Cornishman (Cornishman Newspaper Co.Limited,publishers; Dustow James, lodging house, 30 Tolver road
A. C. Wildman, manager ; published thurs. & sat.), Eddy David, Globe hotel, r Queen street
Parade street. See advertisement Eddy Elizabeth (Mrs.), Cornish Arms P.H. Market Jew st
Cornwall rst (Duke of Cornwall's) Volunteer Artillery, Eddy Grace (Mrs.), laundress, 3 Leskinnick place
Western Division, Royal Artillery (No. 7 Co.) (Capt. Eddy John, refreshment rooms, I Alverton street
P. Marrack, commander) Eddy Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 57 Adelaide street
Cory Waiter Bryant, hay & straw dealer, Bread street Eddy William, mineral water manufacturer, 6 Bellevue ter
Cotton Wm. newsvendor & tobacconist, 63 Causeway head Edgcumbe Charles Ellis, beer retailer, 6 Alverton street
Couch John Quiller, surgeon & medical officer & public vac- Edmonds Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, I7 Market
cinator No. 5 district, Penzance union, ro Chapel street Edmonds Emma (Miss), milliner, 28 North parade . _
Couch Rd. Pearce, timber merchant &c. see Batten & Couch Edmonds Frank, grocer, Green market
County Court (His Honor Thomas Colpitts Granger, judge; Edmonds Frederick, cattle dealer, 29 Tolver road
George Ley Bodilly, registrar & acting as high bailiff), Edwards Edith (Miss), dress maker, Coinagehall street
Guildhall Edwards Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, 29 Market
Cox Charlotte (Miss), dress maker, 30 Caldwells road Edwards George, butcher, I Tolver road
Crimes Thomas Hankinson, insurance district manager, Edwards l\lary (Mrs.), laundry, I2 Queen street
Albert house, Taroveor road Edwards Samuel, butcher, 25 Market
Cracker & Son, painters & glaziers, 58 Chapel street Ellis James. jobbing gardener, 37 Medrose terrace
Cracker James Charles Vipond L n.s., n.c.s.Eng. dental Ellis Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 42 St. James' street
surgeon, 56 Morrab road Ellis Thomas Francis, carpenter & joiner, I4 Alverton st
Cracker Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 14 South place, Quay Emily (The) Bolitbo Nurses' Home (Mrs. Lucy Coxall,
Crowle Alf John, shoe maker, 56 Adelaide street matron), 7 Tolver place
Crowle Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 56 Adelaide street Eva Edward, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent, Commercial
Curnow Charles Gould, builder, Coinagehall street buildings, Parade street
Curnow Jeremiah, tailor, I4 Belgravia street Eva Hannah (Mrs.), lodging house, IS Clarence street
Curnow Sophie (Mrs.), lodging & boarding house, facing Evening Tidings (Cornish Telegraph Co. Lirr... publishers ;
Morrab gardens & library, commanding fine views of sea published daily except wed.), I6 Chapel st. See advert
& land, bedrooms facing south, Aubrey House boarding Evershed Arthur Reginald Field L.R.C.P.Lond. (firm, Fox &
establishment, St. Mary's terrace Evershed), surgeon, 9 Morrab place
Curnow William, butcher, so & SI Market Fever Hospital (George Bown Millett, surgeon; Mrs. Mercy
Custom House (Frederick William Bune, superintendent; Edwards, matron), Rosevean road
Charles Henry Lyle, 2nd officer), The Quay Ficklin George, artist, Penlee villa, Penlee View terrace
Dale Andrew Nichols, fly propr. rr Coulson's bldgs.Queen st Fidock Grace (Mi,.s), lodging house, 5 Alverton terrace
Dale Bessie (Miss), milliner, I St. James' street Findlow Arthur John, herbalist, Adelaide street
Dale John, cigar merchant (wholesale), I St. James' street Fittall George, bakehouse, 20 Quay street
Dale Sml. Young,agnt. to Chas.Garton & Co.brewrs.Parade st Fleming John Tall & Sons, cabinet makers, upholsterers, un-
Dale Wellington, solicitor & notary public, 3 North parade dertakers & carpet warehousemen, 2 Terrace, Market Jew
Daniel Adeline (Miss), straw milliner, 46 Chapel street street; workshops & warerooms, 84 & 85 Market Jew st
Daniel Henry, potato & manure merchant, 73 Market Jew st Fleming Thomas, butcher, 37A, Market Jew street
Daniel John, flour merchant & wheelwright, Queen street Floyd Wilham 'fhos. beer retailer, 3 East ter. Market Jew st
Daniel Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 39 Tolver road Ford Christina & Edith (Misses), dress makers, 82 High st
Dash Ann Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Alma terrace Ford John, jobbing gardener, 82 High street
Daves Jane (Mrs. ),berlin wool & fancyrepository,3 Stewart's Ford William, builder, 34 Belgravia st. & St. James' street
buildings, Alverton street Foss Thomas, butcher, 18 Market
Davy R. V. & H. iron & general merchants & building Foster George, lodging house, 29 Morrab road
material dealers, rr2 Market Jew street FowlerGeo. Union family hotel,Chapel st.&Albion htl.Plymth
Davy Richard Vinicombe & Humphry, wholesale & :Fox & Evershed, physicians & surgeons, 2 Morrab road
retail wine & spirit met'S. rr2 Market Jew st. See advert Fox George, nurseryman, Alexandra rd. & 3 Alverton street
Davy Ann (Miss), dress maker, Io Leskinnick place Fox John Alfred L.R.C.P.Lond., L.R.C.P.Edin. &c. surgeon,
Davy Humphry M.D. surgeon, Morrab villa, Morrab place see :Fox & Evershed
Dawe Thomas, butcher, 38 Ma1ket Jew street Fox Robert, greengrocer & seedsman, Market Jew street
Dawson Emma (Mrs.), furrier, 52 High street Francis Bithiah (Mrs.), milliner, rr Tolver road
Denithorne Erasmus, hair dresser, 45 New street Free Library (Charles Henry Benn, librarian), Morrab road
Denithorne George, lodging house, 23 Rosevean road Freeman John, SoiL'! & Co. Limited, granite merchants &
Denithorne James, lodging house, Chyandour quarry owners, Wherry town ; offices, Penryn. See advt
Denley Joseph, coal & marine store dealer, I Albert street Freeman Eliza (Mrs.), milliner, 49 Leskinnick terrace
Dennithorne James, butcher, 14 Coulson's buildings, Queen Freemasons' (Mount Sinai) Lodge (No. I2r) (.Martin Samp-
street &27 1farket
son, sec.); Royal Arch (Holy Mt. Chapter) (No. I2I)
Dennithorne John, hair dresser, 48 Queen street (Richard Pearce Couch, Scribe E Mark Masonry) ; St.
Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (branch) (George John the Baptist Lodge (James M. Cornish, sec.), Public
Fox Tregelles, manager), 3 Market place; draw on Bar- buildings
clay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London Freethy Margaret (Miss), lodging house, 18 Bay View ter
Dingley Mary (Miss),lodging house,Beachtield ter.Esplanade French James, beer retailer, 2 Coulson's place
Doble Edward, borough rate collector, 37 Belgravia street Friggens James, carrier, 93A, Market. Jew street
Dodge William Henry 1\I.R.C.S.Eng. surgeon, 8 Alverton ter Friggens William 'Thos. refreshment !'ooms, I mMarketJew st
Donithorne Jane (Mrs.), tripe dresser, 39 Causeway head Fuzzey I. & A• .J, general house furnishers, carpet ware-
Donnithorne Augusta (Mrs.), lodging hou'Je, 73 High street housemen, practical upholsterers, cabinet makers & un-
Donnithorne Harriet (Mrs.), ldg. ho.Cornwall ho.Esplanade dertakers, house agents & valuers, 101, 10IA & I02 Mar-
Donnithorne Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundry, 2 Leskinnick place ket Jew street
' Donnithorne Richd. who. butcher, Cornwall bo. Esplanade Gale Clara (Mrs. ),lodging house, adjoining & looking on to
Donnithorne William, butcher, 4 Market the public gardens, close to the Esplanade, beach &
Donnithorne William, grocer, I St. Clare street baths; board if desired, Endsleigh, 33 Morrab road
Dorothy Thomas, head gardener, Morrab gardens Gallie Elias, insurance agent, 6 High street
Downing Benjamin, shopkeeper, I3 High street Garton Chas. & Co. brewers (SI. Young Dale, agt. ), Parade st
Downing James Thomas, mason, 5 Bellevue terrace Gartrel!Jn. HutchensL.D. s. (Canada),surgn.dntst.47Chapel st
Downing Sarah (Mrs.), lodging house, Folly ho. Esplanade Geach Harriet (Mrs.), lodging house; comfortable home,
Drew John Ede, serpentine works, Esplanade facing sea &promenade, well recommeuded,6&7Marine ter
Dry Dock Coal & Trading Co. Limited (Frederick Charles Geach Mrs. lodging house, I I South terrace
Mathews, dockmaster), Quay Geach William Francis, tea merchant, 6 & 7 Marine terrace
Dugdale Charles Henry, jun. butcher, 47A, Market Jew st Geary John, shopkeeper, 'faroveor road
Dugdale Ernest., butcher, 22 Market Gendall James, carpenter, Victoria place
Dngdale John J<'rancis, butcher, 23 Market Jew street Gendall Richard, boot & shoe maker, 34 Adelaide street
Dugdale Matthew, horse dealer, 27 New street Ueoffroi Fanny (Miss) A.L.A. professor of music, Malcolm
Dugdale Robert, butcher, Market villa, Alexandra road
Duncalf John, fly proprietor, 7 Queen street. See advert Geoffroi Henri, prof. of drawing, Malcolm vil. Alexandra. rd
Durant Henry William Wallace, draper, 3 Green market George Alice(Miss),statnr.&circulating library,3oClarence st
Dusting Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 18 Clarence street George Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Quay street
Dusting Ellen (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Coulson's terrace George William Henry, bill poster, 33 Queen street
Dusting John, master mariner, I9 Bay View terrace Gerry William Ambrose, grocer, & sole agent to W.
Dusting William, builder, carpenter, cabinet maker & & A. Gilbey Lim. wine & spirit merchants, I Green market
undertaker, Bullock market GibbonsHarryRobertHume,professor of music,3St.Mary's pl
Dustow Ann (Mrs.), laundry, 9 Reclinnick place Gibson & l\Iabbott, tailors & outfitters, 4 Market place •
Gibson & Sons,pbotographers&fancy dealers, 10MarketJew st Hodder John William, grocer, 30 Bay View terrace
GilbertCaroline (Miss), shopkeeper, 42 Causeway head Hodder John William, lodging house, I4 Marine terrace
Gilbert William, coal & forage dealer, 22 Penwith street Hodge Edwd. house decorator,St. Mary's pl. & 5 Park corner
Girls' Friendly Society (Mrs. Trelawney, hon. sec.), St. Hodge Jacob, master mariner, 41 Tolver road
Mar•v's Parish house Holbrook Alfred, lodging house, Marine house, Queen street
Glasson John, tailor, I2 Bellevue terrace Holbrook Richard Thomas, coal merchant, 25 Chapel street;
Gluyas Lydia (Miss), stationer & circulating library, 6 stores, Coinagehall street
Alverton street Holman Nicholas & Sons, engineers, machinists, boiler
Goddard Edward William, lodging house, 9 St. Mary's ter makers, manufacturers of mining machinery & agri-
Goddard Lottie Emilie Eames (Mrs.), baby linen establish- cultural implement ag~nts, foundries & hammer mills,
ment, 26 Market Jew street The Quay; & at St. Just. See advertisement
Goody Jesse, sexton to the cemetery, Cemetery, St. Clare st Holman Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 49 Morrab road
Grammar School (Rev. Trimer Bennett, mast.), Market pl Hooper John Edward, ship chandler, 15 Quay street
Graver John Henry, cab proprietor, 23 Daniel place Hooper Hichard, cabinet maker, IS Market Jew street &
Gray Henry, hair dresser, 2 Alverton terrace factory, Bread street
Great Western Railway Receiving Office (J. C. Wall, agent), Hooper Robert, hair dresser, 9 Chapel street
Old Post office, Market place Hosken William, wheelwright, St. Mary's place
Green Thomas, baker, 20 (back of) Causeway head Hosking T. F. & Co. manure merchants &c. 22 M:1rket pl
Green Thomas, builder,Brewery yard, Bread st.&22Mount st Hosking Richard, sm·geon, 20 Chapel street
-Grenfell Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, 28 Causeway head Hosking William Henry, shopkeeper, Chyandour
Grenfell George Pascoe, solicitor, & coroner for the western Hosking William Tonking, fruiterer, Morrab ro:1d
division of the county, 16 Alverton street Houlson Samuel, hair dresser & tobacconist, 5 Alverton st
Grenfell Lewis, boot & shoe maker, I I Causeway head Hourihane John, inland revenue officer, Quay
Grenfell Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 5 Carnes bldgs. Queen st Howeth Samuel, milk seller, 6 Stamford terrace
Gribble Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 3 Parade passage Hugh Priscilla (Mrs.), dress ma. 7 Coulson's bldgs. Queen st
Griffiths & Musgrove, grocers, ro Causeway head Huntingdon Ellen (Miss), confectioner, I3 Alverton street
Griffiths Mary (Mrs. ), lodging house, 4 Leskinnick street Hurd Annie (Miss), dress maker, 59 St. James' street
Griffiths Mary Ann (Miss), lodging house, 5 Penrose terrace Hurley Alexander Patrick, master mariner, 62 Belgravia
Grose & Co. boot & shoe dealers, 20 Market place street, & coal merchant, 'faroveor road
Groves Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 Leskinnick street Hutchings John, Duke of Cumberland P.H. 70 Causeway head
~uard Joseph, tailor, 81 High street Hutchings Richard James, plumber & tinplate worker, 70
Gunn Alexander, shopkeeper, n Quay street Causeway head
Haddon Joseph Baldwin, wholesaieironmonger, 2 Market pl Inch Harry, carpenter, 24 Bay View terrace
Hale Jam&s, lodging house, south aspect & facing private Inch William, builder, Vounder house, Regent square
gardens, 20 North parade Ingram David Christopher, watch maker, Morrab road
Hales Angelina (Miss), lodging ho. Gwavas v1. Norton place Ingram Mary Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, 26 Belgravia street
Hall & Co. grocers, 25 Market place Inland Revenue Office (John Hourihane officer), Quay
Hall Frederick Thomas, cabinet maker, I Park corner Irvine Helen (Mrs.), lodging house, 19 South terrace
Hall George, insurance agent, 27 Belgravia street Izzard Louisa (Miss), dress maker, II Bellevue terrace
Hall John Phillips, dairyman, I7 Regent square Jacka Charles, ships' chandler, I8 Quay street
Hall Robert Greenman, house decorator, 9 Alverton street Jacobs Frank, draper & hosier, 32 Market Jew street
Hall Nicholas James, grocer, Green market James Joseph, builder, 6 Coulson's place
Hall Richard, insurance agent, I9 High street dames Louisa (Mrs), lodging house, close to the sea,
Hall Thomas, tinplate worker, Jennings street park & town, 4 Regent square
Hamlyn George, cook & confectioner, bread & biscuit James Thomas, builder, St. James' street
baker, caterer for wedding breakfasts, ball suppers, Jarvis William, china dealer, 3 & 4 Market Jew street
banquets &c. dealer in game, 3 & 4 Chapel street Jasper William, pork butcher, 19 Causeway head & Market
Harbour Office (John Morrish, harbour master; William J effery William George, boot & shoe ma. 66 Causeway head
Herbert Percy, lessee of pier dues), Quay Jeffrey Elizabeth (Mrs.), lodging house, Abbey street
Hare Thomas, beer retailer, 4 Queen street Jelbert William, general carrier, 25 New street
Harris Arthur James, painter & glazier, 4 Leskinnick ter J enkin Alfd. Chas. auctnr. appraiser & ho. agt. 4 Chapel st
Harris Frank, dairyman, I Mount street Jenkin Bessie (Miss), dress maker, 15 Park corner '
Harris William, jobbing gardener, I7 Cornwall terrace Jenkin Eliz'Lbeth Anna (Miss), dress maker, 2 St. Mary's st
Harry George, master mariner, 34 St. James' street Jenkin Geo. Edwin, auctnr. land & insur. agent, Princes st
Harry William, house decorator, 17 Tolver road Jenkm Rosina Ann (Miss), milliner, 46 St. Clare street &
Harry William Henry, shoe maker, 13 Green street greengrocer, IA, Tolver road
Harvey Nicholas & Chas. wine & spirit mers. 33 Alverton st Jenkin Selina (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Coinagehall street
Harvey & Co. Lim. (William Hodge, manager), timber & Jenkin William Charles, hair dresser, rA, Taroveor road
general merchants (branch), Queen street Jenkins Robert, master mariner, 11 Morrab road
Harvey Francis, general manager of Batten, Carne & Carne's Jenkins William, insurance agent, 28 Cornwall terrace
Banking Co. Limited, Market place Jennings George, butcher, 57 Market
Harvey Jeanette Vawdrey (Miss), bookseller, 25 Clarence st Jennings John, refreshment rooms, 105 Market Jew street
Harvey John Richard, boot maker, 2 Itedinnick place Jilbert Thomas Henry, lodging house, 2 Lanoweth terrace
Harvey Joseph Smith, chemist, II Market Jew street Johns Edward, butcher, 30 Market
Harvey Thomas, boot maker, 4 Leskinnick place Johns Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 2 South terrace
Harvey William, refreshment rooms, 53 Causeway head Johns Rosina (Mrs.), lodging house, 45 Morrab road
Harwood Thomas, grocer, 6 Leskinnick street Jollow l''rederick, carpenter, II Daniel place & Queen street
Hawes Thomas, sec. to Penzance Gas Co. 95 Market Jew st Jones James, collector of market tolls, 4 Alverton terrace
Hawes Thomas, fruiterer, 36 Market Jew street Joseph Henry, pawnbroker, 5 Market Jew street
Ha'Wken John, fly proprietor, 3 Queen street Joyce Emma (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 South terrace
Herbert Tryphena (Mrs.), lodging house, 34 Bay View ter Julian Joseph, carrier, I3 Adelaide street
Hewett Lucy & Katharine {Misses), dress mas. Regent bldgs Julian William, Clarence P. H. Causeway head
Hewett Temperance (Mrs.), dress maker, 1 Regent bldgs Keen Arthur, carrier, 15 New street
Hicks Annie (Miss), lodging house, 13 Cornwall terrace Kelynack John, grocer, & post office, I High street & COT'n
Hicks James, Queen's Head P.H. 7 New street dealer, Clarence street
Hicks Nancy (Mrs.), secondhand clothes dealer, Princes st Kemp Wtlliam, jun. s~one mason, 51 High street
Hicks Rwhard, jun. beer retailer, 14 Mount street Kessell Elizabeth (Mrs.), fruiterer, 28 Market Jew street
Hicks William John, hair dresser, 45 Causeway head Kessell Margaret (~rs.), lodging house, r8 North parade
Hill Henry & Chas. grocers, 32 Alvertou st. & I Taroveor rd Kessell Thomas, school attendance officer, 28 Market Jew st
Hill Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 8 Redinnick terrace Kevern James 'frembath, loan office, Chancery lane
Hill Priscilla (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 Redinnick terrace King Charles William, secondhand bookseller, The Arcade
Hill Richard, bmlder, I Bay View terrace Kinsman John, secondhand bookseller, 2oA, Chapel street
Hill Thomas, hair dresser, 2I Causeway head Kistler George & Matthias, watch makers, 5 Causeway head
Hitchings Eliza (Mrs.), lodging house, 30 Leskinnick ter Kitt Henry John, basket maker, Jennings street
Hoblyn Jane (Miss), baby linen wareho. Io6 Market Jew st Kneebone Robert, lodging house, 58 Morrab road
Hocken Joseph Henry, cab proprietor, I2 Leskinnick terrace Knight Elizabeth (Mrs.), tea dealer, 4I St. Clare street
Hockin Louisa (Mrs.). milliner, 7 Victoria place Knuckey Lovday & Ann (Misses), ldg. ho. I6 & I7 Marine ter
Hocking James Kingston, basket maker, (,'byandour Knuckey Josephine (Miss), mllnr. &fancy drpr. 6 Chapel st
Hocking Saml. greengro. & milk seller, 57 Causeway head Knuckey Sarah (Miss), lodging house, 16 & 17 Marine ter
Hocking Samuel Warren, grocer, 69 Causeway head Lacey Charles James, insurance-agent, I Morrab terrace
Hocking William Row, baker, 38 Adelaide street Ladner Charles, fruiterer, 9 Alverton terrace
Hodder John William & Son, ship smiths, Quay Laity Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 15 Leskinnick terrace
• Michell Andrew I-Iarpur & Sons, drapers & silk mercers, 9
Laity Richard Ruberry, butcher, 29 Market Jew street
Lampert John, insurance agent, 34 Tolver road Market place
Lane Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, I4 Morrab road Michell Hy. & Edwin, hatters & outfitters, 33 & 34 Market pl
Lang Amelia (Mrs), dress maker, I St. Mary's street Michell John, Farmers' Arms P.H. 38 Causeway head
Langley Jane Tucker (Mrs.), lodging ho. 8 Bay View terrace Michell Rosa (Miss), private school (girls), I9 Redinnicktel"
Langsworthy Mary (Mrs.),dress maker, I St. Mary's street Midland. Railway (inquiry office) (Charles Antill, agent),
Lanyon John Rodolphus,solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 54 Market Jew street
13 Morrab place Millar Ellen (Miss), lodging house, 3I Bay View terrace
Lanyon Wm. James, boot & shoe repairer, 3 Buriton row Millett George Bown M.R.c.s.Eng. & L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon,
Lashbrook Jesse (Mrs.), beer retailer, Quay street medical officer of health for urban & port sanitary
Lavin Charles Edward, draper, Green market authorities & eertifying factory surgeon, I9 Chapel street
Lawrence Jn. & Sons, grngros. Vegetable market& Laregan Milton John Penn (firm, Borlase, Milton & Borlase), solicitor
Lawrence William & Sons, market gardeners, Laregan & notary & clerk of the peace for the borough, perpetual
Lawrence Andrew, market gardener, Higher Laregan commissioner, commissioner for oaths, 3r Clarence street
Lawrence Richard Thomas, beer retailer, Alex:andra road Mitchell & Roach, boot makers, 28 Quay street
Lawrence William, market gardener, 57 Chapel street Mitchell William & Son, agricultural implement dealers, 22
Lawrence William Charles, saddler, 76 Market Jew street Market place & seed & manure stores, Quay
Lawrey Edith (Miss), dress maker, 12 Cornwall terrace Mitchell Edward, auctioneer, 22 Market place
Lawrey Mary Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 27 St. James' st Mitchell Edward, beer retailer, 4I Market Jew street
Lawry Henry, insurance agent, I7 Bay View terrace Mitchell George, rope maker, 25 Causeway head & Alverton
Lawry William, master mariner, 3I Belgravia street Mitchell Joseph, cab proprietor, 27 Camberwell street
Layland George, insurance agent, 32 Tolver road Mitchell William, Western & Mounts Bay hotel, Clarence st
Lazarus Frederick, shopkeeper, 53A, Causeway head Mallard Mary & Alice (Misses), milliners, 22 Market Jew Sti
Leah William Robert, grocer, 26 Market place Montgomerie Hugh Mayer M.D. physician, 5 Clarence place
Lee Thomas, cooper, 58 Causeway head MontgomeryJas. BarclayM.D.,F.R.C.P.physician,5Clarence pl
Legg Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 Daniel place Moody John, photographer, 27 Market Jew street
Legg Funny (Mrs.), costumiere, 7 Chapel street Moreton Brothers, corn & manure merchants, Bread street
Legg J oseph, boat builder & ships' chandler, Quay Morrish John, harbour master, II Marine terrace
Lethby James, superintendent British Workman's & General Morrish John, grocer, 63 Chapel street
Assurance Co. Limited, Green market Moss Elizh. (Mrs.), fruiterer & greengrcr. 42 Market Jewst
Levers Miss, day school (girls), I Albert villas Mounts Bay Steamship Co. Limited (Francis Banfield &
Liberal Club Reading Hoom (Edward Eva, hon. sec.), Sons, managers), 6 North parade
Causeway head Mouzon James, fish curer, 9I Market Jew street
Linihan Marianne (Miss), ladies' day school, 2 Alma terrace l\fowat Ann(Mrs. ),'lanitary enginr.&plumbr.33MarketJew st
Little Western Steamship Co. (George Bazeley & Sons, Moyle Mary (Mrs.), fruiterer, 104 Market Jew street
agents), Albert stores Murley Henry, cab proprietor, 33 Chapel street
Lory Susan (Miss), provision dealer, So Market Jew street Mulcahy Nicholas, Prince of Wales P.H. I09 Market Jew st
Lovell Robert Charles, fruit, potato & manure merchant, Nankervis Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 14 Cornwall ter
Bread street. See advertisement Nanki\·ell John, cab proprietor, 6o Daniel place
Ludlow Edmund, ship & insnrance broker, custom house & Natural History & Antiquarian Museum (George Fox
emigration agent & consular agent for Holland, 77 Mar- Tregelles, hon. sec.), Public buildings
ket Jew street Nelson Elizabeth (l\'Ir::;.), shopkeeper, u St. Clare street
Luke Emily (Mrs,), butcher, 46 Market Newall James Dalziel, travelling draper, I2 Penrose terrace
Luke Henry, boot & shoe maker, 49 St. Clare street Newall Thomas, travelling draper, II Alma. terrace
Lyle Charles Henry, custom house officer, 55 Belgravia st Newton Elizabeth (Miss), upholstress, 8 St. James' street
Lyne Alice Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 24 Morrab road Newton John, butcher, 28 Market
Mabbott Charles, master mariner, I9 Regent square Nicholas S. & Son, builders, Bread street
Mabbott Chas.Jas.F.s.sc.LOnd.day school for boys,St.Clare st Nicholas Elizabeth (Miss), confectioner, go Market Jew st
Mabbott Howell, corn mercht. &c. see Trevithick & Mabbott Nicholas Harriet (Miss), milliner, 90 Market Jew street
McFadyean Andrew & Thomas, drapers, SI Morrab road Nicholas James Hocking, painter, 28 Alverton street
McFadyean Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Penrose terrace Nicholas Richard, superintendent of borough police, .Police
McGonnell Mary Ellen (Miss), dress maker, 54 Daniel place station, Public buildings
Maddern Thomas, insurance agent, 9 St. Clare street Nicholas Robert, shoe maker, 20 Rosevean road
Maggs Joseph, chimney sweeper, Coinagehall street Nicholas Samuel, builder, I3 Belgravia street
Magor Martin L.D.S.Eng. surgeon-dentist, 24 Chapel street Nicholas William Donald, shopkeeper, I Ureen street
Mann Emily (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Redinnick terrace Nicholls Charles, p<tinter, 8 Mount street
Mann Mary (Mrs.), superior apartments, close to Free Nicholls Edward, lodging house, I4 Redinnick terrace
library, gardens & beach, Kimberley house, Morrab road Nicholls James, master mariner, 7 South terrace
Mann Wm. insurance agent, Kimberley ho. IO Morrab rd Nicholls John, boat owner, 12 Green street
Mannell John Weekes, grocer, tea & aerated water manu- Nicholls Joseph, mason, 24 Rosevean road
facturer, 29 St. Clare street Nicholls Mary (Miss), dress maker, 55 Daniel place
.Mark Ann (Miss), basket maker, 7I MlJ,rket Jew street Nicholls William Hy. baker, 6 New street & u Buriton row
.Marks Mary Ann (Mrs.) & Son, basket makers & fruiterers, Noy Edward Sampson, lodging house, 15 & I9 Marine ter •
5 Chapel street Noy John, dairyman, 4+A, Market Jew street
Marks Harriet (Mrs.), fruiterer, I4 Parade street Nunn Jn. Hopkins R.A.M. prof. of music,The Abbey,Abbey st
Marks Richard, lodging house, I4 Tolver place Oates Richard, butcher, 26A, Cornwall terrace
Martin George, Dock inn, Quay street Oats Laura (Miss), milliner, 36 Tolver road
Martin George, shell fishmonger, 6o Adelaide street Oats Nicholas, florist, 45 St. Clare street
_Martin James, lodging house, I7 South terrace Oats Thomas, shopkeeper, 7 South place
Masonic Hall (John Rogers 'l'yler, sec.), Public buildings Odd Fellows' Hall (Hoyal Queen's Own Lodge) (Edward
Mathers Susan (:.Vlrs. ), shopkeeper, Coinagehall street Crocker Scobey, sec.), Parade street ·
Mathews William Davies & Sons, Lloyds' agents, steamship Odger Thomas, shopkeeper, 23 Quay street
agents &c. Dock office, Quay Olds John Geoqe, cab proprietor, 32 Alverne buildings
Mathews Edwin Thomas, ship owner, consul for Liberia & Olds Peter R.D.S.E. surgeon-dentist, North parade
vice-consul for Denmark, Sweden & Norway, Spain & Oliver George, boot & shoe tlealer, 9 Causeway head
Germany, Italy & Portugal & consular agent for France, Oliver Thomas George, grocer, 4 Adelaide street
Dock office, Quay Olver & Elons,cabinet manufctrs.&china dealrs.32Clarence st
Mathews Frederick Charles, dock master Dry Dock Coal & Olver & Symons, drapers & silk mercers, 13 & I4 J\'Iarketpl
Trading Co. Limited, Quay Opie Elleu (Mrs.), dress maker, 25 North parade
Mathews Thomas Richard, lodging house, 2 Averton place Opie James, temperance house, Princes street
Matthews Mary & Martha (:\Iisses), grocers, 7 Alverton st Osborne A. & Co. co-operative stores, 28 Market place; 17 •
Matthews Benjamin Chas. London inn, 75 Causeway head Market strand, Falmouth & Io St. Nicholas st. Trurp
Matthews Edward, greengrocer, Wherry town Osborne Charles Henry, omnibus proprietor, 2 Victoriapl
Matthews John, manure & seed merchant, Bread street Osborne Joseph, insurance agent, IS High street
Matthews Robert, lodging house, 26 Clarence street Osborne William Thomas, registrar of births & deaths for
Matthews Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Daniel place Penzance sub-district of the union, I Market place
Maunder Ellen (Mrs.), grocer, 26 Cornwall terrace O'Sullivan llumphry, carrier, 6 Leskinnick terrace
.1\'Iay's Temperance hotel & boarding ho. SI Market Jew st Owen J ames &. Sons, shoeing smiths, Quay
May Elizabeth (Mrs.), stationer, 35A, Market Jew street Paddy & Son, printers, Chancery lane
Mear Samuel & Son, boot makers, 7 Market Jew street Paddy Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 5 Coulson's terrace
Menneer William Henry, solicitor, 4 Parade passage Pappin Robert,jnsurance agent, I5 St. James' street
Merrifield Frederick, hair dresser, Th6 Arcade Parks Alfd. Wm. manager of Cornish Bank Lim. Queen sq
l'arrott Fanny (Miss), lodging house; quiet & central, over- Pidwell Edward, mason, 17 St. Clare street
looking private gardens, South parade, I3 North parade Pine William John, house decorator, Leskinnick place
Parsons Elizh. Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, I9 Leskinnick ter Polglase John, draper, 37 Market place
Parsons Ellen (Mrs.), beer retailer, 13 Green street Polkinhorn Frederick William, beer retailer, 12 Parade st
Parsons Henry, grocer, I Causeway head Polkinhorn Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 78 High street
Pascoe Elizabeth & AmE¥ia (Misses), boot & shoe machinists. Pollard Vincentia (l\irs.) & Mary (Miss), ladies' school, 10
42 Queen street Clarence street
Pascoe & Son, watch makers, 67 Chapel street Polsue John & Co. drapers, Green market •
Pascoe & Co. marble masons, 65 Causeway head & Shute Pool & Son, White Lion P.H. Green market
street, St. Ives Pool & Son, wine & spirit merchants, Green market &
Pascoe Alice (Mrs ), lodging house, 26 Morrab road spirit stores, 97 :Market Jew street. See adverti'!ement
Pascoe Annie Maria (Miss), milliner, 68 St. J ames' street Pooley AIbertFredk. house furnisher, Old Guildhall,Market pl
Pascoe Elizabeth James (Mrs.), seed & potato merchant & Potter Edwin, shoe maker, I3 New street
agent to Sutton & Co. carriers, Bread street Preston Robert Hawker Penial, photographer, 40 Market pl
Pascoe John, marble mason, 37 Market Jew street Price William, cutler, 35 New street
Pascoa Matilda (Miss), stocking machinist, II Adelaide st Public Library (Rev. Prebendary Hedgland M.A. president ;
Pascoe Nicholas, pastrycook & confectioner, 5 Market place Thomas Robins Bolitho, treasurer ; George B. Millet!>
Pascoe William, carpenter, St. James' street M.R.c.s. librarian; Wm.HarveyJulyan,sec. ),Morrabgrdns
Paul's Mounts Bay Temperance Hotel & Restaurant (Mrs. Queen's Hotel (Mrs. Emily Agnes Permewan, proprietress),.
Paul, proprietress), 34 & 35 The Terrace, Market Jew Esplanade. See advertisement
street. See advertisement Quick Elizabeth (Miss), lodging house, 5I St. Clare street
Paul Edmund, linen draper, I9 Market place Quick James, watch maker, 8 Alverton street
Paul Eliza Jane (Mrs.), lod.ging house, 3 Victoria place Rabbeth Harriet·(Miss), dress maker, IS Taroveor terrace
Paul Grace (Mrs.), grocer, 4 Daniel place Rablen Edward Joseph, house decorator, 3 South place
Paul William Harvey, grocer, baker & confectioner, 34 & 35 Railway Hotel (Mrs.Maria Priske,manageress),MarketJew st
The Terrace, Market Jew street .... Randall Elizabeth J. (Mrs.), butcher, 45 Market
Paul William James, plumber, 3 Victoria place · ·~·· Randall William, butcher, 33 Market
Peach Jn. divisional supt.Gt. Western railway,Railway statn Rawlings Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 Green street
PeakJn.painter&paperhngr.4,&greengro.7I,Causeway head Read :Frederick William, auctioneer, valuer & estate agent,
Peak Thomas, carpet cleaner, Morrab place Public buildings, Alverton street
Pearce Albert, boot repairer, I2 Jennings street Reading Harry Thomas, supt. of Trinity store house, Quay
Pearce James Josepb, hair dresser, 39 Market Jew street Rechabite Club (John Sampson, sec.), Taroveor road
Pearce John, grocer, & Town sub-post office, 4 East terrace, Redman Emma (Miss), dress maker, 56 St. James' street
Market Jew street Redruth Brewery Co. Limited (Penzance depot) (Williarn
Pearce John, manure merchant, Hawks farm, Alverton Henry Wright, manager), 6 Queen street
Pearce Thomas, shoe maker, 69 High street Religious Tract & British & Foreign Bible Societies' Depot
Pearce William John, hair dresser, 10 Causeway bead (Miss Jeanette Vawdrey Harvey, agent), 25 Clarence st
Pellew Israel, mason, 4 St. Mary's street Renfree William Henry, boot &shoe maker, I Parade street
Penberthy Ann (Mrs.), stationer & tobacconist, I Adelaide st Retchford Sergeant-Major Edward,serjeant instructor A Co,
Pender Jas. grcr. & post oilice, 4 Stewart's bldgs. Alverton st Ist Volunteer Battalion, Duke of Cornwall's Light Infan-
• Pengelly Charles, grocer, 30 Market place & 23 St. Clare st try, 54 St. James' street
Pengelly John Russell, market gardener, 22A, Tolver road Reynolds Albert Washington, dairyman, IS St. Clare street
Pengelly WilliamRoberts,Golden LionP.H. 68 Causeway head Reynolds Bessy (Mrs.), dress maker, I3 Alverton terrace
Pengraze Harry, oil dealer, I3 Queen street Reynolds Edwin, grocer, 2 Alverton terrace
Penrose Nannie (Miss), dress maker, I South place Reynolds Geo. chimney swpr. 2 Pendarvis row, St. Clare st
Penrose Sarah (Mrs.), milk seller, 29 Adelaide street Reynolds Harriet (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 46 New street
Penrose William Henry, butcher, 3I Alvertonst. &56 Market Reynolds Mary (Mrs.), butcher, 74 Causeway head
Penwith Annuitant Soc. (Fras. Trounson, sec.), Lanoweth rd Reynolds Richard, butcher, 23 Market
Penzance Agricultural Society (William Bolitho, jun. J.P., Reynolds Robert, lodging house keeper, S3 Market Jew st
D.L. president; Ed. Eva, sec.); offices, Commercial Reynolds Thomas, butcher, IO Market
buildings, Parade street Reynolds Thomas, provision merchant, 39 Market place
Penzance Bank (Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co. Lim.) Reynolds Wilmot (Mrs.), lodging house, 32 Chapel street
(Francis Harvey, gen. manager); head office, Market pl. ; Richards Alfred & Son, saddlers, 49 Market Jew street & 2
draw on London & Westminster Bank Limited, London Stewart's buildings, Alverton street
Penzance Billiard Club (Arthur Amore, hon. sec.), Princesst Richard& Willian1 &. Son, curriers & leather merchants,
PenzanceCentral Hall Co. (Hy. HarveyPezzack,sec. ), Parade st manufacturers of boots & shoes, closed uppers & leggingsr
Penzance Choral Society (William H. Nunn, conductor; 2 Alverton street
Alf William Parks, sec) Richards Alfred, grocer, 48 Market Jew street
Penzance Church of England High School Lim.(Miss Eleanor Richard& Barnes, auctioneer, appraiser, accountant~
Hare, head mistress), Clarence street general agent, passen11·er agent & agent for the London
Penzance Clothing Co. (Charles Wills, manager), clothiers, Assurance Corporation, the Ocean, Railway & General
I6 Market place Accident Assurance Co. Lim. & to the Orient, Colonial &
Penzance Conservative Association (John Frederick Loam, American lines of ships, sec. to the Penzance Public
sec.), Queen street Buildings Co. & the West Penwith Provident & Loan
Penzance Gas Co. (Thomas Hawes, sec.), 95 Market Jew st Society & assistant overseer, ·54 & 55 Causeway head.
Penzance Institute (Jnhn Doidge, treasurer; Netherton H. See advertisement
Symons, librarian; George Cock, sec.), Public buildings Richards Edith Jane (Miss), dress maker, 26 High street
Penzance Ladies' Studio(Miss EmilyBorlase, hon.sec. ),New st Richards Eliza Ann (Mrs.), butcher, 58 Market
Penzance Mining & Science Schools (Richard Pearce Couch, Richards Harry, watch maker, 4 Alverton street
h.on. sec; Harry Cavendish A.S.R.S.M.Lond. principal; Richards James, jobmaster, 2 New street
Philip Corin M. I.M. E. George F. Gasson, William H. Bar- Richards Johanna (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Redinnick ter
rett, George H. Guy & Henry Williams (medallist), mas- RichardsJohn,ship chandler, c; Albert st.& boat builder,Quay
ters), School of Art buildings, Morrab road Richards John, builder, 27 Rosevean road
Peuzance News Rooms (Thomas Henry Cornish, hon. sec.), Richards Margaret (Mrs.), laundress, 24 Queen street
Public buildin~s, Alverton street Richards Pascoe, greengrocer, 27 Causeway head
Penzance Public Baths Co. Limited (George Poole, jun. Richards Peter, butcher, 9 Market
sec.), The Esplanade Richards Thomas, travelling draper. 4 Albert villas
Penzance Public Buildings Co. (Barnes Richards, sec.); Ricbards William, photographer, 2 Queen street
offices, 54 & 55 Causeway bead Richards William, lodging house, 57 Morrab road
Percy Wm. Herbert, lessee of pier dues, Harbour office, Quay Righton Sidney, postmaster, II4 Market Jew street
Perkins, Caldwell & Caldwell, builders, Steam joinery works, Roach Alfred, boot maker, see Mitchell & Roach
Victoria square Roach Henry, manager of Bolitho & Co.'s Limited (Consoli-
Permewan Emily Agnel! (Mrs.), Queen's family hotel & dated Bank of Cornwall), 9 Market Jew street
posting house, Esplanade. See advertisement Roberts Annie (Miss), dress maker, u Alverne buildings
Perraton Frances (Mrs.), cornish serpentine dealer, 20 Roberts Helen (Mrs.), lodging house, I Beachfield terrace
. Roberts James Henwood, furnishing & general ironmonger~
Cornwall terrace •
Perrow's Hotel (high class temperance) (John Perrow, 18 Market Jew street
proprietor), 54 & 55 Chapel street Roberts Josepha Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 7 Alma place
Perry William, umbrella maker, 18 Causeway head Roberts Martha {Miss), dress maker, 22 Tolver road
Perry Wm. Tbos. Lark, ham & bacon factor, provision dlr. Roberts Richd. Henry, lodging ho. Penlee view, Redinnick
& marinated pilchard packer, 2 Parade st. See advert; Roberts Samuel Rodda, stationer & tobacconist, 19, 20 & 21
Phillips Edward, tea dealer, 15A, Market Jew street :\Iarket Jew street
Roberts William, hatter, 67 Causeway head Slooman Pbilippa Ellen(Miss), dress maker,g Redinnick ter
Roberts William, umbrella maker, 49 Queen street Small Elizabeth (Miss), upbolstress, 12 Coulson's buildings,
Robinson George Potter Antoine, auctioneer & val- Queen street
uer, house & estate & shipping & emigration agent, auc- Small George Henry, borough surveyor, Public buildings
tioneer & valuer to the Board of Trade & Court of Admi- Small Thomas, plumber & tinplate worker, Bread street
ralty & best auction room in the West of Eng'land, St. Smart Thomas, cabinet maker, 94 Market Jew street
George's Hall Auction mart, Causeway head - Smith Charles, head light keeper Wolf rock, r6 •rolver pl
Rodda, Son & Corin Brothers, wholesale & retail butchers, 2, Smith Henry, hatter, 1 Market Jew street
3• 5, 40, 4r, 42 & 43 Market & office, 39 Causeway head Smith John, boot & shoe manufacturer, 12 Causeway heacl
Rodda Edmund, smith, 15 Par)i-eorner & 12 Market Jew street
Rodda Frederick, machine printer & bookbinder, Market pl Smith William, baker, 28 New street
Rodda Thomas, butcher, 6 & 7 Market Spargo Alfred, shopkeeper, 13 St. Clare street •
Rodda William, butcher, 46 Market Spratt George, shopkeeper, 31 & 32 New street
Rogers Charles, butcher, 53 & 54 Market Spray Richard Angwin, master mariner, 2 Regent square
Rogers Eliza (Mrs.), fruiterer, 7 Garden row Stamp Office (Benj. Shakerley, distributor), 27 Market pl
Rogers Henry, butcher, 23 & 31 Market Steer Adam William Tborburn M.R.c.s.Eng., L.R.C.P.LOnd.
Rogers John, butcher, 31 Causeway head medical officer & public vaccinator,No. I district, Penzance
Rogers John, butcher, 117 Market Jew street union, medical officer to the workhouse, Trevear, Alverton
Rogers Olivia (Miss), milliner, 3 Victoria square Stenton Mary Ann (Mrs.), laundress, Regent buildings
Rogers Thomas Henry, butcher, 8 Market Stepbens Frederick, shopkeeper & builder, 44 Chapel st
Rogers William Lot, stone mason, Coinagehall street Stepbens John M.R.c. v.s. veterinary surgeon, Rosevean
Rook George, tailor, 77 High street house, Rosevean road
Roscorla Eliza (Mrs.), refreshment house, 56 Causeway head Stephens William Charles, hair dresser, 31 Alverton st
Roscorla Elizabeth Annie (Miss), dress maker, 40 Daniel pl Stevens Annie (Miss), laundress, 92 Market Jew street
Rose Wm.Hy.earthenware dlr.& stationer, 93 MarketJew st StevensCharles,serpantine manufacturer, Western e~planade
Rosewall .Andrew, potato merchant, 8 Leskinnick terrace Stevens Edwin Chas. Kingston, basket maker,35 Mount st
Rosewarne Rose (Miss), dress maker, 51 St. James' street Stevens Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopke:lper, ro Coulson's build-
ings, Queen street
Row Henry, grocer, 19 Quay street
Row John Adams, shopkeeper, 21 Alverne buildings Stevens Richard, lodging ho. & insrrranca agt. 2 Marina ter-
Rowe Herbert Thomas, tailor, 13 Market Jew street Stevenson Mary (:\'Iiss), lodging house, 36 Bay View terrace.
Rowe John, ae.rated water manufacturer, Penrose terrace Stewart Henrv, tinsmith, plumber & sanitary engineer;.
Rowe John, dairyman, The Farm, Alexandra road 6 & 7 Causeway head
Rowe John Herbert,currier & leather ~ller,78 MarketJew st Stewart Thomas Henry (established 1795), general
Rowe John Mitchell, jobbing gardener, 3 Leskinnick st ironmonger, practical plumber, brazier, gaslitter,
Rowe Luke, farmer & market gardener, Alverton electric, pneum!ltic & general bellhanger ; electric &
Rowe Melchisedec, baker, 3 Albert street mecbamcal telephones fixed; sanitary & hot water
Rowe Mary Ann (Mrs.), lodging house, 6 Belgravia street engineer, metal worker &c. 8 Causeway head & Fore st.
Rowe Michael, lodging house, 3 Morrab place Marazion
Rowe Nicholas Jas. shopkeeper, & post office, 15 Quay street Strang James William, watch maker, 89 Market Jew st
Rowe Richard, coal dealer, Bread street StrangSarah(Mrs. ),ostrich feather cleaner,Park et. Park crnr
Rowe Samuel Cornish, grocer, 24 Causeway head Stronge George Henry, town porter, 24 Jennings street
Rowe William, tlorist, Lescudjack g-ardens, Lescudiack Sutton & Co. carriers (Mrs. Elizabeth James Pascoe, agent) ..
Royal Geological Society of Cornwall (Howard Fox esq. Bread street
F.G.s. president; Wm. Bolitho, jun. treas.; Geo. B. Millett Symons Charles, butcher, 19 Market
M.R.c.s. sec. ; Major John James Ross, librarian; Herbert Symons Elizabeth (Miss), greengrocer, Vegetable market
Warington Smytb B •.A., LL.B. ,F.G.s. curator), Public bldgs Symons George, master mariner, 4 Cornwall terrace
Royal National Life Boat Institution (Thomas Hy. Cornish, Symons John, surgeon, Buriton house, Alverton street
hon. sec.), Quay Symons Netherton Hosking A.P.s. chemist & drnggist, l'
Rule Carolina (Miss), dress maker, Tbornbnry terrace Market place
Russell Nicholas & Sons, general smiths, Old quay Symons Simon, boot maker, 32 .Adelaide street
Sailors' Free Reading Room (Benj. Mitcbell, supt.), Quay st Symons William Cleeve, draper &c. see Olver & Symons
St. John's Working Men's Club(Rt. Gendall,sec.),Victoriasq Tabb John. cab proprietor, 4 Brighton terrace
St. Mary's Mission House(:Mrs. Gertrude Denley,missionary), Tamblyn Wm. Henry, Star hotel, 119 Market Jew street
Regent buildings Tancock J. & Sons, tailors, outfitters, woollen drapers,.
Salvation Army Barracks(Jsph.Lawson,in charge),Queen st hatters, hosiers &c. 16 Market Jew street
Sampson George, butcher, 38 & 39 Market Tay!or Robert J ames, hair dresser &tobacconist, r6 Parade st
Hampson James, butcher, 37 Market Taylor Samuel John, milk seller, 5 Rosevean road
Sampson John, general marine store dealer, Bread street Taylor S,nnpson Rowe, ironmonger, 31 Market place & co:U
Sampson John, watch maker & optician, 2 Causeway bead merchant, East terrace, Market Jew street
Sampson Martin, tailor & habit maker, II Chapel street. Teague Henward, day scb.ool, 53 Chapel street
Sae advertisement . Terrill James, First & Last P.H. Alverton street
Sampson Richard, lodging house, 27 Chapel street Thomas Brothers, coach builders, Queen Street coach
Sampson William, shopkeeper, 32 J.\'Iount street m,mufactory; e3tablisbed x83o; carriages of newest
Sampson Wilham Henry, provision dealer, ham & bacon designs always in stock; Queen stre'lt
curer &c. 4 Parade street. See advertisement Thomas Catberine (Mrs.), lodging house, 17 Belgravia st
Sanders James Bickle, lessee of market tolls, 3 Penrose ter Thomas Edwin, draper & Plilliner, 22 Causeway head
Sartin Robert, grocer, 17 Parade street Thomas Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 23 Clarence st.reet
SaundryEliza (Mrs.), stationer, 13 Chapelstreet Thomas Frederick, Three Tuns inn, Chyandour
::!cbool of Art (Henry Malcolm Geo:ffroi, head master ; Thomas Grace (Mrs.), sempstress, 5 Cross ~>treet
Henry Geoffroi, assistant master ; Richard Pearce Couch, Tbom'<l.s Grace (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I New street
hon. sec.), Morrab road Thomas Henry, registered plumber, 29 Daniel place
Scobell Joseph, beer retailer, 13 Leskinnick place Thomas Henry, solicitor, 3 Morrab road
Scobey Ed ward Crocker, clerk to committees & assistant Thomas Jas. Hy.tobacconist & hair dresser, 6 Market Jew st.
borough accountant, 9 Regent terrace Thomas John, grocer, 35 Causeway head
Scott dames Marshall, sculptor & manufacturer of all Thomas John, milk seller, 45 St. James' street
kinds of marble & stone work, Victoria place Thomas John Henry, shoeing & general smith, 44 Queen si>
Searle Liiy (Mrs.), dress maker, 16 Leskmnick terraca Thomas Martin, market gardener, Laregan
Searle William, currier, Coinagehall street Thomas Martin, market gardener, Love lane
Secombe William Henry, sergeant of police, 5 Adelaide st Thomas Sarah (Miss), dress maker, 35 Daniel place
Semmons Annie (Miss), dress maker, 3 Mount street Thomas Stephen, cornish serpentine manufr. Garden row
Shakerley Benj. chemist & stamp distributor, 27 Market pl Thomas William Herbert, journalist, 19 Belgravia street
Shaw Edward, fancy repository, 62 Chapel stre~t Thompson Sarah & Agnes (Missea), dress makers, 58 St.
Short Charles, tea dealer, 20 Causeway head James' street
Short Ellen (Miss), private school, 52 Morrab road Thorne Joseph Alan, day school, Belmont, Redinnick
Simmonds Isabella. Mary (Miss),ladies' school,19Ciarence st Tippett Thomas Henry, shopkeeper, 25 Alverton street
Simmons William, coach builder, Brewery yard, Bread st Titley John, bookstall clerk, R~ilway station
Simons Charles, gtocer, 3 Regent buildings Tonkin Henry, builder, 53 Belgravia street
Simpson & Co. Home & Colonial tailors & outfitters, 35 & 36 Tonkin Jane (Mrs.), lodging house, 40 Bay View terrace
Market place Tonkin John Easton, registrar of marriages, 24 Belgravia st
Singer Manufacturing Co. sewing machine m!l.nnfacturers, Tonkin Richard Barnes, lodging house, 17 Redinnick terrace
30 Market Jew street Tonkin William Harvey, shopk9Cpar, Wherry town
Slooman Grace (Mrs.), coal merchant, 31 Cornwall terrace Tonking James Herbert, grocer, 63 Chapel street
Town Hall & Council Chamber (Edward Lark, caretaker), Warren William Henry, dairyman, 83 High street
Warren William Thom~~o<J.lodging ho. I4 St. Ma.ry's ter
Public buildings
Trahair James, cooper, r8 Rosevean road 'Vedlake Stephen, steam launch owner, 33 Mount st
Trebilcock Harriet (Mrs.), teacher of music, 20 Tolver pl Welsh Joseph, market gardener, Minnie cottage, Minnie la
'fregartha William, smith, I9 Daniel place Wesle,ran Mission Room (Wm. Sincock, caretaker),2o New st
Tregarthen Brothers, coach builders, Victoria square West Cornwall College (for girls) (Miss Marian Waller, lady
Tregarthen Richard, upholsterer & cabinet ma. I9 Mount st principal), 38 Chapel street
Tregear Jane (Miss), dress maker, 8 Coulson's place West Cornwall Dispensary & Infirmary (James Barclay
Tre~elles George :Fox, manager of Devon & Cornwall Bank Montgomery M.D, consulting physician ; Hugh M. Mont-
Limited, 3 Market place gomerie M.D. assistant physician; John Symons, surgeon;
Tregenna Rebecca (Mrs.), laundry, 3 Daniel place John Batten Cornish, hon. sec.; Thomas Hacker Bodilly,
Tregurtha Philip, fishmonger, 103 Market Jew street hon. treasurer ; William Harvey J ulyan, assistant sec. &
Trembath Elizabeth Ann & Rebecca (Misses), dress dispenser ; Rev. Prebendary Hedgeland lii.A. chaplain ;
makers, 24 North parade Miss Anne Eliza Whitaker, matron), St. Clare street
'frembath Richard, plumber, Buriton row West Cornwall Steamship Co. (John Banfield, manager),
Tresise Thomas John, electro plater, 86 Market Jew street 6 North parade
'Trevail Sampson, umbrella repairer & cutler, Bread street West of England Hand Knitting Co. (George H. Ash,
'Trevena William Henry, Fountain tavern, St. Clare street manaJ.ier), Bread street
'Trevithick & Mabbott, coal, corn, manure & seed merchants, West Penwith Provident & Loan Society (Barnes Richards,
Mounts Bay stores sec.), 54 & 55 Causeway head
Trewavas Benj. Jas. collector of dues, Custom house, Quay West Damaras (Miss), milliner, 94 Market Jew street
Treweeke Samuel, tailor, 7 High street West Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, II Cornwall terrace
Trewenneck Annie (Miss), shopkeeper, Cherry garden Western (The) Union Telegraph Co. (George Robert Mock-
Trewern Jane (Mrs.), temperance hotel, 6 Albert street ridge, superintendent), Trewithen road
Trewhella Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), lodg. bo. 39 Bay View ter Whear Grace (Mrs.), boarding & lodging house; south-
'Trewith Catberine (Mi~s), servants' agency, Parade cottage, west aspect with land & sea views, Holbein house, Alex-
Parade street andra road ·
Triggs James, refreshment rooms, ro8 Market Jew street Whear Nathaniel Coulson, inspector of nuisances for urban
Triggs Matilda (Mrs.), lodging house, 20 Marine terrace & port sanitary authorities, Public buildings
Trinity Store House (Harry Thomas Reading, supt.), Quay Whear Nathaniel Coulson, jun. architect, Holbein house,
Alexandra road
Tripp John, shopkeeper, Post office, Chyandour
Trounson Francis, clerk to commissioners of taxes, borough White Lion P.H. (Pool & Son, proprietors), ~reen market
treasurer & accountant & sec. to Penwith Annuitant White Charlotte (Miss), teacher of music, 4 Bay View ter
White Harry Vingoe, teacher of music, 3 Clarence street
Society, Lanoweth road
White Henry F.R.I.B.A. architect, 1 Parade passage
Trounson John, builder, 51 Chapel street
Trounson John William F.R.I.B.A., F.s.r. architect, 27 White Jane (Miss), grocer, 64 Chapel street
Clarence street White John, pianoforte tuner, 4 Bay View terrace
Trounson Peter, bill poster & town crier, 50 St. James' st White John Henry, grocer, l Rosevean road
"Trounson William Hy. builder, New Street works, New st White Nicholas, blacksmith, Chyandour
Trounson Wm. Hy. cabinet maker & joiner, New street White Richard, musical instrument dealer, 30 Clarence st
Trounson William Henry, watch maker, G-reen market White Richd.jun.professor of music,Dingley's,Beachfield ter
'rruscott Charles l<'rederick, Albert Vaults P. H. I East ter- White Stephen, builder, 12 & 13 Park corner
race, Market Jew street White Thomas Davy, potato merchant, Albert wharf
Trythall1& Bodilly, solicitors & notaries public, County Wilcock Mary Elizabeth (Miss), lodging ho. 37 Chapel st
Court offices, Alverton street Wildgoose Charles, serpentine manufr. Western esiJlanade·
ofTrythall Elizabeth Amelia (Mrs.), girls' school, 7 Belle vue Wildman Albert Charles, editor "Cornishrn:m," 34
Tucker James, builder, St. James' street Rosevean road
~ryacke James,JDolphin inn, Quay street Wilkins Katharine (Miss), dress maker, 21 Cornwall terrace
Upfold James Wm. dairyman, 4 Windsor ter. St. Clare st Wilkins Lydia (Mrs.), lodging house, 21 Cornwall terrace
Upfold Sarah Lilian (Mrs.), music teacher, 4 Windsor ter- Willey Joseph, shoeing & general smith, Queen street
race, St. Clare street Willey Joseph, silk mercer, Green market
Uren Grace (Mrs.), butcher, 26 Market Williams Arthur Carolli, hair dresser, 82 Market Jew street
Uren John, boot maker, 43 Queen street Williams Edward, butcher, 59 Causeway head
Uren John, greengrocer, 6 Carnes buildings, Queen street Williams Henry, beer & wine retailer, 32 Cornwall terrace
Uren John Clarke, artist, The Willows, Cornwall terrace Williams Henry John, artist, 38 Morrab road
Uren Richard, basket maker, 30 Mount street Williams J ames, grocer, 29 Alverton street
Uren Richard, shoe maker, 11 Jennings street Williams John Napoleon, basket maker, 81 Market Jew st
Uren William, shopkeeper, 41 Causeway head Williams John, commercial traveller, 5I Belgravia street
Uren William Henry, beer retailer, Victoria square W1lliams John, tailor, 53 Market Jew street
VaugbanJohn,picture f::oame maker & gilder, 72 MarketJew st Williams J oseph, beer retailer, I Quay street
Verran James, pianoforte maker & tuner; old violins re- Williams Lydia (:.\iiss), dress maker, 33 St. James' street
paired, 58 Adelaide street Williams Martha (Mrs.), dress maker, 3 Stamford place
Victor R. R. & H.linen drapers & outfitters, ro & II Market pl Williams Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 9 Caldwell's row
xst Volunteer Battalion (rst Duke of Cornwall's Light In- Williams Mary (Miss), lodging house, 36 Morrab road
fantry) (A Co.) (Capt. Thomas Henry Cornish); head Williams Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 35 St. James' street
quarters, Corn exchange, Market House buildings Williams Philip, lodging house, 13 South terrace
Wakefield John, basket maker, 41 Queen street Williams Thomas Henry, market gardener, Alverton
Wakeham Wm. Martin, watch maker, 64 Causeway head Williams Thomas Trembath, market gardener, Alverton
Wallace Thomas, boot maker, IO Mount street Williams William Richard, butcher, 12 & 13 Market
Wallis Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 4 Alma place Williamson David Scott, travelling draper. 39 Alma place
Wallis Nicholas, ship carpenter, 25 Belgravia street Wills Nicholas, boot & shoe maker, Buriton row
Wallis Robert, carpenter, 4 Victoria place Wills William Henry, carpenter, 6 St. Mary's street
Wallis William, basket maker, 4 New street Wingate Edgar, Ship inn, Quay street
Wallis William Henry Paul, boot maker 54 Adelaide street Winter Misses (The), lodging house, 1 Penrose terrace
Waiters Richard, builder, 56 Belgravia street Wood James, shopkeeper, 5 Quay street
Waiters Richard, carpenter, 27 Clarence street Woolas Thomas, beer retailer & tobacconist, 5 Parade street
Warren Edwin, insurance agent, 21 Daniel place WoolcockWilliam, refreshment rooms, 72 &73 Causeway head
Warren Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 24 Daniel place Worth :Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments, south aspect, home
Warren Grace (Mrs.), cab proprietor, Quay street comforts for invalids, well recommended, 19 North parade
Warren John, saddler, The Arcade Wright John, light keeper & harbour policeman, South pl
'Warren Joseph, Seven Stars hotel; home accommodation York & Baird, drapers, silk mercers &c. 23 Market place
for visitors, Parade street Young Men's Christian Association (G. Collins, sec.), r6
Warren Lena (Miss), dress maker, II Quay street Morrab place
Warren Thomas, cab & livery stable proprietor, 41 Chapel Young Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, 10 Regent sqn3.re
street, See advertisement
IPERRAN-ARWORTHAL, or ST. PIRAN ARWOR- · from Truro, in the Truro division of the countv, hundred and
THAL, is a parish and village on the road from 'I'ruro to petty sessional division of East Kirrier, Falmouth union and
l<'almouth and on the Restronquet Creek, and IS bounded : county court district, rural deanery of Carnmarth, arch-
on the south by the river Fal ; there i.s a station here on the deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. 'fhe church of
Truro and li'almouth branch of the Great Western railway. St. Piran is an ancient building of granite, in the Early
'fhe village is 4 miles north from Penryn and 5 south-west English and Decorated styles, consisting of chancel, nave,
south aisle, ,south porch and an embattled western tower PoNSANOOTH is a large village, I mile south-west, part of
with pinnacles containing 3 bells, of which the treble is un- which is in this parish ; the remainder being in the parish
dated; the second bears a le,.g-end in Old English letters ahd of St. Gluvias. Here is the factory of Messrs. C, W. Boot
the tenor was cast in 1672: the chancel was rebuilt in and Co. Limited for the manufac;ture of tape and small ware,
1841-2: the west window is stained and there is a memorial employing about go persons.
window in the aisle to John and Mary Henwood, d. 1853: PosT & M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
the monuments are modern: the communion plate dates PerranwellStation. (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should
from 1576: the chmch was thoroughly restored in 1885, and have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Miss Emma Bond, sub-
has 220 sittings. The register of baptisms and burials dates postmistress. Deliveries commence at 7-45 a.m. & 2.15
from the year 1767; marriages, 1754. The living is a &a.m6..45&p.2m.4.5; , sundays, 7·45 a. m.; dispatched at 7 & ro 45
vicarage, ·annexed t o t hat of St. Sty t(hPi aenr rsa, na)ve£ra7!.=5!'e, tithe 4-55 & 7.10 p.m. ; sundays, 7 a.m.
rent-charge £248, n t ye arly value with &
e 4·55 p.m
residence and 4l acres of glebe, in the gift of Viscount Fat- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & .Annuity & Insurance Office,
mouth, and held since 1877 by the Rev. Henry Marven Perran-.Arworthal.-Miss .Amy Treweek, sub-postmistress.
Harmer M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin. There are Bible
Christian and Wesleyan chapels. Mellingey is the seat of Letters received through Perranwell Station R.S.O.
John Jose esq. J.P.; Tullimaar is the residence of Francis Deliveries commence at 8.IO a. m. & 2 ·40 p.m.; sundays,
Hearle Cock esq. Viscount Falmouth, who is lord of the 8.ro a.m.; dispatched at 10·10 a.m. & 4.25 p.m.;
Sundays, 4· 25 p.m
manor, Arthur Francis Basset esq. of Tehidy, and F. L. WALL LETTER Box, at Perran Well, cleared at 10.30 a.m. &
Graham esq. between- whom Greenwith common is appor-
tioned, and John Jose esq. of Mellingey, are the chief land- 4.40 p.m. ; sundays, 4.40 p.m
owners. The soil is loamy; subsoil, spar. The chief crops WALL LETTER Box, Perran Downs, cleared at 4.20 & 6 p.m.;
are wheat, barley, oats and green crops. The area is 1,862 sundays, 12.40 p.m
acres of land and 71 of water and foreshore; rateable value, WALL LETTER Box, Perran Wharf, cleared at 10 a. m. & 4.5
£3,244; the population in 1891 was 992. p.m. week days only
PERRAN WELL is a large village, half a mile north from A School Board of 5 members was formed gr Jan. 1876;
Perran Wharf, in a deep valley, and takes its name from a James Edwards, clerk to the board & attendance officer
chalybeate spring which rises here. The little river Tarran-
dean or Trewedna flows through the village. Board School (mixed), built in r88o, at a cost of £1,200, for
The Institute and Reading Room here, a building of stone, 230 children; average attendance, 125; Geo. Butler,ma.st
was erected in 1889, at the sole cost of John Jose esq. Railway Station, Perran Well, Nathaniel Davey,station mastr
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Collins Hy. farmer & butchr.Trewedna Michell Bennett,farmer,Greenwith corn
Bishop John, Heath house Collins Wm. Jn. farmr.Lower Mellingey Mill William, dairyman, Perran wharf·
Blackburn J n.Jas. Moor cot.Perran whrf Cooke Otho, mason, Perran well :MillettJeren:.iah ,farmr. Trewedna water··
BootChas. Webster,Vale vw. Ponsanooth Davey Nathaniel, station master & in- Millett John Bennetts, farmer & land-
Bulkeley Reginald,Oak cot.Perran whrf surance agent, Riverdale owner, Bargus
Burgess Mrs. Perran wharf Davey Stephen, shopkeeper, Bissoe hill Nicholas Edward Pellow, travelling
Cannon William Reed Davey Stephen Henry, agent for Field's draper, Perran downs
Carvosso William Jt'rederick,\Voodlands .Arsenical works, Ponsanooth Nicholls Henry & John, house decoratrs
Clark Richard, Pinewood Edwards & Co. woollen manufacturers, Opie Nicholas & Son, coal merchants,
Cock Francis Hearle, Tullimaar wool buyers, general merchants &c Perran wharf
ponald Thomas, Perran wharf Edwards James, assistant overseer, Pearce John, farmer, Plain downs
Edwards Thomas Philip, Perran wharf clerk of school board & attend. officer Penna Richard, farmer, Foundry farm,
Edwards William Henry Edwards Mary (Mrs.),farmr.Greenwith Perran wharf
Harmer Rev. Hy. Marven M.A. [vicar] Edwards Thomas Philip,miller (water), Perranwell Institute & Reading Room
Hodge Mrs. Perran well Perran wharf (J. Bishop, hon. sec.), Perranwell
James James, Greenwith common George Josiah, market gardener, Old Pope Thomas & Sons, thatchers, Wood
Jose John J.P. Mellingey Carnon bridge tenement
LanksburyJohn R.N Gerrans Bessie (Mrs.),draper & grocer, Randall William, Miners' inn, Bissoe
Reynolds-Reynolds Mrs. Goonvrea Perran well Reed Charlotte Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer,
Rooke John Philip, Perran wharf Goodman Henry & Son, smiths & saw Pellean wartha
Row Mrs. Perran well mills, Perran well Richards Jn.Philip, farmr Church town
Solomon William Henry, Tredrea Hancock Paul& Son,farmers &butchers, Richards William (exors. late),farmers,
Tregaskis Thomas. Philip, Perran wharf Ponsanooth Bissoe
Tyacke J oseph Frederick, Moor villa Harris John, mason, Tanner's downs Richards William,farmer, Tanners down
COMMERCIAL. Harvey Jeremiah, tin merchant & & Trewedna ·
.Andrew James,farmer,Gillie Tresamble farmer, Cold winds, Greenwith corn Richards William, shopkeeper & shoe
Bate William, farmer, Tarrandean Hellyar Fanny (Miss), draper & grocer, maker, Perran well
Bawden Josiah, farmer & market gar- Perran wharf Richards William, jun. farmer, Bissoe
dener, Greenwith common Hodge William, farmer,Greenwith corn Roskrow William Heury, Royal Oak
Bennett Emma (Mrs.), farmer,Blankid- Jory Philip, monumental & general hotel, Perran well
nick farm mason, Bissoe hill Row Wm. &Son, carpentrs.Perran whrf
Bishop John, farmer, flour & manure Jose John & Co. merchants, Mellingey Row .Arthur, house decorator
Knuckey John & Son, farmers, Pellean Row Maud (Miss), grocer, Perran whrf
merchant, Chytroon & Risick farms Rowe Heber, farmer, Greenwith
Blarney Clara & Hettie(Misses),shpkprs cross, Ponsanooth Rowe Joseph, farmer &cooper,Pencoose
Blarney Henry,general mer.Perran well Knuckey Thomas & William, carriers, Rowe Samuel, wheelwright & shop-
Blarney Joel, coal merchant,Perran well
Boot C. W. & Co. Limited, manufac- Perran downs keeper, Perran well
Lark Edward, house decorator Spargo Thomas, farmer, Trewedna
turers of linen & cotton tapes, stay Lawrence Hannabel, farmer, Bargus ThomasWm.Norway hotel,Perran wharf
bindings, oval laces, webs, braids &c. Martin Edward, carman, Chyvogue Tiddy Josiah, farmer, Coldwind
Ponsanooth mills; & at 2 Fore street, Martin Henry, farmer & manure mer- Tiddy Thomas, farmer, Greenwith
London E c; T . .A. "Boot, Perran- Trevena James, builder, Pellean cross
well Station" chant, Trewedna Williams Jn. shopkeeper, Perran downs
Bray John, wheelwright, Perran well May John, butcher, Coldwinds, Green-
with common
PERRAN-UTHNOE, or PERRAN, is a parish on the serted, the floors relaid and open seats substituted for
coast of Mounts Bay, 2 miles south-east from Marazion the former pews; the rood stairs still remain in th~ north
Road station on the West Cornwall (Great Western) railway wall: the granite font is probably coeval with the first
and 5 miles east from Penzance, in the Western division of church: there are mural tablets of modern date to mem-
the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of bers of the Cole family and one to the Rev. William Moore
Penwith West, Penzance union and county' court district, Johnson D.D. 34 years rector of this parish, who died July
rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and 19th, 1849: the ea'3t· window is a memorial to Willoughby
diocese of Truro. The church of SS. Piran and Nicholas, John Trevelyan esq. and was erected by his widow, and the
first erected about the middle of the 13th century, originally present rector has aiso inserted a window in the transept to
consisted of chancel, nave, small south transept and south commemorate his daughter: there are 200 sittings. The
porch ; in Tudor times a north aisle was added and an em- register of baptisms and burials dates from the year 1562 ;
battled tower with pinnacles erected at the west end, now marriages, 1589. The living is a rectory, average yearly
containing 3 bells, dated respectively 1832, 1636 and 1688 : value from tithe rent-charge £232,incloding r6 acres of glebe,_
in r883 the church was rebuilt, with the exception of the with residence, in the gift of Sir Waiter John Trevelyan
tower, under the superintendence of Mr. J. P. St. .Aubyn, bart. and held since 1850 by the Rev. Richard .Astley B.A of
and is now chiefly a building of granite, with Ham Hill Pembroke College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan chapels at
stone dressings: Perpendicular windows ha\"e been in- the Church town and at •rrevea.n and Goldsithney. .Acton
Castle, the seat of Mrs. Lanyon, was built in 1772, by PosT OFFICE, Church Town.-Thomas Laity, sub-post-
William Stackhouse esq. and is a fine square castellated master. Letters through Marazion R.S.O. arrive at 9.30
mansion. with granite facings, delightfully situated on an a.m.; box cleared at 2.50 p.m. Goldsithney is the
eminence near Cuddan Poin~, between Trevean and Prussia nearest money order & Marazion the nearest telegraph
Coves, and is approached by a drive of a quarter of a mile in office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
length from the hamlet of Trevean. Sir Waiter John PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity& Insurance Office, Gold-
Trevelyan hart. J.P. of Nettlecombe, Taunton, is lord of the sithney.-Miss Catherine Powning Rowe,sub-postmistress.
manor and chief landowner. The soil1s loamy; the subsoil Letters through Maraziou R.S.O; which is the nearest tele-
is killas. The chief crops are wheat, potatoes and broccoli. graph office, arrive at 9.30 a. m.; box cleared at 2.55 p.m
The area is r,r82 acres, 55 of which are water; rateable .A School Board of 5 members was formed Jan. 18, 1875;
value, £2,658 ; the population in 1891 was 819. Henry Williams, clerk to the board; Edward White, Pen-
GOLDS11'HNEY, I mile north-by-west, and TREVEAN, I mile dean, Penzance, attendance officer
east, are hamlets. Board School, built in 1879, for 150 children ; average at-
Sexton, Henry Sedgman. tendance, 71; Miss Bessie Thomas, mistress
Perran-Uthnoe. Laity William, farmer, Church town Gilbert Charlotte (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Astley Rev. Richard B.A. Rectory Pearce Thomas, farmer, Trebarvah Gundry Elizabeth (l\Iiss), shopkeeper
Lanyon Mrs. .Acton castle RalphWm.boot &shoe ma.Church town Hosking James Henry, general mercht
Prisk John, Trevelyan cottage Richards Robert, farmer, Helston road Laity John, farmer & landowner
Richards Robt. mine agt. Perrandowns lVIayne Ernest Henry Vincent, private
COMMERCIAL. Rowe John, mining agent, Church town
B•erryman Jn. & Wm. farmrs. Acton fro Saundry James, shoe ma. Perrandowns school, Sycamore house
Mills William (Mrs.), grocer
Battens James, apartments,Church twn SemmensSaml. Victoria inn, Church twn Nicholas Thomas, shoe maker
Body James, mine agent,Perran downs Thomas Stephen, farmer Oats Martin, wheelwright
Donald Thomas, shopkeeper,Helston rd Vellanoweth Wm. farmer, Church twn Pascoe Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Gilbart William, farmer, Trembarvah Williams Henry, assistant overseer, Rich Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Gilbert Elizh. & Son, farmers,Chureh tn clerk to the school board & surveyor Richards Sarah (Miss), shopkeeper
Gundry 'fhos. markt.gardnr.Church tn to the Camborne district highway Rowe Jane Martin & Sons, farmers
Harvey John Blight, market gardener board, Ednovean Rowe Catherine Powning (Miss), sta-
HitchenR Thomas, shopkpr. Helston rd Williams Wm. John, farmer, Helston rd tioner, Post office
Hocking William, farmer, Chiverton Goldsithney. S!tmpson William, shop"i{eeper
James Sarah .Ann (Mrs.), dress maker, Saundry Edwin, carpenter
Church town Brealy Rev. Robert Stafford [Wesleyan] Thomas Bridget (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Kitto William,market gardnr.Ednovean Johns Samuel Martin Ven·ant James, Trevelyan Arms P.H
Laity Jas. & Alfd. farmrs. Church twn Laity John Wtlliams & Barker, coal merchants
Laity Jas. &John, farmrs. Church twn Wighton William 'Williams John, blacksmith
Laity Jas. jun. market gardener,To wan COMMERCIAL. Wills Richard, Crown hotel
Laity Thomas, shopkeeper, Post office, Crebo Richard, mason Wren l\1innie (Miss), grocer
Church town Dawe Ernest, cab proprietor
PERRAN-ZABULOE, or St. PIRAN-IN-THE-SANDS, is Canterbury, after havingnndergonerestoration throughout;
a large township and parish, on the sea coast and on tbe road the galleries were removed, the church reseated, the chan-
from Trhro to Perran-porth and from Redruth to St. eel raised and a carved oak pulpit and western screen con-
Columb, and is 5 miles north-north-east from Chacewater structed from the wood of the old benches: there are 400
station on the West Cornwall section of the Great Western sittings. On the site of the second church stands a tall,
railway, 7 north-west from Truro and 8 north-east from round-headed cross, 9 feet high and about two feet wide
Redruth, in the Truro division of the county, hundred of at the base. The register of baptisms dates from the year
Pyder, petty sessional division of Powder West, Truro union 1614; marriages, 1603; burials, 1653, but the earlier par-
and county court district, rural deanery of Powder, arch- tions consist of imperfect fragments. The living is a vicar-
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The parish is age, average tithe rent-charge £293, net yearly value £234,
greatly overblown -uitll sea sand and in the adjoining hills with 2 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of the Dean and
are rabbit warrens. Navigation is rendered perilous along ChapLer of Truro, and held since 1884 by the Rev. Charles
this coast on account of the rocks by which it is skirted. Edwin Meeres B.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. .A new vicar-
The present church is the third which has been erected in age house was erected in March, 1888. The inhabitants of
this parish : the earliest was the church or " oratory" of this parish are chiefly employed in mining and agriculture.
St. Piran, an early British saint, who came from Ireland in Cleather's charity of £2 yearly is distributed; £1 being for
the 5th century, having been consecrated by St. Patrick for poor widows and£ I for a sermon. St. Piran's Well, a small
a mission to Cornwall; this building from its structural baptistery, was distant half a mile north-east from the
peculiarities has been considered by competent authorities church and inclosed with granite walls; the remains of the
to date from the 6th century and is supposed to have been stone work have been removed to Chyverton, in this parish.
erected over the tomb of St. Piran, and a headless skeleton, North of the site of the well is St. l'iran's round, a turfed
conjectured to be that of the saint, was found buried beneath amphitheatre and one of the most interesting specimens of
the altar, when the oratory was first discovered and cleared the old open-air Cornish theatre now remaining; it is 130
from sand in 1835; its external dimensions were found to feet in diameter, with a rampart 10 feet in height, encircling
be, length 29 feet, breadth r6~ feet, height of gables, 19 the summit, and rises in seven steps; the whole area will
feet ; the masonry was of the rudest kind, chma clay being hold about 2,000 persons and in medireval times exhibitions
substituted for lime; the entrance door was at the south of miracle plays were held here; within the round is a
side, \\ith a semicircular arch ornamented with a leopard's trenched passage, communicating with an ovoid-shaped
head carved on the key-stone and a human head on each side recess. Near the manor house of Tywarnhayle is a small
at the spring of the arch ; these, together with the corbels, island, on which formerly stood a chapel, called Engarder,
are now in the Truro 1\fuseum : it is supposed that this the ruins of which were visible in 1733. Chyverton, the
oratory was first overwhelmed with sand in the gth century, handsome modern seat of Mrs. Peter, is probably so called
when another church was erected, on the further side of from an ancient and noble family now extinct. Viscount
a stream which kept back the shifting sands; this was Falmouth D.L., J.P. the Rev·. Sir Vyell Donnithorne Vyvyan
rebuilt in 1420, in a style of some magnificence, and was bart. J.P. of Trelowarren, l\Iawgan-in-Meneage, Francis
safe from the encroachments of the sand for more than Gilbert Enys esq. D.L., J.P. of Enys, St. Gluvias, and the
a century after: the course of the stream having been turned Rev. St. Aubyn Render :Molesworth-St. .Aubyn M. A.,
and its waters drawn off by the working of mines, the sand J. P. of Clowance, Crowan, who are lords of the manor,
encroached still further and in 1803 it was resolved, after William Paget Hoblyn esq. M.A., J.P. of The Fir Hill, St.
some discussion, to remove and rebuild the church; accord- Columb, John Charles Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes
ingly the tower, windows, arches, pillars and porch were Castle, and Mrs. Peter are the chief landowners. The soil
removed to a part of the parish called LAMBOURNE,two miles varies greatly ; the subsoil is shelf and spar. The chief
distant, where now stands the present church of St. Piran, crops produced are wheat, barley, oats and turnips. The
a cruciform building of stone in the Perpendicular style, area is u,340 acres, of which 385 are water; rateable value,
consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, south porch and an £7,006 ; Lhe population in r8gr was 2,167 for the ecclesias-
embattled western tower with pinnacles containing 3 bells: tical and 2,374 for the civil parish.
in the north transept is a tablet of white marble and
underneath is the following inscription-" The first stone of Perran-porth, about 2 miles north-west from the
this parish church was laid in the year 18041 after two church, is a village on the coast., much frequented in the
former ones had been successively overwhelmed with ~the summer months as a bathing-place, on account of its
sand of the desert in which they were imprudently built;" fine sandy beach. The chapel of ease here, a building of
in 18.79 the church was re-opened by the Right Rev. E. W. stone in the Early English style, was erected and opened in
.Benson n.D. then Bishop of Truro and now .Archbishop of 1872, and consists of chancel and nave. There is also a
Wesleyan chapel and a Convalescent Home, built at the WALL LETTER Box, Lambourne, cleared at 3·35 p.m. week
expense of Mr. J. Passmore Edwards, of London, who also days only
provided the endowment fund of £6,ooo, the trustees of PosT OFFICE, Callestock (Railway Sub-Office. Letters
which are the governors of t.he Royal Cornwall Infirmary, should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Mrs. Elizabeth
Truro. Pilchard fishing is carried on. A Board of Trade J ane Trelease, postmistress. Letters arrive at 8. IO a. m. ;
rocket apparatus is kept here. . dispatched at 4.20 p.m. Perran-porth is the nearest
'fhe following are small hamlets, with their distances money order & telegraph office. Postal orders ::.re issued
from the church :-BoLINGEY, I mile north-west, with a here, but not paid
Wesleyan chapel; CALLESTOCK, I mile south, with aWes- LETTER .Box, Bolingey, cleared at 3·I5 p.m
leyan chapel; PENHALLOW, three-quarters of a mile south, SCHOOLS:-
witb a .Bible Christian chapel; PERRAN-COMBE, 2 nol'th-
west; RosE, 2 north-north-east, with a Wesleyan chapel; A School Board of 5 members was formed February 23,
VENTONGIMPS, I mile south-east, and GooNHAVERN, 2 miles I874; William Mitchell, Hendrawa, clerk to the board
north-east, with a Bible Christian chapel.
Board, Goonhavern, erected in I876, for 26I children;
Parish Clerk, Richard Trenerry, Cocks hill. average attendance, I22; William Tresidder, master;
Miss Mary Catherine Trevethan, mistress
Board,Penwartha,erectedin 1879, for 200 children; average
P.osT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, attendance, 85; James George Ashworth, master
Perran-porth (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have TRURO-John l\iitchell, Robert Mitchell & Chas. Tregoning,
R.S.O. Cornwa1l added).-'\Villiam Henry Tremewan,
wed. & sat. ; returning same days
sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 8.40 a. m.; dispatched REDRUTH-John Mitchell & Charles Tregoning, fri
at 3-50 p.m
Perran-zabuloe. 1Warne Josiah, farmer, Nansmellyn Gil~ William Nicholas
Meeres Rev. Chas. Edwin B.A. Vicarage. Warne Tho.m.as, farmer, ~encrenn~w Juhan James. ,
Peter Mrs. Chyverton Yclland 'Yilham, Tanners Water mn, Marsh Rev. ~~~ney Frank [curate]
~ay Rev. W1lham [Wesleyan]
Waters Mrs. Lambourne Tanners water Plll Thomas Henry Droskyn
Roberts James
Bartle John, farmer, Higher Penwartha COMMERCIAL. Stephens Mrs
Bartle Wm. Hy. farmer, Miry bottom Bell Samuel John, Bolingey inn Tremewan Frederick Arthur
Batten Susan Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Batten Sarah (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Green Richard, tailor Tremewan Herbert Ernest
Northyvale Tremewan William Henry
Bennetts Thos. Hy. farmer, Rose-in-vale Ham Theresa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
HodgeEdwin & J n.Jervis,millers(water) Turner Joseph Vaughn, Clifton cot
Benney Henry, farmer, Trevellance Hore William, boot maker COMMERCIAL.
Benney Richard, farmer, Engilley Mitchell William, carpenter Batten William, butcher
Bice J oseph, lodging house
Bown Charles, farmer, Penwartha Blarney Joel, farmer
Bown Herbt. Thos. farmer, Perranwell Penna Edward, farmer
Dyer Thos.& Sl.frmrs.Lambriggan corn Richards Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Trevethan .1\lichael, farmer British (The) & Colonial Explosives Co.
Gregg Tllomas, farmer, Reen Lim.(JosephVaughnTurner,managr)
Grubb Hy. Martin, farmer, Perranwell Trevethan William, butcher
Warne William, blacksmith Hall Ezekiel, shopkeeper
Higgins Philip, farmer, Polvena Knight Joseph, shopkeeper
Jenkin Richard, farmer, Tresawsen Callestock. Mitchell Thomas & John, carriers
Johns John, farmer, Rees Hawkey William, farmer Mitchell Elizabeth (Mrs.), confectioner
Lockett Simon, farmer, Hendra croft Mewton Catherine (Mrs.), farmer,
Mewton Cornelius, farmer, Engilley Mitchell Robert, carrier
Michell James, farmer, Golla Callestock Vean Mitchell Sampson, draper & grocer ·
MitchellElizh. (::\-Irs.) ,farnir.Hendrawna Retallack Alfred, farmer Mitchell Thos. tin streamer & farmer
Northcott Thomas, farmer, Lambourne Rogers Alfred, farmer, Callestock Veor Nancarrow Thomas, apartments
Northey John,farmr.Higher Penwartha Shugg John, farmer,Callestock common Nicholls Jane (Miss), girls' school
Pearce William, farmer, Lambourne Trelease Elizabeth Jane (Jfrs.), shop- Odgers Mark, boot maker
Penna Edwd. & Rd. farmers, Hendra Olver John Toms, Tywarnhayle hotel
Penna Rd. & Edwd. farmrs. Lower Reeu keeper, Post office t:>hillips Cath. (Miss),Perran-porth hotel
Penna John Arth. farmer, Saddle-rock Trelease John, farmer Prout William James, butcher
Penna William, farmer, Penhall Trenerry Samuel, shopkeeper & carrier Robins Thomas Henry, apartments
Stephens Henry, carpenter
Trudgeon Jn. farmer, Little Callestock
Penna Wm. By. farmer, Hendravossen Goonhavern. Taylor Brothers, builders, Rose
Pope William, farmer, Lambourne Buddle James, shopkeeper & carrier TrebilcockA.nnie Sarah (Mrs.), apartmts
Prout John, farmer Ford John, shopkeeper Tremewan & Sons, millers & general
RichardsEdward, farm~r, Penwartha Knight John, carpenter warehousemen
Richards Isaac, farmer, Treamble Powell John, New inn Tremewan Wm. Henry, postmaster
Richards Joseph, farmer, Treworthan Prophett Henry, farmer Rose.
Rogers Alfred, farmer, Lambriggan Bice William, boot maker
Rose John & Wm. farmers, Montrose Penhallow. Knight Thomas, carpenter
Swan William, farmer, Stampas Lockett Simon, farmer
'rredinnick James, farmer, Park Hoskin Jenkin Richard, farmer Penna Samuel, shopkeeper & carrier
Trenerry Richard, parish clerk & assist- Payne Henry Richardson, shopkeeper Robins Joseph, farmer
Salmon William Henry, blacksmith Symonds James, blacksmith
ant overseer, Cocks hill Trebilcock Wallace, carpenter Taylor John, shopkeeper & mason
Trenerry Samuel, farmer, Karnkief
Trenerry Wm.Henry, farmer,Chynayle Welsh Alfred, Plume of Feathers P.u Ventongimps.
Trevethan Frederick, farmer. Mount
Trevethan Michael, farmer, Vintonvese }!itchellSamuel,miller (water)& farmer Higgins Philip, farmer
•ryzzer Richard, farmer, Treworthan Perran-porth. Martyn Susan (Mrs.)., miller (water)
Uglow William, farmer, Gear PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Retallack John, farmer
Warne John, farmer, Greet Reen Cazalet Louis Reynolds J oseph, farmer
Warne John, farmer, Carneboa Davidson Charles Reynolds Thomas, farmer
LITTLE PETHERICK, or ST. PETROC MINOR, is a the east window is a memorial to the Rev. Sir Hngh Henry
parish and village, on the banks of a branch of the river Molesworth hart. d. 6 Jan. I862, and there is another in the
Camel, on the road between Wadebridge and Padstow, 5 chancel to Catherine Lewis, first wife of the Rev. George
miles west from Wadebridge station on the Great Western William Manning, late rector, d. I863; the memorials
railway, 3 south from Padstow, 6 north from St. Columb include brasses to the Rev. Richard Lyne, a former rector of
Major and II west-north-west from Bodmin, in the Mid the parish, d. 1834, and to Mary Arundell, his wife, d. 1813;
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division there is also a monument to John Bettye, ob. 1634; and in
of Pyder, St. Columb union and county court districtf rural the churchyard a granite cross inscribed to the Rev. Sir
deanery of Pyder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Hugh H. Molesworth hart. rector 1818-!862, and one of slate
Truro. The church of St. Petrock is a building of stone, in to Mrs. Manning, above-mentioned : there are 130 sittings.
the Decorated style, restored by the Rev. Sir Hugh Henry The register of baptisms and burials dates from the year
Molesworth bart. late rector, in 1858, and consisUI of chan- I7o6; marriages, IJ08. The living is a rectory, average
eel, nave, north aisle, south porch and a western tower with yearly value from tithe rent-charge £ 13I, gross income
pinnacles and a pyramidal roof, and containing a clock and £203, including 48 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift
3 bells: the chancel is elaborately finished in oak witb carved of Mrs. Ford, and held since 1876 by the Rev. Samuel 8th
stalls, and the walls have been richly painted and gilded: Viscount Molesworth M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge.
the reredos of ornamented tile work was presented by There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. Carthew's charity
Beatrice, Lady Molesworth, widow of the former rector: of I acre :and 18 perches produces £I Ios. yearly. The
trustees of the late Rev. Samuel Paynter M.A. who are lords Sexton, William Keatt,
of the manor, and Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune esq. D.L.,
J.P. of Prideaux Place, Padstow, are the chief landowners. Letters through St. Issey R.S.O. arrive at 9 a.m. Padstovr
The soil is loamy; the subsoil is clay. The chief crops are is the nearest money order & telegraph office
wheat and barley. The area is 1,224 acres; rateable value,
WALL LETTER. Box, cleared at 3· 15 p.m
£1,148 ; the population in 1891 was 178. School, Tregawna, erected in 1858 by Mis~ Mary Prideaux-
HIGnLANEs, half a mile west, and TREGANNA,quarter mile
Brune, at a cost of ,£245, for 5o children; average attend-
west, are places here.
ance, 36 ; Miss Rich, mistress
Molesworth Rev. Viscount M.A. Rectory Henwood Henry, farmer, Balaminars Paynter Johnson & John, farmers,
HeathRev.Charles HerbertM.A. [curate] Henwood James, carpenter Trevillider
Henwood Russell, carpenter Raby Richard, farmer, Trevehan gate
COMMERCIAl.. Jenkins Philip, nurseryman, Rose hill Sheppard John Kest, shopkeeper &
Brewer & Co. millers (water & steam) Lashbrook Thomas, blacksmith carpenter ·
Brewer Richard, farmer, Balaminars Northcott Cotton, farmer, Roscullion Williams David, farmer, Tregonna
Ford Wm. nursery & farmer, Tregolds Northcott Thomas, farmer, Trevehan
SOUTH PETHERWIN is a township, parish and at £297, average £232, net yearly value ,£210, including 13
village, 2 miles south from Launceston station on the acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the University
Great Western and London and South Western railways, in of Oxford, and held since 1891 by the Rev. Prockter Thomas
the North Eastern division of the county, northern division Pulman B.C.L., M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The
of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of East hamletsofTREWARLETandBoTTONNETTpaytithealternately
North, Launceston union and county court district, rural to this parish and Lezant; the former pays both rectorial
deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and dio- and vicarial tithe; the latter pays only the rectorial tithe.
case of Truro. The church of St. Paternus is an ancient Here are two Bible Christian chapels and a Wesleyan chapel
building of Polyphant stone and granite, in the Perpen- and there is also a public reading room. Trebnrsye is the
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, seat of Miss A. M. Gurney, who is lady of the manor. The
north and south porches and an embattled western tower principal landowners are Henry Chernocke Gibbs Brandreth
-with pinnacles, containing a clock and 5 bells: the staircase esq. J.P. of Houghton Hall, near Dunstable, Miss A. M.
to the rood loft and a piscma remain in the south aisle, the Gurney, Mr. John Rawling and Charles Gordon Archeresq.
doorway of the north porch is Norman, and other Norman J.P. of Trelaske, Lewannick. The soil is light and free;
remains also exist: the pufpit and desk are constructed out subsoil, slaty rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley,
of an ancient s oreen, and some of the antique benches I potatoes and roots. The area is 4,959 acres; rateable value,
remain: two of the south windows retain heraldic shields, £5,305; and the population in 1891 was 815.
and there are monuments to Ambrose Manaton, of Tre- Parish Clerk, William Skin.
carrel, ob. 1651 ; Katherine (Trefusis), wife of Richard TRECROGO, I mile squth, is a hamlet.
Killion esq. ob. 1666; Charity (Couch), wife of William PosT 0FFICE.-William Werring, sub-postmaster. Letters
Prowt, of Karnieke, ob. 1676; several members of the through Launceston, arrive at 7.15 a.m. ; dispatched at
Couch family, 1666-77; and a numbeP of memorials of 5 p.m. Launceston is the nearest money order & tele-
modern date: in 1889 the church was thoroughly restored, graph office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
with the exception of the west end and tower, at a cost of WALL LETTER Box, at Compass, cleared at 4.15 p.m. week
£2,500, under the direction of Mr. George Fellowes Prynne, days only
architect, and now affords 340 sittings. The register dates National School, built in 1879, for 140 children; average
from the year 1656. The living is a vicarage, united with attendance, mo; John M. Gunner, master; Mrs: Bessie
the chapelry of Trewen, joint tithe rent-charge commuted Gunner, sewing mistress
[Marked thus *should be addressed Laun- Evans 'William, farmer, Trecrogo *Pearse Richard Giddie, farmer,Larrick
ceston only.) Garland John, farmer, Botathan *Peter Edward John, farmer, Tremeal
*Gurney Miss A. M. Trebursye Gatley Thomas, farmer, Linnack *Prout William, farmer & manure mer-
Pulman Rev. Prockter Thomas B.C.L., Gillbard John, farmer, Polinick chant, Compass
llf..A. [vicar], Vicarage Gillbard Thos. fa,rmer, Tall Petherwiu Public Reading Room
Raddle Warne, Horincott Harris Henry, crpntr.TrecrogoLane end *Rawling John, farmer & landowner,
*Rawling John, Oldwit *JasperMaryJane (Mrs. ),frmr.Tredivitt Oldwit
Tink William Jasper Richard, farmer, Honiton *Rickard Frederick, farmer, Trevoza
Trood John Bryant, Strand JefferyWilliam,miller (water) & farmer, Roberts HoratioElford,fmr. Trecongdon
*Wills Mrs. Red house Treguddick mill Rundle Thomas, farmer, Honiton
*Wise Thomas, Penlaurel cottage *Jenkins Ephriiim, farmer, Brockel Smith William, farmer, Tredown
COMMERCIAL. *Kelly Arthur, farmer, Trevosper *Smith William, farmer, Newland farm
Bennett Thomas, shopkeeper Langman Joht., farmer, Tregillis Squance John, farmer -
Brimacombe Alfred, farmer, Penfoot *Luce Philip, farmer, Treburs~·e Strike John & William, masons
Carell Edmund Harvey, farmer, West Maddever Grace (:Mrs.),carpenter Symons Samuel, butcher & farmer
Petherwin Martin William, shopkeeper *Turner John, farmer, Tregallar
*ClimoEdmundFry, farmer&thatcher, *Metherell William, registrar of births VanstoneJames, carpenter
Compass & deaths, North Hill sub-district & Werring William, boot & shoe maker &
Congdon William, farmer, Treguddick relieving officer, South district No. 2, deputy registrar of births & deaths,
*Cory Wm. butcher & farmer, Daw'sho Launceston union, Daw's house North Hill sub-district, Post office
*Daw James, farmer, Higher Daw's ho *Nickel William, farmer, Burdown *Westlake R•-,bert, farmer, Lanlake
*DaweRichd.Down,farmer,Tresmarrow Olver Richard, surveyor to Launceston Wilton Sampson, blacksmith
Dymond Thomas, boot maker highway board, Trecrogo Wills John, farmer, Trelinoe
Elson William, farmer, Drinnick ·
PHILLACK, or ST. FELACK, is a parish skirted by the ments to the same family, with others: there are 325 sit-
Hayle river and St. Ives bay, and is 1 mile north from Hayle tings. The churchyard contains a fine granite cross, 5 feet
station on the Great Western railway, 6 west-south-west 8 inches high, with a round head carved with a representa-
from Camborne and 9 west-south-west from Redruth, in tion of the Crucifixion; near the porch is another cross of
the North Western division of the county, hundred of Pen- smaller size: in the vestry is a priest's tomb, of granite, of
with, petty sessional division of Penwith East, union and early date, and in the walls forming the lych-gate are
county court district of Redruth, rural deanery of Penwith, va~ious sculptured fragments: near the vestry is preserved
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. A large an inscribed stone found beneath the eastern foundations of
portion of the town of Hayle is in this parish. The church the church in 1856; the inscription appears to be "CLOTUALI
of St. Felicitas, rebuilt with the exception of the tower, in MOGRATTI," i.e. Clotual [the son] of Mograttus, and over
1856-7~ is a building of stone, in the Decorated style, con- the south porch is an example of the rare Chi-Rho mono-
sisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, south porch, gram. The register of births, baptisms and burials dates
vestry and an embattled western tower of Perpendicular from the year 1560; marriages, 1652. The living is a rec-
date, with pinnacles, and containing 3 bells, all cast in 1751: tory, with the chapelry of Gwithian annexed, tithe rent-
the credence attached to the north wall is formed from a charge (Phillack) £387, with residence and six acres of
s~all stone altar discovered on the rebuilding of the church : glebe, joint net yearly value £230, in the gift of and held
in t4e south wall are sedilia and a piscina: the pulpit is con- since 1853 by the Rev. Frederick Hockin M.A. of St. John's
structed of fragments of the ancient screen ; and there is a College, Cambridge, and hon,. canon of Truro. The prin-
massive eagle lectern of oak: the nortil and south chaooel cipallandowners are Francis Granville Gregor esq. D.L. of
windows are memorials to various mf'mbers of the Hockin Trewarthenick, Cornelly, Lord Robartes, Lord St. Levan,
family, of whom William .Hockin, who died in 1853, was 43 Mr. Tyringham, of Tyringham, Newport; Pagnell, Bucks,
years rector of this parish: there are several modern monu- and the family of the late Rev. William Hockin. The soil
is sand and killas ; subsoil, sand and granite in parts of the For postal arrangements, see Hayle
parish. The chief crops are barley and oat.s, with consider- WALL LETTER Box, near the church, cleared at 2.55 a.m.
able pasturage. The area is 2,907 acres, of which 209 are & 6.45 p.m. ; sundays, 10.25 a.m
water and sandhills, on the coast, locally called " towans ;" National School, for 130 boys, roo girls & roo infants ; aver-
the rateable value is £10,178; the population in 1891 was age attendance, 75 boys, 70 girls & 98 infants; W. J.
4,673· Blewett, master; Miss E. A. Rogers, mistress ; Miss J.
Kelynack, infants' mistress
Parish Clerk, W. J. Blewett.
Hockin Rev. Canon :Fredk. M.A. Rectory Champion Thomas Russell, New inn, Jones Thomas, farmer, Trevassack •
La Touche Rev. William Martin Digues Church town Lambrick John, farmer, Nansbnsker
[curate], Riviere cottage Harris William, shopkeeper Mitchell Benjamin, farmer, Treeve
Stephens William, Treeve house Holman Jane Ley (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Rosewarne Saml.frmr.LowerTreglisson
Church town Stevens Mary Howard (Mrs.), lodging
COMMERCIAL. Hosken William John, farmer, & owner house, 9 Clifton terrace
Berryman James, farmer, Troon of the celebrated prize winning Sullivan John, farmer, Troon
Berryman John, farmer, Leah Loggans mill herd of shorthorns, Thomas Jn. Rich.Cardell,frmr.Tringey
Berryman Nicbolas, farmer; Kayle Carwin & Pulsack farms Trewhella Jn.farmer, Higher Treglisson
Broad Humphrey Tremelling, builder, Hosking John, farmer, Riviere Wheal Lucy, tin mine (Nicholas Hol-
Clifton terrlWe James Thomas, shopkeeper, High lanes man, captain)
PHILLEIGH, FILLEY, or EGLOS Ros (or the church on is a rectory, average titherent-charge£265, netyearl)ivalue:
the Heath), is a parish and village, near the month of the about £230, including 21 acres of glebe, with residence, in
river Fal, 6 miles south-west from Tregony, 7 south- the gift of and held since 1868 by the Rev. William Fookes
east from Truro station, by crossing the ferry at "King M.A. of Caius College, Cambridge. Here is a Wesleyan
Harry," and 11 south-south-west from Grampound Road chapel. Viscount Falmouth, who is lord of the manor, Col.
station on the Great Western railway; in the Mid division Arthur Tremayne J.P., D.L. of Carclew, Perranarworthal,
of the county, west division of the hundred of Powder, Robert M. NowelL·Usticke esq. J.P. and the trustees of the
petty sessional division of Powder South, union and late William West esq. are the chief landowners. The soil is
county court district of Truro, rural deanery of Powder, light loam ; subsoil, clay and a light friable slaty loam on
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. There are slate. The crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips, potatoes
ferries over the Fal, across King Harry passage to Feock, and mangold-wurtzel. 'fhe area is 2,392 acres, of which 15
and at Tolverne, across Malpas Road to Kea parish. The are water; rateable nlue, £2,510; the population in 1891
church of St. Felix is a building of stone, with granite was 244.
facings, in the Perpendicular style, and consists of chancel Sexton, John Buddle.
with aisle of three bays, nave of six bays, south aisle, north Letters through Grampound Road by messenger, from
transept, south porch and an embattled western tower, con- High Lanes, arrive at about 11 a. m.; dispatched at 12.30.
taining 3 bells, all cast in 1751: the east window is stained WALL LETTER Box, Philleigh Church Town, cleared at
and the chancel retains a piscina: there is a monument, 12.30 p.m. & at Tre\\Orthal·I2.SI p.m. week days only.
with long Latin inscription, to Thomas Tall, ob. r686, one in The nearest money order & telephone office is at High
the churchyard to John Scoble, yeoman, ob. 166o, and others Lanes, Ruan Lanihorne
of later date: the church was rebuilt in 1867, and has 200 Parochial School (mixed), built in 186o, for 6o children~
sittings. The register dates from the year 1733. The living average attendance, 33 ; Alfred Hughes, master
Fookes Rev. William M.A. Rectory Harris James, farmer, Polmask Little William, farmer, Penhallow
Peter Jf\bn Luke, Pendower Harris John, wheelwright Pascoe James, farmer, Eglos rose
Nowell-UstickeRobt.Michael J.P. Polsoe Hearle Waiter, farmer, Tolverne Pascoe Nicholas, farmer, Polmenna
Hitchens James, Roseland inn SleemanJane (Mrs.), farmer, Treworlas
COMMERCIAL. Hockey John, blacksmith Stevens William, farmer, Trelizza
Curbis James P. farmer, ArdevoraVeor Hocking James, farmer, Ardevora Vellenoweth Saml. farmer, Treworlas
Collett Francis, shopkeeper
Jenkins Thomas, farmer
Dingle Alexander, farmer, Treworlas
PILLATON is a parish and village on the river Lynher, William Coryton esq. J.P. and master of theFoxHounds, 2~
5 miles north from St. Germans station on the Great miles east of Pillaton, on the west bank of the Tamar, is a
Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the building of stone with embattled parapet and a square
county, middle division of the hundred of East, petty embattled tower,from wbich a commanding view of the river
sessional division of East Middle, ~t. Germans union, Tamar and surrounding t:ountry is obtained ; it was erected
Stonehouse county court district, rural deanery of East, from designs by W. Wilkins esq. architect; the entrance
archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of ITruro. The hall has a fine stained window ; north of the castle is a.
church of St. Odulph is an edifice of stone in the Perpen- wooded hill called "Mount Ararat," on which Sir James
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, north Tillie kt. the original builder of Pentillie Castle, erected in
aisle, south transept, south porch and a lofty embattled 1712 a small tower, within which, by his own desire, he was
western tower, with pinnacles, containing 3 bells, of which buried, his effigy in marble being placed in the upper room.
the first two were cast in 1809 ; the tenor is undated : in Digby Collins esq. of Newton Ferrers, who is lord of the
the chancel is a memorial window to the Rev. Henry Wool- manor, William Coryton esq. J.P. and the Duchy of Cornwall
combe M.A. nearly 40 years rector, d. 1861, and another to are the principal landowners. The soil is clay and slate ;
the Rev. E. White, erected by his widow in 1878: there is subsoil, slate and freestone. The chief crops are cereals,
an aumbry in the transept, and a curious stone recess in the roots and potatoes. The area is 2,478 acres (including 20 of
north aisle; the monuments are of modern date: the church water); rateable value, £2,130; the population in 1891 was
was restored in 1878 at a cost of £8oo, and has 195 sittings. 416.
The register dates from the year I557· The living is a Letters through St. Mellion R. 8.0. arrive at 10 a.m. ; WALL
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £r52, net yearly value
LETTER Box cleared at 5.30 p.m. week days only. The
£174 including 33 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift nearest money order office is St. l\'lellion & telegraph office
of Digby Collins esq. and held since 1876 by the Rev. Edward at Callington
Polwhele M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge, and surrogate.
There is a Wesleyan chapel. A fair for pleasure and cattle National School (mixed), for 75 children; average attend·
is held on Whitsun Tuesday. Pentillie Castle, the seat of ance, 40; Miss Elizabeth Hancock, mistress
Coryton Miss, Pentillie castle Gregory William, farmer Pearce Thomas Voisey, carpenter-
Coryton William J.P. Pentillie castle Herring Edmund, farmer builder & general contractor t•
Herring John, jun. farmer
Polwhele Rev. Edward M.A. [rectorJ Pearce William, Royal Oak P.H.&grocer
COMMERCIAL. Herring John, sen. farmer Skinnard Simon, miller (water), Pilla..t
Drown Richard & Son, agricultural im- Lucas George, farmer ton mill
plement makers, machine agents & Lucas Reuben, farmer Stevens William, farmer & butcher
general smiths (turn-wrest ploughs), Netting John, smith Tamblyn William, farmer
folding horse rakes & lever cultivators Paynter John, farmer Tucker James, farmer, Pillaton farm
& chiselers &c.; established 100 years Pearce Voisey, farmer, Rouse farm Vosper Thomas Dyer, shoe maker
Elliott James, farmer, Smeaton
ST. PINNOCK is a township, parish and village, 2 miles lofty viaducts, one of which is 151 feet in height. 'l'Qe-
south from Doublebois station on the Great Western railway church ~f St. Pinnock is an ancient building of Pentewan
and S south-west from Liskeard, in the South Eastern divi- stone and granite in the ):>ointed style, consisting of chancel,
sion of the county~ hundred and petty sessional division of nare of four bay11, north aisle, transept, south porch and an
West, LiBkeard union and county court district, rural embattled western tower of three stages, with pinna9les,
deanery of West, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of containing 4 bells. all cast in 1803: there are memorials to
Truro. 'fhe railway passes through the parish on several Jane, daug,,ter of Emmanuel Ganbe, ob. 1629; Ames Cople-
stone, ob. 1629 ; and the family of Collier ; on the outside, tom. The chief crops are grass, wheat, oats, barley &c.
v-ery old and nuw much worn, are two other memorials : The area is 3,436 acres ; rateable value, £2,493; the popu-
the church was restored in 1882, at a cost exceeding ,£1,8oo, lation in I891 was 433·
and has 190 sittings: in the churchyard is a lych-gate. The EAST TAP,HOUSE, in this parish, one mile north-west, is
register dates from the year 1566. 'rhe li,·ing is a rectory, on the road from Plymouth to Truro and Falmouth.
average tithe rent-charge £216, gross yearly value {,265,
Parish Clerk, William Bannercut.
including 39 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of
trustees, and held since 1870 by the Rev. John Otho West Letters through Liskeard arrive at 9.25 p.m. WALL LET-
M.A. of St. John's College, Cambridge. There are Bible TER Box cleared at 9·35 p.m. The nearest money order
Christian and Free Methodist chapels. 'l'he charities amount office is Dobbwalls ; telegraph office is at Doublebois
to 10s. yearly. On Bradock Down, within the parish, are station G. W.R. WALL LETTER Box, East Taphouse,
several large tumuli. Stone of excellent quality for building cleared 8.30 a.m
purposes is quarried here. The manorial rights have been A School Board of 5 members was formed May 2oth, 1886;
distributed among the principal landowners, who are Lord •r. C. Tll.mblyn, Looe, clerk to the board
Robartes, Charles Ebenezer Treffrey J.P. of Place House, Board School (mixed), erected in 1872, at a cost of £450,
Fowey, and John Bevill Fortescue esq. J.P. of Boconnoc, for I5I children; average attendance, 63; Hedley Lobb,
Lostwithiel. The soil is of a light nature, on a stony bot- master
WestRev.Jn. Otho M.A. [rector], Rectory Buckthought William, boot maker, East Nicholls William, farmer, Penhole
COMMERCIAL. Taphouse Ough Fredk. farmer, Lower Penhellick
• Crago Charles, farmer, Trevillis Pearse Sl.grcr.& carpntr.East'faphouse
Adams Emma (Mrs.), shopkeeper,East Crago Samuel, farmer, Over Combe Pendray Thomas, farmer, Bodithiel
Taphouse Greenaway-,Kitty(Mrs.),frmr.Calmazag Pengelly Nicholas, farmer, Lee
Barnicot Thomas, farmer, East Tap- Gribble Mark,lfarmer, Liggars Richards Thos.Jn. farmr.LowerBodrane
house Render Samuel H. farmer, Bosent Rowe Charles, farmer, Nether Coombe
Batten Thomas Davies, blacksmith & John Henry, farmer, Penfrane Russell Louisa(Mrs. ),farmer,Penhellick
farmer, East Taphouse Little John, farmer, Boturnall Short John, farmer, Bosent
Brown John, farmer, Trevellis Little Thomas, farmer, Higher & Tamblyn Jeremiah, farmer, Wilton
Brown John, farmer, Bodrane · Lower Seawen Tamblyn Jonathan, farmer, Trago
Brown Thomas, farmer, Combe Martyn Thomas, farmer & miller, Verrin John, farmer, Bodrane
Brown '\Villiam, farmer, Bodwral Scawen water mill
POLPERRO is a small fishing town, in a hollow between There are Wesleyan, Free Methodist and Bible Christian
two rocky hills, in the parishes of Lansallos and Talland (a chapels, and a Free Methodist chapel at MabelBarrow,with
small stream which runs through the centre of the town a large cemetery attached. The Foresters' Hall was erected
dividing the parishes), 4 miles west from Looe station on the in 1889. Mabel Barrow is an ancient place of sepulture.
s.Moorswater and Looe railway and II south from Liskeard, in PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
the South Eastern dh·ision of the county, hundred and petty (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Cornwall
sessional division of West, Liskeard union and county court added).-Thomas Braddon, postmaster. Letters arrive
district. The haven, running up into the land for about a saut n7d.a3y2s a. m. ; dispatched at 5·5 p.m. week days; on
furlong, is not at present safe for vessels of more than Ioo at I I a.m. Telegraph open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
tons, but is susceptible of great improvement ; it is well Polperro is included in the Talland & Lansallos Board school
suited for fishing boats, and is protected by three piers, the district
latest of which was constructed iu 1861 ; a new road was Board School (mixed), built in IBBe7n8n, eftot,r 250 children;
cut to the port in 1849, the expense being defrayed by public average attendance, 203 ; Elijah master
subscription. Here is a chapel of ease to the parish church
of Talland: it is a building of stone, and was originally CARRIER TO PLYMOUTH.-Zephaniah Job, fri.; returning sat
erected by the Rev. W. Rawlings, a former rector of Lan- A cutter trading between Plymouth & Fowey calls in once a
sallos in 1837, and remained private property until1886, month with freight
when it was transferred to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The screw steamer " Cartsburn " calls in once a week
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Congdon Richard, jun. blacksmith Oliver Elizabeth (Mrs.), apartments
Adams Mrs
Braddon William Henry Geach John, baker Oliver John, baker
Edgcumbe William, Hillside·
Gedye Joseph, Three Pilchards inn Oliver John Sylvester, Tourists' hotel
Giles Fraucis Treseder, grocer, draper Oliver Richard, baker & grocer
Greiffinhagen Maurice,Crumplehorn ho & news agent Oliver William, grocer
Harding John Lewis, Osprey cottage Goodland Joseph, grocer & draper Oliver William Henry, grccer
Hill James Goudge 'Frederick J. grocer Painter Joseph, shoe maker
Jobns Thomas Hodge William, police officer Pearce Mary (Mrs.), grocer
Moody Mrs. Peak house Holten Lavinia {Miss), grocer Penter William, carpenter
Parson Rev. John [vicar of Talland] Holten William, master mariner Pond John, master mariner
Rowett Miss, Sunnyside Job Thomas, butcher Puckey John, grocer
Thorpe Mrs. Hillside Johns Nicholas, boot maker Roose William, master mariner
Jolliffe Richard, apartments Sargeant James, carpenter
COMlltERCIAL. Langmaid Henry, shoe maker Slade Albert John, Ship hotel, family,
Barrett Jane Edith (Mrs.), grocer Laugbrin Mary (Mrs.), apartments, artists & commercial hotel & posting
Barrett Richard, coal & manure dealer Edinboro' house house, carriages & post horses on
Blatchford William, apartments Lee Catherine (Mrs.), shopkeeper hire, & to meet trains if notice is
}3raddon Alfred, butcher Libby Charles, tailor sent the day previous ; studio for
Braddon Jol.m Hocken, fish curer Libby Thomas, carpenter artists; telegraph address, "Ship
Braddon Thomas, postmaster Northcott Wm. & Albert Bros. masons Hotel"
Clarke Joseph, butcher Northcott John, shopkeeper Williams Thomas, grocer
Coath Thomas, master mariner Oliver Dick Minards,carpenter & grocr
POLRUAN is a small town on the eastern side of Fowey obstruct the passage of hostile ships, a chain used to be sus-
harbour, in the parish of Lanteglos-by-Fowey, I mile south pended to a castle on the Fowey side, the remains of which
by the ferry from Fowey station on the Cornwall Minerals are still to be seen. There is also here a battery used by the
and Great Western railway, and south-west from Liskeard, Royal Naval reserve, consisting of one 64-pounder gun and
in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred and one 7in. 6t ton gun. The inhabitants are chiefly seafaring
petty sessional division of West, and Liskeard union and men. There is a factory for preserving and tinning pilchards
county court district. The church of St. Saviour, a chapel called the Cornish Sardine Co. There are also two ship-
of ease to the parish church at Lanteglos, was erected in I891 building yards and two sail manufactories. There is a read-
at a cost of £x,450 and is a building of limestone with ing room and library of 400 'Volumes, established in 1875,
dressings of Bath stone, from designs by Mr. W. Smith, and supported by voluntary Contributions. On the brow of
architect, of Truro : it consists of quasi-chancel, nave and the hill overlooking the village of Polruan and Fowey bar-
south aisle, and has 350 sittings. The Wesleyan chapel is hour, stands an ancient cro8s, placed on a platform of stone,
a building of limestone, with Bath stone dressings, in the built over a little stream, which falls into a trough at the
Decorated style, and was erected in x88o-1,from the designs of base: the cross consists of a tapering octagonal shaft, on a
Mr. Hicks, architect, of Redruth, at a cost of £I,22o, and will base of the same shape; the head has been mutilated and is
seat 320 persons. The Free Methodist chapel is a bnilding now attached bv an iron belt; the total height is about 5
of stone, erected in 1879, at a cost of £1,o5o, and has 320 feet. The population in 1891 was I,432,including Lantegloss.
sittings. On St. Saviour's Hill are the remains of an ancient PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
cbapel, still serving as a land-mark, and a short di!>tance Mrs. :Fanny Stephens, sub-postmistress. Letters through
westward stand the ruins of a castle, from which, in order Fowey R.S.O. arrive at 7.50 a.m. & 2.15 p.m.; dispatched
at 9·55 a. m. & 4.25 p.m. The nearest telegraph office is 120 children; average attendance, 100; Miss Hannah Mary
at Fowey . Tippett, mistress
ScHOOLS: Trinity Pilots for Fowey Harbour, Charles Johns, Matthew
This place is included in Lanteglos-by-Fowey School Board Johns, John Salt, James Salt, Moses Dunn
district; attendance officer, John Salt, Polruan PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
Board (boys), built in 1878, at a cost of about £8oo, for Coast Guard & Royal Naval Reserve, Richard Tozer, chief
130 children; average attendance, g6; Charles Arthur officer; Everett Whitting, instructor; William Dennis,
W1dlake; master chief boatman
Bflard (girls & infants) (formerly a National school), for Reading Room & Library, Samuel Slade, see
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Climo William Henry, fisherman Powell Charles Frederick, tra'\"elling
Alien Mrs Clogg Richard, butcher draper & boot maker
Barrett Richard, Ballevue CornishSardineCo.(Wm.Crego,mangr) Reading Room & Library(Sl. Slade, sec)
Brokelbank Gerald, Spring hill Cossentine Arthur, builder · Renton John, blacksmith, Moss terrace
Brown Mrs Cundy William, master mariner Roberts Jesse (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Butters Mrs Curtis Mary (Mrs.), apartments Roberts Thomas, master mariner
Clark William Dane Josiah, shoe maker Salt John, trinity pilot
Climo John Davis & Boger, surgeons Salt John Toms, master mariner
Clogg William Davis Joseph, master mariner Selley Thomas, master mariner
Curtis Mrs. Beach house DennisWm.chief boatmn.of coast guard Shepherd Arthur, boot & shoe maker
Dailiel Wm. Treganna, Trafalgar place Dingle Nicholas Hicks, master mariner Silley Thomas James, master mariner
Dingle William Dobson Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper Skinner William, tailor
Dobson George Dobson George, jun. master mariner Slade Christopher & Saml.coal merchts
Fleischmann Shadwell Dorrington John, coast guardsman Slade & Sons, ship builders
Hayes Mrs Dunn Moses, fisherman & trinity pilot Slade Christophr. The Russell Arms P.H
Hocken Nathaniel, sen. Beaumont ho Dyer Emma (Mrs.),boot& shoe wareho Slade Albert, master mariner
Jenkins John Ede George, ferryman Slade John Bate, master mariner, Tra-
Lamb Mrs. Clifton villa Ede John, quarryman & road contractr falgar place
Menear Mrs. Fore street Enright John, coast guardsman Slade Samuel, clerk to school board &
Moss Mrs Fleischmann Shadwell, photographer & sec. to Reading room
Peard John, Moss terrace naturalist Smith John Hicks, master mariner
Pill James, Fore street Follett Samuel, coast guardsman Smith William Chas. master mariner
Powell Charles Frederick Gill Thomas Iago, master mariner Smith William, sail maker
Roberts Mrs Grant .Ann Maria (Mrs.), baker Stephens Edwin, cabinet maker
RobertslMrs. Elizabeth: Green Albert Ernest, grocer, Forest StephensFanny(Mrs. ),grocr. Post office
Rundle Mrs Green Eva (Miss), milliner, Fore street Stone William Henry, master mariner
Slade William Salt Hanson William Arthur, master marinr Symons John, boot maker
Smart Mrs Harvey Thomas, master mariner Tadd Elias Roskilly, master mariner,
Smith Mrs. Hill house Hawken Ernest, blacksmith Moville
Smith Mrs. J. H. Fern cottage Render William, coast guardsman Tamblin Samuel, master mariner
Smith Mrs. Richard_o Hicks Dorothy (Mrs.), shopkeeper Taylor George Alfred, shopkeeper
Smith William, Moss terrace Hicks William, Lugger inn Thomas William, shoe maker
Tadd Mrs. Phillipa Hill John, master mariner Toms Jsph. master mariner, Walk ter
Tadd Mrs. Samuel Hocken John Edward & Son,sail makers Toms John, master mariner
•roms Mrs. Fore street & ship chandlers Toms William, master mariner
Torbock William Hall M.A.,M.D. Albany Johns Charles, trinity pilot Torbock William Hall M.D., L.R.C.P.
cottage Johns Matthew, trinity pilot Irel. & L.M., M.R.C.S.Eng., M.B., M.A.
Turner Mrs. Rose villa J ohns Richard, master mariner surgeon, & medical officer & public
Vittle John, Walk terrace Langmaid Eva (Miss), milliner vaccinator, Nos. 4 & 5 districts, Lis-
Webb The Misses Langmaid. William, shipwright keard union
Widlake Charles Arthur, Newquay ho Leister Samuel, master mariner,Fore st Tozer Richard, chief officer of coast
COMMERCIAL. Libby James, shopkeeper & carpenter • guard & Royal Na~al Reserve
Barrett Richd. sail maker & shipowner Lobh Owen, baker Tyler Samuel, coast guardsman
Blowey Phillipa (Mrs.), shopkeeper Luke William, master mariner,Moss ter Welsh Jane (Mrs.), draper
Boon Caroline (Mrs.), shopkpr. Forest Lyne Andrew, coast guardsman Wel;~h Jsph. master mariner, Walk ter
BraddonJamesHarris,carpenter,Fore st Martin J~ph. master mariner, Walk ter Werry James, butcher
Braddon 'fhomas, carpenter,Fore street Mitchell Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper Wheeler Harry, coast guardsman
Brokelbank Gerald, artist, Spring hill Olver John, coast guardsman Whitting Everett, instructor to Royal
Bunt Thomas, mason Pearn Jane (Mrs.), grocer Naval Reserve
Climo John, fisherman Pearn Rebecca Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper Willcock Stephen John, master mariner
ClimoJsph.Ebenezer,fishingtacklemnfr Penter Nathaniel, mason & builder Wood Waiter, shopkeeper, Fore street .
Climo William, fisherman Pill Tobias, fisherman Wyatt Thomas, ships' carpenter
PORTHLEVEN is a small seaport, formed into an erected in 1883, at a cost, including a chapel keeper's house
ecclesiastical parish October II, I844· from the civil parish and site, of £3.500, and has sittings for 850 persons; the
of Sithney, and is 3 miles south-west from Helston terminal old chapel is now used as a Sunday school, and wilt hold
station of a branch of the Great Western railway, and 10 500 children. Here is also a Bible Christian chapel with 450
from Camborne, in the Truro division of the county, hundred sittings. A Cemetery of 1! acres, with a small mortuary,
and petty sessional division of Kirrier West, Helston union was formed in 1889 and is under the control of a burial
and county court district, rural deanery of Kirrier, arch- board of 7 members. A library, containing about x,ooo
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro ; the situation volumes, and reading room, supplied with London and pro-
being exceedingly healthy, with a pleasant beach, this place vincial newspapers, was erected in 1884, and commands an
is rapidly mcreasing in size and population. The place is uninterrupted view of :Mounts Bay ; the building is of stone,
supplied with excellent water from a reservoir at Tregethe- with granite dressings, and has a massive clock tower 70
nan, Sithney, the property of the Helston and Porthleven feet high; the cost, £2,000, was defrayed by W. Bickford
Water Works Co. and it is in contemplation to supply the Smith esq. of Trevarno. The Porthleven Harbour and Dock
town of Helston; an improved scheme of drainage is now Co. first incorporated by Act of Parliament in J8n, has a
(1893) in contemplation. The church of St. Bartholomew pier here built upon the rock and projecting into the sea,
is a plain building of stone, with granite facings, in the Nor- 465 feet long, 26 feet high and 21 feet wide; the basin is
man style, erected in r842, and opened August 3rd in that inclosed by granite jetties, with wharfage on each side; the
year: it consists of chancel, nave, vestry and a turret con- harbour is easy of access, being 100 feet wide at the mouth,
taining one bell: several windows are stained: in 1891 the and a pier head light is erected for the use of vessels and
church was thoroughly restored at a cost of over £2,000, fishing boats entering the harbour by ni~ht ; many additions
from plans prepared by Mr. G. Fellowes Prynne F.R.I.B.A. and improvements were made in 1855-6, the total cost being
and a beautiful baptistery was added by Capt. J. P. Rogers upwards of.£7o,ooo. The revenue of the harbour arise from
R.A. in memory of his father, John Jope Rogers esq. : there dues levied under the Acts of Incorporation, dated I8II and
are sittings for 300 persons. The register dates from 186g. The principal exports are granite and fire-brick,
the year ;r842. 'fhe living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge china clay, china stone and fish; the imports are coal,
£3o, net yearly value £190 with residence, in the gift of the timber, iron, brick, slate, artificial manures and limestone.
vicar of Sithney, and held since 1889 by the Rev. Henry The fishing, which is extensive, is the chief support of the
William Corry. The Wesleyan chapel at Torleven was inhabitants. This place has a coast guard station. A life
DEV, & OORN. 79
boat belonging to the National Life Boat Institution, pre- Helston, arrive at 10 a. m. & 5 p.m. ; dispatchedat 7·50
sented by LoPjl Robartes in 1863, has been stationed here, a.m. & 2.30 p.m
and is now (1893) being replaced by a new one. Penrose, Cemetery,Richard SedgmanJames,clerk to the burial board
anciently the residence of the Penrose family, is 2 miles Coast Guard Station, Thomas Bockerleg, chief officer' . '
south from Helston, on the high road to Porthleven, and Royal National Life Boat Institution, Rev. H. W. Corry,
delightfully situated on the banks of the Loe, and is the seat local sec. ; James Thomas Quick, coxswain t.
of Capt. John Peverell Rogers :a. A., l.P.lord of the manor of Porthleven Harbour & Dock Co. Richard Sedgman .James,
Penrose and chief landowner. The soil is a rich loam; the harbour master
subsoil is rock. The population in r881 was 1,873 and in ScHOOLS:-
1891 was r,891. Board (mixed), for 320 children; average attendance, 223;
Parish Clerk, none. James Howard Harris F.R.Hist.s. master ,
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- National (mixed), erected in 1845, for 150 children; aver-
Mrs. Eliza Jacka; sub-postmistress. Letters through age attendance, 135; William Henry Jenkin, master ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Bowden Mary Jane(l\lrs.),apartments, Kitto Harriet (Miss), sbopkeepe~
Arnold Richard Orlando, Torleven ho Peverel terrace Laity William, farmer, Torleven
Bath Thomas, Kooringa cottage Broad Thomas, builder Lang Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper
CorryRev. Henry Wm. The Vicarage Broad William, carpenter Lobb Josiah Clark, farmer, St. Elvan
Farrer Rev. Alfred [Wesleyan] Caddy Michael, butcher, Chapel terrace Martin John Bennet,chemist & druggst
Holloway John Edward,Mount Pleasant Carkeet John, farmer Matthew Fras. Holman, frfur. Torleven
James Richard Sedgman, Harbour ho Carkeet Richard, boot maker Matthews Richard, farmer . · ·
Jenkins William, Torleven Carlyon John, farmer, Lanner vean Mitchell Margaret (Mrs.), grocr:& drpr
Jose Mrs. Memorial cottage Cemetery (Richard Sedgman James, Oliver Thomas, butcher ·
Lanyon George, Sea View house clerk to the burial board) Pascoe John, boat owner, Ebenezer cot
Miller Rev. WiUiam [Bible Christian] Ching Thomas Eli, monumental mason Pascoe Joseph, boat owner, Pevet.:el ter
Rogers Capt. John Peverell R.A., J.P Cowls Jn. jun. grocer & bakr. Torleven Pascoe Peter, fish cnrer,Peverel terrace
Penrose . Dale Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Pascoe Thos.market gardener,'rolponds
Rogers Mrs. Peverel house , · ._ Dunstan Edward, outfitter Polglase Alexander, shopkeeper
Rowe William E. Sunnybanki Eddy Benj.Hocking& Sons,net manufrs PorthlevenHarbour & DockCo:(Richard
Seymour Miss, Beacon crag Gregory George, master mariner Sedgman James, harbour master)
Simons Mrs. Peverel terrace Gregory Samuel, master mariner Quick J ane (Mrs.), aparts. Peverel ter
Thomas John, Peverel terrace Gregory Thomas, master mariner Richards John William, farmer
Thomas William Mitchell Hammill Alfred, farmer Rowe John (Mrs.),apartmts.Peverel ter
Woolfrey Mrs. E. Rockville Harvey & Co. Limited, coal, iron, lime, Rowe Mary (Mrs.), grocer & draper
slate & timber merchants (Richard Rowe Philip, farmer, Penventon
COMMERCIAL. Sedgman James, agent) Rowe Solomon, boat builder
Alien Oliver (Mr' s.), fishing net mannfr Ruberry James, builder
Arnold Richard Orlando, surgeon, & Haynes Joseph, fish salesman Sedgman John, boot maker ,
Hendy Joseph, teacher of music Sincock Edward & William, farmers &
medical officer & public vaccinator Hollow-ay Williarn Alf'red, Corn-
for Lithney district, Helston union, mercial hotel, family, commercial & millers (water)
Torleven house posting house Strike John, master mariner
Balls William, Ship inn Jacka Edwin, farmer, Higher Lanner Symons Solmon Rowe, master mariner
Bartle Jane (Mrs.), grocer, Torleven Jacka Eliza (Mrs.), shopkpr. Post office Treloar Thomas, boot maker
Bickford-Smith Scientific & Literary Jacka Thomas, farmer, Lower Lanner Tyack Richard, farmer, Vento1;1 V~dna
Institute (Joseph Haynes & James James Richd.Sedgman, harbour master White James, smith
Howard Harris F.R.Hist.s. hon. secs) & clerk to the burial board Williams James Hy. master mariner
Blight Amos, draper & grocer James William, farmer, Praze Williams Joseph, farmr.Higher Penrose
Bowden Charles, farmer, Sunset farm
Bowden John, boat builder Kitto Richard & Son, boat builders & wm~ John, job & post master ' I
u• onmongers
POUGHILL is a parish and village I mile north-north- acres of glebe, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held
west from Stratton, I mile north-east from Bude and 9 miles since I88g by the Rev. James LydeHnnt. There is a Bible
west-north-west from HGlsworthy station on the London and Christian chapel at Bush, erected in 1869, and in the village
South Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the a Wesleyan chapel. A house and land were granted to the
county, hundred, petty sessional division and union of church in 1525 by William Derrin, last Abbot of Cliff, or
Stratton, Holsworthy county court district, rural deanery Cleeve, Somerset. On an eminence at the south-eastern
of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. extremity of the parish, now called Stamford hill, the Parlia-
The church of St. Olave, erected in the latter part of the mentary forces, commanded by Sir George Chndleigh, were
14th centu-ry and partly rebuilt in the beginning of the 16th signally defeated by the Royalists under Sir Ralpu Hopton
century, is an ancient building of stone in the Decorated and and Sir Beville Grenville, on Tuesday, May 16, 1643 ; a
Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of three cannon placed on the summit, with an inscribed tablet,
bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower 6r commemorates the event. Broomhill Manor House, the
feet high, with good pinnacles, and containing 5 bells, dated residence of George Brendon esq. is a building of stone,
respectively 1790• x86t, I8o1, 1861 ~~oud 1790: the chancel pleasantly situated and commanding extensive views of the
retains a piscina and aumbry; and there are good carved oak surrounding country and the sea. Trelana is the 'seat of
benches, dating from circ. 1500; and stained windows to Col. William Henry Field J.P. Stamford hill, the property
several members of the Carnsew family: the tower was re- of Clement Bonghton Kingdon esq. l.P. is now occupied by
paired in •1889, and a new clock with chimes presented, at a Hugh S. Wise esq. The Bungalow is the residence. of .Richd.
cost of £no, by Miss Gurney, in memory of her father, Sir Metherell esq. George Brendon esq. who is lord of" the
Goldsworthy Gurney, the inventor of the Bude light: a manor, Francis John Thynne esq. of 67 Eaton place, London
stained window has been erected to the memory of Gertrude s w; John King esq. Richard Metherell esq. and Mr. G-eorge
Mary, wife of the Very Rev. B. M. Cowie D.D. dean of Lewis Bridgman are the chief landowners. The chief.crops
Exeter, who died July 4th, 1886: in the south aisle is a copy are grass with some corn. The area is 1,700 acres. (includ-
of the letter of thanks sent by Charles I. to his Cornish sub- ing 100 of water) ; rateable value, £2,6o8; the population
jects ; it is dated from Sudley Castle, Feb. 1oth, 1643 : in 1891 was 364. ·
there is also an emblazoned shield of the royal arms, dated Parish Clerk, Alexander Cornish.
1655; the font dates from the 12th century: there are 290 PosT 0FFICE.-Mrs. Susan Skitch, sub-postmistress.
sittings : the churchyard is entered through a lych gate, Letters through Stratton R.S. 0. (North Devon) arrive at
and an avenue of limes leads up to the entrance. The regis- 8.15 a. m. & 7.15 p.m.; dispatched at 4.40 p.m. & 7·5
ter of the church and the parish accounts exist from the year p.m. Stratton is the nearest money order & telegraph
1527, and that of baptisms, marriages and burials from the ·office. Postal orders are issued here, but not paid· ·
year 1537. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent- National School (mixed), erected in r867, for 40 children;
charge £94, net yearly value £95, with residence and 3! average attendance, 33; Miss Ellen Down, mistress ·
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Field Col. William Henry J.P. Trelana Wright Miss .
Alleyne Miss, Ashton house Gurney Miss, Reeds
Blatchford William Tucker, Bush Hunt Rev. James Lyde, Vicarage COMMERCIAL.
Bone Frederick Reed, Trevalgass Metherell Richard, 'l'be Bungalow, Mere
Brendon George, Broomhill Barrable Dapiel, farmer, Peaze
Clarke Thomas Taunton down [letters through Bnde R.S.OJ
Dunstan William F.R.G.s. Mere down Rowe William, St. Nectan's Barrable Louis, assistant overseer
Wackley William, Preston gate
[down letters through Bude R.S.O] BridgmanGeorge Lewis,farmer~land-
Wise Hugh S. Stamford Hill
owner, Lower Northcott
Brock Elizh. (Mrs.), refreshment rooms
Brock Joseph, farmer, Bush
Christmas Charles, landscape gardener Jewell William, jun. assessor of taxes, Sandercock James, farmer, Ivy leafe
·Cornish .Alex. dairyman, & parish clerk Burshill Skitch Robert, shoe maker
Darraeott William, farmer, Tiscott Knight Edward,miller (water) & farmr Skitch Susan (Mrs.),shopkpr.Post office
Down Ellen (Miss), schoolmistress Knight Saml. jun. yeoman, Dye house Southwood John, mason, & lodging ho.
Dunstan William F.R.G.s. collegiate Metherell Thos. farmr.Higher Northcott Lake cottage
school, Mere down [letters through Parnacott John, blacksmith Thomas Rd. landscape gardener, Bush
Bnde R.S.O] Pennington Thomas, shopkeeper Uglow Nicholas,farmer & mason, Mount
Gilbert George, farmer, Maer Penwarden David, butcher Pleasant
Gilbert 'rhomas, farmer, Wooda Prouse Samuel, Bay Tree farm Vinner John, farmer, Crockwoild
Hopgood Mary (Mrs.), lodging house, Prout Elias, farmer, Wells Wackley William Edward, carpenter
The Cottage Rogers Thomas, farmer, Bow lane Yelland Thomas, farmer, Ashton
Jewell William, yeoman, Burshill •
.l'OUNDSTOCX is a parish, on the shore of Bude bay, erected in 1879 and seating xoo persons. The manorial
5 miles south-by-west from Stratton and u~ west-south- rights are divided. The principal landowners are Edward
west from Holsworthy station on the London and South Mueklow esq. J.P. (Lane.), of Whitstone Head, Holsworthy,
Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the county, and Mrs. S. G. Bake, of Lanteglos-by-Camelford. The soil is
hundred and petty sessional division of Lesnewth, union of chiefly clay; subsoil, the same. 'rhe chief crops are wheat,
Stratton, Holsworthy county court district, rural deanery barley, oats and roots. The area is 4,8r4 acres (including
.of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. 190 of water); rateable value, £3,000; the population in
The church of St. Neot is an ancient building of stone and 1891 was 496.
granite in mixed styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four BANGERS, half a mile east; CoPPETHORNE, I mile north-
bays, north aisles, south transept and an embattled western east; PENLEAN, r mile south ; TRESKINNICK CRoss, half a
tower, with crocketed pinnacles, containing 5 bells, a11 cast mile south-east; TREGOLE, a mile south-west, are hamlets.
;n 179r: portions of the rood screen with painted figures on PosT OFFICE, Coppethorne.-Thomas Rowland, sub-post-
it remain, as well as some carved bench ends: the font is master. Letters through Stratton R.S.O. (North Devon)
Transition Norman and has a square bowl with arcaded arrive at 8.40 a.m. & dispatched at 4 p.m. Stratton is
1!1ides: there is a brass to the Trebarfoote family, 16r6-3o, the nearest mopey order &telegraph office. Postal orders
3nd others of later dates: the church is in a very dilapidated are issued here, but not paid .
-condition: there are 300 sittings. The register dates from WALL LETTER Box at Treskinnick Cross, cleared at 3.40
the year r6r5. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge p.m. week days only
£155, net income £14o, including 30 acres of glebe, with A School Board of 5 members was formed 27 July, 1874;
house, in the gift of B. Dayman esq. and others, and James Broad, clerk to the board & attendance officer
beld since I88g by the Rev. Ernest rresgrave Hebblethwaite Board, School (mixed), built in I877, for 85 children;
M:. A. of Exeter College, Oxford. Here is a Free Methodist average attendance, 57; John Dobson Graf, master; Miss
-chapel, built in 1840, and a chapel for Bible Christians, Susan Marshall, assistant mistress •
Hebblethwaite Rev. Ernest Presgrave Greenaway John, farmer, Trevissick Marshall William Ward, carpenter,
M:. A. Vicarage Goman William, farmer, & registrar of Treskinnick cross
cOMMERCIAL. births & deaths for the sub-district Medland Henry, farmer, Burracott
Avery Richard, hind to Edward Muck- of Week St. Mary & marriages for Medland Thomas, farmer, Crethome
low esq. Blackdown · Stratton union, Treskinnick Neal William, farmer, Cawswell
BattenJn. blcksmith.Coppethorne cross Hawken Joseph, farmer, Tregole Pellow Wm. Trehane, farmer, Trewint
Berriman Jn. farmer, Higher Widemth Heard Joseph, miller (water), Wool- Penfound John, carpenter, Box's shop
Bray John, shopkeeper & tailor, Tres- stone mill Rowland Thomas, shopkeeper & tailor,
kinnick cross Heard Samuel, farmer, Highway Post office, Coppethorne
Broad James, farmer Henwood Samuel, blacksmith, Tres- Sandercock John, jnn. farmer, Treken-
Congdon Lewis, farmr. Low. Cawswell kinnick cross nard & Penlean
Dennis Judith Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), Hicks Robert, farmer, Lower Trewint Sandercock Samuel, farmer, Trebarfoot
farmer, Woolstone Hicks Thomas, shoe maker Sandercock Thomas, farmer, Penhalt
Dennis Richard, farmer, Widemouth Hill John, farmer, Mades Shepherd John, farmer, Trevolter
Dennis William Hy. farmer, Wanson Legg James, hind to Edward Mucklow Smeeth John, miller (water), Millhook
Featherstone William, carpenter & esq. Penfound · Stacey Nicholas, farmer, Longlands
shopkeeper, Bangers Marks Thomas, f~rmer, New mills Stephens Amos, farmer, Tregole
FolleyMaryAnn(Mrs.),drss.ma.Penn la Marks William, farmer, Penhalt Thomas Joseph, farmer
Fry John, miller (water), New mill Marks Nicolls, farmr. Poundstock down .Werren John, farmer, Herds
Gloyn John, farmer, Kennicott Marshall Francis, Turk's Head P.H. Wilcock 'Ihomas, farmer, Hillscott
Greenaway James, farmer, Highway Treskinnick cross Yeo Daniel, shoe maker, Bangers
PROBUS, with a portion of the hamlet of TRESILLIAN, is Exeter and Washbourne, in the county of Devon, 1773 : in
a large parish and compact village, on the high road from the chancel is a monument to Thomas Hawkins esq. J.P.,
Truro to St. Austell, 2i' miles south-west from Grampound M.P. who died in 1766; there are alsovariousmodernmonu-
Road station on the Cornwall (Great Western) railway, si ments: the chancel screen, formed of portions of the ancient
north-east from Truro and 8 south-west from St. Austell, screen and bench ends, is dated 169r, and bears an inscrip-
in the Mid division of the county, western division of the tion as follows:-" Jesus, hear us, thy people, and send us
hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder grace and good for ever:" there are eight stained windows,
South, Truro union and county court district, rural deanery chiefly memorials, including the east window, erected by the
Qf Powder, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Rev. Prebendary Barnes, in memory of his parents, and the
Tresillian bridge, across the St. Clement's creek of the river west window,erected in 1851 by the clergy of the neighbour-
Fa!, connectR the parishes of Probus and Merther, which hood, in memory of the Rev. Robert Lampen; a new stained
latter and Cornelly were originally portions of this window is now (1893) about to be placed in the Golden aisle
parish. A small portion of the town of Grampound is to the memory of William Trethewy esq. of Tregoose, by the
in Probus and the remainder in Creed ; the latter being tenantry on the Trewithen estates : the font is a memorial
connected with Probus by a bridge across the river Fal. to Sarah, wife of the Rev. William Stackhouse, ob. March
The church of SS. Probus and Grace, made collegiate by 7th, r845, and the pulpit of Caen stone to William and
King Athelstan A.D. 926, for a dean and four prebendaries, Mary Stackhouse, ob. 1830 and r8o6: in the north wall
but dissolved at the Reformation, is an edifice of stone in remain the rood stairs, open and in good condition, and in a
the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of five reliquary in the north wall of the chancel are preserved two
bays, aisles, north and south porches and a tower containing skulls, supposed to be those of the patron saints of the
a clock and 6 bells: the tower, regarded by some as the church, and which were discovered under the altal' during
finest in Cornwall, is constructed of St. Stephen's granite the restoration: a new organ was placed in the church in
and is xo8 feet high to the battlements, the angles are sup- July, r884, at a cost of £soo, and in r886 a reredos Wa.&.
ported by double buttresses, embellished with embrasures, erected and the roof of the chancel decorated, from designs
and above these rise 8 crocketed pinnacles 13 feet in height, by Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, architect, of London, as a memorial
each with 4 lesser pinnacles : the plinth, cornices and upper to the Rev. Prebendary Barnes M. A. late vicar: the reredos
storey are ornamented with small figures, foliage, fleurs-de- was the gift· of Mrs. Barnes, and the cost of the chancel
lis, animals and other carvings, and on the north and south decorations was defrayed by the parishioners : in r85r the
sides are three Gothic niches : in the Golden aisle is a brass church was partly rebuilt and thoroughly restored, under
with effigies to John Wulvedon, ob. 6th November, 1514, the direction of the late G. E. Street .R.A. architect, at a.
and Cecilia, his wife, ob. 2oth April, r5r2, and on the floor cost of £x,soo; in r888 the roof of the north aisle and
is a stone inscribed to the Rev. William Cornish, 1789, and chancel were again restored, and the nave, south aisle and
Jane, his wife, first cousin and hetress of John Kelly esq. of porch re-roofed in r893 at a cost of £25o; there are 500
DEV. & CORN. 79*
sittings. The register dates from the year 1644. The living estates, and was imprisoned for 20 years until released by
is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge commuted at £552, order of the Queen m 1597; his son of the same name, after
net yearly value £400, including 34 acres of glebe, with partially recovering the property, being also persecuted in
residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since the succeeding reign, emigrated to Spain, and dying in exile
1885 by the Rev. Clement Fox Harvey M.A. of Trinity Col- was buried at Lisbon; nearly the whole of the house has
lege, Oxford, hon canon of Truro, and surrogate. There been destroyed, and what is supposed to have been the
are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels in the village; the chapel is now used as a stable ; the detached buildings ex-
former, a large stone building erected in 1825, is now hibit several stone effigies, and some cells still exist. Cuth-
(1893) being restored and the gallery re-seated with open bert Mayne, a. Romish priest, captured in this house, whe:re
pitch pine benches, at a cost <!lf £5oo; it has 450 sittings: the he was lying concealed, and afterwards executed in the time
latter is a small stone building erected in 1881, and enlarged of Queen Elizabeth, was beatified by Pope Leo XIII. in 1888,
in 1889; there is also one for Wesleyans at Tresillian in this as the first Martyr of the Elizabethan persecution ; this
parish. Here is a college for boys, founded in 1853 by the place is now the property of C. H. T. Hawkins esq. and is
late Rev. Daniel Trinder M.A. vicar of St. Michael's, High- occupied as a farmhouse by Mr. Samuel Hearle. On tlie
gate, London N, and formerly curate of Probus, for giving barton of Golden is a Roman intrenchment with a broad
a liberal education to the middle classes of Cornwall; rampart and ditch, inclosing a space of about 7 acres ; a.
the building was designed and erected under the supervision mile north is another earthwork, called "Carvosso," and
of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. and has room for 40 there is a third ·on Barrow Down.
boarders ; the Rev. Richard Blackmore M.A. of Christ Parish Clerk, John Reseigh Richards.
Church, Oxford, \'icar of Merther and rector of Lamor- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
ran, is principal. In the village is a Reading room, supplied
(Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Cor:a•
with the daily papers, magazines, games &c. with a small wall added).-Herbert Edward Savage, postmaster.
library attached, supported by aubscription. Richard Tre-
denham esq. left lands of the annual value of £2o, for the Letters arrive at 7.30 a. m. & 7 p.m. ; dispatched at 5·30
repairs of the church and for the poor of this parish: John a. m. & 5. 7 p. m. ; the letter box cleared at 4·47 & 10 p.m.
Williams esq. also left £1o yearly for the support of Office hours, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m
the school and £5 per year for poor families not receiving WALL LETTER Box, near the College, cleared at 4.27 & 7·47
parish pay. Trewithen, the property C. H. T. Hawkins esq. p.m. week days only
about one mile to the east of Probus church, is an ancient PUBLIC OFFICERS :-
mansion of stone, restored by Thomas Hawkins esq. who Assistant Overseer, Joseph Henry Pascoe, Trevilvas
died in 1766, before its completion ; the house stands in Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Probus District,Truro
pasture and pleasure grounds of 200 acres, presenting a very Union, & Medical Officer of Health, Truro Rural Sanitary
fine appearance when viewed from the road leading to Golden; Authority, Thomas Mitchell Bonar M. B., C.M
the mansion is at present occupied by John Gwennap Dennis Registrar of Births & Deaths, Probus Sub-District, Trul'o ·
Moore esq. J.P. Trehane, the seat of Captain William Union, Thomas H. Johns, Gummow
Stackhouse Church Pinwill, situated 2~ miles west from SCHOOLS:-
Probus church, was erected by the Williams family, formerly National, erected in the year 1852, on a site adjoining the
residents here in 1701-3, and does not appear to have under- churchyard, given by C. H. T. Hawkinsesq. of Trewithan;
gone much change. Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins it has been enlarged to meet the requirements of the Ele-
esq. B.A., J.P., D.L. of 10 Portland Place, London w, who is mentary Education Act & will now hold 170 children;
lord of the manor, the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.C., D.C.L., average attendance, 28 boys, 27 girls & 21 infants; the
L.L. Viscount Falmouth, Francis Granville Gregor esq. D.L. ground on which the master's house is built was given by
of Trewarthenick, Cornelly, Capt. Pinwill, and Robert William Williams esq. ; John Ernest James, master
Harvey esq. of I Palace Gate, Kensington w, are the chief Wesleyan (mixed), built in 1866 as a Sunday school, first
landowners. The soil is clay slate : subsoil, clay and slate. used as a day school in 1871, to hold 200 children; aver-
The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and man- age attendance, 66 boys & girls & 22 infants; Herbert
gold. The area is B,u3 acres; rateable value, £1o,664; Edward Savage, master
and the population in 1891 was 1,225, exclusive of Gram- CARRIERS (passing through Tresillian) : -
pound town, which will be found under a separate heading. Caleb Greet, from Tregony to Truro, mon. wed. & sat.
The hamlet of TRBSILLIAN, partly in this and partly in returning same days
• Merther and St. Erme parishes, is 2 miles west-south-west James T. Dunstone, from Veryan to Truro, wed. & sat. re-
from Probus village, and contains several houses ; previous turning same days
to the opening of the branch railway, an extensive coal, Mrs. James R. James, from Grampound, through Probus
timber and manure trade was carried on here. to Truro, mon. wed. thurs. & sat. returning same days
GoLDEN, formerly called "Wolvedon," is in the parish George James, from Gramponnd Road, througq Probus,
of Probus, near the Fal, 2 miles east-south-east from the mon. wed. thurs. & sat. returning same days
church, and was formerly the seat of the Tregians, one of Mitchell's van; from Truro, through Probus to St. Austell,
whom, Francis Tregian esq. in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1 St. Blazey & Fowey, mon. & thurs. returning following
by his strenuous support of the Catholic faith, lost his days
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Wallace Rev. William [Wesleyan], Faull Alfred Trethewy,farmer,Tresawle
[Marked thus • receive letters through Chapel terrace Freethy Jas. farmer, Little Treworgi:e
Grampound Road.] Whitford Christopher Fugler Annie (Miss), shopkeeper
Bonar Thomas Mitchell, Gwel Marten COMlllERCIAL. Fugler John, boot maker
Burdon Mrs · Abel William, Hawkin Arms P.H Fugler Richard, mason
Cowling Mrs Annear Abraham, cowkeeper Fugler William, shoe maker
Drew Edward Annear Sarah (Mrs.), farmer Gerrans Thomas, butcher & farmer
Gerrans Mrs. Chapel terrace Bailey Thomas, Cornish Mount P.H Gill James, colt trainer
Gill Mrs. Tre-pol-pen Barbery Charles, tailor Gill Henry, farmer, Nancemerrow
Handsombody Henry Edwin M.A. (head Biddick Ricllard Ball, farmer, Sourne Gill Rd. Hy. farmer, Great Treworgie
master), Probus college ~Bishop Henry, farmer, Helland Goodfellow Robert, miller (water) &
Harden Rev. Waiter Frederic [curate] *Bishop Henry, jun. farmer, Tregallas carpenter
Harvey Rev. Clement Fox M.A. [vicar, Bonar Thomas Mitchell M.B., C.M. Harvey Charles, boot maker
hon. canon of Truro & surrogate], physician & surgeon, &; medical Hearle Robert, farmer, Carvean
The Sanctuary · officer & public vaccinator, Probus *Hearle Samuel, farmer, Golden
LewmanF. Bernard (assistant master), district,Truro union & medical officer Hodge Thomas, grocer & draper
Probus college of health, Truro rural sanitary Hooper Charles, farmer, Nansalsa
Mitchell William, Chapel -villa authority, Gwel Marten Huddy Frank, manure merchant
Moore John Gwennap Dennis J.P. Brewer Geo.Jas.(Mrs.),farmr. Trestrayl Huddy George, farmer, Treviglas
Trewithen *Brewer Wm. Hy. farmer, Trenowth Huddy Jas. frmr. Trenithan Chancellor
Oliver Mrs Colenso & Son, grocers Huddy Laura (Miss), grocer & draper
Pascoe Mrs Cornwall Football Association (F. *James Wm.frmr.&maltster,Barteliver
Pinwill Capt. William Stackhouse Bernard Lewman, hon. sec.), Probus Joery Wm.Hy.&Jn. bldrs.&wheelwrghts
Church, Trehane college Joery William Henry & Son, millers
Plemming Mrs *Date John, farmer, Treworyan (steam), Sowga
Richards John Reseigh, Clematis cot Davey Robert Mitchell, farmer, Golden J oery J oseph, shopkeeper
Searle Mrs. Fernleigh villa Mill farm Joer.y Nicholas, cowkeeper
Temby Mrs Dowrick Charles, cowkeeper Johns Thomas, farmer, Trethowa
Tregunna James Henry, Chapel terrace Duff Edward, blacksmith Johns Thomas Henry, farmer, & regis-
Treleaven Miss, Truck Hill house Dumble John, farmer trar of births & deaths, Probus sub-
*Trethewy Mrs. Tregoose Dyer Edwin, farmer, Sowga district, Truro union, Gnmmow
Treweeke Mrs. Beaumont Tilla. Emmett John, mason Keast Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Keast William, tinplate worker Pearce Hiram, The Wheel P.H.Tresillian Royal Cornwall AgriculturalAssociation
(J. B. Fortescue esq. president:
"'*Kendall Silas(Mrs. ),farmer,Treworyan Pentecost Jame3, carp:mter Henry Tre,;awna, sec)
Lawry Samuel, farmer, Trelowthas Pentecost J ol1h, carpenter
Plemming Henry, tailor *Searle Wm. farmer,Trenithan Bennett
*Magor William Henry, farmer, Renal- Probus College (Rev. Richard Black- Stephens John Simm'>ns (Mrs. ),farmer,
lack & Tredinnick
mora M.A. principal ; Henry Edwin Treverbvn
:Manuel Thomas, farmer, Trevervoe Hanisombody M.A. head master; F. •
Mitchell Thomas,Prudential assur. agut Bernard Lawman, assist1nt master)
*Moore John Gweunap Den!lis J.P. land Stephens Thomas, farmer, Tregeagle
Probus Cricket Club (Edward Draw, Strongman Richard, farmer, Knoll
.agent to Christopher Henry Thomas hon. sec) *Tremayne Henry, farmer, Suffree
Hawkins esq. J.P., D.L. Trewitheu Tresawna Henry, land agent & farmer,
Nicholls Henry John, saduler & harness Probus Reading Room (John R.
maker & farmer Lamellyn
*Xort.hey Francis, farmer, Resparveth Richards, hon. sec)
Oliver GeorgeRobartes,farmer ,Trehane Reynolds Richard, farmer, Tresawle Watts James, cowkeeper
*Pascoe Joseph Henry, farmer, & Richards George, farmer, Tresillian Watts John, shoe maker & shopkeep<Jr
assistant. overseer, Trevilvas Rowae Thomas &. Sons, farmers & Weekes Thomas, carpenter & shop-
*Pa.scoe William, farmer, Pomery
millers (water), Green mills; & corn, keeper, Tresillian
coal & manure merchants, Tresillian Williams Henry, baket'
Rowse Thomas, farmer, Berran goose Williams Alfred William Drew, wine &
spirit dealer
QUETHIOCK (pronounced "Gwithick ") is a village of London : there are othel' memorials to Hugh Vashboncl,
and parish, 3 miles north-north-east fl'om Menheniot station ob. 1599, and Thomascin, his wife; Obadiah Ghossip, l'ector
on the Great Westel'n railway, 4 east from Liskeard and 5 of St. Tudy, ob. r659, and Anna, his wife ; and to the fami-
south-west from Callington, in the North Eastern division of lies of Leane, 1606-95 ; and Hawkins, 1664-1765 ; two others
the county, middle division of the hundred of East, petty commemorate John Eustace, yeoman, ob. 1655; and
sessional division of East :\fiddle, union of St. Germans, Lis- Frederick R. Fletcher, midshipman R.N. who fell at Lagos
keard county court district, rural deanery of East, arch- in 1851 ; another brass was erected in 1878 to the Rev. J.
deaconry of .Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of R. Fletchel' D.D. late vicar : there are 270 sittings. The
St. Hugh is an ancient building of slate stone in the Perpen- register dates from the year 1574. The living is a vicarage,
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, north average tithe rent-charge [26o, net yearly value [245, in-
.aisle, south or Trehunsey transept, north or Trecarne tran- cluding 47 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the
sept, south porch and a western tower containing 3 bells, .Bishop of Truro, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Lionel
dated respectively 1725, 1786 and 1765; both transepts have Seymour Plowman. A portion of the great tithes, of the
sepulchral arches: at the south-east angle are rood stairs yearly value of £340, belongs to the. ReY. :Fitzwilliam John
and a hagioscope : the tower, a unique structure of the Taylor B. A. rector of East and \Vest Ogwell, Newton Abbot.
Decorated period, is of three stages, with an embattled para- There is a Wesleyan chapel in the village, and one at. Blunts,
pet: at the entrance to the south transept is a stone with a hamlet 2 miles east, and almshouses with an endowment
brass effigies and an inscription to Roger Kyngdon, ob. of £3 7s. 7d. yearly. A fair for cattle is held on the
March 3, I47I ; Joan, his wife, and 16 children; two of the last Monday in January. William Coryton esq. of Pentillia
figures of the I I sons are taller than the others, and one of Castle, Pillaton, is lord of the manor and principal land-
these, who bears a crown on his left shoulder, is conjectured owner. The soil is heavy; subsoil, clay slate. The chief
to represent Edward Kyngdon, one of the Yeomen of the crops are wheat, oats, barley and tul'nips. The area is 4,531
Guard in q6x and 1484; the other, habited in ecclesiastical acres ; rateable value, £4,363 ; the population in 1891 was
vestments, probably represents Waltel' Kyngdon, preben- 445·
dary of Coppenhall, in the collegiate church of Penkridge,
Staffordshire, and rector of St. Martin, East Looe, ob. 1515 ; PosT OFFICE.-Nicholt\s Roseveal'e, sub-postmaster. Letters
on the wall of the same transept and affixed to a slate slab through Liskeard, by foot post, arrive at 8.50 a. m.; dis-
with a running scroll border are brasses to Richard Chiver-
ton esq. ob. J nly 28, r6r7, and Isabella (Polwhele ), his wife, patched at 3·45 p.m. ; snndays, dispatched 8.55 a.m. Lis-
ob. May 25, 163I, with effigies of hoth and of I I children, keard & Menheniot are the nearest money order offices,
all represented as girls, though two at least were boys ; be- & telegraph otlice at Liskeard. Postal orders are issued
here, but not paid
tween the principal figures is an impaled shielu, and below National School (mixed), built about 1835, for So children;
each is a brass plate with a rhyming epitaph; from these aYerage attendance, 46; John Heddon, master; Mrs_
descended Sir Richard Chiverton kt. sometime Lord Mayor Jowett, mistress
Plowman Rev.LionelSeymour,Vicarage Hawken Joseph, c~rpente-r Roseveat' Nicholas, shopkeeper, Post off
J HockingEhzh.(Mrs.),farmer,Goosefot'd Roseveare George, farmer, Luccombe
COliHti:ERCIAL. Hocking John, farm bailiff to W. B.oseveare William, farmel', Treweese
Andrew John Udy, farmer, Furslows Compton esq. Leigh Rundle John, farmer, Trebrown
Bate Richard, carpenter, Lower Pounda Hul'rell John, farmer, Trehunsey Snell Frank, Masons' Arms P.H
Bennett Henry, blacksmith, Blunts Kelly Charles, farmer, Trehunest Snell Henry, farmer, Trenance
Brown John, shoe maker Kelly Henry, fa-rmer, Trecorne Snell Henry, farmer, Venn
BnrrowsWm.miller,Trecornewatr.mill Manuel Thomas, farmer,Clapperbl'idge Snell John, fa-rmer, West Quethiock
Cannon Henry, fa-rmer, Hammett O!iver Elizh.(Mrs.),frmr.Wearinghouse Snell Joseph, fal'mer, East Quethiock
Cannon William, farmer, Parson's park Olver Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Sopers Stoneman William, tailor
Congdon William, fat'mer, Hepwell Ough Charles, farmer, Venhill Toll Ambrose, farmer, 'l'illand
Dawe Charles, farmer, Singmoore Ough Samuel, mason Tuckel' John, farmer, Treburst
Eggins Charles, farmer, Holmwood Pollard Thomas. farmer, Trehunest Vennett William, shoe maker
Hare William, farmer, Trehunest Richat'ds John Herring, farmer,Penpoll Vosper Thomas, farmer, Hay
Hal'risJosiah,miller,Hepwellwater mills Rogers Richard, farmer Wenmoth .H.ichard, farmer, Dannett
Harris Alfred, shopkeeper Roseveare Catharine (Mrs.), farmer, Wenmoth William,rarmer,Parson's pool
Hawken Edwd. carpntr. 'freweese cross Goodmerry
RAME, the ancient name of which was " Pendenhar,'' The registel' of baptisms dates from the yeal' 1653;
meaning " a bat'ren headland," is a parish on the shol'e of marriages, 166I; burials, I656. The living is a rectory,
the English Channel, 5 miles south-west from Plymouth, in commuted tithe rent-charge [214; average, £163; net
the South Eastern division of the county, hundred of East, yearly value [170, including 41 acres of glebe, with rest-
petty sessional division of East South, union of St. Ger- deuce, in the gift of t.he Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, and held
mans, East Stonehouse county court district, rural deanery since 1867 by the Rev. William Cornwallis Evans, of St.
of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. Bees. The cha-rities, amounting to £7 rgs. yearly, at'e dis-
The church of St. Germans is a plain building of Pentewan tributed in bread by the churchwardens. Here is a coast-
stone and granite, in the Early English style, consisting of gual'd station. Ram• e Head, a well-known promontory, and
cb.ancel, nave of five bays, north transept, south aisle, north the nearest point of land to the Eddystone rocks and Light-
p6rch and a western tower with dwarf spire, containing 3 bells, house, from which it is distant 9 miles, is in this parish and
of which the first bears the hitherto unexplained word or words consists of a mass of rock declining towards the sea, forming
"DEOPRASIAS ;" the other two are dated I637 and I723 : the the western boundary of Plymouth harbour, and the eastern
chancel retains a. piscina, and in the south aisle remain boundary of WHITJ.~SAND HAY; on it are the remains of the
another piscina and the rood-loft stairs: the church contains ancient chapel of St. Michael, licensed for the Dawnay
numerous monuments of the 17th century and later dates : family in 1397 and 1{25; it is 22 feet long by 9 wide, and
there is a fine memorial window to the Rev. Thomas Hunt has a vaulted roof. On Penlee Point is a pinnacled tower,
Ley, rectol' from 1824, erected by his son, the Rev. Richard serving as a sea mark. South of the parish is Polbawft
Ley: the church was restored in 1848 and again by the Earl battery, a strong fortress commanding Whitesand Bay.
of Mount Edgcumbe in r885. An additional half acre was The new and large battery, constructed here in 188g, has
.atided to the churchyard in 1885 by the patron and rector. a powerful armament of two 38-ton muzzle-loading rifled
guns, and three 42-ton breech-loading rifled guns, with parish church, was erected in 1S7S, and is a building of
a 'range of from five to seven miles : these guns are stone and brick in the Early English style, consisting of
mounted on the Moncrieff principle, being fired by a range- chancel and nave and a bell turret: the chancel was added
finder, and in sight only when in the firing position. in 1883: there are sittings for 300 persons. Here is a Con-
The men serving the weapons are well protected, and the gregational chapel. A government torpedo depot was
battery is looked upon as a most formidable one. The erected here in x889. The principal landowner is the Earl
magazine and accommodation for the men in charge of the of Mount Edgcumbe,
guns is built near the battery, no stone having been used, Parish Clerk, George White.
but only bricks and cement. From their elevated position PosT & M.O.O., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Caw-
the guns will not only have an extensive command of the sand.-Thomas Cleave, sub-postmaster. Letters through
Channel, but also be very difficult to hit by an enemy's iron- Plymouth arrive at 7.50 a. m. & 4· 10 p.m. ; sundays at.
clad. The Earl of Mount Edgcumbe P.c., n.c.L., L.L. is 9·5 ·a.m.; dispatched, g.xo & n a.m. & 5 40 p.m.;
lord of the manor and the principal landowner. The soil is sundays, II a.m. Millbrook is the nearest telegraph
loamy ; subsoil, gravel. The crops are corn, chiefly barley. oflice •
The area. is 11261 acres of land, 149 of tidal water and 149 WALL LETTER Box:, Pilot Boat inn, cleared at S.55 & xo.so
of foreshore; rateable value, £2,316; the population in a.m. & 5·35 p.m.; sundays, Io.so a. m
1Sgx was S65. Church School (boys, girls & infants), for 350 children;
average attendance, 92 boys, no girls & ss infants ;
Cawsand, on Cawsand Bay, I mile north-east, is in the Frederick Lintell, master; Mrs. Jane Pascoe, mistress;
}l<J.rish of Rame. The chapel of St. Andrew, attached to the Miss Sarah Jane Osmond, infants' mistress
Rame. Davis Rev. Thomas [curate] Chapell William, Pilot Boat inn
Hill Mrs Cleave & Trethowan, grocers & confec-
Evans Rev. William Cornwallis, Rectory Temple Mrs. Pember Knose house
Yule Miss tioners, Post office
Cannon George, farmer Vallack Edmund, Cawsand house F:nch Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Vallack-Tom Lieut.-Col. William Henry Hawton Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeepett-
Lnscombe John, farmer, Rame Barton J.P. (R.M.L.I. retired)
Luscombe William A. farmer Hill Charles, wagonette proprietor
Westlake Thomas, farmer COMliiERCIAL. Jenkins John, lodging house
Wilton William, farmer Bennett Richard, oil dealer Kingdon Alfred, mason
Wilton William Richard, farmer Booth James, apartments Littleton James, Gross Keys P.H
Carne Albert, coal dealer & shopkeeper Marchant Emily (Miss), shopkeepe~
Cawsand. Carne Lavinia (Miss), shopkeeper Smale Ambrose, shopkeeper
Carpenter Samuel, shopkeeper Whittle Edward, shoe maker
Budge Miss Chapell Johanna (Mrs.), apartments Wilcocks William H. Ship inn
REDRUTH is a market and union town and parish, anciently William Lane M.A. of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, who is
called Dredruith, or Druid's town, with a station on the non-resident; the Rev. Thomas Taylor M.A. of St. Catherine's
West Cornwall section of the Great Western railway, 9 miles College, Cambridge, has been curate in charge since 1892.
west-south-west from Truro, Io north-west from Falmouth, The chapel of ease, in Chapel street, was erected in 1S2&
IO north from Helston, 18 north-east from Penzance and at a cost of £2,367, chiefly defrayed by the Basset family; it
3ul from London, and is head of a county court district, consists of chancel, nave and organ chamber, with south
in the North Western division of the county, hundred of and west galleries: in 1S68 a new organ was introduced;
Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith East, rural and in I882 the chapel was restored throughout, a chancel
deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese constructed and the organ renovated, the whole expense~
of Truro. The town is not incorporated, but is governed by amounting to £2oo, being defrayed by subscription: there
a Local Board of nine members, established in 1853 : it is are 6oo sittings.
lighted with gas from works at Treruffe, belonging to the The Mission Room at the East end, built in 188o at a cost.
Redruth Gas Co. The drainage of the town was carried out of £100, has been removed to the precinct!~ of St. Andrew's
in 1S85, when land was purchased, on which the sewage is church and re-erected as an Institute for men.
collected and deodorized and afterwards discharged on to a The church of St. Andrew, in the Clinton road, conse-
farm. A scheme of water supply has been prepared by Mr. crated on St. Andrew's day, 1884, is a building in the
H. B. Nicholas c.E. and is estimated to cost about£w,soo; it is Gothic style, with dressings of granite and Elvan stone~
proposed to convey the water from Gordon and PenstruthalJ erected in 1883 at a cost of £5,500; £soo each being given
adits to storage restrvoirs at Sandy lane and Lanner hill, by the late G. L. Basset esq. of Tehidy (patron ofthe living),
from which it will be conveyed by gravitation as an auxiliary the Rev. J. W. Lane M. A. and F. W. Mitchell esq. ; the site~
supply to the town; the reservoirs proposed will cost about valued at £5oo, was presented by Lord Clinton. The church
£4,6oo, and will be about half a mile from the town. consists of nave, vestry and a basement used as a school
The parish church of St. Uny, erected in 1768, and standing room.
about half a mile from the town, is chiefly a modern building The Meeting House of the Society of Friends, in Church
of stone with portions in the Perpendicular style, consisting of lane, built in 1833, will seat 250 persons, and has a grave-
chancel, nave, aisles and an embattledwestern tower with pin- yard attached.
nacles of Henry VII.'s reign, containing 6 bells: the east win- The Baptist chapel, in Penryn street, was built in 1S77 at
dow is a memorial to the Rev. J. W. Hawkesley M.A. rector a cost of £1,5oo, and will seat soo persons.
here for more than forty years, erected by the parishioners The Primitive Methodist chapel, in Plain-an-gwarry, built.
and friends: the west window is to George Harris and Jane, in x8S4 at a cost of £3,ooo, is an edifice in a Classic style~
his wife, and was erected in 1879 by theirson, Edwin: the organ and will seat Boo persons.
was placed in 1882, and in 1S78 the interior of the church was The Wesleyan chapel, in Fore street, was erected in 1S2&
renovated throughout at a cost of £x,ooo, the west gallery at a cost of £s,ooo, and has sittings for x,6oo persons.
removed, the church refloored and reseated, the east end The Bible Christian chapel, in Treruffe hill, erected in
raised to form a chancel, the tower arch opened, the bells 1864 at a cost of £goo, will seat 700 persons.
rehung and a heating apparatus erected at a cost of £100 ; The Free Methodist chapel, in Fore street, is a spacious
a new pulpit, reading desk and lectern were also introduced : building in the Lombardo-Venetian style, erected in x864-5·
the church plate is interesting, and consists of a chalice and A Cemetery of four acres, on the St. Day road, was formed
paten of uncertain date, two flagons (one of which weighs in 1S78 at a cost of £x,soo, and has one mortuary chapel~
So ounces), the gifts of Thomas Haweis and Anthony Cocke it is maintained by a rate on the parish, and is under the
esqrs. and a large paten presented by the Rev. Arthur Spry, control of a Burial Board of nine members.
a former rector: there are 450 sittings. In x88I an addition The Town Hall, Penryn street, erected in IS5o by Robert.
was made to the churchyard of I acre of land, given from Blee, is a building of granite in a Classic style, and consists
the glebe by the late rector, and consecrated by Bishop of court room, judge's room, high bailiff's and registrar's
Benson in April, x8Sx. The register of baptisms dates from clerks' offices, receiving, paying and waiting rooms and the
the year 156o; marriages, 1652; burials, 1562. The first offices of the Registrar of the County Court, which is held
volume, which contains many interesting entries, is now here.
being published by Mr. Vincent, of Redruth. The living is The Masonic Hall, in Green lane, erected in 1876, is a
a rectory, net yearly value £490, including S7 acres of building of stone in the Gothic style, and will hold 150
glebe, in the gift of the representatives of the late Gustavu.'3 persons : it is also let to various other societies for meetings
Lambert Basset esq. and held since 1877 by the Rev. James as well as for public entertainments.
"The Radical Hall, in Green lane, is a building of stone, from Dolcoath and other large mines sufficient refuse tin to
erected in 1886 at a cost of £5oo. make their working profitable, are also the source of employ-
The Mining Exchange, in Alma place, is an edifice of stone ment of about 1,500 persons, mostly women and children.
in the Gothic style, built by the Redruth Mining Exchange The earnings of the tin miners are low in proportion to the
Co. Limited, in r88o, at a cost of £soo. other mining industries of the country ; the average earning
"The Market House was built by the late Lord de Dunstan- of a working miner does not exceed £4 per month, which is,
ville and Bassett, for the sale of corn, meat, butter, poultry since the passing of the Stannaries Act of r887, paid fort-
and eggs: a flight of steps leads from it into the cattle nightly instead of, as before, monthly. The earnings of the
market, which holds 500 head of cattle, and is commonly women, boys and girls employed on the dressing floors and
called the Fair Meadow. Tb.e butcher's market was rebuilt, tin streams do not exceed on average 6s. per week. In addi
enlarged and improved in 1878 by the late Gustavus Lam- tion to the tin mining there are five or six factories for the
hart :Basset esq. J.P., D.L. at a cost of £2,500. manufacture of safety fuses in Redruth and neighbourhood,
The New Hall and Public Rooms in Penryn street, called the British and Foreign Safety Fuse Co. (established in r848)
also the "Druid's Hall," is a. building in the Elizabethan and Mr. E. Tangye's works being in the town ; with the
style, erected by a limited company in r86o: it contains the exception of two factories in North and South Wales, this
library of the Redruth Literary and Scientific Institution, industry is entirely confined to Cornwall, and employs about
with a billiard room and news rooms ; on the second floor is 450 people. The town also contains the extensive brewing
a spacious hall used for concerts and lectures. establishment oftheRedruth Brewery Co. Limited; the iron
The Science and Art School, in Clinton road, is a building foundries of Messrs. Sara Brothers, and Messrs. W. Sara and
of stone, erected in r883, at a cost of £r,5oo raised by sub- Sons; and the Redruth Foundry Co. Limited. Here also
scription and a grant from the Science and Art Department, are premises belonging to the West of England Bacon Curing
South Kensington, A museum was added in r889 as a Co. Limited.
memorial to the late Professor Robert Hunt, a native of The market days are Tuesday and Friday, Fairs are held
In Fore street is a clock tower of granite, with illuminated in the town on Easter Tuesday, May 2nd, August 3rd and
dials, built in 1828. October 12th yearly, and a holiday fair on Whit Monday.
William Murdock, the inventor of the application of gas The H Company, :rst Volunte3r Battalion (Duke of Corn-
wall's) Light Infantry, has an armoury in Coose lane; the
to lighting purposes, lived in Cross street, at the back of force consists of a commanding officer, r captain, 1 dnll in-
Druid's Hall in this town ; the first house in England that
was lit with gas may still be seen, and bears a memorial structor, 5 sergeants, 5 corporals and 86 rank and file.
stone with this inscrintion :-" William Murdock lived in In the King's Head tavern, in 1655, George Fox, the
this house 1782-98. Made the first locomotive here, and founder of the Society of Friends, was imprisoned, and from
tested it in 1784. Invented gas lighting, and used it in this the balcony of Bank House, John Wesley preached, towards
house in 1792." the end of the r8th century. Both these houses belong to
The Police Station at West End consists of a court room, the family of Harris, who have held property and resided in
two cells, and houses for one sergeant and four constables. Redruth for a long period.
Two newspapers are published here: the '' Cornubian and About a mile south-west of Redruth and within the
Redruth Times" (Fridays), by T. N. Jenkin, Treruffe hill; boundaries of Illogan parish stands Carn Brea, a granite hill
and the "Redruth Independent," published on Fridays, by ·of great picturesque beauty, and containing many remains
John Morgan, Penryn street. of supposed Druidical circles. Dr. Borlase, the well-known
The West Cornwall Miners' Hospital, West End, is a build- antiquary, considered this hill to have been one of the
ing of stone with granite dressmgs in the Gothic style, and principal resorts{)( the Druids for the celebration of their
has accident and convalescent wards. the former established mysterious rites, and in his " Antiquities of Cornwall" gives
in 1871 and the latter in r863 ; there are 32 beds for patients, a very interesting account of the remains still traceable in
besides bedroom for nurses, convalescent rooms &c. the site his time : many of these have disappeared, but enough still
was given and the hospital built by the late Thomas Charles, remains to invite the visits of the antiquary. A magnificent
2nd Lord Robartes, and the institution is chiefly supported view is obtained from the summit of the hill, extending
by the present peer, but patients sent by subscribers are from St. Michael's Mount in the west to Devonshire in the
partially paid for. Here is also a Women's Hospital. east, and to the north and south as far as St. George's and
Redruth is the mining capital of Cornwall, the Mining the British Channels. From Carnmarth, a still higher hill
Exchange being held here, and the public sales by auction of than Carn Brea and within Gwennap parish, Falmouth
tin, which are known as tin-ticketings, are held at Tabb's castle and harbour are very distinctly seen.
hotel, at which about 325 tons of tin are competed for, and The principal landowners are Gen. Tb.e Rt. Hon. Sir
purchased fortnightly by the smelting firms of Cornwall, of Redvers Henry Buller P.c., K.C.B.,K.C.:M.G., v.c. LordClinton,
whom there are seven or eight; some of the mines, and Rev. St. Aubyn Hender Molesworth-St. Aubyn lll.A., J.P. of
amongst them Dolcoath, which is the largest tin mine in the Clowance, Crowan, Lord Robartes, G. Williams esq. the
world, sell their tin partly by private contract. The bulk of trustees of the late Gustavus Lambart Basset esq. D.L., J.P.
the population in Redruth and the adjoining districts of the representatives of Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. Champagne, the
Illogan, Carn Brea and Camborne, are employed in tin representatives of George Aunger Michell esq. J.P. 'fhomas
mining, and at the tin streaming works which abound. It Pryor esq. and David Wise Bain esq. J.P. of Portreath. The
is estimated that more than ro,ooo persons, including rateable value is £28,803 ; the acreage is 4,o:X>; the popula-
women and children, are so employed. The tin streams, tion of the parish in x8gx was 10,324.
which run into what is known as the Red River, carrying Clerk and Sexton, Thomas Remfry, Trevingey terrace.
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &c.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, OuTWARD MAILS.
Alma place.-Alfred W. Jenkyn Oke, postmaster
HouRs OF ArrENDANCE.-For sale of stamps, registration WEEK DAYS ONLY.
of letters &c. week days, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sundays, 7to London (day); Exeter, Plymouth &c. 6.50 p.m.; Redruth
ro a. m. Postal order business, week days, 7 a. m. to 8 rural deliveries, 8.ro a.m.; Plymouth &c. (day), ro.25
p.m. Money order & savings bank, government annuity a.m. ; North of England; Scotland & Ireland; Southamp-
& insurance business & issue of licences, week days, 9 ton, South West of England; Exeter, Falmouth, Truro
a.m. & 6 p.m. ; saturdays, 9 a. m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph &c. 11.0 a. m. ; Penzance, 12.ro p.m. ; Camborne, Hayle,
business, week days, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; s1mdays, 8 to 10 Penzance &c. r.so p.m.; Second town delivery, 1.55 p.m.
a.m (with an additional !d. stamp, 2.ro p.m.); Devonport,
Falmouth, Plymouth & Truro, 2.35 p.m. ; Camborne,
INWARD MAILS. Helston, Hayle, Penzance &c. 4.ro p.m.; Third town de-
livery, 6. r5 p.m. (with additional !d. stamp, 6.30 p. m.) ;
Hour of LETTER & PARCEL MAILS. Hour London (day), Devonport, Plymouth, Scorrier &: Truro,
Town Deliver•v. DAILY. of Arrival. 8.40 p.m. DAILY.-Camborne, Hayle, Penzance &c.
(night), 7 a. m. ; London (night) & all parts, 4-30 p.m.
8.25 a.m. London (night) & all parts .........
WEEK DAYS ONLY. (with additional !d. stamp, 5·5 p.m)
2.35 p.m. London(day}Truro &West Cornwall 12.30 p.m
. 2 •.3-'i p. m. North of England & Scotland ; PARCEL MAILS.-LATBST HOUR FOR RECEIVING PARCELS.
Southampton &SouthWest of Parcels intended for transmission by Parcel Post must be
England ; Plymouth&: Corn.. presented at the counter between the hours of 7 a.m. & 8
wall..................................•• 2.15 p.m p.m. on week days . •
Penzance &c•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5·4op.m North of England; Scotland & Ireland; SouthamptOn,
London (day); Plymouth,Devon- South West of England; Devonport & Plymouth, Exeter.
· 6.so p.m. port, Falmouth, Truro &c...... 4.40 p.m Cornwall, xo.ro a.m.; Camborne, Hayle, Penzance &c.
1.25 p.m.; Devonport, Falmouth, Plymouth k Truro,
Bristol &: Exeter ; Plymouth, Fal-
month &:c...........................• 6.35 p.m 2.25 p.m.; London (night) & all parts, 4.15 p.m.; Cam-
borne, Hayle, Penzance &c. 4 p.m.; Plymouth, 6.3op.m.; Gwennap districts,Arthur Edwa.rd Permewan M.D., D.P.H.
Cambcrne, Hayle, l'enzance &c. (night), 8 p.m Redruth ; Stithians district, Fr!\tlk Hichens M. n., B.s.,
LocAL BoARD. D.P.H. Redruth
Superintendent Registrar, Thurstan Collins Peter, Trewir-
Offices, Falmouth road.
gie, Redruth; deputy, 'l'hos. Davey, 25 Coose la. Redruth
Board days, alternate mondays, at 7.30 p.m. Registrar of Marria~es,Josiah James, jun. 15 Penventon ter-
MEMBERS. race, Redruth; deputy, Richd. Rodda,'.Vest end, Redruth
Registrar of Births & Deaths, Camborne district, J. C. Bur-
.A. E. Permewan M.D. E. M. Milford
row, Camborne ; Gwennap sub-district, Thomas Curnow,
(chairman) Tom Moore
Gwennap ; Illogan sub-district, William Phillips, Pool ;
C. F. Bishop W. L. Tamblyn PhiHack sub-district, C. Hosking, Hayle; Redruth dis-
Arthur Carkeek Charles Tweedy trict, Charles Bawden, Clinton road, Redruth
Alfred Lanyon J.P Workhouse, Illogan Highway, Richard Dunstan, master;
I W. C. Wickett
Rev. Harry Oxland, chaplain ; Frank Hichens, medical
Clerk, Henry Paige, West end
officer; Mrs. Jane Dunstan, matron
Treasurer, David Wise Bain, Portreath
Medical Officer of Health, Frank Hichens M.D., B.s.,D.P,H.
r6 Green lane
Surveyor & Inspector of Nui'sa,nces, Richd. James, Station hl RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY.
Collector, Edwin Bonds, Claremont road Meets at the Workhouse on fridays once a month at 2 p.m.
Public Establishments. Clerk, Thurstan Collins Peter, Town hall, Penryn st.Redruth
Treasurer, Charles Tweedy, Cornish Bank
Cemetery, St. Day road, Edwin Rowe, 42 Fore street, clerk Medical Officer of Health, Arthur Edward Permewan M.D.,
to the burial board •
D.P.H. Redruth
County Court, Penryn street, His Honor Thomas C. Gran- Inspectors of Nuisances, W. Martin, Stithians; J. Tredin-
ger, judge: Thurstan Collins Peter, registrar & high nick, Illogan & H. Pooley, Gwinear
bailiff. The court is held monthly, but the date varies. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE.
The district comprises the following places, with their Meets at the Workhouse on fridays once a month at close of
hamlets :-Camborne with Tuckingmill, Roskear, Pen- Board Meeting.
gigan, Brea, Beacon, Condurrow, Troon, Bolenow, Tres-
lothan, R'lmsgate, Barripper, Penponds, Treswithian, Clerk, Thurstan Collins Peter,Town hall, Penryn st.Redruth
Roseworthy, Kehelland, Menadarva, Roscroggan& Gerry; Attendance Officer, John Letcher, Camborne
Gwennap with St. Day, Scorrier, Treskerby, Bnsveal, Public Officers.
Lanner, Carharrack, Church Town, Tresamble, Frogpool, Assistant Overseer, Charles Bawden, Ingleside
Cusgarne & Crofthandy; Gwinear with Garnhell, Wall, Certifying Factory Surgeon, Arthur Edward Permewan
Leeds Town, Fraddam & Church Town; Gwithian with M.D., D.P.H. 4 Chapel street
Church Town, Connor Downs & Godrevy; Illogan with Inspector of Weights & Measures, Wm. Fntcher, Penryn st ·
Four Lanes, Piece, Carnkie, Bosleak, Trega,iorran, South Places of Worship, with times of service.
Carn Brea & Carn Brea (late Pool), Park Bottom, Church St. Uny (Parish Church), Rev. James Williatn Lane M.A.
Town, Portreath, Nancekuke, Porth Towan, Bridge, Broad rector; Rev. Thomas Taylor -,.r.A. curate in charge & Rev.
Lane & Highway; Pbillack with Copper House, Guild- Robert Radclyffe Dolling, curate; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
ford, Venton League, Angarrack, Wheal Alfred, High daily 8 a.m .
Lanes, Hayle & Church Town; Redrnth with Treleigh, Ch:1pel of Ease, Chapel street; clergy same as St. Uny
North Country, Harris Mill, Laity, Sinns, Sparnon Gate, parish church; 6.30 p.m
Mawla, Forge, North Downs, Highway, Buller Downs, I St. Andrew's, clergy same as St. Uny parish church; II
Southgate, Church Town, Blowing House & Tolgus; St. I a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Stythians with Church Town, Foundry, Gribb1s, Long Society of Friends, Church lane; ro.3o a. m. & 6 p. m
Downs, Goonlaze, Penhalvean & Ponsanooth Baptist, Penryn street, Rev. F. Miller; II a.m. & 6 p.m. ;
Certified Bailiffs under the" Law of Distress Amendment • wed. 7 p.m
Act," Richard Rodda, West end; James Victor Hugo, Bible Christian, Treruffe hill, Rev. John Tremelling; ro.45
Falmonth road; William Wales, jun. Fore street a. m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m
County Police Station, West end, WiHiam Endean, sergeant, Primitive Methodist, Plain-an-Gwarry, Rev. Aaron Smith;
& 4 constables ro.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; tues. 7 p.m
Druids' Hall, Penryn street, Charles Tweedy, hon. sec United .Methodist Free Church, Fore street, Rev. John Fish
Inland Revenue Office, Green lane; Joseph Adams, super- &Rev.James Billington; ro.3oa.m. &6 p.m.; thurs.Jp.m
visor ; C. W. Tippet, officer, Rose hill Wesleyan, Fore street, Rev. Andrew Doel & Rev. John
Masonic Hall, Green lane; James Sims, sec Barnes; ro.3o a. m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Miners' Hospital, West end, Charles Tweedy esq. boo. sec.; Schools.
MiMn~inssg EExdcithha~Fgrey,, matron Willia~ School oAf.SKci.enWceil&tonA, rst~cClinton road Thomas Collins mas-
Alma place, ter ; ' '
Fredk. Edwards, sec
Radical Hall, Green lane, T. E. Courtis & W. Tangye, hon. A School Board was formed 23 December, 1872, & consists
secs . . . of 7 members; Charles Bawden, Glinton road, clerk to
Stamp Office, 70 Fore st. Mrs. Fanny Tregaskls, distributor tbe board ; William Tangye, Penryn street, school
Town Hall, Penryn street, used as the county court & Mr. attendance officer 4
Peter's offices Board, Trewirgie (boys, girls & infants), erected in r885 for
VoLUNTEERS. 350 boys, 175 girls & 175 infants; average attendance, 340
rst Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry boys, 200 girls & 166 infants; Frederick R. Pascoe, mas-
(H Company), Armoury, Coose lane; Hon. Major H. ter; Miss Sarah Trebilc:ock, mistress; Miss Annie Prout,
Grylls, commander; Sergeant Jas. Evans, drill instTuctr infants' mistress
REDRUTH UNION. Board, East end. (girls), erected in r875, for 250 girls;
average attendance, 137; Miss B. Ralph, mistress
Board day, alternate fridays at II a.m. at the Workhouse, Board, East end (infants), erected in r862 by Lord
Illogan Highway. The union comprises the following Robartes, & used as a British school till I873 ; it will
parishes :-Camborne, Gwennap, Gwinear, Gwithian, Illo- hold 200 children; average attendance, 130 ; Miss Sarah
gan, Phillack, Redruth & Stithians. The population of Taylor, mistress
the union in r89r was 49,213 ; area, 40,426 acres ; rate- Newspapers.
able value, in r892, £r39,123
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, Thurstan Cornubian & Redruth Times, Treruffe hill ; established
Collins Peter, Town hall, Penryn street
Treasurer, Charles Tweedy, Cornish Bank r863; Thomas Nicol Jenkin, publisher & proprietor;
Relieving Officers, Camborne district, John Letcher, Basset published friday
road, Camborne; Redruth district, John Harry, Trernffe Redruth Independent, Penryn street; John 1\:Iorgan, pub-
lisher ; published friday
hill, Redruth Railway.
Vaccination Officers. Richard Ellis, Highway, Illogan; C. Great Western, John Lovell, station master
Hosking, Hayle; John Letcher, Camborne & W. Martin, Conveyance, with the starting places & days of departure.
Medical Officers, Camhorne district, Robert Erskine M.D. BREAGE-Rosewarne, Station hill, 5 p.m. fri. ; Hoare,
Camborne ; Gwennap district, George Michell, St. Day;
Gwinear district, Thomas Mndge, Hayle ; Illogan district, Station hill, 5 p. m. fri
Charles James Tabor M. B. Pool; Redrnth district, Arthur
Edward Permewan M.D., D.P.H. Redruth; Stithians dis- CAMBORNE-J. Richards, Red Lion inn, 12 noon & 6 p. m.
trict, Frank Hichens M.D., B.s., D.P.II. Green la. Redruth daily; Symons, Oxford inn, r2 noon & 7 p.m. daily; A.
Public Vaccinators, Camborne district, C. H. Butlin, Cam- Clemo, Fore street, ro.3oa.m. daily; Thomas Davey, bot-
borne; Gwinear district, Thomas Mttdge, Hayle ; Illogan
tom of Fore street, 4.15 p.m. daily; John Clemo, daily,
passing through at 8.30 p.m. ; Berryman, Station hill, 5
p.m. fri.; H. Richards, Oxford inn1 r2 noon & 4.20 p.m.
fri.; J. Rodda, bottom (fore street, 2.30 p.m. fri.; J.
district, Charles James Tabor M. u. Pool ; Redrutb & Cock, Hosanko's hotel, daily u a.m. & 6 p.m
CARHABRACK & ST. DAY-Jones & Kinsman, London inn, I PENZANCE-A. Clemo, Fore street, 9 go a.m. daily
& 6 p.m. fri. ; B. Gribble, I & 6 p.m. fri PERRANPORTH & PERRANZABUWE-J. Mitchell, Jack's Plat,
CHACEWATER-J. Clemo, Fore street, II.3oa.m. daily; wed. 5 p.m. fri.; C. Tregoning, London inn, 5 p.m. fri
& sat. II a.m. & 12 p.m.; l'aull, London inn, 5 p.m. fri PERRANZABULOE-Trenery, 'Red Lion,' 4·45 p.m. fri
CoNSTANTINE-P.Courage, 'Huller's Arms,' 5 &5.30 p.m. fri PoNsANOOTH-same as Falmouth; also J. Martin, Tre-
CuSGARNE-Rowse, London inn, 5.30 p.m. fri. ; Moyle, thowans yard, 5,30 p.m. fri
London inn, 5 p.m PooL & TucKINGMILL-same as Camborne
DEVORAN-P. Martin, London inn, 5 p.m. fri PORKELLIS, WENDRON-Pena]urick, Jack's Plat, 4 p.m. fri
FALMOUTH-Redruth Posting Co. Falmouth road, 9 a.m. & PoRTREATH-W. Seymour, 'King's Head,' I & 6 p.m. fri. ;
.fi p. m. daily Harding, Rose cottage, 3.30 & 6 p.m. fri
FRADDAM, LEEDSTOWN & TOWNSHEND-Berryman, Station RosE-S. Penna, Jack's Plat, 5 p.m. fri
hill, 5 p.m. fri ST. AGNES-R. James, Oxford inn, 4.30 p.m. winter & 5
FROGPOOL & CusGARNE-Davey, Oxford inn, 5 p.m. fri p.m. summer, fri.; H. Stribley, Oxford inn, ditto
GooNHAVERN & PERRANWELr.-J. Buddell, Jack's Plat, 5 ST. AGNEs, MrTHIAN & TREVELLAS DowNs-White, Oxford
p.m. fri inn, 4.30 p.m. fri. winter & 5 p.m. summer
GwiNEAR CHURCBTOWN, HERLAND Cuoss & WALL-Berry- ST. DAY-Jones & Kinsman, London inn, I & 5 p.m. fri.;
man, Station hill, 5 p.m. fri B. Gribble, London inn, I & 5 p.m. fri
HAYLE-A. Clemo, Fore street, 9.30 a.m. daily ST. DAY & GwENNAP-J. Davey, Oxford inn, 5 p.m. fri
HELSTON-T. Davey, bottom of Fore street, 4· I5 p. m. daily; STITHIANs-P. Courage, 'Buller's Arms,' 5 & 5.30 p.m. fri. ;
Gluyas, Jack's Plat, 4 p.m. fri J. Peters, 'Huller's Arms,' 5.30 p.m. fri
lLI.OGAN-Gilbert, Pendarves Arms, fri. & sat. I, 4, 6 & 9 TREVALLAS DowNs-White & Sons, London inn, 5 p.m. fri
p.m. & Dunn, fri. & sat. I, 4, 6 & 8 p.m TRuRo-John Clemo, Fore street, II.30 a. m. daily ; wed. &
LANNER-same as Falmouth sat. II a.m. & r2 p.m
MouNT HAWKE-J. Nicholls, Oxford inn, 4.30 p.m. winter WHEAL RosE-J. Nicholls, Oxford inn, 4.30 p.m. winter &
& 5 p.m. summer, fri 5 p.m. summer, fri
PENRYN-same as Falmou~h
PRIVATE RESIDEXTS. Edwards Richard Sanuerson, Sunny- Kneebone Henry, Clinton road
Abbott Samuel, r r Trewirgie road side, Clinton road Lanyon Alfred J.P. Tolvean
Ablott S. M:ilford, n Trewirgie road Faull Mrs. Claremortt road Lanyon Howard, Ellerslie, Clinton road
Andrew Mrs. 9 Agar cres. Green lane Fish Rev. John [United Methodist Free Launder Stephen, Southleigh,Clinton rd
Andrew Mrs. 25 Albany road Church], r4 Albany road . Laurie Caspar Robert, 58 West end
Andrew W!lliam, The Square Ford Henry, Claremont road Laurie Miss, 93 Plain-an-Gwarry
.Angove Mrs. 8 Symons terrace Garby Mrs. Chyandour Lean Benjamin, Mount Ambrose, Red-
Arna11 Thomas, Tolgus house George Ed ward, Clinton road ruth highway
Axford Mrs. Basset street George Joseph, IO Penyenton terrace Leggo William Thomas, r2 Trewirgierd
Bain Frederick Donald, Falmouth road George Mrs. r3 Green l.ane Lemin Mrs. Claremont road
Barnes Rev. John LWes.],7 Heanton ter Gili William, jun. ri Fore street Lemin Mrs. Richmond place .
Bath John, 32 Albany road Goldsworthy James, Treruffe road Letcher Thomas, Mount prospect
Bawden Charles, Clinton road Greenwood Mrs. Clinton road Lockett Richard, Plain-an-Gwarry
Bawden Cornelius, Meadowside Gribb!P. Mrs. 3I Coose lane Luke Mrs. Claremont road
Bawden James R. I7 Penventon terrace Grylls Henry, The Green Manley William, Mount Ambrose, Red~
Bawden John, Sydney villa, Clinton rd Grylls Mrs. 7 Trewirgie road ruth highway
Bawden John, Treruffe terrace Grylls Reginald Michael, 7 Trewirgie rd Martin Charles M. 34 Albany road
Bear :Mrs. 3 Sea View terrace Hampton Miss, 7 Penventon terrace Martin William, Redruth highway
Beer Edwin, 3 Penventon terrace Hancock Thomas John, Southgate st Mayne John Henry, West end
Bennett William, Redruth highway Harold Herbert, 24 Coo!le lane Menhinnick Samuel, Heanton villas
Beskeen John, East end Harris Henry M.D. Trengweath Michell Benjamin, Clinton road
Bevan John, I Agar crescent Harris John, Clinton road
Michell Francis William c.E. Coose lane
Billington Rev. James [Unit.ed Metho- Harris Mrs. William, Redruth highway Michell George Vincent, 2 Chapel street
dist Free Church], Heanton villas Hichens Frank l\I.D. 16 Green lane Michell John, The Green
Bishop Chas. Frederick, Cardrew villa Hitchens James Stacey, I7 Green lane Michell Mrs. I Plain-an-Gwarry
Bowden Mrs. 6 Basset street Hichens William, Ford's row Michell Mrs. Claremont road
Hicks John, 8 Sparnon terrace Michell Richard Henry, Gwelzalmeer,
Bray Mrs. rs Albany road
Hill Mrs. Mount Ambrose, Redruth Clinton road
Bray Mrs. Claremont road
Bray William, Clinton road highway Milford Edwin Milford, Trengweath
Bridgman Rev. Charles, Clinton road Hill Sampson, Symon's terrace Miller Rev. Frank Edward [Baptist],
Broad Edwin, Clinton road Hoblyn Edwin, 2 Plain-an-Gwarry Heanton villas
Broad Josiah, Falmouth road Hocking Miss,Green cottage, Clinton rd Mitchell Mrs. I7 Trewirgie road
Burridge Mrs. 30 Albany road Hocking Mrs. r4 Trewirgie road Moore Mrs. 4 Agar crescent, Green lane
Buzza l.Vlrs. 26 Albany road Hodge Arthur, r8 Trewirgie road Moore Tom, Church lane
Carbis Mrs. Trewirgie cottage Hodge John, Oakley, Clinton t·oad Moore William, Mount Ambrose, Red-
Carkeek Arthur, Penventon Hodge Joseph, 40 Falmouth road ruth highway
Carkeek John, 9 Penventon terrace Hodge Wllliam Charles, II Symon's ter Nancarrow Miss, 14 Green lane
Chegwidden Wm.Lander,2Heanton viis Hooper William, I2 Bond street Nettle John, Park villa, Green lane
Chegwyn William Hy. Lenfred house Hosking John, Plain-an-Gwari'y Nettle Mrs. Clinton road
Chellew George, Laurel vil. Clinton rd HoskingWilliamThomas,3Chapel street Nicholl Miss, 59 West end
Clarke William Jsph. Redruth highway Hugo Mrs. Claremont road Nicholl William, Rose hill
Cock Mrs. 3 Bond street James Josiah, sen. 12 Coose lane Nicholls Benjamin, Clinton road
Cock William, I7 Plain-an-:.Gwarry James Josiah, jun. I5 Penventon ter Nicholls Richard Coad, West end
Collingwood Arthur William,Clinton rd James Mrs. Heanton villas Noble James, 8 Penventon terrace
Corin Arthur Evans, Chapel street James Richard Andrewartha,Clinton rd Northey Miss, Claremont road
C::~rnish Geor~e, Chapel street James William, Nancothan Odgers Mrs. I9 Albany road
Craze Mrs. 27 Coose lane Jarvis Thomas, Radnor house Odgers Mrs. I3 Albany road
Dabb Frederick William, Gwealantop Jenkin Alfred Hamilton, Trewirgie Opie Bennett, Clintonoroad
Davey Benjamin, Green lane Jenkin Arthur Pearse, Trewirgie Opie James, Clinton road
Davey Mrs. Claremont road Jenkin Jame'J, I Bond street Opie Martin, gr West end
Dave•y Thomas, Claremont road
Jenkin John Francis, Claremont road Opie Mrs. 32 West end
Dixon William James, Claremont road Jenkin Pearse, Trewirgie Paige Henry, Trengweath house
Parkin William, 69 Plain-an-Gwarry
DoelRev. Andrew[wes. J, I 5Trewirgie rd Jenkin Samuel, Clinton road
Dolling Rev. Robert Radclyfie [curate], Jenkin William, 23 Coose lane Pascoe Frederick, 24 Albany road
The Rectory Jewell Mrs. Heanton villas Paull Charles, I7 Albany road
Dungey Henry, r8 Plain-an-Gwarry Job John, Heanton villas Paull John, Claremont road
Dungey John, Elm cottage, Green lane Johns John, Clinton road Paull Misses, 2I Coose lane
Dungey Mrs. Glendower, Clinton road Johns Samuel, 6 Rymon's terrace Paull Miss, I Albanv road
Dunn Mrs. 29 Albany road Johns William, Lemon villa, East end Penberthy Mrs. Cortino, Clinton road
Earle Mrs. .Aubrey house, Coose lane J ones Mrs. Clinton road Pengelly Thomas, Coose lane
Eddy Mrs. 5 Albany road Jones Richard, Coose lane Penprase James, 'frevengay house
Edmonds James Waiter, Gwealantop Jones Samuel, jun. 7 Coose lane Penrose John Farran 1.P. Parkhenvel"
Edmonds Miss, 33 Albany road Juleff John, Penventon terrace I'ermewanArthurEdwardx.n.Belmont
Edwards Martin, Balmoral pl. Green la Juleff William John, Richmond place Permewan John, 4 Chapel street
Peter Thurstan Collins, 10 Trewirgie rd
Edwards Mrs. Redruth highway Kitto Mrs. Redruth highway
Phillips Miss, Tolgus hill Smith William, Claremont road TresederWm.Henry,Carn view,Treleigb
Phillips William, 'folgus hill Southey Mrs. Whitehall, Clinton road Trestrail Mrs. Treruffe terrace
Polglase Josiah, Coose lane Sowden William George, Helford villa, Trevena Miss, Pendean villa, Clinton rd
' Prossor J sph. Edwd. 8Agar cres. Green la Clinton road Trevena. William, 13 Penventon terrace
Prout George Henry, Claremont road Staple Mrs. Rose row Treweek Mrs. Clinton road
Prout James, Claremont road Still William, Claremont road Treweek William, Penryn street
Pryor Richard, Balmoral pl. Green la Sweet Mrs. 22 Coose lane Trounson Samuel, Alma place
Pryor Thomas, Bellvue house, Green la Symons Alfred J ames, 'freruffe terrace Trounson Thomas, 9 Trewirgie road
Pryor William Henry, Claremont road Symons Miss, .ro Symons terrace Tweedy Charles, Trefusis house, Clin-
Renfree Peter Alfred, Manor villa Tamblyn Mrs. Pendrea. ton road
Reynolds Henry Baker, Sparnon house, Tangye Edward, The Elms, Green lane Tyacke Mrs. II Heanton terrace
Clinton road Tayler Richard, Claremont road Vmcent Edwyn, Claremont road
Rich William, Pedna.ndrea house Taylor Rev. Thomas M.A. [curate in Wales Atbert Alfred, Pednandrea
Richards Fitz, 15 Green lane charge of St. Uny], The Rectory Wales William, Fore street
Richa.rds.Mrs. Alma place Teague Mrs. Harry, Agar cres.Green la Wales William, jun. Green lane
Richards William, Claremont road Thearle Samuel Collier, Claremont rd Wasley Matthew, 18 Albany road
Rickard Mrs. 9 Bond street Thomas James, Claremont road White William Thomas, Telgus place
Rodda Christopher, Clinton road Thomas John Henry, Clinton road Wickett James, Penarth
Rodda. Richard, 10 West end Thomas Mrs. John, Mount Pleasant Wickett John Leslie, 18 Penventon ter
Roskrow Mrs. 13 Bond street house, Southgate street Wickett Wm. Coppin,Brick ho. West end
Roskrow Thomas, Osaka Thomas Mrs. Fernley villa, Clinton rd Williams Edward, Claremont road
Ross Duncan1 Fairholm, Clinton road Thomas Mrs. 26 Coose lane Williams Humphry, Trembath, Clare-
Rowe Mrs. Heanton terrace Thomas Mrs. Io Albany road mont, Green lane
Rowe Sampson 'l'aylor, Trecarrel Thomas Mrs. 6 Coose lane Williams William, Moreton house
Sara Stephen, Sunny house, Tolgus Threthowan John, East end Williamson Alfred, Fore street
Sara Thomas Tregaskis, Foundry house Thruscott Arthur, Claremont road Williamson Mrs. :Flora villa, Green lane
Sarah William Henry, 3 West end Toy John, 12 Plain-an-Gwarry Wilton Edward, Green lane
Sims James, 7 Agar crescent, Green la Tregaskis Mrs. F. 70 Fore street Wilton William George, 8 Trewirgie rd
Smith Rev. Aaron LPrimitive Metho- Treglown Edwin William, Mount Am- Woods Francis John, Claremont road
dist], Plain-an-Gwarry brose, Redruth highway Woolcock Mrs. Mount Ambrose, Red-
Smith Luke, Claremont road Tremayne Mrs. Clinton road ruth highway
Smith Mrs. 3 Ford's row Tremelling Rev. John [Bible Christian], Woolf Mrs. 3 Heanton terrace
Smith Waiter, Claremont road Treruffe hill
COMMERCIAL. Cemetery (Edwin Rowe, clerk to the burial board), St. Day rd
Abbott & Wickett, stock & share brokers & mining share Champion James, grocer, 8 Fore street
dealers, Station hill Chandler William, watch maker, Cross street & musical in-
Adams Joseph, supervisor of inland revenue, Green lane strument dealer, Chapel street
Andrew James, mine agent, 31 Albany road Channon Thomas, baker, Sea View terrace
Andrew Waiter, coffee tavern, Alma place Chapman Alfred, commercial traveller, n Albany road
Andrew William, assayer, West end Chapman John, Clinton hotel, Fore street
Andrews Bennett, dining rooms, 2 Bond street Chapman Nicholas, beer retailer, Sparnons gate
Annear Susan (Mrs.), beer retailer, St. Day road Cbappel William, grocer, Trevingey terrace
Arthur Joshua, travelling draper, Heanton place Chegwidden Samuel, builder, 4 Penventon terrace
Bailey James, travelling draper, Raymond road Chegwidden William Lander, surveyor & commission agent,
Bastion Richard, boot & shoe maker, 48 Fore street 2 Heanton villas
Bath Thomas, farmer, South Trefula Chegwyn William Henry, builder & contractor, Len-
B.a.wden Charles, clerk to school board & registrar of births fred house
& deaths for Redruth sub-district, Clinton road Chellew Elizh. Ann (Mrs.), girls' schl. Laurel vil. Clinton rd
• Bawden Cornelius, mine purser, Meadowside
Chellew Geo. (Mrs.), ladies' school, Laurel villa, Clinton rd
Bawden John, shopkeeper, 34 East end Chenhall James, photographer, II West end
Bawden Richard, draper, 78 Fore street Clark Jane (Miss), milliner, 30 Green lane
Beckerleg Arthur James, baker, 3 & 4 Back lane west Clark Thomas, blacksmith, Ba('k lane
Beer John, boot maker, 53 West end Clark William, blacksmith, Falmouth road
Behenna Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 79 East end Clarke William, shopkeeper, 45 East end
Bennett John, Buller's Arms P.H. Falmouth road Clarke William Joseph, manager of the Consolidated Bank
Beringer & Co. wat~h makers, 66 West end of Cornwall, Alma place
Blewett WiUiam, travelling draper, 5 Trewirgie road Clemo Joel, travelling draper, Penryn street
Bolitho, Williams, Foster, Coode, Gryll3 & Co. Limited (Con- Climas John James, mine materials dealer, Tolgus
solidated Bank of Cornwall) (branches) (William Joseph Cock Edwin & Son, merchants, 12 Fore street
Clarke, manager), Alma place; draw on Williams Deacon Colenso William John, commission agent, 28 Albany road
& Manchester & ~alford Bank Limited, London E c ; & Collingwood Arthur William, dentist., C!inton road
(William Treweek, manager) Penryn street; draw on Collins Thomas, boys' school, Clinton road
Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, Ransom, Bouverie & Co. London Cook & Sons, coach builders, West end
EC Corin Philip Burne, currier, 16 Chapel street
Bonds Edwin, rate collector, Claremont road Cornish Bank Limited (ofTruro) (CharlesTweedy,manager),
Bosanko John, Bosanko's hotel, Fore street Fore street; draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, Lombard
Bray Elimbeth (Mrs.),shopkeeper, Redruth highway street E c. See advertisement
Bray Charles Waiter, painter, 17 Chapel street Cornish Tin Smelting Co. (Alfred Lanyon, managing part-
Bray George Skewes, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, ner), Station hill
clerk to the Gwennap school board & secretary to the Cornubian Patents Co. Lim.(S.P.Bawden,sec.), Pednandrea
Mining Exchange Co. Lim. Station hill ; & at Lannarth Cornubian &Redruth Times (Thomas NicolJenkin,publisher
Bray William, chemist & druggist, 8~ Fora street & proprietor; published friday), Treruffe hill
British & Foreign Bible Society's Depot (Hoblyn & Tayler, County Court (His Honor Thomas C. Granger, judge~
agents), 14 Fore street Thurstan Collins Peter, registrar & high bailiff), Penryn st
British & Foreign Safety Fuse Co. (Alfred Lanyon, manag- County Police Station (Wm. Endean, sergeant), West end
ing partner), Plain-an-Gwarry Courtis Thomas, ironmonger, 57 Fore street
Broad & Sons, drapers, Fore street Craze Edward, Mount Ambrose inn, Redruth highway
Brokenshire John, farmer, Tolgus Culley & Eddy, stone masons, Raymond road
Buddle Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 73 East end Curnow Mary (Mrs.), marine store dealer, East end
Burridge Mary Jane & Mary (.Misses), fancy goods dealers, Curnow Stephen, Miners' Arms P.H. 20 Plain-an-Gwarry
1o! Fore street
Currow John, farmer, South downs
Butler Catharine (Mrs.), Collins Arms P.H. 18 East end Curtis Nicholas Morris, beer retailer, North street
Butler William, cowkeeper, Redruth highway Curtis Richard Bailey, hair dresser, 141 Falmouth road
Buzza Elizabeth Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31 Green lane Curtis Samuel, mine agent, Oak cottage
Carbis William, hair dresser, 53 Fore street Dabb Frederick William, accountant, East end
Carha,rt Thomas, commercial traveller, 16 Albany road Dallimore Edward, de Dnnstanville Arms P.H. Fore street
Carkeek Arthur, builder & contractor, Penventon Davey Richard, farmer, Busveal
Carkeek John, accountant, 9 Penventon terrace Davey Samuel John, stock & share broker, 8 Bond street
Carns William, shopkeeper, 14 Rose row , Davey Thomas, as,ayer. Claremont road
Carvoltb John, travelling draper, 22 East end Davey Thomas, deputy superintendent registrar, 25 Coose la
Carvolth Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Chapel terrae& Da.vey Thomas Alfred, assayer, 15 Coose lane
• Hill James Sampson, commercial traveller, Mount Carbfs
Dawe William, boot maker, Court No. 5, Fore street
Dennis James, mason,Redruth highway Hill Sampson, architect & surveyor, Symon's terrace
Dennis James, hair dresser, 87 Fore street Hitchens Brothers, painters, Penryn street
Dennis William Henry, hair dresser, 2 Alma place Hoblyn & Tayler,booksellers, stationers & printers, 14Fore st
Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited (of Plymouth) Hoblyn Edwin, watch maker, 36 Fore street
(William Gill, manager), Fore street; draw on Barclay, Hocken John Trevithick, manure merchant & beer retailer,
Bevan & Co. Lombard street, London E c Rose cottage, Chapel street & saddler &c. Alma place
Donnithorne Edward Jeffery, shopkeeper, 42 East end Hocken William Thomas, Druids hotel, West end
Donnithorne John, blacksmith, 14 West end Hodge Joseph, saddler, 1 Cross street •
Downing Frederick Henry, hair dresser, 4 Bond street Hodge William Charles, builder, Clintoo road
Downing Henry, hair dresser, 14 Penryn street Holloway John Edward, .solicitor & commissioner for oatbs,
Druids' Hall (Charles Tweedy esq. hon. sec.), Penryn street see Trevena & Holloway .
Dungey T. J. & I. cabinet makers, 1 Fore street Holman Roxanna (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, 57 Fore street
DungeyHy. gen.mer. 18&1gPlain-an-Gwarry&3Agar crescent Hooper William, farmer, Park Colley
Dungey E. R. (Mrs.), stationer, Penryn street Husking Jane (Mrs.), beer retailer, Bank lane west
Dunstan James, farmer, North Trefula Hugo James Victor, bailiff under the "Law d Distress
Earle John, shopkeeper, 100 Falmouth road Amendment Act,'' Falmouth rd. & furn. dlr. 17 West end
Earle Paul Rabey, printer & stationer, 71 Ji'ore street Hunt Emma (Mrs.), cowkeeper, Mount Carbis
Eathorne Charles Reed, cooper, 47 West end Hunt Samuel, farmer, Wheal Gilbert
Edmonds James Waiter, butcher, 73 Fore street Inland Revenue Office (Jo~ph Adams, supervisor; Charles
Edmonds William, butcher, 5A, Fore street William Tippet, officer), Green lane ·
Edwards Martin, stock & share broker, Clinton passage I Yes Herbert, chemist. 58! Fore street
Edwards Richard Sanderson, grocer & chemist, Fore street Jacka James, Oxford hotel, Fore street
Edwards William Frederick, stock & share broker & sec. to James Elizh. & Caroline (Misses), milliners, IOI Falmouth rd
Mining Exchange, Clinton passage James John, boot maker, Redruth highway
Eley John, shopkeeper, 76 Plain-an-Gwarry James Joseph, painter, 39 Fore street
Elliott John, pianoforte tuner, 48 West end James Josiah, jnn. registrar of marriages, 15 Penventon ter
Evans John & Co. outfitters, Tower house, Fore street James Nicholas Bryer, tripe dresser, 51 Fore street
Evans James, drill instructor to H-Company rst Volunteer J ames Richard, surveyor & inspector of nuisances to local
Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, r Coose lane board, Station hill
Evans Richard, tin streamer, Goon row James William, tin dresser, 29 Coose lane
Evans Thomas, mine agent & farmer, Tolgus Jane John Henry William, shopkeeper, 79 Plain-an-Gwarry
Francis William, greengrocer, Higher Sentry Jarvis Thomas, china & glass & earthenware dealer & mer•
Foulks William, insurance agent, 32 Plain-an-Gwarry . chant; speciality, white china, 56 Fore street
Futcher William, inspector of weights & measures, Penryn st Jenkin James & Co. berlin wool depot, x6 Fore street
Garby Richard, farmer, Chyandour J enkin Pearse & Son, insurance agents, Trewirgie
Gee Ebenezer, commercial traveller, 5 Agar cres. Green lane Jenkin Alfred Hamilton, solicitor, Alma place
George Joseph, travelling;praper, 10 Penventon terrace J enkin Arthur Pearse, agent for the County Fire & Provi-
Gilbert William Henry, boot & shoe dealer, 5.'1 Fore street dent Life Offices, Trewirgie
Gill Wm. manager of the Devon & Cornwall Bank, Fore st Jenkin Geo. Bennett, musical instrument dlr. 26 West end
Gill William, wine & spirit merchant, 5 Bond street Jenkin James, timber merchant & saw mill proprietor;
Goldsworthy Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, x6 St. Day road offices & yard, Bond street ; steam saw mills, Scorrier
Goldsworthy Annie (Miss), milliner, 28 East end Jenkin John Thomas, basket maker, 49 I<'ore street
Goldsworthy Elizabeth Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 East end Jenkin Pearse, house, land & estate agent, Trewirgie .
Goldsworthy Harriett (Mrs.), farmer, North Trefula Jenkin Thomas Nicol, proprietor & publisher of the" Cornu•
Goldsworthy James, builder, 2 Penventon terrace bian & Redrnth Times," Treruffe hill
Goldsworthy John, King's Head P.H. 6 Fore street Jewell Samuel William, furniture dealer, 19 Fore street
Goldsworthy Joseph, watch maker, 9 East end Job Michael, beer retailer, 21 East end
Goodman Charles, cabinet maker, Chapel street Johns Elizh. & Jane (Misses), girls' school, r Penventon ter
Gray Charles, builder, 21 Albany road Johns Jane (Miss), dress maker, 3 Green lane
Gray Ellen (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 21 West end Johus John, coal dealer, xo Plain-an-Gwarry
Gray John, builder, 23 Albany road Johns Richard, grocer, 19 Green lane
Great Western Railway Co. (John Bone & Son, agents) Johns Richard, refreshment rooms, Clinton passage
Gribble John, draper, East end Jnhns William, shopkeeper, Plain-an-Gwarry
Gribble Julia Ellen (Mrs.), Royal Standard P.H. West end Johns Wm. Zacharias, stock & share broker, 6 Trewirgie rd
Grose John, butcher, Treviguey terrace J ones Samuel, ironmonger, 77 Fore street
Grose Waiter, jun. boot maker, 41 Fore street Jose Richard, beer retailer & dining rooms, Back lane
Grylls Henry, solicitor & commissioner, see Paige & Grylls Juleff Wi!Jiam John, crucible maker, Plain-an-Gwarry
Grylls Reginald Michael, solicitor, Cross street Kistler Thos. Andrew, musical instrument depot, 15 Fore st
Guy Henry, boot maker, Jack's plat Kitto John, mine agent, Redruth highway
Hall William, draper, 69 Fore street Kitto Martin Harvcy, mining engineer, Mount At~brose,
Hambly William, mining engineer, 44 West end Redruth high way
Hann Thomas, machinist, Cattle market Kneebone Francis, farmer, Clinton villa.
Harris Edwin John, hair dresser, 20 Chapel street Knight William, tea. hawker, St. Day road
Harris Harriett (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Io St. Day road Lanksbury Daniel, shopkeeper, 75 East end
Harris Henry M.D. physician &surgeon, Trengweath Lanyon J. C. & Son, iron mers. (bar& sheet), Cattle market
Harris Isaac, farmer, Sparnonsgate Lanyon Williarn, coach builder, 9 Falmouth rd, See advert
Harris Thomas, farmer, North street Laty John, boot maker, Cross street
Harris Thomas, shopkeeper, Shoot row Launder Arnott Ernest, grate holer, 61 East end
Harris William, boot maker, Cross street Launder Stephen, clothier, 12 Fore street
Harrison William Marsden, photographer, Penryn street Lauric Caspar Rt.L.R.C.P. Lond. physcn. & surgn.s8VIrest end
Harry John, relieving officer, Redruth district, Redruth Leggo William Thomas, draper, 22 Fore street
union, Treruffe hill Lemin James, confectioner, 9 Fore street
Harry Thomas, beer retailer, 88 Fore street Lemin Richard, travelling draper, 7 Ford's row
Harry Thomas Henry, dairyman, South downs Letcher Thos. jun. stock & share broker, Clinton passage
Harvey & Son, saddlers, 3 Cross street Lidgey Catherine (Mrs.), grocer, 4 Fore street
Harvey Thomas, saddler, 40 Fore street Literary & Scientific Institution (W. J, Dixon, hon. sec.},
Head ~amuel, shopkeeper, East end Druids' hall, Penryn street
Heath Robert Hainsworthy. professor of music, 9 Coose la LobL Uriah, travelling draper, Treruffe terrace -
Hebbard William Williams, travelling draper, Station hill Lovell John, station master (G.W.R.), I Heanton terrace,
Heynes Thomas & Son, grocers, 86 Fore street Luke Josepb, cattle dealer, Basset street
Hichens Frank M. D., B.s., D.P.H. physician & surgeon, medi- Manning James, baker, II5 Falmouth road
cal officer & public va<.'Cinator, Stithians district, Redruth Manning James, jun. baker, 46 ~'est end
union, & medical officer to the Redruth union workhouse, Marks William Francis. farmer, Tolgus
& medical officer of health to urban sanitary authority, Marshall :Mary (Miss), dress maker, 9 Plain-an-Gwarry
16 Green lane Martin Charles Melville, draper, Alma place
Hichens James Stacey, surgeon, 17 Green lane Martin James, wheelwright, Treruffe road
Hichens Wm. L. R.C.P.Lond. physician & surgeon, Ford's row Martin John, tin dresser,3o West end
Hicks Charles, wholesale & retail confectioner, n: East end Martin Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 12 West end
Hicks James, architect, Clinton road . Martin Thomas, carpenter, 19 Basset street
Hicks William George, watch maker, Cross street , Martin William, tailor, Falmouth road
Hill Edwin, blacksmith, Trewirgie road Martin William Morley, pharmaceutical chemist, 'West end
Masonic Hall (James Sims, sec.), Green lane Phillips Rester Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 142 Falmouth road
Matthews William, Plymouth inn, 52 Fore street Pbillips John Henry, butcher, 77 Falmouth road
Meek Robert, fancy goods repository, I West end Praed Mary Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 49 Ford's row
Merrin Jane (Mrs.), shopkeeper, I Foundry row Praed Thomas, boot maker, Plain-an-<iwarry
Merritt Henry, Prince of Wales' Feathers P.H. Church town Prisk Joseph, mine agent, I6 Trewirgie road
Michell George Vincent, builders' contractor, 2 Chapel st Prisk Thomas, coal dealer, East end
Michell Harriett & Elizabeth (Misses), drapers, 7 Forest Pryor Thomas, mine purser, Alma place
Michell Francis William, civil engineer, Coose lane Public Benefit Boot Co. 38~ Fore street
Micbell Tobias, farmer, Goon row Radical Club (T.E.Courtis & W.Tangye,hon.secs.),Green la
Mickle William Augustus, boot. & shoe maker, Green lane Rashleigh John, builder, Penders cottage
Middleton Annie (Mrs.), New inn, 8o Fore street Redrutb Brewery Co. Limited (W. C. Wickett, managing
Middleton James Henry, London inn, Fore street director), brewers, wine & spirit merchants & aerated
Middleton John, cab proprietor, Station hill water manufacturers ; agencies, Penzance, Bodmin, Fal-
Middleton Thomas Mitchell, tobacconist, 65 West end mouth, Helston, St. Ives, St. Au~tell & Grampound Road
Miners' Hospital (Charles Tweedy, hon. sec.; Miss Edith Redruth Clothing Co. 18 Fore street
Fry, matron), West end Redruth Football Club (S.H. Lanyon & S.Wasley,hon.secs)
Mining Exchange (Wm. Frederick Edwards, sec.), Alma pl Redruth Foundry Co. Limited (S. Carbis, sec.), Cha:pel st
Mining Exchange Co. Lim. (G. S. Bray, sec.), Alma place Redruth Gas Co. (Howard Lanyon, manager), Station hill
Mitchell David, farmer, Glebe farm Redruth Independent (John Morgan, publisher; published
Mitchell Martin, farmer, Redruth highway friday), Penryn street
Moon James, basket maker, Albany road Redruth Posting & Carrying Co. Limited (S. Hugo, mana-
Moore Tom & Co. clothiers & hatters, Fore street ger), Falmouth road
Moore Nicholas, farmer, Sandy lane Redruth Tin Smelting Co. (F. D. Bain, manager); works,
Morgan John, stationer & publisher of the "Redruth In- Falmonth road
dependent," II Penryn street Redruth Unionists Club (G. H. Crees, sec.), Chapel street
Myners William Henry, harmonium builder, 6 Penryn st Rees Harry, wheelwright, Trewirgie road
Nettell Richard, grocer & draper, Trevenner house Reynolds Charles, farmer, Sparnons gate
Nettle Emma (Miss), girls' school, 9 Penryn street Reynolds Jane (Mrs.), apartments, I4 East end
Nicholl John, nurseryman, Green lane Rice Thomas, travelling draper, 88 East end
Nicholl Thomas, draper, Penryn street Rich W. & Sons, dynamite merchants, Pednandrea house
Nicholls Benjamin & Sons, nurserymen & seedsmen, 2 Fore Richards Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 13 East end
street ; & Trewirgie Richards Elizabeth (Miss), shopkeeper, 139 Falmoutb road
• Nicholls Stephen James, stone mason, 32 West end Richards Jane (Mrs.), refreshment rooms, I Green lane
Noel Alfred Philip, confectioner, 61 Fore street Richards Richard, dairy, 3 Agar crescent, Green lane
Northey Abraham Pearce, draper, 30 Fore street Rickard Caroline (Miss), shopkeeper, 3 Trewirgie road
Odgers James, grocer, Bond street & 35 West end Rickard James Henry, butcher, 21 Green lane
Odgers John, builder, Clinton road Rickard Thomas, accountant & agent for the Railway Pas-
Oliver George, boot maker, 33 & 37 Fore street sengers' Assurance Co. 3 Trewirgie road
Oliver William Henry, sewing machine agent,Penryn street Roach James, mine agent, 4 Albany road
Opie Bennett, temperance hotel, 24 Fore street Robinson Bessie (Miss), ladies' school, 6 Bond street
Opie Henry, photographer, 10 Bond street Rodda Richard, auctioneer, appraiser & hot:::;e & estate
Opie John Martin, confectioner, 5 Fore street agent, 10 West end. See advertisement
Opie Susan Jane (Miss), shopkeeper, Redruth highway Rodda William, butcher, Sparnonsgate
Opie Thomas, mason, 6 Foundry row Rogers t:atberine (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 86 East end
Opie William, farmer, Redruth highway Rogers Henry, grocer, 13! East end
Opie William, travelling draper, 64 Falmouth road Rogers Richard, shopkeeper, Penryn street
Opie William, jun. butcher, 58 Fore street Rogers Urias, shopkeeper, Trewirgie downs
Paige & Grylls, solicitors, stewards for the manors of Goon- Roskrow Thomas, printer & stationer, 28 Fore street
earl, Ventongimps, Polladras & Pengwedna & agents for Rosa Duncan, travelling draper, Fairholm, Clinton road
Sun Fire &; Life Assurance Societies, West end Rowe Edwin, auctioneer & clerk to the burial board &
Paige Hy. solicitor & commissioner, & clerk to the Redruth emigration agent, 42 Fore street
local board of health (firm, Paige & Grylls), West end Rowe <ieorge, shopkeeper, 129 Falmouth road
Pappin John, butcher, Blight's row Rowe Sampson Taylor, chemist, Penryn street
Parkyn Charles, confectioner, Raymond road Rowe Thomas Henry, farmer, Channel view
Pascoe Chas. monumental mason, I3 East end & Penryn st Rowling Henry, wheelwright, Chapel street
Pascoe John, farmer, Cardrew farm Rowse Edward, carpenter, 15 Basset street
Pearce Alfred, shopkeeper, 134 Falmoutb road Rule Charles Harris, carpenter, I Sea View terrare
Pearce Edward, farmer, Seleggen Rnse Richard, blacksmith, West end ·
Pearce Edward Thomas, house decorator, Chapel street Salter & Son, carpenters, West end
Pearce Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 94 Falmouth road , Salter Edward, shopkeeper, 24 West end
Pearce Mary Catherine (Miss), dress maker, 2 Basset street Sampson Thomas Manley, beer retailer & dining rooms,
Pearce Thomas, cattle dealer, Clinton road Cross street
Pearce William John, shopkeeper, Falmouth road Sara Bros. brass & iron founders, Tolgus foundry &
Penaluna John, eating house, 10 Cross street engine works
PP-ngelly Thomas, grocer, go Fore :~treet Sara W. & Sons, brass & iron founders, Hammer Mill foun-
Penna William, shopkeeper, Tolgus dry & engine works
Penprase James, butcher, 89 Fore street Sarah Joseph, travelling draper, West end
Penrose Edwin, watch maker, 26 Fore street Sarah William Henry, draper, 62 & 73 West end
Penrose Ellen Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker, 56 East end Saum Joseph, watch maker, 56 West end
Penrose John Farran F.G.s. assay master, Parkhenver School of Science & Art (Thomas Collins, master & A. K.
Penrose Richard, hair dresser, Cross street Wilton, sec.), Clinton road
Permewan Arthur Edward M.D., D.P.H. surgeon, certifying Seccomb Henry James, farmer, 2 Trewirgie road
factory surgeon, medical officer of health for rural sani- Semmens Edward, boot maker, Foundry row
tary authority, medical officer of Redroth district &; Sharman Samuel, bookseller, 29 West end
public vaccinator for Redruth & Gwennap districts, 4 Shephard Samuel, boot & shoe maker, Plain-an-Gwarry
Chapel street Simmonds Frederick, farmer, Wheal Buller
PermewanJohn L.R.C.P.Edin.physician &surgeon,4Chapel st Simmons James, painter, 4 Basset street
Peter Thurstan Collins, solicitor & commissioner, & regis- Simmons John, cowkeeper, Southgate street
trar & high bailiff of county court, superintendent regis- Sims James, assay master, 7 Agar crescent, Green lane
trar, & clerk to guardians, Redruth nnion & rural sanitary Singer Manufacturing Co. (branch) (William Harris, mana-
authority & assessment & school attendance committees, ger), I5 West end
Town ball, Penryn street Small Richard, tinplate worker, 24- East end
Peters Trevenen, pawnbroker, 46 Fore street Smith Brothers, boot & shoe manfrs. Cathedral Boot works
Peters William, emigration agent, 14 Penventon terrace . Smith Edward, travelling draper, 32 Rose terrace
Pett Hosking & Co. grocers, 41! Fore street Smith Henry, nurseryman, Tolgus
Phillips Benjamin, shopkeeper, Southgate street Smith William, boot & shoe warehouse, 85 Fore street
Phillips Charles, coal dealer, Basset street Smith William, coach builder, 54 West end
Phillips Eliza Jane (Mrs.), wholesale boot & shoe manufac- Snell William, baker, Fore street
turer, Plain-an-Gwarry ; retail store, 85! Fore street Sowden William George, farmer, Clinton road
Phillips Elizabeth (Mrs.), greengrocer, Southgate street Stamp Office (Mrs. Fanny Tregaskis, distributor), 70 Forest
l'hillips Francis, curator Druids hall, Penryn street Stevens John GeorgeJames, butter&eggmerchant, Stanley
Phillips James, travelling draper, Clinton road house, Sea View terrace. See advertisement
Stevens Thomas, farmer, Tolgus Trounson S. & T. grocers, !<'ore street
Stevenson .Alexander, commission agent, 28 Coose lane Tweedy Charles, manager of the Cornish Bank, Fore street
Stocks John, shopkeeper, 55 West end Tyack William John & Charles, ironmongers, IO Fore street
Tabb's Hotel Co. Limited, Tabb's family & commercial hotel Uren Tobias & Richard, tin streamers, Tolgus
& posting- house, Fore street Uren Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper, Tolgus
Tamblyn William Elias, builder, I Green lane Uren Richard, farmer, Wheal Gilbert
Tangye Edward, safety fuse manufacturer, Green lane Vincent Edwyn,printer, bookbinder, engra.ver, designers &c.
Tangye William, commission agent &. school attendance Eagle printing works, 21 Fore street
officer, 4 Penryn street Vivian Joseph, farmer, Plain-an-Gwarry
Tayler Richard, bookseller, see Hoblyn & Tayler Volunteer Battalion (1st) Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
Taylor William, Red Lion inn, Fore street (I:i Co.) (Hon. Major H. Grylls, commanding officer;
Teague Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 23 Green lane Sergt. James Evans, drill instructor); armoury, Coose la
Terrill & Rogers, hot water engineers, Cornish cooking stove Wales & Sons, auctioneers & upholsterers, 68 Fure street
manufrs. plumbers & general smiths, West end & Coose la Wasley Matthew, auctioneer, 4 Station hill
Terrill James, shopkeeper, 47 Fore street Wasley William, outfitter, 38 Fore street
'fhomas & Son, outfitters, 2 West end Waters Elizabeth (Mrs.), Trefusis Arms P.H. Clinton read
Thomas Charles, Pendarves .Arms P.H. West end Watkinson James, cooper, Raymond road
Thomas Henry, coal dealer, Treruffe road Webber William Henry, master mariner, .Albany road
Thomas James, farmer, Trewirgie downs West of England Bacon CuringCo. Limited (JosephEdward
Thomas James, Wellington inn, 7I Fore street Prossor, manager)
Thomas James, travelling draper, 7 East end Whitford E. & H. grocers, .Alma place
'fhomas John, grocer, Glaremont road Wickett James (firm,Abbott & Wickett),stock & sllarebroker
Thomas John, painter, 7 Penryn street & mining share dealer, Station hill
Thomas John Henry, butcher, 48 East end Wilkinson Thomas, confectioner, .Alma place
Thomas Joseph, farmer, Buller downs Williams Humphry Trembath & Co. tailors & outfitters, 81
Thomas Maria (l\Irs. ), Railway hotel, East end Fore street
Thomas Mary .Ann (Mrs.), draper, 17 East end Williams, Williams & Co. coal merchants, Penryn street
Thomas Richard (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Southgate street Williams Alfred, boot maker, 2 Green lane
Thomas Samuel, wheelwright, East end Williams Elizabeth (Mrs.), butcher, 22 Chapel street
Thomas William, mine agent, II Bond street Williams Humphry Trembath, silk mercer & drpr. 79 Forest
Thomas William, painter & decorator, 17 Chapel street Williams James, boot maker, 28 Green lane
Tippet Charles William, inland revenue officer, Rose hill Williams James, eating house, 4 Back lane west
'fippetts Samuel, blacksmith, Blight's row Williams James, grocer, 27 Basset street
Tolgus Manufacturing Trading Co. (Thomas .Arnall, Williams James, mine agent, Falmouth road.
manager), wire weavers & workers · Williams John, boys' school, Clinton road
Toy John, travelling draper, 7 Bond street Williams Mary (Mrs.), grocer, 32 Fore street;
Tredinnick James, mine agent, .Albany road Williams Sampson, farmer, South Trefula
Tregaskis Fanny (Mrs.), stationer, printer, publisher, book- Williams Sampson, fruiterer, South Trefula.
seller, bookbinder &c. & stamp office, 70 Fore st. See adv t Williams Samuel, tin streamer, Carn s1de
Treglown John, shopkeeper, 33A, Plain-an-Gwarry Williams William, purveyor of meat & z:~ole maker of the
Tregunna William, travelling draper, 2 Drump terrace celebrated Cornish hog puddings & sausages, 13 Forest
Tremayne Emily (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 28 West end Williamson & Co. drapers, Fore street
Tremayne John Henry, farmer, South Trefula Willoug-hby James, carpenter, u6 Falmouth road
Trenberth Alfred, shopkeeper, so Fore street Wills Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, .28 East end
Trenberth Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Redruth highway Wills Richard, farmer, Sparnons gate
Trenberth William, shopkeeper, I2 East end Wills Richard, tin streamer, Sparnons gate
Treseder William Henry, grocer, 3I Fore street Wilton William George, ironmonger, 84 Fore street
Trestrail Nicholas, dairy, I3 Plain-an-Gwarry Winn John, accountant, 12 Penventon terrace
Trestrail Nicholas, civil engineer, Claremont road Woodrow Charles, plumber, 12 Basset street
' Trethowan William, jobmaster, East end Woods & Co. drapers & milliners, 23 Fore street
Treveal John, shopkeeper, I38 Falmouth road Woods James, farmer, Tolgus
Trevena & Holloway, solicitors, West end ; & at Truro Woods Michael, greengrocer, 54 Fore street
Trevorrow William, tin dresser, 22 .Albany road Woolf Francis William, commercial traveller, Heanton villas
Treweek William,manager of the Consolidated Bank of Corn- Young Men's Christian Association (A. Tangye, hon. sec.),
wall, Penryn street .Alma place
ROCHE is a parish and village, I mile south from Victoria point are the ruins of the ancient chapel of St. Michael,
station on the Newquay branch of the Great Western rail- formed by ttle adaptation of masonry to the natural rock,
way and s! miles north from St. Austell, in the Mid division and probably the habitation of some anchorite ; it consisted,
of the county, western division of the hundred of Powder, I when perfect, of two rooms, one over the other, the lower
petty sessional division of Powder East, union and connty measuring I2 feet by 9, with a window at the east end ; in
court district of St. Austell, rural deanery of St. Austell, I the upper room, or chapel propar, was a larger and more
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. A httle to 1 elegant window; steps cut into the rock lead from the cell
the west of Hensbarrow, in this parish, rises the river Fal, 1to the chapel: the "Holy Well" lies on the north side of the
which, after a course of 20 miles, 4 of which are tidal, falls Bodmin and 'fruro road and about ! mile to the west of the
into the well-known harbour that takes its name. The river Victoria inn; the struc~ure, consisting of a single deep
Par also rises here. The church of St. Gomonda is a plain pointed arch, with some adjacent portions, is of granite, 5
but substantial rectangular building of stone with a north feet 4 inchea in height and 3 feet 4 inches wide ; there was
transept, and was rebnilt, with the exception of the Perpen- formerly a granite figure of a saint on the roof, and near the
dicular tower, in 1822; the latter, of three stages and em- well a chapel, but both have,now disappeared; the spring
battled, contains a clock and 6 bells, all cast in 18I9; there still maintains its reputation, and before sunrise on Holy
is a tablet to aformerrectorin the transept,andafineold Nor- Thursday, and the two following Thursdays, it was the
man font: in I8go the church was restored at a cost of£I,goo, custom of the peasantry to frequent the well and invQke the
under the direction of the late Mr. J. D. Sedding, architect, blessing of the saint by an offering of pins, which were some-
and now affords 302 sittings: in the churchyard is an ancient times bent and then thrown into the water. The Temper·
cross, 7 feet 8 inches high, and 2 feet 4 inches wide, with a 1ance Hall was erected in I884 as a memorial to Thomas
rudely shaped head pierced with four round apertures. The Pearce esq. M. A. and will hold about 250 persons. Fairs are
register of baptisms dates from the year 1572; marriages, held on the day before Holy Thursday, the third Tuesday in
1575; burials, r612. The living is a rectory, net value of July, and the second Tuesday in October. The parish feast
tithe in 1892 £339, net yearly value £330, including 38i" is held on the first Sunday after the first Tnesday in June.
acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. J. China clay is dug out in immense quantities from this neigh-
Thornton for three turns, and J. Rashleigh esq. for one turn, bourhood, and forms a large article of commerce in this and
and held since I 885 by the Rev. .Augustus Vansittart Thorn· adjoining parishes. Viscount Fa.lmouth is lord of the manor.
ton M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge. The Wesleyan The principal landowners are the Earl of Mount Edgcnmbe
chapel, bnilt in 1835, was renovated in 1877, at a cost of P.c., L.L. who is lord of the manor of Tremodrett, Lord
£7oo; the Bible Christian chapel at Tresayes, was erected Robartes, John Tremayne esq. D.L., .r.P. of Heligan, and
in I883 on the site of a former building. There are also Jonathan Rashleigh esq. B.A., D.L., J.P. of Menabilly, 'fy-
Bible Christian chapels at Tregoss, Belowda, Mount Pleasant wardreath. The soil is peat ; subsoil, disintegrated granita
and at Tredmodrett. Within a short distance of the vil- and clay slate. The chief crops are barley and oats. The
lage, on property of Viscount I<'almouth, is a remarkable area is 5,014 acres; rateable value, £7,344; the population
group of rocks consisting of huge masses of granite towering in I89I was I,626.
one above the other to the height of xoo feet: on the hig-hest Parish Clerk, Richard Mewton.
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Office A School Board of 5 members was formed February 7, 1872;
{Railway Sub·Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Cornwall Robert Varcoe, clerk to the board
added).~Mrs. Jane Truscott Williams, postmistress. Board School (mixed), built in 1871, for 26o children; aver.
Letters arrive at 7·55 a.m. & 1.55 p.m.; dispatched at 9 age attendance, 200; Joseph Henry Dixon, master; Miss
& II.30 a.m. & 5.25 p.m.; week days only
WALL LETTER Box, near the Church, cleared at 5·5 p.m. Edith Lean, mistress
week d~s only
OMNIBUS (Trethewey's) to St. Austell, fridays & saturdays
Andrew Mrs. Park villas Harris Thomas, cowkeeper, Carbis Phillips Thomas Trethewey, blacksmith
Best Albert H. Burney Hawke Charles, cowkeeper, Dyehouse Pinch John, cowkeeper, Rose melling
Cock David, Parkwoon house Hawke Jsph.cowkpr.&carter,Goonle~gh Pode Michael, cowkeeper, Carbis
Dyer Edward, Colvreath Hawke Thomas, farmer, Gilley Pode Tom, farmer, Colvreath
Goodfellow Wm. Richd.Higher Trerank Hawke Wilham Hy. farmer, Colvreath Polsua Josiah, cowkeeper, Holywell
Lanyon James, Endsleigh house Hawkey James, farmer, Retillick Retallick James, farmer, Pentonvale
Parkyn Thomas, Finsbury house Hawkey William, farmer, Trerank Retallick Joseph, farmer, Newhouse
Robins Joseph, Harmony cottage Heard John, cowkpr.& poulterer,Carbis Retallick Richd. farmer & carter, Woon
Thornton Rev.AugustusVansittart M. A. Hewitt Thomas, shopkeeper Rickard Martin, clay agent, Park woon
Rectory Hicks Hart, miller (water), Brynn mill Rickard William George, cowkeeper &
Higman Joseph, farmer, Gracca market gardener, Carbis
COMMERCIAL. Higman Robert, boot & shoe maker Robins John & Sons, farmers
Alien Henry, builder, I!ellew Higman Woodman, farmer, Pentonvale Roche Co·operative Stores Limited
ArthurWm.cowkpr.&clayagent,Carbis Hooper Charles, Victoria inn, & farmer (The) (W. J. Millett, manager & sec)
Bassett Thomas, carpenter &c Hooper James (Mrs.), dress maker Rowe William, cowkeeper, Pentevale
Best Albert H. dealer in all kinds of Hold John, cowkeeper, Roche Rowse Charles, farmer, Bowdens
secondhand machinery, oil, grease & Hore William, cowkeeper, Criggan Rowse Edwin, miller (water) &farmer,
general merchant, building material Hoskings John, farmer, Tremoderate Tremodrett
dealer &c. Burney; stores at Bugle Jago Joseph, farmer, Griglands Rowse Joseph, farmer, Penstrays
station & elsewhere Jago Joseph, jun. farmer & carter, Rowse Timothy, coal merchant, Victoria
Beswetherwick John, wheelwright Mount Pleasant Rundle William, farmer, Tregonhay
Bray Robert, cowkeeper, Colvreath James Charles, carrier &cowkpr.Hollew Searle Abel, farmer, Bryn
Brenton Samuel, Commercial inn Julian Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer,Tregoss Stick Thomas, farmer, Hill house
Chapman Thomas Hy. cowkpr.Belowda Julian Herbert Higman, saddler & bar· Tellam John, gamekeeper to Michael
Church Tom, farmer, Colvreath ness maker; saddles, whips, bits, Williams esq. Holywell
ChynowethJn.fmr.&landownr.Belowda brushes &c ThomasSamuel John &Alonza,butchers
Clemence Thomas Peter, miller (water) Kingdon William Arthur, watch makr Thomas Jacob, farmer, Bilberry
& farmer Knight Absolam, hawker, Belowda Thomas John, farmer, Rosemelling
Cock David, mining engineer & china Knight Christopher, farmer, Criggan Thomas Joshua, cowkeeper
clay merchant Knight David, cowkeeper, Criggan Thomas William, farmer
Cock Henry, farmer, Trenouth Knight John, farmer, Rosemelling Trebilcock Jabez, cowkeeper
Cock John, farmer, Brynn Knight Simeon, grocer & corn chandler, Trebilcock James, cowkeeper & black-
Cock John, farmer & carrier, Gilley Bilberry · smith, Tregoss
Cock Rodney, farmer, Tregoss Knight Thomas, farmer, Woon Tremewan Edwin, cowkeeper
Cock Sa:rp, farmer~ Tregoss Knight William, farmer, Tresibble Tremewan William, farmer,Colbiggan
Cock Samuel, mining captain Laury Jas. miller (water), Pendean mill Trethewey Emily & Clara (Misses),
Common John, cowkeeper, Woon Liddicoat James, blacksmith &farmer, shopkeepers
Cornish Bank Limited (The) (sub· Belowda . Trethewey John, cowkeeper, carter, bus
branch) (G. Burrow, manager; LiddicoatJas. farmer&cattle dlr. Brynn proprietor & posting establishment
opened on saturday& fair days I to 4); Liddicoat William, farmer, Belowda Trethewey Kenneth Paul, wheelwright
draw on Smith, Payne & Smiths, Little Johns China Clay Co. (The) Trethewey Nicholas, shoe maker
London E c Lobb James, farmer, Colbiggon Trethewey Richard, farmer, Tresayes
Curteis Robert, Roche Rock inn,& frmr Lobb Thomas, cowkpr. Mount Pleasant Trudgeon Samuel, cowkeeper, Hendra
Curtis Charles, cowkeeper, Belowda Lucas Thomas, cowkeeper, Bcynn VarcoeMargaret(Mrs.),cwkpr. Holywell
Docking John, cowkeeper, Carbis corn Manhire John, mason, Townsend ho Varcoe Richard, farmer, Tregoss
Dyer John, farmer, Colvreath Marshall Alfred Ernest Stanley, auc- Varcoe Robert, auctioneer & assistant
Dyer John, poulterer, Mount Pleasant tioneer & appraiser, The Hollies overseer & collector of rates & taxes
EdyYean Dl. cowkeeper, Trerank moor Marshall William, clay merchant, The & clerk to the school l)oard
Francis Caroline (Mrs.), farmer, Tre· Great WhealProsperClay&Stone wrks Vivian Ann (Mrs.),cowkeeper,Penstrase
moderate Mewton Richd. shoe ma. &parish clerk Vivian Joseph, farmer, Colbiggan
George Samuel, flour dealer Minnear Edwin, flour factor Vivian William, farmer, Colbiggan
GoodfellowWm.Rd.surgn.Highr.Trernk Nicholls Robert, station master,Victoria Vivian William,jun.cowkeeper,Tregoss
Gondge Thomas, farmer, Colvreath Parkyn Thomas, mining agent White Thos. Stick, farmer, 'frebilcock
Grigg Albt.Scantlebury,frmr. Trenower Pascoe Silas, farmer, Hallew WilliamsJaneTruscott (Mrs. ),stationer,
Grigg James, farmer, Belowda Pascoe Tom, clay agent & cowkpr.Woon Post office
Grose Nicholas, jun. grocer Pascoe Woodman, farmer, Woon Woon Apollis, farmer, Hallew
GroseRichd.miller(water)&frmr.Carbis Payne John Henry, cowkeeper Woon Geo. cowkpr. & fruiterer,Criggan
Hrose William, cowkeeper, Woon park Payne Richard, cowkeeper, Tresays Yats William, cowkeeper, Rosemelling
Guard Anne (Miss), shopkeeper· '• Pearce John, farmer, Woon Yelland Daniel, cowkeeper, Colvrea.th
Guard James, farmer, Tregonhay Pearce William, cowkeeper, Tresayes Yelland Ephraim, farmer, Colvreath
Hancock·Simeon, frmr.&butcher,Gilley Pedler Richard, blacksmith & farmer Yelland Henry, cowkeeper, Reesehill
Harris Philip, fanner, Bilberry Phillips Samuel, farmer, Pits mingle ..
RUAN·LANIHORNE is a parish and village, 2t whichfacesthealtarareinterredtheremainsoftheRev.John
miles south-west from Tregony, 7 miles south from Gram· Whitaker B.D. author of " The Ancient Cathedral of. Corn•
pound Road station on the Great Western railway, IO south· wall," and rector of this parish from 1778 till his death, Oc·
east from Truro by the road through Tresillian, and 7 from tober 30, 18o8; and of Jane, his widow, d. 1828; a similar
Trurg by the passage across the Fal at Lamorran, and is stone is inscribed to Jane Margaret Whitaker, daughter of
washed on· the west and south by the waters of the Fal, the Rev. John Whitaker, d. 1798; in the wall of the south
across which a bridge has now been placed from Lamorran aisle is a stone coffin lid of the 13th century, bearing the
to Ruan Church town ; it is in the Mid division of the county, demi-effigy of an ecclesiastic : placed above it is a brass
the western division of the hundred of Powder, petty ses- coffin plate discovered at the time of the restoration, and
sional division of Powder South, Truro union and county inscribed to Richard Tristean, born August 13,. 1579, and
court district, rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry of buried September 5, 1664; there is also a brass with an in·
Cornwall and diocese of Truro. This parish claims to be scription and a marble monument to John Luke esq. of Tre-
considered one of the parishes of Roseland, but Whitaker viles, ob. 1776, and Elizabeth (Morshead), his wife, ob. x778:
maintained it had no right to that honour. The church of in the south transept is a stone effigy of St. Rumon, 'to whom
St. Rumon, situated in a picturesque valley and founded in the church was dedicated, October 17, 1321 ; and there are
1315, is a building of stone with granite facings in the Gothic many modern monuments: the church was fully restored
style, consisting of chancel, nave of six bays, north aisle, in 1866, and has 250 sittings. The register dates from the
south transept, south porch and an embattled western tower year 1685. The living is a rectory,average tithe rent.cbarge
of two stages, with pinnacles, containing 2 bells, dated 1756· £318, net £398, including 123 acres of glebe and house, in
1788 :the chancel retains a sedile, credence and piscina, and the gift of Mrs. Hyde, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Lewis
the roof, pulpit and communion table are all of fine old Morgan Peter M.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, and J.P. who
carved oak; in the transept is a hagioscope; under the floor is also vicar of Cornelly. There is a Wesleyan chapel at
Tregiswin. Here is a small quay, and at high tide the river Charles Williams esq. M.P. of Caerhayes Castle, are the
is navigable for barges of about 30 tons. Near the church chief landowners. The soil is loam; subsoil, slaty schist.
there formerly existed a castle with eight towers, said to The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, turnips and man-
have been the residence of the L'Erchedekne (or Archdeacon) golds. The area is 2,250 acres ; rateable value, £2,616 ;
family, who were extensive landed proprietors in this and the population of the parish in 1891 was 301.
other parts of the county; the outline of the castle can still TREWORGA, 1 ~ miles south, and RuAN. HIGH LANEs, ti
be traced ; the last tower is supposed to have been taken south-east, are ham!ets.
down about the year 1718. Near the centre of the village is Sexton, Thomas Crocker.
an ancient well, inclosed with stone. Treviles was the seat
of the Lukes, and is now the property and residence of the PosT, TELEPHONE & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance
Rev. Lewis Morgan Peter M.A., J. p. rector ofiRuan Lanihorne · Office, Ruan High Lanes.-William Dingle, receiver.
and vicar of Cornelly. Trelonk, formerly the seat of the Letters arrive from Grampound Road at 8.51 a. m. ; dis-
Tresteans, and afterwards the property of the Earls of Rad- patched at; 3·37 p.m. i sundays, 3·37 p.m. Tregony is
nor, is now a farm house. Francis Granville Gregor esq. the nearest telegraph office
D.L. of Trewarthenick, Cornelly, who is lord of the manor, WALL LETTER Box, Ruan Town, cleared at 9.50 a.m. week
the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Col. Arthur Tremayne D.L., days only
J.P. of Carclew, Perran-arworthal, the Rev. L. M. Peter M. A., School (mixed), erected in 187r, for 40 children; average
J.P. Digby Collins esq. n.L., J.P. of Newton Ferrers, and John . attendance, 35; Miss Maria Hawke, mistress
FryerThos.Webb,SeaViewho.High lanes Davey Joseph, King's Head P.H LittleRichard,farmer, Treworgey Vean
HoltRev.Vernon M.A.[curate], Rectory Davey Thomas, farmer, Lambourne & Ruan High lanes
Peter Rev. Lewis Morgan M.A., J.P. Davis Loftus, mason, High lanes
Dawe J ames, carpenter Martin&Matthews,bw1dg. materialdlrs
[rector,also vicar ofCornelly],Treviles Dingle William, sadd~er & shopkeeper, Morse William, shopkeeper, Treworgay
Paull John Hicks, farmer, Trethewey
COMMERCIAL. Post office, High lanes
Dowrick James, blacksmith Paull John Truscott, farmer, Trelonk
Buckingham James (late band master Dumble Wm. shoe maker, High lanes Retallack Ernest, farmer, Trethella
1st Battalion East Yorkshire Regi- Fryer Thomas Webb, surgeon, & med. Roberts Charles, farmer, Cregoe
ment), farmer, Tregisswyn Thomas Elizh. Crocker (Miss),shopkpr
officer Veryan district, Truro union, Treffry William, farmer, Penhesken
Carkeek John M. carpenter, High lanes Sea View house, High lanes Trelonk Brick & China Clay Co. Lim.
Coad James, shopkeeper & carpenter Giles John, farmer, Trenestrail Williams Giles, farmer, Barn
Coad John, farmer, Gonitor Hocking Richard, farmer, Eeruppa
Davey John, farmer, 'l'reworgay
RUAN MAJOR is a parish, 8 miles south-south-east r682; marriages and burials, r685. The living is a rectory
from Helston terminal station of a branch of the Great annexed to that of Landewednack, joint net yearly value
Western railway, 16 south-south-west by road, via Gweek £,2oo, including 130 acres of glebe, with residence, in the
bridge, from Penryn, in the Truro division of the county, gift of the Rev. Henry Vyvyan, rector of St. Mary's, Castle-
hundred of KeiTier, petty sessional division of Kerrier West, gate, York, and held since r88g by the Rev. Charles
Helston union and county court district, rural deanery of Shimmin Vyvyan, who resides at Landewednack. Viscount
KiiTier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. Falmouth, who is lord of the manor, Lord Robartes, and
The church of St. Rumon is a small building of stone in the Mr. Alexander Pengilly are the principal landowners. The
Perpendicular style, rebuilt with the exception of the tower soil is chiefly clay, resting on serpentine marble. The
on a small scale in 1866, and consists of chancel, nave of two chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and grass. The area is
bays, small aisles and an embattled western tower 45 feet 2,533 acres, a large portion of which is waste land; rateable
high, w~th crocketed pinnacles and containing one bell, value, £,842; the population in 18gr was 79·
dated 1630: there are two stained windows: the church was Letters through Helston, arrive at 12 noon. Roan Minor is
restored and reseated with open benches in 1870 and affords the nearest money order, & telegraph office at Cadgwith
100 sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year The children of this parish attend the school at Ruan Minor
Bolitho Richard, farmer, Trenoon Hodge Peter, farmer, Treleaze Skewes Hannibal, farmer, Tresoddron
Gilbert George, farmer, Tresoddron & Hoskin John, farmer, Chureh town SkewesJamesHenry, farmer, Survarloes
Trelugga. Pengilly Alexander, farmer & land- Thomas Hy. Carter, farmer, Erisey
Harris Thomas, farmer, Hendra owner, Trice
RUAN MINOR is a village and parish on the sea coast, parish consists of downs. There are serpentine quarries
10 miles south-east from Helston terminal station of a here. Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. B.A., D.L.,
branch of the Great Western railway and 3 north-east of J. P. of Trewithan, Probus, is lord of the manor and prin-
the Lizard, in the Truro division of the county, western cipallandowner. The soil is partly clay and partly loam;
division of the hundred of Kirrier, petty sessional division of 'subsoil, serpentine rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley
Kerrier West, Helston union and county court district, and oats. The area is 658 acres; rateable value, £768; the
rural deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry of Cornwall and population in 18gr was 253. ·
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Rumon is a small CADGWITH is a village a quarter of a mile south from the
building of stone in the Decorated style, skilfully restored in church, partly in this parish and, partly in that of Grade,
1854-5, and consists of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, which see. Here is a life-boat, the "Jos. Armstrong,"
north porch and a western tower of one stage, with project- belonging to the National Life Boat Institution.
ing embattled parapet and pyramidal roof and containing 2 Deputy Parish Clerk, John Johns, Cadgwith.
bells, dated 1759 and 1624; a third bell has been removed: PosT & M. 0. 0., 8, B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
the chancel was enlarged in 1879: there are 120 sittings. ·· (Railway Sub-Office. Letters should have R.S.O. Corn-
The register of baptisms and burials dates from the year wall, added).-Miss Catherine Mitchell1 sub-postmistress.
1653; marriages, l667. The living is a rectory, annexed to Letters arrive at 10.15 a.m.; dispatched at 12.5 p.m.:
that of Grade, tithe rent-charge (Ruan Minor) £105, joint ·there is no delivery or dispatch on sunday. Cadgwith is
gross yearly value £4oo, net £255, including 12 acres of the nearest telegraph office
glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Rev. C. H. G. National School (mixed), built in 1859, for 100 children;
Vivian B.A. rector of Creed, and held since 1888 by the Rev. · average attendance, 96; Joseph Ritchie Pyatt, master;
John Jervis Mallock M.A. of Exeter College, Oxon. There ' Miss Mary White, assistant mistress
are Wesleyan Methodist, Association Methodist and Bible CONVEYANCE- TO HELSTON (for passengers & parcels),
Christian chapels. A large portion of the land in this Henry Pollard, on wed. & sat. returning same days
Cohen Herbert CurnowWilliam, farmer, Mount Carless Nicholls James, fat·mer, caiTiages on
Mallock Rev. John Jervis M. A. Rectory Johns John, stone mason hire, Treleague
COMMERCIAL, Johns Sampson, farmer, Treveddon Nicholls Joseph, farmer & apartments,
Alien Stephen, boot maker Johns William, farmer, Treal Cadgwith
Bolitho George, Cadgwith hotel Knowles Ernest & George, farmers, Nicholls Louisa (Miss), apartments
Bosustow Sampson, farmer, Crowgie Treworda .. Raven Jeannette (Mrs.), apartments
BouldenNathaniel, farmer,Boneventon Maclean Wm. farmer, Church town Rowe Jas. Glasson, farmer, Treveddon
Bray Henry, carriage proprietor & fur- Mankey Richard, boot &shoe ma. Treal Stone Charles, farmer, Long alley
nished apartments, near the Lizard, Mitchell Catherine (Miss), shopkeeper, Stone James, farmer, Long alley
Kynance & Cadgwith; lovely sea Post office Wearne William, farmer & miller
view, Churchtown Mundy John, farmer & smith (water), Poltesco
Carter Brothers, carpenters Nankervis John, serpentine works, Williams Frank, apartments, Cadgwith
CarterJn. tailor, &post office, Cadgwith Church town
SAINT.-Allplaces with the prefix" Saint" will be found the order of Austell; St. Germans, of Germans; St. Ives,
in this work arranged in alphabetical order as if the word of Ives, and so on.
" Saint" were not used: thus St. Austell will be found in
SALTASH was known anciently, according to Carew, tion, is an ancient building of stone, mainly of the Norman
as "Villa de Esse," after a family of that name, the word period, dating from about u20, but with portions of Deco-
Salt being prefixed on account of its marine situation; it rated and Perpendicular work, and consists of chancel, nave,
is a municipal borough, township and chapelry, on the north aisle, north chapel, south transept, south porch and a
western bank of the river Tama.r, which separates it tower on the north side, containing 6 bells : in the north
from the county of Devon, with a station on the Great wall of the transept are three stout piers and two closed
Western railway, 251 mile~ from London and 5 north- arches, which seem to mark the former junction of the
west from Plymouth, in the South Eastern division of church with the monastic building to which it belonged :
the county, south division of the hundred of East, petty the bosses of the roof display the arms of Richard (Planta·
sessional division of East South, St. Germans union, East genet), Earl of Poitou and Cornwall, and those of Edmund,
Stonehouse county court district, rural deanery of East, his son and successor: in the wall of the building is an in-
archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The town is scribed tablet recording its renovation in x68g : the monu-
built on a steep, rocky acclivity ; the old houses rising ments are all of modern date: the church was well restored
tier above tier, to the summit of the hill at Longstone, from in r86g, at a cost of £r,3oo: a. stained east window has
which point the prospect is very fine, embracing on the since been inserted : there are about 500 sittings. The
south-east the whole harbour of Plymouth, with its break- register dates from the year 1694 ; there is also a register of
water, the Hamoaze and its wooded shores and Mount Edg- marriages supposed to have taken place at St. Stephen's,
cumbe, while at the rear are the Dartmoor hills and the from 1740. 'fhe Jiving is a perpetual curacy, gross yearly
rivers Tamar and Tavy winding their way down to the sea. value £305, including 4 acres of glebe, with residence, in
The town has much improved since 1852, and PORT VIEW, the gift of the Bishop of Truro, by deed of gift from the
where many good houses have been erected, is regarded as parishioners, who purchased the advowson and transferred
one of the most beautiful localities in the West of England. it to the bishop, in order to obtain the assignment of a
The town was first incorporated in the reign of King John parochial district, and it has been held since 18gr by the
by Reginald de Valletort, Baron of Trematon, and this char- Rev. William Henry Bolton M.A. of Queens' College, Cam-
ter, confirmed by Richard II. in 138r, was again confirmed bridge. The Baptist chapel in Cnlver road will seat 400
by Henry VI. in 1461; Henry VIII. in 1509-zo; by Elizabeth persons. The Wesley Centenary and Memorial chapel in
and by Charles Il. in 1678 ; the latter granted a new charter Fore street, erected in r89r, at a cost of £3,600, will seat
in 1683 and George Ill. in 1774, confirmed the charter of 620 persons.
Queen Elizabeth ; but the privileges of the borough under-
went some changes in the reign of George IV. The borough The Guildhall, in the principal street, is a plain building,
returned two members to Parliament from the time of supported on granite pillars. The Corporation insignia in-
Edward VI. until its disfranchisement under the Reform Act clude two large maces, three silver oar8 with mace heads,
of 1832, among whom were Clarendon the historian, mem· and a borough seal : the maces, each 3 feet 7 inches
ber for Saltash in the Long Parliament in r64o, and in r685 in length, form a pair, and are of silver, the design
Edmnnd Wailer, the poet, then Bo years old. Under the being the same in both ; the shafts, which are unusually
Municipal Corporations Act of 1883 (46 and 47 Vie. c. 18), massive, are richly chased and banded, and from the upper
Saltash received a new charter of incorporation, September band spring figure brackets supporting the heads, the surface
r8, r885, and is now governed by a mayor, 4 aldermen and of which is divided by scroll and foliaged ornament into
12 councillors, who also act as the Urban Sanitary Authority. four compartments, displaying the borough arms, the
The boundaries of the borough and the parish are co-ex- figure of a three-masted ship under sail, the Prince of Wales's
tensive. The liberty of the "water Thamer," or Tamar, plume and motto, an anchor, and the arms of the donor ;
which is attached to this borough, extends (by prescriptive above is a cresting from which spring open-arched crowns,
right, as well as by the provisions of various charters), "sea- with a pair of oars in saltire ; on the fiat of each head are
ward to an imaginary line drawn across Plymouth Sound the royal arms, with supporters ; these maces were pre-
from Penlee Point on the west to the Shagstone on the east, sented to the borough, in r6g6, by Francis Buller esq. and
thence to Prince's rock on the Laira, to Old Man's Beard in bear the London hall-marks for that. date: two of the silver·
the Tavy, to Ogle Tor rock, above Calstock, in the Tamar, to oar maces form a pair, and are rg! inches in length; the
Cnddenbeak point in the St. Germans or Lynher river, to heads, of a semi-globular form, are crested and have the
Cnmble Tor rock in the Lynher, and to all the intervening royal arms on the fiat top ; the oar-blades exhibit three-
bays, creeks and places as far as high water mark." The masted ships, an anchor and the Prince's plume, with the
magisterial and criminal jurisdiction of the borough is exer- date 1623 and inscriptions : the smaller and similar oar-
cised throughout the whole area of the "liberty," and bF mace is 7t inches long and dates from q6o : the borough
prescription and chartered rights, the corporation of Saltash seal of the 14th century displays, within a cusped sexfoil, the
are entitled to port dues of one shilling from every vessel drop- arms of Richard, Earl of Poitou and Cornwall, viz. "arg. a
ping anchor in the port of Plymouth, within the limits de- lion ramp. gu. crowned, or. within a bordure sa. bezantee: "
fined above, these dues being now taken by persons to whom the Corporation also possess a remarkable punch-bowl 15
they are let on lease ; the corporation are also entitled to the inches high and 12 in diameter, formed out of a solid piece
oysterage within the Liberty, except in the Cattewater, and of wood : the mayor's official costume includes a robe of
to the right of dredging for oysters ; and have the control scarlet cloth trimmed with sables and a cocked hat ; the
of the Saltash ferry, to!.l'ether with other privileges. The justice or ex-mayor has a black robe, and the mace-bearers
shipping belonging to the town has at one time been con- have scarlet silver-laced gowns and three-cornered hats.
siderable, and it still has a number of coast-trading vessels The fisheries of the Tamar have been much injured by
and a very efficient service of river passenger-steamers. The impurities from mines at the head of the river. Cattle sales
town is well paved, lighted with gas by a company, and iu are held on the first Tuesday in each month and on the 2oth
r88g a system of drainage was cd.rried out at a cost of of the month. The St. Nicholas' Lending Library, at the
£goo; and a further sum of £6,ooo has been assigned for National schoolroom, contains several hundred volumes.
the purpose of securing a better and continuous water The Zetland Masonic Lodge, No. r,o7r, meets on the first
supply. The Royal Albert bridge, which carries the Great Monday in each month in :Fore street. Saltash is a nursery
Western railway across the river Tamar, was erected in for seamen and furnishes a great number of men and boys
I 857·59, at a cost of £ 23o,ooo, from the designs of Isambard for the royal navy. A regatta for rowing boats is held here
K. Brunei esq. ; it consists of two spans, each of 455 feet : annually on Coronation day (28th June); the watermen of
the centre pier rests on the solid rock, and is carried up to a the port are celebrated for their skill, and have carried off
height of 240 feet from the foundation : the span is of oval prizes at regattas round the coast. River steamers ply
tubing 17 feet by 12, the ends being connected by chains hourly between here and Devonport. St. .Harnabas Cottage
forming a parabolic curve, from which the roadway is sus- Hospital and Convalescent Home, at Port View, was erected
pended at a height of 100 feet above high-water mark: the in r887 from designs by G. H. F. Prynne, architect, at a
whole structure is strengthened and steadied by vertical cost of £5,6oo, defrayed by Mrs. Ley, and is a building ()f
struts and diagonal braces: it was opened by H.R.H. the red brick with stone facings and Decorative work ; it is
Prince Consort, on the 2nd May, 1859· The effect of this vested in trustees, one being the vicar of Saltash for the
railway on the commerce of the county has been very great, time being. 'fhere are charities amounting to £2r yearly
owing to the rapid communication it offers with London, a value. Saltash maintains its own poor conjointly with the
market being thus provided for the broccoli, potatoes and several parishes of St. Germans union. In 1643, Ruthven,
other vegetables grown in Cornwall, which are produced in governor of Plymouth, retreating after his defeat at Brad-
this cour.ty at an earlier period of the year than any other dock down, between Liskeard and Bodmin (Jan. xg), was
county in England. South of the bridge is a steam ferry, attacked here by Lord Mohun and Sir Ralph Hopton and
belonging to and worked by the corporation, which is fre'3 driven across the Tamar. The area is 170 acres; rateable
to inhabitants, but strangers pay ono penny toll each way. value, £7,579; the population of the borough in x8gr was
SS. Nicholas and :Faith is an ecclesiastical parish formed 2,745, including 204 in the Devon and Cornwall Industrial
May ro, ~88r. The chapel, which belongs to the corpora- School ship, "Mount Edgcumbe."
Official Establishments, Local Institutions &~:
PosT, M. 0. &.T. 0., S. B. &Annuity & Insurance Office.- PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
Fred Avery Rawling, postmaster. Houl"S of attendance: St. Barnabas Cottaga Hospital & Convalescent Home, R. C.
-For sale of stamps, registration of letters &c. week days, Revell, R. T. Meadows l\LD., c.M. & G. Preston L.R.C.P.
7 a.m. to 8 p.m ; sunday, 8 to IO a.m. ; for M. 0. & Edin., D.P.H. medical officers; F. Blatchley, hon. sec ·
S. B. Government Annuity & Insurance business & issue Guildhall, Fore street, W. H. Mathew, treasurer
()f licences, week days, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; for tele.:,oaph VoLU'\TEERs.
business, weekdays, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; sunday, 8 to Ioa.m 2nd Volunteer Battalion Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
MAlLS ARRIVE. (I Company); Drill hall, Fore street; Capt. R. C. Revell,
From London & United Kingdom generally, 5 a.m.; North commander ; S. P. Trood, lieutenant; Surg.-Capt. R. T.
. of England, Scotland & Ireland, II.4o a. m. ; Cornwall, Meadows M.D. medical officer
I.40 p.m. ; London, Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth & Devon- PUBLIC OFFICERS:-
port, 3 p.m.; London, Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth, Devon- Assistant Overseer, Alld. Edwd. Vosper Paine, IOO Forest
port & all parts, 5·45 p.m. ; Cornwall, 8 p. m Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment & School Attendance
DISPATCHED. Committees & Rural Sanitary Authority & Superintendent
I"or Cornwall, 4.40 a. m. ; London, Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth Registrar of St. Germans Union, Frederick William
& all parts, 9.40 a.m.; Cornwall, II.Io a.m.; Davonport, Cleverton, Windsor villa
Plymouth, Exeter, Bristol, North of England, Scotland & Inspector of Weights & Measures, W. Jane, Bodmin
Ireland, r.Io p.m. ; Cornwall, 2.35 p.m.; Plymouth & Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators & Medical Officel"S of
Devonport, 5.20 p.m. ; London & all parts, 7.30 p.m. ; Health, St. Germans union, 4th district, Richard Carter
Devonport, Plymouth, Exeter & all parts, IO. Io p. m. Revell, Alexandra house; 5th district, George Preston
Lettel"S registered up to half an hour before these times L.R.C.P.Edin., D.P.H. Laurel bank
DELIVERIEs CoMMENCE. Registrar of Births & Deaths, Saltash sub-district & Re-
General, 7 a.m.; North mail, n.so a. m. ; Ist London day lieving & Vaccination Officer North district, St. Germans
mail, 3· Io p. m. ; 2nd London day mail, 8. IO p.m. ; rural union, Christopher Herring Rawling, Lynher view, St.
districts only, 6 a.m. & s.go p.m Stephens
BoROUGH MAGISTRATES FOR SALTASH. Deputy Registrar of Births & Deaths for Saltash sub-dis-
The Mavor & ex-Mavor. trict, St. Germans union, Fredk. A very Rawling,98 Fore"St
Clerk to the Magistrates, Fred.wm:Cleverton,Windsor vil Registrar of Marriages for St. Germans district, William
Petty Sessions are held at the Town hall every first tuesday Williams Harvey, 29 Fore street
PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services:-
in each month
St. Nicholas Church, Rev. William Henry Bolton M.A.
CoRPOR4TION. incumbent; Rev. William Martin Abbott F.s.sc. curate;
7.15, 8 & II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 7
Mayor, Alderman Philip Erisey Blackburn Porter p.m. ; wed. & fri. I2 noon
Baptist, Rev. Gavin McFadyean; II a. m. & 6.30 p.m.;
Ex-Mayor, Alderman William Shaddock
I §Philip Erisey Blackburn tues. & fri. 7.30 p.m
I+lWilliam Dusting, jun Wesleyan, Rev. Richard Peter Davey; II a.m. & 6.30 p.m.;
George Adams Porter
tues. & fri. 7.30 p.m
§William Shacldock SCHOOLS:-
Devon & Cornwall Industrial School Ship "Mount Edg-
tJobn Weeks Hosldng t\Villiam Victor Alford
cumbe; " Thomas Pitts, jun. hon. sec. ; Capt. Herbert
tWilliam Henry Morrish tWilliam Bright Price Knevitt R.N. supt
A School Board of 5 members was formed June 30, 187I;
tRichard Pearce *Fred Avery Rawling Frederick William Cleverton, Windsor villa, clerk to the
tRobert Cook board; ·wm. Jarvis, Alexandra square, attendance officer
I *Richard Miller The Board meet on the first thnrsday in each month at the
Board school, North road, at 7 p.m
tEdward Henry Clark thus tt I *John Taylor Brooking
tJames Pearce thus *John Morrish
Marked retire
Marked retire in 1R93.
MMked thus ,j> retire in 1895. Board, built in 1872, for 113 boys, II3 girls & II3 infants~
M!\I"ked thus § retire in 1897. average attendance, 101 boys, 87 girls & 104 infants;
Mayor's Auditor, Fred Avery Rawling; Elective Auditors, James Tripp, master ; Miss Frederica Toope, mistress;
Miss Elizabeth Geddes, infants' mistress
J. H. Keane & N. Bray
OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION & URBAN SANITARY Rail way Station, Robert May, station master
Town Clerk, Frederick William Cleverton, Windsor villa CALLINGTON & PLYMOUTH-James Pawley, tues. & thurs.
Treasurer, 'Villiam Mathew, 35 Fore street & to Oallington only on wed
Medical Officer of Health, Rt. Thornton Meadows III.D., C.M CALLINGTON-W. Bond, to & from, daily from railway
Borough Surveyor, William Williams Harvey, 29 Fore st station at 9.30 a.m. &5 p.m.; wed. additionally at II a.m.;
Veterinary Inspector, William H. L. Clark llf.R.c.v.s John Rickard, daily at 7 a.m.; wed. 8.45 a.m
Collector of Rates, Alfred Edward Vosper Paine, 43 Forest LAUNCESTON-Ja.mes Pawley, sat
Town Crier, William John Rawlings, 3 Albert road LTSKEARD-James Pawley, sat
Town Sergeant, James Penberthy, I Waterloo road A 4-horse Mail to & from Callington daily
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Brooking George, 9 Dudley terrace D.~acon John, 26 Albert road
Abbott Rev. William Martin F.s.sc. Brooking John Taylor, 1 Dudley terrace Deeb le John, Eureka cottage
[curate of St. Nicholas & Faith], 4 Brown John, I Home Park terrace De Witt, Thomas, The Tower
Maristow terrace Brown Thomas, 4 Commercial place Dickson Mrs. Knaston villa
Adams George, Home park Buck Miss, 2 Paxton villas, Port view Dimon Alfred, Valetta house
Ancell Robert, I Home Park villas Buttle Charles, I Fernleigh terrace Ding James, 95 Fore street
Andrews William John, II3 Fore street Clark Wm. Humbly Lower, Carey vil Doswell Mrs. 3 Magdala villas
Ashworth Mrs. r St. Stephen's mount Clarke Edward Hy. 9 Home Park ter Down Lieut. William R.N. Maristow ho
Austin Lieut. John Ward R.N. Glen- Clatworthy Thomas, I Commercial pi Downe Miss, Pa.rk Hill cottage
side, Lower Port view Clatwor~hy Thos. jun. 2 Commercial pl Downe Mrs. Park cottage
Barnard Ernest Augustus William, 8 Cleverton Fredk. Wm. Windsor villas Drewe Miss, 2 ·windsor terrace
Home Park terrace Coad Miss, 3 Dudley terrace Edwards William Eglow, Ormsby villa.
Ba1'I'aball Thomas, I Well Park terrace Collins Francis,s Home Park terrace Albert road
Barrett Arthur Richard, Dunheved ho Coombes Sampson, 17 Albert road Ellery Henry, 8 Windsor tel"l"ace
Battishell George, 7 Westbourne ter Cotter Mrs. 2 Home P.trk terrace Emmott Miss, 2 Clifton -villas
Bawden John McKinley, I Hamoaze Cullum George Lake, 2 Warfe1ton tar Ferris Miss, 2 Warleigh villas
tel"l"ace, Lower Port view Cundy Isaac, I3 Brunei terrace Festing Commander Henry Marwood
Belt Mrs. I Albert terrace Curry William, 6 Belle Vue terrace Colson R.N. 2 Tamar villas
Bennett John, 59 Fore street CurtisWilliam,IPaxton villas,Port view Foote William, I Brunei terraee
Bennett William,1Church Park cottages Curtler Miss, Tamar house, New road Foo~ner Wilham, 4 Windsor terrace
Blatchley Frederick, I Clifton villas Dalby Miss, Prospect house Fv• nemore Wm. Richd. 2 Maristow tel'
Bleasby Mrs. 2 Dudley terrace
Daniell Nathaniel Carter, 27 Albert rd Geach Ge"1. Chambers, I Magdala. viis
Bolton Rev. William Henry IILA. [in- Davey Rev. Richard Peter [Wesleyan], Gibson John, 2 Home Park villas
cumbent], Ravenswood Woodford villa Gibson Mrs. 9 Brunei terrace
Bowen Mrs. 5 Hamoaze terrace Dawe Mrs. 8 Brunei terrace Gilbert William, Fernleigh honse
Bremner Mrs. Belle Vue cottage Deacon James, 5 Belle Vue terrace . Gitsham Jame.'l, I I Brnnel terracs
DEV. & CORN. 80
IGoodman George, 3 Westbourne ter Preston Geo. Laurel ban!I, Pgrt view BroadJane (Mrs.),confectnr.ro6 Forest
Gosljng James, 3 Sea View terrace • Pritohard Mrs. 3 Home Park terrace Burns Edwin John, Green Dragon P.H.
Grose Ambrose, Beulah cottage Pryn Mrs. 9 Windsor terrace 101 Fore street
Hall Thomas, Green Bank villa Pryor J oseph Thomas, 2 Lamorna ter Bu-rns George, plumber, 6o Fore street
Hallett John, 9 Tamar terrace Rawling Mrs. 91 Fore street Burt Rosa (Miss), ladies' boarding
Harris John, I6 Albert road Reed .Mrs. 4 Lamorna terrace school, Seymour house
Harvey Alfred, 21 Fore street Redman Emmanuel, I9 Albert road Chapman William, beer ret, Albert rd
Harvey William Williams, 29 Fore st Reveil Richard Carter, Alexandra house Chevers Thos. J. blacksmith,n5 Fore st
Hawke Mrs. 9 Maristow terrace Rickard John, Rose Hill villa Cleverton Frederick William, solicitor,
Herring Frank, 7 Maristow terrace Roberts Stephen, 4 Dndley terrace town clerk, clerk to the magistrates
Hewlett Miss, The Mansion, Fore street Rogel"s Wm. M.D.,R.N. I Lynwood villa & to the guardians & rural sanitary
Hewlett Mrs. The Mansion, Fore street Roseveare Mrs. 5 Windsor terrace authority~ school attendance & assess-
Hill Miss, 2 Windsor terrace RoseveareMrs.Collingwood cot Albert rd ment committees & superintendent
Hobson William, I Slade Park cottages Rowe Richard, 4 Sea View terrace registrar of St. Germans & clerk to
Hodge Richard, 22 Albert road Rule Richard, I Springfield terrace the school board, Windsor villa
Hood Thos. Blair, Seaviewvil.Portview Rundle John Peter, Sherwood villa Cloake William, watch maker,53Fore st
Hooper William, Chaurdy cottage Rundle Mrs. Albert cottage CoffinHarrt. (Mrs. ),fshmngr. xo Tamr.st.
Hosking John Weeks, 5 Warfelton ter Sander John, 2 Springfield terrace Collins Francis,carpenter, 5 Home park
Hosking Richard, 12 Silver street Saunders Mrs..5 Maristow terrace Collins Rd. Fras. shopkpr. 2 Tamar st
Hosking Robert, Prospect cottages Scott Mrs. 7 Windsor terrace Comber Philip, boot maker, 35t Forest
Hunter Mrs. 5 Dudley terrace Shaddock William, Flora villa . Conservative Club (Nathaniel Carter
Hyde Mrs. 2 Well Park terrace Shuter Fredk. Wm. 1 Westbourne ter Daniell,sec. & treasurer), Conservative
Innes William, Hope house, 124 Forest Skantelberry Joseph, 2 Home Park cots hall, Fore street
Jennings William Alfred George, Lorne Skinner J oseph, IO Brunei terrace Cory John, butcher, 99 Fore street
villa, Port view Skinner Thomas, 3 Belle Vue terrace CookRobert, baker,Post office,7Tamar st-
Jepson William M.D. Malvern house Smith Alfred, 3 Brunei terrace Coram Jn. Barraball,shopkpr.57Fore st.
Jillard John Dart, 4 Warfelton terrace l:lnell Mrs. Edwd.Culver park,Culver rd Croft Willis, shopkeeper, 2I Fore street
Johnston Edward, 9I Fore street Snell Mrs. 4 Magdala villas Deacon ·wm. stone mason, I5 Forest
Jones Mrs. Warfelton house Snell William, 4 Brunei terrace Deeble Thos. Durton,tailor,2oAlbert rd
KeaneJsph.Hy.R.N.Holly bnk.Port view Somerset Commander William Henry Devon & Cornwall Industrial School
Keast Richard, 3 Toronto place R.N. Claremont, Port view Ship "Mount Edgcumbe" (Capt. H~
Keigwin Staff-Commander George Speare Edwin, Hill Park villa P. Knevitt R.N. supt. ; Thomas Pitts.
Stephen R.N. I I Maristow terrace Speare Ernest Ed win, Park Hill cottage jun. hon. sec)
Kelly Alfred, Magdala ho. Albert road Speare Mrs. 94 Fore street Doney Woodman, baker, 64A, Forest
Kelly Mrs. 2 Brunei terrace Spink Mrs. 114 Fore street Downe Annie(Miss), ladies' school, Park
Kemp Mrs. 10 Tamar terrace Spraggs Henry Charles, 4 Hamoaze ter View cottage
Kevern Henry, 3 Warfelton terrace Squires Frederick Wm. 2 Magdala viis Dwelly Tom, draper, I07 Fore street
King Saml. Thos. Rose cott. Cuiver rd Stafford Mrs. 4 We!!tbourne terrace Ellery Richard, shopkeeper, 55 Fore st
Knevitt Capt.Herbt. Price R.N. "Mount Stephens Thomas (chief gunner R.N.}, Friary & Seraphic School (Franciscan
Edgcumbe" school ship Edzell villa, Lower Port view Grey Friars), Lower Port view
Knowling-Edwards Miss, 3 Windsor ter Stumbles Charles, 3 Tamar terrace Gilbert William, managing director to
Lander Mrs. 2 Albert terrace Stumbles Mrs. 6 Tamar terrace the Steam Boat Company, Fernleigb
Lapthorne Mrs. 6 Albert terrace Symons Thomas, Belle vue Goad Albert Edward, shopkeeper &
Laundry William, 5 Brunei terrace Taylor William, Minden villa blacksmith, 47 Fore street
Lee Mrs. Mount Cair cottage Tinney John Martin, Dudley villas Goad Charles Edwin, shopkeeper & car- •
Lewarne William, River view Tinney William Henry, Essex house penter, 43 Fore street
Littleton Mrs. I Port View house Tonkin Simeon Richard, Claremont Goad James, dairy, 96 Fore street
McFadyean Rev. Gavin [Baptist], I Toope Joshua, 5 Tamar terrace Goodman Jane(Mrs. ), Wheat Sheaf P.H~
Windsor terrace Tregear Mrs. 18 Albert road Town quay
Mcllroy Ml).tthew, 7 Tamar terrace Tremeer Fredk. Wm. 5 Sea View ter Grylls 'fhomas Millman, manager of the
Mclnerny John, Portland villa Trenear John, Spring villa, Port view Naval Bank, 108 Fore street
Mahany Wm.Richard, 10 HomePark ter Trew William (fleet-paymaster R.N.), 2 Guildhall(W.H. Mathew, treas. Fore st.
Mahoney John, 2 Hamoaze terrace Lynwood villas, Lower Port view Hamblyn Emma (Mrs.), beer retailer.
Marshall Robert, West Park villa Tripp James, 3 Well Park terrace I33 Fore street
Martin Henry, Well Park villa Trood Edward, Rosecliff Hamblyn Eliza (Mrs.), refreshment-
Martyn George, Well park, Fore street Vickery Thomas, Essa villa rooms, 10 Fore street
Martyn Wm. Beulah villa, New road Vosper Fredk. Leopold, 8 Maristow ter Harris Thomas, shopkeeper, 61 Fore st
May Rev. John [Baptist], Woodstock Vosper Richd. Marine Yilla, Albert rd Harvey William Williams, registrar of
villa, Culver road Walters John, 4 West park marriages & borough surveyor & in-
Meadows Robt. Thornton M.D. Port view Warren Charles Edwd. IO Maristow ter spector of nuisances & of common
Meadows Surgeon-Major General Robt. Widdecombe Robert Chubb (fleet engi- lodging houses, 29 Fore street
Wyatt, Fensalir neer R.N. ), Crosspark cottage Hawke & Son, drapers & tailors, 27 &
Meryon Capt. Jn. Edwd. R.N. Boisdale Wiginton Edmond, Rosemont 28 Fore street
Mill Richard, 7 BrnnP.l terrace Wilders Mrs. I Tamar terrace Hawkings Edwd. boot maker, 63 Fore st
Miller Richard, I Port View house Willcocks John Rogers, Alto Vesta villa Hawkins Jas. boot maker, I29 Forest
Moon John R.N. Dudley villa Williscroft William, 21 Fore street Head EphraimRichd. boot ma.44 Ferest
MooreRobertAlexander,staff-paymaster Willmer James Alfred, 2 Slade park Herring Frank, coal mer. Ashtor wharf
R.N. 3 Fernleigh terrace Wilton Charles Abbott, Medina villa Hewlett Kate (Miss), school for young
Morrish Wm. Cullis, Home ParJ.. cot Wing Thomas Alfred, 2 Tamar terrace ladies, The Mansion, Fore street
Morgan J ames, 69 Fore street Withell Robt. Gillard, 3 Albert terrace Hodder William, refreshment rooms,
Morgan William Richd. 3 Lamorna ter COl\IMERCIAL. Ashtor house
Mortimer Henry, 5 Albert terrace Abbott Jacob, shopkeeper, Springfield Hunt Charles, Royal Albert Bridge inn,
Moyse William Screech, 4 Home Pk. ter' cottage, Fore street Albert road
Neath Mrs. Lockwood house Alford William Victor, builder, 3 Jarvis William, school board attendance
Netting Mrs. 2 Belle Vue terrace Springfield terrace officer, Alexandra square
Nicholls James, I5 Albert road Andrews Richard Thomas, Town Hall Kevern Stephen, school for · boys,
Nicholson Robt. Hy. 2 Church Park cots inn, 37 Fore street Windsor house
Nott George Franc• is, Prospect cottage Ball John, dairy, 49 Fore street Kinsman John Clough, saddler & har-
Oliver William Hicks, I Belle Vue ter Bennett & Palmar, coal mers. 40 Forest ness maker, 2 North road
PaineJn.Rd.Vosper,Marine vil.Albert rd Betty John Quick, jobmaster & rail ManatonWilliam, hair dresser,42Fore st
Palmar George, 3 Maristow terrace agent, Railway Hotel stables, Fore st Marshall Jane(Mrs. ),PassageHouse inn,
Palmer Mrs. 12 Brunei terrace Batho Thos.Rt. gro. & baker,132 Forest Tamar street
Parsons Rd. Rehoboth cot. Lr. Port view Bevan Annie (Miss), general iron- Masonic Lodge(Zetland,No. I07I) (Thos.
Pascoe J oseph Frank, Home Park villa monger, 30 Fore street D. Deeble, sec.), Fore street
Pearce James, Marlborough house Blake Richard, shopkeeper, 3 Tamar st Mathew William Ham, pharmaceutical
Pearn William, 120 Fore street Blake Richd.jun. shopkeepr. go Tamar st chemist, agent to W. & A. Gilbey
Pemberton Rundle Jackson, 3 West pk Blight Jessie (Mrs.), baker, 27 Forest Limited, wine & spirit merchants &
Penberthy Chas. Paul, 1 Warleigh viis Blight Thomas, haberdasher & car- borough treasurer, 35 Fore street
Penny John Peter, 6 Dudley terrace penter, 3I Fore street MeadowsRobertThornton M.D.,C.M. sur-
Pett George Thornton, The Ferns Bonney Ann (Mrs. ),shopkpr. 136 Forest geon to Army Medical Reserve & med-
Porter PhilipEriseyBlackbrn. 109Fore st BrayNicholas,Commercial hotel,Fore st ical officer of health to the urban
Porter Roderick, 6 Hamoaze terrace Bright Wm. seedsman, 66 Fore street sanitary authority
Mil1er & Co. grocers, 39 Fore street & Pope Andrew, fishmonger, 29 Tamarst Saltash Gas & Coke Co. (Williatn. Ham
I North road Porter Philip Erisey Blackburn, solici- Mathew, sec) •
Miller Frederick James, stationer & tor & commissioner for oaths, 109 Scott Wm. Henry, butcher, 50 Fore st
printer, 64 Fore street Fore street · ShaddockWm.cntrcr.Flora vil. Port view
MorrishJn.ma.rkt. grdnr.Low.Ponnd pk Preston George L.R.O.P.Edin., D.P.H. Skinner Wm. watch maker, 97 Fore st
Morrish William Henry, market gar- surgeon, & med. off. & pub. vacc. of Spearil Elizabeth & Eliza.(Misses), girls'
dener, Higher Pound park 5th dist. of St. Germans union, Laurel school, 94 Fore street
Naval Bank (branch) (Thomas Millman bank, Port view Squires Fk. Wm. coach bldr. Riverview
Grylls, manager), 108 Fore street ; Rawling FredAvery, deputy registrar of StanleyAnn(Mrs. ),shopkpr. 21Tamar st
draw on Robarts, Lnbbock & Co. births & deaths, Postoffi. g8 Forest Star Coffee Tavern (Richard Giles,
London E c Rawlings William John, shopkeeper & manager), Fore street
Neath Lizzie (Mrs.), teacher of dancing, town crier, 3 Albert road Terrell Wm. Hy.Railwayhtl.uoFore st
Lockwood house Renfree & Sons, dairymen, 74 Forest ThomasJn.Fletcher,shopkpr.g Tamarst
Odgers Jane (Mrs.), aparts. 24 Tamar st Revell (R. C.) & Meadows (R. T.), sur- Thom!tsMchl.Cornish,btchr.6Brnnel ter
Ongh Richard, shopkeeper, 56 Fore st geons, Alexandra square Tickle Edwd. greengrocer, 22 Tamar st
Paige Albert, plumber, 65 Fore street Revell Richard Carter, snrgeon,&med. Tolman Jsph. Union inn, Albert road
Paine Alfred Edward Vosper, stationer, off. & pub. vacc. of the 4tb.dist. of St. Trood E. & Co.mannre manufacturers;
agent for Ind,Coope & Co. & assistant Germans union, Alexandra house & at Gunnislake, Plymouth, Oke-
overseer & collector of borough rates, RundleBerthaHarris(Miss), shopkeeper, hampton, Tavistock &c.; head office,
& agent for the Consolidated Bank of 5 Tamar street Sa.ltash
Cornwall, 100 Fore street St. Barnabus Cottage Hospital & Con- Trood T. P. & Co. coal & corn mer-
Palmar James Rowe, coal merchant,see valescent Home (R. C Revell, R. T. .chants, Saltash; & at Launceston
Bennett & Palmer Meadows M.D. & G. Preston L.R.C.P. Tripp Jas.insnrance agt.3 WellPark ter
Palmer John, grocer, 34 Fore street Edin. medical officers; F. Blatchley, Volunteer Battalion (2nd) DukeofCorn-
Pawley James, poulterer, 36 Forest hon. sec.), Port view wall's Light Infantry (I company)
Pearce Rd. baker & confectnr. 103Fore st Saltash District Co·operative Society (Captain R. C. Revell)
PearceWm.Phillip,watch ma.1o2Fore st Lim. grocers (Peter Grimshaw, man- VosperEdwd.&Sons,butchers,46Fore st
Pearn Edwd. Thos.shopkpr. 15Tamar st ager), 38 Fore street Vosper Roderick,butcher,32 Fore streett
Plymouth Breweries Limited (branch) Saltash Three Towns & District Steam Vosper Thomas, butcher, 27 Tamar st
(Thomas Vicary, manager) Hoat Co. Lim. (William Gilbert, man- Widdecombe Alfred, baker, 105 Forest
Pooley John Henry, saddler, 104Forest aging director) Warden Samuel, plumber, III Forest
ST. SAMPSON'S, or GoLA~, is a parish and village year 1568. The living is a perpetual curacy, net yearly
pleasantly situated on the west bank of the river Fowey, 2~ value £7o, with residence, in the gift of Jonathan Rashleigh
miles north from Fowey station on the Cornwall Minerals esq. and held since 1892 by the Rev. Albert Henry Lang-
and Great 'Vestern railway, 3 east from Par station on the ridge, who is also assistant diocesan missioner. Here is a
soGreat Western railway and 3~ south from Lostwithiel, in Wesleyan chapel, seating persons. Penquite, a quarter
the South-Eastern division of the county, west division of the of a mile north of Golant, is a stone mansion, the property
hundred of Powder, petty sessional division of Powder Ty- of the West family, and now the residence of David Howell
wardreath, St. Austell union and county court district, esq. J.P. Torfrey, a handsome building of granite, standing
rural deanery of St. Austell, archdeaconry of Cornwall and in grounds of about 30 acres in extent, is tpe residence of
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Sampson is an ancient William Gundry esq. Jonathan Ra.shleigh esq. D.L., J.P. of
building of stone and granite in the Perpendicular style, Menabilly, Tywardreath, who is lord of the manor, and Mr.
consisting of nave, south aisle, south porch and an embattled Graham are the principal landowners. The soil is loamy;
western tower containing 5 bells~ the interior of the church subsoil, rock and gravel. The chief crops are wheat, barley
has many interesting features: the granite piers are of early and turnips. The acreage is 1,470; rateable value, £1,637;.
date: the font is octagonal and of granite: the pulpit and the population in 1891 was 261.
reading-desk are finely carved and the bosses are also Parish Clerk, Nathaniel Smith.
carved: at the west end of the church are the royal arms PosT OFFICE, Golant.-Miss Ada Roskelley,sub-postmistress.
painted on wood, dating from A.D. r685: there are some Letters through Par Station R.S.O. arrive at 9.25 a.m. &
remains of old stained glass in the east window of the south are dispatched at 9.30 a.m. & 4·35 p.m. The nearest
aisle: the church was restored in 1842 at a cost of £534, money order & telegraph office is at 'fywardreath. Postal
and in 1891 the tower and west end were renovated at a cost orders are issued here, but not paid. Lantyne letters.
of £170; the church affords 250 sittings. In the churchyard, through Lostwithiel arrive about 7.30 a. m
enlarged in 1891, is an old baptistery well, covered by very PILLAR LETTER Box, Castle Dore, cleared at 10.5 a. m. & 5
ancient stonework; it was formerly approached through p.m
sothe church porch, but the pas!'!age has been bricked up; its National School (mix:ed), built ·or stone in 1877, for child-
water is remarkably clear. The register dates from the ren; average attendance, 33; Mi.ss Jessie Rundle, mist
St. Sampson's. Sweet John, blacksmith, Castledoor Blowey William, farmer
Gundry William, 'forfrey Tuckett William, farmer, Penqnite Cock Selina C. (Miss), beer retailer
Howell David J.P. Penquite White Charles, farmer, South. 'forfrey Hazeland Samuel Searle, prof. inventor
Blowey John, farmer Golant. Hill Joseph, cattle dealer
Dnnn Luke, farmer, Lanyon Phillips Render, shopkeeper
Phillips Wm. John, farmer, Lawhibbet Langridge Rev. Albert Henrr [vicar & Phillips John, butcher
Rnndle Charles, farmer, Trebuthevy assistant diocesan missinr.j,Vicarage Roskelley Ada (Miss), shopkpr.Post offi
Rundle Clarinda (Mrs.), farmer, Lan- Austin William Broad, market gardnr Rundle William,teagardns.Orchard cot
tyan [letters throughLostwithiel] Blowey Jane (Mrs.), New inn Smith Nathaniel, mason & parish clerk
SANCREED is a parish 4 miles west-by-south from of the Virgin; at Higher Drift is a stone 2 feet high with a
Penzance, in the Western division of the county, hundred of Latin cross on one side. The register of baptisms dates
Penwith, petty sessional division of Penwith West, Penzance from the year 1556; marriages, 1559; burials, I579· The
union and county court district, rural deanery of Penwith, living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £258, net
archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The church yearly value £295, including 152 acres of glebe, with resi-
of San Creed (or Sancta Crida) is a building of granite chiefly dence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Trnro, and
in the late 15th century style, consisting of chancel, nave, held since 1879 by the Rev. Reginald Basset Rogers B.A. of
aisles, transepts, south porch and an embattled western tower St. John's College, Oxford. There are Wesleyan chapels at
with pinnacles containing 3 bells : the rood stairs, piscina New Bridge and Court, and Bible Christian chapels at
and stoup remain : some carving on the rood screen is pos- Grumbla, Brane, Tregerrest and Drift. There is a series of
sibly Spanish: the restoration of the church, begun in 1881, very perfect British caves at Brane and an ancient circular
under the direction of Mr. J. D. Sedding, architect, was fortification at Caer Bran, now ruinous. At chapel Uny are
completed in 1891 at a cost of £2,350: the church has been the remains of a well or baptistery dedicated to St. Eurnus
new roofed, refloored and reseated with carved oak benches, or Uny and another baptistery and well at Chapel Downs.
affording 240 sittings, and internal fittings are still ( r 893) There are also two logan stones of some interest at Bejowaus.
being added: during the restoration the remains of a Nor- Thomas Bedford Bolitho esq. H.P., D.L., ;J,P. of Trewidden,
man font were found : on the churchyard wall is the circular Madron, and Mrs. Scobell, are lord and lady of the manor,
head of a cross, discovered by the present vicar in a ditch and Lord Robartes and Jonathan Rashleigh esq. are the
close by, and near the vicarage gates the quatrafoiled head chief landowners. The soil is killas ; subsoil, marl. The
of another has been erected on its original shaft, recently chief crops are oats, barley and potatoes, but the greater
found in the south aisle ; in the churchyard is a fine cross part of the land is in pasture. The area is 4,471 acres ;
nearly 8 feet high, uniquely incised with a lily, the emblem rateable value £5,028; the population in 1891 was 867.
·DEV. & CORN. 80*
NEW BRIDGE is a village xi miles north on the road WALL LETTER Box, at Churchtown, cleared at r.3o p.m
between Penzance and St. Just. DRIFT is a hamlet I mile SCHOOLS:-
A School Board of 5 members was formed Sept. 24, x88o;
PosT OFFICE, New Bridge (Railway Sub-Office. Letters C. Clemens, Drift, clerk to t.he board & attendance officer
should have R.S.O. Cornwall added).-Mrs. Eliza Hosken, Board, New Bridge, built in:x883, for xoo children; average
postmistress. Letters received at 8.35 a.m. & 4·45 p.m.; attendance, 31 boys, 27 girls & 29 infants; George Henry
dispatched at 9 a.m. & 3·45 p.m. The nearest telegraph Guy, master
& money order office is at Penzance. Postal orders are National (mixed & infants), for 170 children: average at-
tendance, 75; supported in part by voluntary contribu-
issued here, but not paid tions; William Phillips Mitchell, master; Miss T. J.
WALL LETTER Box, Drift, cleared 3.20 & 6 p.m Thomas, infants' mistress
Daniel John, Boswarthen Hitchens James, farmer, Trenuggo Osborn John Charles, farmr. Trevorrian
Quick Ja.mes, Tregonebris Holla Thomas, farmer, Boswens Pearse Richard & John, farmers,
RogersRev.Regnld.Basset M.A.Vicarage Hosken James, builder, Drift Tremaine &ITregonebris
Hosken James, farmer, Sellen Pengilly Philip, farmer, Church town
COM.l\1 E RCIAL. Hosken John, farmer, Bojothnow Richards Richard Samson, miller
Bennetts Joseph, farmer, Trannack HoskenWilliam Hy.carpenter,NewBrdg (water), Lower Drift
Boase Thomas, farmer, Brane Hosking John, farmer, Bosence Roach Matthew, farmer, Bejowans
Bosence John, rate collector,Rose valley Humphreys William, farmer, Recevan Rowe Hannibal, farmer, Trevean
Catchall Co-operative Dairy Co. Lim. Ivey Thomas, farmer, Bodinnar Rowe John, farmer, Bosvenning
(Henry 'fhomas, sec) Jeffery Wm. Richard, farmer, Drift ShedfordJane(Mrs. ),grocer,New Bridge
Clemens Charles, smith & farrier & Jenkin Edwin, dairyman, Derval Thomas Edwin, farmer, Newham
clerk to school board, Drift LawryFrances(Miss),shopkpr.Low.Drft Thomas Henry, farmer & land steward
Clemens John, farmer, Chiverton Lawry William, farmer, Recevan to Mrs. Scobell, Botrea
Daniel John, farmer, Boswarthen Matthews Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Thomas John, farmer, Jericho
Daniel Wm. shopkeeper, Lowel' Drift Trannack Thomas Robert, farmel.", Anjordan
Gay Abraham, farmer, Boswarthen Newton James, farmer, Roskenals Tregear John,farmer,HigherTregerrest
Grose Solomon Thos. farmer, Trerice Nicholas John, dairyman, Sellen Trembath John, farmer, Tregerrest
Guard ·wmiam, farmer, Trannack NicholasJohnRodda,shopkpr.New Brdg Trewern Eli, farmer, Bojothnow
Hall Wm. Thomas, farmer, Bodinnar Nicholls Cyprian, jun, farmer, Boslow Trudgen John, farmer, Bodinnar
Hall William White,farmer,Bosvenning North James, farmer, Drift Warren Nicholas, farmer, Boswens
Harry Richard, farmer, Brane Oats James, farmer, Brane Warren William, farmer, Tregerrest
HarryThomas, Fountain inn,NewBridge Oats John, farmer, Brane Waters Daniel, farmer, Churchtown
Hal."Vey Richd.farmer,MiddleTregerrest Olds Jas.farmer &; bntcher,Higher Drift I White Edward, farmer, Brane
Hal."VeyThomas,farmr.Lower Tregerrest Oliver John,-miller (water), Roskenals I
THE IsLANDS OF SciLLY consist of six large islands, and pletely swept the aajacent seas that, the Channel trade being
islets and rocky masses to the number of 145, situated 40 seriously injured, Parliament at length fitted out and dis·
miles due west from the Lizard Point and 28 west-by-south patched an expedition under Admiral Blake and Sir George
from the Land's End, in lat. so N. long. 6 W. and are Ayscue, and in June, 1651, compelled Sir John Grenville to
reached by steamers fi·om Penzance three times weekly in surrender.
summer (May and June daily) and twice in winter; average The isles of Scilly were in 936 granted by Athelstan to some
passage, 3 hours. The situation is wild, and the rocky monks who settled at Tresco, but were subsequently in part
scenery beautifully grand. The islands form a superin- granted to the Abbey of TaTistock, on its endowment. In
tendent registrar's district and are in a separate petty the reign of Edward I. the remainder of these islands were
sessional division, Penzance county court district, rural held of the king, at a rent of 300 puffins annually, and in
deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese the reign of Henry VI. they were held at a rental of only so
of Truro. For local government purposes they have a puffins, or 6s. 8d. During the reign of Queen Elizabeth
separate County Council, distinct from that for Cornwall, they were evidently divided amongst numerous proprietors,
and formed in 1892 under the "Local Government Act, from whom they were purchased by the Crown, and from
x888;" it consists of a president, vice-president, four alder- that time to 1830 they were rented by the Godolphin family.
men and eighteen councillors. St. Mary's and St. Agnes At present all the islands are included in the Duchy of Corn-
each return two aldermen. The councillors are returned wall, and in 1834 .they were granted on life leases, which
as follows :-eleven from St. Mary's, two from Tresco, one were made terminable by Act of Parliament passed in 1846,
from Bryher, two from St. Martin's and two from St. to the late Augustus John Smith esq. who undertook to com-
Agnes. The following are the principal islands and their plete the pier and new church of St. Mary's, then in course
acreage:- of construction; he died in 1872, having held the lord pro·
. Acres. Pop. 1891. prietorship for 38 years. The present lord proprietor,
St. Mary's..................about x,64o 1,160 Thomas Algernon Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq. D.L., J.P. re·
Tresco ... . .. ... .... ..... ... ... ... ... Soo 315 newed the lease in 1884 for a term of 31 years.
St. Agnes....... ... .................. 65o 130 The inhabitants were, in former times, chiefly small
St. Martin's........................ 500 174 farmers, fishermen, sailors and pilots, but very few are now
Bryher .... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... 300 91 engaged in fishing. After the potato famine in 1847, the
Sampson ... ... ..................... So attention of the farmers was directed to the growing of early
St. Helen's ··r ... ...... ... ... ... ... 40 potatoes for the London and other markets, and the excep-
Annette .....................···... 40 tional mildness of the climate enables them to supply the
Tean ................... · ··· ·· ···· ··· 35 earliest English grown potatoes ; but this industry has now
Great Gannilly ..•...•.....••. ··· 35 largely given place to the growing of asparagus and other
Arthur ........,.. ..... . .. . .. ... ... ... go early vegetables, and the raising of spring flowers, chiefly
Great and Little Ganniornick xo the narcissus, of which there are 300 varieties ; this trade is
North Withial............ ......... 8 still increasing, the quantity exported having increased
Gweal ......... ............ ......... 8 from 200 tons in x889 to 450 tons in 1893; there are so,ooo
Little Gannilly ... .....•• .... .... 5 feet super of glass houses, under which these flowers are
The total acreage of the whole of the islands is 3,560; grown, and by this means they furnish almost the earliest
the population in 1891 was x,87o. supply to London and the large towns ; considerable quan-
The islands are now connected by telephone for coast- tities of lobsters are also exponed.
guard purposes, and it is proposed to connect the wires with The isles are composed wholly of granite, consisting of a
the post office for the use of the inhabitants. coarse-grained mixture of felspar, quartz and mica, occa·
These islands are supposed to have been first known to the sionally stained by iron ; and in some places may be found
Greeks by the name of the Hesperides, and to the Phrenicians schorl, chlorite and hornblende: the rocky surfaces are in
as the "Cassiterides," or tin islands, and were called by the many places hollowed out by the action of rain water into
.Romans, "Silurre Insulre." In 1649 Sir John Grenville, the basins, some of which are of considerable size. The scenery,
royalist, who afterwards took an active part in the restora- though impaired by the absence of trees, is romantic ; among
tion ef Charles Il. fortified these islands, and converted them the rocks the heather grows luxuriantly, and the extreme
into a fort and refuge for privateers, with which he so corn- mildness of the climate admits of a semi-tropical vegetation ;
the seas amid the islets abound with fish, and the western about So,ooo candle units, and the maximum to about
reef with huge seals ; and at certain times both the cliffs SI 3,000; the light shows two flashes, each of 4 seconds'
and the surface of the water are covered with myriads of duration, in quick succession, at intervals of one minute.
sea fowl. Coral is met with in large quantities. The lati- There is a delightful promenade round the Garr1son of about
tude of the islands is 49"55 N. and being situated so near a mile in circumference, and the views from all points are
Rimrll.el's current (an offshoot from that mass of warm sea- exceedingly pleasing. The most interesting scenery in this
water, the Gulf stream) they naturally have a very mild and island is found among the rocks at Penninis, about half a
salubrious climate. The temperature is singularly equable, mile from the town ; the Pulpit Rock and the 'footh Rock
the winter readings of Fahrenheit's thermometer giving a are especially remarkable. The population in I89I was
mean of 46 degrees and in summer a mean of sS! degrees. I,I6o.
Snow seldom falls, and ice is very rarely seen. 'l'he sub- Parish Clerk, William Coplin Bastian.
soil being entirely granitic, moisture never remains long on Council of the Isles of Scilly.
the surface, but, rapidly percolating, leaves the roads dry T. Algernon Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq. Tresco, president
and. elastic ; there is mostly a pleasantly cool breeze from William Mumford Gluyas, Field house, St. Mary's, vice-
the sea in the summer months, and during the winter, when president
the winds are more boisterous, they have a soothing effect ALDERMEN.
Ifrom their comparatively high atmospheric temperature, Rev. W. E. Graves,St.Mary's Richard Boase, St. Mary's
making this locality an admirable residence for the invalid. Francis Watts, St. Mary's Stephen Hicks, St. Agnes
A portion of the .British fleet, under the command of COUNCILLORS.
IAdmiral Sir Cloudesley Shovel kt. on its return from foreign St. Mary's, Richard Mumford St. Mary's, Henry G. Alien
service, was wrecked on these islands in thick and tempest- , Edmds.Jas.Blnett , Samuel Teddy
Iuous weather during the night of Oct. 22, I707, when about , Bernard Bickford Tresco, John H. Jenkins
2,ooo persons, including the admiral, were lost. , William Rogers , Matthias Pender
The IsLAND OF ST. MARY is the largest, being 9 miles in , George Woodcock Bryher, Richard J. Ellis
circumference. HuGa TowN is the capital and is chiefly , William Legg St. Martin's, Wm. Woodcock
built upon a sandy isthmus which connects the Hugh (or as , John C. Tonkin , Thos.J.Woodcock
I ,portion of the island. At the east end of the town is the , I<'rancis McFar-
it is now called, the Garrison) with the other and larger , Wm. J.K.Newton St. Agnes, William T. Hicks
Hicks Osborne
church of St. Mary, begun by King William IV. in 1835, and land sen
complet.ed b_y Augu~tt;s Smith esq. in _r8?7: it is a building PosT, M. 0. & T. ~., s. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office,
~f gramte m the I muted s~yle, consiStmg ~~ ?hancel and I
St. Mary's.-Robert Scadden, postm'lster. From October
._....a..ve and an _embattled weste~n _tower contam~~g a clock to I<'ebruary, letters arrive from London &c. per packet
and one bell. there ar~ 400 s1ttmgs.. The reg1ster dates from Penzance, wed. & sat. ; dispatched mon. & thur. ;
fro~ the year I726. ~!ld ~ the only r~g1~ter for ~h~ whole of
Th;e lnm~ IS a gc1~fatploafu~cr.y,An. e~tm1~teha-rPlyorvn~elnu-e & from February to April, arrive mon. wed. & fri. ; dis-
£thIe~oI,Slwan1dth. res1dence_, m the patched, tues. thurs. & sat.; April to June, arrive & dis-
patched dailv; from June to October, arrive tues. wed.
Sm1th esq. and held smce 1888 by the Rev.\\ alter Eccleston f · & t . ·d. t h d w d th r' & f · Lette s
Graves, of St. Bees, who is chaplain of the Scilly Islands. A n. besa · ' d IShpa c e ' mon. f e ·h u b:s. f ri.h s·a1.1m. rg
port1. on of the anm·ent ch urch at Old Town, h aIf m1.1e d" canh poste t rea-quart·ers o adn our
a IS- ·e ore t1 e
tant,was restored in I8gi at a cost of £2I5, and a bell added: oft e steamer & at the pier hea up to time of eavmg
during the restoration traces of a Norman arch and pillar VIcE-CONSULS & CoNSULAR AGENTS.
were found, indicating the existence of an older church: in Denmark, John Eynon Hooper (vice-consul), Strand
this church are buried Henry Trelawny esq. Sir Jonathan France, John Banfield (consular agent)
Trelawny, 2nd hart. Sir John Narborough hart. of Knowlton, Germany, John Eynon Hooper (vice-consul), Strand
who, with his brother James, step-sons of the admiral, and Greece, William Mumrord Gluyas (consular agent)
Captain Edmund Lodes, all perished with Sir Cloudesley Italy, John Banfield (consular agent)
Shovel in H.M.S. "Association," as mentioned above, and Netherlands, William Mumford Gluyas (vice consul)
the baronetcy of Narborough thereupon became extinct. Russia, John Banfield (vice-consular agent)
There are Wesleyan chapels at Hu~h Town, Old Town and Spain, William Mumford Gluyas (vice-consul)
Holy Vale, and a Bible Christian chapel at Hugh Town. A Sweden & Nor\vay, John Eynon Hooper, Strand
sum of £10 I3S. Bd. annually, formerly called the Pilots' United States, John Banfield (consular agent)
Widows' Fund, is now paid to old widows without reference MAGISTRATES FOR THE SCILLY IsLANDS (County of
to the occupation of their deceased husbands. Cornwall).
Here is a fine pier, built in r835-8, and extended in a south- Edmonds James Bluett, Bank
easterly direction in 1889 to a length of 134 feet, at a cost of Dorrien-SmithThs.AlgernonSmith-esq.D.L. TheAbbey,Tresco
about £4,000; there is also a harbour for small vessels, Gluyas William Mumford esq. Field house
called the" Pool," and further out between the islands a good Mumford Richard esq. Holy vale
roadstead for large vessels. The New Public buildings, erected Clerk to the Magistrates,ClementWm.Mumford,Church st
in I889 at a cost of £r,3oo, comprise a market house, w1th Petty Sessions are held at the Court house, Hugh Town, St.
a large public room on the ground floor and a court house, ·Mary's, every fourth thursday in each month at II a.m
magistrates' room and the necessary office!' above. On the PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
eastern shore of the Pool is a tower, 42 feet high and I82 Coast Guard, Samuel Jenkins, Garrison hill, divisional
feet above the sea level : it is used by the coast guard as a officer in command of Scilly
watch tower and is known as " the Telegraph." The Star Royal National Life Boat Institution,Edmonds J. Bluett,sec
Castte, standing I IO feet above the level of the sea, is a PUBLIC OFFICERS : -
structure of granite, erected in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Admiral Surgeon & Agent, Thomas Thornton Macklen M.B
and probably derived its name from the shape of the fortifi- Agents for Lloyd's & the Underwriters of Liverpool, Glas-
cations, which project in eight salient angles; the letters gow, New York, Paris, Trieste, Bremen, Dresden, Vienna,
E.R. and the date I593 are placed immediately over the Zurich & Havre, Banfield & Hooper, Strand
front entrance. Charles II. when Prince of Wales, took Collector of Light Dues, George Owen, Parade
refuge here in 1646; and in 1637 Dr. Bastwick, for writing Coroner for the Islands, William Mumford Gluyas J.P
scurrilous works reflecting on the bishops, was transported Policeman, Richard Collett, Hugh street
here by order of the Star Chamber. Adjoining the castle is Receiver of Wreck, William Thomas Hiscox, Parade
the Garrison, now dismantled, and a park. From the Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, Clement William
higher part of this spot may be seen six lighthouses, the Mumford, Church st.; deputy, Wm. K. Newton, Hugh st
Wolf, aboutS.E.; Round Island, N.; St. Agnes and the Bishop Principal Coast Officer of Customs & Superintendent of
and the Longships towards the W. The Seven Stones Light Mercantile Marine, William Thomas Hiscox, Parade
Ship can also be seen about I2 miles N.E. The lighthouse Superintendent Registrar, Robert Scaddan, Post office;
on the Bishop rock is the principal guide to vessels entering deputy, Edmonds J. Blnett, Bank
the English and Bristol Channels; the rock itself, composed Vestry Clerk, Clement William Mumford, Church street
of a hard, pink-coloured granite, is about 153 feet in length PLACES OF WoRSHIP, with times of services:-
by 52 feet wide at the low water level of spring tides, with St. Mary's Church, St. Mary's, Rev. Walter Eccleston
steep sides all round, and stands in over 20 fathoms of Graves, chaplain; I0.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; 8.30 a. m. 2nd,
water ; the first lighthouse, an open structure of wrought 4th & sth sundays ; fri. 7 p.m
and cast iron, erected in 1847, was destroyed by a violent St. Nicholas Church, Tresco, Rev. Waiter Winslowe Aid-
storm on the night of the 6 Feb. 1848; the existing building, ridge L.T.C. curate; I0.45 a. m. & 6 p.m. ; fri. 7 p.m
erected during the period 1848-58, is built of granite, and St.. Agnes, St. Agnes, Rev. Clifford C. Wood, curate; 10.45
its light was first exhibited on Sept. I, 1858: in 1874 it was a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tburs. 6.30 p.m
St. Martin's, St. Martin's, Rev. Arthur Edward Banan
strengthened throughout by massive iron ties, and in I882
curate; I0.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m
was entirely cased with granite masonry, carefully dovetailed
into the existing work ; the optical apparatus comprises St. Martin's Miseion Room, Lower Town ; wed. 7 p.m
two tiers of lenses, the minimum intensity being equal to All Saints', Bryher, served from Tresco, 2.30 p.m
BibJe Christian, Hugh Town, St. Mary's, Rev. Louis Henry from the summit of which an extensive view of the isles
Court, Rev. Thomas Nicholas & the Rev. John Job, who may be obtained. There are two streams, and the abbey
. also minister to the off i&lands; 10.30 a.m. &6 p.m.; wed. ponds cover an area of about 50 acres. 'fhe soil is sandy ;
7 p:m the subsoil is granite. The chief crops are flowers, potatoes,
Bible Christian, St. Agnes, supplied from St. Mary's ; barley and oats. The acreage is about 8oo ; the population
10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m in rBgr was 315.
Bible Christian, St. Martin's, supplied from St. :Mary's ; PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.ru
Miss Esther Lakey, sub-postmistress. Letters througu
Wesleyan, Holy vale, St. Mary's, Rev. George Pickering; Penzance, arrive at 2 p.m. ; dispatched at 9 a.m. St.
10.30 a.m. ; wed. 7 p.m
Mary's is the nearest telegraph office
Wesleyan, Hugh Town, St. Mary's, Rev. George Picker- School for no children ; a new room was built & added to
ing; 10.30 a. m. & 6 p.m.; mon. & thurs. 7 p.m
existing school in 1890; average attendance, 70; Frederick
Wesleyan, Old Town, St. Mary's, Rev. George Pickering; Dempster, master
2.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m
St. Agnes, the next island in size, contains about 65o
Boys', Carn Thomas, built in 1854 by the late A. J. acres. 'l'lle church of St. Agnes is a small plain edifice of
Smith esq. & enlarged by him in r871-2, for n6 boys; granite, consisting only of a nave and a western tower con-
average attendance, sr; William Coplin Bastian, master
taining one bell: there are 150 sittings. The church is
National (girls & infants), built in r8S·t. for 154 children;
average attendance, 51 boys, 6o girls & 49 infants ; Miss served by a curate with a stipend of £ roo, under the chap·
. Georgina Phillips, mistress ; Miss Mary Haines, infants'
laincy of the Scilly Islands; Rev. Clifford C. Wood has been
mistre;ss: the infants' school was built in 1854 by the late
A. J. Smith esq resident curate since r8g3. The Bible Christians have a
meeting-house here. The lighthouse on this island, built in
CONVEYANCE TO PENZANCE :- r68o, is one of the oldest in the United Kingdom: it is 78
feet high and exhibits a revolving light, which can be seen
at a distance of r8 miles. The population in 1891 was 130.
West Cornwall Steam Ship Co. January, February, March A life boat was stationed here in x8go.
& April, tues. thurs. & sat. returning mon. wed. & fri. ;
May & June daily ; July, .August & September, mon. PosT O:FFICE.-Stephen Hicks, sub-postmaster. Letters
tues. thurs. & fri. returning tues. wed. fri. & sat. ; through Penzance. St. Mary's is the nearest money order
October, November & December, mon. & thurs. re- & telegraph office ; letters arrive according to arrival of
steamer at St. Mary's; dispatches irregular. Postal
turning wed. & sat. (John Banfield, managing director); orders are issued here, but not paid
offices, 6 North parade, Penzance School (mixed), for 8o children; enlarged in r892; average
attendance, 40; supported by the lord proprietor ; Miss
- Tresco, the second island in point of size, but the most Josephine Smith, mistress
beautiful of the whole group, contains the residence of the St. Martin's contains about 500 acres and a popula-
lord proprietor of the isles, which was built upon the site
of the Benedictine .Abbey of St. Nicholas, Tresco, supposed
to have been founded in the roth century, and which in the tion iu r8gr of 174. The church of St. Martin, destroyed by
reign of Henry VIII. was annexed to the abbey of Tavi- lightning in r867, was rebuilt by the late proprietor in
stock: two remarkably fine archways of the abbey church r867-8, and is a small building of granite, consisting only of
are still standing. The church of St. Nicholas, built at the a nave and a turret containing one bell : there is a small but
expense of the late Lady Sophia Tower and Thomas Alger- beautiful stained window, representing St. Martin dividing
non Smith-Dorrien-Smith-esq. and consecrated by the Bishop his coat with a beggar: there are roo sittings. The church
of Truro r6 July, r883, is an edifice in the Early English is served by a curate, under the chaplaincy of the Scilly
style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts, north porch Islands; the Rev. Arthur Edward Banan has been resident
and an embattled western tower containing one bell, dated curate in charge since r887. There is also a chapel for
1740 : a memorial window has been placed in the south Bible Christians.
transept to Mrs. Dorrien Smith, d. 17 January, 1892, and PosT OFFICE. -Douglas Skinner, sub-postmaster. Letters
has sittings for about 250 persons. The church is served by through Penzance; arrivals & dispatches irregular. St.
a curate under the chaplaincy of the Scilly Islands. The :Mary's is the nearest money order & telegraph office.
Rev. Waiter Winslowe Aldridge has been resident curate in
Postal orders are issued here, but not paid average
charge since 1892; the stipend is £us yearly. On the west School (mixed), enlarged in r8gr, for 70 children;
side of the island are the ruins of an old castle called attendance, so ; Miss Lydia Hicks, mistress
''Charles' Castle," and a circular tower, called " Oliver
Cromwetrs,'' with walls 12 feet in thickness; it was formerly Bryher contains about 300 acres. The church of All
mounted with a battery of g-pounders, but is now dis- Saints consists only of a nave and a western turret contain-
mantled. Piper's Hole is an extensive cavern, at the north- Ing one bell :there are 180 sittings. The curate in charge
eastern extremity of the island. There are numerous other of 'fresco holds a service here every Sunday afternoon. 'fhe
caverns in the neighbourhood, and the views generally are rocks at Shipman Head on the north part of this island are
magnificent. The Abbey, the residence of Thos. Algernon exceedingly fine. The population 'in r891 was gr. The
children attend school at Tresco, being conveyed there in
Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq. D.L., J.P. the lord proprietor, is a boats.
delightfully situated mansion with a terrace in front, and is
surrounded by ornamental gardens and pleasure grounds PosT 0FFICE.-Richard Ellis, sub-postmaster. Letters
containing many troptcal plants, which cannot be grown in through Penzance; the arrivals & dispatches are irregular.
the open air in any other part of England ; the aloe flourishes Tresco is the nearest money order office & St. Mary's
in great luxuriance, as many as forty of these having been the nearest telegraph office. Postal orders are issued
seen in flower here at the same time ; the eucalyptus and here, but not paid
the camphor tree are also grown, and it has been found that SAMPSON, the sixth island in point of size, but not now in-
the South American ostrich can live and breed here in habited, is the scene of Waiter Besant's novel "Amorel of•
health and activity. The back-ground is formed by a hill, Lyonnesse."
St. Mary's. Hall Mrs. Church street Thomas James, Bank
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Harris Mrs. Parade Trevellick Mrs. Parade
Adams WilliatJl, Hank Hicks Alfred, Parade street V\ratts Frank, Buzza street
Auterson Mrs. Bank Hicks James, Porth Cressa COMMERCIAL.
Banfield Miss, Parade Hicks Mrs. Bank Alien Henry Goddard,steward toT. A.
Banfield Miss, Strand Hiscox Thomas, Parade Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq. Star castle
Banfield Misses J. Strand Hooper Jobn Eynon, Strand Ashford Stephen, master mariner
Bickford Barnard, Hugh street J enkins Samuel, Garrison Ashford William,master mariner,Parade
Bickford Wa.lter, Bank Job Rev. John [Bible Christian],Strand Banfield & Hooper, ship & general
Bluett Edmond James J.P. Bank Ma.cklin Thos. Thornton M.B. Church st agents, agents for Lloyd's, & consu·
Court Rev. Louis Henry [Bible Chris- Macfarland Francis, Hugh street lates, Strand ; & at Penzance
tian], Strand Mumford Clement William, Church st BanfieldEldredWilkes,farmer,Holyvale
Davis Mrs. Hugh street 1\'Iumford Mrs. Rosevear, Church st Barnes William, farmer, Normandy
Edwards Mrs. Hugh street Mumford Richard J.P. Holy vale Bastian Wm. Coplin, farmer, Maypole
Forster Colonel .Archibald Cochrane- Mumford William Philips, Old town Batten, Carne & Carne's Banking Co.
Alve, Carne Nicholas Rev. Thomas [Bible Chris- Limited (branch) (EdwardMcDonald
Gibson Mrs. Parade tain], Church street & Son, agents), Strand; draw on
Gluyas William Mumford J.P. Field ho Pickering Rev. Geo. [Wes.J,Church st London &Westminster Bank Limited,
London E c
Graves Rev. Waiter Eccleston rvicar & Rogers The Misses, Church street
chaplain of the Scilly Islanas], The Rogers Mrs. Pararle Bickf"ord Thomas, Atlantic hotel,
Vicarage . Rowe :Mrs. Garrison hill Hugh street ,
Hall Miss, Church street • Sherris Mrs. Bank Bickford Waiter, jun. pilot, Bank
Bluett Edmonds James,grocer, & agent Mumford Clement William, professor •
for W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & of navigation & french, & accountant Chudley Thomas, mason
.spirit merchants & deputy superin- Hooper Albert, farm bailiff toT. Alger-
& registrar of births, deaths & mar-
tendent registrar & mngr. for Bolitho, riages for the Scilly Islands sub-dis- non Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq.Tresco
Williams, Forster, Coode, Grylls & trict, magistrates' clerk & vestry
clerk & clerk to county council, farm
Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Jenkins Horatio, farmer
Church street
Oernwall) (branch), Bank Mumford William Phillips,farmer, J enkin J ames, head gardener to T.
1Huett Thomas Wm. farmer,Myrtle cot
Boase Charles, farmer, Maypole flower & bulb grower, Old town. Algernon Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq
Boase Richard, farmer, Parade See advertisement JenkinsJn.jun.'rrescoNew inn,& shopkr
Bolitbo, Williams, Forster, Coode,Grylls Nance Henry, baker, Parade
Nelson George, farmer, Buzza street Jenkins John Henry, grocer & draper
& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Newton Wm. grocer & draper, Hugh st J enkins Robert, fanner
Cornwall) (branch) (EdmondsJames Nicholas Henry, chief lightkeeper of Jenkins Waiter, farmer
Bluett, manager), Bank ; draw on Round Island lighthouse, Trinity cot Fender Mathias, farmer
l3arclay, l3evan, Tritton, Ransom, Fender Barnard, lodging house, Parade Fender Peter (Mrs.), lodging honse
Fender Margt.(Mrs.),lodging ho.Wellla
Bouverie & Co. London E c Fender Thomas, boat owner, Hugh st PhillipsGeorge,chief officer Coast Guard
Bunt Arthur, shoe maker, Parade
(;oast Guard (SamuelJenkins,divisional Woodcock John, farmer
officer), Garrison hill Phillips Jane (Mrs.), lodging ho.Parade
<Collett Richard, capt. of steam launch, Porter Wm. Telegraph hotel, Hugh st St. Agnes.
Parade Rogers Joseph, tobacconist, Hugh st Wood Rev.Clifford C.[curate],-Parsonge
.Colson John, Temperance hotel, Bank Rogers Susan (Mrs.), lodging ho.Parade
Cornish Bank Limited(branch)(William Rogers William, shoe maker, & agent COMMERCIAL.
Rogers, agent), Strand; draw on for the Cornish Bank Limited, Pen- Brown George, lighthouse keeper
zance, Strand Deason Jacob, farmer
Smith, Payne & Smiths, London E c Ro~al National Life Boat Institution Hicks Abraham, pilot
(Edmonds Jas..Hluett,hon.sec.),Bank Hicks Abraham James, pilot & farmer
Davis Edwin, master mariner, Hugh st Sandrey Joseph, agent to the West Hicks Benjamin, farmer
Davis Wm. Jn. farmer,HigherNewford Cornwall Steam Shipping Co. Bank Hicks Israel, jun. farmer
Deason Henry, blacksmith, Strand Scaddan Robt. supt. registrar, Post offi Hicks Obadiah, farmer
Duff J ames, shoe maker, Parade Scilly Islands Bulb & Flower Associa- Hicks Osborne, farmer
Edwards Clement, farmer, Trenoweth tion (T. A. Smith-Dorrien-Smith esq. Hicks Stephen, farmer, Post office
Edwards John, farmer, Trenoweth president; Clement Wm. Mumford, Hicks Thos. Albt. farmr.& church clerk
Edwards Jsph.farmr.Lower Trenoweth hon. sec.), Public buildings Hicks William John, farmer
Edwards Stephen (exors. of), farmer, Sherris John, butcher, Hugh street Legg Grenfell, farmer
Sherris Robt.master mariner,Church st Legg Isaac, farmer
Lower Trenoweth Smith John Steed, farmer, Old town Mortimer William, farmer
Ellis John, mason, Buzza hill Smith Joseph, lodging house, Parade Fender John, assistant lighthouse kpr
Fricker William Henry, carpntr. Strand Stidiford John, farmer, Lunnen
-George WilliamHenry,farmer,Holyvale
Gibson Alexander, farmer, Old town
Gibson Charles, farmer, Church street
·Gibson Jas. tailor & outfitter, Hugh st Stidiford Joseph, farmer, Silver street
Gluyas Wi1liam Mumford, ship builder St. Mary's Reading Room (Edward St. Martin's.
& coroner for the Scilly Isles, Field ho McDonald, sec.), Well lane
Banan Rev. Arthur Edward [curate]
Hicks Fredk. lodging house, Bank st Thomas Barnes, farmer, Salla Kee
Ricks Stephen, lodging house, Hugh st Thomas John H. boat owner, Parade COMMERCIAL.
HicksThos. Hope&Anchor P.H. Church st Thomas Maria (Mrs. ),lodging ho.Strnd Ashford Edwin, farmer, Higher town
Hiscox Thomas, principal coast officer Thomas William, boat owner, Parade
Thomas William, carrier, Sandybanks Ashford James, farmer, Middle town
& superintendent of mercantile
marine, Parade Thompson John Rogers, carpenter, Ashford Robert, pilot
Holgate Benjamin (Mrs.), Hugh House Carn Thomas
hotel. See advertisement Ashford Samuel, farmer
Hooper John Eynon (firm, Banfield & Tiddy SamuelDowning,master mariner,
Hooper),shipping agent & vice-consul Church street Ashford Thomas Jn. farmr. Lower town
for Germany, Norway & Sweden &
Denmark Tonkin John Carvosso & Son, grocers, Ashford Timothy, farmer, Middle town
Hooper Richard, master mariner, Bank Hugh street
..Jackson Frank, grocer &draper,Hngh st Ashford Williarn, farmer, Higher town
.Jenkin John, mason, Strand Tregarthen The Misses, Tregarthen's
Jenkins Joseph, mason, Thoroughfare hotel, Garrison Bond Stephen, farmer, Lower town
.Jenkins Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Old town
Jenkins Samuel, divisional officer of the Tregear Henry, farmer, Green Ellis Anthony, farmer
Tregear Thomas, farmer, Green
co!lst guard, Garrison Trenear Alfred, carpenter, Church st Ellis John Hall, farmer
.Jenkins Samuel, lodging house, Well la Trenear Chas.grocer & draper,Silver st
Jenkins Westoby, farmer, Carne Friars Trenear Thomas,carpenter,PorthCressa Ellis Stephen, farmer
.Jenkins Wm.Jsph.mason,Thoroughfare Trevellick Elizh. (Mrs.), farmer, Parade
Kaye Joseph, chief keeper, Bishop's Trevellick William, farmer & flower Ford William John, fa...,rmrner
lighthouse grower, Rocky hill Gibson Thomas, shoe maker
King Charles .J. chymist, agent for Treweek Herbert M. farmer, Old town
Watts Francis, carpenter, Strand Gibson William, farmer & shopkeeper
Frith's photographs & cut flower Watts Francis, farmer& flower grower,
dealer, The Parade Goddard Thomas, farmer, Lower town
Legg Edwin, farmer, Mount Todden Old farm & Tremelethan
LeggMaryAnn(Mrs. ),lodging ho.Strand Watts John,master mariner,Well Cross Goddard Thomas, jun. farmer
Watts Methusalem,farmer,Parting earn
Watts Thomas Leggatt, blacksmith, Jenkin Alfred, farmer
Thoroughfare Nance Francis, farmer
Nance James, farmer .
Nance Richard (exors. of), farmers,
Middle town
Skinner Douglas, pilot, & post office
Woodcock Phillip & Son, farmers
Woodcock Samuel, farmer
Woodcock Thomas John, farmer
Woodcock William, farmer
Legg Owen, farmer, Water mill Watts William, farmer, Carne Worvel
Legg Waiter, pilot, Bank Williams Nicholas, shoe maker, Parade :Bryher.
Legg William, grocer & draper & com- Williams Thos. John, farmer, Porthlow COMMERCIAL,
missioner for oaths, Parade Woodcock Authony, farmer, Porthlow
McDonald Edward & Son, grocers & Woodcock Banfield, farmer, Porthlow Ellis Richard, farmer, Post office
drapers, & agents for Batten, Carne Woodcoc"k Francis, farmer, Rocky hill Jenkins James, farmer
& Carne's Banking Co. Limited, Pen- Woodcock Francis, jun. farmer,Rosehill Jenkins James (Mrs.), farmer
Woodcock George, butcher, Church st Jenkins John Jacob, beer retlr.& farmr
zance, Strand
McFarland Jane & Elizabeth (Misses), Woodcock George, farmer & flower Jenkins Richard Francis, farmer
Jenkins Sampson, farmer
grocers & bakers, Strand grower, Rocky hill
McFarland Francis, farmer, Hugh st Woodcock James, carpenter, Hugh st Jimkins Waiter, farmer
Macklin Thomas Thornton lll.B.surgeon Woodcock Joshua, flower grower, Jenkins William, farmer
Jenkins William, jun. farmer
& physician, admiralty surgeon & Porthlow
Pender Joseph, farmer
agent & medical officer of health for •
the Scilly Isles, Church street Tresco. Fender Joshua, farmer
Morris Nicholas, farmer, Helvear Fender Samuel, farmer
Mnmford John, farmer, Longstone Aldridge Waiter Winslowe Lincoln Theo. Fender William Frederick, farmer
Mumford Richard, farmer & flower coil Fender William John, farmer
grower, Holyvale Dorrien-SmithThomasAlgernon Smtth- Stidiford Henry & Son, farmers
Mumford Thos.farmer, Lower Newford D.L., J.P.{lord proprietor),The Abbey Stidiford James (Mrs.), farmer
William, farmer, Content Jenkins Henry Trevellick Patrick, farmer
-•Mnmford '
ST• SENNEN . . . s~uth-\rest P~~-1 Sexton, William Thomas.
a 9 from p M. 0. & T. 0. S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
IS parish miles 0 s T
zance and I east from the Land's End, m the Western divi- . , •'
sion of the county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional ' Letters sho~ld •
(Railway Sub-Office.
have ,R.S.O. Corn-
division of Penwith West, Penzance union and county court wall ad~ed).-Mrs. Martha Trahai~, P?stmistress. L~t-
district, rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Corn- ters arr1ve at g.so a.m. (north ~ail) & 6.50 p.m.; dl8-
wall and diocese of Truro: this is the most westerly parish patched at 7.15 a.m. (north ma1l) & 2.30 p.m
in England _and con~ains t~e ~and's En~. ~he church of A School Board of 5 members was formed June 7, x876i;.
St. Sennen IS an ancient bwldmg of gramte, m the Perpen- John T&reawttheenldlaa~cjeuno.ffTicreere,•e' Buryan is clerk to th.e
dicular style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south board '
ai~le, t!ansept, south_ p_orch and an emba~tled western tower Board School (mixed), built in x88o, for xs8 children;.:
wtth pmna~les contammg: 5 ~ells,_ 3 ?f whiCh were recast and average attendance, 103 ; Thomas John Polkinghorne,.
two added m 188g: a Latm mscnptwn round the base of the master & Miss Alice Williams infants' mistress
font records t~at the church was conse~rated on the Festival Coast Guard .Station Thomas Stone, chief officer & five men
of the Beheadmg of St. John the Baptist, Aug. 29, 1442 or '
q 43 : portions of the rood stairs remain, and at the east CoNVEYANCE TO PENZANCE.-Combe's 'bus at 2 p.m. daily;.
end of the aisle is a fragment of a fresco preserved at the Trewhella's, 9 a.m. tues. thurs. & sat. returning from
restoration: a decapitated figure, probably of the Virgin and Penzance same day at 6.30 p.m
Child, is in the transept : there are four stained memorial THE LAND's END is a mile south-west from the church amt
windows: the church was restored in 1867, at a cost of Peal Point is the most westerly extremity; the cliff here is
£ I,ooo, and has 200 sittings. A very fine and ancient granite 6o feet high, but at points in the immediate vicinity it is nearly
cross stands in the centre of the new churchyard ; near four times that height ; the rocky promontory is pierced by
frevilley is another cross, with a carving of the "Cruci- two natural archways. Three-quarters of a mile west of the
fixion;" a third, now standing at the south entrance to the church is Gamper .Bay with Mean Castle, a lofty rocky head-
churchyard, was removed thither from a hedge close at land ; Gamper Hole is a spacious cavern in the cliff: the
hand, and there is also one in a field on the Mayon estate. Irish Lady, Kettle's Bottom, Armed Knight and Enys.
The register dates from the year 1700. This place was for- Dodnan are rocky islets off the coast; the last-named being
merly included ecclesiastically in tlle royal peculiar of St. pierced by a natural archway. Three-quaTters of a mile
Burian, which see. 'Ihe living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge north-west of the church, at the southern extremity of
£,230, average [,r75, net yearly value £,1so, in the gift of Whitesand Bay,is Sennen Cove,with crab and lobster fishery:
H R.H. the Duk~ of Cornwall, and held since 1892 by the a coast guard station here has telegraphic communication
Rev. John HenryMichell. There is a Church misswn room with St." Just; the cables of the Western Union Company are
at Sennen Cove, and a Sunday school built and presented here connected with the land wires. Whitesand Bay is noted
by the Rev. R. J. Rowe M.A. a former rector. There are for its beautirul beach; Athelstan, Stephen and John are all
Baptist, Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. The lords said to have landed here, and the Pretender Perkin Warbeck
of the manor and principal landowners are Viscount Jt'al- also disembarked on this shore 27 Sept. 1497, and captured
mouth, Lord St. Levan, the Hon. Mrs. Gilbert, of Trelissick, St. Michael's Mount. On Carn Bras, one of a group of
Mrs. Symons, of Torre House, Washford, Somerset, Rev. R. rocky islets, 1± miles from Land's End, is the Longships
J. Rowe :&r.A. and Mr. Henry Harvey. The soil is skillet; Lighthouse, a structure of grey granite, built in x883 by the
the subsoil is granite. The chief crops are wheat and pota- Trinity HouE;e, furnished with an occulting light of over 700
toes; most of the land is pasturage. The area is 2,235 candle power, eclipsed three seconds in every minute, and
acres, 70 of which are water; rateable value, £2,825; the visible for a distance of r6 miles: the original lighthouse
population in 1891 was 676. TREEVE is the church town. was built in I795 by a Mr. Smith as a private beacon; the rock
'fREVESCAN,balfa mile south, and TREVILLEY,three-quarters r1ses over 70 feet above low water at spring tides, and th&
of a mile south, are villages. MAYON, or Mean, is a small height of the structure is over 55 feet, the circumference at
village, near the Land's End. Here is a large stone called the base being 62 feet. The Land's End hotel, situated on
Table Mean. the cliff, is 225 feet above the sea level.
Batten Edward, Hallam Vean Humphries Robert.,farmer,Escalls farm Shannon Adam, apartments, Treeve
Michell Rev. John Henry [rector], Johns William Cock, farmer, 'freeve Thomas William, carpenter, Treeve
Mayon house · Laity Henry, farmer, Penrose Toman Thomas Hutchens, Land's Knd
COMMERCIAL. Nicholas Elizabeth (:M:rs. ), shopkeeper, hotel. See ad\'ertisement
Chellew Artbur, cowkeeper, Escalls & apartments, Sennen Cove Trahair Benj. blacksmith & shopkeeper
Chellew John, farmer, Escalls Nicholas Matthew, caretaker cable Trembath Edward, farmer, Trevilley
Co~t Guard Station (Thomas Stone, room, Western Uni(}n Co Trewern Charles, farmer, Trevescan
chief officer), Sennen Cove Nicholas Richard, shopkeeper, farmer, Trewhella John, carpenter, & apart-
Ellis John, farmer, Escalls & apartments, Mayon ments, Treeve
George Matthew, Success inn :Kicholas Zachreus,commisn.agent (fish) Trewhella William, farmer & 'bus pro-
George Peter, apartments,Sennen Cove Fender Wm. apartments, Sennen Cove prietor, Trevescan
Guy John, apartments, Sennen Cove Penro~>e Wm. apartments, Sennen Cove Trinity House Buildings (John ·watson,
Harvey Henry, yeoman, Trevorian Phillips George, farmer, Mayon farm principal keeper), Land's End
Harvey Samuel, farmer, Trevear Reading Room (Rev. John Hy. Michell, Uren Jarnes, shopkeeper
Hicks George, farmer, Trevescan sec.), Sennen Cove Wallis James, farmer, 'freeve
Hicks Matthew Rowe, farmr. Trevorian Richards Joseph Hy. First & Last inn Watson John, chief lighthouse keeper,.
Hollow William, farmer, Skewjack Saundry John, farmer & gardener, & Trinity House buildings
Hoskin Humphries,dairyman,Treveskin apartments (home comforts), Treves- Willia.ms Thomas, farmer, Trevilley
Humphries Jonathan, farmer, Brew can house
SHEVIOCK is a parish on Whitesand Bay, 3~ miles remain: the communion table is of oak : the chancel roof .
and the walls are decorated with medallions exhibiting
south-south-east from St. German's station on the Great scripture subjects: in tlle church are monuments to John
Western railway, in the South Eastern division of the county, Smith, of Liscawne, gent. I598, and Jane, his wife, 15g5;
south division of the hundred of East, petty sessional and to the family of Nicholas Kendall, rector, 1693; the
division of East South, union of St. Germans, Stonehouse rest are of modern date: some of the Arundells, of Trericer
county court district, rural deanery of East, archdeaco'nry were buried here, one of whom, Waiter Arundell, was
of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. The church of St. Mary rector 44 year!I and was buried in the churchyard, 1629 : the
is an ancient building of local stone, in the Early Decorated chancel was restored in 1851 and the church in 1871 under
style, of about 1300, consisting of chancel, nave of ::;ix bays, the direction of the late G. E. Street esq. R.A. and has 200
north aisle, south transept, north and south porches and a
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year
western tower with spire containing 2 bells, dated x693 and 1666 ; marriages, 1670; burials, 1674, but some earlier
x668; the north transept was removed (about. r520) to fragments exist. The Jiving is a rectory, average tithe rent-
make way for a Perpendicular aisle; the tower is slight and charge £255, net yearly value £256, with 100 acres of glebe
has no turret stairs; the spire, having had its top shortened and residence, in the gift of Col. Reginald Pole-Carew, and
in repairing it, has lost somewhat of its former beauty : in held since 1856 by the Rev. Henry Carew Glanville M.A.
the south transept is a beautiful monument of the latter late fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. CRAFTHOLE is a sma.ll
part of the 14th century, with effigies, representing Sir village, half-a-mile south-by-west. Here is a Wesleyan
Edward Courtenay, of Godlington, third son of Hugh, Earl Methodist chapel, with school attached, built in 1867, and
of Devon, and Emmeline, his wife, daughter and heiress of here also remains an ancient cross, with widely formed
Sir John Dawnay; the canopy above the tomb is grained head 3 feet in height; and on a mound at the junction of
and the lower portion is enriched with shields Of arms: in roads near the village is another and more perfect cross,
the north wall is the effigy of a knight, said to represent a 5 feet six inches in height, with chamfered edges. There is
brother of Lady Emmeline: the chancel has three stained a coastguard station at PoRT WRINKLE, a little fishing cove,.
windows, including the east "indow, and contains three I mile south-west; its ancient pier was destroyed by a storm
plain sedilia, a credence and good piscina, and there is
a.nother piscina in the transept; the rood loft stairs also Feb. 2, x822. Colonel Reginald Pole-Carew c.n. of Antony,
who is lord of the manor, and John Littleton esq. are the & telegraph office is at Antony. Postal orders are issued
principal landowners. The soil is clay and slate; subsoil, here, but not paid
argillaceous slate. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, WALL LETTER BoxEs, Sheviock, cleared at 7.40 a. m. & 5.10
potatoes and turnips. The area is 2,282 acres (including p.m. ; Portwrinkle, cleared 8.30 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. week
239 of tidal water and 250 of foreshore); rateable value, days only
£2,8n; the population in 1891 was 493· ScHOOLS:-
Parish Clerk, James Jeffery. Church (mixed), converted into a school house in 1844,for
PosT OFFICE, Crafthole.-Mrs. Mary Weihtner, sub-post- 92 children; average attendance, 31; Mr.i. Emily £lake-
mistress. Letters received through St. Germans R.S.O. way, mistress
arrive by messenger via Polbathic at 8 a.m. & 4.15 p.m.; Wesleyan,Crafthole(mixed), built in r867,for roo children;
dispatched at 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. The nearest money order average attendance, 41; Miss Grace Foale, mistress
Sheviock. Creber Wm. Fras. lime & coalmerchnt Coast Guard Station (John Trevett,
Jeffery James, farmer, Pool boatman in charge), Portwrinkle
Charles Mrs. Scanner house Matthews John, farmer, Blerrick Davey Henry, blacksmith •
Glanville Rev. Hy. Carew lii.A. [rector] Matthews Thomas, farmer, Barton Hare John, boot maker
Littleton John, Trewin Parken Richard, farmer, Higher Tredis Hill John, farmer, Liscawa
Pole Henry, Tredis Payne Francis, farmer, Lower Tredis Hoskin George, stone mason
Pole Miss, Tredis Willcocks Edward, farmer, Tredossel Hoskin Thomas, shopkeeper & farmer
Roberts John Dobree Anderson ~.P. Williams John, farmer Meech John, carpenter, Portwrinkle
(captain retired R.A. ), Trethill house Crafthole. WeihtnerMary Jane (Mrs ),shopkeeper,
Walker William, Lyner villa Beaver Thomas, wheelwright Post office
Bennett Richard, farmer, Scanner farm Bersey Thomas, butcher Yeo Peter, apartments, Portwrinkle
Cock William, farmer, Trewrickle Channiugs Joseph, New inn
SITHNEY is a parish and village, near the high road owner has added a library and a portico, with granite pillars
from Penzance to Helston, 2 miles south from Nancegollan of the Ionic order : the library is a spacious apartment, ~
station on the Helston branch of the Great Western rail- by 32 feet; the floor is of parquet oak inlaid with ebony and
way, 8 south from Camborne, 2 north-west from Helston, Italian walnut, and the cornice is decorated with the em-
in the Truro division of the count.y, hundred of Kirrier, blawned coats of the family; the library comprises over
petty sessional division of Kirrier West, Helston union and 7,ooo volumes: the oil paintings are, with few exceptions,
county court dist.rict, rural deanery of Kirrier, archdeaconry from the brush of Mr. Bickford-Smith himself: the dining
of Cornwall and diocese of 'fruro. The church of St. room is furnished with a magnificent suite of carved black
Sithney is a building of granite, in the Pointed style, con- oak: the grounds, so acres in extent, include gardens, pas-
sisting of chancel, nave of four bays, aisles, transepts, south ture and wood and contain a tropical garden, and in the
porch ~nd an embattled western tower, with pinnacles. valley a sheet of water ; 120 different species of coniferre are
containing three bells, all cast in 1771 : there are mural growing here: some historic interest attaches to the house
monuments to Richard Hoblyn esq. and Anne (Carew), his from the fact that Alexander Pope visited here, and that
wife, both of whom died in February, 1692; John Arundel, the property once belonged to Charles Wallace, the com-
1671; and also a monumental inscription to John Oliver, of poser. Capt. John Peverell Rogers R.A., J.P. of Penrose,
Trevarno ; some fragments remain of a brass to Roger 'fre- Porthleven, William Bickford-Smith e~>q. J.P. and the
wythynnyk, one of the King's justices, c. 1410; these trustees of the late J. Samuel Spry esq. aretbe chief land-
include the inscription and portions of a stepped floriated owners. The soil is partly loamy and sandy; the subsoil
cross, inscnbed with the legend,'' Ihu mercy," on each limb : is marl, resting on granite. The chief crops are wheat,
the arms of the Penrose family are mserted in the window : barley and oats. The area is 5,8g8 acres, of which 65 is
in the churchyard is a memorial to Edward Coode,of Treesa, water; rateable value, £1o,r85; the population in r8gr was
gent. r662 : there are 320 sittings. The register of baptisms 3,2)10.
dates from the year, 1667; marriages and burials, r664. BoscADJACK, 3 miles north-east ; CRoWNTOWN, I mile
The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £342, north; and PROSPIDNICK, I~ miles north-north-east, are
net yearly value £250, with residence and r8 acres of glebe, hamlets. On Higher Prospidnick stands a logan stone, called
in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1891 by "M€m Amber," II feet long, 6 broad and 4 thick, and on
the Rev. Charles Fursdon Rogers l'ti.A. of Trinity College, Prospidnick Hill is a fallen cromlech, called " the Giant's
Oxford. There is a Mission room attached to St. Sithney at Quoit,'' r8 feet long, 12 broad and 2 thick: on Longstone
Gwavas. At Chynhale is a Wcsleyan chapel, erected in downs stands a pillur of unwrought granite (from which
1879, at a cost of £2,500; the organ was the gift of the this spot takes its name) ; it is now 10 feet only above tbe
Misses Bickford-Smith; the chapel holds 250 persons: there ground and about 2 feet thick : some traces remain here of
is also a Wesleyan chapel at Church Town, and Free Metho- ancient earthworks.
dist chapels at Tregathenan, Gwavas and Crown Town. Nancegollan station is in this parish.
There is a small charity, amounting to {,2 rss. yearly, for PORTHLEVEN, 2~ miles south, is an ecclesiastical district,
poor widows. In 1893 the late Miss Smedley of Park Venton formed from this parish Oct. 11, 1844, and wlll be found
bequeathed £100 for the poor of St. John'fl, to be held in under a separate heading.
trust by the vicar and churchwardens for the time being. Deputy Parish Clerk, Edwin Pascoe.
Lomax Silver Lead Mine in this parish is not now worked. Letters through Helston, arrive at 10.30 a.m. ; dispatched at
In r8go a reservoir was constructed at Tregathenan in this .z. IO p.m. Helston is the nearest money order & telegtaph
parish, capable of holding 3,ooo,ooo gallons: it is the property office. WALL LETTER Box cleared at 2.10 p.m
of the Helston and Porthleven Water Works Co. and is SCHOOLS:-
intended to provide Helston, Sithney and Porthleven with A School Board of 5 members was formed April r2, 1876;
water, the last named only being at present ( 1893) supplied J. Q. James, Merther, is clerk to the board; Joseph Pol-
from the reservoir. Trevarno, the residence of William glase1 attendance officer
Bickford-Smith esq. J. P. stands in a valley near the high road Board, Trannack (mixed), built in 1877, for Io8 children;
from Helston to Camborne, 2 miles north-west from the average attendance, 75; Josh. Thos. Stephens, master
former town and 7 south from the latter: to the original National (mixed), for 130 children; average attendance,
building, a mansion of considerable antiquity, the present 5 I ; William Fry, master
Bickford-Smith William J.P. Trevarno Bond Nicholas, smith Glasson Joseph, farmer, Tregadjack
Rees Rev. R. Wilkins [Wesleyan] Bosanko Thomas, wholesale provision Goodman Nicbolas,blcksmth. Church tn ~
Rogers Rev. Charles Fursdon M.A. The dealer, Lower Prospidnick Goldsworthy John, farmer, Releath
Vicarage Bray Luke, farmer, Plain & Melangoose HarrisRd.&Son,quarry ownrs.Trannack
Russell Thomas, Sithney green Champion Wm.frmr.Lower Boscadjack Harris Christ.opher, farmer, Tregoo3e
Thomas Mrs. Antron lodge Cory Henry, butcher, Merther cottage Helston & Porthleven Water Works Co.
Tregarthen John, Newham Eddy Henry, miller (water), Trevarno (Johnson Qnintrell James, sec.),
COMMERCIAL. Eddy Wm. miller (water), Sithney grn Merther
Adams Edwin, farmer, Penprase Eddy Wm. Alfred, farmer, Chynhale Higgins John, farmer, Gwavas
James James, shopkeeper, St. John~s
Adams Samuel, farmer, Boscadjack Folly Edwin, Crown inn
Andrewartha Rd. carpntr. Crown town Freethy John Francis, farmer, Gwavas James JohnsonQuintrell,frmr.&clerk to
Freeman Charles, farmer, Prospidnick the school board & assistant overseer,
Bennetts John, farmer, Truthall
Benny Henry, farmer, Sithney green Freeman William, farmer, Glebe collector of rates, tithes &c. assessor
Blackmoor Henry, marine store dealer, Gcach Jas. wheelwright, Sithney corn & collector of Queen's taxes & sec.
St. John's GeorgeJn. Sampson, frmr. Prospidnick to the Helston & Porthleven Water
Blewett Harriet (Miss), shopkeeper, Glasson Ada (Miss), shpkpr.Prospect pl "\\torks Co. Merther
Church town Glasson James, farmer, Newham Jeffery Elizh. (1\lrs.), farmer, Trannack
Bolitho William, farmer & butcher, Glasson Jas. Russell, farmer, Newham Jenkin Henry, farmer, Church town
Higher Prospidnick Olasson John, farmer, Prospect place Jewell John farmer, Boscadjack
Jones John, farmer, Tregethenan Pascoe Edward, farmer & mason, Rowe William, farmer, Treesa house
Kemp William, butter & egg dealer, Sithney Trough Rule William Dunkin, carpenter,Cudna.
Pednavounder Pearce Nanny (Mrs.), frmr. Nantrisack Russell Thirza (Mrs.), farmer, Glebe
Liddicoat John, farmer, Mellangoose Pengilly Eliza (Mrs.), farmer, Gwavas Sampson John, farmer, Prospidnick
Martin William Henry, farmer, Pedna- Penrose William, grocer & miller Smith George, blacksmith, St. John's
vounder (water), Crown town; & at Helston Thomas Christr. frmr. &miller,Trannack
Matthews J. Henry, farmer & butcher, Prisk John, farmer, Boscadjack Treloar Grace (Mrs.) market gardener,
Lower Prospidnick Pryor Arundel, farmer, Tregavenna Trannack
Matthews Richard, farmer, Tregoose Pryor Lydia (Mrs.), farmer, Gwavas Treloar James, farmer, Bosoar
Moore Richard T. wholesale provision Reed Johanno (Mrs.), farmer,Trevarno Trembath Humphrey,farmer, Trelissick
dealer, Higher Prospidnick Reed Rd. Hy. wheelwright, St. John's Trevithick Richard, farmer, Roseawen
Morkam Cozworth, farmer & grocer, Richards Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Tyack Richard, market gardener &
Sithney water Pednantrevarno miller (water), Mellangoose
Nicholas Christiana (Mrs.), farmer, Richards SI. miller(water), Roseladden Tyack Thomas, farmer, Pednavounder
Prospidnick Roberts William, farmer, Trannack VincentWm.Hy.quarry ownr.Trannack
Nicholas Robert, farmer, Prospidnick Roskilly Wm. farmer, Church town Wear Thos. farmer, Lower Prospidnick
Ohver Hannibal, farmer & miller RoweJn. Wm. grocer & frmr.Trannack Wear Thomas William, farmer, Cudna.
(water), Tregganack Rowe Josiah, miller (water), Trannack Williams Edwd. J. farmer, Prospidnick
Oliver RichardFrancis,farmer&butcher, Rowe William,farmer &miller (water), Williams John, farmer, Antron
Hayle road Buscadjack Williams Thomas, Tree inn
SOUTH HILL is a parish between the rivers Tamar, Shaw M. A. of St. Catharine's College, Cambridge. There is
Lynher and Inny, and within one mile from the high road a Mission chapel at Trevigro, and divine service is also held
from Callington to Bodmin by Five Lanes, 3 miles north- in the school room at Trewoodla. At Gol berdon in this parish
by-west from Callington, IO south from Lannceston, 9 north- is a Wesleyan chapel. There is a charity of about £13
east from Liskeard station on the Great Western railway and yearly derived from the rent of a farm at Trewolland, which
I2 west from Tavistock, in the North Eastern division of the is distributed at Lady day amongst the poor. On the glebe
.county, middle division of the hundred of East, petty ses- farm is an ancient baptistery or well, called " St. Sampson's
sional division of East Middle, union of Liskeard, county well." In 1891 in the course of a search then being made
.court district of Liskeard, rural deanery of East, arch- for "St. Sampson's cross," a block of hewn granite, 8 feet
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. A bridge of four long, was discovered in the rockery of the rectory grounds,
arches crosses the Lynher at Kerner bridge. The church of bearing an inscription in Latin and at the head the Christian
St. Sampson, anciently appendant to the great manor or fran- symbol; from the character of the latter, Mr. Jago, of Bod-
chise of Killiland, now the property of Lady William Compton min, infers it to be of the date of the sth or 6th century.
and Miss Strode, is a building of stone,chiefly in the Decorated Lady William Compton and Miss Strode, of Newnham Park,
and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel, nave of four Plympton St. Mary, Devon, who are owners of the manor,
bays, north transept or Manaton chantry, south aisle, south and the representatives of the late David William John
porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles, con- Horndon D.L., J.P. of Pencrebar, Callington, are the chief
taining 5 bells : the font is carved with grotesque figures of landowners. Golberdon common of 3oo acres and Red moor
dragons and a representation of the tree of life: the chancel common of 200 acres are divided among 42 different owners.
retains its piscina, and there is another in the transept, as The soil is on the slate and trap ; the subsoil is slate and trap
well as a double-arched Easter sepulchre and hagioscope : the rock. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and pasture.
transept contains also a monument with effigy and singular The area is 31459 acres ; rateable value, £3,016; the popu-
rhyming inscription, to Michael Hill, ob. 1663, and an incised lation in I89I was 528.
stone to John Manaton, ob. I5o7, his wife and others of that The chief hamlets are MADERS, 1! miles south-east, MaR-
family, I50I-28, with shields of arms: the east window is a NICK, I south-west, GOLBERDON, I mile south, and TRE·
memorial, erected by his widow, to Rear-Admiral Samuel VIGRO, 2 miles south-by-east.
Thornton, who was drowned at sea, May I6th, 1859• and Parish Clerk, William Hancock.
there are five other memorial windows: in 1888 a tower
screen was erected as a memorial to the late rector: the Letters through Callington R.S.O. which is the nearest
church was restored in I871 at great expense, and has 200 money order & telegraph office, arrive at 8.5 a.m
sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year 1538; WALL LETTER BoxEs, the Rectory, cleared at 5 p.m. ; Gol-
marriages, I$66; burials, 1550. The living is a rectory with berdon, cleared at 8.3oa.m. & 5.15 p.m. &Maders, cleared
that of Callington annexed, average tithe rent-charge£57I, at 7.25 a. m. & 5·5 p.rn. week days only
joint net yearly value £453, including 250 acres of glebe in National School (mixed), built in I864, for 92 children;
South Bill and Callington, with residence, in the gift of Lady average attendance, So; Henry Evans, master; Mrs. Annie
William Compton, and held since 1886 by the Rev. John D. Evans, assistant mistress
Bennett Henry, Redmoor house Davey James, farmer, Penwarden Rowe Uriah, farmer
Shaw Rev. John M.A. Rectory GarrettJohn,machine owner,Golberdon Rowe William, blacksmith, Golberdon
COMMERCIAL. Harding John, farmer, Lower Ford Shazell Edward, farmer, Egypt
Baber Robert, farmer, Southill farm Hicks Henry, farmer, Treven Shovel Abraham, tailor, Golberdon
Ball Edward, farmer, Bearland Hicks John, farmer, Buddaford Shovel! John, frmr.& mason, Treewooda
Ball John, farmer, Trenavin Hocking John, farmer, Maders Skelton William, farmer, Trewooland
BallSl.millr.(water)&farmr.Bicton mill Kelly Jas. miller (water) & frmr.Beriow Sleeman Samuel, farmer
Batten Ja~es, farmer, Tregunnett Kelly William, carpenter, Golberdon Smith John, miller (water) & farmer,
Bennett Henry, mine agent Laundry WilJiam, farmer, Trevigro Manaton
Body Jane (Mrs.), frmr, Woodcock well Lobb Francis, farmer Stephens William, farmer, Ford
Bond William, farmer, Furzedon Nicholls Francis, farmer, Mornick Symons John, farmer, Trewolland
Brock Henry, farmer, Higher Manaton Pomroy James, farmer, West Redmoor SymonsMary(Mrs.),frmr. Newliscombe
Budge Elizh. (Mrs.), farmr. Landsugle Rickard Charles, butcher, Woodland Taylor Robt. J. New inn, Golberdon
Caunter Thomas, cowkeeper Rickard John, farmer, Lower Manaton Treais John, farmer, Trefinnick
Coad Nicholas, jun. farmer, Trewasick Roberts Wm. Skelton, farmr. Welltown Veale Helll'y, farmer, Trevigro
Coombe Edward, farmer, Mornick Rogers Henry, farmer, Golberton Waring William, farmer, Maders
Cory Jane (Mrs.), farmer & butcher, Roseveare Joseph, farmer, Trevigro Williams Josiah, shopkeeper, Golberdon
Taylershop Rowe John, farmer, Newlandcombe Worth John, farmer, Maders
ST. STEPHEN'S-IN-BRANNELL is a township, head ornamer.t: a piscina remains in the chancel, and some
parish and village, 3 miles north-east from Grampound ancient carving is worked into the panelling of the pulpit
Road station on the Great Western railway, 5 west from St. and desk: the font is sculptured with grotesque animals and
Austell and IO north-east from Truro, in the Mid division of foliated ornaments: this church was the burial place of the
tile county, west division of the hundred of Powder, petty Tanners, of Court, and here, in I652, was interred Hugh
sessional division of Powder East, St. Austell union and Wolridge M.D. of the universities of Cambridge and Breda,
county court district, rural deanery of St. Austell, arch- and a native of Penkivell : the church was re<'tored gradually
deaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The parish but thoroughly from I854 to x87I at considerdble cost, and
includes several villages and hamlets. A branch of the Great is now (I893) about to undergo further restoration at a cost
Western railway extends from Burngullow station to Nan- of £I,5oo, under the direction of Mr. Prynne, architect, of
pean, but is used for mineral traffic only. The church of Plymouth: the mother church is St. Michael Caerhayes,
St. Stephen is a building of granite of the Early Decorated from which St. Stephen's was separated in 1852: there are
period, and consists of chancel,na\-e of four bays, south porch, 650 sittings. The register of baptisms and marriages dates
aisles and an embattled western tower, with octagonal from the year 1694; burials, 1695· The living is a rectory,
.crocketed pinnacles, containing a peal of 6 fine toned bells, average tithe rent-charge £586, net yearly value £307•
of which the first fout' were cast in 1730 and the others in including 5 acres of gjebe, with residence, in the gift of John
1799; the arch of the south doorway is Norman, with nail Bevill Fortescue esq. and held since 1891 by the Rev~ J"ohn
1.. ~ ••
Kendall Rashleigh ~LA. of Magdalene College, Cambridge. building fund of the church. Here are also Wesleyan and
There are Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels, and a l:ree Free Methodist chapels, the latter built in I873·
Methodist chapel, built in r883, on the site of an older one; Parish Clerk, William Gale.
there is also a chapel of the same denomination at Coombe, PosT OFFICE, Church Town. -Henry Clemmow, sub-post~
in this parish. A cemetery of 2 acres was formed in 1876, master. Letters from Grampound Road, arrive at 8.30
at a cost of £4oo, and is under the control of a burial board a. m. ; dispatched at 4·7 p. m. week days only. The nearest
of 7 members. Fairs were formerly held here on July 2Jrd money order & telegraph office is at Grampound Road.
and October 9th, but are now discontinued. The higher Postal orders are issued here, but not paid
portion of the parish has large china clay and china stone
works; the south and middle part is a farming and mining PosT OFFICE, High Street.-Thomas Dingle, sub-postmaster.
district. There is a quantity of marl on the Penhale, Bodin- Letters through St. Austell, arrive at 7·55 a. m.; dispatched·
nick and Brennal estates. John Bevill Fortescue esq. D.L., 4· 40 p. m. week days only. Nanpean is the nearest money
J.P. .of Boconnoc, who is lord of the manor, Viscount Fal- order & Burngullow railway station the nearest telegraph
mouth, Christopher Henry Thomas Hawkins esq. D.L., J.P. office
of Trewithan, Probus, Edmund Beauchamp-Beauchamp esq. PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Nan-
D.L., J.P. ofTrevince, Redruth, audEdward Coodeesq. D.L., pean.-R. B. Hore, sub-postmaster. Letters through St.
J.P. of Moor Cottage, St. Austell, are the principal land- Austell arrive at 8.35 a.m. ; dispatched at 4 p.m. St.
owners. The soil is callous ; subsoil, granite. The chief Dennis is the nearest telegraph office
crops are wheat, barley and oats and some land in pasturage. ScHOOLS : -
The area is 9,002 acres; rateable value, £261089; the popu- A School Board of 5 members was formed February 24,
lation in 1891 was 3,590. r876; William Bennetto, clerk to the board ; William
Nanpean is a village 3 miles north-east. St. George's Bennetto, Church 'fown, St. Stephen's, attendance officer
mission church, opened in r878, consists of apsidal chancel, Board (mixed), Church Town; average attendance~ 190;
nave and south aisle, with porch, vestry and a bell turret ; William Gale, master
the arcade separating the nave and aisle formerly belonged Board (infants), Trethosa ; average attendance, 6o; Mrs.
to the old church of St. Denis, on the removal of which E. Banks Gale, mistress
the arches and piers were brought hither by the lord of the Board (mixed), Nanpean; average attendance, 152; John
manor in 1847, and remained standing in a field 1mtil their Bowden, master
incorporation in the fabric of this church : the chancel Board (mixed), High street, for 120 children; average
windows are stained : an organ was erected in r887 by public attendance, So ; Thomas Rundell, master
subscription in commemoration of the jubilee : the church Board (mixed), Coombe; average attendance, 39; Miss
will seat rso persons. .Attached to it is a cemetery, the land Alice Stephens, mistress
for which was given by the late Hon. G. M. Fortescue, of A new Bo:1rd school is now (1893) being built at White-
Boconnoc, who also gave a considerable sum towards the moor for 90 children
St. Stephen's-jn-Brannell. Ford William, farmer, Tregears Osborne John, farmer, Whitford
[Marked thus+ letters through St. Austell.] Geach John, farmer, Hendra Osborne Richard, farmer, Old pound
.Bullock John, Stanagwyns Geach Joseph, farmer, Hendra Pearce Edwd.frmr.&landownr.Nanjeth
Peters Hugh, farmer, Burgotha
RashleighRev.JohnKendallM.A.Rectory Goudge Henry, farmer, White moor Phillips Edward, farmer & clay agent,
Goudge William, farmer, Treneague
COMMERCIAL. Crugwalla.nce
Gummow George, cowkeeper, Trelion
Alien John, farmer, Harvose Gummow Richard, farmer, Rye hill Phillips Thomas, farmer, Mineral court
Angilloy John (Mrs.), farmer, Curyan Harris William, farmer, Verane Poad Nicholas, farmer, Curyan
Angilloy Thomas, captain of clay works, Harvey Edward, farmer, Court mill Richards Grenville Surcombe, farmer,
Gonabarn Hicks Johnson, farmer, Terras corn & flour factor, grocer, draper &
Arthur George, farmer, Quarry close Hicks Robt.maltster &farmer,Hallivick general merchant, landowner &c.
Arthur John, farmer, Burgotha Hicks Thomas, farmer, Trelion Trethosa moor
Arthur John, farmer, Carpalla Hocking Brothers, farmers, Treviscoe Richards Mary J ane (Mrs.), shopkeeper,
Arthur Phillipa (Mrs.), farmer, Crug- HockingWm. wheelwright, Church Twn Coombe
wallance Hore James, farmer, Alviggan Richards Thomas, farmer,Spring farm,
Arthur Richard, farmer, & assistant James Samuel, farmer, Trethosa Coombe
overseer, Nanjeth Keast Zachariah, farmer, Trelion tRickard Edwin, shopkeeper, High st
Arthur William, farmer, Meledor Kellow Charles, cowkeeper, Nanjeth Rickard John, shoe maker, Nanjeth
:BallEdwn. Queen'sHeadP.H. ChurchTwn Kellow Nicholas, farmer & carter, Hills Roberts Edw.Harvey,farmer,Bodinnick
Ball Francis, shopkeeper, Coombe tKent Felix, carpenter, High street Rowse John, miller (water) & farmer,
EaU Wm. farmer & carrier, Green lane Kent Jas. farmer & clay captain, Hallew Tolgarrick
:Bennetto William, clerk to school board, Kent Richard (Mrs.), grocer, Newgate Rundle Wm. farmer & carter, Chegwins
Church Town Kent William, cowkeeper, Quarry close Skidmore Harry, farmer, Trewray
Best Sl. farmer & carter, Mainmundy Key John,farmer & carter, White moor Smith George Williams, farmer &land-
Bone Henry (Mrs.), farmer, Downderry Knight Uriah, capt. of clay wks. Virginia owner, Ventonwyn
:Bray Thomas, farmer, Carloggas Lean William, farmer, Dowgas Smith John, jun. farmer, Penhale
Brewer Richd. carrier & farmer,Noppies Lidd icoatEphraim,blacksmith,Trethosa Smith Thos. farmer & carter, Carpalla
Brokenshaw William, farmer & shop- Martin James, farmer, Meledor Snell John, farmer, White moor
keeper, Brennall mills 1\'Iartyn Arthur, cowkeeper, Stitch Snell John, cowkeeper, Bluebarrow
Buckingham Thos. farmer, Downderry Martyn John(Mrs.),farmer, Whitemoor Snell John Henry, farmer, Rescrowsa
Bullock James, farmer, Gribbs MartynMaryAnn(Mrs.),shpkpr. Foxhole Snell Thomas, farmer, Dubbers
Bullock John, farmer, Gribbs Martyn Samuel, farmer, Kernick Stephens George, farmer, Carloggas
Bullock John, farmer, Stanagwyns Martyn William, cowkeeper, Heath hill StuthridgeSophia( Mrs.),shopkpr.Terras
BullockRt.captain of clay wrks.Treviscoe MartynWm.farmr.&shpkpr.Whitemoor tSussex John, shopkeeper, High street
BullockThos.farmer&cattle dlr.Carpalla Maunder James, farmer & carter, Teague James, farmer, Downderry
Cemetery (George Olver, clerk to the Trewithian downs Thomas Mary Jane (Mrs.),King"s Arms
· burial board) Mellow Richd. frmr.&carter,Whitemoor P.H. & shopkeeper, Church Town
ChapmanWm. Trealeven,fmr.Tresweeta MennearEdred, cwkpr.&smith,Melledor Thomas James, farmer, Carpalia
Clemmow Henry, carpenter, Post office, Micbell David, farmer, Horwick . Trethewey Richard, cowkeeper,Long la
Church Town Michell Henry, farmer, Trethellan Trethewey Richard, farmer, Carloggas
Clemmow Wm. Hy.grcr. Church Town MorcomJas.carrier&frmr.Gonnamares Trethewey Robert, farmer & clay agent,
Cowling William, farmer, DrinniC'k Mounter John,farmer&carrier,Gonvean Gonnamares
Cowling Elizh. (Mrs.), farmr.Rosevallen Nancarrow Tom, miller (water), Trudgan Charles,farmer, Crugwallanoo
Trudgian Elijah, cowkeeper, Nanjeth
Craddock William, cowkeeper, Hornick Kerrick mill
Trudgian Elisha, farmer, Nanjeth
Crowle Samuel, farmer, Coombe Nicholls Colan, farmer, Melledor
tCundyCbarles,smith &farmer, High st Nicholls Edward, farmer, Dowgas Truscott Edward, blacksmith, Hay
Cundy Charles, farmer, Carpalla Olver George, farmer & clay merchant, Truscott George, farmer, Trelion
Cundy John, cowkeeper, Tillars & clerk to the burial board & regis- Truscott Henry, miller (water) & cow-
trar of births & deaths for Gram- keeper, Meledor mill
Cundy John, farmer, Goverseth
Cundy John, farmer, Vrane pound sub-district Truscott James, shoe maker, Gwindra
tCundy Thomas, farmer, High street 01verJacob,china clay merchant, farmer Truscott HerbertHenry,farmer,general
merchant & maltster, Brennall
Corner William, tailor, Church Town & stone grinder, Trevear
CurraJn.frmr&carpnt.LittleTregargus Olver John, farmer, Treneague Truscott Stephen, farmer, Tregiscoe
DavisChas.&Fred,shoe makers,Trethosa Olver Tom George, grocer, Church Twn Trus(:ott William, farmer, Trewithen
down Olver William, china stone merchant & Truscott William, millwright, Coombe
tDingle Thomas, blacksmith, & post cowkeeper, Church Town Uranium Tin Mines
office, High street Osborne Frank, farmer, Hay Varcoe Caleb, carrier & farmert Hallew
Varcoe Rt. farmer & clay mer. Resugga Yelland Joseph, farmer &clay agt. Clears Bullan Thomas, carpenter
Vercoe John, shopkeeper, Nanjeth Yelland Thomas, farmer &captain clay Crowle James, shopkeeper
Vivian Peter, tailor, High street works, Gondbarn Bore Richard Best, grocer & draper,
Ward Thomas, farmer, Tregargus Yelland William,carrier& farmer,Little Post office
·ward William, butcher, Clmrch Town Treviscoe Knight John, temperance rooms
Watts Emily (Mrs.), shopkeepr. Sentry Yelland )Villiam, farmer, High street Minnear Alfred, shopkeeper
West of England Brick Works(Richard N Morcom Albert John, jeweller
Lillicrap, capt. of works), Barakellas Phillips James (Mrs.), dress maker
Whether Thomas, wheelwright, Terras Lewis Rev. Alfred Merlin M.A. [curate] Phillips John, farmer
Williams Frank, farmer, High street COMMERCIAL. Snell William, farmer & carrier .
Williams Frederick, farmer, Clears Best Alfred John, Queen's Arms P.H Strongman Albert, shoe maker
Williams John, farmer, Tolgarrick Best William, carpenter Truscott Elias, blacksmith
Yelland Geo. farmer &shopkpr. High st Brock Thomas, Grenville Arms P.H Varcoe Harriet (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Yelland John, blacksmith, Terras Bryant Christopher, tailor Yelland James, butcher
ST. STEPHEN'S-BY-LAUNCESTON, a parish and suburb of Lannceston, which see.
ST. STEPHEN'S-BY-SALTASH is a village and with a tower at each angle; in 1646 it was garrisoned for
parish at the confluence of the river Lynher with the Tamar, the King, bnt ultimately surrendered to the Parliament.
and separated by the latter river from the Devonshire Shillingham Manor gave its name to an old family from
parishes of Tamerton and St. Budeaux, I mile south-west thence called de Shillingham, from whom it passed to Lord
from Saltash station on the Great Western railway, in the Bonville and Sir John Horsey kt. whose heiress, Elizabeth,
South Eastern division of the county, south division of the married Alexander Buller esq. of Tregarrick, ancestor of the
hundred of East, petty sessional division of East South, St. present Lord Churston; from the Bullers, Shillingham
German's union, East Stonehouse county court district, passed to the Porter family and now belongs to Col.
rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese Thomas Cole Porter of the 6th Dragoon Guards (Cara-
of Truro. The church of St. Stephen is a fine old building biniers). The principal landowners are Lord Ashburton
of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel, D.L., J.P. Col. Thomas Cole Porter, John Edwards esq. of
nave of five bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled west- •rrematon Hall, William Nicholas Connock Marshall esq. J.P.
ern tower with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, all cast in 1760 : of Treworgey, Ruan Lanihorne, Col. Reginald Pole-Carew
the font is Norman: there are a number of memorials of the C. B. of Antony, and Lord Kingsale. The soil is loamy;
17th century and many of modern date; one to William subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, beans and
Hitchins and Frances (Denham), his wife, has effigies of both turnips and a large amount of market gardening. The area
and of xo children; near it is a monument to George Wad- of the paril:lh (which includes Saltash) is 5,201 acres of land,
ham esq. 16o6, and his wife, also with effigies : there are a 419 of water and 793 of foreshore ; rateable value, £12,800;
number of tablets to the family of Porter, including one to the population in 1891 was 1,549·
Capt. William Porter, of the 4oth regiment, who served at Letters through Saltash, which is the nearest money order
the capture of Monte Video Feb. g, 1807, the attack on & telegraph office, arrive at 5 a.m
.Buenos Ayres, Oct. I8o7, and in the Peninsular War (18o8-
14), and two slabs remain with matrices of brasses ; one of WALL LETTER BoxEs, St. Stephen's, cleared at 7 a. m. &
these still retains a shield with a merchant's mark, and one I2.50 & 6 p.m. week days only; Trematon, cleared at
of four medallions with the figure of an eagle, symbolizing 12. IS & 6. IQ p.m. week days only ; Burraton, cleared at
St. John: in the chancel are three curiously illustrated 12.50 & 6.45 p.m. week days only; Burraton Cross,
volumes of Fox's Book of Martyrs: the church was restored cleared 8·1 5 a.m. 12·55 & 6.so p.m.; Burraton Coombe,
in I872, under the direction of Ewan Christian esq. and has cleared 8.40 a. m. I2.40 & 6.2o p.m.; Carkeel, cleared
550 sittings. The register date,; from the year 1545. The s:a.m.; Longlands, cleared 8.3o a. m.& 12. IQ p.rn.; Forder,
cleared 7· 10 a.m. 12·33 & 6. ro p.m
livinq- is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £22, net
yearly value£goo, including 8 acres of glebe, with residence, ScrrooLs : -
in the gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held A School Board of 5 members was form:~d August 23, 1871 ;
since 1892 by the Rev. Edward Bell B.A. of Trinity College, W. N. Uawling, clerk to the board
Dublin, and M.A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford. Tile great Board, built in 1874-5, for 160 children ; average attend-
tithes of St. Stephen's-by-Saltash belong to the Ecclesiastical[ ance, 100; J . .H. Hirst, master; l\lrs. Tryphena Barra-
Commissioners. Near the Vicarage grounds is an ancient ball, mistress
cross, displaying a carving of the" Crucifixion." 'rhere are The Church sunday school for boys & girls has an endow-
valuable charities belonging to this parish and also other ment of £15 yearly
charities amounting to £roo, including Stanning's of £15, Burraton is a village about I mile north-west of Salt-
Mary Burral's and Mabbot's of £70. The ruins of Trematon ash, and was anciently a Roman settlement. There are
Castle, standing on the top of a wooded hill, on the banks of chapels for Plymouth .Brethren and Wesleyan MethodiSts.
the Lynher, overlooking the Hamoaze and Plymouth The principal landowners are Mrs. Smith and Jn. Rogers esq.
Harbour, comprise the keep, the base court and the gate- Carkeel is a. village, 2 miles north-west of Saltash, on
house: the keep, placed at the north-west angle of the court, the road from Saltash to Callington, containing a few farms.
is an oval of 70 by 30 feet, dating from the 13th century, ELMGATE is a. village, 3 miles west-by-south; FORDER is a
and has walls xo feet thick and 3° high: the gatehouse is village, ~~miles west; and LoNGLANDS is a village, 2 miles
almost perfect and has three arches, with a guard room west from Saltash.
above: the fortress is believed to have been originally built
3tat the period of the Conquest, and was subsequently held by Notter is a village, miles north-west of Saltash, on
the Ea rls of Cornwall: during the tainnstulrirteucrt~iyo,nthienre1b5e4l9s the river Lynher, which is navigable to Natter Bridge,
against the introduction of the Protes where there is a substantial bridge of three arches. James
captured the governor and plundered the buildings: in the and John Roger Willcocks are the sole owners of the manor
castle grounds is a square block of the Breakwater limestone, of Natter.
carved with a medallion portrait of John Jervis, Earl St. Letters through Landrake St. Germans R.S.O. The
Vincent, and the date of his death, 16th March~ x824. The
modern residence stands on the Barrack square, and was nearest money order & telegraph office is at S.1ltash
built by the late Benjamin Tucker in 1 s07 ; it is now in the TREHAN is a village, 2f miles south-west from Saltash.
occupation of Maj.-Gen. Matthew Lannowe. Trematon Here is an ancient Latin cross, standing by the roadside.
Trematon is a village, 2 miles north-west of Saltasb,
Hall is in the occupation of John Edwards esq. Ince Castle, and has a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. The principal land-
on a peninsula in the estuary of the Lynher and formerly owners are John Edwards esq. and Mrs. Smith.
the seat of the Killigrew family, and now a farmhouse, is TREVOLLARD is a village, 3 miles west from Saltash;
a rectangular structure of brick, erected in the 16th century, WEARDE is a village, I mile south-west from Saltash.
St. Stephens-by-Saltash. Bowden Henry, carpenter Gloyn Richard, Ferry House inn, An·
Bell Rev. Edward M.A. Vicarage Bray Charles, farmer, Greeps thony passage .
Bennett Mrs. Latchbrook Breen Jane (Miss), frmr. Burrouq-h hill Goodman Stephen John, farmer
Dusting William, jun. South Pill house Brooking Joseph, shopkeeper, Forder Greet Edmund, farmer
Hawk William J.P. Kernick · Clements Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Howton Greet Thos. tarmer, Court Vollard frm
Kingsale Lord D.L., J.P. Stoketon Cocks Jn. Harry, frmr. Bardon of Earth Grigg Edwd. farmr. Tor farm, Wearde
Lannowe Major-General Matthew, Tre- Cook George, farmer, Wharaton Hawk William J.P. farmer, Kernick
maton castle Deacon Edwin, blacksmith, Longlands Ha" king Samuel, farmer, Broadmoor
COMMERCIAL. Dingle l;ampson, farmer & market Roar William, farmer, Trevollard
AveryWm.& Matthias,frmrs. Trevollard gardener, Castle view Hobbs Richard, farmer, Bag mill
Bailey Ann (Mrs.), tea gardens, I<'order Dingle William, farmer, Grove farm Jones Major, farmer, Roods farm
Ball John, farmer, Skinham Doney Robert, market gardener, Combe Maynard Henry, farmer, Dobbins
Bennett John, farmer, Lower Pill Drew John, farmer, Cross park Morgan Richard John Penwarn,Church
Boundy Richard, farmer, Tredown Edgcumbe James, mason House inn
Pearee Jas.fnnr.&miller (water),Fordr ( Dingle John & Son, market gardeners Rouse Thomas, farmer
Pea.rce Frederick,farmer, Wedgeworthy Doney George, Plough Boy inn Webb John, farmer
Petherick Willia.m, farmer, Nottcrmill' GreetGeo. market gardener, Burraton
Prideaux Fred, smith Hancock William, farmer, Spire hill Notter.
RawlingWm.Nanscawen,assist.overseer Hobbs Richard, market gardener [Letters through Hatt R.S.O.]
Rogers John, farmer, Pillmere NancaiTow Th. tanner, & overseer, Kempthorne John, Sportsman's inn
Roseveare Arthur,farmer, Wiveliscombe Burraton Coombe .
Roseveare Thomas, farmer, Wearde Reed Theophilus,market gardnr.& frmr Trematon.
Smith Robert & John, farmers, Burrell Renfree Selina (Mrs.), farmer & dairy
Steed Hannibal, farmer, Ince I Sargeant Richard, tailor & shopkeeper Edwards John, Trematon hall
Tozer Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Broadmoor Skelton Mary (Miss), lodging house Bray Richard, farmer
Venning Arthur, farmer, Shillingham Smith Eliza Ann (Mrs.), farmer Distin Grace (Mrs.), market g-ardener
Yeo James, mark~t gardener, Spire hill Drew William, farmer
Willcocks George, farmer
Williams Henry, farmer, Trehane Carkeel. Lyne George, farmer
May John, farmer
Batten John, farmer Dingle William, farmer & overseer Thomas Edmund Ernest, farmer
STOKE CLIMSLAND is a parish and township, Duke of Cornwall K.G. and at present unoccupied. H.R.H.
bounded on the north. by the river Inney and on the east the Duke of Cornwall K .G. who is lord of the manors of
by the Tamar. which here separates the county from Devon, Climsland and Climsland Prior, the Duke of Bedford and
and is 8 miles south from Launceston, 9 west from Tavistock William Rendell and Simon Rattenbnry esqrs. are the chief
station on the Great Western and London and South West- landowners. The soil is friable loam; subsoil, clay and
ern railways, 3 north from Callington and r6 north from slate. The chief crops are wheat, oats, barley, turnips and
Plymouth. in the North Eastern division of the county, north strawbeiTies. 'fhe area is 8,732 acres; rateable value,
division of the hundred of East, petty sessional division of £7,577; the population in 1891 was r,865. •
East Middle, Launceston union and county court district, BRAYSHOP, 2 miles west, has a Wesleyan chapel; BEALS-
rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry of Bodmin and MILL, 2 north ; DowNGATE, I south, has a Bible Christian
diocese of Truro. The East Cornwall Minerals railway has 3 chapel; LucKETT, 2 east-south-east, has a Wesleyan chapel;
stations in this parish,viz. Monks Corner, Downgateand Kelly OLDMILL, is I south-east; VENTERDON. a quarter of a mile
Bray. The church (dedication unknown) is a fine building north-west, has a Wesleyan chapel; KELLY BRAY is 2 miles
of granite in the Late Decorated style, consisting of chancel, south; HOLMBUSH, 2 miles south, has a w~sleyan chapel,
nave of six bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled western built in 1873; HAMPT, 2 miles east, has a chapel for The
tower, with crocketed pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 Brethren.
bells, the tenor, which is the largest. weighing nearly one Parish Clerk, William Dawe.
ton: the chancel retains a piscina: the east window is a PosT 0FFICE.-James Mitcbell, sub-postmaster. Letters
memorial to Elizabeth Rose, wife of the Hon. and Rev. from Callington R.S.O. arrive at 8.45 a. m. ; dispatched at
Williant H. Spencer, rector, d. 1851; another Window has 4.30 p.m. The nearest money order & telegraph office is
been inserted in the chancel to Georgiana l\'Iary Call, d. 1837, at Callington. Postal orders are issued here, but not
by her sister, Augusta Hornby: there are monuments to paid
Ezekiel Helier M. A. rector, ob. 1614; John Bagwe11 B.o. rec- PosT OFFICE, Downgate, Thomas Edward Edgcombe, sub-
tor, ob. 1623, and various others of the 17th and later cen- postmaster. Letters from Callington R.S.O. aiTive at
turies, to the families of Clarke, Hawton, Knight, Kekewich 7·35 a.m. dispatched at 5 p.m. The ne'lrest money order
and Call: there are 413 sittings. The register dates from & telegraph office is at Callington. Postal orders are
1538. The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge £730, gross issued here, but not paid
yearly value £8oo, including 49 acres of glebe, with '\'\'ALL LETTER BoxEs, Kelly Bray, cleared at 5· 20 p. m. ;
residence, in the gift of H. R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. and Higherland, cleared at 4· go p.m. ; Luckett, cleared at 4
held since 1876 by the Rev. Richard HenryManley M.A.late p.m. ; Hingston cleared 8.55 a.m
fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. There are Wesleyan ScHOOLS:- .
chapels at Luckett, Venterton, Holmbush and Bray Shop; A Board School of 7 members was formed July 27, 1874;
Bible Christian chapels at Cross and Downgate; a chapel Edwin Rendell, clerk to the board; Bartholomew Gist,
for Plymouth Brethren at Hampt and a Free Methodist Luckett, attendance officer
chapel at Down House. A fair is held on the 29th of May Stoke Climsland Board (mixed), for 220 children ; average
yearly, for cattle and sheep Whiteford House is a mansion, attendance, 47 boys, 29 girls & 28 infants; Theophilus
with polygonal projections at the angles, situated half a mile Mutten, master; Miss Eliza Jane Hawton, mistress
south from the village, in a spacious park, with a bridge Luckett (mixed), for 220 children; average attendance, 35
and artificial cascades, and is the property of H.R.H. the boys, 43 girls & 33 infants; Wm. Henry Cornish, master
Emmens George Geake John, butcher & assistant over- Nattle William Henry, farmer & land-
Manley Rev. Richard Hy. liLA. Rectory seer, Downgate owner, Hampt cottage
MoiTis Rev. Edward Rowley [curate], Geake Thomas, farmer, Crockett Palmer Francis, farmer, Shutta
Luckett Gerry James, farmer, Pempwill Parsons John, fruit grower, Luckett
Rattenbury Simon Philp, Polhilsa villa Gilbard Charles, farmer, Penpill Peake William, carpenter & wheel-
Wilkinson William F Gillbard.Thos. Dennis,farmer, Norton wright, Treovis mill
COMMERCIAL. Gist Bartholomew, mine agent & school Pellow John, mason, Venterdon
attendance officer, Luckett Pellow William, mason
Baber Waiter Henry, farmer Goodman Frank, farmer, Cockington Penney Isaac, farmer, Luckett
Bassett Harry, Half Moon P.H Goodman John, farmer, Hingston Penney James, farmer, Luckett hill
Bawden William, shopkeeper, Luckett Gribble John Doidge, farmer, Climson Percy George, farmer, Tutwell
Beale Samuel, farmer, Lower Hampt Gribble Thomas, farmer, Treecombe Percy James, farmer, Goosewell
Blake Mary (Mrs.), farmer,Wooda frm Gribble William, farmer, Bridge farm Percy John, farmer, Trehill
Blake Richard, farmer, Oldclims GuestJemima(Mrs.),shopkpr.KelJyBry Percy John, jun. farmer, Alson
Body William, farmer, Kelly Bray Harvey Eleazar, farmer, Southcombe Percy Thomas, fruit grower, Luckett
Bridgman Mary(Mrs.), farmer, Kingstn Hatch William, farmer, Low. Lidwell Percy William, farmer, Venterdon
Brooking James, mason, Hingston Heard John, farmer, Coombshead Perry, Spear & Co. Limited, general
Clarke Thomas, farmer, Southcombe Hocking John, farmer, Ta•terdown merchants, Kelly Bray
Coad John, farmer, Oaklands Jasper Richard, farmer, Deans Perry William, farmer, Deer park
Coles William, farmer, Almshouse Johns & Edgcombe, shopkeepers, Post Peters John, farmer & butcher, Winri-
Coombe Henry, farmer, Tutwell otfice, DowngatEY sor Stoke
Cornelius Richard, carpenter Johns William, miller(water)& farmer, Philp Leonard, farmer, Downhouse
Cory Daniel, farmer, Trehingsta • Beals mill Philp William, farmer, Tutwell
Cory Jane (Mrs.),frmr. Taylormanaton Kelly Bray, Holmbush & Redmoor Rapson James. fruit grower
Davey Saml. farmer & auctioneer, Pitt Arsenic, Tin, Copper & Wolfram Rattenbury Joseph, farmer, grocer,
Dingle Edward, farmer, Pempwill Mines (William T. Wilkinson, resi- draper & miller (water), Old mill
Dingle John Hy. carpenter, saw mills, dent engineer; Geo.Emmens, pursr) Rattenbury Simon P.farmer,Polhilsa vl
gen. smith & Railway inn,Kelly Bray Lang Ch. farmer & landowner, Clitter Rendell Edmund, farmer, Turlea
Dingle Richard, blacksmith, Venterdon Langford Joseph L. farmer, Burraton Rendell Wm. Edwd. farmer, Mearfield
Dingle Thomas, shopkeeper, Downgate Lyne Edmund, farmer, Reals Rendell William, farmer & landowner,
Dingle William, butcher Mason Charles, carpenter, Burrows Poundfield
Dingle William, fruit grower 1\Iatthews Henry, farmer, Winslade Roseveare William, farmer, Holwell
Dymond Jn. fruit grower, Higherland Mill William, farmer Rowe George, farmer
Eggins Thomas, farmer, Coomshead Mitchell James, general merchant & Rowe James, farmer & shopkeeper
Garland John, blacksmith, Pempwill farmer, Post office Rundle DaniP-1, farmer, North down
Gartrell Jos;>.ph, farmer, Pitt MitchellWm.grocer &butchr.Holwll.ho Ryall Oliver, farmer, Willtown
Searle George, shoe maker Tink John, fruit grower, New mill Wearing Richard, carpenter,Venterton
Serjeant Richard, farmer, Kellyhole Trefry George, fruit grower, Luckett Weavel Joseph,farmer, Higher Sherrell
ShortThos. frmr. &landownr.North d wn Tucker Jn. Maltsters' Arms P.H.Lucktt Westlake Thomas, farmer1 Tresallick
Skinner Wm. farmer, Higher Lidwell Veal Henry John, farmer, Lidwell Westlake William, farmer, Trecombe
Stephens Richard, farmer, Venterdon Vivian & Sons, gen. mers. Kelly Bray Willcock John Doidge, coal merchant,
Symons Jn. Arscott, farmer, Tresallick Wadland Ellen (Mrs.), farmer, Hampt
Kelly ,Bray
STRATTON, so called from its position on a Roman road Lnnstone and a portion of Roddsbridge are included in the
(stratum) leading from Cornwall into Devon, is a small ecclesiastical district of Bude.
market and union town, township and parish, 8 miles west Sexton, Henry l\faynard.
from Holsworthy terminal station of a branch of the London PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office
and South Western railway, 223 from London and x8 north (Railway Sub.Office. Letters should have R.S.O. (North
from Launceston, giving name to a hundred, and is head of Devon) added).-John Thomas Perry, postmaster. Letters
a petty sessional division, in the North Eastern division of arrive at6.48 a.m & 6.30 p.m.; dispatched at g.18 a.m.
the county, Holsworthy county COlR't district, rural deanery & 5.42 p.m. Box closes at 9 a.m. & 5.25 p.m
of Stratton, archdeaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR STRATTON PETTY SESSIONAL
The church of St. Andrew is an ancient building of stone in ' DIVISION. .
the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan· Batchelor Rev. Fredk. Thos. M. A. Jacobstow, Stratton R.S.O
eel, nave of six: bays, aisles, south porch and an embattled Dennis George Beauchamp Gore esq. M. A. Newacott, Bridge•
western tower, with pinnacles, containing a clock and 8 bells,
of which 6 were recast and two were added in 1778 ; the rule, Holsworthy
Field Col. Wm. Henry, Trelana, Poughill, Stratton R.S.O
clock was placed in the tower in memory of the recovery of Holt Major Joseph, The Grange, Farnborough, Rants
H.R.H. the Prince of Wales from his serious illness in 1871; King John L.R.C.P.Edin. St. Cyprians, Stratton R.S.O
on the pereh is a sun·dial: in the north aisle is a tomb with Kingdon Clement Boughton esq. Ednaston lodge, Derby
the effigy of a crusader, supposed to represent Sir Ranulph
de Blancheminster, and at the east end of the north aisle is Mills Arthur esq. M.A., F.R.o.s., D.L. Efford down, Bude
an altar.tomb of black marble, with brass effigies of Sir Haven R.S.O
Mucklow Edward esq. Whitstone Head, Holsworthy
John Arnndell of Trerice, knt. ob. 25th November, 1561, his Shearme Edward esq. F.S.A. 18 Cleveland grdns. London w
two wives, Mary (Bevyll) and Juliana (Eryssy), ob. March, Thyune Rev. Canon Arthur Christopher M.A. Penstowe,
1567·8, and twelve children; the figure of the knight is in
complete armour, the two wives are clad in furred and richly Kilkhampton, Stratton R.S.O
ornamented robes with long hanging slashed sleeves ; over Clerk to the Magist.rates, William Rowe
the effigies are two quartered shields, between them two Petty Sessions are held at the Court house on the 2nd man-
figures of children, one being a matrix only ; below are ten day in every month at II a. m. The following places are
others, and matrices of two shields; a marginal inscription included in the petty sessional division:- Jacobstow,
surrounds the whole: the south window in the chancel is a Kilkhampton, Launcells, Marbamchurch, Morwenstow,
memorial to the Rev. C. R. Holmes, a former vicar : at the North Tamerton, Poundstock, Poughill, Stratton, Week-
west end of the south aisle is another memorial window to St·Mary & Whitstone
Edward Shearme esq. and there are six other stained win· STRATTON UNION.
dows : the circular font of Transitional date is encircled with Board day, alternate tuesday, at 2.30 p.m. at the Union
a cable moulding, and the benches are of ancient carved oak:
on the quoin of an ancient doorway (now blocked up) at the The followin~ places are included in the union ;-Jacobstow,
west end of the north aisle is carved the date 116o: the ex- Kilkhampton, Launcells, Marhamchurch, Mo1·wenstow,
terior walls of this aisle are Norman : the ehurch was re· Poundstock, Poughill, St. Gennys, Stratton, Week·St.-
stored in 1878 and again in 1887·8, at a cost of £2, mo, when Mary & Whits tone. The population of the union in 1891
the tower and roofs were renovated, the north arcade rebuilt, was 7,II9; area, 54,406 acres; rateable value in 1892,
the chaneel repaved, a carved oak screen and choir stalls Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, William
erected, and the church repaired and reseated, the old carved
Rowe, Stratton
bench ends being retained : a new organ was presented by
Miss King, of Stratton, at a cost of £6go, and a brass eagle Treasurer, Edward D. Pethybridge, Stratton
lectern by Philip King esq. of Stratton : there are sittings for
400 persons. The register dates from the year 1687, and Collectors of Poor Rates, Richard Wickett, Morwenstow ;
has an entry of the burial, March mth, 169 r, of Elizabeth Louis Barrable, Poughill ; J ames Carter Andrews, Bude
Cornish, widow, aged n3. The living is a vicarage, average Relieving & Vaccination Officer, John Brock, Stratton
Medical Officers & Public Vacciuators, North district, J ames
yearly value from tithe rent-charge £151, net income £125,
with residence and 2l acres of glebe, in the gift of H. R.H. :Montague Braund, Stratton ; South district, Frederick
the Duke of Cornwall, and held since 1893 by the Rev.
George Wingate M.A. Peterhouse College, Cambridge. The May, Week·St.·Mary
Wesleyan chapel, in Market street,originally opened in 1837• Superintendent Registrar, William Pickard, Stratton;
was rebuilt in 18go, at a cost of £1,2oo, and has sittings for
200 parsons. The Free Methodist chapel was built in deputy, Nicholas Saunders, Stratton
1838, and there is a Bible Christian chapel at Bush, in this Registrars of Births & Deaths, Kilkhampton sub·district,
parish, built in 1869. The Stratton Institute, in the centre
Alfred Trewin, Kilkhampton; deputy, William Lawrence
of the town, has recreation, smoking and reading rooms, and Trewin, Kilkhampton; Stratton sub.district, John Brock,
a library of 400 volumes. The market is held on Tuesday, Stratton ; deputy, James Henry 'freleven, Stratton;
and the fairs on 19th May, 8th November and nth December. Week·St.•Mary sub·district, William Goman, Poundstock;
The Police Station, built in 1863, is a structure of brick, with
residence for the divisional inspector and a constable. The deputy, Henry Pickard, Stratton
Cottage Hospital, near the town, erected in 1866, is intended Registrar of Marriages, William Goman, Poundstock ;
for the benefit of the poor of the parishes comprised within
deputy, Henry Pickard, Stratton
the union, and has 5 beds. About half·a·mile west of the The Workhouse, on a hill near the town, in the direction of
town, within a farm orchard, are the remains of a quadran· Bude, & built in 1856, is a square building of stone with
wings, & will hold So imm.tes; Thomas Mill Medland,
master; Mrs. Mary Jane Medland, matron; Rev. George
Wingate I>LA. chaplain; James Montague Braund, medical
officer ; Miss Ada Mary Medland, schoolmistress
gular moat, once surrounding a fortified residence, and now ScHOOL ATTENDANCE CoMMITTEE.
called " Biuhamy Castle : " vestiges of Roman roads are Meets at the Uuion Workhouse, on alternate tuesdays, at
found in various parts of the parish. At. Stamford Hill, 2.30 p.m.
near the town, the Parliamentary forces were defeated by the Clerk, William Rowe, Stratton
Cornish Royalist army, under Sir Bevill Grenville and Sir Attendance Officers, John Brock, Stratton & Richard Pear·
Ralph Hopton, on the 16th May, 1643 ; a tablet in corn. don, Stratton
memoration of the event is placed in the wall of the Tree RuRA.L SANITARY .AuTHORITY.
inn, formerly the old manor house. Francis John Thynne Meets at the Union Workhouse, on alternate tuesdays, at
esq. J.P., D.L. who is lord of the manor, and the Right Hon. 2.30 p.m.
Sir Thomas Dyke Acland bart. P.C. are the principal land· Clerk, William Rowe, Stratton
owners. The soil is light loam; subsoil, various. The chief Treasurer, Edward D. Pethybridge, Dingley & Co.'s Bank,
crops are wheat, barley and roots. The area is 2,837 acres Stratton
(including 220 of water); rateable value, £7,161; the popu- Medical Officer of Health, James Montague Braund, Stratton
lation in 18gr was 1,88o (including officers and inmates in Sanitary Inspector, Richard Peardon, Stratton
the workhouse), and those in Bude Haven, which is in the PuBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:-
civil parish of Stratton, and will be found under a separate Cottage Hospital, Rev. George Wingate M. A. chaplain; J.
heading. l\f. Braund & John King, medical officers; W. Rowe, sec.;
DmniEs, half mile east ; BowDEN, quarter mile south ; William Tucker Blatchford, treasurer
RELEBRIDOE, 2 south-west; LUNSTONE, 2 south-west, and Police Station, William Currah, resident inspector & 1
RonnSBRIDGE, ~~ south·west, are hamlets of t.his parish, but constable
PUBLIC 0FFTCERS :- • Town Crier, Richard Yeo
Certif)ing Factory Surgeon for Bude & Stratton, James National School (mixed), built in 1848, for 200 children;
average attendance, n8 ; James Henry .Barton, master ;
Montague Braund Mrs. E. Colliver, mistresg
Clerk to Commissioners of Land & Income Taxes, Spanish CARRIER.-Thomas?ickard, toHolsworthy,mon. wed. & fri
Vice-Consul & Lloyd's Agent, William Rowe CoYVEYANCE.-Coach (Brendon's) through from Bude to
Holsworthy, daily, 8.45 a. m. arriving at Holsworthy,
Clerk to the Highway Board, William Tucker Blatchford
10.3o, returning on arrival of 5 p.m. train
Inland Revenue Officer, James Francis Finucane
Stamp Distributor, John Thomas Perry, Post office
Surgeon to the Highway Board for Stratton Un10n, John
Pearce Baker
PRIVA'l'E RESIDENTS• Brown John, Commercialinn, & farmer Peardon Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker-
.Adams Rev. Josiah OakB.A. [curate] Burge Mary (Miss), draper Penwarden John, stone mason
Braund .Arthur Mather, Hill house Butler Lewis, Bideford inn Perry John Thomas, printer, stationer
Braund James Montague, St. Cyres Chapple Edwin, grocer & confectioner & bookseller, Post office
Bray Misses, Willisfords Ching & Son, wine & spirit merchants; Pickard Thomas, agricultural seed &
Finucane James Frederick & at Launceston & Tavistock manure merchant
Hayman Mrs Ching J ames, mason, Bowden Pickard Henry, chemist & grocer, horti-
King John J.P. St. Cyprians Ching John, mason cultural seed merchant, & agent for
King Miss, The Sanctuary Ching William, poulterer~ Bowdcn the Scottish Accidental & Royal Fire
King Philip, Diddies Chubb John, farmer, Upton & Life & deputy registrar of births &
Kinsman William Consolidated Bank of Cornwall (Wm. deaths for Week St. Mary sub-dis-
Medland Ernest, Helebridge Tucker Blatchford, agent),see Bolitho trict & deputy registrar of marriages
Sandrey Samuel, Sanctuary house & Co. Limited for Stratton district
Shearme Misses, Cothill Coehill.Athletic Club (Thomas Dell & Pickard Thos.carrier & farmer,Pollards •
Shephard Miss, Cothill Miss Marsh, hon. secs) Pickard William, superintendent regis-
Shepherd Mrs. Phillipps Cottage Hospital (James Montague trar of births, deaths & marriages
Wingate Rev. George M.A. Vicarage Braund & John King L.R.C.P.Edin. Pridham William John, Tree hotel
Yeo Harry, Bridge street medical officers; W. Rowe, sec. ; Rattenbury William Frederick & Son,
COMMERCIAL, Miss Margaret Hayward, matron) watch makers & emigration agents
Ash Mary Ann (Mrs.), apartments Couch John, general draper Roberts John, tinplate worker
Badcock Alfred, boot & shoe maker Crutchett James, auctioneer, estate Rogers John, farmer, Shorts
.Baker John .Pearce, surveyor to the agent, surveyor, valuer, builder & Rowe Willia.m, solicitor, commissioner
highway board, Stratton union contractor, Riverside for oaths, perpetual commissioner,
Ballamy Hy. King's Arms P.H. & farmr Crutchett John, painter & glazier clerk to the magistrates,to guardians
Banbury John, saddler & ironmonger Cutting Thomas, cabinet maker rural sanitary & assessment & school
Banbury Samuel, farmer, Howard Davis Nieholas Saunders, carpenter attendance committees of Stratton
Barrett Isaac, landscape gardener Dingley, Pethybridge, White &Dingley, union, to the commissioners of land
Blatchford William Tucker, solicitor & bankers (branch} (Thomas Woodley, & income tax, Spanish vice-consul &
commissioner for oaths, clerk to the agent) (open daily, 11 to s); draw on Lloyds agent
highway board, treasurer to the Cot- UnionBank of LondonLim.LondonEC Rowland Elizh. (Mrs.), Bay Tree P.H
tage Hospital & agent to the Consoli- Edgcumbe John Robins, ironmonger & Saunders Nicholas, boot & shoe maker
dated Bank of Cornwall & to the plumber & deputy superintendent registrar
West of England Fire & Life Office; Finucane Jas.Fras.inland revenue officr Sleeman J ames, builder
& at Bude & Holsworthy Ford Wm. Thos. farmer& dairyman Stainton George Restor, organist to St.
Bolitho,Williams, Foster, Coode, Grylls Gilbert Lewis, farmer, Diddies Andrew's & professor of music
& Co. Limited (Consolidated Bank of Gliddon Elizabeth (Mrs.), dress maker Steer Charles, blacksmith
Cornwall) (branch) (opened daily, 10 Granville Estate Office (C. Durham Stitson Henry, boot & shoe &tea dealer
to 3 ; thursday, xo to 1) ( William Smith, agent) Stratton Cricket Club (Thomas Dell &
Tucker .Blatchford, agent); draw on HartJonn. mineral water mnfr.Diddies Miss Marsh, secs)
Williams Deacon & Manchester & Heard Elizabeth (Mrs.), miller (water), Stratton Institute (Jas. Hy. Barton,sec)
Salford Bank Limited, London E c Howard mill Stratton Trades Association (J. T.
Bowhay William, mason & rat catcher Heard Sarah (Mrs.), shi,rt maker Perry, hon. sec)
Braund Arthur Mather L.R.C.P.Lond. Heard Thomas, tailor Treleven James Henry,draper,&deputy
surgeon & physician, Hill house Hennings Mary (Miss), milliner registrar of births & deaths for Strat-
Braund James Montague, surgeon, & Honey J ames, stone mason ton sub-district
medical officer, public vaccinator & Jones Richard, farmer, Kitts Treleven Nicholas, wheelwright
medical officer of health for the north- King John L.R.C.P.Edin. surgeon Trewin Henry, farmer, Thorn
ern district, & medical officer work- Kinsman William, accountant Trewin James, farmer, Grove park
house & certifyipg factory surgeon Marshall Mary Jewell (Mrs.),shopkeepr Venning Daniel, farmer, Upton cottage
for Bude & Stratton Marshall Richard, farmer, Bagbury Weeks William Abel, butcher
Bray & Peter, solicitors Maynard Henry, carpenter Willis Thomas, farmer, Berry park
Bray William Samuel, outfitter Moyse William, hair cutter Woodley John, stone mason
Brimacombe James, blacksmith Olde Saml. Arthur,saddler & ironmongr Woodley John, jun. tailor
Brock John, relieving officer for the Palmer John, farmer, Townsend Woodley Thomas, china, glass & earth-
northern district,& registrar of births Parish Betsy (Mrs.), laundress enware dealer, & assessor of taxes
& deaths for Stratton sub-district of Peardon Richard, sanitary inspector to Yeo Richard, bill poster & town crier
Stratton union, & attendance officer Stratton union rural sanitary autho- Yeo William, boot & shoe maker
to school attendance committee rity & attendance officer to school Young Men's Friendly Society (Col.
Bromell Thomas, veterinary surgeon attendance committee William H. Field J.P. hon. sec)
Bromell William, farmer, Lichamwoods
ST. STYTHIANS, or STITHIANS, is a township, parish without date: the monuments are modern: the church was
and large scattered village, 3 miles south-west from Perran thoroughly restored in 1873, at a cost of about £.7oo,
station on the Great Western railway, 4 south-south-east and again in 1886, at a cost of £150, and has 330 sittings.
from Redruth and 4 north-west from Peuryn, in the Truro The register dates from the-year 1623. The living is a
division of the county, hundred and petty sessional division vicarage,with that of Perran-ar-worthal annexed, tithe rent-
of East Kerrier,. Redruth union and county court district, charge commutation value £318, average £248, joint gross
rural deanery of Carnmarth, archdeaconry of Cornwall and yearly value £315, net [.263, including 52 acres of glebe,
diocese of Truro. The river Kennall,rising near Carnmenellis, with residence, in the gift of Viscount Falmouth, and held
intersects the parish. The church of St. Stythians is a since 1877 by the Rev. Henry Marven Harmer M.A. of
building of granite in the Decorated and Perpendicular styles, Trinity College, Dublin. There are Wesleyan and Free Meth-
partly erected in the reign of Edward Ill. and consists of odist chapels. A fair is held on the nearest Monday to the
chancel, nave, aisles, north porch and an,embattled western 13th of July, yearly, for horses and cattle. The Kennall, a
tower with pinnacles, containing 4 bells, cast in 1767 and stream of considerable size, passes through this parish,
1790: the nave and north aisle are Decorated and the tower working the grist, paper, flour, gunpowder and various other
and south aisle Perpendicular : the chancel, restored in 1862, mills. Viscount Falmonth is lord of the manor, and Col.
retains a piscina: the east window is a memorial to Lieut. Arthur Tremayne D,L., J.P. of Carclew, Mylor, John Charles
John Wright R.N. d. 1848,and there are three other memorial Williams esq. 111.P. of Caerhayes Castle, the Rev. James
windows: the rood stairs remain in the north wall, and over Ford and Hy. Rogers esq. Helston, D. Henry Shilson esq.
the entrance thereto is a brass plate, inscribed in old English and Mrs. M. J. Moore are chief landowners. The soil is
text, with twelve admonitory English verses, arranged in poor loam and some clayey; the subsoil is granite. The
~ouplets and addressed both to pastors and people, but chief crops are oats and green crops and some land in
pasture. The area is 4,291 acres ; rateable value, £6,637 ; 4-45 p.m. ; dispatched at 2.50 & 5·5 p.m.; sundays
the population in r8gr was 1,768. 11.5 a.m. The nearest money order office is at Perran.
CRELLOW is the church town and largest village in the ar-worthal, & telegraph office at Redruth. Postal orders
parish, are issued here, but not paid. •
KENNALL VALE is 1 mile east from the church, where are WALL LETTER BoxEs, Longdowns, cleared at 3 p.m.;
sundays, no collection ; & Gribbis Corner, Crellow,
the extensive gunpowder mills and magazines belonging to
cleared 3·5 & s.rs p.m.; sunday, xr.2o a m
the Kennall Gunpowder Co. who employ about 20 persons,
A School Board of 5 members was formed June 6, 1871;
and also a paper mill.
William Martin, clerk to the board & attendance officer,
PENHALVEAN is a hamlet xi miles west from the church. Kennall farm
Here is a Wesleyan chapel.
TROLVIS is a hamlet, 2 miles south-east from the church.
FouNDRY, or BRYANT's FouNDRY, is a hamlet, half a mile Board School, erected at a cost of £8oo, for 102 boys, 102
east of the church. girls & 77 infants; average attendance, 78 boys, 97 girls &
Sexton, Thomas Grymaldi. 42 infants ; William Henry Turner, master ; Miss Laura
PosT OFFICB.-Mrs. Ann Andrews, sub-postmistress. Letters Draper Andrew, mistress; Miss Louisa Mary Andrew,
from Perran-ar-worthal R.S.O. arrive at 9.40 a.m. & infants' mistress
[Marked thus • letters through Penryn.] Hearle Robert, farmer, Tregost ·~Moyle John, farmer, Menadue
[Marked thust letters through Redruth.] Hearle Samuel, farmer, Tory Odger Jacob, farmer, Penmenor
Dunstan Isaac Odger, Crellow hill HellingsJn.Thos.butch,r. &frmr. Tremall Odgers James, blacksmith, Hendra
Holloway John Edward, Crellow house Bellings Peter Matthews, farmer & Odgers Matilda (Mrs.), farmer, Cam-
Juleff John, Crellow builder, Enis & Carbis meor & Carnvollock
*Lidgey Edwin, Kennall vale Hicks John, farmer, Treweek *Oliver John, Stonemason's Arms P.H.
Pascoe Mrs. Crellow *James Alfred, dairyman, Bernis Longdowns
Polkinhorn Edward David, Kennall ho Johns Hannibal, shopkeeper, Crellow Opie Bennett, farmer, Treweek
'COl'ofllfERCIAL. New road & miller(water), Tregoning Opie Eliza (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Crellow
Andrew James, hrmer, Lansenmeth *Johns Richard, hlcksmth. Longdowns tOpie Thos. Jas. dairyman, Penhalvean
Andrew Robert & Ernest, farmers & J ohns Thomas, farmer, Sewrah *Oppy James, beer retailer, Longdowns
butchers, Treatheage Jo1ly William, farmer, Treva1is Oppy James, farmer, Trembroath
Andrew Robert, smith, Kennall mills Kempe Edward, farmer, Rosemanowas Oppy John, farmer, Treservern
.Andrew Thomas, farmer, Penhalveor *Kempe Elizh.(Mrs.), frmr. Polkartuggo *Oppy Joseph, blacksmith, Longdowns
AndrewWesley,butchr.&farmr. Trevalis *Kennall Gunpowder Co. gunpowder OppyRichd.Jas.farmer&butchr.Crellow
Andrew William, farmer, Carnmeor manufacturers (Edwin Lidgey, resi- Peters Jn. farmer & shkpr. Velandrucia
Andrew William John, farmer & dent manager), Kennall vale Peters William, farmer, Trewithen
butcher, Trewithen *Knowles Alfred, farmer, Hernis Polkinhorn Edward David, miller
-Bath Henry, farmer, Carncrees *Knowles Jn.Wm. farmr. Carnuhidden (water), Kennall vale
tKnuckey Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Polkinhorn Samuel James, paper man-
Bawden Francis, farmer, Treskewes
Beard William John,farmer,Treservern Penhalvean factr. Kennall vale (offices at Truro)
*Bowden James, dairyman, 'frolvis tKnuckey John, farmer, Little Nanpean . Pryor John, farmer, Treservern
Collins John, builder, Treservern KnuckeyElizh.Jane (Miss), gro.Crellow Randle Martha Jane (Mrs.), farmer,
Collins Thomas, farmer, Penhalurick Martin James, farmer & collector of Crosspost & Runny corner
Dunstan Elizabeth Catherine (Mrs.), rates & taxes, Trebarveth Richards James, farmer, Treservern
shopkeeper, Foundry Martin James, farmer, Gunlaze Richards James Andrew,granite quarry
Dunstan Jabez, mason, Crellow Martin James, jun. carpenter, Hendra owner &monumental mason,Crellow;
*Dunstan Henry, farmer, Hernis Martin J ulia (Mrs.), shopkpr. Crellow & at Belston
Dunstan Joseph, farmer, Trembroath Martin Jethro, Hare & Hounds P.H. Richards Sophia (Mrs.), shkpr. Crellow
tDnnstan Thomas, dairyman,Menadue Crellow East. road *Richards Thomas, carpenter, Trolvis
Dunstan 'Thomas, mason, Trembroath Martin John, farmer, Carn & Gunlaze Rowse Thomas, miller (water), Sewrah
Dnnstan "\Villiam, shoe maker, Crellow Martin Joseph, farmer, Carnsiddia Sarah Henry, farmer, Tretheage
Earle J ane (Mrs.), grocer, Crellow tMartin Joseph, farmer, Nanpean Simmons Jas. Hy. farmer, Tregoning
Ede Isaac, farmer, Trewince Martin Micbael, farmer & assistant Spargo James, Seven Stars P.H
Eva Stephen, farmer, Penhalurick overseer, Tretheage Spargo John, farmer, Lansenwith
*Freeman, Sons & Co. Limited (offices Martin Micha~, jun. farmer, Tregolls Spargo John, miller (water), Treweek
at Penryn), granite quarry owners, & Tubin Tozer James & John, boot mas. Crellow
Polkanuggo & Rosemenous . Martin William, farmer, inspector of Tozer Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Crellow
Gluyas James, farmer, Velandrucia nuisances, Redrnth sanitary author- Trewin Benj. boot & shoe mak. Hendra
Glnyas William, farmer, Burncoose ity & clerk & attendance officer to Vincent Thomasine (Miss), shopkeeper,
GlnyasWm.Hy. boot & shoe ma.Hendra school board, Kennall farm Crellow
tBarris Thomas, farmer, Trelispick Martin William Hy. carpenter, Foundry
TALLAND is a scattered parish on· the sea coast, 2 £n3, with residence ann I acre of glebe, in the gift of
miles west from Looe, ~~ east from Polperro and 9 south- William Gundl'y esq. and held since 1887 by the Rev. John
south-west from Liskeard station on the Great Western Parson. Midway between Polperro and Looe, and in the
rail way, in the South Eastern division of the county, hundred parish of Talland, is a small Catholic church, dedicated to our
and petty sessional division of West, Liskeard union and Lady of Light (Sclerder) and founded by the late Sir Harry
county court district, rural deanery of West, archdeaconry Trelawny hart. There is a charity of about £6 yearly, which
of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. This parish includes pg,rt is distributed amongst boys of Talland parish annually, as a
of the small fishing town of Polperro, which will be found reward for attendance, proficiency and good conduct at
under a separate heading. Ecclesiastically the whole of some elementary school: the charity was originally left by
Polperro is annexed to this parish, the western portion of Capt. Charles Kendal, as a yearly payment to a schoolmaster
which was attached in 1886. The church of St. Talland, in Polperro, who should take a certain number of fishermen's
situated on the side of a hi11, on the eastern side of an inlet sons free. Here are two manors, one of which belongs to
of the sea called Talland Bay, is a building of stone in the the Duchy of Cornwall; the other, called "Killigarth," was
Early English and Perpendicular styles,consisting of chancel, purchased in 1871 of Nichola..c1 Kendall esq. by William and
nave of six bays, '5outh or Killygarth aisle, north transept and Thomas Gundry esqrs. for about [27,ooo. The principal
an embattled tower on the south side, of three stasres, 55 feet landowners are Sir William Lewis SalusburyTrelawnybart.
high and containing 4 bells : the tower is connected with the D.L., J.P. of Trelawne, Pelynt, the Duchy of Cornwall and
church by a large porch with two entrances : the interior is William and Thomas Gundry esqrs. The soil is good
seated with ancient benches of carved oak, displaying the slate and shelf; subsoil, the same. The chief crops are
emblazoned shields of Beville,Grenville and others: in the aisle wheat, barley and roots ; the acreage is 2,665; rateable
are two helmets, one of which bears the crest of the Bevilles: in value, £ g, ro2, including Looe island ; the population in
the aisle is a tomb with full-length effigy of John Beville esq. 1891 was 795·
ob. 1570, with six verses and a long genealogical epitaph in
English; there are other memorials to the family of Mellow, Parish Clerk and Sexton, Thomas Blatchford.
1625; Sumars, 17o8-1o ; KendaU, 1709-47• Nicholas, 1788- Letters through Polperro R.S.O. arrive at 8.35 a.m. The
1833; Elizabeth, wife of John Morth, ob. 1687: the Rev. nearest money order & telegraph office is Polperro
Thomas Gurney, vicar, d. 1760; and the Rev. Daniel Evans,
rector of East Lydford and vicar of St. Keverne, d. 1854 : A School Board of 5 members was formed November 24th,
there are sittings for 450 persons. The register of baptisms r875, for the united district of Talland & Lansallos; N.
dates from the year r651 ; marriages, 1653 ; tmrials, 1654; Hocken, jnn. clerk to the board
the latter include burials from West Looe. The living is a The children of this place attend the Board school at
vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £132, net yearly value Polperro
[Marked thus • receive their letter& through Grigg Jn. farmer & landowner,Portlooe *Martin William, farmer, Wayland
Looe R.S.O.] Gundry Jn. farmer, Killigarth Bartou Mutton Robert, farmer, Tarista
Baste Rev. Edward (Roman Catholic] *Higman Petherick,farmer,Hendrazick Pearce Thomas "Mallow, farmer, Pelyne
chaplain of Sclerder & priest to the & Merrifield Searle John & Henry Brothers, farmers,
mission Hucken Nathaniel, farmer, Newton & Kilquites a
de Bary (Mrs.), Sclerder Polpuckey Searle William, farmer, Kilmenorth
*Grigg John, Portlooe Jerram Charles Samuel M.A. private Sobey William, farmer, Tencreek
Jerram Chas. Saml. M.A. The Vicarage school, The Vicarage Stephens Richard, farmer, Barton
St. John (Mrs.), Sclerder Job Zephaniah, miller (water), Killi- TamblynThos. Cobden,frmr. Porthallow
COMMERCIAL. garth mills Vague John, farmer, Matha
*Bassett Richard, farmer, Portlooe Johns Thomas, farmer, Polkeeves
NORTH TAMERTON is a small parish bounded on College, Oxford. Ogbeare Hall, the property of MajorJoseph
the east and north by the county of Devon, in the North Holt J.P. of Farnborough, Hants, is at present occupied by the
Eastern division of the county, Stratton hundred and petty Hon. Sir Joseph W. Trutch K.C.M.G., F.R.G.s., c. E.; the man-
sessional division, Holsworthy (Devon) union and county sion, which dates from early in the 15th century, has been
court district, rural deanery of Trigg Major, archdeaconry restored and enlarged, and contains a very fine old banquet-
of Bodmin and diocese of 'fruro, 5 miles south-by-west from ing hal1, 30 feet high, and an entrance hall, both with
Holsworthy, which is the nearest railway station, and 10 elaborately carved oak roofs in excellent preservation: it
miles north-by-east from Launceston: a portion of this was occupied in the time of Queen Elizabeth by Leonard
parish east of the Tamar was annexed to Cornwall by the Loves, Her Majesty's treasurer for the counties of Devon and
Acts 2 and 3 William IV. cap. 64 (1832), and 7 and 8 Victoria, Cornwall, whose brass is mentioned above. The principal
cap. 61 (1844). The church of St. Denis, supposed to have landowners are Major Joseph Holt J.P. L. A. Knight esq.
been built early in the 15th century, is an ancient building Messrs.Dingley, Pethybridge and Co. bankers, of Launceston,
of granite and stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting Mrs. Ford and William Bray esq. The chief crops are wheat,
of chancel, nave of five bays, south aisle, south porch and oats and barley. The area is 5,261 acres; rateable value
a fine embattled western tower 90 feet high, inclusive of the £2,397. The parish contained in 1891 a scattered popula-
pinnacles, and containing 6 bells : many of the bench ends tion of 430.
are of ancient carved oak: the north window in the chancel Parish Clerk and Sexton, James Martin.
is stained: the south aisle retains a piscina, and there is a PosT OFFICE.-Miss Mary Ann Gay, sub-postmistress.
font of the same date as the church: on the wall at the east Letters through Holsworthy (North Devon), which is the
end of the norta aisle is a brass inscribed as follows:- nearest money order & telegraph office, arrive at 7.40
"Here lyeth Leonard Loves of Ogbeare, Esquyer, who dyed a. m. ; dispatched at 4.40 p.m. Postal orders are issued ,
the fortynth Daye of Apryll, Anno D.M. 1576, General here, but not paid
Receaver to ye Queue's Maiestie of all hir Revenewes in the A School Board of 5 members was formed February 5,
Counties of Devon and Cornwall : '' there are 262 sittin~s. 1875 ; this parish contributes two members tp the Boyton
The register dates from the year 1556. 'fhe living is a & Northcott school board; Rev. R. C. Smith, clerk to
rectory, average tithe rent-charge £217; net yearly value the board
£170, with residence and 14-§- acres of glebe, in the gift of Board School (mixed), near the church, for 100 children;
J. Hockin esq. and Major Holt alternately, and held since average attendance, 78; James Ba.nt Pengelly, master;
1850 by the Rev. Richard Chamberlain Smith M.A. of Exeter Miss Eulalia Symons, mistress
Gnbbin (Mrs.), Hill cottage Gilbert Frederick, shoe maker & far- Perkin Thomas,Doulsdon inn, &farmer
Smith Rev. Richard Chamberlain M.A. mer, Semersdon Risdon George, farmer, Cheriton
Rectory Gliddon Thomas, farmer, Hollafrench Routley Abram, farmer, Slue
Trutch TheHon.Sir Joseph W.K.C.M.G., Hallett Samuel, farmer, Allisdon Rowe John, farmer, Higher Hornacott
F.R.G.s., C.E. Ogbeare hall Ham Richard, thatcher SargentRichd. crpntr.Hornacottchapel
COliH<IERCIAL. Heard Thomas, farmer, Ditchen Symons Wm.frmr. Tamerton Town frm
Baker James, farmer, Well HoskinArthur(Mrs.),frmr.West Venton Trenouth John, mason &c. Ragged hill
Braund George, farmer, Vacye house Jewell Wm. farmer, Lower Hornacott Trenouth Thomas, mason &c. Little
Bray John, farmer, Alvacott JohnsRichard, farmer, Venn Wilsworthy
Bray Mary (Mrs.), farmer, Davies Johns William, farmer, Semersdon Ward Matthew, farmer, Eastcott
Bray William, yeoman, Ogbeare farm Jones John, farmer, "W"ilsworthy Webber John, carpenter, ,Hole
Brent Richard, farmer, Old Shop Jordan Arthur, farmer, Ogbeare mill Webber Rd. carpenter & farmr. Vale ho
Cock Rodney, farmer, Blagdon Martin James, grocer &c. Ragged hill Webber Richard,jun. carpenter, Higher
Coles William, farmer, Trebarrow Medland William, farmer, Trepoyle South down
Colwill John, blacksmith, Venn Mill John Brown, farmer, Westcott Wickett Marwood,frmr.Tamerton brdg
Gay Henry & Thomas, farmers &black- Palmer John Lillicrap, farmer, Haydon Wood Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Way
smiths, Down farm Parish Sampson, farmer, Semersdon Yelland John, farmer &C'. Alvacott cot
Gay Jas. blacksmith, Hornacottchapel Pearce Jsph. &Jas. frmrs. East Venton
ST. TEATH is a village and parish, bounded on the east sured, is supported by angels, and at the feet are two lions ;
by the river Lane, and is 7 miles north-east from Wade- in this chapel is a mural slab with effigies in relief and an
bridge, 10 north from Bodmin station on the Great Western inscription to Frances, wife of Philip Bennet, ob. October,
railway, and 2i miles west from Camelford on the new 1636; there is also a memorial here to Florence, wife of
branch of the London and South Western railway from Hugh Carew, of Trevia, ob. 1656, and some of the pews are
Launceston to Wadebridge; but a station is now (1893) enriched with arabesque work: the tracery of the windows
opened at DELABOLE in this parish; the parish is in the North in the north aisle includes several shields of arms, and the
Eastern division of the county, hundred of Trigg, petty bench ends here and under the western gallery exhibit the
sessional division of Lesnewth, Camelford-union and county emblems of the Passion, monograms and other devices : the
court district, rural deanery of Trigg Minor, archdeaconry font is octagonal, with plain mouldings : in the church are
of Bodmiu and diocese of Truro. 'fhe church of St. Tetha, other monuments, to John Taverner gent. ob. 1586; Mar-
or St. Etha, formerly collegiate, with two prebendaries, is garet Dagge, ob. May, 1612; Thomas Harris, ob. December,
an ancient building of stone, wholly, with the exception of the 1670; Heater, wife of Humphry Harris, ob. October, 16]0;
tower, in the Early Perpendicular style, consisting of chancel Humphry Harris, ob. March, 1687 and others: there is a.
with north and south chapels, na-re of five bays, aisles, south peculiar alms box, with pictures of the lame, halt and blind
porch and an embattled western tower of three stages, erected on it, and a recumbent figure of a priest: the fine reredos
in 16go, with short pinnacles and containing 5 bells, of which is painted with scripture subjects : the pulpit, dated 16go,
the third and fifth date from 1756 and the rest from 1868 : bears the arms, crest and supporters of the Carminow family,
the chancel is divided from the nave and lateral chapels by with the motto" Cala: Rag : Whetlow" (a straw for a tale-
screens, now imperfect, but retaining some good panelling, bearer): in the great Scrope and Grosvenor controversy, in
with the linen pattern ; the east window retains a fragment the reign of Richard II. in which Chancer the poet gave
of ancient glass; the piscina is built up, but an aumbry evidence, it was alleged by one of the witnesses that the dis-
remains on the north side, and in the north chapel is a newel puted coat (az. a bend, or) had long been borne by the family
staircase formerly leading to the rood loft, a bracket and a of Carminow ; but the claim was eventually disallowed, and
small piscina, the east window has two impaled shields of the claimant compelled to add, as a mark of difference, a
arms and in this chapel are benches, the ends of which are 1 label of three points, gules : the church was restored in
1inely carved with shields of arms: below the east window 1879, at a. cost of £1,200, when various fragments of Norman
of the south chapel is the recumbent effigy of a man clad in masonry were found, indicating the existence of an earlier
a long garment girt with a cord and over this a cloak or church: the communion plate includes a chalice, dated 1661 :
mantle open at the neck, round which is a knotted cord and there are 400 sittings. In the churchyard, enlarged in 186g,
pendent from it a quatrefoil ornament; the head, not ton- at a cost of £150, are numerous memorials to the Male family
DEV. & CORN. 81
(r765~r873), to the Martyn (1796-r864), Bake (r686-r824), manor of Newhall, the Male family, owners of the manor of
Bant and Wakeham families. The register dates from the Trehannick, and the Delabole Slate Company are the prin-
year. 1558; there are also churchwardens"' accounts from cipallandowners. The soil is various; subsoil, stone. The
1768~. 'the living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charge chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and roots. The area is
£1i3, net yearly value £r62, including 34 acres of glebe, 5,839 acres (including 6o of water); rateable value,£6,662;
with residence, lmilt in r821, on the west side of the church- the population in rBgr was 1,703.
yard, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since t8go Parish Clerk, Richard Parsons.
by the Rev. William Stabback Johns, of Exeter College, MEDROSE, 2 miles north, and PENGELLY, 2 miles north,
Oxford. The prebends appear to have existed until the are hamlets.
beginning of the r]th century. Nearly the whole of the PosT OFFICE.-Marcena Oliver, sub-postmaster. Letters
fractured Celtic cross formerly standing in the churchyard, are received through Camelford, arrive at g.ro a.m.;
a granite monolith, 15 feet' in height, which had be·en re-
dispatched at 3_15 p.m. The nearest money order &
moved and used fQr building purposes, has now ~en re- C If dp
covered and re-erected on its original site. DELABOLE is in 1d
this parish. The church of St. cJohn, erected in 1879, at a telegraph office is at ame or . osta or ers are
issued here, but not paid
cost of £ 2,doo, is a building of stone, in the Early English WALL LETTER BoxEs, Pengelly, cleared at 2.50 p.m. ; Mad-
style, consisting of chancel, nave of four bays, south aisle rose, cleared at 2 ·45 p.m
and a tower. Here is a Wesleyan chapel, built in r86g, and PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office, Dela-
seating 400 persons; the old chapel, erected in 18o6, is now bole.-Alfred Nute. sub-postmaster. Letters through
used as a ~chool. The Bible Christian chapel, at Treligga, Camelford, arrive at 9 a. m. ; dispatched at 3·5 p.m.
was built in 1836, for 70 persons, and conveyed to a new Camelford is the nearest telegraph otlice
trust in 1859 ; there is also one at Medrose, built in 1835 SCHOOLS:-
and rebuilt in 1863, fol' 250 persons, and a third in the A School Board of 7 members was formed April 13, 1875,
Church town, built in 1833, with 150 sittings. There are for the united school board district of St. Teath &Michael-
Free Methodist chapels in the Church town, built r86g, with stow, with the south-east portion of the parish of Lan-
300 sittings ; at Pengelly, erected about r865, and seating teglos-by-Camelford, which contributes 2 members; Job
550; and at Treligg-a, erected in rS3o, for 70 persons; at- Hockaday, hon. clerk to the board; Richard Parsons, at.
tached to these are Sunday schools. The vast p.nd well tendance officer
known slate quarries of the Old Delabole Slate Company are Board, Delabole, erected in 1878, in an Early Gothic style,
at Delabole, about three miles from Camelford; fully 400 from designs by Mr. Silvanus Trevail, architect, of St.
men and boys are employed in these quarries and in the Blazey ; the school buildings comprise a central block
factories and workshops erected for splitting and dressing ; with wings & a turret with open octagonal belfry, sur-
the roofing slates are of a greyish blue, very uniform in mounted by a spire & containing one bell ; adjoining is a
colour, and combine lightness with strength and capacity master's house; for 3SO children; average attendance,
to resist atmospheric influences; these quarries also produce So boys, So girls & 55 infants; Francis William Welch,
all varieties of slate slabs and manufactured slates : the master ; Miss Ueatrice Reed, infants' mistress ; M1ss
depth of the quarry is 400 feet. A.t Treburgett is a mine Evans, girls' mistress
formerly yielding copper, lead and silver, but now closed. Board, St. Teath (mixed), designed by the same architect,
Two fairs are held, one on the last Tuesday in February and for rso children; average attendance, Ss; William Henry
the other on the first Tuesday in July. John Bevill Fortes- Thomas, master; Miss Hetty Lang, assistant mistress
cue esq. D.L., J.P. of Boconnoc, Lostwit.hiel, who is lord of CoNVEYANCE.-The North Cornwall· coach passes through
the manor of Tregardock, Lord Robartes, who owns the daily to & from Tresmeer & Padstow
St. Teath. Mewton Jn. SI. timberdlr. Trehannick Bunt John Bawden, saddler, Higher
Hockaday Job, Windsor house Mutton John, farmer, Hilland Medrose
Johns Rev. Wm. Stabback M.A.Vicarage Neal William, carpenter Higham Edward, North Delabole inn
Shephard Mrs. The Laurels· Nichols John, farmer, Dinna Broad Jenkins Anthony (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Nute Nehemiah, farmer & butcher, Nute Alfd. grocer &draper, Post office
Rock head Old (The) Delabole Slate Co.
Amy John, jun. farmer, Rough parlt Nute Thomas, farmer, West down (JobHockaday,sec.&commercialman)
Amy Robert, farmer, Vicarage
Auger Thomas. blacksmith Nute William, butcher Rome William, fishmonger
Auger William, machine maker
Baker John, farmer, Treveans Nute William Hy.carpenter,West down Ruse John, shopkeeper
.I:Saker John, jun. farmer, Tregonnick
Baker Thomas, farmer, Treligga Oatten George, farmer, Middle Hendra Stephens John, farmer & butcher
Baker William, farmer, Treligga
Oliver Marcena, shopkeeper, Post office Tucker James, shopkeeper
p l}
Parsons John, shoe maker enge · Y•
Parsons Rd. assist. overseer &shopkpr
Parsons John, jun. carpenter COMMERCIAL.
Bassett John, thrashing machine propr Pearce William, farmer, Lanagan Bickle Geo. blacksmith,Rock head
Bate Elizh. (Mrs.),New White Hart P.H Philp James, farm bailiff to J.Treleaven Blake Edward & Son, machinists
Beer Adolphus, farmer, Trehannick esq. Lower Suffenton · Blake Samuel Higgs, shopkeeper
Beer Joseph, farmer, Benbowl Box James, hawker
Billing Samuel, farmer, Higher Hendra Philp Richard, farmer, Car Keen Commins Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper
Brown Isaac & Wm.farmers,Tregragon Philp William Hy. farmer, Treburgett Cory John, tailor
Brown John, farmer, Treligga Pinch Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Tines Delabole Co-operative Society (Th<Jmas
Brown Samuel, farmer Roose John, farmer, Deli
Burnard George, tailor' Rosevear William, dairy farmer Bate, manager)
Seldon James, farmer, Bakehouse park Ede John, farmer
Davey William George,farmer,Treligga Sleeman 'J'homas, farmer, Deer park Gill Thomas Smith, shopkeep3r, Higher
Fisher Thomas, farmer, Lower Hendra Sloggett Richard, shoe maker Pen1relly
George John Tremain, miller (water), Smith John, farm bailiff to Adolphus Hart William, Station hotel
Knights' mill Beer esq. Tines Harvey Mary Ann (Miss), New inn
Greenwood lsaa'h, farmer, Delinuth Smith Dan, tailor Hawkey John, shopkeeper, Pengelly
Greenwood Thos. jun. frmr.'fhe Barton Stephens John, farm bailiff toW. & G. Hockaday Job, commercial manager &
Greenwood Thos.sen. frmr.Ennormead
Hawkey Mary (Mrs.), farmer & butcher Heath, Trevilley sec. to the Delabole Slate quarri~,
Hicks John, farmer, Church town Strout William, farmer, Tregardock Windsor house
Teague William, builder Jenkins Aaron, carpenter
Hicks William Henry, blacksmith Treleaven Jolm, yeoman, Trekee
Hockin Hugh, farmer, Trewennen Wallis Richard, farmer Jenkins Harry, blacksmith
JewellEdwin,dairy farmer,Church twn Warne Mary (Mrs.), dress maker Jenkins John, shopkeeper
Lane William, farmer, Newhall Warne Thomas, farm bailiff to Charles Kellow William, quarry manager
Lobb Francis, farmer, Rock head Kendal William, boot & shoe maker
Lobb William, farmer, Treburgett Menhenick esq. Dannon chapel Knight William, bookseller
May John, yeoman, Higher Suffenton Newton James, hair dresser
Medrose. Philip Francis, Commercial inn .
Magor William, farmer, Treroosal
May Thomas, miller (water), Newhall Bate George Henry, farmer Symons Caleb Lord, stone engraver &
Bennallick George, farmer painter
TEMPLE is a small parish, on the road from Bodmin to· church of St. Catharine, r~built at ·a cost of £8oo on the
Launceston, 6 miles north-east from Bodmin station on the foundations of the late Norman chapel of the Knights Temp-
Great Western railway, in the North Eastern division of the: Jars, which bad been in ruins for rso years, was opened
county, hundred and petty sessional division of Trigg, union May 3oth, 1883, and is a small building of ashlar granite
aad county cour~;district of Bodmin, rural deanery and arch- 1and stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel,
deaconry of Bodmin and diocese of Truro. This place de- nave, north transept, south porch and an embattled western
rives its-aame from having been part of the possessions of tower containing one bell: there are four stained windows;
the preceptory of the Knights Templars at Trebigh. The .1 the east window, representing the ."Nativity" and the
~·Ascension," also bears the arms of the Knights Templars, •
and one of the others has the figure of a Knight Templar on
horseback: there are roo sittings. The register dates from village, is a tan cross with carved sides and the head broken.
the year 1882. The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge The soil is peat and clay loam; subsoil, clay, slate and
granite. The chief crops are barley aud oats· and th~re is
{.21, net yearly value [.2o, including 14 acres of glebe, in much moorland. The area is 843 acres; rateaqle yalue,
{.227; the population in 1891 was sr. • •
the gift of Sir Henry Bouchier Toke Wrey bart. and held Letters received from Bodmin, which is the nearest money
since 1892 by the Rev. Edward Vernon Collins M.A. of Exeter order 1& telegraph office, arri~ tues. thurs. & sat. mid-
College, Oxford, who is also rector of Blisland, where he day ; dispatched same time
resides. There is a Bible Christian chapel here, erected
about 1879, and seating 100 persons. Frederic Ernest This place is inqluded in Blisland United School Board
Remfrey esq. who is lord of the manor, Lord Robartes and
District, formed Sept. 29, 1875 .
Mrs. Edward Collins, of Trewardale, Blisland, are the chief
Board School (mixed), built in 1893'f for 30 children; aver--
landowners At Temple Moor, about 1! miles from the
age attendance, 18 "
Bate Thomas, farmer, Broad park Davey Jane (Mrs.), farmer, Middleland Michell William, farmer, Merrifield
Best George, farmer, Tar Harris & Son, farmers, Abbey Riddle Edward, farmer, Dep.aton
Goppin John Harris, farmer, Under Tar •
TIDEFORD is a village and ecclesiastical parish, formed Wesleyan chapel was erected in 1838. The Earl of St.
March 26, 1852, from the civil parish of St. Germans, and Germans D.L., J.P. is lord of the manor and prip.cipal
is on the river Tiddy, 2 miles north from St. Germans, the landowner. The soil is clay and marl; subsoil, stone and
nearest railway station, on the Great Western railway, in slate. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and turnips.
the South Eastern division of the county, southern division The area is 2,000 acres; the population in 1891 was 693.
of the hundred :or !East, petty sessional division of Eas~ Parish Clerk, Richard Richards.
South, union of St. Germans, county court district of Lis- PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.-
keard, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of Bodmin and Miss Elizabeth Jane Sarah, sub-postrriistress. Letters
-diocese of Truro. The church of St. Luke is a small and received through St. Germans H.S.O. which is the nearest
plain edifice of stone in the Early English style, consecrated telegraph office, at 6.50 a.m. & 4.10 p.m.; dispatched at
July 3r, 1845, and consisting of chancel, nave and a gable 9.50 a.m. & 5.40 p.m
~ot containing 2 bells: the interior is fitted with oak pulpit, WALL LETTER BOXES:-
re.lding desk and pews: the stained east windowwasplaced Tideford Quay, cleared 9.40 a.m. & 5.40 p.m
to the memory of his daughter by the Rev. Edward Glan- Blunts, cleared n.2o a.m. week days only
ville, a former incumbent of this parish: there are 200 sit- Letters for Coldrenick to be addressed Menheniot R.S.O
tings. The register dates from the year 1845. The living National School (mixed), with residence for the mistress
is a vicarage, gross yearly value £3oo, net {.290, with resi- attached, built in 1;848, for 120 children; average attend-
deuce and two acres of glebe, in the gift"of the vicar of St. ance, So; Mrs. Rebecca Tanner, mistress •
Germans, and held :since r873 by the Rev. David Jenkins CARRIER TO DEVONPORT (Market Boat, cargo only).-
lii.A. of Exeter College, Oxford, and rural dean of East. The John Ellis, to Swan mn, Cornwall beach, occasionally
Blake Philip, Kilna house Broad Samuel, blacksmith & overseer Kelley John,butcher&farmer,Trewolsta
Jenkins Rev. David M.A. [vicar & rural Burrows William, farmer Liptrot Alfred Bailey L.R.C.P.Edin. sur-
dean], Vicarage Carpenter FrancisJohnHender,farmer, geon, Woodleigh
Kelley Richard Pennywin Maynard Henry, farmer, Cutcrew.
Liptrot Alfred Bailey, Woodleigh Congdon Margaret (Mrs.), farmer O'DoghertyJane(Mrs.),fmr.Tredudwell
Tr.1cy Major Michael R.A. Wood view Dunstan William, grocer Pauter Richard, farmer, Clinick
•rucker Edmund, Molenick Govett Philip Brenton, grocer Peters Thomas, boot ma. Budge's shop
Weeks Mrs Greet Thomas, boot & shoe mg.ker Peters William, shopkeeper
COMMERCIAL. ureet William, boot & shoe maker Pound George, Commercial inn
BartlettGrace( Mrs. ),shopkpr. Bethanay HaddyAlbt. Richd. farmer & timber mer Richards John, farmer, Trewolsta
llatton Edmund & Frederick William, Haddy John, carpenter Roseveare George, farmer, Polmarkin
farmers, Cohlrenick Hancock JiJ.. Maynard,frmr. Trenethick Roseveare Nicholas, farmer, Tresulgan
Best William John, farmer, Trebrown HancockWm.Thos.saddler&ironmongr Sarah Elizh.Jane (Miss~,draper,Post off
Blake Philip,miller(water),Heskyn mill Henwood Nicholas, timber merchant, Tucker Edmund, farmer, Molenick
Brenton & Son, bldrs. &c. Budge's shop Cutcrew mill · Weeks William Henry, miller (water),
Broad Alfred, coachbuilder & grocer Hawke Bertha Ann (Miss),linen draper I Criffie mill
Hocken James, farmer, Bara Pill _ I .
Broad John Aunger, ironmonger
TINTAGEL, anciently called DuNDAGELL, is a parish chancel) is a stone coffin lid with a fl.oriated cross, and above
on the coast, near the entrance of the Bristol Channel, 5 it the head only of a priest, and near it is a brass with
miles from Camelford station, opened in August, 1893, half effigy and inscription to Joan, the mother of John
on the new branch of the South Western railway from Kelly, dean of the collegiate church of Crantock, near
Launceston to Wadebridge, 6 north-west from Camel- Padstow, to which he was appointed IJanuary r6, 1430:
ford, 14 north-east from Wadebridge, 20 north from Bod- on the south side of the chancel is a piscina and an Easter
min and 20 from Launceston; the parish is in the North sepulchre, inclosing a low raised tomb: on the north side is
Eastern division of the county, Lesnewth hundred and petty an aumbry; the reredos is formed out of ancient bench
s~sional division,Camelford union and county court district, ends ; the chapel, a work of the Transition period, retains
rural deanery of Trigg Minor, archdeaconry of Bodmin and its original stone altar, the upper slab bearing five crosses,
diocese of Truro. The now villages of Trevena and Bossiney and on each side are wall brackets : in the north 'transept
in this parish formed by prescription a united borough, one of the windows exhibits a niche and a. bracket, and here
which received its first charter from Richard (Plantagenet), also is a hagioscope, now closed: the west and south sides
Earl of Poitou and Cornwall and King of the Romans, and and part of the east side of the south transept have a stone
this charter was confirmed by Richard II. and Henry VI. : bench running along them: the early Norman font consists
in r685 James II. granted a new charter constituting Tinta- of a basin, square at the top but rounded below, supported,
gel, Trevena and Bossiney a body corporate and politic: the 1 on a cylindrical pedestal, and at the angles by octagonal
borough returned two members to Parliament from :r552 to shafts leaning outwards toward the base; the basin is orna..
1832, when it was disfranchised under the Reform Act, there mented with rude masks and figures of serpents : in !be
being then only 19 electors ; and the -corporation was thei'e- chancel are carved stall ends brought from St. Teath, and
upon allowed to become extinct. The church of St. Sym- in the nave others of Perpendicular date, carved with shields
phorian,standing on a hill overlooking the sea,about half a mile of arms, apparently those of Chamond, Hill and Trecarrell :
west of the village, is an ancient cruciform building of stone there are various memorial tablets, including one to John
in the Norman and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chan- Gill, vicar, ob. 9th June, 1692, and others to Christopher
eel with north chapel. nave,aisles, transepts, north and south Chilcott, ob. 29th Jan. 1676; Matthew Sweetser, vicar, ob.
porches, and an embattled western tower of three stages, 28th July, r668; Nicholas Brown, ob. 1633; John Brown,
containing 5 bells, dated respectively 1735, 1868, 1783, 1828, ob. 1644, and J oan Struate, ob. 1633 :in the churchyard are
and 1868 : several of the windows are stained, one being a numerous inscribed stones to the Avery, Arthur, Bray and
memorial to John Douglas Cook esq. formerly editor of the Wade families: the communion plate includes a chalice of
"Saturday Review," who died 1oth Aug. x868, and is late 17th century date, with a paten cover: the church was
buried in the churchyard; there are others to Robert Jope restored in 1870, under the direction of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn,
Kinsman esq. and Susannah, his wife, d. 1855; Sarah Anne architect. The register of baptisms dates from the year
Radcliffe, d. 31st May, I86s, and Peter Radcliffe, d. I3th IS69; marriages, rsss ; burials, 1546. The living is a
July, 1868: m the south transept (but formerly in the vicarage, average tithe rent-char.se £204, gross yearly value
DEV. & CORN. 81•
£304, with 95 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of rocky eminence on which the mainland part of the castle
the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held since JBSI by stands, where it terminates in a narrow path, continued in
the Rev. Richard Byrn Kinsman M.A. of Trinity College, a zigzag course up the precipitous face of the cliff on the
Cambridge, and prebendary of Exeter Cathedral, and J.P. other side, at the top of which is a fragment of a wall and a
At Trevena is a Free Methodist chapel, built in 1838, and doorway leading to another court, inclosed by strongly
seating 250 persons, and two others for Bible Christians- buttressed walls: at the north end, which is semicircular, is
one at Trewarmet, erected in 1856, and seating 200, and r.nother arched entrance, and here the wall is carried by
another at Bossiney, erected in t86o, and holding about 70. bold stepped battlements up the rocks on the west: on the
In Trevena, opposite the " Wharncliffe Arms," stand the summit of an eminence, a little distance to the west, are the
mutilated remains of a cross, brought here from Trevi1let ruins of the chapel of St. Julitta, consisting simply of
about 1875; the shaft bears on one side the inscription:- chancel and nave, the total length being about 38 feet and
"1ELNAT +FECIT HA'G CRVCEM P ANIMA SV'," and the width 12 feet, with remains of a porch about 8 by 7
on the other the names of the Evangelists ; the round head, feet at the west end : the walls are now from 4 to 5 feet
with Maltese eross, is very imperfect. In a hedge in the above ground: near the south-west angle are traces of some
vicarage garden is an ancient stone cross, I foot 6 inches other building, and about 100 yards north-west is an in-
high and 8 inches wide. .HossiNEY is a· village Ii miles closed rectangular space, 70 feet long by so wide, surrounded
north-east from the parish church. In the village, on the by walls 3 feet thick ; on the east side of the island is another
right side of the road from Trevena to Boscastle, is a piece of walling: in 1245 David, Prince of Wales, took
tumulus, called "Castle Hill," on which the election writs refuge in the castle when in rebellion against Edward I.;
were read and the result of the poll declared; it comprises John de Northampton, or de Comberton (Cambs.), Lord
a circular rampart, about roo feet in diameter, with a ditch, Mayor of London in 1382-3. is said to have been imprisoned
and on the west an outwork, inclosing two· sides of a square: here in 1385, and Thomas (Beauchamp) 4th Earl of Warwick
here also, at a place called "Pentally," is a round-headed K.G. was some time a captive in this fortress, on his removal
cross, 4 feet 6 inches in height and r foot 8 inches broad; from the Tower of London. The office of Constable of
the bead bears a Maltese cross and has a boss in the centre. Tintagel Castle was abolished on the death (in 158o) of John
The insignia of the defunct corporation, consisting of a mace Arundell esq. who had held it since 10th June, 1537, and
and borough seal, are still extant: the mace, now (1893) in after 1580 the ruins and precincts continued to be let on
the possession of Mr. Thomas Brown, farmer, of Menedew, lease till 1844. In the upper portion of the rocky valley of
is of silver, 14~ inches in length, and has a semi-globular Trevillet, in a romantic and thickly-wooded glen or cornbe, is
head, with a cresting of leaves : the shaft is banded and St. Nectan's, or St. Knighton's Kieve, a fine natural cascade,
ornamented at the base with scroll flanges : the seal, of the so called from the "kiel"e " or basin into which the water
16th century and also of silver, is circular, and has an falls: the total height of the fall, which is broken on its
elegant handle formed of oak leaves and acorns ; it bears the descent by intercepting rocks, is about 40 feet : on the top
device of a triple towered castle rising out of the sea and of the cliff are the ruins of a small building, said to have
surrounded by an inscription, and is now in the keeping of been a chapel: St. Nectan's Kieve is remarkable also as the
Mr. John Symons, of Bossiney. A fair is held on the Mon- traditional meeting place of King Arthur's Knights of the
day following October r8th, yearly, for cattle. There are Round Table, who went in quest of " The Holy Grail : " the
three small quarries here, worked by the Rev. Prebendary spot has received additional interest in recent times from
Kinsman M.A. and by Mr. Francis Ede Bunt. The ruins of the prominence given to it by Miss Braddon in her novel
Tintagel castle, the reputed birthplace of the renowned King "Mount Royal," Wilkie Collins's "Rambles Beyond Rail-
Arthur, and long the subject of legendary history and the ways," and "The Sister(of St. Nectan's," by the Rev. R. S..
scene of heroic fiction and romance, are situated a littl~ dis- Hawker: persons desirous of visiting the "Kieve" can do
tance north of the church, on a neck of land uniting the so on applying to the proprietor, Mr. W. Goard, farmer,
peninsula or island of Tintagel head to the mainland ; the Trethevy. H.R.H. the Duke of Cornwall K.G. who is lord of
sites occupied by the different portions of the ruins vary in the manor, Earl of Wharncliffe and Lord Churston are chief
height from 135 to 165 feet above the sea level, both the landowners. Nicbolas Taylor, William Taylor, John Taylor
island on the west and the mainland on the east reaching a and F. E. Hunt esqs. are also landowners. 'fhe soil is light;
height of 260 feet, and the isthmus at its lowest level sink- the subsoil is stone. The chief crops are wheat, barley and
ing to 70 feet: the walls now standing, of rubble grouted oats. The acreage is 4,350 (of which 70 is water); rateable
with extremely hard mortar, are much worn, but there are value, £4,269; the population in 1891 was 719.
existing fragments of apparently Norman character, and the TREVENA is a village half a mile east from the parish
original coping remains: the structure generally, however, church. Trevena House, the residence of Lieut.-Col. Sir
is a work of the early 13th century, and although its plan, Arthur Divett Hayter hart. D.L., J.P. was built in r867 for
owing to landslips caused by the fury of the sea, cannot now John Douglas Cooke esq. TREKNOW is a village 1 mile
he determined, enough is left to be of considerable interest: south from the parish church. TRENALE, Ii miles south-
the portion on the mainland consists of two courts, the east, TREWARMET, I~ south-east, TREBARWITH, 2~ miles
southernmost of which, constructed on a high perpendicular south from the parish church, are also small villages.
rock, retains one side of the wall inclosing it, with part of the Sexton, Edmund May.
semicircular end, the rest having fallen into the sea ; the ad- PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office~
joining court includes the main entrance, approached by a Trevena.-William Cobbledick Balkwill, sub-postmaster.
narrow causeway, and the walls on the south and east are Letters through Camelford arrive at 9.30 a.m.; dis-
standing, but the north end has fallen down the slope and patched at 2.30 p.m
there remains : the chasm between the mainland and the National School (mixed), Trevena, built in 1854, on a site
island, 200 feet across, was once spanned by a drawbridge, granted by the Earl of Wharncliffe, for 160 children ;
but the island is now reached from Trevena by a road cross- average attendance, 70; Henry George White, master
ing the mill stream and passing round the north end of the OMNIBUS to Camelford station, daily ·
Tintagel. Lugg Edwd. sen. blacksmith, Tregeiff Trevena.
Heard Nicbolas, Treknow Lugg William, blacksmith, Tregatta Avery Mrs
Symons Mrs. Martha, Polkerr house
Miller Mary (Mrs.), sbopkpr. Treknow Bishop Mrs .
Nicholls William, farmer, Trevillett Hayter Lieut.-Col. Sir Arthur Divett
Panter Charlt. (Mrs.), lodg. ho.Tref!atta hart. M.A., D.L., J.P. Trevena house
.Alien William, farmer, Fenterfriddle Petherick Thomas, farmer & miller, Johns Miss, St. Nectan's glen
Baker John, farmer, Trewinnick Treknow mills Kinsman Rev.Prebendary Richard Byrn
Brown John, farmer, Downrow Petherick Margtt.(Miss),aparts.Treknw M.A., J.P. Vicarage
Brown John Froath, farmer, Treknow Rush Phillipp, carpenter, Tregatta Sturge 'VilliamFrancis,Trevena cottage
Rrown Joseph, shopkeeper Strout William & James,farmers,Upton Wade MiS3, Treknow
Brown Richard, farmer, Trenewth Symons Thomas, farmer, Hendra COMMERCIAL.
Brown Thomas, farmer, Menedew Taylor John, farmer, Halgabron
Brown Thomas, farmer, Treknow Uglow John Jolliff, farmer, Trecarn Balkwill William Cobbledick, sho~
Brown Wm.miller (water),Long bridge Whales Elvyns (Miss),shopkpr. Treknow keeper, Post office
Bunt Francis Ede, yeoman, coal & slate Bossiney. Calloway William, shoe maker
merchant, Trewithin Cann Wm. King Arthur's Arms P.H
Bunt Richard, yeoman, Tregatta Rounsevell Miss Dangar Thomas, carpenter
Cowling Thomas, farm bailiff to F. E. Svmons Miss Dangar William, carpenter
Bunt esq Ede Mary Ann (Mrs.), aparts. Brooklet
Taylor Nicholas, sen. Bossiney house
G1anville William, farmer, Fenterleigh Baker Wilham, farmer Ede Stephen, draper & grocer
Goard William, farmer, 'frethevy Glenvill Fletcher, blacksmith Fry James, Wharncliffe Arms private,
Hambly William, farmer, Halgabron Harris John, miller (water) family & commercial hotel; posting
Harris Hy. & Sidney, farmers, Trethevey Fiymons John, yeoman in all its branches. See advert
Heard John, farmer, Treknow Taylor Nicholas, jun. farmer Heard Elijab, farmer
Lugg Edward, bla<:J;:.smith, Tregatta Teague J osiah, grocer Lang Samuel John, apartments
Lobb Jane (Mrs.), aparts. Myrtle cot Broad William, farmer Rush John, shopkeeper
Y oulton John, shopkeeper Brown William Henry, farmer
Lobb Thomas, Golden Lion P.H Sandercoch John, hawker
Trewarmet. Mealand John, mason
Palmer George, farmer Trebarwith.
Broad Edward, farmer
Phillpotts Rev. Henry
Lobb Seth, farmer
TORPOINT, a small town, nearly the whole of which a. m. I2.30, 2.30 & 6 p. m. ; sundays, 7.30 a.m. Dispatch:
has been built since I79o, is within the civil parish of weekdays,5·55,8.5o&n.2oa.m.I.2o,6.2o&6.5op.m.;
Antony, in the South Eastern division of the county, petty sundays, 5·55 & 9.20 a.m. & I2.5o p.m
sessional division of the South Division of the hundred of PILLAR LETTER Box, corner of Forest.& Tamar st. cleared at
East Cornwall, union of St. Germans, county court district 8.5oa.m. I.2o&6.sop.m.; sundays, 8.5oa.m.& I2.55P·m
()fEast Stonehouse, rural deanery of East, archdeaconry of WALL LBTTBR Box, Greenbank, cleared at 8.40 a. m. I & 6.30
Bodmin and diocese of Truro, and was formed into a separ- p.m.; sundays, 8.40 a. m
ate ecclesiastical parish, Jan. 17, 1873 : it is on the west bank COUNTY MAGISTRATES FOR THE PETTY SESSIONAL DIVISION'
o.f that part of the river Tamar called "Hamoaze," directly OF THE SoUTH DIVISION' OF THE HUNDRED OF EAST.
opposite the dockyard at Devonport: the river in this part Kingsale Lord D. L.Stoketon, St.Stephen's,Grampound Road,
• is nearly three-quarters of a mile wide, communication with chairman
either side being maintained by a floating steam bridge, Mount-Edgcumbe Earl of P.c., n.c.L., lord Iieut. Mount-
established in 1835, which leaves Torpoint at the hours and Edgcumbe, Devonport
half hours, and Morice Town at a quarter before and a quar- St. Germans Earl of D.L. Port Eliot, St. Germans
ter after each hour ; Torpoint is about 2~ miles west from the Edgcumbe Col. The Hon. Charles Ernest, Mount-Edgcumbe,
Plymouth station of the Great Western railway, opened in Devonport
1859, and has since 1884 been lighted with gas by a company Eliot Lt.-Col. The Hon. Charles George Cornwallis D.L. Port
and supplied with water by the Torpoint Water Works, who Eliot, St. Germans
obtain their supply from springs gathered at Crafthole, in the Boger 'Valt.Deeble esq. M. A., D.L. Wolsden,Antony,Devonprt
.parish of Sheviock, 5~ miles from Torpoint; the works were Boyle Harry Lyne esq. Cliff house, Kingsand, Devonport
.erected in 1887 by the St. Germans Union Rural Sanitary Coryton William esq. Highlands, Ivybridge
Authority at a cost of £8,soo, inclusive of filter beds; the Hawk William esq. Kernick, St. Stephen's-by-Saltash
.storage reservoir holds 6,ooo,ooo gallons and the pure Hawker John Samuel esq. B.A. Motley house, Plymouth-
water basin at filter beds I5o,ooo gallons. The church of St. Hodge Chapell William esq. Pounds, Devonport
James, in the middle of the town, was erected in I819, and Little George Greenway esq. Millbrook, Devonport
is a plain building of stone, consisting of chancel and nave Paige Richard Edwin esq. Treboul, St. Germans R.S.O
and a western turret, containing a clock and one bell: the Roberts Capt. John Dobree Anderson R.A. Trethill house,
chancel, added in 1885, is in the Early English style: the Antony, Devonport
pulpit is of cedar, beautifully carved by Mrs. Kerwan, of St. St. Aubyn Edward esq. D.L. Glynn, Bodmin
.Johns: there is a monument in the church to Joshua Rowe Snell Benjamin esq. Wayton, Landulph, Hatt
esq. (d. I827), as well as to others of this family, including Vallack-Tom Lt.-Col. William Henry, Cawsand, Devonport
his son, Sir Joshua Rowe c. B. Chief Justice of Jamaica: there Clerk to the Magistrates, Chas. Henry Benett, Devonport
are 700 sittings. The register dates from the year 1819. Petty Sessions are held at the Institute every fourth wednes-
The living is a vicarage, tithe rent-charge £2o, net yearly day at n.3o a.m. The following places are included in
value £120, with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Antony, the petty sessional division: Antony, Botustleming, Maker,
and held since I887 by the Rev. Frederick Campbell Cardew Rame, Sheviock, St. John, St. Germans, St. Stephen's-by-
M.A. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Here are Congrega- Saltash, Landulph & Landrake with St. Erney
tional, Wesleyan and Bible Christian chapels. The work- County Police Station, Robt. Nicolls, sergeant, & I constable
house for St. German's Union is about a quarter of a mile St. Germans Workhouse, Wi!liam Symons, master; C. W.
from Torpoint. There are no fairs or markets, but the town Chubb, medical officer; Rev. F. C. Cardew M ..A. chaplain;
is well supplied with meat, fish and vegetables. Here is the the children attend the National & Wesleyan schools
sulphuric acid and manure manufactory of the Western ScHOOLS:-
Counties and General Manure Company Limited. The National (boys, girls & infants), for 400; average a.tten-
Working Men's Club and Institute contains a large lecture dance, 250; Geo. Ward, master; Miss Agnes Murphy,
room and class and reading rooms. Gravesend, the property mistress ; Miss Bessie Farrell, infants' mistress
of Lord Graves, is now occupied by Major De La Poer Wesleyan (mixed & infants), erected in 187r, for 250
Beresford. Colonel Reginald Pole-Carew C.B. of Antony children; average attendance, x66 ; Henry Frost, master
House, is lord of the manor and principal landowner. The CARRIERS : -
soil is loamy; subsoil, slate rock. The area of the parish is William Downing, from Ferry street to Plymouth, Stone-
1,900 acres; rateable value, £3,946; the population in 189I house & Devonport, daily.
was 2,425, including the officers and inmates of St. Germans Job & Sons, from Polperro, via Looe, to Plymouth, every fri.
Workhouse. returning sat
PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S.B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- William Martin, from Looe to Plymouth, tues. return
Miss Emma Hosking, sub-postmistress. Letters are re- wed_ & fri. returning sat
.ceived through Devonport. Delivery: week days, 6.30 Jas.Ernst.Symons,from Looeto Plymouth, fri.returning sat
PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Parkins Samuel, Rock cottage Gosling James Frederick Augustus,
Akenhead Alexander, 3 Waterloo street Rees Miss, 4 Chapel row grocer & baker, 56 Fore street
Beresford Major De La Poer,Gravesend Sandwick Miss, 6 Alexander terrace Granger Jane (Mrs.), baker,47 Forest
Bosanquet Capt. Day Hort (H.M.S. Sansom Mrs. 8 Alexander terrace Greet George, hair dresser, Rowe st
Impregnable), Tor house Sennett Mrs. 3 Albert terrace Grills Alfred, butcher & beer retailer;
Brown Mrs. 3 Cambridge terrace Shaw Mrs. 2 Green bank I7 Fore street
Brumage Anthony Michael Shepheard Joseph, Carlton villa Hall George Rome M.B., M.S. surgeon,
Bull John, 8 Arthur terrace Snell John, Wellington street North Hill house
CardewRev.Fdk.Campbell M.A. Vicarage Vinter Sydney Garratt,gCambridge ter Hancock Emily (Mrs.), refreshment
Chubb Arthur Dunning Travers, Porte Wallis James, 7 Chapel row rooms, 9 Fore street
Rouge Ward George, 2 Chapel row HarrisWm.Viger,ironmonger,6sFore st
Chubb Charles William, Porte Rouge Wavish John, Abercrombie cottage Hawking Wm. shopkeeper, 28 Forest
C1ow George James (paymaster R.N.), Wavish Richard, Elm cottage Bender Richard, butcher, 51 Forest
Rock house COMMERCIAL. Hill Felix, baker, 22 Fore street
C.}ck Alfred William AkenheadMary(Miss),baker,uFerry st Holman Francis Ford, grocer, & agent
Collingwood Richard (engineer R.N.), Carter Samuel, baker, 49 Fore street for W. &; A. Gilbey Limited, wine &
3 Green bank Chubb & Vinter, surgeons spirit merchants, I6 Fore street
Crocker William Chubb Charles William (firm, Chubb HoskingEmma(Miss),post office,Forest
Eastcott Miss, Chapel row & Vinter), surgeon, & med. off. & Hoyten Alfd. carpenter, I Wellington st
Frost Richard Henry, 7 Cambridge ter pub. vacc. No. 2 dist. & med. officer Jasper Thomas, shopkeeper, 3 Tamar st
Gent John, I Albert terrace workhouse, St. Germans union Lyne John, confectioner, 55 Fore street
Hall Geo. Rome M.B.,M.S. North Hill ho Clements Samuel, jun. King's Arms Macey Chas.Queen's Arms P.H.King st
Hancock John, 3 Arthur terrace P.H. & coal merchant, Fore street Macey James, Ferry P.H. Ferry street
Hole John William, 4 Cambridge ter Coaker William Henry, beer retailer 29, Nodder Jane (Mrs.), wine & spirit
Holman Arthur Frank, 5 Cambridge ter & tailor 52, Fore street vaults, I I Fore street
Jago Edwin, 7 Alexander terrace Cocking William P. tailor, 21 :Forest OliverHenryJas.carpenter,Vine cottage
Jenkin Mrs. 2 Albert terrace Collins Francis, saddler, 24 Fore street Palmer James, hair dresser, 20 Forest
Jewell Ebenezer, I Green bank Daw Joseph, butcher, 45 :Fore street PellowWm.refreshmentrms.I Tamarst
Lewis John, 2 Carlton villas Ellis John, rope manufacturer Perkins Samuel Augustus, chemist &c.
Metters Geo. Jo11e R.N. 3 North Hill ter Filmer Mary Holmes (Miss), shop- Tamar street
Pearce James, 4 Arthur terrace keeper, 57 Fore street Pike Mary(Mrs.),beerretailer,IoFore st
Pike Michael, smith, Union road & Shepheard Joseph, manager of the Wavish John, builder, Abercrombie cot
shopkeeper, 40 Fore street Western Counties' & General Manure Wavish Rd. architect&surveyor,Elm cot
Plymouth Mutual Co-operative & In- Company Limited. See advert Wavish Richard, coal merchant, 'fhe
dustrial Society Lim. grocers &c. 53 Smith Charles, shoe maker, 14 Forest Wharf, Ferry street
:Fore street & butchers, Harvey st Stacey Thos. Wm. shoe ma. 6o Forest Western Counties' & General Manure
Pooley Samuel, confectioner, 19 Fore st Sweet & Oo. drapers, 54 Fore street Co. Limited (Joseph Shepheard, man•
Reynolds Thos. Edwin,baker,18 Forest Templars' Hall (Richard Nodder, sec) ager). See advertisement
Reynolds Wm. Jn. boot ma. 52 Fore st Terrell Wm. Hy. Wheeler hotel, Fore st White Seymour,draper& tailor,Tamar st
Rickard Joseph, carpenter, Harvey st Torpotn't Gas & Coke Co. (Alfred Williams Tom, shopkeeper, 25 Forest
Roberts John, shopkeeper, 23 lt'ore st Hoyten,f sec.), Ferry street Wilton James, toll collector, Toll house
RoseJn.market gardnr.8Cambridge ter Torpoint Water Works (S. P. Hosking, Wiltshire ChristopherJohn, shopkeeper~
Sammels Louisa (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 7 collector), Fore street so Fore street
• Ferry street Vinter Sydney Garratt L.R.C.P.LOnd. Working Men's Club & Institute (Wm.
Smale John, mason, I Gordon terrace (firm, Chubb & Vinter), surgeon, 9 Greet, hon. sec)
Smale William, shopkeeper, 66 Fore st Cambridge terrace Youatt Thos. builder, 6 Cambridge ter
TOWEDNACK is a parish 2~ miles south-west from St. chapels at Lady Downs, Nancledrea and Coldharbour: and
Ives station on the Great Western railway and 6 north- for Bible Christians and Teetotal Methodists at Lady Downs;
north-east from Penzance, in the Western didsion of the and one for Primitive Methodists at Georgia Lane. Trendrine
county, hundred of Penwith, petty sessional division of Hill, a short distance from the church, is 8os feet above
Penwith West, Penzance union and county court district, the sea level. There is an ancient intrenchment called
rural deanery of Penwith, archdeaconry of Cornwall and " Tre-crag·an," on the border of the parish. Adjoining
diocese of Truro. The church of St. Tewennoc is an ancient Ludgvan are extensive china clay works and quarry.
building of stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, consist- Amalveor, now a farmhouse, was anciently the seat of the
ing of chancel, nave, south aisle, divided from the nave by Hmgestons. The Duchess of Cleveland, the Hon. Mrs.
an arcade of five arches, south porch and a low embattled Gilbert, of Tresillick, and R. G. Tyringham esq. are the
western tower, containing 3 bells ; the first two are dated owners of the manor and chief landowners. The soil is
1667 and 1744; the tenor bears an invocation to the Holy killas; the snbsoil is granite. The chief crops are wheat~
Spirit: the chancel arch is Early English; the aisle retains barley, oats and roots. The area is 3,035 acres; rateable
an aumbry, and there is a curiously carved font, which bears value, £2,4S4; the population in 1891 was 363.
the date 1720: two ancient bench ends, the only ones sur- Parish Clerk, J. W. Tyacke; deputy, W. V. Pearce.
viving, display medallion profiles of James Trewhila and PosT 0F.FICE, Nancledrea.-Thomas Eddy, sub-postmaster.
Matthew Trenwith, churchwardens, with the date 1633 :the Letters arrive from Penzance at 9·35 a. m. ; dispatched at
monuments are modern, and include on~ to the Rosewalls, 2.45 p. m. weeks days only. Postal orders are issued here,
of Hellesvear, St. Ives, 1829-41 : the church plate includes a but not paid. Ludgvan is the nearest money order &
chalice dating from 1576: the church was restored and telegraph office
reseated in 187o, and has 200 sittings. The register of
baptisms dates from the year 1676; marriages, 1677 ; burials, LETTER Box at Church 'fawn, cleared at 10.50 a. m. week
:r683. The living is a chapelry, annexed to the vicarage of days only
Uny Lelant, tithe rent-charge (Towednack) £ISO, joint net ScHOOLS : -
yearly value £21s, including 10 acres of glebe, in the gift National (mixed), Church Town, erected in 1876, for 6<>
of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1869 by the Rev. children; average attendance, 28; John Skelton, master
Richard Frederick Tyacke M.A. of Trinity College, Dublin, School, Nancledrea (mixed), for 6o children; average
and surrogate, who resides at Lelant. There are Wesleyan attendance, 58; W. V. Pearce, master; Mrs. Pearce, mist
i.Marked thus t receive their letters through tCurnow Mary Ann (Mrs.) & Albert, Martin William, farmer, Embla
St. Ives R.S.O.] farmers, Lower Bussow 1\IichellJane(Mrs.)&Wm.frmrs.Chypons
Baker William Kmg, Tredorwin cottage Curnow Rnbert, farmer, Chylason tQuick Matthew & John, farmers~
COMMERCIAL. tCurnow Wiliiam, farmer, Penderleath Higher Bussow
:BerrymanHenrylshopkeepr.Nancledrea tDunstanHugh&Son,frmrs.Church twn tQuick Matthew, farmer, Chytodden
:Berryman John, farmer, Georgia tDunstan Hugh,jun.assistant overseer, ·tQuick Matthew, farmer, Trevessa
:Berryman Jn.miller(water),Nancledre<t Church town Roach James, farmer, Embla
Berryman William, farmer, Bollena tEdwards Francis & William, farmers, Roach Robert, grocer, Nancledrea
tOare JQhn, farmer, Penderleath Treves~a Wortba tRowe William& John, farmers, Amal-
tCare William, farmer, Brega HockingJohn,blacksmith,Cripple'sEase widden & Skillywadden
Curnow Alfred, farmer, Amalabrea tHollowAugustusWm.farmr.Amalvear Trewhella Kate (Mrs.), beer retailer,
Curnow John, Engine inn, Cripple'sEase t HollowMatthew,frmr. TrevessaWortha Cripple's Ease
tCurnow Matthew, farmr.High.Bussow Jacka Richd. beer retailer, Nancledrea: Trewhella William, farmer, Amalabrea
TREGAVETHAN, formerly an extra-parochial manor, Letters received from Truro, which is the nearest money
is now a parish, on the river Tregavethan, 3~ miles north- order & telegraph office, arrive at 10 a. m
west ~r?~ Truro, in the Truro di\"ision of the cou?-ty, w~s~- The neares11 WALL LETTER Box is at Short Lanes End ~
ern diviSion of the hundred of Powder, petty sessiOnal d1v1- Kenwyn
sion of Powder West, union and county court district of . .. . . ..
Truro. Harry Houlton Vivian esq. J.P. is lord or the manor Th1s I;Jlace IS mcluded m the Umted School Board d1strwt of
and sole landowner and resides at Tregavethan House The Kenwyn
soil is decomposed slate; subsoil, shelf. The chief crops Board School (mixed), for 6o children; average attendance,.
are wheat, oats and barley. The area is 1,007 acres ; rate- 30; Miss Isabella Fletcher, mistress
Iable value, [.697; the population in 1891 was 45· ITin:o.ey William, farmer
VivianHarryHoultonJ.P.Tregavethn.ho Martin Thomas, miller (water)
Clarke Josiah, farmer Sampson William, farmer, Carvinack
TREGONY, formerly a borough, is a town and parish, of Edward I. had the right to hold markets and fairs and
4! miles from Gramponnd Road station on the Great-West- was governed by a portreeve ; in 1621 it was incorporated
ern railway,7 south-west from St.Austell, 7~ east from Truro by James I. as a free borough, the Corporation consisting of
and 3 south from Grampound ; it is in the Mid division of a mayor and 7 capital burgesses, the ,senior of whom was
the county, the west division of the hundred of Powder, also a justice of the peace; an indefinite number of hur-
l petty sessional division of Powder south, 'fruro union and geSdes, recorder, town clerk &c. and this charter continued
county court district, rural deanery of Powder, archdeaconry in force until 1832, when the Corporation was allowed to-
of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The town, which is lapse, and in 184s its property was disposed of; the borough
situated in the parishes of Cornelly, Cuby, Veryan and seal, with the town arms thereon, is still preserved. The
Tregony St. James, was at one time of great importance as town, as a parlill.mentary borough, sent two members to-
a seaport, the sea being within a quarter of a mile of the Parliament from 1294 until the disfranchisement under the
town, and the Fal then a wide and deep river ; vessels of Reform Act of I832. The church of St. James, noted by
large tonnage came up to the quay, which is now no longer Leland in 1533, has ceased to exist: one angle of the walls,
visible, the sea having receded to no less a distance than however, remained standing till 1740; of the castle which
four miles, and the river being little more than a rivulet. adjoined it not a vestige remains, and nothing is now to be
This change has occurred in consequence of t.he sand and rub- seen except portions of the entrenchments on the banks of
bish from adjacent tin streams choking up the channel, and the river. 'l'he chapel of St. Anne, which in Leland's time
from the river itself being diverted from its proper course to stood in the middle of 1he town, was eventually converted
assist in tin-washing ; the river is crossed by a narrow stone into a cloth hall, but in 1777 became ruinous. The church
bridge of two arches, connecting the town with Cornelly, at present used by the inhabitants is in Cuby parish. The
and now (1893) being rebuilt on a larger scale. The town living is a rectory, with the vicarage of St. Cuby annexed,
was a borough by prescription and charter, and in the reign average tithe rent-charge [149, joint net yearly value £,269~