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Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

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Published by capintec, 2019-04-11 20:24:54

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

Optility™ Nuclear Medicine Management Software Manual

451 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

NOTE: The Procedure Filter and Drug Filter check boxes are used to filter items listed in the
Procedure and Drug lists.

3. Select the drug from the Drug drop-down list.
4. Select the Procedure Filter check box to show only the procedures that are associated with the

selected drug.
5. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.

NOTE: You can also select a procedure and the Drug Filter check box so show only the drugs
associated with the selected procedure. Appropriate procedure and drug messages display depending
on the items selected.

6. Select the name of the licensed doctor from the Licensed Doctor drop-down list.
7. Enter the requested dose in the Dose Requested box.
8. Click the button in the Dispense Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
9. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
10.Click the button in the Calibration Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
11.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
12.Enter the run number in the Run Number box.
13.Enter the match code in the Match Code box.
14.Enter the run time in the Run box.
15.Enter the increment in the Increment box.
16.Enter the number of rows to add in the #OfRows box.
17.Click the Add Records button.

The rows are added to the list.
18.Enter the following for each prescription:

a. DrugId - Select drug from drop-down list.
b. ProcId - Select procedure from drop-down list.
c. DoseRequested - Enter the requested dose.
d. CalDt - Select calibration date and time from drop-down list.
e. Run# - Enter run number.
f. Box# - Enter box number.
g. MatchCode - Enter match code.

Pharmacy 452

h. Patient - Enter patient name.

i. LicDr - Select licensed doctor from drop-down list.

19.Click OK.
Some customers may have special instructions. If there are any special instructions for this
customer, the Form Validation message box displays.

Figure 387 Form Validation message box
20.Click OK.

Auto Box

This section describes how to automatically box your prescriptions. The number of prescriptions that
each box holds is defined in System Configuration. Auto Box calculates the number of boxes required to
ship the filled prescriptions based on the Maximum Rxs per Box default, Dispense Date, and Run
Number. For example, if you are shipping 20 prescriptions and your default Maximum Rxs per Box is
two, Optility™ allocates and numbers 10 boxes.

Auto Boxing Orders

To auto box orders:
1. Click Pharmacy > Auto Box. The Auto Box dialog box displays.

Figure 388 Auto Box dialog box

453 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click the button in the Dispense Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
3. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
4. Enter the run number in the Run Number box.
5. Click OK. The Database Update message box displays.

Figure 389 Database Update message box
6. Click OK.

Auto Fill

This function automatically fills and prints all unfilled pharmacy orders that have a match code entered
into the Match Code box. There must be an identical match code in the Match Code box on a VALID
inventory lot with the same drug number as the pharmacy order if it is to automatically fill.
Items with blank match codes do not automatically fill. If the drug number is less than 0199, you must
also have matching calibration dates. The current activity in the inventory lot at the calibration time and
date must be greater than or equal to the order activity. If the inventory item is expired or marked for
removal, the inventory record is deactivated in regards to the match code. If orders do not automatically
fill, you need to select the inventory with the manual inventory selection program.

Auto Filling Orders

To auto fill orders:
1. Click Pharmacy > Auto Fill. The prescriptions are automatically filled and the Prescription Label

confirmation box displays.

Figure 390 Prescription Label confirmation box

Pharmacy 454
2. Click Yes or No. A successful completion message box displays.

Figure 391 Prescription Auto Fill message box

3. Click OK.

Draw Inspector

The Draw Inspector client is located in or near the fume hood. Normally, a barcode reader and dose
calibrator are attached to the client to read the labels and activity. Scanner Enabled and Dose
Calibrator Enabled buttons display on the Draw Inspector window if the barcode scanner and dose
calibrator are attached to your client. After you scan the inventory label and the prescription label, the
Draw Inspector checks the following:

• Drug – Verifies that the drug on the prescription matches the drug you are drawing from inventory.
This test must pass or you cannot continue.

• Lot – Verifies that the drug lots match. This test does not have to pass to continue.

• Channel – Verifies that the channels from the dose calibrator match. This test must pass or you
cannot continue.

• Assay – Verifies that the assay activity is between the maximum and minimum limits defined for that
drug. This verification uses the decay rate in calculating the assay activity that is required for the
prescription. This test must pass or you cannot continue.

455 Optility™ User Guide

Using the Draw Inspector

To use the draw inspector:
1. Click Pharmacy > Draw Inspector. The Draw Inspector window displays.

Figure 392 Draw Inspector window
2. Scan the inventory label.

The inventory information displays in the Inventory section of the Draw Inspector window.
3. Scan the prescription label.

The prescription information displays in the Prescription section of the Draw Inspector window.
4. Verify that the Drug test passes. If it does not pass, you should check your inventory and

prescription to ensure that you have the correct materials. If the Drug test passes, continue to the
next step.
5. Press <ctrl> Enter to get the assay activity automatically from the dose calibrator.
Press <ctrl> E to enter the assay activity manually in the Assay Activity box.

Pharmacy 456

NOTE: You can also scan the dose calibrator barcode to get the assay activity.

6. Verify that the Channel test passes. If it does not pass, ensure that you are using the correct
channel from the dose calibrator. If the test passes, continue to the next step.

7. Verify that the Assay test passes. If it does not pass, get another reading from the dose calibrator or
use different inventory that passes the Assay test.

8. After the tests pass, the assay activity on the prescription record is updated.
9. If you have additional prescriptions to fill using the same inventory, repeat step 3 through step 8.

If you have to change the inventory, repeat step 2 through step 8.
10.Click Cancel to close the Draw Inspector window.

457 Optility™ User Guide

Bills of Lading

The Bill of Lading function enables you to generate bills of lading and packing lists for each shipment.
The bill of lading contains the box information and the individual prescription information that belongs in
each box.

Generating a Bill of Lading

To generate bills of lading and packing lists:
1. Click Pharmacy > Bills Of Lading. The Bill Of Lading - New dialog box displays.

Figure 393 Bill Of Lading - New dialog box
2. Click the button in the Dispense Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
3. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
A list of included items for the selected dispense date displays below.
4. Select the carrier from the Carrier drop-down list.
5. Enter the number of copies to print in the # of Copies to Print box.
6. Select the Print DOT check box to print the DOT report for each box being shipped.
7. Select the Print Packing List check box to print the packing list for each box being shipped.

Pharmacy 458

8. Select the Print Packing List With Barcodes check box to include product barcodes in each
packing list.

NOTE: Click Select All to select all of the items or click Clear All to de-select all of the items.

9. Select the check box for each item you want to include in the bill of lading.
10.Click OK. The selected DOT and packing lists are printed.

Shipment Inspector

The Shipment Inspector is located near the packaging station. It is used to verify that the prescriptions
and box match the bill of lading.

Using the Shipment Inspector

To use the shipment inspector:
1. Click Pharmacy > Shipment Inspector. The Shipment Inspector window displays.

Figure 394 Shipment Inspector window

459 Optility™ User Guide

2. Scan the Outgoing Shipment # barcode on the bill of lading Shippers Declaration For
Dangerous Goods page.
The shipment information displays in the Shipment section of the Shipment Inspector window.
The prescriptions that are supposed to be in that box based on the bill of lading display in the list.

3. Scan each prescription label.
If all prescriptions scanned match the prescriptions in the box, the test passes and you can continue
packaging the box.

4. If you have additional boxes to inspect, repeat step 2 through step 3.
5. Click Cancel to close the Shipment Inspector window.


This section describes how to use Optility’s order tracing function to view tracing information for each

Tracing Orders

To view prescription trace information:
1. Click Pharmacy > Trace. The Prescription Trace - View dialog box displays.

Figure 395 Prescription Trace - View dialog box
2. Select the customer order from the Select a Customer Order drop-down list.

Enter the prescription number in the key in Rx Number box and click the Lookup button.
3. Select the prescription for which you want to view trace information and click the Details button. A
report is generated and the information displays.

Pharmacy 460

Generate Invoices

The Invoice allows you to generate invoices depending on your billing cycle. for example, you can
generate invoices daily, weekly, every two weeks, every 15 days, or monthly. The choices depend on
how your system is configured. For more information, see your system administrator.

Generating Invoices

This section describes how to generate your invoices for a particular billing cycle and an end date.

To generate invoices:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Generate Invoices. The Generate Invoices - New dialog box

Figure 396 Generate Invoices - New dialog box

2. Select the billing cycle from the Billing Cycle drop-down list.
3. Click the button in the End Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
4. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

The customer names that have invoices created in this cycle display in the top window. The
customer name is listed for each un-billed prescription.

5. Click the button in the Invoice Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
6. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

461 Optility™ User Guide

7. Do the following to edit and/or view the prescription:
a. Double-click the record in the list. The Invoice Detail - New list displays.

Figure 397 Invoice Detail - New list
The Invoice Detail - New list is broken down into the following tabs:
• Filled – Prescriptions that were filled.
• No Charge – Prescriptions that have no charge associated to them.
• Returned – Prescriptions that were returned.
• Un-Filled – Prescriptions that are un-filled.
• Billing Only – Prescriptions that are for billing only.
• Billable – Prescriptions that are billable.

Pharmacy 462

b. Double-click the prescription in the list. The Prescription - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 398 Prescription Edit dialog box

NOTE: The Dose Requested and Dose Dispensed values cannot be edited.

NOTE: The Amount, Shipping Charges, Misc. Charges, Sales Tax, and Shipping Tax cannot be
edited if an invoice has been generated for this prescription.

c. If required, edit the information that you need to update.
d. Click OK. The Invoice Detail - New dialog box displays.
8. Click Cancel.

463 Optility™ User Guide

9. Click OK. The Invoices - New dialog box displays.


Figure 399 Invoices - New dialog box

10.Enter the invoice number in the Invoice Number box.

11.Click the button in the Invoice Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

12.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

13.Select the customer from the Customer drop-down list.

14.Click the button in the Due Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

15.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

16.Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

17.Select the Print check to print the label for this prescription. For more information, see ”Printing
Prescription Labels” on page 449.

18.Select the Email check box to automatically email the invoice to the customer.

Pharmacy 464

19.Select the purchase order from the Purchase Order drop-down list.
20.Select the invoice terms from the Invoice Terms drop-down list.
21.Select the invoice message from the Invoice Reason Code drop-down list.
22.Enter the run and/or return charges in the Run Charges and Returns boxes.

NOTE: The Invoice Total must equal the total of the Total Amount and all other charge and tax

23.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
24.Click OK.

Each line item that you selected in the Generate Invoices - New dialog box requires a separate
invoice to be completed. The Invoice - New dialog box displays until you complete an invoice for
each line item.


This section describes how to manage your invoices manually. You can use the Generate Invoices
command to manage invoices automatically. For more information, see ”Generate Invoices” on
page 460. You can add, edit, or delete an invoice record.

Adding an Invoice Record

To manually add an invoice record:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Invoices. The Invoices - Master list displays.

Figure 400 Invoices - Master list

465 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Invoices - New dialog box displays.

Figure 401 Invoices - New dialog box

3. Enter the invoice number in the Invoice Number box.

4. Click the button in the Invoice Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

6. Select the customer from the Customer drop-down list.

7. Click the button in the Due Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

8. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

9. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

10.Select the Print check to print the label for this prescription. For more information, see ”Printing
Prescription Labels” on page 449.

11.Select the Email check box to automatically email the invoice to the customer.

Pharmacy 466

12.Select the purchase order from the Purchase Order drop-down list.
13.Select the invoice terms from the Invoice Terms drop-down list.
14.Select the invoice message from the Invoice Message drop-down list.
15.Enter the total amount of the prescription in the Total Amount box.
16.If required, enter any additional charge or tax amounts in the appropriate boxes.

NOTE: The Invoice Total must equal the total of the Total Amount and all other charge and tax

17.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
18.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
19.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing an Invoice Record

To edit an invoice record:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Invoices. The Invoices - Master list displays.

467 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Invoices - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 402 Invoices - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting an Invoice Record

NOTE: You cannot delete an invoice record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing invoice:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Invoices. The Invoices - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

3. Click Yes.

Pharmacy 468


This section describes how to manage your customer’s credits. You can add, edit, or delete a credit

Adding a Credit Record

To add a credit record:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Credits. The Credits - Master list displays.

Figure 403 Credits - Master list

469 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Credits - New dialog box displays.

Figure 404 Credits - New dialog box

3. Enter the credit number in the Credit Number box.
4. Click the button in the Credit Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
5. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
6. Select the customer from the Customer drop-down list.
7. Enter the credit total in the Credit Total box.
8. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
9. Select the Print check to print the label for this prescription. For more information, see ”Printing
Prescription Labels” on page 449.
10.Select the Email check box to automatically email the invoice to the customer.
11.Enter the total amount of the credit in the Total Amount box.
12.If required, enter any additional charge or tax amounts in the appropriate boxes.

NOTE: The Credit Total must equal the total of the Total Amount and all other charge and tax

Pharmacy 470

13.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
14.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.

15.Click OK.
If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Credit Record

To edit a credit record:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Credits. The Credits - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Credits - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 405 Credits - Edit dialog box
3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Credit Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a credit record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

471 Optility™ User Guide

To delete an existing credit:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Credits. The Credits - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

3. Click Yes.

Receive Payments

This section describes how to record payment information received from customers.

Adding a Receive Payment Record

To add a receive payment record:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Receive Payment(s). The Receive Payments - Master list

Figure 406 Receive Payments - Master list

Pharmacy 472

2. Click . The Receive Payments - New dialog box displays.

Figure 407 Receive Payments - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the debit balance from the Debit Balance drop-down list.
Select the credit amount from the Credit drop-down list.

473 Optility™ User Guide

5. Click the button in the Transaction Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
6. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
7. Enter the total amount in the Amount box.
8. Enter the amount of each invoice to receive in the Amt box.
9. Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
10.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
11.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Receive Payment Record

To edit a receive payment record:
1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Receive Payment(s). The Receive Payments - Master list


Pharmacy 474

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Receive Payments - Edit dialog box

Figure 408 Receive Payments - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

475 Optility™ User Guide

Deleting a Receive Payment Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a receive payment record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing receive payment:

1. Click Pharmacy > Financials > Receive Payment(s). The Receive Payments - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

3. Click Yes.

Pharmacy Masters

This section describes how to manage your customer information for your pharmacy.


The Customer list contains records of all of your lab’s customers. You can add, edit, or delete customer
records. Customer records are divided into three tabs:

• Customer – Contains the detailed customer information.
• Billing – Contains the billing information for a particular customer.
• Miscellaneous – Contains additional customer information such as barcode formatting and packing


Pharmacy 476

Adding a Customer Record

To add a customer record:
1. Click Masters > Customers > List. The Customer - Master list displays.

Figure 409 Customer - Master list

477 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Customer - New (Customer tab) dialog box displays.

Figure 410 Customer - New (Customer tab) dialog box

3. Enter the customer’s ship-to name in the Ship to Name box.
4. Enter the customer’s ship-to address in the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip boxes. In

most cases, this is their business address.

5. Enter the name of the contact person who receives your shipments in the Attention box.
6. Select the route number from the Route Number drop-down list.
7. Enter a descriptive search name that identifies your lab in the Search Name box.

This function is important if your organization has multiple labs. When you log in to a specific lab, the
name will display in the title bar at the top of the window.

8. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

9. Select the Mandatory PO check box if the customer requires a purchase order.

Pharmacy 478

10.Enter the customer’s ship-to email address in the Email Address box.
11.Enter the customer’s ship-to home phone number in the Phone box.
12.Enter the customer’s ship-to fax number in the Fax box.
13.Select the name of the licensed doctor at this site from the Licensed Doctor drop-down list.
14.Enter the chief technologist in the Chief Technologist box.
15.Enter the national buying group that is purchasing the product in the National Buying Group box.
16.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
17.Click the Billing tab. The Customer - New (Billing tab) dialog box displays.

Figure 411 Customer - New (Billing tab) dialog box

18.Enter the customer’s bill-to name in the Bill to Name box.
19.Enter the customer’s bill-to address in the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip boxes. In

most cases, this is their business address.
20.Enter the name of the contact person who receives your bills in the Attention box.
21.Enter the customer’s bill-to email address in the Email Address box.

479 Optility™ User Guide

22.Enter the customer’s bill-to home phone number in the Phone box.
23.Enter the customer’s bill-to fax number in the Fax box.
24.Enter the customer number in the Customer Number box.
25.Select the standard terms from the Standard Terms drop-down list.
26.Enter the vendor number per customer books in the Vendor # per Customer Books box.
27.Select the default billing cycle for this customer from the Billing Cycle drop-down list.
28.Enter the Tc99m return percentage in the Tx99m Return % box.
29.Enter the sales tax rate in the Sales Tax (%) box.
30.Enter the percentage added to the balance and the number of days before the percentage is added

in the % added to balance after boxes.
31.Enter the daily shipping charge amount in the Daily Shipping Charge box.
32.Enter the shipping charge per billing cycle amount in the Shipping Charge per Billing Cycle box.
33.Select the Tax on Sales check box if there is a tax on sales.
34.Select the Tax on Delivery check box if there is a tax on delivery.
35.Select the Invoice Each PO check box if there is an invoice for each purchase order.
36.Select the number of invoices to print from the Number of Invoices to Print drop-down list.
37.Select how the billing detail should be sorted from the Billing Detail Print Order drop-down list.

Pharmacy 480

38.Click the Miscellaneous tab. The Customer - New (Miscellaneous tab) dialog box displays.

Figure 412 Customer - New (Miscellaneous tab) dialog box

39.Enter the lab’s RAM license number in the RAM License Number box.
40.Click the button in the RAM License Expires drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
41.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

42.Select the RAM License Renewed Extension check box if your lab (or the customer) has applied
for a license renewal but has not received it yet.

43.Select the Check Group License check box to enable group license limit checking.
If the RAM License Check check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

44.Select the Check Broad License check box to enable broad license limit checking.
If the RAM License Check check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

481 Optility™ User Guide

45.Enter the lab’s cyclotron license number in the Cyclotron License Number box.

46.Click the button in the Cyclotron License Expires drop-down list. The Report Calendar

47.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

48.Select the Check Cyclotron License check box to enable the cyclotron limit checks.

If the Cyclotron Product check box on a drug is selected, then you must select this check box for
the customer.

49.Select the Cyclotron License Extension check box if your lab (or the customer) has applied for a
license renewal but has not received it yet.

50.Select the bar code type from the Bar Code Type drop-down list.

51.Select the bar code format from the Bar Code Format drop-down list.

52.Select the packing list format number from the Packing List Format Number drop-down list.

53.Select the number of packing lists from the Number of Packing Lists drop-down list.

54.Enter additional information for the prescription label in the Rx Label Comments box.

55.Select the Print Bar Code on Packing Lists check box if you want the inventory bar code printed
on the packing list.

56.Select the Print Bar Code On Rx check box if you want the bar code printed on the prescription

57.Select the Print Price On Rx check box if you want the price printed on the prescription container.

58.Select the Print Referring Doctor On Rx check box if you want the referring doctor’s name printed
on the prescription container.

59.Select the time zone of the location where the product is shipped from the Time Zone drop-down

60.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

61.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Pharmacy 482

Editing a Customer Record

To edit a customer record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > List. The Customer - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Customer - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 413 Customer - Edit dialog box

483 Optility™ User Guide

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Customer Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a customer record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing customer:

1. Click Masters > Customers > List. The Customer - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

3. Click Yes.

Drug License Limits

The Drug License Limits master list contains limits for specific drugs for a customer. You can create,
edit, and delete drug license limits for each customer. The procedures for adding, editing, or deleting a
customer drug license limit are the same as a site’s drug license limits procedures. For more
information, see ”Drug License Limits” on page 326.

Broad Limits

The Broad Limits master list contains customer or site broad limits. You can create, edit, and delete
broad limits for each customer. The procedures for adding, editing, or deleting a customer broad limit
are the same as a site’s broad limits procedures. For more information, see ”Broad Limits” on page 328.

Group Limits

The Group Limits master list contains customer or site group limits. You can create, edit, and delete
group limits for each customer. The procedures for adding, editing, or deleting a customer group limit
limit are the same as a site’s group limits procedures. For more information, see ”Group Limits” on
page 331.

Pharmacy 484

Customer Standing Orders

This section describes how to manage your customer’s standing orders. Standing orders provide the
customer with a means to place recurring orders on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. You can create,
edit, and delete standing orders for each customer.

Adding a Customer Standing Order Record

To add a customer standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Standing Orders. The Customer Standing Order - Master list

Figure 414 Customer Standing Order - Master list

485 Optility™ User Guide

2. Click . The Customer Standing Order - New dialog box displays.

Figure 415 Customer Standing Order - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the vendor drug from the Vendor Drug drop-down list.
5. Select the procedure from the Procedure drop-down list.
6. Click the button in the Last Action Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
7. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.

NOTE: The Last Action Date is the final date that the order can be submitted.

8. Enter how often and when you want to be reminded in the Interval box.
9. Select the unit of measurement for the interval from the Interval drop-down list.
10.Select the purchase order number you want to assign to this standing order from the Purchase

Order drop-down list.

Pharmacy 486

11.Select the Load PO During Processing check box to load the purchase order during the
processing of the standing order.

12.Select the run number from the Run Number drop-down list.
13.Enter the match code in the Match Code box.
14.Enter the amount of drug to dose in the Dose interval
15.Click the button in the Calibration Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
16.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
17.Enter the concentration in the Concentration box.
18.Enter any additional comments in the Comments box.
19.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
20.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Process All Standing Orders

Use the Process All Standing Orders function to process the standing orders set up in the Customer
Standing Order master list. For more information see ”Process All Standing Orders” on page 518.

Editing a Customer Standing Order Record

To edit a customer standing order record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Standing Orders. The Customer Standing Order - Master list

487 Optility™ User Guide

2. Select the record you want to edit, and then click . The Customer Standing Order - Edit
dialog box displays.

Figure 416 Customer Standing Order - Edit dialog box

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Customer Standing Order Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a customer standing order record if there are any dependencies associated
to it.

To delete an existing customer standing order:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Standing Orders. The Customer Standing Order - Master list

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete {0} Items confirmation box

3. Click Yes.

Pharmacy 488

Study Defaults

Study defaults are used for establishing and maintaining study values, default dose sizes, kilogram
weight defaults, and time equivalent values for the different studies. You can create, edit, and delete
study defaults for each customer. The procedures for adding, editing, or deleting a customer study
default are the same as a site’s study defaults procedures. For more information, see ”Study Defaults”
on page 417.

Purchase Orders

The Purchase Order master list contains specific purchase order numbers for each vendor or drug
number. You can add, edit, and delete purchase order records for each customer. The procedures for
adding, editing, or deleting a customer purchase order are the same as a site’s purchase order
procedures. For more information, see ”Purchase Orders” on page 314.

489 Optility™ User Guide


This function enables you to establish and maintain pricing information for your customers. If your
organization’s correct pricing information is properly entered and maintained, all customer orders are
automatically priced when created. You can create, edit, and delete pricing records for each customer.

Adding a Customer Pricing Record

To add a customer pricing record:
1. Click Masters > Customers > Pricing. The Customer Pricing - Master list displays.

Figure 417 Customer Pricing - Master list

Pharmacy 490

2. Click . The Customer Pricing - New dialog box displays.

Figure 418 Customer Pricing - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select a drug vendor from the Drug Vendor drop-down list.
5. Select a drug vendor quantity from the Drug Vendor Quantity drop-down list.
6. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the

application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is
7. Select the Allow Manual Reprice check box if you want to be able to manually reprice for this
8. Select a price selector from the Price Selector drop-down list. Different boxes display depending on
what price selector you use.
9. Enter the percent number or unit number in the Return Quantity box.

491 Optility™ User Guide

The Return Quantity is the percent of returns for credit based on total volume purchased.
10.Select % or units from the Return Quantity drop-down list.
11.Enter the sales tax percentage in the Sales Tax (%) box.
12.Enter the delivery tax percentage in the Delivery Tax (%) box.
13.Enter the message in the Pricing Message box.
14.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the

information, click the Copy check box.
15.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.
If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Customer Pricing Record

To edit a customer pricing record:
1. Click Masters > Customers > Pricing. The Customer Pricing - Master list displays.

Pharmacy 492

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Customer Pricing - Edit dialog box

Figure 419 Customer Pricing - Edit dialog box

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.
For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Customer Pricing Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a customer pricing record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

493 Optility™ User Guide

To delete an existing customer pricing record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Pricing. The Customer Pricing - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.


You can generate feedback reports.

Adding a Customer Feedback Report

To generate a feedback report

1. Click Masters > Customers > Feedback. The Feedback - Master list displays.

Figure 420 Feedback - Master list

Pharmacy 494

2. One the Pharmacy menu, point to Customers and click Feedback. The Feedback - New dialog
box displays.

Figure 421 Feedback - New dialog box
3. Select the customer assigned to this unit from the Customer drop-down list.

NOTE: The Customer box does not appear on Hospital versions of this application.

4. Select the Active check box if you want this record to be accessed in drop-down lists throughout the
application. If it is not selected, the record can only be accessed from the master list in which it is

5. Select a feedback type from the Type drop-down list.

NOTE: The available Category choices depend on your Type selection.

6. Select a feedback category from the Category drop-down list.

NOTE: The available Subcategory choices depend on your Category selection.

7. Select a feedback subcategory from the Subcategory drop-down list.
8. Click the button in the Report Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.
9. Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in

the drop-down list.
10.Click the button in the Incident Date drop-down list. The Report Calendar displays.

495 Optility™ User Guide

11.Click the arrow buttons to adjust the months, and then click the desired date. The date is entered in
the drop-down list.

12.Select a transporter from the Transporter drop-down list.

13.Select a product from the Product drop-down list.

14.Select the name of the person who is reporting the issue from the Reported By drop-down list.

15.Enter the feedback comments in the Comments box.

16.Enter any additional comments in the Notes box.

17.If you want to create multiple records with similar information and do not want to retype the
information, click the Copy check box.

18.Click OK.

If you did not select the Copy check box, the record is created.

If you selected the Copy check box, the record is created and a copy of the record is generated and
displayed. Enter your changes and when you click OK, another new record is created.

Editing a Customer Feedback Record

To edit a customer feedback record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Feedback. The Feedback - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to edit and click . The Feedback - Edit dialog box displays.

Figure 422 Feedback - Edit dialog box

Pharmacy 496

NOTE: Tabbed items at the bottom of this dialog box enable you to view, add, edit, and delete records
associated with this record. The application comes with factory installed tabs that can be customized.

For more information, see ”Detail Tabs” on page 141.

3. Edit the information that you need to update.
4. Click OK.

Deleting a Customer Feedback Record

NOTE: You cannot delete a customer feedback record if there are any dependencies associated to it.

To delete an existing customer feedback record:

1. Click Masters > Customers > Feedback. The Feedback - Master list displays.

2. Select the record you want to delete and click . The Delete Master List Items confirmation
box displays.

3. Click Yes.


There are two types of personnel records:

• Records for personnel who work at your site.
• Records for personnel who work at sites your organization is servicing

You can add, edit, and delete personnel records. The procedures for adding, editing, or deleting a
customer personnel are the same as a site’s personnel procedures. For more information, see
”Personnel” on page 333.

Pharmacy System Configuration

The Pharmacy window is used to set up the pharmacy default settings. Pharmacy settings are:

• Exclude Returns from Sales Bill? – Select this check box to exclude returns from being calculated
into the sales bill.

• Print Rx Labels on Fill – Select this check box to enable automatic printing of prescription labels
after they are filled.

• Maximum Rxs per Box – Enter the maximum number of prescriptions per box.

• Invoice Detail Export File Name – Enter the file name to export detailed line item invoices to. This
file is used to allow other database systems to read the data in Optility™.

• Invoice Control Export File Name – Enter the file name to export control invoices to. This file is
used to allow other database systems to read the data in Optility™.

• Invoice Xref Import File Name – Enter the file name to import cross-references from. This file is
used to allow other database systems to read the data in Optility™.

497 Optility™ User Guide
• Days to Keep Prescription Current – Enter the number of days to keep prescriptions current.
90 days is the default. The more prescriptions that Optility™ keeps current may result in a slower
system speed.
• Default Scaler for DOT – Select the default scaler that displays on the DOT.
• Default Meter for DOT – Select the default meter that displays on the DOT.

Setting the Pharmacy Default Settings

1. Click Tools > System Configuration. The System Configuration dialog box displays.

Figure 423 System Configuration dialog box

Pharmacy 498

2. Select Pharmacy in the left pane. The System Configuration - Pharmacy window displays.

Figure 424 System Configuration - Pharmacy window

3. Enter the pharmacy defaults in the appropriate fields.
4. Click OK.

499 Optility™ User Guide

6 Inventory

This chapter describes entering and maintaining inventory. This includes functions for eluting
generators, preparing kits, ordering and receiving items from vendors, and printing the current

Inventory Interface

Most of the inventory functions are performed from the Inventory Management list.

Figure 425 Inventory Management list
The tabs in the Inventory Management window enable you to filter the orders.
• Available – Lists available inventory
• Received – Lists all received orders
• On Order – Lists all on-order items
• Expired – Lists all expired orders
• Hot – Lists all radioactive orders
• Cold – Lists all non-radioactive orders
• Returned – Lists all returned orders
• Wasted – Lists all wasted orders
• All – Lists all orders

Inventory 500

In addition to the common toolbar buttons (see ”Application Buttons” on page 60), the Inventory toolbar
contains the following buttons:

Table 10 Inventory Buttons

Icon Description

Click this button to return a selected item to inventory.
See ”Returning Inventory” on page 503

Click this button to receive an inventory item. See
”Receiving Shipments” on page 520

Click this button to delete the selected in-house
preparation and place its components back into
inventory. See ”Un-Doing Preparations” on page 518


This section describes how to manage your inventory. you can add, edit, or delete inventory.

Adding Inventory

To add inventory:

1. Click Inventory > Inventory Management. The Inventory Management list displays.

2. Click . The Inventory - New dialog box displays.

Figure 426 Inventory - New dialog box
3. Enter the vendor lot number in the Vendor Lot Number box.

Click to View FlipBook Version