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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

651 Optility™ User Guide

A Acronyms

The following are acronyms used in this documentation.

CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPM Counts Per Minute
CPT Current Procedural Terminology
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
DOT Department of Transportation
DPM Disintegrations Per Minute
EDE Effective Dose Equivalent
EOD End Of Day
FTE Full-Time Equivalent
HL7 Health Level Seven
HP Health Physics
MCA MultiChannel Analyzer
MRN Medical Record Number
NBS National Bureau of Standards
PT Patient
QC Quality Control
RAD Radiation Absorbed Dose
RAM RadioActive Material
RQ Reportable Quantity
SSN Social Security Number
uCI Micro Curie
UN Uranium Nitride

Acronyms 652

653 Optility™ User Guide

B Optility™ Data Converter

This chapter explains how to migrate your data from an older DOS version of NMM, CPM, or NPM to
Optility using the Optility™ Data Converter. The process consists of cleaning your existing database,
converting the data, and then importing it into Optility. When performing this procedure, it is important to
keep the following in mind.
• You must clean your existing database using the CheckDB utility before you convert your data. For

more information on the CheckDB utility, see ”CheckDB Utility” on page 668.
• The conversion process copies the data from your old system, thereby leaving the original data in

• The conversion is not backward compatible.
• After the conversion has been performed, the data on the old system will work for only one more

The following instructions explain how to convert your data.

NOTE: It is important to verify that data is being correctly converted. After each step, check your
application to make sure the data has been copied over. For example, after the Master files have been
copied over, view the records in the new application.

Optility™ Data Converter 654

Performing a Conversion

To migrate the data:

1. Launch the Optility application.
2. Click Tools > Add-Ins > NMM Converter. The Data Converter for Optility™ window displays.

Figure 547 Data Converter for Optility™ - first window

3. After reading the information on the window, select the I have read and accept this disclaimer
check box (if you wish to continue).

655 Optility™ User Guide
4. Click Next. The second window displays.

Figure 548 Data Converter for Optility™ - second window

5. Enter your name in the Enter your name box.
6. Select the application that you are converting.

Optility™ Data Converter 656
7. Click Next. The third window displays.

Figure 549 Data Converter for Optility™ - third window

8. If you are going to run the CheckDB utility, click Run. Go to step 2 to complete the procedure.
If you are not going to run the CheckDB utility, click Next. The fourth window displays.

657 Optility™ User Guide
NOTE: If you make a mistake during the conversion, click Redo Conversion. See ”Redoing a
Conversion” on page 664 for instructions on redoing a conversion.

Figure 550 Data Converter for Optility™ - fourth window
9. Read the Instructions.
10.Read each of the Assumptions. When finished, select the check box next to each assumption.

When all of the check boxes are selected, the Start button is enabled.
11.Click Start. The Select Backup File dialog box displays.

Optility™ Data Converter 658

You are prompted to select the backup file containing the database you want to convert.

Figure 551 Select Backup File dialog box
12.Browse to the backup file, and then click Open. A confirmation box displays.

You are prompted to either continue with the conversion or to run the CheckDB data validation utility.

Figure 552 CheckDB data validation utility confirmation box

659 Optility™ User Guide

13.Click Yes to continue with the conversion. A message box displays.
Click No. See ”Running the CheckDB Utility” on page 669.

NOTE: If you click No and decide to run the CheckDB data validation utility. The conversion process is
stopped at this point.

Figure 553 Conversion message box
14.Click OK to continue with the conversion. A confirmation box displays.

You are prompted to convert the NMM legacy codes as your search codes in Optility™.

Figure 554 NMM legacy codes confirmation box

Optility™ Data Converter 660
15.Click Yes. The Processing status box displays.

Figure 555 Processing status box

NOTE: The old NMM data is imported into a temporary database. This may take several minutes to
complete depending on your data.

16.Select the Import System Configuration settings check box. The System Configuration button
is enabled.

17.Click System Configuration.
The old files are migrated into the new system and are listed in the results pane. After the files are
copied over, check in the new system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the
files have been correctly converted.

NOTE: When you return to the conversion application, you can resume at the point you left.

18.Select the Reviewed System Configuration data check box. The Masters button is enabled.

661 Optility™ User Guide

19.Click Masters. The referring doctor and patient name format drop-down lists display in the middle of
the window.

Figure 556 NMM conversion masters setup
20.Select the referring doctor name format from the drop-down list.
21.Select the patient name format from the drop-down list.
22.Click Continue.

The old files are migrated into the new system and are listed in the results pane. After the files are
copied over, check in the new system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the
files have been correctly converted.
23.Select the Reviewed all Master files check box. The Inventory button is enabled.
24.Click Inventory.
The old files are migrated into the new system and are listed in the results pane. After the files are
copied over, check in the new system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the
files have been correctly converted.

Optility™ Data Converter 662

25.Select the Reviewed all Inventory data check box. The Studies button is enabled.

26.Click Studies.

The old files are migrated into the new system and are listed in the results pane. After the files are
copied over, check in the new system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the
files have been correctly converted.

27.Select the Reviewed all Studies data check box. The Health Physics button is enabled.

28.Click Health Physics.

The old files are migrated into the new system and are listed in the results pane. After the files are
copied over, check in the new system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the
files have been correctly converted.

29.Select the Reviewed all Health Physics data check box. The Miscellaneous button is enabled.

30.Click Miscellaneous.

The old files are migrated into the new system. After the files are copied over, check in the new
system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the files have been correctly

31.Select the Reviewed all Miscellaneous data check box. The Next button is enabled.

663 Optility™ User Guide
32.Click Next. If any alerts are encountered, an Alerts window displays.

Figure 557 Alerts window

Optility™ Data Converter 664
33.View the alert and click Next. The completion window displays.

Figure 558 Data Converter for Optility™ - Fourth window

34.Click Finish.

Redoing a Conversion

You can redo parts of a conversion during a conversion. This saves the time of starting the conversion
from the beginning. For example, if you already converted the master data and discovered that you
needed to do the conversion again. You can redo the conversion of the master data. However, once you
complete a conversion, you cannot redo any parts of the previous conversion. You must start a new

To redo a conversion

1. Launch the Optility application.
2. Click Tools > Add-Ins > NMM Converter. The Data Converter for Optility™ window displays.

665 Optility™ User Guide

3. After reading the information on the window, select the I have read and accept this disclaimer
check box (if you wish to continue).

4. Click Next. The second window displays.
5. Enter your name in the Enter your name box.
6. Select the application that you are converting.
7. Click Next. The third window displays.
8. Click Redo Conversion. The Data Converter for Optility™ - Redo Conversion window displays.

Figure 559 Data Converter for Optility™ - Redo Conversion window
NOTE: The example above displays a conversion that is in process with the steps before health
physics already completed. You can redo any of the previously completed steps as long as the option
button is enabled.
9. Select the step from which you want to restart the conversion.

Optility™ Data Converter 666
10.Click OK. A confirmation box displays.

Figure 560 Redo conversion confirmation box
11.Click Yes. The conversion resumes at the step that you selected.

Figure 561 Redo example

12.Select the Reviewed all previously converted data check box. The appropriate button is enabled.
13.Click the appropriate button.

667 Optility™ User Guide

The old files are migrated into the new system. After the files are copied over, check in the new
system (without canceling out of the conversion program) to verify the files have been correctly
14.For more information on the next step in the conversion process, go to the appropriate step in
”Performing a Conversion” on page 654.

Optility™ Data Converter 668

CheckDB Utility

The dBaseIII file structure used in the NMM/CPM CA-Clipper program can contain low level corruption
due to power problems, disk read errors, or a number of other related operational issues related to the
lack of a controlled computing environment. Conversion of these files into the Optility database
structure can result in data processing errors when unexpected characters or corrupted data is
encountered in the fields. The CheckDB utility cleans these errors from your database.

The date range of the Optility birth date field and other general date fields is less extensive than the
range supported by the NMM/CPM. Date fields outside the accepted range must be blanked out and
logged to an error file prior to attempted conversion by Optility.

The Optility design for reference of the patient demographics assumes that the patient number exists
and is a unique key referencing the patient name and date of birth. While this is generally true when
running in the mode for mandatory patient number input, the optional demographics mode and
non-required demographics mode will not convert properly. The link to the patient name is lost during
conversion. As this represents a problem for review of historical records, additional routines were added
to the cleanup program to attempt to correct the problem.

CheckDB Utility Requirements

To run the CheckDB utility on your database ensure the following:

• Do not run the CheckDB utility on the hard drive of your system. Use a separate media, such as a
flash drive or CD/DVD.

• The database file that you are converting must be renamed to ZIPBACK.ZIP.

located on the same directory.

669 Optility™ User Guide

Running the CheckDB Utility

To run the CheckDB utility:
1. Double-click the CheckDB.exe file. The CheckDB first window displays.

Figure 562 CheckDB first window

Optility™ Data Converter 670
2. Press Return. The CheckDB second window displays.

Figure 563 CheckDB second window
3. Type the path in the Restore NMM/CPM Backup path box.

671 Optility™ User Guide
4. Press Enter. The CheckDB third window displays.

Figure 564 CheckDB third window

Optility™ Data Converter 672
5. Type F and then press Enter. The CheckDB fourth window displays.

Figure 565 CheckDB fourth window

The files are extracted to the external media source that you are using. After all of the files are
extracted, you should see Press any key to continue... near the top of the window.

673 Optility™ User Guide
6. Press any key. The CheckDB fifth window displays.

Figure 566 CheckDB fifth window
7. Select Export NMM/CPM system on F:\NUCMED.

Optility™ Data Converter 674
8. Press Enter. The CheckDB sixth window displays.

Figure 567 CheckDB sixth window

9. Leave the Historical Inventory and Patient Studies boxes blank. Entering dates in these fields
limits the amount of data that is exported.

10.Press Enter twice.

675 Optility™ User Guide
11.Type F and then press Enter. The CheckDB seventh window displays.

Figure 568 CheckDB seventh window
The files are cleaned and an file is created and placed in the \NUCMED\OPTILITY

12.If you want to copy the file to another location, enter the location in the box, and
then press Enter.

13.Press any key to exit the CheckDB utility.

Optility™ Data Converter 676

677 Optility™ User Guide

C Updating Optility™ Application and Database

This appendix provides instructions and considerations for updating the software for your Optility™
application and databases.

Update Considerations

The following considerations apply when updating to a new version:
• After installing a new version of the Optility™ database on a server, all remote clients running

down-level versions of the Optility™ application are required to update to the new version of
• After installing a new version of the Optility™ application on a client, the Optility™ application
requires you to update to the new version of the Optility™ database.
• The Optility™ application and database should be at the same version level.
• The software update is downloaded to the same location where you installed the application.

Updating Optility™ Application and Database 678

Checking for a New Version

This section describes instructions to check for a new version of the Optility™ application and database:

This section describes instructions to check for a new version of the Optility™ application and database:

1. Double-click the Optility™ shortcut on your desktop. The Select Server/Database dialog box

Figure 569 Select Server/Database dialog box

2. Select the server/database from the Database drop-down list and click OK.
If the Security Level is set to User Based or Role Based, the User Credentials dialog box
displays, go to step 3.

If the Security Level is set to Initials Based or None, the Optility™ main window displays, go to
step 4.

Figure 570 User Credentials dialog box

3. Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click OK. The Optility™ main
window displays.

679 Optility™ User Guide
4. Select the database and click OK. The Optility™ main window displays.

Figure 571 Optility™ main window
5. Click Tools > Online > Check for Software Upgrades.

The AutoUpdate utility checks to see if an update is required. Optility™ responds in one of several
ways depending on the situation:
• The software is current and no update is required. The Optility™ WebUpdate message box


Figure 572 Optility™ WebUpdate message box

Updating Optility™ Application and Database 680

• Both the Optility™ application and database software are at the same version level, however,
they are not current and an update is required. The Optility™ WebUpdate confirmation box
displays. Go to ”Updating the Optility™ Application Using the Internet” on page 682 for
instructions on updating Optility™.

Figure 573 Optility™ WebUpdate confirmation box

• The Optility™ application and database are at different version levels. The Optility™ database is
at a higher version level than the Optility™ application. An Optility™ error message displays.

Figure 574 Optility™ error message - 1
This error message occurs when the Optility™ database on the client PC is updated and the
Optility™ application requires an update. Go to ”Updating the Optility™ Application Using the
Internet” on page 682 for instructions on updating Optility™.

• The Optility™ application and database are at different version levels. The Optility™ application
is at a higher version level than the Optility™ database. An Optility™ error message displays.

Figure 575 Optility™ error message - 2
This error message occurs when the Optility™ database is installed on a different server than the
client. The client cannot update the database on the server. Ensure that you selected the correct

681 Optility™ User Guide

database. If the error continues, contact your system administrator to ensure that the database
on the server is updated.
• The Optility™ application and database are at different version levels. The Optility™ database is
at a lower version level than the Optility™ application. An Optility™ error message displays.

Figure 576 Optility™ error message - 3
This error message occurs when the Optility™ application installed on the client is updated and
the Optility™ database requires an update. Go to ”Updating the Optility™ Database” on
page 686 for instructions on updating the database.

• There is a problem connecting to the server. The Optility™ WebUpdate error message displays.

Figure 577 Optility™ WebUpdate error message
Check your cables and verify that you can connect to the Internet. It you can connect to the
Internet and the error continues, contact your system administrator.

Updating Optility™ Application and Database 682

Updating the Optility™ Application Using the Internet

To update a client with a new version of Optility™:
1. Click Yes. The Optility™ AutoUpdate - Download dialog box displays.

Figure 578 Optility™ AutoUpdate - Download dialog box
2. Click Download.

NOTE: The download may take several minutes depending on your system. Please wait until the
download is finished before using your system.

683 Optility™ User Guide
After the download is complete, the Optility™ AutoUpdate - Update dialog box displays.

Figure 579 Optility™ AutoUpdate - Update dialog box
3. Click Update. The Optility™ AutoUpdate status box displays.

Updating Optility™ Application and Database 684

NOTE: The update may take several minutes depending on your system. Please wait until the update
is finished before using your system.

Figure 580 Optility™ AutoUpdate status box

685 Optility™ User Guide

After the update is complete, the Optility™ AutoUpdate - Restart dialog box displays.

Figure 581 Optility™ AutoUpdate - Restart dialog box
4. Click Close. The Optility™ application is restarted and the Select Server/Database dialog box


Updating the Optility™ Application Without Using the Internet

To update a remote client with a new version of Optility™ software:
1. Locate the installation source drive, and then double-click on AutoUpdate.exe. The Optility™

AutoUpdate - Update dialog box displays.
2. Click Update. The Optility™ AutoUpdate status box displays.
NOTE: The update may take several minutes depending on your system. Please wait until the update
is finished before using your system.

After the update is complete, the Optility™ AutoUpdate - Restart dialog box displays.
3. Click Close. The Optility™ application is restarted and the Select Server/Database dialog box


Updating Optility™ Application and Database 686

Updating the Optility™ Database

To update the database to a new version:
1. Click Yes. The Optility™ DBUpdate - Update dialog box displays.

Figure 582 Optility™ DBUpdate - Update dialog box
2. Click Update. The Optility™ DBUpdate status box displays.

Figure 583 Optility™ DBUpdate status box

687 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: The update may take several minutes depending on your system. Please wait until the update
is finished before using your system.

After the update is complete, the Optility™ DBUpdate - Restart dialog box displays.

Figure 584 Optility™ DBUpdate - Restart dialog box
3. Click Close. The Optility™ application is restarted and the Select Server/Database dialog box


Updating Optility™ Application and Database 688

689 Optility™ User Guide



Accuracy Error Threshold %
The variance of Val#1, Val#2, and Val#3 boxes on the Dose Calibrator Accuracy - New dialog box
should be +/- the threshold percentage.
Accuracy - Restricted Max
This is the maximum accuracy level for a restricted area in cpm.
Accuracy - Restricted Min
This is the minimum accuracy level for a restricted area in cpm.
Area Survey - Non Restricted Default
This is the default survey action level for a non-restricted area. The system default is 0.05 mR/Hr.
Area Survey - Non Restricted Max
This is the maximum survey action level for a non-restricted area.
Area Survey - Restricted Default
This is the default survey action level for a restricted area. The system default is 5.00 mR/Hr.
Area Survey - Restricted Max
This is the maximum survey action level for a restricted area.
Area Surveys in CPM
If this check box is selected, all area surveys are recorded in CPM rather than mR/hr.
Area Wipe - Non Restricted Default
This is the wipe test default action level for a non-restricted area in cpm.
Area Wipe - Non Restricted Max
This is the wipe test action level for a non-restricted area in cpm.
Area Wipe Restricted Default
This is the wipe test default action level for a restricted area in cpm.
Area Wipe Restricted Max
This is the wipe test action level for a restricted area in cpm.


Bar I Shipment Surface Reading
This is the level 1 (lowest) radioactivity level surface reading.
Bar II Shipment Surface Reading
This is the level 2 radioactivity level surface reading.
Bar II Shipment Reading from 1 Meter
This is the level 2 radioactivity level reading 1 meter from the level 2 surface reading.
Bar III Shipment Surface Reading
This is the level 3 (highest) radioactivity level surface reading.

Glossary 690

Bar III Shipment Reading from 1 Meter
This is the level 3 radioactivity level reading 1 meter from the level 3 surface reading.
Barcode Base Year
The base year is used throughout the application.
Barcode Xref
This function enables you to enter vendor drug cross reference information so that the drug can be
scanned into Optility.
Beep on Database Update
Select this check box to play a sound file (.WAV) each time the database is updated.


Calculate Pediatric Dose
If this check box is selected and the patient is less that 18 years old, the system requests the body
weight of the patient in kilograms or pounds. If no body weight is entered, the Dose Requested value is
required. If a body weight is entered, the Dose Requested is calculated and displayed based upon the
values entered in Patient Study Defaults (see ”Study Defaults” on page 417) and the Pediatric Dose
table (see ”Pediatric Doses” on page 245).
Camera QC - Restricted Min
This is the minimum camera QC level for a restricted area in cpm.
Camera QC - Restricted Max
This is the maximum camera QC level for a restricted area in cpm.
Cardinal Pharmacy
Used to select the default Cardinal pharmacy. This field is used if hospitals that are using Optility™ are
purchasing from a Cardinal Pharmacy.
Channel Setup for Constancy
Used to define the default channel setup for constancy testing.
Channel Setup - Restricted Max
This is the maximum channel setup level for a restricted area in cpm.

691 Optility™ User Guide

Check Broad License
If this check box is selected, license limits for the lab must be entered for each isotope in the Broad
Limits master list (see ”Broad Limits” on page 328). The lab’s license group information is ignored when
products are ordered from vendors.
Check Cyclotron License
If this check box is selected, cyclotron-produced items in the Drug master list must have their
possession limits for the lab entered.
This function can only be used if the Is Lab In An NRC State? check box is selected.
If the State Cyclotron License check box is not selected and the Is Lab In An NRC State? check box
is selected, no license checking occurs for cyclotron-produced products.
Check Group License
Select this check box if you want the system to check your group license limits (see ”Group Limits” on
page 331).
Check RAM License
Select this check box if you want the system to check your radioactive materials license (see ”Editing
the Miscellaneous Tab” on page 323) each time you place an order from a vendor.
Company Logo
Click to select a company logo graphic file that displays within the Optility™ application. Capintec,
Inc recommends using .jpg graphic file types.
Constancy Error Threshold %
An error displays on the window if the calculated error percentage is +/- the threshold percentage.


Date/Time Format
Select the date and time format you want to display throughout the application.
Days allowed with invalid EOD
Enter the number of days allowed with an invalid end of day.
Days to keep Inventory current
Enter the number of days to keep inventory as current. Current information is records that are brought
into fields. For example, if you define this value as 30 days, then inventory older than 30 days are not
brought into fields.
Days to Keep Studies Current
Enter the number of days to keep study history material as current. Current information is records that
are brought into fields. For example, if you define this value as 30 days, then studies older than 30 days
are not brought into fields.
detail tabs
Tabs that appear at the bottom of some record dialog boxes. They enable you to access related
Default Admin Time with Assay Time
Select this check box to automatically overwrite the administration time with the assay time.

Glossary 692

Default Elution Expiration (Hours)
Enter the number of hours for which you usually use your generator elutions. Hours of Elution box in the
Elute Generator record defaults to this box value. The expiration time of the elution is calculated by the
system based upon the Mo-99/Tc-99m ratio and is set to that time if it is shorter than the default. If an
expiration time of six hours or less is calculated, a warning message displays and use of the elution is
not allowed. The assumption is made that any elution with a six hour or less expiration time has
significant Mo99 contamination and should not be used. The contaminated elution is marked as expired
and cannot be used.
Default to Vendor 001 in Barcode Identifier
Used to select the default vendor 001 for all received drugs in Optility™ regardless of what is set up in
the Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999 - 001) boxes.
Default Syringe Retention (%)
The percentage of residual used for waste tracking. Enter a default syringe retention percentage.
Diluted Technetium
Select your default dilution drug for the generator.
Dose Calibrator for Accuracy
Used to define the default dose calibrator for accuracy testing.
Dose Calibrator for Geometry
Used to define the default dose calibrator for geometry testing.
Dose Calibrator for Linearity
Used to define the default dose calibrator for linearity testing.
Default Scaler for Inventory QC
Used to define the default scaler for inventory QC testing.
DOT Units - Survey
Select the units used for performing surveys on DOT packages received by your lab.


Edit Date/Time Format
Select the date and time format you want to display throughout the application.
Eluted Technetium
Select your default elution drug for the generator.
Elution > Generator Activity Limit (%)
This box is the percentage activity by which a Tc-99m elution may exceed the total Mo99 activity of the
generator. It is used as a check by the system to avoid data that is grossly in error. The default is 30.

693 Optility™ User Guide


Force Min/Max on Patient Dose Range
If this check box is selected, the system does not allow the requested dose to vary above or below the
limits established in the Patient Study Defaults regardless of how the dose is calculated.
Force Package Check-In Daily
If this check box is selected, incoming radioactive package survey results are required on all packages.
Force QC Entry Daily
If this check box is selected, quality control data must be entered for all inhouse prepared products that
have their QC Required check box selected in the Vendor Drug Master file (see ”Vendor Drugs” on
page 293) before the End Of Day Summary Report can be run.
Fume Hood I131 Air Concentration Limit
This is the fume hood I131 air concentration limit.


Generator Elution Volume (ml)
Enter the most common volume that your lab uses to elute generators. If your lab uses multiple sizes,
the smallest volume size is suggested for this default. The Volume Of Elution box in the Elute
Generators defaults to this box value.
Geometry Error Threshold %
An error displays on the window if the calculated error percentage is +/- the threshold percentage.


I-131 Air Restricted (uCi/ml)
Enter the I-131 air effluent limit, in uCi/ml, for a restricted fume hood. The default is the 1989 NRC limit.
I-131 Air Un-Restricted (uCi/ml)
Enter the I-131 air effluent limit, in uCi/ml, for an unrestricted fume hood. The default is the 1989 NRC
Inventory Waste Tracking
If this is selected, only inventory waste tracking is provided.


Launch HP Report on Save
Enables the check box on Health Physics tests. If the check box is selected on the record, the report is
displayed when the record is saved.
Left/Right Bioassay
Select this check box if you want bioassay data to be entered for both the left and right lobes. If it is not
selected, data is entered as one count for both lobes combined.
Optility uses this term to describe a group of records displayed on a screen.

Glossary 694

Basic values used by Optility. For example, the lookup values for gender are usually male and female,
but you could change them to “boy” and “girl.”


Mandatory Health Physics Tests
Select this check box to set all health physics tests to be mandatory. If you run an End of Day report,
you receive errors if the mandatory tests were not performed.
master list
A repository of records used by the Optility application. Some master lists contain patient, procedure,
drug, customer, instrument, reminder information, and so on.
Maximum Elution Expiration (Hours)
The maximum number of hours of your generator elutions.
meta data
Data used to format the Optility application
Meter for Area Survey
Used to define the default meter for area survey testing.
Meter for Shipment Survey
Used to define the default meter for shipment survey testing.
Meter for Waste Bin Survey
Used to define the default meter for waste bin testing.
Minimum Elution Expiration (Hours)
The minimum number of hours of your generator elutions.
Mo99 Attenuation Factor
If applicable, enter the Mo-99 attenuation factor for your dose calibrator. The default is 3.50 which is
used by many Capintec dose calibrators. If the Multiply 99Mo X Attenuation Factor check box is
selected, the system takes the value entered into the Dose Calibrator Mo-99 Reading box with the Elute
Generators and multiplies that value by this box to obtain the total Mo-99 content of the elution.
Mo/Tc99 Breakthru Limits (uCi/mCi)
Enter the Mo-99/Tc-99m ratio that designates at what limit an elution is no longer usable due to excess
Mo-99. The default is 0.150 uCi/mCi. This limit is used by the system to calculate the expiration time for
generator elutions.


No Waste Tracking
If this is selected, no waste tracking is provided.

695 Optility™ User Guide


Patient Dose Fill +ve Tolerance Limit (%)
Enter the upper limit percentage of the pharmaceutical dosage used in a study that may vary from the
prescribed amount.
Patient Dose Fill -ve Tolerance Limit (%)
Enter the lower limit percentage of the pharmaceutical dosage used in a study that may vary from the
prescribed amount.
Perform Aluminum Ion Test
If this check box is not selected, the user is not prompted to input data on the aluminum ion
breakthrough test when entering an elution in the Elute Generators record.
Play Music
Select this check box if you want a sound file (.WAV) to play each time the application starts.
Pocket Dosimeter Activity Max
This is the minimum pocket dosimeter activity level in cpm.
Pocket Dosimeter Activity Min
This is the minimum pocket dosimeter activity level in cpm.
Print Study Labels on Fill
Used to print the study labels after the studies are filled.
Prompt for Elution Labels
Select if you want to be prompted to print the elution inventory vial labels after you perform an elution.
Prompt for Dilution Labels
Select if you want to be prompted to print the dilution inventory vial labels after you perform an dilution.
Prompt for Inventory Labels
Select this check box if you want the system to prompt for inventory labels.
Prompt for QC Input After Prep
Select this check box if you want the system to prompt for QC data after confirming a tech or custom


Optility uses this term to mean a collection of data arranged for processing by the application.
Report Date Format
Select the date format you want to display for reports throughout the application.

Glossary 696

Report Date/Time Format
Select the date and time format you want to display for reports throughout the application.
Required Field Image
Click to select a required box image that displays in all of the application’s required fields. Capintec,
Inc recommends using .png graphic file types.


Scaler for Area Wipe
Used to define the default scaler for area wipe testing.
Scaler for Shipment Wipe
Used to define the default scaler for shipment wipe testing.
Scaler for Waste Bin Wipe
Used to define the default scaler for waste bin testing.
search name
Optility uses this term to describe a customizable name used for searching data.
Shipment Survey Results as Pass/Fail
If this check box is selected, test results are entered as “Pass” or “Fail.” If the check box is not selected,
results are entered in CPM.
Shipment Wipe Results Pass/Fail
If this check box is selected, test results are entered as “Pass” or “Fail.” If the check box is not selected,
results are entered in CPM.
Show Diagnostic Code on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Diagnostic Code drop-down list displays on the Study dialog box.
Show Custom Code on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Custom Code drop-down list displays on the Study dialog box.
Show Message on Database Update
Select this check box if you want to confirm each time the database is updated.
Show Patient Classification on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Patient Classification drop-down list displays on the Study dialog
Show Patient Weight on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Patient Weight box and drop-down list display on the Study dialog
Show Professional Initials on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Professional Initials drop-down list displays on the Study dialog box.
Show Quick Launch
Select this check box if you want the Quick Launch window to display at startup.
Show Reminders
Select this check box if you want the Reminder window to display at startup.

697 Optility™ User Guide

Show Second Meter used for 1 Meter reading
Select this if you have a second meter in your lab that you use for the one meter away test. The second
meter readings show on the dialog box.
Show Study Price on Study Form
If this check box is selected, the Price box displays on the Study dialog box.
Show Vendor Order Dialog on Receive
Select this check box if you want to display the Vendor Order dialog box when an item is entered into
Source Leak Efficiency Error Threshold
The scaler’s efficiency is compared to the calculated efficiency and the result is validated against this
Source Leak Removable Activity Limit (uCi)
This is the source leak removable activity limit in uCi.
Study and Inventory Waste Tracking
If this option is selected, both study and inventory waste tracking are provided.


Thyroid I-131 Investigational Level (uCi)
Enter the activity, in uCi's, for the I-131 bioassay program that alerts the user to potential problems. In
most cases the investigative levels are set lower than the reporting levels.
Thyroid I-131 Report Level (uCi)
Enter the action level, in uCi's, for the I-131 thyroid bioassay program. When this level is reached, it
must be reported to the appropriate regulatory agency.
Thyroid Efficiency Error Threshold
The scaler’s efficiency is compared to the calculated efficiency and the result is validated against this
Track Saline Used
If this check box is selected, the system prompts for the volume of saline used when preparing
products. If more than one lot of saline is present in inventory, the system also prompts for you to
indicate which lot was used in the product’s preparation.
Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999 - 001)
Used to read non-Optility™ type codes received in to inventory. The first code (999) is the
Optility™-type code and the second code (001) is the non-Optility™ type code. For example, I receive
drugs from vendor 085 which is a Cardinal pharmacy. I have vendor 085 defined as vendor 025 in
Optility™. I must enter 025 to 085 in the Translate Vendor in Barcodes (999 - 001) box. This allows all
drugs received from vendor 085 to be associated to vendor 025 in Optility™. You can setup 3 different
vendor translations.

Glossary 698


Waste Tracking Mode
This box is used to control the waste tracking system and what type of waste displays on the Process
Waste dialog box. Options include:
Waste when Volume is 0
If this check box is selected, inventory that has reached a volume of almost 0 is automatically removed
from the current inventory file and marked as waste during waste processing.
Wipe Counting Eff Max
This is the maximum wipe counting efficiency level.
Wipe Size Default
This is the default size of the wipe sample you obtain when recording area wipe test data. The system
default is 100 cm^2.
Wipe Size Max
This is the maximum size of the wipe sample you obtain when recording area wipe test data.


A organ dose 242
patient 226
Acronyms 651 patient classification 232
active windows 40 patient study 403
adding pediatric dose 245
personnel 333
area survey 610 personnel exposure 605
area wipe 613 personnel thyroid bioassay 607
broad limits 328 pocket dosimeter 358
camera 336 pocket dosimeter calibration 627
camera QC 622 prescription 437
chemical form/physical state 274 prescription bulk insert order 450
CPT code 259 procedure 247
custom code 395 procedure CPT code 261
custom formulary 278 procedure group 251
diagnostic code 263 procedure QA code 256
dose calibrator 339 procedure tracking code 254
dose calibrator accuracy 564 QC types 288
dose calibrator calicheck linearity 576 referring doctor 235
dose calibrator channel check worksheet 616 reminder resource 376
dose calibrator channel setup 581 reminder type 373
dose calibrator decay method linearity 573 run 391
dose calibrator geometry 570 scaler 361
dose calibrator linearity setup calicheck 584 scaler calibration 594
dose calibrator lineator linearity 578 scaler CHI2 597
dose calibrator type 342 scaler constancy 600
drug 266 scaler constancy setup 603
drug license limits 326 scaler efficiency 590
drug QC 290 shipment 551
drug vendor quantities 298 shipment survey 559
drugs to a group license type 303 shipment wipe 555
film badge 345 source 365
film badge type 348 source decay worksheet 618
fume hood 351 source leak 619
fume hood I-131 check 624 source type 369
group license type 301 study defaults 418
group limits 331 study link 423
inventory 500 survey area 380
inventory QC 531 survey area group 383
isotopes 271 Tc99m kit parameters 285
meter 355 Tc99m kit standing order 281
month end date 397 vendor 308
organ 239
Optility™ User Guide 699

vendor drugs 293 studies management 402
vendor order 525
vendor pricing 318 C
vendor purchase order 315
vendor standing order 311 camera
waste bin 535 adding 336
waste bin survey 543 deleting 338
waste bin type 393 editing 338
waste bin wipe 540
wipe location 386 changing the database 39
wipe location group 388 changing the user 39
adding dose calibrator decay and channel chemical form/physical state
constancy 567
adding shipping details adding 274
prescription 448 deleting 277
adjusting administration time editing 276
patient study 413 conventions
application buttons 40, 60 document 33
Copy 60 CPT code
Delete 60 adding 259
Edit 60 deleting 260
Label 61 editing 260
New 61 custom code
Print 61 adding 395
Print Preview 61 deleting 396
Refresh 61 editing 396
To Excel 61 custom formulary
To XML 61 adding 278
associated record details 65 deleting 281
audience 33 editing 280
Audit Trail customizing studies 417
managing reminder exceptions 157 linking studies 422, 423
auto box 452 study defaults 417
auto boxing orders 452 study QA 426
auto fill prescriptions 453 tracing studies 427
auto filling orders 453 unusual study tracking 425


bills of lading 457 Data Backup and Restore
boxing prescriptions 452 backing up your data 151
broad limits restoring data from another location 155
restoring data from the backup log 154
adding 328 setting up the backup schedule 152
deleting 330
editing 329 database 40
buttons date 40
inventory management 500 deleting
prescription management 436
area survey 612
700 area wipe 615
broad limits 330

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