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Kelly's Directory of Devonshire & Cornwall - 1893
Part 3 - Cornwall & Advertisements

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Published by Colin Savage, 2018-08-07 18:46:22


Kelly's Directory of Devonshire & Cornwall - 1893
Part 3 - Cornwall & Advertisements


Rosewarne Marga.ret (Mrs.), apar~ments, West place Thomas Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Andrew st

Roskrow Thomas, superintendent Prudential Insurance Co. Thomas James, master mariner, 7 The Terrace

25 Bowling Green terrace Thomas John, shopkeeper, Borrow road

Ross Fishing Co. seine owners (John Short, agent) Thomas Richard, shopkeeper, 'fregenna place

Rouncefield Andrew, fish merchant, 3 The Terrace Thorrington Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Norway square

Rouncefield William, fish merchant, Mylor villa Toy Robert, builder & contractor, Richmond terrace

Rowe Alice (Mrs.), milliner, I The Terrace Tregenna Castle hotel (:O.Irs. Hughes, manageress)

Rowe James, private school, Fore street Tremayne John Henry, \Vestern hotel, Gabriel street

Rowe Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Back rood Tresidder William Tolmie, solicitor & notary public, per-

Rowe 'Villiam Fairbonrn, apartments, 24 'rhe Terrace petual commissioner & commissioner in all the courts &

Royal Alfred Aged Merchant Seamen Institution (William Stannary courts, clerk to borough justices & to late St

. T. Tresidder, hon. agent), Street-an-Pal · Ives harbour commissioners, Street-an-pol

St. Ives Conservative Association (Thomas Edward Jenkyn Trevorrow Catherine (:\Irs. ), greengrocer, Wharf

& Edwin Hamlyn, secs) Trevorrow Henry, -boat builder & shipwright, Academy pl

St.' Ives Gas Co. Limited (Albert Brown, manager) •rrevorrow Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Bunkers hill

St. Ives Jersey var & Excursion Co. Limited (J. H. T.r:,e- •rrev-orrow Mary Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Back road

mayne, manager) TreYorrow Thomas, fishmonger, Fore street

St. Ives Lawn •rennis Club (E. Boase, president; E. W. Trevorrow William, baker, Digay

lllomefield, hon. sec. ; P. Marrack, hon. treasurer) Trevorrow Wm. cabinet maker & col. of rates, •rregenna pl

St. Ives Liberal Association (Lander Elvin Comley, sec) Trevorrow William Henry, grocer, Wharf

St. Ives Reading Room(Rt. SawleRead, sec.),'rregenna hill Trewhella Jane (Mrs.), apartments, Albany terrace

St. Ives Stone Co. Limited (Joshua Daniel, manager) 'frewhella ·william, seine owner

St. Ives Swimming Association (John Damel Veal, sec) Trewren Jane (Mrs.), apartments, 3 Draycot cottages

St. Ives Weekly Summary, Visitors' List & Advertiser (Jas. Try Fishing Co. seine owners (George Williams, agent)

Uren White, printer & publisher; published friday), Union Fishing Co. seine owners (Francis Jennings, agent)

Fore street Uren Amelia (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Bellair terrace

Sampson Joanna (Mrs.), draper, Fore street Uren Tobias, farmer, Little Tregenna & Trelyon

Sandow Candace Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Stennack Uren William Trewhella, farmer, Velliers

Sandow Charlotte (Miss), grocer, Tregenna place Vea! Clara (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Teetotal row

Sandow John, market gardener, Bellair terrace Veal Daniel, fish merchant, Beach

.Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners' Royal Benevolent So- Veal Daniel, shopkeeper, Digay

ciety (William T. Tresidder, hon. agent), Street-an-pal Veal Wiliam, master mariner, IO Bellair terrace

Short John Tregerthen, shipwright, seine owner, Lloyd's Veal WiHiam Dunn, auctioneer & fish salesman, Fore street

agent & resident agent to the manors of St. Ives & Tre- Veale Mary Ann (Miss), shopkeeper, Porthmeor square

loyan, Beach & Fore street Veale William, fish merchant, The Beach

Simpson James Samuel Couldrey, outfitter, Fore stree~ Wall Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel street

Sisley George, painter, Tregenna place Wall Henry Binney, shoe maker, Tregenna place & Fore st

Smith Peter Bryant, shoe maker, Fore street WallisAlfred, marine store dealer, Back road

Spray Sidney Phillips, watch maker, High street Wallis Samuel, master mariner, 10 The Terrace

Staff George Thomas Albert L.R.SJ.P.Il'el. physician & sur- Warren William, farmer, Trevalgen

geon, medical officer & public vaccinator for district of v;·arren William, fishing net dealer, Salubrious place

St. Ives, Penzance union, Admiralty surgeon & examin- Waterworks (l<'ras. Jennings, clerk & treas.), Tregenna pl

ing surgeon for Queen's & Government service, Chyan- Wearne James, printer & stationer, High street

porth Wearne Richard Henry, farmer, Higher Carstable ·

Stamp Office (Morgan Anthony, distributor), Fore street White James Uren, printer, stationer, bookseller, circulating

Stephens Ephraim Perkins, trinity pilot, Back road library, photographs of St. hes &; neighbourhood, & agent

Stephens William German, trinity pilot, Back street for the London Plate Glass Insurance Co. Fore street

Stevens Cordelia (Mrs.), greengrocer, St. Andrew street White Kitty Daniel (Miss), shopkeeper, Chapel street .

Stevens Edward, seine owner White Nicholas, grocer, Fore street

Stevens Geo-rge, boot maker, The Whad Williams Edwin, ship owner, Barnoon terrace

Stevens James, master mariner, 2 Bellair terrace Williams George, fish merchant, Salubrious place

Stevens Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Eia street Williams Samuel, jun. apartments, Barnoon villa

Stevens Jn. boot & shoe ma. & school attend. officer, Forest Williams Thomas, builder, & apartments, Albany house

Stevens John, mastel' mariner, I7 The Terrace Williams Thomas, trinity pilot, Island road

Stevens Richard, collector of taxes & assistant overseer,Bar- Williams Wm. boat builder & shipwright, Bowling Green ter

noon cottage Woolcock Henrietta (Mrs.), apartments, Tregenna terrace

Stevens Vivian, dairyman, Fore street ·woolcock Peter, boot&; shoe maker, Fore street

Stevens William, farmer, Trowan Woolcock William, draper & hosier, Fore street

:Symons Ahce (Mrs.), greengrocer, Street-an-pol Yeates William, White Hart hotel, Wharf

Tanner Martha Ninnes (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Teetotal row Young Tonkin, pharmaceutical chemist & grocer, High st

Taylor Elizh. (Mrs.), ale, wine & spirit dealer, Skidden hill Youren Lonisa (Mrs.), apartments, 6 Draycot terrace

Thomas Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, .Back road

JACOBSTOW is a township and parish, 9 miles south- Camden Professor of History at Oxford, head master of

south-west from Stratton, 10 north-east from Camelford, A.bingdon school, Berks, I6o4-6, and principal of Gloucestel'\

I3~ north-west from Launceston and 6 from Otterham Hall (now Worcester College), Oxford, from I626, was born

station on the London and South Western railway, in the here in 1573 and died August I, 1647. Fairs are held at

North Eastern division of the county, hundred, petty ses- Wainhouse Corner, on June 24, September 29, November 5

sional division and union of Stratton, Camelford county and Lady Day yearly, for bullocks, sheep and horses, and

court district, rural deanery of Stratton, archdeaconry of two small fairs are also held at Canworthy in this parish on

Eodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of St. James is the first Wednesday in June and September I8. The

an ancient building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, manorial rights are divided. The land is principally in the

consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, sou~h porch occupation of small owners. The soil is loam ; the subsoil

and an embattled western tower of granite with pinnacles and is clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots.

containing 6 bells, all recast in I77I : the rood stairs remam The area is 4,554 acres; rateable value, £2,294; and the

in the north wall : the panelled pulpit is formed of carved population in I89I was 375·

2tbench ends : the stone fopt, a very fine example of Transi-

tion Norman work, has a square basin with carved heads at
BLAGDON, half a mile south-east, DnrMA, I~ north, LANG-

the corners, and the sides are ornamented with passion DON," south-by-east, and SouTHCOTT, a quarter of a mile
flowers, encircled by serpents: in I89I a stained window south, are hamlets of this parish.

was inserted in the tower: there are 250 sittings. The Parish Clerk, Thomas Clift.

register of baptisms and burials dates from the year I653 ; PosT OFFICE, St. Gennys (or Wainhouse Corner).-Henry
marriages, I656. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge Sandercock, sub-postmaster. Letters through Stratton
R.S.O. arrive at IO.I5 a.m. ; dispatched at 3.10 p.m. on
commuted at £3IO, average £223, net income £250, includ- weeks days only. Boscastle is the nearest money order &
ing go acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Earl telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not
of St. Germans, and held since 1865 by the Rev. Frederick paid
Thomas Batchelor M.A., of Wadham College, Oxford l.P.
Here is a chapel for Bible Christians and a Free Methodist

chapel. Digory or Dl'gory Wheare M.A. of Broadgates Hall WALL LETTER Box in the Rectory wall c~eared at 2.30 p.m.;

(now Pembroke College),_Oxford, an historical.writer, first no collection on snnday

• DEV. & COli.Y. 72


A ~S~c=hro~oelvB· Foa. rTd. of 7 memb ers was form.ed Sept. 28• 1874: Board aStctheonodlan(mcei,xe4d1)~ built in x868 for S4 children • a>er-
Bat chelor M..A., J.P. ehalrman &clerk of the age George Hen;y 'Blamires, master

.Batchelor Rev.Frederick Thomas lLA., Grigg Richard, farmer, Broompark Sandercock Henry, shopkeeper, Post
J.P. Rectory Heard William Henry, farme-r, Ash office, Wainhouse corner

COMMERCIAL. Littlejobn Edwin,farmr. WestWithevan Shephard James, farmer, Trefrida
Luxham George, carpenter
Sleeman John, farmer, Bury court '

Bridgman William, farmer, Headon Orchard Thomas, farmer, Plymswood Sloman Philip, farmer, East Langdon

Crook James, farmer, Lower Southcott Parkin Thomas, farmer, Dimma Spettigue John,farmer,HigherLangdon

Clift Thomas, carpenter, Kents Parsons J~mes,Bridge inn, Canworthy Spry Daniel, farmer, Poulza

Cory James, Hundred of Stratton inn, Parsons John, blacksmith,Chnrch town Spry James, farmer, Broom Jark

&farmer&blacksmith,Wainhouse crnr Parsons Robert, :yeoman, Blagdon Stevens William, farmer, Treforda

Cowling William James, blacksmith Paul William, farmer, Withevan Symons Philip, shoe maker

Dennis William, farmer, Sutcott Paynter Henry, yeoman, East Hele & Uglow John. farmer, Barn

Dymond Henry,farmer,Broad Langdon Dinnacombe Uglow Samuel Jolliffe, yeoman, Broad

Ferrett Henry, mason, Kents Piper Frederick, shopkeeper Langdon

Gregory Michael,tailor,Canworthy watr Pope Richard, farmer, Karly Yeo Wm. Hy. yeoman, WestLangdon

Grigg David, farmer, Broad Langdon Rowe Joseph, farmer, Trawsa

ST. JOHN'S is a parish, on a creek of the Hamoaze, 3 resides at Antony. Here is la Wesleyan Methodist chapeL

miles west from Torpoint and 7 south-east from St. Germans, In the cliff overlooking Whitesand bay is an excavation

in the South Eastern division of the county, south division of called "Sharrow Grotto," formed in 1874 by Mr. Joseph

the hundred of East, petty sessional division of East South, Lugger R.N. ; it is about 15 by 8 feet in area, with stone

union of St. Germans, Stonehouse county court district, benches on either side, and the roof and sides are inscribed

rural deanery of East., archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese with verses. Charities amounting to £5 4s. yearly are dis-

of Truro. The church of St. John the Evangelist is an tributed in bread. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.c.,
ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, south D.C.L., L.L. who is lord of the manor, and Waiter Deeble
porch and a western tower with two stages, erected in the Boger esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. of Wolsdon, Antony, are the

15th century, with a pyramidal slated roof, and containing 8 principal landowners. The soil is clay and slate; subsoil.
bells : the monuments are of modern date: the east window clay and slate. The chief crops are cereals, potatoes and
is a memorial to the Rev. James Campbell Crowley. late turnips. The area is 663 acres of land and roi of fore-
rector, who died in 1863, and was presented by his widow; shore; rateable value, £866 ; the population in 1891 was
there is another in the nave, given by Margaret, widow of I94·
John Hext Roger esq. ; the church was restored in 1868, PosT OFFICE.-Ricbard Galpin, sub-postmaster. Letters
under the direction of Mr. White, architect, of London, and are received fromDevonport, arrn·e at 8.25 a.m. & 4 p.m. ~
has roo sittings. The register dates from the year 1616. dispatched 8.40 a.m. & 5.20 p.m.; no delivery on sun-
The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £n6, gross yearly days. Antony is the nearest money order & telegraph
value £200, with residence, in the gift of Col. Reginald Pole- office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

Carew c. B. and held since 1874 by the Rev. John Henry National School (mixed), average attendance, 24; Miss
Kirwan M •.A. late fellow of King's College, Cambridge, who Mary Ann Menhenitt, mistress

COMMERCIAL. Hancock George, farmer Hawken & Dawe, machinists

.Aire Bernard .Anstis, farmer Hancock Richard W. registrar of births Hawken Harry, assistant overseer

Collins Edwin, stone mason & deaths & vaccination otlicer for No. Parson Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer

Dawe Joseph, ~er retailer 7 Antony sub-dist. & relieving officer Pearn John, farmer

Galpin Richard, shopkeeper, Post office for the South dist. St.Germans union Roseveare Richard, farmer

Hancock Edward, farmer 1

ST. JULIOT is a parish, separated from Lesnewth by the glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and

Valencia stream, 7 miles north-north-east from Camelford, held since 1883 by the Rev. William Henry Leicester lii•.A.

16 north-west from Launceston station on the Great Western of Christ's College, Cambridge. Here is a chapel for Bible

and London and South Western railways and about 4 miles Christians. There are several barrows in this pari~h; and

north-west from Otterham station, opened August, 1893, many years ago, in draining a marsh, an ancient gold torque

on the new branch of the South Western railway from was discovered at a depth of six feet. Rennet., a fine old

Launceston to Wadebridge; the parish is in the North Eastern barton house, surrounded by trees, was formerly a seat of

division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division the Rawle family, who had considerable estates here in the

of Lesnewth, Camelford union and county court district, time of Edward IV. The representatives of the late Bishop

rural deanery of Trie-g Minor, archdeaconry of Bodmin and Rawle, of Trinidad, whC> are lords of the manor, Col. William

diocese of Truro. The church of St. Julietta is a building Sloggatt Hawker J.P., D.L. of Penally, Bosca.stle, Edward

of granite ashlar, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of Lillicrap Elston esq. and the representatives of Nicholas

chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, north transept, south Male esq. are chief landowners. The soil is light ; the sub-

porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles con- soil is rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats.

taining s bells, dated respectively 18o8, 1783, x8o8 and 1734; The area is 2,699 acres (including 25 of water) : rateable

the tenor, undated, is assigned to 1734: the nave and tran- value, £1,374; the population in t8gx was 233.
sept and the embattled south porch are groined ~the south BEENEY, 1 ~ miles north-west, TRESPARRET, 1 ~ miles east,
aisle bears date x681: there are numerous well-carved bench MARSHGATE, miles east, TREMORLE, half a mile north, ar&
ends and some memorials to the family of Holder : the hamlets. 2

church was restored in the year 1872, at a cost of £1,275, Sexton, JohnSandicock.
of which the late Right Rev. R£gicohoa:rditRaaffwolredsD.~Ds.obsiisthtoinpgso:f
iTnritnhiedacdhu1r8c7h2y_a8r9d, subscribed Letters through Boscastle R.S.O. which is the nearest money
order & telegraph office, arrive at 10.30 a. m
are two ancient granite crosses, one being

near the gateway. The register of baptisms dates from the National School (mixed), built in 1864, for the three parishes,

year :~657 ; marriages, 1656 ; burials, 1693 ; but all are more Lesnewth, Otterham & St. J uliot, for So children i aver-

or less defective. The livingisa rectory, averagetitherent- a~e attendance, 38 boys & 24 girls; William Henry

charge £72, net yearly value £gx, including 100 acres of Sanders, master; Mrs. Crooks, mistress

Leicester Rev. Wm.Henry M.A.Rectory Elson Edward, farmer, Beeney 1\htchell Arthur, farmer, Tresparret

COMMERCIAL. Elson Edward Lillicrap, farmer & land- Nicholls Christopher,ftmr.Newton crnl"

Bennett John Henry, farmer, Treway owner, Rennet Philp George, shopkeeper

Biscombe Charles, farmer, Beeney Folley Samuel, blacksmith, Tresparret Philp Harry, shoe maker

Biscombe Elizabeth (Miss), fruit Hall William Jose, farmer, Tresparret Prout Richard, farmer, Penventon

gardener, Rose cottage Hembley Thomas, farmer, Marshgate Rawle Philip, farmer & shopkeeper

Biscombe Samuel, farmer, New mill Jose Henry, tea dlr. & farmer, Beeney Ridgman Thomas, farmer, Ringford
Eiscombe Stepben, farmer, ~eeney
Jose John, farmer, Pennycrocker Rush William, farmer, M.arshgate

Bridgman John1 farmer Jose John, farmer, Trevilla. 8andercock James, farmer & miller
Erock William, farmer, Tresparret Jose John, tailor (water), New miU

Enrnard George, farmer, Tremorle Martyn William, farmer, Marshgate Stacey William, farmer, Trewannett

Cory Thomas, blacksmith & farmer Mason Richard, blacksmith Tucker John, farmer~ Lower lleeney

Dunstone William, famter, Anderton

ST. JUST-IN-PENWITH is a market town, town- division of Penwith West, Penzance union and county court

ship and parish, near the coast at Cape Cornwall, 7 miles district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Curnwall

west from Penzance, nearest railway station, in the Western and diocese of Trnro. The town consists of several streets

division of the county, hundred of' Penwith, petty sessional diverging from a triangular space in the centre. The c:hurch


of St. Just is a fine building of granite and free stone, in the Falmouth, Lord St. Levan, Lord Robartes, Major Ross, the
Later Perpendicular style, of chancel, nave of four trustees of John Usticke Scobell esq. the Misses Borlase1

bays, aisles, battlemented south porch, vestry and an em- of Castle Horneck, Penzance, and Mrs. Richard Hitchens

battled western tower, wit.h pinnacles, containing a clock are chief landowners. The soil is granite; the subsoil is

and 3 bells : in a recess in the north wall of the chancel is a rab. Cape Cornwall is in this parish, one mile north-west

curious old incised slab bearing on one side the inscription of the town. The chief crops are barley, oats, potatoes and

"SILVS HC JA.CET," and on the upper side an incised pasture. The area is 7,421 acres, of which 30 are water;

"labarum.'' or sacl'ed monogram, of very ancient date : rateable value, £13,577; the population in 1891 was 6,ug.

built into the wall of the north aisle is an ancient cross Parish Clerk, William Merrifield.
found in the old chapel at Cape Cornwall, about a mile and

a half west: the large chandeliers were given by John PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office

Edwards, of Truthwall, in 1746: there are memorials to the (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-

families of Millett, Chenhalls and others, and memorial wall added).-John Warren, postmaster, Bank square.

windows to Owen Boyle, light keeper of Longship lighthouse, Letters arrive at 9·7 a.m. & 5.20 p.m.; dispatched at 8.30

who lost his life on the 25th Oct. 1877, to Stephen Harvey a m. & 3.20 p.m. There is no sunday post

James, sen. d. 1870, and to Stephen Harvey James, jun. d.
1887: the chancel was rebuilt in 1834, and the church ",.ALT, LETTER .HoxEs, Tregeseal, cleared 8 a. m. & 2.50 p.m.
restored in 1865 under_ the direction of J. P. St. Aubyn esq. & New Downs cleared 8.5 a.m. & 2.55 p.m
at a cost of £z,ooo, and has sittings for soo persons: the
communion plate consists of gifts by various donors from
County Police Station, Chapel st. Charles Hill, sergeant-,
1666 to 1747 : a burial ground formed from land purchased
of Major Pascoe R.A. was opened April 12th, 1829, and & 1 constable

another, the gift of the late Rev. William Hodgson, was Literawy Institution, Chapel st. Edwin Trembath, hon, sec

completed in 1890 by the erection of a stone wall, and con- PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
8ecrated by Dr. Wilkinson, late bishop of Truro. The
register of baptisms dates from the year 1630; marriages Clerk to the Highway Board & Assistant Overseer, Thos.
Williams, New Downs
and burials, I 599· The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge
:Medical Officer St. Just. District, Penzauce Union, Richard
£400, net yearly value £323, including 8 acres of glebe, Burford Searle L.R.C.P.LOnd
Registrar of Births, Marriages & Deaths for St. Just, San-
with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor. In creed & Morvab, Alfred Chenhalls, jun. Market street
the vicarage ground'i are two ancient granite crosses and
a men-an-tol, or holed stone: on the isthmus which unites Surveyor of Highways, William Merrifield
the bold headland called "Cape Cornwall" with the ad-
joining hill are the remains of an ancient chapel, known as PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
"St. Helen's Oratory," and there are the ruins of another on St. Just Church; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; & 8.30 a.m.
Carn Brea. The Wesleyan chapel in Chapel street, built in daily
1833 at a cost of £4,ooo, was enlarged in 186o, and reseated Bible Christian, Rev. Samuel Eva; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.;
at a cost of £r,soo, is a building of granite with a port.ico thurs. 7 p.m
supported on four columns of the Dorie order : it will seat Methodist Free Church; · 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; daily ·

2,000 persons. There is al':lo a Bible Christian chapel and 1·30 p.m
a Free Methodist chapel~ erected in r86o, and seating 300. Wesleyan, Rev. Elijah Clapham, Rev. Matthew Hall ;
The Market House, which is spacious and convenient, was 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m

built in 1840 by James Trembath esq. of Sennen. The A School Board of 7 members was formed June 30, 1875;
market is held on Saturday. The Literary Institution in Alfred Chenballs, clerk to the board ; Pascoe Grenfell~
Chapel street, established in 1842, has a library of 400 Bosorne, St. Just, attendance officer

volumes, museum and news room ; science and art classes ScHOOLS:-
are held in connection with it and lectures are also delivered
weekly throughout the winter months. The gth Co. 1st Board (boys, girls & infants), built in 1877, for 730 chil-
Cornwall (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery, Western dren; average attendance, 176 boys, 173 girls & 166.
Division Royal Artillery, and the J Co. 1st Volunteer Bat- infants; James Jenkin, master; Miss Lydia Williamst
talion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry have quarters here. mistress ; Miss Ellen Penrose, infants' mistress
In the St. Just district are the Botallack mines, the workings
of which are under the sea; the Wheal Owles mines, KPlynack (mixed), built in r881, for xoo children; average
attendance, 53 ; Miss Kate Redhead, mistress

owing to the flooding of the mine on Jan. 1oth, 1893, are at OMNIBUSES TO PENZANCE.-Eddy, daily, 7 & 9 a.m. & 2 &

present unworked; the Levant tin mines gh•e employ- 5 p.m. returning 10.30 a.m. & x, 6 & 9 p.m. ; sundays~

ment to about 400 people; and there is also New Balles- 7.30 a.m. returning 10.45 a. m.; A. Thomas, 8.30 (mail)~

widden tin mine. Messrs. Cornish, Richard Boyns, of 9 & 10.30 a.m. & 5 p.m. returning II.3o a.m. 4

Boswedden, and others, are lords of the manor. Viscount (mail), 6.30 & 7.30 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Tippet Mrs. Tregeseal house Bolitho Margaret (Mrs.), draper &

Bolitho Mrs. Bosorne terrace Tozer Henry Edwin, Cape Cornwall ho grocer, Market square

Boyns Mrs. Hy. Lafrawda vills.Green la Trahair Mrs. Chapel street Bone Geor:re, farmer, Brea Vean .

Boyns Mrs.Jn. Lqfrawda villas,Green la Trahair Wm. The Cottage, Bosavern Botallaek Mine (tin & copper) (Arthur

Boyns Richard, Boswedden house Trenear Miss, Cravallack villa Hodge James, purser)

Caudy Charles, Bosorne 'l'rezise George Edwards, Lafrowda ter Boyns Bessie (Miss), orgahist to Wes-

Chenhalls Alfred, Market street Warren John, The Bank leyan ehapel

Chenhalls Mrs. Nancherrow terrace Wesley Mrs. Lafrowda terrace Boyns Ernest, wholesale &retail grocer

Chenhalls William, Cape-Cornwall st Williams Arthur Ernest, Bank square & wine & spirit merchant, & agen

ClapbamRev.Elijah[Wesleyan],Greenla Williams Mrs. Chapel street for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine &

Ellis Peter, Highfield, Tregeseal COMMERCIAL. spirit merchants ; boot & shoe

EvaRev. Sml. [BibleChristn. ],Regent ter Andrewartha Thomas Hill, organist to maker & draper, Market place

Hill Mrs. Cravallack villa St. Just church & insurance agent Boyns Nicholas, farmer, Hendra

HolmanJohn, Nancherrow vil. Tregeseal Andrewartha John, insurance agent, Boyns Richard, farmer, Botrase

Holman Waiter, Foundry house Carallack terrace Boyns Richard, purser of mines, Bos-

Holman William, Chapel street Angwin Benjamin, shopkeeper, Forest wedden house

Jago Charles Sprague Angwin Benj.jun.shopkeeper,Botallack .Brokinshaw Samuel, mason, Carrala~;k

James Mrs. Chapel street AngninJames,sbopkpr.Nancherrow ter terrace

James Mrs.S. H. Alma villa, Tregeseal Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co. Candy Charles, farmer, Bosorne ·

Lawry John, Tregeseal Lim. (branch)(Arth.ErnestWilliams, Candy Edwin, grocer, Regent terrace

Luty John, Bollowal manager); draw on London &West- Candy William Henry, farmer,

Macreight Albert, Kenythorn house miru;rer Bank Limited, London E c Bosorne

Millett Edwin Ley, Bosavern BennettsHy.Shakerley,farmer,Bostrase Casley Henry, farmer, Truthwall

Nesbitt Robert Garven Bennetts Caroline (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Casely James, farmer, Boscean

Oates Miss, Market street Cribble's hill ChenhallsAlfred,jnn. registrar of births,

Oldrini Miss, Market square Bennetts Thomas, farmer, Bosavern marriages & deaths for St. Just

Olds Mrs. house, Market street Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Sancreed & Morvah sub-district &
Grylls &Co.Lim. (Consolidated Bank clerk to the school board, Fore
Rowe John, Lafrowda terrace
of Cornwall), hankers (John Warren, street
Saundry Misses, Bosavern

Saundry Miss, Kelynack manager); draw on Barclay, Bevan, Chenhalls Ja.mes, farmer, Bollowall

Searle Richard .Burford 'fritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. Chirgwin Ralph William & Co. grocers
Lombard street, London B c
Thomas Misses, Bank sqnare & drapers, Bank square




Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's) Lawrey Thomas,shoe maker, Tregeseal Smith Mary (Mrs.), apartmnts.Fore st

Volunteer Artillery,Western Division, Leathan Charles, farmer, Garland Stephens Thomas, grocer,Lafrowda ter

Royal Artillery (9th Company) (Hon. Leggo John, shopkpr.Cape-Cornwall st Stephens William John, shopkeeper &

Maj. Richard Thomas; R. G. Nes- LeggoRichard,butcher,Nancberrow ter refreshment rooms, Bank square

bitt, lieut) Leggo Thom<ts, farmer, Nancherrow Stevens John (Mrs.), apartments,

County Police Station (Charles Hill, Literary Institution (Edwin Trembath, Carallack terrace

sergeant), Chapel street hon. sec.), Chapel street Thomas Archelaus,omnibus proprietor,

Daniel Nicholas Charles, tinplate Maddern Richard, farmer, Trevegean Bosorne terrace

worker & watch maker, Fore street Marks Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), draper, l Thomas Henry, draper, Fore street

DaveyNancy(Mrs.),shpkpr.Nancherrow Carallack terrace Thomas James, blacksmith, Angle sq

Davey William, shopkeepr. Victoria row Marks William, mason, Carallack ter Thomas Jas.Hy. shoe maker, Market pl

Eddy Benjamin, apartments & 'bus Marks William Henry,farmer,Bollowal Thomas Jane (Mi~s), shopkpr. Forest

proprietor, Chapel street Mason William, farmer, Brea Thomas Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Cape-

Eddy James, farmer, Trevege<tn MatLhews Christiana(Mrs.),shopkeeper, Cornwall street

Eddy James Daniel, farmer, Kelynack Bosorne Thomas Joseph Nichols, auctioneer,

Eddy Joseph, grocer, Queen street MatthewsJane(Mrs.),shopkpr.Chapel st Bosorne terrace

Eddy Thomas, grocer, West phce MatthewsMrgt(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Angle sq Thomas Martin, grocer, Queen street

Eddy William, shoe maker, Fore street MerrificldWilliam,surveyor of highways Thomas Nicholas, boot maker, Forest

. Eddy William Rowe,builder,Kcrnidjack Mitchell Thomas, farmer, Kenidjack ThomasPeter,shoe ma.Nancherrow bill

Ellis Ellen (Mrs. ),shopkpr. Victoria l"OW l\'Iurrish William, shopkeeper & lodging Thomas Rd. grocer & draper,Market pl

Gibson Francis & Son,crpnt-r.Regent ter house, Cape-Corawall street Tozer Henry Edwin, artist, Cape-Corn-

Glasson & Son, grocers, Nancherrow tcr Nankervis Isaac, farmer, Bosorne terrace wall house

GoninanAlfd.shopkpr.Cape-Cornwall st Nankervis John,greengrocer, Market sq Trahair Harry, grocer, Fore street

Grenfell Elizh.(Miss),tailoress,Chapel st Nankervis William,Singer's sewing ma- Tregear James, farmer, Boswarlas

Grenfell Richd. baker&grocer,Market sq chine agent, I''ore street Tregea-r James, farmer, Boswarlas

Grenfell Pascoe, farmer & school atten- Nesbitt Robert Garven L.K.Q.C.P.I. Tregear John, farmer, Bosavern

dance officer, Bosorne surgeon & physician Tregear Nicholas, butcher, Fore street

Grenfell Thomas, builder, Kelyl).ack New Balleswidden Mine (tin) (John Trembath Edwin, grocer & phot.o-

Guy Samuel, Miners' Arms P.H. Nan- Hollow, purser) grapher, Bank square

cherrow terrace Olds Henry, butcher, Chapel street Trenery George, grocer, New downs

Hall Jane (Mrs.),gro<.:er,Market square Olds James, butcher & farmer, Forest Uren James, blacksmith, Factory lane

Harvey Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Olds Peter, butcher, Market square Uren Rd. shopkeeper,Cape-Cornwallst

Cape-Cornwall street Olds William,butcher,Cape-Cornwall st Veal Maria (Mrs.), farmer, Carallack

Harvey Mary Ann (Mrs.), grocer & Olver Frederick Nicholls, china clay Veal William Bolitho, Star inn, &

baker, Fore street manufacturer, New Balleswidden farmer, Fore street

Harvey Wm. Shakerley,frmr.Kelynack [Letters are sent direct from Pen- Volunteer Battalion (Ist)Duke of Corn-

H'lrvey Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, zance] wall's Light Infantry (I Co.) (Hon.

Cape-Cornwall street PenroseMary(Mrs.),beer retlr.Chapel st Major Richard White, commander;

Hat"Vey Susan (Mrs.), draper,Queen st Perrow & Wallis, drapers,l"ore street ErnestBoyns,lieut.),Armoury,Cape-

Harvey William, baker, Queen street Phillips John, farmer, Nanquidno Cornwall street

Hattam Henry, farmer, Bosavern ReseighThos.coal deuler,Nancherrow hl Warren John, manager to Bolitho, Wil-

Hattam William, farmer, Boscregan Reseigh Thos.Hy.greengrcr.Bosorne ter liams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Co.

Hocking Annie (Mrs.), Wellington Reseigh Thos. jun. shopkeepP.r, Forest Limited (Consolidated Bank of Corn-

family & commercial hotel; coach Richards Thos. tailor&draper,Market pl wall), bankers, The Bank

house & every accommodation for Richards William, hair dresser, Nan- \Varren Thomas, farmer, Tregeseal

visitors, Market place cherrow terrace Watters John Henry, farmer, Dowran

Hocking Jane (Mrs.), grocer, Cape- Roberts James, carpenter, Princess st Wearing John, chemist, Fore street

Cornwall sLreet RobertsMary(Mrs. ),fancy shop,Bank sq Wearne Mary (Mrs.), gro. Bosorne ter

IHocking William, farmer, Nanjulian Roberts Ralph Hill, carpenter, Bank sq Wheal Owles Mine (tin & copper) (Rd.

Hocking William, grocer, Kelynack Roberts Richard, carpenter, New Downs Boyns, purser}, Boswedden house
Hocking Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Hendra . Rodda Thomas,shoe ma.Boswedden ter White William, shoe maker, Kelynack

Hollo James E. shopkeeper, Church st Rowe Eliz:a(Mrs. ),shpkpr. Nanchrw.ter Wilkins Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Hollow John, farmer, Trevedra Rowe Elizh.(Miss), milliner,Regent ter & lodging house, Queen stre3t

Hollow William, farmer, Bosavern Rowe Elizh. (Miss), grocer, Fore street Williams Arthur Ernest, manager of

Hollow William, jun. farmer, Kerrow Rowe James, general ironmonger, Batten, Carne & Carne's Bank

Holman Nicholas & Sons, engineers, grocer & cutler, Fore street Williams Eliza (Mrs.), Commercial

machinists &c. Tregeseal; & at Pen- Rowe John Penrose, grocer, Queen st hotel, Market place

zance. See advertisement Rowe Joseph, carpenter & fancy shop, Williams Elizabeth Ellen (Mrs.), shop·

Hosking Henry, farmer, Dowran Fore street keeper, Queen ,street

HoskingJane(Mrs.),shopkeepr.Queenst Rowe Martin, grocer & draper, Cape- Williams James, grocer, New downs

Hosking Sarall (Mrs.), news agent, Cornwall street Williams Mary Ann(Mis~), shopkeeper,

Chandlera row Rowe Samuel, shoe maker, Chapel st Fore street

Jago Charles Sprague, surgeon Rowe William Henry, farmer, Letcha Williams Nicholas,carpenter, Chapel st

James Peter, blacksmith, Kelynack Sampson Wm.shoe ma. Nancherrow ter Williams Thomas, King's Arms P.H.

Jenkin John, farmer', Bosvargus St. Just Billiard Club (John Holman, & farmer, Market place

Johns James, farmer, Numphra sec.), Market street Williams Thomas, clerk to highway

Johns James, shoe maker, Kelynack Searle Richard Burford L.R.C.P.Lond. board&assistant overseer,New downs

Kicks William James, artist (portrait surgeon, & medical officer St. Just WilliamsWm.Thos.pork dlr.Bosorneter

& landscape); painting from life or district, Penzance union Woolcock Mary (Miss), shopkeeper,

photograph in oils or crayons; Shackerley Wm. Hy. farmer, Kelynack Cape-Cornwall strret .

artists' materials dealr.Fore SemmensMary(Mrs.),shpkpr.Botallack

ST. JUST-IN-ROSELAND is a parish on St. Just R.N. d. 1846: the rood stairs remain: a brass effigy of a

pool, an arm of Carreg road, 2 miles north from St. Mawes, priest vested, c. 1520, for many years preserved in the vestry,
8 south from Truro station by the ferry at King Harry and has since 1872 been affixed to a screen: there is a memoria
14 south-west from Grampound Road station on the Great to Mary (Frind), wife of Joshua 'fhomas, of Nanshutell,
Western railway, in the Mid division of the county, west gent. and many others of modern date: the church was
division of the hundred of Powder, petty sessional division thoroughly restored in 1872, and has 350 sittings: the
of Powder south, union and county court district of Truro, churchyard has two 1ych gates. The register of baptisms
rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and dates from the year 1540 ; marriages and burials, 1538.
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Just, dedicated August The living is a rectory, with the chapelry of St. Mawes an-
14th, 1261, and situated in a deep valley close to the water's nexed, net yearly value £3oo, with residence, in the gift of C
edge, is an ancient building of stone, with granite facings H. T. Hawkins esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Henry
and columns, in the Perpendicular style, collSisting of Courtenay Atwool M.A., M. D. of Trinity College, Dublin, and

chancel with aisle of two bays, nave of five bays, south L.R.c.s. Ireland. There is a Wesleyan chapel at St. Just

aisle, north transept, south porch and an embattled western lane and a Bible Christian chapel at Trethewel. The
tower, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, the first two dating charities amount to £a IOS. yearly, 1os. being for a sermon

from 1849 and the tenor from 1684: the beams of the roof and £2 distributed in money. Christopher Henry Thomas

are illuminated with appropriate Scripture texts, car\"ed by Hawkins esq. D.L., J.P. of Trewithen, who is lord of the
t.he late Rev. C. W. Carlyon, and the bosses at the inter- manor, Viscount Falmouth, Ccl. Arthur Tremayne D.L.,
sections bear the emblazoned shields of the local landowners: J.P. of Carclew, Mylor, Lord St. Levan, the trustees of the
in the south aisle 1s a memorial window to Lieut. W. James late Sir Samuel Spry, John Tremayue esq. D.L., l.P. of


Heligan, St. Ewe, Digby Collins esq. D.L., J.P. of Truthan,; a.m.; dispatched at 3·5 p.m.; no mail on sunday. St.

St.Erme, and Carew Davies Gilbert esq. of Trellissick, Truro, Ma.wes is the nearest money order & telegraph office.

are the chief landowners. The soil is clay and brown Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

loam; subsoil, slate and granite. The chief crops are wheat, A School Boar(l ocfle7rkmtoemthbeerbsoawrdas formed here in 1ss9 ;
barley, oats and grass. The area is 4,192 acres, of which Spargo James,
1,590 are water; rateable value, [4,318; the population in
1391 was 1, 173, including the town of St. Mawes. Board (formerly National) School (mixed), built in 1846, for

Sexton, John Vincent. 43 children ; average attendance, 30; Miss M. E. Polking·

PosT OFFICE, St. Just Lane.-Miss Rhoda Jago Pascoe, sub- borne, mistress

postmistress. Letters through Falmouth, arrive. at 9·45 A new school to hold 70 children is now (1893) being built

Atwool Rev. Henry Courtenay M.A., 1Chenoweth Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, MichellJoseph, farmer, Tolcarne

M.D. Rectory Church town Michell Ralph, farmer, Ha.lwartha
I Michell William, farmer, Nanshuthall
Clemow Henry Clemow Josiah, blacksmith

Michell James, Tregorland Collett James, shoe maker I Pascoe Rhoda & Ursula (Misses),

COMMERCIAL, Freethy William Jn. farmer, Trevarras 1 drapers & grocers, Post office

Adams Oliver, farmer, Carwarthen Harris Robert, farmer, Trevennal I PascoeChas.frmr.& maltster, Trethewel

Blitchford Faithful, farmer, Tredellans Hawkey Henry, farmer, Carmerrans Pascoe John, farmer, Roscasso

Blitchford John, farmer, Lanzeague Hingston John, cattle dealer Pascoe Richard, farmer, Trethem

Borlase John, farmer, Crowhills James Spargo, farmer, Newton Pomery Fredcrick, farmer, Waterlow

Borlase Samuel, farmer, Polhendra Martin William, farmer, Penpeth Pomery Jn. farmer, Trethem & Pulpry

Brenton I<'rederick Thomas, farm bailiff Metherell James, farmer, Tregearvean Rickerd Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Messack

to J. C. Kennerley esq. Carvinac.k Michell Charles Thos. farmer, Voskelly Rickerd William, farmer, Crowhills

Burnett Henry, farmer, Trethewel Michell James, farmer, Tregorland Williams Henry, farmer, 'frewollock

Carkeek Wm. miller (water), 'frethem Michell John Thos.farmr.&assist.oversr Williams John, miller(water),Trethem

KEA, or ST. KEA, formerly LANDEGE, is a township and whom receives 4s. weekly. The country is bleak and open.

parish, bounded on the east by the estuary called Malpas In the district are several mines, the most famous in the
Road, and int3rsected by the main roads from Truro to Fal- parish being Wheal Jane, but none are at present working.
mouth and Redruth; it is about 2~ miles south from Truro Near to the church is Killiow, successi\·ely the seat of the
and 8~ north from Falmouth, in the Truro division of the Ki.lliow, Vivian, Tredenham, Haweis and Gwatkin families;
county, west division of the hundred of Powder, petty it is a commodious mansion, built of granite from the parish
sessional division of Powder West, Truro union and county of Mabe, facing towards the south-east, and is now the
court district, rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of property and residence of John Claude Daubuz esq. D.L.~
Cornwall and diocese of 'fruro. The Falmouth branch of J.P. There wera formerly mansions at Nanceavellan, uood-
the Great Western railway runs through the parish from ern, Sparnick and Carlyon: the last is said to be connected
Penwethers to Carnon, and there is a ferry at Tolvorne. with the history of King Arthur's time and to have been the
The church of St. Kea, standing on the side of a hill, facing original seat of the old Cornish family of that name; these
the east, is a very plain rectangular building of stone, in a estates are now the property of Viscount Falmouth and are
debased st,yle, erected in 1802, from designs by James Wyatt occupied as farms. Viscount Falmoutb is lord of the manor
esq. and consisting of a quasi-chancel, nave and a western of Blanchland and principal landowner: Lord Robartes,
tower, with balustraded parapet and pinnacles, containing 3 John Claude Daubuz esq. B.A., D.L., .T.P. Lord Clinton,
bells, only one of which is hung: there are various modern Thomas Cragoe esq. F. R.G.S. Messrs. Enys, Rashleigh,
monuments: the silver gilt chalice and paten belonging to Gilbert, Tremayne, Hill, St. Aubyn and R. T. :Magor are
this church are of French workmanship and design, and are also landowners. The soil in the east part of the parish is
inscribed with the name of Renee d'Amboise, sister of Car- very fertile, but the greater part of the district west of the
dinal George d'Amboise, archbishop ·of Rouen in the 15th church has been reclaimed of late years from common, and
century ; they date from the early part of the 16th has a cla,y subsoil with quartz spar near the surface. The
century and were probably brought over to this country chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 6,038
at the time of the pillage of .French churches: in the acres; rateable value, £7,437; ttle population in 1891 was
recess at tile chancel end at•e some paintings over the com- 2, 103.

m union table by a niece of Sir Joshua Reynolds: the church At CALENICK and at BrssoE (in the adjoining parish of

contains a copy of a letter fl'om King Charles I. written Baldhu), 2! miles south·west, and neighbourhood are 7 or 8

from his camp at Sudely Castle, September Ioth, I643, tin streamers, or rather burrowers, for there is no mine at

thanking the people. of Cornwall for their services to the work in the district, but the burrows where mines have been

Crown, and also an ancient font: there are 300 sittings. yield sufficient tin to pay working; about 6o or 70 persons,
The re6istcr of baptisms and burials dates from the year chiefly women and children, are so employed.
1701 ; ma.rriages, 1756, and contains a terrier, dated 1727,
referring to the old church and certain lands in the parish, CARNON, 2 miles south-west, PORTHKEA, ~~ miles east·

and mentions the cb<tlice and paten as gift of Madam south-east, CALENICK, three-quarters of a mile north-east,
Susannah Haweis. The living is a vicarage, average t.ithe and COOMBE, a village, 2~ miles south-east, are hamlets.

rent-charga £238, net yearly value .[168, with 6 acres of CowLINGS CREEK is a branch of the Fal river. From this

glebe and residence, in the gift of the .Bishop of Truro, and neighbourhood large quantities of black damson plums are

held since 1891 by the Rev. Gerald Pole-Carew 111.A. ol produced and forwarded to the towns in the western part of

Trinity Hall, Cambridge. The tower of the old church, the county.

still standing in the churchyard of Old Kea, 3 miles east, is Parish Clerk, William Kirby.

of three stage.o, With an embattled parapet and crocketed Deputy Parbh Clerk, Joseph Sandercock.

pinnacles, and was repaired in 1883: there is also a mission Letters through 'fruro, except those for Carnon, which

chapel adjoining, erected in 1862 and opened January ISt, arrive through Devoran R.S.O. arrive at 9 a.m. Truro is

1863, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle the nearest money order & telegraph office for the

and a turret containing one bell; it was enlarged in 1869, northern part of the parish & Devoran for the southern

and has since been reseat.ed and greatly improved: the east part

window is a memorial to Catherine Murray, d. 1857, and WALL LETTER Box, Calenick, cleared at 12.25 & 4 p.m.;

there are six other stained windows : the chapel affords 75 no sunday collection

sittings : in the churchyard is the shaft of an ancient cross. WALL LETTER Box, Penelewy, cleared at 2.45 p.m

A residence for the curate was built in 1847 near the present ScHOOLS:-

church. There is a Wesleyan .Methodist chapel and school. A School Board of 5 m3mbers was formed August 13,

room at Porth Kea., and others at Penwethers and Coombe. 1875; Joseph Gill, Ba.ldhu, clerk to the board & attend·

At Come-to-Good, close to Penelewy, is a Friends' meeting ance officer

house, the oldest iu Cornwall, and a Bible Christian chapel Board, Kea (mixed), built in 1879, for 120 children; aver·
at Quenchwell. A charity left by John Lanyon, of Kea, prf.l- age attendance, 26 boys, ~7 girls & 17 infants; John R. S.

duces £38 yearly; he was also the founder, in 1724, of Codd, master; Miss Am~lia 1\lerrifield, sewing mistress

almshouses, endowed with an estate in Gwennap, producing The National school at Higher Kea, built in I849, is now

about £44 yearly ; these are for 4 poor widows, each of used as a Sunday school in connection with the church

Kea. COMMERCIAL. Cock \Villiam, farmer

Bowden Richard Henry, Woodbury Adams Edwin, farmer, Penstraze Cock Wm. Henry, farmer, Tre~ullos

Cragoe Mrs. Sunset . Bassett Francis, farmer & pork butchr Collins William, gamekeeper, Killiow

DaubuzJn.Claude B.A.,D.L., J.P.Killiow :Bassett John, butcher, Quenchwell Cragoe .Fras.Geach (exors.of), farmers,

Hornblower Mrs. School house Bennetts Jane (Mrs. ),cowkpr.Baddren Higher Lanner •

Nankivell Mrs. Penwethers Brabyn William, shipwright, Calenick Cragoe Philip (exors. of), farmers,

Phillips Mrs. Lemon cottage, Penelewy Bragg Wm. Hy. barge owner, Porthkea Lower Lanner

Pole-Carew Rev. Gerald M.A. Vicarage Chirgwidden Sml.farmer,Pollards cr.1ft Davey John (:Mrs.), farmer, Kilters

Porter ~Iiss, Porthkea Chirgwidden Wm. Hy. farmr. Kea villa. Deeble Mark, farmer, Baddren


DunstanJas.frmr. Sparnick & Goodern Martin Rt. Hearle, farmer, Holywell Coombe.
DumtanJn. frmr. Bolotha & Chygoolin Messa John, farmer, Seveock

Dunstan Samuel Jas. farmer, Penelewy Mitchell Francis, farmer, Chirgwin COMMERCIAL,

Dunstan ~tephen, farmer, Chyrene Peters James, farmer, Quenchwell

Dunstan Stephen, jun. farmer, Little Richards Charles, farmer, Halverras Burley Elijah, lighterman

Sparnick & Lanjew Burley Jacob, fruit grower, Cowling's

Dunstan Wm. wheelwright, Penelewy Richards 'fhomas, shopkeeper,Calenick creek

Eliott Richd. farmer & butcher,Trelease RichardsWilliam,farmer,Seveock wood Burley John, jun. fruit grower

Evans Ezekiah, tin buyer, Nangiles RouseJane(Mrs.),mllr. (water), Calenck Burley John, sen. fruit grower

Gay John, farmer, Tregullus Sampson Thomas, farmer, Kirley Gunn James & Wm. Hy. fruit growers

Gummow Jn. cattle dealer,Higher Car- Samson John, farmer, Seveock Gunn Francis, fruit grower

non [posta.l address, Devoran R.S. 0] Saundercock J oseph, farmer Gunn John, fruit grower

Harding Ja.mes, farmer, Penpoll Stevens Richard, farmer, Quenchwell Gunn John, fruit grower

Har!oot Thomas, market gardener Symonds Mathew, farmer Gunn William Henry, lighterman

Hearle William Lovey, farmer, Church Thomas Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Higher Harris John, fruit grower

Town farm Calenick Harris Richard, fruit grower

Hick Joseph, farmer, Se-creock Trebilcock John, farmer, Playing place Hitchins Eliz:1beth (Miss), fruit grower

Hitchins Henry, farmer, Halwyn Tregoning Richard, farmer, Hugus Old Samuel, fruit grower

Hitcbins Richard, farmer, Cryon Tresize Frederick, farmer. Kirley Scobell John, fruit grower

Hockey RicbardJohn,farmer, Treloggas Treweek ~amuel, farmer, Kirley Scobell John, grocer

Huddy Sampson, farmer, Carlyon Triganowan Thomas, gardener to J. C. Scobell John Stevens, fruit grower,

Huddy William, farmer, Nansavallan Daubuz esq. J.P. Killiow Cowling's creek

Jewell Joseph Thos. carrier, Calenick Verran Wm. farmer, Carnon [postal Scobell Thomas, fruit grower

Locke Robert, blacksmith, Penelewy address, Devoran R.S.OJ Scobell Thomas, fruit grower

Magor Fredk. Wm. farmer, Trethowell WellingtonJsph.farmer, WhealWhidden Tregunna James Thomas, fisherman,

Magor Richard, farmer, Trevaster WP.llington Richard, Punch :Bowl & Cowling's creek

Martin Ralph, farmer & tin dresser, Ladle P.H. Penelewy Whitburne Agnes (].'liss), fruit grower

Jolly's bottom

XENW YN is a large township and parish, intersected by Gott n.n. Lord Bishop of Truro. Treliske is the residence

the maih roads from Truro to Perranporth on the one side of George John Smith esq. n.L., J.P. The principal land-

and from Truro to Redruth on the other; the church is owners are Viscount Fa!mouth, Rt. Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke

three-quarters of a mile north-west from the town of Truro Acland hart. P.c., F.R.G.s. Francis Gilbert Enys esq. D.L.,

and three-quarters of a mile north from Truro station on the J.P. of Enys, St. Gluvias, Col. Arthur Tremaynen.L., .l.P. of

Great Western railway, is in the Truro division of the Carclew, Perranarworthal, Lord Robartes, Harry Houlton

county, partly within the borough of Truro, west division Vivian J.P. of Tregavethan, and Edward Leverton-Spry esq.

of Powder hundred, petty sessional division of Powder West, The soil is decomposed slate ; subsoil, slate. The lar.ds on

Truro union and county court district, rural deanery of the eastern side of the parish are fertile, particularly such

Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. as lie in the vicinity of Truro, which are chiefly pasturage,

The church of St. Kenwyn is a building of stone in the Per· whilst those on the west are more bleak and barren. The

pendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, area of the parish is 8,997 acres; rateable value of parish out-

south aisle, transepts, south porch and an embattled western side of the city, [10,86o 16s. 6d. ; of that portion within,

tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and a fine peal of 8 £15,546 ; the population of parish is 8,495, including 5,473
bells: the east window is a memorial to five members of the within the borough of Truro.

Carlyon family, 1856-64; there are also eight other stained BLACKWATER, partly in this parish, will be found with St.
windows ; the west window bears the arms of six former Agnes.

vicars, from 1776to r857: thetowerwasstruckbylightuing, Higher Town is a hamlet in Kenwyn parish, It miles

2oth Dec. 186o: the monuments are modern: the church west from the town of Truro, containing several houses.
was restored in r819-20 and again in 1862, and since that Near here is tbe junction of the West Cornwall and Falmouth

time a reredos of alabaster and mosaics, designed by J. P. lines of railway. The mission church, erected here in 1889,

St. Aubyn esq. and executed by Mr. Earp, of London, has at a cost of £soo, from designs by Henderson and Son, of

been erected : there are 450 sittings: in the churchyard Truro, is a small building in the Early English style, con-

near the south porch is a tall and richly-sculptured cross, sisting of chancel and nave, and has sittings for 100 persons.

commemorating the Rev. George James Cornish, a former WALL LETTER Box cleared at ro.55 a.m. & 4.30 & 8.15 p.m

vicar. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1613; The village of Short Lanes End is about 2! miles

marriages, 1559 ; burials, 1612. The living is a vicarage, north from Truro and on the road to Perran Porth. Here

averaJe tithe rent-charge £379, net yearly value £340, with is a mission church of stone, with a spired belfry, containing

residence and 3! acres of glebe, in the gift of the Bishop of one bell, with seats for 8o persons, and a Wesleyan chapel.

Truro, and held since 1883 by the Ven. John Rundle WALL LETTER Box cleared at 4.50 p.m. ; arrive at 8.15 a.m

Cornish M.A. late fellow of Sydney Sussex College, Cam- At Calenick, 1! miles south, the extensive smelting

bridge, hon. canon of Truro, archdeacon of Cornwall and works, formerly carried on by the Calenick Tin Smelting
examining chaplain to the Bishop of Truro. Viscount Fal- Company, are now entirely closed.

mouth is owner of the great tithes, value £339 yearly. LETTER Box cleared at 12.25 & 4 p.m.; no collection on sun

The Mission church at ldless has sittings for 8o persons. In Parish Clerk, E. S. Carus-Wilson esq.

the parish are Wesleyan, Bible Christian and Methodist New Deputy, S. Holloway.

Connexion chapels. A monastery of the Dominican order Sexton, W. N. Gill esq.

was founded here by tha Reskymer family, the church of Deputy, Thomas Bennetts.

which was dedicated on September 29th, 1259, by Waiter Letters through Truro, the nearest money order & telegraph

Bronescombe, bishop of Exeter; it was situated between office, arrive at 8.10 a. m

Kenwyn street and the river; the site is now intersected by LETTER Box, Church town, cleared at 12.40, 2.40, 4·30,7.15
Castle street and Frances stre~t; the seal of this house was & 9.50 p.m.; sunday, 4.30 p.m

found in 1842 in the vicarage garden of St. Nicholas, Sturry, LETTER Box, Gloweth villa, cleared at 9.10 a. m. & 4 &

Canterbury. Bosvigo, the property of and occupied by p.m

James Philip Paull esq. stands in a beautiful valley, about A School Board of 5 members was formed April 19, 1875,

half a mile west from Truro, and was erected by the late for the united districts of that portion of Kenwyn not in

Francis Bennallack esq. Croftwest, now a farmhouse, is Truro borough & Trevagethan; R. Dobell, jun. Truro,

on the western side of the parish, and was long noted for its clerk to the board ; Frank Bray, attendance officer

fine kennel of hounds, called the "Four Barrow Hunt," so Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for r6o children;

callei from four ancient barrows, situated in the adjoining average attendance, 28 boys, 19 girls & 17 infants (mixed);

comTUon. Lis Escop is the residence of the Right Rev. John Henry Francis, master; Miss Mary L. Stephens, mistress

X Gott Rt. Rev. John n.n. [Lord Bishop May Mrs. Coosebean
, enwyn.
of Truro], Lis Escop; & Trenython, Moore Rev. James Henry M.A. [hon.

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Par Station R.S.O. & Athenreum canon of Truro cathedral], Treneglos

Arnold Miss, Trevosa club, London s w Nugent Rev. Edmund Frederick [do-
Carlyon Mrs. Trevre Henderson Gerald, Trevean
mestic chaplain to the :Bishop of

Coode Mrs. Waiter, Church town Henderson James, Dalvenie Truro], Lis Escop

Cornish Ven. John Rundle M. A. [vicar, Leverton Mrs. Henry, 'freheveras Paull James Philip, Bosvigo

archdeacon of Cornwall, canon of Locke Rev. Alexander George B.A. Paull Mrs. John Richards, Bosvigo

Truro & examining chaplain to the [curate], Kenwyn cottage Smith George John n.L., J.P. Treliske

:Bishop of Truro], Vicarage Manuel Mrs. Seveock water Stick Nicholas Thomas, Gloweth villa

Eastlake William Thomas, Plynt cot Martin William Henry Powell, Corn- Teague Joseph, Pensylva
prigney house
Gill William Nicholas, Comprigney Tom Miss, Trebaverne



Warne Rich'l.rd Rose, Gloweth cottage Mitchell Willbm, farmer, St. Coose & Idless.
Penventinney . Grieves Henry, farmer
Barkla James, farmer, Tregavethan Hawkey Emma (Mrs.), miller (water)
Bartle Rd. cowkeeper, Three burrows MuttonJohn, farmer & butcher, Higher L<tnyon RrJbert, farmsr
Mitchell James Henry, farmer
Bennetts Charles, farmer, Bosoolla Lamerton Mitchell Thoma.s, timber dealer
Bennett Richd. farmer, Pendhaldarva Powell John, farmer, Carvinick
Billing Thomas, hrmer, Blackwater Pascoe Edward, farmer, R03edale Powell Thomas, farmer, Lamertons
Blam~y Joel, farmer, New mills Rnoke William, beer retailer
Bray James, farmer, New mills Pascoe Richard, farme:r, Maiden green Williams Jacob, farmer
Brown John, farmer, Chevelah
Carlyon Charles, farmer, Rosenvale Pascoe William, farmer, Willow green Highertown.
Carne W. & E. C. millers (water),
Paull Nicholas, farmer, & reliev-ing Carne Reuben
Coosebean Chivell Willia'll, Malabu house
Chapple Jonathan, farmer, Bussavene officer for Kenwyn d1slirict, Truro Solomon Mrs
Chenhall David, farmer, Penstraze Binmore John, Highertown inn
Clark Josiah, farmer, Boscolla union, Chacewood Brown Hy. wheelwright &.blacksmith
Cocking Joel, farmer Carne Riehard, market gardener
Colliver Richard, farmer, Graystone Pearce Henry, farmer, Penco()se Clarke William, cattle dealer
Dobell Robert, farmer, Higher Treveras Dobb Frederick, farmer, Bosvigo
Dnnstone Stephen, farmer, Penwithers Pearce J()hn, market gar::len;r, Green- Lnrd Williarn, farmer, Alma house
Eplett Richard, farmer, Deer park
Eva Philemon, farmel', Croftwest bottom Short; Lane3 End.
Hall John, farmer& butcher, Seveock
Hawkey Elizh. (Mrs. ),farmer, Perran rd. Penhaligon Chas. farmer, Featherbeds Chapma.n .John, Commercial inn
Hawkey Thomas Jame:o, farmer,Garras Jenkin William. farmer
Pooley William, farmer, Penstraze .Jose Henry, carter & farmer
& Treheveras Letcher William, blacksmith & farmer
Hawkey William, farmer, Roseveth Provis William, farmer, Allett Mewton Henry Thomas, farmer
Hitch3ns Walt.farmer,Higher Newham Mills Edward, farm3r
Hooper Jame>, shopkeeper & farmer Provis William Jn. farmer, R')senvale N orthey Harry, saddler
Lawry ·wm. Henry, farmer, Hendra Pill John. farmer
Lean Henry James, sheriff's officer, Raby James, farmer, Gunvean Provis Edward, wheelwright

Furze Upland Reskelley Richard, farmer, Treve1lan'3 Three Mih Stone.
Manuel Joel, farmer, CI'
Reynolds Ann (Mrs.}, fat'mer, Lape Dunstan Thomas (Mrs.), farmer
[postal address, Scorrier R.S.O] Dunstan Wil;iam Thomas, shoeing &
Martin John Symons, farmer Scoble James, farmer, Lan~arth
Martin William, farmer general smith ; wagon, cart & trap
Martin William, miller (water), Tre- Shuker FrederickWilliam, land steward
work executed atthe shortest notice;
gavethan mills to John Williams esq
Mason Edwin, farmer, Roseveth implements made &repaired
Michael John, farmer, Allet Rimon'l Thomas, farmer, Twelveheads Hall Thomas, farmer
Mill William, head gardener to G. J. Hick Henry Wm. Victoria Arms P.R
Simmons William, farmer, Governs Rosekilly Mary (Mrs.), farmer
Smith esq. J.P. Treliske Truran William Henry, shopkeeper
Smith James, butcher & fat'mer, Woolcock William John, beer retailer
Mitchell Henry, farmer, Choons
Penstraze moors

Stephens Henry, farmel', Trewol'der

Stephens John, farmer, Greenbottom

Thomas Henry, farmer & auctioneer,

Tolgarric:r. See advertisement

ThomasHy.farmer &cattle dlr.Gloweth

Thomas Joseph, farmer, Bezore

Thomas Richard, farmer, Boscolla

Thomas Thomas, farmer, Croftwest

Tinney William, farmer, Nancerwrath

Trethowan James, farmer, Dodman

Webb James, farmer, ~lount Pleasant

Wellington Jas. farmer, Little Gloweth

Willey :Mary (Mrs.), farmer,Newbridge


Moore William Henry, farmer

.ST. KEV ERNE is a parish, on the shore of the English ing to St. Martin's, and was probably an ancient earthwork.

Channel, 12 miles south-east-by-east from Helston terminal Here are Chynals Point, the Manacles (Meinegles) rocks and
station of a branch of the Great Western railway, 19 miles Penare Point. The emigrant ship "John," which sailed
south from Falmouth, in the Tr11ro division of the county, from Plymouth for Quebec on the 4th of May, I8SS• struck
hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, on the Manacles at ten the same night; 191 lives were lost
Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of and 167 of the bodies were interred in St. Keverne church-
Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. yard. The National Life Boat Institution have stationed
The church, dedicated to St. Kevern or Akebron, founded one of their boats, now the "Charlotte," at Porthoustock
about 1266, and appropriated to the abbey of Beaulieu, Cove for the relief of vessels wrecked on the Manacles rocks,
• Hants, in 1330, is a building of stone, chiefly in the Perpen- and at Coverack is a rocket apparatus and coastguard. The
dicular style, with portions of Early English on the north Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan bart. J.P. of Trelo-
side, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and warren, Mawgan, and Francis Granville Gregor esq. D.L. of

an embattled western tower of two stages, about 6o feet Trewarthenick, Cornelly, who are lords of the manor, Col.
high, surmounted by an octagonal ribbed spire 38 feet Arthur Tremayne.. D.L., ;J.P. of Carclew, Mylor; Lord
high and containing 3 bells, dated respectively 1731, 1831 Robartes and Percival Dacre \>Villiams esq. of Lanarth, are
and 1795 : the church retains many carved benches and the chief landowners. The soil is rich loam ; the subsoil is
has in different parts the arms of Bogan, Archdeckne and rich marl and partly rock. The rocks of the district include
Pincerna: there are memorials to Robert Hill esq. ob. 1637; hornblende in abundance, felspar, soapstone, serpentine and

'Thomas Toll, of Pennare, gent. ob. 1668, and a large num- magnesian limestone. The chief crops are wheat, barley,

ber of modern monuments, including one to three officers oats, t.urnips and mangolds. The area is 10,173 acres, of
and sixty-one non-commissioned officers and privates of the which IS are water; rateable value, £1o,664; the popula-
7th Hussars, who were drowned in the wreck of the tion in 1891 was 1,630.

"Despatch" troopship in Coverack Cove, January 22, 1809, Sexton, James Pengelly; deputy, Charles Curnow.
on their return from Spain: the church was struck by light-

ning 'February 28, 1770, when the spire and part of the PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuit.y & Insurance Office

building were destroyed: there are 850 sittings: the church (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
is now ( I893) being thoroughly restored, at an estimated wall added).-Mrs. Annie Roskruge, postmistress. Let-
-cost of £ 3,ooo, under the direction of Mr. Edmund Sedding, ters are received at 10.30 a.m.; dispatched at 2.10 p.m

3rchitect : the churchyard has been enlarged. The regis- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Cove-

ter of baptisms dates from the year 1580; marriages, 16o8; rack.-V\'illiam Roskilly, sub-postmaster. Letters through
burials, 1605. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- St. Keverne R.S.O. at 11.30 a. m. & dispatched at 1.5
.charge £388, net yearly value £2-t-4, with residence, in the p.m. St. Keverne is the nearest telegraph office
gift of F. Rhys esq. of Hull, Yorks, and held since 1889 by ScHOOLS:-
the Rev. John Lewis Rhys B.A. of St. David's College, Lam- A School Board of 5 members was formed February 16,
peter. The church of St. Peter, at CovERACK, was conse- I87S; John Smith, Trevithian, clerk to the board
.crated August 20, 1885, and contains 17:; sittings. There Board School (mixed), erected in 1876, for 18o children;

soare Bible Christian and Wesleyan chapels. The charities average attendance, boys & 6o girls; William Smith,

are of £43 IOS. yearly value, of which £26 is for education master; Miss Emily Lovell, mistress
and [,17 IOS for distribution. Benjamin Charles lncledon, Board, Coverack (mixed), erected in 1876, for So children;
the famous vocalist, was born here in 1764, and l!ied at average attendance, 6o ; Henry John Sincock, master
Worcester, Feb. 11, 1826. The" Deadman" is a lofty em- Board, Traboe (mixed), erected in 1884, for 6o children;
bankment, about a furlong in length, on the highway lead- average attendance, 35 ; Charles Dalton, master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. James William, Old Vicarage house, Sanders Joseph, Coverack
Barker William, Coverack Church town Smith Richard, Coverack
Boulden Humphrey, Church town Williams Percival Dacre, Lanarth
Ching Philip, Church town Lawrence Walter
Dickenson William, Covernack Leverton-Spry Edwd.Jas. Church town COMMERCI-AL.
Rhys Rev. John Lewis B.A. [vicar & Adams John, farmer, Treskewis
Evans Rsv.Richard [Wes.],Church twa
surrogate], Church town Andrew William, farmer, Trevallack


Andrew Wm. jun. farmer, Trembraze 'Leverton-Spry Edward Jame~,surgeon, •

Roberts Wesley, farmer, P()lcovcrack

Barker William, boot maker, Coverack & medical officer No. 2 district, Hels- Roberts Wm. shopkpr. 'l'revothen downs

Bastain George, shopkeeper,Porthallow ton union, & admiralty surgeon & Rogers John, farmer, Roscarnon

Bellett Mary (Mrs.),milliner,Church tn agent, Church town Rogers Thomas, farmer, :.l'rythance

Boucher John, farmer, Kilter Lory John, carpenter, Tregowris Rogers Williarn, farmer, Rosenithon

Bray Nicholas, farmer, 'l'revenvith Lory William, farmer, Trevalsoe Roskilly William & Son, farmers &

Bucknell William, farmer, Lit. Trevean Lugg James, farmer, Tregidden grocers, Coverack & Carnsulan,

Carlyon Alexander, farmer, 'frenithon MartinAaron(Mrs. ),farmr.'l'releavr.dns Post office

Carlyon Sampson, miller (water), 'l're- Martin John, farmer, Corwisack Roskilly John, carpenter &,

lease mill Matthews Geo.Hy. (Mrs.),frmr.Chenhle Coverack

Christopher Matthew, farmr.Trevothen Mundy George, boot maker, Coverack Roskruge Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.) &

Christopher Robert, farmer,Polcoverack Nicholls John, farmer, Treglossack Gerald Williarn, general merchants,

downs & Trelyn Nicholls Richd. carpenter, Church twn Post office, Church town

Coad James, farmer, Roskilly Nicholls William,farm bailiff to William Roskruge Edward Pearce, farmer,

Coad John, farmer, Treleague Clinton Baddeley esq. Pennare grocer & general mer. Church town

Coad John, s~n. farmer, Grougarth Noey Thomas Henry, miller (water), Rule Edwin, grocer, draper & egg &
ICompton Robert, farmer, Trelan & Pol- . Mehall mill
butter dealer, Church town

coverack downs Oates James, farmer, Roskrowgy Sampson William, farmer, Curno

Eddy Wm. (Mrs.), farmer, Rosenithon Oates Wm.farmer,Rosenick& Lestowdr Shooker William, farm bailiff to John

Eustace Charles, farmer, Polcoverack Pascoe Thomas, farmer, Tremenhere Williams esq. Grougarth

Gay James, farmer, Arrowan downs Pearce John Davies, farmer, Trelan Smith John, farmer, 'l'revithian

Giles Hsnry, farmer, Poldowrian 1 Pearce Richard,farmer, Tregoning mill Southey Saml. Pilchard inn,Porthallow

Harris Richard, shoe ma. Church town Pearce William, blacksmith, 'l'regowris Sowell Thomas, farmer, Rosenithon

Harris William, farmer, Tregarn mill Pengilly Alexander,frmr.Pednavounder Thomas Henry, farmer,. Polkerth

Harry John, farmer, Trelease Pengilly James, farmer, Trebarbath Thomas Mary (Mrs.), tarmer, Polquesli

Hayden Sl. farmer, Gilly & Boscarnon Plomer John, boot maker,Church town Trelower Waiter, farmer, Treleyan

Hallen Henry, chief officer of coast PlomerWm.WhiteHart inn, Church twn Tremayne Cuthbert,farmer,Rosenithon

guard, Coverack Ralph Henry, farmer, Rosenithon Trerise James, farmer, Trewoon

Hill James, farmer, Porthoustock Rapson Alfred & John,farmers, Treleavr Trerise John, farmer, Tregowris

Hocking John, farmer, Gwenter Retallack Charles, farmer, Chyreene Trerise Richard, farmer, Trelan

Hocking Joseph, farmer, Bargwitha Richards James, farmer, Tregarne Tripcony Francis, miller (water), Port-

Hutchens Thomas, farmer, 'l'regarne Richards John, farmer, Carnpesack hallow & farmer, 'l'renance

James Eli, farmer, Church town Richards Richard, farmer, Tregoning Tripcony Jas. farmer & omnibus propr-

James Richard, farmer, Chywoon Rickard Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Tre- Tripcony James, m:ller (water), Tre-

James Richard, farmer, Tregellas leaver downs gidden mill

James Thomas, farmer, Nambol Roberts Henry, farmer, Roskorwell Tripcony John, farmer, Gwenter

JamesWm.farmer&butcher,Church twn Roberts James, farmer & omnibus Tripcony John, farmer, Roskorwell

John James, farmer, Trewillis owner, post horses kept, conveyance Tripcony Robt.Jas. farmer, Pengarrock

Johns Bernard, farmer, Little Gwenter will meet any train, Trevothen & Tripcony Samuel, farmer, Keniwas

Johns John, farmer. Tredennack Coverack hotel Tripcony William John, carpenter,

Joyce Thomas John, registrar of births Roberts James, farmer, Tregidden Church town & Roaring Style

& deaths for No. 3 St. Keverne sub- Roberts Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, Waters Richard, farmer, Traboe
• Williams Andrew, farmer, Tregarn~ ·

dist.& sanitary insp.for Meneage dist Bay view, Coverack

Julian Henry, farmer, 'l'rellan Roberts Peter, farmer, Treleaver \Villiams Henry, farmer, Parkantidn()

Kemp James, farmer, Treskewis downs & North corner, Coverack Williams John; farmer, Hallwyn

Kemp John, farmer, Tregaminion Roberts Nicholas, farmer, Polcoverack Williams John, farmer, Trevean

Kevern Fra.s. & Wm. farmers, Arrowan downs Williams John (Mrs. ),farmer, Trenance

Kevern Francis, farmer, Trenoweth Roberts Richard, miller (water) & Williams Samuel, Farmers' Arms P.H.

Lambrick James, farmer, Trelanvean farmer, Coverack & Treleaver & farmer, Traboe

Lamhrick Joseph, farmer, Tregeague Roberts Osborne, farmer, Grougath Wills JA.mes, Three Tuns P.H.& farmer,.

Lambrick Samuel, farmer, Lesneague Roberts Richard, farmer, Treleaver Church town

Lawrence William, farmer, Trewillis

ST. XEW, anciently called" LANEHOC" and H LANHO," flagon given by Elizabeth Nicholls in r729; silver gilt paten

is a township aqd parish on the river Amble, 4 miles north- given by the same in r732; and silver gilt alms dish, given
north-east from Wadebridge station on the Great Western by Mrs. Mary Webber, who died 19th October, r763: on the
railway, 7~ east via Rock I<'erry from Padstow, 8 south- exterior south wall is a sun-dial: the church has been
·west from Camelford and 8 north-west from Bodmin, in the restored and reseated in oak, and a chancel screen of oak
North Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty erected at a cost of £2,ooo: there are 400 sittings. The
sessional division of Trigg, Bodmin union, Camelford county register dates from the year r564. The living is a vicarage,
court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin average tithe rt>nt-charge £396, net income £3t9, including
and diocese of 'fruro. The church of St. Kewa, situated in 33 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev.
a valley, is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, John James Glencross Every B. A. vicar of Lanhydrock, and
consisting of chancel, nave of th·e bays, aisles with eastern held since r85o by the Rev. Nicholas Thomas Every B.A.. of
chapels, south porch and a fine embattled western tower, Clare College, Cambridge. In the 14th century there was
with crocketed pinnacles, containing 6 bells, recast in 1818 a chapel in the churchyard, kept in repair by the prior of
by RudhaH, of Gloucester, from a previous peal of 4, since Plympton, and in the parish was also another chapel, dedi-
which the 3rd and tenor haYe been again recast: the chan- cated to St. Wenne, the site of which is uncertain; no traces
eel, which has been extended so as to inclose the eastern bay of either now exist. There is a Bible Christian chapel,
of the nave, retains a piscina and credence, and a priests' originally built about r8r5 by the Wesleyans, and seating
doorway : the east window of the north chapel contains 100 persons. There are also five I<'ree Methodist chapels,

ancient glass, including scenes from the life of Christ, the viz.:-at Amble, erected in r84o, and seating 130; at Trelill,
royal arms of the Tudors, and those of the Kingdon and built in IB12, with r5o sittings; at Pendog-gett, built irr
Carminowe families : in the north aisle is a newel staircase 183o, with 8o sittings ; at St.Kew highway, built in r84o, and

formerly leading to the rood loft: both windows in the seating rso; and at Trequite, for 8o persons. The charities

south chapel contain old glass, including a shield of the include £2o left by Degory Dagge by will, dated 8th October,

arms of Arundell, and in the south wall is a piscina: the 1622, the interest to be divided amongst the poor ; and"
memorials in the church comprise a stone with arms and £IOo left by Mrs. Diana Nation, widow, by will dated r~th
inscription to Thomas Treffry esq. of Fowey, ob. 28th Jan. January, 1775, for the same purpose. There are also other

1590, and a number of other members of his family to 1775; benefactions by John Dagge in I594• and William Inch in
and there are others (some bearing arms) to Honor (Cal- 1635, for the repair of the church and the relief of the poor.
wodley), wife of John Webber, ob. 6th October, 1601; John On the highland on the north side of the parish is Tregaer

Cavell esq. ob. roth January, r6o2; Thomas Hutton B.D. castle, an ancient earthwork, consisting of two circular

vicar (16o6-4o ), ob. 2oth December, r639-40; Robert Bell- ramparts with deep ditches and an entrance on the south-
main M.A.. vicar (r64o), ob. April, 1640, and Philippa east, and on Trevinnick farm is a quadrangular earthwork,
(Hutton) his wife, ob. February, 1640: in the south chapel about roo yards square, near which fragments of weapons-
is a slate slab of the r6th century, with a large incised cross have been ploughed up; on the by-road leading to Polrode
and a mutilated inscription in Latin to William Carnsuy- mill, and now serving as a stepping stone over a small
suwe, and anothel' with the date r634, and there are many watercourse, is an ancient round-headed cro!ls, 5 feet 5 in.
modern monuments: the C<}mmunion plate includes a in length. The farm house of Trewane, an interesting old
chalice with cover of silver gilt, dating from I578, a chalice manswn with mullioned windows, contains in one of the
given by Mary Nicholls, who died 19 Jan. 1723; silver gilt rooms a representation in pbster relief of the·~ Offering u!)


of Isaac," with two rhyming lines ; and in other rooms are from Wadebridge to Camelford; PENDOGGET, Ii north ;
the arms of the Nicoll or Nicholls family, who held this TREGELLES, l north-west; 'fRELILL, I~ north-east and
estate from the x6th to the 18th century. Tretawn farm TREQUITE, i east, are places in this parish.

house, probably erected by the Molesworths, is a building of PosT OFFICE, Church Town.-John Pinch, sub-postmaster.
Letters through Wadebridge R.S.O. via Chapel Amble,
Jacobean date, and a block of granite in the wall near one arrive at 10.20 a. m.; dispatched 3·5 p.m. Port Isaac is
of the fireplaces has the inscription :-" Phila. Molesworth, the nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal orders
162o." Mrs. Richard Ford, of Pencarrow (sister of, and are issued here, but not paid
heiress to, the late Sir William Molesworth), who is lady of
the manor, John Bevill Fortescue esq. D.L., J.P. of PosT OFFICE, Chapel Amble.-William Hitchens, sub-post-
master. Letters through Wadebridge R.S.O. by foot post~
Boconnoc, and Lord Robartes are the chief landowners.
The soil is stiff clay ; subsoil, slate. The crops are wheat,
barley and oats. The area is 7,550 acres of land and IS of arrive at 9.15 a. m.; dispatched at 4.15 p.m. St. Minver
water; rateable value, £7,868 ; the population in 1891 was is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal
orders are issued here, but not paid
CHAPEL AMBLE is a village, about 2 miles south-west from WALL LETTER Box, Highway, cleared 3·35 p.m. week days

the church, to which place the river Amble is navigable for only

barges. There was anciently a. chapel here, dedicated to St. SCHOOLS:-

Aldhelm, and various buildings near its supposed site, called National (mixed), built in 1852, for 120 children; average

"Chapel Meadow," have fragments of Early Decorated work attendance, 83; Jacob Stone, master

built into their walls. Chapel Amble (infants), for 40 children; average attend-

HIGHWAY, x! miles south-east, and situated on the road ance, 35 ; Miss Male, mistress

St. Kew. Gill William, shopkeeper, Highway Pollard Charles, farmer, Rook
Greenwood Isaac, farmer, Bokelly Roberts Nicholas, farmer, Trequite
Campbell Levesun G. Skisdon

Elford Misses, Penvose cottage Grose John, farmer, Trentinney Rundle James, farmer, 'fretawn

Every Rev. NicholasThomas B. A. [vicar], Grose Wesley Richard, farmer, Penpont ~oddy John,assistant overseer,Trevathu

Vicarage Hawken Henry, farmer, Tregeare Spear John, farmer, St. Kew, Barton

Sandys Melvill William, Lenarth HawkenJames, farmer,Low.Trewiggot Thomas Nicholas, carpenter & shop-

Tom Henry, Treharrock Hawken Nicholas, Cornish Arms P.H. keeper, Trequite

West Mrs. Grove cottage Pendogget Thomas William, shopkpr. Trewetheru

COMMERCIAL. Hawken William, farmer, Tregelles Tom Henry, farmer, Treharrock

Ball Henry, farmer, Weens Hill John, game dealer & farmer, Hale Trenberth John, farmer, Pendogget

Bassett Jane (~Irs. ), St. Kew inn Ilockan \'rilliam, farmer, Pengenn·t ·warne Francis, farmer, Trewane

Bassett \Villiam, farmer, Fentengoe JamesElizh.(Mrs.),RedLionP.H.Hghwy Warne Henry, mason, Highway

Bate Hy. miller (water), Coombe mills Kempthorne Edwd.John,frmr.Poulgrrh \Varne Thos. boot & shoe ma. Highway

Blewett John, mason, Highway Kent George, farmer, 'frewethen · Webber Nicholas, farmer, Lands

Blewett Thomas, farmer Kingdon Samuel, miller, Lanseague Webber Robert, farmer, Trewethren

Bond Martin, farmer, Trewethern Knight Aubert, farmer Wellington Chas. farmr. Penneytinney

Bond Samuel, farmer, Trewethern Lander Francis, farmer, Maiden lane ".ilce George, farmer, Trewethern •

Bond Thos. Jn. blacksmith, Trewethern Lang Ann & Jane (Misses), farmers & Wilcock Simon, farmer, Trewethern

Bray Nicholas, carpenter, Highway shopkeepers, Pendogget Williams William, farmer, Tregildern

Bryan Thos. farmer, Rose-in-the-Vale Lean Christopher, farmer, Tipton Woodwards Charles, farmer, Trequite

Burton Samuel, farmer, Trevinick Lobb Nehemia.h, farmer, Pendogget lVyatt William, farmer, Highway

Carpenter James, farmer & landoww"Tlner, Menhinick Chas. farmer, Lower Amble Chapel Amble.

Benbole l\ienhinick William, farmer, Hendra

ChampionJas.farmer,HigherTrewiggat Mitter Robert, farmer, Tipton Beer Elizabeth Jane (Miss), shopkeeper

Cleave Nicholas, farmer, Lenow Mitter Robert, blacksmith, Pendogget Button Nehemiah, farmer

Cleave Richard, farmer, Kitts hill Mitter Sarah (Mrs.), blacksmith & Grose Horatio, farmer

Cleve Robert, miller, Rooke mills shopkeeper, Highway Hitchens Wm. carpenter, Post office

Coad Richard, farmer, Trethevan Nicholls John Wood, farmer, Penquite Lean Robert, farmer & l."oad surveyor

Cowling Susannah (Mrs.), farmer Pengelly Richard,farmer,l\'Ilddle Amble Prior Joseph, Maltsters' Arms P.H

Cowling Thomas, carpenter, Pendogget Perry Wesley, miller, Dinhams bridge Rogers Louisa (Mrs.), nurseryman

Derrent Amelia (l\irs.), nurseryman, Philp William, farmer, Great Brighter Warne William, shoe maker

Little Brighter Pinch James, mason Welch Joe, blacksmith
Eddy Henry, farmer, Rocksey Pinch Jn. machine ma. Post office,Hill I Worden William, farmer & shoe maker

ST. KEYNE is a parish and township on the main road tensi'Ve view towards the west, and the walk from thP rectory

between Liskeard and Looe, 3 miles south from Liskeard, to the church through the gardens and an avenue is one-

where is the nearest railway station, and 5 north from Looe, third of a mile in length. In this parish, and about a mile

in the South Eastern d1vision of the county, hundred and distant from the church, is the famous wayside well of St.

petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county Keyne, concerning which there is a popular tradition that

court district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry of whichever of a newly-married couple first drinks a draught

Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Keyne, from this spring obtains and holds the supremacy. St..

standing in a commanding situation on the summit of a Keyna, or Keyne, the tutelary saint, was, according to early

hill, is a building of stone, consisting of chancel, nave, north writers, a pious virgin, of Britit:h blood royal, being the-

aisle, south porch and an embattled western tower of three daughter of Braganus, prince of Brecknockshire, and lived

stages, with low crocketed pinnacles, containing 5 bells, of about A.D. 490. Jonatban Rashleigh esq. D.L., J.P. of

which the first has an inscription in Old English letters ~ :Menabilly, Tywardreath, is lord of the manor and owns the

the third is dated 1799, and the tenor 1663 ; a new bell was principal part of the parish ; the other landowners are

added, the second bell recast and the whole rehung in I878 : Albert Congdon, of Duloe, W. H. Bhke esq. arrd Thomas

from the top of the tower the Eddystone light, distant at Blake esq. The soil is generally light, on a shelfy rock. The

least 18 miles, is distinctly visible on a clear night : the chil'f crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area,

chancel was restored and partially rebuilt in 1868 and the according to the tithe apportionment, is 944 acres ; rateable

church restored generally in 1877, when a great portion value, [,I,ooo; the population in 1891 was I59·

of it was rebuilt and a vestry added, at a cost of [,r,3oo: PosT OFFICE (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should ha'Ve
there are I20 sittings. The register of marriages dates R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Edward Pengelly, postmaster.

from the year 1539 ; baptisms and burials from 1721; Letliers arrive at 6.5 a.m. ; dispatched at 6.37 p.m. on
one marriage register also contains J?Ublications of banns week days & 12.37 p.m. on sundays. The nearest money
from 1754 to I8I2. The hving is a rectory, average tithe order ofiice is at Duloe & telegraph office at Liskeard
rent-charge [,Io6, net yearly value [,130, including 30 acres

of glebe, with residence, in the gift of trustees, and held St. Keyne forms part of the Liskeard School Board district,

since 1870 by the Rev. Thomas Legge Symes M.A. of Trinity & the children of this parish attend the Board school at

College, Cambridge. The rectory house commands an ex- Trewidland

Symes Rev. Thomas Legge M. A. Rectory Broad Susan(Mrs. ),farmr.WestKilgrew Pengelly Edward, blacksmith, Post off
Batten William, farmer, Penhale Clements Ann (Mrs.), farmr. Lametton Pengelly Jn. Hy.farmer,Low.Lacrento:I
Trevillion Catherine (Mrs.), farmer,
Blake Thomas Edwin, farmer, Trussell Clements Robt. ''rebb,frmr.Church twn
Blake Wm. btchr.&frmr.Highr. Lacrntn Lander Nicholas Simon; miller (water) South Kelley
Broad Richard, farmer, West Trevillies
& farmer, Lametton mills

XILKRAMPTON is a township, village and parish, 1 in the North Eastern division of the county, hundred and

separated on the east from Devon by the river Tamar, 3t petty sessional division and union of Stratton, Holsworthy
miles north from Stratton and ro north-west from Hol- county court district, rural deanery of Stratton, arch-

worthy station on the London and South Western railway, deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of


St. James is a building of stone in the Perpendicular style, examining chaplain to the Bishop of Trnro. There are two
consisting of chancel, north and south chapels, nave, aisles, parochial chapels : that of St. PAter at Stibb consists of
south porch and. an embattled western tower, with crocketed chancel and nave and has a stained window at the east end ;
pinnacles, containing 6 bells : the south doorway, the only It will seat 8a persons: the other at Thurdon is a plain

remnant of the ancient church, 1s a. fine specimen of Late buildin5, seating 6o persons. The Wesleyan chapel, erected

Norman work of four orders, and on the porch ara the arms in I884, at a cost of £I,4oo, is a building of stone in tha
of John Granville, rector, with the d:tte 1567 and the Geometrical Gothic style, consisting of chancel and nave: it
legend " Porta Celi" carved thereon : the chancel and side affords sittings for 250 persons, and has a smaa burial
chapels are separated from the nave and aisles by elaborately ground attached. Here is also a chapel for Bible Christians,
carved screens, the sanctuary being panelled in oak: the erected in 1865. The church lands produce £36 Ios. St.
oak choir stalls are finely carved, the panels with the linen 1 James' Or-phamge, in the village, was established in 1879,
pattern and the ends with grotesque figures: the bench and here 12 boys and Io girls ara clothed and educated.
ends in the north aisle are carved with emblems of the The Reading room, erected at a cost of £230, is a handsome
Passion and initials, and in the nave aisle are two with building of stone, containing reading, recreation and concert

figures of bishops fully vested: the north chapel contains an Irooms, and has stained windows given by a. Mr. Kennedy,

organ built by Father Schmidt, ci1·ca r78o, and presented , of London. Fairs are held nn the Thursday before Holy
by Lord John Thynne, and a memCJrial window to Grace, I Thursday, the first Thursday in July and 26th August.
Countess Granville, ob. 1744: in the south chapel is a fine 1 In the neighbourhofld are the remains of two ancient en-
mural monument of marble to Sir Bevil Grenville, of Stow, campments, probably British. Stowe House, the seat of
in this parish~ who fell at L:msdowne, July 5, 1643, and a the Granvilles for upwards of six hundred years, was pulled
mural tablet with bust in rehef to Henry Frederick, Baron down soon after the Restoration, and another afterwards
Carteret, d. I826, and three stained windows to the Gran- built on its site by John, Earl of Bath, was demolished in the
ville family: in a vault below the south aisle lie buried same century. Francis John Thynne esq. D.L., J.P. of
various members of the Gra.nville family, Earls of Bath, Haynes Park, Bedford, who is lord of the manor, Sir George
.and in the chancel two former rectors, Oliver Rouse, ob. I56r, Stucley Stucley bart. D. L., J .P. of Moreton, Bideford, Devon,
.and - Bullen, ob. I672: the east window and the west and Mr. W. R. Parkyn are the principal landowners. The
window of the south aisle were given by the tenants on his chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is

Granville estate as memorials to Lord John Thynne, snb- l8,o77 acres (including r95 of water); rateable value, £4,97I;
{}ean of Westminster, d. 9 Feb. 188r, and the west window the population in I89r was 900.
is a memorial to Capt. William Frederick Thynne, of the STIBB, 2 miles west-by-south, and THURDO~, 2 east, are
Rifle Brigade, who fell at Lucknow in I858: in the south hamlets of this parish.
aisle are two stained windows containing figures of British Parish Clerk, Alfred Trewin.

and Cornish saints and one to Sir George Stucley bart. d. PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-

I86r, and there are various other stained windows: there Alfred Trewin, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from
are brasses to the Rev. John DaYis, recLol' here for 53 years, Stratton R.S.O. (NorLh Devon) at 8.r5 a.m.; dispatched

who died in r857 and is buried under the porch : the font at 4· r5 p.m. ; there is no sunday post. Office open on
of granite is a good example of Perpendicular work and sunday for telegraph business from 8 to IO a. m
bears the arms of the Granville family: the church was ScHOOLS : -
restored in I86o, under the direction of the late Sir George National (mixed), for 20-1- children; average attendance,

Gilbert Scott R.A. at a cost of £4,500: there are 450 sittings. 130; John West, master
Radiating from the lych gate are three fine avenues of lime "\Vesleyan (mixed), erected in 1855 & enlarged in I872, for
trees. The register dates from the year I539· The living 92 children ; average attend:ctnce, 56; William Edward
is a rectory, tithe rent-charge commuted at {.612, average Williams, master; .Mrs. Williams, infants' mistress

£466, net yearly value £467, including I07 acres of glebe, CAI!RIKRS •ro : -
with house, in the gift of F. J. 'fhynne esq. of Haynes Park, HOLSWORTHY-William Gist, mon. wed. & fri.; returning
Beds, and held since I859 by the Rev. Arthur Christopher same day
'rhynne M.A., J.P. of Balliol College, Oxford, hon. canon of BmEFORn-George & James Gist, tues. & fri. ; returning
Truro, proctor in convocation, rural dean of S~ratton and wed. & sat

Dunstan John Francis Dayman William Thos. draper &grocer Parkyn Thomas, farmer, Herdicott

Lee Rev. William [Bible Christian] Elliott John, farmer, Scadgehill Pomeroy John, farmer, Tailor's cross

Parker John Evans John & William, blacksmiths Reading Room (John West, sec)

'faylor Rev. Alfred [Wesleyan] Francis John, farmer Rodd Emma (Miss), dress maker

'fhynne Rev. Arthur ChristojJher M.A., Francis William, mason Routley Richard, London inn

J.P. [rector & hon. canon of Truro], Gist George, carrier Routly James,miller (water),New mills

Penstowe Gist J ames, carrier St. James' Orphanage (Sister Clara

Trewin Mrs. E Gist William, carrier Maria Hole, superior of the com-

Woodley Mrs. B. A. Hill park Gorrill Samuel, shoe maker, Thurdon munity of St. James)

Greena way Flora(Mrs.)& Son,carpentrs Sargent William, carpenter

COMMERCIAL. Greenaway John, ironmonger &c Seldon Thomas, farmer, Ilmsworthy

Allin Richard, farmer, Thorn Heywood John, farmer, Wrasford Stacey John, farmer, Killock

Andrews Ann (Mrs.), farmer,Prestacott Higgins J oseph, blacksmith, Stibb Stacey John Henry, farmer, Halls

Ashton Francis, farmer, Darracott Hoekin John, farmer, Forda Stevens Richard, carpenter, Stibb

Axford Thomas, farmer, Upcott Hockin Thomas, farmer, Fleehill Tape William, farmer, Broxwater

Bailey Henry, boot maker Hockin William, farmer, East Langford 'frewin Alfred, shoe maker & registrar

Banbury Urial, farmer, Aldercombe Hopgood Richard, blacksmith,Thurdon of births & deaths for the sub-district

Bartlett Bryant Edward, maltstf-r & Hnrford Edwin Thomas, tailor &c of Kilkhampton, Stratton union,

seed, corn, hop & manure merchant, Jones Nathaniel, farmer, Limsworthy Post office

meals & oil cake in stock, fruit trees Jones William, farmer, Hesseford Trewin Ann (Mrs.),beer ret. & shoe ma

& nursery stock of all kinds, agent Kinsman Henry, farmer, Barn Trewin Frank, watch maker

for Bentall's mowers, chaff cutters &c Matthews Edward Ellis, vet. surgeon Trewin Lawrence George, tailor

Bartlett John, farmer, Stowe May James Bond, joiner Trewin WilliaUl Lawrence, butcher &

Basset.t Samuel, Carteret Arms P.H Metherell Joshua, farmer, Stibb wool dealer

Burrows Samuel, painter & shopkeeper Mill'fhomas, shopkeeper Walkey Francis Sargent, outfitter,

Chidley William, farmer, 'fhurdon Mugford Eli, blacksmith draper, grocery & china &e. wareho

Ching Thomas, yeoman, Broxwater Nicholls Edward, saddler, seedsman, Weston James, farmer, Thurdon

Chudleigh Richard, farmer, Thurdon iL·onmonger & furniture warehouse Wickett Emma (Mrs.) & Son, farmers,

Cleave William, farmer, Thurdon farm Parker Edwin Lawrence, saddler Collery

Cleverdon Emanuel, mason Parkin Samuel John, farmer, Hudsland Wickett John, farmer, Collaton

Cornish Samuel, baker Parkyn John, farmer, Langford

LADOOK is a township and parish on a tributary of style, consisting of nave of four bays, south aisle, north

the river .Fal, and on the high road from Truro to St. transept, or Trethurffe aisle, south porch and an embattled

Columb by way of Tresillian, 7 miles north-east from Truro western tower, with pinnacles, containing 6 bells; these bells
and I~ north-west from Grampound Road station on the were hung in 1883, at a cost of £38o, to take the place of

Great Western railway, in the Mid division of the county, the old ones, which bore the date of I67o and 1743: the

hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder West, church was thoroughly restored in 1864, under the super-
Truro union and. county court district, rural deanery of vision of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. architect, at a cost

Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. of £2,ooo, the whole of which was defrayed by Canon R. F.

Grampound Road station (see separate heading, Grampound Wise M. A. recto.r 1846-841 there are two stained windows
Road) and part of the village which has grown up round it at the east end, one of which is a. memorial to Mrs. M. A.

are in this parish. The church of St. Ladoca, seated on the Wise, d. I 862 ; the other to Richard Wise M. n. : there is an
brow of a hill, is la building of stone, in the Early English ancient Norman font of Catacluse stone: the memorials in


the church include a slab found during the restoration, to Mount Edgcumbe P.c., L.L. LoTd Robartes, Arthnr Coode

the memory of John Randell, ob. 1665, and now plaeed at esq. .J.P. of Trevarthian, St. Austell, and John Charles
the west end: in the porch is a tomb inscribed to Nicholas Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle. The soil is sparry
Cornelius, of Ladock, ob. 1632: a heating apparatus Wa!!l at the surface; subsoil, spar and marl. The chief crops are

fixed in 1892 at a cost of £10: the church affords 370 sit- wheat, barley and oats. 'fhe area is 5,691 acres; rateable
tings. 'fhe register of baptisms dates from the year 1684; t'alue, £5,202; the population in 1891 was 982.
marriages, 1686; burials, 1683. The living is a rectory, BISSICK is a hamlet and village near the church. HILL
average tithe rent-charge £548, net yearly value £366, with Coos is another hamlet.
50 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Rev. Canon Parish Clerk, John Olver Clemmow.
Wise M.A. and held since 1885 by the Rev. Stamford Raffles PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
Fhnt M.A. University College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan Bissick.-Stepben Hoare, recei¥er. Letters from Gram-
chapel and Sunday school at :Bissick, and Bible Christian pound Road,which is the nearest telegraph office,delivered

chapel at Scarcewater. A Reading Room, at Bissick, ,built at 7·45 a. m. ; dispatched at 10.40 a.m. & 5 p.m
in r887 by the rector, on a site given by Canon Wise, is pro- WALL LETTER Box, New mills, cleared at 8.55 a.m. & 4.30
vided with newspapers and magazines and there is a small p.m
library attached: it is supported by subscriptions of the National School (mixed), erected with master's house, in
members and voluntary contributions. The ~tamford 1867, by R. F. & M. .A. H. Wise, on a plot of ground
Raffles lodge of tha Odd Fellows' Friendly Society was adjoining the church, & enlarged & refurnished in 1893
established here in 1885 and holds its meetings every al- at a cost of about £4oo, for 150 children ; average attend-
ternate Monday at the Reading Room. Nansough is about ance, go; the whole of the expenses are defrayed by
r~ miles south-west from the chureh: the house was rebuilt Canon Wiee & the rector; John Olver Clemmow, master
by the late Charles .Andrew esq. and is now the property of CARRIERS:-
Michae1 Henry Williams esq. n.L., J.P. and is occupied by Kempe, to Truro, wed. & sat.; to St. Austell, fri
Mr. Jom Jefiery. Trethurffe House, formerly the seat of Hoblyn, from St. Columb to Truro, wed. & sat.; returning
the Trethur:ffes and afterwards of the Courtenays, has been same days
destroyed, and a farm house erected on its site is now the Hosking, from Wa.debridge to Trnro, mon. & thurs. ;
property of and occupied by Mr. John Searle Gill. The prin- returning following days
cipallandowners are Michael Henry Williams esq. D.L., J.P. Carlile, from Padstow to Truro, fri.; returning following
<>f Pencalenick, St. Clements, Viscount Falmouth, the Earl of day

Ladock. tHarvey James, farmer, Landrine *Ward John Hayward, farmer,Besowsa

[Marked thus • receive their letters direct *HooperWm.frmr. Woodman's tenemnt *W'ard Thos. Johns,farmer,Scarcewater
[Markel thfruosmt Grercae.mivpeotuhnedirRleotatde.r]s through tHopper J 0 1m, f armer, CarIand
Wearne John S. farmer, New mills

Mitchell, Gra.mpound Road.] *Hopper Titus, farmer, Old Warren *Williams :Fanny (Mrs.), cowkeeper
Flint Rev.Stamford RaffiesM.A. [rector], Rotten Henry & Harry Christian, Menna down

Nans:twsan farmers, Venton Ladock • Bissick.
*Jefirey John, Nansough Hotten Robert, farmer, Gunamanning

Wise Rw. RichardFarquhar M.A. [hon. *Jeffrey John,steward to H.M.Williams Lanyon Mrs

canon of Truro], Rectory esq. J.P. Nansough house COMMERCIAL.

COMMERCIAL. *Keast James, farmer, Hay Benny Mary (Miss), dress maker

*Beel A9.ron, farmer, Hewas *Kempe Stephen,grist miller & carrier, Biddick William, carrier

*Beel Henry, farmer, Hewas Kestle Carlyon Matthew, shoe maker

-ICBeel William, farmer, Hewas . *Liddicoat William, farmer, Halezy Cracker John, builder & contractor

Betty James, carpenter, Scarcewater *Martin Nathaniel Thomas, farmer & Hoare Stephen, Post office

Biddick William, farmer, Belmont rate collector, Trewince Juleff Edith (Miss), dress maker
*Bi~hop Hy.Hearle, farmer, Lawn down Matthews John, farmer, Trendeal Vean Kendall Henry, grocer & draper

tBowden James, farmer, Hendra Merrifield Pryn, farmer & carrier, MerrifieldNicholas,blacksmith &shpkpr

Caff John, farmer, Sawls tenement Downgate MinPrs James, shoe maker

*ChapmanJas.farmer,Woodland valley Michell Wm. Tucker, farmer, Nankilly Odd :Fellows' FriendlySociety(Stamford

*Clarke Wm.farmr.& grist mill,Forgue Moore James, farmer, Trethurffe hills Raffles lodge) (R. Williams, sec)

Clemmow John Olver, parish clerk, Northcott William Andrew, farmer, Paull John, mason

schoolmaster & sec. to the Reading Trelassick Reading Room (J.O.Clemmow,hon.sec)

room Richards· William Thomas & Mark, Richards William Henry, ; :Falmouth

*Cocking Charles, farmer,Great Hewas farmers, Trendeal .Arms P.H. & blacksmith

*Crowle Richard, farmer, Menna *Robins Josiah, farmer, Nansough Robins Henry, mason

*Dennis Richd.Jas.farmer, Creaking gt *Rowse Jn. farmer, Juleff's tenement Rogers Philip, boot & shoe maker

*Dustow Matthew, farmer, Trobus *SleemanJas.farmer,Martin's tenement Sercombe Joseph, gardener to Rev.

*Francis John, farmer, Treveal *.Stephens .Alfred John,fanner, 'fregear Canon R. F. \Vise M.A
Gill John Searle, farmer & landowner, *Stephens John, farmer,North'rrendeal Stepllens Emma (~lrs.), dress maker

Trethurffe *Treweeke Samuel, farmer, Boswiddle Stephens Silvanus, miller (ste:~.m &

Grigg Richard, farmer, Trelassick Vincent Robert., farmer Trendeal water) & farmer

Harding Cornelius, cow!_reeper, Forty *Wallis Preston, farmer, Kestle Strongman Anna Maria (Mrs.),shopkpr

Acres gate *Ward Richd. & Richd. Henry,farmers, Williams Alfred, butcher

tHarris Henry, farmer, Landrine Menna & Westow Williams Samuel, shopkeeper & mason

LAMORRAN is a township and parish, separated by ing friends and the south window by his mother, the late

the river Fal from the parishes of Ruan Lanihorne and Countess of Falmouth: the west window is a :nemorial to

Philleigh, and partly surrounded by creeks connected with the Rev. William Curgenven, rector here from r8o3 : the

Falmouth harbour; it is 5 miles south-east from Truro by ancient Norman font is of Catacluse stone: a brass tcagle

way of Malpas ferry and 4 south-west from Tregony, in the lectern has been presented by Rev. Edgar S. P. 1\'lack,

Truro division of the county, hundred o"f Powder, petty curate here 1891-2 :there are Sosittings: in the churchyard,

sessional division of Powder West, Trnro union and county opposite the porch, is a portion of an octagonal cross of

court district, rural deanery of Powder, arcbdeaconry of Pentewan stone. The register dates from the year 1573,

Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Moran, but the first thirteen pages are missing. The living is a

standing on a neck of land bordering on the deep waters of rectory, average tithe rent-charge £u7, gross yearly value
Lamorran creek, dates from the reign of Henry Ill. and is £162, including 42~ acres of glebe, with residence, in the

a small cruciform building of stone, in the Perpendicular gift of Viscount Falmouth, and held since 1893 by the Rev.

style, consisting of chancel, nave of one bay, transepts, south Richard Blackmore H.A. of Christ Church, Oxford, and

porch and an ancient belfry tower, standmg detached from surrogate, who is also vicar of Merther. The poor have

the church, in the south-west corner of the churchyard, and £. r6 r3s. 4d. yearly, bequeathed by the Countess of Falmouth

containing 3 bells, two of which 'are dated respectively in x856, and also £5 yearly, in coals, being the rent of a
1732 and 1766, the other being undated: this tower is sup- field and cottage, of which fund the rector is trustee.

posed to be part of a monastic house which formerly existed Viscount Falmouth is lord of the manor and sole landowner.

here: the walls are of great thickness, and are now enve- The soil is light; subsoil, shelf. The crops are the usual

loped in ivy: there is a monument in the south transept cereals and turnips. The area is 1,234 acres; rateable

with Latin inscription to John Verman, lord of Lamorran, value, £1,03-1-; the population in r8gx was 64.

ob. 1658, .and to Catherine (Trehane) his wife, ob. 1666: the Sexton, Joe Vercoe.

ch urch wa s restored and dpIaar~ttl y rebuilt in 1853 in memor y Letters through Probus R.S.O. the nearest money order &
of Geor ge Henry, 2 n d an Earl of Fal mouth ( who ha d

previously rebuilt it in 1845), by his cousin,the late Hon. and telegraph office, arrive at 9.30 a.m

Rev. John Townshend Boscawen M.A. rector here 1849·90: The children attend the school at St. Michael Penkivel, the

the east window was inserted to his memory by his survif"- adjoining parish

Blackmore Rev. Richard M.A. Rectory I Rowe Joel, farmer, Gare I Smith Frederick Jas.farmer,Trewonnol


LANDEWEDNACK is a parish, containing the village 1a rocket appPratus at Cross Common. At Beast or Bass

or town of THE LIZARD, and is 12 miles south-south-east Point is the important signal station belonging to " Lloyd's ;"

from Helston terminal station of a bral)ch of the Great from this station ships are communicated with by means of

·western railway, 22 miles from Falmouth and 20 south-west flags and a code of signals by day and pyrotecbnic lights by

from Penryn, in the Truro division of the county, western night, and there is direct telegraphic communication with

division of the hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional division all parts; all vessels whether outward or homeward bound

of Kerrier West, Helston union and county court district, are spoken with here. In the summer season The Lizard and

rural deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and neighbourhood are the resort of numbers of touri&ts. There

diocese of Truro. The church of St. Lanty or St. Winwallow, are two excellent hotels, and a third is now (1893) being

supposed to have been connected with the Abbey of Lande- erected by the Housel Bay Hotel Co. ; there also is a. reading

venock in Brittany, is a building of mixed serpentine and room, erected in 1878, at a cost of £3oo, and under the

granite, in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles,consisting management of a committee ; visitors may become tempo-

xtof chancel, nave of five bays, north aisle, south transept, rary members. A short distance from the Point and

south porch and an embattled western tower, with four miles west of Lizard village is the well-known KYNANCE

crocketed pinnacles, containing 3 bells, dedicated respec- CovE, one of the most wonderful objects in the coast scenery

tively to SS. Anna, Nicholas and Mary Magdalene : in the of Cornwall : here innumerable rocks, of immense height,

transept is a bagioscope, with lepers' window: piscinre are form themselves into arches and grottoes; and the bold

found both in the chancel and transept: the south entrance bhck overhanging cliffs of the coast have a very grand and

is Norman, with chevron moulding, and is 9 feet in height~ impressive appearance: in one of these is an immense chasmr

the porch is groined in stone: the font, of syenite, was into which, as the tide rises, the sea rushes with such im-

made c. 1404, by Richard Bolham, a furmer rector: the petuosity as to force the water out at an opening above, and

pulpit and reading desk are of serpentine marble: there are the accompanying noise in the cavern resembles that of

four stained windows, one of which, known as the lepers' thunder; this rock is locally known as "the Devil's Bellows:"

window, is a memorial to Philip Vyvyan-Robinson esq. a in 1846 the Cove was visited by H.R.H. the Prince Consort

former patron : in 186o the church was restored and re- and the Royal children. Penolver Point, surmounted by a

seated with open benches, affording 200 sittings. The pile of great rocks, and Househole Cove are both places

register of baptisms dates from the year 1578 ; marriages, deserving the notice of visitors; the latter, being entirely

1654; burials, 1653. The living is a rectory with that of free from dangerous under-currents, is a safe bathing place.

Ruan Major annexed, joint net yearly value £300, with Lord Robartes and Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq.

residence and 12 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Rev. Henry are lords of the manor, and Viscount Falmouth and the Lyla

Vyvyan M.A. rector of St. Mary's, Castlegate, York, and trustees are the chief landowners. The so:l is partly clay

held since r88g by the Rev. Charles Shimmin Vyvyan. and partly deep loam, resting on serpentine rock, decom-

There are Wesleyan and Free Methodist chapels. posed hornblende and green stone. The chief crops ar~

The inhabitants of Landewednack and The Lizard are wheat, barley, oats and turnips, which grow to great per-

agriculturists, fishermen and serpentine ornament makers. fection. The area is 2,050 acres; rateable value, [,2,274;

Pilchards are caught in great abundance. The name Lizard the population in 1891 was 626.

is supposed to be cterived from" Lezard" or'" Lazar," the TRETHVAs, half a mile north, and CRoss CoMMON, a quar-

old term for leper ; great numbers of persons affiicted with ter west, are hamlets. LizARD is half a mile west, and THE

this terrible disease formerly lived here, this peninsula LIZARD HEAD 1 mile south-west.

being chosen for their residence on account of its isolated Clerk and Saxton, Joseph Hendy.

position. The range of rocks east and west of THE LIZARD PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

is exceedingly grand and picturesque. The Lizard serpen- The Lizard (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should ha\·e

tine, a beautiful marble of a dark grem colour, variegated R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Thomas Sterling, sub-post-

with veins of purple, white, red, scarlet and various other master. Letters arrive at 10.20 a. m. ; dispatched at 2.20

hues, is manufactured by the inhabitants into ornaments of p. m. No dispatch or delivery on sunday

various kinds, which are much sought after, and this indus- At Cross Common is a WALL LETTER Box, cleared at 2 p.m

try contributes in a considerable degree to the support of Lloyd.'s Signal Station, Bass Point, Charles Marsh Wood,

the village. At the extreme point of The Lizard (the most manager

southerly point of land in Great Britain) are two light- The Lizard Lighthouse, Ja:nes Core, engineer in charge

houses built on the pro~ecting rock; both are now fitted Coast Guard, James Boss, chief officer

with electric lights on the combined Siemens' and De A School Hoard of 5 members was formed January 22, x83.t,

Meriten systems ; the lanterns are placed 230 feet above high R. H. Richards, Lizard, clerk to the board; Samuel

water mark and throw a light to a distance of 22 miles, Mitchell, attendance olficer

through an arc of 235° : they are on the holoptric system. Board School (mixed), for 150 children; average attendance,

Here is also a fog-signal of the type known as "siren," the IIO; Robert Radcliffe, master

most efficient as yet known. In connection with these light- CoNVEYANCE TO HELSTON-Omnibus, Messrs. Hill & Lyne~

houses are dwellings for the engineer in charge and his staff Lizard, on mon. wed. & sat. at 9.30 a. m. ; also sat. x

of seven men, likewise smith's shop and fitting room. A life p.m. returning days; also during July, August &

boat, bt>longing to the National Life Boat Institution, is September, an omnibus daily to Helston at 9.30 a.m.

stationed at Polpear Cove and another at Church Cove, and returning 4 p.m

Landewednack. Rowe James, farmer,Mason's tenement Hockmg Hugh Lyne, farmer,Tregullas

Appleton Geurge, Park braws Schirmhoff Ma.ry (:\irs. ), apartments, Hocking Thomas Rowe, farmer

Appleton Harry, Park braws Cross common HooperWilliamEdward,boarding house

Hart Thomas, Polbrean Stone Charles, farmer Jose Francis, serpentine rock worker

:Richardson Miss, Caerthillian house Tl:wmas'sBoardin,;House,Kyna.nce cove Jose Francis William, serpentine rock

Stone James Tiddy Jn. Moyle,apartments,Cross corn worker

Vyvyan Rev. Charles Shimmin [rector 'fiddyRchd.mason&apartmts.Cross corn Jose John, serpentine rock worker
& surrogateJ
Upt.on Hammond, painter JoseSusan(Mrs. ),serpentine rock workr-

Wood Charles Marsh, Bass Point house Williams Henry, boot maker
Lyne John, farmer & Kynance Bay

COllMERCIAL. The Lizard. boarding house
Appleton Harry, surgeon, & medical Matthews Edwin, fisherman

officer & public vaccinator, Nos.2 & 2A Roberts William Mitchell Mary (Mrs.), dress maker

districts, Helston union & admiralty COMMERCIAL. .Mitchell William, farmer

surgeon & agent for The Lizard & Bulley George, serpentine rock worker Penmenner boarding house &.

Mullion, Park braws Core James, engineer in charge of the private hotel (Mrs. ltrace Rowe,

lloulden John, farmer, 8'. Helena Lizard lighthouses proprietress)

f.Jurnow George, farmer, Bednas Curgenven John,serpentine rock dealer Reading Room (Geo.Appleton,hon.sec)

Goodman John, blacksmith, Cross corn Dennis&Son,drapers&grocrs. Beacon ter Richards Richard Henry, farmer

Hart Thomas, artist, Polbrean Eddy Mary (Mrs.), the oldest family & Roberts Daniel, serpentine rock orna-

HendyThcs.farmer,1'regaminion wallas commercial hotel ; every accommo- ment worker & guide

Jeffery Cha~lotte (Mrs.), ap.1.rtments, dation, posting, Skewes hotel Roberts Hy.Essex, serpentine rock wkr

Cross common Goodman Grace (Mrs.), serpentine Roberts Honor (Mrs.), apartments

Lugg William, far:ner, Trethvas worker; all kinds of ornamental stone Rowe Grace (:Mrs.), boarding house &

Oliverl::liza!beth (Miss ),apartments made to order & will receive pNmpt private hot.el, Pemnenner

& refreshm2nts, luncheons daily; attention StephensJa..o;.donkey carriage proprietor

useful & ornamentaL articles in ser- Hendy Brothers, butchers Sterling Alfred Charles,serpentine rock

pentine, Kynance cove Hill & Lyne, omnibus proprietors ornament maker

Oliver William Henry,serpentine works Hill James Andrew, Hill's hotel, apart- Sterlins Thomas,shopkeeper,Post office

& guide, Kynance cove ments & farmer, Trenoweth Symons William Henry, apartments

Rob3rts Peter, fisherman Hill doseph Henry, builder, boarding Trerise John Henry, mason

Roberts Richard, fisherman house & furnishei apartments


LANDRAKE is a village, and with the adjoining village marl; subsoil, freestone, intersected by cJurses of elvan.

of ST. ERNEY form united parishes in the South Eastern The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, potatoes, turnips &c.

division of the county, south division of the hundred of East, The area of Landrake parish is 2,7o6 acre'.!l of land, 15 of

petty sessional dh,ision of East South, St. Germans union, water; rateable value,including St.Erney, £5,044 ; the joint

county court district of Stonehouse, rural deanery of East, population in 1891 was 686.

archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro ; Landrake is St. Erney is ~~ miles north-east from St. Germans and

3! miles north-east from St. Germans station and 4 north- I south from the village of Landrake. The church of St.
west from Saltash station on the Great Western railway,and Erney is a small edifice of stone of the 14th and I 5th cen-
turies, in the Early English and Later styles, consisting of
8! north-west from Plymouth. The river Lynher is tidal chancel, nave, north aisles, north and south porches, and a
to Notter Bridge, where there is a substantial bridge of three
arches; vessels of 40 tons can be brought up to this bridge. low embattled western tower containing 3 bells, of which the
A small portion of Tideford is in this parish. The church
of St. Peter is a noble building of stone of the 15th century, treblP- bears an invocation to the Virgin in Old English let-
in the Early Perpendicular style, and <'Onsists of chancel,
nave of four bays, north ai;;le, south porch, south transept ters, the second is dated 1671, the tenor is plain; the church
and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, about IOO was restored in 1872 at a cost of about £4oo, and has 150
sitting!!. 'fhe register is incorpors.ted with that of Landrake.
feet high, containing a clock and one bell, dated I769, the The living is united to that of Landrake, and rates are made
other 3 bells have been sold : the transept retains a piscina: for tho two parishes in common, with the exception that each
on the north side of the chancel is a mural brass, with effigy place defrays its own church expenses. Service is held on
the morning of the first and evening of the third Sunday in
in armour, to Edward Cowrtenay esq. ob. March I, 1500, each month. The Earl of St. Germans, who is also lord of
and another, with arms, to Ebote, wife of Nycholas Wills, the manor, and Mrs. Somers Cocks, of London, are the prin-
gent. I6o7, and to Nycholas Wills, also r6o7; there are other cipal landowners. The soil is loam and marl ; subsoil,
memorials to the families of Rowe, Palmer, Truscott and freestone. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, pJtatoes
Blake: the east window is a memorial to the Rev. Thomas
Hunt Ley, vicar from I82o: the west window was erected and turnips. The area is 843 acres of land and 170 of tidal
by Solomon Brown in I888 to the memory of his wife : the water and foreshore.

church was thoroughly restored in I877 at a cost of £1,650, Markwell is a hamlet, half a mile south of St. Erney,

and in 189I an organ was erected at a cost of £200 and consisting of two farms only; it was at one time a consider-

beating apparatus fixed at a cost of £6o : the church is able and populous village, and contains an ancient and

fitted with open benches, seating 269 persons. The register famous well. ·

of baptisms and marriages dates from the year 1555; Parish Clerk, Nathaniel Panter.

burials, I559· The living is a vicarage, with the chapelry PosT OFFICE, Landrake.-Miss Sarah Dyer, sub-postmis-

(){ St. Erney annexed, average tithe rent-charge £I75, joint tress. Letters through St. Germans R.S.O. arrive at 7.30

net yearly \"alue £222, including 50 acres of glebe, with a.m. &; 5 p.m.; dispatched at g.1o a.m. & 5.10 p.m. The

residence, in the gift of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.C. nearest money order office is at Tideford & telegraph

and held since I866 by the Rev. Humphrey Lowry Barnicoat office at Hatt. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

lii.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan WALL LETTER Box, Trewint, cleared 4.30 p.m. week days

and Primitive Methodist chapels here,and almshouses for 10 only

widows, originally founded by Mrs. Jane Cox:, who died in Public Elementary School, erected in 1881 by the Ironmon-

1725, and rebuilt by Capt. Thomas Eales Rogers H.E.I.c.s. gers' Company, of London, as trustees to the will of Sir

A Working Men's Club and Reading Room was opened at Robert Geffery kt. 1703, on land given by the Earl of

L:mdrake in I8gr. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.c., L.L. Mount Edgcumbe; it will hold 122 children; average

who is lord of the manor, and Mrs. Somers Cocks, of attendance, 106; George Thomas Hockaday, master;

London, are the principal landowners. The soil is loam and • Mrs. Hockaday, mistress ; Miss Roberts, infants' mistress

Landrake. HancockWm. Thos.saddler &ironmongr Rowe Samuel, grocer & linen draper

Netherwood M:iss, Flagstaff house Hawke Thomas, stone mason Scantlebury William, tailor

Spil:er Miss, Prospect cottage Hawke William, baker Scott John, farmer

COMMERCIAL. Heal Joseph, farmer, Bridge farm Slemen William, boot maker

Betty Robert Quick, Buller's Arms Hockaday Geo. Thos. teacher of music; Spiller Mary &Elizh.(Misses),seminary

hotel; quarry owner, stone merchant boarding school&dealer in pianofortes Toll Edwin, farmer, Lantallic~

& road metalling contractor HoskingJas.miller (water),Pencavo mls Walkey John, shoe maker

Blake Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Pound Hosking Samuel Panter, surveyor & Warwick Ellen & Sarah (Misses), gro-

Blake Thomas Vigurs,farmer, Penquite inspector of nuisances for St.Germans cers & drapers

Blake William, farmer, Lower Brightor rural sanitary authority Wenmoth Joseph, farmer, Talvans

Blight Emily (Mrs.), grocer Lang Richard, farmer Working Menls Club & Reading Room

BreenRd.Hoskin, farmer, Coombefarm Lawrence William, market gardener (Rev. F. J. Behenna, hon. sec) .

Broad William, blacksmith Littleton Hugh Wm.frmr.High Brightr St. Erney.
Browne Solomon, farmer, Barton Maddever James,farmer, Wise-Wandra

BuckinghamGeo.Hy. boot & shoe maker Menhinick William, baker & farmer Barnicoat Rev. Humphrey Lowry M. A.

Buckingham Wm. Ough, blacksmith O'Dogherty Fras.Blake, farmer, Wotton Vicarage

Huller's Arms hotel (Robert Quick O'Dogherty Richd. farmer,Lower town Behenna Rev. Frederick John [curate]
Geake Charles Blake
Betty, proprietor); every accomoda- Ough John, carpenter
tion for visitors &c Ough Samuel, carpenter, 'Wotton cross Beer William llenry, farmer

Churchward John, carpenter Palmer William, farmer Richards William, farmer

Daw Samuel, farmer Panter Henry, draper & grocer Steed Charles Oakley, farmer, 'frewint

Doney John, carpenter Panter Nathaniel, insurance agent Steed Rd. road metal contrctr. Trewint

Downing William, farmer, Cuttivett Panter Philip, butcher Markwell.

Dyer Sarah (Miss),shopkpr. Post office Panter Thomas, farmer, Mera parks Palmer Edward, overseer

Dyer Samuel, shoe maker IRawlings William Henry, boot maker Palmer Ursnla (Mrs.), farmer
Goodman Richard, farmer Riddle William, mason Steed Mary Ann (Mrs.), farmer

Hambley George, farmer, Cntlinwith Rogers William Henry, butcher Steed William, overseer

LANDULPH is a township, parish and ,·illage, on the pedigree of Theodore Palreologus, of Pesaro, in Italy, a

western bank of the river Tamar, 5 miles north from Saltash lineal descendant from '' the last Christian Emperors of
by road and 2 by water, in the South Eastern division of Greece," who died at Clifton in this parish, 21 January,

the county, middle division of the hundred of East, petty I636, and was buried in a vault beneath the monument;
sessional division of East South, St. Germans union, Stone- the vault was opened about 1795, and an oaken coffin dis-

. house county court district, rural deanery of East, arch- covered containing the body of Palreologus, so perfectly pre-

deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of served that the features, strongly marked by an aquiline
St. Dilpe, standing close to the river, is a building of stone, nose,were clearly defined; the inscription records his descent
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, from Constantine (Palreologns) VIII. Emperor of the East,

aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, with and above it is a double-headed eagle, surmounted by the

pinnacles, about 70 feet high and containing 6 bells, all cast imperial crown, and having each foot on an embattled gate-

in 1768 ~ the chancel retains some good carved stalls : there way : on the wall over the Clifton pew are two mural brasses,

is also the basement of a screen, and in the nave and north with arms, to Sir Nicholas Lower kt. ob. I7 May, 1655, his
aisle are benches with ends boldly carved: the east window wife Elizabeth (Killigrew), ob. 1638, and other members of
of the south aisle contains the shields of Archdeckne, the family, including Sir William Lower kt. M.P. for Bod-
Coryton and Lower: and the Clifton family seats, erected in min: in the south aisle is a massive tomb of marble to the
I63o by Sir Nicholas and Lady Elizabeth Lower, bear the same persons, and there are other memorials to Elizabeth

carved shields of more than twenty families: the rood stairs Clarke, I653; Edward Amerideth, rector, 1661 ; Alexander
remain in the south wall : inside the church, over the vestry Moone, 1734, and various modern inscriptions : the com-

door. is an inscription on brass, giving an !account of the munion plate includes a chalice, dated 1631, with


eover, dated 1641, both gi>en by Sir Nicholas Lower, 6oo acres of water); rateable -.-aloe, £3,036; the popu'atio!l
and another dated 1641, given by .Alexander Lower
esq.: there are 200 sittings: in the churchyard is the in 1891 was 441.

shaft of a sun dial, with the date 1690. The .registers Sexton, William Shepherd.
date from the year 1540, and though defective are
in a good state of preservation. The living is a rectory, Cargreen is a village and hamlet, rt miles nor~h, on
average yeariy value from tithe rent-charge £253, with
residence and about 48 acres of glebe, in the gift of H.R.H. the bank of the Tarnar. Here are places of worship for
the Duke of Cornwall, and held since 1871 by the Rev.
Samuel Smith M.A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. Baptists, Wesleyans and Bible Christians. Steamboats run
There are charities of about £24 yearly value. The prin-
cipallandowners are H.R.H. the Prince of Wales K.G. as to Devonport on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Duke of Cornwall, whois lordofthemanor, WilliamCoryton PosT OFFICE, Cargreen (stamps only) J. Braund, sub-
esq. J.P. of Pentillie Castle, Pillaton, and Capt. Benjamin
postmaster. T9hL. e1e5tnt eaer.amsrre.esc;t embi vooxendectylheoraorrdueedgrhaoPftlfyi5cm·e3o5isuptSh. maaltt.a9swah.e,me&k.
Snell J.P. of Wayton. The soil is loam; subsoil, slate and delivered at
limestone. ~h~ chief crops are cere~ls, roots and _potat~es, days only.
and some frmt IS grown. The area IS 2,686 acres (mcludmg
telegraph office is Hatt

WALL LETTER Box. Cross, cleared at 5·55 p.m. week days


National School (mixed), built in 183o, for 95 children;

average attendance, 50 ; Samuel Hore, master ; infants'
mistress (vacant)

Landulph. Creber Mary ~Mrs.), farmer Cargreen.

Deacon William, blacksmith Barrett Edmond, market gardener

Farquharson Frank, Stockadon villa Elliott Eustace, farmer, Marsh cot- Barret.tWm.Hy.farmer&marketgardnr

Roberts Mrs. Richard, Grove tage Best J oseph, boot maker
• Smith Rev. Samuel M.A. Rectory Elliott Samuel Willing, farmer, Marsh Braund John, grocer & miller, & post

Snell Capt. Benjamin J.P•.Wayton farm office ; & at King's mill

Every Samuel, farmer, Collogget Cloake Frederick, shopkeeper

COMMERCTAL. Hambley George, farmer, Tinnell Gill John, carpenter

Barraball John, farmer Nanscawen William, farmer, Elbridge Prideaux Lewis Reed, Royal Oak P.H

BateJas.farmr.&markt.grdnr.Stockadn Roberts John, farmer & land owner,St. Prideaux William, mason

Bate John, farmer, Grove villa .Ann's Rowe Wm. shopkpr. & market gardenr

CloakeDavid,market gardenr.Ellbridge Snell George, farmer, Park Jeep Thomas, shoe maker

Congdon Charles Warwick, farmer, Snell William Benjamin, farmer & land pear John & Son, coal merchants

West Kings mill owner, North Wayton pear John, jun. overseer

LANEAST is a township and parish, bounded on the and held since r8go by the Rev. Alexander Hawken, of

south by the river Inny, 7 miles west from Launceston, on Queen's College, Birmingham. Here is a Wesleyan chapel.

the Launceston and Camelford road, and 2! miles south of Near the site of the old parsonage house stands the head of

Tresmeer station and about the same distance from Eglos- an ancient cross. In a meadow, in a secluded glen below

kerry station, both on the Launceston and Wadebridge the church, is a well called "The Wishing Well," and known

section of the London and South Western railway, in the also as "the Jordan," its water being used for baptismal

North Eastern division of the county, partly in the northern purposes : the well is cont.ained in a rectangular building

division of the hundred of East and partly in that of Les- with a gabled roof and an arched entrance on the south

newth, petty sessional division and the north division of the side. The late Professor John Couch Adams LL. n., M. A. of

hundred of East,Launceston union and county court district, St. John's College, Cambridge, F. R.A.s. the discoverer of the

rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Hodmin and planet Neptune, was born at Lidcot farm in this parish 5

diocese of Truro. The church of St. Sativola and ~t. June, 1819. Tregeare, the seat of Edward Galton ,Baron

Welvela or SS. Sidwell and Gulval, is an ancient building of Lethbridge esq. J. P. is partly in this parish. The manorial

granite, in the Perpendicular style, erected in 1436, and rights at·e divided between Miss M. Ffrench and E. G. Baron

consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, small north transept~ Lethbridge esq. who with Mr. Joseph Harvey Cardell and

south porch and a lofty embattled western tower with pin. 1· iMs r.claSyam; psusbosnoi'lf,ayslloatre.areTthhee chief landowners. The soil
nacles containing are remains of ancient chief crops are wheat;, oats,
5 bells : there

stained glass, a great portion of a screen : the chancel retains barley and roots, but there is a good deal of waste land and

a piscina and credence: many of the bench ends are carved common. The area is 2,6oo acres; rateable value, £1,664;

and bear the emblems of the Crucifixion : the screen work of and the population in 1891 was 227.

the tower dates from 1846-8 : in the church are memorials Sexton, George Jasper.

to John Squier, 169-, and Gertrude his wife, ob. 1697, and PosT OFFICE, Tregeare.-William Waiters, sub-postmaster.

to the late Professor J. C. Adams LL.D., M. A. ; the ancient Letters from Egloskerry R.S.O. arrive at 7.30 a. m. ; dis-

font has a square basin with carved heads at the corners: patched about 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order &

in the nave are kept the old parish stocks : the church was telegraph office is at Egloskerry

restored in 185o, and has 170 sittings. The register dates WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 2. ro p.m

from the year 1700. The living is a vicarage, average tithe- This parish contributes one member to the St. Clether

rent charge £15, net yearly value £128, with residence and School Board & one to the Warbston United District

5 acres of glebe, in the gift of E. G. Baron Lethbridge esq. School Board

Cardell Joseph Harvey, Ruse Bloye Eli, farmer, Lidcot Northey Thomas, farmer

Hawken Rev. .Alex. Vicarage Brown John, carpenter Penhale William, farmer, Trekinner

Lethbridge Edward Galton Baron J.P. Chapman Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Popplestone John, shoe maker, Badgall

Tregeare Harris William, farmer, Trespearne Stanbury Willia~, farmer, Trespearne

Picken Rev. William Slyman M. A. Harvey Eleazar-,- farmer, The Barton Stevens Robert, farmer, Ruse

[curate of Trewen], Coombe gate Render Thomas Brookes, farmer & land Taylor Sampson, yeoman, Venn

COMMERCIAL. owner, Wolleux; res. Launceston Venning Henry Geake, cowkpr. Badgall

Allen John, cowkeeper Jenkin William, farmer, Badgall Vosper Daniel, farmer, Tor park

Baker Bl. miller (water), Gimbletts mill Johns Arthur, farmer, High hall Vosper Francis, farmer, lJadgall

Batten Charles, blacksmith Johns Waiter, farmer, Coombe gate Waiters Wm.farmr.Post office,'fregeare

Batten Richard, cowkeeper, Down head Jollow Mary (Mrs.), cowkeepr. lladgall,

LANHYDROCK is a township and parish near the high are other memorials to Thomas Trenance, ob. :t596, and Joan

road from Bodmin to St. Austell, and on the river Fowey, 2i his wife; and Lady Essex Speccot, ob. 168g, and a variety

miles south from Bodmin and 1l west from Bodmin Road of modern monuments : in 1888 the church was thoroughly

l!tation on the Great Western railway, in the South Eastern restored, at the sole cost of Lord Robartes; the roof, seats
division of the county, hundred of Pydar, petty sessional and fittings throughout are of oak, in a modern Perpendicu-

division of Powder Tywardreath, Bodmin union. and county Jar style: the stained east window was presented by the

court district, rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin tenantry of the estate, and beneath it is a splendidly carved

and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Hydrock is an reredos of alabaster and Cornwall serpentine marble,
ancient building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consist- representing the ''Lord's Supper:" there are 1~0 sittings:

ing of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled in the churchyard is an ancient and elegant cross, about 8

·western tower with pinnacles containing 6 bells, hung in feet high, with incised shaft, and a bold Maltese cross for the
1888, in place of a single and very ancient bell: there is a head. The register dates from the year 1561. The ],jving is

window at the east end, erected by Nevil Norway esq. as a a vicarage, net yearly value £185, including £1~0 from the

memorial to his wife, Judith Catherine Norway, d. 1848: a prebend of Mornays, in the gift of Lord Robartes, and held

slate tablet, with long inscriptions in Latin and English, since 1876 by the Rev. John James Glencross EveryB.A. vf

commemorates George Carminow, ob. 1599, and Jane Jesus College, Cambridge, and prebendary of Marnays in the
(Lower) his wife, ob. 16o9 ; ab()ove are the arms vf Car- eollegiate church of Endellion. Lord Robartes, who is the

minow, with crest and supporters, and the Cornish motto, lay rector, holds both great and small tithe; the vicarage

._. Cala :Rag Whethlow" (a straw for a tala.-bearer); there house is held of Lord Ro1>artes at a nominal rent. Trebyan


Orphanage,founded by the late Lady Robartes, is devoted to or added include a billiard room, floored and panelled jn

the training of orphan girls as domestic servants ; the prin- oak and ceiled with enriched plaster work ; this room has
cipal cost of maintaining the institution being defrayed by nlso a fine granite mantelpiece elaborately wrought, and
Lord Robartes. Lanhydrock House, an ancient mansion of adjoining is a smoking room : among other reconstructed

the Tudor period, formerly the seat of the Earls of Radnor apartments is the dining room, which is also panelled in oak,
of the first creation and now the seat of Lord Robartee and has a fine chimney piece I 1 feet high and 9 feet 6
D.L., 1. P. stands in a well-wooded park of 200 acres and inches wide, with three large recesses above the shelf: the
nearly adjoining the church: the house was once quadran- old dining room at the extreme north-west angle is now th&

gular, but one of the late proprietors removed the eastern library : the morning room, which has an arched ceiling,
side, and the mansion now consists of a main frontage, with communicates with the drawing room, a splendid chamber
north and south wings, dated respectively 1636 and 1642, of 64 feet in length, with parqueted floor, oak panelled walls,
considerable extent ; a large space in front of the house, two handsome granite fireplaces and a ceiling enriched with

including the barbican, was some time since inclosed pendants; next this is a prayer room, panelled fu cedar:

with a strong erenellated wall, and the *hole laid ont as a the entrance hall is fitted with panelled work saved from the
terraced garden. The barbican, formerly the principal fire, the friere and ceiling being a reproduction of the old
entrance, is a battlemented structure of two stories, con- work; the inner hall has a flooring of Italian mosaic; and
sisting of a central arcHed entrance, flanked by octagonal the staircase is of oak with rich balustrading; there is a
towers, the embattled parapets of which are decorated at the servants' hall go by 18 feet: the exterior walls are of local
angles with pyramidal spirelets, tipped with balls ; over stone, and all the carving, both of stone and wood, was done

the arch are the 1mtials I.L.R. (John and Lucy Robartes) on the spot: the mansion is supplied. with water from a
and the date, 1651 : the south wing and central portion of spring in the parish of Lanivet, about 2! miles distant, con-
the mansion were almost wholly destroyed by a disastrous veyed to a reservoir on a hill at the back of the house, holding
fire on the night of the 4th April, 1881 ; the singular series 75,000 gallons : the total cost of the rebmlding is estimated
of figures pendant from the ceilings, representing Scriptural at about £"8o,ooo. Lord Robartes is lord of the manor and
events, and the collection of pictures, being for the most chief landowner. The soil is loam; subsoil clay. The chief
part consumed by the flames. The rebuilding, carried out crops are wheat, barley, oats &c. The area i~ 1,755 acres;
in 1883-4 under the direction of Richard Coad esq. architect, rateable value, £1,565; the population in' 1891 was 192.
of London, has been completed in the same style as that of Letters by foot post from Bodmin, which is tho nearest
the destroyed work, a considerable addition to the house money order & telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.m
having been made on the south-west, inclosing a new court- National School (mixed), built in 184o, for 70 children;
yard with an area 'Of 34 by 9 feet; the portions rebuilt average attendance, 65; Miss Catherine Henwood, mist

Robartes Lord D.L. 1 J. P. Lanhydrock Coad Waiter, butcher Morris Richard, farm bailiff to Lord.
house; 29 Park lane w & New Uni- Coad William, farmer, Tredinnick

versity, Brooks', Athemeum & Trav- HawkenJas.headgrdnr.toLordRobartes Richards Thomas, farmer, Higher Cutt-
j mattock
ellers' clubs s w, London Hocking- John, blacksmith

Every Rev. Prebendary John James Johns Thomas, farmer, Ford SleepCharles,farmer,Lower Tredinnick

Glencross B.A. [vicar] Lewarne John, resident agent to Lord Trebyan Orphanage (Miss E. F.Anjard,

co:wMER.CIAL. Robartes, Newton matron)

Coad Thomas, farmer, Trebyan Littleton Thomas, farmer, Treffry

LANIVET is a township, parish and village on the high 1 the junction of the roads. St. Benet's, for a considerable

road from Bodmin to Truro, 3 miles south-west from Bod- time a seat of the Courtenays, was restored and repaired in

min station on the Great West.ern railway, in the South 1854, and is now the residence of Capt. Charles El<lon Ser-

Eastern division of the county, hundred of Pydar, petty 1 jeant : the house incorporates portions of a reputed monas-

sessional division of Trig~, Bodmin union and county court tery of the Benedictine order, and the greater part of the.

district, rural deanery and arehdeaconry of Bodmin and front belonged to the original fabric ; the walls are about

diocese of Truro. The church (name unknown) is an ancient 4 feet thick, and attached to the south end is a building

building of sLone, in the Early Perpendicular style, consist- lighted by a good oriel window displaying the arms of the

ing of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled Courtenay, Arundel and Archer families : to the rear of

western tower containing 6 bells: there is an altar tomb of the main building is an ivy-clad tower of granite ashlar,

marble to the Rev. Nicholas Philips B.C.L. a former rector, with an arch 20 feet in height; the upper part of the tower,

d. x8x71 and others of that family, 1823-45 ; a memorial to including the battlements and pinnacles and also, it is said,
John Cody, rector, ob. 1485; a monument with effigy, to some cloisters, were removed by Mr. Grose, a former .,wner,

John Courtney, ob. 1559, and Richard Courtney, ob. 1632, who built a farmhouse with the materials. Lord Robartes,

as well as numerous monuments of modern date and some Cyril Onslow Peter-Hoblyn, FrancisJohn Henwood, Thomas

ancient frescoes: the communion plate is kept in an antique Grose and John Tremayne esq. D.L., J.P. of Heligan, St.

pyx of cuir boulli, conjectured to be of the 14th century: Ewe, H. Dennis esq. Ruabon, N. Wales, and Miss Ffrench

the church was restored and reseated in 1864, when an are the chief landowners. The soil is various; the subsoil is

organ was erected: there are 256 sittings: in the church- slate and dunstone. The chief crops are barley and oats,

yard are two fine examples of ancient crosses ; one of these and there are extensive moorlands. The area is 5,396

is 9 feet high, is incised with a human figure and ornamental acres ; rateable value, £5,687; the population in 1891 was

work, and has a mutilated head; the other, at the west g8r.

end, is xo feet 6 inches high, elaborately worked on each BOKIDDICK, 2 miles south-east, and NANSTALLON, 2 miles

side, and the head consists of a Maltese cross combined with north-west, are hamlets in this parish.

a circle. The register of baptisms dates from the year x656; Parish Clerk, Sampson Downing.

marriages, 1754; burials, 1670. The living is a rectory, PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Elizabeth Thorn, sub-postmistress.

avera~e tithe rent-charge :f.sog, net yearly value £450, Letters from Bodmin arrive at 8.go a. m.; dispatched at

including 42 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the 4-5 p.m. The nearest money order office is a.t Higher

Rev. Frederick Bateman Paul, of Exeter, and held since 1892 Bore Street & telegraph office at Bodmiu

by the Rev. Frederick William PaulM.A. of Wadham College, WALL LETTER Box, Nanstallon, cleared 9 a.m. week days

Oxford. There are Bible Christian chapels in the village, at only •

;Nanstallon and at Tretoil, and Wesleyan chapels in the SCHOOLS:-

village, at Nanstallon and at St. Lawrenee. The Parish A School Board of 5 members was formed October 19,

Institute is a. galvanize1 iron structure, erected in :.;89t by 1875, with Bodmin extra-municipal contributory with 2

the Rev. F. B. Paul, rector 1881-92; it contains reading and members; G. Knight, Bodwannick, clerk to the board

recreation rooms, and is supported by members' subscrip- Board, Nanstallon (mixed), built in 1877, for 6o children;

tiollS. The rents of the pari~h lands amount to about£175 average attendance, 43; 'Thomas Stanley1 master
yearly, of which £1o is applied to apprenticing, £o6 is Endowed (mixed), built in 1009 & rebuilt in 1855, for 120

distributed in bedding and the rest is applied to the support children ; average attendance, 65 ; this school has a

of a school. Part of the population is engaged in mining, yearly endowment of about £8o from the rents of the parish
there being tin mines in the parish. At Fenton Pits is an lands; Sampson Downing, master~ Mrs. Elizabeth Down~

ancient round-headed cross on a. ciraular base and about 7 img, sewing mistress

feet high; near it, by the road-side, is another, broken: at Infants', for 40 children; average attendance, 30;

St. Ingnngar are two crosses, and at Tremoorone placed at Miss Kate Woods, mistress

[Marked thus • receive letters through Serjeant Capt. Charles Eldon, St. Bate John, coach builder
Benet's abbey Bennett William, farmer, R~warrick
Tinney John, Fox cottage Bews Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper
*Henwood Francis John, Tremoor Breen John & Thorn~ farmers, 'fre-
Long Samuel,Woodside,Hooper'sBri~e COMMERCIAL.
'Northey William Henry, Rose hill mere & Treningle
Paul Rev. Fredk. Wm. M.A. Rectory Alien Pharoah, farmer, West downs
Phillips Mrs. Rose hill Arthur Frederick, miller (water) Breen Edward, farmer, Trekillick
Baron John, farmer, Stephengelly
Bullock Richard, carpenter


Bullock William, farmer, Lanet Kessel William, carpenter, Nanstallon *Retallick James, jun. farmer, Higher

Collacott Thomas, farmer, Atley Knight Jas. farmer,Higher Rosewarrick Woodleigh

Colwell William, farmer, Clan Furze Knight John, farm bailiff to J. W. *Retallick James Hutchings, farmer,

Cook Thomas, farmer, Cadwin Coom esq. Barrington Woodleigh

:Francis Hart, farmer, Sanders hill Khight Paul, farmer, Tretail Retallick John Hy. farmer, Treliggon

Geach William, boot & shoe maker Knight Richard, farmer, Bodwannick *Retallic-k Wm. Henry, farmer, Tremoor

Goudge Daniel, farmer, Penburthen Lewis Joseph Jane, farmer, Mena Santo John, farmer, Lower Cadwin

Grose Waiter, farmer, Tremayle Marshall Jeremiah, farmer, Lamorrick Sobey Charles, farmer, Stephengelly

*Henwood Fras. John,yeoman,Tremoor Marshall John, farmer, Church town Sobye Philip Bennet, boot & shoe maker

Hick Charles & William, butchers & Marshall John Charles, shopkeeper Stevens Joseph S. farmer, Clann

farmers, Fenton & Lesqnite Marshall Thomas, farmer, Tredenham Stickland Jas. farmer & miller (water),

Honey Samuel, carpenter & joiner Masters Edwin, farmer,Lower Hill head Reperry

Hooper John, farmer, Tremabyn May Barnabas, farmer, Tregullon Sturtridge Josiah Tinney, carpenter

Hore Thomas, farmer, Laninval Morris J ames, farmer, Cadwin Tamblyn Thomas, Lanivet inn

Rotten William T. thrashing machine Mulberry Tin Mining WorksCo.Limited Tinney John, farmer, Penvivian

owner, Beeches (Capt. Jas. Roach, sec. & manager) Tinney Wm.builder&contractr.Rose cot

Hugo John, farmer, Nanstallon Mutton John Henry, farmer, Foxhole Tremewan James, resident mine agent

Hugo Thomas, mason, Nanstallon Nute Robert Samuel, haulier, Rose hill Trenouth John, shopkeeper

.Jago James, farmer, West downs Parish Institute (S. Downing, sec) TroutRd. miller(water),Hooper's bridge

James John, farmer, Bodwannick 1 Phillips John, farmer, Bokiddick Verran Richard, blacksmith

.Jane William, farmer, Bokiddick Phillips William Jn. farmer, Bokiddick Verran Waiter, blacksmith

.Julian Albert, blacksmith, Tremoor Prosper Wheal Tin Mining Co. (James Wendon Thomas, boot & shoe maker,

Julian I<'rancis, farmer, Newton 'framewan, resident agent) Venton pitts

Keat Nicholas, farmer, Tregullon

LANLIVERY is a parish and village, on the road from up at one end by another of smaller dimensions. Charities

St. Austell to Bodmin, nearly 2 miles west from Lostwithiel of £x8 are distributed yearly. Castle, the property of Richard

station and 2 miles east from Luxulion station on the Foster esq. D.L., J. P. is a mansion of stone and granite,

Great Western railway, 6 miles south from Bodmin and 7 beautifully situated in a well-wooded park, 1 mile south of

north-east from St. Austell, In the South Eastern di\•ision of Lostwithiel, and is at present occupied by William Pease

the county, east division of the hundred of Powder, petty esq. The trustees of the late Nicholas Kendall (d. J888),

sessional division of Powder Tywardreath, Bodmin union who are lords of the manor, Lord Robartes, the Earl of

and county court district, rural deanery of Bodmin and Mount Edgcumbe P.c., D.C.L., L.L. Jonathan Rashleigh esq.

archdeaconry and diocese of Truro. The church of St. D.L., J.P. of Menabilly, Tywardreath, and Richard Foster

Brevita is a fine building of granite, in the Perpendicular esq. M.A., D.L., J.P. of Llanwithan, St. Winnow, are the

style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, south porch, principal landowners. The soil is light, a great deal of

south aisle, north transept and a very fine embattled granite; subsoil, slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley

western tower, with pinnacles, containing 8 bells : the east and turnips. The area is 6,768 acres of land and 26 of water

window is stained, and there are memorial windows to and foreshore; rateable value, £7,553; the population in

Nicholas Kendall esq. of Pelyn J.P. and sometime M.P. for 1891 was I,r88.

East Cornwall (1878), the Rev. Francis John Hext Kendall, Sexton, Robert Sleep.

vicar of Talland (1874), and his wife (r871), Richard Foster Letters through Lostwithiel, which is the nearest money
esq. of Castle ( 186g) and to Edwd. Richd. Foster R. N. ( 1869):
there are many monuments, some elaborate and costly, to order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.30 a.m. WALL
the Kendall family, including a brass with effigy to Jane,
daughter of Nicholas Kendall esq. (1643): there are some LETTER Box, at the School, cleared at 5· 10 p. m. week
remains of a rood loft : there are 300 sittings. The register
days only. WALL LETTER Box, at Sweets House, cleared

at 4 p.m. week days only ·

dates from the year 1583. The living is a vicarage, average ScHOOLS:-

yearly value from tithe rent-charge £233, with residence A School Board of 5 members was formed June 8, 1875;

and 24! acres of glebe, in the gift of the trustees of the Robert Pease, clerk to the board; Thomas Jeffery, at-

Kendall estate, and held since 1862 by the Rev. Francis tendance officer

Kendall B.A. of Worcester College, Oxford. There are Board (mixed), built of granite, with master's residence, in

Wesleyan and Free Methodist chapels at Sweets House, a 1877, for 120 children; average attendance, 6o; Harry

Wesleyan chapel at Pennant, and a Ji'ree Methodist church Greenwood, master; Miss Emma Marks, assistant mist

at Redmoor. Near Helman Tor, Lanlivery, is a fallen Infants', .Boslimmon, built in rSn, for so children ; aver-

• cromlech, consisting chiefly of one huge monolith, propped age attendance, 35; Miss Fryer, mis'.ress

Marked tbus*'receivelettel'llthroughBodmin. Higgs Philip, farmer, Whistow Olver William George, wood ranger to

*Harper John, Boslimmon Hoar Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, Penquite the trustees of .Nicholas Kendall esq.

Kendall Rev. Francis B.A. Vicarage *Hocking John Henry, agricultural Pelyn Tors

Ker Edward, The Refuge implement maker, Sweets house Peake William, farmer, Treganoon

Pease Robert, Castle Jeffery Thos. blacksmith, Church town Philip Joseph, farmer, Colkerrow

Pease William, Castle Keat John, miller (water), Rosenea mill Phillips Jas. farmer, Middle Greadow

Pease William, jun. Castle *Kestle Jacob, cowkeeper, Redmoor Phillips John, farmer, Higher Greadow

Penton Mrs. Cowbridge Kittow William Hy. fat'Uler, Trethevy Phillips Joseph, Crown inn

Phillips James, Greadow Lander John, farmer, Poldew Phillips William, farmer, Rosenea

Sambell Benj. Joseph Wm. Restormel Lanxon Wm. farmer, Lower Demeans Reed Richard, general merchant

Veale John Edward, Pelyn house Lean John Charles, farm bailiff to J. Rogers Albert., shoe maker

COMMERCIAL. Sants esq. Polgasick Rouse Adolphus, farmer, Powderham

Algar William, farmer, Lancrow Lewis Thos. plasterer, Crewell orchard Rouse Fredk. Wm. carpenter, Puddle

Beswetherick Philip, shoe maker Little Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Roselath *Rowe John, mason, Redmoor

Bray William, farmer, Trethew *Littleton Thos. & Albt. farmers, Chark Rundle James, carpenter & grocer,

Brewer Fras. miller (water), Milltown *Littleton James, farmer, Woodlands Church town

Burley William, gamekeeper to J. E. *Littleton John, farmer, auctioneer & RundleWilliamHy.farmer,Church town

Veale esq. North bill assistant overseer, ~weets house 83-mbell Benj.Jsph. Wm.frmr.Restormel

Carter John, basket maker, Sweet's ho Littleton Nicholas Braddon, farmer, SturtridgeElizh.(Mrs.),farmr.Tregantle

Coad Joseph, farmer, Breany Gallows Hill-head 'fmney George, farmer, Redmoor

Congdon Thos. Edwin, farmer, Crewell *Littleton Waiter, farmer, Redmoor *Tregay James, basket maker, Maudlin

Dunn Richard, farmer, Strickstenton *Littleton Waiter, farmer, Pullington & & Sweets house

Eddy John, farmer, Creft Boslimmon Verran M:ary (Miss), registrar of births

Eddy Peter, farmer, Tregantle Littleton William, farmer, Ruzzah & <!eatbs for Lanlivery sub-district,

Freeman John, Sons & Co. Limited, May Albert, farmer, Coomb Bodmin union, Pelyn Tors

Granite Quarry works (Samuel Wm. *May Thomas, farmer, Creney gate Ward James, farmer, Colwith

Tregaskes, manager), Colkerrow Maynard Thomas, farmer, Barn gate *Wellington Thos. Hy. farmer, Bodwen

Grigg Isaac, farmer, Trevilmick Mitchell William, farmer, Penhale Werry Thomas, farmer, Penpell

*Harper Catherine (Mrs.), cowkeeper, 1\Ioffatt Thomas, farmer, Pill Wherry Charles, mason, Crift down

Boslimmon *Netherton Robert,cowkeeper,Redmoor White William Hy. farmer, Milltown

Harper Charles, farmer, Creney Nicholls Robt. farmer, Higher Demeans Williams Sophia (Mrs.), farmer, Blow-

Hawkey John Rundle, farmer, Streigh *Oliver Charles, farmer, Rew inghouse

Hawkey Robert, farmer, Colley green *Oliver John, farmer & miller (water), Wood John, deputy registrar of births

& Trevorry Chark mills & Creney & deaths, Lanlivery sub-district,

Henwood John Rundle, blacksmith Oliver Mathew, farm bail1ff J. Santo Bodmin union

Higgs John, farwer, Creft esq. Penknight


LANNARTH, or LANNER, is a village and an ecclesi- I<'rancis Thomas has been curate in charge since r892. ·
ThereareBibleChristian, Primitive:Methodistand Wesleyan
astical parish, formed December 3, 1844, from the civil ch:lpels. The principal landowners are Edmund Beauchamp
parish of Gwennap, and is on the road from Redruth to Beauchamp esq. D.L., J.P. of 'frevince, Gwennap; Lord
Falmouth, 2 miles south-east from Reclruth station on the Clinton; :Mrs. Ford, of Bencarrow, Egloshayle; Captain John
West Cornwall seclion of the Great -western railway, and Peverell Rogen R.A., J.P. of Penrose, Porthleven ; and Gen.
I~ westlfrom Gwennap, in the North Western division of the the Right Hon. Sir Redvers Henry Buller P.c., v.c., K.C.B.,
county, hundred of Kerrier, petty sessional divisiOn of K.C.M.G. of Downes, Crediton, Devon. The soil is clay, slate
. Kerrier East, Redruth union and county court district, and granite. The chief crops are oats, barley and potatoes.
rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and The population in r 891 was 2,055·
diocese of Truro. Christ Church, consecrated on St. Swtthin's
PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Nanny Lean, sub-postmistress. Letters
day.- 1845, is a small plain stuccoed building of stone, con- through Redruth, arrive at 9 a.m. & 3 p.m. ; dispatched
sisting of chancel, nave, south aisle, vestry, north porch at 10.30 a.m. & 4 p.m. Redruth is the nearest money
and a western turret containing one bell: the east window order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
but not paid
is a. memorial to Thomas Andrew, and was given by his
WALL LETTER Box, Lanner Moor, cleared at a. m. &
widow : in r883 the church was restored and a new aisle
erected: in r89o the ceiling was renewed, at a cost of £7o: 3·45 p. m. ; snndays, I I. r5 a. m

there are 200 sittings. The re6ister of baptisms and marriages Board School (boys1 girls & infants), under the Gwennap
dates from the year I845; burials from r846. The living is School Board, built in I878, for 300 children ; average at-
tendance, So boys, 83 girls & 105 infants ; Richard
a vicarage, net yearly value £ rBo, with three-quarters of an Thomas Richards; master ; Miss Jane Tonkin, girls'
mistress ; Miss Ellen Downing, infants' mistress
acre of glebe, and residenc-e, in the gift of trustees, and
held since 1879 by the Rev. William Baillie ·wallace B.A. of
Trinity College, Dublin, who is non resident ; the Rev.

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. 1 Bray George Skewes, solicitor, & clerk 1NichOlls James, farmer

to Gwennap school board; & at 4 Nicholls Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Blarney Mrs. Lanner moor Station hill, Redrnth Opie Thomas, farmer, Tresavean

Bray George Skewes, Lanner house Bray Philip, farmer Paynter William Andrew, shopkeeper

Curnow Mrs. Vmner hill Carvolth James, coal dealer Peters Richard, farmer

Eastwick Mrs. Harmony cottage Chapel William, tin dresser,South down Peters Thomas, farmer

Fisher William, Grove house Chapman William, shopkeeper Phillips Hugh, farmer

Gray Mrs. Lanner hill Cooke Samuel, farmer, Carnmarth of I Prisk John, carpenter, Lanner moor
Hall Henry Grenfell Curnow Thomas, farmer, registrar Prisk Jsph. beer retailer, Lanner moor

Job Thomas, Lanner hill births & de;~.ths for Gwennapsub-dist Pryor Elizh. (Mrs.), beer retailer

Jones Mrs. Longueville, West Trerarth Davey James, farmer & butcher, & Pryor Joseph, blacksmith
school attendance officer, Bell Reed Thomas, farmer & clerk to Gwen-
Lewis Mrs
Davey William, farmer, Trevarth nap burial board
Morcom Thomas, Trevarth
Duuston Colan, grocer, Lanner moor Rendle Waiter, mine agent, Pennance
Nicholls Wuliam, Pennance
Eathorne James Henry, wheelwright Rogers Thos.Hy.shopkeeper, Lanner mr
Odger John Michael, Rough street
Evans·John, Copper Co.'ssamplingagnt Sandry Henry, commercial inn
Osborne James, Rose cottage
Evans Joseph, tailor Spargo Henry, pork butcher
Richards Joseph
Evans Rosina (Miss), farmer, Trevarth Spargo John, farmer
Richards Richard Thomas, Hill side
Scoble Mrs: Trevarth Harvey Thomas, builder Tregoning John Henry, grocer & draper
Jeffery John, farmer Treugove John, cowkeeper
Thomas Rev. Francis [curate]
Job James, farmer, Bell cottage Tresidder William, farmer, Carnmarth
Williams WiUhm, Lanner hill
Kneebone Henry, farmer, Carnview TresidderWm. bootma. Lannermoor

Kneebone Thos. Hy. farmer, Sth. downs Trethowan William, boot maker

COMMERCIAL. Knnckey Nanny (Mrs.), shopkeeper Uren Henry, farmer, Bnller downs

Barnett Grace (Mrs.j, shopkeeper, Lean Nanny (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,Post off Uren Mary (Mrs.), farmer

Lanner moor Martin James, stone mason, Carmarth Uren William, farmer

Bawden Thomas, farmer, Pennance Martin William, farmer Williams Joshua, grocer, Lanner moor

Blarney Philip, butcher, West •rrevarth Martin William, greengrocer "\Villiams Nicholas, farmer, Tresavean

Born Joseph, farmer Murtow James, grocer "\Vllloughby James, blacksmith

LANREATH is a township, parish and village, 6 miles building of stone, seating 150 people, and has a room at-

south-east from Lostwithiel station on the Great Western tached. A fair is held in the third week after Shrove

railway and ro south-west from Liskeard, .i.n the South Tuesday, usually in March, also on Whit Tuesday and •

Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty sessional November r8th, yearly, for cattle. Court, now a farm-

division of West, Liskeard union and county court district, house, was formerly the seat of the Gryles or Grylls family.;

ruraldea.nery pf West, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese in the house is a large room, with oak panellings, richly

of Truro. The church of St. Ivlarnarch is a structure of carved, and over the mantelpiece, dating from about 'r6r2,

stone and granite, in the Perpendicular style, consisting are the arms of the Gryles and Bare families. There is an

of chancel, nave, south. ll-i.sle, north transept, south porch ancient Roman fortification on Bury Down, and crossing the

and a battlemeuted ~&~tern tower, with pinnacles, contain- parish a Roman causeway called "the Giant's Hedge,'' abGnt

ing 6 bells: there is one stained window, the gift of the 7 miles in its total length: there are also several barrows,

Rev. Richard Pering Cornish M. A. formerley curate here; in which some remains with bones were discovered in

and another to the memory of the Rev. Richard Buller, October, 1855· Herod's Foot mines are in this parish. Sir

53 years rector, and his wife; the ea.'lt window is a William Lewis Salusbury-Trelawny hart. n.L., J.P. of

memorial to a child of the Rev. John Buller Kitson B. A. the Trelawne, Pelynt, who is lord of the manor, Horatio Carlyon

present rector: the fine rood screen, extending across both esq. of Cadwell, Shiphay Collaton, St. Mary Church, Devon,

chancel and aisle, is adorned with paintings of saints, and and the representatives of the lateJoha Fra.ncis Boiler esq.

has an elaborately carved cornice~ on the south side of the .J.P. of Morval, are the chief landowners. The soil is cb-..yey;

chancel stands an imposing monument of wood, erected to the subsoil is killas. 'fhe chief cropi are wheat, barley and

the Gryles family, profusely adorned with emblazoned turnips. The area is 4,879 acres; rateable vain;,, £3,582;

shields and bearing .an inscription in gilt lP-tters tQ Charles the population in r8gi was 524.

Gryles esq_. counsellor at law, ob. I6~r ; and .Annie, his wife, Sexton, Frank Bradshaw esq.

ob. r623; 1t was placed here by tbetr son, John Gryles esq. Deputy Sexton Frank Bryant

in I6231 and on the rebuilding of the chancel, in 1721, was ,' F_r~they·, sub-postmast~r. Letters
repaired by the Rev. Richard Grylls, then rector: there 1'0:lT OFFICE.-Thomas
are various other memorials: and the church has 200 through Duloe R.S.O. arrive at a. m.; ~ISpa.tched at.

sittings. The register dates from the year ISS5· The 3·45 p.m. The nearest m:mey order office IS at D?loe &.
telegraph office. at Polperro. Postal orders are Issue::l
living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge £ 3s2, net
.here, but not patd
yearly value £346, including93 acres of glebe, with residence,

in the gift of. the trustees of the late John Francis Butler .National School (mixed), a buildin~ of stone, erected in

esq. and held since r883 by the Rev. John Buller Kitson r.868, for So children; average attendance, 5-t-: William.

B.A.. Exeter College, Oxford. The Wesleyan chapel is a Alfred Minards, master; Mrs. Elizh. Jane Minards, mist

Kitson Rev. Jn. Buller B. A.The Rectory Bate Richard, shoe maker East Cornwall Powder Co. (Wm. Lobb,..
COMMERCIAL. Bryant Elizh. & Son!!, farmers, Court manager), Herods foot
Cock Thomas, farmer & miller (water),
Andrew Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Ede Wtlliam, farmer, Penadlick
Andrew Samuel Thomas, carpentet Boga mill Frethey George, blacksmith
Barnicott Frank, farmer, Porfell Collins Abel, farmer, Trecan gate Harris Richard, shoe maker
Harris Sidney, farmer, Woodsaw~
Bassett "\Villiam; farmer, Teacombe Da-rey Richard, surveyor

73• • DEV. & CORN.


HarrisWm.frmr. Low.Treire&Polmartin Olver "\Yilliam, farmer, Trecan Tamblyn Thomas, farmer, Bottlett &

Hill Joseph, farmer, Castlemawgon Pinch William, mason Woodley

Hockaday Robert, gardener Richards Albert, farmer, Herods foot Vague John, blacksmith & general farm

Leach John, farmer, Carwen Rundle Rd. farmer, Lower Trevollard implement maker

Lean Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Sandey Elias, farmer, Tregrove West Martin, farmer, Trevalfry

Lean ~oah, Punch Bowl inn Shapcott Saml.miller(water),ShiiJa mill West William; jun. farmer, Willicombe

Mutton William, farmer, Brazemoor 'falling Thomas, farmer, Trecan gate WilliamsHy.frmr.Trefraul&Tregunnick

Odgers Samuel, farmer, Furzedown Tamblyn Francis,farmer,Higher,Lower Wills James, farmer, 'frewen

Olver James, farmer, Higher & Lower & Middle Bearah Yeo William, farmer, West parks


LANSALLOS (Lan Salus, the place of deli\'erance) is a gift of Francis Howell esq. and held since 1873 by the Rev.

township and parish on the sea coast, 7 miles south-by- John Edward Car~hew. There are Wesleyan, Free Methodist

west from Looe and 13 south-west from Liskeard, in the and Bible Christian chapels. A yearly fair is held on the

• South Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty mth July. Francis Buller Howell esq. J.P. of Ethy, St.

sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county court Winnow, who is lord of the manor, and Jonathan Rashleigh

district, rural deanery of West, arch deaconry of Bodminand esq. B. A., J.P. of Menabilly, Tywardreath, are the chief land-

diocese of Truro. The church of St. Alwys (according to owners. The soil is loamy ; the subsoil is slate. The chief

other authorities, St. Ildierna), situated 514 feet above the crops are oats, wheat, barley and turnips. The area is

sea-level, is an ancient building of stone in the Perpendicular 2,985 acres; rateable value, £3,212; the population in 1891

style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, south was 691.

porch and an embattled western tower 6o feet high, with POLPERRO, a small fishing town, partly in this parish,
pinnacles, and containiqg 3 bel1s, of which the first has an will be found under a separate heading.
invocation to St. Margaret ; the ot1ier two, both undated, are
broken: the font is Norman : there are numerous modern Parish Clerk, William Collins.

tablets and some inscribed floor stones : the church under- Letters through Polperro R.S.O. which is the nearest money
went partial restoration in 1883-4 at a cost of about £740, order & telegraph office, arrive at 9 a.m

and has 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 16oo. This place is included in the 'falland & Lansallos United

The living is a rectory, average yearly value from tithe renir School Board district ; the children attend the school at
charge £ 38o, with residence and IO acres of glebe, in the Polperro

Carthew Rev. John Edwd. The Rectory Horsken William, farmer, Windsor & Painter Francis, farmer, Launear

COMMERCIAL. Higher town Pearne John, carpenter

Barrett Richard, farmer & landowner, Julian Wm. Hy. farmer, Gt. Tratford Pengelly Richard, mil1er (water) &

Landividdy Kelly John, farmer, Trigavithick farmer, Tresquite mill

Bate Daniel, farmer, West Kellow Knott Alfred, farmer, Tregue Philp Thomas, farmer, Great tisson

Bettinson Geo. blacksmith, Trenewan Lightfoot Richard, farmer, Treweer Rowe Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), farmer,

Charke Thomas, farmer, Tregamellon Marshall John Coppin, farmer & land- Middle Trenewan

Charke Thomas (Mrs.), farmer, East owner, Landividdy Serpell Joseph,farmer,North'rrenewan

Trenewan Martin John Lewis (Mrs.), farmer, Tailing Elijah, farmer, Daw.3

Coath Geo. farmer &landownr. Raphael Treneddon Werry William, farmer, Treneddon

Ede William, farmer, Langreek May Saml. frmr.Barton &; West Coombe
o'LANTEGLOS-BY-CAMELFORD is a parish, are several interesting remains of ancient crosms, one
which inc·ludes the town of Camelford, ~~ miles south-west these is a monolith 5 feet high and 1 foot 9 in:ilies wide,

from Camelford, 10 north-cast from Wadebridge station on with a circular head, pierced so as to leave~ cross in the

the London and South Western railway, and about 2 miles centre: here a!so, now placed on an islet. in a fish-pond at

west from Delabole station, opened in August, 1893, on the rectory, is the roLmd head of a similal' shaft, carved

the new branch of this line from Launceston to Wade- with a Greek cross, but not pierced; in the centre is a

bridge, in the North Eastern division of the county, hundred boss, and one in each of the spaces between the arms of

and petty sessional division of Lesnewtb, Camelford union the cross; a third pross now at the rectory is believed to

and county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Minor,arch- have originally stood at a spot called " Valley Fruckle,"

deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The river Camel about half a mile west of Camelford, and was for some time

forms part of the boundary between this place and Advent. in use in a blacksmith's shop; the total heiJht, including

The church of St. Lantey is a building of stone in the Nor- the round head, which bears a plain Greek cross within a

man and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel of two border, is 7 feet 6 inches; the shaft immediately below the

and a half bays, nave of four bays, south aisle extending head spreads out on either side into a short rounded arm ;

along the whole length of the nave and chancel, north tran~ another am:ient stone in the grounds, for seTe~al years used

.sept, south porch and an embattled western tower of three to prop up the side wall of an old barn on the- farm of

.sta.!res, 71 feet in height, with pinnacles and a newel turret, "Castlegoff," is 7 feet 2 inches high, or inclu::lingthe tenon

and containing 5 bells, cast in a field near Helstone in 1783 ; at one end, 8 feet 1 inch, and I foot 4 inches wide.; one of

the roofs are enriched with bosses displaying shields of arms, the faces and one side bAar an inscription in Saxon characters

including those of the Coryton, Trecarel and Trelawney of the nth century, arranged in three lines and reading as

families, and there is an octagonal font of Pentewanstone of follows :~'' + ..ELSELTH & GENERETif WROHTE
Perpendicular date: the east windowcontainssomeheraldic THYSNE SYBSTEL FOR ..ELWYNEYS SAUL & FOR
.glass, and the windows of the south aisle retain fragments Qf HEYSEL," i.e. " ..Elseth and Genereth wrought this family

ancient glass, chiefly figures: on the north side of the chan.. ;pillar (sib-stel) for .Elwyne's soul and for 'themselves;!' this

eel are two plain sedilia., and there was also on the same side monolith was purchased and placed in its present position

;a priests' doorway, built up in 1853: the communion table by the Rev. J. J. Wilkinson lii.A. rector (1852-76): .on the

.of oak is a memorial to Arthur Gilbert Harvey; d.. xsth rectory lawn also stands a font of Saxon or very Early Nor-

December, 1872: the north transept opens to the nave by a man -date; the circular basin has an indentad ornament

wide semicircular-headed arch: over the south doorway is romtd the edge and is covered with interlaced carving ami

a cinquefoiled niche; the stoup is now built up: the roof of knot work~ the stem consists of two bold cable mouldings

the porch is ornamented with shields of arms, including those and a band of quatrefoils below. At the junction of several

of Dmham : in the church is a monument to the ReV', Wm. roads near the hamlet of Trewalder is the round head of a

Phillips M. A. 47 years rector, d. 2oth April, 1794 ; and there cross, placed on a square base : at Trevia is another cross

are many others, but all of modern date: the churchyard has with round head, somewhat mutilated and serving as a

memorials to Diggory Wallis, ob. December, 156o, and to John gate post: about a quarter of a mile west of the church, on

Wills, rector, ob. 2oth February, 1654, and there are various an .eminence, is an earthwork called " Castlegoff,'' consisting

altar tombs and many inscribed stones of the x]th century of a circulap rampart about 200 feet in diameter with

and of later date: in :1873 the church was restored, reseated entrances an the east and west, a ditch, and on the west side

and the floor and roof renovated, at a cost of £4oo, under a semicircular earthwork about 300 feet long and 120 wide :
the direction of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect~ the corn- north of this aamp, on the slope, are remains of a much

munion plate includes a silver chalice with cover, dated1576, larger circular earthwork called ~· Newbury," 500 feet in

and a silver-gilt alms basin, presented by Charles Phillips diameter, forming in part the boundary Qf a meadow, and

esq. M.P. for Camelford in 1]68, and bears his arms: there intersected by a road: in the northern part of the parish, on

are 250 sittings. 'fhe register dates from the year 1558, the road from Camelford to Bodmin, is p'Lrt of a third

but there are entries of four marriages previous to this date. encampment, consisting of about 150 yards on the north

The living is a rectory, consolidated with that of Advent, side. Trewint, now a farmhouse, was probably built by

average tithe rent-charge £373• joint net yearly value the 'Hocken family early in the 17th century. Talcarne,

£g6o, including 210 acres of glebe, with residence, in the another old house, r6tains its mullioned windo rs. H.R.H.

gift of H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall, and held since 1886 by the Duke of Cornwall is lord of the manor. The principal

the Rev. Robert James Roe M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, landowners are Lord Robartes, Miss Pearse and Lieut.-Col.

and rural dean of Trigg Min71'. In the rectory grounds Shadwell Morley Grylls J'.P., D.L. of Lewarne House. s~;_



Neot. The .soil is light loam i subsoil, stone. 'fhe chief PosT OFFICE, Helstone.-Jobn Hawke, jun. sub-postmaster,
-crops are wheat, oats and roots. The area is 3,951 acre~ 1 Letters through Cameiford, arrive at 8.30 a.m.; dis-

rateable value, £6,136 ; and the population in x8g1, includ- patched at 3.30 p.m. Camelford is the nearest money

ing the town of Camelford, was 1,370. order & telegraph office. Postal orders are issued here,
but not paid
HELSTCJNE, half a mile south, TREFREW, 2 miles north-

east!, and TREWALDER, I mile south-east, are hamlets. The south-east portion of the parish is contributory to St.

Parish Clerk, Francis Hawkey. Teath united school district, sending 2 members

Inch William, farmer, Val1ey Truckle Helstone.

Lanteglos-by-Camelford. Irons Thomas, farmer, Tregoodwell Seccombe Mrs
Lane John, farmer, Hendra Bassett Daniel, Helstone inn, & farmer

Bake Mrs. Jetwells Lobb Thomas, farmer, Trevia Batten John, blacksmith ·

.Jewell William, Trewen house Mitchell Harry Henry, carpenter, Tre- Burnard John, farmer, Mayrose

Roe Rev. Robert J ames M. A. ,J.P. [rector goodwell Hawke John, farmer & wheelwright, &.

& rural dean], Rectory Northey Sampson, farmer, Pitt Post office

Seccombe Misses, Tredforda Pethick John Taylor, farmer, Deer prks Male Isaac, farmer

Stephens John, Boldulgate Pethick Thomas, farmer, Lobb house Mules Thomas, shopkeeper

COMMERCIAL. Pethick Thomas, farmer, Treathern Stephens Richard, farmer
Petherick Arthur, miller (water) Wood Thomas, farmer

Bake Samuel, farmer, Forda Petherick Thomas, farmer, Pempethey Trefrew.
Baker Digory, farmer, New farm Rogers Wm. farmer, BrQnswick villa
Baker John, farmer, Trevens Roose Elijah, farmer, Beena cottage Cattle John
Pearce Edwin, farmer
Congdon Richard,blacksmith& farmer, Hoose John, farmer, Castlegoff Stephens William, farmer
Slaughter bridge Roose William, farmer, Trarriaganna.

Eggins George, farmer, Redgate Rowland William, farmer, Garmow Trewalder.

Facy Peter, farmer, Forda Sanders Gerrance, blacksmith, Valley Wickett Thomas Copping

Grigg Mary Jane (Mrs.), Sportsman's Truckle Bunt Philip, farmer

Arms P.II Stephens John, farmer, Bodulgate & Hill Waiter, farmer

Hawken William, farmer,Fenterwanson Landsend . Rush Thomas, farmer

Heard John, farmer, Bowithick Stephens Nathaniel, farmer, Trevia Sleeman Joseph, farmer

Hewitt w·illiam, farm bailiff to George Toms Frank, farmer, Trevia Sleeman Samuel, farmer

l\Iartyn esq.of Wadbridge,Trewen fm Webber Richard~ farm bailiff to John Welch Thomas, cowkeeper

Jiill Thomas, farmer, Forda Parnell, of Advent, Pendavy Wickett Thomas Copping, farmer

LANTEGLOS-BY-FOWEYis a township and parish Child, St. Peter and St. Paul. The register of baptisms
r~ miles east from Fowey .station on the Cornwall Minerals dates from the year r66r; marriages and burmls, 1678. The
and Great Western railway and r8 south-west frpm Liskeard, living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £150, net

in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred and income £225, including 8~ acres of glebe, with residence, in

petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county the gift of Messrs. Foster, and held since r887 by the Rev.
~ourt district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bodmin John Trounsell Mugford, of London University. There is

.and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Lanty, dediuateu, a Wesleyan chapel at Highway. Lord Mohun's chal'ity,

temp. Edw. I. to St. Wylley or St. Wyllow ( vid. Assize Rolls), producing £2 ros. is distributed yearly. Rose B:mk,

is an ancient building of stone, chiefly in the Decorated the property and residence of Edward Atkinson esq. is

.style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and an pleasantly situated on the banks of the river at Polmort

.embattled western tower of Perpendicular date, containing creek, and commands a fine view of the harbour. Porthpean
-6 bells : in the south aisle, beneath a recessed canopied arch, is the residence of WIlliam Drew esq. John Bevill

is a low altar-tomb, the upper slab of which bears fine Fortescue esq. J.P. of Boconnoc, who is lord of the manor,
memorial brasses to Thomas de Mohun, ob. 14-, and his Francis Buller Howell esq. J.P. of Ethy, St. Winnow, and

immediate ancestors; these include an effigy of himself in Jonathan R'lshleigh esq. B. A., J.:P. of Menabilly,Tywardreath,
plate-armour.. sh~lds of arms of the-Mohun and Fitz.- William are the cbief landowners. The soil is clayey; the subsoil

families and one unidentified, and a marginal inscription, is slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley and oats. The

now imperfect; below the feet of the effigy, which rests on a area is 3,320 acres (including 125 of water); rateable value,
lion, is the legend:-" \f.l«l!illeant .cundt si.c trnnsit glotiil £5,090; the popul~tion in 1891 was x,432,including Polruan,

munlli:" in the south wall, where they were placed in 1872, a small town in this parish, which is given under a separate
.at the expense of the Coode family, are brasses to John heading,

Mohun esq. and Anne (Code), his wife, both of whom died BODINNOC, 1j miles north-west on the east bank of the

September 8th, 1508, of sweating sickness, witbin 24 hours ,Fowey, and HIGHWAY, x! miles north-west, are hamlets. A
of each Qther ; there are effigies of both, w:ith inscription ferry crosses from Bodinnoc over to :Fowey.

below, figures of 9 children and an impaled and quartered Letters through Fowey R.S.O. which is the nearest tale-

shield: the church also contains some other monuments, graph office, WALL LETTER Box (Bodipnoc), cleared at

and is se'lted with benches, the ends of most of which are 12.35 p.m. week days only. l'olruanis the nearest money
exquisitely carved: there are 300 sittings: in the churchyard, order office

near the south po.rch,stands an ancient cross,discovered about A School Board of 5 members was lormed November 17,
1840 in a trench encircling the <;hnrch wall ; it consists of a 1875; S. Blade, Polrulm, clerk to the board; John Salt,

hexagonal shaft, carved on several sides and about ~ feet Polruan, attendance officer

high, surmounted by an oblong rectangular head, with Board School (mixed), Bodinnoc, a building of stone fo'r

niches inclosing sculptures of the Crucifixion, the Virgin and 50 children; average attendance,4o; Miss Rowe, mistress

Allchln Fredk. Albert, Tredudwell ho Canning John, steward to Francis Mutton Mrs. farmer, Treverdar

Atkinson Edward, Rose bank, Mixtow Buller-Howell esq. Pout Pearce John, carpenter, Bodinnoc

Clements :Martin, Bodinnoc Cossentine Henry John; fanner & land- Phillips Waiter, farmer, Lombard

Drew Williant, .PortbpaJan , owner, Trevidda · ·~ Roseveare Frank, farmer, Frogmore

Good Mrs. Highw&y Couch Jane (Mrs.), miller (water), Roseveare 'fhomas, farmer,Hall,Lema•

Mugford Rev. John Trounsell, Vicarage Lombard mills n lion & Carne

, EdwaFds William, farmer, Colqnite t Rundle William, blacksmith, Pout

COM:MEIWIAL. Giles William, farmer, Essey Stead Edward, shoe maker, Highway

Anderton Edward Dixon, corn & coal Harris Ann (.Mrs.), farmer, Trethake Thomas Caroline(Mrs.),shpkpr.Highwy

merchant, Pout; & at Lerryn Henwood Wm.Ha.rold, frmr.Carneggan Tuckett Albert, farmer, Lanlorne

Ball Frederick, miller(water), Trethake Kendall Evelyn, farmer, Triggabrown Varcoe Charles, farmeY, Lm'Dbard

Blatchford Eliza Ann(Mrs.),shopkeeper, Lamb Charles, farmer, Lombard Walls William, farm bailiff to Edward

Bodinnoc Lamb Elizh. Ann (Mrs.), farnu. Dorset Atkinson esq ·

Bray William, farmer,. Lewhippet Langmead Richd. carpenter, Highway Wevell Waiter, farmer, Tremeer

Butson Nicholas, l<'erry HonHe inn, & Martyn Susannah (Mrs.) 1 farmer, Yeo George, farmer, Pont

ferryman, Bodinnoc Church town

LAUNCELLS is a township and parish, 1! miles south- the parish, but is now (1893) closed. The church of St.

east from Stratton and 7 west-by-north from Holsworthy Andrew is an ancient building of stone in the Perpendicular

station on the London and South Western railway, in the style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south

North Eastern division of the county, hundred, petty ses- porch and a western embattled tower, 64 feet high, with

sional division and union of Stratton, Holsworthy county ·pinnacles, containing 6 bells, of which 1, g, 4 and 5 were

court district, rural deanery of Stratton, archdeaconry of cast in 1751 1 the second in 1826 and the tenor in 1872: the

Bodmin and diocese of Truo. The Bode canal passes through arcades are of gra"Qite, and there is an altar-piece of polished
-• .
' DEV. & CORN. 73...


marble and oak seats with finely carved ends; the figures r885 at a cost of £2oo, which will seat rso persons, and a
represent the different events of the Crucifixion: there is Wesleyan chapel near the same hamlet, built in 1836.
also an elaborate altar-tomb, with recumbent effigy in There was formerly here a religious house of Austin canons~
armour and numerous shields, to Sir John Chamond kt. ob. belonging to the priory of Hartland. Sir George Stucley

1624, and monuments to the Speccott, Spoure and other Stucley hart. D.L., J.P. of Moreton, Bideford, woo is lord

families: the south porch retains a stoup, and much of the of the manor, and the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Dyke ltcland
old encaustic tiling remains in the chancel and other parts bart. P.C. are the principal landowners. The chief crops are

of the church in a good state of preservation: the most wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is 6,179 acres;
remarkable feature of the church is the circular font, reputed rateable value, £3,868 ;·the population in 1891 was 54,.7.
to date from the Saxon period: in the floor of the tower is a Sexton, William Medland.

tombstone bearing a curious epitaph: there are 200 sittings. BuTSPUR, r mile south; CRoss, r mile east; GRIMSCOTT,
The register of marriages dates from the year 1642, the 8 ri miles north-east ; HERSHAM, ri miles n&rth-by-eas~
years prior to 1708 being missing; the register of baptisms and PRESTACOTT, half a mile east from the church, are
dates from 1700, and of burials from 1708. The living is a hamlets.
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £r67, net yearly value Letters through Stratton R.S.O. which is the nearest

£r57, with residence and II acres of glebe, in the gift of Sir money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8 a.m.; letters
George Stucley Stucley barL. and held since 1873 by the are collected at the same time
Rev. John Whit,more Black M.A. of Brasenose College,Oxford. National School, Grimscott (mixed), for 86 children; aver-
'l'here is a Bible Christian chapel at Grimscott, rebuilt in , age attendance, about ,38 ; Miss Lydia Champ, mistress.

BlackRev. John Whitmore M. A.Vicarage Furse Augustus Mallett, farmer, Barton Marshall Thomas, farmer, Bidna

COMMERCIAL. Gardner Adam, farmer, Butspur cross Olde John Cloke, farmer, Prestacott

Banbury Daniel, farmer, Grimscott Gilbert William, farmer, Hersham Parnell William, dairyman, Grimscott·

Banbury Robert, farmer, Anderton Gilbert William, jun. farmer, Pigsdown Piper Stephen, farmer, Ossington

Banbury Uriah, farmer, Bidna Griffin Thomas, farmer, Grimscott Risdon John, farmer, Burne

Baskerville Richard, shopkeeper Grigg Richard, farmer, Brayshill Rudland Edwd. brick & tile manufactr-

Bassett William, farmer, Cross · Harris John, farmer, New Leigh Sandrey Charles Salter,farmer,Scorsam

Beckley William, farmer, Ossington Harris Nicholas, farmer, Sherwick Skinner George, farmer, Grimscott

Blake Wilham, farmer, Lopthorn Heard Thomas, miller (water) Skinner Samuel, farmer, Norton Barton

Bromell Thomas, farmer, East Leigh Honey Edwin James, farmer, Venn Stacey William, farmer, Bursdon

Casely John, farmer, Canorchard Jewell Maud (Mrs.), farmer, Thorn Trelevan William, farmer, West Leigl:r

Casely Lewis, farmer, Morton Pound Jewell Thos. (Mrs.),farmer,Snmmerless Westaway Henry, farmer, Oxenpark

Ching Laurence, farmer, Rhude Kivell William, carpenter · White Thos. Red Post P.H. & carpentel"'

Cleave Charles, farmer, Pigsdown Lyle John, farmer, Great Moreton J Wickett Lewis, carpenter, Hersham

Dennis Thomas, farmer, Treyeo Lyle Thomas, farmer, Grimscott Yelland Abel, blacksmith, Hersham



LAUNCESTON, the "Hanscavetone" of Domesday, is said to a view to a more ample supply. The borough originally

have been called by the name of "Dunheved" (the Swelling returned two members to Parliament, as did also the-

Hill), and to derive its modern name from the appellative ancient borough of Newport, in St. Stephen's parish, but

"Llanstephadon,'l or "Church Castle Town," transformed on the passing of the Reform Act in r832 the two boroughs

into Lancesterton and contracted. Launceston is a muni- were consolidated and enlarged, and returned one member

cipal borough, market and union town and head of a county until r885, when the independent representation was merged

court district, on the border of the county, adjoining Devon- into that of the county by the "Redistribution of Seats Act,,.

shire, and on the high road to Truro and Falmouth. Here of that year. The Bude canal, 21-t miles in length, and

IS a terminal station of a branch of the Great Western rail- terminating at Druxton, in the parish of Werrington, 2

way from Plymouth. There is also a station here on the miles north-east of the town, is now disused. The river At-

London and South Western railway, which since '1889 has tery passes through and the great London road crosses the-

been in course of extension from this place to Wadebridge parish from east to west.

and Padstow ; it is now (1893) complete as far as Camelford The parish church of St. Mary Magdalene, built in 1524-

and Delabole and stations were opened there in .August 40, by Sir Henry 'rrecarrell kt. is an edifice of granite, in

of the present year. Launceston is 213 miles by road from the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of eight

London, 280 by the Great Western via Plymouth, 223! by bays, aisles, south porch, over which is a parvise, and an

the London and South Western railway via Okehampton, embattled western tower, of the latter part of the 14th

24 from Plymouth, 40 from Exeter and 13~ north-west century, 84 feet in height, with pinnacles, and containing a.

from Tavistock. The town is in the North Eastern division clock and 6 bells; the tower was formerly detached, but is

of the county, northern division of the hundred of East, I lnaotwe connected with the church by a room erected by the
petty sessional division of East North, rural deanery of Duke of Northumberland for municipal purposes and
Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. I now used as a vestry: the exterior walls are elaborately

There were originally two boroughs, Dunheved and New- panelled and relieved in the basement with quatrefoils,

port, but they were united under the single name of alternating with shields and fteurs-de-lys ; above is a boldly

Launceston before 1400: Dunheved was incorporated as a 11 moulded plinth, then another course of panelled tracery,

free borough by Richard (Plantagenet), Earl of Cornwall with inscriptions running round the building from the

and Poitou, in the 13th century, and the borough appears I1 chancel door eastward, a shield bearing a coat of arms,

Ito have had a mayor as early as I257· separating each word, as follows:-" Ave Maria, gracie

The first charter of incorporation granted to Launceston plena, Dominus tecum. Sponsus amat sponsam. :Maria.

was by Queen Mary in I553· 'rhe Corporation consists of a optimam partem elegit. 0 quam terribilis ac metuendus

mayor, four aldermen and twelve councillors, with a town, est locus iste. Vere aliud non est hie nisi domus Dei et

clerk and other officers. 'rhe b9rough has a commission of 1 porta cooli ;" above is a course of foliaged ornaments : the

the peace, granted rst July, r89o, but is under the control! battlemented parapet and the buttresses between the win-

of the county constabulary. The sanitary arrangements dows are also elaborately carved : at the apex of the chancel

are under the jurisdiction of the Town Council,who assumed window are the arms of Henry VIII. and in an arched

the duties of the Sanitary Authority on the extinction of the recess at its base a recumbent figure of St. Mary Magdalene

late Local Board of Health on the 9th Nov. 1889, at which flanked on either side by sculptured panels: on the front of

date also the borough was exLended by provisional order, the porch, between the parvise windows, is a niche of taber-

and now includes the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, hamlet nacle work ; below are the arms of Trecarrell, with the date

Iof St. Thomas, and the urban portions of the parishes of St. ISII, and under the windows sculptures of St. George and

Thomas the Apostle, St. Stephens and Lawhitton. The the Dragon and St. Martin of Tours dividing his cloak with
town is lighted with gas by a local company, from works in a beggar, with several other devices: at the east end of the

St. Thomas's road. The town is supplied with water from ! north aisle is an elaborate monument with effigies to Sir

land springs at Trethorne and Trebursye, in the parish of St. Hugh Piper, ob. r687, and Sibella (Parr), his wife, ob. 1704,

Thomas the Apostle, about 4 miles distant and there is a ser- and in the same aisle a magnificent cenotaph, supported on

vice reservoir in the centre of the town; but a better supply is marble pillars, to Granville Pyper, ob. 1717, and Richard

needed, consequent ou the increased population, and the Wise, ob. 1726, both aldermen of this borough, with figures

I;rban Sanitary Authority who have the water supply under of various Virtues, and robed busts of the two friends:

their control, ha,·e (1893) before them seYeral schemes with there are other memorials to Philip King, gent. ob. 1636,


and Mary, his wife, ob. 1626; Leonard Trmse esq. J.P. Hall, in the Western road, in x88o. There is a local Agri·

recorder of Truro, ob. 1653; Emlen, wife of Sir John Spec- cultural Association, a Scientific and Historical Society, and

cott, ob. 1659; Captain Philip Piper (son of Sir Hugh), ob. a Land and Building Co.

1677, and Mary (Gaer), his wife; Cresten (Stokes), wife of The Tamar Club, founded by the neighbouring gentry in

Thomas Bewes, ob. 1679; William Oliver A. M. fellow of this 1872 in the same building as the Savings Bank, in Exeter

collegiate church, and rector of the Free School, ob. 168r ; street, comprises a circulating library and writing and read-

.John Ruddle A.M. 35 years vicar, ob. 1698, and Sarah, his ing rooms, amply supplied with newspapers, reviews and

wife, ob. r667, besides many others of later date: there is periodicals. The Constitutional Club occupies premises in

.also a curiou!< little brass effigy of a female, c. r63o, probably Southgate street, and there is also a Liberal Club. The Laun-

by some local artisan, but without name : the stained east ceston Working Lads' Temperance Institute, in the Wooda

window was presented in 1858 by Edmund Spettigue ; all road, is a building of stone, with Bath stone dressings,

the other windows, save one, are also stained, and six of erected in 1889 at a cost of £1,300, and comprising library,

these are memorials: the church was restored in 1852, and committee and reading rooms, senior members' room, a

the interior is now (1893) about to be restored, at an esti- large ball seating about 250 persons, refreshment bar,

mated cost of £2,500: there are sittin~;s for 750 persons : gymnasium, lavatory and caretaker's apartments; the

in the churchyard, surmounting a modern tombstone, is the present number of members is x8o, all young men between

head of an ancient cross. The register dates from the year 18 and 25 being eligible, provided they are total abstainers;

~:ssB, the earlier portion being a transcript. The is a the institute is supported by fees aud subscriptions ; hon.

vicarage, tithe rent-charge £34, net yearly income £187, secretary, James 'freleaven, jun. SouLhgate street. Chari-

.including 22 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the ties amounting to £r,I34 6s. 8d. in Consols are in the hands

Bishop of Troro, but p1·o Me vice, the Archbishop of Can- of the Official Trustee of charitable funds ; a yearly rent-

terbury, and held since 18go by the Rev. 'fhomas Jackson charge of £2 12s. 6d. issuing out of Hay Common is

Nunns M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. administered by trustees under a scheme of the Charity

The Congregational chapel, built in 1712, stands at the Commissioners, the amount being applied towards church

junction of Northgate and Castle streets, and is a plain expenses; C. R. G. Grylls esq. clerk : the municipal chari-

building, holding 400 persons. The Bible Christian chapel, ties consist of £323 17s. 3d. in Consols, the of which

Tower street, built in x851, will seat 200 persons. The is distributed annually to poor widows and poor of the

Wesleya.n chapel, in Castle street, erected in x87o, is a borough ; C. L. Cowlard, esq. clerk: Lazar Ground Charity,

building in the Early English style, with tower and spire, consisting of a yearly rent of £36 and the interest on a sum

and occupies the site of a former chapel built in x8x2, itself of £360 Consols, is devoted to the Launceston !nfirmary

l'eplacing one formerly existing in Tower street erected in and Rowe Dispensary; C. L. Cowlard esq. clerk. The

1785: the present edifice will seat 8oo people. There is a County Police station, Westgate street, erected in 1886,

.Free Methodist chapel in St. Thomas' road, built in 184o, comprises a superintendent's residence, quarters for four

and seating 400 persons. The Baptist chapel, in Western constables, and the usual offices and cells. Launceston

;road, built in 18921 at a cost of about £700, wtll seat 120 Infirmary and Rowe Dispensary, in the Western road, is
supported by voluntary subscriptions: the infirmary was

A Burial Board of nine members was formed in I881, and founded by the late Sir W. Rowe, recorder of Plymouth, in

.a piece of ground one acre in extent and one mile from the 1862, and the dispensary in 1871 ; there are eight beds.

town on the Bodmin road, acquired, at a cost of £1001 and The town was formerly surrounded by a wall, pierced by .
formed into a cemetery. The Dissenters have a cemetery three gates, only one of which, Soutbgate, now exists; over

at the bottom of St. Thomas' street ; and there is an old the arch is a room formerly used as a place of confinement

Church cemetery, now disused, near the Walk; neither of for prisoners, but now occupied by the LauncesLon Scientific

"these possess mortuary chapels. and Historical Society for the purposes of a museum. The

The Guildhall, opposite the western entrance to the Castle Northgate was taken down in 1834. The town wall, when

grounds adjoining the Sheep market, and erected in 1881, intact, was about a mile in extent, and from 7 to 9 feet

is a castellated building with a tower, used both for muni- thick ; portions of it still remain.

cipal purposes and for the business of the borough petty The remains of the ancient Castle, which is mentioned in

.sessions. The Corporation insignia include two maces, a Domesday Book, are still very extensive and occupy the sum-

mayor's chain and badge and borough seals; the maces, mit of a steep and lofty hill, the base of which is washed by the

of silver and 33 inches in length, are quite similar, and Kensey, a tributary of the Tamar ; the elevated mound on
have beautifully chased shafts and richly ornamented knops which the keep stands, wbich is partly artificial and about 100

and bases, the latter being flat and bearing a representation feet above the river,makes that part of the ruins a very promi-

-of the borough seal in relief ; the heads display the national nent object for miles around : the main entrance is on the

badges crowned, and have a cresting of crosses and fleurs- west, where originally there was a moat, but in 1834 a new

de-lis, with open arched crowns above ; both were given in approach was made to the town, under the remains of the

1679 by Sir Charles Harbord kt. M.P. for Launceston, old tower: from the eastern gate the wall extends to the

.1661-79 : the mayor's badge, presented by Alderman John south-western angle, where stood the "Witches' Tower," a

Ching in x881, is of gold and enamel: the chain, given by structure which unfortunately gave way while the new road

past mayors and their relatives, each of whom contributed above mentioned was being made: from the Witches' Tower

a gold link, consists of shields of the arms of Cornwall and the wall extends eastward towards the keep, at the foot of

.roses, united by a series of ornamental links, bearing the which are the remains of another tower : at the east('rn side

names of past mayors and other officers ; the pendant badge of the courtyard is anothec gate leading into the town: this

~xbibits the borough arms :-gu. a triple round tower, or, is in a more perfect state than the rest of the buildings ; it

within a bordure, az. charged with eight turrets of the had walls to protect the approach and was used as a prison,

.second ; crest, mantling and motto : the borough seal, c. and here George Fox; the founder of the Quakers, was

15 73, is similar, and there is a smaller seal: the mayor's immured for eight months, when committed in 1656 for

robe is of dark purple cloth, faced with fur. The Corpora- distributing a rehgious paper near the Land's End: the

ti n also possess a loving cup of silver, 17 inches high, keep, the most prominent part of the ruins, is about 32 feet

given by Thomas Bowlby M.P. in 178o, and a fine oak in height and 18 feet in diameter on the inside, its walls

chest, carved in front with figures of swans and arabesque being about 12 feet thick, and consists of a circular tower,

foliage. · with an outer parapet and a strong high wall surrounding

The Town llall, which adjoins the Guildhall, and was it, of considerable thickness, containing two staircases

1lrected in 1887, at a cost of about £2,300, is a building of leading to the top, which is crowned with a low parapet :
stone in the Gothic style, from the designs of Mr. Otho B. the tower itself, built of hard blue stone, is entered by a.

Peter F.R.I.B.A. of Launceston and Mr. Hine, of Plymouth, low triangular arch : the approach to the platform on which

architects, and will seat x,ooo people. the keep stands is by a long flight of stone steps: no trace

The Butter and Poultry Market, erected in 184o, and whatever remains of any of the buildings in the court yard,

occupying the site of the ancient assize courts, is an oval and the hall, chambers, chapel and modern gaol were

structure surmounted with a bell turret, containing one bell removed when the assizes were transferred to Bodmin in

.and quarter chimes. The Meat Market, near the church, 1838. The grounds around the Castle have been tastefully

was also erected in I 840. A market is held on the last laid out, and form a pleasing resort (or the inhabitants.

Wednesday in each month for cattle. The weekly markets The Castle was held from the Conqueror by the family of

;are held on Saturdays, and the meat market is also open on de Burgo or Moreton, Earls of Cornwall, and in 1337-8 was

• Wednesdays. The trade of Launceston is principally con- merged in the Duchy ; in 1645 it was held for Charles I. by

fined to agricultural produce, bnt there are tanneries, iron Sir Richard Grenville, but surrendered to Fairfax in March,

foundries and flour mills in the town. There are four banks 1646 : it is extra-parochial. Lord Halsbury is constable of

.and a savings bank. The" White Hart" and the "King's the Castle.

.Arms " are the principal hotels. The " White Hart " is a ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE.-This parish is closely con-

building of considerable antiquity, and the fine old Norman nected with Lannceston, the greater area being beyond the

.archway, forming the entrance, originally belonged to the municipal limits. _\n angle of the parish, forming part of

Priory. The Masonic Hall, a building in the Classic style, in the municipal borough of Launceston, has separate rates

Tavistock road, was erected in x877, and the Oddfellows' and officers, and is called St. Thomas Street Hamlet. The



• r• •

parish is bounded on the north by thff Kensey, which· dis- Act in 1832, but was never incorporated. The church of

charges itself into the Tamar, near Poison :bridge. The St. Ste'phen, the mother church of Launceston and the sur-

church of St. Thomas the Apostle, which occupies part of rounding parishes, is a spacious building of grey granite

~he site of the priory, is an ancient building in the Perpen- and folyphant stone in the Early Perpendicular style, con-

diculaT style, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, south sisting of chancet, nave of four bays, south aisle and chapEl,

aisle, south porch, vestry and organ chamber on the north transepts, south porch with parvise and a lofty embattled

side and an embattled western tower, containing 3 bells; western tower with pinna<.-les containing a clock and 6 bells,

there is an ancient and unusually large font o( ·Polyphant dated 1779, and re-hung in 1892 : the church was thoroughly

stone, carved with figures of an oriental cbliracter! in the restored in 1883 under the direction of Messrs. Hine and

aisle are the remains of some ancient fresco paintings1 Odgers, architects, of Plymouth, at a cost of £1,700: in re-
representing the legend of St. Roque : the chancel retains a moving a modern granite window at the east end of the

cinque-foil-headed piscina and a bracket: the church chancel, a large sculptured stone was found, with a seated

affords 260 sittings. The register dates from the year figure, life size, Tepresenting Christ in Majesty :' on the e¥-

l:673, but the earlier portions are incomplete. The living if' terior of the same wan, at the north end, there is a similar
a vicarage, gross yearly value £150, in the gift of the stone much mutilated, apparentlyrepresanting the Virgin and

inhabitants, and held since 1891 by the Rev. George Bargate Child, and forming the tympanum of a blocked-up doorway;

Fenwick M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. The mission at the opposite end are the remains of another doorway, and

chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, situated at Tregadillett, about beyond the chancel wall, eastward, are the foundations of
2~ miles from the church, was erected in 1875. at a cost of what was either a sacristy Ol' (more probably j a lady chapel,

£1,ooo, for the use of those who reside in that part of the into which the two east doorways opened; it is probable

parish: it consists of an apsidal chancel and nave, and is so that the sculpture of " Christ in Majesty "•.occupied a place

arranged that1 by means of a movable partition, the nave is above the sonth doorway, corresponding with tilat of
utilized as a school on week days. A Wesleyan chapel, "Christ in Humility," above the north doorway, and the

containing 200 sittings, was erected at Tregadillett in 1874. recovered panel has been refixed accordingly ; other in-

Here was anciently a priory of Austin canons, founded in teresting remains were also brought to light and aTe care~

n7o by Robert Warlewast, Bishop of Exeter, and dedicated folly preserved: there are monuments to Marie Pomeroy,

to St. Stephen ; the site is partly occupied by the church of ob. 1630; Margaret (Escott), wife of Digory Prowt, ob,

St. ·Thomas, and portions of the buildings have been incor- 1631; Margaret Prowte, ob. 1674; John Bewes, of Col!l.cott,

porated with the fabric of that church, and also with adja- ()b. 1675, and Anne, his wife, ob. 1675, with others of later-

.cent houses ; remains of the priory have also fTequently been date: the font is Norman: the chancel retains its ancient •

met with in the neighbouring fields, as well as stone piscina and has a new reredos of Bath and Caen stone and

coffins and parts of human skeletons: the fine Norman Devonshire marble, with a sculptured group in the centre

doorway of the priory now serves as an entrance to the tepresenting the '' Crucifixion : " there is a stained window

White Hart hotel. A subterranean communication is sup- in the north transept and in the porch is a b.oly water stou~

posed to have existed between the priory and the Castle! on a new organ was erected in 1891 : the church affords 220
the dissolution of the former there were eleven canons, and sittings. The register dates from the year 1569; many

revenues valued at £354· -valuable deeds and registers, together with a terrier of the.

In I 886, during the progress of works connected with the parish, wer.e stolen many years since, but some were after-

North Cornwall railway, the foundations of buildings on the wards recovered. The living is a vicarage, gros!l yearly

south side of the cloister garth were uncovered and de- value £ 18o, irtcluding So acres of glebe, in the gift of the
stroyed; and in 1888 excavations made by the Launceston ratepayers and feoffees, and held since 1890 by the Rev.

Gas Co. on the site of the Eastern limb of the priory church, Matthew Henry Fisher A.K.c.Lond. A new vicarage house,..

revealed the foundations of the presbytery and its adjacent adjoining the churchyard, is now (I8gg) to be erected at a

chapels, and several vaults and graves were also met with. cost of £·1,ooo, exclusive of site. The old collegiate church.

During the present year (1893) by permission of Mr. T. P. was consecrated by Bishop Bronescombe, October 2grd,
Trood, a local merchant, to whom part of the site now 1259, and it was once proposed that it should be the seat of

belongs, excavations have been made under the direction of the bishop, but Robert Warlewast, Bishop of Exeter {115o-9),..

1t'lr. Otho B. Peter F.R.I.B.A. architect, and hon. sec. of the suppressed the college and in its stead founded in II7D-

I,aunceston Scientific and Historical Society, and the results a priory in St. Thomas' for canons of the Augustinian

are such as to afford new and valuable information both as order, derlicated to St. Stephen, the revenues of which

to the plan of the church and its architectural features, at its dissolution were valued at £354- The Catholic

which appear to be uniformly of the 12th century~ the church of the English Martyrs is a wooden 1Structure,

buildings, when complete, inclnded the church, about 260 built in J:887, consisting of chancel, nave, western porch,.

fe~t in length, inclnding a projectmg western tower 30 feet and a bell cote containing one bell: the Rev. Charles.

square : nave with aisles, having a total width of 6o feet, Baskerville Langdon is priest. The so-called town hall of

north transept, about 40 feet wide, and presbytery about Newport, built in 1829, is an octagonal embattled structure,

6o feet long, with small chapels opening into its western pierced on five sides by tall pointed arches and covers the-

end: the cloisters, un the south side, appear to have bad, base and part of the shaft -of an ancient cToss. The town

including the alleys, now gone, a total length of 90 feet, and or church lands produce £73 yearly. There is also an

were 6o feet wide: around were grouped the usual buildings, ancient bequest left to this parish of 12 penny loaves, to be-

the foundations of some of whJCh have been uncovered by given away every Sunday to as many poor persons ; and;

workmen in Mr. Trood's employ ; these include parts of ws. yearly to the clergyman for preaching a sermon on the

walls belonging to the lavatory, refectory and cellarer'.s t l th of March. The- soil is clay and loam ; subsoil, shelfy

buildings, and the westernmost wall of the buildings on the slate. 'fhe chief crops are corn, wheat and barley and a

west side of the cloister garth, besides a cell, with tiled good deal of pasture land. The area is 3,852 acres~

flooring still intact, and nnmerous pieces of carved stone rateable value, £5,629; and the population in 1891 was

work ; in the area of the church the site of the altar was 1,107.
clearly made out : it stood at the east end of the nave, at a
height of 3 feet 6 inches above the floor, and some tiles Miss A. M. Gurney and the Rev. George Sweet M,A.. of
belonging to the footpace were found on the spot ; a stone
screen, of which some fragments were discovered, separated Sampford Arundell, Somerset, aTe the principal landowners
it from the presbytery, where there was another altar.,. A in St. Thomas' parish; J. C. Williams esq. M.P. who is lord
portion of the most important part of the site, having an
area of about a quarter of an acre, has been offered to the of the manor, Miss A. M. Gurney and Edward Coode esq.
Society b~· Mr. Trood, for a sum of about £rso and an en-
l.P. of Polapit Tamar, are the principal landowners in St.

Stephen's parish. The area o( the borough is 2,000 ,acres.

Borough of Launceston ; - •

deavour is being made to secure it. The area of the parish Rateable Population.

is 2,050 acres; rateable value, £2,803; the population in value. :r8gi.

1891 was 352. St. Mary Magdalene....••..•..~········· £8,417 2,595
ST. STEPHEN'S-BY-LAUNCESTON is a parish on th~ Toad to Hamlet of St. Thomas'..•.... j.~··~···- 2,01~
Stratton and, except a small portion, is now included in the Rt. Thomas the Apostle .••.•. ......... 633
borough of Launceston, separated on the south by th~ river St. Stephen's .............. ~ ......... ,...... ~. 2,401 676

Kensey from the parish of St. Thomas', bounded on the east Lawhitton ................. ,......- ~............ 521 48

by the •ramar and on the north by Devonshire ; here is the ...-+·---

terminus of a branch of the Great Western railway from 4t345

Plymouth, and a station on the main line of the London and

South Westel:'n railway. Theancient borough of NEWPORT, Sextons.~St.Mary Magdttlene, Henry Wroth ; St. Thomas

which forms part of this parish, sent two members to Parlia- the Apostle, John Browning; St. Stephen's, Ml'S\ Mary Ann

ment from 1552 till its disfranchisement under the E.eform Scone. ·


Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M.. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity &Insurance & Stamp I Hanson William Day esq. n.L. White Hill, Bideford

Office, Westgate street.-Postmaster, F. Wood. Lethbridge EdwardGalton Baron esq. Tregeare, Lannceston

HouRs OF ATTEND.A.NCE-Fc•r sale of stamps, registration of Moore John Gwennap Dermis esq. Trewithen, Grampound

letters &c. week days from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sunday from Road

8 toro a.m. For issue of postal orders, week days from Pethick William esq. Lanoy, Launceston

7 a.m. to 8 p.m. For money order business, savings bank Pethybridge Edward esq. Manaton house, Launceston

withdrawals, government annuity & insurance business, Rodd Francis Rashleigh esq. Treba.rtha hall, Lannceston

issue of licenses & payment of postal orders, week days Rowe Francis Coryndon Carpenter esq. 38 Ashburn place,

• from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; saturdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Cromwell road, London s w
For savings bank deposits, week days from 9 a.m. to 8 Tregoning John Simmons esq. Landue, Launceston

p.m. For telegraph business, week days from 8 a.m. to Clerk, Christopher Lethbridge Cowlard, Exeter street

8 p.m.; snnday, 8 to ro a.m Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall first tuesday in the

INWARD MAILS-Hour of Town Delivery. month at It 3:.m. ~h~ ~ollowing places are included in
LETTER MATLS. , the petty sessiOnal div~swn :-Altarn.un, Boyton, Eglos-
k~rry, La~east, Lawh1tton, Lewanmck, Lezant, North
LoEnndgolnan(ndig&hSt)co&tlaalnl dp,aSrtosu7thaa.mmp.t;onar&rivSeosudthaiWlye;stNoofrEthngo-f Hd~, St. Stephens-by-Launcesto~ (part of), St. Thomas

land, week days only p.m.; arrives rt.35 a.m.; pa,nsh (part of), South Petherwm, Tremayne, Tresmeer
Devonport, Exeter, Plymouth & Tavistock, week days & ftewen

only 1.55 'p.m. ; arrives 1.30 p.m. ; Camelford, week Borough Magistrate!'.

days only 5·5 p.m.; arrives at 2.50 p.m.; London (day) The Mayor & Justice are ex-officio Justices •
& Ireland, Exeter, Plymouth &c. week days only 5-5 p.m.; Andrew William, Hillside
arrives 4·35 p.m.; Launceston rural district, week days Ching Capt. Lawrence R.N. r Tamar terrace
only 6.30 p.m. ; arrives 5.30 p.m Hare William, Bolitho's Bank

PARCEL MAILS.-Hour of Town Delivery. Hawkins John, Western ro:1d

London (night) & all parts 7 a.m.; arrive daily (no delivery Peter Richard, The Cottage-on-the-Walk

on sundays); NorthofEngland& Scotland, Southampton Prockter William, H.oydon

& South West of England, Devonport, Exeter, Plymouth Stephens Thomas, Dunheved road

& Tavistock, week days only 1.55 p.m. ; arrives 11.35 Thompson David, Southgate
a.m. & 1.30 p.m. ; London (day) & Ireland, Bristol,
Exeter, Plymouth &c. week days only 5-5 p.m. ; arrives Trood Thomas Pomeroy, Newport house
2.50 p.m. & 4·35 p.m. : Launceston rural district, week Wevill William, Trevell
days. only 6.30 p.m. ; arrives 5.30 p.m
Clerk, Claude Hurst Peter, Westgate
Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall the first

OuTwARD MAILS-Latest Hour of Posting. monday in each month at 10 a.m

LETTER MAILS. Corporation.
Launceston rural district, week days only 6.40 a. m 1892-3.
London (1st day), Bristol, Exeter, Swindon &c~ South
Meetings at the Guildhall, Western toad, 2nd monday in
Devon, week days only 10.25 a.m. (extra ~d stamp, each month.

ro-.30 a..m)

Devonport, Plymouth, Tavistock & Cornwall, week days MAYOR-Councillor John Kittow.
only a.m. {extra !d. stamp, 9-55 a. m)

2nd town delivery, week days only 1.20 p.m. (extra. ~d. tEd ward Pethybridge I,-william Andrew
,John Hawkins
stamp, 1.25 p.m) tThomas Stephens

North of England, Ireland & Scotland, Southampton & CouNCILLORs.

South West of England, Devonport, Exeter, Plymouth *William Butt tAlfred John Bender

&c. week days only 1.15 p.m. (extra id. stamp, 1.20 p.m) *Joseph Ford Geake tThomas Pomeroy Trood

Camelford, week days only 3·45 p. m · *John Kittow tJohn Grylls Millman

grd town delivery, week days only 4.50 p.m. (extra- !d. *James Treleaven tWilliam Lydra Powell

stamp, 5 p.m) tJohn Dingley tWiHiam Prockter
Devonport, Plymouth, Cornwall & Lifton, week days only t Alexander Fraser
tGeorge Graham White
*Marked thus retire in 1893.
5-40 p.m
4th town delivery, week days only 6 p.m. (extra !d. stamp, Marked thus t retire in 1894.
Marked thus t retire in 1895.
6.25 p.m)
xst town delivery, daily 6.40 a.. m Marked thus , retire in 1898.
London (night) & al~ parts, daily 6 p.m. (extra ~d. stamp, Mayor's Auditor, Alfred John Render
Elective Auditors, William Henry Cory & Thomas Headon
PARCEL MAILS-Latest Hour for Receiving Parcels.
Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must be Town Clerk, Claude Hurst Peter, Westgate
presented at the counter between the hours of 1 a. m. & 8 Treasurer, Edward Uingley Pethybridge, Launceston Bank,
Westgate street
p. m. on week days Borough Architect, Otho Bathurst Pet~r F.R.I.B.A. Northern-
Tavistock (day) 9·45 a.m
North of England, Ireland.& Scotland, Southampton & haye
South West of England, Devonport, Exeter, Plymouth Medical Officer of Health, Charles Gordon Gibson M.B.,
C.M. Southgate
&c. r.15 p.m Surveyor· & Inspector of Nuisances & Collector of Sanitary
London (night) & all parts 5.30 p.m
Rates, James Harwood, St. Thomas' road
Launceston rural district (night) 8 p.m
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Lessee of Market Tolls, George Clifford, Northgate street
Newport. Robert Belben, sub-postmaster. Box cleared Market Inspector, John Green, 5 Druckham terrace
5-50 & 9·40 a.m. 1.5, 3· rs, 5· IS & 5· so p.m. ; Sundays 5 Town Sergeants & Criers, Heath &Wevill,Town hall & High st
p.m . Turncock, William Burns, Angel hill

*Castle street, Pillar Letter Box, cleared at 5·55 & 9·45 a. m. Public Establishments., 3.20 & 5.20 p.m
*Dunheved road, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 9.40 a.m. Cemetery, Bodmin road~ Claude Burst Peter, Westgate,

12.55 & 5-20 p.m i clerk to the burial board; Henry Wroth, sexton

*Dutson road, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 8.10 a.m. 3.10 & Cemetery, Thomas st.(Nonconformists),Hy.Barnecntt,sextn

5.40 p.m County Court, Town hall, His Horror Thomas Colpits

*Exeter street, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 6 & 9.50 a.m. Granger. judge ; Charles Reginald Gerveys Grylls, regis-
trar & high bailiff. A county court is held once a month., 3.15 & 5.20 p.m
St. Stephen's, Pi.Uat Letter Box, cleared at 7.40 a. m. 3 & The district of the court comprises the following places,

s.xo p.m viz. :-Launceston, Altarnun, Boyton, Bradstone (Devon-

*Tamar terrace, Wall Letter Box, cleared at 9.20 & 1o.xo shire), Broadwood Widger (Devonshire), Punterton

•a.m. ':I. ro & 5· p.m · (Devonshire), Egloskerry, Kelly (Devonshire), I.aneast.
on sundays at 5 p.m. • Lawhitton, Lewannick, Lezant, Lifton (Devonshire),
North Hill, North Petherwin (Devonshire), Northcott
County acting for the North Division Hamlet (Devonshire), South Petherwin, Stoke-Climsland,

of the Hundred of East Petty Sessional Division. St. Giles (Devonshire), Saint Stephens, Saint Thomas,

Archer Charles Gordon esq. Trelaske, Launceston Saint Thomas street. Treooglos, Tresmeer, Trema.yne,

Collier Arthnr Bevan esq. (]a.rtha Martha, Ca.llington R.S.O Trewen, Virginstowe (Devonshire), Warbstow & Warring-

Coode Capt. Richard Carlyon, Pelapit-Tamar, Lannceston ton (Devonshire) .


Sheriff's Officer, Truman Brighton, St. Stephen's Certifying Factory Surgeon, Charles Gordon Gibson M.B.,

Certified Bailiffs under the " Law of Distress Amendment C.M. Launceston

Act," Henry Short, Northgate street & John Henry Peake, Clerk to' Commissioners for Land, Property & Income Tax,

St. Stephen's Launceston Highway Board & to the Charity Trustees,

County Police Station, Westgate street, Thomas Sherstone, Christopher Lethbridge Cowlard, Exeter street

snpt. 2 inspectors, 3 sergeants & 23 men in the division Coroner for the Eastern Division of the County of Cornwall,

Guildhall & Town Hall, Western road, John Heath, keeper David Thompson L.R.C.P.Edin. Southgate street; deputy,

Inland Re,·enue Office, High st. Richard Hobbs Pyne, officer Wm. Fookes Thompson M. B., c. M. River side, St. Stephen's

Launceston Infirmary & Rowe Dispensary, Western road; Diocesan Surveyor for the Archdeaconry of Bodmin, John

William Andrew M.B. Thomas Henry Hawkey Shepherd Mortimer Strong, St. Stephen's

& William Fookes Thompson, medical officers; Lewis Inland Revenue Officer, Richard Hobbs Pyne, High street

Hicks, hon. dentist; William Wise, dispenser; Miss Inspector under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act &

Catherine Wellington, matron ; William Hare, sec. ; Explosives & Petroleum Acts & Superintendent of Police, •

Bolitho's Bank Limited, treasurers Thoma9 Sherstone, Police station, Westgate street •

Masonic Hall, Tavistock road, John Burt, keeper Sheriff's Officer, Truman Brighton, St. Stephen's

Odd:ellows' Hall, Western road, James Holland, caretaker Supervisor of Inland Revenue, Patrick Joseph Browne,

Volunteer Fire Brigade; Engine house, Western ro9.d: Fire Glenkeller, St. Stephen's

Bell, the tenor bell of St. M:agdalene's church ; George Surveyor of Taxes, Ft·ederick J. Curtis, High street

Graham White, captain ; Charles Henry Hayman & Veterinary Inspector, Charles Parsons M.R.c.v.s. Exeter st

Frederick Downing, lieuts. : Martin Body, sec. & treas Places of Worship, with times of services.
Volunteer Salvage Corps, Broad street, A.lex. Fraser, sec

VoLuNrEERS. St. Mary Magdalene Church, Rev. Thomas Jackson Nunns
2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
M,A. vicar; Rev. Thomas Samuel Kendall M. A. curate;

(C Co.) ; head quart.ers, Castle street: Capt. Thomas C. n a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; & daily 8 a.m. & 5.30 p.m. in
Langdon, commanding; Claude Hurst Peter, Iieut.; John winter & 6.30 p.m. summer
Dingley, 2nd lieut.; Sergeant Harry Musk, drill instrctr St. Thomas the .Apostle Church, Rev. George Bargate
Fenwick M.A. vicar; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m

LAUNCESTOS UNION. St. Stephen's Church, Rev. Matthew Henry Fisher A.K.C.L.

Board day, alternate saturdays at 12 noon at the Workhouse vicar; 8. 30 & II a. m. & 6.30 p. m. ; & daily 7 p.m
'l'he union comprises the following places :-A.ltarnun, Boy- St. Mary the Virgin Mission Chapel, Tregadillett, the Vic!Lr
ton, Broadwood Widger (Devonshire), Egloskerry, Lan· of St. Thomas'; 3.30 p.m. sundays
east, Lawhitton, Lewannick, Lezant, North Hill, North Catholic, Kensey, St. t:ltephen's hill, Rev. Charles Baskerville
Petherwin (Devonshire), Northcott Hamlet (Devonshire), Langdon, priest; mass, sundays & holidays, II a. m. &
Stoke-Climsland, South Petherwin, St. Mary Magdalene, evening service, 6.30 p.m.: week days, 7.30 a. m. in
St. Stephens, St. Giles (Devonshire), St. Thomas .Apostle, summer & 8 a.m. in wint3r
St. Thomas street, Treneglos, Tresrrleer, Tremaine, Baptist, Western road, Henry Smart, evangelist; 11 a.m.
Trewen, Virginstowe (Devonshire), Warbstow, Werring· & 6.30 p.m. ~ tues. 7-30 p.m
ton (Devonshire). The population of the union in x891 Bible Christian, Tower street, Rev. James Cole Bassett; n
was 15,874; area, 10o,889 acres; rateable value in 1892, a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
·Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, George Congregational, C.1stle street; n a.m. & 6.30 p.m.. ; tues.

Graham White, Westgate, Launceston 7·3o p.m
Treasurer, Edward Pethybridge, Launceston Bank United Methodist Free Church, St. Thomas' road. Rev. John
Relieving & School Inquiry Officers, North district, No. r,
William Mold; II a. m. & 6.30 pm. : thurs. 7.30 p.m
George Thomas Perkin, St. Stephens; South district, No. Wesleyan, Castle street, Uev. John Craske Harvard &; Rev.
2, William Metherell, South Petherwin
Vaccination Officers, same as Registrars of Births & Deaths W. H. Chareings; Rev. G. Lupton Allen, supernumerary;
II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; tues. 7.r5 pm

Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, Schools.

Anthony Mann Hawkes, Polyphant, Lewannick; No. 2 The Grammar school, originally held in a chapelry & chantry
district, William Fookes Thompson M.B. Riverside. Laun- at Week St. Mary, was founded about 1450 by Dame
ceston ; No. 3 district, David Thompson, Southgate street, Thomasine Percivall (nee Bonaventure), who was born of
L<mnceston; No. 4 district, William .Andrew,Exeter street; poor parents at Week St. M:ary, her second husba,nd being
No. 5 district, H. Davis, Callington ; No. 6 & No. 8 John Percivall, Lord Mayor of London, r4o8: in the reign
districts, Charles Gordon Gibson M. B., c.M. Launceston; of Edward VI. its revenues became vested in the Crown;
No. 7 district, William Kennedy Taylor, Lifton
it wa.s transferred to Launceston on acc9unt of the incon-
Superintendent Registrar, George Graham White, Westgate venience experienced in procuring provisions for the
street; Deputy Registrar, Joseph Dew Philp, Hendra scholars. Under a scheme dated 6th April, r889, the fund
cottage, Launceston
is now administered by a governing body of 9 persons, of
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Altarnun sub-district, James whom 7 are representative & 2 cooptative ~ the school
Climo, .Altarnun ; Launceston sub-district, William Philp, house & premises are now let, & the rents of the same,
Broad street, Launceston; North Hill sub-district, Wm. together with that of an endowment of £ro payable out of
Metherell, South Petherwin ; North Petherwin sub-dis- the Pal"ce Garden Estate, London, now in the possession
trict, W. Danning, North Petherwin ; St. Stephens sub- of E. G. Baron Lethbridge esq. are now applied in pro-
district, George Thomas Perkin, Langore, St. Stephens
Registrar of Marriages for the whole Union, William Cater, vidin,g exhibitions c alled •· th e Gra mm ar School Exhibi-
tions," each of a ye a rly value of not less th
an £5 n or more
Church street, Launceston; deputy, Henry Symons, than £xs & tenable at any place of education higher th'l.n
Wooda lane, St. Thomas, Launceston
elementary approved by the governors & awarded on
Workhouse, Page's Cross, is a plain block of buildings for examination to boys & girls of Launceston in equal shares
2r2 inmates, erected in 1838; Paniel Downing, master; & to those of the parish of Egloskerry, & to be held for
Mrs Louisa Downing, matron ; Charles G. Gibson, one year : there is also a sum of £16 yearly payable by
medical officer ; children go to the Board school
the 'freasury, but this has been withheld by them for

RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. some years, since they contend that as there is no Gram-
mar school they are not liable to pay the amount
The Rural Sanitary Authority of Launceston consists of all
the ex-officio & elected guardians, except those for the Dunheved Proprietary College, in the road of the same name,
founded in 1873• is under the management of a council
borough of Launcest.on
Clerk, Geor~ Graham White, Westgate street, Launceston appointed by the Dunheved College Company ; the build-
ings were erected in r874: there are scholarships of £,6o
Treasurer, Edward Pethybridge, Launceston Bank
Medical Officer of Health, Charles Gordon Gibson M.B., & of £ u & 6 of £6 each, pesides exhibitions &c. ; George

O.M. Southgate, Launceston Owen Turner M. A. head master; James A. Forcl & William
Inspector of Nuisances, James Frayn, Pipers pool, Trewen,
D. Hawken, assishnt masters; Charles S. }'arsonson

Launceston Mus. Bac. music master; T. C. Reed, hon. sec

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE. Horwell's Endowed School, St. Stephen's, founded by John

Clerk, George Graham White, Westgatc street, Launceston Horwell esq. a native of this parish, in 1707, &reorganized
Attendance Officer, James Frayn, Pipers pool, Trewen,
under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners in 1877 ; 8
scholarships of the annual value of £5 are attached to this
Public Officers.
foundation, tenable from the age of 8, or the date of en-

trance to the age of 15 & awarded by competition to boys

.Assistant Overseers & Collectors of Poor's Rates :-.-St. Mary whose parents have resided for at least 5 years in the pa.uilh

Magdalene Parish, William Henry Rowdon .Atkins, Tower of St. Stephen; there are other scholarships open to the whole

street; St. Thomas Parish & St. Thomas Hamlet, John school, the value of which is dependent on surplus found~·

Heath, Westgate street; St. Stephen's Parish, John Dew; tion income ; the governing body consists of 9 locaL resi-

Lawhitton Parish, James Martin dents, I being ex·officio, 3 representative & 5 -coi:iptative;


Edward Coode esq. J.P. of Polapit Tamaf, is chairman; the Church street, John Brimmell. proprietor & publisher

school furnishes a good middle-class education on moderate published fri. & sat. See advertisement

terms : boarder3 are received by the master, Charles Railway Stations.

Douglas Rosling B.A G. W., George Libby, station m<tster & goods a~ent

A School Board of 5 members was formedFebruary7, 1871; S. W., Frederick Trimmer, station master & goods agent
Claude Hurst Peter, Westgate, clerk to the board; W. H.

R. Atkins, Tower street, school attendance officer Conveyance & Carriers.

Board (mixed & infants), Western road, for 400 children; ALTARNUN-Mutton, from Railway hotel, sat. 5 p.m

average attendance of boys & girls, 160; infants, 90; BoscASTLE-French (van), from Dolphm inn, sat. 5 p.m.;

Wm. Henry Hindle, master; Miss Mary Searle, mistress Sandercock (van), from Dolphin inn, sat. 4.30 p.m

St. Stepben's School Board (ex-municipal) of 5 members BuoE-Cobbledick (occasionally), from Dolphin inn, sat. u

was formed March 18th, 1890; Truman Brighton, clerk to 12 noon

to the board: John Frayn, attendance officer CALLINGTON-Rickard (van), from' Little White Hart,' sat.
Board (mixed & infants),• St. Stephen's, built in 188o at a 5.30 p.m. ; Pode, from Southgate, wed. 9 a.m. except

· cost of [.I,ooo, for x8o children; average attendance, 75 last wed. in each month

boys & girls & 20 infants; William John Davis, master; CALSTOCK-Warwick, from Exeter inn, s::tt. 4 p.m

Miss Jessie Menhinnick, a~sistant mistress; Miss Mary CAMELFORD-Weeks, from Exeter inn, tues. 2.30 p.m.

Ann Gerry, infants' mistress Pode, from Southgate, fri. 9 a.m

National, St. Thomas' road (mixed & infants), erected in CoNGDON's SHOP-Bartlett, from White Hart hotel, sat.

I 840, for 400 children; aver.tge attendance, boys & girls, 5 p.m

162; infants, go; Alfred Lee, magter; Mrs. Harry Thomas GuNNISLAKE-Martin, from Exeter inn, sat. 3.30 p.m

Green, mistress HoLSWORTHY-Pode, from Southgate, wed. 9 a.m

Tregadillett Mission, Compass (mixed), opened in 1876, LEWANNICK-Wakem, from Westgate inn, sat. 4 p.m

for 120 children; average attendance, 63; Jas. Richard LIFTON-Yole, from Plymouth & Devonport inn, sat. 6 p.m

Moon Hooper, master; Mrs. Mary Hooper, infants' mist NoRTH HILL-Wills, from King's Arms hotel, sat. 5 p.m.;

Sleep, from Westgate inn, sat. 5 p. m

Newspapers. STOKE CLIMSLAND-Gist, from Exeter inn, sat. 4 p.m

Cornish & Devon Post & East Cornwall Times, Westgate STOWFORD-Northcott, from' Launceston Arms,' sat. 4 p.m

street, William Lydra Powell, propl'ietor & publisher; RT. GENNYs-Sandercock, from Exeter inn, sat. 5 p.m
WEEK ST. MARY-Horrell, from Jubilee inn, sat. 5 l' m. ;
published fri. & sat. See advertisement

Launceston Weekly .News & Cornwall & Devon Times, Ve1le, from' Little White Hart,' sat. 4 to 5 p.m

PRIVATE RESIDE~TS. Harvard Rev. John Craske [Wesleyan], Phillips Mrs. Lionel F. Mount Pleasant

AllenRev.G.Lupton[Wes.],Dunheved rd Dunheved road PinchElisha, Newport

Anderson Arthur Jas. St. Stephen's ho Hawken William D. (assistant master), Powell John, Hope cottage, Newport

Andrew William M.B. Castle street Dunheved college Powell William Lydra, Devonia, Dun-

Bassett Rev. James Cole [Bible Hawkins John, Western road heved road

Christian], St. Thomas' road Heddon Thomas, Exeter street Prockter Wm. Roydon, St. Stephen's

Bate Thomas Waiter, The Walk Render Alfred John, Roseneath Pyne Rev. AlexanderM.A. Dunheved rd

Body Martin, Bank house Hender Henry, St. Thomas' road Pyne Richard Hobbs, Westfield

Box Arthur Williams, Melrose Hender Thomas Brookes, Landrends, ReedThos.Chas. Wembury,St.Stephen's

Box William, Newport St. Thomas' Rhys Thomas Berian, St. Thomas' st

Bray John, Roydon road, St. Step hen's Hicks Lewis L.D.s. Church stile Rosling Charles Douglas B.A. (master

Browne Patrick Joseph, Glenkeller, ~t. Hindle William Henry, Westgate ter of Horwell's Endowed school), St.
Hooper Ml's. Beech grove, Dunheved rd I Stephen's

Burt .Mrs. Newport Johnson Mrs. Westgate terrace S1rgent Mrs. Dunheved road

Cartwright Austis Hockin John, Lux:- Kendall Rev. Thos. Saml. M.A. [curate Shepherd John, Exeter street

moore, Glencairn, Newport of St.Mary Magdalene],Northernhaye Shepherd Mrs. I Belmont, St.Stephen's

Chamings Rev. William Harding [Wes- Kingdon Miss A. H. Penowl, St. ~hepherd Thos. Wm. Hawkey, Castle st
leyanJ, Castle street
Stephen's hill Shilson Miss, Tamar villa

Ching Capt. Lawrence RN:. 1 Tamar ter Kittow John, West Holm Short Henry, Newport vil. St. Stephen's

CocksWm.2Ridgegrovevils.St.Stephen's Langdon Rev. Charles Baskerville Smart Hy. [Evangelist], St. Thomas'rd

Congdon Charles, Newport [Catholic], Kensey, St. Stephen's Smith Misses, Dockacre

Congdon Miss, Castle street Langdon Thomas C. 2 Tamar terrace Smith Saville, Hendra

Cory Wm.Hy.xGarfield vihtWestern rd Langman Samuel Jones, Dartmouth vil Stephens Thomas, Dunh.eved road

Cowlard Christ'l". Lethbriuge, Madford Leamon Edward, Newport Stevens John L::tne, Tor view, Dun-
j Louis Mrs. Heightleigh
Cowland Misses, St. John's heved road

Curtis Frederick J. Dunh.eved road IMarshall Edward, Race Hill house Stoneman Josiah, Exeter street
Dalby Thomas, Clarence terrace Martin James, Castle street Stringer Misses, St. Thomas' road

Dennis Mrs. St. Thomas' road Martin Miss, Newport Strong John Mortimer, St. Stephen's
Dingley John, Eagle house 1 1\hu tyn Jn. Ley Kempthorne, High st Taylor Arthur (assistant master) Dun-

Doid,~e ::Vliss, St. Thomas' road Mellish Thomas Cotton, High street heved college

DuBoulay Mrs. 4 'l'amar terrace ' Mill William, Broad street 'fhomas Mrs. 'fhe Walk

Dunn Joseph, Dunheved road l\'lillman John Grylls, Western road Thompson David, Southgate street

Eggins John, St. Thomas' road l\Iitchell Mrs. St. Thomas' road Thompson William Fookes M. B. River

Ellicott Mrs. The Walk , :Mold Rev. John Wdliam [United Meth- side, St. Stephen's

Eveleigh Charles Henry, "'estern road odist Free Church], St. Thomas' rd Treleaven James, Moor view

Fenwick Rev.Gaorge llargate M. A.[vicar Nicolls Mrs. Elfordleigh, St. Stephen's Treleaven James, jun. 1- Ridgegrove

ofSt.Thomas'J,Feltonho.St.Stephen's Nicolls Thomas Henry, St. Thomas' rd villas, St. Stephen's

Fisher Rev. Matthew Henry A.K.C.L. I Nunns Rev. ThomasJacksonM.A.[vicar. Treleaven Mrs. Fern cot. St. Stephen's

[vicar of St. Stephen's], St. Step hen's of t;t. Mary Magdalene & surrogate], Trevenen The Misses, Edymead

FordJas.A.(assist. mstr.), Dnnheved col Vicarage · Trood Thomas Pomeroy, Newport

Gardner Henry, Broad street Nute William, Westgate terrace house, St. Stephen's

Geake John, Millways, St. Stephen's Oliver John, 2 Belmont, St. Stephen's 'furnerGeorgeOwenM.A.(head master),

Gifford George Mitchell, 2 Garfield Parson Charles, Exeter street Dunheved college

villas, Western road ParsonsonCharles8tanleyMus.Bac.Lond. Uglow Richard, Wooda road

Green Miss, Westgate street (music master), Dunheved college Vosper Mrs. Exeter street

Grigg Alfred Har\·ey, 2 Castle view ' Pearse Miss, Castle street Warring Robert, Dunheved road

Grylls Charles Reginald Gerveys, f Peter Claude Hurst, Craigmore Wellman Mrs. .Bayswater house, St.

Dunheved road Peter Otho Bathurst F.R.I.B.A.Northen- Thomas' road

'Gubbin Miss, St. Thomas' road h a ye Wenn Rev. Thomas [Wes.], Western rd

Halsbury Lord P.C., J.P. Pendruc- Peter Richard, Carboth villa, Western rd Wevill William, Trevell, Dunheved rd

combe; & 4 Ennismore gardens, Peter Richard,The Cottage-on-the-Walk White George Graham, The Nook

s w; Carlton, Junior Cal"lton, Athe- Pethick Miss, Park cottage White Mrs. The Walk house

meum & St. Stephen's clubs, London Pethick Mrs. 3 Ridgegrove villas, St. Williams Henry, Dunheved road

sw 1 Stephen's Wiltshire Frederick, Dunheved college

Ham James, 3 Castle view , Pethybridge Edwd. ;r.P. 1\lanaton house . Wise Charles Pearse, Prospect house
! Pethybri~e Edward Dingley, Westg-<~te I Wise Ernest, Clarence terrace
Hare William, Broad street

COliUIERCIAL. · Allen Lupton (Mrs.) &; Gr~tchen (Miss), girls' boarding &
day school & kindergarten, Dunheved road
Abbott Frederick, grocer & earthenwar~ dealer, High street
Alien John, mtller (wa.ter), New mill, St. Stephen's
Abbott Kate (Miss), dairy & basket dealer, Church str63t ; Amy Richard, shopkeeper, Northgate street

Adams John, greengrocer, Angel hill .


Andrew & Shepherd, surgeons, Castle street Coombe Thomas, wheelwright, Newport

Andrew Wm. M. B. surgeon, rued. officer & pub. vaccinator, Coombe William Henry, farmer, St1 Stephen'l9 .

No. 4 dist. Launceston union, see Andrew & Shepherd Cornish & Devon Post & East Cornwall Times (Wm. Lydra

Atkins William, cabinet maker, Angel hill Powell, proprietor & publisher ; published friday & satur-

Atkins William Henry RowdQn, assistant pverseer for St. day), Westgate street. See advertisement

Mary Magdalene parish & correspondent for " Western Cory John Henry, butcher, Broad street

Daily Mercury," Tower street Couch Frederick, tailor, Westgate street

Bailey Thomas, baker, Tower street County Court (His Honor Thomas Colpits Granger, judge;

:Bailey William James, butcher, Southgate place Charles Reginald Gerveys Grylls, registrar & high bailiff),

Baker James, tailor, Race hill Town hall

Baker John, ironmonger &c. Broad street County Police Station (Thomas Sherstone, superintendent),

Baker Nathaniel, grocer, High street Westgate street -

Ball Charles Henry, baker & confectioner, Westgate street Cowlard, Cowlard & Grylls, solicitors, Exeter street

Barnicott Henry, greengrocer, Northgate street Cowlard Christopher Lethbridge (firm, Cowlard, Cowlard &

Barriball & Son, grocers, Church street & Southgate place Grylls), solicitor, commissioner for oaths, perpetual com-

.Barriball J ames, dairyman, Southgate place missioner for acknowledgments of married women, clerk

Bartlett Samuel, refreshment rooms& baker, Southgate pl to the commissioners of taxes, to the county magistrates

Baskm;ville William, baker & confectioner, St. Thomas' st for the hundred of Lifton, Devon, & North division of East,

.Bate 'rhomas Waiter, a!{l'icultural implement maker, en- Cornwall, clerk to the Launceston highway board & to the

gineer, machinist, millwright & cart & wagon builder, charity trustees, registrar of the archdeaconry of Bodmin

timber & bar iron supplied, Ounheved iron works & treasurer to the Launceston Savings Bank, Exeter st

Bate William, coal, building material & manure merchant, Crocker John, farmer, Dutson, St. Stephen's

St. 'rhomas' street Crocker John, Smiths' Arms P.H. Langore, St. Stephen's

Beare Albert, butcher & poulterer, Westgate street Crossman Thomas, dairyman, Windmill lane

Belben Nathan, fruiterer, Westgate street Cudlipp William, biil poster, Northgate street

.Belben Robert, 3tationer, Post office, Newport Curtis John & Son, farmers, Trebursye

.Benne'tt Francis Eli, painter, Northgate street Curtis Frederick J. surveyor of taxes, High street

Bennett William Henry, temperance house, Market street Dalby Thomas, professor of music, Clarence terrace

Benoy Emma (Mrs.), farmer, St. Stephen's Davey Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, New mills, St. Stephen's

Benoy Francis, shopkeeper, Yeolmbridge, St. Stephen's Davey Thomas, dairyman, Holman's cottage

.Bickle Edward, blacksmith, Town mills Davey Tlwmas, forage dealer, Western road

Bickle Robert, farmer, Rose hill Davey Walter William, butcher, St. Thomas' rd. & Market

Blythe William, wheelwright, Compass Daw William, farmer, Higher Truscott, St. Stephen's

Body Martin, manager for Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Daw William Mathew, farmer,Scarne

Limited, Broad street Dawe James, cattle dealer, Hendra cottages, Western road

.Body Mary (Mrs.), dress maker, Western road Dennis John, dist. supt. Pearl Life .Assurance Co. Limited,

Bolitho, Williams, Foster. Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited (Con- St. Thomas' road

solidated Bank of Cornwall/ (branch) (William Hare, man- Dennis Thomas Turner, farmer, Carneadon

ager i open IO till 3 ; thurs. till I ; sats. & fair days till 4), Derry William & Co. (of Plymouth), carriers, & carting

Broad street; draw on Williams Deacon & Manchester & agents for the Great Western Railway Co. Railway statn

Salford Bank Limited, London E c Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (Martin Body, mana-

Bolt Richard, farmer, Hay common ger ; open ro till 3; thurs. till I ; sat. & fair days till 4),

Box Arthur Williams, iron founder, St. Thomas' road Broad street; draw on Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom,

Box Edward, iron & brass founder & machinist, Western rd Bouverie & Co. London E c

Box Samuel, apartments, Sunr.yside, St. Stephen'$ Dew John, carpenter, & assistant overseer for St. Stephen's,

Box Thomas, butcher, St. Stephen's Duke terrace, St. Stephen's

Braggaton William Henry, temperance house, Exeter street Dingley, Pethybridge, White & Dingley, bankers, see

Bray John, farmer, Higher Truscott, St. Stephen's Launceston Hank

Brendon MaryPhillipps(Mrs. ), watch ma.& jeweller, Itigh st Doidge Betsy Ann (Mrs.), milliner, Westgate st

, Brendon William, watch maker, Nortbgate street Doidge Richard, news agent, St. Thomas' road

Brighton Truman, auctioneer &c. Roydon rd. St. Stephen's Doidge William Lewis, builder, St. Thomas' street

Brimacombe &; Son, seedsmen, Western road Downing Elizabeth (~Irs. ), tailoress, Tower street-

Brimecombe Thurza (Miss), milliner &c. see Prouse & Downing Frdk.chemist &drggst.& wine & spirit mer.High st

Brimecombe · Dunheved College (The Dunheved College Co. Limited;

Brimmell John, printer, stationer & proprietor & publisher George Owen 'l'urner M.A. head master; T. C. Reed, hon.

of the "Launceston Weekly News," Church st. See advt sec.), Dunhcved road

Broad Thomas George, farmer; Dutson, St. Stepben's _punheved Land & Building Society Limited (Richard Peter,

Browne Patrick Joseph, supervisor of inland revenue, Glen- sec.), Westgate street

keller, St. Stephen's Dunn Joseph, grocer, Westgate street.

Bruton George Henry, London inn, Church street Eggins Elizabeth (Miss), fancy repository, Broad street

Budge Henry, farmer, Truscotl;, St.. Stephen's Essery Henry, farmer, Bad ash

Burford "illiam, Northumberland Arms P.H. & farmer, Eveleigh Charles Henry, wholesale stationer &c. Tower st

Duke street, St. Stephen's Eyre J. S. & Co. aerated & mineral water manufacturers,

Burns William, turncock, .Angel hill Castle Dyke. See advertisement - -

Burt Geo. White Horse P.H. & saddler & ironmngr. Newprt Facy John Martin, farmer, Rockwell, St. Stephen's

Burt William, builder, St. Thomas' road Facy Thomas Martin, King's .Arms family & commercial

Butteris John, wheelwright, Langore, St. Stephen's hotel & postmg house, Southgate street

Carter William, grocer, Westgate street Farthing Jaue Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, St. Thomas' road

Cater William Smale & Co. printers & stationers & pho- Fox, Fowler & Co. (branch) '(William Wevill,. manager;

tographers, Church street open ro till 3 ; thurs. till I ; sats. & fair days till4), Broad

Cater William, registrar of marriages for Launceston union, street; draw on Lloyds Bank Limited, London E c

& boot & fancy wool warehouse, Church street Francis & Son, wine & spirit merchants, Southgate street

Cemetery (Burial Board) (Claude Burst Peter, clerk to the :Fraser Alexander, draper & outfittert Broad street

board), Bodmin road Frayn Henry, blacksmith, Race hill

Cemetery ~Nonconformist) (Henry llarnecutt, sexton), St. Frayn John, blacksmith, & board school attendance officer,

Thomas' street St. Stephen's

Chambers Samuel, brush makers, Northgate street Friend John, Railway hotel, St. Thomas' street

Ching & Son, wine merchants, Southgate street; & at Strat- Fry Mary Ann (Miss), draper & milliner, Southgate street

ton & Tavistock Fry Thomas,. jobbing gardener, Kensey view

Chudleigh Emmanuel, farmer & cattle dealer, Park lanson, Gardner Henry, linen & woollen draper, silk mercer, cos-

St. Stephen's . tumier, milliner, hosier &c.; every description of family

Clarke Henry, assistant superintendent Prudential .Assur- mourning, Broad street

ance Co. Limited, I Castle view Geake Brothers (see J. S. Eyre & Co.), aerated & mineral

Clifford George, news agent & bandmaster, & correspond- water manufacturers, Castle Dyke. See advertisement

. ent for u Western Morning News," & lessee of market Geake Joseph Ford, draper, Broad street

tolls, Northgate street Geake Richd. cabinet ma. & glass &china dealer, Westgate st

Congdon James G. farmer, Hill park (terry Tholllas & Richard, coal &c. dealers & farmers, Hill

Constitutional Club (Thomas Headon, bon. sec.~ Waiter side, St. Stephen's

~ Hambly, caretaker), Southgate street Gilbert Daniel, hairdresser & tobacconist, Broad street

Cook William & Co. grocers, Church street & wholesale Gilbert John, Jubilee inn, Northgate street ·

grocers, Exeter l'treet Gillbard & Son, outfitters & seedsmen, High street

Coombe Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, St. Thomas' road Gillbard Charles, farmer, Bender green, St. Stephen's


G-illb'ard John Thomas, saddler & ironmonger, High street Launceston Livery & Posting Stables Co. Limited (Edward

Grant John Winsor~ monumental mason, Newptn1; John Arnold, manager ; William Henry Cory, sec.};

Green John, market inspector, 5 Druckham terrace offices, Westgate street

Greening Mary (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, Market street Launceston Savings Bank (William Slee, actuary), Exeter st

Grylls {;harles Reginald Gerveys ~firm, Cowlard, Cowlard & Launceston Scientific & Historical Society (Otho B. Peter

Grylls), solicitor, registrar of Launceston county court, F.R.I.B.A. hon. sec. & treasurer; William Wise, curator),

clerk to Grammar school trustees, St. Stephen's church Southga'te

lands & Horwell Endowed school, Exeter street Launceston Weekly News & Cornwall & Devon Times (John
Guildhall &Town Hall tJohn Heath, hall keeper), Western rd Brimmell, proprietor & publisher; published fri. & sat.).

Gynn John, farmer & landowner, 'fresmarrow Church street. See advertisement
Gynn John Henry, shopkeeper, Nortbgate street
Launceston W~igh Bridge Co. (John Friend, manager), G.

Gynn Richard, farmer, Trevallett W. Station road

Ham, Friend & Luxton, coal, corn & 'Illanure merchants, Launceston Working Lads' Temperance Institute (James

Western road & Railway station . Treleaven, jnn. hon. sec.; Reuben Porter, caretaker),

Ham George Frederick, hair dresser, Church street Woodaroad

Harn 'fbomas, wool dealer & farmer, St. Stepben's bill Lavis David, farmer, St. Stephen's

Hancock Richard Avery, jobbing gardener, St. Stephen's Lidgey Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Northgate stree~

Hare William, manager of Bolitho & Co.'s Bank & sec. to Longman John, carpenter, St. Stephen's

Launceston infirmary & Rowe dispensary, Broad street Love Charles, chemist & druggist, Northgate

Harris Arthur, farmer, Scarne Lyne Alfred, insurance agent, High street

Harry Joseph, carpenter, St. Stepben's bill Maddever William, farmer, Duke street, St. Stephens

Harwood James, surveyor, collector & inspector of nuisances Marshall Daniel, Bell inn, Tower street

to the urban sanitary authority, St. Thomas' road McCracken Alexander, draper, Church street

Hawkins & Son, coach builders, Western road Marshall Edward & Co. leather merchants & boot factors..

Hayman H. & Son, pianoforte & music repository, fancy & commission agents for Milner's safes & Bradbury & Co.'s

general warehouse & art photographers, Church street sewing machines, Race hill & Dunheved leather works

Heath & Wevill, bill posters, town sergeants & criers, Guild- Martyn John Ley Kempthorne, solicitor, High street

hall & High street Masouic Hall (John Burt, ball keeper), Tavistock rold

. Heath John, Town hall & Guildhall keeper & assistant Maunder Joseph, pJumber, Church street

overseer for St. Thomas' parish & hamlet, Guildhall Maunder Susan (Miss), fancy repository, Church street

Render J. & H. & Co. bone crushers, manure manufacturers Mellish Thomas Cotton, solicitor, attorney-at-law High

&c. Western road & G. W. Railway station Court of Madras, & pleader in Cochin, High street

Bender Thomas Brookes, tanner, currier & leather mer- Millman John Grylls, posting & livery stables, horse reposi-

chant, Kensey: Vale tannery, St. Thomas' tory & mail contractor, Western road '

Hicks Edward, boot maker, High street Mitchell Joseph, farmer, Atway, St. Stephen'g

Hicks Lewis L.D.s.rrel. dentist, Church stile Mitchell Richard, farmer, Goodmansleigh, St. Stepheu's

Hicks l\Iary Ann (Mrs.), confectioner, Angel hill Morton Mary Ann (Mrs.), dairy, Bounsalls lane

Hillman James, shoe maker, Northgate street Mumforcl. William, farmer, Roe parks

Hocking Robert, mason, May cottage, St. Stephen's hill Musk Sergt. Harry, drill instructor C Company, 2nd

Borne Henry, horse trainer, Exeter street Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry,

Horrell Henry, mason, Exeter itreet Castle street ·

Horrell Mary Hannah (Miss), dress maker, Exeter street Nicholls Thomas Henry, linen draper, Southgate street &

Hortop Henry, dairyman, Tower street cabinet maker, Broad street

Hortop John, boot maker, Northgate street Norrington Charles & Co. manure stores (William Redcliffe_,

Horwell's Endowed School (Charles Douglas Rosling B.A. agent), St. 'fhomas' road

master), St. Stepben's O'Brieu Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, Race hill

Hoskin Alexander, shopkeeper, St. Thomas' street Oddfellows' Hall (James Holland, caretaker), Western road

Hoskin Waiter, shoeing smith, Tower street Oke John & George, painters, Northgate street

Inland Revenue Office (Richard Hobbs Pyne, officer), High st Oke Willhm, tailor, Tower street

Irish, Symons & Co. manure merchants (W. M.Daw,agent), Orchard John, mason, Tower street

G. W. Railway station Orchard William, farmer, Trethorne

Jackett Robert, farmer, Athill, St. Stephen's Palmer Charles, farmer, Goodmansleigb, St. Stephen's

Jackson William Henry, Northgate inn, l'Torthgate street Palmer John, Eliott Arm~ P.H. Compass

James John, hair dresser, Church street Parker George, working cutler, Northgate street

Jenkin Thomas&; Son, farmers, New house, St. Stephen's Parsons & Son, cattle dealers, St. Thomas' road

Jenkin John, carpenter, Trebursye Parsons & Vickery, veterinary surgeons, Exeter street

Jenkins Mary (Mrs.), Dolphin inn, Western road Parsons Rrendo,n, White Hart family & commercia) hotel &.

Johns Williaru, corn factor, 2 Clifton villas posting house ; omnibus meets the trains, Broad street

Jollow Thomas, grocer, Newport square Parsons Charles M.R.c.v.s. veterinary surgeon & veterinary

Jonas John, farmer, Trnscott, St. f::ltephen's inspector, see Parsons & Vickery

Jones William & John, millers (water), Ridge grove, St. Parsons Jane (Mrs.), dairy,Kensey view

Stephen's Parsons Maria (Mrs.), shopkeeper, No-rthgate street

Jones George, marine store & oil dealer, Tower street · Parsons William, baker & shopkeeper, Exeter street

Jury John, mason & dairyman, St. Thomas' street Peake Charles Edwin, tailor, Church street

Kittow John F.S.I. land agent, surveyor & auctioneer, & Peake John H. certified ba1liff & emigration agent, 5 New-

estate agent for Edward Coode esq. J.P. (Polapit Tamar)& port terrace

Horatio Carlyon esq. (Witherdon estate, Germans week), Pearce Edward, watch maker & jeweller, Sou~hgate place

& insurance agent, West holm Perkin George Thomas, relieving officer No. J; district,.

Kittow Jonathan, dairy, St. Stephen's Launceston union, Langore, St. Stephen's

Kneebone Fredk. Darton, glass & china dealer, High street Perkin Samuel, farmer, Lower Truscott, St. Stephen's

Lane William Ernest, shoe maker, St. Stephen's hill Perry WilHam, Plymouth & Devonport inn, Exeter street

Lang William, baker & shopkeeper, Broad street Peter & Wenn, auctioneers &c. Westgate street

Langdon James, farmer, Langore, St. Stephen's Peter & Son, solicitors, Westgate

Langman George, brush maker, Western road Peter Claude Hurst (firm, Peter & Son), solicitor, commis-

Lannceston Agricultural Association(John Kittow, jun. sec.), sioner for oaths, town clerk, clerk to the borough justices,.

West holm clerk to the school board & clerk to the St. Mary Magda.-

Launceston Bank (Dingley, Pethybridge, White & Dingley), lene burial board, Westgate

open 10 till 3; thurs. till 1 ; sats. & fair days till 4; bead Peter Otho Bathurst F.R.I.B.A. architect, Nortbernhaye

office, Westgate street; draw on Union Bank of London Peter- Richard (firm, Peter & Son), pE-rpetual commissioner-

Limited, London E c & commissioner for oaths, The Cottage-on-the-Walk

Launceston Gas Co. Limited (James 'freleaven, sen. sec. & Pethick William Henry, Little White H'lrt P.ll. High street

manager); offices & works, St. Thomas' road . Pethybridge, Reed & Co. tanners, St. Thomas'

Launceston Infirmary & Row6 Dispensary (William Andrew Phillips Robert, outfitter, Race hill

M. B. Thomas William Hawkey Shepherd & David Thomp- Philp Thomas, veterinary surgeon, Westgate street

son L. R.C.P.Edin. medical officers~ Lewis Hicks-, hon. Philp William, registrar of births & deaths & vaccinatidf1.

dentist; Robins, Foster & (/o. treasurers; William Hare, officer for Launceston sub-district, Broad street

sec.~ William W1se,dispenser; Miss Catherine Wellington, Pihch Wm. refreshment house & b3.Sket maker, Westgate st

mati-ort), Western road Pitts, Son & King, merchants & m'lltsters(William H.Pearse,
I..aunceston Land & Building Co. Limited ('the) (W. H. .'R. agent), 8. W. Railway station

· .Atkins, sec.), Tower street l'ode William, shopkeeper & rope maker, Southgate place

Launceston Liberal Association & Reading Room (William PoweU William Lydra1 proprietor & publisher of •• The Cor-.
Henry Cory, hon sec) nish & De\'on Post," Westgate street. See advertisement


Prideaux John Henry, Launceston Arms P.H. Exeter street Thompson & Thompson, physicians & surgeons, Southgate

Prior William, dairyman, Woburu street & River side, St. Stepheu's

Prockter William, ironmonger, Southgate street Thompson David L.R.C.P.Edin. (firm, Thompson & Thomp·

Pronse & Brimecombe, milliners & dress makers, Tower st son), physician & surgeon, medical officer & public vac.

Prout James Henry, tailor & outfitter, Southgate place cinator No. 3 district, Launceston union, county coroner

Prout John, shopkeeper, Tower street & brigade-surgeon-lt.-colonel Plymouth Volunteer

Prout Thomas, carpenter, Rockwell, St. Stephen's Infantry Bri~ade, Southgate street

Prust Albert, boot maker, Southgate street Thompson William Fookes ){.B., C.M.Edin, (firm, Thompson

Pyne Richard Hobbs, inland revenue officer, High street & Thompson), physician & surgeon, & medical officer &

Raddall Jesse Sketchley, saddler & harness ma. SG'uthgate pl public vaccinaLor for No. 2 district, Launceston union, &

Raddall Philip John, saddler & harness maker, Westgate st deputy county coroner, River side, St. Stephen's

Redcliffe William, coal &c. merchant, St. Thomas' road· Thorne William White, shoe maker, Tower street

Redstone William, dairyman, St. Thomas' road Tinney John, mason, Western road

Reed John, baker & confectioner, Westgate street Tippett John, farmer, Cargentle, St. Stephen's

Reed Thomas Charles, tanner, see Pethybridge, Reed & Co Toms Joseph, painter & glazier, St. Thomas' street

Rhys Thomas Berian, private school for boys, St. Thomas' st Treleaven James & Son, tailors & outfitters, hatters &

Richards William Atwill, t':l.ilor, Northgate street hosiers, Broad street

Robbins Edward, butcher, Pendruccombe Treleaven Henry Vincent, grocer & china dlr. Southgate pi

Robbins William, farmer & dairyman, Pendruccombe Trethewey George Henry, baker, Church street

Robins Henry, farmer, Kestle Trood Thomas Pomeroy & Co. corn, coal, manure &general

Rogers Mary Maria (Miss), dress m'l.ker, Tower street merchants & dealers in building materials, Launceston;

Rowe Edward, .boot, shoe & furniture dealer, High street & corn & coal merchants at Saltash & at Tresmeer

Rowe Florence Lavinia (Miss), dairy, Northgate street Tubb Henry, farmer, Tredidon

Rundle Amos Crymes & Son, farmers & butchers, Colhay, Veale George, shoe maker, Tower street

St. Stephen's Veale John, Westgate inn, Westgate street

Salvation Army Barracks, Tower street Vickery John Tucker M.R.c.v.s.L. veterinary surgeon, see

Sambells Cyrus, sen. farmer, Newchurch, St. Stephen's Parsons & Vickl\ry ·

Sandercock WilliamJohn, farmer, Underwood, St. Stephen's Vivian & Sons, manure stores (Jsph. Harry; agent), Newprt

Scown William, coach builder, Tower street Vivian George William, painter & glazier, Westgate street

Searle John, farmer, Hendergreen, St. Stephen's Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry·

Shand Jessie (Mrs.), day school, 3 Avenue place, The Walk (C Co.) (Capt. Thomas C. Langdon, commanding; Lieut.

Sharland Ephraim, builder, Kensey place Claude Hurst Peter; 2nd Lieut. John Dingley; Sergeant

Shearm Thomas, wine, spirit & ale merchant, Broad street Harry Musk, drill instrul:tor); headquarters &armoury,

Shepherd Thos. Wm.Hawkey,surgn. see Andrew & Shepherd Castle street

Sherstone Thomas, superintendent of police, inspector under Volunteer Fire Brigade (George Graham White, capt.;

the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act & Explosives & Martin Body, sec. & treas.); Engine house, Western road

Petroleum Acts, Police station, Westgate street Volunteer Salvage Corps (Alexander Fraser, sec.), Broad st

Short H. & Co. auctioneers &c. Newport villa, St. Stephen's Wainwright J. & Son (of Plymouth), carriers, & carting

Shuker Charles Beddoes, chemist & grocer, & agent for W. agents for the London & South Western Railway Co.

& A. Gilbey Limited, wine & spirit merchants, Church st 1 Railway station .

Shute William & Son, farmers, Kerwick, St. Stephen's Waiter Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Duke st. St. Stephen's

Shute Titus, farmer, Trewithick, St. Stephen's Warring Charles, farmer & butcher, Pennygillam

Sillifant William, builder, & refreshment rooms, L. & S. W. Weighell Waiter, printer, bookseller, wholesale & retail

Railway Station road stationer, paper & paper bag merchant & proprietor of

Singer Manufacturing Co. (Ernest Harris, agent), High st the "Picturesque Guide to North Cornwall," Westgate st

Slee William, bookseller & stationer & assessor of income Wenmoth Alfred George, ironmonger &c. Broad street

tax & actuary to Launceston Savings Bank, Church st Wenn Thomas Nicholas, auctioneer, see Peter & Wenn

Sleep Samuel, farmer, 'frevallett Wesleyan Institute (The) (Thos.Chas. Reed, pres.),Castle st

Smale Alfred John, carpenter, Dock acre Western Subscription Rooms (let for meetings, sales &c.)

Smale Thomas, boot maker, Broad street (William Henry Cory, manager), Westgate street

Smith C. L., S. F. & F. E. B. (Misses), girls' boarding &day Wevill John, carpenter & china dealer, Tower street

school, I Avenue place, The Walk Wevill Robert, saddler & harness maker, High street

Spence Elizabeth (Mrs.), draper, High street Wevill William, mangr.of Fox,Fowler & Co's.Bank,Broad st
Stacey Charles, farmer & miller (water), Tc~.nkerslake White George Graham, solicitor, commissioner for taking

Stephens Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, Western road acknowledgments of married women for Cornwall &

Stephens Thomas, draper, Broad street Devon, superintendent registrar, clerk to the Launceston

Stevens John Lane, solicitor, Northgate street board of guardians &the rural sanitary authority & assess-

Strike George Henry, builder, Western road ment&schoolattendancecommitteesofLaunceston union,

.Stringer Caroline&Emma (.Misses),girls' schl.St. Thomas' rd clerk to the Launceston Gas Company Limited &; liberal

Strong John Mortirner, land agent, surveyor, & diocesan registration agent for the N. East of J...aunceston parlia-

surveyor for the archdeaconry of Bodmm, St. Stephen's mentary division of Cornwall, Westgate street

& High street White Hart family&. commercial hotel & posting

Symons John &Son, watch makers &jewellers, Church st house (Brendon Parsons, proprietor), Broad street

Symons Henry, deputy registrar of marriages for Launces- Whitford Arthur, tinplate worker, Race hill

ton union, Wooda lane · Wickett Jethro, grocer, Wooda road

Symons Samuel, farmer, Ridgegrove, St. Stephen's Wise & Wise, architects & surveyors, & building surveyors

Symons Thomas, grocer & provision merchant, sporting to His Grace the Duke of Bedford, Western road

goods depot, cartridges, guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, Wise Charles Pearse, architect & surveyor, see Wise &Wise

fretwork material &c. &c. Supply stores, Broad street Wise Ernest, architect & surveyor, see Wise & Wise

Tabb Mary Ann (Mrs.), stay h1aker, Dunheved road Wise William, chemist & druggist, Broad street

Tamar Club (William Latham Nicholls, sec.), Exeter street Wivell Robert, mason, St. Thomas' street

Tawton William, shopkeeper, Langore, St. Stephen's Wonnacott John, cattle dealer, Newport

Taylor Richard, chimney sweeper, Northgate street · Wood Thomas, Exeter inn, High street

Thomas John, tailor, Westgate street Yeo Ann (Mrs.), dairy, Tower street

LAWHITTON is a village and parish near the river bears the Bennett arms : there are also inscribed floor-stones

Tamar and partly included in the municipal borough of to members of the family, including one to Richard Bennett,
Launceston, 2~ miles south-east from Launceston stations ob. 16r9, and a monument to Robert Bennett, of Hexworthy,
on the Great Western and London and South Western rail- esq. ob. r683 : the church was partially restored about 186o,
ways, in the North Eastern division of the county, Launces- and again in 1873, under the direction of the late Mr. J. D.
ton union and county court district, and in the northern Sedding, architect. The register dates from the year 1640.
division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £372, average
East North, rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of £282, net yearly value £321, including II2 acres of glebe,
Bodmin and diocese of 'l'ruro. The church of St. Michael with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held
is an ancient building of stone, in the Decorated and Early since 1892 by the Ven. Henry Houssemayne DuBoulay M.A.
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of five bays, of Exeter College, Oxford, archdeacon of Bodmin, hon.
south aisle, south porch and an embattled tower on the canon of Truro and surrogate, The manor of Lawhitton
.south side, with pinnacles, containing 6 bells: the east and was given to the bishopric of Crediton by Edward the Elder
west windows and two others are stained: the font has a in 905, and the ruins of the episcopal palace still remain.
massive square basin formed nut of a solid block of Poly- The manor is now in the hands of the Ecclesiastical Com-
phant stone, with carved heads at the corners: the south missioners, who with 1<', B. Leonard esq. are the principal
porch retains a holy water stoup: the pulpit, dated _1665, landowners. The soil is clayey; subsoil, sandy gravel.


The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley. 'rhe area is .

2,629 acres; rateable value, £3,236; the population in 189I p!Ltched at g.2o a.m. & 4.10 p.m. week days & g.2o a m.
on sundays. The nearest money order & telegraph office
was g6r. .
is at L':mnceston
PosT OFFICE.-1\Iiss Charity Masters, sub-postmistress. National School (mixed), for 134 children; average attend-

Letters through Launceston arrive about 7·35 a. m. ; dis- ance, 48; Thomas Golledge, master

Du Boulay Ven. Henry Houssemayne Coombe William, carpenter Masters Thomas, blacksmith
lll.A. [rector, archdeacon o( Bodmin, Cory Jn. b.:1tcher & farmer, Kensey vil Metters Josiah, farmer, Treniffie
hon. canon of Truro & surrogate], Dawe William, farmer, Bulsworthy Rockey George, farmer & butcher~
Rectory Dawe William, farmer, HigherBawham
Dennis Martlm (Mrs.), dairy, 'rregada Stourscombe
Buyers John Walker, Lower Hexworthy Scoffern Samuel, farmer, Dewcombe
Harvey Wm.farmer&landownr.Newton
Morshead Miss, Treniffie Hocken William, farmer,Low.Bamham Symons Richard, farmer, Traga.da
Oxley Col. Charles Rawson, Stourscmbe J ackman J ames & Thomas, farmers & Thompson William, shoe maker
Vosper Chas. butcher, Middle Bamham
COMMERCIAL. cattle dealers, St. Leonard's Weeks Richard &Sons, farmers, thrash-
Barriball Charles, Bennett's Arms P.H. Lancaster Norman, dairyman
Lobb George, farmer, The Barton ing machine & traction engine pro-
& carpenter Martin James,butcher,High.Luccombe prietors, Sheers Barton
Barriball William, blacksmith Martin John, farmer, Wishworthy Weeks Hy. farmer, Higher Hexwurthy
Bawden Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Wise Wm. Morshead, farmer, Tregada

Coombe ford
Brendon Francis, farmer, Newham

LELANT or UNY LELANT, is a township and parish, Tyrin~hamesq. of'fyringham, NewportPagnell, Bucks, wh()

opposite Hayle, on the estuary of the Hayle river, with a is lord of the manor and chief landowner; the mansion is

station on the St. Ives branch of the Great Western railway, ple'l.santly situated, surrounded. with plantations, and over-

and is 3~ miles south-east of St. Ives and 6 north-east from looks the estuary of the Hayle; it was almost entirely re-

Penzanee, in the Western division of the county, hundred of built by Humphrey Mackworth Praed esq. in 1761 : the

Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith East., Penzance front, ornamented with a pedim1nt, is constructed of granite

union and county court district, rural deanery of Penwith, ashlar : immediately behind the house, rising to a height of

archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The 550 feet above the sea level, is Trecroben Hill, on the sum-

church of St. Uny is an ancient building of stone, partly mit of which are the remains of an ancient fortress. The

Norman, restored or altered in the 13th and 15th centuries: soil is gravelly; the subsoil is killas and granite. The chief

it consists of chancel, nave and aisles of equal height, crops are wheat. The area is 3•757 acres, of which 170 is

separated by arcades of six arches, south porch and an em- water; rateable value, [5,873; the population in 1891 It439·

battled western tower, 6o feet in height, with pinnacles, and At CARBIS BAY an excellent family hotel, for the Carbis

containing 6 bells, all cast in 1836: the rood loft remains in Bay Hotel Co. Limited, has been erected under the superin-

the north aisle, and there are piscina niches in the chancel tendence of Silvanus Travail, of Truro.

and south aisle and portions of a stoup in the porch: the CHY-AN-GWAIL, near the Providence mine, 2 miles north-

original font, of Early English date, has been discovered in west, and LELA.NT DowN, or Trecroben, on the side of the

a farm yard : the east window is a memorial to William hill so called, x! miles south-west, are hamlets ; at the for-

Praed and William Tyringham Praed, 1848, and there are mer is a chapel of the Methodist New Connexion.

other stained windows in the aisles: in the church are PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annmty & Insurance Office

memorials to the family of Praed, 162o-I846; Pawley, (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-

r635-172I ; Cundy, 1799-r8o2, and others: over the wall added).-Charles Burt, sub-postmaster. Letters

entrance of the south porch is an elaborate niche, containing arrive 8 a. m. & 3 & 5.25 p.m. ; dispatched at 7 45 & g. so

a sun dial: the communion plate is dated 1725, but an old a.m. & 4.20 p.m

Elizabethan chalice is still in use at Towednack: the church PosT OFFICE, Carbis Bay.-Miss Mary Jane Cowling, sub- ·

-was thoroughly restored in 1873, at a cost of [2,ooo, when postmistress. Letters arrive from Lelant R.S.O. at 9·35

open benches for 420 persons were substituted for the a. m. & 4.20 p.m..; dispatched at 3· 25 & 8.50 p.m. week

former pews ; the roof was also reconstructed and the days only. Lelant is the nearest money order & tele-

chancel decorated and paved: a mortuary chapel and graph office

additional land for a burial ground, vested in trustees, were PosT OFFICE, Lelant Down.-Paul Roach, sub-postmaster-

added to the churchyard in r87g. In the churchyard stands Letters arrive from Lelant R.S.O. at ro.2o a.m.; dis-

a massive cross, 5 feet 6 inches high and r foot 7 inches patched at 2.55 p.m. week days only. Postal orders are
broad; the round head .is boldly carved with a St. Andrew's issued here, but not paid. Lelant is the nearest money

cross, and a boss in the centre; outside the churchyard wall order & telegraph office

is another cross, 3~ feet high and about I foot broad, with WALL LETTER BoxEs, Lelant, cleared at g. 30 a.m. & 3· 55

an oval head, bearing a Maltese cross, and on the reverse a & 7.30 p.m. ; sundays, 9.30 a. m.: Chy-an-Gwail, cleared

figure of Our Lord. The register of baptisms dates from 1.10 p.m.& Longstone,9. r5 a.m.& 3.25 p.m. week days only

the year r684 ; marriages and burials, 1716. The living is ScHOOLS:-

a vicarage, with the chapelry of Towednack annexed, aver- A School Board of 5 members was formed July 23rd, 1875;

age tithe rent-charge [4n, joint net yearly value [2r5, J. C. Rosewarne, clerk to the board & attend'l.nce officer

including ro acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Board, Trevarrack, for 230 children; average attendance,

Bishop of Truro, and held since 1869 by the Rev. Richard 42 boys, 40 girls & 38 infants; Wtlliam Rawe, master;

Frederick Tyacke M.A. of Trimty College, Dublin, and Miss Annie Cardew, mistress .

surrogate. There are Wesleyan chapels at Lelant Town, National (mixed), for r6o children; average attendance,

Carbis Bay, Ninnes and Polpear; Primitive Methodists at 46 boys & 43 girls; William John Taylor, master; Miss

Lelant Town and Ninnes and Methodist New Connexion Jessie Morley, mistress

at Carbis Bay. A fair is held on the rsth of August, yearly, RAILWAY STATIONS:-

for c<tttle. Trevethoe, half a mile distant, is held on lease Lelant, John Hosking, station master

by Lord St. Levan B.A., D.L.~ ;J.P. of Roger William Giffard Carbis Bay, John Charles Richards, station master

Lelant. Cardew Matthew, farmer Lanyon James, farmer,Splat-en-ridden

St.Levan Lord B.A.,D.L.,J.P,Treve•.hoe; Care John, farmer, Lock Martin William, farmer, Trewarrah

&Oxford&Cambridge,Brooks',Travel- Carnall Joseph Henry, frmr.Carntiscoe Michell Philipa Johns (Mrs.), farmer,

lers' & Boodle's clubs, Lor.don s w Carnall Robert, boot & shoe maker Trevarrack
Batten Howard Congdon Nicholas, boatbldr.Carninney Michell Sampson, farmer, Trevarrack

Chads Capt. John Hanbury=R.N, Wood- Craze Francis, farmer,Trevethoe Barton & Beersheba
lands Craze Francis, farmer, Vorvas Mitchell William & Son,seed·merchants,

Christopher Mrs. Blackwell villa Curnow James, market gardener St. Erth station
Curnow Andrew Edmonds William, butcher Mitchell Edward, auctioneer & valuer

HamleyRev. Joseph [curate], Vicarage Friggens John, farmer Mitchell James, farmer, Vorvas

Hosking Mrs. The Abbey Gilbart William Henry &Son,coal,f1our, Nankervis John, shopkeeper

Millett John Nicholas, Ven Ayr thirds, sharps, maize, bran, oil & Olds William, farmer & butcher

MitchellEdward manure merchants Payne George, farmer, Boskerras

Nosworthy Mildred, The Elms Gilbert Joseph, coal agent Payne Joseph, farmer, Nance

Richards Charles, Ven Wyn Glasson James, wheelwright PearceJohn,farmer&marketgardener,

Tyacke Rev_ Richd.Fredk.M.A, Vicarage Glassou William, shopkeeper & black- Trenoweth
smith, Longstone Pearce John, fat·mer, Dnrloe
Arthur Honor (Miss), shopkeeper Glasson Wm.jun.shopkpr.Chy-an-gwail Penberthy Edward, mining engineer,
Ashton Edward, pleasure grounds, Harris Henry, farmer, Ninnes Mount Pleasant
Harry James, draper
Hawkspoint Penherthy Jas.mining enginr.The Elms
Hawes Francis, boot maker
Penberthy William, mining engineer,

Beckerleg Albert, carpenter Hicks Thoma~, farmer, •rrzncrom . Mount Pleasant

Burt Charles, postmaster Hollow Arthnr,farmer, Boskerras Penberthy WilliamJas. farmer, Vorvas


Perry Andrew, farmer, Chy-an-gwail Sandow James, grocer C a b 1· 8 B

PerryMary(Mrs.),lodg.ho.Chy-an-gwail Thomas Anne (Mrs.), nursery gardener r ay.

Polkinghorne Stephen,farmer,Gunwing Thomas Christiana (Mrs.), shopkeeper Fiddick Thomas

PollardJohn,farmer&marketgardener Thomas John, farmer, Vorvas Holman James Miners

Prouse Jaeob, tin dresser, Menner Thomas John, farmer, Wheat wreeth Holman John Henry

Richards Charles, farmer, Ven'Wyn Toms John, farmer & market gardener Thomas Josiah

Roach Paul, farmer & shopkeeper, Trevorrow Elizabeth (Miss), apart- Carbis Bay Hotel, Carbis Bay Hotel

lPost office, Lelant Down ments, Chy-an-gwail ' Co. Limited

Roach Paul, jun. Praed's Arms P.H Treweeke Thomas, mining engi:teer Cowling Mary Jane (:Miss), shopkeeper,

Rogers Samuel, farmer, Laity Trewhella Matthew, farmer, Brunnion Post office

Rosewarne John Carpenter, clerk to Uren Edmund, farmer, T'rink G\asson Thomas Richards, carpenter

the school board & assistant overseer Uren Francis, farmer, Westway Hendra Charles, apartments

.Sandow Annie (Miss), registrar of Uren Richard Hy. farmer, Carninney Hornbronk Mary (Mrs.), apartments

birth<'! & deaths for Lelant sub- Wearne Wm. hrmer, Mount Douglas Payne William & Son, farmers & picnic

district, Penzance union West Cornwall Golf Club (Rev. R. F. grounds

Bandow Henry, farmer, Trembethow Tyacke, sec.; P. M-trrack, treas) Sampson Caroline (Mrs.), apartments

LESNEWTH is a parish, about 2 miles from the sea- with a Greek cross; and memorials to Humpbry Prowse,

.coast, 5 north from C::tmelford, IS north-by-west from ob. May, I638, Thomas Taylor, ob. May, 1683, bur. "before
Launceston stations on the Great "'estern and London and the towre," and Degory, his son, ob. Jan. 1682, and others
South Western railways and 3~ from Camelford station, to the families of Hetenson and Pearse. The register of

opened in August, 1893, on the new branch of the latter baptisms dates from the year 1573 ; marriages, 1569;
from Launcestou to Wadebridge, in the North Eastern burials, 1564. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-

division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division charge £I52, net yearly value £r62, with residence and 45
of Lesnewth, Camelford union and county court district, acres of glebe, in the gift of Lord Churston, and held since
rural deanery of Trigg Minor, archdeaconry of Bodmin and 1891 by the Rev. George Frederick Mattinson B. A. of St.
diocese of Truro. The Valencia stream, which rises here, John's College, Cambridge. There is a chapel for Bible
~eparates St. Juliot from this parish and flows into Boscastle Christians at Freworwall, built in 1838. On the west side
"harbour. The church of St. Knet, iu the register of Bishop of the road leading to Strattou and chiefly in this parish,
Lacy (1421-56) -called '"'St. :Michael," and originally cruci- but extending into that of Davidstow, is a hill, 1,010 feet
form, is a building of stone in the Early Perpendicular abov-e the sea level, called "Tichbarrow (Tettesborough)
style, wiLh some Norman and Early English remains, and Beacon," on which are four barrows of unequal size, dis-
.consists of chancel with vestries on the south side, nave, posed in a line from north-east to south-west, and about IOO
south porch and an embattled western tower of three stages, yards apart; one of these, opened about 1870, disclosed a
with crocketed pinnacles and a stair turret and containing rude stone cist containing human remains. In the valley

5 bells,datert respectively 1834 (2), r8o5, and the tenor (cast dividing the parishes above mentioned is St. Aust1n's Well,
at Oxford) 1830; the fourth has no date: the church was a fine spring of water, and the source of the brook< which
entirely rebuilt, wiLh the exception of the tower and portions bounds the parish on that side. Lord Churston, who is' Jord

of the chancel, on a new plan furnished by Mr. J. P. St. of the manor of Lesnewth, Edward Auriol Magor esq. M.A.,

Aubyn, architect, in the year 1865, at a cost of £700; in ;T.P. of Lamellen, St. Tudy, who is lord of the manor of
the new church, the former transepts of Norman date do Helset, and Arthur Wade esq. of Orchard House, Boscastle,
not appear, and the porch has been rebuilt rnor~to. the west: are the chief landowners. The soil is dark lO'am; the sub-
the chancel retains a piscina with a square recess above it: soil is rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley, o:lt·S and

an aumbry on the north side of the chancel has been ctm- rQots. The area is2,o28 acres; rateable value, £1,'249; the
verted into a window, and herein is now set a small window population in I891 was 99·

and altar slab removed from the destroyed north transept : TREWORLD hamlet is three-quarters of a mile north-west.
the south doorway, re-set, is Late Perpendicular: the font
is octagonal : the communion plate includes a chalice with Parish Clerk, Nicholas Harris.

.cover, dated 1638, the stem of the former being composed Letters through Boscastle R. S.O. whiCh is the nearest money

of three intertwisted serpents: there are 70 sittings : in the order & telegraph office, arrive at Io a. m. WALL tETTER

churchyard is a tall granite cross, with a round head carved Box cleared at 1.45 p.m

Harris Nicholas J.P. Trewannion Harris Arthur & John, tarmers, Helsett Jose William, farmer

l\1attinson Rev. Geo.Frdk. B. A. Rectory Harris Charles, farmer, Grylls Oke Thomas, blacksmith

Cracker William, carpenter Harris Nicholas, farmer & landowner, Squire James, farmer, Copple3tone

Evans George, farm bailiff to G. Bur- Trewannion St,ephens John & George, farmers,

nard esq. Penpole Jose Henry, farmer, Treworld Treworld

ST. LEVAN is a parieh, on the extreme south point of height, and comprising many rocky headla.n~, bays and

the Penwith peninsula, 8 miles south-west from Penzance, caverns. PORTHGWARRAH, three-quarters of a mile ~nth­

where is the nearest railway station, and 3 south-east from west from the church, is a. sheltered cove walled with lofty

the Land's End, in the Western division of the county, granite cliffs where crab and lobster fishing is carried on.

hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith ToL-PEDN-PENWITH, the most southerly point on this coast,
West, Penzance pnioft and county court district, rural. dean- is about I~ miles south-west from the church: the coast

ery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of scenery in this locality is most striking; here is the Funnel

'fruro. This place now g1ves the title of baroh to the St. Rock, a natural, well shaped chasm, the bottom of which is
Aubyn family, The churcl:\ of St. Levan, situated in a accessible .at low water~ and near here is Chair Ladder, a

secluded dell opening to the sea at Portchapel, is a plain huge pile of gigantic blocks of granite : on the high ground

building of granite in the Late Perpendicular style, consisting behind the cliffs are two conical beacons 12 feet high, placed

of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle, north transept,, 70 yards apart in a line with the Runnel Stone, a dangerous

south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, rock 4 yards long by two in breadth, which rises from the
.containing 3 bells~ the screen, restored in deep. sea about a mile from the shore. At Pendower Cove,
1885, retains

some fragments of old oak carving, and there are a number about a mile west, is the Bosistow Logan Rock. Eastward,

of curiously carved old bench ends, one of which has lj. on the headland called "Treryn Dinas," is the celebrated
figure of a jester m cap and bells: the piscina and rood 1 Logan Stone, an immense block of granite placed on the

stairs remain and in the south porch is a singular square r summit of three piles of rock rising from the sea; the
stoup: the east window is stained: the church was weight of this stone is supposed to be go tons, yet it is so

thoroughly restored iu I876, and has sittings for 250 per- nicely balanced that it may be easily logged, or rocked 1Jo and

sons : in the churchyard is an ancient cross, about 7 feet 1 fro in a certain direction : in I82o it was di!!placed in a frolic
high, on a round base, the head of which bears a rude by some sailor~ under the comman d of Li eut. Goldsmith R.N.

carving of the "Crucifixion:" on the churchyard wall is nephew of the poet, and then in charge of a Fevenue cutter

the round head of ~;mother, and a third stands in an adjoin- cruising along this coast, but was replaced by the officer

ing field ; at the north and east entrances to the churchyard under instructions from the Admiralty in the same yeaF,

are the old lych stones. used as resting places for funerals. but the original nicety of its adjustment is now lost : the

The register dates from the year 1700. This place was for- headland has at some time been fortified and portio:1s of the

merly included ecclesiastically in the Royal peculiar of St. entrenchments still remain. 'fhe lords of the manor and

Burian, which see. The living is a rectory, average tithe the principal landowners are Lord St. Levan, Rev. Rir Vyell

rent-charge £'190, net yearly value £I59• in the gift of Donnithorne Vyvian bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mawgan,

H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. and held since 1878 by Thomas Bedford Bolitho esq. M.P., D.L., J.P. of Trewidden,

the Rev.. Paul D'Ockham Silvester M.A. Exeter College, Madron, William Bolitho esq. of Polwithen, Penzance,

Oxford. There are Wesleyan chapels at Chygwidden Cross Henry Hodge esq. and Nicholas Thomas Tremewen esq.

and at 'freen. 'fhis par1sh is bounded on the south by the The soil is growan, overlying granite. The chief crops are

superb stretch of sea coast from Penberth Cove to Nanjisal wheat, potatoes and mangolds. The area is 2,328 acres ;

Bay about 4 miles of granite cliffs mostly 0\'er 200 feet in I rateable value, £3,675 ; the population in x8gi was 629. -


foRTHCURNow, in this parish, is bounded on the west by PO!!T & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Treen~

magnificent and lofty rocks, extending far out seaward an<l (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have :a..S.O. Corn-

heaped one upon another in magnificent disorder ;. these wall added).-Thomas Nicholas Bennetts, sub-postmaster.

rocks are wholly granitic, no trace of limestone being found Letters arrive at g.15 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. ; dispatcb.ed at

in them, and constitute a pnrtion of the boldest and most 8 a..m• .& 2.25 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is at

romantic scenery in the south of Cornwall. Here is- a sta· forthcurnow, Eastern Telegraph Co.'s station

tion of tbe Eastern Telegraph Company, baYing direct sub--
marine c\)mmunication with Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, A School Board of 5 members was forme:l Ma-rch 18, 1872;

Malta, Egypt, India and Australia. The cables of the. the Rev. Paul D'Ockham Silvester M..A. hon. clerk to

French-American Company al'e also sunk from this bay. the boal'd; Alfd.JamesHocking, Bosistow,attendance officr

.RosKESTAL is a hamlet lying half-a·mile westwards. Board School (mixed), built in 1849, for 146 children;

TREEN is a place in this parish. average attendance, 38 boys, 36 girls & 21 infants; John

Se,.ton, Francis Thomas. J ames Redhead, master

St. Levan. Hosking George, farmer, Trengothal Trewern William, farmer, Bodellan

Ash William Henry, Porthcurnow Jackson Jas. lodging ho. Porthgwarrah Waters Thomas, dairyman. Bosistow

Hodge Miss, Bosistow J ackson Robt.lodging ho. Porthgwarrah Waters Thomas, duryman, Soah
SilvesterRev. PaulD'OckhamM.A.[rectrJ J ackson Thos.lodging ho. Porthgwarrah Williams Gem·ge, farmer, Raftra

Spratt George Oscar, Porthcurnow Jackson Wm. lodging ho.Porthgwarrah WilliamsJn. farmr.& carrier,Roskestal

COMMERCIAL. Jeffrey John, farmer, Trebehor

BennettThomasNicholas,frmr.Bottoms Marks Wm.Richd.smith,Polgigga cross Treen.

Boddy John Barley, market gardener, MatthewsChas.lodgng.he.Porthgwarrah Rowe James

Lands End rineries Osborne Nabouth, farmer & miller Barnico:1t John, refreshment house

BottrellChas.shoe maker,Polgigga cross (water), Penberth Guy Ellen (Mrs.), apartments

Davey James, farmer, Trebehor Prowse John Henry, farmer, Raftra Hall William, dairyman

Eastern TelegraphCo.'sStation(William Rodda Francis, farmer, Roskestal & Harvey Benjamin,_ farmer

Henry Ash, supt.), Porthcurnow Churchtown Hocking Thomas, shopkeeper

Grenfell William, farmer, Rospletha Rowe John. lodging ho. Porthgwarrah John Wllliam, Logan Rock inn 0

Grose William, farmer, Chegwidden Rowe Thomas, farmer, Trebehor Johns William, farmer

HockingJsph.&Son,frmrs.Trendrennen Saundry John, farmer, Sawah • Prowse Jane (Miss), tailoress

Hocking James, farmer, Bosistow Strick Thomas, farmer, Rospletha Prowse William Henry, tarmer-

Hocking Willh.m, farmer, Raftra Tonking Thos. Harvey,farmer,Roskestal Wallis Fr:ancis, farmer

Hodge Henry, farmer, Bosistow Tremewen Nicholas Thomas, landowner

Hosking Augustus, farmer, Trengothal & farmer, Trewey

LEWANNICK is a township, parish and village, on the Rury.'' Penventon or Holy Well, Blaunder's Well and the
river Inney and on the Launceston and Liskeard road, 5 Charmed Well are in this parish, and on the barton ~f 'fre•

miles south-west from Launceston, where are the nearest laske 1s a spring called "Joan's Pitcher.n The Trelaske

railway stations, and 12 north from Liskeard, in the North beacon affords one of the finest prnsp(}cts in the county.

Eastern div1sion of the county, north division of the hundred Trelaske, the seat of Charles Gordon Archer esq. J.P. is a fine

of East, petty sessional diviswn of East, North Launceston mansion, pleasantly situated about one mile south-east from

union and rounty court district, rural deanery of Trigg thechurch. C.G.Archeresq.J.P.whoislordofthemanor,

Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. At Francis Rashleigh Rodd esq. J.P. ~f Trebartha Hall, North

Trekelland is a picturesque and antiquated bridge over the Hill, Mr. Wiliiam Wevill, Mr. Richard Luskey and William

Inney. The church of St. Martin is a buildingoflocal free· Day Hanson esq. n.L., J.P. are chief landowners. The soil

stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave is good, and much of it is in pasture; the subsoil, freestone.

of five bays, aisles, north and south porches and an em• The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips1 The

battled western tower With pinnacles containing 6 bells, cast area is g,g2o acres; rateable value, £,4,472; the poplllatiort

in 1767 and re-cast after the late fire: the church was in 1891 was 531.

destroyed by fire on Jan. n, 18go, but has since been re· PoLYPHANT is a. hamlet, I mile north-west< adjoining to

built on the same plan as the former edifice, at a cost of which is Bowden Derra, a beautifully situated residence, at

nearly £,2,000, under the direction of Mr. Otho B. Peter present {1893) unoccupied , within the manor ar&the ancient

F. R. I.B. A. of Launceston, and was re-opened II Nov. of the Polyphant stone quarries, used extensively in the construction

same year: a monument to Ezekiel Arscot, ob. 1682, with of Launcest~n castle and the churehes around s TREVADLOCK,

numerous memorials of later date to the families of Al'cher, 1 mile south-by·west; TrNNr HALL! a quarter of a mile

Cundy and others, were all destroyed by the fire, togethel' south-west; TRENHORNE, Il miles south.

with the bench ends, many of which were of ancient carved Sexton, John Barber. '

oak: the chancel retains an ancient piscina and aumbry and PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insu.ranoe Office. .....J.

there are 180 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from William Charles Martyn, sub-postmaster. Letters received

the year 166o; marriages, 1775; burials, 1738. The living through Launceston by mail cart, arrive at 8 a.m. ; dis.l.

is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £n6, net yearly patched at 4.15 p. m. Tile n3arest telegraph o-ffice is at

value £132, including- 43 acres of glebe, with residence, in Lauuceston

the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1844 by the PILLA:R LETTER Box, Polypaant, clear~d at 3·35 p.m.; no
Rev. Charles Harward Archer B. A. of BaUiol College, Oxford. sunda~ collection
In the parish are two Wesleyan chapels and one for Bible A School Board of 5 members was formed July J5, 1873~

Christians. There is a Constitutional club and Reading John Brown, Hicks Mill, clerk to the bo<~.rd & aLJ;endance

room, and a Public Reading room and Library. At the officer · ' ..I.

()hurch Town stands the shaft of an ancient but mutilated Board School (mixed), built irt 1879, for 120 children ;

cross and at Trelaske the head of another ; in Trelaske wood averag~ ~~ottendance, 66 ; Sidney Whitefield, master; Miss

ar~ the remains of a Danish encampment called "Round S, Wadge, assistant mistres~ ,

Archer Rev. Chas. Harward B. A, [vicar] · Fuge James, farmer, Tre~horne Paynter&Son,millrs(watr).,Trelaske mJ,'I

Archer Charles Gordon J.P. Trelaske Uoodman Thomas, farmer, BlQ.Cka.ton Payqter John, farmer, Trev~dlock

Haly Miss, 'frenhorne • Hawkes Anthooy Mann, sQ.rgeon, & Peak-Garland Jas.frmr.Trelaskellarto~

Hawkes Anthony Manu, Polyphant medical officer & publi<: vaccinator, Popplestone Thomas, parpenter

Luskey Richard, Knighton No.Jdis.Launceston union,Polyphant P:rout. John & Son, earpenters & agri..
Spry Francis, Trenhorne cultural implement makrs. Kelly1s ho
Hicks EmetJt• .farmer, Trewinoow

Yenning Edward, Polyphant Hicks George,Archers'Arrns P.H.&frmr Public Reading Room &Libraly(Si4ue7

Vivian J\lrs. Polyphaut Hoare Wm. Martin, farmer, Trewanta Whitefield, hon. sec)

· COMMERCIAL• Hocking Samuel, farmer, Trevadloa Rite John, farmer, Hollyvagg

Bradford J ames, boot & shoo maker Hoskin Thomas. shopkeeper · Sleep Richard, farmer. Polyphant lt

Brown Edward, farmer,_ Polyphant Inch John, farmer, Ttewanta park Smale Fredk,(Mrs.), frmr.Combeshead

Brown John, clerk to the school board Jasper Richard, farmer1 Stray park Stephens James, farmer, Polyphant..
· & attendance officer, Hteks mill Jenkin Samuel, farmer, Tinny hall Tapley George, shopkeeper, Polyphan~

Burdea Henry, farmer, Plnsha. cross Keast Daniel, farmer, l,'olyphant Tink William, farmer, Trekelland

Cook Brokensbire, blacksmith, Luskey Richard, yeoman, Knighton Tucker Edward, farmer, Howden

Plusha. cross Martyn Wm.Chas.grocr.&drpr.Post offi 'rucker Joseph, farmer, Hicks mill

Constitutional Club & Reading Room MitchellWm.(Mrs.),fo.rmer,'frevadlock Venning John, farmer, Upton
Wadge John~ yeoman, Higher 'l'revell
(Francis Nicholls, hon. sec) Neal George, farmer, Newt0n ' .

Dawe Isaac, farmer Nicholls Francis, quarry proprietor & Wadge Wilbam, qooper & monumental

Dawe John, land surveyor, Trevadlock stone&monumen~l :mason,Polypha.nt mason, Polyphant

Dawe Josepb, farmer, Trevadlock stone works , , Wakem ThOI!· shopkeeper, l'lusha cross

Foot Jame3, farmer, Trevell Parsons John, juru farmer~ .Dingleys Weeks James, farmer, Trenhorne

l<'osterRichardChown,blacksmith&frmr Parsons John, sen. farmer, Lemalla White John, farmer & carrier

1168 LEZA~T. COHNWALL. .• ..


LEZANT is a parish, b:mnded on the south by the river belonging to th~ bishop of the diocese, but now the property

lnny and on the east by the Tamar, 4~ miles south from of the Duke of Bedford, is fine. At Trecarrel, in this parish,

Launceston stations on the Great Western and London and are the ivy-clad remains of a large m msion, begun by Sir

South Western railways, in the North Eastern division of J ohu Trecarrel, but never completed ; it is stated tha't the

'the county, northern division of the hundred of East, petty stone used in the erection of Launceston church is that which

sessional division of East Middle, Launceston union and had been prepared for this building. Landue, the seat of

county court district, rural deanery of Trigg Major, arch- John Simmons Tregoning esq. J.P. is in this 'parish. The

deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The hamlets of principal landowners are the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,'

TREWARLET and BOTTONNETT pay tit.he in alternate years to Edward Coode esq. J.P. of PolapitTamarand John Simmons

this parish and South Petherwin. The church of St. Breoke, Tregoning esq. J. P.ofLandue. The soilis light; subsoil, shelfy

or St. Breage, is an ancient building of granite and fraestone, slate. The chief crops are wheat, oats and barley and some

in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel with aisle'3, pasture. The area is 4,713 acres; rateable value, £5,058 ;

nave,aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower,with the population in 1891 was 68o. REZARE, 2 miles south-
octagonal battlemented turrets and crocketed pinnacles, con· east, 'fREBULLETT, I mile south-west, and TREKENNA, three-

taining 6 bells : the chancel retains the ancient piscina and an quarters of a mile south-east, are small villages; 'fREWARLBT,

aumbry, and there is a piscina in the south aisle: the rood three-quJ.rters of a mile north-by-w()st, is a hamlet. ~ •

stairs remain and an original pulpit hour-glass : there are Sexton, Edward R. K Elliott. ·

monuments, including an altar tomb of carved slate, to the PosT OFFICE, Trebullett.-Richard I<'olley, sub-postmaster. ·
Letters through Launceston, arrive at 9.40 a.m.; dis- ,
Trefusis family; memorials to John Mills and Johan, his patched at 2.40 p.m. Launceston & Lewannick are the
wife, ob. I 573 ; and to Thomas Snell A. :r.r. 30 years rector, ob. nearest money order offices & LauncestQn the nearest
1670; and others of modern date : the east window .is a telegraph office

memorial to J. S. and Elizabeth Tregoning, x883; the south WALL LETTER BoxEs:-~ear Church, cleared" at 3.10 p.m. ;
Rezare, cleued at 3.15 p.m.; Landue lodge, cleared at
window in the chancel is also a memorial to Thomas and 3·35 p.m. & Treburley Cross, cleared at 3 p.m. week
Caroline Phillipps, erected in x871 : the church was restored days only

in 1869, and has 222 sittings. 'fhe register dates from the A School Board of 5 members was formed May 2j, 1876 ~

year 1539. The living is a rectory, average tithe rent-charge
£358, gross income£328, including 158 acres of glebe, with
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since
1866 by the Rev. William Pollexfen Bastard M.k. of Ba.lliol W. H. Cory, Dunheve:l road, Launc3ston, is clerk to the
College, Oxford. There is a Wesleyan chapel, with cemetery, board-

opened in x8Ig, at Trebullett, another, with cemetery, at Board School (mixed), Trekenna, erected in 1878, for 13~

Tregada, and a Free Methodist chapel at Treburley. The children; average attendance, 77; Louis Emile De St.Paer,

scenery of the district round Carthamartha, formerly master; Miss M1ud Dinnis, infants' mistress

Lezant. JasperDigory,miller(water),Russes mill Folley Richard, shoe maker, Post office

[Ma.rked thus* r~ceive their letters through Jasper William, farmer, Higher Larrick Kennard J ames, tailor & shopkeeper

Oallmgton R.S.O.] Kittow John, farmer, Higher Penrest Kennard Richard, farmer

Rastard Rev. Wm.PollexfenM.A.Rectory Lyne Alfred, farmer, 'frebethick Maddever Wi1liam, farmer

Tregonin~ John Simmons J.P. Landue; *Maddaver James, farmer, Treburley Moyse Thomas, blacksmith

& Llanelly, Carmarthenshire Maddaver Susannah (Mrs.), farmer, Pearce Wm. wheelwright & carpenter

COMMERCIAL. Trenute Sandercock William, farmer

Bath Richard, farmer, Down house Martyn Richard, farmer Treise James, farmer

Bath William Hawking, farmer, Tre- Moyse Joseph, farmer, Higher Larrick Rezare.
warlett cross *Palmer John, blacksmith, Treburley
*Paynter Henry, farmer, Crevoada [Letter.;; should be addressed Rezare, Call-
*Bickle Thomas Kinsman, Sportsman's
Pearce Thomas, farmer, Bottonnett ington R.S.O.]
Arms P.H. & farmer *Raddall Francis, farmer & landowner,
Caunter EdwardBudge,frmr.Trekeland Bloye James
Cazer William 1<'. farmer, Timbrillham Fleardon Collier Arthur :Bevan, Carthamartha.
Brawn William, shopkeeper
*DaweChas. (Mrs.),bntcher,Swellscmbe *Roberts George,carpenter,Wooda brdg G1lbert William, farmer
Dingle Edwin,shoe ma.Penscombe cross *Rowe & Maddever, carpntrs.Treburley Hart Edward, farmer
ElliottEdwardR.K.farmr.MountHawke *Rowe Richard, shopkeeper, Treburley
*Evans Richard, farmer, Under town *Rowe Thomas, shoe maker, Treburley Hocken John Bennett, farmer •
*Gartre11 William,mason, Wooda bridge *Rundle Waiter, farmer, Wenfork Palmer John, farmer
Geake Richard, farmer, Trecarrell *Sargent Samuel, farmer, Beal's mill Palmer William, farmer
Gerry John, farmer, Trekeland Short Lewis, carpenter Richards Joseph, farmer
Goodman Saml.farmer,Higher Larrick Stevens John, farmer, Grestone Stevens J ames, farmer
Goodman Thomas, farmer, Trefize mill Thomas John, farmer, Higher Larrick

GoodmanWilliam,farmer,LowerLarrick Uren Susanna Ann (Miss), shopkeeper Brawn Richard, carpenter
Goodman William & Charlie Pearn, WerrmgWilliam,farmer,HigherLarrick Dainty Isaiah William Bright, farmer-

farmers, Lower Penrest Wise Edward, farmer, Trewarlett Dingle George, shoe maker

Gregory Thomas, farmer, Trekeland Trebullett. Northcott William, farmer & millet"
Hoare Richard, farmer, Lowly bridge (water), Trekenna mill

Husband John, farmer, Trecarrell mill Lane James Rowse George, blacksmith & farmer

Husband Jn.jun. farmer,Lower Larrick DoidgeRichard, farmer Spurr William, farmer

LINKINHORNE (or LINKENHORNE) is a parish and charge £254, net yearly value £254, including 6o acres of

village between the rivers Inney and Lynher, 4 miles glebe, with residence, in the gift of the trustees of the late
north-west from Callington, 8 south-west from Launceston William Hichens esq. and held since 1893 by the Rev. Baron
stations on the main line of the London and South Western Henry Paull Hichens lii..A,. The mission church of St. Paul at
and on a branch of the Great Western railway,and 9 north- Upton Cross, consecrated in 1887, is an edifice of stone, con-
east from Liskeard station on the Great Western railway, sisting of apsidal church, nave, south porch,vestry and a west-
in the North Eastern division of the county, northern ern bell cote containing one bell: the windows of the chancel
division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division are stained : there are 100 sittings. There are charities of
of East Middle, Liskeard union and county court district, £6 gs. 2d. given yearly to the poor and Robert•s charity of
rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese £42 for education, which sum is paid to the School Board.
of Truro. The church of St. Melior, rebuilt by Sir Henry In the parish are several copper and tin mines, to which the
'frecarrel kt. in the reign of Henry VIII. is a building of Caradon and Looe Mineral railway has been extended, but
freestone and granite in the Perpendicular style, consisting only two of these are now in working order. The Phoonix
of chancel, nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and a very and West Phoonix tin mines in this parish are 3 miles west
fine embattled western tower with battlemented turrets and of the village and 6 north of Liskeard ; from them the Cara-
pinnacles and containing 6 bells : the rood stairs remain in don, Liskeard and Looe railway runs to Looe, 15 miles
the north wall: the font has a square basin supported on a south ; the mines are held of the Duchy of Cornwall under a
central pillar with smaller onesatthe corners and is probably lease of 21 years, at a royalty of 1·72nd of the gross returns:
Norman: there is a monument, with Latin inscription, to there are two ascertained lodes, both of which are now being
Edward Kneebone, ob. 1685, placed by Edith, his wife, worked, the cross course running north and soutl;t; several
besides a number of others of later date to the families of shafts have been sunk. Seccombe's is 225 fathoms deep,
Saltren, Kittow Dingley and Coffin: an ancient altar stone, the Old Sump 216 fathoms, Anne's II2 fathoms, and Hamil-

incised with crosses, has been laid in the ves.try floor since ton's 40 fathoms : steam power is used for working: there
April 14, 1891: there is a memorial window, erected in are 12,ooo shares in the company, which is on the cost-book
1876, to Richard Kittow, formerly lay rect~r of this parish: system; they employ about 450 persons, and the Phoonis
the chalice with cover date from 1572 and the paten from paid £Io,ooo in dividends in 1888, since which time they

1735 : there are 400 sitting!'!. The register dates from the have been worked at a loss. There ·are three or four tin
year 1576. The living is a vicarage, .average tithe. rent- streamers at work in connection with the minM. On


'Stowe's common, on the south-western border of the parish, west-by-south, and has also a Wesleyan chapel ; and CAR.A.-

is the remarkable mass of fungoid-shaped rocks, called the noN, 2~ miles south-west, a Free Methodist chapel.

CHEESEWRING ; these; 8 or to in number, are about 22 feet Sexton, Frederick Lancallas.

high and vary from 17 to 34 feet in diameter. Here are PosT OFFICE, Linkinhorne.-1\Ir'!'l. Ann Maria Haggaton,

granite quarries, belonging to the Dnchy of Cornwall and sub-postmistress. Letters through Callington R.S.O.

worked by Messrs. Freeman, Sous and Co. Limited, of Pen- arrive at 7·45 a.m.; dispatched at 4·45 p.m. Callington

ryn: the granite is carried direct from here by railway to is the nearest money order & telegraph office. Postal

Moorswater and Looe and shipped from the latter place. A orders are issued here, but not paid

t "\'oluted column, from these quarries, 22 feet high, has been PosT & M. 0. 0., S.B. & Insurance & Annuity Office, Rilla

exhibited at the Crystal Palace: Sir T. Henry De la Beche says Mill. -Miss Mary Hobbs, sub-postmistress. Letters

the granite is of a superior quality, being very hard and of an through Callington R.S.O. arrive at 8.10 a. m. ;.. dis-

uniform blue colour: for its durability no better proof is patched at 4·30 p.m. North Hill is the nearest telegraph

needed than Cheesewring rock itself, which has been stand- office

ing from"time immemorial in its present position without PosT OFFICE, Minions.-Richard Edwards, sub-postmaster.

exhibiting any marks of decay. SHARP POINT ToR is a lofty Letters through Liskeard, which is the nearest money

mas~ of granite rocks, 1,200 feet above the sea level, about order & telegraph office, arrive at xo a.m. ; dispatched at

one mile north of the Cheesewring. In the parish are two 3·35 p.m. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid

of the stone circles called "Hurlers," and near these a WAI.L BoxEs :-Minions, deared at 3·5 p.m.; Henwood,

granite cross, about ten feet high, called the "Longstone." cleared at 12.30 p.m. daily, sundays excepted; Upton,

H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. who is lord of the manor, cleared at 1.30 p.m.; Patrieda, cleared at 4.30 p.m. ;

Messrs. Kittow and John Williams Dingle esq. J.P. of Dar- Plusha Bridge, cleared at 11.20 a.m.; & Darley, cleared

ley, are the chief landowners. The soil is loam and sand, at I p.m

and the subsoil is clay, slate, grani,te and killas. The chief ScHOOLS:-

crops are wheat, oats, barley, ~urnips and grass. The acre- A School Board of 7 members was formed Feb. I9, I875;

. age is 7,894; rateable value, £7,7I4; the population in W. Grylls, Halfaere, Northill, clerk to the board; William

1891 was 2,oi2. Truscott, Ley Mill, attendance officer

• DARLEY, 3 miles west, has a Free Methodist chapel; Board School, Upton Cross (mixed), built in I876, for 430

HENWOOD, 3~ miles west, a Primitive Methodist chapel ; children ; average attendance, 66 boys & 96 girls &

DowNGATE1 3 miles south-west, a Bible Christian chapel; infants ; Charles Marks, master; Miss Elizabeth T.
L.4.NH.A.RGY, I mile north, a Wesleyan chapel; PLUSHA Roberts, mistress

BRIDGE, I~ miles south-west, a Baptist chapel; and Board School (mixed), Sharplands, for So children;

MINIONS, 5 miles west, Primitive and Free Methodist average attendance, 70; John Edwards, master

chapels; RILL.A. MILL, 2 miles west from the church, is a C.A.RRIER.-Alfred Truscott, from Rilla Mill to Liskeard &

small village, wjth a Wesleyan chapel; UPTON is 3l miles Launceston every sat

. Linkinhorne. *GillJosephWm.L.R.C.P.LOnd.physician Sargent W1lliam, farmer, Wardbrook

[Marked • should be addressed Liskeard.] & surgeon, & medical officer, No. 8 *Seccombe SI. mine agent, Pendowry

Barrett Mrs. Darley villa . district & public vaccinator, St. Ive ShovelEmma(Mrs. ),grocer, Upton cross

Dingle John Williams J.P. Darley (part of) & Linkinborne, Liskeard Shovel Mary Ann(Mrs. ),frmr.Sunrising

Gill Joseph William Downgate union, Downgate Shovel Thomas, farmer, Upton

Hichens Rev. Baron Henry Paull M.A. Goldsworthy Saml. farmer, Netherton Smetherhen Jas. Trehane, shoe maker,

Vicarage Gourd Matthew, shoe maker, Christa Upton

*Seccombe Samuel, Pendowry Gourd Sampson, farmer, Sutton Snell William, farmer, Blackham

Taylor Rev. Edward Howard M.A. Harriss William, blacksmith, Brayshop Spear John Nicholls,farmr.Beatons prk

[curate], Darley villa Heggaton 'rhos. farmer, Church town Stephens William, farmer, Henwood

COl\lMERCIAL. Henwood William, farmer, Church twn Stevens Albert, farmer, Trefrize

Andrews Richard, farmer, Addicroft Hoare John, farmer, Dunsley Stevens John, farmer, Longridge

Ayres Simon, beer retailer, Henwood Hoare Samuel, farmer, Newland Stevens John, farmer, Tregoiff

Ball Wm. miller (water), Dwella villa *Horrell Wm.farmer,Cheesewring frm Tregelles Alfred, farmer, Patrieda

Barrett Richard, farmer, Sutton HorreU William, farmer, Stowes Trehane James, farmer, Southcoombe

Bartlett Fras. carpenter, wheelwright HubberElizh.(Mrs.),shopkpr.Church tn Trehane John, farmer, Northcoombe

& general smith, Plushabridge JasperAnn(Mrs.),shopkpr.Caradon twn Tucker Mary (Mrs.), farmr. Kershrook

Bate Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Gullacombe Job James, farmer, Patrieda Tucker William, farmer, Church town

Bate Thomas, farmer, Newhouse Johns Ezekiel, farmer, Caradon town Upton Cross Co-operative Society Lim.

Bennett John, farmer & landowner & Johns James, farmer, Ley (Franms Crapp, mngr.), Upton cross

assistant overseer, Rillaton Johns Jonathan, farmer, Addicroft Vosper Aaron, farmer, Ashwill

Billing John, farmer, Liverscoombe Keayse Bryce, m·ller (water),Addicroft Warne John, tailor, Livercoombe

Body Robert, farmer, Upton Kittow Edward, farmer & landowner, Webb Caroline (Mrs.), Caradon hotel,

Hrent Daniel & Wm. farmers, Clampit Patrieda Upton

Brock William, farmer, Uphill Kittow Jn.farmr. & landowner,Browda *Wills Jn. Commercial hotel, Downgate

Burrows Richard, New inn Knight John, farmer, Lake Rilla Mill.

Chapman Thos. (Mrs.),farmer, Knowle Lee Thos. miller (water), Trefrize mill

Cliverton William, farmer, Knowle Maddaver William, farmer, Lanharjie Burnaford Peter, farmer & butcher

Coad Nicholas, farmer, Pengelly Martin John, farmer, Kingscombe Came George, Manor House inn

Daniel WiUiam, farmer, Lower Rillaton Martin John, mason, Stara bridge Hobbs John, mason

Davey Samuel, farmer, Lanhargie Martin Richd. farmer & butcher, Uphill Hobbs Mary (Miss), shopkpr. Post office

Daw William, farmer, Lower Milcombe May William, farmer, Yolland Joll Mary (Mrs-.), farmer

Dawe William, farmer, Treovis Mitchelll''rank, mason, Plusha bridge TruscottAlfred, miUer(water), carrier

Dennis Thomas, farmer, Trerafters Nicolls Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkeepr. Uphill & fly proprietor

Ding~e John Darley, farmer, Darley Nicolls Jabez, farmer, Hall Minions.
Dingle John J.P. farmer & Olver William, farmer, Plushays

landowner, Darley Pearse Harry & Alfd. farmers, Exevill Chapman George, shopkeeper

Eade William, farmer, Netherton Pearse Richard, farmer, Rillaton EdwardsRichard,shopkeeper,Post office

East Cornwall Tin Co. (Edward Vine, Pethick Thomas, farmer, Stearts Phrenix & West Phreni:x: Mining Co.

manager), Darleyford Phillips Richard, carpenter, Treovis (William Polkinghorne, purser; Jn.

*Freeman John, Sons & Co. Limited, Philp John, farmer, Yolland Williams, manager)

quarry owners, Cheesewring. See Philp Richard, farmer, Sutton Rowe & Co. tin streamers

advertisement Philp Simon James, farmer, Addicroft South Phreni:x:: Mining Co. Limited

Fuge Samuel, farmer, Trefrize Pomroy John, blacksmith, Upton (William Henry Rule, purser ; James

GarlandThos.Peake,frmr.Caradon town Retallick Richard, farmer, Holwell Kelly, manager)

*Gerry John, Cheesewring hotel Sandercock Edward, blacksmith, Lake Williams Charles, shopkeeper

Gerry Wm. farmer & grocer, Henwood Sargent Richard, farmer, Henwood Williams John, mine agent


LISKEARD (or LrsKERRKr) is a municipal borough, market Great Western railway, 264! miles from London, 18 from

and union town, head of a county court district, and is a Plymouth, 12 from Bodmin, 62 from Penzance, 4a from Fal-

township and parish, on the road from Plymouth to mouth, 36 from Truro and 21 from St. Austell, in the South
Falmouth and near the river Looe, with a station on the , Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty se~siona

• DEV. & CORN• 74


division of West1 rural deanery of West, arehdeaconry of is a tablet with quaint inscription to Mary Re~d, 1731 ; and
Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The Liskeard and Looe the churchyard has monuments to the Cardew family, 1754-

union canal, opened in 18~8, has been superseded by a rail- 91 ; a handsome granite mausoleum was erected in 1843, by

way constructed by the same company, and opened in 185g, B. H. Lyne esq. of Wadham, over the vault of the Lyne

in conjunction with the Liskeard and Caradou railway, family: t.he church was restored in 1879 at a cost of £3,832:

opened in 1846 for minerals; the junction is at Moorswater, a new vestry was erected in 1888 from designs by Mr. John

and from this point to Looe passengers also are carried. Sansom, of Liskeard, and in 1889 the church was further

Moorswater viaduct, on the Uornwall railway, 148 feet restored and a new east window erected at a cost of about

high, about a mile from the town, is Tomantically situated [,x,5oo. The church will seat r,2oo persons. The register

and forms one of the chief features in the landscape. ' dates from the year 1539. The living is a vicarage, average

This place, in common with others in Cornwall1 received tithe rent-charge £355, net yearly value £187, with resi-
a charter from Richard (Plantagenet), Earl of Cornwall and
dence, in the gift of Simeon's trustees, and held since 1884

Poitou, c. 1230, but the borough was first regularly in- by the Rev. George Taylor Braine-Hartnell M.A. Christ's

corporated by a charter granted in the ?gth year of the College, Cambridge, and surrogate; Mrs. S. E.· Hawke is

reign of Queen Elizabeth (1586). The Corporation, under the impropriator of the great tithes. ·

the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act of r835, In aonnection with the parish church is a mission chapel

consists of a mayor, four aldermen and twelve couticillors, at Lamellion, in whfch divine service is held once a month.

wh6 also act as the urban sanitary authority. The borough The Catholic Church, in West street, dedicated to St.

has also a commission of the peace, but the police belong to Neot, is a building of stone in the Gothio style, erected in

the county force. The privilege of parliamentary represen- 1863, and consists of chancel and nave, separated by a fine

tation was first granted in 1294, and two members were chancel arch : the altar consists of a polished slab of grey

returned from that date until the number was reduced to Cheesewring granite surmounting another of Portland stone,

one by the Reform Act of 1832, and by the provisions o~ the supported by four pillars of Polyphant stone, shafts of red

"Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," it was disfranchised Devonshire granite and rouRd bases of polished Lamorna

as an independent borough and merged in the county. granite; the font is also a. massive work of polished granite;

The town is picturesquely situated, compactly built and there is a memorial window, ·erected in 1886 to Francis

clean ; the principal business part lying in a hollow, but on Joseph Kaupp, and Bridget., his wife: in or near the church

all sides it commands open and extensive views of the sur- are various relics brought from elsewhere ; these include a

rounding country, especially from tlle Castle park, which is stoup from the well of St. Cleer, bearing the legend" Iterum

475 feet above the level of the sea, and from which, on a Deo servire ; " a rudely carved cross found in Bodmin and

clear day, Mount Edgcumbe, Plymouth, the Dartmoor hills the carved head of a knight: the entrance doorway in the

and the celebrated Caradon mines are visible: this park is porch formerly belonged to the parish church : tbere are

now (1893) enlarged by the addition of about one acre of sittings for. wo persons.

adjacent land presented by T. R. Bolitho esq. The Corpo- The meeting house of the Society of Friends in Pound

ration are owners of ~bout 75 acres of land, and other 35 street, built in 1796, was enlarged in 1826, and has seats f.or

acres, together with considerable house property, will fall 330 persons. The Baptist chapel, Barn street, erected in

into their possession at the termination of certain lives. 1876, will s(lat about 200 persons, but is now (1893) closed.

The town was first lighted with gas in 1839, and in x861 a The Baptist chapel, in Dean street, built in 1865 by the

company was formed for supplying the inhabitants with Congregationalists, is a plain stone building with 300 sit-

water, which is conveyed in pipes from reserv.oirs on St. tings. The Bible Christian chapel, Barn street, built in 1858

Cleer down. and enlarged in 188r, will seat between 200 and 300 pereons.

King Charles I. was at this town in August. 1644, and ':I;' he Primitive Methodist chapel, Castle hill, was built in 1872

from hence sent proposals to the Earl of Essex, who was then and has 200 sittings. The Free Methodist chapel, Green

at Lostwithiel, which the latter declined. Bank road, built in 1838, will seat 400 persons, and has

The church of St. Martin, the largest in the eountyexcept attached schools, built in 1887. The Wesleyan chapel, Barn

that of Bodmin, is a spacious embattled edifice, chiefly of street, built in 1846 and enlarged in 1862, is a plain stone

granite, in the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, building with seats for 1,020 persons. There is a Noncon-

aisles, an extra aisle or chapel on the south side, and an formist cemetery in Barn street, consisting of about an acre

embattled western tower of four stages, 57 feet in height, and containing a mortuary chapel.

and much earlier than the other portions of the- building, The Town };{all, erected in 1859, from plans supplied by

the corbel-tables, windows, and the arch separa.ting it from Mr. Reeves, surveyor of county courts, is a l:milding of slate

the nave being Norman; it contains 6 bells, dated respec- ashlar and granite from the Cheeswring quarries, in the

tively 1819, 1755, 1825, 1755, 1735 and 1753 ; the present Itahan style, and has a handsome tower at the north-west
entrance to the tower from the exterior is through a Per- corner containing a clock, presented by John Clark lsaac

pendicular doorway (evidently an insertion), having on 'it the esq. :tnayor in 1868 ; on the upper floor is the hall, 53 feet
date 1627 : the south aisle is relieved by thre6 square pro- by 28 feet 6 i~. and 23 feet high, which has a good panelled

jecting bays, the westernmost of which forms a po:rch : at ceiling and an orchestra, and there are offices for county

the west end of the north aisle- there is a low side window court business. The municipal insignia include two maces

supposed to have been used for administering the sac.rament and borough seals; the maces, of silver gilt, form a pair,

to lepers and converted Jews; it consists of three small and have richly-chased shafts, relieved by projecting bands.

square-headed lights, each being I ft. 5 in. in height and and open scroll brackets of elegant design supporting the
3~ in. in width, with the openings separated by mullions heads, which display in four compartments the arms of the
5 in. thick; externally, beneath the window, is a small boly~ ~own and the national emblems ; on the flat top are the

water stoup : the outer doorway of the south porch- is royal arms, with the motto, "Semper eadem," and from

modern, the Pointed arch of the original doorway being still the cresting r1se open-arched crowns ; the maces, which

visible above; over this doorway, on the exterior, are three bear the London hall-mark for 1707-8, are each 4 feet 5

Gothic niche$, once inclosing the sculptured images of the jnches in length, and were presented in 1708 by William

Virgin and two saints ; tbe pulpit is of oak, beautifully Bridges esq. MP. for Liskeard, and Edward Dennys esq.

carved, and dates from 1636 : about the year 1793 the church mayor ; the Corporation seal bear.::~ the town arms, and dates

underwent many alterations of the character common at that from the 16th century : the Corporation also possess a

period : pews were then first erected, ~he open roof of C3Tved richly-chased silver standing cup with cover, datjng from

oak plastered over, the rood screen destroyed, the clu~oncel 1665-6, and presented by Sir Chichester Wrey jit, and bart.

altered and a gallery erected in the extreme south aisle, and a plain silver goblet of the same date, engraved with the

called " the ladies' gallery ; " the screen was of oak and ex- arms of Trelawny : there is also a two-handled loving cup,

tended across the nave and aisles, separating them from the with the London hall-marks of 1681.-2, presented by Sir

chancel ; the turret leading to the rood-loft may still be seen Bourchier Wrey bart. and a silver salver 20 inches in

neat' the chancel door: the large pews have now given way diameter, hall-marked for 1670-1, and bearing the shield of

to low open seats; in November, 184{, an organ was erected Trelawny : the mayor's robe is of scarlet, lined with white

by subscription at a cost of upwards of £400 : within the satin and trimmed with sables and velvet.

communion rails there is a marble floor slab to Thomas The Public Hall, in Barras place, erected by a limited

Johnson, major in the Duke of Albemarle's regiment of cpmpany, and opened by Earl St. Germans in Nov. 1889,

horse, and a Coldstreamer, buried there in May, 1666: in occupies the site of the London hotel, which was partiallJ

the body of the church is a memorial to Josepi:J. Wadham, rebuilt and converted at a cost of over £4,ooo, from designs

1807, the last of the descendants of Nicholas and Dorothy by Mr. Otho B. Peter, architect, of Launceston. The brge

Wadham, the founders of Wadham College, Oxford; other hall will 8eat over 6oo ; there is also a smaller hall, aud

memorials in the church are inscribed to Dorothy, wife of other rooms are occupied by the Literary Institution and

Richard Roberts, mayor of Liskeard, 1697 ; Lieut. J oseph the School of Art. .

Hawkey R.N. of H. M.S. •• Implacable," killed in the Gulf of The Temperance Hall, in Barn street, was erected in x839

Finland 1809 > Major-Gen. Eales H.E.I.c.s. 1819; Major at a cost of £350.

William Rowe R.M. and mayor, 1829; Capt. John Rowe R.N. The Masonic Hall, on the Parade, erected in 1872 from the

H.M.S. "Trincomalee," 1:799; IJ'homas Sampson, yeoman, designs of the late Mr. John Paul, architect, of Liskeard, is

1007, and Robert, his son, 1600 ; on the exterior east wall a structure in the Romanesque style, faced with local stone,


-with cornices of Hamhill and columns of Mansfield stone. dated December, 1:8go, a charity called "The Liskeard

The offices of the Duchy of Cornwall are in this building. Educational.I<'uud/' consisting of £410 Consolidated Guaran-

There is a Corporation Fire Brigade consisting of a super- teed Great Western Railway Stock, producing about £20 10s.

intendent, deputy superintendent and 12 men. yearly is applied under the management of ten trustees to

The Meat Market occupies the whole of the ground floor the granting of prizes not exceeding IOS. each to children

below the Town Hall, which is fitted with stalls for the pur- residing jn the borough, who for not iess than two years

pose: the fish and poultry markets on the opposite side of have attended schools provided by the school board.

the street were built in 18:n-2, at a cost of more than£8oo: In the ancient Grammar School here, extinct since 1849,

the market is held on Saturdays. · were educated the learned Hnmphrey Prideaux D. D. formerly

A cattle market is held on the second Monday in every dean of Norwich, d. 1724; Waiter Moyle esq. a writer on

month, excepting in October, when St. Matthew's fair for classical antiquities and John Wolcot M.D. (Peter Pindar), a

cattle and pleasure is held. - satirical author: the borough was represented in 1620 by

Here are four banks, viz., Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Sir Edward Coke, afterwards Chief Justice of the King's

Coode, Grylls and Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Corn- Bench, and in 1775 by Edward Gibbon, the distinguished

wall) ; the Devon and Cornwall Banking Co. Limited ; the historian.

Capital and Counties Bank Limited and the Cornish Bank H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, as Duke of Cornwall, is lord

Limited, all of which occupy spacious buildings in the most of the Duchy manor of Liskeard, and William Nicholas

prominent parts of the town. The East Cornwall Savings Connock Marshal1 esq. J.P. is lord of the Manor of Hagland.

Bank, established in I8I8, is situated in Pike street, and was The principal landowners are the Duchy of Cornwall, Tre-

built in 1835 at a cost of £320. hawke Kekewich esq. n.L., J.P. of Peamore, Exeter, Mrs. S.

A newspaper, "The Cornish Times," is published weekly. A. Hawke, Lord Robartes, George B. Marke esq. and the

The three hotels-Webb's hotel, built by a limited corn- Rev, George Edward Hermon M.A. of Doublebois.

pany in 1833, the " Bell," and the" Stag," are old established The soil is ot_ vanous kinds, lying on soft stone. The

houses, well appointed and efficiently managed. Tb.ere is principal crops are grass, oats, barley and turnips.

also an excellent temperance hotel on Baytree hill, the pro- The area of the parish is 8,129 acres, of which 2,704

perty of a limited liability company, for-rued in 1892, who are within the municipal limits; rateable value of the

acquired premises known as the "Union hotel," and con- borough, £r8,555; !'nd that of the portion of the parish not

verted these at a cost of about £7oo. included in the borough, £7,583; the population of the

At Lamellion, about 1 mile from the town, is a woollen borough in 1091 was 3,984, including II3 officers and in-

mill, fitted with new combing machinery. At Moorswtter mates in the workhouse: and of the parish outside the
is an iron foundry belonging to Mr. Richard Henry Williams borough~ x,o4o.
and there are also two saw mill'!, a brewery, established in TREWIDLAND and TREVELMOND are villages, the former 3

1840, flour mills, the workshops of the Looe and Liskeard miles south and the lattet• 4 miles west from Liskeard, and

;railway and the "Cornish l'imes" printing works. The adjoining St. Pinnock. There is a Wesleyan chapel at

Caradon Copper Mines in this district, once so profitable, Trevelmond. .

are now idle, and have been so since r885. DouBLEBOIS is a place in the parish of Liskeard, with a

The Conservative club is in Market street and the Liberal station on the Great Western railway, and abetut 3?i miles

Club in Dean street. . west from Liskeard and 268 from London. Dcmblebois

The Liskeard branch of the British and Foreign Bible House, the seat of the Rev. George Edward Hermon M.A. is

Society was established as early as 1812, and the Ladies' a quadrangular building of dressed stone, erected in 1873 in

Bible Association in 1813; there are also Female Provident, a somewhat mixed style; it stands in grounds of 40 acres,

Dorcas, Benevolent and Temperance Societies and a Y pung the greater part tastefully laid out, and commands a very

Men's Christian Association. picturesque view of the Glynn valley. Treworgey House, a

The Literary aiid Scientific Institution, established in mansion of granite, 1! miles north-west, is the seat of

1:832, and located in the Public buildings, Parade, has a William Nicholas Ci.mnock Marshall J.P.

library of 2,ooo volumes. DOBWALLS is a small village about 3 miles west, and half

In r87~ a drinking fountain was presented to the town by a mile east from Doublebois station. The chapel of ease

Matthew Loam esq. and in 1893 Mrs. George E. Hermon, of here, attached to Liskeard, is a building of stone in the Early

Doublebois, gave live large drinking troughs of finely worked English style, consisting of chancel and nave, and a turret

granite. containing one bell, and was opened for divine service in

The endowed charities are-John White's, of £3 annually; r839 at a cost of £6-to, a portion of which, about £220, was

W. Fudge's of £27 16s. 8d. annually; J. Rogers', of £r 6s. raised by subscription, and the remainder defrayed by the

annually; and Rich Daw's, of £r IOS. annually. The above- Rev. James Frederick Todd, t.hen vicar.

mentioned sums are now united so as to form a common Here are also Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels.

fund for the maintenance of almshouses, built in 1728, for Parish Clerk, James Penney.

four deserving persons of not less than so years of age, each Between Liskeard and Lostwithiel is Broadoak, or Braddoc

.Qf whom receives a weekly stipend of 2s.; Mr. William T. Down, where, on the rgth Jan. 1643, Ruthven, governor of

Hancock is receiver and clerk to the trustees. There are Plymouth, with a force taken from the garrison of that

also charitable societies for supplyin!.{ the poor with coals town, was totally defeated by the royalists under Sir Ralph

and blankets. Under a scheme of thl'l Charity Commissioners Hopton and Sir Bevil Grenville.

. Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.

PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Insurance & Annuity Office.-( Austell, Truro &c. last delivery, 7-So p.m. On SWldays

Postmaster, James Rogers, Windsor place. the first delivery only is made

• PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,

HouRs OF ATTENDANCE.-For sale of stamps, registration of
letters &c. week days, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to 10 Dobwalls.-William Barnicott, receiver. Letters delivered
a.m. ; postal order business, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Money at 7.25 a. m.; dispatched at 5.10 p.m. week days only~

order & savings bank, government annuity & insurance WALL LETTER BoxEs & TIMES OF CLBARANCE-

business & issne of licenses, week days, 3 a. m. to 6 p.m. ; Barn street, II a. m. & 6.5 & 8.45 p.m. ; SWldays, .8 a.m
Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph business, week Castle Hill, 11.15 a..m. & 6.15 &8.35 p.m.; sundays,8.3oa.m
days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; sundays, 8 to ro a.m
Railway station, 10.55 a.m. & 6 & 8.30 p.m.; sundays,

Liskeard rural deliveries 6 a.m. ; Callington & Tavistock Dean street, 10.40 a.m. & 5·45 & 8.20 p.m. week dayS' only'

7.50 a.m. ; Falmouth, Penzance, St. Anstell, Truro &c. Moorswater, 5.25 p.m. week days only
(day), 11.40 a.m.; North of England, Ireland & Scotland;
Southampton & South West of England, Devonport & Doublebois station, 5.25 p.m. week days only 1)
Plymouth, Exeter &c. 12.20 p.m.; Devonpor~ & Plymouth,
Higher Lux street, 10.40 a.m. & 5.40 & 8.50 p.m. week
4.15 p.m.; all parts. 8.55 p.m.; London (day) & all parts
days only

Parade, 10.35 a.m. & 5·35 & 8.55 p.m. week days only

~xcept Cornwall, 8.55 !'.m.; London (night) & all parts, PARCEL MAILS (0UTWARD)-LATBST HOUR FOR RECEIVING
6.35 p.m. ; Falmouth, Penzance, Truro, Looe, Polperro
&c. (night) 5 a.m
Parcels intended ior transmission by parcel post must be

LETTER MAILS (INwARD).-Hou&s oF TowN DELIVERY. presented at the counter between the hours of 7 a. m, & 8
London (night) & all parts, 7 a.m. ; North of England & p.m. on week days

Scotland; Southampton & South West of England; Ply- Callington & Tavistock, 7.30 a.m.; North of England, Soot-

mouth & Devonport ; Falmouth, Penzance, St. Austell, land & Ireland; Southampton, South West of England,

Truro &c. 2nd town delivery, 1:.30 p.m. ; London, Bristol, Devonport & Plymouth, Exeter & Corn·wall, 12 noon ;

Plymouth, 3rd town delivery, 2.55 p.m. ; London (day) & Devonport & Plymouth, a p.m.; London (night) & all

Ireland ; Plymouth~ Devonport &c. ; Callington & Tavi- parts, 6.15 p.m.; All parts-late mail & rural district

stock; Looe, Polperro &c.; Falmouth, Penzance, St. 8 p.m

• DEV. & CORN• 74*


PARCEL MAILS (lNWARD).-DELIVERY COMMENCES. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Agricultural Hold-

London (night) & all parts, 7 a.m.; North of England & ings Act" & "Law of Distress Amendment Act," Richard

Scotland: Southampton & South West of England; Ply- Ansel Courtney, Church street; W. May, I9 Fore st. &

mouth & Devonport, I.go p.m.; London, Bristol & Ply- Edward Spry, Barras place

mouth, 4 p.m.; London (day) & Ireland; Plymouth, County Police Station, Castle, George Barnes, superinten-

Devonport &c. ; Callington & Tavistock ; Looe, Polperro dent ; one sergeant & 4 constables

&c. 7.50 p.m. No delivery on sundays Liskeard (Corporation) Fire Brigade Station, Pipewelllane;

County Magistrates for the Hundred of West Petty William Hammond, supt. ; W. A. Jenkin, deputy supt. &
Sessional Division. 12 men

The senior magistrate takes the chair. Markets, Fore street, Samuel Hicks, clerk
Masonic Hall, Parade, Richard A. Courtney, sec
Trelawny Sir William Lewis Salusbury- hart. D.L. Trelawne, Stamp Office, Post office, James Rogers, distributor
Duloe R.S.O Temperance Hall, William George &Wm.J.Humphreys,secs
Town Hall, Fore street ; for lettings apply to the Town clerk
Boucher Alfred Richard esq. D,L. Trenean, Hessenford, St.
Germans R.S.O
Fortescue John Bevill esq. M.A., D.L. Boconnoc, Lostwitbiel

Foster Lewis Charles esq. The Coombe, Liskeard 2nd Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry

Foster Richard esq. M.A., D.L. Lanwithan, Lostwithiel (A Co.), Drill hall, Market buildings; Capt. William Bar-

Glencross George Poole Norns esq. M.A. Luxstowe, Liskeard gent, commander ; Surgeon-Capt. William Nettle, medi-

Glencross Rev. J ames M. A. Luxstowe, Liskeard cal officer

Hawker John Samuel esq. B.A. Mutley house, Plymouth LISKEARD UNION.

Howell Francis Buller esq. D.L. Ethy, Lostwithiel Board day, alternate saturdays at 1.30 p.m. at the Boaro

Marshall Wm. Nicholas Connock esq. Treworgey, Liskeard room, Workhouse.

PeterReginald Arthur esq. Klymarven, East Looe R.S.O The Union, formed January 16th, 1837, comprises the
following places, viz. :-Boconnoc, Broadoak, Callington,
Clerk to the Magistrates, Henry Caunter, Castle hill
The County Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall the St. Cleer, St. Dominck, Duloe, St. Ive, St. Keyne,.
first wednesday in eTery month except October & the first Lanreath, Lansallos, Lanteglos, Linkinhorne, Liskeard
& last wednesday in September at 10 a. m. The following borough & parish, East Looe, West Looe, St; Martin's-by-
place!'! are included in the Petty Sessional division:- Looe, Menheniot, Morval, St. Neot, Pelynt, St. Pinnock,

Parishes of Boconnoc, Broadoak, Cardinham, St. Cleer, So11thhill, Talland & St. Veep. The population of the
Duloe, St. Keyne, Lanreath, Lansallos, Lanteglos, union in 1891 was 26,448 ; area, I07,44I acres; rateable

Liskeard, Looe (East & West), St. Martin'"'• Menheniot, value in 1893, £124,040
Morval, St. Neot, Pelynt, St. Pinnock, Talland, St. Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Albert

Veep, Warleggan, St. Winnow Charles Lyne Glubb, West street, Liskeard

Borough Magistrates. Treasurer, William Sargent, Cornish Bank

The Mayor & the Ex-Mayor. Relieving Officers, Callington district, Richard Bennet, Call-
ington ; Liskeard district, Bennett Carveth Hooper,
Bone Samuel, Parade Jenkin Silvanus Wm.Dean tr Higher Lux street, Liskeard ; Looe district, R. Tamblin,
Tredinnick, Duloe
l''oster Lewis C. The Coombe Lang 'rhos. Grove Park ter
Vaccination Officers, W. Cracker, Lerrin; Richard Bennet,
Hingston Andrew, Parade William Nettle, Parade Callington; Bennett Carveth Hooper, Higher Lux street,
Liskeard & R. Tamblin, Tredinnick, Duloe
Clerk, Henry Caunter, Castle hill
Medical Officers, No. I district, William Nettle, Parade,
Borough Petty Sessions are held at tbe Town hall, every first

& third monday in every month at 10 a.m

Corporation. Liskeard ; No. 2 district, Robert Thomas Thomas M.D.

1892·3· Looe; No. 3 district, William Row, Lerrin; Nos. 4 & 5
MAYOR-Alderman S. Bone. districts, William Hall Torbock M.D. Polruan ; No. 6 dis-

Ex-MAYOR-Councillor Thomas Lang. trict, James Trelawny Cheves, Dean terrace, Liskeard;

ALDERMEN. No. 7 district, Robert Btssell Mole L.R.C.P. Edin, Callington;

tHerbert Geo. T. Hawken tJames Rogers No. 8 district, Joseph William Gill L.R.c.P.LOnd. Linkin-

tWilliam Henry Husband tHarry Wills horne
Public Vaccinators, No. I district, Andrew Hingston, Rose
tSilvanus W. Jenkin tAlbert C. L. Glubb
parade, Liskeard; Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 districts, same
tDaniel Venning tSamuel Bone as Medical Officers
Superintendent Registrar, Albert CharlesLyne Glubb, West
street, Liskeard; deputy, Albert de Castro Glubb, West
UPhilip Brewer Henwood *Thomas Lang street, Liskeard
Registrars of Births & Deaths, Callington sub-district,
IIOliver Calmer *Richard Henry Lee Richard Bennet, Callington; deputy, William Pearce,
jun. Callington; Lerrin sub-district, William Cracker,
IIGeorge White *Josiah William Parker Lerrin; deputy, Miss Cracker, Lerrin; Liskeard sub-
district, Bennett Carveth Hooper, Higher Lux street, Lis-
jJAlfred Willmott Venning One Vacancy keard; deputy, William Henry Courtney, Castle st. Lis-

Auditors, John Bone & R. A. Courtney.

Marked thus 11 retire in 1893. ·

:Marked thus • retire in 1894,

Marked thus t retire in 1895,

Marked thus t retire in 1898.

OFFICERS OF THE CoRPORATION & URBAN SANIT-'.RY keard ; Looe sub-district, Robert Tamblin, Duloe ; deputy,

AUTHORITY. W. E. Tamblin, Duloe

Town Clerk & Clerk to the Urban Sanitary Authority, Registrars of Marriages, John Strong, Barn street, Liskeard;
James Venning, Callington
Henry Lyde Gaunter, Castle hill

l\Iedical Officer of Health, William Nettle, Parade house The Workhouse, Station road, was built in 1839, at a total
Treasurer to Urban Sanitary Authority, William Sargent,
Cornish Hank cost, including site, of about £7,500; it stands on about
2! acres of land & will hold 350 inmates ; Alfred Mills,
Solicitors, Gaunter & Son, Castle hill master i. Rev. T. L. Symes M.A. St. Keyne Rectory, act-

Borough Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, John Kendall, ing chaplain; William Nettle, medical officer; Mrs. Mills,
I Fairley terrace
Collector of Rates, James Penney, Castle street matron
Superintendent of Fire B,rigade, Wm. Hammond, Stuart ho RURAl, SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Deputy Supt. of Fire Brigade, Wm. Alfred Jenkin, Dean ter
Clerk of the Markets, Samuel Hicks, West street Clerk, Albert Charles Lyne Glubb, West street, Liskeard
•rown Criers& Sergeants-at-Mace, John Scantlebury, Church 'freasurer, William Sargent, Cornish Bank
Medical Officer of Health, William Nettle, Parade, Liskeard
street north, & Stephen Grose, Higher Lux street Inspector of Nuisances, Edwin Mallett, Duloe


Public Establishments. Meeting at the Workhouse once a month on completion of
• ordinary board business.

Cemetery (Nonconformist), Barn street

County Court, held at 'the Town hall, His Honor Thomas Clerk, .Albert Charles Lyne Glubb, West street, Liskeard

Colpitts Granger, judge; Albert Charles Lyne Glubb, Attendance & Inquiry Officers, Liskeard district, H. C.

registrar ; R. A. Courtney, chief clerk ; office, Town hall. Hooper, Higher Lux street, Liskeard; Looe district, R.

The court is held at the Town hall generally on the second Tamblin, Duloe ; Callington district, Richard Bennet,

monday in the month & the district generally comprises Callington

the following places within its jurisdiction, viz. :-The Public Officers.

borough & parish of Liskeard, St. Keyne, Menheniot, St. Assistant Overseer (borough) & Collector of Taxes, Williaru

Cleer, St. Neot, St. Pinnock, Boconnoc, Broadoak, Lan- H. Courtney

reath, St. Veep, Lanteglos, Lansallos, Pelynt, Talland, Assistant. Overseer (parish), R. A. Courtney, Church street

Duloe, East Looe, West Looe, St. :Martin's-by-Looe, Mor- Certifying Factory Surgeon, William Nettle, Parade

val, St. German's, Quethiock, Callington (& town), St. Clerk to the Highway Board, Albert Charles Lyne Glubb,

Dominick, St. Ive, Linkinhorne & Southhill · West street




Clerk to Commissioners of Taxes, WiUiam Thomas Hancock, Schools.

Green Bank road School of Art, Public buildings, Barras place; C. W. Jewell,

Collector of Poor Rates, James Penney, Castle street hon. sec. ; Miss F. M. Bruford, mistress

County Coroner, Albert Charles Lyne Glubb, West street; A School Board of 7 members was formed June 3, I878,
deputy, Albert de C. Glubb
for the united district borough & parish of Liskeard &
County Surveyor for East Cornwall, Silvanus William Jen- parish of St. Keyne, who meet on the 2nd wednesday in
kin, Parade
e:tch month; John Strong, Barn street, clerk to the
Surveyor of Highways, John Rabini Sobey, Trethew, Men- board ; Richard Austin, Higher Lux st. attendance officer
Board, built in 1882, at a cost of about £z,7oo, for ISO boys,
Surveyor of Taxes, J. J. Farrell, Bodmin
Town Criers, John Scantlebury, Church street north & 150 girls & 100 infants ; average attendance, 105 boys, 65
girls k so infants; John Bailey, master ; Miss Eliz:a M.
Stephen Grose, Higher Lux street
Sedgley, mistress
Treasurer to Highway Board, L. C. Foster, Consolidated Board, Trewidland (mixed), built in 188o, for 8o children ;
Bank of Cornwall
average attendance, 55; William Leeming, master
Vestry Clerk, William Thomas Hancock, Green Bank road Board, Dobwalls (mixed), built in rS8o & enlarged in

Newspapers. 1892, for 110 children; average attendance, 95 ; Thomas

Cornish Times (liberal), Great place; John Philp, printer H. Partridge, master
& publisher ; published sat. Id Parochial, in Church street, built in 1867 by public sub-

scription, at a cosv of £3,ooo, & supported in part by

Places of Worship, with times of services. Huller's endowment of £15 yearly; the schools will hold

Parish Church (St. Martin), Rev. G. T. Braine-Hartnell M.A. 163 boys & 163 girls; average attendance, ss boys & So

vicar; I1 a.m. & 6.go p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m girls; Jas. Cock, master; Miss Mary Ann Elson, mistress
Chapel of Ease, Dobwalls, 3 p.m Infants' School, built in 1877, for 120 children; average
St. Neot's Catholic, West street, Rev. Richard William
attendance, 70 ; Miss Eliz:a Ugaldi, mistress
Meager, priest; holy communion, S.3o a.m. & prayers & Catholic (mixed & infants), West street, erected in 1S86, for
mass, II a. m. ; devotions, ins1,ruction & benediction, 6. go
p.m. ; holidays of obligation, holy communion, 8 a.m. & 40 children; average attendance, 21; Mrs. M. Malone, mist


prayers, mass & benetliction, 10 a.m. ; thurs. benediction, G. W. Railway (J. C. Wall & Co. agents); office, Dean st

8 a.m. ; daily mass, 8 a. m. in summer & 8.go in winter Pickford & Co. railway carriers (Miss Ann Temple, agent),
Friends' Meeting House, Pound street; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ; Pound street
· thurs. II a.m
Country Carriers.
Baptist, Dean street, Rev. Charles !''. Perry; II a.m. & 6
p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m BonMIN-John Hambley, from Well lane, sat
CROWSNEST-T. Buzza, from Parade, sat
Bible Christian, Dobwalls; II a.m. & 3 & 6 p.m LINKINHORNE-Alfred 'fruscott, from Parade, sat
Bible Christian, Barn street, Rev. Thomas Spillett; II a.m. NORTH HILL-Thomas Knight, from Parade, sat
PENSILVA-Mrs. Carkeek, John Wilcocks & Frederick Keast,
& 6 p.m.; fri. 7 p.m
Bible Christians, 'frewidland, 3 & 6 p.m from Parade, sat
Primitive Methodist, Castle hill, Rev. George Ellis; u a.m. ST. CLEER-Thomas Knight, from Parade, sat
TREMAR-Reuben Hodge, from Parade, sat
& 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
United Free Methodist, Green bank, Rev. John Gaskell; u

a.m. & 6 p.m.; mon. 7 p.m. & thurs. 7 p.m Conveyance.

United Free Methodist, Moorswater, 3 & 6 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m East Cornwall Coach Co. from Webb's hotel at 7.50 a.m.
Wesleyan, Barn street; n a. m. & 6!
daily (sundays excepted) for Tavistock, via Callington, to
p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7 p.m
meet the L. &S. W. railway up train for London; return-
Wesleyau, Dobwalls; u a.m. & 6 p.m.; 1Rev. John Palmer
tues.. 7 p.m } & Rev. Thomas ing to Liskeard about 7 p. m
Wesleyan, Trevelmond; 11 a.m. & 6 1 l''uller Br 'ant Railway Stations.

Liskeard, William Henry H. Wright, station master. An .

Wesleyan, Bye Lane end; II a.m. & 6 omnibus from Webb's hotel meets the trains

p.m. ; mon. 7 p.m Doublebois, William Harris, station master

Free Church, Trewidland, Rev. Edwd. Newstead; 3 & 6 p.m Moorswater, John Symons, station master

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Courtney Richard Ansel, Church street Hare Nicholas, Dean street

Alien Miss, Trehawke house, Dean st Courtney William Henry, Castle street Harvey Mrs. 1 Addington place

Andrew Thomas Henry, Dean place Cowling William, Barn street Hawke Mrs. Westbourne

Ailgeve ~Irs. Castle street Creswell Frederick, Dean terrace Hawken Herbert George Thistlewood,

Bailey John, Dean street Creswell Miss, Dean terrace Dean street

Banks Rev.Hy. [Wesleyan], Dean street Curdle John Lewis, Barn street Hawken Miss, West street

Barnes George, Higher Lux street. Daniel John, Wadeland villa Hermon Rev. George Edward M. A.

Barrel:.t Mrs. 4 Addington place Davey John Hawken, Castle street Doublebois house

Bawden Edward, 5 Ash Park terrace Delger Max, Castle street Hingston Andrew, Parade

Benson Roberl:. Allan, Green bank Durham Mrs. 3 Ash Park terrace Hingston Richard, Rose Dean, Dean st

Blackall Mrs. Dean terrace Ede Miss, 4 Castle street Hicks John, West street

Blarney John H. 3 Manley terrace Edey George, Addington villa Holman Mrs. Castle villa, Castle street

Body Edmund Wills, Twelvewood Elliott Miss, Dean terrace Honey Mrs. Windsor place

Body George Whitehead, Dobwalls Ellis Rev. George [Primitive Metho- Hooper Bennett Carveth, 4 Fairley ter

Bone John, Parade dist], 10 Addington place Hooper Henry Hardinge, Old park

Bone Miss, 6 Carwinion terrace Elson Miss, Castle street Hosken John Kitt, Tremeddan terrace

Bone Samuel, Parade Faull Richard, 3 Fore street Hosking Joseph, Higher Lux street

Btaine-Harl:.nell Rev. Geo. Taylor M.A. Firks Thomas, Dean terrace Hosking Thomas Fredk.3Carwinion ter

[vicar], Vicarage, Church street Fortesque Mrs. Tremeddan Isaac Charles, Dean villa

Broad Miss, 6 Barnfield terrace Lewis Charles J .P. The Coombe lsaac John Clark, Dean villa

Brown Thomas, Wadeland terrace FranceMiss,Greenbank J ago Misses, Barn street

Bryant H.ev.'I'homas Fuller [Wesleyan], Friend Peter, Wadeland terrace Jago Richard, Barn street
Fairley terrace
Garland Matthew Pope, Castle street Jenkin Richard Courtney, Fore street

Bryant Benjamin, 7 Carwinion terrace Gaskell Rev. John [United Methodist Jenkin Silvanus Wm. C.E. 10 Dean ter
Bryant Mrs. 7 Castle gardens
Free Church], Green Bank road Jenkin William Alfred, 7 Dean terrace

Camden Charles John, 2 Grove park George Theo. Mitchell, 9 Ba.rnfield ter Jewell Charles W. Parade
Cannter Hy. Middleton house, Parade George William, 5 Barnfiell terrace Kelly Miss, Dean place

Caunter Henry Lyde, Dean street Gifford William, 8 Castle gardens Lang John Chas. IO Barnfield terrace

Chapman John, sen. I Dean place Gilbert John, 3 Grove park Lang Thomas, I Grove park

Chegwidden J. W. Parade Gillett Miss, Polyphant house, Dean st. Langford Richard, Church street

Cheves James Trelawny, Dean terrace Glencross Rev. Jas. M.A.,J.P. Lnxstowe Langmaid George, 4 Carwinion terrace

Childs Borlase, Trewithan Glencross George Poole Norris M.A.,J.P. La Penotiere Misses, Parade

Clutterbnck Mrs. St. Mary's grotto Luxstowe Leaman Arthur, Tremeddan terrace

Clymo James, Ba.rras street Glubb Albert Char1es Lyne, Pen Dean Lee Richard Henry, x Manley terrace

Coad John Luskey, Higher Lux street Glubb Albert, Pen Dean Lowcay Wm.George, Wadeland terraca

Cock James, 2 Ba.rnfield terrace Glubb Miss, Dean cottage Lucas Misses, 6 Manley terrace

Collins Miss, 9 Dean terrace,Dean street Godfrey James, 1 Carwinion terrace Lyne Mrs. Moorswater lodge

Collins Mrs. 5 Manley terrace Hancock Arthur, 5 Castle street MarshallWilliam Nicholas Connock l.P.

Coombs l'tlrs. 3 Barnfield terrace Hancock William Thomas, 5 Castle st Treworgey house


Matheson Frank, Dean place Rapson Benjamin, Barn street Stevens Charles Fredk.8 Castle gardens

Matheson Mrs. Pound street Rice Miss, G-IIeen Bank lane Strong John, Barn street

Maynard John, Golden bank Richarcls Edwin, Dean street Symons John, Well town

Meager Re..-, Richard William [Catho- Richards 6eorge Fras. Ash Park villa Taylor Mrs. 4 Manley terrace
lic], St. Neot'~ Presbytery
Ridgman William, West street Tregelles Mrs. 6 Dean terrace

Morcom Arthur Ernest, Market street Roberts John, Pound street Trewren John Clymo, Parade

Morcom George (,1-regory, Barras street Rogers George, Dean street Triscott Miss, I I Carwinion terrace

Morcom Miss, l\liarket street Rule William H. 7 Manley terrace Turner Alfred William, 9 CarwiniQn tel"

Nettle WilJ.iam, Parade Sampson J &lm, 8 Carwinion terrace Venning Alfred Willmott, Baytree hill

Newstead Rev. Edward [Free- Church), S,ampson John, Green bank Venning Daniel, Baytree hill

9 Addington place Sargent Richd. Penwarden, Looe down Vertning Edmund, Dean street

Olver .John, 2 Carwinion terrace .S~rge~t William, Dean house Venning Miss, Dean terrace

Palmer Rev.John [Wes.], Russell house Seabrook Mrs. 5 Carwinion terrace Vincent Mrs. 2 Addington place

Parker Josiah William, Beech lawn Smith Chas.Drummond, 4 Barnfield ter Volk Crispin, Barras street

Perry Rev, Charles F. [Baptist], 5 Smith William. Castle lane Wardroper Henry Timins, Ladye park

Ash Park terrace Smythurst. Thos. Abraham, Fairley ter Welby Patrick, Higher Lux street

Phillips John, Green Bank road Spillett Rev. Thomas [Bible Christian], Wenmoth Wiliam N. 8 Castle gardens

Polkin~horne William, Windsor villa, Barn street . Wilkey Mrs. Dean terrace ·

Barn street Spry Mi'ss, Higher Lux street Williams James, Dean pl. Dean street

Pollard Mrs. l Ash Pln'k terrace Spurway Frederick, Castle street Williams Mrs. 4 Grove park

Pooley William Jefford, Castle cottages Spurway James, Castle street Williams Richard Henry, Parade

Potts James, I Barnfield terrace. Stanlake Mrs. Tremeddan terrace Wonnacutt John, Wadham house

Prideaux Miss, Castle street Stantan William Henry, Parade WrightWm. Hy. Harris, 7Trem~ddan tel"

Raby Mrs. 8 Barnfield terrace l

Andrew Thomas Henry, civillengineer & surveyor, Dean pl ChildsBorlase(firm,Childs& Son), solicit0r, sec. to Liskeard

Andrews John, baker, Higher Lux street & Caradon Railway Co. & Liskeard Water Works Co.

Austin Richard,school attendance officer,Higher Lux street commissioner to administer oaths, perpetual commis-

Barneeott Martin L. tailor, Trevelmond sioner & clerk: ta petty sessions of the Tywardreath

Barnes Emma (M1ss), ladies' school, Higher Lux street hundred of Powder, Parade

Barnes George, superintendent of police, Higher Lux street Chudleigh Elizabeth (Miss), baker, Baytree bill

Barrett William, linen draper, Market street Chudleigh Joseph, butcher, Windsor place

Bartlett William, boot maker, Landlooe bridge Chudleigh 'fhomas, currier, Lower Lux street

Bartlett William, cowkeeper, Higher Lux street Chynoweth John, ironmonger, Lower Lux street

Bate Henry, stone mason, Grove cottage, Dean street Cleave John, Stag family & .commercial hotel & posting

Bate James, stone mason, Looe mills house, Railway station

Bawden Michael Williams, mine broker, Lower tux street Clemence Rd. Nattle, tailor, Low. Lux st. &toy dlr. Poundst

Bowden William, greengrocer, Church street Clinnick John, butcher, Reedy mill

Bettinson Charles, boot & shoe maker, .Church street Coad & Son, solicitors, Higher Lux street

Bevan William Thomas, tJrovision dealer, Church street Coad John Luskey (firm, Coad & Son}, solicitorr commis-

Bishop & l'eter, merchants & ship ownei's (William Eird, sioner for oaths in supreme court & on the equity side of

manager), M:oorswater the vice-warden's court, Higher Lux street

Blake Philip, farmer, Treneath Coad John Luskey, jun. solicitor, see Coad & Son

Blarney Johq H. wool camber & implement merchant, Barn Coath Charles, house decorator, Lower Lux street

street; & Lamellion Coath John Henry, decorator & sign writer, Pike street

Body Edmund Wills, farmer & landowner, Twelvewood Coath John Henry, photographer, Fore street

Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls & Co. Limited Coath Mary Ann (Mrs.), carpenter, Higher Lux street

(Consolidated Bank of Cornwall) (Charles W. Jewell, Cohen Coleman, umbrella maker, Lower Lux street
manager), Parade: draw on Williams Deacon &Manches~ ~ Coles Henry, saddler, Pike street

ter & Salford Bank Limited, London · I Collard Beatrice (Miss), teacher of music, Church street
i Collings Matthew, farmer, Fursdon
Bond William Richard, tanner, Church street
BoneJohn&Co.seed,corn,coal & general merchants, Barras pl I Colliver Elizabeth (Mrs.), milliner, Dean street

Bone Lewis, farmer, & actuary savings bank, Uulverland Calmer Oliver, draper & outfitter, Pike street

Bone Samuel, manager of Devon & Cornwall Bank&. treas- Congdon Henry; butcher, Barn street

urer to school board, Parade Congdon John, farmer, Beneathway

Botterell James Hosking, watch maker, '.!5 Fore street Congdon John Samuel, forage dealer, Railway station

Botterell Richard Moon,music & musical instrument dealer, Conservative Clnb {H. G. T. Hawken, sec.), Market street.

24 Fore street Cook William, basket dealer, Church street north

Bray Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner, Lower Lux street Copp John, timber merchant, Railway station

British & Foreign Bible Society (branch) (John Wonnacott, Copplestone William Henry, basket maker, Cannon hill

sec.), Wadham house Cornish Bank Lim. (branch) (Wm. Sargent, manager), Pike-

Broad & Sons, drapers, Market street st s w ; draw on Smith, Payne &Smiths, London. See advt
Broad John, provi~>ion & china dealer, Church street
Cornish T1mes (John Philp, printer & publisher; published

Broad John, watch makell & jeweller, Pound street saturday), Great place

Broad William, 'Iemperanoo house, Baytree hill Cornish Henry Painter, rope maker, Higher Lux street

Broad William Nanscawn, farmer, Lodge Couch Richard, farmer, Looedown

Brock Thomas, farmer, South Boduel Couch Simon, farmer, Woodhill

Brown Emma {Miss), shopkeeper, Higher Lux street County Court (His Honor Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge ~

Bryant Benjamin, auditor Liskeard & Caradon Railway Co. Albert C. L. Glubb, registrar), Town ball

& hon. sec. Liskeard Temperance Hotel Co. Lim. Parade Courtney Richard Ansel, aecountant, Church street

Burnett Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Church street Courtney William Henry, deputy registrar of births &

Capital & Counties Bank Lim, (branch (Wm. Polkinghorne, deaths, Liskeard sub-district & assistant overseer & as-

manager), Barras st. ; draw on head office, London E c sessor & collector of taxes, Castle street

Carter James, shopkeeper, Higher Lux street Cox William, currier, Church street

Caunter & Son, solicitors, Castle hill Craddick Joseph, farmer, Brendon

Caunter Henry (firm, Caunter & Son), solicitor, & perpetual Oradick George, seedsman, Barn street

commissioner & commissioner for administering l)aths, Crago Charles, builder & carpenter, Dobwalls

clerk to the justices for hundred of West & clerk to Cngo John, baker, Baytree hill

justices for borough of Liskeard, Castle hill Crawley Thomas, drill instructor, Dean street

Caunter Henry Lyde(firm, Cannte'l'&Son,) solicitor, 'i'own Croker John, farmer, Trembraz&

clerk & blerk to urban sanitary anth(lrity, Ca.st1e hill Gullen Samuel, Fountain P.H. Parade

Cemetery (Nonconformist) (John Strong, sec. & treas.; Curdle John Lewis, dairyttlan, Barn street

John Penney, sexton)1 Barn !ltreet Ourra Peter Har'ris, farmer, Lamellion

Chapm!tn & Symons, carpenters & cabinet mas.Baytre~ hill Daniel John, cattle dealer, Wadeland 'Villa

Chapman John, chemist & dentist, a Dean street Davey John Hawken, blacksmith, Pike street

Chapman Thomas, baker, Cal'l.non hill Deacon DaYid, miller (water), Looe mills"

Clregwidden J. W. manager Webb's Hotel Limited, Parade Deacon Ursula (Mrs.), wheelwright, Moorswater & West st

Cheves & Hammond, surgeons\ Barras street Deeble William, dairyman, West street

Cheves James Trelawny(firm,Cheves & Hammond),surgeon, Deecker Henry, bookseller & printer, 7 Fore street

& medical officer & public vaccinator No. 6 district, Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (branch of) ~Samuel

Liskeard union, Dean terrace Bone1 manage11), Parade; draw 4lll Barclay, Bevan.
Childs & Son, solicitors, Parade Tritton, R?.nsorn, Bouverie & Co. Lombard stJ'eet, London


Dingle James, boot & shoe maker, 20 Fore street Hooper Bennett Carveth, relieving & vaccination. officer

Dingle John Samuel, confectioner, 2 Fore street Liskeard district & registrar of births' & deaths Liskeard

Doney Eli7.abeth (Mrs.), farmer, South Boduel sub-district & a.ttendance officer to school attendance com-

Doney Joseph, beer retailer, Dean street mittee, }''airley terrace

Doney Joseph, smith, Dobwalls Honey John, farmer, Treheer

Duchy or Cornwall Offices (George Francis B.ichards, HuddyWilliam Rotten, watch maker &c. see Ham& Buddy

mineral office; Richard A. Benson, land steward's office), Humphreys William James, grocer, Fore street

Masonic hall Husband Wm. Hy, Prudential Insurance agent, Dean street

East Cornwall Coach Factory (Joseph Hamlyn, manager), Isaac John Clark & Charles, iron merchants; offices, Tan-

coach builders, found street yard hill~ ~tores, Railway station

East Cornwall Gunpowder Co. Limit~d (J. C. Isaac,manager Isaac & Co. coal merchants ; offices, Tanyard hill ; stores,

& sec.); offices, Tanyard hill; manufactory, Herodsfoot Great Western & Moorswater railway stations

East Cornwall Savings Bank (Lewis Bone, actuary), Pike James John, Queen's Head P.H. Church street north

street Jenkin S. W. & Son, civil engineers & surveyors, land agents

Eastmond Frederick, grocer, Lower Lux street for Lord Robartes of Lanhydrock, & county surveyors for

Ede Joseph, grocer, Dobwalls East Cornwall, Parade

Ede William, stone mason, Trevelmond mill Jenkin Eliza (Mrs.), fancy dealer, 6 Fore street

Edgcumbe George, draper & outfitter, Market street Jenkin William Alfred, civil engineer & surveyor, see Jlmldn

Edmonds James, grocer, Lower Lux street S. W. & Son

Elliott Samuel, house decorator, Higher Lux street Jewell Charles William, manager of Consolidated Bank of

Evely Richard, butcher, Church street Cornwall, Parade

Faull Richard, wholesale & retail furnishing, builders' & Johns John, farmer, Tempello
general ironmonger ; tool, oil, color & glass merchant, 3 Julian Edmund, farmer, Lean
Fore street
Keam Reuben, boot & shoe warehouse, Market street
Foddy William, tailor & outfitter, Pike street
Keat Thomas, farmer, Tremabe
Foresters' Court Star of the East (Samuel Barrett, sec.), Kendall John, borough surveyor & inspector (>f nuisances, 1
Masonic hall
l''airley terrace
Furse James, farmer, Old Treworgey
George .An~ (Mrs.), grocer, Barn street • Knott Richard, Red Lion P.H. Lower Lux street
Larnb Betsy {Mrs.), farmer, Caduscott
George Theophilus Mitchell, assayer, Barnfield terrace
Lang Thos. & $ons, builders & contractors, 4 Tremeddan ter
George William, saddler & ironmonger, 23 Fore street
Lashbrook Jphn, firewood dealer, Pound street
Giddy 'Villiam Henry, farmer, Boduel
Lashbrook Richard, boot & shoe repairer, Castle hill
Gilbert John, mineral agent Jor Lord Robartes' estates in Lawton William, hair dresser, Church street
East Cornwall, Parade
Lean Ellen (Miss), dress maker, Church street north
Gilbert William, Prudential .Assurance agent, 5 .Addington Lee Richard Henry & Co. drapers, Fore street
Leroy Mar~ (Mrs. ), laundress, Coombe cottages
Gill Thomas John, builder, Barn street
LiskeardAssociation FootballClub(H. Volk,Barras st.hon.sec)
Glass John, travelling draper, Church street north
Liskeard &; Oaradon Railway Co. (Borlase Childs, sec. ; S.
Glubb Albert Charles Lyne, solicitor, perpetual commis.. W. Jenkin, engineer; Herbert George Thistlewood,
sioner & commissioner fm; oaths in the supreme court & Hawken, traffic manager) ; offices, Parade
stannaries of Cornwall; registrar of county court; clerk Liskeard Chess &Whist Club (Jas. Ough, Market pl. hon.sec)
to the guardians & rural sanitary board, clerk tq the Liskeard Churchln11titute (Alfd. Ugalde,sec. ), xHigherLux &t
highway board & assessment committee, superintendent LiskeardCricketClub(W.H.Stanton&W.H.Thomas,hon.secs)
registrar, coroner for Cornwall & agent for West of Eng- Liskeard Fire 13rigade (Dr. William Hammond, superintdnt)
land Fire & Life offi('e, West street
Liskeard Gas Works (Charles Isaac, sec. ; William Cowling,
Glubb Albert de Castro, solicitor & deputy coroner for Corn- manager), Barn street
wall & deputy superintendent registrar, West street
Liskeard Liberal Club (Wm. By. Husband,hon.sec.), Dean st
Godfrey William, carpenter, Looe mills
Liskeard Literary & Scientific Institution (Charles W.
Goldsworthy Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper, CllUrch street
Jewell & A. W. Venning, hon. secs.), Public hall
Govett James, farmer, Halbathick
Liskeard & Hooe Union Canal Co. (William H. Rule, sec.);
Grose John & Co. }loot makers, 12 Fore street
offices, Barras street
Grose Stephen, corn merchant, Higher Lux street
Liskeard School of .Art (Miss F. M. Bruford, head mistresS;
Ham & Ruddy, watch makers & jewellers, Fore street
C. W. ,Jewell, hon. sec.), Public hall
Hambly William, farmer & miller {water). Lamellion
Liskeard Temperance Hotel Co. Lim. (Benj. Bryant, hon.
Hamlyn Brothers, wool merchants, Barn street
sec. ; Miss Emily C. Milton, managereSs), Baytree hill
Hammond Wm. surgn.L. R.C.P.Edin,see Cheves & Hall\mond LiskeardWaterWorksCo. (BorlaseChild,sec.) ; offices, Parade

Hancock JaneAnn (Mrs.), glass & china. dealer, Church st Liskeard Young Men's Christian Association (John

Hancock William Thomas, clerk to commissioners of taxes, Wonnacott, president), Windsdr place
clerk to vestry & auditor of East Cornwall Savings Bank, Lower Alexander, farmer, Dean
Green Bank road
Loyal jUnion Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 2,66g, Manchester
Harding Lewis, farmer, Plashford
Unity (Arthur E. Morcom, sec.), Masonic hall, Parade

Harfoot Peter~ farmer, Lantoom Mabley William, china dealer, Baytree hill

Harris John, tailor, Pike street Madams Thomas Edward, builder & confectioner, Barn,st

Harris J oseph, marine store dealer, Castle lane Ma:idick William Ford,.fotage dealer, Dobwalls

Harris William, station master, Doublebois Marks J obn, bricklayer, Church street north

Hawken Herbert George Thistlewood, traffic manager Lis· Marks Richard, farmer, Lodge

keard & Caradon railway, Parade Martin, Amelia (Miss), china & glass dealer, Market street

Hawken John, blacksmith, Barras street Martin Emma (Mrs.), ironmonger, Pike street

Hawken Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, West street MasoniG Hall (R. A. Courtney1 sec.), Parade

Hayward Mary (Miss),ladies' school, Trion house, Dean st Matheson Mary (Mrs.), day school, Pound street
Henwood Robert Boddy & John James, farmers, Rosenun May & Son, auctioneers, 19 Fore street
Henwood Joseph. f-armer. Bromboyte
May Tpomas James, grocer, 4 :Fore street
Henwood Nehemiah, farmer, Gormellick
Mildreq William, shoe maker, Pound street
Henwood Philip Brewer, who. & retail grocer, Market street Milr9y Ann (Miss), lodging house, Fairley terrace
Henwood Stephen, farmer & butcher, Dobwalls
Milroy Samuel, travelling tea dealer, West street
Henwood Thomas, blacksmith, Trevelmond
Moon Cbristopher, White Hart !".H. Pike street
Hick Henry, pork butcher~ Higher Lux street
Moon John, farmer & landowner, Penhale
Hicks Edward, refreshment rooms, Parade
Moon John Matthews, tailor, .x8 Fote street
Hicks Erwin, hair dresser, Lower Lux street
Moon Newton, pianoforte tuner, Ash Park terrace

Hicks Francis, pork butcher, Lower Lux street Moon Thomas E. woollen draper, tailor & outfitter, xForest

Hicks Samuel, shoe maker, West street Moon William, farmer & landowner, Higher Clicker

Hicks Thomas Curtis, florist & builder, Barn street Moon William, Temperance hotel, Barras gtreet

Hicks William, dairyman, West street Moreom & CQ. coal merchants, Moorswater .
~orco"- Helen ( ), stationer, printer & bookseller;
Hill Elizabeth {Mrs.), Barley Sheaf P.H, Church street . agt, ~or ~he sale of ordnance & geological maps, Market st

Hingston & Son, surgeons, Rose Dean

Hingston Andrew (firm, Hingston & Son), surgeon, & me<h- Mutton Elizabeth (Mrs.), linen draper, Barras street

cal officer of health to urban sanitary authority & public Muttq:q Eli~beth Jane (Miss), milliner, 6 Dean .street
N"ettl~ )Villiarrl, surgeon, & medical officer to workhouse &
vaccinator No~ x dLi.s~t.rai,c:tr,, Hingston & Son),
TT' ,Richard jN,oA ,.J, ~istrict, Qledical officer of health rural sanitary

surgeon, ~ose. Deau • \..,. "u~hl:fi~Y & pertifying factory surgeon, Parade .

Hoar John, aarpenter, Dean street L"ifbQla,. George B. farmer, 'l'revelmond
North~.Y ;l¥c~rd, farmer, Polmenna 'J;'homas, tanner, Blakes park


Odger Mary (Miss), dress maker, Barn street Sl'antlebury William, farmer, Trevelmond

Oliver Marwood, farmer, Looe mills School of Art (C. W. Jewell, hon. sec.), Public buildings,

Oliver Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Barn street Barras place

Olver Cornelius Moon, farmer & landowner, Trewidland Searle Thomas, music seller, Fore street

Olver Thomas, dairyman & greengrocer, Dean street Short John, farmer, Little Hay

Olver William Henry, farmer, Housey Short William, blacksmith, Horningtops

Ough John & Son, builders, contractors & masons, Church st Skinner Joshua, tailor, Church street

Ough John, taxidermist & draper, Church street SmythurstThos.Abraham,organist at parish church, Dean st

Ough Lewis, chemist & grocer, Market street Snell Charles, farmer, Tremabe

Ough Richard Ivey Tremayne, farmer, Cannon hill Snell Nicholas, farmer, 6 Addington place

Parken Samuel, farmer, Lamellion Snell Samuel, boot & shoe warehouse & blacksmith, Dean st

Parker Josiah William, wine & spirit merchant, Fore street Snell Samuel, farmer, Tremabe

Parkyn James, baker, Church street north Sobey Richard, farmer, Pensipple

Parkyn Lewis Arthur, grocer, Pound street• Solomon Richard, cabinet maker, 9 Dean street

Parkyn Mary (Miss), baker, Barn street Spry Edward, auctioneer & valuer, land, house & commis-

Parkyn Misses, day school, Barn street sion agent & sheriff's officer, Barras place

Parkyn William, boot & shoe m:.tker, Church street Spurway Edwin, tailor, Lower Lux street

Parkyn William Henry, painter, Pound street Squires & Sons, coach builders, Barn street

Parsons Edgar, butcher, 7 Addington place & Market Stamp Office( Jas. Rogers,distributor),Post office, Windsor pl

Parsons John, bookbinder, Higher Lux street Stanley Philip John, decorator, Higher Lux street

Pascoe Mary (Mrs.), stay maker, Pound street Stantan & Stantan, drapers & hosiers, Fore street

Peake John, tanner, Church street Stephens Benjamin, farmer & butcher, Treburgeywater

Peake John, jun. tanner, Church street Stephens Boaz Kinch, butcher, Dobwalls

Fearce & Son, coal, corn & manure merchants, Doublebois . Stephens William, farmer, Trewen

Penney J ames, parish clerk & collector of rates, Castle st Strong Benjamin, ironmonger, Fore street

Penney Samuel, butcher, Maudlan · Strong John, registrar of marriages, Barn street

Penrose James Henry, farmer, Tuelmenna Sweet Joseph & Sons, monumental masons,Parade&Barn st

Peters Thomas, hair dresser, Church street Sweet Alfred Henry, monumental mason, Castle street

Pb.illips Harry, tailor, Castle street Sweet Joseph, grocer, Io Dean street; & mason, see Sweet

Phillips James, Victoria inn, Higher Lux street J oseph & Sons

Phillips John, boot & shoe maker, Church street Symons John, station master, Moorswater station

Philp John. printer, stationer & publisher of the "Cornish Symons William. shopkeeper, Moorswater

Times," Great place Tamblyn Thomas, farmer. Treburgie

Philp Elizabeth (Miss), fancy dealer, Dean street Teague William, plumber, Barras street

Pitt William & Son, carpenters & joiners, Trevelmond Temperance Hall (William George &William J.Humphreys,

Playne Annie Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, Barn street secs.), Barn street

Polkinghorne William, manager Capital & Counties Bank Temple Ann (Miss), agent for Pickford & Co. railway

Limited, Barras street carriers, Pound street

Pollard Charles, dairyman, Cannon hill Tennis Club (Alexandra) (H. L. Caunter, hon. sec), Parade

Polmeer William, shopkeeper, Dobwalls Thomas Bessie & Ellen (Misses), dress makers, 8 Forest

Pomeroy William, tailor, Cannon hill Thomas Henry, basket maker, Church street

Pooley William Peter & Son, cabinet makers, Castle street Thomas Robert, greengrocet•, Pound street

Potts Jas. supt. Prudential Insurance agt. 1 Barnfield ter Tinney Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Straches

Prior William, farmer, Newhouse Tonkin William, dairyman, Higher Lux street

Public Hall (C. W. Jewell, hon. sec.). Barras place Town Hail, Fore street

Quiller Ann (Mrs.), Railway hotel, Barn street Toy William, farmer, Tuelmenna

Quiller Josiah. mason, Pound street Trehane Jane (Mrs.), milliner, !<'ore street

Quiller Nicholas, mason, Barras place Trehane Sampson, builder, Dean street

Raby George, farmer, Pennant Trethewey Helena (Miss), dress maker, Church street

Raddy Thomas Henry Stratton, haulier, Higher Lux street Trevail Joseph, farmer, Treheath

Rapson John Lewis, butcher, 5 Fore street Trevaskes Johnson, dairyman, Trembraze

Repper Joseph, hair dresser, Higher Lux street Tucker John Steven~, grocer, Barrasstreet

Reynolds Maud (Miss), dress maker, Church street Dgalde Elizabeth C~'Irs. ), dress maker, Castle street

Rice Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Lamellion Ugalde John, builder, Castle street

Richards Edwin, auctioneer, 7 Fa1rley terrace Venning Alfred Wilmott. solr. & a~ent for the Atlas Life &

Richards Fanny (Miss 1, White Horse P.H. Parade !<'ire & Lancashire & Yorkshire Insurance CEoa.sBt aC•vtorrenewhaillll
Richards Frederick, tailor, Baytree hill Venning Daniel & Son, maltsters & brewers,

Ricbards George Francis, mineral agent for Duchy of Corn- steam brewery, Baytree hill

wall, Masonic hall Vivian & Sons,coal merchants,Railway station, Moorswater

Rickeards Robt. &Son, seedsmen & market gardenrs.Barn st Vivian Mary (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Castle street

Ridgman William M.R.C v.s. veterinary surgeon, West st Volk Crispin, watch maker & jeweller, Fore street

Riscorla John, coffee house, Well lane Volunteer Battalion (2nd) Duke of Cornwall's Light Infan-

Rith Henry Dodger, shoe maker, Higher Lux street try Regiment (A Co.) (Captain William Sargent), Drill

Roberts Elizabeth (Mrs.), dairy, Pound street hall, Market buildings

Roberts John, chemist, Market street Walker Margaret (Mrs.), lodging house, Church st. north

Rodd William, tailor, Higher Lux street Wall J. C. & Co. agents for the Great Western Railway Co.

Roger James, stamp distributor & postmaster, Post office, Windsor place

Windsor place Webb's H«?tel Limited(J.W.Chegwidden, manager),Parade

Rogers Mary Ann (Miss), lodging house, Cannon hill See advertisement

Rogers Samuel, farmer, Trembraze Welby Patrick, inland revenue officer, Higher Lux street

Rosevere Henry, farmer, Landazard Welch William, farmer, Landazzard

Rowe Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, I Fairley terrace, Dean st Wenmoth Sarah & Sons,ironmongers & plumbers,Market st

n.ule William Harris, accountant, clerk to St. Cleer school Western Counties & General Manure Co. Limited (William

board & sec. to Liskeard & Looe Union Canal Co. Barras st Ford Maddick, agent), Doublebois

Runnalls Richard, butcher, Barn street White George, baker, Barras street

Sando Robert, house decorator, Church street White Thomas, baker, Dean st. & corn merchant,Church st

Sansom John. architect, Green Bank lane Williams Ann (Mrs.), greengrocer, Cannon hill

Sargent Elizabeth (Mrs.), Bell commercial hotel & posting Williams Joseph, watch maker, Ctiurch street

house, Church street Williams Martha (Miss), dress maker, Dean street

Sargent William, farmer, Blackwater Williams Richard Henry, engineer & iron & brass founder ;

Sargent William, farmer, Guy's well stoves, ranges, implements & machinery, mining plant

Sargent William, farmer, Landlooe &c. Liskeard iron works •

Sargent William, manager of the Cornish Bank Lim. Pike st Wills Harry. grocer, Barn street & Baytree hill

Scantlebury John, town crier & bill poster, Church st. north Wonnacott John, boys, school, Wadham house

Scantlebury Margt. Annie (Mrs.), lodging ho. Carwinion ter Young Richard, chemist & grocer, Parade

LOOE, EAST, formerly a borough, is an ancient town in keard, 14 west from Plymouth and 231 from London, in

a beautiful position on the east side of a wide creek ores- the South Eastern division of the county, hundred of West.

tuary in a bay on the south coast, and well sheltered by petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county
lofty bills ; it is the terminus of the Looe and Caradon court district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bodmin
railway, and is 7 miles south-west from Menhenhiot station and diocese of Trnro. East Looeis separated from West Looe

on the Cornwall (Great Western) railway, 8 south from Lis- by a creek, running inland for 2! miles, formerly crossed by



a narrow bridge of 15 arches, supposed to have been con- life-boat, called "the Boys' Own No. x,' was presented in

structed in the reign of Edward Ill. ; but this having fallen 1882 ; the boat house, with offices, is near the quay. East

into decay, a stone bridge of 9 arches was erected in r853, and West Looe are remarkable for their healthiness and the

at a cost of £2,984, defrayed principally by the county, the longevity of the inhabitants; the sheltered position, mild

Harbour Commissioners contributing {,1,ooo. There iB an climate and beautiful scenery of East Looe render it quite a

excellent harbour, with quays, to whicb vessels of large popular watering place, and visitors from all parts reside

tonnage can be brought up for the shipment of ore and here during the summer months; in consequence many

granite, conveyed here by the Looe and Caradon railway, improvements have been made of late years. A market is held

an.d hence exported, but since the mines with one exception on Wednesday and Saturday; the cattle fairs formerly held

have ceased to work, little or no ore has been exported, but here in February and October are now obsolete. The Spec-

large quantities of coal are sent from Looe to the Liskeard cott and Buller charities, producing £47 yearly, are for

districts by the railway; coal, building material, timber, educational purposes; 'l'relawny',s charity, of £,4 yearly, and

deals, flooring, scantling, manure and limestone are the the Thomas Bond charity, of £3 12s. are distributed in

materials imported yearly ; this with tbe exportation of money by the mayor ; also the Cole and Elphinstone charity,

corn a.,nd the fishing and fish curing forms ttJ.e staple founded in r852, and amounting to £24 yearly. A short

business of the town. The town is lighted with gas, first distance south-west of the shore is Looe island, about half-a

introduced in r866, the gas works being at some little dis- mile in circumference, the property of Sir William Lewis

tance north of the town, on the river. East Looe, as a par- Salusbury-'rrelawny hart. and formerly extra-parochial.

liamentary borough, returned two members until its Rateable value, £3,549; the population of East Looe in 1891

disfranchisement by the Reform Act of 1832: it was first in- was 1,419.
cc~rporated by Queen Elizabeth in 1587, and other charters PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office

ware subsequently granted by James I. and James II. ; the (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
corporation consisting of a mayor, 12 capital burgesses, a wall, added).-Alfred Thomas Hunter, postmaster. Let-

number of free burgesses, recorder, town clerk and subor- ters delivered at 7, IS a. m. 4.40 & 7.40 p.m.; dispatched,

dinate officeTB, and held two courts-leet in the year, but by 7.5o & n.25 a. m. (Lond(}n & all parts), 5· 15 p.m. (North
the :Municipal Act, r883 (46 & 47 Vict. cap. r8), the juris- mail); sund::l.ys, Good. friclay & Christmas day delivered
diction of the courts was abolished, the place ceased to be at 7.15 a. m.; dispatched at 11.25 a. m. only; bank holi-

a corporate town and the corporation was dissolved : all cor- days, delivered, 7.15 a.m.; dispatched, 5.15 p.m. only.

porate property was then vested in the Charity Commis- ' J\'Ioney order office open from 9 a. m. to 6 p.m.; telegraph

sioners, who appointei "'l'he East Looe Town Trust," con- office, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 7 to 10 a.m.
Sisting of 5 eo-optative and 6 representative trustees as WALL BoxEs cleared as under : -
administrators of the property of the late corporation and of Market street, 6.50 & 1 I. IO a.m. & 5.10 p.m

the waterworks. East and West Looe form unitedly a Fore street, 6.50 & II.15 a.m. & 5.15 p.m

distinct ecclesiastical parish. The church of St. Anne 'is a West Looe, 6.50 & 11.5 a.m. & 5·5 p.m

building of limestone, in the Gothic style of the 13th cen- St. Martin's, 4· 30 p. m

tury, with arcades of Late Perpendicular work, and was Shutta, 4·55 p.m
erected in r882-3 on the site of the old ch'l.pel (itself rebuilt

in 1805) at a cost of £2,500; it consists of apsidal chancel, Reginald A. Peter, chairman William Hicks

nave, north aisle, vestry, north and west porches and a low Robert Thomas John Poad

embattlad western tower contaiqing a clock and one bell Edmund Spettigue Bawden . 'rhos. Scandlebury

cast in 1700: the interior is mostly of Ipplepen stone, Thos. Hy. Hicks IWilliam Martin
the columns of the arcade of brown Portland stone and the Robert Hy. Shapcott Hy. Shapcott, hon. sec
detached shafts of polished Cornish marble: the five win- Rev. E. Douglas J ones, vicar

dows in the apse are-stained, three having been erected by VOLUNTEERS : -

Mrs. Bishop, in memory of her husband, one by R. A. Peter Cornwall rst (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery,
esq. to his uncle, anrl the other by James Medland esq. to Western Division, Royal Artillery (No. 2 Company), Hon.

his wife ; the Hearle family have also placed a memorial Major Reginald A.Peter,commander; E. S. Bawden & H.

window in the nave, and on the south side is another Shapcott, lieutenants ; Snrgeon-Lient. Joseph Thomas
erected in 1884 to John and Eulalia Richards; the stained Harty, medical officer; Rev. E. D. Jones, acting chaplain
west window was inserted in 1893 as a memorial to Mrs. PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTs:-
Bishop ; the circular window in the north aisle was given by Coast Guard Station (West Looe), Samuel Brock, chief

the architect : there are 360 sittings. The register of bap- officer
tisms daLes from the year 1710; records of marriages and County Constabulary, William John Holloway, officer in
burisJs were formerly incorporated in the regist.ers of St. charge
Martin's-by-Looe, which date from 1653 ; and burials from Custom House, Samuel Brock, examiner
East Looe still take place there. The living is a vicarage Lifeboat Institution, John White, chairman ; Robert
with We~:.t Looe annexed, average t1the rent-charge £r8, Thomas, sec
joint net yearly value £170, with residence, in the gift of the Mechanics' Institute, Market street, T. H. Hicks, hon. sec.
Bishop of Truro, and held since r88o by the Rev. Edward & treas

Douglas Jones, rural dean of West. There are Free Meth- PUBLIC 0l!'FICERS :'-
odist and Wesleyan Methodist chapels. The Guildhall, in Fore Assistant Overseer & Assessor of Taxes, Edward Pengelly,

street, is a building of stone, erected in 1877, with a tower Mount Pleasant
.contaimng a clock with four dials, placed in r88o; the interior Surgeon & .A~ent to H.M. Coast Guard & Medical Officer

is adorned with a number of stained windows and contains & Public Vaccinator, No. 2 District, Liskeard Union,
suites of rooms, a concert room, police cells anrl the usual Robert Thomas ThomaB M.D. 'fregertha

offices: the insignia of the late corporation, now kept in Looe Harbour Commissioners, R. A. Peter, chairman ;

the Guildhall, consist of two maces and a borough seal; William 'l'regillus, clerk
t ll'ere are also five large china punch bowls and ladles, the hats Town Crier, Harry Painter

and cloaks- worn by the sergeants-at-mace and four con- A School Board of 7 m3mbers was formed June 22, 1871,

stables' staves, each nearly 7 feet long; the maces, of silver- for the united district of East &; West Looe ; Ed ward

gilt, 17~ inches in len~th, form a pair; the shafts, enriched Pengelly, Mount Pleasant, clerk to the board; William

with foliage and scroll-work, are clasped midway by a plain Vincent, West Looe, attendance officer

banding, and the foot-knops bear a representation of the Board School, Looe West, built in 1875, at a cost of £t,I27,

borough seal and the arms of Trelawny and Seymonr, for for r6o boys, 160 girls & 150 infants; average attendance,

Sir Jonathan 'frelawny hart. and Mary (Seymour), his wife 163 boys, 110 girls & 120 infants ; a new class room is now

(17th century), were the probable donors; the heads are (1893) being added; George W. .Martin, master; Miss

adorned with the national emblems, each between the initials Phcebe Jose, mistress; Mrs. Mary Jane Watson, infants'

" C.R." and finished with a cresting of crosses and fleurs-de- mistress

lis, and on the flat tops are the royal arms : the seal is of Looe & Caradon Railway Station, Arthur Bailey, station mas

latten brass and exhibits the device of a single-roasted ship, Martin's four-horse coach leaves East Looe for Menheniot

with turrets and a crew of two men ; the punch bowls, station at 1·55 a. m. to meet 9.29 a.m. up train; & returns

which bear a view of the old Looe bridge, the arms of the to Looe after 6.3 p.m. down train & 5.14 p.m. up, & is

Buller family and an inscription, appear to have been pre- worked to suit alterations in train se-rvice

sented by John Buller esq. M.P. for East Looe; the ladles A brake leaves Looe 11.30 a. m.tomeet the 1.3 p.m. up train, •

h.ave silver bowls, also with the Buller arms and the hall & waits for the 3.22 p.m. down train
marks of 1793-6, and silver-mounted handles of twisted CARRIERS:-

whalebone : the space in front of the Town hall is inclosed PLYMOUTH-Williarn Martin, leaves Looe on tues. & fri. at

by ornamental railings. The :Mechanics' Institute, estab- 12 noon, returning from Newmarket hotel, Plymouth, on

lishedlin 1845, has a hall, built in 1847, and a library of about wed. & sat. at 12 noon, calling at Torpoint, Sheivock,

400 volumes. There is also aJI<'reem~sons' Lodge, "St. Polbathic, Hessenford & No-man's-land

Anne's," No. 970. A life-boat, provided by the National The screw steamer "Cartsburn," trading between Plymouth

Life-boat Institution, was sta-.ioned here in r866: the new & Falmouth, calls in once a week with fretght



PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cook Edith (Miss), butcher, Fore street Martin Cyril, dairyman, Market street

Ball Rev. William [Wes.], Clifton place Cook Letitia Ann (Mrs.), Looe hotf'l; Martin James, draper, Fore street

Bawden Mrs. Fore street the new priYate, family, commercial Martin William, coaeh proprietor &

Campbell John, Shutta & tourists' hotel & posting house ; general carrier,carriages & post horses

Cl ogg Mrs. Quarry specially adapted for the growing on hire, carrier for the great Western

Congdon John Edwin, Market street requirements of this unique winter & railway; office, Forest. See advert

Couch Mrs. Church end summer Tesort. See advertisement Mechanics' Institute (Thomas Henry

Crossman John, Consolidated Bank of Cook Thomas, smith~ Market street Hicks, sec. & treasurer), Market st

Cornwall, Fore street Cornish Bank Limited (Thomas Henry Meech Charles, sail maker, The Quay

Curtis Mrs. Market street Hicks, agent) (sub-branch), Forest. ; Moore Michael, earthenware dealer,

Davey Mrs. Market street draw un Smith, Payne & Smiths, Market street

Giles.Misses, Attercliff London E c. See advertisement Moore Richard, Fisherman's Arms P.H.

Harty Joseph Thomas, Bodgara Cornwall 1st (Duke of Cornwall's), Market street

Hicks Mrs. George, Rivercroft Volunteer Artillery, Western Division, Morcom & Co. corn, coal & artificial

Hicks William, Fore street Royal Artillery (No. 2 company) manure merchants, The Quay~ office,

JonesRev.EdwardDouglas,TheVicarage (Hon. Major Reginald A. Peter, corn- Liskeard
Little Mrs. Fore street
mander; E. S. Hawden & H. Shap- Mutton John, tailor, l\Iarket street
Martin Mrs. Attercliffe
cott, lieutenants; Surgeon-Lieut. Nelson H. Stanley, L.R.C.P.Edin. surgn
MutchmoreJohn, Fore street
Jsph. Thomas Harty, medical officer; Oliver James, shoe maker & lodging
Nelson H. Stanley
Rev. E. D. Jones, acting chaplain: house, Fore street
Pappin Richard, Klymiarven cottage
Sergeant-Major Henry \Varrener, Olver Charles, saddler, Fore street
Peter Reginald Arthnr J.P, Klymiarven drill instructor)
Richards Miss, Rivercroft Olver Edwin, butcher&farmer, Forest.

Rowe Mrs. Fore street Crabb John E. fashionable boot & shoe Olver Richd. draper & outfitter, Forest

Sharp Miss, Attercliffe 1 maker, rep,tirs neatly executed ; Painter Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper

Shapcott Henry, F6re street gentlemen's Pliant "K" hoots for Painter Harry, town crier & bill poster

Smith Heley, Belmont light easy wear; ladies "K" boots & Palmer Philip,apartments,Mt. Pleasant

Streather Alfred, Woodlands shoes, Fore street Pearce Richard, tailor &outfitter,Fore st.

Stripp Mrs. Attercliffe Crabb J. E. (Mrs.), boarding house Pearce Thomas. boat builder

keeper & apartments (opposite Ship Pengelly E. & E. drapers, Fore street

Thomas Robert, Fore street hotel); pleasure boats & bathing Pengelly Edward, lodging house, clerk

Thomas Robert Thomas M.D.Tregertha, machines let on hire, Fore street to the school board, assistant over-

Shutta Crabb Ernest, butcher, Market street seer, assessor & water bailiff, Mount

Tiltman Alfred, Market street Crapp William Hy. shoe ma. The Quay Pleasant

Trestrail Mrs. Belle Vue terrace Crossman John, agent for Messrs. Pengelly John, blacksmith, Market st

Virtue Mrs. Mount Pleasant Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Pengelly Wm. boot& shoe ma.Marketst

Waiters Mrs. Market street Grylls & Co. Limited (Consolidated Perkins Emily Mitchell (Mrs.), apart-

COMMERCIAL. Bank of Cornwall) & agent for the ments, Fore street

Anderson Brothers, bakers & grocers, North British & Mercantile Fire & Pinch Thomas, mason

Fore street Life & Railway Passenger Accidental, Poad John, chemist & grocer, Fore street

Angear James, carpenter & boat bldr. Fore street Prynn Wm. & Co. fish curers, The Quay

The Quay Davey Henry, master mariner, Fore st I Prynn Rebecca (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Angear Joseph, carpenter & boot dealer, Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited I Prynn Robert, fish curer, I<'ore street
Fore street
(sub-branch), Fore street; draw on Richards John, plumber, Fore street

Barber Wm. master mariner, Market st Barclay, Bevan, Tritton & Co. Roe William, master mariner, Forest

Bartlett Thomas,boot & shoe ma.Fore st London w Rowe Elizh. (Mrs.), apartments,Fore st

Bartlett Wdliam Henry, master mari- Fishley William, shopkeeper Rowett Sophia (Mrs.), shopkeeper,

ner, Shutta. Freeman John & Sons, granite mer- Market street

Bawden Bros. ironmongers, ·Fore street chants, The Quay Salt Richard, master mariner,Market st

Bawden Charles, draper, Fore street Guildhall, Fore street Scantlebury Thomas, butcher, Forest

Best Mary (Mrs.), apartments, Forest Harty J oseph Thomas L. & L.M. K.Q.C.P. I. Shapcott & Co. fish curers & exporters,

Bishop & Peter,merchants, ship owners, Bodgara Fore street

~mporters & crushers of bones, im- Herricane Jas. master mariner, Fore st Shapcott Richard, mason, CJifton place

porters of coal,corn,artificial manures, Hicks J. Sellick (exors. of), chemists & Shapcott Robt. Hy. shipwright, Forest

timber, linseed & cotton cake, lime- grocers, Fore street Snell William, wood' dealer, .Market st

stone, culm, bricks &c.lime burners & HicksMary(Miss),gfocer & ironmonger, Skentelbery Edwin, master mariner,

merchants, offices, East Looe ; & at Fore street Market street

West Looe Bone & Saw mills, The Hicks Thomas Hy. chemist & stationer, Skentelbery Florrie (Miss), shopkeeper,

Kilns, Sand place, Morval ; & at bookseller & news agent, Fore street Market street

Moorswater, Liskeard. See advert Hill Joseph, Salutation inn, Fore street Skentelbery Thomas, master marine ,

Blight J ames, dairyman, Shutta HollowayWm.Jn. police officer,Tower hl Market street

Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Holten Frank, master mariner, Shutta Smith Heley, artist, Belmont

& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Hunter Alfred Thomas, post master, South Devon & Cornwall Steam Packet

Cornwall) (branch of) (John Cross- & agent for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, Co. Limited (Alfred John Walters,

man, agent), Fore street ; draw on wine & spirit merchants, Fore street manager), Fore street

Williams Deacon & Manchester & Isaac John C. & C. general iron & coal South East CornwallLiberalAssociation

Salford Bank Limited, London E c merchants, (W. Hicks,divisional sec. ),Fore street

Brown George, apartments, Fore street Isbell Arnold, painter &c. Fore street Stanton Aaron, draper, Fore street

Butters Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper,Fore st Jago John (Mrs.), baker, Fore street Stephens James, carpenter, Market st

Capital & Counties Bank Limited Jeffery Jas. wheelwrght. & smith,Shutta StephensJonathn.markt.gardnr.~hutta

(branch) (Robert Thomas, manager), Keast William, watch maker, jeweller, Thomas Robert Thomas li.D. medical

Fore street; draw on head office, 39 optician, dealer in photographic officer & public vaccinator to No. 2

Threadneedle street, London E c views, electro-plate fancy goods, district Liskeard union & surgeon &

Clogg Stephen, butcher, Fore street cigars & tobacco, watches, chains & agent for H. M. Coast Guards, Looe

Clymo Elizabeth Ann (Miss), lodging rings, watches repaired, Fore street & Polperro Tregertha, Shutta

house, Fore street Kelly John, general dealer, Fore streat Thorne William, shopkeeper, Forest

Coad John (Mrs. ),shopkeeper,Market st Langdon Arthur, carpenter & apart- Tregillus William, manager of Copper

Coad Saml. fruiterer & confctnr. Forest ments, Market street Ore quay, Market street ·

Collins Edward, rope & twine maker Lee Waiter, beer retailer, Shutta Tregenna Wm.Hy. teadealer,Marketst

Colliver Thomas, hair dresser,Market st Life Boat Institntion (Robert Thomas, Uren Mary Ann (::\1iss), grocer, Shutta

Congdon John Edwin, coal, corn, salt, hon. 'Sec.), Fore street Varco Robert George, Huller's Arms

artificial manures, seed, linseed & Little Bessie (Miss), grocer, Market st P.H. Fore street

cotton cake, brick & timber mer- Looe Gas Light Co. (Thomas Henry Waiters John & Son, grocers, Forest

chant; office & stores, The Quay Hicks, sec.), Shutta Waiters John, harbour master, Forest

Cook ThomaS) Ship private, family & Mackenzie Crabb (Mrs.), shpkpr. Forest Whale Eliza (Mrs.), aprtmnts.Market st

commercial hotel & posting house, & Mallett Joseph (Mrs.), Market street WhaleRichd.carpenter& builder,Mkt. st

wine & spirit merchant Fore street. Marshall Jn. mast.mariner,BelleVue ter Willcocks William, shopkeeper

See advertisement Marsball Thos. shopkeeper, Market st Wynhall Edwin, watch ma. Tower hill

LOOE, WEST, is a town separated by a. creek from East county, hundred and petty sessional division of West, Lis-

Looe, about 7 miles sonth-west from Menheniot station on keard union and county court district, rural deanery ()f
the Great Western railway, 8 south from Liskeard, and '14 West, arcbdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. It

west of Plymouth, in the South Eastern division of the was originally a borough and returned two members to


Patliament, until disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832. western turret containing a clock and one bell : the ehuTcb

West Looe was incorporated by a chaTter of Queen Elizabeth, was for a long period used as a guildhall, and ne:d for a.

dated t4th of Feb. 1574, and the corporation existed in an schoolroom, but was restored to its original use in 1852, and

attenuated form until 1869, when it became extinct. This refitted in 1862: there is one stained lancet window repre-
is one of the places in the second part of the second schedule senting St. Nicholas: the arcade is constrll<,-ted of oak~
to the Mnnicip~tl Corporation Act, 1883 (46 and 47 Vie. cap. apparently ship timber : there are 150 sittings. The living
18), mentioned in paragraph 16 of the report of the Corn- is a vicarage annexed to East Looe, average tithe rent..charge
missio~ers of 1876, as having had a corporation in 1835, but £18, joint net yearly value £170, in the gift of the Bishop of

by this Act the corporation was abolished and the corporate Truro, and held since I88o by the Rev.Edward Douglas Jones,

property is now administered by trustees, elected by the rural dean of West, who resides at East Looe. The Congre-

ratepayers,under the direction of the Charity Commissioners. gationalists were first established at Looe in 1771 ; the

The insignia of the dissolved col'poration, now in possession present chapel is a neat building of Liskeard stone, with
of the Hearle family,descendants of J oseph Hearle esq.the last granite dressings, in the Geometrical Gothic style, erected
mayor, consist of two maces and a corporate seal: the larger in 188o at a cost of£1,020; the interior is surrounded with

of the two maces, 21 inches in length, is of silver-gilt, and galleries on three sides, and at the north end is a stained
appears to have been presented by Maj.-Gen. Charles window, given by John Freeman Norris esq. (late of Looe):
Trelawny M.P. East Looe, r685-g8, and some time governor there are 370 sittings. Here is also a Bible Christians'

of Plymouth; the shaft is plain, with two bandings and a chapel, erected in r88g. There are reading-rooms and a.

spreading foot-plate, exhibiting the town seal; the head is reference library on the Quay. The Coast Guard station.
ornamented with the national emblems, surrounded by erected in 1892-3, is a buildmg of stone, consisting of eight

foliage and scroll work, and finished with a cresting, from dwellings. The market house, built in 1853, is an octagonal

which springs an open-arched crown ; on the flat top are the building with a bell-turret, in the centre of the town. A
royal arms. The smaller mace, also of silver-gilt, and 20 market is held on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and a cattle
inches in length, closely resembles the preceding, for which and a pleasure fair on 6th May. The poor have £4 yearly~

it served as a model, but the royal arms under the crown are distributed in money, from the Trelawny charity of East

those Of the Stuart sovereigns: the staff bears the Trelawny Looe; rateable value, £2,o7r; the population in r891 was

arms, and the crest of the Seymours, with the words, I,on.

"Henricus Seymor,Armiger,"probably 2nd son of Sir Edward TRUSTEES of the property held by the old Corporation : T.
Seymour bart. and groom of the bedchamber to Charles H. Hicks & R. Thomas, Looe East ; R. Clements, R.

Il.;'theseal,ofbrass,exhibitsthefigureofamaninJacobean Marshall, s. Honey, J. R. Richards & B. Hicks, Looe

costume, armed, and having round his neck a double chain, West; clerk, James B. Hooper

from which depends a small mace, and surrounding it the

legend, .. t POR*TV*AN*OTHER*WYS*CALLED*wESTLO." Le"tters through East Looe R.S.O. which is the nearest

West Looe has been sewered and supplied with water under money order & telegraph office. WALL LETTER Box

the direction of E. Appleton c.E. East and West Looe form cleared at 6.50 & n.5 a.m. & 5·5 p.m

unitedly a distinct ecclesiastical parish; constituted June 30, This place is included in the East & West Looe United

r845. The church of St. Nicholas is a building of stone in Rchool Board district; the -children attend the Board

nlixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle, ~nd a. School at West Looe

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bettinson William, shoe maker ! Hoskin Arthur, coal dealer, The Quay
Anderson John Young
Angear' James, Beech terrace Bishop & Peter, merchants, shipowners Hoskin Waiter, master mariner

&c. West Looe sawing & bone m1lls; Keast Francis, shopkeeper

Barber John Rr•bert, Sea view offices, East Looe R.S.O Lean William, shopkeeper
Beagley Rev. John [curate], Beech ter BowdenEdwd.mastermarnr.Jubilee cot Little Ann (Mrs.), aparts. North road
Bowden Arthur Bowden Thomas Bartlett, baker Little Richard, fish curer, The Quay
Bowden Richard, North road Breddon AHred, butcher & at Polperro Marshall Ernest, grocer
Bowden William Brock Samuel, coastguard & custom Marshall John, fish curer, Quay
Farmer George Whitton, Hermitage Marshall Richard, fish corer, Quay
house officer Marshall Wm. Henry, master mariner
GilesReV'.Jsph.Tho~;".[Free"Meth.],Hillcot Clements John, coal merchant Martin William, dairyman
Clements John, master mariner
Hearle Miss, River view

Hicks Benja:nin, The Manse Clements Richard, boot maker Molder John, Jolly Sailor P.H
Hooper Mrs. Halycon house Coast Guard Station (Samt1el Brock, Mutton John, tailor
Lyons Andrew, Inver]ooe Painter William, boot ma'ker
Marshall Miss, Charlecote chief officer) Pearce Thomas, boat builder
Marshall Mrs. The Quay Crabb Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pengelly William Henry, apartments
Martin Oeorge, Westcott Crapp William, master mariner Reading Room&Library (JamesAngear,
Milling Calvert Harry, Helm cottage Crocker Bessie(Mrs.), bntcher&shopkpr
Norris J'ohn Q.C. The Cottage Crocker Waller, shopkeeper hon. sec.), The Quay
Power Mrs. Inverlooe Davies Elizabeth ("Mrs.), apartments Sanders Ann Elizh (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Richards John R. Havenfordhouse Davy John, shipwright, Beech terrace Sargent Thos. shopkpr. &insurance agt
Skentelbery Mrs. Bridgend Dawe Samuel, carpenter, builder, con- Sargent Wm. Henry, builder, Vine cots
Stripp John Austen, West cliff Simmonds Emma (Mrs.), draper
tractor & undertaker; funerals Stark Elixa (Mrs.), fancy draper
furnished throughout on moderate

Stripp Samuel, Beech terrace terms; all classes of builders' jobbing Stephens Noah, sh- pkeeper
Stripp 'William, West cliff
work receives special attention Symons Simom, boot maker

Sutton Rev. John [Bible Christian] Ellis Catherine (Mrs.), dress maker Taylor John, mason, Beech terrace
Waiters Alfred John, Beech terrace Ferris Peter, boat builder Taylor William, carpenter, Beech ter
Waiters Mrs. Bridgend Fiddick James, shopkeeper 'fruscott Ann (Mrs.), apartments
Watson Robert, North road Hawkey Henry, stone mason Tucker Edwin, grocer & baker
White .lohn, Bolvillan Henderson Mary {Mrs.), shopkeeper Tucker John, assistant overseer
Willcocks Miss, Portbyhan house Hickey John, boot maker Vincent William Holman, boot maker
Hooper James Benjamin, carpenter, Waiters "William, master mariner
COMMERCIAL. Warrener Hy. (Mrs.), aparts. North r<l
Angeat Thomas, pork butcher builder, nndertaker&house decorator, Warrener Sergt.-Major Henry, drill
Bailey Arthur, station master, Beech ter oils, paints, paperhangings &c.always
Bartlett Philip, apartments, Sea view in stock, estimates given instructor, North road

Bassett Thomas George, wheelwright Honey John Henry, blacksmith 1West Henry, smith, The Quay

Bath Emma (Mrs.), aparts. North road Honey Samuel, carpenter, &apartments Willcocks Samuel, master mariner

LOSTWITHIEL, anciently " Lost-uuidiel" (Teut. lust in force until the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act,.

or lyst), "the Manor of W1thiel" (Brit. Pen-Uchel-Coed), 1835; it was formerly governed by a recorder, sevencap1tal
the "lofty hill on the wood," and the " Uzella" of Ptolemy, burgesses and seventeen assistants, the latter electing
is a municipal borough and market town on the river annually one of the capital burgesses to be mayo:r for the
Fowey. with a station on the Great Western railway, and ensuing year, on the first Tuesday in October: but under
:ia 6 miles south-south-east from Bodmin, n west-south- the provisions of the Municipal Corpomtions Act of 1883 (461
westfrom Liskeard, 23 north-east from Truro and 277! from and 47 Vie. c. -::8), a new charter of incorporation, dated
London by rail, in the South Eastern division of the county, June g, 1885, was granted, and the town is now governed by
east division of the hundred of Powder, petty sessional a mayor, 4 aldermen and 12 couneillors, who also act as the

division of West, Bodmin union and county court district, Urban Sanitary Authority. On Sept. r, 1869, an order was-

rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of made by the Board of Trade foT the management and im-
Truro. The town consists of the parish of Lostwithiel and provement of the harbour and river <>f Fowey, vesting all
a considerable pal't of Lanlivery, and received its first char- the rights and privileges in the Fowey HarbQnr Commis-
ter from Edward II. 1325 ; this charter was confirmed or sioners. The river Fowey is here crossed by an ancient and
modified by Richard ll. Henry IV., V. and VI. Edward IV. narrow bridge of eight pointed arches, erected in the qth
James I. and in 1732 by George II. whose charter continued centur.r; the bridge is strongly buttressed and over each


buttress is an angular niche. The jurisdiction of the cor- seals, both of silver, were given to the town by Richard

poration over the river and harbour ceased in I 869 : an Edgcumbe esq. afterwards, in 1742, created Baron Edg-

annual payment was received up to I88s, but that has now cumbe ; the large seal exhibits the arms of the borough,

lapsed. The Cornwall Minerals railway, running from viz. a triple turreted tower with portcullised entrance,

Fowey to Newquay, is worked by the Great Western railway flanked by similar but smaller towers, also with gateways ;

and forms a junction at St. Blazey with Par on the Cornwall on either side is a thistle, and below a stream of water with

railway: the line from Lostwithiel to Fowey is now dis- two fish naiant ; the smaller seal also bears the town arms,

used. 'fhe town is lighted with gas from works at the town and both have legends: the corporation also possess a com-

end of the moors. 'fhe church of St. Bartholomew is a plete set of standard weights and measures stamped with

highly interesting edifice of stone, chiefly in the Gothic style the borough arms. The old Grammar School building, in

of the 16th and 17th cent.uries, with a tower and spire of the Queen street, the property of the corporation, is now used

I3th century, and quasi-chancel, clerestoried nave of five for public purposes. A parish room, built of stone, about

bays, aisles, north .and south porches and a western tower, so feet square and 25 high, is devoted entirely to church

with spire, containing a clock and s bells: the east window, purposes; the site and building were given by Richard

34 by 14 feet, is Early English, and there is a piscina both Foster esq. of Lanwithan. 'fhe Working Men's Institute,

in the quasi-chancel and in the south wall of the St. George's established in 1872, was removed to a new building, erected

chapel aisle : the communion table, pulpit, prayer desk and in I89o, in Fore street, at a cost of about £8oo, raised

lectern were gifts at the res1oration in 1879: the font of chiefly by subscription; it comprises bagatelle and reading

Pentewan stone, an extremely curious example, has an rooms, and a library of 6oo volumes, and has also a care-

octagonal basin on a pedestal of five clustered shafts; the taker's apartments ; the institute is registered as a Friendly

sides of the basin are enriched w1th carvings of figures and Society, and is also affiliated with the Working Men's Club

other subjects, now considerably mutilated: in I644, whilst and Institute Union of London; there are now (I893) about

this place was occupied by the Parliamentary forces under 150 members. The principal-employers of labour in Lost·

the Earl of Essex, it is said that a horse was brought into withiel are the Great Western Railway Company, who lease

the church by some soldiers, and in contempt of the church the Cornwall Railway Company, and at their workshops at

and the king was christened from this font by the name of Lostwithiel employ about 6o men. There is also a flour mill,

" Charles :" over the western arch of the nave is a carving a small saw mill and a carriage building factory. The Royal

in relief in alabaster, Ift. JOin. in length, representing the Restormal Iron Mine (belonging to a limited liability com-

martyrdom of St. Bartholomew: the pedestal of the poor box, pany) is in this township, but at present unworked. The

bearing the date I645, is curious: on the floor of the north market day is Friday, and a Christmas cattle show and

aisle is a fine brass of a man in plate armour, with sword market is usually held on the 3rd Tuesday in December.

and dagger, and an inscriptiOn to Tristram Curteys esq. ob. Instead of the old fairs on stated dates periodical cattle

l5th April, 1423: there is also a. monument to 'femperance, markets are now held on the 3rd Tuesday in every month,

wife of William Kendall, gent. ob. I579• and many others of with the exception that in January and February they are

modern date : the tower of this church, called by the late held at Bridge End. The ancient Exchequer, Shire Hall and

G. E. Street R.A., F.S.A. ''the pre-eminent glory of Corn- Stannary Prison, incorrectly called " the Palace," is a stone

wall," is of twd stages, the upper or belfry story being building at the corner of Quay street and Fore street; the

canted or chamfered at the angles so as to form an octagon, principal portion is 62 feet long by 23 feet 6 inches wide, and

from which, a.'! a base, rises an octagonal lantern, each face the east wall is supported by buttresses of three stages,

of which is gabled and pierced with coupled lights and the dating from about 1280 ; the building displays on its walls

head with a quatrefoil ; the former are crossed in the centre the arms of Cornwall and the prince's plume, but all the old

by: a panel or transom of four open quatrefoils, except in the wjndows save one have been destroyed ; a part of the struc.

notih-east face, which has a circle of trefoils forming a kind ture has been purchased by the Freemasons of the town, and

of wheel; the graceful octagonal spire has four spire lights is now used as a Masonic Hall. Attached to the Royal Tal-

on alternate faces: the communion plate was presented bot hotel are assembly rooms, holding over 250 people; the

pursuant to the will of Thomas J ones esq. of Restormal principal room is 52 feet by 20 feet, including the stage.

House, who died July 7, I775 : the organ, one of the few old 'fhe local volunteer corps forms about half the strength of

G organs now left in the county, is about to be enlarged: the E Co. 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's

there are sittings for 370 persons. In the churchyard, on Light Infantry, whose head quarters and principal offices

the east side of the south porch, is an altar-tomb of granite, are at Bodmin ; the corps is here represented by a sergeant

now dilapidated, to a member of the Taprell family, 1695; and 40 men. Charities producing £44 yearly are distributed

near the south porch is also an ancient canopied cross of the in bread and money, £24 being distributed by the vicar and

qth century, restored and re-set at the cost of Miss Hext, of churchwardens and £20 by the trustees of the United Metho-

Lostwithiel; in the north porch is a stone coffin, the lid of dist Free Church. About I mile from the town, upon the

which now serves as a memorial to a child in the cemetery. summit of a bold headland, are the magnificent ruins of

'fhe register dates from the year I6o9. The living is a vic- Restormal Castle, built probably by the Cardenhams, in the

arage, average tithe rent-charge £29, net yearly value £971 reign of Edward I. and once the residence of the earls of
in the gift of Richard Foster esq. and held since 18go by the Cornwall; Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, died seized of this

Rev. Ernest Drewe. The Wesleyanchapel, on the Restormal manor in 1300, and since that time the castle has continued

road, IS a building of stone with granite and Bath stone to be attached to the duchy ; the rampart, or outer wall,

dressings, in the Decorated style, built in I88o at a cost of ~ery nearly approaches a circle, and has a diameter of about

£r,6oo, from the designs of Mr. J. Hicks, of Redruth: it I26 feet, and is surrounded by a deep ditch 6o feet wide ;

has a tower and spire on the not'th side rising to a height of the entrance is beneath a square tower, leading to an open

about 70 feet: a gallery was erected in 1892, and the chapel circular area, 64 by 6s feet; the interior contains seven

will now seat about 320 persons. The Congregational chapel apartments, including a chapel, projecting from the outer

in Restormal road, erected in 1807 and rebuilt and enlarged wall nearly as far as the ditch, and about 2S feet long by 18

in 1878-i), at a cost of £8oo, is a plain building of stone, and wide, with a piscina on the south side ; originally there were

has 250 sittings. The United Methodist Free church, in two stories, with state rooms in the upper story, and offices

Albert terrace, is a plain building of stone, erected in I835, in the base court; it was visited by Her Majesty and H.R.H.

and will hold about 400 persons. An additional burying Prince Consort, Sept. 8th, 1846. The Mayor and corpora-

ground of about ri acres, on the Restormal road, was laid tion are lords of the manor. The area llf the parish is 109

out in 1857, the ground being bought by the corporation; it acres; rateable value, .£2,3SI; the population m I891 was

is freehold, and is entirely under the control of the vicar: 897. The population of the borough in I8gi (including S69

there is no mortuary chapel. The Guildhall, in Fore street, in the parish of Lanlivery) was I,379·

a structure of granite, supported on arches, was erected in
1740, at the expense of Richard Edgcumbeesq. and will hold Parish Clerk & Sextmi, John Cripps Probert.

I 50 persons. The insignia of the corporation include a mace, Deputy Clerk, Edward Collin Brown.
a silver oar and two seals: the mace, -of silver, 3S~ inches in
length, has a banded shaft with an expanding knob at the Po•sT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
base, and bears two burghalinscriptions and the date I67o, Inland Revenue, Stamp & Licence Office.-Charles Haddy,
together with the borough arms and those of the family of postmaster, Fore street. Letters arrive from London at
Titus of Bushey, Herts ; the head, divided into compart- 6.I5 a. m. the down north mail at 12.4S p.m. the up north
ments bydemi-figuresand foliaged work,displays the national mail at 12.4S & London, Plymouth & West at 6.55 p.m.;
emblems crowned ; above is a cresting of crosses and fleurs- the dispatches are as follows :-To London at 6. I5, 8.25 &
de-lis, and on the flat raised top are the royal arms: the
silver oar, 25 inches in length, bears on one side the royal IO p. m. ; the up north mail at I I. 50 a. m. & the down north
mail at a.m.; for Truro & all places west, at 2.30
arms, with full accessories, and on the other the arms of the p.m.; sunday dispatch at 6. IS p.m. ~oney orders are
borough, inscriptions similar to those on the mace, the words granted & vaid & savings bank business done from 9 a.m.
" Custodia aquae de Fowey " being added ; the coat of Titus till 6 p.m.; saturdays till 8 p.m
also appears as on the mace; the celebrated Col. Silas Titus,

author, of "Killing noe Murder," who was M.P. for Lost- WALL LBTI'ER Box, Bridge End, cleared at n.4o a. m. 6 &
withiel x663-79, is believed to ha>e been the donor: the 8.20 p.m. week days only


Corporation. Fire Engine Station, Church lane, Thomas Halls Knight,

I892-93• captain; William Edward Hawken, sec. & 30 men

MAYOR, Lieut.-Col. Colman Battie Rashleigh B.A., n.i., J.P. Masonic Hall, The Old Duchy Palace ; Restormal Lodge,

IJohn Philp :No. 856; John Arthur Beswarick, sec
iThomas Halls Knight ~Henry Brown
~Ferdinand Wheeler VoLUNTEERS:-
2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
COUNCILLORS. (E Co. ), Hon. Major P. Baron, commanding; !<'rank
Nicholls, sergeant ·
tJohn Santo tThomas George Levers

tJohn Hawkins tWilliam Broad PUBLIC OFFICERS-

tWiJliam Edward Hawken *John Hicks Dingle

tEldred Roberts Brown *John Olver Je:ffery Assistant Overseer for Lo>twithiel, Thomas Willoughby,

tCharles Liddicoat *Richard Reed !<'ore street

tFrederic Charles Bartlett *John Arthur Beswarick Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Hunter Sewart L.R.c. P.

.Auditors, Thomas Oates & Woodman Francis .Jfusband Edin. Queen street

Mayor's .Auditor, John Arthur Beswarick Clerk to the Trecan Gate Highway Board, William Pease~
Queen street
tMarked thus t retire in 1893.
Medical Officer& PublicVaccinator,No. 6 District, Bodmin
Marked thus retire in 1894. Union, John Hunter Sewart L.R.C.P.Edin. Queen street

Marked thus* retire in 1895. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services :-

Marked thus 'If retire in 1897. St. Harf,holomew's Church, Rev. Ernest Drewe, vicar; II

The town council are the local authority for granting

licences to deal in petroleum a. m. & 6.15 p.m. ; alternate sundays & holy days, holy ·
communion at 8 a. m.; daily, 8 a. m. ; litany, wed. & fri.
Meetings of the council for municipal & sanitary purposes
are held at the Guildhall, on tuesdays monthly at 7· p.m. at 10 a. m
except when otherwise specified
Congregational, Restormal road ; II a.m. & 6 p. m.; thurs.
.AUTHORITY. United Methodist Free Church, Albert terrace, Rev.

Town Clerk, William Pease, jun. Fore street Frederick Clements ; n a. m. & 6.15 p.m.; mon. & wed.
Treasurer, Henry Durette Foster, Bodmin
Medical Officer of Health, John Hunter Sewart L.R.C.P.Edin. 7·30 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist, Restormal road, Rev. Henry Clifton
Queen street
Borough Surveyor.. & Inspector of Nuisances, J oseph Bassett, Bassett; II a.m. & 6p.m.; wed. 7 p.m

Parade SCHOOLS:-
Foreman of Roads, Richard C. Collings, North street A School Board of 5 members was formed June 21, 1886;
Town Crier, William Rescorle, Tangier John Philp, chairman; Thomas Willoughby, Fore street.
Serjeants-at-Mace, William Kinner, jun. Victoria, & William
clerk to the board; Woodman F. Husband, Queen street,
-Rescorle, Tangier attendance officer
Borough Magistrates. Board, Bodmin hill (mixed & infants), a building of stone
with master's house, erected in 1873 & enlarged in I888.

Acting also as the Local Authority under the Explosives for 275 children; average attendance, I40 boys & girls &
74 infants; Francis Alfred Green, master; Mrs. Green.
Act, I875· sewing mistress ; Miss Annie Trembath, infants' mistress
A Petty Session is held at the Guildhall e\"'ery friday at A sum of £6 13s. 4d. yearly was bequeathed by Mr. St.
John Eliott for " instructing ihe youth of this town in the
I0.30 a.m. for hearing cases under the Summary Juris- reading of the Bible," but this charity has been trans-
diction Ac~ ferred to the Truro Grammar School; a scholarship is to be
The General Annual Licensing Meeting takes place between maintained in the School on the Foundation, when estab-
the 2oth day of August & the I4th day of September. lished ; at present it is paid to the school formerly carried
Special Sessions for transfer of licenses are held on days on by Mr. Louis Evans & now by the Rev. 'f. I<'. Maddrell
appointed for the purpose M.A. carob. priest vicar of Truro Cathedral in Truro ; the
The Magistrates have jurisdiction over the following town of Lostwithiel having the right of nominating one
places :-Lostwithiel & Llanlivery (that part included in boy
the borough) Railway Station, Edward Stephens, station master
Assembly Rooms, Royal Talbot hotel, F. Wheeler, proprtr

County Police Station, William Gill, sergeant in charge & WATER CONVEYANCE.-Boats & barges, occasionally, with

I constable, Bodmin hill goods to Fowey •

PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Parkyn Elford, Fore street Beckerleg !\!dry Parkin (~Irs.) saddler,

Andrew Mrs. Rose hill Parsons Mrs. Bodmin hill North street

Bartlett l<"rederick, Bee cottage Philp John, Duke street Bennett John, plumber &c. Fore street

Bassett Rev. Henry Clifton [Wesleyan], Probert Jn. Cripps, Bank ho. Queen st Bennet-tMark,masn.seeQuiller&Bennett

Restormel villas Rashleigh Lieut.-Col. Colman Battie Beswarick John .Arthur, corn, manure

Bassett Misses, Fore street R.A., D.L., J.P., Norway house & seed merchant, & wool

Beckerleg Miss, Tangier Roskelley Preston, Queen street buyer, Fore street

Belling Mrs. Chapel villas, King street Row John, Bodmin hill Bolitho, Wtlliams, Foster, Coode, Grylls

Bennett Edwin James, Restormel road Row Miss, Boseglos, Fore street &Co.Lim. (agency)(ConsolidatedBank

Beswarick John Arthur, Bridge house Row Mrs. Boseglos, Fore street of Cornwall)(Jn. Cripps Probert,agt.)

Boxall William, Tangier Rundle Richard, Rose hill (open daily from 10 to 3), Queen st;

Burt Jacob William, Garfield house Santo John, Hellier cottage draw on Williams Deacon & Man-

Brown Eldred Roberts, Fora street Scantlebury William, Restormel villas chester & SalfordBankLimLondon E c
Clements Rev. Frederick l United Free Serle Miss, Bodmin hill
Bramwell Philip, grocer &china dealer.

Methodist], 2 .Albert terrace Serpell John, North street Bridge street

Cole Miss, North street Serpell William, Queen street Brewer Wm. Henry, baker, Tangier

Collins Edward, Edgcumbe ho. Forest Sewart John Hunter, Queen street Broad William, watch maker, Queen st.

Dingle John Hicks, Quay street Sherwill 'fhomas, Dilbnry house llrokenshar Samuel Gurney, draughts-

Drewe Rev. Ernest, Vicarage Skentelbery .Abram Edwin, Rose hill man, North street

Geach Mrs. Chapel villas, King street Symons Miss, River View house Brown Eldred Roberts (established

Gill Mrs. Chapel villas, King street Tabb Thomas, Quay house over Ioo years), tea. dealer, grocer

Harris William, Prospect villas, Rose hill Thomas Philip, Prospect vi\ls. Hose hill & provision merchant, outfitter.

Hawkins John, Bodmin hill Trel2aven William, Bodmin hill dress maker & general draper,

Hennah Abel Louis Hodge, Queen st Wellington Peter, Bodmin hill Fore street

Hext Miss, Queen street COMMERCIAL. Brown Hy. Thos. carpenter, North st

Hicks Miss, Tangier Adams William Trewin, boot & shoe Burrow William, cooper. Back lane

Hilton Rev. Henry George M.A. Rose hil maker, Fore street Burt Jacob William, day & boarding

Hugill Jonathan, Fore street .Arthur Samuel, chemist, Fore street school, Garfield house

James John, Rose hill Assembly Rooms (F. Wheeler, proprie- Burton William, farmer & wine & spirit.

Jellico Mrs. Bodmin hill tor), R >yal Talbot hotel merchant, Kyngdon house

Kemble Mrs. Bodmin hill Ball John, pork butcher, Fore street Carne John, dairyman, ~orth street

Ker Edward, The Refuge Bartlett Fredk. Chas. secretary to the Cole James, butcher, Fore street

Lanxon Miss, North street Gas Company, Bodmin hill Collings Richard Coppin, shopkeeper

Morrish James, Victoria Bartlett William, carpenter,'fhe Parade & foreman of the roads, North str~et

Nicholls George, Tangier BassettJoseph,temperance hot.el,builder, Collins Edward, draper & grocer, Fore

Nicholls Joseph Henry, Tangier borough surve~·or & in•pect·)r of street

Oates Thomas, Victoria nuisances, Parade Cook Thomas, !!addler, Queell stree~



Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, ~e Liddicoat & Sons, butchers, Forest Saundrey Jas. hat renovator, Tangier

Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Lobb WilliamHy. baker &confctr.Fore st Skelton George, baker, Queen street

Grylls & Co. Limited Lostwithiel Gas Light & Coke Co. Lim. Skelton Jsph. Thos. blcksmth. Bridge st

Cornish BankLim.(sub-branch)(George (Fredk. Chas. Bartlett,sec.),Gas wrks Skentelbery Abram Edwin, architect,

Geach, agent), open daily from Io Millner Charles Edgar (late of London), Rose hill

to 3; Forest. ; draw on Smith,Payne organist at theParish church& teacher Spry Elizabeth (Mrs.) & Leigh Elizabeth

& Smiths, I Lombard street, London of the organ,piano& harmony,Tangier (Mrs.), milliners, Church lane

E c. See advertisement Nicholls John & Robert, wool staplers & Stephens John, builder, Summer's lane

CuddefordFlorence(Miss),ladies' school, fellmongers, •rangier Stephens John, cabinet maker, Back la

Raglan house Nicholls Joseph, monumental mason, Stephens John, yeoman, North street

Daniel Joseph Searle, boot & shoe Market house Stevens MaryAda(Mrs. ),grocr.North st

maker, Fore street Nicholls Robert, farmer, Bodmin hill Strawfer Julius Blewitt, veterinary

Dingle John Hicks, timber, coal & iron Oliver Chas. Wm. tailor, Bridge street surgeon, Victoria

merchant, Quay street Pearce Nathaniel, printer & stationer, 'falling Edwin Jn. plumber, Bridge st

Eddy Richd. commercl. trav. North st Queen street Tailing Wm. boot & shoe ma. Forest

Ede Peter, Temperance hotel, Forest Pease Robert, solicitor & clerk to Lan- Tailing Wm. Hy. boot maker, Bridge st

Geach George, currier & agent to the livery school board, Fore street TaylorArchibald Ernest,cabinet maker,

Cornish Bank Limited, Fora street Pease William, solicitor, commissioner Bridge street

Ceach J. T. (Mrs.), confectioner & of oaths & clerk to the Tregan Gate Thomas Harriet (Miss), general draper,

• fancy repository, scotch yarn, berlin& highway board, Fore street milliner & dress maker, London
other wools, stationery, fishing tackle, Pease William, jun. solicitor, town house, Fore street

garden seeds, wall papers, Frith's clerk & clerk to the urban sanitary Thomas Mark, flour dlr.& baker,Quay st

photos of the neighbourhood, agent authority, the borough justices & the Thomas Mark, jun. butcher, Fore street

for Perth Dye works ; distributor of River Fowey Conservancy board, Trevethick Jane (Mrs.), brush dealer,

licenses of Fowey Fishery district, Fore street Bridge street

Fore street PidduckAnnie(Mrs.), hi Tucker Ann (Miss), dress ma. Queen st

GillWilliam,sergeant of police,Bodmin hl Probert Frederick, grocer & wine & Volunteer Battalion (2nd)Duke of Corn-

Gill Woodman, tailor, Queen street spirit dealer, Queen street wall's Light Infantry (E. Co.) (Capt.

Guildhall, Fore street Pryor Thomas, goods agent to Corn- & Hon. Maj. P. Baron, Bodmin, com-

HaddyCharles, post master, Fore street wall Railway Co. Bridge end manding; Frank Nicholls,sergeant);

HardingPhilippa(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Fore st Quiller & Bennett, masons, Parade head quarters, North street

Harris Charles, inspector to Cornwall Quiller Richd. beer retailer, Bridge st Volunteer Fire Brigade (Thomas Halls

Railway Co. Rose hill Reed Richard, general merchant & auc- Knight, capt. Wm. Edward Hawken,

Hawk John, farmer, Tan house tioneer, Lime works sec.), Engine station, Church street

Hawken John, baker, Parade Rescorle William, bill poster, town Welch James, blacksmith, King street

Haw ken William Edward, watch maker crier & shoe maker, Tangier Wevell William, Town Arms P.H. &

&c. Queen street Restormel Lodge of Freemasons(No.856) blacksmith, Fore street

Hennah Abel Louis Hodge, sausage skin (John Arthur Beswarick, sec.), Old Wheeler :Ferdinand, Royal Talbot hotel,
manufctr.West ofEnglandgutfactory Duchy palace
North street
HickWalter,butcher&cattle dlr.Tangier Richards Peter, plumber, North street Wherry John Noon, foreman at Gt.Wes-

Higgs Bernard, painter, Fore street I Rose Oordelia(Mrs. ),dress ma.Church la tern Railway works, Bodmin hill

Horton Emblyn(Mrs.),millinr.Bridge st Rosevear James Harris, Kmg's Arms Whetter Richard, shopkeeper, Queen st

Horton William, butcher, North st P.H. Fore street Wilce William, draper, Fore street

Husband Wm. hair dresser, Bridge st 1 Roskelley Joseph & Son, ironmongers, Willcocks Tom, butcher, Queen street
Husband WoodmanFrancis,hair dresser Queen street
Willoughby Thomas, grocer & draper,

& school board attendance officer, Rowe W. H. & Co. auctioneers, Forest Fore street ·

Queen street 1 Rowe John, Monmouth inn, Parade Wills William, grocer, Tangier

James Wm. market gardener, Quay st RowseJaneAnn(:Mrs.),milliner,Tangier Winters Thomas, baker, Nortll street

Jane John, shopkeeper, Fore street Rundle John, carpenter, Back lane Wood & Sons, farriers &general smiths,

Jeffery John 0. boot & shoe ma. Forest Hundle Philip, auctioneer, Queen street hardware dealers & commission1

Kingdon Richard, wheelwright, King st · Rundle William, shopkeeper, Duke st agents ; horses shod on the most ap.

KnightJoseph,tailor&news agent,Parade Sewart John Hunter L.R.C.P.J<:din. sur· proved principles, North street

Knight Thomas Halls, timber & coal geon, & medical officer & public vac- Wood John (firm, Wood &Sons), farrier

merchant, North street & Parade cinator, No. 6 district, Bodmin union by examination, North street

Lacey William, ironmonget", Queen st & medical officer of health, urban WorkingMen's Institute (William Thos.

Levers Thomas Geo. tallow mer. Forest sanitary authority .& certifying fac- Bassett, sec.), Fore street

Levers William, dairyman, North street 1 tory surgeon, Queen street

LUDGVAN is a township and parish, on the hill side yearly value from tithe rent-charge £6o8, with residence,

facing Mounts Bay, 3i miles north-east from Penzance, r and 23 acres of glebe, in the gift of the Duchess of Cleveland,

mile north from Marazion Road station on the West Corn- and held since I893 by the Rev. Arthur Townshend Bosca-
wall section of the Great Western railway, in the Western wen. There are Wesleyan chapels at Crowlas, White Cross,
division of the county, hundred of Pen with, petty sessional built in I858, Canons Town, erected in I878, Trenowin and
division of Penwith \Vest, Penzance union and county court at Long Rock; a :Bible Christian chapel at Tregarthen and
district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconryof Cornwall two for Primitive Methodists at Cockwells and Castle-an-
and diocese of Truro. The parish is governed by a local Dinas. A cemetery of half-an-acre was laid out in 186o at a
board of 12 members, formed July IS, x864, under the cost of about /,Iso, and is under the control of a burial
"Local Government Act of I858." The church of St. Paul board of I2 members. At Castle-an-Dinas are the remains
is an ancient building of grauite, in the Norman style, con- of an ancient British encampment with three rings ; a tower
sisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch and was erected in the I8th century to mark the entrance.
an embattled western tower with pinnacles, containing 5 About half-a-mile south of the tower is a small burial plot
bells: the columns on the north side of the nave are granite surrounded by a stone wall; on the south wall are four slabs,
monoliths, and lean outwards : the font is Early English: one of which is inscribed "Virtue alone Consecrates the
in this church lie the remains of the Rev. William Borlase Ground;" the others bear the following initials and dates:-
LL.D., F.R.S. the well-known historian and antiquary of this E. S. aged 2g, x8x2 ; J. H. ag-ed 63, I823 and J. H. aged 20,

county, who was born at Pendeen, in the parish of St. Just, I812. The charities, amounting to £3 xss-. yearly value, are
Feb. 2, I695-6, and was rector of this parish fifty-two years, applied to educational purposes. A fair is held on the 2nd

where he died Aug. 31, I772. aged 78: in the chancel is a Tuesday in October, yearly, at Lower Quarter, for cattle.
memorial tablet to Robert Davy, of Varfell, in this parish,· Captain John Peverell J. Rogers R.A., J.P. of Penrose,
ob.I796, anuto Grace, his wife, ob. I826, the parents of Sir Helston, who is lord of the manor, the Duke of Leeds, the
Humphry Davy kt. and bart. n.c.L., F.R.s, A.R.A. the dis- Duchess of Cleveland and Lord St. Levan are the chief land-
tinguished inventor of the safety lamp, and there are other owners. The soil is clayey ; subsoil is killas. The chief
inscriptions to members of this family from I635 : in the crops are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and broccoli. The
north aisle is a curiously carved slate slab, inscribed with a area is 4,56o acres (including 40 of water); rateable value,

quaint epitaph, to John South, a former rector, who died in /,7,867; the population in I8gi was 2,334.

1636.: the church plate was presented by the 2nd Earl of CROWLAS is a hamlet half-mile east on the road from Pen-

Godolphin in 1728 ; there is also a cup with cover, dated zance to Redruth.

1576: the church was partially restored, re-floored and re- Sexton, John Bennetts.
seated with open benches in I888 at a cost of £8oo, and has PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &: Annuity & Insur:ruce Office,
400 sittings: in the churchyard is a rude cross three feet in Crowlas.- Richard Pearce, sub-postmaster. Letters
height. The register of baptisms dates from the year IS66; through Long Rock R.S.O. arrive at g.2o a.m. & 4 & 7.20

marriages and burials, 1563. Tbe living is a rectory, average p.m.; dispatched at 9.20 a.m. & g.xo & 7.40 p.m ·


PosT & T. 0. Long Rock (R:1ilway Sub-Office. Letters Tre1surer, James Hosking Tressowe

should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-James Shaw, post• Medical Officer of Health, John Quiller Couch, Chapel street,

master. Letters arrive at 8.10 a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. Penzance

Box cleared, 7.25 & 10.25 a.m. & 2.20, 4·5 & 5.50 p.m. Surveyor & Inspector of Nuisances, John N. Rowe,

Chyandour is the nearest money order office. Postal Tregarthen

orders are issued here, but not paid Collector, William Nankervis Harvey, Cannack cottage

PosT & T. 0. Canons Town.-William John Ruberry, sub- SCHOOLS:-

postmaster. Letters arrive from Lelant R.S.O. at 9.15 A School Board of 5 members was formed September 29,

a. m. & 6.20 p.m.: dispatched at 9.15 a. m. 3·35 & 7 p.m. 1875; Richard Edwards, clerk to the board; William

Lelant is the nearest money order office Henry Glasson Johns, attendance officer

WALL LETTE.R BoxEs at Mounts Viewclea,.ed at 10.5 a. m. & Board, Canons 'fown (mixed), built in 1878, for go children

3.40 & 8 p.m.; Low Quarter, 9.25 a.m. & 3· 15 & 7-45 & now (1893) about to ba enlarged for so m:>re children ;
p.m.; Augivincark, 10.30 a.m. &; 4-45 p.m.; Cockwells, average attendance, 82; Miss Annie M. Jaco, mistress

10.30 a.m. & 4.25 p.m.; Church Town, 9.30 a.m. & 3.25 Board, Church town (girls & infants), built in 1878, for 215

& 7.50 p.m children; average attendance, 70 girls & 6g infants; Mrs.

LocAL BOARD. Elizabeth Clark, mistress

Board day, rst friday in month, at National School. National, Church town, built in 1835, for xoo boys; aver-

Clerk, Richard Edwards, Lower quarter . age attendance, 8o; William Hoskin, master

Ludgvan. Hosking William, farmer, Tremenheere Trembath Matthew, farmer, Chellew

[Marked thus t receive theirletters through Iqch James, farmer, Castle road 'frembath William, farmer, Chellew

Lelant R.S.O.] Ivey Fk.miller(water)&farmer,Truthall Trewhella Matthew, farmer, Trenowin

BoscowenRev.Arth.Townshend[rector] Jeffery gardnr. Long Rock Trewhella William, shoe maker, Baldue

Sma)es William Clayton, Mounts view Johns John, farmer, 'fruthall Trythall William, farmer, Villanoweth

Trembath James Johns William, farmer, Truthall Uren Richard, farmer, Tregellas

COMl\[ERCIAL. Jones Rd. marble mason, Church town Ureu Wm. potato merchant, LongRock
Jones Wm. Robt. shopkpr. Church town Vingoe John, farmer, Cargease

.Acme Brick & Tile Oo. (The) (Richard Laity Thos. & Son, farmers, Curcuryan Waiters Richard Hedley, market gar-

Matthews, manager), New town Lanyon James, farmer, Chyvellan dener, Long Rock

Andreawadha Jn. farmer, Trevorrow Lanyon John, farmer, Rospeath Warren Hy.marketgardener,Corloryau

Baker William King & Co. china clay Lawrey Andrew, farmer & market WhiteJohn & Wllliam,farmers,Boswase

works, Trenowen downs [letters gardener, Varfell WhiteEmily(Mrs.),farmr.Tremenheere

through Nancledrea ; telegrams, Lawrey Wm. farmer, Ludgvan lease Williams Emily (Mrs.), dress maker,

Gulval] Martin Jane(Mrs. ),shpkpr.Low.quarter Lower quarter

Berryman Andrew, market gardener, Matthews Thos. mrkt. gardnr.LongRock WilliamsGrace(Mrs.) ,mkt. gdnr.New t11.

f..ow Tregenda Nicholls Elizh.(Mrs. ),shpkpr.White crss Canons Town.

Berryman James, beer retailer, Baldue Oats John, butcher, Baldue
Pascoe Richd.marketgrdnr.Tregarthen Curnow William Henry, butcher
Cemetery (William Hy. Glasson Johns, Pearce Henry, market gardener Dunstan James, cowkeeper
clerk to the burial board) Penberthy John & James, tin stamping Osborne Jas. Ellis, registered vet. surg
Rosewarne William Henry, cowkeepel'
Corin Catherine(Mrs. ),frmr.LongRock & dressing mills, Carvosa
Corin Jas. market gardener, Botreva Rubery William John, carpenter &
tCraze Francis, farmer & market gar- Prowse Edwin, farmer, 'rregelsoe
shopkeeper, Post office
dener, Polgrean Quick Hy. market gardnr. Vellanoweth Stephens Elizabeth (Mrs.)' shopkeeper
Curnow Andrew, farmer, Borea Quick Jas. market gardener,Manwidden

Curnow Ernest, smith, Lower quarter Quick Thos. market gardnr.Manwidden Trevaskis Joseph, potato merchant
Richards John, farmer, Carvosa Warmington Thomas Nimes, smith
Curnow Uriah, farmer, Rospeath

Eddy David, mrkt.gardener,Long Rock Roach James, farmer, Truthall Crowlas.

Eddy Margt.(Mrs. ),shopkpr.Long Rock Roberts Chas. dairyman, Church town Chellow Samuel, Crowlas cottage

Eddy Thomas, farmer, Trenowin Roberts Peter,market gardnr.Newtown Roach John

Eddy William Jennings & Walter Rowe John N. surveyor & inspector of Williams Mrs

Thos. farmers, Treassowe & Tregellas nuisances to the1looal brd.Tregarthen COMMERCIAL.

Eddyvean John, farmer, Boskennal Ruberry Richard, farmer, Colloryan Bailey Catherine (Mrs.), grocer

Edwards James Henry, farmer, Billdue Sandrey James, grocer, Lower quarter Rmfield Thomas, Star inn

Edwards John, farmer, Trenowin Stephens Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Carne Ann (:Mrs.), f,u·mer

Edwards Richard, smith, & clerk to White cross Edwards William, smith

the local board, Lower quarter Stevens Christopher, White Hart inn Giles Ellen (Miss), shopkeeper

Friggens Jn.Commercial inn.LongRock Thomas James, farmer, Croft Hooper Giles Joseph, reUeving officer for

Granite Quarry (Jas. Chapple,proprietr) Thomas John Davey, market gardener, Eastern division, Penzance union

Gwinnep John, farmer, Nanceddan Rose vale, Church town Harvey Andrew, sawyer

Harvey William, farmer, Eglos Thomas Le~goThos.farmer, Tregarthen Harvey Andrew, jun. basket ml.ker

Harvey William Nankervis, rate collec- Thomas Wm. market gardener, Eglos Harvey Kate (Miss), dress maker

tor, MJ.nwidden Thomas Wm. Davy, farmr. Church twn , Hosking William, carpenter

Hicks Wm. market gardnr. Tregarthen Thomas William Davy, jun. farmer, Jenldn James, shoe maker

Hosking Edwin, farmer, Rosvidney Manwinnion Jones Eclwin John, insurance agant

Hosking Fk.Dymond, farmr. Tregender Tilly Charles, farmer, Rosevidney Morris Richard, grocar

Hosking James, farmer, Lower quarter Tilly John, farmer, Bowjyhere Ninnis Frederick, grocer

Hosking James, farmer, Tressowe Tregonning SI. markt.gardnr. Rock villa Pearce Richard, grocer, Post office

Ho!'lking Jas. Old inn,& farmer, Carvosa Trembath Catherine & Grace (Misses), I Trembath Thomas, tea dealer

Hosking John, farmer, Rosvidney dress makers, Lower quarter II Williams Francis, boot maker
Hosking Rd.&Jas. builders,Low. quarter TrembathHumphrey,frmr.l\bnwinnion Williams William, boot maker

LUXULYAN (called LUXILYAN) is a township, parish, eastern gate is inscribed" .a.s., M.P. 1647:" the chancel,
and village, on the river Par, with a station on the Fowey which has been re-floored with tiles reproduced fr01n an
and Newquay branch of the Great Western railway at ancient example found in the rood loft staircase in X883,
Bridges, about a quarter of a mile west of the village, 4! retains a piscina, and has a handsome wood reredos, carved,

miles south-west from Lostwithiel, 5 north from St. Austell, painted and gilt by the Rev. J. K. Rashleigh M.4. lata vicar

and 3! north-west from Par station, in the South Eastern (1873-91), who also executed and presented. the carved oak
division of the county, east division of the hundred of Pow- lectern: the pulpit of oak, on a granite b-:tse, is partly con-
der, petty sessional division of Powder Tywardreath, Bod- structed from portions of an ancient screen, formerly in the
min union and county court district, rural deanery and church of Farningham, Kent, and from carved oak balong-

arcbdeaconry of Bodmiu and diocese of Truro. The church ing to old Prideaux House : the chairs in the sacrarium date
of St. Cyriacns and J ulietta is an ancient edifice of granite from :1003 : there are piscinre in tbs north ~nd south
in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, chapels, and the porch, which is vaulted in s~ne, has a

south porch, and an embattled western tower, with octagonal stoup : the font of Pentuan stone, dates from an early
turret, containing 4 bells, 2 of which however are now use- period : the church was partially restored, new roofed, re-.

less: there are memorials to Sir John Colman Rashleigh seated and new floored in r883 at a cost of £ r,5oo, raised by

bart. d. Ang. 4• 1847, and Harriett (Williams), his wife, d. subscription, the carved work baing executed by local

July 7, r83r ; to Joseph Carveth M.A. d. 1728, and to the artizans: there are 175 sittings. The register dates from

families of Eudy or Udy, Polsue and Hicks : the records of the year 1593. · The living is a. vicarage, average tithe rent-

the Duchy of Cornwall, kept previous to the Civil War in charge £174, net income £135, including 13! acres of glebe,
this church, were at that period removed to Lostwithiel, with residence, in tile gift of Sir Colman Rashleigh bart.
and there unhappily destroyed: in the centre of the church- c.n. and held since r8~1 by the Rev. Richard Coward M.A.
yard stands the shaft of a sundial, d~tecl r687; and on the of Bishop Hatfield's Hall, Durham. The church of the


Ascension,at LoCKING-GATE, a chapel of ease,was built in 188g Edgcumbe P.c., n.c.L., L.L. Jonathan Ra3hleigh esq. D.L.,
at a cost of£6oo,raised by public subscriptions and consists of J.P. of Menabilly, Tywardreath and Sir Charles Brune
nave and transept, with sittings for So people. There are Graves-Sawle hart. D.L., J.P. of Penrice, St. Austell. The
Wesleyan chapels at Rosemelling and Lower Town ; and soil is clayey; subsoil, granite. The chief crops are oats,
Bible Christian chapels at Church Town, Ebenezer and wheat, barley and turnips. The area is 5,410 acres of land
Ennis. There are four ancient 'crosses here, and in the and 22 of water; rateable v!}.lue, £4,835; the population in

centre of the Church Town is a well, or baptistery, of early 1891 was 937·
date, with walls:and roof of granite ; the structure is well pre- Parish Clerk, Sir Colman Rashleigh hart. c.B., J.P.

served, but the water, which was excellent, has ceased to Sexton, Lieut.-Co1. Colman Battie Rashleigh D.L., J.P.

rise since the making of the railway cutting. Fairs were PosT OF.FICE.-Mrs. T. M. Carkeek, sub-postmaster. Let-

formerly held on the 2nd July and 7th October, but they ters arrive from Lostwithiel!at 8.55 a.m. ; dispatched at

have fallen into disuse. Prideaux, the property of Sir Col- 4.20 p.m. The nearest money & telegraph office is at St.

man Rashleigh hart. C.B., D.L., J.P., B.A. at present occupied Blazey. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
by Francis Barratt esq. is a mansion of stone, erected 1808 WALL LETTER Box, Bridges, cleared at 4· 10 p.m~ week days
by the IJ.te Sir John Colman Rashleigh bart, d. 1847, and only
stands near the site of the old manor house. At Prideaux~ SCHOOLS:-
in this parish, stood a castle, supposed to have been built A School Board of 5 members was formed May 14, 1875 ;

before the Norman Conquest; it was inhabited by a family Charles Thomas Trevail, clerk of the board ; William

of the same name, now represented by Charles Glynn Pri- Honey, attendance officer
deaux-Brune esq. D.L., J.P. of Prideaux Place, Padstow ; all Board (mixed), built in 1271, for 175 children; average

that remains of the manor house has been converted into a attendance, 70; James Edwards, master

stable ; but there are still remains of an encampment. Sir Board (mixed),Locking Gate, built in 188o, for 6o children;

Colman Rashleigh hart. c.B. is lord of the manor. The average attendance, 30; Miss Harvey, mistress

principal landowners are Lord Robartes, the Earl of Mount Railway Station, Bridges, John W. Cole, station master

[Letters for places marked* go through Bt. Francis Thomas, farmer, Horrows Richards John, farmer, Trenince

Blazey, Par Station R.S.O.] Grigg Josepb, jun. farmer, Corgay Roach Anges (Mrs.), farmer, Bodiggo
[Letters for placeAs umsaterlkl.e]d t go through St. Grose John, farmer, Savath Roach Charles, farmer, Bodiggo
Grose Joseph, farmer, Ennisvath RoachJn.Keam,boot maker,Ivy cottage

*Barratt Francis J.P. Prideaux Hawk Joseph, farmer, Little Prideaux Roberts Matthew, farmer, Tretharrup

Coward Rev. Richard M.A. Vicarage *Hawk Thomar,:, farmer, Restinnes Sandercock John, blacksmith, :Marks

COMMERCIAL. Hawken John, farmer, Trenetham Sturtridge .Alfred, temperance hotel

Bennett Alfred, farmer, St. Cyors Higman John, miller (water) & shop- !Sturtridge Thomas, farmer, Newgate

BennettJohn, farmer,IHigher woon keeper, Bridges Treffrey, Clunes & Co. coal merchants

Bennett Joseph Thos. frmr. Treskilling *Higman Robert, farmer, Trevanny (Eber Cole, agent), Bridges

Bennett Nicholas, shoe ma. Treskilling Hooper John Grose, farmer, Conce Tremewau Benjamin, farmer, Horrows

Bennett Richard (Mrs.), farmer, Cross James Henry, farmer, Castlehill [postal Trethewey Joseph, farmer, Trescoll
*BennettStephen,blacksmith,Nanscawn address, BodminJ
:j:TrevailCharles,farmer, HigherMenadu"

Bennett Thomas, shoe maker, Atwcll Jane John, farmer, Lower town :j:Trevail Charles T. farmer & clerk to

:j:Beswetherick Jabez,carpenter, Bowden Jope, blacksmith school board, Higher Menadue &

Beswetherick Thomas, farmer, Lestoon Julian John, farm bailiff to Mr. Waiter Trenouth

Beswetherick Wm.Hy.frmr. Tredinnick Hicks, Lower Menadue *Trevail John, farmer, Carne

Carkeek T. M. (Mrs.), family grocer *Keam Robert, miller (water), Wood ml Trevail Reuben, fanner, Canna

& general provision dlr.&c. Post office *Knight P. & Son, China Clay works !UdyThos.farmer & landowner,Bodwen

Chapman John, farmer, Lestoon *Knight James Jsph. farmer, Methrose Varcoe John, shopkeeper, Marks

Church Edmund, farmer, Tretharrup :j:Knight Josiah,farmer,Higher Menadue Varcoe Thomas, farmer, Horrows

tClemo Wm. farmer,Bowden & Penrose & Secoouch Varcoe William, farmer, Horrows

:j:Coad Jeremiah, farmer, Locking gate *Knight Joseph, farmer, Gt. Prideaux *Wallis Richard, farmer, Whitehouse

Coad John, farmer, Kernick Littleton James, farmer, Bodiggo Wallis Thomas, farmer, Bridges

Cock David & Co. China Clay works, *Lovering & Co. (John Minnear, Wedlake Ann (Mrs.), Seven Stars P.H.

Ennisvath manager),ChinaClayworks,Nanscawn Marks

Cock Robert (Mrs.), farmer, Trescoll Marshal! William, farmer, Lower woon Wellington John, farmer, Harrows

Dyer John, farmer & landowner, Marshall Wm.jun. farmer, Lower woon *Wheal Rashleigh China Clay Co.(John

Higher Innis *MethroseChina Clay Co.(JohnHocken Hocken Knight, mam.ger)

Edward Samuel, farmer, Carminows Knight,manager). See advertisement White Thomas, farmer, Trescoll

Edwards Robert, farmer, Croft *Minnear John, farmer, Nanscawn White Thomas Stick, farmer, Trevellon

*Ellis James, miller, Rock !Morcom William, farmer, Bodwert Whitfield John, mason,LowerMenadue

Folley John, farmer, Lower Menadue Nicholls Thos. King's Arms P.H. Bridges Williams Edward, farmer& landowner.

Freeman John, Sons & Co. Lim. Phillips Charles, farmer, Savath Lower Innis

(Samuel Wm. Tregaskis, manager), Phillips Joseph, carpenter Williams John, farmer, Higher Innis

Granite Quarry works, Tregarden & Phillips William Jn.farmer,Tregonning Williams Jsph.Hy.farmer, Rosemelling

Cottage Pinch Joseph, farmer, Chytan Woolcock W1lliam, farmer, Tregarden

MABE, or ST. lVIABE, is a parish, watered by the rivers "Tresahor money," is distributed to poor widows. At

Treleever and Argle, 4 miles west from Falmouth and ::! Helland, in this parish, are the remains of a graveyard
south-west from Penryn station on the Truro and Falmouth which, it is supposed, belonged originally to a religious
section of the Great Western railway, in the Truro division house on this site. An interesting granite cross, and also an
of the county, hnndred and petty sessional division of East ancient font and stoup, are standing in the graveyard.
Kerrier, Falmouth union and county court district, rural Thirty-five acres of this parish are occupied by a reservoir,
deanery of Carnmarth,archdeaconry of Cornwall,and diocese which is partly in Budock, for the supply of Penryn and
of Truro. The parish of Mabe (Old Eng. "son") was at Falmouth with water. Here are extensive granite quarries,
one time part of that of Mylor. The church of St. Mabe, which afford employment to a large portion of the inhabi-

situated on high ground, is an ancient edifice of granite, in tants. Tremough, the residence of Mrs. Shilson, is a hand-
the Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, some granite mansion, standing in about 20 acres of land,
aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower, with adjoining Penryn. Antron Hill, the seat of John Knill
pinnacles, containing 5 bells, all cast in 1744: the church Kinsman esq. J.P. occupies about gr acres of land, pleasantly
retains the rood stairs, an Easter sepulchre, a piscina, and situated about 500 feet above mean sea level; it commands
sedilia: the south doorway is Norman, and has a plain extensive views of the Channel, harbour, and surrounding
square stoup: the church was damaged by lightning on the country. Messrs. Samuel James and William Rail, who are

4th February, 1866, and was thoroughly restored in r868, lords of the manor, the Rev. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan

at a cost of about £1.400, of which sum Miss Williams, of bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, Mrs. Shilson, of Tremough, Capt.
Falmouth, subscribed £r,ooo, and William Shilson esq. of Francis John Hext J.P. of Tredethy, St. Mabyn, John
Tremough, £1oo; at the restoration of the church some very Williams esq. the Ecclesiastical·Commissioners, Francis Gil-
interesting groups of figures carved in alabaster were dis- bert Enys esq. of Enys, St. Gluvias, John Medlin esq. Mr.
covered, which are now preserved at the Vicarage : the J ames Bath and Mrs. Downing are the principal landowners.
church plate includes an ancient silver chalice: there are The soil is light loam on a stratum of granite. The chief

180 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. The crops are oats, turnips and roots; there is also a large
living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge commutation £170, extent of grass land. The area is 2,547 acres of land and
average £123, net yearly value £26o, with residence, in 22 of water; rateable value, £3,958; the population in 1891
the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1825 by the was 648.

Rev. UlricCollinsMasonB.A. of University College, Durham. BuRNT HousE is a hamlet, about I mile north from the
There are Wesleyan chapels at Trenoweth and Halvosso. church, on the road from Penryn to Penzance.
A rent-charge on land at Constantine of 12s. yearly called I Parish Clerk, Alfred Knowlcs.



Letters through Penryn, .which is the nearest money order .
& telegraph office, arnve at 8.15 a.m
National School (mixed), enlarged in 1872 at a cost of [85,
WALL LE'ITER Box: at Burnt house; collections 3·45 p.m.; for 140 children ; average attendance, 55 boys, 39 girls &
sundays, 9 a.m 18 infants; Edwin Pole, master; Miss Mary Louisa
Bath, mistress

Champion Lieut.-Col. Frederick Albert; Freeman John, Sons & Co. Limited, RailWilliam,frmr. & landowner,Helland

Antron hill stone quarry proprietors, Palestine Rail Samuel J ames,farmer & landowner,

James Henry James, Antron house rock ; offices at Penryn. See advert Eathorn

Kinsman John Knill .T.P. Antron hill Bendy Samuel & Thomas, farmers, Reed John, farmer, Lower Spargo

Mason Rev. Ulric Collins B.A. Vicarage Tremough Reed J oseph, farmer, '£reliever

J\lidlen John, Higher Spargo ' Hodge James, farmer, Rose-in-vale Richards Thomas, shopkpr. Longdowns

Rail Samuel James, Eathorn Hosken William & Co. stone quarry Rowe Henry, farmer & carmen, Pack-

Rail William, Helland proprs.; offices,Commercial rd.Pnryn saddle

Shilson Mrs. Tremough Julian Richard, farmer, Treliever Spargo John, farmer, Antron

CO'-"DIERCIAL. Knowles Alfred, farmer, Lower & Spargo William, farmer, Carnsew
Higher Spargo
Spargo William, farmer, Halvosso

Bath James, farmer, Cliftures Knowles Harry, farmer & assistant Spargo Wm. jun. blacksmith & farmer,

Bennett James, farmer, Antron overseer, Lower Spargo Treliever

Berryman Wm. dairymn. Pottersdowns Knowles Joseph, farmer, Trevone Spiller Humphry, dairyman,Trenoweth

Caddy James, farmer, Halvos.;;o Knowles Robert, farmer, Menallack Symons Eli, farmer, Antron bill

Champion Bennett, dairyman, Higher Knowles Rt. Earle(Mrs.),frmr.Carnsew Symons Henry, farmer, Halvosso

Spargo Medlyn Matthew, farmer, Chynoweth Tremayne Cuthbert, farmer, Carveth

Collins William, stone mason, Halvosso Midlen William, farmer, Trenoweth Treneer Ed ward, farmer, Halvosso

Dunstan Caleb, wheelwrgt. Burnt house Opie Alfred, blacksmith, Halvosso Williams William, New inn, farmer &

Dunstan Hy. farmer & carman, Boundys Opie Hy. granite contnctor, Trenoweth grocer, Hurnt house

Dunstan Richard, farmer, Halvosso Opie Jane (Mrs.), dairyman, Halvosso Wills Thomas, farmer, Antertaves

Dunstan William, blacksmith, Burnt ho Phillips John, farmer & stone mason, Winn Nicholas, jun. grocer & stone

Dunstan Wm. Henry, farmer, Treliever Trenowth mason, Burnt house

ST. MABYN is a township, small village and parish, Falmouth, and held since 1882 by the Rev. Richard Vautier

with the river Lane on the west and the Camel on the south M. A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge, hon. canon of Truro
and east, 3 miles east from Wadebridge station on the and surrogate. There is a Free Methodist chapel, origin-
London and South Western railway, 5 miles north-west ally built in 182o as a Methodist chapel, and seating 250
from Bodmin on the Great Western railway, in the North persons, and a Wesleyan chapel at Longstone, built in
Eastern division of the county, hundred and petty sessional 1816, and holding so persons. Mayne's charity of [101
division of Trigg, union and county court district of Bodmin, Consols, left by William Mayne, of Polglase, in 1818, and of
rural deanery and archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of which the rector and churchwardens are the trustees, is
Truro. The church of St. Mabena (or the Holy Mother) applied to education. At Tredethy is the rectangular head

is a building of stone, in the Perpendicular style, consisting of an ancient cross, rudely carved on all four sides with a

of chancel of three bays, formed by inclosing the arcades on representation of the "Crucifixion" and figures of the
either side, nave of five bays, aisles extending for almost "Blessed Virgin " and bishops; it was removed here from
the entire length of the church, south porch and an em- Lancarfe in Bodmin and is now placed on a low sloping
battled western tower, 85 feet in height, with pinnacles, and base. At Cross hill, near a gate, is an ancient cross, about
containing 6 bells, re-cast in 1787 from a previous peal of 3 feet high, with a round head, the symbol bfling, as usual,
five: the stained east window is a memorial to Francis of the Greek type: on the road leading to Longstone, built
John Hext, of Trelethy, d. 25th January, 1803, and Mar- into a wall, is the round head and part of the !>haft of
garet (Lang ), his wife, d. March, 1794: there is a piscina another cross, about 4 feet in height : there is also an
on the north side, where also remain the rood loft stairs, ancient granite cross in the churchyard. ~ome remains of

now built up; in the south aisle is another piscina and a the old Manor house of Colquite exist near the present

priest's doorway~ the font, of Early English date, has a residence of this name: the ancient mansion of Tregarden,
circular basin, hollowed in a square block and set on a a building of the 16th century, consists of a central block,
round shaft: the entrance to the tower on the west exhibits with wings, inclosing a quadrangle, which is approached
the arms of Lucombe of Bodmin and Heligan, and the throul!h a handsome gateway ; in the hall is a large
lower string courses surrounding the tower are adorned quartered shield includmg, among other coats, those of
with the heraldic bearings or the Godolphin, Hamley and Harrett and Bere ; and in 1876 there was lying loose on the

Barrett families at the angles : the monuments in the premises another quartered shield carved in wood. A fair

church, at one time both numerous and fine, were much was held here for cattle on the 14th of February. Viscount
mutilated during the incumbency of the Rev. G. Leveson- Falmouth, who is lord of the manor, Richard Hambly
Gower, rector 18Iil-42; some fragments of monuments Andrew esq. Mrs. Hooper, of, lady of the manor
recovered from a recess in the tower include memorials of Helligan; Mrs. Ford, of Pencarrow ; Cyril Onslow Peter-'
to Elizabeth, wife of Joseph Silly esq. ob. 3rd August, Hoblynesq.lateof the 6th Dragoons (Carabineers),lord of the
1679; William Hamley esq. of 'freblethick, ob. 12th April, manor of Colquite, and Francis John Hext esq. J.P. are the
17II; Grace (Fowell), wife of Sir Richard Cansew knt. of principal landowners. The chief crops are corn and pasture
Boskelly, ob. 7th July, 1656; Thomas Hamley, gent. o&. land. The soil is killas; subsoil, clay. The area is 4,o88
25th May, 1656: the restoration of the church, begun in acres; rateable value, £4,978 ; the population in 1891 was
1884, is still progressing: the two easternmost bays of 628.
what had been only a long nave are now inclosed by parclose Parish Clerk, George Hamley.
screens, forming a new chancel, which has been raised five Pos·r OFFICE (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have
step!i from the level of the old floor; it was reseated and R.S.O. Cornwall added).-James Williams, postmaster.
repaveJ in 1889: the communion plate includes a silver- Letters arrive at 7.40 a.m. ; dispatched at 4·45 p.m.
gilt cup, not originally intended for a chalice, 13 inches in St. Tudy is the nearest money order office & Wadebridge
height, with a cover, and bearing the hall mark of 1576 ; the nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued
the paten was a gift in 1702; the two flagons date from here, but not p!
1756-7, and there is an alms dish given by Nathaniel Lang, WALL LETTER Box, Longstone, cleared at 3 p.m. week days
in 1757: the church affords soo sittings. The register only
dates from the year 1562. The living is a rectory, average National School (mixed), built in 1846, for IIO children;
tithe rent-charge £6o8, net yearly value £663, with resi- average attendance, 86; Thomas Giles, master; Mrs.
dence and 49! acres of glebe, iu the gift of Viscount Mary Giles, sewing mistress

[~hrked thus • receive letters through Kemp l\Irs 1Thompson Mrs. Watergates

Washaway R.S.O.] Lobb Misses, Erith cottage COMlllERCIAL.

PRIVATE RESIDE:-;Ts. Menhenick John Andrew John J. T. registrar of births
Bray John
Conn Miss *Olver Richard Sobey, Trescowe & death& for St. Mabyn sub-district,
Desborough John Owen, Tredinick
*Glencross Mrs. Colquite *Peter-Hoblyn Cyril Onslow, Colquite Bodmin union, & overseer,The Haven
Hext Francis John B.A.,J.P.(barrister),
*Peter-Hoblyn Ernest P. Colquite Andrew Richard Hambly, farmer,
Hicks Mrs. Park cottage Pye Henry Trethevey
Hooper Mrs. Trequites
Johns James Pye Mrs Baker Grace (Mrs.), Old inn

Sobey Mrs. Rose hill Bartlett John, farmer, Tredethy

Symonds Charles Bate George, farmer, Pitt

Vautier Rev. Richard M.A. (hon. canon Bate Theophilus, maltster & b:er

& surrogate], Rectory 1 reLailer, Dinhams bridge

• DEY. & COlC.'I. 75



Bate Moses, miller (water),Littlewood Harris Lewis Wm. saddler & harness ma Sincock William Hocking, millet

Bi.ddick William, farmer, Tregarden Henwood Edwin, farmer, 'fresloggett (water), Helland bridge
Blewett John, blacksmith Stephens Wesley, farmer, auctioneer &
J ohns Nicholas, farmer, Pitt

Brewer John, farmer, Burlerrow Kelley Thomas, wheelwright surveyor, Treblethick

Button Charles, farmer, Tregaddock Levy John Webb, grocer Symons John, gardener to F. J. lle~t

Button Hy. Jn. Hooper, gro,cer &draper Lewis John, plasterer esq. Tredethy

Clemence Samuel, carpenter Menhenick Charles, relieving officer for Tabb Elias,boot maker & school attend-

CotterJohnO'Hca, inland revenue officer north district, Bodmin union ance officer

Davey John, farmer, Tredinick Menhenick James, boot & shoe maker Thomas Isaac, shopkeeper, Longstonc

DraydonJohn & Son, blacksmiths, Long- Mutton Albert Wm. farmer, Trequites Thomas Samuel, grocer

stone Nickel! Francis Perry, farmer, Helligan Tucker Millicent (Mrs.)& Sons, farmers~

Evans Thomas, farmer, Penwine *Olver Richard Sobey, farmer & land 'frevisquite

Gatley Jatnes,farmer, Stone agent, Trescowe Warne John, farmer, Polglaze

Gatley Thomas, farmer, Greenweeks Pinch Osbertus& Son,farmers,Haywood Williams James, draper, Post office

Hambly George Henry, baker & mason Pinch Pearce, farmer, Higher Treveglos

MADRON, or ST. MADRON, is a parish and village, l:~ John Wesley preached here at interva~s from 1742 to 1760.

miles north-west from Penzance, in the Western division of Castle Horneck, the seat of the Misses Borlase, is one mile

the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of west from Penzance; Poltair is the residence of Lieut.-Col.
Penwith West, Penz<J.nce union and county court district, Otho Glyn Bolitho; Nancealverne, of Mrs. Armstrong ~

rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and Trereiffe, of Mrs. Downing; Trewidden, of Thomas Bedford

diocese of Truro. The ecclesiastical parishes of St. Mary and Bolitho esq. M. P., D.L., J.P. ; and Trengwainton, of the
St. Paul and St. John, Penzance, have been taken out of this Misses Bolitho. Charles Day Nicholls Le Grice esq. D.L.,.
parish, which is the mother parish of Penzance. The parish J.P. is lord of the manor. Lord St. Levan, 1\'Irs. ~cobell,.
isgovernedbyalocalbo!J.rdof ninemembers,formedMayr2, Edward Bolitho esq. J.P. John Borlase esq. and Thomas
x86g, under the "Local Government Act of r8s8." The Robins Bolitho esq. D.L., J.P. of Penalverne, Pe11.zance, are

church of St. Madron (commonly called " Madderne") is an the chief landowners. The soil is killas, or clayey-slate ;
ancient building of granite, chietly in the Perpendicular style, the subsoil is granite and killas. The chief crops are wheat,.

and consists of chancel, nave of six bays, aisles, north and oats and barley, and large quantities of broccoli and potatoe&

ssouth porches and an embattled western tower with pinnacles are grown. The acreage, exclusive of Penzance, is 51 47S of

containing bells: the chancel is of earlier date and retains land and 30 of water; rateable value, £15,833 ; the popu-
a piscina and sedile; the former incorporates a fragment of lation in 1891 was 2,8ro, likewise exclusive of Penzance, and

alabaster, carved with angelic figures armed c nearly all the including officers and inmates in Penzance workhouse.
windows are stained: on the north wall is a fine late brass The hamlets, with the distance from Madron, are Hea Moor,.

to John Clies, merchant and twice mayor of Penzance, ob. three-quarters of a milesonth·east; Jamaica, three-quarter&

November 27, 1623, and Blanch (Trevanion) his wife; there of a mile south-east; Hoswarthen, I mile north-west;
are effigies of both, and others of six children and 12 English Tolcarne, 2~ miles south ; Bosullow, 3 miles north-west;
verses, the whole being surrounded by a marginal inscrip- Ninnis, 2 miles north; Buryas, 2~ miles south-south-west>

tion : there are also several mural monuments, including Mulfra, 2 miles north.

one in the chancel to the Rev. Duke Pearce, a former vicar, Parish Clerk, William Henry Waiters.

ob. 1716: the font, of granite, is Norman: the original PosT OFFICE.-John Rowe, sub-postmaster. Letters through
church was built by Henry de Pomeroy in ngr, and is men- Penzance (which is the nearest tele~?raph office), arrive at
tioned in the taxation of Pope Nicholas in I29I as dedicated 11.30 a. m. 3.30 & 7 p.m.; d1' spat ched at 9.30 a.m. 3.30
M& o7orp.m. The nearest money order office is ut Hea
to St. Madderne: Bishop Grandison consecrated the high
altar in 1336: the church was thoroughly restored in r887

at a cost of £2,800, when it was refloored and reseated with 1 p & M 0: 0·• 8· B & I & Ann~I·ty Offi H
carved oak benches: during the restoration portions of an OST · nsurance ce, ea.
ancient oak screen were discovered and are incorporated in Moor (Railway Sub-Office . Letters shou .d have R.S.O.
the screen erected in I889 after the old design: six hand- Co~nwall added).-John Rwhards, _POstmlster. Letters
somely carved oak bench ends, found under the floor, arnve at 9· 2 5 a.m. & .5·3° p.m.; d1spatch~d at Io a.m.

have been set up in the south aisle: there are 6oo sittings. 4·S & 7· IC p.m. Penzcmce IS the nearest te.egraph office

The register dates from the year 1577. The living is a 1 PosT OFFICE, Buryas Bridge (Railway Sub-Office. Letters
vicarage, with that of Morvah annexed, average tithe rent- should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Miss Esther Rowe,

charge £679, joint gross yearly value £6oo, with residence. postmistress. Letters arrive at 8.20 a. m. & S p.m.; dis-

in the gift of the Misses Borlase and Mrs. Tonkin, and held patched 9 a. m. & 4 p.m. Newlyn is the nearest telegraph

since 188o by the Rev. Franklin Tonkin M.A. of Uorpus office. Postal orders are issued here, but not p1id

Christi college, Cambridge. St. Thomas' mission church, WAI.L LETTER Box 'frengwainton cleared 9 .30 a.m. 3.3o
Rea, erected in 18g2, is a plain building of stone, consisting '
of nave and chancel, and affords 300 sittings. There are & 7 p.m '

five Wesleyan chapels, situated respectively at Church LOCAL BoARD. ••

Town, Hea Moor, Tregavarah, Boswarthen and Bosullow; Board day, fourth monday in each month, at the Board

a Bible Christian chapel at Hea Moor and one for Primitive room, Church town, Madron.

Methodists at Church Town. A Cemetery of three-quarters Clerk, W. ,A. Taylor, Church town

of an acre was formed in r88o, at a cost of £soo, and is Treasurer, Thomas R. Bolitho, Penzance

under the control of a burial board of nine members. The Medical Officer of Health, John Quiller Com,h, Ch·:tpc1

Penzance Union Workhouse is in this parish. St. Madron's street, Penzance
Well, situated in a moor, about a mile north-west of the Surveyor, Inspector of Nuisances & Collector, William H~

church, was once noted for its healing properties: about Nicholls, Church town

200 yards from it, in a secluded spot, are the ruins of an PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
ancient chapel, or baptistery, with the sanctuary step, well Assistant Overseer, Wm. Thomas White, jnn. Hea villas
basin and granite altar still remaining ; portions of the wall Inspector of Nuisances to Penzance RuralSanitaryAuthority,

inclosing a chapel yard are also still standing. Trengwain- Josephus Nicholas
ton Cairn consists of the round head of a cross, fixed in a Relieving Officer, Western district, Peniance union.
rude circular base: at 'frembath is a cross with mutilated Richard White 'rregoning
head in a similar base, in the church tower another: the Surveyor of Highways, W. H. ~icholls, Church town

ihead ol 1\ third is built into a wall at Hea : at Boswarthen ScHOOLS :-

sthere remains a fourth, also on a circular base, with a grace- A School Board of members was formed June 20, 1879;
ful Maltese cross in relief on the head ; the remains of William Thomas White, jun. Hea villas, clerk to the board
others are standing at Boscathnoe and Tremethick. Lanyon
& attendance officer
Quoit, or Cromlech, consists of three upright stones, S feet
high, supporting a huge monolith 18~ feet long and 9 wide The Endowed School is governed by a special board of 11

mernuers .

and of an average thickness of 18 inches; Mulfra l.Jromlech Daniel's Endowed Church of England Elementary (lx-ys.
has been overthrown, and the top stone, a circular mono- girls & infants), for 220 childrei).; average attendance, 54

lith, 4 feet 10 inches in diameter and 5 inches thick, IS now boys, so girls & so infants ; established on the former

partially on the ground. "Men-an-Tol," or Hole stone, Endowed School, founded by George Panier iit T7o4;.

on Anguidal Down, is a monolith about 4 feet in diameter yearly income from endowment, [98; Williat,n Henry

and I foot thick, pierced by a Tounded hole about I foot Waiters, master;, Miss Harriet Connolly, mistress.; Miss
across : parallel to it, at a distance of 7 or 8 feet, are two
other stones, from 4 to 5 feet high: the MenScryfa is an in- Matilda Stevens, infants' mistress
scribed stone 9 feet high and about 2 wide ; it is stated by
Board, Bosullow (mixed), built in I88o, foi 36 children;
average attendance, 20 ; Miss Rebecca Vingoe, mistre~'S

Dr. Borlase to be one of the oldest of Cornish remains; the Bo&.rd, Hea Moor (mixed), established in 1887, for 14ochill-

inscription reads, "Rialobranus Cuuovali filius." The Rev. ren; ayerage attendance, 120; .Miss Wilmot Noy, mistres,;

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