Madron. 1 Green James, farmer; Great llosullow Richards John, farmer & shopkeeper,
'!>RIVATE' RESIDENTS. Guy Benjamin, Jarmm-, Boswarthen Church town 1
[For remainder of names,seePENZANCE.J Hall James, farmer, Trewern Richards Rd. carpenter, Church town
A.dams Miss, Church town Hall John Charles, farmer, Boswednan Roberts Jas. & Sons, farmers, Treneere
Adams William, Church town Hall Richard, farmer, Tremethack Roberts Thomas, farmer, Boswednan
.i\rmstrong Mrs. Nancealverne Hall Samnel, farmer, Bosullow Rowe John, farmer, Trannack
Bolitho Lieut.-Col. Otho Glyn, Poltair Hall William, farmer, Vellandruckia Rowe Richard Henry, blacksmith [let-
Hall Wm. Thomas,farmer,'fremethack ters should be addressed Buryas
Bolitho Misses, Trengwainton
Bolitho Thomas BedfordM.P., D.L., ;r.P. Hitchens J ane & Sons, farmers, Lanyon Bridge R.S.OJ
Trewidden; &Union club, London s w HoskinsJsph.markt.gardnr.Tremearne Semmens Simon & Jn. farmers,Hendra
HutchEdward,market gardnr.Tolcarne Semmens Samuel Chellew, farmer,
Bolitho William, Polwithen
Ivey Thomas, farmer, Lesingey Polteggan ·
Borlase Misses, Castle Horneck
James James, farmer, Bosullow Taylor W. .A. clerk to Madron local
Borlase Mrs. Waiter, The Coombe
James William John, farmer, Bone board, Church town
Carter George, 'frannack
Jenkin Edwin, blacksmith, Jamaica pl Thomas Joseph & Sons, market gar-
Carter Mrs. Rose liill
Cocks FrederickAugustus,Church town JenkinElizh.( Mrs. ),farmer,Boswarthen deners, Polgoon
J enkin Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Bosullow Thomas James, farmer, Mulfra
Coulson Mrs. Lower Poltair
Dibden Stephen Charles, Lower Poltair Jenkin Thos. job. gardnr. Church town Thomas Peter, farmer & cattle dealer,
Jenkin Wm. Hy. blacksmith,Church tn Ninnis
Downing 1\'Irs. Trerieffe
Jilbert Charles & Jeremiah, farmers, Tonkin William, carpenter,
Friggens Miss, Church town
Lower Boskenning Tregoning Ricbard White, relievmg
Friggens Wm. Freethy, Church town
Basking Richard J oseph, Brook cottage Jilbert Jeremiah, farmer, Ninnis officer, Western dist. Penzance onion
Hughes Capt. Jabez Geo. 'frebena ho Jilbert Jeremiah, jun. farmer, Trewern Tregurtha ThomM, blacksmith, Treme•
Jilbert John, farmer, Tremaine thack cross ·
James Henry, Hea vill~
Jilbert Stephen, farmer, Minnis TrembathJames(Mrs. ),farmr,Bosullow
Jenkin Alfred Charles, The Elms
Kitchen John&,Nancothn Trembath Richd. farmer,Pedneventon
Polglase Joseph, Treneere
Ladner Charles, jun. farmer. Rose hill Trudgen James, farmer, Tremethllck
Richards Thomas, Bellair
Lawrence William, farmer & market Trudgen John, farmer, Boswarthen
Ross Charles Campbell J.P. Carne
StevensMisses,Claremont, Church town gardener, Trembath Trudgen Thomas, farmer, Ponshallow
Tonkin Rev. Franklin 1\LA. Vicarage· Leggo Jn.earpntr.&shopkpr.Church tn Vingoe Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,.
Trelawny Mrs. H. R. Polmennor ho Martin John, fa"l'mer, Trewren Higher Boswarva
Trythall Mrs. Bellair house Matthews Nicholas,farmer, Boswarthen Vingoe John, farmer, Penhale
Welsh Edward, Minney cottage Mitchell Wm.farmer,HigherBoskenning ·warren James, farmer, Tremethack
White Henry, Rosecadg hall INewton John, farmer, Bosilliack
White Honor (Mrs.), farmer, Luther
Nicholas J osephus, inspector of nuis· Gwarne
COMMERCIAL. ances to Penzance rural authority White James Henry, farmer, Tregod-
Adams William, farmer, Church town Nicholls Joseph, farmer, Bosullow deck & Holdreath
Bennetts John, farmer, Boswarva Nicholls Nicholas Thos.farmr. Landithy White William, farmer & market gar-
Bennetts John, jun. farmer, Treyean Nicholls Richard, farmer, Landithy dener, Merry Meeting
Bennetts Richard, farmer, Mulfra Nicholls Richard, jun. collector of rates White William Thomas, market gar-
Berryman James, wheelwright & car- to Madron local board,Landithy cot dener, Boscathnoe & Landithy
penter, Tremethick cross NichollsThomas (Mrs.),farmr.Bosullow White William Thomas, jun. potato &
Berryman Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), ehop- Nicholls William H. surveyor & broccoli merchant, clerk to the school
keeper, Jamaica place inspector of nuisances to Madron board & assistant overseer,Hea villas.
Bolitho Thomas, farmer, Lower Poltair local board, Church town White Wm. Fredk. farmer, Poltair
Cargeege William, farmer, Kerrow Oats Thomas, shopkeeper, Church twn Workman's Institute (William Henry
CarmanJonathan,carpenter,Jamaicapl PengellyGrace(Miss),farmr.Boswarthn Jenkin, sec)
Cemetery (J. B. Cornish, Penzance, Pengelly Thomas Uarvey,farmer, Bone Hea Moor.
clerk to the burial board) Pengelly Thomas Willjam, market
Chappell William Edward, market gardener & miller (water), Treneere Davy Rev.Robert [curate],Rose cottage-
gardener, Trembath Pengelly William Henry~ Miners' Arms Leggoe John, Rock cottage,. Hea
Craze Charles Edward, farmer & mar- P.H. New mill Peach John, The Retreat
ket gardener, Polmennor & Crankan 1 Pollard Joseph, farmer, Chynoweth Waite Mrs. Rock villa
Curnow Tbos. market gardnr. Tolcarne Pollard Richard Nicholas, farmer & White John Thos. Nevada villa, Hea
Dale Charles, farmer, Lower Landithy market gardener, Trereiffe Berryman John, builder, Hea
Dennis George, farmer Boswarthen Prowse Williatn, farmer, Mulfra . Criddle Thomas, tailor, Hea
Eddy Francis, farmer, Carthew Read George Daniel, builder & shop- Nankervis Martin (Mrs.), apartments,.
Elizabeth Cottage Orphanage (Miss M. keeper, Wesley rock Melbourne, Hea
J. George, matron), Nansiglos lane Reynolds Jane & Sons, farmers & mar- Rich James, beer retailer
Ellis Cornelius, farmer, Kerrow ket gardeners, Trereiffe Richards John, shopkeeper, Post office
Flamank Robert Henry, boot & shoe Reynolds Richard & John, farmers Richards Nicholas, farmer & market
maker, Jamaica place [letters should be addressed Buryas gardener, The Reens
Friggens William,King William IV.P.H. Bridge R.S.OJ Rwhards Thomas, farmer & market
Church town Reynolds Richd.farmet,TrewiddenVean gardener, Hea
Gay \Valter, shopkeeper, Church town Reynolds Wm. Jn. blacksmith,Carthew Rowe 'l'homas, grocer
Gauntlett Charles Augnstus, market Richards Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Rowe Wilham Henry, naturalist
gardener, Red Hill cottage Little Bosullow White John Thos. market gardenr. Hea.
MAKER, the" Macretone" of Domesdayl is s. parish, 2 yearly value £162, with re3idence and 10 acres of glebe, in•
miles south-west from Devonport, on the opposite shore of the gift of the Crown, and held since 1890 by the Rev..
Plymouth Sound, in the Eastern division of the county, Edward Williams Evans L.Tb. of University College, Dur-
eouth division of the hundred of East, St. Germans union, ham. Messrs. Waterman Brothers, steam launch and y:l,cht
county court district of East Stonehouse, rural deanery of builders, have a building yard at Creymell, where about 100
East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The. hands are employed. On Maker Heights, 400 feet atove the
church of St. Macra is a building of stone in the Late Per- sea level, are military barracks, affording a fine panoramic
pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north view : in the parish are also a number of forts, and a new
transept, 'south porch and an embattled tower, 65 feet battery was constructed in 1889. The local charities are of
high, with t:rocketed pinnac1es, and conLaining 6 bells, nearly £too yearly value. On the high road, near the
rehung in 18&8: the font of Caen stone is a. reduced fac- church, is a fountain, called ''St. Julian's well," and on the
simile of the Norman font at Bodmin, and was brough~ frqm bank above is an ancient baptistery, which has been restored.
St. Merryn's, the church of which now has the font fortnerly The desecrated chapel o£ St. Juliet or Julitta, belonging to-
belonging to the ruined church of St. Constantine, near St. the ancient mansion of Inceworth, now a farmhouse~ is i'D
Merryn: there are numerous monuments to the Edgcumbe elegant and lofty building of tbe Decorated period, with a.
family from 16o]" to 1839, and in the churchyard is a granite sacristry on the north side, used as a granaty, and an under-
cross to Ernrst Augustus, 3rd Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, d. croft~ now- a stable. Mount Edgcumbe, the seat of the E~rl
3 Sept. l86i, and memorials to the families of Triggs, 1664; of Mount Edgcumbe P.c., D.C.L. lord lieutenant of Cornwall,
Salmon, :r682; Ingram, 1669; Boger, and others: the occupies the whole of a hilly promontory, nearly 6oo_acr~s
church was restored in t874, at a cost of £,r,Joo, and will in extent, whiCh juts out- into the sea on the west side·. Ql
seat 4.50 persons. The register dates from the year 1630. Plymouth harbour, and is one of the most beautiful and
The living is a vicarage, n.verage tithe "fent-charge£167, net .(lictures~ue sea1s in the kbgdom; "the puk .and gromids
DEV. & CORN. 75'~~ 'I
alone are about 3 miles in circumference and contain Parish Clerk, Peter Phillips.
French, Italian and English gardens, with an avenue of Kingsand is a hamlet in the tithing of Vaultershome
trees, a conservatory about Ioo feet in length, and many and parish of Maker, 3 miles south-west from Devonport, in
statues ; the mansion, erected by Sir Richard Edgcnmbe the county court district of East Stonehouse ; it was for-
kt. in the r6th centmy, is built of local limestone, with merly partly in Devonshire, but is now incorporated with
granite dressings, and has a lofty entrance hall, with columns Cornwall. The chapel of St. Paul at Egloshayle in Kingsand,
and pilasters of marble ; in the French garden is a memorial erected in 1882 a.s a chapel of ease to Maker, is a plain
to the Hon. Sophia (Hobart-Hamprlen) wife of Richard, the building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north porch
second earl, d. 17 Aug. r8o6, and in the cypress grove a and a turret containing one bell: it has two ~tained
monument to-Timothy Brett esq. : fine views are obtained windows and sittings for 250 persons. There is also a
from the Gothic tower, including the Sound, the English Wesleyan chapel.
Channel, the Breakwater, Drake's Island and the surround- MILLBROOK, in Maker civil parish, formerly a municipal
ing country : the magnificent park is open to the public borough, is now an ecclesiastical parish, and will be found
every Wednesday, and on other days upon application at under a separate heading.
the manor office at Stonehouse. 'rhe parish of Maker con- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
tains two manors: the tithing of Vaultershome, formerly in Kingsand.-Thomas Cleave, sub-postmaster. Letters
Devonshire, was annexed to Cornwall by the Acts 2 and 3 arrive from Plymouth at 7.5oa.m. &4.10 p.m.; sundays,
William IV. cap. 64, and 7 and 8 Vict. cap. 61 ; of this g. IS a.m.; dispatched g.IO & II a.m. & 5.40 p.m.; suo-
manor the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe is the lord, and holds days, II a.m. The nearest telegraph office is at Mill-
the court baron. Lord Clinton, who is lord of the manor of brook
Insworke, and the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe are the chief WALL LETTER Box, cleared 9 & 11.5 a.m. & 5·45 p.m.;
landowners. The soil is loamy on the hills and clayey on sundays, 11 a. m
the lowe!-" grounds; the subsoil is stony. The chief crops PILLAR LETTER Box, Anderton, cleared 7.3o, II.I5 a. m. &
are wheat, barley, turnips and potatoes. The area is (in- 6 p.m. ; sundays, II.15 a. m
cluding Vaultershome tithing) 2,365 acres of land, 232 of WALL LETTER Box, Creymell, cleared at g.5o, &
water and tidal water and 758 of foreshore; rateable value, II.55 a.m. & 6.40 p.m. ; sundays, 11.55 a.m
£8,176; the population in r8gr was 3,444, which includes Church School, Creymell (infants), for about 55 children;
2, I 16 in Millbrook, includmg South Down, and 770 in average attendance, 36; partly maintained by the Earl of
Kingsand. Mount Edgcumbe; Mrs. Richards, mistress
Maker. Waterman Bros. steam launch, yacht & Cook John, grocer
Mount Edgcumbe Right Hon. Earl of boat builders; contractors to the Cotton Rosa (Miss), apartments
P.C., D.C.J.. (lord lieutenant of Corn- Admiralty&War departmnt.Creymell Cullis Samuel, grocer
wall), Mount Edgcumbe ; &Carlton . · Hay Jessie (Miss), apartments
club, London sw Hill Charles, coal mer. & cab proprietr
EvansRer. Edward Williams [vicar] Boyle Major-Gen. Robert R.M., c.B. HoyleJohn, bootmaker
Randercock John (land steward to the North Rock house Kingdon Frederick, carpenter
Earl of Mount Edgcumbe) Boyle Harry Lyne J.P. Cliff house Littleton Simon, Davonport inn
Waterman John Frederick, Creymell Gillard Misses Medland Jane (Mrs.), apartments
Waterman 'fhomas Henry, Creymell Glinn Miss, North rock Michell P. C. & Sons, carriage & 'bus
Barnes John, Edgcumbe Arms P.H Gray France proprietors, government contractors
ClarkeWm.headgamekeepertothe Earl COMMERCIAL. & caterers & general carriers
Evans Edward, house steward to the Ashton John, blacksmith Michell F. F. (Mrs.), apartments & tea
Earl, Empacombe cottage Avery Thomazine (Mrs.), beer retailer gardens; every accommodation for
Marshall John. shopkeeper Barnes John, mason visitors, terms moderate, Egloshayle
Michell P. C. & Sons, canteen proprie- Bennett :Mrs. Rising Sun P.H house (detached)
tors & government contractors, Blair Peter, London inn Ritty Thomas, apartments
Maker Barracks & Picklecombe Bounsall JaneAnn (Mrs.), apartments Smale Hy. King's Arms"P.H.&carpentr
Fort; & at King and CarneWm.Benj.&Son,bldrs.&contractrs Tea Gardens (Mrs. F. F. Michell,
Richards Samuel John, head gardener Clark George, cowkeeper & apartmnts proprietress), Egloshayle house
to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe Cleave & Trethowen, grocers &drapers Westlake Thomas Jasper, grocer
MANACCAN, or MoNATHON, is a parish and village, on and poet, and author (x8r6) of a" History of Cornwall," was
the south of the Helford river, 7 miles south-south-west I some time vicar here and died at Truro March 12, r8g8.
from Falmouth byroad and the Helford ferry, 7~ south from Here is a ·wesleyan chapel, built in 1867. The principal.
Penryn station on the West Cornwall branch and wl- east- landowners are Colonel Arthur Tremayne J.P., n.L. of Car-
south-east from Helston station on the Great Western rail- clew, Mylor, Arthur Pendarves Vivian J.P., D.L. of Bosahan,
way, in the Truro division of the county, hundred of Kerrier, St. Anthony-in-Meneage, and the trustees of the late
petty sessional division of Kerrier West, Helston union and Gustavus Lambart Basset esq. J.P., o.L. (d. r888), The
county court district, rural deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry parish feast is on the nearest Sunday to October 14· The
of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. soil is clay; subsoil, clay and marl. The chief crop3 are
Mennaccus and St. Dunstan is an ancient building of wheat, barley and oats. The area is I,843 acres (including
stone in the Norman and Early English styles, consisting 125 of water) ; rateable value, £z,so3 ; the population in
of chancel, nave of six bays, south transept, north aisle r891 was 379·
and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing Helford is a small port, I mile north-west, with a ferry
3 bells, of which the treble and tenor are respectively dated across the estuary for both horse and foot passengers; the
I7I2 and 1765, but the second and tenor are both damaged: harbour is about three-quarters of a mile wide at the
the stained east window is a memorial to Frances Jane, wife entrance, and in some places is deep enough for vessels of
of James Trevenen esq. d. r86o; and their son John Treve- 6oo tons; there is a limited import trade in timber, lime
nen, commander R.N. d. 1861 ; there is also a very fine and coals.
stained window at the end of the north aisle presented Sexton, Edward Rogers. .
by Pendarves Vivian esq. : the south transept retains a PosT & T. 0.-Miss Hebe Richards, sub-postmistress.
piscina, and in the north wall are the rood-loft stairs; the Letters through St. Martin R.S.O. arrive at 10.55 a.m.;
south doorway is a very good example of Early Norman: the dispatched at 1.55 p.m. Helford is the nearest money
monuments are of modern date : on the south side of the order office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
tower is a large fig tree, growing out of the church wall, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Het-
more than a century old, with a trunk r8 inches in diameter; ford. -Miss Mary Elizabeth Bly, sub- postmistress.
its roots penetrate the thickness of the wall, and on the Letters arrive through St. Martin R.S.O. at II.4o a. m.;
occasion of the alterations in the church were found to have dispatched x.x5 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
pushed their way under the seats for a considerable distance: Manaccan
the communion plate, consisting of a covered chalice, two A School Board of 5 members wa.s formed Feb. 19th, r879,
}latens and an alms dish, dates from 1699 to 1737 : the for the united district o{ Manaccan & St. Anthony-in-
church was repaired and enlarged in r824, when Ioo free Meneage; R. Lawrence, Treworgie Mill, clerk to the
sittings were added, and again restored in I888 : there are board & attendance officer
250 sittings. The register dates from the year r6x5. The Board School, formerly the National School, built in 1830•
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £240, average £r38, for 30 boys & 8o girls & infants; average attendance, go
net yearly income /;170, including 34 acres of glebe, with boys & 40 girls & infants; William Gny, master; Miss
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since Celia Harris, mistress
1891 by the Rev. Alexander Richard Eagar n.n. of Trinity CoNvEYANCE TO HELSTON (passengers & parcels).-Henry
College, Dublin. The Rev. Richard Polwhele, topographer Trezise, omnibus, wed. & sat. returning same days
Manaccan. · Tressider Robert
Johns Mrs. Higher lanes
Eagar Rev. Alexander Richard n,n. RichardsWm. Jn. Williams, Church twn COMMERCIAL.
V1carage • • Smith William Bowcher John William, farmr. Trelawry
Harvey James, miller (water) Richa.rds Cornelia & Hebe (Misses), Helford.
HillSampson( Mrs.),farmer,Landrivick merchants, Post office, The Stores,
Hocking Henry, farmer. Tregithew Church town Adames William
Hodge Henry, farmer, Trenower Roberts James, farmer, Kestle Vean Henderson William
Hodge Peter, farmer, Tregonwell Rogers James, farmer, Rosemorder Lodge Frederick William
Hodge Sampscn Jas. farmer, Trevaddra Saunders Francis, farmer, Halvose Perkin James
Hodge Thomas, jun. shopkeeper Smith Richard, farmer, Trenower Bly Mary Elizabeth (Miss), tobacconist,
Honeychurch Joseph, farmer, Crowns Thomas William, farmer, Minster Post office
Hosking John, blacksmith & shopkeepr Tonkins Henry, shoe make\' Bourne Robert, Shipwrights' Arms P.ll
Jenkin Joseph, farmer, Kestle Wartha Trezise Henry, farmer & 'bus owner Lyne William Thomas, coal dealer &c
Jenkin William, farmer, Tregonwell Tripcony Samuel, carpenter Rickard Anthony, shoe ma. & shopkpr
Knowles Frederick, farmer, Choon Vivian & Sons, coal &c. mers. Treath Rickard Sampson, shoe maker
KnowlesGrosvenorChas. frmr. Bosahan White William, New inn, Church town Veale Margaret (Miss), shopkeeper
Pomeroy Henry, farmer, Trezebal Williams Thomas, farmer, Rosecaddon
MARAZION, or :MARKET JEw (i.e. Thursday market) Jane, widow of the Rev. Samuel Cole n.n. d. 1862: the
("quod ibi," says Ca.mden, '' mercatus die Jovis habeatur •· ), organ was erected and other additions made in 1882 and in
is a town and large parish formed from that of ~t. Hilary, 1891 a Bourdon stop was added to the organ and the interior
May 9th, 1893, on a declivity on the coast, facing St. of the church decorated : there are 430 sittings. The registers
Michael's Mount, 3 miles east from Penzance, 10 west from are incorporated with those of St. Hilary. The living is a
Helston, I east from Marazion Road station on the West vicarage, gross yearly value £.145, with one acre of glebe and
Cornwall section of the Great Western railway and 312 from residence, in the gift of the vicar of St. Hilary, and held since
London by road and 325 by railway, in the Western division 1883 by the Rev. James Frederick Lemon M.A. of Keble
of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of West College, Oxford. Here are Bible Christian, Wesleyan and
Penwith, Penzance union and county court district, rural Free Methodist chapels and a meeting house for the Society
deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Friends. St. Thomas's Hall, in the centre of the town,
of Truro. The town was burnt by the French in 1514 and is a substantial building of granite, erected in 1871. The
again in 1549, during the Arundell rebellion in the reign of fair is on the 29tb September. The Institute, in the centre
Henry VIII. In 1595, June 13, Queen Elizabeth granted it a of the town, and erected in 1883 by Theophilus Code esq.
charter, vestingthe government in a mayor, eight burgesses is a structure of granite and was presented by his widow
and twelve cap1tal burgesses, confirming hereby the charter and daughters to the parish in 18go as a memorial to him:
granted by Henry Ill. in 1257 for holding a weekly market the site was given by T. W. Field esq. J.P. The principal
and two annual fairs, but under the " Municipal Corpora- trade consists in the importation of coal and manures.
tions Act, 1883" (46 & 47 Vie. cap. r8), the corporation was Charities, left by Leonard Millett, Miss Pascoe and others,
dissolved and the property belonging thereto was provi- producing £5 yearly, are distributed in flour and beef at
sionally vested in the Charity Commissionez:s until that body Christmas to widows. The area is 595 acres ; rateable value,
or the Local Government Board should make a scheme fur £4,184; and the population in 1891 was 1,342, exclusive of
its future management ; by an order of the Local Govern- St. Michael's Mount.
ment Board the property is now administered by a pro- Parish Clerk, Thos.Willis Field J.P.; deputy, Henry King.
visional committee consisting of four members of the late PosT, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B. (Railway Sub-Office. Letters
corporation and five others elected by the public vestry, the should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Mrs. Elizabeth H.
late mayor being chairtnan and secretary. The insignia of Harris, postmistress. Letters arrive at 8.50 a.m. 3.20 &
the now extinct corporation consist of two small and two 6·45 .2;; .s2Lu0onn&dda4oy·ns5,,o83p.·53.om5 a.p.;;dDPa"1ylsypsma, t7co.hu1et5dhat.&ompa.;1e1nNzpaoanrrtctbse,,,
great maces, a mayor's official staff and two seals : the two 7.15 p.m.
s:tnall and more ancient maces, 17 inches in length, are of 9.30 a.m.
silver with iron cores, and have banded shafts and inverted a.m
7.15 a.m. 1.30 & 5.50 p.m.; sundays, 3·35 p.m
conical beads : the foot knop is ornamented with open scroll Box OFFICES at Fore street & Railway station cleared for
work, and has on the flat base a Tudor rose and the name all mails
of John Asie, mayorA 1596 ; there appears to be no doubt
that these are the original maces provided on the incorpora- CoMMITTEE FOR MANAGING THE PROPERTY OF TH111 DIS-
tion by Queen Elizabeth: the large silver maces, 38 inches SOLVED CoRPORATION. .
in length, form a. pair, and are exactly similar; they were . Thomas Lean, chairman.
I R. C. Laity
purchased by the corporation in 1768, during the mayoralty T. W. Field .J.P
of Humpbrey Cole, and have massive shafts divided by William Pearce I1 T. F. Hosking
boldly projecting bands and terminating in elegant foot Thomas Richards James Piers St. Aubyn
knops; tbe beads, supported on open scroll brackets, are A. 0. Michell R. Phillips
divided around into compartments by foliage, and exhibit 1st Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
the arms of the borough and an inscription, with tbe device Western Division, Royal Artillery (No. 8 Company),
of three vine leaves; above is a circlet and cresting from Capt. 0. Caldwell, commander; Surgeon~Lieut. J.Mudge,
which spring the open arches of the crowns; on the sharts medical officer; Sergt.-Maj. Thomas Denton, instructor
are inscribed the names of the burgesses and capital inhabi- Coastguard Station & Board of Trade Rocket Apparatus
tants at that date: the mayor's staff is a bamboo wand, 40 (No. 208), Joseph Edwards, chief boatman
inches long, with a silver head, bearing the name and arms PuBLIC OFFICERS : -
of the borough and that of Francis St. Aubyn esq. mayor, Assistant Overseer & Collector of Rates, George Laity
1684: the seals, of ivory and copper respectively, are iden- Medical Officer & Public Va.ccinator, Marazion district,
tical in every respect, and display the town arms, a tower Penzance union, James Mudge L.R.C.P.Edin
gateway, domed, with domical flanking towers, and sur- Registrar of Births & Deaths,· Marazion sub-district, Pen-
rounded by a legend. zance union, Richard Cornish Laity
Marazion is much visited by invalids on account of the Town Crier, Jostah Oates
mildness of its atmosphere, which is considered to approxi- PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-
mate to that of Italy or the south of France; and standing All Saints Church. Rev. James :Frederick Lemon M.A. in-
as it under the shelter of the hills and facing the south, cnmbent, II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 11 a.m.; fri. 7.30 p.m
it is peculiarly adapted for persons of weak constitution. Society of Friends' Meeting House
The church of All Saints, formerly dedicated to St. Cathe- Methodist Free Church ; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed.
rine, and rebuilt in 1861, at a cost of £2,goo, exclusive of 7.30 p.m
the site, is a structure of granite, in the Early Decorated Bible Christian; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thnrs. 7.30 p.m
style, consisting of apsidal chancel, lofty nave, aisles sepa- Wesleyan, Rev. William L. Bennett; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
rated from the nave by arcades of four arches, vestry, north tues. 7 p.m
porch and a small turret on the western gable containing ScHOOLS : -
one bell : the chancel is lighted by five windows, all of which A School Board of 5 members was formed April 9, 1879;
are stained: memorial windows have been placed in the George Laity, clerk to the board & attendance officer
north aisle to Mrs. Cole, of this town, d. 1862; to Joseph Board (girls & infants), built in x868, for 150 children;
Congdon and his wife, d. 1847; to Elizabeth, wife of Major- average attendance, xo8; Miss Ada Jane Stevens, mistress
General J. A. B. Congdon, d. 1875 ; and Nicholas Bowden National (boys), erected in 1852, at the expense of Lady
and his wife, d. 1865; and in the south aisle to William Cole, in memory of her late husband, Sir Christopher
Cornish and his wife; the west window is a memorial to Cole, who was a native of this town. It will hold 97 boys;
Richard Wellington, a metallurgist, murdered in Borneo, average attendance, 62; & is ·now supported in part hy
February 17, 1857: the west window of the north aisle to an endowment by the late- J. G. Cole esq. & public sub-
John G. Cole, d. 1865; and the east window of this aisle to srriptions; Henry King, master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bennett Rev. William L. [WesleyanJ, Congdon Miss
Bateman 1\Irs. Rhymney villa
Wesley house Duke Robert, The Parsonage
Code Mrs. The Rookery Erekson Mrs
Field Thomas Willis J.P. Cb)morvah Edmond&'\fatthewWhite,grcr.&prov.dlr Oates Josiah; town crier
Grigg Mrs. Thorpe house Edmonds John, farmer Oats William, Godolphin hotel
Helm George Frederick M.A., 1\LD. Gerry William Ambrose, grocer Opie James, monumental mason
Greenfield house Hammill James Henry,. saddler Pascoe Honor & Jane (~~isses), fancy
Hosking James Francis Harris Edward, lodging house repository
Hosking Thomas Francis Harris William George, mason Perry Lillie (Miss), fancy repository'
Hosking William Hebbard Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments Phillips Brothers, market gardeners
Jennings Richard H. Trevenner Helm George Frederick M. A., M. D. sur- PhillipsElizabeth Jane & Mary (Misses).
Johns William, Mount house geon, Greenfield house farmers & market gardeners
King Humphrey Hosking James Henry, grocer Phillips James, farmer ~ market gar-
Lean 'fhomas, The Gew Hosking Thomas Francis & Co. seeds- dener, Cotles barn ,
LemonH.ev. JamesFredk.l\I.A.Vicarage men & manure merchants Phillips John (Mrs.), apartments &eat..
Matthews Richard, Chy-an-Carig Ivey Edward George, farmer ing house .
Michell Ambrose Oxley, Chymorvah Jacka Thomas, farmer, Henfor Phillips Brothers, smiths & farriers
Michell Ambrose Richard, East Cliff cot Jago Joseph, pleasure boat proprietor Phillips Mary (Mrs.), laundress
MicbellMiss, East Cliff house Jago Mrs. furnished apartments ; plea- Phillips Thomas John, market gardenr·
Michell Mrs. Castle Gayer sant situation ; terms moderate, Philp Thomas, basket maker
Millett Robert Edward Michell, Gazebo Melville house Pooley Thomas Williams, butcher
Mollard Miss, Hope cottage Jago Thomas George, rope maker Praed Francis John, shopkeeper
Mudge James, Trewynn ' James Rtchard, insurance agent Praed Jane (Mrs.), hair dresser ~
Pe~trce William Jeffery Jane (Mrs.), apartments tobacconist
Praed :Mrs Jenkin Nicholas, potato & broccoli mer Puckey John, smith
Richards Thomas, Steer villa JohnsMary Ann (Mrs.), farmer,Venton Reynolds Henry, butcher
Rule Charles, West End cottage Johns William, insurance agt.Mount ho Reynolds Henry, jun. butcher
E.utgar Mrs Johns William, boat owner Richards Amelia Stone (Miss), King's
St. Aubyn James Piers, Chy-an-Eglos Johns William James,cowkeeper Arms P.H
Seccombe Henry Hockin, Gothow house Jose Henry, fly proprietor Richards Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper
Smith Mrs. The Yacht Jude Emily (Miss), shopkeeper Richards Mary Edmunds (Miss), sta·
Smyth L~dy Julian William Henry, baker tioner & fancy repository
Stott Mrs. Nevada house · Kneebone Mary (Miss), greengrocer RichardsHenrietta(Mrs.),markt.gardnr
Trevelyan Si:-- Waiter John bart. Tre- Laity George, assistant overseer, clerk Roberts William, shopkeeper
varthian house to school board, attendance officer & Rowe Charles, Fire Engine inn
\\'illiams Miss, Rosehill rate collector Rowe Thomas, butcher
COMMERCIAL. Laity George, market gardener Rowe William, carpenter & undertaker
Acme Brick & Tile Co. (Richard Mat- Laity Henry, farmer, Trevennor St. Michaels Hotel Co. Limited (Mrs.
thews, proprietor) Laity John, carpenter Humphrey King, manageress)
Badge Jane (Mrs.), milliner & stationer Laity Richard Cornish, saddler & iron- Saunders James, Marazion hotel
Bateman Mary Ann (Miss), milliner monger & registrar of births & deaths Semmens John, fly proprietor
Bennett Jarnes, coal merchant for Marazion sub-dist. Penzance union Semmens Fanny (Mrs.), greengroceY
Eolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Lean Thomas, registrar of the duty per- Stewart James Harold, ironmonger
Grylls & Co. Limited (Consolidated formed by the Cornish steam engines, Symons Eliza (Mrs.), apartments
Bank of Cornwall) (branch) (Ed. The Gew Thomas John, fly proprietor
Tregoning, agent) (mon. wed. & sat. Leggoe Eliza (Miss), private school Thomas Stephen David, shoe maker
10.15 to 2. 15) ; draw on Barclay, Maeers John, greengrocer Tredrea Richard, shopkeeper
Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Marks James Henry & Ja&. Thos. frmrs 'freglown James Andrew, basket maker
Co. London E c Marks Joseph, market gardener & auctioneer
'Carter Thomas, market gardener Martin, Matthews & Co. Limited, Treglown Olivia (Mrs.), apartments
Cawse Henry Westcott, station master general merchants Trudgeon Robert, market gardener
'Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's) Matthews Richard, cigar importer & Truscott John, butcher
Volunteer Artillery, Western Division, musical instrument dealer (wholesale) Truscott Mary (Mrs.), outfitter
Royal Artillery· (No. 8 Company) Michell Richard, builder Veale Josiah, farmer, Gwallon farm
• ..(Captain 0. Caldwell; Surg.-Lieut. Miners & Bunking, masons Volunteer Fire Brigade (T. F. Hosking,
.T. Mudge,medical officer; Serg.-Maj. Miners George, builder & shopkeeper captain)
Thomas Denton, drill instructor) Mortlock Martin Oliver, watch maker1 White Joseph, basket maker
Denton Serg.-Maj. Thomas, artillery Mudge James L.R.C.P.Edin. physician & Williams JohnBurgan, farmer & carrier
instructor surgeon, & medical officer & public W1lliams John Dysart, grocer & car·
Drew William, shoeing smith vaccinator Marazion district,Penzance penter
Edmonds Andrew, butcher union, Trewynn Williams Rd. Hocking, boot & shoe ma
Edmonds Eliza (Miss), draper Nankervis John, wheelwright Wills Anthouy Perrow, boot & shoe ma
MARHAMCHURCH is a village and parish, 8 miles modern brass : the church is seated with open benches for
west from Holsworthy station on the London and South 300 persons: at the east end of the churchyard is a lych-
Western railway, 2i south-east from Bude Haven and 2 gate. In 1893 the churchyard was laid out with shrubs and
south from Stratton, in the North Eastern division of the trees. The regi..-<ter dates from the year 1558. The living
county, hundred, petty sessional division and union of is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge {,297, net income
Stratton, Holsworthy county court district, rural deanery £335, including 38 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
of Stratton, archdeaconry of ~odmin and diocese of Truro. gift of C. L. Cowlard esq. and held since 1887 by the Rev.
The parish is intersected by the Bude canal, which however Wllliam Cowlard M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. 'fhere
is now (1893) disused with the exception of a portion about is a Wesleyan chapel at Titson, and another in the village,
x! miles from Bude to Hele Bridge. The church of St. Mar- erected in 1883 at a cost of £6oo, with sittings for 120
ham,· or St. Maravina, is an ancient building of stone in the people: a Free Methodist chapel and one for Bible Chris-
Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, tians. The charities amount to £5 tos. yearly. Lord
north aisle, south transept, south porch and an embattled Churston is lord of the manor and principal landowner.
western tower in the Decorated style, with pinnacles, and The soil is a heavy loam ; subsoil, various. The chief crops
containing 6 bells, 5 of which are dated 1772 ; it has been are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 2,720 acres
restored at different times, and a new vestry was added and (including 75 of water); rateable value, 2,885; the popula.-
the porch restored in 1879: the east window of the north tion in 1891 was 484.
aisle was filled with stained glass in 1843, to the memory of Sexton, Samuel Taylor.
the Rev. John Kingdon M.A. curate and rector of this parish PosT OFFICE.-Samnel Balhatchett, sub-postmaster. Let-
for 50 years, and in the north aisle is a memorial window to ters arrive from Stratton R.S.O. T(hNeonrteharDesetvmono)n,eayto7rd.5e5r
Eleanor Louisa Wright, wife of the Rev. Richard Robert a. m. : dispatched at 4a.r2e0
Wright, rector 1843-87; in the nave is a memorial window telegraph offices at Bude or Stratton. Postal
to Edwin Waiter Gould, erected in x887, and there are orders are issued here, but not paid
remains of mural paintings : the chancel retains a piscina
and aumbry; the carved pulpit dates from the reign of WALL LETTER Box, Hele Bridge, eleared 4.20 p.rn
Charles H.: there are memorials to Mari, wife of John National Voluntary School (mixed), erected in :t873, at a
llaauchamp, xs8x; William Cottell esq. 1645; George Rolle cost of £5oo, of which £xoo was subscribed by the rector,
esq. 1645; William Langford, gent. x686, an.d Eliz~beth, for xoo children; average atti)ndance, 85; Richard Thos.
his wife, x653; Wilham Gibins, x689, and others i and a .Lidgey, master
Bray Cecil, Langford bill Prust Richard, Burnard, Goffies Park ~ coMMHRCIAL.
.Burrow William, Hele bridge .
Cowlard Rev. William H.A. Rectory villa Bailey John, farmer, East Treley
Wright Miss, Cleveland Banbury Mu:riam (Mrs.), frmr. Beeston
'Box John, farmer, East Treley Jeffery Samuel,shopkeeper&blacksmith Rogers William, farmer
Brown Charles, farmer~ Rattenbury Jewell Thomas, farmer, Harlick
Sandercock James, farmer, Langford
Cowling William, farmer, Woodknowle Lane Simon, carpenter Saunders Thomas, tailor
Da,•ey William~ clerk to the Bude Har- Leach John, farmer, Abbotts .Beer Skitch John, boot & ">hoe maker
bour & Canal Company Marshall Henry, farmer, Titson. Sloman Wm. farmer, SharlandMillfrm
Gloyn Mary (Mrs.}, Buller's Arms P.H Martin William, carpenter StaceyJohn, farmer,llackthorne
Greenaway Thomas & So~ maltsters Medlal).d Thomas, farmer, Beer Taylor John, blacksmith, Titson
Ham John, farmer, Wool<1own Medland Richard, farmer, Court Barton, Taylor Samuel, blacksmith
Harris Henry Venning, farmer, Whales- Pulkinghorne Wm. boot ma. & shopkpr Turns John, carpenter
borough Roadley Richard, farmer, Bu.dd's Tltson Trewin William, butcher
H~ard Edwin, mason Rodd Jane & Betsy (Mis!ISS),sl;topkeeprs Venner J ames, farmer, Helscott
Honey John, farmer, Higher Beer Rogers John, farmer, Steart
ST.MARTIN-BY-LOOEisascatteredparish,but there j the addition of l of an acre of glebe given by the Rev,
is no village. The church is on the south-west srde of the par- Joseph King M. A. late rector. The register dates from the
ish, one mile north from East Looe, near the road from that year 1653 and contains records relating to East Looe. The
place to Liskeard, 8 miles south from the latter, and 5 west~ living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge /,299, gross
by-south from Menheniot station on the Great Western rail- yearly value [415, including 150 acres of glebe, with resi~
way, in the South E'l.stern division of the county, hundred dence, in the gift of the trustees of the late Duke of Cleve-
and petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and land K.G. and held since 1890 by the Rev. Benn Wilkes
county court district, rural dea.nery of West, archdeaconry Jones Trevaldwyn. The Rev. J onathan 'l'oup M. A. critic
of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. A small portion of the and philologist, and sometime prebel'ldary of Exeter, was
village of Hessenford is in this parish. The church of ~t. rector here from 1750 till his death, 19 January, 1785. Th&
Martin is a large edifice of stone in the Early English style interest of £6z 15S. is expended for the benefit of such poor
of the 13th century, and consists of chancel, nave, south as do l'I.Ot receive parochial relief. The Duchess of Cleve-
aisle, south transept or Looe ai:!le, north transept or Tre- land, who is lady of the manor, H.R.H. the Duke of Corn-
veria aisle, north porch and an embattled western tower, wall K.G.and Lady Duckworlh and Mrs. H. H. Tremayne, of
with pinnacles, containing 6 bells: there is a fine Norman Morval, are the principal landowners. The soil is generally
arch within the north porch, and the font is of the same free; subsoil, principally of a shelfy nature. The chief crops
period: on the south side of the chancel is a marble monu- are wheat and barley. The cliffs being very fertile are
ment to WJ.]ter Langdon esq. of Keveral, ob. 1676, sur- planted with potatoes. The area is 3,185 acres (including
l!'ounded by a finely carved screen; there are also mural 130 of water); rateable value1 {.2,724; the population in
tablets to the family of Nicolas, including Sir Harris Nicolas. 1891 wa'J 304.
the distinguished antiquary, G.C.M.G., K.H. d. 3rd August, Parish Clerk, John Henwood.
lJ:848, and Admiral John Nicolail K.H., K.C.F. Philippe Sexton, Jonathan Stephens.
Maiowe, gent. 1590; Rev. Stephen Medhopa, rector, 1636,
,and many others : in the chancel is a stained window to a Letters arrive at 8 a.m. delivered by foot from LoO''
late rector, inserted by his widow: in 1882 the tower was R.S.O. The nearest posting Box is at Great Tree, which.
re-pointed and faced, a new peal of six bells hung, the is cleared at 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order & tele-
.church drained all round, and the foundations strength- graph office is at Looe
-ened; the interior was also partly restored, an organ erected, School (mixed), built in 183o, for 46 children; average
.and a new reredos placed, the latter at the expense of the attendance, 40; & supported in part by voluntary contri•
;rector and a friend: there are 400 sittings: in 1882, when butions & the rent from two cottages; John Glanville
'the church w:ts restored, the churchyard was enlarged by Henwood, master
[Marked thus • receive their letters through COMMERCIAL. Lawry William Daniel, farmer,Keverall
St. Germans, & thus t through Sand Cook John, farmer, New Barbican
Place R.S.O.j CookRichd.&Son,farmers,NewBarbican *Lord John Austin, farmer, Treveria
:Foster Richard J.P. Windsworth Cook William, farmer, Barbican Matthews Robert, farmer, Trelowia
*Crabb Jacob, farm~r, Trelowia
.Murray Mrs. Marrayton lodge MatthewsRobt.jun farmer,Penhale frm
Sandys Mrs. Old Barbican Hancock Thomas, farmer, Keverail Murray Lewis William, farmer,Penvith
.Sandys The Hon. Edmund Arthur Henwood John Glanville, parish clerk & Pearce Saml.farmer,Bodiga &TheGlebe
Marcus, Old Barbican assistant overseer tSearle Ed wd. & Geo.Bros. blacksmiths
Trevaldwyn Rev. Benn Wilkes Jones, Hicks William, farmer, Bokenver tTrant Brooking, farmer, Tregoad
Rectory Kent Richard, farmer, Longcoe Waldern Charles, farmer, Palace court
.ST. MARTIN-IN-MENEAGE is a parish, 7 miles circumvallation, inclosing three fields; it is perfectly cir•
.south-east-by-east from Helston terminal station of a branch cular and has an area of about 14 acres. The greal".er part
.of the Great We;;tern railway, in the 'Truro division of the of the fosse is very deep. Another camp, called '' Caer-
,county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Ker- Vallack," similar in shape, but only one acre in extent,
rier West, Helston union and county court district, rural stands about a quarter of a mile off, towards the church:
deanery of Kerrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese here also the fosse is remarkably deep. The Rev. Sir VyeU
.of Truro. In this parish was formerly a nunnery, called Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan-in-
.. , Helnowith," dedicated to St. Martin of Tours, and from Meneage, is lord of the manor and chief landowner. The
this the pa:rish took it~ name. The church of St. Martin, soil is light and fertile; the subsoil is marl and gravel. The
rebuilt (with the exception of the tower) in r83o, is a plain chief crops are wheat. The area is 2,369 acres, of which 7.5
.rectangular building of stone in the Perpendicular style with are water: rateable value, £2,380; the population in r8gr
.an embattled western tower nf granite, surmounted by pin- was 336.
nacles, and containing one bell, cast in r826: there are 220 NEWTOWN i~ a vilbge half a mil"' south-east.
-Bittings. The register dates from the year 1571. The living .v
is a rectory, annexed to that of St. Mawgan-in-Meneage, PosT & 1\'I. 0. O., S. B. & Annmty & Insurance Office (Rail-
average tithe rent-charge £693, joint net yearly value £5oo.,. way Sub-O~ce. _Letters should have R.S:O. Cornwall
added)."':'""Miss Ehzabeth Morkha~, postmistress. Let·
with residence and 20 acres of glebe and held since 1C8o8ll9egbey, ters arrrve. at 9·5° a. m. & are dtsp~tchei at 2 ·5° p.m.
the Rev. Patrick Morrison I<'linn B.A. of Trinity
Dublin, who is at present non-resident: the Rev. Herbert ~anac~an IS t~e nea.res~ telegrap_h office
Langston Wright B.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge, has ·Thrs pansh w~s mcluded m the Umted School Board d1str1C~
be"n curate in charge since :t8g1, and resides at Mawgan. of Mawgan-m-M.ene~ge, May 2~tb, 1875 .
There is a Methodist chapel near St. Martin's Green, seating Board s.chool, b~tlt. m ,1~79• ~or 120 children.' average
200 persons, and a Bible Christian chapel at Tregidden, with attendance, 56, Mrs. Eltzabetil Jane Bastow, mistress
.sittings for so persons. On an estate called "Gear," or CoNVEYANCE TO HELSTON.-Omnibus wed. & sat. return-
~· Caer," about half a mile north of Trelowarren, is a strong ing same days
Foote Charles Rogers, The Green Hoskin William, farmer, Carvallack MorkamJohn Henry, farmer, Sworne
Hebbard Mrs. The Green Julian Richard, farmer, Gear Thos. farmer, St. Martin's grn
Sell Rev. Frank Richard [curate], Kevern Sydney, farmer, Chyn hall Pascoe John Gilbart, farmer, Mudgeon
Lambrick Joseph, farmer, Tretharrup R'l.lph James, farmer, Wythan
Mudgeon cottage Lawrence Solomon, farmer, Tret.hewey Richards John, farmer & boot maker~
COMMERCIAL. Lyne Henry, farmer, Higher Tredower
Chamberlain Thomas, mason & grocer, & Tregevis Richards William, farmer, Lean
Lory Jacob, farmer, Middle Tredower Thomas Joseph, farmer, Trevince
Cook William, carpenter, The Green Lugg James, farmer, Tregidden Williams Edward Jsph.farmer,Hailigey
Curnow Henry, blacksmith Lugg Henry (Mrs.). mason, Tregidden ""'illiams James, farmer, Treveador
Davies AUred, farmer, Barrimaylor Morkam Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper Williams John, farmer, Trezise
Hill John, farmer, Carnbargns WilliamsWm.boot k shoe ma.Newtowx;t
Hill William, farmer. Tregiddris Post office, The O"reen
Hodge John, Prince of Wales P.R
ST. MAWES is a town in the pa'rish of St. Just-in-Rose- originally built by Hen. VIII. in 1542, under the super-
land, 2 miles east from Falmouth by water, 10 south from intendence of Mr. Treffry, of Fowey, stands upon the solid
Truro station, by the ferry at '' King Harry," and 15 miles rock, at an elevation of II7 feet above high water-mark,
south-west from Grampound Road station on the Great but is completely commanded by the high lands above it on
Western railway, in the Mid division of the eounty, hundred the north : a lower tier or battery of guns was formed in
of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder South, and Truro 1855, with positions for twelve guns, but now mounts only
union and county court district. The name is derived from four 64-pounder muzzle-loading rifled guns, 6-inch bore on
St. Mawe, Machutus, Mauditus, Maudit, or Mat, a youth of traversing platforms, and carrying 64lb, shells; there are-
noble family living in Wales, who in the 6th century became two magazines, shell and store rooms, and two arm sheds.
a monk, and when driven from Wales by the Saxons, estab- The fortress protects the entrance to the harbours of Fal~
lished himself at this spot, then a rock with a fountain or mouth and St. Mawes; and in 1646 it was bombarded by
well beneath, and carved himself a chair of stone ; the Sir Thomas Fairfax, and after a stout defence surrendered
heights were bare of trees, but covered and coloured up on Wednesday, the nth March, thirteen pieces of cannon,.
with the RhOs, or heath, which gives a name to the cluster two brass guns of I,3oolbs. weight, and a large proportion
of four parishes which are called Roseland : he afterwards of stores being taken. Leland, at the request of Treffry,
:fled to France, and took up his abode on a barren rock upon wrote several Latin inscriptions to be placed upon the fabric,
the eoast, in the bay now called after him, St. Malo-in the first two of which, not now visible, were as follows : -
ancient times Maclovius-and was appointed bishop of a (I) "Henricus Octavus Rex Anglioo Francire et Hibernioo-
place called Alet. The town of St. Mawes is situated at the invictissimus me posuit prresidium reipublicoo terrorem
entrance of Carreg road and opposite Falmouth; the har- bostibus:" (2) "Imperio Henrici naves submittite vela: ,,
bour within Carreg-narth Point and St. Mawes Castle Point above the royal arms over the entrance is this inscription,.
varies in breadth from 8oo to I,ooo yards, extending in an " Honora Henricvm octavvm, Anglie, Francie, et Hibernie-
easterly direction about I,2oo ya-rds: at the lowest spring Regem excellentissimvm ; " and over the harbour entrance :
tides the water is from It to 2~ fathoms dt>ep. On the ~~-
right is the Castle of St. Mawes, where the waves dash upon
~he rocks-a dangerous part of the coast in stormy weather: "Semper vi vat aia Regis Henrici Octavi qvi Anno 34 Regni
oppoSite, Pendennis rises prominently over the waters, with hoc fecit fieri :" the remaining three are on the front :-
an old keep on the eastern side : to the southward are the " Semper bonos, Henrice, tuus lavdesqve manebunt;"
Zoze Point and the Lighthouse on the heights of St. "Gavdeat, Edwardo nunc Duce, CornvbJa Felix '' ; "Edwar-
Anthony, which rise up on the left until they dip down dus fama referat factisque parentem."
opposite to St. Mawes. The packet vessels of St. Mawes
and the traders of Gcrrans follow the winding of the creek In the hall over the door :
to Porthcuel, distant nearly 2 miles north, where a ferry " God save Kynge Henri ye Eighth.
connects the road from Gerrans with a footpath to St. " God save Prynce Edwarde.
Mawes. At the entrance to the harbour, and distant from " God save Kynge Henri ye Eighth."
the castle about 360 yards, is the Lugo rock, marked with a
black buoy as a dangerous place ; at low tide it is covered By the exertions and under the supP.rintendence of the-
by only two feet of water. In I854 the St. Mawes Pier and late Rev. C. W. Carlyon, 'a former rector of St. Just, a sea.
Harbour Company obtained an Act of Parliament for the wall, with a parapet, was built along the centre front of the
erection of a pier, to deepen the harbour and to secure to town. The well of St. :M:awe, or Machutus is still in use,
themselves the anchorage and quay dues. The pier was and incorporated with some stonework, at the foot of a house
destroyed by a storm in 1872 and rebuilt in the following near it, is one side of his reputed chair, alluded to above.
year. The town was made a borough in I562,and sent two The manorial rights belong to the Pier and Harbour Com-
members to Parliament until its disfranchisement by the pany. The chief landowners are the trustees of the ate·
Reform Act of 1832. The Corporation, which consisted of Richard Spry esq. Gen. Rt. Hon. Sir Redvers Henry" Huller
a portreeve (also called "mayor") with other officers, was P.c., v.c., K.C.M.G., K.C.B. of Downes, Crediton, Devon,
dissolved on the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act, Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. J.P., D.L., of
1835 (5 and 6 Wm. IV. c. 76). The silver gilt crowned
mace, 3 feet 2 inches in height, presented to the borough in Trewithen, Probus R.S. 0. and the trustees of the late Sir
July, 1822, by the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos K.G.
S. T. Spry.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
Mrs. Selina Hancock, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive
from Falmouth at 8.40 a. m. & 3· 15 p.m. : dispatched at
9.20 a. m. & 3.40 p.m
lord of the manor of St. Mawes, was, on the diesolution of PuBLIC OFFICERS :-
the municipality, returned to the donor, and at the great Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Medical Officer & Public
Stowe sale, in June, Is49, was disposed of to Messrs. Town Vaccinator, St. Just District of Truro Union, Fredk. Alex_ 0
and Emmanuel, of London, of whom it was purchased by Hyne
the late George B. Thorneycroft esq. and presented to the Chief Officer of Coast Guard, John Bartley, 8cantlebury
Corporation of lVolverhampton, to whom it now belongs. Collector of Harbour Dues, Richard Collins, sen
The ancient chapel of St. Mawes or St. Manduit was existing Harbour Master, Horatio Step
as early as 1427, but the present edifice, used as a chapel of PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-
ease to St. Just, was erected on the same site in 1812 by St. Mawes Chapel of Ease to St. Just, 6 p.m
Richard, 2nd Marquess and afterwards Duke of Buckingham Congregational, Rev. Frederick Thomas Hyde; II a.m. &.
K.G. though not used till 1837: the chapel was again rebuilt 6 p.m. : tues. 7 p.m
in I883-4 of local eh'"an stone in the Early English style, at Bible Christian, Rev. Saml. John Finch; II a. m. & 6 p.m.;
a cost of £1,500, and consists of chancel, nave, south porch thurs. 7 p.m
and a western turret containing one bell: all the windows are Wesleyan, Rev. Brignal Peel; I I a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
stained, the west window being a memorial to the late Capt. Board (formerly voluntary) School, enlarged in 1879, for
Wm. Vincent R.N. d. 1882, and to his wife, d. 186g; the I86 children; average attendance, so boys, 42 girls & 4&
east window is a memorial to Miss Cullen, who died in I88I infants; Thomas Harold Tom, master; Miss 8arah Bevan~
whilst on a visit here: the old font is still in use: the hand- infants' mistress. A new school is (1893) in course of
some brass lectern was presented by Wm. Notting esq. of erection to hold 232 children ·
London: at the Reformation, the old chapel contained a WATER CONVEYANCE.-St. Mawes Steam Tug & Passenger
picture of St. Mawe or Machutus, and a stone chair said to Co. Limited (Henry Clemow, sec.). Boats from the.
have belonged to him: there are 300 sittings. Here is a Market strand, Falmouth, daily (except sun.); in sum-
Congregational chapel seating 200 persons, Wesleyan 400, mer, six times; in winter, four times a day
and Bible Christian 150. Richard Jacke left an annual' CARRIER.-Brake to Truro every wednesday at 9 a. m. b)t
charity of £2 for poor widows and orphans. The castle, John A. Dotson, from Victory inn .
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. James Mrs. Marine parade Andrew Hugh, pilot
Andrew Capt. Edward, Marine parade Jenking Nicholas Andrew John, pilot
Andrews Miss, Alma place Kennerley JosephCharles J.P. TheHaven Andrew Richard, pilot
Bailey Miss, The Mount Libby Mrs Barnicoat John, earpenter
Bullock Capt. Charles Anderson Pel- Meyrit>k Capt. John
Bellman Philippa (Mrs.), apartments,.
ham, The Hermitage Peel Rev. Brignal [Wesleyan] Marine parade ·
Bushell Mrs Roberts Miss
Rollings Edward Waiter, Elmsdale ho Benfield Lewis, 8hip & Castle hotel ;
Carlyon Lieut. -Col. ClementWinstanley Sawle .John good boating & fishing; steamers
Cock Mrs 'Iiddy James Oxenberry land their passengers adjoining the-
hotel, The Quay
Finch Rev. Saml. Jn. (Bible Christian] Tom Thomas Harold, Marine parade
Gant Miss VincentMrs Bennetto Edward, builder
Green James Bennetto Thomas, builder
Harden Edward Henry Thornborough COMMERCIAL. Blitchford Faithful, apartments
Andain Brothers, grocers Clarke Joseph, master mariner
H.R.C.5.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd.Braganza Andrew Charles, pilot Coast Guard (John BartleyScantlebury•
Hyde Rev. Frederick Thomas [Cong]
Hyne Frederick Alexander Andrew Frederick J ames1 pilot chief officer)
Cock Lewis Charles, grocer, The Quay Greet Elizabeth (Mrs.)~ shopkeeper Paddy Richard Harris, gardener to Dr.
Collins James, shopkeeper · Hallett John James, mas•er mariner E. H. T. Harden
Collins Mary (Mrs.), apartments Hancock Jane (Miss), Rising Sun P.H Pasco Frederick, boat builder
Collins Richd. collector of harbour dues Hancock John, butcher Pascoe William, pilot
Collins Richard, jun. seine owner Hancock Selina (Mrs.), sub-postmist- Peters Nicholas, boat builder, Polvarth
Collins Thomas, draper & grocer ress, Post office Pomery Elizh.Jane(Mrs.),refrshmnt.h&
Corkhill Agnes (Miss), apartments Harden Edward Henry Thornborough Roberts William, farmer & market
Coverack Stone & Syanetic Paving Co. l'ri.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeon, gardener, Boella
Limited (William Williams, mangr) & medical officer to the Oddfellows, St.Mawes Liberal Club (Rd.Collins,sec)
Dash John, apartments, Marine parade Braganza St. Mawes Pier & Harbour Co. (Lewis
Dash Jos~ph, pilot Harris Richard, apartments (Charles Cock, sec)
Dash Robert, draper & grocer Hicks Edwin, builder & apartments St. Mawes Steam Tug & Passenger Co.
Dash William, pilot Hitchings Edward, rope maker Limited (Henry Clemow, sec)
Davey John, baker Hyne Frederick Alexander, surgeon, & Scantlebury John Bartley, chief officer
Delbridge Elizabeth, shopkeeper medical officer & public vaccinator of Coast guard
Dotson John Arthur,Victory inn, & cab' St. Just district, Truro union, & Sprake David, boot maker
proprietor; post horses & carriages Admiralty surgeon & agent Sprake John, coal merchant
on hire; break to Truro every wed Isabell Richard, builder, .Hoella Step Horatio, maltster, seine owner &
Dowrick William Henry, dairyman Jenking Edwd.masterof stm.ferry boat harbour master
Edwards Nicholas, pilot Jenking Jsph.Green,aparts.lVlarine par Thomas Andrew, shopkeeper
I<'ilewood Victoria Maud (Mrs.), laun- Jenking William, grocer & draper Thomas Edwin, boot maker
dress, Marine parade Jenkins Thomas, pilot Vincent Joseph Jane, pilot
Fittock Charles, pilot Jenkins William Henry, pilot Vincent Nicholas, pilot
Fittock Henry Vincent, pilot Kendell William, Fountain hotel ' Vincent Wilham, pilot
German Henry Theodore, boat builder Kennerley Institute & Reading Ro~m Watts Frederick, pilot
Green Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper (Henry Clemow, sec) Webber Henry, boot & shoe makE)r
Green Harry Theodore, pilot Kitt Robert, shopkeeper Woon Joseph, boot & shoe maker
MAWGAN-IN-MENEAGE is a parish on the river Mawgan Cross, of which only the shaft now remains, with
Hel, 4 miles east-south-east from Helston station on a branch faint traces of an inscription, apparently "Cnegumi fil.
of the Great Western railway, in the Truro division of the Enans;" it is supposed to be at least 900 years old. In a
county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier field, called "Gulegullas," near Trelowarren, there was dis-
West, Helston union and county court district, rural deanery covered in the lifetime of the late Sir R. R. Vyvyan (182o-
of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. 79) a curious cave or vault, the walls of which are made of
The church of St. Mawgan is a building of granite, in the rough unhewn stones, the layers each slightly overlapping
Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, the other, and the roof being finally closed by a fiat slab; the
nave of six bays, north aisle with shallow transept, south passage, as far as it is now open, roughly assumes the form
transept, or Carminow aisle, south porch and a battle- of a T, and the entrance to the side passage is by a doorway
mented western tower with very fine pinnacles and contain- only 2 feet square, the stone sides of which are worn smooth
ing 3 bells, dated respectively 1827, 1868 and 1834: there is by constant traffic; the passage varies in height from 3 to
a stained window, in which are shields charged with t.he arms 6 feet, and is supposed to ha¥e been intended as a means of
of the Trevelyan and,. Vincent families : under the east end egress from the British camp or fort, which can still be
of the north aisle is the vault of the Vyvyan family; over it traced, and the outline of which it for the most part follows.
is the tomb of Sir Richard Vyvyan knight and bart. ob. 3rd Trelowarren, It miles from :Mawganand 4tmilesfrom Hels-
Oct. 166s, whose sword and helmet for many years hung on ton, is the seat of the Rev. Sir Vyell Dounithorne Vyvyan
the ironwork of the tomb, but have been removed to Tre- hart. J.P. whois lord of the manor and chief landowner; the
lowarren on account of the damp state of the church: in the house, an ancient edifice of granite, almost wholly recon-
south transept is a low arched recess, inclosing the recum- structed within by Sir Richard Vyvyan, fifth baronet, in
bent effigies, in freestone, of a cross-legged knight and a 17so, occupies three sides of a square and commands charm-
lady; the knightly figure, from the "bend" on the shield, ing and varied views of the woodland scenery by which it is
is assumed to represent a member of the Carminow family, surrounded ; there is an extensive library and many fine
one of whom, Ralph Carminow, in the reign of Richard II. oil paintings, including a portrait of Charles I. on horseback,
(1385-8) claimed the arms, "azure, a bend or," against presented to the family after the Restoration in acknowledg-
~ords Scrope and Grosvenor : in r865, on the rebuilding of ment of their devotion to the Royalist cause: attached 1;.o
the wall, a grave four feet deep was met with, forming part the mansion is a chapel containing an organ. The soil is
of the wall and containing human remains and some relics : light and fertile ; the subsoil is gravel, mar! and rock. 'fhe
the south transept has a hagioscope and a blocked low side chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is 5,274
window ; the stained west window is unusually fine and acres ; rateable value, £4,631, the population in 1891 was
rich : over the porch is placed a sun dial, with the date 169S : 7S2.
there are many monuments to the Vyvyan family, baronets Parish Clerk, John Andrew.
r665-184r, and \'arious others of modern date: the church
has 300 sittings. The register dates Sftr.oMm atrhtien'yseaanrne1x6e7d8,. PosT 0FFICE(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O.
The living is a rectory, with that of Cornwall added).-William Hoskin, postmaster. Letters.
average tithe rent-charge £of6g93le,ben,eitn yearly value £soo, arrive at 9·2S a. m. ; dispatched at 3· IS p.m. Cury Cross
with residence and 20 acres disputed patronage, Lanes is the nearest money order & telegraph office
but held since 1889 by the Rev. Patrick Morrisou Flinn B. A. A School Board of 5 members was formed June 18th,' 187S.
of Trinity College, Dublin, who is non-resident ; the Rev. for the united district of Mawgan·in-Meneage & St. Mar-
Herbert Langston Wright B. A. of Pembroke College, Cam- tin-in-Meneage; E. Ralph, :Mawgan, clerk to the board
bridge, has been curate in charge since 1891. At Garras Board Schools (boys), built in 1875, for II2 boys; average
and Bowgeheer are United Free Methodist chapels, and at attendance, 6s; Francis Beaumont Cottier, master;
Garras a Wesleyan chapel, seating 100 persons. Near the (girls) on the road to Helston, & opened in 1877, for 70
church, on the side of the road leading to Helston, stands girls; average attendance, so; Miss Giles, mistress
Boaden William, Tregadjack · Choak Henry, farmer, Tregoose Lawrence Edwin, farmer, Gilly
Volze Charles, Church town Chygwidden John, blacksmith,Rosevere Lawrence George, miller (water),.
Vyvyan 'fhe Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithor e Collins Richd. farmer & grocer, Gweek Skyburriowe mill
hart. J'.P. Trelowarren Collins William, miller (water), Gweek Lobb Joseph, farmer, Tangies
Williams James Cooke Joseph, carpenter Lugg A. D. & J. (Misses), apartments,.
Wright Rev. Herbert Langston B.A.The Cooke William, carpenter Boscawen cottage
Rectory Crapp Alfred, farmer, Penbo Lugg Henry, blacksmith, Clies
COMllfERCIAL. Curnow Alfred, mason Lugg James, farmer, Tregadra
Andrew John, farmer, Gwarthandrea& Curnow James Wm.toot maker,Garras Lugg Simon, farmer, Zeela
Mawgan bridge Davies James T. farmer, Tregear Mitchell Henry, shoe maker
Aver Elisha, farmer, Rose-in-the-Vale Davies John Nichols, farmer & mer- Mitchell Joseph, farmer, Carminowe
.Bartle Thomas, farmer, Tangies chant, Gweleath Pascoe Thomas, miller (water), Tre-
Bartlett John W. Ginn,frmr, .Boscawen Harris Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Garras lowarren mill
Bennett James, Ship inn, Church town Harry Henry, carpent~r Pearce John, farmer, Killyanchor
Boaden Charles Edwin,farmr.Bojarrow Hodge 1Villiam, farmer, County bridge Pearce Thomas, shopkeeper, Garras
Boaden Gamaliel, farmer,Tregadjack & Hoskin William, grocer, Post office Ralph Edwin, farmer, Chygarkie
Bojarrow James William, farmer, Roskymer Reed Nicbolas, farmer, Treverry
Boaden John, farmer, Skyburriowe Johns Samuel, farmer, Nanseveen Reed William, farmer, Bowgyhere
Caddy Wearn, blacksmith, Garras & King William, farmer, Trevei~Pn Richards Philip, general mer. Gweek
)losevere Lambrick Nicholas, farmer, Tregoose Rowe Samuel, farmer, High. Tregoose
Rowe Samuel John, farmer, Rosevere Tremayne Malcadesick,farmer,Churcb WilliamsJamesGilbert,farmer&butcher
Secombe William, farmer,Langweatb & town Polussuck
Nancelone TrewbellaMartha(M:rs.),frmr.Kalednan Williams John, farmer, Relow's Vean
Thomas John, farmer, Lemarth Trounson Samuel, farmer, Penvores Williams William, farmer, Carminowe
Thomas Richard, farmer, Carleen Williams Hannibal, farmer, Tregadra
MAWGAN-IN-PYDER (or ST. MAWGAN) is a parish, I consisting of an octagonal shaft, with a square bead, the
h:rextending to the sea coast_, and village, on .the river Melanhyl, f sides of which forme~ ogee-arched. niches ~ontai?ing
3 miles north-west from St. Columb MaJor and 5~ from St. boldly-carved figures; 1t 1s 5 feet 6 mches m heJgJ;tt,
Columb Road station on the Newquay branch of the Great mounted on a massive base, and is the most elaborate
Western railway, in the Mid division of the county, hundred example of the kind in Cornwall. In a hedge at the meet-
and petty sessional division of Pyder, St. Columb union and ing of forir roads, about half a mile from the church, is the
county court district, rural deanery of Pyder, archdeaconry bead of another cross. The register dates from the year
{)f Cornwall and diocese of Trmo. The church of St. Maw- 1683. The living is a rectory, average tithe rcnt-chare-e
gan, restored in I86r by Mr. Butterfield, architect, is an £467, with residence and So acres of land, in the gift of E.
.edifice in the Perpendicular style, with traces of an earlier W. Brydges Willyams esq. and held since I874 by the Rev.
Decorated church, as seen in the west window of the nave, I George Perrin B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. There is a
and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north tran- I Wesleyan chapel in the village, and a Bible Christian chapel
sept, south aisle extending the whole length ot the at Ma.wgan Cross. The convent of Lanherne, in this village,
church, south porch and an embattled tower on the south formerly the manor house, and the residence and property
side, 70 feet in height, with pinnacles, and containing of the Arundell family in r25o, is a mansion dating in part
3 bells : a stained wingow was placed at the west end from the 16th century, and has since about I794 been the
of the nave in r876 by Edmund Carlyon esq. in memory borne of a community of Carmelite nuns, who took refuge
of his father, the Rev. Richard Carlyon, a furmer rector in England at the time of the French Revolution; the
of this parish: the carved oak pulpit dates from the reign society now ( 1893) consists of a prioress and I9 nuns : the
{)f Queen Mary: the chancel is separated from the nave chapel, dedicated to St. Joseph and St. Anne, has a painting
and south aisle by carved screen work formed, in part, by Rubens of "'fhe Scourging of Our Blessed Lord at the
{)f portions of the ancient canopied screen, richly orna- l'illar :" adjoining the house is a little garden, used as a
mented and bearing the arms of Arundell, quartering those cemetery, in which three priests and several nuns have been
of Carminow : attached to the screen on the south side are buried ; it contains an ancient cross of Pentewan stone, of
twelve brass shields of arms of the Arundell family, with the wth century, the shaft of which is covered with inter-
numerous quarterings: in the centre of the chancel floor is laced work; it was removed here from a field called
the brass effigy of a priest, vested and wearing a cope, c. "Chapel Close," in Gwinear: the Rev. John J. Corbishley
1420: in the north wall is a sedile: at the east end of the is resident priest. The Vale of L&nherne, running through
south aisle are brasses representing a knight in armour and this parish, is remarkable for it" scenery and has been corn-
his lady, representing George Arundell esq. ob. May IS, 1573, memorated in two volumes of poems, written respectively
and Isabel, his wife; of the marginal fillet inscription only by the Rev. John Fisher, of Bodmin, and curate of this
some fragments remain, and two plates, engraved with parish about r8o4, and Henry Sewell Stokes esq. clerk of
English verses and formerly placed below these figures, are the peace for the county. Carnanton is the seat of Edward
now attached to the screen~ of the brass Qf M:ary, daughter William Brydges Willyams esq. D.L., J.P. who is lord of the
<>f Sir John Arundell kt. ob. 23 Ap. 1578, only a brass plate manor and principal landowner. William Paget Hoblyn
with 13 English verses now remains in the church ; the head esq. M.A., J. P. of the Fir Hill, Colan, and Sir Thomas Dyke
{)f the effigy, a palimpsest, and a shield of arms and the Acland bart. P.c., D.L., J.P. of Killerton, Exeter, also own
border inscription are now in the possession of Lord land in this parish. The waste lands, especially the higher
Arundell of Wardour: there remains also, reset in a tlom: portions of the parish, the property of W. P. Roblyn esq•
.stone, the brass effigy of Cyssel, or Cecilia, daughter of have been improved and a model farmhouse and out~
Sir John Arundell kt. ob. 1578; twelve lines of English buildings have been erected from the plans of Mr. W. White,
verse, belonging to this figure, are now fastened to the of Wimpole street, London, architect. This property also
screen, and fragments of the inscription are preserved at commands an extensive and uninterrupted view, comprising
)\'ardour Castle; there is also a similar effigy of Jane Lundy Island, 6o miles distant, St. Ives, Hayle, Rough 'I,'or
Arundell, .!!ister of the preceding, ob. c. IS75. with part of and Brown Willey, from 20 to 40 miles distant, and no less
an acrostic ; both the effigy and verses are palimpsests, the than from 25 to 28 parish churches are said to be perceptible
reverse exhibiting Flemish work; a fragment of the in- in clear weather, whilst Padstow and its harbour, and New-
scription is affixed to the screen and there are other portions quay with its railway, each 6 miles distant, seem to lie at
a\ Wardour Castle: attached to the screen is also part of an the feet of the spectator : iron lodes run through this portion
inscription to Elizabeth (Dannet), wife of Sir John Arundell of the parish. The soil is light loam; subsoil, slate. The
kt. ob. 1564: at the east end of the south aisle, reset in a chief crops are cereals. The area is 5,337 acres, uf which
floor stone~ is an effigy in a furred robe, representing I6o is water; rateable value, £4,468; the population in
Edward, sth son of Sir John Arundell kt. ob. 5 Nov. 1586; I89I was 708.
the inscription is lost, but below the effigy are eight Latin TREGURRIAN, I~ miles south-west, and TREVARRIAN1 I~
west, are hamlets.
verses: there are some other fragments of palimpsest
PosT OFFICE.-Joseph German, sub-postmaster. Letters
brasses, the earlier work being of the qth century: there through St. Columb R.S.O. which is the nearest money
are also monuments to Henry Stephen, gent. ob. 16II and order & telegraph office, arrive at 10 a.m. ; dispatched at
Dorothy, his wife, ob. 163o, erected hy their children ; and to
Col. Humphrey Noye, ~n of the famous Attorney-General
Noye, ob. I679, and a number of memorials of modern 4·5 p.m. & on sunday arrive at 10 a.m. ; dispatched at
date: there are 300 sittings. On the south side of the 12 noon. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
churchyard is erected the stern of a boat, on which the w·ALL LETTER Box, Trenoon Cross, cleared at 3 p.m. week
following inscription is painted : " Here lie the bodies of days only
Jacob Williams, Charles Cawley, Thomas Collins, William WALL LETTER Box, Tregurrian, cleared at 3.15 p.m. week
Elliott, Thomas Brown, Richard -Cutler, William Lloyd, days only
David Roberts, Owen Hughes and one man unknown, who A School Board of 5 members was formed November I6,
w-ere drifted on shore in a boat, frozen to death, at Beacon 1877; William Hortop, Windsor, clerk to the board
Cove, in this parish, on Sunday the 13th day of December, Board School (mixed), erected in t86t & enlarged in 18761
MDCCCXLVI. :" at the west end of the church stands the for 150 children; average attendance, 79; Edwin Wills,
celebrated Mawgat} Cross, a monolith of catacluse stone, master; Mrs. Julia Augusta Wills, infants' msitress
Mawgan-in-Pyder Vivian Ivlrs Charles William, mason, Penpont
Willyams Arthur ChampionPhillips .J.P
· Coast Guard Station( William Langdon,
chief boatman), Mawgan Porth
Bryant .Ja.mes, Mawgan cross Willyams Edward William Brydges
D.L., J.P. Carnanton C'obeldick Elizabeth (Miss), farmer, Tol-
Corbishley Rev. John J.[Catholic chap-
COMMERCIAL, carne Merock 1
lain to the convent of Lanherne]
Grey Miss, Wurdwan Adams William, farm bailiff to E.W. B. Cobeldick Reuben, overseer & farmer
Langdon Mrs. Marine cottage
Lobb Miss, St. Vincent's cottage Willyams esq. Carnanton Gluvian
May Mrs. Church town Ball Mark, farmer, Velingey
Perrin Rev. George B.A. Rectory Cock Peter, farmerp Deer park
Randell William George, Nanskeval Beswetherick Anthony, blacksmith,
Reynolds Mrs. St.; Vincent's cottage CrappHenryJobn,gardenertoE. W. B
Ryves Mrs. WlU'(lwan Penpont
Stone Miss, Belmont Brewer John, farmer, Trevedras Wlllyams esq. Carnanton
Truscott Mrs. Ball Brewer Samuel,farmer,LowerLanherne
BurnettDanl.farmr. Damon's tenements Daw Joseph, farmer, Higber Tolcarne
Cayzer Michael, farmer, Porth farm Drew Robert, farmer, Trevenna
Cayzer William, farmer~ Church town
Dunstone John, farmer, Moorland
German: Jsph.drapr.& grocr. Post Qffics
Gilbe:rt Samuel, Falcon inn,. & farmer
Hawke Samuel, farmer, Mawgan cross
Hawken Joseph, farmer, Polgreen Lubb Nicholasf carpenter, Penpont Williams Ellen (Mrs.), grocer
HellyarJq. & Wm. farmrs. Trembleath Lobb Samuel, carpenter, fenpont James, bqilder, Glen view
Hellyar James, farmer, Trenoon ~Iay John, farmer, Lanherne •
Hellyar Reuben, farmer, Lanvean Niles Hender, shoe ID!!>ker, Windsor cot
H~nwood Wm. Henry, farmer, Penvose Organ William Henry, gardener to Brenton Henry Crispin, farmer r
Hocking Reuben, farm bailiff to J. conv~nt of Lanherne t . Fradd Amelia (Mrs.), farmer
Hellyar, Trembleatb. farkyn Jqhn, farmer, Gregoning Grigg Henry, farmer
Hortop William, yeoman & clerk to the Penna Rioh,d.John, farmer, Whitewater Retallick J ames, farmer
school board, Windsor Rawling John,carpenter & carter,Little Trevarrian. 1
Houghton Ann (Miss); grocer & draper ;Lanherne
-James John, Prudential agent Reading Room (William Vivian, hon. Chapman William, farmer& shopkeeper
James Nicholas, farmer, Trenance sec.), Church tow{! Eplett Thomas, farmer
Jones John, farmer, Velingey Reed Ch!lrles, farmer, Higher Denzell Harris William, farmer, Trevarrian
Knight Henry, farmer, Tregarrian Reed Thomas Henry, farmer, Denzel1 Hawke William, blacksmith
Lawrey James, cowkeeper & market Salmon James, farmer, Trenbleath Hobb John, blacksmith & beer retailer
gardener, Carnanton mills Strongman Jn. farmr.Lanherqe downs Kendall Roger, farmer & maltster ·
Liddicoat John, poulterer,Trevarrian hl Waiters Samuel, farmer, Coiloggas
MAWNAN is a parish at the mouth of the Helford Otiel College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan and Bible Chris-
river, about 4~ miles south-west from Falmouth, where is tian chapels. St. Michael's chapel of ease at Mawnan Smith
the nearest railway station, and 5 south from Penryn, in was erected in 1874 and has 130 sittings. 'fhere are reading
the Truro divi~ion of the county, eastern division of .the rooms with small libraries at Mawnan Smith and Durgan.
hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier East, On Mr. M. Tremayne's land is an ancient circular camp or
Falmouth union and county court district, rural deanery of fortification, called" Carlidnack.'' The chief landowners are
Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Mrs. Tonkin, of Penwarne, the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne
The parish is skirted by Bream Bay and Port .Zawsen, and Vyvyan bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan, Francis Glanville
includes a bold headland called "Rosemullion Head.'' The Gregor esq. D.L. of Trewarthenick, Cornelly, Mrs. Reginald
-church of SS. Mawnan and Stephen is an ancient building Rogers, Col. William Rous Tresillian Fender J.P. and George
of stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, but with some Henry Fox esq. and Wilson Lloyd Fox esq. The soil is
features in the north aisle and elsewhere of a date probably partly of a clayey nature, with peat and black earth; the
as early as the beginning of the I4th century: it consists of subsoil is chiefly clay and slate, but on the side towards
-chancel, nave, aisles and an embattled western tower with Budock the granite crops out. The crops are wheat, barley,
pinnacles, forming a conspicuous landmark, and containing oats, turnips, potatoes, mangold wurtzel and carrots. 'fhe
3 bells; the first two, dated r675, were recast in r888 ; area is 2,058 acres of land and r6r of tidal water and
the tenor is dated 'I754; the oak rood screen, a work of early foreshore; rateable value, £2,779 ; the population in 1891
date, is painted with figures ; the ancient piscina has been was 479·
replaced: the east window is a memorial to Sir Michaet MAwNAN SMITH is a village, ~~ miles north-east; Glen-
Nowell kt. sheriff of London, ob. 18o2, and Stephen Usticke durgan, Carwinion, Penwarne and Bareppa are residences.
esq. d. 1823; four-other windows are stained, and there is a DuRGAN is a small fishing village, I~ miles west, partly in
memorial shield of arms to William Newcourt, ob. 162o ~the Mawnan and partly in Constantine parish.
other monuments are modern: the south door was erected Parish Clerk (deputy), James Skewes.
in r678 and the nave roofed anew in r684: in r88o the PosT OFFICE, Mawnan Smith.-William Houghton, sub-
<·hnrch was entirely restored and reseated at a cost of postmaster. Letters through Falmoutb, arrive at 10.25
£r,soo; during the restoration a stone coffin lid, bearing a.m.; dispatched at 2.35 p.m. week days only. The
traces of a carved cross, was discovered and relaid in the nearest money order & telegraph office is at Falmouth.
new floar: there are 230 sittings. At the west entrance to Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
the churchyard is an ancient lychgate. The register of bap- WALL LETTER Box, Durgan, cleared 2.5 p.m. on week days
tisms dates from the year 1582 ; marriages and burials, only
I553· The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge National School (mixed), founded in 1834, for 120 children;
£273, net income £265, including 38 acres of glebe, with average attendance, 84; & partly supported by an endow-
residence, in the gift of Capt. J. Peverill Rogers R.A. and ment of £22 ss. ; William .Horlase, master ; Miss Clara
held since r89o by the Rev. Henry Lewis Level'ton B.A. of Williams, mistress
Barclay Miss, Meudon Vean CourageEdwin.Chas.frmr.MawnanSmth Perry Richard, poultry dealer, Bareppa
Barclay Misses, Carwinion cottage Hall James, shoe maker,Mawnan Smith Phillips James,carpenter,Mawnan Smith
Berryman George, Bareppa Harvey Humphrey, farmer, Bosveal Reading Rooms & Library(WilliamBor-
Bunt William, Penpoll Harvey Thos. miller (water), Tregarne lase, sec.), Mawnan Smith
l<'ox George Henry, Glendurgan Hodge Thomas, farmer, Nansidwell Reading Room & Library (John Down-
Leverton Rev. Henry Lewis [rector], Ivey Thomas, dairyman, Penpoll ing, sec.), Durgan
The Sanctuary La1ty Thomas, farmer & landowner, RobertsCharles,farmer,HigherTregarne
Peter John, Chatham cottage Higher Trerose Roberts John, farmer, Boskensoe
Rogers Mrs. Reginald, Carwinion Laity Wm.farmer & landowner, Trerose Skewes James, farmer & parish clerk,
Tonkin Rev. John B.A. Penwarne Laity Wm. jun. farmer, Lower Trerose Mawnan Smith · ·
Lawry Thomas, farmer, Tregarne Teague Thomas Alfred, blacksmith,
COMMERCIAL. Mann Humphrey, farmer, Penwarne Mawnan Smith
Bray Anne (Mrs.), farmer, Bareppa Orchard William, Chenhall farm Tonkin John, shoe maker, Carlidnack
Bray Jas. market gardener, Carlidnack Ould John, pig dealer, Carlidnack Toy William John, farmer, Bosveal
Chappell John, Red Lion P.H. & shop- Ould William, dairyman, Bareppa Tremayne Melchisedeck,farmer & land-
keeper, Mawnan Smith PascoeJohn Wills, shoe maker, Mawnan owner, Carlidnack
Choke Charles, farmer, Penpoll Smith Wilmet Peter, butcher, Carlidnack
Cock John, farmer, Meudon Pascoe Thomas,shopkpr.MawnanSmith .
ST. MELLION is a village and parish, on the road from but is bareheaded, and the lady in a triangular headdress and
Qallington to Saltash, 3l miles'south-east from Callington, long gown; over the effigies are three quartered shields and
.and 6 north-west from Saltash station on the Great Western below the figures of 24 ehildren; the whole is surrounded
railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, middle with an inscription on a continuous brass fillet with medal-
division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of lions at the angles bearing figures of animals; above this
East Middle, St. Germans union, county court district of brass are placed an ancient helmet, a dagger and lances ;
Plymouth, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin there is also a monument to Sir William Coryton hart. ob.
and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Melanus, restored 17n and Susannah (Littleton), his wife, ob. 1695, besides a.
in 186~, is a11 ancient building in the Decorated and Perpen- number of modern memorials to the same family; the east
dicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, window is stained and another on the soutq side of the
north aisle, south transept, south porch and an embattled chancel is a memorial to the Rev. Granville Coryton, late
western tower containing 5 bells: the chancel retains its rector, who died in 1876; in the transept is a. memorial
piscina. and there is another in the transept; the latter also window to Jemima. Coryton, d. ;J:O Sept. 1853, and Elizabeth
contains an elaborate monument to William Coryton esq. ob. Coryton~ d. Sept. 1859, presented by Miss Coryton: the
16sr, and Elizabeth (Chichester), his wife, ob. 1656, consist- church was restored in 1862, at a cost of £1,000, and has
ing of a canopied arch supported on marble columns, 300 sittings. The register dates from the year 1558. The
beneath which are effigies of both, kneeling at a. desk; within li\•ing is a rectory, tithe rent-charge commuted at £232 ;
the arch is a long i,nscription and above a shield of arms : average £171~ net yearly value £:.~24, including So acres of
against the wall"'f t.he north aisle is an original !Slab with glebe, with residence, iq the gift of William Coryton esq. J.P.
brasses to Peter Coryton esq. ob. 24 March, 1551, and Jane and held since r885 by the Rev. .I<'rederick Granville May
(Trega.soo), his widow, c. rsss; there are effigies of both i_ B.A. of New College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan (:hapel
the male figure is attired in a hauberk and plate armour, J at Bealbury, and in the village a parish reading room, sup-
plied with books, newspapers, periodicals &c. Crocadon • clay ; subsoil, slate and stone. The chief crops are
was ancient!)' the seat of the family of Trevisa, one of whom, wheat, oats, barley and turnips. The area is 2,985 acres ;
John Trevisa, chaplain to James, 6th Baron Berkeley, was rateable value,£1,767; and the population in 1891 was 285.
one of the earliest t:ranslators of the Bible and of some early Sexton, John Martin.
chroniclers; he died in 147o,and on the failure of male heirs PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Assurance Office
in 1690, it was purchased by, and is now the property of the (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O, Corn-
Corytons, and occupied by farm labourers. William Cory- wall added).-Mrs. Georgina Dolley, postmistress. Let-
ton esq. J.P. of Pentillie Castle, PiHaton, who is lord of the ters arrive at 6 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.50 p. m
manor and Digby Collins esq. D.L.• J.P. of Newton l<'errers, National School (mixed), built in 1892, for xo8 children;
are the principal landowners. The soil is free and light average attendance, 70; Miss Ellen Johns, mistress
(Marked thus • receive their letters through Daw William, farmer, Dunstan Paynter Wm. farmer, Dunstan Queen
Callington R.S.O.] Dunstan John, veterinary surgeon Rickard Thomas, farmer, Glebe farm
*Collins Digby D,L., J.P. Newton Ferrers Gray Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rogers Edward, farmer, Bealbury
May Rev. Fredk. Granville B.A. [rector] Henwood Eliza(Mrs.),farmr.Greenswell Solomon Geo. Sun inn, & asEt. overseer
May Rev. Henry Thomas M.A. Rectory *Lucas William, farmer, Park Tucker John, farmer, Bealbury
COMMERCIAL. *Martin John, farmer, Newton Tucker William, farmer, Tor
Bolitho William, farmer, Woolaton Netting John, farmer, Tipwell Veale John, carpenter, Viverdon co!;tage
Box Thomas, farmer, Axford
Brighton Eleanor (Mrs.), shopkeeper Parish Reading Room (Rev. Frederick Vosper William, farmer, Keason
Granville May B.A. sec) Wilton Henry, farmer, Woolaton
Parker Albert, butcher, Anytree
MENHENIOT is a township, village and parish, having I rugged oblong mound, called "Clicker Tor," composeu of
a station on the Great Western railway, x mile south from dark compact serpentine, a formation favourable to the
the village, 3 south-east from Liskeard and 261 from Lon- growth of a peculiar species of heath, Erica Vagans, which
don, in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred of is found here, as well as at the Lizard. One mile further
East, petty sessional division of West, union and county south is an ancient earthwork called "Blackaton Rings,"
court district of Liskeard, rural deanery of East, arch- consisting of an irregular double vallum, extending over
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of more than one acre. At Bolitho is a viaduct II3 feet high.
St. Neot is an ancient building of stone, in the Perpendicular I and there are others at Trevido 101 feet, Cartuther 89 feet,
style, consistin~ of chancel, nave, aisles, north and south and Coldrenick 134 feet: all these are on the Great Western
porches and a western tower 45 feet high, with spire and railway, which traverses this parish. 'l'he manorial rights.
containing 5 bells, all cast in 1739, except the second, which have been distributed; the principal landowners are .Major-
is dated 1842; in .1887 they were rehung and a new one Gen. J. Jago-Trelawny J.P. of Coldrenick, George Honey
added: in the chancel are remains of sedilia and a piscina: esq. ·and Trehawke Kekewich esq., D.L., J.P. of Peamore,
the west window of the south aisle is stained: on the floor Exeter. The soil is loamy, with a stony bottom. The chief crops
of the nave, near the chancel steps, is an inscribed brass to are grass, wheat, barley, oats &c. 'fhe area is 6,997 acres~
Sir Ralph Carmynow kt. ob. 9 Oct. 1386; he was sheriff of rateable value, £9,958; the population in 1891 was l 0191.
the county in 1378-9 and M.P. for Cornwall in 1383, 1384 and MERRYMEET is a village, 2~ miles north.
1386 ; according to the Visitation of x62o, he was killed while Parish Clerk, George Hallett.
hunting; there are also memorials to Augustine Question PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-John
M.A. vicar, d. 1753; Lady Charlotte Carr, daughter of James, Wills,sub-postmaster. Letters received through Liskeard.
qth Earl of Errol, d. x8oi, and to her husband, Rev. W. H. arrive at 7·45 a.m. ; dispatched at 4.40 p.m. ; sundays,.
Carr, vicar, d. 1836; to the family of Trelawny, x653-I8I3; arrive at 7·45 a.m. ; dispatched 9·35 a. m. The telegraph
and to Lud. Stephens M.A. 40 years vicar, d. 1724: the font office is at the railway station
of Caen and Bath stone is octagonal: there are 420 sittings. WALL LETTER BoxEs, .Merrymeet, cleared 4 p.m. week
The register of baptisms and burials dates from the year days only; & Railway Station, cleared at 4 p.m. week
1554; marriages, 1536. The living is a vicarage, average days only
tithe rent-charge £837, including £34 payable from Cold- ScHOOLS:-
renick in St. Germans, net yearly value £534, including National (mixed), originally built in 1835, burnt down &
22~ acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the rector re-erected in I885, for 150 children; average attendance~
and scholars of Exeter College, Oxford, by exchange in 1884, 125; George Hallett, master
and held since 1887 by the Rev. Charles Edward Hammond National (mixed), Merrymeet, built in 1842, for 130
M.A. formerly fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. On the children; average attendance,76; Jas.Edwd. Wyatt,master-
south side .of the parish, and about a mile distant, is a Railway Station, Samuel Mugford, station master
HammondRev.Chas.Edwd.M.A.Vicarage Hamley Richard, farmer, Trethawle Pearn James Albert, miller, Butterdon
Hitchens John, South Treviddo HancockWm.Brentn.shpkpr.Doddycrss water mills
Pollard William Hawken William, blacksmith, Pengover Peters John, carpenter, Trethawle
Raby Samuel, Hendra . Higman Thos.shopkpr.& frmr.Merrymt Raby Saml.farmer &landowner,Hendra
Seccombe Mrs. Trenodden Hitchens John, farmer, Sth. Treviddo . Roberts Joseph, blacksmith
Sobey William Richard, G~en-lea house Hoar William, farmer, Pencrowde Roskilly Thomas, farmer, Trewolland
Whittley Rev. Wm. [curate],Merrymeet HooperThomas, blacksmith Rowe Samuel, farmer, North Treviddo
COMMERCIAL. Jenkins William, White Hart P.H Sandy Samuel, farmer, Trengrove
Barrett Henry, mason Johns Harry, farmer, Tregarrick Saunders John, farmer, TrewejJ:la
Batten Edmund & Frederick, farmers, Kelly Richd. butcher & farmer, Tregrill Scantlebury Martin, shoe maker
Higher Coldrenick King Sarah (Mrs.), farmer, Penearth Skin Richard, assistant overseer
Beaglehole& Beaglehole,millers(water), Kingham 'fhos. blacksmith, Merrymee!; Skin William, carpenter, Doddycross
l<'actory mill Kneebone Mary (Mrs.), dress maker Snell Hugh, farmer, 'fregondale
Bennett Theophilus, farmer, Butterdon Lander James, miller & farmer, Car- Snell John Sobey, farmer, Cartuther
Blake ~ichard, farmer, Trehawke tuther water mills Snell Samuel, baker & grocer
Bray Henry, farmer, Deerpark Laundry Jsph.carpentr.Pengover green Snell Samuel, farmer, Blackaton
Cloen William, shoe maker, Merrymeet Lillicrapp Martin, farmer, Low. Clicker Sobey FrayMohawke,farmer,Trevartha.
Couch By. blackFmith, Lower Clicker Martin William, carpenter Sobey John Rabini, surveyor of high-
Creber John, farmer, Trewint Menheniot Co-operative Stores (James ways for Liskeard, Trethew
Dale John, farmer, Lambest Scoble, manager) SobeySidneyl\Ielton,farmer,Lit. Trethew
Dawe Jabez, Sportsman's Arms hotel, Moon Charles, farmer, Bolithoe Stephens Nicholas, carpenter
m'lnure & coal merchant Moyes John, farmer, Pengover Thomas TomLawrence,farmer,Trewint
Dyer Thomas & Son, farmers, Tencreek Mutton William, farmer, Penhawger TrantRichard Brooking,farmer,TregriU
Easterbrook Elias, farmer & butcher. Oliver Richard, farmer, Trethew Tucker John, farmer, Pathada
Trewint · Olver Richard, farmer, Skews tenement Wills John, draper & grocer, Post office
Easterbrook John, shopkeeper Parsons J osepb, farmer, Cutcare Witheridge William, farmer, Hole & Tor
Hambly Edmund, yeoman, Bodway Parsons Rd. frmr. & landowner,Trenant Wood William, boot & shoe maker
ST. MERRYN is a parish and village, bounded on the chancel, na\·e, aisles, north and south porches and an em-
west and north by the Bristol Channel, 8 miles east from battled western tower, with pinnaclr:s, contaming 6 bells:
Wadebridge station on the Great Western railway, 2~ south the monuments include one as a memorial to Colonel
west from Padstow, 8 north-by-west from St. Columb, in Peter, d. Jan. 1753: the font formerly in this church, a
the Mid division of the county, hundred and petty sessional reduced facsimile of that at Bodmin, is now in the church
division of Pyder. St. Columb union and county court of St. Macra, at Maker ; the font in use was removed from
district, rural deanery of Pyder, archdeaconry of Cornwall the ruined church of St. Constantine in tlfts parish: there
and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Merryn is an are 320 sittings. The register dates from the year r688.
ancient building, in the Gothic style, partly constructed of The living is a vicarage, average titherent-charge £1go, net
the trap or basalt stone of the locality, and consists of yearly value £240, including 34 acres of glebe, with resi-
dence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since The soil is mostly clayey; the subsoil is clayey. The chief
1891 by the Rev. Edward Olivey B.A. of Corpus Christi crops are wheat and barley. The area is 3,944 acres ofland,
college, Cambridge. Here are Wesleyan and Bible Christian 8 of tidal water and 217 of foreshore; rateable value, £3,824;
chapels. A fair is held on Monday before the second Tuesday the population in 1891 was 489.
in May, yearly, for cattle and sheep. The charities of £12 Sexton, James Bennett.
yearly value are derived from land, £8 being for the repairs PosT 0FFICE.-Alexander Old, sub-postmaster. Letters
of the church and £4 for poor widows. A lighthouse stands arrive through Padstow R.S.O. at 10.25 a.m. ; dispatched
on Trevose Head, in this parish; and on a range of open at 2.35 p.m. Padstow is the nearest money order & tele-
land called "The '.Yarren," the remains of the old tower graph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
and church of St. Constantine still exist. Harlyn House, A School Board of 5 members was formed November 23,
formerly the seat of the Peter family, is the residence of 1874; Rev. E. Olivey B.A. hon. clerk to the board
Thomas Hellyar esq. The manorial rights are divided. Board School (mixed), built in 1876, at a cost of £1,209, for
Mrs. J. T. H. Peter, of Chyverton, Perran-Zabuloe, is a 120 children~ average attendance, 56; Alfred Roach,
landowner, but most of the farmers farm their own land. master; Miss Alice Wherry, sewing mistress
Gurney Rev. Elias Goldsworthy, Tre- Brenton Jn farmer & ca.rpentr. Towan Old Fras. farmer& landowner, Trethias
vorgus house Champion John, farmer, Trehemborn Old John Brenton, tailor & beer retailr
Hellyar Thomas, Harlyn house Hawken Henry, jun. farmer, Polmark Old Jsph. farmer & landowner,Carnevas
Olivey Rev. Edward B.A. Vicarage Hawken James, farmer, Trevorgus Old J~seph, jun. Cornish Arms P.H. &
COMlliERCIAL, Hawken James, jun. farmer, Trevio carpenter ·
Hellyar Charles Thomas, farmer & Parkyn James, farmer & landowner,
Andrew John, farmer & landowner, landowner, Tregolds . Towan
Porthcothan Hellyar George Albert, farmer & land- Rogers John, farmer, Trewithen
Andrew Thos. Hellyar, farmr. Trevorgus owner; Roskeen Tremain John, farmer & landowner,
Bate Thos. blacksmith, Trehembourne Hellyar Thomas, farmer & landowner, Kirketh
Bennett Jn. farmer& landownr. Harlyn Harlyn house Tremain Richard, farmer & landowner,
Hiddick John, farmer & landowner, Higman Samuel, miller (water) & Tresallyn
Trevorrick farmer, Porthcothan Tummon Thomas Murcumb, farmer &
Brenton Cotton, carpenter Lobb John, blacksmith landowner, Trevose
Brenton Henry, carpenter Lobb Samuel Henry, farmer,Trevogine Wherry William, farmer, Tt>wan
Brenton James, carpenter Old John Bennett, farmer& landowner, Wllliams John, farmer, Trehemburn
Brenton James, jun. mason Treyarnon
MERTHER is a township and small parish, seated on Falmouth, left~in 1856 the sum of £so yearly, to be divided
the St. Clement's Creek, over which is a ferry, 5 miles east between the poor of Merther, St. Michael Penkivel and
from Truro by road over Tresillian bridge, in the Mid Probus. There is a Wesleyan chapel at Merther Lane..
division ·of the county, west division of Powder hundred, Viscount Falmouth is lord of the manor and sole landowner.
• petty sessional division of Powder South, union and county The soil is loam; subsoil, shelf. The chief crops are wheat,
court district of Truro, rural deanery of Powder, arch- barley, oats and turnips. The area is 1,726 acres; rateable
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. This parish, value, £2,019; the population in 1891 was 223.
together with Cornelly, formerly formed part of Probus ; an Letters through Probus R.S.O. which is the nearest money
ancient record, dated 1727, mentions that this parish was order office; Malpas is the nearest telegraph office
made parochial 200 years previous to that date. The church WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 3 p.m. week
of St. Cohan is a small building of stone, in the Decorated daysonly
style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, TRESILLIAN, partly in Merther and partly in Probus and
south porch and a western tower with an upper stage of St. Erme, is about ~~ miles east-by-north from Merther and
wood, containing 3 bells : the chancel retains a piscina and 3~ north-east from Truro. A bridge here connects Merther
a niche inclosing a figure, said to have been brought from with that part of the parish of Probus north of St. Clement's
the well-chapel of S. Coanus, about a quarter of a mile dis- Creek. In 1646 a treaty was made at this bridge between
taut: there is a monument to the family of Blake, 1718-46, Fairfax and Lord Hopton, by which the county of Cornwall
and one in the churchyard to Thomas Couch and Mary, his was surrendered to the Parliament, Lord Hopton having
wife, 1622: on the cover of the chalice 'o ming part of the previously been defeated in an engagement with Fairfax at
church plate is inscribed the date 1576: there are 200 'forrington. .At Tresillian is the principal entrance to the
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year park of Tregothnan, in the parish of St. Michael Penkivel,
1658 ; marriages, 1754 ; burials, 1682. The living was the seat of Viscount Falmouth: the mansion is approached
declared a vicarage, December 14, 1866, net yearly value by a carriage road 4 miles long, perfectly level and preserved
£so, with 4 acres of glebe, in the gift of the vicar of Probus, in excellent condition.
and held since 1868 by the Rev. Richard Blackmore M.A. of Parish Clerk, Jarnes Ellis.
Christ Church, Oxford, and surrogate, who is also rector of PosT OFFICE, Tresillian.-William Collard, sub-postmaster.
and resides at Lamorran. A mission church was erected in Letters through Probus R.S.O. arrive at 8.45 a.m.; dis-
1878, at Tresillian, at. a cost of £3oo, and will seat 84 per- patched at 3.40 p.m. Probus is the nearest money order
sons: it is now served by the vicar of Probus. In 1852 a office ; the nearest telegraph offices are at Probus & lVfalpas
font was discoveretl by the Rev. Frederic Webber, late Parochial School (mixed), near the church, erected in 1842,
incumbent, on a spot about a quarter of a mile north from for 40 children; average attendance, q; & partly supported
the parish church and supposed to have once been the site by an endowment of £21 yearly i Miss F. J. Stephens,
<lf an ancient baptistery. Anne Frances, late Countess of mistress
Merther. RobertsJsph. boot & shoe ma. Merther la Weekes Miss -
Biddick Albert Williamsj farmer, Tre- Rodda Samuel, farmer, Trefry Collard William, grocer, Post office
sawson Rowe Joel, jun. farmer, Eglosmerther Cowlin Nicholas, carpenter
Rundle Charles, shopkeepr. Merther la Gummow John, farmer
Grove Henry, farmer, Carharthen Vincent Oliver, farmer, Tregarrick Hawkins Henry, blacksmith
Hosking William Lory, farmer, l''enton- White Robert, farmer, Treveor Roberts Thos. miller (water) & farmer
Weekes Edward, stone mason
gollen Tresillian.
Mitcbell Jn. Hy. farmer, Nanprathick
Davies Mrs
·MEVAGISSEY (anciently Lamarrack) is a seaport estimated cost of [32,ooo. The church of St. Mevan and St.
town, parish and township, situated on a fine bay, 3 miles Issy, dating from an early period, and situated a little to the
south-south-west from the Black Head and I mile north-west north-west of. the town, is a plain building of stone, consisting
by road from Chapel Point, 6 miles south from St. Austell, of chancel, nave of four bays, aisle and south transept; the
where is the nearest railway station, and 14 east from Truro; lower portion only of the tower remains and contains one
.it is in the Mid division of the county, Mst division of the bell, dated 1684 : at the east end of the chancel ii a very fine
hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder East, mural monument to Lewis Dart esq. ob. 1632 : there is also
.St. Austell union and county court district, rural deanery of a tomb with effigies to Otwell Thill, ob. 1617, and Mary, his
St. Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. wife, and to the Carew family and others : there is a curious
'The pier, erected in 1770.3, has since been greatly improved, font of date: the church was thoroughly restored
being surrounded on three sides by high hills : the very ex- in 1888, at a cost of [1,7oo, and has 250 sittings. The
-cellent natural harbour is safe and sheltered, and there are register dates from the year 1598. The living is a vicarage,
substantial quays ; a new harbour was constructed in I88g- average tithe rent-charge £122, net yearly value [150,
go at a cost of £22,ooo, which added 10i acres of water to including 23 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
the existing 3! acres, and greatly facilitated the ingress and Bishop of Truro, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Edward
egress of vessels at all states of the tide ; this work was, Manu Perry. The Congregational chapel, rebuilt on the
however, unfortunately destroyed hy the blizzard of March, site of a former edifice in 1882, is in the Gothic style, and will
x8gr) and another harbour is about to be constructed at an seat 450 persons: the Wesleyan chapel, built in 1842, has 6oo
sittings: the Bible Christian chapel, bui1tjn t826 and restored :rosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.··n
in l88o, has 300: and the Free Methodist chapel, built in Benjamirt Harris Roberts, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive
1857, 250 sittings. A Cemetery of 2 acrea was formed in from St. Austell at 7 57 a. m. & 6.30 p.m. ; dispatch13d 10
1882, at a cost of £400, and· .a mortuary chapel has since · a..m. & 4·30 p.m
been built; one half is consecrated, the remainder is for the WALL LETTER Box, Chnrch st. cleared 9.30 .a. m. & 4'.2-p.m
use of Dissenters; it is under the control of a Burial Board of Coastguard Station, Jas. Norrish, station officer, & five meu
9 members. The Conservative Club in Cliff street was opened PuBLIC' OFFICERS:- •
in 1887 and the Liberal Club on West wharf in 1888. The Medical Officer & Public Vaecinator, Mevagissoy district,
market day is Saturday. A pleasure fair is held on St. St. Austell union & surgeon & agent to Coastguard•
Peter's day. Mevagissey Bay hasbeeucelebratedfrom time Charles Walker Monro Grier M.B., c.M
immemorial as an excellent fishing ground for pilchards; it Clerk to the Burial Board, John E. Leavel'S
is asserted that in the year 1724, 16,ooo hogsheads were Assistant Overseer & Collector of Poor Rates, Miss Ellen
taken from this bay alone, but in later years the shoals of Roberts, Body's terrace
these fish have not large and the quantity caught is Harbour Master, Capt. David Greaves Williams
now less. The inhabitants depend almost wholly for sub- Registrar of Births & Deaths, Mevagissey sub-district1
sistence on the fishery and other products of the sea, and St. Austell union, Thomas Hicks, Peruppa
latterly the trade of the town has considerably improved. ScHOOLS : -
The Cornish Sardine Co. have a factory here for the preser. A School Board of 5 members was formed June ro, 1874;
vation of sardines ; there are also several other establishments Willia.m Harris, clerk to the board & attendance officer
for the curing of pilchards, for which a method has been Board (boys & girls) erected in 1874 for 360; average
introduced by Mr. Mathias Dunn, a resident, by pickling attendance, 130 boys & 136 girls; Alfred John White
them in barrels instead of the old system of bulking, and master ; Miss E. Roach, mistress
this has given an impetus to the export fish trade. About Infants', built in 188o & enlarged in 1893, for 250 children;
150 persons are employed here in preserving pilchards.. The average attendance, 210; Miss Kate Marfleet, mistress 1
imports are coal, timber, salt and general merchandise; CARRIERS:- ·
exports chiefly pilchards and pilchard oil. "Polpier," the Craggs' van to St. A,ustell, daily at 10 a. m. ; ret~rning from
residence of Charles Grier esq. is an embattled mansion 'Golden Lion' at 5 p.m. ; friday & saturday leaves
built in 1892 and overlooking the harbour and bay. The Mevagissey at 1.30 p.m. ; returning at 7 p.m
principal landowners are John Tremayneesq. B. A.• D. L., J.P. Bone, from St. Austell & back daily, from St. Austell po~t
of Heligan, who is lord of the manor, and John Charles office 9.30 a.m. ; returning from Mevagissey at ~ p.m .
Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle. The soil is rich Bone, to Gorran, mon. wed. & sat. leaving the 'Barley
loam; subsoil, slate. The chief crops are barley and roots. Sheaf,' Gorran, at I p.m
The area is 1,260 acres; rateable value, £4,962; the WATER CoNVEYANCE.-Edward Bryant, between Plymouth
population in 1891 was 2,200. & Mevagissey weekly •
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cloke William Beer, pilot Hocking Joseph, farmer, Tragony1st '
Coast Guard Station (James Norrish, Hoeking John & Kennett, market gar-
Ball Misses, Church street station officer) deners, Tregony hill
Burns Mrs. Church street Conservative Cluo (JohnTremayne esq. Holland Ambrose, apartments, Elm ter
Cope Mrs. The Cot president; John Farren, jun. & W. Hunkin Charles Edwin, fish curer
Cregoe Thomas Henry, Portmellon Harris Body, joint hon. secs.), Cliff st Hunkin Matthew, master mariner,Tre-
Dunn Mathias Cornish Bank Limited (sub-branch) gony hill
Grier Charles, Polpier (Wm. Udy Treleaven, manager), Fore Hunkm Matthew, shopkeepr. Polkirt st
Grier Charles Walker Monro M.B., c.~l. street; draw on Smith, Payne & Hunkin Peter, fish mer. Prospect ter
Edin. univ. Polpier Smiths, London. See advert Hunkin William Watty, shopkeeper
Harbord Rev. Josiah W. [Wesleyan], Cornish Sardine Co. (Thomas Henry Johns James, master mariner
· The Manse Cregoe, manager) ; office & works, Johns Ri~hard, master mariner
Harris Rev. Wm. rcong.], Church st Tregony hill Johns Robert, pilot
Jago Mrs. Valley park Couch Theophilus, ship broker Jory Henry, blacksmith, Polkirt street
Laing William Alexander Gordon M. D., Cregoe Thomas Hy. manager Cornish Kelly Wm. Tregilgas,farmet,Trewinney
c.M. Tregony house Sardine Co. Portmellon Kemble James,chemist, & agent for thP-
l..averton Mrs. Polstreath Crossm'<ln Edwin, saddler, Town bridge T ConsolidatedBank ofCornwall,Fore st
Lelean Matthew H. 'fregony street Crowle Thos. hair dresser, Tregony st Kent .Albert, carpenter, Church street
J'erry Rev. Edward Mann [vicar], The Curtiss Miss, lodging ho. Tregony hill Kent John, master marnr. Prospect ter
Vicarage Dunn Cath. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cliff st Kitto Joseph, builder, Church street
Roberts Alfred, Quarry close Dunn Mathias, general merchant KymbreU Peter, master mariner, Pol-
Shinner Richard, Church street Dunn Mathias,. jun. fish merchant kirl; hill
Smith James D. Tre\\inney Dunn Stephen, fisherman Kymbrell Thomas, jun. watch maker &
Smith Miss, Church street Dunn Timothy, net manfr. West wharf ironmonger, Fore street
Treleaven William Udy Dyer William, master marnr. Polkirt st Laing William Alexander Gordrn M.D.,
Webber Rev. W. H. [Bible Christian], Elliott Charles, shopkeeper, Church st C. M. surgeon,'fregony house
Farran John B. grocer & coal merchant, Leavers John E. clerk to the burial brd
'fregony hill
Whitton Edgar [United Methodist Free Church street Lelean & Son, sail mas.&ship chandlers
Church], Body's terrace Foard William, shoe maker, Cliff st ' Lelean John Edward, master mariner,
Williams Waiter, Portmellon Forsyth Alexander, assistant to Dr. Polkirt street
COMMERCIAL, Grier, Tregony hill • Ley James, shopkeeper, Church street
Forward Jnseph, lodg. J;lo. Portmellon Ley 'fhos. cutch & tar mer. Polkirt st
Alien Jane (Miss), grocer, Fore street Frazier Brothet:s, boat builders&~ Libby Waiter, blacksmith, Church sll
Alien Jn. Geo. mast. mariner,Chapel st Furse Thomas R m;nli:et gardener, Liberal Club ('f. H. Cregoe esq. pYesi-
Ball Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Forest Church street dent ; Howard Dunn, hon. sec,),.
Barbery James, farmer, Chapel hill Furse Williamf sail maker, {)hurch st West wha.r{
Barnicoat Thomas, smith, Pengrngla Gill'fhomas,marketgardener,Churchla Mellow James, farmer, Penwarne
Baron Captain Joseph, master mariner, Grier Charles L.R.C.P.LOnd., M.R.c.s.J., Morris Samuel, butcher, Chapel hill
Church street L.M. Rotunda, physician & surgeon, Nicholls Richard, shopkeeper_, Forest
Baron William, apartments, Polkirt st Polpier" Organ Joseph, mast, mariner, Polkirtst
Beer John, shoe maker, Tregony hill Grier Charles Walker Monro M. B., C.M. D-rer Samuel, market gardener, Cliff st
Blarney Louisa (Mrs.), baker, Forest Edin. uni'V. surgeon, medical officer Pascoe John, outfitter
Bhght John, lodging home, Elm ter & public vaccinator, Me,Tagissey dis- Pascoe Wm. John, tailor, Fore street
Body William Harris, carpenter trict, St. AusteH union, & surgeon & l~awlyn Richard M. carpenter, Polkirt-st
Bolitbo, WiTiiams, Foster, Coode, Grylls agent for coast guards at Pentewan, Pawlyn Thomas Allen, fish merchant &
.& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Mevagissey & Gorran Haven, Polpier salesman, Polkirt
Cornwall) (agency) (James Kemble, Grose Waiter, shoe dealer Pearce Daniel Oliver, market gardene1'
ugent), Fore st. ; draw on Williams Harris Wm. H. school attend. officer & bntcher, Fore street
Deacon & Manchester & "Salford Bank Helston -,draper, Fore street Pearce Robert Thomas,King's ArmsP.B
Limited, London E c.
Hicks John, baker, Churcb street Pill William, 'thason, Church street r
:Bray Frank, seed exporter & corn, flour Hicks 'l'homas, farmer, Church street Pollal'd N:icholas, fish curer, River !!t 9
&e. merchant ; & at Trnro. See advt Hicks Thomas, faTmer, & registrar of Pollard Th6mas, fish cuter, Cliff street Dl. & Son; butchers, Church st births & deaths fo'l' Mevagissey- sub- Pomeroy Richard, a-partmntS'.Polkirt st
Carveth Stephen, farmer & butcher, district, St. .Austell union, Perup pa Port'anato Giovanhi, fish merchant
Hill Mary (Miss), shopkeeper, Cliff st- " RetallackWilliam,coal dealer, Church st
Cemetery (Jolm E. Leavers, clerk to Hocking Charles, market gardener & Roberts M. & Son, builders
the burial board) farmer, Church street RobertsAnn (Mrs.),shpkpr.Mrkutrand
Roberts Benjamin Har' ris, auctioneer, I Rowe Thos,master mariner, Prospect ter Toullic Jules, baker, Cliff street
stationer, grocer, draper, shoe d~aler Rowe Thos. Hicks, shopkeeper, Forest Treleaven William Udy, manager of
& postmaster, Fore street Royal National Lifeboat Institution Cornish Bank Lim. Fore street
Roberts Ellen (Miss), assistant overseer (John B. Farren, hon. sec. ),Church st Varcoe Henry, fish merchant & shop-
& rate collector, Body's terrace Salt Thomas, master mariner, Church st keeper, Cliff street
Roberts Henry, ship & boat builder; Shipwreck Fishermen&Mariners'Society Warren John, eating house
every description of oak, elm, beech (John B. Farren, hon. sec.), Church st Warren John, jun. farmer &c.Polkirt st.
& pine supplied;also dealer in all kinds Scantlebury Josiab, tishrmn.Tregony hl Williams Samuel & Son, builderst
of patent fishing tackle &c. Vine cot Smith Elizabeth (Miss), grocer, Forest Church street ·
RobinsW.&J .rope makers, Upper Cliff st Teague Edward,corn merchant & miller Williams David G. harbour master
WilliamsJn. butch~r & farmer, Town bdg
Rowe Henry, blacksmith, Church street (water), Town mills
Rowe John Coffin,jun. farmer & butcher Teglio L. fish merchant Williams Thos. R. Fountain P.H.Cliff st.
Rowe Richard Henry, Ship hotel Thomas James, farmer, Barton Withiel William, farmer, Scoahoe
Rowe Saml. teacher of music, Church st Thomas Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. Polkirt st
ST. MEWAN is a parish, about I mile west from St. owners are Sir Charles Brune Graves-Sawle bart. D.L., J.P.
Austell, on the high road to Truro, in the Mid division of the of Penrice, John Tremayne esq. D.L., J.P. of Heligan, and
county, west division of the hundred of Powder, petty ses- Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of
sional divtsion of Powder East, St. Austell union and county Trewithan, Probus, who is also lord of the manor.· The soil
court district, rural deanery of St. Austell, archde-tconry of is callous; subsoil granite. The chief crops are barley, oats
Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The Great Western railway and roots, and there is some good permanent pasture. The.
passes through the parish, the junction of the St. Stephen's area is 2,265 acre"; rateable value, £6,824; the po;::ulation
a.nd Newquay line being at Burng-ullow station, I mile west- in I891 was r,o92.
north-west. The church of St. Mewan is an ancient building PoLGOOTH, Ii miles south, SrrcKER, r~ miles south-west~
of granite supposed to date from the 13th century, and and TREWOON, I mile north, are hamlets; at Sticker is the
. consists of chancel, nave of five bays, north transept, south mission chapel of St. Mark, erected in I877, from designs by
aisle, south porch and a western tower of two stages with J. P. St. Aubyn eSq. and consisting of chancel, nave and a
low pyramidal roof and containing 5 bells, all re-cast in I748 small transept: it will seat roo persons.
and again in r888 : the east windows are memorials to the Parish Clerk, Edmund Clemne. .
late F. Stephens esq. of Hembal, and the Bennet family; PosT OFFICE, S~icker (Polgooth).-Thomas Blight, sub-
five other windows are also stained, and there are various postmaster. Letters through St. Austell, arrive 8.40 a. m. ;
modern tablets and monuments to the families of Hocker, dispatched at 4.20 p. m. St. Austell is the nearest mone)'
Oliver, Carws, Borlase and others; the church was tho- order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here>
roughly restored in 1854 and enlarged in I89o, when the but not paid
south ~isle was extended, two stained windows erected and WALL LETTER Box11:s, near the school, cleared at 4-45
an oak screen placed in the tower arch. The register dates p.m. ; near United Methodist Free church at 4.30 p.m.
from the year 1693. The living is a rectory, average tithe week days only
rent-charge £217, net income £235, including 42 acres of A Schoollloard of 5 members was formed May 31, I872;
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the lords of the manor Waiter Giles, jnn. of St. Austell, clerk to the board
of 'l'rewoon, and held since 1889 by the Rev. John SLephen Public Elementary Board School (mixed), erected in 1874,
Flynn M. A. oJ 'rrinity College, Dublin. The Free Methodist on a site near the church, for r8o children; William Henry
chapel here was erected in 1872. There is a reading room, j 'J'reloar, master; Miss Henrietta Isaac & Miss M. Furze~
supported by about 40 subscribers. St. Mewan beacon is a mistresses
large tor of shorl and crystalline quartz. The principal land- Railway Station, Bnrngullow, H ugh Kent, station master
Flynn Rev. John Stephen M.A. Rectory Coad John, carpenter, Sticker Nott James, farmer, Coyte
Stephens Mrs. Hembal Coad Joseph Henry, shoe mkr.Trewoon Nott Thomas, farmer, Treloweth
• COMMERCIAL. Coombe Alfred, blacksmith, Sticker Olver Henry, shopkeeper, Trewoon
Allen James, farmer, Treloweth Gaved John, jnn. shopkeeper, Polgooth Parnell William 0. farmer, Peneskar
Barbery Thomas, stone mason, Sticker Gaved Jn. Drew, btchr.&frmr. Polgooth Phillips Bros. coopers&farmrs.Treewoon
Best Andw.farmer&carrier,Goonamarth Gill William, shoe maker, Sticker Pochin H. D. & Co. clay merchants,
Best Frederick, shopkeeper, Trewoon Hancock Rd. farmr. Halviggan common Higher Halviggan
Best John, farmer, Tregandallen Hancock Richd.mine captain, Polgooth Rowe Thomas, farmer, Burngullow
BilkeyReuben,jobbinggardenr.Polgooth Hingstan James, jun. hawker Tremayne William, farmer, Ninnies
Blight Ambrose Julyan, farmer & road Hockin Henry, carrier, Trewoon Trethwey Fdk.farmer&carrier,Trelower
surveyor, Trelower Hooper Frank, blacksmith, Trewoon Trudgian Charles, farmer, Burngullow
Blight Amos, farmer & forage dealer & Jenkin Alfred, farmer, Bosithow common
assistant overseer, Retaining Jenkin Peter, Great Hewas inn, & Trnscott Alfred, farmer, Pothole
Blight Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer & farmer, Sticker Truscott Robert, farmer, Trevanion
·c~rrier, Sticker Johns William, shopkeeper & mine Varcoe Richard,, Polyear
Blight Thos. grocer, Post office, Sticker captain, Sticker Vian Thomas, farmer, Trelower Wm.farmer,Metheroes,'frewoon Lawry John, cowkeeper, Chapel green Vian William, farmer, Chapel green
Chapman William, pig dealer, Polgooth May Edwd.Body,frmr.& btchr.Polgooth Warrick Joseph, farfller, Trewoon
Church Ed. farmer, TrewithenL;me end Morcom Rchd.farmer&carrier,Peneskar Yelland Thomas, farmer, Namphysick
ICleaves Wm. farmer & carrier, Trelower Nicholls Narcissa (Mrs.), farmer & Yelland William, farmer, Trewoon Vean
Clemoe Edmund, carpenter, Trewoon carrier, Carne
ST. MICHAEL CAERHAYES is a parish on the 1the church was par~ially restored in J864 by the late John
river Leeny near the shore of Veryan bay, 8 miles south- Michael Williams esq. and thoroughly a-estored by J. C.
east from Grampound Road station on the Great Western Williams esq. :M.P. of Caerhayes Castle, in 1883: there are8o
railway and IO south-south-west from St. Auste11, in the sittings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates from
Mid division of the county, west division of the hundred of the year I594; burials, IS8o. The living is a rectory,
Powder, petty sessional t!ivis.ion of Powder South, St. average tithe rent-charge £r26, net yearly value £150.
Austell union and county· court district, rural deanery of St. including 30 acres of glebe with house, in the gift of
Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall, and diocese of Truro. John Bevill Fortescue esq. of Boconnoc, and held since 1893
The church of St. Michael, standing alone on the top of a by the Rev. George Mutin M.A. of St. John's College, Cam-
hill, is a building of stone with granite facings, consisting of bridge. The rectory house, built in 1804 by the· Rev.
chancel, nave, north transept, south aisle of two bays, south Charles Trevanion Kempe, rector here then, is pleasantly
porch, and an embattled western tower cont'lining 3 bells, situated below, and at a short distance from the church.
all with inscriptions in Old English letters, the two last A .Ke:tding Room was erected by Mrs. Williams, of C.aer-
being invocations to St. Thomas and St. Barbara: all the hayes Castle, in 1893. Caerhayes Castle, the property and
windows are stained, and there is a fine reredos of mosaic residence of John Charles Williams esq. :M.P. was erected
work and a parclose of carved oak, both executed by the shortly -after the demolition of the ancient mansion in I8o8;
Rev. William Willimott M.A. rector I852-'78 : at the end of it is a noble structure, with lofty round towers and turrets,
the aisle is a statue, life size, of a British naval officer, and is battlemented throughout; the wall of the entrance
wielding an actual sword, and said to represent one of the hall bears the arms of Hen. VIII. ; the principal entrance to
:Bettesford fa~ily: in the arcade a nnmber of helmets are the grounde- is through a turreted gateway, with & lodge of
suspended, and here hangs also the sword said to have been corresponding design, and the whole character of the build~
worn by Sir Hugh Trevanion at Boswortb Field, '2T Aug. ipg harmonises with the picturesque wildness or the'
t485 : in the transept is a sepulchral arch, and here alsJ surrounding scenery; here is preserved a collection ()f
remain the rood loft stairs : the south porch. has a staup and minerals, formerly at Scorrier House, which geologists- and
aumbry and on the north side is a pre-Norman doorway in a persons of ,taste are kindly allowed to inspect. 'fhe park is
good state of preservation: t~ere is a memorial to Mr. about IO<> acres inextent. John Charles Williamsesq.
Zacharie Hooker, rector, I643, and so:ne others of later <late 1 lord of the manor and chief landowner. The soil is loam ;
subsoil, slate. The area is 862 acres; rateable value, This place is contributory to the School Board of Gorran,
£r,I23; the population in 18~1 was 143· sending 2 members
Sexton, John Rundle. Voluntary Infants' School (mixed), rebuilt, about 1862, for 30
Letters through St. Austell, arri\'e at 9 a.m. Gorran is children; average attendance, 27; & is Rupported by
the nearest money order office, Mevagissey the nearest J. C. Williams esq. M.P.; Miss Julia Yelland, mistress
telegraph office The elder children attend the Board School at Gorran
Martin Rev. George M.A. Rectory lHolman James, farmer, Treberrick Yelland John Thomas, miller (water),
WillifLms John Charles :M.P. Caerhayes, Johns Thos. shopkpr. EastPortholland Tubb's mill
castle I Kerkin William, farmer, Polgrain
ST. MICHAEL'S MOUNT, formerly extra-parochial, originally built in 1044 by Edward the Confessor, consists of
is now a parish, in the Western division of the county, Pen- chancel and nave, divided by a screen bearing the shields of
with hundred, petty sessional division of Penwith West, St. Aubyns, and a central battlemented tower containing 6
Penzance union and county court dlstrict ; it is 3 miles east bells, of which the third is dated I784-5, and the tenor 1640,
from Penzance and I south-east from Marazion Road station the others have inscriptions in Old English letters ; the sixth
on the Great Western railway. St. Michael's Mount is bell only is hung, and two are broken: in one of the angles
connected with Marazion by a natural causeway of rocks and of the tower is a small turret projecting from and rising
pebbles about 40 yards wide and 500 yards in length from above the battlements, and commonly called "St. Michael's
the shore at Marazion, formed by the tidal currents meeting chair," but probably the remains of a stone lantern of
in opposite directions, and passable for about four hours ancient date: the seats are all of carved oak, and at the west
during low water. The northern part of the island is on the end is a fine organ : the reredos is of rare and beautiful
slate ; the junction of the granite and slate, to be seen at alabaster carved with scriptural representations, three of
low water, is said to be geologically the most interesting which were brought from Rome : the windows are filled with
spot in Cornwall : the rock is in the form of a pyramid and cJstly stained glass, and there is a fine chandelier, added in
extremely steep and craggy ; its circumference at the base r8u, ornamented with groups of St. George and the
is about one mile, and it diminishes gradually upwards to Dragon and the Virgin and Child : a fragment of the inscribed
the height of 250 feet above the level of the sea. The Mount tombstone of one of the priors has been found, and another
was purch!lsed from the Basset family by Sir John St. stone, conjectured to have covered the remains of Sir John
Aubyn bart. in r66o, and is still the property of the St. Arundell, of Trerice, slain i.n a skirmish with the Lan-
.Aubyns. On the summit of the mount is the castle, and a castrians on the neighbouring sands, and buried in this
beautiful chapel of the 15th century. The armoury, or chul'ch in 1471 : beneath the east end is ·a stone vault,
guard-room, is small, but well supplied and decorated approached by a flight of ten steps in the south wall, in
with ancient armour; to the right is the breakfast-room, a which were found the remains of a man of great size, after-
fine old-fashioned interior. Further on is the ap!l.rtment, wards re-interred in the body of the church : the structure
formerly the refectory, now the dining or Chevy Chase is about 70 feet long by 20 wide and has 6o sittings. On this
room, so called from the rich stuccoed frieze which runs island, and on the side towards Marazion, are about 20
round the room, depicting scenes of the chase; it has a houses and a harbour for shipping capable of receiving vessels
highly polished oak floor, and many specimens of antique of soo tons. A pier was built so early as 1425, which in 1727
furniture from 300 to soo years old ; over the fire-place are was enlarged and rebuilt by Mr. George Blewett; in 1823
the royal arms, and the date I66o, and at the west end the entrance was widened by Sir John St. Aubyn, 5th bart.
armorial bearings of the St. Aubyn and Godolphin families, of the :first creation, to admit vessels of 500 tons: at the east
handsomely emblazuned ; in the corridor leading towards pier head is fixed a brass plate, commemorating the ·dsit of
the drawing-room is to be seen an immense leather bottle Her Majesty and the Prince Consort, 6 Sept. 1846 ; on the 23
or black jack, and the skull of a Danish chieftain, supposed July I865, T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall came
to be upwards of I,ooo years old, respecting which there is here, and ou the 17 May, 1862, the Mount was visited by
a long history engraved on brass. The drawing-room, a H.R.H. Prince Arthur, now Duke of Connaught K.G. The
more modern chamber, was built on the site of a chapel views from the summit will fully repay the arduous ascent.
dedicated to the Virgin Mary, by an ancestor of Sir John St. The surface generally is diversified with small clusters of
Aubyn, created Lord St. Levan in 1887, and is a spacious trees. A spring on oue side supplies the inhabitants with
and handsome apartment; it contains two splendid Venetian water, and there is another above the second gate, and a
vases, aud some ancient and curiously carved ivory pictures well of 37 feet in depth, yielding a good supply. The
in frames, all scriptural pieces, and upwards of a century ground at the base of the mount has been used as a
old: an ante-drawing-room adjoins. On the sout.h-east side cemetery, and a fragment of a tomb was lately discovered,
another drawing and billiard room have been built, with with the date I6I8. At the entrance to the cemetery
sleeping apartments under. The whole pile of buildings was a handsome lych-gate was erected in 1889. On the sands
considerably altered in 176o, and the chapel renovated in near Marazion is Chapel Rock, where a chapel, dedicated to
1804; in I826 some decorative work was carried out, and in the Virgin Mary, is said t9 have once stood, and where it is
I85o a portion of the south court rebuilt ; during 1875-8 a said pilgrims offered their orisons at the shrine of St.
new south-east wing was added ; near the chapel are several Michael. The area is 20 acres; rateable value, £286; the
crosses elaborately sculptured. The priory, founded iu II35 population in 1891 was Sr.
as a cell to the abbey of Mont St. Michel, iu Normandy, for Letters through Marazion R.S.O. which is the nearest money
monks of the Beuedlctine order, was converted by Henry de order & telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.m
Pomeroy, in the reign of Rich. I. into a house of Gilbertine
canons. The small church or chapel of St. Michael, The_ children of this parish attend the school at Marazion
St. Levan Lord B.A., D.L., .J.P. The Thomas Joseph Matthews Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Castle; & Oxford & Cambridge, Burt Henry St. Aubyn's Arms P.R. & Sennett William Rogers, boat owner
Brooks', Travellers' & Boodle's clubs, Thomas J oseph, land steward to Lord
London s w shipwright & boat builder
Dusting Alice (Mrs.), tea & coffee rooms St. Levan
St. Aubyn Major the Hon. John Town-
send D.L., J.P
ST. MICHAEL PENKIVEL is a township, parish roofs are of pitch pine, the reading desk and seats are all of
and village, between two tributaries of the river Fal, 3~ English oak, with carved finials, moulded work and panel-
miles south-east from Truro by the ferry at Malpas, in the ling : the font is of Pentewan stone, finely chiselled, as also
Truro division of the county, west division of the hundred are the chancel screen and pulpit; the latter is highly en-
of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder West, Truro riched with inlaid serpentine marble, spar and alabaster: the
union and county court district, rural deanery of Powder, reredos of sculptured alabaster represents the "Resurrec-
archdeaconry of Cornwall aud diocese of Truro. The tion," and events in the life of Our Lord: the church
original church of St. Michael was consecrated by Walter contains several monuments and memorials of much
Bronescombe, Bishop of Exeter, 13th August, •26r, in the I interest, of which the most ancient are two early coffin-
reign of Henry Ill.: the present edifice of killas stone, with shaped slabs of Purbeck marble, moulded on the edges
Pentewan and Beer stone dressings, in the Early Decorated and bearing foliated crosses : in the south transept is a brass
style, was rebuilt on the site of the former church in 1862-6, with effi_!~'Y in hauberk and plate armour to John Trenowyth
by Viscount Falmoutb, from designs by G. E. Street esq. esq. ob. March I3, 1497: on the north side of the chancel is
R.A. the materials of the old building being utilised. The another, with effigy in academical dress and a mutilated
church originally consist~d of chancel and nave only, but in shield of arms, to John Trembras M.A. a former rector, ob.
the reign of Edward II. the north transept, west tower and 13 Sept. 1515: in the north transept are brass effigies, with
south porch were added by the Trejago family and after- an inscription to Edw. Boscawen, of Nancarrow, gent. ob. IS
wards tha south transept by the Trenowyths: it now con- Feb. 1619, and Jane (White), his wife; and from the mouth
sists of chancel, nave, transept, south porch and a westl'rn of the male figure proceeds a. scroll, containing a Latin
tower with spire containing 4 bells, dated 1865: the op:m paraphrase of St. John v. 24; near this is a brass with effigy,
a shield of arms and inscription to Mary (Boscawen), widow Arthur Roger Tomlinson M.A. of Christ Church, Oxford,
of Peter Coffin, gent. ob. 4 Sept. 1622 ; on the east wall of rural dean of Powder and chaplain to Viscount Falmouth.
this transept is a third brass, erected in 1634 by Hugh his The Countess of Falmouth left £16 13s. 4<1. yearly for the
nephew, to John Boscawen, of Tregothnan esq. ob. 6 May, poor. By the side of the road leading to Malpas Ferry is an
1564 ; at the top is a kneeling effigy in armour, a scroll with ancient Latin cross, 3 feet high, on a square base. Tt•egoth-
legend proceeding there from, a shield of arms and warlike nan, the noble seat of Viscount Falmouth D.L., J.P. stands
emblems, and below are six English verses : there are also on an eminence overlooking the river Fal and l''almouth
many monuments to the Bo.scawens, viscounts Falmouth harbour, and commands a beauttfullandscape: the mansion,
from 1559 to 1864, by Rysbrack, Nollekens and others: erected about 1818 by Edward Boscawen, fourth viscount
during the restoring and rebuilding of the walls a great and first earl of Falmouth, is in the Tudor style, from de-
quantity of well-wrought fragments of stonework was dis- signs by William Wilkins esq.: the great staircase is 42 feet
covered, once forming screens, niches and sedilia ; these in height and occupies the large central tower, around which
fragments are now in the tower chantry, where are also an are the drawing-room, dining-room and billiard-room : a
ancient stone altar and a piscina : in the north-east angle of wide terrace with a ·parapet surrounds the building ; the
the chancel is preserved the original fonndation stone of the gardens, ~hrubberies, lawns and pleasure grounds are well
church, consisting of a. slab of granite 2ft. 6in. by 2ft. and laid out, and the park of 250 acres, part of which is stocked
6in. thick, on the face of which is cut the following inscrip- with about 120 head of deer, contains a variety of timber and
tion : coppice wood, through which a pleasant drive has been made
on the banks of the river: the H.ight Hon. Edward Boscawen,
scs MICH Admiral of the Blue, was born here in 17II. Viscount Fal-
mouth is lord of the manor and sole landowner. This town-
WAR 1--1 E PI ship is composed of a free soil, with a subsoil of shelf. The
chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. 'fhe area is
--AR CH 10 189 acres; rateable value, £1,2(>4; the population in 1891
was 142.
Parish Clerk, John Langdon.
PosT 0FFICE.-William Job Farnsworth, sub-postmaster,
at the east end of the church is the place of interment of the Church town. Letters arrive from Probus R.S.O. at
Boscawen family : the stained window in the north transept 9·SS a. m.; dispatched thereto at 2.40 p.m. per messenger.
was presented by Anne Frances, late Countess of Falmouth, Truro is the nearest money order office & Malpas the
as a memorial to her son, George Henry, second and last nearest telegraph office
Earl of Fahnouth, who died 29th August, 18~2 ; there are There is a private wire from Truro to Tregothnan
other stained windows in the chancel, south transept and ScHOOLS:-
nave, and of these, three in the chancel were destgned and Parochial Schools (mixed), built & endowed with i,2o
painted by Lady Falmouth: in the floor of the south tran- annually by Anne, late Countess of Falmouth, in 1844, are
sept is the original altar slab, now placed over the grave of now used as a reading room
John Carminow esq. who died about the rsth century: A new school was erected by the late Viscount Falmouth in
there are xso sittings. This parish possesses an exception- 188g, at Merther lane, at a cost of £3,ooo, for the parishes
ally ancient register dating from the year ISI6. The living of St. Micbael Penkivel & Lamorran & part of Merther ;
is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £95, gross yearly it will hold 120 children; average attendance, 40, & is
value £1so, with so acres of glebe and residence, in the gift entirely supported by Viscount Falmouth; William Job
of Viscount Falmouth, and held since 188o by the Rev. Farnsworth, master; Miss Ellen Pedlar, assistant mistrss
Falmouth Viqcount D.L., J.P. Tregoth- Bamford Thomas, head gamekeeper, Hicks RIChard, farm baJ.liff to Viscount
nan; 52 Sl·uth Andley st, & White's Church town Falmouth, Penkivel
& Guards' c;ubs, London s w Collett Hugh, blacksmith, Church town Palmer l<'rancis, woodman, Church twn
Cramb William, land steward to Vis- St. Michael Penkivel Cricket Club(Wm.
Tomlinson Rev. Arth.Roger M. A. Rectory
AndrewsWilliamSydney,head gardener count Falmouth, Tregothnan Job Farnsworth, hon. sec)
VickeryArth. clerk of works, Ohurch twn
to ViScount Falmouth, Tregothnan Farnsworth William Job,schoolmaster,
Post office
MICHAELSTOW is a village and parish on the traceried fronts for pitch pine fittings in the cilancel : an
river Camel, 3 miles south-south-west from Camelford, 8 oak pulpit on a granite base and a reredos have also been
north-east from Wadebridge, 9 north from Bodmin station erected: the church will seat 150 persons : the churchyard
on the Great Western railway and about 4~ north-west cross, the shaft of which, 9 feet in length, had formed part
from Delabole station on the new section of the London and of a flight of steps leading up to the churchyard from the
South Western railway,now (1893) in course of construction village green, has been restored and re-erected. The register
from Launceston to Wadebridge, in the North Eastern of baptisms dates from the year 1682 ; marriages, 1548;
division of the county, Lesnewth hundred and petty sessional burials, 1S441 but are in part defective. The living is a
division, Camelford union and county court district, rural rectory, average tithe rent-charge £178, net yearly value
deanery of Trigg Minor, archdeaconry of Bodmiu and £19r, including 48 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift -
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Michael is a building of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall, and held since 1892 by the
·of stone in the Perpendicular style, with some modern addi- Rev. George Gould Ross n.c.L, of St. Mary Hall, Oxford.
tions at the east end and on the south side, consistmg of Here is a Free Methodist chapel, built in 1842, and seating
chancel with south aisle of one bay and a half, nave of four 75 persons, and a Bible Christian chapel, built in 1828, with
bays, aisles, south porch and a battlemented western tower xoo sittings. Michaelstow, or St. Syth's Beacon, commonly
of three stages, 56 feet high, with a staircase turret on the known as "Helesbury," at a little distance north of the
north side and pmnacles. and containing 3 bells, the first of church, is a mound, supposed to have been the site of a
which has an invocation to St.. l\1argaret ; the others are castle of the Earls of Cornwall, 684 feet above the sea level
dated respectively 1739 and 1750: inside the north wall of and commanding an extensive view, including a number of
the chancel is a pierced quatrefoil, and outside a small arch- other ancient fortresses in this neighbourhood ; the earth-
probably once belonging to a piscina : the east window of the work on the summit consists of a single lofty rampart with
south aisle once contained fragments of old stained glass, several openings and inclosing an area about 460 feet in
representing the later scenes of Our Saviour's life, with the diameter ; on the north-east is a square outwork, about 400
legend "Hie ductus est ante Pilatu':" the font has an octa- by 200 feet, and the whole is defended by a deep fosse or
gonal basin of Perpendicular date, but the base is Norman: ditch. Within the principal inclosure are some remains of
in the church are monuments to Philip Mountsteren, ob, a. small building, 40 feet long and from 20 to 15 feet wide,
Nov. 166o, and Honor, wife of Richard Mountsteven, ob. supposed to have been the chapel of St. Syth ; two arches,
June, r6s4; Jane (Killiow), wife of ThomasMerrifield, gent. one of which seems to be Perpendicular, are still standing,
ob. 26 March, r662 ; Joseph Mayow, gent. ob. Aug. r689 and in the grounds of John Bastard esq. are several mono-
and Margery Symons, ob. 28 Jan. 1629: in the churchyard liths. Tregenna House, built in 1869 by William Hocken
are memorials to the Brodes, of Trenowith, in this parish esq. is a fine mansion of granite ashlar and native stone, and
(1577-82), and to the families of May (16s6-61), Lower has numerous apartments, the chief rooms being adorned
(1724-47) and Hocken (1770-1837); there is also a cross with enriched ceilings in arabesque. H.R.H. the Duke of
erected in memory of the Rev. John Kingdon B.A. 21 years Cornwall x.G. is lord of the manor. The chieflandowners are
rector, d. 21 Oct. 1870 : the chancel was restored about Mr. Seccombe, Mr. J. R. Collins, Harry Hocken esq. Mr.
1868: the restorations begun in 1870 were completed in Gatley, John Hastard and John Nichols esqrs. The soil is
188g at a cost of £300, under the direction of Messrs. Hine dark loam, resting on stone. The chief crops are wheat,
and Odgers. architects, and comprise the restoration of barley, oats and roots. The area is x,617 acres; rateable
fifteen original seats with carved ends, the substitution of value, £1,688; and the population in x8g1 was 2S5·
oak b~nches in place of deal pews, and of oak stalls with 'fREVE:iNING, a qu:.trter of a mile south; TREVEIGHA!'.', a
DEV. & CORN. 76
• Michaelstow is included in the United School Board district
of St. Teatb, formed March rg, 1875, to which it contri-
quarter of a mile north-west: and F.ENTONADIR, h!llf a mile butes one member
south-east, are hamlets.
Board Scnool, built as a National school in 1852, for 24-
TnEGREENWELL, three-quarters of a mile north-west, was children; Miss Anne Restarrick, mistress
formerly the property and seat of the Lower family.
Letters through Camelford by mail cart, arrive at II a. m.
The nearest money order & telegraph office is at Camelford
Bastard John, Trevenning Francis Herbert, market gardener, 1 Prout Jonathan, farmer, Fentonadle
ICollins John Richard, Tregenna house Leather bottle
Retallick Arth. Hy. fai"mer, Helsbury
Hocken Harry, Trevellick Freathy Edward, farmer, Tregreen-well Roe John, farmer, Church town
Nichols John, Trevellick Harris Daniel, farmer, Tredarrup Seccombe John, farmer, Tregawn
Ross Rev. George Gould D.C.L. Rectory HarrisRd.Arundell,farmer,Trevenuing Spriddle John, farmer, Gam
COMMERCIAL. Hodge John, head gardener to J. R. Somer Edward, farmer, Trenewth
Bastard John, farm bailiff to Sir W. W. Collins esq Symons William, farmer, Chmch town
R. Onslow esq Matthews William, farmer, Trevenning Symons William, sen. marine store
Brown Thomas, farmer, Tregreenwell Mutton Henry, regrator, Treveighan dealer, Church town
Button Henry, farmer, Tregreenwell Nichols Harry, farmer, Trevenning Teaf!ue Enos, mason, Treveighan
Button John, farmer, Baroak Nichols John, farmer & landowner, Thomas James, seed merchant
Couch John, farmer, Horse park Trevellick Tremain Thos. shoe ma. Church town,
Davey John, blacksmith, Leather bottle Pethick Philip, shopkeeper
MILLBROOK, formerly a municipal borough, is now a PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
village and ecclesiastical district, formed May 14, r869, out Miss Ellen Coombes, sub-postmistress. Letters arrive·
of the parish of Maker, and is on a branch of the river from Plymouth at 7· 35 a.m. & 3-55 p.m. & are dispatched
'famar, r~ miles west-n<;>rth-west from Maker church, 2! at 9 & II a.m. & 6 p.m.; sundays, arrive 9 a.m. & dis-
from Stonehouse and 3l west from Plymouth, in the Eastern patched at xr.s a. m
division of the county, south division of the hundred of East,
St. Germans union, county court district of East Stone- WALL LETTER Box, West street, cleared at 9 & 10.55 a.m~
house, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and & 5-45 p.m. ; sundays, 10.55 a.m
diocese of Truro. The church, erected in 1827, is a plain PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
building of etone, consisting of chancel and nave, and has Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Edwin James Worth
sittings for 6oo persons. The register dates from the year Assistant Overseer, Charles Harris, Dodbrooke farm
1870. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value [,2w, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, grd District, St.
with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe,
and held since 1892 by the Rev. Hamlet William Millett, late Germans Union, Alexander Bruce Cheves M.A., M.D.
chaplain R.N. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, erected in 1873• Brookfield house & Edwin James Worth
and a Baptist chapel, built in 1821. The Reading Room and National School (boys, girls & infants), for 200 boys,
Institute, opened in r88r, is supported by subscription. 130 girls & 120 infants; average attendance, 120 boys, roo-
The corporate seal of this borough, which bears the device girls & no infants; William Northcote, master; Miss
of a mill on a brook, is still in existence. The portion Elizabeth Gunn, mistress; Mrs. Ellen Harding, infantsT
of Maker charities allotted to this place amount to about nu•stress
£so yearly. The population in 1891 was 2,u6.
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collins Samuel, stone mason Parfitt Frederick, Devonport. inn
Alexander Capt. Gerald D'Arragon R.A. Colmer John, blacksmith Parson John & Co. millers {water) &.
Anderton house Coombes Ellen (Miss),grocer,Post office farmers
Brent M1ss, Higher Anderton Davey Thomas, carpenter Passmore Henry, farmer, Penhale
Carrler Thomas, Roseland villa Dennis John, shopkeeper & farmer Pawley John James, shopkeeper
Cheves Alexander Bruce M.A., M.D. Dennis John, cab proprietor Pearn John, farmer, Treganhawke
Brookfield house DevonshireBrickCo. (Thos.Carder,mgr) Peters William, grocer
Clark Misses, x Anderton villas Down Henry, carpenter & wheelwright Polgreen Richard, grocer
Clark Miss Jane EdneyOsmond Hy.Devon&Cornwall htl Pote & Sons, blacksmiths
Hooper Mrs. Knillcross house Ellis John Phillips, baker Price Thomas, linen draper
Jago,Joseph, Fore street Fisher Alfred, King's Arms P.H Rowe James, boot & shoe maker
Lapidge Mrs. Anderton villas Gray Noah, shopkeeper Snell John, butcher
Lewellin Misses, West park Gummer Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Soady Saml. Hy. coal dealer, Anderton
Little GeorgeGreenway J.P.Cobourg ho Hancock & Sons, farmers, Penhale South Western Brick Company Limited
Lyne William, Blindwell Hansford Robert William, ironmonger (William Ball, sec)
Millett Rev. Hamlet Wm. R..N. [vicar] Harris Charles,farmer & assistant over- Stacey James, farmer, South down
Purves Mrs seer & cab proprietor, Dodbrook frm Stephens William, stone mason
Skardon Misses, Newport house Harris Lavinia (Miss), beer retailer Stimson William, shoe maker
Sole Mrs. Wood park Harris William, carpenter Tallack Esther(Mrs. ),Heart &Hand P.B
Thomas Miss, Higher Anderton house Hartnoll Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper Watkins David, farmer, Coombe
Watt Jas. Leslie M.A.,M.B.Brookfield ho Kingwell Eliza (Mrs.), draper Watt James Leslie M.A., M.J3., c.M.
Worth Edwin .Tames Lemin Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper surgeon, Brookfield house
Yule Miss, Anderton villas Lyne Richard, farmer Weymouth William (Mrs.), farmer~
COMMERCIAL. Maslin Annie (Miss), Mark of Friend- Inceworth Barton
Bennett Robert Oliver, watch maker ship P.H Whittell Thomas, boot maker
Bickford William Hy.Commercial hotel Matthews Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wilcocks Ed. Bennett,farmr.Mendenick
Bersey Joseph Alfred, butcher & farmr May Kate (Mrs.), grocer & draper Woolcock William, grocer
Blight & Sons, tanners J\lillbrook Reading Rooms & Institute ·worth Edwin James, surgeon, & med.
Brown John, blacksmith Nancarrow John, baker, confectioner, offi. &pub. vaccinator, part of No. 3
Cheves Alex. Bruce M.A., M.D. surg. &; grocer & provision merchant; agent dist. St. Germans union & admiralty
medical off. & public vaccinator, 3rd for "Blue Cross" Ceylon Tea surgeon&agent
dist.St.Germans union, Brooktield ho Norton Francis, shopkeeper Yabsley William, baker & grocer
MINSTER is a parish 6 miles north from Camelford, arms inscribed to John Bender esq. J.P. lord of the honour
with a station called" Camelford," opened August, r8gg, on of Botreaux Castle ob. 7 June, r6n; Jane (Thorne), his wife~
the new branch of the London and South Western rail- and their family; in the lower panel are six English verses~
way from Launceston to Wadebridge, and is r8 miles west- against the north wall of the chancel is a fine monument in
north-west from Launceston station on the Great Western the Renaissance style, divided into two compartments by
railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, Les- columns of black marble rising from brackets and supporting
newth hundred and petty sessional division, Camelford union an entablature and semicircular pediment inclosing a
and county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Minor, quartered shield of arms ; the inscriptions commemorate
archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro: part of the Sir John Cotton kt. ob. 4 Feb. r7o3, and Sarah (Fuljames),
town of Boscastle is in this parish. The church of St. his wife, ob. 6 March, 1676: in the south aisle is IJo mural
Metherian, situated in a picturesqueand sequestered spot in monument with kneeling effigies and shields of arms to
a deep and thickly wooded valley, is a building of stone, in William Cotton, precentor and canonofExeter,andEiizabeth
the Early English and Perpendicular styles, consisting of (Bender), his wife, ob. April and Sept. r656: in the chancel
chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, south porch and a is a brass with effigy and inscription to Bender Roberts, ob.
western tower, with saddle back roof, containing one bell, 2 June, x6o2, and there are other memorials to Roger Knight
brought from Bodmin church and dated 1727: in the south of Burstoke, gent. ob. 4 Nov. r657; William Cotton esq. ob.
aisle is a monument, with kneeling and other effigies and 25 Dec."1673; Elizabeth Eastbroke, widow, ob. x686; Sir
Jonathan Phillipps kt. ob. 12 Sept. 1798, Grace, his wife, and commemorate one of the chieftains who fell in an engagem~nt:
five children, 1744-89, and to the Moyse, Avery, Rundle and here between King Arthnr and his nephew, Morclred; it
other families ; there also remain t.wo shields of arms in brass bears in rude characters the words " LATIN H[1]c IACI't
of the Hender and Molesworth families, belonging to a tomb- :nuus MACARI." Here was Botreaux Castle, the seat of the
stone, now lost, to Catherine, wife of John Molesworth: ancient and noble family of that name, settled here before.
there is an old oak chest, and in one of the windows some the reign of Henry II. William de Botreaux, the eighth Of
stained glass with the arms of Trelawny: there are traces of that name, was created a baron by writ of summons, 42
the rood loft staircase, now built up : the fine oak chancel Edw. Ill. (1368); his descendant of the same name, and the'
screen disappeared about 1840, and some very good carved last male heir, died"r5th May, q62,leaving an only daughter,
bench ends were removed, it is said, at the restoration: the Margaret, who married Sir Robert Hungerford, and his
font, of porphyry, is Early English, and has a hemispherical barony consequently passed to that family, and after re-
basin ornamented on the outside with a fretted pattern : the maining, with other baronies, for some time in abeyance,
church was enlarged or partly rebuilt in the 16th century, was revived 7th Nov. 187r, in favour of Edit_.h Maud (Abney- ·
and thoroughly restored in 1869-71, under the direction of Hastings), Countess of Loudoun: in 1812 some portions of
Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect: there are 240 sittings: the the fabric were dug out of the site of the castle, which
communion plate includes two silver-gilt flagons, 1726-7 ; occupies t-he spur of a hill at the junction of two ravines, but
a chalice with cover, and a silver plate, given by Sir Jonathan is commanded on three sides by the billy ground adjacent.
Phillipps kt. in 1792. The register of baptisms dates from Phillipps' charity, founded by Sir Jonatban Phillipps kt.
the year 1677 ; burials, r678 ; marriages, 1681, but all are above mentioned, produces £5 yearly, which is distribut:ed
more or less defective. The living is a rectory, average tithe at Christmas to poor persons of the parishes of Forrabury
rent-charge £r93, gross yearly value £289, including so and Minster. H. P. Leschallas esq. is lord of the manor,
acres of glebe, in the gift of Major-Gen. Phillipps-Trebyand and Col. William Sloggatt Hawker n.L., J.P. of Pcnally1
H. P. Leschallas esq.and held since 1885 by the Rev. Edward Boscastle, and the trustees of the late Richard Spry esq. ate
Moubray Phillipps-Treby, who is also rector of Forrabury, chief landowners. The soil is dark loam; the subsoil is rocJt.
and resides at Boscastle. The rector is lord of the manor of The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The area is
Polypbant in Lewannick, from which he is paid £4 yearly; 3,322 acres; rateable value, £2,368; the population in r89l
be is also paid £13 r4s. from the impropriate rent-charge of was 368.
Altarnun. Near the church formerly stood the priory of Letters through Boscastle R.S.O. arrive at 10 a.m. The..
Talkarne or Minster, founded as a cell to the abbey of St. nearest money order & telegraph office is at Boscastle
Sergius of Anjou, by William Fitz Nicholas of Botreaux,
temp. Henry .II. and dedicated to St. Merthiana and St. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 1.30 p.m
Andrew: as an alien priory it was several times seized by the This place is included in the United School Board district of
Crown on ~he occurrence of disputes with France, and seems Boscastle, formed Jan. 26, 1875
to have ceased to exist in 1407, previous to the general dis- Board School, erected in 1879, at a cost of £6oo, the o:td
solution of such houses in 1414-15. On Water Pit Down is National school built in 1843 being also used; the schdols ·
the base of an ancient cross, referred to under Forrabury, will hold r8o children; average attendance, 35 boys, 43
and on the barton of Wartbyvale, and about 200 yards from girls & 26 infants; Arthur George Fenn, master; Miss
the bridge, lies an ancient inscribed stone, conjectured to M. Adams, mistress
J ennings Thomas Haskin, Fern cottage French John, farmer,Matthews common Pearce Edmund,frmr. High. Wortbyvaleo
Rickard James, Trebane house Garland Francis, farmer, Tubbs ground Stacey John, farmer, Polrunney ·
COMMERCIAL. Grigg Wm. Ridgeman,farmer, Tresuck Stephens John&, Trebilow
Baker Digory, frmr. Lower Worthyvale Hoskin Elijah, farmer, Pendavey Symons Penticost, farmer
Banbury & Sharrock, lime merchants Hoskin Henry, farmer, Horr.agutter Uglow Jn. Hy. farmer, TregatheraU ·
Cobbledick William, farmer, Condolden Jose Henry, farmer, Trevilla park Venning Frederick, farme1·, Trekeek
Cowling James, butcher Matthews John, farmer, Vendown Wallis Sampson &Son,farmers,Tredoro·
Elford Robert, farmer, Trevilla park Mill Thomas, farmer, New farm Wickett Samuel, farmer, Trelay ·
Everitt Iram, mason Nicholls Thomas, mason Wickett William, farmer, Hendra
ST. MINVER is a village and parish, 4~ miles north- church plate includes a silver gilt chalice and cover, with.
west from Wadebridge station on the Great Western rail- the ball marks of 1618-9, a flagon of 1764, presented by M.
way, 3 north-east from Padstow and 10 north-west from Webber of St. Kew, a plate presented in 1791 by William
Bodmin, in the North Eastern division of the county, bun- E!andys, and a brazen alms dish of German make; the
dred and petty sessional division of Trigg, Bodmin union and church was restored and partly rebuilt in 1872 under. the
county court district, rural deanery and archde~conry of direction of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect, at a cost ofabou11.
Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Minefreda £3,370: there are 250 sittings. The churchyard was enlargM
is a building of stone in the Transition Norman and Early on the north side in 1840; a small cross,formerly on the farm
English styles, consisting of chancel, nave with arcades of of Treglines, and about 3 feet high, was removed and set up
four arches on the north and five on the south, narrow here in 1879. The register of baptisms and burials dates
north aisle, with eastern chapel, south aisle, extending from the year 1558; marriages, 1559 ; the list of burials in..)
nearly to the east end, south porch and a western tower with eludes the names of persons interred on the Quaker bul'lial
spire rising to a height of II5 feet and containing 6 bells, ground near Treglines from 1695 to 1742. The living is 'a.
dating from 1727 to 1875: in the chancel is a Decorated pis- vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £26o, net yearly. income
cina, and modern screens separate it from the south aisle: £270, including 45 acres of glebe, with house, in the gift of
the rood loft staircase exists, but is now imperfect: in the the Rev. Edward Ayshford Sanford M.A. Prebendary of Rath
south aisle is a priests' doorway; the font, octagonal in and Wells, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Cha:fles Henry
form, is Perpendicular: there is an elaborate monument Chase M.A. of Corpus Christi, Cambridge. There are two ·
with kneeling effigy in marble, erected by Thomas Darell ancient chapels of ease in this parish, both near the estuary
esq. to John Hoe of Trewornan, ob. 6 Marcb,1657, and others of the Camel, and opposite Padstow-St. Enodock and St.
to Thomas Darell esq. ob. 3 Jan. 1697; Thomas Hamet, ob. Micbael, or Porthilly, each about 2! miles from the parish
Dec. 1614. in the north chapel are portions of an altar-tomb church: the former, surrounded with drifts of sarid, whicli
of slate, consisting of the front, two ends and upper slab; the sometimes have been known to rise as high as the roof,"is an:
front exhibits, in low relief, kneeling effigies of a man and edifice of stone, originally cruciform, in the Early English ahd
woman, with shields of arms of Stone and Harris ; the ends Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south aisle
bear other shields of the same arms, quartering Whitelinge ; of three bays, extending along the whole of the chancel, and
on the upper slab is an inscription to Thomas Stone gent. incorporating the former south transept, north transept;
ob. 28 July, 1604, and Elizabeth bis wife, ob. 1636; there is south porch and a tower of two stages at the north end of
also a brass with the effigy of a man in civilian costume to the north transept, with octagonal broach spire, and contain-
Roger Opy, ob. 13 Jan. 1517 and Elizabeth (Carminow), his ing one bell, recovered from the wreck of the" Immacolata, 1'
wife ; a scroll with legend proceeds from the mouth of the of Barletta, a seaport of South Italy, which was lost on tbe
figure, and round the margin of the brass is a Latin inscrip- rocks at Greenway, Sept. 27, 1875 : the lower portion of the
tion: in the south aisle is a memorial with arms to John Perpendicular chancel screen remains, and has been restored
Silly of Trevelver, in this parish, ob. u April, 1672, erected and redecorated in colour and gold; on the south stde of the
by Jane (Cotton), his widow; there is another to John Smith chancel is a piscina, and on the north an aumbry, now
of Measmere, ob. 17 Dec. 1662, and a monument to the Rev. a credence ; a circular bowl of Catacluse stone, found in the'
W. Sandys M.A. vicar, d. 11 Nov. 1816, and Mary (Praed), tower, and probably a stoup, is used as an alms box: t~ere'
his wife: the east window is a memorial to Mrs. Ann Sandys is a Norman font, and one window is stained : the ancienli
and her daughter Lucy, d. (both) March ·1, 1867, and there silver chalice with cover, belonging to this chapel, and dating
are others to William Sandys Sandys esq. d. 1:846 and Mary from the 16th century, is now in the possession of Mr. John
Anne Sandys, his sister, d. 1849, and to the late Mrs, Potter, Mably, farmer, of Trebotherick: the structure, at one tirn~
of W~debridge, erected by her $On, Samuel S. Potter: the unroofed and dismantled, was effectively restored in 186j;
*DEr. & CORN. 'i 6
under the direction of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, at a cost of which from the earliest records has belonged to the manor
[.675: in the churchyard, which contains tombs and memo- of Penmayne: it is now let on a yearly lease, at a rent of
rials to the l\Iably and other families, including one df £r. Rosorow, now a farm house, was anciently the resi-
debased character with two effigies rudely executed, to John dence of a family of that name, and in the early part of the
Mably, bur. 24 July, 1687, and Alice, his wife, bur. 30 16th century of the Penkevills; it afterwards belonged to the
July, in the same year, is an ancient granite cross, about 5 Carews, but is now the property of Col. Tremayne of Carclew;
feet high, with a circular head, which has peen restored at the portions of the old house, including a great fireplace and
cost of Francis J. Hext esq. D.L., J.P. of Tredetby: the chimney and the oaken ceiling of the hall, remain. Cant,
drifting sands are now becoming permanently fixed by the also a farm house, gave its name in the reign of Edward I.
rapid growth of the m·undo arena1·i<t, or sand rush. St. to the family of de Cant, or Kant, and was subsequently held
Michael's chapel is a building of Perpendicular date, situated by the Cheynduit and Carminow families, and others, and
on the margm of a small creek of Padstow Harbour, near in 1819, being then held by Humphry Prideaux esq. it was
the village of RocK, and consists of chancel, with south aisle described as a manor ; Porthilly comprises the two estates
and north vestry, nave, south transept, south porch, now of Porthilly Eglos and Porthilly Greys, and contains remains
forming the base of a small gabled tower, containing one of ancient buildings; Trevelver, a place mentioned as early
bell: there are two Decorated piscinre, one in the chancel and as 13021 is now a farm and miil; portions of the old house,
the other in the transept, and a font of sandstone of Transi- with some mullioned windows, still exist, aud in one of the
tion Norman date: the east window is a memorial to Anne rooms, which is panelled, is a painting of the original man-
and Lucy Sandys, erected by the parish of St. Minver in I sion, and round the cornice of the apartment, a kind of
1867, and a cross on the south gable of the tower erected by panoramic representation of the neighbourhood. H.R.H.
Mary Prideaux-Brune, of Prideaux Place, Padstow, also the Duke of CornwaiiK.G. is lord of the manor of Penmayne.
commemorates the same: there is a monument to William The principal landowners are Robert Darell Smythe
Rounsevall gent. 1659, and Jane, his wife, 1679 ; opposite the Stephens esq. of 'rrewornan, Wadebridge, lord of the manor
porch is the round head of an ancient granite cross on a of Trewornan, Rev. Edward Ayshford Sanford M.A. John
dwarf shaft: the church was well restored in 1865-7, at a Bevill Fortescue esq. of Boconnoc, Lord Robartes, Col.
cost of £514: the church plate includes a chalice with paten- Arthur Tremayne D.L., J.P. of Carclew, Mylor, John
cover bearing the date IJII, and the word "Perdille '' Tremayne esq. J.P., D.L. of Heligan, St. Ewe, Captain
(Porthilly), and a paten of 174oand flagon of 1792, both given William Roberts Crawford Potter n.L., J.P. of Gonvena,
by the Rev. William Sandys M.A. vicar: the burial ground Wadebridge, Edward Charles Perceval Sanford esq. and
was enlarged about 1878, and protected by a sea wall ; it con- Miss Arundell Yeo, of Fremington, North Devon. The soil
taina memorials to t.he Kent, Mably, Proffit and other fami- is sandy; subsoil, rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley
lies : afternoon service is held on Sundays in each chapel and roots. The pari,;h is divided into Highlands, containing
alternately. There is a Wesleyan chapel near Rock, built the mother church,and Lowlands,containing the two chapels.
about 1842, and seating 132 persons: a Bible Christian The area of St. Minver Highlands is 5·333 acres of land, 261
chapel at Trevanger, erected in 1872, with roo sittings; and of tidal water and 246 of foreshore; rateable value, £'4,852; -
a Free Method1st chapel at Tredizzick, erected in 1815 as a and of Lowlands, 2,287 acres of land, 319 of tidal wat,er and
Wesleyan chapel, and enlarged in 1835; it was entirely re- 754 of foreshore; rateable value, £2,220; the population in
built in 1874, and has 250 sittings; there was formerly near 1891 was :-Highlands, 515; Lowlands, 352.
Treglines a J<'riends' meeting house with a burial ground · Sexton, Samuel Sleeman.
attached ; the latter, partially inclolled by a wall, remains,
but the chapel has disappeared. The charities, left by John PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Randall of St. Just in 1727, Mrs. Sarah Darell in 1760, and Church Town.-Richard Williams, sub-postmaster.
Helen Proffit, in 178o, amount to £16 gs. 2d. yearly; of this
Letters through Wadebridge R.S.O. arrive 9·45 a.m. &
sum about £Io is distributed to poor per&ons not in receipt 2.40 p.m.; dispatched ro.Io a. m. & 3.30 p.m
of parochial relief, £5 in coals, £ r to poor widows and
orphans, and ICS. to the vicar for a sermon. In that part WALL LETTER Box, Tredizzick, 3·45 p. m. week days
of St. Minver called " The Lowlands " is Jesus' well, a only .
rectangular structure with a truncated gable roof and an Pos1• OFFICE, Rock.-Charles Ricbards, sub-postmaster.
arched entrance ; at the back of the well is a niche, in which Letters received through Wadebridge R.S.O. arrive at
a crucifix may have been placed. The fine spring which for- 10.35 a.m.; dispatched at 3.25 p.m. The nearest money
order & telegraph office is at St. 1\Iinver. Postal orders
merly rose here has now been intercepted, and the chapel
which stood near the well, and was extant in the early part are issued here, but not paid
of the last century, has now disappeared ; it was surrounded
by a burial ground, the remains found in which have been School (mixed), built in r8so, for 150 children; average
removed to the churchyard. At the village of Rock is a ferry attendance, 87 ; Charles Frost, master ; Mrs. Lucy
across the Camel to Padstow, for foot passengers only, and Jackson, infants' mistress
St. Minver. Hawken Ellen( Mrs.),farmer,Rosesorow Sleeman John, shoe maker
Chase Rev. Charles Henry M.A.Vicar::~ge Hawken Joseph Burt, farmer, Carruan Thomas Henry, farmer, Mesmear
Coleman Mrs. Park cottage Hawken Richard, farmer, Trevanger Tremain Thomas" farmer, Treverra &
Durrant JohnJames, Tredizzick bridge Hawkey John Geach & Thos. farmers,
Jyey William, Tredizzick bridge 'frefreesa
Sanford Rev. Edward Ayshford M.A. Treglines Tummon John, farmer, Trewomannd
Hawkey Geach, auctioneer & valuer, Tummon William, farmer, Trevigo
(prebendary of Bath & Wells], St. Williams Richard, blacksmith & agri-
Minver house Trelines
Stephens Robert Darell Smythe F. L.s., Hawkins George, farmer, Cant cultural implement maker, & Tem-
James George, carpenter perance hotel, Post office
F.G.s., F.z.s. Trewornan Keat Saml. miller (water), Shilla mills Wills John, farmer, Trebetherick
Kent George, boot maker, Splatt Wills William Authony, farmer,Carlyon
COl\11\fERCIAL. Mably Caroline (Mrs.),farmer,Pittimee
Beer Enos, farmer, Pentire glaze Mably John, farmer, Pearles Rock.
Beswetherick Thomat:c, farmer & miller Mably John, farmer, Trebetherick
(water), Trevelver Mably John, jun. farmer, Penmain Bannerman Edward Charles, farmer, Tregena Mably Richard, boot ma. 'fredizzick Coleman Frank, Rock hill
.make David, jun. farmer, Dinham Mably Thomas, farmer, Keiro (Means) Drew Mrs
Rlake Henry, farmer & assistant over- Mably William, farmer, Trewiston George John, Albion house
seer for the Highlands, Shalders Mably William Henry, farmer, 'freglyn Ivey Mrs
l~ake John, farmer, Little Porthilly down & Treglyn Lander Frederick Charles
Bosancoe William, mason Male John, master mariner, Splatt Lines Rev. Harry [t:urate]
.Brickwood J n. mason & frmr.Tredizzick Male John Guy, farmer, Tredizzick Martyn John
1Jurnard John, farmer, Gonvena Male Thomas, shoe maker, Tredizzick Mear Waiter
Hurton John (Mrs.), farmer, Porthilly :M:ale William Mably, farmer, shop- Trevethan Miss
Cann James, farmer, Spamall Stich keeper & butcher, Tredizzick Bray Frank,corn, flour & seed & general
Cbenoweth Richard, farmer, Trelawder Martyn John, carpenter merchant. See advertisement
Coleman John, farmer, Carlumb Mills Phillip, farmer, Great Keiro Buller Tom, registrar of births & deaths
Collings John, farmer, Portquin Profitt John, farmer, Higher Penmaine for Egloshayle parish
Collings Richard, farmer, Plain street Randall Harriott (Mrs.), farmr. Trewint Emery Sarah Ann & Alice (Misses),
<ioodman John, farmer, Rosewin Randall John Lynham, farmer & assist- Rock hotel
Goodman William, draper & carpenter ant overseer for Lowlands, Stopatide Ivey Jane (Miss), apartments
wood Harry, farmer, Porteath Reed Henry, farmer Mably Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Gummow Wm. blacksmith, Pittimee Rolleston Frank, master mariner, Splatt Mear ".alter, marine surveyor
Haines John, farmer, Treueens Rosevear Henry, farmer, Trewornan Richards Charles, grocer & draper,
Ham Robert, master mariner, Pittimee Rowse James, farmer, Rosemain cot Post office
MITHIAN is an ecclesiastical parish, formed July 24th, in 18go at the cost of J. Passmore-Edwards esq. of London,
1846, from the civil parishes of St. Agnes, Kea, Kenwyn and a native of Blackwater, is a building of local stone with
Perranzabuloe, and the ecclesiastical district of Chacewater; gramte and brick dressings. Joshua 8ydney Davey esq.
it is on the watershed of the Kenwyn river and the Perran J.P. of Bochym, Cury, and John Charles Williams e.sq. M.P.
streams, 3 miles north from Chacewaterstation on the West of Caerhayes Castle, who are lords of the manor, and the
Cornwall section of the Great Western railway, 7 west- Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan hart .J.P. of Trelo-
north-west from 'fruro and 7 north-east from Redruth, warren, Mawgan-in-Meneage, and Viscount Falmouth are
partly in the Truro division and partly in the North the principal landowners. The soil varies greatly; subsoil,
Western division of the county, west division of Powder spar and granite. The chief crops are oats and grass. The
hundred, petty sessional division of Powder West, Truro area is 4,415 acres; the population in 1891 was 1,248.
union and county court district., rural deanery of Powder, PosT OFFICE, Blackwater.-Tristram Powning, sub-post-
through Scorrier R.S.O. arrive at a.
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Tbe church master. Letters 3·0
of St . P eter , sta nding in the centre o·f t h e bp0a1'rlidsm'h,ga0t fa n alti- a.m. & 2.40 p.m. ; dispatched at 3.50 p.m. Seorr1· er
tude 477 feet above th e sea Ieve1• a stone, IS
0 f IS the nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
in the Decorated style, from designs by Mr. William White, are issued here, but not paid
architect, and consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south
porch and a tower, with spire, containing one bell: the east WALL LETTER Box, Mithian,cleared at 1.40 p.m.; sundays,
window, placed in 1882, at a cost of £,120, is a memorial to I2 p.m
the Rev. Alfred Lord M.R.c.s. late vicar: in 1881 the church WALL LETTER Box, Three Barrows, cleared at 3.20 p.m.
was repaired internally, when an organ was erected itt a week days only
cost of £,175: in 18goa further sum was expended inimprov- ScHOOLS:-
ing the church and making necessary repairs: there are 320 Board, Mithian (mixed), built in 1874, for 200 children;
sittings. The register dates from the year 1846. The average attendance, II5 ; Peter Richards, master; Miss
living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £.3oo, net £,295, with Nanny Pope Williams, mistress
residence and 1~ acres of glebe, in the gtft ofthe Crown and Board (mixed), Blackwater, under the St. Agnes School
the Bishop of Truro alternately, and held since x8gr by the Board, built in 1878, for 150 children ; average attendance,
Rev. Benjamin Smart. Here is a Wesleyan chapel. The 135; John Oates, master; Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bennetts,
Passmore-Edwards Literary Institute, at Blackwater,erected infants' mistress
Mithian. l HooperJsph.shopkeeper,ThreeBarrows • Hooper Mrs. Fern villas
Smart Rev. Benjamin, Vicarage Martin Dale, farmer, Mithian farm Hooper William S. Fern villas
Turner Mrs. Rose-in-vale
May Richard, farmer Waiters Edward
Nankivell James, farmer COMMERCIAL.
Pooley Jane(Mrs. ),Chiverton Arms P.H. Craze Jabez, painter
Angwin William, farmer, Silverwell Three Barrows Da.vey Edwin, jun. market gardener
Bartle James,blacksmith,ThreeBarrows Pawning Tristram, shopkeeper, Post Hooper James & Sons, grocers, drapers
Bartle John, farmer, Higher Penwart,ha office, Blackwater & farmers
Bartle Richard, farmer, Three Barrows Roberts Nicholas (Mrs.), coal dealer Hooper Richard, Red Lion P.H
Bartle William Henry, carrier Roberts \Vm. farmer, Mithian downs Jenkin Thomas, greengrocer
Bawden Cath. (Mrs.),farmer,Silvcrwell Rogers George, boot maker Jenkins Thomas Dennis, general
BennettsWm.Hy.cowkpr.ThreeBarrows Rose John, farmer house & supply stores & emigration
Berryman Josiah, farmer, Trevisome Russell John, farmer, Silverwell agent
Bown Joseph & Frederick, farmers Sampson Thomas, carpenter Nettle John, farmer, Hill farm
Cocking James, farmer, ~1ithian downs Sedgman Joseph, Miners' inn, Mithian Passmore-Edwards Institute (W. S.
Cubo Alfred, blacksmith Thomas Thomas, farmer, Silverwell Hooper, hon. sec)
Doble Charles, shopkeeper Tredinnick James, farmer Pawning Tristram, shopkeeper, Post o.ff
Eddy Jacob, mrkt.grdnr.Three Barrows Truan Thomas, mason Symons John & Son, builders, con-
Goyne Richard, farmer, Three Barrows Williams Richard, mason, Silverwell tractors & undertakers
Harvey James, farmer, Silverwell Blackwater. Symons William, farmer
Hearle William Henry, farmer,
I Willoughby James, farmer
Tywarnhayle farm Harris Mrs Willoughby John, farmer
MORVAH is a parish near the coast, 6 miles north-west ancient castle, consisting of three lines of wall, built of loose
from Penzance, where is the nearest railway station, and 4 stones: in the interior, which has a diameter from east to
north-by-east from St. Just, in the Western division of the west of 125 feet and from north to south of no feet, traces
county, hundred of Penwith, petty session~! division of Pen- of dividing walls exist, and a well, with steps leading to the
with west, Penzance union and county court district, rural water : opposite the gateway of the castle, and at about 200
deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese yards' distance, is Chftn quoit, a cromlech, consisting of
of Truro. The church of St. Morvah is a building_ of granite, several upright stones, supporting at an elevation of about
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of two 4 feet a huge monolith nearly 13 feet long and I I~ feet wide.
bays, south porch and an embattled western tower, with On Kerrow Hill stands a monumental pillar 6 feet high.
pinnacles, containing 3 bells : the stained east window was The soil is decomposed granite ; subsoil, rabmen. The
presented by the Rev. Michael Nowell Peters M. A. a late land is principally pasture,and the chief crops are wheat and
vicar: there are se,·eral monuments: the ch1uch has 120 barley. The area is 1,226 acres; rateable value, £r,II2;
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year the population in 1891 was 172,
1653; marriages, 1617; burials, 1655. The living is a Letters through St. Just R.S.O. arrive at 12 noon. The
vicarage annexed to Madron, average tithe rent-charge nearest money order office is at Pendeen & telegraph ofiice
£,679, joint gross yearly value £.6oo, with residence, in the at St. Just-in-Penwith
gift of the :Misses Nowell Peters, and held since 188o by the WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 12.30 p.m
Rev. Franklin Tonkin :r.r.A. of Corpus Christi college, Cam- A School Board of 5 members was formed June 25, 1875;
bridge,who resides at the Vicarage, Madron; the Rev. Waiter Richard David Daniel, of Rosemergy, clerk to the board;
Arthur Taylor, of Caius College, Cambridge, has been Edward White, Pendeen, attendance officer
curate in charge since 1893· There is a Wesleyan chapel Board School (mixed), formerly a Bible Christian chapel,
here. The Misses Borlase,of Castle Horneck, Penzance, who but altered at a cost of about £,2oo, for 58 children;
are ladies of the manor, and Mrs. Hichens, are the chief average attendance, 45; Miss Beatrice Mary Edwards,
landowners. On Chun Hill are the remains of a very mistress
Serres Mrs. Church town Davy William, farmeT, Tre\·owan Noy William, farmer, Trevean
Taylor Rev. Waiter Arthur [curate], Paul Wm. Uobt. shoe ma. Church town
Eddy John, farmer, Trevean Quick John, farmer, Trevowan
Vicarage house Hichens John Henry, farmer, Carne Thomas Martin, farmer, Tregaminion
Jenkin Thomas, farmer, Croftow Tregear Richd. blacksmith, Church twn
COMMERCIAL. Lawry John, farmer, Tregaminion Trembath Humphry, frmr. Church twn
Lawry John Quick, farmer, Chypraze Williams Wilham,carpentr.Church twn
Daniel Richd. David, farmr. Rosemergy Leggo John, shopkeeper, Tregaminion
Davy John, farmer, Rosemergy & Matthews Nicholas, farmer, Chyoon
MORV AL is a scattered parish, 3~ miles south-west from part of the parish with a station at Sand Place for passengers;
Menheniot station on the Great Western railway, 6 south- there is also a canal from Looe to Sand Place. The church
east from Liskeard, in the South Eastern division of the of St. Wenn is a building of stone, erected in the 13th
county, hundred and petty sessional division of \Vest, century and consists of chancel, nave of five bays, north
Liskeard union and county court district, rural deanery of aisle, south transept, south porch and a western tower of
West, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. A three stages, with low crocketed pinnacles, containing 9
single line of rail from Looe to Liskeard and the granite bells, all cast in 1715, except the treble, dated 1858 and the
quarries and mines of Caradon passes through the western tenor in 1878 : in the western wall of the transept is a curious
incised slab to Waiter Coode (ob. 1637), the last of the Coode the Common Pleas; he died June 5, t8co. Lady Duckworth
f~mily who lived at and possessed Morval House p,nd its and Mrs. H. l:l. Tremayne, who are ladies of the manor, the
'1ands, which passed in '1637 to the Huller family, ancestors Rev. M. Wynell-Mayow M.A. and Mrs. E. Cocks are the prin-
of th~ present owners ~ the east window is stained and there cipal landowners. The soil is generally light ; subsoil, chiefly
flre memorial windows in the transepts to the family of shelf and spar. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and
.Huller, 1793·1849: a sun dial on the gable of the south porch roots. 'rhe area is 3,562 acres; assf\Ssed acreage, 3,541;
j.s dated 1671: there are 230 sittings. The register of rateable value, £3,897; the population in 189r was 622. •
baptisms dates from the year 1542; marriages and burials, Parish Clerk, G. E. Sneyd esq.
.;1;538, and are in a good state of preservation. The living is Sexton, H. H. Tremayne esq.
a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £I5I, gross yearly PosT OFFICE, Sand Place (Railway Sub-Otlice. Letters
value £,262, including 121 acres of glebe, with residence, in shouldhaveR.S.O.Cornwalladded).-RichardEdgcumbe,
the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1876 by the postmaster. Letters arrive at 6_22 a. m. ; dispatched at
Rev. Ernest Henry Glencross M.A. of Christ's College, Cam- L6.o3oep&.mL. iskTehaerdn&eatreelsetgrmapohneoyffiocredaetr offices are at East
bridge. There is a Wesleyan Association chapel at Wide- Looe
gate, and at Sand Place a chapel, built in 1864, and now WALL LETTER Box, Leyland, cleared at 5. 15 p.m
(1893) the property of Lady Duckworth and Mrs. H. H.
·Tremayne, who lend it to Mr. Richard Edgcumbe for the ScHOOLS:-
purpose of holding religious services. Four almshouses for Morval, the property of Lady Duckworth & Mrs• .ff. H .
. the poor were rebuilt in :r86o by the late J. F. Duller esq. a Tremayne & supported by them; average attendance,
descendant of the founder. Morval House, the property . 56; John Hawken Sansom, master
jointly of Lady Duckworth and Mrs. H. H. Tremayne, and Trenode, built in :r872 in memory of the Rev. James Buller
now occupied l;!y Henry Hawkins Tremayne esq. is pleasantly Kitson, late vicar ; average attendance, 38 ; the school is
.situated at the head of a beautiful wooded valley leading 2 miles distant from the other school & the church & is
to the sea at Looe. Here was born, Mar. 17, 1746, Francis also used as a school chapel, being supported by the vicar,
.Jl\lller, the distinguished judge, who was made a judge of Mrs. Cocks & the Rev. M. Wynell-Mayow; Miss Henrietta
the King's Bench ip 1778, being then only 32 years of age ; A. Sims, mistress
jn 1790 he was created a baronet and in 1794 transferred to Sand Place Station ; the guard of train issues tickets
(Marked thus* receive their letters through *Collings Matthew; farmer, Polgover *Kelly Richard, farmer, Tredinnick
St. Germans.] Collings John, butcher, Widegate Lean Nicholas, shoemaker
*Boucber Alfred Richard J.P. Trenean *Col!ings Thomas, farmer, Tregastic Olver Edwin, farmer, Wringworthy
Glencross Rev. Ernest Henry M. A.. The Collins .Jsph. market gardenr. Sand PI OlverThos.Hy.farmr.&btchr. Tregarlnd
Vicarage *Dawe Isaac, farmer, Bray *Paul Mary Jane (Miss), shopkeeper,
Poore Rev.EdwardWright B.A..[curateJ, Edgcumbe Richard, coal & manure Widegate
Morval cottage merchant, & postmaste-r, Sand Place *Pearce Samuel, shoe maker, Widegate
~Sneyd George Edward, Bray house *Gilbard John, farmer, Vintenvanes Sansom John Hawken, school master &
· Tremayne Henry Hawkins, Morval ho Hamley William, farmer, Dowland assistant overseer
COMMERCIAL. Harding Charles, carpenter, Towwell *Sansom William, farmer, Lydcott
*Best George, farmer & miller (water), Harding Geo. shopkeeper, Tregarland 11 SearleEdward & Geo.Bros. blacksmths
Joaps mill *Hluding John, carpenter, Shortcross Searle William, farrier
-*Best William, farmer, Trenode *Harding William, farmer, Shortcross- Stepbens George, farmer, Wringworthy
Bishop & Peter, crushers of bones, lime Hill John, farmer, Cleese Taylor John, farmer, Twinaways
burners & merchants, The Kilns, *Ho~kin Archelaus, farmer, Trenain VosperWm.& Son,farmrs.MorvalBarton
Sand Place; offices, East Looe R.S.O Hoskin Edward, farmer~ Trenode Vosper Arthur Waiters, farmer, Mor-
*Blight John, shoe maker, Widegate Hoskin William; farmer, Wringworthy val Barton
Blight Richard, shoe maker *KellyAlbert Edward, farmer,Colevase Wyatt Francis Charles, Treg3rland
Broad Rosaliar & Eva (Misses), skpkprs 1 *Kelly Elizabeth (Mrs.), frmr. Colevase
MORWENSTOW, the most northerly parish in Cprn- 1558 and is very' perfect. The living is a vicarage, tithe
wall, is 8 miles north-north-west from Stratton and 15 north- rent-charge £6s, gross yearly value £36o, including 72
-west from Holsworthy station on the London and South acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held
Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the since 1876 by the Rev John Tagert B.A. of Trinity College,
·county, hundred, petty sessional division and union of Dublin. A Bible Christian chapel was erected at Woodford
• Stratton, Holsworthy county court district, rural deanery of in r883, at a cost of £400, and will hold 200 people. Tbe
Stratton, a-rchdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. Bible Christians have other chapels at Eastcott and Goose-
~The church of St. Morwenna, situated on a knoll between ham and there is also a Wesleyan chapel here and one at
two eminences which open towards the sea, is a curious Woolley. On :Morwenstow glebe is St. John's well, a low
edifice of stone, partly Norman, and consisting of chancel, gabled building, with a rude cross on the ridge, which,
nave of five bays, aisles and an embattled western tower, "built by the Fathers o'er a lonely well, still breathes the
·with crocketed pinnacles, containing 4 bells, all cast in 1753 : Baptist's sweet remembrance round ! " half-way down a
the fine Norman doorway of the south porch exhibits the precipice is St. Morwenna's well. The manorial rights are
zigzag ornament with a string of roses upheld by two animals; divided. The principal landowners are Francis John Thynne
on the crown of the arch is a group of figures resembling esq. D.L., J.P. of Haynes park, Bedford; Lord Churston;
dragons, with a chain issuing from their mouths and en- Miss Dayman, of Membury, East Putford, Devon; Rev.
twining a lamb ; the inner arch is ornamented with a pro- William Waddon Martyn B.A. rector of Lifton; the trustees
. fusion of figures and nearly corresponds with that at Kilk- of the late Rev. John Adams; Edward Shearme esq. F.S.A.,
hampton : the benches, which have carl·ed ends, date from J.P. of 6o Gloucester terrace, Hyde park, London w, and
I568 : the stained east window is the gift of Lord and Lady Messrs. William Singer Jacques, S. Goaman, the trustees of
Clinton: the chancel retains an arched recess, surmounted the late James Rouse, Lawrence Ashton and John King.
by a cross : the font is an irregularly shaped cylinder of The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area
stone, with a cable moulding round the centre and stands on is 7,956 acres (including 30 of water) ; rateable value,
a massive square base: in the chancel is a monument of £4,822; the population in x8gx was 704.
white marble to the Rev. Oliver Rouse, Jorty years vicar of STANBURY, one mile south-by-east, is in this parish.
this parish, d. 1781, and there are several to the Hammett, CooMnE, 3 miles south ; CnossTOWN, a quarter of a mile
Langford, Loveday and other families. The church of Mor- south-east; EASTCOTT, 3~ east· by-north ; GoosEHAM, 2
wenstow was appropriated to the monastery of Bridgewater north-east; SHoP, r! east; WoonFORD, ~~south-east; and
and afterwards separated by Henry VIII. who granted it to WoOLLEY, 4 north-east, are hamlets.
Richard Grenville, of Stowe, and his heirs; Lord Clinton is
lay impropriator, but the tithes of hay, together wi-.;h the Parish Clerk and Sexton, William Oke.
~eat tithes of Stanbury, belong to the vicar. A chapel, PosT OFFICE, Shop.- William Heard, sub-postmaster.
dedicated to the Virgin, was licensed at Milton, in this Letters through Stratton R.S.O. (North Devon), arrive at
parish, in 1408 : more than 40 sailors were buried here by 9 a.m. ; dispatched at 3.40 p.m. Kilkhampton is the
the late vicar, and the graves of some are marked by the nearest money order & telegraph office. PQstal orders
figure-head of the brig " Caledonia." The church was re- are issued here, but not paid
stored in 1883 at a cost of £5oo, when a new roof was fixed, National School lmixed), at Shop, built at different times
the flooring renewed and the benches restored, the old carved & enlarged in 1875, for q6 children; average attendance,
bench ends being retained : a new vestry was added in 1887: 6o; Abel French, master ; Miss Blanche Nicholls,
there are 500 sittings. The register dates from the year assistant teacher & seWlng mistress
Harris William Gregory, Eastaway COMMHRClAL, Bartlett Thomas, farmer, Cornakey
Porter Rev. Erisey John B.A. [vicar of Ashton Lawrence, yeoman, East Milton Bond Jas.miller (water),Gooseham mill
Bailey Goorge, mason, Woodford Brimacombe Charles, farmer, l\Iarsland
Welcombe], Dean lodge Bale George, farmer, Holloborough Brimacombe Josiah,farmr.Marraton cot
Tagert Rev. John B.A. Vicarage
Brock Fredk. farmer, Gooseham mill Gerry Richard, farmer, Eastcott Lucas William, farmer, Rectory farm
Burrow Humphrey, farmer, Hellaton Goodenough William, farmer, Centery Martin Frederick, shop1teaper, Woolley
Burrow William, farmer, Gooseham Ham Wilham, thatcher, Overs Martin Thomas, farmer, Eastcott
Burrow Wm. David, farmer, Westcott Hambly Frank, carpenter, Shop May William, farmer, Gooseham
Burrows J n. &Son,carpenters, Woodford HarrisJosh.farmr.&Bush inn,Crosstown Mugford Chas. farmer, Ham Mill farm
Burrows Wm. shoe maker, "\Voodford Harris Richard, carpenter, Shop Olde William, farmer, Gooseham
Cann James, farmer, Lee Barton Harris William Gregory; jun. farmer ParnacottMatthew,blacksmith, Woodfrd
Cann John, farmer, Ruxmore & c.1rn merchant, Cleave Prust Richard, carpenter, Woolley
Cann Richard, shopkeeper, Shop Heard William, blacksmith, Post office Shepherd Jolm, farmer, Woolley
Cann Richard, farmer, Woodlands Hobbs John, farmer, Forda Sleeman John, farmer, Gooseham
Cardew Stephen, blacksmith, Woolley Howard William, farmer, Hill Head Sleeman William, farmer, Gooseham
Cholwill John, shoe maker, Gooseham farm, Woodford Tape Henry & Sons, carpenters &
Cholwill Wm. shoe maker, Crosstown Jacques Wm.Singer, yeornan,Chapel ho millers (water), Coombe
Cook James, farmer, Tonacombe Littlejohn Archd.farmr.Bottomborough 'Tape Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Brownspit
Cornish Thomas, carpenter, Woodford Littlejohn Jane (Mrs.), farmr. Shorston Thorne John, farmer, South Stursdon
Cottle J n. Shearm, yeoman, Yeolstone Littlejohn John, farmer, Higher Cory Wade John, farmer, Gooseham
Cottle Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Stanbury Littlejohn Thomas, farmer, Woolley Wickett Peter, farmer, Middlefields
Dayman Samuel, farmer, Woolley Litt!ejohn William He!lry, Ham farm Wickett Rd. farmer,Furze & Lapthorne
MOUNT HAWKE is an ecclesiastical parish near the at a cost of £5oo, is under the control of the St. Agnes
sea coast, formed July 14, 1846, from the parishes of St. Burial Board. In the village is a literary institute. The
Agnes, in Truro union, and lllogan, in Redruth union, and principal landowners are Viscount Falmouth,Lord Robartes,
is 2~ miles north from Scorrier Gate station on the West Francis Gilbert Enys esq. D.L., J.P. of Enys, St. Gluvias,
Cornwall section of the Great Western railway and 4 miles Joshua Sydney Davey esq. J.P. of Bochym, Cury, and Mrs.
north from Hedruth, in the North Western division of the Williams. The soil is very varying; subsoil, spar. The
county, hundred of Pyder, petty sessional division of Powder chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. The ecclesiastical
West, county court district of Truro for the portion taken parish comprises 3,500 acres ; the population in 18gr was
from St. Agnes, and Redruth for that taken from Illogan, 1,339.
·rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and PosT OFFICE.-Charles Garland, sub-postmaster. Letters
diocese of Truro. The church of St. John the Baptist is a arrive through Scorrier R.S.O. at 8.35 a.m. & 6.35 p.m.;
structure of lccal stone, with Bath stone dressings, in the dispatched at 3.50 & 6.35 p.m. & on Saturdays at ro
Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel, nave, south p.m. for sunday. Scorrier is the ne::trest money order
• porch and a turret containing one bell : there are s:ttings for & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here, but no:
:200 persons. Attached is a school and mission room. The paid
register dates from the year r846. The living is a perpetual WALL LETTER Box, Towan Cross, cleared at 3.15 p.m. week
curacy, net yearly value £198, with residence, in the gift of days only
the Crown and the Bishop of Truro alternately, and held Board School (mixed), under the St. Agnes School BQard.
since 1891 by the Rev. John Stona M.A. of Worcester Col- built in 1874, for 250 children; average attendance, 4'>
lege, Oxford. There are Wesleyan chapels at Mawla, Mount boys, 40 girls & 20 infants; Edgar Richards, master; Miss
Hawke, Skinners' Bottom and Porth Towan; Bible Christian Mary Hampton, infants' mistress
chapels at Wheal Rose and a Primitive Methodist chapel at CARRIER TO REDRUTH.-John Nicholls, fri. & TRURO, wed.
Skinners' Bottom. The cemetery of 2 acres, formed in r877 & sat
Harris MrE'. Banns vale Letcher Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rosewall l\Iargaret (Mrs.), farmer.
..Tames Miss, Wheat Rose Wheal Rose Ivy chimney ,
.Stephens Faithful, Wheal Rose Luke Joseph, farmer, Mawla Rowse Edward, farmer, Goonearl
.Stona Rev. John M.A. Vicarage Marshall William, painter, Wheal Rose Skinner Henry, farmer, Wheal Rose
Williams Robert, Banns vale Menadue Richard, tailor Snell Edward, farmer, Trevisick
- Miller gardener, Banns hill Stephens Alex. farmer, Towan cross
COMMERCIAL. Mitchell Fras. dairyman, Towan cross Stephens Rd. rate collector,Towan cross
.Argall Elizabeth (Miss), Victory inn, Moyle James, farmer, Stencrosse Stevens Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Towan cross Mount Hawke Literary Ir1stitute Fourhundreds
Bennetts William, :>g3nt, V\-"heal Rose (Rendle Langford, sec) Symons William, Plume of Feathers
.Chellew Simon, farmer, Mawla NettleJohn. farmer, MansionHouse farm P .H. Fourhundreds
Cocks Henry, farmer, Banns vale Nicholls John, carrter Tonkin Henry, blacksmith, Wheal Rose
Coleman Ed win, blacksmith Plummer Maria (Mrs.), miller (water), Tonkm William, farmer
·Cummins Wm. Hy. farmer,Menegissey Gover mill Tregea John, attendance officer
-Garland Charles, farmer, Shortcross Pryor James, farmer, Goonearl Uren Jaue&Son,shopkeeprs. Wheal Rose
Garland Chas. shopkeeper, Post office Pryor Wm. farmer, Skinner's bottom Waiters Henry, farmer, Menegissey
Garland Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper Richa:-ds Eliza (Mrs.), pork butcher Waiters John, farmer, Ivy chimney
Gilbert William, mason, Wheal Rose Richards Harriett(Mrs.),farmer,Mawla Waiters Richard, farmer
Grigg Bessie (Mrs.), shopkeeper Richards Henry, far.ner, Trenitbick fm Williams John, farmer, Wheal Roso
James Solomon Paul, farmer, Banns Rodda Edward, farmer,Low. Trenithick Williams Robert, farmer, Banns vale
..Jenkin Richard, carpenter & farmer Rodda Henry, farmer, Shortcross Willoughby Henry, farmer, Menegis~ey
Jones Philip, boot maker Rodda John, far.ner, Mene6issey Willoughby Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Keskeys Thomas, farmer, Wheal Rose Rodda Richard John, carpenter Skinner's bottom
Kestle Thomas, farmer Rowe Edwin, shopkeeper, Towan cro3s
MULLION is a parish, on the coast of the English Chan- by his successor: there are inscriptions to the family of
nel, 5 miles north of the Lizard and 7 south-south-east from Flavel, r682-9, and others of modern date: the church
Helston station on a branch of the Great Western rail- affords 150 sittings : the churchyard is entered by a lych-
way, in the Truro division of the county, hundred of gate. The register of baptisms and burials dates from the
Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, union and year 1598; marriages, 162r. The living is a vicarage,
county court district of Helston, rural deanery of Kirrier, average tithe rent-charge [, 171, net yearly value £ r3o,
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Trnro. The church with residence and ri acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop
of St. Melan is a large bnilding of granite in the Perpendi- of Truro, and hPid since r89o by the Rev. James Henry
cular style, C(msisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south POJ'Ch Scholefield IlL A. of Corpus Christi college, Cambridge. Here
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing are Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. The parish
4 bells, all cast in r828 : the present structure was erected feast is held on the nearest Sunday to November 4th. At
in 1500, by Robert Luddra, then "\'"icar, on the site of a Predannack is a. round-headed monolith, 5 feet 3 inches in
former building, of which some traces still remain, consist- height and 2 feet wide, with a plain Latin cross carved on
ing chiefly of the tower arch and a stone crucifix inserted each side; it stands near the site of an ancient chapel : on
in the west wall of the tower : the benches are of carved oak Predannack Downs are some barrows and various inferior
and for execution and variety of design are unequalled in encampments, loeally termed" robins." Viscount Falmouth
the county ; many of them were found during the course of and Lord Robartes are lords of the manor and chief land-
the restorations carried out during the years 1878-83 : the owners. The soil is marl and clay, resting on serpentine
stained east window is in part filled with ancient glass : in rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips.
the north chancel aisle is 11. memorial window to !''rank, The area is 5,015 acres; rateable value, £3,282; the popu-
second son of S. Brinton esq. J.P. of Southampton, who was lation in 1891 was 666.
drowned off this coast, 7th February, r869; and there is MULLION CovE, or Porthmellen, is about I mile south-
another to the late Lord Robartes, d. Mar. gth, 1882, erected west, and has a pilchard fishery of some note; near by is a
remarkably fine cavern. Immediately opposite is Mullion TREWOON is half a mile north-east and MEAVER half a
Island, a low rock, about a mile in circumference, which mile east.
forms a picturesque object from the coast. Kynance Cove PosT, i\i. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
is partly in this parish, and here are the Soap Rocks, yield- -Edward Michael George, sub-postmaster. LetteYs
ing steatite, formerly used in china manufacture. A life- arrh·e from Cury Cross Lanes R.S.O. at 10.40 a.m. ; dis-
boat, the "Daniel J. Draper," belonging to the National patched at 2.10 p.m
Life Boat Institution, stationed at Mullion Cove, was re- WALL LETTER Box, at Polurrian, cleared at p.m
placed in 1887 by the "Edith.'' There is also a rocket A School Hoard of ;; members was formed 31 May, 1g72 ;
apparatus at Church Town, in charge of John Brown, chief J. Thomas, clerk to the board; William George, attend-
officer of Coastguard. A public clock, barometer and ance officer
thermometer have been erected by the Royal Life Boat In- Board School (mixed), built in 1g34 & enlarged in 1372, for
stitution at Church Town. A large boarding house for xso children; average attendance, 45 boys, 45 girls & I8
tourists has been erected at Polurrian by the Polurrian infants ; Albert Jenkin, master; .Miss Ursula Tyacke &
House Co. Limited. There is a reading room at Church- Miss Ada Willey, assistant mistresses ,
town, er<}cted in x88g at a cost of £ 3oo, managed by a corn-
mittee; visitors may become temporary members. CONVEYA....~CE TO HELSTON.-Omnibus, wed.& sat.; returning
same days
PREDANNACK is a hamlet, 2 miles south.
Drew Miss, Parkventon Hancock William, farmer, Kynance Reading Room (Albert Jenkin, sec-)•
Fry Charles, Alma house Harry John, mason, Trewoon Church town
Glasson Mrs. Bay view Harvey Richard, farmer, Trenance Retallack John, farmer, Meavor
Lang Albert, The Bungalow Hendy Brothers, butchers, Church town Roche James, farmer, Priske
Postlethwaite Rev. William Edward Hendy Joseph, farmer, Trewithnow Rule Edward, farmer, Clahar
[assistant cmate of Cury],Willow cot Hocking William John, farmer, Clahar Shephard Alexander, farmer, Predan-
Scholefield Rev.Jas.HenryN.A. Vicarage Hutchens Alfred, farmer, Newton nack wallace
Thomas Joseph, Rose cottage Hutchens Nicholas, farmer, Polhormon Shephard Thomas, farmer, Tremenhee.
Willey Richard, Church town Jose Jeremiah Morris, farmer, Trenance Shephard Thos. Hy. farmer, Leflowder
Lawrence Thomas, farmer, Garrow Sobey Thomas, Sea View boarding
COMMERCIAL. Lucas Joseph, farmer, '\Veal Trenance house ·
Bosustow Orlando, Old inn,Church twn Lugg James, shopkeeper, Church town Thomas Frederick, farmer, Trevithoe
Casley Jn. serpentine worker, The Cove Mattbews Wm. Henry & Saml. Richd. Thomas James, farmer, Teneriff
Downing Thos. boot maker,Church twn grocers & drapers, Church town Thomas John, farmer, Clahar
Edward Geo.master mariner,King's cot Matthews James Thomas, temperance Thomas Richard, manager of Polurrian
Exelby William, farmer, Leflowder hotel, Church town boarding house
George Edward Michael, shopkeeper, Mercer Joseph, farmer, Predannack ThomasWm.Hy.frmr.High.Predanuack
Post office, Church town MitchellWm.farmr. Predannack wallace Trezise Frederick, smith
George Henry, mason, Trenance yean Mitchell William Edward, serpentine Warne John Hy. boot ma. Church town
George Jas. Edwd. farmer, Predannack worker, Polurrian Willey Wm. & Jsph. farmers, Tresprison
George John Wm. farmer, Predannack Mundy Edwin, shoe maker Wilhams Andrew, miller (water),
George Josiah, farmer, & posting estab- Pearse Saml. farmer,Lower Predannack Mullion mills
llishment Polurrian House Co. Limited (Richard Williams Dionysius, carpenter
George William Mitchell, grocer & Thomas, manager; Alfd. R. Thomas, Williams Geo. farm~r, Park Ventonsall
draper, Church town · sec.), boarding house Williams Peter, farmer, Angrouse
MYLOR is a parish 2 miles east from Penryn, in the brass lectern was presented by Mrs. Olivey, of Tregew, in
Truro division of the county, hundred of Kerrier, petty memory of her late husba,nd :an ancient piscina, discovered
sessional division of Kerrier East, Falmouth union .and in removing the foundations of the old vicarage home, has
county court district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, arch- been placed on the south side : the font and north and west
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Under the pro- doorways are Norman: there are 400 siitings. The ancient
visions of the " Boundary Act, 1868," part of the parish of churchyard cross, discovered during the restoration, has
Mylor, forming the ecclesiastical district of Flushing, is in- been re-erected near the south porch; it is a monolith of
eluded in the parliamentary borough of Penryn and Fal- grey granite, 17 feet 6 inches long, with a four-holed G-reek
mouth. cross at the head and, as now set up, stands about I I feet
MYLOR is bounded on the east and south by Falmouth above ground. There are two yew trees in the churchyard,
harbour, on the north by Restronguett Creek-navigable to one of which covers a space more than go feet in diameter,.
Perran-ar-worthal village, and on the south and towards the and is said to have been planted about 300 years ago. In
west it is washed by a navigable creek stretching up to 1871 the Government granted a piece of Jand for the exten-
Penryn borough and is intersected by Mylor creek, at the sion of the burial ground and for the making of a new road
head of which is the pretty village of Mylor Bridge; a small round the east side of the church. 'fhe register dates from
stream of fresh water from the west here flows into the the year 1673. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge
creek, and is crossed by a bridge of one arch. Mylor con- commuted at [215, aYerage £r63, net yearly value £r8g,.
sist!i' of two "mounts ; " the larger one, on the north-west, including 14 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
belongs to Colonel Arthur Tremayne; the south-western Bishop of Truro, and held since 18go by the Rev. Charles
"mount," or division, belongs chiefly to Lords Clinton and William Sackville Taunton B. A. of Trinity College, Dublin.
Saye and Sele, but a part is in the possession of Francis Lord Clinton is the lay impropriator; the rectorial rent-charge-
Gilbert Enys esq. of Enys, and there are other lands, once amounts to £405. The mission church, at Mylor Bridge,.
the property of the Bishops of Exeter, but now belonging to erected in r892, will seat 200 persons; services are held here
Thomas Page esq. of Trevissome and the Rev. Thomas by the clergy of Mylor parish church and by a lay reader
Ratcliffe M. A. A line drawn from Tarra Point, toward!! the licensed to the parish ; the old mission church is now used as
south, and next to Penarrow Point, to Mesack Point in St. a Sunday school. At Mylor Bridge are Wesleyan and Bible
Just, on the opposite or north-eastern point of the harbour, Christian chapels. There is a range of government store-
constitutes the boundary between the ports of Falmouth and houses and a dockyard near toe church, occupying an area of
Truro. Mylor church and parish take their name from about 15 acres, with a convenient pier; and in the valley,.
Meilyr (or Melorus), the son of a British prince, who em- close to the church, is a large reservoir of fresh water for the
braced Christianity, and was put to death for so doing, on supply of H.M. ships. A reading room and library was
the spot where the church now stands, on August 28th, 4II. erected at Mylor Bridge by Col. Tremayne, in 188o. At Res-
The church of St. Mylor, or Melorus, originally Norman, tronguett are the remains of the burial ground of a religious
and dedicated in 1308, is a building of stone in the Norman house, measuring about half an acre, and formerly connected
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave, south with Loe chapel, Feock. Mylor feast, formerly held on 21st
aisle, transept, south porch, and an embattled turret on the August, is now held on the Sunday nearest 25th October.
western gable: at some distance from the church stands a Carclew, the seat of Colonel Arthur Tremayne D.L., J.P.
detached belfry containing 3 bells, recast in 1888 as a me- about x! miles from the village, is an elegant mansion, in
morial to the late Rev. J. W. Murray, a former vicar, the the Ionic style of architecture, built in 1749, near the site
original dates (1637 and r634) being repeated; the old bell of the old house, from designs by William Edwards, a self-
of Trefusis church, dated 1767, has also been presented to educated architect: the exterior has a noble appearance,
this church by Lord Clinton: in the church are memorials the principal or south front, opening to a sweep of lawn~
to the Trefusis family from 1615 to 1832, and these include lined with masses of drooping foliage: the west front o>er-
a handsome monument with an effigy ; there are other looks a wooded valley, bounded by distant hills, and the deer
memorials to the families of Bonython (x697-172B), Lemon park and plantations occupy an area of ovP.r a square mile~
(1728-1868) and Yescombe (1803-26), besides various tablets and the approach to tbe house is through an avenue of lofty
and inscribed stones: the chancel has a mosaic reredos, by trees nearly a mile long: a lodge was erected at the south
Salviati, and there is a richly-carved ch.ancel screen: the entrance in 1871. Trevissome, the seat of Thomas Page
pulpit is also an elaborate wo1k, and in 1892 a handl'ome esq. situated on an eminence, half a mile from the town of
Flushing, commands a fine view of the harbour, castle and Letters arrive from Penryn at 9 a.m. & 2.45 p.m. ; dis-
surrounding scenery. On the north-east side of Mylor patched at xo a.m. & 3.25 p.m
Creek is Great Wood, the seat of Alexander Gordon esq. There is a Government Naval Establishment here
Lord Clinton D.L. who is lord of the manor, and Col. Arthur PLACES OF WoRsHIP, with times of services : -
Tremayne D.L., J.P. are the principal landowners. The soil St. Mylor's Church, Rev. Charles William Sackville Taun-
is brown clay ; subsoil, the gravelly glacial drift deposit ton B.A.; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. & fri. xx a.m
upon the killas rock formation. The chief crops are oats, Mission Church, Mylor Bridge; sundays 6.30 p.m. ; thurs.
wheat, barley and turnips. The area of Mylor and Flushing 7p.m
is 3,596 acres of laud and x,o8o of tidal water, and 259 Bible Christian; 2.30 & 6 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m
of foreshore; rateable value, £6,704; the population in Wesleyan; n a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
x8gr was 2,238. 4 SCHOOLS:-
Hon. Parish Clerk, Lawrence Knapp. National, l\Iylor Bridge, for 240 children; average attend-
Hon. Sexton, R. A. Daniell. ance, 74 boys, 6f2orgisrols & 56 infants; Phibp Ashton, mast
PosT, M.: 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, National, Enys, children; average attendance, 45;
Mylor Bridge.-Edward Gibson Haukins,sub-postmaster. Miss Mary Thomas, mistress
Mylor Hearle Matt. Angove,farmr. Carvanick Hall George, Bellear cottage
[Names marked thus t should be addressed tHolman Michael Henry, farmer, Res- Knapp Lawrence, Rose hill
Flushing, Falmouth.] tronguett Lavin Michael
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lawrence Theophilus Lindsay, farmer, Lawrence Joseph, Hope cottage
Alderman Wm. Charles, Albion cottage Canara Moore Thos. Michael, Restronguett hill
tBealey Adam Fras.Nan-Trelew cottage Lowry John, dairyman, Penscove Pierce Robert Ladbroke, Clintou ter
Boyd Mrs. Weir cottage, Restronguett tMoore Richd. Jn.farmer, Trelew farm Wilmot William
tDaniell Ralph Alien, Littlepark Opie Nicholas, coal & timber merchant,
tDoble Misses, Tysillic Restronguett wharf COMMERCB.L.
Fisher Charles, Restronguett Painter Richard, resident agent to Col. Blackler James, butcher
Gordon Alexander, Great Wood Arthur Tremayne D.L., J. P. Carclew CollierJamesCobbledick,market gardnr
tHoblyn Misses, Pentrelew Pearce Joseph, :q1aster mariner & coal Frost Annie (Miss), dress maker
Page Thomas, Trevissome mer. Aiexandra cottage, Tregatreath Frost Edith (Miss), dress maker
tPrickett John R. (captain H.M.S. Pearce Robert, boot ma. Tregatreath Gilbert Joseph, nurseryman
Ganges), Admiralty house tPike Hy. market gardener,Woodlands Hankins Edwd.Gibson, painter,Post off
tRowe John Reed, Grove cottage tPorter William, farmer, Trelew Hodge John, watch maker
SmythCapt.Cha.s.Knoxn.N.Restronguett Rawlin Samuel, farmer, Little Carclew 1 Jenkin Thomas Richd. master mariner
Swain Lieut. Hy. Thos. R.N. The Weir Rickard Thomas William, dairyman, 1 Johns Arthur, Lemon Arms P.H. &
tTaunton Rev. Charles Wm. Sackville Tregatreath farmer
B.A. Vicarage tRoach John, farmer, Trevissome Johns John, jobbing gardener
tThorneloe John, Beach cot.Mylor creek Rogers Thomas, farmer, Carsawsen fm Lawrence John, farmer
T r[elmetatey• ruse Col. Arthu r D.L.,J.P.Carclew RogersWm.Richd.Stockdale,Goonreath May John, shoe maker
received through Perrau- Rollason Alfred, farmer, Tregarrack Moore Grace (Mrs.), market gardener
Arworthal R.S.O] Rundle William, farmer, Dowstall Moore Thomas, grocer, provision dealer
COMMERCIAL. Sara Stephen, farmer, West Bellair & miller (water)
tBarnicoat Edwin, mason, Trelew Stevens James, farmer,Crownick farm, Nicholls Elliott, farmer, Penoweth
tBath Alfred, farmer; furnished apart- Restronguett hill Nosworthy Gilbert John, tailor
ments during summer months, tTergenza Jn.jobbing gardener,Trelew Pearce John~ market gardener
Church Town farm 1·Thomas MaryAnn (Mrs. ),apartments, Reading Room & Library (John Ashton,
tBennett Alexander, market gardener, Pennarow villa librarian)
tThomas William, farmer, Lewithick Rees David, blacksmith
Bishop John, farmer, Tregarrack TongWilliamHenry,assessor & collector Skinner Thomas, grocer
tBullmore Lucy (Mrs.), farmer, Tre]ew of taxes, assistant overseer, rate col- ITallack Alfred, market gardener
Clymo Amelia. (Mrs.), Pandora inn, lector, registrar of births & deaths for Tallack Sampson, boot maker
Restronguett Passage way Mylor sub-district. Falmouth union Thomas Joseph, carpenter ,
Daniell Ralph Alien, farmer, Landerio & ichool attend. officer, Tregatreath Thomas Richard, butcher
tDuustau George Richard, farmer, . Thomas William, mason
Porloe, Mount Stewart Tregenza Sarah (Miss), grocer
Mylor Bndge.
Fisher Blanche (Miss), dress maker, Ashton John Tregenza Thomas William, farmer
Restronguett Ball Harry Tresise R. G. & Son, carpenters &
Geach William, farmer, Halwyu ; & Creagh Major John Kerin, Rosehill cot wheelwrights
Trefusis, l<'lu~:~hing Dowue Mrs. Lime villa Tresise James,carpenter & wheelwright
ST. NEOT is a very large parish, in the northern part 68: there are soo sittings. In the churchyard and the ad-
mostly open moorland : the village, which is small, is on joining vicarage grounds stand three ancient Cl'Osses, and
the Fowey stream, 3 miles north-by-west from Doublebois in the parish, near the Launceston road, is the famous
station on the Great Western railway, 6 north-west from Lis- "Four Hole Cross," a shaft about 8 feet in height, orna-
keard and 9 east from Bodmin, in the South Eastern division mented with scrolls and interlaced work, with a muti~ated
of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of West, head, two holes only now remaining. A new burial ground
Liskeard union and county court district, rural deanery was presented by Lieut.-Col. Grylls in x886, and opened in
of West, archdeaconry of Bodmiu and diocese of Truro. St. the following year. The register dates from the year 1549
Neot, after whom the place is named, is said to have been (4th Edward VI.). The living is a vicarage, average tithe
an elder brother of Alfred the Great. The church of St. rent-charge £383, net yearly Yalue £334,including 26 acres
Neot, or St. Guerier, as it was formerly called, dedicated of glebe, with rellidence, in the gift of Lieut.-Col. Grylls,
Oct. 14th, 1321, is a brge building of granite, in the Per- and held since 1874 by the Rev. Edward Steele B.A. of
pendicular style of the rsth century, consisting of chancel, St. Catharine's Col;ege, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan
nave of seven bays~ aisles, south porch and a fine embattled and Bible Christian chapels at St. Neot, and Bible Christian
western tower of earlier date, with pinnacles, containing 6 chapels at Trenant, Tredinnick and Harrowbridge. The
bells, all cast in 1777: the south porch is grained, and has a charities are of about £xo8 yearly value. Here is an iron
parvise above: the church possesses an interesting series of mission church, built in 1877, at the cost of the Rev. George
stained windows, 17 in number, assigned by Whitaker to Edward Hermon M.A. of Doublebois House, Liskeard, who
the 12th century, but by others to circ. 1480: these were is also the officiating minister in conjunction with other
restored in 1824, at the cost of the late Richard Gerveys parochial clergy: it will seat 120 persons. A fair is held
Grylls esq. then patron of the living, at a cost of £2,ooo; on the first Tuesday in April and November, yearly, for cattle.
two of these illustrate the legends of St. George and St. St.. Neot's Well, about a quarter of a mile west of the chtirch,
Neot, and in others are subjects from the Old 'festament, was carefully and substantially reconstructed about x87o.
the hierarchy of angels and figures of saints: the chancel Near the northern extremity of the parish, amid bleak and
has also been restored by Lieut.-Col. S. M. Grylls: in x885 desolate moors, and at an elevation of 890 feet above the sea
a sum of £6oo was expended in interior restoration and level, is Dosmery or Dozmare pool, fed by some undis-
part of the old seats were replaced by oak benches: in x88g covered spring, and the subject of various legendary tales;
a new vestry was added and the whole of the nave reseated Brown Gelly Hill, a mile south of the pool, is a rocky
at a. cost of £900: in the church is a monument, with a eminence, x,roo feet above the sea level. Lewarne House,
history of St. Neot in 32 rhyming couplets, and memorials the seat of Lieut.-Col. Shadwetl Morley Grylls .J.P., D.L. is a
Ito William Bere, ob. x6xo; the Rev. S. Thomas, 37 years modern mansion in the Tudor Gothic style, situated in
vicar, ob. 1702, and Millicent, his wife, ob. 1705 ; Thomas extensive grounds on au elevation about xoo feet above
Pomery, gent. ob. 1750, aud to the family of Dangar, 1820- Liskeard road, and commands a magnificent prospect of the
river Fowey. Lieut.-Col. S. M. Grylls, who is lord of the Deputy Parish Clerk, Richard Marks.
manor, Lord Robartes, Cecil Edwarl Bewes esq. J.P. of PosT OFFICE.-Joseph Axworthy, sub-postmaster. Letters
Ridgeway, Plympton St. Mary, the Rev. James Glencross arrive at 8.5 a.m.; dispatched at 4·I5 p.m. by m<til cart
M.A., J.P. of Luxstowe, Liskeard, and Edward Coode esq. from Liskeard ; on sunday there is no mail or dispatch.
D.L., J.P. of Polapit 'famar, Werrington, Devon, are the Dobwalls is the nearest money order office. Doublebois
chief landowners. The bailiff of the manor (Richard Marks) railway station is the nearest telegr<tph office. Postal
receives by custom a hat from the lord every two years. The orders are issued here, but not paid
soil is various ; subsoil is slate and granite. The chief crops
are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is I 3,997 acres; WAI.L LEl'T.I!:R Box, at Treverbyn Vean, clearei at 4.30 p.m
assessed acreage, I2,o57; rateable value,£6,671; the popu- This parish is a contributory to St. Cleer School Board,
lation in 1891 was I,237· s1:1nding 2 members
• DRAYNES is a small hamlet one and half miles north-east. Board Sclwol, built in I872, for 250 ehildren ; average at-
LEY is a smaU hamlet one and half miles west, and has a I tendance, 40 boys, 46 girls & 90 infants; Lewis Chalice,
master; l.'\Iiss Susan Mackie, mistre3s
church mission room.
1 Cockin Joseph, Lampen East Cornwall Slate Quarry Co. (W. J. Marshall Thomas, farmer, Dewy meads
Cocks Mrs. 'freverbyn Vean Dennis, manager) • Northcott Thomas, carpenter
Ferris William Henry, Lampen Edwards Richard, farmer, Netherton Northey William,farmer,Harrowbridge
Grylls Lieut.-Col. Shadwell Morley Ford Waiter, farmer, Fawton Olliver Blythe, boot & shoe maker
D.L., J. P. Lewarne house Gerry Peter George, colt breaker Olliver John, blacksmith & farmer
Lanyon 'Rev.Thomas Studden [curate], Govett Wm.miller,Treverbyn water mls Olliver William, farmer, 'frenay
Trenant Hambly Charles, mason Opie John, farmer & shopkee11er
Lefroy Lady, Lewarne HigmanWm.Jas.farmer,HigherTrenant Parkyn John, farmer, Harrowbridge
Steele Rev. Edward B.A. Vicarage Hooper Charles, farmer, Lord's waste Pascoe William, captain of mine
Hooper Jacob, farmer, Pennock's hill Penna Samuel, farmer, Dryworks
COMMERCIAL. Hooper John, farmer, Pennock's hill Perry William, farmer, Pengelly
Alford John, farmer, Tremaddock Hooper Philip, farmer, Long lake Pollard Thomas, farmer, Lord·s waste
.Arthur Christopher, farmer, Lestow I-Iooper Thomas, farmer Row Ann (Mrs.), farmer, Tama.r
Axworthy Joseph,boot maker & grocer, Hooper William, farmer, Meadows Row Joseph H. farmer, Linkindale
Post office Hoskin Joseph, farmer, Littleworth SaundersWilliam,farmer,Hhh.Bowden
Batten William, farmer, Lord's park Jasper Charles, farmer, Lemelgate Stephens John, farmer, Draynes
Best John, farmer, Tredinnick Keast John, farmer, Harrowbridge Stephens S;~,muel,farmer,Gt.Treverbyn
"l3ray Richard, farmer, St. Luke's Keast Thos. & Chas. farmers, L1ntrays Stephens Wm. farmer, Searles down
Brimacombe Richard, miller (water) Keast Robert, farmer, Berrydown Strong George,farmer,East North wood
l3road Richard, grocer Keat Thos. miller, Ashford water mills Tinney John, farmer, Hall
Cawrse Ann & Son, Carlyon hotel Kent Hedley, blacksmith, Ley Tinney Josiah, farmer, Polmenna
Cawrse Charles, farmer, Lantewey Kent Josiah, farmer, Great Fawton Vernon William, farmer, Bowden
Cawrse Charles, farmer, Penkestle Kent Joseph, farmer, Woodland Verran John, farmer, Lower Bowden
Cawrse George, farmer, Luna Kent Robert, farmer, Halfway house Werry John, farmer, Carpuan
Cawrse John, farmer, Gazeland Kitto Thom:1s, boot & shoe maker Whell William, Halfway House P.H
Cawrse John, farmer, West Lewarne Lander John, farmer, Tredinnick "\Villiams Charles, farmer, Trenay
Cawrse Joseph, butcher & farmer,East Lawry William, farmer, Hammett Williams Philip, farmer, Polventon
Lewarne Lesbirel Hannah (Mrs.), farmer, Wills Hannah (l\Irs.), farmer,Gillhouse
Cock Hy.(Mrs.),farmer,EastKellowtwn Wenmouth Wills Richard, farmer, Gillhouse
Cock John,miller (water),Painter's bdg Lobb Edwin, shopkeeper Wilton James, .blacksmith, Treverbyn
Coppin John, farmer, Lower Trenant Mare John, farmer, Berrydown Warden George, farmer, l\Iings down
CouchAnn(Mrs. ),farmer,Low.Langdon ll.VIarks Richard, farmer, bailiff for hun- Warden John, farmer, Pinnock's hill
Deeble Richard, farmer, Diddylake dred of West, & London P.H
NEWLYN (near Penzance) is an ecclesiastical parish, of £8,ooo, is-I,76o feet in length. The mouth of the bar-
formed March 3, 1848, from the parishes of Madron and St. I bour is 150 feet wide and the area of water inclosed during
Paul, and is on the sea coast, at the month of the 'folcarne 1 ordinary spring tides is 40 acres at high and 18 acres at low
stream,· I mile south-west of Penzance, in the Westetn water. In x887, 6,822,ooo mackerel and 2I3 tons of pit-
division lof the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional chards were landed here, and in 1888, 6,265,920 mackerel
division of Penwith West, Penzance union and county and 674 tons of pilchards. The total revenue of the Newlyn
court district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of , pier and harbour for the year ended .March 25, 1889, was
Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Peter, ! £1,458 and for the year ended March 25, 1893, wa!! £1,782.
built in 1865-6 is a building of granite, in the Early English Many artists are attracted here by the mildness of the
style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, tran- climate, which permits out-door painting throughout the
septs, south porch and a turret on the south side containing 1 yeur and the quaint old- street,s and dwellings of the fisher-
one bell: the north aisle was added in 1886, and is a me- men are very picturesque. The principal landowners are
morial to the Rev. Field Richards: there are two memorial Thomas Bedford Bolitho esq. M.P. of Trewidden, Madron,
windows to the Misses Leah; the east window is also stained, William Bolitho esq. of Polwithen, Penzance, the Misses
and in the north aisle is a memorial window to the ISt Earl ' Carne, of Penzance, and Charles Day Nicholls Le Grice esq.
Iof Iddesleigh G.o.B. and in the south aisle a small memorial D.L., J.P. The soil is light, resting on granite rock. The
window to Mr. I. D. Richards, a late churchwarden: the chief crops are wheat, oats and roots, with some pasturage.
very beautiful reredos includes a reproduction in terra-cotta ' The area is 386 acres ; the population in I89I was 3,833.
o! the "Last Su~pe_r," after !-eon~rdo da _Yinci's famous Pos'l', l'ri. 0. & T. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
P.wture: the pulpit 1~ ~f gramte, With dressmgs of serpe~-
tme: ~here are J500 Sittmgs. C?n a rock near the church IS .Miss Mary Sullivan, sub-postmistress. Letters through
an anCient gramte cross foun? ~n a field clo~ by- and placed
here by the late ~Ir. D: ~e ~riCe.. Tfie register dates from Po9dPsT.aeIyno&z, ap9n.Mmcae...,mO;a..rsro;uivn.,dediSasa.ypt.,aB9t3.cahp&, 6. 30 & 8.go p.m. ; sun-
the year. x866.. fhe b~mg~s a ywarage, net yearly value a. m. & 3, 5.50 , 7&
& Insurance Office._
£_x8o, With residence, m t e gift of. the Crown and the Fore street. William Thomas Polglase, sub-postmaster.
Bishop of Truro alterna:.ely, and held smce 1891 by the Rev. L58.·e44t50t e&pr s.9mthp.r;·omsuuo·"n-".'hdsaPuyen,nd9zaaav"n.scm' e2. a·;5r r0di.tvpsep· ma9t.c1h0ead. m. & a3..m50. ' 6.5o &
9.40 & 2.50,
Tb rhi"odmgea.s NTohrewowodes1PeeyraknincshMap.Ae.1,obf uSt·ltt. Jm·oh1n8'3s4Caonldlegeen,1aCragmed-
in 1866, at a total cost of £2,250, will seat upwards of 750
persons. There is a Primitive Methodist chapel, built in WALL LETTER Box.-New road, cleared at 9·55 a. m. & 3·5•
I335· This is the chief fishing station of Mount's Bay, and 5-55· 7·5 & 9·I5 p.m.; sunday, 3·5 p.m
maintains a fleet of about 400 boats, engaged in the mackerel ScHOOLS:-
and pilchard fisheries. Two massive gnmite piers partially Paul (Newlyn) Board, built in I88o, for 385 children; aver-
inclose the harbour; the south pier, built in I885, at a cost age attendance, II7 boys, I 13 girls & I36 ir:fants; William
of £2o,ooo, is 700 feet in length; at its extremity is a Francis Osborne, master; Miss Cordelia James, girls'
lighthouse belonging to the Harbour Commissioners, fitted mistress ; Miss Mary Gazzam, infants' mistress
with occultingapparatus which alternately hides and exposes Wesleyan, built in I858, at a cost of £1,000, of which£400
the light IS times per minute; the light is visible at a dis- was granted by Government ; it will hold 370 children ;
tance of 15 miles: the north or Victoria pier, built in 1888, average attendance, 88 boys, 8I girls & 91 infants; He11ry
at a cost of ;{,12,0oo, and extended in 1893 at a further <;ost Fleming, master; Miss Mary E. Penrose, mistress
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bramley Frank, Belle vue Davies John, Belle vue
Davies Miss,-4 Antoine terrace
[For remainder of names seePENZANCE.] Cock Richard, Mount Vernon Downing Mrs. New road
Downing Simon, Clifton terrace
.Ash Jose-~h Howell, Cliff house Crooke John, Vivian house
Bone Miss, Clifton place Davey William Pomeroy, Gwavas villa
Fleming Henry, New road Ellis James, shopkeeper, Fore street Reading Room (Charles Strick, sec)
Foster Thomas Robins, .Fair view Glasson Edwd. rope maker, Tolcarne Reseigi.l John, shopkeeper, Fore street
Gordon Mrs. New road GoddardEdwd. Wm. draper, Fradgen Richards Andrew,shoe maker, 'rolcarne
Gotch Thomas C. The Malt house Gotch Thomas C. artist, The Malt ho Richards Charles Mann, joiner & buildr
Harris Edwin, Belle vue Gulval Ice Stores (Thos. Tonkin, man) Richards Henry, boat owner
Harvey Mrs. Antoine terrace Guy Jameco:, boot & shoe maker Richards John, fish mer.Trewarwith st
Hill Henry, Chypons villa Harris Ed win, artist, Belle vue Richards J n.master mariner,Clifton ter
Hitchens Mrs. Clifton place Harris William, shopkeeper,Fore street Richards Stphn.(Mrs.),coopr.Cliftn.ter
Hitchens Mrs. Grace, Fore street Harvey Andrew,apartments,Cliff castle Richards Thomas, fish salesman & auc-
.James Mrs. Herbert villa, New road Harvey Elizabeth (Mrs.), fish merchant tioneer, Street-an-Nowan
Kelynack Mrs. Belle vue Harvey John Thomas. joiner & under- RobertsJane(Mrs.),apartmts.Belmnt.vl
Love Rev. Thomas Henry [Wesleyan], taker, St. Peter's square Roberts William gardener
Wesley manse, New road Harvey Phillip, boat owner, Vine cot- RouffignacSarah(Mrs.),shopkpr.Forest
Maddern Mrs. Clifton terrace tage, Coombe Rowe James, boot & shoe mkr.Fradgen
Marrack George Matthews, Jack lane Harvey Richard, fish mercht.Clifton ter Rowe Richard, smith, Tolcarne
Nation Rev. William [Primitive Metho- Harvey Rd.Toman, hair dresser,Fore st Rowe Wm. boat owner,Street-an-Nowan
dist], Rose cottage Harvey ThomliS Keigwin, boat owner, Runnalls James, stone crushing mills
Nicholls Miss, l<'lorence place, Tolcarne Boase street Runnalls James, granite quarry owner,
Perkins Rev. Thomas Norwooi M.A. Harvey William Phillip, boot & shoe Guavas
Vicarage maker, Fore street Simons Charles.boot & shoe ma.Fore s.t •
Platt Henry, Pembroke house Hatch Edwd. market gardener,Tolcrne Smith John, rope maker, Bowgey
Richards Mrs. Clifton place , Hayter John Lesson, Star inn, Wharf SneH William Henry, monumental
Roberts Mrs. Paul hill Hichens John, seine owner, Green st mason, 11 New road
Strick William Oates, New road Hitchens Rd.coal & forage mer.Tolcrne St.ibbs Julia (Mrs.), Red Lion P.H
Sullivan John, Fradgen Hitchens Stephen, boat owner, Gat:- Stone William, carrier
Taylor Chevalier, Park terrace fielcl house Strick Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Thomas Miss, Clifton place Hitchens TryphPna (Mrs.), draper, Higher Green street
Todd Ralph, Clifton terrace Garfield house Strick William Oates, harbour master
Trahair James, North corner Hitchens Wm. boat owner, Penguin ho Sullifan Willi::un, carpenter, Claremont
Trahair Mrs. Myrtle cottage Hicks William, grocer, Jack lane villa, New road .
Willis Miss, Belle Vue terrace Hooper Amelia(Miss),shopkpr.Tolcarne Sullivan Robt. cooper, Street-an-~owan
Wright Mrs. Church lane Jacko Nicholas,master mariner,New rd Taylor Chevalier, artist
Young Oliver, Antoine house Kelynack Grace (Mrs.),shopkpr.Fore st 'fhomas Peter, builder &c. Green street
COMMERCIAL. Kelynack Henry (Mrs.), boat owner Thomas Rebecca (Mrs.), laQ.ies' school,
Allard John, boat owner Kelynack Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Antoine terrace
Badcock Thomas, grocer Street-an-Nowan Thomas William, iron founder, Mounts
Barnes John, boat owner, St. Peter's hl Kelynack Richd. fish buyer, Fradgen Bay foundry
Bath Richard Richards, ice merchant Kitchen Henry, shopkeepr. Boase street Todd Ralph, artist, Clifton terrace
.Bath Silas, grocer &c. Green street Maddern Henry, apartments, Bellevue Toman Richard Vingoe, grocer &
Batten Alexander & Son, boat owners Maddern Hy. jun. architect, New road builder & sec. to Harbour commis-
Batten John, fisherman, Green street Maddern John,market gardener,Street- sioners, Chapel street
Beckerleg Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr.Fore st an-Nowan Tonkin John, carpenter, North corner
Beer Phillip, apartments, Bay View ho Maddern Solomon, fish buyer Tonkin Philip, grocer, Fradgen
Blewett John, shipwright Maddern William, rope ma. 'fhe Bridge Tonkin Thomas, apartments, Cliff cot
Bodinar Joseph, builder, Prospect place MatthewsRt.mrkt.grdnr.Pembroke cot 'ronkin William, farmer, Lxn vue
Bradbeer Benjamin~Iasterson, fish sales- Mitchell Christr. shopkeeper, The Bank Trahair William Henry, grocer,& Three
man & auctioneer, Bank place 1\iorrish James,net barker, Florence pl Tuns P.H. Fore street
Bramley Frank, artist, Belle vue 11onnts Bay Fishing Buats Mutual In- Tregurtha Thomas (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Broad \Yilliam,basket makr.Florence pl suranceClub(J n.Morrish, sec.),Tolcrn St. Peter's hill ,
CarterElizh. (Mrs. ),shopkpr.Florence pl Newlyn Ice & Trading Co. Limited Trevaskis James, Tolcarne inn, Tolcrne
Carter Wm.grocer &c. :Street-an-Nowan (Richard V. Toman, sec) TrevennenWm.mrkt.gdnr.StableHobba
Cattern JamesPhillips,master mariner, Nicholls Jane (Mrs.), baker, Jack lane Trevorrow Robt. Danl. sail ma. New rd
Park house,New road North Charles, farmer, Coombe Wallis John, basket maker, Tolcarne
Chirgwin Richard & Son, grocers &c. Olds MaryJane(~irs.),butchr.Old brdg Wallis Wm. farmer&carpntr.Tolcarne
Street-an-Nowan Paul Charles, boot & shoe ma.Jack lane Warren Richard, shipwright, Jack lane
Chirgwin Samuel, farmer, Coomb:l Paul William, boat owner, Florence pl Warren Thomas, fish, fruit, broccoli &
Chirgwin Susan (Miss),shopkpr.Jack la Payne SI. Fisherman's Arms P.H.Fore st potato merchant, Jack lane
Cotton Thos. fish salesman, Church st Pear-ock & Co. fish salesmen, Wharf Wearn William, Dolphin inn, Jack lane
Curnow Thomas & James, market gar- Pe< Wm. wheelwright, Tolcarne ter Weeks John, builder, Westholm
deners,Zimmerman's cottge. Coombe Pearce Thos.master marmer,Clifton ter White James, mason, Fore street
Cushway William,fish merchant,'folcrn Polglase William Thomas, shopkeeper, White John, builder, Seaview house
Davies John, cooper, Fore street Post office, Fore street . Wills Jn. master mariner, Antoine ter
Downing Henry (Mrs.), boat owner, PollardJohnRichd apartments,Olive vnl·wren Joseph, fish merchant, Coombe
Boase street Pool Geo. & Son, Union inn, Union st
NEWLYN, or NEWLYN EAsT, with a part of the hamlet memorial of Archbishop Benson's connection with the diocese
()( MITCHELL, is a large parish and village situated in an the interior reseated with oak benches, and the Norman font
elevated position, commanding a fine prospect, 4 miles renovated and adorned with marble shafts ; the church was
south-south-east from Newqnay station on the Great West- reopened Df'c. 27, in the same year; a new organ has recently
ern (Cornwall Minerals) railway, 9 north from Truro and been erected (1893) at a cost of about £250: there are 350
8 south-west from St. Columb, in the Mid division of the sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year rs6o;
county, hundred and petty sessional division of Pydar, burials and marriages, 1559. The living is a vicarage,
union .and county court district of St. Columb Major, rural average tithe rent-charge £358; net income £315 with
deanery of Pydar, archceaconry of Cornwall and diocese of residence and abpnt 11 acres of glebe, in the gift of the
Truro. The church of St. Newlyn is a venerable cruciform Bishop of Truro, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Frederic
edifice of stone in the Gothic style, consisting of chancel, James Bone M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. There is a
nave of six bays, transepts, south aisle, south porch 1 Mission room at Trevarthian gate, where divine service is
with parvise and a lofty embattled western tower with held every Thursday evening and a service is also held in
pinnacles, containing 5 bells: beneath the east end of the the Church school room at Michell, on Monday evenings.
11onth aisle is the burial place of the Arundells of Trerice, In the village is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel, and there are
wherein many of that family are interred: against the wall others at Michell, Rejerrow, and Kestle Mill, in this parish.
above is a mural monument of marble to Lady Margaret A cemetery of one acre was formed in r882 at a cost of
Arundell, 1691, with a well-executed bust, and the family £2oo, and is under the control of a burial board of five
arms : there are piscinre in the chancel and south transept members. The baronial mansion of Trerice was formerly
and the rood stairs remain in the north wall: in the chancel the seat of the Arundell family, barons Arundell, of Trerice,
are memorial windows to the Rev. James Jenkin Keigwin and for some time the residence of Sir John Arundell kt.
B.A. a former curate, d. r829 and Mary Aun (Richards), his lii.P. for Cornwall and subsequently for the. boroug-h of
wife, d. 1839, and to the Rev. T. H. Britton M.A. vicar here Tregony, who was present with Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury
1856-So: in 1883 the church was completely restored Fort in rs88, and in 1646, at the advanced age of 87, bravely
under the direction of Mr. I. D. Bedding, architect, at a cost defended Pendennif; Castle against the forces of the Parlia-
(){ £2,5oo, when the chancel was refloored with marble and ment: of the original house, erected in 1572, a large portion
Portland stone, a rood screen. of carved oak erected as a is still standing, but the rooms on the north side, becoming
dilapidated, have been pulled down, to the great disfigure- priator of the rectorial tithe rent-charge, commuted at
ment of the structure. The estate of Degembris was £757, and of III acres of rectorial glebe. 'fhe soil varies:
purchased from the Tregians, of Golden, in the reign of subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips.
James I. by the Arundells, from whom it has since passed, The area is 8,oio acres; rateable value, .£6,823 ; and the
with other estates, into the possession of the Right Hon. population in 1891 was I,19I. The ancient borough of
Sir Thomas Dyke Acland bart. P.C. Tresillian House, the Mitchell, or St. 1\iichael, lies partly in this parish and partly
seat of Richard Gully Bennet esq. n.L., J.P. was purchased in St. Enoder, particulars uf which are given under the
from the Davies family by a Mr. Gully, from whose family latter heading.
it passed in marriage to an ancestor of the present inheritor: PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-)Irs.
the manor of Trerice was formerly vested in the Arundells Grace Symons, postmistress. Letters arrive from Gram-
of Lanherne, and afterwards became the property of Lady pound Road at 8.50 am. & are dispatched thereto per
Augusta Clifford. The manor of Cargoll, according to the mail cart at 3.50 p.m. Nearest telegraph office at New-
Domesday Survey, was formerly attached to the priory of quay
Bodmin. The Bishop of Exeter had formerly a palace here. ScHooLs :-
The lords of the manor and principal landowners are the Church of England (mixed), built in 1877, for 220 chil-
Right Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke Aeland P.C., D.L.. J.P. Viscount dren; average attendance, no; Charles Webber, master
Falmouth D.L., J-.P. the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, R. Ollnam's Infant, for 65 children; average attendance, so;
Gully Bennet esq. and Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins Miss Sybella Hugh, mistress
esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Trewithan, Probus. John Heywood CARRIERS TO TRURO.-Bennetto & Newton, wed. & sat.
Johnstone esq. liLP. of Bignor Park, Sussex, isthelayimpro- returning same day
Beadon Rev. Wm.[Wesleyan Methodist] Cocking William, blacksmith Rickard Joseph, farmer, Trevilson
Bennet Richard Gully B.A., D.L., J.P. Cocking William, farmer, Tregurloss Rickeard Silas, farmer, Trenance
Tresillian house Curtis William, butcher & farmer Rounseville John, farmer, Tredinnick
Bone Rev. Frederic James M.A. The Davies Samuel, farm bailiff to R. G. j Rowe John, farmer, Rejerrow
I Rowe Joseph Hicks, farmer, ~ancolleth
Vicarage Bennet esq. Tresillian Barton
Gill Mrs. Shepherds Daw Richard, farmer, Church town Rowe Richard, farmer, Parknoweth
Glanville Richard Glanville Anthony, farmer, Trevilson Rowe Thomas, farmer, Cargoll
Vigurs Chambre Corker B. A., M.B., B.c Glanville William, farmer, Newham Searle James A. farmer, Ventonerran
Vigurs Chambre Robert Corker Glasson John&Arthur,farmers,Rejerrw Searle William, butcher & farmer
COM111ERCIAL. Glasson James Russell, farmer, Tres- SearleWm.miller(water)&frmr.Rejerrw
Argall Henry,farmer,Shepherds&Metha cowthick Stephens Benjamin, farmer & carrier
Argall Martin, tailor Giiddon Richard, farmer, Church town Swan Josepb, farmer, Lower Treluddra
Argall Martin Thomas, shopkeeper Gluyas Francis, farmer, Polgreen Symons Grace(Mrs.),shpkpr.Post office
Ball John & Barrington, farmers, Pen- Grey John, farmer, Fiddler's green Tamblyn William Rogers, shoe maker
hallow Hawkey George, mason Tippett Richard, farmer, Lappa
Bassett William Francis,farmer & malt- Hocking Samuel, farmer, Fiddler's grn Tremain James, farmer, Tregonning
ster, Mitchell Hugo Charles, mason Tremaine William Hy. farmer, Trerice
BennettoWm.carpntr.grocr.&ironmngr James Wm. Gatley, farmer,Trevarthian Treneer 'William Tremain, farmer,
Benny Emma Jane (Miss), shopkeeper Jelbe:"t Thomas, farmer, Traffel Little Degembris
Benny Richard, shoe maker, Trevoal Kent Richard, farmer, Scotland Trethewey John, farmer, GoonwinnowR
Benny William, wheelwright & clerk Lanyon Elizabeth Jane '(Mrs.), farmer, Trethewey Richd. farmer, Church town
to burial board Treludderow Vigurs Chambre Corker B.A., M.n.~
Bettison Sydney, Feathers inn, Michell Lanyon Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper B. C. surgeon
Bice Francis Fredk. farmer, Trendrean Lawer William, mason VigmsChambreRobert Corker,surgeon~
Bice Thomas V. farmer, Michell Martin James, blacksmith &shopkeeper & medical officer & public vaccinator
Bullmore James Christian, farmer & Martyn Richard James, carpenter 4th district., St. Columb Major union
collector of income & land taxes & Morcom Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Vincent \Villiam, farmer, Costilost
vicarial tithes, 'fregair Newton Matthew, shopkeeper Vivian William & Richard, millers
Bullmore George Green, assistant over- Newton Matthew Henry, Commerc1al (water), 'I'rewerry
seer & assessor, Newquay inn, & carrier Vivian Zaccheus, carpenter, Kestle tmll
Cemetery (William Benny, clerk to Pascoe John, shopkeeper & coal dealer Williams Abel, shoe maker
burial board) Pomeroy Philipp, farmer \Villiams Thomas, fumer, Kestle mill
Chapman Joseph, mason, Trevoale Richards John, farmer, Nanhellan Woodley Thos. farmer, Gt. Degembris
NEWQUAY, anciently "Towan Blistra," is a small sea- Cornwall, was formed in r874, and is under the control of
port town and fashionable and much frequented watering- the local board, acting as the burial board. The lecture
place on the north coast, with a station on a branch of the hall, formerly a Congregational chapel, is used for public
Great Western (Cornwall Minerals) railway, which was purposes, and will hold 200 persons. The Oddfellows' ball,
opened for passenger tratlic in 1876, and 14 miles north Trenance road, will seat 250 persons, and the Freemasons'
from Truro station, on the Great Western railway, 8 south- ball was erected in 188o at a cost of £250.
west from St. Columb Major and 303~ from London, in the The harbour, an artificial work, with piers, originally
Mid division of the county, hundred and petty sessional di- constructed by a Mr. Lomax, was reconstructed by J. T.
vision of Pydar, union and county court district of St. Treffry esq. and in 1874 the Cornwall Minerals Railway and
Columb. The town is governed by a local board of nine Harbour Company erected a jetty; the harbour admits ves-
members, formed JLme 19th, 1868, under the "Local sels of 250 tons, and the railway is held and worked by the
Government Act of 1858," and is lighted wrth gas by a com- Great Western Railway Company under lease. The north
pany, from works near the Railway station, erected at a cost pier was much damaged on the 2oth March, 188g, by a
of about [4,000. Water works for the snpply of the town furious gale from the N.E. with a heavy sea, which washed
have been constructed by a company under an Act of Par- away 100 feet of the structure. The chief exports are iron
liament, at a cost of £ro,ooo, the water b!ling obtained from and other ores, china clay, granite, fish and grain; the im-
Balloon, near St. Columb Road station. The drainage ports are coals, salt and manures. The cliff scenery here is
for the 'folcarne Head portion of the district, formerly dis- extremely picturesque and grand, and the fine sandy beaeh,
charged into the sea, has been entirely diverted, at a cost of two miles long and half a mile wide, tends to make this
[I,Ioo, into the river Gannell, and the drainage of Newquay place a favourite resort. About half a mile from the town
has been conducted some distance out to sea into deep is a beautiful valley, called "Trenance," leading to the
water, at a cost of £3,000, so that the sea-bathing may not estuary of the Gannell, which flows into the sea at Crantock
be interrupted. 'l'his place is in the parish of St. Columb bay. The Atlantic hotel, recently erected (1893) on the
Minor. The church of St. Michael was built in 18571 and Towan Head, and the property of the Cornish Hotels Co.
enlarged in 1873 by the addition of a north aisle, and the Limited, is a handsome building of stone, from designs by
extension of the west end, and again enlarged in 188r, when Mr. Silvanus Trevail F.R.I.B.A. of Truro; it stands in its
a south aisle, organ chamber and vestry room were added own grounds of over five acres in extent, and from its ele-
at a cost of £576 ; it now consists of chancel, nave, aisles, vated position it commands an uninterrupted ocean view
vestry and a turret containing one bell: there are sittings from every window ; the large coffee room, drawing, read-
for 6oo persons. The church is served by the clergy of Ht. ing, billiard and smokin"' rooms are noble apartments ; the
Columb Minor. The Baptist chapel, built in 1822, will seat main hall is very spaci~ns !,!.nd contains a. fine fire-proof
15opersons; the Free Methodist chapel, built in 1866, has stait·case reaching to each floor : in all there are over one
300 sittings, and the Wesleyan chapel, built in 1852, 450 hundred apartments in the building ; S. Travail, sec. The
sittings. The Congregational chapel, :Fore street, erected in coast guard consists of one di\'isional officer, one chief boat-
1888, at cost of i.,'I,ooo, is a buildmg of stone in the Early man in charge, and 4 men. The lifeboat •• Pendock Neale,"
English style, seating 240 persons ; the Bible Christian stationed here in 1873, was presented by the late Miss Xeale
chapel, Deer Park, will seat 100 persons. The cemetery, and Miss Herring, and is supported by voluntary contribu-
consisting of half an acre, given by H.R. H. the Duke of tions ; Captain William Thomas is hon. sec. to the Lire Boat
Fund. "The Tower," the seat of the Dowager Lady Cornwall Constabula-ry, Deer park,Rchd. Banfield, sergeant
Molesworth, erected about I835, is a building of stone in the Masonic Hall, George G. Bullmore, sec. Gover lane
Tudor style, commanding yiews of the sea and headland : Newquay Lecture Hall, A. Jenkin, sec .
attached to the house is a Catholic chapel, to which the Newquay Reading Room, Institute &Library, Commercial
public are admitted whenever service is held. Charles square, H. J. Holder Hogg, hon. sec
Ebenezer Treffry esq. J.P. of Place House, l''owey, is lord of Oddfellows' Hall, C. R. Bellingham, sec
the manor of Newquay. Rateable value, £7,000; the PuBLIC OFFICERS:-
population in 1891 was r,89r.
Admiralty Surgeo~ & Agent, Arthur Hardwick l\r.n.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Gof'ernment Annuity & In-
Prospect house
surance Office.-William Richard White, postmaster. Assistant Overseer, James Pearce, Fore street
Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Cook, Penlee house
Letter~ arrive at 8.30 a. m. 2 & 6.45 p.m. ; dispatched at Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, 5th District,St.Columb
7.50 & II a.m. & 4.50 p.m. Money orders are granted &
Union, Nevell Edmond Norway
paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. ; saturday, 8 p.m. Tele- School Attendance Officer, Philip Arbor, I Channel view,
graphing, from 8 a.m. tillS p.m. ; sunday, 8 to ro a.m Tower road
Town Crier, William Douglas Rowe, Fore street
TowN SuB-OFFICE, Victoria terrace.-William John Buller
NEWSPAPER.-Newquay Guardian, published on thursday;
Knight, receiver. Box cleared at 7·45 & Io.4oa.m. & 4· IO
p.m.; sunday, 2.20 p.m.
'\VALL L~<TTER BoxEs : -
Atlantic hotel, 7.30 & 10.30 a.m. & 4-I5 p.m.; sunday, Hartnoll Brothers, proprietors ; Guardian office
2.15 p.m PLACES OF 'WoRSHIP, with tim~s of serdces : -
Acland terrace, 7·45 & 10.35 a.m. & 4.20 p.m.; sunday, St. Michael's, Rev. J. Rupert Hartill, curate in charge ; n
2.20 p.m. a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m. ; fri. II p.m
Fore street, 7.50 & ro.5o a. m.& 4.25 p.m.; sunday,2.20 p.m Sailors' Mission Room, The Quay, Miss Ellen James, sec. &
Mount Wise,7.45 & 10.35 a.m. & 4.20 p.m. sunday,2.20 p.m treasurer ; sun. 3 p.m.
Prospect house, 7·45 & I0.45 a.m. & 4.20 p.m, ; sunday, Tower Chapel (Catholic), ministers various & services
2.20 p.m irregular
Quay road, 7.50 & 10.35 a.m. &4.2op.m.; sunday,2.2op.m Baptist (Ebenezer), 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. at 7 p.m
Tolcarne Head, 7.40 & 10.35 a.m. & 4·5 p.m.; sunday, Bible Christian, Deer Park, 2.30 & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
2.20 p.m Congregational, Bank street, Rev. William Henry Fuller
Tower terrace, 7-40 & 10.20 a.m. & 4·5 p.m.; sunday, M.A. ; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
2.5 p.m United Methodist. Free Church, Rev. Edward Frederick
Trenance hill, 7-40 _& 10.35 a.m. & 4.20 p.m. ; sunday, Tonkin; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. at 7 p.m
2.20 p.m Wesleyan, Rev. Samuel Marriott, Rev. Edward Watson &
Trenance, 4· IO p.m. ; no su.nday collection Rev. Silas E. Symins, supernumeraries ; I I a.m. & 6 p.m. ;
Trencreek, g.2o p.m.; no sunday collection thurs. 7 p.m
Trevemper Bridge, g.5o p.m. ; no sunday collection CARRIERS TO : -
Trevemper Cross, 3.20 p.m. ; no sunday collection ST. CoLUMB-Prater's bus on thnrs. at 1 o'clock
LOCAL BOARD. TRURO-Prater, mon. wed. & sat. at 8 o'clock, returning
Offices, Fore street.. same day
The Board meets ISt monday in the month, 6 p.m. The North Cornwall coach leaves the Atlantic hotel in the
Clerk, Thurstan Collins, St. Columb summer months for Camelford, tues. thurs. & sat. ; re-
Treasurer, J. P. Dunstan, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall turning on mon. wed. & fri
Medical Officer of Health, Arthur Hardwick M.D., n.P.H. SCHOOLS:-
Prospect house Board (boys), under the St. Columb Minor School Board,
Surveyor, Inspector of Nuisances & Collector, Wllliam was built in 1878, at a cost of £2,ooo, for I 59 children;
Burnett Buller, Victoria terrace average attendance, 87; William Fredk. Pentreath, mast
Collector of Rates, Richard Lucas, Fistral terrace Girls', for 130 children i average attendance, 79 ; Miss
PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Elizabeth Jane Winter, mistress
Cemetery, Wm. B. Buller, clerk ; George Solomon, sexton Infants', for I4o children; average attendance, 89; Miss
Coast Guard Station, Lieut. C. J. Alien R.N. divisional Jane Ann Tinney, mistress
officer; William Grant, chief boatman in charge Railway Station, William H. Higginson, station master
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Isaac Lieut. Frederick Vernon R.N. 4 Stanton Charles Holbrow, Bothwicks
Ocean view Street Henry Tyler, Tolcarne house,
Bennett Captain Ernest Alexander, James Miss, Eveningside, Lehenver rd Tolcarne road
Penhenver house, Mount Wise Jonas Mrs. Mount Lebenver Symins Rev. Silas E. [Wes. ], Lomax pl
Bennett 'fhomas Henry, 9 Railway ter Kernick Mrs. 3 Belmont place Tonkin Rev. Edward l<'rederick [United
Boyle Thomas, Chy-an-Bryn Knowles Mrs. I Ocean view Methodist Free Church], 2 Glencross
Bullmore George Green, 4 Russell vil- Lang Thomas, 4 Trevose place villa, Tower road
las, Mount Wise Langford Rev. Augustus, I Glencross Tremain Mrs. 5 Victoria terrace
Cardell Mrs. 2 Langarra villas Yilla, Tower road Tremain Mrs. James, Llangorra villas
CardellThos.Magor,YeGables,Mnt.Wise Liddicoat Miss, Fore street Treneer The Misses, 2 Claremont, Le-
Clarke Charles D. Norman villa Marriott Rev. Samuel [Wesleyan], 2 henverroad
Collins Bassett John, The Cottage Russell villas, Mount Wise Warren Mrs. 14 Beacon terrace
Courtenay Miss, I Claremont, Lehen· Marshall William, 4 Victoria terrace Watson Rev. Edward [Wesleyan], 3
ver road & The Hollies, Roche Trevose place
Cresswell Sackville Bawden, Beachcroft Martyn Henry John, Seaward villa Webster Richard, 2 Grosvenor place
Criddle Benjamin, Lehenver house, Martyn William Henry, 4 Belmont pl Whitefield HenryFrancis,Tolcarne head
Lehenver road Michell Ml"s. The Fort Whyte-Rickard Mrs. Tolcarne head
Darke Mrs. Sea View cottage Mole..<~worth The Dowager Lady, The Williams Michael J.P. Morfa
Dunn Mrs. I Grosvenor place Tower Willoughby John, Blystra Bay l'illa
Edmonds Mrs. The Red house, Tol- Molesworth-St. Aubyn Rev. St. Aubyn, Yeldham Herbert A. The Bracken
carne road
Edmonds Robert, Tolcarne house. Cliff close COMMERCIAL.
Alfred Margaret (Mrs.), apartments,
I Morcomb Mrs. 3 Revenue terrace
Edwards Mrs. Fore street · Muller Johan Viggo Sigvald, Beaucliffe 7 Broad street
Elliott James, 17 Beacon terrace house Alien Lieut. C. J. R.N. inspecting officer
Fuller Rev. William H. M.A. [Congre- Nicholls James l\l.D. Trenarren of coast guard, Primrose house
gational], Tolcarne head Nicholls Mrs. Trenarren Andrews Ann (Mrs.), apartments, x
Gatley Charles Ralph, Dane street North Wm. Jn. Roslin villa, Station rd Albany terrace, Tolcarue road
Geach Henry Harper, West Berryfield Norway Nevell Edmond Arbor Philip, school attendance officer,
Gill Mrs. 3 Grosvenor place Oliver Mrs. Lomax place I Channel view, Tower road
Gill Rockingham, The Battery Parker Mrs. Chymeddan house Atlantic Hotel (Th~) (Miss Rose
Grindon Mrs. Delafosse bo. Tower rd Pascoe Mrs. Tolcarne head Williams, manager). See advert
HardwickArthurru:. D. ,n.P. H. Prospect ho Pearce James, I Lehenver villas, Le- Bailey Alfd. aparts.Beach vil.Station rd
Hartill Rev. J. Rupert [curate in henver road Bath Philippa (Mrs.), apartments, 7
charge], Chymeddan Poune William, 3 Sidney terrace Belmont place
Hewlett Ebenezer,Hirundo, Tower road Prout :Mrs. Fore street Bellamy Jn. Ruse, aparts. 4 Acland ter
Hicks George, Pentowau Rickeard The Misses, ~o Victoria ter Bellingham Charles R. carpenter &
Hicks William, Albany Shuckford Mrs. Blystra Bay house builder, Fore street
Higginson William H. 2 Gordon terrace Spencer-Dominy Mrs. Lealholme, Bellingham Jn. aparts. 2 Harbour view
Hockin David, Tregunnel cottage Mount Wise Bennett Bessie (Miss), grocer, I2 Rail-
Hogg Hy.Jenner Holder,4 Gro~venor pl Spra,oue Thos. Day Dawn, Lehenve-r rd way terrace
Bennett George (Mrs.), apartments, 9 Cock Bethia (Mrs.), New hotel, Bank st Henwood Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 2
Grosvenor place
Cock John, farmer, Bank street Ocean view
Bennetto &, Son, butchers, Fore street Cock William Henry, Red Lion hotel, Henwood William, Prudential agent, 9
Bennetto Wallace, artist & photo- North Quay bill Beacon terrace
grapher, Beach road Cocking Ralph, apartments, 2 Broad st Hicks Cath.(Miss),apartments.Quay ho
Billing Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Cocking William, apartments, Forest Hicks Henry, apartments, I Cliffe ter
Beacon terrace Collins Tburston, solicitor, & clerk to Hicks John, blacksmith, t Railway ter
Billing Captain John, master mariner, the local board, Commercial square Hicks Captain Joseph, master mariner,
5 Sidney terrace Cook Thomas, inland revenue officer, 8 Acland terrace
Billing Robert, pilot, 8 Railway terrace Penlee house Hicks Robert, apartments, 2 Cliffe ter
Bolitho &. Co. Limited (Consolidated Cornish Bank Lim. (sub-branch) (Geo. Hillier Bessie (Mrs.), aparts. 5 Cliffe ter
Bank of Cornwall) (branch) (Joseph Burrow, manager; Captain John Hoare Elizabeth Emily (Mrs.), dress
Passingham Dunstan,manager),Bank Crocker, agent), Commercial square; maker, 4 Lansdown place-
st.; draw on Williams Deacon & draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, Hockey Francis, dairyman
Manchester & Salford Bank Limited, London E c. See advertisement Hockin Bessie (Mrs.), apartments, 4
London E c Cornwall Constabulary (Richard Ban- Railway terrace
Boxer Chas. (Mrs.), apartments, Forest field, sergeant), Deer park Hockin James, master mariner, u
Boxer Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Craven Annie (Mrs.), apartments, I Railway terrace
Beacon terrace Russell villas, Mount Wise Hockin, 12Beacon ter
Bray Frank, corn & manure merchant Cresswell Rackville Bawden, solicitor, Hocking Captain Richard James, apart-
(Thos. Crewse, mangr. ), 2 Beacon ter Beachcroft ments, Sedgmoor house, Tower road
Brown Joseph, apartments, Fore street Crewse 'rhos. ap~rtments, 2 Beacon ter Hocking Thomas, apartments, 2 Chan-
Buckthought Kate (Mrs.), Commercial Crocker Ellen (Mrs.), apartments, I4 nel view, Tower road
hotel, Commercial square Railway terrace Holman Mary (Mrs.), aparts. Forest
Buller Elizabeth Hambly (Mrs.), apart- Crocker Captain John, master mariner, Holman Susan J ane (Miss), apaI'tments,
mflnts, Endberry house &agent Cornish Bank, Commercial sq Piran cottage, Fore street
Boiler Wm. Burne• tt, mason & builder, Crowle Francis James, wheelwright & Hooper John, shipowner & seine agent,
surveyor, inspector of nuisances & carpenter, Tower road 7 Acland terrace
collector to local board, & clerk to Currab Thos. fly proprietor, Fistral ter HooperWm. J n.baker & confctnr.Bank st
burial board, Endberry house Davies Annie (Miss), ladies' boarding Hosking l\fary Ann (Mrs.), apartments,
Bullmore George Green, agricultural school, 6 Victoria terrace Lisbon house
seed & implement merchant, general Dennis William Whitford, Grammar House.Amanda (Miss),aparts.Clifton vil
ironmonger & commission agent ; school, Moirah, Mount lVise House Constantine (Mrs.), apartments,
also a~ St. Columb. See advert Doney & Evans, monumental masons Glenfeadon villas
BuntCapt. J ohn,apartments,3Acland ter & serpentine works (branch), Shirley House Jane (Mrs.), milliner & dress
Burrow Geo. manager of the Cornish cottage, Fore street maker, 13 Railway terrace
Bank Lim. & agent to the Imperial Doney Clara A. (Miss), apartments, House Marion (Miss), apartments,
Insurance Co. Lim. Commercial sq Shirley cottage, Fore street Clifton villa, Station road
Burrows Mary (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Drew Fredk. Albt. beer retailer, Fore st House Captain Nicholas, apartments &
Railway terrace Dunstan Joseph Passingham, manager master mariner, I East end
Burt Mark Chas. dairyman, r Broad st of the Consolidated Bank of Cornwall Hoyle Robt. apartments, 3 Lansdown pl
Burton Frederick, lo~ing ho. Forest & treasurer to the local board, Bank st Hoyte Anthony, carting agent to Great
Butler Kate (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Fis- Edmonds Elizabeth (Mrs.), Prout's Western Railway Co. Fore street
tral view, Tower road private hotel, Harbour terrace Hoyte Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Forest
Cardell Harriet (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Elliott James, artist, 17 Beacon terrace Hoyte Jn. grocer & cabinet ma. Forest
Railway terrace Ennor Jn. & Son, builders,Bay View ter Hubber 'rhos. apartments, 4 Wesley ter
Cardell William (Mrs.), apartments, Ennor John, jun. surveyor & architect, Hugo Samuel, jobbing gardener, 2
Lean~orra villas Violet villa, Fore street Alexandra place, Trenance road
Carne Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 5 Foresters' Lodge (William Rawle, sec) Husband William, apartments, I Ocean
Tower terrace Furse Jsph. sail ma.&aparts. Victoria ter view, Mount Wise
Carne John, fisherman, apartments & Geach Henry Harper, solicitor & corn- Huxtable Thomas Greenslade, apart-
guide to caves, 4 Church terrace - missioner for oaths, West Berryfield ments, 2 Harbour terrace
Carne Mary (Miss), apartments, 6 Gerry Albert, apartments, Bloomfield Huxtable William, baker & confectioner,
Acland terrace house, Tower road Commercial square
Carne William, carpenter, Fore street Gerry Thos. apart.ments, 2 Chapel ter Independent Order ofRechabites (Artb.
Carpenter Catherine (Mrs.), apart- Giles & Henwood, tailors & outfitters, W. Pearce, sec.), 4 Lansdowne place
ments, Nevada house, Fore street Plymouth house J acka Elizb. (Mrs. ),aparts. 2 Belmont pi
Carrivick Elias Thomas, apartments, I Gool Jn.tobacconist & fancy dlr. Forest Jacka Rd. Hy. apartments, 4 Tower ter
Fistral view,. Tower road Great Western RailwayReceivmg Office Jacka Thomas, apartments, I Ruby
Ca,.rivick Mary Ann (Mrs.), apart- (A. Hoyte, agent), Fore street villas, Mount Wise
ments, Trenance road Gritliths Richard Price, photographer Jacke Wilham, pork butcher, Bank st
Carter Bessie (Mrs.), apartments, & stationer, Commercial square James John, quarryman, 3 Victoria ter
4 Ocean view Grigg,OceanPark vil J ames Mary (Miss),aparts. 7Victoria ter
Cemetery (William Burnett Huller, Hairsine & Smith, kindergarten & boys' Jenkin Albert, grocer, corn & coal
clerk to the burial board ; George school, 8 Grosvenor place merchant, Fore street
Solomon, sexton) Hardwick Arthu'r M.D., D.P.H. surg. & Jenkin Carolina (Mrs.), apartments,
Cbappe!Jsph.shoe ma.2MountWise cots med. officer of health, Newqua.y local 1 Glendover villas, Mount Wise
Cbegwidden Elizabeth (Mrs.), apart- board; admiralty surg. & agt.; surg. JenkinCotton,joiner& builder,Fistral ter
ments, 9 Acland terrace Oddfellows'Soc. & toGt. Western Rai:r- J enkin Thomas, tailor & draper,Fore st
ChegwiddenRd.apart.ments,sAcland ter way&WesternProv.Assoc.Prospect ho Jenkin William Langworthy, master
Chegwidden Captain Samuel, master Harris Jn. apartments,sMount Wise ter mariner,2 Glendover vils.Mount Wise
mariner, Tel-el-Keber Harris Richd. fly proprietor, Gordon ter Jewel Nannie & Fanny (Misses), young
Chegwidden Captain William, master Harris William George, apartments, 2 ladies' boarding school,2 Harbour ter
mariner, 3 Chapel terrace Primrose cottage Jewell Thomas, saddler & harness
ClemensElizaAnn(Mrs. ),shpkpr,Fore st Hartnoll Brothers, stationers' & printers, maker, Commercial square
Clcmens Eliza Ellen (Miss), dress & proprietors of the "Newquay Jones Harry, master mariner & apart-
maker, Beach road Guardian," Guardian office, Bank st ments, 7 Railway terrace
Clemens Emma (Mrs.), apartments, 4 Hartnoll Alfred Edward, stationer & Kennedy Capt.Thomas,ma.ster mariner.
Cliffe terrace printer (finn, Hartnoll Bros. ),Bank st 2 Tower road
Clemens Hy. boat builder, 2 Wesley pl Hartnoll George, apartments, 2 Mount Kernick Captain Frederick, master
Clemens James Andrew, apartments, Wise terrace mariner, 2 East end
1 Belmont place . Hawke & Co. drapers, Bank street Knight Ellen (Mrs. ),aparts.sBelmont pl
Clemens Mary (Mrs.), gro. I Beacon ter Hawke Florence Ada (Mrs.), teacher of Knight William John Huller, grocer.
Clemens Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, music, 1 Lomax place Post office, Victoria terrace
Beach road Hawke Thomas James, tailor & apart- Laity Ann (Mrs.), aparts. 6 Cliffe ter
Clemens Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, ments, I Loma'x place La wry Alfred, shoe ma.ker,16 Broad st
IO Railway terrace Ha.wken Jas. draper & grocer, Bank st Leverton James, apartments, Tamarisk
Clemens Richard Thos. ship carpenter, Hawkey Henry A'nthony &Son, drapers, cottage, Tower road
5 Church terrace · grocers & shipowners, Fore street Liddell Evans,boarding ho.BayView ho
ClemensThs.Jas.apa.rtments,6Tower ter Hawkey Francis, dairyman, Bank st Life Boat (Capt.Wm. Thomas, hon.sec)
Coast Guard Station (Lieut. C. J. Allen Henwood Edwin, mason, 4 Trocadero, Llewellyn Sopbia (Miss), apartments,
R.N. divisional officer), Primrose ho
Tolcarne road r Harbour terrace
Lucas Elizabeth .Ann (Mrs.), apart. Pearce James, butcher, & clerk to the Thomas Bessie (Miss), bqot & shoe
ments, Harbour view burial & school boards of St. Columb dealer, Fore street
Lucas Richard, collector of rates to Minor & assistant overseer, Corn- Thomas Elizabeth (Miss), apartments,
local board, Fistral terrace mercial square 9 Cliffe terrace
M'al'ine Health Resort (Herbert A. Yeld- Pearce Richd.Jn. aparts. 2 Lansdwne.cot Thomas William, apartments, Marine
ham, manager), The Bracken Penaliggon Capt. Joseph, master mar- villa, Bank street
Marks Mary (Mrs.), bookseller, sta- iner & lodging house, I Church ter Tinney .Arr,y (Mrs.), aparts. 5 B~oad st
tii:mer & circulating library, Forest Penberthy James Henry, plumber & Toms Evelyn(Miss),dress maker,Fore st
Marsball William, china clay & china tinplate worker, Chapel hill Toms Captain John, master mariner, 4
stone merchant; office, 4 Victoria Pengelley Charles, apartments, 2 Sidney terrace
terrace; works, The Great Wheal Russell villas, Mount Wise Toms Capt. Jsph. mast. marim. Forest
Prosper Clay & Stone works, Roche PenroseElizh.(:vlrs.),aprts.Trafalgar ho Tonkin Mary (Mrs.), apartments,
Masonic Hall (GeorgeG.Bullmore,sec.), Penrose James, blacksmith, Chapel hill Drogheda, Tower road
Gover lane Penrose Jn.master mariner,Stauley cot Tonkin Wm. Henry, master mariner,
Matthews Capt. James John, master Perty Susan .Ann (Miss), apartments• 3 Harbour view
mariner, 3 Tower road I Sidney terrace Trebilcock Ann (Mrs.), apartments, ~
MatthewsJohn,apartmnts. I6Beacon ter Philip Elizh. (Miss),grcr. Commercial sq Beacon terrace
Matthews William, fisherman Philhps Benjamin, apartments, 2 TrebilcockEdwd.aprtmnts.I 1Acland ter
Milford Edith (Mrs.), apartments, 3 .Albany terrace, Tolcarne road Trebilcock Captain Edwin, master
Channel view, Tower road Polkinghorne Edward, saddler, Forest mariner, I Tower terrace
Milton Helena (Mrs.), shopkeeper & Polkinghorne Geo.fiy proprietor,Fore st Trebilcock,g Church ter
apartments,Fore street & 5 Trevosepl Pollard,I2 Acland ter Trebilcock James, apartmez;.ts, Hill-
Minards Wm. lodg.ho rMountWise ter Pollard Edward Hy.aparts.2 Sidneyter side cottage, Mount Wise
Mitchell James,lodging ho.Sandfield ho Pollard Capt. Jas. aparts.3 Railway ter Trebilcock Jane (Miss), apartments,
Morcomb William, apartments, 3 PollardMary(Mrs. ),aparts. gRailway ter Lomax place
Mount Wise terrace Poune William, surgeon, 3 Sydney ter Trebilcock Mary (Mrs.), apartments~
Morris & Co. wine & spirit merchants & I Prater Mary Kendall (Miss), draper & Myrtle cottage, Bank street
mineral water makers, The Stores grocer, Fore street Trebilcock Richard, apartments, 1
MoysesEiizh.(Mrs.),lodg.ho.I4Broadst Prater Thomas, omnibuspropr. Forest Marine place, Tower road
Murray & Bowling, solicitors, Fore Prout Francis,apartmnts.2Lansdown pl Trebilcock Richard, apartments, Myrtle
street & at St. Columb Prout Mary (M1ss), aparts.2 Trevose pl cottage, Bank street
Newman Capt. Henry John, master QuickHarriet( Mrs. ),aprts. Seacombe ho Trebilcock Thomas, master mariner, 2
mariner, I Bay view Rawle Thomas, aparts. I .Acland ter Church terrace
Newquay Co-operative Drug Store Reily Lily (Miss), dress maker, 3 Tredwen E. H. C. (Mrs.), lodging
(The) (J. Vivian 'Williams, prop.) & Channel villas, Tower road house, Eothan
agents for W. & .A. Gilbey Limited, Reynolds Arthur,apartmnts.13Broad st Trenery & Co. masons, 15 Broad street
wine & spirit merchants, Bank street Reynolds Capt. Edwin, master m;uiner, Trethewey Thomas, apartments, 3
Newquay Gas Co. (Jamcs Pe~nce, sec) I I Primrose cottage
Cliffe terrace & Wingfield villa
Newquay Guardian (Hartnoll Brothers, : Reynolds Jane (Mrs.), apartments, Trethewey Wm. mason, Crantock st
proprietors & publishers; published I Mount Wise cottages Tummon Samuel, dairyman & fly pro-
thursday), Guardian office, Bank st Reynolds John, watch & clock maker & prietor, Fistral road
Newquay Lawn Tennis Club (H. J. ironmonger, Commercial square Tyzack Mary Ann (Mrs.), fruiterer,
Holder Hogg, hon. sec) Richards William, apartments,g Russell Fore street
Newquay Lecture Hall (A. Jenkin, sec) I villas, Mount Wise Udy William George, apartments, 2
Newquay Mutual Marine Insurance IRickard Edward, hair dresser, Fore st Lehenver villas, Lehenver road
Association Lim. (Wm. Thomas, sec) Rickard Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, Veale James, boot & shoe ma. Alma pl
Newquay Reading Room, Institute & 7 Cliffe terrace Vivian James, builder, I Channel villas,
Library (H.J.Holder Hogg,hon. sec.), Rowe William Douglas, baker, town Tower road
Commercial square crier & bill poster, Fore street ·walker Thomas, stationer, Fore street
Newquay Water Works Co. (J. C. Rowse Nanny (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Waren Frederick, photographer & sta-
Treleaven, sec) Grosvenor place tioner, Fore street & apartments, 1
Nicholls Jas. M. D. physician, Trenarren St. Columb District Mutual Fire Insur- Trevose place
North Cornwall Brick & Tile Co. Lim. ance Co. Limited (George Green Webb & Co. boot & shoe dealers, Com-
brick & tile manufacturers & at Hal- Bullmore, sec) mercial square
loon, St. Columb Major Salmon Jane (Mrs.), apartments, La- Wendron .Annie (Mrs.), apartments, 3
North George (Mrs.), boarding house, burnum cottage, Bank street Albany terrace, Tolcarne road
Erncliffe, Station road Semmons Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Westlake Thomas, saddler & ironmon-
Norway Nevell Edmond r.r.R.C.S.Eng. 2 Ruby villas, Mount Wise ger & boot & shoe dealer, Bank street
surgeon, & medical officer & public Sherlock Capt. John, master mariner & White William Richard,agent for Orient
vaccinator, 5th district, St. Columb apartments, Cliffe cottage Line & National Line, Post offi. Fore ::;t
Major union & surgeon to Foresters Skewis Mary Langmead (Mrs.), baker Wbitehouse Frederick William, watch
k Rechabite Societies & confectioner, Bank street & clock maker, Bank street
Oddfellows'Hall(Cbs.R.Bellingham,sec) Sluman Gertrude (Mrs.), apartments, WilleyAlbert,hair dresser & shopkeeper,
Old .Alfred Francis, shoe maker, Corn- 2 Marine place Commercial square
rr.ercial square Smith Joseph, apartments, 2 Fistral Willey Mary Louisa (Mrs.), apart-
Old John, apartments, I Lansdowne pl i view, Tower road ments, Primrose house
Olver Miss, apartments, 8 Victoria ter Smith Robert, glass & china dealer, Williams Bros.coal & rope mers. Broad st
Osborne Bros. masons & builders,Forest Fore street Williams & 'Tinney, painters & paper-
Osborne Edwin, mason, 3 Trocaaero, Snell Frederick, butcher&farmer,Fore st hangers, Fore street
Tolcarne road Solomon Thomas & Co. paperhangers Williams Captain John, apartments, 5
Osborne Capt.Jn.apartmnts.30cean vw & decorators, Commercial square; & Grosvenor place
Osborne Joseph, apartments, Koh-i- Truro. See advertisement Williams John J enkin, bathing machine
noor, Tower road Solomon Carolina (Mrs.), apartments, proprietor, 5 Trocadero, Tolcarne rd
Pappin ('atherine (Mrs.), laundress, II 2 Ocean view, Mount Wise Williams J. Vivian, apartmnts. Retreat
Beacon terrace Stack Emily (Miss), ladies' school, 2 Williams Matilda (Miss), apartments,
Pappin EUen (Mrs.), dress maker, Lomax place 5 Fistral terrace
Wesley terrace Stephens Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments, Williams Wm. confectioner & fruiterer,
Pappin George, builder, Fore street 7 Grosvenor place Ji'ore street
Pappin Capt. James, master mariner, Stephens Fanny (Mrs.), boarding Williams William Henry, apartments,
10 Broad street house, The Mount, Berry road 3 Glencross villas
Pappin Johannah (Mrs.), apartments, Stephens Minnie (l\Iiss), apartments, Wilton Edwd. apartments, 5 Chapel ter
5 Beacon terrace 3 Trevose place Wotton, Kelly & Co. Great Western
Pappin Thomas, aparts. 10 Acland ter Stephens Wm. apartmnts. 4 Beacon ter hotel, Tolcarne head
Parkin Colin, apartments, 3 Mount Storey John, apartments,g Broad street Wyatt Rev. Robert, apartments, I Stan-
·wise cottages Swan John, apartments & manure ley villas, Quay hill
Pascoe .Augusta (Mrs.), apartments, agent, 9 Victoria terrace Young Men's Christian Association (W.
7 Beacon terrace Teague John Peterson., tailor & apart- .A. Edwards, sec.), Beech road
Pascoe Thos. Jas. aparts. I .Adelaide pi ments, Bank street & :Mount Wise Young Women's Christian Association
Pearce Emmeline (Miss), apartments, 'Tebbutt Esther (Miss), apartments, (Miss A.)lichell, hon. sec.),Wesleyter
The l'arsonage, Tolcarne head 2 Victoria terrace •
NORTH HILL is a parish and pleasant village on the valley half a mile below the church, there is a so-called
river Lynher and near the Launceston and Liskeard road, "holy well." Trebartha Hall, the seat of Francis Rashleigh
7 miles south-west from Launceston stations on the Great Roddesq. J.P. one mile north-west from the church, is situ-
Western and London and South Western railways, and 10 ated on the banks of the Lynher; the Tors, the wood, and a
north from Liskeard, in the North Eastern dh·ision of the romantic waterfall, combine to make the scenery here very
county, north division of the hundred of East, petty ses- beautiful. F. R. Rodd esq. is lord of the manor and chief
sional division of East North, Launceston union and county landowner. The soil is light; the Aubsoil granite and slate.
court district, rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry The chief crops are wheat, ba.rley, oats, turnips, mangold
of Bodmin, and diocese of Truro. The church of St. wurtzel and grass. The area is 7,546 acres; rateable value,
Torney is an ancient building of granite in the Perpen- £6,286 ; the population in 1891 was 971.
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, The chief villages are: CoAn's GREEN, 2 miles east, where
south porch, with fine groined roof of granite and parvise, there is a Wesleyan chapel; lLLANn, 2 north-east; TRE-
and an embattled western tower with crocketed pinnacles, BARTHA, I mile north-west ; BATH POOL, Ii south-east,
containing 6 bells: there is an elaborately omamented altar- where there is a bridge of four arches over the Lynher ; and
tomb of slate, with effigies to Thomas Vyncents gent. of CmmnoN's SHOP, x£ north.
Battens, ob. 1606, and Jane, his wife, ob. I6oi, and fifteen Sexton, Richard Hocking.
children, besides figures of Death and of Our Lord, and Latin PosT, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Otfice.--
inscriptions: there are other monuments to the Spoures, Charles Turner Brown, sub-postmaster. Letters are re-
once the owners of Trebartha, I6o3-1712; and to the family ceived through Launceston, arrive at 8.50 a.m. ; dis-
of Rodd, of the same place, 1736-1859 : the reredos and patched at 3.30 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at
sedilia are memorials to the Rodd family : the chancel re- Launceston
tains an ancient piscina and part of a hagioscope, and has PosT, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Coad's
three stained windows to the Rodd family: the chancel was Green. James Downing, sub-postmaster. Letters
restored by the Rev. C. Rodd, late rector, and the exterior
through Launceston arrive at 8.55 a. m. ; dispatched, 3·55
of the church in 1892, at a cost of £350 : the church will p.m. Launceston is the nearest telegraph office
seat 450 persons. The register of baptisms dates from the
year 1621 ; marriages, 1555; burials, 1630. The living is WALL LETTER Box, at Congdon's Shop, cleared at 3·55 p.m.
a rectory, tithe rent-charge commuted at £538, average week days only
£4oB, net yearly value £490, including 62 acres of glebe, ScHOOLS : -
with residence, in the gift of and held since I885 by the Rev. National (mixed), for x6o children; average attendance,
Theophilus Willing. There are Wesleyan chapels at Coad's 90; William Rhoden, master
Green and in the village, and a Bible Christian chapel at Wesleyan (mixed), Coad's Green; for xoo children; aver-
Middlewood. Kilmar granite quarry, about two miles west age attendance, so; William Atkins, master
from the church, furnished large quantities of granite for CARRIERS.-Wills, from Berrio to Launceston, sat. ; Bart-
the building of Westminster Bridge, but is not now worked : lett, from Berrio to Launceston, sat. & Callington, wed. ;
near Berrio Bridge is an unworked copper mine. .Allabury, Sleep, from North Hill village to Launceston, sat. &
on Hawks Tor, is the site of a Roman camp, and in the Plymouth, wed
North Hill. Grylls Wm. Newton, farmer, Half acre Sleep Elijah, carrier
Palmer John, Glubhole Gynn William, farmer, Lynher Stephens Thomas, farmer, Trewortha
Pethick William, Lanoy Halls John, farmer, Bowhayland Trewin John, farmer, Tolcarne
Rodd Francis Rashleigh D.L., J.P. Tre- Halls Rd. miller (water), Battens mill Turner William,farmer,Trebart.haBartn
bartha hall Halls "\Villiam, farmer, Tresillern Venning Richard, farmer, Industry
Spear Robert Harris Richard, blacksmith, Bath pool Wadge Wm. butcher & farmer, Penhole
WillingRev.Theophilus[rector],Rectory Hawke MaryAnn (Mrs.),farmer,Castick Wilcocks Richard Elworthy, steward to
HawkenStphn.Hy.farmr.Ea.Tremollett 1 Francis Rashleigh Rodd esq. Estate
COMMERCIAL. Heggaton William, farmer, Lawn office, Trebartha hall
Ash Thos. farmer& carpenter, Newtown Hocking Jn. & Son, farmers, Illand Williams John, farmer,Addicroft
Ash William, farmer, Newtown Hocking <Richard, farmer, Trefuge Williams William, farmer, Stonaford
Babb William, miller Cwater), Bathpool Holloway Wm.farmer, West Tremollett Wills Thos. butcher, farmer & carrier,
.Barrett Richard, farmer, Bearah Holman Richard, farmer, Trewithy East Berrio
Bartlett John Coumbe, carrier & shop- Hurdon Richard, farmer, llland Wilton Richard, farmer, Trekernal
Ikeeper, Berrio Coad's Gree~.
Jasper Fr~ncis Dingle, farmer, Penhole
Beal John, farmer, Landreyne Landry Richard, farmer, Bowda
Bray William & Son, farmers, Treswell Lea Maria .Ann (Mrs.), draper Bolderston Rev. George (Wesleyan]
Brown Emma (Miss), shopkeeper Lea William, nurseryman, Illand Peters Mrs
WennRev.Thos. [Wesleyan],TheManse
Buckingham Jabez, agricultural ma- Mitchell William, farmer ·
chine maker & millwright, Lewarne Nicolls Henry, butcher, Lewarne COMMERCIAL•
Budge John, farmer, Kingbear NortheyWm.shopkeeper,Congdon'sShop Abbott Thomas, mason
Budge John Peter, farmer, Uphill Ough Richard, farmer, Congdon's Shop Budge Elizabeth Ann(Mrs. ), shopkeeper
Burnaford John, farmer, Tremollett Palmer John, auctioneer, house, land & Crago Charles, fishmonger
Coad John & Alfred, farmers estate agent, Glubhole DowningJames, shopkeeper, Post office
Colwill John, farmer, Trebartha farm Palmer ~"illiam, farmer, Battens Fuge Samuel, carrier
Coumbe George, Ring of Bells inn Peter Robert, farmer, Illand Hawken Charles Henry, blacksmith
• Coumbe George, jun. saddler Peter William, farmer, Illand Jasper John, boot maker
Coumbe Georgina (Miss), shopkeeper Pomeroy Samuel,blacksmith,Trebartha Morcom Joseph Richard, saddler
-Dingle James •r. farmer
Rice Henry, carpenter, Bathpool Rundle John, farmer & butcher
Downing Francis, farmer, Trebartha Rice Jn. cowkeeper, Congdon's Shop Stephens Sarah (Mrs.), grocer & draper
DowningRd.carpntr.&c.Congdon'sShop Rippen Henry, farmer, East Tremollett Stephens William, carpenter
Foot Oliver, carpenter, Middlewood Rundle Thomas, farmer, Langstone Vosper .Aaron, carpenter
Forse William, boot & shoe maker Sargent James, farmer, Botternell Vosper Thomas, blacksmith
Fuge William, farmer, Lanoy Sargent John, farmer, Kingbear Weeks William, fishmonger
OTTERHAM is a parish on the main road between The register dates from the year 1687. The living is a
Stratton and Camelford, 6 miles north-north-east from rectory, average tithe rent-charge £r49, net yearly ,.value
Camelford and 14 west-north-west from Launceston ; a £144, including 68 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift
station was opened here in August, 1893, on the new of the Rev. Charles H. T. Wyer Daw M.A. rector here, x86x-
branch of the London and South Western line from Laun... 72, and now rector of Stapleford, Cambs. and held since
ceston to Wadebridge; the parish is in the North Eastern 1886 by the Rev. Edward Henry Archer-Shepherd M.A. of
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi- 'frinity College, Dublin. The representatives of the late
sion of Lesnewth, Camelford union and county court George ~'elsh Owen esq. who are lords of the manor,
district, rural deanery of Trfgg Minor, archdeaconry of Charles Chichester esq. D.L., J.P. of Hall, Bishop's Tawton,
Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Dennis Devon, and- Bewes esq. are chief landowners. The soil is
is an ancient building of stone in the Early English style, dark loam; the subsoil is clay and slate. The chief crops
consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, south are wheat and oats. The area is 3,262 acres; rateable
porch, and an embattled western tower of three stages, value, £975; the population in x8g1 was 154.
40 feet in height, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, of Sexton, William Cowling.
which the first and third have inscriptions in Old English
letters ; 'the second is plain : there is an inscribed 1slate PosT OFFICE, Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, sub-postmistress.
slab to John Moyes, Johan his wife, and three of their Letters through Camelford, arrive at II.3o a.m.; dis-
children, 1700.21, to th~ family of Prest, 17I0-63, Abel patched, 1.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph
French gent. ob. t66o, and others: the church was entirely office 1s at Camelford. Postal crrders are issued here. but
restored in x88g, at a cost of £6oo, and has 130 sittings. not paid
Archer-Shepherd Rev. Edward Henry, Hoskin John, farmer, Kernick Pauling John, farmer, Marsh gate
M.A. Rectory Jose Edward, tailor Perkin William, farmer, Hallgard~n
COJHMERCIAL. Marshall William, farmer, White hill Rid~man Thomas, farmer, West Roose
Medland John, mason Routley John, farmer, Carwitham
Colliver WiHiam, farmer, Tregay Moyse William, farmer, Small hill
Cowling James, farmer Nottle William George, farmer Cansfra Stephens Daniel, farmer, Church town
Hawken Lncy (Mrs.),farmr.East Roose Parnell Jn. carpntr. &farmer, St. Tiney Venning Christopher, farmer & clerk to
Hockin Wm.Jn. farmer& miller( water) Paul William, farmer, Newham
Hoskin Albert, farmer, :Marsh gate the St. Clether school board, Cairo
PADSTOW (i.e. PETROCSTOw) is a market town and sea- 1827, will seat 6oo persons. A Cemetery of 2 acres was ,
port, on the estuary of the rivers Camel and .Alan, and formed in r881 at a cost of £8oo, and is under the control of
bounded on the north by about 3 miles of cliff, open to the a Burial Board of 5 members. .A monastery was founded
North Channel, and ou the east and south-east by about 4 here A.D. 520 by St. Petroc, but in 997 the place was des-
miles of cliff and beach; it is 8 miles west-north west from troyed by the Danes and the community was then trans-
Wadebridge station on the Great Western railway, 44 from ferred to Bodmin. Before the Reformation there were in
Plymouth, 243 from London, 8 north from St. Columb and existence here nine chapels or oratories, two of which were
16 west-north-west from Bodmin: the parish is in the Mid dedicated to St. Cadoc and St. Sampson; the site of the
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division latter now forms part of the grounds of Prideaux Place, and
of Pyder, St. Columb union and county court district, rural some remains of St. Saviour's chapel also exist on the brow
deanery of Pyd~r, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of of the hill: attached to these chapels were cemeteries of
Truro. An extension of the main line of the London and 1 considerable extent. In 1632, Nicholas Watts gave some
South Western railway from Launceston to Wadebridge, and property to the poor of Padstow, to commemorate which a
thence to Padstow, was begun in July, 1884, but is only par- funeral peal is rung every year on the 1st of September, for
tially completed. In 1583, the 25th year of the reign of which the bell ringers receive r2s.: in 1635, MalachiMartyn
Queen Elizabeth, Padstow was incorporated by Royal Char- gave by will the sum of £2; and in 17II, William Swym-
ter, dated 26th February, by the title of "The Mayor and mer gave some land by deed, which, together, produce about
Burgesses of the Borough of Padstow;" but in what year it £8o yearly, and this sum is distributed among such poor
ceased to be a corporation is not known : the government of persons as are not receiving parochial relief: these charities
the town is rtOW vested in a Local Board, formed February are regulated by a scheme of the Court of Chancery dated
9, r864, under the" Local Government Act of 1858 "(21 and February 26th, 1859, under which almshouses were erected
22 Vict. c. g8). The town is well lighted with gas by a corn- in 1875, in Middle street, at a cost of £r,ooo, for 8 8ingle
pany formed in 1868, the works being in Church Lane. women of the second poor, each of whom receives in addition
The harbour was deepened and the piers rebuilt about £w a year. The public rooms aTe in Church lane, and will
1854, under the provisions of an Act for improving the hold goo persons. The members of St. Petroc's Masonic
port and harbour, passed May 2grd, r844. The port of Lodge hold meetings at their hall, in Church street, on the
Padstow extends from the Chapel Rock in the parish of first Tuesday in each month. Padstow Institute is a build-
Perran-Zabuloe, being the north-eastern limit of the port ing of red brick in the Decorated style, erected at a cost of
of Penzance, to Dazard Point in the parish of St. Gennys, £r,ooo, raised chiefly by subscription: it contains a concert
which is the southern limit of the port of Barnstaple. hall, billiard, recreation and reading rooms and has a library
Padstow, in the "Cornu-British" tongue, is said to have of 400 vols. The Padstow Harbour Association was formed
been called "Lodenek;" in the visitation of the Bishops in 1829, for the purpose of saving life and property by ren-
of Winchester and Lincoln, in 1291, it is described as dering assistance to ships entering the port in distress ; it is
" Aldestowe ; " in 1326 a Royal Order wa.s addressed to supported voluntarily, and no salvage claims are made other
Aldestow, among other places in Cornwall ; in qor, an order than expenses out of pocket; up to the year 1888 this insti-
was addressed to Padylstowe and two other places, about tution had rendered aid to not less than 86 vessels. A branch
building a Balangerd. The town furnished two vessels and of the Royal National Life Boat Institution is also located
men to Edward Ill. for the siege of Calais. The church of here, and the lifeboat has been instrumental in saving the
St. Petrock is an interesting building of stone, in the Late lives of many shipwrecked crews : a new lifeboat was pre-
Decorated style, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave, sented in 1883 by R. A. B. Preston esq. in gratitud~ for his
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower con- rescue when wrecked on the Goodwins. STEPPER POINT, a
taining a clock and 6 bells : there are two piscinre, one of headland forming the western boundary of the harbour, 227
which bears a figure of St. Petroc, and the rood stairs also feet in height, has a daymark, and a capstan for the use of
remain : the font of Catacluse stone is very curious, and has shipping; within the headland is the Doom Bar, an immense
arcaded sides and sculptured effigies of the 12 apostles : sandbank. rich in sand containing carbonate of lime, of
there is a monument to Sir Nicholas Prideaux kt. ob. 1637, which it is said to contain So per cent. and large quantities
erected by his wife m West Putford church and removed of the sand are sent inland. The town has a considerable
here about the year 1732, and a brass with Latin inscription import trade in general merchandise, and in the exportation
to Laurence Merther, Yicar of Padstow, ob. 19 June, 1421 : of corn ; ship building, which was formerly carried on here
somost of the windows are stained, and include memorials to to a large extent, has much declined, repairs forming the
William Rawlings, years vicar; and Richard 'fyacke, principal operations. The market day is Sat-urday. A fair
vicar, 1836: at the west end, connected with the tower, is for cattle, sheep and horses is held on the first Tuesday in
the vault of the Prideaux-Brune family, surrounded by an May. A festivity or pastime called "The Hobby Horse" is
embattled wall of masonry, and over the entrance thereto celebratR.d e~ry May day. On Dennis hill is a granite
is an old stone cross, discovered in the grounds of Prideaux monument, 50 feet in height, erected in r88g, by the late
Place: the church was restored and richly ornamented, at Rev. Samuel Paynter M.A. of London, and some time rector.
a considerable expense, principally defrayed by Miss Mary of Stoke-next-Guildford, Surrey, at a cost of £soo, in com-
Prideaux-Brune, of Prideaux Place, about 1855: in 1888-g, memoration of the Queen's Jubilee. Prideaux Place, the resi-
the chancel was completely restored, under the direction of deuce of Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune esq. D.L., J. P. which
Mr. J. D. Sedding, architect, when it was repaved, the occupies the site of the ancient monastery, is a noble edifice
sam:tuary and vestry enlarged and the communion table of the Elizabethan period, standing in grounds of about 4
and reredos raised, the panels of the latter being filled with acres; the house, built by Nicholas Prideaux in 1590, affords
paintings by Miss Gertrude Prideaux-Brune: new choir an extensive diversified view overlooking the town and the
stalls of oak, caned by Mr. H. Hems, of Exeter, and new serpentine harbour; among the ancestral portraits in the
brass communion rails were erected, and the organ moved house are those of Mr. Nicholas Prideaux, in the costume of
from the west end to the north chancel aisle ; at the same the period, and of the celebrated Humphrey Prideaux D.D.
time the nave seats were lowered and widened: there are dean of Norwich, who was born here 3 May, 1648, and died
Boo sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year Nov. 1, 172~. C. G. Prideaux-Brune esq. is lord of the
r6u ; marriages and burials, 1599. The living is a dis- manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay ; subsoil,
charged vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £191, net in- clay. The land is chiefly arable, and produces corn of ex-
come £201, including 18 acres of glebe, with residence, in cellent quality. The area is 3,339 acres of land, 338 of tidal
the gift of Charles Prideaux-Brune esq. and held since 1837 water and 246 of foreshore; rateable value, £7,392; the
by the Rev. Richard Tyacke B.A. of St. John's College, Cam- population of the parish in 1891 was I,8J7, and within the
bridge, and surrogate. The Bible Christian chapel, erected Local Board district, r,S59·
in 1840, has 200 sittings, and the Wesleyan chapel, built in Parish Clerk, Henry Harding.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PoST, M. 0. & T_ 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, 2.45 p.m.; dispatched to London at 4.25 p.m. & the North
Duke street (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Miss L. Brown, postmistress. at 10 a.m. ; sundays, arrive 9·5 a.m.; dispatched 3·35
Letters arrive from London at 9.25 a.m. & the North at
p.m. Money orders are granted & paid from 9 a.m. till
6 p.m
DEV. & CORN. 77
LocAL BoARD. Padstow Harbour Association, Robert Sussex Langford,
Offices, Church street. Board day, last tuesday m• every sec. & treasurer
month at 6 p.m. Public Rooms, Chapel street, Charles Allport, sec
Bray Frank (chairman) Philp William 1st Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
Allport Charles Quick William Western Division Royal Artillery (tst Company), Hon.
Clemow John Sleeman John < Major William Sandford All port, commanding; Richard
Derrick William Stribley John Palk-Griffin, lieutenant ; Sergeant-Major Hollobone, drill
Matthews Charles I instructor
Clerk & Collector, William Henry Pope, The Hill
Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Medical Officer & Public Vac-
Treasurer, George Burrow, Cornish Bank, St. Columb
Medical Officer of Health, Henry Frederick Marley L.R.C.P. cinator, No. 2 district, St. Columb Major union, Henry
Frederick Marley L.R.C.P.Lond. 'rhe Nook
Lond. 'rhe Nook
Surveyor &; Inspector of Nuisances, Benjamin Marshall Assessors & Collectors of Taxes, James Nicholls & Leonard
Nicholls, Park view ·
Harvey, Church street
Assistant Overseer, William Henry Pope, The Hill
Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Samuel Allport, William
Meet second tuesday in every quarter, at the Molesworth Quick & C. Glynn Prideaux-Brune esqrs
Arms, Wadebridge
Clerk, William Henry Pope, The Hill, Padstow Pilots, Samuel French, Samuel Brown, James Reevely,
Treasurer, Robert Sussex Langford, Padstow Thomas Hy. Edyvane, Robert England & David Grubb
Medical Officer of Health, Henry Frederick Marley, The PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
Nook, Padstow St. Petrock Church, Rev. Richard Tyacke B.A. vicar; 8 &
Inspector of Nuisances, Benj. Marshall Harvey, Padstow II a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. II a.m. &; 7 p.m.; fri. 11 a.m
VICE-CoNsur.s &c.:- Bible Christian, Rev. Edward V. Stephens; I0-4S a. m. & 6
Austria & Hungary, J'ohn Mathews (consul~~or agent), p.m.; fri. 7 p.m
Wesleyan, Rev. Edwin Jope; Rev. James Fisher (super-
Denmark, Robert Sussex Langford (cohsular agent) numary); II a. m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m
Germany, Robt. Sussex Langford(vice-consul), North quay A School Board of 5 members was formed Feb. 19, z873;
Spain, W. Rowe (vice-consul), Stratton
Sweden & Norway, Robert Sussex Langford (vice-consul), William Henry Pope, The Hill, clerk to the board
Board School (mixed), erected in I 876, at a cost of £3,000, for
North quay
120 boys, 120 girls & ISO infants; average attendance, 100
boys, Ss girls & 68 infants; Frederick George Harding,
master; Miss E. Jones, mistress; Miss Elizabeth Camp-
Cemetery, Henry Harding, Lanadwell street, cTerk to the bell, infants' mistress
burial board · CONVEYANCE (LAND):-
Coast Guard, Henry Eavis, chief officer Omnibuses to Wadebridge & Bodmiu leave at 6.30, 8.20 &
County Police Station, Lanadwell st. Thomas Hall, sergt IO,Io a.m. &4.2S p.m. withmails&passengers; these are
Custom House,South quay,William Quick, superintendent; daily, returning (mail) at g.2s a.m. & 2.45 & 9.30 p.m
J. A. Cross, second officer North Cornwall coach daily to Camelford station
Harbour Master's Office, North quay, Samuel Allport, CONVEYANL'E BY WATER TO :-
harbour master ILFRACOlllBE, SWANSEA & BRISTOL-Steam packets fort-
Inland Revenue Office, John DaYid Williams, officer nightly
Local Lifeboat Committee, C. G. Prideaux-Brune esq. WADEBRIDGE-A boat daily, according to tide
chairman ; William Bishop esq. Charles Rawle, Sussex CARRIERS TO : -
Langford, B. Nilsen, Samuel Allport,. Dr. Palk-Griffin, ST. CoLUMB-John Carlyle, from his house, fri.; returns
Henry Eavis, William Henry Pope &Robert A. B. Preston following day .
esq.; William Martyn Richards, hon. sec TauRo-John Carlyle, same day
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Griffin Mrs. Trevone Nilsen Bernhard, Dennis house
Allport Charles, Duke street Grose James, Trevone Nicholls James, Park view
Allport Samuel, Cross street Grose John W. Trevone Osborne Miss, High street
Allport William Sandford, Fentonluna Harris John, Duke street Palk-Griftin Richard, Rose Hill cottag3 & Trevone Harvey J<'rank, Bay villa Prideaux-Brune CharlesGlynn D.L.,J.P.
Bell Mrs Hawken John, Church street Prideaux place
Bishop William, St. Edmund's Hellyar Miss, Church street Quick William, Casworth house
Bradford Mrs. High street Hicks John, St. Saviour's lane Richards Wm. Martyn J.P. Woodlands
Bray Frank Hicks Joseph, 'rrevone Saunders Latimer Henry, 'rrevone
Bray Mrs. Belvue cottage Hutchings John, Workhouse hill SpetLigue Mrs. Church street
Jago Alfred Chas. Grammar Stephens Rev. Edwd. V. [BibleChristn1
Carrnthers Miss, Church street
sehool, High street
Clemow James, Barrys lane Stribley Misses, South villa
Clemow Mrs. The Bunion Jope Rev. Edwin [Wesleyan] Thornton Mrs. Trevone
Core Rev. John B.A. [curate in charge], Key Miss, Cross street Tredwen Mrs. Cross house
High street Knight Mrs. Mill street Treseowthick Misses, Cregmeer
Cowl Joseph, New street Knight William, Fentonluna house Tyacke Rev. Richard [vicar & surro-
Docton John Davis Langford Mrs. St. Saviour's lane gate], Vicarage
Faull Mrs. High street Langford Robert Sussex, Hawthorn cot Williams James, Qak terrace
Fisher Rev. James [Wesleyan] Marley Henry Frederick, 'l'he Nook
COMMERCIAL. Brewer William, jobmaster, New street
Allport Charles, sail & rope maker, Duke street Brown Louisa (Miss), postmistress, Duke street
Allport Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cross "Street Brown William, head gardener to C. G. Prideaux-Brune esq
Allport Mary Jane (Miss), stationer, Market place Burt Francis, coal merch•mt & shoe maker
Allport Samuel, ship broker & harbour master, North quay Burton Charles, hair dresser, Lanadwell street
Allport William Sandford, ship owner &c. North quay Burtt Mary Jane (:Mrs.), apartments, Lanadwell street
Andrew Thomas, farmer & shopkeeper, Tresearies Cemetery (Henry Harding, clerk to the burial board)
Bate Fanny (Mrs.), Temperance hotel, New street Champion (Miss), girls' school, Mill street
Hate Thomas, blacksmith, Windmill Champion Harry, builder, Mill street
Bate William, Caledonia inn, South quay Chapman Gregory, farmer, Lellizzick
Bate William, master mariner, Church street Chapman Richard, horse trainer, High street
Bate 'William, master mariner, New street Cleave Malcolm, farmer, & bailiff to E. G. Prideaux-Brune
Bellamy Emma (Miss), shopkeeper, Broad street esq. Tregirls
Betties William, Golden Lion P.H. Lanadwell street Clemo Joseph, shopkeeper, Cross street
Blake Peter, boot & shoe maker, Mill street Clemow & Son, wholesale&; retail drapers, tailors, grocers &
Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited ironmongers, maltsters, hop & seed merchants, Broad st
(Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) (agency) (S. Allport, Cornish Bank Limited (sub-branch) (Robert Sussex Lang-
a~ent) ; draw on Williams, Deacon & Manchester & Salford ford, agent); draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, London.
Bank Limited, London
See advertisement
Bowan Mrs. apartments, Trevone Cornwall (tst) (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
Bray Frank, corn, flour & seed & general merchant, South }Yestern Division Royal Artillery (1st Company) (Hon.
quay. See advertisement Major William Sandford Allport, commander ; R. Palk-
Brewer & Co. flour dealers, Lanadwell street Griffin, lieutenant; Sergeant-Major Hollobooe, drill in-
Brewer George P. butcher, Mill square structor)
DIRECTORY.] CORN\VALL. P.<\os·row. 121!)
Courtenay John, sail maker, Sou:h quay I :Matcham Thomas, shopke' eper, Lanadwell street ·
Cowl John & Sons, shipwrights ·Miners Misses, dress makers, Market place ,
Cross John .A. custom house officer Nicholls J ames, land & estate agent & accountant, auctioneer
Deacon Edward, master mariner, Barry's lane . & assessor & collector of taxes & sec. to the Padstow Rail~
Derrick William, builder & house furnisher, Duke street way committee, Park view
Duggua Thomas Whitford, farmer, St. Cadoc . Nilsen Bernhard (Mrs.), high-class educational home for
Eavis Henry, coastguard girls, Dennis house
Edyvane Thomas Henry, pilot O'Hagan Thomas, tinplate worker, Middle street
Edyvane John Bray, ferryman Osborne Thomas, farmer, Treator
Elliott Henry, carpenter, Church street Padstow Gas Consumers Co. Limited (William H. D.
Elliott Thomas, carpenter, Church lane Richards, engineer & manager)
England Henry & Son, taxidermists Padstow Harbour Association (Robert Sussex Langford, sec)
Faull William, basket maker, North quay Padstow Institute & Library (James Williams, sec)
Foley Maria (Mrs.), Ship inn, Mill street Palk-Griffin Richard L.R.C.P.LOnd. physician & surgeon,
Gard Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Church street Rose Hill cottage
Geach Eleanor (Miss), day school Pascoe Thomas, ships' smith
Geach William, farmer, Trerethen Paul3on H. (Mrs.), lodging house, The Quay
Griffiths Evan, chemist & druggist, Broad street Peake Francis, farmer, Trethellick
Grigg Robert, shopkeeper, South quay Pearce Hannah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Market place
, Grubb David, pilot & coxswain of lifeboat Philp Wm. ships' chandler,Mill st. & ironmongr. Church st
Hall Thomas, police sergeant, Lanadwell street Pope William, blacksmith, :Barry's lane
Harding Henry, stationer, & clerk to the burial board, Pope William & Sons, jobmasters, Duke street
Lanadwell street Pope William Henr.v, assistant overseer, clerk & collector to
Harvey Benjamin Marshall, accountant, surveyor & inspec- the local board & clerk to the Port sanitary authority,
tor of nuisances to Padstow local board, & inspector of The Hill
nuisances to Port sanitary authority, High street Prynn ~liza Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Duke street
Harvey John Martyn, rope maker, Rope walk Public Rooms (Charles .Ailport, sec.), Chapel street
Harvey William Henry, ship ownery Church street Quick William, superintendent of custr>ms, South quay
Hawken Henry, shopkeeper, Middle street Rawle Charles, shipwright, Upper dock
Hawken John, corn, flour, manure & coal merchant Reevely James, pilot ·
Hawkins Joseph, butcher, Broad street Reynolds Emily (Mrs.), apartments, Trevone
Henwood Thos. butcher, farmer & corn merchant,Broad st Reynolds William, jobmaster & farmer, New street
Henwood William, carpenter, New street Richards Wil!iam H. D. gas engineer
Hicks Joseph, ~raper & grocer, Broad street Rundle Richard, butcher, Duke street
Hollobone Sergt.-Major, volunteer drill-instructor Salmon Lovedl\Y (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Market place
Hornabrook Thomas, blacksmith, Broad street Salmon William, watch maker, Lanadwell street
Hocking Richard Tellam, steward to C. G. Prideaux-Brune Sandry Charles, farmer, Trevisker
esq. D.L., J.P Sleeman John & Co. ironmongers, Lanadwell street
Hugo Samuel, tailor, Middle 'Street Sloggett Aaron, master mariner, Barrys lane
Hutchings John, master mariner, Duke street Spear John, farmer, Crugmeer
Irons Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Duke street Stephens Mary Jane (Mrs.), London inn, Lanadwell street
Jago Allred Charles Lond. univ-. Grammar school, Stribley .Annie & Jane (Misses), apartments, Dennis lane
High street Stribley Hubert, master mariner, Barrys lane
Jay Richard, marine store dealer, South quay Stribley George B. cabinet maker, Duke street
Key James Biddick, farmer, Trelousa Stribley John, cabinet maker, Duke street
Key Jamcs Hawken, farmer& wool dealer, 'frereval Stribley Simon, master mariner, Church lane
Knight Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Church lane Stribley William, rigger, Limekiln hill
Langford Robert & Son, timber, coal & general merchants, Strongman James, butcher, Middle street
Lloyd's agents, ship & insurance agents, North quay Tabb Edmund, master mariner, High street
Lewin Sophia (Miss), apartments, Trevone Tabb Pestridge, shopkeeper, Trevone
Liddicoat Lionel, boot maker & shopkeeper, South quay Tabb William Henry. master mariner, Broad street
Lobb.John, carpenter, Church street Tom Johnson Paynter, farmer, Dennis
Lobb Mary Jane (Mrs.), butcher, Cross street Tom William James, farmer, Trevisker
Lobb Richard, Commercial hotel, family & commercial &; Tonkin Edgar, boot & shoe maker, Broad street
J)Osting; tourists & commercials specially catered for; Tonkin Peter, boot & shoe maker, Mill street
moderate charges, South quay Udy James, earthenware & fancy dealer, Broad street
Lobb Robert Dunn, shipwright, Middle street Williams Andrew, mason, Ruthers lane
Lobb Thomas, butcher, Market place Williams .Anna (Mi!'s), fancy draper, Strand
Lucas Sampson, greengrocer, Duke street Williams John Bennett, farmer & cattle dealer, Treator
Lutteman Martin, master mariner, Mill street Williams John David, inland revenue officer
Marley Henry Frederick L. R. c.P. Lond. physician & surgeon, Williams Robert D. butcher, Middle street
medical officer & pub]jc ¥accinator 2nd district St. Columb Williams Samuel John, baker, Duke street
union & medical officer of health, Padstow local board & Williams William, farmer, Porthmizen & Trevone
Port samtary authority, The Nook Wills J ane (Mrs. ), St. Petroc private hotel
Martyn Samuel, carpenter, Crugmeer Winnick (Mrs.), apartments, Cross street
:Martyn William Henry, farmer, Crugmeer Worden John, master mariner, High street
PAR is a sea-port in Tywardreath Bay, and an ecclesiasti-~ clay and china-stone works, tin, copper and iron mines, and
eal parish, formed January 2oth, 1846, from portions of the the granite districts of the interior, a branch line being also
parishes of St. Blazey and Tywardreath, with a junction extended to the extensive iron lodes in the Perran district.
station on the Great Western railway; it is x mile south of The parish is supplied with water by the Par Waterworks Co.
St. Blazey, 4 east of St. .Austell, 35 from Plymouth and 281! The town is lighted by oil lamps. The church of St. Mary
from London. The parish contains the \"ill ages of BrscovEY, stands about I! miles from Par junction, and was built in
ST. MARY's or ST. BLAZEY GATE, ST. BLAzEY HIGHWAY, and 1849 from the designs of the late G. E. Street esq. R •.A.
other hamlets; it is in the South Eastern division of the being the first church erected by him ; it is a building of stone
county, western division of the hundred of Powder, petty in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south
sessional division of Powder Tywardreath, union and county, aisle, south porch and a western tower with spire containing
court district of St. .Austell, rural deanery of St. Austell, one bell: in the chancel are eleven small stained windows;
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Trnro. Par is a there Is also a memorial window to the Rev. Frank Garrett
thriving port, and owes its origin as such entirely to the M •.A. vicar, 1872~85 : an organ was built in x887 by general
untiring perseverance of the late J. T. Treffry esq. who con~ subscriptions: there are 36o sittings. The register dates
structed the breakwater and quays, and converted this place from the year 1849. 'fhe living is a vicarage, net yearly
from an open bay into a safe port and connected it with the value £150, with residence, in the gift of the Crown and the
mines by railways and canals, undertakings which have Bishop of Truro alternately, and held since 1885 by the Rev.
since been further developed by his trustees; it is now an Daniel Rechab Vaugban. The Wesleyan chapel is a plain
important shipping place for china-clay, stone and granite; building of stone, erected in 1864, and has 400 sittings. The
the imports being coal, timber and general merchandise. Bible Christian chapel, erected in 1875 as a Primitive
The Great Western railway connects the harbour of New~ Methodist chapel, has sittings for 250 persons. There is a
quay on the nnrth with those of Par and Fowey on the south reading room with library at Biscovey, established in 1889,
coast, thus opening communication with the various china- and another reading room at the Harbour. A parish room
DEV. & COR!f. I 4
was erected in 1893· Here are the extensive works and 6 a.m. I2.45 & 7.15 p.m. St. Columb arrive at 12.30 &
chief depot of the Cornwall Minerals district branch of the 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at 6.30 a.m. I2.45 & 7·I5 p.m.
Great Western railway; the buildings, which are of brick St. Columb Minor mails arrive at 12.20 & 6.30 p.m. ; dis-
and have a frontage of about 500 feet, were erected by Sir patched at 6 a. m. Roche mails arrive at Io, I2.30 & 6.go
Morton Peto hart. in I872-4; the company employ about 6o p.m. ; dispatched at 6.go a.m. & I2.45 p.m. Fowey
persons. The smelting works at Par (part of which is now mails arrive at 5.25 a.m. 12 & 6.I5 p.m. dispatched at.
used as a mill) have a chimney 280 feet in height. The 5th 6.go a.m. I2.45 & 6.40 p.m
Company of the xst Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer PosT OFFICE, Biscovey.-Mrs. Betsey Penalurick, sub-post-
Artillery, Western Division Royal Artillery, have a battery mistress. Letters through Par Station R.S.O. arrive at.
at Par, on the coast, their orderly room being at St. Blazey.
The principal landowners are Charles Ebenezer Treffry esq. 7·55 a.m. & 7·45 p.m.; dispatched at 4·45 & a.m.
J.P. of Place House, Fowey; George Richard Gwavas Car-
& 5.20 p.m. week days only. The nearest money order
lyon B. A., D.L., J.P. of Tregrehan; Jonathan Rashleigh esq.
J.P., D.L. of Menabilly, Tywardreath, and Lord Robartell. & telegraph office is at St. Blazey. Postal orders are
issued here, but not paid
St. Blazey Gate, St. Blazey Highway and WALL LETTER BoxEs, cleared at : -
:Biscovey, are villages in this parish ; they extend from I Par station, 5.20 & II.40 a.m. & 5·55 p.m. week days only
Par green, 9·45 a. m. & 5.50 p.m. week days only
to 3 miles west, on the road to St. Austell. Near the spot
where the turnpike gate used to be is a curious sepulchral Par harbour, 11.15 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. week days only
stone, erected in 920, and now used as a gate post ; it is 7i PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS :-
feet high, I~ feet wide and 8 inches thick, and bears the
inscription, "Alroron, Ullici filius." Par Harbour, Inkerman Tregaskes, harbour master
Custom House, Charles Stuart, principal coast officer
Great Western Depot (Cornwall Minerals Distt-ict rail-
There are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels at St. way), Oswald Jones, traffic manager; T. H. Gibbons,
Blazey Gate, the latter seating 300 persons. The soil is engineer ; J. Luxmoore, chief of locomotive department
killas; subsoil, various. The area is x,82o acres; the popu-
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
lation iq x8gr was 1,634·
St. Mary's Parish Church, Rev. Daniel Rechab Vaugllan,
Parish Clerk, William Pope.
vicar; 8.30 & II a.m. & 3.15 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Bible Christian, St. Blazey Gate; Rev. John· Rollings ;
Par.-Philip Hocken Powne, sub-postmaster. Letters
11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
arrive through Par Station R.S.O. at 7.Io a.m. x.go & Wesleyan, St. Blazey Gate; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
7.30 p.m.; dispatched at 5.5 & n.3o a.m. & 5·55 p.m. Wesleyan, Par; II a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m
week days only
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Par SCHOOLS:-
Station (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Board (mixed), St. Mary's (formerly a Church school) ; it
Cornwall added).-George Lias, postmaster. Letters will hold r8o children; average attendance, 130 ; William
arrive at 6.30 a.m. I2.Io, I2.45 & 6.40 p.m. Newquay Hancock, master
mails arrive at xo a. m. 12.30 & 6.30 p.m. ; dispatched at Railway Station, William Solomon, station master
Par. Freeman John, Sons & Co. Limited, Stuart Charles, chief coast guard officr
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. granite merchants, Wharf (Samuel Sullivan Dennis, master mariner
Congdon Mrs Wm. Tregaskes, manager). • See advt Tredigo James, coast guardsman
Dingle William Gill Thomas, shopkeeper Treffry, Clones & Co. general mer-
Ellery Mrs Hall William, One & All P.H. Par green chants ; dealers in coals, timber,
Elliott John Hamley John & Son, ironmongers & deals, battens, salt, potatoes, ropes-
Gill Mrs blacksmiths &c. Wharf ; & at Charlestown
Graae Niels, Lambpark Harris Charles, butcher, Par station Treffry de Cressey, merchant, see
Jenkins John, Holly cottage Hicks Edwin, coast guardsman Treffry, Clunes & Co
Leaman Mrs Jenkins John, master mariner, Cliff cot Tregaskes Annie (Mrs. ),draper & grocr
Love James, I Lambpark Jenkins John William, master mariner Tregaskes Benjamin, ship builder
Lukes William, Clifton house John Frank, coast guardsman Tregaskes Inkerman, harbour master,
uenow William, 2 Lambpark Johns Richard Joseph, master mariner Par office
Peters William, Par house Jolly William,master mariner,Natal vis Tregaskes Samuel Williams, master of
Polsue Mrs Jolley Joseph, sail maker, Wharf steam tng, Captains' row
Rogers Mrs. Lambpark Kittow Thomas, butcher Tregaskes Susan (Mrs.), grocer & ship
Rundle Mrs. Lambpark place Knight & Son, manure, coal & potato owner
Rundle Mrs. Sea View cottage merchants, Wharf. See advert Trembeth N'icholas, master mariner
Stephens John, Lambpark place Knight John Hocken, manager to the 'frembeth William, master mariner
Tregaskes Benjamin, Sea view Wheal Rashleigh China Clay Co. & Turner Richard, farmer
Tregaskes Inkerman, Beech house the Methrose China Clay Co. Wharf Wheal Rashleigh China Clay Co. (John
Tregaskes Mrs. J. M. Thorncliff house Landry William, tin washer Hocken Knight, manager)
Trembeth George, Par station Langmead Henry, master mariner
Trescowthick William Langmead John Henry,master mariner St. Blazey Gate.
Turner Charles, Lambpark Langmead William, shoe maker Beard Vincent, Rose cottage
Vaughan Rev. Daniel Rechab, Vicarage Langmead William, master mariner George John
Webber Mrs. Natal villas Lukes Wm. miller (steam), Beaver mll Rouse John
West Mrs. Elmsleigh Methrose China Clay Co. (John Hocken
Stephens Charles, Double trees
COMMERCIAL. Knight, manager). See advert COMMERCIAL.
Northcot J ane (Mrs.), Sloop inn
Alderman John, brick maker Opie James, Royal hotel Bond Edward, shoe maker
Ashton Samuel,family grocer & general Par Harbour (C. E. T·e!fry esq. J.P. Bunney Thomas, carpenter
Cornish John, shoe maker
provision dealer,Bridge house, & beer Fowey,propr. ; Wm.l'eter, manager) Job Thomas, The Four Lords P.H
retlt'iler at IS Balls Inn Par Waterworks Co. (John Polking- Keam William, shoe maker
Avery Peter, master mariner Lawer J n.jun. dairyman & letter carrier
Bennett George, master mariner horne, sec. & managing partner) :Morshead Nicholas,farmer,Double trees
Clemo Andrew, master mariner Parker Sarah (Mrs.), refreshment rms Opie Caroline (Mr~. ), butcher
Cock Stephen, master mariner Parkyn John, ship chandler, Wharf Penalurick Betsy (Mrs.), grocer
Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's) Penrose James Edwin, smith Penrose John, shopkeeper
Volunteer Artillery,WesternDivision, Peter William, agent for Charles E. Richards Simon, wire worker
Royal Artillery(sth Company) (Hon. Rowe Benjamin, shoe maker
Major J. Polkinghorne) 'freffry esq. Par office Rowse Richard, farmer
Couth William, master mariner Phillips John. farmer Silas William, shopkeeper
Custom House (Charles Stuart, prin- Plucknett Thomas, Welcome Home Solomon Richard, shopkeeper
cipal coast officer) Trethewey Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Dingle Fredk. farmer, Roselyon farm P.H. Par green Williams Silas, farmer, Lemellin
Dingle William, jnn. master mariner Polkinghorne John, sec. to Par Water-
works Co. Par office
Purches William Samuel, Par inn
Reading Room, Par harbour
Down Edward (Mrs.), shopkeeper Roseveare John, grocer & baker St. Blazey Highway.
Dunn John Thomas, builder, Bay view Rnndle Nicholas, master mariner,
Dunstan Thomas, butcher Lambpark place Perry Caleb, Parkenwise
Edwards Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper Rundle William Nicholas, master mari- Best William, shoe maker
Elliott Htmry, chief boatman & officer ner, Natal villa. Giles Walter, tailor
in charge of coast guard Shopland William, market gardener Parks William, Britannia inn
Found Jonathan, deputy harbour mast StephensJohn,ship broker,Lambpark pl Smith Samuel, blacksmith
Woolcoek Wiliiam Henry, steward to Jenkins Frederick Turner J ames Albert, Biscovean house
Tregrehan estates, Biscovean Rollings Rev. John [Bible Christian], Jeakin Frederick, shopkeeper & farmer
Sleep John, shoe maker
Biscovey. Lodge hill Turner James Albert, draper & grocer
Truscott George, Biscovey house
Brown Mrs. Parkingear
PAUL is a parish nMr Penlee Point, the southern head- stands an ancient cross six feet high. Thomas Bedford
land of 1\lounts Bay, 2~ miles south from Penzance, where Bolitho esq. H.P., D.L., J.P. of Trewidden and Charles Day
is the nearest railway station: in the Western division of Nicholls Le Grice esq. B.A., J.P. Lord St. Levan, Charles
the county, Penwith hundred, petty sessional division of Campbell Ross esq. J.P. of Carne and Miss Carne, of Pen-
Penwith West, Penzance union and county court district, zance, are chief landowners. The soil is rich loam; the
rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and subsoil is killas and granite. The chief crops are early
diocese of Truro. The parish is governed by a Local Board potatoes and broccoli. The area is 3•433 acres ; rateable
of 9 members, formed in June, 1891. The church of St. Paul value, £14,280; the population in 1891 was 5,977·
is an ancient building of granite in the Perpendicular style, Mousehole is a large and important fishing village in
consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch, and an em- this parish, half a mile south of the Church Town and 3
battled western tower with turret containing 3 bells: the miles from Pem.ance. There is an excellent granite pier,
register records that "The Spanyer burnt this church in erected in 1870-71 at a cost of about £s,ooo, and forming a
the year 1595:" a small portion of the old church is still perfectly sheltered harbour for fishing craft. This is a
standing, and bears traces of the fire : bet.ween the nave and coast-guard station, with a master and seven men : harbour
north aisle, at a height of about three feet, is a small arched master, Benjamin Carvosso Harvey. Here are Wesleyan
..opening, perhaps originally a hagioscope; fixed in the and United Free Methodist chapels.
churchyard wall is a monument with inscriptions in English Parish Clerk, Thomas H. Wallis.
and Cornish, erected in I86o by Prince Louis Lucien Hona- Sexton, Joseph Penrose.
parte and the late Rev. John Garrett, vicar, to the memory PosT OFFICE, Paul.-Miss Elizabeth Jane Osborne, sub-
()( Dorothy Pentreath, who died in 1778, aged 102, and who postmistress. Letters arrive from Penzance at 10.20
was supposed to be the last person who spoke the ancient a.m. & 6.15 p.m.; dispatched at 2.35 p.m. & 6.20 p.m.
Cornish, the peculiar language of this county: affixed to Mousehole is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
the wall is also the quatrefoiled head of a cross, with a figure Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
.Qf the " Crucifixion:" there is a stained window in each WALL LETTER Box, Sheffield, cleared 2. 15 p.m
aisle: among numerous mural tablets is one in the south PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
aisle to Capt. Stephen Hutchens, who died at Jamaica in Mousehole.-Mrs. Robert Oliver, sub-postmistress. Let-
1709, with an epitaph in old Cornish, the only one now ters through Penzance arrive at 9.30 ~~o.m. & 3.15 p.m. ;
extant: in the north aisle is the tomb of William Godolphin dispatched at 2. 25 & 6. 30 p.m
-i>f Trewarveneth, ob. 1689, above which hang a sword,helmet WALL LETTER Box, Quay, cleared 2.15 & 6.35 p.m
and other armour : the church was new-roofed in 1892 and LoCAL BoARD.
further restoration is now (1893) in progress: there are 850 Meets at Church town on fourth tuesday in the month, at
sittings. The register dates from the year 1595; the regis- 6.30 p.m.
ters previous to this date are said to have been destroyed by Clerk, John James Carne, Mousehole
the Spaniards, when they set fire to the church. The living Treasurer, T. B. Bolitho M.P. Penzance
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £388, net yearly Medical Officer of Health, Richard Davey Boase L.R.C.P.
value £316, with residence and 3 acres of glebe, in the gift Loud. 5 Morrab road, Penzance
()f the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, William Chirgwin,
Robert Wesley Aitken, of St. Bees. A cemetery of I! acres Church Town
was formed in 1879, at a cost of £7oo, and is under the Collector, Thomas Lugg, Mousehole
.control of a Burial Board of nine members. There are ScHOOLS : -
.eharitie.s of £5 yearly value. There is also an almshouse, A School Board of 9 members was formed Sept. 28, 1875;
founded by Capt. Hutchens, above mentioned, in 176o, and Madron with one member being contributory, Sept. 30,
~ndowed with land and house property producing about 1879; Charles Clemens, Sancreed, Penzance, clerk to the
£135 yearly, for the maintenance of six old men and six old board: Thomas Tonkin, attendance officer
women, born in the parish of Paul. Trewoofe (or Board, Paul Church Town, built in 1883, for 200 children ;
"' Troove") is a romantic valley which terminates at Lamor- average attendance, 40 boys, 40 girls & 37 infants; Joseph
na Cove; on this estate are the remains of a triple entrench- Charles Sims, master; Miss Kate James Beckerleg,
ment, with subterranean chambers or caves connected by infants' mistress
passages: one of these ca"~res, 36 feet long, 5 wide and about Paul (Newlyn) Board school, given under Newlyn
·6 high, is said to have afforded concealment to a party of Wesleyan, Mousehole; average attendance, 69 boys, 56
Royalists, who thus escaped the forces of Sir Thomas f<'airfax. girls & 121 infants ; John Birch, master; Miss Lillie
There is also a fine chalybeate spring; on Paul Down Jeremiah, infants' mistress
Paul. Consolidated (The) Tin Smelting Co. Matthews William & Stephen, farmers,
Aitken Rev. Robert Wesley [vicar], Lim. (Thos. Willis Field J.P. manag- Kerris vean
Vicarage ing director), Trerieffe Matthews John Badcock, farmr. Kerris
Baily William Edward, Lynwood Cornish Charles, farmer, Paul hill Matthews John Henry, farmer, Kerris
Chi1·gwin Percy Teague, Chyoone Curnow Wm. market gardener,Penolva Matthews Robert, farmer, Sheffield
Davey William Philip, Gwavas villa Curnow William, market gardener, Matthews Robert, farmr. Carn Gwavas
DeCosta Mrs. Penzer house Trungle house, Church town Matthews Thomas, farmer, Kerris
Lavin Mrs. Chyoone grove Daniel William, farmer, Ennis Nicholls John, farmer, Reginnis
Freeman John, Sons & Co. Lim. stone North James, farmer, Tru~le
Wright Josiah, Boslandew house
COMMERCIAL. quarries, Paul hill. See advertisemt No-rth William, farmer, Church town
Giles Henry, farmer, Reginnis Olds John, farmer, Tresvennack
Badcock Henry, farmer, Caunse Giles John, farmer, Castallack Osborne Elizabeth Jane (Miss), grocer,
Bennetts Henry, farmer, 'fredavoe Giles Thomas, farmer, Middle Kemyell Post office, Church town
Bolitho James, farmer, Berwinnay Giles William, farmer, Trevithal Osborne Henry, farmer, Trungle
Brocklesby Philip Noah (Mrs.), farmer, Green William, carrier, Coombe Penrose Joseph, thatcher, Church town
Halwyn Harvey Eliza(Mrs.),shpkpr.Church twn Polla-rd Joseph, farmer, Hollydale
Bryant Fras.dairyman, Middle Kemyell Harvey John, smith, Sheffield Pollard Jsph. Hy. farmr. Low.Kemyell
Carne Emanuel, dairyman, Trungle Harvey William, farmer, Reginnis Prowse Charles, farmer, Trevelloe
-Carne Richard, market gardener Harvey William, farmer, Rosevale Prowse Chas. Thos. farmer, Red house
Carne Samuel, farmer, Halwyn Hosking Geo. farmer, Higher Kemyell Prowse J ane (Mrs.), farmer, Kerris
-Cemetery (H. Maddern, clerk to the Hosking Jas. Hy. farmer, Tresvennack Ray Louisa (Mrs.), dress ma. Sheffield
burial board) Hosking Oliver, miller (water),Bosavah Reynolds Wm. Thos. farmer, Bologgos
Chapple Wm. Edwd. farmer, Tredavoe Hosking Sampson, farmer, Bosavah Richards Charles, farmer, Chyenhall
Chirgwin Hannah (Miss), dress maker, Humphreys Jn. farmr. Higher Kemyell RichardsJsph. mrkt.grdnr.Church twn
Church town Humphreys Wm. Vingoe,frmr.Kemyell Richards Solomon, farmer, Kerris
Chirgwin John, farmer, Trungle James Josiah, farmer, Trewarveneth Roach Robert, farmer, Middle Kemyell
Chirgwin Percy Teagne, frmr. Chyoone James Silas, farmer, Bellowan Roach Wm. dairyman. Middle Kemyell
,Chirgwin William, district surveyor of Kneebone Heriry, farmer, Reginnis hill Roberts Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
highways & sanitary inspector to Kneebone Richard,farmer,Toddencoath Buryas bridge
local board, Church town Kneebone William, farmer, Gwavas Roberts Hosea,seedsman,Buryas bridge
(,'hirgwin William Ladner, market gar- Lawrence Wm. & Son, frmrs. Bologgos Rodda James Tonkin, farmer, Trevithal
dener, Reginnis hill Levett Ruth (Mrs.), King's Arms P.H. Rowe John, farmer, Kerris
Clemans Fra.ncis, farmer, Penolva Church town Semmens John, farmer, Trewarveneth
Clift 1'homas, shopkeeper, Sheffield Maddern William, fishbuyer, Trungle Semmens Thomas, farmer, Bologgos
Stone John, market gardener, Gwtwas Bennetts John, Keigwin Arms P.H Lugg Thomas, collector of rates to
Tippett Joseph, greengro. Church town Bodinar Richard & John, seine owners local boa.rd
Tregenza John Saml. farmer~ Trevithal Bodinar J obn, carpenter Maddern John, fish buyer
Trembath James, farmer, Castallack Bodinar John, net barker, Gernick st Male Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
'frembath Thomas, farmer, 'l'redavoe CarneJohn James, clerk to local board Manu Charles, net barker
'frewern Ely, dairyman, Trevella Cary John, baker Matthews Joseph, farmer
'l'rewern William, farmer, Chyenhall Coast Guard Station, Board of Trade Ma1.thews Thomas Henry, farmer
Wallis Thomas Edmonds, carpenter &c. Rocket Apparatus, No. 217 (Josepb Matthews Thomas James, boat owner
Sheffield "Bennett, chief boatman) Pearce Benjamin, Ship hotel
Wright Josiah, farmer & landowner, Craddock Wm. Hy. market gardener Pentreath Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Boslandew house · Curnow Tbos. & Jas. market gardeners Pentreath Richard, seine owner
Wright Richd. mrkt.grdnr.Cimrch twn Fox Thomas, insurance agent Polgrean George, boat owner
Mousehole. Gilbert Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Quick George Edward, hair dresser
Greuzelier Francis Pristo, master Richards Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. mariner, Sea View house Roberts Samson, boat owner
Carolan Mrs. Portennys villa Harvey Arabella (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rodda James Tonkin, butcher
Cary Mrs. St. Clement's villa . Harvey Benjamin Carvosso, tea dealer 1 Rowe & Cock, builders & fish merchnts.
Craddock William Henry, The Parade & harbour master I Rowe James Francis, carpenter
Greuzelier Francis Pristo, Sea View ho · Harvey Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper Rowe Richard, boat owner
Harris William Harvey James, blacksmith Rowe William, grocer
Hyde Henry, The Parade Harvey Rusan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Runnalls James, granite quarry owner~
Pentreath Mrs. Pentreath villa Harvey Peter, boat owner Penlee
Permewin Richard, Brook villa Harvey Wm. Philip, boot & shoe maker 'faylor Sampson R. coal merchant
Stauffer Reginald, Cove cottage Hockin Florence (Mrs.), grocer Tregenza John, builder
Trenoweth James, Clifton house Hockin :Frederick, grocer 'frembath Josiah, market gardener
Trewavas John • Hockin Joseph James, boat owner Trembath Richard, fish merchant
Viles James Humpbreys William, boat owner Trembath Willittm, fish merchant
Webber Miss, Whitehall Humpbreys William John, boat owner Trevaskis William, tailor
Williams Henry & net merchant Trewavas Martin, boat owner
Wright Martin Jacka Richard Willis, boat owner Wallis Jane (Mrs.), fishing tackle dealr
COJIIME'RCIAL. Jeffery Joseph, baker Wallis Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Angwin Richard, boat owner Laity George, boat owner Williams William, boat builder
Bennett Joseph, Coast Guard station Literary Institute (Ricbd. Angwin, sec) •
PELYNT is a parish and village, 4 miles north-west from there is also a Wesleyan chapel, erected in r885, at Tre- ·
Looe station on the Looe and Caradon railway and 9 south- lawne in this parish. The charities amount to about £6
west from Liskeard station on the Great Western railway, yearly. On the western side of the beautiful valley through
in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred and which flows the Trelawny river is St. Nun's well, a small
petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county building with gabled front, containing a rude square-beaded
court district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bod- doorway, about four feet high, leading into a kind of grott(}
min and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Nun, or with an arched roof; at the farther end on the floor is a
Nonna, is a building of stone chiefly in the Perpendicular round granite basin, carved on its exterior circumference
style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, transept, south with a series of Maltese crosses, inclosed in rings; into this
porch and an embattled western tower of the Decorated basin the water drips from an opening at tile back and
period with pinnacles, 62 feet in height and containing ·4 escapes by a perforation at the bottom. Fairs are held on
bells, of which the two first are dated r683 and the others, the first Tuesday in February and the 24th of June, yearly,
1773 and x6r3 : there are several monuments to the Tre- for cattle. There are here several barrows, in one of which,
lawny family, with singular inscriptions, 1630-I756; one to opened a few years since, a jar containing bones and the head
Francis Buller esq. o!J. x6x5, with effigies and shields of of a spear was found : another ancient earthwork, called
arms, an acrostic and records of the repair of the monu- "Bake Rings," is about a mile south of Churchtown;
ment in 1816 and r835; there is also a tumb with effigy and ",Hall Rings," on the barton of Hall, is an elliptical inclosure
inscription< n brass, to Vl'illiam Acbigm esq. ob. 1589, and of about two acres, with a double rampart rs feet high. ·
memorials to the Sawdy family, 1663-77: Sir Jonathan Trelawne, the seat of· Sir William Lewis Salusbury-
Trelawny bart. D.D. who died July rgth, 1721, is buried in Trelawny bart. D.I•• , J.P. is an ancient mansion, with
this church, where a model of his pastoral staff of wood, gilt, modern additions, situated about. 1~ miles south-east from
with copper ornaments, is preserved ; he was bishop of the village. There are no manorial rights. The chief land-
Bristol r685-89, and was one of the six bishops committed owners are Sir W. L. Salusbury-Trelawny hart. D.L., J.P.
to the To\\ er by James II. ; in x68g, after the revolution, he and Francis Buller Howell esq. J.P. of Ethy, Lostwithiel.
was translated to the see of Exeter and in 1707 to that of The soil is mixed ; the subsoil is slate. The chief crops are
Winchester, and was prelate of the Order of the Garter: wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The area is 4,683 acres;
the church was thoroughly restored in r88z, at a cost of rateable value, £4,r36; the population in rB91 was 662.
£r,2oo, and has 200 sittings. The register of baptisms
dates from isthaevyiceaarrag16e,7a8v;ermagaerrtiiatgheesr, exn6t9-3ch; abrugreia£l1s6, 51,7n2e0t. PosT 0FFICE.-James Truscott, receiver. Letters through
The living Duloe R.S.O. arrive at 7·45 a. m. ; dispatched at 4.25
yearly value £ 240, including 79 acres of glebe, with resi- p.m. week days; on sundays there is no delivery or dis-
dence, in the gift of Gen. the Right Hon. Sir Redvers Henry patch. The nearest money order office is at Duloe &
Buller P.C. and held since 1s91 by the Rev. William Shuck- telegraph office is at Polperro. Postal orders are issued
forth Grigson M.A. of Christ's College, Cambridge. Here here, but not paid
are Methodist Association and Wesleyan chapels; the latter National School (mixed), for r23 children; average attend-
was rebuilt in the Gothic style in r889 at a cost of £6oo: ance, ro2 j John Cock, master
Grigson Rev. William Shuckforth M.A. Deeble John, farmer, Mucblarnick Pbilp John, jun. farmer, Cardwain &
[vicar], The Vicarage Dingle John, blacksmith Cartowl
Salusbury-Trelawny Sir William Lewis Gilbard William, farmer, Trelawne Philp Richard, farmer, Pendriffy
bart. D.L., J.P. Trelawne Hambly William, boot maker Uowe Daniel, carpenter
COMMERCIAL. Hawken William, farmer, Talvan Rowe John, farmer, Penkelly
Algar James, farmer, PenkelJy Honey Frank, miller (water), Trelawne Rundle William, miller (water), Wilton
Best John, farmer, Muchlarnick Hooper Mary (Mrs ), shopkeeper Blade John C. farmer, Belhay & Trelay
Bettinson Andrew, farmer, Talehay Jago Charles, mason Slade SI. & Son, carpenters & shopkprs
Blake Jonathan Kellow Werry, farmer, Jago Elizabeth (Mrs.). shopkeeper Blade Thos.frmr.Coldwells& The Glebe
The Glebe Lean Philip, mason Toms Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Blake Philippa, Evelina, Laura & Joyce LightJsph.frmr.&blacksmith,Barcelona Truscott James, blacksmith & farmer~
(Misses), farmers, Hall Barton Maddiver William, farmer, Trendaway Post office
Broad Charles, basket maker, Yearles Morshead James, tailor & shopkeeper Turner Charles, tailor
Broad John, farmer, Little Larnick Northcott Henry, carpenter Turner Robert, boot maker
Bryant 'rhos. & Son,farmers,Pennellick Nortbcott Thom!ls. farmer, Tregarrick Vague Samuel, farmer, Tregarrick
Collings George, Jubilee inn Pearse Wiliam & Son; farmers, Trelask Wakeham George, carpenter
Cossentine Wm. Hy. farmer, Trenake Philip Clara {Mrs.), farmer Williams John, fanner, Hob park
PENCOYS, formerly known as .. Four Lanes," is a large Western railway, in the Truro division of the county,
village and ecclesiastical parish, formed Dec. 23, 1881, from hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West,
the civil parish of Wendron, 3 miles south from Redruth Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of
station on the Trnro and Penzance section of the Great Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro.
The church of St. Andrew, erected in r88o, is a. building of terred here· in the 6th century, but the nam~ may be
stone and granite in the Decorated style, cons1s~ing of chan- derived from '' maen," a rock. The population of the parish
eel, nave, porch and a western bell cote containing one bell: in 1891 was 705.
the east window is a memorial to Miss Burrows. The regis- PosT OFFWB.-Robert Keast, sub-postmaster. Letters
ter dates from the year r882. The living is a vicarage, arrive from Redrnth at 10 a.m. ; dispatched at. 3 p.m. ;
gross income from Ecclesiastical Commissioners £144, with no sunday collection or delivery. 'l'he nearest telegraph
residence in Illogan parish, in the gift of the Bishop of & money order office is at Redruth
Truro, and held since 1887 by the Rev. John Ching Barfett. WALL LETTER Box, Wild Duck, cleared at 2.30 p.m. week
Here is a Free Methodist chapel. On Carthew Downs, now days only
inclosed in a field, are nine upright granite stones, locally Board School, Four Lanes, under Wendron School Board,
called the "Nine Maidens;" they are traditionally said to erected in 1875, for 214 children; average attendance,
have been erected in memory of nine religious sisters, in- 141 boys & girls & 47 infants ; James Opie, master
Barfett Rev. John Ching, Vicarage Kemp Philip, farmer & fodder dealer, 1Roberts Henry, farmer, Lancarrow ·
COMMERCIAL. Gregwartha Thomas Edward,Sportsman'sArmsP.H
Andrew Frederick Chas.boot & shoe ma Martin Jonathan, grocer, Four lanes Thomas Edwin, farmer, Polgear
Andrew Stephen, farmer, Polgear MartinThomas,shopkeeper.,Gregwartha Thomas James, farmer, Lancarrow
Bray John, farmer, Gregwartha Medlyn Mary (Mrs.), shoe maker & Thomas John William, farmer & shop-
Brown Martha (Mrs.), greengrocer, shopkeeper, Gregwartha keeper, Polgear
Four lanes Opie Joseph, carpenter & corn merchnt Thomas Wm. Hy. farmer, Lancarrow
Jewell Wm. shopkeeper, Gregwartha Osborne William, smith & grocer Thomas William Henry, Victoria inn,
Keast Robert, omnibus proprietor & Pengilly Alexander,boot & shoe maker, Four lanes
shopkeeper, Post office Four lanes Toy John, shopkeeper
Kneebone Charles, farmer, Polgear Reed John, wheelwright, Four lanes Uren Henry, wheelwright
PENDEEN is an ecclesiastical parish, formed Jan. gth, at the old manor house of Pendeen, February 2nd, 1695;
1846, from the parish of St. Just-in-Penwith, on the extreme he was vicar of Ludgvan from 1732 and died there 31st
west coast, 3 miles north from St. Just and 7 north-west of August, 1772. The principal landowners are Viscount F'al-
Penzance, in the ·western division of the county, hundred mouth, the Misses Bot•lase, of Castle Horneck, Penzance,
of Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith West, .Pen- Mrs. Scobell and Thomas Robyns esq. The population in
zance union and county court district, rural deanery of 1891 was 2,281.
Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Parish Clerk, James Hosking.
The church of St. John the Baptist, erected in 1852 from PosT & M. 0. 0., ::;, B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
the designs and under the superintendence of the Rev. Edward W.b.ite, sub-postmaster. Letters through St.
Robert Aitken, at a cost of about £2,ooo, the greater part Just R.S.O. arrive at 10.25 a. m. & 6.20 p.m. ; dispatched
of the work being voluntarily e~ecuted by the villagers, is a at 7.goa.m. & 2.15 p.m. St. Just is the nearest tele_6rapq
cruciform building of granite in the Early English style, office. There is no sunday post
modelled on the plan of tbe ancient cathedral of Iona, and PosT OFFICE, Bojewyan.-Richard White, sub-postmaster.
consists of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and an em- Letters through St. Just R.S.O. arrive at II a. m. & 6.45
battled western tower containing one bell: there are 20 p.m. ; dispatched at 7.30 a. m. & 2.20 p.m. The nearest
windows in the church, all of which are st.ained: on the money order & telegraph office is at St. Just. Postal
north side of the chancel is a handsome marble tablet to the orders are issued here, but not paid
children and grandchildren of the late Rev. Robert Aitken, WALL LETTER Box, Trewellard, cleared 7·35 a.m. &
a former vicar : in 1889 the tower was heightened four feet, 2.25 p.m
to receive a clock with four dials and a bell, at a cost of Coast Guard & Rocket Station : There are six men &
£230 : a memorial brass has been placed in the floor of the one officer
chancel within the communion rails to the Rev. Robert ScHOOLS : - .
Aitken: the chureh contains 500 sittings. The register Board, Carnyorth (mixed), under the St. Just School Board,
dates from the year 1849. The living is a vicarage, gross built in 1893, at a cost of £2,o75,for 200 children; Richu.
yearly value, chiefly derived from the Ecclesiastical Corn- Nicholas, master
missioners, £goo, in the gift of the Rev. W. Hay M. H. Board (mixed & infants), built in 1852 & taken over by St.
Aitken M.A. and other trustees, and held since 1886 by the Just School Board in 1875; it will hold goo children;
Rev. Henry Boyden B.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here average attendance, 87 boys, 88 girls & 120 infants ;
is a Wesleyan chapel, built in 183o, and seating 500 persons; Thomas Tregurtha Williams, master; Miss Diana Cotton,
and Bible Christian and Free Methodist chapels. The girls' mistress ; Miss Elizabeth Gasson, infants'. mistress
Laraut tin and copper mines are situated in this parish. OMNIBUSES TO PENZANCE.-Richard Warren & James Henry
The Rev. William Borlase D.C.L., F.R.s. author of the Williams, daily at ro a. m. ; returning from Penzance at
"Natural History and Antiquities of Cornwall," was born 6 p.m
Hoyden Rev. Henry B.A. [vicar] Hall Samuel, farmer, Bojewyan Semmens James, farmer, Trewellard .
Quick Richard, Trewellard Hosking Uter, wheelwright, Trewellard Skewes James, Queen's Arms P.H
Trezise Mrs. Trewellard house J ames Arthm· Hodge, farmer & purser Sheppard William Henry, chief officer
White Richard, 'frewellard of the Botallack mine, Botallack of the coast guard, Pendeen Point
COMMERCIAL. James Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Trewe!lard Thomas Henry,shopkpr.Portheras cross
Angwin Benj. shopkeeper, Botallack Johns Richard, farmer, Trewellard Trembath Madron, mine agent
Bennetts 'Vm. shoe maker, Boscaswell Jordan John Sampson,crpntr.Boscaswll Trembath Thomas, farmer, Bojewyan
BoasePeter,farmer &carman,Carnyorth Leggo John, smith, Trewellard Trezise John, grocer, Trewellard
Bolitho Sarah (Mrs.),farmer,Carnyorth Levant Mine (tin & copper) (Richard Warren James, shopkeeper, Trewellard
Bolitho William, farmer, Carnyorth White, purser), Trewellard Warren Nicholas, farmer, Portheras
Casley George, farmer, Carranack Maddern William, Boscaswell inn Warren Nicholas, jun. farmer, Chyrose
Chellew Richard, farmer, Keigwin Noake Edwin Tolbort, grocer, draper, WarrenRd.grcr.& 'bus prop. Trewellard
Coastguard & Rocket Station (William ironmonger&general outfitting estab- Warren Thomas, farmer, Carlartha
Hy. Sheppard, chief officer) lishment. TreweUard & Boscaswell Wat.ters Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Carlartha
Dennis Richard, farmer, Bojewyan North Levant Mine (Richard White, Wearne Hugh Wilcock, frmr.Boscaswell
Eddy James, shoe maker, Carnyorth purser), Trewellard White John Thomas, farmer, Bojewyan
Eddy Richard, shoe maker, Trewellard North Richard, smith White Nathan, mine agent, Trewellard
Eddy Thomas, shoe maker, Boscaswell Oats William, shopkeeper, The Square White Nicholas, farmer, Trewellard
Eddy William, farmer, Boscaswell Olds James, butcher, Hoscaswell White Richard, grocer & draper, Post
Edwards Edward, North inn Olds Jas. jun. butcher, Boscaswell office, Bojewyan
Edwards Martin, farmer, Bojewyan Olds Peter, butcher, 'frewellard White Richard,purserof Levant mines,
Edwards Matthew, grocer, Boscaswell Pearce John, grocer, Trewellard Trewellard
Ellis James, farmer, Boscaswell Penro&e William, farmer, Bojewyan White Edward, postmaster & school
Gartrell Richard, farmer, Keigwin Roberts Margt. (Mrs.), frmr. Bojewyan attendance officer for Morvah
Grenfell Thos. beer retailer, Trewellard Rodda Joseph Shakerley, grocer & Williams Richard, farmer, Portheras
Green Catherins (Mrs.), shopkeeper, draper, Boscaswell WilliamsJas.Henry,bus prop.Trewellrd
Bojewyan Rowe Samuel, boot maker, Trewellard Williams Williarn, farmer, Trewellard
Goy John, farmer, Pendeen farm
PENPONDS is an ecclesiastical district, formed January marth, archooaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro.
I, 1847, from Cambome civil pariSh, and is I mile west The church of the Holy Trinity, erected in 1846, is a build·
from Camborne station on the Great Western railway, in ing of stone with granite quoins, in the Early English stylej
the North Western division of the county, hundred of Pen- and consists of chancel, nave, north aisle, south porch and
with, petty sessional division of Penwith East, Redruth a turret containing one bell: there are 300 sittings. The
'Union and county court district, rural deanery of Carn- register dates from the year 185o. The living is a vical'age,
1224 PENPONDS. · CORN'\\rALL. 7
net yearly value £tso, in the ~rift of the Crown and Bishop and Free Methodist chapels. Polstrong is a place half a
of Truro alternately, and held since x8so by the Rev. William mile north.
Wright Butlin B.A. of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, TRE~ITHEN is a hamlet one mile north, on the road
who resides at Basset Road villas, Camborne. Here are from Camborne to Hayle, with a Wesleyan chapel.
Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. Near the railway REsKADINNICK is a hamlet 2 miles north.
viaduct is a circular fortified encampment, in very perfect RoREWORTHY is a hamlet xi miles west, on the road from
condition, and inclosed by a hedge, in which, some years Camborne to Hayle ; here are the works of the English
ago, a stone axe was found ; and in x88o some celts and Arsenic Co. and the hammer mills of the Tuckingmill
bronze spear heads were discovered, which are now in the Foundry Co. Here is also a Wesleyan chapel.
possession of W. C. Borlase esq. of Lareggan and J. R. PosT OFFICE, Harriper.-William Luke, sub-postmaster.
Daniell, of Camborne; the axe and some other celts now Letters arrive via Camborne 8.45 a.m. ; dispatched at
belong to Mr. Thomas Cornish, of Penzance. The principal 3· 35 p. m. Camborne is the nearest money order & tela-
landowners are Arthur Francis Basset esq. of Tehidy, graph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not
William Cole Pendarves esq. D.L., J.P. and the Rev. St. paid
Aubyn Hend~r Molesworth-St. Aubyn M.A., J.P. of Crowan. WALL LETTER Box, Penponds, cleared at 3·45 p.m. & Tres-
The soil is loamy, with some slate; subsoil, clay. The chief withen, cleared at 4 p.m
crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 1,956 Camborne Board School, Kehelland (mixed), built in r8n,
acres ; the population in x891 was x,686. for 120 children; average attendance, rox ; Miss Annie
BARRIPER is a hamlet, one third of a mile south, with a Rowe, mistress
Free Methodist chapel. Church Scoool (mixed), built in 1848, for xso children; a¥er-
KEHELLAND is a village :.a miles north, and has Wesleyan age attendance, 124; Miss Ellen Clemmow, mistress
Penponds. BushornTinStream (Stphn. Evans,mgr) Reskadinnick.
COMllfERCIAL. Lugg William & George, frmrs.Hospibo Hammer Sampson
Martin Jane (Mis~t), dress maker
Chinn Richard, shoe maker Menadarva Tin Stream Co. (Joseph Vh·ian William Cock
Downing William, farmer Kieve Mill Tin Stream (Jos. Rule mgr)
Harris John, farmer Rule, manager) Lukies James, blacksmith
Rabling William & Co. tin str~mers
Hendry Christopher, coal dealer Nicholas William, farmer, Reskajague Reskadinnick TinStreaming Co.(Joseph
Lugg John, dairyman [letters through Hayle]
Paull James, butcher Yivian, sec.; Jn.Thos.Rule, managr)
Pool John, farmer Paull Thomas James, farmer Vivian Joseph, farmer & miller (water)
Pendray Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper
Prideaux Henry, farmer Pendray Peter, farmer Roseworthy.
Prideaux Richard, farmer Pendray William, carpenter
Stone Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper Peters John, farmer Dale Edwin, farmer (Josiah
TambyThomasine&Elizh.(Misses),frmrs Peters John, jun. farmer, Nancemellan English (The) Arsenic Co.
Treloar James, miller (water) PetersNichls.mllr.(water),Nancemellan
Trezona Benjamin, shopkeeper Reynolds James, farmer, Menadarva Thomas, manager)
Williams Richard, farmer B.ichards William Trerice, farmer, Jeffree Richard, shopkeeper
Paull William, jun. farmer
.Barriper. Gwallevellan & Carlean [letters Temby Peter, mine agent
through Hayle]
Luke William,grocer&draper, Post office Sleeman Edward, farmer, Menadarva Treswithen.
Thomas Elizabeth (Miss), St. Michael's South Nancemellan Tin Stream Co.(W. Jackson William
ThMomouasnt1P\I.aHr~gt.Richards(Miss),shopkpr Bat·1ey, sec ) Basset William, farmer
Tonkin George, shoe maker Bennett William, farmer, Race
Polstrong. Bennetts John, shopkeeper & carpenter
Kehelland.· Paull Thomas James, farmer
COllfMERCIAL. Daniell John Rule Rowe Henry, Cornish Dawes P,H
Bray Ambrose, farmer Newton Henry Vivian, farmer Williams Thomas, blacksmith
PENRYN is a market town and municipal borough, and chapel erected in rBgr-2, or granite, in the Norman style,
with Falmouth and parts or other parishes mentioned below at a cost of £s,ooo, and seating 830 persons; the old Wes-
forms a parliamentary borough. The town is pleasantly leyan chapel is now used as a }{echabite meeting hall. The
seated on an arm of Falmouth harbour, 2 miles north-west Town Hall, in the centre of the Market street, was erected
from Falmouth, 23 east-by-north from Penzance., 8 south- in 1825, and has a clock tower of granite ashlar, added in
south-west from Truro, 8 south-east from Redruth, and 1839; it contains a council chamber, market hall and police
308! from London, in the Truro division of the county, ! station. The corporation insignia consists of two maces, a
hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier East, mayor's chain and badge, a staff of ollice, two borough seals
union and county court district of Falmouth, rural deanery f and a silver badge for the town crier. The maces, pre-
of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of sented in 1796 by ~ir Francis Bassett bart. afterwards Baron
'fruro. Under the provisions of the Reform Ac~ of 1832 the de Dunstanville and Bassett, are of silver-gilt, 2 feet 10
parliamentary limits were extended so as to include the inches, and of the usual form, the details of each being ex-
borough of Falmouth, a portion of the parish of Budock, actly alike; the shafts are divided by projecting bands or
and part of the parish of St. Gluvms, to which the Boundary knops, and have scroll brackets supporting the heads, wbJCh
.Act, 1868 (31 and 32 Vict. c. 46), added part of the parish are enriched with the royal arms within a garter, with crest
of )fylor, including the village of Flushing : the borough and supporters, the arms of the donor, those of the borough,
continued to return two members to Parliament, until the and a wreath inc!osing an inscription : thP. mayor's chain
passing of the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," by and badge, presented by John Bisson esq. mayor r886-7,
which the number was reduced to one: Penryn became a and previous mayors, October 25, x388, at a cost of £132,
municipal borough as early as 1216, and in 1270, at the in- consists of a series of crowned shields and an ornamental
stance of Waiter Bronescombe, bishop of Exeter, was link from which depends the badge, a circular medallion,
granted a market: it was first incorporated by James I. in bearing representations of the town seal, maces and loYing
1619, and again in 168:; by James II. whose charter con- cup; on the reverse are the arms of John Bisson esq. ; the
tinued in force until the passing of the Municipal Corpor- staff of office, carried by the town crier, is of wood with a
ations Act, 1835 (Sand 6 Wm_ IV. c. 76). The corporation, gilt Saracen's head as a finial; the silver badge displays the
consisting of a mayor, four aldermen, and twelve town borough arms; the ancient seal also exhibits a Saracen's
councillors, acts also as the urban sanitary authority. The head; the other is modern; the Corporation also possess a
borough has a commission of the peace. The town is well fine silver loving c11p with cover, 27 inches in height, pre-
lighted with gas by a company, and has an abundant sented by Jane Killigrew x633, a silver salver, 20 by 13
supply of good water from works, at College, belonging to inches, made from the two old maces, and a silver Jlledal
the Falmouth Waterworks Co. ; at the west end or the town struck in commemoration of the loss of the "Kent," East
there is a station on the West Cornwall (Great Western) Indiaman, March 2, x825. The Temperance Hall, in
railway from 'l'ruro to Falmouth. Treliever viaduct, about Market street, built in x853, and enlarged in 1891, will now
a quarter of a mile from Penrynstation, is 344 feet long and hold soo persons. There is a Freemasons' lodge, No. 967.
81 high, and the College Wood viaduct, also near the station, consecrated in x863 ; an Oddfellows' lodge, No. 718, opened
is 964 feet long and 102 high. There was anciently a in 1842; and a J:l'oresters' court, opened in x863. The
chapel here, dedicated to St. Mary :Magdalene. 'l'he inbab- market is held every Saturday, and cattle fairs are held on
itants now attend the parish church of St. Glnvias, just the Wednesday after the 6th of March, May 12th, July 7th,
outside the town. The curate of Penryn receives £20 yearly October 8th, and December 21st. Penryn contains several
from Ludgie's charity, as lecturer; but this appointment is important industries; Messrs Freema;;, Sons and Co.Limited,
Inow (1893) held by the vicar. There is a Congregational who are very extensively engaged in granite quarrying in
chapel, built in x8o6, with 400 sittings; Bible Christian various parts of Cornwall, have a factory here for dressing
chapel, erected in r866, and seating 6oo: Primit.ive Meth-1 and polishing granite, in which a number of persons are
odist cbapel, built in 1878, with4oo sittings; and a Wesleyan employed, and the firm ship large quantities of their pro-
ductions : their quarries, which are about 6o in number, charities are of considerable value, and consist of landed and
are at Carnsew, Constantine, Mabe Cheesewring, Luxulyan, funded property. The chief bequests consist of £r,ooo left
Mousehole and in other adjacent villages. Messrs. Hosken by John Verran in 17.58, the interest to be given to poor
and Co. have also granite works here. There is also a chemi- tradespeople of the borou~h, being churchmen, in sums of
cal and bone manure factory b~longing to the West of £5 each, and £3,ooo 3~ per Cent. Stock, left by James
England Bone and Manure Co.; the paper mill of Mr. James Humphrey in 1823, the interest to be given in sums of £ro
.M:ead for the manufacture of straw paper, two flour mills, to persons in reduced circumstances. The area of the
a tannery, a brewery, engineering works, an iron foundry, borough is 290 acres, rateablelvalue, £7,071· The 'popu-
and Messrs. G. C. Fox and Co.'s timber yard, which has lation of the municipal borough in 1891 was 3,243• and of
steam sawing, planing and moulding mills. The Reading the parliamentary boroug-h, 17,5331 which includes Penryn,
Room contains a library of over 400 volumes, and is sup- Falmouth, Flushing, Budock (part of), Mylor (part of) and
parted by th-3 subscriptions of the members. The borough St. Gluvias (part of)•
.Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0. & S. B., Annuity & Insurance Office.- Veterinary Inspector, 'rhomas Olver M.R.c.v.s. Trnro
Mrs. Mary Ann Southwood, postmistress Sergeants-at-Mace, John Robins & Thomas Bishop
ARRIVAL OF MAILs.-London, 7.30 a.m.; North, 2.rsp.m.; Town Crier, John Hellard
Plymouth & West Cornwall, 6.45 p.m Collector of Rates, Thomas Gill, West end
DISPATCH. Falmouth & Helston, 7 a.m. ; North Mail, BOROUGH MAGISTRATES.
ro.25 a.m. (with extra stamp, 10.35 a.m.); London &
Plymouth, a.m. (with extra stamp, 7 a.m.); Fal- Bisson John, Broad street
muuth, 1.30 & 6 p.m. ; Plymouth & East Cornwall, 6.45 Blarney Joel, Bellavtsta, St. Gluvias
p.m. ; Helston & West Cornwall, 3.15 p.m. ; London, Dawe Philip, Commercial road
Freeman John Albert, New Quay house, Flushing
4.40 p.m. (with extra stamp, 4.50 p.m)
Sus-PosT, .M:. 0. 0. & Savings Bank & Annuity & Insurance Jenkins William, Picton villa, Falmonth
Office, West street.-Joseph James Penaluna, sub-post- Lavin Michael Jenkin, Higher Market street •
master; open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. ; closed sundays. Martin James, Broad street
Box cleared at 6.30 & w.zo a.m. I.2o, 4.10, 4.50 & 6.20 Mead John, Dunstanville terrace
Newcombe Richard Ambrose, Broad street
p.m. ; Sunday, 9.15 a.m
WALL LETTER BoxEs, Commercial road, 6.35 & 10.20 a.m. Powell George Gibbs, Commercial road
r.25, 4·5· 4.30 & 6.25 p. m. ; sunday, g.2o a.m ; Railway Trenery George Wilson, The Square
station, 7-Isa.m. 4 & 6.5 p.m.; no sunday collection; & Clerk, George Appleby Jenkins, The Square
Burlock, 6. 55 & 10. ro a.m. & 1.25, 3·45 & 6.35 p.m. ; no Assistant Clerk, William John Terrill, Broad street
Borough petty sessions are held at the Town hall every
Sunday collection
alternate tuesday, at II a.m. •·
MONEY ORDER & STAMP OFFICE & Savings Bank, open from
8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily; from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m. for money PuBLIC EsTABLISHliiENTS : -
order business
Borough Pohpe Station, Town hall, James Jennings, head
'felegraph Office, open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. & on sundays constable; tbe force consists of 2 men
from 8 till 10 a.m
:Falmouth Hi;rhway Board, Town hall, George Appleby
MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. Jenkins, clerk; meet the third monday in th3 month
William Georga Cavendish Bentinck esq. J.P. 5 Richmond Fire Brigade, Henry Rawling, sec
Stamp Office, Post office, Broad street
terrace, Whitehall, s w & Carlton clul::l, London s w
Temperance Hall, Lower Market st. Thos. E. Roach, sec
Returning Officer, The Mayor.
Town Hall, Market street
Assessor & Collector of Taxes & Assistant Overseer, Thos.
Beauchamp-BeauchampEdmnnd esq.D.L. Trevince,chairman Gill, West end
Bull Col. ~Iarshall Valentine, Roscarrick, Budock Certifying Factory Surgeon, J ames Blarney, Broad street
Eays Francis Gilbert esq. D.L. :Enys, Penryn Clerk to Penryn Harbour, Highway Board & to School
G-ranger His Honor Judge, Thos. Colpitts, Wood la. Falmoutb Attendance Committee, Geo. Appleby Jenkins, The Squ3re
Horsford Thomas Moor Alphonse esq. Bosvathick, Penryn Collector of Poor'sRates&AssessedTaxes,Thos.Gill,West end
Jose John esq. Meliingey, Perran-arworLhal R.S.O District Surveyor of Highways, John Henry Chubb, Bel-
Kinsman John Knill esq. Antron hill, Mabe, Penryn
Pender Lieut.-Col. William Rous 'fresilian, Budockvean, rnont, Penryn
Harbour Master & Inspector of Town Property & Explosives
Falmouth Inspector, Philip Henry Dawe, Town quay
Tremayne Col.Artbur D. L. Carclew, Perran-arworthal R.S.O Medical Officer & Public Vaccinat<Jr, Penryn District, Fat-
Vawdrey Rev. Alexander Allen M.A. The Vicarage, St.
mouth Union, Roger Hughes Jones L.R.C.P.Lond. Lower
Gluvias, Penryn Market street
Clerk to the Magistrates, Geo. Appleby Jenkins, The Square l\Iedical Officer of Health for Falmouth Rural & Penryn
Petty sessions are held on the second & last "·ednesday in Urban Sanitary Autl1ority, James Blarney, Broad street
every month, at the Town hall, at 11 a.m. The following Registrar of Births & Deaths for the Sub-district of Penryn,
places are included in the petty sessional division :- William Rowe Tresidder, St. Thomas street; deputy,
Budock, Constantine, Falmouth parish, Gwennap, Mabe, Thomas Gill, West end, Penryn
l'dawnan, Mylor, Perran-arworthal, St. Gluvias & St.
Official Receiver in Bankruptcy, George Appleby Jenkins,
Stythians The Square
Relieving & Vaccination Officer, Penryn District, Falmouth
1892·3· Union, Edward Toms, Broad street
MAYOR-Alderman William James.
Town Crier, John Hellard, West street
'*Henry Commins Welch §William James PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
*Andrew Vine §William Jenkins St. Gluvias Church, Rev. Joseph Frank Smith B.A.. curate
COU!\CILLORS. of Penryn; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; fri. II a.m
Bible Christian, West st.; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
ItJohn Bisson 1 tJames Powell Congregational, New street, Rev. John Stewart F.B.H.S.;
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
tThomas Henry Dunstan tSamuel Cox Primitive Methodist, St. Thomas street, Rev. John Hall, of
Truro; 3 & 6 p.m ; tues. 7 p.m
tGeorge Gibbs Powell *Joel Michell Blarney Wesleyan, Higher l\'Iarketstreet,Rev. J. B. Maltby; II a.m.
& 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m
tCharles Wesley Andrew *Philip Dawe
tBenjamin Wm. Curgenven *Michael Jenkin La'\'in National, erected in 1837, for uS boys, 99 girls & 130
tWilliam Henry Robins *Thomas Rickard
Marked thus t retire in 1!<93.
Marked thus t retire in 18!14.
l\furked thus • retire in 1895.
Marked thus § retire in 1-98. infants; average attendance, 82 boys, 75 girls & 130
infants; William Edward Kneebone, master; Miss Lavinia
Auditors, Wm. James Thomas & Thomas Edward Roach Wendon, mistress; Miss Louisa Jane Manuell, infants'
AUTHORITY. mistress
Wesleyan (mixed & infants), built in 1857, for 290 children;
Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Geo. average attendance, 150 boys & girls & 45 infants; Isaac
Appleby Jenkins, The Square
William Manger, master; Miss Mary Charley, mistress
Deputy Town Clerk, William John Terrill, Broad street
Borough Treasurer, William Hosken
Medical Officer of Health, James Blarney, Broad street CoNVEYANCE:-
Borough Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, William Henry Railway Station, George Lovell, station master
Dunstan, The Terrace Conveyances to Railway station meet all trains
1226 P.E:YRYN. [ KELLY'S
The Helston mail omnibuses pass through here to & from p.m.; returning at to a. m. & 12.15, 2.45•3·45,5·3o,6.3~
Falmouth, three times daily, exceptingsunday; then once 7·I5. 8.30 & *9.30 p.m
•Saturdays 10 p.m. instead of 9.30 p.m.
Penlerick's omnibus, to Falmouth, daily(sundays excepted),
at 8.30 & ~o.4o & 1.5o, 3.2o, 4·45. 5·45, 6.3o, 8 & 9 Clemo's omnibus also leaves for Falmouth several ·times
daily (sundays excepted)
PRIV.ATE RESIDENTS. Annear Chas. market gardener, Colle;e Curnow :!~Iatthew, greengrocer, St.
Annear Thomas, bullder, Hill bead Gluvias street
Banks Mrs. Broad street Barnicoat Richard, blacksmith, Com- Custom House Office (JohnNancarrow,
Bennett Henry, Lower Market street mercial road assistant examining officer in charge),
Best William, West street Barratt Marsden Vivian, grocer, Lower The Quay
Bisson John, Broad street Market street DanielHannah(:Mrs.),SwanP.H. Quay hl
Blarney James, Broad street Bennett Thos. buildr. Lower Market st Davey Weymouth Jsph. tailor, The Ter
Blarney Joel Michell, Market street Bennett William Henry, carpenter, Davies Jas.Hy.boot dlr.Lower.Market st
Chard Charles Warren, St. James' ter Lower Market street Davies Thomas, grocer, Praze
Collins George, St. James' terrace BJttinson Esther (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Dawe & Bisson, potato merchants,Com-
Cox Samuel, Broad street St. Thomas street mercial road
Curgenven Benj. Wm. St. Thomas' st ter Edwd.jobbing gardener, We~ end
see Philip Henry, harbour master,
IDawe Philip, Commercial road
Bice Alfd.master mariner,St.James' 1DDaawwee
Bisson John, potato merchant,
Dawe Philip Henry, Commercial road Da~ve & Bisson explosives inspector & lessee of tolls
Dodd Mrs. Broad street Blackler James, butcher, Market st arising from the Exchequer quay,
Drew Miss, Elm cot. Commercial road Blarney James, surgeon, medical officer The Quay
Dunsford Miss, The Sq nare of health for Falmouth rural & Pen- ! Dempsey Michl. Three TunsP.H. West st
Dunstan Thos. Henry, St. Thomas' st ryn urban sanitary authorities, & J' Dodd Julia(Miss),ladies' school, Broad st
• Dunstan Thomas Henry, West street certifying factory surgeon, 13road st Donnithorne Edwin, market gardener,
Dunstan William Henry, The Terrace BlameyJoel Michell,manager of Cornish Helston road
Edney William MacLeod, New street Bank, Market street Dunstan Alfred, grocer, Broad street
FurnP.aux George Wm. Commercial rd Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Dunstan George, shopkeeper, West st
Gill Thomas, West end Grylls &; Co. Limited (Consolidated Dunstan John, grocer, College
Gray Charles, Lower Market street Bank of Cornwal1) (Charles Phillips, Dunstan Thomas Henry, registered
Gray Norman, The Square manager) ; open 10 to 3 & 10 to 12.30 shoeing smith, horses shod on the
Hearle James, jun. West hill fridays, Market street; draw on latest & most improved principle;
Hill Elijah, Broad street Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, R!:tnsom, established 28 years, College
Hosken Mrs. Eastville cottage,Quay hill Bouverie & 0o. 54 Lombard street, Dunstan Wm. By. borough surveyor &
Hosken William, Broad street London E c inspector ot nuis:mces, The Terrace
Jenkins George Appleby, The Square Booth Charles,mrkt.gardener,Townend Dunstan William Henry, ironmonger,
Jones Roger Hugh, Lower Market st Booth Clara (Miss), milliner, Praze Lower Market street
Kneebone William Edwd. West End ter Bowden Thomas, market gardener, Ferris Edward, livery stables, see
Mallett Thomas, Brown's hill Helston road Randall & Ferris
Maltby Rev. J. B. [Wes.], The Square Buckingham Jn.carpentr.St.Gluvias st Fish Amos, boot & shoe maker, Broad st
Bullen Ada (Miss), milliner, Helston rd Fox G. c. &. eo. timber mer-
Manger Henry, West end
Manger Isaac William, New street Bulley Francis · Harvey, Anchor P.H. ci'lants, & sawing, planing &
Martin James J.P. Clare house Quay hill moulding mills. See advertisement
Martin James, jun. Clare house Bullmore William, coal, seed, guano & Freeman John, Sons &. C o.
Martin Misses, St. James' terrace manure merchant, Commercial road Limited, granite merchants
& qu~rry owners. See advert
Michell Joel Blarney, Trenowarth house Bunny Philip, builder, Helston road
Milsom Sidney Harry, West street Bunster Ellen (Miss), milliner, St. Furneaux.Geo.Wm.ship brkr. Town quay
Nancarrow John, River view Thomas street . Furneaux John, gi"ocer, Broad street
Newcombe Richard Ambrose, Broad st Chapman George, King's Arms family Geach Alfd. outt1tter, Higher Market st
& commercial hotel, wine & 'spirit Gill & Son, stationers &c. Lower
Pawson Miss, Bow Hill street
merchant & brewer & maltster ; the Market street
Phillips Charles, Market street
most direct route for posting to the Gill Thomas, auctioneer, poor rate col-
Phillips Charles, West street
Lizard, Kynance Cove & other places lector & assessor of taxes & assistant
Pike John, St. James' terrace
Powell George Gibbs, Commercial road of interest; posting in all its branches overseer, West end
Chubb J{)hn Henry, district surveyor of Gray J obn & Sons, potato merchants
Powell J ames, Commercial road
highways, Belmont & tanners, Commercial road & Old
Rawling Henry, Praze
Read James Forester, Commercial road Church Institute (Rev. J. F. Smith, Paint Factory tannery
hon. sec.), Quay hill Great Western Parcels Office (J. C.
Rickard Mrs. The Square
Roach Thomas Edward, River view ClemensAmelia(Mrs.),marketgardener, Wall, agent), Lower Market street
Helston road Hale W. H. chemical manure manu-
Rogers John, Quay hill
Clemens Darcie (Mrs.), milliner, The facturer (John Perry, agent); stores,
Rowe Mrs. Broad street
Terrace Commercial road
Sara Charles, Brown's hill
Clemens Thomas, market gardener, Harris Isaac, Elephant & Castle P.H.
Sara Evan Burnett, Broad street
Saunders Mrs. College house Round ring Market street
Smith Rev. Joseph Frank B.A. [curate Clemo William, bus proprietor, Higher Hatch gardener,West end
of Penryn], Market street Market street Head Thomas Henry,market gardener,
CoadeEliz~beth (Mrs.),grocer & drapr. Commercial road
Stephenson Mrs. Quay hill
Stewart Rev. John F.R.H.s. [Congrega- Market street Hearle James & Sen,corn,coal & manure
tional], Market street CockingJames,Commercial inn,College merchants, Commercial road
Tallack Charles, The Terrace Cocks Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner, :::>t. HeHard John, town crier, West street
Teague John, West end Thomas street HelJard Wm. seedsman &c. Market st
Terrill Mrs. Broad street Col1ins James, shopkeeper, College Hellings Johrr Thomas, Old Golden
Terrill William John, Broad street Collins William Henry, boot maker, Lion P.H. Lower Market street
Thomas Mrs. Broad street Lower Market street HeHings Robert Richard, tailor, New st
Thomas Mrs. The Terrace Commercial Shipping & General Adver- Hellings William,seedsman,TheTerrace
Thomas Nicholas, West street tiser (Gill & Son, publishers ; pub- Hicks Hugh, builder, St. Gluvias street
Thomas Richard Francis, Quay hill lished sat. gratis), Lower Market st Hill Edith (Miss), preparatory school,
Thomas T. Nichols, Park view Conservative Reading Room (Charles St. Thomas street
Tredwen Bedjamin, New street Andrew, sec.), St. Thomas street Hodge Wm.James,cattle dealer,New st
Trenery George Wilson, The Square Cook Wm. builder, St. Gluvtas street Hosken William & Co. grani~ mer-
Trenery Mrs. College Coombes Thomas, cattle dealer,College chants, Commercial road
Vine Andrew Ferguson, Retreat house Coplin Peter, market gardener, St. Hosking Amelia(Mrs.),shopkpr.TheTer
Ward James, Commercial road Gluvias street IndependentOrderof Rechabites(Harold
Welch Mrs. Chapel lane Cornish Bank Limited (branch) Cox, sec)
Williams Mrs. Broad street (Joel Michell Blarney, ruauager) ; James Margaret .Ann (Miss), dress
Williams Samuel, Broad street open Io to 3, fridays 10 to I2.go, maker, St. Gluvias street
Market street; draw on Smith, Payne James Matilda (Miss), milliner, St.
COMMERCIAL. & Smiths, London Gluvias street
Ackerley Digory, shopkeepr.Helston rd Cox Samuel & Son, ironmongers, Mar- James Wm. draper, Lower Marketst
.Andrew Charles Wesley, stone& monu- ket street & Quay hill James William, shopkeeper, West st
mental mason, Helstoc road Curgen\"en Benjamin William, grocer, Jenkin Elizabeth .Ann (Mrs.). butcher,
Andrew Nichls. s·.one cutter,Helst.on rd see Liddicoat & Co Market street
Jenkins George Appleby, solicitor & Penryn Fire Brigade(Hy.Rawling,sec) 1 TallackChas.John,wheelwright,Collego
notary public, towu clerk, clerk to Penryn Liberal Association & Reading Teague John, coal mer. Commercial rd
borough magistrates,Penryn harbour, Room (Thomas Henry Dunstan, Temperance Hall (Thomas E. Roach,
to urban sanitary authority, to high- hon. sec.), Market street sec.), Lower Market street.
way board of Falmoutb, to school Penryn Subscription Reading Rooms Terrill William John, solicitor & notary
attendanca committee,official receiver (Wm. Furneaux, hon. sec.),Market st public, deputy town clerk &assistant
in bankruptcy, Truro district & corn- Peping William, baker, The Terrace clerk to borough justices, Broad street
missioner for oaths & for affidavits Phillips Charle$, manager of Bolitho & Thomas Edwin &Son,
in Stanneries court, The Square Co.'s Limited B::mk, Market street Thomas Alfred, hair dresser, Market st
Jennings Benj. firewood dealer, College Phillips Thos. master mariner, Broad st ThomasJane (Mrs. ),shopkpr.Helston rd
Jennings Joseph, tinplate work01:, Philpott George, greengrocer, West st Thomas John, boot maker, The Terrace
Lower Market street Pike Ann(Miss), milliner, Helstonroad ThomasJn.Marshall,
Jennings Lucy (Miss),boot ma.The Ter Poad Charles Henry, gasfitter & Thomas Thomas, boot maker, Praze
Johns George Brown, boot maker, plumber, Commercial road Thomas Wm. bootdlr. Lower Market st
Higher Market street Polglase Grace (Miss), dress maker, 'J,'homas Wm. Jas. butcher, Market st
Jones Roger Hughes L.R.C.P.LOnd. Commercial road TimminsJsph.&Sons,blcksmths.College
surgeon, & medical officer & public Powell George Gibbs, builder, Corn- Timmins Jane (Mrs.), shopkpr. West st
vaccinator, Penryn district,Falmouth mercial road Toms Edward, relieving & vaccination
union, Lower Market street Powell James, solicitor, Commercial rd officer for the Penryu dist. Broad st
Jose Charles, baker, The Terrace Public Benefit Boot Co. boot dealers Toy Richard, lessee of tolls arising
Kendall J'l.s. saddler, Lower Market st (Richard Retallick, manager), Lower from markets, Commercial road
King John, shopkeeper, The Terrace Market street Travers Bros. painters &c.St.Thomasst
Knowles Charles John, tinplate worker, Randall & Ferris, livery stables, Com- Tregoning Johannah (Mrs.), lodging
Lower Market street mercial road house, Market street
Lavin Michael Jenkin, draper, Lower Rapson Jn.boat builder, Commercial rd Tremayne James, shopkeeper, West st
Market street Rendle John, temperance hotel, Corn- Treneer Robert, market gardener, Praze
Liddicoat Henry & Co. grocers & wine & mercial road 'fresidder William Rowe, butcher &
spirit merchants, St. Thomas street Renfree J. H. & J. R. grocrs. TheTerrace registrar of births & deaths for Pen-
LoveUGeo.station master,We3t End ter Reynolds Jn. shopkeeper, St. Thomas st ryn sub-district, St. Thomas street
Lovering & Co. china chy mers.College Reynolds Richard, slipper maker, St. Trible Edwd. chemist, Lower .Market st
Lyle James, baker, St. Gluvias street Glnvias street TruranJohn,blacksmith,Commer.cial rd
Mallett John Stephens, seedsman. Reynolds Thos. horse dlr. St: Gluvias st Truran Martha Jane (Mrs ), lodging
Lower Market street Reynolds Thomas, slipper ma. West st · house, St. Thomas street
Martin J. & Son, grocers, &. agents for Reynolds William John Simmons, Red Truscott John Coad, insurance agent,
W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & Lion P.rr. Higher Market street Lower Market street
spirit merchants, Lower Market Rich Philip, shopkeeper, Commercial rd Truscott Solomon, Fifteen Balls P.I;I.
street; & at Falmouth Richards Albert, baker, College West street ., 1
Martin Ellen (Miss), dress maker, St. Richards Emma Jane (Mrs.), milliner, Union Shipping Co. general shipping
Thomas street ~t. Thomas street agents (William Hosken, manager),
Martin Emmanuel,boat builder,Bassett Richards Jn. Jas. watch ma. Broad st Commercial road
Arms P.H Richards Richard Charles, master mari- Uren Richard, bill poster, Helston road
Martin Rosannah (Mrs.), greengrocer, ner, Commercial road Vincent George Harrington,Globe inu,
St. Thomas street Richards Wm. carpenter, Chapel J.ane Commercial road
Martin Wm. refreshment ho. Market st Rickard Thomas & Son, carpenters & Vine &. Son, drapers, Lower Market st
Martin Wm. shopkpr. St. Gluvias st builders, West End terrae(:) & millers, Vivian James Furze, carpenter &
Mead Jas.papermanufr.Commercial rd College builder, Church road
Michell Brothers, potato merchants, Rickard Annie (Mrs.), coal merchant, Volunteer Battalion (xst) Duke of Corn-
Commercial road Commercial road - wall's Light Infantry (K Co.) (Capt.
MichellElizabeth Martha & Rosina Ann RickardRebecca(Miss), Norman Gray, ct•mmandant)
(Misses), boarding & day school, Robins John, butcher, The Terrace Wade George, grocer & baker, Lower
Trenowarth house Robins Wm. Hy. grocer, Low. Market st Market street
Mitchell Philip, marine store dealer, Rogers Joseph, boot ma. St. Thomas st Warmington Edwarcl, grocer, West st
St. Gluvias street Rogers Pearce, carpenter, undertaker, Warmington Jonthn. fruiter. Marketst
Moon Edwd.tailor&drpr.Low..Market st painter, glazier, paperhanger & gene- I Weaver & Co. flour tnerchants; depot,
Moon James Hodge, gen. dlr. Broad st ral dealer; agent for the Perth dye Commercial road
Morton Alexander, sergeant instructor works, Quay hill Welch Henry Commins, ironmonger &
of Volunteers, Broad street Rundle Walter, painter & shopkeeper, china & glass dealer, Market street
Moyle Eleanor (Miss),millnr.Helston rd Broad street Welch Mary (Mrs.), Seven Stars P.H.
Newcombe Richard Ambrose, lime Rusden William, hair dresser & tobac- The Terrace
burner, Commercial road conist, St. Thomas street West o'f England Bone& r~anure
Nicholls Stephen,market gardenr. Praze Sara & Burgess, iron & brass founders, eo. (E. D. Auderton, proprietor),
Nichols Thomas, watch ma. Market st Penryn foundry manufacturers of artificial manures
Olive Frederick, watch maker, Broad st Sara Stephen, iron & brass founder, & sulphuric acid, bone grinders, &
Oppy Alice (Mrs.), greengro. Market st Tucking Mill foundry dealers in Peruvian guano, nitrate of
Pappin George, fruiterer, The Terrace Sara Wilhum, market gardener, Praze soda &c. See advertisement ·
Pearce Thomas, chemist, Market street Sincock Edwin, master mariner, St. Wilkinson George, tinpla.teworker, St.
Penaluna Mary (Mrs.), draper, St. James' terrace Gluvias street.
Thomas street Spargo Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bow Williams John, Cross Keys P.H. Praze
IPenhale William Arthur, teacher of Hill street Williams Samnel, accountant & insur-
shorthand, West street Spillers & Bakers Limited, corn & flour ance agent, Broad street
Penhaligon Andrew, farmer, College merchants (depot), Commercial road Williams Samuel, shopke3per, College
Penlerick Henry, livery stable keeper, Stephens Jabez, collector &inspector of Williams Wm. Bartle, greengro. West st
cab & omnibus proprietor, posting water works, West street Wills Thomas, farmer, Eastwood farm
establishment & mail contractor, Sye Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), Crown hotel, Wilton Wm. Hy. carpenter, Broad st
Lower Market street. See advert St. Thomas street Working Men's Club & Institute (Chas.
Penryn Gas Co. Limited (P. H. Dawe, Tallack Ellen & Elizabeth (Misses), Poad, sec.), St. Thomas street
manager), College grocers, Lower Market street
PENTEWAN (or PENTOWAN) is a village in Mevagissey The Wesleyan chapel was built in x88o: the Bible Christian
Bay, in the parish of St. Austell, and 4 miles south of St. chapel, erected in x88g, will seat 250 persons. The former
Austell station, in the Mid division of the county, western Bible Christian chapel, erected about x82o, is now used as a
division of the hundred of Powder, petty sessional division Reading room. In this parish, at a depth of about 30 feet,
of Powder East, St. Anstell union and county court d:strict. bones of different kinds, principally of the deer tribe, have
This is one of the several places to which the valuable been dug out ; one pair of antlers, with a portion of skull
minerals of the district are brought for shipment; it has a attached, measured from one extremity to the other 7 feet:
good harbour and quay, suitable for vessels of large tonnage, near this village is found the famous" Pentewan" stone, so
which are here laden with the clay and ores sent up from St. much used in the construction of Cornish churches. The
Austell by the railway belonging to C. H. T. Hawkins esq. principal landowners are Christopher Henry Thomas Haw-
In x887 an Act of Parliament was obtained for making a kins esq. B. A., J.P., D.L. of Trewithan, Probus, Sir Charles
railwayi2:Qlileslongfromthisporttothelargeandextensive I B. Graves-Sa.wle bart. D.L., J.P. of Penrice, and John Tra-
clay works in the district. All Saints is a chapel of ease to mayne esq. J.P., D.L. of Heligan. ·
the parish church of St. Austell, and affords 250 sittings. 1PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insura.nce Office.--
Thomas Truscott, sub-postmaster. Letters from St. i St. Austell's Board School (mixed),erectedin I874,ona site
Austell, arrive about 7.30 a.m. & 5·45 p.m. ; dispatched near the bridge, for I30 children; average attendance, 65;
at I0.45 a.m. & 4·35 p.m Edwin T. Tregenza, mast. ; Miss Mary A. Underwood,ntist
Stephens John Gill Hodge Capt. Thomas, master mariner Sara.h Capt. Alfred, master mariner
Kellow John, ship owner Sa.rah Francis, farmer
• COMMERCIAL. Kellow Wm. Varcoe, clay mer. & broker Stephens R. W. grocer & draper
Anthony Capt. Thomas, harbour master Knight & Son, bone mill & manure 'fhomas Charles, butcher
Heard Peter, shoe maker manufacturers. See advertisement Thomas James, farmer, Barton
Couch William, ship broker Mabley Henry, carpenter Truscott Thomas, tailor, Post office
Creba John, blacksmith, Mabley John, carpenter Tyzzer Wm. Roberts, farmer & shopkpr
Davey Henry, mason Matta Capt. William, master mariner Wilcock Capt. Philip, master mariner
Gellard James, builder Prettyman Capt.James, master marinr Williams Samuel, butcher & farmer
Hocking Ann (Mrs.), Ship P.H Rosevear Capt.William, master marinr
l'ENZ.ANCE, the most westerly town in England, is a seaport, r and a fine peal of 8 bells, hung in 1865 : the east window is
municipal borough and union town, in the parish of Madron, ' stained and there are several memorial windows: a handsome
and situated on the north-west side of Mounts Bay, 326 serpentine font was placed in the church in 1874, and in I885
miles from London, 130 from Exeter, 10 from the Land's a carved stone reredos was erected to commemorate the
End, 18 south-west from Redruth, 47 south-west from jubilee of the church, and was subsequently extended after
Bodmin and 27 south-west from Truro, and the western ter- , designs by Mr. Harry Hems, of Exeter ; the sculptured
minus of the Great Western railway (West Cornwall section), J figures include the four evangelists, and the angels St.Gabriel
and is head of a county court district, in theWestern division 1and St. Raphaei, to whom an earlier chapel was dedicated :
of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of West there are 1,8oo sittings. In the churchyard stands a
Penwith, rural deanery of Pen with, archdeaconry of Cornwall mutilated ancient cross, supposed to have been connected
and diocese of Truro. The name of the town, Pen-sans, is said with an earlier chapel, and on a pedestal is placed the cap-
to signify the " Holy Headland," a chapel having formerly stone of the spire of the previous church. The register of
stood on the point which now forms the base of the Old Pier. baptisms and burials dates from the year I789; marriages
In later days this place was denominated "Buriton," a cor- and earlier records are incorporated with the registers of
ruptionof the name" Borough Town." 'fhe Barbicancellars, Madron. The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £450,
near the quay, indicate the site of the former castle. In in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, with approval of the vicar
July; 1595, a party of Spaniards landed at:Mousehole, about of Madron for the time being, and held sir.ce I86o by the
three miles distant, and having laid waste that village and Rev. Philip Hedgeland lll.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford,
Newlyn, attacked Penzance and ravaged it by fire and pillage: and prebendary of Exeter.
in I646 the town was sacked b~ Fairfax. St. Paul's ecclesiastical parish was formed March 22, 1867
The ~o~n extends about a mile e!l'st. a.nd -w:est, nearly the from the chapelry of Penzance in the parish of Madron; the
same d1stance north and south, a_nd IS dlVI~ed 1~to two wards, dchefurracyhe,dinbCylatrheencleastetreReetv, b. uHilet ninryI8B4a3t,taent ,aiscoasnt ofed£if5ic,oeooo,f
the east and the west. The rali'Yay statiOn IS at the east
end of the to~n, and through tr~ms r1;1n from Per:'zan~e to granite in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,
the metrop?hs. A stea~er leaves tw1ce a week m wmter nave, transepts, west porch and a· western bell cote contain-
and three tl?les a ~eek m _summer (except May a~d June, ing one bell: the pulpit and communion rails are carved
w:hen there IS a d~IlY, sery•.ce} f?r the Isles o! Scilly : the ! out of solid blocks of granite : the stained east window was
distance to St. Mary s, Scilly, Is about 40 nnles, and the [presented at a cost ofHe£n4royo,Baanttdenth, earnedisalal ltshoea memorial
4 ho~rs. Jan. 20• _I882, and window to the Rev. other win-
avePera.ngze~npcaesswaagse appomted
to be a port dows are stained: the porch, erected in 1886, is a memorial
t~e lumts ~ecl~~;red to commence at the western s1d~ of the
Lizard P~m~t, m the pal'ISh of Landewednack (~mg .the to Miss Emily Borlase Bolitho: there are 200 sittings. It is
nuw (I893) proposed to commemorate the Jubilee of the
western hr~ut o~ the port of Falmo'!th), and to contmue.m a church by the addition of a north aisle and transept at a
w.westerly d1recti~~ ro~nd the Lands End, and thence m a
~orth-eas!'Brly duectton to a place calle~ C~apel-an-Gotha,
f#OBt of £ 2,000, from designs by Mr. I. Trounson
m thepansh of Perranza~uloe, and descr1~ed_m the Ordnance F.B.I.B•.A. architect. The register dates from the year I86J.
map as Chapel R~ck (bemg the west~rn ltmit of the por~ of The living is a vicarage, gross yearly value £ 250, with resi-
deuce, in the gift of Mrs. Henry Batten, and held since I883
Padstow), extending seaward to a distance o~ thre~ miles by the .Rev. Jedediah John Hunt.
from low-water mark from the coast, and mcludmg all .,. .. .
islands, harbours, bays, :civers and creeks within the said St. John the Bapt1st s 1s an ecclesiastiCal pansh, formed
limits. Fishing boats are distinguished by the letters P.Z. Feb. 14, 1882, from that.of St. ~a~y; the church, at the ~op
of ~rewarth~ ter~ace, 1s a bmldm_g of moor ston~, w1th
The western arm of the pier, built in 1772. and extended gramte dressmgs, m the Ea~ly English style, erected m 188I
in I8I 2, is constructed upon a vein of felspar porphyry,
which at low water is exposed to view: a roadway, viaduct at a cost of {,7,ooo, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays,
and swing-bridge, connecting the southern and northern transepts, ~us_les, east and west porches an~ has one bell:
there are s1ttmgs for~ pe~sons.. 'fhe reg1ster dates from
portions of the harbour, were complete d in 1gg 1, and a the ye~r I88x.. The hvu~g IS a vwarage, gross ye9:rly value
osfill3otf a depth of water £320, m the g1ft of the Bishop of Truro, and held smce 1883
floating space acres in extent, w ith ainrb1ogugr4. ; upwards
over the dock 2 dt. was comple ted by the Rev. Edward Townend lll.A. of Exeter College,
of £ 1oo,ooo has been expended on the h A light-
house stands at the extremity of the southern extension, ex- Oxford.
hibiting a dioptric light of the fifth order, at an elevation of The Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, in
33 feet above high water at ordinary spring tides, and Rosevean road, is a large edifice of granite, in the Decorated
showing a bright red for So degrees of the circle when there style, erected in 1847, with a western turret containing one
is a depth of 15 feet of water at the pier head (which bell: the altar and the reredos of granite, serpentine and
.occurs for quite eight hours out of the twelve), and when marble, was presented in 1869 by Sir Paul Molesworth
less than that depth displaying green instead of red. A hart. : there are 500 sittings.
black ball is exhibited by day when there is 15 feet depth of 'fhere is a Jewish synagogue in New street.
water at the pier head. The Baptist chapel in Clarence street was built in
Penzance was first incorporated 9 May, I614, which char- 1836, and has 6oo sittings. The Congregational chapel,
ter was confirmed in 1663 by Charles II. who constituted it Market Jew street, was built in I8o7, and will seat
-an assaying or "coinage" town for tin, a position which it 450 persons. The Bible Christian chapel, High street, built
-continued to hold till 1838; other charters have since been in I879, is now (189~) being enlarged at an estimated cost
granted, and by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835, the of £I,ooo, under the direction of Mr. I. W. 'frounson
Corporation, acting also as the Urban Sanitary and Port F.R.I.B.A. architect. The Primitive Methodist chapel, in
.Authority, now consists of a mayor, six aldermen and Mount street, erected in 1839, has 550 sittings. The
eighteen councillors. The borough has also a commission of Wesleyan Methodist chapel, Chapel street, erected in I814
the peace and a separate court of quarter sessions. and enlarged in I864, is a building of granite, with a portico
St.Mary's ecclesiastieal parish was formed March 24, 1871, of the Doric order, and has sittings for I,8oo persons. The
from the original parish of Madron; the church, rebuilt in Free Methodist chapel, m Parade straet, is a structure of
I834, is a large building of granite in the Perpendicular style, granite, rebuilt in x889 at a cost of £ 2,5oo, from the designs
consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles and a lofty of Mr. Oliver Caldwell, architect, with a school room in
embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing a clock the basement: there are sittings for 750 persons.
The Salvation Army barracks in Queen street, established floor, is a spacious and well regulated meat market, and
in 188I, will seat 1,6oo persons. above is a large chamber used as a corn market; Tuesday,
The Cemetery, about half a mile from 1he town, is in the Thursday and Saturday are market days; but the chief
parish of Madron; in 1854, 3A. 2R. 17P. of land was ac- market is held on Thursday. The poultry, butter and fisn
quired at a cost of [I,Ioo; the cost of inclosure and build- markets are in a large building in Prince's street. Cattle mar-
ing two mortuary chapels and a lodge amounted to £ 1,8oo ; kets are held on the third Thursday in January, February,
in 1886 2A. 4P. of land was bought at a cost of [259 ss. ; April, July, August, October and December. A fair is held
cost of laying out [,190 15s.; the cemetery is under a Burial on Corpus Christi day and the two days following.
Board of nine members. In the Market place is a. round-headed cross, s feet high
The Public Buildings, in Alverton street, begun in 1864 and about 2 feet wide, with this inscription : "Hie procutn-
and completed in 1867 from the designs of the late Mr. bunt corpora piorum."
John Matthews, then surveyor of the town, cost nearly The head quarters of A Company 1st Volunteer Battalion
£I3,ooo, exclusive of furnishing, and are built entirely Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry are in the Corn Ex-
of granite, in the Italian style: the east wing is occu- change, Market House buildings: here is No. 7 Company
pied by the Corporation offices proper. The insignia of the 1st Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
of the Corporation comprise two maces, a mayor's chain Western Division, Royal Artillery, the bead quarters of
and badge and a borough seal : the maces, of silver, which are at Causeway Head.
are 19 inches in length and form a pair ; the shafts are A battery has been constructed at Chyandour to represent
elaborately chased and divided by projecting bands, and the fighting deck of an ironclad, and is intended for the
the foot knops bear tbe cognizance of the town, '' the head gunnery instruction of the Naval Reserve attached to the
of S. John Baptist in a charger," and the name of Thomas Penzance district ; there is one 6in. breech-loader with
Grosse, mayor, 1670 ; the heads display the national Armstrong mountings; two sin. breech-loaders with Vava-
emblems crowned, and above these a circlet and cresting; sour mountings and two Iin. 4-barrel Nordenfeldts, besides
on the flat tops are the royal arms of the Stuarts : the one 64lb. m.l.-rifled gun for target practice ; a drill shed,
mayor's chain and badge, purchased in 1871, at a cost of 6o feet by 30 feet, also shed for two glb. field guns.
[,142, is of gold, and consists of a series of plain but massive The public baths, on the western esplanade, were built at
links, the centre link bearing a shield of the arms of Corn- a cost, including site, of £s,ooo, and opened in July, r887.
wall:-" az. IS beza.nts," with the motto "One and all;" A swimming bath, 75ft. by 28ft. was constructed in 1889;
from this depends a circular badge of gold and enamel, an 18in. earthenware pipe which runs 35oft. into the sea,
charged with the town arms and the legend " Pensans Anno enables the swimming bath, which is below low-water mark,
Domini 1614: " the borough seal has the same arms and to be filled without pumping.
inscription : the mayor and other members of the Corpora- The Queen's hotel, the largest on the esplanade, contains
tion wear black gowns, trimmed with velvet; and the ser- nearly IOO bedrooms; the Western and Union hotels afford
geants-at mace red gowns, laced, and three-cornered hats. every comfort to visitors and there are numerous temperance
The centre block of the Public Buildings comprises a large hotels, of which Perrow's and Paul's are the principal.
concert hall, known as "St. John's hall," seating &so per- Penzance may be described as generally prosperous and
sons and containing a fine organ, and a smaller or lecture the trade is increasing.
hall, seating 300: chess and whist clubs, a debating society, The principal trade of the town consists in the importation
masonic lodge and other societies meet here : the west wing of coals, timber, tallow, hemp, iron, corn, flour, bale goods
is devoted to the purposes of the Royal Geological Society of and groceries, and the exports are tin, copper, fish, serpen-
Cornwall, founded in Feb. r814, by the late John Ayrton tine, granite and leather : the pilchard fishery is also carried
Paris Jlf.D. some time president of the Royal College of on to a considerable extent in the adjoining villages of
Physicians, who died 24 Dec. I8S6, and Mr. Ashurst Mousehole and Newlyn, where the fish are cured and ex-
Majendie, aided by the nobility, gentry and mine agents of ported in shiploads, chiefly to Italy ; large quantities of fruit,
the county ; it now ranks amongst the most distinguished flowers, potatoes and other vegetables and the produce of the
scientific institutions in the kingdom, and has a museum mackerel fishery are dispatched hence by rail, amounting
containing an excellent and extensive collection of geological in the course of a year to upwards of s,o:>o tons of potatoes,
and mineralogical treasures and a good library. The about 8,ooo tons of broccoli and g,ooo tons of mackerel and
Natural History and Antiquarian Society, founded in 1839, other fish : large quantities of flowers, amounting to 450
occupies rooms in the east wing of th~ Public Buildings; tons yearly, are now exported from the Scilly islands, and
the collection is chiefly of local interest, being especially rich the trade is rapidly increasing.
in ancient querns and funereal urns. The Institute, estab- The shipping trade and the fishing indusky are the main
lished in I 848, has also reading and lecture rooms in the supports of Penzance. Shipbuilding is carried on ou a
Public Buildings on the right hand side of the principal limited scale. A new dock has been completed since 1884,
entrance, and on the opposite side is the Penzance News which greatly increases the facilities for dtscharging and
Room : in the courtyard in front is a fountain, the basin of shipping cargo. The Consolidated Tin Smelting Co. formed
which, nearly 12 feet in diameter, is cut out of one block of in 1891 by the amalgamation of Messrs. Bolitho, Sons and
granite. Co., the Trereife (R. R. Michell and Co.) and Carvedras
The Penzance School of Art, established in 1852, was (Messrs. Daubuz & Co.) Cos. Truro, is now the largest com-
removed in r88o to new premises at the top of Morrab pany of this kind in the West of Cornwall, and have a tin-
road : the building is of granite and has a highly orna- smelting works at Chyaudour, near Penzance, and are very
mental frontage with dressings of terra cotta. A wing was largely interested in the mining and fishing industries of
added in 1888 and used as an Art Museum, but has since West Cornwall, as well as being the principal bankers at
been purchased for [,goo by the town council, and a Free Penzance. There are some large flour mills at Penz:ance
Library is now (1893) being formed with the assistance of a and Gulval, the principal beinu; those of Messrs. George
bequest to the town by Octavius Alien Ferris esq. late of Bazeley and Son, Messrs. R. M. Branwell and Sons, and
Highgate, London N, who left a similar amount to the Messrs. Bodilly and Co. The Gulval Ice Co. has a store at
towns of Truro, Falmouth, Redruth and Camborne, as a Newlyn; and there are several foundries and saw mills.
nucleus towards the formation of free libraries: the library, The West Cornwall Infirmary, established in 1874, and
which is on one floor, will contain lending and reference the Dispensary, an older institution, dating from 1809, now
departments and a news room, and has been fitted at a cost form one establishment in St. Clare street : a new wing
of £350: Thomas Bedford .Bolitho esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. has was added in 1887 at a cost of /,I,ooo, the joint donation of
presented I,ooo volumes, and the first catalogue will contain Edward, Thomas and William Bolitho esqrs.: there are 18
a list of s,ooo vols.: Mr. Charles Henry Benn is librarian. beds and 2 cots. During 1892 there were 124 in-patients
A further addition to the main building is occupied by the and I,8z6 out-patients: the institution is supported by
Mining and Science Schools, opened 7 Oct. r8<JO, at a cost for voluntary contributions and is efficiently conducted.
building and fittings of nearly £1,900: on the ground The Infectious Diseases Hospital in Rosevean road was
floor are the technical instruction hall and the lecture established in 187g, under the Urban Sanitary Authority,
theatre, used at present as a school of cookery: upstairs are and during the past 14 years upwards of 30 patients have
chemical lecture rooms, class rooms and a laboratory filled been treatei.
with working benches &c. for 24 students, furnace room The Dennis Charity, amounting to [,48 yearly, is dis-
for metallurgical work, balance room&c.: Mr. HarryCaven- tributed in bread and money.
dish, associate of the Royal School of Mines, principal. In 1889 Morrab House, with its grounds of four acres,
Here are also premises occupied by the Cormsh Camera situated on a gentle slope within view of the sea, were pur-
Club, comprising a dark room, studio and enlarging rooms chased by the Town Council at the cost of [4,ooo, and taste-
for the use of members ; visitors are also allowed tile use of fully laid out from plans by Mr. Reginald Upcher with sub-
the rooms on payment of a small fee. tropical plants, flowering shrubs and flower beds ; two ponds
The Market House and old Town Hall, erected in 1837. is have been made and stocked with gold fish and in each are
a building of g1 anite in a quasi-Doric style, standing at the fountains. The house now contains the Penzance library,
top of Market Jew street, and has a central dome, from removed from the Public Buildings and comprising nearly
which very fine views of the country around Penzance may 20,000 volumes and many pamphlets ; the books include
be obtained : immediately beneath the dome, on the ground the Dawson collection of autographs and portraits, consisting
llf 24 volumes and a rare collection of the dramatists of the with the right hand resting on a safety-lamp : the pedestal,
Elizabethan period and Restoration: attached is a reading about 10 feet high, is formed of the finest blue Lamorna
room for the use of subscribers. granite.
Penzance has lately (1893) been constituted a meteoro- MouNTS BAY is a large expanse of sea. bounded by Tol
logical station ; a. rain gauge, thermometers &c. arfl placed in Pedn Penwith on the west, and the Lizard on the east, and
the Morrab gardens; barometers at the Public buildings is noted for its invariably mild and equable climate: the
and sunshine recorders on the dome of the Market house. principal feature in the bay is St. Michael's Mount, which-
Sir Humphry Davy kt. and hart. was horn in this town 17th will be found fully described under a separate heading.
Dec. 1778, and died at Geneva, May 29, 1829 : a fine marble
statue of the great philosopher, chemist, and a1;1thor, was There are many delightful walks around Penzance ; and
erected in 1872, at a cost of about £6oo, in front of the Old the locality is generally recommended as a place of residence
Town hall, not far from the site of his birthplace, the sculp- for invalids suffering from pulmonary complaints.
tors being Messrs. ·wills, of Euston road, London : the During the season Jersey cars run to Gurnard's Head,
statue, which is 8 feet 8 inches high from the pedestal, is de- Logan Rock and Land's End.
signed after Sir Thomas Lawrence's portrait, painted for the The area of the township is 401 acres of land and 850 of
Royal Society, and now at Burlington House, and represents water; rateable value, £46,oo8; the population of the
Sir Humphry in the well-known costume of the portrait, borough in r88r was 11,194; and in 1891, 121432.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Government Annuity & In- Causewayhead, John Kelynack, sub-postmaster, 7·S & 9.10
surance Office, 114 Market Jew street a.m., 3.4o, 5·4o&7.1op.m.; sundays, 3.4op.m
HOURS OF ATTENDANCE.-Sale of stamps, registration of Alverton, James Pender, sub-postmaster, 7·S & 9· 10 a.m.
letters & general inquiries, week days, 7 a. m. to ro p.m. ; 1.10, 3.40, 5.40 & 7.10 p.m.; ·sundays, 3.40 p.m
sundays, 7 to to a.m. & 5 to 6 p.m. Postal orders, tele- Marine parade, Mrs. Harriet Bond, sub-postmistress, 7·5 &
graph money orders (issue & payment), parcel &post work 9.10 a. m. 1.10, 3·40, S-40 & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, 3.40 p.m
generally & savings bank deposits only, week days, 7 a.m. tChyandour, John Tripp, sub-postmaster, 6.45 & a.m.
to 10 p.m. Money orders, savings bank withdrawals, 12. so, 3.40, 5.20 & 6. so p.m. ; sundays, 3.40 p.m
Market Jew Street, Miss Amy Pearce, sub-postmistress,
licences, government insurance & annuities, week days,
6.50 & 8.55 ~.m. 12.55, 3·4S. s.25 & 6.55 p.m.; extra
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ; saturdays to 8 p.m. For the dispatch stamp, 4.25 for the Up Night mail (week days only) ;
& delivery of telegrams, open always sun days, 3.40 p. m
MAIL DISPATCHES. Marked thus t is a Telegraph Office.
Night 1\Iail-London & all parts, 3.50 p. m. ; extra stamp, ' ' Corporation.
4·15'P·m 1892·3·
Third Up-Cornish-London & all parts east of Scorrier, S-45 MAYOR-Alderman William Harvey Julyan.
p.m.; extra stamp, 5·55 p.m RECOIWER-Robert Alexander Kinglake B.A. 3 Harcourt
Day Mail-Bristol, Exeter, London & all parts, except buildings, Temple, London E c.
plac~s between Trnro & Plymouth, 7.30 p.m. ; extra ALDERMEN.
stamp, 7.50 a.m William Francis Rowe • *William Harvey Julyan
North Mail-North of England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales;
Henry Michell 1 §Henry C arne
Southampton, 8outh-west of England, Bristol, Exeter, J ames Caldwell §Thoma s Reynolds
Newton Abbot & places west of Truro, 10. IS a.m.; ex- I
tra stamp, 10.30 a.m
First Up-Cornish-Devonport, Plymouth & all parts, 9· 20 COUNCILLORS.
a.m. ; extra stamp, 9.40 a.m
Second Up-Cornish-Devonport, Plymouth & Truro, 1.20 East Ward.
p.m. ; extra stamp, I.3S p.m Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, W. F. Rowe.
Penzance & St. Just R.S.O. (Night Mail) leaving Penzance *Edmund Ludlow tJames Herbert Tanking
railway station at 8 a. m.; post office S.s a.m. arriving at
Heamoor R.S.O. at 8.15 a.m. ; Newbridge R.S.O. at 8.35 *Howell Mabbott tWilliam James Bazeley
a.m. & at St. Just R.S.O. at 9·7 a.m
*Peter Richards tJames Dustow
tJames Henry Bennetts tSamuel Nicholas
tJ...mes Henwood R'Ob~rts I
West Ward.
IRuRAL PosTs-DISPATCHES, Letters & Parcels,
Presiding Alderman at Ward Elections, Henry Carne.
*John Alf. Fox tHenry Trembath
with mode of conve•yance. Treen, *hmes Henry Rodda ItWilliam Colensoe
Railway Sub-Offices-Buryas Bridge, S. Buryan, *John Clark Uren tRichard Pearce Couch
Sennen, Newbridge, St. Just, & Heamonr 7-50 a.m. ; con- tPercy Teague Chirgwin tRichard Hill
tWm. 'fhomas Lark Perry
veyed by mail carts I
Gulval, 8.30 a..m. & 4.15 p.m.; conveyed by mounted post- Auditors, William Warren IUchards & John 'frebilcock.
Marked thus <:1 retire in 1893.
Mousehole & Paul, 8.30 a.m. &; 3·55 p.m.; conveyed by Marked thus t retire in 1894.
postman Marked thus ! retire in 1895.
Nancealverne, 8.30 a.m.; com·eyed by postman • Marked thus§ retire in 1898.
• Heamoor, Madron & Trengwainton district, 4.15 p.m. ; con- OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SAN£TARY
veyed by postman AUTHORITY.
Newbridge R.S.O. & St. Just R.S.O. p.m. ; conveyed Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority &
by omnibus School Attendance Committee, Thomas Henry Cornish,
Railway Sub-Offi.ces-Buryas Bridge, St. Buryan, Treen Parade st
& Sennen, 4·15 p.m. ; conveyed by omnibus Assistant Town Clerk & Borough Accountant, Francis Troun-
Nancledrea & New Mill, 8.30 a.m.; conveyed by postman son, Lannoweth road
Long Rock R.S.O. & Ludgvan, 7.2o & a.m. & 5.45 Clerk to Committees & Assistant Accountant, Edward
p.m.; conveyed by railway Croeker Scobey, 9 Regent terrace
PARCELS MAILS-Latest time of posting. Treasurer, l''rancis 'frounson .
Tr uro West na&d. mSo no. ,uttBhrra-t·w·ms teo,.s1tPo&lf~,Eman1o1gulpatlhnad,c'eT9s .r1uboeraoy.omn( rd.e,f1o1. e1rf09.f.15o55r a. m. Clerk of the Peace, John I_'enn Milton, 3t Clarence street
tram·' ; Lo CMp oetrbhdol.1~ncreia.A1rti.,OesGf,fleiGcoerergtoe<rlJfgLeeHByJeoa~BBl·otnhd1!.\lf'lI1my"l,l·eAtUtlrvLb.eRarStn.oC.nP&t.shtElrd'eto.eelrntt.
a.m. SamO-h1ary 1Aut -
ror 10.45 4.30, IC9 bape s
p.m. dispatch) I. ro p.m. for p.m. train; Birming-:
h am, London, Bn·sto1 & a11 parts, 3.30 p.m. for 4.30 p.m. Bu 1c h nays , n. Ghe.ordegNnen.Hgheern,lr1y 0sPmol~uu' p rb. l" amb ·otdr·ne
train ; Plymouth, Marazion & all places east of Trurn, HoroduCg 8 utarbvleyoRr,_ t"t· Ic m mgs
5.30 p.m.• for 6.10 p.m. ttrraa·m.m; Truro & a11 p1aces west I nesapeetoornsof Neu, 1· s1acncaers, .N.. atcthoama·se,1 CooInc1esos na Wwnhear, p ubl"1c
of' 7-I 5 P.m . for 8·5 p.m. buildings
DELIVERIES OF LETTERS, PARCE~S ~- Collector of Rates, Edward Doble, 37 Belgravia street
Hour of Dehvenes ~r~ Sergeants-at-Mace, William Henry Secombe & Thos. Harry
MAILS. Town Crier, Peter Trounson, so St. James' street
Arrival. School Attendance Officer, Thos. Kessell, 28 Market Jew st
Commenced at Fmished at
S.Io a.m. Down Night............ 8.45 a.m. 10·5 a.m. Borough Magistrate~:~.
3· o p.m. North.................... 3.30 p.m. 5.0 p.m.
6.35 p.m. First London Day.... 7.10 p.m. 8.30 p.m.
8.55 p.m. Second London Day.. 9.30 p.m. to callers only Boase John Josias Arthur, Lewisham
'fOWN & SUBURBAN CoLLECTIONS. Bodilly Thomas Hacker, Alverton cottage, Penzance
PosT & M. 0 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices. Branwell John Richards, Penlee, Penzance
The Quay, Nicholas James Rowe, sub-postmaster, 6.55 & 9 Dennis James, 10 North parade, Penzance
a.m. r, 3·3o, 5.30 & 7 p.m.; snndays, 3.30 p.m Julyan William HaTvey, Venton Vean, Penzance
Montgomery James Barc!ay lr.n. 5 Clarence place, Penzance :&oyal National Lifeboat Institution, Quay, Thomas Henry
Preston Robert Hawker Peniel, .Alverne house, Penzance Cornish, hon sec '
Ross Major John James, Trovean, Penzance Sailors' Free Reading Room, Barbican lane, Benjamin
Ross Charles Campbell, Carne, lVIadron Mitchell, superintendent •
Clerk, Thomas Henry Cornish, Parade street Stamp Office, 27 Market place, Benj. Shakerley, distributor
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every Town Hall & Council Chamber, Edward Lark, caretaker
second & fourth monday in the month at II a.m Public buildings '
Trinity Store House, Quay, Harry Thomas Reading, supt
Cmmty Magistrates, West Cornwall Dispensary & Infirmary, St. Clare street.
ACTING FO& THE P~TTY SESSIONAL DIVISION OF THE James Barclay Montgomery M.D. consulting physician ;
Hugh M. :Montgomerie M.D. assistant physician; John
HUNDRED OF WEST PENWITH. Symons, surgeon; :rhomas Hacker Bodilly, hon. treasurer;
John Batten Cormsh, hon sec. ; Rev. Prebendary Philip
Each chairman in rotation. He.dgeland M.A. chaplain; William Harvey Julyan, assist-
St. Levan Lord D.L. St. Michael's mount, l\iarazion R.S.O ant sec. & dispenser; Miss Annie Eliza Whitaker, matron
St. Aubyn Hon. John Townshend D.L. St. .Michaers mount,
Marazion R.S.O
Bolitho Thomas Bedford esq. M.P., n.t.. Trewidden, Penzance MASONIC.
Bolitho Thomas Robins esq. B.A., D.L. Penalverne Penzance' Masonic Hall, Public buildings, Alverton ·street ; " Mount
Bolitho William esq. D. L. Ponsandane, Penzance '
Bolitho William Edwd. Thos. esq. Pendrea, Gulval, Penzance Sinai" Lodge (121), Martin Sampson, sec.; John Rogers
tyler; third wednesday in month. Royal Arch, Holy
Field Thomas Willis esq. Chymorvah, Marazion R.S.O
Le Grice Charles Day Nicholls esq. B.A. Trereife, Penzance mo~nt, Chapter No. 121, ~eld last wednesday in January,
April, July & October; Richard Pearce Couch, scribe E
Ross Charles Campbell esq. Carne, Madron, Penzance
Ross Major John James, Trevean, Penzance Mark Masonry.- St. John the Baptist Lodge; last wednes-
Tonkin Rev. John B.A. Trevervin, St. Buryan, Penzance day in February, May, August & November ; James M.
Tremenheere Hugh Seymour esq. c.B. 43 Thurloe square, Cornish, sec
London s w VOLUNTEERS.
Clerk to the Magistrates, Walt.Hy. Borlase, 3I Clarence st
Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall the first wednesday 1st Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
Western Division, Royal Artillery, No. 7 Company; Capt.
in every month at II a.m
The. ~op.owing places are included in the petty sessional P. Marrack, commandant
diVISion :-Gulval, Ludgval, Maraziun, Madron, Morvah, xst Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Perranuthnoe, Paul, St. Buryan, St. Just, St. Michael's (A Co.); head quarters, Corn exchange, Market House
Mount, St. Hilary, St. Levan, Sancreed, St. Sennen, buildings; Capt. Thomas Henry Cornish
Towednack, Zennor PENZANCE UNION.
Consuls & Vice-Consuls. Board day, alternate thursdays at ro a.m. at the Work-
Denmark, Edwin Thomas Mathews, vice-consul house, Madron. The guardians meet for poor law pur- •
France, Edwiu Thomas Mathews, consular agent poses at the union workhouse at Madron & for sanitary
Germany, Edwin Thomas Mathews, vice-consul purposes inPenzance
Holland, Edmund Ludlow, consular a.,.ent The Union comprises the following parishes :-St.. Buryan,
St. Erth, Gulval, St. Hilary, St. Ives, St. Just, St. Levan,
Italy, Edwin Thomas Mathews, consular agent Ludgvan, l\Iadron, Marazion, St. Michael's Mount,Morvah,
Liberia (Republic of), Edwin T. Mathews, consul Paul, Penzance, Perranuthnoe, Sancreed, St. Sennen,
Portugal, Edwin Thomas :Mathews, consular agent Towednack, Uny Lelant & Zennor. The population of the
Spain, Edwin T. Mathews, vice-consul
Sweden & Norway, Edwin T. Mathews, vice-consul union in 1891 was 48,045; area, 64,879 acres; rateable
value in 1892, £174,138
Public Establishments. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee Thomas
-Borough Police Station, Public buildings, A.lverton street, Henry Cornish, Parade street, Penzance '.
Richard Nicholas, head constable, with a force of 2 Treasurer, Rd. Foster Bolitho, Consolidated Bank of Cornwall
sergeants & 10 constables Assistant Overseers, Benjamin Thomas, St. BWurmyi.mA~·gJooveh,n
Nicholas, St. Erth; Thomas Noy, Gulval;
County Court, His Honor Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge;
St. Hilary ; Richard Stevens, St. Ives ; Thomas Williams
George Ley Bodilly, registrar & acting as high bailiff.
St. Just; Richard Edwards, Lndgvan; Wi!liam Thoma;
':fhe county court is held at the Guildhall the 2nd tuesday
White, Madron; George Laity, Marazion; Thomas Lugg,
m each month. The county court district comprises the
Paul; Barnes Richards, Penzance; Henry 'Villiams,
following parishes, viz. :-Gulval, Ludgvan, Madron,
Perranuthnoe; John Bosence, Sancreed; Hu.,.h Dunstan
Marazion, Morvah, Paul, Penzance, Perranuthnoe, San- J•UD. Towednack ; J. C. Rosewarne, Uny Lela0 nt
creed, St. Buryan, St. Erth, St. Hilary, St. Ives, St. Just
Relieving & Vaccination Officers & Collectors to the Guard-
St. Levan, St Michael's Mount, Scilly Islands, St. Sennen:
ians, Eastern district, Joseph Giles, Crowlas; Western
Towednack, Uny Lelant & Zennor
district, R. W. Tregnnin~, Lower Poltair, Madron
George Appleby Jenkins, Truro, official receiver. For Bank-
Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. I district Adam
ruptcy purposes the district is included in Truro William Thorbnrn Steer L.R.C.P.LOnd. Penzance ~ No. 2
Certified Bailiffs under the "Law of Distress Amendment district, Richard Bnrford Searle L.R.C.P.LOnd. st: Just j
Act," George Edwin Jenkin, Princes street-) Thomas Cock, No. 3 district, George Thomas Albert Staff L.R.C.P.Irel.
58 St. James street; Edward Boase, St. Ives St. Ives; No. 4 district, James Mudge, jun. L R.C.P.Edin.
Central Hall, Parade st.reet, Henry Harvey Pezzack, sec Marazion; No. 5 district, John Qniller Couch, Penzance
Coast Guard Station, The Cliff, James Conybear, chief officer Superintendent Registrar, Thomas Henry Cornish, Parade
Corn Exchange, ]\{arket House buildings, James Bickle street, Penzance
Sanders, lessee Registrars of Births & Deaths, Marazion sub-district Richard
Custom House, Quay, Frederic Wm. Bune, superintendent Cornish Laity, Marazion ; Penzance sub-district; William
Dock Office, W. D. Mathews & Sons, Quay 'rhos. Osborne, 1 Market place, Penzance · St. Buryan sub-
Harbour Office, Quay. John Morrish, harbour master· district, Thomas Henry Bennetts, St. Levan; St. Ives
William Herbert Percy, lessee of pier dues ' sub-district, John Bray Anthony, St. Ives; St. Just-in-
Infectious Diseases Hospital, Rosevean road George Bown Penwith sub-district, Alfred Chenhalls, jun. St. Just;
Millett M.R.C.s. surgeon ' Uny Lelant sub-district, Miss Annie Sandow, Uny Lelant
Inland Revenue Office, Quay, John Hourihane, otf.cer Registrars of .Marriages, J. B. .Anthony, St. Ives; Alfred
Mercantile. Marine Office, Quay, Frederick Wm. Bune, supt Chenhalls, jun. St. Just ; Charles Henry Uren, 19 Corn-
wall terrace, Penz~nce & John Easton Tonkin, 24 Belgravi:~
Natural History & Antiquarian Society's Museum Public
street, Penzance
buildings, George 'Fox Tregelles, hon. sec ' \Vorkhouse, Madron, James Andrew, master; Adam Wm.
Odd Fellows' Hall, Parade st. Edward Crocker Scobey, sec Thorburn Steer L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical otficar; Mrs. Jane
Andrew, m::~.tron
Penzance Institute, Public buildings, John Doidge,treasurer;
Netherton Hosking Symons, librarian
Public Library, Public buildings, Rev. Prebendary Hedge-
land M.A. president ; Thomas Robins Bolitho, trearurer ; RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
George B. Millett M.R.c.s. librarian; William Harvey
Meets at Commercial buildings, 8 Parade street, on every
Julyan, sec.; Samuel Cook, sub-librarian
fourth thursday throughout the year at 3 p.m.
Public Buildings, Alverton street, Barnes Richards, sec
Royal ~eolo~i~l Society of Cornwall (established 1814), Clerk, Thomas FHoesnterryBCoolrinthiosh,C, oPnasroaldideastetrdeBeta1nPkeonfzC'lnocrenwall
Pubhc bmldmgs, Howard Fox esq. F.G.s. president; Treasu rer, Rd.
W¥liam Bolitho, jun. treasurer ~ George B. Millett M.R.c.s. Medical ~fficer of Health, James Mndge, jun. L.R.C.P.LOndr
sec. ; Major John James Ross, librarian; Herbert War- Marazion .
ington Smyth B.A., LL.B., F.G.s. curator Inspector of Nuisances, Josephus Nicholas, Hea., Madron
ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE. girls & 160 infants; average attendance,'"u3 girls & 146
Meets at the Union Workhouse, Madron, on every sixth infants; Miss Dunstan Richards, girls' mistress ; Miss
thursday throughout the year at n.go a.m. Carrie Searle, infants' mistress
Clerk, Thomas Henry Cornish, Parade street, Penzance Elizabeth (~t. Paul's), Taroveor road, built in 1876 & en-
Attendance Officer, Edward White, Pendeen, St. Just larged I884, for 420 children; average attendance, 173
Public Officers. girls & 256 infants ; Miss Elizabeth Culyer, mistress;
Miss Eliza Frances Culyer, infants' mistress ; Miss Kate
Certifying Factory Surgeon, George Bown Millett L.R.C.P. Short, assistant mi~tress
Edin. I9 Chapel street
Wesleyan Day (mixed & infants), Chapel street, built in
Chief Officer of the Coast Guard, James Conybear, The Cliff I865, for 354 boys & girls & 134 infants ; average attendJ
Clerk to the Penzance Burial Board, John Batten Cornish, ance, 320 boys & girls & I20 infants ; William Henry
Parade street
Barrett, master; Jos. Bruce Wright & William Harris
Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed & Property Tax, Humpbrys, al'sistant masters ; Miss Marianne Clemens,
Francis Trounson, Lanoweth road
Miss Maude Mary Wallis & Jane Caulls, assistant mis-
Clerk to the Highway Board of the District of Camborne, tresses ; Miss Mary Morgan, infants' mistress ; Miss
Thomas Henry Cornish, Parade street
Jane Eddy, assistant infants' mistress
Collector of Taxes, Stephen Cara, Chapel street
Catholic (mixed), St. Mary's street, near church of Immacu-
Collector of Market Tolls, James Jones, 4 Alverton terrace
late Conception, erected 1893, at a cost of :[1,IOo, for III
Coroner ior the Western Division of the County, George children; average attendance, 55; Miss Ellen Carr, mist
Pascoe Grenfell, 16 Alverton street; deputy, George Ley
Bodilly, Alverton Street buildings Newspapers.
Inland Revenue Officer, John Hourihane, Quay Cornishman, Parade street ; Cornishman Newspaper Co.
Lessee of Market To1Is, James Bickle Sanders, 3 Penrose ter Limited, publishers ; published every thurs. & sat. ; A. C.
Lessee of Pier Dues,Wm.Herbert Percy,Harbour office, Quay Wildman, manager. See advertisement
Harbour Master, John Morrish, Harbour office, Quay Cornish Telegraph, I6 Chapel street ; published every wed.
Market Beadle, John Casley, 35 Adelai•de street • for thurs. ; & Evening Tidings, published daily, except
Receiver of Wreck, Fredk. Wm. Bune, Custom house, Quay wed. ; Cornish Telegraph Co. Lim. publishers. See ad\"t
Sub-Commissioners of Pilotage, Frederick William Bune,
Edward Alvern Bolitho, Harry Thomas Reading & Railways.
Thomas King
Railway Station, Market Jew street, John Peach, divisional
Sheriff's Officer, Thomas Cock, 7 North parade
Sub-Division Clerk to the Deputy Lieutenancy for East & superintendent ; William Blair, station master
Great Western Railway (receiving office), Old Post office,
West Penwith, Henry Sewell Stokes, Bodmin
Assistant Overseer, Barnes Richards, 54 & 55 Causeway head Market place; J. C. Wall, agent
Market Jew street;
soVestry Clerk of St. Mary, Edward Crocker Scobey, 9 Midland Railway (inquiry office),
Thomas Maddern, agent
Regent terrace
Places of Worship, with times of Services. Conveyance.
St. John the Baptist Church, Trewartha terrace, Rev. Edwd. OMNIBUSES (from Market Jew street) TO:-
Townend M.A. Yicar; Rev. Alexander Sharpe B.A. & Rev. ASH1'0WN-Rosewarne, thurs. 6 p.m
Alexander B. Macfarlane, curates; 8 & II a. m. & 3 & 6.30 BREAGE-Beckerleg, tues. & thurs. 5 p.m
p.m. ; daily 8 & 8.go a.m. & fri. 5.30 p.m CAMBORNE & CROWLAs-Clemo, daily, 5 p.m
St. Mary's Church, Chapel street, Rev. Prebendary Philip GERMOE-Paull, mon. tues. thurs. & sat. 5 p.m
Hedgeland M. A. vicar; Revs. Samuel Isaac Hertzberg & GOLDSITHNEY-WiJliams, daily; market days, 6 p.m. ;
Stephen Woodhouse, curates; 8 & u a.m. & 3 & 6 p.m.; other days, 5 p.m. ; Berryman, tues. thurs. & sat. 6 p.m
daily Io a. m. except wednesdays & thursdays GuRNARD'S HEAD-Warren & Champion daily during season
St. Paul's, Clarence street, Rev. Jedediah John Hunt, vicar ; HAYLE--See Camborne
8 & 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7.30 p.m HELSTON-James, daily, 4.20 p.m.; Reynolds, daily, 4 p.m.;
Immaculate Conception, Catholic, Rosevean road,Very Rev. Osborne, daily, 9 & 11 a.m
Thomas Nicholas Courtenay D. D. priest; holy communion, LAND's ENn-Coombe, daily (Post office), 9 a.m. ; TrewheUa,
8.go a.m.; mass, II a.m. & vespers & benediction, 6.30 tues. thurs. & sat. (First & Last inn) 6.30 p.m
p.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m. ; holidays of obligation, mass, LEEDSTOWN-Berryman, tues. thurs. & sat. 6 p.m. ; &
8 a.m. & benediction, 7.30 p.m James, thurs. 6 p.m
Synagogue, New street, Rev. Michal Leinkram; fri. sunset; LoGAN RooK-Coombe, daily (Post office), 9 a. m
sat. 9 a.m MARAZION-See Helston
Baptist, Clarence street, Rev. Thomas Gardiner; 11 a.m. & PoRTHCURNOw-See Logan Rock
PORTH LEVEN-Wills, mon. tues. & thurs. 5 p.m
6 p.m. ; wed. 7-I5 p.m
Bethel, Battery square ; 6 p.m. ; wed. 7· IS p.m REnRU1'H-Clemo, daily, 5 p.m
Bible Christian, High street, Rev. Jabez Drew & Rev. RELUBBUS (ST. HILARY)-Williams, daily j market days at
Dickory Rounsefell; 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7.15 p.m 6 p.m. ; other days, 5 p.m
Congregational, Market Jew street, Rev. Charles Wickham; ST. BURYAN-Thomas, tues. thurs. & sat. (First & Last
11 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7-I5 p.m inn), 6.30 p.m.; & Coombe (Post office), daily, 9 a. m
Methodist New Connexion, Abbey street; II a.m. & 6 p.m.; ST. JusT-Eddy (mail), twice daily, Io.3o a.m. & I, 6 & 9
tues. 7·45 p.m p.m.; Thomas, daily, xr.3o a.m. & 4, 6.30 & 7.30 p.m ., 1
Primitive Methodist, Mount street, Rev. Samuel Bryant ; SENNEN-Trewhella, tues. thurs. & sat. 6.30 p.m.; &
10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m Coombe, daily (Post office), 9 a. m
United Methodist Free Church, Parade street, Rev. Joseph TowNSEND-Berryman, tues. thurs. & sat. 6 p.m
Kirsop; I0.4S a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7-IS p.m TREEN-See Logan Rock
W esleyan, Chapel st. Rev. J sph. Cranswick, Rev. Geo. Hooper Water Conveyance.
& Rev. Chas. Rose; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7-IS p.m
Schools. SCILLY IsLEs-West Cornwall Steam Ship Co. John Ban-
field, manager; office, 6 North parade; steamers leave
Grammar, Market place, founded in I789: it has a small Scilly in January, February, March & April' on tues.
endowment bequeathed by Sir Humphry Davy & there thurs. & sat. ; returning from Penzance, mon. wed. &
are two free scholars ; Rev. Trimer Bennett, master fri.; May, June daily; July, August & September, leave
Mining & Science Schools, School of Art buildings, Morrab Scilly, mon. tues. thurs. & fri.; returning from Penzance,
road, Richard Pearce Couch, hon. sec. ; Harry Cavendish tues. wed. fri. & sat.; October, November & December,
A.R.s.M. LOnd. principal; Philip Corin M.I.M.E. George F. from Scilly, mon. & thurs.; returning, wed. & sat
Gasson, William H. Barrett, George H. Guy & Henry BOSKENNA BAY, MouNTs BAY & CARBIS BAY STEAM SHIPS,
Williams (medallist), masters Francis Banfield & Sons, managers, 6 North parade
School of Art, Morrab road, Henry 1\lalcolm Geoffroi, head In July, August & September marine excursions from Pen-
ma:;ter ; Henry Geoffroi, assistant master ; Richard Pearce zance to places of interest on the north & south coast of
Couch, hon. sec Cornwall
St. Mary's National (boys), Queen street, built in 187I, for Little Western Steamship Co. George Bazelly & Sons,
270; average attendance, 3II; Jn. Chas. E. Taylor, master agents ; steamers lea'l'"e Penzance for Bristol every wed. &
National (girls & infants), Abbey street, built in 1836 for I6o for Plymouth, Torquay & London every mon
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Andrews Samuel.~ Thomas, Treleigh, Ash Miss, 3 Alma terrace
Redinnick Backhouse Mrs. Bellair, Alverton
Adam John, Dunedin, Alexandra road Badgery William, 6 Cla.rence street
Adson George Edmund, 2 Nonon ter Arbery Mrs. I7A1 North parade Bailey William, 18 Regent terrace
Ash J ames Edwin, 3 Alma terrace
Amore Arthur, 12 Rosevean road Baird Charles, I Regent terrace
AshjamesWilton,jun. 21 Alma terrace
Ball Francis, II Regent square Calf William, II Lanoweth road Durant Hy. Wm. Wallace, 44 Morrab rd
Banfield John, 4 Morrab road Cara George Stephen, 23 St. Mary's ter Dusting John, 19 Bay View terrace
Barrett William Henry, 9 Tolver place CaraThomas Mills,Antron ho. Chapel st Dusting William, I Alexandra terrace
Barwis Mrs. 29 Chapel street Carbis John, 6 Parade passage Dustow J ames, 30 Tolver road
Bassett Wflliam, 5 Clarence street Carlyon Mrs. I4 Alma terrace Dustow William, 9 Belgravia street
Bath Richard, 3 Alexandra terrace Carne Henry, Morrab place Eastaway Mrs. I Cornwall terrace
Bazeley George Paul, I7 Regent ter Carne John, 3 Tol ver road Eddy Francis, 6o Belgravia street
Bazeley Mrs. Penare, Lescudjack Carne Joseph, I2 Belgravia street Edmonds .Frederick, 29 Tolver road
Bazeley William James, The Cliff Carne Miss, 28 Chapel street Edrnonds Miss, 9 Clarence street.
Beare Joseph, I6 Tolver road Carne William John, 5 Clarence terrace Edmonds Mrs. 28 North parade
Beare J oseph Samuel, 14 Chapel street Carr Sydney, Bratoft, Redinnick Elliott Samuel, 6 Morrab road
Beckerleg Arthur J ames, 7 St. Mary's st Chambers Edward, Alverton lodge Ellis Miss, I7 St. Mary's terrace
Beckerleg John Francis, I9 Alma ter Chambers Mrs. 23 Chapel street Ellis Miss, 6 Victoria place
Beckerleg Thomas, 7 Tolver road Charles Misses, 59 Chapel street Ellis Mrs. 25 Alma terrace
Beckerleg William, 4- Lanoweth terrace Chater William, 21 Bay View terrace Ellis Mrs. 7 Lanoweth road
Bedford Miss, 2 Clarence place Chellew William John, 23 'l'olver road Eva Edward, 2 Regent terrace
Bell Mrs. 37 Bay View terrace Chirgwin William, I8 Marine terrace Eversbed Arthur Reginald Field, 9
Bellringer FrankRobyns, IoAlverton ter Chivers Engene, 8 Tolver road Morrab terrace
Bellringer Miss, 10 Alverton terrace Chivers Mrs. 34 Ch<tpel street Fanshawe Commander Lionel R.N.
Bennett Rev. Trimer (head master of Chudleigh Clement, Weeths, Alverton (inspecting officer of the Penzance
Grammar school), 8 St. Mary's ter Chudleigh Richard, I I St. Michael's ter division of coastguards), 'forwood,
Bennett William Dicker, I8 Tolver pl Clark Richard Nicholls, 54 Belgravia st Alexandra road
BennettWilliam Shepheard,9 Morrab rd Clarke Mrs. Barfett,Penhale ho. Queen st Farquhar .Mrs. Chiddlesholme, Tre-
Bennetts James Henry, 2 Trewartha ter Cocking William, 3 Regent square withen road
Berryman William, I9 Morrab road Cogan John, 4 Belgravia street Farquharson Mrs. I Morrab place
Berryman Wm. Henry, 8 Coulson's ter Cogar Richard, 8 North parade Fault .Mrs. 2 Bellevue terrace
Beskeen James, Trewithen road Colenso Mrs. 48 Morrab road Ferris Chudleigh, 54 Belgravia street
Bettany Wilham, ro Chapel street Colenso Richard, 48 Morrab road Ficklin Geo. Penlee villa, Penlee View p
Bischofswerder Morris, 8 Cornwall ter Colenso Samuel May, 20 Morrab road Floyd Jas. Rhoda villas, Taroveor road
Bishop Thomas, 8 Alma terrrace Colenso William, 4 Clarence terrace Fox Alfred, I r Morrab place
Blackmore William, 8 Morrab road Colenso William, Trewithen Glen, Tre- Fox John Alfred, Tregea, 2 Morrab rd
Blight Miss, 38 Bay View terrace withen road Froude Mrs. 9 Lanoweth road
Bluett Mrs.5 Penlee View ter. Redinnick Collins Geo. St. Mary's ho. St. Mary's pl Fuzzey Arthur John, 22 Alma terrace
.Boase Edward, Pentrea, Alexandra road Comerford Mrs. ro Alma place Fuzzey Isaac, I9 Morrab place
Boase Richard Davey, 5 Morrab road Condamine John de la, 16 Morrab road Gale Mrs. Endsleigh, 33 Morrab road
Boddington Henry, 5 Marine terrace Cook Samuel, 29 North parade Gardiner Rev. Thomas [Baptist], I
Bodilly Arthur, 22 North parade Corin Edward Christopher, 8 Tolver pl Lanoweth road
Bodilly GeorgeLey, AlverneHay,Alvertn Corin Mrs. Dunbar villa, Redinnick Garland Chas. Trevellyn, Alexandra rd
.Bodilly 1\'Iiss, West lodge, Alverton Corin Philip Burne M.I.M.E.x8 Tolver rd Garland Mrs. 4 Alexandra terrace
Bodilly Ralph Hacker, West ldg. Alvrtn Corin Thomas Richd. 7 Trewartha ter Gartrell John Hutchens, 47 Chapel st
Bodilly Thomas Hacker, Alverton cot Corin Valentine, 9 St. Michael's terrace Gasson George Fredk. ro Bay View ter
Holitho Commander Edward Alverne Cornish Francis Jn. 22 Regent terrace Geoffroi Hv.Malcolm villa,Alexandra rd
R.N. Laregan Cornish Jas. Mitchell, 15 Alverton ter Geoffroi Henri Malcolm (head master
Bolitho Richard Foster, Ponsandane Cornish John Batten, 4 Clarence place of School of Art), Malcolm villa,
Bolitho Thomas Robins B.A., J.P., n.L. Cornish Thomas, 1 Lanoweth terrace Alexandra road
Penalverne Cornish Thomas Henry, 4 Clarence pl Geoffroi Miss, Malcolrn vil.Alexandra rd
Bolitho William, Polwithen Cornwall Mrs. 5 Alexandra terrace George Mrs. 28 Clarence street ,
Bolitho William, jun. J.P. Ponsandane Couch John Quiller, ro Chapel street George William Jas. 3 St. Mary's ter
Bolitho Wm. Edwd. Thos. J.P. Pendrea Couch Mrs. 2I Chapel street Gerry William Ambrose, Fernleigh,
Bolton James, 22 Clarence street Couch Richard Pearce, 2I Chapel st H11.wkins road
Bond John, Lanoweth road Coulson Jas. Bevan, 14 Regent square Gibbons Harry Rt.Hume,3 St.Mary's pi
Borlase Vice-Admiral John c.B. Alver- Conrtenay Rev. Thomas Nicholas D.D. Gibson Alexander, 42 Belgravia street
ton Vean [Catholic], Rosevean road Gillard Henry Joseph, Fairlight villa,
Borlase Walter Henry, Alverton house Courtney Miss, Trenance, Hawkins rd Redinnick
Bosence Charles, 59 Belgravia street Courtney Richard Acutt, Trenance, Glasson William Arth. 6 Trewartha ter
Bosence Mrs. 2 East ter. Market Jew st Hawkins road Glover Robert, 5 Wellington place
Hosence Mrs. Warwick house,Morrab pi Cranswick Rev. Joseph [Wesleyan], I3 Green Miss, 9 Tolver road
Boston William, 9 Alma terrace Regent terrace Grt-gory Miss, 3 Albert terrace
Bosustow Miss, 7 Clarence street Craze Mrs. 8 St. Michael's terrace Grenfell John, ro Lanoweth road
Bosustow Misses, 14 North parade Crocker Jas. Chas. Vipond L.D.S.R.c.s. Grenfell Mrs. 2 Wellingten terrace
Bosustow Mrs. 2 St. Mary's terrace Eng. 56 Morrab road Grose William Eady, 3 Lanoweth tcr
Bowden Matthew, 4 Trewartha terrace Culyer Charles, IO Alma terrace Grose William Henry, 2 Lanoweth ter
Boyns Mrs. 20 St. .Mary·s terrace Cunnack Mrs. I8 Market Jew street Groves Mrs. I9 St. Mary's terrace
Branch George, IO South terrace Curnow Miss, Aubrey ho.St. Mary's ter Grylls Thomas, I Alma terrace
Branwell Charles, 3 South parade Dale Richard, I5 St. Mary's terrace Haddon Joseph Baldwin, 13 Clarence st
Branwell John, Penlee, Redinnick Dale Samuel Young, 6I Morrab road Hall J oseph, 5 Regent square
BranwellJn..Rchds.Penlee,Trewithen rd DaleWellington,'frevellyn, Alexandra rd Hamlyn George, so Morrab road
Branwell Miss, I North parade Daniel John, 3 t St. J ames' street Hancock Wm. Glanvill, 43 Morrab rd
13ranwell Robert, jun. 4 South parade Daniel Mrs. 39 Tolver road Hanley Sylvanus, The Hollies, Alverton
Branwell Robert Matthews, Redinnick DanieU John, I Redinnick terrace Hare Miss, Boscolla, Alexandra road
house, Redinnick Dart Mrs. 3 St. Michael's terrace Harris William Geo. I I Bay View ter
Branwell Thos.Richards, 4 N"rth par Davey John, 7 Belgravia street Harry Miss, Io Tolver place
Brenchley Henry, 4 Marine terrace Davy Humphry llf. n. Morrab villa, HarveyFras. McFarlane,s Trewartha ter
Bridge John, 6 Norton place Morrab place Harvey Miss, 29 Clarence street
Bridle William Henry, 2 Tolver road Davy Humphry, 2I St. Mary's terrace Harvey Miss, 9 Cornwall terrace
.Brock John, 75 St. James' street Davy Mrs. H. II2 Market Jew street 1 Harvey Misses, 1 Bellevue terrace
Brokenshire Mrs. 7 Albert terrace Deaville John, 25 Morrab road Harvey Mrs. 4 Morrab road
Brown John, 2 St. Mary's place Denithorne Mrs. I2 Bay View terrace Harvey Mrs. Tredarvah, .Alverton
Brown Robert, 33 Bay View terrace Dennis Mrs. Lower Lariggan Head Mrs. 3 Norton place
Browne Miss, 2 St. Michael's terrace Dix Miss, I4 Bay View terrace Heath Henry, I2 St. Mary's terraco
Bryant Rev. Samuel [Primitive Meth- Doble John Medley, I3 Morrab road
Hedgeland Rev. Prebendary Philip :ar.A.
odist], 6 Morrab place Doble Mrs. I2 South terrace [vicar of St. Mary's], St. Clare house
Buckett AUred Henry, 5 Morrab place Doble William, 29 Belgravia street Henri Mrs. I Coulson's place
Buckett Alfred Hy. jun. -5 Morrab pl Dodge William By. 8 Alverton terrace Hertzberg Rev. SI. Isaac [senior curate
St. Mary's church], 5 St. Mary's ter
Bune Frederick William, 4 Regent ter Doidge John, I I Clarence street
Bunt William Arthur, 15 Morrab road Doidge John Sweet, 4 Albert terrace Hick Mrs. 48 Belgravia street
Caddy Alexander, 4 Norton place Douglas Vincent, 1I St. Mary's terrace Higgs Mrs. 6 Alma terrace
Cade Miss, 39 Morrab road Drew Rev. Jabez [Bible Christian], 42 Hill George Thos. 2 Bay View terrace
Caldwell James, 8 Albert terrace 'folver road Hill Richard, I Bay View terrace
Caldwell Oliver, Alexandra road Drew Jn. Ede, c,·anfield, Alexandra rd Hockin John, 6I Belgravia streEt
DEV. & CORN. 78
Hocking John, 26 Alma terrace Marrack Philip, 3 South terrace Quick James, 59 Morrab road
Hocking Mrs. 17 North parade Marlande Mrs. Clarence cot. Clarence pl Quick Richard, I7 Alma terrace
HockingMrs.3PenleeView ter.Redinnick Martin Mrs. Rhoda villas, Taroveor rd Ralph Mrs. 7 North parade
Hodder :!'diss, 45 Bay View terrace Mathews Edwin Thomas, 8 Regent ter Read Albert, 7 Wellington place
Hodge Jacob, 41 Tolver road Mathews Mrs. 6 Coulson terrace Read Frederick William, I St. Mary's pl
Hodge Mrs. 2 .Albert villas Mathews Mrs. 15 Regent terrace Read Miss, I Clarence terrace
Holbrook Mrs. 4 St. Mary's terrace Matthews John, The Minnie Read Mrs. 9 Regent square
Hollow Mrs. 5 St. Mary's terrace Matthews Mrs. 2 Morrab terrace Reading Harry Thomas, 10 Regent tel'
Holman Frederick, 9 North parade Matthews Mrs. 9 Penrose terrace Rees :Mrs. 30 Morrab road
Holt William, Cliff cottage Matthews William, I3 Alma terrace Richards Barnes, I2 Regent square
Honeychurch Mrs. 2I Belgravia street Matthews William Henry, 6 The Cliff Richards Edwin, 46 Morrabroad
Hooper Robert, 4 Redinnick place Mear Mrs. 22 St. Mary's terrace Richards John, 3r Tolver road
Hora Mrs. Stella house Merrifield Alfred, 79 High street Richards John, 3 Wellington terrace
Hosken Mrs. 35 Tolver road Merrifield Henry, II Tolver road Richards Miss, 5 Morrab terrace
Hosken Westley Henry Edward, 5 St. Michaelli Fredk. Louis, I7 Lanoweth rd Richards Miss, 33 Rosevean road
Mary's street Michell Edward Harpur, 7 Morrab rd RIChards Mrs. 24 Alma terrace
Hoskin Mrs. 23 Alma terrace Michell Ernest, 5 St. Michael's terrace Richards Mrs. 3 Redinnick place
Hoskin Mrs. 3 Wellington place Michell Henry, 27 Morrab road Richards Peter, 2I North parade
Hosking Mrs. I3 Morrab place Mitchell Miss, 19 Redinnick terrace Richards Ths. Oakburn vil. Trewithen rd
Hosking Mrs. 5 Victoria place Michell Mrs. Lescudjack ho.Lescudjack Richards William Warren,18 Morrab rd
Hosking Richard, 20 Chapel street Michell Mrs. Westhome lo.Alexandra rd Righton Sidney, Alien house, Lanoweth
Hosking Thomas, 23 Lanoweth road Miller David, 13 Redinnick terrace road
Houlson Samuel, 8 Victoria place Millett George Bown, 19 Chapel street Roach William, 8 Market Jew street
Hourihane John, 27 Belgravia street Milton John Penn, Lannoweth house, Robbins Frederick, I9 Tolver road
Hugo Thomas, 1 .Belgravia street The Cliff Roberts Mrs. 15 Morrab place
Hulsmann William, 23 Regent terrace Miners .Frederick, 18 Victoria square Roberts Rd. Hy. Penlee view,.Redinnick
Hunt Rev. Jedediah John, St. Paul's Mitchell Misses, 7 Alma terrace Robinson Lady, 6 Alexandra terrace
vicarage, Clarence place M1tchell Mrs. 2I Morrab road Robinson George Potter Antoine, 2<>-
Hunt Mrs. 20 Belgravia street Mockridge George Robert, Belmont, Regent terrace
Hurley Alex. Patrick, 62 Belgravia st Trewithen road Robson William, 27 Bay View terrace
Hurley Edward, 48 Medrose terrace Mogford Mrs. 40 Morrab road Rodda Fredk. Incledon vil. Trewithen rd
Hutchison William Elliott,4 Bellevue ter Montgomerie Hugh Mayer M.D. 5 Rodda James Henry, I5 Alma terrace
Huthnance Mrs. 3.5 Chapel street Clarence place Rodda Sampson, I8 St. Clare street
Ingram David Christphr.4o Belgravia st Montgomery James Barclay M.D., Rodda Thomas, 6 Tolver road
Jacka Charles, I6 St. Mary's terrace F.R.C.P. 5 Clarence place Rodda William, 13 Belgravia street
Jago Misses, Alverne hill, Alverton Mumford Mrs. ro Tolver road Rogers Emanuel, 13 St. Mary's terrace
James John, II Regent terrace Nankervis Edwin, 6 South terrace Rogers Matthew, Penlea vil. Redinnick
James Mrs. 3 Bay View terrace Nankervis William Henry, 8 Regent sq Rogers Misses, I South parade
James Mrs. 22 Belgravia street Newton William, 3 Morrab terrace Rogers William, 9 Redinnick terrace
James Mrs. 4 Morrab terrace Nicholas Charles Andrew, 25 Tolver rd Roskilley Mrs. 7 Chapel pl. St. Clare st
James Mrs. I3 Regent square Nicholas Richard, r6 Cornwall terrace Ross Major John James J.P. Trevean~
James Samuel, Norton ho. Bay View ter Nicholls Wm. Sims,Norwood,Redinnick Alverton, Penzance; & Junior United
Jasper Frederick Wright, 8 Clarence at Noell Misses, 20 Alma terrace Service club, Charles street, London
Jenkin George Edwin, Bosleven, Tre- Northcott William, 46 Belgravia street Rossiter Mrs. 5 North parade
withen road Norton Daniel, 53 St. James' street Rounsefell Rev. Dickory [Bible Chris-
Jenkins John Henry, I4 Tolver place Norton Miss, 4 Tolver place tian], 2 Alma place
Jenkins Robert, II Morrab road Noy Edward, 6 Morrab terrace Rouse Miss, 2 Penrose terrace
Jennings Mrs. IO Morrab place Nunn John Hopkins R.A.M. The Abbey, Rowe J ames, 8 Lanoweth ru11d
Jennings Mrs. 21 Regent terrace Abbey street Rowe John, 6 Penrose terrace
Jewell Benj. Trewhella, IO Cornwall ter Oats Frederick Charles, 36 Tolver road Rowe Joseph, 44 Belgravia street
John Miss, IB Chapel street Olds Peter R.D.S.E. I5 North parade, Rowe Miss, n North parade
J ohnson Mrs. IPenleeView ter. Redinniek Alverton street Rowe Mrs. 12 Tolver place
JonesMissWinter,Sunnysde.Hawkins rd Oliver Alfred, 39 St. James' street Rowe William, 35 Bay View terrace
Julyan William Harvey, Venton Vean, Olver Willi:tm Rickard, 14 Regent ter Rowe Wm. Francis, Cliff ho. The Cliff
Trewithen road Oppenheim Israel, Pendennis house, Rowse Mrs. 38 Rosevean road
Kaddie John, 36 Belgravia street Alexandra road Ruberry Mrs. 39 Belgravia street
Kay Miss, IB Alma terrace Owen Mrs. 12 Lanoweth road Runnalls Jas. Penlee villa, Alexandra r<l
Kemp John, 5 Belgravia street Paddy Mrs. 5 Coulson's terrace Russell Edward, 5 Penlee View terrace
Kevern James Trembath, I6 Regent ter Parks Alfred William, Queen square Russell John Nicholas, 25 St. Mary's ter·
Kirsop Rev. Joseph [United Methodist Parks Miss, I Wellington terrace Sabatier Mrs. I2 Morrab place
Free Church], 4 Penlee View terrace PascoeEdwardBeckerleg,6Wellington st St. Aubyn Miss, 7 Alverton terrace
Lanyon Johr. Rodolphus, I3 Morrab pl Pascoe Lavin, 67 Chapel street Sampson John, 4 Toh·er road
Lanyon Mrs. 7 St. Mary's terrace Pascoe Miss, 21 Morrab place Sampson Mrs. 1 Leskinnick place
Lawrey John, 12 Cornwall terrace Pascoe Mrs. 20 Clarence street Samson William Henry, 9 Victoria place
Lawrey William, 28 Morrab road Pascoe Nicholas, 26 Tolver road Sanders James Bickle,3 Penrose terrace-
Lawry Mrs. I7 Clarence street Pellew William, 42 Bay View terrace Sandry Mrs. 2 Clarence terrace
Lawry William, 3I Belgravia street Pemberton Randall Jackson, 24 Lan- Sartin Joseph, 20 Lanoweth road
Leah Charles, 8 Belgravia street oweth road Scantlebury Mrs. 5 Tolver road
Leah William Robert, 49 Belgravia st Pentreath Miss, 21 Clarence street Scobey Edward Crocker, 9 Regent ter
Legg Mrs. IO St. Michael's terrace Pentreath William, 42 Morrab road
Searle Frederick, 24 Tolver road
Lethby James, I7 Tolver place Perkins John, I Albert terrace Seccombe Mrs. 2 Dock lane
Levers Miss, I Albert villas Permewan Mrs. I6 Clarence street Serjeant Mrs. 4 Morrab place
Lienkram Rev. Michael [Jewish rabbi], Perry Wm.Thos.Lark,2 Penlee View ter Sharpe Rev. Alexander :B.A. [curate St.
Alverne buildings, Alverton street Peychott Mrs. 25 Cornwall terrace John the Baptist], II Penroseterrace
Linaker William Edward, 37 Morrab rd Pezzack Henry Harvey, 54 Morrab rd Shall Richard, 12 Marine terrace
Lillingston George B. P. Spooner, Phillips John, I5 Regent square Short Miss, 52 Morrab road
Ferriby, I Morrab road Phillips Mrs. 2 Chapel pl. St. Clare st Simmons William, 20 Tolver road
Lillingston Mrs. Ferriby, I Morrab rd Phillips Mrs. r Regent square Simpson Miss, 39 Rosevean road
Loam John Frederick, 3 Coulson's ter Pbillips Richard Henry, I3 Bay View ter Simpson Mrs. Lynwood, Hawkins road
Lovell Robert Charles, 6 Alverton ter Pid well Mrs. Trevear cot. Alverton ter Sincock Miss, 35 Rosevean road
Loxley Mrs. 4I Belgravia street Plomer Mrs. :x8 Regent square Small George Henry, 15 Chapel street
Ludlow Mrs. 44 Bay View terrace Polglase John,Richmond cot.St.Clare st Spray Mrs. 52 Belgravia street
Luff William, 23 St. James' street Polkinghorne Mrs. I7 Morrab place Spray Richard Angwin, 2 Regent square
Lugg Miss, 7 St. Michael's terrace Pool Arthur, 4 Alma terrace Spriggs James, 2 Wellington'place
Mabbott Charles James, 20 Regent sq Pool George, 98 Market Jew street Staples Charles, 28 Tolver road
Mabbott Howell, r6 Alma terrace Pool Mrs. .1 Alverton place Steer Adam William Thorburn, Tre-
McFadyean Andrew, SI Morrab road Poole George, Trerys, Alexandra road vear, Alverton •
Macfarlane Rev. Alexander B. [curate Pooley Mrs. I Alma place Stephens Jn. Rosevean ho. Rosevean rd
of St. John the Baptist] Potter 'fhomas, 2 St. Clare street Stepheus Richard, 5 Tolver place ·
Magor Martin L.n.s.Eng. 24 Chapel st Potter William Henry, 9 Bay View ter Stephens Waiter, St. Clair villa, Chapel
Malone Rev. Richard M.A. 6 Clarence pl Preston Robert Hawker Peniel, Alverne place, St. Clare street
Marrack Mrs. 3 South terrace ·
house, Alverton street Stephens William Henry, 2 Albert ter
Stevens Jonathan, I Trewartha terrace Tresise The Misses, 3 Bellevue terrace Whear Nathaniel Coulson, jun. Holbein
Stevens Miss, 2 Taroveor road Trewavas Miss, I 9 Regent terrace house, Alexandra road
Stevens Mrs. I6 Regent square Trewhella John, 33 Belgravia street White Henry, 1 Parade passage
Stevens Mrs. I St. Michael's terrace Tronnson Arthur, 3 Regent terrace White Mrs. The Orchard, Alverton
Stevens Nathaniel, 2 Norton place Trounf<on Francis, Lanoweth road White Stephen Eva, I Wellington pl •
Stevens Thomas James, 37 Tolver road Trounson John William, 27 Clarence st White William John, 26 Bay View ter
Stevens William, 27 Tolver road Trounson Mrs. St. Clare vil. St. Clare st White William Thomas, I3 Tolver place
Sturge Henry Jacob, 27 North parade Trounson Thos. Carpenter, 50 Chapel st Whitford Mrs. 3 Trewartha terrace
Symons George, 4 Cornwall terrace Trounson William Henry, II Tolver pi WickhamRev.Charles[Congregational],
Symons John, Buriton ho. Alverton st Truscott J ames, 49 Rosevean road rr Tolver place ·
Symons NethertonHosking, I 2North par Tucker James, 38 Caldwells road Wilan :Mrs. 6 Regent terrace
Symons William C. Trevine, Redinnick Tyack Miss, I4 Clarence street Wildman Albert Chas. 34 Rosevean rd
Taplin Thos. Knutton, IJ Morrab road Tyacke Miss, 3 Clarence place Willan Captain LawrencePeel R.N.Rose-
Taylor John Chas.Edwd. 1 Coulson's ter Uren Charles Henry, I9 Cornwall ter ville, .Alexandra road
Taylor 'l'hos. Docker, 43 Bay View ter Uren Edward, 5 High street Willey Joseph, I2 Regent terrace
Tedcastle Robert, 3 Belgravia street Uren John Clarke, The Willows, Corn- Williams Alfred, 23 Belgravia street
Thackeray Miss, I Clarence place wall terrace Williams Edward Richd.2Redinnick ter
Thomas Henry, 32 Rosevean road Uren Mrs. 7 Morrab place Williams Henry, 7 Morrab terrace
Thomas Mrs. 16 Bay View terrace Uren Henry, II Belgravia street Williams James B. 33 Tolver road
Thomas Mrs. 8 Penrose terrace Varcoe William, 4 Lanoweth road Williams James Henry, 41 Morrab road
Thomas William Charles, 9 Marine ter Vibert Miss, 12 Clarence street Williams Miss, 47 Belgravia street
Thompson Mrs. Belmont, Redinnick Victor Miss, 18 St. Mary's terrace Williams Mr8. 3I Morrab road
Thorne J oseph Alan, Belmont, Redinnick Victor Mrs. 7 Cornwall terrace Williams Mrs. 6 Regent square
Thornthwaite Mrs. 5 Alhert terrace Vingoe Alexander, 2I Tolver road Williams Mrs. Rose cottage, Chapel
Tolley John, 40 Tolver road Vigurs Mrs. Alphington house, Alverton place, St. Clare street
Tonkin J ames Henry, 3 Corn wall terrace Vivian Mrs. 23 Morrab road Williams Wm. Richmond ho.St.Clare st
Tonkin James Herbert, 6o Morrab road Wallis Frederick, 20 Morrab place Wills Mrs. 2 Morrab place
Townend Rev. Edward M.A. [vicar of Wallis Thomas, I3 Bay View terrace Winiberg Frederick, 12 ~'olver road
St. John's], Medrose cot. Rosevean rd Wallis Wm. Henry, 45 Belgravia street Winiberg Mrs. I4 'folver road
Ttebilcock John, 20 Tolver place Walton Mrs. 7 Norton terrace Woodhouse Rev. Stephen[junior curate
Tregarthen James Nowland,9 Albert ter Warmington Mrs. 3 Lanoweth road St. Mary's], 15 Cornwall terrace .
Tregarthen John Wm. 8 Morrab terrace Webb Sydney IIerbert, 22 Morrab road Woollcott Joseph, r6 R~dinnick terrace
Tregarthen Mrs. 32 Morrab road Wedlake George, 58 Belgravia street Wright John Thomas, 4 Victoria square
Tregel1es George Fox, 3 Market place 'Vellington William, 43 Belgravia street Wright William Henry, 5 Coulson's pl
Tregoning Edward, 21 Lanoweth road West John Moore, II Cornwall terrace Wylde Miss, 1 Clarence place -
'frembath Henry, 26 North parade Whear Mrs. 39 Caldwells road Yates Genl.Hy.Peel c.B.9 .Alexandra ter
Trenwith William, 30 Market Jew street Whear N athaniel Coulsun, Holbein ho. York Henry Coulson, 3 Alverton place ··
Tresise John, IS Tolver road Alexandra road
COMMERCIAL. Benn CharlesHenry,librarian Free Library,7 Norton terrace
Alcock .Alice & Pollie (Misses), cost.umiers, I2A, Chapel st · Bennett Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, ro Garden row
Alder Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 17 Chapel st Benne1t William Shepheard, surgeon, 9 Morrab road
Al1en Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Mary (Miss),confctnrs.66Chapel st Bennetts Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 25 Mount street
Andewartha Esther Ann (Miss), dress makr.25 St.James' st Bennetts James Henry, colliery agent & ship owner, ~
Andrews Samuel, boot & shoe maktr, 8 Park corner Trewartha terrace ; office, Albert street
Angwin John, shoe maker, 4 Green street Bennetts Mary Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 9 Queen st
Angwirt Richard Corin, marble mason, 62 Causeway head Bennetts Melcbisidec, general smith, 9 Queen street
Ash J. Wilton, coach builder & harness maker, 52 & 53 Bennetts William, china dealer, 13 Causeway head
Market Jew street & Leskinnick place BennettsWm.Stephen,potato dlr.& shopkeeper, 45 Queen st
Ash James Wilton, saddler & harness maker, Green market Benson Henry, Turk's Head P.H. 48 Chapel street
· Avery Edward, lodging house, 9 South terrace Beringer & Schwerer, watch makers, r6 Market Jew street
usAvery Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 South terrace & West end, Redruth
Berryman Alexander, auctioneer, appraiser & estate agent, 4
Bailey C. & Sons, cooks, bakers & confectioners,
Market Jew street Clarence street
Bailey Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 29 C~tmberwell street Berryman .Amelia (Mrs.), lodging house, So High street
Ball Charles, Mounts Bay hotel, Esplanade Berryman Andrew, fruiterer, 30 St. James' street
Ball George Hooper, tailor, 20 Mount street Berryman Annie (Miss), milliner, 14 Park corner
Ball Williarn, lodging house; references, home comforts & Berryman James, market gardener, Chyandour '
facing sea, 7 Alexandra terrace Berryman John, dairyman, Gwyas street
Banfield Francis & Sons,merchants &ship agnts.6 North par Berryman Luke, master mariner, 29 Bay View terrace
Banfield James, shoe maker, 2 South place Berryman William Henry, coal, manure & oil mer-
Banfield John (firm,Francis Banfield &Sons), consular agent chant&agent forLifeAssociation of Scotland,Coinagehall st
for .Austria, 6 North parade Best Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 18 Cornwall terrace
Banfield Samuel, carpenter & joiner, 2 South place Bews Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, r8 South place, Quay
Barnes John, shoe maker, 5 St. Clare street, Causeway head Bickford Margaret (Mrs ), lodging house, 15 Daniel place
Bassett William, hutcber, 34 Market Bilkey John, beer retailer, Coinagehall street
Basse1.t William Nicholas, tobacconist, 12 Market place Binmore Harry, fruiterer, '17 Market Jew street
Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co. Limited, bankers BischofswerderDavid,pawnbroker & jeweller,IgMarketJew st
(Francis Harvey, general manager); head office, Penzance Bischofswerder Morris, secondhand clothes dealer, II 8
Bank, Market place; draw on London & Westminster Market Jew street
Bank Limited, London · Blackford Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 3 High street;
Batten & Couch, timber importers, iron, slate, coal, brick & Blair William, station master, 3 Trewartha terrace
general merchants, & steam saw mills, St. Anthony saw Blewett Joseph, greengrocer, Vegetable market, &; fruiterer~
mills,Coinageball st. ; coal yrds.Queen st.&Causeway head 2 Chapel street
Batten Isaac, watch & clock ma.& jeweller,44 MarketJew st Blewett Moses, potato merchant, 54 Market Jew street;
Bazeley George & Sons,steam millers, ship owners, wholesale Blewett Thomas, beer retailer, Queen street
grocers & ice manufacturers, Albert stores Blight Esther (Mrs.), lodging ho. Marine retreat,Marine te:r
Beard Charles, insurance agent, 10 Belle;ue terrace Boase Edward, solicitor,& town clerk of St. Ives1 sec, to ~he
Beare Thomas & Son, stationers & printers & berlin wool Porthminster House Co. Limited, St. Ives, Savings Bank
warehouse & fancy repository, ~r Market place buildings, st.& at Hayle, clerk to Hayle Jocal board
Beare James Henry, butcher, 25 Market Jew street Boase Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 3 Adelaide street
Beare Jane Ann (Miss), dress maker, 39 .Alma place Boase Eli1.abeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 34 Alma plac&
Beare Joseph, butcher, n, 47 & 48 Market Boase Elizabeth Barnes (Mrs.), lodging ho. 2 St. James' ~~~
Beare Samuel, grocer, I2 Chapel street Boase Richard Davey L.R.C.P.LOnd.,M.R.c.s.Eng. surgeon &
Beaver Elizabeth Jessie (Miss), dress maker, 6 Alma place medical officer of health, Paul urban sanitary district, s·
Beaver James Frederick, printer, The Arcade Morrab road ·
Beckerleg Barzillai, jun. & Co. bakers, Bread street Bvdilly George Ley (firm, Trythall & Bodilly), solicitor,.
lleckerleg Barzillai, master mariner, 38 Tolver road . coroner for the borough of Penzance & deputy coroner fo:r
lleckerleg Ellen (Mrs.), lodging honse, 30 Cornwall terrace the Western division of Cornwall & notary public, regis..
Beckerleg Thomas, master mariner, 7 Tolver road trar of county court, commissioner for oatbs, perpetual
D.Ii.Y. & CORX. 78*
commissiener, commissioner for oaths & to examin~ wit- Champion John, corn, forage, potato, manure & seed mer-
nesses for Cape of Good Hope & South Australia (com- chant & cab & livery stable proprietor, 16, I7 & I8 Cause-
missioner for oaths only); oitices, County court, Alverton way head & 29 Alverton street. See advertisement
~treet buildings Chapman & Dowrick, builders, Brewery yard, Bread street
Bodilly & Co. millers (steam) & general merchants, Bread & 38 St. James' street
street & Lariggan steam flour mills ChappellCath.Jane(Mrs. ),picture frame ma.46&47Queen st
Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited Charity Organization Society (Rev. Trimer Bennett, hon.
(Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) (Thomas Bedford sec. ; John Elias Rogers, officer; James Rowe, caretaker),
Bolitho lii.P. chairman; Henry Roach, sec.); head office, St. Mary's Parish house, Regent buildings
9 Market Jew street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, 'fritton, Chellew Mary Morton (Mrs.), fancy draper,65 Chapel street
Ransom, Bom•erie & Co. London Chess Club (Wm.Harvey Julyan,hon. sec.), Public buildings
Bolitho Christina (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Regent terrace Chester George & Melina (Miss), grocers, u Penwith st
Bond Stephen Arthur, serpentine manufacturer, & post Childs Maria (Mrs.), lodging house, IS South terrace
office, 29 Cornwall terrace Chirgwin Rchd.& Son,grocers 7, &confectioners 8,Market pl
Boney Ambrose, tinsmith, 2 Adelaide street Chivers Eugene, master mariner, 8 Tolver road
Booth Alexander, grape grower,2 Union terrace, St. Clare st Christie Michael, shopkeeper, 30 New street
Borlase, Milton & Borlase,solicitors, notaries public & agents Christopher Nicholas, dairyman, 3S Alverne buildings
to the Guardian Fire & Life Otlice, 31 Clarence st.reet Christophers James, refreshment house, Princes street
Borla~e Waiter Henry (firm, Borlase, Milton & Borlase), Clark Alfred Turner Sims M. P.S. pharmaceutical chemist,
solicitor & notary public, under sheriff of Cornwall, com- 15 Market place
missioner to administer oaths, 31 Clarence street Clark J. Barfett, bookseller, 6 Market place
Borough Police Station (Richard Nicholas, head constable), Clark Richard Henry, seedsman, 8 Bellevue terrace
Public buildings, Alverton street Clarke Francis Jacob, linen draper, 32 Market place
Borrows Honor (Mrs.),lodging house, I South terrace Clarke Thomas Naylor lii.R.c.v.s. vet. surg. 23Northparade
Bosence William Charles, leather dresser, u Alverton ter- Clemens Charles, lodging house, 67 High street
race, & fellmonger & tanner, Alvet·ton Clemens Richard, eating house, 61 Causeway head
Boskenna Bay Steamship Co. Limited (Francis Banfield & Clist Henry, grocer, 38 St. James' street
Sons, managers), 6 North parade Coak Ellen (Mrs.), milliner, 46 Causeway head
Bosustow Annie (Mrs.), private school, I2 Morrab road Coak John Humphrey, shopkeeper, 40 Causeway head
Bosustow Frederick Samuel Matthews A.P.B. chemist & Coast Guard Station (Jas. Conybear, chief officer), The Cliff
druggist, 38 Market place Cock Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Clarence street
Bowden Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, I3 Marine terrace Cock George, violin & shorthand teacher, 9 Belgravia street
Bowden Laura. (Miss), shopkeeper, Cherry Garden street Cock Thomas, bailiff of county court, 61 St. James' street
Bowditch Joseph, refreshment rooms, I8 Alverton street Cole Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Bay View terrace
Boyns Henry, grocer & general provision dlr. 29 Market pl Colenso Richard & Son, painters & ecclesiastical & house
Bradbury John, shoe maker, 23 Jennings street decorators, 3 Causeway head & Green market. See advrt
Bramble Samuel, carpet beater, 30 Daniel place Colenso Richard, paperhanging warehouse & artists' repos-
Branwell Rt. M. &Sons, wholesale grocrs. &steam millers, Quay itory, 3 Causeway head
Branwell CChharirslotottpeh(eMr, icsas)b,loowdgnienrg, hsoR. eSgheirnlteyb,uTilrdeiwngisthen rd Collins George, district superintendent Wesleyan &
Branwell General Assurance Society & general fire, life, plate
Bray Peter, pork butcher, 46 Market Jew street glass & accident insurance agent, St. 1\'Iary's house, St.
Brennan Thomas, Castle hotel, 114 Market Jew street Mary's terrace
Bridle Edwin John, grocer & lodging house, I & 2 Norton pl Colton Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Marine terrace
Bridle William Henry, master mariner, 2 Tolver road Comerford Winnifred (Mrs.), fancy repository, 24 Market
.Hrighton Charles Henry, butcher, 1 Chapel street Jew street
Briginton Susan (Miss),milk seller & laundress, 2S Queen st Conservative Association for the Western or St. Ives Parlia-
Brooks Harry, grocer, 43 Market Jew street mentary Division (John F. Loam, sec. & registration
Brown Asenath (Mrs.), dress maker, 28 Bay View terrace agent), Queen street ·
Brown Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Marine terrace Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, see Bolitho & Co
Brown John, serpentine manufacturer, ·western esplanade Consolidated Tin SmeltingCo. Limited (Thomas W. Field,
Brown Thomas, fruiterer, 1r6 Market Jew street managing director), tin smelters, Chyandour
Bryant Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 26 Chapel street Convent of the Daughters of Our Lady N otre Dame, St.
Bryant John Thomas, ha1r dresser, 47 Market Jew street Michael's (Rev. Mother Alice, superioress), Leskinnick
Buckett Alfred Henry,pbarmaceutical cbemist,22 Market pl Conybear James, chief oiticer of the coast guard, The Cliff
Bune Frederick William, superintendent of customs & mer- Cook Henry, lodging house, I7 Alverton street
cantile marine receiver of wreck & sub-commissioner of Cook Mary (l\lrs.), dress maker, I7 Alverton street
pilotage, Custom house, Quay Cook William, grocer, 37 Mount street
Bunt & Sons,boot &shoe manufs. xStewart's bldgs.Alverton st Coombe John, omnibus proprietor, St. Mary's place
Burnett John, mason, 17 Roseveau road Cooper William, potato merchant, Quay
Burridge Mary Jane & Mary (Misses), fancy repository, 3I Corin Edwin, carpenter, !2 Alma terrace
Market Jew street & Redruth Corin John Matthew Bunster & Son, ironmongers, 6o
Caldwell James, builder &c. see Parkins & Caldwell Causeway bead & 26 High street
Caldwell Oliver F.R.I.B.A. architect, Victoria square Corin Philip Borne )f.I.M.E. consulting engineer & marine
Calf William, coal & forage dealer, The Quay surveyor, x8 Tolver road
Calf William David,hardware & oil dealer, 79 Market Jew st Corin William, potato merchant, 48 Leskinnick terrace
Callenso Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 South terrace CornExchange(Jas.BickleSanders,lessee),MarketHouse bldgs
Cara. George Stephen, carpenter & joiner, Victoria place Cornish Bank Limited (branch) (Alfred W.Parks,manager),
Cara Kate (Mrs.), dyer & cleaner, 56 Chapel street Queen square. See advertisement; draw on Smith, Payne
Cara Stephen, collector of taxes, 56 Chapel street & Smiths, London E c
Cara Thos. Mills, surgeon dentist, Antron house, Chapel st Cornish Telegraph Co. Limited,printers &publishers ; offices,
Carbis Bay Steamship Co. Limited (Francis Banfield & Sons, I6 Chapel street. See advertisement
managers), 6 North parade Cornish Thomas Henry & James Batten, solicitrs. Parade st
Carbis Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, 43 Causeway head Cornish Camera Club (H. 'fonkin, sec.), Morrab road
Carbis John, blacksmith, 3 St. James' street Cornish Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Coulson's terrace
Carne Henry, builder, contractor & appraiser, 30 Clarence Cornish Francis John, lime burner, Barbican, Coinagehall st
street. See advertisement Cornish James Mitchell, groeer, baking powder manufac-
Carne Henry, butcher, IS Market turer & agent for European Wine & Spirit Co. 24 Market pi
Carne Henry, tailor, 75 High street Cornish John Batten (firm, T. H. & J . .B. Cornish),solicitor,
Carne James, butcher, 24 Market & clerk to Penzance burial board
Carne Margaret (Miss), lodging house, Beachfield house Cornish Methodist Free Church Record (Cornish Telegraph
Carpenter Clara (Miss), milliner, 16 Mount street
Co. Limited), 16 Chapel street
Carpenter Ellen (Miss), grocer, 62 Daniel place
Cornish Telegraph (Cornish 'felegraph Co. Limited, pub-
Carter James Ellis, grocer, 17 Market Jew street lishers; published wed.for thurs. ),I6 Chapel st. See advt
Carter Jane (Mrs.), grocer, 21 Penwith Cornish Thomas Henry (firm, T. H. & J. B. Cornish), soli- ·
Carter Justinian, serpentine worker, Morrab road citor, town clerk, clerk to the urban & rural sanitary
Carter Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 36 St. J ames' street authorities, to the guardians & to the magistrates for the
Carter William, market gardener, Minnie lane ' borough of Penzance, to Camborne highway board, to
Carveth Robert, confectioner, 70 Market Jew street Penzance Union assessment & school attendance com-
Carvolth Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), milliner, 8 Chapel street mittees & to Gulval school board & superintendent
Casley Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 4I Bay View ter registrar, Parade stre~t
Cattran Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Wherry town Cornishman Newspaper Co. Limited (Albert Charles Wild-
Cattran Martin, shoe maker, I Jennings street man, manager); offices, Parade street. See advertisement