Ita1ian style, erected in x827•8, and consists of a. wide GVILE IN WAIGHT OB MEASVRE I615." The insignia of the
open nave with shallow apse, and galleries and a turret with Corporation consist of two maces, a silver oar, mayor's
cupola, containing one bell : there are three stained windows, chain a.nd badge, and two borough seals : the maces, of
two of which are memorials to Mary Anna Peppin Roberts, silver and 22 inches in lenl!th, form a. pair, and have plain
d. 17 Ja.n. 1877 and Elizabeth Heard, d. xo Sept. x867, handed shafts and flanged bases; the beads are encircled by
besides others: various improvements are now (1893) pro- a ba.~ding .of cast. ornament, consisting of nude figures.
pased a.t an estimated cost of about £I,6oo: there are kneeling, w1th uplifted hands, and elaborate scroll-work,
~bove is a cresting of fleurs-de-lis, and round the lowar part room, established in 1792, contains nearly 8,soo volumes,
of the heads are bunches of fruit and ornaments in relief ; to which valuable additions are made every month by the
on the flat raised tops are the royal arms of the Stuarts 1 purcha'.:le of new books: the reading room is well supplied
the silver oar, 6} inches in length, is engraved with the with the leading reviews, magazines and newspapers ; the
name of the city : the mayor's chain and badge were pur- Phillpotts' Theological Library was presented to the clergy of
chased by the Corporation in x88o, on the occasion of the Cornwall in x856 by Bishop Phillpotts, on condition that a
visit of T.R.H. the Prince and Princess of Wales ; the chain, suitable room should be erected for its reception, which was
of silver gilt, consists of a series of links, alternating with eventually done, and the library opened by the Bishop of
shields ; the central link bears a shield, enamelled in colours, Exeter, in May, 1871 ; it is now available, without restriction
with the arms of Cornwall, "az. xo bezants, 4• 3, 2, x," either as to creed or sex, to all persons duly elected, and has
surmounted by the prince's plume ; on either side are been considerably augmented by the addition of the Truro
shields, bearing the arms of the city, and the pendent badge Theological library, founded in 1836; the library of the late
repeats these arms, richly enamelled, with the motto, Prebendary Ford, presented in x872, and others given by the
"Exaltatum Cornu in Deo : " the two circular seals also late Rev. Dr. Bray, the late Rev• .Anthony Buller, of Pound,
exhibit the city arms, and one has the same legend: the Tavistock, in x885; the late Prebendary Barnes; the late
mayor's robes are of scarlet cloth trimmed with silk and Rev. R. P. Warren, vicar of Hyde, and a large and especially
sable fur. valuable bequest by the late Rev. Franke Parker, rector of
The Market House is under the Town Hall, and the base- Luffincott, Devon, beside a valuable collection given by the
ment forms a general market. Markets are held on Wed- Rev. Canon Hockin : the room is also used for meetings con-
nesday and Saturday ; the former chiefly for grain and the nected with church work, and is supplied with a limited
latter is well supplied with all sorts of provisil)nS. The number of church magazines and papers. The Masonic
cattle markets are held the first and third Wednesdays in hall, occupying a portion of the eastern wing, is used for
the month on Castle hill. the meetings of the Phamix Lodge of Honour and Prudence,
The fairs held at Truro are on Wednesday in Whitsun the Cornubian Royal .Arch Chapter, and a Chapter of the
week, NoYember 19th and December 8th. A horse fair is Rose Croix ; the Fortitude and Mark lodges assemble at the
also held in the month of September. Masonic Hall, in Old Bridge street. The Truro Philhar-
· There are tin smelting works, belonging to the Consoli- monic Society, the Truro Billiard Club and the Truro
dated Co. Limited, Carvedras, and employing about 20 Billiard and Chess Club are located in the Public rooms.
persons, besides three small potteries in Truro and one at The Royal Institution of Cornwall, founded in x8rlil, and
Calenick, I mile from Truro, at which the crucibles used in situated in Pydar street, was established for the promotion
tin smelting are made, but the latter is now ( r893) closed : of knowledge in Natural History, Natural Philosophy and
there are also two brush factories ; a large flour mill, Antiquities, especially in relation to the county of Cornwall;
belonging to Messrs. John Lake and Son Limited ; three saw many publications of considerable mlue and interest have
mills, the tannery of J. F. Read and Co. the boot factory been issued by this institution, including an account of the
of Charles Barrett and Son, the biscuit factory of Messrs. Fauna of the county, additions to Borlase's Natural History
Furniss and Co. Lim~ted, the jam factory of George Dixon of Cornwall &c. ; and since 1838 a yearly series of reports
and Sons, and shirt and clothing manufactories. and transactions has been regularly continued, and daily
The exports consist principally of tin, iron, ores, lead and meteorological observations have been carefully recorded and
blende, or zinc, of which large quantities are dispatched analysed. The Museum contains one of the most valuable
from this plare ; the tin being previously converted into general collections in the West of England, including many
blocks, ingots and bars. important additions received during the last few years; there
· Coals are brought here from the Principality by water, is a lecture room and a laboratory, reconstructed in 1892
and timber (used chiefly in the IUines) from Norway and at a cost of£roo; in the library and reading room, periodical
other places. meetings and conversazioni are held, at which communica-
The Post Office, opened December 15, x886, is a building tions are read and discussed ; patron, The Queen ; vice-
pf stone in the Classic style of the Queen Anne period, patron, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall;
erected on the property at the expense of Lord Robartes, of president, Sir John Maclean F.S.A. ; treasurer, Mr. .Arthur
Lanhydrock, from designs by Mr. Silvanus Travail, archit.ect, P. Nix; hon. secretaries, Mr. H. Mitchell Whitley F.G.s. and
of Truro. The site is central and convenient, being at the Major Parkyn F.G.s. ; librarian and curator, Richard .A.
junction of Pydar and King Streets with the High Cross. Gre~;g.
The building, of three floors, is lofty, airy and well lighted, Three newspapers are published in the town : the "Royal
and internally the accommodation afforded is superil)r to Cornwall Gazet.te," established r8ox (Conservative), on
that of any other post office in the county. Thursdays (with which was incorporated in 1877 "The
The Corn Exchange, a large building in Boscawen street, Cornish Weekly News," first issued in r8s8) ; "The West
is also let for meetings, for which purposes it will seat 500 Briton" (Liberal), on Monday and Thursday and "The
persons. Cornish Chronicle," on Saturday. ·
The Cornish Bank, established in 1771 and situated at the The City Police Station is in Boscawen street, adjoining
east end of Boscawen street, is a. noble edifice of stone, in the Town hall ; the County Police Station at St. Clement's
the Elizabethan style, on the site of the ancient coinage hall; hill was rebuilt in 1893.
in 1879 it was reconstituted as a limited company. The The head quarters of E and F Companies xst Volunteer
Devon and Cornwall Bank have fine premises at the corner Battalion of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry are in
of Boscawen street and Lemon street, erected from designs by Pydar street. The barracks of the 10th Company 1st Corn-
Mr. Silvanus Trevail F.R.I.B.A. Messrs. Bolitho, Williams, wall (Duke of Cornwall's) Artillery Volunteers, Wastern
Foster, Goode, Grylls and Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank Division Royal Artillery, mustering .about 77 rank and file,
of Cornwall) have two banks here : the Miners' Bank, are in Lemon quay.
established in IJJI, in Princes street, and the West Corn- The Royal Cornwall Infirmary, on an eminence at the
wall Bank at the corner of King street and St. Nicholas top of Calenick street, near to the old road formerly leading
street ; this bank was rebuilt of granite in x888, from to Falmouth, is a. plain and spacious building of stone,
designs by Mr. James Hicks, of Redruth. The Savings erected by public subscription in 1799, but chiefly by the
Bank, established in the year x818, is in River street; the munificence of Francis, Lord de Dunstanville and Basset,
amount deposited up to 1892 was l 173,868 15s. xod. ; and supported by voluntary contributions ; it is well ar-
number of depositors, 3,538 ; there is in addition a sum of ranged and conducted, and contains 58 beds: the number
£26,832 IIS. 7d. Consols standing to the credit of deposi- of in-patients admitted during the year ending May 31,
tors ; the reserve fund is £8,038, in addition to the value of 1892, was 358 ; number of operations, 82 ; accidents, 47 ;
out-patient casualties, 129 ; out-patients, 736.
Of the hotels, the Red Lion, in Boscawen street, has been The Dispensary, in Union place, Pydar street, was estab-
eompletely remodelled under the direction of Mr. S. Travail. lished in 1842 ; the tbtal number of patients since the foun-
The Truro Humane Society, instituted in 1812 with the dation to 1892 was 30,741. ·
object of rendering pecuniary assistance to the needy, is sup- There is an Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Pydar
ported by voluntary contributions. street, under the control of the Urban Sanitary Authority,
The Truro Public Rooms, erected in x86g-7o, at the eastern and having eight beds.
end of the town, form an edifice of stone in the·Tudor style, Among the most ancient honses in ths town is a hospital
with frontages towards Quay street and the Green, and for ten widows; situated in Pydar street, and founded in
consist of a central block with eastern and western wings. 1631 by Mr. Henry Williams, of this town, woollen draper;
The buildings comprise a spacious and well proportioned the almshouses consist of several low buildings, inclosing a
Concert hall, containing a very fine organ, erected at a cost of !!quare court witn an embattled wall of granite next the
£1oo; a County library; and a Free Public library,established street, and were erected at a cost of £225 19s. 7d. : the in-
in 1886 and now (1893) containing about 4,500 vols. The mates are allowed ss. per week and clothes. The income of
rooms are also used for the meetings of l9cal musical this eharity, which is derived from land and money in the
societies and billiard clubs: immediately adjoining and funds, is said to be about £120 yearly. Six additional
connected wit.h the Public rooms are the Masonic Hall and rooms were·added in 1890 by Mr. Theophilus L. Dorrington,
the Phillpotts' Library. The County Library and reading Cathedral lane, Truro, but are not at present endowed.
Other charities are John White's, £3 spent annually in south-east from Truro, large quantities of Roman coins
bread for the poor, 1584; Thomas Jones', £5 annually have been discovered, and at this point is a ferry which
to the poor, 1773; Francis Gregor's donation of £2 to the crosses the river to Tregothnan, the noble seat of the Right
parish of St. Clement, 16;37; Germyn Griest's (date un- Hon. Viscount Falmouth.
known) was formerly an almshouse, but the property was Amongst the various seats situated in the town are Glan
sold for £r85, and the late inmates now receive the benefit Mor, Richard Ferris Michell esq.; Tremorvah, Lady Smith ;
of the purchase money ; J ames Erskine's, the interest of Southleigh, the Worshipful Robert Macleane Paul M.A.,
£roo, is spent in the purchase of coal for the poor; clerk Chancellor of the Diocese; Gwendroc, John Gilbert Chilcott
and treasurer, F. H. Cock esq. ; offices, River street. esq.
Besides Samuel Foote, the comedian, and Polwhele, the 'rhe area of the mother parish of St. Mary is rgo acres ;
historian, and others previously mentioned, Richard (b. rateable value, [10.357· The population and rateable value
Feb. 8, r8o4) and John Lander (b. 1807), the faithful of the municipal borough in 1891 was as follows:
attendants of Capt. Hugh Clapperton, the Scotch traveller, Popula- Rateable
tion. value.
in his expedition to Africa to discover the source and course
St. Mary (parish) ..................... 2,500 [10,357
of the Niger, were also natives of the town; they pursued Kenwyn (part of parish) ............ t 5,473 15,546
St. Clement's (part of parish) ...... !3,r58 7,492
their search after Clapperton's death (April 13, 1827) ; and
to the memory of Richard, who died at Fernando Po, Feb.
7, 1834, from injuries received in Africa, a granite column
has been erected on the hill at the southern end of Lemon II,I3I £33,395
street. Through this st.reet is the main road leading to
Falmouth. tincluding 51 inmates of the Royal Cornwall Infirmary.
There formerly existed here a religious house of Poor t Including 185 officers and inmates in the Workhouse.
Clares, or Nnns Minoresses, at the bottom of Lemon street,
and a Dominican chapel and friary, on the north side of The population of the municipal wards in r8gr was :-
Kenwyn street, founded before 1259 by the family of Res- Eastern Ward............... 4,542
Western Ward ............ 6,589
kymer. n, 131
The scenery in the immediate vicinity of Truro is par-
ticularly beautiful, with arable, pasture and wood lands Parish Clerks.-St. John's, James Hawke, 25 Carclew
blended. street ; St. Paul's, Henry Behenna, 8 St. Clement's terrace.
At a place called Malpas1 or Mopus Passage, two miles Verger, St. George's, Edward H. Thomas.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, East Cornwall & Plymouth, 3 p.m. ; sub-offices, 12.40 p.m
High Cross.-Robert Edward Palmer, postmaster West Cornwall, 4.30 p.m. ; sub-offices, 3.50 p.m
HOURS OF ATTENDANCE.-For sale of postage stamps, regis- London (night), Bristol, Exeter & Plymouth, 5 p.m.; sub-
tration of letters &c. week days, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.; offices, 4.25 p.m
sundays, 8 to ro a.m. Postal order business, week days, Falmouth, Penryn, Penzance & Redrnth, 5.30 p.m. ; sub-
7 a.m. toro p.m. Money order & savings bank, govern- offices, 4·25.,P.m
ment annuity & insurance business, issue of licenses & Fourth Town delivery, Highertown & Kenwyn, 6 p.m.;
sale of inland revenue stamps, week days, 9 a.m. to 6 sub-offices, 4.25 p.m
p.m. ; saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph business, London & all parts, 7·45 p.m.; sub-offices, 7.15 p.m
week days, 7.30 a. m. to 9 p.m.; sundays, 8 to ro a. m. & Camborne, Hayle, Penzance, Redruth, St. Ives & Scorrier,
5 to 6 p.m IO p.m
INWARD MAILS-LETTERS. TowN DELIVERIES commence at 8 a.m. & 12.30, 2.15 &
Hour of Town Delivery. 6.30 p.m
Daily-London (night) & all parts, 8 a.m. Week Days Town Sub-Offices for Parcels.-Boscawen street, Daniel st.
only-Cambbrne, Penzahce, Redrnth & Scorrier, West Ferris town & Trafalgar square
Cornwall, Penzance & Redruth, London & Plymouth, Corporation.
12,30 p.m.; North of England, Scotland, Plymouth,
Southampton &c. 2.15 p.m. ; West Cornwall, Devoran & 1892-3.
Perran-ar-worthal, London, Exeter, Bristol, Ireland, The City Council, who are also the Urban Sanitary Authority,
Plymouth, ,Devonport, St. .Austell & Lostwithiel,Falmouth meets in the Municipal buildings, on the second tuesday
& Penryn, 6.30 p.m. ; Falmouth & Penryn, 8 p.m. (to in every month, at r r a. m. ; the Town Clerk attends here
callers only) (Municipal buildings) .on fridays from 10 a.m. to I p.m.
OuTWARD MAILs-LETTERS. & the Accountant on mondays, wednesdays & fridays
Week Days only-West Cornwall, Falmouth & Penryn, 6.20 from ro a.m. till noon
a.m. ; Truro rural deliveries, 7.30 a.m. ; London, MAYOR-Alderman Thomas Chirgwin.
Bristol & Plymouth, 7.30 a.m.; North Mail, 10.50 a.m. IALDERMEN.
(sundays, g.25 a. m.) (extra id. stamp, 10.55 a. m.); *Thomas Chirgwin §William Bullen
Ireland, North of England, Scotland, Dawlish, Exeter, *Edward Goodridge Heard §William James Johns
Plymouth, Southampton & Teignmonth, r 1.40 a. m. ; 2nd *TheophilusLutcyDorrington I §Amos Jennings
Town delivery, I2 noon; West Cornwall, Falmouth &
Penryn, r. 10 p.m.; 3rd Town delivery, 1.45 p.m. (extra Eastern. Western.
id. stamp,2 p.m.); Devonport, Plymouth, St. .Anstell &c. Thomas Chirgwin I Edward Goodridge Heard
3 p.m.; West Cornwall,4·3op.m.; London (night), 5 p.m. CouNCILLORS.
(extra ~d. stamp, 5.20 p.m.); Falmouth, Penryn, Pen- Eastern Ward.
zance & Redruth, 5.40 p.m. ; 4th Town delivery, 6 p.m. tJohn James I tWalter Bryant Cory
(extra id· stamp, 6.15 p.m.); Devonport, Plymouth, St. tArthur Laverton *William Chivell
.Austf'll &c. 7.50 p.m. (extra ~d. stamp, 8 p.m.). tWilliam Rocker Williams *Elijah Wilce
Daily-West Cornwall, Falmouth & Penryn, 6.20 a.m.; tMark Ball
rst Town delivery, 7.30 a.m. ; London (night) & all +Henry Buck *Thomas Worth
parts, 5 p.m. (extra ~d. stamp, 5.20 p.m)
Western Ward.
Letters intended for registration must be presented at the t Henry Barrett
tSylvanus Trevail
counter half-an-hour before the closing of the letter box tCharles Robert Parkyn
*John Hearn
*Denzil Little
with hours of collection.-Boscawen street, 10.35 & n.25 tJohn Towler Jacob *Samuel J ames Polkinho rn
a.m. & 12.50, 4, 4.35, 7.25 & 10 p.m. ; sunday, 4·35 +Richard Whitworth
p.m. ; Daniel street, 10.30 & n.2o a.m. & 12.45, 3·55• Marked thus t retire in 1893.
Marked thus! retire in lll94.
4.3o, 7.20 & 10 p.m.; sunday, 4.30 p.m.; Kenwyn street,
10.35 & n.25 a.m. & 12.50, 3-55, 4·35, 7.25 & ro p.m ; Marked thus • retire in 189)).
sunday, 4·35 p.m. ; Trafalgar square, 10.35 & II.25 a. m.
Marked thus§ retire in 1898.
& 12.50, 3·55. 4·35. 7.25 & 10 p.m. ; sunday, 4·35 p.m Auditors, C. W. Clinton, ro Vivian terrace; &William Thos.
Eastla.ke, Plynts cottage
Truro Rural deliveries & rst Town delivery, 7.30 a.m. ; sub OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY
offices, 10.25 a.m AUTHORITY.
London, Ireland, North of England, Scotland, Plymouth Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority &
&c. 2nd Town delivery, II.3o a.m. ; sub-offices, rc.25 School Attendance Committee, Robert Dobell, jnn. 9
a.m Pydar street
West Cornwall & Falmouth, 12.55 p.m.; sub-offices, 12.40 City Treasurer & Treasurer to Urban Sanitary .Authority
p.m Arthur Pate Nix esq. Miners' Bank
Third Town delivery, Highertown, Keo.wyn, Malpas, 1.45 Medical Officer of Health, Ed ward Sharp, r 8 Lemon street
p.m. ; sub-offices, 12.40 p.m Public Analyst, Bernard Dyer, 17 Gt. Tower st. London E c,
Head Constable, Richard Angel, Town hall Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress
City Surveyor, William Clemens, Quay street Amendment Act,'' H. J. Lean, Pydar street, Truro; A.
Accountant, John H. Sampson, Green street Frederick Drew, 4 Edward street, Truro
Harbour Master, W. F. Sharp, Rosewin ICounty Police Station, I St. Clement's hill, James Harries
Oyster Bailiff, G. Docking, Feock, Devoran Philp, superintendent ; & 2 constables
Inspector of Nuisances, William Clemens, Quay street Custom House, Green street, John W. Reddin, principal
Collector of R<ites, Thomas Borlaise Davey, 2I Ferris town coast officer ; Donald R. Sturdy (Malpas), out-door officer
City Crier & School Attendance Officer, John Odgers, 8o Dispensary, Uninn place, Pydar street, G. H. Chilcott esq.
Pydar street hon. sec. ; T. Truran, consulting surgeon; Edward Sharp,
City Magistrates. surgeon in attendance; W. Rarrett & '1'. Chirgwin,
The Mayor & Ex-Mayor auditors
Barrett William, Chapel house Free Library, Public rooms, Q~ay street, William Gibson,
Carns-Wilson Edward Shipphard, Penmount, Truro
Chirgwin Thomas, River street librarian
Heard Ed ward Goodridge, Bosc:t wen street Infectious Diseases Hospital, Pydar street, ~dward Sharp,
James John, Colchester villas
Jennings Amos, Victoria place medical officer
Martin William Henry Powell, Comprigney house
Michell Richard Ferris, Glan Mor Inland Reyenue Ollice, 26 Lemon street, Edward Bootley
Parkyn Major Edwin, 40 Lemon street Purchas, surveyor of taxes ; J oseph Pickard, supervisor ;
Pascoe Samuel, Pentreve William George N. Earthy, Joseph Hartigan & David
Sharp Edward, 18 Lemon street Clements, officers
Truran Thomas, I I Pydar str~:~et
Oddfellows' Hall, Kenwyn street, Thoma~ K C. Barlow, sec
Clerk, Francis Hearle Cock, 29 River street Public Rooms, Quay street, William H. Williams, sec. ;
William Golley, caretaker
Rosewin Training 8chool for Servants, Alverton ; Miss
Barter, matron
Royal Cornwall Infirmary (established I799), Infirmary bill;
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall daiiy, if required, Edward Sharp & Alfred L. Salmon, surgeons; George F.
at n a.m Helm M.A., M.D. ophthalmic surgeon ; William Robert
County Mag-istrates for West Powder Petty Miller B.A., M.D., B. eh. house surgeon ; Rev. Frederick
Sessional Division. Williams Newman, chaplain; J. C. R. Crewes, sec.; Miss
L. E. Burgess, head nurse & housekeeper
Oarus-Wilson Edward Shipphard esq. Penmount, Truro Royal Institution of Cornwall, Pydar street, Sir John
Daubuz John Claude esq. B.A., D.L. Killiow, Kea, Truro
Maclean F.s.A. president ; A. P. Nix, treasurer; H.
Gilbert Carew Davies esq. D.L. Trelissick, Truro
Michell Whitley F.G.s. & Major Parkyn F.G.s. hon. secs. ;
Harvey Robert esq. Dundridge, Totnes, Devon; & I Palace H. Michell Whitley F.G.s. editor of the journal ; Richard
gate, London w
A. Gregg, curator & librarian
Hendy James esq. Truthan, St. Erme, Truro
Stamp Office, Post office, High cross, Robert Edward
Hitchens John esq. St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O
Palmer, distributor
Polwhele Thomas Roxburgh esq. M.A., D.L. Polwhele, Truro Town Hall & Market House, Boscawen street
Smith George John esq. D.L. Treliske, Truro
Town Quay & Public Weighbridge, T. Rapson, quay master
Vivian Harry Houlton esq. Tregavethan, near Truro
Tregony District Highway Board, meet at the clerk's office,
Williams Michael Henry esq. D.L. Pencalenick, St. 29 River street, occasionally ; Francis Hearle Cock, clerk
Clement's, Truro
Truro Humane Institution, 3 Vivian terrace, Waiter Cannon,
Willyams Arthur Champion Phillips esq. D.L. Tolcarne, hon. sec
St. Colnmb R.S.O
Volunteer Fire Brigade, High cross, Henry Williains Hockin,
' Clerk to the Magistrates, Arthur Elford Adains, Princes captain; No. I, Hugh Rice, No. 2, E. L~wrence Carlyon,
street, Truro
lieutenants ; E. A. Heard, hon. sec. ; the plant consists of
Petty Sessions are held at the Town Hall, the last saturday three manuals, two fire escapes, hose reel & hose cart
in every month, at II a.m West Powder Highway Board, meet at the clerk's office,
The following places are included in the Petty Sessional Princes street, the first wednesday in the month; Arthur
division :-Kenwyn, Kea, Perranzabuloe, St. Agnes, E. Adams, clerk
Feock, Ladock, St. Erme, St. Alien, St. Clement, St. Wesleyan Institute, Union place, Henry Andrew, hon. sec
Michael Penkivell & Tregavethan Volunte3rs.
Vice-Consul. rst Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall'jl) Artillery Volunteers,
Western Division Royal Artillery (10th Co. ), drill hall,
Xorway & Sweden, William Francis Sharp, I4 Rosewin row Lemon quay; Lieut. James P. Paul!, in command
Public Establishments. Ist Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry,
Pydar street; (E Co.) Hon. Major William Francis Sharp,
Agricultural Exchange, William Henry Powell Martin, sec. commander ; (F Co.) Gilbert Hele Chilcott, captain ;
Boscawen street Patrick Riordan, drill instructor
Bishop Phillpotts' Library, Public rooms, Quay street ; The Duchy of Cornwall.
Bishop of Truro, patron ; the Archdeacon of Cornwall,
Rev. Canon Vautier & E. S. Carus-Wilson esq. trustees; Lord Warden of the Stannaries & Chief Steward of the Duchy
Rev. Canon A. P. Moor M.A.,F.R.G.s. hon.clericallibrarian; in Cornwall & Devon, Rt. Hon. Earl Ducie P.c., F.R.s
E. S. Carus-Wilson, hon. treasurer; Ven. Archdeacon J. Keeper of the Privy Seal, The Earl of Leicester x.G
&.Cornish M.A. & Rev. Alexander George Locke B.A. hon. Attorney-General, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry James P.c., Q.c., M.P
· Receiver - General, Col. Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge
secretaries ; Mrs. Simmons, sub-librarian
Burial Ground (St. Mary's), Pydar st. Wm. Ferris, sexton Kingscote x.c.B
City Police Station, Town hall, Richard Angel, superinten- Constable of Launceston Castle, Rt. Hon. Lord Halsbury P.c
Auditor, Lesley Charles Probyn esq
dent, 2 sergeants & 8 constables
Cemetery (General), St. Clement's hill, Thomas Barlow, sec Secretary & Keeper of the Rec01·ds, Maurice Holzmann esq
Solicitor, Thornhill B. Heathcote esq
Corn Exchange, Boscawen street, Charles Bryant, sec
Cornwall County Library & Reading Rooms, Public rooms, Assistant Secretary, Theodore Seton Dory esq
Quay street, Viscount Falmouth & Lt.-Col. Tremayne, Deputy Receiver, Mr. A. E. Gillett
trustees; J. C. Daubuz B.A., D.L., J.P. president; A. P. Clerk Surveyor, Mr. W. Kirk
Nix esq. treasurer; Major E. Parkyn, sec.; Gavin Hope, Clerks, Messrs. C. Ortner, G. Bartlett & G. Pottinger
Deputy Steward & Record Clerk, Mr. J. C. Pearce
County Court, His Honor Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge ; Sheriff of Cornwall, Edward William Brydges Willyams esq
John G. Chilcott, registrar; William J. Johns, high Land Steward, G. Herriot esq
bailiff ; the county court sittings are held at the Town Agent & Surveyor, Manor of Kennington, Mr. C. Barker
hall on the second or third thursday in each month ; Mineral Inspector, T. Forster Brown esq
offices, St. Mary street. The following places are Rider & Master Forester of the Forest of Dartmoor, Earl
in the county court district :-St. Agnes, St. Anthony, Ducie P.c., F.R.s
St. Alien, St. Clements, Cornelly, Cuby, St. Erme, Feock. Steward of the Mano\' Courts, Maurice Holzmann esq
Gerrans, St. Just, Kea, Tregavethan, Kenwyn, Ladock, STANNARIES CouRT FOR CoRNWALL & DEvoN.
Lamorran, St. Mary (Truro), Merther, St. Michael Pen- The court is held at Truro, quarterly, usually in February,
kivel, Perranzabuloe, Philleigh, Probus, Ruanlanihorne, May, August & November.
Tregoney&Veryan Vice-Warden & Judge of the Court, H. W. Fisher esq
The Court has also jurisdiction in bankruptcy ; George A. Registrar, Frederick Marshall esq
Jenkins, 33 Boscawen street, official receiver Secretary, Robert Macleane Paul esq. M.A
DEV. & COHN. 82
Clerks, William Thomas Kendall & William Burns Corone1• for tfle Central Division oftl..JeCounty, E. Lauren~
Collector, Thomas Chirgwin . Carlyon, r6 Lemon street; deputy, William Kerby, Quay
Usber, William B. :Morriss street
Constable, Willi:tm Woolcock Inspector of Weights & Measures, Richard Angel; &Richard
TRURO UNION. Bettison (assistant), Town hall
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, George A. Jenkins, 33 Bos.
Board day, alternate wednesdays at II a.m. at the Work- cawen street
house, St. Clement's.
Registrar of Admiralty & Bankruptcy, John Gilbert Chilcott,
The Union comprises the following places, viz. :-St. Agnes, St. Mary's street
St. Anthony in Roseland, St. Allen,Cornelly,St.Clement's, Surveyor of West Powder Highway Board, Thomas Clark,
Cuby, St. Erme, Feock, Gerrans, St. Just, Kea, Kenwyn, 9 Mitchell Hill terrace
Ladock, Lammoran, Truro (St. Mary's), Merther, St. Surveyor of County Bridges (Western division) & Inspector
Michael Penkivel, Perranzabuloe, Philleigh, Probus, Ruan- of Main Roads, Thomas J ames Hickes, Corn Exchange
lanihorne, Tregavethan, Tregony & Veryan. The popu- •
lation of the union in 1891 was 33,688 ; area, 89,288 Diocese of Truro.
acres; rateable value in 1892, £1330707 I89I Bishop, Right Rev. John Gott D.D. Trenython, rar
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Francis l:ltation & Lis Escop, Kenwyn, Truro
Truscott, 7 Pydar street, Truro 1891 Dean, The Lord Bishop
Treasurer, John Doid ge, Devon & Cornwall Bank r889 Sub-Dean, Cecil Fdk. Jsph. Bourke M:.A.Rectory,Truro
Collectors to the Guardians, Relieving & Vaccination ARCHDEACONS.
Officers, Kenwyn district, Nicholas Paull, Chacewater;
Roseland district, John Lobb, Pollaughan, Portscatha; 1888 Cornwall, Ven. Jn.Rundle Cor:qish M.A.Kenwyn, Truro
St. Mary district, Edward Cardell, 7 Pydar street, Truro 1892 Bodmin, Ven. Henry Houssemayne Du Boulay M.A.,.
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, St. Agnes district, Rectory, Lawhitton, Launceston
William Whitworth, ~t.Agnes; St.Just district,Frederick RESIDENTIARY CANONS.
Alex:. Hyne L.M.R.C.P.I. St. Mawes; East Kenwyn dis- 1885 Augustus Blair Donaldson M.A. Lanhydrock villas,
trict, Edward Sharp, Lemon street, 'fruro; West Kenwyn
Truro (Precentor)
& Kea district, William Pylle Hugoe, Chacewater ; St. 1887 Artbur John Worlledge M.A.. 4 Strangway's terrace,.
Mary & St. Clement district, John Mugford Quicke,
Truro (Chancellor of the Cathedral)
L.R.O.P.Edin. Truro ; Probus district, Thomas Mitchell 1887 Francis Edward Carter M.A. The Avenue, Campfields,.
Bonar M. B., c.M. Probus; Tregony district, Charles
Truro (Missioner)
James Bennetts, Tregony; Veryan district, Thomas Webb 1889 Cecil Frederick Joseph Bourke ru:.A. Rectory, Truro
Fryer, Ruanhigh Lanes
Superintendent Registrar, Francis Truscott, 7 Pydar
street., 'fruro; deputy, Henry Williams Hockin, 7 Pydar r878 Arthur Christopher Thynne ru:.A. Penstowe, Kilkhamp-
street, Truro
ton R.S.O ·'
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Kea sub-district, Nicholas HONORARY CANONS.
Paull, Chacewater ; deputy, Mrs. Anita Paull, Chace- r878 St. Neot, Arthur Christopher Thynne M.A. Penstowe~
water ; Kenwyn sub-district, John Winn, 6 Princes
Kilkhampton R.S.O
street, Truro; deputy, Albert Kneebone, 3 Castle street,
Truro 1 Probus sub-district, Thomas H. Jobns, Gummow, 1878 St. German, Richard Vautier M..A. Rectory, St.
Mabyn, Bodmin
Probus; deputy, Herbert Edward Savage, Probus; St.
Just sub-district, William Henry Webb, Gerrans; deputy, r878 St. Piran, Saltren Rogers li!.A. late of The Vicarage,
Gwennap, Redruth
Miss Emily Webb, Gerrans; St. Agnessub-district, Isaac
Rowse, Rosemundy, St. Agnes; depuLy, Christopher r878 St. Buriena, Ven. Archdeacon John Bundle Cornish
M.A. Vicarage, Kenwyn, Truro
Harris, jun. Rosemundy, St. Agnes ; St. Clement sub-
district, Edward Cardell, 7 Pydar street, Truro; deputy, r878 St. Carantoc, Clement Fox: Harvey M.A. The Sanc-
tuary, Probus R. S. 0
John C. Mills, 7 Pydar street, Truro
Registrars of Marriages, John C. Mills, 7 Pydar street, r879 St. Columb, Richard Farquhar Wise 1\f.A. Rectory,.
Ladock, Grampound Road
'rruro ; deputy, Richard Rowe, jun. 47 Castle street,
Truro; William Henry Webb, Gerrans; deputy, John C. r88o St. Uni, Thomas Borlase Coulson JII.A. Oaldield court,
Tunbridge Wells
Mills, 7 Pydar street, Truro
1881 St. Germoc, Richard Hugh Keats Buck B.A. St.
Workhouse, St. Clement's, Henry Solloway, master ; Rev. Dominic, Callington
John Elwin Eddis B.A. chaplain; J. M. Quicke, medical
1881 St. Constantine, William Pester ChappelM.A. Rectory,.
officer; Mrs. Solloway, matron; Mrs. Mary A. Richards, Camborne
1882 St. Paul, Paul Bush lii.A. Rectory, Dunloe R.S.O
r882 St. Samson, Ven. Archdeacon Henry Houssemayne
Meets at the .Board Room of the Workhouse monthly.
Du Boulay M.A. Rectory, Lawhitton, Launceston
Clerk, Francis Truscott, 7 Pydar street, 'fruro r882 St. Breaca, Francis Vansittart 'rhornton H.A. Monart,
Treasurer, John Doidge, Devon & Cornwall Bank
Inspector of Nuisancesf William Bray, Cbacewater . 'rorquay ·
Medical Officer of Health, Eastern & Western districts,
r883 St. Conan, Fredk. Hockin M. A. Rectory,Phillack,Hayle
Thomas Mitchell Bonar M.B., c.M. Probus
r883 St. Nectan, Alien Page Moor M.A. Vicarage, St.
Clement, Truro
SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. r884 St. Petroc, Arthur James :Mason D.D. 7 Trinity sq.
Meets at the Board Room of the Workhouse monthly.
London E c
Clerk, Francis Truscott, 7 Pydar street, Truro
Attendance Officers, John Lobb, Pollaughan, Portscatha ; r885 St. Cybi, Francis Edward Carter M.A. The Avenue,
Campfields, 'rruro
Edward Cardell, 7 Pydar street, Truro ; & Nicbolas
1885 St. Teilo, JamesHenry l\Ioore M.A. Treneglos,Kenwyn,
Tallack, Feock Truro
Public Officers.
1885 St. Ia, Joseph Sidney Tyacke M.A. Vicarage, Helston
1888 St. Corentin, Thomas Hullah M.A. Rectory, Calstock
Assistant Overseer to St. Clement's, John Henry Sampson, 1889 St. Winwoloc, Vernon Harcourt Aldham llf.,A. Rectory
2 Green street . Braddock, Lostwithiel
Assistant Overseer for Kenwyn, Geo. Stanaway, 9 Union pi 1889 St. Meriadoc, Cecil Frederick Joseph Bourke M.A. St
Assistant Overseer to St. Mary's, WilliamThomas Eastlake, Mary's rectory, Truro ·
3I River street, 'fruro r8go St. Runon, Henry Tremayne Rodd n.A. Gwinear
Cattle Inspector for the Board of A~riculture for the Port of lodge, Falmouth
Falmouth, Thomas Olver M.R.c.v.s. Trafalgar square 18go St. Adwenna, William Frederick Everest B.A. 76
Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Mugford Quicke L.n.C.P. Durnford street, Stonehouse, Plymouth
Edin. Castle lodge 1892 St. Aldbem, Joseph Hammond B.A.., LL.B. The Vicar-
Clerk to the Trustees of the Truro Charities & to the agey St. Austell
'rregony District Highway Board, Francis Hearle Cock,
River street ,
Collector of Income Tax, Samuel 'fraise, Woodland cottage, Vacant
Collector of Poor's Rate for Kenwyn, Edwin Sobey, 'rrPyen Worshipful Robert Macleane Paul M •.f...,8ou,t,hleigh,
villas, Redruth road Truro ,
Collector of Poor's ·Rate for St. Clement's, Samuel Traise, PRIEST VICARS.
Woodland cottage, Mitchell bill
Collector of Poor's Rate for St. Mary's, George Michael r888 Thomas Fisher Maddrell M.A. Newham house, Trurl
Downing, Homefield, Chapel hill 1889 Arthur Mirrielees Cazalet B.A. 2 Cornwall ter. Trnro
EXAMINING CHAPLAINS. 'l'yacke Rev. Richard Frederick Ill.!. Lehnt St. Uny R.S.~
\Tautier Rev. Canon Richard M:.A. Rectory, St. Maby~,
1891 Canon. Arthur Jarnes Mason D.D. 7 Trinity square,
London E c Vawdrey Rev. Alex. Alien M. A. Vicara,.e, St. GluviaP,Penryn
1891 Ven. Archdeacon John Rundle Cornish M.A. Kenwyn, A.Vivian Rev. Charles Henry Gerald B. The Rectory, Creed,
Truro Grampound
Vyvyan Rev. Charles Shimmin, Rectory, Llmde1\ednack,
x89x Rev. Henry Scott Holland lii•.A.. Amen et. London E c
The Lizard R.S.O
1891 CanonArthur~n. WorlledgeM.A.4Strangways ter.'fruro
BISHOP'S CHAPLAINS. Places of Wcrship, with times of services.
1891 Canon Arthur Christopher Thynne M.A. Penstowe,
Kilkbampton CHURCHES. •
189I Henry Frederick. Wilkinson The Cathedral & Parish Church of St. Mary, The Right Rev.
PLuaALJ:TIES Ac~ CoMMISSIONERS. John Gott D.D. Bishop; Rev. Canon Cecil Frederick
Joseph Bourke l\f.A. sub-dean & rector ; Rev. Canon
For Canons & Hon. Canons, Ven. Archdeacon Henry Arthur John Worlledge M.A. chancellor; Rev. Canon
Augustus Blair Donaldson M.A. precentor; Rev. Canon
HoussemayneDuHoulay M. A. Rectory, Lawhitton, Launcstn Frauds Edward Carter M.A. missioner; Rev. Thomas
For Archdeaconry of Cornwall, Alexander Alien Vawdrev, Fisher Maddrell M.A. priest vicar of Cathedral ; Rev.
Arthur Mirrielees Cazalet B.A. Pembroke College, Cam-
St. Gluvias vicarage, Penryn · bridge, priest vicar & curate; Rev. Henry R. Jennings &
For Archdeaconry of Bodmin, Vernon Harcourt Aldham,
Rectory, Braddock, Lostwithiel
CLERGY DISCIPLINE ACT ASSESSORS. Rev. Edward Ormerod B.A. assistant curates; Holy Com-
For the Chapter :- munion on great festivals & last sun. in the month at 7 &
Canon Cecil Frederick Joseph Bourke M.A. Rectory, Truro 8 a.m. & at noon ; on every sun. at 8 a. m.; lSt & 3rd
sun. in the month at noon. Other services, sun. matins
Canon Paul Bush M.A. Rectory, Duloe R.S.O
Canon Arthur Christopher Thynne M.A. Penstowe, Kilk- II a.m. on Easter day & Whitsun day at 10.30 a.m. ;
litany, when there is a celebration of Holy Communion
hampton R.S.O
after matins, at 4.15 p.m. ; other sun. after ma.tins;
For the Diocese : -
Ven. Archdeacon John Rundle Cornish M..A. Vicarage, children's service, 3·45 p.m. & on holy days at g.x5 a. m.
evensong 6.15 p.m. ; week days, matins, 7.30 a.m. ; holy
Kenwyn, Truro
Ven. Archdeacon Henry Houssemayne Du Boulay u.A. days at xo.3o with sermon ; litany, wed. & fri. at noon 1
evensong at 4 p.m.; evensong daily at 7 p.m. throughout
Rectory, Lawbitton, Launceston
Richard Fraser Fraser-Frizell, Vicarage, Chacewater,Truro the year, except holy days, when it is 7.30 p.m.; Holy
Charles Edwd. HammondM.A.Vicarage,Menheniot,Liskeard Communion daily at 8 a.m
Organist of Cathedral, Mark James :\-Ionk 1.rus. Doc. oxon
Canon Thomas Hullah M. A. Rectory, Calstock., Tavistock
Samuel Rundle, jun. M.A. Vicarage, Godolphin, Helston Verger, •r. Pascoe
Alexander Alien Vawdrey M.A.Vicarage,St.Gluvias,Penryn Assistant Verger, T. Alien
Canons' Verger, T. Langdon
Waiter Westmacott M.A. Vicarage, St. Germans
--- Parish Clerk & Sexton, S. Holloway
Diocesan Inspector of Schools, Rev. Edward Francis Taylor St. George's Church, St. George's road, Carvedras, Rev.
M.A. 7 Vivian terrace, Truro Frederick William Newman, vicar; Rev. Philip Ernest.
Registrar, Arthur Burch esq. Palace gate, Exeter Browne, curate; 8 & xr a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.
& 7 p.m. ; children's service 3 p.m. last sun. in month
Secretary to the Bishop, A. Burch esq. Exeter St. John's, Lemon street, Rev. Ft·ank Ernest Lewis; vicar~
Organist, Mark J ames Monk :Mus. Doe. oxon. The Camp- Rev. Hugh W. Millett lJ.A. & Rev. Geoffrey Yonge B.A.
fields, Truro curates ; xr a. m. & 3 p.m ; children, 6.15 p. m. ; daily.
DIOCESAN SURVEYORS. xo a.m. & 6 p.m. except wed. xo a. m. & 7 p.m.; Holy
Archdeaconry of Cornwall, W. Carah, Camborne Communion daily at 8 a. m
Archdeaconry of Bodmin~ J. M. Strong, St. Stephen's, St. Paul's, Agar road, Rev. John Elwin Eddis E•• A. vicar;
Launceston Rev. Thomas Ableson Harpley M.A. & Rev Edward
James Seymour, curates; II a.m. & 6.15 p·m.; Holy
SURROGATES. ' Communion, 8 a.m.; matins, daily, 8.30 a.m. except
Boles Rev. Richard Henry,TheVicarage,St.Breward,Bodmin wed. & fri. n a.m. ; litany, wed. & fri. at 8.30 p.m.
Special service for children every sun. at 3 p.m. ; daily
Bolton Rev. William Hemy M.A. The Vicarage, Saltash
(except fri.) 5.30 p.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m
Bone Rev. Frederic James M.A. The Vicarage, Newlyn
Braine-Hartnell Rev. George Taylor M.A. The Vicarage, St. Mary's Chapel of Ease, Kenwyn road ; evensong 6.45
p.m. on snndays & festivals; fri. 7.30 p.m.; Holy Com-
Church street, Liskeard
Chappel Rev. Canon Wm. Pester M.A.The Rectory,Camborne munion 2nd sun. in month at 8 a. m
St. Mary's Schoolroom, Pydar street, catechising 3·45 p.m.
Christopherson Rev. Brian M. A. Rectory, Falmouth
Cooke Rev. Arthur Henry B.A. The Rectory, Trevalga, Bos- excepting 2nd & 4th sundays ·
castle R.S.O St. Paul's Mission Chapel, St. Clement street, 6.30 p,m. &
Cornish Ven. Archdeacon John Rundle M.A. Vicarage, wed. 8 p.m
Society of Friends' Meeting House, Truro Vean, 11.30 a. m.
Kenwyn, Truro
Du Boulay Rev. Canon Henry Houssemayne M.A. The Rec- & 6 p.m. in summer & 4 p.m. in winter; thurs. I 1 a. m
Catholic, St. Piran, Dereham terrace, served from The
tory, Lawhitton, Launceston
Eade Rev. Isaac Broad,TheVicarage,St. Columb Minor RSO Priory, Bodmin ; mass u a.m. ; confession sat. evening;
rosary, sermon & benediction 6.30 p.m
Fenwick Rev. Wm. Augustus M.A. The Vicarage, Bodmin
Hammond Rev. Canon Joscph LL.B.LOnd. The Vicarage, Baptist, River street, Rev. James Somerville Paige; xr a.m.
& 6.rs p.m.; tues. 7.30 p.m
St. Austell
Harvey Rev. Canon Clement Fox M.A. The Sanctuary, Bible Christians', Rt. Clement street, Rev. John Stephens,
II a.m. & 6.15 p.m. ; tues. & fri. 7 p.m
Probus R.S.O
Hedgeland Rev. Prebendary Philip M.A. St. Clare ho.Penzance Congregational, River street, Rev. Clinton de Burgh; II
a. m. & 6.15 p.m. ; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Hobhouse Ven. Reginald M:.A. St. Ive Rectory, Liskeard
Hockin Rev. Canon Frederick M.A. Rectory, Phillack, Hayle Methodist New Connexion, Castle street, Rev. Peter Baker;
u a.m. & 6.xs p.m; tues. 7.15 p.m ·
Hullah Rev. Canon Thomas M:.A. The Rectory, Calstock
Jones Rev. Edward Douglas, The Vicarage, Looe R.S.O Plymouth Brethren, Campfield hill, II a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ;
Kempe Rev. James Arthur u.A. Vicarage, Veryan, Gram- wed. 7.30 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Kenwyn street, Rev. John Hall; n
pound Road
Kirwan Rev. John Henry M.A. Rectory, St. John, Antony, a.m. & 6.xs p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m .
Devonport United Methodist Free Church, St. George's road, Rev; Joe
Lane Rev. James William M.A Cockin; II a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
Nunns Rev. Thomas Jackson :M.A. Vicarage, Launceston Wesleyan (St. Mary's), Union place, Pydar street, Rev.
Polwhele Rev.Edward M.A.Rectory,Pillaton,St.Mellion RSO C?wen Davies (supt.); Rev. Henry Curnow & Rev. Wi!-
Purcell Rev. Wm. Handfield Noelu.A. The Vicarage,Fowey ham Wallace; u a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m.; Cb.apel
of Ease to Do. William street; u.3o a m, & 6.15 p.m. ;
Rhys Rev. John Lewis B.A. Vicarage, St. Keverne R.S.O tues. 7.30 p.m
Ross Rev. George :M.A
Rundle Rev. Samuel, jun. M.A. The Vicarage, Godolphen, Mission School (Wesleyan), Calenick street; 6.15 p.m.;
wed. 7.30 p.m
Sbaw Rev. John M.A. The Rectory, South Hill, Callington Schools.
Tyacke Rev. Canon Joseph Sidney M.A. TheVicarage,Helston Truro Grammar school was founde:l in 1549 by a member of
Tyacke Re~. Richard B. A. The Vicange, Padstow
-the Borlasc- family for the pur1-o•es of class!~al education:
DEV. &.,. COR:i. 8'-)*
there were formerly two exhibitions of £3o each, tenable British, Kenwyn street (mixed & infants), for 6oo children;
for seven years or d1.1ring residence, at Exeter College, average attendance, 195 boys & girls & 132 infants; Wm.
Oxford, founded by the trustees of the charitable bequests Henry Olver, master; Miss Bertha Nichols, mistress
of the Rev. St. John Elliot, who died in 1760, but under Wesleyan Day, Union place, originally built for a sunday
the new scheme of the Endowed Schools Commissioners, school; it holds 300 children ; average attendance, 185
there are now instead of these, eight scholarships of the boys, 68 girls & 48 infants; Alfred G. Bate B.A. master
value of £15 yearly each, tenable at the Rchool: the old Ragged, Campfield hill, formerly a malthouse, converted to
buildings having become unfit for use, the governors, its present use iu 1863, for 100 children; average attend-
acting under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, have ance, 40 ; Edward Truncheon, master ; Mrs. Ann
assigned the income of the foundation for the purposes of Truncheon, mistress
the school which is now carried on at Newham house,Truro, Newspapers.
until the completion of new buildings; there are now Royal Cornwall Gazette, 9 Quay street; John Estlick, man-
(1893) about 50 pupils; among the distinguished persons
educated at this school may be mentioned Samuel Foote, ager; published thursday. See advertisement
the comedian, born here about 1726; the Rev. Richard
Polwhele, author of a "History of Cornwall," born here West Brit.on, Boscawen street; Heard & Sons, proprietors
Jan. 6, 1760; Ed ward (Pellew), Viscount Exmouth, the & publishers; published monday ~ thursday
distinguished admiral, born at Dover April 19, 1757; Sir
Cornish Chronicle, 15 Ferris town; J. H. Rodd, printer &
publisher ; publi~;hed saturday
Humphry Davy kt. & bart. LL.D., F.R.s., A.R.A. born at Railways.
Penzance m 1778; General James Macarmick M.P.; the Great Western Railway, John Brewer, station mas' ter at
Rev. Henry Martyn B.D. missionary in India and Persia, Truro ; '1'. H. Bodilly, collector, Newham; J. Daniell,
born at Truro Feb. 181 1781, and Lieut.-General Sir R. goods clerk of Cornwall railway ; goods & parcels office,
Hussey Vtvian ba.rt. G.c.n., G.c,H. 1st baron Vivian, born Victoria place, Richard Lean, manager
here Ju'v 28, 1775; Rev. Thomas Fisher Maddrell M.A. of Pickford's Goods & Parcels Office, 10 King street, John T.
Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, bead master : Harold Tillman, agent
G. Theodosius B.A. of Durham University & Charles H. Conveyance.
V. Bancalari, assistant :masters; M. J. Monk Mus. Doe. \VATER CONVEYANCE.
oxon. music master The "Flora" & "Henrietta" sail to London from the wharf
Cathedral Divimty School (Scholre Cancellarii), 9 & 10 of the company about every 12 days, wind & weather per-
Strang way's terrace ; founded in Oct. 1877, in connection m1•tt•m~
with the cathedral body, being especially under the care
of the chancellor ; the school is intended for the training
of graduates and non-graduates for the work of the CAMBORNE-J. Clemo, from Victoria place, daily 5 p.m
ministry of the Church of England ; a bursary of £4o, CuBERT-A. Chenoweth, from High cross, wed. & sat. 5
tenable for two years, is offered annually to students in
need of assistance; Rev. Canon ArthUl" John Worlledge p.m
:rti.A. principal & Rev. Henry Richard Jennings M.A. CusGARNE-Miss Kate Moyle, from Victoria place, wed. &
tutor sat. 5 p.m.; Davey, from Victoria place, wed. & sat.
5 p.m
CHACEWATER & CARHARRACR.-Jones & Kinsman, from
Truro Wesleyan College, founded in January, 188o, is a Victoria place, mon. 5 p.m. wed. & sat. 5.30 p.m. ; Benj.
middle class school, affording a thorough English educa- Gribble, from Victoria place, mon. 5 p. m. wed. & sat.
tion at a moderate cost; the buildings, standing at a
considerahle elevation above the city in a very healthy 5·30 p.m Martin, bus, from Boscawen street, mon.
situation, are constructed of stone, with brick rlressings & wed. & sat. 5.30 p.m. winter, 6 p.m. summer, through
mouldings of terra cotta, & consist of a large schoo~room, I<'eock; Jame.,; Mitchell, from Boscawen street, wed. &
five class rooms, a dining hall, dormitories, lavatories, sat. 6 p.m
isolated sick room & chemical laboratory. The foundation FAUIOUTH-Allen's van, from Boscawen street, mon. tues.
stone was laid in June, r881, by the late Sir W. McArthur thurs. & sat. to a.m
K.c.M.G., M.P. then Lord Mayor of London; the total cost
FEOCR-W. Mellen, from Boscawen street, wed. & sat.;
has been about £ 12,ooo, and the premises are arranged George Appleton, from Boscawen street, wed. & sat
for about 120 boarders. Attached to the SIJhool are FowEY-Mitchell's \'an, from Boscawen street, mon. & thurs.
scholarships, value £6o yearly, tenable at Dunheved Col- 11 a.m
lege, Launceston, one given by the directors, value 30 GERRANS-William Nicholls, from Victoria p1ace, wed. &
guineas yearly, & one, value £r5 yearly, tenable at the sat. 4 p.m. ; Butland, from Royal hotel, wed. 5 p.m
school; Herbert William Vinter M.A. head master; Emest GOONHAVERN-James Buddle, from High cross, wed. & sat.
Gerald Gane M..A.. second & science master; George H. 5 p.m
Hunter, Herbert Wilkinson, Harold Ernest Wright B.A. & GRAMPOUND-James R. James, bus, from Boscawen street,
Herbert Leonard Beer, assistant masters ; John Herbert mon. wed. tburs. & sat. 4.30 p.m
Williams .A..c.o. music master
GRAMPOUND ROAn-George James, bus, from Boscawen st.
Training College (for girls), Agar road, erected in 1858, for mon. wed. thurs. & sat. 5 p.m
40 pupils, who are trained as sehoolmistresses ; St. Paul's GwENNAP-James Davey, bus, from Victoria place, wed. &
National Schools are the practising schools for this insti- sat. 5 p.m
tution; principal, Ven. Archdeacon Cornish M. A.; chap- LANNER-Benjamin Gribble, Victoria place, mon. 5 p.m.
lam, Canon Augustus Blair Donaldson M.A. ; lady super- wed. & sat. 5.30 p.m
intendent, Miss Kirby LADOCR.-Stephen Kemp, Princes street, wed. & sat. 5 p m
School of Art, 13 Lemon street, Henri Malcolm Geo:ffroi, MouNT HAWK-John Nicholls, bus, from Victoria place, wed.
& sat. 5 p.m
High School for Girls, Strangway's terrace ; Miss Clara
Arnold, head mistress NEWLYN EAsT-Matthew Henry Newton, from High cross,
St. Mary's National (mixed & infants). originally built in wed. & sat. 5 p.m. ; W. Bennetto, from High cross, wed.
Old Bridge street, in 1836 & re-erected in Pydar street
in 1891, for 400 children; average attendance, So boys & & sat. 5 p.m
girls & go infants; W. H. Foott, master; Miss Ellen NEWQUAY, THROUGH MrrcHELL-Thos. Prater, from High
Edwards, infants' mist'ress
cross, mon 4 p.m. wed. & sat. 4.30 p.m
PADsTow-Carlile's van, Victoria place, sat. 10.30 a. m
PERRAN-Arthur Chenoweth, High cross, wed. & sat. 5 p.m
PERRAN PORTH-R. Mitchell, High cross, wed. & sat. 4.30
National, Fairmantle street, established in 1812, for 320 p. m. ; T. & J. Mitchell, High cross, wed. & sat. 4· 30 p. m. ;
children; average attendance, no boys & 6o flirls; Wm. Charles Tregonning, High cross, wed. & sat. 5 p.m
Thomas Hawking, master; Mrs. Hawking, m•stress PERRANZABULOE-J. Huddell, High cross, wed. & sat. 5 p.m
St. John's National (infants), Fairmantle street, for 146 PoNSANOOTH-Martin's brake, from Royal hotel, wed. &
children; average attendance, 100; Miss Mary Jane sat. 5 p.m
Kendall, mistress PoRTLOE & VERYAN, THROUGH TREGONY-James Cocks,
St. George's National, St.George's road, built in 1847, from from Princes street, wed. & sat. 4.30 p.m
designs by the Rev. Francis Charles Hingeston-Randolph REDRUTH-J. Clemo, from Victoria place, daily 5 p.m
M.A. rector of Ringmore, Devon & now (1893) being en- RIJARRAH-J. A. Penna, from High cross, wed. & sat.
larged for 320 children ; average attendance, 120 boys & 5 p.m
girls & So infants; Alfred Edgar Woolcock, master; Miss RoSE-Saml. Penna, from High cross, wed. & sat. 4.30 p.m
Mary Annie Tanking, mistress ST. AGNEs-Richard James' bus, from Victoria place, wed.
St. Paul's National (practising schools to the Diocesan & sat. 5 p.m.; Nicholls, from Victoria place, wed. &
'.fraining College for Schoolmistresses), Agar road, built sat. 5 p.m.; Henry Stribley, from Victoria place, wed. &
about r86o, for 300 children; average attendance, 180 boys sat. 5 p.m
& girls & :150 infants; Miss Wallis, mistress; Miss Tapper, ST. AGNES & MrTHIAN & TREVELLAs-Thomas White, from
infants' mistress Boscawen street, wed. & sat. 5 p.m
ST. COLUMB-William Hoblyn's bus, High crosS~, wed. & sat. 4 p. m, ; Joseph Tonkyn, from Boscawen street, wed.
thur3. & sat. 5 p.m
sat. 4 p.m. ; Carlile's bus, from Victor1a place, sat I0.30
VERYA.N-John Mason, from 'White Hart,' wed. & sat. ;
a.m James T. Dunstone, from Princes street, wed. & sat
ST. MA n. Dodson, from Boscawen st. wed. 4.30 p.m WADEBRIDOE-Hosking & Sou, from Victoria place, toes. &
fri. I0.30 a.m
ST. DAY-Jones & Kinsman, from Victoria place, mon. 5
ZELAH-0. Sampson, from High cro~s, wed. & sat. 5 p.m
p.m. wed. & sat. 5.30 p.m Omnibuses from the Royal hotel, Lemon street, & • Red
SUMMERCOURT & ST. ENODER-llrs. Phillipa Benney, High Lion,' Boscawen street, to meet every train
cross, wed. & sat. 4.30 p.m
TREGONY-Caleb Greet, from Princes street, mon. wed. &
Allen Mrs. 6 Castle street CarlyonFdk.HaroldM.B.C.111.66Lemon st Durand Jn.s St.:Mary's ter.Kenwyn rd
Alien Miss, High cross Carlyon Miss, I7 Lemon street Eddis Rev. John Elwin B.A. [vicar of
Andrew Mrs. Prynne, I Strangway's ter Carter Rev. Francis Edward M.A. [hon. St. Paul's & chaplain of workhouse],
Andrews .Miss, 8 Truro Vean terrace canon of Cyby & canon (missioner) Vicarage. Agar road
Angel Richd. 3 Tremorvah ter. Broad st of Truro], The Avenue, Campfields Edwards Edward, 53 Lemon street
Argall Frederick, Lanhydrock villas, Carvis Miss, I2 Rosewin row Edwards John, 24 Fairmantle street
Kenwyn road Carvolth Miss, 5 Vivian terrace Edwards John, 6 St. George's road
Arnold Mrs. 53 Castle street Carwithen Albert, n Truro Vean ter Ellery Mrs. 38 Pydar street
Austin Mrs. I Parkvedras terrace Cazalet Rev. Arthur Mirrielees B.A.. Elliott Alfred, I Adelaid1 place
Aver William Henry, 39 Edward street [priest-vicar of Cathedral & assistant Elliott Geo.Evans,7Mitchell Hill terrace
curate of St. Mary's1. 2 Cornwall ter Eslick Mrs. 9 Trehaverne place
Avery Joseph, I Stratton terrace
Avery Miss, 15 Frances street ChapmanWm. Geo. Philip,9Adelaide ter Estlick Charles Fredk.2 Trehaverne ter
Ayre Wm. 3 Sandhurst ter. Kenwyn rd Chapman William Solomon, 1 I Agar rd Estlick John, 5 Middle ter. Campfields
Baker Rev. Peter [Methocli~t New ChellewRd. Berriman,3Strangway's vils Farley Chas. Truscott, 24 Lemon street
Connexion], I4 Harrison terrace Chilcott Gilbert Hele, 5 Up. Lemon viis Faull Hv. 6 Clifton viis. Richmond hill•'
Ball John, Claremont ho. Claremont ter Cbilcott John Gilbert, Gwendroc Feaver Samuel, IO Prospect place
Ball Mark, 3 John street Chirgwin Thomas, River street Ferris Mrs. 38 & 39 Lemon street
Bampfield Mrs. I The Aven. Campfields Christoe Mrs. Lemon villa, Lemon st Flinn Henry John, r3 Harrison terrace
Bancalari Charles H. V. (assistant Clark Mrs. 4 Kenwyn terrace Ford Miss, 7 Trennick row,Malpas road
masterGrammar school),Ferris town Clemens James, 22 Ueorge street Foster Thomas Robins, II Vivian ter
Banfield John Watson, 10 Harrison ter Clemens John, I6 Castle street Francis Mrs. 2 Devonshire terrace,
Barham Miss, I Colchester vls.Falmth rd Clemens Wm. I Treleigh viis. Daniell rd Kenwyn road
Barratt John, 11 Castle street Clemens William Chas. 7 St.George's rd Furniss Mrs. Lemon honse, Lemon st
Barrett Charles, Agar villa, Agar road Clements David, 5 Parkvedras terrace Gane Ernest Gerald 11I.A. (second &
Barrett Henry, 4 Robartes terrace Clifford George, 3 Parkvedras terrace science mstr. ),TrnroW esleyan college
Barrett John, 7I Lemon street Clinton Charles Wm. 10 Vivian terrace Geoffroi Henri Malcolm (master of
Barrett Thomas, Colthorp, Tregolls ra Clyma Mrs. 64 Lemon street School of Art), Lemon street
Barrett Wm. Chapel house, Kenwyn st Cock Mrs. Ferris villas, Edward street Gerrish Alfred, 6 Middle terrace,
Bassett Saml. St. Mary'scot.Kenwyn rd Cock Mrs. 3 :Francis street Higher Campfields
Bate George Alfred, 5 Adelaide terrace Cock Mrs. 7 Francis street Gibsun Mrs. I Belmont villas, Campflds
Batten Henry, 27 Edward street Cockin Rev. Joe [United MethoJist Gidcley Mrs. 2 Treyew villas
Battershill Francis, 14 John street Free Church], 2 River street Gilbee Miss, I Vivian terrace
Ba.ttcrshill Mrs. 48 Lemon street Cocking J ames, 6 Alexandra terrace, Gilbert Misses, 3 Daniell tel'l"'.tce
Battershill Mrs. Sarah, 33 Lemon st Richmond hill Giles Mrs. I6 Broad street
Bawden Jn. Hy. I Upper Lemon villas Cocking Richard, 4 Parkvedras terrace Giles Mrs. II Richmond terrace
Beasant Thomas Henry, 36 Edward st Codd John R. S. 26 :Ferris town Giles William, I2 Richmond hill
Bee! Mrs. 6 Union place Cole James, IO Trehaverne place Glanville ReginaldCarew,2Robartes ter
Beer Herbert Leonard (assistant mae- Colla I<'rederick John, 49 Castle street Glasson William Rolls, Tremorvah ter-
race, Broad street
ter), Truro Wesleyan college Colliver John, 10 Parade
Behenna Mrs. 27 River street Complin Henry James, 8 Adelaide ter Goad James, Moresk road
Bennett l\Irs. 2 Stratton terrace Cook William Arthur, IO Richmond ter Gow George, Pentreve
Bennett William, 32 Edward street Cory Waiter Bryant, Albert v1lla, St. Greenaway Frank, 9 Paul's terrace
Bennetts William Gundry, Calumet, Austell street Greenaway Reginald, I8 St.George's rd
Bodmin road Couch Miss, 55 Richmond hill Gregory Geurge, 6 Harrison terrace
Benney Edward, I8 Union place Courtis Mrs. 34 Carclew street Griffith Mrs; Claremont house, Glare-
Best Mrs. 6 Parade Cox Thomas, 8 Richmond terrace moat terrace, Edward street
Bicknell Waiter, 22 Bosvigo road Cozens l<'rank Amos, I9 King street Grose Erasmus, I8 Ferris town
Billing Charles, 69 Lemon street Cragoe Mrs. 24 Union place Grose Waiter, 63 Richmond bill
Blacker Mrs. 9 Richmond hill Crewes James Charles Rodd, 4 Park- Grose William, 42 Richmond bill
Blee Mrs. 2 The Avenue, Campfields vedras terrace Grylls Mrs. Glynn, Glyngarth
Blenkinsop Alfred, II Princes street Crewes Mrs. 8 Prospect place Gummow Miss, Io Edward street
Blight Mrs. 6 Claremont ter. Edwardst Crews John James, I Kenwyn terrace Hall Rev. J olln [Primitive Methodist~.
Boase Miss, 21 Union place Crocker Jn.s Sandhurst ter. Kenwyn rd • 9 Harrison terrace "
Boddy William, 22 Richmond hill Crowle James, 62 Richmond hill Hall Mrs. 6o Lemon street
Bodilly Alfred Henry, 38 Kenwyn st Curnow Rev. Henry [Wes.], Agar rd Hall William, 3 Ed ward street
Bourke Rev. Canon Cecil Frederick Currow William, I Harrison terrace Hamley Mrs. 7 Rosewin row
J oseph M.A. [rector of St. Mary & Dalrymple Miss, Gluth, Falmouth road Hanger Mrs. I Tremorvah ter.Broad st
sub-dean], The Rectory Daniel John, 7 Union place Harpley Rev. Thomas Ableson M.A.
Bray John,., Clifton viis. Richmond hill Darke William John C. Broad street [curate of St. Paul's],Higher Cmpflds
Bray Mrs. I7 Parade Davey Mrs. I Sandhurst ter.Kenwyn ter Harris John, 9 Stratton terrace
Bray Richard,6 'frennick row,Malpas rd Davies Rev. Owen [Wesleyan], 6 Truro Harris John, Treha,·erne cottage, Ken-
Brewer Har:y Dumble, I9 Union place Vcan terrace wynroad
Brewer John, 4 'freyew l"ils. Redruth rd de Burgh Rev. Clinton [Congrega- Harry Courtenay, 2 St. George's road
Brockenshire Mrs. 5 Union place tional], 43 Lemon street Harry James, 2 Mitchell Hill terrace
Browne Rev. Philip Ernest [curate of Delve Mrs. 4 Richmond hill Harry James,s Treyew vils.Redruth rd
St. George's], 26 Ferris town Dietzch Mrs. 3 Harrison terrace Harry Mrs. 13 Francis street
Bryant Charles, Miners'Bank,Princes st Dixon George, Poltisko, Parade Harvey Mrs. 4 De'l"'onshire terrace,
Bryant James, 6 Parkvedras terrace Dobell Robert John, Parkvedras house, H aKrveenyw•Mvnrsr.o ad dw a rd street
Bryant Mrs. I Adelaide terrace Parkvedras terrace 6E
Bullen Nathaniel B. 7 Parade Doidge John, Boscawen stl'eet Harvey Mrs.Holmwood,HigherCmpf.ds
Bullen William, IS Parade Donaldson Rev. Canon Augustus Blair Harvey Samuel, 67 Lemon street
Burridge William, Kenwyn street :&I. A. [canon & precentor of Truro Haughton John Welby L.R.C.P.Il'e. 45
Burrow Henry, I3 Richmond hill Cathedral], Lanhydrock villas Letnon street
Burrow Richard, IO Andrew place Dorrington Mrs. I8 Castle street Hawke Henry Dickson, I Devonshire
Burton Edward John, 32 Ferris town Dorrington Theophilus Lutey, 2 Col- terrace, Kenwyn road
Burton Edward J oseph, 3 Treyew chester villas, Falmouth road Hawke )/Jrs. 6 John street
villas, Redrutb road Doughty Edward, Alderthorpe, Ade- Hawken Mrs. 20 Union place
Calf William Henry, 25 George street laide terrace HawkenTheodore,Sunny side,Paul's ter
Cannon Waiter, 3 Vivian terrace Dowsing It'elix, Hillside, Adelaide ter Hearn JohnWoodward, 54 Castle street
Cardell Edward, Waterloo Drew Alfred Frederick, 4 Edward st Hendra Henry, 4 Union place
Cartyon Albert, 2I Lemon street Dunkin Richard, IO Paul's terrnce Hendra Thomas, 3 Cornwall terrace
Carlyon Edmund Laurence,46 Lemon st Dunst-an Misses, 9 Agar road Hernaman John, 2 Parade
Hickes Thos. Jas. Elm cot. Truro vean Mallctt Mrs. I Farley terrace Phillips ~Irs. 6 Paul's terrace
Hicks John, 2 Parkvedras terrace Manley Mrs. 18 Parade Pine Henry, 2 Kenwyn terrace
Hicks Miss, 43 Lemon street Mann Mrs. I9 Pydar street l'olkinghorn J oseph, 19 Richmond hill
Hicks Samuel, 10 Truro Vean terrace Marsden William Henry, 5 Farley ter Polkinghorn SamuelJames, 9 Princes st
HiggilUI Mrs. 11 Harrison terrace Marshall Frederick, 6 Strangway's ter Polkinghorne George, 13 Prospect place
Hill Mrs. 2 Harrison terrace Martin John, 6 Adelaide terrace Polkinghorne J oseph, 15 St. George's rd
Hill Mrs. I Werneth terrace, Broad st Martin Mrs. 12 Ferris town Pollard Harry, 4 Castle street
Hitcbens Mrs. I Jubilee cots. Campflds Martin Mrs. 5 Parade Pooley Edwd. 2 Trennickrow,Malpas rd
Hockin Henry Williams, 2 Lemon viis Mason Miss, 20 Pydar street Porter Fk. 5 Alexandra ter. Richmond hl
Hocking William Thomas, 4 Alexandra Matthews Henry, 21 Bosvigo road Porter William, Malpas road
terrace, Richmond hill Matthews Wm.Frs.Fairholme,Chapel hl PowningWm. 8Trehaverne pl.Knwyn.rd
Hodge Thomas Henry, St. Mary's cot- May Edwin, 14 River street Pratt James Alien, 35 Edward street
tage, Kenwyn road May James, 46 Castle street Prowse Mrs. 35 Belgravia street
Hogg Miss, 1 Daniell terrace Meek Miss, Trehaverne cot. Kenwyn rd Purchas Edward Bootley, 3 Belmont
Holloway Stephen, 16 St. George's road Meek Robert, 8 Rosewin row villas, Campfields
Holman Frank Laurence, 2 Daniell ter Michell J1'rancis, 4 Farley terrace QuickeJn.Mugford,Castle ldg.Castle st
Holmes John Edward, 76 Lemon street Michell Mrs.4Clifton vils.Richmond hill Read Alfd. 6 'l'reyew viis. Redruth road
Hosken Frederick J. 9 Parade MichellMrs. 22 Union place Reddin John W. 4 Mitchell Hill terrace
Hosking Mrs. 5 Ferris town Michell Richard Ferris, Glan Mor Revell Sampson, 20 St. George's road
Hosking Mrs. 16 John street Middleton VVilliam, 2 Melrose terrace, Rice Hugh, 47 Lemon street
Hosking Richard, 7 Edward street Campfield hill Richards William, 15 John street
Hoskins Edwin, 21 Francis street MillerWm.Robt.RoyalCornwall infirmry Richards William, 7 Truro Vean terrace
Hoskins Miss, 2 Francis street Millett Rev. Hugh W. B.A. [curate of Robarts Miss, 5 Union place
Howell John Thomas, 27 Lemon street St. John'sj, Lemon street Roberts John, 5 St. George's road
Hughes James Lewellyn,2 Strangway's MillsJn. Chas. 1Clifton viis. Richmond hl Roberts Waiter, 3 Stratton terrace
terrace Minors Richard, 26 Union place Roberts William, 59 Richmond hill
Hunkin Joseph Weston, 16 Parade Mitchell Thomas, 3 Devonshire terrace, Roberts William Jn. 51 Richmond hill
Hunkin Thomas, 3 Parade Kenwyn road Rodd James Henry, I5 Ferris town
Hunt Charles Hocking, 1 Richmond hill Mitchell Thomas, 11 Edward street Rogers Joseph, Glanserth
Hunter George Henry (assist. master), Monk Mark James Mus. DOe. [organist Rogers Stephen, 14 Ferris town
'frnro Wesleyan college of Cathedral], Camp1ields Rogers Stephen Martin, 4 Ferris town
Burden .Mrs. 13 Ferris town Morrish Jas. Perran villa, Tregolls rd Rogers William Mark, I Ferris town
Hutchens Thomas, 6 Trehaverne place MorrissWm.Bath.Bridge cot.Edward st Rose George FrederiC'k, Penleigh villa,
Isaacs Mrs. 24 River street Moss Mrs. 17 Pydar street Falmouth road
Jacob Mrs. 3 Claremont terrace, Mountford Fmnklin Jas. 44 Lemon st Rosewarne Miss, 4 Trennick row, 1\Ial-
Edward street Nancarrow Mrs. 9 Edward street pas road
Jago Mrs. I Robartes terrace Nancarrow Richard, II St. George's rd Roskelley Tsaac, Winslow, Chapel hill
James Hamilton, 15 Lemon street Napton John, 15 Rosewin row Roskeily Miss, 2 Dereham terrace
James John, 4 Colchester villas Netherton John, 36 Pydar street Rouse Charles Edward, 13 Castle street
James John Henry, 2 Truro Vean ter Netting Mrs. 54 Richmond hill Rouse Thos.Cavedras ho. St.George'srd
Jarvis Charles Frederick, 57 Lemon st Newby Richard Irving, 14 Parade Rouse William, 7 St. Mary's terrace,
Jenkins Samuel, 15 Castle street Newcombe Edward, 7 Adelaide terrace Kenwyn road
Jennings Rev. Henry Richard M.A. Newman Rev. Frederick William [vicar Rowe James, 2 Trehaverne place
(tutor of Scholoo Canrellarii & as- of St. George'sJ, St. George's road Rowe J onathan, 9 Richmond terrace
sistant curate of the Cathedral), 9 Nicholls John, Tremont., :Falmouth rd Rowe Richard, 48 Castle street
Strangway's terrace Nicholls John Henry, 19 Fairmantle st Ruse Thomas Edward, 1 Claremont ter-
Jewell James,2 Jubilee cots.Campfields Nicholls William, 25 Union place race, Edward street
Johns Nicholas Reed, 5 Richmond hill Nix Arth.Pate,l\lountCharles,Lemon st Salmon George Frederick, 4 John street
Johns\Ym.Jas.Trecara lodge,Edward st Northey Edward, 24 Ferris town Salter Miss, 25 Lemon street
Johnson George William,8 Stratton ter Northey Mrs. 25 Lemon street Sampson Jn, Hy. 2 Upper Lemon villas
J orey Mrs. 3Alexandra ter.Richmond hi Norton Mrs. 3 Lemon viis. Lemon st Sara George, 4 Parade
Jose Charles, Rose bank, Chapel hill Norton William, Fairmantle house, l)aunders John Henry, 53 Richmond hi
Julian James, 74 Lemon street Fairmantle street Sawle Misses, 50 Castle street
Julian John, 4 Upper Lemon villas Olver Thomas, Trafalgar square Seargeant Charles,3 Parkvedras terrace
Keaen Mrs. 7 Dereham terrace Olver William Henry, 2 Adelaide ter Seymour Rev. Edward James [curate of
Kelland Mrs. 6 Stratton terrae~ Opie Mrs. 2 Alverton terrace St. Paul's], Higher Campfields
Kemp Robert, 14 Castle street Orchard Stephen Edwin, 88 Pydar st Seymour Richard, 8 Edward street
Kendall Samuel, 36 Lemon street Ormerod .Rev. Edward B.A. [sacrist & Seymour William, 4 Claremont terrace,
Kerby William, 1 Lemon villas assistant curate of the Cathedral], Edward street
King Canham, 79 Lemon street Missioners' house Share Hamnet Holditch, 2 Clifton vils.
King Francis, 75 Lemon street Osborn John, Brookville, Tregolls rood Richmond hill
Kneebone Albert, 3 Castle street Osborn Thomas, 55 Lemon street Sharp Edward, 18 Lemon street
Kneebone Mrs. I Prospect place O.;borne Mrs.5 Clifton vils. Richmond hl Skewes Thomas, 5 Parkvedras terrace
Knight Richard, 5 Richmond terrace Paige Rev. James Somerville [Baptist], Smith Lady, Tremorvah
Lake John,2 Belmont villas,Campfields I Paul's terrace Smith Crosby,Glenburnie, Falmouth rd
Lake Thomas Henry, Moresk Palmer Robert Edward, Moresk house Smith Jas. J enkins, Hillside, Campfields
Lamerton William, 30 Richmond hill Parker Mrs. 58 Richmond hill Snell Edward, Broad street
Langdon Alexander, 5 Stratton terrace Parkin Frederick, 3 Upper Lemon villas Snell John, go Pydar street
Langdon George, 76 Pydar street Parkin Jabez Francis, Trefusis, Agar rd Snell Miss, 9 Prospect place
Langdon MI"s. 8 St. George's road ParkynMaj.EdwinF.G.s.,J.P.4oLemon st Sobey Edwin, 1 Treyew viis. Redruth rd
L'lnyon Mrs. 7 Prospeet place Parkyn Charles Robert, 6 Farley terrace SolomonJsph.ICornwall ter.Kenwyn rd
Laverton Arthur, Bella vista Parkyn The Misses, 1 Strangway's villas Southey Augustine, 3 Robartes terrace
Lean Rendell Albert, 70 Lemon street Parnall Thomas, I9 Frances street Stanaway George, 9 Union place
Lean Richard, 3 Farley terrace Parsons Thomas, x Castle street Stark George, 4 Adelaide terrace
Leverton Mrs. 68 Lemon street Partridge Miss, 16 Prospect place SteerMrs. 2Alexandra ter. Richmond hill
Lewis Rev. Frank Ernest, St. John's Pascoe Eldred, 44 Richmond hill Stephens Rev. John [Bible Christian],
vicarage, Falmouth road Pascoe John, 6 St. Austell street 6 Dereham terrace
LewisHerbertTheodore,gTruroVean ter Pascoe Martin, 'fregolls road Stephens Mrs. 21St. George's road
Lidgey Mrs. Ryderville, Fairmantle st Pascoe Mrs. I Trehaverne terrace Stephens Mrs. 3 Trehaverne place,
Lobb Thomas James, 1 John street Pascoe Samuel, l'entreve Kenwyn road
Lowry Henry Martin, I Parade Pa.scoe William, 14 Prospect place Stepbens William, 14 St. George's rd
Lowry Mrs. 8 Union place Passingham Miss, 19 Lemon street Still George Henry, 'frehaverne house,
Luce Mrs. 8 Paul's terrace Paul Worshipful Robert Macleane M.A. Kenwynroad
(chancellor of the diocese), Southleigh Stokes Edward Ernest Victor, 8 Clifton
Lukes Mrs. 31 Edward street
MackThos.Cbas.Kenwyn ho.Kenwyn rd Pearce Mrs. Cardynham, Falmouth rd villas, Richmond hill
Macnaghten Miss, Brucefield, Agar rd Pengelly Mrs. 3 Colchester villas, Fal- Stribley John, 10 Middle terrace,
Higher Campfields
Maddrell Rev. Tbomas Fisher. M.A. mouth road
[senior priest-vicar ofTruroCathedral PenroseJohn Henry, 17 John street S!.ltton William, 13 St. Dominic street
& head master of the Grammar Penrose Mrs. 1 Broad street Swift William, 23 Lemon street
schoolJ, Newham house , Peters Miss, 28 Lemon street Symonds John, 7 Ferris town
Magor Martin, r8 John st. Ferris town Phillips Miss, 12 Trafal~ar row Symons Brenton c.E. 11 Parade
Magor Mrs. 3 Clifton viis. Richmond hl Phillips Mrs. 62 Lemon street 'Symons John, 7 'freha\'erne place
Taylor Rev. Edwd. Fras. M.A. (Diocesan Treweeke Joel, Broad street Wilkinson Herbert (assistant master),
inspector of schools), 7 Vivian terrace Trounce Josephus, 2 Strangway's T'illas Truro Wesleyan college •
Teague Edmund, 19 Richmond hill Trounce Mrs. Brick ho. Fairmantle st WilliamsArth.7Claremnt.ter.Edward st
Teague Mrs. 3 Rosewin row Trnran Miss, 8 Parade Williams Benjamin, 22 Frances street
Theodo.;;ius Harold G. B.A. (assistant Truran Thomas, r t Pydar street Williams Charles, 49 Lemon street
master of Grammar schl. )4Ferris twn Truscott Francis, 4 Vivian terrace Williams James, 6 Castle street
Thomas Charles, 27 Kenwyn street Tuck William Richards, 22 Lemon st Williams John, Springfield, Tregolls rd
Thomas Edward Hy. 19 St. George's rd Tucker Ed ward Dennis, Chapel hill Williams John Herbert A.c.o. (music
Thomas George A. Broad street Tweedy Misses, Truro vean master), Truro Wesleyan college
Thomas John, Campfields Tweedy Robert, 94 Pydar street Williams Michael, g8 Kenwyn street
Thomas Mrs. Waterloo Tweedy Miss, Truro vean W11liams Miss, 6 Trafalgar row
Thomas Rt. 4 St. Mary's ter. Kenwyn rd Venning Mrs. 32 Richmond hill Williams Mrs. Lynn Allen, Campfields
Thorpe Nelson, Waterloo Vincent Mrs. 23 Union place Williams Mrs. I5 Proapect place
Thorpe Nelson Stewart, Waterloo Vinter Herbert William M.A. (head Williams Samuel, 2 Vivian terrace
'fickell Miss, I4 Lemon street master), Truro Wesleyan college Williams Thos. Edwards,23 Ferris town
Tiddy Miss, 6 Richmond hill VivianMiss,IColchester vls.Falmouth rd Williams Thomas Josaph, I9 Castle st
~numan John Treby, I.') Harrison ter Vivian Mrs. 43 Castle street Williams William, I8 lUchmond hill
Tollison Harry, 12 Castle street Warren Abrabam, 56 Castle street Williams Wm. Hocker, I3 Rosewin row
'fomkins John, 3 Union place WebbJn.Edwd. Newham vil.I<'almth.rd Wills Edward, I3 Richmond terrace
Tomn Misses, Trehaverne, Kenwyn rd Webb Richard, 8 Harrison terrace Wilson Miss, Stanley villas, Agar road
Tonkin Jahn, 12 Harrison terrace Webber Geo. 2 Claremont ter. Edward st Winn John, Rosewin row
Tonkin Willia.m, 90 Kenwyn street Webber Mrs. 5 Strangway's terrace Wolf Fk. I Alexandra ter. Richmond hill
Tonkin William Thos. 27 Ferris town WebberThos.6St.Mary's ter.Kenwyn rd Wood Henry, II Ferris town
Toope Henry, 77 Lemon street Weisberth Chas. Wm. 9 St. George's rd Wood J,tmes, 5 Harrison terrace
Toy Mrs. 57 Richmond hill Wellington Miss, Werneth ter. Broad st Woodward Mrs. 6 Vivian terrace
Tregea William, 4 Strangway's villas West Augustus Fdk. Io Adelaide terrace Woolcock William, 19 Prospect place
Tregiong l\'illiam, 35 Lemon street Whit.burn James, I Trennick row ·woon Mrs. 6 Stratton terrace
TreloJ.r William, 12 John street White Edwin Hockey, I9 Ferris town Worlledge Rev. Canon Arthur John M.A.
TTrreesnindeerrrJ•vaMmerss., I Alverton terrace White James, 7 Stratton terrace (chancellor of Truro & principal of
3 Trennick row
White Miss, I Melrose ter. Campfield hill Divinity school), 4 Strangway's ter
Tresize Miss, I3 ~t. George's road Whitford Miss, I7 St. George's road Worth Thomas, 6 & 7 Lemon street
TressiderThs.4Sandhrst. ter.Kenwyn rd Whitford Richard, 54 Lemon street Wri~?ht Harold Ernest B.A. (assistant
Trestain \Villiam Drew, 22 Ferris town Whitford Wm. Stanley villas, Agar rd master), Truro Wesleyan college
Trevail Charles, I2 Frances street Whitworth Rd. Elmsleigh, Falmouth rd Yonge Rev. Geoffrey B.A. [curate of St.
Trevail Silvanus F.R.I.B.A.8o Lemon st Wicks Charles, 35 Pydar street John's], 4I Lemon street
Trevithick Mrs. 20 Frances street Wilce Luke, 4 Trehaverne place Young Miss, Ferris villa, Edward street
~rrewartha Hy. M. Fernleigh, Agar rd
COMMERCIAL. Barratt John, accountant, n Castle street
Adams Arthur Elford, solicitor, commissioner & clerk to Barrett Charles &. Son, boot & shoe manufacturers,
the West Powder highway board, clerk to commissioners leather merchants, closed upper manufacturers &machine
of taxes for West Powder division & clerk to the justices belting manufrs. Cathedral la. ; factory, St. Clement st
for the South ·& West divisions of Powder & sec. Truro Barrett Henry, linen & woollen draper, I & 2 \rictoria place
Water Co. Princes street Barrett J ane (Mrs.), millin~r. 10 High cross
Adams Lavinia (Mrs.), upholstress, r6 Pydar street Bassett Mary Jane (Mrs.), William IV P.H. 7 Kenwyn st
Agricultural Exchange (William Henry Powell Martin, hon. Battershill Emily (l\'Iiss,) grocer, 32 Lemon street
sec.), Boscawen street . Bawden John, waggonette proprietor, 14 Carclew terrace
Alien Annie (Mrs.), tobacconist, 3 Ca.thedrallane Bawdeu John Henry, manager of Bolitho, Williams, Foster,
Allen Benjamin, leather seller, 35 River street Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited Hank, St. Nicholas streat
Alien Ellen (Mrs.), dress maker, 12 St. Clement street Beard John, boot~ shoe maker, 2 Richmond terrace
Alien Frederick, grocer, 8 King street Beard Thomas Henry, boot & shoe wa.reho. 8 St. Nicholas st
Alien Frederick William, furnishing & general ironmonger Beare Thomas, Union hotel, Trafalgar square
&c. shetlield cutlery & electro plate, 83 Lemon street Behenna Henry, parish clerk (St. Paul's), 8 St. Clementter
Alien James, boot maker, 36 River street Bennett John, shoe maker, 25 Daniel! street
Alien John, boat builder, Sunny corner, Malpas road Bennett Nicholas, agent for the Refuge Assurance Co. I5
Allen John, van proprietor, Paul's row Carclcw terr.:tce
Alien Thomas, boat owner, Old Bridge street Bennett William, plumber, 8 New Bridge street
Alien Thomas, verger at Cathedral, 2 Old Bridge street Bennet't William, furnishing & general ironmonger &
Alien William, boot & shoe maker, 4 High cross tool merchant, 103 Pydar street
AllenWm.Charles, grocer & ba.ker,Old Bridge st.&SL.Mary st Bennetts John Messer, solicitor, commissioner for oaths &
Almshouses (F. Hearle Cock, clerk), Pydar street sec. to the Trelonk Brick & China Clay Co. Limited, 4
Andrew Charles Edwin, boot maker, 22 River street Princes street
Andrew Richard, Black Horse P.H. Kenwyn street Benney Fanny (Miss), milliner, 5 St. Clement street
Andrewartha John, pawnbroker, 3 River street · Benney Richard (Mrs.), steam boat agent, r8 St. Mary st
Andrewartha Philip, watch maker, 10 Victoria place Biden & Co. stationers, 37 River street
Andrews Henry & Co. drapers & tailors, Boscawen street Bishop Phillpott's Library (Rev. Canon A. P. Moor M.A.,
Angel Richard, superintendent of city police & inspector of F.R.G.S. hon. clerical librarian; Mrs. Simmons, sub-libra-
weights & measures, Town hall rian; E. S. Carus-Wilson, hon. treasurer; Ven. Arch-
Annear John, boot & shoe maker, I 15 Kenwyn street deacon Cornish & Rev.A.G.Locke,hon.secs. ), Public rooms
Anthony James, G-olden Lion P.H. 5 Calenick street Blacker Mary (Mrs.), stationer, 12 Cathedral lane
Anthony Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist, I2 St. Nicholas st Blake R. P. general outfitter, corner of High cross
Archer Addis Edward (firm, Smith, Paul & Archer), solici- Blarney Matthew Langdon, auctioneer & valuer, agricultural
tor, commissioner for oaths, commissioner for the Stan- implement agent, seed & manure merchant, Boscawen
naries court, 2 Princes street bridge; & at Veryan
Argall Arthur, boot & shoe maker, I4 Francis street Blarney Susan Caroline (Mrs.), Jo-:lging house, 8 Ferristown
• Argall Frederick, art photographer, 9 High cross Blewett Henry, baker & grocer, 40 Calenick street & confec-
Arthur Clara (Mrs.), milliner, 14 Walsingham place tioner, I3 Vwtoria place ·
Atkins Joseph, pork butcher, 22 New Bridge street Bolitho, Williams, I<'oster, Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited
Atlas Soap & Candle Co. Lemon quay (Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) (late Miners' Bank)
Aver E. watch maker, 6 Duke street (branches), Princes street; draw on Williams Deacon &
Aver Elisha, watch maker, 39 Edward street ManchesLer & Salford Bank Limited, Londoa E e & (late
Avery Joseph, ironmonger, 3 & 8 Victoria place West Cornwall Bank) (John Henry Ba.wden, manager),
Axford James, iron founder, Lemon quay King street & St. Nicholas strP.et; draw on Barclay,
Bailey William Hugo, insurance agent, 5 Agar road Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London E c
Baker Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 1 & 2 Keuwyn street Bolitho's Commercial temperance hotel, 3 New Bridge st
Baldry Harry James, supt. of British Workman&; General Bo!itho Saml. watch ma. jeweller & engravr. 3 New Bridge st
Assurance Co. Limited, 3 Adelaide terrace Bouldry James, butcher~ 32 Calenick strf"et & l\larket hall
Ball Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 5 Pydar street Bowden Eliza~eth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 l''airmantle street
Ball William, tailor, St. Mary street Braid Alexander, travelling draper, 28 Edward street
Barlow Thomas Edmund Clark, sec. to Oddfellows' lodge, Branwell Robert M. & Sons, corn merchants, Princes street
9 Ferris town Bray John, temperance hotel, River street
·BarnicottSophia&Senclcniah()Iisses), shpkprs. 8Fairmantle st Bray William Henry, builder, 18 Kenwyn
1304 TRURO. •
Bray Frank, seed exporter & corn, flour, manure & coal Clarke R. & Co. general outfitte1•s, IS .Boscawen street
merchant, commission agent, & agent for Halcombe & Co. Clarke William, builder, IO Richmond hill
sack contractor.!', Corn !exchange; & at Padstow; Nowquay Claridge Thomas, greengrocer, Mitchell hill
& Mevagissey. See advertisement Clemens Matthew & Jas. buildrs. High cross & Lemon quay
Brewer & Co. organ builders, 9S Pydar street Clemens James, builder, see Matthew & James Clemens-
Brewer Alexander Dingle, auctioneer & corn merchant, Clemens Wm. city surveyor & inspector of nuisances,Quay st
Corn exchange; & at Grampound Road Clift William Henry, carman, 34 St. Clement street
Brewer Harriett (Mrs.), milliner, 95 Pyrlar street Clyma William Jennings, bookbinder, bookseller, printer
Brewer Harry Dumble, grocer, 6 King street stationer, news agent, auctioneer, appraiser & hous
.Brewer James, umbrella mender, Calenick street agPnt, St. Nicholas street
Brewer Jane (Miss), dress maker, 8I Kenwyn street Coad Edward, lodging house, 4 St. George's road
Brewer John, station master, Railway station Cock (Hearle) & Parkin, solicitors, River street
Brewer Thomas, grocer & builder, 98 Pydar street Cock M. A. & Son, grocers, xo Boscawen Bridge road
Brokenshire Hannah (Mrs.), baker, I7 Frances street Cock Francis Hearle (firm, Hearle Cock & Parkin), sohcitor-.
Brokenshire Samuel, coach builder, Back quay & shoeing commissioner, clerk to the city magistrates, clerk tc>
smith, Royal hotel yard trustees of Truro charities & to Tregony district highway
Brook Helena (Mrs.), ladies' school, 4 Harrison terrace board, 29 River street
Brown James, butcher, Bodmin street & Market hall Cock John, boot & shoe dealer, Cathedral lane
Brown James, umbrella repairer, II3 Kenwyn street Cock William, grocers' foreman, 7 Trafalgar row
Brown John, butcher, 8 Quay st. & farmer. Vineyard farm Cocking James, sec. to Truro Coal Co. St. Austell street
Brown John, Dolphin hotel, Quay street Collins Henry, shopkeeper, I r Alverton terrace
Biicher William Hy. pharmaceutical chemist, 31 Boscawen st Collins Thomas Sidney, insurance agent, I2 Edward street
Buck Henry, wine & spirit merchant, Quay street Colliver John, I.Juilder. 25 St. Dominic street
Buckingham Samuel, inspector to G. W.R. 2 Adelaide place Colston Henry, builder, 96 Pydar street
Bull William & J ulian, grocers, Trehaverne terrace Conservative Club (J. P. Paull, sec.), 100 Pydar street
Bullen Brothers, ironmongers, 32 & 33 Boscawen street Consolidated .Bank of Cornwall, see Holitho & Co. Limited
Bunt & Sons, boot & shoe dealers, 17 St. Nicholas street Consolidated (The) Co. Limited (Thomas Rouse, manager),
Burial Ground (St. Mary's) (Wm. Ferris, sexton), Pydar st tin smelters, Cat'Vedras; & at Penzance
Burley John, barge owner, 26 Carclew street Cook J. & Son, coach builders, 6 Victoria place
Burley John, carrier, Haynard's plaee . Coombe John, assistant supt. Prudential Assurance Co. IP
Burnell William Henry, commercial traveller, Broad street Agar road
Burridge Annie Langford (Miss), fancy goods dlr. 6 River st Corn Exchange (Charles Bryant, sec.), Boscawen street
Burridge William, brush manufacturer, tinplate worker, Cornew Charles Henry, carpenter, City road
rag & bone merchant & wholesale dealer & importer of Cornew Wllliam, plumt>er, see Jago (F.) & Cornew (W)
foreign & fancy goods, uS Kenwyn street; telegraphic Cornish Bank Limited (head office, Truro; Robert
address, " Burridge, Truro " Tweedy, managing director; John James, manager &
Burrow Alfred, commission agent, Bosvigo road sec.); branches, Camborne; Falmouth; Helston; Lis-
Burrow Richard, boot & shoe maker, 4 Lemon street keard ; Penryn ; Penzance ; Plymouth ; Redruth ; St.
Burton Edward, wholesale glass, china & earthenware dea!er, Columb; St. Austell; Newquay; Padstow; Callington;
ironmonger & hardware merchant, draper, stationer & Fowey ; Looe: Lostwithiel ; Mevagissey ; St. Blazey;.
house furnisher, importer of foreign & fancy goods, 25 Sciliy Isles & Wadebridge; draw on Smith, Payne &;.
King street & Assembly rooms, High cross Smiths, London E c. See advertisement
Buzza Edward, builder, 39 Carclew street Cornish Chronicle (The) (printed & published by James
Carbis Bay Hotel Co. Limited (The) (Silvanus Trevail, sec.); Henry Rodd; weekly on Saturday), IS Ferris town
registered offices, 8o Lemon street Cornish Hotels Co. Limited (The) (Silvanus Trevail, sec.);
Cardell Edward, registrar of births & deaths No. 4 district, registered offices, 8o Lemon street
relieving & vaccination officer St. Mary district, collector Cornubia Steam Ship Co.Lim. (J. & R.B. Chellew,managers;
to the guardians & school attendance officer, 7 Pydar John Doidge, sec.), Exchange buildings, Boscawen street
Cornwall (1st) (Duke of Cornwall's) Artillery Volunteers
street; res. 2 Waterloo
Carlyon & Kerby, solicitors, l;!uay street Western Division Royal Artillery (10th Co.) (Lieut. James
Carlyon Almshouses, City road P. Paull, in command), Barracks, Lemon quay
Carlyon Edmund Laurence, solicitor, & coroner for the Cen- Cornwall County Library & Reading Rooms (Major E.
tral division of the county, r6 Lemon street Parkyn, sec. ; Gavin Hope, librarian), Public rooms,
Carlyon Frederick Harold M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon, Quay street
Cornwall Steam Ship Co. Limited (James & R. B. Chellew,.
66 Lemon street
Carne W. & E. C. brewers, wine, spirit, ale & porter mer- managers; Jn. Doidge, sec.), Exchange bldg~.Boscawenst
chants, aerated water manufacturers, maltsters & general Cornwall Wesleyan Methodist School Association (Charles
commission agents, II Princes street ; & corn & flour fac- Bryant, sec.), Miners' Hank, Princes street
tors, I Victoria place ; & at Falmouth ; Market place, Cory Waiter Hryant, cider & forage merchant, Boscawen
Helston & Tresillian. See advertisement Bridge road
Carter Ben, pharmaceutical chemist, IO & II Lemon street County Coach Factory Co. carriage builders, Lemon quay
Carveth William Thomas, Seven Star~ P.H. 4 Kenwyn at County of Cornwall Trained Nurses' Home (Miss Turner.
lady superintendent), 58 Lemon street
Chandler John Anthony, chapel keeper, ro Union place
Chapman James & Son, bill posters, 23 George street County Court Offices (His Honor Thomas Calpitts Granger,
Chapman William, bill poster, Calenick street judge; John U. Chilcott, registrar; G. H. Chilcott,
Chapman William George Philip, medical electrician & supt. deputy registrar; Wm. J. Johns, high bailiff), St.lUary st
of telegraphs, 9 Adelaide terrace County Police Station (Jarues Harries Philp,superintendent)
Chellew James & Richard Berriman, steam ship managers, I St. Clement's hill
Exchange buildings, Boscawen street Cowell Henry, tailor, I6 River street
ChellewRd.Berriman,ship brokr. Exchange bldgs. Boscawn.st Crago Thomas, shopkeeper, 24 St. Clement street
Chilcott & Son, solicitors, St. Mary's street Crapp Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer. 9 Cathedral lane
Chilcott Gilbert Hele, solicitor & commissioner & notary Crewes Louisa (Miss), seminary, 2 Union place
public & deputy registrar of county court,see Chilcott&Son C.-iddle &. Smith, cabinet manufacturers, carpet ware-
Chilcott John Gilbert (firm, Chilcott & Son), solicitor, com- housemen, upholsterers, decorators, licensed appraisers,
missioner & perpetual commissioner & registrar of county valuers & house & estate agents, King street & St.
court, admiralty & bankruptcy, St. Mary's streP.t Nicholas street. See advertisement •
Chirgwin Thos. chartered accountant & actuary, River st Cridland Ernily (Mrs.), White Hart P.H. New BriJge street
Chisley Henry, jeweller, 3 St. Georgc's road Crocker John, smith, Lemon quay
Christoe William Henry, assayer, Malpas road Crowle & Moss, pork butchers, 8 Pydar street
Church of England Temperance Society (W. H. Thomas, Cuming Richard, dairyman, 2~ Francis street
sec.), St. Mary's schools, Pydar street Curry Beatrice :Feodore (Miss), grocer, 8 St. Clement stree1i
City Police Station (Rd. Angel, head constable), Town hall Curtis James, insurance agent, 15 St. Dominic street ·
Clare John, Duke of York P.H. 42 Fairmantle street Curtis Olver, Prudential Assurance agent,5 .Mitchell Hill ter
Clark Charlotte (Miss), grocer, I4 Pydar street Custom House (John W. Reddin, principal coast officer;
Clark Elizabeth Ann (Mrs. ),Duke ofCornwall P.H.37Pydar at Donald R. Sturdy (Malpas), out-door otlicer), Green st
Clark James Henry, butcher, 21 River st. & 3 Market hall Dalley William, potato dealer, Green street
Clark Sergt. William, recruiting sergeant for Duke of Corn- Davey Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 Fairmantle street
wall's Light Infantry, Pydar street Davey Thomas, bakehouse, Furniss's court, 74 Pydar street.
Clark Thomas, district surveyor for West Powder district Davey Thomas Borlase, accountant & collector of rates, 21
highway board, 9 Middle terrace, Upper Campfields l"erris town
Clarke W. F. & Co. cooks, confectioners & refreshment con- Dawe Louis Charles, Rose & Crown P.H. 20 Calenick street.
tractors, Cathedral house. See advertisement Dennis Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 102 Pydar street
Devon & Cornwa11 Banking Co. Limited (branch) (John Goodfellow William, saddler, 15 New Bridge street
Doidgc, manager), Boscawen street; draw on Barclav, Googh Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Calcnick street
Bevan, Tritton;Ransom, Bouyerie & Co. London E c Gosling Lillie (Miss), dress maker, 39 Bosvigo road
Diment William, coffee tavern, 3 Pyd~tr street Great Western Railway Co. (James Cresswell Wall, agent;
Dingle Edwin, butcher, Boscawen Bridge road Richard Lean, manager for Cornwall district), carting
• Ditton Frederick, grocer, II New Bridge street . contractors & furniture removers to all parts of the king-
Dixon George & Sons, wholesale grocers, Malpas road dom, Victoria place
Dobell Robert, Royal family & commercial hotel & posting Gregg Rd. Alex. cnrator of the museum, I Truro Vean ter
house, 82 Lemon street Griftiths Richard, stationer & bookseller, 30 Boscawcn st
Dobell Robert, jun. solicitor, town clerk, clerk to urban Grove Edward Albert, lodging house, 2 Ferris town
sanitary autbority & clerk to Kenwyn united district Hale Wm. Hayward, chemical manure manufr. Lemon quay
school board, 9 Pydar street; & at St. Austell Hall & May, refreshment rooms, High cross
Doidge John, manager of the Devon & Cornwall Bank & Hall Samuel, seedsman, The Nurseries
treasurer to the union, Boscawen street Hall William Henry, seedsman, 11 King street & The Leats
Doney & Evans, architectural, monumental & statuary Hampton Wm. tea dealer, 12 Richmond pl. Richmond hill
masons, Pydar street; & at ~t. Austell; Bodmin & New- Hankins Gibson, painter, 3 Kenwyn terrace & Haycroft
quay court, St. Nicholas street
Dorrington Tbeo. Lutey, watch ma. IO & n Cathedral lane Hankins Joseph P. hair dresser, 2 Quay street
Downing George Michael, farmer & collector of poor rates Harding Arthur, painter, 8 Alverton terrace
for St. Mary's parish, Homefield, Chapel hill Harding George, Market inn, Market strand
Downing William J. smith, Tabernacle street Harris Christopher & John, builders, Kenwyn street
Drew James & Son, nurserymen, Pydar street Harris Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 66 Fairmantle street
Drew George, farrier, 2 Boscawen Bridge road Harris James, coal merchant, 4 St. Clement street
Duchess of Cornwall Steam Ship Co. Limited (J. & R. B. Harris John, builder, see Harris Christopher & John
Chellew, managers; John Doidge, sec.), Exchange build- Harris Saml. clothing manufacturers, Quay st. & Coombe la
ings, Boscawen street Harris William Ilerbert, printer, 23 New Bridge stree~
Duke of Cornwall Steam Ship Co. Limited (James & R. B. Harrison William M. photographer, I New Bridge street
Chellew, managers; John Doidge, sec.), Exchange build- Harry & Son, boot & shoe makers, 3 King street
ings, Boscawen street Harry Courtenay, commercial traveller, 2 St. George's road
Dumble Emma (Miss), berlin warehouse, 13 St. Nicholas st Hartigan Joseph, inland revenue officer, 13 Ferris town
Dumble William, tobal·conist, 34 River street Harvey & Co. Limited (William Hodge, manager),
Dunstan Thos. coal mer. I Carclew st. ; stores, Town quay timber merchants & importers, steam sawing & mould-
Dunstan William, King's Head P.H. 61 Lemon street ing mills & merchants in building materials & sanitary
Dyer Chas. shipwright, Sunny corner, Malpas rd.& 2 Agar rd earthenware, Garras wharf ; & at Camborne; Falmouth.
Dyer Fredk. Jn. brush works manager, 6 Mitchell Hill ter & Penzance
Dyer William Henry, builder, 22 Pydar street Harvey Edward, monumental mason, 9 Trafalgar row &
Earthy William George Nixon, inland revenue officer, 5 St. Austell street ·
Trennick row Harvey Edwin, painter, 24 King street
Eastlake William Thomas, assistant overseer for S~. Mary's Haugbton John Welby L.R.C. P. ne. physician &surgeon, 45.
parish, 31 River street Lemon street
Eddy Saphia (Mrs.), laundress, 2 Sandhurst ter. Kenwyn rd Hawke Frederick Joseph, cooper, Quay street
Ede William, builder, xo Frances street Hawke James, parish clerk (St. Jolm's), 25 Carclew street
Edwards Edward, hair dresser & tobacconist, 10 Duke st Hawke Richard, greengrocer & dairyman, 105 Kenwyn st
Ellery Edwin lddol, photographer, 32 River street Hawken & Sons, tailors, habit makers, hosiers, hatters
Elton Alban, shopkeeper, Quay street &c. 9 & 10 Boscawen street
Endean Charles, carpenter, 5 Rosewin row Hawken Richard, grocer, 42 Castle street & Union street
Endean John, cab propriet.or, I3 Walsingham place Hawking Matilda (Mrs.), beer retailer & shopkeeper, 83 &
Endean Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 48 Richmond bill 84 Pydar street
Ennor Mary (Miss), refreshment house, 12 Victoria place Heard & Sons, printers, booksellers & stationers 27, &
Essery John, chimney sweeper, 6 Charles street music warehouse, musical instrument & professional
EstlickJn.manager of the" H.oyal CornwallGazette,"Quay st tuners & repairers, organ voicers &c. 28, Boscawen street
Eva Alice Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, & post officl', so Daniell st Hearn J obn, bookseller, 8 Frances street
Eva Joseph, shopkeeper, 14 St. Dominic street Hearn William, chair caner, 49 Calenick street
Evans Frederick, London inn, Pydar street Hearn Wm. Woodward, boot & shoe ma. 7 Old Bridge street
Evans James, dairyman, Newham Henderson & Son, civil engineers & architects, 30 & 31
Exter William, boot maker, Baynard's place Lemon street
Farley John, builder, :Mitchell hill Hendra Richard, plumber, High cross
Farley Richard, mason, n Tabernacle street Heplett Elizh. Annie (Miss), dress maker, 17 St. Dominic st.
Farr Thomas, stone mason, 29 St. Austell street Hepworth Joseph & Son, clothiers, 14 St. Nicbolas street
Feaver Samuel, chemist, I2 Duke street Hernaman John, assayer, Euys wharf, Quay street
Ferris Amelia (Mrs.), ladies' school, 38 & 39 Lemon street Hickes 'fhomas James, surveyor of county bridges (western
Ferris Ettie (Miss), dress maker, Salmon's row, Mitchell hill division) & inspector of main roads, Corn exchange
Ferry Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 67 Pydar street Hicks & Son, saddlers, 4 Victoria place
Firth William, leather seller, 4 Pydar street Hicks Elizabeth(Miss), dress maker, 14 Richmond hill
Flinu Hy. Jn. wholesale grocer, Pydar st. & Coombs lane Hicks Samuel, blacksmith, ro River street
Foster Thos. master mariner, 3 Grove terrace, Tregolls road Hicks Susan (Mrs.), midwife, 46 Richmond hill
Francis James Lean, grocer, 1 Frances street Higgius John, furniture dealer, 21 Kenwyn street
Freund Hilarius, teacher of music & languages, 10 St. Higgins Maria (Mrs.), dress maker, 79 Kenwyn street
George's road Hill J ane (l\'h s. ), shopkeeper, 45 Richmond bill
Fugler Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer, 26 St. Clement street Hill ~lary (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Grove ter. Tregolls road
Furniss & Co. Limited, biscuit manufacturers, Duchy wharf Hill Thomas Howell, builder, 15 Albert place, Daniell street
Garlick Henry, boot maker, 6-t- Fainnantle street Hitchens Mary (Miss), grocer, 9 Victoria place
Gatley Charles, beer retailer, 29 Ferris town Hitchens Walter, farmer, 72 Lemon street
Geoffroi Henri Malcolm,master of School of Art,r3 Lemon st Hoare William, beer retailer, 30 Carclew street
Gibson Alice Pearce (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 Paul's terrace Hockaday Fras. Thos. butler to Arthur P. Nix esq. 8 Agar rd
Gibson Mary Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, 9 Frances st Hockin Henry Williams (firm, Marrack, Nalder & Hockin),
Gibson Robert, Boscawen inn, 8 Boscawen road solicitor & commissioner to administer oaths & deputy
Gibson Wm.librarian of Free Library, Public rooms, Quay st superintendent registrar, 7 Pydar street
Gilbert Grace (Miss), dress maker, 68 Pydar street Hockin William, dairyman, Mill house, Malpas road
Gilbert Lewis Edwin, tobacconist, 5 King street Hocking Richard, wheelwright & smith, City road
Gill N. & Son, general furnishing drapers r, house, Hodge William Henry, grocer, 32 St. Clement street
school & church furnishers, cabinet & bedding manufac- Holland Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 6I Richmond hill
turers 13, & clothiers, hatters & outfitters 29, Boscawen st HollowaySl.assist.actuaryTruroSavings Bank,St.George's rd
Gill Joseph, engineer to the waterworks, 2 Broad street Holman Charles John, hair dresser, 16 St.Mary street
Glanville Reginald Carew, barrister & land agent, 37 Holman Elisha, grocer, 16 Kenwyn street
Lemon street Jlolman Frank Laurence, fly proprietor, 72 Lemon street
Glasson Emiline (Miss), dress maker, 6 Fairmantle street Home of the Community of the Epiphany (The Mother
Glasson William Samuel, shoe tip maker, City road & Superior, C. E.), Tregolls road
smith, 16 Richmond hill Hope Gavin McFadean, librarian to the County library, 50
Glyde George, tinplate worker, 2 Bodmin street }{ichmond bill
Goddard William, french polisher, 25 Kenwyn street Hosken, Trevitbick, Polkinhorn & Co. Limited, millers, corn
Goodfellow John, wheelwright, Castle cottage, Castle street· & provision merchants, Princes street
Hosken Frederick John, auctioneer, 17 Bascawen -street Little D.enzil, draper, I7 King street
Hoyte Mary (Mrs.), Coach & Horses P.H. I Pydar street Lobb William H~nry, builder, 31 St. Austell street
Huddy Char!ott~ (Miss), shopkeeper, 13 City road London & Truro Shipping Co. (Joseph W. Hunkin, mana-
Hunkin Joseph W. shipping agent & broker, Princes street ger), Pt·inces street
Hunt Charles Hocking, coach builler, Walsingham place London (The) & West of England Yeast Co. 4 River street
Hunt Charles Hocking. jun. branch manager to theLondon & Love Ed wd.•Jas.seedsman & tlorist, Cathedral la. & Alverton
West of England Yeast Co. 4 River street Lowe Geort5e J. Daniell Arms P.H. Daniell place
Hunt Louisa (Mrs.), milliner, 4 River street Lowry Henry James, hatter & hosier, 7 King street
Hynes Rester (Mrs.), Fountain inn, ro Old Bridge street Lugg William, wheelwright, St. Austell street
Infectious Diseases Hospital (under urban sanitary author- Luke Edmund, mason, Lemon row
ity) (Edward Sharp, medical officer), Pydar street Luly Catherine (Mrs.), bakehous~, Luly's ope, B:)clmin st
Inland Revenue Office (Edward Bootley Purchas, surveyor McKenzie & Co. traveliin'.{ dra.pers, 15 River street
of taxes; Joseph Pickard, supervisor), 26 Lemon street .Mallett W. II. & Co. wine & spirit merchants, ale, porter
International Tea Co. I4 Princes street & hop merchants, maltsters & mineral water manu·
Jago (F) & Cornen (W.), plumbers, New Bridge street facturers, Walsingham stores, Victori'1 square
James Charlf'.s, cab proprietor, 8-t Kenwyn street Manse!! Alfrell James, baker, Rosewin hill
James Elizabeth (Mrs.), ladies' school, I8 River street Manuell Ann M'lria (Mrs.), lodging house, 56 Lemon street
James Hamilton, chemist, Boscawen street Mavk Joseph Frederick, Star hotel, Frances st. & Castle st
.James John, m:~nager & se~. of the Cornish Bank Limited, Marrack, Nalder & Hockin, solicitors, 7 Pydar street
Boscawen street Marshall Edwin Francis, tobacconist, w'i Kenwyn street
James Silas, shopkeeper & te<tcher of music, II Kenwyn st Marshall Frederick, solicitor, & registrar of the Stannary
James Silvanus Wm. grocer & tea dealer, 12 Boscawen st court, Market strand
James Thos. Hy. Square & Compass P.H. u Old Bridge st Martin, Matthews & Co. Limited, m'mure, seed,
James William, confectioner, 23 Victoria place corn, coal, forase & implement merch'l.nts; buyers of
Jenkins Gearge Appleby, solit:itor, notc~.ry public & official wool, hay, straw, corn &c. ; registered offices, 5 Boscawen
receiver, 33 Boscc~.wen street street; stores, Lemon quay ; brancheil at Marazioa,Ruan,
Jennings Amos, grocer, Victoria place Praze, Treath & Doublebois. See advertisement
Jewell John Burton, saddler, 2.f. Kenwyn street Martin Eliza (:\It·s.), shopkeeper, 13 Kenwyn street
Jewell Richard, shopkeeper, 2S Carclew street Martin J'lne (Miss), dress maker, 78 Lemon street
Job & Son, lime burners, Lemon quay Martin William, poultry deaier, 39 Pydar street
John James, grocer & provision dealer, 4 Boscawen street Matthews Williarn F~ancis, coal merchant, Old Bridge st
Johns William James, auctioneer & high bailiff to county Medlin R. jobbing gardener, St. James' terrace
court, 2 Edward street Meek Robert. berlin wool, needlework & fancy r.eposHory, 9
Jolin Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I9 Campfield hill Lemon street
Jose Richard, builder &c. 20 St.. Dominic street Mennear William Henry, shoe m<tker, 34 Pydar street
Jose Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 7 'fhe Leats Merritield George John, commercial traveller, 7 Agar road
J uleff John C!"owle, fly proprietor, 8} Pydar street MichaP.l Charles, baker, 101 Pydar street .
Juleff Richard Fredk. furniture dealer, 14 Victoria place Michael James, pork butcher, 2 Pydar street
Julian John&Co.ca,bimt mahrs & upho!sterers, 12 Lemon st Miche!l Robert & Son, timber merchants & importers,
J ulian Cornish, butcher, 104 Pydar street steam sawin~ & moulding mills & deaJers in building ma-
Julian James, builder, contractor, hou,;e a~ent, decorator, terials & s:mitary appliance;; & co!l.l, brick, slate & cement
paperhanger, plasterer, plumber, stone & marble mason, merchants, Malpas road
surveyor, turner, saw mill proprietor & building material Michell William Henry, boot maker, 4 & 5 Duke street
dealer, Lemon quay
.Middleton Williarn, ironmonger, 7 St. ~icholas stre3t '
Keast Jabez, baker, 17 George street Miller William Robert M.D. house surgeon, Royal Cornwall
Keen R. & Son, coach builders, Enos wharf, Quay street infirmary, Infirmary hill
Kellow Peter, boot m'lker, lVIoresk road Mills John, shopke~per, I Bosvigo road
Kemp Robert, blacksmith, Millpool Mills John Charles, deputJ• registrar of births & deaths &
KendallMillie & Ada (Misses), ladies' school, 42 Lemon st registrar cf marriages, 7 Pydar strtJet & I Clifton villas
Kendall Thomas, wholesale grocer, provision merchant & Mitchell Herbert, shopkeeper, 63 Pydar street
tea importer; agent for I. Lewellyn Hughes, tea grower, Mitchell James, foreman, 5 Trafalgar row
India & Ceylon, & for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & Mitchell John, dairyman, 24 St. .:\ut!tell street
spirit merchants, 2 River street & Victoria place Mitchell John, wool & bark dealer, 5 Edward street
Kenrbll William Thomas, principal clerk to Stannary court, Mitchell John Henry, Hop3 inn, Bodmin st.& St.Clement si
7 Harrison terrace Mitchell Waiter, hair dresser, 81 Pydar street
Kerby William, solicitor & notary, see Carlyon & Kerby Mitchell William Sampson, omnibus proprietor, Malpas rd
Kest Elizabeth Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Mitchell hill Moon Alfred, basket mctker, 101 Kenwyn street
Keverne Mary Martin (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Baynards place Moon Jonathan, b1sket maker, 3 The Leats & Market hall
Kilminster Wm.Edmd. sec. & mangr.to Gas Co.Lemon quay Moon Joseph, basket maker, ro+ Kenwyn str~et
King Canham L.D S.Eng. dental surgeon, 79 Lemon street .Moon Samuel, basket mai{er, The Leats
King Harry Steam Ferry Co.Limited (Henry Thomas,sec.), Moon William Henry, basket maker, 26 Kenwyn street
I Cathedral lane Moorshead Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 69 Kenwyn street
King Fra.ncis, surgeon, 75 Lemon street Mountford Franklin James Mus. aac. professot· of music, 44
Knee Frederick, oil dealer, see Webber & Knee Lemon street
Knee George, coal carrier, 47 Pydar stre~t Mutton John, butcher, 30 Ferris town
Kneebone Albert, deputy registrar of births & deaths for Mutton Susan Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 56 Fairmantle street
Kenwyn sub-district, 3 Castle street Muttoa Thom<ts, butcher, 109 Kenwyn street
Knight Willia.m Henry, beer retailer, II Richmund hill Myners & Co. coal merchants, 18 & 19 St. Dominic street
Knight William Henry, butcher, 17 River street Myners John G. engineer &c. New Bridge street
Knuckey James, hair dresser, 13 Princes street Nalder Frederick (firm Marrack, Nalder & Hockin),
Lake John & Son Limite::l, milleril (steam) & cora mers. solicitor, notary & commissioner for oaths, 7 Pydar street
Moresk mills; retail establishment, I2 Pydar street Nancarrow Thomas, boot & shoe maker, Albion place
L::tke & Lake, wholesale & retail stationers, printers &c. N ankivell,Laver~on&Co. wine&spirit merchants,St.Mary's st
Princes street Nankivell Ed win, c!l.b proprietor, IO Quay street
Lake William Henry, potter, Kenwyn street National Society's Depot (Mrs. Eiizabeth S.Simmons, mana-
Lampier Samuel, saddler, 4 New Bri::lge stre3t geress), Princes street
Lander Wm. & Fredk. watch & clock makers, 8 Lemon st National So~iety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children
Langdon M. E. & Son, engineers, Enos wharf, Quay street (E. Laurence Carlyon, local sec.), x6 Lemon street
Langdon Migs, draper, I Quay street Neal John, cooper, Quay street
Lanyon A. painter, 21 St. Mary straet Neal Kate (Mrs. ), lodging house, 56 Richmond hill
Lanyon Hubert, dairyman, 43 Daniell street Netherton & Worth, printers & stationeril, 6 & 7 Lemon st
·Latcher Thom~s, City hotel, Pydar stre"t
Nicholls Elizabeth Jana (Mrs.), grocer, 20 Ferris town
Laurance Wm. Philip'l, hair dresser, 6 Kenwyn street Nicholls John Henry,commercial traveller, 19 Fairmantle st
Lean Richard, district manager of cartage department of Nicbolls Robert, butcher, 19 New Bridge street
Great Western railway, Victoria place Nicholls Thomas, shopkeeper, 11 Fairmantle street
I...earwood J n. Ha.yden, d<J.irym~n, 63 Fairmantle street
Nicholls Wm. builder & undertaker, 57 Castle st. & River st
Legasick John Thomas, Victoria hotel, Victoria place Nicholls William, provision dealer, 20 Ferris town
Letcher John Tea5ue, watch maker, Cathedral lane Nile John FrcLncis, shoe maker, Jobs court, Pydar street
Lewis Herbert Theodore M us. Bac. oxon. professor of music, Nix Artbur Pate, city treasurer & treasurer to the urban
9 Truro Vean terrace sanitary authority, Miners' lhnk, Princes street
Liberal Uni mist Association (John Retallack, sec. Lam- Nodder B. (Miss), servants' registry office, 8 Duke street
bessow, St. Clement's), 16 St. l\:lary street Nodder William, wood turner, 8 Duke street
Nol'l'ington Charles & Co. (Plymouth), manure manufac- Po!ll Herbert Glasson, painter, paperhanger, glazier & house
turers (Henry Thomas, agent), 1 Cathedral lane & Tol- decorator, 23 Boscawen street; workshop, Tabernacle st
garrick Pope M<try (Mrs.), lodging house, 59 Lemon street
Norton William & Co. wholesale gro'!ers, 9 & ro King street PoweH Ellen (Miss), lodging house, Io Ferris town ·
Norton William, commercial traveller, Fairmantle house, Powning John, paper merchant & paper bag mannfac~urer,
Fairmantle street 9r Pydar street
Nuttall Francis, collegiate school (boys), 63 Lemon street PowningT. jun. & Co. dealers in sewing machines, peram-
Oddfellows' Hall (Thomas E. C. Barlow, sec.), Kenwyn st bulators, domestic machinery &c. 6 Frances street
Odgers John, city crier & school attendance officer, 8o Prout Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 29 Lemon street
Pydar street Public Benefit Boot Co. boot & shoe dealers, King street &
Old Richard Robert, clothier, I8 Victoria place Boscawen street
Oldrieve Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, 6 Albert place Purchas Edward Bootley, surveyor of taxes, 2S Lemon st
Olive 'I. Jane (Mrs.), dress maker, I8 Pydar street Quicke John Mugford lii.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. sargeon &
Oliver George, boot & shoe warehou:,~e, IS St. Nicholas st medical officer for l::it. Mary & St. Clement districts, &
Oliver Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, II St. Clement st medical officer for workhouse & certifying factory sur-
geon, Castle lodge, Castle street
Olver Charles, baker, so Fairmantle street
Olver Thomas ~M. R.c. v .s. veterinary snrgeon, inspector of Radmore Charles Hearle, shopkeeper, 4 Alma. ter. Charles st
the veterinary department of the Board of Agriculture for B.admore James, baker, I4 New Bridge street & corn fac-
the port of Falmouth, Trafalgar square tor, Malpas road
Osborn John, tailor, IS Princes street Radmore Jas. Hearle, refreshment rooms, u St. Nicholas st
Osborne Alfred & Co. grocers, to St. Nicholas street H.apson Thomas, Britannia P.H. Quay street
Osborne William Henry, tinplate worker, Daniell street & Rawling Edwin, carver & gilder, 4 Rosewin row
Haycraft's court, St. Nicholas street H.ead J ames F. & Co. tanners, Pydar street
Palmer Robert Edward, postmaster, High cross Read & .Skewes, ironmongers, r6 King street
Parkin Frederick, solicitor & commissioner fo~ oaths (firm, Red Lion Hotel Co. Red Lion family & commercial hotel &
Hearle Cock & Parkin), 29 River street posting house, Boscawen street. See advertisement
Parkin Jabez, builder, 8 Parkin terrace & St.Clement street Reddin John W. principal coast officer of customs, Green st
Parkyn & Rice, wholesale & retail drapers, silk mercers, Heed Elizabeth Ellen (Mrs.), Barley She<tf hotel, Old Bridge st
milliners, dress makers & general furnishing warehouse- Reed Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, 3 St. Clement streat
men, r4 Boscawen street Retallick J oseph, insurance agent, 4 Stratton terrace
Pascoe Frederick, mason, Baynard place Reynolds Wm. gun maker & cutler; fishing tackle of every
Pascoe Martin, drapers, 6 Boscawen street description sold & repaired, ammunition &c. 5 Cathedral la
Pascoe Thomas, grocer & poulterer, 4S Pydar street Rice Hugh, draper &c. see Parkyn & Rice
Paul Robert Macleane 1\I.A.oxou. (tirm, Smith, Paul & Richards Joseph, mason, 7 Ale~ander terrace, Richmond hill
Archer), solicitor, chancellor of the diocese of 'l'ruro, Richard& William,family grocer &italian warehouseman,
commissioner for oaths,sec. tl) vice-warden of the stannaries patent medicines, perfumes, provisions &c. ; goods at co-
& clerk to the general meetings, 2 Princes street operative prices ; price lists free, City Supply stores, 2 &
Paull James Philip, solicitor, 6 Princes street 3 Lemon street. See advertisement
Paull Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 43 Pydar street Rickard Martin, refreshment room!', 2-1- Victoria place
Pearce William Henry, boot & shoe maker, 17 Bosvigo road Ridgman Charles, grocer, 9 Pydar street
Pearce William Nicholas, shopkeeper, 44 Daniell street Riordan Patrick, drill instructor to Volunteer Battalion
Pearson Jas. watch & clock ma. & jeweller, 16 Boscawen st Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, Pydar street
Pencalenick Steamship Co. Limited (R. B. Chellew, mana- Roberts Edward, pork butcher & dairyman, 9 River street
ger; John Doidge, sec.), Exchange bldgs. Boscawen st Roberts Edward, superintendent of Prudential Assurance
Pendarves Steamship Co. Lim. (R. B. Chellew, manager; Co. Limited, 37 Edward street
J oi.Jn Doidge, sec.), Exchange buildings, Boscawen street Roberts Mary Jane (Mrs.), grocer, I8 s~. Cle:nent street
Pengelly Edmund Thomas, baker, St. Austell street Rodd James Henry, printer & publisher of the "Cornish
Pengelly John, Exeter inn, 7 Richmond hiH Chronicle,'' IS Ferris town
Pentmligon Charles, carrier, 78 Pydar street Rogers Joseph, accountant, 73 Lemon street
Penhaligon William Henry, dairy, 20 George street Rogers Lewis, sewing machine agent, SI Castle street
Penna Edward, tailor, II4 Kenwyn streeo Rogers Mark, saddle & harness maker, S High cross
Penna Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 15 Kenwyn street Rogers Richard, confectioner, 99 Pydar st. & Market house
Penpoll Steamship Co. Lim.(R. B. Chellew, manager ; John Rogers Stephen Martin, commercial traveller, 4 Ferris town
Doidge, sec.), Exchange buildings, Boscawen street Rosewin Training School for Setvants (Miss Barter, matron),
Penpoll Tin Smelting Co. Limited (Thomas Teague, mana- AlV'erton
ger), Penpoll Roskelly Isaac, baker & confectioner, 3 Boscawen street
Penrose John, builder & beer retailer, 26 & 27 Pydar street Rowe Richard, box & trunk maker, 3 Kenwyn street
Penrose William, sail maker, Malpas road Rowe Richard,jun. deputy rdgistrar of marriages, 47Castle st
Penwith Steamship Co. Lim.(R. B. Chellew,manager; John Rowse Thomas Henry, dairy, 11 Frances street
Doidge, sec.), Exchange buildings. Boscawen street Royal Cornwall Gazette (John Estlick, manager; published
Percy Thomas Bickle, manufacturing chemist &c. u River st every thursday), Quay street. Sea advertisement
Perrow William Henry, manufacturing electrician & science Royal Cornwall Infirmary (Edward Sharp & Alfred L.
depot, 21 Boscawen street Salmon, surgeons; George F. Helm M. D. ophthalmic sur-
Perry John, cab proprietor, 36 Carclew street geon; William Robert Miller M. D. house surgeon; J. C.
Perry Richard, boot & shoe maker, 7 River street R. Crewes, sec. ; Rev. Frederick Williams Newman, chap-
Peters Edward, hair dresser, 24A, New Bridge street lain), Infirmary hill
Peters Edwin, shopkeeper, 30 Edward street Royal Institution of Cornwall (H. Michell Whitley F.G.s. &
Philips Joseph Edward, stone mason, St. Austell street Major Parkyn F.G.s. hon. secs. ; H. Michell Whitley,
& at St. Colomb editor of the journal ; Richard A. Gregg, curator & libra-
Phillips & Son, coal merchants, 108 Kenwyn street rian), Pydar street
Phillips Joseph Edwjn, monumental mason, 93 Kenwyn st. Sal!h Francis Edward, editor of the "Royal Cornwal
& at St. Colomb & Camborne Gazette, " Quay street
Phillips Thomas Edwin, grocer, St. Austell street St. Paul's Working Men's Club (Edward Jackson, sec. ; H.
Philp George Henry, painter, 2 King street Pehenna, assistant sec.), New Bridge street
Pickard Joseph, supervisor of Inland Revenue, 26 Lemon st Salmon Alfred Lidgey, surgeon, & surgeon to the Royal
Pickford & Co. railway carriers (John Treby Tillman, Cornwall infirmary, 20 Lemon street
agent), 10 King street Sampson John Henry, accountant & assistant overs:Jer for
.Pill Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), general dealer, 12 New Bridge st St. Clement's & emigration agent, 2 Green street
• Pill John, baker, Albion place
Sandoe Enoch, mason, James' place
Pill John, shopkeeper, Rosewin hill Sara Georg~, corn, potato & fruit merchant, sack contrac-
Pill Joseph, carman, 28 St. Austell street tor & fruit pre!lerver, Malpas road
Pleming Jo:reph Henry, butcher, 74 Pydar street Savings Bank (Thomas Chil'gwin, actuary), River street
Polkinhorne Harriet (Miss), dress maker, 33 St. Clement st Scawswater Saw Mills Co. (Arthur M. Visick) ; band, circular
Polkinhorne Thomas, builder, 33 St. Clement street & frame sawing & turning in all its branches done at the
Pollard Benjamin, tailor, 19 Rivclr street · shortest notice; patent mangle rollers turned & refitted,
Pollard .Joseph, bookseller (new & secondhand) & book- High cross; & steam saw mills, Scawswater
binder; circulation library in connection with Mudie's, 5 School of Art (Henri Geoffroi Malcolm, master),13Lemon st
St. Nicholas street Scoble & Davies, shipwrights & coal merchan~ Malpas road
Pollard Sarah Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 77 Pydar street Saldon James, plumber, 7 St. Austell street
PolsuQ William George, rope & twine manufacturer & col- Seymour Charles Henry, shopkeeper, Campfield hill
lector of market tolls, 73 Pydar street Sharp William Francis, vice-consul for Norway & Sweden &
Pond Sybella. (Miss), greengrocer, II2 Kenwyn street commission agent, I4 Rosewin row
Sharp Edward, surgeon, & surgeon to Royal Cornwall in- Trelonk Brick & Chin~ Clay Co. Limited (John M. Bennett.s,
firmary & Truro dispensary & medical officer for Truro sec.) ; office, 4 Princes street ; works at Ruanlanihorne,
urban sanitary authority & for East Kenwyn district, Grampound Road
Truro union, I8 Lemon street Treneer Richard, George & Dragon P.H. 1 St. Austell street
Simons John, tin buyer, 35 Daniell st.reet Trenerry Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, 12 & 13 Old Bridge street
Singer Manufacturing Co. (branch) (Albert Carwithen, Trenerry Robt.grocer&butchr. 1 Rosewin row&33Market hall
manager), 28 Rive1· street TrenerryThos. butcher,Trenerry ho.Mitcbell hi. &Market hall
Skellett Charles, shopkeeper, 6 Old Bridge street &fruiterer, Trengove Richard, Rising Sun P.H. l\Iitchell hill
8 Cathedral lane Tresidder Wait. Je:ffrey, grocers' traveller, 13 Trafalgar row
Skewes Thomas, ironmonger, see Read & Skewes Trevail Silvanus F.R.I.B.A. architect, So Lemon street
Sleeman Elizabeth (Mrs.), dyer, 92 Pydar street Trevena & Holloway, solicitors, Boscawen st.; & at Retlrutb
Sly Fred, hair dresser, u r Kenwyn street Trewin Joseph, greengrocer, 17 New Bridge street
Smith, Paul & Archer, solicitors, 2 Princes street Trewin Thomas, hair dresser, St. Mary's street
Smith Crosby, professor of music, Glenburnie, Falmouth rd Trewren Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 21 Pydar street
Smith Daniel, grocer, xo Richmond place, Richmond hill Trounson Saml.& Thos. who. grcrs.Malpas rd. & at Redruth
Smith James Jenkins, cabinet manufr. see Criddle& Smith Trudgeon Nicholas, Globe inn, Frances street
Snell Christopher, tripe dresser, 9 St. Clement street TruncheonEdwd.master of the Ragged school,Campfield hlll
Snell John, science teacher, 90 Pydar street Truran 'fhomas, surgeon, I I Pydar street
Sobey Edwin, collector of poor's rate for Kenwyn, Treyew Truro (St. Mary C.E. T.S.) Band of Hope (Miss M. W.
villas, Redruth road Holland, hon. sec.), St. :Mary's schools, Pydar street
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Mrs. Elizabeth Truro Billiard Club (Thomas Tidy, propr.), Public rooms
S. Simmons, manageress), Princes street Truro Billiard & Chess Club (John Barrett, president; E.
Solomon Thomas & Co. artists' color men, carvers & Edwards, sec.), Public rooms
gilders, painters & decorators, wholesale dealers in paper- Truro Cathedrd.l Divinity School (Rev. Canon Arthur John
hangings, oil, color & glass merchants, 19 King street Worlledge JII.A. principal; Rev. Henry Richard Jennings
& at Newquay. See advertisement M.A. tutor), 9 & 10 Strangway's terrace ·
Solomon Augustus, working cutler, Haycrafts court, St. Truro Church lustitute (James )ioss & William F. Clarke,
Nicholas street joint hon. secs.), High cross
Solomon Henry, boot & shoe maker, 2r Moresk road Truro Coal Co. (James Cocking, sec.), St. Austell street
Solomon Frederick, shopkeeper, 14 Kenwyn street Truro Conservative Association(J.P.Paull,sec.),woPydar st
Southern Mary Jane (Mrs.),pawnbro. & gro.6 & 7 Bodmin st Truro Cricket Club (J. Bray, hon. sec)
Spargo & Han·ey, monumental masons, St. Austell street Truro Dispensary (G. H. Chilcott esq. bon. sec. ; 'f.
Spargo Nicbolas, farmer, Trt-golls Truran, consulting surgeon; Edwarcl Sharp, surgeon in
Stamp Office (Robert Edward Palmer, distributor), Post attendance), Union place, Pydar street
office, High cross Truro Exchange Buildings Co. Limited (Charles Bryant,
Stanaway George, assistant overseer for Kenwyn, 9 Union. sec.), Boscawen street
place, Pydar street 'fruro Free Library (William Gibson, librarian), Public
Stannary Court for Cornwall & Devon (H. W. Fisher esq. rooms, Quay street
vice-warden & judge of the court; Frederick Marshall, Truro Gas Co. (W. E. Kilminster, sec. & mngr.), Lemon qy
registrar; R.l\L Paul, sec.; Thomas Chirgwin, collector); Trnro General Cemetery (Thomas Barlow, sec.), St. Cle-
offices, Market strand ment's bill
Steer John, master mariner, 2 Grove terrace, 'I'regolls road Truro Girls' \Yesleyan Institute (Miss Clyma, bon. sec.),
Steer William, farmer & shopkeeper, 8 & 9 'I'regolls road Union place
Step~ns John, shopkeeper, 16 Old Bridge street Truro Grammar School (Rev. Thomas Fisher Maddrell ¥.A.
Stephens Jn. 'rhos. grocer, 3 St. Nicholas st. & Harrison ter head master; Harold G. Theodosius B.A. & Charles H. V.
Stephens Richard William, blacksmith, IO St. Clement st Bancalari, assista,nt masters; M. J. Monk 111us. noc.oxon.
Stephens Thomas, shipwright, Newham music master}, Newham house
Stibbs Elizh. (~Irs. ), lodging ho. 13 John st. Ferris town Truro High School for Girls (Miss Clara Arnold, bead mis-
Stokes Edward Ernest Victor, H. M. inspector of mines, 8 tress), 7 & 8 Strangway's terrace
Clifton villas, Richmond bill Truro Humane Institution ("Waiter Cannon, hon. sec.),
Symons Brenton, civil en_gineer, II Parade 3 Vivian terrace
Tanner George, florist & dairyman, 9 New Bridge street Truro Industrial Society (depot for sale, Mrs. Hougbton,
Tapp Elizh. Frances (Mrs.), cab proprtr. 15 St. Clement st The Dispensary)
'Temperance Hall, Old Bridge street Truro Liberal Club (John Ilancock, sec.), 30 River street
Thomas Charles & Son, carvers & gilders, 2 New Bridge st Truro Model HuildingSociety( Chas.Bryant,sec. ), I6St:Mary st
Thomas Beatrice (Miss), dress maker, 26 Paul's row Truro Mutual Benefit Building 8ociety (W. T. Eastlake,
Thomas Frederick, Cathedral hotel, High cross sec.), 31 River street ·
Thomas Henry, auctioneer, appraiser, land & estate agent, Truro Mutn1l Marine Insurance Association (John Doidge,
general commission merchant & agent for Charles sec.) ; office, Exchange
Norrington's celebrated bone manures, I Cathedral lane Truro Philharmonic Soc. (John Bray, sec.), Public rooms
& Tolgarrick. See advertisement 'I'ruro Posting Co. (E::lwin Hutchens, manager), bre'l.k &c.
Thomas Herbert Francis, butcher, 25 Pydar skeet proprietors, Tabernacle s1 reet
Thomas John, butcher, I5 Pydar street & 49 Market hall Truro Provident Coal Club (I. Knuckey & A. Benkinsop,
'Thomas John Peter, shopkeeper, I2 Kenwyn street joint secs.), St. :Mary's schools, Pydar street
'Thomas Joseph, carpenter, 10 Walsingham place Truro Public Baths ("Frank Greenaway, sec.), 16 St. Mary st
Thomas Mrs. lodging house, 17 St. Mary street Truro Public Rooms Co. Limited (W. H. Williams, sec. ;
Thomas Richard, refreshment rooms, 5 River street William Galley, caretaker), Quay street
Tidy Thomas, tobacconist & cricket depot, 5 Lemon street Truro Society for the GrJ.tuitous Distribution of Clothing
Tillman John, manager for Pickford & Co. 10 King street among the Poor (Miss Tweedy & Miss Heard, secs.),
Tippet Henry, builder, 34 Lemon street Union place, Pydar street
'fippet William James, builder & contractor & Navy Arms Truro Training College for School "Mistresses (Ven. Arch-
P.H. 12 Fairmantle street deacon Cornish, principal; Rev. John Eddis M.A. hon.
Tippett John Charles, painter, 48 Kenwyn t1treet sec. ; Miss Kirby, lady supt. ), Agar road
'fippett J osiah, painter, 25 River street Truro Water Co. (Arthur E. Adams, sec. & solicitor;
Tippett William, shopkeeper, Charles street William Lean, manager) ; office, Princes street
Tomkyn William, butcher, II Victoria pi. & 47 M'\rket hall Truro Wesleyan College (Herbert William Vinter M.A. bead
Toopc Henry, dentist, 77 Lemon street master; Ernest Gerald Gane M. A. second & science mas-
Town Hall & Market House, Boscawen street ter; George Henry Hunter, Herbert Wilkinson, Harold
Town Quay & Public Weh·hbridge (Thos. Rapson, quay mas) Ernes~ WrL:-ht B.A. & Herbert Leonard Beer, assistant
Toy John, boot maker, Pydar street masters; John Herbert Williams A.c.o. music master)
'fraise Samuel, poor rate collector for St. Clement's & col- Truro Wesleyan Institute (Hy. Andrew, hon. sec.), Union pl
lector of income tax, Woodland cottage, Mitchell hill 'fruseott Francis, clerk to the board of guardians of Truro
Tredennick Frances (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 Ferris town union & superintendent registrar, clerk to the assessment
Tregaskis Harrjet (Mrs.), fruiterer, 23 King street committee, rural s::mitary authority & school attendance
'fregoning Charles Edward, cook, confectioner, bread & committee, 7 Pydar street
biscuit baker, Princes dining & refreshment rooms, hot Truscott John, shopkeeper, 33 & 34 Daniell street
luncheons &c. daily, 2 Duke street, 2 Quay street & 3 'fruscott William, bailiff to tho county court,47 Richmond hl
Princes street. See advertisement •ruck William Richard & Sons, surgn.-dentists, 22 Lemon st
Tregoning Elizh. Ann (Miss), dress maker, 30 St. Austellst 'fucker Maria Jane (Miss), fancy draper, 6 Pydar street
Tregothnan Estate Office, 12 & IJ The Parade Tweedy H.obert, managing director of the Cornish Bank
Tregunna Sarah Ann {Miss), grocer, 16 Frances street Limited, Boscawen street
Treleaven Willhm & Co. tailors, 2 St. Nicholas street Tyack Pbilip Staple, shopkeeper, 3-J St. Austell street
Vage John, wood turner, 97 Kenwyn street Wellington Abraham & Son, tanners, curriers & leather
Vage Mary Ellen (Miss), milliner, 97 Kenwyn street .merchants, Victoria place & at St. Austell; tan yard,
Venn Edwin Davy, potter, St. Austell street Grampound
Venn Henry, watch maker, Boscawen street West Briton (Heard & Sons, publishers; published monday
Venton Thomas, beer retailer, 83 Kenwyn street & thursday), Boscawen street
Venton William Robert, cab proprietor, 83 Kenwyn street West of England Brush Co. (Frederick Dyer, manager),
Vercoe Charles, whitesmith, I3 Pydar st. & 17 Castle street brush manufacturers, 28 St. Clement street
Vigus William Richard, hair dresser, Duke street West Slip China Stone Co. (J. Rogers, sec.) ; office, 73
Vincent Charles Robert, news agent, 17 Victoria place Lemon street
Vincent Oliver, chemist & wine merchant, Boscawen street West Edwy Alfred, timber measurer, Newham
Vincent Stephen James, butcher, 15 Richmond hill West William, farmer, Trehaxerne farm
Vincent Thomas Henry, butcher, 78 Kenwyn street Westcott John, pork dealer, I6 Ferris town & 8 Market hall
Vincer William John, hair dresser, 16 Vi~toria place Western Counties Agricultural Co-operative As·
Visick Arthur Millett (Scawswater Saw Mills Co. ), ste~m sociation Lim.(John Lukey,branch mgr.), agricultural
saw mills proprs.High cross & steam saw mills,Scawswater seed, manure, implement & cattle food mers. Malpas rd
Visick Thomas Ba1ley, commission agent, 5 St. Austell st Westlake Thomas, saddler & harness ma. 4 St. Nicholas st
Yivian & Sons, Assay office (Harvey Pellow H:uvey &William Wheal Remfry Clay¥Yorks(J. Rogers,sec.) ; office,73Lemon st
H. Harvey, assayers), Tregolls road Whitburn James, ship owner, I Trennick row
Volunteer Battalion, Ist Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry White Henry, master mariner, 9 Alverton terrace
(E Co. Hon. Major William Francis Sharp; F Co. Hon. White James, grocer, 17 Ferris town
Major Gilbert H. Chilcott, commanders; Patrick Riordan, Whitford Ed win, lodging house, 26 Ferris town
drill instructor), Pydar street · Whitford Richard, solicitor, S4 Lemon street
Volunteer Fire Brigade (Captain Henry Williams Hockin; Wicks George Thomas, bookbinder, 10 Pydar street
lieutenants, No. I Hugh Rice, No. 2E. Laurence Carlyon; Wilce Elijah, master mariner, II Trennick row
A. E. Heard, sec.), High (HOss Willcocks John (1\'Irs.), Swan inn, 77 Kenwyn street
'"'all George, greengrocer, 4 Quay street Williams Esther (Mrs.), milliner, u Trafalgar row
Wall James Cresswell, carting agent to Great W'estern Rail- Williams Fanny (Miss), grocer, & post office, 86 Kenwyn st
way Co. Victoria place 1 Williams George, supt. to Pearl Life Assurance Co. Limited,
Wallis Annie (Mrs.), lodging house, Io New Bridge street 1 3 Ferris t.own
Wallis James, shopkeeper, II Alverton terrace Williams Matthew, baker, 31St. Clement street
Wallis James, shopkeeper, Old Bridge street Williams Samuel, artist, 2 Vivian terrace
Wallis Mary Ann (Mrs.), pork butcher, r6 New Bridge st Williams s~muel James, painter, 35 Kenwyn street & 20 St. ·
Waiters Mary (Mrs.), greengrocer, 32 Kenwyn street Dominic street
Warren Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 25 St. Austell street Williams Thomas, Western inn, 107 Kenwyn street
Wason Rnbert, boot & shoe maker, 26 St. Austell street Willoughby George, shopkeeper, 3~ Castle street
Waters Mary Ann (Miss), dress maker, 34 Edward street Wills Charlotte (Miss), milliner, 6 New Bridge street
Webb &. Co. silk mercers, general draper.s, mantle & mil- Wilmot Joseph, farmer, Moresk farm
linery warehouse, 19 & 20 Boscawen street Winn John, registrar of births & deaths for Kenwyn sub-
Webb John, tinplate worker, 52 Kenwyn street district, 6 Princes street
Webb William, grocer, I1 John street, Ferristown Winter James, carrier, Bodwin street
Webber & Knee, wholesale & retail petroleum merchants, Woodgate John, shoe maker, 68 Fairmantle street
china, earthenware & hardware dealers, IIO Kenwyn st Wooll'ock William, watch maker, 2 Castle street
Welch John, insurance agent., 6 Ferris town Worth Thomas, printer &c. see Netherton & Worth
Welch John, travelling draper, 5 Claremont terrace, Wyatt George Henry, fruiterer, 14 Old Bridge street
Edward street Yelland Edward, solicitors' clerk, 5 Alverton terrace
TUCKINGMILL is a village on the road from Redruth still has its principal factory here, and employs about ISO
to Penzance, one mile north-east from Camborne station on workpeople. There are Wesleyan, Free Methodist and
the Great Western railway, and an ecclesiastical parish, Primitive Methodist chapels. The principal landowners are
formed June 3, 1844, from the civil parishes of Camborne William Cole Pendarves esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Pendarves,
and Illogan, in the North Western divi<:ion of the c.ounty, Treslothan, and Arthur Francis Basset esq. of Tehidy. The
hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith soil is green brash; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are
East, union of Redruth, Redruth county court district, wheat, barley and oats; the population in I89r was 4,I49,
rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and 2,887 being in the civil parish of Camborne and r,262 in
diocese of Truro. The church of All Saints is a building of that of Illogan.
stone, in the Norman style, erected iu 1844 by the Basset Sexton, Frederick William Edwards.
family, and consistin~ of chancel, nave of five bays, south
aisle, north porch and a western tower containing one bell: PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
three of the windows are stained: there are 520 sitt.ings. Mrs. Louisa Phillips, sub-postmistress. Letters through
The register dates from the year 1845. The living is a Camborne, arrive at 8.45 a.m. & 3· 15 & 7.40 p.m. ; dis-
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £7, net yearly value patched at 9-45 a.m. & 3.50 & 7·35 p.m. The nearest
£240, with residence, in tile alternate gift of the Crown and telegraph office is at Camborne
the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1883 by the Rev. Arthur WALL LETTER BoxEs.-Roskear, cleared at 9.50 a. m. 1.35,
Adams B.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. It was here 4· s.ro & 7-30 p.m.; Sundays, 9-50 a. m.; Dolcoath Row,
that the late William Bickford invented and produced the 9.40 a.m. & 3·45 & 7-35 p.m.; sundays, 9.40 a.m
well-known safety fuse for conveying fire to the charge in The children of this parish attend Camborue and Illogan
blasting, now generally known as "Bickford's fuse," an Board schools
invention which has now almost entirely superseded every Conveyances proceed to & fro from Camborne to Redruth
other method of firing explosives: the firm he established at regular intervals throughout the day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Stephens Richard, Havelock Bennett William, Sons & Co. manufac-
turers of the ''Crown Brand" Fuse,
Adams Rev. Arthur B.A. Vicarage Stephens William Charles, Endsleigh Hoskear fuse works; London offices,
.Baltic chambers, 108 Bishopsgate st.
Bath Thomas Henry, 15 Roskear villas Temby Henry, Church view within E c
Bennett William, Roskear house Thomas Charles Bickl~ William Goodman,grocr.Roskear
Blarney Richd. shopkpr. Pendarves st
Blight Mrs.. 6 Roskear villas Thomas Mrs. So Pendarves street BullockJsph. insur. agt. 12 Roskearvls
Cann Fras. shopkeepr. 5B Pendarves st
Cracker Wilham, 55 Pendarves street Thomas William, Penelvan Chandler Wm. watch ma. Pendarves st
Davies Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Harris-BickfordAbrab,amM.D.Easton ho' Tonkin John, Penlu
4 Edward street
Harrison Rev. Charles [Wes.J, Roskear .Tonking Chas. Harvey, Roskear villas Edwards Jn. Roach, grocr.Pendarves st
Eudey Thomas, general grocer &; cab
villas Treglown Mrs. I6 Roskear \illas
proprietor; furnished apartments,
Hocking William, I8 Roskear villas Tregoning Thomas Henry 79 Pendarves street .
George John, coal dealer
Hodge :Frank, 7 Roskear villas Vine Edward, !<,air Holme Gilbert Francis, grocer &; draper, Pen-
darves street
Jackson James, Foundry house Warren Henry John, Roskear villas Gill Wm. Hy.. jeweller, 8 Pendarves st
Hocking Eliza (Miss), shopkeeper,
Jennings John, Roskear villas Williams William, 41 Pendarves street North Roskear roa l
Hocking Wm. Jas. tin streamer, Penlu
Jewell Mrs. Thornley villas, Roskear COMMERCIAL.
King Mrs. 8 Roskear villas AndrewJn.Edwards,grocr.Pendarves st
Langdon Mrs. 17 Roskear villas Bastion John, boot ma. Pendarves st
Martin Frederick, Florence villa Beer John, shopkeeper, Chapel square
Maynard Richard, 78 Pendarves street Bennallack Thomas, builder, I+ Pen-
Paull Mrs. 2 Pendarves street darves street
Nancarrow George, Roskear villas Bickford,Smith & Co.Lim. patent"Safety
Rowe Mrs. E. Roskear villas fuse manufacturers; & at 85 Grace-
Rowe Richard, l'enlu church street, London E c & St.
Rutter Misses, 77 Pendarves street Helens junction, Lancashire
Hocking Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Richards James Henry, farmer, forage Tonkin~ Wm. shopkeeper,3r Edward st
66 Pendarves street dealer, manure & seed merchant; Trevarno Tin Stream Co. (Richard
horses & carriages let on hire, Ros-
Hosking Jas. mining agt. Roskear vils kear farm Rowe, managel')
Jenkin John, wheelwright, Roskear
J enkyns & Sons, carriage builders, RichardsWm.stone maso!l,Church view Trevarthen Bessie (Miss), shopkeeper,
Rowe Jn. grocer & draper, Pendarves st 57 Pendarves street
Pendarves street Sampson John, wheelwright, Chapel sq
Jolly Ellen (Miss),millinr.4gEdward st Sims Joseph, shopkeeper, 15 Edward st Trewheela Joseph, The Hotel
Magor Tin Stream Co. (Richard Rowe, Spurway Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), draper Tuckingmill Foundry Co.(William John
manager) & stationer, Pendarves street Spray, manager), engmeers & iron
Mayne Charles, farmer Stephens Aaron, farmer & brass founders, The Foundr•y
Pengilly Jas. builder, 6 Pendarves st Tehidy Mill Tin Stream Co. (James Tuckingmill Literary Institute(William
Phillips John Arthur, hair dresser, 61 Bartle, hon. sec)
Jackson, sec) Vincent George grocer, Pendarves st
Pendarves street Tehidy Tin Streaming Co.(Rd.Jackson) Willoughby William Phillips & George
Richards Chas.shoe ma. 69 Pendarves st Thomas Josiah, farmer, Roskear Henry, butchers & farmers
Richards Honor (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 18 Tolvaddon Tin Stream Co. (Richard Williams John, tin streamer, 7 Edward
Pendarves street Rowe, manager)
Richards l'eter, beer ret. Pendarves st
ST. TUDY is a villagl! and parish, with the river Camel levelled and improved, and in the course of the work an
on the south-east, 7 miles north-by-west from Bodmin ancient and curiously-wrought coped tomb of granite was
station on the Great Western railway, 6 south-west from unearthed. The register dates from the year 1559. The
Camelford, in the North Eastern division of the county, living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £498, net
hundred and petty sessional division of Trigg, union of income £4r7, including 39 acres of glebe, with house, in the
Bodmin, Came!ford county court district, rural deanery and gift of Christ Church, Oxford, and held since 1886 by the
archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church Rev. Cuthbert Bridgewater, of St. Aidans. Here is a Free
of St. Tudy is a building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, Methodist chapel, erected in 186g, at a cost of l,7oo, and
consisting of chancel of two bays, nave of four bays, aisles, seating 200 persons. On the west side of the road leading
south porch and an embattled western tower 64 feet high, from St. Teath to Mount Charles and Bodmin, stands a
with pinnacles, and containing 5 bells, dated 1751: in 1887 mutilated cross, 1 foot 8 inches high; the round head,. now
and 1888 the tower was repaired, the fourth bell re-cast, incomplete, is pierced by four holes and there is a boss in
the whole peal re-bung, and a new chiming apparatus the centre. Tinten Manor HousP, now a farm residence, was
affixed : the north aisle, of three hays, extends to the erected about the end of the 15th century: a portion of the
extreme east end, and takes in rather more than one bay original work still remains, but the house was rebmlt in the
of the nave: the south aisle extends for the whole length 18th century, and is now occupied by Mr. John Bastard. The
of the church : the stained east window is a memorial to manor house of Penvose, now a farmhouse, comprises many
John P. and E. A. Moyle-Magor, of Penventon, and was features of interest; it was built by the Nicholl family, who
presented by their children in 1879 ; and there i!' another resided here from 1446 or earlier to 1721, and at the
memorial window to Gi1es Jory Lang, of Tamsquite, 1787- entrance to the garden by which it is approached is a gate-
r864: at the west end of the south aisle is a monument way with the initials "A. N.'' (Anthony Nicholl) and the
with effigies in stone, an inscription in Latin, and 26 rhym- date 1646 ; it originally consisted of three blocks, partly
ing lines in English, to Humphry Nicoll esq. of Penvose, ob. inclosing a courtyard, and of these, two sides and part of
2oth September, 1597; at the east end of the south aisle is the third still remain ; the windows are mullioned, and
a sumptuous monument of stone and marble, to Anthony those hghting the present parlour contain medallions or
Nicholl, ob. 2oth February, r658, and four sons, 1649-78; shields emblazoned with the arms of Nicholl, Cavell, Gi:ffard,
there are kneeling effigies of himself and his wife, and others l'rideaux and others, ; the windows of the hall similarly
of the four boys ; above is a long Latin inscription and ro display the coats of Nicholl, impaling 'Mohun, Roscarrock,
rhyming verses in English ; this memorial was erected by Rouse and Speccot ; some of the ceilings are of moulded
Amy (Speccott), his wife, in 168r ; on the floor is a slab plaster work, enriched with various devices; the farm
inscribed to Humphrey Nicoll, ob. 6th June, 1699: at the buildings were erected in 1817 and 1847: fastened to the
west end of the north aisle is a slate slab, witll 22 English wall of the old farmhouse at Kelly Green is part of a tomb-
verses, four female kneeling figures of a mother and three stone with the inscription, " Sic Transit Gloria Mundi, John
daughters car\"ed in low relief ; over their heads are five Rowse, Fecit, 1729." Trehawke Kekewich esq. n.L., J.P. of
shields of arms; no names are given, but the shields clearly Peamore, Exeter, is lord of the manors of St. Tudy and
show this to be the tombstone of Alice (Denzell), wife of Penvose. The principal landowners are H.R.H. the Duke of
William Reskymer, ob. 14th January, 1563-4, and her Cornwall K.G. lord of the manor of Tinten, Sir William
daughters Anne, Katherine and Johanna: there is a tablet Wallace Rhoderic Onslow hart. n.L., J.P. of Hengar; John
to Philippa (Nicholl), wife of John Silly, of Trevelver, ob. Bevill Fortescue esq. J.P. of Boconnoc, Lostwithiel, lord of
8th May, 1669, and a granite floorstone to Margery, wife of the manor of Polrode ; Edward John Penberthy Magor esq.
Humphry Lower, ob. 27th August, 1686; and there are (who is a minor), lord of the manor of Kellygren, and the
other mem01·ials to the Billing family, 1579-1624; Hanor, Rev. George Hext B.D. rector of Steeple Langford, Bath,
wife of John Barrett, ob. February, 1636; William Lobb, ob. owner of the Tremeer estate. The soil is light ; subsoil,
December, 1663, and Margery, his wife, ob. June, r66r; stone. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots.
Admiral Sir RiC'hard Onslow hart. G.C.B. d. 27th December, The area is 3,276 acres ; rateable value, [,4,019 ; the popu-
1817; Sir Henry Onslow hart. d. 13th September, 1853; Sir lation in 1891 was 520.
Matthew Richard Onslow hart. d. 3rd August, 1876 : in the Deputy-Sexton, John Osborn. •
churchyard is a slab inscribed to Sir Henry Onslow hart. d. PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
(Railway Sub,Office. Letters should have R. 8.0. Corn-
2oth November, r87o, and a very ancient coped tomb of pre-
wall added).-Matthew May, postmaster. Letters are
Norman date, with traces of carving upon it ; there are also
memorials to the Rev. George Allanson M.A. rector (1727- received at 8.15 a. m. ; dispatched at 4· 10 p. m. Tbe
41), and to his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Jonathan nearest telegraph office is at Camelford
Trelawny bart. bishop of Winchester (1707-21), d. Jan.
25th, 1744: the church was thoroughly restored in 1873, at National School (mixed), built in 1863, & enlarged in 1889
a cost of £1,150: in 1890 a sum of £so was expended in by the addition of a new class-room, called the '· Magor
finishing the reredos, erecting a communion table, and memorial room," which, with other improvements, {!ost
in 1892 a new organ was built, at a cost of £250 : there are [,220; the school will hold 120 children; average attend·
275 sittings: during the years r8go-2 the churchyard was ance, 78 ; Miss Annie Thomas, mistress
Bridgewater Rev. Cuthbert [rector], Cole Wm. Robert Newton M.D., M.ch. Hooper James, carpenter
Wetherham surgeon, & medical officer & public Hutchinson Matthew M. L. L.R.C.P.l.
Cole Wm. Robert Newton M.n., M.ch vaccinator, No. 7 dist. Bodmin union surgeon
Hocken William, Wenford Collins John, jobbing gardener Knight Joseph, pboe maker
Magor Mrs. Lamellen house Cornish Henry, shopkeeper Langford John, farmer, Trewen
Oliver Marwood John, Tremeer house Cottell Harry,miller(water),Polrood ml Lean James, farmer, Coldsent
Onslow Sir William Wallace Rhoderic Cottell Henry, farmer, Coldsent Lobb William, Cornish Arms P.H
hart. D.L., J.P. Hengar Cottell William, farmer Lugg James, carpenter, Longstone
Pea.rse Mrs Elford Richard, farmer, Penvose Masters Joseph, farmer, Leskeel
Rowse John Ford Stephen, farmer, Penhale May Matthew, draper & grocr. Post off
COMMERCIA'£. Greenwood Thomas, farmer, Polshea Mitchell Alfred, farmer, Tresquare.
Hewett Jn. bookbinder, ironmonger &c Mitchell Anthony, farmer; Lanterrick
Bastard Jn. farmer, Tinten Manor farm Hill William, farmer, Kelly green Morris Thomas, shoe maker
Button Samuel Thomas, butcher Hocken T. 'Vest, farmer, Trenarlett Pethick John, farmer, Tregarrick
Button Wm. Henry, farmer, Fodriggan Hooper Elijah, blacksmith Richards James, farrr.er, Tamsqnit&
Rogers Fras. carpenter, Trenarlett mill Stevens George, farmer, Tremeer Worth Ann (Mrs.), baker
Worth John, mason
Rowe William, shoe maker Williams William, farmer
Sloggett James, mason
TYWARDREATH is a parish and pretty little town, j memorate his marvellous escape in I8.f.S, when his horses
4 miles south from Lostwithiel, and a half mile east from having bolted down the hill were stopped at. this spot.
Par station on the Great Western railway, in the South Menabilly, the seat of Jonathan Rashleigh esq. M.A., D.L.,
Eastern division of the county, west division of tpe hundred J.P. is an enlarged building of stone, standing on an emi-
of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder Tywardreath01 nence near the sea, and surrounded by park lands, woods
St. Austell union and county court district, rural deanery and pleasure grounds of about 250 acres in extent, and corn-
of St. .Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of mands an extensive view over the British Channel; in the
'fruro. A highway board of I9 members was formed Feb. grountl stands a grotto, the building of which was com-
g, I864. There are Water Worka at Newhouse in this menced by the late Philip Rashleigh esq. of Menabilly more
parish, constructed about I873 to supply the houses at Par than two centurries ago. Trenython, the property and resi-
Green and the shipping port of Par. The village and parish dence of the Right Rev. John Gott D.D. Bishop of Truro,
is supplied with water from works belonging to the St. is a well-built mansion, about half a mile east of the town,
Austell Rural Sanitary Authority. The church of St. on an eminence and commanding splendid views of the
Andrew, standing near the site of, and formerly connected surrounding scenery. Kilmarth, the seat of Evelyn Wm.
with, the ancient Benedictine priory of St. Andrew, is a fine Rashleigh esq. J.P. about I! miles south of 'fywardreath, is
edifice of stone. and was till lately one of the oldest in this a building of stone, in the Queen Anne st) le, standing on
part of Cornwall, having been bmlt in I347; but was almost an elevated site and affording fine views of the Channel.
entirely rebuilt, with.the exception of the tower, in 188o, at Jonathan Rashleigh esq. who is lord of the manor, John
a cost of £3,640, under the direction of 1\Ir. Richard Coad, Bevill Fortescue esq. J.P. of Boconnoc, and Arthur Francis
architect, of London, when it was re-seated in pine and oak Basset esq. Tehidy, are the principal landowners. The soil
and new roofed, an organ chamber built, and an organ and is clayey; subsoil, slate. The chief crops are oats, wheat,
screens erected: the original altar slab, incised with five barley and turnips. The area is 3,252 acres; rateable value,
crosses, was discovered and replaced; the church now con- £8,047 ; the population in I89r was 2,097.
~ists of chancel, nave, south aisle, with an arcade of seven Parish Clerk, Robert Rundell.
arches supported by massive granite pillars, north transept, PosT & M. 0 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Ot'fice.-
south porch, and an embattled western tower containing 6 Thomas Rundell, sub-postmaster. Letters from Par
bells, and a clock, placed in the tower in r887 at a cost of Station R.S.O. arri,~e at 7.10a.m. & I.30&7.10p.m.;
£I6o: there are two piscinre and memorials to Thomas
Collins, last prior of St.. Andrew's Priory, ob. I539; William dispatched at 11.30 a.m. & 5·45 & Io p.m. Par station is
Baker, of Kilmartb, 1636; to the Hashleigh family, and the nearest telegraph office
others: there are 400 sittings: in r884 an addition was WALL LETTER BoxEs : -
made to the churchyard. The register dates from the year Pennellick, cleared at 8.5 a.m. & 5·I5 p.m. week days
I642. The living is a vicarage, with the chapelry of Trega- only
minion annexed, joint gross yearly value£I3S, with 2 acres Polkerris, cleared at 7·45 a. m. & 4.20 p.m
of glebe and residence, in the gift of Jonathan Rashleigh esq. Polmear, cleared at 9·35 a.m. & 5·35 p.m
and held since I863 by the Rev. George Ross M.A. of Lincoln Tywardreath (West), cleared at 5.I5 & 11.35 a.m. & 5.50
College, Oxford: the Rev. Septimus Valentine Baker M.A. p.m
of Jesus College, Cambridge, has been curate in charge since Tywardreath- (North), cleared at II~25 a.m. & 5.20 p.m
I8]6, and resides at the ,·icarage. The chapel of ease at CoUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR TYWARDREATH DIVISION OF
Tregaminion, 2 miles south-by-east, was built and endowed EAST POWDER HUNDRED.
by William Rashleigh esq. in r8I5, and is an edifice of stone
consisting of ch'lncel, nave and south porch, with sittings Rashleigh Sir Colman hart. c.B., B.A., D.L. chairman •
for 150 persons. There is a Church Mission Room at Por- Robartes Lord 1\f.A., D. D. Lanhydrock; Bodmin
cupine, Highway. The Wesleyan chapel, erected in I828, Carlyon George Richard Gwavas esq. B.A., D.L. Tregrehan9
is a large buildmg of stone, seating about 400 persons. Par Station R.S.O
There is also a small Wesleyan chapel at Polkerris. The Howell David esq. Penquite, Par Station
Bible Christian chapel, built in 1858, will seat about 300 Purcell Rev. Handfield Noel M.A. Vicarage, Fowey
persons, and there is another at Highway, erected in 184r, Rashleigh Lieut.·Col. Colman Hattie D.L. Norway house,
and entirely rebuilt in 18go. The Town Hall, erected in Lostwithiel
1862 and the County Police Station, built in 18\)o, are both Rashleigh Evelyn William esq. B.A. Kilmarth, Tywardreath,
of st:;ne. There is a subscription Reading Room, supported Par Station R.S.O
by private members, which has a billiard room attached ; Rashleigh Jonathan esq. M.A., D.L. Menabilly, Par Station
also a Working Men's !Institute, containing reading and re- R.S.O
creation rooms and a library of over 100 volumes. The Rural Treffry Charles- Ebenezer esq. Place, Fowey
Gardening Society here, established in 183o, is the oldest Clerk to the Magistrates, Borlase Childs, Liskeard
of the kind in Cornwall, and has how held 63 annual shows. Petty Sessions are held as the Town hall the 4th wednesday
Here are tile head quarters of the Cornish Tent Company in every month, at I p.m. The following places al'e
Limited, and there is also a mineral water factory. In this included in the petty sessional division :-I<'owey, Lanhy-
parish are the late Fowey Consols celebrated copper mine, drock, Lanlivery, Luxulyan, St. Blazey, St. Sampsons &
which paid about £2oo,ooo profit ; also the South Fowey Tywardreath
Consols copper mine, not at present working; and the (New) PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
Fowey Consols tin mine. There is a cattle fair on the wth County Police Station, John Sambells, inspector; the local
June; and the parish feasts on St. Andrew's day. At Pol- lorce consists of I inspector, I sergeant & 6 constable!l,
kerris, a small place on the coast in this parish, about 2 distributed as follows: Tywardreath, I inspector & 1
miles south, is a Royal National Life Boat station, established constable; Lostwithiel, I sergeant & I constable ; & 1
in 1859. A regatta is held a·mually, generally at the latter constable at each of the following places: Fowey, St.
end of August. There are A.lmshouses for seven poor widows Blazey, St. Blazey Gate & Luxulyan
at Polmear, with nurse's residence adjoining, four of which Masonic Hall, St. Andrew's lodge, No. II5I.
were erected by the late William Rashleigh esq. of Menabilly, Royal National Life Boat Station, Polkerris, W. E. Geach
in 1855: there are 7 in residence (1893), each inmate re- esq. hon. sec. ; John Bennett, coxswain, supt
ceiving 3s. 6d. weekly. The Benedictine Priory of St. Town Hall, Reuben Coombes, keeper
Andrew, founded in this place by A. Cardynham, temp. Working Men's Reading Room, Rev. :F. G. Slater H.A.
William I. stood in a valley to the south of the church ; it sec. ; Thomas Smith Bailey, treasurer
was a cell to the monastery of St. Sergius at Angers, and at
the time of its dissolution had seven monks and revenues l>UBLIC OFFICERS : -
valued at £123. The tombstone of the last prior, 'fhomas Clerk to the l'ywardreath District Highway Board, John
Collyns, is in the transept of the church; he died 1534. William Graham, solicitor, Fowey
On August 31, 1644, a severe skirmish took place in Inspector of Police, John Sambells
this parish between the Royalist forces, commanded by Assistant Overseer & Rate Collector, John Job, jun. Lanes
the King and Sir Richard Grenville, and the troops of the cott'lge ,
Parliament, in which the latter were compelled to surrender. Registrar of Births & Deaths & Vaccination Officer for
At Tregaminion there remains the round head of an ancient Fowey Sub-district St. Austell Union, Thomas Ruudell
cross, with a fragment of th.e shaft, fixed in a low base ; and Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, St. Blazey District,
at Menabilly, a similar cross head, on a. large circular base; St. Austell Union, Thomas St. Patrick Tuckey M.B., v.ch
another ancient oross, now standing at Treg"minion, was ScHooLs :.-:.
brought from Milltown, Lan.livery. On the 'road from Mena- A School Board of 5 members was formed April 20, 188I ; '
billy to Polmear, halfway down a. steep and dangerous hi:J, Thomas Rundell, clerk to the board; Johu Hocken Powne,
a cross has been erected, by ,Tonathan Rashleigh esq. to carq• PJ.r, atten.Jance officer
l!oard, formerly the National School, now enlarged for 150 Voluntary Church, Polkerris, built. in 1871,for 40 children;
boys, 130 girls & 70 infants; average attendance, 200; average attendance, 30 ; & supported in part by Jonathan
Thomas Smit-h Bailey, master; Miss Stephens, mistress Rashleigh esq.; Miss Harper, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter Henry, printer & stationer & Phillips Bender, farmer, Polharmon
Bailey Thomas Smith, Prospect terrace managing agent for bill posters Polsue John, farmer, Harveys
Baker Rev. Septimus Valentine M.A. Chappell Brice Rundell, shoe maker 1>rynn Luke, shopkeeper
[curate in charge], Vicarage Cock George, blacksmith Roseveare Joseph, master mariner
Barnecut George, Myrtle cottage Cock Thomas .B. farmer, Penpillick Roskelly J oseph, shopkeeper
Bath Mrs. Enfield Cornish Tent Co. Lim. (Thomas Smith Roskelly Joseph, jun. shoe maker
Botterel John Henry, Priory Mead Baily, sec. & manager) Rowe Richard, farmer, Khilhalland
Daniels Mrs. Mount view Coumbe Reuben, New inn Royal National Lifeboat Station (W. E.
Geach William Eads, Pennellick Daddow Thomas, farmer Geach esq. hon. sec. ; John Bennett,
Gott Right Rev. John D.D. [Bishop of DanielsJane(Miss),ladies'schl.Mnt.view coxswain supt.), Polkerris
Tr!lro], Trenython Dingle William, farmer, Trenadling Rundell Charles Courtney, butcher
Govier Mrs. Rose cottage Geach Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Panhale Rundell Robert, carpenter
Graham James, Newton Geach Wm.Eads, land agent, Pennellick Rundell Thomas, clerk to school board
Job Mrs · Greet Nicholas (Mrs.), dress maker & registrar of births & deaths for
Luxon George Harris Chas. Vivian, butcher, Little par Fowey sub-district, St.Austell union,
Maddick John Bassett Harvey Mary (Mrs.), milliner Post office
Pascoe Wil1iam, High Elms Hawkey John R. farmer, Carrogatt Rundell William, farmer, Lanescot
Phillips Joseph, Prospect place Henwood Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rundell William, farmer
Polkinghorne John, Woodlands Hewett William Henry, carpenter Sambells Richard, inspector of police
Rashleigh Evelyn Wm.B.A.,J.P.Kilml'th HicksRichd. farmer, Tregaminion&Trill SambleWm.Julian,architect & surveyor
Rashleigh Jonathan M.A., n.L., J.P. Hodge John Grose, butcher Scantlebury Thomas, master mariner,
Menabilly James Edwin John, boot ma. Polmear Polkerris
• Robertson Mrs
Jenkins John, carpenter, Highway Snowden Wm. blacksmith, Penpillick
Rundell John Jenkins Wm. Henry, master mariner Sody John, farmer
Samble William Julian, Hill house Job John, jun. assistant overseer & rate Stick Jonathan, carpenter
Slater Rev. Frederick George 1\I.A. collector, Lanescot TaylorRobt.farmer & butcher,Highway
[curate], Greenbank I Job Jonathan, farmer, Lanescot ThomasJosiab(Mrs.),farmer,Newhouse
Smith Walter Johns Edward, farmer, Pellean TremaineElizh.(Mrs.),shpkpr.Hi&"hway
Snell Mrs 1 Johns Richard, baker TrengroveMary(Mrs.),shpkpr.Highway
Tuckey Thomas St. Patrick 1\I.B Jose Jonathan, commercial traveller Trevenan James, farmer, Lanescot
Vareson Mrs Jose Kate (Mrs.), grocer & farmer Trevithick Thomas. shoe maker
Vivian Henry Clark. Par view Kent Thomas, farmer, Kilgogue Tuckey Thomas St. Patrick M.B., M. eh
·west Mrs. Elmsleigh Kitto John, farmer, Khilhalland surgeon, & medical officer & public
cOMl\IERCIAL. vac. St. Blazeydist. St. Austell union
IKnight John, butcher & cattle dealer
Arthur Jas. farmer, Little Treverrion Lane John, farmer Turner Richard, farmer
Arthur John, farmer, Treverrion Martin Charles, farmer, Rosegooth Tywardreath Aerated /Y: Mineral Water
BailyThos. Smith, sec.&manager to the Martin James, farm bailiff to W. E./ Co.Lim.(Thos.SmithBaily,sec.&mgr)
Cornish Tent Co.Lim.& the Tyward- Geach esq. Polpay Vincent Joseph, master mariner
reathAerated&MineralWaterCo.Lim Martin James, shoe maker
I Vivian Henry C. accountant, Par view
Bartlett John, blacksmith, Polmear 1Merifield Edward, farmer, Highway Walkom Thomas (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Bennett Jn,..General Elliot P.H. Polkerris Merryman George, chief boatman of ·waiters James, master marnr. Cottage
Bennett William, snpt. of rocket ap- coastguard, Polkerris Ward William,farmer, LitHe Carrogatt
paratus, Polkerris Mitchell Jn. jun. builder & shopkeeper Westlake Francis, farmer, Lampetha
Blewett Thomas, shopkeeper, Polmear Morcom John, farmer, Levers Whetter Robert, shopkeeper
Blowey James, farmer, Trevenna Paynter Robt. boot & shoe ma.Highway Working Men's Reading Room (Rev.
Brown Thomas, shoe maker, Penpillick Pearce Edmond, master mariner F. G. Slater M.A. sec)
Bryant Joseph, linen draper Pearce Hender, farmer, Menabilly Yeo Samuel, master mariner, & apart-
Bully James, grocer Pearce Henry, farmer, Pinnick Barton ments, Elderfield
Carter Jane (Mrs.), boot & shoe dealer Pearce James, Ship P.H. Polmear
ST. VEEP, or ST. VEPE, is a village and parish, on a charities are of £ r 10s. yearly value. In the parish is
branch of the river Fowey, 5 miles south-ea~t from Lost- the site of a monastic house dedicated to St. Cadoc and some-
withie! station and 3 north from Fowey station on the Corn- time a cell to the Cluniac abbey of Montacute in Somerset.
wall Minerals branch of the Great Western railway and r2 Jonathan Rashleigh esq. D.L., J.P. of Menabilly, Tyward-
south-wel'lt from Liskeard, in the South Eastern division of reath, who is lord of the manor, and Francis Buller Howell
the connty;hundred and petty sessional division of West, esq. J.P. of Ethy, St. Winnow, are the chief landownP.rs.
Liskeard union and county court district, rural deanery of The soil is clayey ; the subsoil is slate. The chief crops are
"rest, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of 'fruro. The wheat, barley and green crops. The area is 3,ro8 acres of
church of St. Ciricius is an edifice of stone in the Decorated land, 95 of water and foreshore; rateable value, £3,747 ; the
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, population in r891 was 499·
south porch and a~ em?attled western tower containi~g 6 . LERRYN, on the river of the same name, a tributary of the
bt;lls, note~ for t~etrpurity of .tone.: there are seve:al stamed river Fowey, is a village, the greater part of which is in this
wmdows, mcludmg a memonal wmdow, erected m 1875, to parish and a small part in St Winnow 112.. miles north from
the late Frank Parkyn esq. of Lerryn: in the south aisle the church. · '
over the priest's door is a mural monument to Nichol~s Sexton, William Hemy Mutton.
Courtenay, dated 1589, and beneath the south porch IS
buried a former vicar, who died in 1775 : there is an ancient PosT OFFICE, Lerryn.-Edwin Cole, sub-postmaster. Letters
granite font: the wall plate of the roof is carved and there through Lostwithiel arrive at 8 a. m. ; dispatched at 4.25
is also some carved work in the roof of the porch : there are p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is at
300 sittings. The registers of baptisms date from the year Lostwithiel. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
1538; marriages and burials, 1558, and they arequitecom- WALL LETTER Box at the Church, cleared at 10 a.m. week
plate. The living is a vicarage, gross tithe rent-charge days only ·
£223; average, £177; net income £113, including 22 acres National School (mixed), built for II4 children; average
of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Francis Buller Howell attendance, 68 ; William John Wills, ma8ter ; Mrs.
esq. and held since 1876 by the Rev. Henry Overy M.A. of Elizabeth Wills, mistress
Queen's College, Oxford. The list of vicars is complete CARRIER TO PLYMOUTH.-Joseph Philp, from Lerryn, on
from 1536. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Lerryn. The thurs. & returns on sat
St. Veep. Edwards John, farmer, Middle Penpoll Littleton Albert, farmer, Ribby
Hawken Mrs Frethey Thomas, blacksmith, Penpoll Lightfoot John, farmer, Poh·etl1ian
Hosking Mrs. Manelly Honey James, farmer, Penpoll MayElizabeth(Miss),market grdnr.Cliff
Overy Rev. Henry M.A. Vicarage Hosking William, farmer, Wooda Mutton Richard, farmer, Tencreek
COMMERCIAL. j Isbell Thomas &Alfred,millers (water), Mutton Thos.mastr.marnr.Mid.Penpoll
Andrew William, farmer, Po glaze Kingston Mutton Wm. Hy. carpenter & sexton
Best William, farmer, Kingole Johns Thomas, farmer, Trevillyan Nanjulian George. farmer, Prinzey
Cossentine William, farmer, Manelly Johns Thomas, jun. farmer, Willsland 01ford John, market gardener
Ede Albert, farmer, Middle Winnick Lamb Henry, farmer. Hi!!her Penpoll Pearce Thos. & Jas. farmers, Trevollard
EdwardsF.meline(Mrs.),frmr.St.Cadix Leach George, fa-mer, Willslaud Roberts Edward, farmer, Tencreek
Scantlebury Frank, farmer, Kingbath COMMERCIAL, Hosking Alfred, shopkeeper
Smale Thomas Hraund, farmer, Willake Anderton Edward Dixon, corn & coal Hosking Henry, butcher
Stephens Joseph, farmer, Tencreek merchant ; & at Lanteglos Hosking William, carpenter
Trestain J as.farmer,Tregenna&Vincent Barrett Frank, ironmonger, painter &c Lewis William, boot & shoe maker
Trestain Wm. farmer, Polgreen & Hole Barrett John, carpenter Motton John, blacksmith
Truscott Richard Sobey, farmer,Collon, Cole Edwin, boot maker, Post office Nancarrow Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Tawell & Newhouse Crocker William, registrar of births & Phillips Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), Ship inn
Turpie Ebenezer, farmer, Highgate deaths for Lerryn sub-district, Lis- Philp Mary Ann (-Mrs.), shopkeeper
VenningCaroline(Mrs. ),frmr.Langunnt keard union, & assistant overseer Row William, surgeon, medical officer
Whetter Henry, miller (water), Penpoll Couch Ann (Mrs.), grocer & public vaccinator for No. 3 district,
Williams Hy.frmr.& landownr. Trefrawl Cundy Rd. carrier & marine store dea]r Liskeard union
Lerryn. Doney Frank, coal merchant Rowe Richard, grocer
Mitchell J oseph Doney Joseph, miller (water), farmer & Rowe Thomas, dairyman
Mugfur William timber dealer Scantlebury William, farmer & tailor,
Mutton Thomas Good Edward, m88on South Lerr•vn
Row William Hawken John, butcher & farmer Stevens Albert, butcher
VERYAN is a parish in a deep valley near the shore of M.P. of Caerhayes Castle and the trustees of the late John
Veryan Bay, 8 miles south of Grampouud .Road station on Fincher Trist, esq. are the principal landowners. The soil
the Great Western railway, about 4 south from Tregony, 12 is chiefly loam and clay ; the subsoil is transition slate, vol-
south-east from Truro and u south-west from St. Anstell, canic remains and transition lime. The chief crops are
in the Mid division of the county, west division of the hun- wheat, barley and roots. The area is 5,695 acres, of which
dred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder South, 3S is water; rateable value, £6,6o8 ; the population in 1891
union and county court district of Truro, rural deanery of was 1,259.
Powder, archdeaconry pf Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The PORTLOE, a village on the coast, I mile east from Veryan,
church of St. Symphorian is a building of stone in the Per- has a coastguard station; also a mission room, built in 1870.
pendicular style consisting of chancel, with aisles of two bays, A library and reading room was opened in r86-t containing
nave of six bays, north aisle, south transept, south and west about 300 volumes.
porches and a tower on the south side of the transept,with four Sexton, John Ball.
pinnacles and containing a clock and 3 bells, the first two cast PosT OFFICE.-Church Town, 1\Irs. Henrietta M. Roberts,
in 1748 and the tenor in 1772 : some well-earved remains of sub-postmistress. Letters are received through Gram-
a screen are preserved in the vestry : there are a large pound Road via High Lanes at 9·45 a. m.; dispatched at
number of monuments of modern date: the church was re- 2.35 p.m. week days only. Ruan Hig-h Lanes is the near-
stored in 1847-50, and has 400 sittings. The registe-r dates est money order office & telegraph office at Tregony
from the year 1683. The living is a vicarage, average tithe PosT OFFICE.-Portloc, Richard Blarney Johns, sub-post-
rent-charge £3o8, net yearly income £328, including 67 master. Letters are received through Grampound Road
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Dean and via High Lanes at 10.30 a.m. ; dispatched at 1.55 p.m.
Chapter of Exeter, and held since 1887 by the Rev. James week days only. Ruan High Lanes is the nearest money
.Arthur Kempe M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge, and sur- order office & telegraph office at Tragony. Postal order;;
rogate. There are Wesleyan chapels at Trewartha and at are issued here, but not paid
Portholland and Bible Christian chapels at Portholland, This place is contributory to the United School Board of
Portloe and Calendra. At Church Town, is a reading room, Tregony, Cornclly & Cuby, sending 2 members
containing a library of -over 100 volumes. Veryan beacon, Church of England School (Church Town) built in 1872,
570 feet above the sea level and 370 feet in circumference, for 196 children; average attendance, 6o boys, 50 girls &
W88 the burial place of Gerennius, a Cornish king, interred 25 infants; & supported in part by an endowment of
here, by tradition, about A. D. 589 ; excavations made in this £14 14s. yearly; Joseph Rouse, master
barrow m 1855 revealed the remains of the chieftain in closed Church of England School (infants), Portloe, for So children
in a "kistvaen," or rude stone chest: the cliffs around the average attendance, 30; Miss Lintell, mistress
bay afford excellent examples of certain geological forma- Coastguard, Portloe, Wi11iam Butler, chief officer
tions. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.c., L.L. who is lord CAURIERS:-
of the manor of Tretheake, Fraocis Granv·ille Gregor esq. w. Gock, to St. Austell, fri
D.L. of Trewarthenick, Digby Collins esq. D.L., J.P. of New- J. Mason, to Truro, wed. & sat
ton l<'errers, Viscount Falmouth, John Charles Williams esq. W. B. Trevarton, to Truro, wed. & sat. & St. Austell, fri
Veryan. Hearle Alpheus, farmer, Tregenua Runnalls Adolphus William Jewel
Drake Mrs. The Cottage Hearle John \Vearne, farmer, Trenona farmer, Penvose
Kempe Rev. Jas. Arth. M.A. Vicarage
Mead Thomas G. Crugsillack Hearle Samuel, farmer, Trengrowse RunnallsWm.(Mrs.),farmr. Ventonveth
Middlecoat Misses
Smeddle William, Pare Behan HearleWilliamLovey,farmr.Treburthes Sawle James (Mrs.) & Son, farmers,
Hoskin Rechab, market gardener, Corwenna
Church Town Spry John Alfred, farmer, Tregemenna
Hugh John, builder, Church Town Spry Samuel, farmer, Melinsey mill
COMMERCIAL. Hu~h Nathaniel, shopkeeper & mason, Symons William, farmer, Camels
Baker James, farmer, Taddiport Veryan green Tregunna Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Barnicoat Thos. blcksmth. BessyBeneath Hugh William, mason, & assistant Treviskey
Blarney John, boot maker, Carne overseer Trounce Henry, farmer,Camels-Hoyles
Blarney Joseph, farmer, Carne Johns Joseph,shoe maker,Church Town Trounce Susan (Mrs. ),farmer,Crnggan
.Blarney Joseph, farmer, Lower mill Julyan John, farmer, Tregenna TrounceWaiterPound,farmr, Tregongon
BlameyJsph.A.ugustin,frmr.Caragloose Julyan Robert Alien, farmer, ·rregenna Trounce W1lliam Hy.farmer, Trevilveth
Blarney Matthew Langdon, seed mer- Keast Stepheu (Mrs.), farmer, Hay Trudgeon Thom:1s, farmer, 'fretheake
chant. Camels; & at Boscawen Langdon Matthew,farmer,Trelogossick Warwick Samuel, grocer, Church Town
bridge, Truro Langdon Theophil us, farmer. Trevisky Webb Richard, butcher, Church Town
Blarney Thomas, farmer, Tret.henal Luney Thomas, farmer, Reskivers Williams John, farmer, Portholland
BlameyThos. Wallase,farmer,Crugsillck Mason John, New inn Yelland Nichls.miller( water),Corwenna
Blarney Wm. Colli ver, farm er, Pennare Middlecoat John Hy. farmer, Elerkey
Broad James, farmer, Mount Folly Middlecoat Wm.Henry,farrnr.Gwendra Portloe.
Chapman William, farmer, Castlends Nicholls Jn. Arthur,farmer,Tredennicli.
Chenowet.QChas. saddler, Veryan green Nicholls William James, farmer, 'fre- Dunstone Mrs. Pine cottage
Chenoweth .Jane (Mrs.) & Sons, black- wartha hall Blarney William Guy, builder
smiths, Veryan green Nott Thomas, farmer, Penvose Dungey Edmund, Ship inn
Davies John, mason, Veryan green Reading Room (William Hugh, sec.), Dnnstone Francis & Son, shoe makers•
Davies&Rundle,carpenters,Church twn Church Town Dunstone Robert Henry, farmer
Dustow &muel&Son,farmers,Callendra Richards Hy. blacksmith,Church Town Dunstone Thomas, farmer
Elliott Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Lower Roberts Henrietta Maria (Mrs.), shop- Dunstone William, builder
Trencreek keeper, Post office Johns Arthur William, shopkeeper
Elliott William, farmer, Boswague · Roberts Mary(Mrs. ),farmr. Treswithan Johns Fanny (Miss), shopkeeper
Fugler Thomas, carpenter, Veryan grn RoweJames, mason, Veryan green Library & Reading Room (W. C. Dun-
Gay George, farmer, Trenissen Rundle Edwin, carpenter stone, sac)
Hearle Jane (Mrs.) & Son~ farmers, Rundle Francis,carpenter, ChurchTown Rundle William, shoe maker
Polcouta Rundle Samuel, cor'\ dealer Teague John, coal merchant
-D.EV. & CORN. 83
W ADEBRIDGE is a market town on the river Camel, day early closing. At White Cross, near Wadebridge, is an
and near the extremity of the navigable portion thereof, ancient round-headed cross, about four feet high.
partly in the parish of St. Breock and partly in that of PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
Egloshayle, with a station on the Great Western railway, (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
7 miles north-west from Bodmin, 8 north-east from St. wall added).-Matthew Quintrell, postmaster. Letters
Columb, 8 east from Padstow and 235 from London, in the arrive per railway at 8. ro a. m. I. ro & 4·45 p.m. & dis-
North East~rn division of the county, Pyder hundred, St. patched at 7.5o, 8.20 & II.15 a.m. I, I.25, 5.25 (London)
Columb union and county court district, Trigg petty ses- & 7.50 p.m. ; sundays, arrive 7·45 a.m. ; dispatched, 4·35
sional division, hundred of Trigg and union of Bodmin. A p.m. Money orders are paid & granted from 9 a.m. till
stone bridge, originally of I7 and now of I5 arches, built by 6 p.m
contribution in I485, crosses the river Camel at this point; PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
it is 220 yards long and I5 feet wide, the arches being about Masonic Hall, Harry Lander, sec
I8 feet in span; it was made a county bridge in the reign Police Station, John Paddock, inspector
of James I. and since I853 has been kept in repair out of the Town Hall, Francis Benton, keeper
county rates. The town is lighted with gas. The nearest PUBLIC OFFICERS :-
churches are those of the parishes of St. Breock and Eglos- Assistant Overseer, Richard )3onney
hayle, at the respective distances of a mile and half a mile Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public Vac-
from the town. There is a Congregational chapel, built in cinator, No. 2 District, Bodmin Union, Fredk.Geo. Stewart
:1836, w1th 250 sittings; a Bible Christian chapel, erected in Clerk to the Harbour Authorities, Geo. Jewel Lister Ellis
I852, to seat 200 persons, a Wesleyan chapel, built in I879, Harbour Master, John Bate
wit b. 350, and a Free Methodist chapel in I 848, with 300 sit- Inland Revenue Officer, Edward Bowden
tings. The Town Hall, erected by a local company in I888, at Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, No. I District, St.
a cost of £3,000, from designs by Mr. C. E. Collins, architect, Colnmb Union, Hillyard Wllliam Haydon .
1s a building of local stone, with granite dressings ; the Supervisor of Inland Revenue, William Lucy
principal feature in the front is a large stained window pre- Board School, under the St. Breock & Egloshayle School
sented by Lord Robartes, and containing his arms ; over the Board (boys), built in I878, for ISO boys; average attend~
entrance are the arms of Lady Molesworth, of Pencarrow; ance, no; Richard Eustace, master; (girls & infants)
the front elevation includes a tower with clock ; the great built in 1876, for 300 children; average attendance, 176;
hall, on the ground floor, is 70 feet by 38 feet, with a Miss Elizabeth M. Channon, mistress
gallery at one end, and a platform at the other, and will Railway Station, Edwin King, superintendent of Bodmin &
hold about 6oo persons ; there are two large committee Wadebridge railway; Fredk. Cowling, agent for G. W. R
rooms, an armoury for the local rifle corps and other rooms ; COXVEYANCE TO : - .
in the board room is a handsome carved chimney piece pre- PADSTOW, Carriers; Blake, Wills, Rickard & Saunders,
sented by Mr. C. Ennor, late of ·wadebridge. The Masonic 8 a. m. I.2o & 7.50 p.m. daily •
Hall was built in I892 at a cost of about £400. Here is also PORT IsAAC, Prout, I.2o p.m. daily
a literary and scientific institution, containing 1,000 volumes, ST. MINVER & RocK, Blake, 9.30 a. m. & I.2o p.m. mon.
and an iron foundry. The chief trade of the town consists 1 wed. & fri
in the exportation of granite, slate and the products of the There are also special omnibuses during summer months •
various ntines in the vicinity. The imports are coal, timber CARRIERS 'rO : -
and general merchandise. A silver, lead and copper mine TRESMEER.-The North Cornwall coach leaves here daily
has been opened and the ore has been pronounced by experts at 9.50 a. m. returning again the same day, leaving Tre-
Ito be of excellent quality. A fair is held on June 22nd. smeer at 4· IO p.m. Luggage vans also to & from, alternate
The cattle market is held on the second Tuesday in every TdRaUv• sRo-Hoskins & Son, mon. & thurs.; return tues. & fri
month; Tuesday and Friday are market days, and Wedues-
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tregaskis S'lmuel Thos. Gwendock vils Coombes Wil!iam John Bennett & Son,.
Truscott Richard, Brooklan beer, wine & spirit merchants, min~
.Bennett William Veysey Miss eral water manfrs. & hop merchants
Blake David, 2 Glenco terrace Warne Mrs. Roslyn house Collins James, Cornish Arms P.H
Blake Thomas Werry, I Glenco terrace Warren John Collins John & Co. drapers .
1 Cornish Bank Lim. (sub-branch) (Mark
Buscombe Thomas Key Williams J onathan
Cleave Thomas Werry Wills Samuel • Symons, manager); draw on Smith,
Cole Francis, White rock Wilton George Payne & Smiths,London E c. See advt.
Colman Mrs. The Retreat Worden James, Whiterock Cowling Frederick H. agent G. W. R
Coombes William John Bennett Crabb Harry Bettinson, boot & shoe dlr
COMMERCIAL. Oraig & Co. drapers &e
Dawe Richard
Downing Mrs. Whiterock terrace Anderson George, grocer . Craig & Docton, tailors
Drake Samuel Arthur John, dairyman · Dawe Rwhard, manager of the Conso-
Ellis George J. L Bate John, harbour m'lster lidated Bank of Cornwall
Ellis Mrs Benton Francis, keeper of Molesworth 1 Derry Thomas, tinplate worker & china
Ennor Mrs. Whiterock terrace Public hall & glass dealer
GaLty Miss, Whiterock terrace Blake Ann (Miss), draper Edward James, whitesmith
Grose Mrs. Guinea port Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Ellacott John P. hairdresser&tobaccnst
Harris William, Glencoe terrace & Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Ellis George Jewel Lister, solicitor &
Hawken Mrs. Whiterock Cornwall) (branch) (Richard Dawe, commissioner of oaths & clerk to the
Haydon Hillyard William manager); draw on Williams Deacon harbour authorities ·
Henwood Miss, Whiterock & Manchester & Ralford Bank Lim. Goodfellow Charles, bill poster
HicksMrs 20 Birchin lane, London E c GoodfellowE.J.&K.painters&decorators
Hockin Mrs Bonney Richard, auctioneer,& commer- 1 Goodfellow John, builder &c
Jago Alfred Charles F.s.se. Trenant cial hotel; family, commercial & Goodfellow William, wheelwright
Jennings William private posting in all its branches; 1 Guy Mark, solicitor & commissioner for
Key Mrs · booking office, Pioneer coach & L. & oaths ; & at Bodmin
Kyd Mrs S. W. Railway Ham Thomas & Co. saddlers & hal'-
Liddell Edward, Truscott Bonney Richard, assistant overseer & ness makers '
Lucy William, The Elms clerk to the St. Breock & Eglosbayle Hawke William Frederick, grocer &c
Martyn Ernest united district school board Hawkey W.A.& Sons, carriage builders
Martyn George · Bowden Edward, inland revenue officer & steam saw mills
Martyn John, Polmorla villa Brabyn William Henry, boat builder Haydon Hillyard William, surgeon, &
Martyn Percy, Gwendock villas Broad John Butler, watch maker medical officer & public vaccinator
' No. I district, St. Columb union
Martyn Thomas, Gonvena house Brown James, shoe maker
Martyn William, Gwendock villas Burt David, ship's master Hewitt Harry,auctionr.survyr.& valuer
Norway Miss, White Rock Buscomb John, clerk to L. & S. W. R Higgs Mary (Miss), ladies' school ·
Oatey Edwin, Guinea port Buse William,milliner & draper Higman Charles, grocer,& agent for W.
Paynter William Camel GreatConsolidated Silver, Lead& & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit mers
Philp Joseph Copper Mine(,VilliamPaynter, propr) Hill Henry, florist .'
Potter William Roberts Crawford D.L., Capital & Counties Bank Limited (sub- Hooper William1 blacksmith
J.P. Gonvena branch) (George Martyn, manager) ; Hoskin & Son, jobbing masters
Stewart Frederick George draw on head office, 39 Threadneedle Hoskins Charles, butcher & farmer
Symons Capt. John street, London E c Hotten James, dairyman ·
Symons Mark Cavell William & Co. grocer,& temper- Jago Alfred Charles F.s.sc.LOnd.univ.
Symons Mrs. Whiterock terrace ance hotel Grammar school, 'frenant
Cavell Thomas, steam packet agent Julian John Charles, fruiterer
Symons Richard James Edward
Kestle Edwin, watch maker &c North Cornwall Coach Co. Limited Symons Harry, builder, Glenco terrace
King Edwin, superintendent of Bodmin (Mark Simons, sec) Symons Richard Jas. Edwd. solicitor &
& Wadebridg-e rai!.way Oatey & Martyn, iron & brass founders notary public& commissioner of oaths
Lander Harriet (Mrs.), Ship inn & gas proprieters Town Hall (Francis Benton, keeper)
Literary & Scientific Institution(Richd. Oatey James Ed win, tobacconist & Trebilock Trehane, jobmaster
Dawe, treas.; Richard Eustace, sec.; photographer Tregaskis Samuel T. corn & coal mer
James Brown, librarian) Paddock James, inspector of police I Tremellen Wm.gunsmith & blacksmith
Lobb Edwin, china & glass dealer Paul John, builder Truscott Hart Nickell, grocer, draper
Lobb Ignatius, carpenter & joiner Paul Harry, saddler & harness mal.:er & provision merchant
Lockett William, butcher Paynter William,saddler & ironmonger Truscott Richard, coal & general mer-
Lockett Thomas, grocer Philp Joseph, druggist & grocer chant, building material dealer &c.
Lucy Wm.supervisor of inland revenne Pollard Samuel, Molesworth Arms See advertisement
Mallett & Sons, ironmongers & (patronized by royalty) family, corn- Volunteer Battalion(2nd)Duke of Corn-
plumbers mercial & private hotel, posting in wall's Light Infantry (F Co.) (Hon.
Martyn Frederick & John, coal & gen- all its branches, omnibus to meet Major Samuel Symons Hambly, com-
era! merchants,auctioneers&builders' every train. See advertisement mander ; Rev. E. S. Shuttleworth
ironmongers Prynne Michael Alien, draper & grocer M.A. acting chaplain)
Martyn George, general merchant Quintrell Matthew, printer & stationer, Wadebridge Gas Works (OlJ,tey & Mar-
Martyn John, coal merchant saw IRiPchoasrtdosffMiceary (Miss), grocer tyn, proprietors)
Martyn Samuel Symons, steam Wadebridge Billiard Club (W. H.
mills, timber, iron, steel & lead mers Rickard & Co. wholesale grocers, tea Wills, sec)
Martyn William,manure manufacturer dealers & provision merchants Ward Wm.Hy. tailor,hatter & outfitter
& corn merchant Robins Nicbolas, stone mason Wellington Waiter, clerk
Masonic Hall (Harry Lander, sec) Saunders Edward, Queen's Head P.H Western C"unti:ls Agricultural Co-
May William, furniture dealer & buildr Stewart Frederick George, surgeon, & operative Association Limited (J. H.
MenheiJitt John, miller (water) medical officer & public vaccinator Grant, branch manager), manure
Menhinick Alexander, builder No. 2 district, Bodmin union & certi- merchants &c
JIIIolesworth Arms (patronized by fying factory surgeon Williams Thomas, c'lrpenter & joiner
royalty) family, commercial & pri- Soper Richard, guard of N. Cornwall Wills & Sons, wholesale grcrs.& tea dlrs
vate hotel,posting in all its branches, coach Wills Saml. dra.per, grocer & genl. mer
omnibus to meet every train (Samuel 1 Symons Frank, draper Woolcock Robert, carting agent for G.
Pollard, proprietor). See advert Symons Mark, manager of the Cornish W. Railway, & refreshment rooms
Moon Henry, basket maker Bank Limited
W ARBSTOW is a parish and village, 2£ miles west from of the church, and 82o feet above the sea level ; it consists
Tresmeerstation on the Launceston and Wadebridge section of a double vallum, with two entrances, the inner are~
<Jf the London and South Western railway, 8 north-east from measuring 1,200 feet by 1,075 feet; from the summit Laun-
Camelford and II west-by-north from Vmnceston, in the ceston may be seen. John Dingleyesq. is lord of the manor.
~orth Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty The principal landowners are John Bailey, William and John
sessional division of Lesnewth, union and county court Drakes, Edward and Charles Spettigue and Samuel Uglow
. district of Launceston, rural deanery of Trigg Major, arch- esqrs. The soil is light ; subsoil, various. The chief crops
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of are wheat, oats and roots. The area is 4, 104 acres ; rate-
St. Werburgh is a building of stone in the Early English able value, £2, r86 : the population in 18gr was 396.
style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, north aiRle, Letters received from Egloskerry R.S.O. arrive at n a.m.
north porch, dated 16or, and an embattled western tower WALL LETTER Box, cleared at r.·N p.m. The nearest
.of 3 stages, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, dated respec- money order office is at Egloskerry & telegraph office at
tively r665, r68o and 1714: there is a curious Norman font, Tresmeer
and an inscribed stone to Anna Grigg, ob. 1688: the church
was restored in 1861, and has 150 sittings. The register A School Board of 7 members was formed June 21, 1875,
dates from the year 1695. The living is a vicarage, incor- for the united district of Warbstow, Tremaine, Treneglos
porated with that of Treneglos, average tithe rent-charge & Tresmeer, with Laneast contributory with r member;
(Warbstow) £134, joint net yearly value £ 140, with 3 roods John Kittow, of Tremaine, attendance officer
<Jf glebe at Warbstow, in the gift of H.R.H. the Duke of Board School (mixed), average attendance, 6o children;
Cornwall K.G. and held since r8g2 by the Rev. Leland Bowen William Pethick, master; Mrs. Pethick, sewing mistress;
Dundas, who resides at Treneglos. Warbstow barrow, an gs. rod. is received for the school from Mason's charity,
ancient and noted earthwork, is situated two furlongs north of Treneglos
CO:UMERCIAL. Gregory William, blacksmith Slowman Philip, farmer, Wytheyvan
Bailey John, yeoman, 'frevillan Grigg Richard, farmer, Fentregau Slowman Thomas, farmer
Baker Henry, farmer, Cardew Gynn James, farmer, Treswen Spettigue EdwarJ & Charles, yeomen,
Bluett William, farmer, Church town Gynn James, jun. farmer, Tredarrup
Braddon Bowden, farmer, Tredown Harris Henry,farmer & miller (water), Downiney
Buckingham Charles, farmer, Fanston Spettigue William, farmer
Burnard Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Trelash Trengune Stutton William, farmer
Cann John, carpenter Heard Thomas, farmer, Hendra
Curtice John, farmer, Trengune Kinsman John, miller (water) Symons John (the exors. of), farmer,
Daw Thomas, mason, Trelash Orchard John, farmer, Youlton Downiney
Dennis William, farmer, Trenannick Parsons Sampson, carpenter
Drakes Wm.& Jn. yeomen,Penwenham Pethick John, carpenter Trease Richard, blacksmith
Fry Samuel, boot maker Prout Simon, farmer, Fanston
Rundell John, farmer Uglow Charles, farmer, Tredarrup
Veysey John, farmer, Fanston
Woodley Henry, farmer, Canworthy
WARLEGGAN is a parish and village, on the Temple resides at the rectory. Here are Bible Christian and Was-
stream, 5 miles north-east from Bodmin Road station on the leyan chapels. Frederick Ernest Remfry esq. who is lord of
Great Western railway and 6 east-by-north from Bodmin, the manor, and Lord Vivian K.C.M.6. are the chief land-
in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred and owners. The soil is peat and clayey loam; the subsoil is
petty sessional division of West, Bodmin union and county part granite and part clay-slate. The chief crops are barley
court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and oats, with some wheat. The area is 2,055 acres ; rate-
and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Bartholomew is an able value, £r,420; the population in 1891 was 2o6.
ancient building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, con- Sexton, Thomas Lobb.
sisting of chancel, nave, south porch and a western tower PosT 0FF'ICE, Monnt.-Samnel Reynolds, 1mb-postmaster.
containing one bell: there are rso sittings. The register Letters arrive through Bodmin at ro.4o a.m. ; dispatched
dates from the year 1540. The living is a rectory, average at 2.2op.m. The nearest money order office is at Bodmin,.
tithe rent-charge £131, gross yearly value £156, including & telegraph office at Bodmin Road railway station
19 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of F. E. Remfry A School Board of 5 members was formed June 6, 1877;
esq. and held since 1878 by the Rev. William Edwin Rem- William Stephens, Mount, clerk to the board
fry, of St. Aidans, who resides at Crockenhill, Swanley Board School (mixed), built in r88o, at a cost of £480, for
Junction, Kent; the Rev. Carlton Olive M.A. of Exeter Col- 6o children; average attendance, 37; Miss Kate Broad,.
lege, Oxford, has been curate in charge since r889, and mistress
Olive Rev. Carlton M. A. Rectory Bunt Petherick, farmer, Lower Thorn; Chapman James, blacksmith, Mount
& Old Cardinham Coppin Hugh, farmer, Little Bofindle
Alford John, farmer, Whitewall
Burlase Thos.Soldiers' Arms P.H,Mount Cowls James, carpenter
DEV. & CORX. 83$
Doney Charles, farmer, Carbarrow Riddle William, farmer, Trevorder Thomas l\Iary (Mrs.), farmer, Holroad
Runnalls Charles, farmer, Trengoff Treveddl) Tin Mine (Nichol!s Brothers,
KnightWilliamPeter,sbopkeeper,Mount Runnalls Robert, ·farmer, Carne
managers ; J. Moss, agent)
Lander Martin, farmer, Botindle Runnalls Robert, farmer, Church town Wherry Jn.Coppin,frmr.Higher Thorne
Hunnalls William, farmer, Woodah Worden William, farmer, Downhouse
Lawry Thomas, farmer, Treveddo Stephens William, farmer, Mount
Moss John, mine agent .
Reynolds Samuel, boot & shoe maker,
Post office, Mount
WEEK ST. MARY is an agricultural village and entered into conversation with her, and eventually took her
parish, 9 miles south-west from Ho!sworthy, rot north- to London with him, where she became a member of his
west from Launceston, 7 north from Tresmeer station on household, and on the death of his wife he married her=
the London and South Western railway, and 7 south from after having been twice a widow, she married Sir John Per-
Stratton, in the North Eastern division of the county, cival, Lord Mayor of London in 1498, whom she also sur-
hundred, petty sessional division and union of Stratton, vived, and eventually returned to her native village and
county court district of Holsworthy, rural deanery of Strat- spent the remainder of her life in acts of benevolence;
ton, archdeaconry of llodmin and diocese of Truro. The amongst others she founded a chantr.r, in connection with
church of St. Mary is a building of stone and granite, in the which there was a seminary, noted for the excellence of its
Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan- education, and regarded as a centre of learning for this part
eel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled of the country until the transfer of its privilege to Launces-
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, all cast in ton after the suppression of religious houses ; a portion of
1731: in the north aisle, once a chantry dedicated to St. an embattled wall, still in existence, and called the" college,"
John the Baptist, a piscina and fragments of an altar re- is supposed to be the remains of Dame Thomasine Percival's
main: in the north wall are the rood loft stairs: the font is chantry. At Ashbury is an ancient earthwork, with an
octangular, and of Late Perpendicular date: the tower, built area of about 4 acres ; and at Swannacot wood, an entrench-
in 1543, is of granite ashlar; and has a large canopied niche ment of o\·al shape, measuring about rso by 130 feet. The
on the south side: there are memorials to George Rolle, manorial rights are divided. John Ward Spear esq. J.P. of
1602; John Mill, 1631 ; Edward Mill, t6Io; Margery, wife Dunterton; Edward l\Iucklow esq. l.P. of Whitstone Head~
of John Gayer, gent. 1679, and others; and in the north Holsworthy; Cecil Bray esq. of Langford Hill, Marham-
aisle is a memorial window to Mrs. Hopkins, wife of the Rev. church, and John Lethbridge Cowlard esq. are the principa}
G. H. Hopkins, late rector: the church ""'as restored in . landowners. The soil is chiefly clay; subsoil, the same.
188o at a cost of £1,8oo, and in 1887 the tower was The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area
thoroughly renovated and the bells recast, at a cost of £r68: is 5,824 acres ; rateable mlue, £2,913; the population in
there are x85 sittings. The rPgister dates from the year x8gr was 548.
16o2. The living is a rector.y, av~rage tithe rent-charge BAKESDOWN, 2i miles north-east, and WEEK ORCHARD, 2l
£342, net yearly value £336, mcludmg 90 acres of glebe, miles north are hamlets
with residence, in the gift of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- .' · •
bridge, and held since r885 by the Rev. John Dawson Peake Sexton, John Brock.
M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here is a Free PosT 0FFICE.-John Sandercock, sub-postmaster. Letters
Methodist chapel. The Bible Christian chapel, built in through Stratton R.S.O. (North Devon) arrive at 9.50
1845, and re-erected in r883 at a cost of £450, is a building a. m. ; dispatched at 2.55 p.m. week days only. Whit-
of stone with cement facing in the Gothic style, and will stone is the nearest money order office & Stratton the
seat 8o persons. The poor have the rent of 2 roods of land, nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here~
producing £3 annually. Fairs are held here on July 29th, but not paid
September 15th and the Wednesday before Christmas Day. A School Board of 5 members was formed Aug. 24, 1874;
This was a place of considerable importance in earlier times, Rev. J. D. Peake M. A. is chairman & clerk of the board
and its history is rendered interesting through an incident Board Schoell(mixed), built in 1876, for 90 children~
which occurred in the 14th century : it is related that average attendance, 8.~ ; Thomas William King, master;
Thomas Bunsby, a London merchant, chancing to meet Mrs. Mary King, sewing mistress
with Thomasine Bonaventure, a cottage girl of this place, CARRIERS TO LAUNCESTON-Jsph.Horrell & Harry Fry,on sat
Carpenter Morton B. Glanville Gubbin John, farmer, Brendon Orchard William, shoe maker & farmer
May Frederick Honey Charles Henry, baker & grocer Painter Henry, farmer, Village
Peake Rev. John Dawson M.A. Rectory Horrell John, farmer Prower Thomas, carpenter
Walkey William Hutchings Bethnel, tailor & shopkeeper Sandercock John, farmer, Post ofiice
Willett WilliamRichard Hany,Stewarts Kinsman Charlotte (Mrs.), miller Skinner James, farmer, Prestacott
Woodley James (water), 'frefrows Skinner Thomas, farmer, Ex
COMMERCIAL. Kinsman Jane (,Mrs.), miller (water), Sleeman Samuel, farmer, Ashbury
Adams Brothers, farmers, Bowdah Morrish Sloman John, farmer, Exmoor
Ayres Josiah, mason Kinsman John, farmer, Odd mill Smale George, farmer, Week green
Bickford Thomas, mason Lyle John, farmer, Purse Str,eeth John, beer retailer & carpenter
Braund James, farmer, Pigsdown & Lyle Lewis, farmer, Sladdacott Smith Saml.farmer & shopkpr. Trefrows
Grove End Lyle William, farmer, Lanhillock Smith William, farmer, Steel hill
Brewer Henry John, draper & grocer Martyn Richard, farmer, Kitleigh Spettigue Richard, farmer, Thinwood
Colwill John, farmer, Village • Martyn William, blacksmith & shopkpr Stacey John, farmer, Knowle
Colwill Thomas(Mrs. ),farmer,Westcott May Frederick, surgeon, & medical Staddon John, Tree inn, & shoe maker
Congdon Daniel, yeoman,"Week orchard officer & public vaccinator for South Stanbury Martin, farmer, Goscott
Congdon William, butcher district, Stratton union Symons James, farmer, Kitleigh
Dennis Thomas, farmer, Credacott May Williarn, farmer, Week green Treleaven Michael, farmer, Steel
Dennis Thomas, farmer & butcher Medland William, farmer, Whiteley Walkey Thomas, fun. farmer, Leigh
Fry Mary Ann (Mrs.), New inn Orchard Thomas, tailor, draper, hatter Wickett John, farmer, Swannacott
Fry Samuel, blacksmith & tea dealer
• WENDRON, or St. GWENDRON, is a parish, bounded on now incomplete, of a civilian and his wife, and below these
the west by the river Cober, and on the east by the river figures of 15 children, c. 158o, supposed to commemorate
He!, 2~ miles north from Helston terminal station of a branch the Hill family, of Trenethick ; on the north side is a fine but
of the Great Western railway, in the Truro division of the headless brass effigy o( a priest in processional vestments,
county, hundred and petty sessional division of West Kerrier, representing Warine Penhalluryk LL.B. prebendary of Glas-
Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of ney, rector of St. Just and vicar of St. Stythians and Wen·
Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The dron, ob. 9th April, 1535 ; the inscription on a narrow
church of St.. Gwendron is a building of granite in the banding of brass surrounds the margin of the slab : the
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of nave, south church was new ~roofed, thoroughly restored and reseated
aisle, north transept, south porch and an embattled western with open benches in 1868, under the direction of the law
tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells, all cast in 1833, Mr. E. Bedding, at a cost of £ I,roo : the church has 36Cil
except t.l:\e second, which is dated r868 : the church retains sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1562;
piscina, sedilia and a credence, and the rood stairs also marriages and burials, rs6o. The living is a vicarage,
remain : there are several mural monumenti of modern yearly average tithe rent-charge £.p9, net income £309•
date : the stained east window was presented by the Rev. G. with residence and sr acres of glebe, in the gift of Williarn
B. Boraston, a former vicar : in the north wall of the chancel Lethbridge esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Edward
is an arched recess about 8 feet in breadth, anciently used Lethbridge Kingsford B. .A.. of Corpus Christi college, Oxford.
as an Easter sepulchre, and over the western part of the There is a mission church at GwealangP..ars, and Free
recess is a lepers' window, rr inches wide and 6 feet high: Methodist chapels at Four Lanes, now called Pencoys, and at
the altar stone now forms the door step of the entrance to Edgs:umbe; a Bible Christian chaprl at Boskenwyn; Wes-
the chancel: in the chancel on the south side of the commu- leyan chapels at Penmarth, Porkellis, Burras, Coverack-
nion table (but formerly in the south aisle) arP. brass effigies, bridges, Gweek, Degibna, l\Ianhay and Crelly, and a Baptist
chapel at Lower Town. The church of St. Decumanus, at 1 and whose hunting seat was at Trenear : in 1392 the property
Merther Uny, originally dedicated to St. Uny, an Irish, went by marriage t.o John Hill, whose descendants lived here
saint, was licensed in 1427 and desecrate1 at the end of the till 1734: John Thomas esq. is now lord of the barton. The
last century: the horth wall, which is in tolerable preserva- soil is loam; the subsoil is granite. The chief crops are grass,
tion, and part of a tall round-headed cross still remain wheat, oats and green crops. The area., including the dis-
on the site: the cemetery is now a garden. At Trussal once trict of C.unmenellis, is 13,129 acres of land and 86 of water ;
stood an ancient chapel, dedicn.ted to St. Wendrona, and an rateable value, £14,413; the population in r88r was 4,585,
Early English piscina still marks the site. At Bodilly is including Carnmenellis, exclusive of Helston, and in 13Jr,
another chapel, dedicated to St. Henry the Hermit, ob. n2o, 4,250.
and here also the piscina remains. Ancient crosses exist at Parish Clerk, John Dalley.
Polglase, Trenethick, Manhay, Bouilly, and in the church- PosT OFFICE, Gweek.-Richard Collins, sub-postmaster.
yards at Wendron and Merther Uny. At 'frelill is a holy Letters through Helston arrive at n a.m. ; dispatched at
well, dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin, over which is an 1.40 p.m. week days only. Helston is the nearest money
oratory. At Roseladden is a well, reached by a flight of order & tele~raph office. Postd orders are issued here,
steps, 35 in number. This is a mining district ; only two but not paid
mines are however worked at present, and these only par- PosT 0l'FICE, Porkellis.-Mrs. ElizaJohns, sub-postmistress.
tially. Fairs are held on the 27th of July and 29th of Letters through Helston arrive at II.2o; dispatched at
September yearly, for cattle and .sheilp. Rowe's charity of 1.30. Helston is the nearest money order & telegraph office
£5 is for poor widows of this parish. At Manhay, in t.his PosT OFFICE, Trenear.-William Winn, sub-postmaster.
parish, is Beacon hill, 400 feet high. The remains of ancient Letters through Helston arrive at 11.5 a. m.; disp:~.tched
camps. are still vi3ible at Craskin, Grambla, Lower Town at 2.5 p.m. Helston is the nearest money order & te!e-
and Trewavas. Tumuli are to be seen at Nancrossa, Dacam graph offica. Postal orders are issued here, but not pai:l
Four Cross and Boskenwyn Downs. Wendron is included WALL BoxEs, at Manhay, cleared 12 a.m.; Trewennack,
in the Duchy manors of Helston Tony and HelstonCb.amond. 2.10 p.m. ; Lower Town, 3· ro p. m. week days only
Capt. J. Peverill Rogers R.A. is lord of the manor. Colonel ScHOOLS : -
Arthur Tremayne D.L., J.P. of Carclew, Mylor, Lord A School Board of 7 members was formed January 9,
Robartes,Lord St.Levan,Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan 1874; J. Perry, Boswin, clerk to the board; John Oliver
bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, the Rev. Canon Frederick Hockin & John Goldsworthy, attendance officers
M.A. rector of St. Phillack, Henry Rogers esq. Helston, Board, Doskenwyn, erected in 1876, for 120 children;
George John Smith esq. D. r.. , J.P. of Treliske, John Thomas average attendance, 27 boys, 21 girls & 15 infants; John
esq. and John Charles Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Carwardine, master
Castle, are the chief landowners. Trenethick is a barton; Board (late National), Wheal Ruby, for 200 children;
soon after the Conquest it became the residence of the average attendance, 50 boys, 42 girls & 24 infants;
Seneschals, who were stewards of the Earls of Cornwall, Edward Nicholas Row, master
Jeffery John, Gweek James James, farmer, Mauhey 1 Richards James, farmer, Garlidna
Kingsford R~v. Edwarcl Lethbriclge James Richard, farmer, Trenethick RichardsJn.Martin, builder,Meneagest
B.A. Vicarage Jeffery Albert, farmer, Treloar Richards Wm. Hy. farmer, Garlidna.
Polkinghorne Thom:.lS, 'l'renear Jenkin Alfred, farmer, TrewaYas J RRoobbearrttssWJma.mReosb,t.facramrpeer,ntHeern,dMeraneag~ st
Pryor Thomas, Cr.1skin Jenkin Joseph Jas. farmer, Boclerlogan
Roskruge Thomas Francis, Trenetbick Jenkin \Ym. farmP.r, Trelill & Chenhall i Roskruge Thos.Fras.farmer,Trenethick
Rows Christopher, 'l'resprison Johns Benuett Rogers, farmer & local Rowe Edwin, farmer, Metheruney
Rows Richard Gundry J.P. Tresprison agt. to the Duchy of Cornwall, Bodilly Rows Christopber, farmer, Tresprison
COM~IERC'IAL. J ohns \V1lliam, farmer, 'l'relill Stephens J ohn,frmr.& sbopkpr. Manhey
BearJas.millr. (water)&frmr.Trenethick Julian Henry, farmer, Nanswidden Symons William, farmer, Treloquithack
Eenney William, farmer, Treloquithack Kitto John, farmer, Mengern I Temby James, farrr:er, Carthvean
Blitchford William, farmer, Manherion Lovell Tin Mine (Jsph. Prisk, manager) IThomas Alfred, Miners' Arms P.H. &
BolithoJohnThos.farmer,HigherGweek Michell Jesse, farmer, Polglase j farmer, Laity
Bowden Joseph, farmer, Treloquithack Moyle Henry, farmer, Hendra 1Thomas John, farmer & shopkpr. Laity
Bray John, farmer, Gwealangers :\Ioyle Joseph, farmer, 'l'revenen 1Thomas John, l:uldowner, Crowgey
Bray John, farmer, Gwealmayow Moyle Peter, farmer, Boquio 1 Thomas Josiah, farmer, Crowgey
Bray John, farme~, Trenethick l\Ioyle Samuel, relieving & vaccination Thomas Peter, farmer, Trillian
'Carlyon Thomas, juu. farmer, Roskillon officer No. r district, & registrar of Thomas William, farmer, Ninnis
Champion Joseph, farmer, Boquio births & deaths for the sub-district Thomas\Vm.Hy. blacksmith,Carnebone
ChristopherNicholas,mllr.(wtr.),Gweek · of Wend.ron, Helston umon, Ct·elly Tippett James, farmer, Nan'l)oe
• Cock William Hy. farmer, Roseladden Moyle Samuel Hill, farmer, Crelly Treloar Bennett, farmer, Crahan
.Collins Thomas, farmer, Boskenwyn Moyle Waiter, farmet·, Crelly 1 Treloar Bennett, farmer & miUer
Collins William, miller .(water) & Moyle Wi1liam, farmer, Bodilly (water), Pollard
general dealer, Gweek Oliver John, farmer, Pentire Treloar Bennett, farmer, 'frelubbus
Dale Charles, farmer, Boskenwyn Oliver Wllliam, farmer, Casterrils Treloar John, farmer, Trelubbus
Dally Henry, miller (water) & farmer, Olivey Hugh, farmer, Carndrose Treloar John, jun. farmer, Franch:s
Mellangoose Pascoe James, farmer, 'l'rewennack 'freloar l\lartha Annie (Mrs.), far.ner,
Date Henry, farmer, Hendra l'ascoe John, farmer, Grambla Church town •
Dennis Joseph, dairyman, Church town Pascoe Joseph, farmer, Pollard Treloar William, farmer, Boderwen-
Downing James, farmer, Gunhusband Pearce John, farmer, Carnebone nack & Glebe
Dnnstan Thomas Henry, farmer & tin Pearce Joseph, farmer, Manhey Treseder Jn. shopkpr. & mason,Trenear
dresser, Trenear Pearce William, farmer, Lizerea 'l'revithick John Henry, farmer, Pentire
Dunstan William R. G. farm~r, Burras Perry Edwd. & Son, farmers, Trevelgis Veal James, accountant, Gweek
Ellis Samson, rope maker, Gwealangers Perry James, farmer, Carthew Volunteer Battalion (1st) Duke of Corn-
Fanl!Jsph.grocer&farmer,Trewennack Perry John, wheelwright, Laity wall's Light Infantry (I Co.) (Capt.
Faull Thomas, wheelwright, Trenear Perry John, farmer, Boskenwyn John Jeffery, commandant), Gweek
iFreeman Alfred, farmer, Degibna Piper Benuett Dunn, farmer, Crahan Wearn John, farmer, Boskenwyn
Goldsworthy Jas. farmer, Boskenwyn Frisk Joseph, mine agent, Manhey Williams Francis, farmer, Crelly
Gweek Company (John Jeffery, jun. Prisk Joseph, jun. grocer, Crelly Wi:Jiams Henry, farmer, 'f.regarrick
manager), coal & timbermers. Gweek Pryor John, jun. farmer, Lower town 'Villiams John, farmer, Gwealfolds
Harris Albert, farmer & millet (water), Pryor John, metal merchant, Trelubbus Williams Jn. Glanville,frmr.Low.Bodilly
'frelubbus Pryor Thomas, farmer, Crasken Williams Mary (Mrs.), Star inn, 'l're-
Harris Thomas, farmer, Nansloe Rapson Thos. H.ichd. farmer, Carnebone wennack
Harris William, farmer, Trenethick Reed Charles, farmer, Trevenen 'Villiams Peter, hrmer, Trenethick
Harry JosephJohn, farmer,Tremenhere Reed John, New inn, Church town Williams Richd.Chas.mason,Trelubbus
Barvey James, millwright, Trelubbns Reed B.ichard, farmer, Garlidna Williams Thomas, farmer, Trenethick
Harvey William, millwright, Trevenen Reynolds Josiah, farmer, Carnebone Winn \Vm.blcksmth,Postoffice,Trenear
ST. WENN is a parish, 3 miles north from Victoria' tower, the upper stage of which, destroyed by lightning in
station on the Newquay branch (Cornwall Minerals) of the 1663, has ne,·er been fully re:;tored: the plinth is enriched
Great Western railway, 4 miles east from St. Colum b, in the with quatrefoils : the belfry contains 6 good bells, cast in
Mid division of t.he county, hundred and petty sessional 1777: tnere are sittings for 223 persons. The register dates
division of Pyda.r, St. Columb union and county court dis- from the year 17o6. The li\'ing is a vicarage, average tithe
trict, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconryof Cornwall and rent-charge 1:125, gross income {,232, including 128 acres
diocese of 'fruro. The church of St. Wenna, rebuilt in 1823, of glebe, with house, in the gift of Jonathan Rashleigh esq.
and restored in r868, is a bui ding chiefly of granite in the of 1\Ienabtlly, and held since r884 by the Rev. Thomas
Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave of three James Bennett H.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. Here
bays, aisles, soutb porch and a ma:~sive embattled western 1 are Wesleyan and Bible Chri:stian chapels. Some remains
of an ancient chapel and well, dedicated to St. Mary Mag- usual cereals. The area is 3,687 acres; rateable value
dalen, exist at Carenza-\Vartha, near Cransworth; the well, £2,879; the population in 1891 was 423.
remarkable for its pure water, is still called '' Chapel Well,·' TREGANATHA is a village, 1 mile south-west, and RosE-
and there is another dedicated to St. Wenna. On St. Breock NANNON, I mile north-west from the church.
Downs, which extend into this parish and are 739 feet above Letters through Bodmin arrive at 10.45 a.m. except for
the sea level, lies a huge monolith, called "The Long Stone," Treganatha, which are through St. Columb R.S.O. St.
27 feet in extreme length; it is now prostrate, but is sup- Columb is the nearest money order & telegraph office
posed from its position at four cross roads to have once been wALL LETTER BOXES : -
a boundary mark. :Fait·s are held at Treganatha on the 6th Church town, cleared at 3 p.m. week days only
May and the rst .August. The principal landowners are Rosenannon, cleared at 3.15 pm. week days only
Treganatha, cleared at II.25 a.m. week dayl! only
Lord Robartes, Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune esq. D.L.,
J.P. of Pride11ux Place,Padstow, Edward Thomas Theophilus .A School Board of 5 members was formed April I4t 1883 ;
Whitford-Hawkey esq. of St. Columb, John Chas. Williams Thomas Hobbah is clerk to the board
esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle and John Bevill Fortescue esq.
D.L., J. P. of Boconnoc, Lo1>twithiel. The soil is of various Board School, built in 1855, for 150 children; averag&
kinds, and the subsoil is chiefly loamy. The crops are the attendance, 53; John Sluman, master
Bennett Rev. Thomas Jas. B. A. Vicarage Cornwall Constabulary (R. D. Collett, J PedlarChas.farmer,Pengelly & Polgrain
Hicks J oseph, Prince park constable) Prynn Edwd.farmr.Cransworth springs
Shadwell Waiter H. L. Trewollack ho Drew William, farmer, Borlase Rowe John Hicks, farmer, Lancorla
Hawken James, shopkeeper Stephens Richard, farmer, Treganatha
COMMERCIAL. Hawkey James, farmer, Killiganogue 1 Stephens Ric':lard, jun. farmer, Rose~
Benney William, farmer, Rosenannon Hawkey Mrs. Henry,farmer,'frewollack nannon
Best Thomas, cowkeeper Hawkey John, farmer, Kernick Stephens William, farmer, Tregurtha
Biddick James & Son, farmers,Tregolds Hawkey Richard, farmer, Treganatha Stephens Wm.jun. farmer,Treganantha.
Biddick William, farmer, Treliver Hawkey Thos. miller (water),Trewithen Stickland Alfred Emanuel, farmer~
Blake Marshall, farmer, Little Skews & 1 Hicks Francis, farmer, Demelza
Lower Polmorla
Kernick Hicks Joseph, yeoman, Prince park Strongman James, farmer, Cransworth
Blake Richard, farmer, Kernick Hicks Jsph. Lanyon, farmer, Rostkgan downs
Brenton Francis, blacksmith & farmer, Hicks Wm.farmer,Penhillick & Treliver Tretheway William Henry, cowkeeper~
Tregauatha Kent Nathaniel,farmcr,HigherPolmorla 'freganatha .
Brenton Henry, farmer, Kernick Kessell Edwd.& Sons, farmrs.Trewithan Udy John, farmer, Treganatha
Brenton Thomas, farmer, Treganatha Lander Harry, farmer, Skews Varcoe Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Demelza
Chapman Harry, farmer, Cransworth Lander John, farmer, Little Tregolds Warne Thomas, farmer, Lantueal
springs Lobb Nicholas Key, farmer, Borlase Warne William Hy. farmer, Lantueal
Chapman John, farmer, Beacon downs MuttonMary(l\Irs.),shpkpr.Treganatha 'Werden Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Lower-
Cock John, farmer, Little Trewollack Neal Richard, farmer, Trcgolds Polgrain
Collicatt Richard, farmer, Lantueal Neal Richard, jun. farmer, Lantuel Williams Rd. blacksmith, Rosenannon
Cornish William, carpenter Old Ernest, blacksmith
WHITSTONE is a parish and village on the river including 37 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of •
Tamar, 6 miles south-west from Holsworthy station on the and held since r864 by the Rev. Robert Hawker Kingdon
London and South Western railway, 8 south from Stratton M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The Bible Christian
and 9 north-west from Launceston, in the North Eastern chapel here was built in 1864, and rebuilt in 1885, at a cost
division of the county, hundred, petty sessional division and of £150, and will seat r8o persons. Robyn's charity is of
union of Strat.ton, county court district of Holsworthy, rural the yearly value of Ios. Hilton Wood Castle is an ancient
deanery of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of earthwork, oval in foriJl and measuring 2 rs by 170 feet,
Truro; the Bude canal runs through the parish. The with a bank 14 feet high, and a ditch 12 feet in width.
-church of St. .Ann is an ancient building of stone with Whitstone Head, the seat of Edward Mucklow e::Jq. J.P. lord
granite dressings in the Perpendicular style, consisting of of the manor and the principal landowner, is a handsome
chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an em- modern mansion of red brick, built on an eminence com-
battled western tower of four stages, with pinnacles, con- manding extensive views of the surrounding country. The
taining 5 bells, alJ re-cast in 1776 : at the west end of the soil is chiefly clay ; subsoil, the same. The chief crops ar&
nave is a memorial to John Cornisho, formerly rector of wheat, barley, oats and roots. The parish contains 3,787
this parish, 1525, and there are others to the Hill and acres ; rateable value, £2,246; the population in 1891
Symons families, 165o-82; Magdalene Spoure, 1687, and to was 394·
Honner, wife of John Gayer, r6go: the organ was pre- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office.-
sented by Edward :Mucklow esq. at a cost of £200: m the Miss Mary Northey, sub-postmistress. Letters througll
north wall is a handsome brass to Mrs. 1\lucklow, erected in Holsworthy, arrive at 10.10 a. m. & dispatched at 3 p.m.
r889: the font, of Norman date, is circular and adorned Holsworthy is the nearest telegraph office
with foliated ornament : the church was thoroughly restored
in r882, at a cost of £ 1,400 : there are open benches for 200 .A School Board of 4 members was formed .August 21, 1874;
persons: in the churchyard, which is entered through a the Rev. R. H. Kingdon M. A. clerk to the board; George-
handsome lych-gate, is an ancient well, inclosed within a Skinner, attendance officer
canopied Gothic arch, and at the back is a niche. The .Board School (mixed), built in 1879, for so children; aver-
register dat.es from the year r663. The living IS a rectory, age attendance, 58 ; Ephraim Noye, master; Miss Mary
average tithe rent-charge £194, gross yearly value £234, E. Penwarden, sewing mistress
Kingdon Rev.Robt.Hawker M.A. Rectry Elliott John, cowkeeper, Keywood Parsons James, blacksmith
Kingdon Miss, Pendragon Elliott John, farmer, Thorne Parsons Richard, boot & shoe maker-
Mucklow Edward J. P. Whitstone head Gilbert John, carpenter Penwarden .Azarias, shopkeeper
Goodman Thomas, farmer, Tenkin Skinner Geor~e, farmer, Pentacost
COMMERCJAL. Ham Daniel, farmer, West.more ~tanbury William, farmer, Lower &.
.Avery Thomas, hind to Edward Muck- Ham Henry, farmer, Nethercott
Heard John, miller (water) & farmer, Barton Wadfast
low esq Steer Eliza (Mrs.),frmr.HigherWadfast.
Badcock Henry, farmer, Dillon Langaton Veal Elizabeth (Mrs.), Oak P.H
BadcockJn.millr.(water),Hannafordml Hutchings Thomas, farmer, Thorn Veal William, carpenter
Braund William, farmer, Forkstone Jenkins Mary (~Irs.), farmer, M1lton
Carter S!las, farmer, West Balsdon Jones Nathaniel, farmer, Dipper Vinnicombe John, mason
Coles Edward, farmer, Downrow Knight John, farmer, Odd mill Webb Richard, farmer, Forkstone
Coles Nathaniel, farmer, Bennetts LawrenceThomas,cowkeeper,Nethercott Williams William, estate bailiff to
Cohrelll:lamuel, farmer, l''oxhole Martin Daniel, farmer, Luckham
Cowling Thotnas, builJer, carpenter, Edward Mucklow esq. J.P. Boot
Martin John, farmer, West moor Yeo Barnabas, farmer, East Balsdon
wheel\'l·right & undertaker
ST. WINNOW' is a parish and village, on the river and an embattled western tower containing 5 bells: the
J.<'owey and adjoining the parish of Lostwithiel, 2 miles south chancel and north wall are said to be the oldest part of the
from Lostwithiel station on the Great Western railway, and church and dat~ from about the end of the 12th century: the
12 south-west from Liskeard, in the South Eastern division chancel-screen is a fine specimen of ancient carving,and 29
of the cunnty, hundred and petty sessional division of West, of the bench ends are ornamented with various deyices: the
Bodmin union, Liskeard county court district, rural deanery pulpit is also richly carved : the font, of granite elvan, dates
and archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of 'fruro. The from the 14th century, and the basin bears the following in-
church of St. Winnow is an ancient building of stone and scription: "Ecce karissimi de deo. vero baptizabuntur
granite, in the Early Perpendicular style, and consists of spiritu sancto: "the east window of the south aisle is a
chancel, nave, south aisle, small north transept, south porch memorial to members of the L'Erchdekne family and the~
is another to Lieut. Teignmouth Melvill, who perished, to- 1and a quarter of amile north-west of Lerryn, and commands
gether with Lieut. Coghill, at the Tugela river, tlouth Africa, delightful views of the surrounding country. The Dowager
while endeavouring to save the colours of the 24th Regiment, Lady Vivian, who is lady of the manor of St. Winnow
after the disaster at Isandlwana, January 22, I879: there Barton, Lord Vivian, John Bevill Fortescue esq. l.P. of
are also monuments to William Sawle, of Newham, in this Boconnoc, Lord Robartes, Richard Foster esq. H.A., D.L.,
parish, I65I; and to Vwe-Admiral Sir Charles V. Penrose l.P. of Lanwithan, The Earl of Monnt-Edgcumbe P.c.,
K.c.B. I83o: the east window in the south aisle was restored D.C.L., r.. L. Francis Buller Howell esq. J.P. Jonatb.an Rash-
in 1867, in memory of William and Elizabeth Foster, of Lan- leigh esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. of Menabilly, Tywardreath and
within: there are sittings for 175 persons. The register Miss M. C. Cole are chief landowners. The soil is heavy;
dates from the year I622. The living is a vicarage, average the subsoil is shelf and spar. The chief crops are wheat,
tithe rent-charge [.227, net yearly value £233, with 30 acres barley, oats and turnips. The area is 6,233 acres of land,
of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter 35 of water and III of foreshore; rateable value, £7,07I;
of Truro, and held since I892 by the Rev. Geo. Dawson Cart- the population in 189I was I,o64.
wright B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin, who is also chaplain to BRIDGE END is a village on the east bank of the Fowey
the Cornwall House of Mercy St. Nightons (or Nectan's) river, adjoining Lostwithiel railway station, 2 miles north
chapel of ease, 2! miles north-east from the parish church, from the church of St. Winnow. Here is a Primitive
is an ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel, na'l"c Methodist chapel, built in I858. Fairs are held -'!ere on the
and aisles, and at the south-west corner is one stage of an third Tuesday in January and February.
old and substantial buttressed tower with a bell-cot, con- PoLscoE is a small yillage, I mile north from Lost.withiel
taining one bell: the upper stages were destroyed during and 2~ north from St. Winnow.
the Civil War in I644, and the bells, 6 in number, are said RESPRYN, 3 miles north, is a small village, and was at one
to have been melted down to furnish war material : one time a separate parish, as appears by the Subsidy Roll of
pinnacle was removed years ago to Boconnoc, and another 45 Ed ward Ill. A chapel, dedicated to St. Martin, for-
serves as a gate post on the steps at the entrance to the merly stood here : an ancient round-headed cross, which
churchyard: there are 250 sittings. The churchyard was serves as a boundary mark, still exists, and there is a local
enlarged a short time since by the addition of land given by custom of visiting it yearly, digging around it and throwing
the late Lieut.-Col. C. D. Fortescue, of Boconnoc. The Corn- some earth on its top. WATERLAKE is a small village near
wall House of Mercy, first established at Truro in I 86 r, and Bodmin Road station.
erected in July, I864, is a b·1ilding in the Domestic Gothic Sexton, Richard Foster.
style, situated on an eminence, half a mile from Lostwithiel Letters through Lostwithiel, which is the nearest money
railway station, and has a beautiful private chapel, dedi- order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. & are collected
cated to St. Faith. The charities amount to £22 yearly, for dispatch by the rural letter carrier in time for the
and are distributed at Christmas in small doles. Lan- London mail at 6.15 p.m
withan, the seat of Richard Foster esq. M.A., D.L., l.P. is a WALL LETTER Box, Bridge End, cleared at u.4o a. m. 6 &
modern stone mansion, beautifully situated in pleasure 8.20 p.m
grounds, on the east bank of the river Fowey, about half a National School,Downend (mixed), rebuilt in I85o &since en-
mile south-east of Lostwithiel. Ethy, the property of larged, for 18o children; average attendance, IIO; Thomas
Francis Buller Howell esq. J.P. is a mansion built of stone Wallis Perry, master; Miss Lucy Hill, infants' mistress
and stands on an eminence in a park of about 25 acres, on Cornwall House of Mercy, Sister Anna, in charge; Rev.
the west bank of the river Lerryn, about 2~ miles 6outh- William Frederick Everest B. A. warden; Rev. George
east from Lostwithiel, 2 miles east of St. Winnow church Dawson Cartwright B.A. chaplain
St. Winnow. 1 Maynard P.hi~ip, farmer, Redlake Boger Miss, Oak cottage
Anna Sister, Cornwall House of Mercy M_cLe.-m Wilham, farmer, Bawd~e. Burt Mrs. Belle vue
Cartwright Rev. George Dawson B.A. NIC~olls John Mark, farm. baillfr to Geach Mrs
Vicarage ~Ichard Foster esq. Lanw1than farm Griffin J ames Fezon, Shenstone house
Foster Richd. M.A., J.P., n.L.Lanwithan O~Iver Jo~m, boot maker, Constance cot Jane Mrs
OLiver Richard, wood ranger to the Kyngdon Rev. George Theodosius
Glencross Mrs. Colamere ~uchy of Cm;nwall,~estormel cottage Boughton M.A
Pnor Jane .(Miss), da1ry, Staplands Marshall Mrs
Howell Francis Buller J.P. Ethy Reskelly RI~hard, farmer, Trewtther Olford John, Elm house
Jenkins Mrs. Courlands Stcphens Edward, Greensbury
Moon Nicholas, Polscoe
Speare Mrs Lor.O' acre Row FrederiCk, farmer, Tre'l"eago
SandersNicholasJas.farmer,Polmaugan Taylor Miss, Treganatha
• •c
COMMERCIAL. Sanders Wm. James, farmar,Bedwindle Thomas John
Ball Hy.farmr.Fairycross &Dollywithan Scantlebury El ford, farmer, Newham Watson Mrs. 'fhe Elms
Copelstone Henry, farmer, Dawna farm Scantlebury Thos. S. farmer,Tredethick Wilcocks Richard
Crago John, farmer, Breen park Scantlebury Williarn, farmer, Polscoe COJIIMERCIAL.
Crago William, farmer, Hranston Sherwill Charles, farmer. Ethy Barton Burt John, Earl of Chatham P.H
Crowle Francis, farmer, Cutbrawn Smith Richard, farmer, Bnckshead Carne William Matthew, shoe maker
Ede John Stephen, farmer, Buzmaugan Stephens Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Lerryn Dryden Mary Ann ("L\Irs. ), g'TOCer
Facey William, farmer, Goombe Stephens Jacob, farmer, Colbeacon Ferris Emma Jane (Miss), dress maker
Frost John, gardener to the Cornwall Thomas James, farmer, Tregays Ferris William, sawyer
House of Mercy Tucker Robert, farmer & sheep dipper, Ham J ames, wool agent
Geach Richafd, farmer, Bofarnell & Polscoe Harris Arthur William, carriage buildr
Quarry park TuckettJames1farmer, St.WinnowRartn Hill James, forage dealer
Honey Thomas, farmer, Lerryn Walkham Jonathan & Jacob, farmers, Hill Jonathan,miller(water) & corn mer
James Frank, farmer, Miles boro' Down end Liddicoat P. B. & Sons, butchers
Johns John, farmer, Kennacomb Wevell William, farmer, Higher Polscoe Lobb Samuel, rabbit dealer
Johns Joseph,jun.farmer,HigherPolscoe Whell William, farmer, Hartswell Prior Thomas, grocer
Johns William Hy. farmer, Kennacomb Whetter Henry, farmer, Lower Polscoe Seymour Wm.. Henry, assistant overseer
Kent Robert, farmer, Mill ham WillcockGeo.miller(water),Tregays mill Stephens John, cabinet maker
Lewarne John, farmer, Colwood Bridge End. Stone Elizabeth (Mrs.), baker
Lewarne Nicholas, farmer, Brownqueen PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wellington Jonathan, carpenter
Liddicoat Philip, farmer, Polmenna Bawden George Wevell William, blacksmith
WITHIEL is a parish and village, watered by a small The poor have about £'3 yearly from Vyvyan's charity of
tributary of the river Camel, 8 miles west from Bodmin £w6 1os. invested funds. The Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne
Road station on the Great Western railway and 5 west from Vyvyan bart. of Trelowarren, Mawgan-in-Meneage, is lord
Bodmin, in the Mid division of the county, hundred and of the manor. The principal landowners are R. N. Cole esq.
petty sessional division of Pydar, Bodmin union and county Charles Ebenezer 'l'reffry esq. J.P. of Place House, Fowey,
court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and Lord Robartes. The soil is clay and marl ; subsoil,
and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Uvell is a building stone, intermixed with iron. The chief crops are cereals.
of stone and granite, in the Perpendicular style, and con- The area is 3,005 acres; rateable value, £2,520; the popu-
sists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled lation in I891 was 338.
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 5 bells: there are PosT OFFICE.-Miss Esther Tremewan, sub-postmistress.
300 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year Letters by mail cart, through Bodmin, arrive at 9· 25
• 1567; marriages and burials, 1568. The living is a rectory, a. m.; dispatched at 4·5 p.m. Roche is the nearest money
average tithe rent-charge £281, net income £240, including order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
47 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. Sir but not paid
Rev. William Sandwith Cruddas M.A. of Trinity Colle,o-e, for I<>g children; average attendance, 38; Alfred Ros
Here are Wesleyan and Bible killing, master
Oxford. Christian chapels.
CruddasRev. Wm.Sandwith lii.A..Rectry Julian .A.lbt. blacksmith,Tremore bridge Spry William, farmer, Retire
Roberts Thomas, Rock 1 Julian Joseph, carpenter, Sunny corner Stepl.J.ens Thomas, farmer, La.njew
T~llam Wm. Henry, farmer, Tregustick
COJUliiERCIAL. 1 Kestle Ed win, farmer, Ruthern Tippet John, shopkeeper
Tremewan John, shoe maker
Biddick Thomas, farmer, Lanjew Mutton Thomas, farmer, Stepps Varcoe Joseph, farmer, Trenance
Brewer William, farmer, Glebe Mutton Wm. Hy. farmer,Withiel gorse Varcoe 1Uchard, farmer, Hendre
Varcoe Thomas, farmer, Lewellan
Burton, Henry, farmer, Little Whitehay Pedler Henry, farmer, Withtel gorse VivianLoveday(Mrs. ),farmer,Whitehay
ClemencePeter,miller (water),Mill vale Pinch John Henry, farmer, Bosnieves Warne Harry, farmer, lllackhay
Edyvean John, farmer, Higher Brin Rowse Frederick, farmer, Retire
Hocking Richd.Tellam,farmer,Tregoan U.ussell Richard, farmer, Higl1er Brin
Hodge William, farmer, Trevidgowe Searle John, farmer, Retire
ZENNOR is a parish on the north coast of the county, 5 dimensions about a quarter of a mile north-west; in the
miles west from St. Ives station on a branch of the Great neighbourhood is the Senor or Zennor Circle, a ruined circle
Western railway and 7 north-Porth-west from Penzance, in of stones, 75 feet in diameter: five furlongs south of the
the Western division of the county, hundred nf Pen with, church is a barrow 100 feet roun(l. The Gurnard's Head or
petty sessional division of Penwith West, Penzance union Treryn Dinas, is a bold 1•ocky headland, standing out into
and county court district, rural deanery of Penwith, arch- the sea northwards for about three furlongs, with a breadth
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of of one furlong. The Eagle's ,Nest is in this parish, and
St. Senara, probably erected in the 12th century, and en- in a field near the church and between it and the sea is a
larged during the 15th, when the tower was added, is a logan stone, called "the Giant's rock," 19 feet long and 3
building of granite, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of feet thick and which, though weighing 35 tons, can be easily
chancel, nave of six bays, aisles sepa!'ated from the nave by 1 moved; there is another logan rock, called " the Cradle: "
r1rcades of six Perpendicular arches, small transept, south , on Tregarthen hill and near the boundary between this
porch and an embattl~d western tower, with pinnacles, con-: parish and Morvah, at an elevation of 623 feet above the sea
taining 3 bells, of which the treble is plain ; the remainmg ! level, stands Carn Galva, "the two-headed cairn," on the
two bear invocations to St. John and the Blessed Virgin: I top of which is a third logan. The Earl of Sandwich, the
there are two good oak bench ends, now forming the sides of Duchess of Cleveland, C. Davies Gilbert esq. J. Branwili
the sedilia., one of which is carved with the figure of a mer- 1 esq. and J. Hockin esq. are the chief landowners. The soil
maid : the font is of the Decorated period : the east win- is killas ; the subsoil is killas and granite. Large quantities
dow and the window west of the porch are Early English: 1 of stone are taken from hence to Pcnzance for shipment.
there are 200 sittings. The register dates from the year The chief crops are barley, oats, wheat and some land in
1592-3. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge pasture. The acreage is 4,229 ; rateable value, £3,134, but
£r53, net yearly valu~ £172, including r8 acres of glebe, three-fourths of the land is waste; the population in 1891
with residence, in the gift of the BisHop of Truro, and hekl was 496.
since 1888 by the Rev. Samuel Henry Farwell Roe. There Parish Clerk, Wi1liam Berryman.
are retnains of ancient chapels on the barton of Kerrow, and PosT OFFICE, Church Town.-Thomas Thomas, sub-post
on the isthmus connecting the Gurnard's Head with the master. Letters throlU!h St. Ives RS.O. which is the
mainland. There are Wesleyan chapels at Ter,drine, Porth- nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive 11.30 a. m.;
mere and Church Town. In the churchyard are two ancient dispatched 1.30 p.m. week days only. Postal orders are
crosses, one of which has a rude carving of the " Crnci- issued here, but not paid
fixion," and in the vicarage garden is another cross: there
is also in the parish a cromlech called "Zennor Quoit," WALL LETTER Box, Gurnard's Head hotel, cle:1red at 12.25
p.m. week days only
formed by seven huge stones leaning towards each other, ScHooLs:-
and inclosing a space about 6 feet long by 4 wide; the National (mixed), for 104 children; average attendance,
capstone, now resting partly on the ground, is r8 feet so; Frederick William Pocock, master ; Miss Elizabeth
long, II broad and 48 in circumference ; at Bosphrenuis are Berryman, mistress
the remains of several rudely built chambers or cells, called Infants', Forthmear, for 50 children; average attendance,
"beehive huts;" and there is another cromlech of smaller II; Mis3 Annie Newton, mistress
Roe Rev. Samuel Hy. Farwell, Vic:trJ.;~ CJa-:t Gu:.rd (Lore:u;o Gallehawk, Nieholas John, fal·mer, Boscubben
bo:tt•u'1n in charg·3), 'l'reeu Cove !'licholls Henry, farmer, Ken·ow
CO~LIIEROL\L. 03borne Brothers, farmers, Trewey
Dale W1lliam, farmer, Tregerthen Quick Jas. farmer & landowner, Wicca
Berryman Robert & Sous, farmers, Eddy Rich:J.rd & J olm, rarmers,Busigran Richards Samuel, farmer, 'l'remeadow
Eddy D.wid, farmer, 'l'reveal ThomasBenj.farmer&shopkeeper,Treen
Porthmear Eddy Phillip, farmer, Trendriue
Berrymau Davi4, farmer, C~ykembro
Berryman Richard; families & tourists
will fiad every accommodation on the Eddy William, farmer, Bossigrau Thomas John, farmer, Boswednack
most reasonable terms; pri;·ate sit- E:lwards Robert, farmer, Trewey Thomas John, farmer, Carnellow
ting room & home dairy, horse & Hncking William, farmer, Tregerthen Thomas Thomas, farmer, Bosporthenis
trap kept; cars from Penzance & St. Hoskin Elzbth. (Mrs.), shopkpr.'frewey Thomas Tb.omas, shopkeeper, Post
Ives daily, Gurnard's Head hotel Lawt·ey John, farmer, Carne office, Church Town
Berryman Richard & David, farmers, Matthews Thomas, farmer, Tremeadow 1 Thoma<~ Wtlliarn, farmer, Treen
Church Town • Nankervis Thos. farmer, Boswednack 'frudgen John, smit.h, CllUrch Town
ChellewThos.Harvey, farm:!r, Fenan~e Nanket·vi.,; William, Tinners' Arms P.H
In order to afford space for the addresses, the abbreviation "esq." for esquire, has no longer been appended to each
name in the" Court Directory." It should be understood that such should b~ added to the name of every gentleman in
the following pages to which no inconsistent addition is affixed.
Abbott Rev. William Martin F.s.sc. 4 AndertonE.D.Oakroyd,Woodla.Falmth Ashton John, Mylor bridge, Penryn
Maristow terrace, Saltash Andrew Capt. Edward, Marine parade, Ashworthl\Irs.ISt.Stephen'smnt.Saltash
Abbott Saml. n 'frewirgie rd. Redruth St. :;.vrawes, Falmouth Aspinall Rev. Thomas, High Cross street,
Abbott S. M. II Trewirgie rd. Redruth Andrew Benj. Bodmin road, St. Austell St. Austell
Abraham John, Downderry, St.Gormans Andrew Miss, I River walk, St. Austell Astley Rev. Richard n.A Rectory,
Abraham Mrs. Basset road, Camborne A.ndrew Mrs.9Agar crescent, Green lane, Perran-Uthhoe, Marazion R.S.O
Abraham Tho9. Sea View ter. Ca.mborne Redruth 1Atldnson Edward, Rose bank, Mixtow,
Ackermann Mrs. Brisbane house, Water- Andrew Mrs. 25 Albany road, ReJruth Lanteglos, Fowey R.S.O
ing hill, St. Austell Andrew Mrs. wClaremont ter.Falmouth At wool Rev. Henry Courtenay M. A., M. D.
AdamJ.Dunedin,Alexandrard.Penzance Andrew Mrs. Park villas, Roche H.S.O Rectory, St. Just-in-Roseland, Falmth
Adames Wm. Helford, St. l.VIartin R,S. 0 AndrewMrs. Penpcms,Gwcnnap,Rerlruth Aubrey William H. Curgurrell, Trew-
Adams Hev. Arthur n.A. Vicarage, Andrew Mrs. P. 1 Strangway's ter.Truro itbian, Grampound H.oad
Tuckingmill, Camborne Andrew Mrs. Rose hill, Lostwithiel Austen Lieut. E. L. R.N. H.M.S.Ganges,
Adams Hev.Josiah O.n.A.Stratton R.S.O Anclrew P. 'fresleigh, Grampound Road Flushing, Falmouth
AdamsArthurE.Helle Vue,Malpas,Truro Andrew Thomas By. Dean pl. Liskeard Austin Lieut. John Ward R.N. Glen-
Adams Ueorge, Home park, Saltash Andrew Tremain, TreYethan, St. E''al, side, Lower Port view, tlaltash
Adams Jn. II The Terrace,St.Ives R.S.O St. Issey H..S.O Austin Mrs. I Parkveclras terrace, Truro
Adams :\i.P.Pennance cot.Hudck.F<tlmth Andrew Wm. l\1. n. Castle st.Launceston Auterson Mrs.Bank,St. Mary's,Penzance
Adams .Miss, Church town, Madron, Andrew Wm. Rose hill, Fowey R.S.O Aver Wm. Henry, 39 Edward st. 'fruro
Penzance Andrew William, The Square, Redruth Avery Jossph, I Strattoa terrace, Truro
Adams Mrs. Polperro R.S.O· AndrewsMiss,Almapl.St.Mawes,Falmtb Avery Miss, IS Frances street, Truro
Adams Richard, Asylum, Bodmin Andrews l\'liss, 8 'fruro Vean ter. Truro Avery Misses, Bude R.S.O
Adams Wm. Bank, St. Mary's, Penzance AndrewsS.T.Treleigh,Redinnick,Pnznce Avery Mrs. Trevena, Camelford
AdamsWm.Church twn.Madrn.Penznce Andrews Wm. John,n3Fore st.Saltash Avery Peter, Par, Par Station R.S.O
Adams William James, 38 tiedgemoor Angear James, Beech terrace, Looe Axford Mrs. Basset street, Redruth
terrace, St. Austell West, East Looe R.S.O Aylmer Major-Gen. Henry R.A. Pen-
Adams Wm. John, Rosevallen, Bodmin Angel H..3Tremorvah ter.Broadst.Truro dower, Woodlane, Falmonth
AdsonGeo..Edmnd.2~orton ter.Penzance AngoveMrs.4Huller's ter.'freleigh,Rdrth Ayre William, 3 Sandhurst terrace,
Ahier John, 4 Treverdun place, Tre- Angove Mrs. Castle street, Lisk.eard Kenwyn road, Truro
lawney road, Fahnouth Angove Mrs. 8 Symon's ter. Redruth Ayres John, 16 Middle terrace,Falmouth
AitkenRev.R. W. Vicarage,Paul,Penz'lnce Anna Sister, Cornwall House of Mercy, Habb Mrs. Callington R.S.O
Akenhead Alexander, 3 Waterloo street, St. Winnow, Lostwithiel BackhouseE.Trebah,Constantine,Penryn
Torpoint, Devonport Anthony EdwinJohn,Penrose rd. Helston, BackhouseMrs. Bellair,Alvertn.Penzance
AiclermanW".C.Albion cot.Mylor,Penryn Antbonyl\Irs.Tregenna ter.St.IvesR.S.0 1B'ldcock Mrs. 2 The Terrace, St. Ives
Aldham Rev. Vernon Harcourt M.A. Appleton George, Park braws, Lande- BJ.dcock Wm. Talland rd. St. IvesR.S.O
Rectory, Hroadoak, Lostwitbiel wednack R.S.O Haddeley Frederick Clinton, Bonnallack,
Aldridge H.ev. Waiter Winslowe L.Theo. Appleton Harry, Park braw.;;, Lande- Constantine, Penryn
coiL The Parsonage, Tresco,Penzance wednack R.S.O Baddeley Wm. Clinton, Cross st.Helston
Alexander Capt. Gerald D'Arra<5on R.A. Arbery Mrs. 17A, North parade,Penzance Badger Jas.Canning,Flushing,Falmouth
Anderton house, Millbrook, Plymouth Archer Rev. Charles Harward n.A. Badgery Wm. 6 Clarence st. Penzance
Allchin Frederick Albert, Tredudwell Lewannick, Launceston . Bailey John, Dean street, Liskeard
house, Lanteglos, Fowey R.S.O Archer A. E. Penair, St. Clements, Truro Bailey Joseph Jas. 4 Merrie pl.Falmouth
Allen Lieut. C.J.R. N. Primrose ho.Newqy ~<\.rcher Charles Gordon J.P. Trelaske, Bailey Miss,TheMount,St.Mawes,Flmth
Allen Rev. G. L.Dunheved rd.Launceston Lewannick, Launceston Bailey Mrs. I2 Trelowarren st.Camborne
Aten Miss, High cross, Truro Archer-Shepherd Rev. Edward Henry Bailey Thomas Smith, Prospect terrace,
AllenMiss,Trehwke.ho.Dean st.Liskeard M.A. Rectory, Otterham, Camelford Tywardreath, Par Station R.S.O
Alien Mrs. Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Argall l<'rederick, Lanhydrock villas, Bailey William, Basset road, Camborne
Alien Mrs. 6 Castle street, Truro Kenwyn road, Truro Bailey Wm. IB Regent terrace,Penzance
Alleyne Mis&, Ashton house, Pou6hill, Armitage Miss, Thistledown, Summer- BaileyW.H.Grove vil. Wood la.Falmouth
t>tratton KS.O leaze, Hude R.S.O Baily Wm. Edwd.Lynwood,Paul,Penznc
Allin Jt'ras. J. 2 lleaconsfield ter.Bodmin Armstrong Henry, Port Scatho KS.O Bain David Wise l.P. Glenfeadon, Port-
Allport Chas. Duke st. Padstow RS.O Armstrong Mrs. Nancealverne, Madron, reath, Redruth
Allport Saml. Cross st. Padstow R.S.O Penzance Rain Fdk.Donald, Falmouth rd.Redruth
Allport William Sandford, Fentonluna Arnall Thomas, Tolgus house, Redruth Baird Chas. I Regent terrace, Penzance
house & Trevone, Padstow R.S.O Arnold Jas.Edwd.Trewhiddle,St.Austell Bake Mrs. Jetwells,Lauteglos,Camelford
Alms Lieut.-Col. T. Frederick Hill, Arnold Miss, Trevosa, Kenwyn, Truro Baker Rev. Peter, 14 Harrison ter. Truro
Berrycombe, Bodmin Arnold Mrs. 53 Castle street, Truro Baker Rev. Robert, Roakear, Camborne
Amore Arthur, 12 Rosevean rd.Penzance ArnoldR.O.Torleven ho. Porthlevn. Hlstn Baker Rev. Septimus Valentine M.A.
Ancell Rol.t. 1 Home Park villas, Saltash Arthur John S. Pendar>es rd. Camborne Tywarcireath, Par Station R.S.O
Anderson Capt. R. E. 'fregunna house, Arthur Mrs. Fore street, St. Columb Baker William, Bude R.S.O
St. Breock, Wadebridge R.S.O Major R.S.O Baker Wm. John, 6 Basset pl. Falmouth
AndersonA.J.St.Stephen's bo.Launcestn Ash Jas.Ed win, 3 Alma terra.ce,Penzance Baker William King, 'l'redorwin cottage,
Anderson H.E.8Woodlane ter.Falmouth Ash Jas. W. jun. 21 Ahna ter. PenzaQce Towednack, Penzance
AndersonJ. Y. Looe\Yest,EastLooeR.S. 0 A.sh J. H. Cliff house, Newlyn, Penzance Balasdon Jsph. II Trelawney rd. Falmth
Anderson Regina.ld B. Castle st. .Hodmin Ash Miss, 3 Aima. terrace. Penzance Ball Rev. W. Cliftont>l. LooeEast R.S.O
_......Anderson Waiter, Woodlane cottage, Ash W. H. Porthcurnow, St. Levan R.S. OJ Br.ll Francis, u Regent square, Penmnce
Woodlane, :Falmouth
Ashby F.A. Grammar schl. Fowey R.S. 0 Ball Harry, Mylor bridge, Penryn
BallJ.Claremontho.Claremnt.ter.Truro Bassett Rev. Henry Clifton, Restormel Bell :Mrs. Padstow R.S.O
Ball Mark, 3 John street, Truro villas, Lostwithiel Bellamy Geo.R.St. Leonard's ho.Bodmn
Ball Misses, Church street, Mevagissey, Bassett Misses, Fore street, Lostwithiel Bellamy Joseph E. B. Dolvean, Melville
St. Austell BassettS.St.Mary'scot.Kenwyn rd.Truro road, Falmouth
Bamfield R.H.The Terrace,St.IvesR.S.O Bassett William, 5 Clarence st. Penzance Belling Mrs. Chapel villas, King street,
Bampfield Mrs.xTheAvenue,Campfields, Bastard Rev. William Pollexfen M.A. Lostwithiel
Truro Rectory, Lezant, Launceston Bellringer F. R. IO .Alverton ter.l'enznce
BananRev. A.E. St. Martin's, Penzance Bastard John, Trevenning,l\licbaelstow, Bellringer Miss,w Alverton ter.Penznce
BanburyJohnWm.Strand ho.BudeR.S. 0 Camelford Belt Mrs. I Albert terracP., Saltash
Bancalari Chas. H. V. Ferris town, Truro Baste Rev. E. Talland, Polperro R.S.O Beltou Rev. T. St. Mary's priory,Bodmin
.BandsMrs.Drumpter.Treleigh,Redruth Batchelor Rev. Frederick Thomas liLA•• .l:lennet Richard Gully B.A., D.r•. , J.P.
Banfield John, 4 Morrab road, Penzauce J.P.Rectory,Jacobstow,StrattonR.S.O Tresillian ho. Newlyn,Grampnd.Road
Banfield John W. xo Harrison ter. Truro Bate George Alfred, 5Adelaide ter. Truro Bennett Capt. Ernest Alexander, Pen-
Banfield Miss,Parade,St.Mary's,Penznce Bate Miss, Basseti road, Camborne henver house, Mount Wise, Newquay
Banfield Miss,Strand,St.Mary's,Penznce Bate Mrs. Lostwithiel st. Fowey R.S.O BennettRev.C.'B.A.'freverbyn, St.Austell
Banfie!dJ)Iisses,Strnd.St.Mary's,Penznce Bate Thos.Walter,The Walk,Launceston Bennett Rev. Trimer, 8 St. Mary's ter-
Banfield Wm. H. Market sq. Camborne Bateman Mrs. Rhymney villa, Marazion race, Penzance
Banks Rev.Henry, Dean street,Liskeard R.S.O BennettRev.ThomasJamesB.A.Vicarage,
Banks Edwd. I3 Park terrace, Falmouth Bath John, 32 Albaay road, Redruth St. Wenn, Bodrnin
Banks Mrs. Broad street, Penryn Bath Mrs. Enfield, Tywardreath, Par Bennett Rev. Williarn L. Wesley house,
Banks Mrs. 13 Wellington ter. Falmouth Station R.S.O Marazion R.S.O
Banks William, M.B. 3 Dunstanville Bath Mrs. 3 West place, Falmouth Bennett Campbell, llingston house,
villas, Falmouth Bath Richd. 3 Alexandra ter. Penzance Gunnislake, 'favi..<~tock
Bannerman Edward, Rock St. J\llinver, Bath Thomas, Kooringa cottage, Porth- Bennett E. J. Restomel rd. Lostwithiel
Wadebridge R.S.O leven, Helston Bennett George, Par, Par Station R.S.O
Barber JohnRobert, SeaView,LooeWest, Bath Thorn'ls Henry, 15 Roskear villas, Bennett By. Lower Market st. Penryn
East Looe R.S.O Tuckingmill, Camborne Bennett Henry, Redmoor house, South
Barclay Rev. Arthur Denny B.A.camb. Batten E.Hallam Vean, St.Sennen R.S.O hill, Callington R.S.O
Port Isaac, Wadebridge R.S.O Batten Henry, 27 Edward street, Truro Bennett Henry, jun. Tavistock rowt
Barclay Miss, Meudon Vean, Mawnan, Batten Howard, Lelant R.S.O Callington R.S.O
Falmouth Battershill Francis, 14 John st. Truro Bennett John, 59 Fore street, Saltash
Barclay Misses,Carwinioncottage, Maw- Battershi!l Mrs. 48 Lemon street, Truro Bennett Joseph, Coast Guard station,
nan, Falmouth Battershill Mrs. S. 33 Lemon st. Truro ~Iousehole, Penzance
Barfett Rev. John Ching, Vicarage, Battershill W.J. 10 South ter. Camborne Bennett Mrs. 5 Bar terrace, Falmouth
Pencoys, Redruth Battishell Geo.7 Westhourne ter.Saltasb Bennett Mrs. Latchbrook, St.Stephen's-
Barbam Miss, I Colchester villas, Fal- Baugh Henry, I Upland ter. Falmouth by-Saltash, Saltash
mouth road, Truro , Bawden Charles, Clinton road, Redrutb Bennett Mrs. 2 Stratton terrace, Truro
Barker J. I3 Marlborougb rd. Falmouth Bawden Cornelius, Meadowside,Redruth Bennett R. H. North parade, Falmouth
Barker Miss, Trelawney villa, Trelawney .l:lawden Edwd. 5 Ash Park ter. Liskeard Bennett Thomas Henry, 9 Railway ter-
road, Falmouth Bawden George, Bridge end, Lostwithiel race, Newquay
Barker Misses, CLiinage-hall st. Helston BawdenJ. R. I7 Penventon ter. Redruth Bennett W. I Church Pk. cots. Saltash
Barker W. Coverack, St. KeverneR.S. 0 BawdenJ.Sydney vil.Clinton rd. Redruth Bennett William, 32 Edward st. Truro
BarnardE.A. W.8 HomePark ter.Saltas Bawden John, Treruffe terrace, Redruth Bennett W. Redruth highway, Redruth
Barnecut George, Myrtle cottage, Ty- BawdenJn.Hy.r UpperLemon vils.Truro Bennett William, Roskear house,
wardreath, Par Station R.S.O Bawden John McKinley, I Hamoaze Tuckingmill, Camborne
Barnes Rev. J. 7 Heanton ter. Redruth terrace, Lower Port view, Saltash Bennett William, Wadebridge R.S.O
Barnes Rev. Jocelyn M.A.Breage, Helston Bawden Mrs. Fore st. Looe East R.S. 0 Bennett Wm. D. 18 Tolver pi. Penzance
Barnes George, Higher Lux: st. Liskeard Bawden Mrs. Vogue terrace, St. Day, .l:lennett William Percival, Coombe park,
Barnett Major, Costislost, Egloshayle, Scorrier R.S.O Antony, Devonport
Wadebridge R.S.O Bawden William, Greenbank, Chace- Bennett Wm. S. 9 l\lorrab rd. Penzance
Barnett Charles, Elm Tree villa, Car- water, Scorrier R.S.O Bennetts Rev. Thomas B.A. 4 Glanville
barrack, Scorrier R.S.O Bawden Wm. Arthur, Ford st. Bodmin terrace, St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O
Barnett James, Gerrans, Falmouth Bazeley Geo. P. I7 Regent ter. Penzance Bennetts C.J.Tregony,GrampoundRoad
Barnett Misses, Costislosll, Egloshayle, Bazeley Mrs.Penare,Lescudjack,Penznce .l:lennetts Henry, 4 Cardrew terrace,
Wadebridge R.S.O Bazelly Wm. James, The Cliff, Penz.u:ce Treleigh, Redruth
Barnett Mrs .Chacewater,ScorrierR.S.O BeadonRev. Wm.Newlyn,Grampoun1Rd Bennetts J. H. 2 Trewartba ter.Penzance
Barnicoat Rev. Humphrey Lowry M.A. Beagley Rev. John, Beech terrace, Looe Bennetts John Messer, Killiganoon, Per-
St. Erney, St. Germans R.S.O West, East Looe R.S.O ranwell R.S.O
Barnicoat W. J. 12 Albany rd. Falmoutb Bealey Auam Francis, Nan-Trelew cot Bennetts Miss, Harrowbarrow, St. Mel-
Barnicoat W.J.2 Polwhaverel ter.Falmth . tage, Flushing, P'almouth lion R.S.O
Baron Peter, Lidcut, Bodmin Bear Mrs. 3 Sea View terrace, Redruth Bennetts Mrs. Beacon hill, Camborne
Barraball T. 1 Well Park ter. Saltash Beard Miss, 3 Claremont ter. Falmouth Bennetts Wm. Trevenson st. Camborne
BarrattFrancis J.P. Prideaux,St. Blazey, Beard Vincent., Rose cottage, St. Hlazey Bennetts William Gundry, Calumet,
Par R.S.O gate, Par Station R.S.O Bodmin road, Truro
Barratt John, II Castle street, Truro Beare Joseph, I6 Tolver road, Penzance Benney Albert, 3 Beacon ter. Falmouth
BarrattMrs.Carnmartb,Gwennap,Redrh Beare Joseph S. 14 Chapel st. Pfl::zance Benney Danl. 22 Harbour ter.Falmouth
BarrattW.Vogue,8t.Day,Scorrier R.S.O Beasant Thos. H. 36 Edward st. Truro Benney Edward, 18 Union place, Truro
, Barrett Arthur R. Dunheved ho. Saltash HeattyMrs.Pill,St.Jt'eock,Devoran R.S.O Benney Mrs. 14 Kimberley rd. Falmouth
Barrett Cator, 8 Wodehouseter. Falmth Hoanchamp-Beauchamp Edmund D.L., Benney Mrs. 4 Marlborough rd. Falmth
Barrett C. Agar villa, Agar road, Truro J.P. Trevince, Gwennap, Redruth Benson Robt. A. Green bank, Liskeard
Barrett Henry, 4 Robartesterrace,Truro Beck Mrs. Truro road, St. Austell Bentley Rev. J. Godolphin rd. Helston
Barrett John, 71 Lemon street, Truro Beckerleg Arth.J.7 St.Mary's st. Penznce Beresford Major De La Poer, Gravesend,
Barrett Mrs. 4 Addington place, Liskeard Beckerleg J n.Fras. 19 Alma ter. Penzance Torpoint, Devonport
Barrett Mrs. Darley villa, Linkinhorne, Beckerleg Miss, •rangier, Lostwithiel BeringerJ. J. F.c.s. Bassetrd.Camborne
Callington R.S.O Beckerleg Thomas,7 Tolver rd.Penzance Beringer R. E. Illogan highway, Redrth
BarrettR.Ballevue,Polruan,FoweyR.S.O Beckerleg Wm.4Lanoweth ter.Penzance Berkeley Rev. John Richard P1·etyman
Barrett 'f. Colthorp, Tregolls rd. 'fruro Bedford Miss, 2 Clarence pl. Penzance B.A. Vicarage, St. Cleer, Liskeard
Barrett W. Chapel ho.Kenwyn st. Truro Beel Aaron, Hewas, Grampound Road Berryman G. Bareppa, Mawnan,Falmth
Barrett Wm. H. 9 1'ower pl. Penzance Beel Mrs. 6 Union place, Truro Berryman W. 19 Morrab rd. Penzance
Barry Donald M. Penwynn, Grampound Beer Edwin, 3 Penventon ter. Redruth Berryman W.H. 8 Coulson's ter. Pnznce
Barry Jerome R.N. H.M.S. Ganges, Beer H.L.Truro Wesleyan college,'fruro Bersey John, 2 St. Peter's terrace,
Flushing, Falmouth Beer Wm. E. J. Flushing, l<'almouth Flushing, Falmouth
Bartle C. D. Tuckingmill hill, Camborne Behenna Rev.Frederick John, St.Eruey, Beskeen Jas. Trewithen rd. Penzance
Bartle Wm.James,Collevest. Camborne St. Germans R.S.O Beskeen John, Eastend, Redruth
Bartlett Fredk. Bee cottage, Lostwithiel Behenna MI'!I. 27 River street, Truro Best Albert H. Burney, Roche R.S.O
Bartlett W. H. Othellobldgs.BudeR.S.O Bell Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage, St. Best Cyrus,14 Woodhouse ter.Falmoutb
Barton Rev. Henry :Nowell M. A, Rectory, Stephen's-by-Saltash, Saltash Best John, Coinage-hall str~>et, Helston
St. Ervan, St. Issey R.S.O Bell Rev. John Wesley LL.B. Bodmin Be.t't Mrs. Fair street, St. Columb
Barwis Mrs. 29 Chapel street, Penzance road, St.•Austell Major R.S.O
BassetArthurFras. 'fehidy, Camborne Bell James A. R.N. H.M.S. Ganges, Best Mrs. 6 Parade, Tl'llro
Basset Mrs. Tehidy, Camborne Flushing, Falmootb Best Mrs.Ranelagh road,Mount Charles,
Bassett Rev.J.C.St. Thomas'rd.Lancston Bell Mrs. 37 Bay View terrace,Penzance St. Austell
Best William, West street, Penryn Body Edmund W.Twelvewood, Liskeard Boulden Humpbrey, Cburcbtown, St.
BeswarickJn.Arth.Bridge ho.Lostwithiel BodyGeo.Whitebead,Dobwall's,Liskeard Keverne R.S.O
Bettany William, 10 Chapelst.Penzance Body Henry Sargent, Callington R.S.O Boulderson Miss, 7 Florence ter. Falmth
Bevan John, I Agar crescent, Redruth Body Martin, Bank house, Launceston Bourke Rev. Canon Cecil Frederick
Bickford B. Hugb st. St.Mary's,Penzance Boex N. J. I6 Harbour ter. I<'almouth Joseph M.A. The Rectory, Truro
BickfordMrs. Basset Rd. viis. Camborne Boger Miss, Oak cottage, Bridge end, Bowden A. Looe West, East Looe R.S.O
Bickford W. Bank, St. Mary's,Penzance Lostwithiel Bowden John, Foundry hill, Hayle
Bickford-Smith William J.P. Trevarno, Boger Waiter Deeble lii.A., D.L., J. P. Bowden~atthew,4Trewartha ter.Penznc
Sithrley, Helston Wolsdon, Antony, Devonport Bowden Mrs. 6 Basset street, Redruth
Bickle Jebus, Foundry hill, Hayle Boger W. H. 2 Marine ter.Fowey R.S.O Bowden Mrs. 46 Kimberley rd. Falmth
Bicknell Walter, 22 Bosvigo rd. Truro Bohen Mrs. Hartland ter. Bude R.S.O BowdenRichard, North road,Looe West,
Billett Capt. A. II Claremontter.Falmtb Bolderston Rev. George, Coad's green, East Looe R.S.O
Billing Charles, 69 Lemon street, Truro North bill, Launceston Bo\\den Rd. Hy. Woodbury, Kea, Truro
Bischofswerder M.B Cornwall ter.Pnznce Boles Rev. R1chard Henry, Vicarage, St. Bowden Wm.LooeWest,East Looe R.S.O
Bishop Chas. F. Cardrew villa, Redruth Breward, Bodmin Bowden WilliamHy.wMiddleter.Falmth
Bishop John, Heath house, Perran-ar- Bolitho Commander Edward Alverne Bowen Mrs. 5 Hamoaze terrace, Saltash
worthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O R.N. Laregan, Penzance Bowhay Albert, Anerley villa, Gunnis-
Bishop Mrs. South street, St. Austell Bolitho Lieut.-Col. Otho Glyn, Poltair, lake, Ta,•istock
Bishop Mrs. Trevena, Camelford Madron, Penzance Bowhay Benjamin, Albaston, Tavistock
Bishop Thomas, 8 Alma ter. Penzance Bolitho Misses, Trengwainton, Madron, Bowhay Mrs. Albaston, Tavistock ·
BishopWm.St.Edrnund's,PadstowR.S.O Penzance Bowles Frdk.Jas.4Lansdownerd.Falmth
Bisset W.H. Erin ldg.Greenbnk.Falmth Bolitho Mrs. Bosorne terrace, St. Just- Bowling Charles Wm. Whateley, Rose-
Bisson John, Broad street, Penryn in-Penwith R.S.O mellyn,Bridge,St.ColumbMajorR.S.O
Billing John, Castle street, Bodmin Bolitho Mrs. John, Porthgwidden, St. Box Arthur W. ~Ielrose, Launceston
BillingMiss,Penpont,St. Breward,Bodmn Feock, Devoran R.S.O Box Richard, Whitecross, St. Breock,
Billing Robert, Tregoodwell, Camelford Bolitho Rd.Foster, Ponsandine,Penzance Wadebridge R.S.O
Billington Rev.Jas. Heanton vils.Reclrth Bolitho Thomas Bedford ~r.P., D.L., J.P, Box William, Newport, Launceston
Black Rev.JohnWhitmore M.A. Yicarage, Trewidden, Madron, Penzance; & Boxall William, Tangier, Lostwithiel
Launcells, Stratton R.S.O Union club, London s w Boyd Mrs. Weir cottage, Restronguett,
Blackall Mrs. Dean terrace, Liskeard Bolitho Thomas Robins B.A., J.P., D.L. Mylor, I'enryn
Blackburn John James, Moor cottage, Penalverne, Penzance Hoyden Rev. Henry B.A. Pendeen, E:lt.
Perran wharf, Perran-ar-Worthal, Bolitho William, Polwithen, Penzance Just-in-Penwith R.S.O
Perranwell Station R.S.O Bolitho William, jun. J.P., D.L. Ponsan- Bo3le Major-Gen. Robt. R.M., C.B. North
Blacker Mrs. 9 Richmond hill, Truro dane, Penzance Rock house, Kingsand, Plymouth
Blackmore Rev. Richard M.A. Rectory, Bolitho W. E. T. J.P. Pendrea, Penzance Boyle Harry Lyne J.P. Cliff house,
Lamorran, Probus R.S.O Bolt Thomas Henry, Dimson, Gunnis- Kingsand, Plymouth
Blackmore Chas.N. L. Market st.Falmtb lake, Tavistock Boyle Thomas, Chy-an-Bryn, Newquay
Blackrnore Wm. 8 Morrab rd. Penzance Bolton Rev. W. H. M.A. Ravenswood, Boyle William Pereival Major, Lanhy·
Blake David, 2 Glenco terrace, Wade- Saltash drock, Devoran R.S.O
bridge R.S.O Bolton Fredk. Trenance cot. Newquay Boyns Mrs. Lafrawda villas, Green lane,
Blake Philip, Kilna house, Tideford, St. Bolton James, 22 Clarence st. Penzancc St. Just-in-Penwith R.S.O
Germans R.S.O Bolton John, Esplanade, Fowey R.S.O Boyns Mrs. 20 St. Mary's ter. Penzance
Blake Thomas Werry, I Glenco terrace, Bonar Thomas Mitchell, Gwel Marten, Boyns Richard, Boswedden house, St.
Wadebridge R.S.O Probus R.S.O Just-in-Penwith R.S.O
Blarney Fras. Wm. Po'rtreath, Redruth Bond Arthur, 3I Berkeley vale, Falmth Braddon Roger, Kingdon, Treglith,
Blarney James, Broad street, Penryu Bond Geo. F. Monument road, Helstou Treneglos, Launceston
BlameyJoel,Bellavista,St.Gluvias,Pnryn Bond John, Lannoweth road, Penzance Braddon William Hy. Polperro R.S.O
Blarney Joel Michell, Market st. Penryn Bond William, Basset road, Camborne Bradford Mrs. High st. Padstow R.S.O
Blarney John H. 3 Manley ter. Liskeard Bone Rev. Frederic James M.A. The Bradhurst Chas. W. Elm ter.St. Austell
Blarney Mrs. Lanner Moor, Redruth Vicarage, Newlyn, Grampound Road Braimer Lieut. James Louttit R.N. St.
Blarney Mrs. Moors hill, St. Blazey, Par Bone Frederick Reed, Trevalgass, Peter's terrace, Flushing, Falmouth
Station R.S.O Poughill, Stratton R.S. 0 Braine-Hartnell Rev. Geo. Taylor 1\I.A.
Blarney Thomas Rd.8 Erisey ter.Falmth Bone John, Parade, Liskeard Vicarage, Church street, Liskeard
Blarney Thomas Richard, jun. Pensilva, BoneJohnGreenwood,Greenwood,Hayle Bramble Henry J.Trevarrick, St.Austell
Melville road, Falmouth Bone Miss,6 Carwinion terrace,Liskeard Bramley F. Belle,·ue, Newlyn, Penzance
Blarney William Fras. Bodriggy, Hayle Bone Miss, Clifton pi. Newlyn, Penzance Branch George, ro South ter. Penzance
Blank William, Bridge house,Camelford Bone Mrs. I Victoria cottages,Falmouth Branwell Chas. 3 South par. Penzance
Blatchford William Tucker, Bush, Bone Samuel, Parade, Liskeard Branwell Jn.Penlee,Reclinnick,Penzance
• Poughill, Stratton R.S.O Bonharn Wm. S. 4 Harbour ter. Falmth Branwell John Richards, Penlee, Tre-
Blatchley Frederick, I Clifton vils. Saltsh Boot C. W. Vale view,Ponsanooth,Perran- withen road, Penzance
Bleasby Mrs. 2 Dudley terrace, Sa.ltash ar-WorthaJ, Perranwell Station R.S.O Branwell Miss, I North par. Penzance
Blee Misses, 2 The Aven. Campfld. Truro Boot Mrs. Trevu villa, Camborne Branwell R. jun. 4 South par. Penzance
Blenkinsop Alfred, II Princes st. Truro Borlase Vice-Admiral John c.B. Alver- Branwell Robert Matthews, Hedinnick
Blight John,jun.I Frobisher ter. I<'almth ton vean, Penzance house, Redinnick, Penzance
Blight John Jas. 3 Erisey ter. Falmouth Borlase M1sses, Castle Horneck,Madron, Branwell T. R. 4 North par. Penzance
Blight John Peter, Callington R.~.O Penzance llraund A.M. Hill house,Stratton R.S.O
BlightJsph.Richards,Portreath,Redruth Borlase Mrs. Waiter, The Coombe, llranncl J. M. St. Cyres, Stratton R.S.O
Blight Miss, 38 Bay View ter. Penzance Madron, Penzance Bray Cecil, Langford hill, Marham-
Blight Mrs.6 Claremont terrace,Ectward Borlase Waltr.Hy. Alverton ho.Penzance church, Stratton R.S.O
street, 'frnro Bosanquet Capt. Day Hort, Tor house, Bray F. Chaccwater, Scorrier R.S.O
Blight Mrs. 6 Roskear villas, Tucking- 'forpoint, Devonport Bray Frank, Padstow R.S.O
mill, Camborne Boscawen The Hon. John Richard Bray G.S.Lanner ho.Lannartb,Redruth
Bloye James, Rezare, Callington R.S.O de Clare, Tregye, Perranwell R.S.O Bray J. 7 Clifton villas, Richmond bill,
Bluett 1Edmonds James l.P. Bank, St. Boscawen Rev. Arthur Townshend, Truro
Mary's, Penzafice Ludgvan, Long Rock R.S.O Bray J. Roydon rd.St.Stephen's, Lncstn
Bluett Mrs. 5 Penlee View terrace, Bosence Charles, 59 Belgravia st.Penznce Bray John, St. Mabyn R.S.O
Red innick, Penzance Bosence Mrs. 2 East terrace, Market Bray Misses, Willisfords,Stratton R. S. 0
Boaden Wm. Cross lanes, Cury R.S.O Jew street, Penzance Bray Mrs. 15 Albany road, Redruth
Boaden William, Tregadjack, Mawgan- Bosence Mrs. Warwick house, Morrab Bray Mrs. Belvue cot. Padstow R.S.O
in-Meneage R.S.O place, Penzance Hray Mrs. Claremont roa.J, Redruth
Boase E. Pentrea, Alexandra rd. Penznce Bosisto Miss, I Albany road, Falmouth Bray Mrs. Hick's mil1, Gwennap,
Boase Miss, 21 Union place, Truro Boston Vi'illiam, 9 Alma ter. Penzance Perranwell Station R.S.O
Boase Richd. D. 5 Morrab rd. Penzance Bosustow Miss, 7 Clarence st. Penzance Bray Mrs. I7 Parade, •.rruro
Boddington Hy. 5 Marine ter. Penzance Bosustow :\Hsses, 14 North par.Penzance Bray Philip, Carharrack, Scorrier R.S.O
Boddy William, 22 Richmond hill,Truro Bosnstow Mrs. 2 St. Mary's ter. Penznce BrayR.6 Trennick row,Malpas rd.Trnro
Bodilly Alfred Hy. 38 Kenwyn st..Truro Bosward Rev.James Joseph,I4 Florence Bray William, Clinton road, Redruth
Bodilly Arthnr, 22 North par. Penzance terrace, Falmonth Brealy Rev. RobertStafford,Goldsithney,
Bodilly George Ley, Alverne Hay,Alver- Botterel John Henry, Priory Mead, Perrannthnoe, Marazion R.S.O
ton, Penzance Tywardreath, Par Station R.S.O Brecknell Miss, 4I Kimberley rd.Falrnth
Bodilly Miss,West Idg. Alverton, Penznce Bottrail Fras. Clogg, I 3 Fore st. Cambrne ·Bremner J obn, 7 Florence pi. Falmouth
Bodilly R.H. West ldg. Alverton,Penznce Boucher Alfred Richard D.L., J.P. Tre- Bremner Mrs. Belle Vue cott'lge,Saltash
Bodilly Thos. H. Alverton cot. J>enzance nean, St. Germans R. S.O Brenchley Hy. 4 Marine ter. Penmnce
Brendon George, Broomhill, Poughill, Buck Rev. Richard Eustace-Stukely, Buzza Mrs. 26 Albany road, Redruth
Stratton R.S.O Rectory, St. Alien, Truro Caddy Alexander, 4Nortonpl. Penzance
Brent :Miss, Higlier Anderton,l\Iillbrook, Buck Rev. Richard Hu~h Keats B. A. Cade :Miss, 39 Morrab road, Penzance
Plymouth Rectory,St.Dominick,St.MellionR.S.O Cade Richd. Henry. Church st. Helston
Brenton George Hy. St. Germans R.S.O Buckett Alfred Hy.5 Morrab pl.Penzauce Caldwell James, 8 Albart ter. Penzance
Breton Mrs. Rose bank, Melville road, Huckett A. H jnn. 5 ~lorrab pi.Penznce Calgwell .Mrs. Tharsis villa, Calstock
Falmouth Buckingham Rd. Jn. Callington R.S.O Caldwcll Oliver, Alexandra rd.Penzance
Brewet• A. D.Green bnk.Grampound Rd Buckley Rev. Eric Rede B. A. 5 Beacons- Calf William, II Lannowethrd.Penzance
BrewerHarryDumble,I9Union pl.Truro field terrace, Bodmin Calf William Hy. 25 George st. Truro
BrewerJ.4Treyew vils. Redruth rd. Truro Budge Charles, Basset road, Camborne Camden Chas. Jn. 2 Grove pk. Liskeard
Brewer William R. 52 Forest. Bodmin Budge Miss, Cawsaml, Plymouth Cameron John, 12 Bar ter. t'almouth
Bridge John, 6 Norton place, Penzance Budge Mrs. Seaforth, Pendarves road, Cameron W. B. J. P. Stephen's cotts.
Bridgeman Mrs. I Beech vils.BudeR.S. 0 Camborne Beacon, St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O
Bridges G. 17 Woodlane ter. Falmouth BulkeleyR.Oak cot.Perran whrf.Perran- Campbell Jn. Shutta, Looe East R.S.O
Bridgewater Rev. Cuthbert,Wetherham, arworthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O Campbell Le1·eson G. Skisdon, St. Kew,
St. Tudy R.S.O Bull Col. :Marshall Valentine J.P. Hos- Wadebridge R.S.O
Bridgman Rev. C. Clinton rd. Redruth carrick, Budock, Falmouth Candy Charles, Hosome, St. Just-in-
Bridle Wm. Hy. 2 To]ver rd. Penzance Bull Capt. G.P. Marlborough, Falmouth Pemith R.S.O
Britland J Chircornick,Gulval,Penzance Bull Rev. GeorgeTippet B.A.Treslothan, Cannon Waiter, 3 Vi;ian ter. Truro
Broad C. R. 14 Woodlane ter. Falmouth Camborne Cannon William Reed, Perran-Arwor-
Broad E. M. Trewhiddle, Rt. Amtell Bull Rev. Wm. Jas. Springfield, Bodmin thal, Perranwell Station H..S.O
Broad Edwin, Clinton road, Redruth Bull John,8Arthur tcr.Torpoint,Devonpt Cara Ueo. S. 23 St. Mary's ter. Penz<tnce
Broad Herman Usticke, The Nare, Bull Mrs. 12 Dunstanville ter. Falmouth CaraT.l\l.Antrun ho.Chavel st.Penzance
Melville road, Falmouth Bull Mrs. 9 Harbour terrace, Falmoqth Carah Henry, Penpollane, Hayle
Broad Josiah, Falrnouth road, Redruth Bull Mrs. Marlborough, Falmouth Carbis John, 6Parade'passage,Penzance
Broad Miss, 6 Barnfield ter. Liskeard Bullen Nathaniel B. 7 Parade, Truro Carbi:s Mrs. Trewirgie cottage, Redruth
:Broad Mrs. Churchtown,Breage,Helston Bullen R. H. 5Witton vils. Woodla.Falmth Cardell Edward, Waterloo, 'fruro
Broad Mrs. Robert Richard, 3 Witton Bullen William, II Clifton pl. Falmouth Cardell George Parminter, Lanhins-
villas, ·woodlane, Falmouth Bullen William, 15 Parade, Truro worth, St. Golumb Major R.S.O
Broad Sydney, 9 Florence pl. Falmouth Bullen William Charles, Glenville house, Cardell J uhn, Trethiggy, St. Columb
Broad '1\"illiam, Woudlane, Falmoutb Trelawney road, Falmouth Minor R.S.O
Broad-Eade Rev. Isaac B.A. Vicarage, Bullmore Edwd. 7 Kimberleypl.Falmth Cardell J. M. H. l'enventon ho. Bodmin
St. Columb Minor R.S.O Bullmore E. I7 Dunstanville ter. Falmth Cardell Joseph Harvey, Ruse, Laneast,
Brock John, 75 St. Jamlls' st. Penzance Bullmore F. C. I Stratton pi. Falmouth Egloskerry R.S. 0
Brokelbank Gerald, Spring hill,Polruan, Bullmore George Green,4 H.ussell villas, Cardell Mrs. 2 Langorra viis. l\ewquay
Fowey R.S.O Mount Wise, Newquay Cardell Thomas .~.viagor, Ye Gables,
. Brookenshaw Mrs. 7 Albert ter. Penznce Bullmore Mrs. 3 Stratton pl. Falmouth Mount Wise, Newquay
.Brokenshaw Mrs. Harbour terrace, Bullmore Wm. 9 Tehidy ter. Falmouth Cardell William l\lagor, Lower Carlogas,
l''owey R.S.O Bullmore W. K. liLD. 2 Bank pl. Falmth St. Columb Major R.S.O
Brockenshire Mrs. 5 Union place, Truro Hullock Capt. Chas. .Anderson Pelham, Carder Thomas, Hoseland villa, Mill-
Bromhead Miss.3 Wodehouse ter.Falmth The Hermitage, St. Mawes, Falmouti.l brook, Plymouth '
Brooke Harry, Greenbank, Porth, ~t. Bullock John,Stanagwyn1:1, St. Stephens- ('ardew Col.A.g Cambridge pl.Falmouth
Columb Minor R.S.O in-Brannell, Grampound Road Cardew Rev. Frederick Campbell M.A.
Brooking George, 9 Dudley ter. Saltash Bullocke Mrs. n Claremont ter. Falmth Vicarage, Torpoint, Devonport
Brooking John T. I Dudley ter. Saltash Bult~el Hy.Jas. Cbarlestown, St. A.ustell Cardew :iVIrs. 7 Woodlane c1·es.Falmouth
Brooking Julian, Eastney, Albany road, .Bune Fredk. Wm. 4.Regentter.Penzance Care Jacob, Barnoon ter. St. Ives R.S.O
l''almouth 1Hunt Jabez H. West .Holme, Camborne Care Jn Florence vil. Urampound Road
Brougham Miss, 4 Trelawney rd.Falmth l:lunt Wm. Penpoll, Mawnan, I<'almouth Care Miss, Tregenna pl. St. Ives R.S.O
Brown Daniel, I Treverdun place, Bunt Wm. A. 15 Morrab rd. Penzance Carkeek .Arthur, Penventon, Redrnth
Trelawney road, Falmouth Burall Mrs. Bodriggy villas, Hayle Carkeek John, 9 Penventon ter.l{edruih
Brown Eldred R.Fore street, Lostwithiel Burchett Jas. Day, 4 Stratton pl.Falmth Carlyon Lt.-Col. Clement Winstanley,
Brown H. D. The Terrace, St. IvesR.S.O Burdon Mrs. Probus RS.O St. Mawes, Falmouth
Brown Jabez, Angove ho. Bude R.S.O llurdon Nicholas, 24 Barter. Falmouth Carlyon Albert, 21 Lemon st. Truro
Brown John, 1- Home Park ter. Saltash Hurgess Col. H. M. .Halgavor, Bodmin Carlyon Edmund, Polkyth, St. Austell
Brown John, 2 St. Mary's pl. Penzance Burgess John, Pool, Carn Brea R.S.O Carlyon Edmund L. 46 Lemon st.Truro
Brown John, St. Peter's terrace, Flush- Burgess Mrs. Perran wharf, Perran-Ar- CarlyonF.H.M.B.,c.M.66Lemon st.Truro
ing, :Falmouth worthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O Carlyon George Richard Gwavas B.A.,
Brown John, \Vellington rd. Camborne Burgess Mrs. E.Nance, Illogan, Redruth D.L., J.P. 'l'regrehan, St. Blaz0y, l'ar
Brown Misse1:1, Gyllyngvase, l\Ielville Burgess Mrs. G. Ivy cot.Illogan,Redruth Station RS.O
road, Falmouth Burns Mrs. Churca street, .Mevagissey, Carlyon John William, Cross st. Helstn
Brown Mrs. Callington R.S.O St. Austeli Carlyon Miss, I7 Lemon street, Truru
Brown Mrs. 3 Cambridge terrace, Burridge Mrs. 30 Albany rd. B.edruth Carlyon Mrs. 14 .Alma ter. Penzance
Torpoint, Devonport Burridge William, Kenwyn st. Truro Carlyon Mrs. Trevre, Kenwyn, 'l'ruro
Brown Mrs. Parkingear, Biscovey, Par Burrow George, Cornish Bank, Ht. Carlyon Mrs. Tristrem ho. Fowey R.S.O
Station R.S.O Columb Major R.S.O Carnall Mrs. Fore street, Fowey R.S:O
Brown Mrs. Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Burrow Hy. I3 Richmond hill, Truro Carne George N. r4 Clareter. Falmouth
Brown Philip James, St. John's terrace, Burrow Richard, IO Andrew pi. Truro Carne Henry, Morrab place, Penzance
Devoran R.S.O Burrow William, Hele bridge, Marham- Carne John, 3 Tolver road, Penzance
Brown Robt. 33 Bay View ter. Penz:mce church, Stratton R.S.O Carne John McClymont, I3 Stratton
Brown •rhos. 4 Commercial pl. Saltash BurrowsW.IOBreakwater rd.BudeR.S.O terrace, Falmouth
Brown Thomas, Wadeland ter. Liskeard BurrowsWm.J.R. 19 Harbourter.Falmth Carne Joseph, I2 Belgravia st. Penzance
Browne Rev. P. E. 26 Ferris twn. Truro Burt Charle!3, I4 Barter. Falmouth Carne Miss, 28 Chapel street, Penzance
Browne Henry, Ledrah, St. Austell llurt Jacob W. Garfield ho. Lostwitbiel Carne Mrs. Chacewater, ~corrier R.S.O
Browne Miss,2St.Michael's ter. Penzance Burt Mrs. Belle vue, Bridge end, Carne Reuben, Highcrtown, Truro
Browne Patrick Joseph, Glenkeller, St. Lostwithiel Carne Wm. Jn. 5 tJlarence ter. Penzance
Stephen's, Launceston Burt Mrs. Newport, Launceston Carne Wm. N. 44 Market st. Falmoutb
Bruruage A. M. Torpoint, Devonport Burton Edwd. J. 32 Ferris town, Truro Carne William Naylor, Rosemundy, St.
Bryant Rev. Sl. 6 Ivlorrab pl. Penzance Burton Edward Joseph, 3 T1·eyewvillas, Agnes, Scorrier KS.O
Bryant Rev. T. F. Fair1ey ter. Liskeard Redruth road, Truro Carolan Mrs. Portennys villa, Mouse-
Bryant Benj. 7 Carwinion ter. Liskeard Burton Jn.MountWise,Pikes hHI,Falmth hole, Penzance
Bryant C. Miners' bank, Princes st.Truro Hmton Thos. R. Bodmin rd. St. Austell Carpenter Morton B. Glanville, Week
Bryant James, Mawgan cross, Mawgan- Buscombe Thos. K. \'radebridge R.S.O ::>t. Mary, Stratton R.S.O
in-Pydar, St. Columb Major R.S.O Buse Mrs. Buckshead house, '.i'ruro Carr S. Bratoft, Redinnick, Penzance
Bryant James. 6 Parkvedras ter. 'l'ruro Bush Rev. P. M.A. Rectory,Duloe R.S.O Carrutbers Mi.:!s, Church st. Padstow,
BryantJ.Oakfield ho.St. Cleer, Liskeard Bushell Mrs. St. Mawes, Falmouth U..S.O
Bryan~ Mrs. I Adelaide ten-ace, 'l'ruro Butlin Rev. William Wright B.A. Basset Carter Rev. Conway R. D. M.A. Vicarage,
Bryant Mrs. 7 Castle gardens, Liskeard Road villas, Camborne St. Erth, Hayle
Bryant N.Coventry st. .Flushing,Falmth Butlin Chas. Hy. Chapel st. Camborne Carter Uev. :Francis Edward M. A. The
Bryant W.St. John's ter. Devoran R.S.O Butters Mrs. Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Avenue, Campfields, 'fruro
Bryer Rev. Clement Arthur Ferdinand. Buttle Charles, r I<'ernleigh ter. Saltasb Carter Ueo. 28 Hudock ter. :Falmouth
14 Trevethan terrace, :Fahnouth Buyers Jolm Walker, Lower Hexworthy, Carter G. Traunack, Madron, Penzance
BuckMiss,2Paxton villas, Port vw.Saltash Lawhitton, Launceston Carter George Henry, Cross st. Helston
lCarter Mrs. 4 Park terrace, Falmouth Chirgwin Wm. r8 Marine ter. Penzance Coad Mrs. William, Malpas, Trnro
Carter Mrs. Rose bill, Madron, Penzance Chivell William, 1\'lalabar house, Higher- Cock Alfred Wm. Torpoint, Dcvonport
Carteu Mrs. I7 South ter. Camborne town, 'l'ruro Cock David, Parkwoon ho. Rnche R.S.O
Carter Mrs. John, Homefield, Camborne Chivers Eugene, 8 Tolv·er rd. Penzance Cock Francis Hearle, Tnllimaar, Perran-
Carthew Hev.John Edward,TheRectory, Chivers Mrs. 34 Chapel street, Penzance Arworthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O
Lansallos, Polperro R.S.O Christoe Mrs.Lemon Yii.Lcmon st.Truro Cock James, 2 Barntield ter. Liskeard
Cartwright Rev. G-eorge Dawson H.A. Chri~toe Wm.Hy.Penruddock,Falmouth Cock Mrs. 3 Bond street, Redruth
Vicarage, St. Winnow, Lostwithiel Christopher John, I4 The Terrace, St. Cock Mrs. Ferris viis. Edward st.Truro
Cartwright Anstis Hockin John Lux- Ives R.S.O Cock Mrs. 3 Francis street, Trnro
moore, Glencairn,Newport,Launcestn Christopher 1\frs. Blackwell villa, Lelant Cock Mrs. 7 Fraucis street, Tr11ro
Carus-Wilson Edward Shippbard M.A., R.S.O Cock Mrs. St. Mawes, Falmouth
J.P. Penmount, St. Clement's, Truro ChristophersJn-4St.Michael's ter.Helstn CockRd.MountVernon,Newlyn,Penzance
Carus-Wilson Edward Willyams, Pen-1Christopherson Rev. Brian M.A. 2 Cock Wm. 17Plain-an-Gwarry, Redruth
mount, St. Clement's, Truro Witton villas, Woodlane, Falmonth Cockin Rev. Joe, 2 River street, 'fruro
Carvis Miss, 12 Rosewin row, Truro Chubb Arthur Dunning Travers, Porte CockinJoseph,Lampen,St.Neot,Liskeard
Carvolth Miss, 5 Vivian terrace, Truro Rouge, Torpoint, Devonport Cocking George, Gunnislake, Tavistock
Carvosso Wm. F. Woodlands,Perran-Ar- Chnbb Charles William, Porte lli>nge, Cocking James, 6 Alexandra terrace,
worthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O Torpoint, Devonport Richmond hill, Truro
Carwithen A. n Truro Veau ter. 'Trnro Chndleigh C. Weeths, Alverton, Penzance Cocking Richd. 4 Parkvedras ter. Truro
Cary James Francis, St. Clare's,Falmth ChudleighR.nSt.Michael's ter.Penzance Cocking William, 3 Regent sq. Penzance
Cary Mrs.Morvah, Melville rd.Falmonth Chynoweth John, I Vogue terrace, St. Cocks F.A.Churchtown,Madron,Penznce
Cary Mrs St. Clement's villa, Mouse- Day, Scorrier R.S. 0 Cocks Mrs. I 1 Albany road, Falmouth
hole, Penzance Cbynoweth John, Walhalla house, St. Cocks Mrs. Treverbyn Vean, St. Neot,
Cassey Rev. Canon William M.A. Killi- Columb Major R.S.O Liskeard
grew street. l<'almouth Chynoweth Mrs. Hiugston villa, St. Cocks William, 2 Ridgegrove villas, St.
CaunterH.Middleton ho.Parade,Lskeard Ann's, Tavistock Stephen's, Lannceston
Caunter Hy. Lyde, Dean st. Liskeard Clapham Rev. Elijah, Green lane, St. Codd John R. S. 26 Ferris town, Trnro
Cazalet Rev. Arthur Mirrielees B.A. 2 Just-in-Penwith H.S.O Code Mrs. The Rookery,Marazion R.S.O
Cornwall terrace, Trnro Claridge Thomas, Sh. Germans R.S.O Cogan John, 4 Belgravia st. Penzance
Cazalet Louis, Perran-Porth R.S.O Clark Miss Jane, Millbrook, Plymouth Cogar Richd. 8 North parade, Penzance
Chads Capt. John Hanbnry R.N. Wood- Clark Misses, r Anderton Yillas, Mill- Coggins Miss, I8 Harbour ter. Falmouth
lands, Lelant R.S.O brook, Plymouth Cohen Herbert, Huan Minor R.S.O
Chalk Fredk. C. E. Callington R.S. 0 Clark Mrs. 4 Kenwyn terrace, Truro Cole Fras. Wbiterock,Wadebridge R.S. ().
Chambers Rev. Joseph B.A. Vicarage, Clark Mrs. Pool, Caru Brea R.S.O Cole James, IO Trehaverne place, Trnro
Gunwalloe, Helston Clark Mrs. South street, St. Anstell Cole Miss, North street, Lostwithiel
Chambers E. Alverton lodge, Penzance Clark Richard, Pinewood, Perran-Ar- Cole William Robert Newton M.D.,
Chambers Mrs. 23 Chapel st. Penzance worthal, Perranwell Station RS.O :ar.ch. St. Tudy R.S.O
ChamingsRev.W.H.Castle st.Launcestn Clark Richd. N. 54 Belgravia st.Penzance Coleman Frank, Rock hill~ St. Minver,
Champion Lieut.-Col. Frederick Albert, Clark William, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Wadebridge R.S.O
Antron hill, Mabe, Penryn ClarkW.HnmblyLower,Carey vil.Saltash Coleman Mrs.Kimberley house,Kimber-
Champion Jn. Dolcoath rd. Camborne Clarke Cha!ii. D. Norman villa, Newquay ley place, Falmouth
ChannonG.H.Tregony,GramponndRoad ClarkeEdwd.Hy.9HomePark ter.Saltash Coleman Mrs. Park cottage, St. Minver,
Chapman Capt. Frederick H. The Clarke Misses, 4 Upland ter. Falmouth Wadebridge R.S.O
Barracks, l:lodmin Clarke Mrs. Barfett, Penhale house, Coleman Mrs. The Retreat, Egloshayle,
Cbapman John, sen. I Dean pi. Liskeard Queen street, Penzance Wadebridge R.S.O
Chapman W. G. P. 9 Adelaide ter.Truro ClarkeThos. T. Ponghill,Stratton R.S.O Colenso Mrs. 48 Morrab road, Pem:ance
ChapmanWm.Solomon,riAgarrd.Trnro Clarke Wm.J.Redruth highway,Redrnth Colenso Richd. 48 Morrabrd. Penzance
Chappel Rev.W.P.M.A.Rectory,Cambrne Clarke Wm.Jsph.Porth Towan, Redruth Colenso Saml. M. 20 Morrabrd.Penznce
· Chapple Mrs. Upton grove, Chacewater, ClatworthyThoii.ICommercial pl.Saltash Colenso T\los. Hy. 29 Barter. Falmonth
Scorrier R.S.O ClatworthyT.jun.2Commercial pl.Saltsh Colenso Wm. 4 Clarence ter. Penzance
ChardArthur,2oBerkeley vale,Falmouth Clayton John, Garnet house, Summer Colenso William, Trewithen glen, Tre-
Chard Chas. W. St. James' ter. Penryn court, Gramponnd Road withen road, Penzance
Charles Misses, 59 Chapel st. Penzance Cleames Mrs. 13 Florence pi. Falmonth Colle Frederick John, 49 Castle st.Truro
Charles Mrs. Scanner house, Sheviock, Cleave Thos. Werry, Wadebridge R.S.O Colley Rev. William Wingfield B.A. East
St. Germans R.S.O Cleaver Wm. Fidler, Penpol ter. Hayle hill, St. Anstell
Chase Rev. Chas. Henry M. A. Vicarage, Clemens James, 22 George street, Trnro Collier Arthnr Bevan J.P.Carthamartha,
St. Minver, Wadebridge R.S.O Clemens John, I6 Castle street, Trnro Rezare, Callington R.S.O
Chater Wm. 2I l:lay View ter. Penzance Clemens William, I Treleigh villas, Collingwood A. W. Clinton rd. Redrnth
Chegwidden J. W. Parade, Liskeard Daniel! road, Truro Collins Rev. Edward Vernon M.A. Rec-
ChegwiddenW. L.2Heanton vils.Redruth Clemens Wm. C. 7 St. George's rd. Truro tory, Blisland, Bodmin
ChegwynWm.Henry,Lenfred ho.Redrth C'lements Rev.F.2 Albert ter.Lostwithiel Collins B. J. The Cottage, Newquay
ChellewG.Laurel vil.Clinton rd.Redruth Clements David, 5 Parkvedraster. Trnro Collins Digby n.r.. , J.P. Newton Fer-
Chellew John, Halsetown, St. Ives R.S.O Clements Martin, Bodinnoc, Lanteglos, rers, Callington R.S.O
Chellew Rd. B. 3 Strangway's viis. Truro Fowey R.S.O Collins Edward, Edgcumbe house, Fore
Chellew Thomas John, Draycot terrace, Clemes Richd. Mount Charles, St.Austell street, Lostwithiel
St. Ives R.S.O Clemow H. St. Just-in-Roseland,Falmth Collins Francis 5 Home Park ter.Saltash
Chellew William, Point, Devoran R.S.O ClemowJas.Barry's lane,PadstowR.S.O Collins George, St. James ter. Penryn
ChellewWm.John,23Tolver rd.Penzance Clemow Joel, I Erisey ter. Falmouth Collins George, St. Mary's house, St.
Chellow Saml. CrowJas cottage, Crowlas, Clemow Mrs. The Bunion, Padstow R.S. 0 Mary's place, Penz!l.nce
Long Rock R.S. 0 Cleverton Frederick William, Windsor Collins Geor!!e Browne, Carlogas, St.
Chenhalls Alfred, Market street, St. villas, Saltash Columb Major R.S.O
Jnst-in-Penwith R.S. 0 Clifford George 3 Parkvedras ter. Trnro Collins John Richard, Fore st. Bodmin
Chenballs Mrs. Nancherrow terrace, St. Clift Mrs. I6 Wodehouse ter. Falmonth CollinsJ.R. Tregenna,Michaelstw.Camlfd
Just-in-Penwith R.S.O CJimo John, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O C-ollins Miss,9Dean ter.Dean st.Liskeard
Chenhalls William,Cape-Cornwall street, Clinton Chas. Wm. IO Vivian ter. Truro Collins Mrs. IS Erisey terrace,Falmoulh
St. Just-in-Penwith R.S.O Cloak John, St. Peter's terrace, Flush. Collins l\lrs. 45 Fore street, Bodmin
CheuxFredk.Reginald,8Fore st.Camborn ing, Falmouth Collins Mrs. 5 Manley terrace, Liskeard
Cheves Alexander l:lrnce M.A., M.D. Cloak Miss, St. Peter's terrace, Flushing, Collins P. St. John's ter. Devoran R.S.O
Brookfield house, Millbrook, Plymth Falmouth Col!ins Thurstan, Penmellyn,St.Colnnili
ChevesJas. Trelawny,Dean ter.Liskeard Clogg Mrs. Quarry, Looe East R.S.O Major R.S.O '
ChilcottGilbertH.sUp.Lemon vils.Truro Clogg William, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Colliver John, Io Parade, Truro
Chilcott John Gilbert, Gwendroc, Truro Clow George James R.N. Rock house, Collier Joseph, Baldhu, Scorrier R.S.O
Child Mrs. Trnro road, St. Austell Torpoint, Devonport Colman Mrs. The Retreat, Wadebridge
Childs Rev. John Glynn B.A. Rectory, Clunes James, Pavillion cottage, St. R.S.O
St. Dennis, St. Austell Blazey, Par Station R.S. 0 Comerford Mrs. 10 Alma place,Penzance
Childs Borlase, Trewithan, Liskeard ClntterbuckMrs.St.Mary'sgrotto,Liskrd Comley Thos. 5 Carvath rd. St. Austcll
Ching Capt. -Lawrence R.N. I Tamar Clyma Mrs. 64 Lemon street, Truro Complin Hy. Jas. S.Adelaideter. Truro
terrace, Launceston Clymo James, Barras street, Liskeard Comyns Rev. Thomas 1\'I,GrampoundRd
Ching P. Church town,St.KeverneR.S.O Coad John, Pensilva, Liskeard Condamine John de la, I6l\'Iorrab road,
Chinnock Thos. We lington rd.Camborne Coad Jn.Luskey,HigherLux st.Liskeard Pen~ce
ChirgwinPercyT.Chyoone,Paul,Penznce Coad Miss, 3 Dudley terrace, Saltash Congdon A.Badhm.Dnloe,St.KeyneRSO
Chirgwin Thomas, Rh·er street, Truro Coad Mrs. Thomas, Malpas Cong'lon Charles, Newport, Launcc3ton
Congdon J. E.Marketst.LooeEastR.S.O•Court Rev. Louis Henry, Strand, St. Crothers James, Rose cottage, Chace..
Congdon Miss, Castle street, Launceston Mary's, Penzance water, Scorrier R.S.O ,
Congdon Miss, Marazion R.S.O Courtenay Rev. Thomas Nicholas D.D. Crowle James, 62 Richmond hill, Truro
Congdon Mrs. Pa.r, Par Station R.S.O Rosevean road, Penzance Crowle Thomas, Lower Trevella, St.
Congdon Wm. Fredk. Fairfield,St.Austll Courtenay Miss, I Claremont, Lehenver Feock, Truro
Conn Miss, St. Mabyn R.S.O road, Newquay Cruddas Rev. William Sandwith M.A.
Conybeare Charles Augustus Vansittart Courtis l.\lrs. 34 Carclew street, Truro Rectory, Withiel, Bodmin
M.P. Tregullow, Scorrier R.S.O. & Courtney Miss,Trenance, Hawkinsroad, Cruse Miss, Tregenna ter.St.Ives ItS.O
Savile club w & National Liberal club Penzance ' Cudlip Mrs. Penrose road, Helston
s w London Conrtney Richard Acutt, Trenance, CullumGeo.Lake,2Warfelton ter.Saltash
Coode Arthur J.P. Trevarthian,St.Austll Hawkins road, Penzance Culyer Chas. 10 Alma ter. Penzance
Coode Edwd. D.L.,J.P.Moorcot.St.Austl Courtney Richard A.Churchst.Liskeard Cumberledge John Augustus, Adele
Coode Miss, East hill, St. Austell Courtney William Hy.Castle st,Liskeard house, Mount Charles, St. Austell
Coode Mrs. John, Polcarne, St. Austell Cousins Rev. William Adolph M A. AI- Cundy Isaac, 13 Brunei terrace, Saltash
Coode Wm. Melville, Trevarna,St.Austll verton villas, Camborne Cundy Miss,4 Draycot ter.St.IvesR.S.O
Coode Mrs. Thos. Ponddhu, St. Austell Cowan Rev. Charles E. R. M.A.Rectory, Cnnnack GeorgeJames,Cross st.Helston
Coode Mrs. W.Church tn.Kenwyn, Truro Gerrans, }t'almouth Cunnack Mrs. 18MarketJew st. Penzance •
Coode William M,A, cantab. Trevarna, Cowanl.\lisses,Rosevine,PortscathoR.S.O Curdle John Lewis, Barn st. Liskeard
St. Austell Coward Rev. Richard M.A. Vicarage, Curgenven B. W. St. Thomas st.Penryn
Cook Mrs. Grant's walk, St. Austell Luxulyan, Lostwithiel CurgenvenMrs.l.\lountCharles,St.Austell
Cook Saml. 29 North parade, Penzauce Coward H. J. IB Wodehouse ter.Falmth Cm·now Rev. Henry, Agar road, Truro
Cook Wm.Arthr.IoRichmond ter.Truro Coward T. 9 Marlborough rd.Falmouth Curnow Andrew, Lelant R.S.O
Cooke Rev. Arthur Henry B.A. Rectory, Cowell Rev. Robert Corlett, Fair street, Curnow Miss, Aubrey house, St. Mary's
Trevalga, Boscastle R.S.O St. Columb Major S.S.O terrace, Penzance
Cooke Jn. T. The Cot. Flushing, Falmth Cowie Chas. l.\1. The Castle, Bude R.S.O Curnow Mrs.22 Bellair ter.St.IvesR.S.O
Coom Felix Elford, Fore street, Bodmin Cowl Joseph,New street, Padstow R.S.O Curnowl.\lrs.Lannerhl.Lannarth,Redrth
Coom John Wa.llis, Fore street, Bodmin Cowlard Rev. William M.A. Rectory, Currow William, I Harrison ter. Truro
Coombes Sampson, 17 Albert rd.Saltash Marhamchurch, Stratton R.S.O Curry Matthew, Dolcoath rd. Camborne
Coombes Wm. Jn. B. Wa.debridgeR.S.O Cowlard Christopber, Lethbridge, Mad- Curry William, 6 Belle Vue ter. Saltash
Coombs Mrs. 3 Barnfield ter. Liskeard ford, Launceston CurtisFredk.J.Dunheved rd.Launceston
Coon Fred. Aug.Sedgemoor ter.S~.Austl Cowlard Misses, St. John's, Launceston Curtis James, Ranelagh road, Mount
Coon J. M. Mena.cuddle st. St. Austell Cowling Mrs. Probus R.S.O Charles, St. Austell
Cooper John, North ter. St. Ives R.S.O Cowling William, Barn street, Liskeard Curtis Mrs. Beach house, Polruan,Fowey
Cooper Miss, Dolvean,Melville rd.Falmth Cowling William, Fair street,St.Columb R.S. 0
Cooper Robert, 3 Tehidy ter. Falmouth Major R.S.O Curtis Mrs. Market st. Looe East R.S.O
Cooper Thos. 2 Penwerris cots. Falmth Cox Hy.H. Hillside,Woodlane,Falmouth Curtis W.1Paxton vils.Port view,Saltash
Cope Mrs. The Cot.Mevagissey,St.Austl Cox James N.5 Frobisher ter. Falmouth Curtler Miss,Tamar ho. New rd. Saltash
Coplin Alfd. Richd.I6 Eriseyter.Falmth Cox JosephGoodenough,Lanarth house, Cuttance Mrs.Ig Wodehouse ter.Falmth
Coplin John, 21 Waterloo rd. Falmouth Albany road, Falmouth Dabb Fredk.Wm. Gwealantop, Redruth
Corbett Lieut. Godfrey E. R.N. H.M.S. Cox Newberry, 8 Clare ter. Falmouth Daddow John,Illogan highway,Redruth
Ganges, Flushing, Falmouth Cox Samuel, Broad street, Penryn D'Aeth Henry William R.N. Coast view,
Corbishley :Rev. John J. Mawgan-in- Cox Thomas, 8 Richmond ter. Truro Trevalga, Boscastle R.S.O
Pydar, St. Colnmb Major R.S.O Coyle Joseph, 4 Restormel ter.Falmouth Daine Rev. William Ralph M.A. Pool,
C.-order Mrs. 2 Windsor ter. Falmouth Cozens Frank Amos, 19 King st. Trnro Carn Brea R.S.O ·
Corder Richard, 69 Killigrew st. Falmth Crabb Charles, Church square, Bodmin Dalby Miss, Prospect house, Saltash
Core Rev. J. B.A. High st.Padstw.R.S.O Crabb Rd. 12 Ledrah rd. St. Austell Dalby Thos. Clarence ter. Launceston
Corfield Mrs. I4 Erisey ter. Falmouth Craddock William Henry, The Parade, Dale Charles Fredk. Cross st. Helston
Corfield William, 5 Tebidy ter. Falmth Mousehole, Penzance Dale Fred, Wendron street, Helston
Corin Arthur Evans, Chapel st. Redruth Cragoe Mrs. Sunset, Kea, 'fruro Dale Rd. 15 St. Mary's ter. Penzance
Corin EdwardChristr.BTowerpl.Penznce Cragoe Mrs. 24 Union place, Truro Dale Samuel Y. 61 Morrab rd. Penzance
CorinMu.Dunbarvil.Redinnick,I'enznce Cranswick Rev. Joseph, 13 Regent ter- Dale Wellington, Trevellyn, Alexandra
Corin Philip Burne M.I.M.E. 18 Tolver race, Penza.nce road, Penzance
road, Penzance Craze Mrs. 27 Coose lane, Redruth Dalrymple Miss, Gluth, Falmouth road,
Corin Thos. R.7 Trewartha ter.Penzance Craze Mrs. 8 St. Michael's ter. Penzance Truro
CorinValentine,gSt.Michael'ster.Pnznce Creagh M&jor John Kerin, Rosehill cot- DamerellRev.T.E.Sea view,FoweyR.S.O
Corlyon George, 2 Albany pl. Falmouth tage, Mylor bridge, Penryn Daniel Rev. George, Bridge, St. Columb
Corlyon Herbert,8Trevethan ter.Falmth Cregoe John P. 7 Tehidy ter. Falmouth Major R.S.O
CorlyonJsph.Rt.9 Trevethan ter.Falmth Cregoe Thomas Henry, Portmellon, Daniel John,Boswarthen,SancreedR.S.O
Cornish Ven. John Rundle M.A. The Mevagissey, St. Austell Daniel John, Passage st. Fowey R.S.O
Vicarage, Kenwyn, Truro Cresswell S. B. Beachcroft, Newquay Daniel John, 3I St. James' s't. Penza.nce
Cornish Fras. Jn. 22 Regentter.Penznce Creswell Fredk. Dean terrace, Liskeard Daniel John, 7 Union place, Truro
Cornish George, Chapel street, Redruth Creswell Miss, Dean terrace, Liskeard Daniel John, Wadeland villa, Liskeard
Cornish Jas. M. I5 Alvertonter.Penznce Crewes James Charles Rodd, 4 Park- Daniel Joshua, Bellair ter.St.Ives R.S.O
Cornish J n.Batten,4 Clarenee pl. Penznce vedras terrace, Truro Daniel Mrs. 39 Tolver road, Penzance
Cornish Thos. I Lannoweth ter. Peuznce Crewes James Francis, Grampound Daniel Ralph, Agar villa, Illogan high-
Cornish Thos. Hy.4 Clarence pl.Penzuce Crewes Mr~. 8 Prospect place, Truro way, Redruth
Cornwalll.\lrs.5 Alexandra ter.Penzance Crews·Capt. Charles, Portscatho R.S.O Daniel Richard, St. John's place, Flush·
Corry Rev. Henry William, The Vicar- Crews John Jas. I Kenwyn ter. Truro ing, Falmouth
age, Porthleven, Helston Criddle Benjamin, Lehenver house, Daniel William Treganna, Trafalgar
Cory Miss, Bellevue terrace, St. Austell Lehenver road, Newquay place, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O
Cory Waiter Bryant, Albert villa, St. Crispin Rd.T.13Kimberley rd.Falmouth Daniell John, I Redinnick ter. Penzance
Austell street, Truro Cracker Jas. Chas. Vipond L.D.S.R.c.s. Daniell John R. Polstrong, Camborne
Cory William Henry, I Garfield villas, Eng. 56 Morrab road, Penzance Daniell NathanielC.27 Albert rd.Saltash
Western road, Launceston Crocker John, 5 Sandhurst terrace Daniell R.A.Littlepark,Flushing,Falmth
Coryton Miss, Pentillie castle, Pillaton, Kenwyn road, Truro DanielJ Wm. H. 31 Budock ter.Falmonth
St. Mellion R.S.O Cracker Mrs. Belvidere, Bude R.S.O Daniels Mrs. Mount view, Tywardreath,
Coryton William l.P. Pentillie castle, Cracker William, 55 Pendarves street, Par Station R.S.O
Pillaton, St. Mellion R.S.O Tuckingmill, Camborne Darbyshire William, 7 Ranelagh road,
Cotter Mrs. 2 Home Park ter. Saltash . Crocker William, Torpoint, Devonport Mount Charles, St. Austell 1
Cattle John, Camelford Croggon Miss, Grampound Darke Misses, Fair street, St. Columb
Cottle Jobn, Trefrew,Lanteglos,Camlfrd Croggon William, Grampound Major R.S.O
Cotton Richard,Wendron street,Helston Crompton Rev. James, 5 Tregenna ter- Darke Mrs. Sea View cottage, Newquay
Couch D. Tregenna ter. St. Ives R.S.O race, St. Ives R. S.O Darke William Jn. C. Broad st. Truro
Couch Jn. Quiller, 10 Chapel st.Penznce Crook Benjamin Noah, Church villa, Darnell Rev. Alfred, Morwell view,Gun-
Couch Miss, 55 Richmond hill, Truro Egloshayle, Wadebridge R.S.O nislake, Tavistock
Couch Mrs. 2I Chapel street, Penzance Crooke Jn.Vivian ho. Newlyn, Penzance Dart Mrs. 3 St. Michael's ter. Penza.nce
Couch Mrs. Churchend,LooeEastR.S.O Crosby Mrs. 4 Stratton ter. Falmouth Dash George, 2 Tehidy ter. Falmouth
Couch Richard Pearce, 21 Chapelstreet, Crossman John, Consolidated Bank of Datson Rev. Joshua, Camelford
Penzance Cornwall,Fore street,Looe East R.S.O Daubuz John Claude B.A., D.L., J.P.
Coulson Jas. B. 14 Regent sq. Penzance Crossman William Walter,Rock: cottage, Killiow, Kea, Truro
Coulson Mrs. Lower Poltair, Madron, Bridge, St. Columb Major R.E.O Davey Rev. Richard Peter, Woodford
!. Penzance . Crothers W.J.Cbacewater,ScornerH.S.O villa, Saltash
Davey .Albert,42 Kimberley rd. Falmouth Dickson Mrs. Knaston villa, Saltash Drewe Rev. Ernest,Vicarage,Lostwithiel
Davey Benjamin, Green lane, Redruth Dickson W. Godrievy ho. St. Ives R. S. 0 Drewe Miss, 2 Windsor terrace, Saltash
Davey John, 7 Belgravia st. Penzance Dietzch Mrs. 3 Harrison terrace, Truro Drury-Lowe Vincent, Trekenning, St.
Davey Jn. Hawken, Castle st. Liskeard Dimon Alfred, Valetta house, Sa.ltash Columb Major R.S.O
Davey Joshua Sydney J.P. Bochym, Ding James, 95 Fore street, Saltash Du Boulay Ven. Henry Houssemayne
Cury R.S.O. & The Bungalow, Ken- Dingle Albertus, Whitleigh,Fowey R.S.O M.A. Rectory, Lawhitton, Launceston
nack cove, Grade, Ruan Minor R.S.O Dingle John Hicks, Quay st. Lostwithiel Du Boulay Mrs. 4 Tamarter.Launceston
Davey Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth Dingle John Williams J.P. Darley, DuckhamA.B.18 Arwenack st.Falmouth
Davey Mrs. Market st. Looe Eas~ R.S.O Linkinhorne, Callington R.S.O
Duke R. The Parsonage,Marazion R.S.O
Davey Mrs.I Sandhurst terrace,Kenwyn Dingle Joseph, Ranelagh road, Mount Dunbar W.Ford, Boconnoc, Lostwithiel
terrace, Truro Charles, St. Austell Dundas Rev. Leland Bowen, Vicarage,
Davey Oliver, Bencoolen vil.Bude R.S.O Dingle Miss E. North st. Fowey R.S.O Treneglos, Launceston
Davey Rd.Churchtown,St.BuryanR.S.O Dingle William J.P. Callington R.S.O Dundee Col. Robert H. Quarry park,
Davey Thomas, (Jlaremont rd. Redruth Dingle William, Par, Par Station R.S.O Creed, Grampound Road
Davey Thos. Coinage-hall st. Helston Dingle William, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Dungey Henry. Clarence cottage, Porth
DaveyWm.P.Gwavas vil.Paul, Penzance Dingley John, Eagle house, Launceston Towan, Redruth
DaveyW.P.Gwavas vil.Newlyn,Penznce Dinner E. IS Wellington ter. Falmouth Dungey H.18 Plain-an-Gwarry, Redruth
Davidson Charles, Perran-Porth R.S.O Dinney John, Point, Devoran R.S.O Dungey Jn. Elm cot. Green la. Redruth
Davidson Charles, Trevena, Lansdowne Dinnick Samuel D. East hill, St. Austell DWlgey J. The Green, Treleigh, Redruth
road, Falmouth Diplock B. J. 3 Florence ter. Falmouth Dungey Mrs. Glendower, Clinton road,
Davies Rev. 0. 6 Truro Vean ter. Truro Dix Miss, 14 Bay View terrace, Penzance Redruth
Davies Jn. Belle vue, Newlyn, Penzance Dixon George, Poltisko, Parade, Truro Dunkin Richard,roPaul's terrace, Truro
Davies Miss, 4 Antoine terrace, Newlyn, Dixon Rbt. Penarth, St. Clements,Truro Dunn John, Condurrow, Camborne
Penzance Dixon Wm. Jas. Claremont rd. Redruth Dunn Joseph, Dunheved rd.Launceston
Davies Mrs. Chacewater, Scorrier R.S.O Dobell Robert John, Parkvedras house, Dunn Mathias, Mevagissey, St. Austell
Davies Mrs. Myrtle cottage, Tregony, l>arkvedras terrace, Truro Dunn Mrs. 29 Albany road, Redruth
Grampound Road Doble Daniel, Falcon ter. Bude R.S.O Dunn Mrs. I Grosvenor pl. Newquay
Davies Mrs. Tresillian, Probus R.S.O Doble John 1\f. 13 Morrab rd. Penzance Dunn Thomas, Ranelagh road, Mount
Davies Richard, Vicarage road,St.Agnes, Doble M. Tregew vil. Flushing, Falmouth Charles, St. Austell
Scorrier R.S.O Doble Misses,Tysillick cottage, Flushing, Dunsford Miss, The Square, Penryn
Davies Wm. Hy. Flushing, Falmouth Falmouth DWlstan Isaac Odger, Crellow hill, St.
Davis Rev. Thos. Cawsand, Plymouth Doble Mrs. 12 South terrace, Penzance Stythians, Perranwell Station R.S.O
Davis A. P. Abergarwyd, Fowey R.S.O Doble William, 29 Belgravia st. Penzance DunstanJ.F.Kilkhamptn.StrattonR.S.O
Davis Arthr. P. Myrtle ho. Fowey R.S.O Dobson George, Polruan, .Fowey R.S.O Dunstan JosephPassingham,Springfield,
Davis E.S.S.St. Blazey,ParStationR.S.O Docton John Davis, Padstow R.S.O St. Columb Major KS.O
Davis Harry, Callington R.S.O Docton W. 12 Bellair ter. St. Ives R.S.O Dunstan Misses, 9 Agar road, Truro
Davis Harry, jun. Callington R.S.O Dodd Mrs. Broad street, Penryn DunstanMrs.Tregony,Grampound Road
Davis Mrs. Hugh st. St. Mary's,Penzance Dodge Wm. H. 8 Alverton ter. Penzance Dunstan Thos. Hy.St. Thomas st.Penryn
Davis Mrs. North street, Fowey R.S.O Doel Rev. A. 15 Trewirgie rd. Redruth Dunstan Thomas Henry,West st.Penryn
DavisRichard,4 Kimberley pi. Falmouth Doidge John, Boscawen street, Truro Dunstan William F.R.G.s. Mere down,
Davy Rev. Robert, Rose cottage, Hea, Doidge John, II Clarence st. Penzance .Wude R.S.O
Hea Moor R.S.O Doidge Jn. Sweet, 4Albertter. Penzance Dunstan Wm. Hy. The Terrace, Penryn
DavyHumphryM.D. Morrab villa,Morrab DoidgeMiss, St. Thomas' rd. Launceston Dunstone Mrs. Pine cottage, Portloe,
place, Penzance Doidge Thomas, Gwennap, Redruth Veryan, Grampound Road
Davy H. 21St. Mary's terrace, Penzance Dolling Rev. R. R. The Rectory, Redruth Dupen Mrs. Commercial road, Hayle
Davy Mrs. H. II2 MarketJew st.Penzance Donald D.B. Kernick,St.Gluvias,Penryn Durant Hy. Wm.Passage st.Fowey R.S.O
Dawe Alfred, St. Nicholas street, Bodmin Donald Thomas, Perran wharf, Perran- Durant H. W. W. 44 Morrab rd. Penzance
Dawe Chas. Hill, I Grove pl. Falmouth arworthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O Durant John, 5 St. Mary's terrace,
Dawe .John,u Pon-dhu lane, St. Austell Donald Wm. Market st. Devoran R.S.O Kenwyn road, Truro
Dawe Mrs. 8 Brunei terrace, Saltash Donaldson Rev. Canon .Augustus Blair Durham Mrs.3AshPark terrace,Liskeard
Dawe Philip Commercial road, Penryn M.A. Lanhydrock villas, Truro DurnQ Rev. George M.A. Vicarage,
Dawe Philip H. Commercial rd. Penryn Dorrien-Smith Thomas AlgernonSmith- Egloshayle, Wadebridge R. S. 0
Dawe Richard, Wadebridge R.S.O D.L., .J.P. The Abbey, Tresco,Penzance Durrant John James, Tredizzick bridge,
DawkinsJ.19 Dunstanville ter.Falmouth Dorrington Mrs. 18 Castle street, Truro St. Minver, Wadebridge RS.O
Deacon Jas. 5 Belle Vue terrace, Saltash Dorrington TheophilusLutey, 2 Colches- Dusting John, 19 Bay View ter.Penzance
Deacon John, 26 Albert road, Saltash ter villas, Falmouth road, Truro Dusting ·Wm. I Alexandra ter. Penzance
Deakin Arthur Newland B.A. Grammar Doswell Mrs. 3 Magdala villas, Saltash Dusting William, jun. South P1ll house,
school, Fowey R.S.O Doughty Ed ward, Alderthorpe, Adelaide St. Stephen's-by-::ialtash, Saltash
Dea\'ille John, 25 Morrab road, Penzance terrace, Truro Dustow James,go Tolver road,Penzance
de BaryMrs. Sclerder, Talland, Polperro Douglas V. II St. Mary's ter. Penzance Dustow William,g Belgrave st. Penzance
R. S.0 DownLieut. W. R. N. Maristow ho. Saltash Dyer Edward, Colvreath, Roehe R. S. 0
de Burgh Rev. C. 43 Lemon street, Truro Downe Miss, Park Hill cottage, Saltash DyerLovall,2Richmond ter.St.IvesR.S.O
de Cerjat Rev. Charles Rowland Wynne, DowneMrs.Lime vil. Mylor brdg.Penryn Dyer Richd.St.John's ter.DevoranR.S.O
Vicarage, Crowan, Camborne Downe Mrs. Park cottage, Saltash Eagar Rev. Alexander Richard D.D.
De Costa Mrs. Penzer ho. Paul, Penzance Downing James, Sea view, Hayle . Vicarage, Manaccan, St.M!l.rtin R.S.O
Deeble John, Eureka cottage, Saltash Downing John Eva, 4 Bank pl. Falmouth Earle Fredk. H.9 Wodehouse ter.Falmth
Deeble Wm. 9 Woodlane ter. Falmouth DowningJ.E. jun.xsFlorence ter.Falmth EarleFredk.Lewis,gAlbany rd.Falmouth
Delger Max, Castle street, Liskeard Downing Joseph C. Boskenna, Falmouth Earle Mrs. Aubrey ho. Coose la.Redruth
Delmar Mrs.Hartland house,Bude R.S.O Downing Mrs. Newrd. Newlyn,Penzance Eastaway Mrs. I Cornwall ter. Penzance
Delve Mrs. 4 Rtchmond hill, Truro Downing Mrs. I Park crescent, Falmouth Eastcott Miss, Chapel row, Torpoint,
Denison F. J. Esplanade, Fowey R.S.O DowningMrs.Trereiffe, Madron,Penznce Devonport
Denison Mrs. Old Vicarage,Fowey R.S.O Downing Mrs. Whiterock terrace, Wade- Eastlake W. T. Plynt cot.Kenwyn,Truro
DenithorneMrs. 12BayViewter.Penzance bridge R.S.O Eastman Rev. Lewis Wilijam, Tregony,
Dermis Mrs. Lower Lariggan, Penzance DowningS.Clifton ter.Newlyn,Penzance Grampound Road
Dennis Mrs. St. Thomas'road,Launceston Downing Wm.Lobb,2 West pl.Falmouth Eastwick Mrs. Harmony cottage,
Deuton Mrs. 7 Wood lane, Falmouth Dowsing F. Hillside, Adelaide ter. Truro Lannarth, Redruth
Derry Bartholomew G. Forest. Bodmin Drake Mrs. The Cottage, Veryan, Gram- Eddis Rev. John Elwin M.A. Vicarage,
l>esborough John Owen, Tredinick, St. pound Road Agar road, Truro
Mabyn R.S.O Drake Samuel, Wadebridge R.S.O Eddy Francis, 6o Belgravia st.Penzance
DeshonRev.H.C. llr.D. 3 Park ter. Falmth Drew Rev. Jabez, '42 Tolver rd. Penzance Eddy Mrs. 5 Albany road, Redrutb.
De Witt Thomas, The Tower, Saltash Drew Alfred Fredk. 4 Edward st. '.fruro Ede Miss, 4 Castle street, Liskeard
Dibden Stephen Charles, Lower Poltair, Drew Edward, Probus R.S.O Edey George, Addington villa, Liskeard
Madron, Penzance Drew John Ede, Cranfield, Alexandra Edgcumbe Lady Ernestine Emma
DickensonW.CoYerack,St.KeverneR.S.O road, Penzance Horatia,Cotehele ho.St.Mellion R.S.O
Dickerson Stephen Henry, Trevennen, Drew Miss, Elm cottage, Commercial Edgcum~e Wm. Hillside,PolperroR.S.O
Gorran, St. Austell road, Penryn Edmonds Fredk. 29 Tolver rd. Penzance
Dickinson Mrs. Carbeil house, Antony, Drew Miss, Parkventon, Mullian, Cury Edmonds JamesW.Gwealantop,Redruth
Devonport Cross Lanes R.S.O Edmonds Miss, 33 Albany rd. Redruth
Dickinson Mrs. Church square, Bodmin Drew Mrs.Rock, St. Minver,Wadebridge Edmonds Miss, 9 Clarence st. Penzance
Dickinsan Mrs.4 Hartland terrace, Bude R.S.O Edmonds The Misses, Esplanade, Fowey
R.S.O Drew William, Porthprean, Lanteglos, R.S.O
Dickinson Mrs. River walk, St. .Austell Fowey R.S.O
Edmon'.ls Mrs.28North p:trade,PenZ!l.DCB
Edmonds Mrs. The Red house, Tolcarne Eva Edward, 2 Regent ter. Penzance FludyerLieut.-Col.C. Fair view, Cmbrne
road, Newquay Evans Rev. E. Wm. Maker, Plymouth Flynn Rev.JohnStephenM.A.Rectory,St.
EdmondsR.Tolcarneho.NewquayR.S.O Evans Rev. Richard, Churchtown, St. Mewan, St. Austell •
Edney Wm. MacLeod, New st. Penryn Keverne R.S.O Flynn Rev. Robert Francis •rh.A.K.C.L.
Edward-Collins Mrs. Trewardale, Blis- Evans Rev. William Cornwallis,Rectory, Egloshayle, Wadebridge R.S.O
land, Bodmin Rame, Plymouth Foale Rev. William, 14 Bellair terrace,
Edwards Charles Budge,Woodlanl:l villa, Evans Thos. Carharrack,Scorrier R.S.O St. Ives R.S.O
Mount Charles, St. Austel! Evans Wm. Chas.6 Basset st.Camborne Fookes Rev. William M.A. Rectory,
Edwards Edward, 53 Lemon st. Truro EveleighChas.Hy.Western rd.Launcestn Philleigb, Grampound Road
Edwards John, 24 Fairmantle st. Truro Evelyn John, Camelford Foote Charles Rogers, The Green, St.
Edwards John, 6 St. George's rd. Truro Evershed A. R. F.9 Morrab ter.Penzance Martin-in-Meneage R.S.O
Edwards John, Trematon hall, Saltash Every Rev. Prebendary John James Foote William, I Brunei ter. Saltash
Edwards Josepb G. Basset st.Camborne Glencross B.A. Lanhydrock, Bodmin Footner Wm. 4 Windsor ter. Saltash
EdwardsM.Balmoral pl.Green la.Redrth Every Rev. Nicholas Thomas B. A. Ford E. S. Pengreep, Gwennap,Redruth
Edwards Mrs. Fore street, Newquay Vicarage, St. Kew, Wadebridge Ford Henry, Claremont road, Redruth
Edwards Mrs. Hugh street, St. Mary's, Everett William, Turf street, Bodmin Ford Jas. A. Dunheved cot. Launceston
Penzance EverittJ.Mnt.Whistle,lllogan,Camborne Ford l\liss, 7 Trennick row, Malpas
EdwardsMrs.Redruth highway,Redruth Eyeley Mrs. Bayview, St. Blazey, Par road, Truro
Edwards RichardSanderson,::::unnyside, Station R.S.O Ford Mrs. Richard, Pencarrow, Eglos-
Clinton road, Redruth Facey Mrs. Callington R.S.O hayle, Wadebridg-e R.S.O
Edwards Thomas Philip, Perran wharf, Fairhurst Mrs. 3 Harriett pl. Falmouth Forster Col. Archibald Cochrane, Alve
Perran-arworthal, Perranwell Station Falmouth Viscount D.L., J.P. Tregoth- Carne, St. Mary's, Penzance
R.S.O nan, St. Michael Penkivel, Probus Fortescue John BevillD.L.,J.P.Boconnot:.,
EdwardsW.C.Carharrack,ScorrierR.S.O RS.O.; & 52 South Audley street, Lostwithiel
Edwards William Eglow, Ormsby villa, London s w Fortesque Mrs. Tremeddan. Liskeard
Albert road, Saltash Fanshawe Commander Lionel R.N. Tor- Foster Col. Charles, Crinnis house,
EdwardsiWm.Henry, Perran-arworthal, wood, Alexandra road, Penzance Charlestown, St. Austell
Perranwell Station R.S.O Farley Chas. 'f. 24 Lemon street, 'fruro FosterClaud,2Albany villas,FoweyR.S.O
Edyvean Bernard F. Castle st. Bodmin :Farmer George Whitton, Hermitage, Foster Hy. Durett J. P. Treledan, Hodmin
Edyvean Miss, Berryfield, Bodmin Looe West, East Looe R.S.O Foster L. C. J.P. The Coombe, Liskeard
Edyvean Mrs. Windsor house, Bodmin Farquhar 1\Irs. Chiddlesholme, Tre- Foster Richd. M.A., J.P.,D.L.Lanwithan,
Edyve'lnR.P.Westberry,Rhind st. Bodmn withen road, Penzance St.Winnow,Lostwithiel &Windsworth,
Egan Miss, I7 Middle terrace,Falmouth Farquharson Frank, ~tockadon villa, St. Martin-by-Looe, Looe R.S.O
EggiusJohn, St.Thomafo' rd.Launceston Landulph, Hatt R.S.O Foster T.R. Fair view, Newlyn,Penzance
Elford Misses, Penvose cottage, St.Kew, Farquharson Mrs. I Morrabpl.Penzance Foster Thos. Robins, II Vivian ter.Truro
WadebridgE" R.S.O Farrell Joseph J. Kirland ho. Bodmin Fox Lieut.-Col T. C. Barn park,Bodmin
EllertonMrs.gWestbourne vls.St.Austell Farrer Rev. Alfred, Porthleven, Helston Fox Alfred, 11 Morrab place, Penzance
Ellery Henry, 8 Windsor ter. Saltash Faull Charles, Tregonissey, St. Austell Fox Francis, 21 Albany road, Falmouth
Ellery Mrs. Par, Par Station R.S.O FaullH.6Clifton vils.Ricbmondhl.Truro FoxG.H.Glendurgan,Mawnan,Falmonth
Ellery Mrs. 38 Pydar street, Truro Faull.Miss, Chacewater, Scorrier R.S.O FoxGeo.H.Wodehousepl.Woodla.Flmth
Ellery William, Chapel st. Cambornl'l Faull Mrs. 2 Bellen:ie ter. Penzance Fox H. Rosehill, Woodlane, Falmouth
Ellicott Mrs. The Walk, Launceston Faull Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth Fox J. A. Tregea, 2 Mm·rab rd. Penzance
Elliot Brigade-Surg. Aug. Frederick Faull Mrs. High street, Padstow R.S.O Fox Miss, Penjerrick, Budock, Falmouth
M.D., M.s. Park hill, Bodmin Faull Mrs. North ter. St. Ives R.S.O Fox Nathaniel J.P. 41 Marketst. Falmth
Elliott Alfred, I Adelaide place, Truro Faull Mrs. Tregenna ter. St. Ives R.S.O Fox Robt. Grove hill, Woodlane, Falmth
Elliott George E.7Mitchel1Hill ter. Truro Faull Richard, 3 Fore street, Liskeard Fox W. L. Carmino, Melvillerd. Falmth
Elliott James, 17 Beacon ter. Newquay FawcusW,A.Menebay,Budock,Falmouth Frampton M. Woodfield,Budock,Falrnth
Elliott John, Par, Par Station R.S.O Feaver Samuel, 10 Prospect pi. Truro France Miss, Greenbank villa, Green-
Elliott J. Tokenbury, Pensilva, Liskeard Feneley Rev. C. Bodmin rd. St. Austell bank lane, Liskeard
Elliott Miss, Dean terrace, Liskeard Fenwick Rev. George Bargate M.A. Fel- Francis B. I4 Dunstanville ter.Falmouth
Elliott Samuel, 6 Morrab rd. Penzance ton house, St. Stephen's, Lannceston Francis Mrs. 2 Devonshire terrace,
Ellis Rev.Geo.1o Addmgtonpl.Liskeard Fenwick Rev. William Augustus M.A. Kenwyn road, Truro
Ellis Rev. William, 13 Richmond terrace, Vicarage, Bodmin Francis Mrs. 2 Stratton pl. Falmouth
St. Ives H..S.O Ferris Rev. Alfred Henry M.A. Vicarage, Fraser-Frizell Rev. Richard Fraser,
Ellis Christopher,jun.Bodriggy ho.Hayle Charlestown, St. Austell Vicarage, Chacewater, Scorrier R.S.O
Ellis Christopher, sen. Penpol ho. Hayle Ferris C. 54 Belgravm street, Penzance Freeman John Albert, New Quay house,
Ellis George J. L. Wadebridge R.S.O Ferris Miss, 2 Warleigh villas, Saltash Flushing, Falmouth
Ellis John, Portscatho RS.O. Falmouth Ferris Mrs. 38 & 39 Lemon st. Trnro Freeman Miss, 18 Woodlane ter.Falmth
Ellis Miss, 17St. Mary's terrace,Penzance Ferris W. H. Lampen,St.Neot, Liskeard Friend Mrs. 28 Wodehouse ter. Falmth
Ellis Miss, 6 Victoria place, Penzance Fasting Commander Henry Marwood <Friend Peter, Wadeland ter. Liskeard
Ellis Mrs 25 Alma terrace, Penzance Colson R.N. 2 Tamar VIllas, Saltash Friggens Miss, Church town, Madron,
Ellis Mrs. 7 Lannoweth road, Penzance Ficklin George, Penlee villa, Penlee Penzance
Ellis Mrs. Wadebridge R.S.O View place, Penzance Friggens William Freethy, Church town,
ElliEP.Highfield,Tregeseal,St.JnstR.S.O Fiddick T. jun. Beacon ho. Camborne Madron, Penzance
Elson Miss, Castle street, Liskeard Fiddick Thos. Carbis Bay, Lelant RS.O Frost Miss, Beach cottage, St. Cathe•
Elton Rev.John P.2Bellevue ter.Falmth Fiddick Thos. Woodbine ho. Camborne rine's, Fowey R.S.O
Emmens George, Stoke Climsland, Field Col. William Henry J.P. Trelana, Frost Miss, Trevanson house, Wade-
Callington R.S.O l'oughill, Stratton R.S.O bridge R.S.O
Emmott Miss, 2 Clifton villas, Saltash Field Thomas Willis J.P. Chymorvah, Frost Richard Henry, 7 Cambridge ter-
Endean William, Charlestown,St.Anstell Marazion R.S.O race, Torpoint, Devonport
Endeo.n William,SStratton ter.Falmouth Finch Rev. Sl. J. St. Mawes, Falmouth Froude Mrs. 9 Lannoweth rd. Penzanc
Ennor Mrs. Whiterock ter. Wa.debridge Finucane Jas. Fredk. Stratton R.S.O Fry Charles, Ahna house, Mullion,Cury
R.S.O Firks Thomas, Dean terrace, Liskeard Cross Lanes R.S.O
Enys Francis Gilbert D.L., J.P. Enys, Fish Rev. John, 14 Albany rd. Redruth Fryer Thomas Webb, Sea View house,
St. Gluvias, Penryn Fisher Rev. James. Padstow R.S.O High lanes, Ruan-Lanihorne, Gram-
Erekson Mrs. Marazion R.S.O Fisher Rev. Matthew Henry A.K.c.L. St. pound Road
ErskineRev.WilliamReidM.A.Vicarage, Stephen's, Launceston Fuller Rev. William H. M.A. Tolcarne
Treleigh, H.edruth Fisher C. Restronguet, 1\'Iylor, Penryn head, Newquay
Erskme Robert M D.Basset rd. Camborne Fishet Mrs. Cliff cot. St. Germans R.S. 0 Fuller E. G. I Barnoon ter.St. I vesR.S. 0
Eslick Mrs. 5 Cardrewterrace, Treleigh, Fisher W. Grove ho. Lannarth,R.edruth Furber Mn. 114 Killigrew st. :Falmouth
Redruth Fitz-Gerald Sir George Cumming hart. Furneaux G. W. Commercial rd. Penryn
Eslick Mrs. 9 Trehaverne place, Truro Trevaylor, Gulval, Penzance Furniss Mrs. Lemon ho. Lemon st.Truro
Estlick Chas.Fdk.2Trehaverne ter.'fruro Fitz-Gerald Major-Gen. Charles, Lans- Furze Wait. 20 Harbour ter. Falmouth
EstlickJn.sMiddleter.Campfields,Truro downe house, Lansdowne rd. Falmth Fuzzey Arth. J. 22 Alma ter. Penzance
Eudey John, Illogan highway, Redrutb Flamank William, Cardinham, Bodmin Fuzzey Isaac, 19 Morrab pl. Penzance
Eustice GeorgeHy.Brook Vale ho.Hayle Fleischmann S. Polruan, J<'owey R.S.O Fynemore Wm.R.2Maristow ter.Saltash
Eustice Geo. L.26 Budock ter.Falmouth Fleming Hy. New rd. Newlyn, Penzance FynnA. F. Penmorva,Budock,Falmouth
Eustice Mrs. Montpellier, Camborne Flinn Henry Jn. I3 Harrison ter. Truro Gale Mrs. Endsleigh, 33 Morrab road,
Eva Rev. Samuel, Regent terrace, St. Flint Rev. Stamford Rallies M.A. Nan- Penzance
Just-in-Penwith R.S.O sawsan, Ladock, Grampound Road Gale Wm. 3 Pon-dhu cots. St. Austell
Eva •rhoma~, Coombe villa, Barrow- Floyd Jas. 4 Belle Vue ter. St. Austell Gane Ernest Gerald M.A. Truro Was-
barrow, St. Mellion R.S.O Floyd J. Rhoda vils. Taroreorrd.Pnznce leyan college, 'l'ruro
Gane Rev. C. E. M.A. I l'ark ter. Falmtb Gifforo George Mitcb~ll. 2 Garfield vil· Goodfellow William Richard, Higher
Gant Miss, St. Mawes, Falmouth la.s, \Vesteru road, L:1unceston 'l'rerank, Roche R.S.O
Garby Mrs. Chyandour, Re:lruth Gifford Wm. 8 Caslle gardens, Liskeard GoJdm<~.n Geo.3 Westbourne ter.Saltash
Gardenner F. J. Red brook vil. Camborne Gilbee Miss, I Vivian terrace, Truro Goodman Mrs. 12 Richmond terrace,
Gardiner Rev.T. I Lannoweth rd.Pnznce Gilbert The Hon. Mrs. Davies, P.!nhale, ~t. Ives R.S.O
Gardner Henry, Broad st. Launceston Trelissick, Truro Goodman Mrs. Rockclose house, St.
Garland Charles, Trevellyn, Alexandra Gilbert Col. WaltJr Raldgh C.B. Priory, Erth, Hayle
road, Penzance Bodmin Goodman Mr3. Tregonissey, St. Austell
Garland Matthew P. Castle st. Liskeard Gilbert ca~ew Davies J. P., D.L. Trelis- Goodman William, Callingtou R.S.O
Garland Mrs. 4Alexandra ter. Penzance sick, St. Feock, Truro Goodo.ff Theodore,2I Budock ter.Falmth
Garratt Rev. Sudlow JU.A. Jlerrifield, Giibert John, 3 Grove park, Liskeard Googh 'fhrJs. R. 2 Claremontter.Falmth
Antony, Devonpurt Gilbet·t John W. Alverton vil. Camborne Gordo11 Alex. Greatwood,Mylor,Penryn
Gartrell Jo!.ln H. 47 Chapelst. Penzance Gilbert Misses, 3 Daniell terrace, Truro Gordon Mrs. New rd. Newlyn, Penzance
G-as!<: ell Rev. J. Green Bank rd. Liskeard GilbertMrs.6Carurew ter. Trelgh.Redrtb Gore Major Annesley Paul, Lucknow
Gasson George Frederick, IO Bay View Gilbert Mrs. Tehidy road, Camborne cottage, Foway R.S.O
terrace, Penzance Gilbert Mrs. 2 Victoria cots. Falmouth Gosling James, 3 Saaview ter. Saltash
Gatley Chas. Ralph, Dane st. ~ewquay Gilbe1·t William, Fernleigh ho. Saltash GJtch T.C.The}:lalt ho.Newlyn,Penz:~.nc
Gatley John, Fore street, St. Columb Gilbert William, Hayle terrace, Hayle Gott B.t. Rev Jn. D.D. [Lord Bishop of
Major R.S.O Gilbert Wm. H. Bay View house, Hayle Truro], Lis E;;cop, Kenwyn & Treny-
Gatley Miss, Manor house, Tresillian, Giles Re''· Josepb Thomas, Hiil cottage, tbon, Par St!ltion B..S.O. Truro; &
Probus R.S.O Looe West, E.:~.st Looe R.S.O Athen:llum club, London s w
GattyMiss,Whiterock ter. Wadebdg RS 0 Giles Miss2s, Attercliff, Looe East R.S.O 'Gould Mrs. Fowey R.S.O
Gaul Fredk.Lyon M.A. I Park ter.FalmLh Giles Mrs. r6 Broad street, Truro Govier Mrs. Rose cottage, 'fywardreath,
Gaved Frederick John. Bank house, Giles Mrs. Commercial road, Hayle Pa.r StationR.S.O
High Cross street, St. Austell Giles Mrs. :Mount Charles, St. Austell Gow George, Pentreve, Truro
Gaved Miss, 1 River walk, St. Austell Giles Mrs. rr Richmond terrace, Traro Graae Niels, Lambpark, Par, Par Sta-
Gaved f.lrs. South sLreet, St. Austell Giles Mrs. Wheal Sperris vilh, Baldhu, tion R.S. 0
GayMrs.Rosevean, Woodlane ter.Falmth Scorrier R.S.O Gradwell Gerald, Rose villa, Chace-
Gaze Harry, 4 Penwerris cot.r;.Falmouth Giles William, I2 Richmond hill, Truro water, Scorrier R.S.O
Geach Arthur, 6 Clare ter. Falmouth GillJohnW.East hill,St.Germans R.S.O Gradwcll John, Rose l'illa, Cha.cewater,
Geach Fredk. C. 37 Kimberley rd.Falmth GillJ. W.D. Linkinhorne, Callingtu. R.S. 0 Scorrier R. S. 0
Geach Geo. C. r Magdala viis. Saltasb Gill Mrs.Chap~l villas, King st. Lost wi tbl GraffR~v.E. C. Chacewatr.ScorrbrR. S. 0
Geach Hy. H. WestBerryficld,Newquay Gill Mrs. 3 Grosvenor pL1ee, Newquay 1Gra.ham Jamas Newton, Tynarlreath,
Geach James, Tregonissey, St. Austell Gill Mrs. Par, Par Station R.S.O Par Station R.S.O
Geach Mrs. 4 Beacon terrace, Falmouth Gill Mrs. Shepherds, Newlyn, Gr~m- Grabam W. J. Carnethick,Fowey R.S.O
Geach Mrs. Bridge end. Lostwitbiel pound Road Granger His Hon. Judze Tho3. Colpitts,
Geach:\frs.Chapel vils.King st.Lostwitbl Gill Mrs. Tre-pol-pen, Probus R.S.O I Witton villas, Woodlanc, Falm mth
Geach W. Littleton, Goonlaze house, Gill Mrs. Vogue, St. Day, Scorrier R.S.O Grant Arthnr Thomas, Colches~er villas,
St. Azne~. Scorrier R.S. 0 Gill Rockingham, The Battery,Newqu1y Godolphin road, Helston ·
Geacb William Eads, Pennellick, Ty- Gill 'fhomas, West end, Penryn Grant Misses, Bellevue ter. St. Austell
wardreatb, Par Station R. S.O Gill William, jun. II Fot•e st. Redrnth Grant William Lowther, Merrifield,
Geake C. B.St.Erney,St.Germans R.S.O Gill W. N. Comprigney, Kenwyn,Truro Antony, Devunport
GeakeJn.Fair st.St.ColumbMajorR.S.O Gill Wm. Nicholas, Perran-Porth R.S.O Gratrex Rev.Jonatban James '-\LA. 1\ock
GeakeJ.Millways,St.Stephen's,Lannestn Gillard Henry Joseph, Fairlight villa, cottage, St. Columb Major R.S.O
GeakeMiss,Newport,St.Germans R.S.O Redinnick, Penzance Graves H.ev. Waiter Eccleston, The
Geake Thomas Henry, Cuddenbeak Gillard J.F. roDrump tr.Treleigb,Redrth Vicarage, St. Mary's, Penzance
house, St. Germans R.S.O Gillard Misses, King.:;md, Plymouth Graves-Sawle S1r Charles Brune bart.
Geake W.Bank ho.St.Columhl.VlajorRSO Gillett Rev. Clement C.Gwythian,Havle B. A., D.L., J.P. Penric!:l, St. Austell
Gedye Rev. John Banfield, Coinage-ball GillettMiss,Polyphant ho.Dean st.Liskrd IGray Chas. Lower Market st. Penryn
street, Helston Gillett Mrs. Newton bo.Blisland,Bodmin Gray France, Kingsand, Plymouth
Gedye John,Kergilliack,Budock,Falmth Gillies Col. Mark M. Rockleigh, Bodmin 1GrayMrs.Lanner hili,Lannarth,Redruth
Gellard Mrs. Rose villa, Drump road, Ginever F. A.B.A.Beacon vils.Camborne Gray Mrs. St. Da.y, Scorrier R.S.O
Treleigb, Redruth Gitsbam James, II Brunei ter. Saltash Gray Norman, The Square, Penryn
Genn Joh.> H. 13 Woodlane ter. Falmth Glanville Rev. Henry Carew M. A. Shev- Green James, St. Mawes, Falmouth
GentJobn,IAlbert ter.Torpoint,Devonpt iock, St. Germans R.S.O Green Miss, 9 Tolver road, Penzance
'Geoffroi Henri Malcolm, Malcolm villa, Glanville Miss, Union hill, St. Columb Green Miss, West gate st. Launceston
Alexandra road, Penzance Major R.S.O Green Mrs. 23 Budock terrace, Falmth
Geo.ffroi H. M. Lemon street, Truro Glanville Mrs. 2 Gnawton terrace, Greenaway Frank, 9 Paul's ter. Truro
Geoffroi Henry, Malcolm villa, Alaxan- Alba.ston, Tavistock Greenaway H. 18 St. George's rd. Truro
dra road, Penzance Glanville R. C. 2 Robartes ter. Truro Greenwood Mrs. Clinton road, Redruth
Geoffroi Miss, Malcolm villa, Alexandra Glanville Richd. Newlyn,Grampound Rd Greenwood 'rhos. IrBar ter. Falmoutb
road, Penzance Glasson Mrs. Bay view, l\Iullion, Cury 1Greet :VIrs. Portsl!atbo R.S.O
George Edwaru, Clinton road, Redruth Cross Lanes R.S.O Gregor Miss, St. Peter's terrace, Flush-
George John, Albion house, Rock, St. Glasson W. A. 6 Trewartha ter. Penzanca ing, Falmoutb
Minver, Wadebridge R.S.O Glasson William Rolls, 'l'remorval ter- Gregory Rev. Sylvanus, Bolventor,
George J.St.Blazey gate,Par StationRSO rare, Broad street, Trm·o Launceston
George Joseph, Io Penventon ter.Redrtb Glencross Rev. Ernest Henry M. A. The Gregory George, 6 Harrison ter. Truro
George Mrs. 28 Clarence st. Penzance Vicarage, Morval, Sand Place R.S.O Gregory Miss, 3 Albert ter. Penzance
George Mrs. I3 Green lane, Redruth GlencrossRev.J.lii.A.,J.P.Luxstw.Liskrd Greiffinhagen Manrice, Crumplehorn
George Mrs. Orange terrace, Bodmin GlencrossG.P.N.M.A.,J.P.Luxstw.Liskrd house, Polperro U.S.O
GeorgeR.J.Port Isaac, WadebridgeR.S.O Glencross Mrs. Colamere, St. Winnow, Grenfell GeJrge Pascoe, Chyenhall,
George Theo. M.9Barnfield ter.Liskeard Lostwithiel Gulval, Penzance
George William,sBarnfield ter.Liskeard GlencrossMrs. Oolquite, WashawayR.S.O Grenfell J n. IO Lannoweth rd. Penzance
GeorgeWm Jas.3St.Mary's ter.Penzance GlinnMiss,North rock, Kingsand, Plymth Grenfell M1·s. Stanley villa, St. Day,
Gerrans Mrs. Chapel ter. Ptobns R.S.O GloverRobert, 5 Wenington pl.Penzance Scorrier R.S.O
Gerrish Alfred, 6 Middle terrace, Higher Gluhb Albert Chas.L.PenDean,Liskeard Grenfell Mrs. 2 Wellington ter.Penzance
Campfield.s, Truro Glnhb Albert de-Castro,PenDean,Liskrd Grenfell Thomas, C.:1.lstock
Gerry William Ambrose, Fernleigh, Glubb Mis!l, Dean cottage, Li~mard Greuzelier Francis Pristo, Seaview ho.
Hawkins road, Pen7.ance Glnyas William Mnmford J.P. Field Mousehole, Penzance
Gibbons H.R.H.3 St.Mary's pl.Penzance house, St. Mary's, Penzance Grey Miss,Wurdwan,Mawgan-in-Pydar,
Gibbs Rev. Wm. L. Albert st.Camborne Goad James, Moresk road, Truro St. Columb R.S.O
Gibson Alex. 42 Belgravia st. l'enzance Goddard Henry Robertson, !<'airfield, Gribb!e Mrs. 31 Goose lane, Redruth
Gibson John, 2 Home Park vils. Saltash Illogan, Redruth Gribble :Mrs. Vogue, St. Day, Scorrier
Gibson John, 3 Upland ter. Falmouih Godfrey Jas. I Carwinion ter. Liskeard H.. S.O
GibsonMrs. rBelmont vis. Cmpflds. Truro Golding Miss, Callin!!tOn R. S. 0 GrierCbarlen. R.C'.'P.Lond.,L.M.Rotunda,
Gibson Mrs. 9 Brunel terrace, Saltasb GoldsworthyJames,Treruffe rd.Redruth Polpier, Mevagissey, St. Austell
Gibson Mrs. Parade,St.Mary's,Penzance Goman Mrs.Stafford cottage,BudeR.S.O Grier Charles Waiter Monro lii.B., c.M.
Giddey Mrs. 2 Treyew villas, Truro GoodMrs.Highway,Lanteg-los,FoweyRSO Edin. univ, Polpier, Mevagissey, St.
GidleyW. Sco-rrier st.St.Day,ScorrierRSO lGoodfellow Robert Mitchell, 20 Austell
Gifford Mrs. Callington R.S.O ·. Dunstanville terrace, Falmouth Griffin James, 2 Elm terrace, St Austll
DEV. & COR:i. 81
IGriffin Rev. Richard Edward M.A. Haly Miss, Trenhorne, Lewannick, Harris Mrs. 19 Berkeley vale, Falmouth
Vicarage, Halsetown, St. Ives R.S.O Launceston Harris Mrs. Beulah villa, Egloshayle,
Griffin James Fezon, Shenstone house, Ham James, 3 Castle view, Launceston \Yadebridge R.S.O
Bridge end, Lostwithiel Ham Mrs. 17 Wodehouse ter. Falmouth Harris Mrs.Blackwater,Mithian,Scorrier
Griffin Mrs. s,·denham vil. St. Austell Ham Sidney, Bodrnin road, St. Austell R.S.O
Griffin Mrs. Trevone, Padstow R. S. 0 H3mbly Major Samuel Symons, West- Harris Mrs. I6 South terrace, Camborne
Griffith Mrs. Claremont house, Clare- park ho.Egloshayle,WadebridgeR.S.O Harris Mrs. Parade, St. Mary's,Penznce
mont terrace, Edward street, Trurn Hambly Abraharn, 65 Forest. Bodmin Harris Mrs.W.Redruth highway,Redrth
Griffiths Mrs. North parade, Falmouth Hambly Richard, Laurel villa, Hayle Harris Nicholas J.P. Trewannion.
Grigg Alfred H. 2 Castle view,Launcestn HamblyW.Awlvilla,Cardinham,llodmin Lesnewth, Boscastle R.S.O
Grigg John, Crockwell street, Bodmin HamblynMrs.Chacewater,ScorrierR.S.O Harris Wm. Broad la. Illogan, Reclruth
GriggJ.Portlooe,Talland,LooeEa.R.S.O Hamilton James, 9 Al~ertcotts. Falrnth Harris W. Glenco ter.WadebridgeR.S.O
Grigg Mrs. Thorpe ho. Marazion R.S.O Hamley Rev. J. Vicarage, Lelant R.S.O Harris William, Mousehole, Penzance
Grig-son Rev. William Shuckforth M. A. Hamley Rev. Joseph, Vicarage, St. HarrisW.Prospect vills.Rose hl.Lostwthl
The Vicarage, Pelynt, Duloe R.S. 0 Anthony-in-Meneage, Helston Harris Wm. G. 1 I Bay View ter.Penzance
Grindon Mrs. Delafosse house, Tower Hamley Edmund G. Forest. Bodmin Harris William Gregory,Eastaway,Mor-
road, Newquay Hamley Mrs. 7 Rosewin row, Truro wenstow, Stratton R.S.O
Grose Ambrose, Beulah cot. Saltash Hamlyn George, so Morrab rd. Penznce Harris-Bickford Abraham 1\LD. Easton
Grose Erasmus, I8.Ferris town, 'fruro HamlynMrs.I9TheTerrace,St.IvesH..S.O house, Tuckingmill, Camborne
Grose James, Trevone, Padstow R.S.O HammerS. Reskadinnick, Camborne Harris-Bickford Abraham M.D. Fore
Grose John, River walk, St. Anstell HammillJ.7Cardrew ter.Treleigh,Rdrth street, Camborne
Grose J. W. Trevone, Padstow R.S.O Hammond Rev. Charles Edward M.A. Harrison Rev.-, Portscatho R.S.O
Grose ~Irs. 5 Claremont ter. Falmouth Vicarage, Menheniot, Liskeard Harrison Rev. A..n.A.Constantine,'Penryn
GroseMrs.Guinea port,Wadebrdg.R.S.O Hammoni Rev. Hy. Callington R.S.O Harrison Rev. Charles, Roskear villas,
Grose Mrs. Tretoil house, Cubert,Gram- Hammond Rev. Joseph B. A., LL.B.LOnd. Tuckingmill, Camborne
pound Road Vicarage, St. AusteU Harrison Mrs. 10 Wodehouseter.Falrnth
Grose Walter, 63 Richmond hill, Truro Hammond George, 5 Beacon ter.FalmLh Harry A.R.23TheTerrace,St.IvesR.S.O
Grose Waiter, Roscare, Stratton R.S.O Hampton Miss, 7 Penventon ter. Redrth Harry Courtenay,2St.George's rd.Truro-
Grose William, 42 Richmond hill, Truro Hampton Mrs. 29 Budock ter. Falmouth Harry James, 2 Mitchell Hill ter. Truro
Grose W. E. 3 Lannoweth ter. Penzance Hancock Arthur, 5 Castle st. Liskeard Harry James, 5 Treyew villas, Redruth
Grose W. H. 2 Lannowetb ter. Penzance Hancock Geurge Coulter, Coulter villa, road, Truro
Groves Mrs. 19 St. Mary's ter. Penzance St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O Harry Miss, IO Tolver place, Penzance
Grylls Lieut.-Col. ShadwellM. D.L., J.P. Hancock Henry Rydney, Sydney place, Harry Mrs. 13 Francis street, Truro
Lewarne house, St. Neot. Liskeard St. Austell HarryThos.R.Btrnoon ter.St.IvesR.RO
Grylls Charles Reginald Gerveys, Dun- Hancock John, ' Arthur terrace, Tor- Hart Capt. H. C. The Barracks,Bodmin
heved road, Launceston point. Devonport Hart Miss, Oaldeigh house, St. Austell
Grylls Henry, The Green, Redruth Hancock Mrs. 7 Budock ter. Falmouth Hart 'f. Polbrean, Landewednack R.S.O
Grylls Mrs. 7 Trewirgie road, Redruth Hancock l\lrs. 7 Wodehouse ter. Falmth Hartill Rev. J. R. Chymeddan,Newquay
Grylls Mrs. Glynn, Glyngarth, Truro Hancock Richard, Callington R.S.O Hartland Wm. 1 Langton ter.Falmouth
GryllsReginaldM. 7 Trewirgie rd Redrth Hancock Thos.Jn.Southgate st. Redruth Hartley W. H.Harris,Rosewarne,Carnbrn
Grylls Thom':l.t:~, 1 Alma ter. Penzance Hancock Wm. G.43 Morrab rd.Penzance Harty Jsph. Thos. Bodgara, Looe R.S.O
Grylls W.M.The Cot Melville rd.I<'almth Hancock Wm. Thos.s Castle st.Liskeard Harvard Rev. John Craske, Dunheved
Gubbin Miss,St. Thomas' rd.Launceston Handley Misses, 7 Chre ter. Falmouth road, Launceston
Gubbin Mrs. Hill cottage, North Tamer- Handsombody Henry Edwin M. A. Probus Harvey Rev. Canon Clement Fox M.A. The
ton, Holsworthy college, Probus R.S.O Sanctuary, Probus R.S.O
Gumma Thomas, Portscatho R.S. 0 Hanger Mrs. I Tremorvah terrace,Broad Harvey Alfred, 21 !<'ore street, Saltash
Gummoe Miss, Bellevue ter. St. Austell street, Truro Harvey Francis J. P. Glanmor, Hayle
Gummow Miss, 10 Edward st. Truro Hanley S. The Hollies, Alvertn. Penznce Harvey Fras. H. Trelissick villa, Hayle
Gundry Miss, 7 Middle ter. Falrnouth Hannaford Mrs. Ash, Portscatho R.S.O Harvey Francis McFarlane, 5 Trewartha-
Gundry Wm.Torfrey,Par StationR.S.O Hannan Wm.F.Dolphin ho.Fowey R.S 0 terrace, Penzance
Guppy 'Thomas Stokes M.D. l Cam- Harbord Rev. Josiah W. The Manse, Harvey Frank, Bay vil. Padstow R.S.O
bridge place, Falrnouth - Mevagissey, St. Austell Harvey Mrs. H. N. The Downes, Hayle
Gurney Rev. Elias Goldsworthy, Trevor- Harden Rev. Waltr. Frdc. Probus R.S. 0 Harvey H. 3 Beaconsfield ter. Bodrnin
gus ho St. Merryn, Padstow R.S.O Harden Edward Henry Thornborough, Harvey Henry,IIWodehouseter.Falmtb
Gurney Miss, Reeds, Poughill, Stratton Br.aganza, St. Mawes, Falmouth HarveyJ.East view,Gunnislake, Tavistck
R.S.O HaroingJ.L.Osprey cot. Polperro R.S.O Harvey Miss, 29 Clarence st. Penzance
GurneyMiss, A. M. Trebursye, Launcestn Harding Richd. Charlestown, St.Austell Harvey Miss, 9 Cornwall ter. Penzance
Gusterson G. H. 4 North par. Falmouth Hards Thos. I Beaconsfield ter. Bodmin Harvey Misses, I Bellevue ter. Penzance-
Guthridge Misses, 9 Norfolk rd. Falrnth H-ndwick Arthur M.D., D.P.H. Prospect Harvey Mrs. I A.ddington pl. Liskeard
Guy J. Higher Bore street, Bodrnin house, Newquay HarveyMrs.Antoine ter.Newlyn,Penznc-
Guy Mark, Trehere, Bodmin Hardy Rev. Edward Jones M.A. I9 Kirn- Harvey Mrs. 4 Devonshire terrace, Ken-
Guy W.R.Port Isaac,Wadebridge RS.O berley road, Falrnouth wyn road, Truro
Haddon J. B. 13 Clarence st. Penzance Hardy William J. Flushing, Falmouth Harvey Mrs. 6 Edward street, Truro
Haddow Rev. W. Dolcoath rd. Cambrne Hare Miss, Boscolla, Alexandra road, Harvey Mrs. Holmwood, Higher Camp-
Rain Edwd. The Terrace,St. Ives R.S.O Penzance fields, Truro
Rain Edward, jun. J.P. Treloyhan, St. Hare Nicholas, Dean l'treet, Liskeard Harvey Mrs. 4 Morrab road, Penzance
Ives R.S.O Hare William, Broad street, Launceston Harvey Mrs. Tredarvah,Alvertn.Penznce-
Hain John, Barnoon ter..St. Ives R.S.O Harmer Rev.Henry Man·en M.A.Perran- Hawke Mrs. Westbourne, Liskeard
Hall Rev.Aifred Charles,Scorrier street, Arworthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O Harvey R. W.Chacewater,Scorrier R.S.O
St. Day, Scorricr R.S.O Harold Herbert, 24 Coose lane, Redruth Harvey Samuel, 67 Lemon st. Trnro
Hall Rev. John, 9 Harrison ter. Truro Harper John, Boslirnmon, Bodmin Harvey Wm.Chacewater,Scorrier R.S.()
Hall Rev. Matthew, Churchtown, St. Harpley Rev. Thomas Ableson M.A. Harvey William W. 29 Forest. Saltash
Buryan R.S.0 Higher Campficlds, Truro Harwood Robt. Io Tehidy ter. Falmouth
Hall G. Bellearcot. Mylorbridge,Penryn Harris Rev. William, Church street, Haslope L. L. 8 Woodlane cres. Falmth
Hall George Rome M. B., M.s. North Hill Mevagissey, St. Austell Haswell NarCis Rd. Meneage st. Helston
house, Torpoint, Devonport Harris A. B. M.D. 5 Grove pl. Falmouth Haughton .Jn.Welby,45 Lemon st.Truro-
Hall Henry Grenfell,Lannarth, Rcdruth Harris Christopher, Rosemundy villa, HawkWm.J.P.Kernick,St.Stephns.Saltsh
Hall John, Grove End villa, St. Feock, St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O Hawke George, Tavistock villa, Calling-
Devoran R.S.O Harris E. Belle vue, Newlyn, Penzance ton R S.O ·
Hall Joseph, 5 Regent square, Penzance HarrisHenryM.D. Trengweath, Redruth Hawke Henry Dickson, I Devonshire
Hall Miss, Church st.St.Mary's, PE'nznce Harris John, 16 Al'b~rt road, Saltash terrace, Kenwyn road, Truro
Hall Mrs. Church st. St Mary's,Penzance Harris John, Broad lane, Illogan,Redrth Hawke John T. Bodmin rd. St. Austell
Hall Mrs. 6o Lemon street, Truro Harris John, Clinton road, Redruth Hawke Mrs. 6 John street, Truro
Hall Thomas, Green Bank villa, Saltash Harris John, Duke st. Padstow R.S.O Hawke M1s. 9 Maristow ter. Saltash
Hall William, 3 Edward street, Truro Harris John, St. John's place, Flushing, Hawke William Jamea, New road, St.
Hallett John, 9 Tamar terrdce, Saltash Falmouth Columb Major R.S.O
Halsbury Lord P.c., J.P. Pendruccombe, Harris John, 9 Stratton terrace, Truro Hawken Rev. Alex. Vicarage, Laneast,
Launceston; 4 Ennisrnore gardens, Harris John, Trehaverne cottage, Ken- Egloskerry R.S.O
s w; Carlton, Junior Carlton, Athe- wyn road, Truro Hawken Alfred James Grigg M. A. Pant-
meum & St. Stephen's clubs, London Harris Miss, 35 Berkeley vale, Falmonth ruse, St. Ervan, St. lssey R.S.O
s w Harris Mrs. Banns vale, Mount Hawke, HawkenH.G. Thistlcwood,Dcan st.Lskrd
Haly John, 26 Wodehouse ter. Falmouth Scorrier R.S.O Hawken Jn. Church st. Padstow R.S.O
Hawken James, Pantruse, St. Ervan, St. Hermon Rev. George Edward M. A. Hindle Wm.Hy. Westgate ter.Launcestn
IsseyR.S.O Doublebois house, Liskeard Hingston Andrew, Parade, Liskeard •
Hawken Miss, Rose cottage, St. Brew- Hern A. H. I Albany vils. Fowey R.S.O HingstonRd.RoseDean,Dean st.Liskeard
ard, Bodmin Hernaman John, 2 Parade, Truro Hiscox: T. Parade, St. Mary's, Penzance
Hawken Miss, West street, Liskeard Herring Frank, 7 Maristow ter. Saltash Hitchens James S. 17 Green la. Redruth
Hawken Mrs. St. Veep, Lostwithiel Herring Mrs. Tregunnon, Alternun, Hitchens John, South Treviddo, Men-
Hawken Mrs. 20 Union place, Truro Launceston heniot, Liskeard
Hawken Mrs. White rock, Wadebridge Hertzber;.{ Rev. Samuel lsaac, 5 St. Hitchens Mrs. Clifton place, Newlyn,
R.S.O Mary's terrace, Penzance Penzance
Hawken T. Sunnyside, Paul's ter. Truro Hetherington Misses, PortScatho R.S.O Hitchens Mrs. I Jubilee cottages,Camp-
Hawken W. D. Dunhevedcoll.Launcestn Hewett Miss, Victoria cot. Fowey R.S.O fields, Truro
Hawker Col. William Sloggatt D.L., J.P. Hewett Richd. Victoria cot.Fowey R.S. 0 Hitchens Mrs. Grace, Fore st. Newlyn,
Penally house, Boscastle R.S.O Hewlett E. Hirundo, Tower rd.Newquay Penzance
Hawker Mrs.Penally ho. Roscastle R.S.O Hewlett Miss, The Mansion, Fore street, Hitehins John J.P. Trevaunance pier,
Hawkes Anthony Mann,Polyphant,Lew· Saltash St. Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O '
annick, Launceston Hewlett Mrs. The Mansion, Fore street, Hitchins Mrs. Charlestown, St. Austell
Hawkins George, Tavistock row,Calling- Saltash Hitchins Thos. Trevarrick vil. St.Austell
ton R.S.O Hext Lieut.-Col. Arthu1- Staniforth J.P. HoarB. GlynnBarton,Cardinham,Bodmn
Hawkins John, Bodmin hill, Lostwithiel Trenarren, St. Austell Hobhouse Ven. Reginald lLA. Rectory,
Hawkins John, Western rd. Launceston Hext Chas. Hawken, Polgwin, Bodmin St. lve, Liskeard
HawkinsMrs.Belmontter.DevoranR.S.0 1Hext Francis John B.A., J.P. Tredethy, Hoblyn Capt. William Ernest Paget,
Haydon Hillyard W. Wadebridge RS.O St. Mabyn R.S.O The Fir hill, Colan, St. Columb R.S.O
Haye Mrs. Fowey R.S.O Hext Miss, Queen street, Lostwithiel Hoblyn E. 2 Plain-an-Gwarry, Redruth
Hayes Mrs. Polruan, Fowey R. S. 0 Haynes Thomas, Cross street, Helston Hoblyn Misses, Pentrelew, Flushing,
Hayes Mrs. Port Scatho R.S.O Hichens Rev. Baron Henry Paull M.A. Falmouth .
Hayes Mrs. 33 Wodehouse ter. Falmth Vicarag-e,Linkinhorne,Callngtn.R.S.O Hoblyn William Paget H.A., J. P.- The
Hayman Mrs. Stratton R.S.O Hichens F. M.D. 16 Green lane, Redruth Fir hill, Colan, St. Columb R.S.O
Hayne Digory, Camelford Hichens Miss, St. Nicholas, Bodmin Hobson Wm. I Slade Park cots. Saltash
Hayne William Henry, Camelford Hichens William, Ford's row, Redrnth Hockaday Job, Windsor house, St.
Hayter Lieut.-Col. Sir A. D. bart. M.A., Hick Mrs. 48 Belgravia st. Penzance Teath, Camelford
D.L., J.P. Trevena house, Camelford Hickes T. J. Elm cot. Truro vean, Truro Hocken Harry, Trevellick, Michaelstow,
Head Mrs. 3 Norton place, Penzance Hicks A. Parade st. St. :\fary's, Penzance I1 Camelford
Headon Thomas, Exeter st. Launceston HicksB.TheManse,LooeWest,LooeR.S.O Hocken John Edward Pearce, 8 Vic-
IHeanJ.T.I8 Marlborough rd. Falmouth Hicks Edward, Ivy house, St. Austell toria terrace, FoweyR.S.O
Heard N. Treknow, Tintagel, Camelford' Hicks George, Pentowan, Newquay IHocken Nathaniel, sen. Beaumont
Hearle James, jun. West-hill, Penryn Hicks Mrs.G.Rivercroft, LooeEast R.S.O house, Polruan, Fowey R.R.O
Hearle Miss, Ri•er view, Looe West, Hicks James, Porth Cressa, St. Mary's, Hocken Wm. Wenford, St. Tudy R.S.O
East Looe R.S.O Penzance Hockin Rev. Canon Frederick M.A. Rec-
Hearn John W. 54 Castle st. Truro Hicks John, 2 Parkvedras ter. Truro tory, Phillack, Hayle
Heath Rev. C. H. M. A Little Petherick Hicks J. St. Saviour's la.Padstow R.S.O, Hockin David, Tregunnel cot. Newquay
Heath Hy. I2 St. Mary's ter. Penzance Hicks John, 8 Sparnon terrace, Redruth Hockin Hy. W. 2 Lemon villas, Truro
Heath Jn. T. 3 Bellevue ter. Falmouth Hicks John, West street, Liskeard Hockin Jn. 61 Belgravia st. Penzance
Heathorne~rs.TheTerrace,St.IvesR.S.O Hicks Josepb, Prince park, St. Wenn, Hockin Misses, Little Faimoutb, Flush-
Hebbard Mrs. The Green, St.Martin-in- Bodmin ing, Falmouth
Meneage R.S.O Hicks Joseph, Trevone, Padstow R.S.O Hockin Mrs. May villa, Pendarves road,
Bebbletbwaite Rev. Ernest P. M.A.. Hicks L. L.D. s. Church stile, Launcestn Camborne
Vicarage, Pound!ltock, Stratton R.S.O Hicks Miss, Belle vue,St. Germans R.S.O Hockin Mrs. Wadebridge R.S.O
HedgeJand Rev. Prebendary Philip M. A. Hicks Miss, Esplanade, Fowey R.S.O Hocking Rev. Rd. Beacon, Camborne
St. Clare house, Penzance Hicks Miss, 43 Lemon street, Truro Hocking Jas. Illogan highway, Redruth
He11yar Miss, Church st. Padstow R.S.O Hicks Miss, Tangie-.:, Lostwithiel Hocking John, 26 Alma ter. Penzance
Hellyar Miss, Engollen, St. Eval, St. Hicks Mrs. Bank, St. Mary's, Penzance Hocking John, Beacon villas, Camborne
Issey R.S.O Hicks Mrs. North street, Fowey R.S.O Hocking Miss, Green cottage, Clinton
Hellyar Thomas, Harlyn house, St. Hicks Mrs. Park cot. St.MabynR.S.O road, Redruth
Merryn, Padstow R.S. 0 Hicks Mrs. Wadebridge R.S.O Hocking Mrs. 17 North parade, Penzance
Hellyer John ~Sussex, Clapper, Eglos- Hicks Saml. 10 Truro Vean ter. Truro Hocking Mrs. 3 Penlee View terrace,
hayle, Wadebridge R.S.O Hicks Waiter, The Brake, St. Austell Redinnick, Penzance
Helm George Frederick M.A. ,M.D. Green- Hicks William, ALbany, Newquay Hocking Mrs. 14 Trewirgie rd. Redruth '
field house, Marazion R.S.O Hicks William, Fore st.Loo~ East R.S.O Hocking T. H. I2 Clare ter. Falmouth
Hemy Charles Napier, Churchfield, Higgins J. Penpons, Gwennap, Redruth Hocking William, 18 Roskear villas,
IKimberley place, Falmouth
Higgins Mrs. II Harrison ter. 'fruro Tuckingmill, Camborne
Hender Alfd. J. Roseneath, Launceston Higginson W. H. 2 Gordon ter.Newquay Hocking William Thomas, 4 Alexandra
Bender Hy. St. Thomas' rd. Launceston Higgs Edwin H. Oakleigh, Bodmin terrace, Richmond hill, Truro
Bender Mrs. Esplanade, Fowey R. S. 0 Higgs Mrs. 6 Alma terrace, Penzance Hodder Miss, 45 Bay View ter. Penzance
Render Samuel, Turf street, Bodmin Higgs Mrs. The Frieries, Bodmin Hodge Rev. William Henry, Vicarage,
Bender Thomas Brookes, Landrends, Higman Henry W. Oakleigh, St. Austell Budock, Falmouth
St. Thomas', Launceston Higman IIy. W. Methleigh, St. Austell Hodge Arthur, 18 Trewirgie,rd. Redruth
Henderson George J.P.Springfield,Castle Higman John Wheeler, Westbourne ter- Hodge Frank, 7 Roskear villas, Tucking-
hill, Bodmin race, St. Austell mill, Camborne
Benderson G. Trevean, Kenwyn, Tmro Hill Rev. Richard, Callington R.S.O Hodge Hy. R.N. Duporth, St. Austell
Henderson J. Dalvenie, Kenwyn, Truro Hill A. Downderry, St. Germans R.S.O Hodge Jacob, 41 Tolver road, Penzance
Henderson Miss, Turf street, Bodmin Hill Elijah, Hroad street, Penryn Hodge Jn. Oakley, Clinton rd. Redruth
Benderson W. Helford, St. Martin R. S. 0 Hill FrederickVivian, Penhellis, Helston Hodge J oseph, 40 Falmouth rd. Redruth
Bendra Henry, 4 Union place, Truro Hill Geo. T. 2 Bay View ter. Penzance Hodge Miss,Hr.Hosistow,St.LevanR.S.O
Bendra Thomas, 3 Cornwall ter. Truro Hill H. Chypons vil. Newlyn, Penzance Hodge Mrs. 2 Albert villas, Penzance
Bendy Rev. Francis Paul James B.A. Hill James, 4 Ledrah road, St. Austell Hodge Mrs. Beacon villas, Camborne
Rectory, Cardinham, Bodmin Hill James, Park villas, St. Endellion, Hodge Mrs. Bellevue terrace, St. Austell
Bendy James,Croswolla villa,Godolphin Wadebridge R.S.O Hodge Mrs. Perranwell, l'erran-Ar-
road, Helston Hill James, Polperro R.S.O worthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O •
Bendy Jas. J. P. Truthan, St.Erme,Truro Hill Miss, 2 Windsor terrace, Saltash 1Hodge Richard, 22 Albert road, Saltash
Bendy Joseph, Cury R.S.O Mill Misses, 4 Tehidy terrace, Falmouth Hodge Samuel, 2 Park view, Hayle
Bennah A. L. H. Queen st. Lostwithiel Hill Mrs. Bonython, Grampound Hodge Thos. 17 Kimberley rd. Falmouth
Benri Mrs. I Coulson's place, Penzance Hill Mrs. Cawsand, Plymouth Hodge Thomas Henry, St.-Mary's cot-
Benriques Lieut. William Quixarno, Hill Mrs. Cravallack vil. St. Just R.S.O tage, Kenwyn road, Truro
Harbour terrace, Fowey R.S.O Hill Mrs. 2 Harrison terrace, Truro HodgeWm.Basset Road villas,Camborne
Henry Mrs. St. Nicholas street, Bodmin Hill Mrs. Mount Ambrose, Redruth Hodge Wm. Illogan highway, Redruth
Henwood Francis Jn. Tremoor, Bodmin highway, Redruth Hodge Wm. C. n Symons ter. Redruth
Henwood Miss, Whiterock, Wadebridge Hill Mrs. I Werneth ter. Broad st. Truro Hodge W.F.St.John's ter.DevoranR.S.Q
R.S.O Hill Richard, 1 Bay View ter. Penzance Hodgkin Thomas D.C.L. Tredourva,
Henwood Mrs. Callington R.S.O Hill Sampson, Symon's ter. Redruth Melville road, Falmouth
Henwood Mrs. Hillside vils.FoweyR.S.O Hilton Rev.H.G.M.A.Hose hl.Lostwithiel Hogg Hy. J. H. 4 Grosvenorpl.Newquay
DEV. & COR~. 84 :1=
1332 HOG
Hogg Miss, I Daniell terrace, Truro Hosking Jsph. Higher Lux st. Liskeard Isaac Lieut. Frederick Vernon R.lf.
Hoggins Rev. Cecil Richard, Vicarage, Hosking Joseph, Troon, Camborne Ocean view, Newquay
Carnmenellis, Redruth Hosking Mrs. I8 Bar terrace, Falmouth IsaacChas.H. W.Chapel honse,Camborne
Ho!brook Mrs. 4 St. Mary's ter. Penzance Hosking Mrs. 1 I Erisey ter. Falmonth Isaac John Clark, Dean villa, Liskeard
Hole John William, 4 Cambridge tet- Hosking Mrs. 5 Ferris town, Truro Isaacs Mrs. 24 River street, Truro
race, Torpoint, Devonport Hosking Mrs. Fonndry hill, Hayle Ives Mrs. I2 Florence terrace, ·Falmouth
Hollier Hy. Jn. Rose mount, Bude R.S.O Hosking Mrs. I6 John street, Truro Ivey Mrs. Rock, St. Minver, Wade-
Hollocombe J. 8 Kimberley rd. Falmouth HoskingMrs. Manelly, St. Veep,Lostwthiel bridge R. S. 0
Hollow Mrs. 5 St. Mary's ter. Penzauce Hosking Mrs.I3 Morrab place, Penzance Ivey William, Tredizzick bridge, St.
Hollow Mrs. 4 'fhe Terrace,St.Ives R.S.O Hosking Mrs. Pool, Carn Brea R.S.O Minver, Wadcbridge R.S.O
Holloway John Edward, Crellow house, Hosking Mrs. The Abbey, Lelant R.S.O Jacka Cbas. 16 St. Mary's ter. Penzance
St. StythiHns,Perranwell Station R.S.O Hosking Mrs. 5 Victoria place, Penzance Jacket Thos. gDunstanville ter.Falmouth
Holloway John Edward,Mount Pleasant, Hosking Rich d. 20 Chapel st. Penzance Jackson James,Foundry house, Tucking-
Porthleven, Helston Hosking Richard, 7 Edward st. Truro mill, Camborne
Holloway Stphn.16St.George's rd.Truro Hosking Richard, I2 Silver st.. Saltash Jackson John, Elm house, Camborne
Holman Arthur Frank, 5 Cambridge HoskingR.J.Brook cot.Madron,Penzance JacksonMrs.2Cardrew terrace,Treleigh,
terrace, Torpoint, Devonport Hosking Robert, Prospect cots. Saltash Redruth
Holman Frank L. 2 Daniell ter. Truro Rosking T. 23 Lannoweth rd. Penzance Jackson Richard, I Basset st. Camborne
Holrnan Fdk. 9 North parade, Penzance Hosking Thomas Fras. Marazion R.S.O Jackson William, Treswithen,Camborne
Holman JamesM. Beacon ter.Camborne Hosking T. F. 3 Carwinion ter.Liskeard Jacob Mrs. 3 Claremontterrace,Edward
Holman J. M. Carbis bay, Lelant R.S.O Hosking William, Marazion R.S.O street, Truro
Ho!man John, Nancherrow villa, Trege- Hosking W. I Uedbrooke ter. C'ambrne Jacobs Frank, The Haven, Fowey R.S.O
seal, St. Just-in-Penwith R.S.O Hosking Wm. 'rhos. 3 Ch::tpel st.Redrth Jago Alfred, 66 Fore street, Bodmin
Holman Jn. Hy. Basset villa, Camborne Hosliins Edwin, 2I Francis street, 'fruro Jago Alfred Charles F.s.sc. Trenant,
Holman Jn.Hy.Carbis bay,Lelant R.S.O Hoskins J. 8 Dunstanville ter. I<'almouth Wadehridge R.S.O
Holman Mrs. Camborne Veor,Camborr..e Hoskins Miss, 46 Bodmin rd. St. Austell Jago Chas. S. St. J ust-in-Penwith R.S.O
HolmanMrs.Castle vil.Castle st.Liskeard Hoskins Miss, 2 F1·ancis street, Truro Jago Edward, I Harriett pi. Falmouth
Holman \V.alter, Foundry house, . St. Hon1son Saml. 8 Victoria pl. Penzance JagoE.7Alexander ter.Torpoint,Devnprt
Just in-Penwith R.S.O Hourihane Jn. 27 Belgravia. st. Penzance Jago John, Yewberry, Bodmin
Holman Wm. Chapel st. St. Just R.S.O Howard William Paul, I West place, Jago J.R.Synher cot.St.Germans R.S.O
Holmes Jn. Edwd. 76 Lemon st. Truro A.lbany road, Falmouth Jago Jsph. Forest. Millbrook, Plymouth
Holmes T. I6 Kimberley rd. Falmouth HowellDavid J.P.Penquite,St.Sarnpson's, JagoMisses,Alverne hill,Alvertn.Penznce
Holt Rev. Vernon M.A. Rectory, Ruan- Par Station R.S.O Jago Misses, Barn street, Liskeard
Lanihorne, Grampound Road Howell Francis Buller D.L., J. P. Ethy, St. Jago Mrs. I Robartes terrace, Truro
Holt Williarn, Cliff cottage, Penzance Winnow, Lostwithiel JagoMrs.Valley pk.Mevagissey,St.Austll
Honey Mrs. Kingberry,Rhind st.Bodmin Howell John Thos. 27 Lemon st. Truro Jago Richard. Barn street, Liskeard
Honey Mrs. Windsor place, Liskeard Huddy George, Trewhiddle, St. Austell James Rev.John C. Wall, Gwinear,Hayle
Honeychurch Mrs.2rBelgravia,Penzance Hughes Captain Jabez George, Trebena James Rev, T.Bonython ho. Cury R.S.O
Hood T. B.l::leaview vil.Port view,Saltash house, 1\Iadron, Penzance JamesA.H. Burnuhall, St.Buryan R.S.O
Hooper Rev. George, Penzance Hnghes Rev. William Henry, Vicarage, James Chas.Edwin R.N.Belmont,Falmth
Hooper Rev. G. B. M.A. Herodsfoot, St. St. Hilary, Marazion R.S.O Jarnes Hamilton, I5 Lemon st. Truro
Keyne R.S.O Hughes James Lewellyn, 2 Strangways Jarnes Hy. Hea villas, Madron, Penzance
Hooper B. C. 4 Fairley terrace, L1skeard terrace, Truro JamesH.H.Bellevue ho.GrampoundRoad
Hooper Henry H. Old park, Lil'lkeard Hughes 1\Iiss, Coombe, Gwennap, Per- James Hy.J.Antron house,Mabe,Penryn
HooperJn.E.Strand,St.Mary's,Penzance ranwell Station R.S.O James I. Cliff cottage,PortScatho R.S.O
Hooper Jsph. Hy. Wendron st. Helston Hughes Miss, Talland rd. St. Ives R.S.O James Jas. Greenwith common, Perran-
Hooper Mi'>s, 14 Stratton ter. Falmouth Hugill Jonatban, Fore st. Lostwithiel Arworthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O
Hooper Mrs. Beech grove, Dunheved Hugo Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth James John, 4 Colchester villas, Truro
road, Launceston Hugo Thos. 1 Belgravia street, Penzance James John, Market place, Helston
Hooper Mrs. Fern villas, Blackwater, Hugoe T. G. I Claremont ter. Falmouth James John, n Regent terrace,Penzance
Mitbian, Scorrier R.S.O Hugoe W.P.Chacewater, Scorrier R.S.O James John, Rose hill, Lostwithiel
HooperMrs.Halycn.ho.LooeW.LooeR.S.O Hullah Rev. Canon Thomas lii.A., J.P. James John Hy. 2 Truro Vean ter.Truro
Hooper Mrs. Knillcross house, Millbrook, Rectory, Calstock J ames J osiah,sen. 12 Coose lane,Redruth
Plymouth Hulsmann Wm. 23 Regent ter Penzance James J. jun. IS Penventon ter. Redruth
Hooper Mrs. Outlands cottage,Dunmeer, Hurnphris W.s Kimberley pl. Falmouth James Miss, Eveningside, Lehenver
Bodmin & Trequites,St.Mabyn R.S.O Hunkin Jsph. Weston, 16 Parade, Truro road, Newquay
Hooper Mrs. Trequites, St.Mabyn R.S.O Hunkin Thomas, 3 Parade, Truro James Miss,Wheal Rose, Mount Hawke,
Hooper Mrs. Wheal Butson, St. Agnes, Hunt Rev. James Lyde, Vicarage, Scorrier R.S.O
Scorrier R. S. 0 Poughill, Stratton R.S.0 J ames Mrs. 3 Bay View terrace, Penzance
Hooper Richard, Goonown, St. Agnes, Hunt Rev. Jedediah John, St. Paul's James Mrs. 22 Belgravia st. Penzance
Scorrier R.S.O vicarage, Clarence place, Penzance JamesMrs.Burlawenna,Gulval,Penzance
HooperRol>t. 4 Redinnick pi. Penzance HuntCbas.Hocking,IRichmond hl.Truro James Mrs. Chapel street, St. Just-in-
HooperWilliam, I2 Bond st. Redruth Hunt Ja!!. H. 4 Woodland ter. Falmouth Penwith R.S.O
Hooper ·wmiarn, Chaurdy cot. Saltash Hunt Mrs. 20 Belgravia st. Penzance J!\mes Mrs. Commercial road, Hayle
Hooper William S. Fern villas, Black- Hunter G.II.Truro Wesleyan coll.Truro James Mrs. Heanton villas, Redruth
water, Mithian, Scorrier R.S.O Hunter Mrs. 5 Dudley terrace, Saltash James Mrs. Herbert villa, New road,
Hope Mrs. 15 Albany road, Falmouth Hurden Mrs. 13 Ferris town, Truro Newlyn, Penzance
Hora Mrs. Stella ho. Madron, Penzance Hurdon Edward James, Camelford JamesMrs.Marinepar.St.Mawes,Falmth
Hornblower Mrs. School ho. Kea, Truro Hurley A. P. 62 Belg-raria st. Penzance Jarnes Mrs. 4 Morrab terrace, Penzance
Horndon William Hext, Pencrebar,Call- Hurley Edwd. 48 Medrose ter. Penzance Jarnes Mrs. 13 Regent square, Penzance
ington R.S.O Hutchens Thos. 6 Trehaverne pi. Truro James Mrs. Vicarage road, St. Agnes,
Horsburgh Rev. William B. A. St.Enoder, Hutchings John, Workhouse hill. Pads- Scorrier R.S.O
Grampound Road tow R.S.O James Mrs. S. H. Alma villa, Tregeseal,
Horsford Thomas Moor Alphonse J.P. Hutcbinson Mrs. Wellington st.Cambrn St. Just-in-Penwith R.S.O
Bosvathick, Constantine, Penryn Hutchison W. E. 4 Bellevue ter.Penznce James Richd. A. Clinton road, Redruth
Hosken Rev. Charles Henry BA. Vicar- Huthnance Mrs. 35 Chapel st. Penzance James Richard Sedgman, Harbour
a~e, Cubert, Grarnpound Road Hutt Rev. Richard Goode, Rectory, Hol- house, Porthleven, Helston
Hosken Charles, Cross street, Helston land, Bodmin James Robert, Goonown house, St.
Hosken Frederick J. 9 Parade, Truro Hyde Rev. F. T. St. Mawes, Falmoutb Agnes, Scorrier R.S.O
Hosken Jn. K. Tremeddan ter. Liskeard HydeHy.TheParade,:rviousehole,Penznce JamesS.Norton ho.BayView ter.Penznce
HoskenMrs.Eastvillecot.Quayhl.Penryn Hyde Mrs. 2 Well Park terrace, Saltash Jarnes Thomas Bath, Hartley villas,
Hosken Mrs. 35 Tolver road, Penzance Hyne Fredk. Alex. St. Mawes, Falmth Godolphin road, Helstou
Hosken Samuel, Penmare, Hayle Iago Rev. Wm. B.A. Westheath, Bodmin James Tobias, 10 Windsor ter.Falmouth
Hosken W. H. E. 5 St.Mary'sst.Penzance Iliff Rev. Kenneth Purnford B.A. Car- James William, Nancothan, Redruth
Hosken William, Broad street, Penryn barrack, Scorrier R.S.O James William, Old Vicarag-e house,
Hoskin Mrs. 23 Alma terrace, Penzance Incledon Frederick John, 15 Dunstan- Churchtown, St. Km·erne R.S.O
Hoskin Mrs. Gellings park, Calstock ville terrace, Falmouth Jane Mrs. Bridge end, Lostwithiel
Hoskin Mrs. 3 Wellington pi. Penzance Ingersoll Philip, Belmont, Falmouth Jane William, 9 Erisey ter. Falmouth
Hosking Capt.T.4Bellevueter.Falmouth Ingram D. C. 40 Belgravia st. Penzance Jarvis Chas. Fredk. 57 Lemon st. Truro
Hosking James Fras. Marazion R.S.O Ingram W.A.6Wodehouse ter.Falmouth JarvisMrs.Downderry,St.GermansR.S.O
Hosking Jn. Plain-an-Gwarry, Redruth Innes W.Hope house,124 ·Fore st.Saltash Jarvis Thomas, Radnor honse, Redruth
Hoslting Jn. W. 5 Warfelton ter. Saltash Isaac Charles, Dean villa, Liskeard
Jasper Fredk.W.8 Clarence st. Penzance
• Juleff Mrs. Chacewater, Scorrier R.S.O
Jasper William, sen. Callington R.S.O Job John, Heanton villas, Redruth
Jeffery Rev.Wm. Jas. Cross st. Helston Job Mrs. 5 Harbour terrace, Falmouth Juleff Wm. West ho. GrampoundRoad
Jeffery Fredk. Wm. Meneage st. Helston Job Mrs. Tywardreath,Par Statn.R.S.O Juleff William Jn. Richmond Jll. Redrth
Jeffery John, Gweek, Wendron, Helston Job Thos.Lanner hill,Launarth,Redruth Julyan William Harvey, Venton vean,
Jeffery Mrs. 12 Florence pl. Falmoutb .John Miss, Albert place, St. Ives R.S.O Trewithen road, Penzance
Jeffery Stephen, Chacewater bill, Chace- John Miss, 18 Chapel street, Penzance Kaddie John, 36 Belgravia st. Penzance
water, Scorrier R.S.O John Miss, 2 Upland terrace, Falmouth Kay Miss, 18 Alma terrace, Penzance
Jeffrey Jn. Nansough, Grampound Road J ohns Rev. William Stabback M.A. Kay Miss, Redbrooke, Camborne
Jeffrey Mrs. Beacon hill, Camborne Vicarage, St. Teath, Camelford Keam Robert, Chapel terrace, St. Blazey,
Jeffrey Mrs. Rosewpod cottage, Calling- Johns Bennett, Sandhill house, Gunnis- Par Station R.S.O
ton R.S.O lake, Tavistock Keam Wm. St.Blazey,ParStation R.S.O
Jellico Mrs. Bodmin hill, Lostwithiel Johns James, St. l'!Iabyn R.S.O Keane Joseph Henry R.N. Holly bank,
Jenkin Alfred Charles, The Jams, Johns John, Clinton road, Redruth Port view, Saltash
Madron, Penzance Johns John Sl. Tregew,Flushing,Falmth Keast Richard, 3 Toronto place, Saltash
Jenkin Alfred H. Trewirgie, Redruth Johns Miss, r6 Marlborough rd. Falmth Keat Jn.T.Port Isaac,Wadebridge R.S.O
Jenkin Arth.Pearse, Trewirgie, Redruth Johns Miss, St. Nectan's glen, Tintagel, Keaen Mrs. 7 Dereham terrace, Truro
JenkinEdwd.Pooley,Tehidy rd.Cambrne Camelford Keene Rev. C. V. P. M. A. Wood la.Falmth
Jenkin George, 5 Richmond terrace, Johns Mrs. Fore street, Bodmin Keigwin St.1.fi-Commander G. S. R.N. u'
St. Ives R.S.O Johns Mrs. Higher lanes, Nanaccan, St. Maristow terrace, Saltash
Jenkin George Edwin, Bosleven, Tre- l\1artin R.S.O Kelland Mrs. 6 Stratton terrace, Truro
withen road, Penzance Johns Mrs. South street, St. Austell KellettH.Egloshayle,WadebridgeR.S.O
Jenkin James, I Bond street, Redruth Johns NicholasReed,sRichmnd.hl.Truro KelleyRichd.Tideford,St.GermansR.S.O
Jenkin Jn. Fras. Clarernont rd.Redruth Johns Samuel, 6 Symon's ter. Redruth Kellow John, Tregonissey ho. St. Austell
Jenkin Miss, 4 Dunstanville ter. Falmtb Johns Samuel Martin, Goldsithney,Per- Kellow Miss, Tregonissey cot. St. Austell
Jenkin Mrs. 2 Albert terrace, Torpoint, ran- Uthnoe, Marazion R. S. 0 Kelly Alfd. Magdala bo.Albert rd.Saltash
Devonport J ohns Simon, Egloshayle road, Eglos- Kelly Miss, Dean place, Liskeard
Jenkin :Mrs. Commercial road, Hayle hayle, Wadebridge R.S.O Kelly Mrs. 2 Brunei terrace, Saltash
Jenkin Pearse, Trewirgie, Redruth Johns Thomas, Polperro R.S.O Kelly Richard, Town end, Bodmin
Jenkin Richard C. Forest. Liskeard Johns Wm. Lemon vil.East end,Redruth KelwayCbas.B.IOLansdowne rd.I<,almth
Jenkin Samuel, Clinton road, Redruth Johns Wm. Mount ho. Marazion R.S.O Kelway Geo. 9 Harbour ter. Falmouth
Jenkin Silvanus William C.E. IO Dean Johns Wm. Treave, St. Bmyan R.S.O KelynackMrs.Bellevue,Newlyn,Penznce
terrace, Liskeard JohnsW.J.Trecara ldg.Edward st.Truro Kemble Mrs. Bodmin hill, Lostwithiel
Jenkin Thos. N. Pool, Carn Brea R.S.O JohnsonRev.C.T.38Kimberly.rd.:Falmth Kemm Rev. Thomas, Downderry, St.
Jenkin William, 23 Coose lane, Redruth Johnson Geo. Wm. 8 Stratton ter.'fruro Germans R.S.O
Jenkin WilliamAifd.7 Dean ter.Liskeard Johnson Mrs. Esplanade, :Fowey R.S.O Kemp John, 5 Belgravia st. Penzance
Jenking Nicholas, St. Mawes, Falmouth Johnson Mrs.5 Lansdowne rd.Falmouth Kemp ~Irs. St. Mabyn R.S.O
Jenkins Rev. David M. A. Vicarage, Tide- Johnson Mrs. 1 Penlee View terrace, Kemp Mrs. 10 Tamar terrace, Saltash
ford, St. Germans R..S.O Redinnick, Penzance Kemp Robert, 14 Castle street, Truro
Jenkins F. Biscovey, Par Station R.S.O Johnson Mrs. Westgate ter. Launceston Kemp Thomas, St. John's terrace,
Jenkins George A. The Square, Penryn J ohnston Edward, 91 Fore st. Saltash Devoran R.S.O
Jenkins Henry, Tresco, Penzance Johnstone Capt. Pearson Campbell R.N. KempeRev.J.A.M.A.Veryan,Grampnd.Rd
Jenkins John, Polruan, Fowey R.S.O Winsor cottage, Bodmin Kempthorne John Buckingham, Nam-
Jenkins John, Holly cotttage, Par, Par Jonas Mrs. Mount Lehenver, Newquay pleigh, Cury R.S.O
Station R.S.O · Jones Rev. Charles Frederick B. A. 26 Kempehorne Mrs. Callington R.S.O
Jenkins John Hy. 14 Tolver pl.Penzance Bowling Green terrace, St.Ives R.S.O Kempthorne William Granville, Trelo-
Jenkins Mrs. Courlands, St. Winnow, .Jones Rev. Edward Douglas, The Vicar- warren street, Camborne
Lostwithiel age, Looe East R.S.O Kendall Rev. Francis B.A. Vicarage,
Jenkins Robert, II Morrab rd.Penzance Jones Rev. John Balmer 1\I.A. V\carage, Lanlivery, Lostwithiel
Jenkins Samuel, IS Castle street, Truro St. Ives R.S.O Kendall Rev. Thomas Samuel K.A.
Jenkins SI. Garrison, St.Mary's,Penznce Jones Rev. John Henry, Bohetheric, St. Northernhaye, Launceston
Jenkins Thos.Gill, Beacon vils.Cambrne Dominick, St. Mellion R.S.O Kendall Edward Pownoll, Coinage-hall
JenkinsWilliam,53Kimberley rd.Falmth Jones Rev. N. Sli.Mary's priory, Bodmin street, Helston
Jenkins W.Torleven, Porthleven,Helston Jones George, Hayle terrace, Hayle Kendall Mrs. Bissoe, Perranwell Station
Jenkyn Josiab, Ranelagh road, Mount Jones John, 6 Bar terrace, Falmouth R.S.O
Charles, St. AusteH .Tones Miss Winter, Sunnyside, Hawkins Kendall Mrs. 4 Kimberley rd. Falmonth
Jenkyn Mrs. Halsetown house, Halse- road, Penzance Kendall Mrs. Passage st. Fowey R.S.O
town, St. Ives R.S.O Jones Mrs Clinton road, Redruth Kendall Samuel, 36 Lemon l!treet, Truro
Jenkyn Mrs.26TheTerrace,St.IvesR.S.O Jones Mrs. 2 North parade, Falmouth Kennedy Lieut. John, The Barracks,
Jennings Rev. Henry Richard M.A. 9 Jones Mrs. Port Scatho R.S.O Bodmin
Strangways terrace, Truro Jones Mrs. Warfelton house, Saltash Kennerley Joseph Charles J.P. The
Jennings John, Roskear villas, Tucking- Jones Mrs. Longueville, West Trevarth Haven, St. Mawes, Falmouth
mill, Camborne cottage, Lannarth, Redruth Ker Edward, The Refuge, Lostwithiel
Jennings Mrs. IO Morrab pl. Penzance Jones Owen C. M.B. Chapel st.Cambrne Kerby Richard, Meneage street, Helston
Jenning-J Mrs. 21 Regent ter. Peuzance Jones Richard, Coose lane, Reuruth Kerby William, I Lemon villas, Truro
JenningsRd.H. Trevennr.MarazionR.S.O Jones Roger H.Lower Market st.Penryn KernickJn.M.r8TheTerrace,St.IvesR.S.O
Jennings Thomas Haskin, Fern cottage, Jones Samuel,jnn. 7 Coose lane,Redruth Kernick Mrs. 3 Belmont place, Newquay
Minster, Boscastle R.S.O Jope Rev. Edwin, Padstow R.S.O Kernick Mrs. 7 Ledrah villas, St. Austell
Jennings William, Wadebridge R.S 0 Jordan Misses, 7 Erisey ter. Falmouth Kerr Mrs. Endiang, Fowey R.S.O
Jennings William Alfred George, Lorne Jordan Mrs. 20 Middle ter. Falmouth Kerswill John Bedford, Fairfield, St.
villa, Port view, tlaltash Jordan Thomas, Leeds town, Hayle Germans R.S.O
Jepsen Henry, 8 Albany rd. Falmouth Jorey Mrs. 3 Alexandra terrace, Rich- Kevern Henry, 3 Warfelton ter. Saltash
Jepson Wm. M.D. Malvern ho. Saltash mond hill, 'fruro Kevern Jas. T. 16 Regent ter. Penzance
Jerome Ernest John, Camelford Jory William, Cusgarne, Gwennap, Key Miss, Cross street, Padstow R.S.O
Jerram Charles SamuelliLA. 'fhe Vicar- Perranwell Station R.S.O Key Mrs. Wadebridge R.S.O
age, Talland, Polperro R.S.O Jose Chas. Rose bank, Chapel hill,Truro King Capt. Arthur W. Tregunnel house,
Jewell Alfred, Fore street, Camborne Jose .John J.P. Mellingey, Perran-Ar- Crantock, Grampound Road
Jewell Benjamin Trewhella, ro Corn- worthal, Perranwell Station R.S.O King Canham, 79 Lemon street, Truro
wall terrace, Penzance Jose Mrs. Memorial cottage, Porth- King Chas. B. 2I Berkeley vale, :Falmth
Jewell Charles Ernest, Crackington leven, Helston King Francis, Churchtown, St. Hilary,
haven, Stratton R.8.0 Jose Mrs. Monument place, Helston Marazion R.S.O
Jewell Charles W. l'arade, Liskeard Jose Mrs. Northbrook villa, Stratton King Francis, 75 Lemon street, Truro
Jewell E. I Green bank,Torpoiut,Devnpt terrace, Falmouth King George, Grant's walk, St. Austell
Jewell Jas.2Jubilee cots.Campftds.Truro Juleff John, Crellow, St. Stythians, King Humphrey, Marazion R.S.O
Jewell Mrs. Heanton villas, Redruth Perranwell Station R.S.O King Jn. J.P.St.Cyprians,StrattonR.S.O
Jewell Mrs. Thornley villas, Roskear, Julian Evan, Hillside, Bridge hill, St. King Miss,The Sanctuary,Stra.ttonR.S.O
Tuckingmill, Camborne Columb Major R.S.O King Mrs. 8 Roskear villas, 'fucking-
Jewell Mrs.Vogne,St.Day,ScorrierR.S.O Ju1ian James, 74 Lemon street, Truro mill, Ca.mborne
Jewell William, Trewen hous~ Lante- Julian James, Perran-Porth R.S.O King Philip, Diddies, Stratton R.S.O
glos, Camelford Julian John, 4 Upper Lemon viis. Truro King Saml.T. Rose cot.Culver rd.Saltash
JewellWm.Hy.MountCharles,St.Anstell Juleff Chas. Edwd. The llillyers,Bodmn KingWilliam Dinham,Forest.Camelford
Jillard Jn.Dart, 4 Warfelton ter.Saltash Julefi David, Meoacuddle st. St. Austell Kingdon Rev. Robert Hawker II.A.
Job Rev.John,Strand,St.Mary's,Penznce Juleff John, Penventon terrace,Redruth Whi~tone, Holsworthy
Kingdon Miss, Pendragon, Whitstone, 'Langdon Mrs. Marine cottage, Mawgan- Leaity Jas. G. 2 Middle ter. Falmouth
Holsworthy in-Pydar, St. Columb Major R.S.O LeaityMrs.24Dunstanville ter.Falmouth
Kingdon Miss, Penowl, St. Stephen's Langdon Mrs. I7 Roskear villas, 'fuck- Leaman Arthr. Tremeddan ter.Liskeard
hill, Launceston ingmill, Camborne Leaman Mrs. Par, Par Station R.S.O
Kingsale Lord D.L., J.P. Stoketon, St. Langdon Thos. C. 2 Tamar ter. Launcstn Leamon Edward, Hill side, Egloshayle,
Stephens'-by-Saltash, Saltash 1Langford Rev. Augustus, I Glencross Wadebridge R.S.O
Kingsford Rev. Edward L. B.A. Wen- villas, Tower road, Newquay Leamon Edward, Newport, Launceston
dron, Helston Langford .Mrs. St. Saviour's lane, LeanBenjamin,MountAmbrose,Hedruth
Kinsman Rev. Prebendary RichardByrn Padstow R.S.O highway, Redruth
M.A., J.P. Vicarage,Tintagel,Camelfrd Langford Richard, Church st. Liskeard Lean Christopher, Polwyn, Colan, St.
Kinsman Edwin, Little Carharrack, Langford Robert Sussex, Hawthorne Columb R.S.O
Scorrier R.S.O cottage, Padstow RS.O Lean John, 10 Bar terrace, Falmouth
Kinsman John Knill J.P. Autron hill, Langmaid Geo.4 Carwinion ter.Liskeard Lean Mrs. II Stratton terrace,Falm~uth
Mabe, Penryn Langman SI. J. Dartmouth vil.Launcstn Lean Rendell Albert,7o Lemon st.Truro
Kinsman Thomas, Morwenna, Mount Langridge Rev. Albert Henry, Vicarage, Lean Richard, 3 Farley terrace, Truro
Charles, St. Austell Golant, Par Station R.S.O Lean Thos. The Gew, Marazion R.S.O
Kinsman 'fhomas, Morwenna, St.Austell Langworthy Philip,Peterville, St.Agnes, Lean William, 9 Albany road,Fa\mouth
Kinsman William, Stratton R.S.O Scorrier R.S.O Lean Wm.Hy.Armyn villa, Bar,Falmth
KirsopRev.Jsph.4PenleeViewter.Penznce Lanksbury John R.N.Perran-Arworthal, Lee Rev. W.Kilkhamptn.StrattonR.S.O
KirwanRev.Jo.Hy.M.A.Antony,Devonprt PeiTanwell Station R.S.O Lee Mrs. Mount Cair cottage, Saltash
Kitson Rev. John Huller B.A. The Lannowe Maj.-Gen. Mat1hew,Trematon Lee Richd. Hy. I Manley ter. Liskeard
Rectory, Lanreath, Duloe R.S.O castle, St.Stephens-by-Saltash,Saltash Lefroy Lady, Lewarne, St. Neot,
Kitson Rev. John Francis M.A. Vicarage, Lanxon Miss, North street, Lostwithiel Liskeard
Antony, Devonport Lanyon Rev. Thomas Studden,Trenant, Legg Mrs. 10 St. Michael's ter.Penzance
Kitto Edward, Observatory, Falmouth St. Neot, Lbkeard Leggo Mrs. I Harbour terrace,Falmouth
Kitto Mrs. Redruth highway, Redruth Lanyon Alfred J.P. Tolvean, Redruth Leggo Wm. T. 12 Trewirgie rd.Redruth
Kittow John, West Holm, Launceston Lanyon Elial, Henver, Callestick R.S.O Leggoe John, Rock cottage, Hea,
Kitto\t Rd.Tredauleho.Alternun,Lncstn Lanyon Geo. Coinage-hall st. Helston Hea Moor R.S.O
Knapp L.Rose hill, MylorBridge,Penryn Lanyon George, Sea View house, Leicester Rev. Wm. Henry 1\I.A.Rectory;
Knatchbull Wadham, Bodrean, St. Porthleven, Helstan St. Juliot, Boscastle R.S.O
Clement's, Truro Lanyon Geo. 3 Stratton ter. Falmouth LeleanMatthewH.Tregony street,Meva-
Kneebone Albert, 3 Castle street, Truro Lanyon H. Ellerslie, Clinton rd. Redrnth gissey, St. Austell
Kneebone Henry, Clinton road, Redruth Lanyon Jas. Endsleigh ho. Roche R.S.O Lelean Mrs.Laburnham villa,St. Austell
Kneebone Mrs. 1 Prospect place, Truro Lanyon John, Truro road, St. Austell Lemin Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth
Kneebone Wm. E. West End ter. Penryn Lanyon John R. 13 Morrab pl. Penzance Lemin Mrs. Richmond pla<'e, Redruth
Kneebone William Rains, Bodmin road, Lanyon Misses,6Kimberley pl.Falmouth Lemon Rev. James Frederick M.A.
St. Austell Lanyon Mrs. Acton castle, Perran- Vicarage, Marazion R.S.O
Knevitt Capt. Herbt.Price R.N. "Mount Uthnoe, Marazion R.S.O Leslie S. Talland ho. St. Ives R.S.O
Edgcumbe" School Ship, Saltash Lanyon Mrs. Bissick, Grampound Road Letcber Mrs. Tolgullow, Scorrier R.S.O
Knight John, Laurel cottage, Charles- Lanyon Mrs. 7 Prospect place, Truro Letcher Thos. Mount Prospect, Redruth
town, St. Austell Lanyon Mrs. 7 St. Mary's ter. Penzance Lethbridge Edward Galton Baron J.P.
KnightJn.H.St.Blazey,ParStationR.S 0 LanyonMrs.Sussex cottage, Truro road, Tregeare, Egloskerry R.S.O
Knight Luke, Beilswood house, Gunnis- St. Austell Lethby J ames, 17 Tower pl. Penzance
lake, Tavistock Lanyon 'fhrodore T.R.N.H.M.S. Ganges, Levers Miss, I Albert villas, Penzance
Knight Mrs. Mill street, Padstow R.S.O Flushing, Falmouth Leverton Rev. Henry Le\\ iS B.A. The
Knight Richard, 5 Richmond ter. Truro La Penotiere Misses, Parade, Liskeard Sanctuary, Mawnan, Falmouth
Knight W.Fentonluna ho.Padstow R.S.O Lapidge Mrs. Anderton villas, Mill- Leverton Mrs. 68 Lemon street, Truro
Knowles Alfd. Penwerris ter. Falmouth brook, Plymouth Leverton Mrs. Henry, Treheveras,
Knowles Mrs. I Ocean view, Newquay Lapthorne Mrs. 6 Albert ter. Saltash Kenwyn, Truro
Knov.l:n~-Edwards Miss, 3 Windsor ter- Lashbrooke A.23 Wodehouse ter.Falmth Leverton-Spry Edward James, Church
race, Saltash Latham Rev. J. Godolphin rd. Helston town, St. Keverne R.S.O
Knuckey Francis, Vogue hill, St. Day, La Touche Rev. William Martin Digues, Le Warne James, l'enelewy, St. Feock,
Scorrier R.S.O Riviere cottage, Phillack, Hayle Truro
Krabbe Mrs. 2 Trelawneyrd. Falmouth LaunderS.8outhleigh,Clintn.rd.Redruth Lewarne Nicholas, Higher Porth, St.
Krieger Wm. C.6 Florence ter.l<'almouth Laundry William, 5 Brunei ter. Saltash Columb Minor R.S.O
Kyd :Mrs. Wadebridge R.S.O Laurence SidneyMortimore,I Richmond Lewarne William, River view, Saltash
Kyngdon Rev. Geo.TbeodosiusBoughton terrace, St. Ives R.~.O Lewellin Misses, West park, Millbrook,
M. A. Bridge end, Lostwithiel Laurie Casper R. 58 West end, Redrnth Plymouth
Labouchere-Sparling Albert Sidney, LaurieMiss,93Plain-an-Gwarry,Redrnth Lewis Capt. Geo. 10 Park ter.Falmouth
West Trevarth ho. Gwennap, Redrutb Lavanchy Rev. Charles John Louis, The Lewis Rev.Aifred Merlin 1\f.A. Nanpean,
Laing William Alexander Gordon M.B., Vicarage, Colan, St. Columb R.S.O St. Stephens-in-Brannell, St. Austell
C.M.Tregony ho.Mevagissey,St.Austell Lavanchy Mrs. The Vicarage, Colan, R.S.O
Laity J. Goldsithney, Marazion R.S.O St. Columb R.S.O Lewis Rev. Frank Ernest, St. John's
Lake Jn.2 Belmont vls.Campfields,Truro Lavers Mart.in, Trewithney,Carharrack, vicarage, Falmouth road, Truro
Lake Miss, 47 Kimberley rd. Fa.lmouth Scorrier R.S.O Lewis Arthur, n Park ter. Falmouth
Lake Thomas Henry, Moresk, Truro Lavers Mrs. Albaston, Tavistock Lewis H. T. 9 Truro Vean ter. Truro
Lakes Rt. G. J.P Trevarrick, St.Austell Laverton Arthur, Bella vista, Truro LewisJ.2Carlton vils.Torpoint,Devonprt
Lakey Charles James, Elmsleigh 'frebu- Laverton Mrs. Polstreatb, Mevagissey, Lewis Mrs. Lannarth, Redruth
dannon, St. Columb Major R.S.O St. Austell Lewis T.Brook vii.Trelawney rd.Falmth
Lamb Mrs. Summerville, Esplanade Lavin Michael, Mylor bridge, Penryn LewmanF.B.Probus college,ProbusR.SO
road, Fowey R.S.O Lavin Mrs. Chyoone gro. Paul,Penzance Lexow Mrs. 12 Middle ter. Falmouth
Lamb Mrs. Clifton villa, Polruan, Fowey Lawder-J!:aton Gerad, Pennance house, Libbey Capt. Samuel R.N. 3 Cambridge
R.S.O Woodlane, l<~almouth place. Falmouth
Lamerton Wm. 30 Richmond hill, Truro Lawn Richard, l<'ore street, St. Day, Libby Mrs. St. Mawes, Falmouth
Lander Frederick Charles, Rock, St. Scorrier R.S.O Lichenich Antoine,Marine villa,Charles-
Minver, Wadebridge R.S.O Lawrence Henry, 3 Clare ter. Falmouth town, St. Austell
Lander Henry, Allendale, Egloshayle, Lawrence Horace Hayes Montgomery, LiddeliEdwd.Truscott,WadebrdgR.S.O
Wadebridge R.S.O Polmear, Camelford Liddell Harry, Higher Bore st. Bodmin
Lander Mrs. 2 Albert terrace, Saltash Lawrence Joseph, Hope cottage, Mylor Liddell Henry, Lower Bore Bt. Bodmin
Lane James, Trebullett, Launceston bridge, Penryn Liddell John, Orange terrace, Bodmin
Lane John, 2 Langton ter. Falmouth Lawrence Waiter, St. Keverne R.S.O Liddicoat Hy. 13 Erisey ter. Falmoutb
Lane Wm. C. Tregonisseyrd.St. Austell Lawrey John, I2 Cornwall ter.Penzance L1ddicoat Miss, Fore street, Newquay
Lang Albert, The Bungalow, Mullion, Lawrey Wm. 28 Morrab rd. Penzance Lidgey Edwin, Kennall vale, St;
Cury Cross Lanes R.S.O · Lawry John, Tregeseal1 St. Just-in- Stytbians, Penryn ·
LangJn. Chas. to Barnfield ter.Liskeard Penwith R.S.O Lidgey Mrs. Ryderville, Fairmantle
Lang Thomas, I Grove park, Liskeard Lawry Mrs. I7 Clarence st. Penzance street, 'fruro
Lang Thomas, 4 Trevose place, Newquay Lawry Wm. 31 Belgravia st. Penzance Lidgey Wm. Holmleigh,Devoran R.S.O
Langdou Rev. Charles ·Baskerville, Layard Rev. I. [Catholic], St. Mary's Lidgey Wm. Pendarves rd. Camborne
Kensey, St. Stephens', Launc-eston priory, Bodmin Lienkram Rev. Michael, Alverne build-
Langdon Alex. 5 Stratton ter-; -Truro Layton Henry Albert, .Asylum, Bodmin ings, Alverton street, Penzance 1
Langdon George, 76 Pydar street, Truro Leah Charles, 8 Belgravia st. Penzance Lillingston George B.P.Spooner,Ferriby,
Langdon Mrs. 8 St. George's rd. Truro Leah Wm. R. 49 Belgravia st. Penzance 1 Morrab road, Penzance
~illingston Mrs. Ferriby, I Morrabl:\fabbottChas.Jas,2oRegent sq.Penzance Marshall William Nicholas Connock J.P.
road, Penzance Mabbott Howell, 16 Alma ter. Penzance Treworgey house, Liskeard
Linaker Wm. E.37 Morrab rd.Penzance McAdamRev.C.St.Mary'sPriory,Bodmn Martens Emile Chas. 13 Bar ter.Falmth
Lindsey C. St.John's ter.DevoranR.S.O McCoskrie James, Glencairn house, Martin Rev. George 1\I.A. Rectory, St.
Lines Rev. Harry, Rock, St. Minver, Grampound Road Michael Caerhayes, St. Austell
Wadebridge R.S.O McCourt Miss, 23 Albany rd. Falmouth Martin Chas. M. 34 Albany rd. Redruth
Linney Chas. 5 Florence ter. Falmouth McFadyean Rev. Gavin, I Windsor ter- Martin Edwd.S.35Bodmin rd.St.Austell
Liptrot Alfred Bailey, Woodleigh, Tide- race, Saltash Martin Frederiek, Florence villa, Tuck-
ford, St. Germans R.S.O McFadyeanAndw.5rMorrabrd.Penzance ingmill, Camborne
Little Rev. R. 7 Berkeley vale,Falmouth Macfarland Franeis, Hugh street, St. Martin George, Westcott,. Looe West,
Little George Greenway J.P. Cobourg Ma.ry's, Penzance East Looe R.S.O
house, Millbrook, Plymouth Macfarland Rev. Alexander B. Penzance Martin Henry, Well Park villa, Saltash
tittle Michael, 7 Stratton pl. Falmouth McGill John, 20 Albany road, Falmouth Martin James, Castle street, Launceston
Little Miss, Allendale, Egloshayle, Mcllroy Matthew, 7 Tamar ter. Saltash Martin James J. P. Clare house, Penryn
WatlebridgeRS.O 1MMacclnke rny John, Portland villa, Saltash Martin James, jun. Clare house, Penryn
Little Mrs. Forest. Looe East R.S.O Thomas Charles, Kenwyn house, Martin John, 6 Adelaide terrace, Truro
Little Mrs.Lilly ho.Albany rd.Falmouth Kenwyn road, Truro .Martin J.Cardrew cot. Treleigh,Redruth
Littleton John, Trewin, Sheviock, St. Mackay John Cawful, Melness, Fore st. Martin Miss, 19 Albany road, Falmouth
Germans R.S.O St. Uolumb Major R.S.O Martin Miss, Truro road, St. Austell
Littleton Mrs. I Port View ho. Saltash Mackenzie Hy. S. Penwenack,Falmouth Martin Misses, St. James' ter. Penryn
Livingstone James, Ladbroke ho. Hayle Macklin Thomas Thornton M. B. Church )Iartin Miss, Newport, Launceston
Llewellyn Mrs. Air cot. St. Ives R.S.O street, St. Mary's, Penzance :\>IartmMisses,Belmont ter.DevoranR~O
Lloyd Rev. Albert, Calstock McMahon Frederick Dunbar Sutherland, Martin Mrs.Attercliffe,Looe East R.S.O
Loanl' Jn. F. 3 Coulson's ter. Penzance Bank street, St. Columb Major R.S.O J.\iiartin Mrs. 12 Ferris town, Truro
Loam Matthew, Meditonham, Botus Macnaghten Miss, Brucefield,Agar road, Martin Mrs. Carnkie, Redruth
Fleming R.S.O Truro J.\ihrtin Mrs. 5 Parade, Truro
LoarMrs.3Gnawton ter.Albaston,Tvstck Macreight Albert, Kenythorn house, St. J.\ilartin Mrs. Rhoda villas, Taroveor
Lobb Miss, St. Vincent's cottage, Maw- Just-in-Penwith R.S.O road, Penz'lnce
gan-in-Pydar,St.Columb Major R.S.O MaddernMrs.Clifton ter.Newlyn,Pnznce Martin Mrs. The Cot. Cross st. Helston
Lobb Misses, Erith cot. St.Mabyn R.S.O Maddick John Bassett, Tywardreath, Martin Mrs. Ivy cottages, Chacewater,.
Lobb Mrs. 11 Clare terrace, Falmouth Par Station R.S.O Scorrier R.S.O
Lobb Mrs. Grant's walk, St. Austell Maddrell Rev. Thomas Fisher M. A. ~ew- MartinT.Elm vl.St.Agnes.ScorrierR.S.O
Lobb Nicholas Wm.Trenault,Launcestn ham house, Truro J.\ilartin Wm. Redrnth highway, Redruth
Lobb Richard, Tregear,Gerrans,Falmth Maeers Edward Waiter Lewis, Barn Martin William Henry Powell, Com-
Lobb Thomas James, r John st. Truro park, Boscastle R.S.O pr1gney house, Kenwyn, Truro
Lock Rev. John, Vicarage, St. Eval, St. Magor Martin L.D.S.Eng. 24 Chapel st. .:.\'lartyn Rev. Richard James M.A. Rec-
Issey R.S.O Penzance tory, St. Buryan R.S.O
Locke Rev. Alexander George B.A. Ken- MagorMartin,18 John st.Ferris tn.Trnro .:.\'lartyn Edward Albert, Albert cottage,
wyn cottage, Kenwyn, Truro Magor Mrs.Lamellen ho. St.'fudy R.S.O Porth, ~t Columb Minor R.S.O
Loekett Rich.d. Plain-an-Gwarry, Redrth Magor Mrs. 3 Clifton villas, Richmond niartyn Edwd. L. Crantock,Grampound
Lodge l<'k. Wm.Helford,St.MartinR.S.O hill, Truro .:.\iartyn Ernest, Wadebridge R S.O
Long Samuel, Woodside, Hooper's Mahany William Richard, Jo.Home Park Martyn George, Wadebridge R.S.O
bridge, Lanivet, Bodmin terrace, Saltash Martyn Geo. Well park, Forest. Saltash
Lord John Cock,Roseva\e cot.St.Austell Mahoney John, 2 Hamoaze ter. Saltash l\'lartynH. J. Seaward villa, Newquay
Louis Mrs. Heightleigh, Launceston Malan Rev. Alfred HenryM.A. Vicarage, Martyn Jn.Egloshayle,Wadebrdg.R.S.O
Love Rev. Thomas Hy. Wesley manse, Alternun, Launce&ton ~iartyn J.Polmorla Yil. Wadebrdg.R.S.O
New road, Newlyn, Penzance Mallett Fk. W.2 Place view,Fowey R. S.O Martyn John, Rock, St. Minver, Wade-
Love J.r Lambpark,Par,ParStationRSO Mallett Mrs. I l<'arley terrace, Truro bridge R.S.O
Lovell Rt.Charles,6Alverton ter.Penznce Mallett Thomas, Brown's hill, Penryn .Martyn John L. K. High st. Launceston
Lovering John, Caprera, St. Austell .1\Iallock Rev. John Jarvis M.A. Rectory, .Martyn John M. Coinage-hall st.Helston
Lovering John, jun.Cosgarne,St.Austell Ruan Minor R.S.O Martyn Joseph King, Retyn, St.Enoder,
LoveringMisses,Menacuddle st.St.. Austll MaloneRev.R.M.A.6Clarence pl.Penzance Grampound road
Lovering William Thomas, The Grove, l\Ialtby Rei'. J. B. The Square, Penryn Martin Miss, Carthew house, Treverbyn,
Charlestown, St. Austell Manger Hemy, West end, Penryn St. Austell
Lowcay Wm. G. Wadeland ter.Liskeard Manger Isaac William, New st. Penryn Martyn The Misses, Ashleigb,St.Columb
Lowe Mrs. Sampson, Barnoou terrace, :Manley Rev. Richard Henry M.A. Rec- MajorR.S.O
St. Ives R.S.O tory, Stoke Climsland,Callington RSO Martyn Mrs. Clynton, St. Austell
Lower Charles, Portscatho R.S.O 1\Ianley Mrs. 18 Parade, Truro Martyn Mrs. 8 Park terrace, Falmouth
Lowry Edwd.4Wellington ter.Falmouth Manley William, Mount Ambrose, Red- MartynP.Gwendck.vils.Wadebdg.R.S.O
Lowry Henry Martin, I Parade, Truro ruth highway, Redruth Martyn Richd. S. Coinage-hall st.Helston
Lowry Mrs. 8 Union place, Truro Mann J.Parc-an-Cady,St. Buryan R.S.O MartynS.S.Egloshayle,Wadebrdg.R.S.O
Lowry ThomasShaw,Bank ho.Camborne Manu Mrs. 19 Pydar street, Truro MartynT.Gonvena ho. Wadebridg.R.S.O
Loxley Mrs. 41 Belgravia st. Penzance Me.nsel Herbert, 5 Grove pi. Falmouth Martyn Thomas, Gonvena, Egloshayle,
Lucas Ge~rge, Callington R.S.O Manse! Mrs. 5 Grove place, Falmouth Wadebridge R S.O
Lucas Misses, 6 Manley ter. Liskeard ManuelMrs.Seveock water,Knwyn.Trur Martyn Wm. Beulah vil.New rd.Saltash
Lucas ~rs. 6 Harbour terrace,Falmouth Marlande Mrs. Chrence cottage, Clar- MartynW.Gwendock viis. Wdebrdg.RSO
Luce Mrs. 8 Paul's terrace, Truro ence plac~, Penzance Martyn William, The Quinta, Bodmin
Lucy Wm. The Elms, WadebridgeR.S.O Marley HenryF.TheNook,PadstowR.S.O Martyn W. H. 4 Belmont place,Newquay
Ludlow Mrs. 44 Bay View ter. Penzance MarrackGeo.M.J'ack I\1-.Newlyn,Penznce Mason Rev. Ulric Collins B. A. Vicarage,
Luen Charles, 29 Budock ter. Falmouth Marrack Mrs. 3 South terrace, Penzance Mabe, Pcnryn
Luff Wm. 23 St. James' street, Penzance :Vlarrack Philip, 3 South ter. Penzance Mason John George, Callington R.S. 0
Lugg Miss, 7 St. Michael's ter.Penzance Marriner Rev. F. B.A. Pensilva, Liskeard Ma&on Miss, 20 Pydar street, Truro
Luke Alfred, Eastleigh, St. Austell Marriott }{ev. Samuel, 2 Russell villas, Mason William, Bodmin rd. St. Austell
Luke Frederic,Cammercial st.Camborne Mount Wise, Newquay Matheson Frank, Dean place, Liskeard
Luke Jas.u Richmond ter.St.IvesR.S.O Marsack Edwd.L.Haye,CallingtonR.S.O Matheson Mrs. Pound street, Liskeard
Luke John Daniel,r4 Richmond terrace, MarsdenWilliamHenry,5 Farley terrace, Mathew Miss, Pyne villa, The Terrace,
St. Ives R.S.O Trum St. Ives R.S.O
Luke Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth Marsh Rev. SidneyF.Perran-PorthR.S.O ~Iathews Edwin T.S Regent ter.Penznce
LukeMrs. TheVilla,Charlestwn.St.Austll :Marshall Rev. Thomas Ansell M.A. Rec- Mathews Mrs. II Buwling green,Falmth
Luke W1lliam Henry, The Villa, Charles- tory, Botus Fleming R.S.O Mathews Mrs. 6 Coulson ter. Penzance
town, St. .A.ustell MarshallEdward,RaceHill ho.Launcestu Mathews Mrs. 15 Regent ter. Penzance
Lukes Mrs. 31 Edward street, Truro Marshalll<'dk. 6 Strangway's ter. Truro Matthews Rev. George, Hawthorn villa.
Lukes William, Clifton house, Par, Par Marshall Miss, Charlecote, Looe West, Watering hill, St. Austell
Station R.S.O Looe R.S.O Matthews Rev. WJiliam Prest Pardoe
Luskey Richard, Knighton, Lewannick, Ma.rshallTheMisses,Falcon rw.BudeRSO lii.A., J.P. Rectory, St. Breock, Wade.
Launceston Ma.rshall Mrs. Bridge end, Lostwithiel bridge R.S.O
LutyJohn, Bollowa.l,St.Just-in-Penwith Marshall Mrs. The Quay, Looe West, Matthews Henry, 21 Bosvigo rd. Truro
Luxon G. Tywardreath,ParStatn.R.S.O East Looe R.S.O Matthews John, The Minnie, Penzance
Lyne Mra. Moorswater lodge, Liskeard Marshall Mrs. 5 Tehidy ter. Falmouth Matthews Miss,5 Stratton ter. Falmonth
Lyne Wm. Blindwell, Millbrook,Plymth :\iarshall Robt. West Park villa, Saltash J:\Iatthews Mrs. 2 Morra.b ter. Penzance
Lyons Andrew, Inverlooe, Looe West, Marshall ,'\-.ilham, 4 Victoria. terrace, Ma.tthews Richard, Chs-an·Carig, Mar-
East Looe R.S.O l'fewquay & The Hollies, Roche azion R.S.O
1\-htthews Mrs. 9 Penrose ter. Penzance 1}\IIichS:l Joel B. Trenoworth ho. Penryn 11Iock William John, Belle vue, Bodmin
Matthews William, I3 Alma ter.Penznce Michell John, The Green, Redruth road, St. Austell
Matthews W.F.Fa.irhlme.Chapl.hi.Truro Michell J. The Green, 'l'releigh,Rerlruth Mockridge George Robert, Belmont,
MatthewsWilliamHy.6 TheCliff,Penznce Michell J. H.Mayon ho.St.Sennen R.t:;.O 'l'rewithen road, Penzance
Mattinson Rev. George Frederick, Rec- MicheliMiss,EastCliff ho.MarazionR.S.O Modee Herman, II Bar ter. Falmouth
tory, Lesnewth, Boscastle R.S.O Michell Miss, I9 Redinnick ter. Penzance Mogford Mr!'. 40 Morrab l'oad, Penzance
MaubantMiss,St.J.)]azey,PaiStatn.R.S.O MichellMrs.CastleGayer,MarazionR.S.O Mogg Mrs. to Florence place, Falmouth
Maubaut Mrs.St.Blazey,ParStatn.R.S.O Michell Mrs. Claremont road, Redruth .i\Iold Rev.J. W.St.Thomas' rd.Launcestn
Mawdesley Albert L. Ellenglaze,Cubert, Michell Mrs. 4 Clifton villas, Richmond :Mole Robert Bissell, Callington R.S.O
Grampound Road bill, Truro Molesworth The Dowager Lady, The
May Rev. Fk. G. B. A. St. Mellion R.S.O Michell Mr8. Lescudjack house, Lescud- Tower, Newquay
May Rev. Henry Thomas M.A. Rectory, jack, Penzance ~Iolesworth Rev. Viscount M.A. Rectory~
St. Mellion R.S.O Michell Mrs.rPlain-an-Gwarry, Redruth Little Petherick, St. Issey R.S.O
May Rev. John, Woodstock villa, Culver Michell Mrs. Port Scatho RS.O Molesworth-St. Aubyn Rev.St..dubynH.
road, Salta~h Michell Mrs. St. Day, Scorrier R.S.O 1\I.A.,J.P.Clowance,Crowan, Camborne
May Rev. Willia.m, Perran-Porth R.S.O Michell Mrs. 22 Union place, Truro :\-Iollard Miss, Hope cot. T\larazion R.S.O
May Edwin, I4 River street, Truro Michell Mrs. The Fort, Newquay Mollett Ralph, 5 Kimberley rd. Falmth
:May Fredk, WeekSt. Mary,StrattonR. S. 0 Michell Mrs. Westhome lodge, Alexandra MonkMark Jas. Mns. Doe.Camfields,Trur(')
May James, 46 Castle street, Truro road, Penzance Monks Rev.Gilbert,6 Upland ter.Falmth
May James, Portscatho R.S.O Micbell Richard Ferris, Glan Mor, Truro :Montgomerie Hn!;h Mayer M.D. .5
May Mrs. Chacewater, Hcorrier R.S.O Miebell Richard Henry, Gwelr..almeer, Clarence place, Penz.ance
May Mrs. Chnrch town, Mawgan-iu- Clinton road, Redruth Montgomery Jas. .Barclay M.D., F.R.C.P.
Pydar, St. Columb Major R.S.O Micbell Stephen, Belle-vue, Hayle 5 Clarence placf', Penzance
May Mrs. Coosebean, Kenwyn, 'fruro Michell William S. Consolidated Bank, Moody Mrs. Peak house, Polperro 'R.S. 0
Maynard John, Golden bank, Liskeard KIIJigrew street, Falmonth Moon John R.N. Dudley villa, ~altash
Maynard Mrs.2Morwenna tr.BudeR.S. 0 .Middlecoat Misses, Veryan,Grampnd.Rd Moon N. Polscoe,St. '"'innow,Lostwithiel
Maynard Mrs. I Spring cot. Bude R.S.O Middlcton William, 2 l\1elrose terrace, Moor Rev. Canon A. P. lii.A., F.R.G.s.•
Maynard Hicbard, 78 Pendarves street, Camptield hill, Truro lii.R.A.s. St. Clements, 'l'ruro
'l'uckingmill, Camborne MidlenJohn,HigherSpargo,Mabe,Penryn Moore Rev. Canon James Henry :!II.A.
Mayne Rev. James B.A. Ponsavarren, Midlen Mrs. 18 Albany road, Falmouth 'freneglos, Kenwyn, Truro
Constant.ine, l'enryn Mildren Mrs. 5I Kimberley rd. Falmth Moore Eclwd. H.J .P.2o Church st.Falmth
MayneJohnHenry, Westend, Redruth MilesMajorH.6Hartlandter.BudeR.S.O Moore John Gwennap DenuisJ.P. Tre-
• Mayne Josiah, 'fregew, Flushing,Falmth Milford Edwin M. Trengweath, Redruth withen, Grampound Road
Mayne Mrs. Pool, Carn Brea H.S.O Mill Richard, 7 Brunei terrace, Saltash MooreJsph.'\Valter,3Harbourter.Falmth
Mead Jas. 27 Dunstanvilleter.Falmouth Mill William, Broad street, Lannceston Moore Mrs.4Agar cres.Green la.Redruth
Mead John, 7 Dunstanville ter. Falmth MillerRev.FrankE.Heanton vils.Redrnth :Moore l\Irs. Io Woodlane te~:. Falmoutb
Mead Mrs. 5 Erisey terrace, Falmouth M1ller Rev. Wm. Porthleven, Helston Moore Robt.A.R.N.3Fernleigh ter.Saltash
Mead Tbonms G. Crugsillack, Veryan, M1ller David,13 Redinnick ter. PenzanC'e Moore Tom, Church lane, Redruth
Grampound Road Miller Fred, Wheal Gurry, Camborne Moore Thomas l\hchRel, Restronguett
Meadows Surg.-.Maj.-Gen.Robert Wyatt, Miller John, Priory lane, Bodmin hill, l\'Iylor Bridge1 Penryn
Fensalir, Saltash Miller Hichd. I Port View house, Saltash Moore William, l\Iount Ambrose, Red-
Meadows H.t. 'I'. M.D. Port view, Saltash ?11iller William, Deaconstowe, St. Bre- ruth highway, Hedruth
Meager Rev. Richard William,St. Neot's ward, Bodmin Moorman IsaacB.8Florence pi.Falmouth
presbytery, Liskeard Miller WiJliam Robert, Royal Cornwall ~lorcom ArtburErnest,Market st.Liskrd
Mear Mrs. 22 St. May's terrace,Penznce Infirmary, Truro 1\IorcomGeo.Gregory,Barras st.Liskeard
Mear W.Rock,St.Minver,Wdebdg.R.S.O Millett Rev. Hamlet William R.N. Mill- l\Iorcom ~Iiss,26Dunstanviile ter.Falmth
Medd Mrs. 2 Florence place, Falmouth brook, Plymouth Morcom Miss, l\Iarket street, Liskeard
Medland E. Helebridge, Stratton R. S.O Millett Rev. HughW. B. A. Lemon st. Truro :\-Iorcom T. Trevarth, Lannarth,Redruth
Meek l\Iiss, Trehaveme cottage, Ken- Millett Edwin Ley, Bosavern, St. Ju::;t- Morcom William, Vale view, Trenance
w:rn road, Truro in-Penwith R.S.O road, St. Austell
Meek Robert, 8 Rosewin row, Truro Millett Geo. Bown,rg Chapel st.Penzance :\lorcomb l\1r~. 3 Revenue ter. Newquay
Meer~s Rev. Charles Eclwin B.A. Vicar- MillettJn.Nicbolas,Ven.A.yr,LelantR.S.0 ~Ioreton James, Crosb street, Helston
age,Perran-Zabuloe,Perran-PorthRSO MillettRobt.E.M.Gazebo,MarazionR. 8.0 Moreton l\Iisses, Cross street, Helston
Mellish Thos. Cotton, High st.Launcstn MillettWm.Geo.I2Market strnd.Falmth Moreton Wm. Moore, Cross st. Helston
Menadue Thos.Trelowarren st.Cambrne Milling Calvert Harry, Helm cottage, Morgan Rev. Thomas, Tregenna cottage;,
MenearMrs.Fure st.Polruan,FoweyR.S.O Looe West, East Looe R.S.O St. Ives R.S.O
Menbenick John, St. Mabyn R.S.O MilhnanJn.Grills,Western rd.Launcestn Morgan James, 69 Fore street, Saltash
Menhinniek s~\ml. Heauton vils.Hedruth ?.hllsCa:pt. W. H.n.A.3Florence pl.Falmtb ~Iorgan John Edgar, Fernleigh villa,
Menzies David, Bodriggy house, Hayle Mill::;Rev.B.R.V.M.A.Vicarage,BudeH.S.O Gunnislake, Tavistock
Mermagen Rev. Carl Friedrich B.A. Mills Arthut• D.L., J.P. Effo-rd down, Morgan Wm. Rd.3 Lamorna ter.Saltash
\'icarage, St. Feoek, Devoran R.S.O Bude haven, Dude R.S.O Morphew ::\Iiss, 6 Stratton ter. Falmouth
Merrifield Alfred, 79 High st. Penzance Mills Chas. 40 Kimberley rd. Falmouth Morris Col. Montague Chomeley, Tol-
Merrifield Henry, u Tolver rd.Penzance Mil's John Charles, I Clifton villas, gullow house, Scorrier R.S.O
Meryon Capt.Jn.E. R.N'. Boisdale,Sltash Richmond hill, Truro MorrisCapt.Hy.Geo.Royal hotel,Bodmin
l\lctberell:Miss, Dude H.. S.O Mills Miss, 5 Woodlane ter. Fa.lmouth Morris Rev. Edward Rowley, Luckett,
Metherell Mr.s. Tavi~tock row, Calling- Mtlls Misses, 8 Florence ter. Falmouth Stoke Ulimsland, Callington R.S.O
ton R.S.O Milsom ~ydney Harry, West st. Penryn ~Iorris James, Callington R.S.O
Metherell Richard, The Bungalow, Mere Milton .Yohn Penn, Lannoweth house, :Morris John Q.C. 'l'he Cottage, Looe
Down, Bude R.S.O The Cliff, Penzance West, East Looe R.S.O
Metters George Jose R.N. 3 North Hill Miners Fredk. I8 Victoria sq. Penzance Morris Jn.Holman,Mt.Cbarles,St.Austll
terrace, Torpoint, Devonport Minors Richard, 26 Union place, Truro Morri~hJas. Perran vitTregolls rd.Trur()
Meyrick Capt. John, St Mawes, Falmfh Mitchell Edward, Lelant R.S.O Morrish James, Victoria, Lostwithiel
1\Ieyrick J. '1'. 2 Wood Lane t.er. t<'almth Mitehell James, Boscastle R.S. 0 )lorriss William Bath, Bridge cottage,
Meyrick William, 36 Market st. Falmth Mitchell John, 20 Iludock ter. Falmouth Edward street, Truro
Michaelli F.L.17 Lannoweth rd.Penznce Mitchell John Dure, Manor house, Morrish W.C.HomeParkcottage,Saltash
MichellA.O.Ch~·morvah,:MarazionR.S.O Arwenack, Falmoutb. Morse Sydney, Fowey R.S.O
Michell Ambrose Richard, East Cliff Mitchell Joseph, Lerryn, Lostwithiel Morshead ~Ir Warwick Charles hart.
cottage, Marazion R. S. 0 Mitchell Miss, Coinage-ball st. Helston Tregaddick, Blisland, Bodmin
Michell Beujamin, Clinton road,Redruth Mitchell Miss, Greenbank hotel, Falmth Morshead 1\liss, Treniffie~ Lawhitton,
Michell Edwd. H. 7 Morrab rd. Penznce Mitchell Misses, 7 Alma ter. Penzance Launceston
Michell Edward C. Steppes, Bodmin Mitchell Mrs.Chacewater,Scorrier R.S.O Mortimer Henry, 5 A1bert ter. Saltash
Michell Edwin, Bodmin rd. St. Austell Mitehell Mrs. 2I Morrab road, Penzance l\loss ErnestHenry, I Waterloo rd. Falmth
Micball E. 5 St. Michael's ter. Penzance Mitchell Mrs. St. Thomas' rd. Launcstn Moss Mrs. Polruan, Fowey R.S.O
Michell Francis, 4 Farley terrace, 'fruro Mitchell Mrs. I7 Trewirgie rd. Redruth Moss Mrs. I7 Pydar street, Truro
Michell Fras.Wm. c.E. Goose la.Redruth Mitcbell R. T. Belmont, Devoran R.S 0 MossS.Boscundle,Charlestown,St.Austel
Micl:lell George, Vogue terrace, St. Day, M1tchell Sampson, Truro rd. St. Austell Mount Edgcumbe Right Hm1. Earl of
Scorrier R.S.O Mitcbell Thomas, ~ Devonshire terrace, P.c., n.c.L., n L., J.P. (lord lieutenant
l\Iichell George V. 2 Chapel st. Redruth Kenwyn road, Tr•no of Cornwall), Monnt Edgcumbe,
Michell Henr~·, 27 Morrab rd. Penzance :vfitchell Thomas, II Edward st. Trnro Maker, Plymouth ; & Carlton club.
Michell Hy. A. Tolgullow,ScorrierR.S.O Mitchel1 Thomas, Tehidy rd. Ca.mborne London s w
l\Iichel1 James, Tregorland, St. Just-in- Mit.chell Wm. Chapel villa,ProhusRS.01Mountford Franklin.J.44Lemfln st.Trur()
Roseland, Falmouth Mitcbell Williarn, Portreath, Redruth tMoxon Mrs.4 Witton vil.Woodla.Fahnth